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Full text of "Monograph of the land & freshwater Mollusca of the British isles"

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William Healey Ds 

Division of Mollusks 
Sectional Library 




Part 8 - - pp. 1—52, and plates 1—5, published November 7, 1902. 

Part 9 - - pp. 53—104, and plates 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, published Sept. 1, 1903. 
Part 10 - - pp. 105—160, and plates 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, published June 6, 1904. 
Part 11 - - pp. 161—224, and plates 10, 19, 21, published May 26, 1905. 

Part 12 - - pp. 225—280, and plates 15, 22, 23, 25, published June 15, 1906. 
Part 13 - - pp. 281—312, and pp. i—xx; also Frontispiece, and plates 18, 24, 

published February 16, 1907. 


Frontispiece to face Title. 

Plate I, - to face page 4. | Plate XIV. - to face page 130. 
Plate IL. - to face page 12. | Plate XV. - to face page 142. 
Plate III. - to face page 20. | Plate XVI. - to face page 150. 
Plate IV. - to face page 26. | Plate XVII. - to face page 160. 
Plate V. - to face page 52. | Plate XVIII. - to face page 188. 
Plate VI. - to face page 46. Plate XIX. - to face page 192. 
Plate VIL. - to face page 66. | Plate XX. - to face page 208. 
Plate VIII. - to face page 70. Plate XXI. - _ to face page 226. 
Plate IX. - to face page 76. Plate XXII. - to face page 238. 
Plate X. - to face page 82. Plate XXIII. - to face page 250. 
Plate XI. - to face page 88. | Plate XXIV. - to face page 252. 
Plate XII. - to face page 102. Plate XXV. - to face page 260. 
Plate XIII. - to face page 120. 

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HE completion of the present volume, the 
first and only one ever published devoted 
exclusively to the Slugs of the British Isles, 
is a matter of considerable satisfaction, and 
I trust that the information presented here- 
with on their variation, habits, structure, 
geographical and geological distribution 
will aid in the advancement and further 
popularization of a study in which of late years so great an amount of 
interest has been displayed; and consequently it seems a fitting and 
appropriate occasion on which to include in the Introduction a brief 
review of the history and progress of Limacology in this country, detailing 
the rise of the present interest in the group, and the individuals and 
causes leading to this gratifying result. 

The study of Limacology has, however, never been a general one, for 
although many of the species are undeniably of great beauty, with bright 
and vivid colouring, frequently variegated, or banded with darker mark- 
ings of pleasing arrangement, yet the handling of these otherwise beautiful 
animals, and the difficulty of their satisfactory preservation in collec- 
tions, have always been very serious drawbacks to the popularization of 

their study. 


‘I'he mere bulk of the present volume is far from adequately represent- 
ing the amount of labour and anxiety which has been expended on its 
production, especially as, excepting some special artistic assistance from 
my daughter with certain of the more difficult coloured figures, I have had, 
as before, to depend solely on my own hand for the preparation of the 
text, and the index thereto, as well as for the one hundred and twenty 
nature coloured paintings illustrating the chief variations of the different 
species, in addition to which I have also prepared upwards of three 
hundred anatomical and other drawings from which the explanatory 

figures in the text have been engraved. 

Although six years have been occupied in the publication of the volume, 
this lengthy period has been very fully employed in securing and painting 
from life many of the illustrations, and in the appropriate arrangement 
and co-ordination of the mass of information accumulated during the 

past quarter of a century. 

Though it might appear almost invidious to allude to the help rendered 
by particular individuals, when so many have contributed by their observa- 
tions and aid to enhance the value and importance of the Monograph, yet 
I trust I may without injustice again recall with grateful acknowledgment 
the ever-willing and priceless help so unselfishly rendered me by my late 
dear friend Mr. CHartes AsHrorp, of Christchurch, whose matchless 
anatomical skill and scientific acumen were so pre-eminent, while the 
accuracy and beauty of his preparations and sketches is evidenced by 
the anatomical diagrams in the present work, many of which are from his 
hand, and it is to me a matter of sincere regret that my valued friend 
did not live to see the results of his long and disinterested labours placed 

permanently on record. 

To Mr. W. Dentson Roesuok, F.L.S., of Leeds, who initiated the modern 
study of slugs in the British Isles, | have also been placed under deep 
obligations for placing his extensive knowledge on the subject so freely 
at my disposal, as well as for his willing aid in any direction in which 
the work most severely pressed, and it 1s with gratitude I acknowledge 

his great and varied help. 

Mr. R. Wetcu, M.R.L.A., of Belfast, has also on very many occasions 

rendered me numerous special and valuable services, not only by furnish- 


ing many exquisite photographs of the characteristic habitats of various 

species, but by his active help in working out the molluscan fauna of 

Ireland, and interesting others in the same good work. 

'l'o the many other helpers and good wishers who have so consistently 
assisted me at every opportunity, and whose help is in every case 
acknowledged in its appropriate place in the text, I desire to express 
my sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation of their kindness, and can 
only hope that the resultant volume now completed will to some degree 

realize the hopes and expectations formed regarding it. 

NortH GRANGE, Horsrorta, 
Leeps, Dec. 31, 1906, 




HE naked mollusks, familiarly termed ‘slugs,’ judged by their 

general external aspect, are apparently a closely-related group of 
animals, but when their organization is closely studied, they are found to 
be not so nearly allied as they outwardly appear, as the tendency to nudity 
is one that has affected many diverse families, being a stage of evolution 
to which almost every group has furnished examples and to which many 

are undoubtedly tending. 

Though it was considered convenient to devote a volume exclusively to 
the naked species, this was not merely because they could be—-from one 
point of view—suitably placed together, as having arrived at a similar 
phase of the shell degeneration, many testaceous forms are probably now 
undergoing, but partly because the phylogenetic relationship of some of 
the groups is still obscure, and we shall probably require to look for such 
progenitors, if they be not really extinct, in some of the less advanced 
regions of the globe. 

PHYLOGENETICALLY, Testacella and Daudebardia have probably been 
derived from an identical stock, but do not stand in linear sequence. 
The Daudebardie have retained their terrestrial habits, while Testacella 
has become more especially adapted to a subterranean existence, probably 
thereby entering upon a course of deterioration and degradation of type. 
Their remote testaceous progenitors have probably been long ago expelled 
from the European region, and must be sought for in the more distant 
and weaker regions of the earth. 

The Testacell are restricted to Western and Southern Europe and North- 
western Africa, being bounded towards the east by the range of the nearly- 
allied Daudebardia. The group originated in the European region, but 
some authors have erroneously surmised that the family was evolved 
within the weak but mysterious recesses of Central Asia, afterwards 
migrating therefrom by way of southern Europe to this country. 


The Glandinw were formerly widely spread over the European region, 
and also lived in this country, and though still meagrely represented in 
Southern Europe, are now practically expelled to Central America and the 
West Indies, where the metropolis of the genus is now located, and 
where living species have been found scarcely distinguishable from the 
fossilized shells of our Oligocene strata. 

It has been suggested that Limav and Milux have their immediate 
derivation from /Tyalinia, but it is by no means certain that this is the 
case with MWilar, Prof. Babor remarking on their strong afhmity with 
Heliv. he more distant ancestors cannot be indicated with any approach 
to precision, but it is certain that they would possess a more substantial 
shell than the Hyaliniw now possess. ‘The true Limacidw retain the soft 
and supple body, and the degeneraie shell, though reduced to a flat and 
almost un-nucleated calcareous plate buried beneath the mantle, is still 
present. The group is almost restricted to the Palearctic zone, the most 
advanced and recently evolved species occupying a compact and compara- 
tively restricted area, while the more ancient and primitive species have 
achieved a wider dispersal, but have been more or less completely expelled 
from the most active evolutionary region, or compelled to resort to and 
become isolated in undesirable spots. 

The Avrionidw are believed to have descended from Endodontoid 
ancestors, a group which, though world-wide in distribution, has now 
withdrawn its headquarters or metropolis to the islands of the Pacific 

The typical genus Avvon is naturally restricted to the Palearctic region, 
extending from Portugal to Siberia. It displays the practical completion 
of the process of shell degeneration, and will in all probability be followed 
by a gradual calcification of the outer integument, as a dense deposition of 
lime particles and spicula within its substance has been already initiated, 
and in Avion ater las imparted a certain stiffness and rigidity to the 
body and to its movements; this being the first stage in the slow evolution 
of another complete shelly protection. ‘That this, or a similar process, has 
probably occurred in the past, is demonstrated by the vestiges still present 
in certain species of mollusks of previously existent primary or primary 
and secondary shells or “Protoconchs,” which are the last remaining evi- 
dences of more perfect shells once possessed and successively lost, but 
which had undergone, untold ages ago, cycles of development and degenera- 
tion similar to that many shells are undergoing at the present day. 

The genus Geomalacus is apparently now confined to Western Europe, 
and to the south-west corner of Ireland, which is a last foothold for many 

plants and other forms of life on the verge of extinction in this country. 


This genus has been incorrectly assumed to have been evolved in Central 
Asia and to have migrated therefrom, reaching Ireland by way of the 
Mediterranean region; while the ancient Arionid, described as Tetraspis 
by Dr. Hagenmiiller, is according to present knowledge, confined to the 
grotto of Planina, in Carniola; it presents the earlier stage in the slug 
evolution, before the mantle had finally closed and fused above the vestigial 
shell, as it still retains a ventral opening in the mantle, recalling the space 
left uncovered by the expanded mantle lobes in Amphipeplea glutinosa. 
Dr. Simroth, is, however, disposed to regard 7vtraspis as founded upon 
abnormal Arion intermedius or young A. subfuscus ; but, even if this con- 
jecture be correct, the atavism is equally remarkable and instructive. 

GEOGRAPHICAL DistRIBUTION is closely interwoven with the problems of 
evolution, and when studied compels the acceptance of the existence of 
zoological regions, these being immense areas or districts more or less 
isolated from each other by natural obstacles to dispersal, and each 
possessing a fauna which to a great extent is peculiar to it; yet the 
forms of life they now harbour will inevitably, in process of time, be 
slowly and gradually changed to species of a higher type, drawn directly 
from a neighbouring more advanced area, but primarily emanating from 
the European region, where it is fairly well established as a general law 
that the more ancient the geological formation containing the fossil 
remains of any group of organisms, the further removed geographically 
is their present abode and in proportion as they are found in more and 
more recent deposits, the nearer to the European area are their living 
representatives to be found at the present day. 

This is corroborated by Dr. Wallace and others who have affirmed that 
the Eocene period is represented faunally in the Africa of to-day, and the 
Miocene in that of Madagascar, while the faunal and floral features of 
New Zealand, Australia, and other distant southern countries represent 
the European at still earlier epochs. 

Similarly the isolated districts now occupied by species of a more 
generalized type than those occupying the surrounding areas, must not 
be regarded as the cradle of those species, as some have so confidently 
declared, but must rather be regarded as a sanctuary to which the more 
generalized and consequently weaker forms have retreated to escape the 
severe competition of the improved stronger forms evolved from their 

Nor is it more accurate to regard the present metropolis or head- 
quarters of a species or group as necessarily disclosing the theatre of its 
origin. If the species or genus be an ancient one, it is very improbable 
indeed that such is the case, and much more likely that it is merely one of 


the stages of their retreat away from the evolutionary centre, in avoidance 
of the competition from the improved races that have succeeded them. 

A study of the various groups attests the accuracy of this important 
generalization and law, and demonstrates that the distribution and dis- 
persal of animal life generally is not that illogical process, as some aver, 
in which the weak and strong forms of life equally multiply, increase in 
numbers and promiscuously invade each other’s territories ; but, as it 
cannot be too strongly emphasized, the distribution over the globe of all 
life is based upon the domination, greater increase, and consequent 
spreading of the stronger and most recently evolved forms, and the 
enforced retirement before them of the weaker and less adaptable species, 
which in their turn press upon and successfully compete with the still 
more primitive species that preceded them. 

This is abundantly manifest when the phenomena are impartially 
studied and it becomes clear that the representatives of weaker races are 
not advancing and never do permanently advance towards the European 
region, but in every case are retreating further and further from the 
original evolutionary region before the more powerful species originating 
there, and which as a consequence of their predominance and adaptability 
increase rapidly in numbers, and must therefore perforce extend their 

Still further confirmation is given by our experience of European 
species when transferred to a new country amidst a palpably weaker fauna 
or flora, as in New Zealand; under such circumstances the intruders 
prosper amazingly to the detriment and eventual extirpation of the 
indigenous species; whilst on the contrary any attempts to permanently 
naturalize the organisms of a weak country within the European region 
are foredoomed to failure. 

The highest evolution is shown by the marvellous adaptability and pre- 
dominance of the European forms, and is internally evidenced by a greater 
concentration of the cesophageal ganglia within the cephalic region, while 
a potential ability to resist hard conditions may be conferred by the 
elaborate intestinal coiling, which gives a greater digestive and absorptive 
power, and therefore will enable the maximum nourishment to be derived 
from the most meagre amount of food. 

This predominance of the European forms of life is not confined to 
mollusks, as Prof. Alfred Newton, our most philosophical ornithologist, 
has averred that amongst the birds also, the weaker types have been very 
generally eliminated in the western paleearctic region, and that all the 
species are of the most dominant character, with the greatest powers 
of dispersal, and these features are as strongly shown by the mammals 
and other groups. 


The restriction of the dispersal of dominant species in certain directions 
may be satisfactorily explained by the presence of physical obstacles or by 
the competition to which they become subjected from other species of like 
habit and of an almost equal development. 

VariATION, whether in form, colouring, or habits, tends to be protective, 
and leads to general adaptability or to special adaptation, the former 
tending to advancement, and the latter towards degeneration, and such 
being the biological expression of the changes of the environment, are 
always worthy of attentive study, and the neglect that is usually accorded 
to so-called casual variations is quite unmerited, as these, if not atavic, 
probably indicate the direction in which the variation of the particular 
species or group is tending, or the aberrant individuals may, owing to the 
less pronounced character of the surroundings, be the outliers of the 
district or region where the particular form is the prevalent one; the 
latter case is well seen in the var. albolateralis of Arion ater which, 
though occasionally found in other parts of this country in diminished 
brilliancy and beauty, is in certain portions of North Wales very dis- 
tinctive and quite the commonest form of the species. In like manner 
the var. maculata of Limax arborum is quite rare and sporadic in 
England, but in Ireland is much more plentiful, but the causes of these 
aberrations have not yet been discovered. 

The change resultant from a different environment may be in the 
direction of warning colours or markings, as displayed by the vividly 
coloured forms of the var. rufu of Arion ater, which, by the deposition 
of the coloured excretory products within and upon the outer integument, 
have rendered themselves distasteful to former enemies, the vivid colour- 
ing acting as a warning indication of their probably nauseous character 
as food. 

On moist ground and upon the cloudy and mist-enveloped hills and 
mountains, a darker pigmentation of the body usually takes place, assimi- 
lating the animals more closely to the dark, damp aspect of the stones and 
rocks among which they dwell. ‘This effect is shown especially and strik- 
ingly by Limax arborum, and is also confirmed by Geomalacus maculosus 
and Arion ater var. aterrima, although the latter has also been reported 
as inhabiting low and swampy ground. 

In Agriolimax agrestis a tendency is shown during the autumn months 
for the animals to approximate in colour to the dead and fallen leaves so 
universally prevalent at that season of the year, the body of the animal 
becoming flecked over with brown, or even changing to a general brownish 


Limax tenellus by its yellow or pallid colouring, without noticeable 
lateral banding, assimilates very closely to the aspect of the fungi upon 
which it lives, and is not readily perceptible in such situations. 

External or tegumentary variation is quickly responsive to the changes 
of environment, and the various colour mutations undergone in process of 
growth by various of the naked species are colourings which were not 
improbably beneficial and protective in former times, and it is very signifi- 
cant as tending to shed a light upon their true evolutionary centre that 
certain atavic varieties of many species characterized by the retention of 
juvenile colours or markings are more prevalent at the confines of their 
distribution than near the probable point of origin of the species. 

Structural modification isa much slower and more deliberate process, 
and though undoubtedly proceeding everywhere, is much more rapidly 
accomplished in the European region, which is, and has been for ages 
past, the centre of the greatest evolutionary activity and the focus from 
which improved forms of life have emanated and spread over the whole 
surface of the globe, only interrupted by the rigours of the more extreme 
climatic changes to which the world has been from time to time exposed 
during the progress of geological time, or by the varying dispositions of 
land and water, which, however, would in many cases tend to accelerate 
and facilitate dispersal. 

The Hisrory and progress of Limacology in these islands may be 
studied by enumerating in chronological sequence the species so far 
established as British, and it seems on the whole better, as a simple act 
of justice to the acumen and perspicuity of the original investigators, to 
base the account upon the order in which the various species were 
definitely introduced for the first time into the British fauna, rather than 
to give the honour to the modern limacologists, who afterwards con- 
firmed the truth of their predecessors’ discernment by the demonstration 
of structural and other differences. 

‘he existence of certain species in this country was, however, in several 
instances foreshadowed by some of the older and more careful writers long 
before their instatement in our lists. 

The history of Limacology in the British Isles may for the present pur- 
pose be resolved into a modern and an earlier period of activity, separable 
by a certain interval of neglect. 

he earlier period of activity is identified with the great names of 
Lister, Alder, Gray, Johnston, and Clarke, although the slugs were not 
specialized, except by the last-named author, being merely studied in the 
course of the general investigation of our terrestrial mollusca. 


‘he first author to describe British slugs was Dr. Martin Lister, one of 
the celebrated trio who founded the modern scientific study of natural 
history in England, and it is to this able investigator that we owe— 
amongst numerous other things—the first faunal work on British mollusea 
and their earliest anatomical investigation. 

In 1678 he published under the title of “Animalium Anglize ‘'T'res 
Tractatus . . . . Alter de Cochleis tum errestribus tum Fluviatilibus” 
an account of the British land and freshwater mollusea which from a 
scientific point of view will bear comparison with many works published 
even in modern times, and it is to the great glory of Lister that he paid 
careful attention to all aspects of his subject, studying it from every point 
of view. He was a capable anatomist, and published subsequent works 
dealing with the internal structure of our mollusks. 

In this work of 1678 the first three slugs known as British : 
1. Limax maximus, 
2. Agriolimax agrestis, 
3. Arion ater, 
were for the first time described and figured, although the existence of the 
first-named species was indicated twelve years before in Merret’s ‘“ Pinax 
Rerum Naturalium Britannicarun.” 

In 1681 Lister published a supplement to his work, of which supple- 
ment a second edition appeared in 1685, but in this only the red variety 
of the last-named species is brought forward. 

‘The next addition to our list was also by Dr. Lister in 1685 and 1694, 
when, in his “Conchology” and “ Exercitationes Anatomic,” he figured 
and described the anatomy of our fourth species : 

4. Limax flavus. 
The fact that the figure does not bear the letter A, by which Lister was in 
the habit of distinguishing the English species in his general works, may be 
safely disregarded. 

The next faunal work in which the slugs were included was not pub- 
lished for nearly one hundred and fifty years after Lister’s, but in the 
meantime the effect of the Cuvierian impetus to the study of the natural 
sciences at the beginning of the nineteenth century was seen in the 
description as new or the introduction into our lists of four species. 

In 1819 Férussac published his splendid work: Histoire Naturelle 
générale et particulitre des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles, in which 
he described and cited a British habitat for 

5. Testacella maugei, 
our first recorded shell-slug. 


In the “‘ Medical Repository” for 1821, Dr. J. E. Gray described a second 
species of Arion as an inhabitant of this country : 
6. Arion hortensis. 

In 1823 Sowerby published his “ Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells,” 
in which he described a second species of Testaucella : 
7. Testacella scutulum. 

‘This, however, after the issue of 'urton’s Manual of 1831 was regarded as 
but a slight variety of 7. haliotidea, and consequently disappeared from 
our lists as a species. 

In the same year, 1823, Férussae described from British examples the 
first of our two species of keeled slugs : 
8. Milax sowerbii. 

Meanwhile, various faunal works on mollusea had been issued by 
Da Costa, Donovan, Montagu, Maton and Rackett, and others, in which 
the slugs were not included, but in 1828 the Rev. John Fleming published 
his “ History of British Animals,” in which we find the first description as 
British of the third species of Testacella : 

9. Testacella haliotidea. 

In the same year, Dr. George Johnston, in a paper criticizing Fleming’s 

work, described a third species of Avion : 

10. Arion cireumscriptus. 
This species, however, never afterwards appeared in our lists and manuals, 
other than as a synonym or variety of A. hortensis, or as the supposed 
young of A. ater, even by Johnston himself, and was only finally re-estab- 
lished as of true specific rank fifty-eight years afterwards. 

'Turton’s Manual, published in 1831, was the first to bring all these 
species together in one work, except the Avions, which, having no distinct 
shell, found no definite place in a work devoted to testaceous mollusea. 

In 1832 and 1833 Mr. John Denson published detailed and elaborate 
accounts of Milax sowerbii and Testacella scutulum in the “ Magazine of 
Natural History,” and in 1837 Mr. Thomas Nunneley published in the 
Leeds ‘Transactions a detailed account with figures of the anatomical 
structure of the first four British species, describing therein the intestinal 
appendix of Limae flavus, and his careful and accurate work, the first 
molluscan anatomy after Lister’s, foreshadowed the closer attention paid 
in late years to this branch of the subject. 

In 1838 Dr. George Johnston brought forward in his Berwickshire list 
another species : 

11. Agriolimax levis, 


and in the same list includes “Arion subflavus” without description, in 
addition to Avion ater, thus ignoring not only Arion hortensis but his own 
Arion circumscriptus. 

In 1840 Dr. Gray published his so-called new edition of ‘lurton’s 
Manual, in reality a new work, and in this he sank Arion circumscriptus 
and Testacella scutulum as being but slight varieties, and also excluded 
T. maugei as non-indigenous. 

But in the same year, 1840, a new enthusiast and very capable investi- 
gator appeared, who may be regarded as our first British limacological 
specialist. ‘The Rev. B. J. Clarke took up the detailed study of the Irish 
slugs, and in the “ Annals and Magazine of Natural History ” for 1840 
and 1843 he established the existence of two new British species of which 
there had not previously been any indication in our literature : 

12. Limax arborum. 

13. Milax gagates. 
His papers also include indications of Avion subfuscus and Limaa cinereco- 
niger, as well as show that the author was aware of the presence in Ireland 
of Ariun circumscriptus and Testacella maugei, although he did not venture 
to reinstate them as species. 

In the same year, 1843, Limax arborum is first mentioned as Scottish 
in Macgillivray’s “History of the Molluscous Animals of Aberdeen, 
Kincardine, and Banff.” 

In 1842 an important discovery was made by Mr. W. Andrews in the 
form of the remarkable new slug, which in 1848 Dr. G. J. Allman described 
with a full anatomical account as 

14. Geomalacus maculosus. 

In 1848 Mr. Joshua Alder’s “Catalogue of the Mollusea of Northumber- 
land and Durham” was published in the 'l'yneside Field Club ‘Transactions. 
It is a work of great importance to us, as in it were brought forward two 
species new to Britain : 

15. Arion intermedius, 

16. Limax tenellus, 
and there is also a distinct reference to the slug we now know as Arion 

These additions mark the close of the earlier periods of the active 
scientific investigations of our British slugs, for although malacologists 
generally were by no means inactive, and numerous manuals were pub- 
lished including those of Brown in 1845, Leach in 1852, Forbes and Hanley 
in 1853, Gray’s Turton in 1857, Jeffreys in 1862 and 1869, Reeve in 1863, 


and late in 1866, no further additions were made to our slugs or any 
notable contribution to their study for a period of nearly thirty-five years. 

‘'he present or modern period of activity in the study of our slugs 
began in 1882, when Mr. W. Denison Roebuck took up the subject as a 
special line of research, and by the active co-operation of British concho- 
logists received many thousands of slugs from all parts of the British Isles 
for examination, forming an excellent groundwork for the true appreciation 
of their distribution, variation, and developmental history. 

The late Mr. Charles Ashford, the most skilful molluscan anatomist that 
we have ever had in this country, soon became associated with Mr. Roebuck 
in the good work, and made hundreds of dissections of the various species 
and varieties, confirming the external specific characters of the various 
species by demonstrating the differences in their internal structure. 

The impetus thus given to the study was the means of bringing other 
investigators into the field, and greatly popularizing the subject. 

In Mr. Roebuck’s paper on the British slug list, published simultane- 
ously with the Conchological Society’s list of British land and freshwater 
mollusea, 1883, the specific status of 

17. Limax cinereo-niger 
was affirmed, and the name added to the British list. 

The close and systematic examination of the anatomical and morpho- 

logical character of the Arions soon showed that another species of Arion: 
18. Arion subfuscus, 

existed in this country, and although the first published notice of it as 

British was by Herr D. F. Heynemann in 1885, yet the associated labours 

of Mr. Ashford and Mr. Roebuck upon undoubted British specimens 

independently established its claim to inclusion in the British list. 

Continued investigation of the Arionide resulted in the identification 
in 1886 of Mabille’s Arion bourguignati, mainly by the aid of anatomical 
evidence. ‘The first mention of it as British was by Mr. John Emmet, 
writing on behalf of Mr. Roebuck in the “ Naturalist” for June 1886, and 
later study disclosed that the supposed new discovery was but an authori- 
tative reinstatement of Dr. Johnston’s Arion circunscriptus. 

Another resurrection made by Mr. George Roberts im 1887 and Dr. R. F. 
Scharff in 1890 was Arion intermedius. The real credit of the reimstate- 
ment, however, was due to Dr. Scharff, who showed from anatomical 
evidence that A. minimus existed with us, although in 1887 Mr. Roberts 
had given a clear description of its external morphology under the name of 
Arion flavus. Subsequent synonymic study demonstrated that these 
names referred to one and the same species, for which A. intermedius was 
the original naine. 


In 1888 occurred the specific reinstatement of Tvstacella scutulum, 
chiefly by the aid of Mr. C. Ashford’s exquisite dissections. Strictly 
speaking, however, it would be more correct to speak of it as the definite 
installation of both forms—Z7’. haliotidea and 7. scutulum—as distinct 
species and members of our fauna. 

With one notable exception, this closed the list of the definite replace- 
ments of valid species, although during the next few years various forms 
were from time to time described as new to this country or to science, 
which eventually proved to be pure synonyms or simple varieties of 
already-known species. 

An excellent piece of work by Dr. Scharff was his superb Monograph, 
“he Slugs of Ireland,” which evinced sound work and careful investi- 
gation, while numerous papers and books by Mr. W. E. Collinge, Mr. J. W. 
Williams, Mr. W. A. Gain, Mr. Lionel E. Adams, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, 
and others, testified to the keen interest aroused in the study by the 
stimulus first given in 1882. 

The last important re-discovery —Limaa tenellus—was made in 1904, 
when the Rev. R. Godfrey, who had previously collected the species in 
Switzerland, sent numerous examples, collected in Rothiemurchus Forest, 
to Mr. Roebuck, who was at once able to verify the species as the long-lost 
Limazx tenellus, probably hitherto overlooked by the nature of its habitat, 
and it was a great satisfaction to be able once more to vindicate the sound 
scientific ability of its original finder, the late Mr. Joshua Alder. 

In conclusion, though the probability of further discoveries of truly 
distinct species is not great, yet it 1s not impossible that closer research 
and careful anatomical investigation may ultimately reveal other forms as 
yet unsuspected or it may be confused with the more abundant and 

widely-distributed species. 





! The exclamation mark is used in accordance with an accepted custom, 
as a mark or token of verification, and indicates that the specimens 
from the locality or district mentioned have been seen and verified by 
the author. 

Recorps in which a date is given immediately arrer the name of the 
locality signifies that the specimens were collected at that time. 

Records in which the date does Not PRECEDE but follows the name of the 
collector signifies only the date when the specimens were examined, 
and that no precise record has been kept of the date when the speci- 
mens were collected. 

The names of authors when placed within parentheses and following the 
names of species implies that the generic name used is not the same 
as that used by the original describer; when the parentheses are not 
used the species retains its original allocation. 

All Recorps and observations under each species are almost invariably 
used only in association with the particular name used by the author 
whose information is being made use of. ‘This mode of treatment is 
desirable, as though giving all information in its appropriate position, 
it yet preserves the connection with the name to which it belongs, 
so that if the reference to the particular species be objected to, the 
information can be extracted, as it is not confused with other records, 






Poyvtum MOLLUSCA Cuvier. 

Malacozoa, Blainville; Palliata, Latreille; Heterogangliata, Owen; Otocardes, Haeckel ; 
2 fa ~ . . ? ’ , 
Saccata, Hyatt ; Tetraneura, Schimkewitsch). 

‘The Mollusea (mollis, soft) are animals with soft and fleshy bodies, covered 
by ciliated epithelium, containing numerous interspersed cells which abun- 
dantly secrete the mucus which is so characteristic a feature of the group 
and gives the body its suppleness and viscosity. 

They possess a cephalic region in which are located most of the organs 
of special sense, a pallial region which develops or secretes the shell, and a 
pedal or ventral region which constitutes the locomotory organ. 

Internally they present distinct digestive, coelomic and circulatory cavl- 
ties and scattered nerve centres, and primitively were bilaterally symmetrical 
in their organization. 

Crass GASTROPODA Cuvier. 

(Paracephalophora, Blainville ; Cephalophora, Macalister ; Glossophora, pars, Lankester ; 
Cephala, Reeve ; Univalvia, Fischer). 

The Gastropods (yao77p, stomach; 705— foot) are the most typical of the 
molluscan phylum, possessing the distinctive characteristics of the eroup in 
the greatest degree and showing the least affinity to other phyla. 

heir chief features are a ventral and sole-like reptatory foot; a distinct 
head; a well-developed odontophore, armed with numerous transverse rows 
of recurved teeth; a hollow and more or less conical shell which may be 
spirally coiled and external, or reduced to the merest vestige and concealed 
within the tissues. 

SuBs-Ciass A NISOPLE URA lLankester. 

(Gastropoda, Pelseneer ; Platycochlides, Ihering). 

The Anisopleura (a, not ; tos, equal ; wAebdpd, sides) are characterized by 
the asymmetry of their organization, due to the torsion and semi-rotation the 
visceral sac has undergone, which has transferred the respiratory and excre- 
tory organs from their, original posterior position to an anterior and lateral 
one, and also led to the diminution or even complete atrophy and loss 
the primitively left auricle, the left kidney, and the left moiety of other of 
the paired organs of the body. 

Orper KUTHYNEURA Lankester. 

(Platymalakia, von Ihering ; Pulmonata, Fischer ; Moncecia, Troschel; Adelapneumona, Gray ; 
Pulmonifera Inoperculata, Woodward ; Inoperculata, Reeve ; Saccobranchia, setae 

The Euthyneura (cts, straight ; vetpor, a nerve or tendon) embrace those 
land, freshwater, and marine castropods i in which the twisting of the visceral 
nerve-ring, characterizing the Streptoneura, has become obliterated by the 
partial detorsion the visceral sac has since undergone, and is also noticeah 



for the shortening of the connectives and commissures and tendency of the 
eanglionic centres to concentrate around the pharynx, the cesophagus passing 
between the cerebral and buceal ganglia, and the anterior aorta separating 
the pedal and visceral centres. 

The Euthyneures are hermaphrodite and inoperculate pulmoniferous 
species, usually possessing a highly vascvlar, respiratory pallial chamber, 
without ctenidia, but exceptionally developing secondary branchiz in a few 
genera that are reacquiring aqueous respiration. 

Sus-Orpver STYLOMMATOPHORA A. Schmidt. 
(Pulmonifera, Reeve ; Helicea, Von Martens ; Geophila, Binney). 

The Stylommatophora (o7tAos, a pillar; oppara, eyes: depo, to bear), 
embrace those Euthyneures with distinct head and two pairs of hollow 
retractile tentacles, the posterior and longer pair are the ommatophores, 
and bear the eyes near their summit, where is also located the chief seat of 
the olfactory sense ; the smaller anterior pair are also olfactory, but more 
especially tactile, in function. ‘The otocysts' are imbedded upon the pedal 
ganglia and contain numerous otoconia ;° the nerve centres are closely 
ageregated and fused together in a nerve ring around the pharynx, and 
the sexual orifices are closely contiguous or united in a common passage at 
the side of the neck. 

(Oleacinidz, Binney ; Agnatha, Mirch ; Vermivora, Gray). 

The Testacellidw embrace the genera Ithytida, Paryphanta, Streptavis, 
Daudebardia, Glandina, and Testacella, with a few other exotic groups, all 
characterized by an enormous development of their radula, by the absence 
of the mandible, and by their predacious habits. Of these genera only 
Testacella inhabits this country, but that Glandina also formerly did so is 
undeniably established by its fossil remains in our tertiary strata. 

(Helicolimax pars, Fér. ; Testacellus, Faure-Biguet). 

History.—7vstacellu (dim. of testa, a shell) was discovered at Dieppe by 
M. Dugué, and his careful and accurate observations on its habits and appear- 
ance, under the appellation of “ Limace & coquille,’ were published in 1740 
by Reaumur,* who, however, did not apply to it any distinctive scien- 
tific name. In 1800, Cuvier,t impressed by the peculiarities of the shell, 
created the genus 7¢estucella for its reception, and in 1804 described and 
figured the internal structure of the animal. 

Generic Characters.—ExTerNALLy, the distinguishing features of 
Testacella may be summarized as: Bopy limaciform, markedly attenuate 
anteriorly ; INTEGUMENT coriaceous, thickest in the rear; PERIPODIAL GROOVE? 
distinct ; TENTACLES simple, without definite apical enlargement; EYES small 
and black; Lips tactile and very extensible ; LATERAL GROOVEs® distinct, 
diverging from the peripallial sinus and terminating near the base of the 
tentacles, giving off from each side a number of supra- and sub-lateral, an- 
teriorly directed, shallow, branching grooves, whose intersections form the 
granulation which is so manifest during contraction ; SOLE not tripartite as 
in Limae: MANTLE small, placed quite in the rear of the animal, and covered 
by a vestigial and somewhat auriform, paucispiral SHELL, from which the 
periostractin is usually more or less abraded ; MUSCULAR SCAR crescentic in 
shape; RESPIRATORY and ANAL ORIFICES beneath right posterior angle of 
shell. Sexual orifice beneath right ommatophore. 

1 Monog, i., p. 237, ff. 2 Monoz. i., p. 239, ff. 3 Observ. de Physique générale, pp. 1. 2. 
4 Lecons d’Anat. Comp. t. 1, de tabl. 3 Monog. i., p. 192, f. 377. 6 Monog i., p. 205, f. 402. 


INTERNALLY, the most important peculiarity, as compared with the Liéma- 
cide, is the location of the heart! near the posterior extremity of the body, 
accompanied by a corresponding change in the position of the pulmonary 
cavity and anal aperture, the kidney and the shell, which are usually in rela- 
tion with it. As in Lima, the heart is anterior to the kidney, but occupies 
its right anterior corner, and the auricle is larger 
than the ventricle, and directed obliquely back- 
wards, the ventricle in front, in consonance with 
the altered course of the aortic trunks. 

The VISCERAL SAC is almost completely un- 
twisted, resulting in the pulmonary plexus being 
moved to the rear of the obliquely-placed heart, 
Testacella being thus opisthopneumonic; KIDNEY Te ea ert ts caer 
without secondary ureter;” SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND — hadiotidea, Bristol. x 5, showing 
long and sinuous, lying free on upper Sirface-of  ‘*2"4neement ofthe ganglia: 
the foot and extending almost to the posterior extremity of the body.* 

The Nervous System is chiefly centralized in a nerve ring, encircling the 
enormous lingual sheath, the closely contiguous CEREBRAL GANGLIA above it 
giving off lone and thick connectives to the pedal and visceral gangha which 
are fused together beneath ; the long cerebro-buccal connectives surround 
the esophagus, and the buccal ganglia are fused together or at least in con- 
tact, not separated by a longish commissure as is usual in the Limacidw. 

The onractory faculty is \ 
well developed and exhibited ~ 
as a large ganglion with ra- A 
mose terminations at the ar: 
apex of each of the posterior } 

tentacles or rhinophores.* 
Simroth also affirms that 
he has detected a double 

fringe of nerves of the same Fic. 2. Fic. 3. 

Peuece pqmenims (her pallial’ 22 thy ailamed chowing the gangliontc enlangetiene aud the 
chamber, aq relic of the prmi- Eee feemauions of the olfactory nerve. e eye with optic 
tive osphradium, The BYE Sees et te uitetrs organ or osphradium of 7. weauges 
1s small and black and the (after Simroth). 0.0. olfactory orifice ; 0.c. olfactory cavity ; 
vision feeble and myopic, the o.r, olfactory ridge ; 7.0. respiratory orifice ; 2.c. lung chamber. 
optic nerve, which shows scarcely any dilatation, separating from the nerve 
of olfaction quite at the base of the tentacles. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL is simple, showing few flexures ; the MouTH very 
dilatable, its inner surface protected by a thick layer of chitin; the 
ODONTOPHORE large, beset with transverse, 
obliquely arcuate rows of slender, barbed 
and apically -pointed teeth, typical of 
Beloglossa ;? @SOPHAGUS short ; CROP volu- 
minous and muscular, functioning as the 
digestive sac, and held in position by a 
sheet of separate slender muscles, arising Fic. 4.—Alimentary canal of 7. haliotidea 
from the sides of the body, but most OP. course and an’ unusual development of 
conspicuous on the left side; the true _ the vestigial stomach. 

STOMACH is reduced to a small receptacle at first bend of gut near the open- 
ing of the bile ducts; INTESTINAL TRACT short, with but two tracts or 

1 Monnog. i., p. 293, f. 583. 2 Monog. i. p. 336, f. 626. 3 Monog. i., p. 314, f. 604. 
4 Monog. i., p. 226, f. 448. 5 Monog. 1., p. 267, f. 535. 6 Monog. i., p. 289, f. 568. 



The LINGUAL SHEATH white and gristly, exhibiting externally along its 
left upper surface a distinct longitudinal suture or seam on opposite sides 
of which, at the hinder end, the “paired constituents of the retractors are 
affixed; the enormous development 
of the retractors is in strict correlation 
with the nature of their food, as to 
overcome the highly muscular and 
struggling earthworms demands a pre- . “ 
dominating antagonism ; TENTACULAR i ‘ 
RETRACTORS very long and quite inde- Fic. 5.—Hinder end of lingual sheath of 7. 
pendent of the phary neeal group, and mauge?, from Hayle, Cornwall, x 4, showing the 
of each other, with widely separated Beg al aa ea 
points of attachment to the integument, differing thus from the Limaces, 
and forming with Asion the group richorhiza.? 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are comparatively simple, varying somewhat 
not only in the relative proportions of their various parts, but also as in 
other groups increasing vastly in size at the approach of the breeding sea- 
son; the OVOTESTIS small, imbedded within the large digestive cland ; 
the HERMAPHRODITE DUCT closely convoluted and entering the large and 
yellowish albumen gland about its middle ; ovrpuct with broad, ample folds, 
sugeestive of large egos, partially doubled upon itself, owing to the high 
attachment of spermathec &; PENIS SHEATH only moderately developed; no 
mucus glands; ATRIUM short and narrow; penis and vagina separated by 
the right tentacular retractor. 

Reproduction and Development.—In mild weather, especially in 
spring and autumn, the pairing takes place, the tentacles being retracted 
during the process, which occupies four or five hours. Five or six days 
afterwards, ten or more eggs are deposited within the underground galleries, 
sometimes a yard or more beneath the surface. ‘The eggs are oval and 
white, somewhat acuminate at the ends, and although enclosed by a hard, 
calcareous shell, explode with a perceptible noise when removed from the 
ground and placed upon the hand or m a warm place, but, according to 
Faure-Biguet, they may be preserved if plunged at once into boiling water. 

The eges hatch in from ten to thirty-five days, according to the species 
and the prevailing temperature, the young at once entering upon a preda- 
tory life, devouring young earthworms and the minute white threadworms 
which live beneath decaying vegetation ; they usually become adult in about 
eighteen months, and may attain five or six years of age. 

Food and Habits.—'hey are predacious and very voracious and not 
only prey upon worms, but will also devour slugs, snails, centipedes, and 
even small individuals of their own kind, although, according to Gassies, 
they will not eat dead animals, and even decline fresh worms which have 
been chopped up to feed them, Bouillet, however, records that chopped 
worms are devoured by the Zestacella when laid as bait on the ground. 
The prey is seized by a rapid protrusion of the odontophore, the worm be- 
coming impaled upon the multitude of barbed and aculeate teeth which 
divaricate during protrusion; the radula is then retracted and the worm or 
other prey is oradually engulphed in the maw of its enemy, but so slowly in 
some cases that one end of a worm may have become digested within the 
stomach while the other end still alive projects from the mouth. / When 
gorged with food the animal becomes lethargic and contracted, but if disturbed 
during a meal they will often disgorge the prey they may be consuming. 

1 Monog. i., p. 344, f, 638, 

IeeAgus I 

1.—T. haliotidea var. albina, in repose, 
Kingsbridge, Devon. 
W. E. Baily. 

4.-T.h.var.trigona x 3, 
3.—T. haliotidea x 3, Glasnevin Gardens, 


2.—T. haliotidea, 
Oxford, E. B. Poulton. 

6.—T. scutulum x 3, 

Horsham, J. Whitaker. Dublin, R. F. Scharff. 5.—T.h. var. major x 3, Chiswick. 

Horsham, J]. Whitaker. 

S.C. Cockerell. 

7.—T.s. var. albina, im repose, 8.—Testacella scutulum, 

Hornsey, H. Wallis Kew. Cuerden Hall, Preston, W. H. Heathcote. 

9.—T. mauget, 
Riccarva’s Down, Bideford, C. R. C. Hibbert. 

10o.—T. maugei var. griseo-rubescens, 
Corfe Castle, E. R. Bankes. 

11.—T. mauget var. aurea, 
Cotham, Bristol, Miss F. M Hele. 

12.—T. mauget var, viridans, 

Waterford, 7. H. Salter. 

13.—7. maugei x 2 

Bristol, Miss F. M. Hele. 

14.—T.maugei x 2, 

Miss F. M. Hele. 

15.—T7.m.var.aperta x 2. 

16.—7.m. var. griseo nigrescens, in repose, 
Pembroke, Mrs. Trayler. 

J. W. Taylor, del. 

Taylor Bros., Leeds. 


They are nocturnal animals, usually remaining beneath the surface of the 
soil during the day, preferring the rich, well- manured lands in which their 
prey is plentiful, and in this country, according to Mr. E. J. Lowe, are 
found from sea level up to an altitude of 530 feet, and although reaching a 
greater altitude in France, yet Fischer records that they do not attain an 
altitude of 3,250 feet in Auvergne. Although usually living only a few 
inches below the surface, they vary the depth im accordance with the-mois- 
ture of the ground and the consequent motions of the earthworms, but also 
come forth at nightfall when the earthworms also emerge from their bur- 
rows ; the worm “when seized by the Testucella instantly retracts itself 
within its tunnel by the aid of its circlets of bristles, dragging with it the 
Testacella, which attenuates itself sufficiently to allow this to be done. 

The saturation of the ground due to the rains so prevalent in spring and 
late autumn is very prejudici al to the Testucelle, driving them from their 
subterranean retreats to the surface, where they seek to hide during the 
day beneath stones, rubbish, or in other places frequented by worms. 

In cold and dry weather, and when preparing for hibernation, they retire 
deeply into the earth, contracting their bodies and enveloping their hinder 
extremity within the extended mantle, ensconcing themselves each within a 
small and firm earth-chamber, which is cemented together by their colour- 
less and somewhat viscid mucus, and is smooth and glistening inside, but 
externally bears some resemblance to the cocoon of a “puss” moth. 

Enemies.—<According to the testimony of Mr. Miller and Miss Mar- 
shall, earthworms will destroy young Testacellw, and Mrs. Falloon informs 
me that a very small wireworm also preys upon them. 

Geographical Distribution.— 7¢stacedlw is entirely a western palie-~ 
arctic group, and the distribution of the constituent species is strikingly in 
harmony with the relative simplicity or complexity of the internal structure 
of the animal, the more primitive of the species being confined to the 
vicinity of the western sea board, while the more highly or eanized forms have 
a more eastern range. ‘I'he genus is replaced in eastern “and south-eastern 
Kurope and the western Asiatic region by Daudeburdia, a group of preda- 
cious snails with close affinities to Testucella. 

The so-called West Indian Testaucellw are more properly referred to Omu- 
lonyx, a genus of Succineide, in which the shell has undergone a somewhat 
parallel course of degeneration. 

Geological History.—Fossil species of Testucella have been recorded 
from various localities in the Middle and Upper Miocene, the Pliocene, 
Pleistocene, and Holocene strata of continental Hurope. 

Fic. 6.—T7. maugei devouring a worm. 


Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud. 

ISOL Testacella haliotidea Drap., Tabl. Moll., pp. 83, 99; Hist. Moll., 1805, p. 121, 
122; pl8, it 43-40; pl. 9; t. 123713; Jetir., Brit. Conch., 1862, 
p. 145, pl. d, f. 6; Reeve, Brit. Moll., 1863, p. 30; Moquin- 
Tandon, Noll. "France, 1855. p:39; pl. Sted: 

1805. — europea Roissy, Buff. de Sonn., v. 2 pl: 03, f. 8, ae 252. 

1815 — gallie Oken, Lehrb. Nat., iii., p. 212, pl. 9, f. 

IssSs — dubia Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. i pl. 2, ff 4-6. 
Isss — barcinonensis Poll., Boll. Zool. Anat. Comp, Apl. 14, p. 4, pl. 2, ff 13-16. 

1802 Testucellus haliotideus Faure-Biguet, Bull. Soe. Phil., p. 98, pl. 5, f. 2 A-p. 
1806 Helia subterranea Lafon-du-Cujula, Desc. Lot-et-Garonne, p. 148. 

HISTORY.— The 7Jestucellu haliotidea 
(Haliotis, a genus of marine shells, (ea 
form) is recorded as having been first 
found by M. Dugué at Dieppe in 1740, 
but it did not receive a specific name 
until Draparnaud in his “Tableau” be- 
stowed upon it the name of huliotidea. 
In the British Isles it is recorded as 
first noticed in 1801 by Dr. Lukis in 
his garden in Guernsey. 

T. haliotidea is 1 many respects the . 
most highly organized of the genus, and 
is probably the latest evolved species, 
this being also indicated by its more 
LPR Draparnaud. eastern distribution and the tendency 

towards a less advanced development 
of its peculiarities in the more remote localities. 

Diagnosis.—Exrernatty, the characteristic features of 7. haliotideu 
are the somewhat contiguous ‘but distinctly-separated origin of the lateral 
grooves. at the peripallial furrow, and the whitish colour of the animal ; the 
shell differs from that of maugei in being smaller, but wider im proportion 
and in the columella being very broad at the posterior end; from scutulum it 
differs in its more convex and solid shell, and shghtly convex columella. 

INTERNALLY, it is sharply separated from both its allies by the develop- 
ment of a distinct epiphallus and flagellum to the penis sheath. 

Description.—ANIMAL capable of great elongation, sometimes reaching to 120 
mill., but ellipsoidal or lenticular when contracted, the narrow cream-coloured FOOT- 
FRINGE forming a sharp but wavy submedian edge ; the BODY is usually of a greyish- 
white or dull cream colour, but occasionally yellow ish or brownish with a ereenish 
tinge, sprinkled with pale brown specks ; MID-DORSAL LINES distinet and enclosing 
a somewhat perceptible double row of elongate tubercles ; LATERAL GROOVES w ell- 
marked, about two mill. apart at their origin at the peripallial furrow, the sub- 
sidiary anteriorly directed supra-lateral furrows ramify and intersect dorsally with 
abont nine faint and shallow longitudinal grooves ; below the lateral grooves, the 
sub-lateral furrows give rise to a more pronounced granulation. SOLE whitish, 
tinged with yellow, convex and transversely furrowed when contracted. Mucus 
clear, with a tinge of pale yellow after scalding. 

SHELL convexly auriform, thick and solid, with a dull brown periostracum, which 
is usually totally abraded from the more exposed parts ; NUCLEUS inelined at about 
45 deg. to the vertical line ; COLUMELLA white and glossy, broad posteriorly and 
slightly convex, regularly arched but not continued to the anterior end of shell or 
distinetly truncate; OUTER LIP only slightly shouldered. Length, 8 mill. ; breadth, 
53 mill. ; alt. 2 mill. 



complex than in the allied species, the PENIS-SHEATH 
being terminated distally by a eaecal enlargement and 
an abrupt flexure, although Lacaze-Duthiers and others 
figure the male organs, of what they affirm to be this 
species, without these adjuncts ; beyond the penis is the 
EPIPHALLUS and a well developed and somewhat cla- 
vate FLAGELLUM, which Lacaze-Duthiers affirms is 
evaginated during pairing ; and which is furnished with 
a slender lateral and a powerful distal retractor, the 
latter affixed at the caudal extremity of the body ; the 
VAGINA and ATRIUM are usually rather short; the 
large oval SPERMATHECA is attached to the oviduct 
near the base of the albumen gland, and has a short, 
thick and fusiform duct ; OVOTESTIS composed of small, 
loose, oblong follicles with a tortuous duct. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL has the simple doubly- Fe eats) : 
flexed course characteristic of the genus Testucella. peste cide hoa 
The (2SOPHAGUS is extremely short, the CROP whitish, (Horsham, Mr. T. Whitaker). 
longitudinally and transversely wrinkled, and about 8 alb.g. albumen gland ; ef. ept- 

mill. long, beyond which the canal is constricted ; at the — Phallus; 7. fe agellom ae 
5 i testis; ov. oviduct; /.s. peuis 

first bend of the gut, the vestigial STOMACH shows asa _ sheath; 77. retractor muscle : 
purplish enlargement, and receives the bile ducts from — sf. spermatheca; sf.d¢. sperm 
the ample light-brown liver; a short distance beyond the — ucts 7-4. vas deferens. 

canal gradually n narrows and runs backward as the rectum to the anus. 

The RETRACTORS of the right and left tentacles are separate, quite independent 
of each other, and almost symmetrically fixed near their respective foot-margins. 

The LINGUAL SHEATH is very long, somewhat 
compressed, tapering obliquely behind, and reaching 
back nearly to the hinder extremity of the body, 
RETRACTORS consisting of three or four partially 
fused terminal muscles, secured to the skin of the 
left side beneath the shell, and in addition ten to 
fifteen pairs of oblique ribbon-like lateral muscles, 
arising from the left side of the hinder halt of the Fic. .0)—einguall sheath’ oe 
sheath, the most anterior being about six mill. long — 7estacedla haliotidea, Bristol, col- 
and attached to the skin on the left side of the mid- lected by Mr. J. W. Cundall, illus- 
dorsal line, while the shorter and more posteriorly- 9 "ts the retractor muscles of the 

2 5 , tentacles and lingual sheath. 
placed muscles are fixed nearer and nearer to the 
sole, to which the last few muscle-bands are fixed, close by the straight terminal ones. 

The LINGUAL TEETH are stout, arcuate, and distinctly barbed, with the convex 
apical surface furnished with a somewhat distinct cutting blade, the median 

iD Fic. 11.—Isolated teeth from 
Fic. 10.—Transverse row of teeth from the odontophore of the fifth and thirteenth longitu- 
Testacella haliotidea * 20, from Oxford, collected by Professor dinal rows of the radula of 7. 
Poulton, photographed by Mr. T. W. Thornton. haliotidea x 40. 

apophysis large and distinct, basal enlargement slight, and the transverse rows more 

acutely angulated! than in the allied species. According to Lacaze-Duthiers, the 

vestigial median teeth are discernible with a magnifying power of 200-300 diameters. 
The dental formula? of an Oxford ex ae is 

EaPO eee OEls =. 
i ORO 0 381368 

1 The figure of the dentition given in Woodward's Manual, p. 298, and copied therefrom as that of 
Beieeaia haliotidea by many authors, is not really that species, but should be assigned to 7. maugez. 

2 Monog. i., p. 262. 


Reproduction and Development.—'The eggs are few in number, 
about six mill) by four mill, with opaque, m % 
vellowish-white caleareous shells, they are ob- a we 
long-oval in shape, but, according to the Abbe ee . 

Dupuy, necntactis becoming somewhat acumi- a a “ Py our en 
nate at the poles, immediately after deposition, X 14 

They are deposited deep in the earth galleries ppc ag oe dois iihaana 
during the spring months, and, according to — deposition, xT} falter Dupuy), 
Gassies, hatch in ten or twelve days, the young wis te change of form. 
being usually of a greyish colour dashed with greenish-yellow, and becom- 
ing adult in the autumn, 

Food and Habits.—7. Aaliotidea is markedly nocturnal in habit, 
emerging from the earth on the approach of twilight, and seizig upon the 
worms as they extend themselves from their burrows ; they re-euter the 
earth at daybreak, or hide beneath stones or other objects, their marked 
resemblance when contracted to a pebble assisting their concealment. 

According to Gassies & Fischer, this species is less gregarious and more 
solitary in its habits than 7° meege?, but is found most easily and frequently 
at daybreak in March and April, crawling over the surface of the soil or 
hiding beneath dead leaves or rubbish, 

Geological History.— 7. Auliotidee has not been found fossil in this 
country, but is found in the quaternary deposits at Villefranche, depart- 
ment Aveyron, and in those of Toulouse, in the Haute Garonne ; it has also 
been detected in the blue argillaceous marls near Montpellier, and in the 
sandy bed of the ancient lake of Sarlive near Clermont, Puy-de-Ddme. 

Variation.—Gassies & Fischer discriminated five varieties of this species, 
and Moquin-Tandon six others, but these cannot all be accepted, as these 
authors confused 7° sewtedem and other species with 7° Aadiotidec, regarding : 
them as simple varieties only. 

A var. algerie is enumerated by Grateloup in Dist. Geog. Limae., p. 16, 
from Canary Islands, and Oran and Bone in Algeria. 

Var. trigona G. & F., Monog, 'Testacelle, 1856, p. 46, pl. 2, £ 6a. 
var, @latate Pollonera, Boll, Mus. Zool. Torino, Mar, 31, 1S8Q& 
Suet thicker, right margin much dilated, the AVEX being thus to the left. 
Probably the 7. subtrigenc Pollonera, from Tarin, 7. bronde?i Bourg., from the 

banks of the Edough, near Bone, Algeria, and 7. drymeonta Bourg., from the Isle of 
Capni, should also be relegated to this interesting and well-marked variety. 

= e. , 
| ») 

Fig. M.—7. dremel? Bgt., Fig. 17). erperenca Bst., Fig. 1Q.— 2) sadirigena Poll., 
X 2 (after Bourguignat X 2 (after Bourguignat) x 1§ (after Pollonera) 

British Isles—Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1895! RL FL Seharth. 

France— Bornleaux (G. & F., op. ett., p. 50), 
Italy—Villa Doyen, Cavoretto, near Torino (Pollonera, op. eit.) 
Cuba— Havana, doubtless introduced, Petit (GQ. & F., op. eit., p. 50). 

Var. elongata G. & F., Monog. Testacelle, 1856, ~~ 
p. 49, pl. 2, £ Ge. a» 

Sueun long, thin, and narrew. 
Pia 17.— Testacedia halte~ 

; France —Bordeaux, Comme et daudouin (G. & F., op. tiden v. clonrata XS (alter 
ort, p. 50), Gassies & Fischer) 



Var. ovalis Mog. and., List. Moll. Irance, 1855, > 
p99, pl. o,f, 19, 
SULLE sub-elliptieal ov oval, Fit, 19. Swrtacedia alia 

ci ay fated Vv. ovad/s (after Moquins 
ib, Pp. a ). | Andon), enlarged, 

France —(Mogq,-‘Tand., op. ¢ 

Var. major G. & I’., Monog. 'Testacelle, 1856, p. 50. 

Sivin very hiavge and thick; COLUMELLA wider, prominent and carinate, Leneth, 
114 mill. x7 mill. ; alt., 25 mill. 

British Isles—Alman’s Nurseries, Horsham, Sussex, June 1886! 0. Whitaleer, 

France—(G. & F., op. cit.). 

Var. albina Mogq.-'T'and., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 39. 

ANIMAL whitish. 

British Isles— Garden, Toveross Hotel, Kingsbridge, Devon, June LO, IS8S6!W, EE. 

France—Toulouse, Haute Garonne, Sarrat (G, & F., op. eit., p. 50); nob rare at 
Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne (Bouillet, Moll, Auvergne, 1886, p. 19). Ganges, and St, 
Beauzille, Herault (Dubrueil, Moll Herault, 1868). Bramepan, Basses Pyrénées 
(Molin & Berillon, Paune $.O, Mrance, 1877). Perigord, Dordogne (Lacaze-Duthiers, 
Hist. Test., 1887). 

Spain—Gibraltar, Dec. 1884! J, W. Horsley, 

Var. flavesecens Now italas Ae Moll. I'rance, 1855, p. 39, 

ANIMAL canary-yellow, 

Fr ape ‘Toulouse, Haute Garonne, Partiot (Mog,-‘Pand., Hist. Molk France, 
1855, p. Ganges, and St. Beauzille, Herault (Dubrueil, Moll Herault, 1868 
Puy-de Hee, Auvergne (Bouillet, Moll, Auvergne, 18386, p. 19). Les Moulineaus, 
in abandoned quarries ; gardens, Grand Montrouge, and Boure-la-Reine s environs 
of Orsay, St. Maur-les-losses, ete. (Paseal, Moll. Haute-Loire et Paris, 1878, p. 28), 

Geographical Distribution.l'his species is known to range over 
western and south-western Murope and North Africa, and also to extend 
into Germany, Switzerland, and Belgitan, which 7. seuteulum ov 7. maugei 
are not known to do; this peculiarity in its distribution probably indicates 
its later evolution, a circumstance apparently confirmed by its more 
advanced internal organization. 

7. haliotidea is recorded trom Western Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, 
Mrance, Italy, Dalmatia and Adriatic States, Corsica, Spain, Portugal, 
Algeria, Madeiras, and Canaries, but the confusion that has alwe ays reiene vl 
in this genus makes many of the specific identifications of doubtful accuracy. 

It has also been recorded from Nova Scotia and from P hiladelphia, U.S.A, 
doubtless introduced. 

The distribution in the British [sles is probably very complete over the 
southern and western districts of Nngland, but the records are incomplete 
and many unreliable ; undoubted examples have, however, been found in 
various parts of Hngland, the south of Scotland, the south and east of 
lreland, and south of Wales. 


Channel Isles—Guernsey, first noticed in I8OL (I. C. Lukis, Loudon’s Mag., 
1834, pp. 224-5, and figs.) Reeorded as occurring abundantly in Guernsey and on 
Sark (Cooke & Gwatkin, Q.d.C., 1, p. 831, 1878). PENINSULA. 

Cornwall W.—Ravre in gardens, Newlyn, Heamoor, and Penzance (Marquand, 
Trans. Penzance N.EH, Soc., 1884). 

Devon S.—In garden of the garrison, Plymouth (Parton's Manual, i831, p. 29). 
Kingsbridge: in warden, ‘Toreross Hotel! alsoin vardens of Mr. J. lott ! and others, 
W. K. Baily, June 10, 1886, ‘The Castle, Tiverton, Capt. L. Moore (Webb, J. of 
Mal., July 1897, p. 25). 


Devon N.—Dr. Turton’s garden, Bideford (Turton’s Mannal, 1831, p. 29). Gar- 
den, Manor House, Lynton (C. F. Hill, Field, March 7, 1885, p. 307). Hele Bay, 
Ilfracombe, March 1886 (J. R. B. Tomlin, J. of Coneh., v., p. 181, 1887). 

Somerset S.—Gardens, Taunton (Tate, Brit. Moll.. 1866, p. 86). 

Somerset N.—Beckington, H. Franklin Parsons (Webb, Journ. of Mal., Dee. 

1897. p 49). 
Wilts. S. cee at Devizes, also Trowbridge (J. E. Vize, Wilts. Mag., 

No. 27, p. 278, 1866). CHANNEL. 
Dorset — Mr. Thompson’s orehard-house, Weymouth es C. Mansel-Pleydell, 
Conch. of Dorset, p. 111, 1885). ae anaes: Chickerell, Richardson (J. C. Man- 

sel-Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1898,;p. 2). Abundant in my aie at Stalbridge (H. J. 
Johnston Lavis, Se. Gos., 1878, p. as The specimens recorded from Down House, 
Blandford, by J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, in Proc. Dorset Soe. for 1885, and elsewhere, 
are 7. mauget Fer. 

Sussex W.—Plentiful in Alman’s Nursery. Horsham, May 1886! 'T. Whitaker. 
Garden, Ratham, near Chichester, Aug. 30, 1890! W. Jeffery. 

Sussex E.—Not rare in gardens at Lewes, July 26, 1883! T. S. Hillman. 
Brighton, R. B. Sharpe! (British Musenm, 1886). Garden, Park crescent, Brighton, 
1879 (R. M. Christy, Zool., Aug. 1880, p: 367). THAMES. 

Kent E.—Maidstone: gardens, London road; garden, adjoining St. Michael’s 
Church ; cemetery about one mile south-east of the town and near Tovil Station ! 
Hubert Bigae wy eet July 1891. 

Geographical Distribution bg ss 

Testacella ie oleasa Drap. 

ee Recorded Distribution 
NSS Probable Range 

Kent W.—Shoreham Vicarage, Sevenoaks, R. Ashington Bullen (Webb, J. of 
Mal., 1897, p. 25). Kelsey Park, Beckenham, Mark Webster (Webb, J. of Mal., 
1897, p. 49). Not rare in the garden of Holy Trinity Vicarage, Woolwich, Aug. 
1889! J. W. Horsley. 

Surrey—Asgparagus beds, Nutfield Priory, J. Moffat; Surrey House, Leather- 
head, C. A. Brigg; Sutton Common, Maxwell T. Masters; 11, Harrow road, East 
Dorking, C. J. Howell; and Kew Gardens (Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 1897, p. 49). 
Wray Park, Reigate (G. S. & E. Saunders, 1861). 

Essex S.—Widford Lodge, Widford, E. Hammond (Webb, J. of Mal.. July 
1897, p. 25). 


Essex N.—Stisted, Basil Ff. May ; Colchester, W. Patterson (Webb, J. of Mal., 
July 1897, p. 25). 

Herts. —Abundant in garden, Manor House, Hitchin, May 1890! F.W. Phillips. 

Middlesex—Garden, Adelaide Road, Regent’s Park, Sept. 1867, J. E. Harting 
(W. Jeffery, 1888!) Greenhouse in Williams and Sow s Nursery, Upper Holloway, 
Jan. 1897 !G. KK. Gude. Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens, Chiswick, E. Miller 
(Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 1897, p- 49). Uxbridge, May 1891! C. H. Morris. 

Berks. —Faringdon ! T. Rogers, 1885. 

Oxon.—Garden, Wykeham House, Oxford, Feb. 1887 ! E. B. Poulton. Cabbage 
field, near St. Clement’s Chureh, Oxford, 1887!S. Spencer Pearce. Garden on Head- 
ington Hill (S. Spencer Pearce, Zool., Sep. 1883, p. 363). Blenheim Palace Gardens, 
frequent, R. Rogers (W. D. Crick, March 1885). Middleton Park, Bicester, T. ‘Trol- 
lope (Webb, J. of Mal., Dec. 1897, p. 49). ANGLIA. 

Bedford—Abundant in the south of the county, F. W. Phillips, May 1890. 

Suffolk E.—Gardens, Woolverstone Park, Sept. 1887! J. Sheppard. Woodbridge, 
S. Spencer Pearce, May 1886. Dallinghoo Rectory, R. Ashington Bullen (Webb, 
Journ. of Mal., July 1897, p. 25). Blaxhall, G. T. Rope! (Carleton Greene, Suffoll 
list, 1891). 

Suffolk W.—Bury St. Edmund’s, Mr. Norgate (Carleton Greene, Suffolk list, 

Norfolk E.—Abundant in Mackie’s Nursery Garden, Norwich ; garden, Ipswich 
road, Norwich (J. B. Bridgman, Zool., 1850, p. 49). Aylsham, near Norwich (Pearce 
& Mayfield, J. of Conch., July 1894, p. 393). Yelverton, May ae ! 8. 8. Pearce. 

Norfolk W.—Diddineton Hall, Brandon, A. Tanner (W ebb, J. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 25). SEVERN. 

Gloucester W.—Garden, Carrville, Alexandra Park, Bristol, May 1888! J. W. 
Cundall. Kingsdown Parade, W. W. Stoddart ; Clifton Gardens, Miss Jones ; and 
at Hampton Park, rare (Leipner’s Bristol list, 1875, p- 280). 

Monmouth—Plentiful at Mathem. near Che spstow, ee 26,1892! BE. J. Lowe. 

Hereford—Very rare, Burghill, T. A. Chapman (A. E. Boycott, Sci. Goss., April 
1892, p. 78). Garden, Pesci Hill, Hereford (Boycott and Bowell, W oolhope Nat. 
Field C lub, Oct, 1899, p. 

Worcester —W eee Oct. 30, 1888! 8. Smith Hastings; Diglish House, Wor- 
eester, S. Taylor; also Elmfield, London road, Worcester, C. H. Webber; and 
Hagley Hall; Stourbridge, D. Rh. Dixon (W. M. Webb, Journ. of Mal., July 1897, 
, 25). 

Stafford—Two found by T. Kirkby, of Hanford, near Trentham, Oct. 1897! also 
found by Mr. Nicklin in his garden at Trentham, Sept. 1897 (J. R. B. Masefield, J. of 
Conch., Jan. 1898, p. 8). 

Salop. —Hatton Grange, near Shifnal, and Lilleshall Abbey, near Newport, T. C. 

Eyton, 1862 (W. E. Beckwith). TRENT. 

Lincoln N.—Garden, Highfield. Gainsborough, Apl. 22, 1898 ! a M. Burton. 

Notts.—Carlton Hall, Carlton-on-Trent, Louis Pope (Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 
1897, p. 49). Highfield House, Beeston (Dodd, Brit. Assoc, Handbk., 1893, p- WE 
Introduced from Horsham, Sussex, into the gardens of Rainworth Lodge, Mansfield, 
in June 1886, by Mr. J. Whitaker. Welbeck Abbey, 1879, R. A. Rolfe (Ca: Mus. 
son, Midl. Nat., Feb. 1879). MERSEY. 

Cheshire—Avley Hall, Northwich, J. V. Smith (W.M. Webb, Journ. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 25). 

Lancashire S.—Clayton Hall, Accrington, J. Poulter (Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 
1897, p. 49). Near Crumpsall, 1862, T. Glover (Melvill, Handbook Brit. Assoe., 
Manchester, 1887, p. 84). Knowsley, near Liverpool (Collinge, J. of Mal., June 24. 
1893, p. 148). HUMBER. 

York S.E.—Swailes’ Nursery Garden, Beverley ! J. D. Butterell, 1883. 

York S.W.—Sandbeck Park, Rotherham, G. Summers, and Wath-on-Dearne, 
W. McKeigh Jones (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 25). Orchard-house, Fernie- 

hurst, Shipley, March 1892! E. Self. SOUTH WALES. 
Pembroke—Tenby, A. G. Stubbs, Feb. 1896. 

Renfrew —Woodside Gardens, Paisley, Chas. Hoge, Oct. 1898. 

Kirkcudbright —Common in Corberry Nurseries, Maxwelltown, April 1890! R. 

Stirling—Brentham Park, Stirling, D. Bruce (W. M. Webb, Journ. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 25). 



Dee: Greenhouse, Trinity ee Botanie Gardens, Dublin, W. F. Burbridge, 
1895 (R. F. Sehart?, Irish Nat., Mareh 1895, p. 80); Royal Botanic Gardens, Glas- 
nevin, Dublin W. F. Moore, 1895! (R. F. Schartf, Jan. 1902). MUNSTER. 

Cork N. eaares n gardens, Youghal, 1835, Miss Ball! (R. F. Scharff, 1888); garden, 
Bandon, G. J Allman ; ; also at V osterberg, Councillor Reeve’s residence, Cork, by 
D. Murray, the Be who had observed them for several years past (J. D. 
Humphreys, Cork Fauna, 1845, p. 2). 


Oceurs on German territory, but only in the western region. Metz, Lothringen. 
larger than the examples from south-west France (Gassies & Fischer, 1856, p. ‘60). 
I ‘ormerly found in Mons. Simon’s garden, Planticres, but not in recent years (Meyer, 
Nacht. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1876, p. 36). Castle Garden, Heidelberg, Baden (Daniel, 
Od. CG. 1.,p-113, 1876), 


In gardens at Fonds-de-Leffe, near Dinant, M. Julien Deby (Colbeau, Ann. 8. 
Mal. Belg., 1865, p. 109). 


Ain—Rare, Sathonay, Rillieux, Miribel (Locard, Moll. de Ain, 1881, p. 15). 

Wier Rare by the Chateau of Montgarnand, near Moulins (Wattebled, J. 
de Conch., 1881, p. 327). 

Calvados—Caen, in many gardens, notably the Botanie Gardens ; Colleville-sur- 
Orne, E. Deslongchamps (A. de | Hopital, Moll. Caen, 1859, p. 8). 

Charente Inférieure—Rochelle, la Faille in 1754 (Feér., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94). 

Deux Sévres—Niort by Guillemeau in 1754 (Fer., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94) 

Dordogne—Gass. & Fisch., 1856, Perigord (Lacaze-Duthiers, Hist. Test., 1887). 

Drome— Environs of Crest, Faure-Biguet ; Montelimar, Loriol, ete. (Drap., Hist. 
Moll., 1805, p. nae Wood at St. Vincent-sur- Charpey, ‘alt. 700 metres (G. Sayn, 
Cat. Moll. Droéme, 1888, p. 130). 

Finistere—Commoner than 7. maugei in the botanical and other gardens, Brest; 
Moulin-Blane ; especially common in the cabbage-fields near the guard-house of 
Fort Bouguen (Daniel, J. de Conch., 1883, p. 376). Common in gardens at Lander- 
neau (Boure., Mal. Bret., 1850, p. 87). Roscoff (Lacaze- Duthiers, Hist. Test., 1887). 

Gard—Nimes, Pont-St.-Esprit, Auzon, Servas (Clement, Moll. Gard, 1878). 

Garonne, Haute—St. Bertrand de Comminges, Toulouse (Boubée, t. Fagot, 1880), 
also at Cierp, near Chignac road, common in garden at Gand, near Cierp, M. Paren- 
teau (St. Simon, 1876). 

Gers—Common in gardens and woods at Auch, Lectoure, Bives, Duran, Mon- 
taut, ete. (Dupuy, Moll. Gers, 1843, p. 10). Old Tower, Barbotan, rare (Dupuy, J . de 
Conch., 1877, p. 20). 

Gironde —Botanical Gardens, Bordeaux, also at Ambares (Des Moulins, Moll. 
Gironde, 1827, p. 7). 

Hérault— peels (Draparnaud, Hist. Moll., 1805, p. 1 Villeneuve, St. 
Martin-de-Londres, Bédarieux, ete. (Dubrueil, Moll. Hérault, 1863, p. 4). 

Isere—ht. Fond, M. Faujas (Drap., Hist. Moll., 1805, p. 152). 

Jura—Old cemetery of Lons-le-Saunier (Ogerien, Hist. Nat. Jura, 1863, p. 506). 

Landes—((Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limae., 1855). 

Loire, Haute—Very abundant (Pascal, Moll. Haute Loire, 1873, p. 23). 

Loire Inférieure-——Croisic, M. de Querhoent, 1779 (Fér., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94). 
Common at Cléons and at Le Plessis, Frossay, also in gardens at Bois-Branlard, in 
. hantenay, at the Folies-Chaillon, and Toutes-Toies , all near Nantes (Cailliaud, 

Cat. Moll. Loire-Infér., 1865, p. 206). Cultivated ground especially cabbage-gardens 
at Croisic, and at village of Batz (Bourg., Mal. Bret., 1860, p. 28). 

Lot—(Férussae, t. Gassies & Fischer, 1856). 

Lot et Garonne—(Iérussac, Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94). 

Maine et Loire—Angers, in Botanie Garden, at la Chalouere, les Fourneaux, 
ete., Dampierre, Montreuil-Bellay, Saumur, Doué, Beaulieu, ete. (Millet, Moll. 
Maine et Loire, 1854, p. 13). 

Manche—St. L6 (R. le Clere, Not. Mem. Docum. Soc. Manche, xv., p. 145). 

Morbihan-—-Common in gardens at Roche-Bernard; Broéel, near Muzillae ; Vannes, 
and in the Park, Roeuedas (Bourg., Mal. Bret., 1860, p. 45). 

Nord— Valenciennes (Baudon, J. de C., July 1884, p. 210). 

Oise—Garden of Madame No, Beauvais, 1879 (Baudon, J. de C., July 1884). 


Distribution of 7. haliotidea Drap. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 

of the British Isles. 




Channel Isles 
Cornwall W. 
Cornwall ky. 
Devon N. 
somerset 8. 
Somerset N. 
Wilts N. 
Wilts 8. 
Isle of Wight 
Hauts 38. 
Hants N. 
Sussex W. 
Sussex E. 
Kent EB. 
Kent W. 
Essex 3. 
Essex N. 

5 Suffolk b. 

Sutfolk W. 
Norfolk E. 
Norfolk W. 

Gloucester E, 
Gloucester W. 

Probable Range. 





41 Glamorgan 2 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 

42 Brecon e 73 Kirkcudbright 94 Banff 

43 Radnor 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 

44 Carmarthen a 5 75 Ayr 96 Kasterness 

45 Pembroke 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 

46 Cardigan x 77 Lanark 97 Westerness 


47 Montgomery 78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 

48 Merioneth @ 79 Selkirk 00 Clyde Isles 

49 Carnarvon ‘e 80 Roxburgh 01 Cantire 

50 Denbigh Sf 81 Berwick 02 Ebudes 8. 

51 Flint Wels 82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 

52 Anglesey 2 83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N. 
TRENT eet 84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 

53 Lincoln 8. , E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 

54 Lincoln N. 85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E. 

5d Leic. & Rutld. 86 Stirling 07 Sutherland E. 

56 Notts. 87 PerthS.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 

57 Derby 88 Mid Perth 10$ Caithness 

58 Cheshire _ x 90 Forfar 10 Hebrides 

59 Lancashire S.  '!0, 91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 

60 Lancashire Mid i 92 Aberdeen 38. 112 Shetlands 

61 S.E. York ” 

62 N.E. York IRELAND. 


64 Mid W. York ) 113 Derry 122 Louth 

65 N.W. York 114 Antrim 123 Meath 

ft TYNE 115 Down 24 Dublin 

66 Durham . 116 Armagh 125 Kildare 

67 Northumb. S. 117 Monaghan 26 Wicklow 

68 Cheviotland 118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 

. . LAKES 119 Donegal 128 Carlow 

69 Westmorland 120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 

oat a Panes, 121 Cavan 30 Qneen’s Co. 

70 Cumberlanc 131 King’s Co. 

71 Isle of Man 132 Westnesth 

Recorded Distribution. 

Distribution verified by the Authors. 

33 Longford 

34 Roscommon 

5 Leitrim 

5 Sligo 

Mayo E. 

Mayo W. 

9 Galway W. 

Galway E. 



Tipperary N. 

Tipperary 8. 

45 Waterford 

46 Cork N. 

147 Cork 8. 

148 Kerry 






Pas-de-Calais—Boulogne (Baudon, J. de C., July, 1884). 

Puy-de-Dome—Common in Puy-de-Dome (Bouillet, Moll. Auvergne, 1836, p. 19). 

Pyrénées, Hautes—Dupuy (Gassies & Fischer, 1856). 

Pyrénées, Basses—Gardens and along the ditches, Bilhtres, rare (Mermet, Hist. 
Moll. Pyr. Oce., 1843, p. 18). Bramepan (Folin & Beril., Mal. S. O. France, 1877). 
Jayonne (Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 1888, p. 2). 

Pyrénées Orientales—Oleron, Massot (Gassies & Fischer, 1856, p. 50). Amelie- 
les-Bains, 1887, R. D. Darbishire! Banyuls (Lacaze-Duthiers, Hist. Test., 1887). 

Rhone—Lyon, M. Lyonnet (Férussac, Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94). In hilly regions, 
Mont d’Or, St. Symphorien d’Ozon, Caratte, ete. (Locard, Mal. Lyonnaise, 1877, p- 6). 

Saone et Loire—Not rare in spring and autumn in caleareous earth in the hilly 
districts (Grognot, Moll. Sadne et Loire, 1863. p. 9). 

Seine—Jardins du Luxembourg and Val-du-Grace, Raymond (Gassies & Fischer, 
1856). Jardin des Plantes (Lacaze-Duthiers, Hist. Testacelle, 1887). 

Seine Inférieure—Ilirst observed in France, at Dieppe. in 1740, by Dueue. 

Tarn—Soreze, M. Duclos (Draparnand, Hist. Moll., 1805, p. 152). 

Tarn et Garonne—(ler., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 94). Querey (Lacaze-Duthiers, 
Hist. Test., 1887). 

Vendée—Environs of Fontenay (Letourneaux, 1869, p. 10). Ile de Noirmoutier 
(Lacaze-Duthiers, Hist. Test., 1887). 

Vienne —Common on chalky, arid, and stony soils at La Vergne, at the Grange- 
au-Rondeau, and in gardens at Poitiers (Mauduyt, Moll. Vienne, 1839, p. 25). 


Enumerated for Geneva (Jurine, Ess. Stat. Geneve, 1824). 

Bastia, Blauner (Requien, Cat. Moll. Corse, 1848, p. 43). 

Not rare in the ditches of Castle St. Angelo, Rome (Statuti, Bull. Soe. Mal.. 
1882, p. 15). Villa Doyen, Cavoretto near Torino, Piedmont (C. Pollonera, Boll. 
Mus. Zool. Torino, March 81, 1899). Sorrento, Campania, MeAndrew Collection, 
Cambridge (Brockton Tomlin, 1886). 


Istria, at Trieste (E.v. Martens, 1888). Goritz. at Gorz (Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. 
Mal. Ges., June 1885, p. 254). Dalmatia, Schréckinger (Jeffr., Brit. Conch., 1869, 
v., p- 156). : 


Spain—Madrid (Graells, Moll. Espafia, 1846, p. 1). Asturias (Fischer, Manuel de 
Conch., 1883, 1., p. 202). In Catalonia, at Barcelona (Bofill, Moll. Barcelona, 1879); 
Olot and Bosch de Tosca (Salvana, Moll. Catal., 1888); Gerona, (Chia, Moll. Gerona, 
1886) ; and at Valvidrera (Fagot, Mal. Valvidrera, 1884). In Old Castile, at Sarria 
(Martorell y Pena, Col. Coneh., 1888) ; and in Andalusia, at Gibraltar, Dee. 1884. 
J. W. Horsley ! 

Balearic Isles—Majorca, and in Minorea at Mahon, San Cristobal and Fer- 
rarias (Hidalgo, J. de Conch., 1878). 

Portugal—( Hidalgo, J. de Conch., 1877, p. 254). 

Algeria—Bougie (Webb & Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Canaries, 1834, p. 48). Philippe- 
ville and Bona, not common (Morelet. Moll. Port., 1845, p. 49). 


Canary Isles—Gran Canaria (R. Boog Watson, J. de Conch., 1876, p. 221). 

Madeira—Gardens, Funchal, said to have now disappeared (R. Boog Watson, 
J. de Conch., 1876, p. 221). 


Canada—One specimen in a greenhouse in Nova Scotia (Binney, 1878, p. 27). 

United States—Lincoln Park, Philadelphia (F.C. Baker, Nautilus, Sept. 1901, 
p. 59). Very plentiful, Roxborough, near Philadelphia (H. A. Pilsbry, May 1894). 


Testacella scutulum G. B. Sowerby. 

1823 Testacella scutulum Sow., Gen. Shells, pl. 159. ff. 3-6. 

1826 — _ bisulcata Risso, Hist. Nat. Europe Merid., pl. 4, p. 58. 

1855 — gallopr ovineialis Gri iteloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 15 

1855 — anglica Grat., Dist. Geog. Limae., p. 15 

1855 — hatliotidea var. se reer Mogq.-T: and., Moll: France, ii., p. 39; Jeffreys, 
Brit. Conch. 1862, p. 145, pl. 5, f. 7. 

1856 — medii-templi Panis. Zool., p. 5105. 

1S61 — fischeriana Boure., Rey. Mage. Zool. 

1861  — = peechiolii Bourg., Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 517. 

1873. — _ gestroi Issel, Ann. Mus. Civico, Genova, p. 277, ff. 

1880 — williamsiana Nevill, Proc. Zool. oe > p. LOL, pl. 13, a ile 

1838S Testacellus scutatus Lesson, Rev. Zool., i., p. 249. 

ISTORY.— 7estacellu scutulum (scutulum, a little 
} shield) was first found in a garden in Kennington 
road, Lambeth, Surrey, by Mr. G. B. Sowerby, who 
fioured and aeeeated it in his “Genera of Recent 
and Fossil Shells,” pubhshed in 1823. 

The superficial resemblance of this species to 
haliotidea, and the complete ignorance at this period 
of its striking structural pec culiarities, s soon led w 
Sowerby’s species being universally ‘regarded : 
only a slight variety of halintaden, uel 1888, tern 
the publication of Mr. Charles Ashford’s accurate 
drawings of its internal organization definitely es- 
eins tablished its specific status. 

In our English text-books, 7estacella scutulum or Testaucella haliotidea 
are indiscriminately figured as representing the latter species. Dr. Gwyn 
Jeffreys, in his “ British Conchology,” though undoubtedly representing 
T. haliotidea in vol. i., at f. 6, pl. 5, yet figures albeit roughly the shell of 
7. scutulum at f. 7, a also in the Supplement to his work. 

Lovell Reeve, in his “ British Land and Freshwater Mollusks,” gives as 
the generic figure on p. 27 a copy of Sowerby’s original figure of Testacella 
scutulum, but at p. 30, under 7. halotidea, figures an ammal which can- 
not with propriety be referred to any of our British species of Testacella, 
although the figures of the shell are good representations of those of 7. 

Testacella scutulum may be regarded as linking together Tvstacella halio- 
tidea and Testacella mauge?, as, although curiously similar to 7. haliotidea 
in some external points, 1t is yet not so advanced in its internal structure, 
which in certain important respects has more affinity with that of 7. 
maugei: the south European examples approximate still more closely in 
showing fewer lateral muscles to the lingual sheath than are normally 
present in British examples. 

Diagnosis.—-7vstacella scutulum may be readily differentiated from its 
congeners when the animal is extended by the confluent origin of the 
lateral grooves, a trifle in advance of, but joined with, the peripallial fur- 
row: the usually yellow colour of the body, and the smaller shell, which is 
flat or even concave on the upper surface, with a broad, angularly concave, 
and almost truncate columella. 

Internally, it differs from Au//otidea in the absence of the flagellum to 
the penis-sheath, and from mange? by the possession of numerous lateral 
muscles to the lmeual sheath, 


Description. ANIMAL tawny-yellow, more or less freely speckled with brown, 
especially on the back ; Sole and FOOT-FRINGE orange-yellow, most vivid near the 
tail; LATERAL GROOVES distinet and originating in a common depression in advance 
of, but connected with, the peripallial furrow ; the mid-dorsal sculpture so distinet 
in 7. manugei is only very faintly indicated. When contracted it usually assumes : 
semi-globose form somewhat dissimilar to the lenticular shape of hadiotidea or the 
short, cylindrical aspect of mauget. 

SHELL narrowly auriform, UPPER SIDE flat or even actually coneave, LINES OF 
GROWTH comparatively fine, PERIOSTRACUM rusty-brown, and more persistent than 
in maugei or haliotidea, the colour showing internally through the thin outer margin 
of shell ; NUCLEUS nearly central, placed at an angle of 60 to 70 deg. to the vertical 
line of the shell ; COLUMELLA glossy-white, broad and angularly concave, terminat- 
ing abruptly at the anterior margin of the shell. Length, 7 mill.; the greatest 
width, about 4 mill., being about the middle of the shell ; alt., 15 mill. 

opens into a somewhat brownish Crop, 12 or 14 mill. long, which shows longitudinal 
whitish stripes, due to longitudinal plaits within ; the paired white SALIVARY GLANDS 
are 5 or 6 mill. long, attached to its sides, and do not blend together ; the VESTIGIAL 
STOMACH is of a purplish colour, about 3 mill. in diam., and is placed at first bend 
of eut, just before receiving the stout and white bile ducts ; the GUT, which is very 
thick and firm, traverses the digestive gland, afterwards narrowing into a slender 
rectum, which opens as usual on the right side beneath the shell. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS simple; OVOTESTIS flesh-coloured with long acini 
and imbedded within digestive gland ; pucT whitish, convoluted throughout, and 
entering the albumen gland about the middle, 
from whence to outlet it is fused to gland ; 
ALBUMEN GLAND large and broad, ochreous 
or reddish amber; OVISPERMATODUCT wide 
and compressed, the two channels well united ; 
OVIDUCT in many broad, close-set plaits ; 
SPERM-DUCT broad throughout and of a buff 
colour; VAGINA very long, slender below, 
much dilated above and abruptly doubly- 
flexed ; SPERMATHECA clobular, reddish- 
brown, with dull white mottlings when 
mature, closely attached to the middle of 
ovispermatoduct ; stem of spermatheca com- 
paratively short and bent, slender above and 

gradually enlarging to base ; Wess) D2 Fic. 21.—Sexual organs of 7. seutulum Xx 1%. 
long and simple, entering the penis sheath at (Chiswick. /MrS: G. Cockers © 
its apex close to the retractor ; PENIS SHEATH Ale. Gilson Aleudis Gh Gueiesies er 

long and opaque-white, narrow at base, but — oviduct ; f.s. penis sheath ; 7.72. retractor 
increasing in diameter as it passes upwards, — Muscle ; sf. spermatheca ; sf.@. sperm duct ; 
the upper half broad and rigidly doubly — 7“ ¥#s deferens. 

flexed; RETRACTOR very long and ribbon-like. passing freely over the dorsal surface 
of visceral mass and affixed near shell at caudal end of body ; ATRIUM very short. 

The RETRACTORS of the tentacles are shorter than those of 7. haliotidea or T. 
mougei, and more exactly symmetrically in their points of attachment to the inteen- 
ment close to the junction of the sole 
with the sides of the body; they run 
free, as usual, alone each side of the 
lingual sheath, dividing into the usual 
two branches for upper and lower ten- 
tacles before reaching brain ring ; the 
bands are ribbon-like and of nearly 
uniform width throughout, but spread- 
ing at the roots for firmer hold. 

The LINGUAL SHEATH is enor S ; 

iene aire t | a siete Fic. 22.—Lingual sheath of 7. scutu/um x 14, 

orming a jirm, tough, pearly body, Hornsey, collected by Mr. H. Wallis Kew, illustrat- 
anteriorly nearly eylindrieal, but taper- ing the retractor muscles of the tentacles and 
ing off behind into a very powerful — lingual sheath. 
muscle, composed of two, three, or four partially independent muscles, as in 7. 
mneuger, and having in addition its hinder half attached laterally to the skin of the left 
side by a series of five to ten pairs of conspicuous muscular bands running parallel 
to each other and fixed at independent points, 


The LINGUAL TEETH are very long, comparatively slender, slightly curved, apex 
distinctly barbed or hamate, the median apophysis markedly nearer the basal end, 
and the teeth apparently deficient of the cutting blade. present upon the convex side 

SS ge 
(o Lp 
Ni WA ihe 


Fic. 23.—Transverse row of teeth from the odontophore of Fic. 24.—Isolated teeth from the 
Testacella scutulum x 20, from Chiswick, collected hy Mr. S. C. fifth and thirteenth longitudinal rows 

Cockerell ; figured from a photograph. of the radula of 7. scutulum x AO. 

of the teeth of haliotidea at the apiealend. The angle formed by the convergence of 
the rows of teeth towards the centre of the radula is more acute than in 7. maugei, 
but less than in haliotidea, and the vestigial median row of teeth can occasionally 
be discerned. 
The dental formula of a Chiswick specimen, collected by Mr. S. C. Cockerell, is 

oe x 46=1564. 

Reproduction and Development.—-The cretaceous eggs of this 
species are deposited underground, and are not numerous, they are distinctly 
oval in shape, about five mill. lone by three mill. broad, white or very pale 
pink when first deposited, soon, however, becoming of a 
brownish-white colour. ‘They have been found in this p 
country as early as February. Hatching takes place in... g. Me 
from twenty to thirty-six days, the young attaining full sisw/eata’ x 1! (after 
growth in about eighteen months. Cassese = eee 

Gassies & Fischer describe the egg of 7. bisulcata as round and about the 
size of No. 2 shot, but their figure has a distinctly oval outline, similar to 
that of 7. scutulum. 

Habits.—Gassies & Fischer remark, under the heading of 7. bisulcata, 
that this species is less in the habit of leaving its subterranean retreat than 
its congeners, and ascribe its less frequent capture to this cause. Mr. Kew, 
however, remarks that he somewhat frequently sees 7. scutu/um during the 
spring and autumn months crawling about in the early morning, or even at 
mid-day, at the foot of the low garden-walls im the north London suburbs. 
The sluggish movements and the usual tawny colour of the body tend to be 
protective upon stony soils and gravelled garden pathways. 

Parasites and Enemies.—Mr. H. E. Quilter was fortunate in detect- 
ing upon 7. scutulum, from Belvoir, examples of a species of mite, which 
were evidently parasitic, and which he describes as having a round, hairy 
and shiny white body, with four pairs of five-jointed, hairy, ambulatory legs 
terminated by small claws, mouth with goal appendages or chelicerw. 

Geological History.— No re- 
cord of its occurrence in the fossil 
state is known to me, but I do not 
hesitate to include with this species 
the 7. williamsiana Nevill, and 
the 7. auriculata Gass. & Fisch. 

The 7. williamsiana is from the meoR Fic. 27. 

Holocene conglomerate of the caves Fic. 26.—Testacella williamsiana Nevill, x 4 
mV : ean “Ot Loui (after Nevill). 

of Mentone, near gorge of St. Louis, Fic. 27.—Testacella auriculata Gass. & Fisch., 

in the Alpes Maritimes, the author — * 34 (after Gassies & Fischer). 

differentiating it from 7. bisulcata by its almost vertically prominent central 
apex and its regul: ir, close, and deep suleations. The 7. auriculata G. & FP. 


seems to be merely an abnormal specimen found fossil at Venddme in the 
department of Loir-et-Cher, described by its author as differing from all its 
congeners by its solid and flat auriculate shell and thickened margins. 

Variation.— This species, which has been misunderstood almost from the 
time of its discovery, and whose specific characters are even yet not univers- 
ally appreciated, has in its various forms been described again and again as 
new by different authors, and although Gassies & Fischer and Moquin- 
Tandon expressly allude to 7. scutulum, it is not at all clear that they had 
the true 7. scutulum before them. 

In this country 7 scutulum is moderately constant in the form of its 
shell and the colour of its body, but abroad this consistency of type is not 
so fully maintained, if the allocation, as suggested by Simroth, of campunyoi 
and other forms to the scutulum series he correct. 

Var. pecchiolii Boure., Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1861, p. 517. 
ANIMAL yellowish, with a eae of minute ereyish dots h 
on the back ; lateral furrows separate at their origin at the peri- 

pallial groove. | a | 

SHELL narrower and more elongate; COLUMELLA not trun- 
cate and less arcuate; APEX rather pointed and more detached. 

Length, 6 mill. ; breadth, 34 mill. \ / 
Testacella pecechiolii is the T. haliotidea of the older Italian 
authors, and is essentially an Italian form ; most of the Italian Fic. 28. — Testa- 

records of 7. haliotidea are possibly more properly referred to this ee pecchiolii Bat 
at iety. (after Bourg.). 

Italy — Found in the garden of Signor Pecchioli, at Settignano, near Florence ; 
also at Pisa, Bologna, and Rome. It is met with in Venetia and Lombardy ; also 
on the slopes of Monte Cuecia, near Palermo, in Sicily, and the Isle of Ustiea 
ponte , Gen. Test., 1862, p. 61). Apuan Alps, in Tuseany (Stefani, Boll. Soe. Mal. 
Itale, 1875). 

Var. major G. & I, Monog. estacelle, 1856, p. 46, pl. 2, f. 5p. 
Testacella bisulcata var. major G. & F., op. cit.. p. 46. 
Testacella fjischeriana ourg., Rev. et Mag. Zool., Dec. 1861, 
pl. 13, ff. 5-7. 
ANIMAL larger and darker coloured than the typical form, 
with a sharply-detined yellow foot-fringe. s 
SHELL larger and more oval, broadest at its posterior third, \ ap 
anterior end rounded; COLUMELLA more arcuate and scarcely X ee ae 
truncate. Leneth, 6 mill. ; breadth, 44 mill. \ only 
Algeria—Environs of Philippeville and Constantine (Boure., he ne. 
Mal. Alger., 1864, p. 60). Not common on the glacis of the Spe 
fortifications of Bab-Azoun and Bab-el-Oued (Lallemant, Ann. 8S. jajor x 3, G. & F. 
Mal. Belg., 1868, p. 5). Environs of Alger (Lallemant, Moll. (after Gass. & Fisch.). 
Alver, 1881, p. 2). 


Var. albina G. & F., Monog. Testacelle, 1856, p. 46. 
Testacella bisulcata var. albina G. & F., op. cit., p. 46. 
Testacella scutulum var. pallida Cockerell, Sci. Goss., 1885, p. 225 

ANIMAL yellowish or whitish. 

Middlesex—Chiswick, 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. Hampstead lane, Highgate ! 
Ferme Park road, and Weston Park, Hornsey ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Lancashire S.—Cuerden Hall, Preston, Jan. 1893! W. H. Heathcote. 

York Mid W.—Dr. Eddison’s garden, Adel, Leeds, Nov. 1896! H. Crowther. 

Leicestershire —Belvoir Castle gardens, Jan. 1888! W. Ingram. 

Louth—Piperstown, near Drogheda, Feb. 1890! Miss Sidney Smith. 

Algeria —Constantine (Gass. & Fisch., op. cit.). 

Var. aurea Cockerell, Se. Goss., 1885, p. 225. 
ANIMAL orange-coloured with brown mottlings ; FOOT-SOLE bright orange. 

Middlesex—Chiswick, 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Sussex W.—Horsham, 1902! R. D. Darbishire. 

11/6,02 B 


Geographical Distribution.—The European area of distribution of 
this species cannot be stated with accuracy owing to the very prevalent mis- 

conception of its characters. = 

Under Risso’s name of 7. bisulcata, this species has, if i re 
however, been recorded as being very common through- i a (\ 
out the south of France, and as inhabiting Italy, w/ X& 
Spain, and Algeria. Fic. 30.—Testacella bi- 

Testacella pecchiolii, T. gestroi, T. fischeriana, and — sxieata Risso x 2 (after 
probably other south European forms are, if not abso- ?"?"” 
lutely identical, closely allied and more primitive forms of our species, and 
may be regarded as varieties. 

The British distribution of 7. scatulum is less restricted than that of the 
other species ; it has been found scattered over England, and its existence 

verified in Ireland and Scotland, but it would seem to be especially preva- 

lent in and characteristic of the Metropolitan district. 

eee pyieal Distribution iy, oe 

Testacella aS ane Sow. 

MMMM Recorded Distribution 

| . Probable Range. 

0 4 

Fie. 31. 


Channel oe arket gardens, near St. Peter’s Port, Guernsey ! and in the 
Seigneurie grounds, Sark, A. H. Cooke, Feb. 1888. 


Devon S.—Gardens, Plymouth (Alder, Mag. Zool. and Bot., 1838). 

Devon N.—Gardens, Bideford (Alder, Mag. Zool. and Bot., 1838). 

Somerset S.—The 7estacella from Taunton, figured and recorded as 7. seutuliwn 
(Nat., vii., p. 179) is 7. maugei (Norman, Moll. Somerset, 1860). 

Somerset N.—Leieh Woods, rare, T. G. Ponton, 1862 (Leipner’s Bristol list, 1875). 


Dorset—Chickerell, near Weymouth ! E. R. Sykes, 1890. 

Isle of Wight—Numerous in gardens, Newport (W. Jeffery, J. of Coneh., iii, 
p. 313, 1882). 

Sussex W.—Nursery garden, Chichester, June 1889! W. Jeffery. Introduced 
from Newport, I. of W., into garden at Ratham, near Chichester, about 1880 (W. 
Jeffery, J. of Conch., iii., p. 313, 1882). Horsham! R. D. Darbishire, 1902. 

Sussex E.—Lewes, Dee. 1888! J. H. A. Jenner. 


Kent W.—Mabledon, Tonbridge, Nov. 1887! A. H. Cooke. Garden, Maidstone, 
H. Elgar, June, 1891. 

Kent E.—Folkestone and near Faversham, 1884! Miss E. B. Fairbrass, 


Surrey—The original locality where this species was obtained by Mr. Sowerby is 
Kennington road, Lambeth. The specimens in the British Museum, labelled ‘* 7’ 
haliotidea, Surrey,” and ‘7. haliotidea, Lambeth,” should be labelled ‘7. seutulum.” 
Nuttlield Priory, with 7. haliotidea, J. Moffat; also Crescent Wood House, Sydenham 
Hill, John Prince (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). Park Hill Rise, Croydon, 
H. I. Parsons (Webb, op. cit., Dee. 1897, p. 49). Very common about 1860, in Ivery’s 
Nurseries, Dorking ! 1885, R. D. Darbishire. Kew Gardens, and garden at 66, Glou- 
cester road, Kew, April 1884! R. A. Rolfe. Under beech leaves, Headley lane, near 
Boxhill, April 1886! 'T. D. A. Cockerell. Mitcham, Sept. 1884, Kenneth MeKean. 

Herts.—B. Piffard’s garden, Hemel Hempstead, Feb. 1884!J. Hopkinson. Chase 
Side, Enfield, known for the past thirty years, F. Wright ; abundant, Hemel Hemp- 
stead Nurseries, W. Foden (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Middlesex—Middle Temple Gardens, first noted about 1846; the specimens from 
this locality were the types of 7. medii-templi (T. Tapping, Zool., 1856, p. 5105). 
Upper Holloway : Giesbach road ! and garden of Upper Holloway Railway Station, 

April 1888! H. Wallis Kew. 

Highgate: Hampstead lane, Dec. 1888! Archway road! and Shepherd’s Hill road, 
H. Wallis Kew, Nov. 1901. 

Hornsey : common, Ferme Park road, Oct. 25, 1901 ! Weston Park, Jan. 12, 1902 ! and 
Crouch End Hill, Hornsey ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Stroud Green: Hanley road ! and Stapleton Hall road, H. Wallis Kew, Nov. 1901. 
Winchmore Hill, 1884, L. E. Adams. 

Stoke Newington: occasionally in gardens (E. R. Allen, Field, 1885, p. 282). 

Stamford Hill: first observed in 1829 (T. Blair, Loudon’s Mag., 1833). 

Regent’s Park : plentiful in Royal Botanic Gardens (J. MeIntosh, Nat., 1853). 

St. John’s Wood: Circus road and Adelaide road (J. E. Harting’s Rambles, 1875). 

Haverstock Hill: oceasionally found from 1861-1881 in a garden formed on the site 
of a nursery garden, W. C. Atkinson, 1885. 

Hampstead and Hendon : in fields and gardens (J. MeIntosh, Nat., 1853). 

Finchley : path from East Finchley to Hampstead, H. Wallis Kew, Nov. 1901. 

Whetstone: in C. F. Minor’s garden (T. D. A. Cockerell, Field, 1885, p. 607). 

Turnham Green : formerly abundant at Burlington Cottage, S. 8. Pearce, 1885. 

Isleworth : Worton Hall Gardens, not common, A. Pentney (Webb, J. of Mal. , July 
1897, p. 26). 

Gikewick : Royal Horticultural Society’s Gardens, E. Miller (Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 
1897, p. 49); common in gardens, Woodstock road, 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell ; 
the specimens in the British Museum labelled ‘* 7. haliotidea, Chiswick,” are 
incorrectly named, and should be referred to the present species. 

Ealing : garden at Castle Bar, A. Belt, 1888. 

Hammersmith : Brook Green (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26); plentiful in gar- 
dens (J. MeIntosh, Nat., 1853); railway bank, Oct. 1888! H. Wallis Kew. 

West Kensington: in gardens (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Kensington: not rare in forcing-houses and kitchen-gardens of Kensington Palace ; 
also at Notting Hill terrace (J. Denson, Loudon’s Magazine, 1833). 

Essex S.—Fairly abundant in old garden, Wanstead (W. Crouch, Essex Nat., 
Oct. 1890, p. 209). Buckhurst Hill, W. Cole (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Oxon— Middleton Park, Bicester, T. Trollope (Webb, J. of Mal., Dec. 1897, p. 49). 


Norfolk E.—Ipswich road, by Mackie’s Nursery Gardens, Norwich, J. Reeve, 
1880! (Churchill Babineton’s collection). Abundant at Foulsham, Oct. 1884! Rey. 
J. W. Horsley. 

Norfolk W.—Kine’s Lynn, Miss Peckover (Churchill Babington’s collection). 


Gloucester W.—Gardens, Clifton, T. G. Ponton, 1862 (Leipner’s Bristol list, 
1875, p. 281). TRENT. 

Lincoln S.—Hieh Park Gardens, Stamford, D. Metealfe (Webb, J. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 26). 

Leicester—Bean Manor Park, Loughborough, A. Hamshere (Webb, J. of Mal., 
Dee. 1897, p. 49). Belvoir Castle Gardens, Jan. 1888! W. Ingram. 

Notts.— Welbeck Abbey, R. A. Rolfe! (C. T. Musson, 1884). 

Derby—Little Eaton, Nov. 1897! J. Hill. 


Cheshire—Fairly numerous, Hoole, Nov. 1883, J. T. Riches. Rarein Upton lanes, 
and in some grassy lanes near nursery gardens, Chester, 1886! G. W. Shrubsole. 
Mr. Broome’s Garden, Sale, Oct. 1890! 'T. Rogers. Dickson’s Nurseries, Newton, 
near Chester, on rockwork, T. Ruddy, March 1887. 

Lancashire S.—Gardens, Cuerden Hall, Preston, Jan. 1893! W. H. Heatheote. 



York S.E.—Woodleigh, Hessle, Ff. Mason (Webb, J. of Mal., Jnly 1897, p. 26). 

York N.E.--Abundant at Castle Howard, J. Riddell, and in Walshaw and Son’s 
Nurseries, Searborough (Webb, J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). Tunnel in Beeforth’s 
Garden, Esplanade, Scarborough, Feb. 1899! J. E. Hargreaves. 

York S.W.—Garden, Horbury, April 1891 ! W. Rushforth. 

York Mid W.—Gledstone Hall, Skipton, J. Jopkinson (Webb, J. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 26). Dr. Eddison’s Garden, Adel, near Leeds, Nov. 1896! H. Crowther. 
Common after continued wet, Hyde Park road, Leeds, Nov. 1, 1900 ! Oliver Marsden. 
Garden, North lane, Headingley, Noy. 1886! E. R. Waite. Padman’s Nurseries, Bos- 
ton Spa, J. Emmet, July 1877. TYNE. 

Durham—Bensham Hall, near Gateshead, Jan. 1884! R. Y. Green. Gateshead 
and Axwell Park, near Neweastle, R. Howse, Nov. 1884. 


Renfrew—Common, Rosebank Nurseries, Johnstone, Oct. 1898! 8. M. Wellwood. 
Garden, Gartland place, near Paisley, April 1887 ; Kilnside Gardens, near Paisley, 
Feb. 1889 (J. M. B. Taylor, J. of Conch., 1889, vi., p. 115). EAST HIGHLANDS. 

Stirling—Peach-house of R. Smith, Brenthem Park, June 1895! G. MeDougall. 

Fife and Kinross—St. brycedale Nurseries, Kirkcaldy, Oct. 1884 ! where it has 
been known for the past forty years, W. D. Sang. 


Louth—Garden, Piperstown, near Drogheda, Feb. 26, 1890 ! Miss Sidney Smith. 

Dublin—Trinity College Botanic Gardens, March 1891, W. F. Burbridge ! (R. F. 
Schart?). W. F. de Vismes Kane’s Garden, Kingston (Scharff, Irish Nat., July 1893). 


Waterford—Waterford, Mr. Garnett, jr. (Scharff, Irish Nat., July 1892). 

Cork N.— Youghal, 1835, Warren Collection, Dublin Museum ! 

Reeorded as 7. bisulcata from Provence, Languedoe, and Gascony, and in the 
Alpes Maritimes—In gardens, Grasse, and the hills about Nice (G. & F., op. cit.). 
Finistere—With 7. haliotidea, Landerneau and Brest (Bourg., Mal. Bret., 1860). 
Loire, Haute—Hills of Chosson, plain of Rome (Pascal, 1873, p. 23). 
Morbihan—Common in gardens and cultivated fields, especially cabbage fields, 
about Vannes, Arradon, Auray, and upon the Ie d’ Arz (Bourg., Mal. Bret., 1860). 
Seine—In disused quarries, Les Moulineaux ; gardens, Grande Montrouge and 
Bourg-la-Reine ; environs of Orsay and St. Maur-les-Fosses, ete. (Paseal, 1873, p. 23). 
Var—Not rare, Mouton (Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll., 1855, ii., p. 41). 
Vendée—(Massot, Mon. 'Test., 1870, p. 156). 

As Testacella scutulum it has been recorded from the departments of the 

Creuze—De Cessae (G. & F., op. cit., p. 54). 

Gironde—La Teich, Facture, Sallas, ete. (Gassies, Mal. Aquitaine, 1876). 

Trieste, as 7. haliotidea, Simroth, Nacktsch. Portug.-Azor., 1891. 

As 7. bisulcata it is recorded for Piedmont, the environs of Florence, Rome, 
Naples, ete. (Bourg., Rev. et Mag. Zool., Dec. 1881, p. 60). From Torrita, Masso 
di Sassorosso, and Bagni di Lucea in Tuseany (Stefani, Bull. Soe. Mal. Ital., 1875), 
and from Civitavecchia (Statuti, Bull. Soe. Mal. Ital., 1882, viii., p 15). 


Recorded as 7. bisulcata from Valencia (Hidalgo, Hojas Mal., 1871, p. 27), and as 

T. scutulum from Granada, 1887! R. D. Darbishire (J. of Conch., 1888, v., p. 346). 
Ajaccio, as 7. seutuliin (Scharff, Reise Corsica, 1894, p. 160). 


As T. gestroi recorded from S. Vito, where it was found by Dr. Gestro (Issel), and 
at Monte Santo di Paulo, near Cagliari ; Pareo di Laconi ; forest of Monte Cresia, 
and in the Valley of Tarquisara (Paulueci, Bull. Soe. Mal. Ital., 1882). 


Algeria—Great Kabylie, as 7. haliotidea (Kobelt, Zoogeoer., 1898). As T. bisul- 
cata and 7. fischeriana from environs of Alger (Lallemant, Moll. Alger, 1881); and 
as 7. bisuleata from Tlemeen, near the Cascade of the Sefsef, Letourneux (Bourg., 
Alger, 1864, ii., p. 303), and Bona and Constantine (Bourge., Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1861). 

Morocco—Cap Spartel, Grasset (Morelet, J. de Conch., 1880, p. 17). 

Pirate III. 

Distribution of 7. scutulunt Sow. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 

| ‘ of the British Isles. 
"2 e 

PENINSULA 41 Glamorgan e 72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
1 Cornwall W. 42 Brecon 73 Wirkeudbright 94 Banff 
2 Cornwall E, 43 Radnor a 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
3 Devons. 44 Carmarthen 75 Ayr 96 Easterness 
4 Devon N. 45 Pembroke = 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
5 Somerset 8. 46 Cardigan 77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
6 Somerset N. NORTH WALES EK. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
CHANNEL 47 Montgomery & 78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth e 79 Selkirk 100 Ciyde Isles 
8 Wilts s. 49 Carnarvon sp 80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh Wt oly 81 Lerwick 02 Ebudes 8. 
10 Isleort Wight 51 Flint ~ 82 Haddington 103 Kbudes Mid 
11 Hauts Ss. 52 Anglesey ey 83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N. 
12 Hants N. TRENT ¥ 84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln s. E, HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W 
14 Sussex EK. 54 Lincoln N. 85 Fite & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld. 86 Stirling 07 Sutherland E. 
15 Kent L. 56 Notts. 87 Perths.& Clkn 108 Sutherland W. 
16 Kent \W. 57 Derby 88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
7 Surrey MERSEY sy Perth N NORTH ISLES 
18 Essex 8 58 Cheshire 10- 90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
19 Essex N. 59 Lancashire 8. = 91 Kincardine 11 Orkneys 
20 Herts. 60 Lancashire Mid 92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
21 Middlesex HUMBER ” 
22 Berks, 61 S.E. Yorx ; 
| 23 Oxtord 62 N.&. York IRELAND. 
24 Bucks. 63 S.W. York g ) ULSTER LEINSTER 
ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York ° 113 Derry 22 Louth 
25 Suffolk I. 65 N.W. York 114 Antrim > Meath 
26 Sutfolk W. LYNE 115 Down Dublin 
27 Norfolk EK. 66 Durham 16 Armagh 5 Kildare 
| 28 Norfolk W. 67 Northumb. 8. 117 Monaghan 26 Wicklow 
| 29 Cambridge 68 Cheviotland 118 Tyrone Wexford 
30 Bedford LAKES 119 Donegal 23 Carlow 
| 31 Hunts. 69 Westmorland 120 Fermanagh Kilkenny 
32 Northampton and L. Lanes. 121 Cavan Queen’s Co 

SEVERN 70 Cumberland 
3 Gloucester EK. 71 Isle of Man 
34 Gloucester W. 
35 Monmouth 
37 Worcestex 
38 Warwick 

King’s Co. 

38 War) Sligo 
39 Stafford Mayo E. 
40 Salop Mayo W. 

39 Galway W. 
140 Galway LE. 
141 Clare 

142 Limerick 

43 Tipperar 
144 Tipperary S 
145 Waterford 
46 Cork N. 

147 Cork 8. 

48 Kerry 


Probable Range. = 

VW Recorded Distribution. 

ey Distribution verified by the Authors. 


Testacella maugei [érussac. 
1801 Testacella Aaliotoides Lam., Sys. An. s. Ver., p. 86 (women nudum). 

1805 — haliotidea pars, Drap., Hist. Nat. Moll. France, pl. 8, ff. 46-48. 

1819 — maugei Fer., Hist. Moll. , p- 94, pl. 8, ff. 10-12 ; Reeve, Brit. Moll., 1863, 
p. 32 and ff. ; Adams, Coll. Manual, 1896, p. 41, pl. Pais Ge 

1827 — asininum de Serres, Ann. Se. Nat., p. 409. 

1850 — Jlartetii Dupuy, J. de Conch., i., pp. 302-4, pl. 15, ff. 2 a—d. 

1851 — bruntoniana de Serres, Mem. Terr. Transp., p. dl. 

1855 — hatliotidea vy. scutuliwm Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, pl. 5, ff 20, 21. 

1855 — burdigalensis, Gassies, Grateloup’s Dist. eoees Epes p- 15 

1855 = — oceunica Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 

1855 — aquitanica Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens. ce 16. 

1855 — browniana Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 16. 

1855 -— OBE E eae a Dist. Geog. “Limaciens, p. 16. 

1855 — monspessulana Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 16. 

1855 = —- canariensis Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 16. 

1855 — alte-ripe Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limaciens, p. 16. 

1855 — deshayesii Michaud, Desc. Coq. Foss., p. 3, pl. 2, ff. 10, 11. 

1881 nouleti Bourg. , Hist. Mal. Colline de Sansan, p. 15, 

1819 Pleetrophor Us orbignyi Fér., t. Simroth, Nacktselnecken Portug.-Azorischen, 
1891, p. 404, 

History.—Testacella mauged was discovered at ‘leneriffe in 1796 by 
M. Maugé, in whose honour it was named by Férussac, and according to 
Dr. urton, was said to have been first found in England by Mrs. Smith, 
in her warden at Bristol ; in 1812 Mr. 'Il.. Drummond “detected it in Miller 
and Sweet’s (now Garaway’s), Durdham Down Nurseries at Clifton, Bristol, 
and sent specimens to Dr. Leach, which were forwarded to and figured by 

Although a very distinct species it is far from being accurately known, 
and from the earliest period has been and is still often confused with 7. halio- 
tidea by otherwise competent conchologists. M. Draparnaud figured un- 
doubted 7. mauge? as the adult form of 7. haliotidea, while Moquin-T'andon 
also figures what is probably the present species as 7° haliotidea v. scutulum. 

Gassies and Fischer, the able monographer rs of the genus, in their great 
work, ‘“ Monographie du genre 'l'estacelle” (pl. 1., f. 15) illustrate the repro- 
ductive organs of 7. haliotidea, but erroneously ascribe them to the present 
species ; this unfortunate confusion was accepted and endorsed in some of 
their writings by the famous limacologists, Simroth and Pollonera, and to 
add to these) regrettable mistakes, the jalliin: French biologist, Prof. Lacaze- 
Duthiers, has in his otherwise masterly work, ‘‘ Histoire de la 'l'estacelle,” 
perpetuated further misapprehension of the organization of this species, 
with which he was evidently unacquainted. 

The organization of 7. maugei is of a simpler and more primitive type 
than that of its congeners, and its more marked restriction to the confines 
of Western Hurope confirms this species as being the most ancient form of 
our Testacellw. 

Diagnosis.—ExTERNALLY, 7. maugei is readily recognisable by its large, 
convex, and semi-cylindrical shell, and by the lateral grooves upon the body 
of the animal being so wide apart at their origin at the peripallial furrow. 

INTERNALLY, the distinctive features are even more striking, the lingual 
sheath being quite deficient of lateral muscles and possessing only terminal 
retractors, while the right and left tentacular retractors are both affixed to the 
integument quite on the left side of the animal; the penis sheath differs 
from that of 7. scu¢ulum in its strikingly clavate shape, and from 7’. halio- 
tidea in the absence of the flagellum which is so marked a feature in that 



Description. —ANIMAL elongate, attenuate anteriorly and very tumid towards 
the rear; 60-100 mill. in length when fully extended, but very short and cylindrical 
when contracted ; GROUND-COLOUR greyish-white to black, but usually of an earthy- 
brown, paler laterally and besprinkled with deep-brown specks, which are most 
plentiful on the back; the longitudinal dorsal furrows are well defined and enclose 
a double row of conspicuous tubereles ; LATERAL FURROWS deeply incised and much 
wider apart at their origin at the peripallial furrow than in the allied species; 
MANTLE sparingly maculate, and sometimes partially enveloping the shell; soLE 
similarly but more brightly colored than the body, whitish, yellow, pink, or even 
black, FOOT-FRINGE sometimes marked with perpendicular lineoles, as in Arion ; 
SLIME colorless and not very tenacious. 

SHELL subquadrately oblong, very convex, compressed or slightly sinuate at front 
margin, and about one-sixth of the total length of the animal when extended, whitish 
with a brown periostracum which becomes abraded from all the more exposed parts 
of the shell ; spree produced and terminal, consisting of about 14 whorls; LINES OF 
GROWTH variable but often strong and irregular; APERTURE oblong, very large, 
outer margins slightly expanded, interior slightly nacreous; COLUMELLA narrow, 
convex, and regularly arched. Length, 15 mill. ; breadth, 7 mill. ; alt., 4 mill. 


in its organs and their arrangement, and characterized 

by a short PENIS-SHEATH, very narrow below, but 

abruptly swollen above, without a FLAGELLUM, but 
with a strong terminal RETRACTOR, which is attached 
dorsally to the outer integument towards the rear of 
the body ; the VAGINA is much shorter than in 7. seutu- 
Zum, and considerably less dilated above; OVOTESTIS 
ereyish or yellowish-white, composed of loose oblong 
follicles imbedded within the digestive gland and dith- 
eult to isolate; HERMAPHRODITE DUCT very tortuous 
and entering the albumen gland very high up; ALBU- 
MEN GLAND enormous, linguiform, of a yellowish or 
ochreous tint; OvIDUCT clear bluish-white, with broad 
ample folds; SPERM-DUCT opaque, buff or cream- 
coloured; VAS DEFERENS stiflly convoluted at its origin 
from sperm-duct, and entering the penis-sheath at the Wig 33) Seruaivereane ae 
free end, close to the retractor muscle ; SPERMATHECA Testacella maugei X1}. 
globular or roundly-oval, clear grey, marked superfici- (Bristol, Mr. J.W. Cundall). 
ally with white vein-like markings, and imbedded in alb.g. albumen gland ; of. ovo- 

. : Site = z testis; ov. oviduct; /.s. penis 
the base of the albumen gland, to which it has muscular — sheath: ».. retractor muscle ; 
attachment ; SPERMATHECA DUCT long, about three — sf. spermatheca; sf.d. sperm 
times the diameter of vesicle, thickened at base and duct ; v.d. vas deferens. 
longitudinally striped, the upper half adherent to oviduct, the lower half sometimes 
attached to vagina by a stout muscle ; ATRIUM short. 



The ALIMENTARY CANAL with short G:SOPHAGUS, opening out mto a broadly 
oval or pyriform crop, which is whitish when empty, and has thick walls especially 
towards the pyloric end, with the whole surface corrugated with longitudinal and 
transverse wrinkles, and attached to left side of body by a sheet of muscles; the 
vestigial STOMACH, a small, white, rounded protuberance, is at first bend of gut, 
at the point where the intestine enters the digestive gland and receives the thick 
white bile ducts; the DIGESTIVE GLAND is brownish buff, speckled or reticulated 
with white ; INTESTINE very stout in its early course. 

The TENTACULAR RETRACTORS of 7. inaugei ave especially remarkable for their 
curious asymmetry and inequality ; the left retractor is affixed to the body-wall of 
the left side, close to the margin of the 
foot-sole, while the noticeably longer right 
tentacular muscle is attached to the sole also 
quite to the left of the median line of the body. 

The LINGUAL SHEATH presents the same 
pearly-white glistening appearance which 
characterizes that of the preceding species, but Fic. 33.—Lingual sheath of Testacella 
it is comparatively smaller and its retractors — #awgeé, illustrating the retractor muscles of 
more simple, consisting of two to five pairs of | '* ee 
partially-independent and powerful terminal muscles, any one of which exceeds in 
mass the cephalic retractor of Arion ater or Limax maximus, all with common point 
of fixation to the integument on the left side of the body beneath the shell. The 
lateral muscles so conspicuous in 7. haliotidea and T. scutulum are quite absent. 


The LINGUAL TEETH in this species are more closely arranged upon the radula, 
and the transverse rows of teeth much less acutely angulated than in either 7. 

SS Zs 4 
4 = 

Fic. 35.— Isolated teeth from the 
Fic. 34.—Transverse row of teeth from odontophore of 7. maugez fifth and tenth longitudinal rows of 
x 20, from Bristol ; figured from a photo. by A. H. Cooke. the radula of 7. #angei x 40. 

haliotidea or T. seutulum,} the individual teeth are smaller, less distinetly barbed, 
the poaphysis near the middle of the tooth, and the minute vestigial central tooth 
distinetly perceptible in certain parts of the radula. 

rmula of dristol speci is 14+0+1+0 x 2 7( 
The dental formula of a Bristol specimen is - : ee x 30 = 870 

Reproduction and Development.— According to Gassies, it is the 
most prolific species of the genus, and in France may 
lay five times in one year, eight to fifteen large, some- 7 
what acuminate oval eggs, about five mill. by four mill., ge ee 
which are enclosed in firm, white calcareous shells, EEE GhenGae: 
which gradually become yellowish. In this country ‘54nd Fische. 
they have been observed to lay in May and August, the eggs hatching in 
from twenty to thirty-five days, according to the weather. 

Food and Habits.—7. maugei is not active, but more gregarious than 
either 7. haliotidea or T. scutulum, and is also more insatiable and raven- 
ous, destroying its congeners in default of other food when confined with 
them. It usually lives from six to twelve inches beneath the surface, its 
retreat, according to Mr. ‘Tomlin, being easily detected by the large, clean- 
cut hole it leaves, very different from that of a worm, and usually beneath 
some sheltering plant. 

In wet weather, when driven from their subterranean retreats, they hide 
beneath the foliage of garden pinks or other sheltering plants, often in a 
sort of open nest in the moist earth, to the aspect of which their usual 
colouring closely assimilates. 

Geological History.— 7estucella maugei has not been found fossilized 
in this country, but has been recorded from the basin of the Rhone, and has 
been described under the names of 7. lurtetii Dupuy, 7. nouleti Bourg., 

ee / 
’ = 
Fic. 37.—T. lartetii x 3 Fic. 38.—T. lartetii x 4 Fic. 39 —T. nouleti Bourg. x 2 
(after Gassies & Fischer). (after Dupuy). (after Gassies & Fischer). 

and 7. aqguitanica Grateloup, from a friable, argillaceous marl in the hill 
of Sansan, Gers, ascribed to Miocene age. The 7. deshayesii Michaud and 
T. alte-ripe Grateloup, from the blue Phocene marls of Haute-Rive in the 
Drome, are also considered practically identical with 7. maugei by Gassies 
and Fischer, while 7. asinina de Serres, from the Middle Pliocene freshwater 
deposits of Frontignan, near Cette, and 7. bruntoniana de Serres, from the 

1 This peculiarity alone establishes the incorrectness of the reference to 7. haliotidea of the figure of 
the teeth, given on p. 298 of Woodward’s Manual ; it should be really ascribed to the present species, Mr. 
Cocken, who prepared the radula from which the engraving was made, correctly indicated the species under 
Lamarck’s name, 7. hadiotoides. 


whitish Middle Phocene marls of Celleneuve, near Montpellier, may also be 
referred to the same species. 

According to M. Paul Fischer, all the tertiary 7estacellw belong to the 
mauger group, and in common with other mollusca now restricted to western 
regions had formerly a more extended eastern range. 

Variation.— Although the anatomical details of British specimens show 
a structure in consistent agreement with the various figures I give, yet some 
authors show certain modifications in the shape of various organs which they 
affirm to exist im the specimens examined by them. 

EXTERNALLY, no differences in the shell of 7. mauget have been chronicled 
or named by authors, but I have established a var. apertu for the reception 
of the broad Azorean examples and reduced the Testacella usinina de Serres 
to the rank of a variety. 

Wide variation has, however, been observed in the colour of the body. 
Gassies and Fischer discriminated six different forms, two of them—var. 
roseo-fulvescens, somewhat rare, and var. griseo-fulvescens—-without any 
figure or description, except such indication as their descriptive names imply. 

In the present work eight varieties are accepted, and two, var. aurea and 
var. aperta, are described for the first time. 

Var. aperta ‘Taylor. VARIATIONS IN FORM OF SHELL. 

SHELL comparatively wider and Hatter or less convex than type; APERTURE conse- 
quently more open and ovate. Length, 14 mill. ; diam., 8 mill. ; alt., 3 mill. 

Azores—Artlhur Morelet (R. D. Darbishire, 1901 !) 
Var. aSinina de Serres, Ann. Se. Nat., p. 409, 1827. 

Testacella asininum Ce Serres, Ann, Sci. Nat., 1827, p. 409. 
Testacella monspessulana Grat., Geog. Limac., p. 16, 1835. 
SHELL elongate and markedly narrower than type, more 
especially anteriorly. Length, 13 mill. ; breadth, 5 mill. 
This variety has hitherto only been found in the fossil 
state, in the Middle Pliocene freshwater deposits at Frontig- 
nan near Cette, in the Hérault, but only imperfect specimens Sek ao eee 
have as yet been discovered, and these cannot be entirely freed gcinina de Serres, x 1h 
from the rock in which they are imbedded (Gass. & Fischer, (after Gassies & Fischer). 
Mon. Test., 1856, p. 42). 


Var. albina Gassies & Fischer, Monog. 'l'estacelle, 1856, pp. 88, 39. 

Body and sole approaching old ivory in colour with a fawn-coloured dorsal band. 
According to Gassies and Fischer, this variety is characterized by its voracity. 
France—(Gassies & Fischer, op. cit.). 

Var. griseo-nigrescens (rassies & Fischer, Monog. 'Testacelle, 1856, p. 36. 
Body smoky-grey, sides whitish speckled with black, foot-fringe very pale yellow. 
This variety, which resembles Agriodimax agrestis in its general facies and 

colouring, is the common form in the Gironde (Monog. Testacelle, 1856, p. 36). 
Pembrokeshire— Near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. 

France—Comimon at Gradignan and Blanquefort in the Gironde (Gassies, 1876). 

Var. viridans Gassies & Fischer, Monog. 'Testacelle, 1856, p. 38. 

Body greenish-brown, analogous to bronze, ventral dise very lively orange-red. 

According to Morelet, this is the ordinary Portuguese form, and would appear to 
constitute another age-link, joining South Ireland with the Iberian peninsula. 

Waterford— Nursery garden, Waterford, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. 

Portugal—Common from the parallel of Coimbra to the shores of Algarve 
(Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 18). 

Var. griseo-rubescens (iassies & Fischer, Monog. 'Testacelle, 1856, p. 38. 
Body rufous, maculated with brown, sole-fringe orange-red. 
This is the form figured by Ferussae from Bristol specimens sent by Dr. Leach. 
Dorset—Rectory Gardens, Corfe Castle, Nov. 1885! Eustace Bankes. 
Gloucester W.— bristol, J. W. Cundall, Noy. 1883. 
France—(Gassies & Fischer, op. cit.). 



Var, aurea 'l'aylor. 
Body and foot bright yellow, besprinkled with black dots, ey on back. 
Gloucester W.-—Gardens, Cotham near Bristol, 1883! Miss F. M. Hele. 
Glamorgan—Cardiff, I’. WoW otton, Jan. 1889. 

Var. nigra Collinge, Journ. of Conch., 1898, p. 95. 
Pembrokeshire—'l'enby, 1892 (Mus. Zool. Cambridge University). 

Geographical Distribution.—7\ maugei is distinctly and pre-ennin- 
ently a western and retreating species, now restricted to the western coast 
regions of Europe, Africa and adjacent islands of the Palearctic region, 
although it may still linger in a few isolated places comparatively remote 
from the geographical area chiefly occupied at the present day. It has 
been recorded from the British Isles, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, 
Azores, Canaries, and Madeira. 

It has also been reported from greenhouses in Philadelphia, U.S.A., in the 
Nearetic region; as 7. aurigaster from the Cape, in the Ethiopian region ; 
and as 7. vagans trom Auckland, New Zealand, in the Australasian region. 

In the British Isles it 1s also strictly south-western in its range, and has 
been recorded from various localities in the South and West of England, 
South Wales and the South of Ireland. 

Geographical Distribution 

Testacella mauger Fer. 

eos Recorded Distribution. 
\N Probable Range. 



Channel Isles—Bank at foot of garden wall, St. Sey iour’s road, St. Helier’s, Jersey, 

and in a garden about half-a-mile distant (Bull, Sei. Goss. , July 1878, p. 161). 

Cornwall W.—Phillack rectory grounds, 1878! Miss Hockin. Common, Paul 
Church Town, near Penzance, May 1886! W. E. Baily. Falmouth. Sept. 1887! J. H. 
James. Truro, Aug. 1888! J. H. James. Treherne Probus, near Truro, Capt. 
Pinwell (Webb, J of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Devon S. —Garden, Park street, Exeter (J.C. Bellamy, Nat. Hist. S. Devon, 
1839, p. 246). Veitch’s Nursery, Exeter (E. Parfitt, Nat., 1854, p. 150). Plymouth 
(Jefir., Brit. Conch., 1862, i., p. 147). 


Devon N.—Riceard’s Down, Abbotsham, Bideford, Oct. 1896! C. KR. C. Hibbert. 

Somerset S.—Abundant, Sunnyside, Bridgewater, April 1890! H. Corder. Fre- 
quent in ‘Taunton Nursery Gardens (J. MeIntosh, Nat., 1853, p. 180). 

Somerset N.—Bath, Brislington, and in Sir Arthur Elton’s gardens at Clevedon, 
(Norman, Inland Moll. Somerset, 1861, p. 139). In W.S. Clark’s garden, Street, and 
abundant at Grenton (Nat. Hist. Journ., 1878. p. 134). Garden, near Axbridge, July 
1884! Miss H. J. Taylor. Plentiful in garden of Long Ashton Vicarage, Nov. 1889! 
Mrs. Falloon. Castle Cary, April 1887! W. Macmillan. 

Wilts S.—Fields near Devizes, Mr.-Cunnington {Woodward’s Manual, 1875, p. 
298). Longleat Gardens, Warminster, J. Trollope (Webb, J. of Mal., Dee. 1897, 
» 49). 


Dorset—Gardens, Down House, Blandford, J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, 1885! This 
specimen was recorded as 7. haliotidea, in the Trans. Dorset Soe., for 1885, and 
elsewhere, by Mr. Mansel-Pleydell. Rectory Gardens, Corfe Castle, Nov. 1885! 
Justace Bankes. 

Hants S.—Fareham, J. W. Cundall, 1885.  Porchester, A. G. Headley (Webb, 
J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Hants N.—Andover, E. J. Lowe, Dec. 1887. 

Surrey—Leatherhead, E. Step (Pannell, Journ. of Conch., 1902, p. 170). 
Middlesex—One specimen in the British Museum, labelled as found in ‘* Ken- 

sington Gardens”! Several in Bean’s Collection, Scarborough Museum, labelled 
“© 7' haliotidea, near London” ! 

Berks,—Specimens in the collections of the late Thos. Rogers and J. R. Hardy, 
said to be from Faringdon ! 

Notts.—Erroneously recorded for Welbeck Abbey by C. T. Musson (Mid. Nat., 
1878, p. 309). 


Worcester—Glenthorn and Boughton, near Worcester, G. Reece, Nov. 1883. 
Redditch, G. S. Tye, March 1886. Nursery grounds, near Worcester, June 1897! 
(Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1897, p. 63). 

Warwick—Gardens, Edgbaston near Birmingham, May 1897! (Collinge. J. of 
Mal., Dec. 1897, p. 43). 

Gloucester W.—F ound in 1812 in Miller and Sweet’s (now Garaway’s) Nurseries 
at Clifton by Mr. Drummond, but the original site is now built over. Old Burial 
Ground, Lewins Mead Chapel, Bristol, P. P. Carpenter (R. D. Darbishire, Nov. 
1883!) Hampton Park, common, A. Leipner; and Kingsdown, W. W. Stoddart 
(Leipner, Proc. Bristol Nat. Hist. Soe., 1875, p. 281). Gardens, Redland (J. W. 
Cundall, J. of Conch., 1882, p. 265). Gardens, Cotham (Poulton and Ord, 1877). 
Hortield, Nov. 1883! Miss F. M. Hele. Stoke Gifford, Bristol, G. Summers (Webb. 
J. of Mal., July 1897, p. 26). 

Monmouth— Reported under the name of 7. ha/iotidea as plentiful in Hangman’s 
Wood, the gardens, Shirenewton Hall! and near Chepstow, also in cottage gardens 
and fields at and about Shirenewton village, abundant at Hardwick, Itton Court, 
St. Pierre, The Wylands and Mathem, near Chepstow, also in gardens at Chepstow, 
Portskewett, and Newport (E. J. Lowe, Report Brit. Assoc., 1883). 


Cheshire—Clibran’s Nursery Gardens. Bowdon, April 1897! (Collinge, J. of Mal., 
Dec. 1897, p. 45). 


Glamorgan—Dridgend, under leaves in a little wood, July 1885! C. G. Barrett. 
Common in gardens, Crockherbtown, also in Lord Bute’s gardens in North road, 
and Lord Windsor’s at St. Fagan’s, all near Cardiff, F. W. Wotton, Jan. 1889. 
Windsor place, Cardiff, at bottom of carnation pots, A. Pike (Webb., J. of Mal., July 
1897, p. 26. In the late Dr. Jeffreys’ garden, Norton, near Swansea (Brit. Conch., 
i., p. 147, 1862). 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. Deer Park Villas, Tenby, 
A. G. Stubbs (Webb, J. of Mal., Dec. 1897). Numerous in garden, Saundersfoot 
road, Tenby, and in a garden, Penally (Stubbs, J. of Conch., 1900, p. 322). 


Dublin—Common in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin (Thompson, 
Ann. Nat. Hist., Sept. 1847, p. 174). 


Waterford —Nursery garden, Waterford, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. Cappagh, 1892, 
R. G. Ussher ! (R. F. Scharff). 

Cork S.—Garden, Bandon, Prof. G. J. Allman (Thompson, Ann. Nat. Hist., Sept. 
1847, p. 174). 

Prats IY. 
Distribution of Testacella maugei Fer. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 

of the British Isles. 

Channel Isles pone WALES 2 ro : W. LOWLANDS E. HIGHLANDS 
PENINSULA 41 Glamorgan 72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N, 
1 Cornwall W. 42 Brecon a 73 Kirkeudbright 94 Bantf 
2 Cornwall E. 45 Radnor - 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
3 Devons. 44 Carmarthen a 75 Ayr 96 Easterness 
4 Devon N. 45 Pembroke Ns 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
5 Somerset 8. 46 Cardigan 77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
6 Somerset N : NOKTH WALES ie E. LOWLANDS 98 Main A ante 
CHANNEL 47 Montgomery 78 Peebles — 99 Dumbarton 
7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth 3 79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
8 Wilts s. 49 Carnarvon . 80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh in @P 81 Lerwick 102 Ebudes 8, 
10 Isle ot Wight 51 Flint aty 82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
11 Hauts 8. 52 Anglesey ~. 83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N. 
12 Hants N. TRENT wa 84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln s. E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
14 Sussex Ek. 54 Lincoln N. 85 Fite & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld. 86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
15 Kent L 56 Notts. 87 Perths.& Clkn 108 Sutherland W. 
16 Kent W. 57 Derby 88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
17 Surrey MERSEY 89 Perth N. NORTH ISLES 
18 Essex S 58 Cheshire “ 90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
19 Essex N, 59 Lancashire S. 0, 91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
20 Herts. 60 Lancashire Mid .f 92 Aberdeen S 112 Shetlands 
21 Middlesex HUMBER § 
22 berks. 61 S.E. Yorx fe 
| 23 Oxford 62 N.E. York i IRELAND. 
24 Bucks 63 5.W. York ULSTER LEINSTER 
_,, ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York 4- .) 113 Derry 122 Lonth : 
25 Suffolk E. 65 N.W. York 114 Antrim 23 Meath 
26 Suffolk Ww. TYNE 115 Down 124 Dublin 
27 Nortolk kK. 66 Durham : 116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
28 Nortolk W. 67 Northumb. 8. 117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
2 ae: 68 Cheviotland 118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
30 Bedforc eg LAKES 119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
31 Hunts. 69 Westmorland 120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
32 Northampton and L. Lanes. 121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co 

70 Cumberland 

31 King’s Co. 
71 Isle of Man x s Co 


152 Westmeath 

133 Longford 

134 Roscommon 

135 Leitrim 

136 Sligo 

137 Mayo E. 

138 Mayo W. 

139 Galway W. 

140 Galway E. 


34 Gloucester W. 
35 Monmouth 
36 Hereford 

7 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Stafford 

40 Salop 

141 Clare 

142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 
144 Tipperary 8. 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. 

7 Corks. 

& ih 


Probable Range. 

Recorded Distribution. 

| a Distribution verified by the Authors. 



In several maritime departments bordering upon the Atlantic Ocean. 

Charente-Inférieure— La Rochelle (G. & F., Mon. Test., 1856, p. 39). 

Finistére —Common about Brest, also at Moulin Blane, commune of St. Mare 
(Daniel, J. de Conch., 1883, p. 376). 

Gironde— Bordeaux, Gradignan and Blanquefort (G. & F., 1856, op. cit., p. 39). 

Loire-Inférieure —Cleons, near Nantes (Cailliaud, Cat. Moll. Loire-Inf., 1865, 
p- 206). 

Morbihan— Pare de Roguédas, near Vannes (Bourg., Mal. Bret., 1860, p. 44). 

Seine-Inférieure—Dieppe, Dugué (G. & F., 1856, op. cit., p. 39.) 


Spain— Asturias (P. Fischer, Man. de Conch., 1883, p. 202). Algeciras in Anda- 
lusia, 1889, J. H. Ponsonby ! 

Portu gal—From the parallel of Coimbra as far as the shores of the Algarve 
(Morelet, eMBil Port., 1845, p. 18). Lisbon, March 1852, R. McAndrew. Algeés, A. 
Nobre (Mal. Tage et Sado, 1886, p. 122). Oporto (Simroth, Nacktsch. Portug.- 
Azor., 1891, p. 210). 


Morocco —Among dead leaves in damp spot in garden and under similar condi- 
tions at foot of a wall ina deep ravine, Tangiers, J. H. Ponsonby! These specimens 
were erroneously recorded as 7. bisuleata by Herr Hesse (Mal. Bliitt., 1885, p. 9). 


Azores—Cultivated grounds in S. Miguel, Sta. Maria and Fayal (Wollaston, 
Test. Atl., 1878, pp. 13, 14). 

Canaries—C ultivated land in Teneriffe and Gran Canary. Rev. Dr. Watson 
also found it sub-fossilized at Tafira, Gran Canary (W ollaston, Test. Atl., 1878, 

_ Madeira—In cultivated grounds about Funchal ; at the Val, at S. Goncalo, and 
Camara de Lobos; in Dr. Rendall’s garden at Val Quinta and near 8. Martinho 
(Wollaston, Test. Atl., 1878, p. 73). 

Cape Colony—Collected abundantly at Cape of Good Hope about 1857 by the 
late Mr. E. L. Layard ! 
United States —Greenhouse at Lower Roxburgh, Philadelphia, Pa. (Robert 
Walton, Nautilus, 1891, He 83), also in greenhouse in School Lane, Germantown, 
Philadelphia (M. Schick, D Nautilus, April, 1895, p. 133). 


New Zealand—Prof. Hutton has deseribed a Zestacella from gardens about 
Auckland, under the name of vayans, which Mr. Cheeseman, of the Auckland 
Museum, thinks may prove to be maugei (C. T. Musson, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. 
Wales, 1890, p. 885). 

Fic. 42.—The classical locality for Testacedla mauget, 
Durdham Down Nurseries, Clifton, as they appeared half-a-century ago. 



(Oleacina, Bolten ; Polyphemus, Montfort ; Cochlicopa pars, Férussac). 

The genus Glandina (dim. of glans, a gland) is a primitive group of 
predacious snails of achatinoid origin preying chiefly upon the phytophag- 
ous species, but also devouring smaller individuals of their own kind. 
Although their head-quarters are now in the West Indies and Central 
America, where living forms are found scarcely separable from some of our 
Oligocene fossils, yet a single well-marked species, Glandina algira, still 
lingers in the Mediterranean region, the only surviving representative of 
the numerous European species whose remains are found in the Eocene 
and Miocene deposits of Continental Europe and the Oligocene beds of our 
own country; although two of the British forms are possibly erroneously 
referred to the present genus, I have not had the opportunity to make a 
personal examination of the specimens. 

EXTERNALLY, Glandina is characterized by an elongate, anteriorly attenu- 
ate body ; long oMMATOPHORES, with the Eyes behind their deflected tips ; 
bulbous ANTERIOR TENTACLES; elongate and extensile LABIAL PALPS ; narrow 
foot. ‘The sHELL is long and fusiform, of a lustrous white or horn colour: 
WHORLS six to eight; COLUMELLA twisted and basally truncate; APERTURE 
narrow, PERISTOME simple. 

INTERNALLY, they are destitute of the MANDIBLE; the LINGUAL SHEATH is 
enormous, and the RADULA furnished with obliquely arcuate posteriorly con- 
verging rows of Acanthoglossate! teeth, with a slender unicuspid median 

Glandina costellata (Sowerby). 

1823 Bulimus costellatus Sow., Min. Conch., iv., p. 89 bis, pl. 336. 

1829 Limnea maxima Sow., Min. Conch., vi., p. 53, pl. 528, f. 1. 

1852 Achatina costellata F. E. Edwards, Mon. Eoe. Moll., p. 75, pl. 7, f. la-k. 
1891 Glandina costel/ata KR. B. Newton, Syst. List Edwards Coll., p. 276. 

SHELL oval-oblong, with a somewhat acute a 
apex ; WHORLS six, somewhat convex and 
transversely ribbed, the ribs being rounded, = 
irregular, rather oblique and thickened at the > 
sutures, giving them a crenulate aspect ; 

GROWTH LINES obscure, intersecting the * | 
obliquely longitudinal ribbing; APERTURE \ 
narrow and pyriform, length, 32 mill. eos \ 

Length of shell, 60 mill. ; diam., 22 mill. 

The existing species, G. lignaria Reeve, 
from Mexico, and Gi. conspersu Pfr., from 
(ruatemala, resemble this species so closely 

= oe paneer 
that Starkie Gardner considers it difficult 
to avoid uniting them. 

Oligocene.’—Tliis species is mostly found 

in the Bembridge limestone strata, but usu- 

ra a 

ally in the form of casts, the shell being rarely Fic, 43. Fic, 44. 
presery ed. Glandina costellata (Sow.). 
ISLE OF WIGHT. (After oer Slightly reduced. 

HEADON SERIES. —J. 8S. Gardner, Geol. Mag., 1885, p- 24 

OSBORNE SERIES.—C. Ashford, 1888. 

BEMBRIDGE SERIES.—Ina pit on north of road, Shaleombe (J. Sow., Min. Conch., 
1823, p. 89 ag te Stone quarries, Binstead, near Ryde, Prof. Sedgwick, 1826 (Sow., 
Min. Conch., vi., p. 53, 1829). Seonce and Headon Hill (Edwards, l.c.; p. 76). 
Bembridge, Frevioeead: Whitecliff Bay, ete., C. Ashford, 1888. 

1 Monog. i., p. 267, f. 533. 2 Monog. i, p. 411. 


3EMBRIDGE SERIES.—Hordwell, with My, Psammobize, and Corbule (Gray’s 
Turton, Brit. Shells, 1840, p. 43). 
Paleotherium limestone, Department Aude (J.5. Gardner, / 
Geol. Mag., 1885, p. 247). 

Var. abbreviata Edwards, Mon. Eoc. Moll., 1852, 
pl. 12, ff. i-k. 

SHELL more ventricose than the typical form, with a 
shorter spire ; WHORLS five, more convex, the last whorl eon- 
stituting almost the whole of the shell ; APERTURE longer in 
proportion than that of the type, and exceeding the spire in 
leneth. owing probably to the shell not having attained 

Leneth of shell, 40 mill. ; diam. 25 mill. 


Fic, 45. 

TSEE OF WIGHT. Var, abbreviata Eds., 

5 . a 3 ; 2 ay " - Sconce, Isle of Wight. 
Oligocene—Bembridge limestone series at Sconce! (Rh. B. (Afeer: Edwards): 
Newton, Syst. List Edwards’ Coll.. 1891, p. 276). Slightly reduced. 

Glandina convexa (S. V. Wood). 

1877 Bulimus convexus S. V. Wood, Eoe. Moll., iv., p. 335, pl. 34, f. 6. 
1891 Glandina convera R. B. Newton, Syst. List Edwards’ Coll., p. 275. 

SHELL elongate, turreted ; WHORLS six, convex; SUTURE impressed ; BASE con- 
vex ; COLUMELLA subretlexed ; UMBILICUS small; APERTURE pyriform, outer lip 
simple and acute. 

Fic. 46. Fic. 47. 
Glandina convexa (S. V. Wood), Sconce, Isle of Wight ; photographed by Mr. J. G. Randall, 
slightly reduced. 

G. convera varies considerably in size. Of the two specimens figured, the 
larger shell, indicated by the black spot on the body whorl (fig. 46) is the 
identical individual selected as type by Searles V. Wood for illustration in 
the Memoirs of the Paleeontographical Society; its total height before loss 
of apex was probably 45 mill., as even now, after mutilation, it attains 40 
mill.; its breadth is 21 mill. ‘he aperture is 20 mill. long and 10 mill. in 
diameter. he smaller specimen (fig. 47) is 36 mill. long, and 17 mill. 
broad ; its aperture 18 mill. long and 10 mill. wide. 

Oligocene—Bembridge limestone at Seonce (S. V. Wood, Pal. Soe., iv., p. 335, 
1877). Bembridge, Hempstead, Whitecliff Bay, ete., C. Ashford, 1888. 

1 Geologists speak of Sconce as if it were a geographical place. Sconce is a common noun, meaning a 
fort (to ensconce was to retire into the sconce for defence), and was applied to the defences of Tudor and 
Stuart times, which were often distinguished by the names of the erectors. This one is marked on some 
maps as Cary’s Sconce (now demolished). The Bembridge limestone is exposed near its site, hence its 
notoriety, C. Ashford in litt., 1890, 


Glandina brevis (Edwards ms.). 
1891 Glandina brevis R. B. Newton, Syst. List Edwards’ Coll., p. 275. 

SHELL turbinate with an acute spire and rounded base ; WHORLS five and half 
to six, somewhat convex and transversely striate, the last whorl a little more than 
half the total length of the shell; OUTER LIP simple; SUTURE distinet ; APERTURE 
longitudinally pyriform, length, 20 mill. ; diam., 10 mill. 

Length of shell, 35 mill.; diam., 18 mill. 

Fic. 48.—Glandina brevis (Edwards Ms.), Sconce, Isle of Wight ; photographed by Mr. J. G. Randall. 
slightly reduced. 

Mr. Starkie Gardner records that the National Collection comprises 
upwards of sixty specimens of this species, which strikingly illustrate the 
great variability in the relative proportions of whorls and aperture. 

Oligocene—Bembridge limestone, Sconce (R. B. Newton, Syst. List Edwards’ 
Coll., 1891, p 275). 


Bourguignat, J. R.—Notice sur les especes vivantes et fossiles du genre Testa- 
cella.—Reyv. et Mag. Zool., Dee. 1861. 

Cockerell, T. D. A.—The Variation and Abnormal Development of the Mollusea. 
—Science Gossip, 1885, pp. 224—S. 

Collinge, W. E.—The Morphology of the Generative System of the Genus Testa- 
cella. —Ann. and Mae. Nat. Hist., xii., p. 21—25, pl. 1, 1893. 

Cuvier, G.—Meémoire sur la Testacelle.-—Annales Mus. d’Hist. Nat., 1804. 

Edwards, F. E.—Monoeraph Eocene Mollusca, 1852. 

Gassies & Fischer—Monographie du Genre Testacelle—Actes Lin. Soe. Bordeaux, 

Laecaze-Duthiers, H.—Histoire de la Testacelle—Arch. Zool. Exper., v., pp. 459— 
596, pl. 29—40, 1887. 

Massot, P. —Des Testacelles Francaises.—Annales de Malacologie, i., pp. 145—157, 
and pl., L870. 

Mogquin-Tandon. A.—Hist. Nat. Moll. France, 1855. 

Pollonera, C.—Di aleune Testacelle raeceolte presso Torino.—Boll. Mus. Zool. 
Torino, 1888. 

Ossery. intorno aleune specie di Testacella. Soll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 1889. 
Poulton, E. B.—Note upon the Habits of Testacella.—Nature, Oct. 28, 1886. 
Simroth, H.—Die Nacktschnecken d. Portueiesisch-Azorischen Fauna, 1891. 

On some Testacellie, J. of Conch., vol. vi., p. 428, Oct. 1891. 

Taylor, J. W.—On the Specific Distinctness and Geographical Distribution of 
7’. scutulum.—J. of Conch., v., p. 337—347, 188s. 
Webb, W. M.—The British Species of Testacella.—J. of Mal.. Dec. 1895, July 
1897, and Dee. 1897. 
On the Manner of Feeding in 7. sewtulwm.—Zool., Aug. 1893. 
Wood, Searles V.—Eocene Mollusca. 1877. 


Famity LIMACID.X Gray. 

The family Limacidw as here understood 
embraces the genera Limav, A griolimax 
and Amalia, mm addition to other groups 
foreign to our shores, and although now 
restricted in extent is not even yet a 
thoroughly homogeneous family, but the 
parallel course of ‘shell degeneration and 
the marked convergence of the external 
form of the constituent genera renders 
their association convenient, at least 
until their true genetic relationships 
have been elucidated. 

The great advances made in late years 
in our knowledge of these neglected 
creatures is largely due to the brillant 
researches of Dr. Simroth, the eminent 

a — — German limacologist, who has for years 

A A Oye te. made the elucidation of this group an 

z especial study. 

Family Characteristics.— ExTerNAL.y, the features possessed in com- 
mon by the Limacidw are the elongate, subcylindrical Bopy ; a more or less 
noticeable DORSAL KEEL, most pronounced at the caudal end; an anterior 
mantle or SHIELD which covers the pulmonary chamber, the heart, the kid- 
ney, etc., with the RESPIRATORY APERTURE on the right side, behind the 
middle of the mantle margin ; SOLE longitudinally tripartite, mid-area loco- 
motory ; REPRODUCTORY ORIFICE behind the nght ommatophore. 

SHELL oblong or oval, white and slightly concave, with the nucleus at the 
posterior margin, but inclining towards the left side, from whence concentric 
hnes of gr owth extend, which demonstrate that the external shell of which it 
is the vestige was spirally coiled; the Dendrolimaces of South Africa show 
more clearly the stages between the shelled and the naked species. 

INTERNALLY, the NERVOUS SysTEM is chiefly aggregated around the 
pharynx’; an important caudo-dorsal nerve arises from the pallio-abdominal 
commissure, extends along the length of the body, and is in intimate con- 
nection with the pharyngeal retractor : ; MANDIBLE oxygnathous’; LINGUAL 
TEETH numerous, arranged in median, lateral and marginal series and quite 
typical of the group Dichoglossa*: : pharyngeal and tentacular RETRACTORS 
combined posteriorly and forming a common stem affixed to the dorsal 
integument behind the lung, and constituting with the testaceous forms 
the group Monorhiza.* 

The Limacide is one of the groups which retain in adult life the primi- 
tive shell or protoconch’ formed by the shell-gland of the embryo; and 
which also develop in the Gastrula® stage a well-marked caudal vesicle, 
whose rhythmical contractions assist the circulation of the be ly fluids prior 
to the developing heart becoming functional. 

The shell is the lapis limacum of the Romans, and enjoyed great re- 
nown amongst the various remedies,’ bezoars, and eaminlere® which ancient 
peoples held in high esteem either as specifics for the cure of various ail- 
ments or as charms protecting the wearer against accidents or disease. 

1 Monog. i.. p. 215, f. 424 2 Monog. i., p. 255, f. 511. 3 Monog. i., p. 271, f. 543. 
4 Monog. i., p. 343, f. 637. 5 Monog. i., p. 322. 6 Monog. i., p. 380, f. 717. 7 Monog. i., p. 427. 
8 Monog. i., p. 433. 


Food and Habits.—The habits of the Limacidw are very various, 
some being almost subterranean in their mode of life, but all are nocturnal 
or crepuscular, only leaving their lurking places at eve or during damp and 
showery Ww eather. 

A characteristic feature of the Limacidw is the plentiful secretion of 
mucus which may be utilized in the form of mucus filaments as a ready 
means of descent from elevated positions.’ 

Some of the species are eminently omnivorous, others are almost entirely 
restricted to fungi, while many will greedily devour such food when offered ; 
indeed, Simroth affirms their original food to be the Basidiomycetes, and the 
fungiferous stratum of moss in forests, heaths and mountains to be their 
original head-quarters. All, however, are more or less inclined to a flesh- 
diet, and on occasion may be not only carnivorous or cannibalistic, but even 

Parasites and Enemies.—Many animals prey upon the Limacidw, 
Hedgehogs, Frogs, and Toads being great enemies, and Ducks and Geese very 
partial to them, “while the ''hrushes, Blackbird, Chaftinch, Starling, Plovers, 
Curlew, Woodcock, Whinchat, Coot, Quail, Oyster- Catcher, Landrail, ete., 
are all recorded as slug devourers. Blindworms (Anguis fragilis) and 
some of the larger Staphylinidee also prey upon them; the Wood Ant has 
been observed to attack and overcome even the larger species, and larvie of 
various dipterous flies are very destructive to them in the egg state. 

Parasitic upon them are /sospora rara, a Gregarine, also Davainew pro- 
glottina, which is parasitic in the domestic fowl, but passes one of its stages 
within the body of a Limax ; while a Nematoid wor in, A scarioides limacis, 
is said to be found within the egg. Philodromus limacum,’ an Acarid, 
almost universally parasitic upon the land gastropods, is often particularly 
plentiful upon the different species of Limacidw. 

Geographical Distribution. —The Limacide are apparently of world- 
wide distribution, but it 1s probable that when their internal organization 
has been accurately ascertained, 1t will be found that the Lémacidw of dis- 
tant regions are more primitive forms and not so ey related in structure 
to western palearctic species as their external aspect appears to indicate. 


History.—The term Limax (Limar, a slug ; according to Brumati, the 
equivalent Italian word Lumaca is derived from limus, dirt, clay, or inud) 
was originated or instituted by Linné to distinguish one of the five ereat 
groups into which he classified the Mollusca. 

This broad application of the term has, however, from time to time been 
restricted until it is now used to more especially distinguish the species 
centreing around Limae maximus. 

Generic Characters.—ExtTerNatLy, the Limaces are distinguished by 
their more or less distinctly maculate or longitudinally fasciate Bopy ; their 
thin INTEGUMENT; their long and slender TENTACLES markedly bulbous at 
the apex ; DORSAL FURROWS distinctly marked, arising beneath the mantle 
and terminating at front of head, where they form the FACIAL GROOVES*; 
MANTLE or shield anterior, about one-third of total length of body, concen- 
trically wrinkled, with a sub-posterior nucleus ; Mucus clear or stained with 
red or yellow. 

SHELL elongate or ovoid in shape, white, shghtly concave ; APEX posterior, 
inclined to left side, and shghtly attached to animal; lines of growth con- 
centric and occasionally well marked. 

1 Monog. i., p. 316. 2 Monog,.i,, p. 423,f. 738. 3 Monog.i., p. 186, f. 360. 


InrERNALLY, Lima is especially characterized by the gut possessing five 
coils, in addition to the cesophageal or stomach tract, an arrangement dis- 
tinguished by the term Pentadroma'; its 
first and second courses are held in posi- 
tion by the cephalic aorta, as is usual im 
gastropods, the third and fourth tracis 
being retained anteriorly by encircling 
the pharyngeal retractor, the whole gut 
displaying no indication of the spiral 
twisting to which in the past it has been 
undoubtedly subjected. 

‘The RepRopUCTIVE ORGANS are simple, 
with few accessory parts, and according 
to Babor undergo in most species a cycle 
of development, the animal being first 
unisexual, and only subsequently herma- 
phrodite, but may finally again become 
unisexual by the atrophy of the organs 
of the sex to which the animal originally 
belonged ; the PENIS SHEATH is somewhat 
long, and the PENIS and VAGINA are 
separated by the right tentacular re- ,f0.S0: Dinas feu Lo,as conacted 
tractor ; SPERM DUCT a complete tube, arrangement of the internal organs. ‘ 
not incomplete as in Arion; circulatory (4: "scnecee ue call b heats eee 
system, according to Semper, shows a ~ intestine; 4. kidney ; liver. 
single oval blood sinus beneath; the SUPRA-PEDAL mucus gland is imbedded 
in the foot and extends the whole length of the body ; atrium short. 

The HEART and LUNG are constructed as in Helix and Hyalinia; the 
KIDNEY is a simple sac with laminate margins and furnished with a well- 
marked and distinct SECONDARY URETER.” 

Geographical Distribution.—Limax is naturally a western palie- 
aretic group, and in its dispersal strikingly evidences the truth of our 
location of the most active evolutionary area in North Central Europe, for 
we find the most highly organized forms prevailing there, fringed around 
with allied but more simply organized and weaker species, whose progenitors 
have probably been expelled therefrom or otherwise have taken refuge im 
more or less undesirable localities, as with the primitive Z. tenellus, which 
though still found in North Central Europe, is now almost exclusively re- 
stricted to the limits of the pine forests. 

The higher organization and greater adaptability of the dominant species 
of Limaa is shown by their quickly becoming accustomed to new surround- 
ings when accidentally transported to other countries, and gradually 
extending their range to the detriment and dispossession of the weaker 
aboriginal species. 

Geological History.—The genus Lima has been recorded as fossil 
from deposits as ancient as the Lower Miocene of Germany, and from other 
beds of more recent formation. 

In the British Isles this genus has been recorded by Morris from the 
Mammalian Crag at Stutton; it has also been found in the Lower Pleistocene 
of East Anglia, in the Middle Oligocene of the Hampshire Basin, and vari- 
ous other deposits. 

1 Monog. i., p. 285, f. 569, 2 Monog. i., p. 336, f. 628. 
25/8/02 C 


Limax maximus Linné. 

1678 Limax cinereus, maximus, striatus & maculatus Lister, Hist. Anim. Angl., 
p. 127, tit. and fig. 15. 

737 Cochlea nuda domestica~Swanm., Bibl. Nat., i., ch. 13, p. 158, tab. 8, ff. 7, 8, 9. 

1740 Limax cellavia D’ Argenville, Conch., p. 386, pl. 28, f. 31. 

1756 La Limace cendrée, striée et tachée de noir et de brun Guet., Mém. Ac. Se., p. 147. 

1758 Limax maximus L., Syst. Nat., ed. x., i., p. 652. 

1774 —~ cinereus Miill., Verm. Hist., ii., p. 5, no. 202. 

1789 = — fasciatus Razoumousky, Hist. Jorat, vol. i., p. 267. 

1819 — antiquorum Feér., Hist. Moll., p. 68, pl. 4, ff 1-8. 

1837 — cyreneus Campanyo, Bull. Phil. Perpignan, ili., p. 88. 

1837. — maculatus Nunneley, Trans. Phil. Soc. Leeds, i., p. 46, pl. 1, f. 2. 
1845 — _ sylvaticus Morelet, Moll. Port., p. 33. 

S15 Limacella parma Brard, Coq. Paris, p. 110, pl. 4, ff. 1, 2, 9, 10. 

1876 = maxima Jousseaume, Bull. Soe. Zool. France, p. 97. 

1868 HLulimax maximus Malm, Lim. Seand., pp. 54-57, pl. 4, ff 10-10f. 

ISTORY.— Limax maximus (maximus, great- 
est) is, as its name implies, one of the largest 
species of the genus, and has been known in 
this country for more than two centuries. 
Merret, in 1667, first enumerated it as one of 
our native species, and Lister, in 1678, figured 
and ably described it under a polynomial ap- 
pellation, the first part of which—Limax 
cinereus—has frequently been disassociated 
CR. & ; from the rest of the epithets and used as a 
IPS bE Voy binomial term. 
Upon the erroneous assumption that this 
i epee { a (eek wit species does not occur in Sweden, Dr. Wester- 
. ~ lund concludes that Limaa cinereo-niger is 
the true Limax maximus of Linné, and on this 
ground he applies the term maaimus to cinereo-niger, and uses the word 
cinereus to designate the present species. 

Diagnosis.—Externaty, Limax marvimus may be distinguished from 
L. cinereo-niger by the body being typically pale and longitudinally zoned 
with black ; the shield maculate or marbled by dark colouring ; the sole 
uniformly pale; the keel confined to the caudal end of the body, and the 
rugosities small, fine, and quite closely set. 

INTERNALLY, the shell is distinctly narrower and more elongate; the penis 
sheath is distally swollen, very rigidly flexed, and its retractor said to have 
a different point of fixation ; the lingual teeth differ from those of cinereo- 
niger by their more aculeate character, and by their cutting-points more 
quickly alternating with those of the adjacent rows ; and the mandible is 
larger, stronger, and distinetly rectangular in shape at the ends. 

It is also more sluggish in habit, has not so wide a range in altitude or 
space, and is more closely associated with man and his habitations than the 
closely-allied Z. cinereo-niger, with which it has been so often united. 

From Limax marginatus, better known as L. arborum, it is distinguished 
by its much longer and more slender tentacles, and by its spotted shield, 
that of marginatus being invariably longitudinally banded ; while intern- 
ally it is sharply differentiated by the presence in marginatus of a short 
conical flagellum to the penis-sheath and a cecal appendage to the rectum. 


Dr. Scharff has also indicated a ready method of discrimination to be by 
touching the front of the mantle, which the animal at once raises up and 
almost inverts. This peculiar action does not occur with L. marginatus, 
in which the mantle is more intimately united with the body. 

Description.—ANIMAL with a long and slender BODY, tapering towards the tail, 
and varying in length from 100 to 150 mill., but occasionally reaching to even 200 
mill. ; usually of a yellowish-grey or cinereous ground colour, variously banded or 
maculated with black, but sometimes unicolorous ; BODY rounded, but keeled towards 
the caudal end, with about forty-eight longitudinal rows of elongate, detached 
tubercles; NECK pale, with two conspicuous DORSAL FURROWS enclosing a single 
row of elongate tubercles and terminating in front as the FACIAL GROOVES ; SOLE 
uniformly pale; FOOT-FRINGE pale with a row of minute submarginal blackish 
tubercles ; TENTACLES very long and slender ; SHIELD oblong, about one-third the 
total length of the animal, rounded in front, angular behind, and forming an angle 
of about 80 deg. when in motion, usually of a similar tint to the body, but boldly 
marbled or maculate with black, somewhat concentrically and interruptedly ridged 
around a sub-posterior nucleus. Mucus colourless and iridescent, not very adhe- 
sive, and less plentiful than in L. flavus or L. marginatus. 

SHELL placed beneath the hinder part of the shield 
and perceptible through the skin, oblong-oval, thin, of a iF 
whitish colour, slightly convex above, and correspondingly 
concave beneath, with a membranous margin; APEX or 
nucleus at the posterior margin but inclined towards the 
left side, and forming the apophysis by which the shell is TG oo Tecesmerteneltee 
organically attached to the animal. Length, 13 mill.; | zinax maximus L., X 1}. 
breadth, 7 mill. Christchurch, Hants. 

INTERNALLY, the NERVOUS SYSTEM is composed of the typical ganglia; the pedal 
vanglia are placed beneath the radula sac and joined together by an anterior and 
a posterior commissure; the abdominal ganglion lies a little to the right of the 
median line; the visceral ganglia occupy the angle between the lingual sheath 
and the cesophagus, and the buccal ganglia are widely separated but joined together 
by a commissure nearly as thick as the ganglia themselves. 

The OLFACTORY SENSE is chiefly lodged in the tentacles, yet according to Simroth 
there are within the mantle chamber well-marked vestiges of the primitive smelling- 
organ or OSPHRADIUM in the form of a simple yellowish ridge furnished with a 
double fringe of nerves and placed to the left of the anal aperture. 

Th@ REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are simple; the 
OVOTESTIS or hermaphrodite gland on left upper 
side of liver, is very large, narrowly linguiform, 
many lobed, with very small, rounded, darkly 
pigmented follicles; DucT long, slender, and 
straight above, thickened and sinuous below, 
usually white; ALBUMEN GLAND large lobed, of 
an amber colour and placed on right side along 
the crop; OVISPERMATODUCT long and com- 
paratively narrow, only slightly connected to- 
gether in the lower half and sometimes naturally 
disjunct, resembling Limax flavus in this re- 
spect ; OVIDUCT portion puckered into short, 
rounded segments ; SPERM-DUCT thick, cream- 
white, most conspicuous below; FREE-OVIDUCT 
short, the lower thickened part furnished intern- 
ally with annular glands ; SPERMATHECA club- 
shaped, blotched with opaque-white and amber, 
its crown fixed by muscular threads to ovisperma- 
toduct, its stem short, Joining free oviduct at its 
very base ; PENIS-SHEATH long, upper half opaque- 
white, thickened and rigidly convoluted, lower 
half narrow, semi-transparent white, tinged with 

Fic. 53.—Sexual organs of Limax 
maximus L. 

bluish or brownish near external orifice, and fur- (Beverley, Yorks., Mr. J. D. Butterell). 
nished with a crest interiorly, which is most pro- aib.g. albumen gland ; ov. oviduct ; of. 

; , : Cie ae EO ieee, MEE De Ce ovotestis ; f.s. penis sheath 5 7.72. retrac- 
nounced at the upper end, its retractor, which is ¢4- muscle; sp. spermatheca; v.d. vas 

the chief cause of the spiral twisting of the penis deferens. 
when protruded, is a stout band arising from left side of root of columella retractor, 
and attached terminally to penis-sheath ; VAS DEFERENS enters close to retractor. 


The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR! arises beneath the posterior extremity of the mantle, 
in one or more roots, which quickly unite into a broad pearly-white band, but about 
mid-way divides into a pharyngeal and two tentacular branches. The PHARYNGEAL 
muscle passes through the nerve-ring, and divides, to become fixed on each side of 
the pharynx. The TENTACULAR RETRACTORS each give off a branch to the anterior 
tentacle of their respective sides, which send slips to the labial lobes. The broad 
coloured part of the muscular sheath of the ommatophore is clearly defined from the 
tentacle, and contains the ocular muscle and the convoluted optic nerve when the 
eye is retracted. 

ALIMENTARY CANAL? with short G@SOPHAGUS ; CROP long, darkish-brown, with 
longitudinal and transverse wrinkles, contracted before and enlarged at the first 
bend which represents the true stomach and receives the bile ducts; SALIVARY 
GLANDS whitish, large, compact and not deeply lobed ; the Gur has five courses or 
tracts in addition to the stomach tract, which is the longest, the first intestinal tract 
increases disproportionately in length with age, and thus becomes larger in compari- 
son with the succeeding coils which only grow in correspondence with other parts 
of the body, the third tract, instead of forming the rectum, as is usual in gastropods, 
turns around the cephalic retractor and runs back free over the surface of the vis- 
ceral mass, and then finally bends into the forward tract, constituting the rectum. 

MANDIBLE or jaw horny-brown, about four mill. 
broad and one mill. wide at its narrowest part,strongly 
arched anteriorly, with a strong, pointed, central 
beak or rostrum, which projects boldly beneath, ends 
distinctly rectangular with the corners rounded off, : : 
line of bedding in upper jaw shown by a broad darker SS ae 
brown line parallel with the upper margin. (Beverley, Mr. J. D. Butterell). 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is of an elongate oval shape, ten mill. long and about 
five mill. wide, beset with closely-set teeth, which decrease very slightly in size, and 
are arranged in transverse rows which gently curve backwards as the margins are 
approached ; median row with hour-glass shaped base of attachment and a broad 
reflection bearing a strong central cup or mesocone,® side cusps sub-obsolete without 
perceptible cutting points ; lateral teeth with strong mesocone, the endocone* show- 
ing as an acutely prominent angle, but without cutting point; ectocone® obsolete ; 



i) 60 60 (: 

38 38 

3 2 
\\ ( 0 aes 13 7 eerie 0 7 13 aes mM, f! 

Fic. 55.—Representative teeth from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of Limax maximus L. x 120. 

The animal collected by Mr. C. Oldham, at Knutsford; the radula prepared by Mr. W. Moss, and 
photographed by Mr. T. W. Thornton. 

the lateral bieuspid teeth gradually become more aculeate in character, and about 
the twentieth row the apices begin to alternate with those of the adjacent rows ; 
at the forty-eighth row they begin to bifureate, continuing thus to the margins. 

The dental formula of a Knutsford specimen, collected by Mr. C. Oldham, is 
3S +5 28 ae 20 pt = 20 s5 28 + 3 x 168 = 27,660. 

Habits, etc.—'his species is not gregarious, and frequents gardens, 
damp and shady hedgerows and woods, hiding during the day beneath 
stones, under fallen trees, or other obseure and damp places ; it, however, 
exhibits a decided preference for the vicinity of human habitations, and 
readily takes up its abode in damp cellars or outbuildings. 

In Ireland, this predilection for human dwellings is not exhibited, the 
species being said by Scharff to be restricted to woods and other similar places, 
and may even be met with almost within high-water mark on the sea-shore. 

The HoMING faculty is strongly developed in this species, which, after its 
nocturnal rambles or foraging expeditions, usually returns to the particular 

1 Monog. i., p. 344, f. 637. 2 Monog. i., p. 285, f. 569. 3 Monog.i., p. 152. 4 Monog. i., p. 152. 
5 Monog. i., p. 152. 



crevice or chink in which it has established itself; as shown by their slime- 
tracks, these animals in the course of their peregrinations often form a loop 

Fic. 56.—Mucus-track, twenty feet or more in length, of Lémaa maximus I,., observed by Mr. L. E. 
Adams, upon the boundary wall of the Churchyard, Clifton, Derbyshire, July 8, 1898, illustrating the 
homing propensity. 

or figure of 8, the return track crossing the outward one at some point, 
usually near to the chosen home. 

The oLracrory sense is strongly developed in the Limaces, the keen per- 
ception of Limuer maximus being established by the well- known experiment 
of Moquin-andon.' Striking confirmation of this acuteness of their olfac- 
tory faculty is related by Mr. L. HE. Adams, who, about ten o'clock, one dark, 
windy, and wet evening in August, 1897, at Clifton, Derbyshire, saw a Limar 
marinus crawling directly towards a plate upon the lawn, containing the 
remains of the dog’s dinner; when first observed the slug was about six 

1ST Position © 
OF Plate EAeRE sor 


of Wiad. 


Fic. 67.— Diagram of the route traversed by Limax marines |.., in following the changes 
of position of a plate of food, as observed by Mr. L. E. Adams, at Clifton, Derbyshire. 

feet distant from the plate, but within thirty minutes had reached it ; the 
plate was then moved to a second position, about six feet away, but in 
another cirection ; the slug almost immediately changed its course, and 

1 Monog. i., p. 229. 


again nade straight towards the plate, on again nearing it the same process 
was repeated with the same result, the plate being finally removed and placed 
in a fourth position, eight feet away, and directly to the leeward of the slug, 
yet in a little more than half-an-hour the slug had reached the plate. 

Food.—L. maximus is very omnivorous, and though, according to Sim- 
roth, as a rule refusing plants containing chlorophyll, it has been observed 
by Mr. E. J. Lowe to devour the young and tender foliage of Adzantum, 
Petunias, Pansies, Chrysanthemums, Cucumbers, French Beans, ‘Tobacco 
plants, Dahlias, and other garden plants; the leaves of the Cauliflower when 
turning yellow are also sought after. 

It also greedily devours fungi, which, indeed, are said to form its staple diet 
and to be preferred to other food. In Mr. Gain’s experiments’ upon the food 
of British mollusks, he offered this species 196 different plants, of which 157 
were totally rejected, and only two— Boletus edulis and root of carrot— 
were eaten with avidity. It has also been observed by Dr. Scharff to devour 
Russula emetica. 

It evinces a great preference for kitchen refuse, and shows especial par- 
tiality for custards, milk, bread, raw or cooked meats, and other articles of 
human food, and even makes its way into fruit rooms to feed upon the 
fruit stored there ; it also not uncommonly visits the “sugar” placed by the 
lepidopterist upon the trunks of trees to attract the mght-flyimg moths. 

Reproduction and Development.—'lhe act of conjugation in Limax 
maximus is very remarkable,’ though it 1s probable that analogous processes 
are indulged in by their close alhes. ‘lhe operation, though noticed to occur 
at various times during the day, usually takes place towards midnight. 

Fic. 62. Fic. 63. Fic. 64. Fic. 65. 
Serial changes of form undergone by the male organ of Limax Ma XTINUS L., prior to and 
during conjugation (after nature sketches by Mr. Lionel E. Adams). 

Fic. 58.—Aspect of the penes immediately after protrusion from the body. Fic. 59.— Shows the 
commencement of the appearance of the frill. Fic. 60.—Frill partially unrolled. Fic 61.—Frill 
completely expanded, preparatory to twisting together. Fic. 62.—Penes tightly coiled together, 
forming the whorled knot. Fic. 63.—The succeeding umbrella-form. Fic. 64.—Umbrella-form with 
horizontal margins reversed. Fic. 65.—Umbrella-form with double margins. 

‘he animals secking to pair would seem to be cognisant of the presence of 
a, prospective partner even when a considerable distance away, as they make 
straightway towards each other ; when the animals meet, they mutually 
caress with their tentacles, after the manner of ants, and forthwith begin to 

1 J. of Conch., April 1891, pp. 349-361. 2 Monog. i., p. 378, f. 689. 


crawl in a circular procession, their mantles flapping before and behind, 
continuing thus from half-an-hour to two hours-and-a-half or more, each 
with its mouth at the other’s tail, and eating the mucus from its partner’s 
body ; the circle becomes eradually more and more contracted and the 
animals more and more excited, until suddenly the slugs intertwine their 
bodies and launch themselves head downwards into space, but are restrained 
from falling by a strong mucus cable of a brownish colour, attached to the 
caudal end of the body, which gradually lengthens until it is from fifteen to 
eighteen inches long, and is a continuation of the thick bed of slime exuded 
during the prolonged circular promenade. 

Directly they are suspended, both slugs protrude the milk-white male 
organ, which, though cylindrical at first, quickly assumes a club-shape 
(fig. 58); a frilled edge (fig. 59) appears, and the unwinding is gradually 
and quickly completed (figs. 60, 61), the unrolled organs now intertwine 
closely round each other and form a whorled knot (fig. 62), and the two 
upper whorls spread out, in umbrella fashion, leaving the lower portion of 
the knot as before (fig. 63). The two upper whorls, however, sometimes do 
not overlap, but curve in different directions (fig. 64), and sometimes may 
be nearly horizontal but separate (fig. 65). The slugs now hang motionless 
with flaccid and contracted tentacles, while the two upper outspread whorls 
of the knotted penes keep revolving one upon another, and in this extra- 
ordinary manner the liquid semen ts transferred and the mutual act 
consummated. After a lapse of five to ten minutes the organs unwind, roll 
up, and are withdrawn into the body; while the slugs, which appear greatly 
exhausted, either drop to the ground or climb up the thread to the point 
of support, the thread itself sometimes being afterwards devoured. 

Shortly after pairing a number of eggs are deposited at the roots of trees, 
plants, or grass, beneath stones, and in other moist and suitable situa- 
tions ; they are agglomerated together i in heaps or clusters, or may form a 
long chaplet, by being attached together at their poles by a viscous mucus. 
They are roundly oval, about five mill. by four tll , of a translucent amber 
colour, and of a jelly- like consistency and appearance, but gradually becom- 
ing duller and more opaque. 

They hatch in about a month, the young being usually of a yellowish tint 
with four distinct lateral bands, which extend to the posterior third of the 
shield, and assume a horse-shoe shape, but during growth become broken 
up, especially upon the left side ; the ground colour also gradually changes 
in some districts, becoming of a wood- brown, often tinged with red, finally 
becoming duller ‘and the bands more obscure ; in other districts or under 
suitable conditions the immature colourings and decided banding of the 
young stage may be preserved to adult life. 

Parasites and Enemies.—In addition to the enemies and parasites 
of the group previously enumerated, this species is infested by a Nematode 
(Leptoderu flevilis), which lives within the salivary glands. 

Another species, Leptodera angiostoma Schneider, is found in the rectum, 
and according to Creighton the larvee have been found imbedded in a dense 
mass of glycogenous cells, surrounding the pedal artery. 

Geological History.—Limur maximus has been reported by Tour- 
nouér as found fossilized in France in the Middle Pleistocene of La Celle, 
near Moret, Seine et Marne. 

In England it has also been recorded from the Pleistocene deposits at 
Grays, in : South Hssex, and from those of the Ightham fissure in West Kent, 

by Mr. Abbott. 


It has been noticed in a Holocene deposit at Reigate by the Rey. R. 
Ashington Bullen; in a hill-wash at St. Catherine’s Down, in the Isle of 
Wight, by Mr. J. S. Bowerbank, in 1836; and also in a modern marine 
deposit, Pegwell Bay, in East Kent, by Mr. Alfred Bell. 

Variation.—The variation of Limar maximus is in many respects analo- 
gous with the band variation of the pentateeniate Helices, and shows similar 
traces of having passed through parallel stages of colouration ; the banding 
exhibiting many of the same peculiarities, and being capable of expression 
by a sunilar numerical formula. 

In its highest development Z. maeimus may be considered as triple- 
tinted, its primitive or fundamental colouring being probably a somewhat 
uniforin yellowish, greyish, or reddish tint, varying m harmony with the 
environment and the temperature to which the animal has been subjected 
during its growth period. ‘The second stage was probably the development 
of paired lateral bands overlying the lateral blood sinuses and presumed to 
derive their pigmentation from the action of the atmosphere upon the mass 
of blood beneath the skin; these bands, which are regarded by Simroth as 
an ancient badge of the Pulmonates, may, by concentration of pigment, 
form a lighter area on each side and thus lead ; 
to the establishment of darker zones, one on 1- 
each side of the primitive one, thus constitut- 2. 
ing the three typical longitudinal | bands, which 3 
inay be distinguished as the inner, main, and 
outer bands, or formulated by the numerals F1G. 66.—Portion of body of Limax 

maximus L., to show band formula. 
J, 2, 3, referring to their position in regard to 
the median dorsal line. The bands mnay at any stage become broken up into 
spots, or by diffusion more or less completely overspread and obscure the 
primitive ground colour; to be eventually overspread or embellished by the 
superposition of a tertiary stage of colouring, which, as betore, first appears 
in a position coimeident with that of the chief lateral blood sinuses. 

Many varieties still retain the paler secondary banding upon which the 
darker tertiary markings are superposed, but by marginal concentration of 
pigment each tertiary band may become resolved into a slender double line 
or a double row of spots, which border each of the paler secondary bands, 
and give a similar aspect to that of the Helix hortensis figured in vol. 1., p. 99. 

In this country the ground tint is usually some shade of ash- ee but 
brighter shades are occasionally met with, which would seem to be atavistic, 
or a retention in mature life of immature colourings ; the line of variation 
is, however, chiefly in the intensity and character of the dark markings. 

Its size has also been observed by Locard to vary according to the alti- 
tude of its abode, the animal being smaller in size when living in elevated 
localities. Dr. Baudon has remarked on the differences in size, and created 
a var. gigantea for some unusually large specimens found at Mouy, in the 
department of the Oise. Similar examples have been found in this 
country, one found by Mr. Quilter in Belvoir Castle gardens exceeding eight 
inches in length. 

The varieties of Limaa maximus are grouped in three series : according 
to the ground colour of the body ; the character of the dark markings ; and 
to accommodate examples in which these two factors exist together in 
unusually striking combination. 

It should not, however, be overlooked by the student that the following 
list by no means exhausts the variations that inay be met with, as the various 
ground tints may be associated with any of the different markings and con- 


sequently give rise to an almost infinite number of sub-varieties, which will 
necessarily partake of or unite the characters of two or more of the more 
important varieties, and such varietal names as are applicable may be used 
in combination to indicate them. 

Var. concolor Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 82. 

Limax unicolor var. concolor Pini, |.c. 
Limax untcolor var. bivone Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 26. 
Limax maxinius var. lintbata Moquin-Tandon, Moll. France, 1855. 

ANIMAL almost uniformly ash-coloured ; foot-fringe, keel, and neck paler. 

The brownish-chestnut coloured Lemaz unicolor var. bivonee of Less. & Pollonera 
from Palermo in Sicily may be relegated to this form. The sub-variety limbata 
Moquin-Tandon is also this variety in which the foot-fringe is whiter than is usual. 
The var. cinerea of Moquin-Tandon does not belong to this species. 

Cornwall W.—Phillack, near Hayle, Oct. 1884! Miss S. Hockin. 

Hants S.—Christchureh, June 1884! C. Ashford. 

Sussex W.—Worthing, Aug. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Kent W.—Chislehurst, Sept. 1884! 'T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Surrey—Charles Hill, Farnham, July 1883 ! 8. Spencer Pearce. 

Middlesex—Acton, Aug. 1884! Willesden, Jan. 1885! Bedford Park, Chiswick, 
Feb. 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. Churehyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, June 1889 ! 
H. W. Kew. 

Northampton—Northampton, Sept. 1884 ! W. D. Crick. 

Stafford—Gardens, Cheadle, April 1896! F. B. Webb. 

Leicester—Hathern, Sept. 1884! C. T. Musson. Canal Side, Belgrave, July 
1885! H. E. Quilter. 

Lincoln N.—Louth, Sept. 1886! H. W. Kew. 

Cheshire—Bowdon ! (Milne & Oldham, J. of Coneh., Jan. 1894). 

Lancashire S.—Farington, locally common, May 1889! W. H. Heathcote. 

York S.W.—Haw Park, Sept. 1885, J. Wilcock. 

York Mid W.—Charleston, near Bingley (Soppitt & Carter, Nat., p. 97, 1888). 
Near Shipley Glen, Oct. 1887! J. A. Hargreaves. Boston Spa, May 1885! W.D.R. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. 

Renfrew—Shielhill Glen, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Harelaw Burn, Gleniffer, Aug. 
1890! J. M. B. Taylor. 

Haddington—Falside, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Stirling—Cambusbarron, near the mill, July 1894! A. McLellan. 

Aberdeen N.—Haddo House, Dee. 1890! Geo. Muirhead. 

Main Argyle—Dunoon, common, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Sutherland E.—Golspie Burn, June 1886! W. Baillie. 

Dublin—Dublin, March 1886! J. R. Redding. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Westmeath—Killynon, Sept. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Galway E.—Killeran (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843). 

Clare—Ballyvaughan, July 1895 (Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895). 

The var. concolor has also been observed in France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, 
Italy, Sicily, Anstro-Hungary, Balkan Peninsula, ete. 

Var. candida Less. & Poll., Monog. Limae. Ital., 1882, p. 26. 
ANIMAL pure white and slightly transparent, showing some of the viscera through 
the skin ; EYES pale brown. 
Limax unicolor var. candidus Lessona & Pollonera, I.c. 
Limax maximus var. alba Adams, J. of Conch., July 1896, p. 228. 

This or a closely-allied variety was named albus by Amstein and megaspidus by 

Northampton—Rockingham Park, May 1896! (L. E. Adams, Journ. Northants. 
Soc., June 1896, p. 60). 

Italy—Novoli, near Florence, M. Paulucci (Lessona & Pollonera, ].c.). 

France—Savigny-sur-Orge, Seine et Oise (P Fischer, J. de C., Oct. 1880, p. 299). 
Var. vinosa Bandon, J. de Conch., July 1884, p. 204. 

ANIMAL purplish or vinous-brown. 

The sub-var. lilaeina of Roebuck, in which the ground colour is lilae or purplish, 
may be regarded as a form of this variety with the dark markings of var. krynickit. 

Gloucester E.—Sub-var. /i/acina, Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

York S.E.—Beverley, Oct. 1884! J. Darker Butterell. 

France—Angy in the Oise and Arlane in the Puy-de-Déme, Breviere (Baudon, l.c.). 



Var. nigra Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 15. 
ANIMAL unicolorous black or blackish 
Lancashire S.—Walton-le-Dale, June 1889! W. H. Heathcote. 
France—St. Gervais, Haute Savoie, Dr. Brot (D. & M., l.c., 1857, p. 14). 

Var. fasciata Raz., Hist. Jorat, 1789, p. 267. 
Limax maximus var. continuatus Dum. & Mort., Mal. Savoie, 1857. 

ANIMAL pale ash-coloured, with three darker-coloured bands on each side; SHIELD 
maculate or marbled. This variety is usually described as black, with five longitud- 
inal whitish bands. 

The sub-var. mulleri Moq. may be regarded as a form of this variety with the 
addition of a double row of black spots. Moquin-Tandon’s description, notwith- 
standing his reference to Muller, is more applicable to a form of this species than 
of cinereo-niger. 

The var. fasciata of Lessona has the median and lower bands on each side 
coalesced, and superficially resembles the var. tetrazona. 

Channel Isles—Sub-var. miilleri, St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sept. 1891! B. Tomlin. 

Devon S.—Sidmouth ! R. Rosenstock. 

Hants S.—Christchureh, Sept. 1884! and Tuckton, July 1885! C. Ashford. 

Hants N.—Sub-var. mii/leri, Preston Candover, July 1884! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Kent W.—Hever, near Edenbridge, Feb. 1898 ! A. Leicester. 

Middlesex—Sub-var. miilleri, Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, June 1889 ! 
H. Wallis Kew. 

Suffolk E.—Blaxhall, July 1885! G. T. Rope. 

Norfolk E.—Holt, July 1893 ! Tom Petch. 

Bedford—Luton, General Cemetery, Apl. 1889! J. Saunders. 

Worcester—Great Malvern, July 26, 1902! C. Waterfall. 

Stafford—Cheadle, Apl. 1886! F. B. Webb. Handsworth, Apl. 1885! G. 8. Tye. 
Stafford, L. E. Adams. 

Glamorgan—Aberkenfig, Aug. 1890!G. K. Gude. Cardiff, Nov. 1889! F. Wotton. 

Leicester—Belvoir Castle gardens, and cellars Leicester (Quilter, Moll. Leic. ,1881). 

Nottingham—Corporation Gardens, Nottingham (Dodd, Brit. Ass. Hdbk., 1893). 
Tuxford, July 1885! W. A. Gain. 

Derby—Winster (H. Milnes, J. of Conch., Oct. 1893). 

Lincoln N.—Haugham wood, April 1886! W D.R. Lincoln road, Louth, April 
1886! H. W. Kew. Parson’s lane, Alford, May 1886! J. E. Mason. Mother-wood, 
Aby, taken at ‘sugar,’ June 1891! J. Burtt Davy. 

Cheshire— Bowden and Baguley Hall! (Milne & Oldham, J. of Conch., Jan. 1894). 
Marple, May 1891! L. St. G. Byne. Sub-var. miileri, Sale, in nursery vardens, 
Feb. 1895! C. Oldham. 

York S.E.—Beverley, Oct. 1884! J. Darker Butterell. Sledmere, Aug. 1891 ! 
F. W. Fierke. 

York N.E.—Easby Wood, July 1890! J. Hawell. Kildale Woods! and Ingleby 
Greenhow ! July 1890, B. Hudson. Yearby Wood, April 1889 ! W.D.R. 

York S.W.—Penistone, Nov. 1889! L. E. Adams. 

York Mid W.—Starbotton, Wharfedale, May 1886! W.D.R. 

York N.W.—lIvelet Bridge, Swaledale, June 1890 ! W.D.R. 

Merioneth—Bont-ddu, near Dolgelly, Sept. 1886! F. G. Fenn. 

Wigtown—Springbank, near Stranraer, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Maybole, Sept. 1890! W. Evans 

Renfrew—Shielhill Glen, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Peebles—Walkerburn, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Peebles, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Near Selkirk, Oct. 1890! W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Dreghorn woods, near Colinton, Sept. 1889! Colinton road, Morn- 
ingside, Edinburgh, June 1890! W. Evans. 

Fife and Kinross—St. Andrews, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Stirling —Cambusbarron, near the mill, July 1894 ! A. McLellan. 

Perth N.—Bridge of Cally, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Perth Mid—Annat Lodge, Perth ! H. Coates. 

Forfar—Dundee. outskirts, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Aberdeen N.—Haddo House, Dee. 1890! Geo. Muirhead. 

Banff—Tomintoul, Sept. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Elgin—Grantown, Aug. 1891! W. Evans. 
Clyde Isles—Rothesay, May 1887! T. Scott. 
Ebudes S.—Lorgh Ba House, near Port Charlotte, Islay, Nov. 1890 ! W. Evans. 


Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! 8. A. Brenan. 

Donegal—Carrablagh, Croaghross, near Letterkenny, May 1889 ! H. C. Hart. 

Louth—Piperstown, in greenhouse, Oct. 1889! Miss Sidney Smith. 

Dublin—Glen Druid, near Carrickmines, Oct. 1886! W. F. de V. Kane. 

Sligo—Collooney, Sept. 1885! W. F. de V. Kane. 

Mayo W.—Enniscoe demesne, near Crossmolina, Sept. 1885 ! W. F. de V. Kane. 

The var. fasciata has been recorded from Switzerland, Piedmont, and Eastern 
and Pyrenean France. 

Var. sylvatica Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 33. 

Limax sylvaticus Morelet, l.c. 
Limax antiquorum var. czernaévit Kaleniczenko, Bull. Mosc., 1851, xxiv., p. 123. 
Limax maxunus var. vulgaris Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1856, 1i., p. 28. 
Limax maximus var. serpentina Mogq.-Tand., l.c. 
Limax maximusvar. guadrifasciata Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 14. 
ANIMAL ash-coloured, with two continuous black bands on each side and a more 
indistinet or broken band beneath ; SHIELD spotted or marbled with black. 
The sub-var. serpentina of Moquin-Tandon only differs from characteristic var. 
sylvatica by the main or median band of each side being more sinuous and irregular. 
Channel Isles—Herm (Reeve, Brit. Moll., 1863, p. 26 and fig.). 
Cornwall W.—Pennion, Falmouth, April 1884! H. Fox. Scilly Isles, Rev. E. 
D. Roberts, Aug. 1890 (G. Sheriff Tye). 
Wilts S.—Vicarage Garden, Steeple Ashton, March 1887! E. P. Knubley. 
Oxon—Henley road, Watlington, and at Pyrton (Norman, Zool., 1853, p. 4127). 
Northampton—Garden, Northampton, May 1883! W. D. Crick. Rockingham 
Park, May 1896! L. E. Adams. 
Stafford—Stafford, June 1886, and Dec. 1897, L. E. Adams. 
Salop— Whittington Castle, Oswestry, June 1885 ! B. Hudson. 
Lincoln N.—Well Vale, April 1886! W.D.R. Broughton, near Brigg, Aug. 1902! 
Miss F. H. Woolward. : 
Lincoln S.—Near Boston, Sept. 1884! W.D.R. 
Leicester—Near Leicester, June 1885! H. E. Quilter. 
Notts.—Tuxford, July 1884! W. A. Gain. Pleasley Vale, April 1884! C. T. Musson. 
Cheshire—Holmes Chapel, Nov. 1896 ! C. Oldham. 
Lancashire S.—Victoria Park, Manchester, March 1884! R. D. Darbishire. 
York N.E.—Kirkleatham, Sept. 1886! W.D.R. Hayburn Wyke, Aug. 1894! 
F. W. Fierke. 
York Mid W.—Torquay terrace, Headingley, July 1884! W. E. Clarke. 
York S.E.—Garden, Pitt street, Barnsley, Oct. 1884! G. Rose. 
Westmorland, etc.—Grange, April 1884! Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. 
Berwick—F ans, near Earlston, Oct. 1883! R. Renton. 
Stirling—Cambusbarron, near the mill, July 1894! A. McLellan. 
Forfar—Near Montrose, July 1884! W. Duncan. 
Westerness—Glenborrodale, Dec. 1891 ! J. J. Dalgleish. 
Antrim—Cushendun and Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886! 8S. A. Brenan. 
Queen’s County—La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Ann. N.H., 1840, p. 203). 
Galway—(B. J. Clarke, Ann. N.H., 1840, p. 203). 
Waterford—Near Waterford, Sept. 1883 ! J. H. Salter. 

This varietyis the most prevalent form in this country and abroad. 

Var. tetrazona ‘Taylor. 

ANIMAL ash-coloured, with only two bands on each side ; SHIELD maculate or 

The var. fasciata of Lessona, though also showing only two bands on each side, 
is different, being a three-banded form, the lowermost being compound and formed 
by the union of the main and outer bands. 

York S.E.—Beverley, Sept. 1884! J. Darker Butterell. 

Cheshire—Nursery gardens, Sale, Feb. 1895! C. Oldham. 

Var. krynickii Kaleniczenko, Bull. Moscow, 1851, p. 122. 
Limax antiquorum krynickii Kaleniczenko, l.c. 
Limax maximus var. gohnstont Moq.-Tand., Hist. Nat. France, 1855, p. 29. 
Limax maxinus var. bifasciatus Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 14. 
Limax maximus var. pallido-dorsalis Adams, Manual, 1896, p. 34. 
ANIMAL ash-coloured, mid-dorsal area paler, with a few black spots, inner band 
distinet and black, main and outer bands obsolete ; SHIELD maculate. 
The sub-var. bifaseiata D. & M. has also only one well-marked band on each 
side, the other being effaced. 


Hants S.—Christchureh, Sept. 1884! C. Ashford. 

Gloucester E.—Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Stafford—Camnock Chase, June 1886! L. E. Adams. 

Selkirk—Near Selkirk, Oct. 1890! W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Dreghorn woods, near Colinton, Sept. 1889! and Colinton road, 
Morningside, June 1890 ! W. Evans. 

On the Continent, this form has been found in France, Italy, Switzerland, at 
Kharkov in Russia, and in Madeira. 

Var. cellaria d’Argenville, Conch., 1740, p. 386, pl. 32, f. 31. 
Limax cellarius d’ Arg., Conch., 1740, p. 386, pl. 32, f. 31. 
Limax antiquorum var. € Fér., Hist. Moll., tab. 20. 
Limax cinereus var. maculatus Picard, Moll. Somme, 1840. 
Limax maxinius var. interruptus Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 14. 

Fic. 67.—Limax cellaria (after D'Argenville). 

ANIMAL pale ash-coloured ; SHIELD maculate with black; BODY with inter- 
rupted longitudinal zones of the same colour on each side. 

With this variety may be associated the var. maculata of Picard, in which 
the shield and body are maculate with black, and which only differs from the 
strictly typical var. ced/aria by the more distinetly detached and more rounded char- 
acter of its markings. 

The sub-var. interrupta of D. & M. differs by the addition of longitudinal rows 
of small spots alternating with the banding characteristic of the variety. 

Channel Isles—Guernsey, Sept. 1893! (Tomlin, J. of C., April 1894, p. 361). 

Cornwall W.—Truro, Dec. 1885! J. H. James. Scilly Isles, Rev. E. D. Roberts, 
Aug. 1890! (G. Sherriff Tye). 

Hants S.—Christchurch, Sept. 1883 ! C. Ashford. 

Kent E.—Folkestone, Sept. 1886! C. Oldham. 

Surrey—Croydon, Nov. 1883! Kenneth McKean. 

Middlesex—Upper Holloway, in a mushroom house, July 1890! and sub-var. 
maculata Churehyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, June 1890! H. W. Kew. 

Bucks.—Shalstone, June 1885 ! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Norfolk W.—King’s Lynn, Nov. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Hereford—Bishopswood Vicarage, Ross, April 1885! R. W. J. Smart. 

Warwick—Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. Hagley 
road, Birmingham, Aug. 1886! J. Madison. 

Stafford—Statford, June 1886! L. E. Adams. Cheadle, April 1886 ! F. B. Webb. 

Salop—Minsterley, Aug. 1885! L. E. Adams. Ellesmere and Oswestry, June 
1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Glamorgan—Cardiff, Nov. 1889! F. W. Wotton. 

Pembroke—Deer park and Heywood lane, Tenby (Stubbs, J. of C., July 1900). 

Carnarvon —Trefriw and Conway Castle, July 1883 ! W.D.R. 

Denbigh—Llangwystenin and Tal-y-Cafn, July 1883! W.D.R. 

Lincoln S.—Aneaster, April 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Lincoln N.—Alford, April 1886! W.D.R. Louth, April 1886! H. Wallis Kew. 
Broughton, near Brigg. Aug. 1902! Miss F. H.Woolward. _Kirton-in-Lindsey, Aug. 
1902 ! E. A. Woodrufte-Peacock. Somersby, Sept. 1889! W.D.KR. 

Leicester—Hathern, Sept. 1884! C. T. Musson. Canal banks, Belgrave, July 
1885! Cellars, West street, Leicester, Oct. 1885! Lime quarries, Barrow-on-Soar, 
and Mountsorrel, Oct. 1885! and Spinney Hill, near Leicester, Sept 1887! H. E. 
Quilter. Evington! and near Wigston! (Quilter, Moll. Leicestershire, 1888, p. 20). 

Notts.—Basford, Sept. 1884! Beanvale Abbey, Sept. 1884! Annesley Park, Sept. 
1884! Wilford, Oct. 1884 ! and cellars. Nottingham, May 1885! C. T. Musson. Gar- 
den, Tuxford, July and Sept. 1885! W. A. Gain. Farnsfield, Southwell, Sept. 1892! 
C. Oldham. 

Derby—Winster, High Peak, July 1885! Rev. H. Milnes. 

Cheshire—Bowdon, May 1885! J. G. Milne. Wythenshawe, 1886 ! C. Oldham. 
Sale, in nursery gardens, Feb. 1895! C. Oldham. 

York S.E.—Gardens, Westwood, Beverley, Sept. 1884! J. Darker Butterell. 

York N.E.—Farwath Bridge, Newtondale, Aug. 1886! W.D R. 


York S.W.—Barnsley, Oct. 1886! W. E. Brady. Lofthouse, 1885! G. Roberts. 
Ackworth, June 1883! Hugh Richardson. Bradford, July 1893! Perey Lund. 
Huddersfield, in cellar, Sept. 1885! G. T. Porritt. Keighley, greenhouse at Cliffe 
Castle, Oct. 1890! T. Hebden. 

York Mid W .— Victoria road, Hyde Park, Leeds. 1887! T. K. Skipwith. Wash- 
burndale, July 1885! W.D.R. Cellar, North Stainley Vicarage, Oct. 1884! I. A 
Summerfield. © Eavestone, Oct. 1884! J. Ingleby. Garden, Stav eley Rectory, Oct. 
1885! E. Ponsonby Knubley. Sleningford, April 1896! W.D.R. Mickley village, 
Aug. 1889 ! W.D.R. 

Durham —The common form about Durham, April 1884 ! Baker Hudson. 

Northumberland —Museum grounds, Neweastle, Sept. 1888! R. Howse. 

Westmorland—Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. 

Ayr—Glen App, near Ballantrae. July 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Renfrew —Shielhill Glen, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Peebles—Eddleston, July 1889! W.D.R. 

Roxburgh—Melrose Abbey, June 1886 ! J. Madison. 

Perth N.—Sub-var. maculata, Blairgowrie, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Forfar—Montrose, July 1884, W. Dunean. 

Westerness —Glenborrodale, Dec. 1891! J. J. Dalgleish. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Aug. 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

The var. cellaria has been reported from many parts of France, Germany, and 
Italy, as well as from Sardinia, Corsica, Madeira, and New South Wales. 

Var. ferussaci Moquin-T'andon, Moll. France, ii.; p. 29, pl. 4, f. 5 
Limax cinereus var. punctatus Esmark, J. of Conch., Oct. 1886 p. 101. 

ANIMAL pale ash-coloured, shield with small rounded black spots ; Boby with 
two or sometimes three longitudinal rows of small and round black spots on each 
side (figured, Monog. i., pl. a f. 5). 

The sub-var, punctata only differs from Jferussaci in the fewness and consequent 
apparent irregularity of the spots upon the shield and body, while the sub-var. nov. 
geminipunctata is characterized by their greater abundance, the increase of those 
upon the body being due to the splitting up of the originally large spot, which gives 
a paired aspect to the markings. 

Cornwall W.—Gardens, Truro, April 1886! J. H. James. 

Somerset S.—Bridewater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Surrey —Sutton, July 1 1885! F. G. Fenn. 

Middlesex—Churchyard Bottom Wood, Hee ate: Aug. 1889! H. Wallis Kew. 
Garden at 5, Giesbach road, London, N., Aug. 1890! H. Wallis Kew. 

Norfolk W.—NStarston, specimens in Brit. Museum (Cockerell, Nat., Aug. 1888). 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885! Baker Hudson. 

Lincoln S.—Brandon Lodge, Grantham, Jan. 1889! T. Burtt. 

Leicester—Hathern, Sept. 1884! C. T. Musson. 

Notts.—-Tuxford, July 1885! W. A. Gain. 

York Mid W. —Sleningford, April 1896! W.D.R. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire— Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. 

Anglesea—Llanfaes, Sept. 1886! J. G Milne. 

Carnarvon—Abersoch ! (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., Jan. 1898). 

Kirkcudbright—Maxwelltown, common in cellar, July 1891 ! R. Service. 

Selkirk—Thornielee railway station, Aug. 1886! W. D.R. 

Edinburgh—Cramond Island, Sept. 1888! T. Scott. 

Antrim—Colin Glen, near Belfast, June 1884! 8. A. Stewart. Duntluce Castle ; 
Plantation Park, Kenbane ; common, Murlough Bay ; Church Bay, Rathlin Island, 
R. Welch, May 1902. Cushendun, May 1886! S. A. Brenan. Cushendall, Aug. 
1894! W. Moss. 

Down—Crawfordsburn, May 1902; common in Castle Yard and plantations, 
Ardglass, 1897 ; Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast; Hillsborough Castle Park, April 
1902, R. Welch, May 1902. ; 

Armagh—June 1885! H. W. Lett. 

Donegal—Ardara, April 1900, R. Welch. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Leitrim—Glenear, E. Collier & G.W. Chaster, Sept. 1900, R. Welch, May 1902. 

Galway E.—Churehyard, Monivea (B. J. Clarke, Annals N.H., 1840, p. 208). 

Cork— Ae. Ball (B. J. Clarke, Annals N.H., 1843, p. 334). 

Kerry—Killowen Church, Kenmare, May 1898, R. Welch. Kenmare demesne ; 
Loo Bridge and island in Middle Cloonee Lake (Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). 

On the Continent, this variety has been reported from France, various parts of 
Italy, the Tyrol, South Norw ay, and Poltava and Tehernigoy in Russia. 


Var. aldrovandi Moquin-'andon, Moll. France, 1855, 11., p. 29. 

ANIMAL ash-coloured with pale spots. 

This variation is due to the incomplete overspreading of the secondary colouring, 
which leaves the ground tint visible in places in the form of paler spots. It is by no 
means certain whether the var. aldrovandi described by Moquin-Tandon belongs to 
this species or to cinereo-niger, as the meagre description is applicable to forms of 
both species. 

Dorset—Portland, Aug. 1886! J. Madison. 

Gloucester W.—Bristol, June 1884! ©. Waterfall. 

Isle of Man—Douglas, Sept. 1892! F. Taylor. 

This variety has also been observed in France. 

Var. obscura Moquim-T'andon, Moll. France, 1855, p. 31. 
Limax maximus var. nebulosus Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 14. 
Limax unicolor var. sordidus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 26. 

ANIMAL with longitudinal banding indistinet, obscured by the diffusion of the 
darker colouring. 

Northants—Common in cellars, Northampton, Sept. 1884! W. D. Crick. Ketter- 
ing (L. E. Adams, Moll. Northants, 1896, p. 5). 

Gloucester E.—Leckhampton, May 1885! J. Madison. 

Gloucester W.—Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Glamorgan—Cardiff, Nov. 1889! F. W. Wotton. 

Montgomery—Welshpool, under planks, Aug. 1889! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Lincoln N.—Alford, Sept. 1885! J. E. Mason. 

Cheshire—Alderley Edge, Oct. 1897 ! Sale, Sept. 1894! C. Oldham. 

Has also been recorded for France, Italy, and Switzerland. 

Var. bicolor Taylor. 
Ground colour of ANIMAL white; MANTLE maculate with black; and BoDyYy 
banded or blotched with same colour. 
Isle of Man—Port Erin, 1881, L. E. Adams. 

This variety has also been observed on the continent by Dr. Simroth. 
Var. tigris Adams ms. 
ANIMAL of a tawny-yellow colour, with black markings. 

York S. E.—Beverley, Oct. 1884! J. Darker Butterell. 
Stafford—Stafford, L. E. Adams, Sept. 1897. 

Antrim—Slope of Knocklayd Mountain, Ballyeastle, July 1897, Dr. Trumbull, 
R. Welch, May 1902. 

Geographical Distribution.—Limax maximus is dispersed through- 
out Europe, and has been recorded for Asia Minor, Transcaucasia and Algeria. 

It has also been introduced by commerce into the United States, Mexico, 
Cape Colony, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and the North Atlantic 

According to Bourguignat, the Algerian specimens are not really maaimus, 
but Lima deshayesii; those from the Canaries are Lima abrostolus Bourg., 
and the Azorean specimens Limaa eubalius of the same author. 

In the British Isles this species is universally distributed, being found in 
all the three kingdoms, and extending into quite remote districts. 

Channel Isles—Guernsey and Sark (Cooke & Gwatkin, Q J.C., 1878, vol. i., p. 
322). Jersey, Herm, Jethou, and Crevichon (Lukis in Ansted, 1862). 
Cornwall W.—Common ; frequently in damp corners of cellars and sculleries 
(Marquand, Moll. W. Cornwall, 1884, p. 4). Pennion, Falmouth, April 1884! Her- 
bert Fox. St. Columb Porth, near Newquay ! and Truro! J. H. James, Dee. 1888. 
Devon S.—Plymouth (J. C. Bellamy, Plymouth list, 1837). Exeter, common in 
gardens, outhouses, etc. (E. Parfitt, Nat., 1854, p. 150). 
Devon N.—Combe Martin and Challacombe (J. R. B. Tomlin, J. of Conch., v., 
p. 181, April 1887). Northam, Noy. 1885! W. A, Gain. 
Somerset S.—Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Pirate Vi. 


1.—Limax maximus var. syluatica=typical form, p. 43. 
Well Vale, Lincolnshire. 

2.—Limax maximus var. candida, p. 41. 

3.—Limax maximus var. concolor, p. 41. 10.—Limax maximus var. tetrazona, p. 43. 

6.—Limax maximus var. vinosa, p. 41. 13.—L. maximus sub.-var. geminipunctata, p. 45. 

7.—Limax maximus var. tigris, p. 46. 14.—Limax maximus var. obscura, p. 46. 

8.—Limax maximus sub.-var. serpentina, p. 43. 15.—Limax maximus var. aldrovandi, p. 46. 

J. W. Taylor, del. Taylor Bros., Leeds. 


Geographical Distribution 

Limax maximus L. 

rea Recorded Distribution, 

| Probable Range. 


IAF sy, 


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Fic. 68. 

Somerset N.—Common (A. M. Norman, 1860). Common around Bratton St. 
Maur (KE. W. Swanton, Conch., i., p. 57, Dec. 1891). 


Wilts S.—Salisbury, common (J. E. Vize, Wilts. Mag., 1866. p. 278). Vicarage 
garden, Steeple-Ashton, March and June, 1887 ! E. Ponsonby Knubley. 

Dorset—Generally distributed (J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1898, p. 4). 
Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. 

Isle of Wight—Enumerated as common by G. Guyon (Venables’ Guide to the 
Isle of Wight, 1860, p. 401). 

Hants S.—Christchurch, common, Jan. 1883! and Vinney Ridge, New Forest, 
June 1887, C. Ashford. In forest, Cadnam, J. H. Ashford ; Beaulien (C. Ashford, 
J. of Conch., Jan. 1887, p. 159). Woods, Winchester, 1883, B. ‘Tomlin. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, Oct. 1884! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex W.—Generally distributed, frequenting outhouses and cellars in damp 
situations (Harting, Zool., March 1878, p. 87). Beech plantation, Downs, Ratham, 
common, July 1884! W. Jeffery. 

Sussex E.—Lewes, in gardens, cellars, ete. (W. C. Unwin, Nat., 1853, p. 54). 
Brighton (W. C. Unwin in Merrifield’s Nat. Hist. of Brighton, 1860). Hastings 
(A. W. Langdon, Nat. Hist. of Hastings, 1878, p. 13). Ouse, Cuckmere and East 
Rother districts (J. H. A. Jenner, J. of Conch., March 1880). 


Kent E.—Faversham, Sept. 1884! Miss Fairbrass. Davington, near Faversham, 
E. Collier, Sept. 1885. Folkestone, Sept. 1886! C. Oldham. 

Kent W.—Common in W. Kent, T. D. A. Cockerell, Apl. 1883. Sevenoaks, not 
uncommon (R. H. 8. Smith, Zool., 1854, p. 4332). Common, Chislehurst! (IT. D. A. 
Cockerell, Nat. Hist. Notes, Nov. 1882, p. 171). In a cellar near Cobham, Leach, 
Syn., p. 52, 1852! (Brit. Mus., Sept. 1886). Kingsdown, Sept. 1891, L. E. Adams. 
Maidstone (Elgar & Lamb, J. of Conch., Jan. 1893). 

Surrey—Wray Park, near Reigate (G. S. & E. Saunders, 1861), Charles Hill! 
and Waverley, near Farnham, very common, July 1883, 8S. Spencer Pearce. Hasle- 
mere, Aug. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Croydon, Oct. 1885! 8. C. Cockerell. Grays- 
wood, E. W. Swanton (Pannell. J. of Coneh., April 1902). 

Essex S.—Becontree Hundred (W. Crouch, Essex Nat., Dec. 1890). Near Abbey 
Wood (Jenkins, Essex Nat., Nov. 1891). Brentwood (Reeve, Brit. Moll., 1863, p. 
26). High Beach, Epping, Apl. 1890! H. W. Kew. 

Essex N.—Witham, 1833 (Loudon’s Mag., Oct. 1834, p. 535). Frequent in ash- 
pits, woods, and damp places about Colchester (H. Laver, Essex Trans., 1882, p. 93). 
Saffron Walden (Saffron Walden Museum, G. N. Mayman). 


Herts. —Garden, Kingsbury, St. Albans, July 1884, John Hopkinson. Hitchin, 
Mareh 1886! C. Ashford. Ware (Jeffreys, Moll. Herts., IS84. p. 31) 

Middlesex — Bedford Park, Chisw ick, Dec. 1884! and Acton, Jan. 1885 ! T. D. A. 
Cockerell. Whetstone ! ( Brit. Mus , Sept. 1886). Giesbach road, Upper Holloway, 
July 1890; Churehyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, May 1890; and Hampstead, June 
1888! H. Wallis Kew. Harrow, May 1888 ! G. Barrett- Hamilton. 

Berks.— Maidenhead, very common, 1880, L. E. Adams. 

Oxford—Searce about Oxford, but large and abundant in the south of the county 
(J. F. Whiteaves, 1857, p. 5). Not uncommon in Henley road, near Watlington, 
and at Pyrton (A. Merle Norman, Zool., 1853, p. 4127). Not uncommon in damp 
places about Banbury (R. Stretch, Zool., 1855, p. 4541). 

Bucks. —Chersley, Apl. 1883! H. H. Slater. Castlethorpe, May 1885! W. D. Crick 


Suffolk E.—Exceedinely common, Woodbridge, May 1886! S$. Spencer Peirce. 
Mendlesham parish, in crevices of old stone walls (A. Maytield, Norfolk Trans... 
1902, p. 350). Blaxhall, G. T. Rope. 

Suffolk W.— Hardwick (C. Greene, Suffolk list,, 1891). 

Norfolk E.—Frequent under stones about Norwich (W. Kk. Bridgman, Zool., 

1850, p. 2742). Whitlingham, common, T. Reeve, Feb. 1886. Long Stratton, Aug. 
1890, L. E. Adams. Bedon ! A. Maytield. 1891. Under logs, Yelverton ; Howe, near 
W hitlingham Church, 8. Spencer Pearce ; Kirby-Bedon and Heigham, A. Mayfield 
(Pearce & Mayfield, J. of Conch., July 1894, p. 393). 

Norfolk W.—Starston, Harleston, Rey. W. Whitear (Leach, Syn. Brit. Moll, 
1852, p. 52). Lynn. Sept. 16, 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Cambridge—Whiittlesea and Isle of Ely (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858). 


Bedford—Luton, May 1887! J. Saunders (Midl. Nat., June 1888, p. 153). 

Northampton—Common throughout (L. E. Adams, Moll. Northampton, 1896, 
p. 5). Towcester, A. Loydell, 1881. Old walls and cellars, East Haddon, J. E. 
Roberts (LE. Adains, op. cit). In gardens and cellars, Northampton, May 1883 ! 
W.-D. Crick. 

Gloucester E.—Cheltenham (W. Webster, Nat., 1854, p 175). Common at 
Stroud, Mareh 1884! E. J. Elliott. Birdlip Woods, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester W.—Common, Redland, T. G. Ponton, 1864; gardens, Clifton, Miss 
Jones (Leipner’s Bristol list, 1875). Stroud, Oct. 1883 ! E. J Elliott. 

Hereford—Not very common, Doward Hill (A. E. Boycott, Sci. Goss. , 1892, p. 78). 
Fairly common, have taken it ‘Sat sugar” in Hereford (Boycott & Bowell, Hereford 
list, 1899). 

Worcester— Malvern, not uncommon, E. Lees (Griffith’s Malvern list, 1870. p. 159), 
Breeden Cross, Stirehley ; near Alcester ! Blakeley Hall, and Lea Hall, Yardley ! War- 
wick road, Greet! Stratford road, May 1867! canal path, Acock’s green, May 1867! 
Black lane, Kingsheath! and Sarehole ! all near Birmingham, W. Nelson. Mosby, 
Oct. 1884! J. Madison. Selly Oak, Feb. 1893! L. E. Adams. Sparkbrook (G. 8. 
Tye, Q.J.C., May 1875). 

Warwick—Erdington, May 1867! and Begearly Green, Olton, July 1871! near 
Birmingham, W. Nelson. Edgbaston (G. S. Tye, Q.J.C., May 1875). Solihull, Feb. 
1893, L. E. Adams. Sutton Coldfield (A. Wood, Moll. Sutton Coldfield, 1897). 

Stafford—Common in most cellars (Garner, Nat. Hist. of Staff, 1844, p. 301). 
Banks of Rushall aoe near Walsall ! W. Nelson. Dudley and Handsworth (G. 8. 
Tye, Q.J.C., May 1875). Stafford, in garden and cellar, May 1885, L. E. Adams. 
Barlaston Hall, Stoke one Trent, July 1888! and Cheadle, June 1 ISS8! J. R. B. Masetield. 

Salop—Common (T. C. Eyton, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Feb. 1840). W hitting- 
ton Castle, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. Minsterley, 1885! L. E. Adams. Com- 
monest slug about Forden and Gungrog Dingle, Welshpool (Morgan, 1888, p. 232). 


Glamorgan--Whitchurch, ete. (PF. W. Wotton, J. of Coneh., April 1888, p. 54). 
Aberkenfig, Aug. 1890, G. IK. Gude, H. W. Kew, June 1902. 

Pembroke—St. David's, July 1891, J. Bickerton Morgan. Fairly plentiful about 
Tenby, A. G. Stubbs, Feb. 1896. Near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler.  Pen- 
ally, H. R. Wakefield, 1901. 

Cardigan —Aberystwyth, May 1888 !(E Collier, J. of Conch., Oct. 1888, p. 354). 

Montgomery—l*orden, June 7, 1888! J. Bickerton Morean.  ji4ZLeS NORTH. 

Merioneth—The Gardens, Palé, Corwen, May 1887! 'T. Ruddy. 

Carnarvon—Bbettws-y-Coed, Aug. 1865! C. Ashford. Conway Castle, Jan. 1888! 
L. E. Adams. 

Denbigh—Tal-y-Cafn, July 1883! W.D.R. 

Anglesey—Llanfaes, Sept. 1886! J. Grafton Milne. 


ea eee 

Lincoln S.—Near Boston, Sept. 1884! W.D.R. py tee 

Lincoln N.—Common, Bottesford (EK. A. Woodrufte-Peacock, Nat., May 1901, p. 
157). Well Vale, Alford, April 1886!W.D.R. Malthy Wood, near Louth, May 1890, 
and Wragby, Aug. 1888! H. W. Kew.  Kirton- Lindsey, M: uy and Aucust 1902 ! 
E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. Frodingham, July 1902, W.D.R. Tothill, May 1888 ! 
Miss Allott. Broughton, near Brice, Aug. 1902! Miss F. H. Woolward. 

Leicester—Leicester (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). Market Bosworth (Power, 
Linn. Trans., 1808, p 323). Canal side, Belgrave, June 1885! H. E. Quilter Cellar, 
West street, Leicester, Oct. 1895; New Parks, near Leicester (H. E. Quilter, Moll. 
Leicester, 1888, p. 20). Gumley Wood, A. Merle Norman, 1884. 

Notts. —Welbeck, R. A. Rolfe, 1883. Highfield House, Bramcote, Beeston, Chil- 
well, Sawley, Thrumpton, Nottingham, ete. (Lowe, Notts. list, ee Worksop, 
April 1884! Felley Abbey, Sept. 1884 ! Annesley churehyard, Sept. 1884! Staunton, 
June 1886! Pleasley Vale ! ‘and C resswell Crags, April 1884! Lenton | ! and Tollerton, 
C. T. Musson. Tuxford, April 1885! W. A. Gain. Mansfield, E. Pickard, Feb. 1884. 
Nottingham Corporation eae Wells road, July 1888 ! na Mellors: Southwell: 
Minster yard, Sept. 1892 ! C. Oldham. 

cea Marple, May ek ! and Miller’s Dale, Aug. 1885! C. Oldham. Winster, 
Aug. 1885. H. Milnes. Buxton, Sept. 1887 ! T. W. Pocock. Clifton, in gardens and 
cellars, June 1889, L. E. Adams. Matlock, H. E. Craven, and Darleydale, R. Stan- 
den (H. Milnes, J. of Coneh., Oct. 1893). Markland Gripps, 1884! C. T. Musson. 


Cheshire—Chester (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858, p. 8). Marple, Sept. 1888 ! Knuts- 
ford, March aa C. Oldham. Bowdon! and Sale! in gardens and yards (Milne 
and Oldham. J. of Coneh., Jan. 1894, p. 316). 

Lancashire Se ommon in w all-crevices in autunin, Victoria Park, Manchester, 
L. E. Adams, 1885. Very large in cellar at Greenheys, and in greenhouse, Victoria 
Parkes: 1D: Darbishire, 1885. Farineton, June 1888, W. H. Heathcote. Southport, 
(MeNicoll, Southport list, 1859, p.-147). Chorlton, R. Hardy, 1885.  Plentiful 
about Liverpool (Liverpool Nat. Serap-Book, 1863- 4, . 09). Burnley (F. C. Lone, 
The Garner, Jan. 1892). Whalley, June 1889! W. ee Hesticote. 

Lancashire W.—Grimsareh, June 1888, W. H. Heathcote. Fleetwood, Sept. 
1891, L. E. Adams. PaO WERE 

York S.E.—Abundant at Newport, near Staddlethorpe, Aug. 1883! T. K. Skip- 
with. Common in gardens, Westwood, near Beverley, Sept. 1884! J. D. Butterell. 
Not common, Long lane, Beverley GEDSBs Or JnC. April 1882). Cellars and out- 
houses, Hornsea (JD) oe ().J.C., April 1881, p. 136). Common in gardens, Hull and 
Hornsea (J.D.B.. Nat., Dec. 1878). Kirkham Abbey, Sept. 1899! W.D.R. 

York N.E.—Common,.Wilton Wood, July 1884! Baker Hudson. Thornaby 
(id., J. of Conch., April 1886). Kirkleatham. Sept. 1886! W.D.R. a abundant, 
July 1883! H. Pollard. ae near Thirsk (J. H. Davis, Nat , 1855, p. 134). 
Castle Hill, Scarboro’, Aue. 1888, B. Tomlin. Castle Hill, Pie kering, ‘Aug. 1886! and 
Farwath Bridge, Aug. 1886! W. D. R. Linton-on-Ouse (J. Ranson, Zool., 1861, 
p. 7819). Common about York (R. M. Christy, Zool., 1881, p. 242). “Malton, July 
1884 ! W.D.R. 

York S.W.—Generally distributed about Bradford, Saltaire, Bingley and Stee- 
ton (Soppitt & Carter, Nat., 1888, p. 97). Wilsden, March 1884, E. P. P. Butterfield. 
Common about Wakefield (J. Hebden, Q.J.C., 1874. p. 5). Rothwell, not common 
Ce Sarge Nat. Monthly, Sept. 1887). Birkenshaw, Sept. 1888! G. Wingate. 
Holmfirth, Jan. 1885! H. E. Craven. Huddersfield, not common (J. Whitwham, 
Nat.., May 1877). Conisborough, June 1873! Roche Abbey, April 1884! W.D.R. 
tose Hill, Penistone, June 1889! South Anston, Aue. 1891, and Doneaster, July 
1892, L. E. Adams. 

York Mid W.—Abund: unt, Kavestone, near Ripon, March 1883! J. Ineleby. 
Reynard Ings, Ikley, May 1882! Sti urbotton, May 1886! W.D.R. Grassineton, Aug. 
iss20 Ho, Soppitt. Generally distributed about Harrogate, tipley, Ribston, and 
Knaresbro’ Coa ‘ald, J. of Conch.. Jan. 1889). Birstwith, very common (F. T. 
Walker, Q.J.C., Jan. 1882). Pateley Bridge, common, Apl. 1883! W. Storey. Banks 
of Lindley Wood Reservoir, July 1885! and near Limley, Goyden Pot, May 1886 ! 
W.D.R. Airton, Sept. 1883, H. T. Soppitt. Lime hills, Roundhay ! W. Nelson. 
Barwick. 1881! H. Pollard. Thorpe Stapleton, Oct. 1876! H. Crowther. New 
Leeds ! and Headingley, near Leeds, July 1884! W. E. Clarke. Boston Spa and 
Tadcaster, F. G. Binnie, 1880. Bardsey, Sept. 1881 ! Ties Oct. 1876! H. Crow- 
ther. Hook Moor, July 1885! G. Roberts. Bolton Perey, July 1880! W. Nelson 

York N.W.—Swinton, near Masham, Aug. 1900! W.D,R. Taiths Gill, Baugh 
Fell, Aug. 1902! W.D.R, | 


Durham—Durham, April 1884! Spa Wood, Dinsdale, 1887! Baker Hudson. 
Darlington, common in gardens (Longstatfe, Hist. Darl., 1854, p 371). 
Northumberland S.—Museum Grounds, Newcastle, Aug. 1888! R. Howse. 
Cheviotland—Dean above Akeld, May 1852 (G. Johnston, Berwick Proce., 1852). 
Westmorland, etc.—Grange, April 1884 ! Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. 
Cumberland—Stanwix and Wetheral, in cellars and woods (Miss Donald, Cum- 
berland list, 1882, p. 56). 
Isle of Man—Frequent (Forbes, Mal. Mon., 1838, p. 6). Port Erin, 1881, L. E. 
Adams. Peel, Aug. 1894! R. Cairns. Castletown and Douglas, Aug. 1894, F. Taylor. 


Kirkcudbright— Maxwelltown, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Glen App, near Ballantrae, July 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Renfrew—Frequent, Greenock, Sept. 1886! T. Scott. Shielhill Glen, Aug. 
1886 ! W.D.R. 

Lanark—Outhouses, Glasgow, Sept. 1887, J. E. Somerville. 


Peebles—Walkerburn, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Kingsmeadows, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Thornielee railway station, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Roxburgh—Melrose Abbey, June 1886! J. Madison. 

Berwick—F ans, near Earlston, Oct. 1883! R. Renton. Near Cockburnspath ! 
and about Eyemouth (W. Evans, Moll. Berwick, 1895, p. 170). 

Haddington—Abandoned railway near Drummore, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. North 
Berwick (J. MeMurtrie, J. of Conch., 1889, p. 3). 

Edinburgh—Edinburgh, R. F. Scharff, 1883. Bonally, Sept. 1888, W. E. Clarke. 
Cramond Isle, Sept. 1888! T. Scott. _Levenhall, near Musselburgh, 1886 ! W.D.R. 
Harmony, near Balerno, April 1890! W. Evans. Colinton, July 1889 ! W. Evans. 

Fife & Kinross—Near Cupar, July 1886! T. Scott. EAST HIGHLANDS. 

Stirling—Polmont, Aug. 1890! W. Evans. 

Perth S.—Enumerated by G. McDougall, in Report Stirling Soe. , June 1896. 

Mid Perth—Annat Lodge, Perth, May 1886! H. Coates. 

Forfar—Broughty Ferry, A. Somerville, 1886. Montrose, July 1884! W. Duncan. 

Kincardine—Stonehaven (Macgillivray, Deeside and Braemar list, 1855, p. 418). 

Aberdeen S.—Plentiful about Old Bridge of Don. Torry near Aberdeen (Mac- 
gillivray, Moll. Aberdeen, 1843). Plentiful by the Don and the Dee, at Nether 
Banchory (James Taylor, Zool., 1853, p. 3878). 

Aberdeen N.—Plentiful, Auchterless, and near Inverugie Castle (Macegillivray, 
Deeside and Braemar list, 1855, p. 418). 

Elgin—Common among trees near Waterton, Ellon (R. Dawson, Aberdeen, ete., 
list, 1870, p. 14). Elgin (specimens in McAndrew coll., J. of Conch., 1882, p. 385). 


Main Argyle—Lismore and wood behind railway station, Oban, Aug. 1893 
(Standen & Hardy, J. of Conch., Oct. 18938). 

Dumbarton—Common at Maryhill, by side of canal, July 1897! A. Shaw. 

Clyde Isles—Rothesay, Bute, May 1887! T. Scott. 


Sutherland E.—Golspie Burn, June 1886! and Brora, Apr. 1890! W. Baillie. 


Orkneys—(T. 8S. Traill, Edinburgh Eneyel., 1830, p. 10). 
Shetland Isles—(Jeffreys, Ann. and Mag. N.H., Oct. 1868). 


Fairly common in most parts of Ireland, but the type form is not common in the 
north, the maculate varieties being the most prevalent. 


Derry—Coleraine, moderately common, 1883-4, L. E. Adams. 

Antrim—Belfast (W. Thompson, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 198). Cushen- 
dun, May 1886! and Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886! 8. A. Brenan. Abun- 
dant by roadside coppice between Fairhead and Murlough, Sept. 1896 (R. Standen, 
Irish Nat., Jan. 1897). Knockagh Mount; Greenisland ; Plantation Port at Ken- 
bane, near Ballycastle ; Glenavy, May 1900, R. Welch. 

Down—Belvoir Park, near Belfast, 1893 ; Donaghadee Churchyard, 1897 ; Ard- 
elass, 1897; Ballynoe Marsh, Downpatrick, 1898 ; Sydenham House Grounds, 1898 ; 
and Castle Park, Hillsborough, 1899, R. Welch, May 1902. 

Armagh—Armagh ! (J. of Conch., Oct. 1890). 

Tyrone—Aughnacloy, Clogher Valley, Feb. 1898, R. Welch. 


Donegal—Mossy stumps, Port Salon, May 1893 (R. Standen, J. of C., July 1893). 

Cavan— Woods and lake shore. Killykeen, July 1896 (Welch, Irish Nat. , July 1896). 

Meath—Trim Churchyard, July 1900, R. Welch. LEINSTER. 

Dublin—Dublin (W. Thompson, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 198. Kingstown, 
May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. On island of ‘lreland’s Eye’ at the ‘Stags, 
near Howth, 1897, R. Welch. Raheny, Killakee, and Leeson Park, Dublin (Scharff, 
Slugs of Ireland, 1891). 

Kildare—Straffan, 1884, J. E. Palmer. 

Wicklow—Woodenbridge, March 1893 (Scharff, Irish Nat., April 1893). 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1888 ! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Queen’s Co.—La Bergerie (Rev. B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1843). 

Westmeath—Killynon, Sept. 1886! W. IF. de Vismes Kane. 

Sligo—Near Ballina, not so common as L. arborum and L. agrestis (Warren, 
Zool., 1879, p. 26). Roekwood, Lough Gill, Oct. 1886! Markree Castle, Collooney, 
Aug. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Mayo W.—Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Moyview, Ballina, July 1891! Amy Warren.  Erriff Valley and Aasleagh Falls, 
R. Welch, April 1897. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, June 1896 (R. F. Scharff, Irish Nat., Sept. 1896). Der- 
nasliggan, April 1897 (R. Welch, Irish Nat., Nov. 1897). 

Clare—Ballyvaughan, July 1895 (Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895). 

Cork N.—Youghal, 1835! Warren Collection, Dublin Museum. 

Limerick—Limerick, W.H. Harvey (Thompson, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 198). 

Tipperary S.—Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Waterford— Waterford, Sep. 1883! J. H. Salter. 

Kerry—Valentia, July 1886! A. H. Delap; very large, near Lough Caragh, May 
1891 (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 518). Stricken, G. P. Farran ; Killowen 
Old Church, and at Kilmakilloge, Mr. Bigger; Tore Woods, G.W. Chaster (Standen, 
Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). Kenmare, Aug. 1899! J. E. Mason. 


In Germany it has been recorded for Altenburg, Alsace, Bavaria, Baden, East 
Friesland, Hesse, Hanover, Hamburg, Lorraine, Mark Brandenburg, Mecklenburg 
ys ’ ’ fe} ’ 2 E a 5D = a 5?) 
Nassau, Osnabruck, Pomerania, Pyrmont, Prussia, Rhenish Prussia, Silesia, 
Bee . . re 
Thuringia, Upper Franconia, Weimar, and Wurtemburg. 

Holland—(Heynemann, Jahr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 247). 
Belgium—Chaudfontaine, Font de Forét ; Forest of Angre ; Hastiére, ete., ete. 


Probably diffused over the whole country, and has been recorded from the follow- 
ing districts and departments :— 

Ain, Aisne, Allier, Ariége, Basses Pyrénées, Champagne Meridionale, Charente 
Inférieure, Cotes du Nord, Cote dOr, Finistére, Gard, Gers, Haute Garonne, 
Haute Loire, Hautes Pyrénées, Hante Savoie, Hérault, Isere, Ile et Vilaine, Loire 
Inférieure, Loztre, Manche, Maine et Loire, Morbihan, Moselle, Nié¢vre, Nord, 
Oise, Pas de Calais, Puy-de-Dome, Savoie, Seine et Marne, Seine, Seine Inferieure, 
Somme, Vendée, Vienne, Vosges, and according to Scharff is common at Ajaccio 
in Corsica. 


Probably diffused through a large part of the country, and has been recorded for 
the cantons of Berne, Graubunden, Geneva, Lucerne, Neuchatel, Solothurn, Ticino, 
Uri, Vaud, Zurich, ete. 


All Italy, continental and insular, except Sicily, where L. wnicolor Heynemann 

is found (Lessona & Pollonera, Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882). 


In Austro-Hungary it has been observed in Austria, Bohemia, Galicia, Goritz, 
Lauenberg, Silesia, Styria, and the Sudetic Mountains, Transylvania, Tyrol, and 
Upper Hungary. 


Spain—Aragon, Catalufia, Valencia (Graells, Moll. Espafia, 1846, p. 1). Common 
in gardens at Fuente del Mar, near Santander, May 1860 (E. J. Lowe, Dec. 1896). 

Portugal—Mountains of Cintra (Morelet, Moll. Port, 1845, p. 43). 


Thessaly —Mount Pindus (Boettger, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1886). Isle of 
Santorin (Letourneaux, Bull. Soc. Mal. France, 1884, p. 290). 


Norway—Laurvik, near Christiania; Arendal and Island of Tromsé, near 
Christiansand, and at Bergen (Esmark, J. of Conech., Oct. 1886); recorded for 
Trondjhem, but probably in error, by G. O. Sars, Moll. Arct. Norv., 1878, p. 371. 

Sweden—Stockholm (Hartmann & Heynemann, Jahr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885). 

Denmark—Viborg in Jutland; Copenhagen and Fredricksberg in Zealand 
(Malm, Lim. Seand., 1868, p. 57). 


Found in the provinces of Finland, Kurland, Livland, and Esthland, and at 
Sebastopol in the Crimea (Heynemann, Jahr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885) ; Moscow 
(Nadjeschin, Nacht. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1870); and in the provinces of Kharkov, 
Poltava, and Tchernigov (Kaleniezenko, Bull. Moscow, 1851). 

Poland—Wood of Tuliszow, 1868; Ztoly-Potok, 1870; the park of Natolin, 
Olsztyn, 1873; Pulawy Kazimierz, 1874 (Slosarski, Moll. Pologne, 1877). 

Transcaucasia—Imeretien (Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges.. 1885). 

Algeria— Gardens near Algiers, May 1837 (Forbes, Ann. N.H., Dee. 1838, p. 251). 
Asia Minor—E] Bireh, Barrois (Dautzenberg, Moll. Palestine et Syrie, 1894). 

é Azores—(Heynemann, l.c. 1885, p. 285). 
Canaries—Plain of the Laguna, ‘Teneriffe (Férussac, Hist., 1819, p. 71). 
Madeira—(T’. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., May 1897, p. 4). 


New York—Riverdale, H. Prime, 1885 ; New York City and Brooklyn (Binney, 
1885). Cayuga Lake Valley (N. Banks, Nautilus, April 1892). Monroe Co., J. 
Walton, 1898. 

Rhode Island—Newport, 8S. Powell (Binney, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875). 
Providence, H. Prime, 1885. 

New Jersey—Guttenberg, H. Prime, 1885. 

Massachusetts—In City Aqueduct, Springfield (Pilsbry, Naut., Apl. 1883). New 
Bedford and Cambridge (Pilsbry, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1889). 

Pennsylvania—Lineoln Park, Philadelphia (F.C. Baker, Nautilus, Sept. 1900). 
West Philadelphia and Danby, plentiful in cellars and greenhouses, H. A. Pilsbry ; 
Wissahickon, uncommon; Laurel Hill cemetery, common; Germantown, E. G. 
Vanatta (M. Schick, Nautilus, April 1895). 

Ohio—Cistern on Third street, Cincinnati, J H. James, 1885. 

Texas—New Braunfels (Pilsbry, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad.. 1889). 

California—Gardens, San Diego (C. R. Oreutt, Nautilus, 1890). Abundant in 
San Francisco (W. M. Wood, Nautilus, July 1894). Dr. Stearns’ garden, Los Ange- 
les, summer 1901 (‘T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., Dee. 1901). 

Mexico—City of Mexico, March 1894, Dr. A. Duges (T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of 
Mal , June 1894). 
Cape Colony—(Melvill & Ponsonby, Proc. Mal. Soe., Dec. 1898). 


New Zealand—Dunedin, F.W.Hutton (Musson, Proce. Linn, Soe. N.S. W., 1890). 

Tasmania—Gardens and cellars at Hobart, R. Tate; and at Launceston, C. Hedley 
(Musson, Proe. Linn. Soe., N.S. W., 1890). 

S. Australia— Adelaide (R. Tate, Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1880). 

Victoria—Ballarat, under logs in the bush, five miles from city (Musson, Proce. 
Linn. Soe. N.S. W., 1890). 

New South Wales—Common in and around Sydney, J. Brazier (Musson, Proce. 
Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 1890). 

PLatE V. 

Distribution of Limax maximus ig | 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 

of the British Isles. 


1 Cornwall W. 42 Brecon a 
2 Cornwall E. 43 Radnor 
3 Devous. 44 Carmarthen 3 
4 Devon N. 45 Pembroke ¥ 
5 Somerset 8, 46 Cardigan 
6 Somerset N. NORTH WALES 
CHANNEL 47 Montgomery @ 
7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth 
8 Wilts s. 49 Carnarvon e 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh m bid 
10 Isleot Wight 51 Flint ws & 
11 Hauts S. 52 Anglesey 
12 Hants N. TRENT ae 
13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln 8. 
14 Sussex kb, 54 Lincoln N, 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld. 
15 Kent b. 56 Notts. 
16 Kent W. 57 Derby 
17 Surrey MERSEY 
18 Essex 8 58 Cheshire 
19 Essex N. 59 Lancashire S.  '"!0_ 
20 Herts. 60 Lancashire Mid Pd 
21 Middlesex HUMBER 
22 Berks. 61 S.E. York : 
23 Oxford 62 N.E. York 
24 Bucks. 63 5 Ww. oe 7 eS Wage 
ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York . y 
5 Suffolk bh. 65 N.W. York Is) 
26 Suffolk W. TYNE = 
27 Norfolk E. 66 Durham 
28 Norfolk W. 67 Northumb, S. 
29 Cambridge 68 Cheviotland 
30 Bedford LAKES 
31 Hunts. 69 Westmorland 
32 Northampton and L. Lanes. 
SEVERN 70 Cumberland 
33 Gloucester E. 71 Isle of Man 
34 Gloucester W, 
35 Monmouth 
36 Hereford 
37 Worcester 
38 Warwick 
39 Stafford 
40 Salop 

Chanuel Isles 

41 Glamorgan 


yx Ay 
\ iy 


Probable Range. 

SS) Recorded Distribution. 
pe Distribution verified by the 




Fife & Kinross 




Aberdeen N. 

Main Argyle | 
Clyde Isles 
Ebudes 8. 
Ebudes Mid 
Ebudes N. 

Ross W. 

Ross E. 
Sutherland E, 

87 PerthS.& Clkn 108 Sutherland W. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
89 Perth N. NORTH ISLES 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
113: Derry 122 Louth 
114 Antrim 123 Meath 
115 Down 124 Dublin 
116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co. 
132 Westmeath 




33 Longford 


5 Leitrim 
3) Sligo 

7 Mayo E. 
3 Mayo W. 

Galway W. 
Galway E. 

3 Tipperary N. 

Tipperary 8. 

} Cork N. 
7 Cork 8. 


e i - 
PPO Pe Fie, Ped, 1) 
ee ioe © es 
‘a ls 




Limax cinereo-niger Wolf. 

1774 Limax cinereus varr. a and € Miiller, Verm. Hist., ii., pp. 5 and 7. 

1789 — ater Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, p. 266. 

1803 — cinereo-niger Wolf, in Sturm’s Deutsch. Fauna, fase. 1. 

1804 —_ geographicus Renier, Prodr. Classe d. Vermi Adriatico. 

1819 — antiquorwm Feér., Hist. Moll., p. 68, pl. iv., £. 1, pl. 8A, f. 1 & pl. 8p, f. 2. 
1821 — alpinus Fér., Tabl. Syst., p. 21, pl. 4A, ff. 5-7. 

1822, — _ vittipes Bonelli, Ms., Mus. Taurin. 

1836 — maurus Held, in Isis, p. 271. 

1851 — bilobatus Ray & Drouet, Moll. Champagne, p. 16. 

1852 — lineatuws Dumont & Mortillet, Hist. Moll. Savoie, p: 192! 

1854 — dacampi Menegazzi, Malac. Veronese, p. 63, pl. 1, ff. 1-4. 

1855 = — corsicus Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, ii., Ds 205 pleds fis 1O=0s: 
1855 — claravallensis Drouet, t. Moquin-Tandon, op. cit., p. 28. 

1861 — doriw Bourg., Rev. et Mag. Zool., p. 256, Dl Satie Tene 

1862. — engadinensis Heyn., Mal. BL, p. 204. 

1862, — _ ftransilvanica Heyn., Mal. BL., p. 216. 

1863, — nubigenus Bourg., Spic. Mal., p. 20. 

1864 — erythrus Bourg., Mal. Grande Chartreuse, Bp: 3l5 pl. 2, ie 128: 

1867  — niger Malzine, Faune Mal. Belgique. 

1871 — montanus Leydig, Verhandl. Wurtt., p. 210. 

1873 — _ bielzii Seibert, Mal. BI., p. 195. 

1881 — cinereus B intermedia. Breviere, J. de Conch., p. 314. 

1894 — hedleyi Collinge, Journ. of Mal., iii., pp. 51, 52, and iv., pp. 4, 5, 1895. 

1849 Arion lineatus Dumont, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Savoie, p. 64. 
1868 Hulimax cinereo-niger Malm, Skand. Limac., p. 57, pl. 5, f& 12, 13. 
1876 Limacella cinereo-niger Jousseaume, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, p. 99. 

ISTORY.—Limav cinereo-niger (cinereo- 

niger, ashy-black), is one of the largest 
and most brilliantly coloured of the Euro- 
pean slugs, if the allocation by Simroth of 
the gorgeous Italian forms to this species be 
correct, the colouration of these magnifi- 
cent Limaces ranging from black to white, 
through vivid red, bright yellow, grey or 
brown, and in size far exceeding the largest 
L. maximus. Inthe cool and moist climate 
of the British Isles, however, this species is 
unusually constant im its colouring, and 
offers little variation from a more or less 
uniformly dark pigmentation. 

With this, the finest species of the group, 
we associate Herr D. F. Heynemann, of 
Frankfort, whose services to the cause of 
Timacology can scarcely be overestimated, 
and in recognition of whose labours Malm 
constituted the group Heynemannia to em- 
brace the present species and its close allies. 

Although, in common with Dr. Simroth 
and many other malacologists, Herr Heynemann regards Limax cinereo- 
niger as only a form of Limax maximus, “changed by food, climate, or 
anything else,” it is possible that this belief is in many cases based upon 
a pre-conceived opinion, which an accurate appreciation of the undoubted 
differences would probably modify, as, though both species have certainly 
sprung from the same stemma, c/nereo-niger is undeniably the more ancient 
offshoot, exhibiting such an assemblage of divergent characters as seems 
conclusively to show that it has finally parted company with Z. maximus. 

13/3/03 D 

Z sansonian Instit),, 
fi Or Mio 

{| UL 31 }: 




The Limax ater and related forms are in all likelihood the more primitive 
forms of this species in which the dark colouring of the body has not yet 
spread to the side areas of the sole, but in the absence of the possibility of 
a precise determination, Wolf’s name has been adopted for the species in 
preference to that of Razoumow sky. 

The type form characterized by Wolf has the ground colour white, as is 
evidenced by the keel and mid-dorsal line retaining that colour, while the 
remainder of the animal is almost wholly black, due to the diffusion of the 
black markings. 

The Limax dacampi var. amaliw of Betton is identical with the type, 
while Limae hedleyi Collinge and L. mavimus var. luctuosa only differ in 
the white mid-dorsal line being sullied with a slight ochraceous tint and not 
extending quite up to the shield. 

Diagnosis. —Exrernatty, L. cinereo-niger in its typical form is distin- 
guished from L. maximus by its more uniformly dark colouring, its shorter 
and stouter tentacles, its coarse and prominent ruge, and its sharp and 
well-marked keel, which usually extends fully half the length of the body, 
and sometimes is perceptible quite to the shield. The shield is typically 
unicolorous, and the sole distinctly longitudinally tripartite, the outer areas 
being black or deep ash-grey and the mid-area paler. 

INTERNALLY, the shell is thin and brittle, almost transparent when fresh, 
broad and comparatively short; the penis- -sheath is of tolerably equal width 
throughout, not enlarged and stiffly flexed at the free-end as in L. mavi- 
mus, while its retractor arises, according to Dr. Scharff, between the heart 
and the kidney as in L. favus, and not behind the kidney asin L. maximus ; 
the lingual teeth are broader and also markedly more cuspidate and em- 
bryonic i in their character; the mandible is smaller and more delicate, the 
median beak is not so prominent, and the lower outer margins are distinctly 
rounded and not rectangular as in LZ. maximus. 

In habits, Lima cinereo-niger is more active and less nocturnal than LZ. 
maximus, it has a wider range, both altitudinally and geographically, and is 
not so partial to the vicinity of human dwellings. 

Description. —ANIM AL with a long and rounded but stouter body than Limax 
maximus, varying in length trom 100 or more mill. to, in extreme cases, 400 mill. ; 
GROUND COLOUR “usually whitish in this country, but in 
southern Europe often of a vivid red or other bright 
colour, banded, macnlated, or washed-over with grey, 
brown or blac k, and very frequently, more especially in 
the colder and moister districts, of an uniform black ; 
the whole surface covered with large, boldly projecting 
sinuous tubercles, reminiscent of those of Arion ater ; 
the caudal end of the body bears a strongly developed 
and very prominent KEEL, which is sometimes per cep- 
tible quite to the shield; NECK paler, with a pair of 
longitudinal DORSAL FURROWS, which terminate in 
front as the FACIAL GROOVE S; SOLE! longitudinally 
tripartite, the inner area pale, the two outer areas dark 
with sharply defined margins, except in the young 
stages or where from any cause the juvenile or primi- 
tive trait of an unicolorous sole is preserved to adult 
life; SHIELD large, oblong, nearly two-fifths the total 

length of the animal, rounded in front and more sharply 

angul: ited behind, usually of an uniform black or darkish Hee Er re and. body 
tint, but in the young or in those adults which have niver Well Glee Teel 
retained immature colouring may be marbled or spotted ‘ 

with some darker colour or black upon a pale ground. Mucus colourless and 
iridescent, or as in certain of the more extreme varieties, a red pigment may break 
through the skin and tinge the slime. 

1 Monog. i., 194, f. 383.; 


SHELL situated beneath the hinder part of the 
shield; somewhat quadrately oval, resembling in Pat 
size and shape that of Limax flavus ; thin, brittle, age Fic. 71. — Internal 
and almost transparent when fresh, whitish, slightly shell of L. cinereo- 
concave beneath, with lines of concentric increase, : ; Pike - ae Suth 
and a broad, brownish membranaceous fringe ; APEX a nde W. Baillie), 
or nucleus near to the left posterior angle. Length, 
8} mill.; breadth, 6 mill. 

INTERNALLY, the organization of Limax cinereo-niger resembles in general char- 
acter that of L. maximus, but in many points shows distinct evidences of an earlier 
type of structure. The SENSORY ORGANS though doubtless closely resembling those 
of the congeneric species, have never been critically studied in comparison with those 
of Limax maximus. 

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BiGerize Fic. 73. Fic. 74. Fic. 75. 


Fic. 72.—Distal end of penis sheath, shewing the position of the dorsal attachment of retractor (after 
Scharff). #. kidney ; . penis sheath ; ~. retractor ; v.d. vas deferens. Fic. 73.—Spermatheca or recepta- 
culum seminis X 2. Fic. 74.—Otolith (after Schmidt), highly magnified. | Fic. 75.—Prostatic or sperm 
duct, shewing its follicular structure x 4, Fic. 76.—Albumen gland and hermaphrodite duct x 2. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS, though similar 
to those of its close ally, yet exhibit constant 
differences; they show a larger and more deeply 
coloured OVOTESTIS which occupies the caudal 
end of the body to the exclusion of other organs ; 
the HERMAPHRODITE DUCT is of a clear blnish- 
white, and without any apparent VESICULA 
colour and usually smaller than the ovotestis ; 
OVISPERMATODUCT narrow, the creamy-white 
prostate usually wider than the oviduct ; FREE- 
OviIDUCT short, thick, and doubly flexed near the 
base; SPERMATHECA fusiform, mottled with 
reddish-amber and opaque ochreous-white and 
fixed by its crown to side of oviduct, the stem 
clear azure-white, about half the length of the 
vesicle ; PENIS-SHEATH greyish-white, very long, 
and nearly uniformly cylindrical or vermiform for 
its whole leneth, not distally swollen and rigidly 

flexed as in Limax maximus, with the clear-bluish- Fic. 77.—Sexual organs of L. cinereo- 
white VAS DEFERENS entering terminally; the — xége~ Wolf. 
RELRACTOR MUSCLE is long, broad, and ribbon. (Oswestry, Salop, Mr. Baker Hudson). 

oe BPs ais ae cee alb.g.albumen gland ; ov. oviduct ; of. 
like, attached to the extremity of the penis-sheath — Qyotestis; p.s. penis’ 72. retractor ; 

and to the dorsum between the heart and the — sg. spermatheca; 7.@. vas deferens. 
kidney, in a sinus of which the heart is situated. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL shows a short diso- 
PHAGUS opening into a large, oval, and brownish 
CROP; SALIVARY GLANDS united at base and not 
easily separated from the walls of the erop ; be- 
yond the crop the canal narrows considerably, 
widening again at the stomach at the termina- 
tion of the first alimentary tract, where two or 
three bile duets enter from as many lobes of the 
reddish-brown LIVER or DIGESTIVE GLAND; the Fic. 78.—Kidney or renal organ and 
INGESTIVE or STOMACH TRACT also does not show — Peart of 4. czmereo-niger, x2. h, kidney. 
the extreme development posteriorly which is so marked a feature in the fully adult 
examples of Limax maximus. 


MANDIBLE or jaw smaller and weaker than in Limax maximus, of a pale amber 
colour, with usually two dark submarginal parallel = 

thickenings near the upper margin ; the median beak 
projects somewhat beyond the line of jaw, but is not 
nearly so convex or so prominent as in L. maximus, 

and the lower outer angles of the jaw, so abruptly Fic. 79. Mandiblewor tawedt 
angulated and almost rectangular in L. maximus, ave — Limax cinereo-niger Wolf X 8. 
in the present species obliterated by the convexity con- (Goyt Valley, Cheshire, Mr. C. 

necting the upper and lower margins, the ends having ©!¢ham)- 
to some extent the somewhat horned aspect distinguishing the mandible of Hyalinia 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE of a Cheshire specimen is eight mill. long, and three 
mill. or more in breadth, covered with slightly curved transverse rows of teeth which 
are very uniform in size, only diminishing at the margins 3 median row with a some- 
what hour-glass shaped base, similar to that of L. maximus, and bearing a broad 
reflection with obsolete side reflections and a strong mesoconic prolongation bearing 
trifid cutting points ; lateral teeth trifid, with strong mesocone, distinet endocone, 
and a less pr rominent ectocone, which in the succeeding teeth becomes more distinct, 

“ign ouag 9 9504 

Fic. 80.—Representative denticles froma transverse row of the lingual teeth of L. c/nerveo-niger Wolf x 120. 

The animal collected by Mr. C. Oldham at Whaley Bridge ; the radula prepared by Mr. W. Moss, and 
photographed by Mr. T. W. Thornton. 

though always more basal than the endocone; about the twentieth row, the teeth, 
thouch still trifid, become more aculeate in char acter, and about the thir tieth row 
the endocone becomes obsolete, the ectocone and mesocone only being retained to 
the margins of the membrane, although a few trifid teeth may sometimes be seen, 
due, howev er, to the retention from the embryonic state of a secondary ectocone. 

The dental formula of a Whaley Bridge specimen, collected by Mr. C. Oldham, is 

444+504+1+50+44 x 168=25,032. 

28 TAS) Se 

Reproduction and Development.—Pairing would appear to take 
place throughout the milder periods of the year, and is always preceded by 
the same amatory. preludes and prolonged circular procession described 
under Limax maximus, but during the act of congress the animals do not 
invariably suspend themselves by a long conjointly secreted mucus cable, as 
in that species, but remain firmly attached to the underside of the branch 
or other object by the greater part of the sole, leaving free only the anterior 
part of the body to become entwined with that of their partner. 

‘he general character of the conjugation is, therefore, similar in the two 
species, although there are no precise modern observations available for 
comparison of the details of the act. 

he ova are deposited in moist places beneath the shelter of fallen trees, 
under loose bark, or other suitable situations, those of the var. corsica being 
described by Moquin-'andon as globular in shape, and about five mill. in 
diameter, shining, transparent, about the colour of gum-arabic, and united 
together in little clusters, and are said to hatch in about a month’s time. 

According to Lessona & Pollonera, the young when hatched have the shield 
mottled with black and white, and the foot-sole pale and unicolorous, but as 
growth proceeds, the pale markings on the shield become clouded over by the 
diffusion from the centre of the dark markings, which gradually extend 
towards the margins, which are also eventually darkened over, except in some 
adults which may retain traces of the pale maculations of their early life, but 
these vestiges are always more especially displayed towards the margins. 

The lateral zones of the sole are also little by little invaded by the dark 
tint, until they acquire their full depth of colouring, or as in the case of the 
dark colouring of the shield, the process of pigmentation may be arrested 
or retarded, and examples may therefore be found, especially at or near the 


limits of its altitudinal or latitudinal range, which retain at maturity, in a 
more or less pronounced form, their juvenile stage of colouring. 

The variegated and banded varieties may thus be regarded as having 
retained to adult life the youthful garb of the species, and as being the 
intermediate stage leading to the dark unicolorous forms which are the 
most advanced in their external colour evolution. 

Every district, however, has a local facies, which will be more or less 
in harmony with the geographical position of the locality and the peculiari- 
ties of the environment. Herr Goldfuss records that in Westphalia the 
young of this species are of an uniformly dark-grey ; Dr. Simroth, writing 
chiefly of the species as found near Leipzig, describes the very young ex- 
amples as usually pale, washed over with carmine-red, and the sharply 
defined main-band of the body as extending upon the shield, while Dr. 
Boettger, presumably describing those of Frankfort, s says the foot-sole in 
the young is always trifasciate, and the body zoned with four longitudinal 
dark bands, with the keel of a yellowish colour, but as maturity is “attained 
the body becomes wholly black, though sometimes retaining the yellow keel. 

Mr. Roebuck’s extensive experience of British specimens supports the 
view that the young possess an uniformly pale foot-sole, and that the side- 
areas are progressively invaded by the dark pigmentation as the animals 
increase in age. 

The life term, according to Dr. Simroth, is about one year, but there is 
little doubt that under favourable circumstances that period would be 
greatly exceeded. 

Food.—Limax cinereo-niger in a state of nature is considered to be a 
great and almost exclusive feeder upon fungi and other cryptogamic plants, 
and is recorded as greedily devouring Peziza macrocalyx, P. vesiculosa, 
Morchella esculenta, Evernia pr unastri, etc. 

Stahl records that the food of all the specimens of this species examined 
by him in the month of June was apparently solely fungi, as the excremen- 
titious matter was composed of partially digested hyphze and undigested 
spores of Peziza macrocalyx. 

In captivity or under the pressure of hunger they will, however, eat bread 
and many other kinds of food. 

Habits.—This species is less nocturnal and more active in habit than 
Limax maximus, and is always abroad during the day in damp, moderately 
warm weather. It frequents pine and other forests, more especially in shady 
places, hiding beneath the bark of dead trees, or on fungus-covered stumps, 
but is also often found under logs, or among dead leaves in the woods, and 
other similar retreats. 

In Italy and other south European countries it lives chiefly in the moun- 
tain forests, the darker varieties beg found at the higher altitudes, while 
the more brightly-coloured forms are restricted to lower ground; thus, the 
var. maura is found on Monte Mucrone, in Piedmont, at an altitude of 2,200 
metres (about 7,200 feet), and the sub-var. nubigena reaches nearly to the 
verge of eternal snow on Maladetta in the Pyrenees, while the brightly- 
coloured var. dacampi has its most elevated station at Prestine, in the Valle 
dell’ Ogio, in Lombardy, at 800 metres above sea level (about 2 ,620 feet), 
and the still more brilliant var. corsica is even more restricted in its altitud- 
inal range, its highest-known habitat in the mountains of Liguria not 
exceeding 700 metres (about 2,290 feet). 

In this country this species is also chiefly found in hilly or wooded districts 
and usually at some distance from dwelling-houses. 


The oOLFAcTORY sense in L. c/nereo-niger is remarkable for its power and 
precision. M. Colbeau relates that the fine specimen of var. malacologorum 
in his possession escaped many times from the box in which it was confined, 
through a small hole five mill. in diameter, and after wandering about 
several days in the garden, on two occasions re-entered the box by the same 
small hole, evidently attracted by the mushrooms grown therein. 

Variation.—Colour variation in the Limacidee would seem to reach its 
acme of development in this species, individuals of which display all shades 
of colour, ranging from uniform white, through grey, yellow, brown, and 
red to uniform black, with all the variations to which their combinations 
may give rise. ‘I'his marvellous variety in colour and marking leads us to sus- 
pect, as suggested by Simroth, that this rich and elaborate pigmentation is 
of high biological importance to this species in the struggle for existence. 

The complex causes which influence or inhibit the evolution and external 
disposition of colouring matter in the Limacide are still little understood; 
it has, however, been demonstrated by Simroth that the intensity and shade 
of the various colourimgs are dependent in a measure upon temperature, 
especially during the growth period. Cold, inclement seasons or districts 
favour the increase of the black pigment, and pale or entirely eradicate 
the red, while warm seasons or areas foster the development and intensi- 
fication of the red pigment, resulting in the gorgeous varieties recorded 
from Italy and other southern countries; but it must not be overlooked 
that the distribution and character of the external pigmentation is also 
largely influenced by the necessities of the animal, either by inducing a 
closer assimilation to the peculiarities of the environment, and therefore a 
more effective concealment from its enemies, or conversely by the develop- 
ment of a brighter colouring, rendering it more conspicuous, and therefore 
probably acting as a warning colour.' 

Like its close ally Limar maximus, the present species may also be 
regarded as trichroic or triple-tinted in its pigmentation, and has probably 
passed through a similar course of colour-changes, but the colour-develop- 
ment has advanced much further, a response to the more freely exposed life 
it leads and the consequent greater vicissitudes of temperature, ete., to 
which it is subjected. 

The probable sequence of its pigmentary evolution is shown by the 
primary or secondary tints sometimes extending over the Jocomotor or 
mid-area of the sole, beyond the darker tertiary colouring which has not yet 
advanced beyond the side areas and is still very superficial in its disposition ; 
further evidence of the progress of colour evolution is adduced by Simroth, 
from which we gather that in the youthful stages of the species in the 
more advanced districts there is a prevalence of the simple colouring which 
characterizes adults in those less favourable or more remote, as in L. mon- 
tanus of South Tyrol, L. engadinensis of Fast Switzerland, ete. 

L. cinereo-niger, judged by its more extended range altitudinally and 
also geographically wherever sufficient and precise observations have been 
made, by the situations it usually inhabits, by the more primitive character of 
its teeth, by the point of attachment of the penial retractor, and other pecu- 
liarities, is probably a more primitive and earlier form than Z. marimus, but 
the extreme climatic conditions under which the species lives, have enabled 
it to outstrip in its external pigmentation the Z. maaimus, which evinces 
such a partiality for the vicinity of human abodes, and is therefore more 
prone to be carried by commerce to, and become naturalized in distant lands. 

1 Monog., i., p. 327 and p. 330. 


The numerous modifications discriminated by various authors have, for 
convenience of study, been grouped into several sections, based upon the 
fundamental colour of the body, those varieties which have retained to a 
marked degree in adult life the immature character of their colouring being 
regarded as sub-varieties. 

Var. pallescens Dum. & Mort., Mal. Savoie, 1857, p. 13. 

Limax lineatus var. pallescens Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 

Limax cinereo-niger var. albicans Malm, Skand. Limac., 1868, p. 61, pl. 5, f. 13. 

Limax cinereo-niger var. tsseli Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 26, pl. a, ff. 4, 4 

Limax albus Paasch, Archiv f. Naturg., 1843, p. 85. 

Limax cinereo-niger var. hareri Heyn., Mal. BI. , 1862, p. 141. 
ANIMAL white or whitish, with or without darkly tinted side-areas to the sole. 
Dumont & Mortillet remark that this form is found in very shady places. 

The form named by Heynemann, hareri, is pure white; L. einereo-niger 
var. albieans and L. lineatus var. palleseens are whitish ; while L. cinereo- 
niger var. isseli has the body whitish and a white keel. 

Not hitherto recorded from the British Isles. 

Germany—An albine form, from Hohen-Wittlingen, Swabian Alps (Weinland, 
Nachrichtbl, 1874, p. 42). Sub-var. dareri, in the Taunus Mountains, June 1861 
(Heynemann, op. cit.). 

France—Haute Savoie (Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit.). 

Italy—Sub-var. isseli, Esino Valley, near Vezio in Lombardy (Pini, op. cit.). 

Sweden—Sub-var. albicans, common on Bornholm ; and has also been found near 
Ljungskile, and on the Alingsas tract (Malin, op. cit.). 

Norway—Sub-var. alba, Bamble, Christiansand Stift(Esmark, J. of C., 1886, p. 100). 

Var. strobeli Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 21 

Limax cinereo-niger § strobeli Lessona, op. cit. 

KEEL and median-line whitish, sides of body ash-coloured but showing the white 
ground colour as a series of whitish maculations with a single black band on each 
side, broken up into a row of spots ; SHIELD ash-coloured. Formula 001 100. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—Maccuegnaga, Val Anzasea, Piedmont, at an altitude of 1,323 metres (about 
4,340 feet) (Lessona & Pollonera, Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 30). 

Var. vera Dumont & Mortillet, Mal. Sav., 1857, p. 13. 
Limax antiquorum var. 3 Ferussac, Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 68, pl. 4, f. 1. 
Limax antiquorun v. ferrussackit Kaleniczenko, Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc., 1851, p. 120. 
Limax lineatus var. verus Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit. 
Limax lineatus var. interruptus Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. albicans, cinereo-nebulosus Malm, Skand. Limac., 1868, p. 60. 
Limax cinereo-niger 1 stabilet Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 21. 

KEEL whitish, two dark zones on each side of the body. Formula 021 120. 

The Limax antiquorum var. B of Ferussac, though usually referred to as uni- 
formly cinereous, is according to the figure distinetly quadrifasciate, with paler 
nebulous markings around the margin of the shield, ard therefore belongs to this 
form. The reference by Kaleniczenko to Ferussac, Hist. Moll., pl. 4, f. 1, would 
seein, though not with certainty, to place his variety under this head. 

The var. vera has the two black bands on each side and a dark shield. 

The sub-var. interrupta differs in the lateral bands being interrupted. 

The sub-var. einereo-nebulosa has the keel tinged w ith yellowish, shield yel- 
lowish clouded with grey, sides of body whitish clouded with grey, lateral zones 
resolved into series of “pale brown spots. 

The sub-var. stabilei has the keel yellowish, the back blackish, and sides paler. 

Oxford—Sub-var. vera, a young specimen from Oxford in the British Museum, 
presented by the Rev. A. M. Norman. 

Germany — Heynemann records a sub-variety from Rastadt in Baden: with two 
rows of squarish black spots at éach side, upon a white ground (Mal. BI., 1862, p. 99). 

France—Sub-vars. vera and interrupta, Haute Savoie (Dum. & Mort, op. cit. ). 

Italy—Sub-var. stabi/ei found in Piedmontese Alps by Stabile (Lessona, op. cit.). 

Sweden—Sub-var. cinerco-nebulosa at Ljungskile (Malm, op. cit.). 

Norway—Sub-var. cinerco-nebulosa at Malmons, Laurvik, and Skien (Esmark, 
J. of Conech., Oct. 1886, p. 100). 

Russia—Sub-var. ferrussackii Kal., Tehernigov and Poltaya (Kalen., op. cit. ). 


Var. renardii Kalenicz., Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mose., 1851, p. 120, pl. iv., f. 2. 
Limax antiquorum Renardii Kal., op. cit. 
Limax subalpinus Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 18, pl. 2, ff. 1-6. 
Limax subalpinus Y simplex Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 36. 
Limax subalpinus a garocelus Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit. 
Limax subalpinus § veronensis Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Limax maximus var. tschapecki Simroth, Nacht. Mal. Ges., 1886, p. 69. 

KEEL and mid-dorsal zone whitish, body with three dark zones on each side. 
Formula 321 123. The L. subalpinus Lessona and subsidiary forms differ chiefly in 
the retention by adults of the maculate mantle of the juvenile stage. 

The var. renardii sensu stricto, has the sides of the body ashy-black, the inner 
and main bands black and continuous, outer band represented by a series of black 
spots; a white zone between the inner and main bands ; shield ash-coloured. 

The sub-var. tsehapeeki is somewhat variable, but has the white keel extend- 
ing quite up to the shield; sides of body whitish with continuous main-band and 
indefinite inner and outer bands; shield speckled black and white. 

The sub-var. subalpina has the whitish keel continued to the shield as a series 
of dorsal spots; sides of the body whitish, with three brownish-grey zones on each 
side which blend together and leave two rows of whitish spots between them. 

The sub-var. simplex is similar, but the back is unicolorous. 

The sub-var. garocela has the keel and dorsal-zone maculate with black, sides 
of the body whitish, maculate with black. 

The sub-var. veronensis has the sides of the body and shield of an olivaceous 
ash-colour, the shield and body maculate or longitudinally banded with fuscous. 

Not hitherto found in the British Isles. 

Italy—The var. subalpine has been found in various localities in Piedmont, attain- 
ing its greatest altitude at Usseglio, Valle di Lanzo, 1,252 metres (about 4,100 feet) ; 
it has also been found at Rivarossa, Rivoli, Avigliana, Sacra di 8S. Michele, Hill 
of S. Giovanni, and the Hills of Turin. The sub-var. simplex is found at Rivoli and 
Avigliana. The sub-var. garocela on the Hill of 8. Giovanni in the Valle di Vit, and 
has been doubtfully recorded by De Betta from Venetia. The sub-var. veronensis is 
recorded for Verona in Venetia by De Betta (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Austro-Hungary—The sub-y. tschapechi, Styria and Carniola (Clessin, Moll. , 1887). 

Russia—The var. renardii was found in moist places and shady woods, near 
Sumy, Kharkov, in Aug. 1831 (Kaleniezenko, op. cit.). 

Var. ornata Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 21. 
Limax cinereo-niger € ornatus Lessona, op. Cit. 
KEEL and dorsal zone white, a series of white maculations on each side of the 
body, which is black. Formula (32)1 1(23). 
Sussex W.—Up Park, Aug. 1888! with type, W. Jeffery. 
Italy—In Piedmont, at Alagna, Val Sesia, and at Maccugnaga in Val Anzasca, 
at an altitude of 1,323 metres (about 4,340 feet) (Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 30). 

Var. cinereo-nigra Wolf sensu stricto. 

Limax antiquorum razoumowskii Kaleniczenko, Bull. Mosc., 1851, p. 120. 
Limax lineatus Dum. & Mort., Hist. Moll. Sav., 1852, p. 12. 
Limax maximus y luctuosus Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, 1i., p. 29. 
Limax nubigenus Bourg., Spic. Mal., 1863, p. 20. 
Limax dacampi var. amalie Bettoni, Bull. Mal. Ital., 1870, iii, p. 166, pl. 3, ff. 2, 2a. 
Limax cinereo-niger Y camerani Less. & Poll., Mon. Lim. Ital., 1882, p. 29. 
Limax cinereus 3 intermedia Breviere, J. de Conch., 1881, p. 314. 
Limax hedleyi Collinge, J. of Mal., 1894, p. 51. 
KEEL and mid-line white; SHIELD and sides of body black. Formula (821) (125). 
The Arion lineatus of Dumont, the Limax dacampi var. amalie of Bettoni, 
Limax antiquorum a of Ferussac, Limax maximus p cinereo-niger of Moquin-Tandon, 
Limax bilobatus of Ray & Drouet, and Limax claravallensis of Drouet appear to be 
strictly synonymous with the type-form of einereo-niger. 
The sub-var. nubigena has the white keel line extending only one-third the 
length of the body, the neck of yellowish-ash colour, and is a dwarfed or stunted form. 
The sub-vars. pazoumowskii and luetuosa only differ from typical einereo- 
niger in the keel and dorsal-line being sullied by a yellowish shade, and by only 
extending to half the length of the body in /uectuosa. 
The sub-var. intermedia has the keel and mid-line whitish, and shield and 
sides of the body deep grey or brown. 
The sub-var. eamerani only differs from the sub-var. intermedia in the fuscous- 
chestnut colour of the shield and body. 


The sub-var. hedleyi has the keel and mid-line pale or yellowish-brown, slightly 
interrupted anteriorly, the sides of the body chocolate-black, the ventral edges of 

the mantle dirty-white with irregular sepia dashes. 

Warwick—-Sub-var. /uctuosa, Sutton Park, July 1899! H. Overton. 

Glamorgan—Sub-var. /uctuosa, Bridgend, July 1891! G. K. Gude. 

Stafford—Sub-var. ductwosa, Shelbrook, Cannock Chase, June 1886! L. E. Adams. 

York N.E.—Sub-var. /uctuosa, Wass Bank, Hambleton escarpment, 800 feet 
altitude, Sept. 1892! and Mill Beck, Robin Hood’s Bay, June 1888! W.D.R. 

York S.W.—Sub-var. ductwosa, Skelmanthorpe, May 1897 ! F. Lawton. 

York Mid W.—Sub-var. /uctwosa, Shipley Glen, Oct. 1883! W. West. 

York N.W.—Snub-var. /uetwosa, Helm Ghyll, Dentdale, May 1899! J. E. Crowther. 

Cheshire—-Sub-var. /uctuosa, Goyt Valley, Sept. 1902! C. Oldham. 

Edinburgh—Sub-var. Juctwosa, Roslin Woods, April 1898! W. Evans. 

Derry—Sub-var. hed/eyi, Rathmullan and Walworth, J. N. Milne (Collinge, J. 
of Mal., 1894, p. 51, and 1895, p. 4). 

Germany —Sub-var. ductwosa, Alsace (Meyer, Nachtbl., 1876, p. 106). Specimens 
in British Museum, labelled Heidelberg, Baden, J. E. Daniels. 

France —Sub-var. /uctwosa in the Vosges, the Jura, and Dauphiné (Bourguignat, 
Mal. Grande-Chartreuse, 1862, p. 32); Grande-Chartreuse in the Isére (Moquin- 
Tandon, op. cit.). The sub-var. nuwbigena in the high mountains near the zone of 
pines, especially in the Forest of Superbagneéres, Hautes Pyrenees (Bourg., op. cit.). 
The sub-var. intermedia, communal forest of St. Saulge, Nievre (Brevitre, op. cit.). 

Switzerland—Sub-var. ductwosa, Canton Valais (Simon & Béttger, Nachtbl., 
1885, p. 55). 

Italy —This, the typical form, is found in the Alps of Lombardy and Piedmont, 
descending also to the valleys ; it reaches its highest known habitat in Lombardy on 
Mont Cenis, at an elevation of 2,000 metres (about 6,555 feet); it was also found at 
Lambrate, Milan, by Bettoni. It has been recorded from Val della Dora Riparia, 
from Rivoli, from the Hills of Turin, and from between Calasea and Pestarena in the 
Val Anzasca in Piedmont ; and from Vallombrosa, Tuscany. The sub-var. camerani 
is found in Piedmont at Maccugnaga, Val Anzasca, at an altitude of 1,323 metres 
(about 4,340 feet). The sub-var. ductuwosa at Alagna in Val Sesia, Macengnaga in 
Val Anzasea, Rivoli, and on the Hill of Turin (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit. ). 

Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. Jwetwosa, Carlsbad (Bottger, Nachtbl., 1885, p. 56). 

Spain—The sub-var. nubigena is found on the verge of perpetual snow on Mala- 
detta, near the Cirque of the Rencluze in Catalonia (Bourguignat, op. cit.) ; and in 
the Valle del Essera in Aragon (Fagot, Mal. Catal., 1884). 
Sweden—Sub-var. intermedia, Ringerige, July 1868 (Malm, op. cit., p. 88). 
Russia—Sub-var. razoumowski at Konotop, Borozdna, and Nejin, in Tchernigov 
(Kaleniczenko, op. cit.). 

Var. maura Held, Isis, 1836, p. 271. 
Limax maximus € niger Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1858, ii., p. 29. 
Limax maurus Held, in Isis, 1836, p. 271. 
Limax lineatus var. niger Dum. & Mortil., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 13. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. § Stabile, Moll. Piemonte, 1864, p. 22, pl. 1, f. 2. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. nigripes Stabile, Moll. Piemonte, 1864. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. malacologorum Colbeau, Bull. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1867, p. 73. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. niger Malm, Skand. Limac., 1868, p. 60, pl. 5, f. 12. 
Limax ater Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, 1789, p. 266-67. 
Limax cinereus var. alpinus Held, in Isis, 1837, p. 306. 
Limax lineatus var. albifes Dum. & Mortil., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 13. 
Limax engadinensis Heyn., Mal. Bl., 1862, p. 204. 
Limax maximus var. leucogaster Mérch, Syn. Moll. Daniz, 1864. 
Limax montanus Leydig, Verhandl. Wurtt., 1871, p. 210. 
Limax pirone Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 36, pl. B, ff. 5, 6. 

ANIMAL entirely black or blackish. Formula (321 123). 

The form discriminated by Razoumowsky as Limax ater, as well as L. maxi- 
mus var. leueogaster Morch, L. cinereus var. alpinus Held, L. engadinensis 
Heyn., L. lineata var. albipes Dum. & Mortil., L. montanus Leydig, and L. 
pironz Pini, may be regarded as sub-varieties of the var. maura, in which the 
dark pigmentation still presents a juvenile or primitive character, as it has not yet, 
or only partially, spread to the side areas of the sole. 

This variety is essentially alpine, and more especially characteristic of exposed, 
elevated, or northern regions, its sombre colouring being probably a response to the 
peculiarities of the environment ; several forms, however, retain one or more of the 
external features of a remote ancestor, 


Somerset N.—Cleeve Combe (Norman, Som. Moll., 1860, p. 139). 
Stafford—Shelbrook, Cannock Chase, June 1886! L. E. Adams. 
Merioneth—Bont-ddu, Dolgelly. July 1886 (F.G. Fenn, J. of C., July 1887, p. 198). 
Carnarvon—Llanbedrog, May 1901! C. Oldham. 

York Mid W.—Shipley Glen, Sept. 1886! J. A. Hargreaves. 

Germany—Fredrichsroda, Thuringia (E. von Martens, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 
1877, p. 214). Saxony, Dr. Collin (Malm, Skand. Limac., 1868, p. 60). The sub-var. 
montana, Ramsau, near Berchtesgaden; Isle of Herren, Chiemsee; Milseburg on the 
Rhine and Tubingen (Clessin, Exe. Moll. Fauna, 1884, p. 60). 

France—Haunte Savoie (Dum. & Mortil., op. cit.). Grande Chartreuse in the 
Isere (Moquin-Tandon, op. cit.). Plombieres-les-Bains in the Vosges (Bourg., Spice. 
Mal., 1862, p. 20). Jura and Dauphiny (Boure., Grande Chartreuse, 1862, p. 32). 

Belgium—The sub-var. ma/acologorum, the ruins of Salm-Chateau, June 1867, 
(Colbeau, op. cit.). 

Switzerland—Snb-var. atra Raz., Bad Leuk, and on the Gemmi Pass, also at 
Einfischthal near Bad Leuk (Béttger, Nachtbl., 1885, p. 57). Jorat (Raz., l.c.). The 
sub-var. engadinensis at St. Moritz, Grisons (Westerlund, Fauna Europ., 1876, p. 8). 

Italy—The var. maura inhabits the elevated region of the Alps; the loftiest 
known locality in Italy is in Piedmont on Monte Mucrone, at an altitude of 2,200 
metres (about 7,210 feet); other lofty stations in the same province are on Monte 
Cenisio; at Crissolo, in the Valle del Po; at Castelsee, and at Devero (Less. & Poll., 
Mon. Limae. Ital., 1882, p. 29). Thal von Thenaus, near Susa (Simon & Bottger, 
Nachtbl., 1884, p. 42). In Umbria, near Spoleto (Pantanelli, Bull. Soe. Mal. Ital., 
1876). In Liguria, between Menton and Genoa, May 1890! J. E. Somerville. The 
sub-var. pirone on the Hill of Tenda and Monte Codena, also at Groseavallo, Valle 
di Lanza, in Lombardy (Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 27). 

The specimens from Orvieto in Umbria (Marchese Paulucei) and from Chiara- 
monti, Sardinia (Dr. Falehi) had the foot-sole pale and merely margined with black 
(Lessona & Pollonera, 1.c.). 

Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. engadinensis, Transylvania (Westerlund, op. cit., p. 8). 

Norway—Very common in Christiania, Christiansand, and Hamar Stifts ; also 
at Aafjorden, Vigten, Leké, and Rédé, in Trondjhem Stift; and Grété in Amt of 
Nordland. Sub-var. dewcogaster, Laurvik and other places in Christiania Stift 
(Esmark, J. of Conch.. Oct. 1886, p. 100). 

Sweden—Sub-var. niger, Gunnebo and Ljungskile ; Nerike (Hartmann), Stock- 
holm (Thedenius) (Malm, op. cit., p. 61). 

Russia—South Finlandand Aland Isles, Nordenskioldand Nylander (Malm, op. cit.) 

Var. eporediensis Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 1, pl. 2, f. 18. 
Limax subalpinus 8 eporediensis Lessona, op. cit. 

Bovy uniformly black ; SHIELD blackish, sprinkled 
with whitish spots. Formula (321 123). Internal shell 
large, concave, and sinistral. 

This variety, of which apparently only one specimen 
has been found, has, judging by its extremely abnormal 
shell, been of sinistral organization, with the respiratory 
and other orifices on the left side. 

Not hitherto found in the British Isles. Fic. 81.—Internal shell of 

J , Limax tporediensis Lessona 

Italy—Andrate above Ivrea, Piedmont (Less. & Poll., — (after Lessona). 

op. cit., p. 37). 

Var. cinerea Mogq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, ii., p. 29. 
Limax cinereus a Miiller, Verm. Hist., 1774, p. d. 

Limax maxinius X cinerea Mogq.-Tand., op. cit. 
Limax strobeli Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 22, pl. s, ff. 11, 12. 

ANIMAL entirely cinereous, or ash-coloured ; SHIELD bluish-black. 

The sub-var. strobeli of Pini differs in the ash-colour of the body being tinged 
with yellowish, and the keel paler. 

Galway—Killereran (B. J. Clarke, Ann. N.H_, 1843, p. 333). 

France—Distributed throughout the country, and also reported from Bastia in 
Corsica (Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limac., 1855, p. 2). 

Italy—The sub-var. strobedi at Maceugnaga, Val Anzasea, Piedmont, at an alti- 
tude of 1,323 metres (about 4,340 feet) (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). Not rare 
about Esino, and in the Valle del Varone, near Premana in Lombardy (Pini, op. cit. ). 


Var. flavescens Westerlund, Moil. Svee., ii 
ANIMAL yellow or yellowish. 
Sweden—Westerlund (op. cit. ). 

Var. transilvanica Heynemann, Mal. Bl., 1862, p. 216. 

Limax transilvanica Heynemann, op. cit. 

Limax dacampi var. sordellii Bettoni, Bull. Mal. Ital., 1870, p. 164, pl. iv., ff. 2, 2a. 
Limax dacampi 6 calderinti Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 2%, pl. i.,ff. 11-13. 
Limax corsicus gestri 7 nigrozonatus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 40. 
Limax dacampi reniert ¢ calderinii Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 33. 

KEEL and mid-dorsal-line yellow or ochreous, with a darker zone on each side 
of the body. Formula 001 100. 

The var. transilvanica sensu stricto, has the keel-line and mantle pale, the 
body suffused with brown, and the dark lateral-band continued to the shield. 

The sub-var. ealderinii has the golden-yellow keel, but the median-line is con- 
tinued to the shield as a series of spots, and gradually blends w ith the reddish-brown 
tint of the sides ; the black lateral band is resolved into a series of spots, and the 
shield is paler than the body in colour. 

The sub-var. nigrozonata has the keel and mid-line also golden-yellow, sides of 
body yellowish-ash colour, back fuscous, with the lateral-zone black. 

The sub-var. sordellii, although somewhat obse ‘urely described by Lessona & 
Pollonera, appears to have the keel and dorsal line yellow ; sides of body ash-coloured, 
confusedly zoned, and irregularly albo-maculate; shield ash-coloured. 

Italy—The var. ca/derinii is found at Varallo, in Val Sesia, Piedmont (Lessona, 
op. cit.). The sub-var. nigrozonata at Busalla, Piedmont, and at Genoa, Liguria; 
and the sub-var. sordel/ii at Pavia in Lombardy (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Austro-Hungary—The var. transilvanica is found at Hermannstadt, Neustadt, 
and many other localities in Transylvania (Clessin, Moll. 1887, p. 39). 

Var. punctata Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 21, pl. i., f. 10. 
Limax dacanipi var. elegans Bettoni, Bull. Mal. Ital., 1870, p. 165, pl. iv., ff. 3, 3a. 
Limax dacampi a punctata Lessona, op. cit. 
Limax dacanipi [3 sulphurea Lessona, op. cit., f. 7. 
Limax dacanipi menegazsii 3 punctatus Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 32. 
Limax dacampi renieri 1 sulphureus Less, & Poll., op. cit., p. 33. 
Limax corsicus var. gestri Lessona, op. cit., p. 17, pl. 1, f. 4 
Limax corsicus gestri Pp pulcher Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit., p. 41. 
Limax perosinii monregalensis Y venustissimus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 43, pl. 1, f. 3. 

KEEL and median-line yellow, with two darker zones at each side of the body. 
Formula 021 120. The var. venustissima retains when adult the variegated shield 
of juvenile life. 

The var. punetata sensu stricto, has a pale yellow keel and the median-line con- 
tinned as a series of yellowish markings to the shield; sides of the body fuscous 
overspread by grey, but leaving the fuscous body tint visible in places; a few 
rounded black or dark-grey spots represent the inner and main bands; caudal end 
of sides of body and foot-fringe dark-grey ; shield uniformly dark-coloured. 

Lessona’s figure can scarcely be considered as accurately representing this variety. 

The sub-var. sulphurea has the median-line sulphur-yellow and extending only 
half the length of the body; shield brown, with few black spots on its anterior margin. 

The sub-var. pulehra has the yellow keel continued as a broad yellow zone quite 
up to the shield ; the yellowish tint of the sides of the body is overspread by grey, 
leaving a series of yellowish spots beneath the main-band ; the dark inner and main 
bands are distinguishable by the darker summits of the sinuate tubercles. 

Mr. Roebuck has seen a British form of the sub-var. padchra with ochreous median- 
line, dark-brown shield and bedy, and continuous main and inner bands. 

The sub-var. elegans has the yellow keel line interrupted with black, and is 
possibly a form of this variety, but it has not been precisely described. 

The sub-var. venustissima has the sides of the body an ashy-white, the margins 
blackish-grey, the lateral bands much broken-up into very irregular spots ; side- 
areas of sole blackish-grey ; shield pale sulphur-yellow marbled with black. 

Sutherland E.—Snb-var. pulehira, Brora, Sept. 1884! W. Baillie. 

Cork S.—Var. punctata, Lord Bantry’s demesne, Glengariff, May 1891! R. I 

Italy—The vars. punctata and sulphurea have been found at Varallo in Val Sesia, 
Piedmont ; the sub-var. pulchra at Busalla, Piedmont, and at Genoa in Liguria ; 
the sub-var. elegans at Biumo near Varese in Lombardy ; and the sub-var. venustis- 
sima at Mondovi, Piedmont (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 


Var. nigricans Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 22. 

Limax dacampi renieri § nigricans Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 33. 
Limax dacampi Y nigricans Lessona, op. cit. 

Limax corsicus bonellii T flavoniger Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 41. 

Limax corsicus bonellii @ olivaceus Less. & Poll., op. cit. 

KEEL and median-line yellow, and extending to the shield ; sides of body with 
two darker bands on each side. Formula (32)1 1(23). 

The var. nigrieans sensu stricto, has the sides of body black, keel yellow, and 
the mid-line to the shield broken up into yellow spots and showing a single series of 
sub-dorsal yellow spots on each side. 

The sub-var. flavo-nigra has the yellow dorsal-zone extending up to the shield. 

The sub-var. olivacea has olive-brown sides, with the keel, median-line, and a 
sub-dorsal series of spots lemon-yellow. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—The var. nigricans is found at Varallo in Val Sesia, Piedmont. The sub- 
var. nigrozonata has been recorded from Busalla, Val Serivia, Piedmont, and at 
Genoa in Liguria. The sub-vars. olivacea and flavonigra are from Busalla and the 
Hills of Turin, and also from Liguria (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Var. atrata Bett., Bull. Malac. Ital., 1870, p. 165, pl. in., ff. 4-44. 

Limax dacampi var. atrata Bettoni, op. cit. 

Limax dacampi renieri Y atratus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 32. 
Limax corsicus bonellit ¢ aterrimus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 41. 

Limax corsicus bonellii v citrinus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 41. 

KEEL and mid-dorsal-line yellow ; body and SHIELD more or less unicolorous. 
Formula (321) (123). 

The var. atrata sensu stricto, has the keel and dorsal-zone sulphur-yellow, sides 
of the body greyish-fuscous, with blackish rugosities, and blackish shield. 

The sub-var. aterrima has the keel yellow, and body and shield very black. 

The sub-var. eitrina has the keel lemon-yellow, and only extending half the 
length of the body, which is of an olive-brown. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—The var. atrata is recorded by Bettoni from road between Perledo and 
Regoledo in Lombardy ; the sub-var. citrina from the Hills of Turin, Piedmont, and 
Liguria; the sub-var. aferrima from the Hills of Turin, Piedmont, and Liguria, and 
by Marchese Paulucci from Luecea in Tuscany (Less. & Poll., le.). 

Var. efasciata Dumont & Mortillet, Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 13. 

Limax lineatus var. efasciatus Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 

Limax cinereus var. pavesii Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 23, pl. x, ff. 9, 10. 

Limax maximus var. calosoma Eis. & Stuxb. (Westerlund, Faun. Europ., 1876, p. 8). 
Limax cinereo-niger var. minimus Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Comp. Anat., 1898, p. 2. 

ANIMAL with the fundamental body colour overspread with brownish or brown. 
Formula (321 128). 

The var. efasciata sensu stricto, is described as entirely brown without bands. 

The sub-var. pavesii, fuscous-chestnut, sole rosy-white with bluish-grey margins. 

The sub-var. minima is ashy-fuscous, with the side-areas of the sole cinereous. 

The sub-var. ealosoma is of an obscure olivaceous tint; shield black. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

France—Var. efasciata, Haute Savoie (Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit.). 

Italy —Sub-var. pavesii in Lombardy, between Tartavalle and Bellano, Aug. 1873 
(Pini, op. cit.) ; in Piedmont at an altitude of 1,872 metres (about 6,135 feet), at 
Devoro, in Val d’Antigorio, and in Tuscany at Novoli, near Florence, Marchese 
Paulneci (Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limae. Ital., 1882, p. 29). The var. efasciata 
has been found at Alagna, Val Sesia (Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, p. 21). 

Corsica—Sub-var. minima, Vizzavona, Signor Caziot (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Var. rufescens Mogq.-l'and., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, 11., p. 29, pl. iv., f. 7. 

Limax maximus 7 rufescens Moq.-Tand., op. cit. 
Limax erythrus Bourg., Mal. Grande Chartreuse, 1864, p. 31, pl. 2, ff. 1-8. 
Limax dacampi T monocromus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 34. 
Limax corsicus dorie X sanguineus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 39. 

ANIMAL red or reddish, 

The var. rufeseens sensu stricto, is entirely of a reddish colour. 

The sub-var. sanguinea is pale reddish with the keel and neighbouring rugz red. 


The sub-var. monoeroma is entirely red, with side areas of sole fuscous. 

The sub-var. erythra is deep red, with lateral blackish clouding on shield. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

France—Var. rufescens Moq., environs of Paris (Moq.-Tand., op. cit.). Sub-var. 
erythra, Alps, near Grande-Chartreuse in Isere (Bourg., op. cit.). 

Italy—Sub-var. sanguinea Less. & Poll., Hills of Turin, Piedmont and Liguria 
(Less. & Poll., op. cit.). Sub-var. monocroma Less. & Poll., Balabio, near Valsas- 
sina in Lombardy (Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 28). 

Austro-Hungary—Var. rufescens, Prague (Slavik, Moll. Bolimen, 1869, p. 92). 

Var. fabrei Moquin-T'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, i1., p. 26. 
Limax corsicus 3 fabrei Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Limax dacampi var. monolineolata Bett., Bull. Mal. Ital., 1870, p. 161, pl. 3, f. 1. 
Limax bielzti Seibert, Mal. Bl., 1873, p. 195. 
Limax dacanpi  rufescens Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 22, pl. 1, ff. 14, 15. 
Limax corsicus Yy senensis Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 38. 
Limax corsicus callichrous 0 hybridus Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit., p. 40. 

Limax corsicus callichrous & versicolor Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit., p. 40. 

KEEL and median-line red ; with a single dark zone on each side of the body. 
The formula isO01 100. The vars. versicolor and hybrida of L. & P. differ from the 
typical fabred in the persistence at maturity of the variegated colouring of the shield. 

The var. fabrei sensu stricto, has the keel reddish, the sides of the body greyish- 
ochreous, with one brown band on each side. 

The sub-var. monolineolata is pale-reddish, keel and median-line red, with 
fuscous back, and a row of black spots on each side. 

The sub-var. rufeseens of Lessona has the keel of a vivid red, a unicolorous red- 
dish body, paler on the sides, and the single row of black spots at each side is 
confined to the caudal end of the body. 

The sub-var. senensis has the body and shield pale chestnut, the body sub- 
fasciate, the keel pale red, and the side areas of the sole flesh-coloured. 

The sub-var. bielzii has the red keel extending to the shield, the sides of the body 
flesh-coloured, though sometimes found of a yellow or whitish colour, and the dark 
band is continued up to the shield. 

The sub-var. hybrida has a fuscous body, red keel, and the red dorsal rugie 
arranged linearly ; shield black, irregularly maculate with a vinous colour. 

The sub-var. versicolor has the keel red, body yellowish with a blackish zone 
on each side ; shield black with vinous-yellow spots. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Corsica—Var. fabrei, near Bastelica, Sept. 1852 (Moq.-Tandon, op. cit.); Orezza, 
Signor Bedriaga (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.) ; Corte, Toga, and Bastia, Signor 
Caziot (Pollonera, Bull. Mus. Comp. Anat., 1898, p. 2). 

Italy—The sub-var. monolineolata is recorded from Milan, Pavia, and Bellagio, 
on the Lake of Como, by Bettoni, and by Pini from near Valsassina. The sub-var. 
rufescens is from Varallo in Val Sesia, Piedmont. The sub-var. senensis was found 
at Siena, Tuscany, by Marchese Paulucci. The sub-var. versicolor is found in the Alps 
of Liguria, and the sub-var. hybrida at Genoa (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Austro-Hungary—The sub-var. bie/zii, Moravia and Styria (Clessin, Moll., 1887). 
Var. villz Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 28, pl. a, ff. 2, 3. 

Limax cinereo-niger var. ville Pini, op. cit. 

Limax dacampi € maculata Lessona, Moll. Piemonte, 1880, p. 22, pl. 1, f. 6. 
Limax dacampi § pallescens Lessona, l.c., ff. 8, 9. 

Limax callichrous var. cruentus Lessona, op. cit., p. 18, pl. 1, ff. 1-3. 

Limax dacampi v ville Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 35. 
Limax corsicus isseliit 4, sertatus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 40. 

Limax perosinii Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 42. 

Limax perosinii cruentus B formosissimus Less. & Poll., op. cit., pl. 1, f.2. 

KEEL and mid-line red, two rows of black maculations on each side of the body. 
Formula 021 120. The sub-vars. erwenta and formosissima are earlier forms of this 
variety, characterized by the ancient feature of a distinctly maculate shield. 

The var. villze sensu stricto, has the keel and summits of the rugze blood-red, 
and the general tint of the body reddish; two rows of irregular black spots on each 
side, most of which are longitudinally split, forming paired series of smaller spots. 

The sub-var. maculata has a darker rufous body and less richly coloured rugie. 

The sub-var. eruenta, which is synonymous with LZ. perosinii, has the body 
rufous, with keel and summits of rugosities red, and two rows of irregular black 
spots on each side; side-areas of sole blue-black; shield reddish marbled with black. 


The sub-var. palleseens of Lessona is probably only a young form of sub-var. 
maciata, in which the shield has slight grey cloudings and a few irregular black 
spots at its hinder margin, and although described as possessing three rows of black 
spots on each side, the figure shows that the irregular spots are longitudinally split 
and simulate additional rows, as in var. ville. 

The sub-var. seriata differs chietly from the var. vi//e s.s., in the black spots 
not being longitudinally split. 

The sub-var. formosissima differs from var. erwenta in the bluish-black fringe, 
the more sparingly maculate shield, and the described presence of two or three rows 
of black spots on each side (the illustrative figure, however, shows only a single row 
at each side, thongh possibly intended to show two). 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—The var. vi//w is found near Esino, in Lombardy ; and the sub-vars. macu- 
lata and pallescens have been found together at an altitude of 490 metres (about 
1,600 feet), at Varallo, in Val Sesia, Piedmont. The sub-var. seriata has been found 
at Busalla in Piedmont; at Genoa in Liguria; and by the Marchese Paulucci at 
Lueea in Tuscany. The sub-var. erwenta was found at an altitude of 650 metres 
(about 2,130 feet) above Garessio, in the Maritime Alps, Piedmont; the sub-var. 
formosissina was found by Signor Perosino, near Mondovi, at Vicoforte, altitude 
550 metres (about 1,800 feet), and at S. Guiseppe dei Revelli (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Var. eallichroa Bourg., Spic. Mal., 1861, p. 21. 
Limax callichrous Bourg., op. cit. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. guailtierii Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 92, pl. A, ff. 8-9. 
Limax dacampi 0 gualtierii Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital , 1882, p. 34. 
Limax corsicus isselit & arthuri Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 40, pl. 1, f. 5. 
Limax corsicus tsselii v sonatus Less. & Poll., op. cit. 

KEEL and median-line red; with three dark bands on each side. Formula 321 123. 

The var. eallichroa, has the sides of the body yellow, the two upper dark 
bands black and continuous, and the outer or lower band reduced to spots ; shield 
vinous-yellow marbled with black. It is really a primitive form, the marbled shield 
being retained throughout life. 

The var. gualtierii is fuscons with a violet tinge, becoming blackish dorsally, but 
showing a longitudinal red line between the main and outer bands, and traces of a 
second red line between the main and inner bands; shield earthy-brown. 

The sub-var. zonata differs from the var. qualtierii in having the red keel and 
mid-line, and also the two red lines at each side of the body extending up to the 
shield, the intervening spaces being black and the shield brown, 

The sub-yar. arthuri differs from the preceding only in the disintegration of the 
red and black colouring, partially due to the red and black pigments both being 
restricted to the summits of the rugosities. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—The sub-var. gua/tierii oceurs in Esino, Lombardy ; the sub-vars. arthuri 
and zonata at Busalla, in Piedmont, and Genoa in Liguria (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

France—Var. callichroa, the Alpes Maritimes (Bourg., op. cit.). 

= : ; = S % : 
Var. dacampi Menegazzi, Mal. Veron., 1854, p. 63, p. 1, ff. 1-4. 

Limax geographicus Renier, Prodr. Vermi Adriatico, 1804. 
Limax dacampi Menegazzi, op. cit. 
Limax cerulans var. dacampi Strobel, Essai, etc., 1857, p. 11. 
Limax maximus var. rufescens Stabile, Moll. Terr. Piem., 1864. 
Limax dacantpi var. trilineolata Bett., Bull. Mal. Ital., 1870, p. 163, pl. 3, ff.3, 3a. 
Limax dacampi var. Jusca Bett., l.c., pl. iv., ff. 1, 1a. 
Limax corsicus dorie 1 fuscus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 39. 
Limax corsicus dorie § rubro-notatus Less. & Poll., l.c. 

KEEL and median line red; with two darker zones at each side of the body. 
The formula being (32)1 1(23). 

Though the name geographicus of Renier is probably the oldest name for this 
form, it has not been adopted as his description is so very inadequate. 

The var. daeampi sensu stricto, has the keel and median-line red, with two black 
zones at each side, showing the reddish sides of the body as a reddish longitudinal 
zone on each side; shield brownish-red. 

The sub-var. fusea of Less. & Poll. differs from var. dacampi in the paler red of 
the keel-line and lateral bands, and in the fuscous tint of the sides and shield. 

The sub-var. trilineolata has fuscous-brown sides and shield, and darker dorsal 
ruge; the red ground showing at the keel and as two lateral bands at the caudal 
end, but becoming obscured by the body-colour as they approach the shield. 

Picgairis WALL. 


1.—Ltmax cinereo-niger Wolf, typical form. 


9 —L. cinereo-niger, var. villae, p. 65. 

3.—L. cinereo-niger var. cinerea, p. 62. 10.—/.. cinereo-nigey sub.-var. hedleyt, p. 61. 

}.—L. cimereo-niger sub.-var. erythya, p. 65. 11.—L. cinereo niger var. punctata, p. 63. 

5.—L. cinereo-niger var. maura, p. 61 12.—L. cinereo-miger sub.-var. doriae, p. 67. 


6.—L. cinereo-niger sub.-var, venustissima, p. 63. 

7.—L. ctnereo-niger sub.-var. gualtierti, p. 66. 

8.—L. cinereo-niger sub.-var. subalpina, p. 60. 15.—L. cinereo-niger var. ornata, p. 60. 

He W. Taylor, del. Tuylor DrOS., Leeds, 



The sub-var. fusea of Bettoni is identical with sub-var. tri/ineolata except that 
the anterior end of the keel-line and also the whole length of the red lateral bands 
are interrupted by the brownish tint, and form three series of red spots. 

The sub-var. rubro-notata Less. & Poll. has a blackish body, the red keel-line 
continued up to the shield, and the red lateral band on each side resolved into spots. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

Italy—The var. dacampi, according to Lessona, exists in Venetia, Lom- 
hardy, East Piedmont, and Emilia, but does not pass the Appenines, and is therefore 
absent from Tuscany. It does not range to so great an altitude as typical cinereo- 
niger, the most lofty locality being Prestine, Valle dell’ Oglio, 800 metres above the 
sea (about 2,710 feet) in Lombardy ; it has also been found at Varesotto and Valsas- 
sina. In Venetia it has been recorded from Verona, Peschiera, and Gorgo; and in 
Piedmont from Cigognola, Stradella, and Guasta. The sub-var. tri/ineolata is found 
at Bellagio, and near Portone, Lombardy, and in Piedmont, Liguria, and Tuscany ; 
the sub-var. rubro-notata at Bellagio in Lombardy, on the Hills of Turin, and at 
Busalla in Piedmont, in Liguria, and in Tuscany. ‘The sub-var. fusca Bettoni is 
found at Regoledo in Lombardy ; while the sub-var. fusca Less. & Poll. is from 
Liguria, and the Hills of Turin, and Busalla in Piedmont (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Var. corsica Mogq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, 11., p. 26, pl. 3, ff. 10-13. 
Limax corsicus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Limax doriw Bourg., Spicil. Mal., 1862, p. 23, pl. 15. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. taccanti Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876, p. 91, pl. a, ff. 6-7. 
Limax cinereo-niger var. turatii Pini, op cit., p. 95. pl. B, ff. 7, 8. 
Limax dacampi /& pinii Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 34. 
Limax corsicus dorie € lineatus Less. & Poll., op. cit., p. 39. 
Limax corsicus doriw § simplex Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Limax corsicus doriw , pallescens Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Limax corsicus doriw ¢ brunneus Less. & Poll., op. cit. 

KEEL and median line red; sides of body and SHIELD more or less unicolorous. 
The formula is (321) (123). 

The var. corsiea sensu stricto, being first described and therefore giving the name 
to this variety, is an aberrant example of the red-keeled form ; the keel, though red- 
dish, is not strongly coloured, and the sides of the body are ochreous-yellow tinged 
or overspread with grey ; this bleaching of the body colours is also shown by 

The sub-var. turatii of Pini, in which although the keel is bright red, the sides 
of the body are pale ashy-rufous, and the side areas of the sole are not darkened. 

The sub-var. dorize Bourg., which more characteristically represents this variety, 
has an almost uniformly black body and blood-red keel, a line of which colour extends 
quite to the shield ; the var. pinii Less. & Poll. is practically identical. 

The sub-var. lineata Less. & Poll. differs in the sides of the body being blackish. 

The sub-var. simplex Less. & Poll. is the same, but the red keel only extends 
half-way to the shield ; figured by Bourguignat, Spic. Mal., 1862, pl. 16, ff. 4, 5, 8. 

The sub-var. brunnea Less. & Poll. has the red keel and mid-line, but the body 
and shield are chestnut-brown ; also fignred by Bourguignat, l.e., f. 9. 

The sub-var. palleseens Less. & Poll. has the body and shield pale rufous- 
brown, with red keel and mid-line, and is also figured by Bourguignat, l.c., f. 7. 

The sub-var. taeceanii Pini only differs from characteristic sub-var. dori in the 
sides of the body and shield being of an earthy-brown colour and the suffusion of the 
mid-area of the sole with a yellowish-rosy tint. 

Not hitherto recorded for the British Isles. 

France—The sub-var. dori has been found in the environs of Nice and Menton, 
Alpes Maritimes (Bourg., Annales Mal., 1870, p. 135). 

Italy—The sub-var. dori has been recorded from beneath bushes on the east side 
of the Vorbergs, near Bellagio, in Lombardy (Poulsen, Nachbl., 1872, p. 23), Savona, 
Finale, about Genoa especially near Pegli, in Liguria, also at Montferrat, the hills 
about Turin, and the Val Serivia, at Busalla, in Piedmont; and as var. pinii from 
Valsassina, near Pasturo, in Lombardy. The sub-vars. simplex and lineata have 
been found at Busalla and on the Hills of Turin in Piedmont, in Liguria, and in 
Tuseany ; sub-vars. pallescens and sanguinea at Busalla and on the Hills of Turin 
in Piedmont, and in Liguria; sub-var. brwnnea in Liguria; and sub-vars. taccanti 
and turatii at Esino, Lombardy (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Sourguignat records as Limax dacampi var., a sub-variety with black sides, and 
greyish mid-line with red tubereulation, from Orbeletto, in the province of Rome. 

Corsica—The var. corsica sensu stricto, Bastelica, Sept. 1852 (Moquin-Tandon, 
l.e.), Orezza, Signor Bedriaga (Lessona & Pollonera, l.c.)., Corte, Toga, and Bastia, 
Signor Caziot (Pollonera, Bull. Mus. Comp. Anat., 1898, p. 2). 

Sardinia—The var. corsica, north of the island, Signor Gene (Less. & Poll., Lc.). 


Geographical Distribution. — Limax cinereo-niger is widely and 
somewhat irregularly distributed, especially in the British Isles, and although 
the area occupied in continental Europe is fairly compact, the stations are 
usually more or less montane, and therefore to a large degree discontinuous, 
as it is frequently absent from the valleys and open grounds. 

Its north-European range has been carefully worked out with especial 
reference to that of Limaa mavimus, and it is found to extend markedly 
beyond that of the latter species. In Norway, Esmark & Hoyer have fore- 
shadowed its occurrence at Moskenaes, in Lofoten, 68° 6’ north latitude, 
while recording it as very common at Grito in Nordland, which is 67° 49’ 
north latitude, and far beyond the known range of habitation of Limar 
maximus. In Sweden, it has been chronicled by A. Luther as existing at 
Funasdal, in Hirjedal, 62° 30’ north latitude ; while in Finland, according 
to the same author, it is tolerably common in the south-west, and reaches 
as high as 64° 30’ north latitude at Kivesva: ira, In Paltamo, whereas L. mawi- 
mus in that country is restricted to the neighbourhood of Helsingfors. 

In the south of Europe, although a like discriminatory series of observa- 
tions is not available, Fischer records that in the Mae the Limar 
maximus only attains an altitude of 1,200 metres (about 3,930 feet), while 
the present species, according to Bourguignat, reaches in the same region 
almost to the snow-line. 



Geographical Distribution 

Limax cinereo-niger Wolf. 


Ras] Recorded Distribution. 

K Probable Range. 

Somerset N.—Var. maura, Cleeve Combe (Norman, Som. Moll., 1860, p. 139). 
Sussex W.—Up Park, Aug. 1886! with var. ornata! W. Jeffery. 
Oxford—Var. vera (W. E. Collinge, Oxfordshire list, 1891). 

Warwick—Sub-var. /uctuosa, Sutton Park, July 1899! H. Overton. 

Stafford—Var. maura and sub-var. ductwosa under a log, Shelbrook, Cannock 
Chase, near Stafford, June 3, 1886! Lionel E. Adams. 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885! Baker Hudson. 


Glamorgan—Sub-var. /uctuosa, Bridgend, July 1891! G. K. Gude. 

Merioneth—Bont-ddu, near Doleelly, July 1886! F. G. Fenn. 
Carnarvon—Bettws-y-Coed and Trefriw, May 1898, C. Oldham, J. of Conch., vol. 

ix., p. 211. Var. mawra, Llanbedrog, May 1901! C. Oldham. 

Denbigh—On the Denbighshire ‘side of the river Conway near Bettws-y-Coed 

and Trefriw, May 1898 (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., vol. ix., p. 211). 

Lincoln S.—Careby Wood, Bone 1903! E. A. Wrocdeiee Beco: TRENT. 
Lincoln N.—Cadney, Sept. 1901! (E. A. eda Peacock, Nat., Dec. 1901). 
Derby—Chapel-en-le-Frith, July 1897 (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., vol. viii., p. 433). 

Not uncommon on the Derbyshire bank of the Goyt, May 1899! C. Oldham. 

Cheshire—Appears restricted to the hilly region in the east of the county ; not 

uncommon about Romiley, Compstall, and Marple. in the Goyt Valley, and Wincle 
in the Dane Valley, under bark of fallen ash trees in wood, May 1899! C. Oldham. 

York N.E.—Farwath Bridge, Newtondale, Aug. 1886! W. Coates. Hayburn 

Wyke, Ang. 189! F. W. Fierke. Sub-var. ductuosa, by Mill Beck, Robin Hood’s 
Bay, June 1888! W.D.R. Var. maura, Roppa plantation, dilsdale, alt. 900 feet, 
Aug. 1893! and sub-var. ductuosa and type, Wass Bank, Hambleton escarpment, 
800 feet alt., Sept. 1892! W. D. Roebuck. 

York S.E.—Var. maura, Brantinghamthorpe, May 1901! J. E. Crowther. 

York S W.—Sub-var. luctuosa, Skelmanthorpe, May 13, 1897! F. Lawton. 

York Mid W.—Banks of Lindley Wood Reservoir, July 1885! W.D.R. Sub- 
var. Zuctwosa, Shipley Glen, Oct. 1883! W. West. Var. mara, Shipley Glen, Sept. 
1886! J. A. Hargreaves. 

York N.W.—Sub-var. luctuosa, Helm G hyll, Dentdale, May 1899! J. E. Crowther. 
Searth Nick, Wensleydale, May 1888! John Braim. LAKES. 

eee and Lake Lancashire—Roadside between Water Yeat and Lake 
Bank, Sept. 6, 1902 (S. L. Petty, Nat., Nov. 1902, p. 366). 

Edinburgh—Sub-var. Juctwosa, Roslin woods, April 1898! W. Evans. 
Forfar—Den of Airlie, Sept. 1886! C. B. Plowright. EAST HIGHLANDS. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—Loch Ard, April 1897, G. McDougall. 
Perth Mid—Drummond Hill near Kenmore, Loch Tay, May 1892! W. Evans. 
Easterness—Pine wood, Nethy Bridge, Inverness, July 1887! J. E. Somerville. 
Banff—Glentiddach, alt. 800 feet, July 1891 ! Rey. G. Gordon. 
Elgin—Cromdale, 25th August, 1891! W. Evans. WEST HIGHLANDS. 
Clyde Isles—Glen Rosa, Arran, April 1895 ! W. Evans. 

Sutherland E.—Common, Blue Rock, near Loch Brora, June 1884! W. Baillie. 

Derry—-Walworth Wood, J. N. Milne, as L. hedleyi (Collinge, J. of Mal., 1895). 
[Monaghan]—Recorded in error, Census British Moll., 1902. 
Tyrone—Altadiavol, type and var. maura, July 1886! ‘and Derrygore, May 1887 
W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Donegal —Sub-var. luctuosa, Ray Wood, Rathmullan, July 1903! J. N. Milne and 
R. Welch. Recorded as L. hedle yi from the same locality (Collinge. J. of Mal., 1894). 
Dublin—Scealp, Dublin Mountains, July 1891, R. F. Scharff. LEINSTER. 
Wicklow —Powerscourt, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Carlow—Near Carlow, 1890, A. G. Stuart. 
Queen’s Co.—Spire Hill (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 203). 
Sligo—Near Markree Castle, Sligo, Sept. 1885 ! W. I’. de Vismes Kane. 
Waterford—Glenabbey, type and var. maura, Sept. 1886! A _H. Delap. 
Cork—R. Ball (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1843, p. 334). 
Kerry—Upper Lake, Killarney, June 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Glengariff 
(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 518). 


Is found in many parts of Germany, but is chiefly restricted to the forests, and 
has been recorded from Alsace, Altenburg, Bavaria, Baden, Brandenburg, Coburg, 
Lower Franconia, Hanover, Holstein, Lorraine, Nassau, Osnabruck, Oldenburg, 
East Pomerania, Rhineland, Saxony, Schleswig, Upper Silesia, Thuringia, Weimar, 
Westphalia, and Wurtemburg. 

26/7/03 1D, 



Holland—(Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 247). 

Belgium—Brabant, Hainault, Luxembourg, Namur, and the Ardennes. 


Almost exclusively restricted to the vicinity of the mountains of the Vosges, Jura, 
Auvergne, Alpes Maritimes, and the Pyrenees, and is apparently absent from the 
plains, but is reported from Finistére in the extreme north-west. It has been 
recorded from Ain, Aisne, Alpes Maritimes, Aube, Cote d’Or, Finistére, Hérault, 
Istre, Marne, Niéevre, Oise, Puy-de-Déme, Haute Savoie, Seine et Oise, Seine et 
Marne, Hautes Pyrénées, Var, and the Island of Corsica. 

The cantons of Berne, Grisons, Lucerne, St. Gall, Solothurn, and the Valais. 

The higher ground up to 2,200 metres (about 7,200 feet) in Piedmont, Liguria, 

Emilia, Tuscany, Rome, Lombardy, Venetia, and in the Island of Sardinia. 
Has been noticed in Austria, Bohemia, Upper Carinthia, Carniola, Galicia, Goritz, 
Hungary, Moravia, Silesia, Styria, Transylvania, and Tyrol. 
Spain—Eastern provinces (Kreglinger, Cat., 1870, p. 22). 

Bosnia—Nemila (Beettger, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 54). 

Montenegro—Budua (Clessin, Nachrichtsblatt, 1885, p. 179). 

Servia—Serpentinberge (Millendorff, Mal. Bl., 1873, p. 1380). 


Norway—Extends to and is very common about Gréto in Nordland, 67° 49’ north 
latitude (Esmark & Hoyer, Moll. Arct. Norw., 1885, p. 98). 

Sweden— Throughout the country as far north as Funasdal, about 62° 30’ north 
latitude (Luther, Finland list, 1901, p. 45). 
Denmark—Common in the beech woods (Malm, Skand. Limac., 1868, p. 59). 


Found in the districts or provinces of Finland, Courland, Esthland, Livland, 
Moscow, Kharkov, Tehernigov, Crimea, and the Caucasus. 

Madeira—(Heynemann, Jalrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 286). 

Fic. 83.—A characteristic locality of Limasx cinereo-niger, in the Goyt Valley, 
near Whaley Bridge, March 1903 (photo. by Mr. Baddeley). 

Pruate VIII. 

Distribution of L. cinereo-niger Wolf 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 


1 Coruwall W. 
2 Cornwall E. 
3 Devous. 
4 Devon N. 
5 Somerset S, 
6 Somerset N. 


7 Wilts N. 

8 Wilts 8. 

9 Dorset 

10 Isle of Wight 
11 Haunts 8. 

12 Hants N. 

13 Sussex W. 

14 Sussex E. 


15 Kent E. 
16 Kent W. 
17 Surrey 

18 Essex 8. 
Essex N. 

21 Middlesex 

25 Suffolk E. 
Suffolk W. 
27 Norfolk E. 
Norfolk W. 
30 Bedford 
31 Hunts. 
3 Gloucester E. 
4 Gloucester W 


37 Worcester 

39 Statford 


3 Radnor 
i Cardigan 
47 Montgomery 
50 Denbigh 
5L Flint 
2 Anglesey 
53 Lincoln 8. 
54 Lincoln N. 
Leic. & Rutld. 
56 Notts. 
58 Cheshire 
Laneashire S. 

61 S.E. York 
32 N.E. York 
3 8.W. York 
64 Mid W. York 
N.W. York 
5 Durham 
67 Northumb, 8. 
and L. Lanes. 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 

Lancashire Mid 

of the British Isles. 


S Recorded Distribution. 

Reese Distribution verified by the Authors. 




Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
Kirkeudbright 94 Banff 
Wigtown 95 Elgin 
Ayr 96 Kasterness 
7 Lanark 97 Westerness 
E.LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
Berwick 102 Ebudes S. 
Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
Fife & Kinross 106 Ross BE. 
Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
7 Perths.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
Forfar 110 Hebrides 
Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
Derry 122 Louth 
Antrim 123 Meath 
Down 124 Dublin 
3 Armagh 125 Kildare 
7 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
8 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
Donegal 128 Carlow 
Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co. 
132 Westmeath 
133 Longford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 
136 Sligo 
137 Mayo E. 
138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 
144 Tipperary S 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. 
147 Cork 8. 
148 Kerry 


a 2 eye Sy 


Limax tenellus Miiller (em. Nilsson). 

1774 Limax tenellus Miiller, Verm. terr. et fluv., ii., p. 11, no. 210. 

1822 — ftenellus Nilsson, Hist. Moll. Svecize, p. 11 

1848 —_ serotinus Schrenk, Land u. Sussw. Livlands. 
1849 — cereus Held, Land Moll. Bayern, p. 15. 

1852. — fulvus Normand, Desc. Limac. Nouv., p. 7. 
1852. —_ sylvaticus Dum. & Mortill., Moll. Savoie, p. 10. 
1862 cinctus Heynemann, Mal. BL. ST 5) Tn 101. 

1868 Malacolimoas tenellus Malm, Skand. Limae., p. 66, pl. ii1., ff. 7-7f. 
1869 Arion tenellus Letourneux, Moll. Vendée, p. 7. 
1882 Agriolimax tenellus Less. & Poll., Monos. Tae Ital., p. 45, pl. 1., f. 7. 

ISTORY.— Limax tenellus (tenellus, very 
slender or delicate) was first discrimin- 
ated by Miiller, whose name is accepted 
by Nilsson, the obvious error in the mea- 
surement being disregarded. 

Heynemann, however, is of opinion 
that Miiller’s Limax tenellus is really 
an Arion, but ascribes to the tenellus of 
Nilsson the Lima succineus, L. flavus, 
and L. e/nctus, all of Miiller, the LZ. suc- 
cineus and L. flavus bemg referred to 
the unicolorous, and L. e7netus to the 
banded form. 

He also regards the Limaa collinus 
Normand and the Limaa aureus Gmelin 
as probably also referable to this species. 

he late Dr. A. W. Mahn, the eminent 

Swedish naturalist, with whom the pre- 

sent species has been associated, was so 

greatly impressed with its characters 

that he instituted a new genus, Mala- 

colimax, for its reception, based upon 
the soft body, the tricuspid median-tooth, and the di-ectoconic marginals. 

Lessona & Pollonera, while adopting Malm’s name of Malacolimas as of 
sub-generic value, place it under A griolimax, but, as shown by Simroth, it 
is probably most correctly associated with the typical Limaces, of which it 
is an ancient form, though he places it with L. cephalonicus and L. subsaa- 
anus In a separate section, which he stvles Microheynemannia to distinguish 
it from the Macroheynemannia to which Limaxr maximus and the larger 
species are relegated. 

Diagnosis.—Limax tenc/lus differs from the species to which it is struc- 
turally most closely allied by its much smaller size, yellowish colour and 
black or blackish tentacles, its semi-transparent shell, ‘and yellow mucus. 

INTERNALLY, the reproductive organs are simple, the penis-sheath is short 
and swollen, and its retractor fixed near to and in front of the heart; the 
alimentary canal is almost a counterpart of that of juvenile Lamar maximus, 
except that it presents indications of a coecum or rectatheca.' 

Original Description. —210. LIMAX TENELLUS. LIMAX virescens, capite tenta- 
eulisque nigris; long. 10 unc. Totus albidus Clypeus in luteum, abdomen in vire- 

scentem colorem aliquantum vergit ; ille margine postico, hoc apice supra nigricat. 
In Fossulis Nemorum foliis aridis repletis ; primo vere. Miill.,Verm. Hist. 11, p. 11. 

1 Monog. i., p. 284, f. 566. 


Description.— ANIMAL slender, very soft and viscous, with about thirty longitu- 
dinal rows of rugze on each side of the body, of a pale yellowish, yellowish-grey, or 
ereenish-white, but occasionally of a golden-yellow with orange shield, an obscure 
hand on each side of the body and shield ; SKIN soft and thick, becoming thin and 
tender when the animal is placed in alcohol, a change probably due to the large 
amount of mueus which is thrown off; HEAD and TENTACLES black or blackish- 
brown; hinder fifth of the body somewhat but not acutely keeled ; SHIELD very 
obtusely angulated behind ; SOLE transparently whitish or yellowish and tripartite ; 
owing to this transparency of the median-area the foot-gland is clearly visible when 
the animal is crawling, and is seen to extend to the hinder-part of the body; the 
glandular lobules are also seen attached to the median-duct; MUCUS in half-grown 
or adult individuals of a yellow or orange colour. Length, 25-35 or more mill. 

SHELL somewhat oblong, whitish, thin, and . 
arly transparent, slightly concave beneath, apex Fic. 85.—Interna 
nearly : = Sie Banat J ; : rcp My a zy shell of ZL. tenellus 
nearly terminal, with the usual concentric LINES ‘ sone eeipeies de 
is . . .’ 4 2) . 
OF GROWTH, margin rather broad, thin, and imem- ‘NS Simroth). 
branous. Length, 3$ mill. ; breadth, 2 mill. . 

INTERNALLY, the NERVOUS SYSTEM conforms to the general type, but the organ 
of Semper is horse-shoe shaped, like that of L. mains, differing, however, in the 
cells being aggregated into five larger lobes around the mouth. The OSPHRADIUM 
is not distinctly perceptible, but may be detected by the slight furrowing defining it. 


Fic. 86.—Otolith of Limax 
tenellus, highly magnified (after 

Fic. 87. 

Tic. 8& Fic. 89. 
Fic. 87.—Sexual organs of Z. tened/us Mill. x 3 (after Simroth). aéé.g. albumen gland ; /. heart ; 
k. pdney ; ov. oviduct; of. ovotestis ; f. prostate; Z.s. penis sheath; 7. retractor muscle; sf sper- 

Fic. 88.—Penis-sheath of Z. tened/us laid open, showing its internal structure, x 6 (after Simroth). 

Fic. 89.—Alimentary canal of Linear tenel/us Mill., X 3 (after Simroth). 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are not complex; the OVOTESTIS is small, placed 
behind the stomach, and surrounded with dark-brown tissue; DUCT dark-brown, not 
convolute but greatly swollen in the middle of its course, and ending in a tiny 
spherical and white VESICULA SEMINALIS ; ALBUMEN GLAND yellow, tender, and 
flaky; OVISPERMATODUCT relatively shorter than in Limaaz maximus, and only 
slightly connected together ; OvIDUCT pale above, yellowish below, narrowing bas- 
ally, and forming a thickened yellow base; SPERM-DUCT delicate above, but becoming 
a broad yellow glandular channel below, ending in a short broad VAS DEFERENS, 
which widens like a funnel, with a loose, plicate crest at its entry into the penis; the 
RETRACTOR arises from the same spot as a broad museular band, and is distally 
attached to the floor of the lung, in the median-line in advance of the heart ; SPER- 
MATHECA oblong, with a long, slender stem, opening into the atrium; PENIS-SHEATH 
short, thick, and white, with a lateral protuberance near the base ; interiorly there 
is a long, flatly projecting and finely plicate comb or crest, which is richly glandular, 
and encircles the opening of the vas deferens. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR arises as a simple broad, muscular band, in the 
median-line of the body, behind the lune. It does not divide into the normal three 
branches until the middle of its length. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL is set in delicate and black mesenteric tissue, and has 
five intestinal tracts in addition to the stomach tract as in Limax maximus, and is 
an almost exact counterpart of those of the very young examples of that species, 


before the prolongation of the second intestinal tract takes place, except that there 
is an indication of a cecum or rectatheca at the commencement of the rectum; the 
STOMACH is short and broad and honeycombed in texture; liver very soft and 
spongy, and usually red in colour, the left lobe being the most obvious. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is amber-brown in colour, 
very convex, rather narrow, but with somewhat 
elongate lateral limbs and straight ends, the lower 
outer angle of each limb acute, the upper anele cor- 
respondingly obtuse; the median-beak well marked FiG. 90.—Mandible or jaw of Lina 
and projecting boldly in front. Length one mill. tenellus x 25 (Leipzig , Dr. Simroth). 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE of a specimen from the Harth, Leipzig, shows a dis- 
tinctly tricuspidate median tooth; the laterals are mnequally tricuspid; the endo- 
conie cutting point being obsolete, but the ectoconie one strongly dev eloped ; the 
marginals become aculeate, but near the lateral series still exhibit three cutting 
points; the extreme marginals lose their inner cusp and become bicuspid, except for 
a few teeth which show vestiges of a second ectocone near the base. 

Fic. 91.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of Limax tenellus 

Miill. (highly magnified). e's 
The animal collected by Dr. Simroth on the Harth, Leipzig, and the palate prepared by Mr. W. Moss. 

Malm figures two distinct and prominent ectocones on the extreme marginals, 
but I have not been able to verify their presence in a well developed state in the 
Leipzig specimen. 

The formula of a Heipag specimen, nn eee by Prof. Simroth, shows 
ae ie ee oo lo 

2-3 i) 

Food and Habits. — 'This little species 1s comparatively seldom 
observed, owing to the prevailing ignorance of its habits of life, and it is to 
be hoped that the claims of this species to rank as a British species will 
be firmly established now that attention is drawn to these peculiarities. 

In Germany this slug is found on the pine-clad heaths or even in the re- 
motest recesses of the great pine forests, where the ground is deeply covered 
with dense accumulations of pine needles and where scarcely a single 
blade of grass exists. On the fungoid growths, even in such places , Limaa 
tencllus is almost certain to be found if sought for in autumn, when the slug 
is adult and the fungi at the highest period of their development. The 
mushroom eatherers in Germany, collecting slugs for Dr. Simroth, find 
L. tenellus to overwhelmingly outnumber Arion subfuscus and other species 
frequenting the same situations. In other countries, at or towards the 
limits of its geographical range, its habitat 1s not so restricted, and it may 
be frequently met with in the woods composed of beech and other deciduous 

Limax tenellus is of active habits, and, according to Simroth, lives exelu- 
sively on fungi, or, if the supply be restricted, becoming predatory or even 

cannibalistic ; - the Boletus is noted as especially preferred, while the poison- 
ous red Agaric i is also eaten on occasion. 

Reproduction and Development. — According to Simroth, this 
species attains its full growth in October, living thence through the winter 
even into the early spring. During the colder season of the year the 
animals pair, and oviposition takes : place i in some suitable damp spot ; the 
eggs, which are about two mill. in diameter, clear, transparent, and elobular, 
are placed i in clusters of thirty or forty; they hatch in a few weeks’ time, 
the young adopting a subterranean life and feeding beneath the surface 
upon the mycelia of fungi quite into early summer, when they are about 


half-grown; about July they appear above ground and feed upon the fungi, 
which at that period begin to flourish, the appearance of the slug being 
coincident with and dependent on the development and growth of the fungi 
upon which it feeds. 

When young, the animals are almost unicolorous, and may then easily 
be confused with pale A griolimax levis or A. agrestis, but the polygonal 
reticulation of L. agrestis and the brownish tentacles of Z. davis aid us in 
their separation. 

heir unicolorous state may be continued to adult life, but usually when 
about half-grown they acquire on each side of the mantle a brownish or 
black zone, which may later assume a lyre-shape. The inner side of this 
dark marking has a pale margin, and this gives rise to a darker median 
patch which when well defined assumes somewhat the shape of a hour-glass. 

The mantle-band may occasionally extend to the body as a faint longi- 
tudinal zone. In addition there is a pale mid-dorsal or keel streak, which 
is quite broad at its origin, gradually narrowing, but widening again before 
finally contracting as it approaches the tail, “which in young ‘animals is 
tinged with a delicate carmine. 

Variation.—Limax tenellus is not a very variable species, but there 
appear to be some differences recorded in the fundamental body-colour, 
and in addition there may be distinct lateral banding on the shield, which 
may extend upon the body also. 

Dr. Westerlund, in his Fauna Europe, 1876, p. 11, gives as a variety of 
this species the Limawx squammatinus of Morelet, but this is really a species 
of Geomalacus. 

According to Dumont & Mortillet’s observation upon Limaa sylvaticus, 
which Lessona & Pollonera allocate with L. tenellus, the banded variety is 
more especially an inhabitant of the mountains and ‘exposed situations, the 
unicolorous form being more characteristic of the lower lands and umbra- 
geous places; these features do not appear to be so well marked in their 
German habitats. 

Var. eerea Held, Land Moll. Bayern, 1849, p. 15. 

Limax syluaticus var. immaculatus Dum. & Mortil., Mal. Savoie, 1857, p. 11. 

ANIMAL of a somewhat uniform waxy-yellow colour, with only faint traces of 
lateral banding. 

According to Dr. Westerlund the Limax wanthius Bourg., from Malberg, near 
Ems, in Germany, is an unicolorous yellowish variety of this species, and is prob- 
ably referable to the var. cerea. 

This form is also found at Augsburg, Munich, and on the mountains of the 
Traunstein, Bavaria; the Erzegebirge, and at Konigstein in Saxony, and if the 
reference by Lessona & Pollonera be correct, is also met with in Savoy, where it 
was recorded by Dumont & Mortillet as LZ. sy/vaticus var. imimaculatus. 

The British and Scandinavian examples would appear to belong to this variety, 
as they are recorded as possessing only a slight lateral shading. 

Var. fulva Normand, Desc. Limac. Nouvy., 1852, p. 7 
Limax Julvus Normand, op. cit. 

ANIMAL reddish-brown, suffused dorsally with black ; SHIELD reddish-brown, 
scarcely obscured by some small pulviform blackish spots ; tentacles vinous-brown ; 
locomotory mucus colourless ; BODY mucus yellow. 

This variety, or geographical race, which was confused with L. arborwm until 
shown by Simroth to be a form of L. tenedlus, has been found at Valenciennes, in the 
department of the Nord, by Normand; in the Forest at Saint-Saulge, in the Niévre, 
by Breviére; in the Forest of Hez, in the Oise, by Dr. Baudon ; in the neighbourhood 
of Dijon, in the Cote @Or, by Dronet ; and at Luxembourg, in the departmeat of 
the Seine, by M. Rétout. 


Var. cineta Heynemann, Mal. BI, 1862, p. 101. 

Limax sylvaticus var. clypeo-fasciata Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 
Limax sylvaticus var. clypeo-concolor Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 

ANIMAL with distinet dark lateral bands on the shield, which occasionally ex- 
tend upon the body. 

This variety, which appears to be the most recently evolved form of this species, 
and to which the varieties elypeo-fusciata and clypeo-concolor of Limax sylvaticus 
Dumont & Mortillet, from Savoy, may probably also be referred as sub-varieties ; 
the former has the longitudinally banded shield, while in the latter the banding is 
confined to the body. 

It has also been reported from Eberbach, Baden; from various localities in Bran- 
denburg; from Vegesack and the Harz Mountains in Hanover; from Stettin in 
Pomerania, and from the neighbourhood of Leipzig. 

Geographical Distribution.—The range of this little-known species 
cannot be stated with any approach to real accuracy or precision. 

An ancient form, as this is shown to be, and which its known habitat m 
the mountains or within the recesses of pine forests still further emphasizes, 
lead us to expect a much more extended distribution than has hitherto 
been recorded. 

It has, however, been reported from Great Britain, France, Belgium, Ger- 
many, Austro-Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 
Finland, Russia, and Palestine, and is said by Held to be especially plentiful 
in the Alps. 

Geographical Distribution 

Limax tenellus Mill. 

Bee Recorded Distribution 

| Probable Range. 

Fic. 92. 


York S.W.—Hemsworth and Sharlston, not common (Wileock, Rep. Wakefield 
Nat. Soc., 1888, p. 28). 
= TYNE. 
Durham—One specimen of the almost unicolorous yellow variety was found by 
Mr. Blacklock in a wood at Allansford, near Shotley Bridge, and sent to Mr. Alder 
(Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853, p. 21). : 

Ayr—Plentiful in hedge bottoms, near Irvine, June 1878 (J. Conachar, junr., 

Nat., July 1878, p. 177). 
Bute—Near Rothesay, June 1878 (J. Conachar, op. cit.). 
Shetlands—North Mavine, on stones in the watercourse of a mountain mill 
(Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., 1862, p. 156). 



Throughout the country, but chiefly confined to the pine forests and mountain 
districts ; it has been reeorded from 

Baden—Ditch near the ‘‘Gesprengte Thurm,” Heidelberg (Daniels, Q.J.C., 1875, 
i., p. 112). Carlsruhe and Biihl (Gysser, Mal. Bl., 1865, p. 80). Var. cincta, Eber- 
bach (Seibert, Nachtbl., June 1873, p. 46). 

Bavaria—Bamberg (Schedel, Nachrichtsbl., 1886, p. 130). Var. cerea, Augsburg, 
Munich, and mountains in the Traunstein. Plentiful according to Herr Walser dur- 
ing November on mushrooms in woods. 

Brandenburg —Heathy pine forests in the neighbourhood of Diiben and Eilenburg 
(Simroth, Zeitsehr., 1885). Pine forest, Glienicke, near Potsdam, H. Simroth. 

Franconia — Kreuzberg, in forest near Convent (Clessin, Nachrichtsbl., 1884, p. 186). 

Hanover—Var. cincta, Vegesack and the Harz Mountains (Simroth, op. cit.). 
Between the Elbe and the Ems (Borcherding, Abh. Ver. Brem., viii., 1883). 

Lippe—Detmold (Borcherding, Mal. Bl., 1881, p. 16). 

Nassau—Frankfurter Wald, and on the Taunus Mountains (Kobelt, Moll. Nas- 
sau, 1871, p. 78). Var. wanthia Bourg., Malberg near Ems (Westerlund, Fauna 
Europ., 1876, p. 11). 

Pomerania— Var. cincta, Stettin (Lehmann, Mal. Bl., 1870, p. 95). 

Pyrmont—Konigsberg (Hesse, Mal. Bl., 1880, p. 4). 

Saxony—Var. cincta abundant in pine forests about Leipzig, Harth and Bienitz. 
Var. cerea in the red pine forests of the Erzegebirge, in the neighbourhood of 
Bienenmiihle and Konigstein, Saxon Switzerland (Simroth, Zeitsch. Wissens. Zool., 
1885). Common, but young, during June and July, at Old Stolberg, near Nord- 
hausen (Hesse, Nachrichtsblatt, 1883, p. 44). 

Schleswig—Flensburg (Friedel, Mal. Bl., 1870, p. 63). 

Silesia—Landeck (Thamm, Nachbl., 1886, p. 150), and at Breslau. 


Belgium—(Westerlund, Fanna Europ., 1876, p. 11). 


This species, according to Ferussae, is found in the south of France, in the Querey, 
but it is questionable whether the identification is reliable. 

Cote d’Or—Limax fulvus, environs of Dijon, H. Drouet (Bandon, Limac. Oise, 
1871, p. 18). 

cattle Monepellior (Férussac, Hist. Suppl., 1823, p. 96). St. Martin-de-Lon- 
dres, Puéchabon (Dubrueil, Moll. Herault, 1863, p. 4). 

Meuse—(Buvignier, Cat. Moll. Meuse, 1899). 

Niévre—Limax fulvus, Forest of Saint-Saulge (Breviere, J. de Coneh, 1881, p. 314). 

Nord—L. fulvus, Valenciennes, Normand (Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll., 1855, p. 32). 

Oise—Limax fulvus, Forest of Hez (Bandon, op. cit.). 

Savoy —Limax sylvaticus (Dum. & Mortil., Moll. Savoie, 1857). 

Seine—Limax fulvus, Luxembourg, M. Rétout (Baudon, op. cit.). 

Vendée—Fontenay-le-Comte (Letourneaux, Moll. Vendée, 1869, p. 7). 

Vosges—Environs of Mirecourt (Puton, Moll. Vosges, 1847). 


Solothurn —Weissenstein near Solothurn, at an altitude of about 4,000 feet 
(Blum, Nachrichtsbl., 1883, p. 163), and recorded doubtfully for French Switzerland 
by H. v. Ihering (Mal. Bl., 1881, p. 71). 


Piedmont—Found at Gressoney St. Jean, at an altitude of 4,650 feet, and at the 
Alpi di Konichin in Val della Toce, at an elevation of about 7,200 feet. It had not 
previously been recorded for Italy, probably on account of being passed over and con- 
fused with Agriolimax agrestis (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit., p. 46). 


Probably found throughout the whole region (Clessin, Moll. Oést.-Ungarn, 1887). 

Bohemia—Pracue, J. F. Babor, 1894. Carlsbad (Gysser, Mal. Bl., 1864). 

Moravia—Briinn (Clessin, Moll. Oést.-Ungarn, 1887, p. 44). 

Slavonia—(MO6llendorff, Nachrichtsbl., 1871, p. 62). 

Styria —Grimming (Clessin, op. cit.). 

Transylvania—(Clessin, op. cit.). 

PuatTE IX. 

Distribution of Limax tenellus Mill. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 
1 Coruwall W. 
2 Cornwall E. 
3 Devous., 
4 Devon N. 
5 Somerset 8, 
6 Somerset N. 
7 Wilts N. 
8 Wilts 8. 
9 Dorset 
10 Isle ot Wight 
1l Haunts 8. 
12 Hants N. 

13 Sussex W. 

53 Lincoln 8. 
14 Sussex H. 54 Lincoln N. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld, 
15 Kent E. 56 Notts. 
16 Kent W, 57 Derby 

41 Glamorgan 
42 Brecon 
43 Radnor 
44 Carmarthen 
45 Pembroke 
46 Cardigan 
47 Montgomery 
48 Merioneth 
49 Carnarvon 
50 Denbigh 
5L Flint 
52 Anglesey 

17 Surrey MERSEY 

18 Hssex 8. 58 Cheshire 

19 Mssex N, 59 Lancashire S. 

20 Herts. 60 Lancashire Mid 

21 Middlesex HUMBER 

22 Berks. 61 S.E. York 

23 Oxford 62 N.E. York 

24 Bucks. 63 S.W. York 
ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York 

5 Suffolk fh. 

Suffolk W. 

27 Norfolk H. 

28 Norfolk W. 

29 Cambridge 

30 Bedford 



33 Gloucester EK. 

34 Gloucester W 

35 Monmouth 

36 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Stafford 

40 Salop 

65 N.W. York 
66 Durham 

67 Northumb. S. 

68 Cheviotland 

69 Westmorland 
and L. Lanes. 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 

of the British Isles, 

s a 




72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
73 Kirkcudbright 94 Bantf 
74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
7> Ayr 96 Lasterness 
76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8. 
82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross BE. 
86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E, 
87 Perths.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
89 Perth N. NORTH ISLES 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen S. 112 Shetlands 
113 Derry 122 Louth 
114 Antrim 123 Meath 
115 Down 124 Dublin 
116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co. 
132 Westmeath 
133 Longford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 
136 Sligo 
137 Mayo E. 
138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 

Tipper: N. 
Tipperary 8 

3 Cork N, 
7 Cork 8. 




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Norway—Probably not so uncommon as previously believed. It is found in the 
park and oakwoods at Jarlsberg, Cliristiania, and Modum; by the lake Spirilen and 
other places in Christiania Stift ; also known from several localities in Christiansand 
Stift (Esmark, J. of Coneh., Oct. 1886, p. 101). 

Sweden—The most northerly occurrence of this species is in Jiimtland, 63°-64° 
north lat. (Luther, Moll. Finland, 1901, p. 46). Medelpad (Anderson, Mal. BL, 
1880, p. 152). 

Malm records it from a birch wood, near Ljungskile, and also near Jonsered, and 
in the Castle wood, Géteborg, where it was abundant in October on the oak and 
other trees as well as on fungi. Westra Wram in Skane, rare, Lilljeborg. Ronneby 
in Blekinge, 1867, C. A. Westerlund ; Gothland, in woody tracts in various parts of 
the island, G. Lindstrém (Malm, op. eit., p. 69). 

Denmark—Not very common about Viborg, Jutland, according to Feddersen ; 
common, in autumn, mostly in the cavities of fungi in the beech woods of the Isle 
of Zealand (Malm, 1868, p. 69). 


Widely distributed in Russia, extending from Finland to the Caucasus ; it has 
been recorded from several provinces, and according to Luther certainly inhabits 

Esthland—(Luther, Moll. Finland, 1901, p. 46). 

Finland—Not rare in south and mid-Finland, and reaches as far north as Viita- 
saari and Kuopio at 63° north lat., seeming to prefer marshy ground and spruce fir- 
trees, but it also occurs amongst deciduous trees ; in autumn it is frequently found 
on fungi (Luther, Moll. Finland, 1901, p. 46). 

Kharkov—Among damp leaves, Sumy (Kaleniezenko, Bull. Mose., 1851, p. 125). 

Livonia—Dorpat (Braun, Nachrichtsbl., 1883, p. 174). 

Moscow—Bielkovo near Moujevo (Milacheviteh, Moll. Mose., 1881). 

Stavropol—About Stavropol in the Caucasus (Kaleniezenko, op. cit.). 

Transcaucasia—Kutais (Buettger, Nacht., 1881, p. 121). 

Vitebsk—(Luther, Moll. Finland, 1901, p. 46). 


Canon Tristram found several slugs in the moist valleys to the south of Lebanon 
in Palestine, which he was unable to separate in any way from the European species 
(Fauna and Flora of Palestine, 1885, p. 180). 

3 Fic. 93.—Pine forest, Glienicke, near Potsdam, Prussia, a stronghold of Lzmax tenedlus ls 
(photo. by Prof. Krieger). 


Susp-Genus Lehmannia Heynemann. 

Limax flavus Linné. 

1694 Limax succini colore, albidis maculis instgntias Lister, Exercit. Anat., t. 1. 

1758 = oe Ibi Sy. st. Nat. , ed. x., vol. i., p. 652. 

1801 — variegatus Drap., ley Moll., p. 103. 

1828) — antiquorum Sow ae Genera of Shells, ii., p. 158. 

1837 — maculatus Nunneley, Trans. Phil. and Lit. Soe. Leeds, i., p. 46, pl. 2, f. 3.- 
1844 — wmbrosus Philippi, ‘Enum, Moll. Seles Iga: 102. 

1862. — deshayesii Bourg., Spice. Mal., p. 36, pl. 1, ff 1, 

1863. — campanyoi Boure., Rév. et Mag. Zool., p. 179. 

1865 — _ bicolor Selenka, Mal. BL, xii., p. 105, pl. 2, ff. 10-17. 

1868 — beticus Mabille, Rév. et Mag. Zool., p. 145. 

1I8sl — ecarinatus Boettger, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Gesellsch., p. 186, f. 7A-c. 

1815 Limacella unguiculus Brard, Coq. Paris, p. 115, pl. 4, ff 3, 4, 11. 

1836 Parmacella variegata Philippi, Enum. Moll. Sicilize, 5 p. 125. 

IS5L Krynickillus maculatus WKalenicz., Bull. Soe. Imp. Moscou, p. 226, 6. 1¥.5 i92: 
1856 Krynickia maculata Fischer, Journ. de Conch., p. 66. 

1864 Limacus breckworthianus Lehmann, Mal. BL., xi., p. 145, pl. 4. 

1868 Eulimax (Plepticolimax) flavus Malm, Skand. Limac., p. 62, pl. 4, f. 11. 

\ISTORY.—Limar flavus (flavus, yellow), 
was first discriminated by Lister, but Linné’s 
name takes precedence, and although doubt 
has been cast by some writers on the correct 
identification of Linné’s species, yet the des- 
cription he gives, and his reference to the 
characteristic figure of Lister, would seem 
to remove all doubt on the subject. 

This species is ranged under the sub- 
generic name of Lehmanniu, to emphasize 
the presence of the coecal appendage to the 
rectum, the chief difference its organization 
presents to that of the typical Limaces. ‘This 
section is also known under the names of 
Limacus, Plepticolimax, and Simrothia. 

With this fine species we associate Signor 
Napoleone Pini, who has so carefully studied 

’ the slugs of Lombardy, and to whom we are 

= = indebted for the discrimination of the varie- 
ties tigrina and colubrina of this species. 

Aceording to Herr Heynemann, Limaa chrenbergi Bourg. and L. chilensis 
are both probably referable to our Limae flavus, and Mr. C.'T. Musson is of 
opinion that the Liémax megalodontes of Quoy & Gaimard, from Port Jack- 
son, also belongs to this species. ‘The Z. flavus var. lineolatus of Collinge, 
judging from the description, is more probably a variety of L. arborum. 

Diagnosis.—Limar flavus, in its typical form, may be easily distin- 
guished from the allied British species by its bluish tentacles, yellow 
mottled shield, and the oval yellowish rug interspersed over the body, 
which is of a dusky-yellow shade. 

INTERNALLY, it shows a marked difference from the Limaa maximus and 
L. cinereo-niger in the possession of a well-developed appendix or ccecum to 
the rectum, a peculiarity first pointed out and figured by Mr. Nunneley, of 
Leeds (‘Trans. Phil. Soc. Leeds, 1837, p. 58, pl. 2, f. 3). 


Original Description.—LIMAX flavus. 7. L. flavus maculatus. Fn. Svec. 2092. 
List. exercit. anat. 1. t. 1. Limax succini colore, albidis maculis insignitus. Habitat 
inter Herbas (Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. x., p. 652, 1758). 

Description.—ANIMAL with a long but somewhat stouter body than the con- 
generic species, and varying from 75 or 80 mill. to 100 or more mill. in length when 
extended ; BODY rounded above, but keeled at the caudal extremity, usually of a 
dusky amber- yellow colour, ov erspread by grey, with the exception of certain rugee 
which remain yellow and are distributed over the body singly or in combination ; ; 
FOOT-SOLE longitudinally trifasciate, whitish with a faint “tinge of yellow, some- 
times narrowly margined with dusky- yellow ; BODY-SLIME thin and light-yellow in 
health, but dark-y ellow, viscid, and copious when scalded; on removal of the mucus 
after scal ling, the SKIN is seen to be of a dusky-grey ; SHIELD narrow and rounded 
in front, broader and very obtusely angulated beliind, of a 
dusky yellowish- grey colour, with many ‘oval yellowish spots, 
paler towards the margins ; RESPIRATORY ORIFICE posterior, 
surrounded by a raised and finely-spotted ring, broken an- 
teriorly by the anal and renal fissures; inside of pulmonary 

cavity whitish ; OMMATOPHORES stout and rather long, of a : 
bluish colour, due to the colour of retractor muscles ; LOCO- Fic. 96. — Respiratory 
MOTORY MUCUS plentiful and iridescent ; the SUPRA-PEDAL — °rifice of L. flavus, x 3, 
GLAND has its bilaterally symmetrical halves arranged on “P0wing the anal canal. 
either sides of the median-line, but does not extend into the tail, and, according to 
Rolleston, is underlaid by a laree venous sinus, very visible in the living animal along 
the median-line of the foot. 

SHELL subquadrately oval, thin, white, and con- 
eave beneath, with corresponding convexity above; 
APEX or nucleus placed a little distance from the 
posterior margin and slightly to the left side, the Cen erences 
concentric lines of increase usually well but not “Hants Sats 
sharply marked ; periostracal fringe broad and often : Mr. C. Ashford). 
somewhat calcified. Leneth, 9 mill. ; breadth, 6 mill. 

INTERNALLY, the NERVOUS SYSTEM has slightly reniform or bilobed buceal ganglia 
with short connecting commissure; the OSPHRADIUM Is in the form of a broad e¢ hannel 
on the underside of the mantle roof, and extends from the respiratory orifice far over 
towards the left. 

Fic. 97.—Internal 
shell of Z. flavus, 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are not complex, and do not possess accessory organs. 
The OVOTESTIS is situate behind the stomach, and is light-coloured or brownish, often 
with large elements; the DUCT is white, slender and very tortuous, terminating in a 
small and round VESICULA SEMINALIS; ALBUMEN GLAND multilobed, flaky, and of a 
white or deep-yelfow colour, increasing vastly in size at rutting time; the SPERM 

Fic. 98. Fic. 99. Fic. 100. 

Fic. 98.—Penis-sheath and oviduct of Lzmax flavus, laid open to show the internal structure, 
enlarged (after Simroth). v.d. vas deferens; /. penis; sf.d. spermatheca duct ; ov. oviduct. 

Fic. 99.—Sexual organs of Limax flavus. alb.g. albumen gland; 4. heart; &. kidney; ov. 
oviduct ; of. ovotestis ; ~. prostate ; pS. penis- sheath 3 7.772. retractor muscle ; sp. spermatheca. 

Fic. 100. —Hermaphrodite duct at junction with vesicula seminalis of Z. //awus < 10 (after Scharff). 


DUCT or PROSTATE is thick and yellow, with an immense number of minute, white, 
‘aleareous rods within its walls; the OvipUCT is yellowish, gut-like, and thick- 
walled, but after separating from the prostate it narrows down and has thin walls, 
differing in structure from the upper albumen-secreting section; as it approaches the 
atrium it swells out, becomes thick-walled, and exhibits internally a succession of 
close-set glandular ridges and bright purple-red epithelium above; the fusiform 
SPERMATHECA which opens into the FREE-OVIDUCT in this region often contains a 
reddish substance, probably derived from the oviducal glands, and intended to aid in 
the preservation and vitality of the spermatozoids ; the 
PENIS-SHEATH is long and cylindrical with a pronounced 
double flexure, connected by tissue which sometimes also 
involves the VAS DEFERENS ard RETRACTOR; the latter is 
terminal, very long and ribbon-like, and fixed to the dor- 
sum between the heart and the kidney; the penis-sheath 
has no interior crest, but in the lower half there are two 
projecting, longitudinal muscular rolls, while the walls 
above are thinner with many fine transverse plications. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR arises usually in two or 
more roots beneath the hind margin of shield, and sooner 
or later unite into a short and stont band; about two- 
fifths of the total length of the retractor from the base, it 
divides as usual into the PHARYNGEAL and TENTACULAR 
branches; the pharyngeal bifureates and fixes by the bifid 
end beneath the buceal bulb; the retractors to the omma- 
tophores expand and become very bulky, but the subsidiary 
muscles to the anterior tentacles are comparatively slender, while the slip to the lips 
is quite short and insignificant. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL has the five intestinal coils and a stomach tract all 
without twist, and visible above the visceral mass when 
the body is opened, as in the typical Limaces ; the intes- 
tinal coils are also held in position anteriorly, as in L. 
maximus,' by looping the aorta and the cephalic retractor, 
but differ in the presence of the rectatheca or caecum, 
which is, however, only slightly attached to the rectum, 
and extends in the median-line of the body nearly to the 
tail-end. Simroth suggests that this appendage may act 
as an absorbent and imbibe the chyme from the intestinal 
sanal by an antiperistaltic motion. The SALIVARY 
GLANDS are white and woolly, with a rather long duct 
to each ; GSOPHAGUS short and pinkish-brown in colour, 
widening almost immediately after passing the nerve-ring 
into the Crop, which is brownish in colour with white 
veins and irregularly furrowed longitudinally and trans- 
versely ; the LIVER or DIGESTIVE GLAND is usually of a 
yellowish grey, and consists of two main lobes connected 
each by a single duct to the digestive tube ; the KIDNEY Fic. 102.— Alimentary canal 
is brownish or in part crocus-yellow, and opens near the of set ep se” P ptale See 
termination of the rectum infront of and at the upper  ?stetorly directed appendix. 
part of the pulmonary aperture. 

Fic. 101.—Cephalic retrac- 
tors of Limax flavus, X 2. 



\ / 
C / 


The MANDIBLE? or jaw is of a deep brown colour, strongly areuate from front to 
back, smooth, with a blunt but prominent median rostrum or beak, which projects 
boldly in front and beneath, ends convexly rounded, and the upper part imbedded 
in the flesh well marked. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE of a Cambridgeshire specimen, for which [ am indebted 
to the Rev. Prof. Gwatkin, shows an obscurely tridentate median tooth, the meso- 
cone large and well developed, but the ectocones not well marked and without 
noticeable cutting points ; the laterals display the same characters, the mesocone 

65 o 
so o 
Q \ so a fa 4 7 a . ; is ia 30 ye @ 
Fic. 103.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of Z. favus L, x 120. 

The animal collected in Cambridgeshire, and the palate prepared by the Rey. Prof. Gwatkin. 

1 Monog., i., p. 285, ff. 570, 571. 2 Monog.,, i., p. 259, f. 511, 



being strong and well developed, and the side-cutting points obsolete ; the inner 
marginals are simply and strongly aculeate, but many of the extreme marginals 
show a clearly distinguishable ‘ectocone which must not be confused with the 
angular appearance due to the basal corner of the tooth. 

The formula is S4+t1 +2041 F20+11 434 x 153—=20,043. 

Reproduction and Development.—The act of pairing does not 
appear to have been observed or recorded except by Férussac, who describes 
the heads of the coupled individuals as touching but laterally opposed during 
the act; it is, however, affirmed by Simroth that no spermatophore is 
formed, the seminal element being transferred in a fluid state. 

‘he eggs are deposited in clusters of half-a-dozen to a score or more, 
beneath Togs and in other moist and convenient places; they are at first 
colourless and perfectly translucent, tinged in some cases with amber, 
roundly oval in shape, soft and very elastic, and about seven mill. Jong and 
five mill. in diameter, usually though not invariably disposed in a series 
united together by a yellowish albuminous mucus with which they have 
become enveloped in their passage down the oviduct, and which by settling 
between the eggs gives them their acuminate aspect at the poles. Although 
the eggs are themselves very uniform in size, this mucous envelope varies so 
greatly in thickness that the eggs may appear to range in size from seven to 
eleven mill. in length even in the same batch. They are deposited from the 
beginning of July even into December, and hatch in from forty to sixty days, 
according to the weather, the young when hatched being about ten mull. 
long, and of a pale transparent yellow, or they may be somewhat greenish 
with a distinct light dorsal stripe and darker sides. ‘They become adult 
within the year. 

Food and Habits.—They are essentially nocturnal in habit, and very 
gregarious, often congregating together one upon another in a striking way 
for their siesta, and Bouchard-Chantereaux has remarked that one of their 
ommatophores is nearly always half extended at those times. 

Though often found in moist woods and gardens, beneath turf, logs, under 
stones or bark of old trees, in crevices of walls, etc., yet this species would 
appear to prefer the shelter of artificial surroundings, being found most 
commonly in damp cellars, vaults, sculleries, drains, ‘outhouses, sides of 
wells, and other similar places. 

It is an active and voracious species, feeding greedily upon bread, cooked 
meat, and vegetables, and many kinds of table delicacies. It is also partial 
to cream, butter, flour, and even soap, and will grow sleek and fat upon the 
mildew found on damp walls. In a grocer’s warehouse, in Leeds, LZ. flavus 
was noticed to show an especial predilection for brown sugar. 

In a state of nature it is said not to devour the green leaves of phanero- 
gamic plants, but to restrict itself to fungi and the minute lichens which 
stain the surface of old walls or are found upon the bark of trees; the 
stomach, under ordinary conditions, being filled with almost all kinds of 
garbage and mouldy growths. It will, however, eat the decayed leaves of 
Vinca and Primula. 

In confinement, Mr. Gain offered 197 various kinds of food to this species, 
but only the Mushroom, Psalliota campestris, Boletus edulis, and the root of 
Carrot were eaten with avidity, though seventeen others were eaten freely, 
amongst which Armillaria mellea, Russula heterophylla, Marasmius oreades, 
Polyporus squamosus, the fruit of the Strawberry, the leaves of Holly and 
Bryony, the stalks of Lettuce and Cabbage, the roots of Potato, Turnip, and 
Swede may be especially mentioned. 


The nomina! faculty is strongly exemplified in this species, and this trait 
in its character has been often abundantly verified. 

It is capable, at least when young, of spinning a mucous thread by which 
it can lower itself from branches or other places from which it may desire 
to descend. 

Parasites.— Limax flavus is particularly liable to be infested by the ecto- 
parasitic Acwrus, known as Philodromus limucum?® L., a circumstance said 
by Férussac to be due to a strong odour resembling that of decaying wood 
which emanates from it and which also similarly attracts many wood-lice. 
This species is also preyed upon, according to Whiteaves, by the larva of 
the Coleopteron Drilus flavescens. 

Variation.—T'his species, though under ordinary conditions remarkably 
constant in its coloration and character, is hable to a temporary change of 
aspect under the influence of prolonged abstinence from food or continued 
irritation. ‘lhe yellow colour of the body being wholly or in great part due 
to the slime by which the body is invested, explains this transient stability 
of the colouring in this species.* 

When living within the shelter of human habitations it is said to be 
more vividly coloured, but according to Locard does not attain to the size 
of the examples living in the open air. The brightness of its colouring be- 
comes dimmed with the loss of its active energy, prolonged irritation, and 
abstinence from food, the yellow body-tint changing to a dull olive or grey. 
In the ordinary course, these animals in most districts darken with age, 
and as a rule are darker in colour out of doors than when living under shelter. 

The chief differences are due to variations in the ground colour, and to 
the intensity and completeness of the suffusion by the darker secondary 
pigmentation, this suffusion emanating from the irregularly maculate mark- 
ings, without exhibiting any tendency to run into banding. 

Among the anomalies that have been observed, one with a well-marked 
bifurcate tail, found by Mr. C. Oldham, at Alderley Edge, in Cheshire, is 
worthy of especial mention. 

Var. albina Taylor. ; 

ANIMAL quite white. 

Bavaria—'wo specimens from the easemates at Wurzburg, June 1876 (S. Fries, 
Zool. Anz., 1879, p. 155). 

Var. flavescens I’ér., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 71, pl. 5, f. 

ANIMAL yellowish, with markings tatine “a 

Cornwall W.—Scilly Isles, Aug. 1890! Rev. E. Dale Roberts. 

Surrey —Cobham, specimens in British Museum, from Dr. Leach (T. D. A. Cock- 
erell, in litt.). 

Middlesex—Muswell Hill road, Highgate, June 1889! H. Wallis Kew. 

Elgin—South College, Elgin, Dec. 1890! G. Gordon. 

Belgium— Brussels and Louvain (Colbeau, Ann. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1863, p. 48). 

France--Frequent in moist and cold houses in Lyons ; rather common in vaults 
and cellars in the department of the Ain; and at Montpellier, Béziers, Lodeve, St.- 
Pons, Ganges, ete., in the Herault. 

Italy—Liguria, Tuscany, Sardinia, and Sicily (Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. 
Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 44). 
Var. rufescens Mogq.-T'and., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 25. 

ANIMAL reddish, with the markings somewhat indistinct. 

Warwick—Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. Cellar, Edgbaston, 
July 1898 (Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 56). 

1 Monog. i., p. 312, f. 602. 2 Monog. i., p. 423, f. 738. 3 Monog. i., p. 327. 

Pe naris OX, 


1. Limax tenellus, p. 71. . 
(after original drawing by Joshua Alder). 3. Liman tenellus var. cerea, p. 74 
, x Masham, Yorks, W. A. Thwattes. 

2. Limax tenellus var. fulva, p. 4. Limax tenellus, young. 
Loughton, Essex, T. Petch. (ajyter Stmroth). 

5. Limax flavus, p. 78. 

6. Limax flavus var. rufescens, p. 82. 8. Limax flavus var. grisea, p. &4. 
Bowes Castle, T. Sheppard. Bath, C. J. Waterfall. 

7. Limax flavus var. virescens, p. 83. g. Limax flavus var. maculata, p. 83. 
South Stockton, B. Hudson. Ratham, W. Jeffery. 

14. Liumax arborum var. nemorosa, p. 95. 
Banchory, W. Evans. 

to. Limax arborum, p. 94. 
Cooper's Hill, Chelrenham. 

15. Limvax arborum subvar, alpestris, p. 96. 
tr. Limax arborum var. subrufa, p. 94. Shetlands, Rev. R. W. J. Smart. 
Chapel-en-le-Frith, C, Oldham. 

16. Limax arborum subvar. bettonit, p. 95. 

12. Limax arborum subvar, submacu . 96. : : 
: u culata, p. 96 Cushendun, Rev. S. A. Brenan. 

Cushendun, Rev. S. A. Brenan, 

; ee 17. Linvax arborum var. zebra, p. 96. 
13. Limax arborum var. tigiina, p. 96. u S2 ? 
2 > mu ) (after Stmroth). 

(after Weinland). 

J. W. & E. Taylor, del. Taylor Bros., Leeds. 


Lancashire S.— Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (Collinge, J. of Mal., 1893, p. 148). 
Lancashire W.—Timber yard, Avenham lane, Preston, 1889! W. H. Heathcote. 
France—(Moquin-Tandon, op. cit.). 

Italy—All Italy (Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882). 

Var. virescens Fér., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 71, pl. 5, f. 2. 
ANIMAL almost uniformly greenish, the markings nearly obliterated. 
Kent W.—Chislehurst, May 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Pembroke—North Cliff near Tenby Harbour (Stubbs, J. of Conch., 1900, p. 322). 
York N.E.—South Stockton, Dee. 1884! Baker Hudson. 
France —(Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. ). 
Italy—Liguria (Lessona & Pollonera, op. cit.). Esino, Lombardy (Pini, 1876). 
Madeira—(Grateloup, Dist. Geog. Limac., 1855). 
Var. antiquorum Sowerby, Genera of Shells, 1828, 11., pl. 158. 
Limax beticus Mab., Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1868, p. 145. 
ANIMAL pale ochreous, marbled on mantle and back with greyish interstitial 
lineolation or reticulation. 
Surrey—Specimens in British Museum, labelled ‘‘Cobham, Dr. Leach” (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, 1891). 
Portugal—Lisbon (Morelet, Moll. Portugal, 1845, p. 34). 

Var. tigrina Pini, Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital., 1876, p. 96. 
Limax variegatus var. tigrinus Pini, op. cit. 
ANIMAL rufous-yellow, variegated with black, mid-dorsal line rufous-yellow and 
Italy—Esino, Lombardy (Pini, op. cit.). 

Var. umbrosa Philippi, Enum. Moll. Siciliv, 1844, i1., p. 102. 
Limax umbrosus Phil, op. cit. 
Krynickillus maculatus Kal., Bull. Soc. Imp. Mosc., 1851, p. 226, pl. 4, f. 2. 
Limax maculatus Leach, Syn., 1852, p. 52. 
Limax variegatus var. colubrinus Pini, op. cit. 

ANIMAL ochreous-yellow or brown, with darker markings superposed. 

The L. wmbrosus has the darker colouring brownish, while the sub-var. nuaculata 
Kal. has it dark-grey or blackish ; the maculata of Moquin-Tandon has the ground 
colour more of a brownish shade, and the markings are described as black. 

Sussex W.—Sub-var. maculata Kal., Ratham, Nov. 1886! W. Jeffery. 

Kent E.—Sub-var. colubrina, Maidstone, Nov. 1888! F. G. Fenn. 

Middlesex—Sub-var. maculata Kal., Southwood road, Highgate, June 1889 ! 
H. W. Kew. Hillingdon near Uxbridge, Oldfield Thomas. Bedford Park, 'T. D. A. 
Cockerell. Specimens in British Museum, presented by Dr. Leach, from the cellars 
of three localities in London (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Bucks.-—Sub-var. maculata Kal., Eton, Dr. Leach, specimens in British Museum 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Notts.—Sub-var. colubrina, Tuxford (W. A. Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893). 

York N.E.—Sub-var. colubrina, South Stockton, Dec. 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Edinburgh—ZL. maculatus, common on hills about Edinburgh (Leach, op. cit). 

France—Sub-var. maculata, Montpellier, Béziers, Lodeve, St.-Pons, Ganges, ete. 
(Dubrueil, Moll. Hérault, 1863, p. 3). 

Belgium—Sub-var. maculata, Brussels (Colbean, Ann. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1863, p. 48). 

Italy—Sub-var. colubrina, Esino, Lombardy (Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876). Sub-var. 
maculata, Esino in Lombardy (Pini, op. cit.). Var. wmbrosa Phil., Sicily. 

St. Helena—Sub-var. maculata Kal., specimens in British Museum, from J. C. 
Melliss (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

United States—Sub-var. maculata Kal., specimens in British Museum, labelled 
“Savannah, Georgia, W. G. Binney” (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Australia—Sub-var. maculata Kal., specimens from Sydney, New South Wales, 
in British Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Polynesia—Sub-var. maculata Kal., specimens from Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 
and New Hebrides, collected by Rev. Wyatt Gill, are in the British Museum (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, 1891). 


Var. breckworthiana Lehmann, Mal. Bl., 1864, p. 144, pl. 4 

Limacus breckworthianus Lehmann, op. cit. 

Limax ecarinatus Boettger, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1881, p. 186, f. 7a-c. 
Limax flavus var. suffusa Roebuck, J. of Conch., July 1885, p. 352. 
Limax flavus var. grisea Roebuck, J. of Conch., July 1884, p. 222. 

The whole Bopy and SHIELD uniformly suffused by a dark colouring. 

The varieties breckworthiana, ecarinata, and suffusa are all said to be character- 
ized by the diffusion of the secondary pigmentation over almost the whole surface 
of the body, which therefore presents an almost uniform colouring. 

The sub-var. grisea differs in the mottled markings being still visible on the body 
and shield, although the yellow ground tint has been replaced by grey and the body 
slime is colourless. 

Somerset N.—Sub-var. grisea, Bath, June 1884! C. J. Waterfall. 

Middlesex—Sub-var. suffusa, Ealing, May 1885! 8.C. Cockerell. Sub-var. grisea, 
Acton, Jan. 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. Hampstead, June 1888! H. Wallis Kew. 

Stafford— Sub-var. grisea, Mr. Nash’s garden, Stafford, Dec. 1886! L. E. Adams. 

Renfrew—Sub-var. grisea, near Greenock, Sept. 1886 ! Andrew Scott. 

Russia—The sub-var. ecarinata, Kutais, Transcaucasia ; similar specimens from 
Sebastopol in Crimea (Simroth, } Nacktsch., 1891, p. 308). 

Australia—Var. breckworthiana, Brecker, Victoria (Lehmann, l.c.). 

Geographical Distribution.—The natural range of Limax Jlavus is 
very compact, and includes the whole of temperate Europe. It has been 
reported from the British Isles, Germany, France, Corsica, Belgium, Hol- 
land, Spain, Portugal, Balearic Isles, Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, Greece, Den- 
mark, Russia, Asia Minor, Algeria, C yprus, and other Mediterranean Isles. 

It has also been noted as occurring in Madeira, Azores, St. Helena, 
Seychelles, Eastern North America, South America, Australia, New Zea- 
land, Japan, and South Africa. 

Geographical Distribution 


Limax flavus L 

Pees Recorded Distribution. 

KG Probable Range. 

Fic. 104. 

Chann rnsey & Sark, but not commonly (Cooke & Gwatkin, 

().J.C., 1878, i., p. 322). Jersey, Lukis (Ansted’s Channel Isles, 1862). 

Cornwall W.—Phillack, near Hayle, Oct. 1884! MissS. Hockin. Var. flavescens, 
Scilly Isles, Ang. 1890! Rev. E. Dale Roberts. 

Devon S.—A specimen in the British Museum, from Dr. Leach, labelled ‘‘Ply- 
mouth” (T. D. A. Coeckerell, 1891). About Exeter, but not so abundant as L. 
maximus (Parfitt, Nat., 1854, p.150). Var. grisea, Topsham, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Enumerated in Besley’s Handbook for North Devon, 1867, p. 124. 


Somerset S.—Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 
Somerset N.—Type and sub-var. grisea, Bath, June, 1884! C. J. Waterfall. 

Dorset—Abundant, Glanville’s Wootton (C. W. Dale, Hist. of Glanville’s Woot- 
ton, 1878, p. 334). Weymouth (Damon’s Geol. Dorset, 1884, p. 234). 

Isle of Wight—Steephill, A. J.H. (Venables’ Guide to Isle of Wight, 1860, p. 462). 

Hants S.—Common, Christchurch ! also found at Mudeford! C. Ashford, 1883. 
Ditcham wood, June 1896, C. E. Wright. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, July 1884! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex E.—Ditch side, near Priory, Lewes (W. C. Unwin, Nat., 1853, p. 54). 
East Grinstead, E. Saunders. Near Hailsham (Harting, Zool., March 1878, p. 86). 
Eastbourne, Battle and Kingston (J. H. A. Jenner, Rep. Eastb. Nat. Hist. Soe., 1880). 

Sussex W.—Occasionally at Chichester, Cowfold, and Henfield, W. Borrer ; at 
Harting, Weaver & J. E. Harting; Brighton, Merrifield (Harting, Zool., 1878, p. 
86). Garden, Ratham, June 1884! W. Jeffery. 


Kent E.—Margate, April 1883! T. D. A. Cockerell. Faversham, Sept. 1884! 
Miss Fairbrass. Common at Folkestone, Sept. 1886 ! C. Oldham. 

Kent W.—Type and var. virescens, Chislehurst, May 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Garden, Deptford, June 1886! A. J. Jenkins. Edenbridge, Feb. 1898! A. Leicester. 

Surrey—Croydon (K. McKean’s Croydon List, 1883). Wandsworth, June 1885! 
S. C. Cockerell. Limpsfield (W. M. Webb, Sc. Goss., June 1887). South Norwood, 
Haslemere, and Shottermill (C. Pannell, jr., J. of C., July 1903). Sutton, Oct. 1885! 
F. G. Fenn. Var. flavescens and var. antiquorum, labelled ‘‘ Cobham, Dr. Leach,” 
in British Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Essex S.—Gardens, Barking Side, Wanstead (Crouch, Essex Nat., 1891, p. 209). 

Essex N.—Common everywhere (H. Laver, Colchester List, 1882, p. 93). 

Herts. —Hitchin, plentiful, Aug. 1873, C. Ashford. Exceedingly abundant in the 
old palace of the Saxon kings, Kingsbury, St. Albans, Sept. 1884! J. Hopkinson. 

Middlesex—Acton, under logs, Aug. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Bedford Park, 
March 1885! S. C. Cockerell. Shells labelled ‘Islington, E. A. Smith,” in Brit. Mus. 
Hampstead, June 1888, H. W. Kew. Var. flavescens, Muswell hill, Highgate, June 
1889! (H.W. Kew, Nat., Apl. 1889). Var. suffusa, Ealing, May 1885! 8. C. Cockerell. 

Oxford—Common in cellars, Oxford (J. F. Whiteaves’ Oxford list, 1857, p. 5). 
Rather common in cellars, Banbury (R. H. Stretch, Zool., 1855, p. 4541). 

Bucks.—Garden, Aston-Clinton (A. Leicester, J. of Conch., July 1902, p. 216). 

Suffolk E.—Blaxhall, July 1885! G. T. Rope. Exceedingly common at Wood- 

bridge, May 1886! 8. Spencer Pearce. Mendlesham, Brockford and Ipswich (May- 
field, J. of Conch., April 1903, p. 295). 

Norfolk E.—Norwich, in gardens and cellars (Bridgman, Zool., 1850, p. 2742). 

Norfolk W.—Lynn, Aug. 1886, C. B. Plowright. 

Cambridge— Whittlesea (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858). Near Cambridge, June 
1886! B. Tomlin. Cambridge (L. Jenyns, Loudon’s Mag., Nov. 1831, p. 538). 

Bedford—Luton, Aug. 1885! J. Saunders. 

Northampton—Peterborough (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858). Cellar, Northampton 
(Adams, Proc. Northants N.H. Soc., 1893). Fletton (Nicholls, J. of C., Apl. 1884). 


Gloucester E.—Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Gloucester W.—Common in gardens, Bristol (E. C. Jellie, Nat., 1867, p. 148). 

Monmouth—Common in Monmouthshire (E. J. Lowe, 1885). 

Worcester—Sparkbrook, Birmingham (Proc. Birm. Nat. Hist. Soc., 1869, p. 108). 
Moseley, Oct. 1884! J. Madison. Worcester, Oct. 1886! H. Milnes. Cellars in Stour- 
port (J. W. Williams, J. of Conch., vi., p. 112). 

Warwick—Belgrave street and Digbeth, Birmingham, April 1867! W. Nelson. 
Garden, Sutton Coldfield, 1899, H. Overton. Var. rufescens, garden, Ingon Grange, 
Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. Cellar, Edgbaston, July 1898 (W. E. 
Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 16}. 

Stafford—Sub-var. grisea and type, Stafford, Dec. 1886! L. E. Adams. Stone, 
E. D. Bostock; Cheadle! (J. R. B. Masefield, Moll. Staff., 1902, p. 6). Walsall, 1897, 
H. Overton. Handsworth (Tye, Q.J.C., 1875, p. 68). 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885! B. Hudson. 


Glamorgan—Cardiff (Wotton, Brit. Ass. Handbk., 1891, p. 182). Common about 
Swansea, 1901, H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Pembroke—Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. Tenby, Nov. 1887! C. Jefferys. 

23/8/03 F 



Montgomery—Rather plentiful and well distributed ; Gungrog Hall, near Welsh- 
pool, M. C. Jones! (J. Bickerton Morgan, Montgomery Moll. ~ 1888, p- 282). 

Carnarvon—Conway Castle, Jan. 1888! L. E, Adams. 


Lincoln N.—Wall, Lincoln road, Louth, April 1886 and May 1903! H. Ww. “Kew. 
Alford, June 1890! J. E. Mason. 

Leicester ‘ommon in town cellars, Leicester (Quilter, Moll. Leic., 1888) ; cellar, 
Market street, Leicester, Oct. 1886! H. E. Quilter. 

Notts.—Cellars, Highfield House, and in Nottingham (Lowe, Notts. List, 1853). 
Pleasley vale; Attenborough, and railway embankment, Lenton, 1883, C. T. Musson. 
Tuxford, June 1884! W. A. Gain. Corporation gardens, Wells road, Nottingham, 
July 1888! G.W. Mellors; Beech Avenue, Nottingham, Feb. 1885, B. Sturges Dodd. 
Cellar, Farnsfield, Oct. 1892! and var. Jlavescens, ‘Oxton, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. 

Derby— Matlock, 1884, H. E. Craven. Repton, H. Milnes. 


Cheshire—Chester (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858). Holmes Chapel, ee 1896 ! 
Alderley Edge, July 1898 ! and Sale, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. 

See S.—Warrington (Bellars, Brit. Shells, 1858). Rainhill, Sept. 1885, 
AW A. Cockerell. Pendlebury and Moorside, R. Standen (Melvill, Brit. Assoe. 
Habk. ), Southport (MeNicholl, 1859, p. 146). Cellars, Manchester, R. D. Darbishire. 
Var. rufescens, Knowsley, Liv erpool (W. E. ¢ ‘ollinge, J. of Mal., 1893, p. 148). 

Lancashire Mid—Abundant in fernery, Avenham lane, Preston, June 1888, and 
var. rufescens, timber-yard, Avenham lane, Preston, Feb. 1889! W. H. Heathcote. 


York S.E.—Common in cellars, Hornsea (J. D. Butterell, J. of Conch., Jan. 
1881). Newport, near Staddlethorpe, abundant in garden, Aug. 1883! T. K. Skip- 
with. Abundant in garden, Westwood, Beverley, Sept. 1884! J. D. Butterell. 

York N.E.—Yards and cellars, tedear and Coatham, Aug. 1886! B. Hudson. 
Kirkleatham, Sept. 1886! W.D.R. Old walls, Bagdale and Bovhole, Whitby, July 
1883! H. Pollard. Occasionally in cellars, Thirsk a igh Davies, Nat., 1855, p. 134). 
Scarborough, W. Bean (Theakston’s Guide to Searborough, 1871, p. 176). Bootham 
School, York (R. M. Christy, Zool., 1881, p. 242). The “typical form, var. virescens 
and var. colubrina, South Stockton, Dec. 1884! B. Hudson. 

York S.W.—Bar nsley, April 1893! F. Batley. Near Tarn Dam, Keighley, Feb. 
1868! Cellars, Saltaire, Dec. 1888! J. Beanland. Warehouse, Pine street, Bradford, 
Oct. 1882! H. T. Soppitt. Dewsbury, Sept. 1885! P. F. Lee. Elland, April 1903, 
J. E. Crowther. Wakefield, Joseph Wileock. Lofthouse, Sept. 1887, G. Roberts. 
Huddersfield, in damp cellars, ete., G. H. Parke. 

York Mid W.—Cellars and kitchens, Leeds! Rennie Crags, Birstwith (Walker, 
J. of C., Jan. 1882). Pateley Bridge, M: arch 1884! W. Storey. Boston Spa, common, 
1884, John Emmett. Harrogate and Knaresborough (F. R. Fitzgerald, J. of C., 
Jan. 1889). Ineleton, common (W. E. Collinge, Nat., Apr. 1890). 

York N.W.—Var. rufescens, Bowes Castle, abundant, Aug. 1903! T. Sheppard. 

fh god Oe 

Durham—Sunderland, R. Howse (Alder’s Cat. Mollusea, 1848, p. 125). South 
Shields, Nov. 1884! R. Howse. 

Northumberland S.—Not common in cellars, Neweastle (Alder, Cat. Moll., Hae 

Isle of Man—Very common and fine on walls about Port Erin, Jan. 1880, a KE. 
Adams. Douglas! and Castletown, Aug. 1894, F. Taylor. 
Kirkcudbright—Common in my cellars, Maxwelltown, July 1891! R. Service. 
Renfrew—Type and sub-yar. grisea, abundant about Scott’s sugar refinery, 
(reenock, April 1886! T. Scott. 

Peebles—West Linton, Sept. 1893, W. Turner. 
Haddington—Balgone, Jan. 1896, W. Evans. 
Linlithgow—Caribber Glen, Feb. 1898, and Dalmeny Park, Oct. 1902, W. Evans. 
Berwick—In wine cellars, Berwick (G. Johnston, Proce. Berw. Nat. Club, 1838, 
p. 154). Near Eyemouth, Sept. 1895! W. Evans. 
Edinburgh— Garden, 14, Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, Oct. 1888! W.D.R.  Dud- 
dingston Loch, May 1894; Voerie Glen, Feb. 1 1897 ; ;and Arniston, June 1902, W. Evans. 
Fife and Kinross—Craill, Aug. 1890! Kilconquhar, Sept. 1893; Loch Leven, 
June 1894; and Loch Gelly, May 1895, W. Evans. 
Perth S.—Doll: ar, and Wh: arry Glen, Bridge of Allan, Feb. 1898, W. Evans. 
Aberdeen S,—U nder stones and by houses (J, Tay lor, Zool., 1853, p- 3853. 


Elgin—Cellars and other damp places in the province of Moray (G. Gordon, Zool., 

1854, p. 4453). Var. flavescens, South College, Elgin, Dec. 1890! G. Gordon. 

Caithness—Wick and other places (Peach, Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin., 1864). 

Antrim—Belfast (Thompson, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 18). Rathlin Island, 
in wood by the church, May 1898, L. E. Adams. 
Tyrone—Strabane, June 1889, A. H. Delap. 
Donegal—A bout Lifford, June 1889, A. H. Delap. 

Louth—Piperstown, Oct. 1882! Miss 8. Smith. 
Dublin—On walls near Booterstown and Blackrock (Walpole, Zool., 1853, p. 4022). 
Kingstown, June 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Abundant in cellars, etc., Leeson 
Park, and in Dublin city ; Howth, April 1887 ! Raheny, Aug. 1890, Killakee, Dublin 
Mountains, Oct. 1890, and Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Nov. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 
Wicklow—Belmont demesne, near Greystones, July 1891, R. F. Scharff. 
Wexford—Kilmanock, New Ross, March 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 
Sligo—Infests houses and bathing lodges, Enniskrone, April 1889! and said to 
be numerous at Glen Lodge, near Ballina (A. Warren, Irish Nat., Sept. 1892, p. 126). 
Mayo W.—Black Rock Lighthouse, 1890! R. Widdicombe. 

Tipperary N.—Finnoe (E. Waller, N.H. Review, Apr. 1854, p. 87). 

Tipperary S.—Glenconnor, April 1888, and Clonmel, June 1886, A. H. Delap. 

Waterford—Near Waterford, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. 

Cork N.—Garden, Youghal, R. Ball (Thompson, Ann. & Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 18). 

Cork S.—Carrigaline, May 1888! Vismes Kane. Blarney, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 

Kerry—Rossbeigh, April 1888, A. H. Delap. Sparingly at Killarney, Sept. 1898 
(Stubbs & Adams, Irish Nat., Nov. 1898). 

Clessin describes Limax flavus as inhabiting the whole of Germany, and records 
have been made for Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Holstein, Nassau, Oldenburg, 
Pomerania, Saxony, Schleswig, Silesia, and Wurtemburg. 

Holland—The Hague (R. J. Maitland, Nachrichtsbl., 1869, p. 163). 
Belgium—(Colbeau, Mal. Belg., 1859). 

According to Moquin-Tandon this species is found throughout France. It has 
been recorded from the Agenais, Ain, Aisne, Alpes Maritimes, Ariége, Champagne 
Meridionale, Cote d’Or, Finistére, Gard, Gers, Gironde, Haute Garonne, Haute Loire, 
Hérault, Isere, Loire Inférieure, Manche, Maine et Loire, Meurthe, Morbihan, 
Moselle, Nievre, Nord, Oise, Pas de Calais, Puy-de-Déme, Pyrénées Orientales, the 
Quercy, Rhone, Seine, Seine et Marne, Somme, Vendée, and Corsica. 

Clessin says probably found throughout, but no definite records have been seen. 


Recorded by Simroth and others for North, Mid, and Southern Italy, also for 
Sicily, Sardinia, and Malta. The greatest altitude it attains in Italy is said to be 
about 2,800 feet at Bobbio in Piedmont. < 


Clessin says probably found throughout the region, and although Simroth cites it 

for Hungary, the only available definite record is for Gorz on the Adriatic coast. 

Spain—Recorded from Madrid in New Castile ; Santiago in Galicia ; Santander 
in Old Castile; Gibraltar and Seville in Andalusia; also for Valencia, Catalonia, 
and the Balearic Isles. 

Portugal—Lisbon (Simroth, Nacktschn. Portug.-Azor., 1891, p. 279). 


Probably widely dispersed in Greece, and has been reported from Athens, Patras, 

Prevesa, and from the lonian Islands, Crete, Chios, ete. 

South Scandinavia—(Jordan, Binnenmoll., 1883); cited also by Grateloup for 
Norway and province of Skane in South Sweden. 

Denmark—Copenhagen (Malm, Skand, Limac., 1878, p. 65). 





Has only been reported as yet from the southern provinces at Lebedin, Achtyrka, 
and Bogoduchow in Kharkov ; Sebastopol, Theodosia, and other localities in the 
Crimea, Suanetien, Kutais, and Lenkoran in Mingrelia, and Suchum in Abchasia. 

Morocco—Tangiers, T. D. A. Cockerell in litt., 1891. 
Algeria—L. deshayesi Bourg., Cherchell (Bourg., op. cit.). LZ. campanyoi, Algiers 
(Lallemant, Moll. Alger, 1881, p. 2). 
Tripoli—Grateloup (Dist. Geog. Limae., 1855). 
Asia Minor—Sinope, Trebizonde, Beyrout, Haiffa, the Isle of Cyprus, ete. 


Azores—S. Miguel, in shady gardens about Ponta Delgada and Villafraneca 
(Wollaston, Test. Atl., 1878, p. il). 

Madeira—W idely distributed and found oc -casionally at the Val, near Funchal, 
at Praia Bay, in the Curral das Freiras, ete. ; also found by Rev. R. Boog Watson in 
the north of the island. 

St. Helena—Specimens of sub-var. maculata Kal., in British Museum, from J. C. 
Melliss (T. D. A. Cockerell in litt., 1891). 

Simroth gives LZ. favus as occurring in Hondo and the more southerly islands of 
Japan (Nacktschn, Portug.-Azor., 1891, p. 308). 


According to Binney, it probably inhabits all the cities of the sea-coast and their 
vicinage, and some of the cities of the interior, and has been actually reported from 

Maine—Occurs rarely at Portland (Morse, Pulm. Maine, 1864, p. 7). 

Massachusetts—Numerous in garden, New Bedford (Thomson, J. of Conch., 
Oct. 1885); Boston and Cambridge (Binney, L. and F. W. Shells N. Amer., 1869, p. 61). 

New Jersey—Cellar, Burlington (Binney, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad., 1875, 
p. 173) ; Gutenberg (H. Prime, 1885). 

New York—New York (Binney, L. and F.W. Shells of N. Amer., 1869, p. 61). 
Riverdale and Huntington, Long Island, H. Prime, 1885. Onondago C On general, 
W. M. Beauchamp, 1885. Monroe Co. (J. Walton, Nautilus, 1898, p. 133). Com- 
moner than L. maximus at Cayuga Lake Valley (N. Banks, Nautilus, April 1892). 

Maryland—Baltimore (Binney, L. and F.W. Shells of N. Amer. 1869, p. 61). 

Virginia—Richmond, University of Virginia and other cities ( sinney, op. cit.,). 

Pennsylvania— York, H. Prime, Oct. 1885. West Chester, Chester Co., W. D. 
Hartmann, Sept. 1885. Greenhouses and lily ponds, Lincoln Park, Philadelphia 
(F. C. Baker, Nautilus, Sept. 1901, p. 59). 

District of Columbia— Washington (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 

Georgia—Athens and Savannah (Binney, Man. Amer. Land Shells, 1885, p. 452). 

South Carolina—Graniteville and Charleston (Binney, op. cit., p. 452). 

Brazil—Porto Alegre and Jaguarao (Heynemann, J. D. M. G., 1885, p. 275). 
Chili-—L. chilensis Gay (Heynemann, op. cit.). 
Argentina—Buenos Ayres (M. Str obel, Act. Soe. Se. Nat. Milan, 1868). 

Natal—Pietermaritzburg (Melvill & Ponsonby, Proc. Mal. Soc., Dee. 1898, p. 172). 
Seychelles—(H. Simroth, Nacktschn. Portug.-Azor., 1891, p. 308). 


New South Wales—Sydney (E. A. Smith, Proc. Zool. Soe., 1884, p. 272) ; 
Gladesville and Summer Hill, J. Brazier; Inverell, Duncan; and on walls of a well, 
Tamworth (C. T. Musson, Journ. Linn. Soe. N.S. W., 1890, p. 892). 

Victoria—Benalla, J. Brazier (0. T. Musson, op. cit.). Var. breckworthiana, 
Breckworth (Lehmann, op. cit.). bicolor, Sydney (Selenka, Mal. BL, xii., p. 105). 

Queensland—Brisbane, C. tedicy (C. T. Musson, op. cit.) 

Tasmania—Launceston, C. Hedley (C. T. Musson, op. cit. ). 

New Zealand—Dunedin and Greymouth in South Island, Capt. Hutton (C. T. 
Musson, op. cit.) ; North Island (Heynemann, op. cit., 1885, p. 305). 

New Hebrides—Sub-var. maculata, specimens in British Museum, from Rey. 
Wyatt Gill (T. D. A. Cockerell, in litt., 1891). 

Cook’s Islands—Sub-var. maculata, Rarotonga, specimens in British Museum, 
from Rev. Wyatt Gill (T, D, A. Cockerell, in litt., 1891). 

Prats XI, 

Distribution of Limax flavus L. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 


1 Cornwall W. 

2 Cornwall E. 

3 Devous. 

4 Devon N. 

5 Somerset 8. 

6 Somerset N. 



2 Brecon 



5 Pembroke 

) Cardigan 

CHANNEL 47 Montgomery 

7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth 
8 Wilts 8. 49 Carnarvon 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh 
10 Isle of Wight 5. Flint 
11 Hants 8. 2 Anglesey 
12 Hants N. TRENT 
13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln 8. 
14 Sussex E. 54 Lincoln N. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld. 

15 Kent BE. 56 Notts. 
16 Kent W. 57 Derby 
17 Surrey. MERSEY 
18 Essex 8. 58 Cheshire 
19 Essex N. 59 Lancashire 8S. DS 
20 Herts. 60 LancashireMid to 
21 Middlesex HUMBER . 
22 Berks. 61 8.E. York 
23 Oxford 62 N.E. York ‘i 
24 Bucks. 63 S.W. York 

z ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York 
25 Suffolk EK. 65 N.W. York = 
26 Suffolk W. TYNE a) 
27 Norfolk E. 66 Durham « 
28 Norfolk W. 67 Northumb. 8. 
29 Cambridge 68 Cheviotland 
30 Bedford LAKES 

31 Hunts. 

32 Northampton 

33 Gloucester E. 

Gloucester W 

35 Monmouth 

5 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 



and L. Lanes. 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 






Probable Range. 
Recorded Distribution. 

WB Distribution verified by the 


72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
73 Kirkcudbright 94 Banff 
74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
7o Ayr 96 Hasterness 
76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8. 
82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E, HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
87 PerthS.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
89 Perth N. NORTH ISLES 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
113 Derry 122 Louth 
114 Antrim 123 Meath 
115 Down 124 Dublin 
116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
118 Tyrone 127 Wextord 
119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co. 
132 Westmeath 
133 Longford 


36 Sligo 

Mayo E. 

38 Mayo W. 
Galway W. 
0 Galway E. 

Tipperary N. 
Tipperary 8 

3 Cork N. 

Cork 8. 


Limax arborum Bouchard-Chantereaux. 

1774 Limax marginatus Miller, Verm. Hist., ii., p. 10, No. 206. 

1779 — _ scopulorum Fabricius, Reise Norwegen, p. 298. 

1822 — cinereus var. B Nilsson, Hist. Moll. Sveciie, p. 7. 

1833 — gagates Boubée, Bull. Hist. Nat. Frane., p. 13. 

1836 — _ salicium Bouillet, Cat. Moll. Auvergne, p. 18. 

18387 — limbatus Held, Isis, p. 303. 

1838 — arborum Bouch.-Chant., Moll. Pas-de-Calais, p. 28. 

1843 — glaucus and arboreus Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., p. 334, pl.11, ff. 4-10. 
1848 = — livonicus Schrenk, Land u. Susswass. Livlands, p. 142. 

1852. — marginatus Baudon, Cat. Moll. Oise, p. 6. 

1852. —_ scandens Normand, Dese. Limac. Nouv., p. 6. 

1856 — _ sylvaticus Goldfuss, Rheinpr., p. 65, pl. 3, f. 8. 

1857 — arboreum Gray, Turton’s Manual, p. 82. 

1870 — _ bettonw Sordelli, Atti Soc. Ital. Sei. Nat., p. 251. 

1871. —_ agrestis var. saxorum Baudon, Mém. Limac. Oise, p. 19, pl, 4, ff 10-12. 
1877 altilis Fischer, Journ. de Conch., p. 49. 

1868 Lehmannia marginata Malm, Skand. Limace., p. 83. 
1876 Amalia marginata Fischer, Journ. de Conch., p. 53. 
18sO) — = marginata var. mongianensis Paulueci, Fauna Mal. Calabria, p. 23. 

ISTORY.—Limae arborum (arborum, belong- 
ing to trees) has attracted the attention of some 
of the earliest observers, and has, therefore, 
received a variety of names, but it was not 
until 1838 when Bouchard-Chantereaux un- 
mistakably described its peculiarities that a 
name was apphed to it with certainty. 

Though it 1s probable that previous authors 
had this slug before them, their descriptions 
are not such as to remove all doubt, and have 
therefore given rise to much controversy, so 
that it has been deemed advisable to adopt 
the first name about which no difference of 
opinion has arisen. 

The Limax marginatus of Miller, the L. 
scopulorum of Fabricius, LZ. sylvestris of Sco- 
poli, LZ. gagates of Boubée, L. salicium of 
Bouillet, and LZ. limbatus of Held, according 
to many of the best authorities, are all prob- 
ably referable to Limaw arborum, but the mar- 
gin of doubt that exists precludes the use of 

any of these names for the species. 

Though classified with LZ. favus mainly on account of the exact similarity 
of their alimentary systems, yet this location is not altogether satisfactory, 
as the sexual organs demonstrate a close relationship with A griolimax, from 
the Caucasian stock of which group Simroth believes this species to have 
been derived, the connecting links being still existent in Abyssinia; L/mav 
arborum therefore connects the Agriolimaces with the typical Limaces, par- 
taking to some extent of the peculiarities of each. 

With this species, so especially identified with the power of spinning 
mucous threads, we have associated Mr. H. Wallis Kew, I'.Z.8., of Hornsey, 
London, who has devoted so much time and ability to the investigation of 
the phenomenon of thread-spinning in mollusks as well as other animals. 


Diagnosis.—Limax arborum is distinguished from other Limaces by 
its remarkably gelatinous and transparent aspect, due to its great capacity 
for the absorption of water. It is also readily separable from L. maximus, 
with young individuals of which it is sometimes confounded, by the distinct 
lateral banding upon the shield, and by being incapable of uplifting and 
reflecting the anterior part of the mantle in response to irritation. 

INTERNALLY, the animal is distinguished by a horn-shaped flagellum to the 
penis-sheath, and an appendix or cecum to the rectum, features not pos- 
sessed by Limaa maximus, with which it is most liable to be confused. 

Description. —ANIMAL moderately long and slender with a very soft and gela- 
tinous BODY, of a glaucous-grey, but sometimes of a yellow or rufous tint, or even 
entirely black, usually with a paler mid-dorsal line, bordered at each side by an ill- 
defined darker longitudinal band, which gradually attenuates as it approaches the 
slightly-keeled tail; towards the FooT there are indications of a line representative 
of the outer band of the true Limaces; HEAD similar in colour, but eile than the 
rest of the body; Foor distinctly tripartite and white; SHIELD moderately large, 
rounded in front, and somewhat acutely pointed behind, concentrically striate 
around a sub-posterior nucleus, and marked laterally by a black band on each side, 
which bends inwards at the rear, and forms the so-called lyre-shaped marking; mid- 
way there is also often a greyish shade, which gives the aspect of a longitudinally 
trifasciate shield. Length usually about 75 mill., but sometimes much larger. 
Mucus colourless and very iridescent. 

SHELL ovaliform, somewhat wider at the apical end, 
slightly convex, very white, glistening, and iridescent 
above, with the lines of increase close, sharp, and well 
defined, concave and somewhat dull beneath. 

Length, 4 mill.; width, 2% mill. 

The shell of L. arborwm is, however, exceptionally 

variable both in size and substance; examples have been Fic. 106:< tnternal sheten 
recorded 7-8 mill. in length, and the thickness varies Limat arborum, X 5. 

from a delicate plate to an almost cubical calcareous 
mass, which in some cases ruptures the mantle and protrudes through the skin. 

INTERNALLY, the BoDY CAVITY is darkly pigmented, varying from violet to black, 
the colouring being more conspicuous towards the tail, where even the deeper tissues 
are tinged. The fine membrane investing the visceral mass is rich in sooty-black 
pigment cells, but in the anterior part of the body a calcareous netting predominates. 

The NERVOUS SYSTEM shows the buecal and supra- 
cesophageal ganglia to be markedly bilobed ; the sub- 
cesophageal group is apparently formed of four ganglial : ZB 
masses intimately fused together. The dark pigment EG 
which pervades the body cavity of this species gives also 
a lilac tint not only to parts of the brain but even to 
some of the nerve sheaths; the OSPHRADIUM is distin- 
guishable as a broad, flat fissure, with scarcely raised 

puflings, extending towards the left side ; the OTOLITHS *U 
are very numerous, two to three hundred in each cap- ia. 1072 Nerve center 
sule, the prevailing form being oval with a central speck. Limax arborum, X 6. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL resembles very closely that of L. favus; the SALIVARY 
GLANDS are small, somewhat triangular, and of a yellowish or whitish colour; the 
LIVER varies in colour from a bright golden brown to a dark olive or earthy brown ; 
the KIDNEY is also similar to that of L. flavus, except that it has a very large slime 
gland, which makes broad contact with the head of the ureter; the PULMONARY 
vessels are scarcely raised above the surface of the lung wall. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS have more affinity with those of Agriolimax agrestis 
than with those of Limax flavus; the OVOTESTIS is in two small roundish dark-brown 
lobes; the DUCT, at first straight and slender, becoming moderately convoluted as it 
approaches the large, yellow, and linguiform ALBUMEN GLAND, the tiny VESICULA 
SEMINALIS being preceded by a conspicuous enlargement; the OVISPERMATODUCT 
is more firmly united than in the preceding species ; the SPERM-DUCT increasing in 
size downwards and abruptly rounded where the channels separate; VAS DEFERENS 
comparatively short, entering a lateral enlargement at end of penis-sheath ; FREE- 
oOvipUCT cylindrical and bluish-white, its lower two-thirds invested with opaque, 
buff-coloured, and plaited glands, which extend to the atrium ; PENIS-SHEATH short 


and thick, with median inflation, cushioned with gelatinous matter, and possessing a 
white horn-shaped glandular appendage of variable length at its apex, but as the 
seminal element is transferred free, this flagellate slime-gland has nothing in common 

Fic. 110.—Penis-sheath 
of Limax arborunt \aid 
open, showing the internal 
structure (after Simroth). 

fi. flagellum; v.d. vas 
deferens ; Z. internal pro- 

Fic. 108. — Alimentary jection. 

canal of Limzax arborum 
(somewhat enlarged). 

Fic. 109.—Sexual organs of Limax arborum, xz. ulb.g. albumen gland; aé. atrium; _/7. flagellum ; 

h. heart; #. kidney ; of. ovotestis; ov. oviduct; . prostate; Z.s. penis sheath ; 77. retractor muscle ; 

sf. spermatheca. 
with the flagellum of the Helicide, in which group it is concerned in the formation 
of the spermatophore; internally, the penis-sheath shows two prominent longitudinal 
muscles, and frequently a linguiform projection, which may serve as a sarcobelum.! 
The penis retractor is a powerful muscle, attached to the lung floor in front of the 
cephalic retractor; SPERMATHECA pyriform, and opening into the atrium. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR arises as usual from beneath the hind margin of the 
shield, and runs nearly half its length undivided ; it then usually separates into three 
branches ; the right and left TENTACULAR and the PHARYNGEAL muscles; the 
pharyngeal bifurcating soon after its separation. The retractor to the pharynx 
does not always separate fromthe main stem simultaneously with the tentacular 
branches, but may do so a little before or after the tentacular divarication. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is about a millimetre ges 
wide, not so convex as those of the allied species, 

of a yellowish brown colour, smooth and delicate 2 

in texture, with rounded ends, and with a very . ae 

wide, slightly projecting and blunt median beak Bite SET andivle on law ob E77a7 4 
ae 2) arborumn, X 16. 

or rostrum, (Christchurch, Hants. S., C. Ashford). 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE in ordinary specimens is about four mill. long and two 
mill. wide, the transverse rows being arranged in the form of a well-defined printer's 
‘‘brace”; the median row shows obscurely tridentate teeth, the mesocone exception- 
ally broad and strong, and the ectocones ill-defined and without perceptible cutting 
points; the lateral teeth are also remarkable for the well-marked mesocone and the 
indistinct side-cusps; the marginals are sinuate in shape, and at first distinctly uni- 
cuspid, but towards the outer rows an ectocone may be perceived on many of the 
teeth, the extreme marginals being, however, simply aculeate. 

» + 
‘o J Cy ae 
LY 8 re » ' m ‘ a ” 2 / {3 
\ — 
Fic. 112,—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of L. arborum, X 120. 
The animal collected at Christchurch by Mr. C. Ashford, and the palate prepared by Mr. W. Mess. 

The obliteration of the side-entting points on the median and lateral teeth is an 
attribute of maturity, as the teeth of the young are, according to Miss Esmark, 
always provided with lateral points. 

The formula of a Christchurch specimen is Cat1 Osi +10+e* % 10515-4835, 
= 3 2 -2 

1 Monog. i., p. 365, f. 667. 


Reproduction and Development.—The act of conjugation, which is 
said to occur in the autumn and spring months, probably takes place during 
the night, and does not appear to have been carefully observed or recorded, 
as, except Mr. J. E. Daniels’ casual remark that he has seen this species 
suspended in couples during the pairing season, like L. maaimus, we have 
no particulars of the details of the act. 

‘he eggs, which are very similar to those of L. maximus, are twenty to 
thirty in number, oval in shape, very transparent and elastic, about five 
mill. long and about four mill. in diameter, deposited singly or in clusters 
in the earth, under the bark of trees, amongst rotten wood, and other suit- 
able places; they hatch in about a month’s time, the young being very 
active, and usually of a reddish-violet or wine colour, with strong and well- 
defined banding on shield and body, and becoming adult towards the end 
of the first year. 

Food and Habits.—Essentially an arboreal species, and though perhaps 
preferring beech trees on account of the wealth of cryptogamic growths 
upon their stems, has been also noticed to frequent the hornbeam, the wal- 
nut, the mountain ash, the alder, the elm, the willow, the ash, the apple, the 
crab, and occasionally has been found even on pine trees. 

Though probably preferring trees, Z. arborum also frequents rocks, walls, 
and a variety of other situations; Prof. E. Forbes records it as being found 
plentifully on bare rocks at an altitude of 1,500 feet on the Connor Cliffs, 
Dingle; while Dr. Scharff has received specimens from the Skelligs Rock, 
a large, naked rock, off the Kerry coast, on which there is neither tree nor 
bush, and which during westerly winds is entirely enveloped in a mist of 
spray from the huge Atlantic waves which beat over a great part of it, and 
Dr. Jeffreys found it under somewhat similar circumstances on the Out- 
skerries, a remote cluster of islands of the Shetland group. 

It has also been noticed by Mr. J. G. Milne living upon the heather and 
gorse in Western Mayo, and was seen by Dr. Scharff in county Cork feeding 
upon lichens in company with Geomalacus maculosus. 

L. arborum is a hardy species and hybernates only during severe weather. 
It ascends to over 8,000 feet in the Alps, and in the Pyrénées is one of 
the characteristic species of the zone between 3,900 and 4,900 feet. In 
Scotland it has been found on Ben Lawers, in Perthshire, at an altitude of 
more than 3,000 feet ; and in Yorkshire up to 1,800 feet on Buckden Pike, 

Though LZ. arborum during wet weather is extremely active in movement, 
especially when young, it clings very loosely when crawling, and often 
falls to the ground at the least touch. It is what is called a hygrometric 
species, and has a great capacity for the absorption of water, drinking it 
very greedily and absorbing it also by the skin, filling the body cavity with 
fluid, which imparts to it the peculiar transparent aspect that enables the 
internal organs to be perceived through the skin; this water reservoir is 
said to be a provision against drought, but the water store is exuded freely 
through the skin when the animal is irritated or touched. 

In continued dry weather the reserve of moisture is gradually expended 
and the animal diminishes in size and loses its characteristic translucency. 
At such times the animals show a very gregarious habit, and many indi- 
viduals, with the object of conserving their body moisture, may often be 
found huddled closely together in some sheltered nook or crevice, or they 
may retire deep into the earth or beneath the shelter of dead and decaying 
leaves, coming up to feed only during the night. 


Although naturally of nocturnal or crepuscular habit, yet during or after 
showery weather the animals emerge from their retreats, indifferent as to 
the time of day, and ascend to the tops of the highest trees, afterwards 
resting immobile during the day in the cavities beneath the branches, the 
armpits as it were, or within the dense tufts of Orthotrichum phyllanthemum 
and other mosses with which the tree trunks are sometimes clothed. 

Some individuals, however, may for a length of time remain contentedly 
within the sheltering cavities they frequent, and rest for a time partially or 
even wholly submerged in the accumulated water. 

This species, though usually regarded as the mucus thread-spinner par 
excellence, does not really spin so well or so readily as A. agrestis. 

According to Bouchard-Chantereaux, R. Standen, and others who have 
studied the subject, it can, however, especially when young, and when not 
gorged with food or overladen with moisture, spin well and easily, descend- 
ing considerable distances without difficulty, and if necessary can reascend 
by the same thread. 

As a consequence of its adaptation to rocks and trees, the staple food of 
the species has become changed from fungi to the cognate lichens, and, 
according to Simroth, although the contents of the stomach turn alcohol 
green, this is not due to leaves and vegetables, but to the colouring matter 
contained in the lichens. Malm, however, has seen it devouring the small 
fungoid growths growing upon. diseased places on oaks, birch, and other 
trees, and many observers have stated that it also feeds upon the soft young 
growth of bark and decaying wood. In confinement they will on occasion 
prey upon each other, and Gain states that out of 185 different kinds of 
food, they eat fairly freely only of lettuce-stalk, turnip, and cooked onions, 
and that such mosses, lichens or fungi as he offered were left untouched. 

Parasites and Enemies.—In addition to the enemies of slugs in 
general, L. arborum is, according to Fischer, liable to be attacked and 
destroyed by a species of Carubus, which tears open the skin with its man- 
dibles and feeds upon the viscera. 

It is also liable to be infested by an entozoan worm, which Van den 
Broeck discovered living within the vitelline sac of the embryo. 

Fossil.—This species is reported from the Pleistocene beds of Moravia, 
by Spiridion Brusina, and by Mrs. McKenny Hughes from the same depo- 
sits at Barnwell Abbey in Cambridgeshire. Sandberger records it for 
Britain from the Lower Pleistocene freshwater bed at West Runton, Nor- 
folk, and also from our Upper Pleistocene brick earths. 

Variation.—Limaxr arborum is subjected to some amount of variation 
in the fundamental colour of the body, and also in the character and dis- 
tinctness of the markings thereon. 

According to Simroth the body markings are constituted by the presence 
of the inner, main, and outer bands, as in the true Limaces, but the outer 
band is usually missing, and the main band when present is generally repre- 
sented by a more or less faintly indicated line. 

The keel is very variable in its length and prominence, and is said to be 
most strongly developed in elevated or mountainous regions, where it may 
extend to almost four-fifths of the total length of the body; this peculiarity 
is invariably accompanied by the greater diffusion of the darker secondary 
colouring, which may extend to such a degree that the whole body becomes 
uniformly dark or even black, the slightly paler areas at the fore-part of the 
body being due in this as in other species to the lime plentifully deposited 

within the tissues of the body walls. 


This darkening of the body would seem to be a response to the character 
of its habitat in the mountains or at the more extreme points of its geo- 
graphical range, as it has been noticed in the northern and north-western 
parts of this country, in 'l'ransylvania, Portugal, and Italy. In the latter 
country the transition from the ordinary glaucous form to the uniformly 
dark variety can be traced as the mountains are ascended. 

Var. flava Weinland, Weichth. Schwab. Alb., 1876, p. 27. 

Bopby and SHIELD greenish-yellow. Formula 000 000. 
Though no remark is made in the description, it is probable that the lateral band- 
ing on the shield and the inner bands on the body will be faintly perceptible. 

Wurtemburg—(Weinland, op. cit.). 
Var. glauca Clarke, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843, p. 334, pl. 11. 

ANIMAL of a pale bluish-grey colour, with a glaucous-shade, showing a slightly 
paler mid-dorsal line, margined on each side by an indistinct darker line; SHIELD 
with a dark lateral band on each side. Formula 001 100. 

Surrey—A colony of the sea-green variety on an old oak in garden, Bramley hill, 
Croydon (K. MeKean, Proce. Croydon Soc., 1883, p. 147). 

Ireland—(B. J. Clarke, op. cit.). Killarney, Kerry, Sept. 1884, Howard Bendall. 

Var. subrufa Le Comte, Bull. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1871, p. Ixv. 

Limax arborum var. subrufa Le Comte, op. cit. 
Amalia marginata var. mongianensis Paulucci, Fauna Calabria, p. 1880. 
Lehmannia marginata var. pallens Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 16, 
Lehmannia marginata var. reguienit Poll., Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 1896, p. 1. 
Limax flavus var. lineolatus Collinge, Zool., April 1890, p. 145. 

30pDY colour yellow or ochreous, inner bands bordering the slightly paler keel- 

line ; SHIELD with darker lateral bands. Formula 001 100. 

The var. subrufa s.str. has a rufous-yellow ground with a greenish shade, caudal 
end of body blackish; shield bands dark grey. 

The sub-var. mongianensis is dull ochreous, fuscous-brown on the back, with 
paler dorsal-line ; shield with black lateral bands, and clouded with fuscous-brown. 

The sub-var. requienii is ochraceous, darker dorsally, with yellowish dorsal-line; 
shield with blackish lateral zones, and minutely spotted anteriorly and laterally. 

The sub-var. pallens is pale, with a paler dorsal-line; shield faintly banded. 

The sub-var. lineolata is yellowish, with an ashy-grey dorsal-line and dark- 
brown inner bands; shield with dark lateral bands; tentacles yellowish. 

Oxford—Sub-var. dineolatau, Nelthorpe, near Banbury (Collinge, op. cit.). 

Norfolk E.—Sub-var. pallens, from near Norwich, in Br. Mus., T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Gloucester E,—Sub-var. pallens, labelled ‘‘Cheltenham,” specimens in British 
Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell). 

Derby—Var. subrufa, Chapel-en-le-Frith, June 1897 ! C. Oldham. 

York Mid W.-—Var. subrufa, Mickley, Aug. 1889 ! W.D.R. 

Aberdeen S.—Var. subrufa, Mony Musk Woods, Sept. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

France—Sub-var. requienii, Vizzavona, Corsica (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Belgium—Var. suwbrufa, plentiful, Bois-de-Lessines (Le Comte, op. cit.). 

Italy—Sub-var. mongianensis, Monte Pecoraro, near Mongiana, Calabria (Pau- 
lueci, op. cit.). Sub-var. pallens, Valle d’Antigorio, Piedmont (Less. & Poll., op. cit. ). 

Var. rosea Van den Broeck, Annales Soc. Mal. Belg., 1870, p. 49. 

Limax arborum var. voseus Van den Broeck, op. cit. 

Limax arborum var. coloratus Van den Broeck, op. cit., p. 53. 

Limax arborum var. nemorosa Baudon, Mém. Limac. Oise, 1871, p. 19, pl. 4, f. 10-12. 
Limax agrestis var. saxorum Baudon, op. cit., p. 16, pl. 2, f. 1. 

Limax altilis Fischer, J. de Conch., Jan. 1877, p. 49. 

ANIMAL with main and inner bands more or less distinet; SHIELD with well- 
marked lateral band on each side. Formula 021 120, 

The var. rosea s.str. has the ground colour rosy-white, becoming of a rufous brown 
on the back; inner band broad and well marked, and of a distinetly zig-zag pattern, 
bordered by a rosy-white line; main band repesented by an irregular and inter- 
rupted row of black spots; shield reddish-brown, paler than the back; the black 
lateral bands do not reach beyond the anterior third of its length; the left band is 
margined internally, and that of the right side externally, by a white line. 


The sub-var. eolorata has a whitish mid-dorsal line, inner band black or deep 
brown; main band dark brown, beset with little pale spots, very irregular and 
sinuate in general character, recalling the bands of L. maximus var. serpentina. 

The sub-var. nemorosa has the ground colour reddish-grey, tinged with brown, 
mid dorsal line pale fawn, bordered by the deep brown inner band, main band slightly 
paler, a few whitish marks on the sides. 

The L. altilis is, according to Dr. Baudon, identical with the var. nemorosa. 

The sub-var. saxorum has a rufous ground, with well marked and regular black 
inner band, and broad black main band; shield with the black lateral bands 
broken up anteriorly into minute spots. 

Dorset—Sub-var. nemorosa, Chideock, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. 

Hants S.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Holmsley, Sept. 1885 ! Vinney Ridge, June 1887 ! 
and Wootton enclosure, C. Ashford. Hambledon, L. E. Adams (Adams & Wood- 
ward, Sci. Goss., March 1901, p. 301). 

Oxford—Sub-var. nemorosa, specimens labelled ‘‘ Oxford,” from Dr. Norman, in 
British Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell). 

Norfolk W.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Lynn, Sept. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Merioneth—Sub-var. nemorosa, Bont-ddu, Dolgelly, Sept. 1886! F. G. Fenn. 

Lake Lancashire—Sub-var. nemorosa, Coniston, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Stirling—Sub-var. nemorosa, Balmore, Sept. 1888 ! A. Shaw. 

Main Argyle—Sub-var. nemorosa, Dunoon, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Clyde Isles—Sub-var. nemorosa, Barone, Bute, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Ross W.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Ullapool, Aug. 1886! A. Somerville. 

Antrim—Sub-var. nemorosa, Cushendun, May 1886 !8. A. Brenan. 

Sligo—Sub-var. nemorosa, Collooney, Sept. 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Mayo W.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885! J. G. 
Milne. Newport and Slievemore, Sept. 1888 (id., J. of Conch., Oct. 1891, p. 415). 

Cork N.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Mallow, Nov. 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Kerry—Sub-var. nemorosa, Killarney, June 1885, W. F. de Visines Kane. 

France—Sub-var. nemorosa has been recorded from Bramepan in the Basses 
Pyrénées ; from the forest of Hez in the Oise; from the woods at Saint Saulge in 
the Nievre ; and as Limaw altilis from Val de Cauterets in the Hautes Pyrénées. 

Belgium—Var. rosea, Rouge-Cloitre, Brabant ; var. rosea and sub-var. colorata, 
toumont, Luxemburg (Van den Broeck, op. cit. ). 

Italy—Sub-var. nemorosa, Piedmont and Lombardy (Less, & Poll., op. cit. ). 

Var. bettonii Sordelli, Atti Soc. Ital. di Sci. Nat., 1871, p. 251. 

Limax bettonit Sordelli, op. cit. 
Limax arborum var. decipiens Cockerell, Sci. Gossip, 1886, p. 187. 
Lehmannia marginata var. obscurus Esmark, J. of Conch., Oct. 1886, p. 102. 
Limax arborum var. carpaticus Hazay, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., Feb. 1885, p. 23. 
ANIMAL with inner and main bands fused together, but broken up by irregular 
pale spottings, simulating to some extent the markings of L. flavus; dorsal-line 
pale; SHIELD with lateral bands and a median dusky zone. Formula 0(21) (12)0. 

The vars. bettonii and decipiens are characterized by the fusion of the inner 
and main bands, broken up, however, by irregular pale spots; dorsal zone whitish ; 
shield with lateral bands and median zone brownish. 

The var. obscura is described as hard and solid, with keel yellowish and dark 
greyish or yellowish-brown back ; sides paler, and speckled with paler spots; the 
shield blackish brown, often with a handsome yellow margin. 

The var. earpatica is obsewely maculate or marbled; keel line pale. 

The var. albomaeculata of Kreglinger may also belong here. 

Cornwall W.—Var. bettonii, Phillack, Hayle, Oct. 1884! Miss Susan Hockin. 

Cornwall E.—Var. bettonii, St. Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. 

Hants S,—Var. bettonii, Holmsley station, Sept. 1885! C. Ashford. Under felled 
timber, Wootton, in the New Forest, C. Ashford; Hambledon, L. E. Adams (Adams 
& Woodward, Sci. Goss., March 1901, p. 301). 

Anglesea—Var. bettonii, Llanfaes, in woods near village, Sept. 1886! J. G. Milne. 

Norfolk E.—Var. bettonii, from Norwich, in Brit. Mus., T. D. A. Cockerell. 

York N.E.—Var. bettonii, Saltburn wood, Sept. 1886! W.D.R. 

Antrim—Var. bettonii, Cushendun, April 1886! 8. A. Brenan. 

Dublin—Var. bettonii, Kingstown, June 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Wexford—Var. bettonvi, Alderton, near Kilmanock, Miss Glascott, Sept. 1888! 
G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Mayo W.—Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885! J. G. Milne. 

Waterford—Var. bettonii, old Dungarvan road, Clonmel, Aug. 1886! and Glen- 
abbey, Sept. 1886! A. H. Delap. 


Hungary—Sub-var. carpatica, Kotlina Thal, Kohlbacher and Felkaer Thal in 
the Carpathians (Hazay, op. cit.). 

Lombardy—Var. bettonii, near Esino, Monza and Milan (Pini, Moll. Esino, 1876). 

Norway—Sub-var. obsewra. Dovre in Hamer Stift, Ringerige, Laurvik, Kragero, 
and Lillesand in Christiansand Stift (Esmark, J. of Coneh., Oct. 1886, p. 102). 

Var. heynemanni Bielz, Fauna Siebenb., 1863, p. 32. 
Limax arborum var. tigrina Weinland, Weichth. Schwab. Alb., 1876, p. 27, pl. 4, f. 1. 
Limax arborum var. maculata Roebuck, J. of Conch., Oct. 1885, p. 375. 
Limax arborum {. submaculata T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, May 1890, p. 12. 

ANIMAL pale, with BODY and SHIELD besprinkled with black. 

The var. heynemanni s.str. is described by Westerlund as having back and 
shield maculate with small black spots, large rugze, and a distinct keel. 

The sub-var. tigrina has two rows of distinct black spots on each side of the 
body, the mid-dorsal line paler than the body colour, and a spotted shield in which 
the spots are arranged in five or six longitudinal rows. 

The sub-var. maculata has the black spots smaller and more numerous; shield 
with slender lateral bands, which also tend to break up into spots. 

The sub-var. submaculata has the spots paler, more nebulous and coalescent. 

Devon S.—Sub-var. maculata, Culverhole Point, Ang. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Pembroke—Sub-var. maculata, Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. 

Clyde Isles—Sub-var. maculata, Rothesay, May 1887 ! T. Scott. 

Antrim—Sub-var. maculata, Cushendun, May 1886! 8. A. Brenan. 

Mayo W.—Sub-var. maculata, Enniscoe demesne, Sept. 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 

Tipperary S.—Sub-var. maculata, near Clonmel, April 1888! A. H. Delap. 

Waterford—Sub-vars. maculata and submaculata, near Clonmel, A. H. Delap. 

Cork S.—Sub-var. maculata, Berehaven, May 1893, R. F. Scharff. 

Kerry—Sub-var. maculata, immense specimens about Killarney, Sept. 1898 
(Stubbs & Adams, Irish Nat., Nov. 1898). 

Wurtemburg—Sub-var. tigrina (Weinland, op. cit.). 

Switzerland—Sub-var. tigrina, Berne and Valais (Buettger, Nachtbl., 1885). 

Transylvania—Var. heynemanni (Westerlund, Fauna Europie, 1876). 

Greece—Sub-var. tigrina, Bugasi-Thal, Thessaly (Beettger, J.D. M.G., 1885). 

Var. zebrina ‘Taylor. 

Bopy grey, inner and main bands distinct, outer band represented by a series of 
oblique transverse markings, which join the main-band; SHIELD with lateral 
bands and dusky median area. Formula 321 123. 

This distinct variety is, according to Simroth, not very uncommon, and he records 
it as var. tigrina from the Algarve, Portugal; from Transylvania; from Neustadt 
in the Bohemian Erzegebirge ; and from Grimma in Saxony. 

Var. rupicola Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 16. 
Lehmannia marginata § rupicola Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Lehmannia marginata § alpestris Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Limax marginatus var. diane Kimackowicz, Beit. Moll. Siebenb., 1884, p. 120. 
Limax marginatus var. niger Scharff, Irish Nat., 1889, p. 260. 

This variety, though occasionally showing faint tracings of the characteristic 
markings, is in its extreme development entirely black or deep brown in colour, and 
small in size, with a long and well developed keel. In this state it is also the var. 
diane of Kimackowicz and the var. nigra of Scharff. Formula (321 123). 

When immature the animal is brownish with a pair of obscure bands on the back 
and shield, which gradually become clouded over and lost as the animal increases in 
age. The sub-var. alpestris of Less. & Poll. indicates one of the stages of this 
adolescent colouring, as it retains the paler dorsal line, and the lyre-bands on the 
shield are faintly discernible. i 

Shetlands—Sub- var. a/pestris, Unst! Fetlar! and Mainland, 1886! R.W.J.Smart. 

Down—Var. rupicola, Neweastle, Oct. 1884! H. W. Lett. 

Kerry—Var. rupicola, on summit of Reek, alt. 2,400 feet, A. H. Delap. Sub-var. 
nigra, Macgilliculdy Reeks, altitude of 2,500 to 3,100 feet (Scharff & Carpenter, 
Irish Nat., vol. viii., p. 213). Cahir Mountains, Sept. 1898, R. F. Scharff. 

Saxony—Var. diane, heights of the Erzegeberge (Simroth, Nacktschn., 1885). 

Austro-Hungary—Var. dianw, Negoispitze Mountain (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Piedmont—Sub-var. a/pestris, Piedmontese Alps (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). War. 
rupicola, Col VOllen, near Gressoney, alt. 8,250 feet (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). Var. 
diane, Val di Lanza (Simroth, op. cit. ). 

Portugal—Var. diane, Monchique, H. Simroth. 

Transylvania—Var. dianw, Heynemann, J.D.M.G., June 1885, p. 260). 


Geographical Distribution.—Limax arborum is an ancient species, 
and therefore has a very wide distribution, and is found from the extreme 
north of Lapland and Iceland to Orotava in ‘Teneriffe; and according to 
Schartf, has probably been extending its area of habitation since early 
tertiary times, but its range is probably very imperfectly known, as it is so 
frequently confused with Z. maximus and other species. 

It has been reported from the British Isles, Germany, Belgium, Holland, 
France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Greece, Den- 
mark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. 

In the British Isles Z. arborum is in all likelihood universally dispersed 
and the gaps at present shown in its range will probably be filled up as the 
species becomes better known. 

Geographical Distribution 


Limax arborum B.-Ch. 

Load Recorded Distribution. 

WW Probable Range. 

Iie. 113. 
Channel Isles—Guernsey, Jersey, and Sark (Ansted’s Channel Isles, 1862). 
Cornwall W.—Common on trees in the Trevaylor Valley and other similar 
places (E. D. Marquand, Moll. Cornwall, 1884, p. 4). Phillack, Oct. 1884! Miss 
Hockin. _ Trevidock road, St. Colomb, May 1885! W. Vinson. Penzance, E. D. Mar- 
quand. Var. maculata, Scilly Islands, Aug. 1890! Rev. E. D. Roberts. 
Cornwall E.—Mrs. Whitford’s garden bank, St. Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. 
Devon N.—Lynton, 1898 (F. J. Partridge, J. of Mal., 1898, p. 19). 

9 2) 


Somerset S.—Porlock, Aug. 1892! L. E. Adams, 

Somerset N.—On trees and rocks in Goblin, Cleeve and Brockley coombes, and 
in some of the glens running up into the Mendip hills, near Wells (Norman, Moll. 
Somerset, 1860). Bratton St. Maur (E. W. Swanton, Nat. Journ., May 1895). 


Dorset—Glanville’s Wootton, abundant (Dale, Hist. Glanville’s Wootton, 1878, 

p- 334). Weymouth (Damon, Geol. Dorset, 1884, p. 234). Near the carpenter's 
yard, East Lulworth (Kendall), and in Clenston aa (Mansel-Pleydell, Moll. Dor- 
a 1898, p. 4). Sub-var. nemorosa, Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. 

Isle of Wight—Thorley, Lee Copse and Ham Copse, near Yarmouth, July 1879! 
C. “a a Sandown, R. Gibbs (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853, p. 289). Steep- 
hill, A Hambrough ; Bembridge, A. G. More; and Ryde, W. Thompson, 1841 
(Vv mete Guide to Isle of Wight, 1860, p. 462). 

one S.—Common on beech trunks, Winchester, 1883, B. Tomlin. Hambledon 
(L. E. Adams, Sci. Gossip, March 1901). Selborne, June 1889! W. Jeffery. Type 
and var. mac ulata, garden, Christchurch, April 1884! Vinney Ridge, June 1887 ! 
Mnudeford ! Bolder wood, Aug. 1887 ! C. Ashford. Vars. nemorosa and bettonii, 
Holinsley and Wootton, C. Ashford, and Hambledon, L. E. Adams (Adams & Wood- 
ward, Soy Goss., Mar. 1901). 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, Oct. 1881! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex W.—Common in beech plantation, Downs, Ratham, June 1884! Com- 
mon among beeches, back of Goodwood race stand (W, Jeffery, J. of C., Apl. 1882). 

Sussex E,.—Lewes, Mr. Morris, 1883 (B. M. Oakeshott, 1886). 


Kent E.—Beech wood, Throwley, Sept. 1877, Miss Fairbrass. Ewell wood, 
Dover, Sept. 1891, L. E. Adains. 

Kent W.—Chislehurst and Sevenoaks, Aug. 1887, 8. C. Cockerell. Oak copse, 
Erith (Leslie, Q.J.C., 1874, p. 34). 

Surrey— Wray Park, Reigate, G. S. & E. Saunders, 1861. Warlingham, 1883, 
T. D. A. Cockerell. Bramley Hill, Croydon, K. McKean, Croydon List, 1883. Var. 
nemorosa, Reigate Hill, April 1889 ! H. W. Kew. 

Essex S.— Weald Hall Park, Brentw ood, Feb. 1884! R. M. Christy. Chingford, 
and Loughton, Epping Forest, Aug. 1890, H. W. Kew. 

Herts.—Near W atford, Oct. 1883! J. Hopkinson. 

Oxford—Abundant in the beech woods on the Chiltern Hills, near Watlington 
(A. M. Norman, Zool., 1853, p. 4126). Plentiful at Oxford, Swincomb, Wychwood, 
and Charlbury ; fairly common at Chipping Norton ; uncommon at Banbury 
(Collinge, Conch., 1891, p- 12). Sub-var. nemorosa, specimens from Dr. Norman, 
labelled “Oxford,” in British Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). Sub-var. dineo- 
lata, Nelthorpe near Banbury (Collinge, Zool., Apl. 1890, p. 145). 


Suffolk E.—Rare at Mendlesham and Wetheringsett (Mayfield, J. of C., Apl. 1903). 

Norfolk W.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Lynn, Sept. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Norfolk E,—Catton and Thorpe Toll-Bar (J. B. Bridgman, Norf. and Norw. 
Trans., 1871). Beech trees, Whitlingham Woods, and on willows at Eaton (Pearce 
& Mayfield, J. of C., July 1894). Holt, June 1893! T. Petch. Vars. decipiens and 
pallens, specimens from Norwich in British Museum (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1891). 


Northampton—Rockingham Park, May 1896! and Dane’s Camp, Northampton, 
Nov. 1896, L. E. Adams. Fletton (A. W. Nicholls, J. of C., Apl. 1884). 

Monmouth—Chepstow and Tintern Abbey, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester E.—Cooper’s Hill, Cheltenham, Apl. 1866! Stroud, Mch. 1884! E. J. 
Elliott. Var. pallens, Cheltenham, specimens in Brit. Mus. (T. D. A. Cockerell). 

Gloucester W.—Plentiful on beeches near Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Hereford—Bishopswood Vicarage, Ross, June 1885! R. W. J. Smart. Doward 
Hill (Boycott, Se. Goss., April 1892, p- 78). Backbury Hill, Boyeott & Bowell, 1899. 

Worcester—King’s Norton, Oct. 1884! J. Madison. Yardley ! ! Greet ! and Sare- 
hole ! W. Nelson. Droitw ich, autumn, 1882, E. B. Fairbrass. 

Warwick—Bentley Heath, near Knowle, Jan. 1873! W. Nelson. Ingon Grange 
gardens, near Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. Timber yard, Sutton 
Coldfield, H. Overton, 1903. 

Stafford— Walls, Stafford Castle, Oct. 1885! Cannock Chase, Milford, June 1886 ! 
and Coppenhall, L. E. Adams. Yardley and Bao re, Q.J.C., May 1875, p. 68). 
Rosehill, Cheadle, June 1888! Alton Castle, Feb. 18901 and Meaford, near Stone, 
J. R. B. Masetield, 1902. Leek and Kingsley, Sept. 1885, T. D. A. Coe kerell. 


Glamorgan—Cardiff (Wotton, Brit. Assoc. Hdbk., 1891). Llandaff (id., J. of C., 

Apl. 1886). Vars. nemorosa and maculata, Aberkeniig, Aug, 1890!G. K. Gude. 


Pembroke—Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. St. David’s, July 1891, J. B. 
Morgan. Not uncommon on mossy rocks on North Cliff, Tenby, on ash trees, Ceme- 
tery lane, and on beech trees, Penally (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900, p. 322). 
Sub-var. maculata, Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. 'Trayler. 


Montgomery—Under stones, Guilsfield, Nov. 1888! Forden, June 1886! under 
log, Welshpool, June 1888! and Gungrog dingle (J. Bickerton Morgan). 

Merioneth—Barmouth, Aug. 1884! John Hopkinson. Palé, Corwen, May 1887! 
T. Ruddy. Sub-var. nemorosa, Bont ddu, Sept. 1886! F. G. Fenn. 

Carnarvon— Under waterfall, Aber, Aug. 1883! John Hopkinson. Trefriw, July 
1883! W.D.R. Criccieth, May 1887! W. Cash. Fine in churehyard, Dwygyfylehi, 
R. D. Darbishire. Llanberis (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nat. World, March 1887). 

Denbigh—Beechwoods near Llanrwst, July 1883 ! W.D.R. Great Orme’s Head, 
Jan. 1888, L. E. Adams. Oak copse, Bont-ddu (F. G. Fenn, J. of C., July 1887). 

Anglesey—Var. bettonii, Llantaes, Sept. 1886! J. G. Milne. 


Lincoln S.—Careby wood, Grantham, June 1903! E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. 

Lincoln N.—Near Louth, Oct. 1885! R. W. Goulding. Uleeby-with-Fordington, 
Oct. 1889! J. B. Davy. Well Vale, Alford, Sept. 1889! Maltby wood, and wall 
along Lincoln road, near Louth, Apl. 1886! W.D.R. Var. bettonii, Jenny wood, 
Louth (H. W. Kew, Nat., March 1886). 

Notts.—Southwell, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. Sparingly, Thrumpton, and abun- 
dant on trees, etc., at Hightield House; common on the Tottle Brook bridge, at the 
base of the Beeston Hill (E. J. Lowe, Conch. Notts., 1853). Cresswell crags and 
Tollerton, April 1884! and Nottingham Castle rock, C. TI. Musson. Wilford, ete. 
(Dodd & Musson, Nott. Moll., 1881, p. 5). Tuxford, Pleasley, Mansfield, Southwell, 
etc., C. T. Musson. Haughton (W. A. Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893, p. 226). Wel- 

_beck, ete. (Lowe & Musson, Mid. Nat., Ang. 1879, p. 199). 

Derby—Pleasley Vale, April 1884! C. T. Musson. Winster, alt. 650 feet, June 
1885! H. Milnes. Chee Dale, near Buxton, Sept. 1885! J.G. Milne. Type and var. 
nemorosa, between Hathersage and Bakewell, 1889! and var. nemorosa, Ashbourne, 
Aug. 1889! L. E. Adams. Var. suwbrufi, Chapel-en-le-Frith, June 1897 ! C. Oldham. 


Cheshire—Mere Park, Knutsford, Oct. 1885! J. G. Milne. Numerous at Upton, 
1852; occasionally at “‘sugar” on trees, at Rainhill (Higgins, Liverpool List, 1891). 
Congleton, Sept. 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. Ashley, J. G. Milne, Nat., Aug. 1887. 
Var. bettonii, Capesthorne, Aug. 1894! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire S.—Botanical Gardens, Manchester ! J. R. Hardy. -Northenden lane, 
Didsbury, 1860 (J. Hardy, Manchester List, 1865, p. 34). Knowsley, near Liverpool, 
1893 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893, p. 148). 

Lancashire Mid—Alder trees near the river Hodder, at Chaigeley Manor, near 
Clitheroe, and at Corby Castle, near Lancaster, E. J. Lowe. 


York S.E.—Sledmere, Aug. 1891! F.W. Fierke. Howsham Woods, Sept. 1889 ! 
W.D.R. Kirkham Abbey ! (A. H. Taylor, Nat., Nov. 1889). 

York N.E.—Skelton Beck Valley, Saltburn, May 1887! and Kirkleatham, Sept. 
1886! W.D.R. Hawnby, near Thirsk, 900 feet alt., J. G. Baker; and near Feliskirk, 
G. R. Baker (J. H. Davies, Nat., 1855, p. 134). Rye Bridge, Rievaulx, July 1884! 
Pickering Castle Hill, July 1886! and Duncombe Park, Helmsley, July 1885! 
W.D.R. Scarborough, W. Bean (Theakston’s Guide to Scarborough, 1871, p. 176). 
Hayburn Wyke, Aug. 1894! F. W. Fierke. Kilton Castle, April 1889 ! B. Hudson. 
Ingleby Greenhow, Sept. 1890 ! J. Hawell. Coxwold, Sept. 1892! W.D.R. Middles- 
brough, Baker Hudson, Sci. Goss., Nov. 1886, p. 259. 

York S.W.—Roche Abbey Woods, April 1884! W.D.R. Common, Cubley 
Wood, May 1890, L. E. Adams. Haw Park and Ferry Bridge (J. Wilcock, Twelfth 
Report Wakefield Nat. Soc., 1883, p. 28). Saltaire, Nov. 1886! H. T. Soppitt. Not 
common, Calverley Wood ; Idle; Cottingley and Seven Arches, near Bingley (Sop- 
pitt & Carter, Nat., 1888, p. 97). Field, near Wellhead, Halifax, J. E. Crowther. 
Endcliffe Wood, Sheftield, May 1893! C. Oldham. Sub-var. nemorosa, Rose Hill, 
Penistone, July 1889! L. E. Adams. 

York Mid W.—Pateley Bridge, May 1882! W. Storey. Glasshouses! road- 
sides, near Gouthwaite Hall! and Ripley! May 1886, W.D.R. Gordale Sear, July 
1877 ! Ingleton ! Bolton Abbey, 1874! and Threshfield, 1882! W. Nelson. Lime- 
stone sears on Buckden Pike, alt. 1,800 feet, May 1886!W.D.R. Airton, Oct. 1883; 
Denton Park, 1890, H. T. Soppitt. Mason Plain, Grassington, Sept. 1900, F. Rhodes. 
Shireoaks Wood, Tadcaster, F. G. Binnie, 1880. Harewood Park walls! Alwoodley, 
Oct. 1882! Scareroft ! and Cock Beck Bridge, Garforth, 1870! W. Nelson, Varieties 
subrufa and nemorosa, Mickley, abundant, Aug. 1889! W.D.R. 


York N.W.—Bowes Castle Keep! Ivelet Bridge! Thwaite! Gunnerside Gill! 
July 1884, and near Wood House, Arkengarthdale, Aug. 1885! W.D.R. East Witton, 
Sept. 1877! W. Nelson. Bolton Castle, Aug. 1882! Bank Wood, Semerdale, July 
Iss4! and Whitfield Gill Woods, June 1884! W.D.R. Staveley Church roof, Feb. 
1883! E. P. Knubley. Sedbergh, 1894! W.D.R. 


Durham— at Wolsingham and Shotley Bridge, W. Backhouse (Alder’s 
Northumb. and Durham Cat., 1848). Cauldron Snout, July 1884!W.D.R. Middleton- 
in-Teesdale, June 1884! Baker Hudson. Barnard Castle (E. J. Lowe, 1885). 

Northumberland—Stocksfield-on-Tyne, May 1885! H. E. Craven. West Wood- 
burn, Oct. 1887, R. Howse. 

Cheviotland—Howick Woods, R. Embleton (Alder’s Northumb. and Durham 
Cat., 1848, p. 125). Dean above Akeld, May 1852 (G. Johnston, Proe. Berwick Nat. 
Club, 1852, p. 89). Abundant on old wall, Akeld near Wooler, Sept. 1887! R. Howse. 


Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Coniston, Oct. 1886! W.D.R. Coniston 
Old Man, alt. 2,660 feet, July 1887, and Ambleside, April 1890, S. C. Cockerell. 

Cumberland—Carlisle, June 1886! J. Madison. Seales, Sept. 1890 ! Brundholme 
Wood, Keswick, Oct. 1890! J. Hawell. 

Isle of Man—Swarmed on the walls along upper road from Port Erin to Port 
St. Mary, June 1881! L. E. Adams. Near Nunnery, Douglas, July 1880! W. Nelson. 
Peel, Aug. 1894, R. Cairns. 


Ayr—As common as in Ireland (Thompson, Report Brit. Assoc., 1843, p. 254). 

Renfrew—Near old castle, Inverkip road, Greenock, Aug. 1886! W.D.R.  Cloch 
and other places (T. Scott, Greenock List, 1886). 


Peebles— Roadside walls, east of Walkerburn, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. West Linton, 
Sept. 1893, W. Turner. Cadeimuir, near Peebles, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Selkirk— Var. nemorosa, near Selkirk, Oct. 1890! W. Evans. 

Roxburgh— Walls of Melrose Abbey, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Berwick— Fans, near Earlston, Oct. 1883! R. Renton. Redpath, near Earlston, 
Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Eyemouth, Sept. 1895, W. Evans. Type and sub-var. nemo- 
rosa, Coldingham, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 

Haddington—Bass Rock, J. MeMurtrie, Dec. 1888. Tyninghame, Sept. 1894, 
Yester, Sept. 1896, Aberlady, Sept. 1889 ! and var. alpestris, North Berwick Law, 
Sept. 1890, W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Wallyford. Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Salisbury Craigs, Sept. 1888, T. 
Scott. Penicuik Woods, Oct. 1896; Pentland Hills, April 1896; Dreghorn Woods, 
Sept. 1889! Colinton ! Caroline Park, near Granton, Noy. 1890! Balerno and Bave- 
law, with sub-var. nemorosa, April 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Linlithgow—Fairly common on rocks and under the bark of trees, about Bo'ness, 
Linlithgow, ete., R. Godfrey. Caribber Glen, March 1892, W. Evans. 


Fife and Kinross —Aberdour, Noy. 1886! A. Somerville. Falkland, Aug. 1895; 
St. Andrews, July 1890 ! Burntisland and Charlestown, Feb. 1896, W. Evans. Var. 
nemorosa, St. Andrew’s Bay, May 1889! E. E. Prince. 

Stirling—Ben Lomond, Aug. 1892, W. M.Webb. Polmont, Aug. 1890! W. Evans. 
Type and sub-var. nemorosa, Cambusbarron, July 1894 ! A. MeLellan. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—Bridge of Allan, Feb. 1898 ; Aberfoyle, April 1892; 

salquhidder, Sept. 1902; and Callander, April 1892! W. Evans. 

Perth Mid—On Ben Lawers, alt. 3,000 feet (Ff. Buchanan White, Scottish Nat., 
1873, p. 164). Perth, Sept. 1884, Howard Bendall. Glen Tilt, May 1885! H. Coates. 
Loch Tay side, April 1887! J. E. Somerville. Bridge of Loch Tay, E. J. Lowe. 

Perth N.—Var. a/pestris s.str., Blairgowrie, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Forfar—Montrose, July 1884! W. Duncan. Den of Airlie, Sept. 1886! C. B. 

Kincardine—Sub-var. nemorosa, Banchory! W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.—Common, Old Aberdeen, May 1842 (Macgillivray, Moll. Aberd., 
1843). Den of Legeart (J. Taylor, Zool., 1853, p. 3878). Drum Woods, Oct. 1886! 
and var. subrufa and type, Mony Musk Woods, Sept. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Banff—Ballindalloch, May 1891! W. Evans. Var. a/pestris s.str., Glentiddack, 
July 1891 ! G. Gordon. 

Elgin—Birnie, 1853 (G. Gordon, Zool., 1854, p. 4453). Elgin, MeAndrew Coll., 
Cambridge (A. H. Cooke, J. of C., Oet. 1882). Cromdale, Ang. 1891! W. Evans. 
Sub-var. nemorosa, Castle Roy by Nethy Bridge, Aug. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Easterness.-—-Kincraig by Kingussie, Aug. 1889! W. Evans. 


Main Argyle—Dunoon, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Oban, W. H. Heathcote. 
Clyde Islands—Rothesay, Bute, May 1887! T. Scott. Arran, April 1887! J. E. 
Cantire—Old castle, West Loch, Tarbert (T. Scott, J. of Conch., July 1886). 
Ebudes S.—Mr. Thompson found it on Islay (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853). 
Ebudes Mid—lIona, Sept. 1889! J. E. Somerville. Allt-na- Searmoin Glen, "Salen, 
Mull, June 1900! W.D.R. 
Ebudes N. —Eigg, Aug. 1888! J. MeMurtrie. 

Ross W.—Ullapool, Aug. 1886! A. Somerville. Loch Carron, Noy. 1886! J. E. 

Sutherland E.—-Blue Rock and Golspie Burn, Brora, June 1884! W. Baillie. 

Sutherland W.—Stoer, Oct. 1886! J. E. Somerville. 

Caithness—Dunbeath river, May 1884! W. Baillie. 


Shetlands—Unst, Fetlar, and Mainland, Aug. 1886! R. W. J. Smart. Out- 

Siete (Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., i., p. 136). 


Derry—Coleraine, moderately common, Nov. 1883! L. E. Adams. Ballynagard, 
June 1892, D. C. Campbell (R. F. Scharff). 

Antrim—Large at Giant’s Causeway, R. D. Darbishire. Whitehall, Brough- 
shane, June 1886!S. A. Brenan. Rathlin Island, May 1897, L. E. Adams. Armoy, 
R. Welch. Murlough Wood, Ballyeastle (R. Standen, Trish Nat., Jan. 1897). 

Down—Cultra, Dec. 1891, R. F. Scharff. Crawfordsburn, May 1902! Rk. Welch. 

Tyrone—Strabane, A. H. Delap. Type and sub-var. nemorosa Kaneswood, near 
Aughnacloy, July 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Donegal—About Strabane, A. H. Delap. 


Louth—Type and sub-var. nemorosa, Piperstown, Nov. 1889 ! Miss Sidney Smith. 

Meath—New Grange, June 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Dublin—Howth, April 1887! Killakee, Sept. 1890; and Rush, Aug. 1889, R. F. 

Kildare—Wildare, 1884, J. E. Palmer. 

Wicklow—Powerscourt, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Woodenbridge. R. F. 
Scharff, Irish Nat., 1893, p. 149. Common on beeches, Delgany; and under stones, 
Brayhead, July 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Wexford—Kilianock, New Ross, Aug. 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Kilkenny —Kilkenny, March 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

ueen’s Co.—La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 204). 
Spire Hill Wood and Emo Park (bB. J. Clarke, op. cit., 1843, p. 337). 
Westmeath—On beech trees, Knockdrin demesne, "April 1892, RK. F. Scharff. 

Sligo—Commion in woods near Ballina uy. Warren, Zool., Jan. 1879, p. 26). 
Plentiful, Rockwood, Lough Gill, Oct. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

May oW. — Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Sipeeon and Dugort, Achill Island, Aug. 1886! J. G. Milne. Moyview, Ballina, 
July 1891! Amy Warren. Var. nemorosa, Newport (J. G. Milne, J. of C.; Oct. 1891). 

Galway W.—Roundstone and Kylemore, Mech. 1891, R. F. Scharff. Avan Islands, 
Oct. 1890 tR. F. Scharff, Irish List, 1892, p. 8). Gentian Hill; Ballyvaughan ; and 
woods by Lough Corrib, July 1895 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895, p. 267). 

Galway E.—Common on beech and other trees in moist w oods, Monivea (B. J. 
Clarke, eae and Mag. N.H., 1840, p. 204). Tuam Palace demesne (B. J. Clarke, 
op. cit., 1843, p. 337). Common at ‘Clonbrock, June 1896 (R. I’. Schartf, Irish Nat., 
Sept. 1896, p. 223). 

Clare !—T’. Rogers’ collection, Sept. 1885. 

Tipperary S.—Type and var. maculata, near Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Waterford—Common (J. Fayle, Nat., Aug. 1858, p. 190). Near Waterford, Sept. 
1883! J. H. Salter. Sub-var. rupicola, near Clonmel, A. H. Delap. 

Cork N.—Common at Blarney, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. Sub-var. maculata, 
Queenstown Junction, Cork, June 1893, R. F. Scharff. 

Cork S.—Common, Bantry, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. Commonest slug about 
Glengariff, June 1893, R. F. Scharff. 

Kerry—On bare stones and rocks, Connor Cliffs, Dingle, alt. 1,500 feet, Prof. 
Forbes. Valentia Island, July 1886! A. H. Delap. Common, Kenmare and Killarney, 
Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. Skellig Rocks (R. F. Scharff, Trish List, 1892, p. 8). Var. 
glauca, Killarney, Sept. 1884, Howard Bendall. 




Has been recorded from Alsace, Altenburg, Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Bruns- 
wick, Franconia, Hanover, Holstein, Nassau, Pomerania, Pyrmont, Rhineland, 
Saxony, Schleswig, Silesia, Thuringia, and Wurtemburg. 


Belgium—(Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 247). 

Holland—(Heynemann, op. cit.). 


Found more especially in the mountain districts, and in the extreme north-east 
section of the country, and has been reported from Aisne, Ariége, Aude, Basses 
Pyrénées, Champagne Meridionale, Haute Garonne, Hautes Pyrénées, Ille et Vilaine, 
Lozere, Manche, Morbihan, Niévre, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, Puy-de-Déme, Seine 
Inférieure, Seine et Marne, Somme, Vienne, and the Isle of Corsica. 

Reported from the cantons of Lucerne, Berne, St. Gall, Grisons, and Valais. 
Found in Lombardy, Piedmont, Venetia, Campania, Rome, Modena, and Sicily. 
Also recorded as Amalia marginata v. mongianensis from Mongiana, Calabria. 
Found in Bohemia, Carniola, Galicia, Hungary, Styria, Transylvania, and Tyrol. 

Spain—Hoy de Barcena, and near Santander, May 1860, E. J. Lowe. A small 
form found on the Sierra de Guadarrama, by von Heyden. 

Portugal—Oporto and Monchique, H. Simroth. 

Thessaly—Buegasi-Thal in the Ossagebirge (Beettger, op. cit.). 

Norway—Common throughout, and has been found as far north as Kistrand and 
Porsangerfjord in Finmark, 70° 25’ north lat. It reaches its highest elevation of 
2,800 feet at Tonset in Osterdalen. 

Sweden—Well distributed in Sweden, and has been found as far north as Hiirje- 
dalen in Jiimtland, 62° 30’ north lat. It is also found on Gotland and Bornholm. 

Denmark—Not common in the Viborg district of Jutland, but the commonest 
species in the beech woods of Zealand. 

It is also recorded from the Faroes and the south coast of Iceland, 

Only at present known from Esthland, Livonia, St. Petersburg, and Finland, 
its most northern locality being at Valamo in Finland, 61° 25’ north lat. 
Canaries—Orotava, Teneriffe, W. Moss (Collinge & Partridge, J. of Mal., 1899). 

Fic. 114.—Pollard Hornbeams at Loughton, Epping Forest, a haunt of 
Limax arborum (photo. by Mr. J. G. Randall). 

Poare: ee 

Distribution of Limax arborum B.Ch. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 

1 Coruwall W. 

2 Cornwall L. 

3 Devous. 

4 Devon N. 

5 Somerset 8. 

6 Somerset N. 

7 Wilts N. 

8 Wilts S. 

9 Dorset 

Isle of Wight 

Hauts 8. 

Hants N. 

Sussex W. 

Sussex KH. 

Kent E. 

Kent W. 

17 Surrey 

18 Essex 3. 

Essex N. 



22 Berks. 



Suffolk EB. 

Suffolk \W. 

27 Norfolk E. 

Norfolk W. 

29 Cambridge 


31 Hunts. 

32 Northampton 

Gloucester HK. 

Gloucester W 

35 Moumouth 


37 Worcester 




Probable Range. 

41 Glamorgan 
42 Brecon 
43 Radnor 
5 Pembroke 
) Cardigan 
47 Montgomery 
8 Merioneth 
9 Carnarvon 
50 Denbigh 
51 Klint 
52 Anglesey 
3 Lincoln 8. 
54 Lincoln N. 
dD. Leic. & Rutld 
56 Notts. 
57 Derby 
58 Cheshire 
Lancashire $ 

S.E. York 
N.E. York 
S.W. York 
Mid W. York 
N.W. York 






68 Cheviotland 


69 Westmorland 
aud L. Lancs. 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 

Northumb, 8. 

Lancashire Mid 


of the British Isles. 



NS Recorded Distribution. 
ME Distribution verified by the 

Fossil Distribution. 



72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
73 Kirkeudbright 94 Bantt 
74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
7> Ayr 96 Hasterness 
76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
77 Lanark 97 Westerness 

E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8S. 
82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 

E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W 
85 Fife & Kinross 106 Koss 
86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
87 Perths.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
89 Perth N. NORTH ISLES 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 


113 Derry 2 Louth 
114 Antrim > Meath 
115 Down Dublin 
116 Armagh 5 Kildare 


7 Monaghan 
3 Tyrone 
9 Donegal 


3 Wicklow 


3 Carlow 

29 Kilkenny 

Queen’s Co. 

1 King’s Co. 


33 Longford 

34 Roscommon 

35 Leitrim 


Mayo E. 

Mayo W. 

Galway W. 

Galway E. 



2 Limerick 

3 Tipperary N. 

Tipperary S 


3 Cork N. 

7 Cork 8. 

8 Kerry 


oe a ips ~~. ate 
~~ 4 




The genus A griolimax or field slugs (A ger, 
a field; and Limux) was established in 
1865 by Dr. O. A. L. Moreh, of Copen- 
hagen, the eminent Danish malacologist, 
with whom it is a pleasure to associate 
the genus. 

The acute discernment manifested by 
Dr. Morch in the institution of this genus 
has been fully justified by the structural 
peculiarities which further study has de- 
monstrated to exist. 

Generic Characteristics. — The 
Agriolimaces in their typical species have 
been shown to be quite sharply defined 
internally and externally from the true 
Limaces. Not only is the whole scheme of 
coloration essentially dissimilar in so far 
as there is a total absence of the longi- 
tudinal banding which constitutes so 
striking a feature in Limazr, but the 
arrangement of the gut and the liver or 
digestive gland is on quite a different 
plan, as there are but three typical coils 

“ or tracts of the intestinal canal, as in the 

AL Helicidw, all of which are imbedded 

within the substance of the right lobe of 

the liver, which in this group forms the posterior end of the viscera, 

whereas the left lobe occupies that position in Limaer; the left lobe in 

Agriolimax is laid obliquely in front of the crop, and is not directed back- 
wards, as in the true Limaces. 

Contrary also to what obtains in Limax, where the ingestive or stomach 
tract is the longest, in Agriolima it is the shortest of the series ; further- 
more, the male organ is free in the present genus, and not looped between 
the retractors of the upper and lower tentacles, as in Limae; the whole 

urangement being thus strikingly different in the two groups. 

In addition the viscera have also retained a vestige of the previous 
possession by the animal of a dextrally-coiled external shell, in the strong 
spiral twist to which the internal organs are subjected, a feature which has 
become completely lost in Limaa, as no evidence of a past torsion of the 
viscera 1s now perceptible. 

Geographical Distribution.—'The genus Agriolimax has originated 
within, and is naturally characteristic of the northern hemisphere, its most 
highly organized species belonging to the western palearctic region and 
although it is also found in other and very widely distant places, these 
occurrences are probably solely due to artificial transportation. 

As we have seen in preceding groups, the more primitive or ancestral 
species still existent at the present day have, by stress of competition with 
the more advanced forms, been expelled from the more vigorous districts, 
and are now met with chiefly in the Mediterranean, Caucasian, and other 
regions still more remote from their probable evolutionary area. 


Agriolimax agrestis (L.). 

Alie parve, ut que gregatim folia sectantur, et hortos infestant cinerei aut fusei 
coloris Gesner, de Aquatil. lib, 4, pp. 254 et 256. 

Limax cinereus parvus, immaculatus, pratensis Lister, Hist. Anim. Angl., 1678, 
p. 130, tab. 2, f. 16. 

Limaz cinereus tmmaculatus L., Fauna Suec., 1746, p. 366, No. 1279. 

1758 Limaz agrestis L., Syst. Nat., ed. x., i., p. 652. 

1774. — vreticulatus Miller, Verm. Hist., ii., p. 8, No. 207. 

1819 — Obilobatus Fér., Hist. Moll., p. 74, pl. 5, f. 11. 

1841 — _ tunicata Gould, Invert. Massachusetts, p. 3. 

1848 — pallidus Schrenk, Land u. Sussw. Livlands. 

1855 — (Kulimaz) agrestis Moq.-Tand., ii., p. 22, pl. 2, f. 18-22, and pl 3, f. 1, 2. 
1861 — _ veranyanus Bourg., Spicil. Malae., p. 30, pl. 13, f. 9. 

1862 — heydeni Heynemann, Mal. Bl., p. 210. 

1870 — norvegicus Westl., Fauna Moll. Suec., p. 22. 

1874. — (Agriolimax) fedtschenkot Koch & Heynemann, J.D.M.G., p. 153. 

1815 Limacella obliqua Brard, Coq. Paris, p. 118, pl. 4, ff. 5, 6, 13, 14, 15. 
1868 Agriolimax agrestis Malm, Skand. Limac., p. 69, pl. 3, f. 8. 
- 1882 — panormitanus Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., p. 52, pl. 1, f. 5. 

b, ISTORY. — Agriolimax agrestis (agrestis, 
inhabiting fields) is one of the commonest 
and most destructive of our native species, 
and was noticed and discriminated by some 
of the earliest writers. 

It was first added to the British lists by 
Martin Lister in 1674, who distinguished it 
from other kinds by its smaller size and its 
peculiar milky-white mucus. 

It is the most highly organized of the 
genus, and owing to its marvellous powers 
of adaptation and its habit of frequenting 
cultivated land, it has been transported to 
almost every land where the white man has 
established himself, thriving under its new 
surroundings to the prejudice of the abori- 
ginal species. 

According to Mr. C. 'T’. Musson, Limaax 
molestus Hutton and LZ. legrundi Tate are 
both referable to our Agriolimax agrestis, 
cee. D- A. Cockerelf_ while Luther considers LZ. heydent Heyne- 

mann as another synonym of the same 
species. The Limaa weinlandi of Heynemann has also been regarded as 
merely another form of this widely-dispersed slug. 

With this species Prof. I. D. A. Cockerell, F.Z.8., of Las Cruces, New 
Mexico, U.S.A., has been associated in recognition of his valuable labours 
in the elucidation of the variation and affinities of the present and other 

Diagnosis.—ExTERNALLY, A. agrestis may be distinguished from its 
congeners by its pale ochreous or whitish body colour, sometimes spotted or 
blotched with darker pigment, but more especially by its milky-white slime. 

INTERNALLY, it is sharply separated from all other British slugs by the 
bulky penis-sheath, and the variously digitate claw-like flagellum at its 
distal extremity. 

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Description.-—ANIMAL limaciform, with large but flattened tubercles; of a some- 
what uniform whitish or pale ochreous ground colour, but sometimes dull lavender 
or other tint, often mottled, speckled or reticulated with brown or black, and at 
times totally suffused with black ; BODY somewhat compressed and keeled towards 
the tail; TENTACLES dark coloured ; SHIELD more than one-third the total length 
of the animal, rounded in front and behind, concentric strive not deep, with the 

nucleus on the right side and towards the rear ; 


broad usually unpigmented raised ring, which is cut anteriorly by the anal cleft; 
SOLE pale and longitudinally tripartite, the side areas sometimes darker, especially 
towards the tail; SOLE-FRINGE separated as usual from the body by a furrow, 
containing a row of elongate tubercles, upon which the body tubercles rest uncon- 
formably. Mucus plentiful and viscous, often clear when crawling, but becoming 
milky-white on irritation, due to innumerable particles of carbonate of lime. 

Length usually about 35 mill. 

SHELL white, oblong-oval in shape, somewhat 
convex above and correspondingly concave below, 
usually rather thin ; NUCLEUS distinct and placed 
towards the left side of the posterior margin of 
the shell; concentric lines of growth perceptible, 
margin membranaceous. 

Length, 4 mill. ; width, 24 mill. 



Fic. 117.—Internal 
shell of Agriolimax 
agrestis, X 4. 

(Markland Grip, 
Derbyshire, Mr. C. T. 

INTERNALLY, the cerebral ganglia are triangular in shape, spotted with brown, 

especially at the margins, the commissure grey or 
darkly spotted; the stomato-gastrie or buccal 
ganglia with longish commissure and dark-brown 
connectives ; the parieto-splanchnic ganglia are 
fused with the pedal ganglia, and both display 
short commissures ; the vestigial osphradium can 
be traced as a ridge and channel across to the left 
of the respiratory chamber ; the organ of Semper 
shows well-developed inferior lobes. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL is triodromous, com- 
posed of the stomach tract and three intestinal 
coils; the INGESTIVE TRACT is the shortest, the 
(SOPHAGUS is also short, and the voluminous CROP 
of a light-brown colour, thin, and searcely fur- 
rowed, having the long and much-indented SALI- 
VARY GLANDS adherent to its sides. The last tract 
or rectum has, about mid-way, a short ececum on 
the right side generally directed backwards, and 
laid upon the upper surface of the crop. The DIGEs- 
TIVE GLAND is of an ochreous colour, the right 
lobe extending quite to the caudal end of the body, 
and in common with the whole intestinal mass 
has been subjected to a noticeable spiral twist in 
such a way as to indicate that an external shell if 
present would be a dextrally-coiled one. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR origin- |||! { | 
ates in the median-line, behind the i \ 

‘lung, from three or more roots, which 
immediately unite to form a simple 
slender band, and divides usually but | 
not invariably about half-way. There \\ 
is considerable variation in the details \y ; 
of the fureation ; usually the BUCCAL 
and TENTACULAR branches separate 
at nearly the same point, but some- 
times the slender buccal branch is an 
offshoot of one or other of the ten- IN 

tacular retractors, or may arise from Fic. 120. 
the main-muscle before the tenta- 


Fic. 118.— 
Nerve centres 
of <A. agrestis, 
showing otocysts 
x 8. 
in Hants S., Mr. 
C. Ashford). 

we a 

Fic. 119.— 
Alimentary canal of 
A. agrestis, X 2, 
with the salivary 
glands removed and 
showing the rectal 

(Christchurch, in 
Hants $3) Mr. iC 



Biesdale Fic. 122. 

Cephalic retractors of A. agrestis, X 2, exemplifying 

cular forking. The buceal retractor the variations to which they are liable. 

is always deeply divided in Enelish Fic. 120, represents an usual form. Fic. 121, a less 
forms, but not usually down to its — ¥su¥al arrangement. 
origin or root, as Dr. Simroth states is the case in the German specimens. 


Fic. 122, the unusual. 


The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS have their orifice about two mill. behind the right 
onynatophore ; the OVOTESTIS is comparatively enormous, and laid upon the upper 
surface of the digestive gland, 
the acini being light-brown, with 
darker connective tissue ; DUCT 
short and inflated, buff to creamy 
white, with a slender VESICULA Den 
with few lobes, and of a light- 
brown or slate colour ; OVISPER- 
MATODUCT broad above, narrow 
below; OvipUCT with ample 
folds, free oviduct short, with 
a yellowish glandular invest- 
ment; SPERM DUCT slender 
above, more compact and broad 
below; VAS DEFERENS short, and 
entering penis-sheath laterally 
near the free-end ; PENIS-SHEATH 
a broad, irregular, and medially 
constricted sac, with narrow out- Fic. 123. Fic. 124. Fic. 125, 
let, distal-end with a claw-like 

General and detailed illustrations of the reproductive 

digitate gland, which varies organs of Agriolimax agrestis. 

greatly In size and complexity, Fic. 123.—Flagellate penial gland, showing two of the many 
each segment or digit having on variations to which it is liable, x 6. 

its concave side a row of pa- Fic. 124.—Reproductive organs, x 2. a/é.¢. albumen gland ; 

pillie. The lower half of the at. atrium, with protractor muscles ; 7. flagellate gland; 
sheath contains a conical and s le ae ap lena ses ae 7. penis retractor ; 
. AS a Ca; sf.d. sper >t. 
fleshy SARCOBELUM or excita- 4 i x shee : . 
tory orean, which is often pig- Fic. RRR sede [pres laid ened, sHOWine a of entry ns 
d Saw aaa 2 : 5 the vas deferens and the internal structure of the organ, X 4, 
mented at the tip ; the RETRAC- sé. the sarcobelum or excitatory organ (after Simroth). 

TOR is a short, broad band, 

arising from the lung floor, to the right of the mid-dorsal line, anterior to both 
kidney and pericardium, and is attached, not to the apex, but to the middle of the 
penis-sheath at the same side as the point of entry of the vas deferens ; SPERMA- 
THECA fusiform or claviform, attached closely to the base of the oviduet, stem 
slender, and opening into the narrow and thick-walled ATRIUM, at the junction of 
the oviduct and penis-sheath. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is ecrescentic in shape, with 
well and bluntly-rounded ends; it is a millimetre or 
more in width, moderately arcuate, of a yellowish- 
brown colour, and smooth in texture, but showing 
several distinct darker lines parallel with the upper 
and lower margins; median beak or rostrum not Ly ee, : i 
prominent, but somewhat acute, its vertical carina —, ae ee 
not well marked. S., Mr. A. Somerville). : 


The LINGUAL MEMBRANE of a Perthshire specimen is 4 mill. long. and 14 mill. 
wide ; the denticles diminishing in size rn the outer margins; median teeth 
with a narrow, posteriorly-expanded base of attachment, the reflection narrow and 
distinetly tricuspid, the mesocone slender and projecting beyond the basal plate, 
the ectocones well developed with distinct entting points ; the asymmetrical laterals 
each have a moderately slender mesocone, the ectocone is also strongly and acutely 
developed, but the endocone is more or less obsolete, though becoming stronger 
towards the margin, the seventeenth tooth being distinctly tricuspidate ; the mar- 
ginals are distinctly aculeate, with an incipient ectocone on some of the teeth. 

The formula is 16 + mea hy doy +5 x 118=8,378. 


Fic. 126.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of A. agrestis, X 160. 
The animal collected by Mr. A. Somerville, at Callander, Perth S., and the lingual membrane prepared 
by Mr. J. W. Neville. 


Reproduction and Development.—Unlike its ally A. /wvis, which 
in the course of its sexual development is so markedly proterogynous, our 
A. agrestis shows a distinctly proterandrous tendency. 

It is a species easily excited to sexual impulse, and very prolific, multi- 
plying with great rapidity and under favourable circumstances breeding 
almost continuously throughout the summer months, producing numerous 
generations, as renewed intercourse may take place three or four days 
after a period of egg-deposition; a pair kept in confinement were actually 
depositing their third batch of eggs before the first were hatched, and a 
single pair have been observed by ‘Leuchs to deposit the enormous number 
of seven hundred and seventy-six eggs during the season. 

The act of conjugation usually takes place in the evening throughout 
the whole year, even when the thermometer verges upon freezing point, 
though more freely indulged in during the summer months, and is always 
preceded by a prolonged circular procession, which, through seasonal or other 
influences, may continue for only half-an-hour, or may ‘be persisted in for 
one hour or more; during this performance milky slime is copiously given 
off, forming thick circular patches, one or two inches in diameter, which 
afterwards indicate the spot where congress has taken place. 

Animals seeking to pair, on approaching each other, immediately begin 
the circular promenade, the head of the one animal being laid upon or in 
contact with the tail of the other, the animals oradually getting closer 
together, and stroking and patting each other with the exserted excitatory 
organ or sarcobelum, which is waved about excitedly in a ludicrous manner, 
and agitated in many sportive ways; the animals also fondle and caress 
with their tentacles, or even entwine together the anterior part of their 
bodies, these blandishments leading up eventually to the final consumma- 
tion, which is very transient, not usually occupying more than a few 
seconds, during which period the seminal element, mixed with mucus and 
worked up into a little ball, is transferred bodily, the forerunner of a true 

The eggs are usually round, pellucid, bluish-white, and about two mill. 
in diameter, but vary somewhat in both size and shape, even in the same 
batch. They may be found at all seasons of the year, even in January, 
Van Beneden especially remarking that they are deposited all through the 
winter months. They are placed under stones and rubbish, beneath 
fallen trees, and other moist and shady places, usually in clusters, which 
vary in number from about twelve to forty, or even more, and are said to 
be laid fourteen to twenty days after sexual intercourse, but according to 
Mr. E. J. Lowe, who has kept this species in captivity, only five days 
usually elapse before egg deposition takes place. ‘The hatching occurs in 
three or four weeks’ time, varying somewhat according to the weather. 

The young grow very rapidly, doubling their size and w elght in a week’s 
time, and even growing during the winter months if the cold is not too 
severe, attaining sexual maturity, pairing, and depositing eggs at a very 

early age; one pair was observed to breed and deposit eggs in sixty-six days 
from the time of hatching, although full growth was not reached until the 
animals were eighty-two days old. ‘heir life cycle or period has not been 
accurately ascertained, but in a state of nature does not appear to exceed 
eighteen months. 

Economic Uses.—This species was formerly and is even yet in rural 
districts much sought after as a cure for consumption and other diseases of 
the lungs and chest.!. They may be employed in the form of a broth, or 

1 Monog, i., p. 428. 


eaten alive by those who wish to obtain all the benefits that may be deriy- 
able from this reputed remedy. 

For throat and chest affections a poultice of slugs is also said to be very 
emollient and curative. 

Puton records that the peasantry of the Vosges regard A. agrestis as a 
reliable barometer, and that the greater viscosity ‘and abundance of the body 
mucus, evidenced by the adhesion thereto of earth, leaves, and other ex- 
traneous substances, is a sure sign of approaching rain. 

Food and Habits.—A griolimax agrestis, though essentially a ground 
slug, inhabits a great variety of situations, not only frequenting gardens, 
fields, and hedgerows, but also living in woods and forests, by dusty road- 
sides, in marshy districts, and in the close vicinity of, or even within, houses 
and out-buildings. 

The most curious, though doubtless temporary, habitat, is that vouched 
for by Mr. W. Nelson, Who in April 1866 observed numbers of these 
animals crawling freely about beneath the water, at the bottom of Pebble 
Mill Pool, Birmingham; many of them were a considerable distance from 
the margin, and all were moving about in an ordinary way. 

Its food is as varied as its habitats, as it is a truly omnivorous species, 
nothing edible seeming to come amiss, and when food to its liking is avail- 
able its voracity and appetite seem insatiable ; in such cases it has been 
known to eat the night through without intermission. 

It is exceedingly destructive in the garden, its ravages not being confined 
to any particular plant or even to leaves, flowers, and fruit, as it devours 
the roots with almost equal avidity ; like Avion hortensis, it is very partial 
to strawberries, and is especially destructive to peas, devouring not only the 
young shoots, but even the pods. 

In the fields the havoe wrought by this pest amongst oats, clover, peas, 
tares, etc., 1s sometimes so great as to necessitate the re-sowing of the crop, 
and almost entitles it to a place amongst the locusts, rats, mice, and other 
plagues which at intervals devastate the country, and against which various 
prayers and ecclesiastical exorcisms! were formerly employed. The Ritual 
of Paris, A.D. 1712, which includes the slugs amongst the “worms,” con- 
tains definite formulas for such exorcisms. . 

Efficacious practical means for destroying this slug have been earnestly 
sought for, and many methods have been devised which are more or less 
successful in their object. 

Quicklime, sawdust, soot, tan, ashes, chaff, and sand are amongst the 
substances recommended to be spread over the ground they frequent ; 
these substances when dry are impassable by slugs, as the multitudinous 
particles adhere to the animals, which vainly endeavour by the exudation 
of fresh mucus to get rid of the annoyance, and ultimately become eXx- 
hausted and die. 

Another method is to attract them to a circumscribed spot by sprinkling 
slices of potato, little heaps of oatmeal, cabbage, or other leaves, with or 
without greasy matter spread over their surface. “The slugs are attracted 
by the baits, and rest upon or near them, so are readily found and destroyed 
during the frequent visits that must be paid to the traps. 

Although not usually a fungus feeder, A. agrestis will, like the true 
Limaces, at times feed upon various kinds of fungi, poisonous and edible, 
Boletus edulis, Amanita muscaria, and A. phalloides, being especially 

1 Monog., i., p. 434. 


Animal food is also eagerly eaten, this species having been observed 
to devour hop-aphides (Phorodon humuli), may-tles, the young of Succinea 
putris, etc., while in America Mr. J. Ford records that a number of A. 
agrestis, enclosed in a box with several A. campestris, immediately set upon 
and devoured their congeners—a veritable act of cannibalism. 

They will also on opportunity feast upon dead or moribund earthworms, 
butterflies, and animals of their own or other species, nor does any kind 
of animal or vegetable refuse come amiss, as even animal excrement pro- 
vides them with some nourishment. 

A. agrestis is a pugnacious and very active species, and on a smooth path 
can crawl two inches per minute, or at the rate of a mile in twenty-two 
days ten hours; it also slips easily through the fingers when grasped, 
owing to the abundance of its thick milky-white slime, which exudes from 
any part of the body that may be touched, this exudation, however, varies 
in abundance according to the animal’s necessities; when crawling over 
moist ground the secretion of mucus is not excessive, but when travelling 
upon a dry or absorbent surface, when surprised by the sun’s rays, or as a 
defence against enemies, the mucus is more plentifully secreted, and this 
demand under certain circumstances may be so great as to totally exhaust 
the vitality of the animal, numbers being sometimes found dried up upon 
the whitewashed or plastered walls of country houses, where they have 
happened to be surprised by the sun’s rays when crawling over the exposed 
absorbent walls. 

The plenitude of this viscous secretion renders this species a good 
spinner of the mucous filaments, by means of which descent can be made 
from elevated positions. It does not appear to be sufficiently recognized 
that the phenomenon of thread-spinning is not due to a special secretion 
for this particular purpose, but is merely the slime which would be exuded 
in the ordinary way for the purpose of locomotion, and is consequently only 
the usual slime track freed from contact with the ground or neighbouring 

During descent by means of this mucus-thread, which A. agrestis has 
been observed to produce at a rate varying up to five inches per minute, 
the locomotory area of the sole is in active undulatory movement, exactly 
as in crawling, and the suspended animal revolves more or less quickly. 
It is one of the readiest spinners amongst our native species, and can 
descend from considerable heights, and if necessary is able to reascend by 
the same thread. Mr. Henry Crowther once observed a specimen near 
Truro, in Cornwall, descending from the branch of an elm-tree twelve feet 
from the ground, and the slug had descended seven feet of this distance 
when discovered. 

It is the spinning Lima of Latham, but not the Limax filans of Hoy, 
which was described as “Lima (filans) cinereus margine flavo,” peculiari- 
ties more applicable to some species of Arion. 

A. agrestis is nocturnal in habit, but like its congeners ventures forth 
also during the day if it be damp and showery. In dry weather and during 
the day it hides away in secluded spots, beneath stones, under clods of 
earth, in worm-holes, ete., sometimes penetrating six or eight inches into 
the earth. 

It is a very hardy species, only retiring for protection when the tempera- 
ture verges on the freezing point, promptly reappearing at the advent of 
milder weather, and’ being active through the winter, except during the 
actual prevalence of frost 


Protective Resemblance.—Tew observations have been made with 
respect to the protection this species may derive from simulating other 
animate or inanimate objects, but it has been suggested that there is a 
striking resemblance between this animal and the bloom-sheaths of the 
black poplar (Populus nigra), and also that the pale forms show a marked 
approximation in appearance to the cocoons of the Burnet moth (Zygana 
Jilipendula), this approximation being so close that at a short distance the 
resemblance seems complete; these, however, are probably only accidental 
vases of similarity, and can scarcely be compared with the remarkable 
examples of protective resemblance due to natural selection. 

Parasites and Enemies.—l'hough the enemies of this species are 
very numerous, its enormous fecundity enables it under ordinary conditions 
not only to maintain its ground, but to increase in numbers. 

M. Barthelmy affirms that a minute Nematode worm (A scurioides limacis) 
is found even within the egg ; while M. Laurent claimed to have detected a 
minute parasitic fungus therein, even before exclusion from the parent slug. 

The active Trichomonas limacis Duj., and the rotifer Albertia vermicu- 
laris are found within the intestinal canal of adults, and the hair-worm 
(Mermis nigrescens) in the body cavity, while at one time A. agrestis was 
regarded as the most probable medium through which the dreaded scourge 
Distomum hepaticum was conveyed to sheep and other ruminants. 

Ducks, rooks, pheasants, quail, etc., feed eagerly upon A. agrestis, a food 
to which the fieldfare also seems par ticularly partial. 

They are favourite morsels with the hedgehog, which often scratches them 
out from the crevices or from the roots of grass where they are concealed; 
while the Blindworm (Anguis fragilis) is said to prefer this slug to any 
other food, and in captivity will take four or five or even more at a meal. 

Fossil.—A griolimax agrestis has been recorded in the fossil state from 
many localities, and from many of the deposits belonging to the Post- 
‘Tertiary periods, but as the specific characters are not sharply defined on 
the vestigial shell, the identifications probably cannot in every case be 
implicitly relied on. 

Prrocene.—Mr. J. C. Mansel-Pleydell reports it as a Phocene fossil from 
Dorset, but it is not included by Kennard & Woodward amongst the 
Phocene fossils of the south of England. 

PLEISsTocENE.—Kennard & Woodward record it from Fisherton, in Wilt- 
shire, and also from Portland, Dorset, the specimens from the latter locality 
having been identified by Dr. Jeffreys. In Sussex, Mr. J. P. Johnson 
found it in deposits on the foreshore at West Wittering. In Kent, Ken- 
nard & Woodward chronicle its presence in the Ightham fissure, in the 
Happaway Cavern, at Swanscombe, Crayford, and Erith; while the Rev. 
R. Ashington Bullen records it from a pre-neolithic chalky-loam deposit 
on the Barton Court estate, Buckland, near Dover. In Essex, Mr. J. P. 
Johnson has found it in the Uphall brickyard, Ilford, and Mr. Miller 
Christy reports it as common in the Camm Valley alluvium at Cliignal; 
it has been reported from Copford, and also occurs in the Paleolithic river 
drift at Grays, from which place it was formerly recorded as Limaa sowerbyt. 
Kennard & Woodward state, on the authority of Dr. Jeffreys, that it has 
been found between Upton and Chilton, in Berkshire; and Mrs. McKenny 
Hughes reports it from the deposits at Barnwell Abbey, Cambridgeshire ; 
Sandberger (Vorwelt, p. 755) vouches for its occurrence in this country 


in the Lower Pleistocene Forest bed at Cromer, in East Norfolk, and also 
from the Upper Pleistocene gravels and brick-earths, 

In France it has been found at the base of the Loéss, in the Pleistocene 
fluviomarine sand (sable aigre) of Menchecourt, near Abbeville, in the 
department of the Somme. 

In Germany, Sandberger reports it from the Middle Pleistocene tufa at 
Cannstadt, Wurtemburg ; and Spiridion Brusina cites it as a Pleistocene 
fossil in Moravia. 

Honocenr.—In Kent, this species has been found in deposits at Buck- 
land, near Dover, by Rev. R. Ashington Bullen ; it has also been tabulated 
or recorded for Maidstone, Charing, Deus Otford, Greenhithe, Exedown, 
near Wrotham, and from alluvium at Seal, near Sevenoaks, by Kennard & 
Woodward. In Surrey, the Rev. R. Ashington Bullen found it abundant 
up to three feet deep in Colley Pit, Reigate. In Essex, it has been found 
in the Lea Valley, at Witham, Braintree, Raine, Roxwell, Shalford, and 
in the alluvium at Walthamstow, according to Kennard & W odie ard, who 
also record the finding of it by Dr. Frank Corner, in Post-Pliocene alluvium, 
at New Park, near the White House in the Lea Marshes. In Berkshire it 
has been found abundantly in beds of the Kennet Valley, Newbury, by Mr. 
E. Perey Richards. 

Mr. G. E. Mason, in 1896, found many specimens of the shell within 
Mitchelstown Cave, Tipperary, mixed amongst the fine red earth on the 
floor of the “Long Cave, ” 600 feet from the entrance. 

In Germany, Sandberger records it from the Léess at Unterdiimbach, and 
Unterzell near Wiirz shure i in Bavaria, and also at Grotzingen near Durlach 
in Baden. It-has also been recorded by Pini from the “alluvium of San 
Fedele, near Milan, in Lombardy, and by von Ihering in the tufa at Streit- 
berg in French Switzerland. 

Variation. — Agriolimar agrestis, though usually offermg a pallid 
colouration, does, under certain environmental conditions, present very 
varied pigmentation, and in this country, according to Dr. Norman, under- 
goes seasonal variation, the individuals though perhaps creamy-white or 
light- drab in the early part of the year, as the summer passes away assuming 
a darker hue, with brown flakes more or less thickly scattered over the sur- 
face, and during the autumn frequently becoming of a rich brown colour. 

The ne to which the species is subject are invariably constituted 
by irregularly distributed dark spots, or blotches, which occasionally more 
or less overspread the whole body, and may at times become accidentally 

ranged into some semblance of longitudinal banding. 

This absence of true banding renders it probable that the various banded 
slugs which have been referred to A. agrestis by various authors, would be 
more correctly allocated with Limax tenellus, L. arborum, or other normally 
banded species. 

According to Dumont & Mortillet, the pale varieties are peculiar to 
forests and ‘shady places, while those living In open situations are always 
darker in colour. 

The variations in size are usually not very striking, but Mr. L. E. Adams 
has observed that those found on the coast ae ays attain a larger size than 
those frequenting more inland localities, and Rev. 8. Spencer Pearce e espe- 
cially remarked upon the diminutive size of specimens found at altitudes of 

7,000 and 8,000 feet in the Engadine, Switzerland, while Kaleniczenko dis- 
Eee as var. minutu the stunted forms inhabiting the Pontic region, 


''owards the confines of its natural range A. agrestis usually presents a 
more uniformly dark and, according to Simroth, more primitive colouring 
than in the British Isles, and it is extremely significant that this ancient 
garb should be the salient character of the species when living in countries 
beyond and almost encircling our most active evolutionary area, this pecu- 
har distribution rendering it likely that the unicolorous forms at one time 
occupied this area, but have been supplanted by the distinctly maculate 
forms which now predominate there. 

About Tromso and its more northern Norwegian habitats the species is 
usually of an uniformly pale brown; in southern and extreme south-western 
Europe it assumes a more or less uniform reddish, blackish, or dark-grey 
hue; while in south-eastern Europe, Asia Minor, and Turkestan, a grey 
form with or without faint spottings is the prevalent type. 

This remarkable uniformity in colouring is associated with and may be 
in some measure correlated with the presence of a stronger and more ex- 
tended keel, as this feature has been observed in the Norwegian, South 
European, Portuguese, and Asiatic specimens. 

Although as far as possible all the names given to the various forms are 
enumerated, and their characters pointed out when ascertainable, yet many 
of them are practically identical or denote quite insignificant variations, 
and are included solely with the object of rendering the account of the 
species as complete as possible. 

Var. albitentaculata Dum. & Mort., Moll. Say., 1857, p. 10. 
Limax agrestis var. albitentaculata Dum. & Mortt., op. cit. 
Agriolimax agrestis var. alba Cockerell, Nautilus, Oct. 1891, p. 70. 

ANIMAL with body and tentacles pure white. 

Dorset— Portland, Aug. 1886 ! J. Madison. 

Isle of Wight—(G. Guyon in Venables’ Guide to Isle of Wight, 1860, p. 462). 

Sussex W.—Ratham, usually small, July 1884, W. Jeffery. 

Middlesex—Bedford Park, Chiswick, amongst Carduus arvensis with type 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, Sci. Gossip, Jan. 1887). Churchyard-bottom wood, Highgate, 
May 1889, H. Wallis Kew. 

Worcester—Garden, Stourport, July 1888 (Williams, J. of Conch., July 1888). 

Stafford—Field, Stafford, Dee. 1885! L. E. Adams. 

Lincoln N.—Claythorpe, July 1887! J. E. Mason. 

York N.E.—Farwath Bridge, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York Mid W.—By the walls of Clapham churchyard (H. Richardson, J. of C., 
April 1886). Bolton Abbey, April 1883! W.D.R. 

Lancashire S.—Walton-le-Dale, June 1889! W. H. Heathcote. 

Durham—Lane near Old Elvet, Durham, April 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Lanark—Wilderness Wood, Cadder, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Down—Graveyard, Downpatrick Cathedral, and about Dundrum, Rk. Welch. 

Dublin— Under a heap of hay, Raheny (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 527). 

Tipperary S.—Near Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Sweden—Shore of Kiirrstorp Lake, Ronneby (Westerlund, Mal. Iaktt., 1866, p. 553 

Finland—Nykyrka in South Finland (Luther, Moll. Finland, 1901, p. 48). 

Var. pallida Schrenk, Land u. Sussw. Moll. Livlands, 1848. 
Limax pallidus Schrenk, op. cit. 
Limax agrestis Y filans Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1858, ii., p. 22. 
Limax agrestis § melanocephalus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Limax agrestis var. flavi-clypeus Dum. & Mort., Moll. Sav., 1857, p. 10. 
Limax agrestis var. atritentaculata Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 
Agriolimax pallidus a immaculatus Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 1. 
Limax agrestis var. albidus Vaniot, Moll. Amiens, 1883, p. 3. 

ANIMAL pale and unspotted ; SHIELD often tinged with yellowish. 

The sub-var. melanoecephala is greyish-white, with a black head. 

The sub-var. atritentaculata is described as white with black tentacles. 
The sub-var. albida is greyish-white. 

The sub-var. immaeulata is pale and unicolourous, with yellowish shield. 
The sub-var. filans is whitish, shield yellowish or ash coloured. 

The sub-var. flavielypea has the shield yellowish. 


This variety, which is the typical unicolorous form of the species, with the con- 
stituent subsidiary and scarcely separable forms cited above, is abundant and 
generally distributed throughout the British Islands, and probably occurs through- 
out the entire range of distribution of the species. 

Var. flavilatera Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 10. 

Limax agrestis var. succineus Westerlund, Faun. Europ., 1876, p. 11. 
Agriolimax agrestis Y aurata Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 49. 
Limax agrestis var. xanthosoma Fischer, J. de Conchyl., 1880, p. 294. 

ANIMAL with body and shield yellowish. 

The var. flavilatera s.str. is described as having the sides of body yellowish. 

The sub-var. sueeinea is described as subrufous above and white beneath. 

The sub-var. aurata has an uniformly yellow shield and body and black 

The sub-var. xanthosoma is uniformly amber-yellow, tentacles bluish-brown. 

Lancashire S.—Tyldesley, Aug. 1886, Lionel E. Adams. 

France—Sub-var. zanthosoma, valley of Mont Dore, Puy-de-Dome (Fischer, op. c.). 

Italy—Sub-var. aurata, Groscovallo, Piedmont (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Norway—Sub-var. succinea, Christiania (Esmark, Suppl. Norway List, 1880). 

United States—Sub-var. succinea, Portland, Oregon, H. F. Wickham (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, Nautilus, 1891). 

Var. eineracea Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, i1., p. 23. 

Limax agrestis 8B cineracea Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Limax agrestis var. cinerascens Dum. & Mort., Moll. Sav., 1857, p. 10. 
Limax agrestis var. grisea T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Oct. 1891, p. 70. 

ANIMAL more or less entirely ash coloured or grey. 

The var. eineracea s.str. is described as greyish-white with ash-coloured shield. 

The sub-var. einerascens is described as grey. 

The sub-var. gpisea is of a somewhat dark grey. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. grisea, Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (W. E. Collinge, 
J. of Mal., June 1893). Near Prescot, Sept. 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Dublin—Sub-var. grisea, Rathfarnham (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891). 

France—Sub-var. cinerascens is recorded for Savoy; the var. cineracea is also 
found commonly almost throughout the department of the Ain; 1t is commoner than 
the type about Lyons in the department of the Rhone, and is also found in Haute 
Loire and the department of the Seine. 

Portugal—Common in Estremadura, in Alemtejo and in Algarve (Morelet, Moll. 
Port., 1845, p. 35). 

Greece—Sitia and Canea in the Isle of Crete (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Norway—About Tromso, Groto, and Grono (Esmark & Hoyer, Mal. BI., 1856). 

Asia Minor—Magnesia, Brussa, and shores of the Dardanelles (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Var. violacea Gassies, Moll. de  Agenais, 1849, p. 64. 
Limax agrestis § lilacina Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, ii., p. 22, pl. 2, f. 22. 
Limax agrestis var. plumbea Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898. 

ANIMAL purplish, lilac or slate coloured. 

This is probably the Limaz sylvaticus of Draparnand, but some of the details of 
his description are not in perfect accord with the characteristics of the species. 

Somerset S.—Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Sussex W.—Midhurst, 1884, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Middlesex— Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dec. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Stafford—Stafford! L. E. Adams. Gardens, Cheadle, April 1886! F. B. Webb. 

Salop—St. Oswald’s Well and Whittington Castle, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Gloucester E.—Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Gloucester W.—Strond, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Monmouth—Shirenewton Hall, June 1886! E. J. Lowe. 

Glamorgan—Llandaff, on Dactylis glomerata, July 1885! F. W. Wotton. 

York N.E.—Egton Bridge, Aug. 1885! Baker Hudson. Coxwold and Byland, 
Sept. 1892 (Nat., 1892, p. 347). 

York Mid W.—Cracoe, June 1891! W.D.R. 

Ireland—Rey. B. J. Clarke records the not unfrequent occurrence of this variety 
in Ireland, but does not cite precise localities. 

Down—Graveyard, Downpatrick Cathedral, R. Welch. 


Dublin—Sub-var. plumbea, abundant on high road, Whitechurech near Dublin 
(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 528). 

Waterford—Near Clonmel, Apel 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Tipperary S.—Near Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. Cormack’s Chapel, 
Cashel, May 1898, R. Welch. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, June 1900, R. Welch. 

Kerry—Sub-var. plumbea, Glengariff road, Kenmare, July 1898 (Standen, Irish 
Nat., Sept. 1898). 

France—(Moquin-Tandon, op. cit.). Common at Ares and Piquey in Aquitaine 
(J. B. Gassies, Mal. Aquitaine, 1867, p. 117). South of Amiens in the Somme (Vaniot, 
Moll. Amiens, 1883, p. 3). 

Greece—Sitia and Canea in Crete (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Var. rufescens Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 10. 

ANIMAL with rufous body coloration. 

Cheshire—Mere Bank, Knutsford, Oct. 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 

Galway W.—Aran Isles, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Greece —Canea in Crete (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Portugal—Amongst rushes bordering streams or growing in the moist plains 
(Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 34). 

Var. brunnea 'T'aylor. 
Agriolimax agrestis ¢ tristis L. & P., Mon. Lim. Ital., 1882, p. 50 (not of Moq.-Tand.). 

ANIMAL almost uniformly brown on body and shield. 

Kent W.—Banks of River Cray, St. Mary Cray, April 1885! 8. C. Cockerell. 
Hever, Edenbridge, Feb. 1898 ! A. Leicester. 

Middlesex—Acton, Dee. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Norfolk W.—Garden, King’s Lynn, Nov. 1886 ! C. B. Plowright. 

Gloucester W.—Strond, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Stafford—Garden, Cheadle, April 1886! F. B. Webb. 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Radnor—Pen-y-bont, Nov. 1893! F. Hall. 

Glamorgan—Banks of River Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 1885! F. W. Wotton. 

Montgomery— Etail-wag, June 1885! Baker Hudson. 

Lincoln N.—Tothby Farm near Alford, April 1886! W.D.R. 

Derby—Buxton, June 1893! C. Oldham. 

Notts.—Railway embankment, Colwick, Sept. 1884! Beauvale Abbey, Sept. 
1884! Worksop, April 1884! and Wollaton, Noy. 1884! C. T. Musson. Garden, 
Tuxford, April 1885 ! W. A. Gain. 

Cheshire—Bowdon, Dee. 1884! J. G. Milne. Sale and Northenden, June 1885 ! 
C. Oldham. 

Lancashire S.—Whalley, Sept. 1888! C. Oldham. Walton-le-Dale, June 1889 ! 
W. H. Heatheote. 

Lancashire Mid—Preesall near Fleetwood, Lionel E. Adams. 

York S.E.—Garden, Westwood, Beverley, Sept. 1884! J. D. Butterell. 

York N.E.—Battersby near Great Ayton, Dee. 1884 ! Baker Hudson. 

York Mid W.—Starbotton, May 1886! W.D.R. Pry House near the dale head 
in Nidderdale, plentiful, May 1886! W.D.R. Common about Harrogate (F. R. Fitz- 
gerald, J. of Conch., Jan. 1889). : 

Durham—Durham, April 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Westmorland and Furness—Coniston, Sept. 1886! W.D-.R. 

Roxburgh—Bridge over Leader Water, Aug. 1886 ! W.D-R. 

Berwick—Fans near Earlston, common, Oct. 1883! R. Renton. 

Dumbarton—Near Duntocher, Sept. 1888 ! A. Shaw. 

Ross E.—Near Bonar Bridge, Feb. 1887 ! W. Baillie. 

Sutherland E.—Mound Rock, Sept. 1884! W. Baillie. 

Hebrides—Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Aug. 1886 ! A. Somerville. 

Derry—Mazgilligan and Castle Rock, R. Welch. 

Antrim— Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886! Rev. S. A. Brenan. 

Down—Clonduff, Jan. 1898, R. Welch. Cultra, Dee. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Kildare—River bank, Monasterevin, Oct. 1899, R. Welch. 

Queen’s Co.—La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Annals N.H., 1840, p. 203). 

Mayo W.—Annagh Bay, Achill Island, Aug. 1886! J. G. Milne. 

Galway W.—Aran Isles, Oct. 1890 (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 527). 
Roundstone, March, 1891, R. F. Seharff. 

Tipperary S.—Near Clonmel, April 1888 ! A. H. Delap. 


Italy—Var. fristis Less. & Poll., about Auronzon near Cadore in Venetia, at 
Monte St. Elia in Calabria, and about Palermo in Sicily (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Norway—Uniformly pale brown specimens abound at Tromso, 70° north lat. 
(B. Esmark, Moll. Arct. Norw., 1882, p. 97). 

Var. punctata Picard, Moll. Somme, 1840, p. 164. 

Limax agrestis var. punctulatus Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 10. 
Limax veranyanus Bourg., Spic. Malac., 1861, p. 30, pl. 13, f. 9. 
Limax agrestis § florentinus Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 50. 
Limaxzx agrestis var. bimaculata T. D. A. Cockerell. 

ANIMAL greyish or whitish, sprinkled with fine black spots. 

The sub-var. punetulata is described as sprinkled with black. 

The sub-var. veranyana Bourg. appears hardly to differ from typical punctata, 
except in the greater number and smaller size of the spots. 

The sub-var. florentina Less. & Poll. is described as eighty or more millimetres 
in length, and adorned with blackish-brown spots. 

The sub-var. bimaculata is described as possessing pale ochre-brown spots on 
the shield, and greyish ones on the body, with pale-brown tentacles. 

Dorset—Sub-var. bimaculata, Parkstone, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Hants S.—Var. punctata, Christchurch, Nov. 1883 ! C. Ashford. 

Worcester—Var. punctata, garden, Stourport, July 1888 (Williams, J. of Conch., 
July 1889). 

Pembroke—Var. punctata, near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. 

Notts.—Var. punctata, garden, Tuxford, Sept. 1885 !-W. A. Gain. 

Dublin—Sub-var. bimaculata, plentiful in garden, Leeson Park, Dublin, in 
November (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 527). 

France—In the departments of the Ain, Haute Loire, and the Seine. Sub-var. 
veranyana in shady places of the valleys throughout the mountain chain in the 
Alpes Maritimes. 

Italy—Sub-var. florentina was found by Marchese Paulucci, at Castellonchio, at 
Novoli, and at Legnaia near Florence (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). Sub-var. veranyana 
is chiefly found about Genoa (Bourg., op. cit.). 

Var. reticulata Miiller, Verm. Hist., 1774, ii., p. 10. 
Limax reticulatus Miiller, op. cit. 
Limax agrestis var. 7] Férussac, Hist., 1819, pl. 5, f. 7. 
Limax agrestis \ sylvaticus Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1853, p. ii., p. 23, pl. 3, f. 2. 
Limax agrestis € obscurus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Limax agrestis var. subreticulatus Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Sav., 1857, p. 10. 
Limax agrestis var. maculatus Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Sav., 1857, p. 10. 
Agriolimax pallidus 3 fusconotatus L. & P., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 51, pl. 1, f. 6. 

ANIMAL with a variable ground tint, with irregular dark spots and interstitial 

The sub-var. sylvatiea is described by Moquin-Tandon as of variable ground 
colour, with irregular spots, the head often of a clear brown. The var. 7 of Férussac 
is quoted as synonymous. 

The sub-var. maculata is described as irregularly spotted. 

The sub-var. subreticulata is described as having the interstitial lineolation 
more diffuse. . 

The sub-var. fuseconotata Less. & Poll. has brown spots, or is subreticulate upon 
a pale ground colour. 

The sub-var. nigricans Westerlund is described as grey, with somewhat coal- 
escent black spots and dark tentacles. 

The sub-var. obseura is described as reddish with brown spots. 

The var. reticulata and its sub-varieties really represent the most prevalent type, 
being probably found in every locality where the species exists in the British Isles. 

Var. nigra Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 34. 

Limax agrestis a niger Morelet, op. cit. 

Limax agrestis var. nigrescens Colbeau, Mal. Belg., 1859, p. 7. 

Agriolimax panormitanus Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 52, pl. 1, f. 5. 
Limax agrestis var. azorica Ckll. 

ANIMAL entirely or almost entirely black, the colour sometimes invading the 
side-areas of the sole, as in Limax cinereo-niger, but the black pigment may be 
discharged by immersing the animal in liquor potassve, the body then becoming of a 
rich brown colour. 


The sub-var. panormitana L. & P. differs externally only in the colouring tend- 
ing to olive-brown, and internally is said to show a more digitate penial g eland. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, Oct. 1886! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex W.—Ratham, April 1889 ! W. Jeffery. 

Gloucester E. —Stroud, March 1884! E. J. Elliott. 

Gloucester W. —Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Notts.—Roadsides, M: apperley, May 1885! and Beauvale Abbey, Sept. 1884! 
C. T. Musson. Garden, Tuxford, June 1888! W. A. Gain. 

Stafford—Gardens, Cheadle, April 1886! F. B. Webb. Croxden Abbey (J. R. B. 
Masefield, Staffordshire List, 1902). 

Derby—Clifton, June 1889, L. E. Adams. 

Radnor—Pen-y-bont, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. 

Merioneth—Gardens, Palé, Corwen, May 1887! T. Ruddy. 

Pembroke—North Cliff, Tenby (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch. ; July 1900). 

Lancashire S.—Knowsley near Liverpool (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893). 
Farington, June 1890! W. H. Heathcote. 

York S.E. —Pansy-beds in garden, Westwood, Beverley, May 1884 (J. D. But- 
terell, J. of Conch., Jan. 1883). 

York N.E. jgton Bridge, Aug. 1885! Baker Hudson. Skelton Beck Valley, 
near Saltburn, May 1887! and roadsides, Raskelf, Oct. 1882 ! W.D.R. 

York S.W.—Garden, Holmfirth, Jan. 1885! H. E. Craven. Garden, Wakefield, 
Jan. 1885! J. Wileock. Bottoms, Heckmondwike, Mch. 1903 ! T. Castle. Apperley 
Bridge, and in ns near Peel Park, Bradford (Soppitt & Carter, Nat., 1888, p. 97). 
Penistone (L Adams, Nat., Oct. 1893, p. 315). 

York Mid Mc Wend near Tadcaster, F. G. Binnie (J. Darker Butterell, J. of 
Conch., Jan. 1883). Near Manchester Hole, Nidderdale, July 1886! Kettlewell, 
May 1886 ! and abundant at top of Greenhow Hill, Wharfedale, April 1887 ! W.D.R. 

York N.W.—Bolton Castle, Wensleydale, May 1888 | W.D.R. 

Durham—Durham, May 1887! Rev. H. E. Fox. 

Wigtown—Springbank near Stranraer, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Haddington—Dirleton Common, North Berwick, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 

Antrim—Cave Hill, near Belfast, 1893, R. Welch. 

Leitrim — Drumshambo, Dee. 1901, J. Welch. 

Waterford—Near Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Belgium—Var. nigrescens, Brussels (Colbeau, Mal. Belg., 1859, p. 7). 

Spain—Var. panor nitana, Gibraltar (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Portugal—Var. nigra, common in Estremadura, in the Alemtejo, and in Algarve 
(Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 34). 

Italy—Var. panornitana, Palermo, Sicily (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Spain—Gibraltar (Simroth, op. cit. ). 

Greece—Var. panormitana, Canea in Crete (Simroth, op. cit.). 

Azores—The black form of this species, the var. panormitana of Simroth, is 
found above the zone of cultivation, and has been distinguished as var. azorica ‘by 
Cockerell, to emphasize the widely distant place us its evolution, but as no differ- 
ences are known, either externally or internally, I am unable to agree with the 
application of a distinctive name to the Azorean individuals merely on account of 
their remote insular locality. 

Geographical Distribution. — Agriolimux agrestis is very widely 
distributed over the whole Palearctic region, and has been carried by 
commerce to North and South America, South Africa, Australia, 'Tas- 
mania, New Zealand, and the Mauritius. 

In the United States this species is steadily spreading, owing to the great 
amount of intercommunication between the different states, and it will 
doubtless ultimately oust the aboriginal species with which it may come in 


In the case of this species we are able to dispense with the necessity of 
giving details for the various districts, inasmuch as throughout the whole 
of England and Wales it is abundantly and generally diffused, from the 
coast-level even to the summits of the hills, and there is probably not a 
plot of cultivated ground on which it is not to be found, it being absent 


or scarce only on such inhospitable ground as peaty moorlands, pine 
forests, etc. We have seen and authenticated examples from all the coun- 
ties and vice-counties into which the country is divided. 


This species has been found and its occurrence also authenticated in 
each of the forty-one districts into which the country has been separated 
for record purposes, a result due in great measure to the indefatigable 
energy with which Mr. W. Evans obtained examples for us from all the 
out-lying or more inaccessible districts. 


The investigation of Ireland is not yet so far advanced as in the sister 
countries, so that it is desirable to give the detailed distribution. 


Derry—Swarming about Coleraine, Nov. 1883, L. E. Adams. Ballynagard, June 
1892, D. C. Campbell (R. F. Scharff). Creagh meadows, Toome, and many other 
places, R. Welch. 

Antrim—Cushendun and Whitehall, Bronglshane, May 1886! Rev. 8. A. Brenan. 
Hill Slenish, 700-800 feet alt. ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Common about Belfast, Dee. 
1891, R. F. Scharff. About Ballycastle, but not abundant, Sept. 1896 (R. Standen, 
Irish Naturalist, Jan. 1897). Ram’s Island, Lough Neagh, R. Welch. 

Down—Cultra, Dec. 1891, R. F. Scharff. Crawfordsburn near Glen Head, May 
1902; about flax-dam, Ballinahinch Junction, March 1899 ; Slieve Bingian, alt. 1,200 
feet, also at an alt. of 1,250 feet at Deer’s meadow, Mourne Mountains, Jan. 1898, 
R. Welch. 

Armagh—Armagh, June 1885! H. W. Lett. 

Monaghan—Common about Clones Round Tower graveyard, Oct. 1901, R. Welch. 

Tyrone—Strabane, June 1889, A. H. Delap. Dungannon, May 1901, R. Welch. 

Donegal—Donegal, Sept. 1885! W. F. de V. Kane. Croaghross, Letterkenny, 
May 1889! H. C. Hart. 

Fermanagh—Common about Enniskillen; Marble Arch and throughout the 
Lough Erne area generally, R. Welch. 

Cavan—In woods and shores of lake, near Killykeen, July 1896 (R. Welch, Irish 
Naturalist, Oct. 1896, p. 274). 


Louth—Piperstown! Miss Sidney Smith. Dundalk demesne, and also common 
in the Boyne valley, R. Welch. 

Meath—Navan, June 1888! and New Grange, June 1892, R. F. Scharff. Beau- 
pare; Tara Hill, and Loughcrew Hills, July 1900, R. Welch. 

Dublin—Banks of river Dodder at Rathfarnham, and Rathmines, April 1887! 
Leeson Park, Nov. 1890; Dundrum and Sherkin Island, R. F. Scharff. Cabragh Old 
road, Dublin, April 1886! J. R. Redding. Kingstown, May 1886! and Glen Druid, 
Corre imines, Oct. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Ireland’s Eye and Hill of Howth, 

. Welch. 
Kildare—Maynooth, Nov. 1891, R. F. Scharff. Monasterevin, Oct. 1899, R. Welch. 

Wicklow—Powerscourt, May 1886 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Woodenbridge and 
the Arklow sand hills, March 1893 (R. F. Scharff, Irish Naturalist, April 1893). 
Glendalough, June 1901, R. Welch. 

Wexford—Alderton near Kilmanock, Sept. 1888! Miss Glascott. Wexford, 
April 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Carlow—Common about Carlow, Nov. 1901, A. G. Stewart. 

Queen’s Co.-—La Bergerie, common, and in all shades of colouring (B. J. Clarke, 
Ann. N.H., 1840, p. 203). 

Westmeath—Knockdrin demesne, Ap. 1892,and Mullingar, Ap. 1894, R. F. Scharff. 

Longford—-Currygrane, Mrs. J. Mackay Wilson (Welch, Irish Nat., July 1902). 


Leitrim—Dromahaire, Sept. 1900, R. Welch. 

_ Sligo—Markree Castle demesne, Collooney, Aug. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Near Ballina, July 1891 ! Miss Amy Warren. 


Mayo W.—Moyview, Ballina, July 1891! Miss Amy Warren. Enniscoe demesne, 
Crossmolina, Sept. 1885! J. G. Milne. Under stones on shore, Annagh Bay, and 
other places in Achill Island ; also at Westport and Newport, Sept. 1886 (id., J. of 
Conch., Oct. 1891). Common, Aasleagh, and Delphi, April 1897 (R. Welch, Irish 
Naturalist, Nov. 1897). 

Galway W.—Roundstone, March 1891, and Aran Isles, Oct. 1902, R. F. Scharff. 
Dernasliggan near Leenane, April 1897 (R. Welch, Irish Nat., Nov. 1897). 

Galway E.—Gardens about Tuam (B. J. Clarke, Ann. N.H., 1843, p. 341). Clon- 
brock, June 1886, R. F. Scharff. 


Tipperary S.—Clonmel, April 1888, A. H. Delap. Common, Cashel and Holy- 
cross, May 1898, R. Welch. 

Waterford—Waterford, Sep. 1883! J. H. Salter. Clonmel, Apl. 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Cork S.—Abundant at Blarney, Bantry, and Glengavriff, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 
Clear Island, Dec. 1889, Queenstown, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Kerry—Very common on Valentia Island, Apl. 1888, A. H. Delap. Lough Caragh, 
June 1890, R. F. Scharff. Swarms about Galway’s Bridge, Kenmare, July 1898 (R. 
Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). Abundant at Killarney, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 


[ | Probable Range. 
Fia. 127.—Geographical Distribution of Agriolimax agrestis (1.). 


Found throughout the empire, and records have been seen for Alsace, Baden, 
Bavaria, Brandenburg, Coburg, Franconia, Hanover, Holstein, Liineburg, Nassau, 
Pomerania, Prussia, Pyrmont, Saxony, Silesia, Thuringia, Westphalia, Wurtem- 
burg, and the Island of Heligoland. 


Belgium—(Colbeau, Mal. Belg., 1859). 

Holland—(R. J. Maitland, Nachrichtsbl., 1869, p. 163). 


A. agrestis is probably found throughout France, and has been reported from the 
Ain, Aisne, Alpes Maritimes, Aquitaine, Ariége, Basses Pyrénées, Champagne 
Meridionale, Charente Inférieure, Cote d’Or, Cétes-du-Nord, Finistére, Gard, Gers, 
Gironde, Hautes Alpes, Haute Garonne, Haute Loire, Hautes Pyrénées, Haute 
Savoie, Hérault, Ille-et-Vilaine, Isere, Jura, Loire Inférieure, Lozére, Maine-et-Loire, 
aan Morbihan, Moselle, Nievre, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, Puy-de-Dome, 

yrénées Occidentales, Rhone, Savoie, Seine, Seine Inférieure, Seine et Marne, 
Somme, Var, Vendée, Vienne, Vosges, and the Island of Corsica. 

Probably abundant throughout the country, and has been reported as occurring 
in the cantons of Berne, Grisons, Glarus, Lucerne, Neuchatel, St. Gall, Solothurn, 
Valais, Vaud, and Zurich. 

axel Recorded Distribution 


tecorded as inhabiting the whole of Italy and its islands. In its various forms, 
which include Eichwald’s variety iberus and Issel’s variety efruscus, of which the 
descriptions have not been accessible, it has been reported from Calabria, Emilia, 
Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Rome, Tuscany, Umbria, Venetia, and the Islands 
of Capri, Sardinia, and Sicily. 

Has been found in Austria, Bosnia, Bohemia, Galicia, Goritz, Hungary, Istria, 
Slavonia, Styria, Transylvania, Tyrol, and Upper Carinthia. 


Spain—Graells says it is found in various provinces. It has been definitely 
recorded from near Santiago in Galicia; from Barcelona and Olot in Catalonia; from 
Lorea in Murcia; from the White Mountain in Aragon; as common in garden at 
Valencia ; and Mr. E. J. Lowe found it common in May 1860, at Hoy de Barcena 
near Santander in Old Castile; while the var. panormitana is recorded by Simroth 
from Gibraltar in Andalusia. 

Portugal—Simroth reports this species from Lisbon and Cintra in Estremadura, 
Coimbra in Beira, and Braga and Oporto in Minho. Morelet records the varieties 
nigra and cinerea as common in Estremadura, Alemtejo, and Algarve, and the var. 
rufescens as living in various moist places. 

Balearic Isles—Plentiful in Majorca, Minorea, ete. 

Servia—(Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., June 1885, p. 254). 
Montenegro—Cettinje (Clessin, Nachrichtsbl., 1885, p. 179). 


Norway— Very common throughout Norway, extending even to Kistrand, 70° 25’ 
north lat. ; it abounds also about Tromso at 70° north lat. In these northern regions, 
however, the animals scarcely exceed an inch in length, and according to Miss 
Esmark are mostly uniform light-brown in colour, but grey specimens are also 
found, as well as maculate ones. 

Sweden—Very common throughout, and extending to the extreme northern con- 
fines of the country, being recorded by Westerlund for Karesuando in Swedish Lap- 
land at 68°-69° north lat. 

Denmark—(Heynemann, op. cit.). Miiller records his Limax reticulatus from 
gardens in Fridrichsdal and Rosenbure. 

It is also recorded for Greenland, Southern Iceland and the Faroes. 


Has been recorded from Courland, Livland, Esthland, Moscow, Kharkov, Pol- 
tava, Tchernigov, Crimea, Poland, Abchasia, and according to Luther is common 
throughout Middle and Southern Finland. 

Siberia—Westerlund gives numerous localities along the whole valley of the 
Jenissei from Kolmogorowa in the south, 59° 30’ north lat., where the examples 
were strongly maculate ; the finely spotted varieties were more boreal in their dis- 
tribution, but not met with beyond Baklanovskaia at 64° 50’; still further to the 
north, the pale, immaculate form only was found, and extended as far as Selivan- 
inskoj, 65° 55’ north lat. It has: also been recorded by F. Schmidt as found on 
Brjochow [or Bregovski] Island in the estuary of the.Jenissei at 70° 50’. 

On the Lower Amur, Schrenk found it abundant about Dshare, Nikolajevsk, and 
on the Island Uisut in the Liman or estuary of the Amur. Maack found it on the 
banks of the Ussuri, a tributary of Amur, and Middendorff found a small slug in 
the Stanowoi Mountains which Schrenk regarded as this species (Sibir. Moll., 1877). 


Turkestan—Limax fedtschenkoi is said to be peculiar to the district between 
Aral and Kokhand (Westerlund, Sib. Moll., 1877, p. 13).; 

China—L. setchuanensis Heude, which is probably a synonym of A. agrestis, is 
moderately abundant in the mountains of Tchen-k’eou, the province of Se-Chuen 
(Heude, Moll. Terr. Fleuve Bleu, 1885, p. 99). 

Japan—Probably the Limax varians of A. Ad., from Hakodadi, Refunsiri, and 
Risivi are really referable to Agriolimax agrestis. 


Morocco—(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 528). 
Algiers —Tlemcen in Oran (Morelet, J. de Conch., 1853, p. 280). Upper Kabylie 
(Locard, Moll. Lyons, 1877). 
Asia Minor—Haiffa in Syria (Morelet, Journ. de Conch., 1853, p. 280). Brussa 
and the shores of the Dardanelles (Simroth, op. cit.). 
Persia—(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 528). 


Madeira—Common on cultivated land about Funchal and on the west of the 
island (R. Boog Watson, Journ. de Conch., 1876, p. 221). 

Canaries—Plain of Laguna, Teneriffe (Férussac, Hist., 1819, p. 74). Santa Cruz 
and Orotava, Teneriffe, Lt.-Col. Parry (Collinge & Partridge, J. of Mal., May 1899). 

Azores—In gardens at Ponta Delgada, and elsewhere, San Miguel (Simroth, op. 
cit., 1891, p. 281). 


According to Pilsbry, A. agrestis is found in most large cities on the Atlantic 
coast, and has put in an appearance at several points on the Pacific slope ; it has 
been recorded definitely for 

Ontario—Abundant at Mackay’s Bay, New Edinburgh, and other places about 
Ottawa (F. R. Latchford, Mollusca Ottawa, 1886, p. 12). St. Thomas, July 1887 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Conch., Oct. 1889). 

Quebec—Citadel, Quebec (F. R. Latchford, Amer. Nat., Nov. 1885). 

British Columbia—Vars. sylvatica and varians in gardens, Victoria, Vancouver 
Isle, first observed about 1884 (G. W. Taylor, Nautilus, Dec. 1891). 

Maine—Common in fields and by road-side near villages, and abundant in cellars 
and gardens in Portland (Morse, Terr. Pulm. Maine, 1864, p. 7). 

Massachusetts—Garden, New Bedford, introduced (Thomson, J. of Conch., Oct. 
1885). Boston (W.G. Binney, Land and Freshwater Shells of N. Amer., 1869, p. 64). 
Plentiful in gardens, Cambridge (Weinland, Weichth. Schwab., 1876, p. 25). 

New York—New York (W. G. Binney, Terr. Moll. of N.A., 1878, vol. 5, p. 147). 
Abundant in gardens, Plattsburgh, G. H. Hudson, 1885. Onondago Co., W. M. 
Beauchamp, 1885. Monroe Co., introduced by J. Walton, 1898. 

New Jersey—Burlington (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Jan. 1890). 

Pennsylvania— Westchester, Chester Co., W. D. Hartmann, 1885. Philadelphia 
(W. G. Binney, Proce. Acad. Sci. Philad., 1886, p. 392). 

Michigan—Gardens, Agricultural College, near Lansing, under an old log on 
Cedar river bank, possibly imported with greenhouse plants, Prof. R. H. Pettit 
(Bryant Walker, Moll. Michigan, 1899, p. 21). 

Ohio—Cincinnati (Harper and Weatherby, Cat. Cincinn. Moll., 1876). 

Colorado—Introduced at West Cliff, Custer Co., from Burlington, New Jersey 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Jan. 1890). 

California—Abundant in San Francisco (W. M. Wood, Nautilus, Dee. 1891). 
Oakland (W. J. Raymond, Nautilus, Jan. 1892). 

Oregon—Vars. sylvatica, varians, and succinea, Portland, H. F. Wickham 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Oct. 1891, p. 71). 

Brazil—(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 528). 
Jamaica—Cinchona (T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., June 1893, p. 153). 

Zanzibar—Zanzibar coast (Heynemann, Jahrb.D.M.G., 1885, p. 293). 
Cape Colony—Cape Town (Melvill & Ponsonby, Proce. Mal. Soc., Dee. 1898). 
Mauritius—(Férussac, Hist. Suppl., 1823, p. 96e). | 


New South Wales—Under stones at Darling Point, G. Neville; and at Tam- 
worth (C. T. Musson, Proe. Linn. Soe. N.S. W., 1890, p. 891). 

Victoria— Melbourne, Mr. Kershaw (C. T. Musson, op. cit.). 

New Zealand—Recorded for Auckland, Wellington, and Greymouth in the 
North Island; and from Nelson, Christehureh, Dunedin, ete., in the South Island 
(C. T. Musson, op. cit.). 

Tasmania—As Limaz legrandi Tate. 

Prate XIII. 

Distribution of A griolimax agrestis (L.) 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 
Coruwall W. 
Cornwall KE. 
Devon N. 

oom coh e 

10 Isle of Wight 
11 Haunts 8. 
12 Hants N. 
13 Sussex W. 

14 Sussex E. 

15 Kent E. 
16 Kent W. 


41 Glamorgan 

42 Brecon 

43 Radnor 

44 Carmarthen 

45 Pembroke 

46 Cardigan 

47 Montgomery 

48 Merioneth 

49 Carnarvon 

50 Denbigh 

51 Flint 

2 Anglesey 


53 Lincoln 8. 

54 Lincoln N. 

55 Leic. & Rutld. 

56 Notts. 

57 Derby 

of the British Isles. 


17 Surrey MERSEY 
18 Essex 3 58 Cheshire 
19 Hssex N. 59 Lancashire S. 

20 Herts. 60 
21 Middlesex 

Lancashire Mid 


22 Berks. 61 S.E. York 

23 Oxford 62 N.E. York 

24 Bucks. 63 S.W. York Ss v 
ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York @ 

25 Suffolk b. 65 N.W. York 
26 Sulfolk W. 

27 Norfolk E. 
28 Norfolk W. 
29 Cainbridge 
30 Bedford 

31 Hunts. 

32 Northampton 


66 Durham 

67 Northumb. S. 

68 Cheviotiand 
69 Westmorland 
aud L. Lanes. 
70 Cumberland 

33 Gloucester E. 
34 Gloucester W 
35 Monmouth 
36 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Statford 

40 Salop 

71 Isle of Man 


rel Probable Range. 
CW Recorded Distribution. 

eee Distribution verified by the Authors. 

Fossil Distribution. 

72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
73 Kirkcudbright 94 Banff 
74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
75 Ayr 96 Easterness 
76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
79 Selkirk 1u0 Clyde Isles 
80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8S. 
82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
87 PerthS.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
113 Derry 122 Louth 
114 Antrim 123 Meath 
115 Down 124 Dublin 
116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co. 
132 Westmeath 
133 Lougford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 
136 Sligo 
37 Mayo E. 
138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 
144 Tipperary 8 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. 
147 Cork 8. 

8 Kerry 


Sus-Genus Hydrolimax A. W. Malm. 
Agriolimax levis Miiller. 

1774 Limax levis Miller, Verm. Hist., ii., p. 1, no. 199. 

1801 — brunneus Drap., Tabl. Moll, p. 104, no. 13. 

1822. — Jlacustris Bonelli, in Sched. Mus. Taurin. 

1841 — campestris Binney, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., p. 52. 

1845 — Jlombricoides Morelet, Moll. Port., p. 39, pl. 3, f. 4. 

1852. — parvulus Normand, Dese. Lim. Nouv., p. 8. 

1867 — «arenarius Gassies, Malac. Aquitaine, pp. 117-119, pl. 1, f. 1. 

1874 — argentinus Strobel, Mal. Arg. Merid., p. 6. 

1875 — montanus Ingersoll, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr., p. 394. 

1875 — _ castaneus Ingersoll, op. cit. 

1875 — ingersolli W. G. Binney, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 

1876 — = hyperboreus Westerlund, Nachsbl. d. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., p. 97. 
1878 = — meridionalis Doering, Bol. Acad. Cordoba, p. 434. 

1889 — _ stenurus Strebel, Faun. Mexik. Conch., p. 21. 

1885 — brasiliensis Von Ihering, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., p. 201, pl. 5. 
1888s — queenslandicus Hedley, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, p. 150, pl. 5. 
1871 — (Agriolimax) rarotonganus Heyn., Nachbl. d. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., p. 45. 
1882 Agriolimax levis Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limac. Ital., p. 47. 
1897 -— bevenoti Collinge, Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 2, p. 295. 

1868 Hydrolimax levis Malm, Limac. Skand., p. 79, pl. 3. 
1868 Krynickillus (Malino) brunneus Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., p. 141. 
1887 Arinichia brunneus Fischer, Man. Conch., ii., p. 462. 

ISTORY. — Agriolimax laevis (levis, 

smooth) was first discovered in this 
country by Mr. Joshua Alder, and its 
peculiar characters pointed out to Dr. G. 
Johnston, who published the discovery in 
1838 in the Proceedings of the Berwick- 
shire Naturalists’ Club. 

‘The species was, however, afterwards 
lost sight of, neglected or misunderstood, 
and became relegated to the ranks of 
doubtful species by Jeffreys, Reeve, and 
others, despite the persistent efforts of 
Mr. E. J. Lowe, F.R.S., to secure the 
recognition of its specific status. 

The authoritative exposition of its m- 
ternal structure by Dr. Simroth has firmly 
established A. ldwvis as a valid species, 
which is now universally recognized. 

With this species is associated Dr. J. I. 

7 C3. Babor, of Prague, whose profound re- 
ae JX ate, searches, more especially upon A. levis, 
a ; have demonstrated the actuality of a 

remarkable cycle of changes in the development of the reproductive organs. 

It was placed by Malm in a new genus, Hydrolimax (“dwp, water, and 
Limax), which is here adopted in a sub-generie sense to mark the absence 
of the rectal ccecum and the digitate flagellum. 

Diagnosis.— A. lwvis may be distinguished from A. agrestis by its active 
and restless habits, its uniform red-brown colour, colourless mucus, the abrupt 
terminal end of the body, the large shield, and its nearly median position 
when the animal is fully extended, owing to the unusual length of the neck. 

INTERNALLY, it is sharply divided from A. agrestis by the total absence 
of the rectatheca and of the digitate gland at the apex of the penis-sheath. 

25/3, 04 H 


Description.—ANIMAL rather slender, glossy, and smooth, and of a peculiar 
semi-gelatinous consistency, usually of a reddish-brown or chocolate colour, and 
when contracted bearing a great resemblance to a short plump worm ; BODY rounded, 
with some distinct and rather prominent tubercles ; TAIL keeled ; SHIELD large, 
rounded in front and behind, and somewhat paler in colour than the body, strongly 
concentrically ridged around a sub-central and laterally-placed nucleus ; NECK very 
long, making the shield seem to be nearly centrally placed ; TENTACLES black and 
very thick, with large black bulbs ; Foor longitudinally tripartite, light brown, with 
median area more transparent and apparently darker. The body MUCUs is abundant, 
clear and watery, but after continued irritation tends to become milky and turbid 
with minute particles of lime; the locomotory mucus is more viscid and tenacious. 

SHELL oblong-oval in shape, and showing an indistinct oblique ridge from the 
apex to the anterior right side of the shell, corres- 
ponding somewhat to the gonial ridge! of the 
Peleeypoda ; white and glistening, convex above, 
and correspondingly concave beneath ; NUCLEUS 
distinct, and placed towards the left posterior angle 
of the shell; concentric lines of growth arcuate, 
numerous, and distinct; margins not broadly membranaceous. Length, 3 mill. ; 
breadth, 13 mill. 

INTERNALLY, the body is darkly pigmented ; the KIDNEY, HEART, and LUNG- 
CAVITY resemble those of A. agrestis; the AORTA runs a considerable distance before 

Fic. 129, — Internal 
shell of A. leurs, x 4. 

(Steeton, Yorks., Mr. 
F. Rhodes). 

dividing into the cephalic and visceral branches ; the 
lateral sinuses, especially that of the left side, are 7 ae 
favourable for observation ; they can be seen through gtr 
the transparent skin to remain almost uniformly 

open without in the least answering to the pulsa- 

tions of the heart, and are thus strictly venous ; the 

supra-pedal gland extends quite the length of the Fic si dee I 

body. The organ of Semper is composed of several — GSoPnageal ganglia of al. davis, 
5 . showing the otocysts, x 20. 

oblong lobules, easily detachable on account of the (Chistenorch sant Soy. 

tenderness of the skin; the OSPHRADIUM is indis- 

tinctly developed, but it can be traced to the middle of the lung chamber. 

Fic. 130.—Underside of the sub- 

Fic. 131. 

Fic. 132.—Penis laid 

open to show the excita- 
tory organ, X 9 (after 
Fic. 133. Fic. 134. 

Fic. 131.—Sexual organs of A. dev/s, greatly enlarged (after Simroth). aéé.g. albumen gland; 

ot. ovotestis ; ev. oviduct; sf.d. sperm duct ; sf. spermatheca ; 7. retractor; #.s. penis sheath. 

Fic. 183.—Alimentary canal of A. devis, showing the adherent salivary glands, Xx 3 (after Simroth). 

Fic. 134.—Cephalic retractors of A. devis, x 12. (Armley, Leeds). 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are very gelatinous and deeply pigmented; the 
OVOTESTIS is dark chestnut-brown, and acinose; its duct scarcely sinuous, mostly 
dark, with a pale VESICULA SEMINALIS; ALBUMEN GLAND deep yellow ; OVISPER- 
MATODUCT firmly united, whitish above, chestnut-brown beneath; FREE OVIDUCT 
short and glandular; VAS DEFERENS short, entering the penis-sheath nearly termin- 
ally ; SPERMATHECA elongately oval, flesh-coloured, and attached to ovispermatoduct 
by a distinct apical muscle; PENIS-SHEATH of a peculiar hammer-like form and 
darkly pigmented, but occasionally in Europe, and invariably in America, is simply 
elongate; the sub-basal lateral protuberance contains the SARCOBELUM, or excita- 

1 Monog. i., p. 45, f. 109. 


tory organ, which differs from that of A. agrestis in being shorter and more faintly 
erooved : the PENIS-RETRACTOR is short, and arises from the lung-floor, considerably 
in front of the heart and the kidney in the European form, but is usually absent in 
L. campestris and its allies. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL somewhat resembles that of A. agrestis, but the INGES- 
TIVE TRACT is still shorter, and the rectum is quite free of any ececal process ; the 
SALIVARY GLANDS are slender and rather deeply lobed ; the LIVER is usually of a 
pretty moss-green colour; the right lobe forms the hinder end of the visceral mass, 
the left lobe is also quite forward and divided into a number of slender points or tips. 

The RETRACTOR arises from the right side of the median line, behind the kidney, 
from a bifid or trifid root, which after a longish course unites into a slender band 
which fureates about mid-way; the BUCCAL retractors are quite slender and linear, 
while the TENTACULAR branches, though originating from the common stem as a 
slender band, soon become very bully. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is of the usual ecrescentic 

form, with less produced limbs and much more > 
prominent and convexly rounded rostrum or beak -_ 

than in A. agrestis; the colour is brown, darkest 

along the upper margin and towards the extremi- Fic. 135.—Mandible or jaw of 
ties of the lateral limbs; the eutting edge is also A. éawis, x 20. 

finely serrate along its whole extent. (Armley, Leeds). 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE 1s elongate, about three mill. long, and one mill. broad, 
the transverse rows being arranged in arcuate form, bending distinctly backw: rds 
towards the margins ; median row of teeth with well dev eloped mesocone and ecto- 

20 2 
Q “ | 
Fic. 136.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of 4. Zeus, x 240. 
The animal collected at Horsforth, Leeds, and the palate prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. 

cones ; laterals also tricuspid, the first and twelfth with endocone quite obsolete or 
indistinct; marginals aculeate or with an ectocone more or less distinctly visible. 
The dental formula of a HOON specimen shows 
to t+h5t+54+35418 x 115 = 6,555. 

Reproduction and Development. — The reproductive organs of 
A. levis, and to some extent those of the Limacidw generally, have been 
found by Dr. Babor to undergo a remarkable cycle of development, or 
series of metamorphoses, during which the individuals of this species, which 
are admittedly proterogynous, tindergo a series of changes from their primi- 
tively unisexual and purely female ‘condition to the hermaphrodite state, 
and afterwards become purely male by the atrophy of the female organs. 

These wonderful mutations are demonstrated by the fact that most of 
the individuals found in spring are unisexual with a purely female organi- 
zation, possessing gonads yielding ova only ; later the examples show a 
budding of the male organs, so ‘that in summer and early autumn the 
animals have become hermaphrodite, and present well developed organs of 
both sexes. ‘The evolutionary process, however, does not cease with the 
full acquirement of the hermaphrodite state, as Dr. Babor has found that 
after a certain interval the female organs may atrophy and dwindle away, 
and the animal again become unisexual, but purely male, with gonads 
secreting spermatozoa only. 

Even when the cycle is thus fully completed, it is not by any means 
certain that in some species the sequence of transformations may not be 
continued, and the rotation of sexes again take place. 


The act of conjugation in this species has never been described, but it 
has been observed by Gassies, in the var. wrenaria, to take place usually at 

Fic. 137. Fic. 138. Fic. 139. Fic. 140. Fic. 141. 
Reproductive organs of Agriolimax levis Miill. x 6, illustrating the metamorphic changes 
to which they are subject (after Babor). 
Fic. 137.—The organs in their earliest or solely female state. 
Fic. 138.—The succeeding stage, showing the budding of the male organ. 
Fic. 139.—The perfected hermaphrodite state. 
Fic. 140.—The following period, showing the dwindling of the female organs in the process of 
becoming solely male. ; ; 
Fic. 141.—The cycle of change completed, the female organs having disappeared, and the animal 
being solely male. 
night, or during thunderstorms and tempestuous rains, and is known to be 
preceded by the circular procession and amatory flirtations which seem so 
characteristic of slugs generally, but this preliminary courtship is appar- 
ently in this species a very tedious and prolonged operation, as these 
blandishments have been observed to continue for more than an hour at 

a stretch without result. 

The seminal element would appear to be transferred enclosed within 
a soft mucous capsule, of a somewhat triangular shape, which represents 
and acts as a true spermatophore, and is 
apparently formed in the outer or larger 
limb of the flagellum, which functions as a 
shme gland, while the smaller projection or 
limb when inverted functions as the intro- 
mittent organ. 

The eggs are roundish, quite transparent, of somewhat leathery consis- 
tency, with a diameter varying between 1°3 and 2°8 millimetres, and are 
deposited either singly or in small clusters, held together by clear slime, in 
moist situations, all the year through. According to the observations of 
Gassies and others, they are laid at intervals of a day or more, three 
days after pairing, deposition extending over a period of six or eight days, 
and the total number being said not to exceed about thirty. 

The hatching takes place in from twenty to forty days, the young when 
excluded being ~about three millimetres long and of a reddish colour, which 
eradually becomes of a browner shade, the animals attaining maturity in 
about seventy days. 

Fic. 142. — Mucous 
sperm capsule, or sper- 
matophore, of 4. “ez/s 
(after Simroth). 

Food and Habits.—A griolimax levis is the most active, restless, and 
fearless of our slugs, and even hardier than A. agrestis. If touched when 
crawling it has been observed to elevate the median part of its body, in a 
manner recalling the mode of progression characterizing the caterpillar of 
the Geometride, the mantle then appearing very protuberant. 

+ ge 


It is also very pugnacious and aggressive, pulling off and devouring the 
slime from the bodies of the larger species, or withdrawing its tentacles and 
butting violently with its head against their bodies, at the same time pro- 
truding and rasping with the odontophore. 

When these attacks, which may be twice or thrice repeated, take place, 
the slug assaulted usually shrinks, momentarily withdraws the head 
beneath the mantle, and then crawls hastily away; sometimes, however, 
the injured animal turns to repel the aggressor, which then, according to 
Mr. Kew, makes off with all speed, raising its tail and shaking it from 
side to side, and possibly striking therewith the head or tentacles of the 
pursuer, which, being thus temporarily disconcerted, enables the agile 
ageressor to escape more readily. 

The favourite food of this species has not yet been discovered; Mr. Gain, 
who had many individuals under close observation for a long period, states 
that of the seventy-nine different kinds of food offered to it, although 
none were devoured with zest, thirteen were eaten more or less freely ; ‘of 
these, six were cultivated plants, the remaining seven being the foxcloye 
fleabane, crosswort, wallflower, red-robin, sow-thistle, and the fungus 
Polyporus squamosus. 

Dumont & Mortillet allude to its fondness for animal matter, in pointing 
out that it may be procured by spreading bones in suitable spots, when 
the slugs can be readily found beneath them, devouring the gelatine 
softened by the moisture. 

Herr Clessin has observed it in a state of nature feeding upon the pollen 
of the ox-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), and. Magnus records 
that the fertilization of that plant, during cold and damp weather, when 
insects are not abroad, has been actually brought about by A. lwvis crawl- 
ing over the flowers. 

Although it is said in Germany also to frequent dry situations, A. lwvis 
in this country is confined to the vicinity of water, and is almost invariably 
in company with Zonitoides nitida. Even when submerged by rising water 
A, lwvis does not appear to be disturbed, as it has often been found Testing 
immobile and unconcerned for several hours on the underside of logs, etc., 
quite immersed in the water. 

Mr. F. J. Partridge at suitable times has found it living in company with 
Succinea oblonga im hollows of the sandhills at Braunton Burrows, which, 
though filled with water in winter and in wet weather, are in summer during 
the day nothing but a mass of hot dry sand. 

During the day it is usually concealed in crevices, or beneath the dense 
tufts of Murchantia polymorpha, Sphagnum, and especially amongst the 
moss Hypnum cuspidatum, or may be found in the hollow stems of the 
Umbelliteree growing in marshy places. When suspended in the aquarium 
A. campestris will, according to Mr. Latchford, at once descend to the 
bottom of the tank by means of a mucus cable, crawl with retracted ten- 
tacles towards the sides, which it ascends, opening the respiratory orifice 
upon reaching the surface, 

A. lwvis is an adept in forming slime-threads, and has been observed to 
form a mucus-thread, eight mches in length, in less than three minutes. 
M. Normand records that LZ. parvulus, which is synonymous with the 
present species, spun a filament over two yards in length. 

Fossil.—According to Kennard & Woodward, A. lwvis is known as a 
Pleistocene fossil from the deposits at Swalecliffe, about a mile west of 
Herne Bay, East Kent; it was also found in Middlesex, in the section dis- 


closed by the excavations for the foundations of the Admiralty Buildings, 
Westminster. Mrs. McKenny Hughes reports it from the beds at Barnwell 
Abbey, in Cambridgeshire ; and Mr. J. P. Johnson from a deposit on the 
foreshore, at West Wittering, Sussex; and also from the Uphall Brickyard, 
near Ilford, in South Essex. 

Variation.—Dr. Simroth affirms that A. /wvis is subject, under certain 
conditions, to seasonal variation or Horswomorphism, the var. grisea indi- 
cating the typical summer garb of the species when living on dry, 
cultivated lands. This light-grey form, which is occasionally blackish 
on the back, or may be tinged with reddish, is only found during the 
summer months and on warm and dry spots, but with the advent of the 
cool, damp days of autumn, they gradually change to the dark unicolorous 
winter variety, this change being regarded as a result of the greater degree 
of cold and moisture to which they are subjected at that season. 

The examples, however, which dwell by the constantly cool and moist 
margins of rivers and pools are not subject to this change, retaining during 
life the dark uniform colouring typical of the species. 

Dr. Simroth also traces a connection or correlation between the size of 
the mantle and the degree of moisture in the inhabited locality, the excess 
of moisture being said to cause a fuller swelling of the body and an exu- 
berant growth of the mantle. 

Dr. Baudon has described a monstrosity of this species as var. ‘ntentacu- 
lata, which was totally destitute of any trace of tentacles. 

The world-wide distribution attained by this little species has led to a 
number of names being applied to it, which, according to Simroth and 
others who have especially studied the subject, merely indicate forms 
differing little from typical specimens, and at the most represent geo- 
graphical races, in which latter category the American and Australasian 
forms may appropriately be placed. 

Var. lacustris Bonelli, 1822, in Sched. Mus. 'Taurin. 
Limax lacustris Bonelli, op. cit. 
Limax levis var. maculata T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Conch., July 1886, p. 79. 
Limax levis var. rufrapunctatus W. ¥. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 22. 

Differs from the type in being irregularly spotted with dark brown. 

Mr. G. E. Mason has observed that this variety is of more aquatic habits in 
Surrey than the typical form. 

Surrey—Sub-var. maculata, marshy ground at north end of Barnes Common, 
1886, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Warwick—Sub-var. maculata, sparingly (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., op. cit.). 

Italy—Var. /acustris, Laghi d’Avigliana; Turin; Rivarossa Canavese and Lago 
’Azeglio (Lessona & Pollonera, Monog. Limace. Ital., 1882, p. 48). 

Var. grisea ‘l'aylor, var. nov. 
ANIMAL light grey, with grey mid-sole and pale side areas. 
Ireland—A greenish-grey variety on railway embankment in marsh, Down- 
patrick, County Down, March 1898, R. Welch. 
Germany—Leipzig and Halle-am-Saale (Simroth, Zeitsch. Wiss. Zool., Aug. 1885). 
Finland—(Simroth, Ber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 1898, p. 39). 

Var. arenaria Gassies, Malac. Aquitaine, pp. 117-119, pl. 1, f. 1. 
Limax arenarius Gassies, op. cit. 
ANIMAL ereenish-bronze or blackish above ; SHIELD paler and tending to dirty- 
yellow ; NECK greyish-yellow paling towards the shield. 
France—At margin of fish-pond, below the dunes at Lacanau, June 1860; on the 
high-road from Teste at Lamothe; also at Andernos, and under stones in the salt 
meadows at Teich, all in Aquitaine (Gassies, op. cit. ). 


Var. mucronata Westerlund, Fauna Europ., 1876, p. 12. 
ANIMAL yellow-brown, sides paler, foot-sole white ; SHIELD more pointed behind. 
Sweden—Ronneby in Blekinge (Westerlund, op. cit.). 
Norway and Denmark—(Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 248). 
Var. parvula Normand, Desc. Limac., 1852, p. 8. 

Limax parvulus Normand, op. cit. 
Limax brunneus var. pygmaeus Lowe, Conch. Notts., 1853, p. 156, f. 114. 

The L. parvulus of Normand, to which may be allocated L. brunneus var. pygmea 
of E. J. Lowe, is remarkable for its small size, which scarcely exceeds half-an-ineh 
in adults when fully extended. They are described as paler than the typical form. 

Notts.—L. brunneus var. pygmea, not common under stones and at roots of 
sedges, at margin of lake, Highfield House, near Nottingham, and common at 
Beeston, E. J. Lowe. 

France—L. parvulus, Valenciennes, Department of the Nord (Normand, op. cit.). 

Belgium—L. parvulus, Chaudfontaine near Liége, June 1871 (Van-den-Broeck, 
Bull. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1871, p. li). 

Geographical Distribution.—A. /wvi’s as an aggregate form seems 
almost cosmopolitan in its distribution, being found not only throughout 
Europe, but has been recorded from South Africa, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, 
and the United States of North America. 

It has also been reported from the West Indies, Central and South 
America, Australia, and Polynesia. 

In the British Isles this species is apparently widely dispersed, and 
probably exists in every comital and vice-comital area into which the 
kingdoms are divided. 

See! Recorded 
Fig. 143.—Geographical Distribution of Agriolimax levis Miller. 

Channel Isles—Jersey (Duprey); Guernsey, in damp places (Tomlin & Mar- 
quand, J. of Conch., Jan. 1903, p. 286). 

Cornwall W.—St. Ives, Sept. 1885! J. E. Mason. 

Devon S.—Topsham and Exmouth, Aug. 1892! L. E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Braunton Burrows near Bideford, F. J. Partridge. 

Somerset N.—Among stone heaps by side of lane from Walton to Portishead, 
and among decaying vegetation by side of sluice on Portishead Moor (Norman, 
Moll. Somerset, 1860, p. 139). 

Probable Range of l Probable Range of 
7 A. levis canipestris. 

A. levis s.str. 




Dorset—Wool, Mr. Kendall; among grass, Whatcombe Park (J. C. Mansel- 

Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1898, p. 4) ; Chideoek, near Bridport (A. Belt, Se. Goss., 

Aug. 1893). 

Hants S.—Damp meadow by River Avon at Knapp Mill, Christchurch, Feb. 

1885!C. Ashford. Hambledon and Beckford Green(L. E. Adams, Se. Goss., Mech. 1901). 
Sussex W.—Ratham, Aug. 1885! W. Jeffery. 


Kent E.—Sandwich, Sept. 1891! L. E. Adams. Sittingbourne (E. W. Swanton, 
J. of Mal., June 1893, p. 146). 

Kent W.—Banks of River Cray at St. Mary Cray, April 1885! and Greenhithe, 
June 1885 !8. C. Cockerell. 

Surrey—Wray Common, Reigate Heath, ete., 1885, E. Saunders. Godstone and 
Guildford, Sept. 1884, T. D. A. Cockerell. Barnes, June 1885, 8. C. Cockerell. 
Punch Bowl near Haslemere, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, jr., J. of Conch., April 
1902, p. 170). 

Essex S.—Redbridge lane, Wanstead (W. Crouch, Essex Nat., Dec. 1890, p. 209). 
Woodford, 1889, H. Wallis Kew. 

Essex N.—Common on flags by River Colne, Halstead, Aug. 1890, L. E. Adams. 

Herts.—Ware, Dr. Jeffreys (J. Hopkinson, Moll. Herts., 1884). 

Middlesex—Hanwell, Sept. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Thames bank near 
Twickenham, March 1885! and Perivale, April 1885, 8. C. Cockerell. 

Oxford—Fairly common about Oxford ; also found at Broughton Castle, Ban- 
bury ; Chipping Norton; near Charlbury, and about Swincomb (W. E. Collinge, 
Conchologist, March 1891, p. 13). 

Bucks.—Banks of River Ouse, above Olney, March 1893, L. E. Adams. 

Suffolk E.—Plentiful in damp places about Woodbridge, June 1886, Rev. S. 
Spencer Pearce. Oulton, Mendlesham, Thwaite, Needham Market, and Sprough- 
ton (Mayfield, J. of Conch., April 1903). 

Norfolk E.—Norwich (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). Diss and Cringleford, 
Aug. 1890, Lionel E. Adams. In the marsh-lands, Surlingham Ferry, Whitlingham, 
ete. (Pearce & Mayfield, J. of Conch., July 1894). Plentiful on marsh and ditch 
banks, Bramerton, Colney, Postwick, and Costessey (Mayfield, J. of Conch., 
1896, p. 185). 

Norfolk W.—Thetford, Aug. 1890, Lionel E. Adams. 

Cambridge— Whittlesea (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). Rare, Grantchester, May 
1886, B. Tomlin. 

Northampton—Peterborough (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). Common on banks 
of River Nene and in damp places in woods (L. E. Adams, Journ. Northants Nat. 
Hist. Soe., 1893, p. 208). 


Gloucester E.—Woods between Cooper’s Hill and Birdlip (Tate, Brit. Mollusea, 
1866, p. 77). 

Monmouth—Abundant in a damp portion of the park at Shirenewton Hall, Apl. 
1886, E. J. Lowe. 

Warwick— Mr. Thickbroom’s woodyard, Sutton Coldfield (A. Wood, Moll. of 
Sutton Coldfield, 1897). Fairly common in marshy places, Sutton Park, H. Overton. 

Stafford—In an old dingle near Stafford, Oct. 1885 ! Beresford Dale, Apl. 1890; 
abundant in wood by canal bank between Leek and Cheadle, April 1891, L. E. 
Adams. Stone, E. D. Bostock (Masefield’s Staff List, 1902). Newton road, Bir- 
mingham, July 1893! C. Oldham. 

Worcester—Deep Meadow, Stourport, J. W. Williams. 


Glamorgan—Banks of River Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 1885! IF. W. Wotton. 
Llandaff, ete., not very common (id., J. of Conch., April 1886, p. 54). 

Pembroke—Common under stones and among the yellow Iris, Tenby (A. G. 
Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900). 


Montgomery—Timber yards, Welshpool, June 1889 ! and Pwllbrwynen near 
Llanwddyn, May 1889! (J. Bickerton Morgan, Montgomery List, 1891, p. 396). 

Denbigh—Llandudno, May 1888, b. ‘Tomlin. 

Flint—Mostyn Marsh, July 1883! W.D.R. 

Lincoln S.—Fulbeck Grange, Dec. 1888! J. B. Davy. 

Lincoln N.—Sutton-in-the-Marsh, Haugham Wood, and Mueckton Chalk Pit, 
April 1886! also Harrington Hill, Sept. 1889! W.D.R.  Hubbard’s Valley, Louth 
(C. 8. Carter, Naturalist, 1904, p. 63). 

Leicester—Leicester (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). 



Notts.—Abundant in vicinity of lake at Highfield House near Beeston ; also in 
garden of Broadgate House on organic soil in the valley, 1885, E. J. Lowe. Gamston, 
Sept. 1884! and in a wood at the Decoy, Houghton, April 1885! C. 'T. Musson. 
Pleasley Vale, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, ete. (Dodd, Brit. Assoe. Hdbk., 1893). Bawtry, 
Rufford, ete. (W. A. Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893). 


Cheshire—Chester (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). Common in gardens, ete., 
Heatley House, May 1885! L. E. Adams. Ashley near Bowdon, Sept. 1885! J. G. 
Milne. Between Warrington and Knutsford, Sept. 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Northwich, Oct. 1885! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire Mid—FEasegill Beck side, April 1887! W.D.R. 

Lancashire S.—Whalley, June 1889! W. H. Heathcote. Common on the South- 
port sandhills (G. W. Chaster, Brit. Assoc. Hdbk., 1903). 


York S.E.—Leckonfield ! Meaux ! Risby, and banks of the River Hull (J. D. 
Butterell, J. of Conch., April 1882). 

York N.E.—Thirsk (Tate, Brit. Moll., 1866, p. 71). Malton, Sept. 1880, J. D. 
Butterell. Levisham, abundant, Aug. 1886 ! Saltburn Woods, Oct. 1886! Skelton 
Beck Valley, May 1887 ! Wilton Wood, May 1887! and Ramsdale Wood, Robin 
Hood’s Bay, June 1888! W.D.R. Airey Holme Wood (Baker Hudson, J. of Conch., 
April 1886). Kalton Castle, 1889! B. Hudson. Wass village, Sept. 1892 ! W.D.R. 
White Nab, J. A. Hargreaves. 

York S.W.—Pontefract, April 1877 (Nat., May 1877). St. Swithin’s, Stanley, 
1883, Wakefield, Jan. 1885! also Ferrybridge, Haw Park, and Ryhill, J. Wilcock. 
Campsall Park, May 1886! and Cusworth, near Doncaster, Sept. 1901! W.D.R. 
Roydhouse Wood, Huddersfield ! J. Whitwham. Common about Halifax in damp 
places in woods, J. E. Crowther. Garden, Rose Hill, Penistone; moderately com- 
mon, Gunthwaite, and Cubley Wood, April 1890; also Doncaster, July 1892, L. E. 
Adams. Near Worsborough Reservoir, Sept. 1899! W. E. Brady. Wr: ogy Brick- 
pond near Ackworth, G. Roberts. Methley, Nostell, and Oulton (id., Nat. Hist. 
Lofthouse, 1885, p. 238). 

York Mid W.—Banks of Leeds and Liv erpool Canal at Armley, Kirkstall, New- 
lay, etc., Feb. 1882! W. Nelson. Also from Bingley to Steeton, July 1890! F. 
Rhodes. Stream-side, Hawkesworth Wood, Horsforth, April 1888 ! W.D.R.  Ship- 
ley Glen and Fagley Wood (Soppitt & Carter, Nat., 1888, p. 97). Near Malham 
Tarn, Sept. 1883! Roebuck & Butterell. Kingsdale near Clapham, April 1887 (H. 
Richardson, J. of Conch., April 1886, p. 60). Helk’s Wood, Ingleton, June 1888, 
F. Rhodes. Coat Rakes Bridge, Boll: ind, Aug. 1885! W. D.R. Tadcaster and 
Wighill, F. G. Binnie, 1880. Boston Spa, April. 1893, J. Emmet. Washburndale, 
July 1885! and Troller’s Gill, April 1887! W.D.R. Mason Plain, Grassington, Sept. 
1900, F. Rhodes. Copgrove Wood and Lindley Wood, 1885! W.D.R. Eavestone 
near Ripon, May 1885! J. Ingleby. 

York N.W.—Gunnerside Gill, and road-sides, Gunnerside, 1884 ! W.D.R. 


Durham—Ravensworth, shells in Alder Collection, Neweastle Museum.  Plenti- 
ful, Morden Carrs, 1860, Dr. A. Merle Norman. Spa Wood, Dinsdale, May 1887 ! 
Baker Hudson. 

Northumberland S.—Stocksfield-on-Tyne, May 1885! H. E. Craven. Not rare, 
but local, West Woodburn, Sept. 1887 ! R. Howse. 

Westmorland and Furness—Coniston, April 1887! 8. C. Coekerell. LANES. 
Cumberland—Rickerby, near beck (Miss Donald, Cumberland List, 1882, p. 56). 


Dumfries— Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Gourock Burn, Seamill, Ardneil Bay Portincross, Fairlie, and Knockewart, 
March 1904, R. Godfrey. 

Renfrew—Frequent, Eaglesham (F. G. Binnie, West Scotland List, 1876, p. 41). 
Frequent, Shielhill Glen and about Greenock (T. Scott, Greenock List, 1886). Near 
old castle, Inverkip road, Greenock, Aug. 1886! Caldwell, Aug. 1887, J. Steel. 

Lanark— Frequent, Possil, Robroyston (F. G. Binnie, West Scotland List, 1876, 
p. 41). Elvanfoot, Sept. 1900, W. Evans. 


Peebles—Slipperfield Loch near West Linton, Aug. 1890! Meldon Hill, July 
1890! Standalane Braes! and by Tweed near Peebles, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Berwick—Dunglass Dean (G. Johnston, Serwick N.C. Proc. 4; 1838, p.. 154): 
Near Eyemouth, Sept. 1895! W. Evans. 

Haddington—Balgone, Jan. 1896! Aberlady, July 1890! Quarry near Gullane ! 
and Luffness marshes | W. Evans. 


Linlithgow—Philpstown Loch, Oct. 1890! Carribber Glen, Feb. 1898, and Dal 
meny, Oct. 1902! W. Evans. Mr. R. Godfrey remarks that though not abundant 
it is almost universal throughout the county, and cites many coast and inland 
localities, as well as a number in the Avon valley and in the Boness district. 

Edinburgh—Bonally, Oct. 1888! W.D.R. Hillend Farm, Pentlands, March 
1890! Balerno, April 1890! the Bush, Penicuik, Dee. 1890; Arniston, June 1902 ; 
Duddingston Loch, May 1894, and Vogrie Glen, Feb. 1897; Kirknewton! Roslin ! 
Dalhousie ! plantation above Dreghorn, March 1890! W. Evans. 


Fife and Kinross—Otterston, June 1890! Dura Den, July 1890! St. Andrews, 
Aug. 1890! Tentsmuir, Aug. 1890! Kileonquhar, Sept. 1893, Loch Leven, June 1894 ! 
and Loch Gelly, May 1895, W. Evans. 

Stirling—Frequent, Baldernock and Kilsyth (F. G. Binnie, West Scotland List, 
1876, p. 41). 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—Port of Menteith, April 1892! Dollar, April 1897! 
Wharry Glen near Bridge of Allan, Feb. 1898 ! and Callander, April 1892! W. Evans. 

Perth Mid—Lawers and Fearnan, Loch Tay side, May 1892! W. Evans. 

Perth N.—Fenderbridge, Glen Tilt, Sept. 1898, Loch of Clunie, July 1890! 
W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.-—Summit of Clunie Pass, altitude 2,100 feet, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Elgin—Not uncommon in Moray. Abundant on damp warm evenings near Mill 
of Birnie (Rev. G. Gordon, Zool., 1854, p. 4453). Nairn, Jan. 1887! Rev. J. E. 

Easterness—Kincraig, Oct. 1889! W. Evans. 


Main Argyle—Coast south of Dunoon, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 

Clyde Isles—Abundant on shores of Loch Greenan, Bute, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. 
Brodick, Isle of Arran, April 1895 ! W. Evans. 

Cantire—South of West Loch Tarbert, near head of Loch, April 1886 ! T. Scott. 

Ebudes N.—Dunvegan Castle, Skye, W. Thompson (Forbes & Hanley, British 

Moll., 1853, p. 21). 
Ross E.—Numerous near Bonar Bridge, Dornoch Frith, Feb. 1887 ! W. Baillie. 
Sutherland E.—Near Loch Brora, Oct. 1883! Golspie Burn, June 1884 ! South of 
Little Ferry, Dornoch, Oct. 1884! and near the Mound, June 1885! W. Baillie. 
Sutherland W.—Mouth of Halladaile River, Nov. 1886! W. Baillie. 
Caithness— Wick (Peach, Caithness List, 1864). Bank of Dunbeath River, May 
1884! W. Baillie. 
Shetlands—(Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 248). 


This is said by Dr. Scharff to be one of the rarest of the Irish slugs. It was first 

discovered in Ireland, in April 1884, at Coleraine in Co. Derry, by Mr. L. E. Adams. 

Derry—Coleraine, common, April 1884, L. E. Adams. Culmore near London- 
derry, J. N. Milne (R. F. Scharff, Irish Nat., 1892). 

Antrim—Colin Glen near Belfast, Oct. 1899 ; in wood, Ballyeastle, and Glencorp, 
March 1900; common on marshy ground, shores of Lough Neagh, at Antrim, Aug. 
1898 ; andon Ram’s Island, Lough Neagh, May 1900; also found about Ballyeastle, 
and other localities, but not so common as in County Down, R. Welch. Common in 
damp parts of wood, Murlough, Sept. 1896 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Jan. 1897). 

Down—Common around flax dam, near Ballynahinch Junction, March 1899 ; 
common under stones around flax dams, in the White Bog, Killough, Oct. 1898 ; 
Deer’s Meadow, Mourne Mountains, alt. 1,110 feet, Jan. 1898 ; on watercress, below 
Spring Well, Clonduff Castle, Jan. 1898 ; damp hollow, Neweastle dunes, Aug. 1898 ; 
common at the roots of rushes, Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast, March 1899; common on 
rejectamenta, Ravernet River, April 1899 ; Hillsborough, April 1899 ; marsh near 
Dundrum, Noy. 1899, R. Welch. Shores of pond, Belvoir Park, May 1898 ; Oak- 
leigh, Ormeau Park, and in marsh, Loughinsland, Feb, 1900, A. W. Stelfox and 
R. Welch. 

Monaghan— Marsh at Lake Glasslough demesne, Oct. 1887, R. Welch. 

Donegal—Letterkenny, Nov. 1892, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Fermanagh—Sparingly on shores of lake, Enniskillen, R. Welch. 


Dublin—Banks of an old fish-pond on Lord Massey’s estate, Killakee, Dublin 
Mountains, Sept. 1890; Carrickmines, April 1892, and in orchid houses, Trinity 
College Botanic Gardens, Jan. 1891, R. F. Scharff. In marsh, Bushey Park, Dublin, 
Sept. 1903, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. 

Pirate XIV. 

Distribution of A griolimax levis (Mull.) 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 
1 Coruwall W. 
2 Cornwall bk. 
3 Devous. 
4 Devon N. 
5 Somerset 8. 
6 Somerset N. 
7 Wilts N. 
8 Wilts s. 
9 Dorset 
Isle ot Wight 
1i Hants 8. 
2 Hants N. 
3 Sussex W. 
Sussex kb. 
15 Kent E. 
Kent W. 
17 Surrey 
Mssex 8 
Hssex N. 

21 Middlesex 
22 berks. 
23 Oxford 


25 Suffolk EK. 

sulloik W. 

27 Norfolk KE. 

Norfolk W. 

33 Gloucester E. 

Gloucester W 

37 Worcester 


41 Glamorgan 
} Radnor 
} Cardigan 
§ Merioneth 
9 Carnarvon 
50 Denbigh 
51 Flint 
52 Anglesey 
Lincoln 8. 
Lincoln N. 
5d Leic. & Rutld. 
56 Notts. 
57 Derby 
58 Cheshire 
59 Lancashire S. 


61 S.E York 

5 N.W. York 
5 Durham 

67 Northumb. S. 

69 Westmorland 
and lL. Lanes. 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 


Lancashire Mid 

Probable Range. 
Recorded Distribution. 

Distribution verified by the 

of the British Isles. 





le 72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
73 Kirkeudbright { nit 
a 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
75 Ayr 96 Masterness 
. 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
@ 78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
e 79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
a e 80 eo) 101 rare 
81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8S. 
he 82 Haddington 103 iMbudes Mid 
83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E 
86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
87 PerthsS.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 
® 113 Derry 122 Louth 
114 Antrim 123 Meath 
115 Down 124 Dublin 
116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King's Co. 
132 Westmeath 
133 Lougford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 
136 Sligo 
37 Mayo E. 
138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 


Fossil Distribution. 

Tipperary S 

3 Cork N. 
7 Cork 8, 


a or 
_ Soa 


— iD Saeae 
a 7) a ae 
at Can a 



Kildare—River banks, Monasterevan, Oct. 1899, R. Welch. 

Wicklow—Among water-lilies, Woodenbridge, March 1893 (R. F. Scharff, Trish 
Nat., 1893, p. 149). Greystones (id., 1892). 

Kilkenny—In the south of the county, Jan. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Westmeath—Knockdrin demesne near Mullingar, April 1892, R. EF. Scharff. 


Leitrim —Dromahaire, Sept. 1900, R. Welch. Glencar, Sept. 1900, G. W. Chaster 
and E. Collier. 

Galway W.—At roots of rushes in marshy ground, Clonbrock, Hon. R. E. Dillon 
(R. Welch, Irish Nat., June 1899, p. 143). 

Galway E.—Albout Renvyle and among bogs in the Kylemore district, March 
1891, R. F. Scharff. Dernasliggan, April 1897 (R. Welch, Irish Nat., Nov. 1897, 

p. 304. ) 

Cork S.—Glengariff near Eccles Hotel, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. Blarney Castle 
and Bantry, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 

Kerry—A very dark form in Mucksna Wood ; several under logs near Loo Bridge; 
one at Roughty Bridge ; a pale form on the river bank above Galway’s Bridge, R. 
Welch; and Tore Woods, G. W. Chaster, July 1898 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 
1898). Plentiful on water-lily stems in a swamp near the lower lake in Herbert's 
Muckross demesne, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. Moderately common, Killarney, Sept. 
1898, L. E. Adams. River banks, Kenmare, May 1898, R. Welch. 


According to Herr Clessin A. /wvis is diffused throughout the country, and it 
has been recorded from Alsace, Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Coburg, Franconia, 
Friesland, Hanover, Holstein, Merseburg, Nassau, Pomerania, Saxony, Schleswig, 
Silesia, West Prussia, and Wurtemburg. 


Belgium—Recorded by Van-den-Broeck as abundant about Jette, Brabant; and 

as L. parvulus from Chaudfontaine, near Liége. 

According to Mabille, this species inhabits nearly the whole of France, but 
records have only been procurable from 

Ain, Aisne, Aquitaine, Ariége, Aube, Basses-Pyrénées, Cote d’Or, Haute 
Garonne, Haute Savoie, Hérault, Landes, Nievre, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, 
Rhone, Savoie, Seine, Seine-Inferieure, Seine-et-Marne, Somme, Var, Vienne, and 
the Island of Corsica. 

Herr Clessin states that it is diffused throughout the country. 

Hitherto found only in the north of the country in Piedmont and Lombardy. In 
damp moss, near railway, Menaggio in Lombardy, Sept. 1886, b. Tomlin. Above 
Vit, Valle di Lanzo, and beneath Crissolo, Piedmont (Less. & Poll., Monog. Limae. 
Ital., 1882, p. 47). 


Herr Clessin describes this species as diffused throughout the whole region. It 
has been recorded from Moravia, Hungary and Istria, Jarov near Prague in Bohemia, 
Vienna in Austria, and the Eastern Alps. 


Spain-——-Near Monastery of Montserrat, Catalonia, May 1881 (P. Fagot, Faun. 
Mal. Catal., May 1884). 

Portugal—L. lombricoides, common about Monchique in Algarve; a darker 
variety inhabits the mountains of Braga in Minho (Morelet, op. cit. ). 


Norway—Only in the south about Christiania and Christiansand (B. Esmark, 
J. of Conch., Oct. 1886). 

Sweden—About Gothenberg (Malm, Limac. Skand., 1868). 

Denmark—Around Copenhagen, and on banks of Sorgenfri river, where it was 
observed by Miiller. It occurs, according to Feddersen, throughout the tract of 
Viborg, in Jutland (Malm, op. cit., p. 82). 


Only as yet recorded for Moujevo, near Moscow, by Milachevitch, and by A. 
Luther from Revel in Esthland, and the south part of Finland as far north as 63° 
north lat. 


Agriolimax levis campestris Binney, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 
1841, p. 52. 
Limax montanus Ingersoll, Bull. U.S. Geol. Sury. Terr., 1875, p. 394. 
Limax castaneus Ingersoll, op. cit. 
Limax ingersolli W.G. Binney, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1875. 
Limax hyperboreus Westerlund, Nachsbl. d. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1876, p. 97. 

With this geographical race, the late Mr. Amos Binney, the eminent 
American conchologist, is associated, not only as being the author of the 
name adopted for the race, but in acknowledgment of the great services 
he rendered to the advancement of our study. 

ANIMAL usually of some shade of amber, but 
oceasionally of a blackish hue; without spots or 
markings ; HEAD and OMMATOPHORES smoky ; 
FOOT narrow and whitish. 

INTERNALLY, A. campestris is, according to 
sinney, characterized by the jaw possessing re- 
curved and pointedjends, a sharp MEDIAN BEAK, 
and the centre 

showing a strong 
transverse line of J 
reinforcement. \v \ 
The RADULA var- é os 
cana keeles Fic. 145.—Median, lateral, and 
: 2 marginal teeth of A. campestris, 
eighteen perfect highly magnified (after Binney). 
laterals being 
that of one adult specimen examined. The 
laterals do not show, as in A. agrestis, an inner-side 
cutting point, but about half the marginals are 
bifid, the bifureation of the outer marginals being 
very obscure. 
The Central and South American forms, de- 
scribed as Limax stenurus, L. meridionalis, L. 
Cifure brasiliensis, and L. argentinus, of which no 
authentic descriptions have been available, are in 
all probability more correctly referred to 

this simpler and more primitive form than —_ 
to the typical A. dwvis, as though doubtless pA 

exhibiting further minor modifications, tend- 
ing to a nearer approximation with a still 
more ancient form, yet the intermediate 
position between the North American L, 
campestris and the South American forms, 
said to be held by the Mexican L. stenwrus, 
tends to confirm the view that the most primi- 
tive forms inhabit the more remote regions. 

The L. queenslandicus, A. bevenoti, ete., 
are also probably more closely allied to this simpler form rather than to the more 
advanced European race, in which the development of the penial retractor and the 
distinctly hammer-headed penis-sheath seems to be more especially a characteristic, 
and may be assumed to be the highest stage of development the species has attained. 

The simpler and more primitive forms now inhabiting the New World, the inele- 
ment regions of Siberia, ete., possess, according to Simroth, a short stimulating 
organ and an elongate rather than a hammer-shaped penis-sheath, resembling the 
immature form figured by him. It would thus seem that in Europe A. levis is 
somewhat variable in the development of its genitalia, and that the uncommon 
or immature form in Europe is the prevalent one in the New World. 

Quebec—Limax campestris, Gaspé, May 1892 (A. W. Hanham, Nautilus, Oct. 
1893, p. 65). Rather local about Quebee (id., Nautilus, Jan. 1897). 

Ontario— L. campestris, near McKay’s Bay, New Edinburgh ; and common about 
Ottawa in moist places everywhere except on sandy soil (I. R. Latchford, Trans. 
Ottawa Field Nat. Club, 1886). 

Manitoba—L. campestris, occasionally at Winnipeg (A. W. Hanham, Nautilus, 
May 1899, p. 3). 

Fic. 146.—Median, lateral, 
and marginal teeth of Lzmax 
brasiliensis, X 200 (after 

Fic. 147. — Reproductive 
organs of Limazx brasiliensis 
(after Ihering). 


Maine—L. campestris, common in woods (E. 8. Morse, Pulm. of Maine, 1864, p. 7). 

Massachusetts—ZL. campestris, Westport, under rocks and fallen trees, in old 
pastures (J. H. Thomson, J. of Conch., Oct. 1885). 

Rhode Island—L. campestris, under rocks and fallen trees in old pastures (J. H. 
Thomson, J. of Conech., Oct. 1885). 

New Jersey—L. campestris, Redbank, H. Prime, Oct. 1885. Cape May (H. A. 
Pilsbry, Nautilus, Nov. 1890, p. 74). Burlington, A. Ten Eyck Lansing (W. G. 
Binney, Terr. Moll., 1878, vol. 5, p. 149). 

New York—L. campestris, Plattsburgh, widely distributed, G. H. Hudson, Oct. 
1885. General in Onondago Co., W. M. Beauchamp, Oct. 1885. Quite common in 
Cayuga Lake Valley (N. Banks, Nautilus, April 1892). East Rochester, Monroe 
Co. (J. Walton, The Museum, July 1898, p. 133). Vicinity of Owasco Lake (F. C. 
Baker, Nautilus, Sept. 1899, p. 58). 

Pennsylvania—L. campestris, Westchester, Chester Co., W. D. Hartmann, 1885. 
Common in most suitable localities around Philadelphia (M. Schick, Nautilus, April 
1895, p. 135). 

Ohio—L. campestris, Cincinnati (Harper & Wetherby’s Catalogue, Feb. 1876). 

Michigan—JL. campestris, generally distributed (B. Walker, Moll. Michigan, 
p-. 21, 1899). 

Indiana—L. campestris, common in Franklin Co., Moore & Butler, 1885. 

Iowa—L. canpestris, abundant and widely distributed, Desmoines, Iowa City, 
and Bonaparte, and doubtless throughout the state (C. R. Keyes, Bull. Essex Inst., 
June 1888, p. 695). 

Nebraska—L. campestris, only in the eastern counties of the state (Aughey, 
Bull. Surv. Terr., 1877, p. 698). 

North Carolina—L. campestris, Roan Mountains (Pilsbry & Walker, Proc. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philad, 1897, p. 489). 

South Carolina—Aiken (W. G. Binney, Terr. Moll., 1878, vol. 5, p. 149). 

Missouri—Seialia, Pettis Co., in plenty in open woods and in pastures far away 
from timber, F. A. Sampson, Oct. 1885. 

Kansas—L. campestris, Sedgwick Co. (F. J. Ford, Nautilus, Jan. 1890, p. 106). 

Arkansas—L. campestris, Carroll; Sebastian ; Pulaski; Perry ; Nevada; and 
Franklin; the specimens from Franklin Co. are nearly two inches in length (F. A. 
Sampson, Report Geol. Survey Arkansas, 1891). 

New Mexico—Limazx campestris, Roswell, Pecos Valley (T. D. A. Cockerell, 
Nautilus, July 1896, p. 35). Mescalero Indian Reservation, in the Sacramento 
Mountains, above the Agency (id., J. of Mal., May 1897, p. 4). 


Bermuda—A. /vis sens. lat., specimens in the British Museum, collected by the 
Challenger Expedition (T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., May 1897, p. 3). 

Jamaica —A. /wvis sens. lat., common at Moneague, Jan. 1892; also found at 
Cinchona by Mr. Fawcett and Mr. W. Cradwick (T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., 
May 1897, p.°3). 

Mexico—L. stenurus (Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges. 1885, p. 274). 

Brazil—L. brasiliensis, Rio Grande de Sul (Lhering, op. cit.). 

Argentine—Limax meridionalis, Cordoba (Ihering, op. cit.); LZ. argentinus, 
Strobel, Rio Negro, Patagonia, 1879 (Roca, J. de Conch., 1883, p. 272). 

South Africa—(R. Sturany, J. of Mal., May 1899, p. 43). 
Madagascar—(Simroth, Portug.-Azor. Fauna, 1891). 


Sandwich Isles—Mr. Collinge, who has examined a collection from these islands, 
refers the individuals inhabiting the more lofty regions to his A. bevenoti, citing as 
localities Honolulu, at an altitude of 2,000 feet ; Kauai, at 4,000 feet ; and Halea- 
kala, at 5,000 feet ; while A. /evis is said to be found on the lower ground at an 
altitude of 2,000 feet at Kauai. Specimens which cannot be referred with certainty 
to either form were found at Haleakala, 5,000 feet altitude; on mountains near 
Honolulu, at 2,000 feet altitude; and between Olaa and Kilauea, at altitudes 
between 2,000 and 4,000 feet (Proce. Mal. Soc., 1897, p. 295). 

Cook’s Islands—Limazx rarotonganus, Rarotonga (Heynemann, op. cit. ). 

New South Wales—dAgriolimax rarotonganus, Sydney (Heynemann, Jahrb. 
Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 303). Parramatta, probably the Limaz olivaceus of 
Gould (C. T. Musson, Proe. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 1890, p. 885). 

Queensland—L. queenslandicus, Brisbane (C. T. Musson, op. cit.). A. raroton- 
ganus, Burnet river and Port Dennison (Heynemann, op. cit. ). 


Var. occidentalis Cooper, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad , 1872, p. 146, pl. 3. 

The ANIMAL does not differ externally from the 
ordinary campestris, except being said by Dr. Cooper to 
be rather more robust than the eastern form ; he also 
remarks that it is paler in colour when it first emerges 
from its retreat in the dry season. INTERNALLY the speci- Fic. 149)—WWertanpeinteral. 
men examined by Binney showed a RADULA with @ — and marginal teeth of A. cam- 
formula 35 +1435, with thirteen laterals, the inner and — Aestrts_v. occidentalis, highly 
outer lateral teeth occasionally showing a side spur, and — ™@8nified (after Binney). 
approaching in this respect the var. monfanus rather than the typical campestris. 

California—Agriolimax campestris var. occidentalis, numerous about San Fran- 
cisco; Santa Cruz; Clear Lake, and at Alta, Placer Co., 3,625 feet elevation on the 
west slope of the Sierra Nevada; also at Truckee, Nevada Co., 5,866 feet high on 
the east slope. It has also been found on the Coast Mountains, and along the coast 
almost everywhere, from 39° north lat., to San Juan, near lat. 33°, J. G. Cooper, Oct. 
1885. A. campestris var., Lake Merced, San Francisco Co., Mr. Raymond (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, J. of Conch , Oct. 1891). 

Var. montanus Ingersoll, Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, Terr., 1875, p. 394. 
Agriolimax montanus a typicus T. 1). A. Cockerell, J. of Conch., Oct. 1888. 
Limax ingersolli W.G. Binney, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1875. 

ANIMAL bluish-grey in colour, stout in form, 
with a blunt posterior extremity, and exceeding one 
inch in length. 

INTERNALLY, the RADULA shows a formula of 
50+1+450, with sixteen perfect laterals. 

Prof. Cockerell has pointed out that Ingersoll’s 
description was probably made from spirit specimens, 
and that the bluish-grey colour was due in great part 
to an exudation of slime, such as is often observed 
in alcoholic specimens ; A. montanus a typicus CkIL., 
which is described as ‘rather pale brown, foot-sole 
pale,” in all probability represents Ingersoll’s species 
when living. 

Montana—L. monfanus, one at Missoula, June 
1897 (M. J. Elrod, Nautilus, March 1902, p. 129). 

Utah—L. montanus (H. A. Pilsbry, Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1889, p. 196). 

Colorado — A. campestris var. montana, Pueblo Co., and Rio Grande Co. 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, Moll. Colorado, J. of Conech., Jan. 1889). Hot sulphur springs, 
Grand Co., Mr. Ingersoll; Custer Co. ; Chaffee Co. ; Canon City, Fremont Co. ; 
Summit Co.; Eagle Co, ; Mesa Co. ; and Gunnison Co. (id., Naut., Jan. 1890, p. 100). 

Fic. 149.—Reproductive system 
of ZL. montanus (after Binney). 

Var. castanea Ingersoll, Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey Terr., 1875, p. 394. 
Limax castaneus Ingersoll, op. cit. 

ANIMAL small and slender, colour lively brown, 
with darker spot on the SHIELD; HEAD and OMMA- 
TOPHORES black; FOOT-SOLE white. Length less 
than one ineh. 

dinney describes the RADULA as sun teak Fic. 1 eee lateral) and 
acter to that of ZL. montanus, the formula being  M21gna ered cafiec Binney 
3441434, with twelve perfect laterals. ~ _ highly magnified (after Bianey): 

According to Prof. Cockerell, the var. castanea was described from a young 
example, the black head and tentacles being a feature imparted to alcoholic speci- 
mens and not existing in living animals. 

Colorado—A. campestris var. castanea, Blue River Valley, Mr. Ingersoll (T. D. A. 
Coekerell, Nautilus, Jan. 1890, p. 100). 

Var. intermedius Cockerell, J. of Conch., Oct. 1888, p. 859. 

ANIMAL dark-brown, foot-sole grey. 

Colorado—A. campestris var. intermedia, Wet Mountain Valley, Custer Co. ; 
Canon City, Fremont Co. ; Wales Canon, Pueblo Co. ; Saguache Co. ; Summit Co. ; 
Mesa Co. : and Delta Co. (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Jan. 1890, p. 100). 


Var. tristis Cockerell, op. cit. 

ANIMAL very dark-brown or brown-black. This form, which in its colouring is 
nearly allied to var. hyperborea, is found chiefly at high elevations in the mountains. 

The effect of living under the extreme conditions found at high altitudes upon 
the pigmentation of this species, is shown by the darkest forms being most prevalent 
in the highest elevated localities, and is corroborated by the dark colour of the var. 
hyperborea, found on the Arctic shores of Siberia and North America, 

Colorado—A. campestris var. tristis, Lake Co.; Summit Co. ; and Delta Co. 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, Jan. 1890, p. 100). 

Var. hyperborea Westl., Nachricht. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., Sept. 1876, p. 97. 
Limax hyperboreus Westerlund, op. cit. 

30pDyY firm, black above, sides paler, pale beneath, 
back convexly rounded, narrowing behind, tail short, 
compressed and subcarinate above; SHIELD broadly « 
rounded behind, thicker and much wider in front, inner 
margin reflexed. Long., 10 mill. ; lat., 3 mill. 

INTERNALLY, it is described by Binney as possessing Fic. 151.—Median, lateral, 
a smooth arched jaw, with a blunt median projection ; aud mareiah tect of Limax 
RADULA with a formula of 42+1442 teeth, the centrals  22e7o7eus, ughly magnified 
tricuspid; laterals twelve in number and bicuspid; mar- : 
ginals about thirty, simply aculeate or with a bifurcation or side-spur. 

Siberia—Nordenskiéld and Stuxberg found it at Goroschinskoj, 66° 17’ north 
lat., on Sept. 10, 1875; and on the island Sopotschnoj, in the Jenissei river, 70° 5’, 
on Aug. 29, 1875 (Westerlund, op. cit.). Dr. Theel collected it at Tolstoinos, Aug. 
1876, and according to Westerlund it is recorded as Arion ater by Gerstfeldt from 
Eastern Siberia (id., Siber. Land Sotvatt. Moll., pp. 102 and 110). Dr. Dall also 
records that it was found by Stejneger and by the Vega Expedition on the Com- 
mander Islands. It is said to be tound also in Kamschatka (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 
1886, p. 217). Tschukschis Peninsula (Simroth, Portug.-Azor. Fauna, 1891). 

Nearctic Region—Found throughout the Arctic shores of North America, and 
on the Aleutian and Behring Islands (Dall, op. cit.). 

Labrador—Not uncommon on May 16th, 1883, and July 23rd, 1884, under stones 
in moist places in willow thickets, ete., about Fort Chimo, Ungavo Bay (Dall, op. 
cit., p. 203). 

United States—Quincey, California, 1889, H. F. Wickham (T. D. A. Cockerell, 
J. of Mal., 1897, p. 4). 

Fic. 152.—Banks of Leeds and Liverpool Canal, near Kirkstall, a favourite locality for 
Agriolimax levis (photo. by Mr. R. Mackay). 



(Amalia, Moquin-Tandon ; Lallemantia, Mabille). 

The genus Milar (Milax, a word 
formed by a transliteration of Lima’) 
was instituted by Dr. Gray in the 
Cat. Pulmon. Brit. Mus., published 
on May Ist, 1855, but in which the 
preface was dated March 29th. 

The term JMilav  antedates 
Mogquin-l'andon’s name of Amalia, 
which was published in his “ Hist. 
Moll. Terr. et Fluv. France,” n., 
p- oe on Sept. 10th, 1855.” The 
preface to that work, though dated 
March 15th, was really issued with 
the third part on Aug. Ist, while 
the fourth part, in which the term 
Amalia was first instituted, did not 
appear until Sept. 10th, 1855, the 
misleading date of the preface to 
the work having led to the wrongful 
use of Amalia. 

With this genus Dr. J. E. and 
Mrs. Gray have been associated in 
recognition of the institution of the 
present group and of the impetus 
their conchological works have had 
upon the popularization of con- 
chology generally. 

In this country we have but two 
species, which, although placed by 
. Pollonera in separate sub-genera, 
= Tandonia and Pirainea, do not show, 
at least in British specimens, the 
differential characters he has as- 
signed to them, but are, in fact, somewhat closely allied in structure 
and aspect, but according to Dr. Simroth, within certain limits, no genus 
is so unstable in its organization as is Miélar, a group which, in his 
opinion, is only at the outset of its course, in the formation of species 
for the future. 

Generic Characteristics.—ExrerNa.Ly, in Milax the body is longi- 
tudinally grooved, and acutely keeled the whole length of the back. ‘lhe 
MANTLE is shagreened or delicately wrinkled, bears a bluntly lenticular 

r horse-shoe shaped groove, more or less completely circumscribing a 
comeniiat prominent postero-central part which simulates a smaller, 
superposed mantle; the RESPIRATORY ORIFICE is placed on the right side 
behind the centre of the mantle, and is not cut by the anal channel, 

GENUS MILAX. 1ka}¢/ 

which is in advance; the REPRODUCTIVE ORIFICE is situate mid-way 
between the base of the right ommatophore and the respiratory orifice. 
The ORGAN OF SEMPER is externally perceptible as crenulations or pucker- 
ings of the upper lip, which presents a row of eight or more rounded 

INTERNALLY, the viscera show a strong spiral twist! in a sinistral direc- 
tion, the amount of torsion corresponding somewhat to that of a dextrally 
coiled Buliminus. 'The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS do not loop the retractor of 
the right tentacle, and possess a very remarkable series of accessory glands 
adherent to the base of the oviduct and atrium, into which they debouch 
by numerous slender ducts; there is no flagellum, but a well-marked epi- 
phallus, within which a spermatophore is developed, and which is basally 
separated from the penis by a well-marked sphincter muscle. The PENIS- 
RETRACTOR arises from the dorsal skin on the right-side, just below the root 
of the cephalic retractor, and is attached to the epiphallus. The sarco- 
BELUM, or excitatory organ, though present in our British species, is not 
an invariable character in all the species of the genus; the Milar 
carinatus of southern Europe, which in other respects is so closely related 
to our Milax sowerbii, is said by Lessona & Pollonera to be destitute of 
an excitatory organ, though Dr. Simroth found it present in a Florentine 
specimen forwarded by Signor Lessona. ‘The KIDNEY is somewhat oval in 
shape, and differs from that of Zimaz in having a linguiform prolongation, 
doubled back under the organ and protruding behind on the right side. 
The SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND lies free in the body cavity, and is only about 
one-third the total length of the body. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS comprise the pharyngeal and tentacular 
muscles, which are usually separate nearly or quite to their roots, though 
their points of origin are always closely contiguous; they arise from the 
dorsum, beneath the floor of the shell sac, to which they are firmly 
attached, exactly at or near to the point where the shell is adherent by 
its apex to the floor of the pouch. 

The FooT-soLE is distinctly longitudinally tri- 

partite, the broad mid-area being bounded by a ae ayaa 
well-marked groove at each side, and the wrinklings po eee 
formed during the contraction of the sole, unlike —\ 

those of the true Limaces and A griolimaces, which Va 

are simply transverse, show in Milaxr a striking ay aes 
chevron-like character in the median-line, an V 
arrangement said to tally accurately with the dis- Fic. 154.—Diagram of the 
position of the lateral branches of the sympathetic Re GoN oh hae wancrens 

mesh of the pedal nerves. wrinklings of the median-area. 

The law of colouring is similar to that pertaining to A. agrestis; the 
animals darken with age, the darker mantle-markings being assumed to be 
ancestral traits not yet obliterated, and formed by the approximation and 
fusion of the isolated spots of young animals. ‘I'he primitive colouring of 
the species of this group is supposed to be simple, and just as A. agrestis 
shows unicolorous dark or slate-blue varieties on the Mediterranean 
shores, Milaxr has developed a preponderance of dark unicolored species 
or varieties in similar situations. 

In the eastern Mediterranean region, Mi/ux is separable into the species 
furnished with a prominent dorsal keel and those in which the keel is 
confined to the caudal end of the body ; the latter, which form the section 

1 Monog. i., p. 282, f. 562. 
29/5/04 I 


Subamalia of Pollonera and the Malinastrum of Bourguignat, are confined 
to the mountains and are probably the more ancient forms. ‘The strongly 
carinate species found in the Crimea, Greece, Transylvania, Austria, 
Germany, and Italy, which have been classified under Tundonia and 
Pirainea of Lessona & Pollonera, are mostly of a reddish or brownish tint, 
but more westwardly the reddish ground gradually disappears, the animals 
becoming ochreous or black. 

The species of Milaz are slow and sluggish in movement, possess a 
thick skin, and secrete a tough and viscid mucus. According to Simroth, 
they are essentially carnivorous and predaceous, though occasionally 
devouring vegetable food. The duration of life in the J/cdaces is uncertain, 
but Simroth thinks it extends over several years. 

Conjugation in Mélax is not restricted to any particular season, but in 
mild weather may take place at any period of the year, the act itself being 
very prolonged ; Mr. Kew has observed it on one occasion to continue for 
a space of seventeen hours, this lengthy ceremony being probably necessi- 
tated by the time requisite for the formation and transference of the 

elaborate spermatophore. 

Fossil.—A Milax (M. gracilior Sandberger) is recorded from the 
Upper Miocene beds at Biberach, Wurtemburg, by Sandberger, but in 
this country it has not been reported from any deposits lower than the 


Geographical Distribution.—This genus, according to Simroth, has 
not naturally a wide distribution, as, excepting its occurrence in the extreme 
points of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, California, and several 
oceanic islands, in all of which it may have been artificially introduced, its 
range is, as far as at present known, confined chiefly to the Mediterranean 

and European region, 

Fic. 155.—Obverse and reverse of medal struck in 1863 in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Gray. 


Milax gagates (Draparnaud). 
1801 Limax gagates Draparnaud, Tabl. Moll., p. 100, no. 1. 

1805 - — Draparnaud, Hist. Nat., p. 122, pl. 9, f. 1, 2. 
1824 — maurus Quoy & Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, p. 426. 
1855 — (Amalia) gagates Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll., vol. 2, p. 19, pl. 2, £. 1-3. 
1872 — hewstoni Cooper, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., p. 147, plea: 
1855 Milax gagates Gray, Catal. Pulm., p. 174. 
1880 — _ tasmanicus ‘Tate, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, p. 16. 
1876 Amalia marginata mut. gagates Pini, Bull. Soc. Mal. Ital., vol. 2, p. 107. 
1897 — babori Collinge, Proc. Mal. Soc., p. 294. 

} ISTORY.— Milux gagates (gagates, 
jet), 18 one of our more uncommon 
slugs, and though typically of jet 
black hue, is in this country more fre- 
quently found of a pale plumbeous or 
brownish tint. 

This species was first described by 
Draparnaud in 1801, and was first dis- 
covered in Great Britain by Mr. R. D. 
Darbishire, B.A., F.G.S., of Victoria 
Park, Manchester, who in September 
1851, found a characteristic specimen 
at the foot of a hawthorn hedge, on the 
Isle of Portland, which was identified 
by Prof. Forbes. 

Mr. E. A. Smith, in the Proc. Zool. 

Soc., 1884, p. 276, suggests the proba- 

bility that the Z. capensis Krauss may 

STC. Wa 4 Ko . A prove to be referable to our species ; 

6 ad and Mr. C. I. Musson makes a similar 
suggestion in reference to the L. pectinatus of Selenka. 

Prof. R. Tate has described (Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1880, p. 16) a 
Milax nigricolus, which inhabits the gullies of the Adelaide hills, and is 
widely dispersed over the Adelaide plain generally. Though presented as 
a new and probably indigenous species, the author suggests that it may be 
identical with Milax gagates. 

Dr. Simroth considers Amalia doderleini, A. sicula, and A. insularis as 
all synonymous with the present species, and agrees with Heynemann 
in similarly regarding Limax scaptobius of Bourguignat, but as there 
appears to be some conflict of opinion on the subject, their views are 
simply recorded here. 

Diagnosis. —Hxrrrnatiy, Milux gagates is known from its congener 
by its more uniform colouring; by the keel being usually of the same or of 
a darker tint than the body, and by its greater prominence at the caudal 
extremity ; the parallel longitudinal groovings of the body are also quite 
unpigmented, and the intervals between the groovings smooth or deli- 
cately granulate. 

INTERNALLY, it is sharply differentiated by the globose spermatheca and 
the protuberant atrium or vestibule. 


Description.—ANIMAL comparatively slender, and usually 50 mill. or more in 
length when extended; typically of an almost uniform black above, but in this country 
more frequently of adrab, lavender or plumbeous-grey ; DORSAL-KEEL very prominent 
and sharp, especially at the caudal end, where it is abruptly angulated; it extends 
the whole length of the back, strongly indenting the hind margin of the shield 
when the animal is at rest, and is usually of the same or a darker colour than the 
body; the Bopy is longitudinally and regularly suleate, the intervening spaces being 
only slightly granulate; SHIELD or mantle ample, truncately rounded behind, finely 
wrinkled and bearing a bluntly lenticular or horse-shoe shaped unpigmented sulcus, 
which cireumseribes a somewhat protuberant and slightly darker central area 
beneath which the vestigial shell is lodged ; rooT-soLE pale, distinctly tripartite, 
the mid-area much broader than the side-areas, and separated by a deep Eee 
FRINGE same colour as side of sole, without lineoles, rather thick and rounded at 
the front, defined from the sides by a deep channel; TENTACLES moderately long and 
granulose; lower tentacles short. Mucus thick, glutinous, and colourless when in 
health, but when irritated or scalded tinged with pale yellow, and slightly milky 
from the presence of innumerable minute granules of carbonate of Jime. 

SHELL more or less elongately oval in 
shape, glistening white in colour, and some- 
what convexly rounded on the upper side ; 
APEX or nucleus subterminal and almost 
median, encircled with strong and regular 
concentric lines of growth; under-side flat, 
or even somewhat convex owing to the 
presence of an almost flat caleareous plate, 
the shell thus often presenting a double 
appearance when viewed laterally, simulating two shells placed one upon another. 

Length, 43 mill. ; breadth, 3 mill. 

closely aggregated round the throat, the 5 

Fic. 157.—Internal shell of 7. gagates x 4. 
(Christchurch, Hants, Mr. C. Ashford). 

dark-grey and triangular cerebral ganglia 

being connected by a short broad dark-grey Fic. 158.— 

Nerve centres of 

commissure ; the buccal ganglia are whitish, Milax* gagates, 
a little more than their own diameter apart, showing otocysts 
and joined to the cerebral ganglia by dark- v) A o) (greatly enlarged). 

grey connectives ; the SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND 

is free, and only half the length of the body in 

adults, and even less in immature individuals. 

The LIVER is chestnut-coloured, the right lobe forming the posterior end of the 
visceral mass, the left is directed forwards to the KIDNEY, which has a long tongue- 
shaped prolongation beyond the right margin of the organ. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL shows a broad and brown GSOPHAGUS; an ample 
brown CROP with white SALIVARY GLANDS adherent to its walls; the intestinal 
coils are triodromous, but owing to the strong spiral twisting to which the whole of 
the viscera have been subjected they appear much more complex; the second 
intestinal tract extends beyond the termination of the stomach, and turns in the 
eandal lobe of the liver, the rectum passing to the anal opening at the right side 
of the body without looping the retractor. 

The REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM opens externally about half-way between the right 
ommatophore and the respiratory orifice ; the OVOTESTIS is oval and whitish, with 
large acini; the DUCT becomes ample and tortuous as it nears the albumen gland, 
where there is a well-defined VESICULA SEMINALIS; the ALBUMEN GLAND is pale 
ochreous, gelatinous and semi-transparent; the SPERM-DUCT is of an opaque milk- 
white colour and not well developed; the OVIDUCT is semi-transparent, with a tinge 
of blue; the FREE-OVIDUCT narrow and eylindrical ; the VAS DEFERENS short, 
entering the epiphallus terminally ; the PENIS-SHEATH is small 
and insignificant, with longitudinal ribbing, terminated distally 
by a large and well-marked bluish-white EPIPHALLUS, which 
is annularly ribbed internally, the ribs being visible externally 
as opaque-white specks; the basal limits are denoted exteriorly ee, 
by a distinct sphineter, and interiorly by two annular series Fic. 15).-7Sarcohe- 

P “ : 7 > A A um of Wilax gagates 
of projecting papille ; the penis-sheath enters the bulbous and — (greatly enlarged). 
bulging ATRIUM at the side within the protuberant part of 
which, opposite the penial opening, there is a smooth and ploughshare-shaped 
excitatory organ, or SARCOBELUM ; the PENIAL-RETRACTOR, which is quite slender, 


arises from the convex side of the epiphallus, and is fixed to the oviduct ; SPERMA- 
THECA large and globose when fully distended, connected laterally to the oviduet by 

Fic. 160. Fic. 161. Fic. 162. 
Fic. 160.—Alimentary tract of W/ilax gagates, showing the buccal bulb and nerve-ring, x 2 

Fic. 161.—Sexual organs of JZ. gagates, x 3, the accessory glands turned aside to show the 
protuberant atrium. a/é.g7. albumen gland ; o#. ovotestis; sf. spermatheca; #.s. penis-sheath; 
ep. epiphallus; 7. retractor; g¢. accessory glands. 

Fic. 162.—Cephalic retractors of 17. gagates, Xx 8. 

tissue and more firmly at the apex; its short, stout stem opens into the free-oviduct, 
at whose junction with the atrium are large foliated accessory glands with long 
ducts, resembling salivary glands in their whiteness and lobular form. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR is somewhat variable in its development ; it usually 
arises from the dorsum from a single root, and is often attached to, or beneath, 
the apex of the shell, travelling a short distance as a single band; occasionally the 
PHARYNGEAL and TENTACULAR portions may arise independently, e each from its 
own base or root, but these are always closely contiguous; the pharyngeal muscle 
is invariably deeply cleft, and the retractor of the right tentacle does not separate 
the male and female organs, as in the typical. eh 

MANDIBLE or jaw moderately arcuate, thick, and 
of a deepish horn colour, with very fine strize on the re 
anterior surface; ends bluntly rounded; median beak Fic. 163.—Mandible or jaw of 
or rostrum not prominent and very obtuse. Milax gagates, X 12. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is of the usual shape, and in a Christchurch specimen 
displays series of closely-set teeth, projecting forward in the centre and sloping 
backward towards the margins; the median series of teeth are slightly smaller than 
the neighbouring laterals, and are distinctly tricuspid with the mesocone strong and 


Fic. 164.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of 47. gagates, X 180. 
The animal collected at Christchurch by Mr. C. Ashford, and the palate prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. 
well developed; the laterals are also clearly tricuspid, the mesocone gradually 
increasing in strength and importance ; the marginals are chiefly bicuspid, showing 
a strong mesocone and distinct ectocone, the endocone so well dev eloped on the 

lateral teeth havi ing become gradually lost, while the extreme marginals are simply 

The formula of a Christchureh ieeen is 
ey tFtt44 7445 x 98 = 7,938. 

Reproduction and Bey ieean ln: congress of this species may 
take place at any period of the year, during mild weather, and as is indi- 
cated by the presence of a well-developed excitatory organ within the 



bulging atrium, is probably preceded by mutual exchange of blandish- 
ments and stimulatory actions, the operation itself occupying many hours, 
this great length of time being necessary to allow time for the secretion of 
the spermatophores and for their mutual transference. 

The eggs are slightly oval in shape, transparent, delicate, and thin 
shelled, and measure 2’ mill. in length and 13 mill. in width. They are 
agglutinated together by a colourless mucosity and deposited in moist 
spots in the soil, or beneath some protection, and hatch in less than a 
month ; the young, according to Prof. Krause, when excluded are white, 
with a semi- circular black band on the mantle, and the margin of the 

pallial gutter filled with pigment; they may afterwards become tinted with 
orey, especially towards the end of the keel, following this by assuming a 
reddish colour, with a greenish tint at the sides, and “although all do not 
follow in the same line of colour development, yet as they increase in 
size they gradually assume the adult coloration. 

Food and Habits.—Milax gagates is a shy and retiring species, and 
of nocturnal habits; though more active than its congener, it is also 
addicted to a somewhat subterranean mode of life, but may be met with 
crawling on the earth during the day after long- continued or heavy rain. 

Though essentially a ground slug, frequenting heaps of decaying veget- 
able matter, the foot of old walls, hedgerows , and amidst thick herbage or 
tufted plants, in gardens, ete., yet it has at times been noticed crawling up 
the trunks of apple and lime trees, and upon old walls. 

It can spin mucous-threads easily and well, and quickly avails itself of 
this method of reaching the ground when placed in distasteful positions. 

When at rest it assumes, according to Dr. Norman, a more rounded form 
than any other British Limaz, so contracting itself that its height is but 
little-exceeded by its length. 

Though perhaps chiefly vegetarian, and very destructive to young plants 
and underground roots and bulbs, yet it is also not only carnivorous but 
predaceous; eagerly destroying and devouring /elices and slugs, and even 
sickly or weaker individuals of its own kind. 

In captivity it is very omnivorous, as out of 195 different kinds of food 
offered to it by Mr. Gain it ate more or less readily 173, though only 
devouring with eagerness potato tubers and the root of carrot. 

Fossil.—It has been reported from the Pleistocene deposits near Port- 
land Bill, Dorset, on the authority of Prof. Prestwich (J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, 
Moll. Dorset, 185 98). 

Variation.—The external variation in Milaa ga gates would appear to 
be more largely geographical and less sporadic than in many species, 
although M. Bourguignat describes it as a variable species, sometimes 
ereenish or yellowish or even bluish in colour. 

British specimens are generally smaller, smoother, more pellucid, and 
paler than those inhabiting more southern and warmer districts. The 
Mediterranean forms are often large, black, more opaque, and more rugose 
than our British specimens, and the black pigment tends to invade the 
side-areas of the sole; this major form has been especially noticed in 
Algeria, and has been regarded as a sub-species by Prof. Cockerell, under 
the name of Amalia mediterranea. In Sicily, this pigmentation of the 
sole is not so far advanced, the side-areas being still grey; this transitional 
stage has been distinguished as forma sémilis, while closely-allied indi- 
viduals from Morocco have been differentiated as forma atlantica Ckll. 



1. Agriolimax agrestis var. pallida, p. 112. 3. Agriolimax agrestis var. reticulata, p. 115. 
Horsforth, Yorks. (after Férussac, pl. v. f. 7). 

| 2. Agrtolimax agrestis var. brunnea, p. 114. 4. A griolima x agrestis subvar. lilacina, p. 113. 
Bonar Bridge, East Ross, W. Baullie. Stroud, Gloucestershire, E. J. Elliott 

5. Agriolimax levis, p. 122. ae Agriolimax levis subvar. maculata, p. 126. 
Newlay, Yorks Barnes, Surrey, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

6. Agriolimax levts var, grisea, p 126. 8. Agriolimax levis (summer form) p. 126. 
Downpatrick, Down, R. Welch. (after Simroth). 

9. Milax gagates, p. 140. 12. Milax gagates var. pallidissima, p. 146 
Sale, Cheshire, C. Oldham. Guernsey, B. Tomlin. 

|. ; 13. Milax gagates var. plumbea, p. 144. 
10. Milax gagates var. bicolor, p. 146. 3 65 c p » P. 144 

Guernsey, B. Tomlin. 

Stafford, L. E. Adams. 

14. Milax gagates var. rava, p. 145. 
Truro, J. H. James. 

11. Milax gagates var. benottt, p. 146. 

on a i a gy 

18. Milax sowerbit var. bicolor, p. 157. 
15. Milax sowerbii, p. 151. Ealing, Middlesex, T, D. A. Cockerell. 
Woodbridge, E. Suffolk, Rev. S. S. Pearce. 

19. Milax sowerbti, subvar. insolita, p. 156. 

16. Milax sowerbii var. nigrescens, p. 151. Rhyl, Flint, A. Steele Perkins, 
A berayron, Cardigan, W. Whitwell. f 

17: Milax sowerbii, vay. alba, p. 155. 20. Milax sowerbit var. vustica, p. 156, 
Tenby, Pembroke, A. G. Stubbs. Dublin, J. KR. Redding. 

J. W. Taylor, del. Taylor Bros., Leeds. 



The effect of insular conditions upon the coloration of this species is 
well marked; the broad effect being a general similarity which has a marked 
relationship to the two prevalent varieties characterizing the British Isles. 

In Madeira this species is of a more or less dark-brown colour, and has 
been described as var. maderensis Ckll. ; it may be regarded as an extreme 
form of the var. rava. 

The MZ. gagates of St. Helena, described as forma helenw, partake of the 
characters of the vars. plumbea and rava, and the same intermediate fea- 
tures are displayed by the forma ¢ristensis CkIl., from Tristan d’Acunha 
and Juan Fernandez. 

The Bermuda specimens on the contrary display a close relationship 
with the typical form, but show a flexuous keel, and are rather more 
opaque and rugose than is usual. 

The American examples of AZ gagates, perhaps better known under 
Cooper's name of MV. hewston?, differ but little from typical gagates; the 
body is blackish above, paler at the sides ; sole dull greyish ochreous ; keel 
not conspicuous in the living 
slug, but much stronger when | y, 
contracted in alcohol. ‘The ee Y 
internal structure agrees also i y |\ 
with gagates in all essential ae 
points, the oviduct being said Fis AG 
by Binney to be long and very marginal teeth of M. hewstoni 
tortuous, with a well-developed (his blyauagnificd yattes Emuey. 
sperm-duct ; the vagina very 
short, the large and globular 
spermatheca entering about the 
middle by a very short duct ; penis sac small, short, and cylindrical, but 
expanded and bulbous at the apex, where the vas deferens enters. 

The lingual membrane has a formula of 30 + 1+ 30, with fourteen perfect 
laterals, and shows symmetrical basal plates, and well-developed endoconic 
cutting points to inner lateral teeth, but the marginals are not bifurcated. 

Fic. 166.--Sexual organs of JZ. 
hewstoni (after Binney). 

Var. bedriage Less. & Poll., Monog. Limae. Ital., 1882, p. 59. 
Amalia mediterranea Ckll., Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1891, p. 331. 
Amalia mediterranea f. similis Ckll., op. cit., p. 332. 
Amalia gagates f. atlantica Ckll., op. cit., p. 330. 

ANIMAL black, lateral areas of the sole blackish. 

The sub-var. mediterranea CkIl. only differs from the var. bedriage in its 
larger size, measuring 56 mill. in length (in aleohol). It is described as of a rather 
dull black, and though somewhat shiny, quite opaque. 

The sub-var. similis Ckll. is smaller than the preceding, has an opaque-wrinkly- 
rugose and black body, a strong and rather flexuous keel; side-areas of sole greyish. 

The sub-var. atlantiea CkIl. is of ordinary dimensions, and also black, slightly 
transparent at the sides, body smooth, with rugve not well marked ; sole grey and 
slightly translucent ; jaw dark brown with a well-formed median projection. 

France—Var. bedriagw, Nice, in the Alpes Maritimes, Signor Bedriaga (Less. & 
Poll., op. cit.). 

Sardinia—Var. bedriagw, Signor Falchi (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Sicily—Sub-var. similis, Catania (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 332). 

Spain—Sub-var. atlantica, Gibraltar, J. H. Ponsonby (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. 
cit., p. 331). 

Algeria—Sub-var. mediterranea, a specimen from East Algeria in the British 
Museum, received from Dr. Heynemann (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 331). 

The specimens in the British Museum, collected by Dr. Anderson at Hammam 
Meskontina, and referred to sub-sp. mediterranea hy Mr. Cockerell, are perhaps 
better placed under the sub-var. atlantica. 

Morocco—Sub-var. atlantica, Tangiers, J. H. Ponsonby (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. 
cit., p. 330). 


Var. plumbea Mogq.-T'and., Hist. Moll. France, 1855, 11., p. 19, pl. 6, ff. 1, 2. 
Limax (Amalia) gagates Y olivaceus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit., p. 19. 
ANIMAL greyish-black or lead colour. 
The sub-var. Olivacea is of a deep olivaceous grey. 

Channel Isles—Var. plumbea, Guernsey, Aug. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 

Cornwall W.—Var. plumbea, garden, Truro Vean Terrace, near Truro, Dec. 
1885! J. H. James. 

Devon S.—Var. plumbca, abundant in garden, Topsham, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Somerset N.—Var. plumbea, specimens in British Museum, labelled ‘ Bath, 
J. E. Daniel” (T. D. A. Cockerell, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1891, p. 330). 

Dorset—Var. plumbea, Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. Spettisbury, 
June 1891! C. Ashford. 

Isle of Wight—Var. plumbea, Totlands Bay, Freshwater, June 1885! H. P. 

Hants S.—Var. plumbea, Christchurch, Aug. 1884! C. Ashford. Hoe Moor 
(L. E. Adams, Science Gossip, March 1901). 

Hants N.—Var. plumbeu, Preston Candover ! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Middlesex—Var. plumbea, Acton, Dee. 1884 ! and Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dee. 
1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Hampstead, Dec. 1888! H. W. Kew. 

Hereford—Var. plumbea, garden, Bishopswood Vicarage, Ross, April 1885 ! 
R. W. J. Smart. 

Worcester—Var. plumbea and sub-var. olivacea, garden, Stourport, July 1888 
(J. W. Williams, J. of Conch., July 1889). 

Stafford—Var. plumbea, Stafford, June 1886 ! L. E. Adams. 

Salop—Var. plumbea, Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Cardigan—Var. plumbea, gardens, Aberayron, May 1888! Miss Foulkes and 
Miss Maddy. 

Lincoln N.—Var. plwmbea, Alford, Sept. 1885! J. E. Mason. 

Notts. —Var. plumbea, common in garden, Tuxford, July 1885! W. A. Gain. 

Cheshire —Var. plumbea, nursery gardens, Sale, Feb. 1895! C. Oldham. 

Durham—Var. plwinbea, specimens in British Museum, labelled ‘‘South Shields, 
R. Howse” (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit.). 

Berwick—Var. plumbea, roadside, Cockburnspath, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 

Derry—Var. plumbea, Ballynagard, June 1892, D. C. Campbell. 

Antrim—Var. plumbea, Cushendun, May 1886! Rey. S. A. Brenan. 

Down—Var. plumbea, common, chiefly in lily of the valley beds, Oakleigh, 
Ormeau Park, Belfast, 1897, A. W. Stelfox. Common in garden, Sydenham House, 
April 1898, R. Welch. 

Dublin —Var. plumbea, Kingstown, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Queen’s Co.—Var. plumbea, La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 
1843, p. 341). 

Mayo E.—Var. plumbea, Tourmakady Lodge near Ballinrobe, Sept. 1843 (B. J. 
Clarke, op. cit.). 

Mayo W.—Var. plumbea, Slievemore village, Sept. 1888! (J. G. Milne, J. of 
Conch., Oct. 1891). 

Galway W.—Var. plumbea, MacDaras Island, Roundstone, July 1895, R. 
Welch. Sub-var. olivacea, Aran Isles, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Galway E.—Var. plumdea, Tuam Palace gardens (B. J. Clarke, op. cit.). 

Kerry—Var. plumbea, Kenmare, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. In field on Cloonee 
road beyond Mucksna Wood, Sept. 1898 (Stubbs & Adams, Irish Nat., Nov. 1898). 

France—Var. plumbea is recorded by Dubrueil from Bédarieux, St. Pons, La 
Salvetat, and Ganges in the Hérault, and by d’Orbigny from La Rochelle in 
Charente Inférieure, and we have verified specimens collected in April 1887 at 
Cherbourg, department Manche, by F. R. Billups, as well as from Veules, Seine 
Inférieure, collected by S. C. Cockerell, in Sept. 1895. The sub-var. olivacea is 
reported by Moquin-Tandon from Toulouse in Haute Garonne.; from Nice in the 
Alpes Maritimes by Lessona & Pollonera; and by Dubrueil from St. Martin-de- 
Londres, Ganges, etc., in Hérault. 

Malta—Var. plumbea (Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, April 1891). 

Spain—Var. plumbea, Santiago in Galicia (Macho, Moluse. Galicia, 1871, p. 13). 

United States—Var. plwmbea of the A. hewstoni found by H. Hemphill, at 
Julian City, California (‘T. D, A. Cockerell, Ann, and Mag. N.H., Nov. 1891, p. 338). 


Var. rava Williams, Shell Coll. Handbook, 1888, p. 89. 

Limax gagates var. Y Clarke, Aun. and Mag. N.H., Nov. 1843, pl. xii., ff. 18-20. 
Amalia gagates var. maderensis Ckll., Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1891, p. 334. 
Amalia gagates var. ascensionis (Lesson) Ckll., op. cit., p. 335. 
Amalia gagates var. ascensionis {. helene Ckll., op. cit., p. 336. 
Amalia gagates var. ascensionts f. tristensis Ckll., op. cit., p. 336. 
ANIMAL drab-coloured, slightly fuscous, the mantle often paler than the back. 

The sub-var. maderensis Ckll., sub-var. ascensionis Lesson, with the forms helene 
and fristensis, are all apparently forms of the var. rava, but the three latter forms 
have intimate relationship also with the var. plumbea, and constitute a series of 
connecting links between the vars. rava and plumbea. 

The sub-var. maderensis CkIl. is of an uniform dark-brown, including the foot; 
mantle blackish and oval, keel not strong, and median-area of sole more than twice 
as broad as either lateral zone. 

The sub-var. helenge Ckll. is dull palish ochreous, with simple reticulate groov- 
ings, the interstitial spaces being similarly but still more delicately sculptured ; 
back darkish purplish-grey, with a strong but not obviously paler keel extending 
the whole length of the back; neck bluish-grey above; mantle purplish-grey, except 
on the sides, below the suleus, which are pale ochreous, rather sharply defined from 
the dark part by the suleus; median-area of sole not quite twice as broad as either 
lateral area. 

The sub-var. tristensis Ckll. has the rug rather strong, back and mantle 
plumbeous, sole and sides of body yellowish. 

The sub-var. aseensionis Lesson has a general resemblance to the two preceding 
related sub-varieties. 

Channel Isles—Var. rava, Guernsey, numerous, Aug. 1891! B. Tomlin. 

Cornwall W.—Var. rava, garden, Truro, April 1886! J. H. James. 

Devon S.—Var. rava, swarming in Mr. MeMurdo’s garden, Topsham, Aug. 
1892, L. E. Adams. 

Hants S.—Var. vava, common at Christchureh, Jan. 1887! C. Ashford. 

Middlesex—Var. rava, garden, Hornsey, Oct. 1891! H. W. Kew. Crouch Hill, 
Oct. 1891! G. K. Gude. 

Oxford—Var. rava, near Little Bourton (W. E. Collinge, Conch., 1891, p. 18). 

Monmouth— Var. rvava, Shirenewton Hall, June 1886 ! E. J. Lowe. 

Worcester— Var. rava, garden, Stourport (Williams, Science Gossip, May 1886). 

Carnarvon—Var. rava, Conway Castle, Jan. 1888! L. E. Adams. 

Anglesey—Var. vava, Puttin Island, Aug. 1891! T. Shankland. 

Cheshire—Var. rave, nursery gardens, Sale, Feb. 1895 ! and Ashton-on-Mersey, 
Oct. 1892! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire Mid—Var. rava, Garstang, Sept. 1888 ! W. H. Heathcote. 

Edinburgh—Var. rava, Levenhall, plentiful, Aug. 1886 ! W.D.R. 

Antrim—Var. rava, Cushendun, May 1886! Rev. S. A. Brenan. Murlough Bay 
Glen, June 1899, R. Welch. 

Down—Var. rave, in lily of the valley beds, Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast, 
1897, A. W. Stelfox. Common in garden, Sydenham House, April 1898, and 
Downpatrick Cathedral grounds, March 1898, R. Welch. 

Louth—Var. rava, Dundalk, Jan. 1904, C. Oldham. 

Dublin—Var. rava, Kingstown, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. White- 
ehureh, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Queen’s Co.—Var. rava, La Bergerie, common (B. J. Clarke, op. cit., p. 339). 

Sligo—Var. rava, Carrahubback, abundant under stones on low grassy banks, 
near the sea-shore, Oct. 1892! Miss Amy Warren. 

Mayo W.—Var. rave, Ballina, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. Slievemore village, 
Sept. 1888! (J. G. Milne, J. of Conch., Oct. 1891). 

Madeira—Sub-var. maderensis Ckll., a specimen in the British Museum, labelled 
‘*Madeira, Mr. Mason” (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 334). 

Ascension—Sub-var. ascensionis Lesson (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 335). 

St. Helena—Sub-var. helene Ckll., a specimen in the British Museum, labelled 
“St. Helena, J. C. Melliss” (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 336). 

Tristan d’Acunha—Sub-var. fristensis, a specimen in the British Museum, 
labelled ‘* Tristan d’Acunha, Challenger Collection” (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., 
p. 336). 

Juan Fernandez—Sub-var. ¢ristensis, six specimens in the British Museum, 
labelled ‘Juan Fernandez, Challenger Collection” (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., 
p. 338). 


Var. pallidissima Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, April 1891. 
Amalia gagates var. eremiophila Simroth, Nack. Portug.-Azor. Fauna, 1891, pl. 11, f. 3. 

ANIMAL pale grey, sometimes with a lavender tinge. 

This distinet variety, which Simroth under the name of var. eremiophila regards 
as a pale steppe form of Milax gagates, is not the form described by Bourguignat as 
Limax eremiophila, which in many respects is different, and amongst other features 
is described as possessing a yellow keel. 

Channel Isles—V. pallidissima, St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sep. 1891! B. Tomlin. 

Hants S.—Var. pallidissima, Christchurch, Jan. 1883 ! C. Ashford. 

Middlesex—Churchyard Bottom wood, Highgate, April 1889! H. W. Kew. 

Cardigan—Var. pallidissima, garden, Aber: ayron, May 1888 ! W. Whitwell. 

Dublin—Var. pallidissima, Donnybrook, Aug. 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Portugal—Sub-var. eremiophila Simroth, Lisbon and Abrantes in Estremadura, 
and in the Algarve (Simroth, op. cit. ). 

Malta—Var. pallidissima (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Var. bicolor 'l'aylor. 
ANIMAL of a deep red on the sides ; SHIELD and BACK deep brown. 

The var. raymondiana as figured by Simroth (Nacktsehn. Portug.-Azor. Fauna, 
joe We ies 2) has some relations with this variety, but is very much duller in its 
colours ; “it is considered by some authors as identical with the var. maderensis of 
Cockerell. The Limazx raymondiana as figured and described by Bourguignat has 
the sides of a warm ochreous-yellow. 

Channel Isles—St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sept. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 
Var. benoiti Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 59, pl. 1, f. 9. 

ANIMAL black, dorsal keel whitish. 

According to the Rey. B. J. Clarke, the keel in the young is invariably yellow, 
but gradually assumes during growth the same tint as the dorsum; the var. benoiti 
may, therefore, be regarded as characterized by the retention to mature life of 
juvenile coloration. 

Simroth considers the Limax scaptobius Bourg., from Algiers, Portugal, and 
Gibraltar, as a young form of M. gagates, which has retained the pale keel line. 

Edinburgh—A sub-variety of this form with a yellowish keel was found at 
Levenhall, Aug. 1886, by Mr. W. Denison Roebuck. 

Sicily —Messina (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Geographical Distribution.—-In its natural range Milax gagates 
appears to be restricted to the Western Palearctic and Mediterranean 
regions, and presents many analogies with the area of dispersal of Helix 

In the British Isles, 47, gagates is dispersed more or less interruptedly 
over the entire area, excepting the northern half of Scotland, from whence 
it has not as yet been reported. 

In the remote oceanic islands and distant countries where the species 
has been found, its occurrence is probably to be attributed to accidental 
or unintentional introduction by human agency. 

M. gagates has been credited by some authors with being a strictly 
littoral species, but although perhaps more plentiful along the coast, where 
it is sometimes found living quite within the influence of the sea spray at 
high tides, it is by no means restricted to such places, but occurs freely 


Channel Isles—Guernsey, at St. Martin’s, Aug. 1856 Ae M. Norman, Zool., 

1856, p. 5324) ; St. Peter’s Port, 1887; and St. Sampson’s, Sept. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 

Cornwall W.—Not uncommon (E. D. Marquand, Penzance Trans., 1884). Fal- 
mouth, Nov. 1901, H. Overton (J. of Mal., Dec. 1901). Garden, Truro Vean Terrace, 
Truro, J. H. James! (T. D. A. Cockerell, Sci. Goss., May 1886, p. 114). Newquay 
(A. Belt, Sci. Goss., Aug. 1893). 


Geographical Distribution d 
Milax gagates (Drap). ey: 
pet ee Recorded Distribution. E 

LG Probable Range. 

Fic. 167. 

Devon S.—Lane beyond Mr. Bartlett’s farm, near Torquay, J. P. Norman 
(A. M. Norman, Zool., 1854, p. 4284). Torquay, April 1888!8. Tuke. 

Devon N.—Lynton, 1898, F. J. Partridge (J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 19). 

Somerset S.—Allotment gardens, near canal and gasworks, Bridgwater, Aug. 
1884 ! W. Vinson. 

Somerset N.—Specimens in British Museum, labelled ‘‘ Bath, J. E. Daniel” 
(T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit.). 


Dorset—First found in Great Britain by Mr. R. D. Darbishire at the foot of a 
hawthorn hedge, Portland, Sept. 1851. Among the quarries, Portland Island, Aug. 
1892, L. E. Adams. Spettisbury, June 1888 ! C. Ashford. 

Isle of Wight—Plentiful at Sandown, R. Gibbs (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 
1853, vol. 4, p. 289). 

Hants S.—Christchurch, Aug. 1884! typical form rare, C. Ashford. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, June 1885! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex E.—Hastings, July 1877! Miss E. B. Fairbrass. East Rother district, 
(J. H. A. Jenner, Report Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc., 1880). 

Kent E.—Chatham! J. Whitwham. 
Kent W.—Beckenham, 1901, F. W. Wilson. 
Middlesex—Far from scarce in the gardens, ete., of the North London suburbs; 
frequently seen by the pathways in Hornsey and Islington ! (H. W. Kew, 1902). 
Oxford—Sparingly, near Little Bourton, and near Lidstone (W. E. Collinge, 
Conchologist, 1891, p. 13). 

Suffolk E.—St. Margaret’s, Ipswich, 1893 (W. M. Webb, J. of Mal., 1893, p. 4). 

Norfolk E.—Very plentiful in gardens and in outhouses, North Heigham near 
Norwich, Oct. 1894! A. Mayfield. 

Northampton—Mr. Beeby Thompson’s garden, Northampton, June 1896 (L. E. 
Adams, Journ. Northants Soe., 1896, p. 60). 



Monmouth—Kitchen gardens, Shirenewton Hall near Chepstow, May 1886 ! 
E. J. Lowe. 

Hereford—Bishopswood ! Rev. R. W. J. Smart. 

Worcester—Abundant, Stourport (J. W. Williams, Science Gossip, 1886, p. 99). 

Warwick—Camp Hill, Birmingham! W. Nelson. Garden, Sutton Coldfield, 1902 
(H. Overton, J. of Mal., 1901, p. 124). 

Stafford—Grounds of Grammar School, Stafford, June 1886! L. E. Adams. 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885! Baker Hudson. 


Pembroke—Old Carmarthen road, ‘Tenby, July 1853, A. Merle Norman (Zool., 
1853, p. 4048). Deer Park, also on North and South Cliffs, but scarcer than JM, 
sowerbii (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900, p. 321). 
Cardigan—Mrs. Maddy’s garden, Aberayron, May 1888! W. Whitwell. 
Montgomery— Garden, Welshpool (J. Bickerton Morgan, Moll. Montgom., 1891). 
Carnarvon—Conway Castle and railway station, Jan. 1888 ! L. E. Adams. 
Anglesey —Var. rave, Puftin Island, Aug. 1891! T. Shankland. 

Lincoln N.—Parson’s lane, Alford, May 1886! J. E. Mason. 
Notts. —Tuxford, rare (B. Sturges Dodd, Brit. Assoc. Handbook, 1893, p. 71). 
Derby—Matlock, J. A. Howe. 


Cheshire—Ashton-on-Mersey, Sept. 1890! and Sale, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire S.—Common in Swinton School gardens (J. C. Melvill, Brit. Assoe. 

Lancashire Mid—Garstang, Sept. 1888 ! Fulwood near Preston, Feb. 1889! 
W. H. Heathcote. 

York S.E.—Withernsea, on the cliffs, Sept. 1891! J. D. Butterell. 

York N.E.—Kitchen gardens opposite Borough road, Middlesbrough, Sept. 1886! 
T. A. Lofthouse. 

York S.W.—Bridge at Fall Ing, Wakefield (J. Hebden, Quart. Journ. Conch., 
1874, p. 5). Shibden near Halifax, 1859, W. Cash. Huddersfield, very rare (G. H. 
Parke, in Hobkirk’s Huddersfield, 1868, p. 224). 




Durham—South Shields, R. Howse. Several places in Durham, including the 

garden of Burnmoor Rectory, Fencehouses! (A. M. Norman, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 
1890, p. 329). 


Isle of Man-—Peel Castle (Forbes & Hanley, British Moll., 1853, vol. 4, p. 25). 
Roadside near Onchan, Sept 1891! Port Erin, Aug. 1892, H. Overton. Castletown, 
Aug. 1894, F. Taylor. 

Wala al Ws, 
Dumfries—Dumfries, March 1897, R. Service. 
Berwick— Roadside, Cove Farm near Cockburnspath, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 
Edinburgh—Levenhall near Musselburgh, Aug. 1886! W.D.R. Garden, Morn- 
ingside, Edinburgh, Aug. 1889! W. Evans. 
Perth S. and Clackmannan—G. McDougall. 

Dumbarton— Dumbarton, common, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Clyde Isles—Grounds of College, Isle of Cumbrae, 1854 (A. Merle Norman, 
Zoologist, 1856, p. 5324). About the Aquarium, Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Nov. 1886 ! 
T. Scott. 


Derry—Ballynagard, June 1892, D. C. Campbell. 

Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! 8. A. Brenan. Rathlin Island, May 1897, 
L. E. Adams. 

Down—Cultra, Dee. 1891, R. L. Praeger (Scharff, Irish List, 1892, p. 9). Down- 
patrick Cathedral grounds, Oct. 1897, R. Welch. Common in garden, Oakleigh, 
Ormeau Park, Belfast, especially in lily of the valley beds, 1897, A. W. Stelfox. 

Donegal—In old wood, near Ardara, April 1900, R. Welch. 


Louth—Var. vava, Dundalk, Jan. 1904, C. Oldham. 

Meath—Lough Ballyhoe, typical black form, April 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Near Dublin, Dr. Robert Ball (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853, 
vol. 4, p. 25). Donnybrook, Aug. 1888! G. Barrett Hamilton. Raheny, Sept. 1890, 
and Whitechureh, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. Dellbrook, Dundrum, 1897, R. Welch. 

Wicklow—Kilruddery, also Murrough of Wicklow, June 1891, I. PF. Scharff. 

Carlow—Near Carlow, Nov. 1901, A. G. Stuart. 

Queen’s Co.—La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1843, p. 341). 


Sligo—Var. rava, Carrahubback, Oct. 1892 ! Miss Anry Warren. 

Mayo E.—Tourmakady Lodge near Ballinrobe, Sept. 1843 (B. J. Clarke, Ann. 
Nat. Hist., 1843, p. 339). 

Mayo W.—Common in garden, Moyview, Ballina (Amy Warren, Zoologist, 
1879, p. 25). Dugort and Slievemore, Achill Island, Sept. 1888 ! (J. G. Milne, J. of 
Conch., Oct. 1891). 

Galway E.—Var. plumbea, Tuam Palace gardens (B. J. Clarke, op. cit.). 

Galway W.—Clifden, Connemara, July 1840 (W. Thompson, Ann. Nat. Hist., 
1840, p. 205). Aran Isles, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 


Cork N.—Queenstown, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. Under stones in the open 
country near Castle Martyr (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853, p. 25). 

Cork S.—Between Bantry and Glengariff, Sept. 1898 (Stubbs & Adams, Irish 
Nat., Nov. 1898). 

Kerry—Garden, Lake Hotel, Killarney, autumn, 1853, J. P. Norman (A. Merle 
Norman, Zool., 1854, p. 4284). Under arbutus trees in Middle Cloonee Lake, Mr. 
Ragdale (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). Sparingly in old damp mossy woods, 
Kenmare, July 1898, R. Welch. 


Belgium—Malines (Van Beneden); between Wechter and Tremelos (Kickx) ; 
and found rather abundantly in May near the great lake of Quincampois by Carlier 
(Colbeau, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1865, p. 84). 

Holland—(Simroth, Nacktschn. Portug.-Azor., 1891, p. 295). 


M. gagates, though found more especially in the littoral departments, is also 
present at many inland stations, and has been recorded for Aude, Alpes Maritimes, 
Basses Pyrénées, Charente Inférieure, Finistére, Gard, Gers, Gironde, Haute 
Garonne, Haute Loire, Hérault, Isére, Loire Inférieure, Manche, Morbilhan, Moselle, 
Nord, Pyrénées Orientales, Puy-de-Dime, Rhone, Seine Inférieure, Tarn et Garonne, 
Vendée, Vosges, and the Island of Corsica. 


This species has been recorded by Pini from Monte Codeno and Monte Campioni, 
and the northern valleys of Lombardy, and Mr. Brockton Tomlin has found it in 
Sept. 1886 on the Monte Moro Pass at an altitude of 7,000 feet. It abounds in the 
public gardens of Venice, according to Pini, and has been found by Pirona at Friuli 
in the Udine. It has been recorded for Sicily by Tate and others, for Malta by 
Mamo and Pollonera, while Heynemann gives it as inhabiting Sardinia. 


Only reported from the neighbourhood of Trieste in Istria (Pini, Bull. Soe. Mal. 
Ital., 1876, p. 107), and from Gorzin Goritz by Erjavee (Heynemann, Jahrb. Deutsch. 
Mal. Gesell., 1885, p. 254). 


Spain—It is recorded for Catalonia by Graells ; from Santiago in Galicia by 
Macho; as common in the gardens of the city of Valencia by Hidalgo; from the 
coast near Cadiz by Bourguignat ; from Gibraltar in Andalusia by J. H. Ponsonby; 
from Alcantara in Estremadura by Simroth ; and from the Balearic Isles by 

Portugal—Simroth records this species from Braga in Minho; Coimbra and 
Guarda in Beira; and also from Cintra, Abrantes, the botanical gardens of Lisbon 
in Estremadura, and from the Algarve. 

Greece —Specimens forwarded from Greece in Sept. 1891! by Mr. J. G. Milne. 

Reported as inhabiting the district of Izium, in the province of Kharkov (Kalen- 
iczenko, Bull. Moscow, 1851, p. 126). 

Morocco—Mountains of Tetuan (Bourguignat, Mal. Alg., p. 318), and Cape 
Spartel (Morelet, J. de Conch., 1880, p. 1§). 
Algeria—About Constantine, Tlemcen, Ain-el-Haout (Bourguignat, op. cit , 
p. 48), Algiers (Lallemant, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1868, p. 24), and Oran (Tournier). 


Tunis—At foot of Djebel Abdellah near Cap Roux; Ariana near Tunis (Bour- 
guignat) ; and at Djebel Regas (Letourneux & Bourguignat, Mal. Tunisie, 1887). 

Egypt—(Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 535). 


Azores—Universal, inhabiting every isle of the group (Wollaston, Test. Atl., 
1877, p. 10). 

Madeira—Extremely common in Madeira, on cultivated land and elsewhere, up 
to an altitude of 3,000 feet (R. B. Watson, J. de Conch., 1876, p. 221). Found around 
Funchal, at the Pico do Infante and other places. Mr. Lowe found it near Alegria, 
at the Mount in Cayados Ravine, and also at the summit of the Pico do Castello 
on Porto Santo (Wollaston, Test. Atl., 1877, p. 69). 

Canaries—Extremely common (Simroth, Nachrichtsbl., 1895). 

Ascension—(T. D. A. Cockerell, Science, June 23, 1893). 

St. Helena—(E. A. Smith, Proce. Zool. Soc., 1884, p. 278). 

Tristan d’Acunha—Obtained by the Challenger Expedition (Smith, op. cit. ). 


Idaho—Milax hewstoni, Coeur d’Alene, H. F. Wickham (T. D. A. Cockerell, 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1843, p. 337). 

Washington State-—M. hewstoni, Seattle (Cockerell, op. cit.). 

Pennsylvania—M. hewstoni, Phipps’ Conservatory, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, 
G. H. Clapp. 

California—Wilax hewstoni, tirst noticed about 1885 on the grass plots of San 
Francisco ; it soon became abundant, and has extended its range to Seattle, Wash- 
ington State, in the north and San Diego in the south (R. E. C. Stearns, Science, 
April 27, 1900, p. 655). About Williamstown University, Los Angeles Co. (M. 
Burton, Nautilus, Jan. 1890). Oakland, 1890, H. Hemphill; Santa Barbara, Miss 
Cusack ; Haywards, Feb. 1890, Dr. J. G. Cooper (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., 
p- 337). 

Mexico—Milax hewstoni, near overflow of San Tomas river, Lower California 
(H. Hemphill, J. de Conch., 1881, p. 35). 

Brazil—(Heynemann, op. cit.). 
Bermuda—Obtained by the Challenger Expedition (E. A. Smith, op. cit., p. 276). 

Juan Fernandez—Collected by the Challenger Expedition (E. A. Smith, Proce. 
Zool. Soc., 1884, p. 279). 


Cape Colony—Obtained in Noy. 1873 at Cape of Good Hope by the Challenger 
Expedition, probably the Limax capensis Krauss (E. A. Smith, op. cit., p. 276). 
Port Elizabeth, J. H. Ponsonby (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit., p. 337). 

Natal—(Melvill & Ponsonby, Proce. Mal. Soe., 1898, p. 172). 


New South Wales—Tamworth, C. T. Musson; Gladesville, H. Deane; abun- 
dant about Sydney, J. Brazier; under stones at Darling Point, near Sydney, in 
company with Agriolimax agrestis, G. Neville (C. T. Musson, Proe. Linn. Soe. 
N.S. W., 1890, p. 891). 

Victoria—-Ballarat, under garden rubbish, stones, and wood, also on cabbages, 
coming out at night and early morning (C. T. Musson, op. cit.). 

New Zealand—Ohaupo and Auckland (C. T. Musson, op. cit.). 

Sandwich Islands—Isle of Maui (Collinge, Proe. Mal. Soe., 1896, p. 49). 

Prate XVI. 

Distribution of Milax gagates (Drap.) 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 



PENINSULA 41 Glamorgan 72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N, 
1 Cornwall W. 42 Brecon 73 Kirkeudbright 94 Bautt 
2 Cornwall bk. 43 Radnor 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
3 Devous. 44 Carmarthen 75 Ayr 96 Kasterness 
4 Devon N. 45 Pembroke e 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
5 Somerset 8. 46 Cardigan 77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
6 Somerset N. NORTH WALES E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
CHANNEL 47 Montgomery @78 Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth 79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
8 Wilts s. 49 Carnaryon Ss $ 80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh tH id 81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8. 
10 Isle or Wight 5L Flint 82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
li Haunts S. 52 Anglesey 83 Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N 
12 Hants N. TRENT 84 Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln s. E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
14 Sussex b. 54 Lincoln N. 85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Rutld. 86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
5 Kent E. 6 Notts. 87 Perths.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
i) Kent W. 57 Derby 88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
7 Surrey MERSEY = 89 Perth N NOKTH ISLES 
8 Kssex 3 58 Cheshire lo. 90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
Essex N. 59 Lancashire S 91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
Herts. 60 Lancashire Mid 92 Aberdeen 8. 112 Shetlands 


berks. 61 S.E. Yorn 
Oxford 62 N.E. York IRELAND. 
Bucks. 63 S.W. York F ULSTER LEINSTER 
7 ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York 113 Derry 22 Louth 
Suffolk &. 65 N.W. York 114 Antrim Meath 
26 sulfoik WW. TYNE 115 Down 24 Dublin 
Nortolk LE. 66 Durham 116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
Norrolk W. 67 Northumb. S. 117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
Campridge 68 Cheviotland 118 Tyrone 27 Wexford 
Bedford LAKES 119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
Hunts. 69 Westmorland 120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 

2 Northampton 

and L. Lanes. 

121 Cavanj 130 Queen’s Co. 
SEVERN 131 King’s Co. 

33 Gloucester E. 

70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 

132 Westmeath 

34 Gloucester W 33 Longford 
35 Monmouth CONNAUGHT 
36 Hereford 134 Roscommon 
37 Worcester 135 Leitrim 
38 Warwick 136 Sligo 
39 Statford 137 Mayo BE. 
40 Salop 138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 

(AE Probable Range. 

NSS Recorded Distribution. 

gees Distribution verified by the Authors. 

Fossil Distribution. 


141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 

Tipperary S 
Cork N. 
Cork 8. 


Milax sowerbii (Férussac). 
1823 Limax sowerbii Férussac, Hist. Moll., Suppl., pl. 8p, f. 7, p. 96 ¢. 

1826 — _  carinatus Risso, Hist. Nat. Moll. Medit. 
1852 — _  carinatus Leach, Moll. Gt. Brit., p. 54, pl. 8, f. 3. 
1856 —  argillaceus Gassies, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord., p. 232. 
1862. — marginatus Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., p. 132. 

1831 Limacellus unguiculus Turton, Manual, p. 25. 
1855 Milax sowerbyi Gray, Cat. Pulm. Brit. Mus., p. 175. 
1896 Amalia sowerbyt Adans, Man. Brit. Land Freshw. Shells, p. 32, pl. 1, f. 10. 

ISTORY. — Milax sowerbii was 

probably first described by Leach, 
but his description and figure, though 
privately circulated, were not actually 
published until 1852, at which date 
Dr. J. E. Gray edited and issued the 
work Leach had in great part prepared. 
Milax sowerbii was, however, prior to 
that date, carefully figured ‘and de- 
scribed by eae from specimens 
sent from the neighbourhood of Lon- 
don by Mr. G. B. Sowerby, to whom 
he dedicated the species. 

The name sowerbii is adopted for 
our British form in the belief that the 
Limax marginatus of Draparnaud is 
not identical with our species. 

With this species the distinguished 
Italian limacologist, Signor Mario 
Jar ce ae clone Lessona, is associated, as a mark of 

appreciation of his malacological labours 
and more especially in recognition of the sterling merits of the important 
work, ‘‘Monographia dei Limacidi Italiani,” written in collaboration with 
Signor Pollonera, which is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative and 
standard publications upon the European slugs. 

Diagnosis.—ExtTEeRNALLY, Milux sowerbii may be distinguished from 
M. gagates by the prominent keel being usually markedly paler than the 
general colour of the body, and most strongly accentuated on the back ; 
the body sculpture also shows distinct though flattened rugee, with their 
interstices more or less marked by black or blackish pigment. 

INTERNALLY, it is easily separable from its congener, by its long and 
tapering spermatheca, an organ which in M7. gagates is quite globose. 

Description.—ANIMAL laterally compressed, with its height little exceeded by 
its length when contracted, but reaching to 75 mill. or more in length when adult 
and fully extended ; the BODY is comparatively dry and furrowed on each side by 
about fourteen longitudinal grooves, parallel with the keel, but sometimes forking 
backwards, and connected by numerous transverse channels which form a flat 
tubereulation ; it is typically of a grey ground colour, but a yellow shade is given 
to the body owing to its being closely and. densely beset with or! ange-coloured specks, 
which become sparser towards the foot- margins ; the usual darker aspect of the 
animal is due to the back and sides being closely besprinkled with black, the dots 
being less numerous towards the sole, but more closely aggregated in the interstices 

Nn A re | {) M 


of the rugze, thereby defining them very distinctly, and giving a reticulate appear- 
ance when the animal is contracted ; KEEL of an amber colour, very distinct and 
prominent on the back, the caudal end scarcely prominent, and hardly differing in 
colour from the general aspect of the body ; SHIELD about one-third the total length 
of the animal, granularly wrinkled; the protuberant, somewhat lenticular area 
extends to the posterior margin, is rounded on the left-side, but angulated on 
the right, and defined by a distinet sulcus, which is further accentuated by the 
closer aggregation therein of the black specks, which are sprinkled over the whole 
shield, but more especially upon the posterior mid-dorsal portion overlapping the 
keel; TENTACLES thick, short, conical, and black, their granulate surface finely 
sprinkled with ochre-yellow, apices swollen and somewhat oval with black eye 
specks ; NECK with the usual paired dorsal grooves, which on the forehead bifurecate 
and form four pale parallel lines; FOOT pale, and tripartite, the median area 
broadest and slightly darker posteriorly owing to its translucency ; FOOT-MARGIN 
smooth, yellowish-white, bounded by a distinet groove above, upon which rests a 
single row of tubercles, which are separated from the sides of the body by a deep 
channel. Mucus thick and viscous, and usually colourless, but when the animal is 
irritated or scalded may become of an orange tint; when the slime is removed the 
animal loses much of its yellow colour, which is thus partially due to its slime. 

SHELL oblong-eval, glistening white in colour, with a somewhat iridescent lustre 
in parts, usually slightly convex on the upper 
side, and in young shells correspondingly 
concave beneath, but often flat or slightly 
convex and somewhat irregular in more 
aged specimens; APEX or nucleus prominent, 
nearly median, and sub-terminal in_ the 
young but becoming more centrally placed 
as maturity advances ; the concentric LINES 
OF GROWTH variable, but sometimes very 
distinct and somewhat rugged and yellowish on the upper side. 

Length, 5 mill. ; breadth, 3 mill. 

INTERNALLY, the NERVE-RING has the inferior ganglia intimately fused to- 
gether; the supra-csophageal ganglia are 

Fic. 169.—Internal shell 
of Milax sowerbit, x 4. 

(Christchurch, Hants S., 
Mr. C. Ashford). 

large and elongately triangular with thickish } 

commissures ; the HEART, KIDNEY, anid 

LUNG cavity have the same general locative BiG) 170s eaNencs 
relations as in the field-slugs; the heart centres of M/. sowerbii 

is as usual on the left front of the kidney, (greatly enlarged). 

and the AORTA runs for a tolerable distance 

before dividing, as in Limax flavus; the 

kidney, however, is not a roundish sac, but 

is in two sections, one extending forward in the usnal way, the other being a long 
pointed lobe which extends over towards the right on the lung floor, beneath the 
ureter and the gut; the URETER is slender throughout its course. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS open exteriorly beneath the anterior margin of the 
mantle, about mid-way between the pulmonary aperture and the base of the right 
ommatophore ; the OVOTESTIS is generally concealed within the lobes of the diges- 
tive gland, the acini are whitish, large, globular, and rather loose, the ducts 
combining to form the main stem near the centre of the mass ; DUCT rather long, 
first portion slender and straight, becoming thick and convoluted as it approaches 
the small, curved, and clavate VESICULA SEMINALIS; ALBUMEN GLAND many-lobed 
and amber coloured ; OVISPERMATODUCT firmly united and strongly twisted ; 
ovipucT rather solid, buff or flesh colour, and very thick and difficult to unfold ; 
FREE OVIDUCT as long as the spermatheca and its duet, cylindrical and narrow, receiv- 
ing at its base the numerous delicate ducts from the multitude of anastomosing 
tubular glands, which constitute the vestibular prostate; SPERM DUCT broad, 
well-developed, milk-white or buff; VAS DEFERENS long, entering near apex of 
epiphallus ; the male organ is surmounted by a very stout, thick-walled, and 
muscular EPIPHALLUS, is annularly ridged internally, abruptly flexed and separated 
from the penis-sheath by a conspicuous sphincter muscle, denoted internally by a 
ring of white prominence and exteriorly by a raised ring; the PENIS SHEATH 1s 
narrow and eylindrical with thinnish walls and internal longitudinal ridges; it opens 
into the atrium or vestibule at the side below the opening of the stem of the sperma- 
theca, the SARCOBELUM or stimulatory organ being a small bent horn at the opening 
of the penis sheath into the atrium ; immediately above the sphincter a short stout 
RETRACTOR is aflixed to the convex side of the epiphallus; it arises from the dorsum 


in front and to the right of the cephalic retractor ; in addition there are a number 
of muscular fibres which bind the apex and concave side of the epiphallus to the 
base or to the atrium; the SPERMATHECA in adults is shaped like a long-necked 

Fic. 173.—Cephalic re- 
tractors of Milax sowerbit, 

Fic. 171.—Alimentary tract of 
x 8. 

Milax sowerbii, showing the 
buccal bulb and nerve-ring, x 2. 

Fic. 172.—Sexual organs of Mzlax sowerbii, x 3, the accessory glands turned aside to show the 
character of the atrium. a@/é.g7. albumen gland ; of. ovotestis ; sf. spermatheca ; sf.d. sperm duct ; 
p-s. penis sheath ; ef. epiphallus ; ~. retractor ; g/. accessory glands. 

Florence flask, the apex is attached to the ovi-seminal duct, and the base well defined 
from the narrower but short and slightly inflated stem, which is regularly and 
strongly plicated internally, and joins the free oviduct just before entering the 
ATRIUM; the VESTIBULAR GLANDS consist of a multitude of long, slender, opaque, 
and buff-coloured tubules, more or less ramified and inter-connected, their ducts 
discharging into the base of the oviduct at the 
point where the spermatheca enters and into 
which organ the secretion is directed; the 
atrium is comparatively large and fleshy, with 
ample outlet ; the SPERMATOPHORE in shape 
may be likened to the head of a Bishop’s 
crozier with a short staff, the curved portion 
armed with three or more subspiral rows of 
recurved denticles, many of which are tricuspid 
or even multicuspid ; the straight lower por- 


tion is conically diminished, glistening pearly- Fic. 174, Fic. 175. 
white, perfectly smooth and open at the end. Fic. 174,—Spermatophore of Milax 
It agrees exactly with the spermatophore of — sowerdii, x 8 (from a micro-photograph). 
Milax hessei Bottger, which should probably Fic. 175.—Spinules from the spermato- 

: M. er bit ly enlarged). 
be placed amongst the synonyms of this See ear ee ee 

species, but differs from the spermatophore of Milax marginatus, which is described 
as armed with denticles throughout its entire length. 

The ALIMENTARY SYSTEM in our British form has about half-a-turn less twist 
than the continental Milax marginatus; tlle ESOPHAGUS is about six mill. long, and 
obscurely striped ; the Crop blackish-brown and bent, with the white and rather 
compact SALIVARY GLANDS attached at opposite sides; the general plan of the 
INTESTINAL TRACT is triodromous, and very similar to the arrangement in Wilax 
gagates ; the DIGESTIVE GLAND is of a dull chestnut-brown, the right lobe extend- 
ing to the end of the body cavity, and twisted round with the intestine; the left 
lobe is smaller, and extends forward towards the kidney; the hepatic arterial 
branches are white, and extend over the surface of the intestines, binding the whole 
mass intimately together. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTOR arises from the dorsum at the posterior margin of the 
lung chamber; the PHARYNGEAL MUSCLE is most usually though not invariably 
independent of the TENTACULAR RETRACTORS, but their roots arise in close prox- 
imity; it is very deeply cleft, bifureating just before reaching the nerve ring, while 
the tentaculars divide half-way to the nerve collar, exactly at and under the part 
of the shell which is firmly attached to the floor of the sae, 

25/5/04 K 


The MANDIBLE or jaw is of areuate form and deep 
amber colour, and the chitinons continuation which 
extends over the upper surface of the mouth cavity is in 
this species well marked and distinctly striated ; the line 
of bedding within the tissues of the head is marked with hie te — teaniote 

a dark line; the median beak or rostrum is distinct, jaw of M. sowerbii, x 12. 
prominent, and somewhat pointed. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE has the teeth not so compactly arranged as in Milax 
gagates, and the individual teeth are broader, though displaying the same distinetly 
tricuspid median and inner lateral teeth ; the endocone, however, becomes gradually 
lost as the margins are approached, and the marginals are simply aculeate, thoug 
some show a distinct tendency to ectoconic bifurcation. 

“AQ ap? 

Fic. 177.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of J7. sowerdiz, x 180. 
The animal collected at Dundrum, Ireland, by Dr. Scharff, and the palate prepared by Mr. W. Moss. 

The formula of a Dundrum specimen, collected by Dr. Scharff, was 
eo tpt gt Pt zh x 105=8,715. 

Reproduction and Development.—The conjugation of MV. sowerbii, 
though probably occurring throughout the year, is 
more frequently observed during the colder months. 

The operation, as in M/. gagates, is very prolonged, 

usually occupying three to four hours, and Mr. 

Kew observed one instance in which the union 

extended over the space of seventeen hours. ‘The 

act is consummated by the mutual transference Fic. 178.—Spermatheca of 
of the elaborate spermatophores, the smooth, recone rgd ac 
attenuated end of which enters the spermatheca _ presence of the spermatophore 
first,! and fills and deflects the narrowed prolonga- ""8** 

tion of that organ, sometimes so abruptly as to rupture its moorings to 
the oviduct ; occasionally a second pairing may take place at so short an 
interval that a second spermatophore may become lodged in the sperma- 
theca before the disintegration of the first has taken place.* 

The eggs, which are comparatively large, being about five mill. in their 
longest diameter, are deposited in clusters of a dozen or more in the soil; 
they are oval in shape, soft and elastic, of a golden-brown colour, and 
possessing a coriaceous white freckled though translucent envelope, which 
when placed in spirit changes to an opaque white. ‘lhe progress of their 
development and the later history has not been observed. 

Food and Habits.—Milix sowerhii is subterranean and gregarious in 
habit, being often found during the day huddled together in worm-holes 
several inches below the surface; it also hides at the roots of plants, 
amongst decaying vegetation, in crevices of old walls, under stones, etc., 
coming forth during wet weather or at night-fall and retiring at daybreak 
to the subterranean retreats, into which bits of stalks are frequently dragged 
to feed on at leisure. It is usually not of common occurrence in the open 
country, but is in places one of the most abundant garden slugs, pre- 
ferring soil of a stiff clayey character, owing to its better retention of 
moisture and the greater prevalence of worm-burrows therein. It is very 

1 Monog. i., p. 376, ff. 700, 701. 2 Monog. i., p. 374, f. 691, 


destructive to bulbs and tubers and also to flowering plants of many 
kinds; it will devour fresh or decaying fungi, partially decayed cabbages 
and other vegetables or fruit, and even carrion does not come amiss. 

Its diet is, however, not restricted to such pabulum, as it is also actively 
predatory, and will attack and devour live worms, slugs, and even smaller 
or weaker individuals of its own kind, though amply provided with suit- 
able vegetable food. In captivity Mr. Gain offered it 196 varieties of 
food, 152 of which were more or less nibbled, while 74, however, were quite 
readily taken, though only potato, carrot, and Boletus edulis were eagerly 

The animal is of quite inactive habits, crawling slowly, often resting, 
and when doing so, or when touched or disturbed, withdrawing its head 
beneath the mantle and shrinking to about half its length, contracting 
itself almost into a semicircle; when thus contracted the keel becomes 
sinuous and parts of the body appear indented as though injured at those 

Its tenacious mucus enables it, especially when young, to readily form 
mucus threads for the purpose of descending to the ground or to a lower 
level, although during the operation the ordinary crawling position of the 
body is not maintained, but becomes so much twisted that the dorsal and 
ventral surfaces of the body may be presented to view together. 

The body slime may also at times cause the adherence of particles of 
earth to the skin, and the animal then closely resembles a lump of earth, 
assimilating thus to the ground upon which it rests. 

Fossil.—M. sowerbii is cited by Jeffreys as an Upper Tertiary fossil, 
but the record was probably based on an erroneous identification ; it has, 
however, been definitely reported from the Holocene deposits at Maid- 
stone, East Kent, by Kennard & Woodward, and found by Mr. A. 8. 
Kennard at the base of a rainwash deposit associated with bone fragments 
and Roman pottery, on the site of Roman buildings at Darenth in 
West Kent. 

Parasites.—Like M. gagates, it is very liable to be infested with an 
Acarus, probably the Philodromus limacum, these in some cases being so 
numerous as probably to cause some inconvenience to their host. 

Variation.—Milax sowerbii has been observed to vary in its external 
colouration from pure white, through yellow, grey, or brown, to an almost 
uniformly black colour. 

Generally speaking, this species is not a very variable one, and the 
modifications that take place seem to be mainly due in the darker varieties 
to the increase or diffusion of the black pigment, and in the paler forms to 
its more or less complete suppression. 

This pigmentation may also be more or less restricted in the area 
occupied, and become correspondingly intensified, as in the var. bicolor, in 
which the coloration becomes greatly enriched. 

The Sicilian variety oretea is remarkable for the development of a 
longitudinal median zone of black pigment on the shield, a feature not 
previously remarked in the species. 

The M. marginatus var. fulva of Paulucei is, according to Lessona & 
Pollonera, merely a juvenile form of AZ. carinata. 

Var. alba Taylor. 
ANIMAL entirely white. 
Pembroke—Tenby, A. G. Stubbs. 


Var. pallidissima Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 56. 
Amalia carinata B pallidissima ree & Poll., 
Amalia sowerbii var. flavescens W. E. Collinge, “f of “Mal., Dec. 1898, pois 
Amalia carinata Y insolita Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
ANIMAL similar to type form, but very pale. 
The sub-y. insolita L. & P. differs only in the suleus of shield being unpigmented. 
The sub-var. flaveseens Collinge, has the sides of the body yellowish ; dorsum 
light grey ; foot-sole yellow. 
Devon N.—Sub-var. flavescens, Lynton and Barnstaple, F. J. Partridge. 
Italy—Var. pallidissima, Salerno near Naples, and sub-var. insolita, Campor- 
biano near Siena, Tuscany, Marchesa Paulucci (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Var. easertana Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 56. 
Amalia carinata var. casertana Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
Bopy maculate with irregularly diffused, minute, blackish spots, and the black 
lineoles on the back obsolete ; SHEL solid, flat above, irregularly convex beneath. 
Italy—Caserta near Naples, Marchesa Paulucci (Less. & Poll., op. cit.). 

Var. oretea Less. & Poll., Monog. Limac. Ital., 1882, p. 56. 
Amalia carinata var. oretea Less. & Poll., op. cit. 
ANIMAL typical, but showing a longitudinal median black zone on the shield. 

Sicily —Palermo, near stream Oreto, Marchesa Paulucei (Less. & Poll., op. cit. ). 

Var. fuscocarinata Cockerell, Nat. World, Sept. 1886, p. 179. 
ANIMAL resembling type, but with the KEEL not differing in colour from the BODY. 
Devon N.—Bar nstaple, F. J. Partridge (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898). 
Middlesex—Bedford Park, Chiswick, “Dec. [884 DwAGG ‘ockerell. 
Warwick— Edgbaston, B. Peebles, recorded as M. gagates (J. of Mal., Dee. 1898). 

Var. rustica Roebuck, Science Gossip, 1884, p. 78 
Amalia sowerbii var. plumbea Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 17. 

ANIMAL bluish-grey in colour, without perceptible admixture of brown or yellow. 

The sub-var. plumbea has the whole back and mantle of a dark lead-grey; 
slightly pale on sides of body; foot-sole ashy-grey. 

Cornwall W.—Penmon near Falmouth, April 1884! H. Fox. 

Devon N.—Sub-var. plumbea, Bar nstaple, F. J. Partridge (Collinge, op. cit.). 

Somerset S.—Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Isle of Wight— Totlands Bay, Freshwater, June 1885! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, July 1885 ! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Kent E.—Faversham, Oct. 1884! E. B. Fairbrass. 

Gloucester E.—Stroud, common, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Suffolk E.—Woodbridge, June 1886! 8. S. Pearce. 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. 

Cardigan—Aberayron, May 1888! W. Whitwell. 

Louth— Piperstown near Drogheda, Oct. 1889! Miss 8. Smith. 

Dublin—Dublin, March 18386! igi hel! Redding. 

Var. nigrescens Cockerell, Nat. World, Sept. 1886, p. 179. 

Amalia sowerbii var. nigro-carinata Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898, p. 17. 

Bopy dark-grey or nearly black ; said to be often destitute of an internal shell. 

The sub-var. nigro-carinata is very dark grey, with a deep black line running 
the whole length of the keel ; foot-sole yellowish white. 

Devon N.—Var. Sg erat Barnsiaples and sub-var. nigro-carinata, Lynton, 

J. Partridge (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898). 

' Hants N.—Var. Na hae Candov er, Oct. 1884! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Surrey—Var. nigrescens (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit.). 

Middliesex—Var. nigrescens, Acton, Aug. 1884! and very common, Bedford 
Park, Chiswick, Feb. 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Warwick—Var. nigrescens, seh Edgbaston, B. Peebles, recorded as Milax 
gagates (J. of Mal., Dee. 1898, p. 18). 

Pembroke— Var. nigrescens, cents not uncommon with the type at Deer Pairk, 
and on the north cliffs (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900). 
Cardigan—Var. nigrescens, garden, Aberayron, May 1888! W. Whitwell. 

Lancashire S.—Var. nigrescens, Knowsley, 1893 (Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893). 
Antrim—Var. nigrescens, Rathlin Island, May 1897, L. E. Adams, 


Var. bicolor Cockerell, Science Gossip, Aug. 1887, p. 187. 
Sides of Bopy black ; KEEL and SOLE orange coloured. 

Devon N.—Barnstaple, F. J. Partridge (W. E. Collinge, op. cit.). 
Middlesex—Ealing (T. D. A. Cockerell, op. cit.). 

The Geographical Distribution of MZ. sowerbii is very similar to 
that of its congener, extending from the British Isles, along the west of 
France, into Spain and Portugal, thence it has been reported as Milax 
carinatus from several stations in the Mediterranean, and according to 
Jeffreys extends as far as Russia. In the British Isles it is distributed 
throughout England, Wales, and Ireland, but does not extend further 
north in Scotland than Fifeshire. 

The uncertainty that prevails as to the exact limits of the specific line, 
however, renders our knowledge of its inhabited area uncertain; Dr. Scharff, 
from his observations of the living animal at Ems in Germany, was greatly 
struck by the manifest differences in aspect and habits of the Germanic 
M. marginatus from the British MW. sowerbii ; the former, which is probably 
a distinct species, having a light grey body, similar to that of Arzon ezrcum- 
scriptus, with a keel still paler, while the mantle and body are speckled 
with minute black spots, and not lineolated as in M. sowerbii. It also 
prefers to live amongst stone rubble in mountainous districts, whilst our 
M. sowerbii shows a partiality for cultivated land. 

Geographical Distribution 


Milax sowerbi (Fér) 

HR Recorded Distribution. 
(GQ Probable Range. 

Fic. 179. 


Channel Isles—Generally distributed, common under stones in Guernsey, Sark, 
and Herm (Cooke & Gwatkin, Q. J. of C., 1878, p. 322). Jersey, Dr. Lukis (Ansted’s 
Channel Isles, 1862). St. Sampson's, Guernsey, Sept. 1891 ! b. Tomlin. 


Cornwall W.—Generally distributed (E. D. Marquand, Penzance Trans., 1884). 
Numerous about Truro, Dec. 1885! and at Newquay, Sept. 1886, J. H. James. 
Near Camborne (J. P. Johnson, Geol. Mag., Jan. 1903, p. 27). 

Devon S.—Frequent in gardens about Exeter (E. Parfitt, Naturalist, 1854, p. 
154). Toreross, Aug. 1885, F. G. Fenn. Torquay, April 1888! C. Ashford. Com- 
mon in Mr. MeMurdo’s garden, Topsham, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Northam and Lynton, Nov. 1885! W. A. Gain. Common on east 
side of Hele Bay near Ilfracombe, March 1887 (B. Tomlin, J. of Conch., Apr. 1887). 
Barnstaple, 1898 (F. J. Partridge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1898). 

Somerset S.— Abundant in the allotment gardens, near the canal and gasworks, 
Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 


Somerset N.—Clevedon, in gardens, and in the e»pse between Upper Clevedon 
and the beach (A. M. Norman, Moll. Somerset, 1860). Bath, June 1884! C. J. 
Waterfall. Bitton and Mangotsfield, Feb. 1885, E. J. Lowe. 


Dorset—Generally distributed (J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1885). 
Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. Portland, Aug. 1886! J. Madison. 

Isle of Wight—Sandown, R. Gibbs (Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Moll., 1853, p. 289). 
Frequent at Bembridge, A. G. More ; and common about Ventnor, G. Guyon 
(Venables’ Guide to Isle of Wight, 1860). Totlands Bay, June 1885! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Hants S.—Christchurch, common, Jan. 1883 ! Mudeford, Oct. 1879! C. Ashford. 
Portsdown Hill, May 1885! W. Jeffery. 

Hants N.—Preston Candover, Nov. 1885! H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex W.—Not uncommon about Henfield, and at Hassock’s Gate near Hurst- 
pierpoint, W. Borrer (Harting, Zool., March 1878, p. 86). Not plentiful in gardens 
and about buildings, Ratham, Nov. 1886! W. Jeffery. 

Sussex E.—Common on the Weald, and found also on the South Downs (Hart- 
ing, Zool., March 1878, p. 86). Common in fields and gardens, Lewes and Battle, 
J. H. A. Jenner; Ranscombe, C. H. Morris; Eastbourne, E. A. Butler; and 
Hastings, rare, Rev. E. N. Bloomfield (J. H. A. Jenner, Moll. East Sussex, 1885). 


Kent W.—Common all along the Kentish marshes (A. J. Jenkins, Essex Nat., 
Nov. 1891, p. 230). Chislehurst, Sept. 1884! 8. C. Cockerell. Abundant at Forest 
Hill, Sept. 1886! C. Oldham. Garden, Swan Hotel, Charing, Sept. 1891, L. E. 
Adams. Bromley, March 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Kent E.—Walmer, 1897, H. Overton. Margate, April 1883, T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Faversham. Oct. 1884! Miss Fairbrass. Folkestone, abundant, Oct. 1886! C. Oldham. 

Surrey—Lambeth, G. B. Sowerby (J. Denson, Loudon’s Mag., Nov. 1832, p. 694). 
Reigate Hill (G. S. & E. Saunders, Reigate List, 1861). 3attersea, Sept. 1884, 
T. D. A. Cockerell. Oxshott, May 1888! H. Wallis Kew. Commercial Docks, 
J. E. Daniel (‘T. D. A. Cockerell, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, p. 284). 

Essex S.—Not plentiful in fields and hedges at Barking Side, and in garden at 
Carswell (W. Crouch, Essex Nat., Dec. 1890, p. 208). 

Herts.—Garden, Watford, Sept. 1884! J. Hopkinson. Ware, Dr. Jeffreys, and 
Verulam Hills (J. Hopkinson, Trans. Herts. Nat. Soc., July 1884). 

Middlesex—Bayswater and Camden Town (J. Denson, Loudon’s Mag. N.H., 
Noy. 1832). Hampstead (Brown, Illustr. Brit. Conch., 1845, p. 43). Foot of garden 
walls, Hampstead lane, Dec. 1888 ! and Highgate, June 1888! H.W. Kew. Gunners- 
bury, Dec. 1884! Acton, Dec. 1884! Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dec. 1884! and 
Regent’s Park, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Oxford—Weston-on-the-Green, Rev. A. Matthews (A. M. Norman, Zool., 1857, 
p. 5610). Broughton; in gardens at Kingham, 8. Spencer Pearce; and near Swin- 
comb (W. E. Collinge, Conch., March 1891, p. 13). 


Suffolk E.—Woodbridge, June 1886! S. Spencer Pearce. Mendlesham and 
Bramford (Mayfield, J. of Conch., April 1903, p. 295). Ipswich, 1893 (W. M. Webb, 
J. of Mal., 1893, p. 14). 

Norfolk E.—Plentiful on stone banks, late in the evening, Catton and Thorpe 
(J. B. Bridgman, Zool., 1851, p. 3302). _ Norwich (Bellars, British Shells, 1858). 
Plentiful at Catton and Kirby Bedon ! (Mayfield, Trans. Norf. Soc., 1896, p. 185). 

Norfolk W.—King’s Lynn, 1884! C. B. Plowright; July 1894! T. Petch. 

Bedford—General Cemetery, Luton, April 1889 ! J. Saunders. 

Northampton—Towcester, July 1881, A. Loydell. Peterborough, scarce, July 
1882, A. W. Nicholls. Rockingham Park, May 1896, L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester E.—Common at Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Gloucester W.—Clifton, Bristol (Rev. B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1843, 
p. 339). Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. Totshill and Dennil Hill, E. J. Lowe. 
Gardens, Bristol, June 1884! W. B. Waterfall. 

Monmouth—Abundant at Chepstow, Portskewett, Tintern, Itton, St. Pierre, 
Usk, and Piercefield Park, also Shirenewton Hall, June 1886 ! E. J. Lowe. 

Hereford—Orchard house in Hereford, Oct. 1886! C. B. Plowright. 

Worcester—Yardley (G. S. Tye, Q.J. of Conch., May 1875). Nursery garden, 
Evesham, Nov. 1888! C. Ashford. Great Malvern, in cellar, July 1902 !C. Waterfall. 

Warwick—Stratford road, Camp Hill, Birmingham (G. S. Tye, Q.J. of Conch., 
May 1875). Garden, Edgbaston, Sept. 1898, Bromley Peebles. 

Stafford—Very abundant in gardens of Old Hall, Stone, Aug. 1888! (J. ik. B. 
Masetield, Staffordshire List, 1902). 




Glamorgan—Near banks of River Taff, Llandaff, July 1885! and Cardiff, Oct. 
1885! F. W. Wotton. Common about Swansea, 1991, H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Pembroke—Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. Common, very variable in 
colour, and often very large about Tenby; the North Cliff specimens have very 
thick shells (A. G. Stubbs, ‘J. of Conch. , July 1900). 

Cardigan —Common in garden, Aberayron, May 1888 ! Miss Maddy. Aberyst- 
with, May 1888! E. Collier. 

Carnarvon !—T. Shankland (J. of Conch., 1891, p. 398). 
Denbigh—Great Orme’s Head, Jan. 1888 ! Lionel E. Adams. 

Lincoln S.—Near Boston, Sept. 1884 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Lincoln N.—Louth, May 1886! H. Wallis Kew. 
Leicester—Near gardens, London road, Leicester, Sept. 1886! H. E. Quilter. 
Notts. —Highfield House near Beeston (Lowe & Musson, Mid. Nat., Aug. 1879). 
Derby—Repton, 1885, Rev. H. Milnes. Mansfield, 1881, E. Pickard. 


Cheshire—Near Jackson’s Boat (J. Hardy, Manchester List, 1865). Chester (Tate, 
Brit. Moll., 1866, p. 81). Garden, Baguley road, Sale, Oct. 1892! C. Oldham. 
Lancashire S.—Botanical (: urdens, Manchester (J. Hardy, op. ecit.). Hesketh 
Park, Southport, 1889 (W. H. Heathcote, Conch., June 1891). Banks of Leeds and 
Liverpool Canal, by the bridge at Lydiate, G. W. Chaster (J. W. Williams, Coneh., 
March 1891). Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893). 
Lancashire Mid—Catteral near Garstang, Sept. 1888 ! and Preston, Sept. 1890 ! 
W. H. Heathcote. 

York S.E.—In gardens, Hull (J. D. Butterell, Nat., Dec. 1878, p. 71). 

York N.E. —Spa grounds, Searborough, 1885, ’E. J. Lowe. Common in garden, 
Searborough, April 1888! C. Ashford. Plentiful near W hitby, Aug. 1883! H. Pollard. 
Abundant in garden, Borough road, Middlesbrough, Sept. 1886! 1. A. Lofthouse. 

York S.W.—Bretton and Haw Park, 1883, J. Wilcock. Ackworth (C. Ashford, 
Zool., 1854, p. 4261). 

York Mid W.—Meanwood near Leeds, Aug. 1882! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Killinghall, July 1882! W. Nelson.  Pateley ‘Bridge, Aug. 1882! W. Storey. 
Ingleton district (W. E. Collinge, Naturalist, April 1890). 




Durham—South Shields, specimens in British Museum from R. Howse. 

Northumberland S.—Near Benwell, W. Backhouse (J. Alder, Northumb. and 
Durham List, 1848). Museum grounds, Neweastle-on-Tyne, Aug. 1888 ! R. Howse. 


Isle of Man—Near the Nunnery, Douglas, July 1880! W. Nelson. At entrance 
to Glen Meay, Sept. 1891 ! 


Renfrew —Frequent in gardens, Greenock, Sept. 1885 ! T. pool 

Edinburgh—Warriston Cemetery, Edinburgh, June 1901, R. odtney. Meggat- 
land near Edinburgh ! Morningside ! and Craiglockhart, Oct. 1899! W. Evans. 
Fife and Kinross—North Queensferry, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Clyde Isles—Common about Aquarium, Rothesay, Bute, Noy. 1886! T. Seott. 

Sutherland E.—Introduced at Brora, but has apparently now disappeared (W. 
Baillie, J. of Conch., Jan. 1889). 


Derry—Near Londonderry, J. N. Milne (R. F. Scharff, Irish List, 1892). Plenti- 
ful on railway bank opposite Downhill Station, Feb 1900, R. Welch. 

Donegal—Above Rosapenna, May 1902, R. Welch. 

Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! 8S. A. Brenan. Common on Rathlin Island, 
L. E. Adams. Brown’s Bay, July 1899, R. Welch. 

Down—Downpatrick, Oct. 1897, R. Welch. 


Louth—Piperstown, Jan. 1890! Miss Sidney Smith. 

Dublin—Ditches by Circular road, near Phoenix Park, Dublin, R. Ball (B. J. 
Clarke, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1843). Damp gardens at Monkstown and 
Killiney (WeeeWis Walpole, Zool., 1853, p. 4022). Gi: arden of Sloperton Lodge, 
March 1886 ; Kill of the Grane, April 1886 ! and Kingstown, June 1886! W. F. “de 
Vismes Kane. Field at Finglas, May 1886! J. R. Redding. Howth, April 1887! 


Whitechureh, Oct. 1890; Raheny, Aug. 1890; and garden, Tudor House, Leeson 
Park, Dublin, Oct. 1890! R. F. Scharff. Donnybrook, Aug. 1888! G. Barrett- 
Hamilton. Abundant in marsh, Bushy Park ; and in garden, Zion road, Rathgar, 
Sept. 1903, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. Drain at Dundrum, Oct. 1899, R. Welch. 

Wicklow—Woodenbridge, March 1893 (R. F. Scharff, Irish Nat., April 1893). 
Kilruddery ; Glen of Downs; Sugar Loaf and Albidore Glen, July 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Wexford—Alderton, New Koss, Sept. 1888! Miss L. Glascott. Wexford, April 
1891, R. F. Scharff. Rossclare sandbank, Sept. 1889 ! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Carlow—Carlow, Nov. 1901, A. G. Stuart. 

Kilkenny—Tabulated by Mr. L. E. Adams (J. of Conch., Oct. 1892, p. 234). 


Sligo—Woods at Moyview, Ballina (Miss Amy Warren, Zool., Jan. 1879). 
Inishmurry Island, Sept. 1900, R. Welch. 

Mayo W.—Dugort, Sept. 1888 ! (J. G. Milne, J. of Conch., Oct. 1891). 

Galway E.—Monivea (B. J. Clarke, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840). Several 
in graveyard, Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895, R. Standen. Leenane Mountain and 
Dernasliggan, April 1897, R. Welch, Irish Nat., Nov. 1897. 

Galway W.—Aran Isles, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Tipperary S.—Near Clonmel, Dee. 1885, A. H. Delap. 

Waterford— Waterford, Sep. 1883! J. H. Salter. Clonmel, Apl. 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Cork N.—Youghal (R. Tate, Brit. Moll., 1866, p. 81). Queenstown, R. F. 
Scharff. Abundant in woods around Blarney Castle, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 

Cork S.—In gardens of Royal Cork Institution (Humphreys, Fauna and Flora 
of Cork, 1845, p. 2). Glengariff, May 1891, RF. Scharff. Common about Bantry, 
Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. 

Kerry—Near the Southern Hotel, Kenmare, July 1898 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., 
Sept. 1898). Valentia Island, April 1888, A. H. Delap. 


Dr. Jeffreys records M. sowerbui from Falkenstein in the Upper Harz, but it is 
doubtful if this record really refers to our species. Mr. Daniel also records from 
Heidelberg as L. carinatus a slug described as darker and more distinctly spotted 
than English specimens, probably a dark variety of the Wilax marginatus. 

Belgium—WM. sowerbii (Kickx, Nachr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1869, p. 163). 


M. sowerbii inhabits the Atlantic shores of France, the departments Cétes-du- 
Nord, Finistére, Gironde, Morbihan, and Vendée being especially noted, while as 
M. carinatus it is known for the Alpes Maritimes and the Var. Signor Pollonera 
notes it as living about Bastia, Corsica, whilst Gassies under the name of Limax 
argillaceus records it for the Gironde. 

The specimens found plentifully at an altitude of 2,600 feet at Promontogno and 
Bondo in the Bergel Valley, Grisons, by the Rev. S. Spencer Pearce were regarded 
by him as identical with the British form. 


Milax sowerbii is recorded from Florence in Tuseany by Dr. Simroth. Lessona 
and Pollonera give the distribution of M. carinatus as extending over Liguria, 
Tuscany, Naples, and Sicily, but as being an absentee from the Adriatic shores of 
Northern Italy and Sardinia, and Pollonera describes it as common at Malta. 


Spain—WM. sowerbii, shores of northern Spain (Bourguignat, Mal. Alger., 1864, 
p. 46). Lasealles, Reinosa, and Hoy de Barcena in the Asturias, and in the spurs 
of the Pyrenees, May 1860, E. J. Lowe. 

Portugal—W. carinatus (Scharff, Lrish List, 1892). 


Greece—Mevalopolis, Oct. 1891! J. G. Milne. JZ. hessei, Prevesa in Epirus and 
Gasturi in the Island of Corfu (Bottger, Nachr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1882, p. 96). 

Crete —M. carinatus (Kobelt, Zoogeogr., 1898, p. 324). 

R 'f TSSIA . 
Dr, Jeffreys cites Russia for our species on the authority of Jelski. 

Ecuador—A specimen in the British Museum, collected by Mr. Buckley, differs 

in nothing from those found near London (Cockerell, Ann, and Mag. N. H., Oct, 1890). 


Distribution of Mzlax sowerbi (Fer.) 

Puate XVII. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 

PENINSULA 41 Glamorgan 72 Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
1 Coruwall W. 42 Brecon 73 Kirkcudbright 94 Bantt 
2 Cornwall L. 43 Radnor 9 74 Wigtown 95 Elgin 
3 Devous. 44 Carmarthen a 75 Ayr 96 Masterness 
4 Devon N. 45 Pembroke 76 Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
5 Somerset 8. 46 Cardigan 77 Lanark 97 Westerness 
6 Somerset N. NORTH WALES E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 

CHANNEL 47 Montgomery @23 Peebles 99 Jumbarton 

7 Wilts N. 48 Merioneth e 79 Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
8 Wilts Ss. 49 Carnarvon Tt % 80 Roxburgh 101 Cantire 
9 Dorset 50 Denbigh 81 Berwick 102 Ebudes 8. 
10 Isle of Wight 51 Flint 82 Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 

11 Hauts 8. 
12 Hants N. 


52 Anglesey 





> Edinburgh 



104 Lbudes N 

13 Sussex W. 53 Lincoln 8. E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
14 Sussex E. 54 Lincoln N 85 Fife & Kinross 106 Ross E. 
THAMES 55 Leic. & Kutld. 86 Stirling 107 Sutherland E. 
15 Kent EB. 56 Notts. 87 Perths.& Clkn 108 SutherlandW. 
16 Kent W. 57 Derby 88 Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
Cheshire < 90 Forfar 110 Hebrides 
k sancashire S. 91 Kincardine 111 Orkneys 
Herts. aucashire Mid 92 Aberdeen 8 112 Shetlands 
Middlesex HUMBER 
berks. 61 S.E. York 
3 Oxford 62 N.E. York ~ IRELAND. 
Bucks. 63 3.W. York S$ ULSTER LEINSTER 
y ANGLIA 64 Mid W. York o 113 Derry 122 Louth 
25 Suffolk E. 65 N.W. York 114 Antrim 123 Meath 
26 Sulfoik W. TYNE 115 Down 124 Dublin 
27 Norfolk E. 66 Durham 116 Armagh 125 Kildare 
28 Norfolk W. 67 Northumb. S. 117 Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
29 Cambridge 68 Cheviotiand 118 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
30 Bedford LAKES 119 Donegal 128 Carlow 
31 Huuts. 69 Westmorland 120 Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
32 Northampton aud I. Lanes. 121 Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
SEVERN 70 Cumberland 131 King’s Co. 
3 Gloucester E. 7] Isle of Man 132 Westmeath 

Gloucester W 

37 Worcester 
38 Warwick 

39 Stalfurd 
40 Salop 

See Probable Range. 

NG Recorded Distribution. 

Boel Distribution verified by the Authors. 

Fossil Distribution. 

133 Lougford 

134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 

Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 

141 Clare 

142 Limerick 

143 Tippe 7 N. 

144 Tipp Ss 

145 Waterford | 

146 Cork N. | 
7 Cork 8. 




ate Lass 
VAL Onn abe: 
a Lido eae 
Th, ment Te 

rt au oe 161-224, oe ey xIX,, ‘XxX. Xx1.) Price 7/6. 
shed ping 26, 1905. 


(Continued from Part 10). . 


P. H. Grierson, The Castle, Ardee, Co. Louth. 

C. Bailey, F.L.S., Peter Street, Manchester: . 

Rey. Proctor Benwell, M.A., Wix Vicarage, Manningtree. 
Rev. W. A. Shaw, M.A., Haselbeech Rectory, Northampton. 

Alex. Reynell, Heathfield, 152, Selhurst Road, South Norwood. 

Guille-Allés Library, ‘Guernsey. ' 

Thomas Hunt, Wellington College, Berks, 

Rey. C; Chichester, M.A., Shirwell Rectory, Barnstaple. . 
A. W. Stelfox, Oakleigh; Ormeau Park, Belfast. 

E. H. Jackson, 5, Lower Derby Road, Watford. 

Prof. Dautzenberg, 209, Rue de l'Université, \ Paris. 

Rey. Prof. Gwatkin, M.A., 8, Scrope Terrace, Cambridge. 
Rev. E. Peake, M.A., Hillside, Bradfield, Reading. 

Riley Fortune, F.Z.8., Lindisfarne, Harrogate. 

Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. 

T. Sheppard, F.G:8., Municipal Museum, Hull. 

Sir Algernon Lyons, Kilvrough, Parkmill, Glamorgan. 
The Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh; U.S.A. 


A fine collection of Unionide is i. : £15 
A very rich collection of Maripenn Lene a Fresh- 

water Shells - - £30 
A collection of Melaniade — - : = We Fe £5 
A collection of Paludinide  - : ry : £5 
A large collection of Clausilie - f = £10 
Two small Cabinets with vanous Fossils . - £10 
A large double-tier Cabinet of Fossils - : £10 
A very large double-tier Cabinet, mahogany frontage - £25 

Apply—Miss F. M. HELE, 
Hosrorp Lopez, Laxenam Roap, 
Kyow.ez, BRISTOL. 

LIMAX. 161 


Limax modioliformis Sandberger. 

Limax modioliformis Sandberger, Paleeontographica, 1880, p. 113, pl. xii, f. 15. 

SHELL transparent or diaphanous, but thick in substance, 
somewhat ovoid and bearing a certain resemblance to the valve 
of a small Modiola ; APEX or nucleus terminal and_ placed 
towards the left corner ; UPPER SIDE, especially in aged speci- 
mens, more or less stronely wrinkled, "with the concentric lines 
of erowth, between which dark arborescent markings ean be 
detected ; UNDER SIDE rugosely granulate. 

Length, 5 mill. ; breadth, 3°5 mill. Fic. 180. — Limax 

modioliformis  Sand- 

This species, which was found in some numbers by _ berger, enlarged (after 
Mr. Clement Reid, has, according to Sandberger, some ae 
affinity in form with the Limaa crassitesta of Reuss, from the Lower 
Miocene of North Bohemia. Dr. Béttger and Mr. Heynemann are quite in 
accord in being unable to identify this shell with that of any recent species, 
although Bronn has suggested a similarity in structure to the shell of 
Limazx arborum, which is also found in the same beds. 


Lower Pleistocene—West Runton, East Norfolk, Clement Reid (Sandberger, 
op. cit. ). 

Limax latus (Edwards). 

Ancylus? latus F. E. Edwards, Monog. Eoc. Moll., 1852, p. 110, pl. xiv., f. 15. 
Limax Jatus Cockerell, Conch., Sept. 1893, p. 174. 

SHELL broadly sub-conical, somewhat incrassate, and ai 
greatly depressed, with the vertex or nucleus about half-way cs 
between the margin and the middle. 

Length, about 64 mill. ; breadth, about 5 mill. 

This species, of which only an imperfect specimen alae Oem oP 
was known to Mr. Edwards, was characterized by him, — Zatus (Edw.), enlarged 
though with considerable doubt and hesitation, as an (“fer Edwards). 
Ancylus; it, however, proves to be, according to Woodward’s Manual,’ 
really the shell of a Lina. 

Mr. Edwards described the shell as distorted at the posterior extremity, 
and as presenting the appearance of a sinus, somewhat resembling, though 
in an exaggerated form, that presented by the shells of the Limacina. 
This sinus, or indentation, he believed was probably due to the accident 
which produced the distortion. 

Oligocene— Recorded for Sconce, near Bembridge, in the Isle of Wight, by 

Edwards, and according to Mr. Ashford, has also been found in the Headon Beds 
at Headon Hill, in the ‘Isle of W ight, and at Hordwell in South Hants. 

1 Woodward’s Manual of the Mollusca, 1875, p. 296. 

27/12/04 L 

arte / 



The family Arionide, according to Pilsbry, 
is somewhat discontinuous in its geographical 
range, occupying three widely separated areas, 
in each of which a predominant type occurs. 

The West American area has the greatest 
number and variety of genera, embracing the 
Binneyinw, Ariolimacine, etc., and forming 
the most primitive group of the family; one 
form, Binneya, possessing a spiral external 
shell with sculptured nepionic whorl, short 
body cavity, and solid tail, may be regarded 
as linking Arionidw with the Endodontida, 
from which they are supposed to have been 

The Asiatic centre is concentrated in the 
Himalayas, and represented by Anadenus, a 
group in which the caudal gland is wanting 
and the male intromittent organ still present, 
undoubtedly representing in these respects the 
most ancient form of the group. It is most 

Fallo A er a_ Closely allied to the genus Prophysaon, but in 
the penial development shows nearest affinity 
Hesperarion, both of which are now West American groups. 

The true Arions, the most highly developed forms, have their home in 
the European region, the probable source of origin of the entire group, from 
whence in past. ages the earlier and more primitive genera have spread 
throughout the northern hemisphere, the most simply-organized groups, as 
is usual, occupying the regions most remote from their place of origin, and 
not, as is too prevalently ‘believ ed, persisting in their evolutionary centre. 
The Avions are remarkable for the peculiar penial degeneration they have 
undergone, and the assumption of the intromittent function of that organ 
by the oviducal passage. 

The Arionidw are not descended directly from the primitively shell-less 
forms, as has been averred, but unmistakeably show their descent from a 
group with well-developed spiral shells, the American forms supplying the 
chief links which make plain the progress of the modifications and clearly 
demonstrate that the typical genus Arion is the terminal member of a 
series of forms beginning with Binne ya, half-slug and half-snail with 
almost helicoid muse -ulature, and passing by numerous intermediate stages 
still existing to the typical Arion organization. 

The family is probably most satisfactorily divided by utilizing the various 
modifications of the free-retractor muscles, their arrangement showing also 
the weightiest differences between the Arionidw and other slugs. 

With this group Signor Carlo Pollonera, of Turin, is here associated in 
cordial recognition of the extent and importance of his researches upon the 
organization, specific differentiation, and classification of the Arionidw 
and of the slugs generally. 

In the British Isles the family is represented by only two genera, Arion 
and Geomalacus, the remaining and more ancient groups beimg now 
restricted to the remoter parts of the northern hemisphere. 


GENUS ARION Férussac.' 

The genus Arion is dedicated 
to Mr. W. Denison Roebuck, F.I.S., 
of Leeds, whose knowledge of the 
external morphology of the British 
slugs is probably unsurpassed, and 
whose tireless exertions have so 
immensely extended our knowledge 
of the variation and distribution 
of our native species. 

The Arions (apwv, the name of 
a mythological musician and poet, 
or according to some authorities a 
mythological horse famous for its 
speed) were first imperfectly separ- 
ated from Limavr by Brard, in 1815, 
who retained the term Limaa for 
the group now called Avion, and 
constituted the genus Limacella 
for the shell only, as distinguished 
from the animal, of the species we 
now regard as the true Limaces, 
basing this separation upon the 
possession of a distinct shell in 
fimazx, and the presence of a few 
chalky granules only in Avion. Baron Férussac also separated the genera, 
using the terms Arvon_and Limaa to distinguish the groups, and basing 
the separation upon the presence or absence of the caudal gland. 

The Arions have been variously divided, Moquin-Tandon using the degree 
of firmness and coherence of the lime particles representing the shell, as 
the basis for his groups Lochea and Prolepis, while Mabille and Seibert 
distinguish sections by the terms Baudonia, Kobeltia, and Carinella. Dy. 
Simroth utilizes the modifications of the atrium, forming the groups Mona- 
tride and Miatrida, according as the vestibule remains simple or develops 
a secondary enlargement originating at the free oviduct. Signor Pollonera 
has, however, poimted out how unstable this character is, and instances 
Arion hortensis as a species in which the change from a monatriid to a 
diatrid condition can be easily traced in passing from France to Germany. 

The Monatriide, represented by Arion minimus, A. subfuscus, and A. 
circumscriptus, are said by Simroth to be characterized externally by a 
distinct band on each side of the body, while in the Diatriidw, represented 
by Arion ater and A. hortensis, the band shades away outwardly ; this 
difference is, however, not so markedly observable in British specimens, 
but in both groups there is a general tendency to become unicolorous and 
render this difference obscure and unrecognizable. 

The Arions are unquestionably a closely-allied group, in which it is 
extremely unsafe to establish new species upon examples in alcohol or 
other preservatives, and in which it 1s necessary to study the characters 
exhibited by the living animal in order to arrive at sound conclusions, as 
the internal characters of even our good and undoubted species present a 
strong family likeness, and the differences are not always very decided, 


needing at times to be supplemented by a study of the external features 
of the animal. Eyen Dr. Simroth, whose profound knowledge of the 
organization of the Avrions is incontestable, feels compelled to remark 
“that the species of the genus Arion are so difficult to distinguish anato- 
inically, that they can only be determined with certainty by the aid of 
their colouring.” It is, therefore, to be regretted that, in view of this 
almost too closely intimate relationship, so many so-called new species 
have been described, and that painstaking naturalists of our own country 
have been found to emulate in this respect the more objectionable methods 
of the few continental extremists. 

Generic Characteristics.—ExTerNALLy, the features of the Arions 
when adult are a rounded porsuM and a somewhat corpulent BoDy ; rugose 
SKIN: an uncarinated and blunt Tar ; Foor with distinct pedal-groove 
meeting over a caudal mucus pore; MANTLE or shield granulate, rounded 
at each end, and placed at the anterior end of the body, with the RESPIR A- 
TORY APERTURE near its right anterior end, and the GENITAL ORIFICE beneath. 

According to Simroth, they originally possessed an ancestral lateral band 
at each side, coincident in position with the longitudinal lateral blood 
sinuses, but in the more advanced forms this peculiarity becomes obscured. 

The SHELL is represented by a soft and pulpy calcareous secretion, which 
solidifies upon exposure to the air, and also to some extent by age ; it is 
placed beneath the hinder part of the mantle, and according to Lankester, 
is within a permanently-closed sac, and represents the primitive shell. 

INTERNALLY, the group is characterized by the crowding of the main 
mass of the genitalia into the anterior half of the body, and the absence 
of the penis, the intromittent functions of which organ have been usurped 
by the vagina. It is also remarkable for the opaque-white colour of the 
walls of the arterial vessels, especially those investing the digestive gland 
and the alimentary canal, their complex ramifications showing out beauti- 
fully against the darker background. ‘This whiteness is due to a dense 
deposit of fat and lime within the cells of the arterial sheath, a deposit 
regarded by Semper as a temporary storehouse of lime for subsequent use 
in the body. 

‘he NERVOUS SYSTEM is remarkable for the distribution of the dorsal 
nerve, which becomes bifid apparently in correlation with the separation 
of the TENTACULAR RETRACTORS with which they are in association. 

‘he ALIMENTARY CANAL is more or less spirally triodromous, the coil beg 
held in position anteriorly by the aorra, as is usual, and the stoMacH 
Tract being the most posteriorly extended ; the saw is odontognathous’ 
or ribbed; and the teeth of the RapuLA cuspidate, with quadrate base 
of attachment. 

he MUSCULAR SYSTEM is quite different from that displayed by Limaaz 
and by the Helicidw, in which the tentacular and pharyngeal muscles 
unite posteriorly into a single band or possess a common base of attachment, 
whereas in Arion the pharyngeal as well as each tentacular muscle have 
their separate and widely-distant places of attachment to the dorsal skin, 
and constitute the section 'richoriza.2 This separation of the tentacular 
retractors is probably due to mechanical causes, the oblique strain tending 
to pull apart the muscles, and as the soft degenerate shell no longer 
affords a firm attachment, the retractors have become fixed to the tough 
dorsal integument or to the lung floor. 

1 Monog, i., p. 254, f. 509, 2 Monog. i., p. 344, f. 638, 


The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are comparatively simple, and triaulic, the 
EPIPHALLUS, OVIDUCT, and SPERMATHECA all opening into what has ‘been 
termed the upper vestibule or EGG-sAc, which is formed by an expansion 
of the free- oviduct, and according to ‘Dr. Babor, becomes most marked 
when the animal is in the male ‘phase of its development; the PENTS. is 
aborted, and the FLAGELLUM, DART-SAC, digitate VAGINAL GLANDS, and 
copulatory branch of the spermatheca are absent; the ovorssris is placed 
quite at the rear of the body, while the prostate or sPERM-pUCT is also not 
a closed tube, as in Limar, but is open laterally and communicates 
throughout its length with the oviduct. 

The SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND is not imbedded in the pedal musculature, but 
hes free upon the foot, and extends about half the total length of the body; 
but in addition to the dermal and locomotory mucosity, the Avions produce 
a very gelatinous mucus with great rapidity at the caudal sinus, which at 
pairing time becomes very abundant, and which is slowly devoured by the 
prospective partner during the preliminary circular promenade. 

Reproduction and Development.—The congress of the species of 
this genus is preceded by the prolonged circular procession and many of 
the amatory dallyings described under the Limacidew ; the normal intro- 
mittent organ has, however, become aborted, and the union is now effected 
by the eversion of the oviduct, powerful retractor muscles being developed 
for the withdrawal of the organ into the body when the union has been 
consummated, the seminal element being transferred by means of an 
elongate and multidenticulate spermatophore, which, though quite pliable 
when fresh, becomes hardened by exposure to the air; it, however, 
speedily disintegrates or dissolves when lodged in the spermatheca. 

The duration of life is probably usually about one year, but in the west 
of Ireland and other mild localities this period may be prolonged to even 
double that time. —'This restriction of the age attained is perhaps in part 
explainable by the absence of an external shell, which would materially aid 
them to endure hot, cold, and more especially dry seasons. 

Food and Habits.—The Ar/ons have the same crepuscular and noc- 
turnal habits which so markedly characterize the Limucidw, hiding away 
beneath ee stones, logs, etc., or burrowing into the earth for conceal- 
ment during the day, and. only appearing at sunset to enter. upon their 
foraging expeditions, except during very cloudy or showery weather, when 
they may be frequently seen crawling about during the day. 

They are very slow and sluggish in their movements, but when young 
are adepts_ in slime-spinning , Arion subfuscus beg exceptionally notice- 
able for the facility and readiness with whieh it makes use of this means 
of escape from a disagreeable or undesirable situation. ‘The slugs, and 
especially the Arvons, do not, however, seem to possess the same recupera- 
tive power as the testaceous species, a comparatively slight injury nearly 
always proving fatal in its effects. 

The Avions are very voracious, especially in early spring, when they eat 
ravenously, devouriyg almost any animal or vegetable substances, fresh or 
decaying, that they meet with; they are not only carnivorous and canni- 
balistic but often coprophagous. 

Fossil.—A species attributed to Arion, the indifferens of Boettger, has 
been found in the Lower Miocene of Niederrad, near Frankfort-am-Main, 
but no traces of the genus have been met with in this country lower than 
the Pleistocene beds. 


Variation.—In Arion the pigmentation has resolved itself into two 
chief colours : one dusky or black producing the markings, and the other 
various shades of red, both of which in the larger and more variable 
species by their development or degeneration quickly show, especially 
during the growth period, the effects of varied environment, mirroring 
back in the slug’s body the effect of climate, etc. Cold and moisture 
being favourable to the development of the dusky pigment and warmth and 
dryness to the red. 

The darker varieties are found most numerously in the northern regions 
and in mountainous districts, and this melanic tendency is correlated with 
a stouter and coarser condition of the skin, and by a bolder tuberculation, 
while the brighter coloured forms are probably the outcome of a dry and 
warm environment, and though these factors are not the only ones that 
foster a brilliancy of colouring or the reverse, yet they undoubtedly have a 
very marked influence thereon. 

The largest and most advanced species are those most actively engaged 
in the elaboration of new forms, but it is amongst the smaller and more 
primitive species that convergence is most evident, and which display most 
strikingly their common relationship to an ancestral form. 

Geographical Distribution.—The Avions are European in origin and 
distribution, affecting more particularly the western area; members of 
the group have, however, spread into Siberia, North Africa, Azores, 
Madeira, etc., and through the agency of commerce have secured a footing 
in North America and other places. 

It has, however, been erroneously supposed by Bourguignat and other 
able scientists that Avion, as well as other genera, originated on the 
Central Asian plateau, and spread into Europe by way of the great 
northern coniferous belt, or along the mountain chains of Central Europe, 
while other modern authors believe the Iberian peninsula or the lost 
Atlantis to be the true birthplace of the group. 

Fic. 184.—A Malacological Laboratory. 
Mr. W. E. Collinge at the University, Birmingham. 


miion aver (1. ). 

1606 Cochlea nuda tertia totu nigra Aldrovandus, de Insectis, lib. 3, cap. 10. 
1678 Limax ater Lister, Hist. Anim. Angl., p. 131, pl. 2, f. 17, tit. xvii. 

1682 Limax major rubicunda terrestris, Muralto Miscell. eur. obs. 59, p. 147. 
1763 Limax albus margine luteo Miller, Swamp. Hafn., p. 61. 

1758 Limaxz ater L., Syst. Nat., ed. x., vol. 1., p. 652, no. 1. 


rufus L., op. cit., no. 2. 

albus I., op. cit., ed. xii., vol. i., p. LOSI. 

succineus Miiller, Verm. Hist., no. 203, p. 7. 

luteus Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, 1., p. 268. 
marginellus Schranck, Fauna Boieca Wiirmer, p. 252, no. 3158. 
coccineus Gistel, Naturg. d. Thierreichs. 

empiricorum Férussae, Hist. Moll., p. 60, pls. 1, 2. 
melanocephalus Ferussac, Tabl. Syst., p. 1s. 

sulcatus Morelet, Moll. Port., p. 28, pl. 1. 

virescens Millet, Moll. Maine et Loire, p. 11. 

tenellus Millet, op. cit. 

(Lochea) rufus Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, ii., pp. 10, 13, pl. 1, f. 1-27. 
glaucus Colbeau, Ann. Soc. Mal. Belg. 

hibernus Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., xx., p. 134. 
servainianus Mabille, Hist. Mal. bass. Paris, p. 8. 

bocaget Simroth, Zool. Anz., no. 272. 

1878 Lochea atra Malm, Skand. Land Snigl., p. 31, pl. 1, f. 1. 

and three other species was one of the precursors 

ISTORY.—A rion ater (ater, black), is the 
largest of our native species, and was first 
made known by Dr. Martin Lister, in 
1674, under the’ descriptive epithet of 
Limax ater, and he afterwards, in 1678, 
gave a good figure in Hist. Anim. Angl. ; 
considerable confusion and uncertainty 
has, however, arisen owing to the wide 
range of colour mutations to which it 1s 
subject, and many species have been 
created to receive them. 

The name empiricorum (in allusion to 
its former use in medicine), bestowed 
on this species by Baron Férussac, was 
intended not to separate any particular 
form, but to unite under one denomina- 
tion all the different varieties and so- 
called species into which this protean 
slug had been divided. It has in other 
parts of its range also received many 
distinct names, based upon the shght 
external modifications it has undergone. 

With this species is associated the late 
Mr. Thomas Nunneley, F'.R.C.S., of Leeds, 
whose careful and conscientious memoir 
of 1837 upon the anatomy of the present 
of the modern scientific 

study of slugs, and it is to be regretted that his professional career as a 
distinguished and skilful surgeon did not leave him leisure to follow up his 
anatomical studies of the mollusca. 


Diagnosis.—-rion ater may be distinguished when adult by its large 
size, long and coarse tubercules, and usually uniform colouration, as well as 
by the very contracted and hemispherical shape it assumes when at rest 
and particularly when alarmed or irritated, a position often accompanied 
by a very peculiar swaying or elephantine motion of the body. 

INTERNALLY, this species is perhaps best distinguished from its con- 
geners by the greatly enlarged and protuberant base of the oviduct. 

Description.—ANIMAL usually black or brown in this country, but varying 
marvellously in its colonring; of great size, sometimes reaching 200 mill. in length 
when extended, very bulky and convex above, and terminating behind in a flattened 
TAIL, bearing a distinct triangular GLAND; when contracted the animal assumes a 
very characteristic hemispherical shape ; TUBERCLES very long and prominent, becom- 
ing keeled and transversely wrinkled during contraction, and showing about eighteen 
longitudinal rows at each side; FOOT-SOLE obscurely tripartite, but median portion 
not separated by a furrow from the side-areas, which are usually pervaded by the 
body colour; the FOOT-FRINGE is broad, widest at the tail, spread out when the 
animal is at rest, and presenting a series of transverse parallel lineoles, of which 
every alternate one is darker; in strongly coloured individuals these lines are con- 
tinued across the side-areas of the sole ; SHIELD ovoid, narrow in front, with small 

Fic. 187.—Foot-fringe and pedal-groove of 
Fic. 186.—Head of Avion ater, showing Arion ater X 2. 

the facial grooves. pS. pedal furrow ;_/r. fringe. 
vermicular rugosities, which may coalesce into irregular and limited wavy lines, not 
unlike the ridges of Limaxv ; RESPIRATORY ORIFICE large and round, situate on the 
right side of the body, near the anterior third of the length of the shield, its lower 
margin cut by the anal channel; HEAD usually darker than the rest of the body, 
with four dorsal furrows, the outer ones terminating at the ommatophores, but the 
median pair become quadripartite on the forehead and vary greatly in shape when 
the mouth is in motion; OMMATOPILORES dusky, tubereled, rather swollen at the 
apex ; lower TENTACLES also dusky and finely granulate. 

Mucus very tenacious and variable in colour; when the animal is sealded it is 
usually orange-coloured in red animals, in black animals usually colourless or 
milky-white. The mueus secreted by the caudal gland is ropy and clear yellowish. 

SHELL quite vestigial, and generally represented by a soft and pulpy calcareous 
deposit placed beneath the hinder part of the shield ; it is, however, sometimes more 
concentrated and becomes hardened into a granular form, with the particles more or 
less coherent. In the chalk-pits about Dorking Mr. Darbishire has observed that 
all the animals contain thick and solid shelly masses. 

Fic. 189. Fic. 190. 

Fic. 189.—Heart of . 17ton ater X 3. au. auricle; v. ventricle. 
Fic. 190.—Nerve-ring of A. aterv.rufa(after Moquin-Tandon). 

INTERNALLY, the body cavity is pale and closely 
beset with minute calcareous particles ; the buccal 

Fic. 18h lead areans (Or ganglia are oval ; the HEART is surrounded by 
Arion ater, as seen from below x 2. the KIDNEY, the auricle is broadly united to the 
(after Godwin-Austen). c.» cephalic ventricle, and directed towards the anterior left 
retractor; ‘oe Paes N es aag side of the BODY; RESPIRATORY ORIFICE ample, 
Coe een eee enacts. allowing the complex and prominent respiratory 

kidney, enclosing heart; 7c. rectum; ‘ : 
7.0. respiratory orifice. vessels to be perceptible through the opening. 


The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS arise from three dis- 
tinct and separate points, as is usual in the genus ; 
the PHARYNGEAL muscle originating most posteri- 
orly nearly in the median line behind the lung 
cavity, and bifureating about half-way for attach- 
ment to each side of the buecal bulb; the TENTA- 
CULAR retractors are broad and flat, the left arising 
from the hinder left-side of the lung periphery ; the A 
right retractor is somewhat similarly placed, but a 
trifle removed from the lung; both divide about the 
middle of their course into a chief muscle for the 
ommatophore of their respective sides of the body, 
and a subsidiary one for the lower tentacle, the 
latter branching again to send a slip to the buccal Bis. 1912 Ceahalic renmactals o€ 
or labial lobe. Aap Gi 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are comparatively simple; the dark-brown spherical 
OVOTESTIS is placed behind the stomach, and is traversed medially by an artery ; 
the HERMAPHRODITE DUCT is long and tortuous, terminating in a slightly swollen 
and acutely bent junction with the ovispermatoduct, representing the VESICULA 
SEMINALIS ; the pale ALBUMEN GLAND is large and compact, but much indented ; 
the OVISPERMATODUCT is very long ; the OVIDUCT is a delicate bluish rutile above, 


Fic. 192. Fic. 193. Fic. 195, Fic. 196. 
The Reproductive system of adult and juvenile A77on ate (L.), showing the muscular arrangements 
and the modifications of the organs arising during growth x 3. 

Fic. 192.—The proximal end of the organs with the epiphallus removed to show the arrangement 
of the retractor and attachment of the spermatheca. 

Fic. 193.—The organs as seen from the opposite side, with oviduct and genital retractor removed. 

Fic. 194.—Spermatheca and oviduct, showing attachment of retractor. 

Frc. 195.—Proximal end of sexual organs, showing their complex natural arrangement. 

Fic. 196.—Sexual organs of an immature example. 

alb.g7. albumen gland ; Z.a¢. glandular lower atrium ; 7.a¢. and a@¢. upper atrium 3; of. ovotestis ; 
ov. oviduct ; osd. ovispermduct : ef. epiphallus, cut short ; sf. spermatheca ; v.d@. vas deferens ; 
ry. genital retractor, showing attachment to spermatheca duct, oviduct, and atrium. 

narrowing below, while the yellowish SPERM-DUCT, or prostate, increases in calibre 
as it descends ; the two channels being closely connected together ; the slender VAs- 
DEFERENS expands into a thick EPIPHALLUS, which secretes the moderately slim, 
brownish, and dentienlate spermatophore ; the ovately-globose SPERMATHECA is 
connected by a shortish stalk with the atrium, into which the epiphallus, oviduct, 
and spermatheca all debouch; the upper ATRIUM, or ‘‘egg-sac,” is immensely bulged 
at one side, the protuberance originating at the base of the oviduct, and contains 
an erectile linguiform appendage, which is probably a SARCOBELUM. The GENITAL 


RETRACTOR is a powerful muscle, arising from the left-side of the lung-floor, near the 
root of the tentacular retractor; it separates into two branches, a stout retractor 
muscle attached to and partially ensheathing the free-oviduct, but continued to the 
upper atrium and a somewhat more delicate branch, which is attached to the duct of 
the spermatheca, close to the vesicle. In addition there is a broad flat retractor muscle 
which also connects the atrium with the upper left side of the lung cavity. 

In full development the upper atrium is somewhat divided by a visible constric- 
tion from the lower atrium, which is closely invested by a yellow glandular pad ; 
in younger animals the lower VESTIBULE is long and slender, but does not develop 
its yellow glandular investment until maturity is approaching. 

In the black and very dark varieties, in which there is an abundance of black 
chromatophores, the proximal portions of the various organs, especially the oviduct 
and epiphallus, are liable to become more or less darkly tinged with them. 


ally triodromous, and shows itself to 
have been involved in the torsion which 
the whole visceral mass exhibits, the 
twisting in adults being equivalent to 
1} whorls; the STOMACH TRACT ex- 
tends most posteriorly and is separated 
by a marked constriction from the 
large brownish Crop, which is deeply 
wrinkled internally, and overspread 
externally with a network of large 
white circulatory vessels, the lacteals 
of early authors; the G:SOPHAGUS is 
purplish, with darker stripes, and from 
its origin to the nerve-ring is united 
to the buceal-mass; the SALIVARY 
GLANDS large, white, multilobed, and 
floceulent, spreading transversely and 
encircling the cesophagus like a horse- 
collar, or sometimes with ends turned 
up like a moustache; SALIVARY DUCTS 
thick ; DIGESTIVE GLAND dark brown 
or dark olive, the left lobe forming the 
end of the visceral mass, while the right 

lobe lies more anteriorly. ate 5 Fic. 197. Fic. 198. 
In young and half-grown individuals Fic. 197.—Alimentary canal of A. ater, adult x 2. 
the alimentary system quite resembles Fic. 198.—Alimentary canal of immature A. ater, 

that of A. subfuscus, showing a much showing at this stage its more intimate relationship 
shorter and apparently less complex — With 47#on sud/uscus x 3. 
arrangement than in adults, a feature due to the shorter course of its various tracts. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is about three mill. broad and 

one mill. wide, strongly arcuate from front to back, sah 
and with a distinet fibrillar elasma, the upper half of Ree 
the jaw is imbedded in the tissues, and is of a moder- 
ately dark amber-brown, the exposed or cutting half 
is much darker or almost black, the line of separation 
of the two different shades being very perceptible and 
well defined ; the anterior surface bears from fifteen to 
eighteen strongly prominent and rounded vertical ribs 2 ; : 
which strongly crenulate the cutting edge, and also a ee or jaw 

: 2 ‘ Arion ater X 12. (Dublin 
slightly indent the upper margin. Mr. J. R. Redding). 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is oblong in shape, about seven mill. long. and three 
mill. in width, composed of about 160 slightly curved transverse rows of closely-set 
teeth, which do not appreciably decrease in size towards the margins ; each row is 

6) OO QAR 

Fic, 200.—Representative teeth from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of Ar‘on ater x 120. 
The animal collected at Dublin by Mr. J. R. Redding, and the palate prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. 




constituted by a tricuspid median tooth, flanked by about twenty-six rows of lateral 
teeth, which though obscurely tricuspidate adjoining the median row, gradually 
become distinctly bicuspid ; the marginal teeth are mainly bicuspid ; the mesocone 
increasing vastly in size and importance, the endocone totally disappearing, and the 
ectocone “diminishing greatly until in the extreme marginals it also becomes totally 
lost, and the teeth are simply aculeate. 

The formula of a Bali SUSCMNE: collected by Mr. J. R. Redding, is 
+35 +3 e+$5 42! x NGO == 94760: 

Reproduction: oe Derelopnient. —The congress of this species is 
preceded by the prolonged circular procession pre- 
viously described, and which may be continued for 
an hour or more, the head of each animal resting 
upon the tail of its partner during the promenade, 
and both slowly devouring the mucus exuded by 
the caudal gland and by the body cells. he con- 
gress is not of long duration, the union being 
effected by the extrusion of the genital cloaca, 
especially of the oviduct, ete., which constitute 
the intromittent organ, the seminal element being 
mutually transferred by means of the denticulate 
spermatophores. F Fic. 201.—Spermatophore 

This species, however, sometimes reproduces of 4. ater v. ru/a, enlarged 
parthenogenetically, as Mr. F. W. Wotton has Soe ee 
reared individuals in captivity, which though kept strictly isolated almost 
from birth, produced fertile eggs. 

The eggs, which are excluded in from four to five weeks after the union 
has taken place, are about five mill. long, and four mill. in diameter, some- 
what oval in shape, thick skinned, and semipellucid when fresh, but quickly 
changing to an opaque-white, a circumstance ascribed to the innumerable 

calcareous particles in the outer envelope, this calcification tallying with the 
copious deposit of lime in the arterial walls. They are deposited in vast 
numbers at almost all seasons of the year—many clusters have been found 
as early as January in this country-—under stones, old wood, dead leaves, 
at roots of plants, etc., usually in clusters of from twenty to fifty, or more; 
they hatch in from thirty to fifty days, according to the weather. 

The young when hatched are usually unicolorous, but apparently vary 
in shade, in different countries; in Germany, Scandinavia, and North 
Central Europe they are said to be pale yellow or greenish-white, but 
more inclined to blackish in the mountain regions, while- in the warm 
plains and in the south they are reddish, and in England frequently of a 
yellowish or greenish-grey, with slightly darker shield and head, often closely 
conforming in tint to the fallen faded leaves of autumn. In many cases lateral 
banding develops during growth, which may occasionally, especially near 
the outskirts of its range, persist in adult life, but usually the darker 
markings become clouded over and the unicolorous stage is reached. 

Mr. W. A. Gain has carefully chronicled the varied changes undergone 
by animals during growth. At eighteen mill. in length they were almost 
without exception of a greenish-yellow tint, with greyish lies and mark- 
ings, but this m some cases would gradually but quickly change to a 
brownish tint, the tint gradually becoming a rich brown with dark lateral 
bands on body and shield, and eventually when full grown presenting a 
deep brown back and shield, with black-brown sides and orange fringe. 
Other specimens, apparently quite similar when young, may become very 
differently coloured as adults. 



In winter, when half-grown, they are very apathetic, coiling themselves 
up in a serpentine fashion, and huddling together in a close and compact 
mass when in company with others. They grow very little during this 
period, as they take little food; but with the advent of warmer weather 
their activity increases, they eat greedily, and rapidly increase in size. 

Food and Habits.—This species is very voracious, and almost omni- 
vorous, as 1s demonstrated by the fact certified by Mr. Gain, that out of 
197 different kinds of food, only 39 were refused, while decaying animal or 
vegetable matter, excrement, edible and poisonous fungi, paper, weak or 
injured worms or animals of its own or other species are readily devoured. 

© ee; z “% FES 
€ Bry %e, Vee 7 OMe ye HH, 
Fic. 202.—Fragment of newspaper, as eaten by Avion ater, showing the character of the 
feeding-track (after H. Wallis Kew). 

The colour of the feces is also singularly responsive to the nature of the 
food, Mr. H. W. Kew stating that the fecal matter of individuals kept in 
confinement and fed upon fresh green leaves was always dark green, but 
when fed upon apple became of an amber colour; if petals of Ranunculus 
were eaten the excreta was deep yellow, but changed to a scarlet colour 
when the animals were fed upon the berries of Arum maculatum. 

It is very sluggish and indolent, and recovers itself with difficulty when 
placed on its back ; if startled or irritated it shrinks into a characteristic 
hemispherical lump, and sways its body from side to side in a peculiar 
rolling way. The favourite localities of this species are moist shady places 
in woods, fields, and gardens ; it would seem to more especially prefer 
roadsides and hedgerows. They emerge from their hiding-place at dusk 
and during the night, but in moist or cloudy weather they come forth 
during the day, their appearance at that time being popularly believed 
to prognosticate rain. 

Superstitions, Folk Lore, etc.—The calcareous matter found beneath 
the shield of Avion ater was formerly believed to possess great and varied 
medicinal virtues. It was firmly believed to be an infallible specifie in 
cases of consumption, and was amongst other methods prescribed to be 
swallowed alive by the sufferer; even at the present day, in some parts, a 
poultice of slugs, placed upon the chest, is considered to have a very 
beneficial effect in chest complaints. ‘The ancient physicians also regarded 
the powder resulting from the drying of the vestigial shell as a very effec- 
tive remedy for dysentery, while Pliny records the same powdery-dust as a 
remedy for the teeth. 

In many parts of England, the country people still have a marvellous 
faith in the use of this mollusk for the removal of warts; the method 
being to well rub the wart with the body of the slug, which by the rubbing 


is believed to be impregnated with its matter, the slug is then securely 
impaled upon a thorn, where it dies, and gradually withers up, by which 
time the wart will also have disappeared. In Northamptonshire it is con- 
sidered necessary to repeat the operation on nine successive nights, by 
which time the wart will have gone. 

In 1890 Mr. Kew observed an old man in a garden at Highgate, in the 
suburbs of London, engaged in gathering A. ater for the purpose of making 
ointment; while in Lincolnshire the appearance of “black snails” is regarded, 
especially at harvest time, as a most reliable sign of impending rain. 

In former times, the ancients in their ignorance of mollusca, believed 
that slugs in general, and this one in particular, as being the most obvious 
and conspicuous of them, to be the same animals as those possessed of 
shells, and Albertus Magnus and Gesner, influenced in part by a passage 
in Allian, believed that snails had the power of quitting and returning to 
their shells at pleasure, while Kramer in 1736 attempted to prove that 
this was actually the fact. 

Fossil.—The chalky granules, believed to be the internal shells of 
A. ater, are recorded by Sandberger from the gravels and brick-earths of 
the Upper Pleistocene beds of this country. 

PLeIsTocENE.—Messrs. Kennard and Woodward report it as found in the 
beds at Swalecliffe, a mile west of Herne Bay, in East Kent; and in the 
same deposits at Ilford and Uphall, in South Essex. 

In France it is known from beds of similar age in the Somme Valley. 

Ho tocent.—In West Kent, the same authors chronicle its occurrence at 
Maidstone, in a disused chalk-pit, near Otford railway station, and in a 
deposit on face of chalk escarpment, at Exedown, near Wrotham. In 
Surrey, at the Horse-shoe deposit, Colley pit, Reigate, the internal granules 
were very abundant between the 2-feet and 3-feet levels. In Essex, they 
have been found in the alluvium at Walthamstow. In Berkshire, in the 
Kennet Valley deposits at Newbury; and in Oxfordshire at Westbury and 
Clifton-Hampden, near Oxford. 

Parasites and Enemies.—In addition to the numerons enemies of 
the mollusca generally, Avion ater is internally infested by three different 
species of Leptodera, a genus of Nematoid worms. Leptodera appendicu- 
lata, a species remarkable for the possession of a pair of caudal fringes, 
inhabits the foot of this species while in the larval state, becoming sexual 
in the decomposing body of the snail at its death. Another species is 
found in the intestinal canal, and the third species in the salivary glands. 

Fic. 203.—An Entozoic Parasite from Avion ater var. rufa X 50 (after Van den Broeck). 

Professor Owen records that the larva of a Tania is found encysted in 
the pulmonary sac, which is believed to attain its full sexual maturity only 
when occupying the intestinal canal of some warm-blooded animal. 

M. Van den Broeck records the abundance of a species of Entozoon 
in the intestinal canal of the var. rufa, but which was first detected within 
the egg of Limar arborum. 


Variation.—Scarcely any species is more variable in its colouring than 
Arion ater, but nearly all the variations resolve themselves into two chief 
lines, the red and the black, the presence, absence or varying proportions 
of these constituents determining the tints ; their total absence causing the 
whitish or greenish varieties. 

The red pigment, which is said by Simroth to be a warning colour,’ 
resides in the dermal mucous cells, and is developed by warmth, a warmer 
or milder temperature during the erowth period increasing the proportion 
of rufous individuals, or intensifying and enriching their tint. When the 
colour glands are but feebly developed, it gives rise to the yellow tint and 
the intermediate shades. This colouring i is, however, very unstable and 
also in great part due to the mucosity, as when this is quite removed the 
animals often appear of an uniform grey or brown. 

The black pigment resides in the cellules of the integument, and its 
predominating development is in a large measure due to cold or moisture, 
as the dark varieties are found most numerously in cold or mountainous 
countries, Eimer especially remarking upon the predominance of the dark 
varieties at high altitudes on the mountains and also upon their greater 
prevalence upon the plains during wet seasons. 

In this country, also, Avon ater is usually dark coloured or black, this 
sombre colouring is, however, not invariably that of the youthful stages, 
but is usually an acquired colour, the result of changes during erowth, 
and though unicoloration is doubtless the ultimate or final stage of pig- 
mentation, the shade or hue is probably in great part dependent upon and 
modified by the conditions of the environment with which the coloration 
of the body tends to harmonize. 

Some of the more severely critical of modern authors variously divide 
Arion ater into two, three, or more species, influenced by trifling external 
differences or by slight 
inequalities in the degree rat \ " 
of development of “the 
various organs of the 
reproductive system, the 
modifications of which 
are due in a large degree 
to individual variation 
or to the stage of sexual 
maturity attained by the 
animals examined. ‘The 
differences in the amount 
of enlargement of the 
atrium or vestibule and 
its more or less apparent 
division into an upper Fic. 204. Fic. 205. 
and lower section, or the Proximal sud = Be Reproductive Greiasiot a rufus 
slightly differing points Fic. 204.— void, Sere Mea stricto (after Pollonera). 
of attachment of the Fic. 205.—A7rion ater (L.), sensu stricto (after Pollonera). 
retractors are chiefly re- ep. epiphallus; sf. spermatheca ; ov. free oviduct; 7 genital 

retractor ; Z.a¢. lower atrium; #.a¢. upper atrium. 
lied upon as establishing 
at least two species, which are distinguished as Arion empiricorum and 
A. ater, the former name being usually though not invariably allowed to 
include what is generally know! nas Arion rufus. 
1 Monog. i., p. 330. 


The A. empiricorum is considered as chiefly West European and to be 
the form inhabiting this country. It is noted as mainly characterized 
by its very short and insignificant lower vestibule and the large and wide 
upper section, an enlargement due to the swollen outlets of the organs 
debouching therein. 

A. ater is said to be confined to North-eastern Europe, and has been 
described as differing by its larger size and in possessing a thick and 
swollen lower vestibule, while the upper section is less noticeable owing 
to the undeveloped state of the oviduct and other outlets. 

These differences are, however, little more than individual, local, or 
seasonal variations in the development of the different organs, as is affirmed 
by Dr. Babor, who shows that the varied development of the atrium is 
merely the expression of sexual phases, while Signor Pollonera has con- 
clusively demonstrated the unreliability and fugitive character of the 
vestibular modifications and their unsuitability for specific differentiation 
in Arion. 

Var. atra L., Syst. Nat., ed. x., 1758, p. 652. 

The strict type of this species is undoubtedly the black or blackish form, with 
the median area of the foot-sole markedly paler than the side zones. It has, however, 
had a number of special names devoted to it by various observers and is probably :— 

Limax ater L., op. cit. 

Arion empiricorunt aldrovandit Kalenicz., Bull. Mosc., 1851, p. 113. 

Arion rufus B ater Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1858, ii., p. 10, pl. 1, f. 20. 
Arion (Limax) ater var. niger Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 6. 

Arion rufus var. nigra Baudon, Journ. de Conch., 1884, p. 196. 

Arion empiricorum var. maurus Held. 

The distribution of this form is almost universal in this country, as it is one of 
the variations more especially evolved by our cool and moist climate. 

On the continent, this form is found in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, 
North Spain, Portugal, Norway, up to 66° 49’ north latitude, South Sweden, Den- 
mark, Austro-Hungary, Switzerland, and North I[taly. 

. r al 
Var. aterrima ‘Taylor. 

Body, shield, and creeping dise uniformly black. 

It is desirable to discriminate from the ordinary form the jet-black individuals, 
in which the black pigment has also overspread the whole surface of the creeping 
dise. This variety is not common, and would seem to be more especially a northern 
or mountain form, as its occurrence in other places seems to be more or less sporadic 
or casual. Mr. Welch and Mr. Praeger, in Oct. 1897, found some very characteristic 
examples on the summit of Slieve-Donard at an altitude of 2,796 feet. . 

It is not improbable that Avion hispanicus of Simroth, which is characterized by 
its smaller size and uniform black body and creeping disc, belongs to this variety. 

Many authors describe variations of this species as aterrimus totus, but it is not 
by any means clear that the descriptions were intended to apply to the foot-sole as 
well as the body. 


Devon N.—Ilfracombe, July 1904! R. Leach. 

Huntingdon—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss Emily M. Foster. 

Gloucester E.—Cirencester, Aug. 1904! Mrs. Blundell. 

Merioneth—Hills above Barmouth, alt. 2,000 feet, Aug. 1884! J. Hopkinson. 

Lincoln N.—Rippingale, Sept. 1904! H. Preston. 

Cheshire—Garden, Broad road, Sale, May 1885! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire W.—Over Wyresdale, alt. 1,000 ft., April 1903 ! Rev. W. W. Mason. 

York N.E.—Runswick Bay, June 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York Mid W.—Summit of Oughtershaw Moor, Wharfedale, Aug. 1904! W. 
Denison Roebuck. 

Durham—Croft, April 1887 ! and near High Force, June 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Westmorland—On the summit of Coniston Old Man, alt. 2,660 feet, July 1887, 
S. C. Cockerell. Grange-over-Sands, July 1904! W. J. Davey. 

Cumberland—Salkeld Dykes, Penrith, July 1904! H. Britten. Scafell Pikes, 
alt. 3,000 feet ! W. West, 


Roxburgh—Langlee near Galashiels, Sept. 1904! J. Roseburgh. 
Berwick— Fans near Earlston, Aug. 1883! R. Renton, 
Stirling—Near summit of Ben Lomond (Miss Donald, Cumberland List, 1882). 
Perth S.—Callender, April 1888! A. Somerville ; and summit of Ben Voirlich, 
alt. 3,224 feet, Sept. 1902! W. Evans. 
Banff—A berlour, Nov. 1892! L. Hinxman. 
Easterness—At an alt. of 2,800 feet on Ben Nevis (C. L. Wragge, Good Words, 
1882, p. 382). 
Ebudes S.—Machrie, Islay, Aug. 1904! Miss Ethel Evans. 
Down—Summit of Slieve-Donard, alt. 2,796 feet, Oct. 1897, R. Ll. Praeger and 
R. Welch ; also found above the Deer’s Meadow on Slieve Muck, on Slieve Bingian, 
and Slieve Bernagh, R. Welch. 
Louth—Carlineford, Dec. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Meath—Drumcondra, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1888! G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 
Kilkenny—Gardens, Kilkenny Castle, Sept. 1904! J. Carlton. 
Leitrim—Mohill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Sligo—Common on mountain summit above West Glenear, and at Gleniff Cave, 
above 1,000 feet alt., July 1904, R. Welch. 
Mayo W.—Dugort, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Galway W.—Leenane Mountain, 1897, R. Welch. 
Limerick—Castleconnell, Sept. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 
Cork N.—Macroom, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Kerry—Common on roadsides at an alt. of 600 to 1,000 feet, near Moll’s Gap, 
Kenmare, May 1898, R. Welch. 
Spain—Avrion hispanicus is recorded for Mid Spain by Simroth. 
Portugal-—Avion hispanicus is recorded from Sierra Estrella by Simroth. 

Var. castanea Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 6. 
Arion ater var. brunnea Roebuck, Proc. Roy. Irish. Acad., 1886, p. 673. 
Arion ater var. seminiger T. D. A. Cockerell, Science Gossip, 1889, p. 141. 
Arion ater sub-var. olivacea Taylor. 

ANIMAL almost uniformly brown, usually with a paler and brighter foot-fringe ; 
the pale varieties are the brunneo-pallescens of Roebuck and the fusca-lutescens of 

The sub-var. semi-nigra of Cockerell is intermediate between the type and var. 
brinnea, possessing a black body and very dark-brown shield. 

The sub-var. olivacea has the brown of the body tinged with a greenish hue. 
The var. o/ivacea of Lelmann, 1856, is considered by Simroth to be probably a 
young form of Arion ater but is more likely to be a variety of A. subfuscus. 

In Lreland, according to Dr. Scharff, the olivaceous varieties are entirely restricted 
to the west coast. 


Devon N.—Northam, Noy. 1885! W. A. Gain. Belstone near Okehampton, 
Sept. 1904! Rev. W. W. Mason. Ilfracombe, Mch. 1887 (Tomlin, J. of C., Apl. 1887). 

Somerset S.—Bbridgwater, in allotment gardens, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Somerset N.—Bath, June 1884! C. J. Waterfall. 

Wilts N.—Clytfe Pybard near Swindon, Aug. 1904! Rev. C. H. Goddard. 

Dorset—Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885 ! A. Belt. 

Hants. S.—Portsdown Hill, May 1885! W. Jeffery. Hengistbury Head, March 
1884 ! Charles Ashford. 

Sussex W.—Ratham, not uncommon, Oct. 1885! W Jeffery. 

Kent E.—Shepherdswell, Aug. 1896, L. E. Adams. 

Kent W.—St. Mary Cray, July 1883 (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nat. Hist. Notes, 
Noy. 1883, p. 124). Sub-var. seninigra, Chislehurst (T. D. A. Cockerell, Sci. Gossip, 
1889, p. 141). Sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, Maidstone, Aug. 1888 ! F. G. Fenn. 

Surrey—Oxshott, May 1888 ! H. Wallis Kew. Sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, 
Warlingham, Sept. 1885 ! F. G. Fenn. 

Essex S.—Woodford, Sept. 1886! C. Oldham. 

Essex N.—Stour Valley, Langham, Sept. 1886! G. T. Rope. Ona bank by the 
railway station, Colchester, Aug. 1890, L. E. Adams. 

Herts.— Watford, June, 1884! J. Hopkinson. Totteridge, May 1888! H.W. Kew. 

Middlesex— Acton, Aug. 1884! and Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dee. 1884! T. D. A. 
Cockerell. Bush Hill Park, April 1887! Charles Ashford. Highgate, June 1888! 
H. W. Kew. Near Hendon, May 1889 (J. W. Williams, Zool., 1889, p. 272). 


Berks.—Common about Maidenhead, June 1887, L. E. Adams. Sub-vavr. olivacea, 
Bradfield, Sept. 1904! Rev. E. Peake. 

Oxford—Wychwood Forest on Great Oolite (Whiteave’s Oxford List, 1857, p. 4). 
Kimmeridge clay-pits, at Shotover Hills, Rev. 8. Spencer Pearce. 

Suffolk W.—The prevailing form about Stratford St. Mary, Sept. 1886! G. T. Rope. 

Norfolk E.—Common, Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. Alph- 
ington, Yelverton, and Rockland (Pearce & Mayfield, J. of Conch., July 1894, 
p. 392). Common in the Heigham Marshes (W. Kk. Bridgman, Zool., 1850, p. 2742). 

Bedford—General Cemetery, Luton, April 1889! J. Saunders. 

Northampton—Rockingham Park, Northampton, May 1896, L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester W.—Var. castanea and sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, Stroud, Oct. 1883! 
E. J. Elliott. Symond’s Yat, July 1891! W. Whitwell. 

Monmouth—Banks of River Wye, Monmouth, July 1891 ! W. Whitwell. 

Hereford—Bishopswood Vicarage, Ross, June 1885! Rev. R. W. J. Smart. 

Worcester—Stourport, at Bishop’s Park and Hartlebury, July 1885 (J. W. 
Williams, J. of Conch., July 1889). 

Warwick—Sutton Park, May 1871, W. Nelson. 

Stafford—Milford, June 1886! and a sub-var. with darker lateral bands, about 
Stafford, Aug. 1886! L. E. Adams. Barlaston Hall, July 1888! J. R. B. Masefield. 

Salop—Sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, Oswestry, June 1885 ! B. Hudson. 

Brecon—Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Carmarthen—Kidwelly, Dec. 1903 ! Rev. L. Davies. Llanelly, Sep. 1904! J. Nevill. 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. St. David's, July, 1891! 
J. Bickerton Morgan. Amroth, Sept. 1894, L. E. Adams. Holloway’s Quarry, and 
Hoyle’s Mouth, Tenby (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900, p. 321). 

Cardigan—Aberayron, June 1888! W. Whitwell. 

Montgomery—Leighton Bridge and Gungrog Dingle, Welshpool, Aug. 1889 ! 
Sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, Welshpool, Aug. 1889! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Merioneth—Barmouth, moderately common, Aug. 1886, L. E. Adams. 

Carnarvon—Llangelynen, July 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. Slopes of Snowdon, 
April 1887! J. Madison. Abersoch, June 1896 ! C. Oldham. 

Denbigh—Marshy field, Bodseallan, July 1883 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Lincoln S.—Careby Wood, Aug. 1904! H. Preston. 

Lincoln N.—Common in Grisel-bottom, Burwell Wood, Sept. 1886 ! also on walls 
of cemetery, London road, Louth, June 1887! H. Wallis Kew. Abundant in Well 
Vale, Alford, Sept. 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Cadney, Aug. 1902! and Tattershall, 
Sept. 1904! Rev. E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. Sub-var. brunneo-pallescens, Louth, 
and Grisel Bottom, Aug. 1886! H. Wallis Kew. 

Leicester—Old John Hill, Bradgate Park, June 1885! H. E. Quilter. Sub-var. 
brunneo-pallescens, Sheepshed, Sept. 1884 ! C. T. Musson. 

Notts.—Cresswell Crags, April 1884 ! Felley Abbey, Sept. 1884 ! Newark, Oct. 
1884! and Wollaton, Nov. 1884! C. T. Musson. Abundant in garden, Tuxford, July 
1885!W. A. Gain. Corporation gardens, Nottingham, July 1888! G. W. Mellors. 

Derby—Pleasley Vale, April 1884!C.T. Musson. Marple, May 1885!C Oldham. 

Cheshire—Common at Sale and Northenden, June 1885! C. Oldham. Kingway 
near Bowdon, July 1885! J. G. Milne. Marple, May 1892! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire S.—Whalley, Sept. 1888 ! C. Oldham. 

York N.E.—Stream-side, Ramsdale Wood, Robin Hood’s Bay, June 1888 ! 
W. D. Roebuck. - Vicarage garden, Ingleby Greenhow, Sept. 1890! Rev. J. Hawell. 

York S.W.—Common at Shipley Glen and Hawkesworth (Soppitt and Carter, 
Nat., 1888, p. 97). Green Spring Wood, Barnsley, Sept. 1899! W. E. Brady. 
Grimescar, Hndderstield, Oct. 1903 ! H. G. Brierley. A sub-var. with yellowish 
fringe, Heckmondwike, Oct. 1903! T. Castle. Aldborough, T. Petch. 

York Mid W.—Guy’s Cliffe Wood, Pateley, Sept. 1882 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Near Kirby Malzeard, Aug. 1885! W. E. Collinge. 

York N.W.—Grinton, Aug. 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Durham—Durham, April 1884! Baker Hudson. 

Isle of Man—Slopes of Snaefell, Sept. 1891 ! 


Ayr—Cumnock (Rev. J. MeMurtrie, Journ. of Conch., April 1883). 

Lanark— Wishaw (Rev. J. MeMurtrie, Journ. of Conch., April 1883). 

Peebles—Leadburn, July 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Stirling—Bucklyvie, April 1896 ! W. Evans. 

Sutherland E.—Rock, south of the Mound, Brora, June 1885 ! W. Baillie. 

Hebrides—Castlebay, Isle of Barra, Sept. 1889 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Shetlands—Colla Firth, Yell Sound, Aug. 1886! Rev. R. W. J. Smart. 

29/1/05. M 



Derry —Ballynagard, 1892! and Gortness, Sept. 1904 ! D. C. Campbell. 

Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! and Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886 ! Rey. 
S. A. Brenan. Murloungh, May 1897, L. E. Adams. Colin Glen, with type, 1899, 
R. Welch. Ballycastle, Sept. 1904 ! Miss F. 5. O’Connor. 

Down— Newcastle, Oct. 1884! Rev. H. W. Lett. 

Armagh—Armagh, June 1885 ! Rev. H. W. Lett. 

Monaghan—Carrickmacross, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Drumreaske, Sept. 
1904 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Tyrone—Altadawin, July 1886! Aughnacloy, July 1886! and Favour Royal, 
Aug. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Baronscourt, Sept. 1904 ! Robert Bell. 

Donegal—Croaghross, Letterkenny, May 1889! H. C. Hart. Bundoran, Aug. 
1889! J. G. Milne. Templemore Park, Londonderry, Sept. 1904! D. C. Campbell. 
Mulroy Bay near Milford, R. Welch. 

Fermanagh—Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ' Dean of Clogher. 

Cavan—Cavan, Sept. 1904! R. Welch. 

Louth—Piperstown, Novy. 1889! Miss Sidney Smith. Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 
1904! and Narrow Water, Dec. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Drumeondra, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Kingstown, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Howth, April 1887 ! 
and Leeson Park, Dublin, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. Road-sides, Donnybrook, Aug. 
1888! G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Kildare—Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 

Wicklow—Not so common as the black and dark-grey forms, R. F. Scharff. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1888! G. A. Barrett-Haniilton. 

Carlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Birr, Sept. 1904! Miss Hemphill. 

Roscommon—Old Fort, Keadue, Sept. 1904! James M. Welch. 

Leitrim —l'ullaghan, Ang. 1889! R. F. Scharff. Mohill, July 1604! P. H. Grierson. 

Sligo—Collooney, Sept. 1885 ! and Rockwood, Lough Gill, Oet. 1886 ! W. F. de 
Vismes Kane. 

Mayo E.—Manulla Junction, Sept. 1904! W. West. 

Mayo W.—Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Kylemore Castle Gardens, Sept. 1904 ! W. Comfort. 

Galway W.—The predominant variety at Killereran, B. J. Clarke (Thompson, 
Ann. and Mag. N.H., Nov. 1840, p. 202). Aran Isles, Nov. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 
Gentian Hill, July 1895 (Rt. Standen, Trish Nat., 1895, p. 267). 

Galway E.-—Dernasliggan, April 1897, R. Welch. Var. castanea and sub-vars. 
brunneo-pallescens and olivacea, Clonbrock, Oct. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Clare —Doonass, Aug. 1904! and Cratloe, Sept. 1904 1 R.A. Phillips. Woodpark, 
Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. FB. Hibbert. Gardens, Dromoland Castle, Sept. L904! JS. Carter. 

Limerick —Castleconnell, July 1904! R.A. Phillips. Limerick, Sept. 1904, 
G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary N.—Var. castenea and sub-var. olivacea, shores of Lough Derg, ete., 
Sept. 1904! G. J. Foverty. 

Tipperary S.—Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904 ! Mrs. Maleolmson., 

Waterford-—Near Waterford, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. 

Cork N.—Mallow, Noy. 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. (ueenstown, May 1891, 
R. F. Scharff. Macroom, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Convamore, Ballyhooley, 
Sept. 1904! J. N. Milne. Near Cork, Sept. 1904! C. Baker. 

Cork S.—Glengariff, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Kerry—Cloonee (Lrish Nat., 1895, p. 220). Kenmare, July 1898 (R. Standen, Trish 
Naturalist, Sept. 1898). Kilflynn, Sept. 1904!.J. Julian. Var. castanea and sub-var. 
olivacea, Valentia Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. Sub-war. o/ivacea, Great 
Skellig (R. F. Scharff, Irish Naturalist, Jan. 1898). 


Germany—The brown variety is the prevalent one in Osnabruck, according to 
Boreherding. Plentiful, but small, about Berlin, according to Stein. 

France—Recorded from Montpellier in the Herault by Grateloup ; from the 
Vosges by Puton; from Cote @Or by Beandouin ; from Pas-de-Calais by Bouchard- 
Chanterenx ; from Grande-Chartreuse in the Istre, and from Aix-le-Bains in Savoy 
by Bourguignat; while Dumont and Mortillet describe it as most abundant in the 
basin of the Lake of Geneva and in Savoy generally. 

Switzerland—Commonest form about Berne (Studer, M. T. Ges. Berne. 1884). 
Foot of Mt. Pilatus, Aug. 1885! 5. Chadwick. 


ar. plumbea Roebuck, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1884, p. 146. 
Arion ater var. cinerea Roebuck, Nat., Sept. 1888, p. 284. 
Arion ater var. cinerascens Cockerell, Science Gossip, Feb. 1893, p. 23 

ANIMAL uniform lead colour, sides paler, fringe dull yellow. 

The sub-vars. cinerea and einerascens are strictly identical, and are described 
as uniformly dark cinereous in colour, a dull brewn foot- fringe with deep cinereous 
lineolation. The form may be regarded as including the pale plumbeous specimens 
discriminated by Mr, Roebuck under the name of plumbco- pallescens. 


Cornwall W.—A sub-var. banded with a darker shade, Trevedoek road, St. 
Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. 

Cornwall E.—St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Devon N.—Belstone, near a geal Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 
Ilfracombe, Aug. 1903 (Beeston & Wright, J. of Conch., July 1904), 

Somerset S. . —Bridew ater, Sept. 1$84! W. Vinson. 

Surrey—Dorking, Sept. 1886!C. Oldham. Sub-var. cinerea, with orange fringe, 
Bletchingley near Reigate, Aug. 1903! L. E. Adams. 

Middlesex— Muswell Hill road, Highgate, July 1888! and Churchyard B auey 
Highgate, April 1889! H. W. Kew. Sub-var. cinerascens, Bedford Park (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, Science Gossip, 1885, p. 224). 

Oxford—Churehyard, Combe, abundant, July 1904! Rev. S. 5. Pearce. 

Bedford—General Cemetery, Luton, April 1889! J. Saunders. 

Glamorgan—Cardiff, Nov. 1889! F. W. Wotton. Sub-var. plimnbeo-pallescens, 
near Llanelly, Sept. 1904! J. Nevill. 

Pembroke—Tenby, Aug. 1884! J. Madison. 

Montgomery —Sub-var. cinerea, with yellow fringe, Welshpool, Aug. 1889 !> 
J. Biekerton Morgan. 

Carnarvon—Sub-var. cinerea, Llanrwst, July 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Leicester—Bradeate Park, Leicester, June 1887! H. E. Quilter. 

Notts. —Pleasley id April 1884! C. T. Musson. Sub-var. cinerea, Tuxford 

A. Gain, Brit. Nat., 1893). 

Derby— Markland Grip, April 1884! C. T. Musson. Near Ashbourne, Aug. 1889! 
Lionel E. Adams. 

York N.E.—Eegton Bridge, Aug. 1885! Baker Hudson. Farwath Bridge, Aug, 
1886! and Skelton "Beck V alley, Saltburn, May 1887! W. Denison Roebnek. 

York S.W.—Shipley Glen (Soppitt and Carter, Naturalist, 1888, p. 97). 

York Mid W.—Road-side near Pool, Ane. 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. Wrane- 
thorn Churchvard, Leeds, Sept. 1890! A. N. Skipwith. 

York N.W.—Anegram, Swaledale Head, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Durham—Durham, July 1884 ! Baker Hudson. 

Northumberland—Stockstield-on-Tyne, May 1885! H. E. Craven. 

Cumberlend—Brigham, Cockermouth, Sept. 1904! Mrs. Robinson, 

Aberdeen N.—Haddo House, Nov. 1890! G. Muirhead. 

Sutherland E.—The Mound Rock above Loch Brora, Sept. 1884! W. Baillie. 
Derry—Creagh Meadows, Toome, June 1893, R: Praeger and R. Welch. 
Antrim—A sub-var. laterally banded with darker, a hitehall, Bronghshane, June 
1886! Rev. S. A. Brenan. Murlough, May 1897, L. E. Adams. Cave Hill, 1893, 
and Glenavy River, May 1900, R. Welch. Garden, Manse, Antrim, Sept. 1904! 
W.S. Smith. Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904 ! Miss O’Connor. 
Down—Garden, Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast, Oct. 1904 ! A. W. Stelfox. 
Beech Hill near Newry, July 1904! RK. J. Anderson. 
Monaghan—Drumreaske, Sept. 1904! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Donegal—Mulroy Bay near Milford, R. Welch. 
Meath—Sub-var. cinerea, Duleek, Nov. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Wicklow—A dark-grey form at Altidore, July 1891, R. F. Scharff. 
Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1890, G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 
Sligo—Rare about Sligo, July 1904, A. Stelfox and R. Made 
Mayo W.—Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, ees 1885! ue “de Vismes Kane. 
Tipperary N.—Shores of Lough Derg, ete., Sept. 1904! G. J tf overty. 
Cork S.—Sub-var. cinerea, with orange ene commonabout ¢ ‘ork, B larney, 
and Bantry, Sept. 1898, Lionel E. Adams. 
Kerry—Kenmare, July 1898 (R. Standen, Trish Nat., Sept. 1893). Valentia 
Island, Sept. 1904! Miss Delap. 
France—A grey variety is recorded from the Valley of Tremorgan in Finistere 
by Bourguignat. 


Var. hiberna Mabille, Rey. et Mag. Zool., 1868, p. 134. 

Arion hibernus Mabille, op. cit. 
Arion empiricorum var, violescens Collinge, mss. 

ANIMAL of a beautiful rusty purple, paler at the sides; in alcohol the brilliant 
and velvety aspect is lost and the animal becomes of a purply-black. 

Edinburgh—A deep purple variety, Braidburn near Edinburgh, July 1888! W. 
Eagle Clarke. 

Fife and Kinross—Vavr. violescens, St. Andrews, W. E. Collinge. 

Dublin—An uniformly claret-coloured variety, amongst the fallen pine needles, 
which they much resemble, in the pine-woods at Howth and Killakee, in the Dublin 
Mountains, Sept. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

France—Found in winter only in the Forests of Mendon and Bondy in the 
Department of the Seine ; it has also been reported from the Aisne, Oise, Seine 
et Marne, and Seine et Oise. 

Var. rufa L., Syst. Nat., 1758, ed. x., vol. 1., p. 652. 

Limax rufus L., op. cit. 

Limax rufus B nigrescens Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, 1798, i., p. 268. 

Limax coccineus Gistel, Naturg. d. Thierreichs, 1848, p. 168. 

Arion empiricorum jonstonti Kalenicz., Mosc. Bull., 1851, p. 113. 

Arion empiricorum lamarckit Kalenicz., op. cit., p. 113. 

Arion rufus a vulgaris Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 18593, i1., p. 10, pl. 1, f. 1. 
Arion rufus Y ruber Moquin-Tandon, op. cit., pl. 1, f. 21. 

Arion rufus € draparnaudi Moquin-Tandon, op. cit., pl. 1, f. 23. 

Avion servainiana Mabille, Ann. Malac., 1870, p. 109. 

Arion rufus 4° rufula Baudon, Mém. Limaciens de I'Oise, 1871, p. 4. 

ANIMAL red or reddish, usually of a ferrugineous tint, with generally a paler 
and brighter fringe. 

The sub-vars. jonstonii, vulgaris, and servainiana are described as rufous 
and are synonymous with the typical ru/fi. 

The sub-var. rufula is pale rufous, and is in part the var. padlescens Moq.-Tand. 

The sub-vars. eoecinea, lamarckii, and rubra have all been described as 
bright vermilion or deep red, and are adopted in that sense. 

The sub-var. dpaparnaudi is deep red with a yellow foot-fringe. 

The sub-var. nigrescens Kaz. is of deep red-brown, with red foot-fringe. 

This variety is the prevalent form in the dry and warm regions of Central Europe, 
where it frequently attains a great size and a brilliant colour, far surpassing the 
comparatively small and dull-coloured examples of our own country. The var. rufa 
usually oceupies the plains and the lower mountain slopes, seldom ascending above 
an altitude of 3,000 feet, while the black variety is most common in the outlying 
countries, and also ascends to much higher elevations on the mountains. 


Channel Isles—Saint’s Bay, Guernsey (Tomlin & Marquand, J. of Conch., Jan, 
1903, p. 287). Fermain Bay, Guernsey, and on Sark, July 1886, B. Tomlin. 

Devon S.—Culverhole, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Var. rufa-fasciata, Okehampton, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. W. Mason. 

Hants. S.—Frequent near Christchurch, 1886, C. Ashford. 

Hants. N.—Preston Candover, April 1884! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Kent E.—Snb-var. rubra, Shepherdswell, Aug. 1896 ! L. E. Adams. 

Kent W.—St. Mary Cray, July 1883 (Cockerell, N.H. Notes, 1883, p. 124). 

Middlesex —Sub-var. draparnaudi, Highgate, June 1888! H. Wallis Kew. 

Suffolk E.—Needham Market (A. Maytield, J. of Conch., April 1903, p. 295). 
Blaxhall, July 1885! G. 'T. Rope. 

Norfolk E.—A sub-var. with scarlet foot-fringe common at Strumpshaw Hall, 
July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 

Norfolk W.—King’s Lynn, 1894, T. Petch. 

Hereford—Not infrequent (Boycott and Bowell, Moll. Hereford, 1899). 

Stafford—Cheadle (Masefield, Staff. List, 1902). Sub-var. draparnaudi, near 
Hartington, April 1890! L. E. Adams. 

Salop—Minsterley, May 1887! L. E. Adams. 

Glamorgan —Llandaff, July 1885! F. W. Wotton. 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. 

Carnarvon— Sub-var. rufula, Bettws-y-Coed, Aug. 1865, C. Ashford. 

Lincoln N.—Maltby Wood near Louth, Aug. 1888! H. Wallis Kew. 

Notts.-—Cleveland Hill, West Markham, April 1884! C. 'T. Musson. Stanton- 
on-the-Wolds, E. J. Lowe. Wood, Ossington (Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893, p. 224). 
Hunger Hill Gardens, Nottingham (Dodd, Notts. List, 1893, p. 71). 


Cheshire—Marple, Sept. 1888 ! Charles Oldham. 
Lancashire S,—Between Liverpool and Warrington, Sep. 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Sub-var. rubra, Knowsley nr. Liverpool, 1893 (Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893, p. 148). 
York N.E.—High Cliff, Guisborough (Baker Hudson, J. of Conch., April 1886) 
Middlesbrough (id., Science Gossip, March 1885, p. 67). 
York S.W.—Wakefield district, frequent (G. Roberts, Hist. of Lofthouse, 1885, 
ii., p. 238). Nab Wood near Saltaire (Soppitt & Carter, Nat., 1888, p. 97). 
York Mid W.—Washburndale, July 1885 ! W. D. Roebuck. Knaresborough 
(Fitzgerald, J. of C., Jan. 1889). Overton Wood, York (Christy, Zool., 1881, p. 242) 
Ayr--Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Cumnock (Rey. J. MeMurtrie, J. of C., Apr. 1883). 
Lanark —Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Wishaw (Rev. J. MeMurtrie, J. of C., Apr. 1883). 
Orkneys—Var. jonstonii, Castle Green, Sanday (Collinge, J. of Mal., 1897, p. 43). 
Antrim—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., common all round the Antrim coast; Cave 
Hill Quarries, 1893 ; Murlough Bay, 1894; Brown’s Bay, 1899, R. Welch. 
Down—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Loughislandreavy, Oct. 1897; Union Locks, 
1899, R. Welch. 
Donegal—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Ardara Woods, 1900, R. Welch. 
Cavan—Cavan, Sept. 1904! James M. Welch. 
Meath—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Cairns on Lougherew Hills, July 1900, R. Welch. 
Dublin—Sub-var. rufula, Leeson Park, Dublin, Aug. 1894, R. F. Scharff. 
Galway W.—Sub-var. rufula, Aran Isles, R. F. Scharff. 
Tipperary S.—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Clonmel, Oct. 1904! Mrs. Malcolmson. 
Waterford—Sub-v. draparnaudi, Mountain rd., Clonmel, Apl. 1888, A. H. Delap. 
Kerry—Var. rufa, Valentia Island, May 1890, R. F. Scharff. Kilflynn, Sep. 1904! 
J. Julian. Var. rufa and sub-var. draparnaudi, Gt. Skellig, Apl. 1888, A. H. Delap. 


Germany— Distributed throughout the country, records having been noted for 
Alsace, Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Cassel, East Prussia, Hanover, Holstein, 
Lanenberg, Mecklenburg, Nassau, Pomerania, Prussia, Reuss, Rhenish Prussia, 

Saxony, Schleswig, Silesia, Westphalia, and Wurtemburg. 
Belgium—Recorded from Antwerp, Hainault, Liége, Luxembourg, Namur, and 


West Flanders. Sub-v. vulgaris, Vielsalm, 1867 (Colbeau, Bull. Mal. Soc. Belg., 1867). 

France—The var. fw is found throughout France, and has been recorded from 
the departments of the Ain, Aisne, Ariége, Aude, Basses Pyrénées, Charente 
Inferiéure, Céote-d’Or, Finistere, Gard, Gironde, Haute Garonne, Haute Loire, 
Hautes Pyrénées, Haute Savoie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Isére, Loire Inferiéure, Lot-et- 
Garonne, Manche, Maine-et-Loire, Morbihan, Moselle, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, 
Puy-de-Dome, Pyrénées-Orientales, Savoie, Seine Inferiéure, Seine et Marne, 
Vendée, Vienne, and the Isle of Corsica. The sub-var. rufula is found in the forest 
of Hez, Oise; the sub-var. rubra in the same department, growing to an enormous 
size at Noailles ; the sub-var. nigrescens Raz., is found at Aix-les-Bains, Savoy; the 
sub-var. servainiana in the great forests of the Aisne; the sub-var. draparnaudi is 
found in the Somme, while the sub-vars. draparnaudi, marginella, and rubra are all 
common in the Ain, the Rhone, the Seine, and Haute Loire. 

Switzerland—Plentiful in Neuchatel and Zurich, also at Bex and Vevey in Vaud. 
Sub-var. draparnaudi, Maderaner-Thal, Canton Uri, Mrs. Manville Fenn. 

Italy—In Lombardy, the var. rufa is recorded from gardens and cultivated land 
in Comasco and Bresciana, and as been found on Monte Codeno, at about 5,000 
feet altitude. It has also been found near Menageio by Brockton Tomlin. In 
Piedmont it is recorded from the banks of the River Po. In Venetia from about 
Friuli. In Emilia from Reggio and Modena. In Tuscany from Pieve Fosciana near 
Lucca, and Bagni di Lucea, and is also recorded from Campania, at Naples, by Costa. 

According, however, to Pollonera, this species is not found naturally in Italy, 
but has been artificially transplanted into the Royal Park at Monza, and from 
thence to the banks of the Gravellone near Pavia in Lombaidy; other records are 
unreliable, probably due to erroneous identification. 

Spain—Noguera-Pallaresa, Catalonia (Fagot, Faun. Catal., 1884, p. 170). Sub- 
vars. vulgaris and draparnaudi, Galicia (Hidalgo, Hojas Malacolégicas, 1870). 

Norway—Sub-vars. vulgaris and rufa from Sverresborg, Bergen, and Christiania. 

Sweden—Nilsson says in shady woods; found near Gothenburg by Malm. 

Russia—The sub-var. jonstonii is recorded by Kaleniczenko for Wolezansk, 
Kupiansk, and Wulki in Kharkov; and sub-var. /amarckii from Achtyrka, Lebedin, 
and Zmiew in the same district, but according to Dr. Simroth, erroneously. 


Algeria—Arion rufus is recorded by Aucapitaine as rare on the trunks of old fig 
trees in spring, at Thagnemoun’th-ilvaddaden, also at Beni Raten, and on the road 
to Medeah. ‘The examples are more probably A. subfuscus or some allied species. 

Azores—The A. rufus recorded by Morelet is according to Simroth A. lusitanicus. 

Var. succinea Miiller, Verm. Hist., 1774, p. 7, no. 203. 
Limax succineus Muller, op. cit. 
Limax luteus Razoumowsky, Hist. Nat. Jorat, 1789, p. 269. 
Avion empiricorum var. flavescens Feér., Tabl., Syst., 1819, p. 18. 
Arion melanocephalus Fér., op. cit. 
Arion empiricorum schranckit Kalenicz., Bull. Mose., 1851, p. 114. 
Arion rufus § succineus Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, 1895, ii., p. 10, pl. 1, f. 22. 
Arion rufus var. aurantia Baudon, Nouv. Cat. Moll. Oise, 1862. 
Avion rufus var. livida Colb., Ann. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1865, p. 32. 
Arion ater var. palliescens Williams, Shell Collectors’ Handbook, 1888, p. 85. 
ANIMAL yellow or yellowish, foot-fringe usually orange or red. 
Miiller’s original description is “ rufo fuseus vel succini coloris,” bat the name is 
here restricted to the yellow forms. 
This variation is usually found only in young or half-grown individuals, but 
oceasionally this juvenile colouration persists to adult life. 
The sub-var. melanoeephala differs from the type by the head and tentacles 
being obseure or blackish. 
The sub-var. aurantia has the body of an orange colour. 
The sub-var. livida has the body of a livid yellow colour, tinged greenish-grey 
especially on the back, foot-fringe orange, sole yellowish-grey. 
The sub-var. palleseens Williams, is pale yellow and is the var. liteo-pallescens 
of Coekerell and in part the var. padlescens of Moquin-Tandon. 
Cornwall W.—Reweean near St. Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. 
Devon N.—Var. succinea and sub-var. livida, Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 
1904 ! Miss Daisy Mason. 
Somerset S.—Bridegwater, Sept. 1884 ! W. Vinson. 
Hants. S.—Charlton, July 1884! W. Jeffery. Sub-var. melanocephala, Bitterne, 
July 1884! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 
Hants. N.—Sub-var. /ufeo-pallescens, Preston Candover, Oct., 1886! Rey. H. P. 
Surrey—Sub-var. melanocephala, nr. Warlinghamn, July 1883, T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Essex N.—Sub-var. /ivida, Manningtree, July 1904! Rev. Proctor Benwell. 
Middlesex—Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, April 1889! H. W. Kew. 
Berks.—Sub-var. melanocephala, Maidenhead, Lionel E. Adams. 
Gloucester W.—Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 
Hereford—Sub-var. livida, Ross, Sept. 1904! W. Blake. 
Salop—Sub-var. /ufeo-pallescens, Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 
Glamorgan—Parkmill, Gower, 1901, H. Rowland Wakefield. 
Pembroke-——Near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. 
Cardigan—Garden, Aberayron, June 1888! Miss Maddy. 
Merioneth—Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, common in the county, Lionel E. Adams. 
Carnarvon—Bettws-y-Coed, Aug. 1865, C. Ashford. Sub-var. melanocephala, 
Conway Castle, June 1888! W. Whitwell. 
Lincoln N.—Haugham Wood near Louth, April 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Notts.—Meadows below Highfield House, Nottingham, E. J. Lowe, 1885. Sub- 
var. melanocephala, Cresswell Crags and Pleasley Vale, April 1884! C. T. Musson. 
Cheshire—Ringway near Bowdon, July 1885! J. G. Milne. Sub-var. Zuteo- 
pullescens, Romiley, Oct. 1886! C, Oldham. 
Lancashire S.—Sub-var. Juteo-pallescens, Whalley and Farington, June 1890 ! 
W. H. Heathcote. 
York N.E.—Farwath Bridge, Aug. 1886! and Skelton Beck Valley, Saltburn, 
also sub-var. duteo-pallescens, Wilton Wood, May 1887! W. Denison Roebuck. 
York Mid W.—Meanwood Wood, Leeds, Aug. 1882! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Sub-var. luteo-pallescens, Armley, April 1890! Lionel E. Adams. 
York N.W.—Satron and Angram, July 1884! also Storthwaite in Arkengarth- 
dale, Aug. 1885! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Durham—Sub-var. aurantia, Durham ! W. D. Roebuck, Nat., July 1889, p. 212. 
Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Aug. 1889! Rev. E. P. Knubley. 
Westmorland—Sub-var. melanocephala, Orrest Head, June 1902 ! C. Oldham. 
Cumberland—Sub-var. Jivida, Brigham, Cockermouth, Sep. 1904 ! Mrs. Robinson. 
Isle of Man—Port Erin and Ramsey, 1881, L. E. Adams. Sub-var. melanocephala, 
Douglas, Sep. 1902! F. Taylor. Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Peel, Aug. 1894, R. Cairns. 


Ayr—Skelmorlie, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Maybole! W. Evans. 
Peebles—Sub-var. /utco-pallescens, Riddenlees and Leadburn, July 1889 ! W. D. 
Berwick—Sub-var. /iteo-pallescens, Cowdenknowes, and Pease Dean near Cock- 
burnspath, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Stirling—Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Balmore, Sept. 1888 ! A. Shaw. 
Dumbarton —Garscadden, June 1889! A. Shaw. 
Antrim—Cave Hill, Belfast, March 1884! 8. A. Stewart. Dunluce Castle, Dec. 
1883, L. E. Adams. Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Cushendun, May 1886! 8. A. Brenan. 
Armagh—Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Armagh, June 1885 ! Rev. H. W. Lett. 
Donegal—Sub-var. /uteo-pallescens, Letterkenny, May 1889! H. C. Hart. 
Louth—Sub-var. divida, near Drogheda, Oct. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Dublin—Sub-vars. aurantia and luteo-pallescens, common by road-sides, Donny- 
brook, Aug. 1888! G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 
Kildare—Maynooth, Nov. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 
Wicklow—Sub-var. /ivida, with perceptible lateral banding, Enniskerry, Aug. 
1904 ! P. H. Grierson. i 
Wexford—A yellowish fawn-coloured var. at Wexford, Sept. 1890! R. F. Schart?. 
Carlow—Fenach House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! D. R. Pack-Beresford. 
Mayo W.—Sub-var. auwrantia, with faint lateral bands, Enniscoe demesne, 
Crossmolina, Sept. 1885 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Clare—Sub-var. dimda, Woodpark, Seariff, Sept. 1904! N. EF. Hibbert. 
Tipperary S.—Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904 ! Mrs. Maleolmson. 
Cork N.—Youghal (Humphreys, Fauna and Flora of Cork, 1845, p. 2). Var. 
succined and sub-var. divida, near Cork, Sept. 1904! C. Baker. 
Kerry—Snub-var. luteo-pallescens, Wilflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 
Belgium —Sub-var. divida, Trooz near Liége. Sub-var. pallescens, Chaudfontaine 
and Stoumont (Colbean, op. cit.). 
France—This variety has been reported from the Cantal, Cote d’Or, Haute Loire, 
Maine-et-Loire, Morbihan, Oise, Puy-de-Dome, Rhone, Seine, Somme, and Vosges. 
Switzerland—A_ yellowish-fawn coloured variety, with red foot-fringe, common 
at Engelberg in Canton Unterwalden, and Sonnenberg in Canton Lucerne, July 1904! 
Spain—Galicia (Macho t. Hidalgo, Hojas Malacolégicas, 1870). 
Russia—Recorded by Kaleniczenko as var. schranekii for Achtyrka, Lebedin, 
and Zmiew, in the government of Kharkov, but according to Simroth in error. 

Var. alba L., Syst. Nat.; ed: xii., 1767, p. 1081, no. 2. 
> > d > 2 
Limax albus margine luteo Miller, Esterr. om Swamp., 1763, p. 61. 
Limax albus L.., op. cit. 

Arion albus Fér., Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 64, pl. 2, f. 3. 

Arion albus var. sintplex Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, ii., p. 12. 
Avion albus var. marginatus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Avion albus var. oculatus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Arion albus var. elegans Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Arion ater var. cinereo-nebulosus Jensen, Indberetning, 1872. 

Arion ater var. albida Roebuck, J. of Conch., 1883, iv., p. 40. 

Lochea alba Malm, Skand. Land Snigl., 1878, p. 37, pl. 1, f. 2. 

Body white or whitish, with or without yellow foot-fringe, and perceptible 
pigmented lineolation. 

The sub-var. simplex is uniformly white or whitish. 

The sub-vars. marginata and albida are white or whitish with yellow foot- 
fringe, and are also in part the var. pallescens of Moquin-Tandon. 

The sub-var. elegans is white or whitish with orange head and foot-fringe. 

The sub-var. oeculata is white or whitish with black tentacles. 

The sub-var. einereo-nebulosa is whitish dorsally, with obscure cinereous 
spots on the sides of the body and sole, foot-fringe yellow. It forms an interesting 
connecting link with the var. bocaget through the var. glauca. 

This variety, according to Leach, is chiefly found in chalky districts, while 
Dumont and Mortillet believe it to be due to living in very shady forests. The 
variation is usually pathological, being really due to a deficiency of secretory power, 
but is sometimes found in young specimens in which that function is as yet unde- 
veloped, and is a condition liable to occur wherever the species is found ; but the 
real cause of the deficiency is still obscure, though Gredler states that the preval- 
ence of the albine form is often an indication that the species has reached the limit 
of its horizontal or vertical distribution. 



Devon N.—Ilfracombe, Aug. 1903 (Beeston and Wright, J. of C., July 1904, p. 73). 

Dorset—Sub-var. marginata, Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. 

Kent W.—Sub-var. marginata, Dartford, J. E. Gray (Leach, Syn., 1852, p. 49). 
North Downs near Harrietsham, June 1897 ! Henry Lamb. 

Herts.—Sub-var. marginata, Rickmansworth, Sept. 1895! J. T. Carrington. 
Gardens, Watford, J. Hopkinson, Trans. Herts. N.H. Soe., 1884, p. 27. 

Berks.—Sub-var. oculata, Maidenhead, June 1880, L. E. Adams. 

Northampton—Haselbeech, Rev. W. A. Shaw. 

Gloucester E.—Sub-var. marginata, Dowdeswell wood, Cheltenham, June 1885! 
E. D. Marquand. 

Monmouth—Sub-var. ocu/ata, Chepstow, Aug. 1886! J. Madison. 

Hereford—Cream coloured specimens used to be common on the canal-side near 
Holmer (Boycott and Bowell, Hereford List, 1899). 

Warwick—Sub-var. marginata, Sutton Coldfield, H. Overton. 

Stafford—Sub-var. marginata, Trentham, Allen Howe (Masetield’s Staffordshire 
List, 1902). 

Salop—Sub-var. albida, Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Denbigh—Sub-var. marginata, Llangwystenin, July 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. marginata, Whalley, Sept. 1886! C. Oldham. 

York Mid W.—Sub-var. marginata, Hawkesworth wood, Horsforth, June 1892! 
Horton-in-Ribblesdale, 1892 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Type of sub-var. albida, Ambleside, June 
1882! Rev. J. MeMurtrie. Sub-var. oculata, Grange, July 1904! W. J. Davey. 
Ulverston, Aug. 1903! 8. Lister Petty. 

Isle of Man—Sub-var, marginata, Onchan, Aug. 1894, F. Taylor; and Port 
Erin, 1902, H. Overton. 


Lanark—Sub-var. marginata, Uddingston, June 1889! A. Shaw. 

Selkirk—Sub-var. e/eyans, Thornielee station-yard, Aug. 1886! W. D. Roebuck. 

Kincardine—North Esk near Morphie, May 1891! W. Dunean. 

Derry—Common about Coleraine, 1883, L. E. Adams. 

Down—Sub-var. marginata, Loughbrickland, June 1886! Rev. H. W. Lett. 

Louth—Sub-var. ocu/ata, Carlingford, Dec. 1904! P. H. Grierson. ; 

Dublin—Sub-var. marginata, Rathmines, April 1887! R. F. Scharff. 

Meath—Sub-vars. simplex and marginata, Slane, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904! Lord Crofton. 

Tipperary S.—Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904! Mrs. Maleolmson. 


Germany—The var. a/ba has been recorded from Baden, Lausitz, Nassau, 
Prussia, Saxony, and Silesia. The sub-var. stmplex from Silesia and Hesse Cassel. 

Belgium-—Var. al/ba enumerated by Colbeau for Belgium. 

Holland—Cited for North Holland by von Martens. 

France—The var. a/ba is distributed through East and West France, the Alps, 
and Pyrénées, and has been recorded for Hautes-Pyrénées, the Alps of Dauphiny, 
Finistére, Lille in the Nord, the mountain-forest of Faucigny in Savoy, and Pas-de- 
Calais. Sub-vars. oculata, elegans, simplex, and marginata are enumerated as 
French by Moquin-Tandon. 

Switzerland— Recorded by Charpentier as moderately rare at Sollalex and the 
Finshants in the Valais. 

Norway—Not so common as the black variety ; it has, however, been recorded 
from the Isle of Haaéen in the Gulf of Christiania ; also from Modum, Tonsberg, 
Laurvik, Asker, Skien, Bergen, and as far north as Trémsdalen in Arctic Norway, 
and in Iceland. The sub-var. cinereo-nebulosa, Naes (Westerlund, Syn. Moll. 
Extram. Skand., 1897, p. 39). 

Sweden—The var. alba is recorded from Blekinge, Bohusland, Christianstad, 
and Fréllinge in Halland ; Géteberg, Nerike, Westergétland, Westmanland, and 
the neighbourhood of Stockholm ; sub-vars. marginata and simplex at Fréllinge in 
Halland ; and sub-var. oculata at Esperéd, in Seania, all rarely. 

Denmark—Environs of Harbourg, Friedrichsdal, and Copenhagen in Zealand, 
also in Jutland, and the Isle of Bornholm. 

Russia—Var. a/ba, frequent in shady woods in Tchernigov ; sub-vars. marginata 
and simplex, at Achtyrka; and sub-var. oculata, at Bogoduchow in Kharkov, all 
recorded by Kaleniczenko, but according to Dr. Simroth incorrectly. 


Var. bocagei Simroth, Zool. Anz., 1888, no. 272. 
Arion rufus var. glauca Colbeau, Bull. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1867, p. 46. 

ANIMAL uniformly white, except the foot-sole, which is black. 

The young are of a lively red, the head somewhat lilac, and the foot pale, later 
the dorsum becomes whitish, changing to blackish-brown towards the sole, which is 
fairly dark ; as they reach the adolescent stage the back becomes whiter, the white- 
ness extending towards the sole, which becomes darker, a phase figured by Simroth 
(Nacktschn. Portug.-Azor. Faun., 1891, pl. 13, f. 1); it is only when fully adult that 
the animal assumes the almost uniformly white body and black foot-sole. 

The sub-var. glauea is greenish-white, with greyish sides, foot-sole blackish-grey, 
head, neck, and tentacles purplish-black, and though verified by Colbeau as a young 
stage of rufa is almost identical with the immature stage of the true bocagei. 

Under the name of bocage?, various forms have been recorded as British which 
have little or no relation with that variety. 

Belgium—Sub-var. glauca, Forest of Soigne, and a few other places. 
Portugal—Var. bocagei, Las Caldas do Gerez in Minho (Simroth, op. ecit., 1891). 

Var. albolateralis Roebuck, Journ. of Conch., 1883, p. 39. 
Arion empiricorum var. medius Jensen, Indberetning, 1872. 

ANIMAL black, sides quite white, the two colours being sharply defined ; foot pale, 
with orange fringe. 

Sub-var. media has a black dorsum and white sides, with an intermediate pale- 
brown area, which extends over the front and sides of the shield, and is tentatively 
placed here, though Prof. Cockerell regards it as probably a variety of A. subfuscus. 

This var. a/bolateralis is restricted to the north and west of the British Isles. 
Simroth, however, speaks of a black and white variety from Bremen. 


Cornwall W.—A sub-var. with grey foot-fringe at Penzance, Sept. 1885! E. D. 
Marquand. Falmouth, aspecimen in British Museum, T, D. A. Cockerell, Sept. 1884. 

Cornwall E.—Abundant on Queen’s Hill, St. Columb, June 1885! Wim. Vinson. 
St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Devon S.—Topsham, Ang. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Wilts. S.—Salisbury, Aue. 1904! A. D. R. Bacchus. 

Dorset—Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. Abbotsbury, May 1889! W. 
Whitwell. Old British Camp, Charminster, Aug. 1889! T. F. Burrows. Maiden 
Castle, T. F. Brown (Mansel-Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1898, p. 5). 

Sussex W.—Ningleton, not very characteristic, July 1884! W. Jeffery. 

Kent E.—A colony at Kingsdown, Sept. 1891! L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester E.—Leckhampton, June 1885! J. Madison. 

Monmouth-—Shirenewton, July 1890! E. J. Lowe. 

Stafford—Staftord, 1886! L. E. Adams. 

Salop—Minsterley, May 1887! L. E. Adams. Oswestry, June 1885 ! B. Hudson. 

Cardigan—Aberystwyth, May 1888 ! E. Collier. 

Montgomery—Timber-yard, Welshpool, June 1889! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Merioneth—Nant-y-Mor, June 1901! W. Denison Roebuck. Bont ddu near 
Dolgelly, and slopes of Cader Idris, July 1886! F. G. Fenn. 

Carnarvon—Bettws-y-Coed. Aug. 1865, C. Ashford. Dinas station! and abun- 
dant at Trefriw, July 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Anglesea—Llanfaes, Sept. 1886! J. G. Milne. 

York S.W.—Hedon, April 1904, and Danes Dyke, T. Petch. 

Northumberland—River side, West Woodburn, Sept. 1886! R. Howse. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Hill Fell, May 1885! W. West. Coniston, 
April 1887! 8. C. Cockerell. Greenodd near Ulverston, Sept. 1904! 'S. Lister Petty. 

Isle of Man—bBradda Head, 1880, L. E. Adams. Kirk Braddan and Onehan, 
Aug. 1885 (J. Moore, Sci. Goss., April 1886, p. 94). Port Erin, 1902, H. Overton. 


Sutherland E.—Golspie Burn, June 1884! W. Baillie. 


Antrim— Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886! Rev. 8. A. Brenan. Island Magee, 
June 1903, R. Patten. 
Meath—Slane, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Galway W.— Aran Isles, July 1895 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895). 
Norway—Sub-var. media, Bergen (Miss Esmark, J. of Conch., Oct. 1886). 

Var. bicolor Roebuck, not of Moq.-l'and., Hist. Moll. France, 1854, p. 11. 
Arion ater var. elincolatus Cockerell, Science Gossip, Nov. 1886, p. 259. 
Arion ater var. scharffi Cockerell, Journ. of Mal., 1893, p. 208. 

ANIMAL deep brown, with sides of body yellowish or orange. 

The sub-var. seharffi differs in the back being black instead of deep brown, 
sides yellow, and according to Prof. Cockerell his var. e/ineo/ata is almost identical. 

The Arion rufus var. bicolor of Moquin-Tandon, judging by figs. 6, 7, on plate 1 
of Férussae’s work, which he cites as representing his form, is not this species, but 
Arion subfuscus. Mr. Roebuck first correctly used the name bico/or in connection 
with the present species. 

Like the var. a/bolateralis, this variety would seem in this country to be strictly 
western in its distribution, while Dr. Scharff has expressed the opinion that, 
according to his experience in Ireland, it is a strictly littoral form in that country, 
and states that Simroth has found similar specimens on the shores of the Baltic Sea. 


Cornwall W.—On heath, near Bodmin (Leach, Syn., 1852, p. 49). Scilly Isles, 
Aug. 1896! Rev. E. D. Roberts. Phillack near ‘Hayle, Oct. 1884! 8. Hockin. 
Trevidock road, St. Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. Sub-var. e/ineolata, Truro, 
J. H. James (Cockerell, Science Gossip, l.¢.). 

Cornwall E.—Garden- bank, St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. 

Devon S.—Topsham, Ang. 1892! Lionel E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Clovelly 1898 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., 1898, p. 17). Lynton, 1898, 
F. J. Partridge (J. of Mal., 1898, p. 19). 

Dorset—I3 ridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. 

Gloucester E.—Between Chalford and Sapperton, Sept. 1884! E. J. Elliott. 
Cheltenham, Aug. 1892, L. E. Adams. 

Gloucester W.—The usual form in the valley between Chalford and Sapperton, 
Sept. 1884! also found at Brimscombe, May 1884! E. J. Elliott. 

Monmouth—Shirenewton Hall, May 1889! E. J. Lowe. 

Stafford—In dingle near Stafford, Oct. 1885! L. E. Adams. 

Lincoln N.—Louth, amongst 7Tussilago farfara, 1885, H. Wallis Kew. 

Notts. —Embankment, Colwick station, Sept. 1884!C. T. Musson. East Mark- 
ham (W. A. Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893, p. 224). 

Denbigh— Lower slopes of Cader Idris, July 1886 (Fenn, J. of Conch., July 1887). 

Lancashire S.— Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (Collinge, J. of Mal., 1893, p. 148). 

Isle of Man—Castletown and Peel, Aug. 1894! R. Cairns. Douglas, April 1904 
(B. R. Lucas, J. of Conch., 1904, p. 90). Ramsay, Aug. 1894! F. Taylor. 


Antrim—Broughshane, 1886 ! Rey. 8S. A. Brenan. Kenbane Port, 1901, R. Welch. 

Meath—Navan, July 1888, R. F. Scharff. Common, Ardbracean Graveyard, 
July 1900, R. Welch. 

Dublin— Near Dublin, March 1886! J. R. Redding. Howth, June 1890! W. I 
de Vismes Kane. Garden, Rathmines, A. G. More (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, 
p- 40). Var. scharfi, common at Raheny (T. D. A. Cockerell, J. of Mal., 1898, p. 208). 

Waterford—Several in a small bog, Ballygunner, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. 
Blenheim, Sept. 1889! Miss Glascott. 

Galway W.-—Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sep. 1895). 

Cork S.—Glengariff, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. Baal (Phillips, Moll. Cork, 1894). 

Kerry—Kenmar e, July 1898 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). Kenmare 
Woods near Hotel, 1898, R. Standen and R. Welch. C loonee Lakes, 1898, E. Collier 
and R. Standen. 


Germany—Shores of Baltic Sea (Simroth t. Scharff). 

Var. reticulata Roebuck, Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1885. 
Arion ater var. subreticulatus Cockerell, Science Gossip, Nov. 1886, p. 259. 
ANIMAL with rugie dull yellow or dull white, with grey interstices, giving a 
heantifully reticulated appearance to the whole body ; the shield is uniformly grey, 
foot-fringe pale or dull tawny-orange with the usual black lineolation. 
The sub-var. subreticulatus of Cockerell is less distinctly reticulated. 


Cornwall W.--Sub-y. subreticulata, Truro, J. H. James (Cockerell, Se. Goss. aie ). 


Antrim—Murlough, May 1897, Lionel E. Adams. 

Louth—Carlineford, Dec. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—A sub-var. with deep black interstices, a blackish mid-dorsal line, and 
blackish shield, with indications of darker median and lateral-lines, was found at 
Howth, May 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Cork N. Sovran: Noy. 1884! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Var. fasciata Van den Broeck, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1869, p. 87. 

Arion rufus var fasciatus Van den Broeck, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1869, p. 87. 
Arion ater var. subdeletus Cockerell, Science Gossip, Aug. 1886, p. 187. 
Arion ater var. fasciata Cockerell, Science Gossip, Feb. 1889, p. 44. 

ANIMAL with a black or blackish lateral band on each side of the body and shield. 

The sub-var, subdeleta is greenish or yellowish-grey, lateral banding brownish 
and very indistinct, head and tentacles blue-black. 

This variation, which is an illustration of colour development, arrested at the 
banded juvenile stage, is liable to occur in all the various ground colourings, but 
is more frequently met with in [Ireland and other countries towards the limits of 
the distributional area of the species, than at or near the more active evolutionary 
centre, where the more uniform typical colouration of the body is more consistently 
and generally acquired. 


Cornwall W.—Snub-var. plunbeo-fasciata, St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. 

Kent E.—One specimen, sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Dover, Ap. 1899, L. E. Adams. 

Norfolk E.—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. 

Stafford—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, near Stafford, Aug. 1886 ! L. E. Adams. 

Pembroke—Sub-v. brunneo-fasciata, North Cliff, Tenby, Feb. 1898! A. G. Stubbs. 

Derby—One specimen, sub-v. brunneo-fasciata, Norbury, June 1897, L. E. Adams. 

York S.W.—One specimen, sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Penistone, L. E. Adams. 


Derry—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciatau, Magilligan, Sept. 1904! J. N. Milne. 

Antrim—Sub-var. plumbeo-fasciata, Broughshane, June 1886 ! Rev. S. A. Brenan. 

Monaghan—Sub-vars. brunneo-fasciata and nigrescens-fasciata, Carrickmacross, 
July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Drumeondra and Slane, July 1904! P. H. 

Dublin—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Pee the-Grange, April 1886 ! and Glen 
Druid, near Carrickmines, Oct. 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Wicklow—Sub-var. livida-fasciata, ney Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Leitrim—Sub-var. brunneo-fasciata, Swiss Valley, Glencar, July 1904! A. W. 
Stelfox ; and Molill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Mayo W.—Sub-var. aurantia-fasciata, Enniscoe Demesne, Sept. 1885 ! W. F. 
de Vismes Kane. 

Tipperary N.—Sub-var. brwnneo-fusciata, shores of Lough Derg, Sept. 1904 ! 
G. J. Fogerty. 

Cork S.—Sub-var. rufo-fasciata, common at Glengariff, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adanis. 


Belgium—Var. rufo-fasciata, Bel-Oeil, Hainault and Fond de Forét near Liége. 

rf + as a in € LO 
Var. marginella Schranck, Fauna Boica, 1803, p. 252, no. 3158. 
Limax marginellus Schranck, op. cit. 
Arion empiricorum swammerdaniui Kalenicz., Bull. Mosc., 1851, t. xxiv., pt. ii., p. 113. 
Arion empiricorum razoumowsksiz Kalenicz., op. cit. 
Arion rufus marginatus Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll., p. 11, pl. i, f. 24. 
Arion rufus N nigrescens Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Arion ater var griseo-marginata Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 6. 

ANIMAL with black body and shield, foot-fringe yellow or vermilion red. 

The Limax marginellus Schranck, Arion empiricorum swamimerdamii Kal., and 
Arion rufus var, marginata Mogq., all conform to the varietal description. 

The sub-vars. nigrescens Moquin-Tandon and razoumowskii Kal. appear 
identical, the body being blackish in colour, and the foot-fringe yellowish or reddish. 

The sub-var. griseo-marginata has the foot-fringe greyish, 



Channel Isles—St. Sampson’s, Guernsey (Tomlin and Marquand, J. of Conch., 
Jan. 19038, p. 287). 

Cornwall W.—Trevidock road, St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. 

Cornwall E.—Sub-var. nigrescens, St. Columb, May 1885! W. Vinson. 

Devon S.—Prince’s Town, Dartmoor, July 1884!C. J. Waterfall. 

Devon N.—Var. marginel/a and sub-var. nigrescens, Belstone near Okehampton, 
Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. Sub-var. nigrescens, Glenthorne, Sept. 1904 ! 
Mrs. Blundell. 

Somerset S.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Bridgwater, Sept. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Wilts. N.—Var. marginella and sub-var. nigrescens, Swindon (‘T. D. A. Cockerell, 
J. of Conch., July 1886, p. 83). 

Dorset—-Chideock, Bridport, Ang. 1885! A. Belt. 

Kent W.—Sub-var. nigrescens, St. Mary Cray, Sept. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Herts.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Totteridge, May 1888 ! H. W. Kew. 

Middlesex—Sub var. nigrescens, Acton, Aug. 1884! and Bedford Park, Chiswick, 
Feb. 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Monmouth—Sub-var. nigrescens, Talywain, July 1904! John Manners. 

Stafford—Sub-var. nigrescens, Rowley Park, Stafford, May 1884! E. H. Wynne. 
Common abont Stafford, June 1886!L. E. Adams. Ramsor, Feb. 1890! T. Ff. Burrows. 

Salop—Oswestry, June 1885! B. Hudson. Sub-var. nigrescens, Llanforda and 
St. Oswald’s Well, near Oswestry, June 1885! B. Hudson. 

Glamorgan—Sub-var. nigrescens, banks of River Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 1885 ! 

F. W. Wotton. Llandaff, ete. (id., J. of Coneh., April 1886, p. 53). 
Carmarthen— Near Llanelly,; Oct. 1904! H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Cardigan—Sub-var. nigrescens, Aberayron, June 1888 ! W. Whitwell. 
Montgomery—Sub-var. nigrescens, Llanwddyn, May 1889! J. B. Morgan. 

Merioneth—Sub-v. nigrescens, Barmouth, alt. 2,000 ft., Aug. 1884! J. Hopkinson. 

Carnarvon—Sub-var. nigrescens, Snowdon, April 1887 ! J. Madison. 

Lincoln N.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Louth, Oct. 1886! H. W. Kew. Cadney and 
Ancholme Bank, Aug. 1902! Rey. E. A. Woodrutte- Peacock. 

Leicester—Oadby near Leicester, Sept. 1884! C. 'T. Musson. Sub-var. nigrescens, 
Market Harborough, June 1885! H. E. Quilter. 

Notts.—Pleasley Vale ! Worksop ! and Cleveland Hill, West Markham, April 
1884! also sub-var. nigrescens, Colwick, Sept. 1884! C. T. Musson. Garden at 
Tuxford, April 1885 ! W. A. Gain. 

Derby— Markland Grip, April 1884! C.T. Musson. Sub-var. nigrescens, Darley 
Dale, June 1890! W. H. Heathcote. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Farington, June 1890! W. H. Heatlicote. 

York N.E.—Slater’s Nurseries, Malton, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Common about Guisborough, Marton, Thornaby, Upleatham, Middlesbrough, ete. 
(Baker Hudson, J. of Coneh., April 1886, p. 48). Sub-var. nigrescens, Pickering 
Castle Hill, Aug. 1886 ! and Saltburn Cliffs, May 1887 ! W. Denison Roebuek. 

York Mid W.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Bradley Hill, Kildwick, April 1884 ! 
and Canal bank, near Armley, Oct. 1884! W. Denison Roebuek. 
York N.W.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Ivelet Bridge, July 1884! and about Gunner- 

side, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. —Sleightholmedale, Aug. 1903 ! R. Gibbs. 
Durham—Durham, Apl. 1885 ! High Force, June 1884 ! and Spa Wood, May 1887! 
B. Hudson. Sub-var. nigrescens, Langdon Beck, July 1884 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Isle of Man—Douglas, Sept. 1892! F. Taylor. 
Roxburgh—Sub-var. griseo-marginata, Langlee, Sept. 1904! J. Roseburgh. 
Berwick—Sub-var. nigrescens, Cockburnspath, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 
Edinburgh—Sub-var. nigrescens, Braidburn, July 1888! W. E. Clarke. 
Forfar—Den of Airlie ! C. B. Plowright. 
Aberdeen S.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Drum Woods, Deeside, Sept. 1886! C. B. 
Plowright ; and near Botanie Gardens, Old Aberdeen, Sept. 1904! G. Sim. 
Dumbarton—Sub-var. nigrescens, Garseadden, June 1889 ! A. Shaw. 
Clyde Isles—Sub-var. nigrescens, Loch Greenan, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roe- 
buck ; and at Rothesay, Isle of Bute ! T. Scott. 
Cantire—Sub-var. nigrescens, Tarbert, April 1886! T. Scott. 
Ebudes S.—Sub-var. nigrescens, near Port Charlotte, Islay, Nov. 1890! W. Evans. 
Sutherland E.—Loch Brora, June 1884! and the Blue Rock, Sept. 1884! W. Baillie. 
Shetlands—Sub-var. nigrescens, Moss Bank, Sept. 1904! T. Bowie. 



1. Avion ater var. atra, p. 175. 2. Arvo 

Barmouth, J. Hopkinson. Amblesia 

A. ater subvar. rubra, p. 180. 4. A. ater var. plumbea, fp. 179. Be 1. ater var. succinea, p. 18 
Shepherdswell, L. E. Adamnts. St. Austell, C. P. Richards. Near Bowden, J. G. Milne. 

6. Arion ater var. albolatera 
Greenodd near Ulverston, S. 

ar. brunneo- 

Tenby, A. 

8. Arion ater 

{xton ater var. castanea, p. 176. 
Stratford St. Mary, G. T. Rope. 

g. Arion ater var. 
Brimscombe, FE. 

J]. W. & E. Taylor, del. Taylor Bros., Leeds. 



Antrim—Sub-var. nigrescens, Colin Glen near Belfast, June 1884! 8. A. Stewart. 

Down—Sub-var. nigrescens, Slieve Donard, alt. 1,500 feet, Sept. 1884 ! and New- 
castle, Oct. 1884! Rev. H. W. Lett. 

Monaghan— Common in fields about Cremorne, Aug. 1805, Mr. Templeton 
(Thompson, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1840, p. 10). Sub-var. nigrescens, Carrickmacross, 
July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Tyrone—Sub-var. nigrescens, Baronscourt, Sept. 1904! Robert Bell. 

Fermanagh—Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ! Dean of Clogher. 

Dublin—Road-sides around Donnybrook, August 1888! G. Barrett-Hamilton. 
Sub-var. nigrescens. Kingstown, June 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Howth, 
Apl. 1887! R. F. Scharff. Cabragh Old Road, Dublin, Apl. 1886! J. R. Redding. 

Wicklow—Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Carlow—-Sub-var. nigrescens, gardens, Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! 
Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Westmeath—Sub-var. nigrescens, Knockdrin Demesne, Apl. 1892! R. F. Scharff. 

Roscommon—Var. marginella and sub-var. nigrescens, Mote Park, Roscommon, 
Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton, 

Leitrim—Sub-var. nigrescens, Swiss Valley, Glencar, July 1904! A. W. Stelfox. 

Mayo W.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Annagh, and Dugort, Sept. 1886! J. G. Milne. 

Galway W.—Aran Isles, Nov. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Clare—Snub-var. nigre SCENS, Doonass, Aug. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 

Limerick—Sub-var. nigrescens, ¢ ‘astleconnell, Sept. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 

Tipperary N.—Shores of Lough Derg, etc., Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Waterford—Var. marginella and sub-var. nigrescens, Raywell near Clonmel, 
April 1888, A. H. Delap. 

Cork N.—Sub-var. nigrescens, Macroom, July 1904! P. H. Grierson ; and Con- 

vamore, Ballyhooley, Sept. 1904! J. N. Milne. 

Belgium—Sub-var. marginata, fields about Vielsalm, June 1867 (Colbeau, Bull. 
Mal. Soe. Belg., 1867). 

France—Var. marginella, in the Oise, Maine-et-Loire, and the Vosges, also 
about Vannes in Morbihan, and Chirac in Lozére. Sub-var. griseo- marginata, in the 
wood of Mont-Saxonnet, Sav oy, at an altitude of 3,300 feet. 

Germany—Var. marginella, Spreewaldes, Brandenburg; Neuburg, Bavaria; and 
in Alsace. 

Austro-Hungary—Var. marginella, North Bohemia (Slavik, Moll. Bohm., 1869). 

Portugal—Sub-var. nigrescens, recorded by Morelet for the neishbourhood of 
Monchique, Tras-os-Montes. 

Norway—Sub-var. marginata, Bergen, Laurvig, and Hardanger. 

Denmark—Var. marginata, rare in gardens, Frederiksdal (Westerlund, 1897). 

Russia—Sub-var. swammerdamii is recorded by Kaleniezenko as found about 
Sumy in Kharkov, but the record is said by Simroth to be erroneous. 

Var. maculata Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 5 
Arion (Limax) rufus var. maculatus Dum. & Mort., op. cit. 

ANIMAL with shield maculated with black. 
France—Savoy (Dum. & Mort., op. cit.). 

Monst. sinistrorsum ‘Taylor. 
ANIMAL with respiratory and other orifices on the left side of the body. 

France—A single specimen of the var. rufa found in the wood at Mérard, depart- 
ment of the Oise (Baudon, Journ. de Conch., 1884, p. 196). 

Geographical Distribution.—Arion ater, as probably one of the 
latest evolved species of the genus, has not yet obtained the wide dispersal 
that characterizes some of the simpler forms by which it was preceded. 

On the continent, the aggregate form is well distributed throughout 
Central Europe, but apparently blending or intergrading near the outskirts 
of its range with Arion subfuscus, with which species it “has been fr equently 
confused ‘by various writers. 


Generally speaking, its distribution has been stated by the late Prof, 
Von Martens to range with that of the oak, about the isotherm of 42° 
Fahrenheit, but it is probable that this statement now needs revision, the 
range of this species apparently extending beyond what was previously 
known, while it has also been recorded as ascending the Pyrennean Moun- 
tains to a height of more than 6,000 feet. 

In Norway, the red variety only reaches as far as the fiftieth parallel, but 
the black variety has been noted to extend to 68° north lat., while the var. 
alba is recorded from 'Trémsdalen, 69° 50’, its occurrence supporting 
Gredler’s view that albinism is often an indication that the species has 
reached the limit of its geographic or vertical range. 

It is known to occur in Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, Austro- 
Hungary, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, North Italy, Spain, 
Portugal, and the British Isles. 

It has also been recorded for Russia, from the Ukraine, Finland, the 
Baltie provinces, and elsewhere, by Kaleniezenko, Nadjeschin, Kawall, and 
other writers, but, according to Simroth, in every case erroneously. 

Geographical Distribution 


Arion ater (L.). 

MMMM Recorded Distribution. 

| Probable Range. 

Fic. 206. 

In the British Isles this species is universally distributed, being found 
in all the one hundred and forty-nine comital and vice-comital districts 
into which the country has been divided, and has even been collected by 
Mr. W. E. Clarke on the Flannan Isles, the most westerly of the Outer 
Hebridean islets. ‘This comprehensive survey of specimens has emphasized 
the dull, dark forms as the characteristic colouring in these islands: the 
brighter coloured varieties being more plentiful in the southern counties, 
and during warm dry summers, while the greater prevalence of the fasciate 
or juvenile colouring in Ireland shows the more primitive character of the 
fauna and its greater remoteness from the theatre of the most evolutionary 


The hypsometrical distribution is interesting, and shows a marked degree 
of correlation between the wholly jet-black variety aterrima and a lofty 
abode, as this variety is exclusively found, or is the most prevalent form, on 
the summit of Coniston Old Man, Seca Fell, and other elevated localities in 
England, while in Scotland it has been collected on Ben Voirlich at 3,224 
feet, on Ben Nevis at 2,800 feet, and close to the very summit of Ben 
Tuaniond In Ireland, the same form has been met with in the Mourne 
Mountains, at an altitude of 2,796 feet on Sheve Donard, and at 2,500 feet 
on Sheve Bingian. It has also been found on certain elevated stations in 
Donegal and Kerry. All the records tend to show the sensitiveness of the 
dermal pigmentation and its responsiveness to external influences. 


Arion ater has heen recorded from Alsace, Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Cassel, 
East Prussia, Franconia, Hanover, Holstein, Lauenberg, Mecklenburg, Nassau, 
Oldenburg, Osnabruck, Pomerania, Prussia, Reuss, Rhenish Prussia, Saxony, 
Schleswig, Silesia, Waldeck-Pyrmont, Westphalia, and Wurtembure. 


Belgium—Reported in many varieties from the provinces of Antwerp, Brabant, 
Hainault, Liége, Luxembourg, Namur, and West Flanders. 

Holland—Cited in both its chief forms for Holland by Maitland. 


Arion ater is probably dispersed throughout France, and has been recorded for 
Corsica and the departments Ain, Aisne, Alpes Maritimes, Ariége, Aube, Ande, 
Basses Pyrénées, Cantal, Calvados. Charente Inférieure, Cote (Or, Finistére, Gard, 
Gers, Gironde, Haute Garonne, Haute Loire, Hante Marne, Hautes Pyrénées, 
Haute Savoie, Ille-et-Vilaine, Isere, Loire Inférieure, Lot-et-Garonne, Lozere, 
Maine-et-Loire, Manche, Morbihan, Moselle, Nord, Oise, Pas-de-Calais, Puy-de- 
Dome, Pyrénées-Orientales, Rhone, Savoie, Seine, Seine Inférieure, Seine-et- Marne, 
Seine-et-Oise, Somme, Vendée, and Vienne. 


The var. rufa, though recorded from Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia, Tuscany, 
and Campania, is, according to Pollonera, not found naturally in Italy, and in 
Lombardy only by acclimatization, the remaining records being based on errors of 


Recorded for Galicia at Lemburg by Jachno and on the Tatra by Nowicki; from 
Gorz by Erjavec; from various localities in Austria by Fitzinger ; Slavik and others 
report it as oceurring, thoueh not plentifully, throughout North Bohemia; while 
von Mollendorft records it from Maglaj, in the Bosnathal, Bosnia. 


Spain—Avion ater has been recorded from Aragon, Asturias, Catalonia, Castile, 
Galicia, Huesca, and Navarre, all in the north of Spain. 

Portugal—Reported by Simroth from Oporto, Caldas do Gerez in Minho, and 
Coimbra in Beira; and from Cintra, and Serra da Arrabida in Estramadura by 
Nobre. As A. sulcatus it is recorded by Morelet from the northern provinces, and 
as being especially common about Oporto. 

Norway—Comimon about Christiania, Christiansand, Bergen, and Trondhjem, 

extending to West Finmark, to Gréno in Nordland, and to Tromsdalen at 69° 50’ 
in Tromso. 

Sweden—Restricted to the southern extremity, but extending as far north as 
Westmanland, 60° north lat. ; common at Ronneby, in Blekinge ; somewhat rare at 
If6. in Seania, and present on the isles of Gotland and Oel: und. 

Denmark—Common in Denmark (Westerlund, Syn. Moll. Scand., 1897, p. 39). 
Recorded by Von Martens for South Iceland, and by Collinge for the Faroes. 



Recorded or known to exist in the cantons of Berne, Grisons, Lucerne, Neuchatel, 

St. Gall, Solothurn, Schwytz, Ticino, Unterwalden, Uri, Vaud, and Zurich. 

A. ater has been recorded from Finland by Heynemann; Courland by Kawall 
and Braun; Livland by Kawall; Esthland by Eichwald ; Moscow by Nadjeschin ; 
and as tolerably common in the woods of Tchernigov, Kharkov, and Poltava, by 
Kaleniezenko, who also gives precise localities for many of the varieties figured or 
described by Férussac, but Dr. Simroth, after an exhaustive investigation, totally 
denies the existence of A. afer in Russia, but it is very probable that it does really 
exist in the most western of the Baltic provinces. 

Siberia—Gerstfeldt erroneously records A. ater from Wilni, Irkutsch. 

Algeria—Recorded as Arion rufus by Aucapitaine, but probably more correctly 
referable to Avion lusitanicus or other form of the subfuscus group. 

Reported from the Azores, Madeira, and Canary Isles, but Dr. Simroth says the 
species occurring there are A. /usitanicus and its allies. 

United States—Grateloup, in 1855, records Arion empiricormm as found in the 
Western States, but this is not confirmed by more recent authors. 

New Zealand—Recorded for Dunedin by Hutton, and by Musson as found 
crawling about after rain over the roads around Auckland, 

Fic. 207.—Typical habitat of Axon ater var. aterrima, at an altitude of 2,500 feet 

on the higher south-western slopes of Slieve Bingian, Mourne Mountains, 

Co. Down, Ireland (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 


Pirate XIX. 

Distribution of Avion ater (L.) 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 
1 Cornwall W. 
2 Cornwall E. 
3 Devon 8. 
4 Devon N. 
5 Somerset 8. 
5 Somerset N. 
7 Wilts N. 
8 Wilts 8. 
9 Dorset 
10 Isle of Wight 
11 Hants § 
12 Hants N. 
13 Sussex W. 
14 Sussex E. 
15 Kent E. 
16 Kent W. 
17 Surrey 
18 Essex S. 
19 Essex N. 
20 Herts. 
21 Middlesex 
22 Berks. 
93 Oxford 
24 Bucks. 
25 Suffolk E. 
26 Suffolk W. 
97 Norfolk E. 
28 Norfolk W. 
99 Cambridge 
30 Bedford 
31 Hunts. 
32 Northampton 
33 Gloucester E, 
34 Gloucester W. 
35 Monmouth 
36 Hereford 
37 Worcester. 
38 Warwick 
39 Stafford 
40 Salop 

41 Glamorgan 
42 Brecon 
43 Radnor 
44 Carmarthen 
45 Pembroke 
46 Cardigan 
47 Montgomery 
48 Merioneth 
49 Carnarvon 
50 Denbigh 
51 Flint 
52 Anglesey 
53 Lincoln 8. 
54 Lincoln N. 
55 Leic. & Rutid. 
56 Notts. 
57 Derby 
58 Cheshire 
59 Lancashire 8. 
60 Lan’shire Mid 
61 S.E York 
62 N.E. York 
63 S.W. York 
64 Mid W, York 
65 N.W. York 
66 Durham 
67 Northumb. S- 
68 Cheviotland 
69 Westmorland 
and L, Lanes, 
70 Cumberland 
71 Isle of Man 




72 Dumfries 
73 Kirkeudbright 
74 Wigtown 
76 Renfrew 
77 Lanark 

78 Peebles 
79 Selkirk 
80 Roxburgh 
81 Berwick 
82 Haddington 
83 Edinburgh 
84 Linlithgow 

85 Fife & Kinross 
86 Stirling 
87 Pth. S. & Clkn. 
88 Mid Perth 
89 Perth N. 
90 Forfar 
91 Kineardine 
92 Aberdeen 8. 



113 Derry 

114 Antrim 

115 Down 

116 Armagh 

117 Monaghan 
118 Tyrone 

119 Donegal 

120 Fermanagh 
121 Cavan 

93 Aberdeen N. | 
94 Banff | 
95 Elgin 
96 Easterness 


S7 Westerness 
98 Main Argyle 

99 Dumbarton 
100 Clyde Isles 
101 Cantire 
102 Ebudes 8. 

103 Ebudes Mid 
1c4 Ebudes N. 

105 Ross W. | 
106 Ross E. | 
107 Sutherland EB, 
108 SutherlandW 
109 Caithness 


110 Hebrides 

111 Orkneys 

112 Shetlands 

122 Louth 
123 Meath 
124 Dublin | 
125 Kildare | 
126 Wicklow 
127 Wexford 
128 Carlow 
129 Kilkenny | 
130 Queen’s Co. | 

131 King’s Co. { 
132 Westmeath | 
133 Longford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim | 
136 Sligo | 
137 Mayo BE, | 
138 Mayo W. | 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
j43 Tipperary N. 
144 Tipperary 8. 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. | 
147 Cork 8. 
148 Kerry 


Arion subfuscus ey 
1805 Limasx subfuscus freberaue Hist. Moll., p. 125, pl. 9, f. 8. 

1822 — fasciatus, vars. e, §, and 7 Nilsson, Hist. Moll. Svecine, p. 4. 
1819 Arion Suscatus Férussac, Hist. Moll., p. 65, pl. 2, f. 

1836 — _ suceineus Bouillet, Moll. Auvergne, p. 14. 

18388 — _ subflavus Johnston, List Pulm. Moll. 3erwick and North Durham. 
1842 — fuscus Binney, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., iv., p. 170. 

1851 — kryniekii Kaleniczenko, Bull. Moscow, p. 114, pl. 4, f. 

1852 — cinctus Dum. et Mort., Malae. Savoie, p. 7. 

1856 — _ olivaceus Schmidt, V erh. Nat. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl., p. 58. 

1861 — brunneus Lehmann, Mal. BI. , p. 166. 

1866 — mabillianus Bourguignat, Moll. litig. ete., Denlitos pl. 90 fealeas 
1868  — rubiginosus Baudon in Drouet, Moll. Cote a’ Or; a 26. 

1870 — gaudefroyi Mabille, Hist. Moll. Bass. Parisy ps 12: 

1871 — _ eitrinus Westerlund, Exposé Crit., p. 14. 

1884 — pollonere Pini, Nov. Mal., p. 42. 

1885 —  stabiler Ey CBee: Elencho Moll. Terr. ee 5 ue 28. 

1887 — bavayi Pollonera, Spec. nuove ecc., p. 12, f. 

1890 — flavus Pollonera, Neamgks Réeg. paneancl . ‘i "15 De 

1893. — flagellus Collinge, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 252, pl. ‘ 

1897 — rufus W esterlund, Syn. Moll. Extram. Seand., p- 40. 

1870 Prolepis fuscus Maln, Skand. Land-Sniglar, p. 43, pl. 2, f. 3. 

ISTORY.—Arion subfuscus (subfuscus, 

brownish), was first clearly described 
and figured by Draparnaud, in 1805, 
although there seems reasons to believe 
that the Limax fuscus and L. cinctus of 
Miiller belong to the same species. 

In this country, A. subfuscus was long 
confounded with A. ater, or regarded as 
a variety or immature form of that species, 
Herr D. F. Heynemann being the first to 
publish it as British, in 1885, although 
prior to that date Mr. Roebuck, with the 
assistance of the late Mr. Ashford, had 
identified it as a native of this country. 

Moquin-T'andon, also, did not clearly 
distinguish this species from his Arion 
rufus, as may be seen on examining his 
figure of the reproductive organs ascribed 
to that species (Hist. Moll. France, pl. 1 
f. 12). The shape and character of the free 

” oviduct and the pot of fixation of the 
retractor are undeniably those of <Arvon 
subfuscus, while the absence of the large 
vestibular protuberance so characteristic of 
A. ater, is convincing testimony that the 
figure is based upon a dissection of an 

oe individual of the present species. 

With ae species the name of Dr. Aug. Baudon, of Mouy, France, is 
associated, in token of appreciation of the merits of his work, “Mémoire 
sur les Limaciens du Département de l’Oise,” and of the numerous other 
valuable malacological treatises of which he is the author, 

20/3/08 N 


Diagnosis.—Arion subfuscus may be distinguished from A. ater, the 
species with which it is most liable to be confounded, by its smaller size, 
flatter and shorter rugosities, less uniform colouring, whitish sides, and the 
presence of dark lateral banding on the body and shield; the foot-fringe 
is also usually whitish or yellowish grey, with dark thongh less regular 
lineolation than in A. ater, and the animal cannot assume the hemis- 
pherical shape when at rest which is so marked a feature of that species. 

In the juvenile stage the affinity with A. ater is even more striking, but 
in the latter species the rugze are invariably more elongate and separated 
by bluish interstices; moreover, in A. subfuscus the body is always 
comparatively longer when at rest, and there is always more or less 
orange slime on the shield, which is absent in the larger species; the body 
also is always darker than the shield, whereas in A. ater the coloration is 
usually more perceptibly uniform. 

INTERNALLY, this species is separable from its congener by the different 
point of fixation of the oviducal retractor, and by the constant and marked 
inflation of the free oviduct, an inflation quite unlike the gradual basal 
enlargement in Arion hortensis, or the bulbous expansion of the vestibule 
in Arion ater, while there is usually a large flesh-coloured mass or rufHle 
at the base of the albumen gland. 

Description.—ANIMAL of medium size, reaching eighty millimetres in length 
when adult and fully extended, of a dull uniform dusky-brown above, ochreous sub- 
dorsally, becoming whitish towards the sole, with a more or less distinct blackish 
or black longitudinal band at each side, extending over body and shield; Bopy 
TUBERCLES moderately pronounced, finer, slenderer, and flatter than in Arion ater, 
and nowhere fused into longitudinal ridges, with about twenty-five longitudinal 
series on each side; SHIELD attenuated in front, broadly rounded and almost trun- 
cate behind, shagreened, with lyre-shaped dusky, longitudinal marking, arching the 
respiratory orifice and becoming less distinet behind ; RESPIRATORY ORIFICE round, 
slightly angulated below to the anal cleft, which is directed forwards ; HEAD 
usually somewhat darker than the body ; NECK pale, with four parallel longitudinal 
furrows, two continuing to the foreliead, while the outer grooves reach the dusky 
ommatophores ; LOWER TENTACLES capped with brown ; SOLE indistinctly tripar- 
tite, pale yellowish-white, tinged with brown towards the tail, and minutely beset 
with milk-white points, mid-area slightly more transparent ; FOOT-FRINGE pale 
yellowish-grey, lineolated similarly to Arion after, but less regularly and more 
faintly, and searecely continued over the side-areas of the sole. 

DERMAL-MUCUS occasionally almost colourless but generally of a pale yellow, 
or when sealded, of an orange colour, and usually most dense on the anterior part 
of the mantle and near the caudal gland; that emitted by the tail-gland is ropey and 
almost colourless ; LocomMOTORY-MUCUS colourless, but stained by admixture with 
the dermal seeretion. The yellow colour of the body appears to he often due to the 
slime, as when this is removed after scalding, the skin is almost invariably dull 
greyish or greyish- brown. 

The SHELL may be at times wholly absent, or quite vestigial, and represented 
only by amorphous granular white matter, which solidifies in drying. 

INTERNALLY, the walls of the body-cavity are grey, densely beset with milk- 
white limey particles. The SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND is imbedded in the tissues, and 
visibly extends for about three-fourths of the 
total length of the body. The BUCCAL GANGLIA 
are oblong with a short commissure; the 
SUPRA-G@SOPHAGEAL ganglia are opaque-white 
anteriorly ; the SUB-GESOPHAGEAL group are 
intimately fused together. The undivided 
AORTA is four or five mill. long, of an opaque- 
white colour, as are all the arterial branches, 
rendering them very conspicuous over the 
stomach, liver, and other dark internal organs. The OYOLITHS are very numerous, 
of a more broadly oval shape than in A. hortensis, and often with a central speck. 

Fic. 209.— 
Nerve centres of 
Arion subfuscus 
(much enlarged). 

Hants S., Mr. C. 


species are arranged as in Avion ater; the bp 
TENTACULAR retractors are broad, and ” 

divide early for the ommatophore and Fic. 210.— 

lower tentacle; they are set obliquely, and re \)\ Cephalic retractors 
arise from seven to nine mill. apart, a little : uy V)\ of Arion subfuscus 
in advance of the hind margin of the shield \ i i MdGhaetcharcht 
on the posterior right and posterior left Yh Hants. S., Mr. C. 
side respectively ; the comparatively slender YA sé AA Sir). 
PHARYNGEAL retractor arises somewhat to LN 

the right of the median-line, a trifle he- y 

hind the mantle margin; it divides early : 

into two slender branches, which become fixed to opposite sides of the buceal bulb. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS display a sepia-brown and lobular OVOTESTIS, and 
a creamy-white HERMAPHRODITE DUCT, terminating in a distinct VESICULA 
SEMINALIS, which is grey, sometimes speckled with deep-brown ; the ALBUMEN 
GLAND is semi-transparent and gelatinous, indistinctly lobular, and of pale 
yellowish-grey colour; the ovipUCT is bluish-grey, broadly sacculate, bound to- 
gether in convolutions, and showing a flesh-coloured ruftle at the base of the 
albumen gland, which has the aspect of semi-gelatinous tubing, recalling the vesti- 
bular glands of MWilax sowerbii; the SPERM DUCT is creamy-white above, much 
thickened and ochraceous below; the long, slender, and semi-transparent VAS 
DEFERENS passes into the opaque-white and tapering EPIPHALLUS, whose base is 
encircled by a conspicuous raised ring, and within which is formed the very long 
and serrate SPERMATOPHORE ; the large and globose SPERMATHECA is at maturity 
usually whitish, stiff, and hard, connected to the oviduct by tissue and small 

Fic. 211. Fic. 212. Fie. 213. 
Fic. 211.—Alimentary canal of A. subfuscus, with buccal bulb 
and nerve-ring, x 2 (Christchurch, Hants. S., Mr. C. Ashford). 
Vic. 212.—Sexual organs of A. sudfuscus, X 2. 
Fic. 213.—Portion of the sexual system of A. sv/uscus, show- Fic. 214. 
ing the vesicula seminalis, x 4. 
Fic. 214.—Spermatophore of 4. sw4/uscus, x 6, with magnified portions showing details of structure 
(after original drawing by Dr. Simroth). 
alb.g?. albumen gland; at. atrium; ef. epiphallus; 4.d@. hermaphrodite duct ; of. ovotestis ; ov. 
oviduct ; ~. retractor ; sf. spermatheca ; s.d. and sf.d. sperm duct ; v.s. vesicula seminalis. 

muscular strands especially at apex of vesicle, the stalk is rather short and greatly 
swollen basally, contracting where it joins the vesicle; the FREE OVIDUCT is at 
first comparatively simple and slender, but enlarges abruptly and characteristically 
in the latter part of its course, and shows internally a varied series of longitudinal 
thickenings ; the GENITAL RETRACTOR arises near the origin of the left tentacular 
retractor, and becomes fureate, one branch being attached to the stem of the 
spermatheca, and the other to the upper part of the swollen free-oviduct. In this 
species there does not seein to be any striking constriction of the ATRIUM, which 
is, however, invested by a well-defined yellowish glandular pad. 

The ALIMENTARY CANAL is triodromous, exhibiting the effects of the torsion of 
the viscera, and greatly resembling the intestinal canal of the juvenile Arion ater ; 
the G:SOPHAGUS is usually about three mill. broad, and of a whitish colour ; the 


SALIVARY GLANDS are yellowish, and frequently form a collar round the esophagus, 
uniting above and embracing the anterior part of the crop, like turned up moustaches ; 
the SALIVARY DUCTS white; CROP dusky-buff in colour, and distinctly wrinkled 
longitudinally ; DIGESTIVE GLAND dark brown. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is about 14 mill. broad and half mill. wide, crescentic 
in shape, with rather acutely-rounded ends, arcuate from 
front to back, but somewhat flexible, of a deep amber- 
brown colour along the lower or cutting-edge, gradually 
blending with the paler tint of the upper moity; the 
anterior surface bears ten to sixteen broad, rounded ribs, 
which show well-marked vertical strive, and strongly 
crenulate the upper margin, and sometimes denticulate 
the lower margin also, especially near the centre, simu- 
lating a rostrum or beak; the interspaces between the 
projecting ribs is of perceptibly more delicate texture and shows the horizontal 
wavy striation most perceptibly. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is oblong in shape, about 44 mill. long and two mill. 
wide, and composed of about 140 slightly curved transverse rows of closely-set teeth, 
which appreciably diminish in size at the outer margin ; each row is composed of a 
tricuspid median tooth, with about fifteen obscurely tricuspidate laterals, the 
endocone gradually degenerating, and the ectocone acquiring correspondingly 
greater strength and importance ; the marginal teeth are about thirty in number 
at each side, and are essentially and strongly bicuspidate, constituted by the well- 
developed mesocone and ectocone. 


Fic. 215.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of 4. sudfuscus, X 180. 
The animal collected by Mr. C. Ashford, and the palate prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. 

The formula of a Christchurch specimen collected by Mr. C. Ashford is 
BO 4 45 44445 432 x 140 = 12,740. 

Reproduction and Development.—The congress of this species is 
probably marked by the same blandishments and circular procession as in 
Arion ater, yet although it breeds freely in confinement, no definite 
observations are on record. The eggs, which are chiefly deposited in the 
late summer and autumn months, are oval in shape, averaging 3 mill. long 
by 24 mill. in diameter, of a dusky white, but sometimes amber or dull 
primrose colour, or even pale green, translucent, and much clearer than 
those of A. ater, slightly granulate on the surface, and connected together 
by a colourless or yellowish mucus: they are laid upon or beneath the 
ground in clusters varying in number from about twenty to sixty or more. 
The young apparently pass through the winter in the juvenile stage, as all 
the specimens observed by Dr. Scharff, even as late as May, were immature. 
The young, according to Clessin, differ from those of A. ater, which are 
almost invariably of an uniform light yellow or greenish colour, as they are 
usually darkly coloured, and only pale to some extent with age. 

Food and Habits.— Arion subfuscus is naturally very partial to fungi, 
aud has been observed to frequent and feed upon Russula fuscatu, as well 
as the poisonous Agaricus muscarius. In summer it has been observed 
feeding upon the leaves of Leontodon wutumnale, but in autumn they 
display a great partiality for fungi. 

In captivity, according to Mr. Wallis Kew, they eat bread and lettuce 
freely, the decaying leaves of the Deadly Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) 
are also eaten, as well as dead slugs of their own or other species. The 
fungus Phallus impudicus was also offered and greedily devoured, but the 
annals feeding upon it died soon afterwards. 

Fic. 214.—Mandible or jaw 
of Arion subfuscus, X 15. 

(Christchurch, Mr. Ashford). 



Mr. Gain found that of 130 different kinds of food tendered to them 
while in confinement only one, the Violet (Viola odorata) was eaten with 
avidity, although forty-six other kinds were eaten freely, forty less readily, 
and only forty- three were totally rejected. 

This species frequents both deciduous and pine forests, and ascends the 
mountains to the limit of trees, but it also lives in gardens at the foot of 
walls and rocks, under hedges bordering meadows or roads and other places. 
It is fairly plentiful on the London clay, in gardens, ete., in North London, 
but is often especially abundant, fine and richly coloured on or near refuse- 
heaps. Like its congeners, it is somewhat slow, timid, and clumsy, though 
more active than A. ater, but when young or partly grown is a great adept 
at spinning mucus threads, and has been known to spin a thread thirty- 
seven inches in length. It is one of the few species of slug which has been 
actually observed and recorded as able to reascend its ‘thread. This is 
effected by curving the anterior part of the body upwards until the fore- 
part of the foot comes into contact with the hinder portion, up which the 
creature then crawls until thé thread is reached, the animal then applies 
its foot to the thread, and at once proceeds to ascend by its aid, the 
foot remaining nearly flat or only shghtly folded in front. During the 
operation the head is moved from side to side and mucus gradually aceu- 
mulates in an irregular mass above the tail, evidently composed in part of 
the slack of the thread, as it could be to some extent unwound or disen- 
tangled from the mass. 

Parasites and Enemies.—'he general enemies of the slugs also 
prey upon this species, but, according to Mr. L. E. Adams, poultry which 
refuse Arion ater will eat this species without hesitation. Numerous 
intestinal worms have been at times detected within this slug, but they 
have never been identified. 

Variation.—This species does not display that wealth of colour- 
variation shown by Avion ater, the variations being chiefly due to the 
greater or lesser intensity of the rufous tint, and the more or less complete 
overspreading of the body by the darker hue of the dorsal surface ; this 

Fic. 216. Fic. “OT. Fic. 218. 

Proximal ends of the Reproductive Organs of Avion lusitanicus and A, nobret. 
Fic. 216.—A77on lusitanicus (after Pollonera). Fic. 217.—Avrion lusttanicus (after Simroth). 

Fic. 218.—Avion nobrei (after Pollonera). 

distribution of colouring is, however, liable to be rev ersed, a variety found 
on the Serra d’Estrella ‘having the dorsum clear brown, while the ‘sides of 

the body a nearly black; this greater uniformity is naturally to be ex- 
pected, as A. subfuscus 18 a more ‘ancient species and not a dominant form. 

The junction of its distribution with the limits of the more restricted 
area inhabited by A. aéer, is complicated in those districts by the external 
approximation im aspect of the two species, a resemblance which has been 
the cause of great confusion, as many authors have, at various times, 
recorded the present species under one or other of the different names of 
its larger congener. 

On the Finnish shores of the Gulf of Finland, the var. /ennica assimilates 
in a very remarkable way to Arion ater, under which name it has frequently 
been recorded ; while the Arion lusitunicus, A. nobrei, and A. dasilvae, 
which have been described from the Spanish peninsula, are undoubtedly 
intermediate forms linking swbfuscus with ater, resembling sub/uscus in their 
internal structure but often approximating externally more closely to ater 
especially in size and colouring. 

The Arion jlagellus of Collinge, which is a 
here regarded as a simple variety of A. sub- La 
fuscus, 18 said to possess as its characteristic A ae 
feature a distinct flagellum upon the free 
oviduct, a most improbable situation for such 
an organ; but, as the illustrative figures of 
the author are somewhat carelessly or inaccu- 
rately executed, it 1s quite possible that the 
proposed species has been presented under a 
inisapprehension of the precise structure of 

ue i 

7710) OV. SP 

the animal. me 
‘The yellow colourmg of the body, though ONS Ff Kava. 

in general due to the mucous investment, is . py, 

not ‘invariably so, as In some cases the colour- Ne. re s 

ing is really due to the breaking through the Las 

skin of the superficially placed colour elands. 
The yellow dermal mucus, though so char- 
acteristic a feature, 1s also not an invariable 

Fic. 219.— Reproductive Organs 
of Arion flagellus Collinge (after 
Collinge). The ovispermatoduct is 
incorrectly represented, and some of 
the organs identified in 

trait of this species, as the darker and also 
the more pallid varieties more frequently 
emit an almost colourless slime. 

Arion subfuscus, like Limaxe arborum and 
Arion ater, offers, according to Simroth, the 
same striking evidence of the darkening in- 
fluence of altitude, as the individuals inhab- 
iting the lofty mountain ranges are invariably 
darker than those living on the plains below. 

Collinge’ s original figure. The figure 
is, however, here given as in the 
original, but the nomenclature of the 
organs is corrected. 

a.g. albumen gland; a. atrium ; 
ep. epiphallus ;_/7. flagellum ; 4.d. her- 
maphrodite duct ; 07. ovotestis ; ov. 
oviduct ; ow’. free oviduct ; 7, re- 
tractor muscle; s.@. sperm duct or 
prostate ; sf. spermatheca; 7v.d. vas 

On the contrary, ie Scharff expresses the opinion that in Ireland the 
more or less unicolorous pale yellow variety is more especially characteristic 
of the higher parts of the country while the darker typical form inhabits 

the plains. 
Var. rufo-fusea Draparnaud, Hist. Moll., 

Arion cinctus var. rufescens Dum. & Mort., 

1805, p. 125. 

Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 7. 


Arion rubiginosus Baudon in Drouet, Moll. Céte d'Or, 1868, p. 26. 
Arion gaudefroy? Mabille, Hist. Moll. Paris, 1870, p. 12. 
ANIMAL of a rufous tint, most pronounced on the mantle and the sides of the 
body, dorsum darker, the lateral band black or blackish. 
This form is the one selected by Draparnaud as the type of the species; but the 
rufous colouring is in many cases entirely due to the mucous investment. 



Var. bicolor Moquin-T'andon, Hist. Moll., 1855, p. 11. 

Arion rufus var. bicolor Moquin-Tandon, l.c. 
Arion empiricorum var. t Férussac, Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 62, pl. 1, ff. 6-7. 
Arion subfuscus var. lateritius Collinge, Conchologist, 1892, p. 63. 
ANIMAL of a red or reddish colour, with darker dorsum, without darker lateral 
The var. bicolor s.str., animal orange-red, with brown dorsum, foot-fringe 
orange with black lineolation. 
The sub-var. lateritia is of a deep brick-red, which is not due to mucus, lateral 
bands absent, foot-fringe light grey, lineolated with pale brown or chocolate. 

Glamorgan—A sub-var. of a rich wine colour on banks of river Ely, St. eee Ss 

near Cardiff, March 1885 ! F. W. Wotton. 
Fife and Kinross—Sub-v. /ateritia, Mount Melville, St. Andrews (Collinge, I.c.). 
\ sub-variety found by Dr. Scharff in a small pine-wood, in Lord 
Howth’s demesne, Howth, in Sept. 1900, had a pale reddish-brown shield, and red- 
dish body rugze, a colouring not, as is usual, entirely due to slime, but to the 

presence of superficial pigment cells. 

France—Environs of Paris (Férussac, op. cit., p. 63). 

Var. fuliginea Morelet, Moll. Port., 1845, p. 30, pl. 2, f. 1. 

Arion fuligineus Morelet, op. cit. 
Arion (Limax) cinctus var /uscescens Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 7. 
Arion brunneus Lehmann, Mal. Blatt., 1861, p. 166. 
Arion limacopus Westerlund, Exp. Crit. Moll., 1871, p. 36. 
Arion flagellus and var. phillipsi Collinge, Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, p. 252, pl. 9. 
ANIMAL of a dark brown, sides paler, with or without darker lateral banding, 
fringe yellowish. 
The. var. fuliginea s.str., is of a rich brown, dorsum and shield very dark 
smoky-brown, foot-fringe yellow, reddish at the extremities. 

The sub-var. brunnea is coffee-brown, the dorsum darker brown or blackish, 
the sides of body and shield paler red-brown, lateral banding indistinct, fringe 
yellowish with black lineolation ; mucus colourless. 

The sub-var. limaeopa is dark fuscous above, paler on the sides ; mucus yellow. 

The sub-var. flagella is dark vandyke-brown along the back, light brown on 
the sides, upon which are the vandyke-brown lateral Dands; the foot- fringe and 
vicinity are pale brownish-white, the fringe with sepia lineoles ; sole pale yellow. 

The sub-var. phillipsi differs in the back and mantle being deep mahogany- 

brown, the sides of body white with black dashes. 

Somerset S.—Sub-var. brunnea, Bridgwater, Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Hants. N.—Sub-v. brunnea, Preston Candover, Nov. 1885 ! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Surrey—Sub-var. brunnea, Haslemere, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, Journ. of 
Conch., Jan. 1902). 

Middlesex—Sub-var. brunnea, Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, May 1889 ! 
H. Wallis Kew. 

Warwick—A modified form of the sub-var. faged/a, Sutton Coldfield, H. Overton 
(W. E. Collinge, Journ. of Mal., Dee. 1904, p. 98). 

Salop—Sub-var. brunnea, Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 

Pembroke—Sub-var. brunnea, near Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. 

Notts.—Sub-var. brunnea, garden, Tuxford, April 1885! W. A. Gain. 

Derby—Sub-var. brunnea, Clifton, 1889 ! Lionel E. Adams. 

Northumberland S.—Sub-var. brunnea, Stockstield-on-Tyne, May 1885! H. E. 

Cumberland—Sub-var. brunnea, Skiddaw Forest, Sept. 1890! Rev. J. Hawell. 


Perth Mid—Sub-var. brunnea, Dunkeld road on banks of river Tay, Sept. 1904 ! 
W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.—Sub-var. brunnea, garden, Rubislaw, Aberdeen, Oct. 1904 !G. Sim. 


Armagh-—Sub-var. drwnnea, Armagh, June 1885 ! Rev. H. W. Lett. 

Monaghan—Snb-var. brunnea, Drumreaske, Sept. 1904! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Louth—Sub-var. brunnea, near Blackhall demesne, Sept. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 


Kildare—Sub-var. brunnea, Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 
Sligo—Sub-var. brunnea, Rockwood, Lough Gill, Oct. 1886! W. F. de V. Kane. 
Mayo W.—Sub-var. brunnea, Enniscoe demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885 ! 
F. de Vismes Kane. 
Galway W.—Sub-v. brunnea, Kylemore Castle Gardens, Sep. 1904! W. Comfort. 
Cork S.—Sub-var. flagella and phillipsi, Schull, July 1893 (Collinge, 1.c.). 
Kerry—Sub-var. brunnea, Valentia Island, Sept. 1904 ! Miss M. J. Delap. 
Germany—Sub-var. brunnea, Hickendorff, Pomerania. 
France—Sub-var. fuscescens, Savoy (Dum. & Mort., op. cit.). 
Switzerland—Sub-var. brunnea, Wildhaus, in the canton St. Gall, at about 
3,600 feet altitude. Also at an altitude of 6,000 feet near Maloja in the Grisons. 
Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. brunnea, Carlsbad, Bohemia, April 1884 (Boettger, 
Nachbl., 1885, p. 54). 
Portugal—Var. fuliginea, Ponte do Lima, Douro (Morelet, op. cit.). 
Norway—Sub-var. brunnea, common at Tromsoen, also at Andenaes on the 
Ando. <A pale variety at Stanganaes at the mouth of the Tana river. 
Sweden—Sub-var. dimacopa, recorded for Ronneby in Blekinge, and Stehag in 
Scania (Westerlund, op. cit. ). 

Russia—Sub-var. brunnea, Konginkangas, Finland (Luther, Finland Gastrop., 
1901, p. 57). 

Var. nigricans Pollonera, Spec. nuove ece., 1887, p. 14. 
ANIMAL with shield and body entirely black, lateral fascia more or less incon- 
France-—Found occasionally (Pollonera, op. cit.). 
Italy—In the Alps (Pollonera, op. cit.). 
Norway—Kistrand (Esmark & Hoyer, Mal. Bl., 1886, p. 103). 

Var. einereo-fusea Draparnaud, Hist. Moll., 1805, p. 125. 

Arion cinctus var. cinereus Dum. et Mort., Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 7 

Arion subfuscus var. ardosiarum Colbeau, Bull. Belg. Mal. Soc., 1867, p. 72. 
Arion subfuscus var. typus Pollonera, Arionidz, Rég. Palearct., 1890, pills 
Arion subfuscus var. griseus Collinge, Conchologist, “1892, p. 63. 

30DY ash-coloured or greyish, with or without blackish lateral band. 

The var. einereo-fusea s.str. is ash-coloured or greyish, with a blackish lateral 
band at each side. 

The sub-var. ardosiarum is of a dull greyish-rufous, tinged with blackish, 
shield more rufous, a faint blackish lateral band at each side. 

The sub-var. grisea is grey with paler sides, without lateral bands. 


Channel Isles—St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sept. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 

Cornwall W.—Gardens, Truro, April 1886! J. H. James. 

Devon S.—Teignmouth, Aug. 1888 ! L. St. G. 3yne. : 

Devon N.—Belstone near Okehampton, § Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 

Dorset—Montevideo, Chickerell near W eymouth, Sept. 1904! N. M. Richardson. 

Sussex W.—Up Park, Aug. 1886 ! W. Jeffery. 

Middlesex—Musvwell Hill road, Highgate, July 1888 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Monmouth—Banks of river Wye, Monmouth, July 1891! W. Whitwell. Garden, 
tose Cottage, Talywain, July 1904! J. Manners. 

Worcester—Sub-var. grisea, W. E. Collinge, Jan. 1905. 

Warwick—Sub-var. grisea, W. E. Collinge, Jan. 1905. 

Brecon—Erwood, Oct. 1904 ! J. Williams \ Vaughan. 

Carmarthen— Near Llanelly, Sept. 1904! H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Pembroke—Pempbroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. 

Carnarvon—Slopes of Snowdon, April 1887 ! J. Madison. 

Lincoln N.—Ulceby-with-Fordington, Oct. 1889! J. Burtt Davy. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. grisea, Knowsley, 1893 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., 1893, 
p- 148). 

York N.E.—Ingleby Greenhow, Sept. 1890! Rev. J. Hawell. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—-Grasmere, June 1886! C. Oldham. Sub- 
var. grisea, Grange, 1897 (H. V. Fowler, J. of Mal., 1899, p. 38). 


Dumfries— Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Renfrew—Braidland, Aug. 1890! J. M. B. Taylor. 
Roxburgh—Jedburgh, Sept. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 
Berwick—Dryburgh, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Edinburgh—Braidburn, Edinburgh, July 1888 ! W. E. Clarke. 
Fife and Kinross—Loch Gelly, May 1895! W. Evans. Sub-var. grisea, Mount 
Melville, St. Andrews (W. E. Collinge, l.c.). 
Perth Mid—Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. Dunkeld 
road, Perth, Sept. 1904! W. Evans. 
Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! and Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1896 ! Rev. 
S. A. Brenan. 
Armagh—Acton Glebe, Poyntz Pass, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. F. Johnson. 
Tyrone—Omagh, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Donegal—Templemore Park, Sept. 1904 ! D. C. Campbell. 
Meath—Drumeondra, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Dublin—Foxhall demesne, Raheny, abundant in a field, amongst horse-manure, 
evidently feeding on the fungi abounding there, Aug. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 
Carlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 
Kilkenny—Gardens, Bessborough, Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 
Mayo W.—At the ‘‘ Colony,” Achill Island, Sept. 1886! J. G. Milne. Dugort, 
July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Clare—Doonass, Aug. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 
Cork N.—Banks of river Lee, Cork, Sept. 1904 ! C. Baker. 
Kerry—Valentia Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. 
France—Sub-var. cinerea, Savoy (Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit.). 
Belgium—Recorded for about Brussels, Vielsalm, Liége, Roumont, and other 
places. Sub-var. ardosiarum, at Arlon, Geichel, and Vielsalm (Colbeau, op. cit.). 
A grey variety in a wood at Forest near Brussels, April 1888 (Staes, Bull. Soc. Mal. 
Belg., 1868, p. 25). 

Var. ferussaci Kaleniczenko (em) Bull. Mose., 1851, p. 113. 
Arion empiricorum var. K Férussac, Hist. Moll., 1819, p. 62, pl. 1, f. 8. 
Arion empiricorum ferussackti Kaleniczenko, op. cit. 
Arion virescens Millet, Moll. Maine et Loire, 1854, p. 11. 
Arion rufus var. virescens Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll., 185d, p. 11. 
Arion olivaceus Schmidt, Verh. Naturh. Preuss, 1856, p. 58. 
ANIMAL yellowish or orange, with lateral bands and dorsum greenish-grey, foot- 
fringe yellow. 
The vars. ferussackii and virescens are really names applied to the var. « of 
Férussac, to which form the var. swbdeleta of Cockerell also belongs. 
The sub-var. olivacea is described as olivaceous-brown and indistinetly fasciate. 
Montgomery—Under planks near bowling green, Welshpool, Aug. 1889! J. 
Bickerton Morgan. 
France—Sub-var. virescens, forests about Cholet, Angers, and Thorigné in the 
department Maine et Loire. 
Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. olivacew is recorded by Bielz from beneath bark, 
under stones or fallen wood, at an elevation of 2,000 to 6,000 feet, in the mountain 
forests of Transylvania. 
Russia—Var. ferussaci, in district of Achtyrka, Lebedin, and Zmiew, Kharkov. 

Var. alba Esmark, Nyt Mag. Naturv., 1882, p. 98. 
ANIMAL white, tinged with greyish on the back. 
Norway—Osterdalen, at an alt. of 2,300 ft. ; also at Tonset; Lille Lombolen, 
Maalselven in Tromsé; and Tromséen and Porsangerfjord in Finmark (Esmark, 
J. of Conch., Oct. 1886). 


Var. suecinea Bouillet, Moll. Auvergne, 1836, p. 14. 

Arton succineus Bouillet, op. cit. 
Arion campestris Mabille, Rev. Mag. Zool., 1868, p. 134. 
Arion citrinus Westerlund, Exposé Crit., 1871, p. 38. 
Arion mabillianus Bourguignat, Moll. Nouv. lit., 1886, p. 173, pl. 29, f. 1-4. 
Arion cinctus var, aurantiacus Dum. & Mort., Cat. Moll. Savoie, 1857, p. 7. 
slrion rubiginosus vay. nigricans Baudon, Mem. Limac. Oise, 1871, p. 5. 
Arion krynickit Kaleniczenko, Bull. Mosc., 1851, p. 114, pl. 4, f. 1. 
Arion cinctus var. atripunctatus Dum. & Mort., Mal. Sav., 1852, p. 7. 
Arion fuscus var. bettgeri Pollonera, Specie nuove ecc., 1887, p. 13, f. 14. 
Arion flavus Pollonera, Arionid# Reg. Paléarct., 1890, p. 18. 
Arion rufus var. levis Westerlund, Moll. Extram. Scand., 1897, p. 41. 
Arion bavayi Pollonera, Spec. nuove ecc., p. 12, f. 18. 
ANIMAL of a yellow or orange colour, with or without a more or less distinct 
lateral band at each side. 
The var. suecinea s.str., is yellow, dorsum chestnut-brown, foot-fringe yellow 
with dark lineoles. 
The sub-var. eitrina is of a citron-yellow, duller dorsally, neck and tentacles 
blackish, and black foot-fringe lineolation. 
The sub-var. mabilliana is ochraceous-yellow, with chestnut lateral banding. 
The sub-var. aurantiaea is of an orange colour with darker dorsum and lateral 
banding. ‘ 
The sub-var. campestris is orange-coloured without lateral bands, foot-fringe 
yellowish without lineoles, but spotted with orange. 
The sub-var. nigricans has the ground-tint gamboge, but shows brown ten- 
tacles, lateral bands, and dorsum. 
The sub-var. kryniekii is dull yellow, with cinereous bands and whitish foot-sole, 
The sub-var. atripunetata is yellow, dorsum darker, with black spots, lateral 
bands black, foot-fringe yellow with fuscous lineolation. 
The sub-var. boettgeri is yellow, dorsum chestnut or dark fuscous, sprinkled 
with black, lateral bands chestnut or blackish, foot-fringe yellow with black lineoles. 
The sub-var. flava is deep or pale yellow, without or with only indistinct lateral 
banding and indistinct foot-fringe lineolation. 
The sub-var. levis is yellowish, with brownish-yellow dorsum, foot-fringe with 
fuscous lineolation. 
The sub-var. bavayi is orange or yellow, dorsum fuscous, with black lateral 
band on each side, fringe yellow, lineolate with fuscous ; dermal mucus colourless. 
Surrey—Sub-var. awrantiaca, Shottermill (C. Pannell, J. of Conch., Jan. 1902). 
Stafford—Stafford ; canal side, Radford; and at Brewood, June, 1886! L. E. 
Adams. Hedgerows near Birmingham, F. J. Partridge and G. Breeden. 
Cheshire—Common at Romiley, June 1896! C. Oldham. 
Lancashire S.—Sub-v. aurantiaca, near Farineton, June 1890! W. H. Heathcote. 
York N.W.—Sub-var. aurantiaca, Islet Bridge, Aug. 1885! W. Denison Roebuck. 


Aberdeen S.— Garden, Rubislaw, Oct. 1904 ! G. Sim. 


Antrim—Cushendun, May 1886! Rev. 8S. A. Brenan. Abundant on Rathlin 
Island, and commoner than the type form at Murlough and other places on the 
north coast, May 1897, L. E. Adams. Sub-vars. curantiaca and campestris, Belfast, 
Dee. 1891, R. F. Sebartf. 

Down—Sub-vars. aurantiaca and campestris, Cultra, Dee. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Tyrone—Omagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Louth— Near Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Drumeondra, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Garden, Sloperton Lodge, Kingstown, May 1886! W. F. de V. Kane. 
Sub-var. fava, Pine wood, Howth Hill near Dublin, and Killakee in the Dublin 
Mountains (R. F. Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 544). 

Wicklow—Bray Head (R. F. Scharff, op. cit). 

Sligo—Sub-var. fava, Collooney, Sept. 1885 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Galway W.—Sub-var. flava, Renvyle and Kylemore, March 1891, R. F. Sehart?. 

Galway E.—Common in Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895 (Standen, Irish Nat., 
Sept. 1895). 

Tipperary S.—Sub-v. aurantiaca, Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904! Mrs. Maleolmson. 

Waterford—Abundant, Glenabbey, and in ditches of Mountain road, Clonmel, 
May 1886, Rey. A. H. Delap. 

Kerry—Sheen Wood and island in Middle Cloonee Lake, July 1898 (Standen, 
Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). 



Germany—Sub-var. campestris, Neu Brisach, Alsace. Sub-var. bettgeri, Bremen 

(Pollonera, Arionide Rég. Palearct., 1890, p. 13). Sub-var. citrina, Misdroy, Wollin 
Island, Pomerania (Babor, J. of Mal., 1894, p. 45). 

France-—In the elevated mountain woods of Puy-de-Dome and Cantal (Bouillet, 
l.e.). Sub-var. mabilliana, in the Forest d’Orient in the Aube. Sub-var. aurantiaca, 
Savoy (Dumont & Mortillet, op. cit.). Sub-var. nigricans, on mushrooms, chiefly in 
October, in the Forest of Hez, department of the Oise ; and Drouet has also found it 
at Dijon, Cote @Or. Sub-var. atripunctata, Mont Saxonnet, Savoy, at an alt. of 
over 3,000 feet (Dum. & Mott., op. cit.).  Sub-var. campestris, Bellancourt and 
Sévres, Seine. Sub-var. bavayi, Brest in Finistere. 

Switzerland—Sub-var. campestris, St. Gall (Westerlund, op. cit. ). 

Italy—Sub-var. atiripunctata, on the Alps, also Piano di Formazza, Piedmont 
(Pollonera, Arionidze Reg. Paléarct., 1890, p. 13). 

Norway—Elvanaes and Jarfjord (Esmark & Hoyer, Mal. Bl., 1886, p. 103). Sub- 
vars. citring and fava, Ringerige (Westerlund, 1.c.). 

Sweden—Sub-var. /ewvis, Krokum in Jemtland. Sub-var. edtrina, Ofvedskloster 
in Scania, and in Blekinge. Sub-var. flava, Esperod in Scania, rarely in Smaland, 
and in Blekinge (Westerlund, 1.c.). 

Denmark—Sub-var. flava, Copenhagen (Westerlund, l.c.). 

Russia—Sub-var. Arynichii, in moist woodlands near Lvanovka in Sumy district. 
Frequent in rainy weather by woodland roads, on Morchellw, near Danilovka-Parva, 
Kuryseh, and Kvitkin in the district of Kharkov (Kaleniczenko, 1c. ). 

Var. pegorarii Less. & Poll., Mon. Limac. [tal., 1882, p. 62. 

Arion pegorarii Less. & Poll., op. cit. 

Arion stabilet Pollonera, Elencho Moll. Terr. Piem., 1885, p. 28. 

Avion pollonere Pini, Nov. Malac., 1884, p. 42. 

Arion subfuscus var. transylvanus Simroth, Zeitschr. Wissensch. Zool., 1885, p. 284. 
Arion subfuscus var. alpestris Pollonera, Arionide Rég. Paléarct., 1890, p. 12. 

ANIMAL quadrifasciate, showing dark subdorsal and lateral banding on each side. 

The var. pegorarii s.str., is dusky rufous, confusedly quadrifasciate; foot-fringe 
dark grey, with black lineolations ; sole whitish and mucus yellow. According to 
Pollonera, this form is also distinguished from the typical form by the presence of 
an additional ectocone to the marginal teeth. 

The sub-var. stabilei is described as yellowish or orange, confusedly quadri- 
fasciate ; foot-fringe with black lineolations. 

The sub-var. pollonerse grows to a larger size (80 mill.) and is confusedly quad- 
rifasciate, with pale yellow fringe, and conspicuous lineolation. 

The snb-var. transylvana is very darkly coloured and quadrifasciate. 

The sub-var. alpestris is yellow or orange ; dorsum more or less chestnut or 
fuscous-black ; fascia blackish or chestnut coloured ; fringe yellow, lineolate with 


Germany—Sub-var. a/pestris (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

France—Sub-var. «/pestris, north of France (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Italy—Etrouble, valley of Aosta, Piedmont. Sub-var. pollonere, Intra on Lake 
Maggiore, Piedmont. Sub-var. a/pestris, Alps; sub-var. stabilei, Maccugnaga, Pied- 
mont (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. transulvana, Transylvania (Simroth, l.c.). 

Sweden—Malm records a quadrifasciate variety from Lulea-Lappmark, which 
would perhaps be best placed under pegorari. 

Geographical Distribution.— Arion sub/uscus has a more extended 
distribution than A. ater, as, in either its typical or in its aberrant forms its 
range extends on all sides beyond that of the latter species, forming as it 
were a fringe beyond the inhabited area of its congener. 

The distributional area comprises almost the whole of Europe, except the 
south-eastern extremity, where Arionidw are practically deficient. 

It is recorded as inhabiting the British Isles, Germany, France, Belgium, 
Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Austro-Hungary, Russia, 


Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, and it is not improbable that the slugs 
recorded as Arion hortensis from Siberia really appertain to this species. 

It has also been noted from the United States, New Zealand, and other 
places, where it has been introduced by commerce. 

In the British Isles, this species is well distributed throughout the 
country, except in East Anglia, where it is apparently absent, no authentic 
record of its occurrence within that area being known, nor have we ever 
seen an example therefrom. 

This remarkable scarcity or absence from the Hast Anglian district, taken 
in conjunction with its increasing abundance westward and in Ireland, i is 
strongly corroborative of A. subfuse us being one of the weaker and less 
adaptable species, which are being gradually but surely expelled from the 
eastern regions of this country. 

Geographical Distribution 


Arion subfuscus (Drap.). 

HEB Recorded Distribution. 
[_]Probable Range. 

Fic. 220. 
Channel Isles—V. cineveo-fusca, St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sept. 1891! B. Tomlin. 

Cornwall W.—Trevedock rd., St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. Penzance, Jan. 
1905! L. E. Adams. Type and var. cinereo- fusca, Truro, May 1886! J. H. James. 

Cornwall E.—Garden bank, and Queen’s Hill, St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. 

Devon S.—Common at Topsham, Sept. 1892! Lionel E. Adams. Type and var. 
cinereo-fusca, Teignmouth, Oct. 1888 ! L. St. G. Byne. 

Devon N.—Dartmoor, July 1889! W. A. Gain. Type and var. cinereo-fusca, 
Belstone near Okehampton, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 

Somerset S.—Type and var. brunnea, allotment gardens near canal, Bridgwater, 

Aug. 1884! W. Vinson. 

Wilts. N.—Manton near Marlborough, E. Meyrick, Sept. 1904. 

Dorset—Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885! A. Belt. Portland, Aug. 1886! J. 
Saco Stour Provost (E. W. Swanton, Nat. Journ., March 1902). Broadstone, 

Parkstone, July 1904! T. D. A. Cockerell. Var. cinereo-fusca, Montevideo, Chick- 
erell, near Weymouth, Sept. 1904 ! Nelson M. Richardson. 

Isle of Wight—Yarmouth, May 1887! C. Ashford. 

Hants. S.—Garden, Christchurch, Noy. 1884! Burton, Apr. 1890; Roeshot Hill, 
June 1890 ; 3olderwood, Aug. 1887 ; and Southampton, C. Ashford. Hambledon, 
May 1904! C. 8. Coles. 

Hants. N.—Type and sub-var. brunnea, Preston Candover, Noy. 1885 ! Rev. H. P. 

Sussex W.—T'ype and var. cinereo-fuscu, Up Park, Ang. 1886! W. Jeffery. 



Kent W.—Chislehurst, May 1885! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Surrey—Haslemere, Shottermill, Punch Bowl, and Grayswood ;  sub-var. 
aurantiaca, Shottermill ; and sub-var. brunnea, Haslemere (C. Pannell, J. of C.. 
Jan. 1902). 

Middlesex—Type and var. cinereo-fusca, Muswell Hill road, Highgate, July 
1888 ! and sub-var. brunnea, Churehyard Bottom wood, May 1889! H. W. Kew. 

Oxford—Plentiful and well distributed, varying much in colour, usually much 
paler in the southern parts of the county (W. E. Collinge, Conch., 1891, p. 13). 


Northampton—By no means common, Harlestone, May 1893! Yardley Chase 

and Desborough, L. E. Adams. Haselbeech, Rev. W. A. Shaw, Sept. 1904. 

Gloucester W.—Strond, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. 

Monmouth—Type and var. cinereo-fusca, banks of Wye, Monmouth, July 1891! 
W. Whitwell. Type and var. cinereo-fusca, garden, Rose Cottage, Talywain, July 
1904 ! J. Manners. 7 

Worcester—Sub-var. grisea, W. E. Collinge, Jan. 1905. 

Warwick-—Dudley Castle, 1896, H. Overton. Sutton Coldfield, 1897, A. Wood. 
Sub-var. grisea, W. E. Collinge, Jan. 1905 ; also a form of sub-var. fagel/a, Sutton 
Coldfield, H. Overton (id., Journ. of Mal., Dee. 1904). 

Stafford—Froghall, April 1889 ! T. F. Burrows. Fir woods near Cheadle, April 
1889 ! J. R. B. Masefield. Newton road, near Birmingham, July 1893! C. Oldham. 
Var. succinea, hedgerows near Birmingham, F. J. Partridge and G. Breeden. Type 
and var. succinea, Stafford ; canal side, Radford ; and Brewood, June 1886! L. E. 

Salop—Type and sub-var. brunnea, Oswestry, June 1885 ! B. Hudson. 


Glamorgan-—Cardiff, 1888; sub-var. of bicolor by river Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 
1885 ! F. W. Wotton. 

Brecon—Var. cincreo-fusca, Erwood, Oct. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Carmarthen—Var. cinereo-fusca, Lilanelly, Sept. 1904 ! H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Pembroke— Plantation, Heywood lane, Tenby, A. G. Stubbs. Haverfordwest, 
Sept. 1904 ! Price Davies. Type, var. c/nereo-fusca, and sub-var. brunnea, Pem- 
broke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. 


Montgomery—Ftail-wag, June 1885! Baker Hudson. Sarnau near Welshpool 
(J. B. Morgan, Moll. Montgomery, 1891). Type and var. ferussaci, timber yard, 
Welshpool, June 1889! J. B. Morgan. 

Merioneth-—Nant-y-Mor, June 1901 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Carnarvon—Llangelynen, July 1883! W. Denison Roebuck. Abersoch, June 
1896, C. Oldham. Yr Aran, Snowdon, Aug. 1891! H. P. Marshall. Var. ecnerco- 
fusca, slopes of Snowdon, April 1887 ! J. Madison. 

Denbigh—Common on low-lying ground, Bont-ddu near Dolgelly (Fenn, J. of C., 
July 1887, p. 198). Colwyn Bay, April 1897; common, Bettws-y-Coed, May, 1898 ; 
abundant, Nant Glyn, May 1904, C. Oldham. 


Lincoln S.—Fulbeck Grange, Dec. 1888 ! J. Burtt Davy. Careby Wood near 
Grantham, June 1903 ! H. W. Kirkby. 

Lincoln N.—Well Vale, Sept. 1889 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Farlesthorpe (J. 
Burtt Davy, Garner, May 1891). Var. cinereo-fusea, Uleeby-with-Fordington, Oct. 
1889 ! J. Burtt Davy. 

Notts.—Cleveland Hill, West Markham, April 1884! C. T. Musson. ‘Type and 
sub-var. brunnea, garden, Tuxford, April 1885! W. A. Gain. 

Derby—Marple, May 1885! and Buxton, May 1893! C. Oldham. Darley Dale, 
June 1890! W. H. Heatheote. Winster, June 1885! Rey. H. Milnes. Near Hather- 
sage, Aug. 1890! type and sub-var. braunnea, Clifton, Sept. 1889 ! L. E. Adams. 


Cheshire—Bowdon, Sept. 1884! and Hale, May 1885! J. G. Milne. Garden, 
Heatley Honse, Sept. 1885! L. E. Adams. Marple, May 1891! L. St. G. Byne. 
Sale and Northenden, June 1885 ! and at Baguley Hall, Sept. 1892 ! also type and 
var. succinea, Romiley, June 1896! C. Oldham. 

Lancashire S.—Hough Green near Widnes, March 1884! H. L. Edwards. Near 
Preston, June 1888 ! sub-var. aurantiaca, abundant along a roadside hedgerow, 
Farington, June 1890! W. H. Heathcote. Type and sub-var. grisea, Knowsley 
(W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893, p. 148). 

Lancashire Mid—Over Wyresdale, alt. 1,000 ft., April 1903 ! Rev. W. W. Mason. 
Broughton near Preston, July 1904 ! W. H. Heathcote. 



York S.E.—Filey. 1903 ; banks of canal, Beverley, J. D. Butterell. 

York N.E.—Wilton Wood, May 1887! Beedale, June 1901 ! Harwood Dale and 
Breaday Gill, May 1904! Bowes, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. Haybnurn Wyke, 
Aug. 1894, F. W. Fierke. Type and var. cinereo-fusca, Ingleby Greenhow, Sept. 
1890! Rev. J. Hawell. 

York S.W.-—Common, Lofthouse, May 1887, Geo. Roberts. In and around 
garden, Rose Hill, Penistone, Nov. 1889! L. E. Adams. Bell Hogg near Sheffield, 
June 1893! C. Oldham. Wheatley Wood, Doncaster, April 1904! H. H. Corbett. 
Hebden Bridge, June 1904 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Common at Elland Park wood ; 
Jagger Green; Howroyd Clough and Red Lane Dyke, Halifax, J. E. Crowther, 
Halifax Nat., Aug. 1908, p. 49. 

York Mid W.—Gardens and fields near canal, Saltaire, Noy. 1883 ! marshy field 
in Tong Park, 1887; Eshoit and Fagley, 1888 ; Calverley Wood and Shipley Glen, 
1889, H. T. Soppitt. Manston, May 1904! W. H. Hutton. Eavestone, Sept. 1886 ! 
J. Ingleby. Miekley Wood, Aug. 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Buttertubs Pass, 
alt. 1,500 feet, May 1904! H. Wallis Kew. Grassington, Sept. 1900, F. Rhodes. 
Waterfall, Crook Gill, Buckden, Aug. 1904 ! A. H. Pawson. 

York N.W.—Horton-in-Ribblesdale, May 1892! W. D. Roebuck. Ingleton 
(Collinge, Nat., 1890, p. 198). Hammerton Hall, Bolland, Aug. 1885 ! and sub-var. 
aurantiaca, Islet Bridge, Aug. 1885! W. Denison Roebuck. 


Durham-—Durham, April 1884! Baker Hudson. Harwood Dale, Aug. 1889, 
W. Denison Roebuck. 

Northumberland—Gosforth, Aug. 1904 ! Mrs. Willans. Type and sub-var. 
brunnea, Stocksfield-on-Tyne, May 1885! H. E. Craven. 


Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Coniston Old Man, July 1887! S. C. 
Cockerell. Holywath, Coniston, Oct. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Var. cinereo- 
Jusca, Grasmere, June 1886! C. Oldhanr. Sub-var. grisea, Grange, 1897 (Fowler, 
Journ. of Mal., 1899, p. 38). 

Cumberland—Keswick, July 1903! Rev. R. Godfrey. Sub-var. brinnea, Skid- 
daw Forest, Sept. 1890 ! Rev. J. Hawell. 

Isle of Man—Glen Maye and Keppel Gate, Snaefell, Sept. 1891 ! 

Dumfries—Type and var. cinereo-fusca, Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 
Kirkcudbright—Castle Douglas, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Adneil, Nov. 1903, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Renfrew—Var. cinerco-fusca, Braidland, Aug. 1890! J. M. B. Taylor. 

Lanark—Wilderness Wood, Cadder, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Type 
and sub-var. brunnea, Blackwood estate, Kirkinuirhill, Sept. 1904 ! N. B. Kinnear. 


: Peebles—Leadburn, about disused farm buildings, July 1889! W. D. Roebuck. 
West Lynton ! Lyne! and Standalane near Peebles, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Holylee, July 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Var. cinereo-fusca, near 
Selkirk, Oct. 1890! W. Evans. 

Roxburgh—Type, var. cinereo-fusca, and sub-var. brunnea, Jedburgh, Sept. 
1904! J. Roseburgh. 

Berwick —Avion subflavus frequent in woods and shady places (G. Johnston, 
Berwick N.C. Proc., 1838, p. 154). Eyemouth, W. Evans. Var. cinereo-fusea, 
Dryburgh, July 1889! W. Denison Roebuek. 

Haddington—Aberlady, May 1890! Westbarn Links near Dunbar, Sept. 1894! 
Luffness Links, May 1890 ! W. Evans. 

_ Edinburgh —Abundant by field-paths, Craiglockhart near Edinburgh July 1889 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. Near Balerno, April 1890! Caroline Park, Granton, Nov. 
1890! The Bush, Penicuik, Dee. 1890! and Kirknewton, Feb. 1897, W. Evans. 
Var. cinereo-fusca, Braidburn ! W. E. Clarke. 

Linlithgow—About Linlithgow, Oct. 1890 ! Binny Craig, Mech. 1898 ; and Bonny- 
town Hills, Aug. 1901, W. Evans. Fairly common in the county and noted at 
Blackness, Carriden, Preston, Livingston, Kinneil Mill, Graeme’s Dyke, Bankhead, 
and Bo'ness, Rev. R. Godfrey. i 


Fife and Kinross —Otterston, June 1890! Dura Den, July 1890! Falkland Woods, 
Aug. 1895 ; Loch Leven, Feb. 1896 ; also type and var. cinereo-fusca, Loch Gelly, 
May 1895, W. Evans. Sub-vars. lateritia and grisea, Mount Melville, St. Andrews 
(W. E. Collinge, l.e.). 


a | 

Stirling —Cambusbarron, Stirling, July 1894! A. MeLellan. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—South slope of Drummond Hill! Dollar, April 
1897 ; Callander, May 1894! and Aberfoyle, April 1896, W. Evans. Balquhidder, 
July 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Perth Mid—Crianlarich, Aug. 1888! Alex. Somerville. Inver Dunkeld, Sept. 
1904! A. Rodgers. Var. cinerco-fusca, Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1904 ! Rev. 
R. Godfrey. Var. cinereo-fusea and sub-var. brunnea, Dunkeld road, Perth, Sept. 
1904! W. Evans. 

Perth N.—Fenderbridge, Glen Tilt, Sept. 1898! and Blairgowrie, July 1890! 
W. Evans. 

Kincardine—Banchory, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.—Drum Woods, Deeside, Oct. 1886! C. B. Plowright. Aberdeen 
Links, July 1890 ! W. Evans. Banks of Don near Aberdeen, Sept. 1904 ! var. 
succinea and sub-var. brunnea, garden, Rubislaw, Oct. 1904! G. Sim. 

Banff—Banks of Avon above Ballindalloch, Sept. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Elgin—Below Grantown, Strathspey, Aug. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Easterness—Dalwhinnie, alt. 1,200 ft., June 1892! W. Evans. Var. rufo-fusca, 
Rothiemurchus pine forest, Aug. 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. ie 


Main Argyle—Dunoon ! and Ardenadam ! W. Denison Roebuck.  Ballineanoch, 
Sonachan, Barbreek, Lochan Dubh near Oban, Dunollie, Ganavan, Glen Sheileach, 
Gallanach road, and on the moor near Benbeg, July 1901, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Clyde Isles—Isle of Arran: Brodick, April 1895! W. Evans ; and Loch Greenan, 
July 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Isle of Bute: near the aquarium, Rothesay, 
Nov. 1886! T. Scott. 

Cantire—About old castle, Tarbert, April 1886 ! T. Scott. 

Ross W.— Ullapool, Aug. 1886 ! Alex. Somerville. 
Sutherland E.—South side of Little Dornoch, Oct. 1884! and Blue Rock, Brora, 
March 1885 ! W. Baillie. 


Derry —Moderately common by banks of river Bann, Coleraine, Nov. 1883, L. E. 
Adams.  Ballynagard, June 1892; and Gortness, Sept. 1904! D. C. Campbell. 
Creagh meadows, Toome, June 1893; shores of Lough Neagh, June 1899; and under 
logs on railway embankment, Limavady Junction, Mareh 1903, R. Welch. 

Antrim—Collooney, Sept. 1885! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Dunluce Castle and 
old church, Sept. 1893; Cave Hill, 1893; large and common at Plantation Port, 
Kenbane, Oct. 1898 ; stream-side, Whitepark Bay, June 1899; common and finer 
than usual, Brown’s Bay, Larne, July 1899; Colin Glen, Nov. 1899; Bush Bay, 
Jan. 1900; Glencorp, March 1900; common about Armoy, Glenshesk, and the 
Ballyeastle district generally, R. Welch. Abundant about Murlough Bay, Cush- 
endun, and all along the north coast of Antrim; also on Rathlin Island, and at 
Loughaveena, at 900 ft. alt., in the midst of a bog, in company with Arion ater. 
In some localities the sub-var. awrantiaca is far commoner than the type, May 1897, 
L. E. Adams. Type and sub-vars. aurantiaca and campestris, Belfast, Dec. 1891, 
R. F. Schartt. Var. eznereo-fusca, Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904! Miss F. 8S. O’Connor, 
Vars. cinereo-fusca and succinea, Cushendun, May 1886! and var. cinereo-fusca, 
Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1896 ! Rev. S. A. Brenan. 

Down—Beech Hill near Newry, July 1904! R. J. Anderson. Clonduff, Hilltown 
and Ballinoe Stone-cirele, Jan. 1898; very common on rockery, Oakleigh, Ormeau 
Park, Belfast, May 1898 ; common on fallen trees by Hillsborough Monument, April 
1899; and common under logs, Helen’s Bay, Sept. 1904, A. W. Stelfox and h. 
Welch. Finnebrogue Woods, Dee. 1900; and rare on shores of Lough Aghery, 
May 1904, R. Welch. ‘Type and sub-vars. aurantiaca and campestris, Cultra, Dee. 
1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Armagh—Type and sub-var. brunnea, Armagh, June 1885 ! Rev. H. W. Lett. 
Var. cinereo-fusea, Acton Glebe, Poyntz Pass, Sept. 1904! Rev, W. F. Johnson. 

Monaghan—Carrickmacross, Sep. 1904! also type and sub-var. brunnea, Dram- 
reaske, Sept. 1904! W. F. de Visines Kane. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt, Sept. 1904! R. Bell. Sion Mills, Feb. 1900, R. Welch. 
Var. cinereo-fusca and sub-var. aurantiaca, Omagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Ardara Woods, April 1900, R. Welch. Var. cinereo-fusca, Temple- 
more Park, Sept. 1904 ! D. C. Campbell. 

Cavan—Mullagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson, 



Louth—Woods and fields, Piperstown, Oct. 1889! Miss 8S. Smith. Dromiskin, 
June 1904! Narrow Water, Dee. 1904! var. brunnea, Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 
1904 ! and sub-var. aurantiaca, Drogheda, Sept. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Large at Slane Hill, July 1900, Rev. A. M. Norman and R. Welch. 
Grange, June 1892, R. F. Seharff. Var. cinereo-fusea and sub-var. aurantiaca, 
Drumcondra, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Dublin, March 1886 ! J. R. Redding. Fairly common in Bushey Park, 
Dublin, Sept. 1903 (Welch and Stelfox, Irish Nat., June 1904, p. 123). Var. swecinea, 
Sloperton Lodge, Kingstown, May 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Var. cinereo- 
fusca, Foxhall Demesne, Raheny, Aug. 1890; also sub-var. flava, Howth, Sept. 
1890: and Killakee, Dublin Mountains, Feb. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Kildare—Sub-var. brunnea, Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 

Wicklow—Common on beech trees in Glen of Downs, July 1891; Little Sugar- 
Loaf Mountain, July 1891; Woodenbridge and sandhills, Arklow, March 1893; 
type and var. succinea, Bray Head, R. F. Scharff. Powerscourt, May 1886! 
W. F. de Vismes Kane. Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, Sept. 1890! G. E. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Carlow—Var. cinerco-fusea, Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis 
R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Var. cinereo-fusca, gardens, Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Queen’s Co.—La Bergerie, Aug. 1840, Rev. B. J. Clarke. Stradbally, Sept. 
1904! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904 ! R. McKenna. 

Westmeath—Common, Knockdrin Demesne, April 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Longford—Currygrane, Noy. 1901, Mrs. J. Mackay Wilson (Welch, Irish Nat., 
July 1902). 

Roscommon— Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

Leitrim—Mohill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Swiss Valley, Glencar, July 1904 ! 
A. W. Stelfox. 

Sligo—Rare, Sligo and Ballysodare, Sept. 1900, A. W. Stelfox. Raghly Point 
and Lissadill, July 1904, R. Welch. Sub-var. flava, Collooney near Sligo, Sept. 
1885 ! and sub-var. brunnea, Rockwood, Lough Gill, Oct. 1886 ! W. F. de V. Kane. 

Mayo W.—In ruined cottage, Slievemore, Sept. 1886 (J. G. Milne, J. of Conch., 
Oct. 1891). Ballina, Miss Amy Warren (W. E. Collinge, Irish Nat., May 1896, p. 
144). Type and sub-var. brunnea, Enniscoe Demesne, Crossmolina, Sept. 1885 ! 
W. F. de Vismes Kane. Var. cinereo-fusca, Dugort, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Roundstone, also sub-var. flava, Renvyle and Kylemore, Mareh 
1891, R. F. Scharff. Var. cinereo-fusca and sub-var. brunnea, Kylemore Castle 
Gardens, Sept. 1904! W. Comfort. 

Galway E.—Woodyard, Clonbrock, June 1896, Hon. R. E. Dillon and R. Welch. 
Type and sub-var. aurantiaca, common in Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895 (R. 
Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895, p. 267). 


Clare—Woodpark, Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. F. Hibbert. Cratloe, Sept. 1904 ! 
and var. cinereo-fusca, Doonass, Aug. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 

Limerick—Castle Connell, July 1904! R. A. Phillips. 

Tipperary N.—Shores of Lough Derg, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary S.—Type and sub-var. aurantiaca, Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904 ! 
Mrs. Maleolmson. 

Waterford—Kilmanock, Aug. 1904 ! G. E. H. Barrett-Hamilton. Type and var. 
aurantiaca, Glenabbey and Mountain road, Clonmel, Sept. 1886 ! Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Cork N.—Var. cinereo-fusca, north bank of river Lee, Cork, Sep. 1904 ! C. Baker. 

Cork S.—Rare on banks of river Lee, Cork, July 1904, R. Welch. Moderately 
common at Blarney Castle and Bantry, Sept. 1898, Lionel E. Adams. Sub-vars. 
flagella and phillipsi, Schull, July 1893 (W. E. Collinge, 1.c.). 

Kerry—Common, Glengariff and Kenmare, Sep. 1898, L. E. Adams. Gt. Skellig, 
Rey. A. H. Delap. Type, var. einereo-fusca, and sub-var. brunnea, Valentia Island, 
Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. Var. swecinea, Sheen Wood, and island in Middle 
Cloonee Lake, July 1898 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). 


This species is said to be found throughout Germany, but is rare in the north ; 
it is often found amongst fungi in the heathy pine forests, and has been definitely 
reported from Alsace, Bremen, Brandenburg, Baden, Bavaria, Cassel, Franconia, 
Hanover, Holstein, Lausitz, Lorraine, Mecklenburg, Nassau, Osnabruck, Pomerania, 
Pyrmont, Swabia, Saxony, Schleswig, Silesia, Westphalia, and Wurtemburg. 


PuatTE XX. 

Distribution of Avion subfuscus (Drap.) 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 
1 Cornwall W. 
2 Cornwall E. 
Devon §. 
Devon N. 
Somerset 8. 
Somerset N. 
Wilts N. 
Wilts 8. 
10 Isle of Wight 
11 Hants 8S. 
12 Hants N. 
13 Sussex W. 
14 Sussex E. 
15 Kent E. 
16 Kent W. 
17 Surrey 
18 Essex 8. 

ons Onron 

20 Herts. 

21 Middlesex 

22 Berks. 

23 Oxford 

24 Bucks. 

25 Suffolk E. 

26 Suffolk W. 

27 Norfolk E. 

28 Norfolk W. 

29 Cambridge 

30 Bedford 

31 Hunts. 

32 Northampton 

33 Gloucester E. 

34 Gloucester W. 

35 Monmouth 

36 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Stafford 

40 Salop 


Lincoln §. 
Lincoln N. 
Leic. & Rutld. 

MERSEY t10_ 

Lancashire 8. 
Lan’shire Mid * 
S.E. York 
N.E. York 
S.W. York 
Mid W, York® 
N.W. York 
Durham . 
Northumb. 8. 

8 Cheviotland 

and L. Lanes. 
Isle of Man 


Probable Range. 

NS Recorded Distribution. 
GMM Distribution verified by the Authors. 




72 Dumtries 
73 Kirkeudbright 
74 Wigtown 
75) Ayr 
76 Renfrew 
77 Lanark 

78° Peebles 
79 Selkirk 
80 Roxburgh 
81 Berwick 
82 Haddington 
83 Edinburgh 
84 Linlithgow 

85 Fife & hinross 
86 Stirling 
87 Pth. 8. & Clkn. 
88 Mid Perth 
89 Perth N. 
90 Forfar 
91 Kincardine 
92 Aberdeen §. 

93 Aberdeen N. 
£4 Banff 
95 Elgin 
86 Hasterness 
$7 Westerness 
98 Main Argyle 
99 Dumbarton 
100 Clyde Isles 
101 Cantire 
102 Ebudes §. 
103 Ebudes Mid 
1¢4 Ebudes N. 
105 Ross W 
106 Ross E. 

107 Sutherland E, 
108 SutherlandW 
109 Caithness 

110 Hebrides 
111 Orkneys 
112 Shetlands 



113 Derry 

114 Antrim 

115 Down 

116 Armagh 

117 Monaghan 
118 Tyrone 

119 Donegal 

120 Fermanagh 
121 Cavan 

22 Louth 
23 Meath 
124 Dublin 
130 Queen’s Co. 
King’s Co. 
2 Westmeath 
133 Longford 
136 Sligo 
13 Mayo E. 
138 Mayo W. 
9 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
3 Tipperary N. 
Tipperary 8. 
5 Waterford 
} Cork N. 
Cork 8. 


Belgium —Recorded from Brabant, Liége, Luxemburg, Namur, ete. 

Arion subfuscus is recorded from the following departments or districts, but is 
said to be most abundant in the southern and central regions :—Aube, Aude, 
Ariege, Basses Pyrénées, Cantal, Champagne Meridionale, “Cétes-du- Nord, Cote 
WVOr, Finistére, Gironde, Hautes Alpes, Haute Garonne, Haute Loire, Hautes 
Pyrénées, Hérault, Ille-et-Vilaine, Isere, Landes, Loire Inférieure, Maine et Loire, 
Morbihan, Moselle, Niévre, Oise, Pas-de- Calais, Puy-de-Déme, Pyrénées Orientales, 
Savoie, Seine, Seine et Oise, Somme, Tarn, Var, and Vosges. Sub-var. fuscata in 
woods around Paris, department of the Seine. 

This species has been recorded from the cantons of Aargau, Lucerne, Solothurn, 
St. Gall, and the Grisons ; the sub-var. gaudefroyi from St. Gall. 

Arion subfuscus is, according to Pollonera, confined to the hilly regions of the 
north, and the records of this species for Central and Southern Italy are due to 

errors of determination. 
Spain—Arion subfuscus is recorded from several places in Catalonia, and from 
Aragon and Navarra by Fagot. 
Portugal—Arion fuligineus is recorded by Morelet from a roadside wall near 
Ponte do Lima in the province of Douro. 

Roumania—Indicated by Simroth as an inhabitant of Roumania. 

Recorded as found in Austria, Bohemia, Carinthia, Carniola, Goritz, Hungary, 
Moravia, Styria, Tyrol, and Transylvania. 


Norway—Found throughout Norway as far north as North Cape, 71° 8’ north 
latitude, and Stangenes at the mouth of the Tana in East Finmark. It is common 
on Tromsoen and Ando, and also about Trondjhem, Bergen, and Christiania. 

Sweden—This species is found almost throughout Sweden, and has been noted 
as far north as Ofver-Lulea in Norbotten ; it is also recorded from Jemtland ; about 
Stockholm in Svealand; in Gothland at Ronneby, Gothenburg, and Christianstadt ; 
near Frollinge in Halland, Balsberg in North Scania, and the Island of Bornholm. 

Denmark—Common in Zealand, and rare in Jutland. It is also reported from 
Iceland and the Faroes. 


Found throughout European Russia, extending eastwardly to the Ural Moun- 
tains about the 65th parallel, and also over the Arctic and wooded northern districts, 
having been found by Wallenberg near the coast on the shores of the arctic sea in 
Russian Lapland, at 69° north latitude. It is plentiful about Reval in Esthland ; 
Dorpat in Livland; in Courland; in the Ukraine; about Moscow ; and in many 
localities about Warsaw in Poland. It is met with in the Aland Isles, also 
throughout Finland, the specimens inhabiting the tract adjoining the Gulf of Fin- 
land having been distinguished as var. fennica, but have been recorded by others 
from thence as Arion ater. 

Sub-var. fuscata, according to Kaleniezenko, inhabits shady woods about Nejin 
and Borozda, Tschernigov ; and moist woods about Izium, Kharkov. 

Siberia—Under the name of A. hortensis, Schrenk describes what is probably 
this species as generally distributed in Amurland; on the Lower Amur, it was 
found in damp deciduous woods near Teutscha, and at Dshare. It is also probable 
that the Arion collected by Dr. Theel in June and July, 1876, at Mikoulina on the 
Jenissei, are properly referable to Arion subfuscus. 


New York—Arion fuscus, Lloyd’s Neck, Long Island (H. Prime, Oct. 1895). 

Massachusetts—A. fuscus, in yards and gardens, New Bedford ; (J. H. Thomson, 
J. of Coneh., Oct. 1885); gardens between Chestnut and Mount Vernon streets, 
above Willow street, and elsewhere in Boston (W. G. Binney, Manual Amer. Land 

Shells, 1885, p. 459). 
New Zealand—Arion fuscus Miill. introduced into New Zealand (Hutton, Trans. 
N.Z, Inst., xvi., p. 211). 
15/5/05 O 


Arion hortensis Férussac. 
1819 Arion hortensis Férussac, Hist. Moll., p. 65, pl. 2, ff. 4, 5. 

1826 — lineatus Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid., p. 55. 

1855 — (Prolepis) fuscus Moq.-Tand., Hist. Moll. France, p. 14, pl. 1, ff. 28-30. 
1866 — anthracius Bourg., Moll. nouv. lit., ete., p. 178, pl. 29, ‘ff, 8-10. 

1870 — pelophilus Mabille, Ann. Malac., p. 117. 

1870 — distinctus Mabille, op. cit., p. 119. 

1881 — pyrenaicus Fagot, in Gourdon. Moll. Luchon, p. 82. 

1883. — alpinus Fitz., Syst. Verz. Oesterr. Weichth. 

1889 — cottianus Pollonera, Contr. Studio Arion Europ., p. 14, ff. 23, 24. 

1894 — elongatus Collinge, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., p. 66, pl. 5a. 

1897 — ceruleus Collinge, Proe. Zool. Soc., p. 444, pl. 31, ff. 18, 19. 

1821 Limax subfuscus Pfeiffer, Syst. Anord., p. 20. 
1868 Prolepis hortensis Malm, Limae. Scand., p. 49, pl. 2, f. 5. 
1873 Kobeltia hortensis Seibert, Nachr. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., p. 81. 

ISTORY.— Arion hortensis (hor- 
tensis, a garden) was first found 
in this country in 1817, ‘i Dr. Leach, 
who placed specimens in the National 
Collection ; its occurrence was, how- 
ever, not published until 1821, when 
Dr. Gray added the species to the 
British list in the pages of the 
Medical Repository. 

It is probably in part the Zimar 
Fasciatus of Nilsson, and according to 
Férussac the vestigial shell is “the 
Limacella concava of Brard. 

This species has been separated 
from Arion ater and A. subfuscus by 
Moquin-Tandon and other s,and placed 
ina group Prolepis, which is chavacter- 
ized by possessing a more completely 
formed shell than is said to be present 
in the two former species. ‘This 
character is, however, quite illusory, 

o. ie as 1s also their separation based upon 
¢ VLR the modification of the genital atrium, 

as proposed by Dr. Simroth. 

This species is associated with Mr. E. J. Lowe, F.R.S., of Shirenewton 
Hall, Chepstow, the famous fern specialist, and author of many esteemed 
works thereon, in acknowledgment of the excellence of his ‘‘Conchology of 
Nottingham,” published in 1853, and of his exceptional knowledge of the 
specific characters and habits of our British slugs. 

Diagnosis.— Arion hortensis may be distinguished from Arion ater 
and Arion subfuscus by its much smaller size and different shade of 
colouring. From Arion circumseriptus it is separable by its tough, 
leathery integument, its more slender form, orange foot, black dorsum, 
and the more indistinctly defined black lateral bands, which are also 
less dorsally placed than in that species. 


As Dr. Scharff has pointed out, it can be distinguished from similarly 
sized specimens of Arion ater by its dark colouring, the young of ater 
being usually light coloured, and the wrinkles longer and broader, while 
A. intermedius is readily separable by the possession of the peculiar little 
conically-pointed body wrinkles, which have earned for it the title of the 
“hedgehog snail.” 

INTERNALLY, this species is distinctly separated from its closest ally, 
A. circumscriptus, by the large globular spermatheca, and the extra 
long and almost uniform free-oviduct, a feature which distinguishes it 
also from the other species. 

Description.—ANIMAL of somewhat cylindrical shape, but dorsally depressed, 
about thirty mill. long when fully extended, of an uniform bluish-grey or slate-grey 
colour, darkest and almost black mid-dorsally, shading paler towards the foot, with 
a black lateral band, which is most indistinct at its lower margin, and extends the 
whole length of the body and shield; BODY TUBERCLES comparatively broad, and 
forming about twenty-four longitudinal rows at each side; SHIELD comparatively 
small and coloured like the body, rounded in front and broadly rounded behind, 
finely shagreened, with the lateral banding of the body continued as a somewhat 
lyre-shaped black banding, which arches over the respiratory orifice; HEAD dark, 
especially in front; NECK pale; OMMATOPHORES dark, due in great part to the dusky 
retractors ; SOLE not visibly tripartite, yellowish or orange ; FOOT-FRINGE similarly 
coloured, with slight transverse furrows which are sometimes faintly pigmented. 

DERMAL-MUCUS yellowish or orange coloured and very viscid, the caudal and 
locomotory mucus colourless, the latter stained by admixture with the yellow 
tegumentary slime. 

The SHELL is described, especially by Italian authors, as well developed and 
solid, but in our British specimens it is usually soft and gelatinous, and only dis- 
tinguishable by its colour, but hardens by exposure; occasionally, however, distinctly 
solid transparent stones may be found. 

INTERNALLY, the BODY CAVITY is of a slaty-blue colour, except above the foot- 
sole, which shows an ochreous tint, minutely spotted with white ; the SUPRA-PEDAL 
GLAND extends half the leneth of the body during repose, but during active move- 
ment it is only about one-third the total length of the whole body. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS are broader and flatter " if Wi 
than in Lim«wr, bat of the usual Arion type. The g i) 
TENTACULAR muscles spring from widely separated ! Sigh % 
points, and the lower tentacular branch is’ strongly ay ta 
developed; the right tentacular muscle arises from \ f | 
the shield at the right margin of the kidney, while aE Ma 

the left muscle springs from a corresponding point 
on the left margin, their roots being thus separated \\ 
by the whole width of the kidney ; the PHARYNGEAL \ 
retractor arises from the dorsal skin on or to the right 

of the median-line, quite behind the lung, about three Fic, 222.—Cephalic retractors 
mill, posterior to the tentacular muscles, and is cleft of 474% Hortensis Eas 
about mid-way, for attachment to opposite sides of the buceal bulb. 

The ALIMENTARY SYSTEM is, as in all its congeners, triodromous, although not 
exhibiting a very pronounced spiral torsion ; the INGESTLIVE TRACT extends posteri- 
orly beyond the succeeding coils, and terminates in the true stomach; the 
(ESOPHAGUS is fused to the PHARYNX from its origin up to the CEREBRAL 
GANGLIA; the CRopP is voluminous, and pale brown in colour, with the whitish 
SALIVARY GLANDS attached to its sides; while the left lobe of the DIGESTIVE 
GLAND is, as is usual, directed backwards. 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS show a roundish or oval OVOTESTIS, with few acini, 
and is often of a dark colour, especially between the lobules, where it is frequently 
of a deep purplish-black ; the pucT is whitish or yellowish, long and slender, but 
becoming thicker and somewhat convolute as it approaches the gelatinous and 
greyish ALBUMEN GLAND ; the OVIDUCT is sacculate and white, closely attached to 
the SPERM DUCT which on separation forms a short VAS DEFERENS; the FREE 
OVIDUCT is of great length and usually slender, except at the base, it is often, 
before distention, doubled upon itself in an S-like form; the EPIPHALLUS is short 
and conical, white basally, ringed above with dark grey, and merges almost 


imperceptibly into the vas deferens, it secretes the short thick SPERMATOPHORE, 
which has a smooth, thin envelope, without the serrated crest so conspicuous in 
Arion ater and A. subfuscus ; the SPERMATHECA is globular, variable in colour, and 
attached by its crown to the base of the OVISPERMATODUCT, the stem is short 
and thick ; ATRIUM with a well-defined ochreous vestibular gland; the GENITAL 
RETRACTOR arises from the dorsum, behind the kidney, but soon bifureates, the 
extremities becoming fixed to the stem of the spermatheca and the upper third of 
the free ovidnet. 


Fi. 223. Fic. 224. Fic. 225. 
Fic. 223.—Reproductive organs of Avion hortensts Fér., X 2. (Christchurch, S. Hants). 
Fic. 224.—Spermatophore of Avion hortensis Fér., Leipzic, greatly enlarged (from an original 
drawing by Dr. Simroth). 
Fic. 225,—Alimentary canal of Avion hortensis Fér., X 2. 

ot. ovotestis ; A.d. hermaphrodite duct ; 4. prostate; v.d. vas deferens ; ef. epiphallus ; a.g. 

albumen gland ; ov. sacculated or glandular oviduct ; sf. spermatheca ; vag. vagina; az. atrium; 
v.g. vestibular gland ; ».2. retractor muscles attached to spermatheca and free oviduct. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is about a mill. broad, and about half-a-mill. wide, with 
narrower but somewhat bluntly rounded ends, strongly 
arcuate from front to back, of an amber colour, with 
about ten vertical ribs or thickenings, apparently 
formed by overlappings of the substance of the jaw, 
which crenulate the upper margin and sometimes the 
lower margin also; the darker ribs and the clearer mS ae Ft of 
interstitial spaces show distinet vertical strive; at 470% 2o7~ensis, x 20. rist- 
about one chic of the width of the jaw, a dark line CeUr Sp ants Me Ge 
runs parallel with the cutting margin, showing the point of origin of the elasma, 
which extends on to the roof of the buccal cavity. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is about three mill. long and one mill. wide, consti- 
tuted by about 116 somewhat curved transverse rows of teeth, which diminish 
regularly in size to the margin of the membrane. The transverse rows are each 
composed of a strongly tricuspid median tooth, the strong yet somewhat slender 
mesocone, With distinct accessory lateral cutting expansions ; the lateral teeth are 
about ten in number, obscurely tricuspid, but the endoconie cutting point is lost, 
the mesocone shewing the side expansions; the marginals are unicuspid, showing 
the powerful mesocone only, but towards the margin an ectoconie cutting point 
again becomes distinctly perceptible, while the few extreme marginals still retain 
their embryonie character. 


Y 1.29 20 

(7. {2 6. L m 1 6 12 17 20 30. ) 
\ V 
VU A Meat Wy vr 
Fic. 227.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of 4. sub/fuscus, X 180. 
The animal collected by Mr. C. Ashford, and the palate prepared by Mr. J. W. Neville. 

The formula of a Christchurch specimen collected by Mr. C. Ashford is 
TH+ H+ ES+et+SSt+t34+7 x 116=8,468. 


Reproduction and Development —The details of the congress of 
this species have never been recorded, but Mr. E. J. Lowe, who has fre- 
quently observed the act, describes it as very transitory, the actual congress, 
during which the spermatophores are exchanged, only occupying forty or 
forty-five seconds. 

he eges, which have been so frequently though erroneously described as 
phosphorescent for the first fifteen days after deposition, are subglobular in 
shape and a little over two mill. in length, semiopaque or quite translucent 
and of a milky-white colour, which, however, soon changes to a dull yellow. 

‘They are deposited throughout the milder parts of the year, on the damp 
earth, or beneath stones or other shelter, to the number of seventy or more, 
agelutinated i in several clusters by a y ellowish mucus, and are said to hatch 
in from twenty to forty days, according to the weather, the young even in 
the earliest stages being said to show the same body markings as the 
adults, and to possess a distinct keel, which is, however, readily overlooked, 
as it is not distinguished by colour, and entirely disappears during growth, 
the animal becoming full-grown and adult towards the end of the first year. 

Food and Habits.—<Arion hortensis is essentially a garden species, 
and especially partial to heavy soils, though often found far from culti- 
vated land, in fields, woods, and in damp places beneath logs and stones ; 
it is a rather active, but strictly geophilous species, seldom ascending any 
distance up the stems of trees or plants, though both young and adults can 
readily spin mucus threads to facilitate descent from elevated positions. 
It is a most destructive animal, hiding during the day beneath violets, 
strawberries, and other tufted plants, but coming out at dusk to feed, 
continuing its depredations throughout the night, and as it feeds quite 
at the base of the plants, its ravages are only discovered when too 
late : it will burrow down to the bulbs of hhes, and feed upon them the 
winter through, it also eats off the bark from chrysanthemum stems, 
devours pansy branches, and the stems of earthed-up celery. In spring 
it will leave other food to feast upon the fallen petals of the apple and 
plum blossoms, and is if possible more destructive to strawberries than 
even Agriolimax agrestis. 

According to Dr. Scharff, this species probably lives chiefly on decaying 
vegetation, as he has found it most numerous in gardens amongst heaps of 
old weeds. 

In the potato-growing district around Selby, Yorkshire, Avion hortensis 
committed great ravages among the crops during the spring of 1904, by 
feeding upon and honeycombing the “ potato- sets,” and thus causing 
a very serious blight. 

Mr. Gain found it a rather sickly species in confinement, and not so 
indiscriminate in its choice of food as might have been supposed, as out of 
193 different kinds of foods offered to a colony of the typical form, ninety- 
one were totally rejected, and only twenty-five eaten freely, but not one 
with that avidity which is so characteristic when a really favourite food is 
offered. Dr. Scharff remarks that he has never found it on fungi, but m 
confinement Mr. Gain observes that it fed readily upon Agaricus cam- 
pestris, Russula emetica, and several other species. 

Like Agriolimaa agrestis and Milax sowerbii, this species is, according 
to Mr. Reynell, strongly attracted by beer, and if this be placed in suit- 
able shallow saucers in accessible positions on the ground, the animals 
will crawl into the liquid and drown. 


Parasites and Enemies.—Probably almost equally lable with other 
species to destruction and annoyance by the ordinary enemies and para- 
sites of slug-life ; there is, however, little published evidence on the subject, 
although it has been observed that the Blindworm (Angus fragilis) which 
ereedily devours Agriolimax agrestis, would not eat the present species, 
possibly on account of its very leathery skin and sticky mucus. A further 
protective feature was suggested by the late Mr. Sherriff T'ye, who remarked 
upon the very remarkable likeness existing between this species and 
portions of the bloom-sheaths of the Black Poplar (Populus nigra), a pro- 
tective resemblance which is operative at a period of the slug’s greatest 
activity, and when its natural enemies, the thrushes, having young to 
provide for, are more industrious than usual in searching them out. 

Fossil.—Keunard and Woodward record calcareous particles, believed 
to be the vestigial shells of this species, from a holocene deposit on the 
face of a chalk escarpment at Exedown, near Wrotham, in West Kent. 

Variation.—he variation in this species runs in two chief lines, 
exemplified by the typical form and the large variety subfuscus. 

Férussae has remarked on the circumstance that succeeding generations 
do not invariably reproduce the variation prevalent during the preceding 
year, and Dr. Scharff has observed the same peculiarity in the locality at 
Killakee in the Dublin Mountains, the large brown variety swhfusca beimg 
exclusively found there in February, 1891, while in May of the previous 
year, in precisely the same spot all the specimens found were of the grey or 
typical form. In connection with this pomt, it may be remarked that 
Mr. Gain during his feeding experiments found a constant and marked 
difference as regards food in the likes and dislikes of the ordinary form 
and the var. subfusca. 

Dr. Simroth is of opinion that the light-coloured variations are the effect 
of warmth, while the darker-hued individuals owe their shade of colouring 
to cold ; but this alone does not universally apply. 

The grey variety is, however, found most prevalent in the open country, 
while the brown or yellowish variety are more numerous in other localities, 
though in gardens they may frequently be found in the closest association. 

The Arion cottianus Poll. from 
Piedmont, and Avion elongatus 

% 2 Collinge from Somerset, do not 
B seem to differ materially from 
» the typical form of the present 
JN species. 
yg) Prof. Cockerell, in The Concho- 
i OTA logist, 1891, p. 34, described an 
f Y} 7 immature Avion, found at Acton, 
a / \ Middlesex, which he named var. 
ah \ albipes. It was described as a 
form of Arion hortensis with 
ae] white foot and colourless slime. 
Mr. B. 'l'omlin, in The Journal 
re. _ Fic. 229. of Conchology, April 1887, re- 
BiG, 8 Proximal end of the Sexual ystemof cords two albine specimens found 
Fic. 229.—Proximal end of the Sexual system of at Hele, hear Ilfracombe, auaT 

Arion cottianus, enlarged (after Pollonera). 

company with albine forms of 
other species, but he does not further allude to or describe them. 


Var. fasciata Moquin-'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 14. 

Arion fuscus var. fasciatus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Arion fuscus var. pyrenaicus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Arion fuscus var. ntger Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 

Arion distinctus Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1868, p. 137. 

Arion elongatus Collinge, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, p. 66, and pl. 5a. 
Arion cotttanus Pollonera, Arionida Europei, 1889, p. 14, ff. 23, 24. 

ANIMAL grey, with darker dorsum, and a dark lateral band on each side. This 
form is usually regarded as typical of the species. 

The var. faseiata s.str. is grey with darker dorsum and black lateral band. 

The sub-var. pyrenaica is dark grey with blackish lateral band. 

The sub-var. nigra is grey with black dorsum and lateral band. The grey is 
the true ground colour, but is almost entirely overspread by a greater development 
of the black pigment. 

The sub-var. distineta is yellowish-grey, with blackish lateral band at each 
side, foot dull-yellow, not lineolated but speckled with yellowish. 

The sub-var. elongata is yellowish-grey, the dorsal area and lateral band being 
black, sole and fringe yellow, the latter lineolate with sepia. 

The sub-var. eottiana as figured is yellowish-grey with darker dorsum, and 
black lateral band. 


Cornwall W.—Sub-var. nigra, Penmon near Falmouth, April 1884 ! H. Fox. 

Somerset—Sub-var. elongata, on a lawn, Wainsgrove, E. W. Swanton (W. E. 
Collinge, op. cit.). 

Hants. S.—Sub-var. cottiana, June 1891, E.W. Swanton (Collinge, Conchologist, 
Dec. 1892, p. 77). 

Kent W.-—-Common in Dr. Gray’s garden, Blackheath (Gray’s Turton’s Manual, 
1840, p. 108). Near railway station, Chislehurst, Sept. 1884 ! 'T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Notts.—Sub-var. nigra, not rare about Tuxford (Gain, Brit. Nat., Nov. 1893). 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. nigra, Hough Green near Widnes, March 1884 ! H. L. 

York N.E.—Thornaby (B. Hudson, Journ. of Conch., April 1886). 

York S.W.—Lofthouse, April 1886 ! G. Roberts. Sub-var. nigra, Wakefield, 
1886, J. Wilcock. 

Durham—Durham, May 1887 ! H. E. Fox. 


Antrim—Sub-var. nigra, wood near Ballycastle, May 1897 (L. E. Adams, Irish 
Nat., July 1897). 

Down—Cultra, Dee. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Dublin—Killakee, Dublin Mountains, May 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Westmeath—Sub-var. nigra, the prevalent form at Clonmacnois, July 1895 
(R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895). 

Tipperary S.—Var. fasciata, Clonmel, Dec. 1885, Rev. A. H. Delap. 


Germany—Sub-var. distincta, Neu Brisach, Alsace (Meyer, Nachr., Sept. 1876). 

Belgium—Var. fasciata, Lokeren, East Flanders. 

France—Var. fasciata, common at Crochere, Cote d’Or; sub-var. pyrenaica is 
found above Luchon, Haute Garonne; sub-var. nigra, common at Bury, Oise ; 
Amiens in the Somme; Pas de Calais ; Haute Loire; and Paris, Seine; sub-var. 
distincta, under stones about Sevres, department of the Seine. 

Italy—Var. fasciata, Rivarossa, Canavese ; and sub-var. cottiana, Bardonecchia, 
Valley of Dora Riparia, Piedmont. 

Spain—Var. fasciata and sub-var. nigra, Galicia. Sub-var. pyrenaica, near 
Monastery, Montserrat, Catalonia. 

Var. limbata Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 14. 

Arion fuscus var. limbatus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Arion anthracius Bourguignat, Moll. nouv. lit., etc., 1866, p. 178, pl. 29, ff. 8-10. 
Arion pelophilus Mabille, Ann. Malac., 1870, p. 117. 
The var. limbata s.str. is black or blackish, foot-fringe orange or yellowish. 
The sub-var. anthracia Bourguignat is uniformly black with paler foot-fringe. 
The sub-var. pelophila Mabille is black with scarcely visible lateral bands, foot- 
fringe rufous. 
Belgium—Road-sides, Ixelles, Brussels (Colbeau, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1865, 
i., p. 47). Sub-var. pelophila, Belgium. 


France— Var. /imbata is reported by Baudon from gardens in the Oise; by 
Millet from Maine-et-Loire ; by Pascal from the Haute Loire, and environs of Paris 
in the department Seine; and by Vaniot from the south of Amiens in the Somme ; 
sub-var. anthracia from Eaux Bonnes in Basses Pyréneés ; and sub-var. pelophila 
is recorded from the north of France and Arcueil in the environs of Paris. 

Spain—Var. limbata, Galicia (Macho t. Hidalgo). 

Var. grisea Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 14. 
Arion fuscus var. griseus Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
Arion fuscus var. nemoralis Dum. & Mort., Moll. Savoie, p. 8. 
ANIMAL pale grey, more or less unicolorous, and without lateral bands, foot-sole 
“The sub-var. nemoralis is pale, the sides scarcely tinted, and the shield often 
palest towards the centre. 

Wilts. N.—Abundant about Marlborough, E. Meyrick. 

Kent W.—Chislehurst, Sept. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Middlesex—Among garden refuse, Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dec. 1884! T. D. A. 

Norfolk E.—Heigham, May 1891! A. Mayfield. 

Warwick—Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. 

York N.E.—Battersby, Great Ayton, Dec. 1884! Baker Hudson. Thornaby 
(id., J. of Conch., April 1886, p. 48). 

York S.W.—Campsall Woods, May 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Penistone, 
July 1890 ! Lionel E. Adams. 


Antrim—A pale yellowish-grey sub-variety at Cushendun, May 1886 ! Rev. 8. A. 
Louth—A pale form of var. grisea, Drogheda, Oct. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Leitrim—A pale form of var. grisea, Mohill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Belgium—Common at Roumont, Luxemburg. 

France—Recorded as common at Chatillon-sur-Seine, Cote d’Or; common in 
fields, ete., when not elevated, in the Ain; about Lyons in the Rhone; in the Pas 
de Calais; Maine et Loire; the Haute Loire and about Paris in the department 
of the Seine; sub-var. nemoralis in Savoy. 

Spain—Galicia (Macho t. Hidalgo). 

Var. coerulea Collinge, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1897, p. 444, pl. 31, ff. 18, 19. 
Limax fasciatus var. § Nilsson, Moll. Sveciz, 1822, p. 4. 
Arion cwruleus Collinge, op. cit. 

ANIMAL described as blue or greyish-blue with dark-blue lateral bands, and pale 
yellow between the bands and the foot-fringe, sole white or pale-yellow, with red or 
yellowish slime, fringe white without lineoles. 

This form was originally described as a variety, but was afterwards raised to 
specific rank by its author. It is perhaps the same as Nilsson’s Lima fasciatus var 6. 


Middlesex—Garden, Ealing, B. B. Woodward (Collinge, J. of Mal., Dee. 1895). 

Berks—(W. E. Collinge, Conchologist, 1892, p. 26). 

Oxford—Near Oxford, 1890 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1895, p. 73). 

Lancashire S.—Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1893). 


Dublin—(W. E. Collinge, Conchologist, 1892, p. 26). 


Sweden— L. fasciatus var. 5, Lund (Nilsson, Hist. Moll. Svecize, 1822, p. 4). 

Var. lutea Baudon, Mem. Limac. Oise, 1871, p. 6. 
Arion hortensis var. uteus Baudon, op. cit. 
Arion hortensis var. aureus Lessona, Arion. Piem., 1881, p. 10, f. 3. 
ANIMAL almost uniformly yellow, lateral bands faint. 
The var. lutea s.str. is pale yellow, slightly tinged with greenish, greyish 
dorsally, with indistinet lateral banding. 
The sub-var. aurea is yellow, pale on the flanks, the shield, caudal end of the 
hody, the sole, and foot-fringe golden-yellow. Possibly this form is really referable 
to Arion intermedius. 

; ; : ENGLAND. 
Mid W. York—Pool Bridge, April 1887 ! W. Kk. Skipwith. 


Renfrew — A var. flava is recorded by Binnie for Lower Clydesdale, which may 
be this, or possibly intended to apply to Avion intermedius. 
France— Var. /ufea, margins of woods, department of the Oise ; rather common 
in wood at Flagey, Céte d’Or. 
Italy—Sub-var. aurea, Rivarossa Canavese, Piedmont. 

Var. virescens Moquin-l'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 14. 
Arion fuscus var. virescens Moquin-Tandon, op. cit. 
ANIMAL greenish with black bands. 
France—Pas de Calais ; and Lyons in department of the Rhone. 

Var. subfusea C. Pfeiffer, Deutsch. Moll., 1821, i., p. 20. 

Limax subfuscus C. Pfeiffer, op. cit. 
Arion fuscus var. subfuscus Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 14. 
Arion hortensis var. fallax Cockerell, Garner, 1886, p. 139. 

ANIMAL brownish, with a black band on each side. 

The sub-var. fallax is described as grey, with black lateral band, but as so densely 
invested with orange slime as to appear of an orange-yellow. The author of the 
variety is now of opinion that it cannot be separated from the var. swbfusca. 


Wilts S.—Garden, Steeple Ashton Vicarage, Mch. 1887 ! Rey. E. P. Knubley. 

Hants. N.—Preston Candover, Oct. 1884 ! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Kent W.—St. Mary Cray, Sept. 1884!S. C. Cockerell. 

Surrey—Haslemere, Aug. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Sub-var. fallax, common 
on beech trees, Headley lane (T. D. A. Cockerell, Conchologist, Sept. 1891). 

Essex S.—Woodford, May 1889 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Middlesex—Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dee. 1884 !'T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Bedford—A hill west of Luton, Nov. 1886 ! J. Saunders. 

Northampton—Yardley Chase, Oct. 1893, Lionel E. Adanis. 

Warwick—Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. 

Stafford—Rowley Park, Stafford, May 1884 ! E. H. Wynne. Garden, Hands- 
worth, June 1886 ! G. Sherriff Tye. 

Glamorgan—Banks of river Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 1885 ! F. W. Wotton. 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. 

Cardigan—Aberystwyth, May 1888 ! E. Collier. Miss Maddy’s garden, Aber- 
ayron, June 1888 ! W. Whitwell. 

Montgomery—Banks of Welshpool Reservoir ! also under timber in an open field 
by the river Severn, Jan. 1888 ! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Merioneth—Hills above Barmouth, Aug. 1884 ! John Hopkinson. 

Lincoln N.—Sloothby, Aug. 1886 ! J. E. Mason. Well Vale, Sept. 1889 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. 

Notts.—Felley Abbey, Sept. 1884 ! common, Worksop ! Cleveland Hill, West 
Markham! Pleasley Vale ! and Cresswell Crags, April 1884 ! ©. T. Musson. 
Tuxford, April 1885 ! W. A. Gain. 

Cheshire—Bollington, May 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 

York S.E.—Millington village near Pocklington, April 1885 ! W, Denison 
Roebuek. Eecleshall, Oct. 1892 ! C. Oldham. 

York N.E.—Wilton Wood, and Skelton Beck Valley, Saltburn, May 1887 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. 

York S.W.—Garden, Holmfirth, Jan. 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Sub-var. 
fallax, Lotthouse, G. Roberts t. T. D. A. Cockerell. 

York N.W.—Bowes and Greta Bridge, July 1884 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Cheviotland— Under stones, Tweedmouth (Rev. J. MeMurtrie, J. of Concl.., 
July 1889). 


Edinburgh—Dnuddingston Loch, Edinburgh, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Dreghorn Woods near Colinton, Sept. 1889 ! W. Evans. 

Stirling—Falls of Inversnaid, Aug. 1884 ! Baker Hudson. 

Ebudes N.—Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Ross W.—Gairloch, Noy. 1886 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Sutherland E.—Golspie Burn, May 1885! W. Baillie. 

Caithness—Dunbeath river, May 1884! W, Baillie. Bees 

Antrim— Mnurlough, with type, May 1897, Lionel E. Adams. 

Donegal—Carrablagh, Croaghross, Letterkenny, May 1889 ! H. C. Hart. 


Dublin—Garden, Leeson Park, Dublin, Sept. 1890; and Killakee, Dublin Moun- 
tains, Feb. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Sligo—Moyview, Ballina, April 1889 ! Miss Amy Warren. 

Galway W.—Roundstone and Aran Island, Sept. 1891, R. F. Scharff. Kylemore 
Castle Gardens, Sept. 1904 ! W. Comfort. 

Tipperary S.—Sub-var. fallax, Clonmel, Rev. A. H. Delap t. T. D. A. Cockerell. 


Germany—lIn beech woods on the road to Spickershausen, Cassel (C. Pfeiffer, 
op. cit.). 
France—In the departments of Pas de Calais, Haute Loire, and Seine. 

Spain—Galicia (Macho t. Hidalgo). 

Var. rufescens Moquin-l'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1854, p. 14. 

ANIMAL reddish with black lateral bands. 
Middlesex—Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dec. 1884 !'T. D. A. Cockerell. 
Oxford—Banbury and Bicester (W. E. Collinge, Conchologist, 1891, p. 13). 
Worcester—Garden, Stourport, July 1888 (Williams, J. of Conch., July 1889). 
Pembroke—Not uncommon about Tenby (Stubbs, J. of Conch., July 1900). 
Cardigan—Aberystwyth (E. Collier, J. of Conch., Oct. 1888). 
York N.E.—Near Middlesbrough (B. Hudson, J. of Coneh., April 1886), 
York N.W.—Ripon, May 1883! A. E. Ebdell. 
Caithness—Dunbeath river, May 1884! W. Baillie. 
Fermanagh—Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1899, Hon. C. L. Corry. 
Galway E.—Woodyard, Clonbrock, Sept. 1904, Hon. R. E. Dillon. 
Belgium—Trooz near Liége (Colbeau, Mem. Soc. Mal. Belg., 1865, p. 83). 
France—Lyons (Pollonera, Arionide Rég. Palearct., 1890, p. 20). 
Spain—Galicia (Macho t. Hidalgo). 

Geographical Distribution 

of BEG / 

Arion hortensis Feérussac. 

ee Recorded Distribution. 

KG Probable Range. 


Geographical Distribution.—4«A. hortensis being the most advanced 
and most recently evolved species of its special section, has not yet attained 
a wide dispersal, being confined naturally to Centr: al Europe, where it 
abounds more especially on cultivated lands. From its close association 
with cultivation it is lable to be transported to other regions, where its 
high and plastic organization almost ensure its dominancy. . 

It is found throughout the British Isles, chiefly congregating in gardens 
and on tilled ground, but is also found on wooded and waste lands far from 

The recorded continental distribution is not reliable, as this species has 
doubtless frequently been confounded with Arion circumscriptus, a closely- 
allied but more ancient and widely-dispersed species, from which it has 
only in recent years been authoritatively and satisfactorily distinguished. 


Channel Isles—Coimmon under stones in Guernsey, Sark, and Herm (Cooke and 
Gwatkin, Quart. Journ. of Conch., 1878, p. 322). Enumerated for Jersey by Lukis 
(Ansted’s Channel Isles, 1862). St. Sampson's, Guernsey, Sept. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 


Cornwall W.—Stenalee, St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. Common in 
gardens, Truro, April 1886! and plentiful, Newquay, Sept. 1886, J. H. James. 
St. Ives, Sept. 1885! J. E. Mason.  Sub-var. nigra, Penmon, Falmouth, April 
1884 ! H. Fox. 

Devon S.—Teignmouth, Oct. 1888! Loftus St. G. Byne. Garden, Topsham, and 
at Culverhole Point, Aug. 1892, Lionel E. Adams. 

Devon N.—Northam, Nov. 1885! W. A. Gain. Abundant at Ilfracombe, Meh. 
1887 (b. Tomlin, J. of Conch., April 1887). Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 1904 ! 
Miss Daisy Mason. 

Somerset S.—Near Porlock, Aug. 1892! Lionel E. Adams. 

Somerset N.—Common in gardens, hedgebanks, and fields (Rev. A. M. Norman, 
Inland Moll. Somerset, 1860). Bath, June 1884! C. J. Waterfall. Sub-var. elongata, 
Wainsgrove, E. W. Swanton (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., June 1894). 


Wilts. N.—Clyffe Pybard, Swindon, Aug. 1904 ! Rev. E. H. Goddard. Type and 
var. grisea, abundant about Marlborough, E. Meyrick. 

Wilts. S.—Longleat gardens, Warminster, Sept. 1904! J. A. Singer. Type and 
var. subfusca, carden, Steeple Ashton Vicarage, March 1887! Rev. E. P. Knubley. 
Garden, Dunollie Bourne avenue, Salisbury, Sept. 1904! A. R. D. Bacchus, 

Dorset—Purheck and about Blandford, probably generally distributed (J.C. 
Mansel-Pleydell, Moll. Dorset, 1873, p. 110). Isle of Portland, Aug. 18S2, I, 18; 
Adams. Montevideo, Chickerell near W eymouth, Sep. 1804! Nelson M. Richardson. 

Isle of Wight—Enumerated as found in a wood at Bembridge, and as common 
about Ventnor (Venables’ Guide to Isle of Wight, 1860). Hempstead Hill near 
Yarmouth, 1880! Charles Ashford. 

Hants. S.—Mudeford and Chuton, also common and very large in garden at 
Christchureh, Oct. 1884! C. Ashford. Portsdown Hill, May 1885! W. Jeffery. 
Roadsides, Binstead, A. Reynell. Sub-var. cottiana, Southampton, E. W. Swanton 
(W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dec. 1892). 

Hants. N.—Type and var. subfusca, Preston Candover, Oct. 1884 ! Rev. H. P. 

Sussex W.—Too common in gardens and fields, Up Park, Aug. 1886 ! Cocking 
near Midhurst, Sept. 1886 ! and garden, Ratham, Nov. 1886! W. Jeffery 

Sussex E.—Commion in the Ouse, Cuckmere and East Rother districts (J. H. A. 
Jenner, Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc. Report, 1880). Gardens, ete., everywhere com- 
mon, Lewes, Blatchington, Eastbourne, Hastings, B lays ete. (id., Sussex list, 1885, 
p. 6). Gardens, Queen’s road, Brighton, Oct. 1903! F. G. 8. Branwell. In chalk- 
pit on coast near Eastbourne, Sept. 1904! RK. A. Adkin. 


Kent E.—Folkestone, Oct. 1886 ! Charles Oldham. Ripple Vale near Dover, 
Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. G. Harrison. 

Kent W.—Not so common as Arion ater about Sevenoaks (R. H. S. Smith, Zool., 
1854, p. 4333). Dartford (H. C. Leslie, Q.J.C., 1874, p. 34). Hever, Edenbridge, 
Feb. 1898! A. Leicester. Type and var. subfusca, St. Mary Cray, Sept. 1884! 
S. C. Cockerell. Vars. fasciata and grisea, Chislehurst, Sept. 1884! T. D. A. 
Cockerell. Var. fasciata, garden, Blackheath (Gray ’s Turton’s Manual, 1840, p. 108). 


Surrey—Common, Reigate (Saunders, Reigate list, 1861). Cobham, Dr. Leach 
(Gray’s Turton’s Manual, 1840, p. 107). Croydon (K. MeKean’s Croydon list, 1883, 
p. 151). Near Warlingham, July 1883; amongst grass, by river-side, Kew, Dee. 
1884 ! and garden, Syon Lodge, Isleworth, Feb. 1887 ! T. D. A. Cockerell. Holn- 
field. Wimbledon, July 1904! Miss Annie Rock. Common in garden, South Nor- 
wood and Wallington, A. Reynell. Addington and Tatsfield (C. Pannell, jr., J. of 
Conch., July 1903). Var. swbfusea, Haslemere, Aug. 1884 ! T. D. A. Cockerell; and 
sub-var. fallax, Headley lane (id., Conchologist, Sept. 1891). 

Essex S.—Var. subfusca, Woodford, May 1889 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Essex N.—-Common everywhere (H. Laver, Colchester list, 1882). Manning- 
tree, Sept. 1904! Rev. Proctor Benwell. 

Herts.—Banks of river Gade, Cassiobury Park, Sept. 1883! garden, Watford, 
Oct. 1883! and St. Albans, July 1884! John Hopkinson. Ware, Sept. 1886 ! Charles 
Oldham. Hitchin, March 1886, Charles Ashford. 

Middlesex—Common, Brentford, Noy. 1883! Mrs. Skilton. Bush Hill Park, 
May 1887! C. Ashford. Churchyard Bottom wood, Highgate, April 1889 ' and foot 
of garden walls, Hampstead lane, Dec. 1888! H. Wallis Kew. Hendon, Hampstead 
Heath, and Kensal Green, July 1883; Acton, Aug. 1884! type and vars. subfusea, 
rufescens, and grisea, Bedford Park, Chiswick, Dec. 1884 ! T. D. A. Cockerell. Var. 
cerulea, Ealing (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., Dee. 1895). 

Berks.—Whytham Hill, March 1882 ! Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. Bradfield near 
Reading, Sept. 1904! Rev. E. Peake. Var. ewrulea (Collinge, Conch., 1892, p. 73). 

Oxford—Common throughout the county. Rare in woods, Watlington (Rev. A. M. 
Norman, Zool., 1853, p. 4127). Banbury (R. Stretch, Zool., 1855, p. 4541). Abun- 
dant in gardens, Combe near Woodstock, July 1904! Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. Var. 
rufescens, at Banbury and Bicester (Collinge, Conch., March 1891, p. 13). Var. 
cerulea, near Oxford, 1890 (id., J. of Mal., Dec. 1895). 

Bucks.—Abundant, Chersley, Aug. 1883! Rev. H. H. Slater. Castlethorpe, 
May 1885! W. D. Crick. Abundant by road-sides, Olney churchyard, March 1893 ! 
Lionel E. Adams. 


Suffolk E.—Common under logs, ete., in plantation, Blaxhall, May 1888 ! G. T. 
tope. Lowestoft, Mendlesham ! Wickham Skeith, Broekford, and Needham 
Market (Mayfield, J. of Conch., April 1903). Common between Ipswich and Sax- 
mundham, Aug. 1890, Lionel E. Adams. 

Suffolk W.—Farnham St. Martin near Bury St. Edmunds, Oct. 1883 ! W. R. 

Norfolk E.—Whitlingham wood (J. B. Bridgman, Norfolk and Norwich Trans., 
1872, p. 49). Norwich, Long Stratton, and Diss, Aug. 1890, Lionel E. Adams. 
Gardens, woods, and waste places under stones, logs, etc., Whitlingham, Yelverton, 
Framingham Earl, Earlham, and St. Faith’s (Pearce and Mayfield, J. of Conch., 
July 1904). Gardens, Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904 !W. J. O. Holmes. Type and 
var. grisea, Heigham, May 1891 ! A. Mayfield. 

Norfolk W.—Thetford, Aug. 1890, L. E. Adams. King’s Lynn, Sept. 1904 ! 
©. B. Plowright. Gardens, Didlington Hall, Sept. 1904! Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil. 

Cambridge—Grantchester, Sept. 1904 ! Hugh Watson. 

Bedford—.Limbury near Luton, Aug. 1904 ! Mrs. Blundell. General Cemetery, 
Luton, April 1889 ! also type and var. swbfusea, hedgebanks, Luton, Noy. 1886! 
J. Saunders. 

Huntingdon—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Northampton—Common about Peterborough and Fletton, Aug. 1888, A. W. 
Nicholls. Common in gardens and in woods, Northampton, Sept. 1884! W. D. 
Crick. Haselbeech, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. A. Shaw. Castle Ashby, April 1893 ! 
and var. subfusea, Yardley Chase, Oct. 1893, Lionel E. Adams. 


Gloucester E.—Very common in damp situations (Webster, Nat., 1854, p. 175). 
About Stroud, March 1884! E. J. Elliott. Common, Leckhampton, Aug. 1892 ! 
Lionel E. Adams. 

Gloucester W.—Too common in gardens, Bristol (E. C. Jellie, Nat., Feb. 1867). 
Stroud, Oct. 1883! and numerous in the Forest of Dean, Mareh 1884! E. J. Elliott. 

Monmouth—Wyedale near Tintern, July 1883, C. T. Musson. Gardens, Shire- 
newton Hall, near Chepstow, June 1886 ! E. J. Lowe. 

Hereford—Whitney-on-the- Wye, July 1883, C.'T. Musson. Garden, Bishopswooi 
Vicarage, April 1885 ! Rey. R. W. J. Smart. Kington, Nov. 1903! L. McKaig. 
Garden, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. Blake. Common in garden, Broomy 
Hill, Hereford, Sept. 1904 ! Miss M. A. Boycott. 


Worcester—Hay Mills near Birmingham, 1868! W. Nelson. Not uncommon at 
Malvern (Griffiths’ Malvern list, 1870, p. 158). Selly Oak, Feb. 1892, L. E. Adams. 
Type and var. rufescens, Stourport, July 1888 (Williams, J. of Conch., July 1889). 

Warwick—Soliliull, Feb. 1893, Lionel E. Adams. Sutton Coldfield, 1897, Albert 
Wood. Garden, Bradford street, Birmingham, Sep. 1904 ! J. Madison. Vars. grisea 
and subfusca, Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884! R. J. Attye. 

Stafford—Common (Garner’s Nat. Hist. Staffs., 1844, p. 301). Common about 
Stafford, June 1885, and near the castle, Sept. 1885, Lionel E. Adams. Plentiful in 
garden, Cheadle, Apr. 1886! F. B. Webb. Canuldon, Aug. 1888 ! J. R. B. Masetield. 
Common in gardens, Hamstead (G. Sherriff Tye, Q. J. of Conch., May 1875, p. 68). 
Type and var. swbfusea, common in garden, Handsworth, April 1886! id. Type and 
var. subfusca, Rowley Park, Stafford, May 1884 ! E. H. Wynne. 

Salop—St. Oswald’s Well, Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 


Glamorgan—Common about Swansea, H. Rowland Wakefield. Cardiff, Oct. 
1885 ! and var. subfusca, St. Fagan’s, March 1885 ! F. W. Wotton. 

Radnor— Bont House, Penybont, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. Erwood, Aug. 1904 ! 
J. Williams Vaughan. 

Carmarthen—Llanelly, Sept. 1904 ! and Kidwelly, Dec. 1903, Rew. Ll. Davies. 
Golden Grove, Sept. 1904 ! Lady Lyons. 

Pembroke—Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904 ! Price Davies. Type and var. subfusca, 
Pembroke, June 1885! Mrs. Trayler. Type, abundant, North Cliff, Tenby ; var. 
rufescens, not uncommon, A. G. Stubbs. 

Cardigan—Type and vars. swbfusca and rufescens, Aberystwyth, May 1888 ! 
E. Collier. Type and var. swbfusca, garden, Aberayron, June 1888 ! W. Whitwell. 


Montgomery—Powell’s Ford, Welshpool (J. Bickerton Morgan, Montgom. list, 
1888, p. 232). Var. subfusea, banks of Welshpool Reservoir ! also under timber in 
an open field by the river Severn, Jan. 1888 ! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Merioneth—Nant-y-Mor, June 1901! W. Denison Roebuck. Type and var. 
subfusca, hills above Barmouth, Aug. 1884! J. Hopkinson. 

Carnarvon—Beddgelert ! Dinas ! and Conway Castle, July 1883! W. D. Roebuck. 

Denbigh—Gloddaeth Woods ! Llandrillo yn Rhos ! and Bodseallan Woods, July 
1883 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Flint—Mostyn Marsh, July 1883 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Grange road, Rhyl, 
July 1904 ! Rev. A. Steele Perkins. 

Anglesey—Common on the island, Aug. 1883 ! J. Hopkinson. 


Lincoln S.—Ermine street near Ancaster, April 1886 ! and Frampton Fen near 
Boston, Sept. 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Old quarry, Great Ponton, Aug. 1902 ! 
R. Worsdale. Careby Wood, June 1903 ! H. W. Kirkby. 

Lincoln N.—Tothill, May 1888! Miss Susan Allott. Redbourn, Feb. 1903 ! and 
Claxby, April 1903! Rev. E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. Haugham Wood ! Burwell 
Wood ! Ailby, April 1886 ! and Navenby, Dec. 1901 ! W. Denison Roebuck.  Bilsby 
near Alford, May 1886 ! Greenfield Wood, June 1887 ! and Uleeby-with-Fordington, 
Oct. 1889 ! also type and var. subfusca, Sloothby, Aug. 1886! J. E. Mason. Type 
and var. subfusca, Well Vale near Alford, Sept. 1889 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Leicester and Rutland—Very common in gardens in Leicester and Aylestone 
(H. E. Quilter, Moll. Leic., 1888, p. 8). Groby, May 1885 ! H. E. Quilter. 

Notts.—Common, Beeston, and Highfield House, Nottingham, E. J. Lowe. 
Castle Rock, Nottingham, Sept. 1884 ! Annesley churchyard, Sept. 1884 ! Newark, 
Oct. 1884 ! Houghton, April 1885 ! and Colwell, Aug. 1885 !C. T. Musson.  Felley 
Abbey, June 1888! Hunger Hill and Corporation Gardens, Nottingham, June 
1888 !G. W. Mellors. Southwell, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. Type and vars. fasciata, 
subfusca, and sub-var. nigra, Tuxford, April 1885! W. A. Gain. Var. subfusca, 
Felley Abbey, Sept. 1884! Worksop ! Cleveland Hill, West Markham ! Pleasley 
Vale ! and Cresswell Crags, April 1884 ! C. T. Musson. 

Derby—Common in the county (H. Milnes, Midl. Nat , May 1882). Markland 
Grip, April 1884! C. T. Musson. Miller’s Dale and Monsal Dale, Aug. 1885 ! 
C. Oldham. Common about Hathersage, Ashbourne, Bakewell, and Clifton, Aue. 
1889 ! Lionel E. Adams. 


Cheshire —Garden, Sale, May 1884 ! and Baguley Hall, Sept. 1892! C. Oldham. 
Garden, Liverpool road, Chester, Oct. 1887 ! Brockton Tomlin. Marple, May 1891! 
L. St. G. Byne. Gardens about Upton (Higgins, Liverpool list, 1891, p. 23). Garden, 
Oxton, Birkenhead, July 1904! Ashley, Hale, and Ringway near Bowdon, Dee. 
1884! and Mere Park near Knutsford, Oct. 1885 ! also type and var. swhfusea, 
Bollington, May 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 


Lancashire S.—-Gardens, Didsbury, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, ete. (J. Hardy, Man- 
chester list, 1865, p. 34). Frequent and of large size in gardens at Greenheys, R. D. 
Darbishire, 1885. Common under stones, Manchester, 1880, Lionel E. Adams. 
Between Liverpool and Warrington, Sept. 1885, T. D. A. Cockerell. Whalley, Aug. 
1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Farington, Oct. 1889 ! W. H. Heathcote. Garden, 
Glen Esk, Whalley Range, Oct. 1904, R. Welch. Var. cwrulea, Knowsley (W. E. 
Collinge, J. of Mal., March 1893). Type and snb-var. nigra, Hough Green near 
Widnes, Mareh 1884! H. L. Edwards. 

Lancashire Mid—Abundant at Fulwood, Feb. 1889 ! and in garden, Frenchwood 
street, Preston, June 1890 ! W. H. Heathcote. Common at Fleetwood, Sept. 1891, 
Lionel E. Adams. 


York S.E.—Kilnsea, March 1884 ! W. Eagle Clarke. All along the coast from 
Hull northwards, Sept. 1891, L. E. Adams. Malton. Sept. 1880; abundant, Beverley, 
Kildwieck Perey, and on canal banks, Driffield, J. D. Butterell. Common at Hornsea 
(id., J. of Conch., 1881, p. 136). Sledmere, Aug. 1891! F. W. Fierke. Brough, May 
1901! J. E. Crowther. North Grimston and Drewton, T. Petch. Speeton, May 
1883! Filey, Danes Dyke, and Flamborough, May 1886! also var. subfusca, 
Millington near Pocklington, April 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Var. subfusca, 
Eecleshall, Oct. 1892 ! C. Oldham. 

York N.E.—In Swaledale it has been recorded as living on moist hedgebanks, 
Grizzlefield, and in the Holmes, Thirsk (J. H. Davies, Nat., 1855, p. 134). Common 
about Pilmoor Junetion, Oct. 1882 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Garden, Pielchill 
Vicarage, April 1888 ! Rev. E. P. Knubley. 

In Vale of Derwent : Searborough, C. Ashford. Lowdales near Hackness, July 
1882! Farwath Bridge, Newtondale, Aug. 1886 ! Helmsley, July 1884 ! Beedale, 
June 1901! and Harwoodale, May 1904 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Abundant under 
logs about York, Rk. M. Christy, 

In Teesdale : Redear (C. Ashford, J. of Conch., Jan. 1882). Wilton Wood, July 
188t! Baker Hudson. Gardens, Middlesbrough, Sept. 1886! W. A. Lofthouse. 
Tockett’s Wood, Guisbrough, May 1897 ! Green lane, Marske, April 1889 ! W. D. 
Roebuck. Vicarage garden, Ingleby Greenhow. Sept. 1890 ! Rev. J. Hawell. Var. 
rufescens, Middlesbrough, var. fasciata, Thornaby, and var grisea, Battersby, Great 
Ayton, and Thornaby, Dee. 1884 ! (B. Hudson, J. of Conch., April 1886). Type 
and var. swbfusea, Wilton Wood, and Skelton Beck Valley, Saltburn, May 1887 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. 

York S.W.—In Calderdale: Abundant about Stanley and Wakefield, Jan. 1885! 
J. Wileoeck. Common, Birkenshaw, J. Emmet, i884. Not uncommon in Hudders- 
field gardens (G. H. Parke in Hobkirk’s Huddersfield, 1868. p. 224). Gardens, 
Holintirth, Jan. 1885! H. E. Craven. Bottoms, Heekmondwike, Mareh 1903 ! T. 
Castle. Hebden Bridge, June 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. Near Sowerby Bridge 
(J E. Crowther, Halifax Nat.. Ang. 1903). Sub-var. nigra, Wakefield, 1886, J. 
Wileock. Var. subfusca, Holmfirth, Jan. 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Airedale : Common about Bradford, T. Rhodes. 1903. Seven Arches, Bingley, 
Keb. 1884 ; Saltaire, Nov. 1886 ! and Gilstead, H. T. Soppitt. Common, Bramley 
Fall Wood, Oct. 1882 ! and by the canal, Calverley, Feb. 1882 ! W. Nelson. Canal 
bank, Shipley, and Frizinghall, July 1882! W. Denison Roebuck. Abundant about 
Armley, Apl. 1890! L. E. Adams. Type, var. fasciata, and sub-var. fallax, garden, 
Lofthouse, April 1886, G. Roberts. 

In the Don valley : Not uncommon about Ackworth (C. Ashford, Q. J. of Coneh., 
1874, p. 20). Wragby, March 1882! W. Nelson. Carlton Park and Snaith, June 
1882 ! Cantley Park Woods ! Kilham ! Blaxton Grange, May 1883 ! abundant, Roche 
Abbey Woods, April 1884 ! and Burghwallis, also type and var. grisea, Campsall 
Woods, May 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Doneaster and Conisborough, July 
1891, also var. grisea, Penistone, July 1890! Lionel E Adams. 

York Mid W.—In Wharfedale, it has been found at Grassington, June 1882 ! 
Common, Bolton Bridge and Barden Tower. April 1883 ! Common on banks of the 
reservoir at Fewston, March 1882! and abundant at Oughtershaw, Aug. 1882 ! 
W. Denison Roebuek. Common in Buckden Wood, Buckden Gill. and Buekden 
Village ; also Cray Gill, Aug. 1904! Tom Petch. Var. /utea, Pool Bridge, April 
1887 ! W. K. Skipwith. ‘ 

In Nidderdale, it is very common in gardens, Birstwith (Walker. J. of Coneh., 
Jan 1882).  Killinghall, July 1882! W. Nelson. Common about Pateley Bridge, 
May 1882! W. Storey. Generally distributed and especially numerous in culti- 
vated places, Harrogate, Ripley, Weeton, Pannal, Rudding, Ribston, Knaresborough 
and Hampsthwaite, as well as in Copgrove Woods (Fitzgerald, J. of C., Jan. 1889). 

In Wensleydale, it is common at Eavestone near Ripon, Feb. 1883 ! J. Ingleby. 


In Ribblesdale, at Lawley Abbey and Bashall Moor Wood, also Whitewell and 
Dunsop in Bowland, Aug. 1885! W. Denison Roebuck. Clapham, H. Richardson, 
J. of Conch., 1886, p. 60. 

In Airedale, it is common at Scarcroft ! W. Nelson. Roundhay Park, Sep. 1884! 
W. Denison Roebuck. Rawdon Wood Bottom, Feb. 1904, W. Harrison Hutton. 
Gardens in the outskirts of the city of Leeds, May 1885! T. W. Bell. 

York N.W.—In Teesdale, it has been found at Rokeby, June 1892 ! W. Nelson. 
Type and var. subfusca, Bowes and Greta Bridge, Aug. 1903! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Swaledale, at Angram, Satron, and Gunnerside Gill, July 1884 ! also roadsides 
near Bratferton Spring Wood. Sept. 1882 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Wensleydale, at Hackfall, 1868 ! Marsett, Semerdale, Aug. 1882 ! summit of 
Counterside, July 1884! and at an altitude of 1,400 feet on the slopes of Askrigg 
Common, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. Masham, Aug. 1901, C. Crossland. 
Var. rufescens, Ripon, May 1883! A. E. Ebdell. 


Durham—Spa Wood, Dinsdale, May 1887! B. Hudson. Var. faseiata, Durham, 
May 1887 ! H. E. Fox. 

Northumberland—Common at Gosforth, June 1904 ! Mrs. Willans. 

Cheviotland—Limax fuscus in dean above Akeld (G. Johnston, Proc. Berwick 
Nat. Club, 1852, p. 89). Type and var. swhfusea, Tweedmouth, Dec. 1888 ! Rey. J. 


Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Kendal, 1853, E. J. Lowe. Abundant in 
gardens, Coniston, Oct. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Under stones, Windermere 
road, Grange, July 1903 (Jackson and Moore, Journ. of Conch , July 1904, p. 45). 

Cumberland—Common at Stanwix and Blaithwaite (Miss Donald, Cumberland 
list, 1882). Haverigg, 1883, C. T. Musson. Brigham, Cockermouth, July 1894 ! 
Mrs. Robinson. : 

Isle of Man—Common on the island, Lionel E. Adams. About Douglas, Sept. 
1892 ! F. Taylor. 


Dumfries—Dumfries, Sept. 1890 ! and Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Kirkcudbright— Maxwelltown, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Wigtown—Springbank near Stranraer, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Girvan, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. Common, Seamill, West Kilbride; and 
Largs, March 1904 ; also common along cliff-foot, Portincross, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Renfrew—Frequent, Shielhill Glen, Kilmaleolm, ete. (Scott, Greenock list, 1886). 
In oat-field, Shielhill Glen, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Var. fava, common 
as type in Lower Clydesdale (F. G. Binnie, West Scot. list, 1876, p. 41). 

Lanark—Possil Marsh, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Blackwood estate, 
Kirkmuirhill, Sept. 1904 ! N. B. Kinnear. 

Peebles—Roadside, Earlyburn, alt. 800 feet, July 1889 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
West Linton and near Peebles, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Railway-yard, Thornielee, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Common 
at Selkirk, Oct. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Roxburgh—Jedburgh and Langlee near Galashiels, Sept. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 

Berwick—Common, Cockburnspath, Berwick ! Eyemouth, ete. (W. Evans, Proe. 
Berwick Nat. Club, 1895, p. 171). Kirklands, Earlston, Aug. 1886 ! W. D. Roebuck. 

Haddington—Falside, and on abandoned railway, Drummore, Aug. 1886! W. D. 
Roebuck. Common near Berwick (Rey. J. MeMurtrie, J. of Conch., Jan. 1889). 
Dunbar and Longniddry, Sept. 1901 ! W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Hillend, at the foot of Pentlands, Feb. 1896 ! Penicuik, Oct. 1896 ! 
Crichton, Feb. 1897! ete., W. Evans. Foot of Salisbury Craigs, Aug. 1886 ! and 
Blackford Hill, Oct. 1888 ! also type and var. subfusca, near Duddingston Loch, 
Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Var. swhfusca, Dreghorn Woods near Colinton, 
Sept. 1889 ! W. Evans. 

Linlithgow—Linlithgow, March 1890 ! and Philipstown, April 1901, W. Evans. 
Abundant in the county : Dalmeny, Hopetown and Carriden on the coast ; Graeme’s 
Dyke, Red Hill, Northbank, Kinneil Woods, quarry near Craizwailen Chureh in 
the Bo'ness district ; Jinkaboot, Kinneil Mill, and Linlithgow Bridge in the Avon 
valley ; and at Cramond Bridge, Rey. R. Godfrey. South Queensferry, Aug. 1886 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. 


Fife and Kinross—North Queensferry, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Dura 
Den and St. Andrew’s, July 1890! also Crail, Ang. 1890! W. Evans. Abundant 
in Charlestown lime quarries, and Burntisland, Feb. 1896, W. Evans. 


Stirling —Polmont, Aug. 1890! W. Evans. Type and var. subfusea, Falls of 
Inversnaid, Ang. 1884! B. Hudson. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan —Callander, April 1892! Dollar, April 1897 ! Abbey 
Craig, Oct. 1901, W. Evans. Balquhidder, July 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Perth Mid—Glen Tilt, May 1885! H. Coates. Glen Ogle, July 1904! Rev. R. 
Godfrey. _ Dunkeld road, Perth, Sept. 1904! W. Evans. Inver, Dunkeld, Sept. 
1904! A. Rodgers. 

Perth N.—Persie Inn, Glenshee, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Forfar—Dundee, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Kincardine —Along the coast, south of Stonehaven, Sept. 1886, W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.—Wood near Old Bridge of Don, in tufts of Aira cespitosa, Sept. 
1848 (Macgillivray, Deeside and Braemar list, 1855, p. 418). Garden, Rubislaw, 
Aberdeen, Oct. 1904 ! G. Sim. 

Banff—Tomintonl, Sept. 1891! W. Evans. Maeduff, Dec. 1890! A. Robertson. 

Easterness—Nairn, Jan. 1887 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. Glen Feshie, alt. 1.250 ft., 
Sept. 1889 ! and Dalwhinnie, alt. 1,200 ft., June 1892! W. Evans. Garden, Coylum 
Bridge, Aviemore, Aug. 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 


Westerness—Glenborrodale, Dee. 1890 ! J. J. Dagleish. 

Main Argyle—Hunter’s Quay, Aue. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Crinan, Oct. 
1886 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Dumbarton—High Mains, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Duntocher, Sept. 
1888 ! and Garseadden, June 1889 ! A. Shaw. 

Clyde Isles—Barone and Ardbeg Point, Isle of Bute, Aug. 1885! W. Denison 
Roebuck. Brodick, Isle of Arran, April 1895 ! W. Evans. 

Cantire—Ardrishaig, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Ebudes N.—Type and var. subfusca, Dunvegan, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 


Ross W.—Ullapool, Aug. 1886 ! Alex. Somerville. Coast of Loch Broom, Oct. 
1886 ! and var. subfusca, Gairloch, Nov. 1886 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Sutherland E.—Var. swbfusca, Golspie Burn, May 1885 ! W. Baillie. 

Sutherland W.—Stoer, Oct. 1886 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Caithness—Wick: a pest especially in gardens (C. W. Peach, Roy. Phys. Soe. 
Edinb., 1864). Type and vars. subfusea and rufescens, Dunbeath river, May 1884 ! 

W. Baillie. 
Hebrides —Stornaway, Isle of Lewis, Aug. 1886 ! Alex. Somerville. 
Orkneys—Harray, Dec. 1890! W. Evans.  Seafield House, Stromness, Sept. 
190k! J. Grant. 


Derry—Very common about Coleraine, Nov. 1883 ! Lionel E. Adams. Bellarena 
Flats, March 1904! R. Welch. Ballynagard, June 1892! and Gortness, Sept. 1904 ! 
D.C Campbell. Straidarran, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. Garden, Downhill, Sept. 
1904 ! C. W. Lynes. 

Antrim—Common throughout Antrim, R. Weleh. Whitehall, Broughshane, June 
1886 ! Rev. 8. A. Brenan. Rathlin Island and common at Murlough, May 1897, L. E. 
Adams. Cave Hill, 1893; Knockagh Mountain, 1897 ; Derrykeighan Derrock, 1898; 
Magheramorne, 1898 ; Colin Glen, Nov. 1899; Ram’s Island, May 1900; Kenbane 
Head and Glenshesk, May 1902, R. Welch. Glenavy, May 1900, H. L. Orr and 
R. Welch. Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904 ! Miss F. S. O'Connor. The Manse, Antrim, Sept. 
1904! U.S. Smith. Var. nigra, wood near Ballyecastle and var. suhfusca, Murlough, 
May 1897 (Adams, Irish Nat., July 1897). Type and yellowish form of var. grisea, 
Cushendun, May 1886 ! Rev. S. A. Brenan. 

Down—Common at Cranmore, Belfast (Templeton, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1840, p. 18). 
Orlock Point, Dee. 1896, Capt. Farrar and R. Welch. Belvoir Park, June 1894, and 
Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast, May 1898, A. W. Stelfox. Downpatrick near 
Sampson’s Stone, April 1900; St. John’s Point, 1897 ; Ballynoe, Jan. 1898 ; Ardglass 
Castle, Dec. 1897; Belmont Nursery, April 1898; Newcastle, June 1898; Hills- 
borough Park, 1902; Crawfordsburn, 1902; and rare at Lough Aghery, May 1904, 
Rh. Welch. Killard Point, 1898! and Helen’s Bay Golf Links, Sept. 1904, A. W. 
Stelfox and R. Welch. Var. fasciata, Cultra, Dee. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Armagh—Bessbrook, April 1900, R. Welch. Acton Glebe, Poyntz Pass, Sept. 
1904 ! Rev. W. F. Johnson. Portadown, Oct. 1904! W. A. Green. 

Monaghan—Glaslough, Nov. 1897; and Clones Round Tower, 1901, R. Welch. 
Carrickmacross, July 1904 ! Drumreaske, Sept. 1904 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane, 

8 / 


age . University, Zagreb-Agram, Croatia, 
Dear Sir,— ‘ Oet. ist, 1904. 

; “Though the first volume of your Monograph is worthy of all 
the praise that can be bestowed upon it, yet the three parts that 
have since appeared, devoted to the consideration of the species, 
eall forth a still greater admiration. 

“The coloured plates and the pictures in the text are unsurpass- 
able—they are truly works of art; and no other country in the world 
ean boast of possessing such a magnificent work upon its fauna. 

_ “In the best sense of the word the Monograph will be the stan- 
dard work upon the subject upon which it treats; and one awaits 
with the greatest eagerness the appearance of the successive parts.” 


- Dear Sir,— Ronneby, Sweden, Aug. 2nd, 1904. 

** Thanks for the new part (No. X.) of your magnificent work. 
In the whole range of Malacological literature, the Monograph is quite 
unique, and stands alone in the wealth and variety of its contents, the 
richness of its illustration and admirable arrangement, as well as in 
the great learning and the conservative yet critical acumen evinced 
in the text. 

‘But, my dear sir, it is a gigantic work, grand in aaeecniank: 
and worthy of Great Britain; but is it not too enormous a task to be 
completed by one pair of hands ? 

** Certainly you possess the ability to do it, but you need also 
time. It is, indeed, a proud scientific monument for its author and 

for his country.” 

Colonial Museum, 
Wellington, New Zealand. 

** Through the Vindnocs of Mr. Roebuck, I have this day seen 
the Monograph of the British Mollusca that you are publishing. 

**Can you aprange to let the Museum have a copy of what is 
already published and the forthcoming parts? 

**The work is a model of what such a Monograph should be.” 
Yours faithfully, 
A. HAMILTON, Director. 


British Land and ‘Freshwater Shells, phe 



[histrated ‘by Collotype and Engraved Figures of the spectes bik Original Drawings; 
By A. SICH, @. W. “ADAMS, and the AUTHOR, | 


Containing a full enumeration and lescription of all tle reeognized v sriphien: 
with diagnostic tables of. the more difficult genera,“frained for the purpose of 
facilitating the easy identification of the more critical speeies.: / 

A full and detailed Census of the known Distribution of Srey Speciés, 
ineluding the results of the latest researches, is added. \ 

PRICE 8/- PLAIN, and 1O/G@ COLOURED, xetr. 
A hin copies with duplicate plates (coloured and plain) at 15): per copy, nett. 

PostT Eee 3d. PER COPY Extra, 


Wild Bird Protection and Nesting bee 

Vice-President of the North Staffordshire Naturalists’ Field Club. 
With [lustrations in the text of various) designs ‘of Boxes, Brackets, | 
étc., that have actually been used by Wild Birds for N idification, and 

And a Full List of the Orders made under the ‘‘ Wild Birds’ 
Protection Acts,”.on the application of County Councils, 
with the Names of the Species protected. 



A Monthly Journal of Natural History for the North of England, 

ha SHEPPARD, F.G.S., and T. W. WOODHEAD, F. Lisics 
With the assistance as Referees in Special Departments of 

A, Brown & Sons, 5, FrRINGDON AVENUE, EC. 

8vo., Monthly, price 6d. 

Annual Subscription, payable in'advance, 6/6 post-free; &/-\ accepted in case of Subscriptions 
paid direct to the Treasurer, J. H. Howarrn, Fi:G.S., Somerley, ty 
on or before the 31st March in each year. 

et 12 te. 225-280, and 1- 16, also i. xv, | xxii, seis iisahiy) Ptice 7/6. 
lished . June 18; 1906, a > 







To SUBSCRIBERS and others desirous of expediting. 

. the completion of the Monograph ng EHRs dine 


in its leh eihitices 

S it is ies desirable maak the Mandible and Odontophore: of 

all the various native Gastropods should be figured in the 

work; the author would be grateful for adult living Spats ‘of almost 
any of the species for, that purpose. . 

It is, further desired to obtain. the ion of ‘Porthaite: or Js 
‘Autographs of any of the eminent Conchologists or Palsontologists. 

Amongst’ others, it is especially desirable to obtain. Portraits and 
Autographs of Colonel Montagu, Captain’ Brown, the Rev. Revett 
Sheppard, Prof. Macgillivray, Dr, Leach, Prof. Rapubereet, Mr. eee 
Wood, Mr. F. Edwards, ete., etc. 

Subscribers who are also’ shoboutat tines or artists can assist in. « 

adding largely to the interest of the. work by. contributing views. of 
the favourite or typical resorts of various species or of any of the 
many well-known or classical localities, 

Any ~ help calculated to enhance’ the interest or render the : 
“Monograph more complete will be gratefully annie and fully 

acknowledged by the author— 

Nortu GRanar, HoksForTH, Bukws. 


Tyrone—Omacgh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Baronseourt, Sept. 1904! R. Bell. 

Donegal—Bundoran, Aug. 1889! J. G. Milne. Ardara, April 1900 ; and Mevagh 
Rosguill, Oct. 1903, R. Welch. 'Templemore Park, Sept. 1904 ! D. ©. Campbell. — 
Var. subfusca, Carrablagh, Croaghross, Letterkenny, May 1889! H. C. Hart. 

Fermanagh—Killyhevelin, Sept. 1899, R. Welch. Brookeborough, Sept. 1904 ! 
Sir Douglas Brooke. Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ! Dean of Clogher. Type and var. 
rufescens, Castlecoole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. C. L. Corry. 

Cavan—Mullagh, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 


Louth—Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 1904 ; Narrow Water, Dec. 1904 ! also type 
and a pale form of the var. grisea, Beaulieu, Drogheda, Oct. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Navan, July 1900, R. Welch. Drumcondra, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Damp gardens in Monkstown (W. W. Walpole, Zool., 1853, p. 4022). 
Dublin, March 1886! J. R. Redding. Banks of river Dodder, Rathmines, April 
1887 ! R. F. Scharff. Common in gardens, Rathgar, Sept. 1903 ; and almost every- 
where in Bushy Park, Dublin, Sept. 1903 (Welch and Stelfox, Ivish Nat., June 1904). 
Type and var. subfusca, Killakee, Dublin Mountains, Oct. 1890; garden, Leeson 
Park, Dublin, Sept. 1890; and Kilruddery Demesne, Sept. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Kildare—Lyns, Aug. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. P. Beresford. 

Wicklow—Maynooth, Nov. 1891, R. F. Scharff; Woodenbridge, March 1893 
(id., Irish Nat., April 1893). Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. Bray, Sept. 
1904! R. M. Barrington. 

Wexford—Wexford, April 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Carlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. Gardens, Kilkenny Castle, Sept. 
1904 ! J. Carlton. Gardens, Bessborongh, Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Queen’s Co.—-By no means scarce at La Bergerie (B. J. Clarke, Ann. Nat. Hist., 
1840, p. 198). Stradbally, Sept. 1904 ! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Clonmacnois, July 1895, the var. nigra being the prevalent form 
(R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1895). Birr, Sept. 1904 ! Miss Hemphill. The 
Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. R. McKenna. 

Westmeath— Rosemount, Moate, Sep. 1904! Mrs. Nugent. Inockdrin Demesne, 
April 1892, R. F. Scharff. 


Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904! Lord Crofton. Rockingham Gardens, 
Boyle, Sept. 1904 ! E. Clarke. Lougheglynn, Oct. 1904 ! Hugh Kennedy. 

Leitrim—A pallid form of the var. grisea, Mohill, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Sligo--Sparingly about Lough Gill, July 1904, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. 
Type and var. swbfusca, garden, Moyview, Ballina, April 1889 ! Miss Warren. 

Mayo E.—Manulla Junction, Sept. 1904 ! W. West. 

Mayo W.—Achill Island; also in gardens at the Colony and at the Signal Tower, 
Aug. 1886, J. G. Milne. The Demesne, Westport, Sept. 1904 ! J. O'Callaghan. 

Galway E.—Abundant in gardens round Tuam (B. J. Clarke, Ann. Nat. Hist., 
1843, p. 341). Type and var. rufescens, Clonbrock, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Galway W.—Not uncommon on Gentian Hill, July 1895 (R. Standen, Irish 
Nat., Sept. 1895). Various places about Leenane, Apr. 1897, R. Welch. Type and 
var. subfusca, Kylemore Castle Gardens, Sept. 1904 ! W. Comfort. Type and var. 
subfusca, Roundstone and Aran Island, Sept. 1891, R. F. Scharff. ; 


Clare—Woodpark, Seariff, Sept. 1904 ! N. F. Hibbert. Dromoland Castle Gar- 
dens, Sept. 1904 ! J. Carter. 

Limerick—Limerick, Sep. 1904! G. Fogerty. Adare Manor, Oct. 1904! W. Bowles. 

Tipperary N.—Shores of Lough Derg, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary S.—Ballingarry, June 1903, P. H. Grierson. Very common about 
Rock of Cashel, and also at Holycross Abbey, May 1898, R. Welch. Type and var. 
Jasciata, Clonmel, Dee. 1885, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Waterford—Near Waterford, Sept. 1883! J. H. Salter. Garden, Bellevue House, 
Waterford, Sept. 1904 ! Miss Power. Aldavton, Kilmanock, Sept. 1888 ! collected 
by Miss Glascott, G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. 

Cork N.—Common, Blarney Castle, Sept. 1898, L. E. Adams. Convamore near 
Ballyhooley, Sept. 1904! J. MeMillan. Tivoli near Cork, Sept. 1904 ! C. Baker. 
Queenstown, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Cork S.—Cork, south of river Lee, July 1904! R. Welch. Bantry, Sept. 1898, 
L. E. Adams. Skibbereen, Sept. 1904 ! J. J. Wolfe. Old ruin near Glengariff, 
May 1893, R. F. Scharff. 

Kerry—Valentia Island, July 1886 ! Rev. A. H. Delap. Common over all the 
Kenmare and Upper Killarmey districts, May 1898 ; also not uncommon in Mueksna 
Wood, July 1898, R. Welch. Cahirciveen, Sept. 1904 ! Miss M. J. Delap. 

28/7/05 p 



Distributed almost throughout the country, living especially in gardens in 
Alsace, Baden, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Franconia, Hesse, Holstein, Nassau, Olden- 
burg, Pomerania, Pyrmont, Reuss, Saxony, Schleswig, and Thuringia. ‘The record 
by Kleeburg for Elbing, East Prussia, would seem to really refer to A. eireumscriptus, 


Belgium —Recorded under various names as found in the provinces of Brabant, 
East Flanders, Hainault, Liéee, Luxembure, and Namur. 

Holland—Reported from the Hague in South Holland, and Sluys-Kill in Zealand. 


Recorded as inhabiting Ain, Aisne, Alpes Maritimes, Ariége, Basses Pyréneés, 
Cote @Or, Champagne Meridionale, Finistere, Gard, Gers, Gironde, Haute Garonne, 
Haute Loire, Haute Savoie, Hautes Pyrénecs, Herault, Isere, [le-et-Vilaine, Lozere, 
Loire Inferieure, Maine-et-Loire, Manche, Morbihan, Moselle, Niévre, Nord, Oise, 
Pas-de-Calais, Pyréneés Orientales, Puy-de-Dome, Rhone, Sarthe, Savoie, Seine, 
Seine Inferieure, Seine-et-Marne, Somme, Vendée, Vienne, and Vosges. 


Reported from gardens, ete., in the cantons of Berne, Grisons, and Vaud. 

Cited by Lessona, Pollonera, and others, from the Alps of Lombardy and Pied- 
mont, from Western Liguria, Emilia, Venetia, Tuscany, Rome, and Calabria, but 
the southern records are probably very doubtful. 

teported from Austria, Galicia, Hungary, and Moravia. The Transylvanian 
record by bielz more probably refers to A. cirewmscriptus. 

Spain—feported as found in Catalonia, Galicia, Valencia, and Aragon. 
Portugal—Morelet cites this species on the authority of Dr. Hidalgo, but Férus- 
sac’s f. 3, pl. 8a, cited by Hidalgo as representing his species, is 4. circumscriptus. 

Servia—Recorded by Méllendorff from Serpentinberge, Central Servia. 


Norway—Common in the Christiania, Christiansand, and Hamar districts in 
South Norway ; it has also been recorded from Trondenaes on Hindd, in the Amt 
of Troms6, and from Bjorn in Nordland. 

Sweden—According to Lindstrém it is found on the Isle of Gothland, and Malm 
records it from Gothenburg, Christianstad, Lund, Orebro, Ronneby, as well as 
Carlsberes Park, and other places around Stockholm. 

Denmark— According to Malm it is common in Kougens Have, Copenhagen, and 
about Viborg in Jutland. 


Recorded from Kharkov, Moscow, and Courland by Kaleniczenko and others, 
but erroneously, as it has not yet penetrated so far east; it has, however, been 
found on the Aland Isles, and the record by Slosarski of its occurrence at Olkusz in 
Poland, may possibly really refer to this species and not to A. cirewmscriptus. 

Siberia—Recorded as generally distributed in Amurland, and also as inhabiting 
Mikonulina on the Jenissei, but probably erroneously. 


Morocco—Morelet records an Arion “resembling our A. hortensis” from Cape 
Spartel (Journ. de Coneh., 1880, p. 15). 

Algeria—A doubtful specimen from Algiers (Collinge, Pr. Mal. Soc., 1898, p. 337). 


Loeally plentiful in Massachusetts at Boston and New Bedford ; found also at 
Poughkeepsie and New York in New York State ; at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, 
and in greenhouses at Seattle, Washington Territory. 


South Africa—Collinge has recorded A. fuscus O. F. Miiller, and may intend to 

indicate this species, or possibly A. subfuscus. 

New Zealand—Erroneously recorded by Mr. Musson as plentiful at Auckland, 
crawling about after rain; the species occurring there proves to be A. intermedius. 




Piate XXI. 

Distribution of Avion hortensis Fer. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 


Cornwall W. 
Cornwall E. 
Devon §. 
Devon N. 
Somerset §. 
Somerset N. 
Wilts N. 
Wilts 8. 
Isle of Wight 
Hants 8. 
Hants N. 
Sussex W. 
Sussex E. 
Kent BE. 
Kent W. 
Essex 8. 
Essex N. 
Suffolk E. 
Suffolk W. 
Norfolk E. 
Norfolk W. 
Gloucester E. 
Gloucester W. 

Probable Range. 
SS Recorded Distribution. 
ee Distribution verified by the Authors. 


of the British Isles. 

Brecon ° 
Jarnaryon uw 
Denbigh <3 
Lincoln §. 
Lincoln N. 
Leie. & Rutld. 
Cheshire A 
Laneashire 8. 
Lan’shire Mid 
8.E. York 
N.E. York 
S.W. York 
Mid W, York © 
N.W. York 



Durham é 
Northumb. 8. 
and L. Lanes. 
Isle of Man 

Fossil Distribution. 







Dumfries 93 Aberdeen N. 
Kirkcudbright 94 Banff 
Wigtown 95 Elgin 
AVY 66 Easterness 
§ Renfrew W. HIGHLANDS 
Lanark 97 Westerness 
E. LOWLANDS 98 Main Argyle 
Peebles 99 Dumbarton 
Selkirk 100 Clyde Isles 
toxburgh 101 Cantire 
Berwick 102 Ebudes §. 
Haddington 103 Ebudes Mid 
Edinburgh 104 Ebudes N. 
Linlithgow N. HIGHLANDS 
E. HIGHLANDS 105 Ross W. 
Fife & hinross 106 Ross E. 
Stirling 107 Sutherland E£. 
Pth.8.&Clkn. 108 SutherlandW 
Mid Perth 109 Caithness 
Forfar 110 Hebrides 
Kineardine 111 Orkneys 
Aberdeen §. 112 Shetlands 
Derry 122 Louth 
Antrim 123 Meath 
Down 124 Dublin 
Armagh 125 Kildare 
Monaghan 126 Wicklow 
8 Tyrone 127 Wexford 
9 Donegal 128 Carlow 
Fermanagh 129 Kilkenny 
Cavan 130 Queen’s Co. 
131 King’s Co 
132 Westmeath 
133 Longford 
134 Roscommon 
135 Leitrim 
136 Sligo 
137 Mayo EF. 
138 Mayo W. 
139 Galway W. 
140 Galway E. 
141 Clare 
142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N 
144 Tipperary 8. 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. 
147 Cork 8. 
148 Kerry 


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Arion circumscriptus Johnston. 

1819 Arion hortensis var. a and 8 Férussac, Hist. Moll., pl. 2, f. 6, and pl. SA, ff. 2-4. 

1828 — circumscriptus Johnston, Edinburgh New Philos. Journ., v., p. 76. 
1837 — marginatus Kickx, Bull. Acad. Roy. Soc. Bruxelles, iv., p. 139. 
1852 . — leucopheus Normand, Descr. Six Limac. Nouvy., p. 6. 

1864 — hortensis var. grisea Bourguignat, Malac. Gr. Chartr., pl. 1, f. 9-11. 
1868 — bourgwignati Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., xx., p. 138. 

1868 — neustriacus Mabille, op. cit. ; 
1885 — (Carinella) bourguignati Pollonera, Moll. Terr. Piemonte, p. 28. 
1887 — _ celticus Pollonera, Spee. Nuov. Arion Europei, p. 19, ff 11, 22, 33, 37. 
1887 — _ nilssoni Pollonera, op. cit., p. 19, ff. 33-34. 

1889 — ambiguus Pollonera, Nuove Contr. Arion Enropei, p. 15, ff 16-19. 
1890 — subcarinatus Pollonera, Recensem. Arionidie Paléarect., p. 27. 

1822 Limax fasciatus Y Nilsson, Hist. Moll. Sveciae, p. 4. 
1868 Prolepis hortensis Malm, Limae. Seand., ple2etao: 
1881 Geomalacus bourguignati Locard, Moll. Ain, p. 11. 

ISTORY. — Arion circumscriptus 

(circum, around; scriptum, marked) 
in allusion to the distinct lateral black 
zone almost encircling the body, is here 
associated with the late Dr. G. Johnston, 
of Berwick, the author of the excellent 
work, an ‘ Introduction to Conchology,’ 
who first differentiated and named the 
species. It is also probably the Arzon 
hortensis vars. « and Pb of Férussac and 
the Limux fasciatus var. y of Nilsson, 
and is said by Pollonera to be the same 
as Geomalacus bayani Jousseaume and 
Arion dupuyanus of Bourgmgnat, but 
the latter species is described as possess- 
ing a strong keel and yellowish foot, 
characters which are somewhat against 
this allocation. 

The sub-genus Curinella has been 
instituted by Mabille for the reception 
of the present species and closely-allied 
forms, a grouping based upon the pos- 
session of a dorsal keel during the earlier 
‘ stages of growth, but which may occasion- 
ally persist to adult life. 

Diagnosis.—Arion circumscriptus is larger, broader, and far paler in 
colour than A. hortensis, the species with which it has been so long con- 
founded. The distinctly white foot of the present species is also one of its 
most striking characteristics. 

INTERNALLY, it is distinctly separated from its ally, Avvon hortensis, by 
its very elongate and narrow ATRIUM, pointed SPERMATIIECA, slender and 
rather uniform EPIPHALLUS, and shorter FREE OVIDUCT. 

Original Description. — Arion circumscriptus. Body greyish-black, spotted, 
with a black fascia round the shield and body, the respiratory aperture anterior, | 

Body, 1 or 14 inch long, not keeled, nor much narrowed at the tail ; greyish- 
black, marbled, with a narrow fascia surrounding the back and shield ; sides bluish- 
erey ; foot white, opaque; tentacula rather short, biack ; respiratory aperture 


placed very forward on the shield, which is entire ; mucus pore very distinct, above 
the tail; the young are white or straw coloured, with blackish head and tentacula. 
Habitat : Moist meadows, hedgebanks, ete., common. 

We have found it very uniform and constant in its character, though it may 
possibly be the Avion ater in an immature state. —G. JOHNSTON, Edinb. New Phil. 
Journal, 1828, vol. v., p. 76. 

Description.—ANIMAL of the Arion shape, but stouter especially when contracted 
and with aimueh softer skin than its close ally, Avion hortensis ; about thirty mill. 
in length when adult and fully extended ; of a pale creamy-grey colour, darker 
grey dorsally, but shading to whitish towards the fringe; a black and sharply- 
defined lateral band extends the whole length of the body on each side, beneath 
which is sometimes an indistinct orange band, formed by pigment cells breaking 
throueh the skin; there is a slight mid-dorsal KEEL when young, which, however, 
eradually disappears during growth, but its place is almost invariably indicated by 
a line of pale mid-dorsal TUBERCLES, which contribute to form a pair of dorsal or 
inner bands ; SHIELD granulose and bluntly rounded at both ends, bearing a dis- 
connected continuation of the longitudinal body banding ; BODY TUBERCLES rather 
long and slender ; SOLE opaque, waxy white, and indistinctly tripartite, the median 
portion slightly darker and more transparent than the side areas, and occupying 
more than one-third of the width of the body ; FOOT-FRINGE broad and white or 
pale-grey in colour, usually without perceptible lineolations, but sometimes the 
lineoles are clearly pigmented, especially at the caudal end of the body. 

The SHELL is, as is usual in the genus, represented by a layer of limey-paste, but 
is sometimes found in the form of one or more solid lime particles of variable size. 

are very conspicuous, and united by a slender com- pager 
missure, which, unlike Arion ater, is not opaque-white 
or enlarged medially as in that species. The body 

cavity is whitish and therefore does not display so Y) 
strikingly the exquisite lace-like network of milk- =o 

white arteries and arterioles, a whiteness due to the 

dense investment by lime particles of their outer \ 

sheaths, and which renders them so conspicuous in the IGE Dao Nerve rcentrestan 
dark form of A. afer; the AORTA is large and white, Arion circumscriptus (greatly 
and runs 4 to 5 mill. before its bifureation, the white enlarged). Christchurch, 

investment commences abruptly, as no part of the Hants: 5» Mr. C. Ashford). 

VENTRICLE is white; the OTOCONIA are very numerous, oval in shape, with a 
central speck, and comparatively broader in proportion than those of A. hortensis. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS resemble those of Arion 
hortensis. The broad and flat TENTACULAR muscles 
have their roots four “to five mill. apart to the right 
and left of the kidney, but are not quite symmetrical, \) 
either as to position of roots or width of muscle. 
The branch to the lower tentacle arises at about 
half the total leneth. The PHARYNGEAL retractor ; © 
distinet, and usually dividing about half-way into two 
slender branches, which are fixed to the buccal bulb ; 
the root arises about three mill. behind the kidney, : 
about a millimetre to the right of the median line, and Fic, 233.—Cephalic retractors 
though sometimes broad the muscle is on the whole ai vacant ie 7 
much narrower than the tentacular retractors. C. Ashford). er 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS display an oval or roundish OVOTESTIS, with rela- 
tively large follicles, very dark in colour, especially in the interstices, the whole 
being completely imbedded in the LiveR; the HERMAPHRODITE DUCT is rather 
long and slender, but scarcely sinuous ; ALBUMEN GLAND very large and broad, 
of a dirty semi-transparent yellow; OVISPERMATODUCT thick and very stiffly 
flexed ; OVIDUCT yellowish and very broad ; SPERM DUCT or prostate composed in 
the upper part of small, longish, and somewhat separated follicles ; FREE OVIDUCT 
short, and of uniform width; EPIPHALLUS stiff, and not very slender, gradually 
enlarging downwards, but without the bulbous base of A. hortensis, and shewing the 
internal folds through its substance as white longitudinal lines ; VAS DEFERENS 
rather long ; SPERMATHECA inversely spatulate, the stem short and thickening 
downwards ; ATRIUM very long, somewhat constricted and uniform in width, with 
«1 conspicuous yellow glandular investment, 


The ALIMENTARY SYSTEM has the usual triodromons intestinal coiling, but the 
tracts are shorter, and therefore do not so palpably shew the great spiral torsion 
to which the viscera have been subjected ; the G:SOPHAGUS is about three mill. in 
length, and fused to the PHARYNX; the CROP is dirty-brown, about nine mill. 
long, and two mill. in diameter, closely wrinkled transversely, with the white 
salivary glands attached to each side; the DIGESTIVE GLAND is light brownish- 
ochre, and forms the hindmost point, but a lobe reaches far forward. 


Fig. 234. Fic. 235. Fic. 236. Fic. 237. 

Alimentary canal and Reproductive organs of Avion circumscriptus Johnst. and 
Arion ambiguus Pollonera. 

Fic. 234.—Alimentary canal of A. circumscriptus Johnst. x 3. (Christchurch, Mr. C. Ashford). 

Fic. 235.— Reproductive organs of A. circumscriptus Johnst. x 3. (Christchurch, Mr. C. Ashford). 

Fic. 236.—Proximal end of Reproductive organs of A. azzbiguus x 4. Bardonecchia, Piedmont 
(after Pollonera). 

Fic. 237.—Proximal end of Reproductive organs of A. ambiguus var. armoricana x 4, Brest, 
France (after Pollonera). 

a.g. albumen gland ; ef. epiphallus ; of. ovotestis ; ov. oviduct ; s.d. sperm duct ; sf. spermatheca 

with retractor ; v.d. vas deferens ; v.f. vestibular gland. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is rather more than a mill. broad, and much resembles 
that of A. hortensis in general aspect, but in the 
particular example was thicker in substance, and of 
deep brown colour. It is of the usual crescentic 
shape, and strongly arcuate from front to back, with 
about ten vertical ribs or thickenings, which strongly ; : 
denticulate the upper margin, and are more evenly 4 Fic. 238.— Mandible or ewae! 

= > : c. Avion circumscriptus X 20. 

distributed over the whole anterior surface of the (Stroud, Mr. E. J. Elliott). 
jaw than in A. hortensis; the lower half of the jaw ; 
is much more deeply coloured than the top, which is of an amber colour, with the 
darker ribs very apparent thereon. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is about three mill. long, and about one mill. in 
width, and composed of about 125 slightly-curved transverse rows of denticles, 
each row formed by a distinetly tricuspid median tooth, the strong and well- 
developed mesocone with lateral expansions ; the lateral teeth are about seventeen 
in number, obscurely tricuspid, showing a powerful mesocone with lateral expan- 
sions, an enlarged ectocone, and a more than correspondingly reduced endocone, 
without cutting-point ; the marginals are bicuspid, bearing a strong mesocone and 
a distinet and pointed ectocone, while the few extreme marginals are quite embry- 

onic in character. 

YR TY A) AAA (8h pe 

Fic. 239.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teeth of 4. circumscriptus 
* 180, The animal collected at Stroud by Mr. E. J. Elliott, and the palate prepared by Mr. Neville. 

The dental formula of a Stroud specimen collected by Mr. E. J. Elliott is 
TH+ a5 t+Et+h54779 +7 x 125 =8,620. 


Reproduction and Development.—The congress of this species has 
been observed by Mr. E. J. Lowe, who remarks that the act is, as in Arion 
hortensis, very transient, scarcely oceupying more than forty to forty-five 
seconds, but the spermatophore has not as yet been noticed or described. 
The eggs are deposited in moist sheltered positions, in clusters of twelve 
to fifteen, adherent by a sticky mucus, and have been observed from 
June up to November; they are oval, but somewhat variable both in shape 
and size, usually of a semitransparent white when first deposited, but 
gradually becoming opalescent or pearly. The young are said to be usu- 
ally of a delicate grey, and to show the lateral banding from birth, as well 
as a distinct dorsal keel, the latter, however, is usually gradually lost 
during growth, its position being represented by a line of whitish mid- 
dorsal tubercles at maturity, a state which would seem to be attained 
about June and July. 

Food and Habits.—This species is much less slimy than Arion 
hortenis, and unlike that species, is essentially a frequenter of grass fields 
or uncultivated ground, and not common in gardens. Like its ally, it 
however is a truly geophilous and nocturnal species, and in feeding only 
ascends a short distance up a plant, though capable of spinning mucous 
threads both in its young and adult state. 

According to Baudon, it is rather common on decaying tree-trunks, 
under fallen leaves, and in the stem and cap of large mushrooms of which 
and other fungi A. circumscriptus is particularly fond. 

It isa very sluggish and slow species, bunching wp and spreading out its 
margins when at rest, and remaining inert as though torpid. It fixes itself to 
wood or stone, and according to Mr. Sherriff ye, when humped-up in such 
places, looks like a grey pebble, and does not seek to escape from the place 
where it is fixed. According to Baudon, it often excavates little galleries in 
the earth under old trunks, in which many individuals may congregate, and 
which serve for retreats when the temperature is too hot or too cold. 

Mabille describes it as a winter species in France, but in this country 
the winters are more severe and it is rarely met with at that season. 

In captivity, Dr. Scharff found them to eat pieces of apple or rhubarb 
stalk, while in the garden they seemed to prefer to feed on the fallen and 
partially-decayed flowers of the pea, instead of attacking the living parts 
of the plant, like A. agrest’s. Mr. Gain found this species to thrive and 
breed freely in confinement, but of 193 different kinds of food offered, only 
thirty-three were taken freely, while ninety were totally rejected. 

Variation.—This species, being one of our more primitive and ancient 
forms, does not display that wealth of variation shown by the more 
recently evolved species, and although many varieties and even species 
have been set up, based chiefly upon the differing shades of dermal colour- 
ing, yet these are all clearly referable to two chief lines of variation ; one, 
which is chiefly found on cultivated land and gardens, is distinguished by 
the yellowish or brownish shade of its colouring, due to the development 
during growth of a number of reddish tegumentary pigment cells ; the 
other partakes of the grey tint of the typical form, but is liable to darken 
with age, and also displays more distinctly a certain concentration of the 
yellow pigment in the form of a supra-pedal longitudinal zone, and is a 
form more especially characteristic of the open country. 

‘he shght dorsal keel, invariably present in the immature individuals, 
but which is usually gradually obliterated during growth, may, however, 


at times persist to adult life, and this juvenile peculiarity in adults is not 
restricted to any particular form, but is probably more common amongst 
the individuals living near the outskirts of the geographical range of the 

The Arion celticus and A. nilssoni of Pollonera would appear to be 
passage forms, linking the present species with Arion hortensis, possessing 
the yellowish foot and coioured slime of the latter, but with the internal 
organization in practical accord with that of A. circumscriptus, and should, 
therefore, be viewed as extreme forms of the latter species. It should, how- 
ever, be noted that the external characters of A. ce/ticus cannot be very 
well-marked, as specimens sent by Pollonera to Dr. Simroth as that species 
were found to be anatomically quite identical with A. hortensis. 

Var. leucophea Normand, Descr. Lim., 1852, p. 5. 

Arion leucopheus Normand, op. cit. 

Arion hortensis var. grisea Bourguignat, Mal. Grande Chartr., 1864, p. 30, pl. 1, f. 10. 
Arion anibiguus and var. armoricana Poll., Atti. Acc. Sc. Torino, 1889, p. 15, ff. 16-19. 
Arion subcarinatus Pollonera, Elenco Moll. Terr. Piem., 1885, p. 19. 

Arion celticus Pollonera, Sp. nuov. Arion Europ., 1887, p. 19, ff. 11, 22, 33, 37. 

Arion circumscriptus var. atripunctatus Cockerell, Conch., Sept. 1891, p. 34. 

Arion circumscriptus var. subalbida Cockerell, Brit. Nat., 1891, p. 101. 

Arion fasciatus var. griseus Collinge, Conch., 1892, p. 79. 

ANIMAL of a grey colour, with darker lateral banding ; foot-fringe with indis- 
tinct lineolations. 

This variety which, with its more closely related forms, really represents the 
typical form, is sometimes found in an apparently dwarfed condition, possibly not 
fully grown, and in this state has been distinguished by Dr. Bandon as var. minor. 

The var. leueophea s.str., as defined by Van den Broeck, is ashy-grey, tinged 
with lilac, lateral bands dark. : 

The sub-var. ambigua is ashy-grey, fuscons dorsally, foot and foot-fringe 
whitish, with a tinge of yellowish, and faint lineoles. 

The sub-var. armorieana has the sides pale ash colour, with back and shield 
maculated deep grey. 

The sub-var. atripunetata has the shield punctate with black. 

The sub-var. grisea is light silver-grey, with darker lateral banding. 

The sub-var. subalbida is grey laterally, opaque-white below and darker dors- 
ally, with dark lateral banding ; sole and foot-fringe creamy-white. 

The sub-var. eceltica is darkly olivaceous above, sides pale grey with dark 
variegations and lateral banding, foot and foot-fringe yellowish, faintly lineolate. 


Dorset—Sub-var. ambigua (T. D. A. Cockerell, Conch., Sept. 1891, p. 33). Sub- 
var. subalbida, Bailey Gate (id., op. cit., p. 35). Sub-var. armoricana, Sturminster 
Marshall (id., l.c.). Sub-var. grisea, Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885 ! A. Belt. 

Hants. S.—Sub-var. celtica, Southampton, E. W. Swanton (Collinge, Conch., 
1892, ii., p. 77). 

Kent W.—Sub-var. ce/tica, Doddington, E. W. Swanton (Collinge, 1.c.). 

Hereford—Sub-var. grisea, Bishopswood Vicarage garden, June 1885! Rey. 
R. W. J. Smart. 

Notts.—Sub-var. ce/tica, near Newark, W. A. Gain. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. grisea, Knowsley near Liverpool, 1893 (W. E. Collinge, 
J. of Mal., 1893, p. 148). 

York S.W.—Sub-var. atripunctata, Lofthouse, May 1887, G. Roberts (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, op. cit.). 

Meath—An uniformly grey variety, New Grange, June 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Dublin—Killakee, Oct. 1890; and garden, Leeson Park, Dublin, R. F. Scharff. 

Galway W.—Roundstone, March 1891, R. F. Scharf. 


France—Var. lewcophea is found around Valenciennes in the department of the 
Nord, and at Troyes in the Aube (Moquin-Tandon, Hist. Moll., 1855, p. 15). Sub- 
vars. celtica and armoricana, about Brest, the former being erroneously said to 
replace Arion hortensis in that district. Sub-var. grisea, Grande Chartreuse, [sére. 

Italy—Sub-var. ambigua, Bardonecehia and Boves, Piedmont. Sub-var. sib- 
carinata, Rosazza, Piedmont. 


Var. neustriaeca Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., Apl. 1868, p. 138. 

Avion neustriacus Mabille, op. cit. 

Arion hortensis (3 alpicola Férussac, Tabl., 1821, p. 18, pl. 8a, f. 3. 
Arion circumscriptus var. flavescens Collinge, Conch., 1892, p. 27. 
Avion nilssoni Pollonera, Sp. nuoy. Arion Europ., 1887, p. 19, ff. 31, 34. 
Prolepis hortensis Malm, Limac. Scand., 1868, pl. 2, f. 5. 

ANIMAL reddish-grey, lateral fascia blackish, dorsal keel sometimes persistent 
to adult life ; foot-fringe without distinct lineolation. 

This is the var. subfusca of Roebuck and the var. flavescens of Collinge, who 
describes the form as not uncommon. It is probably the var. a/picola of Férussac. 
The Arion nilssoni of Pollonera, is described as possessing a yellowish foot-fringe 
and as exuding a yellowish mucus. 

The sub-var. flaveseens is light brownish-yellow, with dark lateral band, and 
no perceptible lineoles, the yellow supra-pedal zone distinct. 

The sub-var. nilssoni is yellowish-grey with cinereous banding, sides paler. 


Cornwall W.—Penmon, Falmouth, Apl. 1884 ! Herbert Fox. 

Cornwall E.—Garden bank, St. Columb, May 1885 ! W. Vinson. 

Middlesex—Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, Apl. 1889 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Warwick—Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 1884 ! R. J. Attye. 

Stafford—Abundant about Cheadle, April 1886! F. B. Webb. 

Merioneth—Hills above Barmouth, and Torrent Walk, Dolgelly, Aug. 1884 ! 
J. Hopkinson. 

Leicester and Rutland—Hathern, Sept. 1884 ! C. T. Musson. 

Notts.—Wollaton, Nov. 1884 ! and Worksop, April 1884 ! C. T. Musson. 

Cheshire—Bowdon and Carrington, Dee. 1884! J. G. Milne. 

York S.E.—Millington near Pocklington, April 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York N.E.—Alundant in Wilton Wood, May 1887 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York S.W.—Holimfirth, Jan. 1885 ! H. E. Craven. 

York Mid W.—Aneram, Nidderdale ! at Starbotton ! and at an alt. of 900 feet 
on Buckden Pike, May 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Lancashire S.—Sub-v. flavescens, Knowsley, 1893 (Collinge, J. of M., 1893, p. 148). 

Cheviotland—Tweedmouth, Dec. 1888 ! Rev. Dr. MeMurtrie. 


Fife and Kinross—Sub-v. flavescens, St. Andrews (Collinge, J. of M., 1892, p. 27). 


France—Under stones at Sevres, Bellevue, and Charenton, Seine; also in the 
departments of the Aisne and Oise. 

Switzerland—Sub-var. a/picola, the Alps (Charpentier t. Moquin-Tandon). 

Italy—Rivarossa, Piedmont (Pollonera, op. cit. ). 

Austro-Hungary—Sub-var. «lpicola, Tatra in Galicia (Dybowski t. Jachno). 
Simroth describes a var. with orange-red dorsum and paler sides from Graz in Styria. 

Sweden—Sub-var. nilssoni, South Sweden (Pollonera, op. cit.). 

Var. misera Pollonera, Spec. nuoy. Arion Europ., 1887, p. 24. 
Arion bourguignati var. misery Pollonera, l.c. 

ANIMAL whitish, or tinged with grey, with usual banding pale, and indistinct 
This sub-albine form is practically identical with the form named pallida by 
Mr. Roebuck. 
Carnarvon—Sub-var. pallida, Conway Castle, July 1883 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Notts.—Sub-v. pallida, railway embankment, Colwick, Sep. 1884 !C. T. Musson. 
York S.W.—Sub-var. pallida, Penistone, Nov. 1889 ! Lionel E. Adams. 
York Mid W.—Sub-var. pallida, Buckden Pike, at an alt. of 1,100 feet, May 
1886 ! W. Denison Roebuek. 
Roxburgh—Sub-var. pallida, Langlee near Galashiels, Sep. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 
Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. pallida, Maryborough, Oct. 1904 ! A. G. Stuart. 

Italy—Var. wiisera, Valley of Aosta and Valley of Great St. Bernard, Piedmont. 


Geographical Distribution.—Arion circumscriptus being an earlier 
evolved species than Arion hortensis, has naturally therefore probably 
acquired a wider distribution, although its range is as yet far from being 
accurately known, as it has been in the past and is still so frequently 
confused with A. hortensis, under which name it is usually recorded. 

It has been reported under its own name, or under that of Avion 
hortensis, from the British Isles, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, 
Scandinavia, Austro-Hungary, North Italy, and Russia, but has not yet 
been detected in the Iberian Peninsula, where it will probably eventually 
be found. 

It has also been observed in North America, where it has probably been 
accidentally introduced. 

In the British Isles, it is distributed entirely over the country, and 
probably exists in all our comital and vice-comital areas. 


Geographical Distribution 


Arion circumscriptus Johnst. 

ES) Recorded Distribution. 

[ ‘ q Probable Range. 

Fic. 240. 


Channel Isles—St. Sampson’s, Guernsey, Sept. 1891 ! B. Tomlin. 
Cornwall W.—Gardens, Truro, Apl. 1886! J. H. James. Penzance, Jan. 1905! 
Lionel E. Adams. Var. neustriaca, Penmon, Falmouth, Apl. 1884 ! H. Fox. 
Cornwall E.—Type and var. neustriaca, garden bank, St. Columb, May 1885 ! 
W. Vinson. 
Devon N.—Northam, Nov. 1885, W. A. Gain. Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 
1904 ! Rev. W. W. Mason. 
Somerset S.—Porlock, Aug. 1892! Lionel E. Adams. 
Somerset N.—Recorded in Adams’ ‘‘ Census,” 1902, p. 222. 
Wilts. N.—Clyffe Pybard, Swindon, Aug. 1904 ! Rev. E. H. Goddard. 
Wilts. S.—Garden, Dunollie, Bourne avenue, Salisbury, Sept. 1904! A. R. D. 
Dorset—Sub-var. ambigua (T. D. A. Cockerell, Conch., Sept. 1891, p. 38). Sub- 
var. grisea, Chideock, Bridport, Aug. 1885 ! A. Belt. Sub-var. subalbida, Bailey 
Gate (Cockerell, op.e., p. 35). Sub-var. a7moricana, Sturminster Marshall (id., l.e.). 


Hants. S.—Among dead leaves, garden, Christchurch, June 1886 ! and Hoborne, 
C. Ashford. Portsdown Hill near Portsmouth, Aug. 1886, W. Jeffery. Moderately 
common, Crabbe Wood, Aug. 1894, L. E. Adams. Hambledon, May 1904! C.S. Coles. 
Sub-var. celtica, Southampton, E. W. Swanton (Collinge, Conch., 1892, p. 77). 

Hants. N. —Preston Candov er, Nov. 1885 ! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Sussex W.—Garden, Ratham, July 1884! and Up Park, Sept. 1886! W. Jeffery. 


Kent W.—Sevenoaks, Aug. 1887 !S. C. Cockerell. Sub-var. ce/tica, Doddington, 
E. W. Swanton (Collinge, ee 

Surrey—Oxshott, May 1888! H. W. Kew. Punch Bowl and Grayswood (E. W. 
Swanton (C. Pannell, jr., J. of Conch., Apl. 1902, p. 169). Mickleham Downs and 
Epsom (id., op. cit., July 1903, p. 331). 

Herts. —Codicote near W elwy n, Aug. 1904! Mrs. Blundell. 

Middlesex—Bedford Park, Chisw ick, Dee. 1884! T. D. A. Cockerell. Muswell 
Hill road, Apl. 1889! type and var. neustriaca, Churehyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, 
H. Wallis Kew. 

Oxford—Banbury, Chipping Norton, Deddington, Bicester, Oxford, and Swin- 
comb (Collinge, Conch., 1891, p. 14). Combe, July 1904! Rev. 8S. Spencer Pearce. 

Bucks.— Abundant under stones by road- side, Olney, March 1893, L. E. Adams. 


Suffolk E.—Woodbridge, June 1886 ! Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. Mendlesham, 
Thwaite, and Needham Market (A. Mayfield, J. of Conch., Apl. 1903, p. 295). 

Norfolk E.—Common about Norwich, Aue. 1890, Lionel E. Adams. 

Norfolk W.—Kine’s Lynn, May 1887 ! and Gayton, June 1887 ! C. B. Plowright. 
Didlington Hall near Brandon, Oct. 1904! Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil. 

Cambridge—Grantchester, Sept. 1904 ! Hugh Watson. 

Bedford—Hedgebank and wood near Luton, Noy. 1886! also General Cemetery, 
Luton, Apl. 1889! J. Sannders. 

Northampton—Comuon in the county. Yardley Chase, Mech. 1893! L. E. Adams. 
Haselbeech, Rev. W. A. Shaw. 


Gloucester E.—Garden, Argyll House, Cirencester, Aug. 1904! Mrs. Blundell. 

Gloucester W.—Common about Stroud, Oct. 1883! E. J. Elliott. Bristol, W. B. 

Monmouth—Shirenewton Hall, June 1886 ! E. J. Lowe. 

poe Type and sub-var. grisea, vicarage garden, Bishopswood, June 1885 ! 
Rev. R. W. J. Smart. Garden, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. Blake. 

Etta Prior, May 1887 | G. Sherriff Tye. Selly Oak, Feb. 1893 ! 
Lionel E. Adams. 

Warwick—Solihull, Feb. 1893 ! Lionel E. Adams. Common about Sutton Cold- 
field, 1897, Albert Wood. Var. neustriaca, Ingon Grange, Stratford-on-Avon, Sept. 

1884 ! Fe de Attye. 

Stafford—Statford Castle, Oct. 1885! Lionel E. Adams. Handsworth, in garden, 
June 1886 ! G. Sherriff shi Newton road, Birmingham, Feb. 1893! C. Oldham. 
Harborne, Guy Breeden, 1904. Type and var. neustriaca, Cheadle, abundant, Apl. 

1886 ! F. B. Webb. 

Salop—Whittington Castle ! and Oswestry, June 1885 ! Baker Hudson. 


Glamorgan—Banks of river Ely, St. Fagan’s, March 1885 ! F. W. Wotton. 

Brecon—Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Radnor—Penybout, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. 

Carmarthen—Kidwelly, Dee. 1903, Rev. Ll. Davies. 

Pembroke—Not uncommon, plantation, Tenby, Feb. 1898 ! A. G. Stubbs. 


Montgomery—Llanwddyn, May 1889! in fields, L lanymynech, and beneath 
larch timber in railway timber yard, Welshpool, June 1889 ! J. Bickerton Morgan. 

Merioneth—Palé, Corwen, common in gardens and fields, May 1887 ! T. Ruddy. 
Type and var. neustriaca, hills above Barmouth ! and Torrent Walk, Dolgelly, 
Aug. 1884 ! J. Hopkinson. 

Carnarvon—Slopes of Snowdon, Apl. 1887! J. Madison. Type and sub-var. 
pallida, Conway Castle, July 1883 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Denbigh—Recorded in Adams’ ‘‘ Census,” 1902, p, 222. 

Flint—Grange road, Rhyl, July 1904! Rev. A. Steele Perkins. 

Anglesey— Recorded in Adams’ ‘‘ Census,” 1902, p. 222. 


Lincoln S.—Anceaster, Apl. 1886! abundant by Old Hammond Beck, Frampton 
Fen near Boston, Sept. 1889! W. Denison Roebuck. Old Quarry, Great Ponton, 
Aug. 1902! R. Worsdale. 


Lincoln N.—Skirbeck near Boston, Sept. 1884! Tothby Farm! Ailby ! Burwell! 
Muckton Chalk Pit ! and Sutton-in-the-Marsh, Apl. 1886 ! also Harrineton Hill! 
Well Vale ! Bag Enderby ! and Grisel Bottom near Louth, Sept. 1889! W. Denison 
Roebuck. Tothill, May 1888! Miss Susan Allott. Hibaldstow, Apl. 1903 ! Mason 
and Peacock. 

Leicester and Rutland—Var. neustriaca, Hathern, Sept. 1884 ! ©. T. Musson. 

Notts.—Plentiful in gardens and fields about Tuxford, June 1888 ! W. A. Gain. 
Cleveland Hill, West Markham ! Pleasley Vale ! and Cresswell Crags, Apl. 1884 ! 
railway embankment near Colwick! Beauvale Abbey ! and wood at Wollaton, Nov. 
1884 ! by old ruined chapel, Houghton ! and Mapperley, May 1885 ! also at Staunton, 
June 1886! C. T. Musson. Corporation Gardens, Wells road, Nottingham, June 
1885! and Hunger Hill Gardens, Nottingham, May 1888! G. W. Mellors. Var. 
neustriaca, Worksop, April 1884! Wollaton, Nov. 1884! and sub-var. pallida, 
Colwick, Sept. 1884! C. T. Musson. Sub-var. cedtica, near Newark, W. A. Gain. 

Derby— Markland Grips and Pleasley Vale, Apl. 1884! C. T. Musson. Numerous 
on banks of river Goyt, Marple ! and Fairfield near Buxton, Sept. 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 
Clifton near Ashbourne, June 1889 ! and near Hathersage, Aug. 1889, L. E. Adams. 


Cheshire—Garden, Broad road, Sale, May 1885 ! and Northwich, Oct. 1885 ! 
Charles Oldham. Garden, Liverpool road, Chester, Oct. 1887 ! Brockton Tomlin. 
Marple, May 1891 ! L. St. George Byne. Bowdon, May 1885! Peover near Knuts- 
ford, Aug. 1885 ! and Dunham Park, Oct. 1885! also var. neustriaca, Bowdon and 
Carrington, Dec. 1884! J. G. Milne. 

Lancashire S.—River-bank, Walton-le-Dale, June 1889! and Farington, Oct. 
1889! W. H. Heathcote. Type and sub-vars. grisea and flavescens, Knowsley near 
Liverpool, 1893 (W. E. Collinge, J. of Mal., 1893, p. 148). 

Lancashire Mid—Banks of Easegill Beck, at foot of limestone sears, alt. 900 ft., 
Apl. 1887 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Fulwood, Feb. 1889 ! W. H. Heatheote. Over 
Wyresdale, at an alt. of 1,100 feet, Apl. 1903 ! Preesal near Fleetwood, July 1900 ! 
Mason and Peacock. 


York S.E.—Kilnsea, March 1884! W. Eagle Clarke. Allerthorpe, Filey, Low- 
thorpe, banks of Hornsea Mere, Bale Wood, Hledon, Cottingham, Humbledon, and 
North Grimston (T. Petch, Moll. East Riding, 1904, p. 131). Sledmere, Aug. 1891! 
F. W. Fierke. Driftield, June 1902, Rev. E. Perey Blackburn. Brough, May 1901 ! 
J. E. Crowther. Flamborough Head, May 1886! Kirkham Abbey, July 1889 ! and 
var. neustriaca, Millington near Pocklington, Apl. 1885 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York N.E.—In the Tees Valley : Saltburn Wood ! and Kirkleatham, Sept. 1886 ! 
Tockett’s Wood near Guisborough ! and Skelton Beck Valley, May 1887 ! Yearsby 
Wood, April 1889! Kilton Castle ! and Ingleby Greenhow; type and var. neustriaca, 
abundant in Wilton Wood, June 1890! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Eskdale: Ramsdale Wood, Robin Hood’s Bay, June 1886 ! W. D. Roebuck. 

In Upper Derwent: Pickering Castle Hill ! Farwath Bridge ! and Levisham, 
Aug. 1886! also Harwood Dale, May 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. Scarborough, 
Aug. 1888, B. Tomlin... Hayburn Wyke, Aug. 1894 ! F. W. Fierke. 

York S.W.—In Calderdale: Common, Park Wood, Elland, J. E. Crowther. 
Hebden Bridge, June 1904! W. D. Roebuck. Birkenshaw, Sept. 1888 ! G. Wingate. 
Type and var. neustriaca, garden, Holmfirth, Jan. 1885 ! H. E. Craven. Sub-var. 
atripunctata, Lofthouse, May 1887, G. Roberts (T. D. A. Cockerell, 1.c.). 

In the Don Valley: Dunford Bridge, July 1892! F. W. Fierke. Near Wors- 
borough Reservoir, Sept. 1899! W. E. Brady. Darton, May 1904 ! W. Harrison 
Hutton. Burghwallis and Campsall, May 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Doncaster ! 
Dunnington, June 1891 ! common at Kiveton Park, Conisborough, July 1891, type 
and var. pallida, Penistone, Nov. 1889 ! Lionel E. Adams. 

In the Vale of Mersey : Canal side, Greenfield, June 1888 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York Mid W.—In Airedale: Headingley, Nov. 1886! W. Nelson. Plentiful on 
banks of Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Armley, Oct. 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Garden, Horsforth ! Fagley Wood and Thackley Wood, common, 1887 ; Nab Wood, 
Shipley Glen, and Seven Arches, Bingley, 1888 ; gardens, Apperley and Calverley, 
1888, H. T. Soppitt. 

In Wensleydale : Eavestone, Sept. 1886 ! J. Ingleby. 

In Wharfedale: Kettlewell ! Starbotton ! and Buckden Pike ! up to 1,200 feet 
alt., May 1886; Leathley ! Troller’s Gill ! and Rawdon Hill plantation near Hare- 
wood, Apl. 1887! Grassington, May 1891 ! and Cray Village, Aug. 1904! W. D. 
Roebuck. Oughtershaw, alt. 1,250 feet ! Hubberholne ! and Buekden Woods, 
common, Aug. 1904! Tom Petch. Var. neustriaed, Starbotton ! also on Buckden 
Pike, at 900 feet altitude ; and sub-var. pallida, at an elevation of 1,100 feet, May 
1886! W. Denison Roebuek. 


In Nidderdale : Near Linley ! and How Stean Beck ! type and var. neustriaca, 
near Angram May 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York N.W.—In Wensleydale: Sears on Coverdale Head, alt. 1,500 feet, May 
1886 ! and Leyburn Shawl, April 1893 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Swaledale : Common by roadsides, Gunnerside, July 1884! abundant, Low 
Row ! and Feltham, Aug. 1885! W. Denison Roebuck. 

In Teesdale: Greta Bridge road, Bowes, July 1884! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Rokeby, June 1892 ! W. Nelson. 

In Ribblesdale : Wood End near Slaidburn! Tosside in Bolland, Ang. 1885 ! 
Horton, 1892! and Cowgill, Denthead, Sept. 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. Helk’s 
Wood, Ingleton, 1888, F. Rhodes. 


Durham—Durham, Apl. 1884! near High Force, June 1884 ; and Croft, Aa 
1887 ! Baker Hudson. Dent Bank near Middleton, July 1884 ! and Langdon Beck, 
July 1884 ! also Spa Wood, Dinsdale, May 1887 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Northumberland S. —Stocksfield-on- Tyne, May 1885 ! H. E. Craven. West 
Woodburn, by base of cliff; and on summit at an alt. of 800 feet, Sept. 1887! 
Richard Howse. 

Cheviotland—Var. neustriaca, Tweedmouth, Dee. 1888 ! Rev. Dr. ee 


Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Coniston, April 1887 ! 8. C. Cockerell. 
Eggerslack Wood, Grange, Aug. 1897 (R. Standen, J. of Conch., Oct. 1898, p. 113). 

‘Cumberland—Scales, Sept. ‘1890 ! Rev. J. Hawell. 

Isle of Man—Douglas, Apl. 1904 (B. R. Lucas, J. of Conch., July 1904, p. 90). 
Injebreck Glen and Glen Maye, Sept. 1891 ! 


Dumfries—About Dumfries, Sept. 1890 ! and Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Kirkcudbright—Near Maxwelltown, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Wigtown—Springbank, Stranraer, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—By sandy shore, West Kilbride, Apl. 1888 ! Alex. Somerville. Girvan, 
Sept. 1890! W. Evans. Gourock Burn; Seamill ; Portineross Rocks, Fairlie, and 
Largs, Rev. R. Godfrey, 1904. 

Renfrew—Abundant under sleepers on abandoned railway, Shielhill Glen, Aug. 
1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Lanark—Possil Marsh, ene 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Blaekwood estate, 
Kirkmuirhill, Sept. 1904! N. B. Kinnear. 


Peebles— Roadside, ence July 1889 ! tops of walls by roadside, Walker- 
burn ! and at Leadburn, Aug. 1889! W. D. Roebuck. Cademuir near Peebles, and 
Slipperfield Loch, West Linton, July 1890! also at Maebiehill, Feb. 1896! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Holylee ! and stone-heaps in Thornielee railway station, Aug. 1896 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. Near Selkirk, Oct. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Roxburgh—Eildon Hills, Ang. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Jedburgh ! and 
type and sub-var. pallida, Langlee near Galashiels, Sept. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 

Berwick—Roadsides near Earlston ! and Dryburgh Abbey ruins, Aug. 1886 ! 
W. Denison Roebuck. Cockburnspath, Sept. 1890 ! West Berwick ! and Colding- 
ham Loch, Oct. 1890! W. Evans. Common, Eyemouth and Berwick (id., Moll. 
Berwick, 1895, p. 171). 

Haddington— Under sleepers of abandoned railway, Drummore ! and Falside, 
Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Longniddry, March 1890! Aberlady, May 1890 ! 
and Dirleton Common near North Berw ick, Sept. 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Foot of Salisbury Craigs ! and plentiful at Levenhall, Aug. 1886 ! 
Blackford Hill ! and Bonally, Oct. 1888! W. Denison Roebuck. Plantations above 
Dreghorn, March 1890 ! Crichton, Feb. 1897 ! Balerno, April 1890! and Fullarton 
Lime Quarry, Nov. 1897 ! W, Evans. 

Linlithgow—Roadside by Dalmeny Park, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
Linlithgow, March 1890! Carribber, Feb. 1898 ! and Binny Craig, March 1898 ! 
W. Evans. Abundant on island in Linlitheow Loch, also found at Dalmeny, 
Hopetoun, Abercorn, Blackness, Dykenook, Winchburgh, Preston, Kinneil Mill, 
and woods, Jinkaboot, Woodeockdale, Cramond Bridge, Kirkliston, Graeme’s Dykes, 
Redhill, Northbank, Bonytown Hills, quarry near Craigmailen Church, and about 
Bo'ness, Rey. R. Godfrey, 1902. 


Fife and Kinross—North Queensferry, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. St. 
Andrews and Crail, Aug. 1890 ! Charlestown Lime Quarries ; Burntisland Quarries, 
and shores of Loch Leven, Feb. 1896, W. Evans. Sub-var. Jlavescens, St. Andrews 
(W. E. Collinge, Coneh., 1892, p. 27). 


Stirling—Polmont, Aug. 1890! W. Evans. 

Perth S.—Callander, April 1888! Alex. Somerville. Aberfoyle, April 1896 ; 
Bridge of Allan, Feb. 1898, W. Evans. Balquhidder, July 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Perth Mid—Loch Tay side, April 1887! Rev. J. E. Somerville. Crianlarich, 
Aug. 1888 ! A. Somerville. Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 
Inver Dunkeld, Sept. 1904 ! A. Rodgers. 

Perth N.—Blairgowrie, July 1890! W. Evans. 

Forfar—Vavr. neustriaca, Montrose, July 1884! W. Dunean. 

Kincardine—Banchory, July 1890 ! W. Evans. 

Aberdeen S.—Drum Woods, Deeside, Oct. 1886! C. B. Plowright. Aberdeen 
Links, July 1890 ! W. Evans. Near Botanic Gardens, Old Aberdeen ! and garden, 
Rubislaw, Aberdeen, Oct. 1904 ! Geo. Sim. 

Banff—Tomintoul, Nov. 1890 ! and Aberlour, Nov. 1892 ! Lionel Hinxman. 
Banks of river Avon, above Ballindalloch, Sept. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Elgin—Gardens, Elgin, Oct. 1890! Rev. G. Gordon. Cromdale near Grantown ! 
and Castle Roy by Netley Bridge, Aug. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Easterness—Glenurquhart, Inverness ! and Nairn, Jan. 1887 ! Rev. J. E. 
Somerville. Kincraig, Aug. 1889 ! Glen Feshie, Sept. 1889 ! and Dalwhinnie, at 
an alt. of 1,200 feet, June 1892 ! W. Evans. 


Westerness —Glenborrodale, Dec. 1890! J. J. Dagleish. 

Main Argyle—Coast, south of Dunoon! and Hunter’s Quay, Aug. 1886! W. 
Denison Roebuck. Barbreck, June 1900; Blairghour Falls; Loch Nant at high- 
water mark; Ardchonnel; Dunollie; Glen Shieleach and Kilninver, July 1901, 
Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Dumbarton—Foot of Dumbarton Castle rock ! and in a wood by railway, near 
High Mains, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Near Duntocher, Sept. 1888 ! and 
Garseadden, June 1889 ! Alex. Shaw. 

Clyde Isles—Barone, Isle of Bute, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Brodick, 
Isle of Arran, April 1895 ! W. Evans. 

Cantire—Near Loch 13, on the Crinan Canal, June 1890 ! A. MeLaren. 

Ebudes S.—Lough Ba House, near Port Charlotte, Islay, Nov. 1890! W. Evans. 

Ebudes Mid—lIona, Oct. 1887 ! Rev. J. E. Somerville. 

Ebudes N.—Eigg, Nov, 1890 ! W. Evans. 


Ross E.—Between Bonar Bridge and Edderton, Feb, 1887 ! W. Baillie. 

Sutherland E.—Golspie Burn, June 1884! Mound Rock, Sept. 1884 ! var, 
neustriaca, south side of Little Ferry, Dornoch, Oct. 1884 ! W. Baillie. 

Sutherland W.—Durness ! also sandy sea-coast at Strathy and Farr, Oct. 1886 ! 
Rev. J. E. Somerville. 


Hebrides—Churchyard, Eye, Stornoway, Sept. 1886 ! Alex. Somerville. 

Orkneys—Harray, Dec. 1890 ! W. Evans. Stromness, Oct. 1904 ! J. Grant. 

Shetlands—Moss Bank, Sept. 1904 ! Thos. Bowie. 


Derry—Near Londonderry, J. N. Milne (R. F. Scharff, Irish List, 1892, p. 6). 
Straidarran, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Garden, Downhill, Sep. 1904! C. N. Lynes. 
Common, Bellarena Woods, March 1904, R. Welch. 

Antrim —Cushendun, common, May 1886 ! Whitehall, Broughshane, June 1886 ! 
Rey. S. A. Brenan. Rathlin Island, also commonly at Ballyeastle and Murlough, 
May 1896 ! Lionel E. Adams. Cave Hill, 1893; Knockagh Mountain, May 1897 ; 
Derrykeighan, Feb. 1898 ; Kenbane, Oct. 1898 ; Murlough Bay and Whitepark Bay, 
June 1899; Brown’s Bay, Larne, July 1899; Colin Glen, Oct. 1899; Glencorp, 
Mch. 1900; Ram’s Island and Glenavy, May 1900 ; and common in the Ballyeastle 
district, May 1902, R. Welch. 

Down—Beech Hill, Newry, July 1904! Prof. R. J. Anderson. Ardglass, Dee. 
1897 ; and about source of river Bann, near Deers Meadow, Mourne Mountain, at 
1,100 feet alt., Jan. 1898 ; Dickson’s Nursery, Belmont, Apr. 1898 ; Newcastle, June 
1898; Ballinahinch Junetion, Mar. 1899; Clandeboye Lake, May 1899; common, 
Hillsborough Old Castle, Apl. 1902; and rare, Lough Aghery, May 1904, R. Welch. 
Belvoir Park, 1894; Clondutf, Jan. 1898; Downpatrick, Mar. 1898 ; Ormeau Park, 
Belfast ; and rare, Killard Point, May 1898, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. i 

Armagh—<Acton Glebe, Poyntzpass, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. W. F. Johnson. Newry, 
Jan. 1905! P. H. Grierson. Bessbrook, Apr. 1900, R. Welch. 

Monaghan—Carrickmacross, July 1904 ! Drumreaske Park, Sept. 1904! P. H. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt, Sept. 1904 ! R, Bell 


Donegal—Croaghross near Letterkenny, May 1889 ! H. C. Hart. 

Fermanagh—Castlecoole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. C. L. Corry. Brooke- 
borough, Sept. 1904 ! Sir Douglas Brooke. Not common, near Enniskillen, Sept. 
1899, R. Welch. 

Cavan—Mullagh, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 


Louth—Dromiskin, June 1904 ! Blackhall Demesne ! and Drogheda, Sept.. 1904 ! 
P. H. Grierson. 

Meath —Drumecondra ! and Nobber, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Not common 
in Boyne Valley near Cavan, and Trim, July 1900, R. Welch. Sub-var. grisea, 
New Grange, June 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Dublin—Dublin, March 1886! J. R. Redding. Kill-of-the-Grange, Kingstown, 
April 1886! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Dellbrook near Dundrum, 1897, R. Welch. 
Rathgar and Bushy Park, Dublin, Sept. 1903, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. Type 
and var. /eucophwa, Killakee and Leeson Park, Dublin, Oct. 1890, R. F. Seharff. 

Kildare—Maynooth, Nov. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Wicklow—Very rare, near Greystones; near the Sugar-Loaf, also at Altidore, 
July 1891, and Woodenbridge, March 1893, R. F. Scharff. 

Wexford—Kilmanock, New Ross, Apl. 1888!G. A. Barrett-Hamilton. Wexford, 
Apl. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Carlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny —Recorded in Adams’ ‘‘ Census,” 1902, p. 234. 

Queen’s Co.—La Bergerie (b. J. Clarke, Ann. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1840, p. 203). 
Stradbally, Sept. 1904! sub-var. pallida, Maryborough, Oct. 1904 ! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Clonmacnoise, E. Collier and R. Standen, July 1895. Charleville 
Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904! R. McKenna. 

Westmeath—Common, Knockdrin Demesne, April 1892 ! R. F. Scharff. Moate, 

Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. Nugent. 

Roscommon— Rockingham Gardens, Boyle, Sept. 1904 ! E. Clarke. Loughglynn, 
Castlerea, Oct. 1904 ! Hugh Kennedy. 

Leitrim—Dromahaire Abbey, Sept. 1900, and Swiss Valley, Glencar, July 1904 ! 
A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. 

Sligo—Ballina, June 1891! Miss Amy Warren. Sligo, July 1904! A. W. Stelfox. 
Decidedly rare at Lissadill Glen ; below Doonee Rock; Glenear ; and Ballysodare, 
1900 (R. Welch and A. W. Stelfox, [rish Nat., Sept. 1904, p. 186). 

Mayo W.—Dugort, Achill Island, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Derrynasliggan Lodge, Leenane, April 1897, R. Welch. Ronnd- 
stone, July 1895, E. Collier and R. Standen. Var. grisev, Roundstone, March 1891, 
h. F. Scharff. 

Galway E.-—Killereran (B. J. Clarke, Ann. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1840, p. 206). 
Clonbrock Forest and woodyard, June 1900, Hon. R. E. Dillon and R. Welch. 


Tipperary S.—Holycross Abbey, May 1898, R. Welch. 

Waterford—Old Dungarvon road, near Clonmel, Aug. 1886! Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Cork S.—Carrigaline, May 1888 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. Bantry, rare, June 
1893, R. F. Scharff. Queenstown (id., Slugs of [reland, p. 547). Common, Blarney 
and Glengariff, Sept. 1898, Lionel E. Adams. 

Kerry—Valentia Island, July 1886! Rev. A. H. Delap. Muckross Demesne, 
May 1891, and Lough Carach, R. F. Scharff. Sheen Wood, also at Kenmare and at 
Galway’s Bridge, July 1898 (R. Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). 


Arion circumscriptus is recorded by Clessin as inhabiting the entire area ; but 
records have only been noticed for Alsace, Bavaria, East Prussia, Nassau, and 


Belgium —A. bourguiqnati is recorded for Belgium, and as A. leucopheus for the 

provinees of Brabant, Hainault, Liége, and Namur. 

Arion circumscriptus is widely distributed throughout the country, but the 
recorded localities are as yet few and scattered ; they embrace the departments of 
the Ain, Aisne, Haute Garonne, Maine et Loire, Manche, Niévre, Oise, Seine, and 
Vendée. As A. fuscus var. leucophewa it is recorded for the Aube and the Nord ; 
as A, celticus from Finistére ; and as A. hortensis var. grisea from the Isére. 

According to Clessin, it is a probable inhabitant of the country, 

oon) OnPownore 


Pirate XXII. 

Distribution of A. civcumscriptus Johnst. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 
Cornwall W. 
Cornwall i. 
Devon N. 
Somerset 8. 
Somerset N. 
Wilts N. 
Wilts 8. 
Isle of Wight 
Hants §. 
Hants N. 
Sussex W. 
Sussex bE. 
Kent E. 
Kent W. 
Hssex 5. 
Essex N. 

2 Berks. 

Suffolk E. 
Suffolk W. 
Nortolk kL. 
Nortolk \W. 
Gloucester E. 
Gloucester W. 


2 Brecon 
5 Radnor 


5 Lincoln $. 

Lincoln N. 
Leic. & Rutld, 
Lancashire $. 
Lan’shire Mid 

S.E York 

2 N.E. York 
S.W. York gs 

Mid W, York ¢ 
N.W. York 
Northumb. 8. 
and L. Lanes. 
Isle of Man 

Probable Range. 
SSS Recorded Distribution. 
Bee Distribution verified by the Authors. 


mm 4 





Fife & Kinross 
Pth. 8. & Clkn. 
Mid Perth 
Perth N. 
Aberdeen §$. 



113 Derry 

114 Antrim 

115 Down 

116 Armagh 
117 Monaghan 
118 Tyrone 

119 Donegal 
120 Fermanagh 




3 Aberdeen N. 
94 Bantt 

95 Elgin 

96 Easterness 


97 Westerness 
98 Main Argyle 
99 Dumbarton 

100 Clyde Isles 





5 Kildare | 

Ebudes 8. 
Ebudes Mid 
Ebudes N. 

Ross W | 
Ross E. | 
Sutherland E. | 


Wexford | 
Kilkenny | 
Queen's Co. 
King’s Co. 
Roscommon } 
Mayo FB. 
Mayo W. 
Galway W, 
Galway E. 
Tipperary N. 
Tipperary 8. 
Cork N. 
Cork 8. 

148 Kerry 



This species, which under the names of Arion bourguignati, A. ambiguus and 
A. subcarinatus, would seem to be confined to the alpine and sub-alpine districts of 
Piedmont, ascending to an altitude of 6,000 feet in the Valley of Aosta. 


Herr Clessin says that though only known to occur in Austria, it probably also 
inhabits Hungary, Bohemia, Moravia, and Galicia. It has, however, been recorded 
by Hazay from Kotlina-Thal in Hungary, and as abundant at Graz in Styria by 
Dr. Simroth. There is little doubt that the Avion hortensis recorded by Bielz 
from Transylvania really belongs to the present species, of which country Simroth 
also indicates 1t as an inhabitant. 


Spain—Avion hortensis is recorded by Prof. Hidalgo from various localities in 
Spain, but the figure cited as representing his species (Férussac, Hist. Moll., pl. 8a, 
f. 3) is Arion circunscriptus. 

Roumania—Dr. Simroth indicates that the inhabited area of this species 
embraces the range of the Carpathians on the frontier of Roumania. 


Norway—Westerlund reports that under the name of A. hortensis it has been 
recorded for many localities in South Norway. 

Sweden—Common at Ronneby in the province of Blekinge, found sparingly in 
the Island of Oeland, and extends up to 64° north latitude, or according to Simroth 
really extends as far north in Scandinavia as 69°. 

Denmark—Westerlund reports it as existing on Zealand and Jylland. 


Extends into Finland as far as 60° 45’ north Jat. It is also recorded by Luther 
from Revel in Esthland, and according to Dr. Simroth extends eastward beyond 
Moscow to the Ural Mountains, and probably ranges well into Siberia. 


New York—Abundant, Goat Island, Niagara Falls, May 1904, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

District of Columbia—Var. neustriaca, garden, Washington ; a prior owner of 
the garden was in the habit of importing plants from Europe (W. E. Collinge, 
Nantilus, May 1899, p. 9). 

Fic. 241.—Banks of River Lagan, Belvoir Park, Ulster, a haunt of Avion circymscriptus 
(photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 


SuB-GENUS Ariuneulus Lessona. 

Arion intermedius Normand. 

1852 Limaz intermedius Normand, Deser. Limac. nouv., p. 6. 
1855 Arion flavus Forbes & Hanley, Hist. Moll. Anim., iv., p. 9, pl. F.F.P., f 2. 

1881 — _ verrucosus Breviere, Journ de Conch., p. 310, pl. 13. 

1884 — mabhillianus Baudon, Journ. de Conch., p. 8. 

1885 — minimus Simroth, Zeitschr. Wissensch. Zool., p. 289, pl. 7, f. 41. 
1889 — mollerii Pollonera, Nuov. Contrib., p. 19, f. 7-10. 

1867 Geomalacus intermedius Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool, p. 57. 

1867 — hiemalis Drouet, Moll. Cote-d’Or, p. 27. 

1868 — mabi/lei Baudon, Journ. de Conch., p. 142. 

1869 — _ vendeanus Let., Rev. et Mag. Zool., p. 51. 

ISTORY.— Arion intermedius (inter- 
medius, intermediate) was first clearly 
discriminated by Normand in 1852, 
but his description was overlooked. 
It is the Arion incommodus of Hutton, 
and is also the Arion flavus of Alder, 
Moquin-'l'andon, Forbes and Hanley, 
and other authors, but the species was 
not at that period generally accepted 
as valid, but relegated to the rank of 
a doubtful or spurious species by 
contemporary authors. 

In 1885, Dr. Simroth independently 
differentiated the species, firmly es- 
i tablished its specific status and applied 

. to it the very appropriate name of 

QB minimus, Which, unfortunately cannot 

© be maintained. 

A. intermedius is here associated with 
Dr. R. F. Scharff, M.R.I.A., of Dublin, 
its recent discoverer in this country, 
and the first in Britain to make 
known its really distinctive characters 
and wide distribution. He is also the author of many able papers upon 
Geographical distribution and the mollusca generally, as well as of the most 
authoritative and important work extant upon the Slugs of Ireland. 

Arion intermedius belongs to the sub-genus Ariwnculus, a group insti- 
tuted by Lessona for the reception of a number of primitive little Arvons 
occurring in Spain, Morocco, Sardinia, and in the higher regions of the 
Alps, and characterized by the position of the sexual orifice between the 
pulmonary aperture and the right ommatophore, and thus in this particular 
linking the Arzons with Geomalacus, in which there is a similar arrangement. 

Diagnosis.—A. intermedius, though presenting a certain resemblance 
to the two preceding species, is much softer and more gelatinous to the 
touch, smaller in size, paler in colour, more indistinct in banding, and 
exudes a bright yellow watery mucus, which tends to accumulate at oppo- 
site ends of the body. It is, however, sharply separated from all its 
congeners in this country by the possession of small but prominent dermal 
tubercles, each of which is surmounted by a jelly-like pointed spike, a 
peculiarity which has earned for it the title of the “hedgehog snail.” 


INTERNALLY, its organization bears, according to Simroth, most resemb- 
lance to that of Arvon subfuscus, but is more simple and primitive. 
Perhaps the most sharply-marked difference is in the character of the 
mandible or jaw, which is very delicate, and displays a few exceedingly 
wide but only slightly convex ribs on its anterior surface. 

Original Description.—Lima« intermedius. Animal gris-jaundtre pale. Ex- 
trémités surtout la postérieure, @un beau jaune Vor. Cotes blanchatres, marqués 
antérieurement de quelques petits points noirs, un peu espaceés en ligne pres du bord 
du pied. Tete, cou et tentacules gris-foneé ou noiratres. Plan locomoteur granu- 
leux. Mueus jaune. Limacelle blanche, opaque et rugueuse. Long. de Panimal, 
15 & 20 mill.— NORMAND, Descr. Six Limac. Nouv., 1852, p. 6. 

Description. —ANIMAL small but plumply built, about twenty or more mill. long 
when extended, and about three-and-a-half mill. broad; of a very pale yellowish 
ervey or almost white, with or without a broad and dusky but ill-defined mid-dorsal 
streak, shading off downwards ; ancestral lateral band on each side of the body, 
same shade as the back, shading off below to the yellowish-grey foot-fringe ; 
SHIELD finely granulose, rounded at both ends, about one-third the length of the 
body, usually of a yellowish-tint, especially anteriorly, with pale dusky ill-defined 
mid-patch and lateral bands which meet behind ; RESPIRATORY ORIFICE almost 
median, but the GENITAL APERTURE is nearly mid-way between the pulmonary 
orifice and base of right ommatophore, but below both ; BODY TUBERCLES shortly 
polygonal and somewhat prominent, and in certain postures of the anjmal appear 
keeled, but under a lens the tubercles are seen to be surmounted by short white 
glandular spikes, which seem capable of individual movement, and whose erection 
appears dependent upon the will or emotion of the animal ; when removed from its 
accustomed environment, placed on the hand, or during extension, all rugosity 
may disappear, and the skin appears smooth and shining, but the loosely implanted 
glandular crests give it the aspect of being dusted with flour; HEAD and NECK 
darker than DORSUM ; CAUDAL GLAND conspicuous ; TENTACLES small ; FOOT-SOLE 
yellowish and undivided, the lateral areas yellow with slime, which also accumn- 
lates at the caudal end of the animal as well as on the anterior part of the shield ; 
FOOT-FRINGE yellowish-grey, not visibly lineolate. 

SHELL in British specimens usually represented by a thin and indistinct layer of 
limey-paste within the shell-sac, whose inner walls are densely speckled with lime- 
cells, although scarcely any free particles can be discerned. Normand and the Italian 
authors, however, describe the vestigial shells as white, opaque, and solid. 

INTERNALLY, the walls of the ecelom are white and very thick for so small an 
animal, much thicker than in A. eireuwmscriptus ; the HEART, KIDNEY, and LUNG 
cavity are conformable with the generic character; the AORTA divides late, and is 
broad and white with lime particles, but there are no lime-charged hepatic arteries, 
such as form the beautiful white and lace-like tracery in dA. afer; the lateral 
SINUSES of the ccelom are conspicuous, and correspond in position with the exterior 
lateral bands ; the SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND is well imbedded in the tissues, and not 
more than half the length of the sole ; the CEREBRAL GANGLIA with short commis- 
sures, which shew no signs of lime; the PEDAL GANGLIA are the largest and the 
most conspicuous of the SUB-CESOPHAGEAL group, while the BUCCAL pair are as 
usual separated by about their own diameters. 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS are of the true 
Arion character. The two TENTACULAR muscles 
arise, about three mill. apart, from the under- 
surface of the posterior part of the mantle, the 
right one furthest back, as usual; they are flat, 
with very broad, fan-shaped roots, each divides ot A. snderiibanns 
early for the upper and lower tentacles; the Normand x 3. 
PHARYNGEAL retractor arises further back, pos- \ | D (Raheny, Co. 

Zs A ublin, Dr. R. F. 
terior to the mantle and nearly mid-dorsally, but Scharf), 
inclined to the right side, it is much slenderer 
than the tentaenlar muscles, and forks a little ji 
later than half-way. 

The ALIMENTARY SYSTEM has the G:SOPHAGUS pigmented and partially fused 
with the PHARYNX, as is usual in the genus, but so much so that the parts have to 
be torn up to display the BUCCAL GANGLIA. The INTESTINAL CANAL is triodromous 
and the details of its arrangement and the amount of torsion or twisting it has 

10/12/05 Q 

Fic. 243.— 

Cephalic retractors 


undergone are very similar to what is found in Al. civewmscriptus. The DIGESTIVE 
GLAND is greenish-yellow in colour, with its lobules not very coherent, and discharges 
into the STOMACH at the termination of the INGESTIVE TRACT. 

Fic. 244. Fic. 245. Fic. 246. Fic. 247. 

Alimentary and Reproductive organs of Avion intermedius Normand and A. mollerit Pollonera. 

Fic. 244.—Alimentary canal of A. intermedius Normand x 4. (Raheny, Co. Dublin). 

Fic. 245.—Reproductive organs of A. intermedius var. appenina X 2 (after Pollonera). 

Fic. 246.—Reproductive organs of A. #intmus Simroth X 3 (after Simroth). 

Fic. 247.—Proximal end of the Reproductive organs of 4. mol/er#i?, magnified (after Pollonera). 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS are characterized by their simple outlines. The ovo- 
TESTIS is roundish, with dark purplish acini, and rests upon the upper surface of the 
digestive gland, just beyond the distal end of the stomach ; the HERMAPHRODITE 
puct is only very slightly sinuate, the proximal end thick ; VAS DEFERENS some- 
what short, enlarging into a moderately long and cylindrical EPIPHALLUS or 
spermatophore tract, without complications or windings, but which is furnished 
internally with longitudinally arranged rows of papilke, from which it may be 
inferred that the SPERMATOPHORE is serrate, as in Arion afer and A. subfuscus ; 
FREE OVIDUCT short and uniformly cylindrical ; the GENITAL RETRACTOR is not 
easily found, but is attached to the free oviduct and stem of spermatheca, as is 
usual in the genus; the SPERMATHECA is somewhat globular with a funnel-shaped 
stem; the three terminal organs open into a moderately large light yellow glandular 
ATRIUM, which is somewhat quadrilateral in figure. 

The MANDIBLE or jaw is very delicate, and less aa 
than a millimetre in width, slightly semi-lunar in 
shape, with attenuate but rounded ends, and of an 
amber colour, with five very broad but very feebly Fic. 248.—Mandible or jaw of 
convex ribs, which extend over the whole surface of A. intermedius Normand x 20. 

: Raheny, Dr. R. F._Scharff. 
the jaw, and give an undulate aspect to the lower or or or en Se 

eutting edge; a darker line extends medially across the jaw from side to side and 
parallel with the cutting margin, indicating the point of attachment of the elasma. 

The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is about two mill. long, and bears about ninety some- 
what curved transverse rows of teeth, each row composed of a distinetly trieuspid 
median tooth, the long and somewhat slender mesocone with lateral cutting expan- 
sions ; the lateral teeth are as usual practically and strongly bicuspid, the endoconic 
cutting point being obsolete ; they gradually pass by_a series of transition teeth to 
the true marginals, which are strictly bicuspid, the endocone being gradually lost, 
but in the few extreme marginals the embryonic character is retained, the denticles 
being wide and showing indications of one or more ectoconic denticles. 

a 1 

Wo aoa op i j 6 ee eae i? 
al 4 ; /] ) 
Fic. 249.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the lingual teethlof A. intermedius X 180. 

The animal collected by Dr. Scharff, and the palate prepared by Mr. W. Moss. 

The formula of a Raheny specimen collected by Dr. Scharff is 
8+$4+354+$+334+$4+8 x 98 = 6,390. 


Reproduction and Development.—'he congress of this interesting 
little species has never been described, but the eggs have been observed 
from August quite up to January ; they are oval in shape, and very large 
for the size of the animal, being two mill. long and one-and-half mill. 
broad or even of a larger size, gelatinous to the touch, semitransparent and 
pearly-white in colour, with opaline reflections. They have been observed 
to be deposited in irregular clusters strongly cemented together with a 
yellowish mucus, but not exceeding twenty in a cluster. 

The eggs hatch in about three weeks after deposition, the young when 
hatched may be, according to Dr. Scharff, light red, with violet tentacles, 
gradually changing however until by the time they have attained eight mill. 
in length they have become pale grey, a colour due to the viscera showing 
through the semitransparent skin, the head becomes also of a delicate grey, 
and no bands are perceptible on body or mantle. 

Mr. Gain, whose studies of the development, food, and habits of the 
slugs have been so complete and valuable, records that the young are 
usually dark green or yellow, and that the change in adult life is to a 
paler coloration. Some of the green variety, obtained early in April, only 
increased slightly in bulk during the following six weeks, but changed to 
a greenish yellow with a perceptible slaty-grey lateral band on each side; 
early in June they had increased materially in size, lost all trace of green, 
and were quite yellow, with well-marked lateral band, and dusky mid- 
dorsal line; they gradually became paler and almost white, except the sole 
and caudal gland, which were of a deeper colour, while the lateral and 
dorsal banding became fainter and more diffuse; towards the end of July 
the animals attained maturity and their final coloration, from which time 
onwards into January the adults and their egg-clusters have been found, 
but the animals do not appear to survive much beyond that period. 

Food and Habits. — Arion intermedius is described as naturally 
purely fungivorous, and in Germany is confined to the moss on pine- 
covered heathy land. In this country it is found chietly on the various 
species of Russula, Agaricus and Clavaria, but in captivity it is not nearly 
so restricted in its diet, eating lettuce freely, and also readily devouring 
cabbage, watercress, bread, and even paper. Breviére records that it feeds 
eagerly upon dead or moribund worms and small animals. 

It is not a garden species, nor does it usually frequent cultivated ground, 
but seems to prefer living in the open country, hiding beneath animal 
and other refuse, possibly on account of the fungoid growths thereon, 
they are also found in grass-fields where fungi abound, or on the margin 
of woods, concealed beneath dead leaves, close by the small fungi which 
grow in clusters at the foot of the trunks of old trees, and to which the 
animal approximates so closely in colour, that it has been likened to a 
small fungus just peeping above the ground. 

When at rest, the animal assumes the hemispherical shape, which is so 
characteristic of Arion ater, and in this position the remarkable crested 
tubercles of the body are most apparent. It is fond of burrowing in the 
earth, where it lies concealed during dry weather, and is also addicted to a 
peculiar habit of raising aloft the anterior part of its body and apparently 
looking around, like a stoat, a habit to which LZ. arborum is also addicted. 

In captivity, the skin soon becomes uniformly distended, and the 
rugosities effaced, but if kept in somewhat dry surroundings it very 
quickly becomes sickly and perishes, shrinking up especially posteriorly, 
but also showing a very peculiar constriction near the middle of the body. 


Parasites.—'l'lis species is at times infested with a tiny Acarus of a 
white colour, which in size, general aspect, and activity resembles the 
ordinary Acarus of our larger slugs. 

Variation.— The variability of this species is not great, but it 1s 
suggestive that in the south-west corner of Lreland the specimens generally 
are much darker coloured and more strongly banded than those found in 
England. How far this may be an effect of the moister climate, and how 
much may be attributed to their retention of the darker colourmg said by 
Mr. Gain to be a characteristic of the earlier stages of life in England, is 
uncertain, but it is worthy of note that this most general retention of 
immature colouring should be in stations furthest removed from the most 
active evolutionary centre and where the last remaining stronghold of 
Geomalacus is located. 

Var. alba 'T'aylor. 

ANIMAL almost pure white. 


Cambridge—Grantchester, Sept. 1904 ! Hugh Watson. 

Carmarthen—Near Llanelly, Sept. 1904 ! H. Rowland Wakefield. 


Dublin—Ditch, Foxhall Demesne, Raheny ; and Killakee, Dublin Mountains, 
Sept. 1890 ! R. F. Scharff. 

Galway W.—Renvyle and Kylemore, March 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Var. normalis Moquin-'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 16. 
Arion flavus var. normalis Moquin-Tandon, l.c. 

ANIMAL yellow, with blackish head and tentacles. 

Antrim—Belfast, Dec. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Clare —Woodpark, Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. F. Hibbert. 

Kerry—Great Skellig (R. F. Scharff, Irish Nat., Jan. 1898, p. 11). 

France—Pas de Calais (Bouchard-Chantereux, Moll. Pas de Calais, 1838, p. 23). 

Var. pallida Moquin-T'andon, Hist. Moll. France, 1855, p. 16. 

Arion flavus var. pallidus Moquin-Tandon, l.c. 
Arion flavus var. albidus Moquin-Tandon, l.c. 

ANIMAL pale, back pale cinereous, with yellow or orange shield. 

The sub-var. albida is whitish, yellowish beneath and also on the shield, head 
and tentacles blackish. 


Cornwall E.—Stenalee, St. Austell, Sept. 1904 !C. P. Richards. 
Devon N.—Belstone, Okehampton Sept. 1904 ! Miss Daisy Mason. 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 
Leitrim—Drumkeeran, Oct. 1904 ! Rev. J. Meehan. 
Waterford—Clonmel, Rev. A. H. Delap. 
France—V. pallida and sub-v. albida, Pas de Calais (Bouchard-Chantereux, l.c. ). 

Var. plumbea Collinge, Conch., 11., 1892, p. 63. 

ANIMAL dark-grey ; shield and tail only slightly tinged with orange ; foot-sole 
cream, somewhat darker medially. 

This is the var. grisea of Roebuck. 

Cornwall E.—Stenalee, St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Riehards. 
Devon N.—Belstone near Okehampton, Sept. 1904 ! Miss Daisy Mason. 
Suffolk E.—Mendlesham, Oct. 1904! A. Mavtield. 
Norfolk W.—Didlineton Hall, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Ceeil. 
Northampton—Kettering, Sept. 1904! C. E. Wright. 
Gloucester W.—Symonds Yat, Sept. 1904 ! W. C. Blake. 
Hereford—Garden, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. C, Blake. 


Brecon—Garden, Llaneghw fawr, Sep. 1904 ! and Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams 

Carmarthen—Near L lanelly, Sept. 1904 ! H. Rowland W Ese gH Golden Hill, 
Sept. 1904 ! Lady Lyons. 

Cardigan—Borth, Sept. 1904 ! Hugh Watson. 

Lincoln N.—Amongst needles of Scotch fir, Linwood, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. E. A. 
W oodrutte-Peacock. 

Notts. —Newark, W. A. Gain (W. E. Collinge, 1.c.). 


Lanark—Blackwood Estate, Kirkmuirhill, Sept. 1904 ! N. B. Kinnear. 
Peebles—Cowes Linn, Sept. 1904 ! W. Evans. 

Kincardine—Near Aberdeen, Sept. 1904 ! G. Sim. 

Aberdeen S.—Garden, Rubislaw, Oct. 1904 ! G. Sim. 

Antrim—Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904 ! Miss F. 8. O’Connor. 
Armagh—Portadown, Oct. 1904 ! W. A. Green. 
Monaghan—Drumreaske, Sept. 1904 ! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Louth— Beaulieu near Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Dublin—A pale grey form, Carrickmines, April 1892, Rh. F. Scharff. 
Kildare—Dark and pale grey forms, May nooth, Noy. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 
Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904 ! A. G. Stuart. 
Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 
Galway W. — Connemara, R. F. Scharff (W. E. Collinge, l.c.). 
Kerry—Lough Caragh, Rev. A. H. Delap (Scharff, Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 550). 
Cromaghlaun Mountain, Sept. 1898, Lionel E. Adams. 
France—Pas ile Calais (Bouchard-Chantereux, op. cit.). 


Var. appenina Pollonera, Nuov. Contr., 1889, p. 18, ff. 11, 12. 
Arion mollerii Pollonera, op. cit., p. 18, ff. 7-10. 
ANIMAL pale, with well-defined black bands. 
The Arion mollerii may be ranged with the var. wppenina, differing chiefly in 
the dorsum being a yellowish-flesh colour, and the shield punctate with black. 
Kerry—Stubbs and Adams’ record (Irish Nat., 1898, p. 261) that the examples 
from the south-west corner of Ireland are darker and more strongly banded than 
sritish specimens ; they are probably referable to the sub-var. mollerii. 
Italy—Lucea, Tuscany (Pollonera, l.c.). 
Portugal—Sub-var. mollerii, Busaco (Pollonera, l.c.). 

Var. brunnea "Taylor. 

ANIMAL maroon-brown, with side-bands of a still darker brown. 
Cornwall E.—St. Austell, Sept. 1904 ! C. P. Richards. 

Geographical Distribution. ——'The area inhabited by this very 
ancient species is doubtless more extensive than that of any of its con- 
geners, but is as yet very inadequately known, as this Avvon has been, and 
is still, so often passed over or mistaken fora pale variety of Arion hortensis 
or the young state of A. ater, even by experienced conchologists, before its 
specific peculiarities have heen pointed out. In fact, our knowledge of the 
distribution of the whole of the species of the genus Arion is in a very 
confused and unsatisfactory condition, owing chietly to the neglect of the 
group by most conchologists, and the lamentable ignorance on the subject 
which so generally prevails. 

Arion intermedius has, however, been reported from Great Britain, 
Germany, France, North Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Scandinavia, Portugal, 
and the Azores. 

It is also plentiful in or near gardens in certain parts of New Zealand, 
from whence it was first reported by Capt. Hutton as Arion mcomimodus. 


Geographical Distribution 


Arion intermedius Norm. 

HEB Recorded Distribution. Pig P 

Probable Range. 



Cornwall W.—Truro, 1904, C. E. Wright and L. E. Adams. 

Cornwall E.—Type and vars. brunnea, plumbea, and pallida, Stenalee, St. 
Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. ° 

Devon S.—Muttley near Plymouth ; Totnes and Credy Park, near Exeter, E. J. 
Lowe, 1888. Axminster ; Exmouth; Countesbury ; Topsham and Culverhole Point, 
Aug. 1892 ! Lionel E. Adams and Charles Oldham. 

Devon N.—Westward Ho, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Vars. plumbea and pallida, 
Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 1904 ! Miss Daisy Mason. 

Somerset S.—T'aunton, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Common at Porlock, Minehead, and 
Watchet, Aug. 1892 ! Lionel E. Adams. 

Somerset N.—Clevedon, Minehead, and Bath, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 


Wilts. S.—Dinton near Salisbury, Sept. 1905! Hugh Wyndham. 

Dorset— Abbotsbury and Portland, Aug. 1892, Lionel E. Adams. 

Hants. S.—Abundant in Crabbe Wood and other woods near Winchester, Aug. 
1894, Lionel E. Adams. Buriton, Aug. 1902, H. Wallis Kew. Hedges around the 
Pheasantries, Hambledon, May 1904! C. S$. Coles. 

Hants. N.—Liphook, July 1905, Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. 

Sussex W.—Near Liphook, July 1905, Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. 


Kent W.—Chislehurst, May 1885 ! 'T. D. A. Cockerell. Moderately common 
about Canterbury, Sept. 1895, Lionel E. Adams. 

Surrey—In woods on the chalk-hills, Reigate, Sept. 1902, Lionel E. Adams 
Grayswood, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, jr., J. of Conch., Apr. 1902, p. 169). 

Essex S.—Common with Lina tenellus at Loughton in Epping Forest, on 
Russula vesca, R. fellea, R. cyanoxantha, Collybia maculata, Lactarius blenninus, 
and L. vellereus, Oct. 1904 ! T. Peteh. 

Middlesex— Churchyard Bottom Wood, Highgate, April 1892 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Berks.—Wytham Hill, Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. 

Oxford —Under dead leaves and beech logs, Blenheim Park, July 1904 ! Rev. 
S. Spencer Pearee. A. flavus, beech woods, Oxford (Norman, Zool., 1852. p. 4126). 

Bucks.— Olney Churehyard, Oct. 1893 ! Lionel E. Adams. Burnham Beeches, 
Oct. 1905, H. Wallis Kew. 


Suffolk E.—Mendlesham; Brockford and Thwaite (A. Mayfield, J. of Conch., 
1903, p. 295). Type and var. plumbed, Mendlesham, Oct. 1904 ! A. Mayfield. 

Suffolk W.—Drinkstone, Sept. 1908 ! and Whepstead, Sept. 1904 ! A. Maytield. 


Norfolk E.—Under dead leaves, Caistor, Nov. 1894! St. Edmund’s; Dunston 
and Bueckenham, 1896, A. Maytield. Near Norwich, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 

Norfolk W.—Type and var. plumbea, Didlington Hall, Sept. 1904! Hon. Mrs. 
Evelyn Cecil. 

Cambridge—-Var. a/ba, Grantchester, Sept. 1904 ! Hugh Watson. 

Northampton—Yardley Chase, March 1893 ! Lionel E. Adams. Haselbeech, 
Sept. 1904, Rev. W. A. Shaw. Var. pluinbea, Kettering, Sept. 1904! C. E. Wright. 


Gloucester W.—Sharpness, E. J. Lowe, 1885. Var. plinbea, Symonds Yat, 
Sept. 1904 ! W. C. Blake. 

Monmouth—Abundant, Shirenewton near Chepstow, 1888 ! E. J. Lowe. 

Hereford—Var. plumbcea, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. C. Blake. 

Worcester—Worcester, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Selly Oak, Feb. 1893 ! ©. Oldham. 

Warwick—Solilull, Feb. 1893 ! L. E. Adams. Conon in marshy ground, Sutton 
Park, Feb. 1903, H. Overton. Wood near Shirley, Sept. 1904 ! J. Madison. 

Stafford—Moderately common about Stafford ; Manifold Valley, May 1889 ! 
Lionel E. Adams. Newton road, Birmingham, July 1893 ! Charles Oldham. 


Glamorgan—Cardiff, E. J. Lowe, 1885. 

Brecon—Gwenddwr Grouse Moor near Blaenau, alt. 1,200 feet, Sept. 1904 ! var. 
plumbea, near Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Radnor—Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Carmarthen—Type and var. plumbea, Golden Hill, Sept. 1904 ! Lady Lyons. 
Vars. a/ba and plumbed, near Llanelly, Sept. 1904! H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Pembroke—Near Pembroke, June 1885 ! Mrs. Trayler. Not uncommon in a 
plantation in Heywood lane, Tenby, and elsewhere, A. G. Stubbs. 

Cardigan—Var. pluwimbea, Borth, Sept. 1904! Hugh Watson. 


Merioneth—Nant-y-Mor, June 1901 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Carnarvon—Bettwys-y-Coed, May 1898 ! Charles Oldham. 


Lincoln S.—Old quarry, Great Ponton, Aug. 1902 ! R. Worsdale. 

Lincoln N.—In fields, Harrington ; and roadsides, Bag Enderby ; also Burwell 
Woods ! and Grisel Bottom, Sept. 1889 ! W. Denison Roebuek.  Caleeby near 
Alford, Nov. 1889! J. Burtt Davy. Blow Wells, Tetney, April 1903 ! H. W. Kew. 
Claxby, April 1903 ! Rev. A. E. Woodrufte-Peacoek. 

Leicester and Rutland—Farlesthorpe, May 1887 ! J. E. Mason. Glenfield and 
Groby Pool near Leicester, July 1892 ! Charles Oldham. 

Notts.—Gamston ! and Felley Abbey, Sept. 1884 ! C. T. Musson. Common, 
Southwell, Sept. 1892 ! Charles Oldham. In woods, Tuxford, and other places, 
1893, W. A. Gain. Staunton-on-the-Wolds, E. J. Lowe, 1885. 

Derby—Clifton near Ashbourne, May 1890, L. E. Adams. Buxton, July 1892! 
C. Oldham. Chatsworth, E. J. Lowe, 1885. Miller’s Dale, Oct. 1904 ! R. Welch. 


Cheshire—Ringway near Bowden ! and Marple, May 1892! also Baguley Hall, 
Sep. 1892 ! Charles Oldham. Romiley, Sep. 1895, Lionel E. Adams. Var. pliinbea, 
Peover near Knutsford, Aug. 1885 ! J. G. Milne. 

Lancashire S.—Southport, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 

Lancashire Mid —Chaigeley Manor, Clitheroe, and Lancaster, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 


York S.E.—Brough, May 1901! J. E. Crowther. Sledmere, Aug. 1891 ! and 
Withernsea, Aug. 1892! F. W. Fierke. Driffield, June 1902 ! Rev. E. Perey 

York N.E.—Whitby, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Kirkleatham, Sept. 1886 ! Saltburn 
Wood ! and near Carlinhow Station, Oct. 1886 ! also Beedale near Searborough, 
June 1901 ! and Harwood Dale, May 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. Hayburn Wyke, 
Aug. 1894! F. W. Fierke. 

York S.W.—Cusworth, Sept. 1886 ! Birkenshaw, Sept. 1888 ! and Hebden 
Bridge, June 1904 ! W. Denison Roebuek. Common about Penistone, May 1891 ! 
and abundant in Gunthwaite Wood, Oct. 1892! Lionel E. Adams. Near Wors- 
borough Reservoir, Sept. 1899! W. E. Brady. Park Wood, Elland, J. E. Crowther. 

York Mid W.—Lister Park, Bradford, on a species of Clavaria, Sept. 1890, 
KR. F. Scharff. Common in Shipley Glen, and on canal banks, Steeton, May 1900 ! 
also Grassington, Sep. 1900! and in a damp spot, Frizinghall, Sep. 1904 ! FL Rhodes. 
Bolton Abbey Woods, Sept. 1890! R. BL Scharff  Ribblehead and Horton-in- 


Ribblesdale, May 1892 ! also near waterfall, Crook Gill, Buckden, and on slopes of 
Buekden Pike, Aug. 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York N.W.—Rokeby, June 1892! W. Nelson. Sedbergh ! and Cowgill, Dent- 
head, Sept. 1904 ! W. Denison Roebuck. wie 

Durham—Hieh Force, Teesdale, and Barnard Castle, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 

Northumberland—Arion flavus recorded by Alder from Haltwhistle, and by 
Forbes and Hanley from roadside, Westgate Hill (Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., 
iv., p. 9). Ditch, Kenton near Newcastle, Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. B. J. Willans. 


Westmorland and Lake Lancashire — Windermere; Coniston, and base of 
Helvelyn, E. J. Lowe, 1888. 

Cumberland—Silloth, and Corby Castle nr. Carlisle, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Keswick, 
July 1903! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Isle of Man—Douelas, Apr. 1904 (B. R. Lucas, J. of Conch., July 1904, p. 90). 


Dumfries—Moffat, Jan. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Ayr—Coast near Skelmorlie, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Girvan, Sept. 
1890! W. Evans. Seamill; West Kilbride ; Gill; Portineross and Fairlie, 1903, 
Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Lanark—Lanark, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Var. plumbea, Blackwood estate, Kirk- 
muirhill, Sept. 1904 ! N. B. Kinnear. 


Peebles—Leadburn, Mch. 1894 ! v. plumbea, Cowes Linn, Sep. 1904 ! W. Evans. 

Selkirk—Tushielaw, July 1892 ! W. Evans. 

Berwick—Roadside, Cowdenknowes, Aug. 1886 ! Eyemouth, Sep. 1895! W. Evans. 

Haddington—Westbarns near Dunbar, Sept. 1894 ! Winton, July 1895 ! Long- 
niddry, Feb. 1896 ! and Yester, Sept. 1896 ! W. Evans. 

Edinburgh—Bonally ! and Lothianburn, Oct. 1890 ! Penicuik Woods ! and 
Hossiyn Glen, Oct. 1896 ! Vogrie Glen, Feb. 1897 ; and Armiston Glen, June, 1902, 
V. Evans. 

Linlithgow—South (Queensferry, Aug. 1886! W. Denison Roebuck. Carribber 
Glen, Feb. 1898; Bonytown Hills, Aug. 1901; and Dalmeny, Oct. 1902 ! W. Evans. 
Universally distributed throughout the county: I have found it at Blackness ; 
Preston ; Livingston; Linlithgow Loch; near Winechburgh ; Dyke Nook ; Kinneil 
Hill and Woods; Avontown; Linlithgow Bridge; Muirhouses; Graeme’s Dyke ; 
Jowmains ; and other places, Rev. R. Godfrey, 1902. 


Fife and Kinross—Edenfield near Cupar, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Kileonquhar, Sept. 
1893; Loch Leven, June 1894; Aberdour, April 1893 ; Loch Gelly, May 1895 ; 
Falkland, Aug. 1895 ; and Charlestown, Feb. 1896, W. Evans. 

Stirling— Duchray, May 1896 ! W. Evans. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—Callander, April 1892! Aberfoyle and Dollar, 
May 1897; Isle of May, Sept. 1897; and Bridge of Allan, Feb. 1898, W. Evans. 

Perth Mid—Ben Lawers, E. J. Lowe, 1888. Near Kenmore, May 1892! W. 
Evans. Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1894 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Kincardine—Banchory, Sep. 1904! and var. plambea, near Aberdeen, Sep. 1904 ! 
G. Sim. 

Aberdeen S.—Type and var. plumbea, garden, Rubislaw, Oct. 1904 ! G. Sim. 

Banff—Banks of Avon, Ballindalloch, Sept. 1891 ! W. Evans. Aberlour, Nov. 
1892 ! Lionel Hinxman. 

Elgin—Gardens, Elgin, Dee. 1890 ! Rev. Geo. Gordon. Grantown ! and Castle 
Roy near Netley Bridge, Aug. 1891; also Cromdale, Sept. 1891 ! W. Evans. 
> Easterness—Dalwhinnie, at an alt. of 1,200 feet. June 1892! W. Evans. Pine 
forest of Rothiemurchus, Aug. 1904 ! Rey. R. Godfrey. 


Main Argyle—Dunoon, Aug. 1S86 ! W. Denison Roebuck. Crinan, Dec. 1886 ! 
Rev. J. E. Somerville. Common at Barbreek, June 1900; found also at Sonachan ; 
Dunollie ; Glen Crutten ; and Lochan Dubh near Oban, July 1901, Rev. KR. Godfrey. 

Clyde Isles—Margins of Loch Greenan, Isle of Bute, Aug. 1886 ! W. Denison 
Roebuck. Brodick, Isle of Arran, April 1895 ! W. Evans. 


Sutherland E.— Garden, Brora, Oct. 1892 ! W. Baillie. 


Hebrides—Fairly common and varying greatly in size on the Island of Hirta, 
one of the St. Kilda group, July 1905 !.J. Waterston. 

Orkneys—Harray, Dec. 1890! W. Evans. 



Antrim —In the dark part of wood at Murlough, and near Glenshesk, Sept. 1896 
(R. Standen, Irish Nat., Jan. 1897). Common on Rathlin Island, and about Bally- 
castle and Murlough, May 1897, L. E. Adams. Cave Hill, Belfast, 1893; Conagher 
Farm, and Derrykeighan Old Church, Dervock, Feb. 1898; Kenbane, Oct. 1898 ; 
not common, Brown’s Bay, July 1899; and Gleneorp, Cushendall, Mareh 1900, 
R. Welch. Var. pliimbea, Ballycastle, Oct. 1904! Miss F. 8S. O’Connor. Var. 
normalis, Belfast, Dee. 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Down—Near Newry, 1904, P. H. Grierson. About source of river Bann, near 
Deers Meadow, Mourne Mountains, at an alt. of 1,100 feet, Jan. 1898; Ardglass, 
rare, Dec. 1898 ; Neweastle, June 1898 ; rare on banikes of Clandeboye Lake, May 
1899 ; Dundrum, Nov. 1899; moderately common, Belvoir Park, May 1898 ; Hills- 
borough, April 1899, R. Welch; common and large on the margins of woods at 
Helen’s Bay, Sept. 1904, A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. 

Armagh—Acton Glebe, Poyntzpass, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. F. Johnson.  Porta- 
down, Oct. 1904! W. A. Green. 

Monaghan—Glaslough Demesne, Nov. 1897, R. Welch. Type and var. pliimbea, 
Drumreaske, Sept. 1904 ! W. F. de V. Kane. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt, Sept. 1904 ! R. Bell. 

Donegal—Very rare, Rosapenna, Oct. 1904, R. Welch. 


Louth—Near Blackhall Demesne ! and about Collon, Sept. 1904! also type and 
var. plumbea, Beaulieu near Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson, 

Meath—Nobber, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Rare at the Marsh, Bushy Park, Sep. 1903 (R. Welch and A. W. Stelfox, 
Irish Nat., June 1904, p. 123). Abundant in a field at Raheny, and var. adba in 
ditch, Foxhall Demesne, Raheny, Sept. 1890! type and var. adba also common at 
Killakee, all on fungi, chietly species of Russula, Sept. 1890; and var. plumbea, 
Carrickmines, April 1892, R. F. Scharff. 

Kildare—Lyns, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. Var. plumbea, Maynooth, Nov. 

1891, R. F. Scharff. 

relic ommon in the Earl of Meath’s Demesne, Kilruddery, Sept. 1890, 
and also found in field near Greystones, and in the Glen of the Downs, July 1891, 
and Woodenbridge, Meh. 1893, R. F. Scharff, Powerscourt, Apl. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Carlow—Venagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Queen’s Co. —Type and var. plumbea, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 


Roscommon—Lough Glynn, Castlereagh, Oct. 1904! Hugh Kennedy. Type, 
with vars. plumbea and pallida, Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

_ Leitrim—Near Cloone, Dec. 1899 ! P. H. Grierson. Var. pallida, Drumkeeran, 
Oct. 1904 ! Rev. J. Meehan. 

Sligo—On low grassy bank near seashore, Carrahubbuck, Oct. 1892 ! Miss Amy 
Warren. Sligo, July 1904 ! A. W. Stelfox. 

Mayo E.—Manulla Junction, Sept. 1904 ! W. West. 

Mayo W.—\Mloyne Abbey, June 1891 ! Miss Amy Warren. 

Galway W.—Vars. plinnbea and alba, about Renvyle and Kylemore, March 
1891, R. F. Scharff. Near Clifden, Sept. 1904 ! W. West. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Clare—Var. vormalis, Woodpark, Se aril, Sept. 1904! N. F. Hibbert. 

Tipperary N.—Shores of Lough Derg, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Waterford—Var. pallida, near Clonmel, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Cork S.—Common at Bantry, Sept. 1898, Lionel E. Adams. 

Kerry—Derryeunihy Wood, Killarney, May 1898, R. Welch. Not uncommon 
in Kenmare Demesne, and in wood on the road to Gleneariff, also found at Loo 
Bridge, Mueksna Wood, Sheen Wood, and at Galway’s Bridge, Killarney (R. 
Standen, Irish Nat., Sept. 1898). Valentia Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. 
Var. plumbea, Lough Caragh, Sept. 1890, Rev. A. H. Delap; and Cromaghlaun 
Mountain, Pau 1898, L. E. Adams. Var. normalis, Great Skellie (Rt. F. Scharf, 
Irish Nat., Jan. 1898, p. 11). 


Recorded by Simroth from Lower Lusatia, the Harth near Leipzig in Saxony, 
and from Vegesack near Bremen. 
Only reeorded as yet from the Nord; as Avion flavus from the Pas-de-Calais ; 
as A. mabillianus and A. verrucosus from the Oise; as A. verrucosus from Nievre 
and Puy-de-Dome ; as (Greomalacus hiemalis from Cote V@Or ; and as G. vendeanus 

from the Vendee. 

Recorded by Simroth from Mount Pilatus in Canton Lucerne. 
Found up to the present in Piedmont, and the var. appenina at Lucca in Tuseany. 
Clessin regards this as a probable inhabitant of the higher lands of the Tyrol. 
Arion mollerti is recorded from Busaco in the province of Beira by Pollonera. 
Recorded for Scandinavia by Dr. Scharff (Slugs of Ireland, 1891, p. 551). 
Only as yet recorded from Finland, where, according to Luther, it is found as 
far north as 64° north latitude. 
Azores—San Miguel, an undoubted native, but found only on Pico de Carvao 
and in the Valley of Furnas, far removed from cultivated ground. 
New Zealand—Recorded by Mr. Musson under the name of Avion hortensis as 
plentiful about Auckland crawling on the roads after rain. Abundant under 

timber by garden at Manawapouri Lake ; also found at Paradise on the shores of 
Diamond Lake; it is a garden slug here, Feb. 1905, W. Denison Roebuck. 
t=) oD b > 

Fic. 251.—Helen’s Bay, Co. Down, Ireland, where Avion tnterxmedius is plentiful and of 

large size, under decaying logs and other shelter (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 

Pruate XXIII. 

Distribution of A. intermedius Normand 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 


Channel Isles 

1 Cornwall W. 

2 Cornwall E. 

3 Devon 8. 

4 Devon N. 

5 Somerset 8. 

6 Somerset N. 

7 Wilts N. 

8 Wilts 8. 

9 Dorset 

10 Isle of Wight 

11 Hants $. 

12 Hants N. 

14 Sussex W. 

14 Sussex I. 

15 Kent E. 

16 Kent W. 

17 Surrey 

18 Essex 8. 

19 Essex N. 

20 Herts. 

21 Middlesex 

22 Berks. 

23 Oxtord 

24 Bucks. 

25 Suffolk E. 

26 Suffolk W. 

27 Norfolk KE. 

28 Norfolk W. 

239 Cambridge 

30 Bediord 

31 Hunts. 

32 Northaimpton 

33 Gloucester E. 

34 Gloucester W. 

35 Monmouth 

36 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Stafford 

40 Salop 



Lincoln &. 
Lincoln N. 

Laneashire 8. 

Lan’shire Mid * 

S.E York 

N.E. York 

3 S.W. York 

Mid W, York® 
N.W. York 
Northumb., 5. 

8 Cheviotland 

and L. Lanes, 
Isle of Man 

Leic. & Rutld. 


Derby b 

Cheshire ° 

Probable Range. 

WS Recorded Distribution. 

Be Distribution verified by the 

of the British Isles. 



74 Wigtown 
75 AyY 
76 Rentrew 
77 Lanark 


78 Peebles 
79 Selkirk 
80 Roxburgh 
81 Berwick 
82 Haddington 
83 Edinburgh 
84 Linlithgow 


85 Fife & Kinross 
86 Stirling 
87 Pth. 8S. & Clkn, 
Mid Perth 
Perth N. 
91 Kincardine 
92 Aberdeen 8. 

93 Aberdeen N. 
94 Banff 
$5 Elgin 


97 Westerness 

98 Main Argyle 

99 Dumbarton 

100 Clyde Isles 

101 Cantire 

102 EHbudes 8. 

103 Ebudes Mid 

104 Ebudes N. 

105 Ross W 

106 Ross E. 

107 Sutherland E, 

108 SutherlandW 
109 Caithness 


110 Hebrides 
111 Orkneys 
112 Shetlands 



113 Derry 

114 Antrim 

115 Down 

116 Armagh 

117 Monaghan 
118 Tyrone 

119 Donegal 

120 Fermanagh 
121 Cavan 

122 Louth 
23 Meath 
24 Dublin 
25 Kildare 
26 Wicklow 
127 Wexford 
28 Carlow 
129 Kilkenny 
30 Queen’s Co. 
31 King’s Co. 
132 Westineath 
133 Longford 

134 Roscommon 

35 Leitrim 

136 Sligo 

137 Mayo E. 

138 Mayo W. 

139 Galway W. 

140 Galway E. 

141 Clare 

142 Limerick 






Tipperary N. 
Tipperary 8. 

5 Waterford 
Cork N. 
Cork 8. 

148 Kerry 





(Geomalacus, Allman, Athenwum, 1842, p. 851). 

HE genus Geomalacus (yy, the earth ; 
paXdayos, mollusk) is dedicated to the 
late Prof. G. J. Allman, who instituted 
the group and clearly defined the dis- 
tinguishing features of its external 

The genus has been subdivided by 
continental authors, and the sub- 
genera Letourneauria and Arrudia 
established for the species inhabiting 
North-western Africa and the southern 
parts of Spain and Portugal, which are 
distinguished by their internal organi- 
zation approximating more closely to 
that of Avion, and externally by 
possessing distinct and dark lateral 
banding in adult life, a feature espe- 
cially characteristic of and restricted 
to early life in the animals of the 
typical genus. 

This dermal pigmentation is be- 

heved to promote cutaneous respira- 
tion,' and in its position to be 
s ‘ UA essentially dependent upon and_ to 

indicate the course of the blood. 

Generic Characteristics. — ExrerNaLiy, Geomalacus has a sub- 
cylindrically lmaciform and non-carinate Bopy, with a bluntly-rounded 
caudal extremity ; MANTLE or shield granulose, about one-third of the 
total length of the animal when extended, with the ample RESPrRATORY 
ORIFICE placed on the nght margin of the shield and near the anterior 
third of its length; im the young, however, the respiratory orifice is 
quite median or even behind the centre, but as the growth of the shield 
proceeds more quickly behind than in front, the aperture becomes anterior 
by the time full growth has been attained ; GENITAL ORIFICE near to and 
below the right ommatophore; CAUDAL GLAND opening transversely between 
the foot and the body; Foot-soLr indistinctly trifasciate, the median- 
area slightly darker and more transparent than the sides, and showing 
the muscular waves of extension and contraction during locomotion. 

The SHELL is represented by an oval, flat and solid calcareous plate, 
placed beneath the shield and above the respiratory chamber. 

INTERNALLY, the various species show a remarkable modification in the 
arrangement of the reproductive system, which exhibits an extraordinarily 
prolonged arrium or vestibule, which functions as a male organ, while 
its retractor muscle is, according to the researches of Pilsbry, a totally 
distinct structure from that of Avvon, and is affixed at the rear of the 

1 Monog. i., p. 306. 


body; the CeEPHALIC RETRACTORS, though resembling those of Aron, have 
a longer pharyngeal muscle, which is basally fixed behind the right 
ommatophore. The RENAL ORGAN or kidney completely surrounds or 
encloses the heart, which is, therefore, centrally placed in regard to that 
organ, as In Arion. 

Food and Habits.—The Geomuluci 
would appear naturally to subsist en- 
tirely upon the lichens and liverworts, 
but in captivity they will live and thrive 
on other and quite different food. 

In their native habitat they are very 
perfectly protected by their mimetic 
resemblance to their surroundings, and : 
by their nocturnal and crepusecular 
habits of life. 

Fossil.—Fossil remains attributed 
to Geomalacus and named pliocenicus 
by Sacco, have been found in the Upper 

Phocene beds of Fossana, Piedmont. Fic. 253.—Muscular system of Geomadacus 
(after Stmroth.) 

2 . * ; om gr. genital retractor ; 4. kidney, enclosing 
_Geographical Distribution. Nhe heart ; 2m. left tentacular retractor; 7.72. 
Geomalaci embrace but few species, and right tentacular retractor ; 7, pharyngeal 
. a retractor, 
these are contined to the west of Europe,  ‘“"“ 

though alhed sub-genera have been found in north-west Africa. 

The geological evidence of the former extension of the group is as yet 
but shght, but the finding of remains referred to Geomalacus in the Upper 
Phocene of Northern Italy leads us to infer that the genus had formerly a 
more eastern range, and it is probable that the evolutionary area of the 
genus was practically identical with that of Arion and the Limacidw 
generally, but Geomalacus is evidently a decadent and waning group, and 
has by stress of competition with more dominant forms become restricted 
to the extreme west of Europe, a last foothold heralding their final 

The genus Anadenus now expelled to the Himalayas is a closely-related 
but more primitive form than Geomalacus, but which on account of the 
easterly direction of its enforced migration, will probably outlive that group. 

Klee tT 

Autograph of Mr. W. Andrews, the discoverer of Geowalacus maculosus. 

IP iri SOW 

4. Arion subfuscus var. ferussact, p. 201. 

1. Arion subfuscus Drap., p. 193. (after Férussac) 
afte € SaC). 

Ht . Avion subfuscus var. | oe 
2. Avion subfuscus var. rufo-fusca, p. 198. Sp AWE: SAGES NI PILING NP AL 

. . ; 6. Arion subfuscus var. bicolor, p. 1y9 
. Avion subfuscus var. cinereo-fusca Jt at ’ De 
So es f p eae J : (after Févussac). 

10. Arion hortensis var. limbata, 
[De Partly 

PLE ee) EES 

: , : g. Avion hortensts var. aurea, : 7 : 
8. Avion hortensis var. subfusca, p. 216. (after Lessona). 11. Avion hortensis subvar. cottiana, 
p. 217. (after Simroth). x 2, p. 215. (after Pollonera). 

14. Arton civcwmscriptus 16. Arion civcumscriptus subvar. 
(field form), p. 230. pallida, p. 232. 
(after Simroth). 

13. Avion circumscriptus : ; : F : 
5 ; Avion ctrcumscriptus 7. Arion umiscriptus v 
var. neustviaca, p. 232. 15. « cure scriptus 17. Arion circumscreptus var. 
(after Férussac). var. grisea, p. 231. leucophe@a, p. 231. (after Férussac). 
(after Férussac). 

18. Arion intermedius, 19. Arion intermedius, x 2. 20. Arion mollerit 21. Arton 
X 2, p. 240. (after Simroth). (enlarged), p. 245. intevmedius var. 
brunnea, X 2, 

Pp. 245. 

22. Avion intermedius var. 
norvmalts, p. 244. 

23. Arion intermedius var. 
plumbea, p. 245. 

24. Geomalacus maculosus, p. 253. 
(as coiled up in alarm). 

Wis W.GE. Taylor, del. 

Tuylor Bros., Leeds. 



Geomalacus maculosus Allman. 

1846 Geomalacus maculosus Allman, Ann. and Mag. N. HL, xvii, p. 297, pl. 9, f. 1-3. 

1867 — andrewsi Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., p. 57. 
1890 = =— Jusitanus Pollonera, Boll. Mus. Zool., ete., p. 35. 

1875 Letourneauxia lusitana da Silva e Castro, Moll. Terr. et Fluy. Portugal, p. 242. 
77 Limax lusitanus Morelet, Journ, de Conch., p. 259, 

ISTORY.— Geomalacus macu- 
losus (maculosus, spotted) was 
first discovered in the vicinity of 
Lough Caragh, Co. Kerry, Ireland, 
during the autumn of 1842, by the 
late Mr. W. Andrews, of Dublin, 
who, perceiving the interest and 
novelty of the aninal, forwarded 
examples to Prof. G. J. Allman, 
who exhibited and described the 
new mollusk at the meeting of the 
Dublin Natural History Society in 
January, 1843. 

With this interesting — species, 
Lieut.-Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen, 
F.RLS., 1s associated, in appreciative 
expression of the merits of his 
masterly monograph of this species, 
published in his great work, ‘The 
Land Shells of India.” 

Diagnosis.— Geomalacus macu- 
losus is the only species of the genus 
found in this country, and is at once 
separable from the several kinds of 
Arion by the possession of a solid, 
calcareous oval plate beneath the shield, by the position of the generative 
aperture near the base of the right ommatophore, somewhat as in Linu, 
and from all the Limaces by the presence of the caudal mucus gland and 
the anterior position of the respiratory orifice. 


INTERNALLY, it is distinguishable by the exceedingly prolonged atrium, 
and the genital retractor muscle being attached only to the spermatheca 
and its stem, and not to the oviduct also, as in Avvon. 

Description—ANIMAL very extensible, and reaching to fifty-five mill. or more 
when adult, some very large specimens collected at Glengariff by Mr. A. W. Stelfox 
were nearly ninety mill. in length ; the BODY is glossy, covered with about twenty- 
five longitudinal rows on each side of polygonal granulations; blackish or dark-grey 

Fic. 256. Fic. 207. Fic. 258. 
lic. 256.—Dorsal ruge of Geomalacus maculosus, showing their form and the arrangement of the 
pigmented areas, enlarged (after Heynemann). 
I'ig. 257.—Grooving of the hinder-part of foot of Geomadacus maculosus, enlarged (after Simroth). 
Fic. 258.—Caudal end of the body of Geomadlacus maculosus, showing the supra-pedal grooves and 
caudai gland, enlarged (after Godwin-Austen). 


in colour, sometimes with indistinctly indicated darker subdorsal and lateral bands, 
which usually extend the whole length of the body, and are due to the body 
being overspread by numerous somewhat oval yellowish spots, which are, however, 
distributed more or less perceptibly in five longitudinal zones ; SHIELD about one- 
third the length of the body when crawling, but only about half size when the 
animal is contracted, rounded in front and bluntly pointed behind, shagreened and 
spotted with somewhat similar but more uniformly distributed pale buff or whitish 
spots than those on the body ; FOOT-FRINGE not very distinctly separated, very pale 
and somewhat expanded, with indistinct lineolation ; SOLE pale dusky-ochreous, 
indistinetly trifasciate, with the mid-area somewhat darker and more transparent 
than the sides; CAUDAL GLAND triangular, not very conspicuous, opening trans- 
versely between the foot and the body, and often carrying a transparent yellowish 
ball of slime; UPPER TENTACLES smoky-black or grey, short and thick, but with 
oval extremities, and bearing the usual eye-specks at their summits ; LOWER 
TENTACLES pale translucent grey. 

DERMAL-MUCUS usually pale-yellow and variable in its degree of viscosity. 
LocOMOTORY-MUCUS tenacious and usually colourless, but may be stained by the 
intermixture of the dermal slime. 

SHELL resembling that of Limaz, of an oval 
shape, solid and calcareous, with a transparent 
conchiolin base, usually somewhat convex above 
and coneave beneath, with a few indistinet con- 
centric lines of growth, and, according to Godwin- 
Austen, covered outwardly with a very thin trans- 
parent epidermis and with the boss or nucleus near 
the front. Im young animals, the shell is very thin 
and convex, abruptly eut off behind, but with a 
projecting granular film in front. 

Fic. 259.-—Shell 
of G. maculosus 
x 6. 

(Lough Caragh, 
Co. Kerry, R. F. 

that of Arion ; the HEART is completely surrounded 
by the triangular renal organ or KIDNEY, which is 
of lamellate structure, and discharges by means of 
a primary and secondary URETER; in the present 
group the ventricle of the heart is directed towards 
and in close proximity to the ANAL and RESPIRA- 
TORY ORIFICES, while in Arion it is more remote 
and in a more posterior position ; the SUPRA- 
PEDAL GLAND is deeply imbedded in the tissues 
and reaches far back; SEMPER’S ORGAN is well 
developed and chiefly shown as a pair of strong 
flattened lobes; the SALIVARY and DIGESTIVE 
GLANDS are as in Avion, but the vestigial osph- 
radium within the mantle chamber is more distinct. 

Fic. 260.— 
Brain-ring of G. 
maculosus, from 
beneath, enlarged 
(after Scharff). 

The CEPHALIC RETRACTORS have the typical 
Arionine character ; the right and left TENTACULAR 
muscles divide early for the upper and lower 
tentacles, but only those of the ommatophore are 
darkly pigmented, and are attached basally to the 
right and left posterior mantle margins respec- 
tively; the PHARYNGEAL retractor is, as usual, 
fureate for attachment to the rear of the BUCCAL 
BULB, its root being fixed on the right-side of the 
body, just behind the point of fixation of the right 
tentacular muscle. 

Fic. 261.—Pallial organs and 
cephalic retractors of G. maculosus 

The REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS possess a small, Meee Ges SS) 

compact, and darkly pigmented OVOTESTIS, and the h. eee oe) 3 ee Zt. at 
<P > SE pt ae ae ge poe a2 entacular retractor; #. right 
HERMAPHRODITE ‘DUCT is very long and greatly © jentacular retractor: +. rectum: 

convoluted, terminating in a small spherical VESI- 4... pharyngeal retractor. 


ated and linguiform; OVISPERMATODUCT also very much twisted ; the FREE OVI- 
pucv rather long and thin, but without any enlargement ; VAS DEFERENS very 
long, complexly twisted, and rolled up in the form of a bundle; SPERMATHECA 
globular, with short stem, but quite distant from the genital aperture, owing to 


the remarkable elongation of the atrium or vestibule ; the long retractor muscle 
from the vesicle and its stem is affixed to the dorsum in the median line near 
the caudal end of the body; the vas deferens and the spermatheca open nearly 

Fic. 262. Fic. 263. Fic. 264. 
Sexual organs of Geowralacus maculosus, after dissections by Simroth (fig. 262), Godwin-Austen 
x 2 (fig. 263), and Scharff (fig. 264). 
ag. albumen gland; aé. atrium 3 of. ovotestis ; os.d. ovispermatoduct ; ef. epiphallus ; sf. sperma- 
theca ; v.d. Vas deferens : ; uv.s. vesicula seminalis; 7”. retractor. 

together into the distal ex- 
tremity of the ATRIUM, which 
is prolonged in an attenuate 
form to an enormous teneth, 
and receives the very thin free 
oviduet much nearer the proxi- 
mal end, where the muscular 
VESTIBULE is greatly but ir- 
recularly enlarged, and con- | 
nected to the oviduct by a fe 
niuinber of muscular fibres. 
Within the VAGINA there is a 

curious series of flattened folds, 


Seorr tae 


the central part with pointed Fic. 265. Fic. 266. 

end, placed close to the genital Fic. 265.—Section of upper portion of Atrium x 8 
aperture, and which Godwin- after Simroth). 

Austen thinks may possibly be _ Fic. 266.—Internal structure of the vagina x 6 (after 
a SARCOBELUM and the homo- Godwin-Austen). g.a. generative orifice. 

logue of the dartin the Helicidie. 

The MANDIBLE, or jaw, 
ineasures about one mill. from 
side to side, and is distinctly 
arcuate from front to rear, 
Innate in shape, but very w ide, 
with broad and scar celyr ounded 
ends, solid, dark-brown in color, 

with about ten broad flat ribs, Fic. 267. Fic. 268. 

which are confined to the Mandible or jaw of Geomalacus maculosus to show 
median part of the jaw, and the variation in sculpture. 

absent or scarcely discernible Fic. 267._-Showing the denticulation of the upper margin 
on the side areas, sometimes x 20 (after Godwin-Austen). 

Fic. 268.—Showing denticulation of lower margin x 12. 
crenulating the upper and = Saisie a ee 

sometimes the lower margin or the ribs may extend quite across the jaw and 
denticulate both the upper and the cutting edges. 


The LINGUAL MEMBRANE is about eight mill. long and two mill. wide, and is 
said by Heynemann to be composed of 240 slightly eurved transverse rows of 
denticles, each row composed of a median tooth and fifty-seven lateral and marginal 
teeth at each side. The median teeth are small and elearly unicuspid, though 
slightly shouldered ; the lateral teeth are all bicuspid, but the admedian teeth are 
noticeably larger than the median row, and the mesocone is well developed, there is, 
however, no distinction between the lateral and marginal series except that the 
ectocone present on the admedian teeth recedes in position and slightly diminishes 
in size in the succeeding teeth up to about the twentieth row, but in the marginal 
series the ectocone gradually grows in size and importance as the margin is 
approached, while the mesocone becomes almost correspondingly diminished, the 
outermost teeth showing a more embryonic character; Judged by the theory of 
meso-metamorphosis the tendeney of the teeth development is towards an uni- 
cuspidate dentition. 

Br 9 45 40 30 15 6 

S2 51 5 %. 

al l cy 0 




5 30 40 45 59 5 52 54 

Fic. 269.—Representative denticles from a transverse row of the teeth of Geomalacus maculosus, from 
Lough Caragh, Ireland ; from a preparation by Rev. Prof. H. M. Gwatkin. 

The formula of a Lough Caragh specimen is, according to Heynemann : 
Sp Se ply at 4 33 x 240 = 27,600. 

Reproduction and Development.—'he congress of this species has 
not been observed or described, but judging by its structure, it is, aceord- 
ing to Simroth, 
probably — similar 
to that of Limar 
maxvimus, the long 
protruding penes 
intertwining spir- 
ally together dur- 
ing the process, 
as in the latter 
species. ‘he sper- 
matozoids must 
possess a very 
persistent vitality 
or the animal be Fic. 270.—Cluster of eggs of Geomalacus maculosus, deposited in captivity 
capable of auto- (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 
fecondation, as a specimen kept in solitary confinement for three years by 
Mr. ‘I. Rogers, from August 1875, to July 19th 1878, deposited batches 
of fertile eggs in August 1876, and in July and August of 1877. 

The eggs have been observed to be deposited during July and August, 
in clusters of eighteen to twenty-four, adherent by a mucous-film; they 
are very large im comparison with the size of the animal, but vary 
within certain limits, the largest are more elongate, being eight-and-half 
by four-and-quarter mill., while the smallest 
are more regularly oval, and are only six by SS 
four mill. All the eges when fresh are beauti- 
ful semitranslucent milky-white or opalescent, ltrs ee hat tense 9 
but some of the larger and more elongate ones  tinctness ‘of the longitudinal band- 
show a somewhat transparent area at the & ‘fer Scharff). 
smaller end. In a few days the opalescent lustre becomes lost, and the 
eges turn yellowtsh and afterwards brown. ‘The young appear to hatch in 
from six to eight weeks, at which period the spots are barely present, but 
the lateral bands are distinct and black, and the shield shows the lyre- 


shaped markings, as in Avion, but these become indistinct as growth 
proceeds ; they probably pass the winter in the immature stage, and. still 
show at that period the lateral banding much more conspicuously than 
at maturity, a state which they attain during the early summer months. 

Food and Habits.——The immature animals are much less sluggish 
and shy than the adults, and crawl actively about, the movements of the 
locomotory muscles being distinctly apparent in the somewhat transparent 
mid-area of the sole, and showing about fifteen muscular waves at one 
time. ‘I'he animal, even when fully grown, can elongate and flatten its 
body to such a degree that it is able to insinuate itself and pass through 
a hole only two mill. in diameter, but when handled or inritated it has 
a curious habit of coilmg-up into a perfect sphere, exactly in the same way 
as certain species of woodlice. 

The habitats of Geomalacus i Ireland are by preference near the sea- 
coast, on the bare mountain slopes of the Old Red Sandstone formation, 
which are partially covered with a peaty soil overspread by heather, ete., and 
on which the exposed, deeply-rifted rock surfaces are chequered by lichens, 

Fic. 272.— Rifted Old Red Sandstone rocks, in Cloonee Glen, near Kenmare, showing the char- 
acter of the ground on which Geomalacus maculosus abounds (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 

liverworts, and mosses, whose luxuriant growth is favoured by the moist, 
warm vapours brought in by the south-west winds from the Gulf-Stream, 
and which also form the driving mists and clouds which are so character- 
istic a feature of the Cronmliee us area, as all the loftier hills are almost 
constantly mist-drenched when rain is not actually falling. 

It is a truly geophilous species, and very seldom ascends trees, though 
oceasionally found thereon, but like other slugs, especially when young, 1s 
capable of spinning mucus-threads, and in captivity has been observed by 
Mr. H. W. Kew to quickly produce one a foot in length. At ordinary 
times, not only on dull, cloudy, damp days, but also oceasionally during 
sunny weather, Geomalacus lives and rests quite openly and conspic uously 

12/2/06 R 


uncovered upon the rocks amongst the dark-grey lichens, whose white 
and yellowish fructifications conceal the slug perfectly, and is a striking 
instance of protective coloration,’ as they so closely resemble clumps of 

moss or lichens. ‘he discoverer, Mr. W. Andrews, especially remarked 

Fic. 273.—Geomalacus maculosus var. fasciata at rest on the lichen-covered rocks of Cloonee, 
showing their protective resemblance to their environment (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 

upon finding specimens aiid the tufts of Zylocomium splendens and Oscil- 
latoria friesii, which abound in masses at the shaded base of the moist 
rocks at Oulough. In times of drought, in favourable localities they swarm 
out of their damp retreats before sunset to feed, their tentacles being then 
only partially protruded, they disappear again soon after sunrise, burrowing 

1 Mr. David McArdle, of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, has kindly furnished me with 
the following list of the more prevalent Hepatics, Lichens, and Mosses, found in the area inhabited by 
Geomalacus, the publication of which it is hoped will lead to the discovery of the special food plants, and 
to the identification of the plant or plants to whose similarity it owes its protective resemblance. 

The LicHens are very generally distributed, but Lefsfogium tremelloides 1. is partial to old wood 
banks, rocks, etc. ; Parmelia saxatilis to old walls and rocks; Cladonia rangiferina L., C. cervicornis 
Ach., and C. cocct/era LL. to heath or peat and rock-crevices; Usnea barbata Fries is found on branches 
and trunks of trees and affords much shelter; while Pedtigera canina L. and Sticta pulmonacea Ach. 
grow in clumps on rocks and damp banks. 

The Heparics are apparently more local. 
Kantia trichomanis L., and Cephalosia bicuspidata \.. being found on rocks and banks about 
haven. Setween the Tunnel and Glengariff, arsupella emarginata Ehrh., Nardia scalaris Schrad., 
Pellia epiphylla \.., P. calycina Taylor, Conocephalus conicus Nech., Metzgeria furcata L., Frullania 
dilatata L., and /. tamarisei L. are the prevalent species ; while on old walls and banks about Kenmare 
and Cloonee are Plagiochila asplenioides L. and P. spinulosa Dicks, Marchantia polymorpha L., Lunu- 
laria cruciata L., and large patches of Lejeunea serpyllifolia Dicks, with Trichocolea tomentella Ehrh., 
Lepidozia reptans L., Lophocolea bidentata L., and L. cuspidata Limpr. 

The Mosses are also localized: Homalia trichomanoides Hedw., with Neckera crispa Hedw., occur 
in large patches on the trunks of trees, while Bvachythecium velutinum B. & S., Campylopus, atrovirens 
De Not., Hylocomium loreum B. & S., and H. splendens B. & S., are found on the mountain sides and 
old walls and logs between Kenmare and Cloodnee. Between the Tunnel and Glengariff, Breutelia 
chrysocomr Lindb., Canpylopus fiexuosus Bril., Dicranum scoprrinum Hedw., Hylocomium triquetrum 
B. & S., Porotrichum alopecurun Mitt., Climacium dentroides W. & M., Plagiothecium undulatum 
B. & S., P. borrerianum Spruce, Hypnum cupressiforme L., and its var. A/iformez occur; while 
common and generally distributed about Berehaven are Camtsylopus fragilis B. & S., Burtramia 
pomiformis Hedw., Dicranum bonjeant De Not., and IVeissia rupestris C.M.; Bryum pseudotri- 
quetrum Schwere. occurs in large masses about heaths and rocks, B. alpinum Huls., and Ptychomitrium 
polyphyllum Firn. on rocks, and Racomitrium lanuginosum Brid. on rocky banks. 

Scapania resupinata L., Diplophyvliium albicans L., 



in the earth or flattening their bodies and penetrating deep down into the 
deep and narrow rock-crevices, where they hide during the day. 

In captivity, they are described as very sluggish, and as lying for 
days without movement, but they feed freely on bread, carrot, cabbage, 
dandelion, cucumber, and lettuce, but are also carnivorous, and even 
predacious, having been noticed to devour the animals of Vitrinw pellucida 
and other species contamed in the same receptacle. Dr. Scharff has 
verified by microscopical examinations of the contents of their stomach 
that naturally their food is probably restricted to the various lichens and 
liverworts, one of the most abundant species in the locality frequented by 
the slug being Frullania dilatata, but in captivity they readily feed upon 
the lichen Cladonia fimbriata. 

Variation.—The variation of this species is due to the true ground 
colour varying from yellow to white, and also to the degree to which it is 
overspread by a darker shade, which may vary from pale-grey or greenish- 
grey to almost uniform jet-black specimens, such as those found plentifully 
by Mr. A. W. Stelfox on a grassy bank by the roadside on the often 
cloud-capped Iill near Glengariff. The paler varieties, according to the 
careful observations of Mr. R. Welch, are more frequent upon the some- 
what dry walls bounding the roadside, while the blacker forms were more 
plentiful on or near the damp rock surfaces. ‘I'he variation of the ground 
colour from white to yellow gives, as a consequence, a stronger yellow 
staining to the dermal-slime. 

Var. allmani Heynemann, Mal. BI., 1873, p. 28, pl. 1. 

Geomalacus maculosus var. allmant Heynemann, op. cit. 
ANIMAL dark brown or blackish-grey, with whitish maculations. 
Cork S.—Glengariff (Stubbs and Adams, Irish Nat., Nov. 1898, p. 261). 
Kerry—T wo or three on the trunk of a tree, in company with Limae arborum 
var. bettonii, north of Lough Caragh, June 1904! W. West. An island in Dingle 
Bay, W. Andrews (specimens in Coll., Brit. Mus.). Abundant on damp roeks and 
along the peat margins close to rocks by Lower Cloonee Lake, July 1898, R. Welch. 

Var. verkruzeni Heynemann, Mal. BI., 1873, p. 31. 
Geomalacus maculosus var. verkruzent Heynemann, op. cit. 
ANIMAL grey, darker dorsally, with white maculations. 
Kerry—Lough Caragh (Heynemann, op. cit.). 
Portugal—Simroth refers to var. verkruzeni, a specimen from Las Caldas de 
Gerez, in the province of Minho, described as pale-grey, toning to olive-green, with 
yellowish-white fleckings. 

Var. andrewsi Mabille, Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1867, p. 57. 
Geomalacus andrewsi Mabille, op. cit. 
ANIMAL whitish, overspread with blackish spots. 
This variety, named by Mabille, was originally based on a misapprehension of 
the description of the English authors; we have, however, Dr. Jeffreys authority 

for the actual occurrence of whitish specimens with black spots. 

Kerry—Rocks alone shores of Loueh Caragh near Willarney (Jeffreys, Conch., 
v., 155, 1869). 


Var. fasciata Cockerell, Brit. Nat. Cat. Brit. Moll., 1890, p. 18. 

Geomalacus maculosus var. fasciata Cockerell, op. cit. 

ANIMAL white or whitish; mantle marbled with black or dark-brown, and with 
dark lateral bands ; body searcely marbled, pale, with a dark longitudinal subdorsal 
and lateral band on each side. 

This variety is atavistic, retaining to a large extent the characteristic markings 
of juvenile specimens. 


Kerry—An island in Dingle Bay, W. Andrews (specimens in Coll., Brit. Mus.). 
Near Lower Cloonee Lake, July 1898, R. Welch. 

Geographical Distribution 

: ees 

| Geomalacus maculosus Allm. 


Ba Recorded Distribution, 

Probable Range. 


Fic. 274. 

Geographical Distribution.—The range of this waning species is 
very limited, and its known habitats are markedly discontinuous, as the 
only recorded places of occurrence in the British Isles are in the extreme 
south-west corner of Ireland, which is also a last haven of refuge for 
other forms of life, verging upon extinction in this country. 

It is also recorded from the north-west of France, the extreme north- 
west of Spain, and the north of Portugal. 

It has been reported also from North-east France, but the district cited 
is not a very probable one for the species. 


Cork S.—Found at Castletown-Berehaven, and abonnds at Glengariff from the 

waters edge up to a considerable height, May 1891, R. F. Schartf. Very large 

and almost jet-black specimens abundant on a grassy-bank by roadside just below 
the tunnel near Glengariff, April 1899, A. W. Stelfox. 

Kerry—On the Old Red Sandstone rocks at Onlough, and in the Glen of 
Limnavar by the margin of Lough Caragh, antumn 1842, W. Andrews (G. J. 
Allman, op. cit., p. 298). Many specimens of vars. a/lmani and fasciata in the 
British Musenm, from an island in Dingle Bay, presented by Mr. W. Andrews. In 
a small valley, on a promontory, west of Derrynane Bay, from sea-level up to an 
altitude of more than 1,000 feet on Coad Mountain, between Caherdaniel and Sneem, 
July 1892, R. F. Scharff. Found by Dr. Scully at an elevation of 1,000 feet near 

Distribution of Geomalacus maculosus Allm. 

In the Counties and Vice-Counties 
of the British Isles. 


Channel Isles 

Cornwall W. 

Cornwall E. 

Devon $. 

Devon N. 

Somerset S. 

Somerset N. 


Wilts N. 

Wilts 8. 


10 Isle of Wight 

11 Hants §. 

12 Hants N 

15 Sussex W. 

14 Sussex E. 

oon OnPANDe 


15 Kent E. 

16 Kent W. 

17 Surrey 

Essex $8. 

19 Essex N. 

20 Herts. 

21 Middlesex 

22 Berks. 

23 Oxford 

24 Bucks. 

25 Suffolk E. 

26 Suffolk W. 

7 Norfolk E. 

28 Nortolk W. 

29 Cambridge 

30 Bedford 

31 Hunts. 

32 Northampton 

33 Gloucester E. 

34 Gloucester W. 

35 Monmouth 

36 Hereford 

37 Worcester 

38 Warwick 

39 Stafford 

40 Salop 


SSS Recorded Distribution. 
RSS Distribution verified by the Authors. 


3 Radnor 


5 Pembroke 
6 Cardigan 


5 Lineoln §. 

Lincoln N. 
Leic. & Rutld. 


8 Cheshire 

Laneashire S. 
Lan’shire Mid 


S.E. York 
N.E. York 

3 S.W. York 

Mid W, York 
N.W. York 
Northumb. 8. 

8 Cheviotiand 

and L. Lanes. 
Isle of Man 

PuateE XXV. 



St et et ee a 


101 Cantire 
102 Ebudes S. 

como ~ 


Fife & Kinross 1 

Pth. 8. & Clkn. 

CO CO 00 CO 00 


Aberdeen N. 


Easterness | 

7 Westerness 

3 Main Argyle 


00 Clyde Isles 



03 Ebudes Mid 
04 Ebudes N. 
Ross W. | 
Ross E. | 
7 Sutherland E. 
8 SutherlandWw 
09 Caithness 
10 Hebrides 


92 Alherdeen 8S. 


112 Shetlands 


11 Orkneys 

2 Louth 
3 Meath 
4 Dublin | 
5 Kildare | 
6 Wicklow | 
7 | 


Carlow | 
9 Kilkenny | 
Queen’s Co. | 
King’s Co. 
2 Westmeath 
3 Longford 

Roscommon | 

Mayo E. 

Mayo W. 

Galway W. 

) Galway E. 



141 Clare 

142 Limerick 
143 Tipperary N. 
144 Tipperary 8. 
145 Waterford 
146 Cork N. 

147 Cork 8. 

148 Kerry 


the tunnel on the road between Kenmare and Glengariff (id., Proc. Mal. Soe., 
Oct. 1893, p. 18). On an old moss-covered wall, about sea-level, near Garinish Point, 
May 1893, David MeArdle. Common along the shores of Inchiquin Lake, April 
1899, A. W. Stelfox. Derreen, June 1899! W. Holbron. Abundant on damp cloudy 
days about Lower Cloonee Lake, and for a distance of about eight or nine miles as 
far as the western end of Mucksna Woods, Kenmare, resting on the dry stones of 
the dykes, and greatly resembling the clumps of moss and lichen thereon, but still 
more plentiful on damp rock surfaces and along the peat margins, close to the rocks, 
where they swarmed out of the hiding-places in the afternoon after five o’clock. 
This area, which is situate between Kenmare Bay and Berehaven, is evidently the 
metropolis of the species, as nowhere else are they so plentiful, though at Glen- 
gariff the specimens are finer, May 1897, R. Welch. Waterville, Aug. 1904, Prof. J. 
Joly. A sub-var. of a greenish colour with yellow spots has been found at Kenmare 
(Stubbs and Adams, Irish Nat., Nov. 1898, p. 261). Deenish Island (S. W. Kemp, 
Trish Nat., Dec. 1905). 

Recorded by Desmars from the Avenue of Conlo near Vannes, Ile et Vilaine. 


Spain—Recorded by Dr. Paul Fischer as abundant in the province of Asturias, 
in which district, near to Santa Albas, Lucas von Heyden found a single specimen 
in 1868. Dr. Simroth records it as occurring in Galicia. 

Portugal—Recorded only from the province of Minho; among lichens at foot 
of a granite wall, Las Caldas de Gerez, by Simroth ; for Oporto by Mr. Newton ; 
and on Mount Sylvestre near Vianno de Castello by Silva e Castro, who deseribed 
it as new under the name of Lefourneduxia lusitana. 

Fic. 275.—Head of Inchiquin Lake, with the cloud-capped Knockreagh Mountain (1,64 feet alt. ) 
on the right, and Cummeenanimma (1,588 feet alt.) on the left; a typical habitat of Geomalacus 
niaculosus (photo. by Mr. R. Welch). 



; ra ag y 
J Fa ot Xe 
Much additional information concerning the various slugs has been 
acqured since the publication of the different parts dealing with the 
subject which is appended hereto, so that the knowledge of the different 
species may be brought down to date. 


Generic Characteristics.—he supRA-PEDAL GLAND of Testucella is 
intimately united to the pedal ganglia by a mass of connective tissue, and 
according to André, differs entirely from that of any other group in being 
totally destitute of the investment of vibratile cilia, which in other species 
aids in the exudation of the locomotory mucus. 

Testacella haliotidea Draparnaud. 


Devon N.—Garden, Barnstaple (Rev. C. Chichester, J. of C., Oct. 1904, p. 124). 

Wilts. S.—Longleat Gardens, near Warminster, Aue. 1904! J. A. Singer. 

Surrey— Wallington (C. Pannell, junr., Journ. of Conch., July 1903, p. 331). 

Suffolk W.—Sudbury, E. Ransom, Sept. 1905. 

Norfolk W.—Didlington Hall, Sept. 1904! Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil. 

Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Radnor—Pen-y-Bont, Noy. 1903! F. Hall. 

Lancashire S.—Garden, Liverpool, Ang. 1890, W. J. Farrar. 

York S.W.—Garden, Thornfield, Frizinghall, May 1900, F. Rhodes. 

Cumberland— Greenhouse, Ravenstone, Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, Journ. of 
Conch., Jan. 1906, p. 154). 

Sutherland E.—Introduced into garden at Brora by Mr. W. Baillie (Journ. of 
Conch., Jan. 1889, p. 15). 

: Var. trigona (rassies and Fischer. 
Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Var. albina Moquin-T'andon. 
The var. aliida of Cockerell from Gibraltar (Se. Goss., 1885) is deseribed as pure 
white, ‘ like white pork,” and is regarded by its author as distinet from var. adbina. 

Surrey—Garden, Montserrat road, Putney, J. C. Dacie. 

Var. flavescens Moquin-l'andon. 
Suffolk E.—lound crawling by night on the gravel-path in the rectory garden, 
Martlesham near Woodbridge, by Mr. Chester B. Doughty (Rev. S. Spencer Pearce, 
Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1904). 

Testacella scutulum G. B. Sowerby. 

Sussex E.—Hastings, EK. A. Butler (Jenner, Moll. East Sussex, 1885, p. 6). 

Surrey—Common in gardens (which were formerly market-gardens), Walling- 
ton, June 1892, M. Gibls. 

Middlesex—South Kensington, J. H. Sikes, May 1906. 

Northampton— High Park Gardens, Stamford, are in Northamptonshire and not 
in South Lincoln, as stated on page 19. 

Worcester—Garden, King’s Norton, March 1904 ! J. Madison. 

Lincoln N.— Garden, Nettleton House, Caistor, Dee. 1902 ! Miss Susan Allott. 

Cheshire—Garden, New Ferry (A. Leicester, J. of Conch., Jan. 1904, p. 25). 

Lancashire W.—CGarden, Porton, near Laneaster, 1894, W. H. Heatheote. 

York S.W.—Kastrick, June 1906 ! A, C. Lane. 


Perth S. and Clackmannan—Airthrey Gardens, Feb. 1896, G. MeDougall. 

Armagh—Tanderagee, Sept. 1904 ! J. Rea. 
Fermanagh—Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1904! Hon. C. L. Corrie, 
Cork N.—Convamore, Ballyhooley, Sept. 1904 ! J. N. Milne. 

Var. albina Gassies and Fischer. 
Kilkenny—Gardens, Bessborongh, Piltown, Sept. 1904! Earl of Bessborough. 

Testacella maugei Férussac. 

Geological History. — Mr. A. Santer Kennard informs me that 
Testacellu mauget has lately been found in a holocene rainwash at Porlock 
Weir, South Somerset. 


Cornwall W.—Tresco, Scilly Isles, Nov. 1903, J. H. Sikes. Two shells found 
on the small ledges of rock on St. Michael’s Monnt, and also at Camborne (J. P. 
Johnson, Geol. Mag., Jan. 1903, p. 28). 

Devon N.—Rev. R. W. J. Sinart’s garden at Bideford. 

Hereford—Gardens, The Grange, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Sept. 1904 ! Miss 


Kilkenny—Jenkinstown, Aug. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 
Morocco—Reported by M. Vaucher as common in gardens about Tangiers. 

Var. griseo-nigrescens (rassies and Fischer. 
Pembroke —Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904! Price Davies. 
Tipperary S.—Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904 ! Mrs. Maleomson. 

Var. griseo-rubescens Gassies and Fischer. 
Wilts. S.—Longleat Gardens, Warminster, Ane. 1904! J. A. Singer. 


Glandina costellata (Sowerby). 

Affinities.—Glandina costellata, according to Sandberger, closely 
resembles the Glandina lichmunni Pfr., now living in Mexico, while 
Noulet has proposed to unite Glendina costellata with the G. naudot? ; 
Sandberger has, however, shown that G. costellata can be readily dis- 
tinguished from that species by its smaller size, more slender form, and 
finer striation. 

Geological History. —Sandberger records this species from the 
Paleeotherium limestone of the Oligocene formation at Mas Saintes 
Puelles, Villeneuve, in the department of the Aude, France. 



Geological History.—Mr. A. 8. Kennard is of opimion that the 
formation at Stutton, from whence the fossil shells of Lemar were pro- 
cured, and which was described by Prof. Morris as Mammalian Crag, is 
not crag, but a black-earth of the same age as the Crayford Beds of the 
Upper Pleistocene series. 

Limax maximus Linné. 

Description—The SUPRA-PEDAL GLAND in Limax maximus is arranged as in 
Arion, in the form of a ribbon, on the upper surface of the foot, and extends to 
half its length ; the exeretory canal is very capacions, and the longitudinal folds 
distinet, while the internal vibratile cilia which assist the outward flow of the 
mucus are disposed in tufts. Inside the canal a great number of a parasitic 
Nematode of the genus Leptodera may sometimes be found. 


Cornwall W.—Garden, Truro, J. H. James (T. D. A. Cockerell, Sci. Goss., 
May 1886, p. 114). Camborne (J. P. Johnson, Geol. Mag., Jan. 1903, p. 27). 

Hants. S.—Frequent about Cosham, under faggots, ete., C. 5. Coles. 

Sussex E.—Under white Arabis, Eastbourne, July 1904! Montagu I. Jones. 

Surrey—Tatsfield (Chas. Pannell, jun., Journ. of Conch., July 1903, p. 331). 
Haslemere and Grayswood (id., Apl. 1902, p. 169). 

Herts.—Barnet, June 1902, H. F. Rogers. Var. fasciata, Codicote near Welwyn, 
Sept. 1904! Mrs. Blundell. 

Berks.—Near Wellington College, Sept. 1904! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Suffolk E.—Lowestoft, Oulton, Brockford, and Ipswich (A. Maytield, Journ, 
of Conch., April 1908, p. 294). 

Suffolk W.—Fornham St. Martin near Bury St. Edmunds, Oct. 1903 ! W. KR. 
Burrell. Sudbury, Sept. 1905, E. Ransom. 

Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall gardens, July 1904 ! W. J. O. Holmes. 

Norfolk W.—Var. fusciata, King’s Lynn, Sept. 1904 ! C. B. Plowright. 

Bedford—Var. fasciuta, Limbury near Luton, Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. sIundell. 

Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Hereford— Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. C. Blake. 

Worcester—Garden, Stourport, July 1888 (J. W. Williams, J. of C., July 1889), 

Stafford—Worth Wood near Froghall, May 1898 (J. of Conch., Oct. 1898, p. 110). 

Pembroke—Vars. concolor and fausciata, Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904 ! P. Davies. 

Merioneth—Llwynewril near Barmouth, June 1887 ! W. Cash. 

Denbigh—Glyndyfrdwy, Vale of Llangollen, Aug. 1904 ! B. ‘Tomlin. ; 

Lincoln S.—Var. fasciata, old stone quarry, Great Ponton, Sept. 1904 ! H. 
Preston. Rippingale, Sept. 1904! J, Stow. 

Lincoln N.—Cadney Vicarage, Dee. 1902 ! Rev. E. A. Woodruffe-Peacock. 

Lancashire S.—One specimen in a wood, Bardsley, spring 1906; another at 
Riversvale, in June 1897 (F. Taylor, Journ. of Conech., April 1898, p. 50). 

York S.W.—Frequent near houses, and also near woods at Elland Park Wood 
and Red Lane Dyke near Halifax (J. E. Crowther, Halifax Nat., Aug. 1903, p. 48). 

York Mid W.—Horsforth, Jan. 1885 ! 

Cumberland—Keswick, July 1903, Rev. R. Godfrey. Gardens, Brigham, 
Cockermouth, July 1904! Mrs. Robinson. Salkeld Dykes, Aug. 1904 ! H. Britten. 


Ayr—Portineross, March 1904, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Roxburgh —Var. sylvatica, Langlee near Galashiels, Sept. 1904! J. Roseburgh. 

Haddington—Tynetield, and Bill near Dunbar, Sept. 1894, also Gifford, Sept. 
1896, W. Evans. 

Linlithgow—Dalmeny Park, Mareh 1891 ! near Linlithgow, Ang. 1899; also 
var. cellaria, Kinneil, Aug. 1891, W. Evans. 

Fife and Kinross—Largs, Sept. 1882; Falkland, Aug. 1895; and Culross, 
April 1900, W. Evans. 

Perth S. and Clackmannan—Dollar, April 1897, W. Evans. 

Orkneys—Stromness, Aug. 1905 ! J. S. B. Headley. 



Derry—Var. concolor, Ballynagard, June 1892, D. C. Campbell. 

Antrim—Sub-var. geminipunctata, Cushendall, Aug. 1894 ! W. Moss. 

Down—Garden, Oakleigh near Belfast, Oct. 1904! R. Welch. 

Armagh—Tynan, July 1905; var. ferussaci, Meigh, Dee. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Monaghan—Shantonagh ; var. ferussaci, near Carrickmacross, P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Var. ferussaci, Downhill near Londonderry, one, very characteristic, 
half-grown, Sept. 1904! C. N. Lynes. 

Cavan —Kingscourt, June 1994; v. fasciata, Mullagh, Sep. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Louth—Dundalk; Ardee; Millifont Abbey ; Beaulieu, Oct. 1904; Dromiskin, 
small, June 1904! var. ferussaci, Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 1904; var. sylvatica, 
Narrow Water, Dec. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—New Grange, June 1892, R. F. Scharff. Nobber; Bective Abbey and 
Ballivor, Mareh 1905; Athboy, Julianstown, and Kells, April 1905; Batterstown, 
May 1905; var. ferussaci, Moynalty, March 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Killakee and Leeson Park, Oct. 1890, R. F. Scharff. 

Kildare—T ype and var. sylvatica, Lyons, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Type and var. obscura, Greystones, Sept. 1903 ; var. fasciata, Ennis- 
kerry, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Wexford —Wexford, April 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Kilkenny—Near Waterford, Jan. 1903; Thomastown and Jenkinstown, Feb. 
1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Westmeath—Large specimens, Knockdrin Demesne, April 1892, R. F. Scharff. 
Raharney, March, 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Roscommon, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

Leitrim—Feenagh, 1899, P. H. Grierson. 

Waterford—North of Youghal, Aug. 1902, P. H. Grierson. 

Cork N.—Youghal, 1902, and Macroom, P. H. Grierson. 

Cork S.—South of Macroom, May 1902; and Kilecrea Abbey, P. H. Grierson. 

Kerry—Lough Caragh, Sept. 1890, Rev. A. H. Delap. Sub-var. geminipunctata, 
Muckross Demesne, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

tecorded for Kiel in Holstein by Friedel (Mal. Bl., 1870, p. 49). 
Recorded for the department of the Meuse by M. Henri Cardot, and from the 
Lot et Garonne by Gassies (Moll. Agenais, 1849, p. 60). 

Recorded for La Cava near Salerno in Campania by Prof. E. von Martens (Mal. 
BI., 1858, p. 149). 

According to Dr. Simroth, only the var. cinerea Lister is found in Portugal. 

Algeria—Dr. Simroth is of opinion that Limax nyctelius Bourg., from Algiers, 
is only the var. cinerea Lister. 


Azores—The vars. cinerea Lister and wnicolor Heynemann are recorded from 
this group by Dr. Simroth. 

Canaries—Found by Lieut.-Col. Parry at Orotava in Teneriffe, and Galdar in 
Grand Canary. 

Madeira—Madeiran specimens, in the opinion of Dr. Simroth, are pale and 
strongly flecked forms of var. cinerea Lister. 


Limax maximus is said by Mr. W. D. Hartmann to be distributed over the 
Eastern United States, from New York State to the Potomac River. 

Pennsylvania—Westchester, Chester Co., Sept. 1885, W. D. Hartmann. 

Massachusetts—Type, with vars. obscura and cellaria, collected by J. Ritchie, 
junr., in the suburbs of Boston, July 1905, T. D. A. Cockerell. 


Cape Colony—‘‘ A form which may be subspecifically distinet, and reminds one 
of the Italian forms, found by Mr. R. M. Lightfoot, under rocks, some distance up 
Table Mountain” (W. E. Collinge, Ann. 8. African Mus., Dee. 1901, p. 229). 


New Zealand —Type, with vars. fasciata, cellaria, and sub-var. geminipunctata 

in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wanganui, North Island, Feb. 1905 ! W. D. Roebuck. 

12/6/06 Ss 


Var. concolor Pini. 

The Limax unicolor Heynemann, characterized as uniformly ash-coloured, is 
according to Dr. Simroth, merely a form of LZ. maximus, and should therefore be 
placed here. 


Berks.—Near Wellington College, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 

Pembroke—Hawverfordwest, Sept. 1904 ! Price Davies. 

Cumberland—Salkeld Dykes, Aug. 1904! H. Britten. 

Derry—Ballynagard, June 1892, D. C. Campbell. 
Kerry— Lough Caragh, Sept. 1900, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

The sub-var. wnicolor Heynemann and Limax cinereus Lister are recorded for 
Buda Pesth by Hazay (Mal. BI., 1881, p. 30). 

Azores—The sub-var, wnicolor Heynemann is recorded by Dr. Simroth. 

Var. faseiata Raz. 

Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell distinguishes the var. fasciata of Moquin-Tandon from 
pee of Razoumowsky, and has applied the name of var. moquini to the lirst-named 


Cornwall W.—Near Stenalee, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Wilts. N.—Clyfte Pybard, Swindon, Aug. 1904! Rev. C. H. Goddard. 

Wilts. S.—Longleat gardens, Warminster, Sept. 1904! J. A. Singer. 

Surrey—Haslemere (C. Pannell, junr., Journ. of Conch., Apl. 1902, p. 169). 

Bedford—Limbury near Luton, Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. Blundell. 

Herts.—Codicote near Welwyn, Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. Blundell. 
_ Berks.—Near Wellington College, Sep. 1904! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. Bradfield, 
Sept. 1904! Rev. E. Peake. 

Hunts.—Gardens, Huntinedon, Sept. 1904 ! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Norfolk W.—King’s Lynn, Sept. 1904 ! C. B. Plowright. 7 

Hereford—Var. fasciata and sub-var. madleri, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! 
W. C. Blake. 

Brecon—Gwenddwr, alt. 1,000 ft., Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Radnor—Pen-y-Bont, Nov. 1903 ! F. Hall. 

Pembroke—Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904 ! Price Davies. 

Anglesey—Garden, Cemmaes. July 1895 ! (C. Oldham, J. of C., July 1898, p. 86). 

Lincoln S.—Old stone quarry, Great Ponton, Sept. 1904 ! H. Preston. Rippin- 
gale, Sept. 1904 ! J. Stow. 

Notts.—Sub-var. mudleri, Mapperley, June 1885! C. T. Musson. 

Cumberland—Salkeld Dykes, Aug. 1904 ! H. Britten. 

Perth Mid—Inver Dunkeld, Sept. 1904! C. MeIntosh. 


Derry—Gortness, Sept. 1904! D. C. Campbell. 

Antrim—Garden, Antrim, Sept. 1904! W.S. Smith. Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904 ! 
Miss F. 8. O’Connor. 

Armagh—<Acton Glebe, Poyntz Pass, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. F. Johnson. 

Donegal—Sub-var. mudleri, Templemore Park, Sept. 1904 ! D. ©. Campbell. 

Fermanagh—Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1904! Hon. C. L. Corry. 

Cavan—Maullagh, Sept. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Rathmines, Sept. 1904 ! 

Wicklow—Enniskerry and Wicklow, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. Fassaroe near 
Bray, Sept. 1904! R. M. Barrington. 

Cazlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny Castle gardens, Oct. 1904 ! John Carlton. Several imma- 
ture, Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 


King’s Co.—Abundant, the gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904 ! 
Robert McKenna. 

Mayo W.—The Demesne, W ae Sept. 1904 ! John O'Callaghan. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. —Kilconnell near 
Ballinasloe, Sept. 1904 ! 

Clare—Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. F. Hibbert. Doonass, Aug. 1904! R. A. Phillips. 

Limerick—Muneret, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary N. —Road by Lough Derg to Ballina, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Kerry—Valentia Island, Sep. 1904! Miss Delap. Kilflynn, Sep. 1904! J. Julian. 

Madeira—Var. moquini Cockerell (=var. fasciata) (J. of Mal., May 1897, p. 4). 

Type and vars. fasciata, cellaria, and sub-var. geminipunctata abundant in Mr. 
Murdoch’s garden at Wanganui, North Island, Feb. 1905! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. sylvatica Morelet. 
Cornwall W.—Sub-var. quadrifasciata, garden, Truro, J. H. James (T. D. A. 
Cockerell, Science Gossip, May 1886, p. 114). 
Wilts. N.—Clytfe Pybard, Swindon, Ane. 1904! Rev. C. H. Goddard. 
Norfolk E.—Var. sylvatica and sub-var. serpentina, Strumpshaw Hall, July 
1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 
Hereford—Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904 ! W. C. Blake. 
Radnor—Pen-y-Bont, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. 

Roxburgh —Langlee near Galashiels, Sept. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 

Armagh—'andragee, Sept. 1904 ! James Rea. 
Louth—A sub-var. with finely spotted shield, Narrow Water, Dee. 1904 ! P. H. 
Kildare—Lyons, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 
Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. 
Roscommon— Mote Park, Roscommon, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 
Cork N.—North bank of river Lee, Cork, Sept. 1904! C. Baker. 

Var krynickii Kaleniczenko. 

Dr. Martin Lister's Limax cinereus is, Judging from the figure and description, 

a form of the var. krynickit. 

Cornwall W.—Sub-var. johnstoni, garden, Truro, J. H. James. 

Devon S.—Sub-var. johnstoni, Culverhole, Aug. 1892! L. E. Adams. 

Surrey—Haslemere (C. Pannell, junr., Journ. of Coneh., Apl. 1902, p. 169). 

Worcester—Sub-var. johnstoni, garden, Stourport, July 1888 (Williams, Journ. 
of Conch., July 1889, p. 112). 


Azores—The sub-var. cinerea Lister is found on this group according to Simroth. 

Madeira—The Limax maximus on this island are recorded by Simroth as pale 
and strongly flecked L. cinereus Lister. 

The form of L. maximus in Portugal is said by Simroth to be the var. cinerea of 
Algeria—The L. nyctelius, recorded by Bourguignat from Algiers, is said by 
Simroth to be the var. cinerea of Lister. 

Var. cellaria d’Argenville. 
Cornwall W.—Near Stenalee, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 
Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 
Cumberland—Snub-var. mae ulata, Jassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, J. of Coneh., 
Jan. 1896, p. 154). 


Linlithgow— Kinneil, Aug. 1891 ! W. Evans. 

Fermanagh—Enniskillen, Sept. 1904! Dean of Clogher. 
Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. maculata, Maryborough, Oct. 1904 ! 
Cork N.—Convamore near Ballyhooley, Sept. 1904 ! J. MeMillar. 
Cork S.—Skibbereen, Sept. 1904 ! John J. Wolfe. 
United States—Type, vars. cellaria and obscura, found by J. Ritchie, junr., in 
suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, July 1905 (‘T. D. A. Cockerell). 

New Zealand—In Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wanganui, North Island, with type 
and vars. fasciata and geminipunctata, Feb. 1905 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. ferussaci Moquin-l'andon. 

The var. marmorata Cockerell is, according to its author, closely allied to the 

sub-var. punctata of Esmark. 

Surrey—Var. ferussaci and sub-var. marmorata, Haslemere (C. Pannell, junr., 
Journ. of Conch., Apl. 1902, p. 169). 

Radnor—Var. ferussaci and sub-var. punctata, Pen-y-Bont, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. 

Anglesey—Garden, Cemmaes, and Llanbadrig churchyard, July 1895 (Chas. 
Oldham, Journ. of Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 


Antrim—Ballyeastle, Sept. 1904! Miss F. 8. O’Connor. Colin Glen, June 1884 ! 
S. A. Stewart. Sub-var. geminipunctata, Cushendall, Aug. 1894! W. Moss. 

Armagh—Meigh, Dec. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Monaghan—Near Carrickmacross, P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Downhill near Londonderry, very characteristic, half-grown, Sept. 
1904! C. N. Lynes. 

Louth—Blackhall, Sept. 1904! and Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Moynalty, March 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

Longford—Newtown Forbes, Sept. 1904 ! 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Roscommon, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

Kerry—Sub-var. geminipunctata, Muckross Demesne, May 1891, R. F. Scharff. 

Cannes, in the Alpes Maritimes, June 1890! R. D. Darbishire. 

Techernigov and Poltava, erroneously recorded on p. 45 for L. maximus var. 
Serussaci, should refer to L. cinereo-niger var. vera, which appears to be more truly 
synonymous with Kaleniezenko’s Limax ferussacht. 


New Zealand—The sub-var. geminipunctata in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wan- 
ganui, North Island, in company with typical specimens and vars. cellaria and 
Jasciata, Feb. 1905! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. obscura Mogquin-T'andon. 
Berks. —Near Wellington College, Sept. 1904! Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald. 
Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904 ! Miss E. M. Foster. 


Armagh—Tanderagee, Sept. 1904 ! James Rea. 

Kildare—Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 

Wicklow—Greystones, Sept. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny Castle gardens, Sept. 1904! John Carlton. 

King’s Co.—Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904! R. McKenna. 

Roscommon—Old Fort, Keadue, Sept. 1904! James J. Welch. 

Galway W.— Kylemore Castle gardens, Sept. 1904! W. Comfort. 

Waterford—Belle Vue House, Waterford, nearly black, Sep. 1904 ! Miss Power. 


United States—Type, vars. obscura and cellaria, found in suburbs of Boston, 

Massachusetts, by J. Ritchie, junr., July 1905 (T. D. A. Cockerell). 


Limax cinereo-niger Wolf. 

An example, labelled Humilax brandti from the Caucasian region preserved in 
aleohol in the Indian Museum, seen by Mr. W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.S., appears 
to be Limax cinereo-niger. 


Somerset S.—Horner (F. J. Partridge, Journ. of Mal., Sept. 1900, p. 181). 

Bucks.—Burnham Beeches, Oct. 1905, H. Wallis Kew. 

Cumberland—Woods at Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, J. of C., Jan. 1896, p. 154). 

Perth Mid—Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, July 1903, Rev. R. Godfrey. 
Easterness—Loch-an-Eilan ! W. Evans. : 
Mayo W.—Enniscoe near Crossmolina! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 

Glarus—Recorded for Richisau in Klonthal by Blum (Nachr., Aug. 1892, p. 128). 

Var. vera Dum. & Mort. 

Wilts. S.—Teffent, Sept. 1905! Hugh Wyndham. 

Antrim—Fair Head promontory nr. Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904! Miss F. S. O’Connor. 

Var. cinereo-nigra Wolf s.s. 

Essex S.—Sub-var. luctwosa, under bark, at Loughton in Epping Forest, Oct. 
1904, T. Petch. 

Stafford—Sub-var. /uctwosa, Stafford, Lionel E. Adams. 

Radnor—Sub-var. Juctuosa, Aberedw ! Aug. 1904, J Williams Vaughan. 

Lincoln S.—Sub-var. /uctwosa, Careby Wood, June 1903! Rev. E. A. Woodrufte- 

Derby—Sub-var. Juctwosa, Chapel-en-le-Frith, July 1897, C. Oldham. 

Cheshire—Sub-var. Juctuosa, Taxal, May 1898, C. Oldham. 


Perth S. and Clackmannan—Sub-var. razouwmowskii, Balquidder, July 1904 ! 

tev. R. Godfrey. 
Easterness—Sub-var. /uctwosa, in pine forest at Rothiemurehus, Aug. 1904 ! 

tev. R. Godfrey. 
Donegal—Sub-var. hedleyi, Ray Wood, Rathmullan, recorded by W. E. Collinge, 
is in County Donegal. 

Var. maura Held. 

The Limax maximus var. carbonaria Bottger (Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Gesellsch., 
1885, p. 159, pl. 4, f. 6) is, judging from the description and figure, probably 
equivalent to the var. maura of L. cinereo-niger. 

Stafford—Stafford, Lionel E. Adams. 
Easterness—Rothiemurchus pine forest, Aug. 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Thessaly—Limax maximus v. carbonaria Bottger, Ossagebirges (Bottger, en): 

Var. efasciata Dum. & Mort. 
Easterness—Rothiemurchus pine forest, Aug. 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 


Limax tenellus Miiller (em. Nilsson). 

‘he hope expressed that this species would probably be rediscovered in 
the British Isles when the attention of malacologists was directed to its 
habits and peculiarities, has been happily justified, as in August 1904, 
Mr. W. Denison Roebuck verified this long-lost species in a consignment 
of slugs sent by the Rev. R. Godfrey who, inspired by his experience in 
finding the species in Switzerland in a previous season, had searched for it 
in the forest of Rothiemurchus, and found it to be the commonest slug 
there, associated with Avion minimus, A. subfuscus, Limax arborum, and 
L. cinereo-niger, amougst decaying pine-needles. Attention being thus 
called to the habitat search was made in other districts, and the species 
has since been actually found in seven widely-separated counties. 

Food and Habits.—The activity and restlessness of this species has 
been verified in this country, as also its partiality for shade and conceal- 
ment, while according to the observations of Mr. Petch it also possesses, 
though in a more striking degree, the habit of Limax mavrimus of everting 
the fore-part of the mantle when irritated. 

The locomotory shine is colourless, while that of the body is yellow. 
‘The species is evidently widely distributed and common in Epping Forest, 
amongst Pollard Hornbeams and Beeches, frequenting in company with 
Arion intermedius the varied species of fungi, Lactarius blennius, L. 
vellereus, Collybia maculata, Russula fellea, R. vesca, and R. cyanovantha 
being noted as especially attractive. 

In Clackmannan, Mr. W. Evans found this species frequenting the fungus 
Russula emetica, but most frequently, however, hiding beneath fallen bark 
and chips of wood beneath the fir trees in company with Arion subfuscus 
and A. cntermedius. In captivity the animals feed on various kinds of 
holetus, Russula, and other woodland Agaries. 


Sandwich Islands— Recorded by Herr Semper (W. E. Collinge, Journ. of Mal., 
April 1896, p. 50). 

Var. eerea Held. 

Bucks. —Burnham Beeches, Oct. 1905 ! H. Wallis Kew. 

Essex S.—Common and widely distributed, Loughton, Epping Forest, Oct. 
1904 ! Tom Peteh. 

York N.W.—Hall Wood, Healey near Masham, Oct. 1904! W. A. Thwaites. 


Perth S. and Clackmannan—Clackmannan pine forest, Sept. 1904! W. Evans. 

Perth Mid—Inver Dunkeld, Sept. 1904! A. Rodgers. 

Kincardine—Invercannie, Banchory, Sept. 1904! G. Sim. 

Easterness—Abundant in Rothiemurehus forest, Aviemore, Aug. 1904 ! Rev. 
R. Godfrey. 


In fir wood near Lucerne, July 1902! Rev. R. Godfrey. In pine wood between 
Casaecia and Vicosoprano in the Grisons (Rev. 8. Spencer Pearce, Journ. of Conch., 
July 1887, p. 213). 

Var. fulva Normand. 
Easterness—One, Rothiemurchus forest, Aug. 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Var. cineta Heynemann. 
Essex S.—Loughton in Epping Forest, Oct. 1904! T. Petech. 
Thuringia—Saalfeld (Von Martens, Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1877, p. 226). 

Sup-GENus Lehmannia Heynemann. 

Limax flavus Linné. 


Hants. N.—Swarraton near Alresford, May 1906! Rev. ve i W. Eyre, 

Sussex E.—(ueen’s Park road, Brighton, Oct. 1903! F. S. Branwell. 

Kent E.—Maidstone (Elgar and Lamb, Journ. of Cone eS Jan. 1893, p. 154). 

~ Surrey—Limpsfield (C. Pannell, Journ. of Conch. , April 1902, p. 169); South 

Norwood ; Tennyson’s lane, Haslemere ; and Pitfold Hollow, Shottermill (id., July 
1903, p. 331). 

Suffolk W.—Sudbury, Sept. 1905, E. Ransom. 

Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904 ! W. J. O. Holmes. Outhouses, ete., 
Yelverton and Framingham Earl (Pe earce and Mayfield, J. of C., July 1894, p. 393). 

Hunts.—Type and var. rufescens, garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. 

Gloucester E.—Garden, Argyll House, Cirencester, Aug. 1994! Mrs. Blundell. 

Pembroke—Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904! Price Davies. Common under stones 
and refuse on the North Cliff near the harbour, Tenby (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Coneh., 
July 1900, p. 322). 

Cheshire—Var. tigrina, in cellar, Liverpool road, Chester, Oct. 1903 R B. Tomlin. 

Lancashire S.—Coldhurst street and Vineyard street, Oldham (F. Taylor, J. of 
Conch., Ap]. 1898, p. 50). 

York S.W.—A large colony in an empty house at Elland (J. E. Crowther, 
Halifax Naturalist, Aug. 1903, p. 48). 

York Mid W.—Swarming in cellars and garden of Buck Inn, Buckden, Aug. 
1904 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Cumberland—On ruins of old mill, Bassenthwaite, and on a wall, Keswick, 
W. J. Farrer (Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1896, p. 154). 

Clyde Isles—Brodick, Isle of Arran, Apl. 1906, J. H. Sikes. 


Down—A colony of very large specimens at the Old Castle, Ardglass, and at 
Hillsborough ; also Mr. Stelfox’s garden, Oakleigh, Belfast, Oct. 1904! R. Welch. 

Armagh—Armagh, Dee. 1904; and Tynan, July 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Monaghan—Near Carrickmacross, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Cavan—Kingscourt, June 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Louth—Ardee, Apl. 1904; Louth, Nov. 1904; Togher, Apl. 1905; Drogheda, 
May 1905; and Carlingford, July 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath— Drumeondra, July 1904; Slane, Jan. 1905;. Kells and Julianstown, 
Apl. 1905; sub-var. suffusa, Duleek, Nov. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—Lyons, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow— Var. flave scens, Enniskerry, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Carlow— Pollacton gardens, Carlow, Sept. 1904 ! 

Westmeath—Raharney, March 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Tipperary N.-—Abundant in tree hollows in Monastery, Cashel, R. Welch. 

Waterford—Cappoquin, Nov. 1902, P. H. Grierson. 

Cork N.—Near Macroom, June 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Lot et Garonne (Gassies, Moll. Agenais, 1849, p. 62), recorded by M. Henri Cardot 
for the Ardennes and the Meuse, and by Captain Wattebled for the Jura. 

Dalmatia—Herr Clessin cites this species as plentiful at Krkafillen. 

Morocco—Limax deshayesii is recorded by M. Pallary from the environs of 
Mogador, on the authority of M. Buchet. 

Syria—According to Dr. Simroth, the specimens of Limax flavus from Syria are 
erastly similar to those inhabiting Germany or Spain. 

Virginia —Lexington, Prof. J. H. Morrison (Cockerell, P.Z.S., 1891, p. 



Cape Colony—Cape Town (Collinge, Ann. 8. African Mus., March 1900, p. 2). 

Victoria—Geelong, collected by J. F. Mulder, Oct. 1904! Also abundant at 
East Prahran, Melbourne, Dee. 1904! W. Denison Roebuck. 

New South Wales—Mosman’s Bay, Sydney, April 1905 ! Edgar R. Waite. 

New Zealand—Abundant and fine in garden of hotel at Hokitika, Westland, 
South Island, Jan. 1905 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. flaveseens Férussac. 
The var. fava of Wattebled (Journ. de Conch., 1887, p. 309) is identical with 
this form. 

Surrey—Wimbledon, July 1904! Mrs. Peck. 
Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 
Dublin—Rathmines, Sept. 1904 ! : 
Wicklow—Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Kilkenny —Piltown, several, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Sub-var. flava, Auxonne, Cote d’Or, and Déle, Jura (Wattebled, 1.c.). 

Var. rufescens Moquin-'andon. 

Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 
Huntingdon—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904 ! Miss E. M. Foster. 
Kilkenny—Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 
Kerry—Kilflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 

Var. virescens Férussac. 
Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 
Pembroke— A form approaching this variety on the North Cliff near the harbour 
(A. G. Stubbs, Journ. of Conch., July 1900, p. 322). 

Limerick—Adare Manor, Adare, one, adult, Oct. 1904 ! W. Bowles. 

Var. antiquorum Sowerby. 


Derry—Straidarran, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Antrim—Ballycastle, Sept. and Oct. 1904 ! Miss F. 8. O’Connor. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt gardens, Sept. 1904! Robert Bell. 

Louth— East of Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—A gigantic adult, Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 

Wicklow—Fassaroe near Bray, Sept. 1904! R. M. Barrington. 

Carlow—Fenagh Honse, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Piltown, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

King’s Co.—Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904 ! R. MeKenna. 

Roscommon— Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

Leitrim—Drumkeeran, Oct. 1904 ! Rev. Joseph Meehan. Bank of old mill-dam, 
Drumshambo, Sept. 1904! James M. Welch. 

Clare—Dromoland Castle gardens, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Sept. 1904, J. Carter. 

Kerry—Kilflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 

Var. tigrina Pini. 
Cheshire—Cellar of ‘‘ Estyn,” Liverpool road, Chester, Oct. 1903! B. Tomlin. 

Var. umbrosa Philippi. 
Norfolk E.—Strumpshaw Hall, July 1904! W. J. O. Holmes. 

Var. breekworthiana Lehmann. 
Surrey —Wimbledon, July 1904! Mrs. Peck. 

Meath—Sub-var. suffusa, Duleek, Nov. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Roscommon— Mote Park, Sept. 1964! Lord Crofton. 


Limax arborum Bouchard-Chantereaux. 
Habits and Habitat.—Mr. W. Denison Roebuck, F.L.S., found this 

species to be common and exclusively a denizen of gardens at the 
Antipodes, both at Sydney, Melbourne, Geelong, Adelaide, and Wellington. 

Reproduction.—The period of reproduction in this species evidently 
extends over a considerable period. 'The eggs have been observed as early 
as January 1904, in Ayrshire, by the Rev. R. Godfrey, and adults, half- 
grown, and young specimens are also found together early in the year ; the 
younger ones are always the most distinctly marked, and usually become 
more unicolorous with age. 

Affinities.—The Limar sylvaticus var. clypeo-fusciata of Wattebled 
(Journ. de Conch., 1889, p. 309) described as rare in the woods at 
Mouchard, Cote d’Or, is probably really referable to this species. 

Variation.— Mr. Roebuck in Australia found all the examples referable 
in colour to the var. vosea Broeck, being of a rich rufous-brown, and yet 
not conformable to any of the sub-varieties described at pp. 94-95. The 
majority of the specimens were perfectly unicolorous on the body, while 
those found at East Prahran, Melbourne, had the second or main band 
represented by a fine but very distinct and continuous dark line. He sup- 
phes me with diagnoses of two new varieties, e/asciata and bilineata. 

Geological History.—From old soil of Holocene deposit at Cleeve 
Hill, Gloucestershire (Hinton & Kennard, Pr. Cott. Nat. F.C., 1904, p. 65). 


Wilts. S.—Longleat Gardens, Warminster, Sept. 1904! J. A. Singer. 
Dorset—Dr. Russell Wallace’s garden, Broadstone, July 1904, T. 1D. A. Cockerell. 
Hants. N.—Liphook, July 1905, Rev. 8S. Spencer Pearce. 

Sussex W.—Near Liphook, July 1905, Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. 

Kent W.—Plumstead marshes (Rev. J. W. Horsley, J. of C., Oct. 1906, p. 262 ). 

Surrey—Punch Bowl near Haslemere, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, pen ds Gi Ce 
Apl. 1902, p. 169). On beeches, Headley lane, Boxhill, Apl. 1886 (T. D. A. Cockerell). 

Essex N.—Near Clacton-on-Sea, Sept. 1886, W. Whitwell. 

Berks.—Common, Bradfield near Reading, Oct. 1904! Rev. E. Peake. 

Bucks.—Burnham Beeches, Oct. 1905, H. Wallis Kew. 

Suffolk W.—Fornham St. Martin, Oct. 1903 ! W. R. Burrell. 

Brecon—A bundant, Erwood, Aug. 1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Radnor—New Radnor, Noy. 1903 ! L. MeckKarg. Abundant, Aberedw, Aug. 
1904! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Anglesey — Rare in limestone quarry near Llanbadrig Church, July 1895 
(C. Oldham, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1898, p. 87). 

Westmorland and Lake Lancs. —Common on rotten stumps. Eggerslack Wood, 
Grange, Aug. 1897 (R. Standen, Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1898, p. 114). 

York S.W.—Field near Well Head, Halifax (J. E. Crowther, Halifax Nat., 
Aug. 1903, p. 48). 


Ayr— Tarbert Hill, under stones and on rocks, Nov. 1903 ; Gourock Burn ; near 
Gill; Ardneil and Fairlie under bark, Nov. 1903, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Perth Mid.—Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. Inver 
Dunkeld, Sept. 1904! C. ‘McIntosh. 

Kincardine—Woods about B sanchory, Sept. 1904! G. Sim. 

Easterness—Rothiemurchus forest near ae Aug. 1904 ! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Cantire—Ronachan, Jan. 1906! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Main Argyle—Rocky woods, Barbreck, June 1900; also at Ganavan ; on rocks 
and trees, Dunollie; in Glen Crutten ; on roeks at Loch Droighin; and at an 
altitude of 2,000 feet on Ben Cruachan, July 1900, Rev. R. Godfrey. Abounding 
in woods behind Oban station; a few at Ardbhan Craigs, under stones, but none 
on the pine trees; rare on Lismore, Sept. 1892 (Standen and Hardy, J. of Conch., 
Oct. 1893, p. 268). 


Hebrides—Balelone, S. Uist, July 1905. It is also the slug of St. Kilda, 
swarming from sea-level to the highest altitudes, and varying greatly in intensity 
of colour. After rain it appears in countless numbers on the walls of the village, 
the grave-yard, and houses; it also frequents the faces of the sheer cliff, down 
almost to the resting ledges of the guillemot, July 1905, J. Waterston. 


Down-—Beech Hill near Newry, July 1904! Prof. R. J. Anderson. 

Armagh—Forkhill ; Meigh; and near Newry, Dee. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Monaghan—Castleblaney, Nov. 1903; also type and vars. beftonii and nemorosa 
near Carrickmacross, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Extremely abundant amongst moss on trees in plantation behind the 
hotel at Portsalon, May 1893 (R. Standen, Journ. of Conch., July 1893, p. 198). 

Cavan—Kingscourt, June 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Louth—Dundalk ; Omeath ; Mellifont Abbey ; Collon, May 1904; near Black- 
hall Demesne, Sept. 1904; Beanlieu, Oct. 1904; Narrow Water and Carlingford, 
Dee. 1904! also type and var. bettonti, Dromiskin, June 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Drumeondra, July 1904; Stamullen, Oct. 1904; near Slane, Jan. 1905 ; 
Bective Abbey and Summerlull, Mech. 1905; Athboy, Apl. 1905 ; and vars. bettonii 
and colorata, Duleek, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—Near Staffan Station, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Greystones, Sept. 1903; and Powercourt, April 1904; Enniskerry, 
Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Carlow—Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Ballyragget, Callan, and Mullinavat, March 1903, P. H. 

Queen’s Co.—Darrow, P. H. Grierson. Stradbally, Sept. 1904 ! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Edenderry, Nov. 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Near Clifden, Sept. 1904! W. West. Abundant, Gentian Hill, 
and Currarevagh, July 1895 (Collier and Standen, J. of Conch., Apl. 1896, p. 178). 

Clare—Dromoland Castle gardens near Newmarket-on-Fergus, Sept. 1904 ! John 
Carter. Type and sub-var. maculata, Lahineh, 1900, P. H. Grierson. 

Tipperary N.—Road alongside Lough Derg near Derry Castle, Sept. 1904! 
G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary S.—Near Clonmel, P. H. Grierson. 

Waterford—The var. rupicola is found on the extreme suminit of the Reeks, 
and the type a few hundred feet lower down, Rev. A. H. Delap. Cappoquin, Nov. 
1902, P. H. Grierson. 

Cork N.—Near Macroom, June 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Kerry—Valentia Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. 

Recorded from Richisau in Canton Glarus by Herr Blum, and collected at an 
altitude of 2,700 feet at Promontagno, in the Grisons, by Rev. 8S. Spencer Pearce. 

Faroes—According to N. Annandale, it was not uneommon and chiefly in 
gardens at Thorshavn in July and August 1903, but all immature (W. E. Collinge, 
Proce. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1904, p. 153). 


Australia and New Zealand—This species in the Antipodes is common in 
gardens, and the specimens are all referable to the two new varieties, efusciata 
and bilineata. The distribution in New Sonth Wales, Victoria, South Australia, 
and New Zealand is given under the varietal headings. 

Var. alba Taylor. 

ANIMAL entirely creamy-white, except the black eye-specks, no trace whatever 
of body or mantle markings, but the dark internal organs are dimly visible through 
through the skin. 

Aberdeen S.—Near the Botanie Garden, Old Aberdeen ! G. Sim. 

Var. subrufa Le Comte. 
Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. pallens, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 


Var. rosea Van den Broeck. 

The Limax sylvaticus var. cerulea Baudon, Cat. Moll. Oise, 1862, p. 10, is accord- 
ing to its author, synonymous with the sub-var. nemorosa Baudon. 


Cornwall E.—Sub-var. nemorosa, St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Denbigh—Sub-var. nemorosa, Glyndfrdwy, Vale of Llangollen, Aug. 1904! 
B. Tomlin. j 

Derby —Sub-var. nemorosa, Hathersage and Bakewell (L. E. Adams, Journ. of 
Conch., vil., p. 77). 


Edinburgh—Type and sub-var. nemovosa, between Balerno and Bavelaw, Apl. 

1890! W. Evans. 

Monaghan—Sub-var. nemorosa, Carrickmacross, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Fermanagh—Sub-var. nemorosa, Castle Coole, Sept. 1904! Hon. C. L. Corry ; 
and Portora, Enniskillen, Oct. 1904!J. E. R Allen. 

Meath—Sub-var. colorata, Duleek, Nov. 1904! P. H. Grierson 

Carlow—Sub-var. nemorosa, Bagenalstown, Sep. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. nemorosa, Ballyfin, Maryborough, Oet. 1904! Sub-var. 
colorata, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 7 

Leitrim—Sub-var. nemorosa, Swiss Valley, Glenear, Aue. 1904! A. W. Stelfox 
and R. Welch ; also Mohill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Sligo —Sub-var. nemorosa, near Sligo, July 1904! R. Welch. 

Kerry—Sub-var. nemorosa, Valentia Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. 
Kalflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 

Var. nov. efaseciata Roebuck. 

ANIMAL rich and uniform rufous-brown, quite destitute of any bands on the 
body, even the usual pale mid-area of the back being wanting ; shield banded. 
Formula 000 000.—W. DENISON ROEBUCK. 

Victoria—East Prahran, Melbourne, common in gardens, Apl. 1905 ! W.D.R. 
Botanical Gardens, Melbourne, Apl. 1905! W.D.R. Geelong, common in gardens, 
Apl. 1905! H. G. Roebuck and W.D.R. 

New South Wales—Gardens, Annandale, Sydney, March 1905 ! W.D.R. 
Botanical Gardens, Sydney, March 1905, common! W.D.R. 

South Australia—Adelaide, common in the Botanical Gardens, July 1905 ! 
Dr. M. Holtze and W.D.R. 

New Zealand—Gardens, Wellington, Feb. 1905 ! Miss M. Mestayer and W.D.R. 

Var. nov. bilineata Roebuck. 

ANIMAL as in sub-var. efasciata, but with the second or main band on the body 
represented by a distinct continuous and very fine dark line. Formula 020 020. — 

Victoria—Common in gardens, East Prahran, Melbourne, Dec.'1904! Mrs. J. C. 
Bleechmore and W.D.R. 

Var. bettonii Sordelli. 
Radnor—Abundant, Aberedw, Aug. 1904! J. Williams, Vaughan. 


Derry—Straidarran, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Down—Beech Hill near Newry, July 1904 ! Prof. R. J. Anderson. 

Armagh — Acton Glebe, Poyntzpass, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. W. F. Johnson. 
Tanderagee, Sept. 1904 ! James Rea. 

Monaghan—Carrickmacross, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt gardens, numerous, Sept. 1904! Robert Bell. 

Louth—Dromiskin, June 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Duleek, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Carlow—Fenach House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack-Beresford. 

Kilkenny—Piltown, Sept. 1904! Earl of Bessborough. Wilkenny, abundant, 
Sept. 1904! J. White. 


Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. carpatica, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—The gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sep. 1904! R. McKenna. 

Roscommon—Loughglynn, Castlerea, Oct. 1904! Hugh Kennedy. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Clare—Seariff, Sept. 1904 ! N. F. Hibbert. Dromoland Castle gardens near 
Newmarket-on-Fereus, Sept. 1904 ! John Carter. 

Tipperary N.—Road by Lough Derg nr. Derry Castle, Sep. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Cork S.—Skibbereen, Sept. 1904! Jolin J. Wolfe. 

Kerry—Valentia Island, Sept. 1904 ! Miss M. J. Delap. With Geomalacus 
maculosus, on tree trunks, north of Lough Caragh, June 1904 ! W. West. 

Var. heynemanni Bielz. 


Derry—Sub-var. tigrina, Straidarran, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Tyrone—Sub-var. maculata, Baronscourt gardens, Sept. 1904! R. Bell. 

Kilkenny—Sub-var. maculata, Piltown n, Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. maculata, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

Clare—Sub-var. maculata, Lahinch, 1900, P. H. Grierson ; and in gardens of 
Dromoland Castle, Sept. 1904! J. Carter. 

Tipperary S.—Sub-var. maculata, St. Thomas’s Bridge and Glenabbey ; also 
sub-var. submaculata, Oaklands near Clonmel, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Waterford—Sub-var. maculata, Morgan’s Glen, Waterford, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Var. rupicola Less. & Poll. 

The few additional localities adduced for this form confirm it as a northern and 
western race, with a preference for places of some altitude. 

Aberdeen S.—Sub-v. alpestris, garden, Rubislaw, Aberdeen, Oct. 1904! G. Sim. 
Hebrides—Var. nigra, at back of Connacher, and at mouth of Avon Mhor, on 
the Island of Hirta, of the St. Kilda group, July 1905 ! J. Waterston. 
Shetlands —Sub-var. alpestris, Mossbank, Sept. 1904 ! T. Bowie. 

Monaghan—Snb-var. a/pestris, Drumreaske, Sep. 1904! W. F. de Vismes Kane. 
Louth—Sub-var. alpestris, east of Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Waterford—Sub-var. rupicola occurs only on the very summit of the reeks ; the 
type is found a few hundred feet lower down the mountain, Rev. A. H. Delap. 

Agriolimax agrestis (L.). 

Food and Habits.—''he omnivorous appetite of this species is con- 
firmed by the observation of Recluz, who has recorded it on the poisonous 
Boletus luridus about Paris, while Mr. E. W. Swanton observed in 1904 
that this species in company with Milax sowerbii and Arion hortensis quite 
ruined the potato crop at Stour Provost, in Dorset, by burrowing within 
and devouring the tubers. 

In New Zealand, Australia, and Cape Colony, according to the experience 
of Mr. W. Denison Roebuck, Agriolimar agrestis does not appear to have 
the characteristic milky- slime or very little of it, as the mucus seems clear 
and transparent until after considerable irritation. 

Geological History.—'l'he record by Mansel-Pleydell of this species 
as a Phocene fossil in Dorset is incorrect, the deposit at Blashenwell being 
according to Mr. Kennard, only of Holocene age. 

PLeIsTocENE.—Von Ihering records A. agrestis from the Pleistocene 
tufa in French Switzerland. 

In Germany Herr Clessin records it fossilized from the alluvial deposits 
at Piirklgut, the Loess at Kumpsfmiihl, and the Pleistocene tufaceous 
deposits about Regensburg. 

Horocene.—From quarry-tip, Cleeve Hill, Gloucestershire ; and also 
from a section in Tooley street, Middlesex. 



Derry—Straidarran, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Gortness, Sept. 1904! D. C. 

Antrim—Colin Glen near Belfast, June 1884 ! 8. A. Stewart. The Manse 
gardens, Antrim, Sept. 1904! W. S. Smith. 

Down—Abundant, Beech Hill near Newry, July 1904! Prof. R. J. Anderson. 
Garden, Ormeau Park, Belfast, July 1904! A. W. Stelfox. 

Armagh—Tanderagee, Sept. 1904! J. Rea. Portadown, Oct. 1904! W. A. Green. 
Acton Glebe, Poyntzpass, Sept. 1904 ! Rev. W. F. Johnson. 

Monaghan —Drumreaske gardens and park, Sept. 1904! W. I’. de Vismes Kane. 
Carrickmacross, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

s enone Omagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Gardens, Baronscourt, Sept. 1904! 
. Dell. 

Donegal—Templemore Park, Londonderry, Sept. 1904! D. C. Campbell. 

Fermanagh—A bundant, Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sep. 1904 ! Hon. C. L. Corry. 
Abundant, Brookeborough near Clones, Sept. 1904! Sir Douglas Brooke. Belle 
Isle, Lisbellaw, Sept. 1904! Miss Porter-Porter. 

Cavan—Cavan, Sept. 1904! J. M. Welch. Mullagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Louth—Dromiskin, June 1904 ! and near Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Drumeondra and Nobber, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—Abundant, Lyons, Aug. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. Abundant, Fassaroe, Bray, 
Sept. 1904! R. M. Barrington. 

Carlow—Abundant, Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904! Denis R. Pack- 

Kilkenny—Abundant, Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. Abundant, gardens, 
Piltown, Sept. 1904! Earl of Bessborough. Clogh and Kilkenny, Apl. 1902 ; 
Johnstown, May 1902; near Waterford, Jan. 1903; Thomastown, Powerstown, and 
Jenkinstown, Feb. 1903; type and var. Jilacina, near Callan, P. H. Grierson. 

Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart ; and Ballyfin, Oct. 1904 ! 

King’s Co.—Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904! R. McKenna. 

Westmeath— Rosemont, Moate, Sept. 1904! Mrs. Nugent. 

Longford—Newton Forbes, Sept. 1904 ! 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904! Lord Crofton. Old Fort, Keadue, Sept. 
1904! J. M. Welch. Loughglynn, Castlerea, Oct. 1904! Hugh Kennedy. 

Leitrim—Mohill, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. Drumkeeran, Oct. 1904! Rey. J. 
Meehan. Bank of old mill-dam, Drumshambo, Sept. 1903! James M. Welch. 

Mayo E.—Manulla Junction, Sept. 1904! W. West. 

Mayo W.—The demesne, Westport, Sept. 1904, John O'Callaghan. Dugort, 
Achill Island, July 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Near Clifden, Sept. 1904! W. West. Abundant, Kylemore Castle 
gardens, Sept. 1904 ! W. Comfort. 

Galway E.—Abundant in gardens, Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Clare—Lahinch, Nov. 1900, P. H. Grierson. Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. F’. Hibbert. 
Doonass, Aug. 1904! R. A. Phillips. Dromoland Castle gardens near Newmarket- 
on-Fergus, Sept. 1904 ! J. Carter. 

Limerick—About Mungret and Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. Adare 
Manor, Adare, Oct. 1904 ! W. Bowles. 

Tipperary N.—Ballingarry, May 1903, P. H. Grierson. Roadsides by Lough 
Derg near Derry Castle, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Tipperary S.—Melview near Clonmel, Oct. 1904 ! Mrs. Malcomson. 

Cork N.—Youghal, 1902; near Macroom, June 1902, P. H. Grierson. Conva- 
more near Ballyhooley, Oct. 1904! J. MeMiller. 

Cork S.—South bank of river Lee near Cork, July 1904 ! Robert Welch. 
Skibbereen, Sept. 1904! John J. Wolfe. 

Kerry —Puttin Island, July 1886, Rev. A. H. Delap. Cahirciveen and Valentia 
Island, Sept. 1904! Miss M. J. Delap. 

tecorded for the Island of Heligoland by Pfeffer ; and also for Pyrmont (Hesse, 
Mal. BI., 1880, p. 4). 
tecorded for the Lot-et-Garonne by Gassies, and by H. Cardot for the Ardennes. 
Grisons —Obtained by the Rev. S. Spencer Pearce at an altitude of 7,500—-8,000 
feet at Silvaplana, 


Dalmatia—Cited from many localities by Clessin. 

Pennsylvania—-Leetsdale, Allegheny Co., Jan. 1906, G. H. Clapp. 
Colorado—Unusnally dark specimens of vars. rufescens and brunnea at Boulder, 
Oct. 1904. A few were almost entirely black, with some intermediates ; no sign of 
light or spotted varieties. This is the first real find in Colorado, the reeord you 
give was a single specimen turned loose. —T. D. A. COCKERELL. 
New Mexico—Pecos Valley (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nautilus, 1896, p. 35). 

Cape Colony—Green Point Common, near Cape Town, Noy. 1904 ! W. Denison 
Victoria—Abundant at East Prahran, Melbourne, in both the chief forms of 
reticulata and pallida, Dec. 1904 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 
South Australia —Abundant in Botanical Garden, Adelaide, Dec. 1904! W.D.R. 
New Zealand—Everywhere in gardens, and under wood and stones ; the vars. 
reticulata and pallida common at Paradise, Diamond Lake; in hotel garden, Hoki- 
tika; at Longford; and Inangahua Junction. The usual forms and v. violacea ecom- 
mon in garden, Eye street, Invercargill ; all in the South Island, Jan. 1905, W.D_R. 
In the North Island both forms were found at Wairakei; Waiotapn; Okere 
Falls, and banks of Rotorua Lake; while in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, at Wanganni, 
there were in addition the vars. violacea and nigra, Feb. 1905! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. albitentaculata Dum. & Mort. 
Northampton—Haselbeech, Rey. W. A. Shaw. 

Antrim—Ballyeastle, Oct. 1904! Miss F. S. O'Connor. 

Kilkenny—Gardens, Piltown, Sept. 1904! Earl of Bessborough. 

Near Auxonne, Cote d’Or (Wattebled, Journ. de Conch., 1889, p. 309). 

Var. pallida Schrenk. 
Meath—Snub-var. a/bida, Drumeondra, July 1904, P. H. Grierson. 
Wicklow—Enniskerry, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Var. violacea Gassies. 

Stafford—Sub-var. lilacina, Stafford, Lionel E. Adams. 

Pembroke—Sub-var. lilacina, North Cliff, Tenby (A. G. Stubbs, J. of Conch., 
July 1900, p. 322). 

Derby--Sub-var. lilacina, Matlock, J. A. Howe (Rev. H. Milnes, J. of Conch., 
Oct. 1893, p. 275). 


Armagh—Newry, Dec. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Gardens, Downhill near Londonderry, Sept. 1904 ! C. N. Lynes. 

Fermanagh—Abundant, Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sep. 1904 ! Hon. C. L. Corry. 

Dublin— Rathmines, Sept. 1904 ! 

Kilkenny —Sub-var. didacina, near Callan, P. H. Grierson. 

King’s Co.—Gardens, Charleville Forest, Tullamore, Sept. 1904! R. McKenna. 
Birr, Sept. 1904! Miss A. Hemphill. 

Westmeath—Common, Rosemont, Moate, Sept. 1904! Mrs. Nugent. 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. Rockingham gardens near 
Boyle, Sept. 1904! E. Clarke. Loughglynn, Castlerea, Oct. 1904! Hugh Kennedy. 

Galway E.—Abundant, Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Clare — Abundant, gardens, Dromoland Castle near Newmarket-on-Fereus, 
Sept. 1904 ! J. Carter. 


New Zealand—Numerous in garden, Eye street, Invereargill, South Island, 
Jan. 1905 ! also with var. nigra in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wanganui, North Island, 
Feb. 1905! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. rufescens Dum. & Mort. 
United States—Boulder, Colorado, Oct. 1904, T. D. A. Cockerell, 


Var. brunnea ‘T'aylor. 

Bucks. — Sub-var. /ristis, garden, Aston-Clinton, 1900 (A. Leicester, J. of 
Conch., July 1902, p. 216). 
Roxburgh—Jedburgh, Sept. 1904 ! J. Roseburgh. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. 

United States—Boulder, Colorado, Oct. 1904, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Var. punectata Picard. 

Surrey—Croydon and Haslemere (C. Pannell, jun., Journ. of Conch., Apl. 1902, 
p. 169). : 

Common about Auxonne and Genlis, Cote d’Or (Wattebled, Journ. de Conch., 
1889, p. 310). 

Var. reticulata Miiller. 

King’s Co.—Edenderry, Nov. 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Var. nigra Morelet. 

Sussex E.—Garden, Queen’s Park road, Brighton, Oct. 1903 ! F. G. S. Branwell. 
Stafford—Stafford, Lionel E. Adams. 
Radnor—New Radnor, Nov. 1903! L. McKarg. 
Derby—Clifton (L E. Adams, Journ. of Conch., vii., p. 77). 
Lancashire S.—About Oldham (F. Taylor, J. of Conch., Apl. 1898, p. 50). 
Cumberland—Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1896, p. 154). 
Orkneys—Stromness, Oct. 1904 ! J. Grant. 

Down—Comber, one, small, Sept. 1904! A. W. Stelfox and R. Welch. 
Donegal—Portsalon, Kinny Lough, and Fahan, May 1893 (R. Standen, Journ. 
of Conch., July 1893. p. 198). 
Cavan—Cavan, Sept. 1904! J. M. Welch. 
Meath—Lough Ballyhoe, Apl. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 
Roscommon—Rockingham gardens near Boyle, Sept. 1904! E. Clarke. 
Leitrim—Bank of old mill-dam, Drumshambo, Sept. 1904! J. M. Welch. 
Galway E.-—Gardens, Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 
Spain—L. panormitanus var. ponsonbyi Hesse, Gibraltar (Heynemann, Jahrb. 
Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 1885, p. 257). 
United States—Boulder, Colorado, Oct. 1904, 'T. D. A. Cockerell. 
New Zealand—Var. violacea and the common forms in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, 
Wanganui, North Island, Feb. 1905 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Agriolimax lzvis Miiller. 

Food and Habits.—Dr. Simroth directs attention to the remarkable 
resemblance of this species to Rhynchodesmus terrestris, which is especially 
noticeable when the dead leaves and twigs have fallen, but before decay ; 
he, however, does not think this a protective device, but believes the 
similarity is due to living upon and amongst similar material. 

Geological History.—Reported by A. 8. Kennard from the Pleisto- 
cene beds at Crayford in Essex. 
In Bavaria it is recorded by Herr Clessin from the pleistocene tufa near 
a) . = arizlo A C \ . . 
tegensburg, the alluvium at Piirkleut, and the Loess at Galgenbureg. 



Devon N.—Belstone near Okehampton, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 

Dorset—Banks of river Lyme, Aug. 1892! L. E. Adams. 

Hants. N.—Liphook, July 1905, Rev. S. Spencer Pearce. In hedgebanks, 
under logs, ete., at Beckford Green, Hoe Moor, ete., about Hambledon, C. 5. Coles. 

Sussex W.—Near Liphook, July 1905, Rev. 8. Spencer Pearce. 

Berks.— Under logs, Bradfield, Dec. 1905! Rev. E. Peake. 

Suffolk E.—Mendlesham, Oct. 1904! A. Mayfield. 

Brecon—Abundant under stones on island in Llangorse Lake, with Zonitoides 
nitidus, April 1905! J. Williams Vaughan. 

Denbigh—Glyndyfrdwy, Vale of Llangollen, Aug. 1904 ! B. Tomlin. 

Anglesey—Fairly common ; wet places on the cliffs and in fields ; the snipe-bog; 
and in a wood near Rhos Goch station, July 1895 (C. Oldham, Journ. of Conch., 
July 1898, p. 87). 

Lincoln N.—Blow Wells, Tetney, Ap]. 1903! H. Wallis Kew. 

Derby—Darley Dale and Miller’s Dale, R. Standen (Rev. H. Milnes, Journ. of 
Conch., Oct. 1893, p. 275). 

Lancashire S.—Common in clumps of rushes in wet places near Daisy Nook, 
and in Riversvale near Oldham (F. Taylor, J. of Conch., Apl. 1898, p. 50). 

Isle of Man—Douglas, Apl. 1904 (B. R. Lucas, J. of Conch., July 1904, p. 90). 


Perth Mid—Glen Ogle, Lochearnhead, June 1904! Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Aberdeen S.—Banks of river Don near Aberdeen, Sept. 1904! G. Sim. 

Main Argyle—Oban, Apl. 1894! W. Evans. Hill above Tayereggan and banks 
of burn at Barbreck, June 1900; also on banks of Loch Awe, and in Glen Sheilach, 
July 1900, Rev. R. Godfrey. Ardbhan Craigs, in woods on road to Loch Etive, and 
about Dunollie Castle ! the commonest slug on Lismore, Sept. 1892 (Standen and 
Hardy, Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1893, p. 269). 

Hebrides—Frequent on the lower parts of Mullachs Mhor and Connacher, Island 
of Hirta, St. Kilda group, July 1905, J. Waterston. 


Armagh—Armagh, Dec. 1904; and Tynon, July 1905, P. H. Grierson. Acton 
Glebe, Poyntzpass, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. F. Johnson. 

Monaghan—Carrickmacross, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Donegal—Portsalon, Kinny Lough, and Fahan, May 1893 (R. Standen, Journ. 
of Conch., July 1893, p. 198). 

Louth—Carlingford ; Ardee; Castle Bellingham; Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 
1904; Castle Rocke, Dee. 1904; and Beaulieu, Oct. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Nobber; Stamullen, Oct. 1904; Longwood, Mech. 1903; Longwood and 
Trim, Apl. 1905; Moynalty and Kells, Apl. 1905; Drogheda, May 1905, P. H. 

Wicklow—Powerscourt, Apl. 1904; and Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Kilkenny—Near Waterford, Jan. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—About Renvyle and among bogs about Kylemore, Mch. 1891, 
R. F. Scharff. Dernasliggan, Apl. 1897 (R. Welch, Irish Nat., Nov. 1897, p. 304). 

Galway E.—Amongst rushes in marshy ground, Clonbrock, Hon. R. E. Dillon 
(R. Welch, Irish Naturalist, June 1899, p. 143). 


Thuringia—On banks of Saale at Saalfeld (E. von Martens, Jahrb. Deutsch. 

Mal. Ges., 1877, p. 226). 

Cape Colony—Cape Town (Collinge, Ann. S. African Mus., Dee. 1901, p. 234). 

Queenstown, June 1905! Rey. W. J. Dower and W. Denison Roebuck. 


New Zealand—Conmon at Tampo Spa, North Island, Feb. 1905! W. Denison 

A. levis campestris var. zonatipes Ckll., Conch., Sept. 1892, p. 72. 

ANIMAL blackish-brown, except the paler sides below mantle; sole with the 
central area pale and the lateral ones black or blackish, in striking contrast. 

United States—On banks of Lake Merced, San Francisco County, California, 
Mr. Raymond (Cockerell, 1.¢.). 


oss, bs ihanci pai from Part 11), 

Riso: & Sow 4 Leicester Square, Lahios Wey 2 
. yi Mrs. J: Miller. Maxwell, Banghioli Bower, Golden. Acts, Edin 
Sir Charles Eliot, ‘K. OM. Gy Endcliffe Crescent, Shéffield, 

“Henri Cardot, it ‘Square de Petit Bois, Charleville, Ardennes. 

<E. W. Swanton, Curator of: Prof, onathan Hutchinson's Educational - 
~ Muséum, Haslemere. AV Bs 

ey Bias, Colesborne, Cheltenham! | 
| Hourik Sell, 9, Thuresgade, Copenhagen, 


Mee 8, ‘Langham Road, Knowle, Bristol, 


Gia OR WOULD | | ee 
Dispose of, the Whole Collection and Cabinet 
ene e Ler plete for BOD: 




nS ETON ite Ss 
‘splendia Collection of UNIONIDAY aii yee, NOR 4546 
“A-very full Collection of EUROPEAN LAND ead 
FRESHWATER SHELLS, embracing many of 
the Rarer or Interesting and Critical Species ue OMS 1008 Oe 8) 
‘Affine Collection of PALUDINIDE 3 0 
A splendid Lot, of CLAUSILIA Ra Jat RR Pa VAL s WO 3 fou? 
A grand. Collection of MELANIDE: .. Be ade sete Oe ai loe Ea a 2 Oe).0. 8 

“A. number of Interesting’ and Valuable Shells, 
illustrating’ SCARCE’ GENERA. and SPECIES, wie 
but too numerous to particularize Ve NE oe OOO 

varies MAHOGANY- FRONTED CABINET, dcaaininy 
Thirty Drawers, » arranged, in a double Re | 
many. with HEUDe: trays pene ‘ ; ei Ne a5 0 0 

SHELLS” also on. gale at VERY Lot LOW pi srg i to clear, 

| Two Dier, CABINETS filled with CHOICE FOSSILS. ; 10 0 0 




Containing Accurate Figuter: of the Bpacidas 
and many of the Varieties known to” aD y Ber, 
this Country, tac > 

with COnCIsE Descriptions... 
Price 3/6; Post-Free 3/9. 

Orders may now be sent (with Remittance) for: early delivery to 3 
Wt ee Sovereign Street, LEEDS, 2 


(Continued from Part 12). 

0. A. Benn, M.A:, F.G-S;, Rodwell Hall, Trowbridge. - 

F. Booth, 18, Giearts Roa: Shipley. é 
G. D. H.. Carpenter, B.A., 73, Elsham Road, Kensington, W. oie eS 
J; W. Carter, “F.E.S.,: 28, ‘Maiknseuny Road, Bradford. Fipspsye: 
§, Hainsworth, 60, Gaotae Street, Saltaire: oe . ra =. 
W. Harrison Hutton, 44; Dial-Street,. Leeds. P 
GB, Longstaff, Twitchen; Morthoe, R.S.0., Devon. 
Hugh McClelland, Bryn, Somerville Road, Sutton Coldfield. 

Manchester Museuin, Owens College, Manchester. - 

H. ©. Napier, Headington Hill, Oxford. 

Public Library, Hull (W..F. Lawton, Chief Librarian). 

F. ‘Rhodes, Cartwright Museum; tee 


A. levis campestris var. occidentalis Cooper. 


California—Near the summit of Tehachipi Pass at an altitude of 4,000 feet, May 
1885 (J. G. Cooper, Cal. Acad. Sci., 1885, p. 252). : 

Mr. G. H. Clapp reports the gradual diminution in abundance of Agriolimax 
levis campestris about Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Cazenovia, New York, this 
decrease in numbers being apparently correlated with and perhaps due to the 
increasing abundance of the imported A. agrestis, which is now in many places 
quite the commonest slug of the country, and although in Europe the two species 
usually occupy different stations, and do not pointedly conflict, yet this distinetion 
may not apply so forcibly in the New World. 

GeENus MILAX Gray. 

Milax gagates (Draparnaud). 


Cornwall E.—St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Devon N.—Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 

Hants. S.—Very abundant under lettuces and in potato tubers at Hoe Moor, 
C. S. Coles. 

Norfolk W.—King’s Lynn, Sept. 1904! C. B. Plowright. 

Anglesey—Garden, Cemmaes (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 

Westmorland and Lake Lancs.—Grasmere (W. J. Farrer, J. of Conch., Jan. 
1896, p. 154). 

Cumberland—Buttermere, Rosthwaite, Keswick, and Bassenthwaite (W. J. 
Farrer, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1896, p. 154). 


Monaghan—Carrickmacross, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Cavan—Cavan, Sept. 1904! J. J. Welch. 

Louth—Drumear; Annagassan; Dromiskin, June 1904! and Baltray, July 
1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Near Phoenix Park, Dublin, P. H. Grierson. 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Apl. 1902; near Waterford, Jan. 1903 ; Thomastown and 
Jenkinstown, Feb. 1903 ; and near Callan, P. H. Grierson. 

Roscommon—Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. 

Galway W.-—Clifden, Connemara, Sep. 1904! W. West. Common at Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 

Limerick—Adare Manor, Adare, Oct. 1904! W. Bowles. 

Reported for the departments of the Var, Vaucluse, and Lot et Garonne. 


Pennsylvania—This species, though first observed in the Phipps’ Conservatory, 
Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, has now obtained a firm foothold beyond the buildings 
and is beginning to disperse outside (G. H. Clapp, Oct. 1906). 

California—Milax hewstoni is undoubtedly increasing in and about gardens, to 
which situations it is strictly limited, and where it is often very destructive. In 
1879 it was discovered by Dr. Anderson at Santa Cruz, though unknown there in 
1865. It is still unsettled whether Limax sandwichensis is identical (Cooper, Cal. 
Acad. Sei., 1885, p. 250). 


Cape Colony —The common slug on all the mountains round Cape Town ; Ash- 
ton in Robertson district; Storms Valley, Swellendam district; and Signal Hill, 
Cape Town, F. Purcell (W. E. Collinge, Ann. 8S. Afr. Museum, Dec. 1901, p. 230). 
Abundant at Green Point, Cape Town, Nov. 1904 and Sept. 1905! W. D. Roebuek. 

15/12/06 At 



New Zealand—Type and var. plumbea in Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wanganui, 
North Island, Feb. 1905 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. plumbea Moquin-Tandon. 


Devon N.—Belstone, Okehampton, Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 
Anglesey—Garden, Cemmaes, July 1895 (C. Oldham, J. of C., , July 1898, p. 86). 
Derby—Matlock, J. A. Howe (Rev. H. Milnes, J. of Conch., Oct. 1893, p. 275). 
York S.E.—Bempton, June 1906! J. E. Crow ther. 

Cumberland —Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, J. of Conch., Jan. 1896, p. 154). 


Armagh—Newry, July 1905, P. H. Grierson. 
Louth—Drogheda, July 1904! Carlingford, Dec. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 
Meath—South of Lake Ballyhoe, P. H. Grierson. 
Wicklow—Greystones, Sept. 1903, P. H. Grierson. Fassaroe, Bray, Sept. 1904! 
R. M. Barrington. 

New Zealand—Hotel garden, Hokitika, South Island, Jan. 1905! With type in 
Mr. Murdoch’s garden, Wanganui, North Island, Feb. 1905 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Var. rava Williams. 


Devon N.—Belstone, SSS 8B Sept. 1904! Rev. W. Wright Mason. 
Surrey—Betechworth, Nov. 1906 ! Lionel E. Adams. 
Essex N.- —Abundant, but mostly young, near Manningtree, Sept. 1904! Rev. 
Proctor Benwell. 
Anglesey—Foot of a wall near Cemmaes, July 1895 (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., 
July 1898, p. 86). 

Berwick—Cockburnspath, Sept. 1890! W. Evans. 
Perth S. and Clackmannan—Garden, Callander, Sept. 1906 ! W. Evans. 

Antrim—Ballycastle, Oct. 1904 ! Miss F. 8S. O’Connor. 
Armagh—Tandragee, Sept. 1904! J. ee 
Donegal—Gardens, Downhill near Londonderry, Sept. 1904! C. N. Lynes. 
Fermanagh-—Castle Coole, Enniskillen, Sept. 1904 ! Hon. C. L. Corry. Portora, 
Enniskillen, Oct. 1904! J. E. R. Allen. 
Meath—Julianstown, Apl. 1905, P. H. Grierson. 
Kildare——Naas, Oct. 1904! R. J. Pack-Beresford. 
Wicklow—Fassaroe, Bray, Sept. 1904! R. M. Barrington. 
Kilkenny—Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. 
King’s Co.—C harleville Forest gardens, Tullamore, Sept. 1904! R. McKenna. 
Westmeath—Moate, Sept. 1904 ! Mrs. Nugent. 
Galway W. —Kylemore C astle gardens, Sept. 1904! W. Confort. 
Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. 
Clare—Woodpark, Scariff, Sept. 1904! N. F. Hibbert. 
Limerick—Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 
Kerry—Valentia Island, Sept. 1904 ! Miss M. J. Delap. 

Var. pallidissima Pollonera. 
Cornwall W.—Near Stenalee, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 


Milax sowerbii (Férussac). 


Cornwall W.—Near Stenalee, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Cornwall E.—St. Austell, Sept. 1904! C. P. Richards. 

Dorset—Stour Provost, Sept. 1904 ! (Swanton, J. of Conch., Jan. 1905, p. 286). 

Hants. S.—Common in gardens, Hambledon, C. 8. Coles. 

Sussex E.—Garden, Queen’s Park road, Brighton, Oct. 1903! F. G. S. Branwell. 

Kent E.—Maidstone (Elgar and Lamb, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1893, p. 154). 

Surrey—Garden, South Norwood, A. Reynell. Very common in gardens, 
Haslemere (C. Pannell, junr., Journ. of Conch., July 1903, p. 331). Garden, 
Wimbledon, July 1904! Mrs. Rock. 

Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 

Gloucester E.—Argyll House, Cirencester, Aug. 1904! Mrs. Blundell. 

Hereford—Common in garden, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Sept. 1904! Miss M. A. 
Boycott ; and also in garden, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904! W. C. Blake. 

Pembroke—Abundant, Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904! Price Davies. 

Carmarthen—Near Llanelly, Sept. 1904! H. Rowland Wakefield. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Grasmere (W. J. Farrer, Journ. of Conch., 
Jan. 1896, p. 154). 

Cumberland—Not uncommon in woods near Keswick and Braithwaite; a speei- 
men in Sir Wilfrid Lawson’s woods at Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, J. of Conch., 
Jan. 1896, p. 154). 

Selkirk—Byethorn garden, Galashiels, Sept. 1906! John Roseburgh. 


Antrim—Ballycastle, Sept. 1904 ! Miss F. S. O'Connor. Antrim, in fields and 
gardens, Sept. 1904! W. S. Smith. 

Down—Common in Mr. Stelfox’s garden, Oakleigh, Belfast ! R. Welch. 

Armagh—Tandragee, common, Sept. 1904! James Rea. 

Tyrone—Baronscourt, Sept. 1904 ! Robert Bell. 

Donegal—Ravre, Kinny Lough, May 1893 (R. Standen, J. of C., July 1893, p. 198). 

Louth—Bultray ; Drumear; Millifont Abbey; Barmeath, June 1904; Ardee 
and Drogheda, July 1904; near Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 1904 ! and Carlingford, 
June 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Mornington, Oct. 1904; Bective Abbey and near Drogheda, Mar. 1905! 
P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Beldonnell, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Abundant, Fassaroe, Bray, Sep. 1904! R. M. Barrington. Greystones, 
Sept. 1903 ; type and var. rustica, Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. - 

Carlow—Abundant, Fenagh House, Bagenalstown, Sept. 1904 ! Denis R. Pack- 

Kilkenny—Kilkenny, April 1902! and Thomastown, Feb. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 
Abundant, Kilkenny Castle gardens, Sept. 1904! John Carlton. Gardens, Piltown, 
Sept. 1904 ! Earl of Bessborough. 

Queen’s Co.—Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

King’s Co.—Birr, Sept. 1904, Miss A. Hemphill ; Edenderry, Nov. 1905, P. H. 
Grierson. Plentiful, Charleville Forest gardens, Tullamore, Sep. 1904! R. McKenna. 

Roscommon—Abundant, Mote Park, Sept. 1904 ! Lord Crofton. Rockingham 
gardens, Boyle, Sept. 1904 ! E. Clarke. ; 

Leitrim—Drumkeeran, Oct. 1904! Rev. Joseph Meehan. 

Mayo W.—Abundant, the Demesne, Westport, Sept. 1904! John O’Callaghan. 

Galway W.—Abundant, Kylemore Castle gardens, Sept. 1904! W. Comfort. 
Also extremely abundant and very large near the outskirts of Galway town ; eight 
or ten specimens might be found under one stone, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. | 

Galway E.—Clonbrock, Sept. 1904! Hon. R. E. Dillon. Abundant at Ballin- 
dooly, Sept. 1906, R. Standen, 

Waterford—Dunmore, Jan. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Clare—Lahinch, 1900, P. H. Grierson. Dromoland Castle gardens near New- 
market-on-Fergus, Sept. 1904! John Carter. Abundant between Limerick and the 
Clare Hills, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 


Limerick—Adare Manor, Adare, Oct. 1904! W. Bowles. Round Murgret, and 
near Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 
Tipperary S.—Melview, Clonmel, Oct. 1904! Mrs. M. Malcomson. 
Cork N.—Convamore by Ballyhooley, Oct. 1904! J. MeMillar. 
Kerry-—Cahirciveen, Sept. 1904! and plentiful on Valentia Island, Sept. 1904 ! 
Miss M. J. Delap. 

Reported for the Vaucluse by Commandant Caziot. 

Var. pallidissima Less. & Poll. 

Flint—Sub-var. insolita, Grange road, Rhyl, July 1904 ! Miss A. Steele Perkins. 
Cheshire —Var. padllidissima, Chester, Sept. 1904, R. Newstead (T. D. A. 

Kerry—Sub-var. flavescens, Kilflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 

Var. fusco-carinata Cockerell. 

Kerry—Kilflynn, Sept. 1904! J. Julian. 

Var. rustica Roebuck. 

Surrey—Garden, Reigate, Aug. 1903, Lionel E. Adams. 
Wicklow—Enniskerry, Aug. 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

The var. rustica Moquin-Tandon is recorded for the department of the Ardennes 
by M. Henri Cardot. 

Var. nigrescens Cockerell. 

Hunts.—Garden, Huntingdon, Sept. 1904! Miss E. M. Foster. 
Pembroke—Haverfordwest, Sept. 1904! Price Davies. 
Hereford—Garden, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Sept. 1904! Miss M. A. Boycott ; 
garden, Acacia Villa, Ross, Sept. 1904! W. C. Blake. 


Tyrone—Sub-var. nigro-carinata, Baronscourt, Sept. 1904 ! R. Bell. 

Donegal—Templemore Park, Sept. 1904! D. C. Campbell. 

Louth—Near Drogheda, Oct. 1904 ! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Rathmines, Sept. 1904 ! 

Wicklow—Var. nigrescens and sub-var. nigro-carinata, Fassaroe, Bray, Sept. 
1904! R M. Barrington. 

Kilkenny —Kilkenny, Sept. 1904! J. White. 

Queen’s Co.—Sub-var. nizro-carinata, Stradbally, Sept. 1904! A. G. Stuart. 

Clare—Between Limerick and the Clare Hills, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Limerick—Sub-var. nigro-carinata, near Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Waterford — Sub-var. nigro-carinata, garden, Belle Vue House, Waterford, 
Sept. 1904! Frederick Power. 

Cork N.—North bank of river Lee, Cork, Sept. 1904 ! C. Baker. Sub-var. 
nigro-carinata, Convamore by Ballyhooley, Sept. 1904! J. MeMillar. 


GENUS ARION Feérussac. 

Dr. Simroth suggests that a more satisfactory basis for the classification 
of this group might be afforded by the differences in the length of the 
epiphallus, an organ which seems to possess great constancy in this respect 
in the various species. 

The external markings on the body are directly connected with the 
circulation of the blood, and the lyre-shaped marking on the shield is 
coincident in form with the lung, which lies beneath in the form of a ring. 
As the dark markings on the mantle are dependent on the circulation of 
the blood during the respiratory processes, one may conclude that the 
dark markings on the side-areas are used for skin respiration. This is 
probably, however, less likely in the larger species, on account of their 
thicker skin and greater secretion of coloured slime, so that the correla- 
tion of circulation and markings is not so marked. 

AGOne ater (102). 

Food and Habits.—Young Avion ater are often found on Adium 
ursinum in the neighbourhood of Leipzig. 

Var. aterrima ‘Taylor. 
The name of aterrima has been objected to, as having been previously used by 

Dumont and Mortillet, but this is not so, as those authors do not appear to have 
described any variation under that name. 

Var. castanea Dum. & Mort. 


Kent W.—Snub-var. fusco-lutescens, Chislehurst, T. D. A. Cockerell. 

Berks.—Unhill Wood near Streatley, July 1906 ! Rev. E. Peake. 

Anglesey—Sub-var. brannea, common, Cemmaes, July 1895 (C. Oldham, Journ. 
of Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 

Lancashire S.—Sub-var. brunnea, near Oldham (F. Taylor, Journ. of Conch., 
April 1898, p. 49). 

York S.E.—Sub-var. brunnea, Aldborough, T. Petch. 


Antrim—The Manse, Antrim, Sept. 1904! W. S. Smith. 

Armagh—Sub-var. brunnea, Forkhill, Jan. 1904, and Armagh, Feb. 1904, P. H. 

Louth—Sub-var. brunnea, near Carlingford, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Sub-var. brunnea, Bective Abbey, March 1905; Moynalty and Kells, 
April 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Sub-var. brunnea, Greystones, Sept. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Dernasligegan, April 1897, R. Welch; this locality is erroneously 
stated to be in East Galway (p. 178). Type and sub-var. brunnea, abundant, 
Gentian Hill, July 1895 (Collier and Standen, J. of Conch., April 1896, p. 178). 

Galway E.—Killinure, Lough Ree, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Clare—Near Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Var. plumbea Roebuck. 

Sussex W.—Near Liphook, July 1905, Rev. 8. Spencer Pearce. 
Derby—Rowsley (Lionel E. Adams, Journ. of Conch., vii., p. 77). 
York Mid W.—Addingham, Aug. 1906! F. Booth. Grass Wood, Grassineton, 
Sept. 1906! 8. Hainsworth. 


Meath—Moynalty, April 1905, P. H. Grierson. 
Galway W.—A slate-grey form, probably plumbco-pallescens, at Inishmore, 
Aran Isles, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Var. rufa L. 


Cornwall W.—In large numbers and of huge size in company with typical ater 
in a marsh between Penzance and St. Michael’s Mount, June 1905, J. H. Sikes. 

Surrey—Var. rufa, Grayswood, and sub-var. jonstonii Kaleniez., Punch Bowl 
near Haslemere, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, jr., J. of Conech., Apl. 1902, p. 169). 

Cumberland—About Bassenthwaite (W. J. Farrer, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1896, 
». 153). 

Clare—Gardens near Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 
Limerick—Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 
Baden— Woods about Freiburg (W. Evans). 
Sub-var. rubra, Brussels, J. T. Carrington. 

Var. sueceinea Miiller. 

Berks.—Very young specimens, Bradfield, Dec. 1905! Rev. E. Peake. 
Westmorland and Lake Lancs.—Sub-var. awrantia, Arnside, 1906, H. Beeston. 

Lucerne (Bourg., Mal. Quatre-Cantons, 1862, p. 1). 

Var. alba L. 

Kent E.—Maidstone (Elgar and Lamb, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1893, p. 154). 
Surrey—Punch Bowl near Haslemere, E. W. Swanton ; and Shottermill (Chas. 
Pannell, jr., Journ. of Conch., April 1902, p. 169). 
Lancashire Mid—NSilverdale, May 1904, J. W. Jackson. 
York S.W.—Brearley Wood near Halifax, Oct. 1906! W. Cash. 


Galway E.—A pale bluish-white form, with cream-white marblings and yellow 
foot-fringe, abundant at Ballindooly, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Var. albolateralis. Roebuck. 

Prof. Cockerell suggests that the specimens of var. a/bolateralis, found by Mr. 
E. D. Marquand at Penzance, in Sept. 1885, in which the foot-fringe was grey in 
place of yellow, should be known as sub-var. marquandi. 

Cornwall W.—The Lizard, June 1905, F. W. Wilson. 

Merioneth—Glandawr, Dolgelly road, Barmouth, June 1905! Rev. E. Perey 
Blackburn. . 
Carnarvon—Abersoch, June 1896, C. Oldham, J. of Conch., Oct. 1898, p. 263. 

Notts.—Four specimens under a log, Thoresby Park, Edwinstone, June 1906, 
J. Ray Hardy. 
York S.E.—Bempton Cliffs, June 1906 ! J. E. Crowther. 

Meath—Ballivor, March 1904, P. H. Grierson. 
Galway E.—Killinure and Coolagh, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 


Var. bicolor Roebuck. 
Merioneth—Sub-var. scharfi, Glandawr, Dolgelly road, Barmouth, June 1905 ! 
Rev. E. Perey Blackburn. 

Galway E.—Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895, R. Standen ; this locality is not 
in West Galway as stated at p. 186. 

Var. marginella Schranck. 

Surrey—Sub-var. swammerdamii, Punch Bowl near Haslemere, and sub-var. 
marginata, Haslemere, E. W. Swanton (C. Pannell, jr., J. of C., Apr. 1902, p. 169). 
Lancashire S.—-Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Northen Etchells near Manchester, 
May 1885! C. Oldham. 

Lanark—Sub-var. nigrescens Raz., Blackwood, Kirkmuirhill, Sep. 1904 ! Norman 

B. Kinnear. 

Cavan—Sub-var. nigrescens, Mullagh, July 1904! P. H. Grierson. 

Dublin—Sub-var. nigrescens, Glen Druid, Carrickmines, Oct. 1886! W. F. de 
Vismes Kane. 

Sligo—Sub-var. nigrescens, near Sligo, July 1904! R. Welch. 

Clare—Sub-var. nigrescens, near Limerick, Sept. 1904! G. J. Fogerty. 

Arion subfuscus (Draparnaud). 

Synonymy.—According to Mons. H. Crosse (Journ. de Conch., Oct. 
1893, p. 219), this species 1s the Arion incommodus of Capt. Hutton. 

Food and Habits.—Capt. W. J. Farrer has observed this species to 
abound in all the low-lying meadow lands bordering the English lakes, and 
has seen them congregated in large numbers, feeding on the remains of a 
dead frog, and states that in the lake district the entrances to the burrows 
of the water-rat are sometimes fairly lined with the sub-var. aurantiaca, 
probably feeding on the droppings of the animals. 

Devon N.—Wood at Mortehoe, Oct. 1906! Mrs. Longstaft. 
Surrey—Addington (C. Pannell, jr., Journ. of Conch., July 1903, p. 331). 
Hants. S.—Frequent about Hambleton ! C. S. Coles. 
Berks.— Bradfield near Reading, Rev. E. Peake, Dec. 1906. 
Anglesey—Rare, Cemmaes, July 1895 (C. Oldham, J. of Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 
Lancashire S.—Type and a pale form on and near canal-bank at Bardsley and 
Riversvale (F. Taylor, Journ. of Conch., April 1898, p. 49). 
York S.E.—Banks of canal, Driffield, J. Darker Butterell. 

Ross W.—Common in the woods, Balmacarra, Aug. 1906! Rev. R. Godfrey. 


Donegal—Port Salon and Kinny Lough, May 1893 (R. Standen, Journ. of 
Conch., July 1893, p. 197). 

Cavan—Kingscourt, June 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Nobber, March 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway E.—Abundant at Ballindooly, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 


Reported by Dr. von Martens for Dolmar, Reinhardsbrunn, ete., in Thuringia. 

Reeorded for the Lot-et-Garonne by Gassies, the Vaucluse by Commandant 
Caziot, and Puy-de-Déme by Dr. P. Fischer. 

Var. suceinea Bouillet. 

Cumberland —The sub-var. aurantiaca is the most prevalent form about Bassen- 
thwaite (W. J. Farrer, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1896, p. 153). 

Galway E.—Sub-var. awrantiaca, Clare-Galway Abbey, July 1895 (Collier and 
Standen, Journ. of Conch., April 1896, p. 178). 

Arion hortensis Férussac. 

Food and Habits.—During Nept. 1906, at Moycullen and beside 
Ross Lake, W. Galway, Mr. R. Standen observed this usually strictly 
geophilous species ascending the trees to a considerable height, and in 
Aug. 1898 noted examples feeding upon Phallus impudicus and other 
fungi in Eggerslack Wood, Grange, Lancashire; while Mr. H. Beeston 
remarks that in autumn it has a strong preference for hidmg beneath and 
clinging to the fallen and decaying leaves of the sycamore. 

Geological History.—Calcareous particles, assumed to be the ves- 
tigial shells of this species, have been found in a Holocene deposit at 
Cleeve Hill, East Gloucestershire. 


Dorset—Stour Provost, Sept. 1904 (E. W. Swanton, J. of C., Jan. 1905, p. 286). 

Hants. S.— Common everywhere about Hambledon, C. 8. Coles. 

Kent E.—Maidstone (Elgar and Lamb, Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1893, p. 154). 

Essex S.—Wanstead and Barkingside, not common (W. Crouch, Essex Nat., 
Feb 1891, p. 208). 


Main Argyle—Pine woods, Ardbhan Craigs, also plentiful on Lismore, Sept. 
1892 (Standen and Hardy, Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1893, p. 268). 

Ross W.—Balmacarra House, Aug. 1906! Rev. R. Godfrey. 


Donegal— Not uncommon in wood, Portsalon, and in burial-ground at Fahan, 
May 1893 (R. Standen, Journ. of Conch., July 1893, p. 197). 

Cavan—Kingscourt, June 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Nobber, March 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Queen’s Co.—Durron, May 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.—Moycullen and banks of Ross Lake, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Galway E.—Very abundant at Ballindooly, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Recorded by Dr. von Martens for Saalfeld, Liebenstein, ete., in Thuringia. 

Recorded for the Var and Lot-et-Garonne. 

Recorded from the environs of Lucerne, and from Perroy in Canton Vaud. 


Recorded doubtfully for Algiers by Mr. W. E. Collinge. 


Pennsylvania—Though first reported along with L. maximus from the Phipps’ 
Conservatories, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, both species seem now to have obtained 
a firm foothold outside ; the largest L. maximus I ever saw was found in a suburb 
about three miles from the city (G. H. Clapp, Oct. 1906). 

ar. fasciata Moquin-'l'andon. 
Var. f ta Mog and 

Stafford—A bout Cheddleton and Froghall, Sept. 1885 (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nat., 
Feb. 1886, p. 58). 
Cheshire— Knutsford, Chelford and Congleton, Sep. 1885 (‘T. D. A. Cockerell, l.c.). 
Lancashire S.—About Prescot and Rainhill, Sep. 1885 (T. D. A. Cockerell, l.c.). 

Var. grisea Moquin-T'andon. 

Stafford—Near Kingsley, Sept. 1885 (T. D. A. Cockerell, Nat., Feb, 1886, p. 58). 

Galway W.—A sub-variety, almost white upon the back, at Inishmore, Aran 
Isles, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Var. subfusea C. Pfeiffer. 
Cheshire—Gardens at Sale (Milne and Oldham, J. of Conch., Jan. 1894, p. 316). 

Arion circumscriptus Johnston 

Food and Habits.—Observed by Mr. R. Standen, in August 1898, 
feeding on Phallus impudicus and other fungi in Eggerslack Wood, 
(rrange, Lancashire. 


Hants. S.—Frequent about Hambledon ! C. 8. Coles. 

Berks.—Unhill Wood near Streatley, July 1906 ! Rev. E. Peake. 

Bucks.—Garden, Aston Clinton, 1900 (A. Leicester, Journ. of Conch., July 
1902, p. 216). 

Merioneth—Gardens, Palé, Corwen, May 1887! T. Ruddy ; and Llwyngwril 
near Barmouth, June 1887 ! W. Cash. 

Denbigh—Elwy Valley, St. Asaph, April 1896, C. Oldham. 

Anglesey—In fields near Cemmaes, July 1895 (C. Oldham, Journ. of Conch., 
July 1898, p. 86). 

Lincoln N.—Common about Market Rasen. Oct. 1906 ! W. Denison Roebuck. 

York Mid W.—Grass Wood, Grassineton, Sept. 1906 !S. Hainsworth. 

Westmorland and Lake Lancashire—Evverslack Wood, Grange, Aug. 1898 
(R. Standen, Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1898, p. 114). J 

Main Argyle—Oban, April 1894! W. Evans. 
Ross W.—Adult specimens, Balmacarra, Aug. 1906, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Down—Near Newry, Dec. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 
Armagh—Meich ; Armagh, Dec. 1904; Newry and Forkhill, July 1905, P. H. 
Monaghan—Carrickmacross, P. H. Grierson. 
Donegal—Common at Portsalon and Kinny Lough, May 1893 (R. Standen, 
Journ. of Conch., July 1893, p. 198). 


Cavan—Kingscourt, June 1904, and Mullagh, July 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Louth—Omeath ; Drumear; Annagarron ; Ardee ; Millifont Abbey; Beaulieu, 
Oct. 1903 ; Barmeath and Dromiskin, June 1904; Blackhall Demesne, Sept. 1904 ; 
and Louth, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Nobber, March 1904; Slane and Drumcondra, July 1904; Stamullan, 
Oct. 1904; Summerhill and Ballivor, March 1905; Moynalty, Julianstown, and 
Kells, April 1905 ; and Batterstown, May 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—Staffan, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow—Greystones, Sept. 1903, and Powerscourt, P. H. Grierson. 

Kilkenny—Clogh ; near Callan; Powerstown; Kilkenny, April 1902; Johns- 
town, May 1902; near Waterford, Jan. 1903; Thomastown, March 1903; and 
Jenkinstown, Feb. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

Queen’s Co.—Durron, May 1903, P. H. Grierson. 

King’s Co.—Ruins at Clonmacnois, July 1895 (Collier and Standen, Journ. of 
Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 

Westmeath—Raharney, March 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Leitrim—Feenagh, 1899, P. H. Grierson. 

Waterford—Cappoquin, Nov. 1902 ; Dunmore, Jan. 1903, P. H. Grierson. 


Recorded by Heynemann for Niankow, Great Minsk (Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 
1885, p. 249). 

Var. leucophza Normand. 


Belgium—Chaudfontaine and Forest, Liége, June 1871 (Van den Broeck, Bull. 
Soc. Mal. Belg., 1871, p. 51). 

SUB-GENUS Ariunculus Lessona. 

Arion intermedius Normand. 

Development.— Mr. F. Booth and Mr. W. Denison Roebuck found the 
young of this species in great abundance, apparently only just hatched, in 
the woods on Otley Chevin, Yorkshire, in the middle of October 1906, the 
species being perfectly recognizable even in the tiniest examples. 

Food and Habits.—Mr. W. Denison Roebuck observed this species 
abundantly in August 1906, in Waterfall and Kildale Woods near Guis- 
borough, feeding freely on the underside of Boletus flavus ; while in May 
1905, at Silverdale in Mid-Lancashire, Mr. J. W. Jackson detected a 
specimen inside the flower of Ovalis, possibly unwittingly contributing to 
ensure its fertilization. 


Surrey—Oxshott, feeding on Boletus, Oct. 1906 ! A. Sich. 

Hants. S.—Frequent amongst rubbish and under logs about Hambledon ! 
C. S. Coles. 

Berks.—Common about Bradfield near Reading, Rev. E. Peake, Dec. 1906. 

Radnor—Pen-y-Bont, Nov. 1903! F. Hall. 

Denbigh—Elwy Valley, St. Asaph, April 1896, C. Oldham. 

Anglesey—Plentiful in a wet place on the cliffs near Cemmaes, July 1895 
(C. Oldham, Journ. of Conch., July 1898, p. 86). 

Lincoln S.—Little Ponton, July 1903! W. Denison Roebuck. 

Lincoln N.—Woodhall Spa, Aug. 1893, F. W. Fierke. Very abundant about 
Louth (C. 8. Carter, Moll. Lincolns., 1905, p. 35). 

Lancashire S.—Park Bridge, Feb. 1903, F. Taylor. 


York S.E.—North Grimston ; Weltondale ; Drewtondale ; North Cave and in 
ravine at Filey ; also not uncommon at Hornsea and amongst moss and dead leaves 
in marshy places at Roos Bog; Bale Wood; Aldborough ; Tansterne ; Hedon ; 
Kelsey Hill and Spurn (T. Petch, Moll. of East Riding, 1904, p. 130). 

York N.E.— Waterfall and Kildale Woods, Guisborough, Aug. 1906 ! W.D.R. 

York Mid W.—Grass Wood, Grassington, Sept. 1906! F. Booth. Rare, Burt 
Bridge, Sept. 1887, F. R. Fitzgerald. 

Perth N.—Persie Inn, Glenshee ! W. Evans. 
Ebudes N.—Isle of Eigg! W. Evans. 
Ross W.—Balmacarra, Aug. 1906, Rev. R. Godfrey. 


Down—Near Newry, Dec. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Armagh—Common in Ford Wood, Tandragee (Irish Nat., July 1906, p. 175). 

Louth-——Ardee ; Drumear; Annagarron ; Blackhall Demesne and Collon, Sept. 
1904 ; Beaulieu, Oct. 1904 ; and near Townley Hall, May 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Meath—Nobber, July 1904; Stamullen, Oct. 1904; Longwood, March 1905; 
and Batterstown, May 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Kildare—Stafian and Lyons, Aug. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

Wicklow— Powerscourt, Nov. 1904, P. H. Grierson. 

King’s Co.—Edenderry, Noy. 1905, P. H. Grierson. 

Leitrim—Near Cloonee, Dec. 1899, P. H. Grierson. 

Galway W.— Marvellously abundant in a small wood beyond Dog’s Bay, 
Roundstone, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Galway E.—Abundant at Ballindooly, Sept. 1906, R. Standen. 

Old fir-wood near Lucerne, Sept. 1902, Rev. R. Godfrey. 

Var. plumbea Collinge. 
Surrey— Brockham, Nov. 1906 ! Lionel E. Adams. 


Geomalacus maculosus Allman. 

Kerry—Miss M. J. Delap records (Irish Naturalist, Aug. 1906, p. 190) finding 
specimens in June 1906 amongst old ruins on the west face of Bolus Head, and in 
similar situations on the eastern slope of Kilkeeneragh Mountains near the pass 
between that mountain and Killemlough Hill. 

L. maximus var. bicolor Taylor. 

A reference to Am Stein’s description of his Lima cinereus var. albus discloses 
that this form is not synonymous with the var. candida L. & P., as tentatively 
suggested on page 41, but is really identical with the var. bicolor. 

Two examples found in a cold and damp garden at Louth in Lincolnshire by 
Mr. C. S. Carter; one of them, found in July 1906, is very characteristic and 
exactly corresponds with the fig. 5 on plate vi. ! 



Works which in addition to those on page 30 may be profitably consulted. 

Adams, L. E.—Observations on the Pairing of Limax maximus L.—Journ. of 
Conch., July 1898, pp. 92—95, and pl. ii. 

Alder, Joshua.—A Catalogue of the Mollusca of Northumberland and Durham. 
—Trans. Tynes. Nat. Field Club, 1848. 

Allman, G. J.—Description of a New Genus of Pulmonary Gastropod.—Ann. 
and Mag. Nat Hist., 1846, xvii. 

Am Stein, J. G.—Beitriige zur Mollusken-Fauna Graubiinden’s, 1889—1892. 

André, E.—La Fossette triangulare caudale des Arions.—Rey. Suisse et Ann. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Geneva, 1898, pp. 179—182 and fig. 
Recherches sur Ja Glande P edionse des Pulmonés.—Rey. Suisse de Zool., 
1894, pp. 291—348. 

Ashford, C.—Land and Freshwater Mollusea round Christchurch, South Hants. 
—Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1887, p. 153. 

B., J.—Spinning Slugs.—Loudon’s Mag. Nat. Hist., ii., p. 485, Nov. 1829. 

Babor, J. F.—Ueber den Cyclus der Geschlechtsentwicklung der Stylommato- 
phoren.—Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1894, pp. 55—61, and figs. 

Bandon, Aug.—Mémoire sur les Limaciens du Département de l’Oise Beauvais, 

Belt, A.-—Uncommon Varieties of Arion and Limax—Zool., Oct. 1885, p. 389. 

Blair, T.-—A short Notice of the Habits of Testacéllus sctittulum. — Loudon’s 
Mag. Nat. Hist., Jan. 1833, pp. 48—47. 

Bree, W. T.—Spinning Slugs.—Loudon’s Mag. Nat. Hist., Mch. 1829, ii., p. 69. 
Breviere, L.—Tableau d. Limaciens d. Envir. de St. Saulge, 1881. 

Clarke, Rev. B. J.—On the Species of the Genus Limax occurring in Ireland.— 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1843, pp. 332—4. 

Cockerell, T. D. A.—Varieties of Arion ater.—Science Goss., June 1885, p. 140. 
A New Variety of Limax maximus.—Nat. World, Sept. 1885, p. 178. 
Chamzleonic Arions.—Science Goss., June 1886, p. 140. 

Limax arborum and the Influence of Altitude on Colour.—Zoologist, Aug. 
1886, pp. 418—420. 

Slug Variation.—Science Goss., Jan. 1887, p. 16. 

On Agriolimax montanus in Colorado.—Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1888, p. 358. 

Notes on Slugs, chiefly in the Collection at the British Museum.—Ann. and 
Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, pp. 278 and 380 ; also 1891, pp. 97 and 328. 

Synopsis of the principal Varieties of Agriolimax agrestis.—Nant , Oct. 1891. 

On the Geographical Distribution of Slugs.—Proe. Zool. Soc., 1891, p. 214. 

Arion cireumscriptus Johnst. = bourguignati Mabille.—Brit. Nat., 1891, p. 20. 

Notes on A. hortensis, A. cireumscriptus, and their Allies. —Conch. i., p. 33. 

The Genera Limax, Arion, and Helix.—Conch., June 1892, ii., p. 28. 

The British Arionidz.—Conch., Dec. 1892, p. 84. 

A Revised List of the Species of British Slugs.—J. of Conch., 1892, p. 66. 

The Endemic Features of the British Slug l'auna.—Sci. Goss., 1892, p. 255. 

A Check List of the Slugs.—Conch., Sept. 1893, pp. 168—176; and Dee. 
1893, pp. 187—228. 

Collinge, W. E.—Notes on the Variation of the Genus Arion.—Ann. and Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1892, pp. 307—S. 

Description of a New Variety of Arion hortensis Fér., and A. cireumscriptus 
Johnst.—Conch., 1892, ii., p. 26. 

Limax maximus and its variety cinereo-niger Wolf.—Ann. and Mag. N.H., 
1892, pp. 425—6. 

List of British Land and Freshwater Mollusca.—Conch., 1892, p. 34. 

A Catalogue of the Slugs of the British Isles. —Brit. Nat., 1892. 

A Review of the Arionidie of the British Isles. —Conch., Dec. 1892, p. 78. 

On the Structure and Affinities of some European Slugs.—Conch., March 
1893, p. 113. 

Some Notes on Irish Slugs.—Irish Nat., July 1893, p. 148. 


Collinge, W. E. (continwed).— 

Description of the Anatomy, ete., of a New Species and Variety of Arion. — 
Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Oct. 1893, p. 252, pl. ix. ; 

On the occurrence of Arion lusitanicus Mabille in the British Isles, and 
Description of Four New Varieties.—Ann. and Mag. N.H., 1893, pp. 414—415. 

The Anatomical Characters of Arion flagellus.—Irish Nat., 1893, p. 316. 

On the variety cinereo-niger Wolf of Limax maximus L.—Ann. and Mag. 
Nat. Hist., 1893, pp. 286—7. 

Note on a Species of Limax from Ireland. —Journ. of Mal., 1894, pp. 51—52. 

The Anatomy and Description of a New Species of Arion.—Ann. and Mag. 
of Nat. Hist., 1894, p. 66, pl. v. 

Description of a New Species of Slug of the Genus Limax from Ireland. — 
Journ. of Mal., 1895, p. 4 and fig. 

Some Observations on certain Species of Arion.—Journ. of Mal., May 1897. 

On the occurrence in Ireland of Arion empiricorum var. bocagei Simr.— 
Journ. of Mal., vii., p. 33. 

Conacher, John, junr.—Limax tenellus and Anodonta cygnea var. incrassata in 
Scotland.—Naturalist, July 1878, p. 177. 

Creighton, C.—Glycogen of Snails and Slugs, 1899. 
Dall, W. H.—Thread Spinning by Arion hortensis.—Science, Dee. 1883, p. 773. 

Daniel, J. E.—Thread-spinning by Slugs.—Sci. Goss., Sept. 1875, p. 206. 
A Catalogue of the Mollusca found in the Neighbourhood of Heidelberg, 
Grand Duchy of Baden.—Quart. Journ. of Conch., Aug. 1875, pp. 111—118. 

Denson, John, jr.—Some Account of the Limax sowerbyi of Férussac.—Loudon’s 
Mag., v., p. 693—697, Nov. 1832; and vi., pp. 46, 47, Jan. 1833. 
A short Notice of the Habits of Testacellus seutulum.—Loudon’s Mag., vi., 
pp. 44—46, Jan. 1833. 
On the Habits of Testacella scutulum.—Loudon’s Mag. Nat. Hist., May 
1834, pp. 226—230. 
Esmark, B.—On the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of Norway.—J. of Conch., 
v., pp. 90—131. 
Evans, W.—Note on Limax tenellus Miill.—Proc. R.P.S.E., 1904, pp. 22—24. 

Gain, W. A.—Some remarks on the Colour Changes in Arion intermedius Norm. 
—Conch., Sept. 1892, p. 55. 
Notes on the Food of some of the British Mollusks.—Journ. of Conech., Apr. 
1891, pp. pp. 849—361. 

Grateloup, J.—Dist. géogr. de la fam. des Limaciens, 1855. 

Gray, J. E.—Teeth of Testacellus and Glandina..—Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
Dee. 1853, p. 478. 

On the Teeth of the Black and Wood Shell Slugs.—Ann. and Mag. Nat. 
Hist., June 1858, p. 464. 

Habits of Snails or Black Slugs (A. ater), —Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Dec. 1838. 

Hanitseh, R.—Contributions to the Anatomy and Histology of Limax agrestis. 
—Proe. Biol. Soc., Liverpool, May 1888, ii., pp. 152—170, and pl. x.—x1ii. 
Harte, William—Molluscan Threads.—Sci. Goss., May 1874, x., p- 117, 8. ; 
Notes on certain Movements of the Limacidze.—Proe. Nat. Hist. Soe. Dublin, 
1863, iii., pp. 182, 3. 

Heynemann, D. F.—Die Nacktschnecken in Deutschland seit 1800 und ein neuer 
Limax.—Mal. Bl., Mech. 1862, ix., pp. 38—57. 

On the French Species of the Genus Geomalacus.—Ann. and Mag. Nat. 
Hist., Apl. 1878, pp. 271—275. 

Einige Mittheilhungen iiber Schneckenzungen mit besonderer . Beachtung 
der Gattung Limax.—Mal. BI., Oct. 1863, pp. 200—216, and pl. ii. and iii. 

Zur Kenntniss von Geomalacus.—Nach. Mal. Ges., Sept. 1869, pp. 165—8. 

Geomalacus maculosus Allman.—Nach. Mal. Ges., July 1871, p. 126. 

Die Nackten-Landpulmonaten des Erdbodens.—Jahrb. Deutsch. Mal. Ges., 
pp. 236—330, 1885. 

Ueber Geomalacus.—Mal. BI., xxi., pp. 25—36 and pl. 

Die Geographische Verbreitung der Nacktschnecken. —1905. 

Hoy, Thomas.—Account of a Spinning Limax or Slug.—Linn, Trans., )791, 1., 
pp. 183—-5. 


Johnston, G.—A few Remarks on the Class Mollusea in Dr. Fleming’s Work on 
British Animals, with Descriptions of some New Species.—Edinb. New Phil. 
Journ., vol. v., p. 76, June 1828. 

A List of the Pulmoniferous Mollusea of Berwickshire and North Durham. 
—Berwicks. Club Proe., vol. i., p. 154, 1838. 

Jenyns, Rev. L.—On a peculiar Species of Mite, parasitical on Slugs.—Loudon’s 

Mag. Nat. Hist., Nov. 1831, iv., pp. 538—541, and f. 109. 

Kaleniezenko, J.—Description des Limaces qui se trouvant dans ? Ukraine. — 
Bull. Soe. Imp. Nat., 1851, xxiv., pp. 109—126, and pl. iv. 

Kew, H. Wallis. —On the Mucus-Threads of Land Slugs.—Journ. of Conch., 
July 1901, p. 92. 

Latham, J.—Observations on the Spinning Limax.—Linn. Trans., 1798, pp. 85-89. 
Leach, W. E.—A Synopsis of the Mollusca of Great Britain, 1852. 

Lehmann, R.—Die Nacktschnecken aus der Umgebung Stettins und in Pom- 
mern.—Mal. Bl., 1862, ix., pp. 156—193, and pls. 2—-5. 
Die Lebenden Schnecken und Muscheln der umgegend Stettins und in 

Lessona & Pollonera.—Monografia dei Limacidi Italiani, 1882, pp. 82 and 3 pls. 

Lessona, M.—Molluschi viventi del Piemonte, 1880. 
Sugli Arion del Piemonte, 1881, pp. 14 and pl. 

Lukis, F. C.—A Notification of the Occurrence in the Island of Guernsey of a 
Species of Testacellus and of some of its Characteristics and Habits as 
observed there.—Loudon’s Mag., May 1834, vii., pp. 224—30. 

M.—Spinning Slugs.—Loudon’s Mag. Nat. Hist., July 1829, p. 303. 

Mabille, M. J.—Des Limaciens Européens.—Rev. et M. Zool., 1868, pp. 129-146. 

Malm, A. W.—Limacina Skandinaviz, 1868. 

Mark, E. L.—On the Early Stages in the Embryology of Limax campestris. — 
Zool. Auz., Sept. 22, 1879, pp. 493—496. 

Martens, E. von.—Zur Kentniss der fadenspinnenden Schnecken.—Zool. Auz., 
Nov. 1878, pp. 249—251. 

Mogquin-Tandon, A.—Observations sur la langue de la Testacelle (Testacellus 
haliotideus F.-B.).—Journ. de Coneh., July 1851, pp. 125—128. 

Musson, C. T.—On the Naturalized Forms of Land and Freshwater Mollusea in 
Australia.—Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1891, p. 883. 

Newton, R. Bullen.—The Geological Distribution of Extinet British Non-Marine 
Mollusea.—Journ. of Conch., 1891, p. 58. 

Nilsson, Svenone.—Historia Molluscorum Svecie terrestrium et ffuviatilium 
breviter delineata.—1822, pp. 124. 

Nunneley, Thos.—A description of the Internal Structure of various Limaces 
found in the neighbourhood of Leeds.—Trans. Leeds Phil. and Lit. Soe., 1837, 
i., pp. 41—79, and pls. 1—7. 

Pilsbry, H. A.—Phylogeny of the Genera of Arionide.—Proc. Mal. Soc., July 
1898, pp. 94—104. 
Pini, N.—Molluschi terrestri e d’Acqua dolce viventi nel Territorio di Esino.— 
1876, pp. 144, and 2 pls. 
Pollonera, Carlo.—Nuove contribuzioni allo Studio degli Arion europei.—R. 
Acead. d. Sei. Torino, 1889, pp. 20 and pl. 
A proposito degli Arion del Portogallo.—Boll. Mus. Zool. ed Anat. Comp., 
May 1890, pp. 1—7. 
Recensement des Arionidée de la Région Paléarctique, 1890, pp. 42. 

toebuck, W. Denison.—The British Slug List.—J. of Conch., Apr. 1883, p. 38. 
Limax cinereo-niger, an Addition to British List.—Zool., July 1883, p. 304. 
Carnarvonshire Notes, July 1883.—Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1883, p. 113. 
Testacella—A Query for West of England Conchologists.—Science Gossip, 

Nov. 1883, p. 256. 
Varieties of British Slugs.—Science Gossip, Nov. 1883, p. 257. 
Slug new to Yorkshire.—Naturalist, Nov. 1883, p. 68. 
Slugs in County Waterford.—Zool., Dec. 1883, pp. 507, 508. 


Roebuck, W. Denison (continued). — 
New Variety of Arion ater. —Journ. of Conch., Jan. 1884, p. 146. 
Slugs in County Durham.—Naturalist, Aug. 1884, p. 20. 
Gloucestershire Slugs.—Science Gossip, April 1884, pp. 78, 79. 
Limax maximus var. maculata Picard in Britain. —J. of C., Jan. 1884, p. 150. 
Limax maximus var. johnstoni Moq. in E. Gloucestershire. —Id., iv., p. 158. 
Limax agrestis var. reticulata Mill. in Britain. —Id., iv., p. 134. 
Arion ater var. bicolor in W. Gloucestershire. —Id., iv., July 1884, p. 217; 
Limax maximus var. férussaci in County Antrim.—Id., iv., July 1884, p. 222. 
New Variety of Limax flavus [grisea].—Id., iv., July 1884, p. 223. 
Variations in Lehmannia arborum, the Tree Slug.—Journ. of Conch., Jan. 
1885, pp. 276—280. 
A New Variety of the Cellar Slug, Limax flavus var. suffusa.—Journ. of 
Conch., July 1885, p. 352. ; 
New Varieties of Limax arborum and Arion ater.—Journ. of Conch., Oct. 
1885, pp. 375, 376. 
Arion ater var. nov. cinerea at Nottingham.—Naturalist, Sept. 1888, p. 284. 
Slugs, ete., in South Lincolnshire.—Naturalist, May 1889, p. 130. 
Orange coloured Arion ater at Durham.—Naturalist, July 1889, p. 212. 
The specific rank of Limax cinereo-niger Wolf.—Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
1893, pp. 225—226. 
Scharff, R. F.—Arion minimus Simroth a British Slug.—Journ. of Conch., iv., 
p. 267, 1890. ; 
The Slugs of Ireland.—Sci. Trans. Roy. Soc. Dublin, 1891, pp. 46 and 2 pls. 
On the Affinities of the Genera Limax, Arion and Helix.—Conch., 1892, p. 83. 
Note on the Geographical Distribution of Geomalacus maculosus Allm. in 
Treland.—Proe. Mal. Soc. London, 1893, p. 17. 
A new Irish Species of Arion.—Irvish Nat., 1893, p. 302. 
A supposed New Species of Limax from Ireland.—Irish Nat., 1894, p. 261. 
Scott, T.—Conchological Notes.—Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1887, p. 228. 
Simroth, H.—Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Deutschen Nacktschnecken 
und ihrer europiishen Verwandten.-—1885, pp, 163 and 5 pls. 
Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Nacktschnecken. —1889, pp. 92 and 4 pls. 
Uber die nackten Limaciden und Testacelliden des Kaukasus.—Sitz.-Ber. 
Nat. Ges. Leipzig, 1891, pp. 40—49. 
Uber Kaukasische Limaciden und Testacelliden.—Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 
1891, p. 57. 
On some Testacellze.—Journ. of Conch., Oct. 1891, p. 413. 
Sterki, V.—Growth Changes in the Radula of Land Mollusks.—Proe. Acad. Nat. 
Science Philad., 1893, pp. 8388—400 and 2 pls. 
Tapping, T.—Observations on the Genus Testacellus and Description of a New 
Species, Testacellus medii-templi.—Zool., 1856, pp. 5099—5107. 
Tate, R.—On some Australian Slugs, chiefly Tasmanian.—Proe. Roy. Soe. Tas., 
1880, pp. 15—17. 
Taylor, J. M. B.—Testacella scutulum Sow. in Renfrewshire.—Journ. of Conch., 
July 1889, p. 114. 
Tomlin, J. R. B.—British Slugs.—Sci. Goss., Dee. 1886, p. 279. 
Tye, G. Sherriff.—On a case of Protective Resemblance among Slugs.—Journ., of 
Conch., June 1894, pp. 21, 22. 
Webb, W. M.—Slugs.—Sci. Goss., June 1887, p. 124. 
Westerlund, C. A.—Fauna d. in d. Palearctischen region lebenden Binnen- 
conchylien, 1886. 
Williams, J. W.—Limax maximus v. marmorata.—Nat. World, Dec. 1885, p. 235. 
On the Variation and Continental Distribution of British Slugs.—Sci. Goss., 
1886, pp. 54—56, 146—148, 99, 201—203, and 1887, p. 10. 
Slugs and their Varieties.—Young Nat., Oct. 1887, pp. 188—191. 
Our British Slugs. —Sci. Goss., 1887, pp. 10 and 44. 
Slug Gossip.—Sci. Goss., 1887, pp. 222, 223; 243, 244 ; 265—267. 
Wotton, F? W.—The Life-History of Arion ater and its Powers of Self-Fertiliza- 
tion.—Journ. of Conch., vii., p. 158. 




Adams, Lionel E., B.A., Oak Hill, Chart Road, Reigate. 

Adkin, R., F.E.S., Wellfield, 4, Lingards Road, Lewisham, S. E. 

Ainsworth-Davis, Prof. J. R., University College, Aberystwyth. 

Aldridge, Rev. J. M., M.A., Maisey Hampton Rectory, Fairford. 

Archibald, C. F., M. B. O.U., 2, Darnley Road, West Park, Far Headingley, and 
Rusland Hall, Ulverston. 

Arnold, Bernard, F. L.S., Milton Lodge, near Gravesend. 

Atkinson, F. E., M.R. C. S., L.R.C.P., ete., Bowerley, Settle. 

Babor, J. F., vii., 748, Prague, Bohemia. 

Backhouse, J., F.L.S, F.Z.8., M.B.O.U., Daleside, Scarborough. 

Bailey, C., F.L.S., Peter Street, Manchester. 

3aillie, W., Brora, N.B. 

Banks, W. H., Hergest Croft, Kington, Herefordshire. 

Barker, R. H., Grosvenor Bank, Searborough. 

Barnacle, Rev. H. Glanville, M.A., F.R.A.S., St. John’s College, Grimsargh. 

Bar nsley Naturalists’ Society. 

Beeston, H., Hawkestone, Havant, Hants. 

Benn, C. AWS MoAC eH. Gr. ce Rodwell Hall, Trowbridge. 

Benw ell, Rev. Proctor, Wix Vicarage, Manningtree. 

Bickers & Son, 1, Leicester Square, “London, W.C. 

Blackburn, Rev. E. P., Wesley House, Dixon’s Green, Dudley. 

Blackmore, J Cy EG: et Falkirk. W hatley Road, C lifton. 

Blackshaw, J. C., 158, Penn Road, Wolverhampton. 

Bliss, J., Boarbank Hall, Grange. 

Bloomer, H. Howard, 35, Paradise Street, Birmingham. 

Booth, F., 18, Queen’s Road, Shipley. 

Bostock, E. D., F.L.S8., F.R.M.S., Holly House, Stone, Staffordshire. 

Bowell, Rev. E. W. W., Sissinghurst Vicarage, Cranbrook, Kent. 

Boycott, A. E., The Square, Carshalton, Surrey. 

Bradford Naturalists’ Society. 

Branson, F. W., F.1.C., Wynneholme, Headingley, Leeds. 

Breeden, Guy, 38, Station Hill, King’s Norton. 

Brierley, Mrs. H. G., Clough Edge, Halifax Old Road, Huddersfieid. 

Bristol Naturalists’ Society. 

Broadhead, Mrs., The Gables, Grove Lane, Headingley, Leeds. 

Brode, Rev. T. Ainsworth, B.A. 5 Bt Penley’ s Grove Street, York. 

3uckell, E., Wykeham House, Romsey. 

Bullen, Rev. R. Ashington, M.A., F.L.8., F.G.S., Englemoor, Heathside Road, 
W oking (two copies). 

Surton, F. M., V.L.S., Highfield, Gainsborough. 

sutterell, J. Dar ker, Manor House, W ansford, Beverley. 

: airns, R., 159, Queen Street, Hurst, / \shton-under-Ly ne. 
Cardot, Henri 1, Square de Petit Bois, Charleville, Ardennes, France. 
Carpenter, ( SD Eb ACowios Elsham Road, Kensington, W. 
ae CS 2 8, Bridge Street, Louth. 
Carter, J. W. RE S., S285 Mannheim Road, Bradford. 
Carnegie Museum, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. 
een Warm Gases Heine M. S. , Commerci ul Street, Halifax. 
Castle, T. , South Vi iew, Spen Vale Road, Heckmondwike. 
Champ, a ! 0 S. & J. Watts & Co. , Mane hester. 
Charnley, « 5 E- Ziw.y, E. Boss, Howick House, near Preston. 
Dita. Hee C.. Shirwell Rectory, Barnstaple. 
Christy, R. Miller, F.L.S., The Blue House, Chignal St. James, Chelmsford. 
Clapham, S.C., F.Z.8., Fairoak, Overbury Avenue, Beckenham. 
Clapp, G. H., 325, Water Street, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. 
Coates, H., K. R.S.E., Piteullen House, Perth. 
Cockerell, Prof. T. D. A., F.Z.S., University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. 
Cockerill, J., 6, Park Lane, Holgate, York. 
Coles, C. S., The Pheasantries, Hambledon, Cosham, Hants. 
Collier, E., Glen Esk, Whalley Range, Manchester. ‘ 
Collinge, W. E., M.Se., F.Z.S., The University, Birmingham. 
Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Owens College, te 


Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand (A. Hamilton, Director). 
Cornish, J. E., 16, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. 

Crabtree, A., Merlewood, Halifax. 

Crampton, W. T., Paremont, Roundhay. 

Crowther, H., F.R.M.S., The Museum, Leeds. 

Crowther, J. E., Portland Street, Elland. 

Dacie, J. C., 30, Montserrat Road, Putney. 

Darbishire, R. D., B.A., Victoria Park, Manchester (two copies). 
Darnborough, F., Croft Villa, Eaglescliffe, Yarm. 

Dautzenberg, Prof. Ph., 209, Rue de Université, Paris. 

Denny, Prof. A., F.L.S., Firth College, Sheffield. 

Dixon, J. Bassett, Ribblesdale House, Preston. 

Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square, W. (three copies). 

Eecles, J. C., 20, Winckley Street, Preston, and 3, Dudley Terrace, Ventnor. 
Edwards, T., Cliftonville, Equity Road, Leicester. 

Edwards, J., Colesborne, Cheltenham. 

Edward Pease Publie Library, Crown Street, Darlington. 

Eliot, Sir Charles, K.C.M.G., Endcliffe Holt, Sheffield. 

Elliott, E. J., 56, High Street, Stroud. 

Essex Field Club, Buckhurst Hill, Essex. 

Evans, C. W., Kington, Herefordshire. 

Evans, W., F.R.S.E., M.B.O.U., 38, Morningside Park, Edinburgh. 

Eyre, Rev. W. L. W., M.A., Swarraton Rectory, Alresford. 

Farrah, J., F.L.S., F.R.Met.Soc., Jefferies Coate, Harrogate. 
Farrar, Capt. W. J., Chapel House, Bassenthwaite. 

Fierke, F. W., 70, Redbourne Street, Hull. 

Fitzgerald, Rev. H. P., M.A., F.L.S., Wellington College, Berks. 
Franklin, W. E., 42, Mosley Street, Newcastle. 

Friedlander & Sohn, Carlstrasse, 11, Berlin (three copies). 
Flemyng, Rev. W. W., Goolfin, Portlaw, Co. Waterford. 
Fortune, Riley, F.Z.8., Lindisfarne, Harrogate. 

Fox, W. A., Optician, 12, Queen Victoria Street, Leeds. 

Glasgow Natural History Society. 

Godlee, Theo., Whips Cross, Walthamstow. 

Godwin- Austen, Lieut.-Col. H. H., F.R.S., ete., Nore, Godalming. 
Grevel & Co., 33, King Street, Covent Gar den, W.C C. (three copies). 
Grierson, P. H., Kilcarberry House, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. 
Gude Gas keer: VA 114, Adelaide Road, Hampstead, INEIW2 
Guille-Allés ‘Library, Guernsey. 

Gwatkin, Rev. Prof. H. M., 8, Scrope Terrace, Cambridge. 

Hainsworth, 8., 60, George Street. Saltaire. 

Hargreaves, r ‘AL 3, Ramshill Road, Scarborough. 

Harmer, F. W., E.GS., Oakland House, Cringleford, near Norwich. 
Harrison, Albert, F.C.S., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., 72, W indsor Road, Forest Gate, E. 
Heginbotham, C. D., 3, Estcourt Street, Devizes. 

Hibbert, C. R. C., Rieeard’s Down, Abbotsham, Bideford. 
Hillman, T. Stanton, F.E.S8., Eastgate Street, Lewes. 

Holmes, W..J. O:, ELS; Strumpshaw H Hall, Norwich. 

Hopkinson, Aon Ute ib She ttt. G. S., F.R.Met.Soc., Weetwood, Watford. 
Horniman Museum and Library, Forest Hill, 8. E. 

Horsley, Rev. Canon J. W., M.A., St. Peter’s Rectory, Walworth. 
Hunt, T., Wellington College, Berks. 

Hutton, W. Harrison, 44, Dial Street, Leeds. 

Jackson, E. H., 5, Lower Derby Road, Watford. 

James, J. H., A.R.I.Cornw., 3, Truro Vean Terrace, Truro. 

Jenner, J. H. A., F.E.S., 4, East Street, Lewes. 

Jones, K. Hurlstone, M.B., R.N., F.L.8., Royal Naval Hospital, Hong Kong. 

Kane, W. L. de Vismes, D.L., M.A., M.R.IA., F.E.S., Drumreaske House, 

Kanton-Universitets-Bibliothek, Zurich. 

Kegan, Paul & Co., Charing Cross Road, London (two copies). 

Keogh, J. W. D., Inca, 9, Kent’s Park Road, Bournemouth, E. 

Kew, H. Wallis, F.Z.S., Queen’s Road, Bromley, Kent. 

Knight, Rev. G. A. Frank, M.A., 9, St. Leonard’s Bank, Perth. 

23/1/07 U 


Leicester, A., Scott Dale, New Ferry. 

Linen Hall Library, Donegall Square North, Belfast. 

Longstaff, G. B., Twitchen, Morthoe, R.S.O., Devon. 

Loydell, A., 36, Milton Road, Acton, W. 

Lucas, B. R., 3, Dyar Street, Winnington, Northwich. 

Lyons, Sir Algernon, Kilvrough, Parkmill, R.S.O., Glamorgan. 

McAndrew, J. J., F.L.S8., Lukesland, Ivybridge, South Devon. 
McClelland, Hugh, Bryn, Somerville Road, Sutton Coldfield. 

McKean, Kenneth, F.L.S., The Homestead, Monkton Combe, near Bath. 
MeMurtrie, Rev. Dr. J., M.A., 5, Inverleith Road, Edinburgh. 

Madison, J., Turves Green, Northfield, Worcestershire. 

Mallalieu, Harold, Shady Grove, Delph, via Oldham. 

Manchester Conchological Society, Owens College, Manchester. 
Manchester Museum, Owens College, Manchester. 

Marlborough College Natural History Society, Marlborough. 

Masefield, J. R. B., M.A., Rosehill, Cheadle, Staff. 

Mason, Rev. W. Wright, 67, Merton Road, Bootle. 

Mayfield, A., 88, Stafford Street, Norwich, and Mendlesham, Stowmarket. 
Melvill, J. Cosmo, M.A., F.L.S., Meole Brace Hall, Shrewsbury. 
Miller-Maxwell, Mrs. J., Bangholm Bower, Golden Acre, Edinburgh. 
Mills, F. W., F.R.M.S., Thornleigh, Huddersfield. 

Milnes, Rev. H., Darley House. Berkeley Street, Cheltenham. 

Mitchell Library, Miller Street, Glasgow. 

Montgomery, A. M., 34, Shalimar Gardens, Acton, W. 

Moss, W., F.C.A., 13, Milton Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 

Museum of Science and Art, Kildare Street, Dublin. 

Napier, H. C., Headington Hill, Oxford. 

National Library of Ireland, Dublin. 

Newstead, A. H. L., B.A., L.8.A., 38, Green Street, Bethnal Green. 
Norfolk and Norwich Library, Norwich. 

Northampton Natural History and Field Club. 

North Kent Entomological and Natural History Society. 

Norton, Rev. Thomas, Wychling Rectory, near Sittingbourne. 

Oldham, Chas., Brook Cottage, Knutsford. 
Orr, Hugh Lamont, Garfield Street, Belfast. 
Overton, H., Innisfallen, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield. 

Pannell, Chas., jr., East Street, Haslemere. 

Parke, Geo. H., F.L.S., F.G.S., St. John’s, Wakefield. 

Parry, Lieut.-Col. G. S., 18, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne. 

Pawson, A. H., J.P., F.L.S., F.G.S., Artillery Mansions, Victoria St., London. 
Pearce, Rev. S. Spencer, M.A., Long Combe Vicarage, Woodstock. 

Peake, Rev. E., M.A., Hillside, Bradfield, near Reading. 

Petch, Tom, B.A., Peridenyia Gardens, Kandy, Ceylon. 

Petty, S. Lister, Dykelands, Ulverston. 

Preston Scientific Society, Winckley Square, Preston. 

Public Library, Belfast. 

Do. Bradford (Butler Wood, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Cardiff (I. Ballinger, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Chelsea (J. Henry Quinn, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Croydon (L. Stanley Jast, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Derby (W. Crowther, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Edinburgh (Hew Morrison, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Hull (W. F. Lawton, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Ipswich (H. Ogle, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Kingston-on-Thames (Benjamin Carter, Chief Librarian). 
Do. Leeds (T. W. Hand, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Leicester (C. V. Kirkby, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Newcastle (Basil Anderton, B.A., Chief Librarian). 
Do. Northampton. 

Do. Norwich (J. Geo. Tennant, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Oldham (W. H. Berry, Chief Librarian). 

Do. Richmond, Surrey (A. F. Barkas, Chief Librarian). 

Do. South Shields (T. Pyke, Chief Librarian). 


Ransom, E., 16, Friars Street, Sudbury. 

Reynell, Alex., Heathfield, Selhurst Road, South Norwood. 

Rhodes, F., Cartwright Museum, Bradford. 

Rhodes, J., FE. SEA Municipal Technical Schools, Accrington. 
Roebuck, W. Denison, F.L.S., 259, Hyde Park Road, Leeds. 
Rose, James, M.A., 1, Rawlinson Road, Oxford. 

Royal Institution of South Wales, Swansea. 

Salford Borough Royal Museum and Library, Peel Park, Salford. 

Scharff, R. F., Ph.D., B.Se., M.R.I.A., Museum of Science and Art, Dublin. 
Sell, Henrik, 9, Thuresengade, Copenhagen. 

Shaw, Rev. W. A., Haselbeech Rectory, Northampton. 

Sheppard, T., F.G.S., Municipal Museum, Hull. 

Sich, Alfred, F.E.S., Corney House, Chiswick. 

Sich, George, Corney House, Chiswick. 

Sikes, F. H., M.A., 13, Mornington Avenue, West Kensington. 

Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4, Stationers’ Hall Court, E.C. 

Smith, W. J., 41, North Street, Brighton. 

Sorby, H. Clifton, LL.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., ete., Broomfield, Sheffield. 
Sotheran, H. & Co., 140, Strand, W.C. 

Spottiswood & Co., Eton College, Windsor. 

Stalley, H. J., Thornton House, Christ’s Hospital, West Horshain. 

Stanford, E., 26, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, 5. W. 

Stedman, Re B., 33, High Street, ‘Godalming. 

Stelfox, A. W., Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast. 

Stevens, Bas Brown, 4, Trafalgar Square, W.C. (two copies). 
Stonestreet, RevaaewWis, Babs ak: ESE, Arnside, Prestwich Park, Manchester. 
Stracey, Dr., Sutton Bonnington, Loughborough. 

Stubbs, A. oe The Meads Cottage, Hailey Lane, Hertford. 

Stump, E. C., ’Polefield, Blac -kley, ‘Manchester. 

Swanton, E. W. , Educational Museum, Haslemere. 

Sykes, E. Riathven: IBSAR eZines: Gray’ s Inn Place, W.C. 

Thin, Jas., 54, South Street, Edinburgh. 

Thompson, Beeby, F.C.S., F.G.S., 55, Victoria Road, Northampton, 
Tomlin, J. R. Brockton, B.A., F.E.S., Mathon Lodge, West Malvern. 
Tomlin, W., 24, Trinity Street, Cambridge. 

Turner, E. E., Coggeshall, Essex. 

University College, Aberystwyth. 
University College, Nottingham. 

Vaughan, J. W illiams, The Skreen, Erwood, R.S.O., Radnor. 
Varty- Smith, J: Nandana, Penrith. 

Waddell, Rev. C. H., B.D.. The Vicarage, Saintfield, Co. Down. 

Wager, Harold, F.R.S., F.L.S., Hendre, Horsforth Lane, Far Headingley, Leeds. 
Wakefield, H. R., 7, Montpellier Terrace, Swansea. 

Walker, Bryant, Moffat Buildings, Detroit, U.S.A. 

Warrington Museum. 

Ward, I. H. J., M.R.C.S., 27, The Park, Ealing, W. 

Watkins & Doncaster, 36, Strand, W.C. 

Watson, Rev. R. Boog, LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S., F.G.S., U.F.C. Manse, Cardross. 
Watson, Hugh, Brac ondale, The Av enue, Cambridge. 

Webb, ut Stenson, W inscombe House, Far Headincley. 

Webh, Wilfred M., F.L.S., ‘‘ Odstock,” 7, Campbell Road, Hanwell, W. 

Weleh, R., M.R.L.A., 49, Lonsdale Street, Belfast. 

Weston Park Public Museum, Sheftield. 

Wheldon, J. & Co., 58, Great Queen Street, W.C. (two copies). 

Whitwell, W., F.L.S., 2, Arden Grove, Dorridge, Birmingham. 

Wilson, F. W., 70, Park Road, Bromley, Kent. 

Wilson, J. C., 124a, Stamford Street, Ashton-under-Lyne 

Wood, Albert, Midland Lodge, Sutton Coldfield. 

W oodruffe- LE as20e +k, Rev. E. Adrian, L.Th., F.L.8., F.G.S., Cadney Vicarage, Brigg. 
Woolston, T., 22, Wilson Street, Middlesbrough. 

Wright, C. E., Woodside, Kettering. 

Yorkshire Philosophical Society, The Museum, York, 




The Index for greater convenience of reference is given in a triple alphabetic 
arrangement, distinguished by columnar indentation and by the character and 

different sizes of letter used. 

CAPITAL LETTERS are used for the higher groups and for genera and 
sub-genera, but the genera adopted in the work are in heavy-faced type. 

Heavy-faced letter is also used for the names of the species adopted, 
and italics for synonyms and extra-British species, all of which are arranged in 
alphabetical order under their appropriate genera. 

Names of VARIETIES are also arranged alphabetically beneath the species 
to which they belong, the accepted names being printed in heavy-faced type 

and synonyms or sub-varieties in ttalic. 

The PAGE REFERENCES have the main references given first, in roman 
numerals, followed by incidental and general references in italic. 

The letter f. following a reference indicates that an illustrative figure is given. 

costelluta Edw., 28. 
abbreviata Edw., 29 f. 
Addendum, 289. 
AGNATHA Moreh, 2. 
Agriolimax Morch, 103, 37,77, 89, 
agrestis L., pls. xiii. & xv., ff.1-4, 
pp. 104, 276, 24, 51, 74, 76, 
90, 93, 121, 122, 123,124, 
132, 137, 150, 213, 214, 230, 
m Fér., 115. 
alba Ckll., 112. 
albida Vaniot, 112, 278. 
albitentaculata D. & M., 112, 278. 
atritentaculata D. & M., 112. 
aurata L. & P., 113. 
azorica Ckll., 116, 115. 
bimaculata Ckll., 115. 
brunnea Taylor, pl. xv., f. 2, pp. 114, 
279, 278. 
cineracea Mogq., 113. 
cinerascens D. & M., 113. 
cinerea Morelet, 119. 
etruscus Issel, 119. 
filans Mogq., 112. 
flaviclypea D. & M., 112. 
flavilatera D. & M., 113. 
Jlorentina L. & P., 115. 
Susconotata L. & P., 115. 
grisea Ckll., 113. 
iberus Eichwald, 779. 
immaculata L. & P., 112. 


maculata D. & M., 115, 

A. agrestis (continued). 
melanocephala Moq., 112. 
minuta Kal., 111. 
nigra Mor., 115, 279, 116, 119, 278. 
nigrescens Colb., 115, 116. 
nigricans Westl., 115. 
obscura Mogq., 115. 
pallidaSchk., pl. xv., f. 1, pp.112, 278. 
panormitana L. & P., 115, 116, 119. 
plumbea Standen, 113, 114. 
ponsonbyi Hesse, 279. 
punctata Pic., 115, 279. 
punctulata D. & M., 115. 
reticulata Miill., pl. xv., f. 3, pp. 115, 

279, 119, 278. 
rufescens D. & M., 114, 278, 179. 
subreticulata D. & M., 115. 
succinea Westl., 113, 120. 
sylvatica Moq., 115, 120. 
tristis L. & P., 114, 115, 279. 
varians A. Ad., 120. 
veranyana Bourg., 115. 
violacea Gass., 113, 278, 279. 
xanthosoma Fischer. 113. 
bevenoti Collinge, 132, 121, 133. 
campestris Binney, 109, 125. 

castanea Ingers., 134 f. 
intermedia Ckll., 134. 
montana Ingers., 134 f. 
occidentalis Cooper, 134 f. 
tristis Ckll., 135. 

Jedtschenkoi Koch & Heyum., 104, 


levis Miill., pls. xiv. & xv., ff. 5-8, 
pp. 121, 279, 74, 107, 132. 
arenaria Gass., 126, 124. 
grisea Taylor, pl. xv., f. 6, p. 126. 
intentaculata Baud., 126. 
lacustris Bonelli, 126. 


A. levis (continued). 
maculata Ckll., pl. xv., f. 7, p. 126. 
mucronata Westl., 127. 
parvula Norm., 127. 
pygmea Lowe, 127. 
rufrapunctatus Collinge, 126. 
levis gampesttls Binney, 132, 281, 
127 t. 
eastanea Ingers., 134 f. 
hyperborea Westl., 135 f. 
intermedia CkIl., 154. 
montana Ingers., 134 f. 
occidentalis Cooper, 134 f., 281. 
tristis Ckll., 135. 
zonatipes CkIl., 280. 
montanus Ingers., 134 f. 
typicus Ckll., 134. 
pallidus Li. & P. 
Fusconotatus L. & P., 115. 
timmaculatus L. & P., 112. 

panormitanus L. & P., 115, 104, 116, 


ponsonbyi Hesse, 279. 
rarotonganus Heyn., 121, 132. 
tenellus L. & P., 71. 

AMALIA Mogq., 3/, 136. 

babori Coll., 139. 
carinata Risso, 

casertana lL. & P., 156. 

insolita L. & P., 156. 

oretea L. & P., 156. 

pallidissima L. & P., 156. 
doderleini L. & P., 139. 
gagates Moq., 139. 

ascensionis Ckll., 145. 
ascensionis-helene Ckil., 145. 
ascensionis-tristensis Ckll., 145. 
atlantica Ckll., 143, 142. 
bedriage L. & P., 143. 
eremiophila Simyr., 146. 
maderensis Ckll., 145, 143, 146. 
olivacea Moq., 144. 
raymondiana Simy., 146. 

tnsularis L. & P., 139. 
marginata Fischer, 89. 
mongianensis Paul., 94, 89, 102. 
marginata Miiller. 
gagates Pini, 139. 
mediterranea Ckll., 143, 142. 
similis Ckll., 143, 142. 
sicula L. & P., 139. 
sowerbii Feér. 
flavescens Coll., 156. 
nigrocarinata Coll., 156. 
plumbea Coll., 156. 
sowerbyi Adams, 151. 
ANADENUS Heynm., 162, 252. 
ANCYLUS Geoff., 767. 
lutus Edw., 161 f. 
Appendix, 262. 
ARIONID.E Gray, 162, 285, 203. 


Arion [ér., 163, 285, 4, 22, 33, 71, 
109, 162, 175, 209, 211, 214, 
226, 228, 240, 241, 245, 251, 
252, 253, 254, 257, 264. 
albus Fér., 183. 
elegans Mogq., 183. 
marginatus Moq., 183. 
oculatus Moq., 183. 
stmplex Moq., 183. 
alpinus Fitz., 210. 
ambiguus Poll., 229 f., 231, 227, 239. 
armoricana Poll., 229 f., 231. 
anthracius Bourg., 215, 210. 

ater L., pls. xviil., xix., pp. 167, 
285, 22, 54, 135, 163, 193, 
I9Z, 195, 196; 197, 198, 203, 
207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 219, 
228, 241, 242, 243, 245. 

alba L., pl. xviii., f. 2, pp. 183, 286, 190. 

albida Roeb., 183, 184. 

albo-lateralis Roeb., pl. xviii., f. 6, 
pp- 185, 286, 786. 

aterrima Taylor, 175, 285, 191, 192E. 

atra, Wz, U7: 

aurantia Baud., 182, 183, 286. 

aurantia-fasciata Taylor, 187. 

bicolor Roeb., pl. xviii., f. 9, pp. 186, 

boeagei Simr., 185, 783. 

brunnea Roeb., 176, 285. 

brunneo-fasciata Taylor, 187. 

brunneo-pallescens Roeb., 176, 177, 178. 

eastanea D. & M., pl. xviii, f. 7, pp. 
176, 285. 

cinerascens Ckll., 179. 

cinerea Roeb., 179. 

cinereo-nebulosa Jensen, 183, 184. 

coccinea Gistel, 186. 

draparnaudi Moq., 180, 187. 

elegans Mogq., 183, 184. 

elineolata Ckll., 186. 

fasciata Broeck, pl. xviii., £.8, p. 187. 

fasciata Ckll., 187. 

flavescens Feér., 182. 

fusco-lutescens Ckll., 176, 285. 

glauca Colb., 185, 183. 

griseo-marginata D. & M.,187, 188, 189. 

hiberna Mab., 180. 

jonstonii Kal., 180, 187, 286. 

lamarckiti Kal., 180, 787. 

livida Colb., 182, 183. 

livida-fasciata Taylor, 187. 

luteo-pallescens Ckll., 182, 183. 

maculata D. & M., 189. 

marginata Moq., 183, 184. 

marginata Moq., 187, 189, 287. 

marginella Schir., 187, 287, 187, 189. 

marquandi Ckll., 286. 

media Jensen, 185, 186. 

melanocephala Ver., 182. 

niger D. & M., 175. 

nigrescens Raz., 180, 181, 287. 

nigrescens Moq., 187, 188, 189. 

nigrescens-fasciata Taylor, 187. 


A. ater (continued). 
oculata Mogq., 183, 184. 
olivacea Taylor, 176, 177, 178. 
olivacea Simroth, 176. 
pallescens Moq., 182, 183. 
pallescens Williams, 182. 
plumbea Roeb., pl. xviii., f. 4, pp. 

179, 285. 

plumbeo-fasciata Taylor, 187. 
plumbeo-pallescens Roeb., 179, 286. 
razoumowskii Kal., 187. 

reticulata Rbk., pl. xviii., f. 10, p. 186. 

rubra Moq., 180, 787, 286. 
rufa L. [vol.i., pl. ii., f. 6], pl. xviii., 
f. 3, pp. 180, 286, 268 f., 777 f., 
173f., 1748., 185, 189, 190, 191, 192. 
rufo-fasciata Taylor, 180, 187. 
rufula Baud., 180, 787. 
scharffi Ckll., 186, 287. 
schrankii Kal., 182, 183. 
seminigra Ckll., 176. 
servainiana Mab., 180, 187. 
simplex Fer., 183, 184. 
sinistrorsum Taylor, 189. 
subdeleta Ckll., 187. 
subreticulata Ckll., 186, 187. 
sucecinea Miill., pl. xviii., f.5, pp. 
182, 286. 
swammerdamit Kal., 187, 189, 287. 
violescens Coll., 180. 
wirescens Millet, 201, 767. 
vulgaris Moq., 180, 187. 
bavayi Poll., 202, 193. 
bocaget Simr., 185, 167. 
bourguignati Mab., 227, 238, 239. 
miser Poll., 232. 
brunneus Lehm., 199, 192. 
campestris Mab., 202. 
celticus Poll., 231, 227, 238. 
ceruleus Coll., 216, 210. 
cinctus D. & M., 1923. 
atripunctatus D. & M., 202. 
aurantiacus D. & M., 202. 
cinereus D. & M., 200. 
Suscescens D. & M., 199. 
rufescens D. & M., 198. 
cireumscriptus Johust., pl. xxii, 
& pl. xxiv., ff. 12-17, pp. 227, 
289, 157, 163, 210, 211, 219, 
226, 241, 242. 
e Fér:, 199. 
x Fér., 201. 
alpicola Feér., 232. 
ambigua Poll., 231, 233. 
armoricana Poll., 231, 233. 
atripunctata Ckll., 231, 235. 
celttca Poll., 231, 234, 235. 
flavescens Coll., 232, 235, 236. 
grisea Bourg., pl. xxiv., f. 15, pp. 231, 
238, 284, 285, 238. 
leucophsea Norm., pl. xxiv., f. 17, 
pp- 231, 290, 238. 


A. circumscriptus (continued). 
minor Baudon, 231. 
misera Poll., 232. 
neustriaeca Mab., pl. xxiv., f. 13, pp. 
232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239. 
nilssoni Poll., 232. 
pallida Roeb., pl. xxiv., f. 16, pp. 232, 
284, 235, 236, 238. 
subalbida Ckll., 231, 233. 
subfusca Roeb., 232. 
citrinus Westl., 202, 193. 
cottianus Poll., 215, 210, 214f. 
dasilve Poll., 198. 
distinctus Mab., 215, 210. 
dupuyanus Bourg., 227. 
elongatus Coll., 215, 210, 214. 
empiricorum Fév., 167, 17-4, 175, 192. 
aldrovandii Kal , 175. 
Ferussackii Kal., 201, 
flavescens Fer., 182. 
Jonstonti Kal., 180. 
lamarchit Kal., 180. 
maculatus D. & M., 189. 
maurus Held, 175. 
medius Jenson, 185. 
razoumouskit Kal., 187. 
schranckii Kal., 182. 
swammerdanui Kal., 187. 
violescens Coll., 180. 
Fasciatus Nilss. 
griseus Coll., 231. 
dagellus Coll., 199, 193, 198 f. 
phillipsi Coll., 199. 
Htavus Moq., 240, 250. 
albidus Moq., 244. 
normalis Moq., 244. 
pallidus Mogq., 244. 
Flavus F. & H., 240, 246, 248, 
Jlavus Poll., 202, 193. 
Juligineus Morel, 199, 209. 
JSuscatus Fér., 193. 
Juscus Binney, 193, 209. 
Juscus Miill., 209, 226. 
JSuscus Moq., 210. 
bettgeri Poll. , 202. 
Sascvatus Moq., 215. 
griseus Moq., 216. 
leucophwa Norm., 238. 
limbatus Mogq., 215. 
nemoralis D. & M., 216. 
niger Moq., 215. 
pyrenaicus Moq., 215. 
rufescens Moq., 218. 
subfuscus Mogq., 217. 
virescens Mogq., 217. 
gaudefroyi Mab., 193, 198. 
glaucus Colb., 167. 
hibernus Mab., 180, 167. 
hispanicus Simr., 175, 176. 

INDEX. 303 

Arion (continued). 

hortensis Fér., pls. xxi. & xxiv., 
ff. 7-11, pp. 210, 288, 108, 
165, 194, 204, 209, 207, 228, 
229, 230, 231, 233, 239, 245, 
250, 276. 

Arion (continued). 
mabillianus Baudon, 240, 250. 
marginatus Kickx, 227. 
melanocephalus Fér., 182, 167. 
minimus Simr., 168, 240, 2428., 270 
mollerii Poll., pl. XKVes te 20: pp. 245, 

a and B Fer., 227. 
albipes Ckll., 214. 
alpicola Fer., 232. 
anthracia Bourg., 215, 216. 

aurea Less., pl. xxiv., £.9, pp. 216, 277. 

ezerulea Coll., 216, 
cottiana Poll., pl. xxiv. 
214f., 219. 
distincta Mab., 215. 
elongata Coll., 215, 219. 
fallax Ckll., 217, 218, 220 
fasciata } Mog. , pl. xxiv. 
289, 219, Cel, 222, Y 
flava Binnie, 217, 223. 
grisea Bourg., 231, 227, 238. 
grisea Moa. Gs 289, 219, 220) 221, 
222, 224, 225, 238. 
limbata Mogq., pl. xxiv., 
lutea Baud., 216, 217, 222. 
nemoralis D. & M., 216. 

220, By. 

nh 11, pp. 215, 


~I Ss 




SS 3 

f. 10, pp. 215, 

migra Moq., 215, 219, 221, : 224, 225. 

pelophila Mab., O15, : 216. 

pyrenaica Moq., 25: 

rufeseens Mogq., 218, 220, 221, 222 
223, 2a, B25, 

subfusea C. Pi plyxxiv:, 1.8; pp. 
217, 289, 214, 219, 220, 221, 222, 
228, 22 24, 225. 

virescens Mogq., 217. 

incommodus Hutton, 240, 245, 287. 

indifferens Boettger, 165. 

intermedius Normand, pls. xxiii. 
& xxiv., ff. 18-23, pp. 240, 
290, 211, 216, 217, 226, 270. 
alba Taylor, 244, 247, 249. 
albida Moq., 244. 
appenina Poll., 245, 242 f., 250. 
brunnea Taylor, pl. xxiv., f. 21, pp. 
245, 246. 
grisea Roeb., 244. 
mollerit Poll., pl. xxiv., f. 20, p. 245. 
normalis Mogq., pl. xxiv., f. 22, pp. 
244, 249. 
pallida Mog., 244, 246, 249. 
plumbea Collinge, pl. xxiv., f. 23, 
pp. 244, 291, 246, ¢ 247, 248, 249. 
krynickii Kal., 202, 19%. 
leucopheus Norm., 231, 227, 238. 
limacopus Westl., 199. 
lineatus Risso, 210. 
lineatus Dumont, 60, 42. 
lusitanicus Simr., 182, 192, 197 f., 
mabillianus Bourg., 202, 19°, 

servainianus Mab., 167 

240, 242%, 250. 
neustriacus Mab., 232, 227. 
nilssoni Poll., 232, 227, 231. 
nobrei Poll., 197f., 198. 
olivaceus Schin., 201, 193. 
pegorarii L. & P., 203. 
pelophilus Mab., 215, 210. 

pollonerw Pini, 203, 193. 
pyrenaicus Fagot, 210. 

rubiginosus Baud., 193, 198. 
nigricans Baud., 202. 
rufus Westl., 193. 
rufus L., 167, 174f., 182, 192, 193. 
ater Mog. : 175 5. 
aurantia Baud., 182. 
bicolor Moq., 199, 186. 
draparnaudi Moq., 180. 
Jasciatus Broeck, 187. 
glauca Colb., 185. 
levis Westl., 202. 
livida Colb., 182. 
maculatus D. & M., 189. 
marginatus Moq., 187. 
nigra Baud., 175. 
nigrescens Moq., 187. 
pallescens Moq., 180, 182. 
ruber Mogq., 180. 
rufula Baud., 180. 
succineus Moq., 182. 
virescens Moq., 201. 
vulgaris Moq., 180. 
, 180. 
subcarinatus Poll. 227, 231, 

subflavus Johnst., 193, 206. 

subfuscus Drap., pls. xx. & xxiv., 
ff. ie pp. 193; 287, ve, 163; 
165, 170, 176, 182, 185, 186, 
189, 192, 210, 212, 226, 241, 

242 270. 

alba Esmark, 201. 

alpestris Poll., 203. 

ardosiarum Colb., 200, 201. 

atripunctata D. & M., 202, 203. 

aurantiaca D. & M., pl. xxiv., f. 5, 
pp. 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 
286, 288. 

bavayi Poll., 202, 203. 

bicolor Moq.,pl. xxiv.,f. 6, pp. 199, 205. 

bettgeri Poll., 202. 

brunnea Lehm., 199, 200, 204, 205, 206, 
207, 208. 

campestris Mab., 202, 203, 207. 

cinerea D. & M., 201. 

einereo-fusea Drap., pl. xxiv., f. 3, 
pp. 200, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208. 


Arion subfuscus (continued). 
citrina Westl., 202, 203. 
Jennica Simr., 198, 209. 
ferussaci Kal. em., pl. xxiv., 

pp. 201, 205. 
ferussackit Kal., 201. 
flagella Coll., 198 f., 199, 200, 205, 208. 
flava Poll., 202, 203, 208. 
fuliginea Morel., 199, 200, 209. 
Suscata Fer., 193, 209. 
JSuscescens D. & M., 199, 200. 
gaudefroyi Mab., 198, 209. 
grisea Coll., 200, 201, 205, 206. 
krynickit Kal., 202, 203. 
lateritia Coll., 199, 206. 
levis Westl., 202, 203. 
limacopa Westl., 199, 200. 
mabilliana Bourg. , 202. 203. 
nigricans Baud., : 202, 203. 
nigrieans Poll., 200. 
olivacea Schmidt, 201. 
olivacea Lehin., 176. 
pegorarii L. & P., 203. 
phillipsi Coll., 199, 200, 208. 
pollonere. Pini, 203. 
rufescens D. & M., 198. 
rufo-fusea Drap., pl. xxiv., f. 2, 
pp. 198, 207. 
stabilei Poll., 203. 
subdeleta Ckll., 201. 
sueecinea Bouill., 2 
207, 208. 
transylvana Simr., 203. 
typus Poll., 200. 
virescens Moq., pl. xxiv., 

stabilei Poll., 193. 

succineus Bouill., 202, 193. 

sulcatus Morelet, 167, 191. 

tenellus Letourneux, 7/. 

tenellus Millet, 767. 

verrucosus Brev., 240, 2 

virescens Millet, 201, a 

ARIUNCULUS Less., 240, 290. 

intermedius Norm., 240, 290. 

ARRUDIA Pollonera, 257. 


Adams, Lionel E., 

Allman, Cards 251. 
Andrews, W. 

Ashford, Ane Uj. 
Babor, oes 727; 

Baudon, Aug., 79.7. 

Binney, Amos, 732. 
Cockerell, T. D. A., 104. 
Darbishire, R. D.. 139. 
Godwin-Austen, H. H., 252. 
Gray, J. E. and M. E., 136. 
Heynemann, D. F. 58. 
Johnston, Geor ge, 227. 
Kew, H. W allis, 89. 
Lessona, Mario, 15%, 
Lowe, E. J., 210. 
Malm, A. W., 72. 
Moreh, O. A. L., 103. 

f. 4, 

02, 288, 193, 205, 

f. 4, p. 201. 


Autographs (continued). 
Nunneley, Thomas, 767. 
Pini, Napoleone, 78. 
Pollonera, Carlo, 162. 
ee W. Denison, 
Scharff, F., 240. 
Simroth, reac sulle 
Taylor, J. W. (frontispiece). 


Band formula in Lima, 40 f. 
BAUDONIA Mab., 163. 
BELOGLOSSA Taylor, 3. 
Bibliography, 30, 292. 
BINNEYIN#, 162. 
BINNEYA Cooper, 162. 
converus Wood, 29 f. 
costellatus Sow., 28 f. 
BULIMINUS Beck, 137. 

CARINELLA Mab., 227, 163 
bourquignati Poll., 297, 
CEPHALA Reeve, 7. 
CEPHALOPHORA Macalister, / 
nuda domestica Swamm,, 24, 
nuda tertia totu nigra Aldroy., 167 
CocHLIcoPA Fér., 28. 
CoORBULA Brug., 29. 

DAUDEBARDIA Hartm., 2, 5. 
DENDROLIMAX Heynm., 37. 
DIATRUD Simr., 762. 
DicHopROMA Taylor, 3. 
DIcHOGLOSSA Taylor, 3/ 

ENDODONTID Pilsbry, ne 
EUTHYNEURA Lank., 1, 2. 
EULIMAX Simroth. 
agrestis Moq., 104. 
cinereo-niger Malm, 52. 
Jlavus Malm, 78. 
maximus Malm, 34. 
EuMILAX Beettger. 
brandtii Boettg., 269. 

GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1. 
GASTROPODA Pelseneer, 7. 
Geomalacus Allman, pl. xxiv., ff. 
24-27, & pl. xxv., pp. 251, 
291, 74, 162, 240, 244, 257, 
258, 276. 
andrewsi, 259, 258. 
bayani Jouss., 227. 
bourguignati Loc., 227. 
hiemalis Drouet, 2 40, 250. 
intermedius Mab., 240, 
lusitanus Poll., 253, 961. 
mabillei Baud., 240. 

INDEX. 305 
Geomalacus (continued). LETOURNEUXIA Bourg., 251. 
~ maculosus Allman, pl. xxiv., lusitana da Silva e Castro, 253, 261, 
) ~« rT D assy 7 a) 
fee pl xxv, pp. 2o5, LmAcELuA Brard, 163, 
991.92. 252. 276 cinereo-niger Jouss., 3. 
ARN. pea i nee ; “ay O91 
allmani Heynemann, pl. xxiv.,f.27,  Co“eava Brard, 210. 
p. 259, 260. maxima Jouss., 34. 
andrewsi Mab., 259. obliqua Brard, 104. 
Se ea pl xxiv. f. 26, parma Brard, 34. 
yp 260, 258 f. . a Bae 
verkruzeni Heynm., pl. xxiv., f. 25, unguiculus Brard, 78. 
p. 259. LIMACELLUS. 
pliocenicus Sacco, 252. unguculus Turt., 151, 
vendeanus Let., 240, 250 LIMACIDS Gray, 31, 3, 32, 58, 123, 165, 
vice ae Sg A 252, 264. 
UT a a ate Re LIMACINA Cuv., 161. 
Glandina Schum., 28, 263, 2. Limacus Lehmann, 78. 
algira Brug., 28. breckworthianus Leliw., 84, 78. 
seus Dee Limax L., 32, 264, 2, 3, 31, 103, 108, 

conspersa Pfr., 28. 

109, 137, 141, 1 2, 161, 165, 
convexa Wood, 29f. 37, 141, 142, 161, 163 

164, 165, 168, 211, 253, 254, 

costellata Sow., 28 f., 263. 264 
abbreviata Edw., 29 f. er rare ener ae 
licbmanni Ptr., 263. abrostolus Bourg., 46. 
lignaria Reeve, 28. es We ee 
‘a ORG 9 rer. oO. 
naudoti Sandb., 263. Files Waa LE 
GLossopHoRA Lank., 7. albitentaculata D. & M., 112. 

atritentaculata D. & M., 112. 

HELICID.4, 91, 103, 164, 255. ore els aS 
ee Von MiEtenss os bimaculata Ckll., 115. 
Feet peas a cineracea Moq., 113. 
BES Pas ae cinerascens D. & M., 113. 
CUSPerse Mill., 146. cinerea Morelet, 119. 
hortensis Miill., 40. etruscus Issel, 119. 
subterrunea Cujula, 6. Jilans Mogq., 112. 
HESPERARION, 162. flavielypeus D. & M., 112. 
HETEROGANGLIATA Owen, 7. Alavilatera VD. & M., 113. 
HEYNEMANNIA Malm, 53. Jlorentinus L. & P., 115. 
HYALInia Ag., 33. grisea Ckll., 113. 
helvetica Blum, 56. Hikes ee aa 
Hypro.imax Malm, 121 pacman Mog: : Ue 
sey a Cae maculatus D. & M., 115. 
levis Malm, 121. melanocephalus Moq., 112. 
By ee niger Morelet, 115. 
INOPERCULATA Reeve, 7. nigrescens Colb., 115. 

obscurus Moq., 115. 
plumbea Standen, 113. 
punctulatus D. & M., 115. 

KOBELTIA Seib., 163. 
hortensis Seib., 210. 

KKRYNICKILLUS Mabille. - 3 rufescens I). & M., 114, 179. 
maculatus Kal., 83, 78. saxorum Baud., 95, 89, 94. 
(Malino) brunneus Mabille, 1:27. subreticulatus D. & M., 115. 

KRINICKIA Fischer. succineus Westl., 113. 

sylvaticus Moq., 115. 
violacea Gassies, 113. 
xanthosoma Fischer, 113. 

albus margine luteo Miill., 167, 183. 

brunneus Fischer, 121. 
KRYNICKIA Blainville. 
maculata Fischer, 78. 

LALLEMANTIA Mabille, 136. albus L., 183, 167. 
LEHMANNIA Heynm., 78, 89, 277. albus Paasch, 59. 
marginata Malm, 89. Aliw parve, ut que gregatim folia 
alpestris L. & P., 96. sectantur, et hortos infestant 
obscurus Esm., 95. cinerei aut fusci coloris Gesner 
pallens L. & P., 94. 105 - > 

requienit Poll., 94. : an ae 
rupicola L. & P., 96. alpinus Feér., 53. 


Limax (continued). 
altilis Fischer, 95, 89, 94. 
antiquorum Fér., 54, 43, 99. 
a Fér., 60. 
B Fer., 59. 
e Fér., 44. 
cezernaevii Kal., 43. 
Serrussackii Kal., 59. 
razoumowskit K al. 60. 
renardit Kal., 60. 
krynickii Kal., 43. 
antiquorum Sow., 78. 
arboreus Clarke, 89. 
arboreum Gray, 89. 
arborum B.-Ch., pls. x., ff. 10-17, 
& xil., pp. 89, 273, 34, 34, 41, 
fy TO LL GH Li. BOS 
243 3 270. 
alba aslo 27 
albomaculata Kreel., Oh 
alpestris L. « Pps. t. Lo; -pp- 96; 
100, 27 
bettonii Sond. Plex... 165 spp: 95, 
275, 96, 98, 99, 259, 274. 
bilineata Roeb., 275, 273, 274. 
carpatica Hazay, 95, 96, 276. 
colorata Broeck, 94, 95, 274, 275. 
decipiens Ckll., 95, 98. 
diane Kimack ; 96. 
efaseiata Roeb., 275, 273, 274. 
flava Weinl., 94 
glauea Clarke, 94, 107. 
heynemanni Bielz, 96, 276. 
lineolata Coll., 94, 98. 
maculata Roeb., 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 
274, 276. 
mongianensis Paul., 
nemorosa Baudon, ae Xo. LAs 
94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 274, 275. 
nigra Scharff, "96, 276. 
obscura Esm., 95, 96. 
pallens L. & P., 94, 98, 274 
requienit Poll., 94. 

rosea Van den Broeck, 94, 275, 95, ong. 

rupicola L. & P., 96, 276, 101, 274. 

saxorum Baudon, 95. 
submaculata Ckll., pl. x., f. 12, 
subrufa Le Comte, pl. x.,f.11, pp. 94, 
274, 99, 100. 
tigrina Weinl., pl. x., £.13, pp. 96, 27¢ 
zebrina Taylor, pl. x., f. 17, p. 96. 
arenarius Gass., 126, 127. 
argentinus Strobel, 132, 121, 153. 
argillaceus Gass., 151, 160, 
ater L., 175, 167. 
niger D. & M., 175. 
ater Raz., 61, 53, 54. 
aureus Gmelin, 77. 
baticus Mabille, 78, 83 

pp. 96, 


Limax (continued). 
bettonti Sordelli, 95, 89. 
«bicolor Selenka, 78, 88. 
bielzii Seibert, 65, 52. 
bilobatus Ray & Drouet, 60, 52. 
bilobatus Fér., 104. 
brasiliensis Vou Iher., 
brunneus Drap., 127. 
pygmaeus Lowe, 127. 
cerulans Bielz. 
dacampt Strobel, 66. 
callichrous Bourg., 66. 
cruentus Less., 65. 
campanyot Bourg. Oe 
campestris Binney, 132, 121, 125, 
182, 138. 
capensis Krauss, 139, 150, 
carinatus Risso, 151, 160. 
castaneus Ingersoll, 134f., 127, 132. 
cellarius D’Arg., 44 f., 34. 
cendrée, striée et tachée de noir et de 
brun, La Limace Guett, 34. 
cephalonicus Simroth, 77. 
cereus Held, 77. 
chilensis Gay, 78, 88. 
cinctus D. & M. 
fuscescens D. & M., 199. 
cinctus Heynum., 77. 
cinctus Miill., 77, 192. 
cinereus immaculatus L., 104. 
cinereus, maximus, striatus et 
maculatus Lister, 34. 
cinereus parvus, immaculatus, 
pratensis Lister, 104. 
cinereus Lister, 267, 34, 266. 
cinereus Miill., 62 
a and e Miill., 53 
8B Nilsson, 89. 
albus Am Stein, 41, 291. 
alninus Held, 61. 
intermedia Brev., 60, 53 
maculatus Pic., 44. 
pavesii Pini, 64. 
punctatus Esm., 45. 
cinereo-niger Wolf, ie vii. & Viil., 
pp. 53, 269, 34, 42, 46, 78, 
116, 270. 
5 Stabile, 67. 
albicans Malm, 459. 
albicans, cinereo-nebulosa Malm, 59. 
albipes D. & M., 61. 
albus Paasch, 59. 
alpina Held, 61. 
amalice Bett., 60, 54. 
arthuri L. & P., 66 
atra Raz., 61, 53, 54, 62. 
aterrima L. & P., 64. 
atrata Bettoni, 64. 

132f., 121, 133 

, d4, O83. 

INDEX. 307 

L. cinereo-niger (continued). 
bielzii Siebert, 65. 
bonellit L. & P., 64. 
brunnea L. & P., 67. 
calderinii Less., 63. 

eallichroa Brg., pl. vii., f. 14, pp. 66, 69. 

calosoma BK. & S., 64. 

camerant L. & P., 60, 67. 

cinerea Mogq,., pl. vii., f. 3, p. 62, 47. 

cinereo-nebulosa Malm, 59. 

einereo-nigra Wolf, pl. vii., f. 1, 
pp. 60, 269. 

citrina L. & P., 64. 

ecorsica Mogq., 67, 53, 56, 57. 

cruenta Less., 65, 66. 

dacampi Meneg.. 66, 53, 54, 57, 67. 

dori L. & P., pl.vii., f.12, pp. 67, 64, 66. 

efasciata D. & M., 64, 269. 

elegans Bett., 63. 

engadinensis Heyumm., 61, 58, 62. 

eporediensis Less., 62 f. 

erythra Bourg., pl. vii, f. 4, p. 65, 64. 

fabrei Moq., 65. 

Serrussackii Kal., 59. 

flavescens Westl., 63. 

flavonigra Less., 64. 

Jormosissima L. & P., 66, G5. 

Susca Bett., 67, 66. 

Jusca Lu. & P., 66, 67. 

garocela L. & P., 60. 

geographicus Ren., 66, 52. 

gestri Less., 63. 

gualtiertvi Pini, pl. vii., f. 7, p. 66. 

hareri Heynm., 59. 

hedleyt Coll., pl. vii., f. 10, pp. 60, 61, 
54, 69, 269. 

hybrida L. & P., 65. 

intermedia Brev., 60, G1. 

interrupta D. & M., 59. 

isseli Pini, 59, 65, 66. 

leucogaster Morch, 61, 62. 

lineata Li. & P., 67. 

luctuosa Moq., 60, 269, 54, 61, 68, 69. 

maculata Less., 65, 66. 

malacologorum Colb., 58, 61, 62. 

maura Held, pl. vii., f. 5, pp. 61, 269, 
53, 57, 62, 68, 69. 

menegazzu L. & P., 63. 

minima Poll., 64. 

montana Leydig, 61, 58, 62. 

monocroma L. & P., 65, 64. 

monolineata Bett., 65. 

monregalensis LL. & P., 63. 

niger Moq., 61, 62. 

nigricans Less., 64. 

nigripes Stabile, 67. 

nigrozonata L. & P., 63, 64. 

nubigena Bourg., 60, 53, 57, 61. 

olivacea L. & P., 64. 

ornata Less., pl.vii., f. 15, pp. 60, 68. 

palleseens D. & M., pl. vii., f.2, p.59. 

pallescens Less., 66, 65. 

patlescens L. & P., 67. 

paves Pini, 64. 

perosinti L. & P., 63, 65. 

pin L. & P., 67. 

pirone Pini, 61, 62, 

L. cinereo-niger (continued). 

pulchra L. & P., 63. 
punetata Less., pl. vii., f. 11, p. 63. 
razoumowskvi Kal., 60, 61, 269. 
renardii Kal., 60. 
reniert L. & P., 63, 64. 
rubronotuta L. & P., 67, 66. 
rufescens Stabile, 66. 
rufescens Less., 65. 
rufescens Mogq., 64, 6. 
sanguinca Ll. & P., 64, 65, 67. 
senensis L. & P., 65. 
seriata L. & P., 66, 65. 
simplex L. & P., 60. 
simplex L. & P., 67. 
sordellii Bett., 63. 
stabilei Less., 59. 
strobeli Less., 59. 
strobeli Pini, 62. 
subalpina Less., pl. vii., £. 8, p. 60. 
sulphurea Less., 63. 
taccanii Pini, 67. 
transilvaniea Heynm., 63, 53. 
trilineolata Bett., 66, 67. 
tschapechi Simroth, 60. 
turatii Pini, 67. 
venustissima L. & P., pl. vii., f. 6, p. 63. 
vera D. & M., pl. vii., £. 13, pp. 59, 
269, 68, 268. 
veronensis L. & P., 60. 
versicolor L. & P., 65. 
Villze Pini., pl, vii., f. 9, pp. 65, 66. 
zonata L. & P., 66. 
claravallensis Drouet, 60, 52. 
coccineus Gistel, 180, 167. 
collinus Norm., 77. 
corsicus Moq.-'l'and., 67, 53. 
bonellii-aterrimus L. & P., 64. 
bonellii-citrinus L. & P., 64. 
bonellii-flavo-niger L. & P., 64. 
bonellii-olivaceus L. & P., 64. 
callichrous-hybridus L. & P., 65. 
callichrous-versicolor LL. & P., 65. 
dorice-brunneus L. & P., 67. 
dorice-fuscus L. & P., 66. 
dorie-lineatus L. & P., 67. 
doriw-pallescens L. & P., 67. 
doric-rubro-notatus L. & P., 66. 
dorie-sanguineus L. & P., 64. 
dorie-simplex L. & P., 67. 
Jabret Moq., 65. 
gestri Less., 63. 
gestri-nigrozonatus L. & P., 63. 
gestri-pulcher L. & P., 63. 
asseli-arthuri L. & P., 66. 
asseli-seriatus L. & P., 66, 65. 
isseli-zonatus L. & P., 66. 
senensis L. & P., 65. 
crassitesta Reuss, 161. 
cyreneus Campanyo, 34. 
daucampi Meneg., 66, 5. 
amalie Bett., 60, 54. 
atrata Bett., 64. 
calderinii Less., 63. 
elegans Bett., 63. 



L. cinereo-niger (continued). 

fusca Bett., 66. 

gualtierti L. & P., 66 

maculata Less., 65. 

menegazZt punctatus = ww IPs; 

monocromus L. & P., 

monolineata Bett., hoa 

nigricans Less., 64. 

palle scens Less., 69. 

pint L. & P., 67. 

punctata Less., 63. 

reniert-atratus eee 

renieri-calderinii L. & p “63, 

renieri-nigricans L. & P., 64. 

renieri-sulphureus L. & P., 63. 

rufescens Less., 60. 

sordellui Bett., 63. 

sulphurea Less. oe 

trilineolata Bett., 66. 

ville L. & P., 65. 
deshayesii Bourg., 46, 
dori Bourg., 67, 59 
ecarinatus etre, 78, S4 
ehrenbergt Bourg., 78. 
engadinensis Hey nmn., 61, 
eremiophila Bourg., 146. 
erythrus Bourg., 64, 4 
eubalius Bourg., 46. 
JFasciatus Nilss., 210. 

y, Nilss., 287. 

5 Nilss., 216. 

e, {, and 7 Nilss., 793. 
JSasciatus Raz., 34. 
fedtschenkoi K. & H., 104, 119. 
Jerrussacki Kal., 268. 

‘filuns Hoy, 109. 
(filans) cinereus margine flauvo 
Latham, ne 

flavus L., pl. x., ff. 5-9 & pl. xii, 

pp. 78, 271, GO he (G0, Os 09, 
89, 90, 95, 152. 

albina Taylor, 82. 

antiquorum Sow., 83, 272, S65. 

breekworthiana Lehm. , 84, 272, 88. 

colubrina Pini, 78, 83, 86. 

ecarinata Boettg., 84. 

flava Wattebled, DP 

flavescens Fér., 82, 272, 84, 85, 86, 87, 

grisea Roeb., pl. x., £. 8, pp. 84, 84, 86. 

lineolata Coll., 94, "8. 

maculata Kal., pl. x., f. 9, pp. 83, 88. 

maculata Moq., 83. 

rufescens Moq., pl. x., f. 6, pp. 82, 
272, & oy S6, at 

suffusd Roeb. , 84, 

tigrina Pini, 88, 272, 78, 2 

umbrosa Philippi, 83, 272. 

78, 88, 271, 

58, 58. 


D2) 80. ed Le 

virescens Fér., pl. x., f. 7, pp. 83, 
272: 85, S86. 
flavus Mill., 71 
fulous Norm., 74, 71, 76 


Limax (continued). 
fuscus Johnst.. 223. 
fuscus Miill., 193. 
gagates Boubée, 89. 
gagates Drap., 139. 
Y Clarke, 745. 
olivaceus Moq., 144. 
geographicus Renier, 66, 5°. 
glaucus Clarke, 89. 
hedleyi Collinge, 60, ¢ 
hewstoni Cooper, . 139. 
heydeni Heyum., 104. 
hyperboreus Westl., 135f., 127, 132. 
ingersolli W.G. Binney, 121, 132, 134. 
intermedius Norm., 240, 241. 
lacustris Bonelli, 126, 121, 
levis Miill., 121, 74 
maculata Ckll., 126. 


mucronata Westl., 127. 
rufra-punctatus Coll., 126. 
latus Kdw., 161 f. 
legrandi Tate, 104, 
limbatus Held, 89. 
lineatus D. & M., 60, 52. 
albipes D. & M., 61. 
efasciatus D. & M., 64. 
enterruptus D. & M. Ro: 
niger D. & M., 61. 
pallescens D. & M., 
verus D. & M., 59. 

livonicus Schrenk, 89. 
lombricoides Morelet, 121, 151. 
lusitunus Morelet, 2528. 
luteus Raz., 167, 182. 
maculatus Leach, 83. 
maculatus Nunneley, 34, 78. 
major rubicunda terrestris Muralto, 

marginatus Miill., 89. 

diane Kimack, 96. 

niger Schartt, 96. 
marginatus Drap., 151. 
marginatus Baudon, ge 
marginatus Jeffreys, 34, 39, 151, 
marginellus pe 187, ‘167. 
maurus Q. & G., 139. 
maurus Held, 61, 5. 

maximus i. , pls. v. & vi., pp. 34, 
264, 22 82, 53, D4, 35, 56, 57, 
dS, 68, | / Td: if 2, 78, 80, 84, SS, 
90, 92, 97! 256, 264,270,2 287, 

alba Adams, 41. 

albus Am Stein, 41, 290. 
aldrovandii Mogq., pl. vi., f. 15, p. 46. 
bicolor Taylor, pl. vi., f. 5, pp. 46, 291. 
bifasciata D. & M., 43 

biwone L. & P., 41 

54, 69. 



L. maximus (continued). 

calosoma Eisb. & Stuxb., 64. 

eandida L. & P., pl. vi., f. 

carbonaria Boettg., 269. 

cellaria D’Arg., 44f., 
265, 268. 

cinerea Mogy., 62, 41. 

cinerea Lister, 267, 265, 266. 

cinereo-niger Mogq., 60. 

eonecolor Pini, pl. vi., 
264, 265. 

continuatus D. & M , 42. 

ezernaevii Kal., 43 

faseiata Raz., pl vi., f. 11, pp. 42, 
266. 264, 265, 267, 268. 

Sasciata Moq., 266. 267. 

Jasciata Lessona, 42, 43. 

ferussaei Mog. [vol. i., pl. i, f. 5), 
pp. 45, 268, 265. 

geminipunctata Taylor, pl. vi., f. 13, 
pp. 45, 265, 267, 268. 

gigantea Baudon, 40. 

interrupta D. & M., 44. 

johnstoni Moq., 43, 267. 

kryniekii Kalen., pl. vi. 
267, 41. 

lewcogaster Morch, 61. 

lilacina Roeb., 41. 

limbata Moq., 41. 

luctuosa Moq., 60, 54. 

maculata Picard, we 45, 267, 268. 

marmorata Cll, 268. 

megaspidus Blainy., 41. 

moquint Ckil., 266, 267. 

millert’ Moq., 42. 266. 

nebulosa D. & M., 46. 

niger Moq., 61. 

nigra D. & M., pl. vi., f. 4, p. 42. 

obseura Mogq,, pl. vi., f. 14, pp. 46, 
268, 265. 

pallido-dorsalis Adams, 43. 

punetata Esm., pl. vi.. 

quadrifasciata D. & M., 43, 267. 

rufescens Stabile, 66. 

rufescens Moq., 64, 65. 

267, 34, 264, 

f. 9, pp. 43, 

Serpentine, Mogq,., pl. vi., 1.8, pp: 42, 95; 

sor ads Te Bs 76: 
sylvatica Morel., pl. vi., f. 1, pp. 43, 
267, 34, 264, 265. 
tetrazona Taylor, 
pp. 43, 42. 
tigris Adams Ms., pl. vi., f. 7, p. 46. 
tschapecki Simy., 60. 
unicolor Heynm., 266, 265. 
vinosa Baudon, pl. vi., f. 6, p. 41. 
vulgaris Moq., 43. 
megdlodontes Q. & G., 78. 
megaspidus Blainv., 47. 
meridionalis Doering, 132, 121, 133, 
modioliformis Sandb., 161 f. 
molestus Hutton, 104. 
montanus Ingers., 132, 134 f., 727. 
montanus Leydig, 61, 53, 58, 

joe Wik 1 Op 

2, pp. 41, 291. 

f. 3, pp. 41, 266, 

f. 12, pp. 45, 268. 


Limax (contin ued). 

niger Malz, 52. 
norvegicus Westl., 104. 
nubigenus Bourg., 60, 52. 
nyctelius Bourg., 265, 267, 
olivaceus Gould, 133. 
pallidus Schrenk, 112, 104. 
panormitanus L. & P. 
ponsonbyi Hesse, 279. 
parvulus Norm., 127, 121, 125, 131. 
pectinatus Selenka, 139. 
perosinit Li. & P., 65. 
cruentus-formosissimus L. & P., 65. 
monregalensis-venustissimus 1. & P..63 
pirone Pini, 61. 
queenslandicus Hedl., 121, 132 ?, 13. ; 
rurotonganus Heyn., 1 21, 15: 
raymondiana Bourg., 1 46. 
reticulatus Mull., 115, 104, 119. 
rufus I, 180, 167. 
maculatus D. & M., 189 
nigrescens Raz., 180. 
silicium Bouillet, 89. 
sandwichensis Soul. yeti 
scandens Norm., 89. 
scaptobius Bourg., 139, 146. 
scopulorum Fabr., 89. 
serotinus Schrenk, 71 
setchuanensis Heude, 179. 
sowerbit Fér., 151, 110. 
squammatinus Morelet, 
stenurus Strebel, 132, 121 GEE 
strobeli Pini, 62. 
subalpinus Less., pl. vii., f£. 8, p. 60 
eporediensis Less., 62 f. 
garocelus L. & P., 60 
simplex L. & P., 60. 
veronensis L. & P., 60. 
subfuscus Drap., 193. 
subfuscus Pfeiffer, 217, 210. 
subsavanus Bourg. mie 
succineus Miull., 182, 71, 167. 
succini colore, albidis maculis 
msignitus Lister, 78. 
sylvaticus Morelet, 43, 
sylvaticus Goldfuss, 89. 
sylvaticus Drap., 112. 
sylvaticus D. & M., 71, 74, 75, 76. 
cerulea Baudon, 275. 
clypeo-concolor D. & M., 75. 
clypeo-fusciata D. & M., 75. 
clypeo-fasciata Wattebled, 273. 
immaculatus D. & M., 74. 

sylvestris Scop., 89. 
tenellus Miill., pl. ix., & pl. x., ff. 1-4, 
pp. 71, 270, 98, 111, 246. 
eerea Held, pl. x., f. 3, pp. 74, 270, 76. 


L. tenellus (continued). 
eineta Heynm., 75, 270, "6. 

fulva Norm., pl. x..f.2 2, pr. 74,270, 76. 

immaculata D. & M., 74 
wanthia Bourg., 74, 76. 
transilvanica Heynm., 
tunicata Gould, 104. 
umbrosus Phil., 83, 78. 
unicolor Heynm., 31, 266. 
biwone L. & P., 41. 
candidus L. & P., 41. 
concolor L. & P., 41 
sordidus L. & P., 46. 
vurians A. Ad., 119. 
variegatus Drap., 78. 
colubrinus Pini, 83, 78. 
maculata Moq., 83. 
tigrinus Pini, 83, 78. 
veranyanus Bourg., 115, 104. 
vittipes Bonelli, 4°. 
weinlandi Heyum., 104. 
vanthius Bourg., 7 Ph 7¢ 
LIMN2%A Bruguiere. 
marvin Sow., 28. 
Literature, 30, 292. 
LocHEA Mogq,., 165. 
alba Malm, 183. 
atra Malm, 167. 
rufus Moq., 167. 

tenellus Malm, 77. 
MALAcozoa Blainv., 7. 
MALINASTRUM Bourg., 158 
MALINO Bourg. 
brunneus Mabille, 127. 
Medal in honour of Dr. and Mrs. 
Gray, 158 f. 
Milax Gray, 136, 281. 
curinatus Risso, 137, 155, 157, 160. 
gagates Gray, pl. xv., ff. 9-14, 
& pl. xvi, pp. 139, 281, I51, 
158, 154, 155, 156. 
ascensionis Ckll., 145. 
atlantica Ckll., 143. 
bedriagee L. & P., 143. 
benoiti L. & P. , pl. *y., f. lbp pals: 
bicolor Taylor, pl. xv. , £. 10, p. 146. 
eremiophila Simroth, 146. 
helene Ckll., 145, 145. 
maderensis CkIL., 145, 14 
mediterranea Ckll., 143. 
olivacea Moq., 144. 
pallidissima Poll., 
pp- 146, 282. 
plumbea Pe: pl. xv. 
282, 143, 145, 149. 
pava Williams, ple Xv 
982 143, 148, 149. 

63, 53. 

3, 146. 

pl. xvi5.d.12; 
, f. 13, pp. 144, 

, f.14, pp. 145, 


Milax gagates (continued). 

raymondiana Simroth, 146. 
similis Ckll., 143. 
tristensis Ckll., 145, 143 

gracilior Sandb., 138. 

hessei Boettg., 153, 160. 

hewstoni Cooper, 148f., 144, 150, 287, 
plumbea Ck\l., 144 

marginatus Drap., 153, 157, 160. 
fulva Paul., 155. 

nigricolus late, 159. 

sowerbyt Gray, 141, 

soweprbii Fér., pl. xv., ff. 15-20, 
and pl..xvii., pp. 151, 283, 
110, 187, 148, 195,213, 270. 

alba Taylor, pl. xv., f. 17, p. 155. 

bicolor Ckll., pl. xv., f. 18, pp. 157, 154 

easertana L. & P., 156. 

flavescens Coll., 156, 284. 

fuseo-earinata CkIl., 156, 284. 

insolita L. & P., pl. xv-,f. 19, pp. 156 
284 4. 

nigrescens Ckll., pl. xv. 
156, 284. 

nigrocarinata Coll., 156, 284. 

oretea L. & P., 156, 155. 

pallidissima is & P.. 156, 284. 

plumbea Coll., 156. 

rustica Roeb. 5 hese 
284, 283. 

rustica Mog. , 284. 

; 4. 16; pps 

f. 20, pp. 156, 

tasmanicus re 139 
MopIo.La Lam., 767. 
MOLLUSCA Cuvier, 1 
MOoONATRIID Simroth, 763. 
Monazcta Troschel, 7. 
MonoruiZA Taylor, 37 
MyaA L., 29 


OLEACINID-X Binney, 2 
OLEACINA Bolten, 28. 
OTQCARDES Haeckel, 7. 
OMALONYX D’Orb., 5. 
OXYGNATHA Moreh, 37. 

PALLIATA Latreille, 7. 


variegata Phil., 78. 
PARYPHANTA Albers. 2. 
PENTADROMA Taylor, 33. 
PIRAINEA Poll., 136, 138. 




flavus Malm, 78. 
orbignyi Fér., 2 



Adams, Lionel E., 34. 

Allman, Gadi Zou. 

Ashford, Charles, 14. 

Babor, a, Won LAI 

Baudon, Aug., 192. 

Binney, Amos, 732. 

Cockerell, T. D. A., 104. 

Collinge, W. E., 166. 

Darbishire, R. D., 139. 

Draparnaud, J. P. BR., 6. 

Godwin-Austen, H. H., 253. 

Gray, J. E. and M. E., 136. 

Heynemann, D. F., 53 

Johnston, George, 227. 

Kew, H. Wallis, 89. 

Lessona, Mario, 757. 

Lowe, E. J., 210. 

Malm, A. W., 72. 

Morch, O. A. L., 103. 

Nunneley, T., 167. 

Pini, Napoleone, 78. 

Pollonera, Carlo, 62. 

Roebuek, W. Denison, 763. 

Scharff, R. F., 240. 

Simroth, Heinrich, 37. 

Taylor, J. W. (frontispiece). 
PROLEPIS Mogq., 210, 16. 
fuscus Malm, 193. 
Juscus Moq., 210. 
hortensis Malm, 210, 
PROPHYSAON Bland & eee 162. 
PSAMMOBIA Lam., 29. 


Q27 My DBD 

RHYTIDA Albers, 2. 

SACCATA Hyatt, 7. 
SiMROTHIA Heynm. , 78. 
SUBAMALIA Poll., 138. 
Subscribers, List of, 296. 

oblonga Drap., 129. 

putris, 109. 

TANDONIA Poll., 736, 138. 
TESTACELLUS Faure-Biguet, 2. 
haliotideus ¥.-B., 6. 
scutatus Lesson, 14. 
Testacella Cuvier, 2, 262, 2/, 24, 
27, 30, 
alte-ripe Grat., 21, 2 
anglica Grat., 14. 
aquitanica Grat., 27, 23, 

Testacella (continued). 
asininum de Serres, 24 f., 27, 22. 
auriculata G. & E., 16 f. 
aurigaster Layard, 25, 27. 
barcinonensis Poll., 6 
bisulcata Risso, 18f., 14, 16 f., 20, 

albina G. & F., 17. 
major G. & F., 17f. 

brondeli Bourg., 8 f. 
browniana Grat., 21. 
bruntoniana de Serres, ‘ 
burdigalensis Gass., 21. 
campanyot Dupuy, 17. 
canariensis Grat., 27. 
deshayesii Michaud, 27, 
drymonia Bourg., 8 f. 
dubia Poll., 6 
europea Roissy, 6. 
fischeriana Bourg., 14, 17, 
gallie Oken, 6. 
galloprovincialis Grat., 14. 
gestrot Issel, 14, 18, 4 20. 
haliotoides Lam., 21, 2 

haliotidea Drap., ee i, ff. 1-5, and 

plats pp. of. 6, 2620 72 15; 

LG ug GeO. 
albida Ckll., 262. 
albina Mogq,., pl. i 
algerica Grat.., e 
dilatata Poll., 
elongata G. & Fr. Sf. 
flavescens Mogq.-Tand., 9, 262,. 
major G. & F., pl. i, f. 5, p. 9. 
ovalis Moq.-Tand., 9 f. 
scutulum Moq., 14, 21. 



18, 20. 

he pps 9262: 

21, 22, 28, 26. 

trigona G. & F., pl. i., a pp. 8, 262. 

lurtetii Dupuy, 23 f., 

maugei I*ér., pl.i. rr 16, & pl. iV., 
pp. 2, 26a.-o8,, 1... of, 6. 
8.9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 16, 18. 
albina G. & F., 24 
aperta Taylor, pl. i., f. 15, p. 24. 
asinina de Serres, 24 f. 
aurea Taylor, pl. i., f. 11, pp. 25, 24. 
griseo-fulvescens G. & F., 24 
griseo-nigresecens G. & F., pl. i., 
f. 16, pp. 24, 263. 
griseo-rubeseens G. & F., pl. i., 
f. 10, pp. 24, 263. 
nigra Coll., 25. 
roseo-fulvescens G. & F., 24. 
viridans G. & F., pl. i., f. 12, p. 24. 
medii-templi Tapping, 14 , 19. 
monspessulana Grat., 21, 2 2. 
nouleti Bourg., 23 fe Z 
occitanice Grat., 21, 



Testacella (continued).— 
oceanicu Grat., 21. 
pecchiolit Bourg., 17 f., 14, 18. 
scutulum Sow., pl. 1., ff. 6-8, and 
pl. ii1., pp. 14, 262, 6, 8, 9,21, 
22, 23, 30. 

albina G. & F., pl. i., £.7, pp. 17, 263. 

aurea Ckll., 17. 
major G. & F., 17f. 
pallida Ckll., 17. 
pecehiolii Bourg., 17 f. 
subterranea Lafon-du-Cujula, 6. 
subtrigona Poll., 8 f. 
vagans, 25, 27, 
williamsiana Nevill, 16 f., 14. 
TETRANEURA Schimk., 7. 
TRICHORIZA Taylor, 4, 164. 

UNIVALVIA Fischer, 7. 



pellucida Mill., 259. 

nitidus Miill., 125, 280, 

Canal Banks, Kirkstall nr. Leeds, 135. 
Durdham Down Nurseries, Bristol, 27. 
Helen’s Bay, County Down, 250. 
Inchiquin Lake, Kerry, 261. 

Lagan River, Belvoir Park, Ulster, 239 
Loughton, Epping Forest, 102. 

Pine Forest, Glienicke nr. Potsdam, 77 
Slieve Bingian, Mourne Mts., 192. 
Whaley Bridge, Cheshire, 70. 





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