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Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 

Nos.  391-402 

July,  1927-June,  1928 





Monthly  Catalogue"'"""""^ 

United  States 

Public  Documents 

No.  391 

July,  1927 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document v. doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

Folio i" 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House   report H.    rp. 

House  rosolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 1.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscpllaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

\o  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8" 

I'age,    pages p. 

Fart,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,   plates pi. 

Portrait,   portraits por. 

Quarto 4"» 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,   Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  Joint  resolution S.  3.   Res. 

Senate   report S.    rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Sessiou BBSS. 

Sixteenmo 16" 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirt.vtwo-mo 32" 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12<> 

Twenty  four-mo 24" 

Versus vs.,   v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year , yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 
*  Document  for  sale  by   Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 
t  Printed  for  oflicial  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  •  price,  it  Is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  size  is  not 
given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge  of 
border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 






Jeneral  Information 1-^ 

iJorrections  for  previous  Monthly  catalogues 2 

^.griculture   Department 3-11 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 4r-5 

Cooperative  Marketing  Division 5 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 5-6 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 6 

Chemistry  Bureau 6 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 6-7 

Entomology   Bureau 7 

Experiment  Stations  OflSce 7 

Forest    Service 8 

Information  Office —      8-9 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 9 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 9-10 

Public  Roads  Bureau 10 

Soils  Bureau 10 

Weather   Bureau 10-11 

Civil  Service  Commission 11 

Commerce  Department 12-23 

Aeronautics   Branch 12 

Census  Bureau 12-15 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 15-16 

Fisheries  Bureau 16-17 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 17-18 

Lighthouses  Bureau 18-19 

Mines  Bureau 19 

Navigation  Bureau 19 

Patent  Office 19-20 

Publications  Division 20 

Radio  Division 21 

Standards    Bureau 21-23 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 23 

Congress 23-24 

House  of  Representatives 23-24 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 24 

Military  Affairs  Committee 24 

Court  of  Claims 24-25 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 25-26 

District  of  Columbia 26 


IV  July,  1927 


Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education 26 

Federal  Reserve  Board 26-27 

General  Accounting  Office 27 

Government  Printing  Office 27 

Documents  Office 27 

Interior  Department 27-30 

Education  Bureau 27-28 

Freedmen's  Hospital 28 

General  Land  Office 28 

Geological  Survey 28-29 

National  Park  Service 29 

Reclamation  Bureau 29-30 

St.  Elizabeths  Hospital 30 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 30-40 

Justice  Department 41-45 

Labor  Department 45^6 

Children's  Bureau 45 

Emploj'ment  Service 45 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 45-46 

Library  of  Congress 46-47 

Copyright  Office 46-47 

Documents  Division 47 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 47 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers 47 

Navy  Department 48-54 

Construction  and  Repair  Bureau 48 

Marine  Corps 48 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 48—49 

Naval  Intelligence  Office ■=. 49 

Navigation  Bureau 49-54 

Hydrographic  Office 49-54 

Nautical  Almanac  Office 54 

Recruiting  Bureau 54 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 54 

Pan  American  Union 54-55 

Panama  Canal 55 

Purchasing  Department 55 

Supply  Department 55 

Post  Office  Department 56 

Topography  Division 56 

President  of  United  States 5G-57 

Railroad  Administration 59 

Shipping  Board 59 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 59 

Smithsonian  Institution 59-6<3 

National  Museum 59-60 

State  Department , 60 

General  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico 60 

International  Joint  Commission  on  Boundary  Waters  between  United 

States  and  Canada 60 

Publications  Division 60 

Tax  Appeals  Board 60 

July,  1927  V 


Treasury  Department 61-64 

Budget  Bureau 61 

Coast  Guard 61 

Comptroller  of  Currency 61 

Customs  Court 61 

General   Supply  Committee 62 

Government  Actuary 62 

Inter-American  High  Commission 62 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 62 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 62-63 

Public  Health  Service 63-M 

Hygienic  Laboratory 64 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 64 

Treasurer  of  United  States 64 

Veterans'  Bureau 64-65 

War  Department 65-67 

Adjutant  General's  Department 66 

Air  Corps 66 

Engineer  Department 66-67 

Xorthern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 66-67 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Board 67 

Finance  Department 67 

Medical  Department 67 

Militia  Bureau 67 

Ordnance  Department 67 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copied  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Goverimaent  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Ofiice  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  ($)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  oflicial  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right ;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  551,  69-2. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  tvill  not  6e  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Office  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,   Samoa,  or  to 


2  Jtjly,  1927 

Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  is 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  Office  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23" :  So96''  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


June,  1927.     On  p.  958,  17th  line  from  bottom  of  page,  change  "  Leonard  E, 
Alder  "  to  read  "  Leonard  E.  Adler." 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  391  JULY  1927 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  he  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  4l'5,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular  ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  .series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  hy  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  will  begin  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  he  supplied 
hy  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Buttermilk.  Some  factors  other  than  bacteria  that  influence  body  of  artificial 
buttermilk  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Georges  Kuaysi.  1927.  [2]  + 
771-784  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agi'icultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  B  982/5 

Cattle.  Comparison  of  direct  measurement  of  heat  production  of  cattle  with 
computation  of  heat  production  by  respiratory-quotient  method  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  :  by  E.  B.  Forbes,  Max  Kriss,  Winfred  W.  Braman,  and 
R.  B.  French.  1927.  [2] +865-878  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search, V.  34,  no.  9,  May  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  297/12 

Cran'berries.  Discoloration  of  canned  cranberries;  by  Fred  W.  Morse.  1927. 
[2] +889-892  p.  [From  Journal  of  agi-icultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May 
1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  85/5 

Crops  and,  markets.  Crops  and  markets,  July,  1927;  v.  4,  no.  7.  [1927.] 
p  233-280,  il.  4°  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  S5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3  :  4/7 

Index  to  monthly  supplement  of  Crops  and  markets,  v.  3,  1926.     [1927.] 

V  p.  4°     *  Paper,  5c.  A  36.11/3  :  3/ind. 

Food  for  cattle.  Net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  soy-bean  hay,  alfalfa  hay, 
and  oats ;  by  E.  B.  Forbes,  Winfred  W.  Braman,  Max  Kriss,  J.  August  Fries, 
C.  D.  Jeffries,  R.  W.  Swift,  Rowland  B.  French,  and  J.  V.  Maucher,  jr. 
1927.  [2] +785-796  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8, 
Apr.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  En  27/7 

Journal  of  agricultural  research.  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9 
and  10 ;  May  1  and  15,  1927.  1927.  cover-titles,  p.  797-992,  il.  map.  [  Semi- 
monthly.] *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $5.00 
(incorrectly  given  in  publication  as  $5.25). 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  34/9, 10 

Contexts. — No.  9.  Run-off  from  small  agricultural  areas ;  by  C.  E.  Ramser. — 
Strains  of  kernel  smuts  of  sorghum,  Sphacelotheca  sorghi  and  S.  cruenta  ;  [by]  W.  H. 
Tisdale,  L.  E.  Melchers,  and  H.  J.  Clemmer. — Anthelmintic  properties  of  santonin ; 
by  Jacob  E.  Shilliuger. — Oviposition  rate  of  grai>e  leaf  hoppers  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  Chester  I.  Bliss. — Undescribed  white  fly  attacking  citrus  in  Porto  Rico  ;  by 
H.  L.  Dozier. — Yellow  rust  of  raspberry  caused  by  Phragmidium  imitans ;  by  S.  M. 
Zeller. — Comparison  of  direct  measurement  of  heat  production  of  cattle  with  compu- 
tation of  heat  production  by  respiratory-quotient  method  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  E.  B.  Forbes,  Max  Kriss,  Winfred  W.  Braman,  and  R.  B.  French. — Sabal  causiarum 
(Cook)  Beccari,  new  host  of  coconut  bud-rot  fungus  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  C.  M.  Tucker. — Discoloration  of  canned  cranberries ;  by  Fred  W.  Morse. — No.  10. 
Mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  L.  L,.  Harter  and 
W.  A.  Whitney. — Comparative  susceptibility  of  sweet-potato  varieties  to  stem  rot ; 
by  L.  L.  Harter  and  W.  A.  Whitney. — Inheritance  of  rate  of  shedding  in  cotton  hybrid  ; 
by  Thomas  H.  Kearney  and  Robert  H.  Peebles. — Basal  metabolism  of  mature  chickens 
and  net-energy  value  of  corn    [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  Mitchell  and 

HoiT   to   order  publications — See   information   folIOTrlng   Contents 

58060— 27— No.  391 2  3 

July,  1927 

Journal  of  agricultural  research — Continued. 

W.  T.  Haines. — Effect  of  age,  sex,  and  castration  on  basal  tieat  production  of  chickens 
[with  list  of  literature  cited ;  by]  H.  H.  Mitchell,  L.  E.  Card,  and  W.  T.  Haines. — 
Inheritance  of  ovate  and  related  shapes  of  tomato  fruits  [with  list  of  literature  cited; 
by]  E.  W.  Lindstrom. — Gossypol  content  and  chemical  composition  of  cottonseeds  during 
certain  periods  of  development   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;   by  Willis  D.   Gallup. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
with  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges.  It  is  distributed 
free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to  large  universi- 
ties, technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges  with  the 
Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

■ •     Same,  v.  34,  no.  11  and  12;  June  1  and  15,  1927.     1927.     cover-titles, 

p.  993-1190,  il.  1  pL  12  p.  of  pL     [Semimonthly.]  A  1.23  :  34/11, 12 

Contents. — -No.  11.  Variants  in  Ustilago  nuda  and  certain  host  relationships  ;  by 
W.  H.  Tisdale  and  Marion  A.  Griffiths. — Development  of  female  gametophyte  and 
caryopsis  of  Poa  pratensis  and  Poa  compressa  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Alice 
M.  Andersen. — Life  histories  and  heterothallism  of  red  bread-mold  fungi  of  Monilia 
sitophila  group  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  L.  Shear  and  B.  O.  Dodge. — Study 
of  toxicity  of  acid  lead  arsenate  on  Japanese  beetle  (Popillia  japonica  Nowm.)  ;  by 
B.  R.  Van  Leeuwen. — Development  of  pecan  nut  (liicoria  pecan)  from  flower  to 
maturity  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  G.  Woodroof  and  Naomi  Chapman  Wood- 
roof.- — Sulphuric  acid  as  weed  spray  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Alfred 
Aslander. — No.  12.  Water  requirement  of  plants  at  Akron,  Colo.;  by  H.  L.  Shantz  and 
Lydia  N.  Piemeisel. 

Official  record,  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.  6,  no.  27-30;   July  &-27,   1927. 
[1927.]     Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  6/27-30 

Poultry.  Basal  metabolism  of  mature  chickens  and  net-energy  value  of  corn 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  Mitchell  and  W.  T.  Haines.  1927. 
cover-title,  p.  927-943.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10, 
May  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  432/15 

Critical  temperature  of  chicken  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H. 

Mitchell  and  W.  T.  Haines.  1927.  [2] -f  549-557  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  6,  Mar.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  432/13 

Effect  of  age,  sex,  and  castration  on  basal  heat  production  of  chickens 

[with  list  of  literature  cited;  by]  H.  H.  Mitchell,  L.  E.  Card,  and  W.  T. 
Haines.  [1927.]  p.  945-960.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
V.  34,  no.  10,  May  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  432/14 

Rate  of  passage  of  food  through  digestive  tract  of  hen   [with  list  of 

literature  cited]  ;  by  M.  Helen  Keith,  L.  E.  Card,  and  H.  H.  Mitchell.  1927. 
[2] -1-759-770  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8.  Apr.  15, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  H  38/2 

Quarantine.  Modification  of  quarantine  on  account  of  European  corn  borer  and 
other  dangerous  insects  and  plant  diseases.  Amendment  1  to  revised  rules  and 
regulations  supplemental  to  Notice  of  quarantine  41  (2d  revision),  effective 
Aug.  15,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)     t 

A  35.5  :  41/2d  rev.  amdt.  1 

• Quarantine  on  account  of  gypsy  moth  and  brown-tail  moth.  Notice  of 

quarantine  45,   [with]   revised  rules  and  regulations,  effective  July  1,  1927. 

June,  1927.    7  p.  il.     (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)     t 

L.  C.  card  Agr  12-1522  A  35.5 :  45/3d  rev. 

Soy-heans.  Hereditary  and  environmental  factors  that  produce  mottling  in 
soy  beans  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  F.  V.  Owen.  1927.  cover- 
title,  p.  559-587,  il.  1  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  6, 
Mar.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a :  So  96/13 


Accountvnff.    System  of  farm  cost  accounting,  [by  C.  E.  Ladd ;  revised  by  James 
S.  Ball].     [Mar.  1914,  revised  Oct.  1924,  reprint  1927.]     ii-t-17  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  572.)     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-12  A  1.9 :  572/3-3 

How   to   order  publications — See  information   follofvlng   Contents 

July,  1927  5 

Agricultural  products.  Prices  of  farm  products  received  by  producers :  3,  South 
Atlantic  and  South  Central  States,  monthly  prices  through  1925  and  other 
data  by  States,  with  comparable  data  for  earlier  years.  June,  1927.  cover- 
title,  241  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Statistical  bulletin  16.)  [Text  on  p.  2  and 
3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-135  A  1.34  :  16 

Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  July  1,  1927 ;  v.  11, 
no.  7.     [1927.]     24  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15: 11/7 

Cattle.     Statistics  of  cattle,  calves,  beef,   veal,   hides,   and  skins,   year  ended 
Dec.  31,  1925,  with  comparable  data  for  earlier  years ;  [prepared  by  Florence 
C.  Fitch  and  James  J.  Window].     May,  1927.     cover-title,  314  p.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.    Statistical  bulletin  20.)     *  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-468  A  1.34  :  20 

Eggs.      Marketing   eggs;    [by    Rob    R.    Slocum].      [Mar.    1924,    reprint    1927.] 
ii+29  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers' bulletin  1378.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-280  A  1.9  :  1378/1-2 

Eaij.  Handbook  of  official  hay  standards,  official  hay  standards  of  United 
States  as  established  and  promulgated  by  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  important 
features  of  United  States  hay  standards,  important  features  of  Federal  hay 
inspection ;  by  Edward  C.  Parker,  K.  B.  Seeds,  and  W.  H.  Hosterman.  1927. 
48  p.  narrow  16°  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-472  A  36.2 :  H  32/3 

Meat.  Market  classes  and  grades  of  dressed  beef;  by  "W.  C.  Davis  and 
C.  V.  Whalin.  Aug.  13,  1924,  revised  Mar.  1927.  1927.  cover-title,  51  p.  2 
pi.  32  p.  of  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  bulletin  1246.)  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr  24-683  A  1.3: 1246/2 

Poultry.    Marketing  poultry;   [by  Rob  R.  Slocum].     [Feb.  1924,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+30  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1377.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-243  A  1.9 :  1377/1-2 

Service  announcements.  Amendment  4  to  Service  and  regulatory  announce- 
ments no.  96,  Official  standards  for  inspection  of  apples ;  [June  30,  1927.] 
[1927.]  7  p.  4'  [Mimeographed.  Supersedes  Amendment  1  to  Service  and 
regiilatory  announcements  no.  93.]     t  A  36.5  :  93/amdt.  4 

Amendment  5  to  Service  and  regulatory  announcements  no.  93,  Official 

standards  for  inspection  of  potatoes;  [June  30,  1927].  [1927.]  3  p.  4° 
[Mimeographed.  Supersedes  Amendment  2  to  Service  and  regulatory  an- 
nouncements no.   93.]      t  A  36.5  :  93/amdt. 5 

Wheat.    Heat-damaged  wheat ;  by  D.  A.  Coleman  and  B.  E.  Rothgeb.     June, 
1927.    32  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  6.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-467  A  1.36  :  6 


Citrus  fruit.     Operating  methods  and  expense  of  cooperative  citrus-fruit  mar- 
keting agencies ;  by  A.  W.  McKay  and  W.  Mackenzie  Stevens.    July  22,  1924, 
[reprint]  1927.    cover-title,  35  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Department  bulletin 
1261.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr  24r-643  •  A  1.3  :  1261/1-2 


Cliloroiorm.  Adaptation  of  bactericidal  action  of  chloroform  to  preparation  of 
bacterins  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Hubert  Bunyea.  1927.  [2]+623- 
630  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  7,  Apr.  1,  1927.] 
t  A  1.23/a  :  C  45/2 

HoTV   to   order  publications — See   Information   folloTring   Contents 

Q  July,  192T 

Poultry.     Standard  breeds  &  varieties  of  chickens:  2,  Continental  European, 
Oriental    [game,    ornamental]    and   miscellaneous   classes;    [by   M.   A.   Jul!]. 
[Nov.  1926,  reprint  1927.]     ii+30  p.  11.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1507. )      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1234  A  1.9 :  1507/1-2 

gqual)  raising;  [by  Alfred  R.  Lee].     [Sept.  13,  1915.  revised  Apr.  1927.]     [1927.] 
11+16  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     FaiTQers'  bulletin  684.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-754  A  1.9 :  684/5 

Swine  herdbook  as  source  of  data  for  Investigation  of  sex  ratio  and  frequency 
of  sex  combinations  in  pig  litters  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Hugh  C. 
McPhee.  1927.  [2] +715-726  p.  11.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research. 
V.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Sw&4'3 


Birds.     How  to  attract  birds  In  northwestern  United   States ;    [by  W.  L.  Mc- 
Afee].    [Oct.  16,  1916,  revised  Aug.  1924,  reprint  1927.]     ii+13  p.  11.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  760.)     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.    C.   card  Agr  18-481  A  1.9:760/3-4 

Some  common  birds  useful  to  farmer:  [by  F.  E.  L.  Beal].     [Feb.  13.  1915. 

revised  Apr.  1926,  reprint  1927.]     11+29  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 

bulletin  630.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-587  A  1.9  :  630/4-2 

Hawks  and  owls  from  standpoint  of  farmer :  by  A.  K.  Fisher.     July  IS.  1907 
[reprint  1927].    19  p.  11.     (Circular  61.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  7-1962.  A  5.1 :  6L'3 

Eat   control;    [by   James    Silver].     [June.    1927.]     li+21   p.    11.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1533.)      [This  bulletin  supersedes  Fanners'  bulletin 
1302,  How  to  get  rid  of  rats.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-430  A  1.9  :  1533 

Service  announcements.    Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  [no.]  67:  Regu- 
lations for  administration  of  Upper  Mississippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish 
Refuge.    July,  1927.    3  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.   card   Agr  16-608  A  5.6:  67 


Dehydration.     Commercial   dehydration   of  fruits   and   vegetables   [with  bibli- 
ography] ;  by  P.  F.  Nichols.  Ray  Powers.  C.  R.  Gross,  and  W.  A.  Noel.     Sept. 
1925,   [reprint]   1927.     cover-title,  40  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department 
bulletin  1335.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.    C.    card    Agr    25-1426  ,  A  1.3 :  1335/1-3 

Petroleum.  Relation  of  size  of  oil  drops  to  toxicity  of  petroleum-oil  emulsions 
to  aphids  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Edward  L.  Griffin,  Charles  H. 
Richardson,  and,'  Robert  C.  Burdette.  1927.  [2] +727-738  p.  11.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  P  448 

Pickles.     Making  fermented  pickles;    [by  Edwin   Le  Fevre].     [Aug.   1924,   re- 
vised Apr.  1927.]      [1927.]     ii+17  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1438. )     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.   C.  card  Agr  24-743  .  A  1.9: 1438/3 


Cattle.     Dairy-herd  Improvement   through   cooperative   bull   associations;    [by 
J.  C.  McDowell].     [June,  1927.]     11+14  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1532.)      [This  bulletin  supersedes  Farmei-s'  bulletin  993,  Cooperative 
bull  associations.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.   card  Agr  27-463  A  1.9  : 1-532 

How   to   order   publications — See   information   follovrlng   Contents 

July,  1927  7 

Cheese.     Manufacture  of   cottage   cheese   in   creameries  and   milk  plants,   by 
Arnold  O.   Dahlberg ;   revised   by   K.   J.    Matheson.     Sept.   27,    1917,   revised 
June,    1927.      [1927.]      12   p.    il.      (^Agriculture   Dept.      Department    bulletin 
576.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-755  A  1.3  :  576/3 

Neufchatel  and  cream  cheese,   farm  manufacture  and  use ;    [by  K.  J. 

Mathe-son  and  F.  R.   Cammack].     [July,   191S,  revised   Feb.   1927.]      [1927.] 
ii+25    p.    il.      (Agriculture    Dept.      Farmers'    bulletin    960.)       [Prepared    in 
cooperation  with  Home  Economics  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agi-  27-473  A  1.9 :  960/2 

Milk.  Effect  of  some  succulent  feeds  on  flavor  and  odor  of  milk ;  by  C.  J. 
Eabcock.     July,     1927.     7    p.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Technical    bulletin     9.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-478  A  1.36  :  9 


Alfalfa-tceevils.  Control  of  alfalfa  weevil;  [by  George  I.  Reeves].  [June, 
1927.]  ii+22  p.  il.  (Agi-iculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1528.)  [This 
bulletin  sui>ersedes  Farmers"  bulletin  741,  Alfalfa  weevil  and  methods  of 
controlling   it,    and    Farmers"    bulletin    1185,    Spraying    for    alfalfa    weevil.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-429  A  1.9 :  1528 

Eurytoma  parva  (Girault)  Phillips  and  its  biology  as  parasite  of  wheat  joint- 
worm,  Harmolita  tritici  (Fitch)  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  J. 
Phillips.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  743-758.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agi-icultural 
research,  v.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a :  W  56/69 

Ch-ape  leaf-hoppers.  Ovipositiou  rate  of  grape  leaf  hoppers  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  :  by  Chester  I.  Bliss.  1927.  [2] -f  847-852  p.  il.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  G  767/11 

Grasshopper  control  in  relation  to  cereal  and  forage  crops ;  [by]  W.  R.  Walton. 
[Oct.  1916.  3d  revision  Aug.  1922.  reprint]  1927.     19  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  747.)      *  Pai>er.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1243  A  1.9  :  747/4-3 

Pine  tip  moths.  Three  new  hymenopterous  parasites  of  pine  tip  moth,  Rhya- 
cionia  frustrana  (Comstock)  :  by  R.  A.  Cushman.  li;!27.  [2] +739-741  p. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  M  856/8 

Tobacco  buduorm  and  its  control  in  Georgia  and  Florida  tobacco-gi'owing 
region;  [by  A.  C.  Morgan  and  F.  S.  Chamberlin].  [June,  1927.]  ii+10  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers"  bulletin  1531.)  [This  bulletin  supersedes 
Farmers'  bulletin  819.  Tobacco  budworm  and  its  control  in  southern  tobacco 
districts.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-464  A  1.9 :  1581 

T^e.*fe?-;^  pine-beetles.     Relation  of  highway  slash   to   infestations  by  western 
pine  beetle  in  standing  timber:   by  J.   E.  Patterson.     June,   1927.'  10  p.  il. 
( Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  3. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-477  A  1.36 :  3 


Experiment  station  record,  v.  56,  no.  9;  June,  1927,  abstract  number.  1927. 
cover-title.  x-fSOl-900  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2  voLs.  a 
yr.j  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol.  (subscription  price  incorrectly  given 
in  publication). 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6  :  56/9 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstract?  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  nuEubers.  called  abstract  number.';,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 

HoTT   to    order   pnblications — See    Information    following    Contents 

8  Jtily,  1927 


Chestnuts.  Natural  replacement  of  blight-killed  chestnut  in  hardwood  forests 
of  the  Northeast  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  F.  Korstian  and  Paul 
W.  Stickel.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  631-648,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  34,  no.  7,  Apr.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  426/4 

Conifei-s.     Growing  &  planting  coniferous  trees  on  farm;   [by  C.  R.  Tillotson]. 
[July,  1925,  reprint  1927.]     ii+38  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 1453.)      [Includes  list  of  Agriculture  Department  forestry   bulletins  of 
interest  to  farmers.]     *  Paper,  10c 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-1236  A  1.9  :  1453/1-2 

Forest  fires.  Help  prevent  woods  fires,  everybody  loses  when  timber  burns! 
be  well  informed,  grow  timber,  it  pays !  by  "W.  R.  Mattoon.  [Revised  Apr. 
1927.]      [1927.]      [4]    p.   il.  24°     t  A  13.2  :F  51/11 

Salt.     Use  of  salt  in  range  management   [with  list  of  literature  cited ;   by] 
W.  R.  Chapline  and  M.  W.  Talbot.     July,  1926  [reprint  with  changes  1927].     (Agriculture  Dept.    Department  circular  379.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1135  A  1.14/2  :  379/2 

Timber-culture.  Timber  growing  and  logging  practice  in  central  hardwood 
region,  measures  necessary  to  keep  forest  laud  productive  and  to  produce 
full  timber  crops,  by  O.  R.  Tillotson ;  Introduction  by  W.  B.  Greeley.  May, 
1927.  cover-title,  39  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  bulletin 
1491.)  *  Paper,  15c. 
li.  C.  card  Agr  27-518  A  1.3  :  1491 

Timber  growing  and  logging  practice  in  Douglas  fir  region,   measures 

necessary  to  keep  forest  land  productive  and  to  produce  full  timber  crops, 
by  Thornton  T.  Hunger ;  Introduction  by  W.  B.  Greeley.  June,  1927.  cover- 
title,  42  p.  8  p.  of  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  bulletin  1493.) 
*  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-466  A  1.3 :  1493 


Fremont  National  Forest,  Oreg.,  its  purposes  and  resources,  information  map. 
1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f°,  folded  into  narrow  8°  size 
and  so  printed  as  to  number  [l]'+20  p.     t  A  13.13  :  F  88/927 

Ouachita  National  Forest,  Ark.,  its  timber,  water,  forage,  and  recreational 
resources.  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f°,  folded  into 
narrow  8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  14  pages,     t  A  13.13  :  Ou  1 


Farmei-s''  bulletins.  Farmers'  bulletins  (for  popular  distribution).  Department 
bulletins,  Department  circulars,  [and]  miscellaneous  publications  [lists  of 
recent  publications  available  for  distribution].  Jan.  1927.  oblong  48"  (New 
publications  no.  31.)     [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

A  21.6/3 :  31 

Same.  Feb.  1927.  oblong  48°  (New  publications  no.  32.)  [This  publica- 
tion is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     f  A  21.6/3:  32 

Same.      Mar.    1927.      oblong    48°      (New    publications    no.    33.)       [This 

publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  A  21.6/3: 33 

Same.  Apr.  1927.  oblong  48°  (New  publications  no.  35.)  [This  pub- 
lication is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  A  21.6/3: 35 

Same.  May,  1927.  oblong  48°  (New  publications  no.  36.)  [This  pub- 
lication is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  A  21.6/3:  36 

Same.  June,  1927.  oblong  48°  (New  publications  no.  37.)  [This  pub- 
lication is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  A  21.6/3:  37 

HoTV   to   order  publications — See  information   following   Contents 

JU1.Y,  1927  9 

Publications  of  Department  of  Agriculture   [available  for  distribution]  ;  com- 
piled by  Doris  Stockdale.     Feb.  1,  1927.     cover-title,  110  p.  16"     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Miscellaneous  circular  103.)     *Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-470  A  1.5/2  :  103 

Boil  surveys  [list  of  recent  publications  available  for  distribution].  Mar.  1927. 
oblong  48°  (New  publications  no.  34.)  [This  publication  is  issued  in  Dostal 
card  form.]     t  A  21.6/3  :  34 


Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  no.  58.     July, 
1927.     p.    1325— il.     [Contains    Notices   of   insecticide   act   judgments    1076- 
1100.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-384  A  34.6  :  58 


Com.  Study  of  factors  determining  quality  in  sweet  corn ;  by  C.  W.  Culpepper 
and  C.  A.  Magoou.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  413-i33,  il.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  5,  Mar.  1.  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  814/42 

Cotton.    Factors   influencing   severity   of   crazy-top  disorder   of  cotton    [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  J.  King  and  H.  F.  Loomis.     June,  1927.     22 
p.  0.  6  p.   of  pi.    (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1484.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-474  A  1.3  :  1484 

Date  culture  in  Egypt  and  Sudan  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Silas  C. 
Mason.     May,  1927.     cover-title,  72  p.  il.  14  p.  of  pi.  and  map.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.    Department  bulletin  1457.)     *Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-475  A  1.3  :  1457 

Grafting.     Bridge  grafting;  [by  Guy  E.  Yerkes,  H.  P.  Gould  collaborating]. 

[Nov.  1923,  revised  May,  1927.]     [1927.]     ii+14  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 

Farmers'  bulletin  1369.)  *Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-109  A  1.9  :  1369/3 

Onions.  Some  eflEects  of  freezing  on  onions ;  [by]  R.  C.  Wright.  May,  1927. 
8  p.  11.  1  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  circular  415.)  *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-479  A  1.14/2  :  415 

Orange  leaf  rust.  Cytological  study  of  orange  leaf  rust,  Puccinia  triticina 
physiologic  form  11,  on  Malakoff  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
Ruth  F.  Allen.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  697-714,  1  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.  [Prepared 
In  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  University  of  Cali- 
fornia.   From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  8,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a :  W  56/70 

Rotation  of  crops.     Irrigated  crop  rotations  in  western  Nebraska ;  by  Carl  S. 
Scofield  and  James  A.   Holden.     July,   1927.    26  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept. 
Technical  bulletin  2.)     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-469  A  1.36 :  2 

Straio'berries.     Everbearing    strawberries:     [by    George    M.    Darrow].     [Nov. 
1917,  revised  June,  1927.]      [1927.]     ii+14  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farm- 
ers' bulletin  901.)     *Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  17-1246  A  1.9  :  901/3 

Sterility  and  fertility  in  strawberry  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 

George    M.  .Darrow.     1927.     cover-title,    p.    .393-411,    il.     [From    Journal    of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  5,  Mar.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a :  St  82/8 

Sugar-cane.     Yield  tests  of  disease-resi.stant  sugar  canes  in  Louisiana  [with  list 
of  literature  cited :  by]  R.  D.  Rands  and  Sidney  F.  Sherwood.     June,  1927. 
20  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  circular  418.)      *Paper,  .5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-465  A  1.14/2  :  418 

Ho-^v   to   order   publications — See    information   following    Contents 

10  J^Y,  192T 

Sweet  potatoes.  Relation  of  soil  temperature  and  soil  moisture  to  infection  of 
sweet  potatoes  by  stem-rot  organisms;  by  L.  L.  Barter  and  W.  A.  Whitney. 
1927  [2] +435-441  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34, 
no.  5,  Mar.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  847/84 

Trees  for  town  &  city  streets  ;  [by  Furman  Lloyd  Mulford].     [Mar.  1922,  revised 
May,   1927.]      [1927.]      ii+30  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin 
1208.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-483  A  1.9 :  1208/4 

Umatilla  Field  Station.     Work  of  Umatilla  Field  Station  in  1923,  1924,  and 
1925;  [by]  H.  K.  Dean.     July,  1927.     20  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Depart- 
ment circular  422. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  Agr  14-1381  A  1.14/2 :  422 

Water  requirement  of  plants  at  Akron,  Colo. ;  by  H.  L.  Shantz  and  Lydia  N. 
Piemeisel.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  1093-1190,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  34,  no.  12,  June  15,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a :  P  694/17 


PuUic  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8,  no.  4 ;  June,  1927.  1927.    cover- 
title,  p.  61-88,  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,   10c. 
single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  A  22.6:  8/4 

Weirs.  Construction  and  use  of  farm  weirs ;  [by]  Victor  M.  Cone.  [June,  1917, 
revised  Jan.  1926,  reprint]  1927.  [2]+14p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' 
bulletin  813.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-1024  A  1.9 :  813/4-2 


Burt  County,  Nehr.  Soil  survey  of  Burt  County,  Nebr. ;  by  Louis  A.  Wolfanger, 
L.  S.  Pnine,  G.  E.  Condra,  and  V.  M.  Russom.  1927.  iii  +  1493-1530  p.  il. 
map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  State  Soil  Survey  of  University  of 
Nebraska.     From  Field  operations,  1922.]     *  Paper,  20c.  A26.5/a:B95 

Soils.    Grouping  of  soils  on  basis  of  mechanical  analysis  [vrith  list  of  literature 
cited ;  by]  R.  O.  E.  Davis  and  H.  H.  Bennett.    July,  1927.     15  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.  Department  circular  419.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-471  A  1.14/2:  419 


Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14,  no.  3 ;  Mar,  1927. 
[1927.]  cover-title,  [211]  p.  il.  2  maps,  2  p.  of  maps,  4°  *  Paper,  35c.  com- 
plete monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 

L.   C.   card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29: 14/3 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  1-16  [season  of  1927]  ;  Apr.  12- 
July  26,  1927.  New  Orleans,  La.,  Apr.  13-July  27,  1927.  Each  [2]  p.  il. 
large  4"     *  Paper,  30c.  per  season  (April-October).  A  29.39  :  927/1-16 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  June,  1927. 
[July  5,  1927.]      [2]   p.  large  8°     t  A  29.30: 927/6 

Monthly  weather  review,  Apr.  1927;  v.  55,  no.  4.  [July  2]  1927.  cover-title, 
p.  155-210,  il.  11  p.  of  maps,  4°  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  "a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  "55/4 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains    (1)    meteorological   contributions  and 

bibliography,    (2)   an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 

in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and    (3)    climatological   tables  dealing 

HoTv   to   order  publications — See   information   following   Contents 

—    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin.  July  5-26,  1927 ; 
6-27,  1927.    Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *Papei-,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24^-260 

July,  1927  11 

Monthly  iceather  revieic — Continued. 

with  the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows:  (a) 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United 
States  or  other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological 
papers  and  books,  and   (c)   notes. 

.Special  akticles. — Measurements  of  solar  radiation  intensity  and  determinations  of 
its  depletion  bv  atmosphere,  with  bibliography  of  pyrheliometric  measurements  [and 
with  lists  of  sources  of  data  and  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Herbert  H.  Kimball. — Torna- 
does in  Virginia.  1814-1925  ;  [by]  Albert  W.  Giles. — Illinois  tornado  of  Apr.  19,  1927  ; 
by  Clarence  J.  Root.— Tornadoes  in  Arkansas,  1S79-1926  ;  by  Harvey  S.  Cole. — Rock- 
springs,  Tex.,  tornado.  Apr.  12,  1927  ;  by  J.  H.  Jarboe. — Observing  a  tornado's  life ;  by 
T.  G.  Shipman. — Variable  features  of  barometric  depressions  and  anticyclones  as  basis 
for  seasonal  forecasting ;  by  N.  A.  Hessling. — Mass  exchange  in  free  air  and  related 
phenomena,    [by   Wilhelm  Schmidt;   review  by  C.   G.  Rossby]. 

Rivers.  Daily  river  stages  at  river  gage  stations  on  principal  rivers  of  United 
States,  V.  24,  [calendar]  year  1926;  by  H.  C.  Frankeulield.  1927.  iv+lS5  p. 
4"      aPublicarion]    920.)      *Paper,   50c.  A  29.10 :  24 

Weather.  Distribution  of  weather  forecasts,  information,  and  warnings  by 
radio  in  Gulf  of  Mexico,  Caribbean  Sea,  and  adjacent  waters  of  north  At- 
lantic Ocean ;  [prepared  in]  Forecast  Division.  July  1,  1927.  [4]  p.  4° 
(Circular  14,  radio,  2d  edition  revised.)  [Supersedes  Circular  14  dated  Aug.  1, 
1925.]     t  A  29.37: 14/2 

no.  27-30,  1927.     July 
A  29.7/2 :  927/27-30 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts 
for  all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana, 
upper  Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  July  1-30,  1927.  1st  edition.  [1927.] 
Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sunday  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at 
Washington,  D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65 
stations  throughout  the  United  States.  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not 
be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A 29.18:  927 

Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  July  1-31,  1927.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1927.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain  as 
much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a  yr. 
(maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  927 

Weather  outlook,  July  4-Aug.  6  [1927].  July  2-30,  1927.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]  t  A  29.38  :  927/53-57 
Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows:  Washington.  D.  C.  (District 
1.  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2.  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4.  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (District  .5.  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plans)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8.  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region.  District  9,  Southern 
Rockv  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far  Western 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service.     Information  concerning  examinations   for  en- 
trance to  Steamboat  Inspection  Service.     June,  1927.     4  p.     (Form  1405.)     t 

CS  1.6 :  St3/12 

Yeteran  preference  [in  appointment  to  civil  offices  under  United  States  Govern- 
ment].    June.  1927.     8  p.     (Form  1481.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26805  CS  1.2  :  Y  64/15 

Hour   to   order  publications — See   iuformation    follOTving    Contents 

58060— 27— No.  391 3 

12  Jui.Y,  1927 


Note. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  libraries,  etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  be 
submitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Commerce.     Schedule  A,  statistical  classification  of  imports  into  United  States, 
with  rates  of  duty,  and  regulations  governing  preparation  of  monthly  and 
quarterly  statements  of  imports,  effective  Jan.  1,  1927.     1927.     vi+148  p.  4° 
( Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau. )      *  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26070  C  18.18/1 :  A/7 

Game-fish.     Remedy  for  disappearing  game  fishes,  address  by  Herbert  Hoover. 
Secretary  of  Commerce,  delivered  before  Izaak  Walton  League  of  America, 
Chicago,  111.,  Apr.  9,  1927.     1927.     [1] +12  p.  narrow  8°     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26792  C  1.2  :  F  53 

Lumber.  End-matched  softwood  lumber  and  its  uses,  report  of  subcommittee 
on  end-matched  softwood  lumber  of  National  Committee  on  "Wood  Utilization. 
1927.     iv+17  p.  il.     [2d  report  of  a  series  on  marketing  and  use  of  lumber.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26727  C  1.14  :  L  97/2 


Airway  bulletin  89-94,  96,  113-120;  June  13-July  6,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p. 
11.12°     (Information  Division.)      t  C  23.7:  89,  etc. 


Arizona.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Arizona,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm  ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
7  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26725  C  3.31 :  Ar  4i/tab.  5-8 

Business.  Survey  of  current  business,  July,  1927,  no.  71 ;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce,  [and]  Bureau  of 
Standards.  1927.  cover-title,  48  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Contains  statistics  for 
May,  1927,  and  items  covering  June  received  up  to  June  28,  1927,  the  date 
given  above,  July,  1927,  being  the  date  of  issue.     Text  on  p.  2-A  of  cover.] 

*  Paper,  10c.   (single  numbers  usually  10c. ,  semiannual  numbers  25c.),  $1.50 
a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  927/7 

Same,  weekly  supplement,  July  5-25,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p.  il. 

4°     [Included  in  price  of  monthly   Survey  of  cun-ent  business,   which   see 
above.  ]  C  3.34  :  927/17-20 

Butter,     Census  of  manufactures,   1925 :    Butter,   cheese,   and   condensed   and 
evaporated  milk.     1927.     19  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26736  C  3.24/4 :  925-B  98/2 

California.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  California,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    20  p. 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26714  C  3.31 :  C  12/tab.  5-8 

Carriages.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Carriages,  wagons,  sleighs,  and  sleds, 
and  materials.    1927.    15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26493  C  3.24/4 :  925-C  23 

Clocks.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Clocks,  watches,  and  parts.    1927.    11  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26775  C  3.24/4  :  925-C  62 

Ho^v   to   order   publications — See    information   following    Contents 

July,  1927  13 

Cotton.  Cotton  consumed,  cotton  on  hand,  active  cotton  spindles,  and  imports 
and  exports  of  cotton,  June,  1927  and  1926,  with  statistics  of  cotton  consumed, 
imported,  and  exported  for  11  months  ending  June  30.  July  14,  1927. 
oblor.2;  32"  [Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card 
form.']     t  '  0  3.21:926-27/11 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  11  months  ending  June  30,  1927 
and  1926.  July  13,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products  are  for 
10  months  ending  Mav  31.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is  issued 
in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25 :  926-27/11 

Farm  implements  and  machinery.     Manufacture  and  sale  of  farm  equipment, 

1926.  1927.    15  p.     *  Pai^er,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  25-26343  C  3.2 :  F  22/926 

Florida.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Florida,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  live.stock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    21  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26713  C  3.31 :  F  66/tab.  5-8 

Illinois.  United  States  census  of  agriculture.  1925 ;  Illinois,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population;  Number  of  fanns  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
37  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26772  C  3.31 :  II  6/tab.  5-8 

Indiana.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Indiana,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    29  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26716  C  3.31 :  In  2/tab.  5-8 

Leather.     Census   of   manufactures,    1925:    Leather   industries.     1927.     31   p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  24-26156  C  3.24/4  :  925-L  48 

Lumber.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Principal  lumber  industries,  lumber  and 
timber  products,  planing  mills,  wooden  boxes;  compiled  in  cooperation  with. 
Department  of  Agriculture,  Forest  Service.    1927.    63  p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26803  C  3.24/4  :  925-L  97 

Note.— Includes  Production  of  lumber  since  1801  and  present  conditions  of  distribu- 
tion ;  prepared  by  Forest  Service. 

Michigan.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Michigan,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
28  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26782  C  3.31 :  M  58/tab.  5-8 

Motor-cycles.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Motor  cycles,  bicycles,  and  parts, 
and  children's  carriages  and  sleds.     1927.     11  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26667  C  3.24/4  :  925-M  85 

Motw-vehicles.     Census  of  manufactures,   1925 :  Motor  vehicles,   motor-vehicle 
bodies,  and  motor-vehicle  parts.     1927.     22  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26871  C  3.24/4 :  925-V  53 

Motors.     Census   of  manufactures,   1925 :  Prime   movers,    motors,   and   genera- 
tors.    1827.     18  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26742  C  3.24/4  :  925-P  93 

'Neic  York  State.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  New  York, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops 
and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and 
firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;   Cooperative  marketing. 

1927.  22  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26712  C  3.31 :  N  42  y/tab.  5-8 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  follofving  Contents 

14  Jin.Y,  1927 

North  Dakota.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  North  Dakota, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified 
crops  and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned 
over,  and  firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative 
marketing.  1927;  19  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26717  C  3.31 :  N  81  d/tab.  5-8 

Ohio.  United  States  census  of  agriculture.  1925:  Ohio,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  fann ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927.  32 
p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26764  C  3.31 :  Oh  3/tab.  5-8 

Oregon.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Oregon,  county  tables  5-8, 
Fann  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  siJecified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927.  15 
p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  27-26718  C  3.31 :  Or  3/tab.  5-8 

Paper.     Census  of  manufactures,   1925 :  Paper   and   wood   pulp.     1927.     19  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26742  C  3.24/4  :  925-P  19 

Pennsylvania.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Pennsylvania,  county 
tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and 
specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and 
firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing. 
1927.  22  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26740  C  3.31 :  P  38/tab.  5-8 

Petroleum.     Census  of  manufactures,   1925:  Petroleum  refining.     1927.     10  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26890  C  3.24/4  :  925-P  44 

Slaughtering.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Slaughtering  and  meat  packing 
and  related  industries.     1927.     35  p.   "  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26891  C  3.24/4  :  925-Sl  1 

Smelting.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Smelting  and  refining    (nonferrous 
metals).     1927.     12  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26588  C  3.24/4  :  925-Sm  3 

Soap.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Soap.     1927.     9  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26591  C  3.24/4 :  925-So  1 

South  Carolina.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  South  Carolina, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified 
crops  and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned 
over,  and  firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative 
marketing.  1927.  19  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26719  C  3.31 :  So  8  c/tab.  5-8 

South  Dakota.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  South  Dakota, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified 
crops  and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned 
over,  and  firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  mar- 
keting. 1927.  24  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26776  C  3.31 :  So  8d/tab.  5-8 

Stoves.     Census    of    manufactures,    1925:    Stoves,    ranges,    domestic    heating 
apparatus,  and  steam  fittings.     1927.    15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26797  C  3.24/4 :  925-St  7 

Sugar.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Sugar  industries  and  corn  sirup,  corn 
oil,  and  starch.     1927.    20  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26804  C  3.24/4 :  925-Su  3 

Tanning  materials.  Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Tanning  materials,  nat- 
ural dyestuffs,  mordants  and  assistants,  and  sizes.  1927.  8  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26833  C  3.24/4 :  925-T 15 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  folloirlns  Contents 

July,  1927  15 

To'bacco.  Leaf  tobacco  held  by  manufacturers  and  dealers,  July  1,  1927  and 
1926,  and  Apr.  1  and  Jan.  1,  1927.  July  27,  1927.  oblong  32"  [Preliminary 
report.    This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t        C  3.18/2 :  927/3 

Utah.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Utah,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
11  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26726  O  3.31 :  Ut  1/tab.  5-8 

Washington  State.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Washington, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified 
crops  and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned 
over,  and  firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative 
marketing.  1927.  14  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26720  C  3.31 :  W  27/tab.  5-8 

Wisconsin.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Wisconsin,  county 
tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops 
and  specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over, 
and  firewood  cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  market- 
ing. 1927.  24  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26741  C  3.31 :  W  75/tab.  5-8 

Wood-pulp.    Forest   products,    1926 :    Pulpwood    consumption    and    wood-pulp 
production ;  compiled  in  cooperation  with  Department  of  Agriculture,  Forest 
Service.     1927.     13  p.     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26246  C  3.12/7 :  P  96/926 

Wyoming.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Wyoming,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
10  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26777  C  3.31 :  W  99/tab.  5-8 


Note. — "The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  bulletin,  June  30,  1927;   no.   145.      [1927.]      9  p. 
[Monthly.]     $ 
L.   C.   card  15-26512  C  4.20: 145 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot,  Atlantic  Coast,  section 
C,  Sandy  Hook  to  Cape  Henry.  May  14,  1927.  [l]+20  leaves.  (Serial 
39L)     t  C  4.6/1  :C/G 

Geodetic  operations  in  United  States,  Jan.  1,  1924-Dec.  31,  1926 ;  by  William 
Bowie.  1927.  iii+34  p.  il.  2  maps,  4"  (Special  publication  134.)"^  [Report 
to  Section  of  Geodesy  of  International  Geodetic  and  Geophysical  Union, 
International  Research  Council.  Includes  list  of  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 
geodetic  publications  issued  since  Jan.  1,  1924.]     f 

L.  C.  card  27-26813  C  4.19  :  134 

Note. — Includes  Geodetic  standardization  at  Bureau  of  Standards ;  by  Lewis  V 
Judson. — Tuning  fork  as  timepiece  ;  by  Paul  R.  Heyl. — United  States  Naval  Observa- 
tory time  service ;  by  Paul  Solenberger. — Mean  sea-level  determination  from  short 
series  of  tide  observations  ;  by  G.  T.  Rude. — Study  of  variation  of  mean  sea  level  from 
level  surface  ;  by  Henry  G.  Avers. — Report  on  readjustment  of  Ist-order  triangulation 
net  of  western  part  of  United  States  ;  by  Oscar  S.  Adams. 


Columbia  River,  Oreg.-Wash.,  Grims  Island  to  St.  Helens,  survevs  to  1924, 
surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Jan.  1927 ;  chart  6153.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Wash- 
ington, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  June,  1927.    38.7X32.9  in.     t  75c. 

C  4.9 :  6153 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

16  Jtjly,  1927 

Georgia-Flovida,  Doboy  Sound  to  Fernandina,  sun'eys  to  1925,  surveys  by  U.  S. 
Engineers  to  1927  and  other  sources ;  chart  1242.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washing- 
ton, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  June,  1927.    41.2X32.5  in.    t  75c.     C  4.9  :  1242 

Eonolulu  Harhor,  Oahu,  Hawaiian  Islands,  surveys  to  1926,  surveys  by  U.  S. 
Engineers  to  1924  and  other  sources  ;  chart  4109.  Scale  1 :  5,000.  Washing- 
ton, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  June,  1927.    35.1X23.7  in.     t  50c.     C  4.9:  4109 

Mare  Island  Strait,  Calif.,  original  surveys  to  1923,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Navy  to 
Apr.  1927,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engrs.  to  Apr.  1927 ;  chart  5525.  Scale  1 :  10,000. 
Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  June,  1927.     34.9X23  in.     f  50c. 

C  4.9 :  5525 

Port  Angeles,  Wash.,  surveys  to  1926,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1926  and 
other  sources  ;  chart  6303.  Scale  1 :  10.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  June,  1927.     18.6X31.2  in.     f  25c.  C  4.9:  6303 

St.  Johns  River,  Fla.,  Palatka  to  Lake  George,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  te 
Jan.  1926 ;  chart  508.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sur- 
vey, June,  1927.     27.4X32.9  in.     [Map  is  in  2  sections.]     t  50c.         C  4.9:  508 

Santa  Barbara  Islands.  Harbors  of  Santa  Barbara  Islands,  Calif. ;  chart  5126. 
Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  June,  1927.     31.2X27.4  in.     f  50c. 

C  4.9 :  5126 

Anacnpa  Island  and  east  end  of  Santa  Cruz  Island,  Calif.,  surveys  to  1876. 

Cuyler's   Harbor,   San  Miguel  Island.  Calif.,  surveyed   1858-90. 

North  West  Harbor,  San  Clemente  Island,  Calif.,  surveyed  1852-79. 

Prisoner's  Harbor,  Santa  Cruz  Island,  Calif.,  surveyed  1856-75. 

South  East  Anchorage,  San  Clemente  Island,  Calif.,  surveyed  1862-1926. 


Alaska  fishery  and   fur-seal   industries   in   1926 ;   by  Ward  T.   Bower.     1927. 

[1] +225-336  p.   il.      (Bureau   of   Fisheries   doe.   1023.)      [App.   4,   report  of 

commissioner  of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  F  13-212  C  6.1 :  927/app.4 

Note. — Includes  Computation  of  fur  seals,  Pribilof  Islands,  1926 ;  by  Edward  C. 

Bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Fisheries,  1926.     1927.     v.  42,  iv+3S5  p.  il.  7  pi.  22  p.  of 
pi.  2  maps,  larse  8°     *  Cloth,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  9-35239  C  6.3  :  42 

Contents. — Schizamceba  salmonis,  new  ameba  parasitic  in  salmonid  fishes  [with 
bibliography]  ;  by  H.  S.  Davis. — Octomitus  sulmonis,  parasitic  flagellate  of  trout  [with 
bibliography]  ;  by  H.  S.  Davis. — Second  experiment  in  tagging  salmon  in  Alaska  Penin- 
sula B'isheries  Reservation,  summer  of  1923 ;  by  Charles  H.  Gilbert  and  Willis  H. 
Hich. — Distinguishing  characters  of  2  species  of  red  snappers  of  Atlantic  Coast  of 
North  America  ;  by  Samuel  F.  Hildebrand  and  Isaac  Ginsburg. — Crayfishes  of  genus 
Cambarus  in  Nebraska  and  eastern  Colorado  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Earl  Therou 
Engle. — New  genus  of  darter  from  western  North  Carolina  ;  by  R.  E.  Coker. — Salmon- 
tagging  experiments  in  Alaska,  1024  and  1925 ;  by  Willis  H.  Rich. — -Development, 
growth,  and  food  habits  of  white  sucker,  Catostomus  coramersonii  Lesueur  [with 
bibliography]  ;  by  Norman  Hamilton  Stewart. — Organic  content  of  lake  water  [with 
bibliography]  ;  by  Edward  A.  Birge  and  Chancey  Juday. — Descriptions  of  2  new  species 
of  fishes  from  Key  West,  Fla.,  wfth  notes  on  9  other  species  collected  in  same  locality ; 
by  Samuel  P.  Hildebrand  and  Isaac  Ginsburg. — Smelts  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  William 
Converse  Kendall. — General  index. 

Cold  storage  Iwldings  of  fish,  June  15.  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Statistical 
bulletin  750.)      [Statistics  furnislied  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

C  6.5 :  750 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  July  1,  1927 ;  no.  146.     [1927.]     6  p.     [Monthly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  C  6.9  :  146 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products 
landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  IMass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American  fish- 
ing vessels.  May,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  oblong  f°     (Statistical  bulletin  748.)     t 

C  6.5 :  748 

Same,  June,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  oblong  f     (Statistical  bulletin  751.)     t 

C  6.5 :  751 

Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at 

Seattle,  Wash.,  by  American  fishing  vessels,  May,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4°     ( Sta- 
tistical bulletin  749. )     t  C  6.5 :  749 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  follo-wlng  Contents 

JuLT,  1927  17 

Fishery  products — Continuetl. 

Same,  June,  1927.    1927.    1  p.  4°     (Statistical  bulletin  752.)     f     C  6.5  :  752 

Salmon.     Investigations  concerning  red-salmon  runs  to  Karluk  River,  Alaska ; 
by  Charles  H.  Gilbert  and  Willis  H.  Rich.     1927.     [l]+l-69  p.  il.  1  pi.  14  p.  of 
pi.  map,  large  8°     ([Bureau  of  Fisheries]  doc.  1021.)      [From  Bulletin,  v.  43, 
pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  F  27-8  C  6.3/a  :  Sa  35/21 

Salmon-tagging  experiments  in  Alaska,  1926 ;  by  Willis  H.  Rich  and  Arnie 

J.  Suomela.     1927.     [1] +71-104  p.  il.  large  8°     ([Bureau  of  Fisheries]  doc. 
1022.)      [From  Bulletin,  V.  43,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  F  26-9  C  6.3/a  :  Sa  35/22 

Sardines.     Preparation  of  fish  for  canning  as  sardines ;  by  Harry  R.  Beard. 
1927.     [1] +67-223  p.  il.     (Bureau  of  Fi8.heries  doc.  1020.)      [App.  3,  report 
of  commissioner  of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  F  27-7  C  6.1 :  927/app.  3 


Anglo-Egyptian  Sudan,  commercial  handbook ;  by  North  Winship.     1927.     vi+ 
80  p.  il.  map.     (Trade  promotion  series  49;   [Division  of  Regional  Informa- 
tion].)    *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26786  C  18.27 :  49 

Aiitomoiiles.  Automotive  products :  Extent  of  world  motorization  on  Jan.  1, 
1927:  [bv]  I.  H.  Taylor.  [1927.]  3  p.  il.  4°  [From  Commerce  reports, 
June  27,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  Au  82/6 

Same :  One  automobile  for  every  66  persons  in  the  world,  over  95  per 

cent  of  automobiles  in  the  world  are  American ;  [by]  I.  H.  Taylor.     [1927.] 
4  p.  il.  4°     [From  Commerce  reports,  July  11,  1927.]     f        C  18.5/la  :  Au  82/7 

Budgets.     Latin  American  budgets:  pt.  1,  Argentina,  Uruguay,  Paraguay,  and 
Brazil;  by  James  C.  Corliss.     [July.  1927.]     ii+73  p.      (Trade  information 
bulletin  497:  Finance  and  Investment  Division.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26796  G  18.25 :  497 

Citroen  Company.  Development  of  Citroen  Company,  Europe's  leading  motor- 
car manufacturer  employs  American  machinery  and  practices;  [by]  H.  H. 
Kelly.     [1927.]     5  p.  il.  4"     [From  Commerce  reports,  July  18,  1927.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  C  498 

Commerce.     Monthly   summary   of  foreign   commerce   of   United   States,   May, 
1927.     1927.     2  pts.  p.  1-75  and  ii+ 77-96  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  10c.  single 
copv.  *  pt.  2.  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 
L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  18.7  :  927/11-1, 11-2 

Same.     1927.     [2  pts.  in  1],  96  p.  4"     (H.  doc.  503,  69th  Cong,  2d  sess.) 

Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports  from  American  con- 
sular officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Commerce  in  foreign 
countries,  no.  27-30;  July  4-25,  1927.  1927.  cover-titles,  p.  1-256,  il.  4° 
[Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  927/27-30 

Electric  wire.  Normas  para  alambres  y  cables,  forma  adoptada  por  el  Ameri- 
can Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers  [con  bibliografia].  Oct.  1925,  [published] 
1927.  vii+8  p.  large  8°  (Electrical  standard  no.  30.)  [Edicion  espanola  pre- 
parada  en  colaboracion  con  el  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  C  18.30  :  30 

Note. — This  Is  a  Spanish  tr.inslation  of  A.  I.  E.  E.  standards  for  wires  and  cables, 
which  will  not  be  issued  in  English  as  a  Government  publication. 

Electrical  development  and  guide  to  marketing  of  electrical  equipment  in  Brazil. 
[July,  1927.]  ii+21  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  496;  Electrical  Equip- 
ment Division.)  [This  study  supplements  Special  agents  series  184,  Electri- 
cal goods  in  Argentina,  Uruguay,  and  Brazil,  issued  in  1919.  Includes  list 
of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau  publications  pertinent  to  subject 
matter  of  this  bulletin.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26798  C  18.25  :  496 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

18  Jttly,  1927 

Hides  and  skins,  world  production  and  international  trade;  by  J.  Schnitzer, 
1927.    iv+210  p.  il.  1  pi.     (Trade  promotion  series  50;  Hide  and  Leather 
Division. )     *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26814  C  18.27  :  50 

Hosiery.     British  market  for  hosiery;  by  K.  A.  H.  Egerton  and  Wilson  Flake. 
[June,  1927.]     ii+14  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  495;  Textile  Division.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26753  C  18.25  :  495 

Insulators.  Normas  para  pruebas  de  aisladores,  forma  adoptada  por  el  Ameri- 
can Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers.  July,  1925,  [published]  1927.  vii+5 
p.  large  8°  (Electrical  standard  no.  41.)  [Edicion  espaiiola  preparada  en 
colaboracion  con  el  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  18.30 :  41 

Note. — This  is  a   Spanish   translation   of  A.   I.   E.   E.   standards  for  insulator  test 
specifications,  which  will  not  be  issued  in  English  as  a  Government  publication. 

Lighting.  Normas  para  nomenclatura  de  la  ingenieria  de  iluminacion  y  normas 
fotometricas,  forma  adoptada  por  el  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engi- 
neers, aprobada  como  norma  americana,  A.  E.  S.  C.  X7  1925.  July,  1925,  re- 
printed Nov.  1926,  [published]  1927.  vii+6  p.  large  8"  (Electrical  standard 
no.  37.)  [Edicion  espaiiola  preparada  en  colaboracion  con  el  American  In- 
stitute of  Electrical  Engineers.]  *  Paper,  5c.  C  18.30 :  37 
Note. — This  is  a  Spanish  translation  of  A.  I.  E.  E.  standards  for  illuminatinc:  engi- 
neering nomenclature  and  photometric  standards,  which  will  not  be  issued  in  English 
as  a  Government  publication. 

Luniber.  Parana  pine  lumber  industry  of  Brazil,  by  Joseph  C.  Kircher ;  [re- 
vised by  Leonard  M.  Brin].  [June,  1927.]  ii-|-17  p.  (Trade  information  bul- 
letin 493;  [Lumber  Division].)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Forest  Service. 
Formerly  issued  in  Apr.  1923,  as  Trade  information  bulletin  92.]  *  Paper,  lOe. 
L.  C.  card  27-26661  018.25:493 

Medicines.     Markets  for  prepared  medicines;  by  M.  C.  Bergin.     1927.     v+70 
p.  il.     (Trade  promotion  series  48;  Chemical  Division.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26739  018.27:48 

Petroleum  refineries  in  foreign  countries,  based  on  rei>orts  of  consular  officers 
of  Department  of  State  and  oversea  representatives  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce;  compiled  by  John  H.  Nelson.     [June,  1927.]     ii+46  p.     (Trade  infor- 
mation bulletin  494;  Minerals  Section.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  card  27-26752  018.25:494 

Steel.  Standard  specifications  for  structural  steel  for  bridges  (serial  designa- 
tion A7-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials.  1927. 
18  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  203.)  [Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared 
in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portuguese  by  Ken- 
nie  Norris  Bletz  and  Oscar  Machado  da  Costa.  The  cover-title  of  this  edition 
is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  018.24:203 

Tools.     British  market  for  hand  tools :   by  Harold  A.  Burch.     [July,   1927.] 
ii-|-24  p.      (Trade  information   bulletin  498;    [Hardware   Section,   Iron   and 
Steel  Division].)      *  Paper,   lOc. 
L.  0.  card  27-26794  018.25:498 

Wheat.    Factors  in  wheat  marketing ;  by  Theodore  D.  Hammatt.    1927.     [1]  + 
14  p.  il.     (Foodstuffs  Division.)     t 
L.  0.  card  27-26800  0  18.2 :  W  56 


16th  District.  Pacific  Coast  of  United  States,  buoy  list,  Alaska,  16th  lighthouse 
district;  1927,  corrected  to  May  10.  1927.  [l]-l-49  p.  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.   O.   card   13-35476  0  9.35:927 

18th  District.    Pacific  Coast  of  United  States,  buoy  list,  California.  ISth  light- 
house district ;  1927,  corrected  to  June  15.    1927.     [l]-f41  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  O.  card  1&-25814  0  9..37  :  927 

Ho'w  to  order  publications — See  Information   follovrins   Contents 

JiiLT,.1927  19 

Lighthouse  service  'bulletin,   v.  3,  no.  43;   July  1,   1927.      [1927.]      p.   197-200, 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121  0  9.31:3/43 

Mississippi  River,  South  Pass,  temporary  change  in  light ;  [all  lettered  poster] . 
July  1,  1927.     16X10.5  in.     ([Poster]  notice  to  mariners  103.)      t 

C  9.38/1 :  103 

New  Jersey.  Seacoast,  New  Jersey,  Barnegat- lightship  to  be  established;  [all 
lettered  poster].  July  12,  1927.  16X10.5  in.  ([Poster]  notice  to  mariners 
KM.)      t  0  9.38/1:104 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  26-30,  1927;  July  1-29  [1927].     1927.     various 
paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Ooast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.   0.   card  7-20609  0  9-26:927/26-30 

Regulations  for  lighthouse  service,  1927.    1927.    iv+223  p.     [These  regulations 
supersede  those  approved  June  13,  1918.]     $ 
L.  0.  card  11-35744  0  9.16:927 


Carbon  black  produced  from  natural  gas  in  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins.  July  20, 
1927.     [1] +13-16  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

0  22.8/a  :  0  177/926 

Carbon  monoxide  self -rescuer ;  by  A.  0.  Fieldner,  S.  H.  Katz,  and  D.  A.  Reynolds. 
Revised  Apr.  1927.     [1927.]    13  p.  il.     (Serial  2591.)     [Usually  the  Serial  pub- 
lications of  the  Mines  Bureau  are  mimeographed  and  are  not  entered  in  this 
catalogue.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  27-26724  O  22.12  :  2591 

Chromite  in  1926;  by  J.  W.  Furness.  June  30,  1927.  ii+1-8  p.  [From  Min- 
eral resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paiser,  5c.  0  22.8/a  :  0  468/926 

Copper  mines  and  mining.     Drilling  and  blasting  in  open-cut  copijer  mines ;  by 
E.  D.  Gardner.     1927.     v+98  p.  il.     (Bulletin  273.)     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26778  0  22.3  :  273 

Ferric  sulphate-sulphuric  acid  process,  compiled  by  Oliver  O.  Ralston ;  with 
chapter  on  Producing  small  bubbles  of  gas  in  liquids  by  submerged  orifices, 
by    Ohas.    G.    Maier.      1927.     vi+122    p.    il.    2   p.    of    pi.      (Bulletin    260.) 
*  Paper,  30c. 
L.  0.  card  27-26773  0  22.3  :  260 

Fuller's  earth  in  1926;  by  Jefferson  Middleton,  July  IS,  1927.  iii+9-12  p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  O  22.8/a  :  F  95/926 

Pyrotannic  acid  method  for  quantitative  determination  of  carbon  monoxide  in 
blood  and  in  air,  its  use  in  diagnosis  and  investigation  of  cases  of  carbon 
monoxide  poisoning;  by  R.  R.  Sayers  and  W.  P.  Yant.  [Reprint  with  slight 
changes]  1927.  ii-{-18  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Technical  paper  373.)  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  card  27-26819  0  22.5  :  373/2 

Quarry  accidents  In  United  States,  calendar  year  1925;  by  William  W.  Adams. 
1927.    v+98  p.     (Bulletin  286.)     [Includes  lists  of  Mines  Bureau  publications 
on  accident  statistics.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  0.  card  13-35364  0  22.3  :  286 


■Ships.    American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
over,  June  1,  1927.    1927.    ii+66  p.    4°     (Serial  115.)     [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  0.  card  19-26597  O  11.8 :  927/6 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 

How  to   order  publications — See   Information   following^   Contents 

58060— 27— No.  391 4 

20  Jm.Y,  1927 

be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  hooks  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Decisions.      [Decisions   in  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,   etc.]     July  5,   1927. 
p.  1-6,  large  8°    [From  Official  gazette,  v.  360,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a  2 :  360/1 

Same.    July  12,  1927.    p.  259-264,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  360, 

no.  2.]  C  21.5/a2 :  360/2 

Same.    July  19,  1927.    p.  497-502,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  360, 

no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  360/3 

• Same.    July  26,  1927.    p.  745-750,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  360, 

no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  360/4 

Inventions.  Changes  in  classification  [of  inventions],  order  3013;  June  9,  1927. 
[1927.]     1  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  359,  no.  4.]     % 

C  21.5/a  6  :  927/4 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  July  5-26,  1927 ;  v.  360,  no.  1-4.     1927.     cover- 
titles,    950+[clsii]    p.    il.    large    8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,    25c.    single    copy, 
$10.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  360/1^ 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in 
patent  cases. 

The  annual  Index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trademarks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  in- 
cluded in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will 
be  sent  to  those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50 ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same, 

Same    [title-page,   contents,   errata,   etc.,   to]    v.  359;   June,   1927.     1927. 

[2]   leaves,  large  8°     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official 
gazette  for  subscribers.  C  21.5  :  359/t.p.&  cont. 

■ •  Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  July  5,  1927].  [1927.]  xliv  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
V.  360,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4  :  360/1 

Same  [July  12.  1927].     [1927.]     xlii  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  360,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  4:  3C0/2 

■     Same  [July  19,  1927].     [1927.]     xlii  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  360,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  4 :  360/3 

Same     [July    26,    1927].     [1927.]     xxxiv    p.    large    8°     [From    Official 

gazette,  v.  360,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  360/4 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  July  .5-26,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  360,  no.  1^.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  360/1^ 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  July  5,  1927.  [1927.] 
7-62+xviii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  360,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  360/1 

Same,  July  12,  1927.  [1927.]  265-316+xvii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  360,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  360/2 

Same,  July  19,  1927.  [1927.]  503-582+xix  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  360,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  360/3 

Same,  July  26,  1927.  [1927.]  751-806+xiii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  360,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  360/4 


Com^nerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  June  30,  1927.  [1927.]  5  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  016.6:927/6 

HoTT  to  order  pnbllcatlous — See  information  follovring  Contents 

July,  192T  21 


Radio    service   bulletin,    June   30,    1927;    no.    123.     [1927.]     16   p.     [Monthly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  123 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  $1.25  per 
volume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $2.50.  These  volumes 
will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.35. 
Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washing- 
ton. D.  C.  ^  .     ..V 

The  Technologic  papers  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  in  the 
same  manner  as  the  Scientific  paper.s.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  numbers 
vary  in  price. 

Brick  testers.     Portable  apparatus  for  transverse  tests  of  brick ;  by  A.  H.  Stang. 
May  31,  1927.     [1] +347-352  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  large  8"     (Technologic  papers 
341.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26750  C  13.8  :  341 

Carou  fiber  as  paper-making  material ;   by  Merle  B.   Shaw    [and]    George  W. 
Bicking.     May  23,   1927.     [1] +323-346  p.   il.  large  8°     (Technologic  papers 
340.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26749  C  13.8  :  340 

Envelopes.  Study  of  windows  of  window  envelopes  for  purpose  of  developing 
standard  specifications;  by  R.  E.  Lofton.  June  6,  1927.  [1] +385-399  p. 
large    8°     (Technologic    papers    343.)      [From    Technologic    papers,    v.    21.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26788  C  13.8 :  343 

Glass  for  air  ports  and  fixed  lights,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American 
Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Nov.  14,  1925,  as  American  marine 
standard  H  no.  1-1925.    1927.    ii+1  p.  il.  large  S°     (AMSC  1.)     *  Pai)er.  5e. 

C  13.19 : 1 

Glassware.  Kinds  and  sizes  of  glassware  for  ship  equipment,  compiled  and 
promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25, 
1926.  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  S-1926.  1927.  ii+1  p.  larse  8° 
(AMSC  14.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19  :  14 

Hardware.  Builders'  hardware.  1st  revision  [Sept.  14,  1926].  1927.  ii+72 
p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommendation  no.  18.)  [Title  on  cover  is: 
Elimination  of  waste,  simplified  practice,  builders'  hardware.  Recommenda- 
tion became  effective  May  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  10c.  C  13.12/1 :  18/lst  rev. 

Hose.  Kinds  and  sizes  of  hose  for  ship  equipment,  compiled  and  promulgated 
by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee;  approved  Jan.  25,  1926,  as  Amer- 
ican  marine   standard   O   no.    1-1926.     1927     ii+1    p.    large  8"     (AMSC    7.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19  :  7 

Specification  for  %-inch  and  2-inch  flexible  metallic  hose,  compiled  and 

promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25, 

1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  2-1926.     1927.     ii+2  p.  larije  8° 
(AMSC  8.)      *  Paper,  5c.  C  13^9  :  8 

Specification  for  2% -inch  unlined  linen  fire  hose,  compiled  and  promul- 
gated by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25,  1926, 
as  Amorican  marine  standard  O  no.  4-1926.  1927.  ii+2  p.  large  8°  (AMSC 
10.)     *  Paper,  5c.  ""      C  13.19: 10 

Marine-boilers.  General  instructions  for  operation,  care,  and  upkeep  of  Scotch 
type  marine  boilers,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Stand- 
ards Committee;  approved  Jan.  25,  1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O 
no.  6-1926.    1927.    ii+15  p.  large  8°     (AMSC  12.)     *  Paper,  10c.     013.19:12 

Mars  (planet).  Further  radiometric  measurements  and  temperature  estimates 
of  planet  Mars,  1926;  by  W.  W.  Coblentz  [and]   C.  O.  Lampland.     June  17, 

1927.  [1] +237-276  p.  il.  large  8°     (Scientific  papers  553.)      [From  Scientific 
papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26783  C  13.3/a  :  553 

Howr  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

22  Jui-Y,  1927 

Metal  fits.     Comparison  of  American,  British,  and  German  standards  for  metal 
fits  [witli  bibliography];  by  Irvin  H.  Fullmer.     June  7,  1927.     [1] +401-407 
p.  2  pi.  large  8°     (Technologic  papers  344.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v. 
21.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26789  C  13.8 :  344 

Metals.     Standard   samples,  general   information,     9th  edition.     July   1,   1927. 

[1]+13  p.  large  8"     (Circular  25.)      [Supersedes  Sth  edition  issued  June  26, 
1923.]     t 

L.  C.  card  27-26780  C  13.4 :  25/9 

Standard  samples  issued  or  in  preparation.     July  1,  1927.     7  p.  large  8° 

(Circular  25,  supplement.)      [Supersedes  supplement  issued  July  1,  1926.]     t 

C  13.4 :  25/9-2 

Molasses.  Determination  of  weight  per  gallon  of  blackstrap  molasses;  by 
Carl  F.  Snyder  [and]  L.  D.  Hammond.  June  10,  1927.  [1] +409-412  p.  large 
8°  (Technologic  papers  345.)  [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26743  C  13.8  :  345 

Mooring  Mtts,  cast-steel,  standard,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American 
Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Nov.  13,  1926,  as  American  marine 
standard  H  no.  17-1926.    1927.    ii+3  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSO  23.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  23 

Packings.  United  States  Government  master  si>ecification  for  packings,  asbestos 
wick  and  rope.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  487,  ofiicially  promul- 
gated by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  May  12,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments 
and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  asbestos  wick 
and  rope  packings.  June  8,  1927.  3  p.  large  8"  (Circular  334.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   0.  card  27-26748  C  13.4  :  334 

United  States  Government  master  specification  for  [rubber-treated]  pack- 
ing, asbestos  metallic  cloth  sheet.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification 
94b,  revised  May  12,  1927,  ofiicially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications 
Board,  Dec.  29,  1923,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments 
of  Government  in  purchase  of  [rubber-treated]  asbestos  metallic  cloth  sheet 
packing.  2d  [edition],  June  8,  1927.  4  p.  large  8"  (Circular  243.)  [Super- 
sedes Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  94a.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L,  C,  card  27-26747  C  13.4  :  243/2 

PiiMications.  New  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  no.  33 ;  June  29,  1927. 
1927.    oblong  48°    [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

C  13.15 :  33 

Rtiblter  goods.    Aging  of  soft  rubber  goods ;  by  R.  F,  Tener,  W.  H.  Smith,  [and] 
W.  L.  Holt.    June  6,  1927.    [1]  +353-384  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.  large  8°     (Technologic 
papers  342.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L,  G.  card  27-26781  C 13.8 :  342 

Safety  at  sea.  Equipment  and  methods  for  safety  on  ships,  standard  reference 
list,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee; 
approved  Nov.  13,  1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  13-1926.  1927. 
ii+2  p.  large  8°     (AMSC  19.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19  :  19 

Sound.     Transmission  of  sound  through  building  materials;  by  V.  L.  Chrisler, 
June  16,  1927.     [1] +227-235  p.   large  8°      (Scientific  papers  552,)      [From 
Scientific  papers,  v,  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L,  C,  card  27-26795  C  13.3/a  :  552 

Spectra.    Absorption  spectra  of  iron,  cobalt,  and  nickel  [with  bibliography]  ;  by 
W,  F,  Meggers   [and]   F.  M,  Walters,  jr.  May  13,  1927.      [1] +205-226  p.  2 
p.  of  pi.  large  8"     (Scientific  papers  551.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v,  22.] 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26768  C  13.3/a  :  551 

Sulphur  dioxid.    Determination  of  sulphur  trioxide  in  presence  of  sulphur  di- 
oxide, together  with  some  analyses  of  commercial  liquid  sulphur  dioxide ; 
by  J.  R.  Eckman.    June  25,  1927.     [1] +277-285  p,  11,  1  pi.  large  8°     (Scientific 
papers  554.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26809  C  13.3/a  :  554 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  Information  followlns  Contents 

July,  1927  23 

Technioal  news  hnUetin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  July,  1927;  no.  123.     [1927.1 
12  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  G.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  123 

Tires.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  tires,  pneumatic  and 
solid  rubber,  and  inner  tubes.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  3c, 
revised  Apr.  25.  1927,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board, 
Feb.  3,  1922,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of 
Government  in  purchase  of  pneumatic  tires,  solid  rubber  tires,  and  inner 
tubes.  3d  [edition].  June  4,  1927.  13  p.  large  8°  (Circular  115.)  [Super- 
sedes Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  3b.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26766  C  13.4 :  115/4 

Weights  and  measures.  Federal  and  State  laws  relating  to  weights  and  meas- 
ures. 3d  edition,  revised  by  William  Parry.  Aug.  1926.  ii+976  p.  large  8° 
(Miscellaneous  publication  20.)  [This  edition  supersedes  State  and  national 
laws  concerning  weights  and  measures  of  United  States,  2d',  edition,  printed 
in  1912.  The  2d  edition  did,  not  bear  the  series  title  and  number.  The  original 
edition,  compiled  bv  Louis  A.  Fischer  and  Henry  D.  Hubbard  was  issued  in 
1904.]  *  Paper,  $2.30. 
L.   C.  card  27-26711  013.10:20/3 

Testing  of  line  standards  of  length;    [by  Lewis  Y.   Judson].     May  13, 

1927.     [l]-i- 22  p.  2  pi.  large  8"     (Circular  332.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26767  C  13.4  :  332 

"Weights  and  measures  laws,  compilation  of  weights  and  measures  laws 

of  Federal  Government,  the  various  States,  Territories,  and,  insular  posses- 
sions [descriptive  circular  concerning  Miscellaneous  publication  20.  which 
see,  above].     1927.     1  p.  4°     t  C  13.18 :  W  42 


Steamboat  Inspection   Service  bidletin,  July   1,   1927;   no.   141.     [1927.]     2  p. 
[Monthly.]     % 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  015.10:141 


Congressional  record,  proceedings  and  debates  of  2d  session,  69th  Congress,  also 
proceedings  of  Senate,  1st  session,  sitting  as  court  of  impeachment  [in  trial 
of  George  W.  English,  district  judge  for  eastern  district  of  Illinois]  v.  68, 
pt.  6.  index,  Nov.  10.  1926,  and  Dec.  6,  1926-Mar.  4,  1927  [to  v.  68,  pts.  1-5, 
including  History  of  bills  and  resolutions].  [Permanent  edition.]  1927.  351 
p.  4°     *  Cloth,  pts.  1-5,  each  !?2.25 ;  *  pt.  6,  $1.25. 

L.   C.  card  12-36438  X  641 :  69/2 

Note. — In  this  permanent  bound  edition,  the  paging  differs  from  that  of  the  dally 
numbers,  the  text  being  revised,  rearranged,  and  printed  without  break.  The  bound 
volumes  of  the  Record  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Prices  will  be 
furnished  on  application  for  the  proceedings  and  deb.ntes  of  the  69th  Congress,  1st 
session,  and  prior  Congresses.  Send  remittances  for  the  bound  volumes  to  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents.  Washington.  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will  not  be 


Civil  service  retirement  and  salary  classification  laws ;  compiled  by  Elmer  A. 
Lewis,  superintendent  Document  Room,  House  of  Representatives,  1927. 
[l]+52  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26815  Y  1.2  :  R  31/4 

Includes  : 

Public  no.  21.J,  66th  Congress. 

Public  no.  142,   67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  182,  67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  243.   67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  363,  67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  516,   67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  293.  6Sth  Congress. 

Public  no.  322.  6Sth  Congress. 

Public  res.  no.  36.  6Sth  Congress. 

Public  no.  522,  69th  Congress. 

Public  no.  749,  69th  Congress. 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  folloiving  Contents 

24  Jui^Y,  1927 

Seamen's  act,  as  amended,  and  other  laws  relating  to  seamen ;  compiled  by 
Elmer  A.  Lewis,  superintendent  Document  Room,  House  of  Representatives. 
1927.     [1]  +61  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26816  Y  1.2 :  Se  1/2 

Includes : 

Public  no.  302,  63(1  Congress. 

Public  no.  89,  64tli  Congress. 

Public  no.  20,  65th  Congress. 

Public  no.  144   (extract  from),  65th  Congress. 

Public  no.  90   (extract  from),  C5th  Congress. 

Public  no.  261   (extract  from),  66th  Congress. 

Public  no.  289,  66th  Congress. 

Public  no.  239,   67th  Congress. 

Public  no.  139   (extract  from),  6Sth  Congress. 

Public  no.  803,  69th  Congress. 


Agricultural  credit.  Accounting  and  examinations  under  Federal  farm  loan 
act.  hearings,  69tb  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  15540,  to  amend  Federal 
farm  loan  act,  Jan,  31-Mar.  2,  1927.     1927.     pt.  2,  iii+77^07  p.     *  Paper,  35c. 

Y  4.B  22/1 :  F  31/ll/pt.  2 


Muscle  Shoals,  hearings,  69th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  16396  [for  preser- 
vation, completion,  maintenance,  operation,  and  use  of  Muscle  Shoals  project 
for  war,  navigation,  fertilizer  manufacture,  electric-power  production,  and, 
in  connection  therewith,  incorporation  of  Farmers  Federated  Fertilizer  Cor- 
poration, and  lease  to  it  of  said  project,  and]  H.  R.  16614  [to  authorize  and 
direct  Secretary  of  War  to  execute  lease  with  Air  Nitrates  Corporation  and 
American  Cyanamid  Company],  Jan.  25  [-Mar.  1],  1927.  1927.  2  pts. 
[iv]+1225  p.     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  65c.;  *  pt.  2,  60c.         Y  4.M  59/1 :  M  97/7/pt.  1,  2 


American  Bronze  Powder  Mfg.  Co.  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1927.]     no.  F-362,  p.  21-32.     X  Ju  3.8  :  Am  35/35 

Andreivs-Bradsliaw  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-356,  p.  7-10.     t  Ju  3.8  :  An  27/4 

Brody.  S.  Brody  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff  and  defendant. 
[1927.]     no.  E-66,  p.  23-76.     t  Ju  3.8  :B  785/2 

Cape  May,  N.  J.  City  of  Cape  May,  municipal  corporation  of  New  Jersey,  v. 
United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  E-61S,  p.  35-194.     t 

Ju  3.8  :  C  17/6 

Same ;  evidence  for  plaintiffs.     [1927.]     no.  E-618,  p.  19-66.     t 
'^!i%-  Ju  3.8  :C  17/5 

Vt^^eJc  Nation  v.   United   States;   evidence   for   plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.    F-205, 
"  p.  9-31.     +  Ju3.8:C861 

Curtis.  Fannie  C.  Curtis,  Elizabeth  E.  Curtis,  and  Marv  E.  Smith  v.  United 
States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]     no.  E-368,  p.  9-15.    $  Ju3.8:  C942 

y^xpoH  on  Corporation  v.  United  States,  etc.;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.] 
'  -'no.  E-200,  p.  23-115.     %  Ju  3.8  :  Ex  75 

Feather  River  Lumber  Company  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant]. 
[1927.]     no.  F-68,  p.  27-34.     +  Ju3.8:F313 

Harris  Rubber  Com,pany.  Simon  D.  Harris,  Mark  Harris,  and  Louis  H.  Harris, 
copartners  trading  as  Harris  Rubber  Company,  v.  United  States ;  report  of 
commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  D-533,  p.  19-23.     %  Ju  3.8  :H  244/4 

B'ctf?  i?rof7iers, /nc,  v.  United  States ;  evidence.     [1927.]     no.  F-126,  p.  23-79.    t 

Ju  3.8  :  H  362/3 

Mcsce.  Frank  H.  Mesce  v.  United  States;  report  of  commlssioiier.  [1927.] 
no.  E-558,  p.  13-22.     %  Ju3.8:M56 

>'IIo«r  to  order -publi«atiQiu» — See  Information  folloTvins  Contents 

JuxY,  1927  25 

Metropolitan  Life  Imurance  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-419,  p.  11-21.     %  Ju3.S:M567 

Nichols.  George  Nichols  and  Mary  B.  Nichols,  as  executors  of  John  W.  T. 
Nichols,  V.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no.  F-81,  p. 
95-97.     t  Ju3.8:N517 

Picher.  Emily  Stanton  Picher  et  al.,  etc.  v.  United  States;  stipulated  facts. 
[1927.]     General  no.  F-69,  p.  19-21.     ±  Ju3.8:P583 

ReilUj.  Ursula  S.  Pteilly  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiffs. 
[1927.]     no.  F-113,  p.  19-G6.     $  Ju  3.8  :R  273/3 

Riegel.  Howard  Riegel  and  Benjamin  D.  Riegel,  as  executors  of  Benjamin 
Riegel,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no.  E-G2,  p. 
71-76.     %  Ju  3.8  :  R  443/2 

Southern  Pacific  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  B^71,  p.  57-59.     t  _         Ju  3.8 :  So  8/69 

Stolts,  J.  d  J.  W.,  Association.  J.  &  J.  W.  Stolts  Association  v.  United  States ; 
evidence  for  plaintiff  and  defendant.  [1927.]  nos.  D-800  and  D-SOl,  p.  65- 
172.     t  Ju  3.8 :  St  69/2 

Tignor.  Claude  J.  Tignor  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  F-165,  p.  7-9.     %  Ju  3.8  :  T  448 

Vilsack.  Edward  J.  Vilsack,  Joseph  G.  Vilsack,  as  individuals,  and  Anne  L. 
Vilsack,  administratrix  of  August  A.  "Vilsack,  v.  United  States;  evidence  for 
plaintiffs.     [1927.]     no.  F-114,  p.  19-66.     $  Ju  3.8  :V  719/4 

Weehatvke7i  Dry  Dock  Company.  Weehawken  Dry  Dock  Company  v.  United 
States;  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  C-941,  p.  177-181.     $ 

Ju  3.8 :  W  418/12 

Weehawken  Dry  Dock  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  C-942,  p.  177-181.     t  Ju  3.8  :  W  418/13 

Weehawken  Drv  Dock  Company  v.   United   States ;   report  of  commis-' 

sioner.     [1927.]     no.  C-977,  p.  200-204.     J  Ju  3.8 :  W  418/14 

Zemurray.  Samuel  Zemurray  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-428,  p.  9-18.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Z  42 


Books.  No.  2970.  United  States  v.  Kate  Kerby,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal 
from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+16  p.  $  Ju7.6:K452 

No.  2971,  United  States  v.  Thomas  Nelson  &  Sons,  transcript  of  record 

on   appeal   from   Customs   Court.     [1927.]     cover -title,   i+7   p.     | 

Ju  7.6 :  N  337 

No.  2972,  United  States  v.  M.  Furuya  Co.,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal 

from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i +8  p.     t  Ju  7.6  :F  984/2 

Farm  implements.  No.  2941,  United  States  v.  Lewis  &  Conger,  transcript  of 
record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+66  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  L  589 

Glassware.  No.  2968,  United  States  v.  Richard  Hudnut,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+12  p.     $      Ju7.6:H866 

No.  2976,  United  States  v.  Koons,  Wilson  &  Co.,  transcript  of  record  on 

appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  1+12  p.     $       Ju7.6:K837 

Linseed-oil.  No.  2947,  United  States  v.  H.  B.  Tliomas  &  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on   appeal  from   Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,   14-67   p.     $ 

Ju  7.6 :  T  363 

Necklaces.  No.  2974,  United  States  v.  Marshall  Field  &  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on   appeal  from   Customs   Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,   i+10   p.     t 

Ju  7.6  :  F  457/8 

Perfumery.  No.  2957,  United  States  v.  Roger  &  Gallet,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i-M8  p.     t        Ju7.6:R63 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  folloiring  Contents 

26  July,  1927 

Sponges.  No.  2975,  United  States  v.  American  Sponge  &  Chamois  Co.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+6  p.     ? 

Ju  7.6 :  Am  35/11 

Toys.  No.  2967,  United  States  v.  John  "Wanamaker.  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+36  p.     J     Ju  7.6  :W  181/2 

Velvet.  No.  2948,  United  States  v.  Wm.  E.  Wiener.  Inc.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+121  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  W  636 

Wool.  No.  2979,  United  States  v.  Chas.  J.  Webb  Sons  Co.,  Inc.,  transcript  of 
record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+S  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  W  381 


Court  of  Appeals.  Transcript  of  record,  Jan.  term,  1927.  no.  4559,  Hubert 
Work,  Secretary  of  Interior,  and  William  Sprj-,  commissioner  of  General 
Land  Office,  vs.  Henry  T.  Read,  by  J.  Harrington  Edwards,  attorney  in  fact, 
appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
ii+26  p.     t  DC  9.5  :  R  22/3^ 

Transcript  of  record,  Jan.  term,  1927,  no.  4561.  Hubert  Work,  as  Secre- 
tary of  Interior,  vs.  United  States  ex  rel.  James  E.  ODonnell.  appeal  from 
Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia.  [1927.]  cover-title,  i+64  p.  10 
maps,     t  I^C  9.5  :  Od  5 

Laws.    Acts  of  Congress  affecting  District  of  Columbia  passed  by  2d  session 
of  69th  Congress,  Dec.  6,  1926;rMar.  4,  1927  [with  index].     [1927.]     34+128 
p.     [Some  of  the  pages  are  blank.     Binder's  title  reads  v.  31.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26817  DC  1.5  :  69/2 


Agricultural  project  planning,  statement  of  experience,  estimates,  agreements, 
working  facilities,  operative  practice,  and  managerial  procedure  relative  la 
farm  enterprise  project;  [by  Arthur  P.  Williams].  May,  1927.  vii+23  p. 
il.  (Bulletin  117;  Agricultural  series  31.)  [Supplements  Bulletin  112, 
Supervised  practice  in  agriculture,  including  home  projects.]  *Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-139  VE  1.3 :  117 

Corn.  Analysis  of  operative  jobs  of  corn-growing  enterprise,  type  study  of 
operative  training  content  for  corn-growing  enterprise  in  Maryland:  [by" 
C.  H.  Schopmeyer  and  Arthur  P.  Williams].  May,  1927.  v+17  p.  (Bulletin 
118;  Agricultural  series  32.)  [Includes  list  of  Agriculture  Department  pub- 
lications relating  to  corn.]  *Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-152  VE  1.3  :  118 

Meat  trade.     Manual  for  conference  leaders,  for  use  in  educational  program; 
for  men  engaged  in  retail  meat  business :  [by  Earl  W.  Barnhart  and  Charles 
R.    Allen]."  July,    1927.     vii+39   p.     (Bulletin    123;    Commercial    series    7.) 
♦Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-167  VE  1.3  :  123 


Federal  reserve  huUetin.  July,  1927;  [v.  13,  no.  7].  1927.  iv+455-554  p-.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.]  f  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  ?2.60. 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  13/7 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  ofScial  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  research 
studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  ana  complete  statistics  showing  the  condition  of 
Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member  banks  without 
charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal  Reserve  Board., 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

HoiT  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoivlns  Contents 

JlTLT,  1927  27 

Federal  reserve  member  banks.     Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  sys- 
tem, banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve  banks  for 
collection  and  credit,  July  1,  1927.     1927.     iii-f  119  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9 :  927/7 

Report.     13th  annual  report  of  Federal  Reserve  Board,  covering  operations  for 
[calendar]  year  1926.     1927.     iii+47  p.  il.     t 
L.  C.  card  15-26170  FR  1.1/a  :  926 

Same    [with   statistical  tables,  etc.].     1927.     2  pts.  in  1,  xii+588  p.  il. 

*Paper,  50c.  FR  1.1 :  926 


Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  6,  June,  1927 ;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller 
general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant  comptroller  general.  1927.  [1] +777-869 
p.     [Monthly.]     t  GA  1.5/a :  6/12 


Paper.  Blank  paper  and  envelopes,  stock  catalogue  and  price  list  of  Government 
Printing  Office.  Washington,  D.  C,  Aug.  1,  1927.    1927.     [2]  +22  p.  4°    t 

GP  1.2  :  P  19/11/927-2 

Public  printing.  Abstract  of  contracts  for  material,  etc.,  for  public  printing  and 
binding  for  one  year  beginning  July  1,  1927.    1927.    26  p.  4|^    t 

GP  1.2 :  M  41/2/928 


Health,  diseases,  drugs,  and  sanitation,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superin- 
tendent of  documents.  May,  1927.  [2] +58  p.  (Price  list  51,  18th  edition.)  t 
L.  C.  card  26-26481  GP  3.9  :  51/18 

Monthly  catalogue,  United  States  public  documents  (vrith  prices),  no.  390;  June, 
1927.    1927.    v+909-969  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  927/12 



Children.    Education  of  young  children  through  celebrating  their  successes ;  by 
Garry    Cleveland    Myers.      July,    1927.      13    p.      (City    school    leaflet    26.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-166  1 16.36 :  26 

Fiction.  Thirty  books  of  great  fiction.  1927.  [l]+4  p.  12°  (Reading  course 
6  revised.)     t  116.12:6/9 

Heroes.  Thirtv  great  Americans.  1927.  [l]+5  p.  12°  (Reading  course  9. 
revised  1927.)     t  116.12:9/5 

Hygiene.     Health  for  school  children,  report  of  advisory  committee  on  health 
education  of  National  Child  Health  Council,  Washington,  D.  C.    1927.    v+74 
p.     ([School  health  studies  1  revised.])     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-171  1 16.38 : 1/2 

Interest-arousing  devices  for  health  teaching.     [Reprint]   1927.      [4]   p. 

narrow  12°    *  Paper,  5c.  1 16.2 :  H  34/927 

Literatttre.  Great  literature,  ancient,  medieval,  and  modern.  1927.  [l]+3  p. 
12°     (Reading  course  2  revised.)     t  116.12:2/7 

World's  great  literary  bibles.     1927.     [l]+4  p.  12°     (Reading  course  1 

revised.)     t  116.12:1/8 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIovrlnK  Contents 

58060— 27— No.  391 ^ 

28  JiJ^^Y,  1927 

Medical  eduoaUmi,  1924-26;  by  N.  P.  Colwell.    1927.     [1]+14  p.  il.     (Bulletin 
9,1927.)    [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States, 
1924-26.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  B  19-177  1 16.3 :  927/9 

Physical  education  in  American  colleges  and  universities  [with  selected  bibli- 
ography] ;    by    Marie   M.    Ready.      1927.      vi+51    p.      (Bulletin    14,    1927.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  E  27-137  116.3:927/14 

Rural  education.  Progress  of  rural  education,  1925  and  1926  [with  list  of 
studies  on  school  support]  ;  by  Katherine  M.  Cook.  1927.  iii+46  p.  (Bulle- 
tin 15,  1927.)  [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United 
States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  10c.  '  , 

L.  C.  card  E  27-138  1 16.3  :  927/15 

School  day.     Length  of  school  day.     July,  1927.     5  p.     (City  school  leaflet  25.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  E  27-169  116.36:25 

School  life,  v.  12,  Sept.  1926-June,  1927  [title-page  and  index].     1927.     [l]+5 
p.     4°     [Included  in  price  of  School  life  for  subscribers.] 
L.  C.  card  E  18-902  1 16.26/1 :  12/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Secondary  education.    List  of  references  on  secondary  education;  prepared  in 
Library  Division.     June,  1927.     22  p.     (Library  leaflet  34.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  13-1216  1 16.10/5 :  34 

State  school  improvement  associations;  by  Edith  A.  Lathrop.     1927.    iii-}-16 
p.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Rural  school  leaflet  42.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  B  27-153  1 16.35 :  42 

Vocational  guidance.     List  of  references  on  vocational  guidance;  prepared  in 
Library  Division.     May,  1927.     22  p.     (Library  leaflet  33.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  14.-1084  1 16.10/5 :  33 


Nurses.  Freedmen's  Hospital  school  of  nursing,  announcement,  school  of  nurs- 
ing; approved  May  13,  1927.  1927.  iii+11  p.  [Title  on  cover  is:  Regula- 
tions governing  school  of  nursing,  Freedmen's  Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C]     t 

1 1.12/2  :  N  93/5 


Note. — The  General  Land  Office  publishes  a  large  general  map  of  the  United  States, 
which  is  sold  at  $2.00  ;  and  also  separate  maps  of  the  States  and  Territories  in  which 
public  lands  are  to  be  found,  which  are  sold  at  25c.  per  sheet.  The  map  of  California 
is  in  2  sheets.     Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Town  sites.    Laws  and  regulations  relating  to  town  sites,  parks,  cemeteries, 
recreational   sites,   etc.,    regulations   revised   Apr.    27,    1927.     [1927.]     46   p. 
(Circular  1122.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26774  1  21.4 :  1122 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports,  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  folios  of  the 
Topographic  atlas  of  the  United  States  and  topographic  maps  that  bear  descriptive 
text,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States  and  the  World  atlas  of  com- 
mercial geology.  The  Monographs,  folios,  and  maps  are  sold.  Other  publications  are 
generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  during  the  first  year  after  issue,  unless  the 
Survey's  supply  is  sooner  exhausted.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  For  maps  and  folios  address  the 
Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is 
allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that  amounts  to  $5.00  or  more  at  the  retail 
price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and 
folios  together,  but  is  not  allowed  on  a  few  folios  that  are  sold  at  5e.  each  on  account  of 
damage  by  fire.  Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washangton,  D.  C. 

Colorado.     Correlation  of  geologic  formations  between   east-central   Colorado, 
central  Wyoming,  and  southern  Montana   [with  list  of  publications  cited]  ; 
by  Willis  T.  Lee.     1927.     v-f80  p.  il.  5  pi.  1  is  in  pocket,  30  p.  of  pi.     4° 
(Professional  paper  149.)     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  G  S  27-235  1 19.16 :  149 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  informatloa  following  Contents 

July,  1927  29 

Colorado — Continued. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  484,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Colorado  River.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1923 :  pt.  9,  Colorado 
River  basin ;  Nathan  C.  Grover.  chief  hydraulic  engineer,  Robert  Follansbee, 
A.  B.  Purton,  and  Roger  C.  Rice,  district  engineers.  1927.  v+189  p.  il 
(Water-supply  paper  569.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Colorado,  Wyo- 
ming. Utah,  and  Arizona.  Includes  Stream-gaging  stations  and  publications 
relating  to  water  resources.]  ♦Paper,  25c. 
L.    C.    card    GS 10-347  119.13:569 

Same.     (H.  doc.  588,  68th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Leadville,  Colo.  Geology  and  ore  deposits  of  Leadville  mining  district.  Colo, 
[with  bibliography]  ;  by  S.  F.  Emmons,  J.  D.  Irving,  andl  G.  F.  Loughlin. 
1927.  xvi+368  p.  il.  32  pi.  26  p.  of  pi.  and  map,  12  maps,  3  tab.  4"  (Pro- 
fessional paper  148.)  [10  plates  and  6  maps  are  separate.]  *  Paper,  .$2.50. 
L.  C.  card  GS  27-236  1 19.16  :  148 

Same.     (H.  doc.  397,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Mines  and  mineral  resources.  Operating  regulations  to  govern  methods  of. 
mining  and  safety  and  welfare  of  employees  on  leased  lands  on  public  domain 
under  mineral  leasing  acts,  potash.  Oct.  2.  1917  (40  Stat.,  297)  and  Feb.  7, 
1927  (44  Stat.,  1057),  oil  shale,  sodium,  phosphate,  Feb.  25.  1920  (40  Stat., 
437),  sulphur.  Apr.  17,  1926  (44  Stat..  301),  gold,  silver,  and  quicksilver,  June 
8,  1926  (44  Stat,  710);  approved  June  2,  1927.  1927.  iii+8  p.  [Includes 
list  of.  administrative  regulations  issued]  by  General  Land  Office  applying  to 
minerals  mentioned  in  this  publication.]  *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  GS  27-234  1 19.2:  M  66/3 

Pacific  States.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1923 :  pt.  12,  North  Pa- 
cific slope  drainage  basins,  C.  Lower  Columbia  River  basin  and  Pacific  slope 
drainage  basins  in  Oregon ;  Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief  hydraulic  engineer,  F.  F. 
Henshaw  and  G.  L.  Parker,  district  engineers.  1927.  v+194-|-li  p.  3  p.  of 
pi.  (Water-supply  paper  574.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Oregon  and 
Washington.  The  matter  with  roman  pagination  is  entitled :  Stream-gaging 
stations  and  publications  relating  to  water  resources,  pt.  12,  North  iPacific 
sloi)e  basins.]  *  Paper,  35c. 
L.   C.   card   GS  10-167  119.13:574 

•    Same.     (H.  doc.  681,  68th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Publications.  New  publications,  list  232;  Julv  1.  1927.  [1927.]  3  p. 
[Monthly.]     f  1 19.44/ :  232 


Haivaii  National  Park.    Rules  and  regulations.  Hawaii  National  Park,  open  all 
year  [with  list  of  literature].     1927.     cover-title,  ii+lS  p.'il.     [Other  illustra- 
tions on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     f 
L.  C.  card  23-26310  I  29.9 :  H  31/927 

Petrified  Forest  National  Monument,  Ariz.,  niles  and!  regulations.  1927.  [2]  + 
12+ [2]  p.  il.     t 

L.  C.  card  25-26730  I  29.9  :  P  44/927 


Nem  reclamation  era.  v.  18,  no.  7;  July.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  p.  97-112, 
11.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.    C.    card    9-35252  I  27.5  :  927/7 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  ag^ricultural  rlifflculties.  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regiilarly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

30  Jui^Y,  1927 

Owyhee  Railroad  or  Owyhee  highway,  Owyhee  project,  Oreg.-Idaho.  [1927.] 
cover-title,  i+17  p.  11  pi.  map,  4"  (Specifications  461.)  [Consists  of  speci- 
fications, schedules,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  proposals  to  be 
received  until  Aug.  16,  1927.]     t  Paper,  80c.  127.8:461 


Nurses.  St.  Elizabeths  Hospital  training  school  for  nurses,  announcement 
[1927.]     5  p.  4°     t  1 1.14/2 :  An  7/927 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold 
on  subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50 ;  single  copies, 
usually  5c.  In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valua- 
tion decisions  are  desired. 

■Aberdeen  and  Rockfish  Railroad..  Finance  docket  no.  3491,  notes  of  Aberdeen 
&  Rockfish  Railroad :  decided  May  23,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  573-574.  ([Finance  decision]  2828.)  [From  I.  C.  C  re- 
ports, v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2828 

Alcohol.  No.  18737,  Atlantic  Refining  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  May  12,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  43-44. 
([Opinion]   12343.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.J     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12343 

Asparagus.  No.  17570,  C.  W.  Kress  v.  Central  Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey 
et  al. ;  decided  May  20,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  101-102. 
([Opinion]  12357.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12357 

Atchison,  Topcka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6149,  abandon- 
ment of  part  of  branch  line  by  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Com- 
pany;  decided  May  7,  1927;  reijort  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  489-491. 
([Finance  decision]  2806.)     [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2806 

Atlantic  City  and  Shore  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  844,  Atlantic  City  & 
Shore  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  29,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  353-387.     (B-544.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-544 

Automobiles.  No.  1S363,  Gum  Motor  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  3927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]      p.'  61-62.      ([Opinion]    12352.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,   v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12352 

Bedding  {for  cattle).  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2756,  bedding 
charges  for  livestock  in  Central  Freight  Association  and  western  trunk  line 
territories;  decided  May  31,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
JL67-181+[1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12372.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12372 

B7-ass.  No.  15224,  Union  Smelting  &  Refining  Company  et  al.  v.  Central  Rail- 
road Company  of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  129-134.  ([Opinion]  12363.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12363 

Bricks.  No.  18241,  Buffalo  Brick  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railway  Corpo- 
ration in  Nebraska  et  al. ;  [decided  May  12,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [1] +744-747  p.     ([Opinion]  12330.)      [From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12330 

Broom  handles.  No.  18104,  National  Broom  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Companv  et  al. ;  [decided  May  20,  1927 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  [l]+98-100+ii  p.  ( [Opinion]  12356.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12356 

Row  to  order  publications — See  Information  follovvlng  Contents 

Jtjly,  1927  31 

Building  materials.  No.  174S1,  Mountain  States  Roofing  Company  et  al,  v. 
Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  475-478.  ([Opinion]  12296.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12296 

California,  Arizona  and  Santa  Fe  Railicai/.  Finance  docket  no.  5943,  con- 
struction of  line  by  California,  Arizona  &  Santa  Fe  Ry.  Co.;  [decided  May 
20,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +568-572  p.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 2827.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  F-2S27 

Cans.  No.  17649,  Charles  E.  Nelson,  trustee,  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 ;  ^report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  713-716.  ([Opinion]  12323.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12323 

Cast-iron.  No.  16926,  Allen  Manufacturing  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  Great 
Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  515-518.  ([Opinion]  12302.)  [From  I.  C.  C  reports, 
V.   126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12302 

Cliamplain  Transportation  Co7npany.  Valuation  docket  no.  800,  Champlain 
Transportation  Company;  [decided  Apr.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
192r.  [1] +272-292  p.  (B-539.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]  ♦Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-539 

Chicago,  Mihvaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  4044,  bonds 
of  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway ;  approved  May  7,  1927 ;  sup- 
plemental order.  1927.  p.  491.  ([Finance  decision]  2807.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.   124.]      *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2807 

Cincinnati,  Indianapolis  and  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6007, 
control  of  Cincinnati,  Indianapolis  &  Western  Railroad  by  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad;  [decided  Apr.  28,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[l]-i- 476-481  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2802.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2802 

Cisco  and  Northeastern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5706,  construction  of 
extension  by  Cisco  &  Northeastern  Railway  Company;  approved  May  17, 
1927;  supplemental  order.  1927.  p.  558.  ([Finance  decision]  2822.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2822 

Coal.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2814,  coal  from  Illinois,  Ken- 
tucky, and  Alabama  to  Alabama,  Mississippi,  Tennessee,  Arkansas,  Louisiana, 
and  Texas;  decided  May  25,  1927:  [report  and  orders  of  commission]. 
[1927.]  113-122+iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12361.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12361 

< No.    14012,    Sewell    Valley   Railroad    Company    v.    Chesapeake    &    Ohio 

Railway  Company ;  decided  May  2.  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further 
hearing.  [1927.]  p.  425-432.  ([Opinion]  12284.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12284 

No.  15095,  Pioneer  Coal  &  Coke  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent, 

et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  4{>-50. 
([Opinion]   12346.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12346 

No.  17825,  Tuffli  Brothers  Pig  Iron  &  Coke  Company  v.  Western  Maryland 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  737-738.  ([Opinion]  12327.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.] 
*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12327 

Cocoa.  No.  17743,  Association  of  Cocoa  &  Chocolate  Manufacturers  of  United 
States  V.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10, 
1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  561-565 +iii  p.  ([Opinion] 
12313.)    '  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.     IC  1.6/la  :  12313 

Coke.  No.  17880,  United  Zinc  Smelting  Corporation  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ;  repoi't  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.?  139-142+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12365.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12365 

How  to  order  pnblications — See  Information  folloTvlns  Contents 

32  July.  1927 

Colorado  and  Southeastern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  660,  Colorado  and 
Southeastern  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Apr.  8,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
ri927  1  D    251-271.     (B-538.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-538 

Consolidated  TelepJwne  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6209,  purchase  of  prop- 
erties of  Consolidated  Telephone  Company  by  Michigan  Bell  Telephone  Com- 
pany; [decided  May  5,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +482-484  p. 
([Finance  decision]  2803.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2803 

Copper.  No.  16444,  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  New  York,  New  Haven  & 
Hartford  Railroad  Company;  decided  May  6,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  439-442+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12287.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12287 

Copper  sulphate.  No.  17753,  Peaslee-Gaulbert  Company  v.  Chicago  &  Alton 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  20,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  103-104.     ([Opinion]    12358.)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,  v.   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12358 

Cotton.  No.  18205,  Geo.  H.  McFadden  &  Brothers  Agency  v.  Aberdeen  &  Rock- 
fish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  519-523.      ([Opinion]    12303.)      [From  I.  C.   C,  reports,  v.  126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12303 

Cotton^seed.  No.  17261,  Tallulah  Cotton  Oil  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  723-730 +ii  p.  ( [Opinion]  12325.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12325 

Demurrage.  No.  17791,  Union  Gas  &  Electric  Company  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio 
Railway  Company;  [decided  May  10,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +566-568  p.  ([Opinion]  12314.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]  *  Paper. 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12314 

Dolomite.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2857,  dolomite  and  fluxing 
stone  from  and  to  points  in  Central  Freight  Association  territory;  decided 
May  12,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  23-28+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]    12337.)      [Report  from  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   128.]      *  Paper.   5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  1233T 

Fairport,  Painestnlle  and  Eastern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6207,  securities 
of  Fairport,  Painesville  &  Eastern  Railroad ;  decided  May  25,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  599-602.  ([Finance  decision]  2834.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2834 

Fleshings.  No.  17617,  Keystone  Glue  Company  et  al.  v.  Southern  Railway 
Company  et  al. :  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  [and  orders]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  507-514+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12301.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12303 

Frankfort  a7id  Cincinnati  Rail/road.  Finance  docket  no.  6187,  acquisition  and 
operation  by  Frankfort  &  Cincinnati  Railroad ;  [decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] +500-504  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2811.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2811 

Freight  rates.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2853,  class  rates  between 
Oregon  and  "Washington  points ;  [decided  May  23,  1927 ;  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +108-112+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12360.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]      *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12360 

New  England  divisions,  no.  11756,  Bangor  &  Aroostook  Railroad  Company 

et  al.  t\  Aberdeen  &  Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  14,  1927 ; 
[report  and  orders  of  commission  on  further  hearing].  [1927.]  579-673+xiv 
p.     ([Opinion]  12318.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper.  10c. 

IC  1.6/a :  1231S 

No.  10049,  Sugar  Land  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  9,  1927 ;  report  of 

commission.  [1927.]  p.  529-535.  ( [Opinion]  12306.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1230S 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

July,  192T  33 

Freight  rates — Continued. 

No.   17491,   Washington   Building  Lime   Company   v.   Baltimore  &   Ohio 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  9-20.  ([Opinion]  12335.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12335 

No.  1S510,  Brunswick-Balke-Collender  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Balti- 
more &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  747-750.  ([Opinion]  12331.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12331 

Fuel.  Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged 
to  operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for 
switching  locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  151  reports  representing 
171  steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Oct. 
1926  and  1925  [and]  10  months  ended  with  Oct.  1926  and  1925 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Oct.  1926.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revision.] 
t  IC  1  ste.30 :  926/10 

Same,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Nov.  1926  and  1925  [and]  11  months 
ended  with  Nov.  1926  and  1925;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov. 
1926.    1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.30 :  926/11 

Same,  compiled  from  151  reports  representing  171  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Dec.  1926  and  1925  [and]  12  months 
ended  with  Dec.  1926  and  1925;   [prepared  in]   Bureau  of  Statistics.     Dec. 

1926.  1  p.  oblong  large  8"     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.30 :  926/12 

• Same,  compiled  from  154  reports  representing  174  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Jan.  1927  and  1926 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Jan.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.30 :  927/1 

Same,  compiled  from  154  reports  representing  174  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Feb.  1927  and  1926  [and]  2  months 
ended  with  Feb.  1927  and  1926;    [prepai-ed  in]   Bureau  of  Statistics.     Feb. 

1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t        IC  1  ste.30 :  927/2 

Same,  compiled  from  154  reports  representing  174  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Mar.  1927  and  1926  [and]  3  months 
ended  with  Mar.  1927  and  1926 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Mar. 
1927.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.30 :  927/3 

Same,  compiled  from  153  reports  representing  173  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Apr.  1927  and  1926  [and]  4  months 
ended  with  Apr.  1927  and  1926:  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Apr. 
1927.    1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]  t      IC  1  ste.30 :  927/4 

Same,  compiled  from  153  reports  representing  173  steam  railways,  switch- 
ing and  terminal  companies  not  included,  May,  1927  and  1926  [and]  5  months 
ended  with  May,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  May, 
1927.    1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.30 :  927/5 

Furniture.  No.  18075,  Rodgers-Wade  Furniture  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  & 
Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927  [1] +460-462  p.  ( [Opinion]  12293.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  126.]     *  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  12293 

Gasoline.  No.  18255,  Henderson  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  59-60.  ([Opinion]  12351.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12351 

Gh'ain.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2842,  grain  and  grain  products 
from  points  in  Texas  to  Mississippi  Valley ;  [decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report 
and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +454-456+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12291.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  .5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12291 

How  to  order  publications — See  Informatlen  foIloT^rlng  Contents 

34  Jui-Y,  1927 

Gram — Continued. 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2863,  grain  and  grain  products 

from  western  points  to  stations  on  Jonesboro,  Lake  City  &  Eastern  Railroad; 
[decided  May  9,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+536- 
538+ [1]    p.     ([Opinion]    12307.)      [Report   from   I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12307 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2877,  grain  and  grain  products 

from  Illinois  and  Indiana  to  Arkansas;  decided  May  14,  1927;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  29-30+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12338.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12338 

No.  17085,  Aberdeen  Commercial  Club  et  al.  v.  Camas  Prairie  Railroad 

Companv  et  al. ;  [decided  May  10,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
498-507  p.     ([Opinion]  12300.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12300 

No.  18218,  Arcady  Farms  Milling  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  &  Youngs- 
town  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  449-454.      ([Opinion]    12290.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.  126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12290 

Grapes.  No.  17S47,  California  Table  Fruit  Company  v.  Atcbison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  11,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +700-702  p.  ([Opinion]  12321.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12321 

-  No.  18044,  Louis  Taub,  Incorporated,  et  al.  v.  Lebigh  Valley  Railroad 
Company;  decided  May  20,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  105-107. 
([Opinion]  12359.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12359 

Hay.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2826 ;  bay  between  points  in 
Texas,  Louisiana,  and  Arkansas ;  [decided  May  9,  1927 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] +524-526+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12304.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12304 

Hill  City  Railway.  "Valuation  docket  no.  223,  Hill  City  Railway  Company; 
decided  Apr.  29,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  293-306.  (B-540.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-540 

Ice-cream  containers.  No.  17470,  National  Association  of  Ice  Cream  Manufac- 
turers f.  American  Railway  Express  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  143-145+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12366.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.    10  1.6/la  :  12366 

Illinois  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6269,  joint  bonds  of  Illinois  Cen- 
tral and  Chicago,  St.  Louis  &  New  Orleans  railroads;  decided  May  19,  1927; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  559-561.  ([Finance  decision]  2823.) 
I  From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2823 

Johnstotvn  and  Stony  Creek  Rail  Road.  Valuation  docket  no.  913,  Johnstown 
and  Stony  Creek  Rail  Road  Company ;  [decided  Apr.  29.  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1927.     [1] +306-320  p.     (B-541.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.1 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-541 

Lake  Tahoe  Railway  and  Transportation  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  309, 
Lake  Tahoe  Railway  &  Transportation  Company :  decided  Apr.  29.  1927 ;  re- 
port of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  337-352.  (B-.543.)  [Prom  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-543 

Lehigh  and  Xew  Enr/land  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  G276,  bonds  of  Lehigh  & 
New  England  Railroad  ;  decided  May  17,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.    545-546.     ([Finance   decision]    2820.)      [From   I.   C.    C.    reports,    v.   124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2820 

Live  Oak,  Perry  and  Gulf  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  811,  Live  Oak,  Perry 
&  Gulf  Railroad  Company;  decided  Apr.  22.  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  213-233.     (B-.536.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper.  .5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-536 

How   to   order   publications—See   information   folloirlng    Contents 

July,  1927  ^85 

Lorain  and  Southern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  704,  Lorain  &  Soutliern 
Railroad  Company:  [decided  Apr.  29.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +234^250  p.      (B-537.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     ♦Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-537 

Lubricatinff-oils.  No.  17929,  White  Eagle  Oil  &  Refining  Company  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission  on  reconsideration.  [1927.]  55-56+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12349.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12349 

Lumber.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2858,  transit  privileges  on 
lumber  and  ties  at  Terre  Haute.  Ind. ;  decided  May  5,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  433^36+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12285.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12285 

No.  10891,  O.  E.  Burns  and  F.  R.  Knapp  v.  Big  Sandy  &  Kentucky  River 

Railway  Company,  director  general,  as  agent,  et  al. ;  [decided  May  2,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission  on  further  hearing].  1927.  [1] +410-413  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12280.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.         IC  1.6/la  :  12280 

No.  15853,  E.  W.  McClave  &  Son,  Incorporated,  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  12,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  1-2.  ([Opinion]  12333.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6,  la  :  12333 

No.  17076,  Pacific  States  Lumber  Company  et  al.  v.  Great  Northern  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  471^74+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12295.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12295 

Minneapolis  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6283,  bonds  of  Minne- 
apolis &  St.  Louis  R.  R. ;  [decided  May  21,  1927:  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +562-564  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2824.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2824 

Minnesota,  Dakota  and  Western  Railuay.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, valuation  docket  no.  949,  Minnesota,  Dakota  and  Western  Railway 
Companv;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  [1927.]  cover-title,  i+74 
p.     t      "  IC  1  val.  8 :  M  666/5 

Misrouting.  No.  17216,  Amicon  Fruit  Company  v.  Lehigh  Valley  Railroad  Com- 
panv et  al. :  [decided  May  14.  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+347- 
38  p.     ([Opinion]  12340.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6  la  :  12340 

No.  18118.  Norcross  Marble  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  741-743. 
( [Opinion]  12329.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12329 

Mississipin  Export  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6008,  securities  of  Mississippi 
Export  Railroad:  [decided  May  7,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
492-496  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2S0S.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S08 

Mount  Hope  Mineral  Raih-oad.  Valuation  docket  no.  868,  Mount  Hope  Mineral 
Railroad  Company :  decided  Apr.  29.  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  321-336.     (B-542.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-542 

Muskegon  Railway  and  Navigation  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6261,  bonds 
of  Muskegon  Railway  &  Navigation  Co. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  541-544.  ( [Finance  decision]  2819.)  [Froml.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124  [     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S19 

Neto  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railioay.  Finance  docket  no.  3500,  bonds  of 
New  Orleans,  Texas  &  Mexico  Ry. :  [approved  May  25,  1927 ;  3d  supplemental 
order].  1927.  p.  [1],  580.  ([Finance  decision]  2832.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S32 

How   to   order  publications — See   information   followins    Contents 

36  Jtcely,  1927 

New  York,  New  Haven  and  Hartford  Railroad.  Finance  docket,  no.  6263,  New 
York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  equipment  trust  of  1927 ;  decided  May  26,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  603-606.  ([Finance  decision]  2835.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5a  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2835 

Norwich  and  Worcester  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6247,  bonds  of  Norwich 
&  Worcester  Railroad;  [decided  May  17,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +510-512  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2814.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2814 

Oats.  No.  17928,  Albers  Bros.  Milling  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.    53-54.     ([Opinion]    12348.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12348 

Oberlin,  Hampton  and  Eastern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5946,  deficit 
settlement  with  Oberlin,  Hampton  &  Eastern  Railway ;  decided  May  6,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  487-488.  ([Finance  decision]  2805.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2805 

Paper.  No.  17633,  Chamber  of  Commerce  of  El  Dorado  et  al.  v.  Chicago,  Rock 
Island  &  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;   decided  May  7,  1927 ;   report  [and 

■  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  443-446 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12288.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12288 

No.   17752,  Dallas  Paper  Company  v.  Arkansas  &  Louisiana   Missouri 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  739-741.     ([Opinion]    12328.)      [From  I.   C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12328 

•    No.  18135,  United  Paperboard  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Boston  &  Albany 

Railroad  et  al. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 ;  report  [and  orderi]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  751-754+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12332.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12332 

No.  18314,  Newark  Call  Printing  &  Publishing  Company  v.  Central  Rail- 
road Company  of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  569-571.  ([Opinion]  12315.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12315 

Pearl  River  Valley  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6285,  notes  of  Pearl  River 
Valley  Railroad;  decided  May  21,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   577-579.     ([Finance   decision]    2830.)      [From   I.    C.   C.    reports,   v.   124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2830 

Petroleum.  No.  16976,  Indian  Refining  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Louisville 
&  Nashville  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  543-546.  ([Opinion]  12309.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12309 

No.  17746,  Humble  Oil  &  Refining  Company  v.  Beaumont,  Sour  Lake  & 

Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  717-722.  ([Opinion]  12324.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12324 

Phosphates.  No.  16867,  Gulfport  Fertilizer  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  463^70.     ([Opinion]  12294.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  122&4 

No.  17370,  Meridian  Fertilizer  Factory  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  7,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [l]+478-486+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12297.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12297 

Pittslurg,  Bessemer  and  Lake  Erie  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6260,  stock 
of  Pittsburg,  Bessemer  &  Lake  Erie  Railroad;  decided  May  7,  1927;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  505-506.  ([Finance  decision]  2812.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2812 

How   to   order   publications — See   information   following    Contents 

JuivY,  1927  37 

Posts.  No.  18106,  Nebraska  Bridge  Supply  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Alabama 
Great  Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  20,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +94-97  p.  ([Opinion]  12355.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12355 

Potatoes.  No.  17348,  Boyle  Commission  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burlington  & 
Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion.    [1927.]     p.  51-52.     ([Opinion]  12347.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12347 

No.  17762,  Caruso,  Rinella,  Battaglia  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Nor- 
folk Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  55.5-560+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12312.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12312 

Railroad  accidents.    Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  Mar. 
1927   [and  3  months  ending  with  Mar.  1927,  with  quarterly  summaries  by 
roads  and  States,  Jan.-Mar.  1927;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.     Mar. 
1927.     [8]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 
L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  lste.31 :  927/3 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  "steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies]  Apr.  1927 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     [4]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°     t     IC  lste.25 :  927/4 

Railroad  ties.  No.  18463,  Potosi  Tie  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Sligo  &  Eastern 
RaUroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   41-42.     ([Opinion]    12342.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12342 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  152  reports  of  freight  service 
statistics  representing  172  railways  and  from  147  reports  of  passenger  serv- 
ice statistics  representing  167  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies 
not  included).  May,  1927  and  1926  [and  5  months  ended  with  May,  1927  and 
1926 ;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  May,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8" 
[Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  lste.21 :  927/5 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
182  steam'  railways,  including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies.  May, 
1927  and  1926  [and]  5  months  ended  with  May,  1927  and  1926 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  May,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  lste.l9 :  927/5 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  roads,  selected 

items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000,  May.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  5  months  ended  with  May,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  May,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  lste.20 :  927/5 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  roads,  selected  items  for  May,  1927, 

compared  with  May,  1926,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  May,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.22  :  927/5 

Revenue  traflBc  statistics  of  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States,  in- 
cluding mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  153  reports  representing  173  steam 
railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Apr.  1927  and  1926 
[and]  4  months  ended  with  Apr.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of 
Statistics.     Apr.  1927.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

IC  1  ste.24 :  927/4 

Hails.  No.  17210,  Hyman-Michaels  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.1 
p.  547-550.     ([Opinion]  12310.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12310 

No.  17426,  West  Virginia  Rail  Company  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railway 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  153-158 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12369.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12369 

How   to   order   publications — See   information   following    Contents 

38  Jui'Y,  1927 

Road-rollers.  No.  18027,  Buffalo- Springfield  Roller  Company  v.  Detroit,  Toledo 
&  Ironton  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  12,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  177-178.  ([Opinion]  12259.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12259 

Routing.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2829,  soda  ash  from  Cartago, 
Skinner,  and  Keller,  Calif.,  to  western  trunk  line  and  southwestern  terri- 
tories;  decided  May  13,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.1 
45_47_(_[1]   p.      ([Opinion]   12344.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12344 

St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  3908,  excess  income  of  St. 
Louis  &  O'Fallon  Railway  Company ;  finance  docket  no.  4026,  excess  income 
of  Manufacturers'  Railway  Company ;  approved  May  5,  1927 ;  order.  1927. 
p.    499.      ([Finance    decision]    2810.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    124.1 

*  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2810 

Same  ;  approved  May  24,  1927  ;  order.    1927.    p.  579.     ( [Finance  decisionl 

2831.)     [From  I.  C."  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2831 

St.  Louis  SoutJncestern  Railway  of  Texas.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, in  matter  of  tentative  valuations  of  St.  Louis-Southwestern  Railway 
Company  of  Texas,  valuation  docket  132 ;  St.  Louis-Southwestern  Railway 
Company,  valuation  docket  142 ;  Pine  Bluff  aud  Arkansas  River  Railway, 
valuation  docket  121 ;  Shreveport  Bridge  and  Terminal  Company,  valuation 
docket  129 ;  and  Dallas  Terminal  Railway  and  Union  Depot  Company,  valua- 
tion docket  136;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuations.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii-f  91  p.    $  IC  1  val.S  :  Sa  24/3 

San  Benito  and  Rio  Grande  Valley  Railway.  Construction  of  lines  in  Cameron 
County,  Tex.,  finance  docket  no.  5744,  construction  of  branch  lines  by  San 
Benito  &  Rio  Grande  Valley  Railway  Company ;  finance  docket  no.  5869,  con- 
struction of  extension  by  San  Antonio  &  Aransas  Pass  Railway  Company ; 
decided  May  13,  1927;  [report  of  commission].  [1927.]  p.  513-522.  ([Finance 
decision]  2815.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2S15 

Sand.  No.  13365,  Roquemore  Gravel  Company  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hear- 
ing.    [1927.]     p.  575-578.     ( [Opinion]  12317.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12317 

No.  16963,  Automatic  Gravel  Products  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago,  Rock 

Island  &  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  487^91.  ([Opinion]  12298.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12298 

Seaboard  Air  Line  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6129,  abandonment  of  branch 
by  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway ;  decided  May  23,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  575-576.  ([Finance  decision]  2829.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
124.]     -Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2829 

Smoky  Mountain  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5956,  acquisition  of  line  by 
Smoky  Mountain  Railroad ;  decided  May  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  523-52S.  ([Finance  decision]  2816.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2816 

Solder.  No.  16419.  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927;  report  [and  orders]  of 
commission  on  further  consideration.  [1927.]  703-712-|-ii  p.  ([Opinion] 
12322.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12322 

Southern  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6095,  abandonment  of  part  of 
branch  line  by  Southern  Pacific ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  497-499.  ([Finance  decision]  2809.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2809 

Steel.  No.  17804,  Standard  Nut  &  Bolt  Company  v.  New  York,  New  Haven  & 
Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  10,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  731-736-fii  p.  ([Opinion]  12326.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12326 

Ho'«v  to   order  publications — See  information  following   Contents 

July,  1927  39 

stereotype  plates.  No.  12101,  Western  Newspaper  Union  v.  director  general, 
as  agent,  Adirondack  &  St.  Lawrence  Railroad  Company,  et  al. ;  decided  May 
7,  1927:  report  of  commission  on  furtlier  liearing.  [1927.]  p.  437-438. 
([Opinion]  12286.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12286 

Stone.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2831,  stone  from  Champaign, 
111.,  to  certain  points  in  Central  Freight  Association  territory;  decided  May 
14,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  21-22+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12336.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12336 

No.  17796.  Brownell  Improvement  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Chicago 

Terminal  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  5,  1927 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  ri]+414-416+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12281.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12281 

Storage  iatteries.  No.  17697,  National  Lead  Battery  Company  v.  Missouri 
Pacific  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  May  14,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion.    [1927.]     p.  39-40.     ([Opinion]  12341.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12341 

Straicierries.  No.  16998,  Harry  J.  Lewis  Company  et  al.  v.  Cincinnati,  New 
Orleans  &  Texas  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  12.  1927; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  3-8  +  [l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12334.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12334 

Sugar.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2839,  cancellation  of  applica- 
tion of  class  rates  on  sucar ;  decided  May  10.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  527-528+ [1]  P-  ([Opinion]  12305.)  [Report  from  I. 
C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12305 

Sullivan  Telephone  Company,  Incorporated.  Finance  docket  no.  6288.  acquisi- 
tion of  control  of  Sullivan  Telephone  Co..  Incorporated,  by  New  York  Tele- 
phone Co. ;  decided  May  26,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  607-609. 
([Finance  decision]  2836.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2836 

Swine.  No.  15548,  Cudahy  Packing  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent; 
[decided  Mav  10.  1927:  report  of  commission  on  argument].  1927.  [1]  + 
674-676  p.     ([Opinion]  12319.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12319 

No.  16615.  Armour  &  Company  v.  director  general,   as   agent :   decided 

Mav  10,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  539^542.  ([Opinion]  12308.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12308 

• No.  17241,  Jacob  E.  Decker  &  Sons  v.  Chicago  &  North  Western  Railway 

Companv ;  decided  Mav  10,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  551-554. 
([Opinion]  12311.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12311 

Train  service.  No.  16530,  Puget  Sound-Portland  joint  passenger-train  service, 
in  matter  of  application  of  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company.  Great  North- 
ern Railway  Company,  and  Oregon-Washington  Railroad  &  Navigation  Com- 
pany for  authority  to  establish  joint  passenger-train  service  between  Seattle, 
Tacoma,  and  Portland  and  to  divide  earnings  therefrom ;  decided  May  28, 
1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission  on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  149- 
152+[1]    p.     ([Opinion]    12368.)      [Report  from   I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.   128.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12368 

Trouser  presses.  No.  17999,  Chicago  Carton  Company  v.  New  York  Central  Rail- 
road Companv;  decided  May  7.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  457-459+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12292.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12292 

Tuskegee  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6189,  securities  of  Tuskegee  Railroad ; 
decided  May  7.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  507-509.  ([Finance 
decision]   2813.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]      *  Paper.  .5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2S13 

HoTV   to   order   pnblicatioiMS — See   information   following    Content.^ 

40  July,  1927 

Tiiskegee   Railroad — Continued. 

Valuation   docket   no.   655,   Tuskegee  Railroad  Company;    decided   Apr. 

15,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  195-212.  (B-535.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-535 

Union  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5435,  construction  of  extension  by 
Union  Pacific  Eailroad ;  decided  May  5,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  485-486.  ([Finance  decision]  2804.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.G/la  :  F-2S04 

Vermont  International  Telegraph  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  963,  Vermont 
International  Telesiraph  Company;  [decided  Apr.  15,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1927.     [1] +164-170  p.     (B-532.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-532 

Warehouses.  No.  16749,  Williams-Thompson  Company  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  417-421.     ([Opinion]  12282.)     [Fi'om  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12282 

Wash-tuhs.  No.  18190,  West  Texas  Utilities  Company  v.  Michigan  Central 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  16,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  57-58,     ([Opinion]  12350.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12350 

No.  18475,  Chicago  Granatine  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Illinois  Central 

Railroad  Company:  [decided  May  10,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +572-574  p.  ( [Opinion]  12316.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  126.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12316 

Washington  Run  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no,  911,  Washington  Run  Rail- 
road Company;  decided  Apr,  15,  1927;  report  of  commission,  [1927,]  p,  171- 
182.     (B-533,)     [From  I,  C,  C,  reports,  v,  125,]     *  Paper,  5c,    IC  1,6/la  :  B-533 

Watermelons.  No,  17910,  L.  A.  Mossburg  v.  Atlanta,  Birmingham  &  Atlantic 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1927;  report  of  commission,  [1927.] 
p.  447-448,     ([Opinion]  12289.)     [From  I.  C.  C,  reports,  v,  126.]     *  Paper,  5c, 

IC  1,6/la :  12289 

No.  18014,  Edgerton  &  Beers.  Incorporated,  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Rail- 
road Company  ;  [decided  May  5,  1927  ;  report  of  commission],  1927,  [l]+422- 
424  p,     ([Opinion]  12283,)      [From  I.  C,  C.  reports,  v.  126.]     *  Pai>er,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12283 

Western  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6198,  construction  of  branch  by 
Western  Pacific  Railroad  ;  [decided  May  4,  1927  ;  report  of  commission],  1927, 
[1] +466-468  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2798.)     [From  I,  C,  C.  reports,  v.  124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-279S 

Wilmington,  Brunswick  and  Southern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  935,  Wil- 
mington, Brunswick  &  Southern  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Apr.  15,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  183-194,  (B-534,)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-534 

Wood.  No.  17835,  E-Z  Opener  Bag  Company  v.  Pearl  River  Valley  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  bear- 
ing.    1927,     p.  48,      ([Opinion]    12345,)      [From   I,    C,   C,   reports,   v,   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c,  IC  1,6/la  :  12:^5 

Wood-piiJp.  No,  16531,  Hamersley  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Erie  Railroad 
Company  et  al, ;  decided  May  7,  1927 ;  repoi-t  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  491-497+ii  p,  ([Opinion]  12299,)  [Report  from  I,  C.  C.  reports, 
V,  126,]     *  Paper,  5c,  IC  1.6/la  :  12299 

Zinc.  No,  15816,  United  Zinc  Smelting  Corporation  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al, ;  decided  June  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  orders]  of  commis- 
sion, [1927.]  677-699+iv  p,  ([Opinion]  12320,)  [Report  from  I.  C,  C.  re- 
ports, V.  126.]     *  Paper,  5c,  IC  1,6/la  :  12320 

HoTT   to   order   publications — See   information   follovring    Contents 

July,  1927  41 


Aldridge,  W.  0.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-61,  Mary  S.  Aklridse,  executrix  of 
W.  6.  Aldridae.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  59-69.    t 

J  1.13  :  Al  24 

American  Can  Company.  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-347,  Ameri- 
can Can  Company.  Inc..  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's 
request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  37-55.    +  J  1.13  :  Am  3/llS 

American  Stores  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-351.  American  Stores 
Company  V.  United  States ;  defendant's  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  7-10.    J 

J  1.13  :  Am  3/114 

Arnold.  Henry  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-329,  Henry  H.  Aniold  v.  United 
States:  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report,  defendant's  state- 
ment of  case  and  brief.    [1927.]    p.  43-55.    |  J  1.13  :  Ar  64 

Bauman.  Ahraham.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-1132,  Abraham  Bauman  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  p. 
23-37.    t  J  1.13  :B. 327 

Berkshire  Woolen  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-352,  Berkshire  Woolen 
Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  9-12.     t 

J  1.13  :  B  455/8 

Bickctt  Coal  and  Coke  Company,  Incorporated.  No.  D-1.  in  Court  of  Claims, 
Bickett  Coal  and  Coke  Co.,  Inc..  v.  United  States;  defendant's  demurrer  to 
plaintiff's  amended  petition  filed  herein  May  9,  1927.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+47-59p.     t  J  1.13  :B  472/3 

Braffet.  Ma'k  P.  No.  — .  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  Hubert  Work,  as 
Secretary  of  Interior,  v.  Robert  L.  Braffet.  administrator  of  Mark  P.  Braffet ; 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia  and 
brief  in  support  thereof.    1927.    cover-title,  ii-f39  p.    $  J  1.13  :  B  73 

Byrvater,  Selwyn.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-570,  Selwyn  Bywater  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  statutes,  regulations, 
and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  31-55.    %  J  1.13  :  B  099 

Chapman,  Edicin  N.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-317,  Edwin  N.  Chapman  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  objections  to  plaintiff's  request 
for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  statutes,  regula- 
tions, and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  25-44.     $  J  1.13  :C  366/6 

Chapman,  John  D.  No.  232,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  D.  Chap- 
man V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorai'i  to  Court  of  Claims; 
brief  for  United   States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,   i-rl6  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  C  366/7 

Chesapeake  and  Potomac  Telephone  Company.  No.  A-233,  in  Court  of  Claims, 
Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.    1927.    cover-title,  ii-f  423-472  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  424/10 

Chicago  amd  Eastern  Illinois  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-55.  Chicago 
and  Eastern  Illinois  Railway  Co.  v.  United  States ;  motion  for  new  trial  [and 
brief].     [1927.]    p.  1-24.    %  J  1.13 :  C  43/116 

Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-63, 
Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  v.  United  States ;  de- 
fendant's answer  and  brief  in  opposition  to  plaintiff's  motion  for  new  trial. 
[1927.]     p.  45-50.     t  J  1.13  :  C  43/117 

Chisholm,  Edward  DeC.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-316,  Edward  de  C.  Chisholm 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  objections  to  plaintiff's  re- 
quest for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  statutes, 
regulation.s,   and  brief.     [1927.]     p.   2.3-44.     J  .T  1.13 :  C  447 

How   to   order   publications — See   information   following    Contents 

42  Jtjly,  1927 

Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals.  Judges,  4t]i  circuit  [corrected  list  for  Rules  of  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit,  1927].    1927.    p.  [iii].    i      J  l.S  :  C  49/2/p.  iii 

Colin  &  Ellett.  No.  4736,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  6th  circuit,  Robert  Cohn  and 
John  M.  Nickells,  copartners  trading  under  firm  name  and  style  of  Cohn  & 
Ellett,  et  al.  r.  Shipping  Board  and  Shipping  Board  Emergency  Fleet  Corpora- 
tion [now  Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation],  on  appeal  from  dis- 
trict court,  western  district  of  Tennessee;  petition  for  rehearing.  1927. 
cover-title,  8  p.     t  J  1.13  :C  661/2 

Consolidated  Gas,  Electric  Light,  and  Poiver  Company  of  Baltimore.  In  Court 
of  Claims,  no.  D-723,  Consolidated  Gas,  Electric  Light,  and  Power  Company  of 
Baltimore  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  re- 
quest for  findings  of  fact,  statutes  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  1-12.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  765/11 

Dane,  Frank.  No.  345,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Frank  Dane  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Ap'peals  of  District  of 
Columbia ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1927.    cover-title,  i-|-8  p.    $ 

J  1.13  :  D  198 

Detroit  Steel  Products  Company.  No.  243,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Detroit  Steel  Products  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  cer- 
tiorari to  Court  of  Claims  ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i-f  10  p.     $  J  1.13  :  D  484/8 

Edimn.  Thomas  A.,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-29,  Thomas  A. 
Edison,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  25-30.     X 

J  1.13 :  Ed  48/2 

FideUtif-Philadelphia  Trust  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-200,  Fidelity- 
Philadelphia  Trust  Company  and  International  Navigation  Company  v. 
Urited  States:  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  27-33.     t     J  1.13  :  F  448/15 

Ford  Motor  Company.  In  equity,  no.  822,  district  court,  eastern  district  of  Ken- 
tucky, at  London,  Ford  Motor  Company  and  Fordson  Coal  Company  v.  United 
States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  before  Arthur  C.  Denison  and 
Charles  H.  Moorman,  circuit  judges,  and  A.  M.  J.  Cochran,  district  judge, 
sitting  in  district  court  pursuant  to  urgent  deficiencies  act  (38  Stat.,  219),  on 
final  hearing  ;  supplemental  brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title.  10  p.    % 

J  1.13  :F  757/3 

Great  Northern  Railway  guaranty  case,  in  equity,  no.  864,  district  court,  dis- 
trict of  Minnesota,  3d  division.  Great  Northern  Railway  Company  v.  United 
States  [and]  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  before  William  S.  Kenyon, 
circuit  judge,  and  John  B.  Sanborn  and  Joseph  W.  Molyneaux.  district 
judges,  sitting  pursuant  to  urgent  deficiencies  act  Oct.  22.  1913  (38  Stat.,  219), 
on  motions  to  dismiss ;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title,  ii-|-32 
p.     $  J  1.13  :  G  798/15 

Hardware  Vndericr iters  and  National  Hardware  Service  Corporation.  In  Court 
of  Claims,  no.  C-1277,  Hardware  Underwriters  and  National  Hardware  Serv- 
ice Corporation  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  and  objections  to 
report  of  Commissioner  Carl  K.  Rang,  and  requests  for  additional  findincs  of 
fact  and  conclusions  of  law.     [1927.]     p.  1-26.    $  J  1.13  :H  222/3 

Hirsh.  Morris  M.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-2S4,  Amalie  Hirsh  and  William  A. 
Hirsh,  executors  of  Morris  M.  Hirsh,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  71-82.     t  JL13:H617 

Houseman,  Samuel  F.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-19S,  Frank  C.  Mattern  and 
Frank  L.  Carre,  executors  of  Samuel  F.  Houseman,  v.  United  States ;  de- 
murrer [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  17-21.     t  J  1.13  :H  817 

Imperial  Ma-chine  and  Foundry  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-320. 
Imperial  Machine  and  Foundry  Coi-poration  v.  United  States :  defendant's 
motion  for  new  trial  and  for  amended  findings  of  fact  [and  brief].  [1927.] 
p.  492-514,  1  pi.     4  J  1.13  :  Im  7/10 

In  Court  of  Claims,   no.  C-321,  Imperial   Machine  Company  v.   United 

States;  defendant's  motion  for  new  trial  and  for  amended  findings  of  fact 
[and  memorandum].     [1927.]     p.  515-521.  1  pi.     t  J  1.13  :Im  7/11 

How   to    order   publications — See   information   following    Contents 

July,  1927  43 

Imperial  Machine  and  Foundry  Corporation — Continued. 

In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  34453,  Imiierial  Machine  and  Foundry  Corpora- 
tion V.  United  States;  defendant's  motion  for  new  trial  and  for  amended 
findings  of  fact  [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  470-491.     ?  J  1.13  :  Im  7/9 

Kansas  City  Southern  Railway.  No.  293,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  Kansas  City  Southern 
Railway  Company  [et  al.],  appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district  of 
Missouri :  motion  to  advance  and  brief  for  appellants.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+7  p.     i  J  1.13  :  K  133/16 

Knox.  Philander  C.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Mar.  term,  1927, 
no.  3594  (list  no.  3,  J.  R.  Tiudle  et  al.,  executors  [of]  P.  C.  Knox,  v.  D.  B. 
Heiner.  collector  [of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania; 
transcript  of  record].     [1027.]     p.  48-51.     t  J  1.13  :  K  776/2 

■ No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  D.  B.   Heinjer,  collector  of 

internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania,  v.  James  R.  Tindle  and 
Union  Trust  Company  of  Pittsburgh,  coexecutors  of  Philander  C.  Knox ;  peti- 
tion for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  apipeals  for  3d  circuit,  and  brief 
in  support  thereof.     1927.     cover-title,  i-f  9  p.     J  J  1.13 :  K  776/3 

Lihhy,  McXeill  &  Lihhy.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-607,  Libby,  McNeill  & 
Libby,  Maine  corporation,  v.  United  States;  counterclaim.  [1927.]  p. 
55-56.     t  J  1.13  :  L  614/2 

Same;  stipulation  of  facts.     [1927.]     p.  57-75.     t  J  1.13  :L  614/3 

Long,  F.  R.,  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  C-1330,  F.  R.  Long  and  Company 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  requests  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusions  of 
law,  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  101-114.     t  J  1.13  :L  851/2 

McKane,  George  N.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-256,  George  N.  McKane  v. 
United   States;   defendant's  demurrer.     [1927.]     p.   10-15.     t       J  1.13 :  M 191 

McMurray,  J.  F.  No.  236,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  J.  F.  McMur- 
ray  v.  Choctaw  Nation  of  Indians  and  Chickasaw  Nation  of  Indians,  on  peti- 
tion for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  respondents  in  oppo- 
sition.    1927.     cover-title,   i-f  28  p.     +  J  1.13  :  M  229/4 

Magnolia  Petroleum  Company.  No.  283,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
United  States  v.  Magnolia  Petroleum  Company,  E.  R.  Brown  et  al.  [tnistees], 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims:  brief  for  United  States 
in  support  of  i)etition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+9  p.     %  J  1.13  :M  275/6 

Mesce,  Frank  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  E-558,  Frank  H.  Mesce  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  objections  to  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  p.  2.3-28. 
t  J  1.13  :  M  56/2 

Mississippi  River  and  Bonne  Tcrre  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-290, 
Mississippi  River  «&  Bonne  Terre  Railway  Company  v.  United  States :  de- 
murrer to   amended  petition.     [1927.]     p.   7-13.     t  J  1.13 :  M  691/48 

Mooney,  James  E.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-92,  Fourth  and  Central  Trust 
Company,  sole  surviving  executor  of  James  E.  Mooney,  v.  United  States :  de- 
fendant's statement  of  case,  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for 
findings  of  fact  and  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  statute,  and 
brief.     [1927.]     p.  59-72.     t  J  1.13 :  M  779 

Moore,  Mrs.  Emily  L.  No.  222,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  "VN'illiam  R. 
Verner,  sole  executor  of  Emily  L.  Moore,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for 
writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims :  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 
1927.     cover-title,    [l]+6  p.     t  J  1.13  :  M  782/4 

Neip  Haven  and  Dunbar  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-246,  New  Haven 
&  Dunbar  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer.  [1927.]  p.  67- 
68.     t  J1.13:N42h/2 

Nolde,  Anna  L.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-91,  Anna  Louise  Nolde  r.  United 
States;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  statutes,  brief.     [1927.]     p.  43-50.     t 

J  1.13  :  N  714 

Hovr   to   order   publications — See   Information   foIlo-wing    Contents 

44  Ji^Y,  1927 

O'Gara  Coal  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  E-540,  O'Gara  Coal  Com- 
pany V.  United  States;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  objection 
to  claimant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  statutes,  brief.     [1927.]     p.  69-105.     $  J  1.13 :  Og  1/4 

Opinions.  [Official  opinions  of  Attorneys  General]  v.  35,  [signature]  14. 
[1927.]     p.  207-222.  J  1.5/a  :  35/14 

Note. — The  opinions  of  the  Attorney  General  are  first  issued  in  signatures  being 
published  later  iu  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  75c.  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  opinions  in  separate 
parts  as  they  arc  issued.  Prices  for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,   Washington,   D.   C. 

Owen,  Cyril  B.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  B-3?5,  Cyril  B.  Owen  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  13-16.     $  J  1.13  :  Ow  2/6 

Peale,  Rem'brandt  H.  No.  244,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Rembrandt 
H.  Peale  v.  Dwight  F.  Davis,  Secretary  of  War,  Hubert  Work,  Secretary  of 
Interior,  and  William  M.  Jardine,  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  as  members  of 
and  composing  Federal  Power  Commission,  and  Federal  Power  Commission, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia ; 
brief  for  respondents  in   opposition.     1927.     cover-title,   i+15  p.     | 

J  1.13  :  P  313/4 

Reilly,  Ursula  S.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-113,  Ursula  S.  Reilly  [et  al.]  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  89-96.     t  J  1.13  :R  273/2 

Rosskam,  S.  Leon.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-3S9,  William  B.  Rosskam  and 
Lester  G.  Rosskam,  executors  of  S.  Leon  Rosskam,  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's brief  and  request  for  findings  of  fact.     [1927.]     p.  75-97.     t 

J  1.13  :  R  736/2 

Smith,  Fred.  No.  267,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Fred  Smith  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+9  p.     t  J  1.13:  Sm56 

Southern  Pacific  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-356,  Southern  Pacific 
Company  v.  United  States;  brief  for  defendant.     [1927.]     p.  49-51.     t 

J  1.13  :  So  8/90- 

Stone  &  Do'umer  Company.  No.  150,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1926, 
United  States  v.  Stone  &  Downer  Company  and  Lowe,  Donald  &  Company, 
on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Customs  Appeals ;  memorandum  for  United. 
States  on  respondents'  petition  for  rehearing.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.     $ 

J  1.13  :  St  72/19' 

Stoivell,  Ellery  C.  No.  290,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States 
ex  relatione  Ellery  C.  Stowell  v.  William  C.  Deming,  George  R.  Wales,  and 
Jessie  Dell,  civil  service  commissioners,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  ta 
Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia  ;  brief  for  civil  service  commissioners 
in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+9  p.     %  J  1.13 :  St  79- 

Sun-y,  Sussex  and  Sotithampton  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-295. 
Surry,  Sussex  &  Southampton  Railway  Company  v.  United  States ;  demurrer 
to  amended  petition  [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  7-12.     $  J  1.13 :  Su  78/2 

Thorp  d  Bond.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no  17635,  Congressional,  Charles  F.  Bond, 
as  receiver  of  partnership  of  Thorp  &  Bond,  v.  United  States;  defendant's- 
motion  to  dismiss  [and  defendant's  brief  in  support  of  motion  to  dismiss]. 
[1927.]      p.  33-41.     t  J  1.13  :T  398/3 

Tignor,  Claude  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-165,  Claude  J.  Tignor  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  11-22.     |  J  1.13 :  T  448/6- 

Vilsack,  Edward  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-114,  Edward  J.  Vilsack,  Joseph 
G.  Vilsack,  as  individuals,  and  Annie  L.  Vilsack,  administratrix  of  Atigust 
A.  Vilsack,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiffs'  request  for 
findings  of  fact  and  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  89-96.     t     J  1.13  :  V  719/2: 

Hew   to   order   publications — See   information   following;   Contents 

July,  1927  45 

Wicktvire,  Edtcard  L.  No.  149,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Jessie  L. 
Wickwire,  individually  and  as  executrix  and  trustee  of  Edward  L.  Wickwire, 
V.  Mabel  G.  Reinecke.  as  collector  and  as  acting  collector  of  internal  revenue 
[for  1st  district  of  Illinois],  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  7th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  i+7  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  W  633/5 

Wong  Gar  Wah.  No.  278,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  "Wong  Gar  Wah 
V.  Walter  E.  Carr,  district  director,  United  States  immigration  service,  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.,  on  petition  for  vrit  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  9tli  circuit;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title,  i-fl2 
p.     J  J  1.13  :  W  846/10 

Zink,  Albert  A.  No.  257,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Albert  A.  Zink, 
et  al.  V.  Black  Star  Line,  Inc.,  and  T.  V.  O'Connor,  chairman.  Shipping  Board, 
garnishee,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District 
of  Columbia ;  brief  for  T.  V.  O'Connor,  chairman  of  Shipping  Board  in 
opposition.      1927.      cover-title,    i+8    p.     J  J  1.13 :  Z  66 



Depeudeiit  children..   Children's   Bureau   of   Cleveland,   study  of   care   of  de 

pendent  children  in  Cleveland,  Ohio;  by  Mary  Mather  Leete.  1927.     v+98  p 
(Bureau  publication  177.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  L  27-329  L  5.20  :  177 

Extent  of  child  dependency  and  delinquency  in  7  Pennsylvania  counties ; 

by  Neva  R.  Deardorff.     1927.     [l]-fl-22  p.     [From  Publication  176,  Child- 
welfare  conditions  and  resources  in  7  Pennsylvania  counties.]     t 

L  5.20/a  :  C  437/5 

Note. — This  is  a  reprint  of  the  first  chapter  of  Publication   176,  but  is  a  revision 
of  a  preliminary  print  of  this  chapter  issued  in  Nov.  1926. 

Infants.     Infant  care.     [Revised  edition.]  [Reprint  with  changes]   1927.     118 

p.  il.     (Bureau  publication  8  revised.)  [The  imprint  date  on  the  cover  is 
givea  incorrectly  as  1926.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  O.  card  L  27-330  L  5.20 :  8/4 


Emi)lo!/ment  agencies.    Monthly  report  of  activities  of  State  and  municipal  em- 
ployment services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  June,  1927. 
1927.     iv-M2  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  927/6 

Industrial  employment  information   iuUetin,  June,  1927;  v.  7,  no.  6.     [1927.] 
24  p.  4"     [Monthlv.]      t 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8  :  927/6 


Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,  June,  1927.     1927.     [1]+19 
p.  il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9  :  927/6 

Labor  and  laboring  classes.     Handbook  of  labor  statistics,  1924^26.     June.  1927. 
xi+82S+iv  p.  il.     (Bulletin  439;  Miscellaneous  series.)     *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-328  L  2.3  :  439 

Same.     (H.  doc.  785,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  25,  no.  1;  July,  1927.  1927.  viii-f224  p.  il.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  1-224.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  15-26485  .  L 2.6:  25/1 

Special    asticles. — Immigration    restriction    and    scarcity    of    domestic    servants. — 

Why  workers  borrow,  study  of  4,000  credit  union  loans  ;  hy  Mildred  .John. — Per  capita 

expenditure  for  nonresidential  buildings  in  representative  cities. — Establishment  funds 

How   to   order   publications — See  information   folloiring   Contents 

46  JuT^Y,  1927 

Monthly  labor  review — Continued. 

for  benefit  of  disabled  workers. — Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor,  May, 
1927  ;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwin. — Statistics  of  immigration,  Apr.  1927  ;  by  J.  J.  Kiinna. — • 
Absenteeism  in  industry,  list  of  references  ;  compiled  by  Edna  L.  Stone  and  Carolyn 
Cox. — Labor  offices   [and  officials]  in  United  States  and  foreian  countries. 

^OTE. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for  bulle- 
tin purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal 
court  decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention 
before  they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subiects.  One 
free  subscription  will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  com- 
pensation commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor 
laws  and  organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics. 
Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Motor-vehicles.    Wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  motor  vehicle  industry,   1925. 
May,   1927.     iii+114+iv  p.   il.     (Bulletin   438;   Wages  and  hours   of  labor 
series. )     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  L  2^-4  L  2.3  :  438 

Same.     (H.  doc.  784,  G9th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Outdoor  recreation  for  industrial  employees.  [1927.]  16  p.  10  p.  of  pi.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  867-882.  From  Monthly  labor 
review.   May,   1927.]      t  L2.6/a:R245 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail.  1927.  [l]-f-14S-174  p.  il.  [This  publi- 
cation bears  also  the  volume  pagination  148-174.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
July,  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  2 :  927/7 

Wholesale    prices    of    commodities    for    June,    1927.      1927.      [1]-1-10    p. 

[Monthly.]     t 

L.   C.   card  L  22-229  L  2.8:  927/6 

Wages.  Exploitation  of  labor  through  nonpayment  of  wages,  and  efforts  of 
labor  offices  to  enforce  payment.  [1927,  reprint  with  slight  changes.]  p. 
19-28.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  1171-80.  From 
Monthly  labor  review,  June,  1927.  ]     t  L  2.6/a  :  W  124/5/cop.2 



Copyright.     [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books. 
V.  24]  no.  42-53;  July,  1927.     July  1-29,  1927.     p.  553-744.     [Issued  several 
times  a  week.] 
L.  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  24/1-42  to  1-53 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books ;  pt.  1, 
group  2,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
tures ;  pt.  2,  to  periodicals ;  pt.  ?,.  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  re- 
productions of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  char- 
acter, photographs,  prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  VS^ashington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $.3.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.),  foreign  subscription,  $5.00;  pt.  1 
(groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  copy  (group  1,  price  of  group  2  varies).  $1.00  a  yr., 
foreign  subscription,  $2.25  ;  pt.  3,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  pts.  2  and 
4,  each  10c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  70c. 

Same,  pt.  2,  Periodicals,  v.  21,  no.  4  [with  index  and  title-page  to  new 

series,  pt.   2,   v.   21,   uos.   1-4,   Jan.-Dec.   1926].     1927.     iii+461-673+[l]    p. 
[Quarterly.  J  LC  3.6/2  :  21/4 

Same,  pt.  2,  Periodicals,  v.  22,  no.  1.     1927.    V+1-17S  p.     [Quarterly.] 

LC  3.6/2 :  22/1 

Same,  pt.  3,  Musical  compositions,  v.  21,  annual  index  [and  title-pages, 

calendar  year]  1926.    1927.     [1] +1271-1784  p.  + [4]  leaves.    LC  3.6/3  :  21/ind. 

•     Same,   pt.  3.   Musical  compositions,   v.   22,  no.   3.     1927.     v +233-368  p. 

[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/3 

HoTV   to    order   pnbllcatlons-^See   information   foUowingr    Contents 

JuxY,  1927  47 

Copyriffht — Cont  inued. 

• Same,  pt.  3,  Musical  compositions,  v.  22,  no.  4.     1927.     vii+369--184  p. 

[Monthly.  ]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/4 

Same,  pt.  4,  Works  of  art,  reproductions  of  a  work  of  art,  drawings 

or  plastic  works   of   scientific   or   technical   character,   photographs,   prints, 
and  pictorial  illustrations,  v.  22,  no.  1.     1927.     v+1-104  p.     [Quarterly.] 

LC  3.6/4 :  22/1 


State  p  1(1)1  ications.     Monthly  check-list  of  State  publications  received  during 
Apr.  1927 ;  v.  18,  no.  4.    1927.    p.  189-248.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  10-8924  LC  7.6:  927/4 


Engines.    Friction  of  aviation  engines  [with  bibliography] ;  by  S.  W.  Sparrow 
and  M.  A.  Thorne.     1927.     cover-title,  27  p.  il.  4°     (Report  262.)      [Text  and 
illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26801  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/262 

No;::sles.     Differential   pressures   on   pitot-venturi   and  pitot-static   nozzle   over 
360°  pitch  and  yaw  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  R.  M.  Bear.     1927.     cover- 
title,  9  p.  il.  4.°     (Report  264.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.] 
*  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26755  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/264 

Spray  penetration  with  simple  fuel  injection  nozzle  [with  reference]  ;  by  Harold 
E.  Miller  and  Edward  G.  Beardsley.     Reprint  1927.     cover-title,  8  p.  il.  2  p. 
of  pi.  4"     (Report  222.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.     Re- 
port 222  originallv  published  Feb.  1926.]     *  Paper.  lOe. 
L.  C.  card  27-26820  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/222-2 

Superchargers.     Preliminary  flight  tests  of  N.   A.  C.  A.  Roots  type  aircraft 
engine  supercharger  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Arthur  W.  Gardiner  and  Elliott 
G.  Reid.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+13  p.  il.  4°     (Report  263.)      [Text  and  illus- 
tration on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.   card  27-26818  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/263 

Valves.     Factors  in  design  of  centrifugal  type  injection  valves  for  oil  engines 
[with  list  of  references]  :   by  W.  F.  Joachim  and   E.   G.   Beardsley.     1927. 
cover-title,  15  p.  il.  4°     (Report  268.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3 
of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-20758  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/268 

Wings.     Air  force  and  moment  for  N-20  wing  with  certain  cut-outs  [with  ref- 
erence] ;    by   R.    H.    Smith.     1927.     cover-title,    12   p.    il.    4°      (Report   266.) 
[Prepared  by  Bureau  of  Aeronautics,  Navy  Department.     Text  and  illustra- 
tion on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26756  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/266 

Drag  of  wings  with  end  plates   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Paul  B. 

Hemke.     1927.    cover-title,  13  p.  il.  4°     (Report  267.)      [Text  and  illustration 

on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26757  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/267 



Proceedings  of  board  of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer 
Soldiers,  June  16,  1927.     June,  1927.     [v.  4]  459-466+ [1]  p.     [Quarterly.]     t 

NH  1.7 : 4 

HoTT   to   order   publications — See   information   folloTving    Contents 

48  JUTLY,    1927 


Court-martial  orders  5,  1927;  May  31,  1927.     [1927.]     12  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     % 

N  1.14 :  927/5 

Lum'ber.  General  specifications  for  inspection  of  material :  app.  4,  Lumber  and 
timber  (manufacture,  grading,  inspection,  and  shipping).  June  1,  1927.  20 
p.  12°     t  N  1.22  :  M  41/S/app.4 

Orders.  General  order  164,  166-167  [6th  series]  ;  May  16-July  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
various  paging,  4°     %  N  1.13/6  :  164,  etc. 


General  information  bulletin  no.  1-27 ;  July  1.  1927.     1927.     20  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  25-26642  N  4.14  :  927/1 


Manual.  Changes  in  Marine  Corps  manual  [1926],  no.  1;  Apr.  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
vii  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  inserted  in  their  proper 
places  in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  reprinted  pages  is  found  on 
p.  vi  ard  vii  of  Changes  1  here  catalogued  (pages  2-5,  2-0.  5-5.  5-6.  7-4a.  13- 
33  to  13^39,  16-91  to  16-95,  2S-5,  30-6a,  30-21,  and  30-22,  not  listed  there, 
are  also  included) .]     %  N  9.15 :  926 ''ch.  1 


Appendicitis.  Rontgen  ray  examination  in  suspected  chronic  appendicitis:  by 
P.  P.  Maher.  1927.  [1]+12  p.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin. 
V.  25,  no.  3.]     t  N10.ll/la:Ap4S/4 

Chancroids.  Treatment  of  chancroid^s  and  other  lesions  with  ammoniacal  sil- 
ver nitrate  and  formalin ;  by  P.  G.  AVhite  and  J.  Q.  Owsley.  1927.  4  p. 
[From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  3.]     t    N  10.11/la  :  C36 

Cholecystography  [with  report  of  cases,  and  with  list  of  references]  :  by  G.  H. 
Larson.  1927.  [l]+9  p.  10  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical 
bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  3.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  C  453/2 

Droxmiing.  Some  observations  on  avoidable  drowning;  by  R.  B.  IMiUer.  1927. 
[l]+24  p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25.  no.  3.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  D  839 

Flies  and  their  eradication  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  E.  C.  Carr.  1927.  16 
p.  il.  1  pi.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25.  no.  3.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  F  643 

Heart.  Premature  contractions  of  heart  [review  of  100  cases,  with  bibliog- 
raphy] ;  by  E.  C.  White.  1927.  [l]+6  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States 
naval  medical  bulletin,  V.  25.  no.  3.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  H  351/5 

Kahn  test.  Comparison  of  Kahn  and  Kolmer  reactions ;  by  Paul  Richmond,  jr. 
1927.  [l]+4  p.  il.  [From  United,  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no. 
3.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  K  122 

Mercurochi-ome-220  soluble.  Summary  of  70  cases  of  gonococcus  infection  treated 
with  mercurochrome-220  soluble  together  with  sugar  and  foreign  protein  [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  L.  H.  Williams  and  W.  D.  Small.  1927.  4  p.  [From 
United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  3.]     t        N  lO.lL/la  :  G  5SS/3 

Naval  medical  iuUetin.  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  published  quar- 
terly for  information  of  Medical  Department  of  Navy,  v.  25,  no.  3,  July,  1927 ; 
edited  by  L.  Sheldon,  jr.  1927.  vi+505-782  p.  il.  4  pi.  20  p.  of  pi.  *  Paper, 
25c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10. 

L.  C.  card  S-35095  N  10.11/1 :  25/3 

Spbci.\l  articles. — Some  observations  on  avoidable  drowning;  by  R.  B.  Miller. — 
Flies  and  their  eradication  [with  list  of  references]  ;  bv  E.  C.  Carr. — Activities  of  Naval 
Medical  Supply  Depot  [Brooklyn.  N.  Y.]  ;  by  D.  C.  Ca"ther. — Retinitis  pi?mento.'*a,  with 
report  of  case  [and  with  bibliography]  ;  by  C.  B.  Camerer. — Premature  contractions  of 
heart,  review  of  100  cases  [with  bibliography]  ;  bv  E.  C.  White. — Rontgen  ray  examina- 
tion in  suspected  chronic  appendicitis  ;  by  P.  P.  Maher. — Comparison  of  Kahn  and  Kol- 

How  to   order  publications — See  Information  foUowlns   Contents 

JiXLT,  1927  49 

J^aval  medical  'bulletin — Contiimecl. 

mer  reactions  ;  by  Paul  Richmond,  jr. — Comments  on  origin  of  disability  ;  by  Lewis 
W.  Johnson. — Department  of  sanitation,  marine  barracks.  Quantico,  Va.  ;  by  W.  M.  Gar- 
ton. — Cholecystography,  with  report  of  cases  [and  with  list  of  references]  ;  by  G.  H. 
Larson. — Thronibo-angiitis  obliterans,  with  report  of  cases ;  by  R.  A.  Schneiders. — 
Debt  of  surgical  diagnosis  to  X  ray  ;  by  G.  F.  Cottle.— Treatment  of  chancroids  and 
other  lesions  with  ammoniacal  silver  nitrate  and  formalin  ;  by  P.  G.  White  and  J.  Q. 
Owsley. — Summary  of  70  cases  of  gonococcus  infection  treated  with  mercurochrome-220 
soluble  together  with  sug;ir  and  foreiarn  protein  [with  list  of  references!  ;  by  L.  H. 
Williams  and  W.  D.  Small. — Treatment  of  encephalitis  lethargica  ;  by  Harold  S.  Hul- 
bert. — Multiple  unorupted  and  impacted  cuspid  and  bicuspid  teeth,  report  of  case;  by 
M.  W.  Mangold. — Mixed  venereal  infections,  with  report  of  cases ;  by  G.  P.  Cooper. — 
Caisson  disease  during  helmet  diving,  report  of  case ;  by  W.  M.  Anderson. — Arterio- 
venous aneurysm  of  common  carotid  artery  and  internal  jugular  vein,  operation  with 
conservation  of  artery,  report  of  case;  by  F.  X.  Koltes.— Creeping  eruption,  report  of 
case  ;  by  H.  L.  Shinn!— Death  by  lightning,  report  of  case  ;  by  T.  D.  Benjamin. — Device 
for  transferring  patients  from  ships  ;  by  Thomas  Schoflcld. — Economical  and  practical 
utensil  sterilizer  ;  by  Charles  Peek. — Hospital  housekeeping ;  by  Nell  I.  Disert. — Diets 
and  nurse,  by  J.  Beatrice  Bowman  ;  [with  some  observations  on  dietetic  service  in 
hospitals;  by  Lucy  Minnigerode]. — Dietetics  at  naval  hospitals;  by  Anna  F.  Patten. — 
Notes  on  preventive  medicine  for  medical  officers.  Navy  [including  Digest  of  views  of 
medical  officers  regarding  venereal  disease  problems  as  recorded  in  various  annual 
sanitary  reports  for  1926  ;  Report  of  outbreak  of  cerebrospinal  fever  at  Naval  Training 
Station,  San  Diego,  Calif.,  Dec.  1926-Jan.  1927.  summary  of  report  by  J.  B.  Kaufman  ; 
Report  of  outbreak  of  scarlet  fever  at  Naval  Training  Station,  Hampton  Roads,  Va., 
by  C.  F.  Ely]. 

Retinitis  pigmentosa  [with  report  of  case,  and  with  bibliography]  ;  by  C.  B, 
Camerer.  1927.  [l]+6  p.  il.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin, 
V.  25,  no.  3.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  R  314 

Stretchers.  Device  for  transferring  patients  from  ships ;  by  Thomas  Schofield. 
1927.  [l]+3  p.  il.  3  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v. 
25,  no.  3.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  P  273 

X-rays.  Debt  of  surgical  diagno.^is  to  X  ray ;  by  G.  F.  Cottle.  1927.  [11+5  p. 
4  p.  of  pi.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25.  no.  3.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  X  1/4 


Navy.     Information  concerning  U.  S.  Navy  and  other  navies,  information  and 
tables  compiled  to  answer  popular  inquiry   [with  Bibliography  of  history  of 
United  States  Navy]  ;  prepared  from  data  collected  by  Information  Section. 
Mar.  1927.     vi+8o  p.  1  pi.  in  pocket.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26793  N  13.2 :  N  22/7/927 


Pharmacy.  Instructions  for  pharmacist's  mate  2c  in  preparation  for  rating  of 
pharmacist's  mate  Ic  and  chief  pharmacist's  mate,  course  in  16  assignments ; 
prepared  by  Bureau  of  Medicine  and  Surgery.  1927.  [l]+44  p.  il.  (Navy 
training  courses.)     t  N  17.25  :  P  49/2/assi.  1-16 

Sailors.  Instructions  for  apprentice  seaman,  course  in  20  assignments,  assign- 
ments 1-8.  Navy  as  a  career,  Clothing  and  care,  Officers  aboard  ship,  Rules 
and  regulations,  Salutes,  School  of  recruit.  1927.  ii+57  p.  il.  (Navy  train- 
ing courses. )     ?  N  17.25 :  Se  1/6/assi.  1-8 

■Storekeepers,  Xary.  Instructions  for  storekeeper  2c  in  preparation  for  rating 
of  storekeeper  Ic,  course  in  27  assignments.  1927.  iii+72  p.  (Navy  training 
courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  St  7/1/assi.  1-27 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc..  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia.  Baltimore.  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston.  San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port, 
Panama  Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
:and  Duluth. 

Hydrographic  bulletin,  weekly,  no.  1974r-77 ;  July  6-27,  1927.  1927.  Each  1  p. 
large  4°  and  f  [For  Ice  supplements  to  accompany  nos.  1974-77,  see  below 
under  center  head  Charts  the  subhead  /ce.]     t  N  6.3  :  1974-77 

How  to   order  publications — See  infonnatlon  foUoTring   Contents 

50  July,  1927 

l^otice  to  mariners  27-31,  1927  ;  July  2-30  [1927].  [1927.]  [li]  +765-927  leaves. 
[Weekly.]     t  N  6.11 :  927/27-31 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Aug.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  927/8 

■ Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.],  Aug.  1927.     [1927.] 

[2]  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  927/8 

West  Indies  pilot :  v.  1,  Bermuda  Islands,  Bahama  Islands,  and  Greater  Antilles. 
5th  edition.  1927.  v+706  p.  +  [3]  leaves,  il.  5  pi.  2  maps.  ([Publication] 
128.)  [The  3  leaves  given  in  the  collation  consist  of  request  coupons  which 
are  detachable.]     t  Cloth,  90c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26779  N  6.8 :  128/927 


Africa.  Anchorages  and  bays  on  west  coast  of  Africa,  compiled  from  latest 
information ;  chart  2.314.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Jan. 
1907,  5th  edition,  June,  1927.     25.9X28.3  in.     1 30c.  N  6.18:  2314 

Ambriz,  Port,  Angola. 

Ambrizette  Bay,  Angola. 

Kabiiida  Bay,   Kabirida. 

Landana  Bay,  Kabinda. 

Loanda  Harbor.  Angola. 

Malemba  Bay,  Kabinda. 

Mayumba   Bay,   French  Equatorial   Africa. 

Port   GJentil  Anchorage,  Cnpa  Lopez  Bay. 

Prince  Bay,  Cape  Lopez  Bay. 

Sette  Cania,  French  Equatorial  Africa. 

Vesuvius  Shoal,  Angola. 

West  coast  of  Africa,  Cape  Lopez  to  Loanda,  compiled  from  latest  infor- 
mation :  chart  2203.  Natural  scale  1 :  970,236  at  lat.  05°.  W%ashington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Nov.  1905,  5th  edition,  June,  1927.  40.8X28.1  in.  t 
50c.  N  6.18:  2203 

ArtaTii  Baij,  Sea  of  Marmara,  Turkey,  from  British  surveys  in  1878  and  1880 ; 
chart  4173.  Scale  naut.  m.=4.1  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  17,993.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  Jime,  1927.     19.5X20.6  in.     1 20c.  N  6.18:  4173 

Atlantic  Ocean.  North  Atlantic  Ocean,  compiled  from  latest  information ; 
chart  1070.  Natural  scale  1 :  8.441,572  at  lat.  30°.  Washington.  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Mar.  1888.  55th  edition.  June,  1927.  32.1X35.1  in.  [Mag- 
netic variation  curves  are  for  1925.]     t  60c.  N  6.18:  1070 

Australia,  east  coast.  Cape  Grafton  to  Double  Point,  from  British  surveys 
between  1848  and  1924 ;  chart  3458.  Natural  scale  1 :  143,129  at  lat.  17°. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1925,  2d  edition,  June. 
1927.     38.7X27.4  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18: 3458 

Beppu  Wan.  Harbors  in  Beppu  Wan,  Naikai  (Inland  Sea),  east  coast  of 
Kyushu,  Japan,  from  Japanese  surveys  in  1919  and  1924 ;  chart  1647.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  published  Aug.  1921,  2d  edition,  June,  1927. 
26.6 X  19.1  in.    t  20c.  N  6.18  :  1647 

Beppu  Ko. 
Hiii  Ko. 
Oita  Ko. 

Bermuda  Islands,  north  Atlantic  Ocean.  The  Narrows  to  Grassy  Bay,  compiled 
from  latest  British  surveys ;  chart  2791.  Scale  naut.  m.=3.9  in.,  natural 
scale  1 :  18.570.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1917,  8th 
edition,  June,  1927.    26.7X44.1  in.    t  50c.  N  6.18:  2791 

Borneo.  Anchorages  between  Borneo  and  New  Guinea ;  chart  3056.  Washing- 
ton, Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1913,  5th  edition,  June,  1927.  22.1  X 
28.5  in.    t  30c.  N  6.18 :  3056 

Amahai  Bay.  Ceram  I.,  south  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  plan  of  1925. 
Belang  Road,  Celebes,  northeast  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  in  1908. 
Bilangan.  .Tiko.  and  Jiko  Pasilangan,  Celebes,  northeast  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt. 

survey  in  1908. 
Bull  Bay  and  approaches  to  Bicholi.  Maba.  and  Buli,   Halmahera  I.,   east  coast,  from 

Netherlands  Govt,  surveys  in  1914  and  1919. 
Ingelas  Bay,  Ceram  I.,  east  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  in  1923. 
Likupang  Road,  Banka  Strait,  Celebes,  northeast  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey 

in  1907. 

How  to   order  publications — See  Information  follovrlns   Contents 

July,  1927  51 

Borneo — Continued. 

Manganitu  Bay,  Sangi  I.,  west  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  in  1914. 
Menado  Road,  Celebes,  north  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  plan  of  1025. 
Ngofakiaha  Road,  Makian,  northeast  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  m  1909. 
Salobabu   Anch.,    Salebabu,    east    coast,   from    Netherlands   Govt,    surveys   in    1S46    and 

Sanana' Bay,  Sulu  Sanana,  east  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  in  1910. 

Sawai  and  Besi  bays,  Ceram  I.,  north  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey  in  1923 

and  1924 
Sololo  Bay  and  approaches,  Halmahera  I.,  east  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  surveys 

in  1914  and  1919. 
Talisei  Road,  Celebes,  n.  e.,  from  British  survey  in  ISSG. 
Taruna  Bay,  Sangi  I.,  west  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  plan  of  1924. 
Wahai  Bay  and  Hatiling  Bay,  Ceram  I.,  north  coast,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  surveys 

to  1924. 

Northwest  coast  of  Borneo,  China  Sea,  Sungi  Tatau  to  Tanjong  Baram, 

from  British  survey  in  1848 ;  chart  3043.  Natural  scale  1 :  296,777  at  lat.  4° 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct.  1913,  4th  edition,  June, 
1927.     25.2X19.4  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18  :  3043 

Caroline  Islands.  Islands  of  Caroline  Group,  north  Pacific  Ocean ;  chart  5425. 
Washington,   Hydrographic    Office.    June,    1927.    28.9X42.3    in.     1 50c. 

•N  6.18 :  5425 
Chamisso    Harbor    Lukunor   Islands,    Nomoi    Islands,    from    Russian    sketch    survey   in 

182S,  with  additions  from  British  sketch  survey  in  1871. 
East  Fayu   (Lutke)   I.,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 
Hall  Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 

Kapingamarangi   (Greenwich)   Is.,  from  Japanese  .sketch  survey  in  1922. 
Mokii  "islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 
Namoluk  Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1924. 
Ngatik  Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 
Nomoi  (Mortlock)   Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1916. 
Nukuoro  Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1922  ;  with  inset,  Nukuoro  Passage, 

from   German   Govt,   chart  of  1910. 
Oroluk  Lagoon,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1921. 
Pikelot  (Coquille)   Island,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1921. 
Pingelap  Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 
Pulap  Islands  (Los  Martires),  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 
Pulusuk  Island,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1921. 
Puluwat   (Enderby)   Islands,  from  Japanese  sketch  survey  in  1920. 

Ceara  Bay,  Brazil,  from  French  survey  in  1867 ;  chart  1163.  Scale  naut.  in.= 
4.1  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  18,145.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published 
Aug.  1889,  14th  edition,  June  [1927].     17.7X22.9  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18  :  1163 

DoiL-ns,  The.  The  Downs,  England,  southeast  coast,  from  latest  British  sur- 
reys; chart  4480.  Scale  naut.  m.=2  in.,  natural  scale  1:36,851.  Washing- 
ton, Hvdrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1915,  12th  edition,  June,  1927. 
46.5X26.7  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18  :  4480 

Gaspe  Bay,  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  Quebec,  Canada,  from  Canadian  survey  in 
1923  and  1924 ;  with  inset,  Gaspe  Harbor ;  chart  5516.  Natural  scale 
1:48,646.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May,  1927.  25.4X41.3  in. 
t  50c.  N  6.18  :  5516 

Goyomai  Stiido,  Hokushu  and  Chishima  Retto  (Kuril  Islands),  Japan,  from 
Japanese  survey  in  1921 ;  chart  5531.  Scale  naut.  m.=1.6  in.,  natural  scale 
1:45,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.  20.1X25.8  in. 
t  20c.  N  6.18 :  5531 

Hamilton  Harbor,  Hamilton  I.,  Bermuda  Islands,  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  from 
British  survey  in  1923 ;  chart  5448.  Scale  1,500  yds. =9  in.,  natural  scale 
1:6.020.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.  26.3X33.3  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.18  :  5448 

Ice.  Ice  supplement  to  Hydrographic  bulletin ;  issue  222.  Scale  1°  long.=0.3 
in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office  [1927].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompanv 
Hydrographic  bulletin  1974,  July  6,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2  :  222 

—     Same;    issue   223.     Scale    1°    long. =0.3    in.     Washington,  Hydrographic 

Office    [1927].     8.9X11.8    in.     [To    accompany    Hydrographic  bulletin    1975, 

July  13,  1927.]     j  N  6.3/2  :  223 

— ■     Same;    issue   224.     Scale  1°    long. =0.3   in.    Washington,  Hydrographic 

Office    [1927].     8.9X11.8    in.     [To    accompany    Hydrographic  bulletin    1976. 

July  20,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2  :  224 

Ho-^T   to    order   publications — See   Information.  folloTving    Contents 

52  Jtjlt,  1927 

Ice — Continued. 

■ Same;  issue  225.  Scale  1°  long.=0.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrograpliic  Of- 
fice [1927].  S.9X11.S  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrograpliic  bulletin  1977,  July 
27,  1927.]      t  N  6.3/2  :  225 

Italy,  west  coast,  Mediterranean  Sea,  Civita  Vecchia  to  Naples,  from  Italian 
surveys  between  18S3  and  1888,  with  corrections  to  1922  [with  insets]  ;  chart 
3943.'  Natural  scale  1:255,457  at  lat.  41°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Feb.  1915,  6th  edition,  June,  1927.     26X38.8  in.     t  40c. 

N  6.18 :  3943 
Civita  Vecchia,  from  Italian  survey  in  1886,  with  corrections  to  1922. 
D'Anzio,  Porto,  from  Italian  survey  in  1883,  with  corrections  to  1922. 
(iaeta  Bay,  from  Italian  survey  in  1S87  and  1SS8,  with  corrections  to   1919. 
Tiber,  Mouth  of,  from  Italian  survey  in  1922. 

Morocco.  Ports  and  anchorages  on  west  coast  of  Morocco,  Africa,  from  French 
surveys  between  1906  and  1921 ;  chart  2239.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Oct.  1905,  6th  edition,  June,  1927.     19.2X27.4  in.     f  30c. 

N  6.18 :  2239 
Ag-adir  Road   (Santa  Cruz). 

Cape  Tafelfteh  Anchorage,  from  French  survey  in  1920. 
Imsouan  Bny,  from  French   survey   in   1920. 
Larache    (El"  Araish). 
Rabat  and  Sali. 

Xova  Scotia,  south  coast.  Canada.  Port  Medway  to  Lockeport  'Harbor,  from 
British  surveys  in  1861  and  1862 :  chart  2131.  Natural  scale  1 :  72,903. 
Washinston.  Hvdroeraphic  Office,  published  Oct.  1903,  16th  edition.  June, 
1927.    41.2X32.2  in.^  t  60c.  N  6.18:  2131 

Kovorossisk  Bay  (Sudzhiik  Bay),  Black  Sea,  Russia,  from  Russian  surveys  to 
1901,  with  additions  from  other  sources ;  with  inset,  Novorossisk  Harbor, 
from  Russian  plan  of  1901;  chart  4217.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.3  in.,  natural  scale 
1:32,475.    Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.    26.8X19.3  in.     t20c. 

N  6.18 :  4217 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Aug.  1927 ;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long. =0.7  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  July  18.  1927. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]      1 10c.  N  6.24  :  927/8 

Note. — This  chart  is  accompanied  by  a  2d  sheet  carrying  the  balance  of  the  text 
matter  entitled  Correlation  of  static  with  atmosphere  as  aid  to  navigation,  communi- 
cations, engineering,  which  is  continued   from  the  reverse  of  the  Pilot  chart. 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean.  Sept.  1927 ;  chart  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  July  18,  1927.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     f  10c. 

N  6.17 :  927/9 

XoTB. —  Contains  on  reverse:  Navigational  examples  lof  observations  of  celestial 
bodies  for  determining  line  of  position]. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean.  Aug.   1927 :   chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

long. =0.27  in.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  July  18.  1927.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  927/8 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Cyclonic  storms. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific  Ocean,   Sept.   1927;   chart   1401.     Scale  1° 

long. =0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  July  18,  1927.  23.7X35.3  in. 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.16  :  927/9 

Note. — Contains    on    reverse :   Cyclonic    storms. 

Pilot  Chart  of  south  Atlantic  Ocean,  Sept-Nov.  1927;  chart  2600.     Scale 

1°  long.=0.3  in.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  July  18.  1927.  23X31.9 
in.  [Quarterly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.20  :  927/3 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Doubtful  shoals  and  dangers,  north  and  south  Atlantic 

Hot*-   to    order   publications — See   information   following    Contents. 

July.  192T  53 

Pilot  charts — Continued- 

Pilot  chart  of  south  Pacific  Ocean,  Sept--XoT.  1!927:  chart  2801.    Scale 

1'  loBe.=02  in.  Washington,  Hjdn^raphic  Office,  July  IS.  192T.  ZL2X353 
in.  [Qoarterly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  famished  by  the  WealOier 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  X  6l21  :  921/3 

Xcm. — Contains  on  rerezse:  DoaMfol  stuoiaJs  and  dansers,  notth  and  sovth  PadSe 

Part  of  Spain^  Trinidad,  west  coast.  W.  L,  from  British  sunrey  in  1921,  tiqpogra- 
phy  is  from  Topographical  Survey  of  Trinidad ;  chart  2115.  Scale  naut.  m-= 
4.9  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  15.000.  Washington.  Hydrogra{diic  Office,  pnbllsbed 
June,  1903,  16th  edition,  June.  1927.    26.3X40  in.     tSOc  X6l1S:2115 

St.  Lawrence  River.  St.  Lawrence  Rirer,  Canada,  Anticoeti  Island  to  Pointe 
des  Monts.  from  Canadian  surreys  between  1916  and  1923.  and  Briti^  sor- 
reys  between  1S31  and  1S46  [with  in«ets] ;  chart  1110.  ^N^atnral  scale 
1 :  287,090  at  lat.  49"  30'.  Washington,  HydrograiAlc  Office.  publlMied  May, 
1889,  3Sth  edition,  June,  1927.    311X37.4  in.    tSOc  X6J«:1110 

Cawee  Islands,  Crom  British  survey  in  1831. 
Egg  Island. 
Ellis  Bar,  Anticosti  I. 
Shelter  Bay. 

St.  LawreEce  River,  Canada,  Pointe  des  Monts  to  Sagoenay  River,  from 

Canadian  surveys  between  1905  and  1916;  with  ins^  St.  Nicholas  Hartior, 
from  British  survey  in  1830;  chart  1111.  Natural  scale  1:291J941  at  lat. 
4S°  40'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  July.  1S89,  35th  editl<oin. 
June,  1927.    26X33.3  in.     t40c.  X6.1S:1111 

Shikotan  Jima.  Plans  in  Shikotan  Jima.  Chishima  Retto  (Kuril  Islands |. 
Japan,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1923 :  chart  5332.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  June,  1927.    ^^oX24  in.    tSOc.  N6l1S:^32 

Anama  Wan  and  Shakot&n  Kc 
Matsngaliania  Wan. 

SpatHy  northwest  c^-ast.  San  Ciprian  Bay  to  Cape  Flmsterre,  from  latest  British 
and  Spanish  surveys;  chart  4391.  Natural  scale  1:232.414  at  lat  43^  30'. 
Washington,  Hydrc^raphic  Office,  published  May,  1917,  5th  edition.  June, 
1927.    25.8X38^  in.     t40c  X6-1S:4391 

Tavoy  River.  Tenasserim  coast.  Burma.  Bay  of  B^igal,  from  Indian  G«ivern- 
ment  surveys  between  1SS5  and  1912,  Reef  I.  to  Sinbyubyin  from  survey  by 
C.  A.  Lakin,  river  surveyor,  in  1908  and  1909 ;  chart  3723.  Scale  naut.  m.= 
1  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  73,397.  Washington,  ^drographic  Office,  June,  1927. 
39.5X26.6  in.     tSOc.  N[6l1S:3723 

Torres  Strait^  Australia,  north  coast.  Booby  Island  to  Albany  Ki^  induding 
Endeavour  Strait.  Xormanby  Sound.  Prince  of  Wales  and  Dayman  channris. 
from  British  surveys  between  1S45  and  1923;  chart  3168.  Natural  scale 
1 :  90.392.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  July,  1924,  Sd  edition. 
June-  1927.    24.7X46  in.     t40c  N6JL8:3168 

Yangtze  River.  Yangtze  River.  China.  Nanlang-Kinkiang  section.  NanMng  to 
Siasan  Shan,  from  Chinese  Government  survey  in  1922  and  1923 ;  chart  5479. 
Scale  nauL  ni.=2.9  in_  natural  scale  1:25,000.  Washington,  Hydrograidiic 
Office,  Jtme,  1927.    44JLX31  in.     teOc  N6ul8:5479 

Yangtze  River.  China.  Namldng-Kinkiang  section,  Siasan  Shan  to  Hwang- 
chow  Sintan  (May  Queen  I.jt.  from  Chinese  Government  survey  in  1922  and 
1923;  chart  5480.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:25.<^6.  Wash- 
ington. Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.    42^X32.4  in.    tflOe.      N6JLS:54S0 

Yangtze  River,  China,  Wocsung-Nanking  section.  SMherhwei  to  T%salio- 

kow,  from  Chines  Govemmoit  survey  in  1923  and  1924;  efciirt  5477.  Scale 
aaut-  m.=2.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:24,941.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office. 
June.  15>27.     27.5XSS.1  in.     t  50cl  N&18:M77 

Yangtze  River,  China.  Woosung-Nantang  section.  Tlenhokow  to  Nanking, 

from  Chinese  Government  survey  in  1922  and  1923:  chart  547S,  Scale  naut. 
m.=2.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:24,956.  Washington,  Hydroerapbic  Office.  June, 
11*27.     39X27-9  in.     t  50e-  "  "SQASzMW 

Ho\T    TO    order    pnblio.niions — *ee    information    f olloirimg    C«atemts 

54  Jui^Y,  1927 

Ye  River.  Approaclies  to  Ye  River,  Tenasserim  coast,  Burma,  Bay  of  Bengal, 
from  survey  by  Indian  Marine  in  1SS7,  with  additions  from  other  surveys ; 
chart  3720.  Scale  naut.  m.=2  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  36,426.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.     39.9X26.8  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18 :  3720 

Yokkaichi  Road,  Iseuo  Umi,  Honshu,  south  coast,  Japan,  from  Japanese  survey 
in  1908;  chart  2589.  Scale  naut.  m.=4.1  in.,  natural  scale  1:18,129.  Wash- 
ington, Hvdrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1911,  6th  edition,  July,  1927. 
19X26.8  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18:  2589 


American  ephemeris  and  vautical  almanac.  Extracts  from  American  ephemeris 
and  nautical  almanac,  1929,  tables  2,  3,  4.  4a,  5,  5a,  6,  and  7.  1927.  [l]+688- 
707  p.     t  N  11.5/a  :  T  114 


[Poster]  294.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  June  28,  1927.] 
14X17  in.     [Title  is:  Navy  stiU  leads.]     t  N  17.23/1 :  294 


Naval  supplies.  Index  to  specifications  issued  by  Navy  Department  for  naval 
stores  and  material.    July  1,  1927.    vi+42  p.  12°     [Quarterly.]     t 

N  20.6/3 :  927/3 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply 
Corps,  commanding  officers,  and  commandants  299;  July  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
p.  10077-93 +leaves  10093a-l,  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of 
changes  in  Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     t  N  20.7/1:  299 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year ;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  Ameri- 
can Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects :  Agriculture ;  Education ;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce ;  Public  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each 
series ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

Avocados.  O  abacate,  o  seu  cultivo  e  distribuigao ;  [por  Wilson  Popenoe]. 
[1927.]  ii+18  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  15,  Julho  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da 
Uniao  Pan- Americana,  Julho,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for 
12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12 :  p  15 

Bulletin  (English  edition).     Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  July,  1927;   [v. 
61,  uo.  7].       [1927.]     iv+635-740  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For  price,  see  note  above 
under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6  :  e  61/7 

Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  pt.  7,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

(Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da   Uniao  Pan-Americana,   Julho,   1927, 

edi(.ao  portuguesa ;  [v.  29,  no.  7].     [1927.]     iv+463-542  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6 :  p  29/7 

(Spanish  edition).    Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Julio,  1927,  sec- 

cion  espaiiola;    [v.  61,  no.  7].      [1927.]     iv+667-773  p.  il.      [Monthly.     For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6 :  s  61/7 

Diet.  La  dietStica  en  las  instituciones  y  en  general ;  [por  Lucy  Minnigerode] . 
[1927.]  ii+8+[l]  p.  il.  (Salud  publica  y  puericultura  no.  31.  Julio  de 
1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Julio,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c.; 
subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.15  :  s  31 

How   to    order   publications — See   Information   following    Contents 

July,  1927  55 

Dominican  Republic  [foreign  trade  of  Dominican  Eepublic  for  1926]  latest  re- 
ports from  Dominican  official  sources.     [1927.]     [1]+14  p.  (Foreign  trade 
series  no.  26,  1927.)     t 
L.  C.  card  1^-7275  AR  1.19 :  26 

Guatemala  [foreign  trade  of  Guatemala  for  1926]  latest  reports  from  Guatema- 
lan official  sources.     [1927.]      [l]+8+[l]  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  27, 
1927.)     t 
L.  C.  card  13-6844  AR  1.19  :  27 

Motion  pictures.  El  cine  como  elemento  de  progreso ;  [por  Herbert  Hoover]. 
[1927.]  ii+10  p.  (Finanzas,  iudustria,  comercio  no.  29,  Julio  de  1927.) 
[Del  Boletiu  de  la  Union  Pauamericana,  Julio,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscrip- 
tion price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14  :  s  29 

Radio  communication.  Utilidad  de  la  radiotelefonia  para  los  agricultores ; 
[por  Milton  S.  Eisenhower].  [1927.]  ii-flO  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  30,  Julio 
de  1927.)  [Del  Boletiu  de  la  Union  Pauamericana,  Julio,  1927.  De  Electri- 
cidad  eu  America,  Nueva  York,  Noviembre  de  1926.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscrip- 
tion price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12 :  s  30 

School  superintendence.  La  inspeceion  escolar  ;  [por  Florence  Eilan  Bamberger]. 
[1927.]  ii+8+[l]  p.  (Educacion  no.  31,  Julio  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletiu  de  la 
Union  Pauamericana,  Julio,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c.;  subscription  price  for  12 
issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13 :  s  31 

United  States.  Os  Estados  Unidos  como  nagao  credora.  [1927.]  ii+14  p.  (Fi- 
naucas,  industria,  commercio  no.  15,  Julho  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao 
Pan-Americana,  Julho,  1927.  Traduzido  de  Information  bulletin,  v.  2,  no.  14, 
publicada  pela  Foreign  Policy  Association,  Nova  York,  15  de  Setembro  de 
1926.]     t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 

AR  1.14 :  p  15 

Uruguay  [commerce  of  Uruguay  for  1926]  latest  reports  from  Uruguayan  official 
sources.     [1927.]     [l]+6  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  28,  1927.)     t 
L.  C.  card  13-7276  AR  1.19 :  28 


Note. — Although  The  Panama  Canal  makes  its  reports  to,  and  is  under  the  supervision 
of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  20,  no.  48-51 ;  July  6-27,  1927.    Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1927].     p.  621-672.     [Weekly.] 
L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5 :  20/48-51 

Note.- — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  §1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus,  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  librarie.5,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  sub  .crip tions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  the  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  Office,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  .^ent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 


Supplies.     Circular  [proposals  for  supplies]  1815  and  1818 ;  July  6  and  20,  1927. 
[1927.]     21+ [1]  p.  and  29+ [1]  p.  f°     t  W  79.11/6  :  1815, 1818 


Scrap  classification.     Revised  Apr.  1.  1927.     Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope, 
C.  Z.,  1927.     cover-title,  8  p.  24'^     t  W  79.2 :  Scr  6 

How   to   order   pablications — See   information   following    Contents 

56  July,  1927 


Money-orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     June  27,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/118 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

July  2,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/119 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

July  11,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/120 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d,  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

July  19,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/121 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

July  26,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/122 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

July  28,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/123 

Plants  and  plant  products  for  propagation  not  to  be  accepted  for  mailing  in 
violation  of  postal  regulations ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 
July  1,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  32°     t  P  4.2 :  P  69/8 

Postal  huUetin,  v.  48,  no.  14424-448 ;  July  1-30,  1927.  [1927.]  various  paging. 
f°  [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48 

Postal  guide.  Abridged  United  States  official  jwstal  guide  [2d  series,  v.  7]  ; 
July,  1927.     1927.     [For  official  use  only.]     t  P  1.10/2 :  927 

State  list  of  post  offices  [3d  series,  v.  7]  ;  July,  1927.    1927.     cover-title, 

p.  421-860.  [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.  From  United  States  official  postal  guide, 
July,  1927.     The  State  list  is  for  official  use  only.]     t 

L.  C.  card  22-26854  P  1.10/3  :  927 

United  States  official  postal  guide  [4th  series,  v.  7,  no.  1]  ;  July,  1927. 

[1927.]  1184  p.  il.  *  Cloth,  $1.00 ;  with  monthly  supplements,  $1.25,  foreign 
subscription,  $1.75;  supplements  published  monthly  (11  pamphlets)  50c.,  for- 
eign subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/1 

Return  cards.  Use  of  post  office  box  number  in  lieu  of  sender's  name  in  return 
card  on  mail ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  July  28,  1927. 
1  p.  oblong  24°    t  P  4.2 :  B  69 

Supplies.  List  of  awards  showing  contractors  and  prices  for  supplies  for  postal 
service,  fiscal  year  1928.    1927.    cover-title,  ii+41  p.  f     J      P  15.2 :  Aw  1/928 

Telegraph.  Rates  of  pay  for  communications  by  telegrapli  [during  fiscal  year 
1928].     [1927.]     6  p.  4°     (Order  5600.)     ±  P  1.19: 5600 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  .scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  OflBce  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  sliould  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue  for  February,  1927,  page  639. 


Alaska.  Executive  order,  Alaska  [withdrawing  lands  in  Alaska  for  townsite 
purposes].     July  4,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4683.)     |  Pr  30.5 :  Al  12/54 

Executive  order  [changing  boundaries  of  Juneau,  Fairbanks,  and  Nome 

land  districts  in  Alaska,  effective  at  close  of  business  Aug.  31,  1927].  June  30, 
1927.    1  p.  f ">     (No.  4680.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  A112/53 

How  to   order  publications — See  information  folio-wing   Contents 

July,  1927  57 

Arizona.  Executive  order,  Arizona  [revoking  Executive  order  of  July  16,  1925, 
which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Arizona  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending 
resurvey,  said  lands  being  included  within  Apache  National  Forest,  formerly 
Black  Mesa  forest  reserve,  and  not  subject  to  appropriation].  June  29,  1927. 
1  p.  f "     ( No.  4675. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  Ar  47/15 

Army  Supply  Base,  Hampton  Roads.  Executive  order  [authorizing  that  lands 
at  Norfolk  supply  base  of  Army  at  Hampton  Roads,  Va.,  which  are  no  longer 
needed  for  military  purjHJses,  be  placed  under  control  of  Secretary  of  Navy  for 
use  of  Navy  Department  for  coal  storage  and  other  naval  purposes].  June  20, 
1027.    1  p.  r     (No.  4671.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  N  229/2 

California.  Executive  order,  California  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Oct.  20, 
1925,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  California  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with 
Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open 
to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  June  22, 
1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4673.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  C128/36 

Executive  order,  California  [withdrawing  land  in  California  from  settle- 
ment, etc.,  for  use  by  Department  of  Commerce  as  air  mail  beacon  site  or 
lauding  field].    June  29,  1927.    1  p.  f °     (No.  4677.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  C  128/37 

Colorado.  Executive  order,  Colorado  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Nov.  20, 
1924,  which  temporarily  withdrew  tract  of  land  in  Colorado,  and  authorizing 
that  said  land  be  opened  only  to  entry  under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws 
by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  "War  with  Germany  for  period  of  91  daj'S,  after 
which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public 
land  law  applicable  thereto].     June  24,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4674.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  C  719/21 

Consuls.  Executive  order  [amending  Regulations  for  consular  service,  1S96. 
concerning  immigration  and  quarantine].  [July  11,  1927.]  3  p.  f*  ([No. 
4690.  ] )     t  Pr  30.5 :  C  766/15 

Cresylic  acid.  Decreasing  rates  of  duty  upon  cresylic  acid,  proclamation  [au- 
thorizing certain  decrease  in  duty  on  cresylic  acid,  in  order  to  equalize  dif- 
ferences in  costs  of  production  in  United  States  and  Great  Britain].  [July 
20,1927.]      [2]  p.  f°     ([No.  1809.])     t  Pr  30.7 :  C  865 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order  [defining  intention  of  Executive  order  of 
Mar.  24,  1926,  which  listed  items  for  which  expenditures  may  be  authorized 
by  Secretary  of  State  to  embassies,  legations,  and  consular  offices,  as  to 
insurance,  including  health  and  old  age  insurance,  where  required  by  laws 
of  foreign  countries].     July  2,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4681.)     %     Pr  30.5  :  St  29/2 

Hawaii.  Executive  order  [restoring  certain  land  in  Fort  Ruger  military  reser- 
vation, set  aside  for  military  purposes  by  Executive  order  of  Jan.  18,  1906, 
to  its  previous  status  for  use  of  Hawaii  for  road  purposes].  [Julv  11, 
1927.]     4  p.  f°     ([No.  4689.])     t  Pr 30.5 :  H 31/21 

Executive  order  [setting  aside  various  parcels  of  land  on  island  of  Oahu. 

Hawaii,  for  military  purposes  and  designating  same  as  military  reservations, 
with  exception  of  certain  areas  which  are  excluded],  [June  29,  1927,] 
4  p.  f "     ([No,  4679,])     %  Pr  30.5  :  H  31/19 

Executive  order  [transferring  portion  of  Fort  Ruger  military  reserva- 
tion, situated  at  Diamond  Head,  Oahu,  Hawaii,  to  Department  of  Commerce 
as   lighthouse  reservation],     Julv    11,    1927.     1   p.    f°     (No.   4686.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  H  31/20 

Idaho.  Executive  order,  Idaho  [withdrawing  land  in  Idaho  from  settlement, 
etc..  for  use  by  Idaho  as  rifle  range  for  Idaho  National  Guard].  July  4, 
1927,     1  p,  f°     (No.  4682.)     $  Pr  30.5:  Id  1/8 

Indians.  Executive  order  [providing  that  period  of  trust  on  lands  held  in 
trust  for  use  and  benefit  of  Potrero  (La  Piche  or  La  Jolla)  and  Rincon  bands 
or  villages  of  Indians  in  California,  which  expires  during  calendar  year 
1927,  be  extended  for  period  of  10  years],  July  11,  1927.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4687.)      %  Pr  30.5  :  C  128/38 

How   to    order   publications — See   Information   folio-wing    Contents 

58  Jtn.Y.  1927 

IncUajis — Continued. 

Executive  order    [providing  that  trust  period  on  allotments   of  Prairie 

band  of  Potawatomi  Indians  in  Kansas,  which  expires  during  calendar  year 
1927,  be  extended  for  i)eriod  of  10  vears,  except  those  named  in  order]. 
July  11,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  46SS.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  P  847 

McKay  Greek  Bird  Refuge.  Executive  order,  McKay  Creek  Bird  Refuge.  Greg, 
[setting  apart  lands  in  Oregon,  for  use  of  Department  of  Agricnilture  as 
refuge  and  breeding  ground  for  birds,  to  be  known  as  McKay  Creek  Bird 
Refuge].     June  7,  1927.     1  p.  map,  f°     (No.  4662.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  B  532/10 

Michigan.  Executive  order,  Michigan  [withdrawing  land  in  Michigan  from 
settlement,  etc.,  subject  to  any  valid  existing  rights  in  and  to  same,  in  aid 
of  legislation].    July  IS,  1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  46S3.)     $  Pr  30.5  :  M  582/8 

Morgan,  Fort.  Executive  order  [transferring  portion  of  Fort  Morgan  military 
reservation,  Ala.,  to  Department  of  Commerce  as  lighthouse  reservation]. 
May  24,  1927.     1  p.  map,  f°     (No.  4655.)     %  Pr  30.5  :  L  626/9 

National  forests.  Executive  order,  Upton  National  Forest,  N.  Y.  [revoking 
Executive  order  of  Apr.  10,  1925,  which  withdrew  land  from  Camp  Upton 
military  reservation,  N.  Y.,  said  land  to  be  known  as  Upton  National  Forest, 
and  relieving  Secretary  of  Agriculture  of  all  responsibility  for  administra- 
tion of  any  portion  of  Camp  Upton  military  reservation  as  a  national  forest]. 
June  29,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4676.)     $  Pr  30.5  :  Up  8/2 

Umatilla  National  Forest,  Oreg.  and  Wash.,  4th  proclamation.     [July  1, 

1927.]     3  p.  f°     ([No.  1808.])     t  Pr 30.7 :Um  1/2 

Neto  Mexico.  Executive  order.  New  Mexico  [revoking  Executive  order  of  May 
19,  1925,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  New  Mexico  from  settlement, 
etc.,  pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to 
entry  under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of 
War  with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land 
may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto]. 
June  18,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4670.)     ±  Pr  30.5  :  N  42m/22 

Panama  Canal.  Executive  order  [amending  civil  service  rules  relating  to  The 
Panama  Canal  so  as  to  make  positions  of  one  inspecting  engineer  and  all  in- 
spectors in  Purchasing  Department  of  Washington  Office  of  The  Panama 
Canal  subject  to  examination].     July  15,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4691.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  P  191/18 

Porto  Rico.  Executive  order  [returning  to  War  Department,  for  military  pur- 
poses, lands  in  Porto  Rico  formerly  transferred  to  Navy  Department  for  naval 
purposes,  but  reserving  part  of  said  tract  to  future  uses  of  Navy  Department 
as  site  for  development  of  Naval  Communication  Service  in  San  Juan.  P.  R.]. 
June  20,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4672.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  P  838/10 

Russell,  D.  A.,  Fort.  Executive  order  [revoking  Proclamation  of  Dec.  20.  1913, 
which  withdrew  lands  in  Wyoming  for  protection  of  water  supply  of  Fort  D.  A. 
Russell,  in  so  far  as  it  applies  to  lands  named  in  present  order].  June  29, 
1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4678.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/22 

Wyoming.  Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Apr.  25, 
1925.  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with 
Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open 
to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  June  18, 
1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4669.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/21 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  July  29.  1926, 

which  temporarily  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming,  in  so  far  as 
it  affects  lands  named  in  present  order,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands 
be  opened  only  to  entry  under  homestead  and  desert  land  laws  by  qualified 
ex-service  men  of  War  with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any 
remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law 
applicable  thereto].     July  15,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4692.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  W  9W/24 

H-Ofv   to    order  pnblleatlons — See   information   follovring    Contents 

JU1.T,  1927  59 

WvoDi  in<i — Continued. 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [temi>orarily  withdrawing  certain  public  lands 

in  Wvoming  from  settlement,  etc.,  in  aid  of  proposed  legislation].  July  7, 
1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4685.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/23 


DcmiDTage.  No.  342,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Krauss  Brothers 
Lumber  Company  v.  Andrew  W.  Mellon,  director  general  of  railroads,  as 
aeent.  etc..  et  al. ;  brief  of  respondents  opposing  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari. 
1927.     cover-title,  i+14  p.     ?  Y  3.R  13/2  :  SK  8GS/8 


Roofing.  Docket  no.  27,  Continental  Roofing  and  Manufacturing  Company  v. 
Baltimore  and  Carolina  Steamship  Company  ;  [decided  Feb.  23,  1927 ;  report 
of  board].     1927.     [1] +114-119  p.     [From  Shipping  Board  reports,  v.  1.]     t 

SB  1.10/a  :  C  767/2 


Merchant  Fleet  news,  \.  1,  no.  2;    July.  1927.     [1927.]     8  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 

SB  2.16 : 1/2 

Ships.  Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,  July  1-Aug.  15, 
1927:  issued  by  Traflic  Department.  1927.  vi+26  p.  il.  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14  :  927/7 


XOTE. — In  a  recent  price-list  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice  :  "  Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Ins-titution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
■which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  p"apers  are  distributed  gratis^  except  where 
price  is  sriVen,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numbers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows  :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections ;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  Xo  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  "  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers  "reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  throughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Goveriiment  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailing-list  of 
individuaU.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications 
should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment, 
and  have  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others' are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mail  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Fossil  footprints  from  Grand  Canyon,  2d  contribution  [with  list  of  literature]  ; 
by  Charles  W.  Gilmore.  Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution,  July  30,  1927. 
[2] +78  p.  il.  21  p.  of  pi.    (Publication  2917;  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collec- 
tions, v.  80.  no.  3. )     t  Paper,  60c. 
L.    C.    card    27-26821  SI  l.T  :  80/3 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz.,  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,    any    surplus    copies    being    supplied    on    application.     The    Proceedings    are 

HoTT   to    order   publications — See   information   folloTring    Contents 

60  Jui^Y,  1927 

usually  brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the 
Museum  collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series 
can  now  he  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Fishes.  Revision  of  cottoid  fishes  of  genus  Artediellus  :  by  Peter  Sclimidt.  1927. 
cover-title,  10  p.     (Proceedings,  v.  71,  art.  13  ;  no.  2685.)     t  SI  3.6  :  2685 

Fossils.  Some  peculiar  fossil  forms  from  Maryland  [with  bibliography  of 
Daimonelix]  ;  by  Wendell  C.  Mansfield.  1927.  cover-title,  9  p.  5  p.  of  pi. 
(Proceedings,  V.  71,  art.  16;  no.  2688.)     t  SI  3.6  :  2688 

Insects  (fossil).  Fossil  insect  from  Lower  Permian  of  Grand  Canyon  [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  Frank  M.  Carpenter.  1927.  cover-title,  4  p.  1  pi. 
(Proceedings,  v.  71,  art.  23  ;  no.  2695.)     t  SI  3.6  :  2695 

Nematoid  tvorms.  New  nematode,  Nematodirus  antilocaprae  from  prong-horn 
antelope,  with  key  to  species  of  Nematodirus  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by 
Emmett  W.  Price.  1927.  cover-title,  4  p.  1  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  71,  art.  22; 
no.  2694.)      t  SI  3.6 :  2694 

Proceedings  of  National  Museum,  [title-page,  contents,  and  list  of  illustrations 
to]  v.  69.     1927.     sii  p.     t  SI  3.6 :  2627-2649/t.p.  &  cont. 


ICirctilar  926,  corrected  pages.]  July,  1927.  p.  23-24.  [These  pages  are  printed 
without  title.     Circular  926  is  Admission  of  aliens  into  United  States.]     J 

S  1.4/2  :  926/cor.  3 

Diplomatic  list,  July,  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+41  p.  24°     ? 

L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8  :  927/7 

Foreign  sertnce  of  United  States,  diplomatic  and  consular ;  corrected  to  July 
1,  1927.    1927.    iv+74  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16369  S  1.7  :  927/3 


Cook,  Geo7-ge  W.  United  States  on  behalf  of  George  W.  Cook  v.  United  Mexican 
States;  docket  no.  663,  opinion  rendered  June  3,  1927.     [1927.]     7  p.     J 

S  3.34/6a  :  C  771/2 

• United  States  on  behalf  of  George  W.  Cook  v.  United  Mexican  States ; 

docket  no.  2189,  opinion  rendered  June  1,  1927.     [1927.]     7  p.     J 

S  3.34/6a  :  C  771/1 


St.  John  River  Power  Company.  In  matter  of  application  of  St.  John  River 
Power  Company  for  permission  to  construct  and  operate  certain  permanent 
works  in  and  adjacent  to  channel  of  River  St.  John,  in  Province  of  New 
Brunswick,  at  Grand  Falls,  order  of  approval,  application,  hearings,  agree- 
ments, 1926.  1927.  ii+100  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  27-26754  S  3.23  :  Sa  2j 


Laws.  [Circular  stating  of  what  a  set  of  laws  of  69th  Congress,  2d  session, 
consists.]     Apr.  9,  1927.     1  p.     |  S  8.4 :  69/2 


Decisions.    Reports,  v.  6,  no.  7-9;  Apr.  26-May  24,  1927.     [1927.]     [xviii]-f  791- 

1384  p.     [Contains  decisions  promulgated  Apr.  12-May  13,  1927.]      *  Paper, 
$1.50  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19  :  5/6-7  to  6-9 

HOTV   to    order   publications — See   inlormation   following    Contents 

JuT.Y,  1927  61 


Claims.  Laws  and  regulations  governing  recognition  of  attorneys,  agents,  and 
other  persons  representing  claimants  and  others  before  Treasury  Department 
and  oflSces  thereof.  July  1,  1927.  14  p.  4°  (Department  circular  230  revised ; 
Committee  on  Enrollment  and  Disbarment.)  [This  circular  supersedes  De- 
partment circular  230,  dated  Feb.  15,  1921,  and  its  several  revisions  and  sup- 
plements.]     t  T  1.4/2 :  230/15 

Coins.  Values  of  foreign  coins,  July  1,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  4°  (Department  cir- 
cular 1,  Director  of  Mint.)      [Quarterly.]     t  T  1.4/2 : 1/927-3 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports 
from  Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  July  1-30,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p. 
or  3  p.  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5 :  927 

Puhlic  debt.    Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  May  31,  1927.     [1927.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  t"     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9  :  927/5 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal-revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws, 
including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  v.  52, 
no.  1-4;  July  7-28.  1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Department 
decisions  numbered  42278-324,  abstracts  3341-3508,  internal  revenue  decisions 
4030-49,  prohibition  8,  TarifE  Commission  Notice  72,  and  miscellaneous  (dis- 
barments).] *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  jt.  ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2  :  52/1-4 

Note. — Beginning  with  v.  52,  no.  3,  July  21,  1927,  the  title  of  this  publication  has 
been  changed  from  Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal-revenue,  and  other  laws, 
to  Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal-revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws. 


Appropriations.  Relating  to  submission  of  estimates  of  appropriations  for  an- 
nual budget  and  to  schedules  of  expenditures  to  accompany  same.  [1927.] 
5  p.  4°  ^Circular  210.)  [Usually  the  Circr'  i  of  the  Budget  Bureau  are 
mimeographed  and  are  not  entered  in  this  catalogue.]     %  T  51.4:  210 


CirciiZar  66  ;  June  20.  1927.     [1927.]     3  p.    ?  T  47.7/3:  66 

Officers.  Regulations  relative  to  temporaiy  appointments  of  commissioned  offi- 
cers in  Coast  Guard.     [1927.]     4p.    t  T  47.8 :  Of  2/927 

Orders.    General  order  37  ;  June  20,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.    t  T  47.5/4:  37 

Pay.  Amendments  to  Pay  and  supply  instructions  [Coast  Guard,  1926]  no.  11; 
June  10.  1927.     [1927.]    4  p.  il.    t  T  47.8 :  P  29/3/926/amdt.  11 


National  banks.     Digest  of  decisions  relating  to  national  banks,  1864^1926;  v. 
2,  1913-26.    1927.    iv+400  p.     (Treas.  Dept.  doc.  2890a.)     [Volume  1  will  ap- 
pear later.]     *  Cloth,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  27-26730  T  12.7  :  926 

^ —    Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national  bank  notes, 
and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  depo.sit,  etc.  [July  1, 
1927].    July  1,  1927.    1  p.  narrow  f"    t 
L.  C.  card  10-21266  T 12.9 :  927/7 


Reappraisments  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court   [on  June  7-July  5,  1927] ; 
July  1  and  15,  1927.     [1927.]     595-631+111  p.     (Reappraisement  circulars  27 
and  28.)      [Weekly;  none  issued  June  17.  24,  or  July  8,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5e. 
single  copy,  75c  a  year. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  27,  28 

How  to   order  publicatioiiM — See  Infontiatlon  following   Contents 

62  JuivT,  1927 


Government  supplier.  Awards  for  definite  and  additional  quantity  supplies 
[fiscal  year  1928]  :  classes  1,  3,  and  10  [July  1-Sept.  30,  1927].  [1927.]  18 
p.  4°    J  T  45.6 :  928/1 

General  schedule  of  supplies,  fiscal  year  1928 :  1st  supplement  of  awards 

to  class  7,  Lumber,  millworlj;,  excelsior,  sawdust,  packing  boxes,  building  ma- 
terials, slag,  stone,  and  asphalt,  oil,  and  tar  for  road  building,  July  1,  1927- 
June  30,  1928.  [1927.]  5  p.  4°  [Other  supplements  have  been  mimeographed 
and  are  not  entered  in  this  catalogue  J     % 

L.  C.  card  16-26857  T  45.6 :  928/7/supp.  1 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  June,  1927].  July  1,  1927.  5  p.  4°  (Form 
A.)     [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5 :  927/6 


Marine  insurance  and  general  average,  comparative  American  legislation  and 
York-Antwerp  rules  [with  bibliography,  by  Alton  R.  Hodgkins]  ;  published  by 
Central  Executive  Council.     1927.     viii+70  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26787  T  1.23/2 :  M  33 


Blank  forms.     Catalogue  of  blank  forms,  books,  laws,  and  regulations,  prepared 
for  use  in  offices  of  Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue.     [Revised]  July,  1927.     1927. 
iii-|-14  p.     (Form  155.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26802  T  22.2  :  C  28/6/927 

Income  tax.     Income  tax  forms,  revenue  act  of  1926,  copies  of  forms  used  for 
<     taxable  year  1926  in  administration  of  title  2  of  revenue  act  of  1926.     1927. 

cover-title,    126   p.    f     (Bulletin    A    [income    tax]    revised    Mar.    1,    1927.) 

*  Paper,  50c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26745  T  22.22 :  A/8 

"Withholding  of  income  tax  at  source  and  information  at  source,  revenue 

act  of  1926.  1927.  v-1-48  p.  il.  (Bulletin  B,  income  tax,  revised  July  1, 
1927.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26790  T  22.22  :B/2 

Internal  revenue   'bulletin,   v.   6,   no.   27-30 ;   July  4r-25,    1927.     1927.     various 
paging.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  subscription  price  see  note 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  927/27-30 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1927  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins, semiannual  cumulative  bulletins,  and  an  annual  digest.  The  weekly  bulletins 
will  contain  the  rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department 
decisions  (known  as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The 
semiannual  cumulative  bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including 
Treasury  decisions)  published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  annual  digest  will 
contain  in  digested  form  all  such  rulings  and  decisions  published  during  the  year, 
the  volume  for  1927  to  contain  also  digests  of  the  rulings  and  decisions  published  dur- 
ing the  years  1925  and  1926.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  .$2.75. 

Internal  revenue  news,   v,  1,   no.   1 ;   July,   1927.     1927.     cover-title,   16  p.   il. 
[Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33 : 1/1 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and  notes. 
July  1,  1927.     [1927.]     64  p.  f"     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7: 927/7 

HoTT  to   order  publications — See  information  follovring   Contents 


JiiLT,  1927  63 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  July  1,  1927.     June  24 
1927.     1  p.  oblong  8"     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5 :  927/7 


Arsphenamine-sodium   thiosulphate  treatment  of  experimental   syphilis    [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  Carl  Yoegtlin  and  Helen  A.  Dyer.     1927.     [1]+S  p. 
(Reprint  1152.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr.  15,  1927.]     *Pai>er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26804  T  27.6/a  :  1152 

lodization  of  public  water   supplies  for  prevention   of  endemic  goiter    [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  Robert  Olesen.     1927.     [1]+13  p.  il.     (Reprint  1158.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  May  20,  1927.]     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26761  T  27.6/a  :  1158 

Leprosy.  Studies  upon  leprosy:  43,  Plasma  proteins  in  leprosy  [with  bibli- 
ography], by  M.  H.  Neill  and  Margaret  M.  Dewar ;  44,  Observations  on 
amount  of  lipase  in  blood  serum  of  lepers  [with  bibliography],  by  M.  H. 
Neill  and  Margaret  M.  Dewar ;  45,  Synthesis  of  iododihydrochaulmoogric 
acid  and  its  ethyl  ester  [with  list  of  references],  by  Arthur  L.  Dean,  Richard 
Wrenshall,  and  G.  Fujimoto ;  46,  Preparation  of  4-chaulmoogrylaminophe- 
nylarsonic  acid  [with  list  of  references],  by  Margaret  M.  Dewar;  47,  Prepa- 
ration of  chaulmoogryl  alcohol  [with  list  of  references],  by  Margaret  M. 
Dewar;  48,  Radium  treatment  of  nasal  lesions  of  leprosy  [with  list  of 
references],  by  R.  P.  Sandidge  and  M.  H.  Neill;  Appendix,  Protocol  of 
lipase  tests.     Apr.   1927.     iii+74  p.    (Public   health   bulletin   168.)     *Paper, 

L.  C.  card  9-35748  T  27.12  :  168 

Malaria  among  Mexican  cotton  pickers  imported  into  Mississippi ;  by  M.  A. 
Barber  and  C.  P.  Coogle.     1927.     4  p.     (Reprint  1159.)      [From  Public  health 
reports,  May  20,  1927.]     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26762  T  27.6/a  :  1159 

Pasteurisation.     Definitions  of  pasteurization  and  their  enforcement ;  by  Leslie 
C.  Frank,  Frederic  J.  Moss,  and  Peter  E.  LeFevre.     1927.     ii+11  p.  5  p.  of  pi. 
(Reprint  1154.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr.  29,  1927.]     *Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26760  "  T  27.6/a  :  1154 

Pellagra.     Study  of  pellagra-preventive  action  of  tomato,  carrot,  and  rutabaga 
turnip   [with  list  of  references]  ;   by  Joseph  Goldberger  and  G.  A.  Wheeler. 
1927.     [l]+8   p.     (Reprint    1157.)      [From   Public   health    reports,    May   13, 
1927.]     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26803  T  27.6/a  :  1157 

Posture.     Resume,  with  comments,  of  available  literature  relating  to  posture 
[with  bibliography];  by  Louis  Schwartz.     1927.     ii+30  p.     (Reprint  1150.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  May  6,  1927.]     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26822  T  27.6/a  :  1156 

Public  health  reports,  v.  42,  no.  26-30 ;  July  1-29,  1927.  1927.  [xix]  -f  1749-1996 
p.  il.  [Weekly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 

L.   C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6  :  42/26-30 

Special  articles. — No.  26.  Program  of  8th  Pan  American  Sanitary  Conference, 
Lima  [Peru],  Oct.  12-20,  1927. — Court  decisions  on  pasteurization;  by  James  A. 
Tobey. — Survey  of  venereal  disease  prevalence  in  Detroit,  from  American  Hygiene 
Association,  in  cooperation  with  Board  of  Health  of  Detroit  and  public  health  com- 
mittee of  Wayne  County  (Mich.)  Medical  Society:  [abstract  of  article  by  Walter  M. 
Brunet  and  Mary  S.  Edwards]. — Accuracy  of  mortality  records. — -Court  decisions  re- 
lating to  public  health. — No.  27.  Public  Health  Service  Nursing  Corps ;  by  Lucy 
Minnigerode. — Summary  of  provisional  birth,  death,  and  infant  mortality  figures  in 
birth  registration  area.  1926. — Court  decision  relating  to  public  health. — No.  28. 
Experimental  studies  of  water  purification  :  3.  Discussion  of  B.  coli  results  obtained 
from  primary  series  of  experiments  :  by  H.  W.  Streeter. — Notifiable  diseases  in  large 
cities,  1926.— Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  29.  Report  of  United 
States  Public  Health  Service  on  Montreal  tvphoid-fever  situation. — Anopheles  atropos 
Dyar  and  Knab,  note  on  its  breeding  and  other  h.abits  ;  by  T.  H.  D.  Griffltts. — Schick 
test  and  diphtheria  carriers  in  Dairen,  Manchuria;  [abstract]. — Court  decisions  relat- 
ing to  public  health. — No.  .30.  Illness  rate  among  males  and  females  [with  list  of 
references],    Hagerstown    [Md.]    morbidity    studies    no.    6;    by    Edgar    Sydenstricker. — 

How  to   order  publications — See  information  folIOTirins   Contents 

64  Jui^Y,  1927 

PuWo  health  re,p,orts — Continued. 

Extraordinary    session    of    Permanent    Committee    of    International    Oflace    [of    Public 
Hygiene,  Paris],  Apr-May,  1927;    [translation]. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

SicJcness.  Age  curve  of  illness  [with  list  of  references],  Hagerstown  [Md.] 
morbidity  studies  no.  4;  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker.  1927.  [1]+12  p.  il. 
(Reprint  1163.)  [From  Public  health  reports,  June  10,  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26048  T  27.6/a  :  1163 


Watm"  {underground).  Experimental  bacterial  and  chemical  pollution  of  wells 
via  ground  water,  and  factors  involved,  [articles]  by  C.  W.  Stiles,  H.  R. 
Crohurst,  and  Gordon  E.  Thomson ;  Report  on  geology  and  ground  water 
hydrology  of  experimental  area  of  United  States  Public  Health  Service  at 
Fort  Caswell,  N.  C,  by  Norah  Dowell  Stearns.  June,  1927.  ix+168  p.  il. 
4  p.  of  pi.     (Bulletin  147.)     *  Paper,  30c. 

L.    C.    card    27-26769  T  27.3: 147 

Contents. — 1,  Introduction. — 2,  General  discussion  and  summary  of  results ;  by 
C.  W.  Stiles. — 3,  Experimental  spread  of  pollution  in  ground  water  in  sand  at  Fort 
Caswell,  N.  C. ;  by  C.  W.  Stiles,  H.  R.  Crohurst,  and  G.  B.  Thomson,  collaborators 
F.  Wales,  A.  J.  Speer,  G.  Brown,  M.  E.  Felt,  H.  E.  Alexander,  and  E.  Dunn. — 4,  Re- 
covery of  experimental  Bacillus  coli  from  soil  at  Fort  Caswell  [N.  C]  ;  by  C.  W.  Stiles 
and  G.  E.  Thomson. — 5.  Uranin  test  to  demonstrate  pollution  of  wells ;  by  C.  W.  Stiles, 
H.  R.  Crohurst,  and  G.  B.  Thojuson. — 6,  Various  factors  of  environment  tending  to 
decrease  amount  of  pollution  in  polluted  ground  water  ;  by  C.  W.  Stiles  and  H.  R.  Cro- 
hurst.— 7,  Location  of  pits,  etc.,  in  reference  to  water  supply  as  influenced  by  ground- 
water pollution  ;  by  C.  W.  Stiles  and  H.  R.  Crohurst. — 8,  Interrelation  of  rainfall  and 
ground  water  at  Fort  Caswell  [N.  C]  ;  by  G.  E.  Thomson. — 9,  Types  of  experimental 
wells  devised  for  Fort  Caswell  [N.  C]  ground-water  experiments;  by  H.  R.  Crohurst. — 
10,  Experimental  distribution  of  Bacillus  coli  in  soil  under  and  near  pits ;  by 
C.  W.  Stiles  and  C.  L.  Pfau. — 11,  Bacteriological  technique  used  at  Fort  Caswell 
[N.  C]  ;  by  G.  E.  Thomson. — 12,  Report  on  geology  and  ground-water  hydrology  of 
experimental  area  of  United  States  Public  Health  Service  at  Fort  Caswell,  N.  C. ; 
by  Norah  Dowell  Stearns. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  597,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its 
cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments,  v.  8,  no.  7 ;  July  20,  1927. 
1927.  [l]+245-300+iii  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26:  8/7 

Special  articles. — Present  status  of  serologic  diagnosis  of  syphilis  by  means  of 
flocculation  reactions,  by  Rudolf  Strempel ;  [abstract] . — Hospitals  and  dispensaries 
for  treatment  of  venereal  diseases. 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing June  30,  1927.    July  1  [1927].     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8:  927/6 


Medical  huUetin.  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  8, 
Aug.  1927;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.  1927.  x+759-859  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi. 
[Monthly.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.16 :  3/8 

Special  articles. — Address  of  Director  [of  Veterans'  Bureau]  Frank  T.  Hines  to 
Medical  Council. — Address  of  medical  director,  B  W.  Black,  to  Medical  Council. — ■ 
Address  of  acting  chairman.  Keunon  Dunham,  to  Medical  Council. — Treatment  of 
amebiasis  with  stovarsol ;  [by]  F.  M.  Seibert. — Control  of  mortality  in  surgery  of 
biliary  tract  [with  list  of  references :  by]  A.  Henry  Dunn. — Physical  measures  in 
treatment  of  osseous  disease  and  injury;  [by]  Charles  R.  Brooke. — -Pericarditis,  com- 
plicating pulmonary  tuberculosis,   with   report   of  case ;    [by]    C.   C.   Benedict. — Desir- 

HoTV  to   order  publications — See  Information  following   Contents 

Jl-ly,  1927  65 

Mcdkal  iiiUetin — Continued. 

ability  of  local  boards  of  managei's  or  visitors  for  Veterans'  Bureau  hospitals  ;  [by] 
George  F  Brewster. — Improving  our  contact  with  relatives  of  patients;  [by]  Hugo 
Mella. — Comparative  study  of  colloidal  mastic  and  colloidal  gold  tests  on  cerebro- 
spinal fluids  [with  bibliography ;  by]  Richard  C.  Henderson. — Dental  engineering ; 
[by]  C.  A.  Patterson. — Metastatic  carcinoma  of  heart  [with  list  of  references;  by] 
William  A.  Cashion. — Use  of  actiniotherapy  with  results  of  treatment  in  case  of  lupus 
vulgaris  ;  [by]  W.  L.  Carman. — Relation  of  neuropsychiatric  training  to  general  nurs- 
ing ;  [bv]  A.  H.  Pierce. — Gastroeuteroptosis  with  gastric  dilation  treated  by  physio- 
therapy';   [by]   C.  E.  Willard. 

Orders.  General  order  370;  Apr.  30,  1927.  [1927.]  16  p.  4°  [Title  is:  Pro- 
cedure relative  to  treatment  of  former  members  of  naval  and  militarj'  forces 
of  Canada,  Commonwealth  of  Australia,  Dominion  of  New  Zealand,  and 
Union  of  South  Africa,  who  are  resident  in  United  States.  Usually  the  Gen- 
eral orders  of  the  Veterans'  Bureau  are  mimeographed  and  are  not  entered 
in  this  catalogue.]     t  VB  1.5  :  370 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The   Army   regulations   are  issued  in   pamphlet   form   for   insertion   in   loose- 
leaf  binders.     The   names   of   such   of   the   more   important   administrative   subjects   as 
may  seem  appropriate,   arranged   in  proper  sequence,   are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  .so  numbered  constitutes  tlie  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.      Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required   for   the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such   title,   additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 
30-3000.   Quartermaster  Corps  :    Clothing  money  allowance  and  price  list  of  clothing 
and  equipage;  May  28,  1927.      [1927.]      31  p.      [Supersedes  AR   30-3000, 
June  1,  1926.]  W  l.G/1  :  30-3000/5 

30-3010.  Same:  Price  list  of  china  and  glassware;  June  30,  1927.  1927.  1  p. 
[Supersedes  AR  30-3010,  June  30,  1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  30-3010/5 

35-1040.  Finance  Department :  Vouchers  pertaining  to  money  accounts  ;  July  2.  1927. 
[1927.]  5  p.  [Supersedes  AR  3§-1040,  Mar.  31,  1922.  including  Changes 
1,  Sept.  30,  1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  3.5-1040/2 

35-1740.  Same:  Pav  of  officers  separated  from  service;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p. 
[Supersedes    AR    35-1740,    Aug.    30,    1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-1740/3 

35-3820.  Same:  Pay  of  civilian  emplovees,  general  provisions;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.] 
4  p.     [Supersedes  AR  35-3820,  Mar,  22.  1922.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-3820/2 

35-3840.  Same:  Rates  of  pay  of  civilian  employees;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  3  p. 
[Supersedes  AR  35-3840,  Mar.  22,  1922.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-3840/2 

35-3860.  Same :  Pay  of  civilian  employees  from  lump-sum  appropriations.  Changes  1  ; 
July  2,  1927.     1927.     In.  W  1.6/2  :  35-3860/ch.l 

35-3880.  Same  :  Pay  of  civilian  employees  in  connection  with  appointment  and  pro- 
motion ;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p.  [Supersedes  AR  35-3880,  Mar.  23, 
1922  ]  W  1.6/1  :  35-3880/2 

35-3900.  Same:  Pay  of  civilian  employees  for  holidays,  general ;  Julv  2,  1927.  [1927.] 
2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  .S5-3900.  Mar.  23,  1923.]  W  1.6/1  :  3.5-3900/2 

35-3920.  Same  :  Pay  of  per  diem  and  piecework  emplovees  for  holidavs  ;  July  2,  1927. 
[1927.]       3    p.       [Supersedes    AR    35-3920,    Mar.    23.    1922.] 

W  1.6/1 :  35-3920/2 
35-3940.   Same  :  Pay  of  civilian  employees  in  connection  with  leave  of  absence ;  July  2, 
1927.      [1927.]      3  p.     [Supersedes  AR  35-3940,  Dec.  15,  1924.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-3940/3 
.".5—4020.  Same:    Pay   of   civilian    employees   in    connection    with    retirement;    July    2, 
1927.      [1927.]      4  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-4020,  Mar.   23,    1922.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-4020/2 

35-4040.   Same:   Pay  vouchers  for  civilian   emplovees;   July  2,   1927.      [1927.]      4   p. 

[Supersedes    AR    3.5-4040.    Mar.    23,    1922.]  W  1.6/1  :  ."^.5-4040/2 

35-4060.   Same:  Travel  expenses  of  civilian  emplovees;  July  2,  1927.      [1927.]      3  p. 

[Supersedes  AR  35-4060.  May   17,   1924.]  W  1.6/1 :  35-4060/3 

35—4120.   Same  :  E.xpenses  of  courts-martial,   courts  of  inquiry,   military   commissions, 

and  retiring  boards;   June  30,   1927.      [1927.]      7   p.        W  1.6/1  :  35-4120 

35—6150.   Same  :  Payments  for  newspapers,  periodicals,  certain  books,  etc..  Changes  1 ; 

July  2,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  35-6150/ch.l 

40—590.     ^ledical     Denartment  :     .Administration     of     hospitals,     general     provisions. 

Changes    2:    Julv    2,    1927.       [1927.]       3    p.       [Supersedes    AR    40-590, 

Changes  1,  Dec.  5,  1925.]  W  1.6/2  :  40-590/ch.2 

105-100.     Signal  Corps  :   Sales  of  serviceable  signal  property  ;  July  2, 1927.    [1927.]    2  p. 

W  1.6/1  :  105-100 
605-10.       Commissioned  officers :  Appointment  in  Medical  Corps,  Regular  Army  ;  June 
15,   1927.      [1927.]      8  p.      [Supersedes  AR   605-10,   Mar.   8.   1924.] 

W  1.6/1:  605-10/3 
605-20.        Same :    Appointment   in    Veterinary   Corps,    Regular    Army ;    June    15,    1927. 
[1927.]     6  p.      [Supersedes  AR  605-20,  Mar.  21,  1925.] 

Wl.6/1  :  605-20/3 

605-145.      Same:    Transfers,   details,   and   assignments;   May   16,    1927.      [1927.]      6   p. 

[Supersedes   AR  605-145,   Apr.    25,   1925.]         '  W  1.6/1  :  605-145/2 

850-25.       Miscellaneous:  Types  of  equipment  used  by  Army;  June  15,  1927.      [1927.] 

22   p.      [Supersedes  AR  850-25,  Dec.   15,   1924]  W  1.6/1 :  850-25/2 

Hoiv  to   order  publications — See  Information  folIOTring   Contents 

66  Ju^Y,  1927 


Army  list  and  directoi-y,  July  1,  1927.    1927.    vi+322  p.  large  8°     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Papei',  30c.  single  copy,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.35. 
L.  C.  card  9-35106  W  3.10:  927/4 

Military  ecLucation.     Announcement  of  Army  correspondence  courses,  1927-28 : 
section  5,  Chaplains.     [1927.]     2  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  24-26879  W  3.2 :  Ai  5/9/027-5 

• Same  :  section  8,  Corps  of  Engineers.     [1927.]     5  p.     t 

W  3.2 :  Ar  ."/9/927-S 

Same:  section  13,  Medical  Department  and  medical  aviation.     [1927.]     5 

p.     t  W  3.2  :  Ar  5/9/927-13 

Same:  section  16,  Quartermaster  Corps.     [1927.]     6  p.     t 

W3.2:  Ar5/9/927-16 

Officers,  Army.     Officers  of  Army  stationed  in  or  near  District  of  Columbia, 

July  1,  1927.     1927.     iy+40  p.     [Quarterly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy.  20c.  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  30c. 

L.    C.    card    9-35107  W  1.11:  927/2 

U.  S.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  9,  no.  13  and  14 ;  July  1  and  15,  1927. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  July  1  and  15,  1927.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°  t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  927/13, 14 


Technical  order.    $ 

Note.- — -The  Technical  orders  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-leaf 

07—  1—  3.  Paints,  oils,  and  dope  :  General,  anti-freeze  solution  ;  Apr.  5,   1027.     Wright 
Field    [Fairfield,    Ohio.    Apr.    27,    1927].      2    p.  W  87.2:3  :  07-1-3 

OS-  5-lA.  Radio    and    electrical  :    Aircraft    radio,    installation    instructions ;    May    11, 
1927.     Wright   Field    [Fairfield,    Ohio,   June   4,    1927].     1    p. 

W  87.23  :  0S-5-1A 
11-  5- 14.  Aircraft  armament :   Bomb  racks,   type  H^   external   rack ;   Nov.    18,   1920. 
[Wright  Field,   Fairfield,   Ohio,   Mar.   8,   1927.]      [l]-|-30   p.   il. 

W  87.23  :  11-5-14 
11-30-    1.   Same  :  Bomb  sights,  types  D-1.  D-4,  and  sub-a  modification  ;  Mar.   1,  1927. 
[Wright  Field,   Fairfield,  Ohio,   Mar.   9,   1927.]      15   p.   il. 

W  87.23  :  11-30-1 


Mississippi  River.  Regulations  to  govern  use,  administration,  and  navigation 
of  Le  Claire  Canal  in  Mississipiji  River  at  head  of  Rock  Island  rapids  near 
Le  Claire,  Iowa.    1927.    cover-title,  7  p.  12°    t  W  7.11/2  :  M  69/1 

• Regulations   to  govern  use,   administration,   and   navigation    of   lock   in 

Mississippi  River  at  Keokuk,  Iowa.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.  12''     "i" 

W  7.11  2:  M  69/2 

Regulations  to  govern   use,   administration,   and  navigation   of   lock   in 

Mississippi  River  at  Moline,  111.     1927.     cover-title,  5  p.  12°     t 

W  7.11 '2  :M  69/3 


NOTE.^ — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse,  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Army 
Building,  New  York,  N.  Y.  ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y.  ;  540  Federal  Building, 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.  ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Sle.  Marie.  Mich.  A  catalog-ue  (with  inde.v 
map),  showing  localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  appli- 
cation at  any  of  these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  chang- 
ing conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the,  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth.  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago.  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above   mentioned. 

How  to   order  publications — See  Information  foUoTvlns  Contents 

July,  1927  67 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  3,  July  25,  1927,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bulletin 
36;  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S.  Lake 
Survey  Office.  Detroit,  Mich.  [July  19,  1927].  p.  1-3+leaves  4-11+ [2]  p. 
4°     t  '  W  33.3  :  36/4 


Ohio  River.     Transportation  on   Ohio   River    system    (interim    report).     1927. 

iv+22  p.  6  pi.  map,  5  tab.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  vv'ith  Shipping  Board.] 
*  Paper.  15c. 

L.   C.   card  27-26771  W  7.2:  Oh  3/4 


Finance  circular  2  [1927]  ;  May  1,  1927.     [1927.]     22  p.  12"     t        W  97.5  :  927/2 


Fra-cturcs.  Late  results  of  fractures  of  long  bones,  statistical  study  of  World 
War  cases;  [by]  John  B.  Walker.  [1927.]  65  p.  1  tab.  [End  results,  frac- 
tures of  long  bones,  chapter  17  of  Medical  Department  of  United  States  Army 
in  World  War.  v.  11,  Surgery,  pt.  1,  is  based  on  this  study.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  SG  27-55.  W  44.2  :  F  84 


National  Guard  regulations,     t 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7. 

Note. — Tbe  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

40.       Regular  Army  personnel  on  dutv  with  National  Guard;   Apr.  1,   1927.      [1927.] 

11  p.            1  W  70.7/4  :  40 

62.       Medical  attendance;  July  1,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.      [Supersedes  NGR  62,  Aug.  21, 

1925,  and  Changes  1  and  2.]  W  70.7/4  :  62/2 

71.       Militia    Bureau :    Transportation    of    troops    and    shipment    of  property    incident 

thereto  ;  June  1,  1927.      [1927.]     47  p.  W  70.7/4  :  71 

75-1.  Federal  property  :  General ;  June  15,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.  W  70.7/4  :  75-1 

75-2.   Same:  Requisitioning  property;  June  15,  1927.     [1927.]     5  p.  W  70.7/4  :  75-2 

75-9.   Same  :  Property  ;  June  15,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  W  70.7/4  :  75-9 


Gun  mounts.    Service  handbook  of  antiaircraft  truck  mount,  model  of  1917,  for 
75-mm.  field  gun,  model  of  1916,  Nov.  1921.     [Reprint  vrith  slight  changes] 
1927.    viii-l-107  p.    il.     (War  Dept.  doc.  1067.)     t 
L.  C.  card  War  22-21  W  34.5  :  An  8/2/927 

Ordnance  field  service  bulletin.  Advance  notice  of  revision  of  O.  F.  S.  B.  no.  2, 
Change  1 :  June  2,  1927.     [1927.]     7  p.    J  W  34.26  :  2/10/ch.  1 

Ordnance  provision  system.  Ordnance  catalogue  (ordnance  provision  system)  : 
Group  B,  Major  items ;  June  3,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p.  (Standard  nomenclature 
list  B-1.)     [Supersedes  Standard  nomenclature  list  B-1,  Oct.  27,  1926.]     + 

W  34.23 :  B-1/2 

HoTV    to    order   publications — See  information   follOTving    Contents 



Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 


No.  392  -^^  Tli£ 

August,  1927. 







Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document , doc, 

Facsiniiip.    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

Folio f 

House H. 

House  bill •- H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House   report H.    rp. 

House  resolution   (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission I.  C.  C. 

Latitude , lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8» 

Page,    pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,   plates pi. 

Portiait,  portraits per. 

Quarto 4° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,    Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.   Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.   Res. 

Senate   report S.    rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16° 

Table,   tables tab. 

Thirtytwo-mo 32" 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12" 

Twen  tyfour-mo 24" 

Versus vs.,   v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year , yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 
*  Document  for  sale  by   Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 
t  Printed  for  official  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  *  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


"Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  size  is  not 
given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge  of 
border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 





General    Information 69-70 

Corrections  for  previous  Monthly  catalogues- 70 

Agriculture    Department 71-7S 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau . 72 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 73 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 73 

Chemistry  Bureau 74 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  Office 74 

Dairy   Industry    Bureau 74 

Entomology   Bureau 74 

Experiment   Stations   Office 74-75 

Porto  Rico  Agricultural  Experiment   Station 75 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration 75 

Forest  Service 75 

Home  Economics  Bureau 75 

Information    Office 75 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 75 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 75-7(> 

Public  Pioads  Bureau 76-77 

Weather   Bureau 77-78 

Alien  Property  Custodian 78 

American  Battle  Monuments  Commission 78 

Civil  Service  Commission 78 

Commerce    Department 78-90 

Aeronautics    Branch 78 

Census  Bureau 78-82 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 82 

Fisheries    Bureau 82-83 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 83-84 

Lighthouses  Bureau 84 

Mines  Bureau 85 

Navigation  Bureau 85 

Patent  Office 85-86 

Publications  Division 86 

Radio  Division 87 

Standards    Bureau 87-89 

Steamboat   Inspection    Service 90 

Congress 90 

House  of  Representatives 90 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 90 

Court  of  Claims 90 

Court   of  Customs   Appeals 91 


IV  August,  1927 

District  of  Columbia 91 

Employees'  Compensation  Commission 91 

Federal  Board  for   Vocational   Education 91 

Federal    Reserve   Board 91-92 

Federal  Trade  Commission 92 

General  Accounting  OflBce 92 

Geographic  Board 92 

Government  Pi'inting  Office 92-93 

Documents  Office 93 

Interior  Department 93-96 

Education   Bureau 93-94 

Geological   Survey 94-96 

Indian  Affairs  Office 96 

Reclamation    Bureau 96 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 96-113 

Justice    Department 113-116 

Labor  Department 116-117 

Children's  Bureau 116 

Employment  Service 116 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 116-117 

Women's  Bureau 117 

Library  of  Congress 117-118 

Copyright  Office 117-118 

Documents  Division US 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 118-119 

Navy  Department 119-123 

Engineering  Bureau 119-120 

Marine  Corps 120 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 120 

Naval  War  College 120 

Navigation  Bureau 120-123 

Hydrographic  Office 121-123 

Nautical  Almanac  Office 123 

Recruiting  Bureau 123 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 123 

Yards  and  Docks  Bureau 123 

Pan  American  Union 124-125 

Panama  Canal 125 

Purchasing  Department 125 

Post  Office  Department 125-127 

Foreign  Mails  Division 126 

Railway  Mail   Service 127 

Topography  Division 127 

President  of  United  States 127-128 

Railroad  Administration 128 

Shipping  Board 128-129 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 128-129 

Smithsonian  Institution 129 

National  Museum 129 

State  Department 129-131 

General  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico 130-131 

Mixed  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Germany 131 

Supreme  Court 131 

Tariff  Commission 131 

August,  1927  v 


Tax  Appeals  Board 132 

Treasury  Department 132-13-i 

Budget  Bureau 132 

Coast  Guard 132 

Comptroller  of  Currency 132 

Customs  Court 133 

Government  Actuary — " 133 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 133 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 133 

Public  Health  Service 133-134 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 134 

Treasurer  of  United  States 134 

Veterans'  Bureau 134-135 

War  Department 135-138 

Adjutant  General's  Department 136 

Air  Corps 136-137 

Materiel  Division 137 

Army  and  Navy  Joint  Board 137 

Engineer  Department 137 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 137 

Finance  Department 137 

Medical  Department 135 

Militia  Bureau 138 

Ordnance  Department 138 

Signal  Office 138 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Olfice  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department.  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (t)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  oflScial  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published.  ' 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right ;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  551,  69-2. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washing'ton,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  mill  not  he  accepted. 
For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Office  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
"Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,   Samoa,  or  to 


70  August,  1927 

Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  ia 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  Office  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23* :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.^  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  Including  index ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


July,  1927.    On  p.  29,  37th  line  from  top  of  page,  change  classification  number 

(at  extreme  right  of  entry)  from  1 19.44/ :  232  to  1 19.14/4 :  232  ;  on  p.  41,  26th 

line  from  top  of  page,  change  "  Robert  L,  Braffet "  to  read  "  Robert  I.  Braffet " ; 

on  p.  58,  12th  line  from  top  of  page,  change  "(No.  4683.)"  to  read  "(No. 


Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  392  AUGUST  1927 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular  ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  liO,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  will  begin  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Cattle.  [Bureau  of  Animal  Industry]  order  294  [amendments  27  and  28]  ; 
July  1  and  Aug.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  1  p.  4"  [Mimeographed.  Consist  of 
orders  concerning  quarantine  of  cattle,  etc.]     t  A  4.5  :  294/amdt.  27,  28 

Crops    and    markets,    Aug.    1927;    v.    4,    no.    8.     [1927.]     p.    281-328,    il.    4° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3:  4/8 

Oossypol  content  and  chemical  composition  of  cottonseeds  during  certain  periods 
of  development  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Willis  D.  Gallup.  1927. 
[2] +987-992  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10,  May 
15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/42 

Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  1  and  2 ;  July  1  and  15,  1927.     1927. 
cover-titles,  p.  1-192,  il.     [Semimonthly.]     *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $5.00. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  35/1,  2 

Contents. — No.  1.  Factors  affecting  certain  properties  of  mosaic  virus  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  McKinney.— Quantitative  and  purification  methods  in  virus 
studies  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  McKinney. — Age  of  pollen  and  other 
factors  affecting  Mendelian  ratios  in  maize  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  H. 
Kempton. — Selection  for  quality  of  oil  in  soy  beans  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
L.  J.  Cole,  B.  W.  Lindstrom,  and  C.  M.  Woodworth. — No.  2.  Growth  of  fruiting  parts 
in  Gossypium  cernuum,  an  Asiatic  cotton  ;  by  R.  B.  Beckett. — Behavior  of  anthocyan 
pigments  in  canning  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Charles  W.  Culpepper  and 
Joseph  S.  Caldwell. — Why  applications  of  nitrogen  to  land  may  cause  either  increase 
or  decrease  in  protein  content  of  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  F. 
Gericke. — Metabolism  of  nitrogen  compounds  in  dormant  and  nondormant  potato 
tubers  ;  by  William  Newton. — Determination  of  quality  in  sweet  corn  seed  by  means 
of  optical  measurement  of  leached  materials  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  Charles 
F.  Hottes  and  Walter  A.  Huelsen. — Factors  influencing  loss  of  iodine  from  iodized 
salt  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Arnold  H.  Johnson  and  B.  L.  Herrington. — ■ 
Current  mineral  nutrient  content  of  plant  solution  as  possible  means  of  chemical  con- 
trol of  optimum  fertilization  ;  by  Basil  B.  Gilbert  and  Leo  J.  Hardin. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
with  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges.  It  is  distributed 
free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to  large  uni- 
versities, technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges  with 
the  Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Oflicial  record,   Department   of  AgTiculture,  v.   6.   no.  31-35;  Aug.  3-31,  1927. 
[1927.]     Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  6/31-35 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information.  folloTfins  Contents 

62561— 27— No.  392—2  71 

72  August,  1927 

Quaranfme.  Amendment  1  to  rules  and  regulations  supplemental  to  Notice 
of  quarantine  43  (5th  revision)  [Quarantine  on  account  of  European  corn 
borer],  effective  Sept.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     2  leaves,  4"     [Mimeographed.]     t 

A  35.5  :  43/5th  rev.  amdt.  1 

Quarantine  on  account  of  pink  bollworm,  revised.  Notice  of  quarantine 

52  (revised)  [with  rules  and  regulations]  effective  Aug.  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
5  p.  il.  (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)  [Supersedes  Notice  of  quarantine 
52  (3d  revision),  effective  Mar.  1,  1926.]     t  A35.5:52/4th  rev. 

Quarantine  on  account  of  Thurberia  weevil  [Notice  of  quarantine  61,  re- 
vised, with  rules  and  regulations,  effective  Aug.  1,  1927].  [1927.]  5  p.  il. 
(Federal  Horticultural  Board.)  [Supersedes  Notice  of  quarantine  61,  effec- 
tive July  15,  1926.]     t  A  35.5 :  61/rev. 

Sulphuric  acid  as  weed  spray  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Alfred  Aslander. 
1927.  cover-title,  p.  1065-91,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v. 
34,  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t  A1.23/a:W417 

Tomatoes.  Inheritance  of  ovate  and  related  shapes  of  tomato  fruits  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  W.  Lindstrom.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  961-985,  il. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10,  May  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  T  591/10 

Whitc-ftles.  Undescribed  white  fly  attacking  citrus  in  Porto  Rico ;  by  H.  L. 
Dozier.  1927.  [2] +853-855  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
V.  34,  no.  9,  May  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23./a  :  F  643/4 

Yellow  rust  of  raspberry  caused  by  Phragmidlum  imitans ;  by  S.  M.  Zeller. 
1927.  [2] +857-863  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no. 
9,  May  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  R  184/2 


Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  Aug.  1,  1927;  v. 
11,  no.  8.     [1927.]     24  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15  :  11/8 

Cotton.  Commercial  classification  of  American  cotton  with  reference  to  stand- 
ards for  grade,  color,  and  staple;  [by]  Arthur  W.  Palmer.  Jan.  1924  [reprint 
1927].     36  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  circular  278.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-107  A  1.14/2  :  278/2 

Cotton-ffitis.     Practices  and  costs  of  cotton-gin  oi)eration  in  north-central  Texas, 
1924-25;  by  James  S.  Hathcock.     July,  1927.     cover-title,  60  p.  il.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.  Technical  bulletin  13. )     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-486  A  1.36 :  13 

Potatoes.     Origin  and  distriliution  of  commercial  potato  crop ;  by  J.  W.  Strow- 
bridge.     July.  1927.     cover-title,  60  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bul- 
letin 7.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-485  A  1.36 :  7 

Seed  marketing  hints  for  farmer;  [by  George  C.  Edler].  [Oct.  1921,  revised 
June,  1927.]      [1927.]     32  p.  il.     ( Agi'iculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1232.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  21-1031  A  1.9 :  1232/2 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  no.  106:  Offi- 
cial standards  of  United  States  for  inspection  and  certification  of  hay,  ai>- 
proved  Apr.  26.  1927.     Aug.  1927.     cover-title,  9  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  15-199  A  36.5 :  106 

Strawberries.    Preparation  of  strawberries  for  market;  [by]  C.  T.  More  [and] 
H.   E.   Truax.     May.   3918,    [reprint]    1927.     28   p.     il.      (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  979. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-437  A  1.9 :  979/1-4 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  information  follovringr  Contents 


AI7GU6T,  1927  73 


Abortion  in  animals.  Infectious  abortion  of  cattle;  [by  John  M.  Buck].  [Aug. 
1927.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  Bulletin  1536.)  [This 
Bulletin  is  a  revision  of  Farmers'  bulletin  790,  Contagious  abortion  of  cattle.] 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-488  A  1.9 :  153G 

Directory  of  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry;  corrected  to  Aug.  1,  1927.     1927. 
ii+58  p.     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  10-511  A  4.14  :  927 

Garhage.    Feeding  garbage  to  hogs;  [by  F.  G.  Ashbrook  and  A.  Wilson].     [Aug. 
1920,  revised  Dec.  1923.  reprint  with  omissions  1927.]     24  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1133. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1790  A  1.9 :  1133/2-4 

Horse  shoeing.  Farm  horseshoeing ;  [by  Henry  Asmus  and  J.  O.  Williams] . 
[July,   1927.]      ii-(-13   p.   il.      (Agriculture   Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1535.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-^83  A  1.9 :  1535 

Santonin.  Anthelmintic  properties  of  santonin ;  by  Jacob  E.  Shillinger.  1927. 
[2] -1-839-845  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May  1, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Sa  59 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,   June,   1927; 
[no.]  242.     July,  1927.     p.  41-51.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-165S  A  4.13  :  242 

• Same,  July,  1927;    [no.]   243.     Aug.  1927.     p.  53-60.     [Monthly.] 

A  4.13 :  243 

Swine.     Diseases,    ailments,    and    abnormal   conditions   of   swine ;    [by    T.    P. 
White].     [June,  1923,  revised  July,  1927.]     [1927.]     ii+19  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1244. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1024  A  1.9 :  1244/2 


Birds.  Community  bird  refuges;  [by  W.  L.  McAtee].  [Dec.  1921,  revised  Jan. 
1923,  reprint  1927.]     15  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1239.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  22-484  A  1.9  :  1239/3-4 

Fur  farming.    Experimental  fur  farm  of  Biological  Survey  [Saratoga  County, 
N.  Y. ;  by  Frank  G.  Ashbrook  and  Karl  B.  Hanson].     [July.  1927.]      [2]-|-6 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet  6.)      [Includes  list  of  Biological  Survey 
Bureau  publications  on  fur  farming.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-484  A  1.35  :  6 

Game  laws  for  season  1927-28,  summary  of  provisions  of  Federal,  State,  and 
provincial  statutes;    [by  Frank  L.   Earnshaw].      [Aug.   1927.]     ii-(-46  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers"  bulletin  1550.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  0-384  A  1.9: 1550 

Lemmings.     Revision  of  American  lemming  mice    (genus  Synaptomys)    [with 
bibliography  of  Synaptomys]  ;  by  A.  Brazier  Howell.     June  30,  1927.     ii-|-38 
p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (North  American  fauna  50.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-482  A  5.5:  50 

Reindeer  in  Alaska :  by  Seymour  Hadwen  and  Lawrence  J.  Palmer.     Sept.  22, 
1922,  [reprint]  1927.     cover-title,  75  p.  U.  4  pi.  20  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Bulletin  1089.)     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1007  A  1.3 :  1089/1-3 

Waterfowl.     Guide  for  taking  censuses  of  waterfowl.     Julv,  1927.     2  p.     $ 

A  5.2 :  W  29/2 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  follo^irins:  Contents 

74  August,  1927 


Lemons.  Hastening  coloration  of  lemons  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  t)y 
F.  E.  Denny.  [Reprint  with  slight  change  1927.]  p.  757-769,  11.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  27,  no.  10,  Mar.  8,  1924.]     f 

A  1.23/a  :  L  544/2/rep. 


Farms.     Method  of  analyzing  fann  business ;  [by  H.  M.  Dixon  and  H.  W.  Haw- 
thorne].    [June,  1920,  revised  Jan.  1925,  reprint  1927.]     ii+33  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1139.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Agri- 
cultural Economics  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  Agr  20-1374  A  1.9 :  1139/3-2 


Cows.     Feeding  of  dairy  cows ;   [by  Helmer  Rabild.  H.  P.  Davis,  and  W.  K. 
Brainerd].     [July,  1916,  revised  Apr.  1924,  reprint  1927.]     ii+21  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  743.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  16-904  A  1.9  :  743/6-4 

[Dairy  'by-products  and  methods  of  utilizing  them ;  by  L.  A.  Rogers.]  [1927.] 
[1] +296-300  p.  (Yearboolv  separate  939.)  [From  Yearbook,  1926.]  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c.  A  1.10/a  :  939 

Skim  milk  in  dry  form  has  various  uses;  [by  George  E.  Holm].  [1927.]  p. 
663-665.     (Yearbook  separate  940.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  l.lO/a :  940 

CahMge-worms.     Common  cabbage  worm  and  its  control ;   [by  F.  H.  Chitten- 
den].    [May,  1926,  reprint  1927.]  ii+14  p.  il.  •  (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1461.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-684  A  1.9  :  1461/1-2 

Insect  enemies  of  flower  garden;   [by  O.  A.  Weigel  and  William  Middleton]. 

[Aug.   1926,  revised  June,  1927.]      [1927.]  ii+54  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1495.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.   C.   card   Agr   26-1467  A  1.9: 1495/2 

Larger  corn  stalk-horer ;   [by  George  G.  Ainslie].     [Feb.  1919,  reprint  1927.] 

12  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Fanners'  bulletin  1025.)  [Apr.  1925,  on  p.  2, 
is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.   C.   card   Agr  19-330  A  1.9 :  1025/1-4 

Lead  arsenate.  Study  of  toxicity  of  acid  lead  arsenate  on  Japanese  beetle 
(Popillia  japonica  Newm.)  ;  by  E.  R.  Van  Leeuwen.  1927.  [2]+1043--17  p. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a ;  B  393/8 

Lygus  elisus,  pest  of  cotton  regions  in  Arizona  and  California ;  by  E.  A.  Mc- 
Gregor.    July,   1927.     15   p.   il.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Technical   bulletin   4.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-481  A  1.36 :  4 

Potato  leaf  hopper  and  how  to  control  it;   [by  J.  E.  Dudley,  .1r.].     [May,  1926, 

reprint   1927.]     ii+13   p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.  Farmers'    bulletin    1462.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-685  A  1.9  :  1462/1-2 


Experiment  station  record.  Experiment  station  record,  v.  55 ;  index  number. 
1927.  cover-title,  xxi+901-1002  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol. 
(2  vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6  :  55/ind. 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  wbich  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  iitformatlon  folloTrlngr  Contents 

August,  1927  75 

Experiment  station  record — Continued. 

Same,  v.  57,  no.  1;  July,  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  x+1-100  p. 

A  10.6 :  57/1 

Same,  v.  57,  no.  2;  Aug.  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  xi-MOl-200  p. 

A  10.6:  57/2 


Sabal  causiarum  {Cook)  Beccari.  new  host  of  coconut  bud-rot  fungus  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  M.  Tucker.  1927.  [2]+S79-8S8  p.  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May  1,  1927.]     t     A  1.23/a  :  Sa  13 


Note. — The  regulatory  -work  involved  in  the  enforcement  of  the  Federal  food  and 
drugs  act,  the  tea  inspection  act,  the  naval  stores  act.  the  impure  milk  act,  and  the 
caustic  poisons  act  have  heen  placed  in  this  new  administrative  unit. 

Service  announcements.     Service  and   regulatory  announcements,  import  milk 
no.  1 :  Regulations  for  enforcement  of  Federal  impoi't  milk  act.    July  21,  1927. 
6  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-476  A  46.5 : 1 


Forest   icorkei;    July,    1927;    [v.    3,    no.    4].     [1927.]     ii+22    p.     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-838  A  13.19  :  927/4 


Bryce  Canywi  National  Monument,  Utah,  Powell  National  Forest  [map,  origin 
of  Bryce  Canyon,  national  forests  of  Utah,  etc.].     1927.     8  p.  il.  narrow  8°     t 

A  13.13  :  B  84 

Flathead  National  Forest,  Mont,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  large  4°,  folded  into  narrow 
8"  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  16+  [2]  p.     t  A  13.13  :  F  61/927 

Medicine  Bmc  National  Forest,  Wyo.  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  t°,  folded  into 
narrow  8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [1]  +11  p.    t    A  13.13  :  M  46/2/927 

St.  Joe  National  Forest,  Idaho  [i-esources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  [1927.]  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f,  folded  into  narrow 
12°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  14  pages,     t  A  13.13 :  Sa  2  j 


Honey  and  its  uses  in  the  home;  [by  Caroline  L.  Hunt  and  Helen  W.  Atwater], 
[Apr.  7,  1915,  slightly  revised  Aug.  1922,  reprint  with  changes  1927.]     ii+22  p. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  653.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  15-388  A  1.9 :  653/4-5 


Farmers'  dnlletins.  Numerical  list  of  Fanners'  bulletins  of  Department  of 
Agriculture,  Aug.  15,  1927.     [1927.]      [3]  p.     (List  no.  1.)     f        A  21.9/8: 1/9 


Note. — See,    above.    Food,    Drug,    and    Insecticide   Administration. 


Blue-grass.  Development  of  female  gametophyte  and  caryopsis  of  Poa  praten- 
sis  and  Poa  compressa  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  Alice  M.  Andersen. 
1927.  cover-title,  p.  1001-18,  il.  1  pi.  8  p.  of  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricul- 
tural research,  v.  34,  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  75 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloivlngr  Contents 

76  August,  1927 

Citrus  fruit.     Culture  of  citrus  fruits  in  Gulf  States ;  [by  E.  D.  Vosbury  and  T. 
Ralph   Robinson].     [July,    1923,    revised   July,   1927.]      [1927.]     ii+42   p.   il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1343.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1025  A  1.9  :  1343/2 

Corn.  Age  of  pollen  and  other  factors  affecting  Mendelian  ratios  in  maize  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  H.  Kempton.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  39-74,  il, 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  1,  July  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  M  288/24 

Cotton.  Inheritance  of  rate  of  shedding  in  cotton  hybrid ;  by  Thomas  H. 
Kearney  and  Robert  H.  Peebles.  1927.  [2] +921-926  p.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10,  May  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/41 

Nemas  and  recent  progress  in  nematology  research;  [by  N.  A.  Cobb].  [1927.] 
p.  540-543.     (Yearbook  separate  942.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  942 

Red  7)read-mold  fungi.  Life  histories  and  heterothallism  of  red  bread-mold 
fungi  of  Monilia  sitophila  group  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  L.  Shear 
and  B.  O.  Dodge.  1927.  cover-title,  r».  10ip^2,  4  p.  of  pi.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  B  74 

Service  announcements.  Service  and  regulatory  announcement,  Aug.  1927,  [no.] 
11 :  Adulteration  and  misbranding  of  seed  of  redtop.     Aug.  1897  [1927].     2  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14r-1059  A  19.13  :  11 

Smuts.    Further  studies  on  flag  smut  of  wheat   [with  list  of  literature  cited ; 
by]  W.  H.  Tisdale,  C.  E.  Leighty,  and  Benjamin  Koehler.     July.  1927.     12  p. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Department  circular  424.)     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Illinois  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-480  A  1.14/2  :  424 

Strains  of  kernel  smuts  of  sorghum,  Spbacelotheca  sorghi  and  S.  crueuta  ;  by 

W.  H.  Tisdale,  L.  B.  Melchers,  and  H.  J.  Clemnier.  1927.  [2]  +825-838  p.  il. 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Kansas  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May  1, 1927.]     t    A  1.23/a  :  So  68/7 

• Variants  in  Ustilago  nuda  and  certain  host  relationships ;  by  W.  H.  Tis- 
dale and  Marion  A.  Griffiths.  1927.  [2] +993-1000  p.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a:  Us  8 

Strawbei'ries.  Diseases  of  strawberries  on  market ;  [by]  Dean  H.  Rose.  [Re- 
print]  Aug.  1927.     8  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  circular  402.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-1747.  A  1.14/2 :  402/2 

Siceet  potatoes.     Comparative  susceptibility  of  sweet-potato  varieties  to  stem 
rot ;  by  L.  L.  Harter  and  W.  A.  Whitney.     1927.     [2] +915-919  p.  il.     [From' 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10,  May  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  P  847/86 

• Mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  b.v  L.  L. 

Harter  and  W.  A.  Whitney.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  893-914,  il.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  10,  May  15,  1927.]     t      A  1.23/a  :  P  847/85 

VegetaNes.    Diseases  and  insects  of  garden  vegetables;  [by  W.  W.  Gilbert  and 
C.  H.  Popenoe].     [Jan.  1924.  revised  May,  1927.]      [1927.]     ii+46  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1371.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Ento- 
mology Bureau.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-257  A  1.0  :  1371/3 

Home  storage  of  vegetables;  [by  James  H.  Beattie].     [Aug.  1917,  reprint 

with  slight  changes  1927.]  23  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin 
879. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-918  A  1.9  :  879/1-6 


Public  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8.  no.  5 ;  July.  1927.  1927.    cover- 
title,  p.  89-104,  il.     4"     [Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  O.  card  Agr  18-322.  A  22.6  :  S/5 

HoTV  to  order  publications—See  information  folloTrin^  Contents 

August,  1927  77 

Run-off  from  small  agricultural  areas ;  by  C.  E.  Ramser.  1927.  cover-title,  p. 
797-823,  il.  map.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34,  no.  9,  May  1, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  R  875 


Climatological   data  for   United    States  by   sections,   v.    14.   no.   4;   Apr.   1927. 
[1927.]     cover-title,   [203]  p.  il.  2  maps,  2  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  of 
cover.]     *  Paper.  35c.  complete  monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14^566  A  29.29 :  14/4 

XoTE. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  17-21  [season  of  1927]  ;  Aug.  2-30, 
1927.  New  Orleans,  La.,  Aug.  3-31,  1927.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4°  *Paper, 
30c.  per  season  (April-October) .  A  29.39  :  927/17-21 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  July,  1927. 
[Aug-.  3,  1927.]      [2]  p.  large  8"     t  A  29.30:  927/7 

Monthly  weather  review,  May,  1927;  v.  55,  no.  5.     [July  30]  1927.     cover-title. 
p.  211-261,  il.  1  pi.  12  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]     *Paper, 
15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  55/5 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (3)  climatological  tables  dealing 
with  the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows:  (a> 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United 
States  or  other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological 
papers  and  books,  and   (c)   notes. 

Special  articles. — Northeast  trade  winds  of  the  north  Pacific ;  by  E.  A.  Beals. — 
Free-air  winds  over  Honolulu  and  Guam ;  by  E.  A.  Beals. — Notable  tornadoes  of 
May.  1927  :  condensed  from  reports  bv  George  Reeder,  H.  S.  Cole,  and  A.  W.  Shilling. — 
Washington,  D.  C  tornado  of  May  14.  1927  :  by  L.  T.  Samuels. — Tornado  of  May  24, 
1927.  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.  :  by  W.  S.  Belden. — Rain-bearing  winds  in  far  western  States 
[with  list  of  Uierature  cited]  ;  by  Thomas  R.  Reed. — Twelve  years  of  long-range  fore- 
casting of  precipitation  and  water  levels,  by  Axel  Walleu ;  translation  by  B.  M. 
Varney. — Blue-sky  measurements;  by  Irving  F.  Hand. — Climate  of  Coimbra  [Portugal], 
by  Anselmo  Ferraz  de  Carvalho  ;  [review]. — Preliminary  observations  on  solar  activity 
and  radio  reception;  [by  L.  W.  Austin]. — Weather  Bureau  staff  meetings,  192&-27 ; 
by  Edgar  W.  Woolard. 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Aug.  2-30,  1927 ;  no.  31-35,  1927. 
Au?;.  3-31,  1927.    Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2 :  927/31-35 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Aug.  1-31,  1927.  1st  edition.  [1927.]  Each 
16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sinidays  or  holidays.]  *Editions  issued  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  25c.  a  month.  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  stations 
throughout  the  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be 
furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A 29.18:  927 

Same    [containing   forecasts   for   United    States],   Aug.    1-31,   1927.     2d 

edition.  [1927.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain 
as  much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a 
yr.  (maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with 
the  Sui)erintendent  of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  927 

Weather  outlook.  Aug.  8-Sept.  3  [1927].  Aug.  6-27,  1927.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly, 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]  t  A  29.38  :  927/58-61 
Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  th"  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows  :  Wa^hincton,  D.  C.  (District 
1.  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States.  District  2.  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
District  3.  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  :  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.    (District  5,   Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 

Ho'vv  to  ortler  puT>licatioiis— See  infomiation  followins  Contents 

78  August,  1927 

Weather  outlook — Continued. 

Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver.  Colo.  (District  8,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9, 
Southern  Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10, 
Far  Western  States). 


Synthetic  Patents  Company,  Incorporated,.  No.  9577,  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2cl  circuit,  Synthetic  Patents  Company,  Inc.,  v.  Howard  Sutherland,  as 
Alien  Property  Custodian,  Frank  White,  as  Treasurer  of  United  States,  Carl 
Duisberg  [et  al.] ;  reply  brief  on  behalf  of  Howard  Sutherland,  as  Alien 
Property  Custodian,  and  Frank  White,  as  Treasurer  of  United  States.  1927. 
cover-title,  16  p.  large  8°     t  Y  3.A1  4/2 :  Sy  7/3 

No.  9578,  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit.  Synthetic  Patents  Com- 
pany, Inc.,  against  Howard  Sutherland,  as  Alien  Property  Custodian,  Frank 
White,  as  Treasurer  of  United  States,  Carl  Duisberg  [et  al.]  ;  reply  brief  on 
behalf  of  Howard  Sutherland,  as  Alien  Property  Custodian,  and  Frank  White, 
as  Treasurer  of  United  States.     1927.     cover-title,  11  p.  large  8°     X 

Y  3.A1 4/2 :  Sy  7/4 


Battle-fields.     Guide  to  American   battle  fields   in   Europe.     1927.     vi+282  p. 
il.  3  pi.  6  maps,  3  are  in  jwcket.     *  Fabrikoid,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26892  Y  3.Am  3 :  G  94 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Civil  service.     General  information  regarding  civil  service   [with  Civil-service 
bibliography].     May,  1927.     30  p.     (Form  2346.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26886  CS  1.6 :  C  49/2/927 

Information  for  boards  of  examiners  and  nominating  officers  concerning 

applications,  examinations,  and  appointments.  May,  1927.  ii+57  p.  (Form 
131.)     t 

L.  C.  card  27-26812  CS  1.6  :  Ex  1/14/927 

Civil  service  act  and  rules,  statutes,  Executive  orders,  and  regulations,  with 
notes  and  legal  decisions;  amended  to  June  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+93  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26844  CS  1.7/1 :  927 

Postmasters.  Instructions  to  applicants  for  4th-class  postmaster  examination. 
June,  1927.     8  p.     (Form  1759.)     t  CS  1.6 :  P  84/19/927 

Retirement  act  as  amended  July  3,  1926,  and  Mar.  3,  1927,  with  decisions,  rul- 
ings, practice,  and  comments.     July,   1927.     iii-f28  p.     (Form  2368.)      [De- 
cisions under  original   retirement   act   of   May   22,   1920,    and   amendments 
thereto,  are  given  where  still  applicable.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26853  CS  1.7/2 :  R  31/4 



Aincay  bulletin  121-152;  July  6-Aug.  5,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p.  or  1  p.  11.  12° 
(Information  Division.)     f  C 23.7 :  121-152 


Agriculture.     United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Summary  statistics,  by 
States.     1927.    vi-f  77  p.  il.     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26877  C  3.31/2  :Su6 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  information  follo-wingr  Contents 

August,  1927  79 

Alabama.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Alabama,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927 
22  p.  *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  27-26860  C  3.31 :  Al  lb/tab.  5-g 

Arkansas.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Arkansas,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  sjpecified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    26  n. 

*  Papyer,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26870  C  3.31 :  Ar  4k/tab.  5-8 

Business.  Survey  of  current  business,  Aug.  1927,  no.  72  [semiannual  number]  , 
compiled  by  Bureau  of  Census,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce, 
[and]  Bureau  of  Standards.  1927.  cover-title,  144  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Con- 
tains statistics  for  June,  1927,  and  items  covering  July  received  up  to  July 
28,  1927,  the  date  given  above,  Aug.  1927,  being  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p.  2-4 
of  cover.]  *  Paper,  25c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc,  semiannual  numbers 
25c.),  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  927/8 

Same,  weekly  supplement,  Aug.  1-29,  1927.     [1927.]     various  paging,  il.  4° 

[Included  in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which  see  above.] 

C  3.34 :  927/21-25 

Canning  and  preserving.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Canning  and  preserv- 
ing.    1927.    23  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26988  C  3.24/4 :  925-C  16 

Catholic  Apostolic  Church.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926 :  Catholic  Apostolic 
Church,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organization.     1927. 
6  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26810  C  3.35/a  :  C  286 

Chocolate.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Chocolate  and  cocoa  products,  con- 
fectionery, ice  cream,  and  chewing  gum.    1927.    28  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26887  C  3.24/4 :  925-C  45 

Colorado.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Colorado,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooi)erative  marketing.    1927.    21  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26837  C  3.31 :  C  71/tab.  5-8 

Cotton.  Cotton  consumed,  cotton  on  hand,  active  cotton  spindles,  and  imports 
and  exports  of  cotton,  July,  1927  and  1926,  with  statistics  for  12  months  end- 
ing July  31.  Aug.  15,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  This  publica- 
tion is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C3.21 :  926-27/12 

Supply  and  distribution  of  cotton  in  United  States,  season  of  1926-27. 

1927.     oblong  32°     [Preliminary  report.    This  publication  is  issued  in  postal 
card  form.]     t  C3.36:92&-27 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manu- 
factured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  12  months  ending  July  31, 
1927  and  1926.  Aug.  13,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products 
are  for  11  months  ending  Jime  30.  Preliminary  report  This  publication  is 
issued  in   postal   card   form.]      t  C  3.25 :  926-27/12 

Drugs.     Census   of  manufactures,   1925 :   Drug  industries,   druggists'   prepara- 
tions,  patent   medicines    and   compounds,    perfumery,    cosmetics,    and    toilet 
preparations,  drug  grinding,  essential  oils.     1927.     20  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26102  C  3.24/4  :  925-D84 

Electric  machinery.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Electrical  machinery,  ap- 
paratus, and  supplies.    1927.    18  p.     ♦  Paper,  5c, 
L.  C.  card  23-26869  C  3.24/4 :  92&-E1 2 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIOTvlngr  Contents 

62561— 27— No.  392 3 

80  August,  1927 

Engines.     Census    of    manufactures,    1925:    Engines   and    water    wheels,    loco- 
motives, and  aircraft.    1927.    17  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26773  C  3.24/4 :  925-En  3 

Fertilisers.     Census      of     manufactures,      1925:      Fertilizers.      1927.      10     p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26801  C  3.24/4 :  925-F  41 

Georgia.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Georgia,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing. 
1927.  51  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26871  C  3.31 :  G  29/tab.  5-8 

Idaho.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Idaho,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
16  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26832  C  3.31 :  Id  l/tab.  5-^ 

Iowa.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Iowa,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
33  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26806  C  3.31 :  lo  9/tab.  5-8 

Kansas.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Kansas,  county  tables  5-8, 
Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
33  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26811  C  3.31 :  K  13/tab.  5-8 

Kentucky.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Kentucky,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleiired,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
[1]  -f  39  p.  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26868  C  3.31 :  K  41/tab.  5-8 

Louisiana.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Louisiana,  parish  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
21  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26867  C  3.31 :  L  93/tab.  5-8 

Minnesota.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Minnesota,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm;  Cooperative  marketing. 
1927.  30  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26807  C  3.31 :  M  66/tab.  5-8 

Mis.sissijrpi.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Mississippi,  county 
tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and 
specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and 
firewood  cut :  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing. 
1927.  26  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26872  C  3.31 :  M  69  i/tab.  5-8 

Missouri.  United  States  census  of  agriculture.  1925 :  Missouri,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    35  p. 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26823  C  3.31 :  M  69  o/tab.  5-8 

Hot*-  to  order  pnblicntions — See  Inforiuatlon  folloTTing  Contents 

August,  1927  81 

Montana.  United  States  ceusus  of  agriculture,  1925:  Montana,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut :  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
19  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26833  C  3.31 :  M  76/tab.  5-8 

Nebraska.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Nebraska,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population  ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewotid 
cut ;  Acreage  and  Aalue,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooi)erative  marketing.    1927.    33  p. 

*  Paper,  oc. 

L.  C.  card  27-26808  C  3.31 :  N  27/tab.  5-8 

Nevada.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Nevada,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  sjiecified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.     1927.     8  p. 

*  Paijer.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26852  C  3.31 :  N  41/tab.  5-8 

New  Mexico.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  New  Mexico,  county 
tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and 
specified  classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and 
firewood  cut :  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing. 
1927.  13  p.  *  Papery  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26S31  C  3.31 :  N  42  m/tab.  5-8 

North  Carolina.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  North  Carolina, 
county  tables  5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified 
crops  and  si>ecified  classes  of  livestor-k,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned 
over,  and  firewood  cut :  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm  ;  Cooperative 
marketing.  1927.  33  p.  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26869  C  3.31 :  N  81  c/tab.  5-8 

Raiiroad-cars.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Steam  and  electric  railroad  cars 
and  railroad  repair  shops.     1927.    21  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26580  C  3.24/4 :  925-R  13 

Ship-building.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Ship  and  boat  building.     1927. 
19  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26585  C  3.24/4 :  925 -Sh  6 

Silk.    Census  of  manufactures.  1925 :  Silk  manufactures.    1927.    15  p.    *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  24-26158  C  3.24/4 :  925-Si  3 

Tennessee.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Tennessee,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  si)ecified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.    1927.    30  p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26873  C  3.31 :  T  25/tab.  5-S 

Textiles.  Record  book  of  business  statistics,  background  of  facts  from  earlier 
years  for  comparison  with  data  published  monthly  in  Survey  of  current  busi- 
ness:  Textiles  section.  1927.  48  p.  [Supplement  to  Survey  of  current  busi- 
ness. Prepared  under  supervision  of  Mortimer  B.  Lane,  editor  of  S'lrvey  of 
current  business,  assisted  by  L.  Seth  Schnitman.  expert  chief  of  division.] 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26849  C  3.33/2 :  T  31 

Tobacco.  Stocks  of  leaf  tobacco  .ind  American  production,  imports,  exports, 
and  consumption  of  tobacco  aiid  tobacco  products.  1926.  1927.  48  p.  il. 
(Bulletin  161.)  [Compiled  under  supervision  of  William  L.  Austin,  chief 
statistician  for  tobacco,  assisted  by  Harvey  J.  Zimmerman,  expert  special 
agent.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26607  C  3.3  :  161 

Hon-  to  order  pnblicatious — See  infornaa-tioit  follo-vrins  Coutevt^s 

82  August,  1927 

Vi/rginia.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Virginia,  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  speci- 
fied classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  fire- 
wood cut ;  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927. 
33  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26856  O  3.31 :  V  81/tab.  5-8 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  hy  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast   and  Geodetic  Survey   bulletin,   July   30,   1927;    no.   146.     [1927.]     8   p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20  :  146 

Coast  pilots.     United  States  coast  pilot,  Atlantic  Coast:  section  A,   St.  Croix 
River  to  Cape  Cod;  [prepared  by  R.  R.  Lukens].     2d  edition.     1927.     vi+356 
p.  il.  map.     (Serial  382.)     t  Cloth,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26861  C  4.6/1 :  A/6 

Publications.     Catalogue  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  tide  tables,  and  current  tables 
of  Philippine  Islands.     [Edition  of]  Aug.  1,  1927.    1927.    16  p.  11.  4°     (Serial 
392.)     t 
L.  C.  card  24-7297  C  4.5  :  927/2 

Terrestrial  magnetism.  Results  of  magnetic  observations  made  by  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  [calendar  year]  1926;  by  Daniel  L.  Hazard.  1927.  [1]  + 
18  p.     (Serial  393.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  5-35368  C  4.26 :  926 


Alaska  Peninsula,  Alaska,  south  coast,  Dolgoi  Island  to  Deer  Island,  surveys  to 
1925  and  other  sources;  chart  8703.  [Scale  1:80,000.]  Washington,  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey,  July,  1927.     28X35.7  in.     t  50c.  C  4.9:  8703 

California,  San  Diego  to  Point  Fermin,  surveys  to  1925  and  other  sources ; 
chart  5102.  [Scale  1:222,000.]  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
July,  1927.    31.3X41.1  in.     [Not  intended  for  inside  navigation.]     f  75c. 

C  4.9 :  5102 

Columbia  River,  Oreg.-Wash.,  Harrington  Point  to  Grims  Island,  surveys  1868- 
87,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Feb.  1927;  chart  6152.  Scale  1:40,000. 
Washintgon,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  July,  1927.    27X42.6  in.     t  75c. 

C  4.9 :  6152 

Momhovoi  Bay  and  Isanotski  Strait,  Alaska,  south  coast,  surveys  to  1925  and 
other  sources;  chart  8701.  [Scale  1:80,000.]  Washington,  Coast  and  Geo- 
detic Survey,  July,  1927.     32.9X33.5  in.     f  75c.  C  4.9:  8701 

Newport  Bay,  Calif.,  surveys  to  1926,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1926 ;  chart 
5108.  Scale  1 :  10,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  July,  1927. 
37.2X28.3  in.     f  75c.  C  4.9:  5108 

Portage  Bay.  Portage  and  Wide  Bays,  Alaska  Peninsula,  Alaska,  south  coast, 
surveys  to  1924  and  other  sources ;  chart  8666.  Scale  1 :  50.000.  Washington, 
Coast  and  Geodetic   Survey,   July,   1927.     30.5X41.3  in.     1 75c.       0  4.9:8666 

Sulu  Island.  Anchorages  in  Jolo  Island,  P.  I. ;  chart  4541.  Manila,  P.  I., 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  May,  1927.     31.1X31.7  in.     t  50c.  0  4.9:4541 

Dalrymple  Harbor  and  Capual  Channel,  northeast  coast  of  Jolo,  P.  I.,  surveyed  in  1924 

and  1925. 
Jolo  Anchorage,  north  coast  of  Jolo,  P.  I.,  surveyed  In  1911. 
Maimbung  Bay,  south  coast  of  Jolo,  P.  I.,  surveyed  in  1925. 


Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish,  July  15,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  8°  ( Statistical 
bulletin  753.)      [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

C  6.5 :  753 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  foUo-wlng  Contents 

August,  1927  83 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  Aug.  1,  1927;  no.  147.  [1927.]  6  p.  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  C  6.9  :  147 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and*values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  July,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  oblong  f     (Statistical  bulletin  754.)     t 

C  6.5 :  754 

Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at 

Seattle,    Wash.,   by   American   fishing   vessels,    July,    1927.     1927.      1    p.    4° 
(Statistical  bulletin  755.)     t  C  6.5:  755 


Automobiles.     Worlds  consumption  of  automobiles  in  1926;  compiled  in  Auto- 
motive Division.     1927.     1  p.  il.  oblong  8''     t  C  18.5/la  :  Au  82/12 
Note. — This  illustration  was  first  published  on  p.  2  of  the  cover  of  Commerce  reports 
for  Aug.  1,  1927,  in  connection  with  an  article  entitled  World  required  40  per  cent  of 
1926  cars  for  replacement. 

Commerce.     Commerce  yearbook,   1926:    v.   1,   United    States.     1927.     xx+676 
p.  il.     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Standards  Bureau,  Mines  Bureau,  and 
Census  Bureau.]     *  Cloth,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  23-26993  C  18.26 :  926/v.l 

Monthly   summary  of  foreign  commerce   of  United   States,   June,   1927. 

1927.    2  pts.  p.  1-75  and  ii+77-141  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  10c.  single  copy,  *  pt. 
2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;   foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 

L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  18.7 :  927/12-1, 12-2 

Same.     1927.     [2  pts.  in  1],  141  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  504,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Commerce  reports.  Commerce  reports,  vs^eekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports 
from  American  consular  oflicers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce in  foreign  countries,  no.  31-35 ;  Aug.  1-29,  1927.  1927.  cover-titles, 
p.  257-576,  il.  4°  [Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2^  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  927/31-35 

Same,  nos.  14-26  [series  1927],  v.  2,  30th  year;  Apr.-June,  1927  [title- 
page  and  index].  1927.  [2]+xxiv  p.  4°  [Quarterly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  20c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  30c.  C  18.5/1 :  927/14-26/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Cuba.     Trading  under  laws  of  Cuba  [with  bibliographies ;    articles]  by  Guerra 
Everett  [and  Bernard  A.  Kosicki].     Revised  edition.     [Aug.  1927.]     ii+74  p. 
(Trade  information  bulletin  343  ;    [Division  of  Commercial  Laws].)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-26862  C  18.25  :  343/2 

Contexts. — Legal  aspects  of  American-Cuban  commerce ;    by  Guerra  Everett. — Law 
of  industrial  property  in  Cuba  [with  bibliography;    by]  Bernard  A.  Kosicki. — Appendix. 

Currency  systems  of  the  Orient ;  by  Elgin  E.  Groseclose.     [Aug.  1927.]     ii+34 
p.      (Trade    information   bulletin    504;    Finance    and    Investment    Division.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26840  C  18.25:  504 

Electrical  development  and  guide  to  marketing  of  electrical  equipment  in 
Japan;  [compled  by  Lawrence  D.  Batson].  [Aug.  1927.]  ii+25  p.  (Trade 
information  bulletin  505;  Electrical  Equipment  Division.)  [Includes  list 
of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau  publications  pertinent  to  subject 
matter  of  this  bulletin.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26855  C  18.25  :  505 

Filing.  Classification  for  filing  of  material  published  in  Commerce  reports,  for 
use  of  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  and  its  district  and  coop- 
erative ofiices.  [Revised  edition.]  1927.  ii-f6o  p.  [The  title  of  the  1st 
edition,  issued  in  1921,  reads :  Collation  file,  classification  of  published  mate- 
rial, for  use  of  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  and  its  district 
and  cooperative  offices.]  % 
L.   C.  card  27-26824  C  18.2  :  C  56/927 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoTving  Contents 

84  August,  1927 

International  payments.    Balance  of  international  payments  of  United  States 
in   1926,   by  Ray   Hall;    with   foreword   by   Herbert    Hoover.      [Aug.    1927.] 
vi+53   p.    il.      (Trade    information    bulletin    503;    Finance    and    Investment 
Division.)     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26806  C  18.25 :  503 

Measuring  instruments.  Normas  para  instrumentos  de  medicion  electricos, 
forma  adoptada  por  el  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers.  Apr. 
1927.  vii+6  p.  large  8°  (Electrical  standard  no.  33.)  [Edicion  espanola 
preparada  en  colaboracion  con  el  American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers. 
Introduccion  on  p.  iv  is  dated  Mayo  de  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26882  C  18.30  :  33 

Note. — This  is  a  Spanish  translation  of  A.  I.  E.  E.  standards  for  electrical  measur- 
ing instruments,  wliicli  will  not  be  issued  in   English  as  a   Government  publication. 

Motion  pictures.     Market  for  motion  pictures  in  Central  Europe,   Italy,   and 
Spain;  from  reports  by  George  R.  Canty.     [July,  1927.]     ii+52  p.      (Trade 
information  bulletin  499;  Motion-Picture  Section.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26825  C 18.25  :  499 

Philippine  Islands,  commercial  survey;  by  O.  M.  Butler.     1927.     vi+130  p.  il. 
map.     ( Trade  promotion  series  52. )     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26845  C  18.27  :  52 

Publications.     Catalogue  of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic 
Commerce.     [Edition  of]  July.  1927.     1927.     iii+148  p.     [Title  on  cover  is: 
Foreign  trade  bulletins,  including  domestic  surveys,  publications  of  Bureau 
of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26850  C  18.22/2  :  927 

Textiles.     Government  publications  relating  to  textiles ;  compiled  by  Wilson  C. 
Flake.     1927.     43  p.     (Textile  Division.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26842  C  18.2  :  T  31/2 

Tractors.    Foreign  markets  for  tractors ;  by  Charles  D.  Martin.     [Aug.  1927.] 
ii+53  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  502;   Agricultural  Implements  Divi- 
sion. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26839  C  18.25  :  502 

Trade  financing  and  exchange  in  Egypt,   Greece,   and  Turkey ;   by  James   F. 
Hodgson,  Gardner  Richardson,  [and]  Julian  E.  Gillespie.     [1927.]     ii+30  p. 
(Trade  information  bulletin  506.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26893  C  18.25  :  506 

Transportation  and  communication  in  United  States,  1926 ;  by  A.  Lane  Cricher. 
[Aug.   1927.]      iii+578-635  p.   il.      (Trade  information   bulletin   501;    Trans- 
portation Division.)      [From  Commerce  yearbook,  1926.]      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26729  C  18.25  :  501 

Underwear.  British  underwear  market;  by  C.  Grant  Isaacs.  [July,  1927.] 
ii+19  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  500  ;  [Textile  Division].)  *  Paper.  10c. 
L.   C.   card  27-26836  C  18.25  :  500 


17th  District.     Pacific  Coast  of  United  States,  buoy  list,  Oregon  and  Washington, 
17th    lighthouse    district;    1927,    corrected    to    June    25.      1927.      [l]4-72    p. 
*  Paper,  20c. 
L.   C.  card  14-30348  '  C  9.36  :  927 

Light-ship^.  Specifications  for  single-screw,  steel.  Diesel-electric-propelled  1st- 
class  light  ship,  no.  100,  1927.     1927.     [1]+117  p.     t  C  9.22 :  L  62/18 

Lighthouse  service  ImlJetin,  v.  3,  no.  44;   Aug.  1,  1927.      [1927.]     p.  201-204 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-55121  C  9.31:  3/44 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  31-34,  1927;  Aug.  5-26  [1927].     1927.     various 
paging.     [Is.sued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26 :  927/31-34 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  folIOT^lns  Contents 

August,  1927  85 


Note. — The  Mines  Bureau  was  transferred  from  the  Department  of  the  Interior  to 
the  Department  of  Commerce  by  Executive  order  of  June  4,  1925,  effective  July  1,  1925. 

Under  the  provisions  of  the  same  order  the  Division  of  Mineral  Resources  of  the 
Geological  Survey,  Department  of  Interior,  was  transferred  to  the  Department  of  Com- 
merce. Two  publications,  separates  from  Mineral  resources,  1923,  pts.  1  and  2,  prepared 
by  the  Division  of  Mineral  Resources  while  connected  with  the  Geological  Survey  are 
listed  under  Geological  Survey,  p.  94. 

Explosives.     Production   of  explosives  in   United   States,   calendar   year   1926, 
with  notes  on  mine  accidents  due  to  explosives ;  by  William  W.  Adams.    1927. 
ii+46  p.  il.     (Technical  paper  426.)      [Includes  lists  of  Mines  Bureau  publi- 
cations on  investigations  of  explosives.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.   card  14-30127  C  22.5:  426 

Fluorspar  and  cryolite  in  1926;  by  Hubert  W.  Davis.  Aug.  6,  1927.  ii+17-49  p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  F  673/926 

Gold.  Gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Montana  in  1925,  mine  report ;  by 
C,  N.  Gerry.  Aug.  11,  1927.  ii+623-662  p.  [From  Mineral  resources,  1925,  pt. 
1.]     *  Paper,  10c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  563/7/925 

Gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Nevada  in  1925,  mine  report;  by 

V.  C.  Heikes.    Aug.  12,  1927.    ii +663-699  p.     [From  Mineral  resources.  1925, 
pt.   1.]      *  Paper,   10c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  563/8/925 

Mine  accidents.     Metal-mine  accidents  in  United  States,  calendar  year  1925 ; 
by  William  W.  Adams.    1927.    vi+120  p.     (Bulletin  282.)     [Includes  lists  of 
Mines  Bureau  publications  on  mine  and  quarry  accident  statistics.]     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  13-35245  0  22.3:282 

Mineral  resources  of  United  States  in  1926  (preliminary  summary),  introduc- 
tion by  Frank  J.  Katz,  statistics  assembled  by  Martha  B.  Clark  from  data 
furnished  by  specialists  of  Division  of  Mineral  Statistics.  Aug.  20,  1927. 
ii+Al-Al22  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

C  22.8/a  :  M  662/1/926 

Platinum  and  allied  metals  in  1926 ;  by  James  M.  Hill.  Sept.  3,  1927.  ii+9-18 
p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.        C  22.8/a  :  P  696/926 


Ships.    American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
over,  July  1,  1927.     1927.     ii+66  p.  4°     (Serial  116.)      [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  19-26597  011.8:927/7 

Same,  Aug.  1,  1927.    1927.    ii+64  p.  4°     (Serial  117.)     [Monthly.] 

0  11.8 :  927/8 

Note. — The  Patent  OflSce  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  In  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  In  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Decisions.     [Decisions   in   patent  and   trade-mark   cases,   etc.]     Aug.  2,   1927. 
p.  1-6,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  361,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.   C.   card  23-7315  0  21.5/a  2 :  361/1 

Same.    Aug.  9,  1927.    p.  205-210,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  361, 

no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  2 :  361/2 

Same.    Aug.  16,  1927.    p.  425-^30,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  361, 

iio.    3.]  0  21.5/a  2 :  361/3 

Ho-rr  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIOTFlngr  Contents 

86  August,  1927 

Decisions — Continued. 

■ .     Same.     Aug.  23,  1927.     p.  659-664,  il.  large  8°      [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  361,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  361/4 

Same.    Aug.  30,  1927.    p.  889^894,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  361, 

no.   5.]  C  21.5/a  2 :  361/5 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  Aug.  2-30,  1927 ;  v.  361,  no.  1-5.     1927.    cover- 
titles,  1121+ [cxc]  p.  11.  large  8"     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  single  copy,  $10.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.   card  4-18256  0  21.5:361/1-5 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in 
patent   cases. 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
In  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50 ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $17.50. 

Same   [title-page,   contents,   errata,  etc.,   to]    v.  360;   July,   1927.     1927. 

[2]  leaves,  large  8°  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official 
gazette  for  subscribers.  C  21.5 :  360/t.  p.  &  cont. 

Same,  vpeekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  Aug.  2,  1927].  [1927.]  xxxvi  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
V.  361,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4  :  361/1 

Same  [Aug.  9,  1927].     [1927.]     xxxvi  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  361,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  361/2 

Same    [Aug.    16,    1927].      [1927.]      xxxviii   p.   large   8°      [From   Official 

gazette,  v.  361,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  4.  361/3 

■ Same   [Aug.  23,  1927].     [1927.]     xl  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  361,  no.  4.]  0  21.5/a  4 :  361/4 

Same  [Aug.  30,  1927].     [1927.]     xl  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  361,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  4 :  361/5 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  Aug.  2-30,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  361,  no.  1-5.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  361/1-5 

[Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  1923]  errata  and  minor  correction 

sheet,  Jan.  1-June  30,  1927.  [1927.]  3  leaves,  oblong  24°  [Issued  in  loose- 
leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Manual.  Included  in  price  of  Manual,  for  vphich 
see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1924,  p.  375.] 

L.  C.  card  P  O  24-21  I  23.2  :  C  56/4/923-errata  6 

Note. — The  Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  1923,  was  issued  by  the  Patent 
Office  while  it  was  under  the  Interior  Department,  so,  although  these  corrections  were 
issued  by  the  Patent  Office  since  it  became  subordinate  to  the  Commerce  Department, 
the  old  classification,  I  23.2  :  C  56/4/923,  is  retained  in  order  that  the  corrections  may 
be  filed  with  the  publication  to  which  they  belong. 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  Aug.  2,  1927.  [1927.] 
7-52-f  xiii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  361,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  361/1 

■ Same,  Aug.  9,  1927.     [1927.]     211-244 +xii  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  361,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3 :  361/2 

• Same,  Aug.  16,  1927.     [1927.]    431-477 -fxiv  p.  il.  large  8°    [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  361,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  361/3 

Same,  Aug.  23,  1927.     [1927.]     665-717-f  xvi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  361,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  361/4 

Same,  Aug.  30,  1927.     [1927.]     895-948+xvi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  361,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  361/5 


Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  July  30,  1927.  [1927.]  5  p. 
[Monthly.]      t  C  16.6  :  927/7 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTvlngr  Contents 

August,  1927  87 

radio  division 

Radio   service   MUetin,    July  30,    1927;    no.   124.      [1927.]      16  p.      [Monthly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  124 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subpcription  as  issued  at  $1.2.5  per 
volume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $12. .50.  Thesf  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume  ;  forniirn  subscription, 
$2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

The  Technologic  papers  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  in 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  numbers 
vary  in  price. 

Atmosphere.     Standard  atmospliere  chart,   officially  adopted  by  all  interested 
United   States   Government   organizations   for  aeronautics  and   related   pur- 
poses.    1927.     1  p.  il.  f°     (Miscellaneous  publication  78.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26848  C  13.10 ;  78 

Blankets.  Effect  of  laundering  upon  thermal  insulating  value  of  cotton  blan- 
kets;  by  Philip  Rudnick.  July  11,  1927.  [1] +451^57  p.  il.  1  pi.  large  8° 
(Technologic  papers  347.)  [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26838  C  13.8  :  347 

B7-icks.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  brick,  clay,  com- 
mon. Federal  Specifications  Board  of  Specification  504,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  July  11,  1927.  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  common  clay  brick. 
Aug.  10,  1927.  5  p.  large  8°  (Circular  345.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26880  C  13.4  ;  345 

Burette.     Weight  burette  for  micromeasurement  of  liquid  volumes ;  by  Martin 
Shepherd.     July   21,    1927.     [1] +287-292    p.    il.    1    pi.    large   8°     (Scientific 
papers  555.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26859  C  13.3/a  :  555 

Cargo  handling  gear  for  ships,  railroad  iron  sling,  chain  sling,  compiled  and 
promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee :  approved  Jan.  25, 
1926,  as  American  marine  standards  H  no.  14-1926  and  H  no.  15-1926.  1927. 
ii+2  p.  il.  large  8"     (AMSC  6.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 ;  6 

Computing-machine  rityhons.  United  States  Government  master  specification 
for  ribbons,  computing  and  recording  machine.  Federal  Specifications  Board 
Specification  169a,  revised  June  10.  1927,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal 
Specifications  Board,  June  30,  1924,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent 
establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  computing  and  recording  ma- 
chine ribbons.  2d  [edition].  July  11.  1927.  4  p.  large  8°  (Circular  C188.) 
[Supersedes  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  169.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26828  C  13.4 :  188/2 

Condenser  tuie  ferrules  and  tube  sheets,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  Ameri- 
can Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Apr.  20,  1926,  as  American 
marine  standard   E  no.   1-1926.     1927.     [l]+5  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSC  21.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 ;  21 

Current    distribution   in    supraconductors ;    by    F.    B.  Silsbee.     Aug.    4,    1927. 

[1] +293-314  p.  il.  large  8°     (Scientific  papers  556.)  [From  Scientific  papers, 
V.  22.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26875  C  13.3/a  :  556 

Hectograph  riibons.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  rib- 
bons, hectograph.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  168a,  revised 
June  10,  1927,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June 
30,  1924,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of  Govern- 
ment in  purchase  of  hectograph  ribbons.  2d  [edition].  July  11,  1927.  3  p. 
large  8°  (Circular  187.)  [Supersedes  Federal  Specifications  Board  Speci- 
fication 168.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26829  C  13.4  :  187/2 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

6^561— 27— No.  392 4 

88  August,  1927  • 

Hollow  tile.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  tile,  hollow, 
clay,  floor,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  506,  oflScially  promul- 
gated by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  July  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments 
and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  clay  hollow 
fioor  tile.  Aug.  10,  1927.  5  p.  large  8"  (Circular  344.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26879  C  13.4  :  344 

• United  States  Government  master  specification  for  tile,  hollow,  clay,  load- 
bearing  wall.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  507,  officially  promul- 
gated by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  July  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments 
and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  clay  hollow 
load-bearing  wall  tile.  Aug.  10,  1927.  5  p.  large  8°  (Circular  342.)  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-26881  C  13.4  :  342 

Hose.  Specification  for  2%-inch  double-jacketed  cotton  rubber-lined  fire  hose, 
compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  ap- 
proved Jan,  25.  1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  3-1926.  1927.  ii+3 
p.  large  8"     (AMSC  9.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 :  9 

Specification  for  2i/^-inch   single-jacketed   cotton   rubber-lined  fire  hose, 

compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee;  ap- 
proved Apr.  20,  1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  11-1926.  1927, 
ii-f3  p.  large  8°     (AMSC  17.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19: 17 

Hulls  (naval  architecture).  Instructions  for  care  and  maintenance  of  steel 
hulls,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee; 
approved  Nov.  14,  1925,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  5-1925.  1927. 
ii+3  p.  large  8"     (AMSC  11.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19: 11 

Ink.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  ink,  drawing,  black 
waterproof,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Si>ecification  265a,  revision  promul- 
gated June  10,  1927,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board, 
Dec.  6,  1924,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of 
Government  in  purchase  of  black  waterproof  drawing  ink.  2d  [edition]. 
July  11,  1927.  4  p.  large  8°  (Circular  196.)  [Supersedes  Federal  Specifica- 
tions Board  Specification  265.]  *  Paper,  5c, 
L.  C,  card  27-26830  C  13.4  :  196/2 

Leather.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  leather,  rigging, 
Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  483,  officially  promulgated  by  Fed- 
eral Specifications  Board,  Apr.  25,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  in- 
dependent establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  rigging  leather.  Aug. 
4,  1927.  6  p.  il.  4°  (Circular  339.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L,  C.  card  27-26858  C 13.4 :  339 

Lights.  Fixed  liyiits  for  ships,  type  A,  pressed  steel  frame,  type  B,  cast  brass 
frame,  type  C,  cast  brass  finished  frame,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  Amer- 
ican Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Nov,  14,  1025,  as  Americani 
marine  standards  H  no.  3-1925,  H  no.  4-1925,  H  no.  5-1925.  1927.  ii-f3  p.  il, 
large  8°     (AMSC  3.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 :  3 

Machinery.  Essential  machinery  spare  parts,  accessories,  and  supplies  for  sea- 
going ships  (standard  maximum  list),  compiled  and  promulgated  by  Ameri- 
can Marine  Standards  Committee;  approved  Nov.  13,  1926,  as  American, 
marine  standard  O  no.  32-1926.  1927.  ii-fl6  p.  large  8°  (AMSC  18.) 
*  Paper,  5c.  C  13. 19 :  18 

Marine-toilers.  General  instructions  for  operation,  care,  and  upkeep  of  water- 
tube  marine  boilers,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Stand- 
ards Committee;  approved  Jan.  18,  1927,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no. 
14-1927.    1927.    ii+ 17  p.  large  8°     (AMSC  20.)     *  Paper,  10c,  C  13.19  :  20 

Mattresses.  Kinds  and  sizes  of  mattresses  and  pillows  and  woolen,  linen,  and 
cotton  articles  for  ship  equipment,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American 
Marine  Standards  Committee;  approved  Jan,  25,  1926,  as  American  marine 
standard  O  no.  7-1926.    1927,    ii+3  p,  large  8°     (AMSC  13.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  13 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIoTringr  Contents 

August,  1927  89 

Mooring  Mtts,  cast  iron  (standard),  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American 
Marine  Standards  Committee;  approved  Nov.  14,  1925,  as  American  marine 
standard  H  no.  2-1925.    1927.    ii+3  p.  il.  large  8"     (AMSC  2.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  2 

Phosphates.  Tennessee  phosphate  rock.  May  20,  1927.  4  p.  4"  (Certificate  of 
analyses  of  standard  sample  no.  56.)     t  C  13.17  :  56/2 

Pipe.  Distinctive  markings  for  piping,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American 
Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25,  1926,  as  American  marine 
standard  O  no.  10-1926.    1927.    ii+4  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSC  16.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  16 

Pressure-gages.  Specifications  for  pressure  and  vacuum  gauges  for  .ships 
(standard),  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Com- 
mittee; approved  Nov.  13,  1920.  as  American  marine  standard  E  no.  2^1926. 
1927.     ii+6  p.  il.  large  8"  (AMSC  22.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19:  22 

Publications.  New  publications  for  June,  1927,  additions  to  Supplementary  list 
of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  beginning  July  1,  1926.  [1927.1 
3  p.     t  C  13.4  :  24/26/June  927 

New   publications   of    Bureau    of    Standards,    no.    34 ;    Aug.    1927.     1927. 

oblong  48°     [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t       C  13.15 :  34 

Quart::.  Suggested  new  base  point  on  thermometric  scale  and  a<=^/3  inversion 
of  quartz;  by  Frederick  Bates  [andj  Francis  P.  Phelps.  Aug.  5,  1927.  [1]-}- 
315-327  p.  il.  large  8"     (Scientific  papers  557.)     [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26854  C  13.3/a  :  557 

Scales  {weighing  instruments) .     SiDecifications  for  manufacture  and  installation 
of  2-section  knife-edge  railroad  track  scales.     July  12,  1927.    ii+22  p.  large  8" 
(Circular  333.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26857  C  13.4 :  333 

Ship  fittings  for  decks  and  rigging,  chain  plates,  wire  rope  sockets,  solid  thimbles 
for  wire  rope,  open  thimbles  for  wire  rope,  thimbles  for  manila  rope,  pad 
eyes  and  links,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards 
Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25.  1926.  as  American  marine  standards  H  no. 
S-1926  to   H  no.   13-1926.     1927.     ii+5   p.    il.    1   pi.    large  8°      (AMSC   5.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 :  5 

Silverware.  Kinds  and  sizes  of  silverware  for  ship  equipment,  compiled  and 
promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  25, 
1926,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  9-1926.  1927.  ii+4  p.  large  8" 
(AMSC  15.)     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19  :  15 

Specifications.     Alphabetical  index  and  numerical  of  United  States  Govern- 
ment master  specifications,  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board.    2d 
[edition].     Julv  21,  1927.     ii+17  p.  large  S'^     (Circular  319.)      [Complete  to 
June  10,  1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26847  C  13.4  :  319/2 

Technical  neics  huUetin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  Aug.  1927;  no.  124.     [1927.] 

13   p.      [Monthly.]      *  Paper,   5c.  single   copy,   25c.   a   yr. ;   foreign   subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13 :  124 

Type-writer  ribions.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  rib- 
bons, typewriter.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  IGTa.  revised  June 
10,  1927.,  oflicially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  30,  1924, 
for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in 
purchase  of  typewriter  ribbons.  2d  [edition].  July  18,  1927.  4  p.  large  8" 
(Circular  186.)     [Supersedes  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  167.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26827  C  13.4 :  1S6/2 

Weights   and   measures   administration ;    by   Ralph    W.    Smith.     June   1,    1927, 
vi+270  p.  12°     (Handbook  series  11.)     *  Cloth,  70c. 
L   C.  card  27-26876  C  13.11 :  11 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTFingr  Contents 

90  August,  1927 


Steamboat  Inspection.  Service   iulletin,   Aug.   1.   1927 ;   no.   142.     [1927.]     2  p. 
[Monthly.]     J 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10 :  142 




Prices.  Stabilization,  hearings,  69th  Congress,  session,  on  H.  R.  7895,  to 
amend  paragraph  d  of  sec.  14  of  Federal  reserve  act,  as  amended,  to  provide 
for  stabilization  of  price  level  for  commodities  in  general,  Apr.  20,  1926- 
Feb.  4,  1927.  1927.  pt.  2,  iii+633-1145  p  il.  [The  hearing  of  Feb.  4,  1927, 
was  held  during  the  2d  session  of  the  69th  Congress.]     *  Paper,  5()c. 

Y  4.B  22/1 :  F  31/12/pt.  2 


Biggam  Trailer  Corporation  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  1927. 
no.  E-145,  p.  9.     t  Ju  3  8  :  B  482 

Castner,  Curran  <£  Bullitt,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  amended  stipulation  of  facts. 
1927.     no.  D-381,  cover-title,  iii+1-65  p.     %  Ju3-8:C279 

Curtis.  Simon  R.  Curtis  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff  [and]  de- 
fendant.    [1927.]     no.  E-369.  p.  11-184.     $  Ju3  8:C946 

Haight,  A.  S.,  &  Co.  Sherman  P.  Haight  and  H.  L.  G.  Meyer,  as  surviving 
partners  [of  A.  S.  Haight  &  Co.]  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1927.]     no.  E^97,  p.  11-52.     %  Ju3.8:H125 

Eolyoke  &  West  field  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  F-86,  p.  1-2.     t  Ju  3.8  :  H  748 

Hope  Forge  d  Machine  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  defendant. 
[1927.]     no.  E-549,  p.  75-94.     $  Ju  3.8  :  H  773/2 

Iowa  tribe  of  Indians  v.  United  States ;  evidence.  [1927.]  no.  34677.  p.  171- 
179.     t  Ju  3.8 :  lo  9/3 

Ealtenbach.  Charles  E.  Kaltenbach  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  D-583,  p.   11-18.     $  Ju  3.8  :  K 127 

Charles  E   Kaltenbach  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.] 

no.  D-584,  p.  11-20.     t  Ju  3.8 :  K  127/2 

Lupfer  d  Remick.  Edward  P.  Lupfer  and  Frederick  N.  Remick,  copartnership 
doing  business  as  Lupfer  &  Remick,  v.  United  States:  evidence  for  plaintiffs. 
[1927.]     no.  F-344,  p.  23-29.     t  Ju3.8:L973 

McNight.  Samuel  H.  McNight  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  F-78,  p.  29-31.     t  Ju3.8:M235 

Mason  d  Hanger  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  D-543,  p.  29-30.     J  Ju  3.8 :  M  381/9 

Matthiessen.  Edna  IMatthiessen  v.  United  States;  stipulation  of  facts.  [1927.] 
no.  E-573,  p.  25-29.     t  Ju  3.8  :  M  433 

F.  W.  Matthiessen,  jr.,  v.  United  States ;  supplemental  stipulation.     1927. 

no.  F-333,  p.  31.     +  Ju  3.8 :  M  433/2 

Perfect  Window  Regulator  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.    D-980,    p.    7-71.     +  Ju  3.8 :  P  41ft 

Steacy-ScJimidt  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1927.]     no.    F-214,    p.    11-26.     t  Ju 3.8 -.St 31 

HoTT  to  order  i)nblieations — See  information  folloTring  Contents 

August,  1927  91 


Booka.  No.  2996.  United  States  v.  M.  Minkus,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal 
from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,   i+35  p.     t  Ju7.6:M665 

Chains.  No.  3006,  United  States  v.  Bernard,  Judae  &  Co.,  transcrii)t  of  record 
on   appeal   from    Customs    Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,    i+14   p.     t 

Ju  7.6  :B  456/5 

Fish  as  food.  No.  3000,  United  States  v.  H.  F.  Hammond,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+71  p.    t    Ju  7.6 :  H  184 

Fish-sounds.  No.  2992,  United  States  v.  Gorton  Pew  Fisheries  Company,  trans- 
scr  pt  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
i+24  p.     t  Ju  7.6  :  G  688 

Jet.  No.  2995.  United  States  v.  Ben  Felscnthal  &  Co.  et  al.,  transcript  of  recoid 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i-f  21  p.     t    Ju  7.6  :  F  339 

Rags.  No.  2982,  United  States  v.  McBlaine  &  Company  et  al.,  transcript  of 
record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,   i+36  p.     + 


Watches.  No.  2990,  United  States  v.  Wm.  Hengerer  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+7  p.     t    Ju7.6:H387 


Health  Department.  How  to  keep  your  baby  well  [with  list  of  books  for 
mothers].     [1927.]     8  p.     t  DC  14.2 :  B 11 

Traffic  and  motor  vehicle  regulations  for  District  of  Columbia,  effective  May  3, 
1925,  with  amendments  to  Feb.  12,  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  38  p.  narrow  8°     t 

DC  51.5 :  927 


Government  officials  and  employees.  Text  of  compensation  act  (as  amended) 
public  no.  267,  64th  Congress,  H.  R.  15316,  act  to  provide  compensation  for 
employees  of  United  States  suffering  injuries  while  in  performance  of  their 
duties,  and  for  other  purposes  [approved  Sei)t.  7,  1916.  as  amended  by  acts  of 
June  5,  1924,  June  26,  1926,  and  Feb.  12,  1927,  with  addition  of  sec.  ll  of 
District  of  Columbia  appropriation  act  of  July  11,  1919,  and  sec.  14  of  act 
to  provide  for  creation,  organization,  administration,  and  maintenance  of 
Naval  Reserve  and  Marine  Corps  Reserve,  approved  Feb.  28,  1925].  [1927.] 
16  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.    C.   card   27-26894  EC  1.2 :  Ac  8/927 


Laundry  salesmen.  Elements  of  educational  program  for  laundry  salesmen 
developed  by  committee  of  Laundryowuers  National  Association  in  coopera- 
tion with  Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education;  [prepaied  by  E.irl  W. 
Barnhart,  assisted  by  Charles  R.  Allen].  June,  1927.  is +  188  p.  (Bulletin 
119;  Commercial  series  6.)  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-188  VE  1.3  :  119 


Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Aug.  1927;  [v.  13,  no.  8].  1927.  iv+555-626  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  fore:gn  subscription, 
$2  60 

L.  C'  card  15-26318  *  FR  1.3/1 :  13/8 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition   to  the  regular  official   announeempnts,  the 
national    review    of   business   conditions,    detailed    analyses    of   business    conditions,    re- 
How  to  order  ptiblications — See  Information  folloiivingr  Contents 

02  August,  1927 

Federal  reserve  bulletin — Continued. 

search  studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  sliowing  tlie  con- 
dition of  Federal  reserve  Ijanl^s  and  member  banlvs.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member 
banks  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal 
Reserve  Board,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  memher  hanJcs.     Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  receivetl  by  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit,  Aug.  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+5  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  927/8 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions  are  sold  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wasliington,  D.  C.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  subscrip- 
tion, price  ?1.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1..50  ;  single  copies,  5c. 

Arkansas  Wholesale  Grocers'  Association  et  al.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission ; 
circuit  court  of  appeals,  Sth  circuit,  Apr.  5,  1927,  no.  301  [opinion  of  court]. 
[1927.]     9  p.     (F.  T.  C.  [court  decision]  79.)     *  Paper,  5c.    FT  1.11/a  3  :  Ar  48 

Claire  Furnace  Company.  Federal  Trade  Commission  et  al.  v.  Claire  Furnace 
Co.  et  al. ;  [Supreme  Court  ]  Apr.  IS,  1927,  no.  1  [opinion  of  court].  [1927.] 
6  p.     (F.  T.  C.  [court  decision]  80.)     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  3  :  C  525/2 

Cream  of  Wheat  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission;  circuit  court  of  appeals,  Sth 
circuit,  July  26,  1926,  no.  284  [opinion  of  court].  [1927.]  16  p.  (F.  T.  C. 
[court  decision]  71.)     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  3  :  C  86 

Decisions.  Index  to  v.  9  [of  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions].  [1927.] 
14  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  1 :  9/ind. 

Rules  of  practice  and  procedure  and  statements  of  policy,  June  30,  1927.     1927. 
ii+17  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26S34  FT  1.7  :  927 

Shade  Shop,  Hooper  d  Klesner.  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Alfred  Klesner, 
doing  business  under  name  Shade  Shop,  Hooper  &  Klesner;  [Supreme  Court] 
Apr.  18,  1927,  no.  211  [opinion  of  court  1.  [1927.]  7  p.  (F.  T.  C.  [court 
decision]  81.)     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  3  :  Sh  12/2 

Utah-Idaho  Sugar  Company.  Original  no.  259,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
Sth  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Utah-Idaho  Sugar  Company  et  al.  v.  Federal 
Trade  Commission ;  brief  for  respondent.     1927.     cover-title,  v+101  p.     t 

FT  1.5  :  Ut  1/3 


Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7,  July,  1927 ;   J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller 

general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant  comptroller  general.  1927.  [l]+l-85  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.   card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a  :  7/1 


Decisions  of  Geographic  Board,  June,  1923-June,   1927,  2d  supplement  to  Sth 
report.     3d  edition.     1927.     ii+54  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  10-26561  GB  1.5  :  140 


Technical  investigations  made  by  Division  of  Tests  and  Technical  Control, 
address  delivered  before  W-ashington  Club  of  Printing  House  Craftsmen, 
Washington,  D.  C,  Apr.  20,  1927;  by  E.  O.  Reed.     1927.     [1]+12  p.     t 

GP  1.2  :  T  22 

HoTv  i.o  ordex-  publications — See  information  folloTFingr  Contents 

August,  1927  93 


Animal  industry,  farm  animals,  poultry,  and  dairying,  list  of  publications  for 

sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.  June,  1927.     [2]+lS  p.      (Price  list 
38,  21st  edition.)     t 

L.  C.  card  26-26332  GP  3.9 :  38/21 

Commerce  and  manufactures,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent 
of  documents.     June,  1927.     [2] +58  p.     (Price  list  62,  9tli  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26374  GP  3.9:  62/9 

Congressional  documents.  29th  preliminary  schedule  of  volumes,  reports  and 
doc!uments  of  69th  Congress,  2d  session,  Dec.  6,  1926-Mar.  4,  1927.  1927. 
ii+6  p.     t  GP  3.11 :  29 

Foods  and  cooking,  canning,  cold  storage,  home  economics,  list  of  publications 

for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     July,   1927.  [2] +11  p.      (Price 
list  11,  17th  edition.)     t 

L.   C.   card  26-26496  GP  3.9  :  11/17 

Irrigation,  drainage,  and  water  power,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  super- 
intendent of  documents.     July,  1927.  [2] +22  p.      (Price  list  42,   ISth  edi- 
tion.)    t 
L.  C.  card  25-26949  GP  3.9:  42/18 

Monthly   catalogue.   United    States   public   documents    (with   prices),   no.   391; 
July,  1927.     1927.     v+1-67  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/1 

Periodicals.     Government  periodicals,   subscriptions  are  taken  for  these  peri- 
odicals by  superintendent  of  documents.     July,  1927.  [2] +6  p.     (Price  list 
36,  20th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26170  GP  3.9 :  36/20 


Note. — The  decisions  nf  the  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pension  cases  are  issued 
in  slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  in  signatures, 
both  being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions 
3f  either  kind  in  separate  parts  as  they  are  issued  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.  Prices 
for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

General  information  regarding  Department  of  Interior,  July    1,    1927.      1927. 
vi+23  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26841  1 1.2  :  In  3/11 

Public  lands.    Decisions  of  Department  of  Interior  in  cases  relating  to  public 
lands,  V.  51,   [signatures]  i-iii.     1927.     xxxv  p.     [Title-page,  table  of  cases, 
etc.,  for  V.  51.    For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  7-23651  I  21.5/a  :  51/t.p.  &  cont. 

Same.  v.  51,   [signatures]  41-44.     [1927.]     p.  641-691.     [Includes  Index 

to  v.  51.]  I  21.5/a  :  51/41-44 


Adult  education.    Public  education  of  adults  in  years  1924-26 ;  by  L.  E.  Alder- 
man.   1927.     [l]+26p.     (Bulletin  18,  1927.)     [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial 
survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-184  1 16.3  :  927/18 

Public  evening  schools  for  adults;  by  L.  R.  Alderman.     1927.     [l]+22 

p.  il.     (Bulletin  21.  1927.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  E  27-186  1 16.3  :  927/21 

Children.     Typical  child   care   and  parenthood   education  in  home  economics 
departments;  by  Emeline  S.  Whitcomb.     1927.     v+62  p.  il.  1  pi.     (Bulletin 
17,  1927.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-187  116.3:927/17 

HofV  to  order  publications— See  Information  following  Contents 

94  August,  1927 

Children's  literature.  Forty  books  for  boys  and  girls.  [Reprint]  1927.  [1]  + 
4  p.     (Reading  course  30.)     f  116.12:30/2 

Hearing.    Hard-of-hearing  child,  report  of  commission  on  education  of  American 
Federation   of   Organizations   for   Hard   of   Hearing.     July,    1927.     14   p.   il. 
(Scbodl  liealtli  studies  13.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.  card  E  27-185  116.38:13 

Pumications  available  Sept.  1927.     [1927.]     25  p.    t 

L.  C.  card  E  15-1070  1 16.14/1 :  927 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports.  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  b>ar  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commi  rcial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
fiiUuvviug  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that 
amounts  to  $5.00  at  the  retail  pri'^e.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should 
b(^  made  l)y  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington, 
I).  C.  Ordin-s  for  otli<'r  publications  that  are  tor  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C      For  maps  and  topographic  maps  see  next  page. 

Tlie  Di\  isiou  of  Mineral  Resources  was  transferred  from  the  Geological  Survey, 
Depaitment  of  the  Interior,  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  by  Executive  order  of  June 
4,  1925.  effective  .luly  1,  1025.  The  iwo  publications  listed  below,  separates  from  Min- 
eral resources,  19-'.'5.  pts.  1  and  2,  were  prepared  by  the  Division  of  Mineral  Resources 
while  conjH>cted  with  the  Geological  Survey.  For  publications  listed  under  the  Mines 
Bureau,  see  p.  85. 

Alaska.  Toklat-Tonzona  region,  by  Stephen  R.  Capps;  Geologic  investigations 
in  northern  Alaska,  by  Philip  S.  Smith ;  [with  title-page,  contents,  and  index 
to  Bulletin  792].  1927.  ii+73-122+ii  p.  3  maps.  (Bulletin  792  C.)  *Paper, 
15c.  1 19.3  :  792-C 

Oeoloi/y.  Contributions  to  economic  geology,  1926 :  pt.  2,  Mineral  fuels ;  W.  T. 
Thorn,  jr.,  geologist  in  charge.  1927.  ii+98  p.  il.  2  pi.  3  maps,  1  is  in  pocket. 
(Bulletin  780.)     *  Paper,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  GS  5-748  1 19.3  :  786 

(^)XTENT.s. — Geology  of  Ingomar  anticline.  Treasure  and  Rosebud  counties,  Mont, 
[with  bibliography]  ;  by  K.  C.  Ileald. — Geology  of  Cat  Creek  and  Devils  Basin  oil 
fields  and  adjacent  areas  in  Montana;  by  FrankReeves. — Index. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  91,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Great  Basin.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1923 :  pt.  10,  Great  Basin ; 
Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief  hydiiiulic  engineer,  A.  B.  Purton,  H.  D.  McGlashan, 
F.  F.  Henshaw,  C.  G.  Paulsen,  and  Robert  Follansbee,  district  engineers.  1927. 
V  +  1.S3  p.  il.  (Water-supply  paper  570.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Utah,  Nevada.  California,  Oregon,  Idaho,  and  Wyoming.  Includes  Stream- 
gaging  stations  and  publications  relating  to  water  resources.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  10-348  1 19.13  :  570 

Same.     (H.  doc.  589,  68tb  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Mineral  resources.  Mineral  resources  of  United  States,  1923:  pt.  1,  Metals 
[t  tie-page,  contents,  index,  etc.].  1927.  iv+lA-133A+649-653  p.  t  (price 
given  on  this  publication  is  that  of  bound  volume). 

L.  C.  c:ud  4-18124  1 19.8/a  :  M  662/39/923-2 

Contents.- — Introduction;  by  Frank  .1.  Katz. — Summary;  by  Martha  B.  Clark. — 
Prefatory  note  to  reports  on  gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc ;  by  F.  J.  Katz. — 

Same:  pt.  2,  Nonmetals  [title-page,  contents,  and  index].    1926.    v+747- 

750  p.    t  (price  giveii  on  this  publication  is  that  of  bound  volume). 

1 19.8/a  :  T  535/923-2 

Missouri  River.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1923 :  pt.  6,  Missouri 
River  basin:  Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief  hydraulic  engineer,  W.  A.  Lamb,  C.  G. 
Paulsen,  Robert  Follansbee,  J.  B.  Spiegel,  E.  L.  Williams,  H.  B.  Kinnison, 
and  H.  C.  Beckman,  district  engineers.  1927.  viii+395  p.  il.  (Water-supply 
paper  566.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Montana,  Wyoming,   Colorado, 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  Information  foUoTrlng:  Content* 

August,  1927  95 

MiS:»our$  Ri/per — Continued. 

Iowa,  Kansas,  and  Missouri.     Includes  Stream-gaging  stations  and  publica- 
tions relating  to  water  resources.]     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  10-383  1 19.13  :  566 

Same.     (H.  doc.  550,  68th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

MogoUon  Mountains.    Geology  and  ore  deposits  of  Mogollon  mining  district,  N. 
Mex.    [with  bibliography]  ;   by  Henry  G.  Ferguson.     1927.     vi+100  p.  il.  9 
pi.  1  is  in  pocket,  12  p.  of  pi.     4  maps,  2  are  in  pocket.      (Bulletin  787.) 
*  Paper,  65c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  27-237  1 19.3  :  787 

Same.     (H.  doc.  488,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

PuMications.   New  publications,  list  233  ;  Aug.  1, 1927.    [1927.]    2  p.    [Monthly.]    t 

1 19.14/4 :  233 

Hyder  and  vicinity,  Alaska.     Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  100  ft.     [Wash- 
ington] Geological  Survey,  1927.    17.4X16.7  in.  t       10c.  1 19.12  :  53H995 

Payette  River.    Plan  and  profile  of  Payette  River  above  Horseshoe  Bend,  Idaho ; 
North    Fork   to   Cascade ;    South   Fork   to    mile   70 ;    and    tributaries.      Scale 
1 :  31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft.  and  20  ft.,  vertical  scale  40  ft.=l  in.     [Wash- 
ington. Geological  Sui"vey]     1927.     7  sheets   (A-G)   each  about  18X25  in.  t 
10c.  per  sheet.  1 19.25  :  P  29/sheetA-G 

Topographic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  making  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  Individual 
maps  are  projected  to  represent  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and 
each  map  is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town  or  natural  feature  in 
the  area  mapped.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1:31,680,  1:62,500,  and 
1  :  12.5,000,  corresponding,  approximately,  to  %  mile,  1  mile,  and  2  miles  to  1  inch. 
The  area  covered  differs  with  the  latitude,  but  the  average  area  is  58,  2.30,  or  920 
square  miles,  respectively,  for  these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  piinted  on 
uniform-sized  paper,  alwut  20  by  IG14  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas 
represented  thereon  are  about  IIV^  inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to 
latitude.  For  some  areas  of  particular  importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published. 
A  general  description  of  topographic  maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed 
on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

More  than  two-fifths  of  the  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  Connecticut,  IieJaware,  the  District  of  Columbia.  Mary- 
land, Massachusetts.  New  Jersey.  IS'ew  York,  Ohio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  \  irginia  are 
completf'ly  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at 
lOe.  each,  but  a  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to 
$5.00  at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or 
folios  alone,  or  for  maps  and  folios  together. 

Arizona.  Topographic  map  of  Grand  Canyon  National  Park,  Ariz,  (east  half), 
topography  by  Francois  E.  Matthes  and  Richard  T.  Evans,  surveyed  in 
1902-23,  lat.  [35°  57'  35"-]  36°  25',  long.  Ill"  45'-112°  15'."  Scale 
1 :  48,000,  contour  interval  50  ft.  [Washington]  Geological  Survey,  edition 
of  1927.  42.5X38.2  in.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  National  Park  Service. 
No   description   on   reverse.]      t  25c.  1 19.12  :  2G  762 

California.  California,  Covelo  quadrangle,  lat.  39°  45'-40°  long.  123°-]23°  15'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey] 
edition  of  1926.     17.5X13-5  in.     1 10c.  1 19  12  :  4C  838 

California,  Monson  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  22'  30"-36°  30',  long.  119°  15'- 

119°  22'  30".  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical  Survey]    edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     f  10c.  1 19.12 :  4M  759 

California,  Remnoy  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  15'-36°  22'  30",  long.  119°  30'- 

119°  37'  30".  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical  Survey]    edition  of  1927.     17.3  X 14  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  4R  286 

Topographic   map.    Sequoia    and    General   Grant   National   Parks,    Calif., 

lat.  [36°  16'-]  37°,  long.  118°-119°.  Scale  1 :  125,000,  contour  interval  100  ft. 
[Washington]  Geological  Survey,  1927.  26.7X29.2  in.  [Prepared  in  coop- 
eration with  National  Park  Service.     No  description  on  reverse.]     t  25c. 

1 19.12 :  4Se  64 

Ho-«v  to  order  publications — See  information  foUofvingr  Contents 

62561— 27— No.  392 5 

9g  August,  1927 

Kentucki/,  Mount  Eden  quadrangle,  lat.  38°-38°  15',  long.  85°-85°  15'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edition 
of   1927.      17.5X33.8   in.      f  10c.  1 19.12  :  17M  863 

New  Hampshire,  Concord  quadrangle,  lat.  43°-43°  15',  long.  71°  30'-71°  45'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey] 
edition  of  1927.     17.5X12.9  in.     1 10c.  119.12:29  0  749 

Oregon,  Mount  Hood  quadrangle,  lat.  45°-45°  30',  long.  121°  30'-122°.  Scale 
1 :  125,000,  contour  interval  100  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edi- 
tion of  1927.     17.5X12.4  in,     f  10c.  119.12 :  37  M  86/927 


Organization.  Office  of  Indian  Affairs  [organization  chart].  July  1,  1927. 
12X18.1  in.     :i:  I  20.2:  Or  3 


Mails  and  Files  Section.  Description  of  office  system  and  filing  system  of  Mails 
and  Files  Section,  Washington  Office,  Bureau  of  Reclamation;  [by]  J.  W.  Myer 
and  J.  C.  Beveridge,  jr.     July,  1927.     [1]  +52  p.  il.     t  I  27.2 :  Of  2 

New  reclamation  era,  v.  18,  no.  8 ;  Aug.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  p.  113-128, 
11.  4°     [Monthlv.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5  :  927/8 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difBculties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifyng  and 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

Stony  Go7-ge  Dam.  High-pressure  gates  and  outlet  pipes  for  Stony  Gorge  Dam, 
Orland  project,  Calif.  [1927.]  cover-title.  i-fl6  p.  13  pi.  4"  (Specifications 
462.)  [Consists  of  advertisement,  proposal,  specifications,  and  drawings  for 
irrigation  project,  proposals  will  be  received  until  Sept.  20,  1927.]  t  Pa- 
per, $3.00.         ^  127.8:462 


Note.— The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold 
on  subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50 ;  single  copies, 
usually  5c.  In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valua- 
tion decisions  are  desired. 

Accounting.  Order  [promulgated]  at  session  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commis- 
sion, division  4,  on  2d  of  June,  1924,  [in]  matter  of  uniform  system  of  accounts 
to  be  kept  by  steam  roads.     [Reprint  1927.]     3  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.9 :  St  3/9/927 

Alabama,  Tennessee  and  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6258,  bonds  of 
Alabama,  Tennessee  &  Northern  R.  R.  Corporation ;  [decided  June  17,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +704-706  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2869.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  F-2869 

Alcohol.  No.  16200,  Oklahoma  Traffic  Association  et  al.  v.  Alabama  &  Vicks- 
burg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  21,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  89-94+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12354.)  [Report  from  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12354 

Angle-tars.  No.  17856,  Inland  Steel  Company  v.  Chesapeake  «&  Ohio  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  22,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  551-552.  ([Opinion]  12435.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12435 

Hofv  to  order  pnbllcatlons^See  Information  follovrlngr  Contents 

August,  1927  97 

Apples.  No.  18056,  Northwestern  Fruit  Exchange  v.  Great  Northern  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  17,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
538-540  p.     ([Opinion]  12430.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12430 

Asphalt.  No.  18333,  Continental  Roofing  &  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Gulf  & 
Ship  Island  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  9,  1927;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  313-317+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12531.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12531 

Atchison,  Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  625,  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  May  3,  1927 ;  report 
of  commi-ssion].  1927.  cover-title,  p.  1-847,  map.  ([B-566.])  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  127.]     *  Paper,  $1.00.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-566 

Automobiles.  No.  18629,  Chevrolet  Motor  Company  of  St.  Louis  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  23,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission].  [1927.]  [l]+63&-640  p.  ( [Opinion]  12449.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12449 

Bagging.  No.  18652,  Cleveland-Akron  Bag  Company  v.  Central  of  Georgia 
Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  733.  ([Opinion]  12471.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12471 

Bar-iron.  No.  17750.  Knoxville  Iron  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  16,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  513-514.     ([Opinion]  12424.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12424 

Bath-tubs.  No.  17453,  Fisher  Supply  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  215-221.  ([Opinion]  12382.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12382 

Beans.  No.  18371,  Michigan  Bean  Company  r.  Detroit,  Grant  Haven  &  Mil- 
waukee Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  207-210.      ([Opinion]    12380.)      [From  I.   C.  C.  reports,  v.   128.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12380 

Sed-springs.  No.  16558,  Leggett  &  Piatt  Spring  Bed  &  Manufacturing  Company 
et  al.  V.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July 
1,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  219-224+ii  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12506.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12506 

Beds.  No.  17555,  Crescent  Bed  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  15,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on 
further  consideration.  [1927.]  p.  505-507.  ([Opinion]  12421.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  12421 

Semcood  and  Wheeling  Connecting  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  977,  Ben- 
wood  and  Wheeling  Connecting  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  20,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  531-550.  (B-552.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.   125.]      *  Paper,    5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-552 

3ig  Sandy  and  Kentucky  River  Railvxiy.  Valuation  docket  no.  698,  Big  Sandy 
&  Kentucky  River  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  20,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.     [1927.]     p.  517-531.     (B-551.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-551 

3lack  powder.  No.  16938,  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  &  Company  v.  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 :  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  705-708+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12463.)  [Report  from 
1.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12463 

Bobbins.  No.  18778,  Maine  Spinning  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad  et 
al. :  [decided  July  6.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +266-268  p. 
([Opinion]  12518.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12518 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTving  Contents 

98  August,  1927 

Boilers.  No.  18325,  Kinnison  Brothers  v.  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad 
Company,  director  general,  as  agent,  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  703-704.  ([Opinion]  12462.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10 1.6/la :  12462 

Boston  and  Maine  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5504,  Boston  &  Maine  read- 
justment;  [decided  June  22,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +688-690  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2862.)     [From  I.  C.  0.  reports,  v.  124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  F-2862 

Finance  docket  no.  6223,  acquisition  and  operation  of  line  by  Boston  & 

Maine  Railroad;  decided  June  9,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
671-672.         ([Finance   decision]    2856.)      [From   I.    0.    C.    reports,   v.    124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  F-2856 

Boxes.  No.  17773,  Eggerss-O'Flyng  Company  v.  Chicago  &  North  Western  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  27,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +644-650+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12452.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  0. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12452 

Brakes.  No.  3913,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1926, 
Chicago  t&  Erie  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  brief  of  defendant  in 
error.    1927.    cover-title,  i+ 15  p.  large  8°    t  101.13/1:0  43/37 

Brass.  No.  17998,  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  4th  section  order  no.  9568] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  757-759+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12477.)  [Report  from 
I.   0.   0.   reports,   v.   128.]      *  Paper,   5c.  10 1.6/la :  12477 

Bricks.  No.  15061,  Western  Brick  Company  et  al.  v.  New  York  Central  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  13.  1927 ;  report  [and  orders]  of  commis- 
sion on  further  argument.  [1927.]  479-489+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12416.) 
[Report  from  I.  0.  O.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12416 

No.  16124,  Acme  Brick  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
715-721+iii  p.     ([Opinion]   12465.)      [Report  from  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12465 

No.  17311,  Medal  Brick  &  Tile  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  o;f  commission. 
[1927.]  241-243+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12388.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  0.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12388 

No.  1827S,  Murphysboro  Paving  Brick  Company  v.  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road Company;  decided  June  23,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
635-637.     ([Opinion]  12448.)      [From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v,  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12448 

Buffalo,  Rochester  and  PittsMrgh  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6332,  bonds 
of  Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburgh  Railway;  [decided  June  7,  1927;  report 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] +654-656  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  2848.)  [From 
I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  F-2848 

Building  moterials.  No.  18305,  Jackson  Traffic  Bureau  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  and  order  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +744-746+ ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12474.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  0.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12474 

CaMage.  No.  17586,  Leonard,  Crosset  &  Riley  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  portions  of  4th  section  applications  nos.  792-795 ; 
decided  June  2,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  225- 
230+ii    p.     ([Opinion]    12384.)      [Report    from    I.    0.    0.    reports,    v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la :  12384 

Calcium  arsenate.  No.  17807,  Moline  George  Company  v.  New  York  Central 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  15,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  517-518.     ([Opinion]    12426.)      [From  I.  0.   O.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12426 

Hove  to  order  publications — See  Information  following:  Contents 


August,  1927  99 

Canned  food.  No.  15515,  Mobile  Chamber  of  Commerce  &  Business  League  v. 
Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  147-156+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12495.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12495 

Cans.  No.  18015,  Metal  Package  Corporation  of  New  Tork  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  9,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p  301-303.     ([Opinion]  12526.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12526 

Car-coniplings.  No.  7893,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit.  Southern 
Paciiic  Company  v.  United  States,  error  to  district  court  for  district  of  New 
Mexico ;  brief  and  argument  for  defendant  in  error.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+14  p.     t  IC  1.13/1 :  So  8/24 

Carolina  Southern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6275,  securities  of  Carolina 
Southern  Ry. :  [decided  May  27.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
632-636   p.     ([Finance   decision]    2841.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2841 

Cast-iron.  No.  18009,  Virginia  Pig  Iron  Association  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  737-743-fii  p.  ([Opinion]  12473.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12473 

Caterpillar  tractors.  No.  17935,  Holt  Company  of  Texas  v.  Southern  Pacific 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  17,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  555-556.     ([Opinion]  12437.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12437 

Cattle.  No.  17300,  Bragg  &  Millsaps  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [l]-f 238-240  p.     ([Opinion]  12387.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12387 

Cement.  No.  15151,  Oklahoma  Portland  Cement  Company  et  al.  v.  Denver  & 
Rio  Grande  Western  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  19,  1927 ;  [report 
and  orders  of  commission].  [1927.]  63-8S+vii  p.  ([Opinion]  12353.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12353 

No.  16586,  Three  Forks  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burling- 
ton &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  107-121 -fii  p.  ([Opinion]  12490.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12490 

No.   18139,   Carney  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad   Company   et   al. ; 

decided  June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p.  255-256.     ([Opin- 
ion] 12392.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12392 

Chatham  Terminal  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  954,  Chatham  Terminal 
Company;  decided  June  24,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  631- 
688.     (B-556.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-556 

Cherries.  No.  18142,  American  Preserve  Company  v.  Reading  Company  et  al. ; 
[decided  May  20,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]+146-14S  p. 
([Opinion]   12367.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12367 

Chicago  and  Alton  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valua- 
tion docket  no.  851,  Chicago  &  Alton  Railroad  Company,  Joliet  &  Chicago 
Railroad  Company,  Louisiana  &  Missouri  River  Railroad  Company,  Kansas 
City,  St.  Louis  &  Chicago  Railroad  Company,  and  Rutland,  Toluca  &  Northern 
Railroad  Company;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1927.  cover- 
title,  iii+185  p.     }  IC  1  val.  8  :  C  432/13 

Chicago  and  North  Westei-n  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6334,  Chicago  & 
North  Western  equipment  trust  of  1925;  decided  June  10,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  679-682.  ([Finance  decision]  2859.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2859 

How  to  order  publications— See  Information  follo^rlnK  Contents 

JQO  August,  1927 

Chicago,  Indianapolis  and  Louisville  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6284,  bonds 
of  Chicago,  Indianapolis  &  Louisville  Railway ;  decided  May  19.  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  565-567.  ([Finance  decision]  2825.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la :  F-2825 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  and  Pacific  Railway.     Finance  docket   no.  4660,   Rock 

Island  Railway  bonds;  approved  June  8,  1927;   supplemental  order.     1927. 

p.  663.  ([Finance  decision]  2851.)      [From  I.  C.  0.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper, 

5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2851 

Finance  docket  no.  6184,  acquisition  of  line  by  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &     ^ 

Pacific  Ry.  Co.;  [decided  May  27,  1927;  report  of  commission].     1927.     [1]+     M 
610-612   p.     ([Finance   decision]    2837.)      [From   I.   C.   0.   reports,   v.   124.]      "^ 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2837 

Finance   docket   no.   6329,   Rock   Island   equipment-trust  issue   of   1927, 

series  O ;  decided  June  11.  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  675-678. 
([Finance  decision]  2858.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2858 

Chicago,  Springfield  and  St.  Louis  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6270,  notes  of 
Chicago,  Springfield  &  St.  Louis  Railway;  decided  June  9,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  665-667.  ([Finance  decision]  2853.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2853 

China-clay.  No.  18077,  Newton  Falls  Paper  Company  v.  Reading  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  June  20,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  563-565. 
([Opinion]  12440.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12440 

Chippewa  Valley  and  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5483,  deficit  status 
of  Chippewa  Valley  &  Northern  Railway;  decided  June  22,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  691-692.  ([Finance  decision]  2863.)  [From 
L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2863 

Clay.  No.  18058,  United  States  Potters'  Association  et  al.  v.  Akron,  Canton 
&  Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  249-254.  ([Opinion]  12391.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12391 

Coal.  Fourth  section  application  no.  12645,  and  portions  of  nos.  11694,  3236, 
and  3237,  coal  and  coke  from  western  Kentucky,  Alabama,  and  Tennessee ; 
decided  June  29,  1927;  report  [and  4th  section  order  no.  9570]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  197-202+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12501.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12501 

Illinois-Indiana  coal  cases,  no.  16340,  Illinois  Coal  Traffic  Bureau  v.  Alton 

&  Southern  Railroad  et  al. ;  decided  June  14,  1927 ;  [report  and  orders  of  com- 
mission]. [1927.]  265-292 +v  p.  ([Opinion]  12397.)  [Report  from  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12397 

No.  15228,  Board  of  Railroad  Commissioners  of  Iowa  v.  Alton  &  Southern 

Railroad  et  al. ;  decided  June  6,  1927;  [report  and  orders  of  commiasion]. 
[1927.]  293-305+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12398.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12398 

No.  16645,  Harbor  Coaling  Corporation  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
747-753+ii  p.     ([Opinion]    12475.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12475 

No.  17964,  Chicago  Coal  Merchants  Association  v.  Chicago  &  North  West- 
ern Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  17,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  519-520.     ([Opinion]    12427.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   128.] 

*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12427 

No.  17984,  Chadwick  Coal  Yard  Company  et  al.  v.  New  York,  New  Haven 

&  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  165-173 -fii  p.  ([Opinion]  12497.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12497 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTvingr  Contents 

August,  1927  101 

Coal — Continued. 

No.  18574,  Hostler  Coal  &  Lumber  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Pere  Mar- 
quette Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  731-732.     ([Opinion]    12470.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12470 

No.  18618,  John  Paul  Sellers,  doing  business  under  name  of  Citizens  Coal 

Company,  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  263-264. 
([Opinion]  12396.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12396 

Coal-cars.  In  equity,  no.  822,  in  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Kentucky, 
at  London,  Ford  Motor  Company  and  Fordson  Coal  Company  v.  United  States 
and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission ;  brief  of  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission in  reply  to  supplemental  brief  for  plaintiffs.  1927  cover-title.  11  p. 
t  IC  1.13/1 :  F  757/2 

Cotton.  No.  16385,  Mobile  Chamber  of  Commerce  &  Business  League  v.  Ala- 
bama &  Vicksburg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  103-106.  ([Opinion]  12489.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12489 

No.  17737.  Smith-Wilson  &.  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 

Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.    65-74.      ([Opinion]    124S2.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12482 

No.  17809,  F.  H.  Glarner  &  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Southern  Railway 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
75-78.     ([Opinion]  12483.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12483 

Cotton  goods.  No.  18243,  Traffic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Lynchburg, 
Va.,  V.  New  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided 
July  8.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.1  p.  309-311.  ([Opinion]  12529.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12529 

Cottonseed.  No.  16510,  American  Feed  Manufacturers'  Association  et  al.  v. 
Abilene  &  Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  157-164.  ([Opinion]  12496.)  [From  I.  C.  O. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12496 

No.  18087,  George  C.  Speir  &  Company,  Incorporated,  et  al.  v.  Atlanta  & 

West  Point  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  20,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  559-562.  ([Opinion]  12439.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12439 

Cranberries.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2767,  stop  over  in  transit 
on  cranberries  at  points  in  Texas ;  decided  June  7,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion on  reconsideration.  [1927.]  p.  425-^26.  ([Opinion]  12407.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12407 

Creosote  oil.  No.  17518,  Republic  Creosoting  Company  v.  Alabama  Great  South- 
ern Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  20,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  547-550+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12434.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/a  :  12434 

DeKall)  and  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6265,  deficit  status  of  De- 
Kalb  &  Western  Railroad;  [decided  June  4,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +652-653  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2847.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2847 

Demurrage.  No.  18321,  Chas.  S.  Ash  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  27,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +734^736  p.  ([Opinion]  12472.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12472 

No.  18541,  Turner  Lumber  &  Investment  Company  v.  Chicago  &  North 

Western  Railway  Company;  [decided  June  28,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +84-86  p.  ([Opinion]  12485.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12485 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoTrius  Contents 

102  August,  1927 

Demurrage — Continued. 

■ No.   18585    (sub-no.   1),   Cynthiana   Construction   Company  v.   Louisville 

&  Nashville  Railroad  Company;  [decided  June  28,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion!. 1927.  [1] +122-124  p.  ([Opinion]  12491.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12491 

Denver  Union  Terminal  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  822,  Denver  Union 
Terminal  Railway  Company;  [decided  May  20,  1927;  report  of  commission], 
1927.     [1] +498-516  p.     (B-550.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-550 

Drayage.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2850,  absorption  of  drayage 
charges  on  lead  or  zinc  ore  or  concentrates  by  Southwest  Missouri  Railroad ; 
decided  June  7,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  405-414+ 
[1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12404.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reix)rts,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12404 

Dredging  machinei-y.  No.  18249,  Sweet  Brothers  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  17.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
543-544.      ([Opinion]  12432.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12432 

Dried  fruit.  No.  18274.  California  Packing  Corporation  v.  Southern  Pacific 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  23,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
631-632.     ([Opinion]  12446.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12446 

Enamel.  No.  18228,  Tennessee  Furniture  Corporation  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Chicago  Terminal  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  701-702.  ( [Opinion]  12461.)  [Fi'om  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12461 

Erie  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6304,  bonds  of  Erie  Railroad;  decided  May 
27.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  645-649.  ([Finance  decision] 
2844.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2844 

Same;  [approved  June  30,  1927;  supplemental  order].     1927,     [l]+738- 

739  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2878.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2878 

No.  12066,  construction  and  repair  of  railway  equipment,  Erie  Railroad 

Company  (marine  equipment)  ;  decided  July  5,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  323-345.  ([Opinion]  12401.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
*  Paper,    5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12401 

Explo^ivea.  Supplement  3  to  Regulations  for  transportation  of  explosives  and 
other  dangerous  articles  by  freight  and  express  and  as  baggage,  including 
specifications  for  shipping  containers  prescribed  under  act  of  Mar.  4,  1921, 
bindirg  upon  all  common  carriers  engaged  in  interstate  or  foreign  commerce, 
and  upon  all  shippers  making  shipments  via  such  carriers  by  land.  Aug.  1, 
1927.  ii+113  p,  il.  [Contains,  with  Supplements  1  and  2,  all  outstanding 
amendments  to  Regulations  revised,  effective  Jan,  1,  1923.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

IC  1.12/2 :  Ex  7/6/supp.  3 

Flour.  No.  16230,  Ogden  Grain  Exchange  v.  Arizona  Eastern  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  [decided  June  15,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  and  supplemental 
order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+490-492+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12417.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v,  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12417 

Freight-cars.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no,  2873,  furnishing  suitable 
cars  for  loading  flour  and  other  grain  products ;  [decided  June  10,  1927 ; 
report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +442-444+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12412.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  12412 

Freight  rates.  Fourth  section  application  no.  13030,  in  matter  of  4th  section 
departures  resulting  from  changes  in  classification ;  decided  June  29,  1927 ; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  187-196+ii  p.  ([Opinion] 
12500.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la  :  12500 

No.  12798,  Galveston  Commercial  Association  v.  Galveston,  Harrisburg  & 

San  Antonio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  29,  1927;   [report  and 

How  to  order  pnblications — See  Information  foUoTrlns  Contents 

August,  1927  103 

Freight  rates — Continued. 

orders  of  commission  on  further  hearing].  [1927.]  349-404 +vii  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12403.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  lUc. 

IC  1.6/la :  12403 

■     No.  13494.  southern  class  rate  investigation  :  decided  July  19,  1927 :   [3d 

supplemental  report  on  reconsideration].  [1927.]  p.  567-606,  map.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12442.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.     101.6/1:1:12442 

Pacific  Coast  4th  section  applications,   Southern  Pacific.   Santa   Fe,  and 

Union  Paeitic  systems:  decided  June  22.  1927:  [report  and  4th  section  order 
no.  9575  of  commission].  [1927.]  3-24 +v  p.  ([Opinion]  12479.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reiwrts,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12479 

Fruit.  No.  12680.  American  Fruit  &  Vegetable  Shippers  Association  et  al.  v. 
American  Railway  Express  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  7,  1927  ;  [report  and 
order  of  commission  on  further  hearing].  [1927.]  651-662+ii  p.  ([Opinion] 
12453.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la  :  12453 

No.  19130,  California  Growers'  «&  ^^hiiipers"  Protective  League  v.  Southern 

Pacific  Company  et  al. :  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  25-62+vii  p.  ([Opinion]  124S0.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12480 

Fruit  tvrappers.  No.  17482.  Trafiic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Lynchburg, 
Va..  V.  Erie  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +230-232  p.  (  [Oiunion]  12508.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12508 

Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  traii^  service  (charged  to 
operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for  switch- 
ing locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  June,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  6  mouths  ended  with  June.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.30  :  927/6 

Furniture.  No.  14898,  Memphis  Freight  Bureau  et  al.  v.  Alabama  Great  South- 
ern Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  445-465.  ([Opinion]  12413.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12413 

Gasoline.  No.  17036,  Kendall  Refining  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. :  decided  June  7.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commi>sion 
of  reconsideration.  [1927.]  427-430 +ii  p.  ( [Opinion]  12408.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12408 

No.  18273,  Tickers  Petroleum  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. :  decided  June  2,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  205-206. 
([Opinion]  12379.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12379 

Olass.  No.  17287,  American  Window  Glass  Company  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [1] +222-224  p.  ([Opinion]  12383.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12383 

Grain.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2860,  grain  from  Montana  to 
Spokane,  Portland  &  Seattle  Railway  points :  decided  May  26,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  123-128+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12362.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12362 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2864.  grain  between  Sioux  City, 

Iowa,  group  points  and  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  stations  in 
Kansas;  [decided  June  10,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission],  1927. 
[1] +434-438+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12410.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12410 

No.  15026,  Oklahoma  Millers'  League  v.  Alabama  »&  Mississippi  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  17,  1927 ;  report  [and  orders]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  523-537+iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12429.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12429 

Hotv  to  order  publications — See  infonuation  follOTrlngr  Contents 

104  August,  1927 

Oram — Continued. 

No.  17279,  Des  Moines  Board  of  Trade  et  al.  v.  Fort  Dodge,  Des  Moines  & 

Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  [l]+138-146+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12494.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12494 

No.  17366,  American  Grain  &  Hay  Company  et  al.  v.  Illinois  Central 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  225-229+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12507.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  O. 
reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12507 

Oranite.  No.  18266,  John  L.  Dillie  et  al.  v.  Central  Vermont  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  June  23,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  641-643. 
([Opinion]  12450.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12450 

Oravel.  No.  18457,  W.  M.  Spencer  Company  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company;  [decided  June  7,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +346-348+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12402.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12402 

Great  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6252,  construction  and  abandon- 
ment of  lines  by  Great  Northern  Railway  Company ;  decided  June  15,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  685-687.  ([Finance  decision]  2861.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2861 

Giilf  Coast  Lines.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  finance  docket  no. 
3754,  in  matter  of  excess  income  of  Gulf  Coast  Lines ;  reply  brief.  1927. 
cover-title,    ii+79  .p.     %  IC  1.13/2  :  In  2/29 

Oulf,  Mobile  and  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6248,  operation  of 
line  by  Gulf,  Mobile  &  Northern  R.  R.  Co.  and  Jackson  &  Eastern  Ry.  Co. ; 
decided  May  31,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  641-644.  ([Finance 
decision]  2843.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2843 

Hides  and  skins.  No.  18022,  J.  G.  Curtis  Leather  Company  v.  Pennsylvania 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  25,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  627-630.  ([Opinion]  12445.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12445 

Horses.  No.  18461,  Jos.  A.  Maxwell  Sons  Commission  Company  v.  St.  Louis- 
San  Francisco  Railway  Company ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  725-726.  ([Opinion]  12468.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12468 

Indiana  Northern  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6158,  operation  of  line  by 
Indiana  Northern  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  18,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  539-540.  ([Finance  decision]  2818.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2818 

Infusorial  earth.  No.  17784,  Hylonite  Products  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  135-138+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12364.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12364 

Iron.  No.  18439,  Davies  &  Thomas  v.  Central  Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey 
et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commis.sion.  [1927.]  p.  241  [261]-262. 
([Opinion]  12395.)  [The  first  page  is  numbered  incorrectly  241  instead  of 
261.     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12395 

Jacksonville,  Gainesville  and  Gulf  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5862,  acquisi- 
tion of  line  by  Jacksonville,  Gainesville  &  Gulf  Ry. ;  decided  May  27,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  623-631.  ([Finance  decision]  2840.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  F-2840 

Jefferson  Southwestern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  2556,  construction  and 
operation  of  line  by  Jefferson  Southwestern  ;  approved  June  4,  1927 ;  supple- 
mental order.  [1927.]  p.  649-650.  ([Finance  decision]  2845.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2845 

HoTv  to  order  pnblicatlons — See  information  folloTving  Contents 

August,  1927  105 

Kansas  City  Conneetitm  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
valuation  docket  no.  940,  Kansas  City  Connecting  Railroad  Company ;  brief 
in  support  of  tentative  valuation.     1927.     cover-title,  i+60  p.     % 

IC 1  val.  8  :  K 133/4 

Lard  substitutes.  No.  16529,  Texas  Refining  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  & 
Gulf  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  9,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [1] +304-306  p.     ([Opinion]  12527.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12527 

Limestone.  No.  17805,  Colbert  Limerock  Asphalt  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama 
Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  29,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  177-186+iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12499.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1249» 

Linseed-oil.  No.  17838,  American  Linseed  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St. 
Paul  Railway  Company  :  decided  May  28,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  163-166.     ([Opinion]  12371.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12371 

No.  17869,  W.  P.  Fuller  &  Company  v.  Southern  Pacific  Company ;  decided 

June  2,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p.  199-200.     ( [Opinion]  12377.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12377 

Los  Angeles  Junction  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  4505,  construction  and 
operations  of  Los  Angeles  Junction  Ry. ;  approved  June  23,  1927 ;  supple- 
mental order.  1927.  p.  703.  ([Finance  decision]  2868.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2S68 

Louisiana  Railway  and  Naviffation  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  5983,  notes  of 
Louisiana  Railway  &  Navigation  Company ;  decided  June  22,  1927 :  supple- 
mental report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  693-696.  ([Finance  decision] 
2864.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2864 

Louisville  and  Nashnille  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5322,  construction  and 
operation  by  Louisville  &  Nashville  R.  R.  Co. ;  decided  May  26,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  581-598.  ([Finance  decision]  2833.)  [From 
1.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2833 

Luml>er.  No.  17165,  Nivison-Weiskopf  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  233-237+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12386.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a :  12386 

No.  17710,  Edward  Hines  Yellow  Pine  Company  v.  Mississippi  Southern 

Railroad  et  al. :   decided  June  15,   1927;   report  of  commission.      [1927.]    p. 
511-512.      ([Opinion]   12423.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12423 

No.  1S045,  Woodstock  Lumber  Company  et  al.  v.  Bangor  &  Aroostook 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  6.  1927 :  report  of  commission.     [1927.] 
p.  255-261.     ([Opinion]  12516.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  12*).]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12516 

■     No.  18261,  S.  L.  Culler  Lumber  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy 

Railroad    Company  et   al. ;    decided   June   27,    1927 ;    report    of   coraTOission. 
[1927.]     p.   723-724.     ([Opinion]    12467.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  1246T 

No.  18486,  Andersen  Lumber  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  23,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  633-634. 
([Opinion]   12447.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  1244T 

Mali  jong.  No.  17706,  Paraffine  Companies,  Incorporated,  v.  Southern  Pacific 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  7.  1927;  [report]  by  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  421-424.     ([Opinion]  12406.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12406 

Manures.  No.  17919,  Fosse  &  Company  v.  Erie  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided 
June  17,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  553-554.  ([Opinion] 
12436.)     [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  124-36: 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

106  August,  1927 

MarUe.  No.  18351,  Chas.  E.  Clifford  Company  v.  Crystal  River  &  San  Juan 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  June  1,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +182-184  p.  ([Opinion]  12373.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128 
(volume  number  is  incorrectly  given  on  p.  182  as  124).]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12373 

Marinette,  Tomahawk  and  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6291,  deficit 
status  of  Mar'nette,  Tomahawk  &  Western  Railroad ;  decided  June  8,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  669-670.  ( [Finance  decision]  2855.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2855 

Mattresses.  No.  18127,  F.  A.  Hulett  &  Son  v.  Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ; 
decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  201-204.  ([Opinion] 
12378.)      [From- I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12378 

Millet.  No.  17289,  Northrup,  King  &  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  125-130+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12492.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12492 

Misrouting.  No.  17465,  Traffic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commerce  (Lynchburg, 
Va.)  V.  New  York  Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  28,  1927; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  159-162  ([Opinion]  12370.)  [From  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12370 

■    No.   17522,  Traific  Bureau,   Chamber  of  Commerce,   Lynchburg,   Va.,   v. 

Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion on  reconsideration.  [1927.]  p.  497-498.  ([Opinion]  12419.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12419 

Missouri  and  Illinois  Bridge  and  Belt  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  526, 
Missouri  and  Illinois  Bridge  and  Belt  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Apr.  29, 
1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +424^68  p.  (B-547.)  [From  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-547 

Missouri  and  North  Arkansas  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6351,  Missouri  & 
North  Arkansas  receiver's  certificates ;  decided  June  21,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927]  p.  725-727.  ([Finance  decision]  2875.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2875 

Naphtha.  No.  17894,  Virginian  Gasoline  &  Oil  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  24,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  621-626.  ([Opinion]  12444.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12444 

Nevada  Transportation  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6300,  deficit  status  of 
Nevada  Transportation  Co.;  [decided  June  22,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +702-703  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2867.)  [From  I.  C  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2867 

New  Orleans  Public  Belt  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
valuation  docket  no.  893,  New  Orleans  Public  Belt  Railroad;  brief  in  support 
of  tentative  valuation.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+32  p.     t         IC  1  val.  8 :  N  42o/3 

Northern  Pacific  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5595,  abandonment  of  branch  by 
Northern  Pacific  Railway;  [decided  June  25,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
[1927.]  p.  657-662.  ([Finance  decision]  2850.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2850 

Finance    docket    no.    5940,    construction    and    abandonment    of    lines   by 

Northern  Pacific  Railway;  [decided  June  25,  1927;  report  of  commis.sion]. 
1927.  [1] +728-734  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2876.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2876 

Finance  docket  no.  5941,  construction  of  extension  by  Northern  Pacific 

Ry.  ;  decided  May  19,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  547-557. 
([Finance  decision]  2821.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2821 

No.  4621,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term,  1927, 

Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company  v.  Interstate  Commerce  Commission ; 
brief  for  Interstate  Commerce  Commission.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+49  p.     t 

IC  1.13/1 :  N  814/11 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  information  folIOTvlns'  Contents 

August,  1927  107 

Northern  Railroad  of  New  Jersey.  Finance  docket  no.  6345,  bonds  of  North- 
ern Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey ;  decided  June  21,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  717-720.  ([Finance  decision]  2873.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S7a 

Northern  Telegraph  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  953,  Northern  Telegraph. 
Company;  decided  May  2U,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.1  p.  413- 
423.    (B-546.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]    *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  B-546 

Oleomargarln.  No.  16997,  Boreu-Stewart  Company  v.  Gulf,  Colorado  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  14,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  493-496+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12418.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12418 

Oregon  and  California  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6045,  acquisition  of  Ore- 
gon &  California  Railroad  and  Marion  &  Linn  County  Railroad  and  issue  of 
bonds  by  Southern  Pacific  Company  ;  [decided  May  27,  1927  ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +614-622  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  2839.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-283a 

■     Same ;    decided   June   16,     1927 ;     supplemental    report    of    commission. 

[1927.]      p.  6S3-6S5.      ([Finance  decision]    2860.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC1.6/la :  F-2860 

Oregon,  California  and  Eastern  Railway.  Construction  of  railroad  lines  in 
eastern  Oregon,  finance  docket  no.  4730,  construction  of  lines  by  Oregon, 
California  &  Eastern  Ry.  Co. ;  decided  May  11,  1927 ;  2d  supplemental  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  529-538.  ([Finance  decision]  2817.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2817 

Owasco  River  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  979.  Owasco  River  Railway ; 
decided  June  3.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  607-619.  (B-554.> 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-554 

Panhandle  and  Santa-  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6268,  construction  of 
line  by  Panhandle  &  Santa  Fe  Railway ;  decided  June  23,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  711-714.  ([Finance  decision]  2871.)  [ITrom  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S71 

Paper.  No.  16064,  Crown  Willamette  Paper  Company  v.  Western  Transporta- 
tion Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  79-83.     ([Opinion]  12484.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12484 

No.  16389,  Iroquois  Pulp  &  Paper  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  187-192+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12375.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,. 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12375- 

No.  17206,  Kalamazoo  Vegetable  Parchment  Company  v.  Chicago,  Kala- 
mazoo &  Saginaw  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  20.  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  675-686+vi  p.  ([Opinion]  12455.> 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12455 

No.  18020,  Ward  Baking  Company  et  al.  v.  Pennsylvnnia  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
231-232+ii  p.      ([Opinion]    12385.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  TC  1.6/la  :  12385 

No.  18050,  Bakeries  Service  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad 

et  al. ;  decided  .Tune  27,  1927;   report  of  commission.      [1927.]     p.  695-697. 
([Opinion]  12459.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12459 

No.  18114,  Practical  Drawing  Company  v.  Chicago  &  North  Western  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  17,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +540-542    p.      ([Opinion]    12431.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12431 

Peaches.  No.  17909.  Caruso.  Rinella,  Battaglia  Company,  Incorporated,  v. 
Denver  &  Rio  Grande  Western  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  27, 
1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  687-688.  ([Opinion]  12456.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1245© 

HoTtv  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

108  August,  1927 

Peanuts.  No.  17808,  Alton  Mercantile  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  721-722.      ([Opinion]    12466.)      [From  I.  C.   C.  reports,  v.   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12466 

Petrolcmn.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2871,  rates  on  petroleum 
and  its  products  from  Mississippi  Valley  points  to  Canadian  points ;  decided 
June  22,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  545-546+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12433.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12433 

Poles.  No.  16686,  J.  H.  Baxter  &  Company  v.  Southern  Pacific  Company ;  de- 
cided June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  211-214.  ([Opinion] 
12381.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12381 

Port  Angeles  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6165,  construction  of 
extension  by  Port  Angeles  Western  Railroad  Company ;  approved  June  30, 
1927:  order.  1927.  p.  739.  ([Finance  decision]  2879.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2S79 

Prescott  and  Northtoestern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6341,  bonds  of  Pres- 
cott  &  Northwestern  Railroad ;  decided  Juno  30,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  735-737.  ([Finance  decision]  2877.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2877 

Printing-presses.  No.  18037,  Duplex  Printing  Press  Company  v.  British  Colum- 
bia Electric  Railway  Company  et  al.,  [decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +692-694  p.  ([Opinion]  12458.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12458 

Fuchlo  Union  Depot  and  Railroad  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  925,  Pueblo 
Union  Depot  and  Railroad  Company :  decided  May  6,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion.     [1927.]      p.    469-484.      (B-548.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    125.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-548 

Railroad  accidents.  Summary  of  accident  investigation  reports,  no.  32,  Apr.- 
June,  1927;   [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Safety.     1927.     iii+26  p.     [Quarterly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  15c.  a  yr ;  foreign  subscription,  25c. 

L.  C.  card  A  20-942  IC  1  acci.7  :  32 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  Apr.   1927    [and  4 

months  ending  with  Apr.  1927 ;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Apr.  1927. 
[2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.31 :  927/4 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies]  May,  1927;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     [4]  p.  oblong  large  8°     f       IC  1  ste.25 :  927/5 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service 
statistics  representing  171  railways  and  from  146  reports  of  passenger 
service  statistics  representing  166  railways  (switching  and  terminal  com- 
panies not  included),  June  1927  and  1926  [and  6  months  ended  with  June, 
1927  and  1926 ;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.21 :  927/6 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways 

in  United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses 
for  183  steam  railways,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies,  June, 
1927  and  1926  [and]  6  months  ended  with  June,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared 
in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to 
revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.l9  :  927/6 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  roads,  selected 

items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000,  June,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  6  months  ended  with  June,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to 
revision.]     f  IC  1  ste.20 :  927/6 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  foUowingr  Contents 

August,  1927  109 

Railroads- — Coutinued. 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  roads,  selected  items  for  Juue,  1927, 

compared  with  June,  1926,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8"      [Subject   to   revision.]      f  IC 1  ste.22 :  927/6 

Preliminary  abstract  of  statistics  of  common  carriers,  year  ended  Dec. 

31,  1926 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  1927.  28  p.  4°  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  12-10009  IC  1.14:  926 

■ ■    Revenue  traffic  statistics  of  class  1   steam  railways  in   United   States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  153  reports  representing  173 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included.  May,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  5  months  ended  with  May,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  May,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.24  :  927/5 

Rails.  No.  18848,  Rinehart  &  Dennis  Company  v.  Central  of  Georgia  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
247-249.     ([Opinion]   12512.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12512 

Reconsignment.  No.  17897,  J.  R.  Thames  v.  Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ; 
[decided  June  15,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]-f 508-510  p. 
([Opinion]   12422.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12422 

No.  18512,   Louis  Cohen  &   Son   v.   Delaware,   Lackawanna   &   Western 

Railroad  Company ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  727-730.     ([Opinion]  12469.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5e. 

IC  1.6/la :  12469 

Refrigeration.  No.  17875,  Di  Giorgio  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Arizona  Eastern 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  May  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  31-34.  ([Opinion]  12339.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12339 

Retfnoldsville  and  Falls  Creek  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  520,  Reynolds- 
ville  and  Falls  Creek  Haili'oad  Company ;  [decided  May  6,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [l]-f 388-412  p.  (B-545.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-545 

Rock  Island-Frisco  Terminal  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6353,  bonds  of 
Rock  Island-Frisco  Terminal  Railway ;  [decided  June  29.  1927 :  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +740-742  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2280  [2880].) 
[The  Finance  decision  number  on  this  publication  is  printed  incorrectlv  as 
2280.    From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2880 

Rolls  {iron  mills).  No.  18733,  Brennan  &  Corrigan,  Incorporated,  r.  Chicago 
&  Alton  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  23,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  643-644.  ([Opinion]  12451.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12451 

Rosin  dross.  No.  19020,  Western  Paper  Makers  Chemical  Company  v.  Atlantic 
Coast  Line  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +244-246  p.  ([Opinion]  12389.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12389 

Salt.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2414,  salt  between  western  and 
southwestern  points;  decided  June  7,  1927;  supplemental  report  [and  sup- 
plemental orders]  of  commission.  [1927.]  431-433+ivi  p.  ([Opinion] 
12409. )     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.        IC  1.6/la  :  12409 

No.   17536,  rates  and  minimum   weights  on  salt  within   Ohio ;   decided 

June    14,    1927:    rei^ort    of    commission.      [1927.]      p.    499-504.      ([Opinion] 
12420.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12420 

San  Antonio  and  Aransas  Pass  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5869,  construction 
of  extension  by  San  Antonio  &  Aransas  Pass  Railway  Company ;  approved 
May  27,  1927;  amendatory  order.  1927.  p.  613.  ([Finance  decision]  2838.) 
[From  L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  F-2838 

HoTV  to  order  pablieations — See  information  following:  Contents 

110  August,  1927 

San  Benito  and)  Rio  Grande  Valley  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6176,  con- 
struction of  extension  by  San  Benito  &  Rio  Grande  Valley  Ry.  Co. ;  decided 
May  27,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  637-640.  ([Finance  deci- 
sion] 2842.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  F-2842 

Sand.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2851,  sand  from  Pleasant  Lake, 
Ind.,  to  Gary,  Ind.,  Chicago,  111.,  and  related  destinations;  decided  June  10,. 
1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  43^441+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12411.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12411 

No.  18827,  Harding  Glass  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  Company 

et  al. ;  [decided  June  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.     1927.     [1] +754-756  p. 
([Opinion]  12476.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12476 

Saratoga  and  Encampment  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  975,  Saratoga  and 
Encampment  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  20.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  485-497.     (B-549.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  6-549" 

SawtniU  machinery.  No.  18505,  West  Florida  Lumber  Company  v.  Georgia, 
Florida  &  Alabama  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] +62-64  p.  ([Opinion]  12481.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12481 

Seaboard-All  Florida  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5041,  construction  of  east 
coast  lines  by  Seaboard-All  Florida  Railway ;  approved  June  6,  1927 ;  supple- 
mental order.  1927.  p.  656.  ([Finance  decision]  2849.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2849 

Sheffield  and  Tione^ita  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6299,  deficit  status  of 
Sheftield  «&  Tionesta  Railway;  [decided  June  8,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +668-669  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2854.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2854 

Shoe  last  blocks.  No.  18100,  E.  W.  Jackson  r.  Michigan  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  [and  order  J  of  commission.  [1927.] 
235-241+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12510.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12510 

Shooks.  No.  18425,  Sbelvin-Hixon  Company  v.  Oregon-Washington  Railroad  & 
Navigation  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  23,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  565-566.     ([Opinion]    12441.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12441 

Smelting.  No.  17771,  Bunker  Hill  &  Sullivan  Mining  &  Concentrating  Company 
V.  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +242-246  p.  ([Opinion]  12511.)  [Fi'om  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12511 

South  Omaha  Terminal  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6086.  acquisition  of  line 
by  South  Omaha  Terminal  Railway ;  decided  June  22,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  721-725.  ([Finance  decision]  2874.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2874 

Spokane,  Portland  and  Seattle  Railway.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, valuation  dockets  nos.  896  and  240.  in  matter  of  tentative  valuations 
of  properties  of  Spokane,  Portland  &  Seattle  Railway  Company  and  Oregon 
Trunk  Railway ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuations.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+139,p.     t  IC  1  val.8  :  Sp  65 

Steel.  No.  17979,  Tx'aflSc  Bureau.  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Lynchburg,  Va.,  v. 
Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  18,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  557-558.  ([Opinion]  12438.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12438 

No.  18683,  Louis  Cohen  &   Son  v.  Central   Railroad  Company  of  New 

Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p.  1-2. 
([Opinion]  12478.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12478 

Hctv  to  order  publications — See  information   folloT»-ins:   Contents 

August,  1927  HI 

steel — Continued. 

No.  1S7U6,  Illinois  Steel  Bridge  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2S,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.    87-89.     ([Opinion]    12486.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12486 

Stone.  No.  14472,  Dolese  Brothers  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  ou 
further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  471-17S.  ([Opinion]  12415.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12415 

•  No.  18259,  Ziegler  Brothers  v.  St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway  Com- 
pany; decided  June  2,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.J  p.  257-258. 
([Opinion]  12393.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12393 

Store  fixtures.  No.  17564,  National  Show  Case  Company  v.  Seaboard  Air  Line 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  193-198.     ([Opinion]  12376.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12376 

Strawberries.  No.  18004,  Lutz  &  Schramm  Company  v.  Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  17,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   521-522.     ([Opinion]    12428.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.    128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12428 

Straivioard.  No.  16825,  United  Paperboard  Company  et  al.  v.  Aberdeen  & 
Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  131-137.  ([Opinion]  12493.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.'o/ la  :  12493 

Sugar.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2743,  sugar  between  Louisiana 
and  Texas  points;  decided  June  6.  1927;  [report  and  orders  of  commission]. 
[1927.]  309-322+iv  p.  ^Opinion]  12400.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12400 

Sugar  Land  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6297,  deficit  status  of  Sugar  Land 
Railway;  [decided  June  8,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [IJ +664-665 
p.     ([Finance  decision]  2852.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2S52 

Swine.  No.  12386,  North  Packing  &  Provision  Company  et  al.  v.  director  general, 
as  agent,  New  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company,  et  al. ; 
[decided  July  5,  1927 ;  report  and  order  of  commission  on  further  considera- 
tion]. 1927.  [1] +306-308+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12399.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12399 

No.  16542,  California  Dressed  Beef  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 

&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  24,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  607-020 +iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12443.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12443 

Sidtching  charges.  No.  15770,  Federal  Match  Corporation  v.  Great  Northern 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  7,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  fur- 
ther hearing.  [1927.]  p.  415-420.  ([Opinion]  12405.)  [From  I.  C.  C 
reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12405 

No.  17782,  Sanzone-Palmisano  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  16,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  515-516.     ([Opinion]  12425.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12425 

Talc.  No.  17754,  Sewall  Paint  &  Glass  Company  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chi- 
cago &  St.  Louis  Railway  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commission 
[1927.]     p.  247-248.      ([Opinion]    12390.)      [From  I.  C.   C.  reports,  v.   128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12390 

Tanning  extract.  No.  17406.  Tennessee  Extract  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Louisville 
&.  Nashville  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  27,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  709-714+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12464.)  [Report 
from  L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12464 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTFing  Contents 

112  August,  1927 

Tin-plate.  No.  18315,  McKeesport  Tin  Plate  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p,  259- 
260.     ([Opinion]  12394.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12394 

Toledo,  Peoria  and  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6012.  acquisition  and 
operation  by  Toledo,  Peoria  &  Western  Railroad  Corporation ;  decided  June 
22,  1927  ;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  707-710.  ( [Finance 
decision]  2870.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2870 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  34),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device  of  General 
Railway  Signal  Company  on  portions  of  Mohawk  and  Syracuse  divisions  of 
New  York  Central  Railroad:  [decided  June  27.  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [l]-f-662-675  p.     ([Opinion]  12454.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12454 

Same:  no.  13413   (sub-no.  35),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  Union  Switch  &  Signal  Company  on  Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie  division  of 
Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie  Railroad  ;  decided  June  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  93-102.      ([Opinion]   12488.)      [From  L  C.    C.    reports,    v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12488 

Trans-Florida  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6242.  stock  of  Trans- 
Florida  Central  R.  R. ;  decided  June  22,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   699-701.      ([Finance   decision]    2866.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2866 

Union  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6343,  bonds  of  Union  Pacific  Rail- 
road ;  decided  June  21,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  715-716. 
([Finance  decision]  2872.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2872 

Upper  Merion  and  Pli/mouth  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6266,  deficit  status 
of  Upper  Merion  &  Plymouth  Railroad ;  decided  June  4,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  651-652.  ([Finance  decision]  2846.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2846 

Washington  and  Choctato  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6234,  abandonment  of 
line  by  Washington  &  Choctaw  Railway  Company ;  decided  June  9,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  673-674.  ([Finance  decision]  2857.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2857 

Western  Maryland  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5989,  bonds  of  Western  Mary- 
land Railway ;  decided  June  22,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  697- 
699.  ([Finance  decision]  2865.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]  *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2865 

Western  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6198.  construction  of  branch  by 
Western  Pacific  R.  R. ;  approved  May  19,  1927 ;  amendatory  order.  1927. 
p.  567.  ([Finance  decision]  2826.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2826 

Wharfage.  Notice  [Aug.  19,  1927],  no.  12681,  in  re  charges  for  wharfage,  han- 
dling, storage,  and  other  accessorial  services  at  Atlantic  and  Gulf  ports. 
[1927.]  4  p.  [This  notice  extends  further  hearings  to  include  south  Atlantic 
and  Gulf  ports  and  sets  proceeding  for  same  for  some  time  in  Oct.  or  Nov. 
1927.]     t  IC  1.2  :  W  55/2 

Wichita  Union  Terminal  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  141,  Wichita  Union 
Terminal  Railway  Company;  decided  June  10,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  619-630.     (B-555.)      [From  I.  O.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-555 

Wire.  No.  18119,  New  York  Insulated  Wire  Company  v.  New  York,  New  Haven 
&  Hartford  Railroad  Company;  [decided  June  27,  1927;  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +698-700+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12460.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  128.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12460 

Ho-w  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTving  Contents 

August,  1927  113 

Wood-pulp.  No.  16S41.  International  Paper  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Rail- 
road et  al. :  [decided  June  13.  1927:  rep>^rt  and  order  of  commission].  1927. 
ri]-r46f>-470-r[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12414.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
128.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12414 

Wool.  No.  13540,  Boston  Wool  Trade  Association  r.  Boston  &  Albany  Railroad 
Company  et  al. :  decided  Ju!.e  1.  1927 :  report  of  commission  on  fnrther  hear- 
ing. [1927.]  p.  185-186.  ([Opinion]  12374. j  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
12S.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6  la :  12374 

Wrotiffht-iron.  No.  17296,  Hyman-Michaels  Company  v.  director  general,  as 
agent,  Cleveland.  Cincinnati.  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company,  et  al. ; 
decided  June  27.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1C»27.]  p.  6-S9-691.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12457.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  rep- rrs.  v.  128.]     'Paper.  5c.       IC  1.6/ la  :  124.57 


Arkansas  Wholesale  Grocers  Association.  No.  312.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct. 
term,  1927.  Arkansas  Wholesale  Grocers  Association  et  al.  v.  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
8th  circuit :  brief  for  Federal  Trade  Commission  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  14-7  p.     i  J  1.13  :  Ar  48  5 

Armstrong.  Roiert  B.  No.  316.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927.  Robert  B. 
Armstrong  and  John  M.  Parker  r.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  brief  for  L'nited  States 
in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i-r-16  p.     i  J  1.13 :  Ar  58 

Atlantic  Gulf  Oil  Corporation-  Xo.  B-150.  in  Court  of  Claims,  Atlantic  Gulf 
Oil  Corporation  r.  United  States :  motion  by  United  States  for  additional 
findings  of  fact  and  for  new  trial  and  brief.  1927.  cover-title,  i— 3279- 
3365  p.     $  J  1.13  :  At  63  42 

Austin  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-205.  Austin  Company  f.  United 
States;    defendant's    brief.     [1927.]     p.    253-280.     ?  J  1.13 :  Au  77  3 

Bauman,  Abraham.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-1132.  Abraham  Bauman  r. 
United    States:    brief  for   United    States.     [1927.]     p.    Sl-SG.     1 

J  1.13  :  B  327  2 

Brodtj.  S.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-66.  S.  Brody  t\  United  States:  defend- 
ant's request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  101-109.     J 

J  1.13  :  B  785/2 

Cambridge  Loan  and  Building  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-10S3, 
Cambridge  Loan  and  Building  Company  r.  United  Stares  :  defendant's  motion 
for  new   trial.     [1927.]     p.   1-22.     ?  J  1.13 :  C 144.  10 

Chicago  and  Xorthicestern  RaihcGy.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  I>-411.  Chicago 
and  Northwestern  Railway  Company  v.  United  States :  defendant's  amended 
counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  31-33.     ?  J  1.13 :  C  43  118 

Circuit  Court  of  Appeals.  Rules  of  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  New 
Orleans,  La.     Revised  July  1.  1927.     1927.     vi-l-21  p.     v  J  l.S :  C  49  3 

Cox.  Earl  J.  Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals.  5th  circuit,  no. 
5117,  United  States  versus  Julia  W.  Cox.  guardian  of  Earl  Jonah  Cox.  n.  c.  m., 
error  to  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Texas.  1927.  cover-title,  i-i- 
22  V-     t  J  1.13  :  C  839  S 

Cripple  Creek  and  Colorado  Springs  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-345. 
Cripole  Creek  &  Colorado  Springs  Railroad  Company  i*.  Unitetl  States;  brief 
for  defendant.     [1927.]     p.  39-52.     1  J  1.13 :  C  SO-S 

Crook.  Robe7-t  L.  No.  302,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1027.  Robert  L.  Crook 
and  Daniel  H.  Chri^tman  t».  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposi- 
tion.    1927.     cover-title,  i+11  p.     i  J  1.13 ;  C  SS2  5 

How  to  order  pTibllcatlons— See  information  folloTting:   Contents 

114  August,  1927 

Day,  Edgar.  No.  317,  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term.  1927,  Edgar  Day  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th 
circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+13  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  D  33 

District  Courts.  Rules  of  district  court  for  district  of  Colorado,  adopted  Jan. 
4,  1912,  amended  to  Nov.  4,  1926  [including  Bankruptcy  rules,  edition  Dec. 
1925].     1927.     [l]+33  p.     t  J  1.8 :  C  71/2 :  927 

Rules  of  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Tennessee,  in  force  July  1, 

1927.     1927.     vi+36  p.     t  J  1.8 :  T  25/2/927 

Rules  to  govern  practice  in  district  court  for  southern  district  of  Ohio. 

1927.     vii+30   p.     t  J  1.8:  Oh  a 

Standing  orders  of  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Tennessee,   in 

force  July  1,  1927.     [1927.]     22  p.     t  J  1.8  :T  25^927 

Exchange  National  Bank  of  SpoTcayie.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court  of  State  of 
Washington,  appeal  from  superior  court  of  Spokane  County,  Jostph  B. 
Lindslev.  judge.  Exchange  National  Bank  of  Six)kane  [et  al.]  v.  United 
States  r  appellant's  brief.     1927.     cover-title,  ii +36  p.     t  J  1.13:  Ex  24 

Fleischmann  Construction  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1327.  Francis 
L.  Kohlman,  trustee  of  Fleischmann  Construction  Company,  bankrupt  cor- 
poration, V.  United  States ;  defendant's  reply  brief  to  plaintiff's  motion  for 
new   trial.     [1927.]     p.   271-274.     t  J  1.13 :  F  628/3 

Fort  Dodge,  Des  AToines  and  Soutliern  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H- 
270,  Fort  Dodge,  Des  Moines  &  Southern  Railroad  Company  v.  United 
States;   demurrer   [and   brief].     [1927.]     p.   48-65.     t  J  1.13 :  F  775/9 

Frank,  L.,  d  Son  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  333-A,  E.  M.  Oberndorfer, 
as  liquidator  of  L.  Frank  &  Son  Company,  x\  United  States ;  defendant's 
domurrer  to  5th  amended  petition,  filed  July  6,  1927  [and  defendant's  memo- 
randum brief  in  support  of  its  demurrer  to  5th  amended  petition].  [1927.] 
p.  1-2.     t  J  1.13  :F  851/5 

Fritzel,  Mike.  Nos.  305  and  306,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Mike  Frit- 
zel  V.  United  States:  "William  R.  Rothsteiu  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  writs 
of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  brief  for  United 
States.     1927.     cover-title,    i-f38   p.     t  J  1.13  :F  919 

Goltra,  Edward  F.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1003,  Edward  F.  Goltra  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  reply  to  plaintiff's  motion  for  new  trial.  [1927.]  p. 
207-217.     t  J  1.13  :  G  584/9 

Graij.  William  S.,  &  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-182,  "William  S.  Gray  & 
Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  motion  for  new  trial  [and  brief]. 
[1927.]     p.  1-11.     t  J  1.13 :  G  795/3 

Eardioare  Underirriters.  No.  C-1277.  in  Court  of  Claims.  Hardware  Under- 
writers and  National  Hardware  Service  Corporation,  attorney  in  fact  and 
trustee,  v.  United  States;  brief  on  behalf  of  defendant.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii-fl-76  p.     t  J  1.13  :H  222/4 

King,  James  E.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-255,  James  E.  King  [et  al.]  v. 
United  States;  demurrer   [and  brief].     [1927.]     p.  1-21.     t         J  1.13 :  K  583 

La  Mare,  Chester.  No.  310,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Chester  La 
Mare  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i-f  8  p.     J  J  1.13  :  L 161/8 

Lasher,  Mrs.  Georgeine  S.  No.  F-57,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Georgeine  S.  Lasher 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  1927. 
cover-title,  i-t-47-68  p.     t  J  1.13  :  L  334/2 

ios/i's  Products  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-412,  Lash's  Products 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  19-34.     t  J  1.13  :L  334/3 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  inforiuation  folloTringr  Contents 


August,  1927  115 

Lesselyoung,  Siynon  P.  No.  323.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct  term,  1927,  Simon  P. 
Losselyoung  r.  United  Stares,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  Sth  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,   i+14  p.     t  J  1.13  :L  566 

[Avingston,  Thomas  M.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-105,  Thomas  M.  Livingston 
V.  United  States:  defendant's  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  17-18.     % 

J  1.13  :  L  762/4 

McKenzle  Construction  Company,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  A- 
330,  McKenzie  Construction  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  United  States ;  de- 
fendant's exceptions  to  commissioner's  findings,  and  request  for  additional 
findings,  defendant's  statement  of  case  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  151-16S.     t 

J  1.13  :  M  199/7 

Morris,  Monty.  No.  379,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Monty  Morris  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  verit  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  Sth  circuit :  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+14  p.    $  J  1.13  :  M  833/2 

New  Brunswick,  N.  J.  No.  260,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  New  Bruns- 
wick, municipal  corporation,  William  G.  Howell,  treasurer  of  New  Bruns- 
wick, and  William  G.  Howell,  tax  collector  of  New  Brunswick,  v.  United 
States  and  Housing  Corporation,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondents.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+14  p.     t  J  1.13  :  N  42b 

New  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railway.  Transcript  of  record,  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  Sth  circuit,  no.  5152,  United  States  vs.  New  Orleans.  Texas  & 
Mexico  Railway  Company  and  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company, 
error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Louisiana.  1927.  cover-title, 
iii+74  p.    t  J  1.13  :  N  420/5 

Nichols,  John  W.  T.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-81,  George  Nichols  and  Mary  B. 
Nicholis  [Nichols],  as  executors  of  John  W.  T.  Nichols,  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  and  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  103-113.     t  J  1.13  :  N  517/4 

Norfolk  and  Western  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-267.  John  H.  Ed- 
wards, jr.,  for  use  and  benefit  of  Norfolk  and  Western  Railway  Company,  v. 
United  States  and  Norfolk  and  Western  Railway  Company ;  demurrer  [and 
brief  on  demurrer].     [1927.]     p.  7-14.     t  J  1.13  :  Ed  96/2 

Pape,  Eugene  K.  No.  308,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Eugene  K.  Pape, 
by  Elsie  Wilson  Pape,  his  guardian  ad  litem,  v.  United  States,  on  petition 
for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit :  brief  for 
United  States  in  opposition.    1927.    cover-title,  i+14  p.    t  J  1.13  :  P  197/2 

Portsmouth  Harbor  Land  and  Botel  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  34452, 
Portsmouth  Harbor  Land  &  Hotel  Company  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's brief  opposing  plaintiffs'  motion  for  new  trial.    [1927.]    p.  281-294.   t 

J  1.13  :  P  838/14 

Rausch,  John  P.,  Company,  Incorporated.  No.  303,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Paul  Villere,  trustee  of  John  P.  Rausch  Co.,  Inc.,  bankrupts,  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Sth 
circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+8  p.  t 

J  1.13  :  R 193 

Read,  Henry  T.  No.  4559,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan. 
term,  1927,  Hubert  Work,  Secretary  of  Interior,  and  William  Spry,  commis- 
sioner of  General  Land  Oflice,  v.  Henry  T.  Read,  by  J.  Harrington  Edwards, 
attorney  in  fact,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia ;  brief 
for  appellants.    1927.    cover-title,  i +29  p.  ?  J  1.13  :R  22/3 

Searl,  Clinton  M.  No.  307,  in  Supreme  Cpurt,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  ex 
relatione  Clinton  M.  Searl  v.  Thomas  E.  Robertson,  commissioner  of  patents, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia ; 
brief  for  Thomas  E.  Robertson,  commissioner  of  patents.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+10  p.    ?  J  1.13  :  Se  17/4 

Hofv  to  order  pnblicatlons — See  information  foUoTvlns  Contents 

116  August,  1927 

steam,  George  W.  No.  353,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  George  Westcott 
Stearn,  R.  W.  AVarren,  and  S.  T.  Kent  Oliver  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for 
writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4tli  circuit ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+10  p.     t  J  1.13:  St  31/8 

Tidewater  Coal  Exchange,  Incorpo^-ated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-185,  Tide- 
water Coal  Exchange,  Inc.,  corporation  of  Delaware,  in  dissolution,  by  Charles 
A.  Owen,  Howard  Adams,  James  E.  Manter,  receivers,  v.  United  States ;  de- 
murrer   [and    brief].      [1927.]      p.    17-28.      $  J  1.13  :T  439 

Williams,  Joseph,  S.     No.  356,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  Joseph   S.    , 
Williams  et  al.  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court    ' 
of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+H  p. 
t  J  1.13  :  W  673/5 



Maternity.  Promotion  of  welfare  and  hygiene  of  maternity  and  infancy,  ad- 
ministration of  act  of  Nov.  23,  1921,  fiscal  year  1926;  [by  Blanche  M.  Haines]. 
1927.  vi+95  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Bureau  publication  178.)  [Includes  list  of 
Children's  Bureau  publications  and  exhibits  on  maternal,  infant,  and  child 
welfare  and  hygiene.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.   C.   card   L24-145  L  5.20  :  178 

Statures  and  weights  of  children  under  6  years  of  age;  by  Robert  Morse  Wcod- 
bury.     [Reprint  with  slight  changes]  1927.     117  p.  il.  4  tab.     (Bureau  pub- 
lication 87.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  21-27493  L  5.20:  87 


Employment   agencies.     Monthly  report   of   activities   of   State   and   municipal 
employment  services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  July,  1927. 
1927.     iv+12  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  927/7 

Industrial  employment  information   hulletin,  July,  1927;  v.  7,  no.  7.     [1927.] 
24  p.  r     [Mon.hly.l     t 
L.   C.   card   L  21-17  L  7.8:  927/7 


Cotton  goods.     Wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  cotton-goods  manufacturing,  1910- 
26.     July,   1927.     iii-|-49+iv  p.     (Bulletin   446;   Wages   and   hours   of  labor 
series.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.   C.   card  L  18-12  L  2.3  :  446 

Same.     (H.  doc.  794,  69th  Cong.  2d  .sess.) 

Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,  July,  1927.     1927.     [1]+19 
p.  il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9:  927/7 

Health  of  working  boys  in  New  York  City,  [by  lugo  Galdston ;  summary]. 
1927.  [1] +48-50  p.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination 
48-50.    From  Monthly  labor  review,  July,  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  B  712 

Iron.  Wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  iron  and  steel  industrj^  1907-26.  June, 
1927.  iv-l-192-fv  p.  (Bulletin  442;  Wages  and  hours  of  labor  series.) 
*  Paper,  30c.  a 

L.  C.  card  L  14-82  L  2.3  :  442  • 

Same.     (H.  doc.  788,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Labor  offices  [and  officials]  in  United  States  and  in  foreign  countries.  1927. 
[l]-}-198-219  p.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  198-219. 
From  Monthly  labor  review,  July,   192T.]      t  L  2.6/a3 :  927 

How  to  order  publications — See  inforxnatiou  follotvingr  Contents 

August,  1927  .  117 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  25,  no.  2 ;  Aug.  1927.     1927.    viii+239  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi. 
[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  225-463.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
single  copy.  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6  :  25/2 

Special  articles. — Low  earnings  of  unskilled  labor  in  T'nited  States.— Vocational 
education  for  farm  children. — Public  service  retirement  systems  :  Pennsjlvania. — Inter- 
national competition  in  labor  conditions  and  maintenance  of  labor  standards ;  by 
Leifur  Magnusson. — Incidental  cost  of  accidents  to  employer  ;  by  Herbert  W.  Ueinricli. — 
Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor,  June,  1927  ;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwin. — Statistics 
of  immigration,  May,  1927  ;  by  J.  J.  Kunna. 

NoxE. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for  bulletin 
purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal  court 
decisions  affecting  labor,  w!'ich  from  their  importance  should  bo  aiven  attention  before 
they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One  free  sub- 
scription will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  compensatiou 
commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor  laws  and 
organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics.  Others 
desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington, 
D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Oionersliip.  Selected  bibliography  :  Employee  stock  ownership  in  United  States  ; 
[compiled  by  Laura  A.  Thompson].  1927.  [1] +214-223  p.  [This  publication 
bears  also  the  volume  pagination  1366-75.  From  Monthly  labor  review.  June, 
1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  St  62 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail;  Cost  of  living.  1927.  [1] +157-215  p.  il. 
[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  381-439.  From  Monthly 
labor  review,  Aug.  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  2  :  927/8 

Wholesale    prices    of    commodities    for    July,    1927.      1927.      [1]+10    p. 

[Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8  :  927/7 

Safety  codes.  Safety  code  for  rubber  mills  and  calenders.  International  Associa- 
tion of  Industrial  Accident  Boards  and  Commissions  and  National  Safety 
Council,  Rubber  Section,  sponsors ;  recommended  American  practice,  approved 
Mar.  1927,  [by]  American  Engineering  Standards  Committee.  June,  1927. 
v+ll+vi  p.  il.  (Bulletin  447;  Safety  code  series.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-332  L  2.3  :  447 

Same.     (H.  doc.  802,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Wool.    Wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  woolen  and  worsted  goods  manufacturing, 
1910-26.    Jul  J',  1927.    iii+44+v  p.     (Bulletin  443 ;  Wages  and  hours  of  labor 
series.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  18-15  L  2.3  :  443 

Same.     (H.  doc.  791,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Industrial  accidents  to  women  in  New  Jersey,  Ohio,  and  Wisconsin ;  [by  Kath- 
leen Jennison  and  Elisabeth  Benham].    1927.     vii+316+ii  p.     (Bulletin  60.) 
*  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  L  24-331  •  L  13.3 :  60 

Vegetable  canneries.    Women's  employment  in  vegetable  canneries  in  Delaware; 
[by  M.  Loretta  Sullivan  and  Ethel  Erickson].     1927.     v+47+ii  p.     (Bulletin 
62.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-333  L  13.3  :  62 



Copyright.  [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1.  groui)  1,  Books, 
V.  24]  no.  54-67;  Aug.  1927.  Aug.  1-31,  1927.  p.  745-904.  [Issued  several 
times  a  week.] 

L.  C.  card  6-35347  L  C  3.6/1 :  24/1-54  to  1-67 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books  ;  pt.  1, 
group  2,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc..  lec- 
tures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 

Ho-*v  to  order  publications — See  infer juatlon  follo'iTing'  Contents 

118  August,  1927 

Copyright — Continued. 

tures  ;  pt.  2.  to  periodicals  ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  re- 
productions of  a  work  uf  art,  drawings  of  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  char- 
acter. pli(  touraphs,  prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  he  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
I'rices  are  as  follows:  Paper.  $3.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.),  foreign  suhscription,  $5.00;  pt.  1 
(groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  ct  py  (group  1,  price  of  group  2  varies),  $1.00  a  yr., 
foreign  subscription,  $2.25  ;  pt.  3,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  pts.  2  and 
4,  each  10c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  70c. 

Same,  pt.  1,  .group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  com- 
position.s.  maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  2.  1927.  iv+ 191-365  p. 
[  Monthly.  ]  L  C  3.6/1 :  24/2-2 

Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

I)eriodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  com- 
positions, maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  3.  1927.  iii+367-616  p. 
[Monthly.]  L  C  3.6/1 :  24/2-3 

Same,   pt.   3,   Musical   compositions,   v.   22,   no.   5.     1927.     v+485-593   p. 

[Monthly.]  L  0  3.6/3:22/5 

Copyright  law  of  United  States,  act  of  Mar.  4,  1909,  in  force  July  1,  1909, 

as  amended  by  acts  of  Aug.  24,  1912,  Mar.  2,  1913.  Mar.  28,  1914,  and  July  3, 
1926 ;  with  Rules  for  practice  and  procedure  under  sec.  25,  by  Supreme  Court, 
[and]  with  act  of  Dec.  18,  1919.  [Edition  of]  June,  1927.  1927.  1-34b+ 
35-40a+41-68a+ 69-80  p.     (Bulletin  14.)     t 

.  L.  C.  card  12-35200  L  C  3.3 :  14/34 


Government  puhlications.    Account  of  Government  document  bibliography  in 

United  States  and  elsewhere  [with  bibliographies]  ;  by  James  B.  Childs. 
1927.     39  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26008  L  C  7.2  :  G  74 

State  publications.     Monthly  check-list  of   State  publications  received  during 
May,  1927 ;  v.  18,  no.  5.     1927.     p.  249-295.     *  Pai^er,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  10-8924  L  C  7.6 :  927/5 


Air  force  tests  of  Sperry  Messenger  model  with  6  sets  of  wings  [with  list  of 
references]  ;  by  James  M.  Shoemaker.    1927.    cover-title,  20  p.  il.  4°     (Report 
269.)     [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26846  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/269 

Flight.  Three  methods  of  calculating  range  and  endurance  of  airpFanes  [with 
list  of  references];  by  Walter  S.  Diehl.  Reprint  1927.  cover-title.  18. p.  11. 
4°  (Report  234.)  [Prepared  by  Aeronautics  Bureau,  Navy  Department. 
Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Report  234  originally  published 
May,  1926.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-2&45S  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/2.34-2 

Fuselages.  Tests  on  airplane  fuselages,  floats,  and  hulls;  by  "Walter  S.  Diehl. 
Reprint  [with  changes]  1927.  cover-title,  22  p.  il.  4°  (Report  236.)  [Pre- 
pared by  Aeronautics  Bureau,  Navy  Department.  Text  and  illustration  on 
p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Report  236  originally  published  June,  1926.]  *  Paper, 
15c.  , 

L.  C.  card  26-26634  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/23&-2  ( 

Liquids.     Investigation  of  coefficient  of  discharge  of  liquids  through  small  round 
orifices;  by  W.  F.  Joachim.     Reprint  1927.     cover-title,  10  p.  il.  4"     (Report 
224.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.     Report  224  originally 
published  Mar.  1926.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26213  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/224-2 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTvingr  Contents 

August,  1927  119 

'Propellers.  Comparison  of  tests  on  air  propellers  in  flight  with  wind  tunnel 
model  tests  on  similar  forms  [with  refereuce]  ;  by  W.  F.  Duvand  and  E.  P. 
Lesley.  Reprint  1927.  e':iver-title,  29  p.  il.  4°  (Report  220.)  [Text  and 
illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Report  220  originally  published  Mar. 
1926.]  *  Paper.  15c, 
L.  C.  card  26-26334  T  3.N  21/5 :  5/220-2 

Tests  on  13  Na%T  type  model  propellers;  by  "W.  F.   Durand.     Reprint 

1S27.     cover-title,  17  p.  il.  4°     (Report  237.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2 

and  3  of  cover.    Report  237  originaUy  published  Oct.  1926.]     *  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  26-27572  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5,  237-2 

duplications.     List  of  reports,  with  prices.     Edition,  July  1,  1927.     1927.    cover- 
title.  iii+29  p.   12*     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26S74  Y  3.N  21/5  :  2R29/927 

leport.     Aeronautics.  12th  annual  report  of  National  Advisory  Committee  for 
Aeronautics,    [fiscal  year]    1926,  including  Technical  reports  233-256.     1927. 
ix+631  p.   il.  4°      [Each   report  is   also  published   separately   in   advance.] 
♦Paper,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  16-26395  Y  3.X  21/5 : 1/926-2 

Contexts. — 12tli  annual  report. — Report  233.  Aerodynamic  characteristics  of  7 
frequently  used  wing  s<?ctions  at  full  Reynolds  number  :  by  Max  M.  Muiik  and  Elton 
W.  Miller. — Report  234.  Three  methods  of  calculating  range  and  endurance  of  air- 
planes [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Walter  S.  Diehl. — Report  235.  Interaction  between 
air  propellers  and  airplane  structures  ;  by  W.  F.  Duraud. — Report  236.  Tests  on  air- 
plane fuselages,  floats,  and  hulls ;  by  Walter  S.  Diehl. — Rep.irt  237.  Tests  on  13  Navy 
type  model  propellers ;  by  W.  F.  Durand. — Report  23S.  Effect  of  flight  path  inclina- 
tion on  airplane  velocity ;  by  Walter  S.  Diehl. — Report  239.  Power  output  and  air 
requirements  of  2-stroke  cycle  engine  for  aeronautical  use  I  with  references  and  biblio- 
graphy] ;  by  C.  R.  Paton  and  Carlton  Kemper. — Report  240.  Xomenclature  for  aero- 
nautics.— Report  241.  Electrical  characteristics  of  spark  generators  for  automotive 
ignition  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  R.  B.  Brod?.  D.  W.  Randolph,  and  F.  B.  Silsbee. — 
Report  242.  Characteiistics  of  twin-float  seaplane  during  take-off  [with  references  and 
bibliography]  ;  by  John  W.  Crowley,  jr.,  and  K.  M.  Ronan. — Report  243.  Prelimin.iry 
study  of  fuel  injection  and  compression  ignition  as  applied  to  aircraft  engine  cylinder 
[with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Arthur  W.  Gardiner. — Report  244.  Aerodynamic  charac- 
teristics of  airfoils,  4.  continuation  of  Reports  93.  124.  and  1S2. — Report  245.  Meteero- 
logical  conditions  along  airways  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  W.  R.  Gregg. — Report  246. 
Tables  for  calibrating  altimeters  and  computing  altitudes  based  on  standard  atmos- 
phere [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  W.  G.  Brombacher. — Report  247.  Pressure  of  air 
on  coming  to  rest  from  various  speeds  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  A.  F.  Zahm. — 
Report  24S.  Corrosion  of  magnesium  and  of  magnesium  aluminum  alloys  containing 
manganese  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  J.  A.  Boyer.- — Report  249.  Comparison  of 
take-off  and  landing  characteristics  of  number  of  service  airplanes  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  Thomas  Carroll. — Report  250.  Description  of  X.  A.  C.  A.  universal  test 
engine  and  some  test  results  [with  references  and  bibliography]  ;  by  Marsden  Ware. — 
Report  251.  Approximations  for  column  effect  in  airplane  wing  spars  [with  list  of 
references]  ;  by  Edward  P.  Warner  and  Mac  Short. — Report  252.  Direct  measurement 
of  engine  power  on  airplane  in  flight  with  hub  type  dynamometer  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] :  by  W.  D.  Gove  and  M.  W.  Green. — Report  253.  Flow  and  drag  formulas  for 
simple  quadrics  [with  list  of  references]  :  by  A.  F.  Zahm. — Report  254.  Distribution  of 
pressure  over  model  of  upper  wing  and  aileron  of  Fokker  D-Vll  airplane  [with  refer- 
ences and  bibliography]  ;  by  A.  J.  Fairbanks. — Report  255.  Pressure  distribution  over 
airfoils  at  high  speeds  ;  by  L.  J.  Briggs  and  H.  L.  Dryden. — Report  256.  Air  forces  on 
systematic  series  of  biplane  and  triplane  cellule  models  [with  lists  of  references]  ; 
by  Max  M.  Munk. 


Oourt-martiaJ  order  6.  1927:  June  30,  1927.     [1927.]     16  p.  12"     [Monthly.]     i 

X  1.14:  927  0 

Orders.     General  order  165  [6th  series]  :  July  11.  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.  4"     t 

X  1.13  '6 :  165 

exgixt:erixg  bureau 

Boiler  feed-tcater.  Instructions  for  care  and  test  of  boiler  feed  water  and  for 
oi)eration,  care,  and  repair  of  feed  water  apparatus :  reprint  of  chapter  6  of 
Manual  of  engineering  instructions  [with  corrections].  1927.  [1]— 33  p.  il. 
[Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1  and  3  have  been  incorporated  in  this  re- 
print. The  edition  of  the  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of  which  this 
chapter  forms  a  part  has  not  yet  been  issued.]     *Paper.  10c. 

X  19.8/2  :  6  1  'rev. 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  inforiuation  folloTviiig  Contents 

120  August,  1927 

Marine  engineering.  Manual  of  engineering  instructions :  chapter  6,  Boiler  feed 
water  and  feed-water  apparatus  [with  corrections]  ;  June  1,  1927.  [1927.1 
[l]-f33  p.  il.  [Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1  and  3  have  been  incorpo- 
rated in  this  reprint.  Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.  This 
chapter  has  also  been  issued  in  pamphlet  form  with  the  title  Instructions  for 
care  and  test  of  boiler  feed  water  and  for  operation,  care,  and  repair  of  feed 
water  apparatus,  for  which  see  above.]     *Paper,  10c.        N  19.8/2  :  6 /1-2/rev. 


Orders.     Marine  Corps  order  7[1927]  ;  July  19,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4"     t 

N  9.9, ''2  :  927/7 

Hospital  Corps  quarterly.  Supplement  to  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin 
published  for  information  of  Hospital  Corps  of  Navy,  Oct.  1927,  v.  11,  no.  4 : 
edited  by  C.  L.  Oliphant  and  C.  P.  Dean.  1927.  vi 4-239-327  p.  il.  4  pi.  4  p.  of 
pi.  [Title  on  cover  is:  Hospital  Corps  quarterly.]     *Paper,  25c. 

N  10.11/2 :  11/4 

Special  articles. — Pharmacy  under  naval  government ;  by  E.  F.  Aron. — I-iving 
conditions  in  Guam  ;  by  G.  H.  Blackinun. — Hill  clinics  in  Haiti ;  by  B.  E.  Kirwan. — 
Reminiscences  of  isolated  duty  at  Cape  Hatteras  ;  by  M.  B.  Folb. — Hypodermic  injec- 
tion as  taught  at  Pharmacist's  Mates  School,  Portsmouth,  Va.  ;  by  D.  E.  L.  Snyder. — 
Visit  of  Virginia  nurses  to  Pharmacist's  Mates  School,  Portsmouth,  Va. ;  by  W.  H. 
MacWilliams. — Hospital  Corps  material ;  by  E.  G.  Dickinson. — Electrocardiography ; 
by  J.  C.  Meserve. — Preparation  of  arsenic-free  zinc  and  sulphuric  acid  ;  by  P.  T.  Rees. — ■ 
Notes   on   history   of  embalming;    hy   O.    W.   Arnesen. — Index,    v.    11,    1927. 


Jutland;  by  H.  H.  Frost  and  G.  J.  Hazard.     5th  War  College  edition.   Sept. 

1926,  revised  June,  1927.  1927.  [2] +57  p.  il.  4"  [Consists  of  diagrams 
based  on  official  sketches  and  figures  of  the  Battle  of  .Tittland.  There  is  no 
text  to  accompany  the  publication  other  than  that  given  with  the  sketches 
and  explanatory  of  them.]     % 

L.  C.  card  27-26071  N  15.2 :  J  98/927 


Educatimi.  A  to  N,  information  on  subjects  which  all  hands  must  know  for 
advancement  in  rating,  course  in  subjects  A  to  N  in  15  assignments,  prepared 
by  Training  Division,  assignments  1-4,  A  to  D.  1927.  ii+50  p.  (Navy  train- 
ing courses. )     t  N  17.25 :  R  18/3/assi.  1-^ 

Naval  Acadctny,  Annapolis.  Examination  papers  for  admission  to  Naval  Acad- 
emy, Annapolis,  Md.,  regular  examination  series  40-4G,  48-62,  substantiating 
examination  series  1-6,  Feb.  1918-Apr.  1927.  1927.  67  p.  t  Naval  Academy. 
L.  C.  card  8-35154  N  12.8/1 :  927 

Regvilations  governing  admission  of  candidates  into  Naval  Academy  as 

midshipmen,  June,  1927.  1927.  ii+30  p.  il.  [Text  on  verso  of  front  cover.]  t 
L.  C.  card  7-32069  N  12.7  :  927/2 

Naval  Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps.  Regulations  for  administration  and 
training,  Naval  Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps.     Revised  [edition].     June  1, 

1927.  iv+31  p.     %  N  25.7: 927 

Navy  directory,  officers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps,  including  officers  of  Naval 
Reserve  Force  (active),  Marine  Corps  Reserve  (active),  and  foreign  officers 
serving  with  Nav.v.  July  1,  1927.  1927.  iii+266  p.  [Quarterly.]  *  Paper, 
25c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10.  N  1.24  :  927/3 

Sailors.     Instructions  for  apprentice  seaman,  course  in  20  assignments,  assign- 
ments 9-13,  Manual  of  arms,  School  of  squad.  School  of  platoon.  Physical  drill  i 
with  arms,  Boats  under  oars.    1927.     [1]     (Navy  training  courses.)  t  " 

N  17.25  :  Se  1/6/assi.  9-13 

Same,  assignments  14-20,  To  pull  an  oar.  Knots,  Compass,  Visual  signals, 

Swimming,  Opportunities  in  Navy.  Aboard  ship.  1927.  [l]+49  p.  il.  1  pi. 
(Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  Se  1/6/assi.  14-20 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

August,  1927  121 

Shipfitters.  Instructions  for  nonrated  men  in  preparation  for  rating  of  ship- 
fitter  3c,  course  in  10  assignments  prepared  by  Bureau  of  Navigation  with 
assistance  of  Bureau  of  Construction  and  Repair,  assignments  1-3,  Rating 
i-equirements,  duties  of  petty  officer,  Aritliraetic,  General  information  about 
ships,  types  of  ships.     1027.     [l]+46  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.2o  :  Sh  6/5/assi.  1-3 

Same,  assignments  4-6,  Materials  used  in  ship  construction,  C.  &  R.  pip- 
ing, Pipefltting.     1927.     [l]+46  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.25  :  Sh  6/5/assi.  4-6 

Steam  enffineerinff.  Syllabus  for  lectures  on  destroyer  steam  engineering ;  pre- 
pared for  Naval  Reserve  by  H.  F.  Nisseu.  1927.  iv+97  p.  il.  2  pi.  (Navy 
training  courses. )     t  N  17.25  :  D  47 

Teachmg.  Suggestions  on  methods  of  instruction  [for  use  of  officers  and  petty 
officers  who  may  be  called  upon  to  instruct  men  for  advancement  in  rating]  ; 
by  C.  N.  Smith.     1927.     [l]+24p.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.25  :  In  7/2 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydi'ographic  Office  are  sold 
)y  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  iit  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
leaports  and  .American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
md  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  buUetin.s,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
lupplied  free  on  application  at  t^e  Hydrograph  c  Othce  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
)fflces  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
3alveston,  San  Francivco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  .luau,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port, 
r'anama  Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
ind  Euluth. 

Hydrofjraph'G  bulletin,  weekly,  no.  1978-82;  Aug.  3-31,  1927.  1927.  Each  1  p.  f 
and  large  4°  [For  Ice  supplements  to  accompany  nos.  1978-82,  see  below 
under   center  head    Charts   the  subhead   Ice  J     t  N  6.3: 1978-82 

Lights.  List  of  lights,  with  fog  signals  [including  uniform  time  system]  : 
V.  4,  British  Islands,  English  Channel,  and  North  Sea  ;  corrected  to  June  1, 
1927.   1927.    ii+442  p.  map.    ([Publication]  33.)    t   Paper,  60c.   N 6.8:  33/927 

Same :  v.  0,  Baltic  Sea,  with  Kattegat,  Belts  and   Sound,   and   Gulf  of 

Bothnia;  corrected  to  June  1,  1927.     1927.     ii+426  p.  map.      ([Publication] 
35.)      t     Paper,   60c.  N  6.8: 35/927 

Notice  to  aviators  8,  1927;  Aug.  1  [1927].  [1927.]  2  p.  12"  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  6.25  :  927/8 

Notice  to  mariners.  Index  to  Notices  to  mariners,  nos.  1-26,  1927.  1927.  [1]  + 
37  p.     t  N  6.11 :  927/1-26/ind. 

Notice  to  mariners  32-35,  1927;  Aug.  6-27  [1927].     [1927.]      [xxxviii]  + 

928-1068   leaves.      [Weekly.]     t  N  6.11 :  927/32-35 

PuUications.     General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts  and  books;  corrected  to 
July  1,  1927.    1927.     xvi4-250  p.  28  maps,  large  8°     t 
L.    C.    card    27-26884  N  6.5:  927 

Radio  aids  to  nairgation,  including  details   of  radiocompass   stations,   radio- 
beacons,  weather  bulletins,  storm  and  navigational  warnings,   time  signals, 
etc. ;  corrected  to  July  1,  1927,  Notice  to  mariners  27,  1927.    1927.    viii+414  p. 
il.  2  maps.     ([Publication]  205.)     t     Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26895  N  6.8:  205/927 

Tide  caleiidars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Sept.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  927/9 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.],  Sept.  1927.     [1927.] 

[2]   p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  927/9 

Aviation  charts 

BaJfimore-Washington-Norfolk ;  aviation  chart  "V-050001.  Scale  10  naut.  m.= 
1.5  in.,  10  Stat.  m.=1.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec. 
1925,  2d  edition,  Apr.  1926.  22.4X10.2  in.  [The  margins  are  illustrated 
making  the  outside  measurements  of  this  sheet  28.2X16.5  in.]     t     20c. 

N  6.27 :  V-a50001 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoTviug:  Contents 

122  August,  1927 

New  ForZi^-Philadelphia ;  aviation  chart  V-040301.  Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in., 
10  Stat.  m.=1.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.  19.8X14.2 
in.     t     20c.  N  6.27 :  V-040301 

PJiiladelpMa-T^orto^k;  with  inset,  Chesapeake-Delaware  Canal;  aviation  chart 
V-050402.  Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  m.=1.3  in.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  Feb.  1927.     31.2X12  in.     t     20c.  N  6.27 :  V-050402 


Africa.  West  coast  of  Africa,  Sierra  Leone  River  to  Cape  Mount  Bay,  com- 
piled from  latest  information ;  with  inset,  Gallinas  River,  Sierra  Leone ; 
chart  2344.  Natural  scale  1:287,566  at  lat.  7°  40'.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Jan.  1908,  4th  edition,  July,  1927.  30.2  X  41.2  in. 
t     60c.  N  6.18 :  2344 

Australia,  north  and  east  coasts.  Booby  Island  to  Cape  Grenville,  with  portions 
of  Barrier  Reefs  and  Raine  Inland  entrance,  from  British  surveys  between 
1843  and  1923 ;  with  inset,  Raine  Island  entrance,  from  British  survey  in 
1843  and  1844 ;  chart  3467.  Natural  scale  1 :  292,415  at  lat.  11°.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  June,  1925,  2d  edition,  July,  1927.  25  9X47.3  in. 
t     50c.  N  6.18  :  3467 

Dairen  Naiko,  Dairen  Wan,  Kwantung  Peninsula,  China,  from  Japanese  survey 
in  1915,  with  additions  from  South  Manchurian  Ry.  Co.  survey  in  1921  and 
1924;  chart  5537.  Scale  2000  yds.=6.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:10,406.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  July,  1927.     20.7X25.7  in.     f  20c.        N  6.18:  5537 

Honshu.  Plans  on  north  coast  of  Honshu,  Japan ;  chart  5539.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  1927.     26.1X19.9  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18:  5539 

Oma  Wan,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1921. 
Sai  Ko,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1907. 

Ice.  Ice  supplement  to  Hydrographic  bulletin ;  issue  226.  Scale  1°  long.=0.3  in. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office  [1927].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydro- 
graphic  bulletin  1978,  Aug.  3,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2:  226 

•     Same;    issue  227.     Scale  1°    long.=0.3   in.     Washington.    Hydrographic 

Office  [1927].    8.9X11  8  in.     [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  1979,  Aug. 
10,1927.]     t  N  6.3/2:  227 

Same;   issue  228.     Scale  1°    long.=0.3   in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1927].    8.9X11.8  in.     [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  1980,  Aug. 
17,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2:  228 

Same;   issue  229.     Scale   1°    long.=0.3   in.     Washington,    Hydi-ographic 

Office  [19271.    8.9X11.8  in.     [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  1981.  Aug. 
24,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2:  229 

Siime;   issue  230.     Scale   1°    long.=0.3   in.     Washington,   Hydrographic 

Office  [1927].    8.9X11.8  in.     [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  1982,  Aug. 
31,  1927.]     t  N  6.3/2  :  230 

Mcrgui  Archipelago.  Southern  part  of  Mergui  Archipelago,  Burma  and  Siam, 
Baj^  of  Bengal,  Sayer  Is.  to  Loughborough  I.,  from  Indian  Government  surveys 
between  1828  and  1911  [with  insets]  :  chart  3752.  Natural  scale  1 :  292.816 
at  lat.  9°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  June,  1927.  31.6X20.5  in. 
t  30c.  N  6.18 :  3752 

Renong  (Ranawng)  Anchorage,  Pakchan  River,  from  survey  by  E.  6.  Carre  in  1909. 
Victoria  Point  Hbr.,  Pakchan  River,  from  survey  by  L.  J.  Glendenning  in  1911. 

Peru.    Anchorages  on  coast  of  Peru;  chart  1171.     Washington,  Hydrographic! 
Office,  published  Nov.  1889,  14th  edition,  July,  1927.     12.2X14.2  in.     t  20c. 

N  6.18 :  1171 

Chicama,  Puerto  (Malabrigo  Road),  from  Peruvian  Govt,  chart  of  1923. 
Huanape  Islands,  from  French  plan  of  1873. 
Huanchaco  Road,  from  British  survey  in  1836. 
Pacasmayo  Road,  from  British  surveys  in  1836  &  1880. 

HoTT  to  order  pnltllcatlons — See  information  folloT^ing  Contents 

August,  192T  123 

lot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Sept.  1927 ;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long. =0.7  in.  Washington,  Hj'drographic  Office,  Aug.  15,  1927. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24:  927/9 

NOTH. — Contains  on  reverse :  Fog  at  sea  ;  by  Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 

—  Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Oct.  1927  ;  chart  2603.  Scale  1°  long. =0.2  in. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  15,  1927.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     t  lOe. 

N  6.17 :  927/10 
Note. — This  chart  is  accompanied  by  a  2d  sheet  carrying  the  balance  of  the  text 
matter  entitled  Correlation  of  static  with  atmosphere  as  aid  to  navigation,  communica- 
tions, engineering,  which  is  continued  from  the  reverse  of  the  Pilot  chart. 

—  Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  Sept.  1927;  chart  1400.  Scale  1° 
long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  15,  1927.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  927/9 

Note. — Contains    on    reverse :    Navigational    examples    [of   observations    of    celestial 
bodies  for  determining  line  of  position]. 

—  Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific  Ocean,  Oct.  1927;  chart  1401.  Scale  T 
long.=0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  15,  1927.  23.7X35.3  in. 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     t  10c.  N  6.16:  927/10 

Note. — Contains   on    reverse :   Tropical   storms  of   eastern   north   Pacific   Ocean ;   by 
Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 

''ujillo  Bay,  Honduras,  Central  America,  compiled  from  latest  information ; 
chart  5389.  Scale  naut.  m.=3  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  24,000.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  May,  1923,  3d  edition,  July,  1927.  23.5X25.2 
in.     t  20c.  N  6.18 :  5389 

raga  Ko,  Tokyo  Kaiwan,  Honshu,  south  coast,  Japan,  from  Japanese  survey 
in  1923  and  1924;  chart  5331.  Scale  500  yds.=6  in.,  natural  scale  1:3.033. 
Washington,   Hydrographic   Office.   July,   1927.     25.8X20.3  in.     1 20c. 

N  6.18 :  5331 


merican  nautical  almanac,    [calendar]   year  1929.     1927.     x+166  p.  1  pi.  2 

maps.     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.   card  7-35404  N  11.6 :  929 


^oster]  295.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York.  Aug.  1,  1927.] 
14X17  in.  [Title  is:  Not  interfering  but  ready,  naval  vessels  on  watch  at 
Hankow.]     t  N  17.23/1 :  295 


upply  Corps,  Nav^.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply 
Corps,  commanding  officers,  and  commandants  300;  Aug.  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
p.  10094L-109+ leaves  10l09a-h,  12"  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of 
changes  in  Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     t  N  20.7/1 :  300 


Manual.  Changes  in  Manual  of  Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks  [Navy  Depart- 
ment, pertaining  to  public  works  and  public  utilities  of  Navy,  1923],  no.  2; 
May  11,  1927.  [1927.]  iii  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  para- 
graphs, chapter  24,  and  index  to  Manual  to  be  inserted  in  their  proper  places 
in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  reprinted  paragraphs,  etc..  is 
found  on  p.  iii  of  Changes  2  here  catalogued  (certain  paragraphs  not  listed 
there  are  also  included).]     t  N 21.9/1 :  923/ch.2 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  Information  foIloTrlngr  Contents 

124  August,  1927 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handboolis,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  5^2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
IS  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  tor 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following. 
sub.iects :  Agriculture ;  Education  ;  finance,  industry,  and  commerce ;  Public  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  scries  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each, 
series ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5e.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington, 
I).  C. 

Archaeology.  Summary  of  archaeological  work  in  the  Americas  in  1926,  pub- 
lished by  Pan  American  Union  in  compliance  with  resolution  of  5th  Inter- 
national Conference  of  American  States  for  Preservation  of  Archaeological 
Remains.  [1927.]  [l]+19-f[l]  p.  il.  (American  archaeology  no.  2.) 
t  Paper,  5c.  AR  1.20 :  2: 

Contents.- — 1,  Work  in  United   States  ;  by  A.  V.  Kidder. — 2,  In  South  America  ;  by 
J.  Alden  Mason. — 3,  In  Mexico  and  Central  America  ;  by  S.  G.  Morley. 

Asuncion,  Paraguay's  interesting  capital;    [by  Wm.  A.  Reid].     [Sun  Book  & 

Job  Printing  Office,   Inc.,  Baltimore]    1927.  30+ [2]   p.  il.  '(American  city 
series  no.  16  A. )     t  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  CD  27-6  AR  1.31 :  16-A 

Bulletin  {Englis\li  edition).    Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  Aug.  1927;   [v. 
61,  no.  8].     [1927.]     iv-|- 741-848  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For  price,  see  note  above- 
under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  S-30967  AR  1.6 :  e  61/8 

Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  pt.  8,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

{Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Agosto,  1927,. 

edigao   portuguesa ;    [v.   29,    no.    8].     [1927.]     iv+543-618    p.    il.     [Monthly. 
For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6  :  p  29/8 

(Spanish   edition).     Boletin    de   la   Union    Panamericana,    Agosto,   1927, 

seccion  espaiiola ;  [v.  61,  no.  8].     [1927.]     iv+775-S82  p.  il.,    [Monthly.     For 
price,  see  note  above  umfler  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6 :  s  61/8 

Calendar.  Importance  of  calendar  reform  to  business  world ;  [by  George  East- 
man]. [1927.]  [1]+12+[1]  p.  il.  [From  Bulletin,  July,  1927.  From  Na- 
tion's business,  May,  1926.]     t  AR  1.6/a  :  C  12a/3. 

•     Same.     [1927.]     [1]+12+[1]  p.  il.     (Pan  American  miscellany  no.  8.)     f 

AR  1.27  :  e  8 

Same,   Spanish.     [1927.]      [1]-|-14  p.   il.     (Miscelanea  panamericana  no. 

2.)      [Del  Boletin  de  la  Unifin  Panamericana,  Agosto,  1927.]     t  Paper,  5c. 

AR  1.27 :  s  2 

Character.     Influencia  de  las  emociones  y  reacciones  infantiles  en  la  forma- 

cion  del  carficter ;   [por  Charles  H.  Judd].     [1927.]     ii+8+[l]   p.     (Educa- 

cion  no.  32,  Agosto  de  1927.)      [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Agosto, 

1927.]     t    Paper,  5c. ;  .subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 

AR  1.13  :  s  32 

Coffee.     Algunos  aspectos  del  cultivo  del  caf6 ;  [por  T.  B.  McClelland].     [1927.] 

ii+14    p.    il.     (Agricultura    no.   31,    Ago.sto    de    1927.)      [Del    Boletin    de   la 

Union  Panamericana,  Agosto,  1927.]     t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12 

issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  s  31 

Ecuador    [foreign   trade  of  Ecuador  for   1925  and  1926]    latest   reports  from 

Ecuadorean  official   sources.     [1927.]     [l]+6  p.  (Foreign  trade  series  no. 
29,  1927.)     t                                                                                                                          , 

L.  C.  card  23-6433  AR  1.19 :  29 

Geography.  O  espirito  do  ensiuo  da  geographia  modernu ;  [por  Edwin  H. 
Reeder].  [1927.]  ii+8+[l]  p.  (Bducagao  no.  16,  Ago.sto  de  1927.)  [Do 
Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Agosto,  1927.]  f  Paper,  5c.;  subscription 
price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  p  16- 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  following-  Contents 

August,  1927  125 

Illegit'knacy.  Service  social  coui  paes  solteiros  e  seus  filhos;  [por  Katharine 
F.  Lenroot].  [1927.]  ii+7+[l]  p.  (iSaude  publica  e  bem-estar  infantil 
no.  16,  Agosto  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan- Americana,  Agosto, 
1927.]     t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 

AR  1.15  :  p  16 

Latin  American  foreign  trade  in  1925.  1927.  42  p.  il.  (3d  Pan  American  Com- 
mercial Conference,  Special  publications  for  use  of  delegates  no.  1.)     t 

AR  1.30/3 :  5/1 

Mexico  as  industrial  nation;   [by  Hector  Lazo].     [Sun  Book  &  Job  Printing 

Office,  Inc.,  Baltimore]     1926.     16  p.  il.  (Industrial  series  no.  1.)     f  l*aper, 

L.  C.  card  27-26903  AR  1.32 : 1 

Mexico  City,  city  of  palaces;   [by  Wm.  A.  Reid].     [Sun  Book  &  Job  Printing 
Office.    Inc.,  Baltimore]    1927.     32  p.  il.      (American  city  series   no.   13  A.) 
t  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  CD  27-5  AR  1.31 :  13-A 

Pan  American  Commercial  Conference.  3d  Pan  American  Commercial  Con- 
ference, Pan  American  Union,  Washington,  D.  C,  May  2-5,  1927,  proceedings, 
with  appendix  containing  conclusions  of  2d  Pan  American  Standardization 
Conference,  held  at  Washington,  May  9-11,  1927.  [Sun  Book  &  Job  Print- 
ing Office,  Inc.,  Baltimore,  Md.,  1927.]  327  p.  3  pi.  20  p.  of  pi.  t 
L.  C.   card  27-18036  AR  1.30/3:  927 

Publications.  Recent  publications  of  special  interest,  n.  p.  [1927].  [4]  p. 
narrow  8°     t  AR  1.2  :  P  96/7 

Tuberculosis.  La  enfermera  en  la  lucha  familiar  contra  la  tuberculosis;  [por 
Alta  Elisabeth  Dines].  [1927.]  ii+7-|-[l]  p.  (Salud  publica  y  puericultura 
no.  32,  Agosto  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericiina,  Agosto, 
1927.]     t  Paper,  5c.;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 



Note. — .Although  The  Panama   Canal  makes  ifs  reports  to,  and  is  under   the  supervi- 
sion of,   the   Secretary   of  War,   it  is  not  a   part  of  the   War   Dt-partmout. 

Panama  Canal  record.  Panama  Canal  record,  v.  20,  no.  52 ;  Aug.  3,  1927. 
Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z.   [1927].     p.  673-680.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-3532S  W  79.5  :  20/52 

Note. — The  j'early  subscription  rate  of  the  Pnnama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  .$1.00  forciyn  (single  issues  2c. j,  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus,  Members  of  Congress,  reprfsentatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trad",  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  wod  "domestic"  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  tlie  Virgin  Islands.  Subscrijitions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  othei-wise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  Office,  The 
Panama  Canal.  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be   accepted. 

Same,  v.  21.  no.  1-4;  Aug.  10-31,  1927.     Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z.    [1927]. 

p.  1-54.     [Weekly.]  W  79.5  :  21/1-4 


Supplies.  Circular  [proposals  for  supplies]  1822,  1S27-2S :  Aug.  8-31,  1927. 
[1927.]     various  paging,  f'     t  W  79.11/6: 1822,  etc. 


Foreign  mail  service.  Important :  Statistics  of  foreign  mail  transactions ;  [is- 
sued by]  2d  assistant  Po.stmaster  General.     Aug.  25,  1927.     1  p.     t 

P  3.2  :  F  76 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  follotTing-  Contents 

126  August,  1927 

Insured  mail.  New  method  of  filiug  receipts  for  insured  parcels  delivered,  for- 
warded, or  returned  at  all  offices  of  1st  class;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant 
Postmaster  General.     Aug.  22,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  f     t  P  4.2 :  In  7/6 

Packing  of  insured  parcels,  for  Great   Britain   and   Northern   Ireland; 

[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Aug.  26,  1927.  1  p.  narrow 
r     t  P  4.2 :  G  79 

Money-07-ders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Aug.  1,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/124 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  9,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/125 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  17,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/126 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  Genei-al. 

Aug.  19,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/127 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  20,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/128 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  23,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  f  °     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/129 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  25,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/130 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Aug.  29,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :M  74/131 

Postage-stamps.  Improper  use  of  air-mail  stamps ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant 
Postmaster  General.     Aug.  27,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24"     t  P  4.2 :  St  2/17 

Postal  l)ulletin,  v.  48,  no.  14449^75;  Aug.  1-31,  1927.  1927.     various  paging, 

f"  [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.00 
a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  postal  guide,  4th  series^  v.  7,  no.  2 ;  Aug. 
1927,  monthly  supplement.  1927.  cover-title,  63  p.  il.  [Includes  Changes 
1-31  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts 
292-296  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of  1924. 
Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with  supplements,  $1.25, 
foreign  subscription,  $1.75 ;  July  issue,  $1.00 ;  supplements  published  monthly 
(11  pamphlets)  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/2 

Raihvay  mail  pay.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  docket  no.  9200, 
railway  mail  pay,  in  matter  of  application  of  New  England  lines  for  increased 
rates  of  railway  mail  pay ;  petition  of  Postmaster  General  for  reopening 
proceedings  herein  in  order  that  Post  Office  Department  may  submit  certain 
relevant  and  material  new  evidence.     1927.     cover-title,  4  p.     $ 

P  1.2  :  R 13/22 

Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  docket  no.  9200,  railway  mail 

pay,  in  matter  of  reexamination  of  rates  for  transportation  of  United  States 
mail  by  railroad  companies  represented  by  their  committee  on  railway  mail 
pay,  in  matter  of  reexamination  of  rates  for  transportation  of  United  States 
mail  by  short-line  railroads ;  petition  of  Postmaster  General  for  reopening 
proceedings  herein  in  order  that  Post  Office  Department  may  submit  certain 
relevant   and   material   new   evidence.     1927.     cover-title,   4  p.     $ 

P  1.2  :R  13/23 

8team;Jioats.     Schedule   of  steamers   appointed   to   convey  mails  from   United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Aug.  1927.     July  21,  1927.     1  p.  f°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.    (subscription 
price  incorrectly  given  on  publication). 
L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5 :  927/8 

Same,  Sept.  1927.    Aug.  24,  1927.      1  p.  f     [Monthly.]  P  8.5: 927/9 

HoTt-  to  order  publications— See  Information  folloTvlngr  Contents 

August,  1927  127 

railway  mail  service 

Mail-trains.  Schedule  of  mail  traius,  no.  462,  July  26,  1927,  3tl  division,  Rail- 
way  Mail  Service,  comprising  District  of  Columbia,  Maryland,  North  Carolina, 
Virginia,  and  West  Virginia  (except  peninsula  of  Maryland  and  Virginia). 
1927.     156  p.  narrow  8"     t  P  10.12/3  :  462 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  heen  preparing  rural- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting' from 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  iu  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue  for  February,  1927,  page  639. 

Rural  mail  delivery.  Price  list  of  rural  delivery  county  maps,  July  1,  1927. 
1927.     1  p.  narrow  ft  P  11.7  :  927 


California.  Executive  order,  California  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in 
California  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  township].  Aug.  1, 
1927.     1  p.  r     (No.  4699.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  C  128/38 

Coast  Guard.  Executive  order  [amending  Executive  order  of  Dec.  5,  1925, 
relating  to  punishments  in  Coast  Guard,  so  that  any  naval  prison  or  naval  sta- 
tion may  be  designated  as  place  of  execution  of  sentence  of  Coast  Guard  court 
involving  imprisonment  or  confinement].  July  28,  1927.  1  p.  f^  (No. 
4697.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  C  631/4 

Consuls.  Executive  order  [amending  Regulations  for  consular  service,  1896, 
by  canceling  certain  paragraphs  and  amending  paragraph  concerning  tariff 
of  ofiicial  fees  as  regards  service  rendered  outside  of  consular  office  at  request 
of  private  individuals].    Aug.  8,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4701.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  C  766/16 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order  [prescribing  rules  and  regulations  for  oi^era- 
tion  of  foreign  service  retirement  and  disability  system].  [July  25,  1927.] 
4  p.  f°     ([No.  4696.])     t  Pr  30.5 :  F  761/6 

Government  Island.  Executive  order  [transferring  administrative  control  over 
Government  Island,  situated  between  Oakland  and  Alameda,  Calif.,  to  War 
Department].     Aug.    10,    1927.     1   p.   t"     (No.   4703.)     t         Pr  30.5 :  W 195/4 

Eaivaii.  Executive  order  [restoring  to  its  previous  status  for  use  of  Hawaii, 
land  at  Wailua,  Puna,  island  of  Kauai,  set  aside  for  military  purposes  by 
Executive  order  of  Apr.  21,  1927,  subject  to  rights-of-way  set  forth  in  order]. 
[July  4,  1927.]      [2]  p.  map,  t"     ([No.  4684.])     t  Pr  30.5 :  H  31/22 

Indians.  Executive  order  [providing  that  trust  period  on  allotments  to  Nez 
Perce  Indians  in  Idaho,  which  expires  during  calendar  year  1927,  be  extended 
for  period  of  10  years].     July  22,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4694.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  N  499 

Matansas,  Fort.  Executive  order  [transferring  portion  of  Fort  Matanzas  mili- 
tary reservation,  Fla.,  to  Department  of  Agriculture  as  refuge  for  birds]. 
Aug.  10,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4704.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  B  532/11 

National  forests.  Executive  order,  lookout  station,  near  Siuslaw  National  For- 
est, Oreg.  [temporarily  withdrawing  land  in  Oregon  from  settlement,  etc., 
for  use  by  Forest  Service  as  lookout  station  in  protection  from  fire  of  national 
forest  and  other  timbered  lands  in  vicinity].  Aug.  5,  1927.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4700.)     t  Pr  30.5:  Si  91 

Nevada.  Executive  order,  Nevada  [withdrawing  tract  of  unsurveyed  land  in 
Nevada  from  settlement,  etc.,  for  use  by  Department  of  Commerce  as  air  mail 
beacon  site].     Aug.  10,  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4702.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Ai  71/3 

Ho'w  to  order  publications — See  informatioit  folloTcingr  Contents 

|2g  August,  1927 

Utah.  Executive  order,  Utah  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in  Utah  from 
settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  township],  July  25,  1927.  1  p.  t" 
(No.  4695.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  Ut  1/19 

Virgin  Islands.  Further  extending  period  [from  Sept.  30,  1927  to  Sept.  30,'l928] 
for  establishment  of  adequate  shipping  service  with,  and  deferring  extension 
of  coastwise  laws  of  United  States  to,  Virgin  Islands,  proclamation.  Aug.  9. 
1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  1810.)     t  Pr  30.7 :  V  819/7 


Coal-cars.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  no.  11446,  Northern  West 
Virginia  Coal  Operators'  Association  v.  director  general ;  brief  of  director 
general  on  further  hearing.     1927.     cover-title,  ii-i-297  p.     t 

Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  N  814/4 


Imports.  Imports  and  exports  of  commodities  by  United  States  coastal  dis- 
tricts and  foreign  trade  regions,  calendar  year  1926 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  ofi 
Research,  Division  of  Statistics.  [June  28,  1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8" 
(Report  D.  S.  275.)      [Annual.]     t  SB  7.5/2.75 :  a  926/2 

Same.  Jan.  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of  Statis- 
tics.    [1927.]     8  leaves,  oblong  large  S**  (Report  D.  S.  275.)      [Monthly.]     t 

SB  7.5/275 :  m  927/1 

Same,  Feb.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of  Statis- 
tics. [July  6,  1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  275.)  [Month- 
ly.    Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/275 :  m  927/2 

Same,  Mar.  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of  Statis- 
tics. [July  20.  1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  275.) 
[Monthly.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/275 :  m  927/3 

Same,  Apr.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of  Statis- 
tics. [July  26,  1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8"  (Report  D.  S.  275.) 
[Monthly.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/275 :  m  927/4 

Intercoastal  traffic,  Jan.-Mar.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division 
of  Statistics.  [July  15,  1927.]  2  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S. 
158.)      [Quarterly.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     f  SB  7.5/158 :  q  927/1 

Passenger  traffic.  Ocean  borne  passenger  traflSc  of  United  States  (Great  Lakes 
excluded),  Jan.-Mar.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of 
Statistics.  [July  14,  1927.]  4  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  157.) 
[Quarterly.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     f  SB  7.5/157 :  q  927/1 

Shipping.  Ex  parte  3,  intercoastal  I'ate  investigation ;  [decided  June  7,  1927 ; 
report  and  order  of  board  on  i-ehearing].  1927.  p.  [1],  120,  [1].  [Report 
from  Shipping  Board  reports,  v.  1.]     t  SB  1.10/a  :  In  8/2 


Collisions  at  sea.  Guide  for  reporting  collision  or  salvage ;  revised  to  Aug.  1, 
1927.  1927.  [1]+10  p.  12°  [Prepared  by  Insurance  Department  for  use  of 
managers  and  masters.]     -t  SB2.2:CU9 

Merchant  Fleet  news,  v.  1,  no.  3;  Aug.  1927.  [1927.]  12  p.  il.  4"  [Monthlv.] 
t  SB  2.16 :  i/3 

Merchant  marine.     Trade  routes  &  shipping  services.  Shipping  Board  [in  rela- 
tion to  commerce  of  United  States  and  development  of  American  merchant 
marine;  prepared  by  Statistical  Division].     [July  1,  1927.]     cover-title,  72  p. 
il.     [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     f 
L.  C.  card  27-26394  •  ■'    -     SB  2.2  :  T  67/2 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foli'6'ivliig'  Contents 

August,  1927  129 

^hips.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,  Aug.  1-Sept.  15, 
1927;   issued  by  Traffic  Depratment.     1927.     vi+26  p.   il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14  :  927/8 


Note. — In  a  recent  price-list  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
which  they  ai'e  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  is  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  nunihcrs  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections ;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplii'd  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers 'reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  tbrougliout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Irinting  Office,  "Wasliington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailing-list  of 
individuals.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications 
should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment 
and  have  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  tee  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by  mail 
they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Weather'.  "World  weather  records,  collected  from  official  sources  by  Felix,  G.  C.  Simpson,  Sir  Gilbert  Walker,  H.  Helm  Clayton,  [and]  Robert  C 
Mossman ;  assembled  and  arranged  for  publication  by  H.  Helm  Clayton. 
Wa.shington.  Smithsonian  In:vtitution,  Aug.  22,  1927.  vi+[l]-fll99  p.  (Pub- 
lication 2913;  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections,  v.  79.)  [Published  under 
criint  from  .John  A.  Roebling.]  t  Pai>er,  $3.00. 
L.  C.  card  27-26885  SI  1.7  :  79 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz..  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum 
collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can 
now  be  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  publi-^hed  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Moths.  American  moth.s  of  genus  Diatraea  and  allies ;  by  Harrison  G.  D5'ar 
raid  Carl  Heinrich.  1927.  cover-title,  48  p.  20  p.  of  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  71. 
art.  19;  no.  2691.)     t  SI  3.6:  2691 

Pycnodesnia,  new  moHuscan  genus  from  Silurian  of  Alaska  ;  by  Edwin  Kirk. 
1927.    cover-title,  9  p.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  71.  art.  20;  no.  2092.)     f 

SI  3.6 :  2G92 

8cale-i)i^ects.  Maskell  species  of  scale  insects  of  subfamily  Asterolecaniinae ; 
by  Harold  Morrison  and  Emily  Morrison.  1927.  cover-title,  67  p.  29  p.  of  pi. 
( Proceedings,  V.  71,  art,  17  ;  no.  2689. )     t  SI  3.6:  2689 

Tiirflc.9.  On  fossil  turtles  from  Plei.stocer.e  of  Florida  ;  by  Charles  "\V.  Gihnore. 
1927.    cover-title,  10  p.  il.  5  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  71,  art.  15  ;  no  2687.)     t 

SI  3.6 :  2687 


Diploniutic  list,  Aug.  1927.     [1927.1     covor-titlo,  ilf 41  p.  24"     i 

L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  l.S :  927/8 

HoTv  to  orcler  puWicafioiis— See  inforiiintion  folloTvins  Contents 

130  August,  1927 

Inter-American  Committee  on  Electrical  Communications,  Mexico  City,  May  27- 
July  22,   1924,   report  of  delegation  of  United   States.     1927.      [l]-i-185   p. 
*  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26898  S  5.26 :  R  2» 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conference.     Proposals  for  International   Radio- 
telegraph Conference  of  Washington.     1927.     iii+601  p.  il.  4''     [Translation 
of  French  text.]     *  Paper,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  27-26878  S  5.25 :  P  94 

• Supplement  1  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  Proposals  of  International  Commission  for  Air 
Navigation.     [1927.]     4  leaves,  4"     [Included  in  price  of  Proposals.] 

S  5.25  :  P  94/supp.l 


Chattin,  B.  E.  United  States  on  behalf  of  B.  E.  Chattiu  v.  United  Mexican 
States ;  docket  no.  41,  opinion  rendered  July  23.  1927.     [1927.]     29  p.    $ 

S  3.34/6a  :  C  392 

Englehart,  O.  A.  United  States  on  behalf  of  G.  A.  Englehart  v.  United  Mexican 
States ;  docket  no.  40,  opinion  rendered  July  23,  1927.     [1927.]    2  p.    | 

S  3.34/6  a  :  En  35 

Oalvdn,  Salom6  Lerma  de.  United  Mexican  States  on  behalf  of  Salom(5  Lerma 
vda.  de  Galvfin  [mother  of  Adolf o  Pedro  Galvan]  v.  United  States:  docket  no. 
752,  opinion  rendered  July  21,  1927.     [1927.]     4  p.    $  S  3.34/6  a  :  G  139 

Halcif,  John  W.  United  States  on  behalf  of  John  W.  Haley  r.  United  Mexican 
States ;  docket  no.  42,  opinion  rendered  July  23,  1927.     [1927.]  6  p.    $ 

S  3.34/6  a  :  H  13T 

Parrish,  C.  W.  United  States  on  behalf  of  C.  W.  Parrish  v.  United  Mexican 
States ;  docket  no.  43,  opinion  rendered  July  23,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     $ 

S  3.34./6  a  :  P  249 

Richards,  George  D.  United  States  on  behalf  of  George  David  Richards  [son 
of  David  Emile  Richards]  v.  United  Mexican  States ;  docket  no.  22.  opinion 
rendered  July  23,  1927.     [1927.]     5  p.    t  S3.34/6a:R39 

Snapp,  T.  J.  United  States  on  behalf  of  T.  J.  Snapp  [father  of  Charles  E. 
Snapp]  V.  United  Mexican  States ;  docket  no.  240,  opinion  rendered  July  21, 
1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     J  S  3.34/6  a  :  Sn  14 

Stephens,  Charles  8.  United  States  on  behalf  of  Charles  S.  Stephens  and  Bow- 
man Stephens  [brothers  of  Edward  C.  Stephens]  v.  United  Mexican  States ; 
docket  no.  148,  opinion  rendered  July  15,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     t 

S  3.34/6  a  :  St  44 

Strother,  Russell.  United  States  on  behalf  of  Russell  Strother  v.  United  Mexi- 
can States ;  docket  no.  3088,  opinion  rendered  July  8.  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     $ 

S  3.34/6  a  :  St  89 

Tolerton,  Charles  E.  United  States  on  behalf  of  Charles  E.  Tolerton  v.  United 
State.s ;  docket  no.  921,  opinion  rendered  July  15.  1927.     [1927.]     3  p.     $ 

S  3.34/6  a  :  T  575 

Turner,  Mrs.  Mary  A.  United  States  on  behalf  of  Mary  Ann  Turner  [widow  of 
Edward  Turner]  v.  United  Mexican  States ;  docket  no.  1327,  opinion  rendered 
July  23,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     J  S  3.34/6  a  :  T  855 

United  Dredging  Company.  United  States  on  belialf  of  United  Dredging  Com- 
pany V.  United  Mexican  States ;  docket  no.  483,  opinion  rendered  July  15, 
1927.      [1927.]     4  p.     $  S3.34/6a:Un3 

Venable,  H.  G.  United  States  on  behalf  of  H.  G.  Venable  r.  United  Mexican 
States ;  docket  no.  603,  opinion  rendered  July  8,  1927.     [1927.]     61  p.     t 

S  3.34/6  a  :  V  55 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  Information  follo^vlng  Contents 

August,  1927  13l 

West.  F.  R.  United  States  on  behalf  of  F.  R.  West  [father  of  Edgar  G.  West] 
V.  United  Mexican  States ;  docket  no.  241,  opinion  rendered  Julv  21,  1927. 
[1927.]     4  p.     t  S3.34/6a:W52 


Frank.  Rudolph  W.  Docket  no.  8130,  list  no.  2361,  before  Mixed  Claims  Commis- 
sion. United  States  and  Germany,  United  States  on  behalf  of  Rudolph  W. 
Frank  v.  Germany ;  brief  of  United  States  in  support  of  memorial  dealing 
with  liability  of  Government  of  Germany  on  account  of  application  of  excep- 
tional war  measures  to  inheritance  of  American  national  [Rudolph  W.  Frank], 
and  on  account  of  payments  to  the  Treuhander  arising  out  of  avails  of  dollar 
bonds,  with  payment  of  inheritance  taxes,  and  with  computation  of  damages. 
1927.     cover-title,  ii +35  p.     4°     $  S  3.31/5  :F  851 

Gvaranfi/  Trvst  Company  of  Neio  York.  [Docket]  no.  8118  [list  no.  5470],  before 
Mixed  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Germany,  United  States  on 
behalf  of  Guaranty  Trust  Company  of  New  York  v.  Germany ;  memorandum 
brief  of  United  States  in  support  of  claim.     1927.    cover-title,  i+22  p.  4"     $ 

S  3.31/5  :  G  931 

Krueger,  Mrs.  Anna  R.  Docket  No.  8131,  list  no.  3177-341,  before  IMixed 
Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Germany,  United  States  on  behalf  of 
Anna  Robertson  Krueger  v.  Germany ;  brief  of  United  States  in  support  of 
memorial  dealing  with  bank  balances,  appropriate  debits  and  credits  thereto, 
and  interest  thereon,  with  liability  of  Government  of  Germany,  on  account  of 
application  of  exceptional  war  measures  to  securities  belonging  to  American 
national  [Anna  Robertson  Krueger],  and  with  computation  of  damages.  1927. 
cover-title,  i-f  32  p.  4"     $  S  3.31/5 :  K  935 


Braden.  Glenn  T.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  219,  D.  B.  Heiner, 
collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania,  vs.  Colonial 
Trust  Company,  executor  of  Glenn  T.  Braden ;  no.  220,  C.  G.  Lewellyn,  former 
collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district,  of  Pennsylvania,  rs.  [same],  on 
writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit.  [1927.]  cover- 
title,  ii+53  p.    %  Ju  6.7 :  B  727 

Mansi.  Mrs.  Amalia.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  204,  United 
States  vs.  Amalia  Manzi,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  1st  circuit.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+ 10  p.    t  Ju6.7:M319 

Milton  Dairy  Compamj.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  156,  L.  M. 
Willcuts.  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  district  of  Minnesota,  vs.  INIilton 
Dairy  Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  cir- 
cuit.    [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+29  p.     %  Ju  6.7  :  M  643 

Mnrraif.  Glen.  Certificate,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  394,  United  States  vs.  Glen 
Murray,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit.  [1927.] 
cover-title,  i-f  2  p.     t  Ju6.7:M963 

Oesterlein  Macliine  Compant/.  Transcript  of  record.  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  210, 
David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  vs.  Oesterlein  Machine 
Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia. 
[1927.]     cover-title,  i+50  p.     ?  Ju6.7:Oe8 


ope.  Report  of  Tariff  Commission  to  President  of  United  States,  xnider 
provisions  of  sec.  316  of  title  3  of  tariff  act  of  1922,  opinion,  findings,  and  rec- 
ommendations in  matter  of  alleged  unfair  methods  of  competition  and  unfair 
acts  in  importation  and  sale  of  nianila  rope  [and]  bolt  rope ;  with  appendix. 
1927.  iii+9  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26826  TC  1.2 :  R  68 

HoTT  to  order  pnblicntlons — See  information  folloTving  Conteiits 

132  August,  1927 


Decisions.  Reports,  v.  7,  no.  1-5;  June  7-Jul.y  19,  1927.  [1927.]  [xxxvi]+l- 
673  p.  [Contain  decisions  promulgated  May  14- July  14,  1927.  No.  1  con- 
tains table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  6.  Page  number  281  is  reiieated,  being 
given  to  regular  text  matter  and  also  to  half-title  which  will  not  appear  as 
part  of  V.  7  when  bound.]  *  Paper,  $1.50  per  vol. 
L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19  :  5/7-1  to  7-5 


Finance.    Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  pi-oved  reports  from 
Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  Aug.  1-31,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p. 
f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  927 

Pumio  delt.    Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  June  30,  1927.     [1927.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9  :  927/6 

Treasury  decisions.  Index  to  Treasury  decisions  under  customs  and  other  laws, 
v.  51,  Jaii.-June,  1927.  1927.  [l]+76  p.  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in 
price  of  Treasury  decisions  for  subscribers.  T  1.11 /la  :  51/ind. 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other 

laws,  including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals, 
V.  52,  no.  5-S;  Aug.  4-25,  1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Depan- 
ment  decisions  numbered  42325-352,  abstracts  3509-3088,  internal  revenue 
decisions  4050-71.  prohibition  9,  and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).]  *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50. 

L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2  :  52  ^5^S 


Report.  6th  annual  report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Budget  to  President  of 
United  States  [fiscal  year  1927],  containing  report  of  operations  of  Bureau 
of  Budget,  reports  of  chief  coordinator  and  chairmen  of  coordinating  boards 
and  agencies  established  by  Executive  order  for  coordination  of  routine  busi- 
ness of  Government,  also  statements  of  economies  effected  by  Departmeriis 
and  establishments;  [submitted]  July  1,  1927.  1927.  xx-[-219  p.  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  22-26686  T  51.1 :  927 


CircMZor  67  and  68;  June  28  and  July  14,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.  and  1  p.     t 

T  47.7/3  :  67,  03 

Pay.  Amendments  to  Pay  and  supply  instructions  [Coast  Guard,  1926]  no.  12; 
July  11,  1927.  [1927.]  6  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  p.  93-102.  with  p. 
102a-h,  to  be  inserted  in  their  proper  places  in  the  original  Pay  and  supply 
instructions.]     f  T  47.8  :  P  29/3/926/amdt.l2 

Pay  and  supply  in.structions,  circular  2;   June  20,  1927.      [1927.]     4  p. 

[Circular  2  is  Price  list  of  cabin,  wardroom,  steerage,  and  berth-deck  china- 
ware,  and  silver-plated  ware.]     t  T47.8''2:2/2 


National  ianks.    Abstract  of  reports  of  condition  of  national  banks.  June  30j 
1927;  no.  155.     [1927.]     13  p.  f     t  T12.5:927/i^ 

Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national  bank  notes. 

and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit,  etc.  [Aug.  1, 
1927].    Aug.  1,  1927.    1  p.  narrow  f°    t 

L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9  :  927  8 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoTving:  Contents 


August,  1927  133 


Reappraiscmenfs  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  July  11-Aug.  6,  1927]  ; 
Aug.    12,    1927.      [1927.]      633-653+ [1]    p.      (Reappraisement    circular   29.) 
[Weekly;  none  issued  July  22,  29,  or  Aug.  5,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3:  29 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  July,  1927].  Aug.  1,  1927.  6  p.  4° 
(Form  A.)      [Monthly.]      t  T  50.5 :  927/7 


Internal  revenue  'bulletin,  v.  6,  no.  31-35 ;  Aug.  1-29,  1927.  1927.  various  paging. 
[Weekly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  subscription  price  see  note  below). 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  927/31-35 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1927  will  consist  of  weelsly  bulle- 
tins, semiannual  cumulative  bulletins,  and  an  annual  digest.  The  weekly  bulletins 
■will  contain  the  rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department 
decisions  (known  as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The 
semiannual  cumulative  bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including 
Treasury  decisions)  published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  annual  digest  will 
contain  in  digested  form  all  such  rulings  and  decisions  published  during  the  year, 
the  volume  for  1927  to  contain  also  digests  of  the  rulings  and  decisions  published  dur- 
ing the  years  1925  and  1926.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

Internal  revenue  neics,  v.   1,   no.  2;  Aug.  1927.     1927.     cover-title,   16  p.  il. 
[Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription.  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  : 1/2 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Aug.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     64  p.  f     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7 :  927/8 

Money.    Circulation  statement  of  United   States  money,  Aug.   1,   1927.     July 
25,  1927.    1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5  :  927/8 


Contagious  diseases.  Notifiable  diseases,  prevalence  during  1926  in  cities  of  over 
100,000.      1927.      [lJ+35    p.      (Supplement    63    to    Public    health    reports.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  25-26098  T  27.6/2 :  63 

■ Notifiable  diseases,  prevalence  during  1926  in  cities  of  10,000  to  100,000 

population.     1927.     [l]-fS7  p.      (Supplement  64  to  Public  health  reports.) 

*  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  24-26993  T  27.6/2:  64 

Health    officers.    Whole-time    county    health    officers,    1927    [directory].     1927. 
I     [l]+6  p.      (Reprint  1164.)      [From  Public  health  reports,   June  10,  1927.] 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  25-26718  T  27.6/a  :  1164 

'Michigan,  Lake.  Report  of  investigation  of  pollution  of  Lake  Michigan  in 
I  vicinity  of  South  Chicago  and  Calumet  and  Indiana  harbors,  1924r-25 ;  by  H. 
f  R.  Crohurst  and  M.  V.  Veldee.  Apr.  1927.  vii+134  p.  il.  2  maps.  (Public 
health  bulletin  170.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Sanitary  District  of 
Chicago,  Chicago  City  Department  of  Heaith,  Indiana  State  Board  of  Health, 
and  Illinois  State  Department  of  Public  Health.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26843  T  27.12 :  170 

Ho^T  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTvlng  Contents 

134  August,  1927 

Mosquitos.     Food  of  anopheline  larvae,  food  organisms  in  pure  culture  [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  M.  A.  Barber.     1927.     [1]+17  p.  il.     (Reprint  1161.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  June  3,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26896  T  27.6/a  :  1161 

Public  health  reports.     Public  health  reports,  v.  42,  pt.  1,  nos.  1-25,  Jan.-June, 
1927  [title-page  and  index].     1927.     xxxvii  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy   (in- 
correctly given  in  publication  as  10c. ),  included  in  price  of  Public  health  re- 
ports for  subscribers. 
L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6  :  42/1-25/t.  p  &  ind.  j 

Same.  v.  42,  no.  31-34;  Aug.  5-26,  1927.     1927.     [xv] +1997-2191  p.  2  p.^ 

of  pi.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
$2.75.  T  27.6 :  42/31-34 

Special  artici-es. — No.  31.  Some  tests  of  larvicicie  stoxal  [with  list  of  references]  ; 
by  M.  A.  Barber  and  W.  H.  W.  Komp. — Current  world  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of 
monthly  epidemiological  report,  published  June  15,  1927,  by  Health  Section  of  League 
of  Nations'  Secretariat. — No.  32.  Bubonic  plague  and  maritime  quarantine,  suggested 
system  of  plague  control,  assuming  that  there  is  infectible  and  noninfectible  territory, 
discussing  cheopis  index  as  measure  of  infectibility,  and  advoCcating  rat-proofing  of 
ships  to  prevent  spread  of  plague  by  sea  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  S.  B.  Grubbs. — 
Diphtheria  immunization  in  Asbury  Park,  N.  .T. — State  hospitals  as  research  unit  in 
study  of  mental  diseases. — Court  "decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  33.  Two 
cases  of  rat-bite  fever ;  by  Anthony  P.  Rubino. — Dietetics  in  institutions  and  in  field ; 
by  Lucy  Minnigerode. — Notifiable  diseases,  prevalence  during  1926  in  cities  of  10,000 
to  100,000  population. — Court  decision  relating  to  public  health.— No.  34.  Study  of 
pollution  and  natural  purification  of  Illinois  River. — Smallpox  vaccination  by  pressure 
method  at  Lehigh  University,  [bv  Stanley  Thomas  and  R.  C.  Bull  :  excerpts]. — Ameri- 
can Public  Health  Association  meets  at  Cincinnati,  Oct.  17-21  [1927]. — Public  Health 
Service  publications,  list  of  publications  issued  Apr.  1926-June,  1927. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
oflicers,  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

PuUications  of  Public  Health  Service.     [Edition  of]   Jan.  1927.     1927.     129  p. 
(Miscellaneous  publication  12.)     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35198  T  27.17  :  12/927 

Seivage  chlorination.     Recent  developments  in  sewage  chlorination  [with  list  of 
references]:  by  L.   H.  Enslow.     1927.     [1]+19  p.     (Reprint  1165.)      [From 
Public  health  reports,  June  17,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26897  T  27.6/a :  1165 


Venereal  disease  information.    Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public 
Health  Service  for  use  in  its  cooi>erative  work  with  State  health  departments, 
V.  8,  no.  8  ;  Aug.  20,  1927.     1927.     [1]  -f  801-348+ii  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26 :  8/8 

Special  article. — Meeting  of  Advisory  Committee  to  Division  of  Venereal  Diseases, 
Public  Health  Service,  May  16,  1927  Lat  Washington,  D.  C.]. 

Same,  descriptive  announcement.     [1927.]     [4]  p.    t 

T  27.26 :  announcement 


Paper  money.  Monthlv  statement,  paper  currencv  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing July  31,  1927.     Aug.  1,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8 :  927/7 


Laws  governing  organization  and  administration  of  Bureau  of  "War  Risk  Insur- 
ance and  Veteran.s'  Bureau  and  Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education  i 
its  relation  to  veterans  of  "World  "War.     1927.     181  p.     *  Paper.  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26835  VB  1.6 :  W  19/; 

Life  insurance.  [Specimen  policy,  ordinary  life  policy.]  [Reprint  with  omis- 
sion 1927.]  [4]  p.  il.  f°  ([Form]  741.)  [Although  this  policy  uses  Bureau 
of  "War  Risk  Insurance  in  the  text,  it  is  signed  by  the  director  appointed  for 
the  Veterans'  Bureau  in  1923.]     t  VB  1.2 :  L  62/4-^ 

HoT»'  to  order  pnblications — See  information  foUowlng  Contents 

August,  1927  135 

Medical  bulletin.  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  9, 
Sept.  1927;  B.  W.  Carr,  editol:.  1927.  x+861-974  p.  2  pi.  6  p.  of  pi. 
[Monthly.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copj%  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.16 :  3/9 

Special  aeticles. — Clirouic  nontuberculous  lung-  infections,  review  of  700  chest 
cases  ;  [by]  Kennon  Dunham  and  John  H.  Skavlem. — Role  of  accessory  sinuses  in  non- 
tuberculous  pulmonary  infections,  problem  of  diagnosis  and  compensation;  [by]  J.  T. 
Malono. — Recording  of  cardiac  findings  for  rating  purposes;  [by]  David  Kapian.^ — -In- 
dications for  urological  study,  with  review  of  127  cases;  [by]  C.  D.  Allen. — Patient  as 
an  individual  [with  bibliography  ;  by]  John  H.  Baird. — Introduction  to  study  of  neuro- 
psychiatric  problems  among  negroes ;  [by]  George  S.  Moore. — Studies  on  bactericidal 
properties  in  vitro  of  certain  fatty  oils  irradiated  with  quartz-mercury-vapor  spectrum 
[with  list  of  references  ;  by]  H.  T.  Wrenn. — Reading  predilections  of  patients  in  veterans' 
hospitals;  [by]  Louise  Sweet. — Gold  inlays  by  indirect  method  [with  bibliography;  by] 
H.  A.  Al;ster. — Primary  pleural  mesothelioma,  with  report  of  case  [and  with  biblio- 
graphy;  by]  Leo  H.  Criep. — Unusual  case  of  giardia  intestinalis  ;  [by]  M.  B.  Marcel- 
lus. — Tuberculous  ulcer  of  duodenum,  case  report  with  postmortem  findings  [with  biblio- 
graphy;  by]  Richard  C.  Buckley. — Observed  on  rounds  in  a  psychiatric  hospital;  [by] 
Matilda  Caroline  Bell. — Pottery  for  tuberculous  patient ;   [by]   Gertrude  Sample. 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army   regulations   are  issued   in   pamphlet  form   for   insertion   in   loose- 
leaf  binders.      The   names   of  such   of  the  more   important   administrative   subjects   as 
may  seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in   a   single   series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.     Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 
30-1410.  Quartermaster  Corps  :  Real  estate,   general  provisions.   Changes  2 ;   July  2, 
1927.       [1927.]      2    p.       [Supersedes    AR    30-1410,    Changes    1,    May    27, 
1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  30-1410/ch.2 

30-1420.  Same  :  Real  estate,  temporary  use  by  private  interests,  Changes  1 ;  Julv  2, 
1927.      [1927.]      3  p.  W  1.6/2  :  30-1420/ch.  1 

35-320.  Finance  Department :  Agent  officers,  Changes  3  ;  July  2,  1927.  1927.  1  p. 
[Supersedes  AR   35-320,   Changes   2,   Sept.   30,    1925.] 

W  1.6/2  :  35-320/ch.3 
35-1480.   Same:  Aviation    pay,    officers    and    enlisted    men;    July    2,    1927.       [1927.] 
6  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-1480,  Dec.  15,  1924,  including  Changes  1,  Aug. 
16,    1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-1480/2 

35-2380.  Same  :  Additional  compensation  for  enlisted  men,  except  Philippine  Scouts, 
for  special  qualification  in  use  of  arms;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  8  p. 
[Supersedes  AR  35-2380,  Aug.  22,  1925,.  including  Changes  1,  Aug.  23, 
1926.]  •  W  1.6/1  :  35-2380/4 

35-2560.  Same:  Travel  pay  of  enlisted  men;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  3  p.  [Super- 
sedes AR  35-2560,  Dec.  15,  1924.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-2560/2 
35-6680.  Same :  Transfers  of  property  accountabilitv.  Changes  2 ;  July  2,  1927. 
[1927.]  4  p.  [Supersedes  AR  35-6680.  Changes  1,  July  15.  1926.  The 
first  print  of  Changes  2,  dated  June  27,  1927,  was  incorrect  and  has 
been   replaced   by   this   corrected   copy   dated   July   2,    1927.] 

W  1.6/2  :  35-6680/2/ch.2 

35-6700.   Same:  Property  records;   July  2,   1927.     1927.     1   p.      [Supersedes  AR   35- 

6700,    Dec.    13,    1923.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-6700/2 

35-6720.  Same  :  Blank  forms  pertaining  to  property  accounting,   Changes  2  ;   July  2, 

1927.     1927.     1  p.     [Supersedes  AR  35-6720,  Changes  1,  Aug.  31,   1926.] 

W  1.6/2  :  35-6720/ch.2 

35-6800.  Same:  Accountability    for    library    books:    July    2,    1927.       [1927.]       2    p. 

[Supersedes    AR    35-6800,    May    27,    1924.]  W  1.6/1  :  35-6800/2 

35-7100.   Same :   Claims  of  military   personnel  for  private  property   lost,   damaged,   or 

destroyed   in   military   service.   Changes    1 ;   Julv   2.   1927.      1927.      1    p. 
^„  „  ,  '    W  1.6/2 :  35-7100/3/ch.l 

40-215.  Medical  Department :  Prevention  of  communicable  diseases  of  man,  immun- 
ization. Changes  2  ;  July  2,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p,  [Supersedes  AR  40-215, 
Changes   1,    Aug.    16,    1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  40-215/2/ch.2 

40-2255.  Same:  Veterinary   sanitary  reports:   July  2,   1927.      [1927.]      2   p.      [Super- 
sedes  AR   40-2255.    Aug.    16,    1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  40-2255/3 
145-10.       Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps :  Administration  and  training.  Changes  3 ; 
June  6,    1927.      [1927.]      5   p.      [Supersedes  AR   145-10,   Changes    1,   Oct. 
30,    1925,    and    Changes    2.    Mar.    20,    1926.]                   W  1.6/2  :  145-10/ch.3 
210-65.       Posts,  camps,  and  stations  :  Exchanges,  Changes  2  ;  June  25,  1927.      [1927.] 

8   p.      [Supersedes  AR  210-65,  Changes   1,   Oct.   18,    1926.] 
„  „     ^        ,  W  1.6/2 :  210-65/ch.2 

310-100.     Military  publications:  Blank  forms;  July  2,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p. 
o,^  .^        c  W  1.6/1  :  310-100 

dlO-lOo.     Same :  A.  G.   O.  blank  forms,  allowance,  distribution,   and  list  of ;   July  2, 
.J,-    .^-       ».. 1.^27.      [1927.]      3   p.  W  1.6/1  :  310-105 

34o-47o.     Military  records:  Final  statement;  June  30,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     [Super- 
sedes AR  345-475,  Aug.  15,  1925,  and  Changes  1,  May  10.   1926.] 

W  1.6/1  :  345-475/2 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  information  follo^rins  Contents 

136  August,  1927 

Army  regulations — Continued. 

600-15.       Personnel :  Rank  and  precedence,  Changes  1 ;  July  2,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.0/2  :  600-1.5/ch.l 
600-600.     Same:  Designation  of  beneficiaries;  July  2,   1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     [Super- 
sedes   AR    600-600,    .Tan.    11,    192G.J  W  1.6/1  :  600-60U/.3 
605-115.     Commissioned  officers :   Leaves  of  absence  and  delays.   Changes  2 ;   July  2, 
1927.      [1927.]      2    p.      [Supersedes    AR    605-115,    Changes    1,    June    18. 
1926.]                                                                                    W  1.6/2  :  605-115/2/ch.2 
620-10.       Civilian  employees :  General  provisions ;  Aug.  27,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/1  :  620-10 

Technical  regulations.  ■ 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-^ 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  he  numbered  in  the  same  manner  as 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e., 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 

1195-50.  Equipment :  Intrenching  tools,  nomenclature  and  care,  prepared  under  direc- 
tion of  chief  of  engineers;  Apr.  15,  1927.      [1927.]      22  p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c. 

W  1.22  :  1195-50 
Training  regulations. 

Note. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders. 

150-20.  Marksmanship :  Pistol,  dismounted,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  cav- 
alry ;  June  15,  1927.      [1927.]      *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.21 :  150-20 

190-7.  Topography  and  surveying :  Map  reading,  Harriman  geographic  index  system, 
prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  engineers;  July  15,  1927.  [1927.] 
21  p.  il.  2  maps.     *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.21 :  190-7 


Intelligence  tests.    Directions  for  of  vocabulary  group  test  (reading  vocab- 
ulary), individual  vocabulary  test  (verbal  vocabulary),  and  literacy  test,  also 
defining  cases  in  which  performance  test  is  required.     [1927.]     8  p.     [For  use 
of  officers  in  conducting  intelligence  tests.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26899  W  3.2 :  V  85 

Meteorological  observer,  students  manual  for  all  arms ;  prepared  under  direction 
of  chief  signal  officer,  1926.  1927.  vi+254  p.  il.  1  pi.  (United  States  Army 
training  manual  30.)  [Includes  list  of  training  manuals  relating  to  signal 
communication  specialists;  corrected  to  Jan.  1925.]     *  Cloth,  50c. 

W  3.39/1 :  30 

Surveying.  Training  manual.  Army :  Hydrographic  surveying ;  prepared  under 
direction  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.  1927.  v+39  p.  il.  (War  Dept.  doc. 
13a. )     *  Paper,  lOe.  W  3.39/3 :  H  99 

Telegraph  operator,  students  manual  for  all  arms ;  prepared  under  direction  of 
chief  signal  officer,  1927.  1927.  196  p.  il.  2  facsim.  (United  States  Army 
training  manual  28.)  [Includes  list  of  training  manuals  on  signal  commu- 
nication; corrected  to  Dec.  1926.]     *  Cloth,  35c.  W  3.39/1 :  28 

U.  8.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  9,  no.  15  and  16 ;  Aug.  1  and  15,  1927. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  T.,  Aug.  1  and  15.  1927.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°     f  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  G.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  927/15, 16 


Technical  order,     t 

Note. — The  Technical  orders  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-leat 

01—  1-32.  Airplanes  and  parts :  General,  exhaust  pipes  for  liherty  engines ;  May 
2.3.  1927.  Wright  Field  [Fairfield,  Ohio,  June  4,  1927].  1  p.  [Replaces 
Technical  order  01-1-32,  Nov.  11,  1925.]  W  87.23  :  01-1-32 

01—  1—43.     Same :  General,    expansion    tank    overflow    pipe ;    May    20.    1927.     Wright 

Field   [Fairfield,  Ohio,  June  4.   1927].     1  p.  W  87.23  :  01-1-43 

02—  1-28B.  Engines    and   parts :   General,    installation    of   tachometer    drive ;    Apr.    19, 

1927.      [Wright  Field,  Fairfield,   Ohio,  June  4,   1927.]     2  p.   il.  i 

W  87.23  :  02-1-28B  ^ 



How  to  order  publications— Sec  information  folIoTrlngr  Contents 


August,  1927  137 

Technical  order — Continued. 

02-  5-4S.  Same  :  Liberty,  leconditioning  of  engines  ;  May  20,  1927.  [Wright  Field, 
Fairfield,  Ohio,  June  4,  1927.]  3  p.  il.  IReplaces  Technical  order 
02-5-48,  May  14,   1925.]  W  87.23  :  02-5-48 

02-25-10.  Same  :  D-12  tvpe,  change  in  oil  tube  assemblies ;  May  5.  1927.  Wriglit 
Field  [Fairfield,  Ohio,  May  9,  1927].     1  p.  W  87.23  :02-25-10 


Box-teams.  Shear  strength  of  plywood  webs  of  box  beams,  Airplane  Section 
report;  by  R.  A.  Miller.  1927.  ii+8  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  infor- 
mation circular,  aviation,  v.  6,  no.  587,  June  25,  1927.)     t     W  87.11/2 :  6/587 

Cleaning  fluids.  Inflammation  tests,  engine  cleaning  fluids.  Power  Plant 
Branch ;  by  N.  N.  Tilley.  1927.  ii+S  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  infor- 
mation circular,  aviation,  v.  6,  no.  5S8,  June  25,  1927.)     $         \V  87.11/2  :G/5S8 


Policies.  Joint  action  of  Army  and  Navy ;  prepared  by  Joint  Board,  1927 ; 
approved  by  Secretary  of  War  [and]  Secretary  of  Navy  [Apr.  23,  1927]. 
1927.     v+17  p.  4°     [Contains  chapters  1-4.]     t  W  1.2  :  J  66 

Note. — This  publication,  which  supersedes  pamphlet  entitled  Joint  Army  and  Navy 
action  in  coast  defense,  published  in  1920,  is  issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion 
in  binder. 

Same,   chapter   S,    Communications,    sec.    A,    Policy   for   coordination    of 

radio  activities  of  Army  and  Navy.     [1927.]     4  p.  4°     t      W  1.2  :  J  66/chap.  8 


Navigable  tcaters.  Information  circular,  applications  for  permits  for  work  in 
navigable  waters  of  United  States,  1927.     1927.     [1]+11  p.  il.  4°     t 

W  7.11/2 :  N  22/3/927 


Note. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse,  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices:  710  Army 
Building.  New  York,  N.  Y.  ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y.  ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.:  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  showing 
localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any  of 
these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  changing 
conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  Issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and 
supplements  thereto  are  published  niontlily  during  the  navigation  .se^ison. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  In 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland.  Ohio, 
and  0.<wego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  4,  Aug.  25,  1927,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bulletin 
36 :  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S.  Lake 
Survey  Oflice,  Detroit,  Mich.  [Aug.  19.  1927].    p.  1-3+leaves  4-12+ [2]  p.  4°    f 

W  33.3 :  36/5 

ChamiAain,  Lake.  Lake  Champlain.  from  Cumberland  Head  to  Ligonier  Point; 
Lake  Champlain  chart  2.  Scale  1 :  40.000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  OflSce.  Detroit, 
Mich.]  July,  1927.    37.2X27.6  in.     t  40c.  W  33.8  :  C  35-2/5 

Michigan,  Lake.  Lake  Michigan.  Frankfort  to  Charlevoix,  Mich.,  including 
Manitou  and  Fox  islands:  L;ike  Michigan  coast  chart  8.  Scale  1:120.000. 
[U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Oflice,  Detroit,  Mich.]  July,  1927.    36.6X32.8  in.     t  40c. 

W  33.7/3 :  M  8./4/n.  s. 

Finance  circular  7  [1927]  ;  May  15,  1927.     [1927.]     p.  1-2+leaves  3-31,  12"     t 

W  97.5 :  927/7 

Ho^T  to  order  pnbllcattons— See  Information  foUoTringr  Contents 

138  August,  1927 

medical  department 

American  Expeditionary  Forces.  Medical  Department  of  United  States  Army 
in  World  War:  v.  2,  Administration,  American  Expeditionary  Forces  [with 
lists  of  references]  ;  by  Josepli  H.  Ford.  1927.  1123  p.  il.  1  per.  2  maps, 
large  8°     *  Cloth,  $3.40. 

L.  C.  card  SG  27-54  W  44.19  :  2 


National  Guard  regulations,     f 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7. 

Note. — The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 
75-13.  Maintenance  and  repair  of  band  instruments;  June  30,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p. 

W  70.7/4  :  75-13 


Ou7i  mounts.     Service  handbook  of  3-inch  antiaircraft  gun  mount,   model  of 
1917,  [July,  1921].     [Reprint]  1927.    94  p.  il.     (War  Dept.  doc.  1060.)     [July, 
1926,  on  title-page  is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     % 
IL.  C.  card  War  26-4  W  34.5  :  An  8/1S08/4 

Ordnance  provision  system.  Ordnance  provision  system :  Group  F,  Indicator, 
wind  component,  parts;  July  18,  1927.  [1927.]  5  p.  1  pi.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  F-56.)     t  W  34.23:  F-56 

• Same:  Group  F,  Rule,  set  forward  (types  A  and  B),  parts;  July  18.  1927. 

[1927.]     4  p.     (Standard  nomenclature  list  F-57.)     t  W  34.23 :F-57 


Orders  9  [1927]  ;  June  23,  1927.    1927.    1  p.  12"    %  W  42.10:  927/9 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTving:  Contents 


/5-  /^ 

Monthly  Catalogu'^" 


c ".     <j 

United  States  ^.^f 

Public  Documents 

No.  393 

September,  1927 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document ►. doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission P.  T.  C. 

Polio f° 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  Joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House    report H.    rp. 

House  resolution   (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  inclies in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 1.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.   d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo _. 8» 

Page,    pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,   plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits per. 

Quarto 4° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,   Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate   report S.    rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16" 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirtytvsro-mo 320 

Ti-easury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12» 

Twentyfour-mo 24" 

Versus vs.,   v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year . yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 
*  Document  for  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 
j  Printed  for  official  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  *  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  Issuing  oflSce  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  size  is  not 
given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge  of 
border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  dociiments  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ci'dering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 


C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S 


General    Information 139-140 

Corrections  for  previous  Monthly  catalogues 140 

Agriculture  Department 141-147 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 142-143 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 143 

Biological  Survey  Bureau . 143 

Chemistry  Bureau 143 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  OflSce 143 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 143-144 


















Entomology   Bureau 

Experiment  Stations  OflBce 

Federal  Horticultural  Board 

Forest   Service 

Home  Economics  Bureau 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 

Public  Roads  Bureau 

Soils   Bureau 

Weather  Bureau 

Alien  Property  Custodian 

Commerce  Department 

Aeronautics   Branch- J 

Census    Bureau 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 

Fisheries  Bureau 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 

Lighthouses  Bureau 

Mines  Bureau 152-153 

Patent  Office 153-154 

Publications  Division 154 

Radio  Division 154 

Standards  Bureau 154-155 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service '      155 

Congress 155-156 

House  of  Representatives 155-156 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 156 

Court   of  Claims 156-157 


Court  of  Customs  Appeals 

District  of  Columbia 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education. 

Federal  Reserve  Board 

Federal  Trade  Commission 


September,  1927 


General  Accounting  Office 159 

Government  Printing  Office 159 

Documents    Office 159 

Interior    Department 15&-162 

Education  Bureau 160 

Geological   Survey 161-162 

National  Park  Service 162 

Reclamation  Bureau 162 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 163-174 

Justice  Department 174-177 

Labor  Department 177-178 

Children's  Bureau 177 

Employment  Service 177 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 178 

Women's  Bureau 178 

Library  of  Congress 179 

Copyright  Office 179 

Documents  Division 179 

Tiational  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 179 

Navy  Department 180-184 

Construction  and  Repair  Bureau 180 

Engineering  Bureau 180 

Navigation  Bureau ■ 18(V184 

Hydrographic   Office 180-184 

Recruiting  Bureau 184 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 184 

Pan  American  Union 184-185 

Panama  Canal 185 

Marine  Division 185 

Post  Office  Department 185-186 

Foreign  Mails  Division • ^ 186 

Topography  Division 186 

President  of  United  States 186-188 

Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National  Capital  Office 188 

Railroad  Administration 188 

Shipping  Board 189 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 189 

Smithsonian  Institution 189-192 

Ethnology  Bureau 191 

National    Museum 

State  Department 

General  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico 

Supreme  Court 

Tariff  Commission 

Tax  Appeals  Board 


Treasury   Department 194-197 


Coast  Guard 

Comptroller  of  Currency 

Customs  Court 

Federal  Farm  Loan  Bureau. 
General  Supply  Committee — 
Government  Actuary 



September,  1927  v 

Treasury  Department — Continued.  Page 

Inter-American  High  Commission 195 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 195 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 195 

Prohibition  Bureau 195-196 

Public  Health  Service 196-197 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 197 

Treasurer  of  United  States 197 

Veterans"  Bureau 197-198 

War  Department 19S-200 

Adjutant  General's  Department 199 

Air  Corps 199 

Army  and  Xavy  Joint  Board 199 

Chemical  Warfare  Service 199 

Engineer  Department 199-200 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 199-200 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Board 200 

Militia  Bureau 200 

Ordnance  Department 200 

Signal    Office 2(X) 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  0.,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Office  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (t)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  official  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  551,  6&-2. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  will  not  he  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  g'eneral  public,  coupons  that  are  g'ood  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Office  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
"Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,  Samoa,  or  to 


140  September,  1927 

Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  is 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  Office  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23* :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 


An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


Aug.  1927.  On  p.  130,  12th  line  from  bottom  of  page,  change  "  Charles  E.  Toler- 
ton  V.  United  States "  to  read  "  Charles  E.  Tolerton  r.  United  Mexican 
States  " 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  393  SEPTEMBER  1927 


XOTE. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  l.'5U0.  being  replaced  bv  a  series  desiarnated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular  ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Eiich 
of  the  new  series  will  begin  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Chemistry  in  Department  of  Agriculture.    Sept.  1927.    cover-title.  36  p.  16°    t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-631  A  1.2  :  C  42 

Crops  and  markets,  Sept.  1927 ;  v.  4,  no.  9.     [1927.]    p.  329-368,  il.  4"     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper.  60c.  a  yr. :  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3  :  4/9 

Employees.     List  of  technical  workers  in  Department  of  Agriculture,  and  out- 
line of  functions  of  major  branches  of  Department,  1927 ;  compiled  in  OflSce 
of  Personnel  and  Business  Administration.     July  1,  1927.     x+100  p.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.    Miscellaneous  publication  5. )     *  Paper,  loc. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-1443  A  1.38  :o 

Fertilizers.  Current  mineral  nutrient  content  of  plant  solution  as  possible 
means  of  chemical  control  of  optimum  fertilization ;  by  Basil  E.  Gilbert  and 
Leo  J.  Hardin.  1927.  [2] +185-192  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  35,  no.  2.  July  15.  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  F  419/4 

Official  record,  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.  6.  no.  36-39;    Sept.  7-28.  1927. 
[1927.]     Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]      *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  6/36-39 

Pecans.  Development  of  pecan  nut  (Hicoria  pecan)  from  flower  to  maturity 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  G.  Woodi'oof  and  Naomi  Chapman 
Woodroof.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  1049-63,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  34.  no.  11,  June  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  331/6 

Potatoes.  Metabolism  of  nitrogen  compounds  in  dormant  and  nondormant 
potato  tubers:  by  William  Newton.  1927.  [2] +141-146  p.  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  2,  July  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  P  847/87 

Quarantine.  European  corn  borer  quarantine  regulations,  modified,  Amend- 
ment 1  to  rules  and  regulations  supplemental  to  Notice  of  quarantine  43 
(5th  revision),  effective  Sept.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p.  (Federal  Horticultural 
Board.)  [Issued  also  in  mimeographed  form,  for  which  see  Monthly  cata- 
logue for  Aug.  1927,  p.  72.  This  printed  copy  has  slightly  different  title  and 
introductory  note.]      t  A  35.5  :  43/5th  rev.  amdt.  1 

Japanese  beetle  quarantine  restrictions,  modified.  Amendment  2  to  rules 

and   regulations    (6th   revision)    supplemental   to    Notice   to   quarantine   48. 
effective  Aug.  3.  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)     t 

A  35.5  :  48/6th  rev.  amdt.  2 

Quarantine  on  account  of  Mexican  fruit  worm.  Notice  of  quarantine  64, 

with  regulations,  effective  Aug.  15.  1927.     [1927.]     4  p.      (Federal  Horticul- 
tural Board.)     t  A  35.5:  64 

Wheat.  Why  applications  of  nitrogen  to  land  may  cause  either  increase  or 
decrease  in  protein  content  of  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  F. 
Gericke.  1927.  [2] +133-139  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
V.  35,  no.  2.  July  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  W  56/71 

How  to  order  publications — See  infonuatlon  follonving  Contents 
66342— 27— No.  393 2 

142  September,  1927 

Yearbook  of  agriculture,  1926.    1927.    xxi-1-1298  p.  il.  (H.  doc.  660,  69th  Cong.  2d 
sess.)      [For  contents  see  entry  of  this  publication   without  Congressional 
document  number  in  Monthly  catalogue  for  June,   1927,  p.  912.]      *  Cloth, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1035 


Agricultural  products.  Foreign  trade  of  United  States  in  agricultural  prod- 
ucts; compiled  by  G.  B.  L.  Arnei',  Lewis  B.  Flohr,  Caroline  G.  Gries,  and 
Mrs.  Fanny  M.  Palmer.  1927.  iii+1174-99  p.  (Yearbook  separate  936.) 
[From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  l.lO/a  :  936 

Income  from  agricultural  production  ;  [Price  situation].     [1927.]    250-255 

+278-279  p.  il.  4°    [From  Crops  and  markets,  v.  4,  no.  7.]     t     A  36.ll/3a  :  In  2 

Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,   Sept.   1.  1927 ; 
V.  11,  no.  9.     [1927.]     24  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15 :  11/9 

Agriculture.  Miscellaneous  agricultural  statistics ;  compiled  by  W.  F.  Callan- 
der, Lewis  B.  Flohr,  Joseph  A.  Becker,  G.  B.  L.  Arner,  Mrs.  Jeanne  Cava- 
naugh,  Mrs.  Charlotte  M.  Ward,  Ruth  Griffith,  Mrs.  June  A.  Hodgkins,  L.  H. 
Bean,  P.  F.  Brookens,  R.  H.  Elsworth,  C.  L.  Luedtke,  C.  J.  Galpin,  B.  L. 
Kirkpatrick,  Mrs.  Florence  C.  Fitch,  Viola  E.  Culbertson,  H.  S.  Fairbanks 
[Fairbank],  Preston  C.  Day,  [and]  Robert  Reynolds.  1927.  iii+1200-71  p. 
(Yearbook  separate  937.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Public  Roads  Bu- 
reau, Weather  Bureau,  and  Forest  Service.  From  Yearbook,  1926.]  *  Paper. 
10c.  A  1.10/a :  937 

Cattle.  Statistics  of  farm  animals  and  animal  products ;  compiled  by  W.  F. 
Callander,  Lewis  B.  Flohr,  Joseph  A.  Becker,  G.  B.  L.  Arner,  C.  L.  Harlan, 
C.  F.  Sarle,  Ruth  Griffith,  Mrs.  Charlotte  M.  Ward,  Caroline  G.  Gries,  Mrs. 
June  A.  Hodgkins,  Mrs.  Florence  C.  Fitch,  Lila  Thompson,  Esther  Johnson, 
James  J.  Window,  P.  F.  Brookens.  L.  M.  Davis,  Wm.  Broxton,  Edna  M.  Jor- 
dan, [and]  John  Roberts.  1927.  iii+ 1036-1173  p.  (Yearbook  separate  935.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Animal  Industry  Bureau.  From  Yearbook, 
1926.]     *  Paper,  20c.  A  1.10/a :  935 

Crops.  Statistics  of  field  crops  other  than  grains ;  compiled  by  W.  F.  Callander, 
Lewis  B.  Flohr,  Joseph  A.  Becker.  G.  B.  L.  Arner,  C.  F.  Sarle.  Mrs.  Charlotte 
M.  Ward,  Ruth  Griffith,  Chas.  E.  Gage,  C.  G.  Carpenter,  Lila  Thompson,  Caro- 
line G.  Gries,  Mrs.  June  A.  Hodgkins,  Elna  Anderson,  lugeborg  Gronvold, 
Mrs.  Florence  C.  Fitch,  P.  F.  Brookens,  James  J.  Window,  and  Harold  F. 
Clay.  1927.  iii+958-1035  p.  (Yearbook  separate  934.)  [From  Yearbook, 
1926.]     *  Paper,  15c.  A  1.10/a  :  934 

Fruit.  Statistics  of  fruits  and  vegetables ;  compiled  by  W.  F.  Callander,  Lewis 
B.  Flohr,  Joseph  A.  Becker,  G.  B.  L.  Arner,  C.  F.  Sarle,  Fred  J.  Blair,  J.  B. 
Shepherd,  Lucille  McKeever,  Mrs.  Charlotte  M.  Ward,  Ruth  Griffith,  Lila 
Thompson,  Florence  G.  Miles,  Caroline  ,G.  Gries,  Mrs.  June  A.  Hodgkins, 
P.  F.  Brookens,  Wm.  Broxton,  Mrs.  Florence  C.  Fitch,  and  Mrs.  Ruth  Tucker. 
1927.  iii+ 896-957  p.  (Yearbook  separate  933.)  [From  Yearbook,  1926.] 
*  Paper,  10c.  A  1.10/a :  933 

Grain.     Cleaning  grain  on  farms  and  in  country  elevators;  [by  R.  H.  Black  and 
E.  G.  Boerner].     [Aug.  1927.]    ii+27  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1542.)      [This  bulletin  supersedes  Farmers'  bulletin  1287,  Foreign  ma- 
terial in  spring  wheat.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-629  A  1.9 :  1542 

Statistics  of  grains ;  compiled  by  W.  F.  Callander,  Lewis  B.  Flohr,  Joseph 

A.  Becker.  G.  B.  L.  Arner.  C.  F.  Sarle,  Mrs.  Charlotte  M.  Ward,  Ruth  Griffith, 
O.  G.  Carpenter,  Lila  Thompson,  Katharine  Dorrance,  Caroline  G.  Gries,  Mrs. 
June  A.  Hodgkins,  Mrs.  Florence  C.  Fitch,  John  L.  Wilson,  P.  F.  Brookens, 
James  J.  Window,  and  T.  A.  Sommers.  1927.  ii-f801-895  p.  (Yearbook  sep- 
arate 932.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  15c.  A  1.10/a  :  932 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  followine  Contents 

September,  1927  143 

Sei'vice  announcements.  Memorandum  to  accompany  Amendment  4  to  Service 
and  regulatory  announcements  no.  93,  Statement  relative  to  apple  standards 
for  apples  in  barrels  and  baskets.     [1927.]     2  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 

A  36.5 :  93/amdt.  4/memo. 


Breeding.  Essentials  of  animal  breeding ;  [by  George  M.  Rommel].  [Nov.  1920, 
revised  June,  1924,  reprint  1927.]  ii+SO  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' 
bulletin  1167.)     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1167/3-2 

Horses.  Feeding  horses;  [  by  G.  A.  Bell  and  J.  O.  Williams].  [Dec.  1918, 
revised  June,  1927.]  [1927.]  ii+18  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers" 
bulletin  1030.)      [Date  of  original  issue  incorrectly  given  on  p.  ii  as  Dec.  1916.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9  :  1030/4 

Poultry.     Standard  breeds  &  varieties  of  chickens:  1,  American,  Asiatic,  Eng- 
lish, and  Mediterranean  classes;  [by  M.  A.  JuU].     [Oct.  1926,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+37  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1506.)     ♦Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1795  A  1.9 :  1506/1-2 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regiilatoi'y   announcements,   Aug.    1927 ; 
[no.]   244.     Sept.  1927.     p.  61-70,  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  244 

Simne.     Castration  of  hogs;    [by  S.   S.   Buckley].     [Dec.  1923,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+6  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1357.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-262  A  1.9  :  1357/1-3 


Directory  of  oflScials  and  organizations  conceraed  with  protection  of  birds  and 

game,  1927;  compiled  by  Talbott  Denmead.     Sept.  1927.     12  p.  (Agriculture 
Dept.     Miscellaneous  publication  6. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-1377  A  1.38 :  6 

Game-Mr ds.    Local  names  of  migratory  game  birds ;  [by]  W.  L.  McAtee.     Oct. 
1923,   [reprint  with  slight  change]   1927.     cover-title,  96  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Miscellaneous  circular  13. )     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1309  A  1.5/2 :  13/2 


Vinegar.    Making  vinegar  in  the  home  and  on  farm;    [by  Edwin  LeFevre]. 
[June,  1924,  reprint  1927.]     ii-f29  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 1424.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-649  A  1.9 :  1424^1-2 


Agrictilture.     Cooperative  extension  work  [in  agriculture  and  home  economics], 
1925  [with  list  of  literature  cited].     1927.     [1]-M20  p.  il.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  19-551  A  43.5 :  925 

Exhihition-s.     How  to  prepare  and  display  extension  exhibits ;  [by]  H.  W.  Gil- 
bertson.     July,  1926   [reprint  1927].     29  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Depart- 
ment circular  385. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1131  A  1.14/2 :  385/2 


Cattle.  Dairy  cattle  breeds;  [by  Amer  B.  Nystrom].  [Feb.  1925,  revised  May, 
1927.]     [1927.]     ii-f30  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1443.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  25-626  A  1.9 :  1443/3 

Problem    of   breeding   for   milk   production ;    [by]    Roy    Ralph    Graves. 

[1927.]     8  p.     t  A  44.2  :B  74 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTving  Contents 

144  September,  1927 

Cattle — Continued. 

Proved  dairy  sires;  [by]  J.  C.  McDowell  and  W.  E.  Wintermeyer.     Sept. 

1927.     8  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Circular  3.)     *- Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agi'  27-487  A  1.4/2 :  3 

Testing  cows  for  production  every  other  month ;   by  J.   C.   McDowell. 

Aug.  1927.    4  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Circular  1.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-490  A  1.4/2  : 1 

Note. — This  is  no.  1  of  a  new  series  entitled  Circular.  This  series  will  take  the 
place  of  the  series  designated  Department  circular  (Al.14/2  :  ),  the  last  issue  of  which 
series  will  be  numbered  425.  The  latest  number  which  has  been  received  at  the  present 
time  Is  Department  circular  424. 

A  series  designated  Circular  (A1.4  :)  and  numbered  1-161  and  183  was  issued  by 
the  Agriculture  Department  from  1896  to  Jan.  1923,  but  was  replaced  by  the  Miscella- 
neous circulars  (Al.5/2:)  still  being  issued  as  an  Agriculture  Department  series.  The 
classification  in  the  Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  for  this  new  series 
of  Circulars  is  Al.4/2  : 

Co%i>-testing  associations,  and  stories  records  tell;  [by  J.  C.  McDowell].     [June, 
1925,   revised  May,   1926,   reprint  1927.]      ii+22  p.   il.      (Agriculture   Dept, 
Farmers'  bulletin  1446.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-880  A  1.9 :  1446/2-2 


Peach  'borer,  how  to  prevent  or  lessen  its  ravages,  paradiclilorobenzene  treat- 
ment;  [by]  A.  L.  Quaintance.     [Oct.  1921,  reprint]  1927.     15  p.  il.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1246.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr  21-1032    •  A  1.9 :  1246/1-4 

Slash.    Relation  of  insects  to  slash  disposal  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  pre- 
pared by  Division  of  Forest  Insect  Investigations.     Sept.  1927.    12  p.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.    Department  circular  411.)     *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-630  A  1.14/2 :  411 

Timber.     Defects  in  timber  caused  by  insects   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  Thomas  E.  Snyder.    July,  1927.    47  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Department 
bulletin  1490.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-489  A  1.3  :  1490 


Agricultural  experiment  stations.     Report  on  agricultural  experiment  stations, 
[fiscal  year]  1926.     [Sept.]  1927.    cover-title,  122  p.    *  Paper,  20c. 
L.    C.   card   Agr   9-1394  A  10.1/2:  926 

Note. — Includes  Methods  in  feeding  experiments ;  by  George  Haines. — Development 
of  home  economics  research  at  agricultural  experiment  stations  under  Purnell  act ; 
by  Sybil  L.  Smith. — Publications  of  stations,  1925-26. — Income,  expenditures,  and 
other  statistics,  1926;  by  J.  I.  Schulte. 

Experimient  statiwi  record,  v.  57,  no.  3;  Aug.  1927,  abstract  number.  1927. 
cover-title,  xi-f  201-300  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2  vols,  a 
yr.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6  :  57/3 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  Is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 


Plant  quarantine  act,  Aug.  20,  1912,  as  amended  Mar.  4.  1913.  Mar.  4.  1917.  May 
31,  1920.  and  Apr.  13,  1926.     [1927.]    5  p.    t  A  35.2 :  P69/1/927 

Sei^vice   annoimcements.      Service   and   regulatory   announcements.    Apr.-June, 
1927 ;  no.  91.    Aug.  1927.    p.  55-95,  il.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-383  A  35.9 :  91 


Forest  worker,   Sept.   1927;    [v.   3,   no.   5].      [1927.]      ii+22  p.      [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr ;  foreign  subscription,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-838  A  13.19  :  927/5 

Hotv   to   order  publications — See   information   following^   Contents 

September,  1927  145 

National  forest   areas,   June   30,   1927 ;    compiled   by   Branch   of   Engineering. 
[1927.]     8p.    t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  16-330  A  13.10 :  92T 

Red  gum.     Control  of  stain,  decay,  and  other  seasoning  defects  in  red  gum  ; 
[by]  L.  V.  Teesdale.    July,  1927.    19  p.  il.  1  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Department  circular  421.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-628  A  1.14/2 :  421 

Timber.  Grow  timber  on  abandoned  fields,  on  rocky  knolls,  on  hillside  pas- 
tures.    [1927.]      [4]  p.  il.  narrow  24°     t  A  13.2  :T  48/9 


Michigan  National  Forest,  Mich,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  [1927.]  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f,  folded  into  narrow 
8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [l]-}-8+[l]  p.    t  A  13.13  :  M  58 


Sewing.  Present  trends  in  home  sewing  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Ruth 
O'Brien  and  Maude  Campbell.  Sept.  1927.  16  p.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscel- 
laneous publication  4.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-632  A  1.38  :  4 

Note. — This  is  the  first  issue  of  a  new  series  entitled  Miscellaneous  publication 
(Miscellaneous  publication  1-3  not  yet  having  been  published).  This  series  will  take 
the  place  of  the  series  designated  Miscellaneous  circular,  the  last  issue  of  which  series 
will  be  numbered  110.  The  latest  number  which  has  been  received  at  the  present  time 
is  Miscellaneous  circular  107. 


Anthocyanin.  Behavior  of  anthocyan  pigments  in  canning  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited] ;  by  Charles  W.  Culpepper  and  Joseph  S.  Caldwell.  1927.  cover- 
title,  p.  107-132.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  2,  July 
15,1927.]     t  A1.23/a:  An86/7 

[Bamboo  groves  thrive  in  United  States;  by  B.  T.  Galloway.]  1927.  [1  +  154-] 
156  p.  il.     (Yearbook  separate  943.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  943 

Blister  rust.    Black  currant  is  nurse  of  blister  rust;  [by  Samuel  B.  Detwiler]. 
'  [1927.]     p.    171-174.     (Yearbook    separate    938.)      [From    Yearbook,    1926.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  938 

Cedar  rust.  Apple  trees  attacked  by  cedar  rust.  [1927.]  p.  145-150,  il. 
(Yearbook   separate  941.)     [From   Yearbook,    1926.]     *  Paper,   5c. 

A  1.10/a :  941 

Cherries.    Growing   cherries   east   of   Rocky   Mountains;  [by]    H.    P.   Gould. 

[Dec.  1916,  revised  Nov.  1923,  reprint  1927.]     36  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  776.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-18  A  1.9 :  776/3-5 

Chinese  elm  in  American  horticulture;  [by  C.  C.  Thomas].  [1927.]  p.  215- 
218,  il.     (Yearbook  separate  945.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a  :  945 

[Chinese  jujithe  in  southwestern  United  States:  by  C.  C.  Thomas.]  1927. 
[1+212-]    215   p.    il.      (Yearbook    separate    944!)       [From    Yearbook.    1926.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  944 

[Date  groiving,  new  industry  for  Southwest  States ;  by  Walter  T.  Swingle.] 
1927.  [1] +302-306  p.  il.  (Yearbook  separate  949.)  [From  Yearbook. 
1926.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  949 

Lemons.  [Chinese  dwarf  Meyer  lemon  introduced;  by  Roland  McKee.]  1927. 
[1] -1-218-221    p.    il.     (Yearbook    separate    946.)      [From    Yearbook,    1926] 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  946 

Onion  culture;    [by]    W.   R.   Beattie.     [Apr.    1909,   revised   May,   1927.]     1927. 
35  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin   354.)      *  Paper,   5c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr  9-966  A  1.9:  354/4 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information,  follo-n-ing  Contents 

146  September,  1927 

IQuetta  nectarine,  new  fruit  of  Indian  origin;  by  B.  T.  Galloway.]  1927. 
[1] +620-622  p.  il.  (Yearbook  separate  948.)  [Prom  Yearbook.  1926.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a :  948 

Straiffhthead  of  rice  and  its  control;    [by]   W.  H.  Tisdale   [and]   J.  Mitchell 
Jenkins.     [June,  1921,  reprint]   1927.     16  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farm- 
ers' bulletin  1212.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Louisiana  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-711  A  1.9 :  1212/1-2 

Sudmi  grass;  [by  H.  N.  Vinall].  [May,  1920,  revised  Jan.  1925,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+22  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1126.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.9 :  1126/4-3 

Weeds,  how  to  control  them,   [by]  H.  R.  Cox;   [revised  by  Albert  A.  Hansen 
and    Frederick   V.    Coville].     [May   12,    1915,   revised   June,    1924,    reprint] 
1927.     32  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  660.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-497  A  1.9 :  660/4-3 

Wheat.  Wheat  breeding  for  resistance  to  leaf  rust;  [by  C.  E.  Leighty]. 
[1927.]  2  p.  (Yearbook  separate  957.)  [From  Yearbook,  1926.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  A  1.10/a :  957 

Wheat  varieties  for  Western  United  States;  [by  J.  Allen  Clark].     [1927.] 

3  p.     (Yearbook  separate  956.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  956 

Wheats  highly  resistant  to  loose  smut;   [by]  V.  F.  Tapke.     1927.     1  p. 

(Yearbook   separate   963.)      [From   Yearbook,    1926.]     *  Paper,    5c. 

A  1.10/a :  963 


Public  roads,   journal   of  highway  research,   v.   8,   no.   6;   Aug.   1927.    1927. 
cover-title,  p.  105-124,  il.  4°     [Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     ♦  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  18-322  A  22.6:  8/6 

Spray  irrigation  in  Eastern  States;   [by  George  A.  Mitchell  and  Frederic  E. 

Staebner].     [July,  1927.]     ii+27  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 1529.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr.  27-627  A  1.9: 1529 


Douglas  County,  S.  Dak.  Soil  survey  of  Douglas  County,  S.  Dak. ;  by  W.  I. 
Watkins  and  B.  H.  Williams.  1927.  iii +577-598  p.  il.  map.  [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  South  Dakota  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  From 
Field  operations,  1923.]     *  Paper,  15c.  A  26.5/a :  D  747/2 

Field  operations.     Field  operations  of  Bureau  of  Soils,   [calendar  year]   1921, 
23d  report,  by  Milton  Whitney ;  with  accompanying  papers  by  assistants  in 
charge  of  field  parties.     1926.    xxx+1710  p.  il.  10  pi.  44  p.  of  pi.  map,  and 
portfolio  of  50  maps.    Text  and  portfolio,  *  cloth,  $12.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  8-875  A  26.5:  921 

Same.     (H.  doc.  404,  67th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14,  no.  5;  May,  1927. 
[1927.]  cover-title,  [206]  p.  il.  2  p.  of  maps,  4"  *  Paper,  35e.  complete 
monthlv  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29  :  14/5 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Oflice.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Ho-w  to  order  publications — See  information  followingr  Contents 

September,  192T  147 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  22-25  [season  of  1927]  ;  Sept.  6-27, 
1927.  New  Orleans,  La.,  Sept.  7-28,  1927.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4"  *  Paper, 
30c.  per  season  (April-October).  A 29.39 :  927/22-25 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  Aug.  1927. 
[1927.]      [2]    p.  large  8"     t  A  29.30: 927/8 

Monthly  weather  review,  June,  1927;  v.  55,  no.  6.     [Aug.  30]  1927.    cover-title, 
p.  263-292,  il.  1  pi.  10  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text-  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]     *  Paper, 
15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agi-  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  55/6 

Note.— The  M'onthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (3)  climatological  tables  dealing 
with  the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows :  (a) 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United 
States  or  other  parts  ef  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological 
papers  and  books,  and   (c)   notes. 

Special  articles. — Group  or  correlation  periodogram,  with  application  to  rainfall 
of  British  Isles  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Dinsmore  Alter. — Solar  radiation 
observations  at  Apia,  Samba  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Andrew  Thomson. — 
Unique  destruction  of  tulip  tree  by  lightning ;  by  Frank  P.  Norbury. — Lightning ;  [by] 
N.  Ernest  Dorsey. — Weather  at  Brussels  (Uccle)  during  Apr.  and  May,  1927,  by 
E.  Vanderlingen  ;  [translated  by  W.  W.  R.]. — Solar  radiation  and  rainfall  in  sout'iern 
region  of  Chile,  by  Julio  Bustos  Xavarrete  ;   [translated  by  W.  W.  Reed]. 

Radio  distribution  of  weather  forecasts  and  information.     [1927.]     5  p.     % 

A  29.2 :  R 11/8 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Sept.  6-27,  1927 ;  no.  36-39,  1927. 
Sept.  7-28,  1927.    Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2 :  927/36-39 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Sept.  1-30,  1927.  1st  edition.  [1927.] 
Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at 
Washington.  D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  sta- 
tions throughout  that  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not 
be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  i.ssue).  A  29.18:  927 

Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  Sept  1-30,  1927.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1927.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain  as 
much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a  yr. 
(maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the 
Sui)erintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  927 

Weather  outlook,  Sept.  5-Oct.  1  [1927].  Sept.  3-24,  1927.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]     t  A  29.38  :  927/62-65 

Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows  :  Washington,  D.  C.  (District 
1,  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (Uistrict  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8.  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Krijn,  Jacques,  d  Zomi.  No.  421,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Louis 
Schrijver,  Adolph  Krijn,  and  Lehman  Rudolph  Krijn,  copartners  doing  busi- 
ness in  Amsterdam,  Netherlands,  under  name  and  style  of  Jacques  Krijn  & 
Zoon,  V.  Howard  Sutherland,  as  Alien  Property  Custodian,  on  petition  for 
writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for 
respondent  in  opposition.  1927  cover-title,  i+ 13  p.  t  Y  3.A1 4/2 :  K  89/2 
Hn-yv   to   order  publications — See   information   folio-vying:   Contents 

148  September.  1927 


>jote. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  libraries,  etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  he 
submitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Chmtiical  industries.     Services  available  to  chemical  industry  througli  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce.     1927.     il+33  p.  il.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26929  C1.2:C42 

Saicdust  and  wood  flour,  report  of  National  Committee  on  Wood  Utilization ; 
[compiled  by  Harry  S.  Steidle].     1927.     iv+26  p.     [3d  report  of  a  series  on 
utilization  of  wood.  ]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26890  C  1.14 :  Sa  9 

Seamen.  Able  seamen.  Oct.  29,  1915  [reprint  1927].  2  p.  4°  (Department 
circular  264,  2d  edition;  Steamboat-Inspection  Service.)     t       C  1.4 :  264/2-2 


Air  markimj  for  cities.  Aug.  15,  1927.  1  p.  il.  4°  (Information  bulletin  38; 
Information  Division.)      t  C  23.8: 38 

Note. — Usually  the  Information  bulletins  of  the  Aeronautics  Branch  are  mimeo- 
graphed and  are  not  entered  in  this  catalogue.  See  also  below.  Air  publications  and 
Airicay  mai).  Application  for  these  publications  should  be  made  to  the  Information 
Division,  Aeronautics  Branch,   Commerce  Department. 

Air  publications.  of  air  publications.  Revised  Sept.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  4  p. 
4°     (Information  bulletin  6;  Information  Division.)     t  C  23.8  :  6 

Airway  bulletin  11a,  133a.  153-175 ;  Aug.  16-26,  1927.  [1927.]  various  paging, 
11.  12°  (Information  Division.)  [Airway  bulletin  11a,  Airway  strip  maps, 
supersedes  Bulletin  11  of  Mar.  15,  1927.]     t  C  23.7  :  11a,  etc. 

Airwai/  map  of  United  States.  Scale  300  m.=l  in.  C.  &  G.  S.  Print.  Aug.  20, 
1927.     6.8X10.4  in.     ([Information  bulletin  8];  Information  Division.)      t 

C  23.8 :  8 


Business.  Survey  of  current  business,  Sept.  1927,  no.  73 ;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce,  [and]  Bureau  of 
Standards.  1927.  cover-title,  48  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Contains  statistics  for 
July,  1927.  and  items  ctivering  August  received  up  to  Aug.  29,  1927,  the  date 
given  above,  Sept.  1927,  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
♦Paper,  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc,  semiannual  numbers  25c.),  $1.50 
a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  927/9 

Same,  weekly  supplement,  Sept.  6-26,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p.  il. 

4°      [Included   in  price   of  monthlv    Survey   of  current   business,   which   see 
above.]  C  3.34  :  927/26-29 

Chemicals.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Chemicals,  chemicals  not  elsewhere 
classified,  sulphuric,  nitric,  and  mixed  acids,  rayon,  and  salt.     1927.     44  p. 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26241  C  3.24/4 :  925-C  42 

Cordage.  Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Miscellaneous  fiber  and  textile  prod- 
ucts, cordage  and  twine,  jute  goods,  linen  goods,  oilcloth,  linolemn.  asphalted- 
felt-base  floor  coverings,  fur-felt  hats,  artificial  leather,  dyeing  and  finishing 
textiles,  flax  and  hemp  dressed,  haircloth,  mats  and  matting,  grass  and  coir. 
1927.  30  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  17-26943  C  3.24/4 :  925-F  44 

Cotton.  Cotton  consumed,  cotton  on  hand,  active  cotton  spindles,  and  imports 
and  exports  of  cotton.  Aug.  1927  and  1926,  with  statistics  for  12  months 
ending  July  31.  Sept.  14,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  This 
publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]      t  C  3.21 :  927-28/1 

HoiT  to  order  publications— See   information  follo^Ting   Contents 

September,  1927  149 

Cotton — Continued. 

Report  on  cotton  ginning,  number  of  bales  of  cotton  ginned  from  growth 

of  1927  prior  to  Sept.  1.  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 
date  in  1926  and  1925.  Sept.  8,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  This 
publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.20  :  927-28/1 

Same  prior  to  Sept.  16,  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 

date  in  1926  and  1925.  Sept.  23,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.20  :  927-28/2 

Cotton  goods.     Census   of   manufactures,    1925:   Cotton   manufactures,   cotton 
goods,  cotton  small  wares,  cotton  lace.    1927.    31  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26155  C  3.24/4 :  925-C  82 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  .and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported*  for  1  month  ending  Aug.  31.  1927 
and  1926.  Sept.  13,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products  are 
for  12  months  ending  July  31.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is  issued 
in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25  :  927-28/1 

Factories.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Size  of  establishments  by  value  of 
products ;  Monthlv  employment  of  wage  earners.    1927.    31  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26911  C  3.24/4  :  925-Es  8 

Financial  statistics  of  States,  [fiscal  year]  1926.     1927.     133  p.  il.     [Prepared 
under  supervision  of  Starke  M.   Grogan,  chief  statistician  for  statistics  of 
States  and  cities,  and  Lemuel  A.  Carruthers,  expert  chief  of  division.     The 
text  was  prepared  by  Cora  Higgins.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  16-26796  C  3.2  :  St  2/3/926 

FJom'-mills.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Flour,  feed,  and  other  grain-mill 
products,  and  bread  and  other  bakery  products.    1927.    36  p.    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26870  C  3.24/4 :  925-F  66 

Industries.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Statistics  for  industries,  States,  and 
cities.     1927.     191  p.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26749  C  3.24/4 :  925-In  2 

Knit  goods.  Census  of  manufactures.  1925  :  Knit  goods.  1927.  36  p.  *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26974  C  3.24/4  :  925-K  74 

Laundries.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Power  laundries  and  dyeing  and 
cleaning  establishments.     1927.    32  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26931  C  3.24/4 :  925-L  37 

Luniber.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Lumber  and  allied  products.     1927. 
92  p.  il.     *  Paper,  15c.  (incorrectly  given  on  publication  as  5c.). 
L.  C.  card  26-26380  C  3.24/4 :  925-L  97/2 

Official  regi^ster  of  United  States,  1927,  containing  list  of  persons  occupying  ad- 
ministrative and  supervisory  positions  in  each  executive  and  judicial  depart- 
ment  of   Governrpent,    including   District    of    Columbia.     1927.     viii+173    p. 
[Known  as  Blue  book.]     *  Cloth.  60c. 
L.  C.  card  8-35096  C  3.10:  927 

Oklahoma.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925 :  Oklahtima.  county  tables 
5-8,  Farm  population ;  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  crops  and  specified 
classes  of  livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood 
rut :  Acreage  and  value,  by  size  of  farm  ;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927.  26  p. 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26887  C  3.31 :  Ok  4/tab.  5-8 

Paint.    Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Paints  and  varnishes,  bone  black,  carbon 
black,  and  lampblack.    1927.    21  p.    *  Paper,  oc. 
L.  C.  card  23-26889  C  3.24/4  :  925-P  16 

Printing.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Printing  and  publishing  and  related 
industries,   printing   and   publishing,   engraving,   steel   and   copperplate,   and 
plate   printing,    lithographing,    bookbinding    and    blank-book    making.      1927. 
42  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26105  C  3.24/4 :  925-P  93/2 

Ho-vv  to  order  publications — See   information  follovrins   Contents 

66342— 27— No.  393 3 

150  September,  1927 

Report.    Annual  report  of  director  of  census  to  Secretary  of  Commerce,  fiscal 
year  1927.    1927.    ii+18  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  8-20800  C  3.1 :  927 

Texas.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925:  Texas,  county  tables 
6-8.  Number  of  farms  reporting  specified  ci'ops  and  specified  classes  of 
livestock,  woodland  cleared,  woodland  burned  over,  and  firewood  cut ;  Acre- 
age and  value,  by  size  of  farm;  Cooperative  marketing.  1927.  51  p. 
♦Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26888  C  3.31 :  T  31/tab.  6-8 

Wood  distillation.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Wood  distill,ation  and  char- 
coal manufacture.    1927.    11  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26872  ,  C  3.24/4 :  925-W  85 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey   hulletin,  Aug.   31.   1927;   no.   147.      [1927.]      7  p, 
[Monthly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20 :  147 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  Inside  route  pilot,  New  York  to  Key  West,  6th 
(1927)  edition.     Aug.  25,  1927.     1 1] -f7  leaves.     (Serial  400.)     t 

C  4.6/3 :  N  42  y/927-3 

• Supplement  to  United   States  coast  pilot,   Hawaiian   Islands.     Aug.   10, 

1927.     [1] +16  leaves.     (Serial  398.)      t  C  4.7/5 :  923/supp.  927 

Seismological  report,  Jan.-Mar.  1926 ;  by  Frank  Neumann  and  Jerry  H.  Service. 
1927.     [l]+52p.     (Serial  395.)     [Quarterly.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26163  C  4.25 :  926/1 


Beaufort  Harhor.  N.  C,  surveys  1851-1913,  sui-veys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Jan. 
1927  ;  chart  420.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
Aug.  1927.  24.5X23.4  in.     t  25c.  C  4.9:  420 

New  Bedford  Harbor  and  approaches.  Mass.,  surveys  1895-1915,  surveys  by 
U.  S.  Engineers  to  1927  and  other  sources  ;  chart  252.  Scale  1 :  20,000.  Wash- 
ington, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Aug.  1927.     35.4X33.9  in.     t  TSc. 

C  4.9:  252 

Portland,  Oreg.  Port  of  Portland,  including  Vancouver.  Oreg.-Wash.,  surveys 
by  Port  of  Portland  to  1927,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1927  and  other 
sources ;  chart  6155.  Scale  1 :  20,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
Aug.  1927.    43.6X25.3  in.    t  75c.  C  4.9  :  6155 

San  Francisco  entrance,  Calif.,  surveys  to  1927.  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to 
1927  and  other  sources  ;  chart  5532.  Scale  1 :  40.000.  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  Aug.  1927.     33.5X41.3  in.     f  75c.  C  4.9:  5532 


Fisheries  service  bulletin,  Sept.  1,  1927 ;  no.  148.  [1927.]  6  p.  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  F 15-76  C  6.9  :  148 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Seattle,  Wash.,  by  American  fishing  vessels.  Aug.  1927.  1927. 
1  p.  4°     (Statistical  bulletin  758.)     t  C  6.5:  758 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

September,  1927  151 

Report  of  commissioner  of  fisheries,  fiscal  year  1926.  with  appendixes ;  Henry 
O'Mallev,  commissioner.    1927.    iv+xlTi+633  p.  il.  2  maps,     t 
L.  C.  ca\-d  F  10-2  C  6.1 :  926/2 

Contexts. — Report  of  commissioner  of  fisheries. — Progress  in  biolo>;ical  inquirietv 
1925  ;  by  Willis  H.  Rich. — Fisheries  of  Siberia  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Boris  Baievsky. — 
Alaska  fishery  and  fur-seal  industries  in  19i.'.">.  by  Ward  T.  Bower  :  [with  Fur-seal  cen- 
sus, Pribilof  "islands,  1925,  by  Edward  <".  Johnston]. — Preliminary  report  on  marine 
fisheries  of  Texas  ;  by  Elmer  Higgins  and  Russell  Lord. — Fishery  industries  of  United 
States,  1925  [with  lists  of  earlier  publications  relating  to  fisheries  of  Gulf  States  and 
of  New  England  States]  ;  by  Oscar  E.  Sette. — Propagation  and  distribution  of  food 
fishes,  fiscal  year  1926  ;  by  Glen  C.  Leach. — Pacific  cod  fisheries  [with  bibliography]  ; 
by  John  N.  Cobb. — Refrigeration  of  fish  ;  by  Harden  P.  Taylor. 


Automobiles.    Advertising  automotive  products  in  Latin  America ;  compiled  by 

J.  A.  G.  Pennington.  [Aug.  1927.]  ii+39  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin 
510;  Specialties  Division.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26921  C  18.25  :  510 

Chemicals:  United  States  chemical  exports  to  neighboring  countries,  Canada 
principal  market  in  this  group:  [by]  A.  H.  Swift.  [1927.]  2  p.  4"  [From 
Commerce  reiwrts,  Sept.  19,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  C  42 

Commerce.     Foreign  trade  of  United  States,  fiscal  year  1926-27 :  by  Lawrence 
B.  Mann  and  Grace  A.  Witherow.     [Aug.  1927.]     iv+19  p.     (Trade  informa- 
tion bulletin  507:  Statistical  Research  Division.)     t 
L.  C.  card  A  22-1744  C  18.25  :  507 

Monthly   summary   of  foreign   commerce   of   United    States.    July.    1927. 

1927.    2  pts.  p.  1-67  and  ii-f  69-88  p.  4"    *  I'ai^er,  pt.  1,  10c.  single  copy,  *  pt.  2, 

5c.  single  copy.  $1.25  a  yr. :  foreign  subscription.  .?1.85. 

L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  1S.7  :  92S/'1-1. 1-2 

Same.    1927.     [  pts.  in  1],  88  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  33,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foi-eign  trade,  reports  from  American  con- 
sular oflicers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Commerce  in  foreign 
countries,  no.  36-39:  Sept.  5-26.  1927.  1927.  cover-titles,  p.  577-832,  il.  4" 
[Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2—4  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  927/36-39 

Construction  and  construction  materials,  summary  of  leading  developments 
during  1926 ;  reprinted  from  Commerce  yearbook,  1926,  for  Division  of  Build- 
ing and  Housing.  Bureau  of  Standards.    1927.     [1] +312-359  p.  il.     t 

C  18.26/a  :  C  766/926 

Electrical  development.  Electrical  development  and  guide  to  marketing  of  elec- 
trical equipment  in  Colombia  and  Venezuela;  [compiled  by  Lawrence  D.  Bat- 
son].  [Sept.  1927.]  ii+27  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  511;  Electrical 
Equipment  Division.)  [Includes  list  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce 
Bureau  publications  pertinent  to  subject  matter  of  this  bulletin.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26927  C  18.25  :  511 

Electrical  development  and  guide  to  marketing  of  electrical  equipment 

in  Peru.  [Aug.  1927.]  ii+29  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  508;  Electrical 
Equipment  Division.)  [Includes  list  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce 
Bureau  publications  pertinent  to  .subject  matter  of  this  bulletin.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26904  C  18.25  :  508 

Far  East.     Employment  and  cost  of  living  for  Americans  in  the  Far  East  [with 
li.sts  of  references,  prepared  in]  Division  of  Regional  Information,  Far  East- 
ern Section:  [revised  by  Janet  H.  Nunn].    1927.    ii+37  p.  narrow  12°     [This 
pamphlet  supersedes  that  issued  in  1924  on  the  same  subject.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-^26926  C  18.2  :  F  22/5 

Indu.'itrial  machineru:  Metal-workiue:  machinery  exports  in  1926.  [1927.]  4  p. 
11.  4°     [From  Commerce  report.s,  Sept.  12,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  M  184/13 

Itahj's  monetnrii  policif:  by  H.  C  MacLean.     [Sept.  1927.]     ii+13  p.      (Trade 
information  bulletin  512 ;  [Division  of  Regional  Information  and  Division  of 
Finance].)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26941  C 18.25 :  512 

Ho'«v  to   order  publications — ^ee   information  follo-^ving   Contents 


September,  1927 

Netherlands  East  Indies.  Markets  of  Netherlands  East  Indies ;  by  M.  A.  Pugh. 
[Sept.  1927.]  ii+37  p.  il.  (Trade  information  bulletin  509;  Division  of 
Regional  Information,  Far  Eastern  Section.)  [Includes  list  of  Foreign  and 
Domestic  Commerce  Bureau  publications  of  interest  in  connection  with  this 
bulletin.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26916  C  18.25 :  509 

Radio  communication.  Electrical  equipment :  Conditions  in  European  radio 
markets ;  [by]  K.  T.  Nelson.  [1927.]  4  p.  il.  4°  [This  is  the  3d  of  a  series 
of  articles  covering  world  markets  for  radios.  From  Commerce  reports,  Sept. 
19,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  El  25/3 

Same :  World  radio  markets,  broadcasting  service ;    [by]    Lawrence  D. 

Batson.     [1927.]     4  p.  il.  4°     [This  is  the  2d  of  a  series  of  articles  covering 
world  markets  for  radios.     From  Commerce  reports,  Sept.  5,  1927.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  El  25/2 

Same :  World  radio  markets,  statistical  analysis,  sales  vary  with  climates  ; 

[by]  H.  B.  Way.     [1927.]     4  p.  il.  4°     [This  is  the  1st  of  a  series  of  articles 
covering  world  markets  for  radios.    From  Commerce  reports,  Aug.  22, 1927.]    t 

C  lS.5/la  :  El  25 


Lighthouse  service  hulletin,  v.  3,  no.  45 ;   Sept.  1,  1927. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121 

[1927.]     p.  205-209. 

C  9.31 : 3/45 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  35-39,  1927;  Sept.  2-30  [1927].     1927.     various 
paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26  :  927/35-39 


Arsenic  in  1926 ;  by  V.  C.  Heikes.     Sept.  12,  1927.    ii +19-23  p.     [From  Mineral 
resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  Ar  72/926 

Asphalt  and  related  bitumens  in  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins.     Sept.  9,  1927.     11+ 
51-69  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  As  65/926 

Bauxite  and  aluminum  In  1926;  by  James  M.  Hill.     Sept.  10.  1927.     ii+51-65  p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  B  329/926 

Lime-kilns.     Function  of  steam  in  limekiln   [with  selected  bibliography]  ;  by 
Ernest  E.  Berger.    1927.    iv+43  p.  il.     (Technical  paper  415.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

C  22.5 :  415 

L.  C.  card  27-26915 

Publications.     New   publications,    list   125 ;    Mar.    1927. 
[This  publication  is  Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     f 

Same,  list  126;   Mar.  1927.     [1927.]     oblong  48° 

Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     f 

Same,  list  127;  May,  1927. 

Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,  list  128;   May,   1927. 

issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,   list   129;   June,   1927. 

Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,   list   130;   July,    1927. 

Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     f 

Same,   list   131;    July,    1927. 

Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,    list    132;    Sept.    1927. 

issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,   list   133;    Sept.    1927. 

issued  In  postal  card  form.]     t 

HoTV  to  order  publlcatlons-^See  Information  folloTrins  Contents 


oblong  48° 


oblong  48° 


oblong   48° 


oblong   48° 


oblong   48° 


oblong   48° 

1927.     oblong   48° 

[1927.]      oblong   48° 
C  22.7/3 :  125 

[This  publication  is 
C  22.7/3 :  126 

[This  publication  Is 
C  22.7/3 :  127 

[This  publication  is 
C  22.7/3 :  128 

[This   publication   is 
C  22.7/3 :  129 

[This   publication   Is 
C  22.7/3 :  130 

[This   publication   Is 
C  22.7/3: 131 

[This   publication   is 
C  22.7/3 :  132 

[This   publication   is 
C  22.7/3 :  133 

September,  192T 


Publications — Continued. 

Same,   Ust   134;    Sept.   1927.     1927,     oblong   48°      [This    publication    is 

issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  22.7/3 :  134 

Salt,  bromine,  and  calcium  chloride  in  1926;  by  A.  T.  Coons.     Sept.  13,  1927. 
11+71-80  p.     LFrom  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

C  22.8/a :  Sa  37/926 

Selenium  and  tellurium  in  1926;  by  V.  C.  Heikes.     Sept.  1927.     [1] +25-27  p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :Se 48 

Tin  in  1926;  by  J.  W.  Furness.     Sept.  13,  1927.     ii+29-50  p.  il.     [From  Mineral 
resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  oc.  C  22.8/a  :  T  49/926 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Classification  bulletin  58,  Jan.  1-June  30,  1927,  containing  classification  of  sub- 
jects of  invention  revised  by  Classification  Division.     1927.     27  leaves,  large 
8°     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  S-1623S  C  21.3  :  58 

Decisions.  [Decisions  in  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,  etc.]  Sept.  6,  1927.  p. 
1-6,  large  8"  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  362,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr. 

C  21.5/a  2 :  362/1 

L.  C.  card  23-7315 

—  Same.     Sept.  13,  1927.     p.  231-236,  large  8 
362,  no.  2.] 

—  Same.     Sept.  20,  1927. 
no.  3.] 

Same.     Sept.  27, 1927. 
no.  4.] 

[From  Official  gazette,  v. 
C  21.5/a  2 :  362/2 

p.  445^50.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  362, 

C  21.5/a  2 :  362/3 

p.  643-648,  large  8° 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  362, 
C  21.5/a  2 :  362/4 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  Sept.  6-27,  1927 ;  v.  362,  no.  1-4.     1927.     cover- 
titles,  842+[cxliv]  p.  il.  large  8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  single  copy,  $10.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  362/1-4 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in 
patent  cases. 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50  ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $17.50. 

Same  [title-page,  contents,  etc.,  to]  v.  361 ;  Aug.  1927.     1027.     [2]  leaves, 

large  8°     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official  gazette  for 
subscribers.  C  21.5  :  361/t.  p.  &  cont. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  Sept.  6,  1927].  [1927.]  xl  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
v.  362,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr. 

—     Same  [Sept.  13.  1927].     [1927.]     xxxvi  p.  large  8° 
V.  362,  no.  2.] 

C  21.5/a  4  :  362/1 

[From  Official  gazette. 
C  21.5/a  4  :  362/2 

[From  Official  gazette. 
C  21.5/a  4  :  362/3 

[From  Official  gazette, 
C  21.5/a  4  :  362/4 
How  to  order  publications — See   information  folloT^-ing   Contents 

—  Same  [Sept.  20,  1927]. 
v.  362,  no.  3.] 

—  Same  [Sept.  27,  1927]. 
T.  362,  no.  4.] 

[1927.]     xxxiv  p.  large  8° 
[1927.]     xxxiv  p.  large  8° 

154  September,  1927 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  Sept.  6-27.  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8"     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  ^62,  no.  1-4.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  362/1-4 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Ofiicial  gazette,  Sept.  6,  1927.  [1927.] 
7-52+xvi  p.  il.  large  8"  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  362,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  362/1 

Same,  Sept.  13,  1927.  [1927.]  237-2S6+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Offi- 
cial gazette,  v.  362.  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  362/2 

• Same,  Sept.  20, 1927.     [1927.]     451-501 +xiv  p.  il,  large  8°       [Frdm  Official 

gazette,  v.  362,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  362/3 

Same,  Sept.  27.  1927.  [1927.]  649-690 +xiv  p.  il.  large  8"  [From  Offi- 
cial gazette,  v.  362,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  362/4 


Coimncrce  Departinent.  Supplement  to  annual  T,ist  of  publications  [of  Depait- 
ment  of  Commerce  available  for  distribution].  Aug.  31,  1927.  [1927.]  5  p. 
[Monthly.)     t  C  16.6  :  927/8 


Radio  service  bulletin,  Aug.  31.  1927;  no.  125.     [1927.]     16  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Pa- 
per. 5c.  single  copy.  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  125 

Radio  stations.  Commercial  and  Government  radio  stations  of  United  States. 
Edition,  June  30,  1927.  1927.  iv-fl37  p.  [The  1st  supplement  to  this 
publication  was  i.><sued  as  Radio  service  bulletin,  July  30,  1927,  no.  124, 
which  was  entered  in  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Aug.  1927,  p.  87.]  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  14-30838  C  24.5 :  927/1 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  $1.25  per 
volume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $2.50.  These  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription. 
$2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Th<>  Technologic  papers  will  be  issuetl  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  in 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  l>e  accepted  bv  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  num- 
bers vary  in  price. 

Burette  for  accurate  measurement  of  gas  volumes  without  gas  connection  to 
compensator;  by  E.  R.  Weaver  [and]  Martin  Shepherd.    Aug.  15,  1927.     [1]  + 
375-382  p.  il.  1  pi.  large  8°     ( Scientific  papers  559. )      [From  Scientific  papers,  v. 
22.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26917  C  13.3/a  :  559 

Glass.  Soda-lime  glass.  June  17,  1927.  4  p.  4°  (Certificate  of  analyses  of 
standard  sample  no.  80. )     t  C  13.17 :  80 

Hollow  tile.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  tile,  hollow, 
clay,  fireproofing,  partition,  and  furring.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Speci- 
fication 508.  officially  promulgated  by  Federal  Sjiecifications  Board,  July  11, 
1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of  Government 
in  purchase  of  clay  hollow  fireproofing,  partition,  and  furring  tile.  Aug.  10. 
1927.  4  p.  large  8"  (Circular  343.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26901  C  13.4 ;  343 

Leather.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  leather,  hydraulic 
packing  (vegetable  tanned).  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  496. 
officially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  10,  1927,  for 
use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  pur- 
chase of  hydraulic  packing  leather  (vegetable  tanned).  Aug.  15,  1927.  6  p. 
il.  4°  (Circular  340.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26900  C  13.4 ;  340 

Hovr  to   order  publications — See  Information   follo'wlng:   Contents 

September,  1927  155 

Limestone.     Physical   properties  of  principal   commercial  limestones  used  for 
building  construction  in  United  States ;  by  D.  W.  Kessler  [and]  W.  H.  Sligh. 
July    23,    1927.     [1] +497-590    p.    il.    large    8°     (Technologic    papers    349.) 
[From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26922  C  1S.6 :  349 

Puhlications.  New  publications  for  July,  1927,  additions  to  Supplementary 
list  of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  beginning  July  1,  1926.  [1927.] 
2  p.     t  C  13.4 :  24/26/July,  927 

New  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  no.  35 ;  Aug.  31,  1927.     1927. 

oblong  48"     [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t     C  13.15 :  35 

Radio  communication.     Cooperative  measurements  of  radio  fading  in  1925 ;  by 
J.  H.  Bellinger,  C.   B.  Jolliffe,    [and]    T.   Parkinson.     Aug.   17.   1927.     [1]  + 
419-450  p.  il.  2  pi.  large  8°     (Scientific  pai)ers  561.)      [From  Scientific  papers, 
V.  22.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26934  C  13.3/a  :  561 

Rubier.  Density  and  electrical  properties  of  system,  rubber-sulphur:  pt.  1. 
Density  of  rubber-sulphur  compotinds,  by  A.  T.  McPherson ;  pt.  2,  Electrical 
properties  of  rubber-sulphur  compounds,  by  H.  L.  Curtis,  A.  T.  McPherson, 
[and]  A.  H.  Scott.  Aug.  17,  1927.  [1] +383-418  p.  il.  large  8°  (Scientific 
papers  560.)  [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26928  C  13.3/a  :  560 

Silver  alloys.  Tarnish  resisting  silver  alloys,  report  of  joint  investigation  con- 
ducted by  Bureau  of  Mines  and  Bureau  of  Standards  at  direction  of  United 
States  Senate  Commission  on  Gold  and  Silver  Inquiry ;  by  Louis  Jordan, 
L.  H.  Grenell,   [and]   H.  K.  Herschman.     July  23.  1927.     [1] +459-496  p.  il. 

I  pi.  large  8°     (Technologic  papers  348.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.] 

*  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26889  C  13.8  :  348 

Technical  news  bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  Sept.  1927;  no.  125.     [1927.] 

II  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 

L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  125 


Steamboat  Inspection  Service  bulletin,   Sept.   1,   1927;   no.   143.     [1927.]     4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10 :  143 


statutes  at  large,  Dec.  1925-Mar.  1927,  concurrent  resolutions,  and  recent 
treaties,  conventions,  and  Executive  proclamations ;  edited  under  direction 
of  Secretary  of  State.  1927.  v.  44,  pts.  2  and  3,  [cccxlix]+3058  p.  5  maps. 
8  p.  of  maps,  large  8°  [Pt.  2  contains  the  public  acts  and  resolutions ;  pt. 
3,  private  acts  and  resolutions,  concurrent  resolutions,  treaties,  and  proclama- 
tions. The  contents  are  the  same  as  those  of  the  Pamphlet  or  Session  laws 
for  the  two  sessions  of  the  69th  Congress,  but  with  a  different  arrangement.] 

*  Cloth,  each  pt.  $4.00. 

L.  C.  card  7-35353  S  7.9  :  44/2, 3 

Note. — Pt.    1,   entitled    Code   of   laws   of   United    States,   appeared   in   the   Monthly 
catalogue  for  Mar.  1927,  p.  678. 


Veterans'  Bureau.  Laws  relating  to  Veterans'  Bureau  and  war  I'isk  insurance ; 
compiled  by  Elmer  A.  Lewis,  superintendent  Document  Room,  House  of  Rep- 
resentatives.    1927.     164  p.     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27618  Y  1.2 :  In  7/11 

Includes  : 

Public  law  20   [65th  Congress]. 

Public  law  90   [65th  Congress]. 

Public  law  151    [65th  Congress]. 

Public  law  175  [65th  Congress]. 

For  remainder  of  contents  see  next  page. 

How  to  order  publications — See   information.  (ollox>vlne   Contents 

156  September,  i*.>27 

Veterans'  Bureau — Continued. 
Includes : 

Public  law  195   [65th  Consress]. 

Public  law  272   [65th  Congress]. 

Public  law  312   [65th  Congress]. 

Public  res.  22  [65th  Congress]. 

Public  res.  27   [65th  Congress]. 

Public  res.  52  [65th  Congress]. 

Proclamations  nos.  1366,  1386. 

Public  law  193,  63d  Congress. 

Public  law  209,  64th  Congress. 

Public  law  387,  64th  Congress. 

Public  res.  44,  66th  Congress. 

Public  law  11,"  66th  Congress. 

Public  law  99,  66th  Congress. 

Public  law  26,  66th   Congress. 

Public  law  104,  66th  Congress. 

Public  law  105  [extract],  66th  Congress. 

Public  law  47,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  109  [extract],  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  194,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  216,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  273,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  361,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  370,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  460,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  542,  67th  Congress. 

Public  law  120,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  197,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  242,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  449,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  587,  6Sth  Congress. 

Public  law  600,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  628,  68th  Congress. 

Public  res.  71,  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  586  (extract  from),  68th  Congress. 

Public  law  325,  69th  Congress. 

Public  law  448,  69th  Congress. 

Public  law  472,  69th  Congress. 

Public  law  762,  69th  Congress. 

Public  law  784,  69th  Congress. 

Public  law  785,  69th  Congress. 


Government.  District  of  Columbia  investigation,  hearings  before  subcommittee, 
69th  Congress,  2d  session,  appointed  to  investigate  affairs  of  District  of 
Columbia,  Sept.  25,  1926  [-Feb.  28,  1927].  1927.  2  v.[iv]+1590  p.  il.  1  tab. 
*  Paper,  v.  1,  $1.00 ;  *  v.  2,  60c.  Y  4.D  63/1 :  D  63/2/v.l,2 

Note. — Volume  2  of  these  hearings  includes  the  preliminary  report  of  the  special 
subcommittee  of  Committee  on  District  of  Columbia  and  the  hearings  held  by  the 
Efficiency  Bureau  on  traffic  signal  equipment  furnished  by  Crouse-Hinds  Co. 


Atlantic  Refining  Company.  Atlantic  Refining  Company,  Pennsylvania  corpora- 
tion, V.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no.  C-1249,  p. 
11-13.     t  Ju  3.8 :  At  6/35 

Atlantic  Refining  Company,  Pennsylvania  corporation,  v.  United  States ; 

report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  C-1250,  p.  57-62.     t        Ju  3.8:  At  6/36 

Atwater,  William  C,  &  Co.,  Incorporated.  William  C.  Atwater  &  Company,  Inc., 
V.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  D-125,  p.  71-84.     t 

Ju  3.8:  At  94/3 

Bauman.  Abraham  Bauman  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  claimant.  [1927.] 
no.  D-1132,  p.  65-137.     %  Ju  3.8  :  B  327/2 

California  Wine  Association  of  Ne^o  York,  Inc.,  v.  United  States ;  report  of  com- 
missioner.    [1927.]     no.  E-115,  p.  23-28.     $  Ju3.8:C128 

Campiell  Electric  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-80,  p.  1-4.     t  Ju  3.8 :  C  153/5 

How  to  order  pnbllcations^See  Intonuatlon  following  Contents 

September,  1927  157 

Cases.  October  calendar  [of  cases  ready  for  trial  or  hearing],  term  1926  [1927]. 
1927.     47  p.     [Part  of  the  pages  are  blank.]     t  Ju  3.5:  927 

Term    1925-26,    printed    records,    index    [miscellaneous    cases].     [1927.] 

7  p.     $  Ju  3.11/2 :  925-926 

Coliseum  Battery  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-S6,  p."  1-4.     t  Ju  3.8  :  C  682 

Continental  Battery  Company  v.  United  States  ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-128,  p.  17-20.     %  Ju  3.8  :  C  767 

Corning  Distilling  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.  F-215,  p.  13-47.     t  Ju  3.8 :  C  816 

Depositions.  Instructions  for  taking  depositions  to  be  used  in  Court  of  Claims. 
[1927.]     8  p.     t  Ju  3.2 :  D  44/927 

Dyer  d  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no.  B-119. 
p.  13-18.     t  Ju  3.8  :  D  988 

Ex-Cel  Battery  Works  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no. 
E-79,  p.  1-4.     I  Ju  3.8 :  Ex  22/3 

General  Storage  Battery  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-85,  p.  1-4.     t  Ju  3.8 :  G  286/5 

Haas.  Andrew  L.  Haas  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  plaintiff].  [1927.] 
no.  H-117,  p.  5-30.     $  Ju  3.8 :  H  111 

Eeiman  Brothers  Battery  Company.  Lewis  Heiman  and  Nicholas  Heiman, 
doing  business  as  Heiman  Brothers  Battery  Company,  v.  United  States ;  report 
of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  E-83,  p.  1-4.     %  Ju3.8:H3a3 

Hoffman,  B.  F.,  Incwporated.  B.  F.  Hoffman,  Inc.,  v.  United  States ;  [evidence 
for  claimant].     [1927.]     no.  E-463,  p.  Il-i4.     $  Ju  3.8 :  H  675 

Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  C-1209,  p.  85-106.     $  Ju  3.8  :L  198/2 

Legg.  Carlton  Y.  Legg  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  claimant].  [1927.] 
no.  F-141,  p.  5-8.     t  Ju  3.8  :  L  524/2 

Miller,  Albert,  d  Co.  Albert  Miller,  E.  Percy  Miller,  and  F.  H.  Hallock,  copart- 
ners trading  under  firm  name  and  style  of  Albert  Miller  &  Company,  v.  United 
States;   report   of   commissioner.     [1927.]     no.    B-121,   p.    23-30.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  M  612 

'Nevada-Califomia-Oregon  Raihvay.  Nevada-California-Oregon  Railway  v. 
United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant].     [1927.]     no.  D-42,  p.  53-88.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  N  411/2 

Same;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  D-^2,  p.  109-113.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  N  411/3 

Same;   report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  D-42,  p.  53-72.     t 

Ju  3.8  :  N  411 

North  American  Provision  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  F-132,  p.  15-17.     %  Ju  3.8 :  N  811/16 

Panama  Ruiher  and  Equipment  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  E-87,  p.  1^.     t  Ju  3.8  :P  191/3 

Rainboic  Battery  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  E-82,  p.  1-4.     I  Ju3.8:R134 

San  Antonio  Battery  Service.  Lester  C.  Beals  and  F.  W.  Beals,  doing  business 
as  San  Antonio  Battery  Service,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-84,  p.  1-4.     t  Ju  3.8  :Sa  51/3 

Shof-^aU  Hay  d  Grain  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  B-120,  p.  11-16.     t  Ju3.8:Sh73 

Standard  Electric  Company.  Benjamin  Dubinski,  doing  business  as  Standard 
Electric  Company,  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no. 
E-81,  p.  1-4.     t  Ju  3.8 :  St  24/13 

HoTT  to  order  pnblicatlons^See  Information  folloiprlng  Contents 

66342— 27— No.  393 4 

158  September  ,  1 927 


Calendar  for  Oct.  term,  1927.  1927.  xiii+82  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for 
insertion  in  binder.     Part  of  the  pages  are  blank.]     t  Ju  7.7 :  927 

Pipe.  No.  3001,  United  States  v.  Enrique  Vidal  Sanchez,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+176  p.    $     Ju7.6:  Sa55 

Rags.  No.  2999,  United  States  v.  Katzenstein  &  Keene  et  al.,  transcript  of  rec- 
ord on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+94  p.     | 

Ju  7.6 :  K  159 

Shortage  of  merchandise.  No.  3013,  United  States  v.  Dent,  Allcroft  &  Co.,  Inc., 
transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
i+7  p.     t  Ju7.6:D434 


Court  of  Appeals.  Calendar,  Oct.  term,  1927.  1927.  51  leaves.  [Leaf  22  is 
blank.]     +  DO  9.6:  927/2 

PwMic  UtiUties  Commission.  14th  annual  report  of  Public  Utilities  Commission 
of  District  of  Columbia,  [calendar  year]  1926.  1927.  v-4-195  p.  *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  14-30633  DC  43.1 :  926 


National  Conference  on  Vocational  Rehabilitation  of  the  Disabled  Civilian. 
Proceedings  of  4th  National  Conference  on  Vocational  Rehabilitation  of  the 
Disabled  Civilian  [called  by]  Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education  [and 
held  in  cooperation  with]  National  Rehabilitation  Association,  Hotel  Peabody, 
Memphis,  Tenn..  Mar.  28-31,  1927.  1927.  xiii-f-144  p.  ( [Bulletin  121 ;  Civil- 
ian vocational  rehabilitation  series  14.])  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-198  VE  1.3 :  121 

Rehabilitation.     Vocational   rehabilitation   in   United   States,   evolution,   scope, 
organization,  and  administration  of  program  of  vocational  rehabilitation  of 
disabled  persons;  [by  John  Aubel  Kratz].     June,  1927.     v+98  p.  il.     ([Bulle- 
tin 120;  Civilian  vocational  rehabilitation  series  13.])     *  Pai)er,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-195  VE  1.3  :  120 


Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Sept.  1927;  [v.  13,  no.  9].  1927.  iv+627-687  p.  il. 
map,  4°  [Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, $2.60. 

L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  13/9 

Note. — The  bulletin  cont-iins,  iu  addition  to  the  regiUar  official  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  re- 
search studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  con- 
dition of  Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  ail  member 
banks  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal 
Reserve  Board,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  memher  banks.    Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  bv  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit,  Sept.  1,  1927.    1927.    8  p.    4"    t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  927/9 

Member  bank  call  report  36,  condition  of  all  member  banks  [of  Federal 

reserve  system],  June  30,  1927.    1927.    ii-f30  p.  il.  4°    t  FR  1.11 :  36 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions  are  sold  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  subscrip- 
tion, price  $1.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  single  copies,  5c. 

How  to  order  publications — See  infonuation  follovring;   Contents 

September.  1927  159 

Dccisi'Dis.    Federal  Tiade  Commission  decisions,  findings  and  orders  of  Federal 
Trade  Commission.  July  21,  1924-Mar.  22,  1925;  [edited  by  Richard  S.  Ely]. 
1927.     V.  8.  xi+654  p.     *  Cloth,  $1.75. 
L.  C.  card  20-26411  FT  1.11 :  8 

MiUers  Xational  Federation.  No.  4541,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Co- 
lumbia, Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Millers  National  Federation  and  Sims 
Milling  Company;  brief  for  appellant.     1927.     cover-title.  iv-fS6  p.     t 

FT  1.5  :  M  619/3 


Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7,  Aug.  1927 ;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  gen- 
eral,  Lurtin   R.  Ginn.  as.sistant  comptroller  general.     1927.      [1] +85-171  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a  :  7/2 



AffricHlture  Department.     Farmers'  bulletins,   Department  bulletins,   circulars, 
agricultural  yearbooks.  Statistical  bulletins,  Leaflets,  and  Technical  bulletins, 
list  of  publications  for   sale  by   superintendent   of   documents.     July,   1927. 
f2]-f68+[2]  p.     (Price  list  16,  26th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  26-26495  GP  3.9 :16/26 

Geological   Survey.     Publications    of   Geological    Survey,    geology,    mineral    re- 
sources, and  water  supply,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of 
documents.    July.  1927.     [2] +54  p.     (Price  list  15,  17th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26851  GP  3.9 :  15/17 

Monthly  catalogue,  United   States  public  documents  (with   prices),   no.  392: 

Aug.  1927.     1927.     v+ 69-138  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/2 

Plants,  culture  of  fruits,  vegetables,  gi-ain,  grasses,  and  seeds,  list  of  publications 
for    sale    by    sui)erintendent    of    documents.      July,    1927.      [2] +39+ [2]    p. 
(Price  list  44,  19th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26172  GP  3.9:  44/19 

Political  science,    documents    and    debates    relating    to    initiative,    referendum, 
lynching,  elections,  prohibition,  woman  suffrage,  political  parties.  District  of 
Columbia,    list    of   publications   for    sale   by   superintendent    of   documents. 
Aug.  1927.  [2] +26  p.     (Price  list  54,  13th  edition.)     t 
L.   C.  card  25-26877  GP  3.9:  54/13 


Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pension  cases  are  issued 
in  .slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  in  signatures, 
both  being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions 
of  either  kind  in  separate  parts  as  they  are  issued  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.  Prices 
for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  oiE  Documents, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Pensioiis.     [Decisions  of  Department  of  Interior  in  appealed  pension  and  re- 
tirement claims,  v.  22,  slips]  37-41  pension.     [1927.]     various  paging.     [For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 
L.   C.   card   12-29422  I  24.8/a  :  22/37-41 

Same,  [v.  22,  slips]  70-72  retirement.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  2  p. 

1 24.8/a :  22/70r-72r 

HctT  to  order  publicatlons-^^ee   information  following   Contents 

160  September,  1927 

Public  lands.  Decisions  of  Department  of  Interior  in  cases  relating  to  public 
lands,  Jan.  1,  1925-Dec.  31,  1926;  edited  by  Daniel  M.  Greene.  1927.  v.  51, 
XXXV +691  p.  [Also  issued  in  separate  signatures.  These  decisions  are 
made  up  in  the  OflBce  of  the  Solicitor  for  the  Department  of  Interior,  but 
are  promulgated  by  the  Secretary  of  the  Interior.]  *  Cloth,  $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  7-23651  121.5:51 

Swift,  George  M.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Sth  circuit,  Denver, 
Sept.  term,  1927,  in  matter  of  applications  of  George  M.  Swift,  and  Hill 
Moore,  successor  to  W.  E.  McKinney,  as  guardian  of  Martha  Jackson,  an 
incompetent,  for  leave  to  file  bills  of  review ;  entry  of  appearance  of  Hubert 
Work,  as  Secretary  of  Interior,  and  brief  in  opposition  to  applications  for 
bills  of  review.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+66  p.     t  I1.55:Sw55 


Childreii's  literature.  Sixty  selected  stories  for  boys  and  girls  [grades  1-6, 
reading  course]  ;  by  Florence  C.  Fox.  1927.  [1]+10  p.  il.  (Home  education 
reading  course  26  revised.)     t  116.12:26/4 

Colleges  and  universities.     List  of  references  on  higher  education ;  prepared  in 
Library  Division.     Sept.  1927.    40  p.     (Library  leaflet  35.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  13-1209  116.10/5:35 

Education.     Record    of   current    educational   publications,    comprising   publica- 
tions received  Apr.-June.  1927 ;  compiled  in  Library  Division.    1927.    ii+54  p. 
( Bulletin  25,  1927. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  12-227  116.3:927/25 

Laboratory  layouts  for  high-school  sciences :  by  A.  C.  Monahan.    1927.    v+31  p. 
il.     (Bulletin  22,  1927.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-197  1 16.3  :  927/22 

Modern  languages.  Reading  of  modern  foreign  languages,  extent  to  which  those 
who  have  pursued  French,  German,  or  Spanish  in  high  school  or  in  college  or 
in  both  read  these  languages  after  graduation ;  by  M.  V.  O'Shea.  1927. 
vii+7S  p.  (Bulletin  16,  1927.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Modern  For- 
eign Language  Study  Committee  of  American  Council  of  Education.]  *  Paiier. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-189  1 16.3 :  927/16 

Public  schools.    Statistics  of  State  school  systems,  1924-25 ;  prepared  in  Division 
of  Statistics.     1927.     [l]+54  p.  il.      (Bulletin  13.  1927.)      [Advance  sheets 
from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  8-674  1 16.3  :  927/13 

Rtiral  school  supervision,  abstracts  of  addresses  delivered  at  2d  Conference  of 
Supervisors  of  Southeastern  States,  held  at  Raleigh,  N.  C.  Dec.  6  and  7,  1926 ; 
prepared  in  Division  of  Rural  Education.     1927.     vi-f58  p.      (Bulletin  24, 
1927.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-194  1 16.3 :  927/24 

School  life,  v.  13,  no.  1;  Sept.  1927.    1927.    cover-title,  p.  1-20,  il.  4°     [Monthly 
except  July  and  August.    Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr.  (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. ;  for  50  copies  or  more  sent 
in  hulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  18-902  1 16.26/1 :  13/1 

Secondary   education.     Trends    in    development    of    secondary    education ;    by 
Eustace  E.  Windes.     1927.     [1]+41  p.  il.      (Bulletin  26.  1927.)      [Advance 
sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  E  27-191  116  3 :  927/26 

Teachers'  colleges.  Per  capita  costs  in  teachers'  colleges  and  State  normal 
schools,  1925-26;  by  Frank  M.  Phillips.  July,  1927.  6  p.  (Statistical  cir- 
cular 9.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  E  27-190  1 16.39 :  9 

How  to  order  publlcatlons^See  information  following  Contents 

September,  1927  IQl 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Suivev  consist  of  Annual 
reports,  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and  folios 
and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Washington, 
X>.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  tliat  amounts  to 
$5.00  at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios  alone 
or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should  be  made  by 
money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C.  Orders 
for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,  D.  C.     For  maps  and  topographic  maps  si-e  below. 

Gillette  coal  field,  northeastern  Wyoming,  bj'  C.  E.  Dobbin  and  V.  H.  Barnett ; 
with  chapter  on  Minturn  district  and  northwestern  part  of  Gillette  field,  by 
W.  T.  Thorn,  jr.  Aug.  S,  1927.  y+1-64  p.  il.  5  pi.  3  are  in  pocket,  4  p.  of  pi. 
4  maps,  2  are  in  pocket.     (Bulletin  796  A.)     *  Paper,  35c.  1 19.3  :  796-A 

Peeos  River.  Quality  of  water  of  Pecos  River  in  Texas ;  by  W.  D.  Collins  and 
H.  B.  Riftenburir.  Aug.  24,  1927.  ii+67-88  p.  il.  1  p;.  (Water-supply  paper 
596  D.)     *  Paper,  10c.  1 19.13  :  59&-D 

Puhlications.  New  publications,  list  234;  Sept.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  3  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  119.14/4:234 

Topographic  instructions.  Topographic  instructions  of  Geological  Survey:  B, 
Triangulation ;  compiled  by  E.  M.  Douglas.  [Reprint]  1927.  ii+47-S7  p.  il. 
4p.  ofph     (Bulletin  788  B.)     *  Paper,  10c.  1 19.3  :  788-B/rep. 

Same :  D,  Leveling ;  compiled  by  E.  M.  Douglas.     [Reprint  with  addition 

of  tables]  1927.     iv+117-160  p.  il.  2  pi.  2  tab.     (Bulletin  788  D.)     *  Paper, 
10c.  1 19.3  :  788-D/rep. 

Woodstock,  Va.  Ground  water  in  Ordovician  rocks  near  Woodstock,  Va. ;  by 
George  M.  Hall.  Aug.  22.  1927.  ii +45-66  p.  il.  1  pi.  map.  (Water-supply 
paper  596  C.)     *  Paper,  15c.  1 19.13  :  596-C 


Alaska.  Map  of  Alaska;  [with  inset,  Aleutian  Islands].  Scale  1:5,000,000. 
[Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.     16.9X23.9  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.25  :  Al  1/1/927 

[International  map  of  the  world.  United  States  section]  :  Hudson  River  [N.  Y.]  ; 
sheet  north  K  18.  Scale  1 : 1.000,000.  Washington,  Geological  Survey,  1927. 
18.3X21  in.     t  40c.  1 19.21/2  :  NK  18 

Oklahoma.  Oil  and  gas  fields  of  Oklahoma ;  compiled  and  drawn  by  Lewis  B. 
Pusey  under  direction  of  G.  B.  Richardson.  Scale  1 :  500.000.  Preliminary 
edition.     [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  1927.    30.6X62  in.     t  50c. 

1 19.25  :  01  5/4/Okla.  927 

Texas.  Oil  and  gas  fields  of  Texas ;  compiled  under  direction  of  G.  B.  Richard- 
son. Scale  1 :  750,000.  [Washington]  Geological  Survey,  1927.  2  sheets,  each 
53.5X34  in.  [Oil  and  gas  compilation  and  drafting  by  Lewis  B.  Pusey.] 
t  50c.  1 19.25  :  Oi  5/4/Tex.  927 

Topographic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  making  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  individual 
maps  are  projected  to  represent  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and 
each  map  is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town  or  natural  feature  in 
the  area  mapped.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1  :  31,680,  1  :  62,500,  and 
1  :  125,000,  corresponding,  approximately,  to  %  mile,  1  mile,  and  2  miles  to  1  inch. 
The  area  covered  differs  with  the  latitude,  but  the  average  area  is  58,  230,  or  920 
square  miles,  respectively,  for  these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  printed  on 
uniform-sized  paper,  about  20  by  16%  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas 
represented  thereon  are  about  IIV2  inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to 
latitude.  For  some  areas  of  particular  importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published. 
A  general  description  of  topographic  maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed 
on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

More  than  two-fifths  of  the  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.     Connecticut,  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Maryland, 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following;  Contents 

162  September,  1927 

Massachusetts,  New  Jersey,  New  York,  Obio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Virginia  are  com- 
pletely mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at  10c.  each, 
but  a"  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to  ifS.OO  at  the 
retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios  alone,  or  for 
maps  and  folios  together. 

California.  California,  Cairns  Corner  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  07'  30"-36°  15', 
long.  119°  07'  30"-119°  15'.  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Wash- 
ington, Geological  Survey]   edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     t  10c. 

1 19.12  :  4  C  123 

California,   Lake   View    School  quadrangle,   lat.   36°-36°    07'    30",   long. 

119°  22'  30"-119°  30'.  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.     [Washington. 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  4  L  149 

California,  Laton  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  22'  30"-3G°  30',  long.  119°  37'  30"- 

119°   45'.     Scale  1:31,680,   contour  interval  5  ft.      [Washington,   Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     1 10c.  I19.12:4L35 

California,  Lemoore  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  15'-36°  22'  30",  long.  119°  45'- 

119°  52'  30".    Scale  1 :  31,680,  contour  Interval  5  ft.     [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.2X14  in.     1 10c.  119.12 :4L  544 

California,  Riverdale  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  22'  30"-36°  30',  long.  119°  45'- 

119°  52'  30".     Scale  1 :  31,680.  contour  interval  5  ft.     [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     1 10c.  I19.12:4R524 

California,  Traver  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  22'  30"-36°  30',  long.  119°  22'  30"- 

119°   30'.      Scale  1:31,680,   contour  interval  5  ft.      [Washington.   Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  4  T  697 

California.  Tulare  quadrangle,  lat.  36°   07'   30"-:!6°15'.  long.   119°    15'- 

119°  22'  30".     Scale  1 :  31,680.  contour  interval  5  ft.     [Washhigton,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.    17.3X14  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  4  T  82 

Michigan,  Be  Witt  quadrangle,  lat.  42°  45'-43°,  long.  84°  30'-84°  45'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edition 
of  1927.     17.5X12.9  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  22  D  517 


Mount  McKiiiley  XatlDiial  Park.     Rules  and  regulations,  Mount  McKinley  Na- 
tional Park,  Alaska,  season  June  1-Sept.  15.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+20  p.  il. 
[Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.     Incluiles  lists  of  Government  pub- 
lications relating  to  national  parks.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26912  I  29.9  :  M  86/3/927 

National  parks.     Glimpses  of  our  national  parks:    [by  Robert  Sterling  Tard]. 
[Revised   edition.]      [Reprint    with    changes]    1927.     cover-title,    il+62   p.    il. 
[Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26059.  I  29.6 :  N  21/3/927-2 


Echo  Dam  and  relocated  Union  Pacific  Railroad  and  relocated  Lincoln  high- 
way around  Echo  reservoir.  Salt  Lake  Basin  project,  Utah,  Weber  River 
division.  [1927.]  cover-title,  v+74  p.  43  pi.  5  maps,  4°  (Specifications  463.) 
[Consists  of  specifications,  schedules,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project, 
bids  will  be  received  until  Oct.  25,  1927.]     t  Paper,  J!;2.50.  I  27.8  :  463 

New  reclamation  era,  v.  18,  no.  9;  Sept.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  p.  129-144, 
il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5  :  927/9 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and 
marlteting  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperataiou.  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects'  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  following   Contents 


September,  1927  163 


>jOTB. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold 
on  subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume;  foreign  subscription,  .$1.50;  single  copies, 
usually  5c.  In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valua- 
tion decisions  are  desired. 

Asphalt.  No.  18982,  Merrill  Engineering  Company  v.  Gulf,  Mobile  &  Northern 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p  249-250.      ([Opinion]  12513.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12513 

Atchison  Union  Depot  and  Railroad  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  824,  Atchi- 
son Union  Depot  and  Railroad  Company ;  decided  July  8,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  189-204.  (B-571.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-571 

Atlanta  and  St.  Andretcs  Bay  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6225,  notes  of 
Atlanta  &  St.  Andrews  Bay  Railway ;  decided  July  19,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  61-63.  ([Finance  decision]  2900.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2900 

AutomoWes.  No.  16990,  Mirabal  Motor  Company  v.  Michigan  Central  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  411-414.     ([Opinion]  12552.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12552 

Bangor  and  Aroostook,  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6437,  stock  of  Bangor  & 
Aroostook  Railroad ;  decided  Aug.  5,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p, 
93-95.  ([Finance  decision]  2913.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2913 

Bloch-signals.  Tabulation   of  statistics  pertaining  to   signals,   automatic  train 
control,  and  telegraph  and  telephone  for  transmission  of  train  orders  as  used 
on  railroads  of  United  States,  Jan.  1,  1927 ;  compiled  by  Bureau  of  Signals 
and  Train  Control  Devices.    1927.     [1]  +19  p.  4"    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.   C.  card  17-26448  IClblo.5:927 

Books.  No.  17684,  American  Book  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  1927.  [1] +372-374  p. 
([Opinion]  12.545.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  ,5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12545 

Brass.  No.  17645,  S.  Hausman  &  Sons  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  233-234. 
([Opinion]  12509.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reiwrts.  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12509 

Bricks.  No.  18350,  Buffalo  Brick  Company  v.  Chicago  &  North  Western  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  7,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
294-296  p.     ([Opinion]  12524.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12524 

Broom  handles.  No.  17434,  Oklahoma  Traffic  Association  et  al.  v.  Atchison. 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18.  1927;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  403-406.  ([Opinion]  12550.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12550 

Buffalo,  Rochester  and  Pittshurgh  Raihcap.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, valuation  docket  no.  710,  Buffalo,  Rochester  and  Pittsburgh  Railway 
Company,  Mahoning  Valley  Railroad  Company.  Clearfield  and  Mahoning  Rail- 
way Company,  Allegheny  and  Western  Railway  Company,  Allegheny  Terminal 
Company;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1927.  cover-title,  i+92  p. 
t  IC  1  val.8  :  B  863/3 

Burlaps.  No.  17344,  M.  C.  Peters  Mill  Company  v.  director  general  of  railroads, 
as  agent;  decided  July  9,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  331-335. 
([Opinion]  12538.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  1253? 

How  to   order  publications — See   information,  following   Contents 

164  September,  1921 

Canned  food.  No.  17776,  National  Canners  Association  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  5,  1927 ;  report  [and  order  1 
of  commission.  [1927.]  269-280+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12519.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12519 

Car-couplings.  No. — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit,  C.  L.  Tilden. 
Frank  Sykes,  and  Paul  Scharrenberg,  comprising  California  State  Board 
of  Harbor  Commissioners,  operating  State  Belt  Railroad,  v.  United  States, 
error  to  district  court  for  northern  district  of  California,  southern  division ; 
brief  and  argument  for  defendant  in  error.     1927.     cover-title,  i+12  p.     $ 

IC  1.13/1 :  St  29 

Carpets.  No.  16809,  Carson,  Pirie,  Scott  &  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  19,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +446-450  p.  ([Opinion]  12562.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12562 

Central  California  Traotion  Convpany.  Finance  docket  no.  5008,  control  of 
Central  California  Traction  Company;  decided  Aug.  5,  1927;  [report  of 
commission].  [1927.]  p.  125-140.  ( [Finance  decision]  2922.)  [From  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2922 

Chicago  Heights  Terminal  Transfer  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6175,  con- 
trol of  Chicago  Heights  Terminal  Transfer  Railroad  Company  by  Chicago  & 
Eastern  Illinois  Railway  Company ;  decided  July  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  753-761.  ([Finance  decision]  2885.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2885 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  and  Pacific  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6321,  abandon- 
ment of  part  of  branch  line  by  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Railway; 
[decided  July  18,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+4-6  p.  ([Fi- 
nance decision]  2891.)      [From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2891 

Coal.  No.  17256,  Chicago  Coal  Merchants  Association  v.  New  York  Central 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  June  30,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  203-208.  ([Opinion]  12502.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12502 

No.  18130,  Washington  Coal  Producers  Association  v.  Union  Pacific  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.1 
p.  499-501.     ([Opinion]  12574.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c 

IC  1.6/la :  12574 

No.  18960,  S.  H.  Bowman  Lumber  Company  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad 

Company;  decided  July  20,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  507-508. 
([Opinion]   12577.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12577 

■    No.  18996,  Romann  &  Bush  Pig  Iron  &  Coke  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 

&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  509-510.  ([Opinion]  12578.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC.  1.6/la :  12578 

Coke.  No.  18386,  Hudson  Valley  Coke  &  Products  Corporation  v.  New  York, 
New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  20,  1927 ; 
report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +472-474+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12568.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12568 

ColumMa  and  Cowlitz  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  4993,  acquisition  and  con- 
struction of  line  by  Columbia  &  Cowlitz  Railway  Company ;  approved  July  9, 
1927;  order.  1927.  p.  765.  ([Finance  decision]  2887.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2887 

Cotton.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2856,  routing  on  cotton  from 
Mississippi  Central  Railroad  points  to  Carolina  points  and  from  Alabama 
points  to  South  Atlantic  ports;  decided  July  19,  1927;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  387-391+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12548.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12-548 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information,  following  Contents 

September.  li>27  165 

Cotton — Continued. 

No.  18757,  Southern  Cotton  &  Paper  Company  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  4.S3-434.  aOpinionl  12558.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 
*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12558 

Cream.  No.  17451,  Beatrice  Creamery  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St. 
Paul  Raihvav  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  12.  1927:  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.'  [1927.]  375-384+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12546.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reiKirts,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  l.C/la  :  12546 

Decisions.     Decisions    of    Interstate    Commerce    Commission,    Oct.-Dec.    1926. 
•  1927.     xxvi+l-236a +237-936  p.      (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports, 

V.  118.)     *  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  8-30656  IC  1.6/1 :  118 

Same,  Dec.  1926-Jan.  1927.     1927.     xxviii+918  p.     (Interstate  Commerce 

Commission  reports,  T.  120.)     *  Cloth,  $2.25.  IC  1.6/1: 120 

Demurrage.  No.  17709,  Merchants  &  Planters  Compress  &  Warehouse  Company 
V.  Galveston.  Houston  &  Henderson  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Aug. 
18,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  477-482+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12570.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12570 

No.  1S3S9,  Milne  Lumber  Company  v.  Detroit,  Toledo  &  Irouton  Railroad 

Company  ;  [decided  .July  9.  1927  :  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  +324-326 
p.     ([Opinion]  12535.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12535 

Detroit  and  Mackinac  Railimy.  Finance  docket  no.  5557,  abandonment  of 
bi'anch  lines  by  Detroit  &  Mackinac  Ry. ;  decided  July  13,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  9-18.  ([Finance  decision]  2893.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  131.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2893 

Same ;  [decided  Aug.  12,  1927  ;  report  of  commission  on  further  considera- 
tion and  further  hearing].  1927.  [1]+15(>-1(>4  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2925.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  ;  F-2925 

Doors.  No.  1S440.  M  &  M  Wood  Working  Company  r.  Oregon-Washington 
Railway  &  Navigation  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  9.  1927 ;  reisort  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  329-330.  ([Opinion]  12537.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  12537 

Erie  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6371,  Erie  Railroad  equipment  trust,  series 
NN;  [decided  July  9.  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +762-765  p. 
([Finance  decision]  2886.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  F-2886 

Fertilisers.  No.  16295.  fertilizers  and  fertilizer  materials  between  southern 
points ;  decided  July  5.  1927 ;  2d  supplemental  report  [and  5th  supplemental 
order]  of  commission  on  further  consideration.  [1927.]  21o-218+ii  p. 
([Opinion]  12505.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12505 

Food.  No.  17966,  Jewel  Tea  Compaiiy  v.  Delaware,  Lackawanna  &  Westem 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  July  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission)] 
1927.  [1] +424-^26  p.  ([Opinion]  12555.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12555 

Freight.  Summary  of  freight  commodity  statistics  of  class  1  steam  railways 
[having  annual  operating  revenues  above  $1,000,000],  quarter  ended  June  30, 
1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     4  p.  oblong  large  8"     t 

IC  Iste.  26 ;  927/2 

Freight  rates.  No.  17551,  Swift  &  Company  v.  Georgia  &  Florida  Railway  et 
al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  407-410. 
([Opinion]    12551.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.   129.]     *  Paper,   5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12551 

How  to  order  pnblicatlonM — 8e«   iBformation  following  Contents 

66342— 27— No.  393 5 

166  September,  1927 

Freight  rates — Continued. 

No.   19017,   Inland   Waterways  Corporation   v.   Chicago   Great   Western 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  28,  1927 :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  521-536.      ([Opinion]    12583.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12583 

Fruit.  Investigation  and  suspension  docliet  no.  2455,  fruits  and  vegetables 
between  Pacific  Coast  States;  decided  June  13,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commissicm  on  oral  argument.  [1927.]  569-573+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12.590.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12590 

No.  15084,  Walter  Hill  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway 

Company ;  decided  July  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing-. 
11927.]     p.  323-324.      ([Opinion]    12534.)      [From  I.  C   .C.  reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12534 

Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged  to 
operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for  switch- 
ing locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  July.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  7  months  ended  with  July,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  S"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion;]    t  IC  1  ste.30  :  927/7 

Fuel-oil.  No.  17916,  Curtiss  Aeroplnne  &  Motor  Company,  IncoiTporated.  v. 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  29,  1927;  report  and 
order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +174-1764- [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12498.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1249S 

No.   38337,   Barnsdall   Refineries,   Incorporated,   et   ul.   v.   Chicago,   Rock 

Island  «&  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  443-445.  ( [Opinion]  12561.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  129.]     *  P.)  per,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12561 

Gcorffia  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  312,  Georgia  Railroad  (lessee  organiza- 
tion) and  Georgia  Rail  Road  &  Banking  Comi)any ;  [decided  May  6,  1927; 
report  of  commission].  1927.  [2] +551-606  p.  il.  (B-553.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  12.5.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-553 

Grain.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2813,  grain  and  grain  products 
from  Colorado,  Kansas,  and  Nebraslca  to  Gulf  ports  for  export ;  decided  July 
6.  1927:  [report  and  order  of  commission].  [1927.]  261-265+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12517.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12517 

Granite.  N<i.  1S09S.  Montello  Granite  Compnny  v.  Minneapolis,  St.  Paul  &  Sault 
Ste.  Marie  Railway  Company  et  .il. ;  decided  July  18.  1927:  report  of  commis- 
.sion.  [1927.]  p.  427-429.  ([Opinion]  12556.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12556 

Gm/jc.v.  No.  18727,  John  Fena  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Com- 
panv  et  al. :  decided  Julv  9,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  311-312. 
([Opinion]  32530.)     1  From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12530 

Great  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6251,  construction  and  abandon- 
ment of  lines  by  Great  Northern  Railway ;  decided  Aug.  3,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.1  p.  79-82.  ([Finance  decision]  2907.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports.  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2907 

Gre<it  We.<itern  Railiraji.  Valuation  docket  no.  665,  Great  Western  Railway 
Company;  [decided  June  15,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+674- 
699  p.     (B-558.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-558 

Gulf  and  Sabine  River  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6373,  abandonment  of 
portion  of  line  by  Gulf  &  Sabine  River  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Aug.  10. 
1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  99-101.  ( [Finance  decision]  2915.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  .5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2915 

I  How  *o   order  miMication.s — See  information  follo^ving;   Contents 

September,  1927  167 

Gulf,  Mobile  and  Xoi'theni  Railioad.  Valuatiou  ducket  no.  8(3G,  Gulf,  Mobile 
and  Northern  Railroad  Company;  [decided  June  10,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion].   1927.     [2]-!- 765-820  p.  il.     ([B-J5G2.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  report.s,  v.  125.] 

*  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-562 

Horses.  No.  996G,  Hudson  Mule  Company  et  al.  f.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Rail- 
road Company,  director  general,  as  agent,  et  al. ;  decided  July  11,  1927 ; 
report  oi  commi.ssi(m  on  further  consideration.  [1927.]  p.  365-371. 
([Opinion]  12544.)      [Fi'om  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12544 

Insecticides.  No.  18519,  General  Sprayer  Company  v.  Atlanta,  Birmingham  & 
Atlantic  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [1] +318-320  p.  ([Opinion]  12532.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12532 

Iron.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2859,  import  iron  and  steel 
articles  from  Texas  Gulf  ports  to  interstate  destinations ;  [decided  July  11. 
1927  ;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+350-360+ii  p.  ( [Opinion] 
12541.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.     IC  1.6/la  :  12541 

Iron  ores.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2875,  ground  iron  ore  from 
points  in  Virginia,  Tennessee,  Alabama,  and  East  St.  Louis,  111.,  to  points 
in  Texas ;  decided  Aug.  11,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
557-561+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12587.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12587 

Johnsonhurg  Railroad.     Finance  docket  no.  6259,  abandonment  of  portion  of 

line  by  Johnsonburg  R.  R.  Co. ;  decided  Aug.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 

[1927.]     p.  141-144.     ([Finance  decision]  2923.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 

131.]     -Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2923 

Kanauha  Central  Eailiraii.  Finance  docket  no.  5379,  deficit  status  of  Kanawha 
Central  Railway;  decided  Jnlv  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  i>. 
7-8.     ([Finance  decision]  2892.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2S92 

Kansas,  Oklahoma  and  Gulf  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6407,  note  of  Kansas, 
Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railway ;  decided  July  28.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  89-90.  ([Finance  decision]  2911.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2911 

Kinder  and  Northwestern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6387,  abandonment  of 
line  by  Kinder  &  Northwestern  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Aug.  5,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  87-88.  ( [Finance  decision]  2910.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  ;  F-2910 

Lead.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2881,  scrap  lead  and  zinc  from 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  group  to  trunk  line  and  New  England  territories;  decided 
Julv  30.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  541-545+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12585.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  ;  12585 

No.  16274,  Oklahoma  Traffic  Association  et  al.  v.  St.  Louis-San  Francisco 

Railway  Company  ;  decided  July  26,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  461-466+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12566.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12.566 

Limestone  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6339,  acquisition  of  proi^er- 
ties  of  Limestone  Telephone  Company  by  Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone 
Companv  of  W.  Va.;  [decided  July  11,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +766-768  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2888.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  ;  F-2888 

Long  Island  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  32,  equipment  trust  of  Long  Island 
Railroad;  approved  Aug.  5,  1927;  supplemental  order.  [3927.]  p.  77-78. 
(  [Finance  decision]  2906.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la ;  F-2906 

Finance  docket  no.     6391,  Long  Island  R.  R.  equipment  trust,  series  I : 

decided  July  19,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  47-50.  ([Finance 
decision]  2898.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  F-289S 

Ho-\v  to   order   pultlication.s — See   inforiiiiition   foUo^ving:   Contents 

158  September,  1927 

iMtnher.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2876,  combination  rule  on 
lumber  and  forest  products  between  southern  territory  and  interstate  points ; 
[decided  Aus:.  12,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+564- 
568+ [1]    p."   ([Opinion]    12589.)       [Reixirt  from   I.   C.   O.   reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  '  IC  1.6/la :  12589 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.   2901,   transit  arrangement  on 

lumber  at  points  on  Wabash  Railway ;  [decided  July  29,  1927 ;  report  and 
order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +518-520+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12582.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.G/la  :  12582 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2930,  restriction  in  routing  lum- 
ber and  forest  products  from  Mississippi  Valley  points  to  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  via 
Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railway;  decided  Aug.  9,  1927;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  561-563+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12588.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12588 

No.  17077,  Bufflein  Lumber  &  Manufacturing  Company  et  al.  v.  Oregon- 
Washington  Railroad  &  Navigation  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  June  21,  1927 ; 
report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +336-340+11  p.  ([Opinion] 
12539.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la  :  12539 

No.  17343,  Mobile  Chamber  of  Commerce  «&  Business  League  et  al.  v. 

Muscle  Shoals,  Birmingham  &  Pensacola  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided 
July  18,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  419-423+ii  p. 
([Opinion]  12554.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12554 

No.  17552.  Milne  Lumber  Company  v.  New  York  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  July  25,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  457- 
458.     ([Opinion]  12564.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12564 

No.  17658,  Dawkins  Lumber  Company  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railway 

Company  et  al. :  decided  July  18,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  '415-418+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12553.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12553 

No.  17851,  West  Coast  Lumbermen's  Association  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  & 

St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  12,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  363-364+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12543.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12543 

No.  18832,  Aycock-Holley  Lumber  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Rail- 
road Company:  [decided  July  9,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +306-308    p.      ([Opinion]     12528.)       [From    I.    C.   C.    reports,    v.    129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12528 

Manufacturers  RaUxcay  {St.  Louis).  Valuation  docket  no.  639,  Manufacturers 
Railway  Company  (St.  Louis)  ;  decided  July  8,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]      p.    23-41.      (B-65S     [568].)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reijorts,    v.    130.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  .  IC  1.6/la :  B-568 

Marianna  and  Blountstoion.  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6254,  operation  of 
line  by  Marianna  &  Blountstown  Railroad  Company ;  decided  July  20,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  743-745.  ([Finance  decision]  2881.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2881 

Meridian  and  Memphis  Railivay.  Valuation  docket  no.  709.  Meridian  and  Mem- 
phis Railwav  Company ;  [decided  June  24,  1927  ;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +746-764  p.     (B-561.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-561 

Meridian  Independent  Teleplvone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6374,  purchase 
of  prop)erties  of  Meridian  Independent  Telephone  Company  by  Mountain 
States  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Company ;  decided  July  28.  1927 :  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  85-86.  ([Finance  decision]  2909.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2909 

HotT  to  order  publications — See   information  follOTt-ing   Contents 

September,  1927  169 

Mineral  Range  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6193,  abandonment  of  line  by 
Mineral  Range  Railroad  Company  and  Hancock  &  Caiumet  Railroad  Com- 
pany; [decided  Aug.  5,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +72-74  p. 
([Finance  decision]  2904.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2904 

Minneapolis  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6413,  Minneapolis  & 
St.  Louis  receiver's  certificates  [W.  H.  Bremner,  receiver ;  decided  July  28, 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +74^76  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2905.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2905 

Minneapolis,  St.  Paul  and  Sault  Ste.  Marie  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6399, 
Minneapolis,  St.  Paul  &  Sault  Ste.  Marie  equipment  trust,  series  N;  [decided 
July  27,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +64-67  p.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 2901.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2901 

Misrouting.  No.  18128,  South  Alabama  Grocery  Company  v.  Central  of  Georgia 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  9,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  327-329.     ([Opinion]  12536.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12536 

No.   18633,   Pine  &  Cypress  Manufacturing  Company  v.   Washington  & 

Lincolnton  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  321-322.  ([Opinion]  12533.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12533 

No.  18763,  Enochs  Lumber  «&  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Illinois  Central 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  505-506.      ([Opinion]    12576.)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,  v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12576 

Missouri  and  North  Arkansas  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  511,  Missouri  and 
North  Arkansas  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  June  10,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission].   1927.     [2] +639-673  p.  il.     (B-557.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-557 

Missouri  Southern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  2887,  deficit  status  of  Missouri 
Southern  Railroad;  decided  Aug.  10,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
101-102.  ([Finance  decision]  2916.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2916 

Muriatic  acid.  No.  15867,  E.  E.  Bruce  &  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago  &  North 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion.    [1927.]    p.  435-441.     ( [Opinion]  12559.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12559 

New  York  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6366,  acquisition  of  control 
by  New  York  Central  Railroad ;  decided  July  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]    p.  83-84.     ([Finance  decision]  2908.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2908 

Finance  docket  no.  6436,  stock  of  New  York  Central  Railroad ;   [decided 

Aug.  9,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +96-98  p.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 2914.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2914 

New  York,  Lackawanna  and  Westej'ti  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  2443,  New 
York,  Lackawanna  &  Western  stock  and  bonds ;  [finance  docket  no.  5055, 
bonds  of  Morris  &  Essex  Railroad ;  decided  July  21,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [l]+34-47  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2897.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  L6/la  :  F-2897 

Newburgh  and  South  Shore  Railioay.  Valuation  docket  no.  203,  Newburgh  and 
South  Shore  Railway  Company :  decided  Julv  8,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  857-878.     (B-565.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-565 

Ohio  and  Kentucky  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6403,  securities  of  Ohio  & 
Kentucky  Railway;  decided  Aug.  10,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   121-124.     ([Finance  decision]    2921.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2921 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following   Contents 


170  September,  1927 

Oil-well  machinert/.  No.  18612,  Sinclair  Oil  &  Gas  Company  v.  MoDlie  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company:  decided  July  C,  1927:  repox't  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
281-282.     ([Opinion]  12520.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  oc. 

IC  1.6/ la  :  12520 

Paper.  No.  15199,  Washington  Publishers"  Association  et  al.  i*.  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  July  11.  1927:  report  of  commission 
on  further  hearing].  1927.  [1] +360-362  p.  ([Opinion]  12542.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12542 

No.  18313,  Albemarle  Paper  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Richmond,  Fred- 
ericksburg &  Potomac  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  20,  1927 ; 
reiwrt  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +502-504+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12575.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.     IC  1.6/la  :  12575 

Paper-mill  plugs.  No.  17972,  Bahr  Brothers  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Cleve- 
land. Cincinnati.  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company ;  decided  July  8, 
1927  :  report  [and  order]  of  commis.sion.  [1927.]  289-290+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12522.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  12522 

Pears.  No.  18289,  Jackson  TralEc  Bureau  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  July  20.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  497-498. 
([Opinion]  12573.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12573 

Pecos  Valley  Southern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6319,  control  of  Pecos 
Valley  Southern  Railway  by  Texas  &  Pacific  Railway ;  decided  July  6,  1927 : 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  749-752.  ([Finance  decision]  2884.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2884 

Pere  Marquette  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6362.  Pere  Marquette  equip- 
ment trust,  series  A:  [decided  Aug.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +114-117  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2919.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2919 

Petroleum.  No.  18335,  White  Eagle  Oil  &  Refining  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago, 
Burlington  &  (^uiucy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  23,  1927 :  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  467-471+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12567.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12567 

Pipe.  No.  1S368,  National  Tube  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent,  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company,  et  al. ;  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  515-517.  ([Opinion]  125S1.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12581 

Pittsbury,  Shawviut  and  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6372,  securities 
of  receiver  of  Pittsburg.  Shawmut  &  Northern  Railroad  [John  D.  Dickson, 
receiver:  decided  July  7,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +746-748 
p.     ([Finance  decision]  2883.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2S8;:5 

Port  Huron  and  Detroit  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  801,  Port  Huron  & 
Detroit  Railroad  Company:  decided  June  24.  1927;  report  of  commission. 
11927.1     p.  839-856.     (B-564.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  12.5.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-564 

Port  Huron  i^outhern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  870,  Port  Huron  Southern 
Railroad  Company:  [decided  Jinie  24.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[11+728-745  p.     (B-560.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-560 

Potatoes.  Investigation  and  su.spensiou  docket  no.  2895.  potatoes  from  Kansas 
City.  Mo.-Kans.,  to  Coffey ville.  Kans. ;  [decided  July  25,  1927 ;  report  and 
order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +458-460+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12565.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Pai>er,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12565 

Quanah,  Acme  and  Pacific  Railiray.  Finance  docket  no.  6388.  stock  of  Quanah. 
Acme  &  Pacific  Railway ;  decided  Julv  27.  1927 :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.1  p.  67-68.  ([Finance  decision] "  2902. )  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2902 

How  to   order  publications— See   information   following;   Contents 

September,  1927  171 

Railroad  accident. ■i.     Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  May, 
1927  [and  5  mouths  ending:  with  May,  1927:  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statis- 
tics.    Mav,  1927.     [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 
L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  Iste.  31 :  927/5 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies]  June,  1927 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     [4]  p.  oblong  large  S"     t        IC  Iste.  25 :  927/G 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  sei-vice  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service  sta- 
tistics representing  171  railways  and  from  146  reports  of  passenger  serviefe 
statistics  representing  166  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not 
included),  July,  1927  and  1926  [and  7  months  ended  with  July,  1927  and 
1926;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  July.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8° 
[Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  Iste.  21 :  927/7 

Oi^erating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
183  steam  railwaj'S,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies.  July. 
1927  and  1926  [and]  7  months  ended  with  July,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  iii] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  Iste.  19 :  927/7 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  roads,  selected 

items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000,  July,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  7  months  ended  with  July.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  Iste.  20  :  927/7 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  roads,  selected  items  for  July,  1927, 

compared  with  July,  1926,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  al)ove 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  Iste.  22 :  927/7 

Revenue  traffic   statistics   of  class   1   steam    railways  in   United   States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  June,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  6  months  ended  with  June,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  June,  1927.  1  p,  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  Iste.  24 :  927/6 

Reader  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5791,  proposed  construction  of  line  and 
extension  by  Reader  Railroad  ;  decided  July  21,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  51-60.  ([Finance  decision]  2899.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2899 

Refrigeration.  No.  18329,  Chas.  S.  Simpson  Company  et  al.  v.  Grand  Trunk 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  July  IS,  1927 :  report  of  com- 
mission]. [1] +430-432  p.  ([Opinion]  12557.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
129.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12557 

Rods.  No.  18901,  Columbus  Bolt  Works  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  20,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
512-514  p.      ([Opinion]  12580.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12.580 

Roofing.  No.  12635,  Cooperative  Oil  &  Paint  Company  et  al,  v.  director 
general  as  agent,  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July 
5,  1927;  report  of  commission  on  reconsideration.  [1927.]  p.  213-214. 
([Opinion]  12504.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la ;  12504 

Rosin.  No.  16957,  Procter  &  Gamble  Company  v.  Alabama  »&;  Vicksburg  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  8,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further 
consideration.  [1927.]  p.  385-386.  ([Opinion]  12547.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12547 

St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  638,  St.  Louis  and 
O'Fallon  Railway  Company ;  decided  June  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  821-838.     (B-563.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-563 

'Bow  to  order  publications — See  Information  follo-^ving:  Contents 

172  September,  1927 

St.  Louis,  Kennett  and  Southeastern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6244,  acqui- 
sition of  control  of  St.  Louis,  Kennett  &  Southeastern  Railroad  by  St.  Louis- 
San  Francisco  Railway ;  decided  Aug.  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   105-113.      ([Finance  decision]    2918.)      [From   I.    C.   C.    reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2918 

St.  Paul  Union  Depot  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  861,  St.  Paul  Union  Depot 
Company;  decided  July  8,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  1-22. 
(B-567.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-567 

San  Diego  and  Arizona  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6416,  notes  of  San  Diego  & 
Arizona  Railway;  decided  Aug.  5,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
91-92.  ([Finance  decision]  2912.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2912 

Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6378,  Seaboard  Air  Line  equip- 
ment trust,  series  AA ;  decided  July  13,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.    19-22.     ([Finance    decision]    2894.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2894 

Shavings.  No.  17138,  Virginia  Cellulose  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Norfolk  & 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  8,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  297-300.      ([Opinion]    12525.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12525 

Sheep.  No.  18768,  Calkins.  Augsbury  &  Mikan  v.  Michigan  Central  Railroad 
Company;  decided  July  18,  1927;  reix)rt  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  475-476. 
([Opinion]  12569.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12569 

Soap.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2748,  soap  and  soap  powder  be- 
tween points  in  western  trunk  line  and  Illinois  classification  territory ; 
[decided  July  18,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+392- 
402+ [1]    p.      ([Opinion]    12549.)      [Report  from   I.   C.    C.   reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12549 

Southern  Pacific  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6389,  Southei-n  Pacific  equip- 
ment trust,  series  J;  decided  July  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.    23-26.      ([Finance   decision]    2895.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2895 

Soy-beans.  No.  18287,  Binding-Stephens  Seed  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  8,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  291-293+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12523.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reiwrts,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12523 

Stone.  No.  17892,  North  American  Cement  Corporation  v.  Western  Maryland 
Railway  Co.  et  al.;  [decided  June  29,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[l]-f  90-93  p.  ([Opinion]  12487.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12487 

Smtching.  No.  17432,  Marion  M.  Carnes  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  2,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  341-349+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12540.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12540 

Switching  charges.  No.  18561,  Mitchell  Chamber  of  Commerce  v.  Chicago,  Mil- 
waukee &  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  19,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  ot  commission.  [1927.]  451-456+[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12563.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12563 

Texas  and  New  Orleans  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6302,  abandonment  of 
branch  line  by  Texas  &  New  Orleans  Railroad ;  decided  July  11.  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  1-3.  ([Finance  decision]  2890.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2890 

Time.  No.  10122,  standard  time  zone  investigation ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  14th 
supplemental  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  209-212+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12503.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12503 
Hoiv  to  order  publications — See  information  foIIoTfin^   Contents 

September,  1927  173 

Tomatoes.  No.  16414,  Coulbourn  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  &  Oliio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  ou 
further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  441-442.  ([Opinion]  12560.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12560 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13418  (sub-no.  34-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train  stop  device  of  Genera) 
Railway  Signal  Company  on  portions  of  Cleveland  and  Buffalo  divisions  and 
of  Erie  division  of  New  York  Central  Railroad  ;  decided  July  26,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  483-489.  ([Opinion]  12571.)  [From  I.  C.  C 
reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :12571 

Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  36),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device  of 

General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  Albany  division  of  Boston  &  Albany 
Railroad  (New  York  Central  Railroad  Company,  lessee)  ;  [decided  July  27 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +490-496  p.  ([Opinion]  12572.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12572 

Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  36-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  Boston  division  of  Boston  &  Albany 
Railroad  (New  York  Central  Railroad  Company,  lessee)  ;  decided  July  30. 
1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  537-540.  ( [Opinion]  12584.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12584 

Trans-Florida  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  4106,  acquisition  by  Trans- 
Florida  Central  Railroad;  approved  July  7,  1927;  amendatory  order.  1927. 
p.  745.  ([Finance  decision]  2882.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2882 

Union.  Terminal  Railway.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valuation 
docket  no.  971,  Union  Terminal  Railway  Company ;  brief  in  support  of  tenta- 
tive valuation.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+92  p.     $  IC  1  val.8 :  Un  3/4 

Waco,  Beaumont,  Trinity/  and  SaMne  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  3197,  con- 
struction of  line  by  Waco,  Beaumont,  Trinity  &  Sabine  Ry. ;  decided  July  12, 
1927:  [report  of  commission].  [1927.]  p.  76^809.  ([Finance  decision] 
2889.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  124.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2889 

Wall  paper.  No.  17612,  Aipex  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  July  7,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  283- 
288.     ([Opinion]   12521.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12521 

Watermelons.  No.  18231,  A.  T.  Pearce  v.  Georgia  Northern  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  253-254. 
([Opinion]   12515.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12515 

Watertoicn  and  Sioux  Falls  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  943,  Watertown  and 
Sioux  Falls  Railway  Company;  [decided  May  20,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [2] -f  701-727  p.  il.  (B-559.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  125.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-559 

West  Pittston-Exeter  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6364,  stock  of  "West  Pittston- 
Exeter  Railroad ;  decided  Aug.  10,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  103- 
104.     ( [Finance  decision]  2917.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2917 

Weste7-n  Maryland  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6396,  bonds  of  Western  Mary- 
land Railway ;  decided  July  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  69-71. 
([Finance  decision]  2903.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v,  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2903 

Wi<^hita  Falls  and  Southern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6395,  acquisition  of 
control  by  Wichita  Falls  &  Southern  Railroad  ;  decided  Aug.  10, 1927  ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  117-120.  ( [Finance  decision]  2920.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2920 

Wire.  No.  18304,  Sinclair  Pii)e  Line  Company  v.  Great  Northern  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  July  1,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  251-252. 
([Opinion]   12514.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12514 
HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIo\vlng  Contents 

J  74  September,  1927 

Wood  shipinno  blocks.  No.  18941,  Simmous  Company  i\  Western  Pacific  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. :  decided  July  20,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  511-512.     ([Opinion]  1257&.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wyomhuj  and  Missouri  River  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5203,  abandonment 
of  Wvoming  &  Missouri  River  Railway:  decided  Aug.  10.  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  145-155.  ([Finance  decision]  2924.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2924 


Aticater,  William  C,  d  Co.,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-125, 
William  C.  Atwater  and  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States  ;  defendant's  excep- 
tions to  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     p.  85-95.     t  J  1.13  :  At  94/5 

Austin,  J.  D.  No.,  427,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  J.  D.  Austin  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  9tli  circuit  and  motion  and  affidavit  in  forma  pauperis ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+6  p.     J  J  1.13 :  Au  76 

Barnett,  Jacksmi.  In  district  court,  southern  district  of  New  York,  [no.] 
E  31-91.  Jackson  Barnett.  a  mental  incompetent,  by  Elmer  S.  Bailey,  his 
prochein  ami.  r.  Equitable  Trust  Company  of  New  York  and  American  Baptist 
Home  Mission   Soc-ietv  :    [opinion  of  court].      [1927.]     23  p.  large  8°     + 

J  1.13  :  B  264/4 

Earth,  Jolui,  Company.  No.  3885,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit, 
United  States  r.  John  Barth  Company  and  United  States  Fidelity  and 
Guaranty  Company :  reply  brief  of  plaintiff  in  error.  1927.  cover-title, 
iii+37  p.  large  8°     $  J  1.13  :B  282 

Batjcr  d  Co.  No.  476,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Alfred  Leeb  and 
Louis  Nova,  copartners  doing  business  under  firm  name  and  style  of  Batjer  & 
Company,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writl  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i  +  12  p.     J  J  1.13  :  B  321/3 

Berkeness,  Ole.  No.  175,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  v. 
Ole  Berkeness,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit : 
brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  ii+36  p.     ?  J  1.13  :  B  455/9 

Bethlehem-  Steel  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-454,  Bethlehem  Steel 
Companv  r.  United  States ;  defendant's  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  35-39.     t 

J  1.13  :  B  465/25 

Blair.  Frank  P.  No.  419,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  Frank  P.  Blair  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief 
for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+9  p.         t     J  1.13  :  B575 

Braffet.  Mark  P.  Hubert  Work,  as  Secretary  of  Interior,  v.  [Robert  I.  Braffet, 
administrator  of]  Mark  P.  Braffet.  no.  4528  [on  appeal  from  Court  of  Appeals 
of  District  of  Columbia;  transcript  of  r-ecord].     [1927.]     p.  17-24.     t 

J  1.13  :  B  73/2 

Chicayo,  Burlington  and  Quincy  Railroad.  No.  362,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct 
term.  1927,  Chicago.  Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1927.    cover-title,  i+6  p.     t  J  1.13  :  C  43/119 

Chicago.  Milivaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway.  No.  363,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct. 
term.  1927.  Chicago.  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1927.    cover-title,  i+6  p.    $  J  1.13  :  C  43/120 

Cimarron  River   Oil   Company.     No.  — ,   in   Supreme   Court.   Oct.   term.   1927. 

United  States  v.  Cimarron  River  Oil  Company  et  al. ;  petition  for  writ  of 

certiorari    to    circuit    court    of    appeals   for    8th    circuit.      1927.      cover-title, 

i+8  p.     t  J  1.13  :C  49/8 

How  to  order  publications — See   information  following;   Contents 

fciEPTEMBER,  1927  175 

Cimarron  River  Oil  Company — Continued. 

United   States  circuit  court   of  appeals,   8tli   circuit.   United    States  vs. 

Cimarron  River  Oil  Company  et  al.,  no.  7166;  [transcript  of  record].     [1927.] 
p.  1365-75.     t  J  1.13  :  C  49/7 

Clapp,  R.  C.  No.  435,  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927.  R.  C.  Clapp  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  \\-rit  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Sth 
circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title.  i+S  p.     ± 

J  1.13  :  C  537 

Conn.  C.  G..  Limited.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-218,  C.  G.  Conn.  Ltd..  v. 
United  States  ;  defendant's  brief .     [1927.]     p.  25-34.    t  J  1.13  :  C  762/8 

Cortez  Oil  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  F-396,  Cortez  Oil  Company  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  request  for  findings 
of  fact,  statutes,  brief.     [1927.]     p.  53-92.     $  J  1.13 :  C  818 

Daily  Pantograph,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-8S.  Daily  Panto 
graph.  Inc.,  v.  United  States :  defendant's  motion  to  dismiss  petition  [and 
brief  on  motion  to  dismiss].     [1927.]     p.  31-35.     t  J  1.13 :  D 143 

Dyer,  Elmer  C.  Xo.  460,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927.  Elmer  C.  Dyer  et  al. 
V.  George  A.  Stauffer,  as  marshal  [for  northern  district  of  Ohio],  et  al.,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit :  brief 
for  respondents  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+5  p.     t         J  1.13 :  D  988 

Elliott.  James  I.  No.  4552,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan. 
term.  1927,  James  I.  Elliott  v.  Frank  White,  Treasurer  of  United  States; 
brief  for  appellee.     1927.     cover-title,  3  p.     J.  J  1.13:  El  58 

Fain,  W.  L.,  Grain  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-269.  W.  L.  Fain  Grain 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  amended  answer  and  counterclaim. 
[1927.]     p.  19-23.     t  J  1.13  :F  149 

Galveston,  Uarrishurg  and  San  Antonio  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
A-227,  Galveston.  Harrisburg  &  San  Antonio  Railroad  Company  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1927.]  p. 
35-36.    t  J  1.13  :G  139/8 

Gates,  Dellora  R.  No.  376.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  J.  Mitchell. 
Augustine  L.  Humes,  and  Illinois  Merchants  Trust  Company,  as  executors  of 
Dellora  R.  Gates,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  i-f-11  p.     ± 

J  1.13  :  G  223/5 

Goon  Bon  June.  No.  448.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Goon  Bon  June  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+13  p.     t  J  1.13  :  G  643 

Green^Moore  d  Co.,  Incorporated.  No.  441,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Green-Moore  &  Co.,  Inc.,  J.  E.  Lowe  and  Crawford  Doyle  [manager  and 
foreman  of  corporation]  r.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit :  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 
1927.    cover-title,  i+6  p.     J  J  1.13  :  G  824 

Hamilton  Manufacturing  Company.  No.  3927,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th 
circuit.  Oct.  teiin.  1926.  A.  H.  Wilkinson,  collector  of  internal  revenue  [for 
district  of  Wisconsin],  v.  Hamilton  Manufacturing  Company;  brief  on  behalf 
of  plaintitf  in  error.     1927.    cover-title,  1+28  p.  large  8°     t  J  1.13  :  H  18/4 

Harris  RuMer  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-533.  Simon  D.  Harris.  Mark 
Harris,  and  Louis  H.  HuitIs.  trading  as  Harris  Rubber  Companv.  r.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  28-38.     J  J  1.13  :H  244/9 

Hayes,  W.  X.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  v. 
W.  N.  Hayes  et  al. ;  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  ap- 
peals for  8th  circuit,  and  brief  in  support  thereof.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+21  p.     ?  J  1.13  :  H  329 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals,  8th  circuit,  no.  7119,  United  States 

vs.  W.  N.  Hayes  et  al. ;  [transcript  of  record].     [1927.]     p.  628-659.     t 

J  1.13  :  H  329/2 
Ho>v  to   order  publications — See   information  follovring   Contents 

176  September,  1927 

Hee,  Charley.  No.  446,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Charley  Hee,  alias 
Dong  Bow  Hee,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  i +14  p.     t  J  1.13  :H  36 

Home  Insurance  Company.  In  New  York  Supreme  Court,  appellate  division, 
1st  department.  Home  Insurance  Company  v.  T.  A.  Gillespie  Loading  Com- 
pany ;  brief  of  Attorney  General  of  United  States  and  United  States  attorney 
for  southern  district  of  New  York  as  amici  curise.     [1927.]     8  p.  4°     $ 

J  1.13 :  H  752/2 

Houston  and  Texas  Central  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  A-234.  Houston 
&  Texas  Central  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request 
for  finding  of  fact  and  brief.     [1927.]    p.  23-24.    t  J  1.13  :  H  818/14 

Howard,  Kate  M.  No.  265,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Carrie  Howard 
Steedman  and  Eugenia  Howard  Edmunds  [executors  of  Kate  M.  Howard]  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief 
for  United  States  in  opposition.    1927.    cover-title,  i+9  p.    ?       j  1.13  :  H  834/2 

Janes,  Arthur  R.,  Syndicate.  No.  3910,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  cir- 
cuit, Oct.  term,  1926,  Arthur  R.  Jones  Syndicate  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  order  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  on 
behalf  of  respondent.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+22  p.  large  8°     $      J  1.13  :  J  71/2 

Kay,  Maurice.  No.  444,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Maurice  Kay  and 
Benjamin  Kay  v.  Edgar  C.  Snyder,  United  States  marshal  in  and  for  District 
of  Columbia,  and  Needham  C.  Turnage,  United  States  commissioner  for  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of 
District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for  respondents  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+5p.    t  J  1.13  :K  18 

Kosmerl,  Francis  S.  No.  3933,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit,  Oct. 
term,  1926,  Francis  S.  Kosmerl  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  respondent.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+18  p.  large  8°    %  J  1.13  :  K  847 

Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1209. 
Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions 
to  Commissioner  Rang's  report  and  findings  filed  Aug.  3,  1927.  [1927.]  p. 
107-14L    t  J  1.13  :L  198/3 

McDonnell,  Patrick  A.  No.  458,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Patrick  A. 
McDonnell  t\  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i+9  p.    $  J  113  :  M  146/2 

Milton  Dairy  Company.  No.  156,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  L.  M. 
"Willcuts,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  district  of  Minnesota,  v.  Milton 
Dairy  Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  cir- 
cuit ;  brief  on  behalf  of  i)etitioner.     1927.     cover-title,  i+16  p.     t 

J  1.13  :M  643/4 

O'Donnell,  James  E.  No.  4561,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia, 
Oct.  term,  1927,  Hubert  Work,  as  Secretary  of  Interior,  v.  United  States,  ex 
rel.  James  E.  O'Donnell,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia ; 
brief  of  appellant.    1927.    cover-title,  ii+26  p.     I  J  1.13 :  Od  5 

Olmstead,  Roy.  Nos.  493,  532,  and  533,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Roy 
Olmstead  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  Charles  S.  Green  [et  al.]  v.  [same]; 
Edward  H.  Mclnnis  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  writs  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+20  p.     $  J  1.13 :  01  5 

Parente,  Joe.    No.  480,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Joe  Parente  and 

Armando  Bonaeorsi  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 

circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 

1927.     cover-title,  i+ 11  p.     t  J  1.13  :P  215 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

September,  i92T  177 

Pearlmaii,  Barney.  No.  438,  iu  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Barney  Pearl- 
man  1-.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  9tli  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i+11  p.     $  J  1.13  :  P  316/2 

Perkins,  Willie  J.  Interference  no.  527S8,  in  Patent  OflSce,  before  examiner 
of  interferences,  Willis  J.  Perkins  i'.  Lawrence  B.  Sperry ;  brief  on  behalf  of 
Lawrence  B.  Sperry.     1927.     cover-title,  i+27  p.     $  J  1.13 :  P  419/3 

Plane,  Josephine  H.  No.  402,  iu  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Josephine  H. 
Plane  v.  Walter  E.  Carr.  as  district  director  of  immigration  for  district  of 
Los  Angeles,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorai-i  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
9th  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.    1927.    cover-title,  i+12  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  P  693 

Santee  Indians.  No.  261,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Sisseton  and 
Wahpeton  bands  of  Sioux  Indians  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  ii+23  p.     ?  J  1.13  :  Si  83/6 

Supreme  Court.  Records  and  briefs  in  United  States  cases  decided  by  Supreme 
Court  during  Oct.  term,  1926  [title-page  and  index].    1927.     [1]+14  p.     % 

J  1.2 :  In  2/27/926 

Tribond  Sales  Corporation.  No.  450,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Tribond 
Sales  Corporation  v.  Harry  S.  New,  Postmaster  General,  on  petition  for  writ 
of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia  ;  brief  for  respondent 
in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+11  p.     t  J  1.13 :  T  731/3 

Western  Industries  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-218,  Western  Indus- 
tries Company,  Western  Grain  and  Sugar  Products  Company  by  its  successor 
Western  Industries  Company,  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].  [1927.] 
p.  13-17,     t  J  1.13  :  W  525/19 

Willianisport  Wire  Rope  Company.  No.  337.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Williamsport  Wire  Rope  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+8  p.     ?  J  1.13  :  W  676/10 

Woitte,  Jacob.  No.  398,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Jacob  Woitte 
[et  al.]  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i-f  10  p.     ?  J  1.13 :  W  828 

Yale  &  Toicne  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-257,  Yale 
and  Towne  Manufacturing  Company  r.  United  States ;  defendant's  amended 
answer  and  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  9-17.     +  J  1.13 :  Y 12/5 



Alcoholism  among  parents  of  juvenile  delinquents  [study  of  group  of  delinquent 
children  referred  to  Judge  Baker  Foundation  of  Boston :  by  Alice  Chauning] . 
n.  p.  [1927].  p.  357-383.  il.  [Prepiinted  for  Children's  Bureau  from  Social 
service  review,  v.  1,  no.  3,  Sept.  1927.]     t  L  5.2:  All 

Infants.  Keeping  well  baby  well.  1927.  8  p.  il.  narrow  8°  (Folder  9.) 
♦Paper,  5c.  L  5.22:  9 


Industrial  employment   information    bulletin,  Aug.   1927;   v.   7,  no.   8.      [1927.] 
25  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8 :  927/8 

Hovr  to  order  publications — See  Information  follorrlne  Contents 

178  September,  1927 


Buildings.  Building  permits  in  principal  cities  of  United  States  in  1926.  Aug. 
1927.  iii+129+v  p.  il.  (Bulletin  449;  Miscellaneous  series.)  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  L  22-165  L  2.3  :  449 

Same.      (H.  doc.  804,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,  Aug.  1927.     1927.     [1]+21  p. 
il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9 :  927/8 

Monthly  labor  review.     Monthly  labor  review,    [title-page  and]   index,  v.  24; 
Jan.-June,  1927.     1927.     [3] +1387-1412  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6 :  24/t.  p.  &  ind. 

-  Same,  v.  25,  no.  3 ;  Sept.  1927.  1927.  viii+252  p.  il.  8  p.  of  pi.  [This 
publication  bears  algo  the  volume  pagination  465-716.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25.  L  2.6 :  25/3 

Special  articles. — Indoor  recreation  for  industrial  employees. — Public  service  re- 
tirement systems :  New  York  and  New  Jersey.— Problem  of  worker  displaced  by  ma- 
chinery ;  by  James  J.  Davis,  Secretary  of  Labor.- — Industrial  relations  in  United  States ; 
by  H.  B.  Butler. — Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor,  July,  1927  ;  by  Hugh  L. 
Kerwin." — Statistics  of  immigration,  June.  1927  ;  by  J.  J.  Kunna. — Outline  of  source 
material  on  industrial  safety   [bibliography;  compiled]   by  Mildred  B.  Pressman. 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for 
bulletin  purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Fed- 
eral court  decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  atten- 
tion before  they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One 
free  subscription  will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  com- 
pensation commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor 
laws  and  organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics. 
Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail.  1927.  [1]  +173-203  p.  il.  [This  publica- 
tion bears  also  the  volume  pagination  637-667.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
Sept.    1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  2 :  927/9 

Revised  index  numbers  of  wholesale  prices,  1923-July,  1927.     Sept.  1927. 

iii+31+iv  p.     (Bulletin  453;  Wholesale  prices  series.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  L  27-355  L  2.3  :  453 

Same.     (H  doc.  47,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.). 

Wholesale   prices,    1890-1926.     July.    1927.     v+256+v    p.    il.     (Bulletin 

440;  Wholesale  prices  series.)     *  Paper,  35c.  (incorrectly  given  in  publication 
as  60c. ) . 

L.  C.  card  L  23-97  L  2.3  :  440 

■    Same.     (H.  doc.  786,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Wholesale  prices  of  commodities  for  Aug.  1927    (revised  series).     1927. 

[1]+14  p.     [Monthly.]     t 

L.   C.   card  L  22-229  L  2.8:  927/8 

Trade   agreements    (industrial).     Trade   agreements,    1926.     July,    1927.    iv  + 
204+v  p.     (Bulletin  448;  Miscellaneous  series.)     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  L  2&-184  L  2.3 :  448 

Same.     (H.  doc.  803,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Wages.  Comparative  wage  rates  in  United  States  and  foreign  countries. 
1927.  [1] +110-132  p.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination 
334-356.     From  Monthly  labor  review,  Aug.  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a :  W 124/6 

Union    scales    of    wages    and    hours,    1913-27.     1927.     [1] +112-135    p. 

[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  576-599.     From  Monthly 
labor  review,  Sept.  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a :  W  124/7 


Report.  9th  annual  report  of  director  of  Women's  Bureau,  fiscal  year  1927. 
1927.     iii+20  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  20-1  L  13.1 :  927 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information,  following  Contents 

September,  1927  179 



Copyright.     [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books, 
V.  24]  no.  68-79;  Sept.  1927.     Sept.  2-30,  1927.    p.  905-1032.     [Issued  several 
times  a  week.] 
L.  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  24/1-68  to  1-79 

Note.- — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books ;  pt.  1, 
group  2,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
tures ;  pt.  2,  to  periodicals  ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  re- 
productions of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  char- 
acter,  photographs,  prints,  and   pictorial  Illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $3.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.),  foreign  subscription,  $5.00;  pt.  1 
(groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  copy  (group  1,  price  of  group  2  varies),  .$1.00  a  yr.,  for- 
eign subscription,  $2.25;  pt.  3,  .$1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.50;  pts.  2  and  4, 
each  10c.  single  copy,  5()c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  70c. 

- — —  Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  pe- 
riodicals, etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  composi- 
tions, maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  4.     1927.     vi4- 617-841  p.     [Monthlv.] 

LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-4 

■ — -  Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  i>e- 
riodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compo- 
sitions, maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  5.     1927.     v-|-843-1043  p.     [Monthly.] 

LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-5 

Same,   pt.   3,   Musical   compositions,   v.   22.   no.   6.     1927.     v+595-687    p. 

[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/6 

Same,  pt.  4,  "Works  of  art,  reproductions  of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or 

plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  character,  photographs,  prints,  and 
pictorial  illustrations,  v.  22,  no.  2.  1927.    V+10&-206  p.     [Quarterly.] 

LC  3.6/4 :  22/2 


State  publications.     Monthly  check-list  of  State  publications  received  during 
June,  1927:  v.  18,  no.  6.     1927.     p.  297-336.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  10-8924  LC  7.6:  927/6 


Airfoil.'i.     Aerodynamic  characteristics  of  airfoils,  4    [continuation  of  Reports 
93.124,  and  182].    Reprint  1927.     cover-title,  p.  187-230.  il.  4°     (Report  244.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.     Report  244  originally  pub- 
lished Sept.  1926.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26356  Y  3.  N  21/5  :  5/244-2 

Pressure  distribution.  Pressuie  distribution  over  airfoils  at  high  speeds ;  by 
L.  J.  Briggs  and  H.  L.  Dryden.  Reprint  1927.  cover-title,  42  p.  il.  4°  (Re- 
port 255.)  [Prepared  by  Standards  Bureau.  Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2 
and  3  of  cover.  Report  255  originally  published  Jan.  1927.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.   C.  card  27-26124  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/255-2 

Pres.sure  distribution  over  thick  tapered  airfoils,  N.  A.  C.  A.  81,  U.  S.  A. 

27  C  modified,  and  U.  S.  A.  35  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Elliott  G.  Reid. 
Reprint  1927.  cover-title,  18  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Report  229.)  [Text  and 
illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Report  229  originally  published  June, 
1926.]     *  Paper,  lOe. 

L.  C.  card  26-26632  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/229-2 

Pressure   distribution    tests   on    PW-9  wing   models   showing   effects   of 

biplane  interference  [with  references  and  bibliography]  ;  by  A.  J.  Fairbanks. 
1927.  cover-title,  13  p.  il.  4"  (Report  271.)  [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2 
and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.    C.    card    27-26951  Y  3.N  21/5:  5/271 

HoTV  to  order  publications-^See   information  follo^ring   Contents 

180  Sepi-ember,  1927 


Court-martial  orders  7,  1927;  July  31,  1927.     [1927.]     7  p.  12°     [IMouthly.]     :|: 

N  1.14 :  927/7 

Navy.  United  States  Navy  regulations,  1920.  Reprinted,  1927,  with  all 
changes  up  to  and  including  no.  9.  [l]+x+79+840  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf 
form  for  insertion  in  binder.  In  the  840  group  of  pages  there  are  interspersed 
49  additional  numbered  pages  which  duplicate  other  page  numbers  with  the 
addition  of  superior  figures.]  *  Paper,  $1.10. 
L.  C.  card  27-26952  N  1.11/1 :  920/2 

Telephone  directory,  Navy  Department ;  compiled  in  Office  of  Director  of  Naval 
Communications.  1927.  31  p.  [Quarterly.  Title  on  cover  is:  Navy  De- 
partment,   telephone   directory,    Aug.    1927.]      $  N  1.23 :  927/3 


Paint.     Sailors'  manual  of  paints  and  painting.     Edition  of  1927.     1927.     v+23 

p.     t 

L.   C.   card   27-26953  N  4.2  :  P  16/2/927 


Turbines.  Instructions  for  operation,  care,  and  repair  of  main  propelling 
machinery :  sec.  1,  Turbines ;  reprint  of  sec.  1,  chapter  7,  of  Manual  of 
engineering  instructions  [with  corrections].  1927.  [l]+l-24A+25-34A+ 
35-56  p.  il.  1  pi.  [Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1-3  have  been  incorporated 
in  this  reprint.  The  edition  of  the  Manuat  of  engineering  instructions  of 
which  this  chapter  forms  a  part  has  not  yet  been  issued.]     *  Paper,  15c. 

N  19.8/2  :  7/1/rev.  927 


Education.  A  to  N,  information  on  subjects  which  all  hands  must  know  for 
advancement  in  rating,  course  in  subjects  A  to  N  in  15  assignments,  prepared 
by  Training  Division,  assignments  5-7,  E  to  G.  1927.  [l]+49  p.  il.  (Navy 
training  courses.)     %  N  17.25  :  R  18/3/assi.5-7 

—  Same,  assignments  8-10,  H  to  J.  1927.  [l]+69  p.  il.  (Navy  training 
courses. )     t  N  17.25  :  R  18/3/assi.8-10 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydi'ographlc  Office  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port, 
Panama  Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
and  Duluth. 

Azimuths  of  the  sun  for  latitudes  extending  to  70°  from  equator.    12th  edition. 
1927.    226  p.  il.  4°     ( [Publication]  71.)     [The  tables  were  computed  by  Seaton 
Schroeder,  W.  H.  H.  Southerland,  and  G.  W.  Littlehales.]     f  Cloth,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  27-26942  N  6.8 :  71/927 

Hydrographic  Mlletin,  weekly,  no.  1983-86;  Sept.  7-28,  1927.  1927.  Each  1  p. 
large  4°  and  f"  [For  Ice  supplements  to  accompany  nos.  1983-84,  see  below 
under  center  head  Charts  the  subhead  Ice.  Ice  supplements  discontinued  with 
issue  232  until  dangerous  ice  conditions  make  it  again  necessary.]     f 

N  6.3 :  1983-86 

Notice  to  aviators.     Notice  to  aviators  7,  1927;  July  1  [1927].     [1927.]     2  p.  12° 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  6.25  :  927/7 

■ Same  9,  1927;  Sept.  1,  [1927].     [1927.]    3  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 

N  6.25 :  927/9 
How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

September,  1927  181 

Notice  to  mariners  36-39,  1927;  Sept.  3-24  [1927].  [1927.]  [xxix] +1069-1191 
leaves.  [Weekly.  Page  numbers  1127-29,  used  in  no.  37  in  place  of  roman 
paging,  are  again  used  correctly  in  no.  38.]     t  N  6.11 :  927/'3(>-39 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Oct.  1927.    1927.    1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  927/10 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.].  Oct.  1927.     [1927.1 

[2]  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  927/10 

Aviation  charts 

Morehead  City,  N.  C.-Charleston,  S.  C. ;  aviation  diart  V-050604.  Natural  scale 
1:500,000  at  lat.  34°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  1927.  30.7X10 
in.     [Provisional  chart.    Contains  text  and  illustration.?  on  reverse.]     t  20c. 

N  6.  27  :  V-050604 


Ancud,  Gulf  of.  Plans  in  Golfo  de  Ancud,  Chile,  from  Chilean  Government 
charts  to  1922 ;  chart  5521.  AVashington,  HydrogTaphic  Office,  Aug.  1927. 
27.5  X  16.8  in.    f  20c.  N  6.18  :  .5521 

Calbuco,  Puerto  de,  and  approaches. 
Lagartija,  Paso. 

La  Vega,  Caleta,  Isla  de  Calbuco. 
Qulgua,  Paso. 

Andaman  Islands,  Bay  of  Bengal,  Asia,  Port  Blair  to  Little  Andaman  Island, 
including  Duncan  Passage,  from  survey  by  Indian  Marine  in  1887  and  1888; 
with  inset,  Port  Mouat,  from  surveys  by  Indian  Marine  in  1880  and  1888; 
chart  3734.  Natural  scale  1:96,536  at  lat.  11°  15'.  Washington.  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  July,  1927.     39.1X26.1  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18  :  3734 

Arafura  Sea,  eastern  part  of  Banda  Sea,  and  northwestern  portion  of  New 
Guinea,  Eastern  Archipelago,  sheet  2.  frum  Netherlands  Government  and 
British  surveys;  chart  3003.  Natural  scale  1:1,609,576  at  lat.  6°.  Washing- 
ton, Hydrographic  Office,  published  May,  1924.  2d  edition,  Aug.  1927.  37.7  X 
25.7  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18  :  3003 

Argentina,  Mar  Chiquita  to  Mar  del  Sud,  from  Argentine  Government  survey  in 
1915 ;  with  inset.  Mar  Chiquita  Lagoon,  from  Argentine  Government  survev  in 
1915  :  chart  390.5.  Natural  scale  1 :  145.821  at  lat.  38°.  Washington.  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Apr.  1918,  3d  edition.  Aug.  1927.     36  X  24.7  in.     t  46c. 

N  6.18 :  3905 

Armuelles.  Port.  Puerto  Armuelies,  south  coast  of  Panama.  Central  America, 
from  surveys  by  Wm.  Turner,  engineer  in  1925,  and  J.  G.  White  Engineering 
Corporation  in  1926;  chart  5263.  Scale  500  yds.=6.7  in.,  natural  scale 
1:2,700.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  1927.     26.7X20.7  in.     t  20c. 

N  6.18 :  5263 

Australia.  East  coast  of  Australia,  Port  Stephens  to  Port  Jackson,  from  British 
surveys  to  1913 ;  wdth  inset,  Catherine  Hill  Bay,  from  survey  by  N.  S.  W.  Har- 
bor Authorities,  1920 ;  chart  3446.  Natural  scale  1 :  143,565  at  lat.  33°  20'. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Sept.  1914.  4th  edition,  Aug.  1927. 
38.8 X  29.2  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18 :  3446 

Azof,  Sea  of.  Ports  in  Sea  of  Azov.  Black  Sea,  Russia,  from  Russian  surveys  to 
1885;  chart  4215.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  1927.  25.6X18.7  in. 
t  20.  N  6.18  :  4215 

Berdyanski  Road. 
Genicheski  Road. 

Barrington  Passage,  Nova  Scotia,  Canada,  from  Canadian  survey  in  1926 :  chart 
5517.  Scale  naut.  m.=6  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  12,224.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  Aug.  1927.     29.2X29.3  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18  :  5517 

Borneo.     Anchorages  between  Borneo  and  New  Guinea,  Eastern  Archipelago ; 
chart  3077.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1913,  5th  edi- 
tion, Aug.  1927.     18.6X26.5  in.     f  20c.  N  6.18:. 3077 
HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  following   Contents 

182  September,  1927 

Borneo — Continued. 

Awa  Anchorage  (Teluti  Bay),  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in  1894. 

Bara  Bay,  Bum  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in  1852. 

Bula  Bay,  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in  1923. 

Gunong  Sudi  Anchorage,  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in   1849. 

Inner  Harbor,  Kayeli  Bay. 

Kaibobo  Road,  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in  1865. 

Kayeli  Bay.  island  of  Burn,  from  British  survey  in  1842,  Namlea  Road  from  Nether- 
lands (iovt.  survey  in  1917, 

Kisalaut  Bay,  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  survey,  1853. 

Nalahia  Bay.  Nusa  Laut,  from  Nethcrland.s  Govt,  survey,  1880. 

Saparua  Bay,   Saparua  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in   1843. 

Tehoru  Anch.,  Ceram  I.,  from  Netherlands  Govt,   sui-rey,   1880. 

Uki  Road,  Burn  I.,  from  Neth.  Govt,  survey  in  ISTl. 

TVai  Pelau  Anchorage  (Labuan  Kora  Kora),  Bum  I.,  from  Netherlands  Government 
survey  iu  1889. 

Cheduha  Strait  and  Ramree  Harbor,  Arakan  coast,  Burma,  Bay  of  Bengal, 
from  survey  by  Indian  Marine  in  1SS4 ;  chart  3709.  Natural  scale  1 :  145,423 
at  lat.  18°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  1927.  26.1X35.5  in. 
1 40c.  N  6.18  :  3709 

Daiquiri  Bay,  south  coast  of  Cuba,  W.  I.,  orisinal  survey  by  Spanish-American 
Iron  Co. ;  chart  1816.  Scale  100  ft.=l  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  1.200.  Washington, 
Hydroiiraphic  Office,  published  Oct.  1899,  17th  edition,  Aug.  1927.  17.8X19.9 
in.     t  20c.  N  6.18  :  1816 

Huron.  Lake.  Lake  Huron,  Canada,  St.  Clair  River  to  Goderich,  from  latest 
United  States  and  Canadian  govei-nment  surveys :  chart  2672.  Scale  stat. 
m.=0.7  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  95.094.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  pub- 
lished July,  1913.  2d  edition,  Aug.  1927.     39.2X26.3  in.     toOc.         N  6.18:  2672 

Ice.  Ice  supplement  to  Hydrographic  bulletin ;  issue  231.  Scale  1°  long.=0.3 
in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office  [1927].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany 
Hydrographic  bulletin  1983,  Sept.  7,  1927.]     f  N  6.3/2  :  231 

— — ■  Same;  issue  232.  Scale  1°  Iong.=0.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office  [1927].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  1984, 
Sept.  14,  1927.  Discontinued  with  this  issue  until  dangerous  ice  conditiens 
make  it  again  necessary.]     t  N  6.3/2: 232 

Key  Harbor  and  approaches,  Georgian  Bay,  Lake  Huron,  Ontario,  Canada,  from 
Canadian  survey  in  1907  and  1908;  chart  2632,  Scale  naut.  m.=3.5  in., 
natural  scale  1 :  21,  192.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  May, 
1913,  3d  edition,  Aug.  1927.     16.7X22.6  in.     f  20c.  N  6.18:  2632 

Laut  Strait,  Borneo,  southeast  coast,  from  Netherlands  Government  chart  of 
1924 :  with  inset,  Channel  east  of  Suwaugi,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  chart  of 
1924 ;  chart  3092.  Scale  naut,  m.=0.7  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  100,000.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,   Sept.  1927.     26.5X20.4  in.     f  20c.     N  6.18:3092 

Mayu  Rivei\  Arakan  coast,  Burma,  Bay  of  Bengal,  from  survey  by  Royal 
Indian  Marine  in  1903  and  1904;  chart  3706.  Scale  naut.  m.=1.8  in.,  natural 
scale  1:41,786.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Aug.  1927.  38.9X26.1  in. 
t  50c.  N  6.18  :  3706 

Messina  Harbor,  Sicily,  east  coast,  Mediterranean  Sea,  from  Italian  Govern- 
ment chart  of  1922:  chart  4050.  Scale  1,200  yds. =8.7  in.,  natural  scale 
1 :  5,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1924,  2d  edition, 
Sept.  1927.     3L7X28.4  in.     1 40c.  N  6,18: 4050 

Mocha  Island.  Chile,  from  Chilean  survey  in  1892  and  1893,  with  additions  to 
1923  ;  chart  1509.  Scale  naut.  m,=2  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  35,846.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  June.  1895,  9th  edition,  Aug.  1927.  30.7X22.3 
in.     t  30c.  N  6.18  :  1509 

yeicfonndland,  northern  part,  and  adjacent  coast  of  Labrador,  from  latest 
British  and  French  surveys ;  chart  2440a.  Natural  scale  1 :  627,467  at  lat. 
50°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Feb.  1924.  2d  edition,  Sept. 
1927.     29.1X38.2   in.     f  40c.  N  6.18 :2440a 

Ogi  Island.  Harbors  in  Dogo,  Oki  Retto,  Honshu,  northwest  coast,  Japan,  from 
Japanese  surveys  in  1920 ;  chart  5336.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office, 
Aug.  1927.     20.3X27.7  in.     f  30c  N  6.18:  5336 

Fukuura  Wan. 

Saigo  Ko  and  Kamo  Ko. 

Wow  to  order  publications — See  Informatloii  follOTrlng  Contents 


September,  1927  1S3 

Panama.  North  coast  of  Panama,  Central  America,  Colon  to  Nombre  de  Dios, 
from  purveys  by  U.  S.  S.  Hannibal  in  1913  and  1914,  U.  S.  S.  Leonidas  in 
1914,  and  U.  S.  S.  Atlanta  in  1903;  chart  5258.  Natural  scale  1:48,161  at 
lat.  9°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  May,  1919,  7th 
edition,  Aug.  1927.     31.3X47  in.     t  6Uc.  N  6.18:  5258 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Oct.  1927 ;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1"  long.=0.7  in.  Wa.shiugtou,  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  1.5.  1927. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     t  10c.  N  6.24  :  927/10 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Distribution  of  weather  forecasts,  information,  and 
warnings  by  radio  in  Gulf  of  Mexico,  Carib!)ean  Sea,  and  adjacent  waters  of  north 
Atlantic  Ocean,  Circular  14,  radio  (2d  edition,  revised)  ;  [prepared  in]  Forecast 
Division,  Weather  Bureau. 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Nov.  1927;  chart  2603.     Scale  V  long. =0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  15,  1927.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c. 

N  6.17 :  927/11 
Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Fog  at  sea  ;  by  Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean.     Oct.  1927;  chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

loug.=0.27  in.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office.  Sept.  15,  1927.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furni.shed  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     t     10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  927/10 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Current  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  October,  cover- 
ing track  of  low-powered  steamers  between   Straits  of  Florida  and  English  Channel. 

.Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific   Ocean.     Nov.    1927 ;    chart  1401.     Scale  1° 

long. =0.2  in.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  15.  1927.  23.7X35.3 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     f     10c.  N  6.16: 927/11 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Fog  at  sea  ;  by  Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 

Placentia,  Xeicfotnvdlaud.  Placentia  and  Ship  harbors  and  adjacent  anchor- 
ages, Placentia  Bay.  Newfoundland,  south  coast,  from  surveys  in 
1860  and  1874:  chart  2376.  Scale  naut.  m.=3  in.,  natural  .scale  1:24.329. 
Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Jan.  1907,  3d  edition,  Aug.  1927. 
32.6X26.4  in.     f     40c.  N  6.18: 2376 

Port  Sicettenham  (Kwala  Klang),  Federated  Malay  States.  Malakka  Strait, 
from  British  survey  in  1908;  chart  3743.  Scale  2,000  yds.=9.6  in.,  natural 
scale  1 :  7,512.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Sept.  1916.  2d 
edition,  Aug.  1927.     26.3X39.2  in.     t     40c.  N  6.18 :  3743 

St.  Mary  Bay,  Nova  Scotia,  northwest  coast,  Canada  from  British  surveys  in 
1855 :  chart  2135.  Natural  scale  1 :  72.902.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  June  1904,  12th  edition,  Aug.  1927.    33.2X41.7  in.     t     60c. 

N  6.18 :  2135 

Scotland,  east  coast.  Banff  to  Dunbeath  Harbor,  from  latest  British  surveys 
[with  insets]  :  chart  4467.  Natural  scale  1: 145.655  at  lat.  58°.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  May.  1917,  6th  edition.  Aug.  1927.  24.8X37 
in.     t     40c.  N  6.18: 4467 

Dunbeath  Harbor,  from  British  survey  in  1840. 

Helmsdale  Harbor,  from  British  sketch  survey  in  1921. 

Port  Knockie.  from  plan  supplied  by  Fishery  Board  of  Scotland. 

Taiwan.  West  coast  of  Taiwan  (Formosa)  and  Pescadores  Channel  (Hoko 
Suido),  Japan,  from  latest  Japanese  surveys  with  additions  from  British 
surveys  in  1855  and  1867 ;  with  inset.  Ampin  Hakuchi.  from  Japanese  Gov- 
ernment chart  of  1925;  chart  3203.  Natural  scale  1:146,090  at  lat.  23°  20'. 
Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  May,  1916,  4th  edition,  July,  1927. 
38.8X25.8  in.     t     40c.  N  6.18 :  3203 

Tapeteuea  or  Drummond's  Island,  Kingsmill  Group,  by  U.  S.  Ex.  Ex.,  1841, 
natural  scale  1 :  145.703 :  Peacock's  Anchorage  at  Drummond's  Island.  Kings- 
mill  Group,  by  U.  S.  Ex.  Ex.,  1841.  scale  naut.  m.=3  in.,  natural  sicale 
1:24.321;  chart  120.  Washington.  Hylrographic  Office,  published  May,  1878, 
13th  edition,  Aug.  1927.     24.2X16  in.     t     20c.  N  6.18:  120 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See   Information,  following   Contents 

184  September,  1927 

Weser  River,  Germany,  North  Sea,  Holie  Weg  Light  to  Bremen,  from  latest 
German  surveys  [with  insets]  ;  chart  4905.  Natural  scale  1 :  49,446»  at  lat. 
53°  30'.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  July,  1915,  9th  edition, 
July,  1927.     38.9X25.9  in.     t     40c.  N  6.18: 4905 

Bremerhaven  and  Wesermunde   (Geestemundo). 


[Poster]  296.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York.  Aug.  24,  1927.] 
14X17  in.     [Title  is  :  New  fleet  flag.]     t  N  17.23/1:  296 


Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants  301;  Sept.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  p. 
10110-153 +leaves  10153a-h,  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of 
changes  in  Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     $  N  20.7/1:  301 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  .?1.50  a  year ;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  .Tan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects :  Agriculture  ;  Education  ;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce ;  Public  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each 
series  ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington. 
D.  C. 

Archaeology.  Summary  of  archaeological  work  in  the  Americas  in  1925,  pub- 
lished by  Pan  American  Union  in  compliance  with  resolution  of  5th  Interna- 
tional Conference  of  American  States  for  Preservation  of  Archaeological  Re- 
mains.    [1927.]     [1]+15+[1]  p.     (American  archaeology  no.  1.)     t  Paper,  5c. 

AR  1.20 :  e  1 

Contents. — Foreword  ;  by  L.  S.  Rowe. — 1,  Progress  of  archaeological  field  work  in 
North  America  north  of  Mexico  during  1925  ;  by  A.  V.  Kidder. — 2,  Progress  of  South 
American  archaeology  in  1925  ;  by  Marshall  H.  Saville. — 3,  Summary  of  archseological 
investigations  in  Middle  America,  1925  ;  by  Sylvanus  G.  Morloy. 

Bulletin  {English  edition).     Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  Sept.  1927  ;  [v.  61, 
no.   9].     [1927.]     iv+849-952  p.   il.     [Monthly.     For   price,    see   note   above 
under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6 :  e  61/9 

Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  pt.  9,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

■ (Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Setembro,  1927, 

edigao  portuguesa;  [v.  29,  no.  9].     [1927.]     iv+619-702  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For 

price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6 :  p  29/9 

{Spanish  edition).     Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Septiembre,  1927. 

seccion  espailola  ;  [v.  61,  no.  9].     [1927.]     iv+883-990  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6  :  s  61/9 

Ford  industrial  schools.  Escuelas  de  la  industria  Ford.  [1927.]  ii+8+[l]  p. 
il.  (Finanzas,  industria,  comercio  no.  30,  Septiembre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin 
de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Septiembre,  1927.]  t  Pai)er,  5c. ;  subscription  price 
for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14  :  s  30 

International  American  Conference.     6th  International  Conference  of  American 
States,  Habana.  Cuba,  Jan.  16,  1928,  special  handbook  for  use  of  delegates. 
1927.     iii-f  118  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26954  AR  1.2 :  In  8/13 

Same,  Spanish.     1927.     cover-title.  iii+ 127  p.     t  AR  1.2:  In  8/14 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  follofving  Contents 


September,  1927  185 

Poultry.  Razas  de  galliuas  ponedoras  y  su  criaiiza  ;  [por  M.  A.  Jul!].  L1927.] 
ii+10  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  32,  Septiembre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la 
Union  Panamericaua,  Septiembre,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c.;  sub^^cription  price  for 
12  issues  of  series,  oOc.  AR  1.12 :  s  32 

YenezueJa  [foreign  trade  of  Venezuela  for  1925]  latest  reports  from  Venezuelan 
oflScial  sources.  [1927.]  [1]+10  p.  (Foreign  trade  sei'ies  no.  30,  1927.)  t 
L.  C.  card  20-15502  AR  1.19  :  30 


Note. — Although  The  Panama   Canal  makes  its  reports  to.   and   is  under  the  supervi- 
sion of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21.  no.  5-8;  Sept.  7-28,  1927.  Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1927].    p.  55-108.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5  :  21/5-8 

Note. — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  $1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments  and 
bureaus.  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  woi-d  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  I'eceived,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  OflBce,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 

Vehicle  and  traffic  laws  and  regulations  in  force  in  Canal  Zone,  Aug.  15,  1921, 
amended  June  15,  1927.  Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope,  C^.  Z.,  [July  19] 
1927.     46  p.  24°     %  W  79.2 :  V  53/927 


Pilots'  handbook.  Panama  Canal,  pilots'  handbook.  1927.  Panama  Canal  Press, 
Mt.  Hope,  C.  Z.,  1927.     46  p.  il.  2  pi.  2  maps,  narrow  8°     $       W  79.2 :  P  64/927 


Boston,  Mass.  Scheme  of  separation  for  Boston  postal  district ;  corrected  to 
June,  1927.  Boston,  Mass.,  P.  O.  Print,  1927.  293  leaves.  [The  verso  of  most 
of  the  leaves  contains  a  list  of  numbers  and  dotted  lines  for  use  in  making 
entries  and  corrections.]     t  P  1.18  :  B  65/927 

Mail  matter.  Notification  to  sender  when  matter  is  forwarded  to  addressee  at 
new  address  [regulations  issued  by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying 
instructions  bv  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General].  Aug.  17,  1927.  1  p.  4° 
(Order  5812.)     t  P  1.19  :  5812 

Money-orders.  Stolen  money -order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Sept.  9,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/132 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Sept.  13,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/133 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  hv]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Sept.  19,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/134 

Postage-stamps.  Precauceled  stamps  must  be  defaced ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant 
Postmaster  General.     Sept.  8,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  48°     t  P4.2:  St  2/18 

Postal  hulletin,  v.  48,  no.  14476-500;  Sept.  1-30,  1927.  1927.  various  paging, 
f°  [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy.  $2.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48 

Hove  to  order  nnblicationet — See  information  folloiving   Contents 

186  September,  1927 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  postal  guide,  4th  series,  v.  7,  no.  3 ;  Sept. 
1927,  monthly  supplement.  1927.  cover-title,  55  p.  il.  [Includes  Changes 
32-50  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts 
297-303  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of  1924. 
Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with  supplements,  $1.25, 
foreign  subscription,  $1.75;  July  issue,  $1.00;  supplements  published  monthly 
(11  pamphlets)  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/3 

Postal  laws.  Amendments  [Inserts  145-224]  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  [of 
United  States],  edition  of  1924;  June  17,  1925  [-May  26,  1926].  [1926.] 
11  leaves,  narrow  f°  [These  Inserts  have  been  published  from  time  to  time  in 
connection  with  the  monthly  issues  of  the  United  States  official  postal  guide.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  P  1.11/2 :  924/145-224 

■ Amendments  [Inserts  225-291]  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  [of  United 

States],  edition  of  1924;  June  8,  1926  [-May  27,  1927].  [1927.]  14  leaves, 
narrow  f°  [These  Inserts  have  been  published  from  time  to  time  in  connec- 
tion with   the  monthly   issues  of  the   United   States   official   postal   guide.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  P  1.11/2  :  924/225-291 


Steamboats.  Schedule  of  steamers  appointed  to  convey  mails  from  United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Oct.  1927.     Sept.  21,  1927.     1  p.  f°     [Monthly,] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5:  927/10 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural' 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from  a 
single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery  routes 
in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is  used. 
Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to  special  calls 
addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C.  These  maps 
should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly  catalogue  for 
February,  1927,  page  639. 


Address  of  President  Coolidge  dedicating  Lincoln  Memorial  Library  at  South 
Dakota  State  College,  Brookings,  S.  Dak.,  Sept.  10,  1927.  1927.  [2]  +6  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  27-26918  Pr  30.2 :  L  63/2 

Alaska^  Executive  order,  agricultural  experiment  station,  Alaska  [setting  aside 
land  in  Alaska  for  use  of  Bureau  of  Biological  Survey,  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, to  be  used  in  connection  with  its  experiment  station].  Sept.  12.  1927. 
1  p.  f°     (No.  4719.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/57 

Executive   order,   Alaska    [temporarily   withdrawing   tracts   of   land   in 

Alaska  from  settlement,  etc.,  for  classification,  subject  to  right  of  way  of 
Glacier  highway].     Aug.  29,  1927.     1  p.  f "     (No.  4710.)     t      Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/55 

Army  Supply  Base,  Hampton  Roads.  Executive  order  [authorizing  that  lands 
at  Norfolk  supply  base  of  Army  at  Hampton  Roads,  Va..  which  are  no  longer 
needed  for  military  purposes,  be  placed  under  control  of  Secretary  of  Navy  for 
use  of  Navy  Department  for  coal  storage  and  other  naval  purposes].  Cor- 
rected copy.  Sept.  12,  1927.  1  p.  f  (No.  4716.)  [This  Executive  order  cor- 
rects Executive  order  4671  of  June  20,  1927,  and  changes  boundaries  of  lands 
named  therein.]     %  Pr  30.5 :  N  229/3 

Birds.  Amendments  of  migratory  bird  treaty  act  regulations,  proclamation 
[further  amending  regulations  proclaimed  July  31,  1918].  [Sept.  6,  1927.] 
3  p.  r     ( [No.  1812.] )      t  Pr  30.7 :  B  352/9 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  information  following   Contents 

September,  1927  187 

Colorado.  Executive  order,  Colorado  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Feb.  6.  1924. 
which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Colorado  from  settlement,  etc..  pend- 
ing resurvey,  and  authorizing  tliat  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under 
homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Ger- 
many for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to 
general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  Aug.  13,  1927. 
IV.t-     (No.  4707.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  C  719/22 

Commerce  Depatiment.  Executive  order  [authorizing  Julius  Klein,  director  of 
Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce,  to  perform  duties  of  Secretary 
of  Commerce  during  absence  of  Secretary  of  Commerce  and  assistant  Secre- 
tary of  Commerce].     Sept.  6,  1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  4714.)     %        Pr  30.5 :  C  736/2 

Customs  Service.  Executive  order  [creating  Lancaster,  Minn.,  which  is  now 
customs  .station,  port  of  entry  in  customs  collection  district  no.  34  (Dakota), 
witli  headquarters  at  Pembina.  N.  Dak.,  effective  30  days  from  date  of  this 
order].     Sept.  22,  1927.     1  p.  f^     (No.  4723.)      t  Pr  30.5 :  N  Sll/3 

Executive  order  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Nov.  10,  1925.  which  made 

Coos  County,  N.  H.,  part  of  customs  collection  district  no.  1  (Maine  and  New 
Hampshire),  with  headquarters  at  Portland,  Me.,  and  making  Coos  County 
part  of  customs  collection  district  no.  2  (Vermont),  with  headquarters  at  St. 
Albans,  Vt..  effective  30  days  from  date  of  this  order].  Aug.  19,  1927.  1  p.  t" 
( No.  4709. )     t  Pr  30.5 :  V  592/2 

Fire  prevention  week.  National  fire  prevention  week,  1927,  proclamation  [des- 
ignating week  of  Oct.  ^15,  1927,  as  National  fire  prevention  week].  Sept.  20, 
1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  1814.)     7  Pr  30.7 :  F  514/5 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order  [promulgating  rules  of  precedence  to  be  ob- 
served as  between  (1)  ambassadors,  ministers,  and  officers  of  foreign  service, 
^2»  officers  of  Army,  (3)  officers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps,  and  (4)  foreign 
commerce  officers].     [Aug.  10,  1927.]      [2]  p.  f°     ([No.  4705.])     % 

Pr  30.5  :  P  911 

Eaicaii.  Executive  order  [setting  aside  tract  of  land  on  island  of  Hawaii  for 
military  purposes,  said  land  being  designated  as  Upolu  Airplane  Landing 
Field].     Sept.  12,  1927.     1  p.  f^^     (No.  4718.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  H  31/23 

National  forests.  Executive  order.  San  Bernardino  National  Forest,  Calif,  [ex- 
cluding land  from  San  Bernardino  National  Forest  and  restoring  same  to 
public  domain  subject  to  disposition  under  acts  of  Jan.  12,  1891,  and  Mar.  1, 
1907].    Aug.  15,  1927.    1  p.    f°     (No.  4708.)     $  Pr30.5:Sa54 

Executive  order,  Sitgreaves  National  Forest.  Ariz,  [modifying  bounda- 
ries of  Sitgreaves  National  Forest  by  excluding  therefrom  lands  in  Arizona, 
and  reserving  land  so  excluded  for  townsite  pui-poses  under  sees.  2382-86, 
Revised  statutes].     Sept.  16,  1927.    1  p.  f "     (No.  4722.)     $  Pr  30.5:  Si  86 

Executive  order,  Tongass  National  Forest,  Alaska   [excluding  tracts  of 

land  in  Alaska  in  and  surrounding  native  villages  of  Angoon,  Hoonah, 
Hydaburg,  Kake,  Kasaan,  Klawak,  and  Yakutat,  from  Tongass  National  For- 
est, and  reserving  said  lands,  subject  to  valid  existing  rights,  to  be  disposed 
of  for  to^^^lsite  purposes].     [Aug.  30,  1927.]     [2]  p.  f     ([No.  4712.])     J 

Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/56 

Natural  Bridge  National  Forest,  Va.,  3d  proclamation.     Sept.  12,  1927.    1 

p.  map,  f°     (No.  1813.)     f  Pr  30.7  :  N  219/2 

Sequoia  National  Forest,  Calif.,  6th  proclamation.     Aug.  19,  1927.     1  p. 

map,  f°     (No.  1811.)     t  Pr30.7:Se64 

N&io  Mexico.  Executive  order,  New  Mexico  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands 
in  New  Mexico  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  townships]. 
Sept.  8,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4715.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  N 42m/23 

Panama  Canal.  Executive  order  [authorizing  governor  of  The  Panama  Canal 
to  increase  above  limit  of  .$960  per  annum  pay  of  not  to  exceed  100  alien  em- 
ployees in  positions  they  occupy  under  The  Panama  Canal  and  Panama  Rail- 
road Company,  effective  on  and  after  date  of  this  order].  Sept.  14,  1927. 
1  p.  f     (No.  4721.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  P  191/20 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information,  folio-wing  Contents 

188  September,  1927 

Panama  Canal — Coutiuued. 

Executive  order  [establishing  regulations  to  govern  granting  of  leaves  of 

absence  to  judge  of  district  court  of  Canal  Zone,  district  attorney  of  Canal 
Zone,  and  marshal  of  Canal  Zone].     Aug.  29,  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4711.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  P  191/19 

Reeves,  Mrs.  Maysie  L.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Mrs. 
Maysie  Lawrence  Reeves  as  operative  in  Bureau  of  Engraving  and  Printing]. 
Sept.  12,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4717.)     t  Pr  30.5  :R  259 

Tullis,  Mrs.  Helen  M.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  Helen 
M.  Tullis  to  clerkship  in  post  office  at  Denver,  Colo.].  Aug.  31,  1927.  1  p.  f" 
( No.  4713. )     }  Pr  30.5  :  T  826 

War  Department.  Executive  order  [amending  civil  service  rules  relating  to 
War  Department  so  as  to  make  positions  of  all  cable  engineers,  cable  electri- 
cians, cable  foremen,  and  cable  seamen  receiving  not  more  than  $1260  per 
annum  subject  to  competitive  examination].  Sept.  12,  1927.  1  p.  f"  (No. 
4720. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  C  499/42 

Wyoming.     Executive  order,  Wyoming   [revoking  Executive  order  of  Apr.  19, 

1926,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with 
Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open 
to  general  public  under  any  public  laud  law  applicable  thereto].     Aug.  13. 

1927.  1  p.  f°     (No.  4706.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/25 



Note. — On  Feb.  26,  1925.  under  provisions  of  the  act  approved  on  that  date,  the  Office 
of  Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  and  the  Office  of  State,  War,  and  Navy  Department 
Buildings  were  consolidated  into  a  single  office  to  be  known  as  the  Office  of  Public 
Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National  Capital. 

District  of  Columbia.     Manual  for  United  States  park  police.     1927.     v-|-78  p. 
24"     t  PB  1.6  :  P  21/1/927 

Park  regulations,   1927.     1927.     v  +  16  p.   24"     |  PB  1.6 :  P  21/2/927 


Paper.  In  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  — ,  Andrew  W.  Mellon,  director 
general  of  railroads,  as  agent,  v.  World  Publishing  Company;  no.  — ,  [same] 
V.  Tulsa  Paper  Company;  no.  — ,  [same]  v.  Democrat  Printing  Company: 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  and  brief  in  support  thereof.  1927.  cover- 
title,  ii+51  p.     ±  Y  3.R  13/2 :  8  W  893/4 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals,  8th  circuit,  no.  7593,  Andrew  W. 

Mellon,  agent,  vs.  World  Publishing  Company;  [transcript  of  record].     [1927.] 
p.  319-330.     t  Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  W  893/3 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals.  8th  circuit,  no.  7594,  Andrew  W. 

Mellon,   agent,  vs.   Tulsa   Paper  Company;    [transcript  of  record].      [1927.] 
p.  319-330.    t  Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  T  829/3 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals.  8th  circuit,  no.  7595,  Andrew  W. 

Mellon,    agent,    vs.    Democrat    Printing    Company;     [transcript    of    record]. 
[1927.]     p.  314-325.     t  Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  D  396/2 

Ho-w  to  order  publications — See   information  following   Contents 


September,  1927  189 


Commerce.  Report  on  volume  of  water  borne  foreign  commerce  of  United 
States  by  ports  of  origin  and  destination,  tiscal  year  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Research.  1927.  2  pts.  in  1,  xxiii  +  [l]+325  p.  map.  oblong  large 
S"     (Division  of  Statistics  report  660.)       *  Paper.  $1.25. 

L.  C.  card  23-26420  SB  7.2  :  C  73/926 

Contents. — Pt.  1,  Commerce  of  United  States  ports  with  foreign  ports. — Pt.  2,  Com- 
merce of  foreign  ports  with  United  States  ports. 

DeJan-are  County,  Pa.  Nos.  276  and  277.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927, 
county  of  Delaware.  Pa.,  v.  Shipping  Board  Emergency  Fleet  Corporation 
Lnow  Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation]  ;  school  district  of  Tinicum 
Township,  Pa.,  v.  [same],  in  error  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit; 
motion  bv  defendant  in  error  to  dismiss  and  brief  in  support  thereof.  1927. 
cover-title,  i +6  p.     |  SB  1.13  :D  376 

Shipping.     Farmer   and    Shipping  Board ;   by  William   S.   Hill,   commissioner. 
[1927.]     [2] +8  p.  il,  24"     t 
L.  C,  card  27-26955  SB  1.2  :  F  22 


.¥€>/r7iff»f  F7eeMiPM-s,  V.  1.  no.  4:  Sept.  1927.     [1927.]     12  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 

SB  2.16 :  1/4 

Ships.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,   Sept.  1-Oct.  15, 
1927 :  issued  by  Traffic  Department.    1927.    vi+26  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     i- 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14  :  927/9 


Note. — In  a  recent  price-list  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice  :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  is  given,  and  sliould  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numbers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections :  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  Icnowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
l)e  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratiiitoiish/  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  throughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  manj'  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  rreneral  nwiMng-list  of 
individuals.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications 
should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment, 
and  have  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mail  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Aluminium  sulpJiate.  Effect  of  aluminum  sulphate  on  rhododendrons  and  other 
acid-soil  plants;  by  Frederick  V.  Coville.  1927.  [11+369-382  p.  13  p.  of  pi. 
(Publication  2897.)      [From  Report,  1926.]     f  SI  1.1/a  :  Al  82 

Barro  Colorado  Island  Biological  Station  [with  bibliography]  ;  bv  Alfred  O. 
Gross.  1927.  [1] +327-342  p.  9  p.  of  por.  and  pi.  (Publication  2893.)  [From 
Report.  1926.]     t  SI  1.1  /a  :  B  278 

Bateson,  William.  William  Bateson;  by  T.  H.  Morgan.  1927.  [1] +521-532  p. 
(Publication  2909.)     [From  Report.  1926,]     f  SI  1.1/a  :  B  319 

Beaver.^.  How  beavers  build  their  houses;  by  Yernon  Bailev,  1927.  [1]  + 
357-360  p.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2895.)      [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1  a  :  B  386/3 
How  to  order  publications — See   Information  following:   Contents 

190  September,  1927 

Bows  and)  arrows.  Omaha  bow  and  arrow  makers ;  by  Francis  La  Flesche. 
1927.  [1] +487-494  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.  (Publication  2905.)  [From  Report. 
1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  B  67/2 

Brazil.  Eastern  Brazil  through  an  agrostologist's  spectacles ;  by  Agnes  Chase. 
1927.  [11+383-403  p.  9  p.  of  pi.  (Publication  2898.)  [From  Report. 
1926.]     t  .-31 1.1/a  :  B  739/2 

Bronzes  of  Hsin-cheng  Hsien ;  by  C.  W.  Bishop.  1927.  [1] +457^68  p.  9  p. 
of  pi.     (Publication  2903.)      [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a :H 859 

Bullfights.  Ritual  bullfight:  by  C.  W.  Bishop.  1927.  [1] +447-455  p.  1  pi. 
(Publication  2902.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  B  874 

Butterflies.  Fi-agrant  butterflies;  by  Austin  H.  Clark.  1927.  [1] +421-446  p. 
13  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2901.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t       SI  l.l/a  :  B  982/2 

Carbon.  Romance  of  carbon;  by  Arthur  D.  Little.  1927.  [11+235-255  p. 
(Publication  2888.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  C  177 

Cosmogony.  New  outlook  in  cosmogony;  by  J.  H.  Jeans.  1927.  [1] +  151-160 
p.     (Publication  2880.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  ;  C  821/2 

Earthquakes.  Cause  of  earthquakes,  especially  those  of  eastern  United  States : 
bv  William  Herbert  Hobbs.  1927.  [11+257-277  p.  il.  (Publication  2889.) 
[From  Report.  1926.]    t  SI  1.1/a  :  Ea  76/19 

Evolution.  History  of  organic  evolution;  by  John  M.  Coulter.  1927.  [11+319- 
326  p.     (Publication  2892.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  Ev  6/13 

Gems.  Visit  to  gem  districts  of  Ceylon  and  Burma ;  by  Frank  D.  Adams.  1927. 
[11+297-318  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2891.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  G  284 

High  frequencv  rays  of  cosmic  origin,  by  R.  A.  Millikan  ;  Introduction  by  C.  G. 
Abbot.    1927.     [1] +193-201  p.     (Publication  2884.)     [From  Report.  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  H  5.37 ''2 

Indians.  Our  heritage  from  American  Indians,  by  W.  E.  Safford ;  [transla- 
tion]. 1927.  [1] +405-410  p.  12  p.  of  pi.  (Publication  2899.)  [From 
Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  Am  35/7 

Insects.  Parasite  element  of  natural  control  of  injurious  insects  and  its  con- 
trol bv  man ;  bv  L.  O.  Howard.  1927.  [11+411-420  p.  (Publication  2900.) 
[From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  P  219/2 

Eatcina  altars  in  Hopi  worship;  by  J.  Walter  Fewkes.  1927.  [11+469-^86  p. 
il.  3  pi.     (Publication  2904.)     [From  Report,  1926.]    t  SI  1.1/a  :  H  773/5 

Light.  Cold  light ;  by  B.  Newton  Harvey.  1927.  [1] +209-218  p.  (Publication 
2886.)      [From  Report,   1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  L  626/14 

Loess  of  China  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  George  B.  Barbour.  1927.  [11+279- 
296  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2890.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  C  44/11 

Maud,  expedition.  1922-25.  Scientific  work  of  Maud  expedition,  1922-25 ;  by 
H.  U.  Sverdrup.  1927.  [11+219-233  p.  il.  (Publication  2887.)  [From 
Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  M  441 

Mosquito  fish  (Gambusia)  and  its  relation  to  malaria;  by  David  Starr  Jordan. 
1927.  [11+361-368  p,  4  p.  of  pi.  (Publication  2896.)  [From  Report,  1926.] 
t  SI  1.1/a  :  M  855/2 

Omies.  H.  Kamerlingh.  H.  Kamerlingh  Onnes.  1853-1926;  by  F.  A.  Freeth. 
1927.     [11+533-535  p.     (Publication  2910.)      [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  On  5 

Planets.  Excursions  on  planets,  by  Lucien  Rudaux;  [tran.slation].  1927.  [1]  + 
185-191  p.  10  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2883.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  P  693,/2 

Pocket-gophers.  Geography  and  evolution  in  pocket  gophers  of  California ;  by 
Joseph  Grinnell.  1927.  [11+343-355  p.  il.  1  pi.  (Publication  2894.)  [From 
Report,   1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :P  751 

HoTi'  to  order  publications^See  information  follo-vring  Contents 

September,  1927  191 

Preventive  niedicine  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Mark  F.  Boyd.  1927.  [1]  + 
513-519  p.     (Publication  2908.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t        SI  1.1/a  :  M  468/5 

Publicatians.  Classified  list  of  Smithsonian  publications  available  for  distribu- 
tion, Sept.  15.  1927:  compiled  by  Helen  Munroe.  Washington,  Smithsonian 
Institution.  1927.  iv+[l]+29  p.  (Publication  2922.)  [This  list  does  not 
include  publications  issued  by  the  National  Museum  and  the  Bureau  of 
American  Ethnology.]  t 
L.  C.  card  27-26956  SI  1.8 :  927 

Radio  atmospheric  disturbances.  Present  status  of  radio  atmospheric  disturb- 
ances:  by  L.  W.  Austin.  1927.  [1] +203-208  p.  il.  (Publi(^ation  2885.) 
[From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  R  118/14 

Report.  Annual  report  of  board  of  regents  of  Smithsonian  Institution,  year 
ending  June  30,  1926  [with  report  of  secretary,  etc.,  and  appendix  contain- 
ing scientific  papers].  1927.  xii+551  p.  il.  15  pi.  110  p.  of  por.  and  pi.  (Pub- 
lication 2879.)     *Cloth,  $1.75. 

L.  C.  card  4-lS2&i  SI  1.1 :  926/1 

Note. — The  31  scientific  papers  contained  in  the  appendix  of  tbis  volume  have  been 
published  also  in  separate  pamphlets,  each  of  which  is  entered  in  this  catalogue. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  549,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Slater,  Samuel.  Samuel  Slater  and  oldest  cotton  machinery  in  America;  by 
Frederick  L.  Lewton.  1927.  [1] +505-511  p.  3  p.  of  por.  and  pi.  (Publica- 
tion 2907.)      [From  Report,  1926.]     t  SI  1.1/a  :  SI  15 

8mithsoni-an  miscellaneous  collections.     Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections, 
T.  78  [title-page  and  contents].     Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution,  1927. 
V  p.     (Publication  2920.)     f  Price  on  application. 
L.  C.  card  16-8203  SI  1.7  :  78/t.  p.  &  cont. 

Same,  v.  79  [title-page  and  contents].  Washington.  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion. 1927.     V  p.      (Publication  2918.)     t  Price  on  application. 

SI  1.7  :  79/t.  p.  &  cont. 

Stars.  On  evolution  of  stars :  by  C.  G.  Abbot.  1927.  [1]  +175-184  p.  il.  2  pi. 
4  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2882.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t        SI  1.1/a  :  St  28/6 

Sunshine.  Influences  of  sun  rays  on  plants  and  animals :  by  C.  G.  Abbot.  1927. 
[1] +161-173  p.  il.  5  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2881.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a  :  Su  74/4 

Swiss  National  Park.  National  park  of  Switzerland ;  by  G.  Edith  Bland.  1927. 
[1] +495-503  p.  il.  5  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2906.)     [From  Report,  1926.]     t 

SI  1.1/a :  Sw  68 


Fox  Indians.    Contributions  to  Fox  ethnology  [with  list  of  works  cited  ;  papers] 
by  Truman  Michelson.  1927.     vii+168  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Bulletin  85.)      [The 
first  2  papers  are  given  in  the  Fox  language  and  in  English.]     *  Cloth.  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26932  SI  2.3 :  85 

Note. — Includes  Notes  on  ceremonial  runners  of  Fox  Indians  ;  Sauk  and  Fox  sacred 
pack ;  Sacred  pack  called  A'penawana'A  belonging  to  Thunder  gens  of  Fox  Indians ; 
Sacred  pack  called  Sagima'kwawA  belonging  to  Bear  gens  of  Fox  Indians  ;  by  Truman 

Same.     (H.  doc.  -536,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz..  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum 
collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can 
now  be  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-imge  and  index  will  be  published  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Ho'w  to  order  publications — See  information  following   Contents 

192  September,  1927 

Oeology,  petrography,  and  mineralogy  of  vicinity  of  Italian  Mountain,  Gunnison 
County,  Colo. ;  by  Whitman  Cross  and  Earl  V.  Shannon.  1927.  cover-title, 
42  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  V.  71,  art.  18;  no.  2690.)     t         SI  3.6:  2690 

Meteorites.  Heretofore  undescribed  meteoric  irons  from  (1)  Bolivia,  South 
America,  (2)  western  Arkansas,  and  (3)  Seneca  Township,  Mich.;  by  George 
P.  Merrill.  1927.  cover-title,  4  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  4; 
no.  2700. )      t  SI  3.6 :  2700 

Recently  found  iron  meteorite  from  Oakley,  Idaho ;  by  George  P.  Merrill. 

1927.     cover-title,  3  p.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  71,  art.  21;  no.  2693.)     t  I 

SI  3.6:  2693  ^ 

MoUusks.  New  species  of  mollusks  of  genus  Corbicula  from  Uruguay  and 
Brazil;  by  William  B.  Marshall.  1927.  cover-title,  7  p.  1  pi.  (Proceedings, 
V.  72,  art.  3;  no.  2699.)     t  SI  3.6  :  2699 

Rodents  of  genus  Plagiodontia ;  bv  Gerrit  S.  Miller,  jr.  1927.  cover-title,  8 
p.  1  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  16;  no.  2712.)      t  SI  3.6: 2712 

Sea-urchins.  Contributions  to  biology  of  Philippine  Archipelago  and  adjacent 
regions :  Report  on  Bchinoidea  collected  by  United  States  Fisheries  steamer 
Albatross  during  Philippine  expedition,  1907-10,  pt.  1,  Cidaridae ;  by  Theodor 
Mortensen.  1927.  iii+243-312  p.  il.  33  p.  of  pi.  (Bulletin  100,  v.  6,  pt.  4.) 
*  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26902  SI  3.3  :  100/v.  6,  pt.  4 


American  Battle  Monuments  Commission.  Agreement  between  United  States 
and  France  for  acquisition  of  sites  for  monuments  which  American  Battle 
Monuments  Commission  is  to  erect  in  France;  signed  [Washington],  Aug. 
29,  1927.  1927.  [l]+6  p.  (Treaty  series  757.)  [English  and  French.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26925  S  9.5/2  :  F  84/20    ' 

\Circulars]  1047-54;  June  3-Sept.  8,  1927.  [1927.]  various  paging.  [General 
instruction  circulars  to  consular  officers.]     t  S  1.4/2  :  1047-54 

Consuls.  [Regulations  governing  consular  service  of  United  States,  annotated]  : 
article  23,  Personal  estates  of  citizens  dying  without  United  States.  Sept. 
1927.    17  p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

S  1.5  :  926/art.  23 

Same:    article   29,    Record    books   and    archives.      Aug.    1927.      27   p.    il. 

[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  in.sertion  in  binder.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

S  1.5  :  926/art.  29 

Diplomatic  list,  Sept.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii+41  p.  24^'     J 

L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8  :  927/9 

Diplomats.     Instructions  to  diplomatic  officers  of  United  States,  Mar.  8,  1927. 
1927.     XV  p. +  [160]   leaves,  il.     [Issued  in  form  for   insertion  in 
binder.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  27-26883  S  1.10  :  927 

International  Radiotelegraph   Conference.     Conference   Radiot616graphique  In- 
ternationale de  Washington,  1927,  listes  et  adresses  des  delegues  dese  gouv- 
ernements  et  des  representants  des  compagnies  et  des  organismes  internation- 
aux.     1"  tirage.    1927.     [l]+26p.  4"    t 
L.  C.  card  27-26957  ,  S  5.25 :  D  37/1/French 

Same.     2"   tirage.     1927.     ii+26  p.   4°     t  S5.25 :  D  37/2/French  | 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conference  of  Washington,  draft  of  inter- 
national radio  convention,  based  on  proposals  of  Government  of  United 
States  for  revision  of  international  radiotelegraph  convention  of  London  of 
1912,  July,  1927.  1927.  133  p.  [French  and  English.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26939  S  5.25/a  :  D  7S3/Fr.  &  Eng. 
Hovr  to  order  publications — See   information  following;   Contents 

September,  1927  193 

International  Radiotelegraph  C onference— Continued. 

• Same,  Spanish  and  English.     1927.     131  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26940  S  5.25/a  :  D  783/Sp.  &  Eug. 

Supplement  2  to  book  of  Proiwsals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  International  Shipping  Conference,  resolutions  of 
wireless  committee,  July  27-28,  1927,  transmitted  by  Secretariat  of  Inter- 
national Shipping  Conference.  [1927.]  4  leaves,  4°  [Included  in  price  of 
Proposals.  ]  S  5.25 :  P  94/supp.2 

■ — 7-  Supplement  3  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph 
Conference  of  Washington:  Proposals  submitted  by  Italy.  [1927.]  16 
leaves,   4°     [Included   in   price   of   Proposals.]  S  5.25 :  P  94/supp.3 

Passports.    Notice  to  bearers  of  passports  [Aug.  24.  1927].     [1927.]     15  p.     t 

S  1.2  :  P  26/15/927-2 


Cliattin,  B.  E.  United  States  on  behalf  of  B.  E.  Chattin  v.  United  Mexican 
States :  docket  no.  41,  dissenting  opinion.     [1927.]     16  p.     t 

S  3.34/6  a  :  C  392/2 

Engleliart.  G.  A.  United  States  on  behalf  of  G.  A.  Englehart  v.  United  Mexican 
States  ;  docket  no.  40.  dissenting  opinion.    1927.     1  p.     $       S  3.34/6  a  :  En  35/2 

Haley,  John  W.  United  States  on  behalf  of  John  W.  Haley  v.  United  Mexican 
States;  docket  no.  42,  dissenting  opinion.     [1927.]     2  p.     $ 

S  3.34/6  a  :  H  137/2 

Parrish,  Claude  W-  United  States  on  behalf  of  C.  W.  Parrish  v.  United 
Mexican  States;  docket  no.  43,  dissenting  opinion.     [1927.]     5  p.     t 

S  3.34/6  a  :  P  249/2 


Cases.  Docket  of  [cases  pending  in]  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927  [title- 
page  and  index].    1927.     [l]+xxvp.  4°     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.]     t 

Ju  6.10 :  927 

Offlcial  reports.  Official  r'eports  of  Supreme  Court,  v.  273  U.  S.,  no.  3; 
Ernest  Knaebel,  reporter.  Preliminary  print.  1927.  cover-title,  [l]+386- 
633  p.  12°  [Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term,  1926  (opinions 
of  Feb.  21,  in  part-Apr.  11,  in  part,  1927).  This  number  contains  table  of 
cases  reported  in  v.  273,  pts.  1-3.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.  From  United 
States  reports,  v.  273.]  *  Paper.  25c  single  copy,  $1.00  per  vol.  (4  nos.  to  a 
vol. ;  subscription  price,  $3.00  for  12  nos.)  ;  foreign  subscription.  5c.  added 
for   each   pamphlet.  Ju  6.8/1  a  :  273/3 

Same,  V.  273  U.  S.,  no.  4;  Ernest  Knaebel,  reporter.     Preliminary  print. 

1927.  cover-title,  xlii-f 635-783  p.  12°  [Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court 
at  Oct.  term,  1926  (per  curiam  decisions  of  Oct.  4,  1926-Apr.  11,  1927). 
This  number  contains  table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  273.  From  United  States 
reports,    v.    273.]  Ju  6.8/1  a  :  273/4 

O'Gara  Coal  Company.  Certificate,  Oct.  term.  1927.  no.  471,  Mabel  G.  Reinecke, 
collector  of  internal  revenue  for  1st  district  of  Illinois,  vs.  Frank  G.  Gardner, 
trustee  in  bankruptcy  of  O'Gara  Coal  Company,  on  certificate  from  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i +2  p.     t     Ju6.7:Ogl 


Cresylic,  acid,  report  of  Tariff  Commission  to  President  of  United  States,  dif- 
ferences in  costs  of  production  of  cresylic  acid  in  United  States  and  in  prin- 
cipal competing  country,  as  ascertained  pursuant  to  provisions  of  sec.  315  of 
title  3  of  tariff  act  of  1922 ;  with  api)endix.  proclamation  by  the  President. 
1927.  v+16  p.  il.  [Great  Britain  is  the  principal  competing  country.] 
*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26920  TC  1.2 :  C  86 

Hovr  to  order  publications^See   information   following   Contents 

194  September,  192T 


Decisions.     Reports,  v.   7,  no.   6  and  7;   July  26  and   Aug.   2,   1927.     [1927.] 
[ix]  +674-864  p,     [Contain  decisions  promulgated  July  15-29,  1927.]     *  Paper, 
$1.50  per  vol. 
L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19 :  5/7-6  to  7-7 


Bonds  of  officers.  Companies  holding  certificates  of  authority  from  Secretary  of 
Treasury,  under  acts  of  Aug.  13,  1894,  and  Mar.  23,  1910,  as  acceptable  sure- 
ties on  Federal  bonds,  also  acceptable  reinsuring  companies  under  Department 
circular  of  July  5,  1922 ;  revised  as  to  process  agents  to  Sept.  9,  1927.  Sept. 
10,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Semiannual.]     t  T  1.24: 927/2 

Certificates  of  indebtedness.  United  States  of  America,  3  per  cent  Treasury 
certificates  of  indebtedness,  series  TM2-1928.  dated  and  bearing  interest  from 
Sept  15,  1927,  due  Mar.  15,  1928.  Sept.  6,  1927.  1  p.  4°  (Department  circu- 
lar 386;   Public  Debt   [Commissioner].)     t  T  1.4/2: 386 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports  from 
Treasury  ofiices  and  depositaries,  Sept.  1-30,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  3 
p.  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5:  927 

Puilic  debt.     Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  July  31,  1927.     [1927*] 
[2]  p.  narrovp  f°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9 :  927/7 

Treasury  decisions.  Treasury  decisions  under  customs  and  other  laws,  v.  51 ; 
Jan.- June,  1927.     1927.     iii4-1412  p.  il.     *  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  10-11513  T  l.ll/l :  927/1 

Note. — This  volume  contains  Department  decisions  numbered  41928-42286,  and  ab- 
stracts 1617-3499.     Department  decision  42113  was  withdrawn. 

Treasury   decisions   under   customs,   internal   revenue,   prohibition,    and 

other  lavFS,  including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Ap- 
peals, V.  52,  no.  9-13;  Sept.  1-29,  1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [Weekly. 
Department  decisions  numbered  42353-377,  abstracts  3689-3894,  internal  reve- 
nue decisions  4072-90,  prohibition  10-12,  and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2 :  52/9-13 

Treasury  notes.  United  States  of  America,  S^i  per  cent  Treasury  notes,  series 
B-1930-32,  offered  for  cash  and  in  exchange  for  2d  liberty  loan  converted 
41/4  per  cent  bonds,  dated  and  bearing  interest  from  Sept.  15,  1927,  due  Sept. 
15,  1932,  redeemable  at  option  of  United  States  at  par  and  accrued  interest  on 
and  after  Sept.  15,  1930,  interest  payable  Mar.  15  and  Sept.  15.  [Sept.  6, 
1927.]     3  p.  4"     ([Department  circular  387;  Public  Debt  Commissioner.])     t 

T  1.4/2 :  387 


Circular  letter  8  ;  Dec.  12,  1923.     [Reprint]  1927.    1  p.    t  T  47.7/3  :  8/2 


National  batiks.  Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit, 
etc.  [Sept.  1,  1927].    Sept.  1,  1927.    1  p.  narrow  f"    t  i 

L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9  :  927/9  ^ 


Reappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Aug.  15-Sept.  26,  1927]  ; 
Sept.  2  and  30,  1927.  [1927.]  665-689+ [iv]  p.  (Reappraisement  circular  30 
and  31.)  [Weekly ;  none  issued  Aug.  19,  26,  Sept.  9,  16,  or  23,  1927.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  $1.30. 

L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  30,  31 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See   inforniatiou  fuUowins   Contents 

September,  1927  195 


Report.     10th  annual  report  of  Federal  Farm  Loan  Board,  year  ended  Deo.  31, 

1926.  1927.     iii+57  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  18-26147  T  48.1 :  926 


Government  supplies.  Awards  for  definite  and  additional  quantity  supplies 
[fiscal  Tear  1928]  :  cla.sses  1,  3,  and  10  [Oct.  1-Dec.  31,  1927].  [1927.]  29  p. 
4"     t    '  T  45.6 :  928/1-2 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Aug.  1927].  Sept.  1,  1927.  6  p.  4°  (Form 
A.)      [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5 :  927/8 


Marine  insurance.  Estudio  comparado  de  las  legislaciones  Americanas  sobre 
seguros  marltimos  y  averia  comtin,  y  las  reglas  de  York  y  Amberes  [con 
bibliografia,  pur  Alton  R.  Hodgkins]  ;  publicado  por  el  Consejo  Central 
Ejecutivo  de  la  Alta  ComisiSn  Interamericana.  1927.  x+70  p.  [For  the 
English  edition  of  this  publication  see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  July.  1927, 
p.  62.]     t  T  1.23/2 :  M  33/2 


Boats.  Regulations  72  relating  to  special  tax  upon  use  of  foreign  built  boats 
under  sec.  702  of  revenue  act  of  1926.-  [Reprint]  1927.  iii+11  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26825  T  22.17  :  72/2 

Internal  revenue  l)ulletin,  v.  6.  no.  36-39 ;  Sept.  5-26,  1927.    1927.    various  pag- 
ing.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,   5c.   single  copy    (for  subscription  price  see  note 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  927/36-39 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1927  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins, semiannual  cumulative  bulletins,  and  an  annual  digest.  The  -weekly  bulletins 
■will  contain  the  rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department 
decisions  (known  as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The 
semiannual  cumulative  bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including 
Treasury  decisions)  published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  annual  digest  will 
contain  in  digested  form  all  such  rulings  and  decisions  published  during  the  year, 
the  volume  for  1927  to  contain  also  digests  of  the  rulings  and  decisions  published  dur- 
ing the  years  1925  and  1926.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Government  Printing  Office. 
Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr. :  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

Tntenuil  revenue  news,  v.   1,  no.   3 :    Sept.  1927.     1927.     cover-title.   24  p.   11. 

[Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription.  75c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  : 1/3 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Sept.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     64  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     f  T  26.7 :  927/9 

Money.    Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Sept.  1,  1927.    Aug.  24, 

1927.  1  p.  oblong  8"     [Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5  :  927/9 


AlcoJwl,  Denatured.  Regulations  3  (formerly  61),  relative  to  production,  tax 
payment,  etc.,  of  industrial  alcohol  and  to  manufacture,  sale,  and  use  of 
denatured  alcohol  under  title  3  of  national  prohibition  act  of  Oct.  28,  1919. 
Revised  Aug.  1927.  1927.  vii+146  p.  [Regulations  61  was  issued  by  the 
Internal  Revenue  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26910  T  54.5  :  3 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following;   Contents 

196  September,  1927 

Alcohol,  Denatured — Continnecl.     . 

Same.  Apjwnclix  to  Regulations  3  (formerly  61),  Formulae  for  com- 
pletely and  specially  denatured  alcohol.  Revised  Aug.  1927.  1927.  [1]+14 
p.     *  Paper,  5c.  T  54.5  :  3/app.  1 

Liquors.  Regulations  2  (being  a  revision  of  internal  revenue  Regulations  60) 
relating  to  permits  as  provided  in  title  2,  national  prohibition  act,  for  manu- 
facture of  and  traffic  in  intoxicating  liquors  for  nonbeverage  purposes,  effec- 
tive Oct.  1,  1927.  1927.  v-|-2S5  p.  [Regulations  60  was  issued  by  the  Inter- 
nal Revenue  Bureau.]  *  Pai^er,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26930  T  54.5 :  2 


Denmark.     Public  health   organization   of  Denmark;  by  Thomas   Parrau.  jr. 

1927.      [l]+29  p.      (Reprint  1160.)      [From  Public  health   reports.   May  27, 
1927.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26914  T  27.6/a  :  1160 

Drinkinff  miter  coolers  on  common  carriers;  by  Arthur  P.  Miller.  1927.  [1]+S 
p.  (Reprint  1162.)  [From  Public  health  reports.  June  10,  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26923  T  27.6/a  :  1162 

Illinois  River.     Study  of  pollution  and  natural  purification  of  Illinois  River : 
1,  Surveys  and  laboratory  studies ;  by  J.  K.  Hoskins,  C.  C.  Ruchhoft.   [and] 
L.   G.   Williams.     May,   1927.     xiii+208  p.   il.   17  pi.   map.      (Public   health 
bulletin  171. )     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26913  T  27.12  :171 

Mosquitos.    Anopheles  atropos  Dyar  and  Knab.  note  on  its  breeding  and  other 
habits  ;  by  T.  H.  D.  GrifBtts.    1927.     [l]+2p.     (Reprint  1171.)     [From  Public 
health  reports.  July  22,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26958  T  27.6/a  :  1171 

Pasteurization.     Court  decisions  on  pasteurization ;  by  James  A.  Tobey.     1927. 
[l]+5   p.      (Reprint   1168.)       [From   Public   health   reports,    July    1,    1927.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26938  T  27.6/a  :  1168 

Public  health  reports,  v.  42.  no.  35-39 ;  Sept.  2-30,  1927.  1927.  [xx]  -f  2193-2430 
p.  [Weekly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 
L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6 :  42/35-39 

Special  articles.- — No.  35.  Pellagra,  its  nature  and  prevention ;  by  .Josepli  Gold- 
beraer. — Report  of  investigation  of  pollution  of  Lake  Michigan  in  vicinity  of  south 
Chicago  and  Indiana  harbors. — No.  36.  Unexplored  field  of  preventive  raedicine  in 
private  practice :  by  W.  F.  Draper. — City  health  officers,  1927,  directory  of  those  in 
cities  of  10.000  or  more  population. — No.  37.  Shellfish  sanitation  ;  by  L.  M.  Fisher. — 
Current  world  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of  monthly  epidemiological  report,  issued 
July  15,  1927,  by  Health  Section  of  League  of  Nations'  Secretariat. — No.  38.  Mosquito 
control  by  airplane,  memorandum  on  distribution  of  paris  green  by  airplane  in  control 
of  Anopheles  production  in  uncleared  pond  near  Bamberg,  S.  C.  Sept.  8.  1927. — Vol- 
untary reporting  of  cancer  aids  Massachusetts  cancer  studies. — Ratio  of  sexes. — Cur- 
rent world  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of  monthly  epidemiological  report,  issued  Aug. 
15,  1927,  by  Health  Section  of  League  of  Nations'  Secretariat. — Court  decisions  relating 
to  public  health. — No.  39.  Study  of  pellagra-preventive  action  of  cowpea  (Vigna  simen- 
sis)  and  of  commercial  wheat  germ  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  .Joseph  Goldberger  and 
G.  A.  Wheeler. — Health  conditions  and  student  welfare  work  among  German  university 
students. — Sudan  and  Belgian  Congo  become  members  of  International  OflSce  [of 
Public  Health]. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  rmniVinal  health 
officers,  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

PuMic  Health  Service  Nursing  Corps;  by  Lucy  Minnigerode.     1927.     [l]-(-4  p. 
(Reprint  1169.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  July  8,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26936  T  27.6/a  :  1169 

Sickness.     Comparison  of  incidence  of  illness  and  death,  (1)  by  cause  and  (2) 
by  age  of  persons  affected,  Hagerstown    [Md.]   morbidity  studies  no.  5:  by 
Edgar  Sydenstricker.     1927.     [1]+13  p.  il.      (Reprint  1167.)      [From  Public 
health  reports.  June  24.  1927.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26048  T  27.6/a  :  1167 

How   to   order   publications — See   infomiation   follo-wingr   Contents 


September,  1927  197 

Spleen  rate  as  measure  of  malaria  prevalence  in  United  States  [with  bibliog- 
raphy] :  by  C.  P.  Google.     1927.     [l]+6  p.  (Rei>rint  1166.)      [From  Public 
health  reports,  June  24.  1927.]     *  Paper.  5e. 
L.  C.  card  27-26935  T  27.6/a  :  1166 

Water  purification.  Experimental  studies  of  water  purification:  3.  Discussion 
of  B.  coli  re.sults  obtained  from  primary  experiments  :  by  H.  W.  Streeter.  1927. 
[1]+19  p.  il.     (Reprint  1170.)      [From  Public  health  reix>rts.  July  15.  1927.] 

*  Paper,  oc. 

L.  C.  card  26-27701  T  27.6/a  :  1170 


Detroit.  Survey  of  venereal  disease  prevalence  in  Detroit :  by  Walter  M.  Brunet 
and  Mary  S.  Edward.s.  1927.  [l]+12p.  (Reprint  6.)  ( From  Venereal  dis-  information,  v.  8.  no.  6.  June  20,  1927.]     t  T  27.26/a  :  V  555 

Hospitals  and  dispensaries  for  treatment  of  venereal  diseases.  1927.  [l]+13p. 
(Reprint  7.)     [From  Venereal  disease  information,  v.  8.  no.  7.  July  20,  1927.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  "  T  27.26/a :  H  794 

Puhlications.     Catalogue   of   educational   material   distributed   by   Division   of 
Venereal  Diseases.   United   States  Public  Health   Service,  for  use  in   its  co- 
operative  work   with    State   health    departments.     1927    [reprint],     v+21   p. 
narrow  W     (V.  D.  B.  84.)     j 
L.  C.  card  27-26077  T  27.20 :  84/2 

Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its 
cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments,  v.  8.  no.  9 :  Sept.  20.  1927. 
1927.  [1] +349-387 +ii  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper.  5c.  single  copy.  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26 :  8/9 

Special  article. — Modern  aspects  of  sypbilis  in  special  and  general  practice  [dis- 
cussion at  meetingrs  of  Roval  Xledieo-Chirurgical  Societv  of  Glasgow.  Oct.  1  and  15, 
1926;  abbreviated]. 


Paper  money.  Monthlv  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Aug.  31,  1927.     Sept.  1,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24"     t  T  40.8  :  927/8 


Life  insurance.  [Specimen  policy,  20-year  endowment  policy.]  [1927.]  [4]  p. 
il.  f  ([Form]  749.)  [Although  this  policy  uses  Bureau  of  War  Risk  In- 
surance in  the  text,  it  is  signed  by  the  director  appointed  for  the  Veterans' 
Bureau  in  1923.]     t  VB  1.2:  En  2/5 

Lung  infections.  Chronic  nontuberculous  lung  infections,  review  of  700  chest 
c-aset?:  [by]  Kennon  Dunham  and  John  H.  Skavlem.  [1927.]  p.  861-866. 
[From  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3.  no.  9.]     t 

VB  1.16/a  :  L  972 

Medical  'bulletin.  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3.  no 
10.  Oct.  1927:  B.  W.  Carr.  editor.  1927.  x-f  975-1088  p.  U.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi. 
[Monthlv.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. :  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.16 :  3/10 

Special  articles. — Survey  of  dermatological  and  syphilogical  diagnostic  work. 
Veterans"  [Bureau]  diagnostic  center,  Washington,  D.  C.  ;  [by]  F.  J.  Eichenlaub  [and] 
M.  Harold  Goodman. — Role  of  artificial  pneumotborax  in  treatment  of  pulmonary 
tuberculosis  [with  bibliography ;  by]  C.  M.  Hazen. — Surgery  of  chest  and  genito- 
urinary tract  in  tuberculosis ;  [by]  Stanley  R.  Maxeiner. — Effect  of  intercurrent  dis- 
eases on  clinical  course  and  hospitalization  period  of  cases  of  pulmonary  tuberculosis  ; 
[by]  Philip  B.  Matz. — Bone  tuberculosis  treated  by  actinotherapy  :  [by]  B.  W.  Carr. — 
Gastric  and  duodenal  ulcer  [with  list  of  references;  by]  W.  A.  Phares. — Aid  in  differ- 
entiating between  cerebral  and  cerebellar  tumors  [with  reference:  b.v]  Hugo  Mella. — 
Study  of  neuro-psychiatric  problem  of  Veterans'  Bureau :  [by]  George  R.  Stalter. — 
Progriostication  of  hospital  curve  for  neuro-psychiatric  patients  of  Veterans"  Bureau 
[with   list   of  references  :   by]    Lida   J.   Usilton. — Statistical   study   of   relation   between 

Hoiiv  to  order  publications — See  information  follo\\-ins   Contents 

198  •  September,  1927 

Medical  bulletin — Continued. 

appearance  of  tympanic  membrane  and  impairment  of  auditory  function  :  [by]  Davio 
W.  Tastet. — Adjunct  dental  treatment  in  Veterans'  Bureau  general  medical  and  surgi- 
cal hospital;  [by]  Walter  S.  Lee. — Spontaneous  pneumothorax;  [by]  H.  R.  Lies- 
comb. — Example  of  allergy,  case  report  with  post-mortem  findings ;  [by]  Richard  C- 
Buckley. — Impressions  of  Veterans'  Hospital,  Palo  Alto  [Calif.  ;  by]  Katherine  Hunting- 
ton.— Care  of  Government  property ;  [by]  Thyra  Pederson. — Heliotherapy  in  treat- 
ment of  laryngeal  tuberculosis;  [by]  Eleanor  Fisher. — Some  of  problems  of  super- 
vision in  connection  with  occupational  therapy  in  mental  hospital ;   [by]  Alton  Vary. 

Neuropsychiatry.  Improving  our  contact  witli  relatives  of  patients  [in  neuro- 
psychiatric  veterans' liospitals  ;  by]  Hugo  Mella.  [1927.]  p.  801-802.  [From 
United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  8.]     t 

VB  1.16/a  :  R  279 

Opinions.     Digests  of  legal  opinions  relating  to   Veterans'   Bureau,   including 
opinions  of  Attorney  General,  comptroller  general,  and  general  counsel  of  Vet- 
erans' Bureau,  and  relevant  court  decisions.  July  1,  1925-June  30,  1926.     1927. 
V.  3.  iv+239  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  26-571  VB  1.13/2 :  3 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-leaf 
binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as  may 
seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series,  and  each 
name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing  certain 
administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet  is 
required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 

1—10.       Army  regulations :  List  of  current  pamphlets  and  changes,  distribution ;  July 
2,  1927.      [1927.]      16  p.      [Supersedes  AR  1-10,  Jan.  3,  1927.] 

W  1.6/1 :  l-lO/ll 

5-260.     Assistant  Secretary  of  War :  Procurement  of  supplies,  periodicals  and  certain 

books ;  July  2,  1927.      [1927.]      2  p.  W  1.6/1  :  5-260 

5-280.     Same:    Procurement   of   supplies,   burial   expenses;    Sept.   6,    1927.      [1927.] 

4  p.      [Supersedes  AR  3.5-1520,  Dec.  15,  1924.]  W  1.6/1  :  5-280 

10-15.       General   Staff :  Organization  and  general   duties.   Changes  5  ;   July  2,   1927. 

[1927.]     2  p.     [Supersedes  AR  10-15,  Changes  4,  Oct.  26,  1923.] 

W  1.6/2  :  10-15/ch,  5 

30-1620.  Quartermaster  Corps :  Standard  quantities  of  heat,  light,  and  electric  power, 

Changes  1 ;  July  2,  1927.      [1927.]      3  p.  W  1.6/2  :  30-1620/ch.  1 

30-1820.   Same:  Preparation  and  disposition  of  remains;  Sept.  6,  1927.      [1927.]     3  p. 

[Supersedes  AR  30-1820,  Feb.  1,  1924,  and  AR  30-1830,  Feb.  1,  1924.] 

W  1.6/1  :  30-1820/2 
30-2120.  Same:  Field  printing.  Changes  1;  Aug.  30,  1927.     [1927.]      1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  30-2120/ch.  1 
30-2175.   Same:  Collection  and  disposal  of  kitchen  waste,  garbage,  manure,  dead  ani- 
mals, and  miscellaneous  refuse,  Changes  1 ;  Aug.  27,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  30-2175/ch.  1 

30-2260.  Same:  Post  bakeries;  Aug.  30,  1927.      [1927.]     2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  30- 

2260,  Dec.  30,  1926.]  W  1.6/1 :  30-2260/3 

35—5.  Finance    Department:    General    provisions;    July    2.    1927.      [1927.]      7    p. 

[Supersedes  AR  35-5,  Dec.  15,  1924.  and  AR  35-10,  Mar.  17,  1922.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-5/3 
35-2480.  Same :  Payment  of  enlisted  men  upon  separation  from  service.   Changes  1 ; 
July  2,  1927.     1927.     1   p.  W  1.6/2  :  35-2480/ch.  1 

35-6590.  Same :  Accounting  for  rifles  and  accessories  loaned  or  sold  to  organizations^ 
of  war  VTjterans;  Aug.  31,  1927.      [1927.]      5  p.  W  1.6/1  :  35-6590 

35-6600.   Same  :  Accounting  for  property  issued  to  rifle  clubs.  Changes  1  :  .July  2.  1927. 
1927.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  35-6600/ch.  1 

35-6740.  Same  :  Property  auditing.  Changes  2  ;'Aug.  30.  1927.      [1927.]     2  p.      [Super- 
sedes AR  35-6740,  Changes  1.  July  10,  1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  35-6740/ch.  2 
40-235.     Medical  Department :  Prevention  of  communicable  diseases  of  man,   venereal 
disease.').  Changes  1  :  July  2.  1927.     1927.     1  p.       W  1.6/2  :  40-235/2/ ch.  1 
40-510.     Same:  Dental  attendance,  Changes  1;  Sept.  19,  1927.      [1927.]      2  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  40-510/ch.  1 
40-1030.  Same :  Register  of  sick  and  wounded,  Changes  1 ;  July  2,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  40-1030/ch.  1 
40-2150.   Same :    Veterinarv   meat   and   dairy    hygiene,   general.    Changes    1  ;    Aug.    24, 
1927.     1927.     1  p.  W  1.6/2 :40-2150/ch.l 

95-120.     Air  Corps :  Aircraft  accidents.  Changes  1 ;  Aug.  31,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  95-120/ch.l 
100-15.        Corps  of  Engineers:   Maps  and  mapping:   July  2,   1927       [1927.]      13   p.   il. 
[Supersedes  AR  100-15,  Nov.  17,  1920,  including  Changes  1,  Nov.  5,  1923.1  / 

W  1.6/1  :  100-15/2 

260-10.       Flags,  colors,  standards,  and  guidons  :  Description  and  use.  Changes  1  ;  July 

2,1927.      [1927.]      4  p.  W  1.6/2  :  260-10/ch.  1 

How  to  order  publications — See  information   follovring  Contents 

September,  1927  199 

Army  regulations — Continued. 

345-155      Military  records  :  Preparation  of  Army  pay  rolls  and  model  remarks.  Changes 

2;    Julv   2.    1927.      [1927.]      5    p.      [Supersedes   AR   345-155,    Changes    1, 

May  28,  192C.]  W  1.6/2  :  345-155/ch.  2 

345-620.     Same :    Correspondence   book   and   document  file,    Changes   2 ;    July   2,    1927. 

1927.     1  p.      [Supersedes  AR  345-620,  Changes  1,  Aug.   16.   1926.] 

W  1.6/2  :  345-620/ch.2 

60.5-140.     Commissioned  officers  :  Purchase  of  private  mounts  from  and  by  Government ; 

July  2,   1927.      [1927.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  605-140,   Mar.   15.   1922.] 

W  1.6/1 :  605-140/2 

610-10.       Warrant   officers :   Armv   Mine   Planter    Service,   Changes   1  ;   Aug.    31,    1927. 

1927.     1  p.  '  W  1.6/2 :  610-10/ch.  1 

S50-5.  Miscellaneous :    Marking    of    clothing,    equipment,    vehicles,    and    property. 

Changes  1 ;  Sept.  12,  1927.     1927.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  850-5/2/ch  1 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issues  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  the  same  manner  as 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  1.  e., 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 

1350-A.  Infantry  and  aircraft  ammunition  :  Ammunition  for  small  arms,  prepared  under 
direction  of  chief  of  ordnance  :  June  1,  1927.  [1927.]  78  p.  il.  *  Paper, 
10c.  W  1.22  :  1350-A 


Army  list  and  directory,  Sept.  1,  1927.     1927.    vi+284  p.  large  8°     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.35. 
L.  C.  card  9-35106  W  3.10 :  927/5 

TJ.  8.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direction 
of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  9,  no.  17  and  18 ;  Sept.  1  and  15,  1927.  [Re- 
cruiting Publicity  Bureau.  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  1  and  15,  1927.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°  t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  927/17,18 


Airplanes.  Instructions  for  use  of  maintenance  inspection  record  [for  air- 
planes], A.  C.  Form  191.    Aug.  6,  1927.     [1]  +26  p.     $  W  87.2 :  In  7/3 


Policies.  Joint  action  of  Army  and  Navy :  chapter  11,  Agencies  for  effecting 
coordination.  [1927.]  4  p.  4°  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in 
binder.]     t  W  1.2 :  J  66/chap.ll 


Exhibit  of  Chemical  Warfare  Service,  Army.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+15  p.  il. 
[Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  War  27-4  W  91.2 :  Ex  4 


Norfolk,  Va.  Standard  Government  form  of  invitation  for  bids  (construction 
contract)  :  [Maintenance  and  improvement  of  existing  river  and  harbor  works, 
Norfolk  Harbor,  Ya.,  dredging].     [1927.]     12  p.  4°     t  W  7.1  S/2  :  N  76/8 


Note. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
I  the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain.  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse.  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Armv 
Building,  New  York.  N.  Y. ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.  ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  showing 
localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  anv  of 
these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to   harbors,   shore  lines   and   shoals,   magnetic  determinations,   and   particulars   of   chang- 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  followins   Contents 

200  September,  1927 

ing  conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  cliart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  5,  Sept.  23,  1927,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bul- 
letin 36 ;  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S. 
Lake  Survey  Office.  Detroit.  Mich.  [Sept.  17,  1927].  p.  1-3+leaves  4-11+ 
[2]  p.  4°     t  W  33.3  :  36/6 

Charts  ' 

Manitou  Passage,  Lake  Michigan.  Scale  1 :  30,(500.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office, 
Detroit,  Mich.]  Aug.  1927.     26.4X33.1  in.     t  40c.  W  33.8 :  M  31/5/927 

Michigan,  Lake.  Lake  Michigan.  South  Haven  to  Benona,  Mich,  [with  insets]  ; 
Lake  Michigan  coast  chart  6.  Scale  1 :  120,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office, 
Detroit,  Mich.]  Aug.  1927.     45.1X26.7  in.     t  40c.  W  33.7/3  :  M  6/3/u.s 

Saugatuck  Harbor.  Mich. 
South  Haven  Harbor,  Mich. 


Norfolk,   Va.     Ports   of  Norfolk,   Portsmouth,   and  Newport   News,   Va.     1927 
viii+282  p.  il.  1  pi.  8  p.  of  pi.  8  maps,  2  mosaic  maps,  2  tab.     (Port  series  15.) 
[Prepared  in  cooijeration  with  Shipping  Board.]     *  Paper,  $1.15. 
L.  C.  card  27-26919  W  7.21 :  15 

Porto  Rico.     Ports  of  Porto  Rico.     1927.     viii+114  p.  il.  2  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.  4  maps. 
(Port  series  21.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Shipping  Board.]     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-26891  W  7.21 :  21 


National  Guard  regulations,     t 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7 

Note. — The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

75-14.   Federal    propei-ty :   Maintenance   and    repair    of    Air    Corps    property    issued    to 
National  Guard;  July  1,   1927.      [1927.]      3  p.  W  70.7/4  :  75-14 


Ammumtion.     Handbook  of  ammunition  for  3-inch  antiaircraft  guns,  model  of 
1917  and  model  of  1918  and  1918  Ml,  Mar.  24, 1919.     [Reprint]  1927.    iv+11  p.  il. 
([Form]  no.  2019.)     t 
L.  C.  card  War  19-31  W  34.5  :  An8/2019/3 

Ordnance  provision  system.  Ordnance  provision  system :  Group  B,  Schedule  of 
reviews  for  Group  B  ;  May  20,  1927.  [1927.]  2  p.  ( [Standard  nomenclature 
list  B,  schedule  of  reviews.])  [Super.sedes  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  B, 
Oct.  27,  1926.]     t  W  34.23  :  B/2 

Same :  Group  F,  Instrument,  angle  of  site,  M1917,  parts  and  equipment ; 

Aug.  6,  1927.     [1927.]     8  p.  il.     (Standard  nomenclature  list  F-7.)      [Super- 
sedes Review  list  F-7.  C.  O.  P.  S.  no.  139,  June  6,  1921.]     t  W  34.23  :  F-7 


Airplane  radio  sets,  types  SGR-133,  134,  135,  and  interphone  sets,  SCR-155,  160, 
and  receiving  equipment  used  in  conjunction  therewith,  Mar.  1925.    Reprinted 
[with    slight    changes]    June,    1927.      iv+85    p.    il.      (Radio   communication! 
pamphlet  42. )     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  War  27-6  W  42.29 :  42/2 

Orders  10  and  11  [1927]  :  Aug.  9  and  11,  1927.     1927.     Bach  1  p.  12"     t 

W  42.10 :  927/10. 11 
tlOTV  to  order  publications — See  information  follo^ring   Contents 


k>  S- 

Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  'Documents 



-^^  #  ^.^^ 



fl^tober,  1927 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission P.  T.  C. 

Folio f° 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House  report H.  rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission I.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical n^ut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8° 

Page,  pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,  plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto 4° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Sectiou,    sections sec. 

Senate,  Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.  rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sesa. 

Sixteenmo 16° 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirtytwomo 32» 

Treasury Ti'eas. 

Tvcelvemo 12'* 

Twentyfour-mo 24' 

Versus vs.,  v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  voL' 

Year yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 

*  Document  for  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 

j  Printed  for  official  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  *  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  size  is  not 
given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge  of! 
border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given c 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  wercf 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but  t 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries : 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  extreme : 
right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the  Office  of  the  ^ 
Superintendent  of  Documents. 



General  Information 

Corrections  for  previous  Monthly  catalogues 

Agriculture    Department 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 

Cooperative  Marketing  Division 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 

Chemistry  Bureau 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  Office 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 

Entomology   Bureau 

Experiment  Stations  Office 

Federal  Horticultural  Board 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration, 

Forest  Service 

Home  Economics  Bureau 

Information  Office 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 

Public  Roads  Bureau 

Soils  Bureau 

Weather  Bureau ■ 

Alien  Property  Custodian 

Civil  Service  Commission l 

Commerce  Department 

Aeronautics   Branch 

Census  Bureau 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 

Fisheries  Bureau 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau— 

Lighthouses   Bureau 

Mines  Bureau 

Navigation   Bureau 

Patent  Office 

Publications  Division 

Radio  Division 

Standards  Bureau 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 




















OCTOBEE,    1927 


Congress 221-222 

Senate 222 

Court  of  Claims 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 

District  of  Columbia 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education 

Federal  Reserve  Board 

Federal  Trade  Commission 

Government  Printing  Office 

Documents  Office 

Interior   Department 

Education  Bureau 

General  Land  Office 

Geological   Survey 

Indian  Affairs  Office ^ 

Reclamation   Bureau 

St.  Elizabeths  Hospital ' 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 

Justice  Department 

Investigation  Bureau 

Labor  Department 

Children's  Bureau 

Employment  Service 

Immigration  Bureau 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau _. 

Library  of  Congress 

Copyright  Office 

Legislative  Reference  Service 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 

Navy   Department 

Engineering  Bureau 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 

Naval  Operations  Office ^^ 

Navigation  Bureau 

Hydrographic    Office . 

Recruiting    Bureau 

Navy  Yard  Division 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 

Pan  American  Union 

Panama   Canal 

Panama  Railroad  Company 

Post  Office  Department 

Foreign  Mails  Division 

Money  Orders  Division 

Railway  Mail   Service 

Topography    Division 

President  of  United  States 

Railroad  Administration 

Shipping  Board 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation. 

October,  1927 

Smithsonian    Institution 

National    Museum 

State  Department 

Tripartite  Claims  Commission,  United  States,  Austria,  and  Hungary- 
Supreme  Court 

Tariff  Commission 

Tax  Appeals  Board 

Treasury  Department 

Coast  Guard 

Comptroller  of  Currency 

Customs  Court 

General  Supply  Committee 

Government    Actuary 

Inter- American  High  Commission 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 

Liians  and  Currency  Division 

Prohibition  Bureau 

Public  Health  Service 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 

Treasurer  of  United  States 

Veterans"    Bureau 

"War  Department 

Adjutant  Generals  Department 

Engineer  Department 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes   Survey 

General  Staff  Corps 

Militia  Bureau „ 












General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  seU 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Office  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
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publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
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In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
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e.  g.,  H.  doc.  551,  69-2. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  ( ♦ )  should  be  made  to  the 
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No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  .^ilaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,  Samoa,  or  to 


202  October,  1927 

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The   number  given   at   the   extreme   right   of  each   entry    (except   for   Con- 
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Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in   the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23" :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
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tendent of  Documents.  j 



The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 


An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


Sept.    1927.      On    p.    151,    16th    line    under    Foreign    and    Domestic    Commerce 
Bureau,  change  "  [pts.  in  1].  88  p.  4°"  to  read  "  [2  pts.  in  1],  88  p.  4°";  on    ; 
p.   194,  4th  line  from  bottom   of  page,   change  "  665-689+ [iv]   p."   to  read 
"  655-689+ [iv]  p." 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  394  OCTOBER  1927 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretai-y  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin,  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  ajinouucements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Corn.  Determination  of  quality  in  sweet  corn  seed  by  means  of  optical  meas- 
urement of  leached  materials  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Charles  F. 
Hottes  and  Walter  A.  Huelsen.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  147-166.  [From  Jour- 
nal of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  2,  July  15,  1927.]     t     A  1.23/a  :  C  814/42 

Some   nitrogenous   constituents   of  corn   pollen    [with   list   of  literature 

cited]  ;  by  Carl  G.  Vinson.     1927.     cover-title,  p.  261-278,  il.     [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  814/44 

Coivs.  Deferred  short-time  test  as  measure  of  performance  of  dairy  cows  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  L.  Gaines.  1927.  [2] +237-249  p.  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  C  839/12 

Utilization  of  grain  in  kafir  and  cane  silage  by  dairy  cows ;  by  R.  B.  Becker 

and  Willis  D.  Gallup.     1927.     [2] +279-282  p.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  35,  no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a  :  C  839/13 

Crops    and   markets,    Oct.    1927;    v.    4,    no.    10.     [1927.]        p.    36&-408,    il.    4° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3:  4/10 

lodin.  Factors  influencing  loss  of  iodine  from  iodized  salt  [with  list  of  liter- 
ature cited]  ;  by  Arnold  H.  Johnson  and  B.  L.  Herrington.  1927.  cover-title, 
p.  167-183.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  2,  July  15, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  lo  2 

Journal  of  agricultural  research.  Editorial  policy  regarding  Journal  of  agricul- 
tural research,  published  by  authority  of  Secretary  of  Agriculture  with  cooper- 
ation of  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  Oct.  1927. 
cover-title,  8  p.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  3.)  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-652  A  1.38  :  3 

— —  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  3  and  4 ;  Aug.  1  and  15,  1927. 
1927.  cover-titles,  p.  193-383,  11.  3  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.  [Semimonthly.]  *  Paper, 
20c.  single  copy.  .$4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $5.00. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  35/3,  4 

Contents." — No.  3.  Inheritance  of  smooth  seeds  in  cotton  [with  list  of  .literature 
cited]  ;  by  Thomas  H.  Kearney  and  George  -J.  Harrison. — Production  of  certain  en- 
zymes by  Bacterium  pruni  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  S.  L.  Jodidi. — Inheritance 
of  winter  hardiness  and  growth  habit  in  crosses  of  marquis  with  minhardi  and  mln- 
turki  wheats  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  H.  K.  Hayes  and  O.  S.  Aamodt. — De- 
ferred short  time  test  as  measure  of  performance  of  dairy  cows  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  W.  L.  Gaines. — Protection  afforded  skin  against  sunburn  by  textile  fibers; 
by  Katherine  Hess,  J.  O.  Hamilton,  and  Margaret  Justin. — Some  nitrogenous  constitu- 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  follcwing  Contents 

70471— 27— No.  394 2  203 

204  October,  1927 

Journal  of  agricultural  research — Continued. 

ents  of  corn  pollen  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Carl  G.  Vinson. — Utilization  of 
grain  in  kaflr  and  cane  silage  by  dairy  cows  ;  by  R.  B.  Becker  and  Willis  D.  Gallup. — 
Relation  between  vitamin  B  content  of  feed  eaten  and  of  milk  produced  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  S.  I.  Bechdel  and  Hannah  E.  Honeywell. — No.  4.  Nuclear  phe- 
nomena associated  with  heterothallism  and  homothallism  in  ascomycete  Neurospora 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  B.  O.  Dodge.— Two  most  common  "decays  of  cotton 
bolls  in  Southwestern  States  [^vith  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Michael  Shapovalov. — 
Study  of  lead  arsenate  and  lime  spray  mixtures  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  P.  A. 
Van  der  Meulen  and  E.  R.  Van  Leeuwen. — Pine  tip  moth  in  Nebraska  National  Forest ; 
by  Samuel  A.  Graham  and  Lynn  G.  Baumhofcr. — Effect  of  hydrogen-ion  concentration 
on  absorption  of  phosphorus  and  potassium  by  wheat  seedlings  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;    by    Jehiel    Davidson. — Notes   on    life    history    of   bud   moth,    Spilonota    ocellana 

D.  &  S.  ;  by  S.  W.  Frost. — Relation  of  maturity  to  nutritive  value  of  1st.  2d,  and  3d 
cuttings  of  irrigated  alfalfa   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  .Jerry  Sotola. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
with  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  It  is 
distributed  free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to 
large  universities,  technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges 
with  the  Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Official  record,   Department  of  Agriculture,   v.   6,   no.   40-43;    Oct.   5-26,   1927. 
[1927.]     Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekiy.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  6/40-43 

Soy-ieans.  Selection  for  quality  of  oil  in  soy  beans  [Avith  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  L.  J.  Cole,  E.  W.  Liudstrom,  and  C.  M.  Woodworth.  1927.  cover- 
title,  p.  75-95,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  1,  July 
1,1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  So  96/14 

Vitamins.  Relation  between  vitamin  B  content  of  feed  eaten  and  of  milk  pro- 
duced [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  S.  I.  Bechdel  and  Hannah  E.  Honey- 
well. 1927.  [2] +283-288  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35, 
no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  V  831/4 


Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  Oct.  1,  1927;  v.  11, 
no.  10.     [1927.]     24  p.     [JMonthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15 :  11/10 

Farms.     Factors  that  make  for  success  in  farming  in  the  South ;    [by  C.   L. 
Goodrich].     [Sept.  1920,  reprint  with  slight  changes  Sept.  1927.]     ii+30  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1121.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-649  A  1.9  :  1121/2 

Farm  real  estate  situation,  1926-27   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 

E.  H.  Wiecking.  Oct.  1927.  42  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Circular  15.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-144  A  1.4/2 :  15 

Leases.    Farm  lease  contract ;  [by]  L.  C.  Gray  and  Howard  A.  Turner.     [Oct. 
1920,  revised  Apr.  1924,  reprint]   1927.     36  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1164.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1916  A  1.9  :  1164/2-3 

Marcus,  Henry,  d  Son.  No.  157,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United 
States  V.  W.  A.  McFarland  and  J.  Norris  IVIcFarland,  copartners  trading  as 
Henry  IMarcus  &  Son,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
4th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States.     1927.     cover-title,  iv-|-58  p.     | 

A  30.2  :  M  33 

Swine.     Factors   affecting   price   of   hogs    [with    list    of   literature   cited]  ;    by 
G.  C.  Haas  and  IMordecai  Ezekiel.     Nov.  1926,  [reprint]  1927.     cover-title,  68 
p.  il.     (AgTiculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1440.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1729  A  1.3  :  1440/1-2 

Tractors.     Shall  I  buy  a   tractor    [for  corn-belt  farm?   by  L.  A.  Reynoldson 
and  H.  R.  Tolley].      [1922,   reprint   1927.]    ii-flO  p.   il.      (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1299.)     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Public  Roads  Bureau 
and  Animal  Industry  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-323  A  1.9  :  1299/1-2 

Hofv  to   order  publications — See  information  folloTrlngr   Contents 

October,  1927  205 


Milk.    Some  economic  aspects  of  marketing  of  milk  and  cream  in  New  England 
[with  Selected  bibliography  on  marketing  fluid  milk]  ;  by  William  A.  Schoen- 
feld.    Oct.  1927.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Circular  16.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-637  ^  1-4/2  :  16 


Duck  raising;  [by  Alfred  R.  Lee  and  Sheppard  Haynes].  [Dec.  1915,  revised 
Sept.  1927.]     [1927.]    ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers' bulletin  697.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  23-407  A  1.9  :  697/5 

Goose  raising;  [by  Alfred  R.  Lee].     [Jan.  1921,  revised  Apr.  1922,  reprint  1927.] 
23  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  767.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-787  A  1.9  :  767/4-5 

Hog-cholera  serum.  Comparative  values  of  types  of  anti-hog-cholera  serum; 
by  D.  I.  Skidmore.     Oct.  1927.     8  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  11.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-648  A  1.4/2  :  11 

Mohair.     Studies   of   occurrence    and   elimination    of   kemp   fibers   in    mohair 
fleeces   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  I.  Hardy.     Oct.  1927.     16  p.  il, 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  35.)     *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-642  '  A  1.36 :  35 

Service  announcements.     Service  and   regulatory   announcements,    Sept.    1927; 
[no.]  245.     Oct.  1927.     p.  71-77.      [Monthly.]      *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  40c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13:  245 

Texas  or  tick  fever;  by  John  R.  Mohler.     Mar.  21.  1914,  revised  May,   1926 
[reprint  1927].     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers' bulletin  569.)    *  PaiXH-, 
L.   C.   card  Agr  23-250  A  1.9  :  569/.3-2 

Whorled  milkiceed.     Mexican  whorled  milkweed  (Asclepias  niexicana)   as  poi- 
sonous plant  [with  li.^t  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  Dwight  Marsh  and  A.  B. 
Clawson.     Oct.  6.   1921    [reprint  1927].     16  p.   il.  2  p.   of  pi.      (Agriculture 
Dept.    Bulletin  969. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-1017  A  1.3  :  969/1-2 


Beaver  habits  and  experiments  in  beaver  culture  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  A'ernon  Bailey.  Oct.  1927.  cover-title,  40  p.  il.  14  p.  of  pi.  (Agriculture 
Dept.  Technical  bulletin  21.)  [This  bulletin  supersedes  Department  bulletin 
1078,   Beaver  habits,   beaver   control,   and  possibilities  in   beaver  farming.] 

*  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-650  A  1.36 :  21 

Birds.     Food  of  some  well-known  birds  of  forest,  farm,  and  garden  ;  [by  F.  E.  L. 
Beal  and  W.  L.  McAtee].     [Sept.  1912,  revised  Aug.  1922,  reprint  1927.]     34 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin  506.)     *  Paper,   5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-255  A  1.9  :  506/3-5 

Fur  laws  for  season  1927-28;    [by  Frank  G.  Ashbrook,  Frank  L.  Earnshaw, 

and    Frank    G.    Grimes].     [Oct.    1927.]  ii+28    p.     il.     (Agriculture    Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1552. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  16-245  A  1.9  :  1552 

Guinea-pigs.     Raising  guinea  pigs;   [by  David  E.  Lantz].     [Mar.  23,  1913,  2d 
revision  Oct.   1921,  reprint  1927.]     12  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  525.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-149  A  1.9  :  525 '4-3 

Service    announcements.      Service    and    regulatory    announcements,    [no.]    68: 
Migratory-bird  treaty-act  regulations  and  text  of  Federal  laws  relating  to 
game  and  birds.     Oct.  1927.     15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  16-608  A  5.6  :  68 

HoTT  to  order  publloattons— See  Information  following  Contents 

206  October,  1927 


Note. — The  new  Bureau  of  Chemistry  and  Soils  will  be  charged  with  the  responsi- 
bility for  all  the  research  work  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  on  chemistry  and 
soils.  The  following  existing  units  in  the  Department  will  be  included  in  the  new 
bureau  :  All  of  the  present  Bureau  of  Soils ;  all  of  the  present  Bureau  of  Chemistry, 
except  those  units  having  to  do  with  the  enforcement  of  the  food  and  drugs  act,  tea  act, 
naval  stores  act,  and  collaboration  with  other  Departments  ;  and  the  soil-fertility  and  soil- 
bacteriology  units  of  the  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 

For  publications  prepared  by  the  Chemistry  Bureau  and  Soils  Bureau  previous  to 
their  ccusulidation  as  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau,  see  below,  and  p.  211,  respectively. 

Hydrogen-ion  concentration.  Effect  of  hydrogen-ion  concentration  on  absorp- 
tion of  phosphorus  and  potassium  by  wheat  seedlings  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  Jehiel  Davidson.  1927.  [2] +335-346  p.  [From  Journal  of  Agri- 
cultural research,  v.  35,  no.  4,  Aug.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  W  56/73 

Raisins.     Tests  of  methods  for  commercial  standardization  of  raisins  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  M.  Chace  and  C.  G.  Church.     Oct.  1927.     24  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  1.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-765  A  1.36  :  1 


NoTE.-^See  also,  above.  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau. 

Service  nnnouncements.      Service  and  regulatory  announcements,   May,  1914 ; 
[no.]  5.     June  23,  1914  [reprint  1927].     p.  307-314.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-194  A  7.6/1 :  5/1-2 


Extension  program.  Review  of  5  years  of  fact  organization  and  State  and 
regional  program  making  in  "Western  States,  and  report  of  1927  Extension 
Conference  [held  at  Reno,  Nev.,  July  11-14,  1927;  by]  W.  A.  Lloyd.  Sept. 
1927.  19  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  S.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-644  A  1.38  :  8 


Butter.     Making  and  storing  farm  butter  for  winter  use;   [by  AVilliam  White]. 
[1927.]     [l]+6p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet  9.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-647  A  1.35  :  9 

Cows.    Feeding  dairy  cows  in  summer;  [by  J.  R.  Dawson].     [1927.]     [l]+6  p. 
il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Leaflet  7.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-767  A  1.35  :  7 

Milk.  Comparison  of  temperature  and  count  of  milk  and  foam  dur- 
ing certain  stages  of  pasteurization  process ;  by  H.  A.  Whittaker.  R.  W.  Archi- 
bald. C.  S.  Leete,  and  L.  F.  Miller.  Sept.  1927.  12  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Technical  bulletin  18.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Minnesota  Department 
of  Health  and  University  of  Minnesota.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-638  A  1.36  :  18 


Bees.     Beekeeping  in  buckwheat  region;   [by  E.  F.  Phillips  and  George  S.  De- 
muth].     [Jan.  1922,  reprint  1927.]     ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin    1216.)       [Includes    list    of   Agriculture   Department   publications    of 
interest  to  commercial  beekeepers  of  buckwheat  region.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-369  A  1.9  ;  1216/1-4 

■ Bees  ;  [by  E.  F.  Phillips].     [May  23*,  1911,  revised  Oct.  1924,  reprint  1927.] 

ii+38  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  447.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.9 ;  447/4-3 

• •     Swarm  control;  [by  Geo.  S.  Demuth].     [June,  1921,  reprint  with  changes 

1927.]    ii+30  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1198.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-874  A  1.9  :  1198/1-3 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

October.  1927  207 

Carbcn   disulphid.     Apparatus   for    rapid   vaporization    of   carbon    disulpliide ; 
[by]  C.  A.  Weigel,  H.  D.  Yotins.  aud  R.  L.  Swenson.     Nov.  1,  1927.     8  p.  il. 
(A^^i'itiilture  Dept.     Circular  7.)      [Prepared  in  cooi)eration  with  Chemistry 
and  Soils  Bureau.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-654  A  1.4  2  :  7 

Citrus  insects  of  .Japan  [with  list  nf  Iterature  citetl]  :  by  Curtis  P.  Clausen. 
Oct.  1927.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Techncal  bulletin  15.)  *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-651  A  1  86 :  15 

Cockroaches:   [by]  C.  L.  Marlatt.     [Mar.  27.  1915,  revised  Dec.  1917.  reprint] 
1927.     15  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  658.)     *  Paper,  .5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-76  A  1.9  :  658/3-6 

Corn  eanrorm   as  enemy  of  vetch:    [by   Philip  Luginbill   and   A.   H.   Beyer]. 

[.Tune.  1921,  reprint  1927.]  20  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers"  bulletin 
1206. )     *  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  21-710  A  1  9  :  1206/1-3 

Eurnpean  corn-horer.  European  corn  borer,  its  present  status  and  methods  of 
control:  [by  D.  J.  Cafifrey  and  L.  H.  Worthley].  [Oct.  1927.]  ii+48  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  btilletin  1548.)  [This  bulletin  .supersedes 
Partners'  bulletin  1294.  European  corn  borer  and  its  control.]  *  Paper.  10c. 
(incorrectly  given  in  publication  as  20c.). 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-641  A  1.9  :  1548 

Status  of  imported  parasites  of  European  com  borer ;  by  D.  W.  Jones 

and  D.  J.   Cafifrey.     Oct.  1927.     8  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular   14.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-646  A  1.4/2 :  14 

Honey.  Color  standards  for  grades  of  comb  honey  [with  illustrations].  A. 
Hoeu  &  Co.  [Baltimore.  Md.,  1927].  12X19.1  in.  [Prepared  in  cooperation 
with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     *  15c.  A  9.9  :H  75 

^yiren•onns  destructive  to  cereal  and  forage  crops  :  by  J.  A.  Hyslop.  Apr.  29, 
1916  [reprint  1927].     11  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  725.) 

*  Paper.  5e. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  16-519  A  1.9:  725^1-5 


Experiment  station  record.  Exi)eriment  station  record,  v.  57.  no.  4;  Sept.  1927. 
1927.  cover-title,  x +301-400  p.  *  Parser.  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2 
vols,  a  yr. )  :  foi-eign  subscription.  .$1.25  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-S32  A  10.6  :  57/4 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  .and  publications  on  acriculrural 
science  vrhlch  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued.  3  to  each"  volume.  These  are 
made  up  alnwist  exclusivoly  of  abstracts,  that  is.  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 

Same,  v.  57.  no.  5:  Oct.  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  ix+401-500  p. 

A  10.6 :  57/5 

Same.  v.  57.  no.  6 :  Oct.  1927.  abstract  number.     1927.     cover-title.  s+ 

501-600  p.  il.  A  10.6  :  57/6 

Food  for  cattle.  Methods  in  feedhig  exi>eriments  :  by  Georse  Haines.  [1927.] 
4  p.     [From  Report  on  agricultural  experiment  stations.  1926.]     t 

A  10.1/2  a  :  F  32/2 

Home  economics.  Development  of  home  economics  research  at  agricultural 
exiieriment  stations  under  Purnell  act :  by  Sybil  L.  Smith.  [1927.]  p.  89-96. 
[From   Report   on    agricultural   experiment   stations.    1926.]      t 



Plants  and  plant  products,  entry  of  which  into  United  States  is  restricted  or 
prohibited.  July  1.  1927.  8  p.  [From  Service  and  regulatory  announce- 
ments, no.  91   (Apr  .-June,  1927).]     t  "       A35.9/a:P694 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foIIOTving  Contents 

208  October,  1927 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,   [no.]  89  sup- 
plement :  Annual  letter  of  Information  no.  39,  Pests  collected  from  imported 
plants  and  plant  products,  Jan.  ]-Dec.  31,  1926.     Sept.  1927.     58  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-383  A  35.9  :  89/supp. 


Note. — The  regulatory  work  involved  in  the  enforcement  of  the  Federal  food  and  drugs 
act,  tlie  tea  inspection  act,  the  naval  stores  act.  the  impure  milk  act,  and  the  caustic 
Poisons  act  have  been  placed  in  this  new  administrative  unit. 

Food.  Notices  of  judgment  under  food  and  drugs  act  15001-50.  Oct.  1927.  22  p. 
*  Paper,  5c.  A  46.0  :  15001-50 

Note. — Notices  of  judgment  under  food  and  drugs  act  1-122  were  issued  by  the 
Pood  and  Drug  Inspection  Board ;  nos.  123-2785  were  issued  from  the  Secretary's  Office 
of  the  Agriculture  Department ;  nos.  2786-15000  have  been  published  by  the  Chemistry 
Bureau  in  the  Service  and  regulatory  announcements  of  that  bureau  and  supplements 

Service  announcements.  Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  food  and  drug 
no.  1 :  Regulations  for  enforcement  of  Federal  food  and  drugs  act  (9th 
revision).     Oct.  1927.    19  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-476  A  4a.5/2  :  1 

Note. — These  regulations  are  identical  with  those  of  the  8th  revision,  issued  Aug.  7, 
1922,  except  for  the  substitution  of  the  words.  Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Adminis- 
tration, for  the  words.  Bureau  of  Chemistry,  wherever  they  appear. 

Same,  food  and  drug  no.  3 :  Certification  of  coal-tar  food  colors.     Oct. 

1927.    10  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  46.5/2  :  3 


Directory,  Forest  Service,  Oct.  1927.    1927.    ii+41  p.  16°     [Semiannual.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-224  A  13.8/2  :  927/2 

Forests  and  water  in  light  of  scientific  investigations  [with  Bibliography  on 
relation  of  forests  to  water  and  climate,  June  1.  1927]  ;  by  Raphael  Zon. 
1927.  cover-title,  106  p.  il.  [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.  Reprinted,  with  revised 
bibliography,  1927,  from  Appendix  5  of  Final  report  of  National  Waterways 
Commission,  1912,  Senate  document  469,  62d  Congress,  2d  session.]  *  Paper. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-655  A  13.2 :  F  76/26 

Shortleaf  pine  primer;    [by  Wilbur  R.  Mattoon].     Aug.   1927.      [2] +42  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1534.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-635  A  1.9  :  1534 


Bighorn  National  Foj-est,  Wyo.  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails,{ 
etc.].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f",  folded  into  12"  size 
and  so  printed  as  to  number  14-',- [1]  p.     t  A  13.13  :  B  48/927 

Prescott  National  Forest,  Ariz,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  [1927.]  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  large  4°,  folded  into  narrow 
8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  8  pages,    t  A  13.13  :   P  92 


Clothing.     Children's  romper.s ;    [by  Mary  Aleen  Davis].     [Oct.  1927.]     8  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet  11.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-766  A  1.35  :  11 

Cookery.    Aunt  Sammy's  radio  recipes  [menus  and  recipes  broadcast  Oct.  1926- 
Juue,  1927,  during  Housekeepers'  chats].     [1927.]     cover-title,  86  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-155  '  A  42.2  :  R  24/2 

Pectin.  Homemade  apple  and  citrus  pectin  extracts  and  their  use  in  jelly 
making:  [by]  Minna  C.  Denton,  Ruth  Johnstin.  and  Fanny  Walker  Yeatman. 
[Mar.]  1923,  revised  Aug.  1923  [reprint  1927].  12  p.  "(Agriculture  Dept. 
Department  circular  254.)  [Date  of  original  issue  incorrectly  given  on  this 
publication  as  July  1,  1923.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.   card  Agr   23-1115  A  1.14/2 :  254/2-2 

HOTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  foIloTvlngr  Contents 

October,  1927  209 

School  lunches;  [by  Caroline  L.  Hunt].  [Mar.  1916,  revised  May,  1924,  reprint 
1927.]  ii+22  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  712.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-786  A  1.9  :  712/4-3 


Farmers'  bulletins.  Cla.ssified  list  of  Farmers'  bulletins  of  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, Nov.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     [3]  p.     (List  no.  2.)     t  A  21.9/8: 2/10 


Note. — See  Food,  Drug  and  Insecticide  Administration,  p.  20S. 


Alfalfa.     Commercial  varieties  of  alfalfa  ;   [by  R.  A.  Oakley  and  H.  L.  West- 
over].     [Feb.  1926.  revised  July,  1927.]      [1927.]     ii+22  p.  il.      (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1467. )      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-672  A  1.9  :  1467/2 

Observations  on  some  alfalfa  root  trouliles;    [by]    J.  L.  Weimer.     Aug. 

1927.  10  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dei)t.  Department  circular  42.j.)  [Prepared 
in  cooperation  with  Kansas  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-643  A  1.14/2 :  425 

Alkali  in  irrigated  districts;  [by  Carl  S.  Scofield].  1927.  4  p.  (Yearbmik 
separate  950.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]      *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a :  950 

Apple  growing  east  of  Mississippi  River;  [by  H.  P.  Gould].     [July,  1924,  reprint 
1927.]      ii+oO  p.    il.      (Agriculture   Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    1360.)      ♦Pa- 
per, 10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24r-6S8  ,  A  1.9  :  1360/1-2 

Ardmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station.  AVork  of  United  States  Dry-Land  Field  Sta- 
tion, Ardmore,  S.  Dak.,  1912-25 ;  by  John  S.  Cole,  F.  L.  Kelso.  E.  Z.  Russell, 
J.  B.  Shepherd,  Duncan  Stuart,  and  R.  R.  Graves..  Sept.  1927.  cover-title, 
68  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  17.)  [Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion with  Animal  Industry  Bureau  and  Dairy  Industry  Bureau.]  *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-640  A  1.36 :  17 

Bacterium  pruni.  Production  of  certain  enzymes  by  Bacterium  pruni  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  S.  L.  Jodidi.  1927.  [2]  +219-221  p.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  3.  Aug.  1.  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  B  139/8 

Barherry  eradication  in  wheat  areas;  [by  F.  E.  Kempton  and  L.  D.  Hutton]. 
[1927.]  (Yearbook  separate  951.)  [From  Yearbook.  1926.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  A  1.10/a  :  951 

Corn.  Corn  breeding  in  new  exijeriments :  [by  Frederick  D.  Richey].  [1927.] 
3  p.  11.     (Yearbook  separate  953.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  953 

Productiveness  of  corn   as  influenced   by  mosaic   disease;   by  Hugo   F. 

Stoneberg.  Aug.  1927.  19  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  10.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Louisiana  Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 
Baton  Rouge,  La.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-636  A  1.36 :  10 

Cotton.  Growth  of  fruiting  parts  in  Gossypium  cemuum,  an  Asiatic  cotton ; 
by  R.  E.  Beckett.  1927.  [2] +97-106  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  V.  35,  no.  2,  July  15,  1927.]     t  A  L23/a  :  C  829/43 

Inheritance  of  smooth  seeds  in  cotton  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 

Thomas  H.  Kearney  and  George  J.  Harrison.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  193-217,  il. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35.  no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  C  829/44 

Directory  of  field  activities  of  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry.     Oct.  1927.     ii+83  p. 
11.  24°     (Agriculture  Dept.     Miscellaneous  publication  1.)      [Pages  41  and  42 
are  numbered  on  one  side  of  the  leaf  only,  the  unnumbered  sides  bearing  an 
illustration.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-645  A  1.38 : 1 

How  to  order  pablioatlons — See  information  folloTvins  Contents 

210  October,  1927 

Flax  rust  control  througli  immune  strains  possible:  [by  Arthur  W.  Henry]. 
[1927.]  (Yearbook  separate  958.)  [From  Yearbook,  1926.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  A  1.10/a  :  958 

Jerusalem  artichoke  as  crop  plant  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  D.  N.  Shoemaker. 
Oct.  1927.  32  p.  11.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  33.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-633  A1.36:33 

Mosaic  disease.  Factors  affecting  certain  properties  of  mosaic  virus  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  Quantitative  and  ijurificatiou  methods  in  virus  studies 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  McKinney.  1927.  cover-title,  p  1-38, 
11.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  1,  July  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  M  S5/9 

Oranges.  Bud  selection  in  Valencia  orange,  progeny  tests  of  limb  variations 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  A.  D.  Shamel,  C.  S.  Pomeroy,  and  R.  E. 
Caryl.     July,  1927.    38  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1483.) 

*  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-634  A  1.3  :  1483 

Potatoes.     Freezing  injury  to  potatoes  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  R.  C. 

Wright  and  H.  C.  Diehl.     Oct.  1927.  24  p.  11.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical 
bulletin  27. )      *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-639  A  1.36 :  27 

Raspberry  culture;  [by  George  M.  Darrow].  [Oct.  1917,  revised  June,  1925, 
reprint    1927.]     11+38    p.    11.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    887.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-1237  A  1.9  :  887/4-2 

Roses  for  the  home;    [by  F.  L.  Mulford].     [Sept.  16.  1916,  revised  Jan.  1921, 
reprint  with  changes  1927.]     40  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
750.)      [Apr.  1922,  on  p.  2,  is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.   card   Agr   22-578  A  1.9 :  750/2-8 

Seeds.  Seeds  and  plants  imported  by  Office  of  Foreign  Plant  Introduction,  Apr. 
1-June    30,    1925;    nos.    63490-64428.     Sept.    1927.     54    p.      (Inventory    83.} 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1331  A  19.12 :  83 

— —    Vegetable  seeds  for  home  and  market  garden ;  [by  W.  W.  Tracy,  sr.,  and 
D.   N.    Shoemaker].     [Apr.   1924,   revised   July,   1927.]      [1927.]     il+17  p.   il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmei's'  bulletin  1390.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-462  A  1.9 :  1390/2 

Smut  control  by  disinfectants  in  growing  favor;   [by  W.  H.  Tisdale].     [1927.] 
3  p.  11.     (Yearbook  separate  962.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  962 

Soy-hea/n  rotation  increases  rice  yields  greatly;  [by  Charles  E.  Chambliss]. 
[1927.]  (Yearbook  separate  955.)  [From  Yearbook,  1926.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  A  1.10/a  :  955 

Stem  rust  in  many  varieties  attacks  grain;  [by  E.  C.  Stakman].  [1927.]  2  p. 
(Yearbook  separate  961.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  961 

Straw'berry  varieties  in  United  States;   [by  George  M.  Darrow].     [Apr.  1919, 
revised    June,    1927.]      [1927.]     11+30    p.    11.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Fanners' 
bulletin  1043.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  Agr  27-748  A  1.9  :  1043/4 

Tomatoes.     Greenhouse  tomatoes;   [by  James  H.  Beattie].     [Dec.  1924,  reprint 
1927.]     ii+25  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1431.)      *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-192  A  1.9 :  1431/1-2 

Tomatoes  as  truck  crop;  [by  W.  R.  Beattie].     [June,  1923,  reprint  1927.] 

ii+34  p.  11.     ( Agi-iculture  Dept.   Farmers'   bulletin   1338.)     *  Paper.   5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  23-804  A  1.9 :  1338/1-2 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  211 

Tree   planting.     Cooperative    shelter-belt    demonstrations    on    northern    Great 
Plains.     Oct.  1927.    4  p.     (D.  L.  A.  1,  2d  revision.)         A  19.2  :  Sh  4/l/2d  rev. 
Note. — This  pamphlet  is  sent  out  only  in  connection  with  the  distribution  of  trees 
for  shelter-belt  demonstrations. 

Wheat.  Inheritance  of  winter  hardiness  and  growth  habit  in  crosses  of  mar- 
quis with  minhardi  and  minturki  wheats  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
H.  K.  Hayes  and  O.  S.  Aamodt.  1927.  [2] +223-236  p.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural   research,   v.   35,   no.   3,   Aug.    1,    1927.]     t       A  1.23/a :  W  56/72 

Wheat  mosaic  control  through  immune  strains;  [by  PI.  H.  McKinney].  [1927.] 
2  p.  il.     (Yearbook  separate  959.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  959 

Arches.  Analysis  of  concrete  arches ;  by  W.  P.  Linton  and  C.  D.  Geisler.  Aug. 
1927.  [l]+24  p.  il.  4°  [From  Public  roads,  v.  8,  nos.  4  and  5,  June  and 
July,  1927.]     *Paper,  10c.  A22.6/a:Ar24 

Drainage  districts.    Organization,   financing,   and   administration   of  drainage 
districts;  [by  H.  S.  Yohe].     [June,  1917,  revised  June,  1927.]     [1927.]     39  p. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  815.)     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  17-828  '  A  1.9 :  815/3 

Public  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8,  no.  7 ;  Sept.  1927.    1927.    cover- 
title,  p.  125-158,  il.  4°     [Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]    *Paper,  10c  single 
copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  A  22.6 :  8/7 


Note. — For   publications   issued   by   the   Chemistry   and    Soils  Bureau   after  the   Soils 
Bureau  was  merged  with  the  Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  206. 

Electric  bridges.     Use  of  electrolytic  bridge  for  determining  soluble  salts ;  [by] 
R.  O.  E.  Davis.     July,  1927.    14  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  cir- 
cular 423.)     *Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-656  A  1.14/2 :  423 

Genesee  County,  N.  Y.  Soil  survey  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y. ;  by  H.  G.  Lewis, 
E.  F.  Brookins,  F.  B.  Howe,  and  D.  F.  Kinsman.  1927.  iv +1595-1648  p.  il. 
4  p.  of  pi.  map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  New  York  State  College  of 
Agriculture,  Cornell  University.    From  Field  operations,  1922.]     *Paper,  25c. 


Climatologicul  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14,  no.  6;  June,  1927. 
[1927.]  cover-title,  [198]  p.  il.  2  p.  of  maps,  4°  *Paper,  35c  complete 
monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29  :  14/6 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  renters  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  num- 
bers can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for 
each  section. 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  26-29  [season  of  1927]  ;  Oct.  4-25, 
1927.  New  Orleans,  La.,  Oct.  5-26,  1927.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4°  [No.  29 
is  the  last  issue  for  season  of  1927.]     *Paper,  30c.  per  season  (April-October). 

A  29.39 :  927/26-29 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  Sept. 
1927.     [Oct.  3,  1927.]     [2]  p.  large  8°    t  A  29.30:  927/9 

Monthly  weather  review.  Monthly  weather  review,  July,  1927 ;  v.  55,  no.  7. 
[Oct.  6]  1927.  cover-title,  p.  293-348,  il.  6  p.  of  maps,  4°  [Text  on  p.  2  and 
4  of  cover.]  *Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  55/7 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contentei 
70471— 27— No.  394 3 

212  October,  1927 

Monthly  weather  review — Continued. 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (3)  climatological  tables  dealing  with 
the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows:  (a)  results  of 
observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United  States  or  other 
parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological  papers  and 
books,  and  (c)  notes. 

Special  articles. — International  aerological  soundings  at  Royal  Center,  Ind.,  May, 
1926  :  pt.  1,  Introduction,  by  W.  R.  Gregg ;  pt.  2,  Instruments  and  technique,  by  S.  P. 
Fergusson  ;  fPt.  3.  Results  of  ascensions,  with  list  of  literature  cited,  by  L.  T.  Sam- 
uels].— Monthly  charts  of  frequency-resultant  winds  in  United  States  fwith  list  of 
literature  cited'l  ;  by  Eric  R.  Miller. — Dependence  of  coastal  sea  temperatures  of  Cape 
Cod  on  weather ;  by  Frances  Vandervoort  Tripp. — Climatic  regions  of  North  .America 
fwith  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  Van  Royen. — Ten  years  of  evaporation  in  the 
Southwest ;  by  Charles  E.  Linney. — Hourly  rainfall  probabilities  at  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
Mich. ;  by  C.  L.  Ray. — Tornadoes  in  Kansas,  July  16,  1927  ;  condensed  from  reports 
furnished  by  P.  Connor  and  B.  R.  Laskowski. 

^     Same,  Aug.  1927;  v.  55,  no.  8.     [Oct.  27]   1927.     cover-title,  p.  349-385, 

il.  4  p.  of  pi.  10  p.  of  maps,  4°  A  29.6/1 :  55/8 

Special  articles. — Abnormal  summers  in  United  States  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  Alfred  J.  Henry. — Protection  of  strawberries  from  frost  through  artificial 
heating ;  by  Albert  W.  Cook. — Some  recent  treasures  of  snow  ;  by  Wilson  A.  Bentlcy. — 
C.  E.  P.  Brooks  on  effect  of  fluctuations  of  Gulf  Stream  on  distribution  of  pressure  ;  by 
A.  J.  Henry. — Improved  water-flow  pyrheliometer  ;  by  W.  M.  Shulgin. — Analysis  of  pre- 
cipitation of  rain  and  snow  at  Mount  Vernon,  Iowa ;  by  Robert  W.  Hendricks. 

Weather.     Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Oct.  4-25,  1927 ;  no.  40-43,  1927. 
Oct.  5-26,  1927.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2 :  927/40-^3 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  Kiver  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Oct.  1-31,  1927.  1st  edition.  [1927.]  Each 
16.4  X  22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at 
Washington,  D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65 
stations  throughout  the  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can 
not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).      A 29.18:  927 

Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  Oct.  1-31,  1927.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1927.]  Each  16.4  X  22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain 
as  much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a 
yr.  (maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  927 

Weather  outlook,  Oct.  3-Nov.  5  [1927].  Oct.  1-29,  1927.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  tlie  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]     t  A  29.38*:  927/66-70 

Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows:  Washington,  D.  C.  (District 
1,  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  Bast  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans.  La.  (District  4.  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region.  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Palnier,  A.  Mitchell.  In  district  court,  district  of  Massachusetts,  United  States 
V.  A.  Mitchell  Palmer  [et  al.]  ;  bill  of  complaint  and  answers.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i-f80  p.  large  8°     J  Y  3.A1 4/2 :  P  18 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Civil  service.     Miscellaneous  information.     Oct.  1927.     8  p.     (Form  1089.)     t 

CS  1.6 :  M  68/21 

Hovf  to  order  publications — See  Information  following;  Contents 

October,  1927  213 

ost  offices.  Instructions  relative  to  manner  of  making  nominations  and  effect- 
ing appointments  in  post  offices.    June,  1927.    6  p.     (Form  1960.)     t 

CS  1.6 :  P  84/21/927 



ir  commerce  regulations,  effective  Dec.  31,  1926,  [with]  sections  amended  and 

effective  Mar.  22  [and]  July  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+49  p.  12°     t 

L.  C.  card  27-26038  C  23.6  :  927/2 

ir  publications.  List  of  air  publications.  Revised  Oct.  10,  1927.  [1927.] 
4  p.  4°     (Information  bulletin  6;  Air  Information  Division.)     t       0  23.8:6/2 

irplanes.    Proposed    handbook    for    airplane    designers     (commercial).     Oct. 

1927.     [1] +35  p.  il.  large  8°    *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27551  C  23.6/2 :  D  46 

irway  bulletin  176-199,  201-215;  Sept.  7-Oct.  12,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2 
p.  il.  12°     (Information  Division.)     t  C  23.7  :  176,  etc, 


usiness.  Survey  of  current  business,  Oct.  1927,  no.  74;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce,  [and]  Bureau  of 
Standards.  1927.  cover-title,  48  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Contains  statistics 
for  Aug.  1927,  and  items  covering  September  received  up  to  Sept.  28,  1927, 
the  date  given  above,  Oct.  1927,  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p.  2-A 
of  cover.]  *Paper,  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc,  semiannual  numbers 
25c.),  $1.50  a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subticription,  $2.25. 
L.  0.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  927/10 

—  Same,  weekly  supplement,  Oct.  3-31,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  4  p.  or  3  p. 
il.  4°  [Included  in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which  see 
above.  ]  C  3.34  :  927/30-34 

lathing.     Census    of    manufactures,    1925 :     Wearing    apparel.     1927.     53    p. 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  24-26243  C  3.24/4 :  925-W37 

ytton.  Cotton  consumed,  cotton  on  hand,  active  cotton  spindles,  and  imports 
and  exports  of  cotton,  Sept.  1927  and  1926,  with  statistics  for  2  months 
ending  Sept.  30.  Oct.  14,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  This 
publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  0  3.21:927-28/2 

—  Report  on  cotton  ginning,  number  of  bales  of  cotton  ginned  from  growth 
of  1927  prior  to  Oct.  1,  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 
date  in  1926  and  1925.  Oct.  8,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  0  3.20:927-28/3 

—  Same  prior  to  Oct.  18,  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 
date  in  1926  and  1925.  Oct.  25,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  G  3.20 :  927-28/4 

jttonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manu- 
factured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  2  months  ending  Sept.  30, 
1927  and  1926.  Oct.  13,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products 
are  for  one  month  ending  Aug.  31.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication 
is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  0  3.25:927-28/2 

yod.  Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Miscellaneous  food  products,  food 
preparations  not  elsewhere  classified,  rice  cleaning  and  polLshing,  peanuts, 
grading,   roasting,   cleaning,    and   shelling,    vinegar    and   cider.     1927.     23   p. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27632  C  3.24/4 :  925-F  73 

IS  (illuminating).     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:    Gas  and  coke  industries. 

1927.    37  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.    C.   card   25-26840  C  3.24/4  :  925-G  21 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  informatloii  follofvlns  Contents 

214  October,  1927 

Iron.    Census   of  manufactures,   1925 :    Iron   and   steel,   blast   furnaces,    steel 
worlvs  and  rolling  mills,  tin  plate  and  terneplate,  wire,  wirework  not  else- 
where classified,  oast-iron  pipe.     1927.     63  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26103  C  3.24/4 :  925-Ir  6 

Machinery.  Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Machinery,  metal-working  machin- 
ery (including  machine  tools),  pumps  and  pumping  equipment,  textile 
machinery  and  parts,  typewriters,  foundry  and  machine-shop  products.     1927. 

L.  C.  card  23-26739  C  3.24/4 :  925-M  18 

Metals.  Census  of  manufactures,  1925 :  Manufactures  of  nonferrous  metals 
and  alloys  (except  precious  metals),  babbitt  metal,  white  metal,  type  metal, 
and  solder,  brass,  bronze,  and  other  nonferrous  alloys,  and  manufactures  of 
these  alloys  and  of  copper  not  specifically  classified,  lead,  bar,  pipe,  and 
sheet,  smelting  and  refining  metals  other  than  gold,  silver  or  platinum  not 
from  ore,  aluminum  manufactures.  1927.  23  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.   C.  card  27-27674  C  3.24/4 :  925-M  56 

Musical  instruments.     Census  of  manufactures,  1925:  Musical  instruments  and 
phonographs.     1927.    23  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
Ju.  C.  card  24-26104  C  3.24/4 :  925-M  97 

Tobacco.  Leaf  tobacco  held  by  manufacturers  and  dealers,  Oct.  1,  1927  and 
1926,  and  July  1  and  Apr.  1,  1927.  Oct.  28,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary 
report.     This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  car  form.]     t        0  3.18/2:927/4 

Wool.     Census  of  manufactures,   1925 :  Wool  manufactures  and  allied  indus- 
tries, woolen  goods,  worsted  goods,  carpets  and  rugs,  felt  goods,  wool-felt 
hats,  wool  shoddy,  wool  pulling,  wool  scouring.     1927.     48  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-27392  C  3.24/4 :  925-W  88 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast  and   Geodetic  Survey  bulletin,   Sept.  30,   1927;   no.   148..    [1927.]     9   p. 
[Monthly.]     J 
L.  C.  card  1^26512  C  4.20 :  148 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot.  Gulf  Coast,  Kiey  West 
to  Rio  Grande.     Sept.  10,   1927.     [l]-fl2  leaves.     (Serial  401.)     t 

C  4.6/4 :  926/supp.  2 

Publications.     Catalogue   of   U.    S.   Coast   and   Geodetic    Survey   charts,   coast 
pilots,  tide  tables,  current  tables  (Philippine  Islands  charts  catalogued  sepa- 
rately).    [Edition  of]  Oct.  1,  1927.    1927.    48  p.  il.  4°     (Serial  397.)     t 
L.  C.  card  7-6923  C  4.5 :  927/3 

Tidal  datum  planes;  by  H.  A.  Marmer.  1927.  vi+142  p.  il.  (Special  publica- 
tion 135.)     *  Paper,  30c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27637  C  4.19 :  135 


Atlantic  Coast.  United  States,  east  coast,  Charleston  Light  to  Cape  Canaveral, 
surveys  to  1925  and  other  sources;  chart  1111.  [Scale  1:450,000.]  Wash- 
ington, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Sept.  1927.  42.7X31  in.  [For  offshore 
navigation  only.]     t  75c.  C  4.9  :  1111 

Basilan  Island.    Anchorages,  Basilan  and  Samales  islands,  P.  I. ;  chart  4540.  - 
Manila,  P.  I.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Aug.  1927.    32.2X32.9  in.    f  50c.         \ 

C  4.9 :  454'^ 
Amoyloi  Anchorage,  south  coast  of  Basilan,  P.  I.,  surveyed  in  1924. 
Bojelebung  and  Kauluan  channels,  east  coast  of  Basilan,  P.  I.,  surveyed  1924. 
Port  Holland,  west  coast  of  Basilan.  P.  I.,  from  surveys  to  1927. 
Ton  Sandungun  Channel,  Samales  Group,  P.  I.,  from  survey  in  1923. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  215 

Coos  Bay,  Oreg.,  surveys  1861-1924,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  May,  1927; 
chart  5984.  Scale  1 :  20.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Sept. 
1927.     29.5X38.3  in.     t 'J'5c.  0  4.9:5984 

Coquille  River  entrance,  Oreg.,  surveys  to  1925,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to 
May,  1927,  and  other  sources ;  chart  5971.  Scale  1 :  10,000.  Washington, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Sept.  1927.     19X33.2  in.     t  25c.  C  4.9:  5971 

Inside  route,  Jupiter  Inlet  to  Barnes  Sound,  Fla.,  from  latest  surveys  and  other 
information ;  chart  3260.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  Oct.  1927.     34X22  in.     [Map  is  in  3  sections.]     1 2.5c.         0  4.9:3260 

Juan  de  Fuca  Strait.  Strait  of  Juan  de  Fuca,  eastern  part.  Wash.,  surveys  to 
1926  and  other  sources ;  chart  6382.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.      32.2X43.9  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9  :  63S2 

Miami  Harbor  and  approaches,  Fla.,  surveys  to  1919,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers 
to  1925  and  other  sources ;  chart  583.  Scale  1 :  40.000.  Washington,  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey,  Sept.  1927.    38.2X25.6  in.     t  50c.  0  4.9:583 

Sanak  Island.  Harbors  and  anchorages,  Sanak  Island,  Alaska,  south  coast, 
surveys  1901 ;  chart  8841.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct. 
1927.     20.2X21.3  in.     f  25c.  0  4.9:8841 

Northeast  Harbor,   Sanak  Island. 
Peterson   Bay,   Sanak  Island. 
Sanak  Harbor,   Sanak  Island. 

Shelikof  Strait  and  Afognak  Island,  Alaska,  south  coast,  original  surveys  from 
1897  to  1926  with  additions  from  Russian  surveys  and  other  authorities ;  with 
inset,  Uyak  Bay;  chart  8555,  [Scale  1:210.000.]  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  Sept.  1927.    31X41.7  in.     f  TSc.  0  4.9:8555 


Cold  storage  Jioldings  of  fish,  Sept.  15,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Statis- 
tical bulletin  759.)  [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 
t  0  6.5  :  759 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  Oct.  1,  1927;  no.  149.  [1927.]  6  p.  [Monthlv.]  t 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  0  6.9  :  149 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  Aug.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  oblong  f°     (Statistical  bulletin  757.)     t 

0  6.5 :  757 

Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at 

Seattle,    Wash.,    by    American    fishing    vessels,    Sept.    1927.     1927.     1    p.    4° 
(Statistical  bulletin  761.)     t  C  6.5 :  761 


Business.     Practical  aids  to  American  business.     [Reprint  with  changes]  1927. 
vi-fl8  p.  narrow  12°     f 
L.  C.  card  26-26869  0  18.2  :Am  3/2/927 

Oolombia.    Trading  under  laws  of  Colombia,  by  Joaquin  Servera ;   [with  Law 
of  industrial  property,   by  Bernard  A.  Kosicki].     1927.     vi+52  p.     (Trade 
promotion  series  53;  Division  of  Commercial  Laws.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27657  0  18.27 :  53 

'Commerce.  Foreign  commerce  and  navigation  of  United  States,  calendar  year 
1926.     1927.     V.  1,  Ixxx-f  543  p.  4°     *  Cloth,  $1.75. 

L.  C.  card  14-21466  C  18.19 :  926/v.l 

Note. — This  report  will  be  published  in  2  volumes.  Volume  1  contains  statistics 
showing  exports  and  imports  by  countries  and  customs  districts,  in  transit  and  trans- 
shipment trade,  imported  merchandise  entered  for  consumption,  and  vessels  entered 
and  cleared  in  foreign  trade. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  805,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Hofv  to  order  publications — See  Information  follo'wlng:  Contents 

216  October,  1927 

Commerce — Continued. 

■ Foreign  trade  of  United  States,  calendar  year  1926,  according  to  inter- 
national   statistical   classification.     [1927.]     [l]+9    P-     (Trade    information 
bulletin  514;  Statistics  Division.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26715  C  18.25 :  514 

■ Monthly  summary  of  foreign   commerce   of   United    States,   Aug.   1927. 

1927.     2  pts.   p.   1-72  and  ii +73-92  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.   1,   10c.   single  copy, 

♦  pt.  2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 

L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  18.7  :  928/2-1,2-2 

Same.     1927.     [2  pts,  in  1],  92  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  34,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports  from  American 
consular  officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Commerce  in  foreign 
countries,  no.  40-44;  Oct.  3-31,  1927.  1927.  cover-titles,  p.  1-312,  il.  4°  [Text 
and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  927/40-44 

Electrical   equipment  market   in   India;    [compiled  by  Lawrence  D.   Batson]. 
[Oct.  1927.]     ii+26  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  513;  Electrical  Equip- 
ment Division.)     [Includes  list  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 
publications  pertinent  to  subject  matter  of  this  bulletin.]     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27631  C  18.25 :  513 

Export  duties  of  the  world ;  prepared  by  Florence  K.  loannou  and  Roberta  P. 
Wakefield.     1927.     viii-f211   p.     (Foreign   tariff   series   42;    Foreign   Tariffs 
Division. )     *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27614  C  18.12 :  42 

Market  research  agencies,  guide  to  publications  and  activities  relating  to  do- 
mestic marketing;   [compiled  by  I.  K.  Rolph].     1927  edition.     1927.     iv-f-156 
p.     (Domestic  commerce  series  6;  Domestic  Commerce  Division.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-27613  C  18.28 :  6/2 

Radio  communication.  Electrical  equipment:  Marketing  radios  in  Western 
Hemisphere ;  [by]  Jane  C.  Mitchell.  [1927.]  4  p.  4°  [This  is  the  4th  of  a 
series  of  articles  covering  world  markets  for  radios.  From  Commerce  re- 
ports, Oct.  3,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  El  25/4 

Same :  Radio  markets  in  Asia  developing  slowly ;   [by]   K.  H.  Tucker. 

[1927.]     4  p.  il.  4°     [This  is  the  5th  of  a  series  of  articles  covering  world 
markets  for  radios.     From  Commerce  reports,  Oct.  17,  1927.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  El  25/5 

Statistical  abstract.     Statistical   abstract   of  United   States,   1926.     1927.     no. 
49  ;  xvi+831  p.     *  Cloth,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  4r-18089  C  18.14  :  926 

Same.     (H.  doc.  800,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Steel.  Standard  specifications  for  steel  castings  (serial  designation  A27-24), 
text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials.  1927.  16  p.  il. 
(Industrial  standards  213.)  [Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared  in  co- 
operation with  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portuguese  by  Kennie 
Norris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of  this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in 
Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  18.24:  213 

Standard  specifications  for  structural  steel  for  buildings  (serial  designa- 
tion A9-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials. 
1927.  18  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  209.)  [Portuguese-English  edition, 
prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portu- 
guese by  Kennie  Norris  Bletz  and  Oscar  Machado  da  Costa.  The  cover-title  i 
of  this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  \ 

C  18.24 :  209 

Standard  specifications  for  wrought  solid  carbon-steel  wheels  for  steam 

railway  service  (serial  designation  A57-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  So- 
ciety for  Testing  Materials.     1927.     19  p.  il.      (Industrial  standards  208.) 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  folloirlng  Contents 

October,  1927  217 

Steel — Continued. 

[Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards ;  transhited  into  Portuguese  by  Keunie  Xorris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of 
this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  18.24 :  208 


€th  District.     Atlantic   Coast  of   United   States,   buoy  list.   Cape   Lookout   to 
Hillsboro  Inlet,  6th  lighthouse  district ;  1927,  corrected  to  Sept.  1.     1927.     89 
p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  11-35918  C  9.10 :  927 

14th  District.    Light  list,  Ohio,  Tennessee,  Kanawha,  Monongahela,  and  Alle- 
gheny rivers,  14th  lighthouse  district ;  1927,  corrected  to  Sept.  15.     1927.     120 
p.  narrow  16°     [About  half  of  the  pages  are  blank.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  11-35302  C  9.28 :  927 

Employees.    Instructions  to  employees  of  lighthouse  service,  1927.    1927.    124  p.    t 
L.  C.  card  27-27642  C  9.25  :  Em  7/927 

Lighthouse  service   bulletin,  v.   3,   no.  46;   Oct.   1,   1927.     [1927.]     p.   211-215. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121  C  9.81 :  3/46 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  40^3,  1927;  Oct.  7-28  [1927].     1927.     various 
pacing.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26 :  927/40-43 


Antimony  in  1926 :  by  J.  W.  Funiess.     Oct  1,  1927.     ii-f67-79  p.     [From  Min- 
eral resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper.  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  An  87/926 

Barite  and  barium  products  in  1926 :  by  R.  M.  Santmyers  and  A.  Stoll.     Sept. 
14,  1927.     ii+81-89  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  B  239/926 

Feldspar   in    1926;    bv    Jefferson    Middleton.     Oct.    20,    1927.     ii-f  109-117    p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  F  333/926 

<]fold.     Gold  and  silver  in  1925,  general  report ;  by  J.  P.  Dunlop.     Oct.  22,  1927. 
ii+731-768  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1925,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper.  lOc 

C  22.8/a  :  G  563/925 

Gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Colorado  in  1925,  mine  report ;  by 

Charles  W.  Henderson.  Oct.  3.  1927.  ii+701-730  p.  1  tab.  [From  Mineral 
resources,  1925,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  563/4/925 

Gold,  silver,  copi)er,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Eastern  States  in  1926.  mine  report ; 

by  J.  P.  Dunlop.  Oct.  15,  1927.  ii+81-86  p.  [From  Mineral  resources.  1926. 
pt.  1.]     »  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  563/5/926 

Graphite  in  1926;  by  Jefferson  Middleton.     Oct.  17,  1927.    ii+91-97  p.     [From 
Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  76/926 

Iron  ore,  pig  iron,  and  steel  in  1926;  by  Hubert  W.  Davis.    Oct.  1927.    ii+87- 
124  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  10c.  C  22.8/a  :  Ir  6/926 

Luhricating-oils.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  lubricants 
and  liquid  fuels,  and  methods  for  sampling  and  testing.  Federal  Specifications 
Board  Specification  2d,  revised  Oct.  21,  1927,  ofiicially  adopted  by  Federal 
Specifications  Board,  Feb.  3,  1922.  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent 
establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  materials  covered  by  it.  1927. 
vi+121  p.  il.  3  pi.  (Technical  paper  323B.)  [The  latest  date  on  which  this 
revision  of  this  specification  shall  become  mandatory  for  all  Departments 
and  independent  establishments  of  the  Government  is  Jan.  21,  1928.]  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-27623  C22.5:323B 

Magnesium  and  its  compounds  in  1926;  by  J.  M.  Hill.    Oct.  29,  1927.    ii+127- 
140  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  M  274/926 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 


OCTTOBER,   1927 

Mercury  in  1926  (quicksilver)  ;  by  J.  W.  Furness.     Oct.  20,  1927.     ii+125-140 
p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.      C  22.8/a :  M  539/926 

Potash  in  1926 ;  by  A.  T.  Coons.    Oct.  19,  1927.    ii+119-125  p.     [From  Mineral 
resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  P  847/926 

Slate  in  1926;  by  A.  T.  Coons.     Oct.  18,  1927.     ii+99-107  p.     [From  Mineral 
resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a :  S114/926 


Navigation  laws  of  United  States,  1927.    1927. 
L.  C.  card  27-27636 

x+536  p. 

*  Cloth,  $1.00. 

C  11.6 :  927 

Ships.    American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
over,  Sept.  1,  1927.     1927.    ii+64  p.  4°     (Serial  118.)      [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  19-26597  C  11.8  :  927/9 

Same,  Oct.  1,  1927.     1927.     ii+64  p.  4°     (Serial  119.)      [Monthly.] 

C  11.8 :  927/10 

■ Seagoing  vessels  of  United   States,   1927;  part  of  59th   annual  list  of 

merchant  vessels  of  United  States,  year  ended  June  30,  1927.     1927.     148  p. 
il.  20  pi.     [Includes  official  numbers,  signal  letters,  etc.]     *  Paper,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  7-27311  C 11.5 :  927/2 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexos,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  piices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packagt'S  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Bliss,  Herbert  R.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2053,  in  re  Herbert  R.  Bliss,  reinforced  shipping  case ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    J      C  21.10 :  B  619 

Burt,  Harry  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2028,  in  re  Cora  W.  Burt  and  Dollar  Savings  and  Trust 
Company,  of  Youngstown,  Ohio,  executors  of  Harry  B.  Burt,  frozen  con- 
fection ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  14  p.     % 

C  21.10 :  B  95 

Chamberlin,  Benjamin  D.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct. 
term,  1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2004,  in  re  Benjamin  Day  Chamberlin,  means 
for  obtaining  glass  from  furnace;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1927. 
cover-title,  11  p.     $  C  21.10  :  C  355 

Decisions.      [Decisions   in   patent  and   trade-mark   cases,   etc.]      Oct.   4,   1927. 
p.  1-6,  large  8°    [From  Official  gazette,  v.  363,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a  2 :  363/1 

— ■     Same.    Oct.  11,  1927.    p.  209-214,  large  8° 
no.  2.] 

—     Same.    Oct.  18,  1927.    p.  451^56,  large  8° 
no.  3.] 

—     Same. 
no.  4.] 

Oct.  25,  1927.    p.  691-698,  large  8° 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  363, 
C  21.5/a  2  :  363/2 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  363. 
C  21.5/a  2 :  363/3 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  363, 
C  21.5/a  2  :  363/4 

Defender  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Colum- 
bia, Oct.  term,  1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2057,  in  re  Defender  Mfg.  Co.,  trade- 
mark for  sheets,  pillow-cases,  towels,  and  handkerchiefs ;  brief  for  commis- 
sioner of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  4  p.    J  C  21.10  :  D  361 

Foltz,  Ira  W.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2068,  in  re  Ira  W.  Foltz,  furnaces ;  brief  for  commissioner 
of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.     $  C  21.10 :  F  731/2 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTving  Contents 

October,  1927  219 

Ooodycar  Tire  and  Ruhter  Company.  No.  2659,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
4th  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Goodyear  Tire  &  Rubber  Company  v.  Thomas  B. 
Robertson,  commissioner  of  patents ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  p-itents.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+19  p.  large  8°    $  C  21.10 :  G  639 

Holmes,  Morris  P.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2042,  in  re  Morris  P.  Holmes,  pressure  fluid  motors ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    $        C  21.10  :  H  736 

Inventions.  Changes  in  classification  [of  inventions],  order  3024  and  3026; 
Sept.  26  and  28,  1927.  [1927.]  2  leaves,  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
V.  363,  no.  2  and  3.]    $  C  21.5/a  6 :  927/5 

Lucke,  Charles  E.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2029,  in  re  Charles  E.  Lucke  and  Otto  Nonnenbruch,  im- 
provements in  internal  combustion  engines ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  pat- 
ents.    [1927.]     cover-title,  7  p.     $  C  21.10  :  L  963 

In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,   Oct.  term,   1927,  patent 

appeal  no.  2030,  in  re  Charles  E.  Lucke  and  Otto  Nonnenbruch,  internal  com- 
bustion engines ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    t 

C  21.10  :  L  963/2 

Moulton,  Forest  R.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2002,  in  re  Forest  Ray  Moulton,  method  of  and  appa- 
ratus for  light  projection ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1927.  cover- 
title,  7  p.    $  C  21.10 :  M  862 

Official  gazette.    Official  gazette,  Oct.  4-25,  1927 ;  v.  363,  no.  1-4.    1927.    cover- 
titles,  910-f[cl]  p.  il.  large  8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  single  copy,  $10.00  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5 :  363/1^ 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in 
patent  cases. 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  Tho  .  ■  ndexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  givi  n  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50  ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $17.50. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title,  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  Oct.  4,  1927].  [1927.]  xxxvi  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
v.  363,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4  :  363/1 

Same  [Oct.  11,  1927].     [1927.]     xl  p.  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette,  v. 

363,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  363/2 

Same  [Oct.  18,  1927].     [1927.]     xl  p.  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette,  v. 

363,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  4 :  363/3 

Same  [Oct.  25,  1927].     [1927.]     xxxiv  p.  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette, 

v.  363,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  363/4 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  Oct.  4-25,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°     [Weekly.    From  Official  gazette,  v.  363,  no.  1^.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  363/1^ 

Pierson,  James  R.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2067,  in  re  James  R.  Pierson,  beverage  mixers ;  brief 
for  commissioner  of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  4  p.     t  C  21.10  :  P  615 

Richards,  Brayton  G.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  1995,  in  re  Brayton  G.  Richards,  car  mountings ;  brief 
for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    t  C  21.10  :  R  39 

Rules  of  practice  in  Patent  Office.  Revised  Oct.  1,  1927.  1927.  [l]-f  112  p.  il.  f 
L.  C.  card  11-35789  C  21.8 :  927/2 

Templin,  Ellis  W.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no  2083,  in  re  Ellis  W.  Templin,  running  gears  for  motor 
vehicles ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.     t 

C  21.10 :  T  249/2 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  Oct.  4,  1927.  [1927.] 
7-48+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  363,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  363/1 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

70471— 27— No.  394 i 

220  October,  1927 

Trade-m  arks — Continued. 

Same,  Oct.  11,  1927.     [1927.]     215-262+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  363,  uo.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  363/2 

Same,  Oct.  18,  1927.     [1927.]     457-500+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  363,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3 :  363/3 

Same,  Oct.  25,  1927.     [1927.]     699-746+xi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  363,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  363/4 

Vissering,  Earry.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2006,  in  re  Harry  Vissering,  pressed  metal  brake  step ;  brief 
for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    t  C  21.10  :  V  827/3 

Willis,  Olo  C.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2052,  in  re  Olo  C.  Willis,  design  for  suction  cieaner  handle; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  4  p.    |        C  21.10 :  W  679 


Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  Sept.  30,  1927.  [1927.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  C  16.6 :  927/9 


Radio  service  bulletin,   Sept.  30,  1927;  no.  126.     [1927.]     16  p.     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3 :  126 

Radio  stations.     Amateur  radio  stations  of  United  States.     Edition,  June  30, 
1927.     1927.    iv+299  p.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  20-26897  C  24.5 :  927/2 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  $1.25  per 
volume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $2.50.  These  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription, 
$2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

The  Ttchnologic  paper.s  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  In 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  numbers 
vary  in  price. 

Bricks.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  brick,  sand-lime, 
common.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  505,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Aug.  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  common  sand-lime 
brick.  Sept.  24,  1927.  4  p.  large  8"  (Circular  347.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27626  C 13.4 :  347 

Earth-current  meter.  Practical  applications  of  earth-current  meter ;  by  Burton 
McCollum  [and]  K.  H.  Logan.  Aug.  18,  1927.  [1]  +683-727  p.  il.  4  pi.  large  8* 
(Technologic  paners  351.)  [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27648  C  13.8 :  351 

Leather.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  leather,  bag.  Fed- 
eral Specifications  Board  Specification  482,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal 
Specifications  Board,  Apr.  25,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent 
establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  bag  leather.  Aug.  30,  1927. 
6  p.  il.  large  8°  (Circular  338.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26948  C 13.4 :  838 

Marble.     Study  of  problems  relating  to  maintenance  of  interior  marble ;   by 
D.  W.  Kessler.     July  23,  1927.     [1] +591-681  p.  il.  large  8°      (Technologic 
papers  350.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27615  C  13.8 :  350 

Paper.  Modified  method  for  determination  of  copper  number  of  paper ;  by  B.  W. 
Scribner  [and]  W.  R.  Brode.     Sept.  24,  1927.     [l]+9-14  p.  large  8°     (Tech- 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  Information  following:  Contents 


October,  1927  221 

Paper — Contiuued. 

nologic  papers  354.)     [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27628  C  13.8 :  354 

Publications.  New  publications  for  Aug.  [and  Sept.]  1927,  additions  to  Supple- 
mentary list  of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  beginning  July  1,  1926. 
[1927.]'    4  p.     t  C  13.4 :  24/26/Aug.,  Sept.  927 

Rublte?'.     Some  vulcanization  tests  of  guayule  rubber;  by  D.  Spence  [and]  C.  E. 
Boone.      Sept.   23,    1927.      [l]+l-8   p.    large   8"      (Technologic   papers   353.) 
[From  Technologic  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27627  C  13.8  :  353 

Rubber  boots.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  boots,  rub- 
ber, hip,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  492,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board.  Jinie  10.  1927.  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  rubber  hip  boots. 
Sept.  24,  1927.  5  p.  large  8"  (Circular  349.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26949  C  13.4 :  349 

United  States  Government  master  specification  for  boots,  rubber,  short, 

heavy.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  494,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  10.  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  short,  heavy  rubber 
boots.     Sept.  24.  1927.    4  p.  large  S"     r  Circular  350.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26946  C  13.4 :  350 

United  States  Government  master  specification  for  boots,  rubber,  short, 

light,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  493,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  10,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  short,  light  rubber 
boots.     Sept.  24,  1927.    4  p.  large  8"     (Circular  348.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26945  C 13.4 :  348 

Scandium.    Analysis  of  arc  and  spark  spectra  of  scandium  (Sc.  1  and  Sc.  2)  ; 
by  Henry  Norris  Russell  [and]  ^yilliam  F.  Meggers.     Aug.  12,  1927.     [1]  + 
329-373  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.  large  8°     (Scientific  papers  558.)      [From  Scientific 
papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27633  C  13.3/a  :  558 

Sphygmomanometers.     Use  and   testing  of   sphygmomanometers    [with  list  of 
references]  ;  by  J.  L.  Wilson.  H.  N.  Eaton,  [and]  H.  B.  Henrickson.    Aug.  30, 
1927.     [1] +729-764  p.  il.  1  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.  large  8"     (Technologic  papers  352.) 
[From  Technologic  papers,  v.  21.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27660  C 13.8 :  352 

Technical  nexcs  bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  Oct.  1927;  no.  126.     [1927.] 
13  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  126 


Steamboat  Inspection   Service   bulletin,   Oct.    1,   1927;   no.   144.      [1927.]      3  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10  :  144 

Steamboats.  43d  supplement  to  General  rules  and  regulations  [edition  of  1927], 
circular   letter.     Oct.    11,   1927.     2   p.      t  015.9/2:927/43 


Eulogies.    Charles  E.  Fuller,  memorial  addresses.    1927.     [5]+40+[l]  p.  1  por. 
(H.  doc.  768,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      *  Cloth,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27062 

Robert  M.   La  Follette,  memorial  addresses.     1927.     [5] +234  p.  1  por. 

(S.  doc.  157,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Cloth,  $1.00. 

L.  C.  card  27-27663 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

222  October,  1927 


Rules.  Senate  manual  containing  standing  rules  and  orders  of  Senate,  Con- 
stitution of  United  States,  Declaration  of  Independence,  Articles  of  Con- 
federation, Ordinance  of  1787,  Jefferson's  manual,  etc.  [Revised  edition.] 
1927.  1-20B+21-176B+ 177-726  p.  (S.  doc.  187,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
♦Cloth,  $1.20. 
L.  C.  card  1-9223 


Aldine  Club  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant].  [1927.]  no.  H-216, 
p.  39-53.     t  Ju3.&:A123 

Beem^an.  Otis  Beeman  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  D-129,  p.  1--2.     $  Ju  3.8  :  B  392 

Blackwell.  Richard  B.  Blackwell  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner 
[1927.]      no.  E-210,   p.  1-2.     %  Ju  3.8 :  B  568 

Carleton.  Wayne  L.  Carleton  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  C-702,  p.  13-14.    $  Ju  3.8  :  C  193/5 

Corkery.  James  V.  Corkery  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  C-1140,  p.  1-2.     t  Ju3.8:C813 

Culbert.  Frederic  P.  Culbert  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  D-131,  p.  1-2.     t  Ju  3.8 :  C  897 

Curran.  Charles  M.  Curran  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-590,  p.  1-3.     %  Ju3.8:C936 

Dayton  Engineering  Laboratories  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  com- 
mLssioner.     [1927.]     no.  B-429,  p.  43^6.     %  Ju  3.8  :D  337/5 

De  Court.  Julian  De  Court  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-159,  p.  5-6.    %  Ju  3.8  :  D  359 

Dodge.  Matilda  R.  Dodge  and  Howard  B.  Bloomer,  as  administrators  with 
will  annexed  of  John  F.  Dodge,  v.  United  States ;  amended  findings  of  fact 
[conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Oct.  17,  1927.  [1927.] 
no.  D-191,  16  p.     %  Ju  3.9/a  :  D  664 

Dunbar  <£•  Sullivan  Dredging  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner, 
[1927.]     no.  E-290,  p.  53-58.     t  Ju  3.8 :  D  911 

Edgar  Estates  Corporation  v.  United  States;  agreed  statement  of  facts.  [1927.] 
no.  E-304,  p.  9-12.     %  Ju  3.8  :  Ed  34 

Funsten,  R.  E.,  Company.  R.  E.  Funsten  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence 
for  defendant.     [1927.]     no.  F-80,  p.  39-61.    %  Ju  3.8  :F  965/2 

Same;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]      [no.]   F-80,  p.  7-37.     $ 

Ju  3.8  :  F  965 

Oray's  Harbor  Motorship  Corporation  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1927.]     no.  B-12,  p.  231-318.     $  Ju  3.8  :G  795/3 

Harumrd  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-126,  p.  13-14.     $  Ju3.8:H264 

Hess.  Eli  Hess  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  F-287, 
p.  7-34.     %  Ju  3.8 :  H  463 

Hyatt  Roller  Bearing  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  B-426,  p.  43^6.     %  Ju3.8:H991J 

Inland  Products  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]  " 
no.  E-127,  p.  13-14.     %  Ju  3.8  :  In  5 

Johnson.  Levy  S.  Johnson  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  plaintiff].  [1927.] 
no.  H-54,  p.  5-10.     %  Ju  3.8  :  J  634/3 

Hovr  to  order  publications — See  iufomiation  follo'wing^  Contents 

October,  1927  223 

Johnston  Brothers  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  D-777,  p.  9-11.     $  Ju  3.8 :  J  649 

Jones.  John  A.  Sizer,  Thomas  A.  Jones,  and  Warren  Oilman  Jones,  executors 
of  William  A.  Jones,  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant].  [1927.] 
no.  F-331,  p.  7-66.    t  Ju  3.8  :  J  728/4 

Jute  Industries,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no. 
E-125,  p.  17-20.    %  Ju  3.8  :  J  986 

Lamport  Mfg.  Supply  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.  C-1309,  p.  143-179.    t  Ju  3.8 :  L  198/3 

Lasher.  Herbert  Lasher  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  D-128,  p.  1-2.    %  Ju  3.8 :  L  334/2 

Maryland  Casualty  Co^mpany  v.  United  States;  evidence  of  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.  F-66,  p.  9-42.     %  Ju  3.8  :  M  369/8 

Minnesota  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for 
plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  F-65,  p.  9-38.    %  Ju  3.8 :  M  666/3 

Neio  Departure  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1927.]     no.  B-430,  p.  43-46.    t  Ju3.8:N42d 

New  York  Polyclinic  Medical  School  and  Hospital  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for 
plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  C-1324,  p.  65-266.    t  Ju  3.8 :  N  42y/25 

New  Yo7-k  Shipbuilding  Company.  New  York  Shipbuilding  Company  v.  United 
States;  evidence  for  plaintiff  and  defendant.  [1927.]  no.  E-201,  p.  99- 
623.     t  Ju  3.8  :  N  423-V26 

Same;  plaintiff's  exhibits.     [1927.]     no.  E-201,  p.  625-690.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  N  42y/24 

Ordnance  Engineering  Corporation  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  34680,  p.  1453-65.     $  Ju  3.8:  Or  2/10 

Perlman  Rimi  Corporation  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  B^28,  p.  43-46.     %  Ju  3.8 :  P  422 

Remy  Electric  Company  r.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  B-427,  p.  43-46.     t  Ju  3.8 :  R  289/2 

Rhode  Island.  State  of  Rhode  Island  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]     no.  E-355,  p.  9-30.     %  Ju  3.8  :R  346/4 

Roos.  Sol  Roos  V.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  D-873, 
p.  17-31.     t  Ju  3.8  :R  676/2 

Stauffer,  Eshleman  d  Company,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  plaintiff]. 
[1927.]     no.  H-24,  p.  9-14.     t  Ju  3.8:  St  29 

Stoeet  d  Piper  Horse  and  Mule  Commission  Company.  Frank  H.  Sweet,  trustee 
[of  Sweet  &  Piper  Horse  &  Mule  Commission  Company],  v.  United  States; 
evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]      [no.]  H-53,  p.  17-44.     %  Ju3.8:Sw36 

Union  Iron  Works  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  testimony  and  exhibits. 
[1927.]     no.  15014,  Congressional,  p.  207-549.     %  Ju  3.8 :  Un  3/48 

U.  S.  Automatic  Company  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant].  [1927.] 
no.  F-314,  p.  8-22.     $  Ju  3.8 :  Un  3/49 

Vesta  Battery  Corporation  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  F-196,  p.  19-23.     %  Ju  3.8 :  V  638 

Ward  Baking  Corporation  v.  United  States;  evidence  in  chief  for  claimant. 
[1927.]     no.  H-66,  p.  35-64.     J  Ju3.8:W219 

Weed  d  Kennedy.  American  Exchange  Underwriters,  Elijah  R.  Kennedy,  and 
Joseph  S.  Irving,  copartnership  doing  business  as  Weed  &  Kennedy,  attorneys 
in  fact  and  trustees,  t\  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  no. 
F-77,  p.  57-59.     $  Ju  3.8 :  W  417 

Wheeler  Lumber.  Bridge  d  Supply  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  com- 
missioner.    [1927.]     no.  E-567,  p.  11-16.     %  Ju3.8:W56» 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  follovirlng  Contents 

224  October,  1927 


Ammonium  sulphocyanate.  No.  3025,  United  States  v.  Davies,  Turner  &  Co., 
transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from-  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
i+14  p.    t  Ju  7.6 :  D  289 

Asbestos  shingles.  No.  3010,  United  States  v.  Stone  &  Downer  Co.  et  al.,  tran- 
script of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title,  iii+ 
186  p.    t  Ju  7.6 :  St  72/5 

Eat  braids.  No.  3014,  United  States  v.  T.  J.  McGrath  &  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+13  p.     t 

Ju  7.6  :  M  178 

Jade.  No.  3021,  United  States  v.  Loring  Andrevps  Co.,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]    cover-title,  i-f  11  p.    $      Ju  7.6:  An  26/2 

Sodium  nitroprusside.  No.  3026,  United  States  v.  Merck  &  Co.,  transcript  of 
record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+7  p.  t 

Ju  7.6 :  M  537 

Yavan  glue.  No.  3028,  United  States  v.  Alex.  Murphy  «&  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  1+30  p.     t 

Ju  7.6  :  M  951/3 


Court  of  Appeals.  No.  4558,  Margaret  Clark  v.  United  States;  brief  for  ap- 
pellee.    1927.     cover-title,  31  p.     t  DC  9.5  :  C  548 

■ No.  4590,  James  R.  Deering,  executor  of  Reginald  C.  Vanderbilt,  v.  David 

H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue;  and  no.  4591,  [same]  v.  [same], 
appeals  from  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief  for  appellee.  1927.  cover-title. 
i+29  p.     t  DC  9.5 :  V  2S3 

No.  4596,  Apr.  term,  1927,  Virgil  Baker  v.  J.  Raymond  McCarl,  comptrol- 
ler general,  and  Curtis  D.  Wilbur,  Secretary  of  Navy;  brief  for  appellees. 
1927.     cover-title,  ii+21  p.    t  DC  9.5  :  B  178 

No.  4604,  Myra  C.  Hill  v.  John  A.  Dorsey,  as  agent  of  Massachusetts; 

brief  tor  appellee.     1927.     cover-title,  9  p.     t  DC  9.5 :  H  554 

No.  4610,  Apr.  term,  1927,  James  Blevins  v.  Edgar  C.   Snyder,  United 

States  marshal  in  and  for  District  of  Columbia;  brief  on  behalf  of  appellee. 
1927.     cover-title,  10  p.     t  DC  9.5  :  B  617 

No.  4620,  Apr.  term,  1927,  Bennie  Marks  v.  W.  E.  Eckerman  and  Edward 

McDonnell,  agents  for  Ohio,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Colum- 
bia ;  brief  for  appellees.    1927.    cover-title,  12  p.     t  DC  9.5 :  M  342 

Return  to  writ  of  certiorari,  Apr.  term,  1927,  patent  appeal  docket  no. 

2056,  Stephen  J.  Hayde  vs.  Carl  W.  Boynton  and  Gustaf  Larson,  interference 
no.  43719  [appeal  from  commissioner  ot  patents].  [1927.]  cover-title  ii+64 
p.    t  DC  9.5  :H  324 

Transcript  of  record,  Apr.  term,  1927,  no.  4628,  Frank  T.  Hines,  director 

of  Veterans'  Bureau,  vs.  Jack  Floyd  Welch,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of 
District  of  Columbia.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+49  p.  2  facsim.     t 

DC  9.5 :  W  444 

Transcript  of  record,  Apr.  term,  1927,  no.  4630,  William  L.  Peak,  superin- 
tendent of  Washington  Asylum  and  Jail,  v.  Harold  Reed,  appeal  from 
Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia.     1927.     cover-title,  i-|-7  p.     ± 

DC  9.5 :  R  251 


Agriculture.  Study  of  professional  training  of  teachers  of  vocational  agricul- 
ture, interpretation  of  facts  and  recommendations  as  to  value  of  professional 
teacher-training  courses  in  education  and  psychology;  [by  Edwin  Lee  Holton]. 

Hotv  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIoTrlng  Contents 

October,  1927  225 

Agriculture — Continued. 

June,  1927.     vii+C8  p.  il.     (Bulletin  122;  Agricultural  series  33.)     *  Paper, 


L.  C.  card  E  27-202  VE  1.3  :  122 

National  Congress  of  Vocational  Agricultural  Students.  Announcement  of  2d 
annual  National  Congress  of  Vocational  Agricultural  Students,  American 
Royal  Building,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  Stockyards,  Nov.  14-16,  1927.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+20  p.  narrow  16°     t  VE  1.2 :  N  21 


Federal  reserve  Inllctin,  Oct.  1927;  [v.  13,  no.  10].  1927.  iv+6S9-748  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthlv.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.60. 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  13/10 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  re- 
search studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  con- 
dition of  Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member 
banks  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal 
Reserve  Board,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  memier  lai^ks.    Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit,  Oct.  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+8  p.  4"     t 
I  J.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9 :  927/10 


Eohi,  J.  W.,  Company.  No.  9614,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  2d  circuit,  J.  W. 
Kobi  Company  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission ;  brief  for  respondent.  1927. 
cover-title,  iii+44  p.  large  8°     |  FT  1.5 :  K  797 

Paul,  B.  No.  96S2,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Paul  Balme,  trading  under  name  and  style  of 
B.  Paul,  on  application  for  enforcement  of  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion ;  brief  for  petitioner.     1927.     cover-title,  v+65  p.  large  8°     % 

FT  1.5 :  P  281/2 

Sea  Island  Thread  Company,  Incorporated.  No.  9662,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2d  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Sea  Island  Thread  Company,  Inc.,  v.  Federal 
Trade  Commission,  on  petition  to  review  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission ; 
brief  for  resjwndent.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+21  p.  large  8°     J        FT  1.5  :  Se  11 



Birds  and  wild  animals,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  docu- 
ments.    Aug.  1927.     [2] +8+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  39,  19th  edition.)      t 
L.  C.  card  25-26947  GP  3.9 :  39/19 

Farm  management,  farm  accounts,  credits,  marketing,  homes,  and  statistics, 
list  of  publications   for   sale   by   superintendent   of  documents.     Sept.    1927. 
[2] +34  p.     (Price  list  68,  13th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  2^26174  GP  3.9  :  68/13 

Immigration,  naturalization,  citizenship,  Chinese,  Japanese,  negroes,  and  aliens, 
list   of  publications  for   sale  by   superintendent   of   documents.     Sept.    1927. 
[2] +10  p.     (Price  list  67,  12th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26387  GP  3.9 :  67/12 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission.     Publications  of  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission,   reports   and   regulations   on    interstate   transportation    for   sale   by 
superintendent  of  documents.     Aug.   1927.     [2] +16+ [2]    p.     (Price  list   59. 
14th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26812  GP  3.9  :  59/14 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  follo-vrlng;  Contents 

226  October,  1927 

Mines,  explosives,  fuel,  gas,  gasoline,  petroleum,  list  of  publications  for  sale 
by  superintendent  of  documents.     Sept.  1927.     [2] +30  p.     (Price  list  58,  15th 
edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  2&-26423  GP  3.9 :  58/15 

Monthly  catalogue,  United   States  public  documents    (with  prices),   no.   393: 

Sept.  1927.     1927.     v+ 139-200  p.  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/3 

National  Museum.     United  States  National  Museum,   Contributions  from  na- 
tional herbarium.  National  Academy  of   Sciences,    Smithsonian   Institution, 
list   of  publications  for   sale  by   superintendent   of   documents.     Oct.    1927. 
[2] +7+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  55,  9th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-27429  GP  3.9  :  55/9 

Radio  communication.     List  of  radio  publications   [for  sale  by  superintendent 
of  documents].     Revised  Oct.  1927.     [1927.]     4  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26634  GP  3.2 :  R  11/5/927 

Weights  and  measures.     Standards  of  weight  and  measure,   tests  of  metals, 
thermometers,  concrete,  iron,  electricity,  light,  clay,  radiotelegraphy,  metric 
system,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.    Aug. 
1927.     [2] +48+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  64,  13th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26256  GP  3.9:  64/13 


Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pension  cases  are  issued 
in  slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  In  signatures, 
both  being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions 
of  either  Ijind  in  separate  parts  as  they  are  issued ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.  Prices 
for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Alaska.  General  information  regarding  Alaska  [with  list  of  books  and  Govern- 
ment publications  on  Alaska].  Edition  of  July,  1927.  1927.  vi+138  p.  il. 
map.  [Includes  selected  list  of  Geological  Survey  publications  on  Alaska.]  t 
L.  C.  card  12-29923  1 1.2 :  Al  1/4/927 

Employees.  Regulations  governing  appointments  in  field  services  of  Depart- 
ment of  Interior,  Aug.  10,  1927.     1927.     vi+2S  p.     t  1 1.2  :F  45 

Palestine.    Jewish   reclamation    of    Palestine;    by    Gershon    Agronsky.    1927. 
[l]+18p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27650  1 1.61/la  :  P  175 

Verde  River  Irrigation  and  Power  District.  No.  4616,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of 
District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Verde  River  Irrigation  and  Power 
District  v.  Hubert  Work,  Secretary  of  Interior,  and  William  Spry,  commis- 
sioner of  General  Land  Office,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of 
Columbia  ;  brief  for  appellees.     1927.     cover-title,  i+49  p.        J     1 1.55  :  V  583 


IndustHal    education   in    1924-26;    by    Maris    M.    Proffitt.     1927.     [l]+29    p. 
(Bulletin  29,   1927.)      [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education, 
1924r-26.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  11-117  1 16.3 :  927/29 

Kindergarten.     Some  publications  in  field  of  kindergarten-primary  education ; 
compiled  by  Mary  Dabney  Davis  and  Roberta  Hemingway.    Aug.  1927.     10  p. 
(City  school  leaflet  28.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-205  116.36:28 

Music  in  platoon  schools,  report  of  a  National  committee  acting  under  direction 
of  Bureau  of  Education  in  cooperation  with  National  Committee  on  Music  in 
Platoon  or  Work-Study-Play  Schools;  by  Will  Earhart.     July,  1927.    22  p. 
(City  school  leaflet  27.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-209  1 16.36 :  27 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  227 

Pension  systems  for  public-school  teachers  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Nida  Pearl 
Palmer.     1927.     vi+84  p.      (Bulletin  23,  1927.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-203  1 16.8  :  927/23 

Sclhool  life,  V.  13,  no.  2;  Oct.  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  p.  21-40,  il.  4°     [Monthly 
except  July  and  August.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  oc.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr.  (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.;  for  50  copies  or  more  sent 
in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  18-902  I  lG.26/1 :  13/2 

Secondary  education.     Bibliography  of  studies  in  secondary  education    [Sept. 

1925-Mar.    1927]  ;    by   Eustace  E.  Windes.      1927.      v+30  p.      (Bulletin   27. 
1927. )      *  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  E  27-204  1 16.3  :  927/27 

State  parks.  Playgrounds  of  the  Nation,  series  of  projects  on  outdoor  recrea- 
tion and  conservation  of  forest  life  developed  through  study  of  State  parks 
and  forests,  for  elementary  schools  [wiih  lists  of  references]  ;  by  Florence 
C.  Fox.  1927.  x+99  p.  il.  1  pi.  (Bulletin  20,  1927.)  [Includes  lists  of 
Publications,  by  States,  relating  to  parks.]  *  Paper.  35c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-201  1 16.3  :  927/20 


Note. — The  General  Land  Office  publishes  a  large  general  map  of  the  United  States, 
which  is  sold  at  $2.00  ;  and  also  oparate  maps  of  the  States  and  Territories  in  which 
public  lands  are  to  be  found,  which  ai'e  sold  at  2oc.  per  sheet.  The  map  of  California 
is  in  2  sheets.     Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

PiiNic  lands.     Vacant  public  lands  on  July  1,  1927.     [1927.]     15  p.     (Circular 
1131.)     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27620  I  21.4 :  1131 

Sun.     Ephemeris  of  the  sun  and  Polaiis  and  tables  of  azimuths  and  altitudes  of 
Polaris,  [calendar]  year  1927.     Photolithographed,  Geological  Survey  [Wash- 
ington, D.  C]  1927.     cover-title.  12  p.     [Supplement  to  Manual  of  in.structions 
for  survev  of  public  lands  of  United  States.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-35913  1 21.11/2 :  Su  7/20 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports,  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  aihis  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fi  cal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C.  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  A  d.scount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  foUos  that 
amount :  to  §5.00  at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should 
be  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C.     For  topographic  maps  see  next  page. 

f'ephalopods.  Cephalopods  from  lower  part  of  Cody  shale  of  Oregon  Basin, 
Wyo. :  by  John  B.  Reeside.  jr.  Oct.  6,  1927.  ii-f  1-19  p.  8  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Profes- 
sional paper   150  A.)     *  Paper,    15c.  I19.16:150-A 

Cephalopods  of  Eagle  sandstone  and  related  formations  in  western  in- 
terior of  United  States;  by  John  B.  Reeside,  jr.     1927.     iii+S7  p.  il.  45  p.  of 
111.  1  tab.  4°     (Professional  paper  151.)     *  Paper,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  27-292  119.16:151 

Same.     (H.  doc.  486,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Iron  ores.  Brown  iron  ores  of  west-middle  Tennessee  [with  bibliography]  ;  by 
Ernest  F.  Burchard.  Oct.  20,  1927.  iv+53-112  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.  map.  (Bulletin 
795  D.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Tennessee  Geological  Survey.] 
*  Paper,  15c.  1 19.3  :  795-D 

Hovr  to  order  publications — See  Information  follo-vrlngr  Contents 

70471— 27— No.  394 5 

228  October,  1927 

New  Jersey.  Quality  of  surface  waters  of  New  Jersey  [with  bibliography]  ; 
by  W.  D.  Collins  and  C.  S.  Howard.  Sept.  30.  1927.  iv+89^119  p.  il.  map. 
(Water-supply  paper  596  E.)     *  Paper,  5c.  I  19.13  :  596-E 

PublicaUons.  New  publications,  list  235;  Oct.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  119.14/4:235 

Qui^ksiJve?-  deposits  of  Pilot  Mountains,  Mineral  County,  Nev. ;  by  William  F. 
Foshag.  Oct.  27,  1927.  ii+113-123  p.  il.  map.  (Bulletin  795  E.)  *  Paper, 
5c.  1 19.3  :  795-E 

Scaphites,  Upper  Cretaceous  ammonite  group;  by  John  B.  Reeside,  jr.  Oct. 
8,  1927.     ii+21^0  p.  3  p.  of  pi.  4°     (Professional  paper  150  B.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

1 19.16 :  150-B 

Topographic  instriwUons  of  Geological  Survey :  C,  Transit  traverse ;  compiled 
by  E.  M.  Douglas.  [Reprint]  1927.  iv+89-116  p.  1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Bulletin 
788  C.)      *  Paper,  10c.  1 19.3  :  78S-C/rep. 

Topographic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  making  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  individual  maps 
are  projected  to  i-epreseiit  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and  each  map 
is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town  or  natural  feature  in  the  area  mapped. 
The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1:31,680,  1:62,500,  and  1:125,000,  corresponding 
approximately,  to  ^2  mile,  1  mile,  and  2  miles  to  1  inch.  The  area  covered  differs  with 
the  latitude,  hut  the  average  area  is  58,  230,  or  920  square  miles,  respectively,  for 
these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  jjrinted  on  uniform-sized  paper,  about  20  by 
16%  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas  represented  thereon  are  about  17i^ 
inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to  latitude.  For  some  areas  of  particular 
importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published.  A  general  description  of  topographic 
maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed  on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

More  than  two-flfths  of  the  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  -Connecticut,  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mary- 
land, Massachusetts,  New  .Jersey,  New  York,  Ohio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Virginia  are 
completely  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at  10c. 
each,  but  a  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to  $5.00 
at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios  alone, 
or  for  maps  and  folios  together. 

Arizona.  Topographic  map  of  Grand  Canyon  National  Park,  Ariz,  (west  half), 
topography  bv  Francois  E.  Matthes  and  Richard  T.  Evans,  surveyed  in 
1902-23,  lat.  36°-36°  25',  long.  112°  15'-112°  [46'].  Scale  1:48,000,  con- 
tour interval  50  ft.  [Wa.shington]  Geological  Survey,  edition  of  1927. 
42.2X39.3  in.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  National  Park  Service.  No 
description  on  reverse.]     t     25e.  1 19.12 :  2  G  762/W.half 

California.  California,  Pacoima  quadrangle,  lat.  34°  12'-34°  18'.  long.  118° 
24'-118°  30'.  Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.  [Washington, 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.     18.2X15.1  in.     t     10c.        1 19.12 :4P  128 

California,  Paige  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  57'  30"-36°  15',  long.  119°  22'  30"- 

119°   30'.     Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.     [Washington,   Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.2X14  in.     f     10c.  1 19.12:  4 P 152 

California,  Rocky  Hill  quadrangle,  lat.  36°  15'-36°  22'  30",  long.  119"- 

119°  07'  36".     Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.     [Washington. 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.3X14  in.     t     10c.         1 19.12 :  4  R  598 

Missouri.  Bolckow  quadrangle,  lat.  40°-40°  15',  long.  94°  45'-95°.  Scale 
1:62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical Survey]  edition  of  1927.  17.5X13.5  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  portion 
of  the  sheet,  the  actual  measurement  being  9.1X13.5  in.]     t     10c. 

1 19.12  :  25  B  637 

N.ew  Hampshire,  Penacook  quadrangle,  lat.  43°  15'-43°  30',  long.  71°  o0'-71°  45'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey] 
edition  of  1927.     17.5X12.8  in.     f     lOc  1 19.12:  29  P  37 

OMo-West  Virginia,  Marietta  quadrangle,  lat.  39°  15'-39°  30',  long.  81°  15'- 
81°  30'.  Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]    edition   of   1927.     17.5X13.6   in.     f     lOc  1 19.12 :  35  M  338/2 

Pennsylvania,  Lewistown  quadrangle,  lat.  40°  30'-40°  45',  long.  77°  30'-77°  45'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey] 
edition  of  1927.     17.5X13.4  in     t     10c.  1 19.12 :  38  L  589 

Hoiv  to  order  publications — See   information  folloT^'lng  Contents 

October,  1927  229 

Texas.  Texas.  Bart  quadrangle,  lat.  28°  15'-28''  30',  long.  99°  15'-99°  30'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington, 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.  17.5X15.5  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  poi-- 
tlon  of  the  slieet,  the  actual  measurement  being  8.8X15.5  in.  Bart  not  in 
portion  given  on  map.]     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  43  B  281 

Texas,    Marquez    quadrangle,    lat.    31°-31°    15',    long.    96°    15'-96°    30'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington, 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.  17.5X15.1  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  por- 
tion of  the  sheet,   the  actual  measurement  being  17.5X7.6  in.]     1 10c. 

1 19.12  :  43  M  348 

Texas,    Mathis   quadrangle,   lat.   28°-28°    15',   long.   97°    45'-98°.     Scale 

1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.5X15.5  in.     [Map  covers  only  a  portion  of 

•  the  sheet,  the  actual  measurement  being  17.5X7.8  in.  Mathis  not  in  portion 
given  on  map.]     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  43  M  426 

Texas,  Oakville  quadrangle,  lat.  28°  15'-28°  30',  long.  98°-98°  15'.     Scale 

1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical Survey]  edition  of  1927.  17.5X15.5  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  portion 
of  the  sheet.]     1 10c.  1 19.12:43  03  4 

West  Virginia.  Vadis  quadrangle,  lat.  39°-39°  15',  long.  80°  30'-80°  45'.  Scale 
1 :  62.500.  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edition  of 
1927.     17.5X13.7    in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  49  V  146/2 


Employees.     Roster  of  oflScers  of  Indian  service:    [corrected  to  Oct.  1,  1927]. 
[Indian   Print    Shop,    Chilocco   Indian   Agricultural    School,   Chilocco,    Okla., 
Oct.  1.  1927.]      [l]+9  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  19-26311  120.10:927 

Religion.  Indian  religion.  U.  S.  Indian  School,  Phoenix,  Ariz.  [Sept.  10, 
1927].  11  p.  (Bulletin  7.)  [This  bulletin  was  first  issued  in  1922  in 
mimeographed  form.  Text  is  an  excerpt  from  Handbook  of  American  In- 
dians. Ethnology  Bureau  Bulletin  30,  pt.  2.]     t  120.3/2:7/2 


New  recJamation  era,  v.  18,  no.  10;  Oct.  1027.     [1927.]     cover-title,  p.  145-160, 
il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.  C.  card  9-35252  127.5:927/10 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
pr(blems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  .iurisdic- 
tion  of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  ia  advance.  Subscription  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C-,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent.  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 


Nurses.  School  of  nursing,  1927-28,  announcement  and  calendar.  1927.  ii+18 
p.  small  4°     t  1 1.14/2 :  N  93/3/927 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold 
on  subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50 ;  single  copies, 
usually  oc.  In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valua- 
tion decisions  are  desired. 

Hofv  to  order  publications — See  Information  following'  Contents 

230  OaroBER,  1927 

Apples.  No.  17071,  Hunt  Brothers  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Ahnapee  &  Western 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  16,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  579-590+iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12592.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12592 

Aransas  Harbor  Terminal  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  950,  Aransas  Harbor 
Terminal  Railway;  decided  Aug.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  291-307.     (B-574.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *Paper,  5c. 

IG  1.6/la :  B-574 

Automobiles.     No.  18430,  Woodward  Auto  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &       a 
St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. ;    decided  Aug.  18,  1927 ;    report  of  com-      I 
mission.     [1927.]     p.  613-616.     ([Opinion]    12596.)      [From  I.  C.  C  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12596 

Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Finnnce  docket  no.  6282,  bonds  of  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  R.  R.'  and  its  subsidiarie.N  ;  decided  Sept.  7,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  203-210.  ([Finance  decision]  2935.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/l:i :  F-2935 

Bangor  and  Aroostook  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6437,  stock  of  Bangor  & 
Aroostook  Railroad;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  com- 
mis.^ion.  [1927.]  p.  281-282.  ([Finance  decision]  2957.)  [From  I.  C.  C 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2957 

Beets.  No.  15959,  Carfiel  &  Morris  et  al.  v.  New  York  Central  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  24,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [l]+658-668+xii  p.  ([Opinion]  12605.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports.  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12605 

Bennettsville  and  Cheraw  Railroad.     Valuation  docket   no.  966,    Bennettsville 

and  Cheraw  Railroad  Company   (W.  R.  Bon.  al.  lessee)  ;  [decided  Aug.  19, 

1927;      report    of    commission].     1927.     [11+378-393     p.  (B-578.)      [From 

I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c.                ,  IC  1.6/la  :  E-578 

Benzol.  No.  18563,  Caldwell  &  Taylor  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Gulf  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Aug.  18,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +626-628    p.      ([Opinion]     12599.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12599 

Boston    and   Maine  Railroad.     Finance   docket  no.    6503,    bonds    of    Boston    & 

Maine   Railroad;     [decided    Sept.    22,    1927;  report    of   commission].     1927. 

[1] +274-276  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2954.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.1 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2954 

Cambria  and  Indiana  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  498,  Cambria  and 
Indiana  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Aug.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +412-445  p.  (B-580.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-5S0 

Camden  and  Burlington  County  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6138,  abandon- 
ment of  part  of  branch  by  Camden  &  Burlington  County  Railway  and 
Pennsylvania  Railroad;  [decided  Sept.  2,  1927;  report  of  commission  on 
hearing].  1927.  [1] +218-220  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  2940.)  [Froml.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2940 

Car-couplings.  No.  5115,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  circuit.  Fort  Worth 
Belt  Railway  Company  v.  United  States,  error  to  district  court  for  northern 
district  of  Texas ;  brief  and  argument  for  defendant  in  error.  1927.  cover- 
title,  i+16  p.     X  IC  1.13/1 :  F  775/3 

Cases.     Interstate  Commerce  Commission  cases  in  Federal  courts,  1887-1927; 
[prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Administration,  Section  of  Indices.     1927.     lx+152 
p.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27652  IC  1.6/9 :  887-927 

Cattle.  No.  18362,  Ohio  Farm  Bureau  Federation  et  al.  r.  Akron,  Canton  & 
Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  689-692.  ( [Opinion]  12610.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12610 

Ho^  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  231 

Cattle — Continued. 

No.  1S565,  Live  Stock  Freight  Bureau  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Sauta  Fe 

Railway   Company   et    al. ;    decided    Sept.    12,    1927;    report   of   commission. 
[1927.]     p.   721-722.      ([Opinion]    12618.)      [From  I.  C.   C.   reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12618 

Central  of  Georgiu  Railivay.  Finance  docket  no.  6246,  bonds  of  Central  of 
Georgia  Railway;  [decided  Oct.  1,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
292-294   p.    ([Finance    decision]    2962.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  PaiKjr,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2962 

Valuation  docket  no.  60,  Central  of  Georgia  Railway  Company  et  al.; 

[decided  June  24,   1927;   report   of  commission].     1927.      [2] +43-168   p.   il. 
(B-569.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  130.]     *  Paper.  15c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-569 

Central  Railroad  of  New  Jersey.  Finance  docket  no.  6487,  Central  Railroad 
Company  of  New  Jersey  equipment  trust  of  1926:  decided  Sept.  12,  1927; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  249-252.  ([Finance  decision]  2948.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2948 

Chicago  and  Illinois  Midland  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6476,  notes  of 
Chicago  &  Illinois  Midland  Railway;  [decided  Sept.  22,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +270-272  p,  ( [Finance  decision]  2952.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2952 

Cisco  and  Northeastern  Railivay.  Finance  docket  no.  6454,  notes  of  Cisco  & 
Northeastern  Ry. ;  decided  Sept.  7,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  211-212.      ([Finance  decision]    2936.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2936 

Clinton  and  OTclahora<i  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6224,  construction 
of  lines  by  Clinton  &  Oklahoma  Western  Railroad  and  Clinton-Oklahoma- 
Western  Railroad  Company  of  Texas;  decided  Sept.  2,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  253-257.  ([Finance  decision]  2949.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2949 

Coal.  No.  18055,  Erie  Railroad  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago  &  North  Western 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927 ;  i-eport  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  743-746.      ([Opinion]    12624.)      [From   I.  C.   C.   reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12624 

Colorado  and  Wyoming  Railicay.  Valuation  docket  no.  808,  Colorado  &  Wyo- 
ming Railway  Company ;  [decided  Aug.  12, 1927 ;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +446-474  p.     (B-581.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-581 

Cotton  goods.  No.  18948,  Southern  Traffic  &  Audit  Association  v.  International- 
Great  Northern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  723-724.  ( [Opinion]  12619.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12619 

Cotton-seed.  No.  18674,  Eblin  &  Company  v.  Nashville,  Chattanooga  &  St. 
Louis  Railway  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  629-631.     ([Opinion]  12600.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12600 

Co^oUtz,  Chehalis  and  Cascade  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  4688,  construction 
of  extension  by  Cowlitz.  Chehalis  &  Cascade  Railway;  [approved  Sept.  14, 
1927;  supplemental  order].  1927.  [1] +220-221  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2941.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2941 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  (valuation  rejKJrts),  Oct.-Dec. 
1926.  1927.  vii+921  p.  map.  (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports, 
V.  119. )     *  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  8-30656  IC  1.6/1 :  119 

Note. — The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  assigns  a  volume  in  the  series  of 
reports  at  various  times  which  contains  only  valuation  dockets.  This  is  true  regarding 
V.  119  here  catalogued. 

De^nopolis  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6492,  purchase  of  properties 
of  Demopolis  Telephone  Company  by  Southern  Bell  Telephone  <&  Telegraph 

Ho^v  to  order  pabllcations — See  Information  following  Contents 

232  October,  1927 

Demopolis  Telephone  Company — Contintied. 

Company;  decided  Sept.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  287-288. 
([Finance  decision]  2960.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-296a 

Etna  and  Montrose  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1000,  Etna  and  Montrose 
Raili'oad  Company ;  decided  Aug.  12.  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  277-290.      (B-573.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   130.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-57S 

Fluxing  stone.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2910,  fluxing  limestone 
from  and  to  points  in  Trunk  Line  Association  territory;  [decided  Aug.  6, 
1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +574-578+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion]  12591.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   129.]      *  Paper,   5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12591 

Fort  Worth  and  Denver  South  Plains  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6421,  stock 
of  Fort  Worth  &  Denver  South  Plains  Railway :  decided  Sept.  9,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  22.5-229.  ([Finance  decision]  2943.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2943 

Fox  and  Illinois  Union  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5264,  deficit  settlement 
with  Fox  &  Illinois  Union  Ry. ;  decided  Sept.  2.  1927 ;  report  of  commissioner 
[commission].  [1927.]  p.  193-194.  ([Finance  decision]  2932.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2932 

Freight  rates.  No.  240,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Brimstone  Railroad 
and  Canal  Company  v.  United  States,  Louisiana  Western  Railroad  Company, 
Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company,  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commis- 
sion, appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district  of  Louisiana,  Lake 
Charles  division :  brief  for  Interstate  Commerce  Commission.  1927.  cover- 
title,  iv+64  p.     X  IC  1.13/1 :  B  77/2 

No.  17700.   Baldwin   Hardware   Company   et  al.    v.   director  general,   as 

agent;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927  ;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +708-710  p. 
([Opinion]    12615.)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,   v.   129.]      *  Paper,   5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12615 

Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged  to 
operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for 
switching  locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing 
172  steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Aug. 
1927  and  1926  [and]  8  months  ended  with  Aug.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.  30 :  927/8 

Granite.  No.  16978,  West  Texas  Chamber  of  Commerce  et  al.  v.  Houston 
«fe  Texas  Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Aug.  5,  1927 ;  report 
and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+546-556+v  p.  ([Opinion]  12586.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12586 

No.  18110,  Plymouth  Quarries,  Incorporates! .  v.  New  York,  New  Haven 

&  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  18,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  621-625 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12.598.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12598 

Illinois  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  2777.  construction,  etc.,  of  cut-oCF 
for  Illinois  Central  Railroad ;  approved  Sept.  22.  1927 :  order.  1927.  p.  273. 
([Finance  decision]  2953.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  F-2953 

Finance  docket    no.    6471.    Illinois    Central    equipment    trust,    series    O ; 

decided  Aug.  26,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  189-192.  ([Finance 
decision]    2931.)      [From   I.    C.   C.   reports,   v.    131.]      *  Paper,    5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2931 

Illinois  Terminal  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  630,  Illinois  Terminal  Rail- 
road Company;  [decided  Aug.  12.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
326-352  p.     (B-576.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-576 

Kansas  City  and  Grandview  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  3125,  construction 
of  line  by  Kansas  City  &  Grandview  Railway ;  approved  Sept.  7,  1927 ;  order. 

How  to  order  pnblloatlons— See  Information  following  Content* 

October,  1927  233 

Kansas  City  and  Orandview  Railway — Continued. 

1927.     p.  213.      ([Finance  decision]   2937.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2937 

Lake  Erie  and  Fort  Wayne  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6419,  extension  of 
line  by  Lake  Erie  &  Fort  Wayne  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Sept.  14,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +214-217  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2938.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2938 

Lake  Superior  Terminal  and  Transfer  Railicay  of  Wisconsin.  Valuation  docket 
no.  862,  Lake  Superior  Terminal  and  Transfer  Railway  Company  of  Wiscon- 
sin;  decided  Aug.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  353-377. 
(B-577.)     [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  L6/la  :  B-577 

Lehigh  and  Neia  England  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6465,  Lehigh  &  New 
England  equipment  trust,  series  F ;  [decided  Aug.  26,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [l]-f  182-185  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  2929.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2920 

Lime.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2874,  lime  between  southern 
points.  4th  section  application  no.  600  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  report 
[and  orders]  of  commission.  [1927.]  635-644+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12602.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12602 

Louisiana  and  Arkansas  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6462.  note  of  Louisiana 
&  Arkansas  Railway;  [decided  Aug.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +180-182  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2928.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-292S 

Louisville  and  Nashville  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6463.  abandonment  of 
part  of  branch  line  by  Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  Company ;  decided 
Sept.  26,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  295-296.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 2963.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  F-2963 

Lumber.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2921,  restriction  of  transit 
privileges  on  lumber  at  Chicago,  111. ;  decided  Sent.  19,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  669-671+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12606.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12606 

Mineral  Range  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6355,  abandonment  of  branch  line 
by  Mineral  Range  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927 :  rep''irt  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  279-280.  ([Finance  decision]  2956.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2956 

Minnesota  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5134,  construction  of  extension 
by  Minnesota  Western  Railroad  Company ;  approved  Sept.  9,  1927 ;  order. 
1927.     p.  217.     ([Finance  decision]  2939.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2939 

Misrouting.  No.  17155,  Dyersburg  Milling  Company  v.  director  general  et  al. ; 
decided  Sept.  22,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  739-742.  ( [Opinion] 
12623.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12623 

No.   17610,  Windsor  Broom  Company  v.   Central   Railroad   Company  of 

New  Jersey  et  al. ;   decided   Sept.   12,  1927:   report  of  crmmission.      [1927.] 
p.  705-707.     ([Opinion]  12614.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12614 

Missouri  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6109,  bonds  of  Missouri  Pacific 
Railroad;  decided  Sept.  30,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   289-291.      ([Finance  decision]    2961.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2961 

Montgomery  and  Erie  Railicray.  Finance  docket  no.  6524,  Montgomery  &  Erie 
Railway  bonds;  decided  Oct.  1.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.1  p.  297- 
298.     ([Finance  decision]  2964.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2964 

Muskegon  Railway  and  Navigation  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6141,  control 
of  Muskegon  Railway  &  Navigation  Company ;  decided  Aug.  15,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  165-178.  ([Finance  decision]  2926.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2926 

HOTT  to  order  publications — See  information  follofvlns  Contents 

234  October,  1927 

New  York  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  3381,  New  York  Central  Rail- 
road stock;  approved  Aug.  18,  1927;  supplemental  order.  1927.  p.  179.  ([Fi- 
nance decision]  2927.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2927 

New  Y(yrk,  New  Haven  and  Hartford  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6441,  stock, 
of  New  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad ;  decided  Sept.  9,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  233-240,  ([Finance  decision]  2945.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2945 

Ohio  River  and  Western  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5808,  abandonment  of 
portion  of  line  by  Ohio  River  &  Western  Railway ;  [decided  Sept.  9,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +258-264  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2950.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2950 

Pacific  and  Idaho  Northern  Railvyay.  Valuation  docket  no.  100,  Pacific  &  Idaho 
Northern  Railway;  decided  July  8,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  169-188.     (B-570.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-570 

Peaches.  No.  18865,  Purse  Brothers  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927:  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
727-729+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12621.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12621 

Peoria  Railway  Terminal  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  84.  Peoria  Railway 
Terminal  Company;  decided  Aug.  12.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  475-496.     (B-582.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :B-582 

Pere  Marquette  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  260,  Pere  Marquette  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  July  8,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [2]  + 
497-596  p.  il.     (B-583.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper.  10c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-583 

Philadelphia,  Baltimore  and  Washington  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6423, 
bonds  of  Philadelphia,  Baltimore  &  Washington  Railroad :  [decided  Sept.  13. 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +222-224  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2942.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2942 

Pipe.     No.  18586,   National  Tube  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &   Santa   Fe 

Railway    Company    et    al. ;    decided    Sept.  22,    1927 ;    report    of   commission. 

[1927.]     p.  693-696.      ([Opinion]    12611.)  [From   I.  C.  C.   reports,  v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12611 

Pittsburg,  Bessemer  and  Lake  Erie  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6470,  bonds 
of  Pittsburg.  Bessemer  &  Lake  Erie  R.  R. ;  decided  Sept.  21,  1927 ;  report  of 
commissicn.  [1927.]  p.  283-284.  ([Finance  deision]  2958.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.e/la  :  F-295S 

Poles.  No.  17593,  National  Pole  Company  v.  Great  Northern  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 :  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing. 
[1927.]     p.  697-700.      ([Opinion]    12612.)      [From   I.  C.   C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  /la  :  12612 

Potatoes.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2879,  potatoes  and  vegetables 
from  western  points  to  points  in  Arkansas,  Tennessee,  Kentucky,  Missouri, 
and  Oklahoma;  [decided  Sept.  15,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +652-657+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12604.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  ^la  :  12604 

Quebracho.  No.  18525,  Hermann  Oak  Leather  Company  v.  Central  of  Georgia 
Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  725-727.      ([Opinion]    12620.)      [From  I.   C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     a 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12620    \ 

Railroad  accidents.    Report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Safety  in  re  investigation 
of  accident  which  occurred  on   St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway  near  Vic- 
toria, Miss.,  on  Oct.  27,  1925   [accompanied  by  report  of  engineer-physicist]. 
[1927.]     102  p.  il.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  A  27-464  IC  1  acci.5  :  V  66 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  foIlOTrins  Contents 

October,  1927  235 

Railroad  accidents — Continued. 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  June,  1927   [and  6 

months  ending  with  June,  1927,  with  quarterly  summaries  by  roads  and 
States,  Apr.- June,  1927;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics,  June,  1927. 
[8]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.31 :  927/6 

Same,  July,  1927  [and  7  months  ending  with  July,  1927;  prepared  in] 

Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  re- 
vision.]    t  IC  1  ste.31 :  927/7 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies]  July,  1927;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     [4]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8"    t     IC  1  ste.2o  :  927/7 

Railroad  sivitches.  No.  95,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Cleveland, 
Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  v.  United  States,  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission,  et  al. ;  brief  for  Int(»rstate  Commerce  Commis- 
sion.   1927.    cover-title,  i+32  p.    t  IC  1.13/1 :  C  599/2 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service 
statistics  representing  171  railways  and  from  146  reports  of  passenger 
service  statistics  representing  166  railways  (switching  and  terminal  com- 
panies not  included),  Aug.  1927  and  1926  [and  8  months  ended  with  Aug. 
1927  and  1926;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  [2]  p. 
oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.  21 :  927/8 

Operating  revenues  and  oi)erating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
183  steam  railways,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies,  Aug.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  8  months  ended  with  Aug.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revision.] 
t  IC  1  ste.  19 :  927/8 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  roads,  selected 

items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000,  Aug.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  8  months  ended  with  Aug.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to 
revision.  ]     f  IC  1  ste.  20 :  927/8 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  roads,  selected  items  for  Aug.  1927, 

compared  with  Aug.  1926,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     f  IC  1  ste.  22  :  927/8 

Revenue  traffic  statistics  of  class   1   steam  railways  in  United   States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  July,  1927 
and  1926  [and]  7  months  ended  with  July,  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  July,  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revision.] 
t  IC  1  ste.  24 :  927/7 

Reconsignment.  No.  18544,  H.  Sofranscy  Company  v.  Reading  Company ; 
decided  Aug.  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  617-620. 
([Opinion]  12597.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper.  5e. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12597 

Rutland  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  307.  Rutland  Railroad  Company  et  al. ; 
[decided  June  17,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [2] -f 205-276  p.  il. 
(B-572.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  lOe.      IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-572 

St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6455,  securities  of  St. 
Louis-San  Francisco  Railway  and  certain  subsidiaries ;  decided  Sept.  2,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  195-199.  ([Finance  decision]  2933.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2933 

Sashes.  No.  17558,  Farley  &  Loetscher  Manufacturing  Company  et  al.  v. 
Akron,  Canton  &  Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  15, 
1927  ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  645-651+iii  p.  ( [Opinion] 
12603.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12603 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  follorring  Contents 

236  OcToiim,  1927 

Seaboard  Air  Line  Raihoay.  Finance  docket  no.  6481,  bonds  of  Seaboard  Air 
Line  Railway ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  rei)ort  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
241-244.      ([Finance    decision]    2946.)       [From    I.    C.    0.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/1  a  :  F-2946 

Finance  docket  no.  6482,  bonds  of  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway ;  decided 

Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  245-248.  ([Finance 
decision]  2947.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/1  a :  F-2947 

Slate  Belt  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6477,  pur- 
chase of  properties  of  Slate  Belt  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Oompany  by  Lehigh 
Telephone  Company ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  285-286.      ([Finance  decision]   2959.)      [From  I.  O.   0.   reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/1  a  :  F-2959 

South  Buffalo  Railway,  pefore  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valuation 
docket  no.  921,  in  matter  of  tentative  valuation  of  property  of  South  Buffalo 
Railway  Co. ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+53  p.     $  10  1  val.  8 :  So  87 

Southern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  4360,  abandonment  of  Morristown- 
Corryton  line  by  Southern  Railway;  [decided  Sept.  9,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission on  further  hearing].  1927.  [1] -1-264-269  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2951.)      [From  L  0.  0.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5e.  10  1.6/la  :  F-2951 

Stephenville  North  and  SoutJi  Texas  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  3459,  control 
of  Stephenville  North  &  South  Texas  Railway  by  St.  Louis  Southwestern 
Railway  Company  of  Texas ;  decided  Sept.  19,  1927 ;  2d  supplemental  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  277-278.  ([Finance  decision]  2955.)  [From 
L  C.  0.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/1  a :  F-2955 

Sugar.  No.  16796,  McClintock-Trunkey  Company  et  al.  v.  McCormick  Steam- 
ship Oompany  et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  16,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  591-606+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12593.)  [Report  from  I.  0.  0.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12593 

Switching  charges.  No.  18008,  New  England  Brick  Company  et  al.  v.  Boston 
&  Maine  Railroad ;  decided  Aug.  16,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  607-610+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12594.)  [Report  from  I.  0.  0.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la :  12594 

No.  18923,  Southern  Kansas  Millers  Club  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 

Santa  Fe  Railway  Company;  [decided  Aug.  18,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [1] -1-632-634  p.  ([Opinion]  12601.)  [From  I.  0.  0.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12601  Southeastern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  615,  Texas  South-Eastern 
Railroad  Company;  [decided  Aug.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] -1-308-325  p.     (B-575.)     [From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  B-575 

Text-hooks.  No.  18621,  Wheeler  Publishing  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Companv  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  22,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [l]-h672-674  p.  ([Opinion]  12607.)  [From  I.  O.  0.  re- 
ports, V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12607 

Toledo  and  Cincinnati  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6420,  construction  of  ex- 
tensions by  Toledo  &  Cincinnati  Railroad;  [decided  Aug.  18.  1927;  report 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] -1-186-188  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2930.)  [From 
I.  0.  C.  reports,  v.  131,]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  F-2930 

Tomatoes.  No.  15831,  Grovier-Starr  Produce  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island 
&  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  711-716.  ([Opinion]  12616.)  [From 
I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.     •  10  1.6/la  :  12616 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  15-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device  of  General 
Railway  Signal  Company  on  Fayetteville  district  of  1st  division  of  Atlantic 
Coast  Line  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Sept.  17,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [l]-t- 700-705  p.  ([Opioion]  12613.)  [From  I.  0.  0.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10 1.6/la  :  12613 

HoTf  to  order  publications — See  infonuation  follofvingr  Contents 


October,  1927  237 

Union  Terminal  Company  {Dallas,  Tex.).  Valuation  docket  no.  734,  Union 
Terminal  Company  (Dallas,  Tex.)  ;  decided  Aug.  12,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion.    [1927.]     p.    393-411.     (B-579.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    130.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-579 

Varnish.  No.  lS284,Peaslee-Gaulbert  Company  v.  Southern  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Aug.  18,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  611-612. 
([Opinion]  12595.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10 1.6/la :  12595 

Vegetable  fibers.  No.  17917,  Wall  Rope  Works  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany ;  decided  Sept.  7,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
717-720+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12617.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  .  IC  1.6/la :  12617 

Western  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6183,  Western  Pacific  Railroad 
bonds;  [decided  Sept.  2,  192T;  supplemental  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +200-202  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2934.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2934 

Wilmington  and  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6483,  Wilmington  & 
Northern  Railroad  bonds;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +230-232  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2944.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2944 

Wool.  No.  17384,  Boston  Wool  Trade  Association  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  681-688.     ([Opinion]    12609.)      [From  I.   C.   O.   reports,   v.   129.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12609 


Acme  Coal  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-299,  Acme  Coal  Company  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  answer  and  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  47-49.     $ 

J  1.13  :  Ac  65 

Alexander,  A.  J.  A.  Nos.  4973  and  4974,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  6th  circuit, 
Oct.  term,  1926,  Robert  H.  Lucas,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  district  of 
Kentucky,  v.  A.  J.  A.  Alexander ;  A.  J.  A.  Alexander  v.  Robert  H.  Lucas,  col- 
lector of  internal  revenue  for  district  of  Kentucky,  error  and  cross  error 
from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit  to  district  court  for  western  dis- 
trict of  Kentucky;  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error  in  no.  4973  [and]  brief  for 
defendant  in  error  in  no.  4974.    1927.    cover-title,  i+37  p.    $  J  1.13  :  Al  26 

American  Bronze  Powder  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
F-362,  American  Bronze  Powder  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States ;  defend- 
ant's objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request 
for  findings  of  fact,  statutes,  and  brief.     [1927.]    p.  39^7.    t  J  1.13  :  Am  3/116 

Arents,  George.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-218,  Farmers'  Loan  &  Trust  Com- 
pany, George  Arents,  jr.,  Annie  A.  Arents,  as  executors  of  George  Arents,  v. 
United  States;  brief  of  defendant,  with  request  for  findings.  [1927.] 
p.  81-106.     t  J  1.13  :  Ar  33/2 

Atwater,  William  C,  d  Co.,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-125, 
William  C.  Atwater  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  129-16L    %  J  1.13:  At  94/7 

No.  17,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  William  C.  Atwater  &  Com- 
pany, Incorporated,  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for 
United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  i+14  p.     $  J  1.13 :  At  94/6 

Avery,  Thomas  J.  No.  5136,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Oct. 
term,  1927,  Thomas  J.  Avery  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  error  to 
Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+26  p.    t  J  1.13  :  Av  38/2 

Bethlehem  Steel  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-454,  Bethlehem  Steel 
Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  35-39.     % 

J  1.13  :  B  465/26 

Bow  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

238  October,  1927 

Blodgett,  John.  W.  No.  154,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  W. 
Blodgett  V.  Charles  Holden,  collector  of  internal  revenue,  on  certificate  from 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  collector.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+29  p.     $  J  1.13  :  B  621/2 

Boston  Sand  and  Gravel  Company.  No.  551,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Boston  Sand  and  Gravel  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit;  brief  for  United  States. 
1927.    cover-title,  i+5  p.    $  J  1.13  :  B  657/12 

Braden,  Glenn  T.  Nos.  219  and  220,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  D.  B. 
Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania,  v. 
Colonial  Trust  Company,  executor  of  Glenn  T.  Braden ;  C.  G.  Lewellyn, 
former  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania,  v. 
[same]  ;  brief  on  behalf  of  petitioners.       1927.     cover-title,  i-f  12  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  B  727/11 

Brimstone  Railroad  and  Canal  Company.  No.  240,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Brimstone  Railroad  &  Canal  Company  v.  United  States,  Louisiana 
Western  Railroad  Company,  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company,  and 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  appeal  from  district  court  for  western 
district  of  Louisiana ;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  ii+3S  p.    t 

J  1.13  :  B  77/6 

Brovm,  D.  H.  No.  5133,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  D.  H. 
Brown,  by  James  A.  Mitchell,  guardian,  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.     1927.     cover-title,  ii4-34  p.     i 

J  1.13  :  B  812/8 

Brovcn,  Herbert  W.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-51,  Chase  National  Bank  of 
city  of  New  York  [et.  al.],  as  executors  of  Herbert  W.  Brown,  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  1-34.    %  J  1.13  :  B  813/16 

Bullard,  William  H.  G.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-104,  William  H.  G.  Bullard 
v.  United  States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  35-73.     %  J  1.13  :  B  872/3 

Campbell  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-80,  Campbell  Electric 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report. 
[1927.]     p.  17-21.     $  J  1.13  :  C  153/2 

Cape  May,  N.  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-618,  city  of  Cape  May,  municipal 
corporation  of  New  Jersey,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  request  for  findings 
of  fact  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  389-402.    J  J  1.13  :  C  17/7 

Cape  May  Real  Estate  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-669,  Frank  D. 
Schroth,  receiver  [of  Cape  May  Real  Estate  Company,  corporation  of  New 
Jersey],  v.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner, 
request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  100-113.     I    J  1.13  :  C  17/8 

Casey,  Thomas  J.  No.  500,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Thomas  J. 
Casey  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.     cover-title,  i+9  p.    t 

J  1.13 :  C  268 

Chapman,  Adelaide  F.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-204,  Adelaide  F.  Chapman  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  reply  to  plaintiff's  motion  for  new  trial.  [1927.] 
p.  1-3.     t  J  1.13 :  C  366/8 

Chimney  Rock  Company.  No.  461,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Chimney 
Rock  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court 
of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+6  p.    + 

J  1.13  :  C  44/2 

Clinchfield  Navigation  Company,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-119, 
Clinchfield  Navigation  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  brief  of  defendant. 
[1927.]     p.  51-75.     t  J  1.13:0  615/2 

Colgate  d  Co.  No.  F-101,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Colgate  and  Company  v.  United 
States ;  statement  of  case,  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for 
findings  of  fact  and  conclusions  of  law,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  and  brifef.    1927.     cover-title,  iii+103-128  p.     $  J  1.13  :  C  681/9 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  follofvlns  Contents 

October,  1927  239 

Coliseum  Battery  Company,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-86,  Coli- 
seum Battery  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to 
commissioner's  report.     [1927.]     p.  17-20.     t  J  1.13 :  C  682 

■Cook,  Frederick  A.  No.  539,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Frederick  A. 
Cook  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  5th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover- 
title,  ii+27  p.     i  J  1.13  :  C  771/4 

Detroit,  Toledo  and  Ironton  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-566,  Detroit, 
Toledo  &  Ironton  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  counter- 
claim.    [1927.]     p.  5-9.     t  J  1.13  :D  484/9 

Donnelley,  John  P.  No.  110,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  P.  Don- 
nelley V.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit ;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  ii-|-17  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  D  718/5 

Electric  Reduction  Company.  No.  71,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  C.  G. 
Lewellyn,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  United  States  [in 
vpestern  district  of  Pennsylvania],  v.  Electric  Reduction  Company,  on  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  petitioner.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+14  p.     $  J  1.13  :  El  25/18 

Ex-Cel  Battery  Works.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-79,  Ex-Cel  Battery  Works  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.  [1927.]  p. 
19-24.     t  J  1.13  :  Ex  22/2 

Feather  River  Lum'ber  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-68,  Feather  River 
Lumber  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's 
request  for  findings  of  fact,  statutes,  brief.     [1927.]     p.  47-70.     t 

J  1.13  :  F  313 

Fidelity  Union  Trust  Company.  No.  3621,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  cir- 
cuit, Frank  C.  Ferguson,  late  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  5th  district  of 
New  Jersey,  v.  Fidelity  Union  Trust  Company ;  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error. 
1927.     cover-title,  ii-f41  p.     t  J  1.13  :  F  448/16 

Freeland,  Chester  V.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-621,  Chester  V.  Freeland  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  29^3.     %  J  1.13  :F  876 

Gambino,  Rosario.  No.  226,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Rosario  Gam- 
bino  and  Joseph  Lima  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+28  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  G  143 

irauley  Mountain  Coal  Company.  No.  2635,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th 
circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Gauley  Mountain  Coal  Company  v.  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ; 
brief  for  respondent.     1927.     cover-title,  i  4-25  p.     t  J  1.13:0  235/3 

General  Storage  Battery  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-85,  General  Stor- 
age Battery  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commis- 
sioner's report.     [1927.]     p.  21-25.     t  J  1.13  :  G  286/13 

Grays  Harbor  Motorship  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  B-12,  Grays 
Harbor  Motorship  Corporation  v.  United  States;  answer  and  counterclaim. 
[1927.]     p.  77-78.     %  J  1.13 :  G  795/4 

Harper,  Carl  B.  Interference  no.  51019,  in  Patent  OflSce,  before  board  of  ap- 
peals from  decision  of  examiner  of  interferences,  Carl  Brown  Harper  v.  Paul 
G.  Zimmerman ;  brief  for  Harper.     1927.     cover-title,  ii-f  46  p.  il.     % 

J  1.13  :  H  231 

Healey  Aeroplane  Bus  Company,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-174, 
Healey  Aeroplane  Bus  Company  (Inc.)  v.  United  States;  demurrer.  [1927.] 
p.  12-20.     I  J  1.13  :  H  349/3 

Hofmann-Sproul  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1200,  Hofmann-Sproul 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  report  of  commissioner 
and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  25-31.     %  J  1.13 :  H  677 

Ho^v  to  order  publication* — See  information  follo^ving  Contents 

240  October,  1927 

Houghton,  Harry  W.  No.  2662,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  4th  circuit,  Harry  W. 
Houghton  V.  United  States,  appeal  from  district  court  foi:  district  of  Mary- 
land at  Baltimore;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title,  ii+60  p.  lara,e 
8°     t  J  1.13  :  H  814/5 

Howard,  Elmer  A.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no,  F-177,  Mary  L.  Howard,  as  admin- 
istratrix of  Elmer  Addison  Howard,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections 
to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  71-93.     %  J  1.13  :H  832/5 

Hutterische  Church.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-451,  David  Hofer  et  al.,  trus- 
tees of  Hutterische  Church  [Elmspring,  S.  Dak.],  v.  United  States;  defend- 
ant's request  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusions  of  law,  and  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  79-102.     t  J  1.13 :  H  977 

Jasper,  Robert  T.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-596,  William  G.  DuBose,  adminis- 
trator of  Robert  T.  Jasper,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  45-51.     t  J  1.13  :  J  312 

Jew  Lee.  No.  522,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  William  H.  Wohlstatter, 
next  friend  of  Jew  Lee,  v.  A.  W.  Brough,  Chinese  inspector  in  charge  at  port 
of  New  York,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
2d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+4  p.     } 

J  1.13  :  J  54 

Juilliard,  Augustus  D.  No.  483,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Ceniral 
Union  Trust  Company  of  New  York  [et  al.],  as  executors  of  Augustus  D. 
Juilliard,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of 
Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i-f-7  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  J  939/4 

KaUenhach,  Charles  E.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-583,  Charles  E.  Kaltenbach  v. 
United  States ;  statement  of  case,  question  involved,  and  defendant's  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  37-43.     %  J  1.13  :K  127/3 

In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-584,  Charles  E.  Kaltenbach  v.  United  States ; 

statement    of   case,    statutes,    regulations,    and    defendant's    brief.      [1927.] 
p.  25-37.     X  J  1.13  :K  127/4 

Eanner,  Leon.  No.  562,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Leon  Kanuer, 
Joseph  Kanner,  and  Max  Kanner  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States 
in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i +9  p.     |  J  1.13 :  K  133/17 

Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1209, 
Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief. 
[1927.]     p.    1^0.     t  J  1.13  :L  198/4 

Leonard,  Henry.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-52,  Henry  Leonard  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact, 
defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  25-37.     $ 

J  1.13 :  L  552 

Lihby,  McNeill  d  LiMy.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-607,  Libby,  McNeill  &  Libby, 
Maine  corporation,  v.  United  States;  amended  counterclaim.  [1927.]  p. 
55-57.     t  J  1.13  :  L  614/4 

Same;   defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.   83-89.     t  J  1.13  :L 614/5 

Livingston,  Thomas  M.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-105,  Thomas  M.  Livingston 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief.  [1927.] 
p.    569-581.     t  J  1.13  :L  762 

McKane,  George  N.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-256,  George  N.  McKane  v. 
United  States;  demurrer.     [1927.]     p.  12-17.     t  J  1.13  :M  191/2 

McKnight,  Samuel  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-78,  Samuel  H.  McKnight  v. 
United    States;    defendant's    brief.     [1927.]     p.    61-77.     t  J  1.13 :M 219 

Maine  Co-Operatwe  Sardine  Company.  In  equity,  no.  — ,  in  district  court  for 
district  of  Maine,  United  States  v.  Maine  Co-Operative  Sardine  Company  et 
al. ;   decree.     1927.     cover-title,  7  p.  large  8°     J  J  1.13 :  M  284/3 

Same ;  petition.     1927.     cover-title,  16  p.  large  8"     $         J  1.13 :  M  284/2 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  241 

Mandel,  Fred  L.  No.  3922,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit,  Oct.  term, 
1926,  Fred  L.  Mandel  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
petition  for  review  of  order  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  commissioner 
of  internal  revenue.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+17  p.  large  8°     t     J  1.13  :  M  312/8 

Marcus,  Jacoh.  No.  570,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Jacob  Marcus  and 
Benjamin  Marcus  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+12  p.     t  J  1.13  :  M  334/7 

Marron,  Joseph  E.  No.  185,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Joseph  E. 
Marron  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.     cover-title,  11+53  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  M  349/3 

Mason,  F.  H.  No.  152,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  F.  H.  Mason  v.  C.  F. 
Routzahn,  collector  of  internal  revenue,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent.     1927.     cover-title,  i+27  p.    | 

J  1.13  :  M  38/28 

Matthiessen,  F.  W.,  jr.  No.  F-333,  in  Court  of  Claims,  F.  W.  Matthiessen,  jr., 
V.  United  States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  1927. 
cover-title,   iii+91-143   p.     %  J  1.13  :M  433 

Mesce,  Frank  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-558,  Frank  H.  Mesce  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  67-83.     t  J  1.13 :  M  56/3 

Milwaukee  Patent  Leather  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-682,  Julius  J. 
Goetz,  trustee  in  bankniptcy  of  Milwaukee  Patent  Leather  Company,  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  1-6.     $  J  1.13 :  M  648/2 

Montgomery,  John  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  33852,  Regina  Cleary  Montgom- 
ery, heir,  and  Richard  J.  Montgomery  [et  al.],  assignees  of  Ellen  Montgomery, 
heir  of  John  J.  Montgomery,  v.  United  States ;  supplemental  brief  for  defend- 
ant.    [1927.]     p.  1673-75.     t  J  1.13  :M  766/6 

Murray,  Glen.  No.  394,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  v. 
Glen  Murray,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit ; 
brief   on   behalf   of   United    States.     1927.     cover-title,   ii+32   p.     $ 

J  1.13 :  M  963 

National  Electric  Eig-naling  Company.  No.  34664,  in  Court  of  Claims,  National 
Electric  Signaling  Company,  Samuel  M.  Kiutner  and  Halsey  M.  Barrett, 
receivers  of  National  Electric  Signaling  Company,  and  International  Radio 
Telegraph  Company  v.  United  States ;  objections  to  claimants'  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  defendant's 
brief.     1927.     cover-title,  i+333-346  p.     t  J  1.13 :  N  213/49 

Nevada-CaUfomia-Oregon  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-42,  Nevada- 
California-Oregon  Railway  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  and 
objections  to  report  of  commissioner,  and  request  for  findings  of  fact  in  lieu 
thereof.     [1927.]     p.  115-123.     t  J  1.13  :N  411/2 

New  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railway.  No.  5152,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals, 
5th  circuit,  United  States  v.  New  Orleans,  Texas  &  Mexico  Railway  Company 
and  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company,  error  to  district  court  for 
western  district  of  Louisiana,  Ben  C.  Dawkins,  district  judge ;  brief  and 
argument  for  plaintiff  in  error.     1927.     cover-title,  30  p.     |      J  1.13  :  N  42o/6 

New  River  CLolHei-ies  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-170,  New  River 
Collieries  Company,  corporation  organized  and  existing  under  laws  of  New 
Jersey,  and  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Coal  and  Coke  Company,  corporation  organ- 
ized and  existing  under  laws  of  West  Virginia,  selling  agent  of  New  River 
Collieries  Company,  to  use  of  New  River  Collieries  Company,  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  objections  to  tentative  findings  of  fact.     [1927.]    p.  1-8.    t 

J  1.13  :  N  42r/7 

Norton,  Lewis  G.  No.  502,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Lewis  G.  Norton 
V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  5th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title,  1+17 
p.     t  J  1.13  :  N  825/2 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  follo^ving  Contents 

242  October,  1927 

Oesterlein  Machine  Company.  No.  210,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  v.  Oesterlein  Machine 
Company,  on  vrrit  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia ; 
brief  for  petitioner.     1927.     cover-title,  ii +45  p.     $  J  1.13 :  Oe8/6 

Okatiogan  Indians.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-121,  Okanogan  et  al.  Indians  v. 
United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief  in  support  of  demuri'er],  [1927.]  p.  53- 
73.     t  J  1.13  :  Ok  1/3 

Opinions.  [Official  opinions  of  Attorneys  General]  v.  35,  [signatures]  15-18. 
[1927.]     p.  223-286. 

L.  C.  card  12-40693  J  1.5/a  :  35/15-18 

Note.— The  opinions  of  the  Attorney  General  are  first  issued  in  signatures  heing 
published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  75c.  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  opinions  in  separate 
parts  as  they  are  issued.  Prices  for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Panama  Rubber  and  Equipment  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-87, 
•Panama  Rubber  and  Equipment  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.     [1927.]     p.  17-20.     $        J  1.13 :  P  191/8 

Piclier,  Oliver  8.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-69,  Emily  Stanton  Piclier  and  First 
Trust  and  Savings  Bank,  as  cotrustees  of  estate  of  Oliver  Sheppard  Piclier,  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  55-76.     t  J  1.13 :  P  583 

Pittsburgh  Hotels  Company.  No.  406,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Pittsburgh  Hotels  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title, 
i-f  5  p.     J  J  1.13  :  P  687/12 

Pleich,  John,  sr.  No.  499,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  Pleich,  sr.,  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
9th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927.  cover-title,  i-(-7 
p.     t  J  1.13 :  P  712 

Rainbow  Battery  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-82,  Rain- 
bow Battery  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to 
commissioner's  report.     [1927.]     p.  19-23.     $  J  1.13 :  R 134/2 

Register  of  Department  of  Justice  and  courts  of  United  States;  compiled  by 
appointment  clerk    [Charles   B.    Sornborger].     32d  edition.     Sept.    15,   1927. 
xiii+115  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  3-11924  J  1,7 :  32 

Rieck,  Edward  E.  No.  3677,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Edward  E.  Rieck  v.  D.  B.  Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d 
district  of  Pennsylvania,  error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Penn- 
sylvania ;  brief  for  defendant  in  error.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.     $ 


Roth,  W.  A.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit,  no.  5183,  David  H.  Blair, 
commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  v.  W.  A.  Roth ;  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error. 
1927.     cover-title,  ii+29  p.     $  J  1.13  :  R  742 

San  Antonio  Battery  Service.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-84,  Lester  C.  Reals 
and  F.  W.  Beals,  doing  business  as  San  Antonio  Battery  Service,  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.  [1927.]  p. 
19-23.     +  J  1.13  :  Sa  51/2 

Santa  Rosa  Pueblo,  Ariz.  No.  511,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1926,  Pueblo  of 
Santa  Rosa  v.  Albert  B.  Fall,  Secretary  of  Interior,  and  William  Spry,  com- 
missioner of  General  Land  Office,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of 
District  of  Columbia ;  motion  to  correct  decree  and  mandate  to  conform  to 
opinion  of  court.     1927.     cover-title,  4  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Sa  59/9 

Segurola,  Augustin.  No.  195,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Augustin 
Segurola  and  Manuel  Santiago  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
i+20  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Se  39/2 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  follovringr  Contents 

October,  1927  243 

Siegel,  A.  J.  No.  319,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  May  tenii, 
1927,  Annie  L.  Siegel  and  St.  Louis  Union  Trust  Co.,  executors  of  A.  J.  Siegel, 
V.  David  PI.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review 
decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
respondents,  on  motion  to  dismiss.    1927.    cover-title,  i+21  p.    1:  J  1.13  :  Si  15/5 

Sperry  Gyroscope  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-38,  Sperry  Gyroscope 
Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  memorandum].  [1927.]  p. 
37-51.     %  J  1.13  :Sp  37/6 

Standard,  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-81,  Benjamin  Dubinski, 
doing  business  as  Standard  Electric  Company,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.     [1927.]     p.  19-23.     t        J  1.13  :  St  24/52 

Steacy-Schmidt  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-214, 
Steacy-Schmidt  Mjinufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  objections  to 
plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact, 
and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  39-64.     t  J  1.13:  St  31/9 

Stmft  &  Co.  No.  181,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Swift  &  Company  et  al. 
and  Armour  &  Company  et  al.  v.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  Court  of 
Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+31  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Sw  55/22 

Taft,  Elizabeth  C.  Nos.  554  and  575,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Eliza- 
beth C.  Taft  V.  Frank  K.  Bowers,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  2d  district 
of  New  York;  Gilbert  C.  Greenway,  jr.,  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  writs  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  memorandum  for  re- 
spondent.    1927.     cover-title,  i-f7  p.     t  J  1.13 :  T  125 

Tanners  Products  Company.  No.  4913,  in  equity,  in  district  court,  northern  dis- 
trict of  Illinois,  eastern  division.  United  States  v.  Tanners  Products  Company 
et  al. ;  decree.    1927.    cover-title,  5  p.    $  J  1.13  :  T  157/3 

Tucker,  W.  C.  No.  167,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  W.  C.  Tucker  v. 
Acel  C.  Alexander,  commissioner  [collector]  of  internal  revenxie  [for  dis- 
trict of  Oklahoma],  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th 
circuit ;  brief  for  respondent.    1927.    cover-title,  i-^27  p.    $  J  1.13 :  T  799/4 

Weinhandler,  Joseph  J.  No.  481,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Joseph  J. 
Weinhandler  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  i-fl3  p.     $  J  1.13  :  W  432 

Wilhelm,  Henry,  Company.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit, 
Daniel  B.  Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, V.  Henry  Wilhelm  Company,  error  to  district  court  for  western  district 
of  Pennsylvania ;  brief  of  plaintiff  in  error.  1927.  cover-title,  i-f  39  p.  large  8" 
t  J  1.13  :  W  649 

Williams,  Ira  J.  No.  3639,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Blakely  D.  MeCaughn,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  1st  district  of 
Pennsylvania,  v.  Ira  Jewell  Williams ;  reply  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error.  1927. 
cover-title,  17  p.  large  8"    $  J  1.13  :  W  672/6 

Wilmeth,  James  L.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  H-46,  James  L.  Wilmeth  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  brief .     [1927.]    p.  29-36.    t  J  1.13  :W  688/3 

Winslow,  Sidney  W.  No.  553,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Old  Colony 
TiTist  Company  et  al.,  executors  [of  Sidney  W.  Winslow],  v.  John  F.  Malley. 
forrner  collector  of  internal  revenue,  et  al.,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  respondents  in  opposition. 
1927.    cover-title,  i-|-8  p.    $  J  1.13  :  W  732/8 


Finger-prints.     How  to  take  fingerprints;  prepared  by  Identification  Division. 
[Reprint  with  slight  changes]  1927.    iii+7  p.  il.    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26211  J  1.14/2 :  F  49/3 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

244  October,  1927 



Children.     References  on  physical  growth  and  development  of  normal  child. 
1927.    vi4-353  p.     (Bureau  publication  179.)     *  Paper,  50e. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-356  L  5.20  :  179 


Employment  agencies.     Monthly  report  of  activities  of  State  and  municipal 

employment  service  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Empl03Tiient  Service,  Aug,  1927. 

1927.     iv+12  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  927/8 

Employment  conditions.     Special  survey  made  by  Employment  Service  showing 

employment  prospects  for  remainder  of  1927   [October,  November,  and  De- 

cemberl.    1927.     [1]+18  p.    f 

L.  C.  card  L  27-357  L7.2:  Su7 

Industrial  employment  information  tulletin,  Sept.  1927 ;  v.  7,  no.  9.     [1927.]    22 

p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8 :  927/9 


Educational  institutions  approved  by  Secretary  of  Labor  in  accordance  with 
sec.  4  (e)  of  immigration  act  of  1924.     Aug.  11,  1927.     [1]+19  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  CA  27-403  L  3.2 :  Ed  8/927 


Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,  Sept.  1927.     1927.     [1]+19 
p.  il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9 :  927/9 

Labor  and  laboring  classes.     Decisions  of  courts  and  opinions  affecting  labor, 
1926;  [compiled  by  Lindley  D.  Clark  and  Charles  F.  Jackson].     June,  1927 
xiii+311+v  p.     (Bulletin  444;  Labor  laws  of  United  States  series.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  L  26-237  L  2.3  :  444 

Same.     (H.  doc.  792,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Mo>nthly  labor  review,  v.  25,  no.  4;  Oct.  1927.  1927.  viii+234  p.  il.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  717-950.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 

L.   C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6:  25/4 

Special  articles. — Opposition  of  organized  labor  to  tipping:  system. — Results  of 
arbitration  proceedings  under  railroad  labor  act  of  1926. — Labor  legislation  in  Uruguay ; 
by  Percy  A.  Martin  and  Earl  M.  Smith. — Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor, 
Aug.  1927 ;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwin. — Statistics  of  immigration,  July.  1927 ;  by  J.  J. 
Kunna. — Union-management  cooperation,  list  of  references;  complied  by  Laura  A. 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  -which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for  bul- 
letin purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal 
court  decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention 
before  tiiey  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One  free 
subscription  will  be  given  to  ail  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  worlsmen's  compensa- 
tion commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  lahor  laws  and 
organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics.  Others 
desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington, 
D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail.  1927.  [l]-f  165-200  p.  il.  [This  publi- 
cation benrs  also  the  volume  pagination  881-916.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
Oct.  1927.]     t  ^  L  2.6/a  2 ;  927/10 

Retail  prices,  1890-1926.     Aug.  1927.     iv+221+v  p.  il.     (Bulletin  445; 

Retail  prices  and  cost  of  living  series.)     *  Paper,  35c. 

L.  C.  card  L  12-141  L  2.3:  445 

■ Same.     (H.  doc.  793,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  245 

Prices — Continued. 

Wholesale  prices  of  commodities  for  Sept.  1927   (revised  series).     1927. 

[l]+14p.     [Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8:  927/9 

Safett/  codes.  Safety  code  for  forging  and  hot  metal  stamping  [with  list  of 
references  to  other  codes],  American  Drop  Forging  Institute  and  National 
Safety  Council,  sponsors ;  tentative  American  standard,  approved  Apr.  8, 
1927,  American  Engineering  Standards  Committee.  Aug.  1927.  iv+34+v 
p.  11.  (Bulletin  451;  Safety  code  series.)  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-359  L  2.3:  451 

Same.     (H.  doc.  809,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Union-management  cooperation.  Selected  bibliography:  Union-management  co- 
operation;  [compiled  by  Laura  A.  Thompson].  1927.  [1] -1-220-227  p.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  936-943.  From  Monthly  labor 
review,  Oct.  1927.]     t  L  2.6 /a  :  C  788/2 

Uruguay.  Labor  legislation  in  Uruguay;  [by  Percy  A.  Martin  and  Earl  M. 
Smith].  1927.  [1] +10-17  p.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume 
pagination  726-733.     From  Monthly  labor  review,  Oct.  1927.]     t 

L  2.6/a  :  Ur  8 



Copyright.  [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books, 
V.  24]  no.  80-92 ;  Oct.  1927.  Oct.  3-31,  1927.  p.  1033-1224.  [Issued  several 
times  a  week.] 

L  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  24/1-80  to  1-92 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  In  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books ;  pt.  1, 
group  2,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
tures ;  pt.  2,  to  periodicals  ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  re- 
productions of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  char- 
acter, photographs,  prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $3.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.),  foreign  subscription,  .?.5.00  ;  pt.  1 
(groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  copy  (group  1,  price  of  group  2  varies).  $1.00  a  yr.. 
foreign  subscription,  $2.25  ;  pt.  3,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  pts.  2  and 
4.  each  10c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  70c. 

Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic 
compositions,  maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  23.  volume  index  [and  title-pages, 
calendar]  year  1926.     1927.    iii+2187-2707  p.  +  [5]  leaves. 

LC  3.6/1 :  23/2/ind. 

-  Same,  pt.  2.  Periodicals,  v.  22,  no.  2.    1927.    v+179-344  p.     [Quarterly.] 

LC  3.6/2 :  22/2 

Same.  pt.  3,   Musical  compositions,  v.  22,  no.  7.     1927,     v +689-826  p. 

[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/7 


Sti'bject  headings.    Tentative  list  of  subject  headings  and  index  rules  for  State 
law  index:  [prepared  by  Margaret  W.  Stewart].    1927.    iii+220  p.     [Printed 
as  manuscript.]     ± 
L.  C.  card  27-26009  LC  14.2  :  St  2 


Comhustion  time  in  engine  cylinder  and  its  effect  on  engine  performance  [with 
reference]  ;  by  Charles  F.  Marvin,  jr.    1927.    cover-title,  16  p.  il.  4°     (Report 
276.)      [Prepared  by  Standards  Bureau.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and 
3  of  cover.]     *Pai)er,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27659  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/276 

HoTV  to  order  publications— —See  Information  following  Contents 

246  October,  1927 

Pressure  distribution.    Measurement  of  pressure  through  tubes  in  pressure  dis- 
tribution tests   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Paul  E.  Hemke.     1927.     cover- 
title,  11  p.  il.  4°     (Report  270.)      [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of 
cover.]     *Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27622  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/270 


Court-martial  order  8,  1927;  Aug.  31,  1927.     [1927.]     10  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 

N  1.4 :  927/8 

Navy.  Changes  in  Navy  regulations  [1920],  no.  10;  June  15,  1927.  [1927.] 
iii  p.  4°  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  inserted  in  their 
proper  places  in  the  original  regulations.  A  list  of  these  reprinted  pages  is 
given  on  p.  ii  and  iii  of  Changes  10  here  catalogued.]     *Paper,  10c. 

N  1.11/2 :  920/10 

Orders.  General  order  168  and  169  [6th  series]  ;  Sept.  1  and  21,  1927.  [1927.] 
4  p.  4°     [Issued  as  one  publication.]     $  N  1.13/6 :  168, 169 


Bulletin  of  engineering  information  26;  Sept.  1,  1927.    1927.     iii+42  p.  il.  2  p. 
of  pi.     t 
L.  C.  card  22-26665  N  19.9/2: 26 

Marine  engineering.  Changes  in  Manual  of  engineering  instructions,  no.  3; 
June  1,  1927.  [1927.]  ii  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be 
inserted  in  their  proper  places  in  chapters  2,  4,  6,  7,  8,  15,  21,  27,  28,  38,  and  39 
of  the  new  edition  of  the  Manual  of  engineering  instructions.  A  list  of  these 
reprinted  pages  is  found  on  p.  ii  of  Changes  3  here  catalogued.]     t 

N  19.8/3 : 3 


Abdominal  wounds  and  injuries;  by  Lucius  W.  Johnson.  1927.  [1]+17  p. 
[From  United   States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  Ab  32/4 

Anesthesia.  Local  anesthesia  in  eye.  ear,  nose,  and  throat  work ;  by  F.  L. 
Young.  1927.  [l]+3  p.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25, 
no.   4.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  An  35/2 

• Needle  for  anesthesia  of  maxillary  nerve:  by  J.  Connolly.     1927.     [1]  + 

3  p.  il.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  An  35/3 

Aviation  hygiene;  by  R.  G.  Davis.  1927.  [l]+6  p.  3  p.  of  pi.  [From  United 
States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Av  52/7 

Chinese  military  medicine  [with  bibliogTaphy]  ;  by  J.  L.  McCartney.  1927. 
[l]+34  p.  il.  5  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25, 
no.  4.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  C  441/2 

Electrocardiogram  in  diagnosis  of  cardiac  arrhythmias  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  R.  L.  Nattkemper.  1927.  [1]+10  p.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t  N  10.11/la :  El  25 

Goiter  [with  bibliography];  bv  Clifford  E.  Henrv.  1927.  [l]+7  p.  [From 
United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t        N  10.11/la :  G  561/2 

Malaria.  Measures  of  outstanding  importance  in  prevention  and  control  of 
malaria  [with  list  of  references]  ;  bv  M.  A.  Stuart.  1927.  [1]+15  p.  [From 
United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t        N  10.11/la  :  M  291/6 

Naval  hospitals.  Some  comments  concerning  duties  of  commanding  officer  of 
naval  hospital;  by  A.  Farenholt.  1927.  [l]+7  p.  [From  United  States 
naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  N  227/2 

Hew  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTrlng  Contents 


OCTOBEE,  1927  247 

Naval  medical  Imlletm.     United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  published  quar- 
terly for  information  of  Medical  Department  of  Navy,  v.  25,  no.  4,  Oct.  1927 ; 
edited  by  L.  Sheldon,  jr.    1927.    viii+7S3-1047  p.  il.  4  pi.  16  p.  of  pi.    *  Paper, 
25c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10. 
L.  C.  card  8-35095  N  10.11/1 :  25/4 

Special  articles. — Chinese  military  medicine  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  J.  L.  SlcCart- 
uey. — Abdominal  wounds  and  injuries ;  by  Lucius  W.  Johnson. — Aviation  hygiene ;  by 
R.  G.  X>avis. — Goiter  [with  bibliogmphy]  ;  by  Clifford  E.  Henry. — Some  comments  con- 
cerning duties  of  commanding  officer  of  naval  hospital ;  by  A.  Farenholt. — Budget  and 
Bureau  of  Medicine  and  Surgery  accounting  system ;  by  B.  E.  Irwin. — Electrocardio- 
gram in  diagnosis  of  cardiac  arrhythmias  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  R.  L.  Natt- 
keniper. — Sippy  treatment  for  peptic  ulcer  in  naval  hospitals  ;  by  A.  E.  Brunschwig. — 
Multiple  osteomata,  report  of  case  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  W.  H.  Whitmore  and 
O.  A.  Smith. — Local  anesthesia  in  eye,  ear,  nose,  and  throat  work  ;  by  F.  L.  Young. — 
Endarteritis,  acute,  from  electric  shock ;  by  P.  F.  Dickens. — Acute  osteomyelitis  with 
metastasis,  report  of  case ;  by  G.  G.  Herman. — Abdominal  Hodgkin's  disease,  report 
of  case  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  W.  D.  C.  Day.- — Needle  for  anesthesia  of  maxillary 
nerve  ;  by  J.  Connolly. — Poisoning  from  soap  vine,  report  of  case  :  by  G.  F.  Cooper. — 
Direct  diagnosis  of  pericarditis  with  effusion  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  C.  G. 
Dyke. — What  should  the  diagnosis  be?  by  C.  A.  Andrus. — Multiple  scrotal  flstulae 
following  rupture  of  bladder  with  stricture  of  urethra,  operation  and  restoration  of 
function,  report  of  case  ;  by  L.  H.  Williams. — Traumatic  rupture  of  spleen,  report  of 
case ;  by  F.  X.  Koltes. — Appendix  abscess  versus  pyonephrosis ;  by  G.  F.  Cottle. — Mer- 
curochrome  in  case  without  diagnosis  ;  by  B.  W.  Harris. — Grease  rack  for  automobiles  ; 
by  A.  Farenholt. — Lectures  on  accounting  from  nurse's  point  of  view  ;  by  Mabel  T. 
Cooper. — Address  to  class  of  1926  Haitian  General  Hospital  Training  School  for 
Nurses ;  by  C.  St.  J.  Butler. — Navy  nurse  in  the  Near  East ;  by  Mabell  S.  C.  Smith. — 
Dietetics ;  by  Anna  P.  Smith. — Dietetics  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Mary  J.  Miney. — 
Notes  on  preventive  medicine  for  medical  officers.  Navy  [including  Study  of  2,000 
health  records  containing  entries  for  syphilis,  by  H.  H.  Montgomery ;  Measures  of 
outstanding  importance  in  prevention  and  control  of  malaria,  with  list  of  references, 
by  M.  A.  Stuart]. — Index  to  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25. 

Nurse  Corps,  Navy.    Circular  for  information  of  nurses  desiring  to  enter  Navy 
Nurse  Corps.     [1927.]     4  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  24-27316  N  10.2 :  N  93/927 

Sippy  treatment  for  peptic  ulcer  in  naval  hospitals ;  by  A.  E.  Brunschwig. 
1927.     [Ij-f3  p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25.  no.  4.]     t 

N  10.11/la :  Ul  1/6 

Syphilis.  Study  of  2,000  health  records  containing  entries  for  syphilis ;  by  H. 
H.  Montgomery.  1927.  [l]+23  p.  il.  [From  United  States  naval  medical 
bulletin,  v.  25,  no.  4.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Sy  79/9 


Naval  district  manual,  1927.     1927,     ii+16  p.  il.     [Supersedes  Naval  district 
manual,  1921.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27661  N  27.5  :  N  22/3 


Education.  A  to  N,  information  on  subjects  which  all  hands  must  know  for 
advancement  in  rating,  course  in  subjects  A  to  N  in  15  assignments,  prepared 
by  Training  Division,  assignments  11-12,  K  to  L.  1927.  cover-title,  64  p.  il. 
(Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  R  18/3/assi.  11-12 

Same,  assignments  13-14,  M  to  N.    1927.     [l]-l-36p.    il.     (Navy  training 

courses. )     t  N  17.25  :  R  18/3/assi.  13-14 

Navy  directory,  oflacers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps,  including  officers  of  Naval 
Reserve  Force  (active),  Marine  Corps  Reserve  (active),  and  foreign  officers 
serving  with  Navy,  Oct.  1,  1927.  1927.  iii+264  p.  [Quarterly.]  *  Paper, 
25c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10.  N  1.24  :  927/4 

Physics.  Elementary  physics,  course  in  44  assignments,  assignments  1-22. 
1927.     [l]-f62  p.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  P  56/assi.  1-22 

Same,     assignments    23-44.  '   1927.       [l]+74    p.    il.       (Navy     training 

courses. )     $  N  17.25  :  P  56/assi.  23-44 

HoTV^  to  order  publications — See  information  folIoTvlng  Contents 

248  October,  1927 

SMpfitters.  Instructions  for  nonrated  men  in  preparation  for  rating  of  ship 
fitter,  3c,  course  in  10  assignments  prepared  by  Bureau  of  Navigation  with 
assistance  of  Bureau  of  Construction  and  Repair,  assignments  7-10,  Riveting, 
calking.  Soldering,  painting,  Repair  jobs,  Sounding  watch,  entering  double 
bottoms  and  fuel  tanks,  inspections,  1927.  [l]+53  p.  il.  (Navy  training 
courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  Sh  6/5/assi.  7-10 


NOTE.^The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R..  Captain  of  the  Port, 
Panama  Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
and  Duluth. 

Hydrographic  lulletin,  weekly,  no.  1987-90;  Oct.  5-26,  1927.  1927.  Each  1  p. 
f*  and  large  4°  [Ice  supplements  discontinued  until  dangerous  ice  conditions 
make  it  again  necessary.]     f  N  6.3  :  1987-90 

Indian  Ocean.  South  Indian  Ocean  pilot,  islands  westward  of  longitude  92' 
east,  including  Madagascar  and  Comoro  Islands.  2d  edition.  1927.  vii+546 
p.  11.  [3]  leaves,  2  maps.  ([Publication]  161.)  [The  3  leaves  given  in  the 
collation  consist  of  request  coupons  which  are  detachable.]     t  Cloth,  90c. 

N  6.8 :  161/927 

Navigation.  Useful  tables  from  American  practical  navigator,  originally  by 
Nathaniel  Bowditch ;  re-edited  and  published  by  Hydrographic  OflSce.  1927. 
iii+278-289+429-849  p.  large  8°  ([Publication]  9.  pt.  2.)  [Includes  Navi- 
gational forms.  Appendix  2  of  part  1  of  American  practical  navigator,  edition 
of  1926.]  t  Cloth,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  27-27634  N  6.8  :  9-2/927 

Notice  to  aviators  10,  1927;  Oct.  1  [1927].     [1927.]     2  p.  12^^     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N    6.25  :  927/10 

Notice  to  mariners  40-44,  1927;  Oct.  1-29  [1927].  [1927.]  [xxxix] +1192-1343 
leaves.     [Weekly.]     f  N  6.11 :  927/40-44 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Nov.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  927/11 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.],  Nov.  1927.     [1927.] 

[2]  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  927/11 

Aviation  charts 

Charleston,  8.  C.-Fernandina,  Fla.-St.  Augustine,  Fla. ;  aviation  chart  V- 
060701.  Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  m.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale 
1:500,000  at  lat.  31°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Oflace,  Oct.  1927. 
28.1X10  in.  [Provisional  chart.  Contains  text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.] 
t  20c.  N  6.27  :  V-060701 


Ahaco  and  Grand  Bahama  islands,  with  Northwest  Providence  Channel,  Little 
Bahama  Bank,  W.  I.,  from  British  surveys  between  1817  and  1885,  with  addi- 
tions and  amendments  from  other  sources  ;  chart  26^.  Natural  scale  1 :  293,077 
at  lat.  26°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1915,  8th 
edition,   Oct.  1927.     28.1X41.4  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18:  26 /e 

America  Bay,  southeast  coast  of  Siberia,  Japan  Sea,  from  Russian  survey? 
between  1896  and  1911 ;  chart  1955.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.2  in.,  natural  scale 
1 :  33,650.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  July,  1901,  3d  edition, 
Aug.  1927.     19.6X26.5  in.     f  20c.  -  N  6.18 :  1955 

Atlantic  Coast  of  United  States,  Cape  Henry  to  Cape  Fear,  compiled  from  publi- 
cations of  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  with  additions  from  other  sources ; 
chart  5255.  Natural  scale  1 :  798,688  at  lat.  35°.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office.  Sept.  1927.     29.4X42.2  in.     f  60c.  N  6.18 :  5255 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

October,  1927  249 

Banka  Strait  (northern  sheet),  Sumatra,  east  coast,  from  latest  Netherlands 
Government  surveys;  chart  3116.  Natural  scale  1:175,563  at  lat.  2°  20', 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1916,  3d  edition,  Sept.  1927. 
27X39.2  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18: 3116 

Bengal  Bay.  Bay  of  Bengal,  east  coast,  Asia,  Cox's  Bazar  to  Mayu  River, 
from  surveys  by  Royal  Indian  Marine  between  1902  and  1904;  chart  3704. 
Natural  scale  1 :  143,215.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  1927. 
42.1  X  26.7  in.     f  50c.  N  6.18  :  3704 

Cape  Verde  Islands.  Plans  in  Cape  Verde  Islands,  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  from 
British  and  Portuguese  Government  surveys ;  chart  2255.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Nov.  1905,  6th  edition,  Oct.  1927.  32.2X28.3  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.18 :  2255 

English  Road,  Maio  Island. 
Faja  d'Agua,  Brava  Island. 
Ponta  do  Sol,  Port,  Santo  Antao  Island. 

Preguiga,  Porto  da  (Rolla  Road),  St.  George  Bay,  Sao  Nicolao  Island. 

San  Filippe  and  Enearnasao  anchorages,  Fogo  Island. 
Sta.   Luzia,   Branco,  and  Razo. 
Sao  Nicolao  (St.  Nicholas). 
Sao  Thiago,  Port,  Sao  Thiago  Island. 
Sao  Vicente. 

Tarrafal  Bay,  Santo  Antao  Island. 
Tarrafal  Bay,  Sao  Thiago  Island. 

Celebes,  northeast  coast,  Tanjung  Panango  to  Panang,  including  Banka  Strait, 
from  Netherlands  Government  surveys  to  1908  [with  insets]  ;  chart  3057. 
Natural  scale  1:242,075  at  lat.  1°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
Sept.  1927.    40.2X26.9  in.    t  50c.  N  G.IS  :  3057 

Banka  Strait. 
Lembeh  Strait. 
Lembeh  Strait,  Narrows  of. 

CuM.  North  coast  of  Cuba,  W.  I.,  Puerto  Matanzas  to  Cayo  Bahia  de  Cadiz, 
from  surveys  by  U.  S.  S.  Nokomis  between  1924  and  1926 ;  chart  2624.  Natural 
scale  1 :  143,339  at  lat.  23°  20'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  1927. 
31.5X42.9  in.     t  60e.  N  6.18:  2624 

Dairen  Wan  (Talien  Wan),  Kwangtung  Peninsula,  China,  from  latest  Japanese 
surveys ;  chart  2522.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.5  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  29,380.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1908,  5tla  edition,  Oct.  1927. 
26.4X39  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18  :  2522 

Havana,  Cuba.  Harbor  of  Habana,  Cuba,  W.  I.,  from  latest  information :  chart 
307.  Scale  1000  yds.=4.8  in.,  natural  scale  1 : 7,607.  Washington,  Hvdro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Jan.  1882,  61st  edition,  Sept.  1927.  26.1X40.2  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.1S :  307 

Kaipara  Harbor,  North  Island,  New  Zealand,  from  British  surveys  to  1913; 
with  inset.  Continuation  of  Wairoa  River ;  chart  3383.  Scale  naut.  m.=l.l  in., 
natural  scale  1 :  69,239.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct. 
1914,  3d  edition,  Sept.  1927.    37.8X26.1  in.     t40c.  N  6.18:  3383 

Latit  Island.  Approaches  to  Pulu  Laut,  southeast  coast  of  Borneo,  from  Nether- 
lands Government  charts  to  1924 ;  chart  3098.  Natural  scale  1 :  201,065  at 
lat.  4°.    Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Sept.  1927.    42.5X26.1  in.     t  50c. 

N  6.18 :  3098 
LAttle  Belt,  entrance  to  Baltic,  from  latest  Danish  and  German  surveys  [with 
insets]  ;  chart  4866.     Natural  scale  1 :  132,481  at  lat.  55°  45'.     Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  May,  1915,  10th  edition,  Sept.  1927.    45.7X26.2 
in.     t50c.  N  6.18  :  4866 

Aarhus    Harbor,    from    latest    authorities. 
'       Faaborg  Hbr. 

Juelsminde   Hbr.,   from   Danish   survey,    1S97. 
,.       Svendborg  Harbor,  from  plan  by  harbor  authorities,  1923. 
i     Svendborg  Sund. 
f     Vejle   Harbor. 

\  Marquesas  Islands.  Anchorages  in  Marquesas  Islands,  south  Pacific  OeeaJi ; 
chart  1805.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1899,  7th  edition, 
Oct.  1927.     27.6X20.2  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18 :  1805 

Anaho  Bay,   north   coast  of  Nuku  Hiva,   from   French   survey  in   1874. 
Comptroller  Bay   (Taipi),  south  coast  of  Nuku  Hiva,   from  French  survey  in   1844. 
Tai  Oa  Bay,  south  coast  of  Nuku  Hiva,  from  French  survey. 
Taio  Hae  (Anna  Maria  Bay),  south  coast  of  Nuku  Hiva,  from  French  survey  in  1844. 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  foIIoTving  Contents 

250  October,  192T 

Medway  River.  River  Medway,  England,  east  coast,  Bishops  Ness  to  Rochester, 
from  latest  British  surveys,  topography  is  taken  from  Ordnance  survey; 
chart  4487.  Scale  naut.  m.=6  in.,  natural  scale  1:12,185.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct.  1915,  6th  edition,  Oct.  1927.  26.4X39.8 
in.     t40c.  N  6.18 :  4487 

Miho  Wan,  Honshu,  north  coast,  Japan,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1920;  with 
inset,  Sakai  Ko;  chart  5538.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:25,000. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,   Sept.  1927.     27.4X39.4  in.     1 50c. 

N  6.18 :  5538 

Neto  Guinea,  northwest  coast,  Kabu  Islands  to  Tanjung  Suabur,  including 
Misool  and  Kofiau  islands,  mainly  from  Netherlands  Government  surveys 
between  1911  and  1925 ;  chart  2979.  Natural  scale  1 :  200,378  at  lat.  1°  45'. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Aug.  1925,  2d  edition,  Oct.  1927. 
27.6X52.1  in.     t  60c.  N  6.18:  2979 

Oman,  G-ulf  of.  Gulf  of  Oman  and  adjacent  coasts  from  Ras  al  Hadd  to  Kat- 
achi,  Arabian  Sea,  Indian  Ocean,  compiled  from  latest  information ;  chart  1588. 
Natural  scale  1:883,202  at  lat.  25°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  Feb.  1899,  7th  edition,  Sept.  1927.     29.6X50.4  in.     t  70c. 

N  6.18 :  1588 

Pacific  Ocean.  North  Pacific  Ocean,  eastern  part ;  chart  527.  Natural  scale 
1 :  5,990,157  at  lat.  35°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Jan.  1874, 
122d  edition,  Sept.  1927.  46X32.8  in.  [Magnetic  variation  curves  are  for 
1925.]     t70c.  N  6.18:  527 

Paria,  Gulf  of.  Northern  and  southern  entrances,  Gulf  of  Paria,  W.  I. ;  chart 
1964.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct.  1901,  4th  edition, 
Oct.  1927.     34X26.5  in.     t40c.  N  6.18: 1964 

Bocas  de  Dragos  (Dragons  Mouths),  Eastern  part  of,  from  latest  British  surveys. 
Serpents  Mouth,  Eastern  and  middle  channels  of,  from  British  survey  in  1898. 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Nov.  1927 ;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long. =0.7  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24 :  927/11 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Routes  between  Gulf  of  Mexico  and  east  coast  of  South 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Dec.  1927;  chart  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c. 

N  6.17 :  927/12 
Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Compass  deviation  diagrani. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  Nov.  1927;   chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

long. =0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927.  23.2X31.8  in, 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.  ]     1 10c.  N  6.15/1 :  927/11 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Fog  at  sea ;  by  Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 

Pilot  chart  of  north   Pacific  Ocean,   Dec.   1927;   chart  1401.     Scale   1° 

long. =0.2  in.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927.    23.7X35.3  in. 

[Monthly.     Certain   portions   of   the   data    are   furnished   by   the   Weather 

Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.16:  927/12 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Current  chart  of  eastern  north  Pacific  Ocean,  Dec,  Jan.. 
and  Feb. 

•    Pilot  chart  of  south  Atlantic  Ocean,  Dec.  1927-Feb.  1928;  chart  2600. 

Scale  1°  long. =0.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927. 
23X31.9  in.  [Quarterly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weathef  Bureau.]     t  10c.  N  6.20:  927/4 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Compass  deviation  diagram. 

Pilot  chart  of  south   Pacific   Ocean,   Dec.   1927-Feb.   1928;   chart  2601, 

Scale  1°  long. =0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  15,  1927. 
21.2X35.5  in.  [Quarterly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.21:  927/4 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Compass  deviation  diagram. 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  follonvlng  Contents 

October,  1927         •  2^1 

Ribeira,  Bay.  Bahia  da  Ribeira,  Brazil,  from  Brazilian  chart  published  in  1923, 
portion  eastward  of  Canal  Gipoia  is  from  earlier  surveys ;  chart  5386.  Scale 
naut.  m.=2  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  36,379.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  Oct.  1924,  2d  edition,  Sept.  1927.     15.2X21.6  in.     t  20e.     ^■  6.18  :  5386 

Rio  Deseado,  Argentina,  fi-om  Argentine  Government  chart  of  1926 ;  with  inset, 
Puerto  Deseado  (Port  Desire)  ;  chart  3909.  Scale  naut.  m.=3.7  in.,  natural 
scale  1 :  20.000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Apr.  1918.  2d 
edition,  Aug.  1927.     28.9X43.2  in.     t  60c.  N  6.18:  3909 

Rio  Isiegro,  Argentina,  from  entrance  to  Viedma  and  Carmen  de  Patagones,  from 
Argentine  Government  chart  of  1927;  chart  1519.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.9  in.  and 
1.5  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  25.000  and  1 :  50,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Feb.  1918,  2d  edition,  Oct.  1927.  35.3X24.8  in.  [Map  is  in 
2  sections,  each  having  a  different  scale.]     t  40c.  N  6.18: 1519 

Siam,  Gulf  of.  Gulf  of  Siam.  Siam  and  French  Indo-Chiua,  Cape  Liant  (Lem 
Samesan)  to  Kut  Island,  from  latest  British  and  Siamese  surveys;  with  inset, 
Chandaburi  (Cheutabun)  River  and  approaches,  from  Siamese  survey  in  1912 
and  1913:  chart  3137.  Natural  scale,  1:293,547  at  lat.  12°.  Wa.shington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1916,  2d  edition,  Sept.  1927.  25.6X38.a 
in.     t40c.  N  6.18:  3137 

Sierra  Leone  River,  Sierra  Leone,  west  coast  of  Africa,  from  British  surveys  to 
1925  :  chart  2274.  Natural  scale  1 :  72,934.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  May,  1906,  4th  edition,  Sept.  1927.     26.1X39.1  in.     1 50c. 

N  6.18 :  2274 

South  America.  South  extreme  of  Amei'ica,  sheet  1,  eastern  part,  from  Cape 
Horn  to  Magellan  Strait,  from  latest  information ;  chart  453.  Natural  scJile 
1:555,857  at  lat.  54°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1873, 
23d  edition,  Oct.  1927.     39.9X29.1  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  453 

Valletta  harbors,  Malta,  Mediterranean  Sea.  from  latest  British  surveys ;  chart 
2466.  Scale  naut.  m.=15.2  in.,  natural  scale  1:4,840.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  June,  1918,  4th  edition,  Sept.  1927.  ^36.3X27  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.18 :  2466 


[Poster]  297.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  Sept.  25,  1927.] 
14X17  in.     [Title  is:  Naval  efficiency  is  constantly  improving.]     t 

N  17.23/1 :  297 


Safety  of  life.     United  States  navy  yards  and  naval  stations,  safety  standards 
for  protection  of  head,  eyes,  and  respiratory  organs,  1927.     1927.     vi+42  p. 
il.     [Supersedes  Safety  standards  for  head  and  eye  protection,  1924.]     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-27653  N  1.2  :  H  34/2 


Accounting.  Change  in  Manual  for  accounting  officers  [19251,  no.  2;  Sept.  24, 
1927.  [1927.]  vii  p.  4°  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  in- 
serted in  their  proper  places  in  the  Manual.  A  list  of  these  reprinted  pages 
is  given  on  p.  vii  of  this  publication.]     t  N  20.13  :  Ac  2/1/925  ch.  2 

Naval  supplies.  Index  to  specifications  issued  by  Navy  Department  for  naval 
stores  and  material.     Oct.  1,  1927.     vi+40  p.  12°     [Quarterly.]     t 

N  20.6/3 :  927/4 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants  302;  Oct.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  p.  10154- 
184+ leaves  10184a-i,  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply  Corps.  Navy,  1922.]     +  N 20.7/1:. 302 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  follofving  Contents 

252  •         October,  1927 


Note. — Tlie  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  montlily  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc..  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  Tlie  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year  ;  there  is  au  udditional  charge  of  7oc.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  P.tu  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects :  Agriculture ;  Education  ;  Finance,  indu.stry,  and  commerce ;  I'ublic  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each 
series ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington, 
D.    C. 

Banks  and  l)anking.  O  commercio  exterior  e  as  casas  bancarias;  [por  J.  G. 
Geddes].  [1927.]  8  p.  (Finangas,  inclustria,  commercio  no.  16,  Setembro  de 
1927.)  [Do  Boletlm  da  Uuiao  Pan- Americana,  Setembro,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c. ; 
subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14  :  p  16 

Bulletin  (English  edition).    Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  Oct.  1927;  [v.  61, 
no.  10].     [1927.]     iv+953-105S  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For  price,  see  note  above 
under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6  :  e  61/10 

Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  pt.  10,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

(Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Outubro,  1927, 

edigao  portuguesa ;    [v.   29,   no.   10].     [1927.]     iv+703-786  p.   il.     [Monthly. 
For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6  :  p  29/10 

(Spanish  edition).    Boletin  de  la   Union  Panamericana,   Octubre,  1927, 

seccion  espauola;  [v.  61,  no.  10].     [1927.]     iv +991-1097  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  curd  12-12555  AR  1.6  :  s  61/10 

Calendar.  A  importancia  da  reforma  do  calendario  para  os  negocios ;  [por 
George  Eastman].  [1927.]  [l]+14p.  il.  (Miscellanu  pan-amerieana  no.  1.) 
[Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Setembro,  1927.  Do  Nation's  business, 
Maio  de  1926.]     t  Paper,  Go.  Aii  1.27  :  p  1 

Cattle.  Ragas  de  gado  bovino  de  corte;  [por  W.  H.  Black].  [1927.]  ii+14  p. 
il.  (Agricultura  no.  16,  Setembro  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan- 
Americana,  Setembro,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c.  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of 
series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  p  16 

Chicle  industry ;    [with  Chicle  industry  in  Department  of  Pet6n,   Guatemala, 
translated  by  Jose  Tercero].      [1927.]      [l]-|-4+[2]    p.   il.    (Commodities  of 
commerce  series  no.  14.)     f  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  CD  27-71  AR  1.22  :  14 

Credit  associations.  Credito  cooperativo ;  [por  Roy  F.  Bergengren].  [1927.] 
ii+10+[2]  p.  (Finanzas,  indu.stria,  comercio  no.  31,  Octubre  de  1927.) 
[Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Octubre,  1927.  De  International 
labour  review,  London,  May,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c;  subscription  price  for 
12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14 :  s  31 

Dependent  children.  Institucioues  para  nines  menesterosos.  [1927.]  ii+ 
28+ [1]  p.  il.  (Salud  ptiblica  y  puericultura  no.  33,  Octubre  de  1927.) 
[Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Septiembre  y  Octubre,  1927.  Del 
Handbook,  Publicacion  no.  170  de  la  Oficina  del  Nifio  de  los  Bstados  Unidos.] 
t  Paper,  .5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.15:  s33 

Education.  La  educacion  publica  en  los  Estados  Unidos  de  America.  [1927.] 
ii+22  p.  il.  (Educacion  no.  33,  Octubre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la 
Union  Panamericana,  Septiembre  y  Octubre,  1927.  Condensado  de  un  boletin 
publicado  por  la  Oficina  de  Educacion  de  los  Estados  Unidos,  1927,  titulado 
Education  in  United  States.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  , 
of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  s  33 

International  Commission  of  Jurists.  International  Commission  of  Jurists, 
sessions  held  at  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil,  Apr.  18-May  20,  1927 :  Private  inter- 
national law,  project  to  be  submitted  for  consideration  of  6th  International 
Conference  of  American  States.  1927.  iii+68  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  27-27647  AR  1.2 :  In  8/16/Bnglish  \ 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  f olloTvlng;  Contents  'J 

October,  1927  253 

International  Ccnnmisslon  of  Jurists — Continued. 

Same,   Spanish.     1927.     iii+64  p.     t  AR  1.2 :  In  8/16/Spanish 

International  Commission  of  Jurists,  sessions  held  at  Rio  de  Janeiro, 

Brazil,  Apr.  IS-May  20,  1927 :  Public  international  law,  projects  to  be  sub- 
mitted for  consideration  of  6th  International  Conference  of  American  States. 
1927.     iii+40  p.     t 
L.   C.  card  27-27644  AR  1.2 :  In  8/15/English 

Same,  Portuguese.     1927.     iii+40  p.     t  AR  1.2 :  In  8/15/Portuguese 

Same,   Spanish.     1927.     iii+39  p.     t  AR  1.2 :  In  8/15/Spanish 

Mango.  Cultivo  del  mango  en  la  America  Latina ;  [por  Wilson  Popeuue]. 
[1927.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  33,  Octubre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin 
de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Octubre,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c.;  subscription  price 
for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  All  1.12  :  s  33 

Tropical  Plant  Research  Foundation.  Dotacion  para  el  Estudio  de  Plantas 
Tropicales  [cou  publicaciones].  [1927.]  ii+6  p.  ( Selvicultura  panameri- 
cana no.  14.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Unifin  Panamericana,  Octubre,  1927.] 
t  Paper,  5c.  AR  1.17: 14 


Note. — Although  The   Panama   Canal  makes  its  reports  to,   and  is  under  the  supervi- 
sion of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  9-12;  Oct.  5-26,  1927.     Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1927].     p.  109-17G.     [Weekly.] 
L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5  :  21/9-12 

Note. — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  Is  oOe.  domestic, 
and  $1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  depfirtments 
and  bureaus,  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  comm  Tcet  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distril)uted  free.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada.  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Mauua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  Office,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 


Rules  for  guidance  of  conductors  and  collectors  in  handling  of  passenger  train 
transportation,  effective  Sept.  1,  1927.  Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope, 
C.  Z.,  1927.     45  p.  1  tab.  24"     $  W  79.13/2 :  P  26/927 


Binghamton,  N.  Y.  Scheme  of  city  distribution,  Binghamton,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  1, 
1927.     1927.     p.    1-2-fleaves   3-27,    12°     t  P1.18:B51 

Foreign  mails,  regular  and  parcel  post.  1927.  [1]-j-173-267a+268-296a+ 
297-307B-1-308-365A+366-379A+3S0-419  p.  [Abstract,  with  additional  matter, 
from  United  States  official  postal  guide,  July,  1927.]     t 

P  1.10/1  a  :  F  761/927 

Fountain-pens.  Short-paid  parcels  containing  fountain  pens  sent  for  repairs ; 
[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postpiaster  General.     Oct.  26,  1927.     1  p.  ?mall  4°     t 

P  4.2  :  F  82/4 

Mail  matter.  Cooperation  of  the  public  in  preparing  Christmas  mail;  [issued 
by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Oct.  26,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t 

P  4.2  :  C  46/4/927 

Improper  defacement  of  addresses  on  undeliverable  matter  returned  to 

sender ;    [i^-sued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Oct.  17,  1927.     1  p. 
oblong  32°     t  I'  4.2  :  Un  2/15 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  Information  follo-wlns  Contents 

254  October,  1927 

Money-orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Post- 
master General.     Oct.  1,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/135 

Stolen  money-order  forms;    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Oct.  5,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  S"     t  P  4.2  :M  74/136 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Oct.  8,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/137 

Stolen  money-order  forms;    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Oct.  14,  1927.     i  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/138 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Oct.  20,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/139 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Oct.  29.  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/140 

Pheasants.  Acceptance  of  Chinese  ring-necked  pheasants  for  mailing  in  South 
Dakota  when  properly  tagged;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 
Oct.    3,    1927.     1   p.    oblong   24°     t  •     P  4.2  :P  49/927 

Postage-stamps.     Description  of  "United  States  postage  stamps  and  postal  cards, 
issued  by  Post  Office  Department,  July  1.  1847-Dec.  31,  1927 ;    [prepared  in] 
Division  of  Stamps.     1927.     [l]-f53  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27645  P  4.2  :  P  84/9 

Use  of  precanceled  stamps  on  holiday  mail ;     [issued  by]   3d  assistant 

Postmaf^ter  General.     Oct.  22,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  P  4.2  :  H  71/2/927 

Po.^tal  hulletin,  v.  48,  no.  14501-526;    Oct.  1-31,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  2  p.  or 

1   p.   f°     [Daily   except  Sundays   and   holidays.]     *  Paper,    5c.    single   copy, 
.$2.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48 

Postal  gnkle.  United  States  official  postal  guide.  4th  series,  v.  7,  no.  4 ;  Oct. 
1927,  monthly  supplement.  1927.  cover-title,  52  p.  il.  [Includes  Changes 
51-71  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts 
304  and  305  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of  1924. 
Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2— t  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with  supple- 
ments, $1.25,  foreign  subscription,  $1.75;  July  issue,  $1.00;  supplements  pub- 
lished monthlv  (11  pamphlets),  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/4 


Steamboats.     Schedule  of   steamers   appointed   to   convey    mails   from    United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Nov.   1927.     Oct.  21,   1927.     1  p.  f°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5 :  927/11 


Convei'sion  tables  for  vise  in  international  money-order  business.     July,  1927. 
iii+S4  p.  narrow  large  8°     (Form  6749a.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26817  P  9.2 :  In  8/927 

Money-orders.  Register  of  money-order  post  offices  in  United  States  including 
Guam,  Hawaii,  Porto  Rico,  Tutu'la  (Samoa),  and  United  States  Virgin 
Islands,  also  in  Antigua,  Bahamas.  Barbados,  Bermuda,  British  Guiana, 
British  Honduras,  British  Virgin  Islands,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba, 
Dominica,  Grenada,  Jamaica,  Mexico,  Moutserrat,  Nevis,  Newfoundland,. 
Philippine  Islands.  St.  Kitts.  St.  Lucia,  St.  Vincent,  and  Trinidad  and  Tobago 
[in  operation  Julv  1,  1927.]  Aug.  1927.  x+292  p.  il.  | 
L.  C.  card  9-16602  P  9.5 :  92T 


Mail-t7-ai'ns.  Schedule  of  mail  trains,  no.  4(>3.  Oct.  18,  1927,  3d  division,  Rail- 
way Mail  Service,  comprising  District  of  Columbia,  Mai-yland,  North  Carolina, 
Vii'ginia,  and  West  Virginia  (except  peninsula  of  Maryland  and  Virginia). 
1927.     156  p.  narrow  8°     J  P  10.12/3: 463 

Ho-w  to  order  publications — See   informatton  follo'wliig  Contents 

October,  1927  255 

Utah.     Alphabetical  scheme  of  Utah,  for  use  of  publishers  in  cli,stribution  of 
2d-class  mail,  1927.     1927     8  p.     |  P  10.10 :  Ut  l,/4 


Note. — Since  February,  1908.  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  givint?  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from 
a  single  {,'iven  p^ist  office,  and  sold  at  7.5  cents  each  ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue   for   February.    1927,    page   639. 


Addresses.     Address  of  President  Coolidfce  accepting  monument  of  Gen.  George 
Gordon  Meade  at  Washington,  D.  C.  Oct.  19.  1927.    1927.     [2] +6  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27649  Pr  30.2 :  M  46 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  annual  meeting  of  American  Red  Cross, 

in  city  of  Washington.  Oct.  3,  1927.    1927.     [2] +5  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  27-26947  Pr  30.2  :R  24/2 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  annual  observance  of  Founder's  day 

at  Carnegie  Institute,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  Oct.  13.  1927.     1927.     [2] +7  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  27-27625  Pr  30.2 :  C  21 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  opening  meeting  of  International  Radio- 
telegraph Conference,  Washington,  D.  C.  Oct.  4,  1927.     1927.     [l]+2  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26950  Pr  30.2 :  In  8 

Alaska.  Executive  order,  Alaska,  eliminating  tract  from  Executive  order 
1967-A  [dated  June  23,  1914.  which  reserved  land  for  townsite  purposes, 
restoring  said  land  to  public  domain,  and  making  it  subject  to  entry  under 
homestead  laws  applicable  to  Alaska],     Oct.  10,  1927.     1  p.  f °     (No.  4741.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :A1 12/60 

Arizona.  Executive  order.  Arizona  [revoking  Executive  order  of  July  27,  1923, 
which  withdrew  certain  pulilic  lands  in  Arizona  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending 
resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under 
homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Ger- 
many for  i)eriod  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to 
general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  Oct.  1.  1927. 
1   p.    f      (No.    4734.)      t  Pr  30.5 :  Ar  47/16 

Ball,  Mrs.  Alice  R.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Mrs.  Alice 
R.  Ball  to  appropriate  subclerical  position  in  Bureau  of  Engraving  and 
Printing].     Oct.  4,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4736.)     ?  Pr  30.5 :  B  21 

Barrancas,  Fort.  Executive  order  [transferring  portion  of  Fort  Barrancas 
military  reservation.  Fla..  to  Department  of  Commerce  for  use  as  lighthouse 
reservation].     Oct.  5.  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4739.)      %  Pr  30.5 :  L  626/10 

Budfiet  Bureau.  Executive  order  [of  President  Harding  prescribing  further 
rules  and  regulations  regarding  preparation  and  submission  of  budget  and 
conduct  of  Budget  Bureau].  [Nov.  8.  1921,  reprint  1927.]  3  p.  f°  ([No. 
3578.  ] )      t  Pr  29.5  :  B  859/2/rep. 

Customs  Service.  Executive  order  [abolishing  Alpena.  Charlevoix.  Detour, 
Escanaba,  Houghton,  Mackinaw,  Manistee,  Marine  City,  Marquette,  Muskegon, 
St.  Clair,  and  St.  Joseph  as  ports  of  entry  in  customs  collection  district  no. 
38  (Michigan),  with  headquarters  at  Detroit.  Mich.,  effective  30  days  from 
date  of  this  order].     Sept.  30,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4730.)     t    Pr  30.5 :  M  582/9 

— —  Executive  order  [creating  Oklahoma  City,  Okla.,  as  port  of  entry  in 
customs  collection  district  no.  45  (St.  Louis),  with  headquarters  at  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  effective  30  days  from  date  of  this  order]. .  Oct.  8.  1927.  1  p.  f  (No. 
^740. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  M  691/7 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

256  October,  1927 

Fit z Simons,  TF.  S.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  W.  S.  Fitz- 
Simons  to  position  of  associate  engineer  in  Engineer  Department  at  Large]. 
Oct.  12,  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4742.)      %  Pr  30.5 :  F  584 

Griffin,  Samuel  H.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Samuel 
Hunter  GriflBn  as  clerli  in  Bureau  of  Yards  and  Docks,  Navy  Department]. 
Oct.   14,   1927.     1   p.   t°     (No.   4743.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  G  S75/2 

Illinois.  Executive  order,  Illinois  [revoking  Executive  order  of  June  13,  1895, 
which  withdrew  island  known  as  Maple  Island,  in  Mississippi  River,  and 
authorizing  that  said  land  be  opened  only  to  entry  under  homestead  laws,  by 
qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after 
which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public- 
land  law  applicable  thereto].     Oct.  3,  1927.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4735.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  II  C 

National  forests.  Executive  order,  Alaska  [vacating  Executive  order  of  Mar.  8, 
1927,  in  so  far  as  it  pertains  to  lands  situated  at  Cape  Fanshaw,  Alaska, 
which  were  placed  under  control  of  Secretary  of  Interior  by  said  order,  and 
authorizing  that  such  lands  remain  part  of  Tongass  National  Forest  as  con- 
templated by  proclamation  of  Sept.  10,  1907,  subject  to  laws  applicable  to 
lands  so  situated].     Oct.  5,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4737.)      $       Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/59 

Executive  order,  Colville  National  Forest,  Wash,   [modifying  boundaries 

of  Colville  National  Forest  by  excluding  therefrom  lands  in  Washington]. 
Sept.    27,    1927.     1    p.    f      (No.    4727.)      $  Pr  30.5 :  C  726/2 

Executive  order,   Tongass  National   Forest,   Alaska    [excluding  tract  of 

land  on  Prince  of  Wales  Island,  in  Alaska,  heretofore  occupied  for  fish  can- 
nery purposes,  from  Tongass  National  Forest  and  restoring  same  to  entry 
under  applicable  public  land  laws].     Sept.  23,  1927.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4724.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  Al  12/58 

• Ocala  National  Forest,  Fla..  proclamation.     Oct.  17,  1927.     1  p.  t°     (No. 

1816.)     t  Pr30.7:Ocl 

Stanislaus  National  Forest,  Calif.,  5th  proclamation.     [Oct.  14,  1927.]     [2] 

p.  f°     ([No.  1815.])     t  Pr  30.7:  St  24 

Nevada.  Executive  order,  Nevada  [revoking  Executive  order  of  July  2,  1924. 
which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Nevada  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending 
rcsurvey,  said  lands  having  been  withdrawn  by  Secretary  of  Interior  July  2 
and  Aug.  26,  1902.  and  not  subject  to  appropriation].  Oct.  5,  1927.  1  p.  f" 
(No.  4738.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  N  411/11 

Panama  Canal.  Executive  order  [amending  see.  18  of  Executive  order  of  Apr. 
14,  1921,  relating  to  licensing  of  vehicles,  road  rules,  use  of  lights,  tags,  and 
signals,  and  speed  regulations  in  Canal  Zone,  so  as  to  modify  ruie  governing 
speed  of  vehicles  and  fixing  responsibility  for  their  speed  and  operation]. 
Sept.  29,  1927.    1  p.  f °     (No.  4729.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  P 191/21 

Pay,  Army.  Executive  order  [announcing  allowances  for  quarters  and  sub- 
sistence for  enlisted  men,  who  are  not  furnished  quarters  or  rations  in  kind, 
and  making  same  applicable  to  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service],  [Sept.  29,  1927.] 
[2]  p.  f»     ( [No.  4728.])     %  Pr  30.5 :  Su  16/8 

Postal  service.  Executive  order  [placing  within  classified  service  all  positions 
of  laborer  in  post  oflSces  of  1st  and  2d  classes,  except  positions  of  cleaners 
and  employees  engaged  in  charwork,  and  providing  that  occupants  of  said 
positions  who  are  not  already  classified,  be  given  classified  status].  Sept.  30, 
1927.    1  p.  f "     (No.  4731.)     %  Pr  30.5  :  P  845/2 

Thanksgivmg,  1927.  proclamation.     Oct.  26,  1927.     1  p.  t°     (No.  1819.)     t 

Pr  30.7 :  T  329/5 

Utah.  Executive  order,  Utah  [temporarily  withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in 
Utah  from  settlement,  etc.,  in  aid  of  proposed  legislation].  Sept.  30,  1927.  1  p. 
r     (No.  4732.)     +  Pr  .30.5 :  Ut  1/20 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  Information  follofving  Contents 

October,  1927  257 

Washington  State.  Executive  order,  AYashington  [withdrawing  certain  public 
lands  in  Washington  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  town- 
ships].    Sept.  27,  1927.    1  p.  f °     (No.  4726.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  W  279/14 

Wyominc/.     Executive  order,  Wyoming   [revoking  Executive  order  of  Aug.  12, 

1926,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualilied  ex-service  men  of  War  with 
Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open 
to  general  public  under  anv  public  land  law  apnlicable  thereto].     Sept.  30. 

1927.  1  p.  f°     (No.  4733.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/27 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in  Wyo- 
ming from  settlement,  etc..  pending  resurvey  of  said  townships].  Sept.  27, 
1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  4725.)     ±  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/26 


Flint  River  and  Kortheastem  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of 
Columbia,  no.  4570,  Flint  River  &  Northeastern  Railroad  Company  v.  A.  W. 
Mellon,  director  general  of  railroads,  as  agent  for  President  of  United  States ; 
brief  of  appellee.     1927.     cover-title,  13  p.     |  Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  F  64ft 


Bethlehem  Steel  Corporation.  In  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, in  equity,  no.  3315,  Mar.  term,  1925,  United  States  against  Bethlehem 
Steel  Corporation,  Bethlehem  Shipbuilding  Corporation.  Ltd..  Bethlehem 
Steel  Company,  Fore  River  Shipbuilding  Corporation,  and  Union  Iron  Works 
Company ;  complainant's  reply  to  claim  for  credit  and  counterclaim  of  de- 
fendant, Bethlehem  Shipbuilding  Corporation.  Limited,  to  bill  of  complaint 
in  above  entitled  action.     1927.     cover-title,  42  p.  2  tab.  large  8°     $ 

SB  1.13  :B  465/9 

■ ■  Same  ;  complainant's  reply  to  claim  for  credit  and  counterclaim  of  de- 
fendant, Bethlehem  Steel  Company.     1927.     cover-title,  12  p.  1  tab.  large  8°     % 

SB  1.13  :  B  465/12 

Same :  complainant's  reply  to  claim  for  credit  and  counterclaim  of  de- 

dendant.  Union  Iron  Works  Company.  1927.  cover-title,  12  p.  1  tab.  large 
8^'    t  SB  1.13  :  B  465/11 

Same ;  complainant's  reply  to  claim  for  credit  of  defendant.  Fore  River 

Shipbuilding  Coi*poration.     1927.     cover-title,  13  p.  1  tab.  large  8°     1 

SB  1.13  :  B  465/10 

Isortliern  Metals  Companii.  No.  3498,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit, 
Oct.  term.  1926.  Shipping  Board  Emergency  Fleet  Corporation  [now  Ship- 
ping Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation]  v.  Abraham  Tabas,  Morris  Tabas, 
and  Samuel  Tabas,  copartners  trading  as  Northern  Metals  Company ;  peti- 
tion for  rehearing.     1927.     cover-title,  23  p.  large  8°     |  SB  1.13  :  N  814/3 

Shipping.  Ex  parte  4,  sec.  15  [of  shipping  act,  1916]  inquiry :  [decided  Aug. 
16,  1927;  report  and  order  of  board].  [1927.]  [l]-f  121-125-]- [1]  p.  [Re- 
port from  Shipping  Board  reports,  v.  1.]     f  SB  1.10/a  :  Ag  82 


Merchant  Fleet  neics.  v.  1,  no.  5;  Oct.  1927.     [1927.]     12  p.  il  4°     [Monthly.]     f 

SB  2.16 : 1/5 

Ships.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United   States  and  foreign  ports,   Oct.   1-Nov.  15, 
1927:  issued  by  Traffic  Department.     1927.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14  :  927/10 

Hofv  to  order  publications — See  information  follovring  Contents 

258  October,  1927 



Note. — The  publications  of  tlie  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz.,  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  librarie.s,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  and  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are 
usually  brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the 
Museum  collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series 
can  now  be  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Orane-flies,  Undescribed  crane  flies  from  Holarctic  region  in  National  Museum ; 
by  Charles  P.  Alexander.  1927.  cover-title,  17  p.  1  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  72, 
art.  2  ;  no.  2698. )      t  SI  3.6  :  2698 

Cretaceous  period.  Additions  to  Upper  Cretaceous  invertebrate  faunas  of  the 
Carolinas ;  by  Lloyd  W.  Stephenson.  1927.  cover-title,  25  p.  9  p.  of  pi. 
(Proceedings,  V.  72,  art.  10;  no.  2706.)      t  SI  3.6  :  2706 

Curfidae.  New  species  of  2-winged  flies  of  family  Cyrtidae,  with  new  genus 
from  Philippines;  by  J.  M.  Aldrich.  1927.  cover-title,  4  p.  il.  (Proceedings, 
V.  72,  art.  9;  no.  2705.)      t  SI  3.6  :  2705 

HooJcworms.  Description  of  Ancylostoma  pluridentatum,  hookworm  of  car- 
nivores, and  review  of  genus  Ancylostoma  [witii  list  of  references]  ;  by 
Benjamin  Schwartz.  1927.  cover-title,  9  p.  il.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  1; 
no.  2697.)     f  813.6:2697 

Symenoptera.  New  parasitic  Hymenoptera  of  subfamily  Anteoninae  from  the 
Americas;  by  F.  A.  Fenton.  1927.  cover-title,  16  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Proceed- 
ings, V.  72,  art.  8  ;  no.  2704.)      t  SI  3.6  :  2704 

Iclineumon-flies.  Miscellaneous  notes  and  descriptions  of  ichneumon-flies ;  by 
R.  A.  Cushman.  1927.  cover-title,  22  p.  il.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  13;  no. 
2709.)      t  SI  3.6:  2709 

Isopodx.  On  some  terrestrial  isopods  in  National  Museum  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture] ;  by  Hans  Lohmander.  1927.  cover-title,  18  p.  il.  (Proceedings,  v.  72, 
art.  17  ;  no.  2713.)      t  SI  3.6 :  2713 

Meteorites.  Oxidation  of  meteoric  irons,  with  comparative  descriptions  of 
2  new  examples  of  magnetic  iron  oxides  from  terrestrial  sources ;  by  Earl 
V.  Shannon.  1927.  cover-title,  15  p.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art  21:  no. 
2717.)      t  SI  3.6: 2717 

Mollusks.  Australian  land  shell,  Thersites  bipartita,  and  its  allies ;  by  William 
B.  Marshall.  1927.  cover-title,  16  p.  3  p.  of  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  15; 
no.  2711.)      t  SI  3.6:  2711 

Proceedings  of  National  Museum,  [title-page,  contents,  and  list  of  illustrations 
to]  V.  70.     1927.     xiii  p.     t  SI  3.6 :  2650-2672/t.p.&cont. 


[Circulars'^  1055-57;  Sept.  21-24,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p.  or  1  p.  [General 
instruction  circulars  to  consular  ofiicers.]     |  S  1.4/2  :  1055-57 

Consuls.     [Regulations  governing  consular  service  of  United  States,  annotated]  : 
article  26,  Consular  fees.     Oct.  1927.     35  p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for 
insertion  in  binder.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26116  S  1.5  :  926/art.26 

Diplomatic  list,  Oct.  1927.  [1927.]  cover-title,  ii+41  p.  24°  *  Piiper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  65c. 

Foreign  service  of  United  States,  diplomatic  and  consular ;  corrected  to  Oct.  1, 
1927.     1927.     iv+76  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16369  S 1.7 :  927/4 

HoiT  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTving  Contents 

October,  1927  259 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conference.     Conference  Radiotel^graphique  In- 
ternationale de  Washington,  1927.  listes  et  adresses  des  d^legu§s  des  gouverne- 
meuts  et  des  representants  des  compagnies  et  des  organismes  internationaux. 
3*  tirage.     1927.     ii+2S  p.  4"     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26957  S  5.25  :  D  37/3/Frencli 

Same.     4"   tirage.     1927.     ii+31    p.    4°     t  S  5.25 :  D  37/4/French 

International  Radiotelegrapli  Conference  of  Washington,  Oct.-Nov.  1927 

[program   of  entertainment  and   general   information].     [1927.]     cover-title, 
[7]  p.  1  por,  2  pi.     t  S5.25:  En  S/English 

Same,  French.     [1927.]     cover-title,  [7]  p.  1  por.  2  pi.     t 

S  5.25  :  En  8/French 

•    Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Conference  of  Washington: 

Errata.     1927.     1  p.  4°     t  S  5.25 :  P  94/errata 

Supplement  4  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  Memorandum  of  international  regulation  of  meteoro- 
logical radiotelegrams  submitted  by  Committee  on  Synoptic  Weather  Infor- 
mations. [1927.]  11  leaves,  4°  [Included  in  price  of  Projyosals.  for  which 
see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Aug.  1927,  p.  130.]  S  5.25  :  P  94/supp.  4 

Supplement  5  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  Propos^als  of  United  States  for  revision  of  interna- 
tional code  of  signals  based  on  draft  prepared  by  Government  of  Great  Britain. 
[1927.]  16  leaves,  il.  4°  [Included  in  price  of  Proposals,  for  which  see  the 
Monthly  catalogue  for  Aug.  1927,  p.  130.]  S  5.25  :  P  94/supp.  5 

Supplement  6  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  2d  International  Juridical  Congress  of  T.  S.  F.  (Wire- 
less Telegraphy),  Netherlands,  International  Air  Traffic  Association,  Cuba, 
United  States.  Japan,  Netherlands.  [1927.]  13  leaves,  il.  4"  [Included  in 
price  of  Proposals,  for  which  see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Aug.  1927,  p.  130.] 

S  5.25 :  P  94/supp.  6 

Supplement  7  to  book  of  Proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph  Con- 
ference of  Washington :  Proposals  of  radio  companies,  additions,  contractions, 
and  modifications.  [1927.]  5  leaves,  4°  [Included  in  price  of  Proposals,  for 
which  see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Aug.  1927,  p.  130.]     S  5.25 :  P  94/supp.  7 

Pan  American  Congress  of  Highumys.  Buenos  Aires,  Oct.  5-16.  1925.  report  of 
delegates  of  United  States  designated  by  the  President  in  pursuance  of  joint 
resolution  approved  Mar.  4,  1925.     1927.     [l]+9  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27641  S  5.23  :  R  29 



Frishman,  Ralph  F.  Docket  no.  311,  list  no.  177,  before  Tripartite  Claims  Com- 
mission. United  States,  Austria,  and  Hungary,  United  States  on  behalf  of 
Ralph  F.  Frishman  i\  Hungary ;  brief  of  United  States  on  question  of  applica- 
tion of  exceptional  war  measures  by  Hungary  to  property  of  American 
nationals.     1927.     cover-title.  48  p.  4°     $  S  3.37/5 :  F  917 


Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term.  1926,  Oct.  4,  1926-Jan.  3  (in 
part),  1927;  Ernest  Knaebel,  i-eporter.  1927.  xxxix-f760  p.  il.  (United 
States  reports,  v.  272.)     [Also  issued  in  4  preliminary  prints.]     *  Cloth,  $2.75. 

Ju  6.8/1 :  272 

[Journan  Oct.  3-31,  1927;  [slips]  1-28.  [1927.]  leaves  1-95.  [A  corrected 
print  of  the  Journal  for  Oct.  18  was  also  issued.]     J  Ju  6.5  :  927 

HoTC  to  order  publications— See  information  following  Contents 

260  October,  1927 

Official  reports.  OflBcial  reports  of  Supreme  Court,  v.  274  U.  S.,  no.  1 ;  Ernest 
Knaebel,  reporter.  Prelimiuaiy  print.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  1-225,  12° 
[Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term,  1926  (opinions  of  Apr.  11,  in 
part-May  2,  1927).  Text  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.  From  United  States  reports, 
V.  274.]  *  Paper,  2.5c.  single  copy,  $1.00  per  vol.  (4  nos.  to  a  vol.;  subscrip- 
tion price,  $3.00  for  12  nos.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  5c  added  for  each  pamphlet. 

Ju  6.8/la :  274/1 

Same.  v.  274  U.  S.,  no.  2 ;  Ernest  Knaebel,  reporter.     Preliminary  print. 

1927.  cover-title,  p.  225-409,  12"  [Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct. 
term.  1926  (opinions  of  May  16,  1927).  This  number  contains  table  of  cases 
reported  in  v.  274,  pts.  1  and  2.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.  From  United  States 
reports,  v.  274.]  Ju  6.8/la  :  274/2 


Dyes  and-  dyeing.    Census  of  dyes  and  other  synthetic  organic  chemicals,  1926. 
1927.    ix+206  p.  il.     (Tariff  information  series  35.)     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26799  TC  1.5  :  35 

Fish  and  ftsheries.    Lake  fish,  study  of  trade  between  United  States  and  Canada 
in  fresh-water  fish,  with  cost  of  production  data.    1927.    iv4-175  p.  il.     (Tariff 
information  series  36.)      *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27624  TC  1.5  :  36 

Swiss  cheese,  report  of  Tariff  Commission  to  President  of  United  States,  differ- 
ences in  costs  of  production  of  Swiss  cheese  in  United  States  and  in  principal 
competing  country,  as  ascertained  pursuant  to  provisions  of  sec.  315  of  title 
3  of  tariff  act  of  1922 ;  with  appendix,  proclamation  by  the  President.  1927. 
v+63  p.  il.  [Switzerland  is  the  principal  competing  country.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27640  TC  1.2 :  C  41 

Tariff  information  surveys.     1927. 
L.  C.  card  20-27464 

G-19b.  On  articles  in  paragraphs  717  and  720  of  tariff  act  of  1922,  Lake  fish,     vi-f-175 
p.    il.      ♦  Papor,    30c.  TC  1.6 :  G-19b 

K-  2.     On  articles  in  paragraphs  1108-11  of  tariff  act  of  1922  and  related  articles  in 
other  paragraphs,  Woven  fabrics  of  wool,     viii  +  141  p.  il.     *  Paper,  25c. 

TC  1.6  :  K-2 


Decisiotu.  Index  to  Reports,  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  3  B.  T.  A.  [Nov.  12,  1925- 
Apr.  20,  1926].  Apr.  30,  1927.  cover-title,  ii-f  1395-1482  p.  [This  is  the  same 
with  the  addition  of  a  cover  and  2  preliminary  pages  as  the  index  to  v.  3 
listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  June,  1927,  p.  961.]     t 

T  3.T  19 :  5/3/ind.  cop.  2 

Index  to  reports  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  v.  4.  Apr.  21-Sept.  30,  1926. 

1927.     [1] +1325-1410  p.    }  Y  3.T  19  :  5/4/ind. 

■ Same,  with  addition  of  cover  and  2  preliminary  pages,  and  with  title.  Index 

to  Reports,  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  4  B.  T.  A.  [Apr.  21-Sept.  30. 1926].  Sept.  30, 
1927.     cover-title,  ii+1325-1410  p.     |  Y  3.T  19 :  5/4/ind.  cop.  2 

Reports,  v.  7,  no.  8-11 ;  Aug.  9-Sept.  13, 1927.     [1927.]     [xxiv]  +864-1331  p. 

[Contain  decisions  promulgated  July  30-Sept.  7,  1927.]     *  Paper,  $1.50  per  vol. 

Y  3.T  19 :  5/7-8  to  7-11 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Special  deposits  of  public  moneys  [in  connection  with 
subscriptions  for  bonds  and  certificates  of  United  States  issued]  under  act 
approved  Sept.  24,  1917,  as  amended.  Nov.  1,  1927.  4  p.  4°  (Department  cir- 
cular 92  revised ;  Division  of  Deposits. )     t  T  1.4/2 :  92/8 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  infoiiuation  following:  Contents 


October,  1927  261 

Coins.  "Values  of  foreign  coins,  Oct.  1,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  4°  (Department  circu- 
lar 1,  Director  of  Mint.)      [Quarterly.]     t  T  1.4/2 : 1/927-4 

Finance.    Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports  from 
Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  Oct.  1-31,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p.  f° 
FDaily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  927 

PnUic  dcM.     Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  Aug.  31,  1927.     [1927.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9  :  927/8 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws, 
including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  v.  52, 
no.  14-17;  Oct.  6-27.  1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [WeelJly.  Department 
decisions  numbered  42378-417,  abstracts  3895-4140,  internal  revenue  decisions 
4091-98,  Tariff  Commission  Notice  73,  and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2 :  52/14-17 


Cadets.     Regulations   governing  appointments   to  cadetships   in   Coast   Guard. 
[Reprint]   1927.     [l]+24  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27635  T  47.8  :  C  ll/12/rep. 

■  oast  Guard  Academy,  New  London.  Regulations  for  Coast  Guard  Academy, 
1927.     1927.     iii+69  p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     % 

T  47.8:0  63/927 

[Regulations  for  Coast  Guard,  1923]  :  chapter  4,  Complements,  original  enlist- 
ments [etc.;  chapter  5,  Leaves  of  absence,  etc.].  [Revision]  July,  1927. 
[1927.]  p.  13-52kk.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regula- 
tions.]    t  T  47.9  :  923/p.  13-52kk 


National  banks.     Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reser\e  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit, 
etc.  [Oct.  1,  19271.       Oct.  1,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  f'     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9:  927/10 


Ueappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Sept.  28-Oct.  20,  1927]  ; 
Oct.  7  and  21,  1927.     [1927.]     691-723+ [iii]     p.     (Reappraisement  circular  32 
and  33).     [Weekly;  none  issued  Oct.  14,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  75c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  32,  33 


Government  swpplies.  Specifications  and  proposals  for  supplies  [fiscal  year 
1928]  :  class  11,  Forage  and  seed,  Nov.  1,  1927-F'eb.  29,  1928.  [1927.]  8  p. 
1"     t  T  45.5/17  :  11/2 


Bends  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
tonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Sept.  1927].  Oct.  1,  1927.  6  p.  4° 
(Form  A.)      [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5: 927/9 


Par.  American  Standardization  Conference.     Report  on  2d  Pan  American  Stand- 
a::dization  Conference    [held  at  Washington,   D.   C,   May  9-11,   1927]  ;   pub- 
lished by  Central  Executive  Council.    1927.    iii-f  93  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L    C.  card  27-27639  T  1.23/2 :  St  2/3/Bnglish 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  follovrlng  Contents 

262  October,  1927 

Pan  American  Standardisation  Conference — Continued. 

Same,  Spanish.    1927.     iii+101  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27638  T  1.23/2  :  St  2/3/Spanish 


Internal   revenue    bulletin,    v.    6,    no.    40-44;    Oct.    3-31.    1927.     1927.     various 
paging.     [Weekly.]     *  Pap«r,  5c.  single  copy   (for  subscription  price  see  note 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  927/40-44 

Note. — The  Intei-nal  reveime  bulletin  service  for  1927  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins, semiannual  cumulative  bulletins,  and  an  annual  digest.  The  weekly  bulletins 
will  contain  the  rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department 
decisions  (known  as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The 
semiannual  cumulative  bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including 
Treasury  decisions)  published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  annual  digest  will 
contain  in  digested  form  all  such  rulings  and  decisions  published  during  the  year, 
the  volume  for  1927  to  contain  also  digests  of  the  rulings  and  decisions  published  dur- 
ing the  years  1925  and  1926.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a, 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington.  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.7.5. 

Internal   j-erenue   news,    v.    1.    no.    4;    Oct.  1927.     1927.     cover-title.    24   p.    il. 

[Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  :  1/4 


Bonds  of  United  States.     Caveat  list  of  United   States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Oct.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     64  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7 :  927/10 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Oct.  1,  1927.     Sept.  30, 
1927.     1   p.   oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5  :  927/10 


Manual.     Regulations  1.  Field  office  manual  for  use  of  prohibition  administra- 
tors.    Sept.  1927.     xxix+140  p.  il.     $ 
L.  C.  card  27-27658  T  54.5  :  1 

Prohibition.     Digest  of  Supreme  Court  decisions  interpreting  national  prohibi- 
tion act  and  Willis-Campbell  act    (in  chronological   order),   for  prohibition 
administrators.   United   States  attorneys,   and  others  concerned.   Sept.   1927. 
1927.     vi-l-54  p.     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27646  T  54.6  :  927 


Dietetics  in  institutions  and  in  field;  by  Lucy  Minnigerode.     1927.     [l]+5  p. 

2  p.  of  pi.      (Reprint  1175.)  [From  Public  health  reports,  Aug.   19,  1927.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27655  T  27.6/a  :  1175 

Health  officers.     City  health  officers,  1927,  directory  of  those  in  cities  of  10,000 
or    more    population.     1927.     [1]+12    p.     (Reprint    1177.)      [From     Public 
health  reports.  Sept.  9,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26806  T  27.6/a  :  1177 

Hygiene,  PuMic.     Public  health  laws  and   regulations   adopted   during  1926; 

compiled  by  William  Fowler.  1927.     xi+204  p.     (Supplement  65  to  Public 
health  reports. )     *  Paper.  30c. 
L.  C.  card  20-26967  T  27.6/2 :  65i 

Illness  rate  among  males  and  females  [with  list  of  references],  Hagerstown 
[Md.]  morbidity  studies  no.  6;  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker.  1927.  [l]-rl9  p. 
il.  (Reprint  1172.)  [From  Public  health  reports,  July  29,  1927.]  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-26048  T  27.6/a  :  1172 

HoTc  to  order  publications — See  Information  follovrlng  Contents 


OCTCBEE,  1927  263 

Official  list  of  commissioned  and  other  officers  of  Public  Health  Service,  also  list 
of  marine  hospitals,  quarantine,  immigration,  relief  stations,  and  quarantine 
vessels.  Julv  1,  1927.     1927.     v4-75  p.     (Miscellaneous  publication  11.)     t 
L.  C.  card  6-4U500  T  27.17  :  11/12 

Oxidation.     Studies  on  oxidation-reduction :  12,  Note  on  Schardinger  reaction 
(in  replv  to  Kodama)   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  TV.  Mansfield  Clark.  Bar- 
nett  Cohen,  and  M.  X.   Sullivan.     1927.     [1]+10  p.  il.     (Supplement  66  to 
Public  health  reports. )      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26554  T  27.6/2  :  66 

Pellagra,  its  nature  and  prevention;  by  Joseph  Goldberger.     1927.     8  p.     (Re- 
print 1174.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Sept.  2,  1927.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27617  T  27.6/a  :  1174 

Preventive  medicine.     Unexplored  field  of  preventive  medicine  in  private  prac- 
tice:    by   W.    F.   Draper.     1927.     [l]+5   p.      (Reprint   1176.)      [From   Public 
health  reports,  Sept.  9,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C,  card  27-27656  T  27.6/a  :  1176 

Public  health  reports,  v.  42,  no.  40-43  ;  Oct.  7-28,  1927.     1927.     [xvi]  +2431-2698 
p.  il.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription. 
$2  75 
L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6  :  42/40-43 

Special  articles. — No.  40.  Diagnosis  of  poliomyelitis  ;  by  J.  P.  Leake. — Diphthoria 
in  United  States  ;  by  Jason  Waterman. — Diphtheria  situation  in  Chicago  ;  by  Herman 
N.  Bundesen. — Diphtheria  immunization  in  Chicago. — Diphtheria  in  Now  Yorli  City. — 
Increase  of  diphtheria  in  Berlin.- — Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No."  41. 
Susceptibility  to  malaria  parasites  and  relation  to  transmission  of  malaria  of  species  of 
Anopheles  common  in  southern  United  States  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  M.  A.  Bar- 
ber, W.  H.  W.  Komp,  and  T.  B.  Hayne. — Predicting  epidemics  of  plague  in  the  Punjab, 
preliminary  note  by  W.  H.  C.  Forster,  director  of  public  health  of  tlie  Punjab,  pre- 
sented at  Apr.  1927,  meeting  of  Committee  of  International  OflSce  of  Public  Hygiene  by 
J.  D.  Graham,  commissioner  of  public  health  to  Indian  Government:  [translation].—^ 
Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  42.  Report  on  studies  of  efficiency  of 
water-purification  processes. — Cooperative  rural  health  work  of  Public  Health  Service, 
fiscal  year  1927  ;  by  L.  L.  Lumsden. — Current  world  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of 
monthly  epidemiological  report,  issued  Sept.  15,  1927.  by  Health  Section  of  League  of 
Nations'  Secretariat. ^ — Court  decision  relating  to  public  health. — No.  4.3.  Amendments 
to  international  rules  of  zoological  nomenclature,  important  notice  to  zoologists,  physi- 
cians, veterinarians,  and  others  using  zoological  names. — Epidemiology  of  typhus  fever 
in  Ireland   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  M.  R.  King. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc..  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Stoxal.     Some  tests  of  larvicide  stoxal  [with  list  of  references]  :  bv  M.  A.  Bar- 
ber and  W.  H.  W.  Komp.     1927.     [l]+8  p.     (Reprint  1173.)      [From  Public 
health  reports,  Aug.  5,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27630  T  27.6/a  :  1173 


Syphilis  of  circulatory  system,  compilation  of  abstracts  from  Division  of  Vene- 
real Diseases ;  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its  cooperative 
work  with  State  health  departments.  July  1,  1927.  v+102  p.  (Compila- 
tion 6.)  [Compilations  1-5  were  mimeographed  and  have  not  been  entered  in 
this  catalogue.]     *  Paper,  20c.  T  27.29:  6 

Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its 
cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments,  v.  8,  no.  10:  Oct.  20,  1927. 
1927.  ii+ 389-433 -fii  p.  [Monthlj'.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. : 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26  :  8/10 

Special  articles. — Present-day  conceptions  of  immunitv  in  svphilis  :  bv  Alan  M. 
Chesney. — Malaria  inoculation  ;  by  J.  Waguer-Jauregg. 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Sept.  30,  1927.     Oct.  1,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8 :  927/9 

Ho'w  to  order  publications — See  Information  f oUoTv^ln^  Contents 

264  October,  1927 


Medical  iiilletin.  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bullet  n,  v.  3,  no.  11, 
Nov.  1927;  B.  W.  Carr.  editor.  1927.  x+1089-1191  p.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi. 
[Monthly.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub:  criptiuu.  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  YB  1.16  :  3/11 

Special  ariicles. — Mechanism'  of  psychic  regression  [with  bibliographj' ;  by  E.  W. 
Lazell]. — Reception  service  at  Veterans'  Hospital,  GnlFport,  Miss.;  [liy]  Clinton  G. 
Beckett. — Promotion  of  activities  in  furthering  beneficent  aims  of  National  hospital 
day  ;  [by]  John  R.  McDill  and  Waldo  F.  McNaught. — Clinical  notes  on  pulsus  alternans 
[with  list  of  references;  by]  Roger  S.  Morris. — Colostomy;  [by]  L.  E.  Briscoe. — Gastro- 
jejunocolic  fistula,  with  case  report  [and  with  list  of  references;  by]  L.  A.  Bradbury. — 
Comparison  of  physical  and  X-ra3'  examinations  with  autopsy  findings;  [by]  Bertell  L. 
Talbot. — General  considerations  of  pulmonary  tuberculosis ;  [by]  V.  E.  Bellinger. — 
Study  of  Vincent's  angina  [with  references  ;  l)y]  R.  M.  Fulwider. — Focal  infection  of 
dental  origin  in  cas»s  of  dementia  pra?cox,  hebephrenic  type  ;  [by]  L.  Bowers  Hodges. — • 
Postoperative  collapse  of  lung  following  nephrectomy  with  complete  recovery ;  [by] 
Guy  P.  Asper. — Case  report  of  rare  skin  disease  [with  list  of  references  ;  1-y]  F.  W. 
Scott. — Tuberculosis  of  anterior  mediastinal  lymph  nodes,  case  n^port  vvitli  post- 
mortem findings;  [by]  Richard  C.  Buckley. — Nurses  in  neuropsychiatric  hospital; 
[by]  Florence  J.  Pelton. — Occupational  therapy  with  neuropsychiatric  patients  ;  [by] 
C.  H.  Taylor  and  Myrtle  E.  Richardson. 

Orders.  General  order  50  E:  Oct.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  12  p.  4"  [Title  is:  Pro- 
cedure in  hospital  admissions,  transfers,  and  dischar.aes.  U.«ually  tile  Gen- 
eral orders  of  the  Veterans'  Bureau  are  mimeographed  and  are  n(;t  entered 
in  this  catalogue.]     |  VB  1.5  :  59-E 

Skin  diseases.  Survey  of  dermatological  and  syphilogical  diagnostic  work,  Vet- 
erans' [Bureau]  diagnostic  center.  Washington,  D.  C. ;  [by]  F.  J.  Eichenlaub 
[and]  IVI.  Harold  Goodman.  [1927.]  p.  ]-15.  [From  United  States  Veterans' 
Bureau  medical  bulletin,  V.  3,  no.  10.]     t  VB  1.16/a  :  D  54 

Tumors.  Aid  in  differentiating  between  cerebral  and  cerebellar  tumors  [with 
reference;  by]  Hugo  IVIella.  [1927.]  6  p.  1  pi.  [From  Un  ted  States  Vet- 
erans' Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  10.]     t  VB  1.16/a  :  T  833 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as 
may  seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrativi'  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 

5-100.     Assistant   Secretary   of   War :    Procurement   of   supplies,   general   provisions ; 

Sept.  12.  1927.     [1927.]     lip.  W  1.6/1  :  5-100- 

20-10.       Inspector  General's  Department :  Inspection  of  posts  and  camps.  Changes  1 ; 

Oct.  26.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  20-10  '3/ch.  1 

o0-960.     Quartermaster  Corps  :  Transportation  of  authorized  baggage ;  Sept.  20,  1927. 

[1927.]      16  p.      [Supersedes   AR   30-960,    Jan.   20,    1926.] 

W  1.6/1  : 30-960/3 
30-1195.   Same:  Transportation   of  individuals  on   transports;   Oct.   1,   1927.      [1927.] 
8  p.     [Supersedes  AR  30-1195.  Dec.  15,  1924.]  W  1.6/1 :  30-1195/3 

30-1220.   Same:  Transport  messes.  Changes  2;  Oct.  17,  1927.     [1927.]     3  p.     [Super- 
sedes AR  30-1220,  Sept.  16.  1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  30-1220/ch.  2 
30-2135.  Same:  Laundries.  Changes  2:  Oct.  12.  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     [Supersedes  .\R 
30-2135,  Changes  1,   Oct.   11,  1926.]                              W  1.6/2  :  30-2135/ch.  ? 
SO-3050.  Same  :   Size  tariffs  of  clothing.  Changes  1  ;   Oct.  26,   1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  .30-3050/ch.  1 

35-540.     Finance  Department:  Preparation  nf  official  checks;  Oct.  20,  1927.      [1927.] 

4  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-540,  Mar.  22,  1922.1  W  1.6/1  :  3.5-540 '2 

35-2600.  Same:   Soldiers'   deposits:    Sept.   30,    1927.      [1927.]      3   p.      [Supersedes   AR 

35-2600,   Dec.   15,   1924,  and  Changes   1,  Apr.   10,   1926.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-2600/2 
35-6620.  Same :   Expendable  property.   Changes   1  ;   Oct.   12,   1927.      1927.      1   p.  A 

W  1.6/2  :  35-6620/ch.  1  fl 
35-6660.  Same:   Sales  of  property,   Changes   l;   July   2,    1927.      [1927.]      4   p.  ^ 

W 1.6/2  :  35-6660 /2/ch.  1 
40-110.     Medical  Department :  Standards  of  physical  examination  for  flying,  Changes 

1 ;  Oct.  17,  1927.      [1927.]     2  p.  W  1.6/2  :  40-110/ch.  1 

45-75.  Ordnance  Department :  Sales  of  serviceable  ordnance  property.  Changes  2 ; 
Oct.  18,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  [Supersedes  AR  45-75,  Changes  1;  Apr.  10, 
1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  45-75/ch.  2 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

OCTOBEE,  1927  ^5 

Army  regulations — Continued. 

345-150.     Military  records :  Pay  card,  Changes  2  ;  Sept.  26,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  345-150/ch.  2 
615-210.     Enlisted  men  :  Foreign  service,   Changes  1 ;   Sept.  26,   1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  615-210/ch.  1 

615-300.     Same:   Deserters,   Changes  2;    Sept.   26,    1927.      [1927.]      3  p.      [Supersedes 

AR  615-300,  Changes  1,  Aug.  16,  1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  615-300/ch.  2 

Training  regulations. 

Note. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pajnphlet  form  for  iii&ertion  in  loose- 
leal'  binders. 

420-290.  Infantry  :   Tanks,  moves   and  positions,   prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of 
infantry  ;  Sept.  26,  1917.      [1927.]      13  p.  il.     *  Paper,  5c.     W  1.21 :  420-290 


Medals.  American  decorations,  list  of  awards  of  Congressional  medal  of  honor, 
distinguished-service  cross,  and  distinguished-service  medal,  avs^arded  under 
authority  of  Congress,  1862-1926.  1927.  ix+845  p.  3  pi.  (War  Dept.  doc. 
18a.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Decorations,  United  States  Army,  1862-1926.] 
*  Paper,  $1.35. 
L.  C.  card  27-27643  W  3.2  :  M  46/9 

Oificers,  Armij.     Officers  of  Army  stationed  in  or  near  District  of  Columbia, 
Oct.  1,  1927.     1927.     iv+43  p.     [Quarterly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  20c.  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  9-35107  W  1.11 :  927/3 

Pack  transportation.  Training  manual,  Army :  Packer ;  prepared  under  direc- 
tion of  quartermaster  general,  1927.  1927.  v+22  p.  il.  (War  Dept.  doc. 
12a. )     *  Paper,  10c.  W  3.39/3  :  P  12 

Shooting.  Extracts  from  War  Department  document  1050 :  pt.  2,  Pistol  marlis- 
manship,  dismounted.  [Reprint  1927.]  p.  21-48,  il.  [From  Pistol  marlisman- 
ship,  Nov.  1920.]     t  W  3.16/la  :  P  677/rep.  927 

JJ.  S.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  9,  no.  19  and  20;  Oct.  1  and  15,  1927. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  Oct.  1  and  15,  1927.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°    t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  927/19,  20 


Navigable   waters.    Rules    and    regulations    relating    to   navigable    waters    of 
United  States,  with  exception  of  those  for  northern  and  northwestern  lakes 
and  their  connecting  and  tributary  waters,  printed  in  lake  survey  bulletin ; 
revised  to  July  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+353  p.     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27654  W  7.11/2  :  N  22/927 

Officers.     Statement  showing  rank,  duties,  and  addresses  of  officers  of  Corps 
of  Engineers,  Army.   Oct.   1,   1927    (with  changes   to   Oct.   15.    1927).     1927. 
[l]+29p.  4°     [Semiannual.]     t 
L.  C.  card  War  14-114  W  7.7  :  927/2 


NOTE. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary'  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse,  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  he  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Army 
Building.  New  York.  N.  Y.  :  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y.  ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.  ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  show- 
ing localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any 
of  these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  chang- 
ing conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  i-equest.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  andMssuod  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  .sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navisration '  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth,  Minn.,  IMilwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

HofT  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

266  October,  1927 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  6,  Oct.  26,  1927,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bul- 
letin 36 ;  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S. 
Lake  Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.  [Oct.  26,  1927.]  p.  1-3+leaves  4r-ll-|- 
[2]  p.  4"     t  W  33.3  :  36/7 


Military  law.  Changes  7  [for]  Military  laws  of  United  States,  1921;  July  2, 
1927,  [1927.]  11  leaves.  [Military  laws  issued  by  Judge  Advocate  General's 
Department]     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.8/4  :  921/7 


National  Guard  regulations,     f 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7 

Note. — The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

59.   Preparation  of  National  Guard  pay  rolls  and  pay  and  mileage  vouchers  and  model 
remarks;  June  30,  1927.      [1927.]      20  p.  W  70.7/4 :  59 

How  to  order  publications-^See  Information  follovcing  Contents 


in  3  5^ 

Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 

(WITH  PRICES)  ^,:y^^*  ^ 


No.  395  ^^^  ^^  ^, 

November,  1927,,<v^^  OV  ^^^^ 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

Folio r 

House n. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House   concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

Plouse  espcutivo  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House  report H.  rp. 

House  resolutioTi   (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,    illustrations 11. 

Inch,   inches . in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission I.  C.  C. 

Latitude .lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,   miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbei'S no.,  uos. 

Octavo 8° 

Page,  pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,  plates pL 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto 4° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,   section.'; sec. 

Senate.  Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.  rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16° 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirty  two-mo 32° 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12° 

Twenty  four-mo 24° 

Versus vs.,  v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year yr. 

CVunmoi)  abbi'cviations  for  nanies  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 

*  Document  for  sale  by  Siiperiulcndent  of  r)ocuments. 

t  Di.stribuliou  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 

t  I'rintcd   for  oflk-ial  use. 

Note. —  Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  ^Yhen  an  entry  shows  a  *  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  oflice  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  cf  the  publications  catalogued.  When  size  is  not 
given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge  of 
border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
•with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  TJsually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  library  of  Congress,  The  number  at  the  extreme 
right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the  Ofl[ice  of  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents. 




General  luformatiou 267-268 

Agriculture  Department 269-277 

Agricultural  Ecouomics  Bureau 270-271 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 271 

Biological   Sun-ey   Bureau 272 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 272 

Chemistry   Bureau 272 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 272 

Entomology  Bureau 272-27S 

Experiment   Stations   Office 273 

Alaska  Agricultural  Experiment  Stations 273 

Federal  Horticultural  Board 273 

Forest  Service 274 

Home  Economics  Bureau 274 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 274 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 274-276 

Public  Roads  Bureau 276 

Soils  Bureau 276 

Weather  Bureau 276-277 

Civil  Service  Commission 277 

Commerce  Department 277-287 

Aeronautics  Branch 277-278 

Census  Bureau 278 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 278-279 

Fisheries  Bureau 280 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 280-281 

Lighthouses  Bureau 281 

Mines  Bureau 281-282 

Navigation  Bureau 282 

Patent  Office . 282-284 

Publications  Division 284 

Radio  Division 284 

Standards  Bureau 284-287 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 287 

Congress 287-288 

House  of  Representatives 287-288 

Military  Affairs  Committee 288 

Ways  and  Means  Committee 288 

Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee 288 


IV  November,  1927 

Court  of  Claims 288-290 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 290 

District  of  Columbia 290-291 

Employees'  Compensation  Commission 291 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education 291 

Federal  Power  Commission 291 

Federal  Radio  Commission 291 

Federal  Reserve  Board 291-292 

Federal  Trade  Commission 292 

General  Accounting  Office 292 

Geographic  Board 292 

Government  Printing  Office 292-293 

Documents  Office 292-293 

Interior  Department 293-295 

Education    Bureau ^ 293 

General  Land  Office 293 

Geological  Survey 293-294 

Reclamation  Bureau 294-295 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 295-303 

Valuation  Bureau 303 

Justice  Department 303-307 

Labor  Department 307-309 

Children's  Bureau 307-308 

Employment    Service 308 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 308-309 

Publications  and   Supplies  Division 309 

Library  of  Congress 309 

Copyright  Office 309 

Documents  Division 309 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 310 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers 310 

Navy  Department 310-313 

Engineering  Bureau 310 

Marine  Corps 310 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 310 

Navigation  Bureau 310-313 

Hydrographic  Office 311-313 

Naval  Academy 313 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 313 

Pan  American  Union 314-315 

Panama  Canal 315 

Governor 315 

Post  Office  Department 315-317 

Foreign  Mails  Division '_      316 

Railway  Mail  Service 316-317 

Topography   Division 317 

President  of  United  States 317-319 

Shipping   Board 319 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 319 

Smithsonian   Institution 320 

American  Historical  Association 320 

National  Gallery  of  Art 320 

National    Museum 320 




November,  1927  V 


state  Department : 320-321 

International  Joint  Commission  on  Boundary  Waters  between  United 

States  and  Canada 321 

Supreme  Court 321 

Tax  Appeals  Board 321 

Treasury  Department 321-324 

Coast  Guard 321-322 

Comptroller  of  Currency 322 

Customs  Court 322 

General  Supply  Committee 322 

Government    Actuary 322 

Inter-American  High  Commission 322 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 322 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 323 

Mint  Bureau 323 

Public  Health  Service 323-324 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 324 

Treasurer  of  United  States 324 

Veterans'  Bureau 324 

War  Department 324-326 

Adjutant  General's  Department 325 

Air  Corps '    325 

Materiel    Division 325 

Engineer  Department 325-326 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 325-326 

Insular  Affairs  Bureau 326 

Medical   Department 326 

Militia  Bureau 326 

Ordnance   Department 326 

Quartermaster  General  of  Army 326 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Office  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  ($)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  official  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right ;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  551,  Q9-2. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Docvunents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  will  not  be  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  b«  purchased  from  his  Office  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
StRtes,  ^ilaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,   Samoa,  or  to 


268  November,  192T 

Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  is 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  OflBce  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23' :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  395  NOVEMBER  1927 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin  ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Alfalfa.  Relation  of  maturity  to  nutritive  value  of  1st,  2d,  and  3d  cuttings  of 
irrigated  alfalfa  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Jerry  Sotola.  1927. 
cover-title,  p.  361-3S3,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35, 
no.  4,  Aug.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a :  Al  28/13 

Bees.     Utilization    of    carbohydrates    by    honeybees    [with    list    of    literature 

cited]  ;     by   E.    F.    Phillips.     1927.     cover-title,    p.    385-428.     [From    Journal 

•of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  5,  Sept.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  B  391/2 

Bud-moths.  Notes  on  life  history  of  bud  moth,  Spilonota  ocellana  D.  &  S. ; 
by  S.  W.  Frost.  1927.  [2] +347-359  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  4,  Aug.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  M  856/9 

Cattle.  [Bureau  of  Animal  Industry]  order  307,  rule  1,  revision  26,  to  prevent 
spread  of  splenetic,  southern,  or  Texas  fever  in  cattle,  effective  Dec.  1,  1927 : 
[Oct.  28,  1927].     [1927.]     3  p.     t  A  4.5: 307 

Crops    and   markets,    Nov.    1927;     v.    4,    no.    11.     [1927.]     p.    409-448,    il.    4° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;   foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  cajd  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3  :  4/11 

Journal  of  agricultural  research.  Journal  of  agricultural  research  [title-page, 
contents,  errata,  and  index  to]  v.  34 ;  Jan.  1-Juue  15,  1927.  1927.  vii+1191- 
1209  p.      *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23  :  34/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Same,   v.   35,   no.   5   and   6;     Sept.   1   and   15,   1927.     1927.     cover-titles, 

p.  385-576,  il.  1  pi.  10  p.  of  pi.     [Semimonthly.]     *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy, 
$4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  §5.00. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  35/5,  6 

Contexts. — No.  5.  Utilization  of  carbohydrates  by  honeybees  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  E.  F.  Phillips. — Utilization  of  carbohydrates  as  food  by  honeybee  larvae 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  L.  M.  Bertholf. — Root  rot  of  Lucretia  dewberry 
caused  by  variety  of  Collybia  dryophila  Fr.  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  R.  F. 
Poole. — Pomegranate  blotch  ;  by  Frederick  A.  Wolf. — Subcutaneous  tumoif  in  primate 
caused  by  tapeworm  larvae  experimentally  reared  to  maturity  in  dogs  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  Benjamin  Schwartz. — No.  6.  Studies  of  physiological  anatomy 
of  strawberry  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Philip  R.  White. — Comparative  studies 
of  winter  hardiness  in  wheat  [vdth  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  John  H.  Martin. — 
Seeds  of  quack  grass  and  certain  wheat  grasses  compared :  by  Helen  H.  Henry. — 
Toxic  constituent  of  richwecd  or  white  snakeroot  (Eupatorium"  urticaefoliumj  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;    by  .James  Fitton  Couch. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
with  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  It  is 
distributed  free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to 
large  universities,  technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges 
'  with  the  Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Same.  v.  35,  no.  7  and  8 ;  Oct.  1  and  15,  1927.     1927.     cover-titles,  p.  577- 

767,  il.  3  p.  of  pi.     [Semimonthly.]  A  1.23  :  35/7,  8 

Contents. — No.  7.  Cytological  study  of  Ceratostomella  adiposum  (Butl.)  comb, 
nov..  black-rot  fungus  of  sugar  cane ;  by  George  B.  Sartoris. — Soil  factors  influencing 
development  of  mosaic  disease  in  winter  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
Robert  W.  Webb. — Factors  affecting  popping  quality  of  pop  corn ;  by  J.  G.  Willier 
and   Arthur   M.   Brunson. — Relative   assimilation   by   dairy   cows   of   clover   and   alfalfa 

'B.ow  to   order   publications— See   information   foIloTrlngr   Contents 

75540— 27— No.  395 2  269 

270  November,  1927 

Journal  of  agricultural  reseorc7i— Continued. 

hays  and  of  rations  of  different  calcium  and  phosphorus  content  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  William  A.  Turner,  T.  Swann  Harding,  and  Arthur  M.  Hartmau. — Effect 
of  inanition  upon  yield  and  composition  of  cows'  milk  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  O.  R.  Overman  and  K.  E.  Wright. — Paradichlorobenzene  as  anthelmintic  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  hv  G.  Dikmans, — Cytological  studies  on  virus  diseases  of  solana- 
ceous  plants  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Ism6  A.  Hoggan. — No.  8.  Form-class 
taper  curves  and  volume  tables  and  their  application  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  C.  Edward  Behre.- — Effect  of  absorption  by  plants  on  concentration  of  soil  solution  ; 
by  Carl  S.  Scofield. — Experiments  with  sodium  chlorate  and  other  chemicals  as  herbi- 
cides for  field  bindweed  [with  list  of  literatui'e  cited]  ;  by  W.  L.  Latshaw  and  J.  W. 

Official  record,  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.   6,  no.  44-48;  Nov.  2-30,  1927. 
[1927.]     Eacli  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  6/44-4S 

Quarantine.  IVIodification  of  Japanese  beetle  quarantine,  Amendment  3  to  rules 
and  regulations  (6th  revision)  supplemental  to  Notice  of  quarantine  48,  effec- 
tive Nov.  1.  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.     (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)     t 

A  35.5 :  48/6tli  rev.  amdt.  3 

IVIodification  of  satin  moth  quarantine.  Amendment  1  to  rules  and  regu- 
lations supplemental  to  Notice  of  quarantine  53.  revised,  effective  Oct.  18, 
1927.     1927.     1   p,      (Federal   Horticultural   Board.)     t 

A  35.5 :  53/2d  rev.  amdt.  1 

Root  rot  of  Lucretia  dewberry  caused  by  variety  of  Collybia  dryophila  Fr. 
[with  list  of  literature  cited];  by  R.  F.  Poole.  1927.  [2]-f453-464  p.  11. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  5,  Sept.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  D  512 

Sunburn.  Protection  afforded  skin  against  sunburn  by  textile  fibers;  by 
Katherine  Hess,  J.  O.  Hamilton,  and  Margaret  Justin.  1927.  [2] +251-259 
p.  11.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  3,  Aug.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  Sk  33 


Agricultural  products.    National   standards  for   farm   products;   by  Lloyd   S. 
Tenny,  in  collaboration  with  standardization  specialists  of  Bureau  of  Agri- 
cultural Economics.     Aug.  1,  1927.     52  p.  il.  1  tab.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Cir- 
cular 8. )     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-770  A  1.4/2 :  8 

Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,   Nov.  1,   1927 ; 

V.  11,  no.  11.  [1927.]  24  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 40c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15: 11/11 

Cattle.  Systems  of  livestock  farming  in  Black  Prairie  Belt  of  Alabama  & 
Mississippi;  [by  M.  A,  Crosby  and  R.  D.  Jennings].  [Nov.  1927.]  ii+34  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1546.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Alabama  Polytechnic  Institute  and  Mississippi  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion. Includes  list  of  Alabama  and  Mississippi  publications  relating  to  live 
stock  farming.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-775  A  1.9 :  1546 

Cotton.     Establishment   of   standard   grades   for  American   cotton   linters;    by 

Guy  S.  Meloy.  Nov,  1927.  8  p.  (Agriculture  Dept,  Miscellaneous  publica- 
tion 10. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-779  A  1.38 :  10 

Crops.  Crop  and  livestock  reports  [June,  1927],  [1927.]  p.  194-197,  4° 
[From  Crops  and  markets,  v.  4,  no.  6.]     t  A  36.ll/3a  :  C883 

Same  [July,  1927].     [1927.]     p.  234-237.  4"     [From  Crops  and  markets, 

V.  4,  no.  7.]     t  A  36.ll/3a  :  C  883/2 

Same    [Sept.    1927;    Price    situation].     [1927.]     330-331+366^-367    p.    4° 

[From  Crops  and  markets,  v.  4,  no.  9,]     t  A  36.ll/3a  :  C  883/3 

Hcfv   to   order   publications— See   information   folIOTvins    Contents 


No\t:mber,  1927  271 

Crops — Continued. 

Simple  waj  to  increase  crop  yields,  methods  followed  by  farmers  of  coastal 

plain  section  of  Central  Atlantic  States  in  building  up  soil  fertility ;  [by]  H. 
A.  Miller.  [Feb.  1918,  revised  Sept.  1927.]  1927.  24  p.  il.  (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  924.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-211  A  1.9  :  924/2 

Dr^  farming  methods  and  practices  in  wheat  growing  in  Columbia  and  Snake 
River  basins:   [by  Byron  Hunter].     [Nov.  1927.]     ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.  Farmery'  bulletin  1545.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-774  A  1.9 :  1545 

Inventories.     Farm   inventories;    [by  J.    S.   Ball].     [Dec.  1920,   reprint   1927.] 

32  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1182.)  [Mar.  1921,  on  p.  2 
is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  21-22  A  1.9 :  1182/1-5 

Service  announcements.  Amendment  7  to  Service  and  regulatory  announce- 
ments no.  93,  Official  export  standards  for  inspection  of  apples  when  packed 
in  northwestern  standard  apple  box;  [Sept.  19,  1927].     [Nov.  1927.1     1  p.     t 

A  36.5  :  93/amdt.  7 

Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  no.  108 :  United  States  standards 

for  milled  rice,  brown  rice,  and  rough  rice.     Oct.  1927.     16  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  15-199  A  36.5:  108 


Cattle.     Fattening  steers  on  dry-land  crops  of  the  Southwest;  by  W.  H.  Black, 
J.  L.  Lantow.  and  D.  R.  Burnham.     Oct.  1927.     15  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Technical  bulletin   30.)      [Prepared  in   cooperation   with   New   Mexico   Agri- 
cultural Experiment  Station  and  Tucumcari  Field  Station.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-776  A  1.36 :  30 

Judging  beef  cattle,    [by   E.   H.   Thompson;   revised   by   W.   H.   Black]. 

[Nf)v.  1919.  revised  June.  1926,  reprint  with  slight  change  1927.]  ii-1-14 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1068.)     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  19-1040  A  1.9  :  1068/4-2 

Cattle  seah  and  methods  of  control  and  eradication;  [by  Marion  Imes].     [Dec. 
1918.   revised   Oct.    1927.]      [1927.]     30  p.   il.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1017.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  19-152  A  1.9  :  1017/2 

Cattle-ticks.  Story  of  cattle-fever  tick,  what  every  southern  child  should  know 
about  cattle  ticks.  1917,  revised  Sept.  1927.  1927.  cover-title.  19  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  2.)  [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover. 
Formerly  issued  as  a  general  publication  of  the  Animal  Industry  Bureau.] 

*  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-777  A  1.38 :  2 

Poultry.  Diseases  of  poultry,  [by  Bernard  A.  Gallagher;  revised  by  John  S. 
Buckley,  Hubert  Bunyea,  and  F.  C.  Bishopp].  [Revised  edition.]  ^  [Reprint 
Oct.    1927.]     ii+30    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.      Farmers'    bulletin    1337.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C  card  Agr  27-393  A  1.9  :  1337/5-2 

Feeding  chickens:   [by  M.  A.  Jull  and  A.  R.  Lee].     [Oct.  1927.]     ii-f24 

p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1541.)  [Supersedes  Farmers' 
bulletin  1067,  Feeding  hens  for  egg  production.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-769  A  1.9 :  1541 

Service   announcements.     Service    and    regulatory   announcements.    Oct.    1927 ; 
[no.]  246.     Nov.  1927.     p.  79-88.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  246 

Sheep.  Judging  sheep;  [by  G.  H.  Bedell].  [July,  1921,  revised  Nov.  1922, 
reprint    1927.]      24    p.    il.      (Agriculture    Dept.      Farmers'    bulletin    1199.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  21-904  A  1.9  :  1199/1-6 

HoTV   to   order   pnblicntionnj — See   information   follovrlng:    Contentii 

272  November,  1927 


Oame  laws  for  season  1927-28,  summary  of  provisions  of  Federal,  State,  and 
provincial  statutes;  [by  Frank  L.  Eamshaw].  [Aug.  1927,  revised  Oct.  1927.] 
[1927.]  ii+46  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' bulletin  1550.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  6-384  A  1.9  :  1550/2 

Magpie  in  relation  to  agriculture ;  by  E.  R.  Kalmbach.  Oct.  1927.  cover-title, 
30  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  24.)     *  Paper,  10c.  a 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-773  A  1.36 :  24       ^ 

Mink  raising;   [by  Frank  G.  Ashbrook].     [Oct.  1927.]     [2] +6  p.  il.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.    Leaflet  8.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  O.  card  Agr  27-626  A  1  35  :  8 

RaiMts.  Raising  domestic  rabbits;  [by  D.  Monroe  Green].  [Mar.  1927,  revised 
Oct.  1927.]  [1927.]  [2]+6p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Leaflet  4.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-388  A  1.35 :  4/2 

Report  of  chief  of  Bureau  of  Biological   Survey   [fiscal  year  1927].     [1927.] 
27  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  12-378  A  5.1 :  927 


Note. — The  new  Bureau  of  Chemistry  and  Soils  will  be  charged  with  the  responsibility 
for  all  the  research  work  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  on  chemistry  and  soils.  The 
following  existing  units  in  the  Department  will  be  included  in  the  new  bureau  :  All  of 
the  present  Bureau  of  Soils ;  all  of  the  present  Bureau  of  Chemistry,  except  those  units 
having  to  do  with  the  enforcement  of  the  food  and  drugs  act,  tea  act,  naval  stores  act, 
and  collaboration  with  other  Departments ;  and  the  soil-fertility  and  soil-bacteriology 
units  of  the  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 

For  publications  prepared  by  the  Chemistry  Bureau  and  Soils  Bureau  previous  to  their 
consolidation  as  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau,  see  below,  and  p.  276,  respectively. 

Sorgo-sirup  manufacture;  [by  A.  Hugh  Bryan  and  Sidney  F.  Sherwood].  [Feb. 
1924,  reprint  1927.]  ii+29  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin 
1389)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-264  A  1.9 :  1389/1-2 


Note. — See  also,  above,  Chemistry  aud  Soils  Bureau. 

Food.  Index  to  Notices  of  judgment  [under  food  and  drugs  act]  14001-15000. 
[1927.]  p.  523-532.  [Notices  of  judgment  14001-15000  were  issued  in  Sen^- 
ice  and  regulatory  announcement  supplements  211-230  of  the  Chemistry  Bu- 
reau.]    *  Paper,  5c.  A  7.6/3  :  14001-15000 

Report  of  chief  of  Bureau  of  Chemistry  [fiscal  year  1927].  [1927.]  34  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  12-382  A  7.1 :  927 


Cottage  cheese.     Making  and  using  cottage  cheese  in  the  home ;   [by  Kenneth 

J.   Matheson   and   Jessie  M.   Hoover].     [May,   1925,   revised   1927.]     [1927.]  i 

ii+13  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' bulletin  1451.)     *  Paper,  10c.  | 

L.  C.  card  Agr  25-640                                                                               A  1.9 :  1451/2  . 

Milk.     Present   status   of  pasteurization   of  milk    [with  list  of  references  to 

literature]  ;  by  S.  Henry  Ayers.     Jan.  8,  1916,  revised  Sept.  1926   [reprint  i 

1927].     18    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept     Bulletin    342.)      *  Paper,    5c.  < 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-35                                                                               A  1.3  :  342/4r-2  ^ 


Qrain.     Stored-grain  pests;   [by]   E.  A.  Back  and  B..  T.  Cotton.     [Apr.  1922, 
revised  Oct.  1927.]     1927.     48  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin 
1260.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-489  A  1.9 :  1260/4 

HoTv  to   order   publications— See   Informatiou  folloTvlngr   Contents 


November,  1927  273 

Larger  sod  wehiconn   [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  George  G.   Ainslie. 
Nov.  1927.     18  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  31.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-780  A  1.3G :  31 

Lead  arsenate.  Study  of  lead  arsenate  and  lime  spray  mixtures  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  P.  A.  Van  der  Meulen  and  E.  R.  Van  Leeuwen.  1927. 
[2] +313-321  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  4,  Aug. 
15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  L  469/2 

Pecans.     Important  pecan  insects  and  their  control;  [by  John  B.  Gill].     [Jan. 

1924,    reprint    1927.]     ii+49   p.    il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin 
1364.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-331  A  1.9 :  1364/1-2 

Pine  tip  moth  in  Nebraska  National  Forest ;  by  Samuel  A.  Graham  and  Lynn 
G.  Baumhofer.  1927.  [2] +323-333  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  35,  no.  4,  Aug.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  M  856/10 

Pink  'boll-icornis.     Parasites  of  pink  bollworm  in  Hawaii  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;   by  H.   F.   Willard.     Nov.   1927.     16  p.   il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Technical  bulletin   19. )     *  Paper,   5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-782  A  1.36  :  19 

Report  of  entomologist  [fiscal  year  1927].     [1927.]     29  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  8-9085  A  9.1 :  927 

Spraying  for  control  of  insects  and  mites  attacking  citrus  trees  in  Florida ; 
[by  W.  W.  Yothers].     [Mar.  1918,  revised  June,  1922,  reprint  with  slight 
changes   1927.]     ii+38   p.    il.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin   933.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-13  A  1.9 :  933/2-3 


Agricultural  experiment  stations.  Experiment  station  results  in  food  crop 
improvement;  [by  Henry  M.  Steece].  [1927.]  5  p.  (Yearbook  separate 
967.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  967 

Experiment  station  work  on  animal  disease  control;  [by  W.  A.  Hooker]. 

[1927.]    2  p.     (Yearbook  separate  966.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  966 

Experiment   stations  promote   soil   betterment;    [by   R.   W.   TruUinger]. 

[1927.]  3  p.     (Yearbook  separate  965.)     [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  965 

Experiment  station  record,  v.  57,  no.  7;  Nov.  1927.    1927.    cover-title,  ix+601- 
700  p.  il.    *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2  vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  sub- 
scription. $1.25  per  vol. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6  :  57/7 

XoTE. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
.science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 


Report   of   Alaska   Agricultural   Experiment    Stations,    [calendar    year]    1926. 
Nov.  1927.    cover-title.  40  p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  6-1413  A  10.10/1 :  926 


Report  of  Federal  Horticultural  Board  [fiscal  year  1927].     [1927.]     36  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  15-530  A  35.1 :  927 

Service   announcements.      Service    and    regulatory    announcements,    July-Sept. 
1927 ;  no.  92.    Nov.  1927.    p.  97-131,  il.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-383  A  35.9  :  92 

HoTv   to   order   publications — See   Information   follofviii^    Contents 

274  November,  1927 


Fore^-t    worker,    Nov.    1927;    [v.    3,    no.    6].      [1927.]      ii+21    p.      [Bimonthly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  35c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-838  A  13.19  :  927/G 

Forests  and  forestry.    American  forests  and  forest  products.    Oct.  1927.    cover- 
title,  324  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Statistical  bulletin  21. )     *  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-772  A  1.34  :  21 

Forestry  as  profession;  by  Edward  A.  Sherman.     1st  reprint  Nov.  1927. 

16  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-415  A  13.2 :  F  76/19/lst  rep. 

Grazing.     Conservative  grazing  pays.     [1927.]     4  p.  il.  24"     t         A  13.2 :  G  79/7 

Hardwoods.     Growing  and  planting  hardwood  seedlings  on  farm;    [by  C.  R. 
Tillotson].     [Jan.  1921,  reprint  with  changes  1927.]     30  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1123.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-218  A  1.9  :  1123/1-5 

Timber.     Measuring  and  marketing  farm  timber;   [by  Wilbur  R.  Mattoon  and 
William  B.  Barrows].     [Sept.  1921,  revised  Oct.  1927.]     [1927.]     62-f  [2]  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1210.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-1164  A  1.9  :  1210/2 

Timber  growing  and  logging  practice  in  western  white  pine  and  larch-fir 

forests  of  northern  Rocky  Mountains,  measures  necessary  to  keep  forest  land 
productiAe  and  to  produce  full  timber  crops,  by  Elers  Koch  and  R.  N.  Cun- 
ningham ;  Introduction  by  W.  B.  Greeley.  Sept.  1927.  cover-title,  38  p.  10  p. 
of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1494.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-768  A  1.3  :  1494 

Turpentine.  Dual  purpose  trees,  new  development  in  naval  stores  research 
[with  special  reference  to  turpentining].     1927.     [2]   p.  oblong  24°     t 

A  13.  2 :  T  71/9 

Lincoln  National  Forest,  N.  Mex.  [resources  and  i-ecreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  narrow  f°,  folded  into 
12°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  9  pages,     t  A  13.13  :  L  G3 


Beef.  Cooking  beef  according  to  cut ;  [by  Lucy  M.  Alexander  and  Fanny 
Walker  Yea tman].     [Nov.]  1927.     [4]  p.  il,     (Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet  17.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-781  A  1.35  :  17 

Report  of  chief  of  Bureau   of  Home  Economics    [fiscal  year   1927].     [1927.] 
11  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-18  A  42.1 :  927 


Report  of  Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board  [fiscal  year  1927].  [1927.]  8  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  12-2227  A  34.1 :  927 


Alfalfa.     Utilization    of    alfalfa;    [by    R    A.  Oakley    and    H.    L.    Westover]. 

[Dec.  1921,  revised  Aug.  1925,  reprint  1927.]  ii+36  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1229.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  22-144  A  1.9 :  1229i/2-2 

Apple-orchard  renovation;  [by  H.  P.  Gould].  [Oct.  1922,  revised  May,  1924, 
reprint    1927.]     ii+28  p.    il.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    1284.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1218  A  1.9 :  1284/2-3 

How   to   order   pnltllcatlons— See   Information   folio-wing    Contents 

November,  1927  275 

Bulbs.    American  bulbs  under  glass;  by  David  Griffiths.     Dec.  1926   [reprint 
1927].     23  p.  il.  1  pi.  10  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin 
1462.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-134  A  1.3  :  1462/1-2 

Corn.     Better  seed  corn;  [by  C.  P.  Hartley].     [Sept.  1920,  reprint  1927.]     lop. 
il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1175.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1744  A  1.9 :  1175/1-7 

Corn  varieties  resistant  to  rot  disease ;  [by  James  R.  Holbert  and  James 

G.  Diclxson].  [1927.]  6  p.  il.  (Yearbook  separate  960.)  [From  Yearbook, 
1926.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.10/a  :  960 

Cotton.  Two  most  common  decays  of  cotton  bolls  in  Soutlfwestern  States  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  Michael  Shapovalov.  1927.  [2]  +307-312  p.  2  pi. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  4,  Aug.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  C  829/45 

Cowpeas.  utilization;   [by  W.  J.  Morse].     [Sept.  1920,  reprint  1927.]     24  p.  il. 
(Auriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1153.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1912  A  1.9 :  1153/1-6 

Dahlias  for  the  home;  [by  B.  Y.  Morrison].     [Nov.  1923,  reprint  1927.]     ii+17 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1370.)      [Apr.  1925,  on  p.  ii,  is 
date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1499  A  1.9  :  1370/1^ 

Grain.     Grains  for  Utah   dry  lands ;  [by]    Jenkin  W.   Jones    [and]    Aaron  F. 

Bracken.  Oct.  1917.  [reprint]  1927.  22  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' 
bulletin  SS3.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-1149  A  1.9  :  883/1-2 

Grains  for  western  North  and  South  Dakota  [and  eastern  Montana  ;  by] 

F.  Ray  Babcock.  John  H.  Martin,  and  Ralph  W.  Smith.  [Oct.  1917,  reprint] 
1927.  22  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  878.)  [Sept.  1921,  on 
p.  2.  is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-1156  A  1.9 :  878/1-4 

Grasshoppers.  When  and  how  does  sex  arise'?  Grasshoppers  are  very  serious 
pest  of  many  crops  over  much  of  the  world,  nematologists  of  Bureau  of 
Plant  Industry  have  been  trying  to  find  means  of  control ;   [by  N.  A.  Cobb, 

G.  Steiner,  and  J.  R.  Christie].  [1927.]  4  p.  [From  Official  record,  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture,  v.  6,  no.  43,  Oct.  26,  1927.]     t  A  1.33/a  :  Se91 

Peas.     Production  of  peas  for  canning;    [by  Chester  J.   Hunn].     [Feb.   1922, 
revised  Oct.  1927.]     [1927.]     24  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1255. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-375  A  1.9  :  1255/2 

Plant  material  introduced  by  Office  of  Foreign  Plant  Introduction,  July  1-Sept. 
30,  1925;  nos.  64429-65047.     Nov.  1927.     36  p.     (Inventory  84.)     *  Pai^er,  5c. 

A  19.12 :  84 

Plums.     Varietal  characteristics  of  plums  in  Pacific  States  in  relation  to  prun- 
ing;  by  C.  F.  Kinman.     Oct.  1927.     cover-title,  38  p.  39  p.  of  pi.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     Department  bulletin  1477.)      *  Paper.  45c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-778  A  1.3  :  1477 

Regal  lily;   by  David   Griffiths.     Dec.   1926    [reprint  1927].   19  p.  4   p.   of  pi. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1459.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-162  A  1.3  :  1459/1-2 

Scotts  Bluff  Field  Station.     Work  of  Scotts  BlufC  Field  Station,  1922-25 ;   [by] 
James  A.   Holden.     Nov.    1927.     46  p.   il.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Circular   5.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Nebraska  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.] 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-1460  A  1.4/2 :  5 

Sorghum.     How  to  use  sorghum  grain  ;    [by]   Carleton  R.  Ball  and  Benton  E. 
Rothgeb.     June,  1918  [reprint]  1927.     19  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin    972.)      [Includes    lists   of   A^Ticulture   Department   publications    on 
grain  sorgluims.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-573  A  1.9 :  972/1-2 

Hot*-   to   order   puljlicatioiis — See    iiiforiiiation    follovrinj?    Contents 

276  November,  1927 

Strawberries.  Studies  of  physiological  anatomy  of  strawberry  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  Philip  R.  White.  1927.  [2] +481-492  p.  il.  8  p.  of  pi. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  6.  Sept.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  St  82/9 

Tobacco.  Fertilizer  tests  with  flue-cured  tobacco ;  by  E.  G.  Moss,  J.  E. 
McMurtrey,  jr.,  W.  M.  Luun,  and  J.  M.  Carr.  Oct.  1927.  cover-title,  59  p. 
il.  3  pi.  (Agriculture  Dei>t.  Technical  bulletin  12.)  [Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion with  North  Carolina  Department  of  Agi-iculture,  Virginia  and  North 
Carolina  Agricultural  Experiment  Stations,  Georgia  State  College  of  Agri- 
culture and  Georgia  Coastal  Plain  Experiment  Station.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  curd  AST  27-171  A  1.36 :  12 

Wheat  varieties  resistant  to  stinking  smut;  [by  E.  F.  Gaines].  [1927.]  3  p.  11. 
(Yearbook  separate  964.)      [From  Yearbook,  1926.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.10/a :  964 


Drainage  of  irrigated  farms;  [by  R.  A.  Hart].     [June,  1917,  revised  July,  1926, 
reprint  1927.]     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  805.)    *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-257  A  1.9  :805/5-2 

Ohio.    Report  of  survey  of  transportation  on  State  highway  system  of  Ohio, 
by  Bureau  of  Public  Roads  and  Ohio  Department  of  Highways  and  Public 
Works.     1927.     155  p.  il.  7  maps,  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-896  A  22.8  :  Olr  3 

Public  roads.     Public  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8,  no.  8 ;  Oct.  1927. 
1927.     cover-title,  p.   159-190,  il.   4"      [Monthly.     Text  on  p.   2-4  of  cover.] 
*  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  38-322  A  22.6:  8/8 

Same,    v.    8,    no.    9;    Nov.    1927.      1927.      cover-title,    p.    191-214,    il.    4° 

[Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  A  22.6  :  8/9 


Note. — For    publications    issued    by   tho    Cliemistry    and    Soils    Bureau    after   the    Soils 
Bureau  was  merged  with  the  Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  272. 

Grant  County,  S.  Dak.  Soil  survey  of  Grant  County,  S.  Dak.;  by  W.  I.  Wutkins 
and  W.  H.  Pierre.  1927.  iii +1649-79  p.  il.  map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation 
with  South  Dakota  Agricultural  I^xperiment  Station.  From  Field  operations, 
1922.  ]     *  Paper,  20c.  A  26.5/a  :  G  767/4 

Report  of  chief  of  Bureau  of  Soils  [fiscal  year  1927].     [1927.]     8  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  S -30670  A  26.1 :  927 

Worcester  Counfy,  Mass.  Soil  survey  of  Worcester  County,  Mass.;  by  W.  J. 
Latimer,  R.  F.  R.  Martin,  and  M.  O.  Lanphear.  1927.  iii+1531-94  p.  il. 
1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  2  maps.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Massachusetts  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture.     From   Field   operations,   1922.]     *  Paper.   25c. 

A  26.5/a  :  W  89/2 

Climatological  data.     Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14, 
no.  7;  July,  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  [198]  p.  il.  2  p.  of  maps,  4°     *  Paper, 
35c.  complete  monthly  number,  $4.00  a  vr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  '    A  29.29  :  14/7 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  dnta  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  OfBce.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  tlie  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  I).  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Same,  v.  14,  no.  S;  Aug.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,    [198]  p.  il.  2  p.  of 

maps,  4°  A  29.29  :  14/8 

HoTT    to    order    imlilici'.tions — See    information.    follOTving    Contents 

November,  1927  277 

Meteorologi/.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  Oct.  1927. 
[Nov.  2,  1927.]     [2]  p.  large  8°     t  A  29.30  :  927/10 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Nov.  1-29,  1927;  no.  44-48,  1927. 
Nov.  2-30,  1927.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2 :  927/44-4S 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mis.sissippi  RiviT  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana, 
upper  Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Nov.  1-30,  1927.  1st  edition.  [1927.] 
Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued 
at  Washington,  D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65 
stations  throughout  the  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can 
not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).     A 29.18:  927 

Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  Nov.  1-30,  1927.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1927.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain 
as  much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00 
a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  927 

Weather  outlook,  Nov.  7-Dec.  3  [1927].  Nov.  5-26,  1927.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]     t  A  29.38  :  927/71-74 

Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows:  Washington,  D.  C.  (District 
1.  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6. 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys,  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains )  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  S,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Reentr)!  in  classified  service.    Sept.  1927.    7  p.     (Form  126.)     t 

L.  0.  card  27-21383  C  S  1.23  :  927/2 


Note. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  libraries,  etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  be 
submitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Collisions  at  sea.    Rules  to  prevent  collisions  of  vessels.    Oct.  10,  1927.    17  p.  4° 
(Department   circular   230,    3d   edition;    Steamboat    Inspection    Service   and 
Bureau  of  Navigation.)      [Supersedes  2d  edition,  June  8,  1917.]      t 
L.  C.  card  27-27753  C 1.4  :  230/3 

Report.     15th  annual  report  of  Secretary  of  Commerce  [with  condensed  reports 
of  bureaus,  fiscal  year]  1927.     1927.     xlii-f-310  p.  il.     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  14-30030  C  1.1 :  927 


Airway  bulletin,  3  revised,  200,  216-230;  Sept.  30-Nov.  1,  1027.  [1927.]  Each 
2  p.  or  7  p.  il.  12°  (Information  Division.)  [No.  200  is  Index  to  Airway 
bulletins  1-200.]     t  C  23.7:  3,  etc. 

HoTF   to   order   i)ii1>licatioiis — See   iiiformatlon   folloTi'inj?    Contents 

75540— 27— No.  395 3 

278  November,  192T 

Report.  Annual  report  of  director  of  aeronautics  to  Secretary  of  Commerce, 
fiscal  year  1927.     1927.     ii+30  p.  il.     *  Pap3r,  5c.  C  23.1 :  927 


Business.  Survey  of  current  business,  Nov.  1927,  no.  75 ;  compiled  by  Bureau  of 
Census,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce,  [and]  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards. 1927.  cover-title,  55  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Contains  statistics  for  Sept. 
1927,  and  items  covering  October  received  up  to  Oct.  28,  1927,  tjie  date  given 
above,  Nov.  1927,  being  tbe  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper, 
10c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc,  semiannual  numbers  25c.),  $1.50  a  yr. 
(including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  927/11 

Same,  weekly  supplement,  Nov.  7-28,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  3  p.  or  4  p.  il. 

4"  [Included  in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which  see 
above.]  C  3.34 :  927/35-38 

Cotton.  October  report  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  imported,  and  exported, 
and  active  cotton  spindles.  Nov.  14,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
Th  s  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.21 :  927-28/3 

Report  on  cotton  ginning,  number  of  bales  of  cotton  ginned  from  growth 

of  1927,  prior  to  Nov.  1,  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding  date 
in  1926  and  1925.  Nov.  9,  1927.  oblong  132°  [Preliminary  report.  This  pub- 
lication is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.20  :  927-28/5 

Same  prior  to  Nov.  14,  1927,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 

date  in  3926  and  1925.  Nov.  21,  1927.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  This 
publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  0  3.20:927-28/6 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  3  months  ending  Oct.  31,  1927 
and  1926.  Nov.  12,  1927.  oblong  32"  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products  for  2 
months  ending  Sept.  30.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is  issued  in 
postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25  :  927-28/3 

Manufactures.     Census  of  manufactures,   1925 :  Summary   by  industry  groups 
and  by  industries.     1927.     41  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  'card  27-27705  C  3.24/4 :  925-In  2/2 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  arc  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

California.  Magnetic  declination  in  California  and  Nevada  in  1927  [with  bib- 
liographies] ;  by  W.  N.  McFarland.     1927.     [1]+T3  p.  il.  map.     (Serial  396.) 

*  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27671  C  4.24 :  C 12 

Coast  and   Geodetic  Survey   bulletin,   Oct.   31,   1927;   no.   149.      [1927.]      7   p.      ' 
[Monthly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  0  4.20:149 

Magnetic  observatories.     Results  of  observations  made  at  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey   magnetic   observatory   at   Cheltenham,    Md.,    in    1923    and    1924 :;   by 
Daniel  L.  Hazard.     1927.     ii+111  p.  4  pi.     (Serial  394.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  9-35432  C  4.16  :  C  41/11 

Report.  Annual  report  of  director.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  to  Secretary  of 
Commerce,   fiscal  year   1927.     1927.     5   pts.    in   1,    iv+47   p.   4   pi.    12   maps. 

*  Paper,  50c.  C  4.1 :  927 

Same.     (H.  doc.  6,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  * 

HoTv   to   order   iJn1>licatioiis — See   iiiforiiiation   follOTFing    Contents 

November,  1927  279 

Terrestrial  magnetmn.    Publication  ou  terrestrial  magnetism  [list  of  those  of 
espedal  interest  to  surveyors  and  others  having'  occasion  to  use  compass  or 
results  of  compass  surveys,  with  brief  statement  of  contents  of  each].     [1927.] 
2  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27744  C  4.2 :  T  27/2 

Tidal  bench  marks,  Connecticut;  by  L.  A.  Cole.     1927.     [l]+44  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pL 
map.     (Special  publication  136.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27664  C  4.19 :  136 

Tide  table,  New  York  Harbor,    [calendar]    year  1928.     1927.     [1]+14  p.   24° 
( Serial  402. )     t  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27743  C  4.27  :  N  42  y 


Calif ornia,  Point  Arena  to  Trinidad  Head,  surveys  1869-1926  and  other  sources; 
with  inset,  Rockport  Landing;  chart  5602.  [Scale  1:203,000.]  Wash  ngtoa, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Nov.  1927.  46.5X31.5  in.  [Not  intended  for 
inside  navigation.]     t  75c.  C  4.9  :  5602 

Chesapeake  Bay,  Va.,  Cape  Heury  to  Thimble  Shoal  Light,  surveys  to  1918, 
sun^eys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1927.  surveys  by  Geological  Survey ;  chart  48L 
Scale  1:20,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.  28.9  X 
42.9  in.     t75c.  C  4.9:  481 

Chignlk  Bay.  Chignik  and  Kujulik  bays,  Alaska  Peninsula,  Alaska,  south 
coast,  surveys  to  1925 ;  with  inset,  Anchorage  and  Mud  bays,  Chignik  Bay, 
Alaska  Peninsula,  from  surveys  in  1906  and  1924;  chart  8710.  [Scale 
1:80.000.]  AVashington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.  33.2X43.5 
in.     t  75c.  C  4.9 :  8710 

Columbia  River,  Oreg.-Wash.,  St.  Helens  to  Willamette  River,  including  Van- 
couver and  Portland,  surveys  to  1890,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Mar.  1927, 
surveys  by  Port  of  Portland  to  1927  and  other  sources ;  chart  6154.  Scale 
1:40,000.  AVashington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Nov.  1927.  40.9X20.5 
in.     t50c.  •  C  4.9 :  6154 

Deer  Island  Tlwrofare  and  Casco  Passage,  Me.,  surveys  to  1910  and  other 
sources,  sun^eys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1915 ;  chart  227.  Scale  1 :  20,000. 
Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.     19.7X33.2  in.     t  2,5c. 

C  4.9 :  227 

Gambicr  Bay,  Stephens  Passage,  southeast  Alaska,  surveys  to  1926;  chart  8224. 
Scale  1:40,000.  Washington.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Nov.  1927.  24.6X 
22  in.     t  25c.  C  4.9 :  8224 

Humboldt  Bay,  Calif.,  surveys  to  1919,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  June,  1927 ; 
chart  5832.  Scale  1 :  30,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct. 
1927.     30.3X24.S    in.     1 50c.  0  4.9:5832 

Kill  Van  Kull  and  northern  part  of  Arthur  Kill,  N.  Y.-N.  J.,  surveys  to  1915, 
surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1927  and  other  sources;  chart  285.  Scale 
1:15,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.  31.9X37  in. 
t  75c.  C  4.9 :  285 

Mindanao.  South  coast  of  Mindanao,  P.  I.,  Port  Sibulan  to  Polloc  Harbor, 
original  surveys  1906-15  and  other  sources;  chart  4606.  [Scale  1:200,000.] 
Manila.  P.  I.,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,   Sept.  1927.     27.6X37.3  in.     t  75c. 

C  4.9 :  4606 

I  Siuslaw  Inlet,   Oreg.,  from  reconnaissance  by  Coast  and  Geodetic   Survey  in 

1      1883  and  1887,  and  sui-veys  by  Coi-ps  of  Engrs.  to  June,  1927;   chart  6023. 

:      Scale  1:20,000.     Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.     17.5  X 

17.3  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9 :  6023 

I  Yaquina  River  and  approaches,  Oreg.,  surveys  1868-1914,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engi- 

I      neers  to  June,  1927;   chart  6058.     Scale  1:20,000.     Washington,   Coast   and 

Geodetic  Survey,  Oct.  1927.     26.4X30.5  in.     1 50c.  0  4.9:6058 

I  HoTV   to   order   pnblicatlons— See   information   follo^riii;?    Contents 

280  November,  1927 


Bulletin.     Bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Fisheres.  1925.     [Reprint]   1927.     v.  41,  iv+ 
347  p.  il.  10  pi.  34  p.  of  per.  pi.  and  facsim.  large  8°     [For  contents  see  entry 
for  the  1st  print  of  this  publication,  with  imprint  1926,  in   Monthly  cata- 
logue for  Apr.  1926,  p.  738.]     *  Cloth,  $1.75. 
L.   O.   card  9-35239  0  6.3:41/1-2 

-• —     Same.     1927.     v.  41.  iv+347  p.  il.  10  pi.  34  p.  of  por.  pi.  and  facsim.    i 
large  8"     (H.  doc.  230,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ^ 

Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish,  Oct.  15,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Statistical 
bulletin  762.)      [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

C  6.5 :  762 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  Nov.  1,  1927;  no.  150.  [1927.]  9  p.  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  F 15-76  C  6.9  :  150 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts lauded  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  Sept.  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  f  (Statistical  bulletin  760.) 
t  C  6.5  :  760 

Same,  Oct.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  oblong  f"     (Statistical  bulletin  763.)     t 

C  6.5 :  763 

Report.     Annual  report  of  commissioner  of  fisheries  to  Secretary  of  Commerce, 
fiscal   year   1927.     1927.     [2]-fxxxiii  p.     (Bureau   of   Fisheries   doc.    1017.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  F  10-2  C  6.1 :  927 


Automobiles.  Competitive  position  of  Great  Britain's  leading  automobile  man- 
ufacturer [Morris  Motor  Co.;  by]  William  M.  Park.  [1927.]  3  p.  il.  4° 
[From  Commerce  reports,  Nov.  7,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  Au  82/13 

Instructions  for   automotive  exporters   and   their   shipping  brokers  for 

guidance  in  properly  listing  and  classifying  automotive  apparatus  and  sup- 
plies on  shipper's  export  declarations ;  [issued  by]  Automotive  Division. 
1928  edition.     1927.     [l]+17p.  U.     t 

L.   C.  card  27-27741  C  18.2 :  Au  8/928 

Commerce.     Monthly    summary   of  foreign    commerce   of   United    States,    Sept. 
1927.     1927.     2  pts.  p.  1-72  and  ii+73-92  p.     4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  10c.  single 
copy,  *  pt.  2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 
L.    C.   card   14-21465  018.7:928/3-1,3-2 

Same.     1927.     [2  pts.  in  1],  92  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  35,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Commerce  reports.  Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  rejiorts 
from  American  consular  officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce in  foreign  countries,  no.  45-48 ;  Nov.  7-28,  1927.  1927.  cover-titles,  i>. 
313-576,  il.  4"  [Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covei-s.]  *  Paper.  10c. 
single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  0  18.5/1 :  927/45-48 

Same,  nos.  27-39  [series  1927],  v.  3,  30th  year;  July-Sept.  1927  [title- 
page  and  index].  1927.  [2]-)-xxiv  p.  4°  [Quarterly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  .single 
copy,  20c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  30c.  0  18.5/1 :  927/39/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Mectrical  equipment   market   in   Chile;    [compiled   by  Lawrence   D.   Batson].  ^ 
[Nov.   1927.]     ii-|-26  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  515;  Electrical  Equip-  U 
ment  Division.)      [Includes  list  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 
publications  pertinent  to  subject  matter  of  this  bulletin.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  card  27-27708  C  18.25 :  515 

Guianas,   commercial  and  economic  survey;   by  M.   J.   Meehan.     [Nov.    1927.] 
ii+30  p.  il.     (Trade  information  bulletin  516 ;  Division  of  Regional  Informa- 
tion. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  card  27-27737  0  18.25  :  516 

Hew    to   order   pnltlications — See   in£oriiiation   following    Contents 

No\'EMBER,  1927  281 

Mexico.  Travel  routes  and  costs  in  Mexico;  [by  Leo.  G.  Koepfle].  1927. 
[1]+11  p.  il-  narrow  12°  (Division  of  Regional  Information.  Latin  Ameri- 
can Section.)     t  C  18.2 :  M  57 

Report.  Annual  report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce   to    Secretary    of    Commerce,    fiscal    year    1927.     1927.     ii+57    p.    il. 

*  Pai)er,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-30033  C  18.1 :  927 

Steel.  Standard  specifications  for  boiler  and  fire-box  steel  for  locomotives 
(serial  designation  A30-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing 
Materials.  1927.  14  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  207.)  [ 
lish  edition,  prepared  in  cooperation  witb  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated 
into  Portuguese  by  Kennie  Norris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of  this  edition  is  in 
English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  18.24:  207 


8th  District.  Gulf  Coast  of  United  States,  buoy  list,  Suwanee  River  to  Rio 
Grande.    8th    lighthouse   district;    1927,    corrected   to    Oct.    15.     1927.     90   p. 

*  Paper.  20c. 

L.  C.  card  11-29933  C  9.12 :  927 

Lighthouse  service  Mlletin,  v.  3,  no.  47;   Nov,  1,  1927.     [1927.]     p.   217-220, 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121  C  9.31 :3/47 

MoWe  Bay,  Ala.,  Sand  Island  light  station,  light  to  be  changed ;  [all  lettered 
poster].     Nov.  30,  1927.     16X10.5  in.     ([Poster]  notice  to  mariners  105.)      t 

C  9.38/1 :  105 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  44rA7,  1927;  Nov.  4^25   [1927].     1927.     various 
paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26  :  927/44-47 

Radirjheacon    system    of    United    States.     [1927.]     8    p.    map.     [English    and 
French.     Map  is  separate.]     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27675  C  9.2  :  R 11/2 

Report.    Annual  report  of  commissioner  of  lighthouses  to  Secretary  of  Com- 
merce, fiscal  year  1927.     1927.     ii+44  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  12-4661  C  9.1 :  927 


Asbestos  in  1926  [with  list  of  literature]  ;  by  B.  H.  Stoddard.  Nov.  1927.  n+ 
195-201  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  As  15/926 

Clay  in  1926:  by  Jefferson  Middleton.  Nov.  1927.  ii+151-158  p.  [From 
Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  C  579/926 

Gasoline.  Natural-gas  gasoline  in  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins.  Nov.  11,  1927 
[l]-f  159-168  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  G  212/926 

Gypsum  in  1926 :  by  R.  M.  Santmyers  and  Jefferson  Midd:eton.  Nov.  10,  1927. 
ii+141-150  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926.  pt.  2.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  G  998/926 

Hematite.     Development,   mining,   and  ha.ndling  of  ore  in  folded  and  faulted 
areas,  red  iron  ore  mines,  Birmingham  di-strict,  Ala. ;  by  W.  R.  Crane.     1927. 
iv-)-27  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Technical  paper  407.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27707  C  22.5  :  407 

Iron  ores.    Magnetic  concentration  of  iron  ores  of  Alabama ;  [articles]  by  Oscar 
Lee.  B.  W.  Gandrud.  and  F.  D.  De  Vanev.     1927.     iv  +  75  p.  il.     1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi. 
(Bulletin  278.)      *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27676  C  22.3  :  278 

Contexts. — Magnetic  concentration  of  high-silica  red  ores;  by  Oscar  Lee,  B.  W 
Gandrud,  and  F.  D.  De  Vanev. — Magnetic  concentration  of  high-silica  grav  hematite  of 
Talladega  County,  Ala. :  by  Oscar  Lee,  B.  W.  Gandrud,  and  F.  D.  De  Vaney. — Flota- 
tion of  limestone  from  siliceous  gangue  :  by  Oscar  Lee.— Magnetic  concentration  of  flue 
dust  of  Birmingham  district ;  by  Oscar  Lee,  B.  W.  Gandrud,  and  F.  D.  De  Vaney. 

Ho'w   to   oi'ler   paltlications — See   information   folloTvingr    Contents 

282  November,  1927 

Lime  in  1926;  by  A.  T.  Coons.  Nov.  21,  1927.  ii-f  183-193  p.  [From  Mineral 
resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22. 8/a  :  L  629/926 

Manganese  and  manganiferous  ores  in  1926 ;  by  J.  W.  Furness.  Nov.  25,  1927, 
ii+141-179  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

C  22.8/a  :  M  313/926 

Mine  accidents.     Coal-mine  fatalities  in  United  States,   [calendar  year]   1926; 
by  William  W.  Adams.    1927.    vi+121  p.     (Bulletin  283.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26405  C  22.3  :  283 

Natural  gas  in  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins.  Nov.  1927.  [1] +175-182  p.  [From 
Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  21/926 

Oil  derricks.    Safe  practices  at  oil  derricks ;  by  H.  C.  Miller.    1927.    v+69  p.  il. 
(Technical  paper  419.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27677  C  22.5 :  419 

Publications   of   Bureau   of  Mines.      [Edition   of]    July,   1927.      [1927.]      50  p. 
[InCiUdes  list  of  motion-picture  films  distributed  by  Mines  Bureau,  Pittsburgh, 
Pa.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35113  C  22.7/1 :  927 

Report.     17th  annual  report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Mines  to  Secretary  of 
Commerce,  fiscal  year  1927.    1927.     v-f48  p.  il.  1  pi.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  12-16438  •  C  22.1 :  927 

Bilica  in  1926.  Nov.  1927.  ii-fl69-173  p.  [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt 
2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  Si  34/926 


Report.     Annual  report  of  commissioner  of  navigation  to  Secretary  of  Com- 
merce, fiscal  year  1927.    1927.    ii+12  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18255  C  11.1 :  927 

Same.     (H.  doc.  7,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  U.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Bebry,  Percival  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2082,  vn  re  Percival  B.  Bebry,  beds ;  brief  for  commis- 
sioner of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  15  p.     $  C  21.10 :  B  386 

Brown,  Bi-uce  K.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2090,  in  re  Bruce  K.  Brown,  battery  depolarizers ;  brief  for 
commissioner  of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  5  p.     $  C  21.10 :  B  812 

Coykendall,  Thomas  C.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2073,  in  re  Thomas  C.  Coykendall,  systems  of  marine 
propulsion ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  8  p.     $ 

C  21.10 :  C  839 

Decisions.     [Decisions   in   patent   and    trade-mark   cases,   etc.]     Nov.    1,   1927. 
p.  1-8,  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  364,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a  2  :  364/1 

Same.     Nov,  8,  1927.     p.  247-254,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  364, 

no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  364/2 

Same.     Nov.  15,  1927.    p.  509-516,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,   v, 

364,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  364/3 

Ho'»v   to   order   pii1>Ilcation3 — See   Infopmatlon   folloTringr    Contents 

November,  1927 


Decisions — Continued. 

Same.     Nov.   22,  1927. 

364,  no-.  4.] 

p.   773-780,  large  8° 

[From   Official  gazette,  v. 
C  21.5/a  2 :  364/4 

Same.     Nov.   29,   1927.     p.   1017-24,  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette,  v. 

364,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  2 :  364/5 

Inventions.  Changes  in  classification  [of  inventions],  order  3027  and  3030; 
Oct.  18  and  Nov.  8,  1927.  [1927.]  1  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v. 
364,  no.  1  and  4.]     $  C  21.5/a  6 :  927/6 

Murray,  Joseph  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  tenn, 
1927,  patent  appeal  no.  2087,  in  re  Joseph  B.  Murray  and  Thomas  E.  Murray, 
jr.,  welding  segments  of  hollow  articles ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents. 
1927.     cover-title,  7  p.     J  C  21.10 :  M  964 

Nissen,  John  P.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2079,  in  re  John  P.  Nissen,  stocking ;  brief  for  commissioner 
of  patents.     1927.     cover-title,  5  p.     t  C  21.10 :  N  636 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  Nov.  1-29,  1927 ;  v.  364,  no.  1-5.     1927.    cover- 
titles,  1242+ [cciv]  p.  il.  large  8°     [Weekly]     *  Paper,  25c.  single  copy,  $10.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  364/1-5 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week  ;  also 
decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in  patent 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  he  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  subscribers  wlio  remit  $11.50  ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same.  $17.50. 

Same    [title-page,    contents,    etc.,    to]    v.    362;    Sept.    1927.     1927.     [2] 

leaves,  large  8°    *  Paper,  5c.,  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official  gazette 
for  subscribers.  C  21.5  :  362/t.p.&  cont. 

Same    [title-page,   contents,   errata,   etc.,   to]    v.   363;    Oct.    1927.     1927. 

[2]   leaves,  large  8°  C  21.5  :  363/t.p.&  cont. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 

marks [etc.,  Nov.  1,  1927],     [1927.] 
364,  no.  1.]     t    Paper,  $1.00  a  yr. 

xl  p.  large  8° 

—  Same  [Nov. 
V.  364,  no.  2.] 

—  Same  [Nov. 
V.  364,  no.  3.] 

8,  1927].     [1927.]     xliv  p.  large  8° 

15,  1927].     [1927.]     xlii  p.  large  8° 

V.    o 


gazette,  v. 

Patent  laics. 
L.  C.  card 

Same   [Nov.  22,  1927]. 
64,  no.  4.] 

[1927.]     xl  p.  large  8° 

[From  Official  gazette,  v. 
C  21.5/a  4  :  364/1 

[From  Official  gazette, 
C  21.5/a  4  :  364/2 

[From  Official  gazette, 
C  21.5/a  4 :  364/3 

[From  Official  gazette, 
C  21.5/a  4 :  364/4 

[Nov.    29,    1927]. 
364,  no.  4.] 

[1927.]     xxxviii    p.    large    8' 

Patent  laws. 

Patents.     Classification    of 
2  p.  large  8°     [Weekly. 

Edition  of  Oct.  1,  1927.    1927. 

patents    issued    Nov.    1-29, 
From  Official  gazette,  v.  364, 

[From    Official 
C  21.5/a  4 :  364/5 

ii+48p.     t 

C  21.7/1 :  927 


1927.     [1927.] 
no.  1-5.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  364/1-5 

General  information  concerning  patents.     1927.     24  p.   il.     t     (infonna- 

tion  incorrect  in  publication  as  to  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents). 
L.  C.  card  27-27712  C  21.2 :  P  27/927 

—  [Manual  of  classification  of  patents.  1923,  substitute  pages  containing 
corrections.]  [1927.]  p.  45-46,  169d,  170-1 70A  oblong  24°  [Issued  in  loose- 
leaf  form  for  insertion  in  aianual.  Included  in  price  of  Manual,  for  which 
.see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1924,  p.  375.] 

L.  C.  card  PO  24-21  I  23.2 :  C  56/4/923-p.  45-170  A 

Note. — The  Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  1923,  was  issued  by  the  Patent 
Office  while  it  was  under  the  Interior  Department,  so,  although  these  corrections  were 
Issued  by  the  Patent  Office  since  it  became  subordinate  to  the  Commerce  Department, 
the  old  classification.  I  23.2:  C  56/4/923,  is  retained  in  order  that  the  corrections  may 
be  filed  with  the  publication  to  which  they  belong. 

HoTv   to   order   pnltlications— See   information   follo^ving    Contents 

284  NOVEMBEK,  1927 

Patents — Continued. 

■ Same    [substitute  pages   containing   corrections].      [1927.]      p.   235-235a^ 

oblong  24°     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Manual.] 

1 23.2  :  C  56/4/923-P.235-235  a 

Report.  Annual  report  of  commissioner  of  patents  to  Secretary  of  Commerce,. 
flscal  year  1927.    1927.    ii+8  p.    *  Paper,  5c.  C  21.1/2  :  92T 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  Nov.  1,  1927.  [1927.] 
9-55+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  3f34,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,   $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  364/1 

Same,  Nov.  8,  1927.  [1927.]  255-30S+xvii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  364,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3 :  364/2 

Same,  Nov.  15,  1927.  [1927.]  517-568-fxiv  p.  il.  large  8"  [From  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  364,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  364/S 

Same,  Nov.  22,  1927.  [1927.]  781-834-fxv  p.  il.  large  8°  [Prom  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  364,  no.4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  364/4 

Same,  Nov.  29,  1927.  [1927.]  1025-74+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [Fi-om  Of- 
ficial gazette,  v.  364,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  364/5- 


Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  De- 
partment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  Oct.  31,  1927.  [1927.] 
4  p.     [Monthly.]     t  016.6:927/10 


Radio   service    bulletin,    Oct.    31,    1927;    no.    127.     [1927.]     17    p.     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  127 

Report.  Annual  report  of  chief  of  Radio  Division  to  Secretary  uf  Commerce^ 
fiscal  year  1927.     1927.     ii+11  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27754  C  24.1 :  92T 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  |1.25  per 
volume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $2.50.  These  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription^ 
$2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

The  Technologic  papers  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  in 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  numbers 
vary  in  price. 

Asbestos  paper  and  asbestos  millboard.  1st  revision.  1927.  ii+12  p.  il.  (Sim- 
plified practice  recommendation  no.  19.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of 
waste,  simplified  practice,  asbestos  paper  and  asbestos  millboard.  Recom- 
mendation became  effective  Mar.  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.      C  13.12/1 :  19/lst  rev. 

Bottles.  Milk  and  cream  bottles  and  bottle  caps.  1st  revision.  1927.  ii+lS 
p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommendation  no.  10.)  [Title  on  cover  is: 
Elimination  of  waste,  simplified  practice,  milk  and  cream  bottles  and  bottle 
caps.     Recommendation  became  effective  Mar.  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.12/1 :  10/lst  rev. 

Bricks.  Paving  bricks.  5th  revision,  Apr.  1,  1926,  and  6th  revision,  Mar.  31, 
1927.  [1927.]  ii-}-24  p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommendation  no.  1.) 
[Title  on  cover  is :  Elimination  of  waste,  simplified  practice,  paving  bricks. 
Recommendation  became  effective  May  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.12/1 :  l/5th  &  6th  rev. 

Bunting.  United  States  Government  ma.ster  specification  for  bunting,  wool,. 
Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  497,  Officially  promulgated  by 
Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  10,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  inde- 
pendent establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  woul  bunting.  Nov.  3, 
1927.  3  p.  large  8°  (Circular  355.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27726  C  13.4 :  355 

HoTV  to   order   publicatlcn.s — See   information   follovring    Contents 

NOA'EMBER,  1927  285 

Burlaps.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  burlap,  jute, 
Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  499,  ofiiciallj'  promulgated  by  Fed- 
eral Specifications  Board,  June  10,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  inde- 
pendent establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  jute  burlap.  Nov.  3, 
1927.  2  p.  larse  8°  (Circular  352.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27728  C  13.4 :  352 

Carpets.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  carpets  and  rugs, 
Axminster.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  502,  officiall.v  promul- 
gated by  Federal  Specifications  Board.  July  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments 
and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  Axminster 
carpets  and  rugs.  Nov.  3,  1927.  4  p.  large  8°  (Circular  353.)  *  Paper,  oc. 
L.  C.  card  27-27724  C 13.4  :  353 

United    States   Government   mas^ter   si>ecification   for   carpets   and   rugs, 

Wilton,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  503,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  July  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  Wilton  carpets  and 
rugs.     Nov.  3.  1927.    4  p.  large  8"     (Circular  (356.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27727  C 13.4  :  356 

United  States  Government  master  specification  for  carpets,  velvet,  plain. 

Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  501,  oincially  promulgated  by  Fed- 
eral Specifications  Board,  July  11,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and  inde- 
pendent establishments  of  Governmf^nt  in  purchase  of  plain  velvet  carpets 
Nov.  3,  1927.    3  p.  large  8°     (Circular  354.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27725  C  13.4 :  354 

Cotton  goods.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  tablecloths, 
cotton.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Spec-ification  500,  oflicially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board.  June  10,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  cotton  tablecloths. 
Nov.  3,  1927.  3  p.  large  8"  (Circular  351.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27723  C  13.4  :  351 

Cotton  rags.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  rags,  cotton, 
colored,  for  wiping  machinery  (sterilized),  Federal  Specifications  Board 
Specification  259a,  revision  promulgated  July  11.  1927,  oflacially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Dec.  6,  1924,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  colored  cotton  rags 
for  wiping  machinery  (sterilized).  2d  [edition].  Nov.  3,  1927.  3  p.  large  8° 
(Circular  261.)     [Supersedes  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  259.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27721  C 13.4  :  281/2 

United  States  Government  master  specification  for  rags,  cotton,  white, 

for  wiping  machinery  (sterilized).  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification 
261a,  revision  promulgated  July  11,  1927,  officially  promulgated  by  Federal 
Specifications  Board,  Dec.  4.  1924,  for  use  of  Departments  and  independent 
establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  white  cotton  rags  for  wiping 
machinery  (sterilized).  2d  [edition].  Nov.  3,  1927.  3  p.  large  S"  (Circular 
264.)        [Supersedes     Federal      Specifications     Board     Specification     261.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27722  C  13.4 :  264/2 

Couplings  for  propeller  shafting,  flanged  couplings,  loose  couplings  for  inboard 
shafts,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Commit- 
tee ;  approved  June  10.  1927,  as  American  marine  standards  E  no.  3-1927 
and  E  no.  4-1927.  1927.  8  p.  5  pi.  large  8°  (AMSC  27.)  [Half  of  the 
pages  are  blank.]     *  Paper,  10c.  C  13.19  :  27 

Electrolysis  testing;  by  Burton  McCollum  [and]  K.  iB.  Logan.     Sept.  28,  1927. 
[1] +15-89  p.  il.  2  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  large  8°     (Technologic  papers  355.)     [From 
Technologic  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27733  C  13.8  :  355 

Enamel.     Controlling  consistency  of  enamel  slips   [with  review  of  literature]  ; 
by  W.  N.  Harrison.    Sept.  30,  1927.     [1] +91-124  p.  il.  2  pi.  large  8°     (Techno- 
logic papers  356.)      [From  Technologic  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27715  C  13.8  :  356 

HoTT   to   order   publications— See   information   following    Contents 

75540— 27— No.  395 4 

286  November,  1927 

J^ire  hose.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  liose,  fire^ 
unlinecl  linen,  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  527,  ofiicially  pro- 
mulgated by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Sept.  22,  1927,  for  use  of  Depart- 
ments and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  unlined 
linen  fire  hose.  Nov.  5,  1927.  6  p.  large  8°  (Circular  358.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27719  C  13.4  :  358 

Fire-hose  racks  for  shii>s,  metal  rack-pocket  type,  metal  rack-saddle  type, 
VFOoden  rack,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards 
Committee ;   American   marine   standard    H   no.    16-1926   approved    Jan.    25, 

1926,  and   American   marine   standards   H   no.    18-1927   and   H   no.    19-1927 
approved  June  10,  1927.    1927.    ii+3  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSC  24.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  24 

Orindlng-wheels.  Grinding  vs'heels.  1st  revision.  1927.  vi4-22  p.  il.  (Simpli- 
fied practice  recommendation  no.  45.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of 
vpaste,  simplified  practice,  grinding  wheels.  Recommendation  became  effective 
July  1.  1927.]     *  Paper,  10c.  C  13.12/1 :  45/lst   rev. 

Lime.     Manufacture  of  lime,  [by  W.  E.  Emley ;  revised  by  J.  M.  Porter].     Sept. 
28,  1927.     [1]  +104  p.  il.  5  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.  large  8°     (Circular  337.)     [Supersedes 
Technologic  paper  16.]     *  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27736  C  13.4  :  337 

Oil-cloth.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  oil-cloth,  table, 
vrhite.  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  498,  oflacially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  June  10,  1927,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  white  table  oil- 
cloth. Nov.  3,  1927.  2  p.  large  8°  (Circular  357.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27729  C  13.4 :  357 

Publications.     New  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  no.  36 ;  Oct.  27,  1927. 

1927.  oblong  48°     [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

C  13.15 :  36 

Report.    Annual  report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Standards  to   Secretary  of 

Commerce,  fiscal  year  1927.     1927.     iv-|-47  p.  il.  (Miscellaneous  publication 
81.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  6-23979  C  13.1 :  927 

Rubber  goods.    Testing  of  rubber  goods  [with  bibliography].    5th  edition.    Sept. 
26,1927.     [1] +83  p.  il.  large  8°     (Circular  38.)     [Supersedes  edition  of  Sept, 
28,  1921.]     *  Paper.  30c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27735  C  13.4  :  38/5 

Schopper  folding  tester.     Calibration  and  adjustment  of  Schopper  folding  tester ; 
by  F.  T.  Carson  [and]  L.  W.  Snyder.     Oct.  15,  1927.     [1] +125-140  p.  il.  1  pi. 
2  p.  of  pi.  large  S"     (Technologic  papers  357.)      [From  Technologic  papers, 
V.  22.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27738  C  13.8:  357 

Screws.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  screws,  wood.  Fed- 
eral Specifications  Board  Specification  52a,  revision  promulgated  July  11, 
1927,  ofiicially  promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Feb.  1,  1923.  for 
use  of  Departments  and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  pur- 
chase of  wood  screws.  2d  [edition].  Oct.  8.  1927.  8  p.  il.  large  8°  (Circu- 
lar   140.)      [Supersedes    Federal     Specifications    Board     Specification    52.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27704  C  13.4  :  140/2 

Steel.  Density  of  hot-rolled  and  heat-treated  carbon  steels  [with  selected 
bibliography];  by  H.  C.  Cross  [and]  E.  E.  Hill.  Oct.  11.  1927.  [1]+4.51- 
466  p.  il.  large  8°     (Scientific  papers  562.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.] 

*  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27718  C  13.3/a  :  562 

Technical  neios  bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  Nov.  1927;  no.  127.     [1927.] 
16  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25  c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13 :  127 

HoTV   to    order   pnblications— See    information   follo^vlnj?    Contents 

November,  1927  287 

Tires.     Use  and  care  of  automobile  tires.     Sept.  29,  1927.     [1]  +27  p.  il.  large 
8°     ( Circular  341. )      *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27709  C  13.4  :  341 

Wood.     Standards  and  specifications  in  wood-using  industries,  nationally  recog- 
nized standards  and  specifications  for  wood  and  manufactures  thereof,  includ- 
ing paper  and  paper  products.     Oct.  5,  1927.     x+349  p.  il.  large  8"     (Miscel- 
laneous publication  79.)     *  Cloth,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  27-27720  C  13.10  :  79 


Report.  Annual  report  of  supervising  inspector  general,  Steamboat  Inspection 
Service,   to   Secretary   of  Commerce,   fiscal   year   1927.     1927.     ii+20  p.   il. 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  8^9657  C 15.1 :  927 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service  bulletin,  Nov.  1,   1927 ;  no.  145.     [1927.]     3  p. 
[Monthly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10 :  145 


EuJoyies.     Albert  B.  Cummins,  memorial  addresses.     1927.     [5]+34+[l]   p.  1 
por.     (S.  doc.  216,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Cloth,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27745 

Edwin  F.  Ladd,  memorial  addresses.     1927.     [5] +74  p.     1  por.     (S.  doc. 

248.  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Cloth,  50c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27746 

■ John  E.  Raker,  memorial  addresses.    1927.     [5] +108  p.    1  por.     (H.  doc. 

782.  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Cloth,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27747 

Lawrence  J.  Flaherty,  memorial  addresses.    1927.     [5]+38+[l]  p.  1  por. 

(H.  doc.  769.  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Cloth,  50c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27755 

William  B.  McKinley,  memorial  addresses.     1927.     iii+[l]+98  p.  1  por. 

(S.  doc.  215.  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Cloth,  60c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27756 


Industrial  arbitration.  Compilation  of  laws  relating  to  mediation,  conciliation, 
and  arbitration  between  employers  and  employees,  laws  disputes  between 
carriers  and  employers  [employees]  and  subordinate  ofiicinls  under  Labor 
Board  8-hour  laws,  employers"  liability  laws ;  compiled  by  Elmer  A.  Lewis, 
superintendent  Document  Room.  House  of  Representatives.     1927.     [l]+66  p. 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27757  Y  1.2  :  Em  7/8 

lAqnor  laws;  compiled  by   Elmer  A.   Lewis,   superintendent  Document   Room, 
House  of  Representatives.    1927.    63  p.     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27758  Y  1.2  :  L  66/11 

Inoliulf's  : 

Public  law  223,  .51st  Congress.  1st  session. 
[Public  law   (extract)    16'2.   .57th  Ccngrr-ss,  2d  sesfsion.] 
Public  law   (extract)   .3.50.  60th  Congress,  2d  session. 
Public  law,  398,  62d  Congress,  3d  session. 
Public  law  .308.  64th  Congresi^.   2d  session. 
Public  law   (extract)   368,  64th  Congress,  2d  session. 
Public  law   (extract)   380,  64th  Congress,  2d  session. 
I'ublic  rosolutinn  .57.  64th  Con2ress,  2d  session. 
Public  law  (extract I   50.  65tb  Congress.  Lst  session. 
Public  law   (extract)   254.  65th  Congress,  3d  session. 
Public  law  383.  64th  Congress,  2d  session. 
Public  law   (extract)    12.  65rh  Congress,  1st  session. 
Public  law  77.  6oth  Congress,  1st  session. 
Public  law   (extract)   41.  65th  Congress.  1st  session. 
For  remainder  of  contents  see  next  page. 

How   to   order   publications — See   information   folloTving    Contents 

288  November,  1927 

Liquor  la/ws — Continued. 

Includes — Continued. 

Public  law  157,  65tli  Congress,  2d  session. 

Public  law   (extract)   243,  65th  Congress,  2d  session. 

Public  resolution  40,  65th  Congress,  2d  session. 

S.    J.    resolution    17,    amendment    to    United    States    Constitution,    proclamation    of 

ratiti  cation. 
Prohibition  enforcement  act  66,  66th  Congress,  1st  session. 
Public  law    (extract)    145,   67th  Congress. 
Public  law  96,  67th  Congress. 
Public  law  556,  68th  Congress. 
Public  law  1751   [751],  69th  Congress. 


Muscle  Slwals,  hearing,  69tli  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  16396  [for  preserva- 
tion, completion,  maintenance,  operation,,  and  use  of  Muscle  Shoals  project 
for  war,  navigation,  fertilizer  manufacture,  electric-power  production,  and,  in 
connection  therewith,  incorijoration  of  Farmers  Federated  Fertilizer  Corpora- 
tion, and  lease  to  it  of  said  project,  and]  H.  R.  16G14  [to  authorize  and  dirwt 
Secretary  of  War  to  execute  lease  with  Air  Nitrates  Corporation  and  Amer- 
ican Cyanamid  Company],  appendix.  1927.  pt.  3,  x+741  p.  il.  2  pi.  4  p.  of 
pi.  and  map,  2  tab.     *  Paper,  75c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  M  97/7/pt.  3 

Note. — -Appendix  includes :  Majority  and  minority  reports  of  Muscle  Shoals  In- 
quiry.— German  and  American  synthetic-ammonia  plants,  costs  of  construction  and  of 
ammonia  production  in  plants  at  Oppau,  Germany,  and  Sheffield,  Ala.,  are  compared 
and  synthetic-ammonia  problem  is  considered  from  viewpoints  of  chemist,  engineer, 
operator,  and  executive ;  by  R.  S.  Tour. — Nitrogen  survey :  pt.  1,  Cost  of  Chilean 
nitrate ;  by  H.  Foster  Bain  and  H.  S.  Mulliken. — Nitrogen  survey :  pt.  2,  General 
review  of  nitrogen  situation  in  United  States ;  by  Harry  A.  Curtis. — Nitrogen  survey  : 
pt.  3,  Air-nitrogen  processes ;  by  J.  M.  Braham. — Nitrogen  survey  :  pt.  4,  Nitrogen 
situation  in  European  countries ;  by  Harry  A.  Curtis  and  Frank  A.  Ernst. — United 
States  importations  of  Chilean  nitrate,  imports  of  Chilean  nitrate  into  United  States, 
1831-June  30,  1926. — Sulphate  of  ammonia  ;  statements  of  C.  G.  Atwater  and  R.  F. 
Bower. — Report  on  fixation  and  utilization  of  nitrogen  [with  bibliography]  ;  prepared 
by  Nitrate  Division,  Ordnance  Office,  War  Department,  assisted  by  Fixed  Nitrogen 
Research  Laboratory,  Department  of  Agriculture,  Mar.  29,  1922. 


Calendar  of  assignments  for  hearings  on  revision  of  revenue  act  of  1926,  Oct.  31- 
Nov.  10,  1927  ;  no.  1-9.     1927.     various  paging,  4°     t  Y  4.W  36 :  70/1-9 


Report  of  Joint  Committee  on  Internal  Rtn'euue  Taxation.     1927.     3  v.  in  1. 
*  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27759  Y  4.1n  8/11 :  R  29/2/V.1-3 

v.  1.  Report  of  staff  of  joint  committee  on  internal  revenue  taxation  (concurred  in  by 
advisory  committee),     v  +  86  p.  il.  1  tab. 

V.  2.  Proposed  rearrangement  of  income  tax  title,     ii  -I-  72  p. 

V.  3.  Survey  of  administration  of  income  and  excess-prohts  taxes ;  prepared  and  sub- 
mitted by  Treasury  Department.     200  p.  il.  2  maps. 


Arundel  Sand  d  Gravel  Company  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  claimant  and 
defendant.     [1927.]     no.  E-207,  p.  27-120.     %  Ju3.S:Ar84 

Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Co.  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant]. 
[1927.]     no.  E-592,  p.  9-20.     $  Ju  3.8:  At  6/37 

Atwater,  William  C,  &  Co.,  Incorporated.  William  C.  Atwater  &  Company,  Inc., 
V.  United  States ;  evidence  for  defendant.     [1927.]     no.  D-125,  p.  129-151.    t 

Ju  3.8 :  At  94/4 

Austin  Co.  V.  United  States;  evidence  for  defendant.  [1927.]  [no.  B-205], 
p.  281-346.     %  Ju  3.8 :  Au  77/7 

Barrett  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  107-A, 
p.  485-534.     t  Ju  3.8  :  B  275/4 

Ho^v  to   order  publications— See   Information  following:   Contents 


November,  1927  289 

Blue.     RupertBluev.  United  States;  [evidence].     [1927.]     no.  E-598,  p.  13-19.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  B  625 

Carroll  Electric  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
no.  E-597,  p.  11-13.     %  Ju  3.8 :  C  236/19 

Cases.  Docket  of  cases  pending  in  Court  of  Claims,  general  jurisdiction,  [year 
ended]  Dec.  1927.     1927.     iii+88  p.  4'     t  Ju 3.12: 927 

Trial  calendar  and  law  calendar,  prepared  Nov.   7,   1927.     1927.     55  p. 

[Part  of  the  pages  are  blank.]     I  Ju  3.5:  927/2 

Compac  Tent  Co.  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff  [and]  department  [de- 
fendant].    [1927.]     no.  D-18,  p.  25-88.     t  Ju  3.8  :  C  738/11 

Consolidated  Gas.  Electric  Light,  audi  Po-icer  Company  of  Baltimore  v.  United 
States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  D-723,  p.  15-31.     % 

Ju  3.8 :  C  765/7 

Conway.  First  Trus.t  and  Savinprs  Bank,  as  trustee  of  estate  of  Richard  F, 
Conway,  v.  United  States;  stipulation  of  facts.  [1927.]  no.  F-337,  p. 
17-23.     t  J"  3.8 :  C  769/3 

Craig.  Ellis  W.  Craig  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  claimant].  [1927.]  no. 
H-207,  p.  5-12.     t  Ju  3.8 :  C  844/2 

Dunbar  <&  Sullivan  Dredging  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  claimant  and 
defendant.     [1927.]     no.  E-290,  p.  59-270.     t  Ju  3.8  :D  911/2 

EverlastiU  {Inc.)  v.  United  States:  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  C-1004, 
p.  29-85.     %  Ju  3.8 :  Ev  27/3 

Faust.  Edward  A.  Faust  v.  United  States :  claimant's  evidence.  [1927.]  no. 
E-405,  p.  9-44.     t  Ju  3.8 :  F  275/2 

Fox.  C.  B.  Fox  V.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  H-16, 
p.  9-17.     t  Ju  3.8  :  F  83 

Goctz.  Julius  J.  Got  tz  v.  United  States  :  evidence  tvv  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no. 
D-682.  p.  7-lC.     t  Ju  3.8 :  G  555 

Grays  Harbor  Motorship  Corparation  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  defendant. 
[1927.]     no.  B-12,  p.  319-549.     t  Ju  3.8 :  G  795/4 

Horniel,  George  A.,  d  Co.  George  A.  Hormel  &  Company  v.  United  States; 
report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  E-452,  p.  17-22.     J  Ju3.8:H782 

Eutterische  Church.  David  Hofer  [et  al.],  trustees  of  Hutterische  Church 
[Elmspring.  S.  Dak.],  v.  United  States;  stipulation.  [1927.]  no.  E-451.  p, 
79-S8.     t  ■  Ju3.8:H977 

[Judgmaits  rendered,  year  ended  Dec.  3,  1927.]      [1927.]     8  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  9-6546  Ju  3.6:  927 

Kulm.  X.  Dak.  First  National  Bank  of  Kulm,  Kuim,  N.  Dak.,  v.  United  States; 
evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  H-55,  p.  7-11.     t  Ju3.8:K959 

Lash's  Products  Company  v.  United  States :  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Nov.  7,  1927.  [1927.]  no.  D-412, 
4  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  L  334 

Livingston.  Thomas  M.  Livingston  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  defend- 
ants].    [1927.]     no.  H-105,  p.  563-565.     %  Ju  3.8  :L  762/5 

McKnight.  Samuel  M.  McKnight  v.  United  States;  evidence.  [1927.]  no. 
E-78,  p.  61-82.     t  Ju  3.8  :  M  218 

Mantle  Lamp  Co.  v.  United  States  ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.]  no.  E-361, 
p.  11-39.     i  Ju  3.8  :M  319/2 

Miller.  Albert,  &  Co.  Albert  Miller,  E.  Percy  Miller,  and  F.  H.  Hallock,  co- 
partners trading  under  firm  name  and  style  of  Albert  Miller  &  Co.,  ?;.  United 
States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  B-121,  p.  31-552.     t 

Ju  3.8 :  M  612/2 

Ho^re-   to    order    pnMlcations— See   Information   lollo^rlngr    Contents 

290  November,  1927 

Minis.  Abram  Minis,  as  executor,  and  Maria  Minis,  as  executrix  of  Lavinia 
F.  Minis,  late  of  Chatham  County,  Ga.,  v.  United  States ;  agreed  statement 
of  facts.     [1927.]     no.   H-125,  p.  1-3.     t  Ju  3.8 :  M  664 

Monell.  Maude  M.  Monell,  executrix  of  Ambrose  Monell,  v.  United  States ; 
evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  H-2S2,  p.  99-139.     I  Ju  3.8  :  M  745 

National  Candy  Co.  v.  United  States ;  stipulation  of  part  of  facts  and  evidence 
for  plaintiff.     [1927.]     no.  F-90,  p.  19-40.     $  Ju  3.8 :  N  213/19 

Neio  York  Polyclinic  Medical  School  and,  Hospital  v.  United  States ;  evidence 
for  defendant.     [1927.]     no.  C-1324,  p.  267-337.     $  Ju3.8:  N42  y/27 

Nolde.  Anna  Louise  Nolde  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  lavp,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Nov.  7,  1927.  [1927.]  no.  F-91,  6 
p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  N  714 

Norden,  Danish  steamship.  Dampskibsselskabet  Norden  [owner  of  Norden, 
Danish  steamship],  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff".  [1927.]  no. 
0-109,  p.  5-31.     t  Ju3.8:N754 

Oah  Investment  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant].  [1927.] 
no.  C-765,  p.  27-43.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Oa  4/2 

Rosenthal,  A.  S.,  Company.  A.  S.  Rosenthal  Co.  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for 
claimant.     [1927.]     no.  H-90,  p.  5-14.    %  Ju3.8:R727 

Schumann.  Adam  Schumann  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.  D-363,  p.  47-50.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Sch  86/2 

Shof stall  Hay  d  Grain  Co.  r>.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1927.] 
no.  B-120,  p.  17-402.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Sh  73/2 

Stewart.  Ithaca  Trust  Company,  sole  surviving  executor  and  trustee  of  Edwin 
C.  Stewart,  v.  United  States;  stipulation  of  facts.  [1927.]  no.  F-82,  p. 
19-22.     %  Ju  3.8  :  St  49/7 

Union  Land  d  Timber  Company  v.  United  States;  [evidence  for  claimant]. 
[1927.]     no.  E-606,  p.  19-29.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Un  3/50 

Unterherg,  I.,  d  Co.,  Itvcorporated.  I.  Unterberg  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States ; 
si»ecial  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion  of  coui't],  decided 
Nov.  7,   1927.     [1927.]     no.   D-323,   6  p.     X  Ju  3.9/a :  Un  8 


Charlock.  No.  3031,  United  States  v.  International  Milling  Company,  tran- 
script of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title,  i+23 
p.     %  Ju  7.6 :  In  8/7 

Batters'  plush.  No.  3027,  United  States  v.  Irving  Massin  &  Brothers,  tran- 
script of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title,  ii+106 
p.     X  Ju  7.6 :  M  386 

Ribbo7i.  No.  2951,  United  States  v.  F.  Victor  &  Achelis,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  ii-|-86  p.     + 

Ju  7.6 :  V  67S/2 

Sa^lt.  No.  3029,  United  States  v.  Schenker's,  Inc.,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1927.]     cover-title,  i+ 10  p.    X        Ju  7.6:  Sch  27 

Watch  crystals.  No.  3008,  United  States  v.  Hammel,  Riglander  &  Co.  et  al., 
transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
ii-fl40  p.     X  Ju7.6:R449 


Commissioners.     Report  of  commissioners  of  District  of  Columbia,  year  ended 
June  30,  1927.     1927.     [l]+60  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  8-16038  DC  1.1 :  927 

Ho'fV   to   order   publications — Sec   information   follofving:    Contents 

NoVEMKEii,  1927  291 

iJourt  of  Appeals.  Docket  no.  4592,  Margiierite  T.  Whitcomb  v.  David  H.  Blair, 
commi>!sioner  of  internal  revenue ;  brief  for  appellee.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+39  p.     t  DCO.ij:  W5S1 

No.  4628.  Apr.  term,  1927,  Frank  T.  Hines.  director  of  Veterans'  Bureau, 

V.  Jack  Floyd  Welch,  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for 
appellant.     1927.     cover-title,  ii+5G  p.     %  DC  9.5  :  W  444/3 

•     No.  4630,  Apr.  term,  1927,  William  L.  Peak,  superintendent,  Washington 

Asylum  and  Jail,  v.  Harold  Reed,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of 
Columbia;    brief    for    api^ellant.     1927.     cover-title,    ii+29    p.     $ 

DC  9.5  :  R  251/2 

Revised  rules  for  government  and  practice  of  Court  of  Appeals  of  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  under  acts  approved  Feb.  9,  1893,  July  30,  1894,  June  3, 
1896,  Mar.  2,  1897,  Mar.  19.  1906,  July  28,  1916,  Mar.  3,  1921,  Feb.  26,  1926, 
July  3,  1926,  Feb.  23,  1927  Mar.  2,  1927,  effective  Dec.  1,  1927 ;  annotated  by 
Richard  A.  Ford.     1927.     [l]+66  p.     t  DC  9.2 :  R  86/5 

PuMio  Lihrari).     30th  annual  report  of  board  of  trustees  and  29th  annual  report 
of  librarian  of  Public  Library  of  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  year  1927.     1927. 
ii+28  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  7-35450  DC  17.1 :  927 


I jong shoremen.  Longshoremen's  and  harbor  workers'  compensation  act,  opinions 
approved  by  Employees'  Compensation  Commission ;  Opinions  1-20,  Aug.  12- 
Oct.  26,  1927.     1927.     [l]+29  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  EC  1.2  :L  86 


Sto-ne  setting,  setting  of  cut-stone  trim  in  brick  buildings,  specimen  instruction 
material  for  use  with  advanced  bricklayer  apprentices  and  journeymen  work- 
ers [with  bibliograpliy ;  by  G.  A.  McGarvey].     June,  1927.     xii+114  p.  il.  1  pi. 
([Bulletin  106;  Trade  and  industrial  series  30.])     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-214  VE  1.3  :  106 


American  River.  Report  to  Federal  Power  Commission  on  uses  of  American 
River,  Calif. ;  California  Power  Board,  D.  C.  Henny,  U.  S.  Grant,  3d,  E.  W. 
Kramer,  W.  F.  McClure.  1927.  vi+54  p.  il.  5  maps,  4  tab.  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27665  FP  1.2:  Am  3 

Ropcyrt.     7th   annual   report  of  Federal  Power  Commission,   fiscal   year  1927. 
1927.     iv+254  p.  il.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.    C.   card  21-27492  FP  1.1:  927 

-  Same.     (H.  doc.  28,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


Report.    Annual  report  of  Federal  Radio  Commission  to  Congress,  fiscal  year 
1927.     1927.    ii+16  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.    C.    card  27-27731  RC  1.1:  927 


Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Nov.  1927;  [v.  13,  no.  11].  1927.  iv+749-794  p.  il. 
map.  4"  [Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $2.60. 

L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  13/11 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announconionts.  the 

national   review    of   business    conditions,    detailed    analyses    of   business    conditions,    re- 

IfoTv   to    or«ler   ]in1)licatioii.s— «ee    in  formation   follovrins    Contents 

292  November,  1927 

Federal  reserve  bulletin — Continued. 

search  studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banlsing,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  con- 
dition of  Federal  reserve  banlis  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member 
banks  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal 
Reserve  Board,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  memher  hanks.  Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  sys- 
tem, changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal 
reserve  banks  for  collection  and  credit,  Nov.  1,  1927.  1927.  [l]+9  p.  4"  t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  927/11 


Paul,  B.  No.  9682,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Paul  Balme,  trading  under  name  and  style  of 
B.  Paul,  on  application  for  enforcement  of  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion ;  supplemental  brief  for  petitioner.  1927.  cover-title,  ii-|-46  p.  large 
8°     $  FT  1.5 :  P  281/3 

Trade  practice  conferences.     Trade  practice  conferences.     Sept.  15,  1927.     iii+ 
75  p.     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27672  FT  1.2  :  C  76 


Decisions.    Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7,  Sept.  1927,  with  index-digest, 
July-Sept.  1927 ;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant 
comptroller  general.     1927.     [l]-fl71-253+lii  p.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a :  7/3 

Same,  v.  7,  Oct.  1927 ;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn, 

assistant  comptroller  general.     1927.     [1] +253-303  p.     [Monthly.]     t 

GA  1.5/a :  7/4 


Decisions  of  Geographic  Board,  Oct.  5  and  Nov.  2,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     [No 
decisions  rendered  July,  Aug.,  or  Sept.  1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-26561  GB  1.5 :  141 



Alaska,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Oct.  1927. 
[2] +19+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  60,  11th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  25-26946  GP  3.9  :  60/11 

Army  and  Militia,  aviation  and  pensions,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  super- 
intendent of  documents.     Sept.  1927.     [2]+43+[l]   p.     (Price  list  19,   18th 
edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  2&-26487  GP  3.9  :  19/18 

Oovernment  publications.     Price  lists  of  Government  publications   [Oct.  1927]. 
1927.     1  p.     t  GP  3.2  :  P  93/7 

Insects,  bees,  honey,  and  insects  injurious  to  man,  animals,  plants,  and  crops, 
list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.    Oct.  1927.     [2]  + 
20+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  41,  19th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-27428  GP  3.9:  41/19 

Monthly  catalogue.  United  States  public  documents  (with  prices),  no.  394;  Oct. 
1927.     1927.     v+201-266  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-lSOSS  GP  3.S/1 :  928/4 

Hctv   to    oriler   i»nT>lic»fioiis — See   information   follo-wingf    Contents 

No\-E>iBER.  19-27  293 

Pacific  States:  California,  Oregon,  Washington,  list  of  publications  relating?  to 
above  States  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Oct.  1927.     [2] +18  p, 
(Price  list  69,  9th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-27430  GP  3.9 :  69/9 

Putlic  domuin,  Government  publications  concerning  public  lands,  conservation, 
and  oil  leases,  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Oct.  1927.     [2]+G  p. 
(Price  list  20,  18th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26491.  GP  3.9:  20/18 


Note. — The  deci.'sions  of  tlie  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pension  cases  are  issued  in 
slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  in  sij;naturc,-,  both 
being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  ■with  the  Superin- 
tend! nt  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions  of  either  kind 
in  separate  parts  as  tliey  are  issued  :  foreign  subscription.  $1,125.  I'rices  for  bound  volumes 
furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Pan.  Pacific  Conference  on  Education,  Rehabilitation,  Reclamation,  and  Recre- 
ation. 1st  Pan  Pacific  Conference  on  Education,  Rehabilitation,  Reclamation, 
and  Recreation  cailed  by  President  of  United  States  in  conformity  with  joint 
resolution  of  Senate  and  House  of  Representatives  and  held  under  auspices 
of  Department  of  Interior  at  Honolulu.  Hawaii.  Apr.  11-16,  1927,  report  of 
proceedings.  1927.  xxxiii+493  p.  il.  1  pi.  *  Cloth,  ?1.00. 
L.  C.  card  27-27G6S  1 1.61/1 :  927 


lliglier  education,  biennial  survey,  1924-26 ;  by  Arthur  J.  Klein.    1927.    ii+4G  p. 
(Bulletin  34,  1927.)      [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in 
United  States.  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  O.  card  E  21-496  1 16.3 :  927/34 

Music.    Appreciation  of  mu.sic.     Reprinted  [with  omissions]  Oct.  1927.     [l]+4 
p.  12°     (Reading  course  31.)     t  116.12:31/2 

Nursery-Mndcj-garten-primarij  education  in  1924^26    [with  bibliographies]  ;  by 
Mary  Dabney  Davis.     1927.     [l]+46  p.  il.      (Bulletin  28,  1927.)      [Advance 
sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Pa- 
per, 10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  27-213  1 16.3  :  927/28 

(Sfc/iooZ  ZiYe,  V.  13,  no.  3 ;  Nov.  1927.     1927.    cover-title,  p.  41-60,  il.  4°     [Monthly 
except  July  and  August.    Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
oOc.  a  yr.  (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.;  for  50  copies  or  more  sent 
in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  18-902  1 16.26/1 :  13/3 


Note. — The  General  Land  Office  publishes  a  large  general  map  of  the  United  States, 
which  is  sold  at  $2.00  ;  and  also  separate  maps  of  the  States  and  Territories  in  which 
public  lands  are  to  be  found,  which  are  sold  at  25c.  per  sheet.  The  map  of  California 
is  in  2  sheets.     Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Sun.     Ephemeris  of  the  sun  and  Polaris  and  tables  of  azimuths  and  altitudes 
of  Polaris,   [calendar]   year  1928.     1927.     cover-title,  12  p.     [Supplement  to 
Manual    of    instructions    for    survey    of    public    lands    of    United    States.] 
*  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  10-35913  I  21.11/2 :  Su  7/21 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports.  Monographs.  Professional  papers.  Bulletins,  Water-supply"  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.     Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Super- 

HoTV  to   order  publications — See   informatiun   folloT\-ingr    Contents 

75540— 27— No.  395 5 

294  November,  1927 

intendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that 
amounts  to  $5.00  at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  tor  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should 
be  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Orders  for  other  publications  tiiat  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.     For  topographic  maps  see  below. 

Bessemer,  Ala.  Bessemer-Vandiver  folio,  Ala. ;  by  Charles  Butts.  [Library 
edition. J  Washington,  Geological  Survey,  1927.  cover-title.  22  p.  il.  2  pi.  2 
p.  of  pi.  S  maps,  large  4"  (Geologic  atlas  of  United  States  221.)  [Text  and 
illustrations  on  p.  2--4  of  cover.]     t  Paper,  50c.  119.5/1:221 

Gilbert  district,  Ncv.;  by  Henry  G.  Ferguson.  Nov.  4,  1927.  ii+125-145  p.  il. 
(Bulletin  795  F.)      *  Paper,  5c.  1 19.3  :  795-F 

PuUicdtions.  New  publications,  list  236;  Nov.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  3  p. 
[Monthly.]     f  1 19.14/4 :  236 

Triassic  period.     Upper  Triassic  marine  invertebrate  faunas  of  North  America 
[with  bibliographies]  ;  by  James  Perrin  Smith.     1927.     iv+262  p.  121  p.  of 
pi.  4"     (Professional  paper  141.)     *  Paper,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  GS  27-350  1 19.16 :  141 

Same.     (H.  doc.  15,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Water  {underground).  Laboratory  tests  on  physical  properties  of  water-bearing 
materials ;  by  Nurali  Dowell  Stearns.  Nov.  3,  1927.  iv+121-176  p.  il.  3  p. 
of  pi.     (Water-supply  paper  596  F.)     *  Paper,  15c.  1 19.13  :  596-F 

Topograiihic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  making  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  individual 
maps  are  projected  to  represent  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and 
each  map  is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town  or  natural  feature  in 
the  area  mapped.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1 :  31,680,  1 :  62,.500,  and 
]  :  12.5,000,  corresponding,  approximately,  to  %  mile,  1  mile,  ahd  2  miles  to  1  inch. 
The  area  covered  differs  with  the  latitude,  but  the  average  area  is  58,  230,  or  920 
square  miles,  respectively,  for  these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  printed  on 
uniform-sized  paper,  about  20  b.v  10'/^  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas 
represented  thereon  are  about  17%  inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to 
latitude.  For  some  areas  of  particular  importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published. 
A  general  description  of  topographic  maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed 
on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

More  than  two-fifths  of  tlie  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  Connecticut,  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mary- 
land, Massachusetts,  New  .Jersey,  New  York,  Ol^.io,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Virginia  are 
completely  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at 
10c.  each,  but  a  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to 
$5.00  at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or 
folios  alone,  or  for  maps  and  folios  together. 

Maryland-'Di^tviGt  of  Columbia-Virginia,  Washington  and  vicinity,  lat.  38°  45'- 
39°  05',  long.  76°  52'  30"-77°  15'.  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft. 
Automobile  edition.  [Washington]  Geological  Survey,  edition  of  1917,  re- 
printed 1926.     47.1X41.8  in.     [No  description  on  reverse.]     t  25c. 

1 19.25  :  W  27/2/926  , 


Belle  Fourche  irrigation  project.     Earthwork  and  structures,  open  drains,  Belle 

Fourche  project,  S.  Dak.  [1927.]  cover-title,  i+15  p.  7  pi.  map,  4"  (Speci- 
fications 466.)  [Consists  of  specifications,  schedules,  and  drawings  for  irriga- 
tion project,  proposals  to  be  received  until  Dec.  20,  1927.]     f  Paper,  50c. 

I  27.8 :  466 

Lorver  Ycllo^cstone  irrigation  p7'ojeGt.  Earthwork  and  structures  for  open 
drains,  Lower  Yellowstone  project,  Mont.-N.  Dak.  [1927.]  cover-title,  i+17 
p.  10  pi.  map,  4"  (Specifications  465.)  [Consists  of  specifications,  schedules, 
and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  bids  will  be  received  until  Dec.  14.  1927.] 
t  Paper,  55c.  I  27.8  :  465 

Manual  of  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Edition  of  1927.  1927.  ii+398  p.  il. 
[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     f  Paper,  $1.50. 

I  27.2 :  M  31/3/927 

HoTv   to   ortler   pn1>licatioii8 — See   information   following    Contents 

November,  1927  295 

Neio  reclamation  era,  v.  18,  no.  11 ;  Nov.  1927.     [1927.]     cover-title,  p.  161-176, 
il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5  :  927/11 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  \Yashington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

Orland  irrigation  project.  Opportunities  for  farm  ownership,  Orland  irrigation 

project,  Calif.     [1927.]  cover-title,  19  p.  il.     [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2 
and  4  of  cover.]     t 

L.  C.  card  27-27670  I  27.2 :  Or  5/3 

Yakima  irrigation  project.  Earthwork,  canal  lining,  tunnels,  and  structures, 
north  branch  canal,  division  no.  1,  Yakima  project,  Wash.,  Kittitas  division. 
[1927.]  cover-title,  ii-|-32  p.  26  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  464.)  [Consists 
of  specifications,  schedules,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  proposals  to 
be  received  until  Dec.  6,  1927.]     t  Paper,  $1.75.  127.8:464 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerco 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at 
various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on 
subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume  ;  foreigu  subscription,  .$1.50  ;  single  copies,  usually  5c. 
In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valuation  decisions 
are  desired. 

Apalachicola  Northern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  699,  Apalachicola  North- 
ern Railroad  Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[l]-f  736-760  p.     (B-592.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-592 

Arkansas  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5996,  acquisition  and  operation  of  line 
by  Arkansas  Railroad;  decided  Oct.  3,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  299-303.  ([Finance  decision]  2965.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 
*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2965 

Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6494,  stock  of  Atlantic  Coast 
Line  Company ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927 ;  I'eport  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  345- 
348.     ( [Finance  decision]  2983.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2983 

AutomoUles.  No.  15595,  Chevrolet  Motor  Company  of  St.  Louis  et  al.  v.  Balti- 
more &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  4,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission on  further  heariue;.  [1927.]  p.  151-152.  ([Opinion]  12()57.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12657 

Baking-powder.  No.  18660,  Royal  Distributing  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Balti- 
more &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27.  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  749-750.  ([Opinion]  12626.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12626 

Bath  and  Hammondsport  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  540,  Bath  and  Ham- 
mondsport  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  761-787.     (B-593.)      [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-593 

Bemcood  and  Wheeling  Connecting  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  112,  deficit 
settlement  with  Benwood  &  Wheeling  Connecting  Railway ;  decided  Oct.  15, 
1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  325-326.  ( [Finance  decision]  2975.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  F-2975 

HoTV  to   order  pnltlications — See   information  following:    Contents 

296  November,  1927 

CaMage.  No.  17788,  Independent  Produce  Shippers,  Incorporated,  v.  Norfolk  & 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  747-748.  ([Opinion]  12625.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
129.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12025 

Canadian  Pacific  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6498,  lease  of  line  by  Canadian 
Pacific  Railway  Company  and  sublease  by  Maine  Central  Railroad  Company ; 
decided  Oct.  22,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  407-410.  ([Finance 
decision]  2992.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2992 

Carriers.  Supplement  1  to  List  1  of  corporate  names  of  common  carriers  filing 
tariffs,  concurrences,  or  powers  of  attorney  with  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission and  compiled  from  its  records,  compiled  Oct.  5.  1927 ;  [prepared  by 
Section  of  Tariffs,  Bureau  of  Traffic].  1927.  [1] -1-1+3-14  leaves.  *  Paper, 
10c.  10  1.15 : 1/supp.  1 

Cement.  No.  16536,  Lehigh  Portland  Cement  Company  et  al.  v.  Big  Fork  & 
International  Falls  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  28,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  3-13-|-ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12028.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12028 

Central  Pacific  Raihvaij.  Finance  docket  no.  (>402,  abandonment  of  line  by  Cen- 
tral Pacific  Railway  Company  and  Southern  Pacific  Company ;  decided  Oct.  8, 
1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  817-319.  ([Finance  decision]  2970.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.O/la  :  F-2970 

Chesapeal:G  and  Ohio  Railway.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valu- 
ation docket  no.  457,  in  matter  of  tentative  valuations  of  Chesapeake  and 
Ohio  Railway  Company,  Norfolk  Terminal  and  Transportation  Company, 
Covington  and  Cincinnati  Elevated  Railroad  and  Transfer  and  Bridge  Com- 
pany, Gauley  and  Meadow  River  Railroad  Company,  Island  Creek  Railroad 
Company,  Logan  and  Southern  Railway  Company,  and  Cincinnati  Inter-Ter- 
minal Railroad  Company ;  valuation  docket  no.  477,  Chesapeake  and  Ohio 
Railway  Company  of  Indi.ana ;  valuation  docket  no.  398.  Piuey  liiver  and 
Paint  Creek  Railroad  Company ;  valuation  docket  no.  179,  Nelson  &  Albemarle 
Railway  Company ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuations.  1927.  cover- 
title,  v+152  p.     t  IC  1  val.  8 :  C  424 

Coal.  New  England  divisions,  no.  11756,  Bangor  &  Aroostook  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al.  V.  Aberdeen  &  Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct. 
3,  1927 ;  report  [and  amendatory  order]  of  commission  on  reconsideration. 
[1927.]  93-94-K[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12645.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12645 

No.  17396,  C.  U.  Downing  &  Son  v.  director  general,  as  agent;  decided 

Sept.  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  19-24.  ( [Opinion]  12630.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12630 

No.  17722,  Artemus-Jellico  Railroad  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville 

Railroad  Company  et  al.;  decided  Oct.  20,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  183-189-|-iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12662.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  12662 

Continental  Telegraph  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  1010,  Continental  Tele- 
graph Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] 
+672-681  p.     (B-588.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-588 

Copper.  No.  17293,  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  28,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +14-18  p.  ([Opinion]  12629.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  10  1.6/1  a  :  12629 

Cotton.  In  equity,  nos.  310  and  311,  in  district  court  for  southern  district  of 
Texas,  Houston  division,  in  equity,  no.  310,  Alexander  Spruut  &  Son,  Inc., 
et  al.  V.  United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission ;  in  equity, 
no.  311,  Texas  &  New  Orleans  Railroad  Company  et  al.  v.  [same]  ;  brief  for 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission.     1927.     cover-title,  iii+98  p.     t 

IC  1.1.3/1 :  Sp  89 

HoTT   to   order   pnltlicntioiis — See   information   following^    Contents 

November,  1927  297 

Cotton-seed.  No.  18607,  Newton  Oil  Mill  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  33-36.     ([Opinion]  12634.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c, 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12634 

Cowlitz,  Chehalis  and  Cascade  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  4691,  bonds  of 
Cowlitz,  Cbebalis  &  Cascade  Railway  ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927 ;  supplemental 
report  of  commis.sion.  [1927.]  p.  381-383.  ([Finance  decision]  2987.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-2987 

Cucumbers.  No.  18275,  Cbarles  Pape  &  Company  v.  Southern  Railway  Company 
et  al.;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  1-2. 
([Opinion]  12627.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  12627 

Decisions.  Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  Jan.-Mar.  1927. 
1927.  XXV+89S  p.  (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports,  v.  122.) 
[Contains  also  decisions  of  Dec.  23,  29,  1926,  and  Apr.  9,  1927.]  *  Cloth.  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  8-30656  101.6/1:122 

Same,  Feb.-Mar.  1927.     1927.     xxii+S93  p.  map.     (Interstate  Commerce 

Commission  reports,  v.  123.)  [Contains  also  decisions  of  Jan.  15,  Apr.  2, 
4,    5,    9,    and    11,    1927.]     *  Cloth,    .$2.25.  101.6/1:123 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission    (finance  reports),    Sept. 

192(>-Mar.  1927.  1927.  xxxii+917  p.  (Interstate  Commerce  Commission 
reports,  V.  117.)     *  Cloth,  .$2.25.  IC  1.6/1 :  117 

Note. — Tbe  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  nssigns  a  volume  in  the  series  of 
reports  at  various  times  wliich  contains  only  finance  dockets.  This  is  true  regarding 
V.  117  here  catalogued. 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission    (valuation  reports),  Dec. 

1926-Mar.  1927.  1927.  vii+9G7  p.  il.  2  maps.  (Interi^tate  Commerce  Com- 
mission reports,  v.  121.)  [Contains  ahso  decisions  of  Nov.  26,  1926.]  *  Cloth, 
$2.25.  IC  1.6/1 :  121 

Note. — The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  assigns  a  volume  in  the  series  of 
reports  at  various  times  which  contains  only  valuation  dockets.  This  is  true  regarding 
V.  121  here  catalogued. 

Dry-goods.  No.  18427,  Detmer,  Bruner  &  Mason,  Incorporated,  v.  Bush  Termi- 
nal Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [l]-f  100-102  p.  ([Opinion]  12648.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12648 

Elkin  and  Alleghany  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  455,  guaranty  status  of 
Elkin  &  Alleghany  Railroad;  [decided  Sept.  21,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +320-321  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2971.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2971 

Freight  rates.  No.  12798,  Galveston  Commercial  Association  v.  Galveston,  Har- 
risburg  &  San  Antonio  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Oct.  8,  1927 ;  sup- 
plemental report  of  commission  on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  95-96. 
([Opinion]  12646.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12646 

No.  16411,  Egyptian  Powder  Company  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  10.  1927 ;  supplemental  report  [and  supplemental 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  153-1.54 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12658.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12058 

Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in. freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged  to 
operating,  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for 
switching  locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing 
172  steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Sept. 
1927  and  1926  [and]  9  months  ended  with  Sept.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.  30  :  927/9 

Gainesville  Midland  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5955,  Gainesville  Midland 
reorganization;  decided  Oct.  12.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  355- 
381.  ([Finance  decision]  2986.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2986 

How   to   orrtep   publicntionfi— See   information   follo^ving    Contents 

298  November,  1927 

Oainesville  Midland  Railway — Continued. 

Finance  docket  no.  6102,  operation  of  lines  bi'  Gainesville  Midland  Rail- 
road; [decided  Oct.  1.5,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [11+352-354  p. 
([Finance  decision  ]  2985.)      [Frcm  I.  C.  C  reiiorts,  v.  131.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2985 

Gasoline.  Midcontinent  oil  rates,  1925,  no.  15584,  Sinclair  Refining  Company 
et  al.  V.  Ahuapee  &  Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  4,  1927 ; 
[report  and  order  of  commission  on  further  hearingl.  [1927.]  103-117+xiv 
p.  il.     ([Opinion]  12649.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12649 

Grain.  No.  16230,  Ogden  Grain  Exchange  v.  Arizona  Eastern  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  3,  1927;  supplemental  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1927.  [l]+46-48+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  1263S.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1263S 

No.  17291,  Indianapolis  Board  of  Trade  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Companj'  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  22,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  675-6S0.     ([Opinion]  12008.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  129. J     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12608 

Granite.  No.  12556,  J.  F.  Bloom  &  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent,  et  al. ; 
decided  Oct.  4,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing.  [1927.] 
p.  127-129.     ([Opinion]  12652.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12652 

Grapes.  No.  18470,  Italian  Fruit  &  Produce  Company  et  al.  v.  Southern  Pa- 
cific Company;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
27-28.     ([Opinion]  12632.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12632 

Great  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  2853,  bonds  of  Great  Northern 
Railway ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927 ;  3d  supplemental  report  of  commission. 
[1927.1  p.  349-351.  ([Finance  decision]  2984.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2984 

Valuation    docket   no.   327,    Great   Northern    Railway   Ccmpany   et   al. ; 

[decided  July  11,  1927;  report  of  commission].     1927.     [1] +1-373  p.   map. 
(B-596.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  20c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-596 

Gulf,  Colorado  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5472,  construction  of 
line  by  Gulf,  Colorado  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  393-406.  ([Finance  decision]  2991.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-2991 

Hides.  No.  18850,  International  Shoe  C(jmpany  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
37-40.     ([Opinion]  12635.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12635 

Hocking  Volley  Railway.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valuation 
docket  no.  904,  in  matter  of  tentative  valuations  of  Hocking  Valley  Railway 
Company,  Wellston  and  Jackson  Belt  Railway  Company,  and  Pomeroy  Belt 
Railway  Company ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+61  p.     $  IC  1  val.  8 :  H  659 

Horses.  No.  16627,  Southwestern  Horse  &  Mule  Dealers  Association  et  al.  v. 
Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  22, 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [11+730-738  p.  ([Opinion]  12622.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  129.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12622 

Huntingdon  and  Clearfield  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6505,  pur- 
chase of  properties  of  Huntingdon  &  Clearfield  Telephone  Company  by  Bell 
Telephone  Company  of  Penn'ylvania  :  [decided  Oct.  24.  ]!)27;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [11+418-420  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  2994.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2994 

Hydrogen    pcroxid.     No.    17988,  Sunbury    Converting    Works    v.    Pennsylvania 

Railroad   Company;    [decided  Oct.   26,    1927;    report   of   commission].     1927. 

[1] +230-232    p.       ([Opinion]  12668.)       [From    I,    0.    C.    reports,    v.    132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12668 

Ho^'   to    orcler   pnWieations— See    iiiforinatlon   foIIOTTlngr    Contents 

November,  1927  299 

Illinois  Northern  Railivay.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valuation 
docket  no.  1013,  Illinois  Northern  Kaihvay ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valua- 
tion.    1927.     cover-title,  ii+50  p.     J  IC  1  val.  8  :  II  G/2 

International-Great  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6451,  lionds  of 
International  Great  Northern  Railroad ;  decided  Oct.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  337-339.  {[Finance  decision]  2980.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-29S0 

Lake  Superior  and  Ishpeming  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6347,  stock  of  Lake 
Superior  &  Ishpeming  Kailroad ;  decided  Oct.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  331-334.  ([Finance  decision]  2978.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2978 

Lake  Terminal  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  160,  deficit  settlement  with  Lake 
Terminal  Railroad;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.    327-328.     ([Finance   decision]    2976.)      [From   I.    C.   C.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2976 

Lakeside  and  Marblehead  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  985,  Lakeside  and 
Marblehead  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  ctimmis- 
s:on].     1927.      [1] +714-736  p.      (B-59L)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,  v.   130.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-59] 

Jjenscs  {lami)).  No.  17691,  MacBeth  Evans  Glass  Company  v.  Pennsylvania 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   129-131.     ([Opinion]    12653.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1265? 

Louisville  and  Nashville  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6426,  acquisition  of  line 
by  Louisville  &  Nashv'lle  Railroad ;  decided  Oct.  12,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  335-336.  ([Finance  decision]  2979.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2979 

Lumber.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2922,  transit  privileges  on 
lumber  at  East  St.  Louis,  Galesburg,  Granite  City,  Madison,  and  Metropolis, 
111. ;  decided  Oct.  7,  1927  ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927. 1  53-55+ 
[1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12640.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5j. 

IC  1.6/la :  12640 

Macaroni.  No.  12494,  Skinner  Manufacturing  Company  ^■>.  director  general,  as 
agent,  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct. 
11,  1927;  [report  of  commission  on  further  argument].  [1927.]  p.  159-175. 
([Opinion]    12660.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   132.]      *  Paper,   5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12660 

Meat.  No.  15027,  Peyton  Packing  Company  et  al.  v.  Arizona  Eastern  Ralrcad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  4,  1927  ;  report  of  commission  on  rrconsldera- 
tion.  [1927.]  p.  149-150.  ([Opinion]  12656.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12656 

Midland  Continental  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  3358.  deficit  status  of  :Mi(l- 
land  Continental  Railroad:  [decided  Oct.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] +322-323  p.  ([Finance  decision]  2973.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.8/la  :  F-2973 

Milk.  No.  14047,  Mutual  Creamery  Company  v.  American  Railway  Express 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  11,  1927;  [report  of  commission].  [1927.] 
p.  207-222.     ([Opinion]  12665.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  1266-1 

Minneapolis  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6539.  M  nu'-apolis  & 
St.  Louis  receiver's  certificates ;  [W.  H.  Bremner.  receiver :  decided  Oct.  12. 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +340-342  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
2981.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-29S1 

Missouri  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6406.  acquisition  of  lines  b\ 
Missouri  Pacific  Railroad;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  389-392.  ([Finance  decision]  2990.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2990 

How   to   order   pnl>lication»i— See    iiiforiiiation    followlnjc    Contents 

300  November,  1927 

Muscle  Shoals,  Birmingham  and  Pensacola  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no. 
6230,  acquisition  of  certain  tracks  by  Muscle  Slioals,  Birmingliam  &  Pensa- 
cola Railroad  Company ;  decided  Oct.  24,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.   411-418.      ([Finance  decision]    2993.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-299a 

New  York  Central  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valua- 
tion docket  no.  1022  et  al.,  in  matter  of  tentative  valuation  of  property  of 
New  York  Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative 
valuation.    1927.    cover-title,  iv +153  p.     $  IG  1  val.8  :  N  42y/7 

Newburyh  and  South  Shore  Railtcay.  Finance  docket  no.  2384,  deficit  settle- 
ment with  Newburgh  is,  South  Shore  Railway ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  329-330.  ([Finance  decision]  2977.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.  J     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-297'3 

Northern  Alahama  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  216,  Northern  Alabama  Rail- 
way Company;  [decided  Aug.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +596-619  p.  (B-584.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130  (volume  number 
incorrectly  given  at  bottom  of  each  page  as  131).]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-5S4 

Oil-ivell  sn,pplies.  No.  15750,  Prairie  Pipe  Line  Company  v.  Arkansas  Western 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  4,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[l],+56-Sl  p.  ([Opinion]  12641.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12641 

Paper-stock.  No.  12550,  Barrett  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent,  Pennsyl- 
vania Railroad  Company,  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  4,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission on  rehearing].  1927.  [1] +82-84  p.  ([Opinion]  12642.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12642 

Pennsylvania  Company.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  valuation 
docket  no.  386  et  al..  in  matter  of  tentative  valuation  of  property  of  Pennsyl- 
vania Company  et  al. ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1927.  cover- 
title,  iii+333  p.    t  IC  1  val.  8  :  P  384 

Pere  Marquette  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6363,  proposed  stock  issue  by  Pere 
Marquette  Railway;  [decided  Oct.  1,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[11+304-308  p.     ([Finance  decision]  2966.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2966 

Petroleum.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2929,  petroleum  and 
petroleum  products  from  lower  Mississippi  River  crossings  to  destinations  in 
Kentucky;  decided  Oct.  6,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
89-92+[l]   p.      ([Opinion]   12644.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12644 

No.  14890.  Haydite  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  R;^il- 

way  Company  et  al. ;    [decided  Oct.  10,  1927;  report  of  commission].     1927. 
[1] +132-140    p.     ([Opinion]     12654.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12654 

Pittshurgh  and  Ohio  Valley  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  1041,  Pittsburgh 
and  Ohio  Valley  Railway  Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1927.     [1] +658-671  p.     (B-587.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-587 

Railroad  accidents.     Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steran  railways,  Aug. 
1927  [and  8  months  ending  with  Aug.  1927;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics. 
Aug.  1927.     [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 
L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.  31 :  927/8 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  14  switching  and  terminal  companies]  Aug.  1927;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     [4]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°    t    IC  1  ste.  25 :  927/8 

Railroads.  Comparative  statement  of  operating  averages,  class  1  steam  rail- 
ways in  United  States,  6  years,  1926-1921 :  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics. 
1927.  cover-title,  p.  3-159,  oblong  large  8°  (Statement  no.  27200.)  *  Paper. 
?1.00.  IC  1  ste.  27  :  926 

HoTT   to    order   publicatious— See   Information   foUo^vins    Contents 

November,  1927  301 

Railroads — Continued. 

Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam  rail- 
ways in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service  8t:!tistics 
representing  171  railways  and  from  146  reports  of  passenger  service  statistics 
representing  166  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included), 
Sept.  1927  and  1926  [and  9  months  ended  with  Sept.  1927  and  1926 ;  prepared 
in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to 
revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.  21 :  927/9 

Operating  revenues  and   operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways 

in  United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses 
for  183  steam  railways,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies, 
Sept.  1927  and  1926  [and]  9  months  endi^d  with  Sept.  1927  and  1920:  [pre- 
pared in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject 
to  revision.  ]     t  IC  1  ste.l9 :  927/9 

.  Operating  revenues   and   operating   expenses   of   large   steam   railways, 

selected  items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  .$25,000,000, 
Sept.  1927  and  1920  [and]  9  montlis  ended  with  Sept.  1927  and  1920;  [pre- 
pared in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  S"  [Subject 
to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.20 :  927/9 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Sept.  1927, 

compared  with  Sept.  1926,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large   8°     [Subject   to   revision.]     t  IC  lste.22 :  927/9 

Revenue  traffic  statistics   of  class  1  steam   railways  in   United  States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  172 
«team  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Aug.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  8  months  ended  with  Aug.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Aug.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  S"  [Subject  to  revision.] 
t  IC  1  ste.24 :  927/8 

Reconslgmncnt .  No.  18345,  Russell,  the  Coal  Man,  Incorporated,  v.  Cleveland, 
Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  ivailway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Seiit.  27, 
1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  25-26.  ([Opinion]  12031.)  [From 
I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.  132.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.0/la :  12031 

Refrifferator  cars.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2887,  rules  govern- 
ing handling  of  fresh  meat  and  packing-house  products  in  peddler  cars  from 
Buffalo.  N.  Y.,  to  destinations  on  Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburgh  Railway 
and  its  connections;  decided  Oct.  1,  1027;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  49-52 -f[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12639.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  12039 

Root-heer  syrup.  No.  18533,  Charles  E.  Hires  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  & 
Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Sept.  27,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  29-32+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12633.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12633 

Roiclesburg  and  Southern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1027,  Rowlesburg 
&  Southern  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1927.  [l]+620-027  p.  (B-5S5.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  B-585 

■St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway.  No.  7859,  in  district  court  for  eastern  division 
of  eastern  judicial  district  of  Missouri,  St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway  Com- 
pany and  Manufacturers'  Railway  Company  v.  United  States  and  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission ;  brief  and  argument  for  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission.     1927.     cover-title,  iv-f  2.59  p.     i  IC  1.13/1 :  Sa  2/15 

Samd.  No.  18710,  Manufacturers'  Association  of  Chicago  Heights  v.  Chicago 
Heights  Terminal  Transfer  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Sept.  27,  1927; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  43-45.  ( [Opinion]  12637.)  [From  I.  C  C. 
reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12637 

Santa  Maria  Vallcij  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  816.  Santa  Maria  Valley 
Railroad  Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +696-713  p.     (B-590.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  renorts,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-590 

HoTF   to   order   publications— See    Information   folloTvlng    Contents 

302  November,  1927 

Seaboard  Air  LUie  RaiUray.  Finance  docket  no.  6527,  assumption  of  obliga- 
tion and  liability  by  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway;  decided  Oct.  6,  1927;  re- 
port of  commission.  [1927.1  p.  309-311.  ( [Finance  decision]  29G7.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC1.6/la:  F-2967 

Shade  cloth.  No.  18516,  Western  Shade  Cloth  Company  v.  Atlanta  &  West 
Point  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  [l]+118-122+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12650.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12650 

Straw.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2902,  straw  from  Cairo,  Thebes,. 
and  East  St.  Louis,  111.,  and  upper  Mississippi  River  crossinus  to  Indiana 
and  Ohio ;  decided  Oct.  7,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
85-88-1- [1]   p.     ([Opinion]   12643.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12645 

Sugar.  No.  12076,  Armour  &  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company, 
director  general,  as  agent,  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  3,  1927 :  report  of  commission 
on  further  consideration.  [1927.]  p.  123-126.  ([Opinion]  12651.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12651 

Summerville  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6506,  purchase  of  prop- 
erties of  Summervillei  Telephone  Company  by  Bell  Telephone  Company  of 
Pennsylvania;  [decided  Oct.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
386-388   p.      ([Finance   decision]    2989.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2989 

Sunset  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  137,  Sunset  Railway  Company ;  [decided 
Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]-f 628-655  p.  (B-586.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-586 

Team-track  charges.  No.  18012,  Cincinnati  Coal  Company  r.  Che.>^apealve  & 
Ohio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  1,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1927.]  97-99+[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12647.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12647 

Tennessee  Central  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6439,  bonds  of  Tennessee  Cen- 
tral Railway ;  decided  Oct.  12,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  343-344. 
([Finance  decision]   2982.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2982 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  1-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  device  of  Regan 
Safety  Devices  Company  on  Iowa  division  of  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific 
Railway;  decided  Oct.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  141-148. 
([Opinion]  12655.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132. J     *  Paiier.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  1265& 

Same:  [no.  13413  (sub-no.  37),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device  of 

General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  portions  of  Detroit  and  middle  divisions 
of  Michigan  Central  Railroad;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927:  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [l]-hl7&-182  p.     ([Opinion]  12661.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132. J 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12661 

■ Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  37-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  portions  of  middle  and  west  divisions 
of  Michigan  Central  Railroad ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   155-158.     ([Opinion]    12669.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   1.32.] 

.  *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12659 

Vn'on  Belt  of  Detroit.  Finance  docket  no.  6357,  operation  by  LTnion  Belt  of 
Detroit:  [decided  Oct.  20,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +384-386 
p.      ([Finance  decision]  2988.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  F-2988 

Union  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no  2406,  deficit  status  of  Union  Railroad :  de- 
cided Oct.  15,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  323- 
324.  ([Finance  decision]  2974.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  ^  IC  1.6/la :  F-2974 

HoTT   to   order   publications— See   Information   foUoTvin^    Contents 

November.  1927  303 

Zinc.  No.  1S917.  B.  Lissherger  &  Company  v.  Detroit,  Toledo  &  Iroiiton  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. :  decided  Sept.  27,  1927 ;  reiwrt  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  41-42.     ([Opinion]  12636.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12636 


Carriers.  Instructions  pertaining  to  land  appraisals  [for  common  carriers], 
field,  revi.sed  to  Apr.  1,  1918;  issued  by  T.  P.  Artaud.  supervisor  land  ap- 
praisals.    [Reprint  with  slight  changes]  1927.     [l]+29  p.     J 

IC  1  val.  6 :  L  22/3/927 


Allen,  W.  d  T.,  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-208,  Nathan  Baum.  trus- 
tee in  bankruptcy  of  W.  and  T.  Allen  Company,  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
brief.     [1927.]     p.    25-34.     +  J  1.13 ;  Al  54/9 

Andrews-Bradshaw  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-356,  Andrews-Brad- 
shaw  Company  v.  United  States;  statement  of  case,  statutes,  and  defendant's 
brief.     [1927.]     p.  13-21.     %  J  1.13:  An  27/7 

Bliss,  E.  W.,  Company.  No.  89,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  E.  W.  Bliss 
Company  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief 
for  United  Slates.     1927.     cover-title,   i+22  p.     t  J  1.13 :  B  619/12 

Bunieson,  Daisy  L.  No.  583,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Daisy  L. 
Bumeson  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1927. 
cover-title,  i +7  p.     t  J  1.13  ;B  933 

Canadian-  Mill  and  Elevufor  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-282,  Cana- 
dian Mill  &  Elevator  Company  v.  'United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of 
case,  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiffs  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defend- 
ant's request  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  defendant's  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  141-155.     t  J  1.13  :  C  16/5 

Cairoll  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-922,  Harry  R.  Carroll 
and  LfOuis  D.  Carroll,  partners  trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric 
Company,   v.   United    States;    defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.    121-126.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  236/11 

— —  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-925.  Harry  B.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll, 
partners  trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United 
States  ;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  43-54.     t  .11.13 :  C  2:^6/10 

Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  and  St.  Louis  Railway.  No.  95.  in  Supreme 
Court.  Oct.  term.  1927.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway 
Company  v.  United  States,  Interstate  Commerce  Commi-ssion.  and  J.  K.  Dering 
Coal  Company,  appeal  from  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Illinois ; 
brief  for  United   States.     1927.     cover-title,   ii-f  29  p.     |         J  1.13 :  C  599/14 

Cole  Storafie  Battery  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-784.  Cole  Storage 
Battery  Co.  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  re- 
quest for  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  statute,  defendant's  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  59-72.     t  J  1.13  ;  C  676/3 

Columius  Confectioners'  Association.  In  district  court  for  southern  district 
of  Ohio.  United  States  v.  Columbus  Confectioners'  Association  et  al. :  de- 
cree.    1927.     cover-title,  4  p.     t  J  1.13 ;  C  723/6 

In  equity  — ,  in  district  court  for  southern  dstrict  of  Ohio,  United  States 

r.  Columbus  Confectioners'  Association  et  al. ;  i)etition.     1927.     cover-title.  12 
p.     t  J  1.13  :  C  723/5 

Commercial  Credit  Company.  No.  258,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  Com- 
mercial Credit  Company  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
ii+37  p.     $  J  1.13  ;  C  736/7 

HoTV   to    or«ler    poblicntlons — See   Information   follo'winai:    Contents 

304  November,  1927 

Continental  Battery  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-128,  Continental 
Battery  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  37-46.     $ 

J  1.13 :  C  767/4 

Same;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.   [1927.]     p.  21- 

23.     t  J  1.13  :  C  767/3 

Crystal  Mills,  Incorporated.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit, 
United  States  v.  Louis  Kiausner  and  Edmund  Fain  [president  and  treasurer 
of  Crystal  Mills,  Incorporated],  appeal  from  district  court  for  eastern  district 
of  New  York;  brief  of  appellant.     1927.     cover-title,  i+25  p.  larse  8°     % 

J  1.13  :  C  889/3 

Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  district,  no.  — , 

United  States  vs.  Louis  Kiausner  and  Edmund  Fain  [president  and  treasurer 
of  Crystal  Mills,  Incorporated],  appeal  from  district  court  for  eastern  district 
of  New  York.     1927.     cover-title,  142  p.  il.  large  8°     $  J  1.13 :  C  889/2 

Dayton  Engineering  Laboratories  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-429, 
Dayton  Engineering  Laboratories  Company  v.  United  States ;  exceptions  to 
report  of  commissioner.      [1927.]     p.  47-65.     t  J 113 :  D  337/22 

DeCh-oot,  John.  In  Court  of  Cairns,  no.  C-8S9,  Clarence  J.  Bell,  administrator 
of  John  DeGroot,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  supplemental  brii^f.  [1927.] 
p.  63-66.     t  J  1.13  :D  365/2 

Delaware,  Lackawanna  and  Western  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-138, 
Delaware,  Lackawanna  &  Western  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States; 
agreed  statement  of  facts.     [1927.]     p.  19-23.     t  J  1.13 :  D  376/24 

District  Courts.  Notice  to  the  bar,  district  court  for  southern  district  of  Iowa, 
July  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+7p.     t  J1.2:Io9 

Donnelley,  John  P.  No.  110,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  John  P.  Don- 
nelley V.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit;  brief  for  United  States.     1927.-   cover-title,  ii-|-25  p.     | 

J  1.13  :  D  718/6 

Dunbar  d  Sullivan  Dredging  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-290,  Dunbar 
&  Sullivan  Dredging  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to 
report  of  commissioner  filed  Sept.  15,  1927.     [1927.]     p.  271-295.     $ 

J  1.13  :  D  911/2 

Enid  Milling  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-281,  Enid  Milling  Company 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  objections  to 
plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact^ 
conclusion  of  law,  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  141-154.     $      J  1.13  :  En  42/4 

Finlcelstein  <£  Kommel.  No.  346.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927,  Finkel- 
stein  &  Kommel  v.  United  States,  on  writ  or  certiorari  to  Court  of  Customs 
Appeals;  brief  for  United  States.    1927.    cover-title,  i-f  37  p.   I   J  1.13  :  F 495/2 

First  National  Steatnship  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-622,  First 
National  Steamship  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  2d  cause  of 
counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  61-62.     |  J  1.13  :F  519/5 

Galveston,  Harrisburg  and  San  Antonio  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-43, 
Galveston.  Harrisburg  &  San  Antonio  Railway  Company  v.  United  States; 
brief.     [1927.]     p.  30-31.     J  J  1.13 :  G 139/9 

General  Textile  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-7,  General  Textile 
Corporation  v.  United  States ;  demurrer  to  2d  amended  petition  [and  defend- 
ant's brief].     [1927.]     p.  91-103.     %  J  1.13 :  G  286/14 

Oosho  Company,  Incorporated.     Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court  of  ap-  | 
peals,  5th  circuit,  no.  5201,  United  States  versus  Gosho  Company,  Inc.,  error 
to  district  court  for  nrrthern  district  of  Texas.     [1927.]     cover-title,  26  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  G  692 

Transcript  of  record,   in  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Texas, 

Fort  Worth  division,  no.  5202,  United  States  versus  Gosho  Company,  Inc., 
error  to  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Texas.  1927.  cover-title, 
26  p.     I  J  1.13 :  G  692/2 

HoTV   to   oriler   publications — See   iiiforiuation   following'    Contents 

November,  1927  305 

Grosfield,  John  A.  No.  62,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  A.  Grosfield 
and  Richard  Caplis  v.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  6th  circuit;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
iii+49  p.     t  J  113  :  G  912 

Hansen,  Hugo.  No.  5005,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit.  Hugo 
Hansen,  alias  Gus  Hansen,  et  al.,  v.  United  States,  in  error  to  district  court 
for  southern  district  of  Florida;  motion  to  affirm  on  writ  of  error.  1927. 
cover-title,  i+6  p.     ±  J  113  :  H  198/2 

Heid  Brothers,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-126,  Held  Brothers, 
Inc..  V.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings 
of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1927.]  p.  39-- 
54.     $  J  1.13  :  H  362/3 

HeUman.  Isadora  N.  Nos.  299  and  300,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Arnold  J.  Hellmich.  collector  of  internal  revenue  [for  1st  district  of  Mis- 
souri], V.  Isadore  N.  Hellman ;  [same]  v.  Milton  C.  Hellman,  on  writs  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Sth  circuit ;  motion  to  advance.  1927. 
cover-title,  2  p.     $  J  1.13  :  H  338/5 

Hickeij,  John  T.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-8,  John  T.  Hickey  v.  United  States : 
defendant's  counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.  19-20.     $  J  1.13 :  H  526/4 

Hyatt  Roller  Bearing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-426,  Hyatt  Roller 
Bearing  Company  v.  United  States;  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner. 
[1927.]^    p.  47-65.     %  J  1.13  :  H  991/2 

Industrial  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-360,  Industrial  Company 
(formerly  linowii  as  Michigan  Guaranty  Corporation)  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's demurr 'r  to  plaintiff's  amended  petition  [and  defendant's  brief  on 
demurrer].     [1927.]     p.   7-11.     $  J  1.13:  In 2/22 

Inland  Products  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-127,  Inland  Products 
Company  v.  United  S rates ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report. 
[1927.]     p.  15-17.     I  J  1.13:  In  5 

Kellogg,  Spencer,  d  Sons,  Incorporated.  No.  571,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Spencer  Kellogg  &  Sons,  Inc.,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States 
in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+13  p.     $  J  1.13 :  K  294/2 

Kissel  ilotor  Car  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  260-A,  Kissel  INIotor  Car 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief  and  argument,  defendant's 
request  for  amendment  of  commissioner's  finding  11.     [1927.]     p.  163-170.     % 

J  1.13  :  K  643/3 

Lincoln,  Eudora  K.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-200,  Charles  K  Lincoln,  admin- 
istrator of  Eudora  Knox  Lincoln,  v.  United  States ;  stipulation  of  facts. 
[1927.]     p.  :-ll.     i  J  1.13  :L  638/8 

Loi  Hoa.  Nos.  115  and  116,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  D.  Nagle, 
as  commissioner  of  immigration  at  port  of  San  Francisco,  r.  Loi  Hoa;  [.-^ame] 
V.  Lam  Young,  for  and  on  behalf  of  Phuong  Con,  on  writs  of  certiorari  to 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  petitioner.  1927  cover-title, 
ii+60  p.     i-  J  1.13  :L  834/3 

Luckc.  Henry  J.  In  Couit  of  Claims,  no.  D-303.  Henrv  J.  Lucke  r.  United 
States  ;  demurrer  [and]  brief.     [1927.]     p.  5-7.     t  J  1.13  :  L  963/16 

Lurie,  Levi.  No.  555,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927.  Levi  Lurie  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th 
circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+14  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  L  974/2 

Magnolia  Petroleum  Company.  No.  2S3.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
United  States  v.  Magnolia  Petroleum  Company,  B.  R.  Brown  et  al.  [trustees], 
on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  motion  to  advance.  1927.  cover- 
title,  2  p.    t  J  1.13  :  M  275/7 

Martin,  James  V.,  Aeroplane  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-421,  James 
V.  Martin,  trading  as  James  V.  Martin  Aeroplane  Company,  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  143-158.     |  J  1.13  :M  304/9 

Hove   to   order   publications — See   information   follo-wlng    Contents 

306  November,  1927 

Missouri  Pacific  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no  D-518,  Missouri  Pacific  Rail- 
way Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and 
brief.     [1927.]     p.  25-29.     ?  J  1.13 :  M  691/49 

Murray,  Olen.  Nos.  394  and  539,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United 
States  V.  Glen  Murray,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Sth 
circuit ;  Frederick  A.  Cook  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit ;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.  1927. 
cover-title,  ii+36  p.     $  J  1.13  :M  963/2 

Nevada-California-Oregon  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D^2,  Nevada- 
California-Oregon  Railway  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for 
findings  of  fact  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  169-202.     t  J  1.13  :N  411/3 

Neiv  Departure  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-430,  New 
Departure  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States ;  exceptions  to  report  of 
commissioner.     [1927.]     p.  47-62.     t  J  1 13  :  N  42d 

New  River  Collieries  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-170,  New  River  Col- 
lieries Company,  corporation  organized  and  existing  under  laws  of  New 
Jersey,  and  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Coal  and  Coke  Company,  corporation  organ- 
ized under  laws  of  West  Virginia,  selling  agents  of  New  River  Collieries 
Company,  to  use  of  New  River  Collieries  Company  v.  United  States ;  de- 
fendant's supplemental  brief.      [1927.]     p.  565-603.     $  J1.13:N42r/8 

New  York  Shipbuilding  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-201,  New  York 
Shipbuilding  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of 
commissioner  filed  May  18,  1927.     [1927.]     p.  799-822.     J        J  1  13  :  N  42y/101 

Osage  Indians.  No.  B-38,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Osage  Nation  of  Indians  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  findings  of  fact  requested  by  plain- 
tiffs, request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.  1927.  cover-title,  i+219-288 
p.     t  J  1.13  :  Os  1/8 

Pearson,  Mrs.  Margaret  W.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H^IO,  Margaret  W.  Pear- 
son and  J.  R.  Pearson  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and]  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  15-20.     t  J  1.13  :P  318/4 

Perlman  Rim  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-428,  Perlman  Rim  Cor- 
poration v.  United  States;  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.] 
p.  47-62.     t  J  1.13  :P  422/3 

Port  Phillip,  steamship.  United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit, 
no.  300,  Oct.  term,  1926,  Commonwealth  &  Dominion  Line,  Limited,  as  owner 
of  steamship  Port  Phillip,  v.  United  States,  as  owner  of  steam  collier  Proteus ; 
United  States  v.  Commonwealth  &  Dominion  Line,  Limited,  appeal  from 
district  court  for  eastern  district  of  New  York,  befoi'e  Manton  L.  Hand  and 
Swan,  circuit  judges;   [opinion  of  court].     [1927.]     p.  370-375.     t 

J  1.13  :  P  83/3 

price,  Walter  L.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  D-8S3,  Walter  L.  Piice  v.  United 
States;  Charles  H.  England  v.  [same];  defendant's  brief.  [1927.]  p.  131- 
143.     I  J  1.13  :  P  931/10 

Proteus,  steam  collier.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United 
States,  as  owner  of  steam  collier  Proteus,  r.  Commonwealth  and  Dominion 
Line,  Ltd.,  as  owner  of  steamship  Port  Philip  [Phillip]  ;;  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  and  brief  in  support 
thereof.     1927.     cover-title,    i-flO    p.     t  J  1.13  :P  946 

Remy  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-427.  Remy  Electric  Com- 
pany V.  United  States;  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner.  [1927.]  p. 
47-62.     t  J  1.13  :R  289/5 

Rhode  Island.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-355,  Rhode  Island  v.  United  States ; 
defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  41-4.:).     t  J  1.13  :R  346/8 

Russian  Volunteer  Fleet.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  69-A,  Russian  Volunteer 
Fleet  V.  United  States ;  reply  to  plaintiff's  answer  to  defendant's  objections 
to  motion  for  commission  to  take  testimony  filed  May  7,  1927.  [1927.]  p. 
21-25.     t  J  1.13  :  R  92/2 

HoTT   to   order   publications — See   Information   folio-wing    Contents 

November,  1927  307 

St.  Louis  and  O' Fallon  Railtvaij.  Recapture  of  excess  earnings  of  railways 
case,  in  equity,  no.  7859,  district  court,  eastern  district  of  Missouri,  eastern 
division,  St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway  Company  and  Manufacturers  Rail- 
way Company  v.  United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  before 
Kimbrough  Stone  and  Arba  S.  Van  Valkenburgh.  circuit  judges,  and  Charles 
B.  Faris.  district  judge,  sitting  in  district  court  pursuant  to  urgent  deficiencies 
act  of  Oct.  22,  1913  (38  Stat.,  219),  on  final  hearing;  brief  for  United  States. 
1927.     cover-title,  ii+78  p.     +  J  1.13  :  Sa  24,/39 

■Second  Xational  Stcamsliii)  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-G23,  Second 
National  Steamship  Company  i\  United  States ;  defendant's  2d  cau^e  of 
counterclaim.     [1927.]     p.   57-58.     %  J  1.13  :Se  24/8 

■Speiry  Gyroscope  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-3S.  Sperry  Gyroscope 
Company  v.  United  States;  brief  on  demurrer.     [1927.]     p.  53-59.     t 

J  1.13:  Sp37/7 

Sprunt,  Alexander,  &  Son,  Incorporated.  District  court,  southern  district  of 
Texas,  Houston  division,  in  equity  no.  310.  Alexander  Sprunt  &  Son  (Inc.) 
et  al.  V.  United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commis.siou ;  in  equity  no. 
311.  Texas  &  New  Orleans  Railroad  Company  et  al.  r.  [same],  before  Rufus 
E.  Foster,  circuit  judge,  and  Joseph  C.  Hutcheson,  jr.,  and  Louis  H.  Burns, 
district  judges,  sitting  in  district  court  pur.suant  to  ursent  deficiencies  act  of 
Oct.  22,  1913  (38  Stat.,  219).  on  final  hearing;  brief  for  United  States.  1927. 
cover-title,  20  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Sp  89 

Stewart,  Edicin  C.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-S2,  Ithaca  Trust  Company,  sole 
surviving  executor  and  trustee  of  Edwin  C.  Stewart,  r.  United  States ;  de- 
fendant's request  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusions  of  law  and  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  41-70.     i:  J  1.13:  St  49 

Stolts,  J.  &  J.  W.,  AssocUition.  In  Court  of  Claims,  nos.  D-800,  D-801,  J.  & 
J.  W.  Stolts  Association  v.  I'nited  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact  and  brief.     [1927.]     p.  199-208.     |  J  L13  :  St  69/2 

Third  National  Steamship  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-624,  Third 
National  Steamship  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  2d  cause  of  coun- 
terclaim.    [1927.]     p.  63-64.     t  J  1.13  :  T. 348/3 

Thorp  d  Bond.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no  17(535,  Congressional,  Charles  F.  Bond, 
as  receiver  of  partnership  of  Thorp  &  Bond,  v.  United  States :  defendant's 
reply  brief.     [1927.]     p.  55-57.     +  JL13:T398/4 

U.  S.  Automatic  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-314.  U.  S.  Automatic 
Company  v.  United  States;  stipulation  of  agreed  facts.     [1927.]     p.  23-28.     % 

J  1.13  :  Un  3/133 

Universal  Battery  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no  D-785,  Universal  Battery 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's  request 
for  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  statute,  defendant's  brief.  [1927.] 
p.  61-75.     t  J  1.13  :  Un  3/132 

Vesfa  Battery  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-196,  Vesta  Battery  Cor- 
poration V.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report, 
[1927.]     p.  25-29.     |  J  1.13  :V  638 

Weathei-ford  Milling  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-283,  Weatherford 
Milling  Company  r.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  defendant's 
objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  defendant's  brief.     [1927.]     p.  141-155.     J 

J  1.13  :  W  378/2 



Ch'ld  management :  by  B.  A.  Thorn.     1927.     v+43  p.     (Bureau  publicati(m  14-3, 
revised  Sept.  1927. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  L  27-362  L  5.20 :  143/3 

J»ow^   to   order   pablicsition^— See    information   folloTrinj?    Contents 

308  November,  1927 

Child  welfare.  Child  welfare  in  New  Jersey :  pt.  4,  Local  provision  for  depend- 
ent and  delinquent  children  in  relation  to  State's  program ;  [articles  by 
William  J.  Blackburn,  Ruth  Bloodgood,  and  Mary  E.  Milburn].  1927.  v+76 
p.     (Bureau  publication  180.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  L  27-296  L  5.20 :  ISO- 

Contents. — -Provision  for  dependent  and  delinquent  children  in  4  counties  :  Social 
resources  and  child-welfare  problems,  [by  William  J.  Blackburn]  ;  Poor-relief  adminis- 
tration as  it  affects  dependent  children,  [by  William  J.  Blaclsburn]  ;  Juvenile  courts 
and  probation,  [by  Ruth  Bloodgood]  ;  Private  institutions  and  agencies,  [by  Mary  E.  Mil- 
burn]. — Local  community  organization  in  a  State  program;   [by  William  .1.  Blackburn]. 

El  bienestar  del  nirio  [con  bibliogi-afia],  trabajos  preseutados  al  V.  Cou- 

greso  Panamericano  del  Niiio  por  delegados  de  los  Estados  Unidos.    1927. 
iii+75  p.  il.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  27-365  L  5.2  :  C  43/6 

Note. — The  bibliography  given  in  this  publication  is  not  on  child  welfare  in  general 
but  concerns  anemia  in  the  newborn  child. 

Enuresis;  [by  D.  A.  Thorn].  [1927.]  p.  33— iO.  [From  Child  management. 
Bureau  publication  143,  revised  Sept.  1927.]     t  L  5.20/a  :  En  87 

Prenatal  care.  Minimum  standards  of  prenatal  care,  least  mother  should  do- 
before  her  baby  is  born.  [Reprint]  1927.  7  p.  il.  narrow  8°  (Folder  1  re- 
vised.)     t  L  5.22:1/3 

Vital  statistics.  Is  your  child's  birth  recorded?  [It  is  important  that  it  should 
be].  [Revised  Oct.  15,  1927.]  [1927.]  [3]  p.  11.  4"  ([Dodger  no.  3  re- 
vised.])    t  L  5.17:  3/8 


Directory  of  public  employment  oflBces,  Nov.  1927.     1927.     18+ [1]   p.  narrow 
12"     t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-9  L  7.2  :  D  62/4/927-2 

Employment   agencies.    Monthly   report  of  activities   of   State   and   municipal 
employment  services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  Sept.  1927. 
1927.     iv+12  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  927/9 

Same,  Oct.  1927.     1927.     iv  +  12  p.     t  L  7.11 :  927/10 

Industrial  employment  information  bulletin,  Oct.  1927;  v.  7,  no.  10.     [1927.) 
23  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8 :  927/ia 


Boots  and  shoes.     Wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  boot  and  shoe  industry,  1907-26. 
Sept.  1927.     iii+97+iv  p.     (Bulletin  450;  Wages  and  hours  of  labor  series.) 
*  Paper,  15e. 
L.  C.  card  L  15-76  L  2.3:  450" 

Same.     (H.  doc.  808,  691h  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,   Oct.   1927.     1927.     [1]+1& 
p.  il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9:  927/10 

Glass.  Produ.ctivity  of  labor  in  glass  industry;  [by  Boris  Stern],  July.  1927 
iv+204+iv  p.  il.  (Bulletin  441;  Productivity  of  labor  series.)  *  Paper,  40c 
L.  C.  card  L  27-363  L  2.3:  441 

Same.     (H.  doc.  787,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Hosiery.    Wagts   and   hours  of  Libor  in   ho.'iiery   and   underwear   industries, 
1907-26.     Oct.  1927.     iii+72+iv  p.     (Bulletin  452;  Wages  and  hours  of  labor 
series. )     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  L  23-208  L  2.3  :  452 

• Same.     (H.  doc.  46,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

HoTV   to   order   publications — See   infoi-jination   foIIoTvingr    Contents 



November,  1927  309 

•Monthly  labor  review,  v.  25,  no.  5;  Nov.  1927.  1927.  vi+234  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi. 
[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  951-1184.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
sin2;le  copv.  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  .subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6  :  25/5 

Special  articles. — Incre.nse  in  union  wage  rates  in  1927. ■ — International  Federation 
•of  Trade- L' nions  ;  bv  Fritz  Kummer. — Unionization  of  labor  in  China;  by  S.  K.  Slieldou 
Tso. — Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor.  Sept.  1927  ;  by  Ilugli  L.  Kerwin. — 
Statistics  of  immigration,  Aug.  1927  ;  by  J.  J.  Kunna. 

iN'OTE. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  tlie  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  aud 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for 
bulletin  purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and 
Federal  Court  decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given 
-attention  before  they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  tlio  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects. 
One  free  subscription  will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bur.  aus.  workmen'.^ 
compensation  commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of 
labor  laws  and  organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor 
Statistics.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Document',  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail.  1927.  [1] +175-214  p.  il.  [This  publica- 
tion bears  also  the  volume  pagination  1125-64.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
Nov.  1927.]      t  L  2.6,  a  2  :  027/11 

Wholesale  prices  of  commodities  for  Oct.  1927    (revised   series).     1927. 

[1]+14  p.     [Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8  :  927/10 


Lahor  Department.     Publications  of  Department  of  Labor.     [Edition  of]   Nov. 
15,  1927.    1927.    ii+36  p.    % 
L.  C- card  16-26563  L  4.5  :  927/2 


Pudlicatiovs.  Supplementary  list  of  publications  issued  by  library  since  Oct. 
1920.     [Edition  of]  Nov.  1927.    1927.     [l]+10p.  12"     t  LC  1.12: 927 


Copyright.     [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books,  v. 
24]  no.  93-105;  Nov.  1927.     Nov.  2-30,  1927.     p.  1225-1392.     [I.^sued  several 
times  a  week.] 
L.  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  24/1-93  to  1-105 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books  ;  pt.  1, 
group  2.  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to,  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
ture.' ;  pt.  2,  to  periodicals  ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  re- 
productions of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  char- 
acter, photographs,  prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  tlie  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  I'aper,  JfS.OO  a  yr.  (4  pt>. ).  foreign  subscription,  $.5.00;  pt.  1 
(groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  copy  (gioup  1,  price  of  group  2  variis),  !?1.00  a  yr., 
foreign  subscription,  $2.25  ;  pt.  3,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  .$1.50  ;  pts.  2  and 
4,  each  10c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  70c. 

—  Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 
periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic 
compositions,  maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  6.  1927.  ivl- 1045-1269  p. 
[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-6 

Same,  pt.   3,   Musical  compositions,   v.   22,  no.   8.     1927.     v  + 827-947  p. 

[Monthly.  ]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/S 


State  publications.     Monthly  check-list  of   State  publications  received   during 
July- Aug.  1927 ;  v.  18,  no.'  7-8.     1927.     p.  337-399.     [Two  numbers  issm  d  as 
one  publication.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscr  ption, 
$1 25 
L.'  C'  card  10-8924  LC  7.6  :  927/7,  8 

HoTV   to   order   publications — See    inforniatioii-  folloT^'inft-    Contents 

310  November,  1927 


Control  surfaces.     Lift,   drag,   and   elevator  hinge   moments  of   Handley-Page 
control  surfaces    [with  list  of  references]  ;   by  R.  H.   Smith.     1927.     cover- 
title,   22  p.   il.   4°      (Report  278.)      [Prepared   by   Construction   and   Repair 
Bureau.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27711  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/278 

Wind  tunnels.    Effect  of  walls  in  closed  type  wind  tunnels  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  George  J.  Higgins.     1927.     cover-title,  18  p.  il.  4°     (Report  275.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27710  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/275 



Proceedings  of  board  of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer 
Soldiers,  Sept.  16,  1927.     Sept.  1927.     [v.  4]  468^90  p.     [Quarterly.]      + 

NH  1.7  : 4 


Court-martial  order  9,  1927 ;  Sept.  30,  1927.     [1927.]     9  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 

N  1.14 :  927/9- 


Bulletin  of  engineei'ing  information  27;  Nov.  1,  1927.     1927.     iii+40  p.  il.  1  pi. 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  22-26665  N  19.9/2  :  2T 

Insulation  (heat).  Instructions  relative  to  heat  insulation;  reprint  of  chap- 
ter 13  of  Manual  of  engineering  instructions.  Revised  Oct.  15,  1927.  1927. 
[l]+7  p.  [Formerly  issued  in  1923  with  chapter  12  and  title  Clothing 
and  lagging.  The  edition  of  the  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of  which 
this  chapter  forms  a  -part  has  not  yet  been  issued.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27732  N  19.8/2 :  13/rev. 


Orders.  Marine  Corps  order  8  and  9  [1927]  ;  Oct.  1  and  20.  1927.  [1927.]  27  p. 
and  1  p.  4°     t  N  9.9/2 :  927/8-9 


Field  supply  taile  of  Medical  Department,  Navy,  1927.  [1927.]  51  p.  [Issued 
in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     $  N  10.8  :  927 


Boat  book  of  Navy,  1927.     1927.     viii-|-266  p.  il.  9  pi.  24°     *  Cloth,  85c. 

L.  C.  card  27-27714  N  17.12/1 :  B  63/9 

Coxswains,  Navy.  Instructions  for  use  in  preparation  for  advancement  to 
coxswain,  course  in  11  assignments,  prepared  by  Training  Division,  assign- 
ments 1-2,  Duties  of  petty  ofiicer,  Boats  and  equipment,  handling  boats,  duties 
of  coxswain,  rules  of  the  road,  buoys,  storm  warnings,  distress  signals.  1927. 
[1]  +58  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     $  N  17.25 :  C  83/2/assi.  1-2 

Same,  assignments  3-7,  Handling  a  section,  method  of  taking  C.  and  R. 

soundings,  Marlinspike  seamanship.  Deck  seamanship,  Instructing  nonrated 
men,  precedence  of  petty  officers.  Ground  tackle.  1927.  [11+37  p.  il.  (Navy 
training  courses. )     t  N  17.25  :  C  83/2/assi.  3-7 

Hovp   to   order    pnblicatlon.s— See   information   foIIOTringr    Contents 


November,  1927  311 

Coxsrcains,  Namj — Continued. 

Same,  assignments  8-11,  Infantry,  Artillery.  Small  arms,  gunnery,  Sig- 
nals.    1927.     [11+40  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.25 :  C  S3/2/assi.  8-11 

Electricians.  Instructions  for  use  in  preparation  for  rating  of  electrician's 
mate  3c,  course  in  27  assignments,  prepared  by  Training  Division,  assignments 
1-5.  Duties  of  petty  officer.  Magnetism,  Electromagnetism,  Electricity,  Arith- 
metic.    1927.     [l]+82  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     ± 

N  17.25  :  El  2/3/assi.  1-5 

Same,  assignments  6-8,  Mechanics,  measurement.  Resistance,  Ohm's  law. 

1927.     [l]+54p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t         N  17.25 :  El  2/3/assi.  6-8 

Same,  assignments  9-11,  Batteiies,  Series  and  parallel  connections.  Tools. 

1927.     [l]+74  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     $      N  17.25 :  E1.2/8/assi.  9-11 

■  Same,  assignments  12-15,  Electromagnetic  induction.  Dynamos  and  gen- 
erators, Electrodynamics,  [Motors].  1927.  [l]+69  p.  il.  (Navy  training 
courses.)     t  N  17.25  :  EI  2/3/assi.  12-15 

Same,   assignments    16-18,    Electrical   measuring   instruments.    Electrical 

materials  and  uses,  Wires  and  wiring.     1927.     [l]+55  p.  il.     (Navy  training 
courses.)     |  N  17.25 :  El  2/3/assi.  16-18 

Same,  assignments  19-20,  Switchboards,  Searchlights.     1927.     [l]+46  p. 

il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25  :  El  2/3/assi.  19-20 

Officers  of  Navv  and  Miirine  Coips  in  District  of  Columbia,  Nov.  1,  1927.     1927. 
[l]+27  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  9-24810  N  1.20  :  927 

Sailors.  Instructions  fcr  use  in  preparati<'n  for  rating  of  seaman  Ic,  course  in 
12  assignments,  prepared  by  Training  Division,  assignments  1-2,  Boats  and 
their  handling,  Marlinspike  seamanship.  1927.  [l]+66  p.  il.  (Navy  train- 
ing courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  Se  1/7/assi.  1-2 

Same,  assignments  3-5,  Duties  of  lookout,  orderlies,  sentries,  etc.,  engine- 
room  telegraph,  speed  cones,  etc..  Deck  seamanship.  Ground  tackle.  1927. 
[l]+54  p.  11.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25  :  Se  1/7/assi.  3-5 

Same,  assignments  6-8,  Steering,  bearings,  log,  compass,  Electricity,  In- 
fantry.    1927.     cover-title,  60  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.25 :  Se  1/7/assi.  6-8 


Note. — Tbe  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  OfBce  are 
sold  by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Wasliington  and  at  the  branch 
offites  in  Boston,  New  York.  Pliiladelphia.  Baltimore.  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston.  San  Francisco.  San  Pedro.  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port, 
Panama  Canal,  Portland  (Greg.),  Seattle.  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
and  Duluth. 

Azimuths  of  celestial  bodies  whose  declinations  range  from  24  to  70  degrees  for 
latitudes  extending  to  70  degrees  from  eciuator ;  [by  G.  W.  Little'.iales,  with 
F.  G.  Rademnger,'^J.  ^Y.  Froley.  and  C.  C.  Ennis].     6th  edition.     1927.     2S8 
p.  4"     ([Publication]  120.)     t  Cloth,  $1.50. 
L.   C.   card   27-27739  N  0.8  :  120/927 

Eydrograph'c  huUetin,  weekly,  no.  1991-95;  Nov.  2-30,  1927.  1927.  Each  1  p. 
r  and  large  4°     t  N  6.3  :  1991-95 

>  Lights.  List  of  lights,  with  fog  signals  [including  uniform  time  system]  : 
V.  5,  Norway,  Iceland,  and  Arctic  Ocean ;  corrected  to  July  1,  1927.  1927.  542 
p.  map.     ([Publication]  34.)     t  Paper,  60c.  N  6.8: 34/927 

Notice  to  nriators  11.  1\)27 ; 'Sov.  1  [_ld27].     [1927.]     2  p.  12'     [Mimthlv.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  6.25  :  927/11 

Notice  to  mariners  45-48,  1927;  Nov.  5-26  [1927].  [1927.]  [xxxi] +1344-1472 
leaves.     [Weekly.]     t  N  0.11 :  927/45^8 

Ho'n'   to   order   pablica tionis — See   information   follo'vring:    Contents 

312  November,  1927 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Furt  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Dec.  1927.     1927.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  927/12 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  Ne'.v.s,  Va.],  Dec.  1927.     [1927.] 

[2]  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  927/12 

Av'.ation  charts 

Fernandina,  ii'Za.-Miami,  Fla ;  aviation  chart  V-070001.  Scale  10  uaut.  m.=1.5 
in.,  10  Stat.  m.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1:500,000  at  iat.  28°  30'.  AVashiiigtou, 
Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  1927.  46.5  X  10  in.  [Provisional  chart.  Contains 
text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c.  N  6.27  :  V-070001 


Borneo.  Southeast  coast  of  Borneo,  Balikpapan  to  Pulu  Laut,  from  Nether- 
lands Government  charts  to  1926 ;  chart  3097.  Natural  scale  1 :  201,402  at  Int. 
2°  10'     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  1027.     46.8  X   27.9  in.     1 60c. 

N  6.18 :  3097 

Castilletes  anchorages  and  approaches,  Peninsula  de  Guajlra,  Venezuela,  from 
survey  by  U.  S.  S.  Niagara  in  1926;  chart  5438.  Scale  naut.  m.=3.7  in., 
natural  scale  1 :  20,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct. 
1923,  2d  edition,  Oct.  1927.     39   X   29.5  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18 :  5438 

Earth.  Outline  chart  of  the  world  [showing,  in  Pacific,  groups  of  islands 
belonging  to  various  countries,  and  mandate  areas]  ;  chart  1262a.  Scale  10° 
long.=1.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrograiihie  Office,  published  Oct.  1923,  5th 
edition,  Oct.  1927.     27  X  47.5  in.     t  50c.  N  6.1S :  1262a 

India.  Coast  of  British  India,  Bay  of  Bengal,  Madras  to  Ramiapatam,  com- 
piled from  latest  information  ;  with  inset,  Madras  Roadstead,  from  British 
surveys  between  1876  and  1926 ;  cliart  2433.  Natural  scale  1 :  305,777  at  Iat. 
13°  40'.  Washington,  Hydrogi-aphic  Office,  published  Aug'.  1907,  4th  edition, 
Oct.  1927.     38.7  X  26.1  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18:  2433 

Lihia  and  Egypt,  Mediterranean  Sea.  Derna  to  Mersa  Matruh,  from  British 
survey  in  1862,  with  corrections  to  1923  [with  insets]  ;  chart  3978.  Natural 
scale  1:495,576  at  Iat.  32°.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Aug. 
1917,  4th  edition,  Oct.  1927.     25.4  X  37.5  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18  :  3978 

Bardia,   Port    (Mt^rsa   Burdi   Suleiman),   from   British   survey  in   1861. 
.  Ishaila  nicks  and  anclura-jes. 
Solhim,  Bay  of  El.  from  British  survey  in  1017. 
Tobruk,  Mersa.  from  Italian  surveys  to  1925. 

Makassar  Strait.  Ports  in  Makassar  Strait,  Eastern  Archipelago;  chart  8054. 
Wa.shington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Oct.  1919.  5th  edition,  Oct.  1927. 
37.5X25.5  in.     f  40c.  N  6.18:  3054 

Chinrana  and  Binansa  bays,  Celebes,  from  Netherlands  Government  survey  in  1000. 
Kutel    (Mahakam)   Kiver,  Borneo,  from  Netherl;Tnds  Government  survey  in  1898. 
Linsadang  Road  and  Belonlioh  Bay,  Celebes,   from  Netherlands   Government  survey  in 

Majene  Road  and  Balan^nipa  Road,  Celebes,  vi'est  coast,  from  Netherlands  Government 

survey  in  1900  and  1901. 
Makassar  Rond,  Celebes,  from  British  survey  in  1844,  with  additions  from  Netherlands 

Government  surveys  to  1901. 
Pambauwang    (Pambauaiig)    Road,    Celebes,    from    Netherlands    Government    survey    in 

Tappalang  and  Kai  roads.  Celebes,  from  Netherlands  Government  plan.  1922. 
Tolitoli  Bay  (Negri  Baru  Bay),  Celebes,  from  Netherlands  Govt,  plan,  1903. 

Mar  del  Plata  and  Mogotes  Cove,  Argentina,  from  Argentine  Government  survey  | 
in  1915 ;  with  inset  Puerto  Mar  del  Plata,  from  Argentine  Government  chart  ' 
of  1926:  chart  3906.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.5  in.,  natural  scale  1:30.000.  Wash- i 
ington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Jan,  1918,  2d  edition,  Oct,  1927.  32.8 X  ^ 
28.7  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18 :  3906  , 

North  Sea,  Dover  iind  Calais  to  Orfordness  and  Scheveningen.  compiled  from 
latest  information  :  chart  4848.  Natural  scale  1 :  242  995.  Washington.  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Feb.  1918.  19th  edition,  Sept.  1927.  26.1X38.9  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.18 :  4848 

Ho'w   to    otvlov    pul»lientions — Soe    infoi-usatioii    folloTving'    Content.** 



November,  1927  313 

Xotsukc  Suido  and  approaches,  east  coast  of  Hokushu,  Japan,  from  Japanese 
surveys  between  1921  and  1923 ;  chart  5534.  Natural  scale  1 :  88,354.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  1927.    29.5X40  in.     t  50c.  N  G.IS  :  5534 

Panama,  Bay  of.  Plans  in  Bay  of  Panama,  west  coast  of  Central  America, 
from  British  surveys  in  1847  and  1858 ;  chart  1789.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  June,  1899,  13th  edition,  Oct.  1927.  37.7X23.4  in. 
t  40c.  N  0.18  :  1789 
Bayoneta  and  Pedro  Gonzalos,  I'eilas  Islands. 

Chepo,  Rio,  or  Bayano.  Mouth  of.  from  United  States  Goveriinn'iit  survey  in  1921. 
Saboga  Anchorage,  I'erlas  Islands. 

PUol  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Dec.  1927;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long.=0.7  in.  Wa.-^hington,  Ilydrographic  Office,  Nov.  15.  1927. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  liy  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24  :  927/12 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Northers  of  Central  American  region  ;  by  Willis  Edwin 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean.  Jan.  1928:  chart  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  15,  1927.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     t  10c. 

N  6.17 :  928/1 
Note. — Contains    on    reverse :  Routes    between    Pacific    Coast    ports    and    Philippine 

Pilot  chart  of  north   Atlantic  Ocean.   Dec.   1927;   chart   1400.     Scale   1" 

long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  15.  1927.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  0.15/1 :  927/12 

Note.- — Contains  on  reverse  :   Compass  deviation  diagram. 

Pilot  chart   of  north   Pacific   Ocean,   Jan.   1928;   chart   1401.     Scale   1° 

long.=0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  15,  1927.  23.7X35.3  in. 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.16  :  928/1 

Note. — Contains   on    reverse :    Routes    between    Pacific    Coast   ports    and    Philippine 

Prince  Edward  Island  and  adjacent  coasts,  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  Canada,  from 
Sea  Wolf  Island  to  Escuminac  Point,  compiled  from  latest  information ;  chart 
1066.  Natural  scale  1 :  305,039  at  lat.  46°  20'.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Apr.  1888,  48th  edition,  Oct.  1927.     24X39.5  in.     t  40c. 

N  6.18 :  1066 

Shikotan  Jima  and  approaches,  Chishima  Retto  (Kuril  Islands),  Japan,  from 
Japanese  survey  in  1923 ;  chart  5533.  Natural  scale  1 :  88,354.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  Oct.  1927.     27.8X40.5  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  5533 


Register.    Annual  register  of  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  Md.,  83d  academic 
year,  1927-28.     1927.     iv+194  p.     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  7-32067  N  12.5  :  927 


Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922  [Change  8;  Sept.  19,  1927].  1927. 
[l]+iii+[376]  p.  il.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.  Con- 
sists of  title-page,  letter  of  transmittal,  and  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be 
inserted  in  their  proper  places  in  the  Manual.]     $       N  20.13  :  Su  7/2/922,  ch.  S 

Pay,  Navy.  [Changes  in]  Pay  bill  instructions  (act  of  June  10,  1922),  sec. 
A-H.  revised  to  Sept.  1,  1927;  [Sept.  1.  1927].  1927.  [3]  p.  4^  [Accom- 
panied by  new  title-page  and  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  inserted  in  their 
proper  places  in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  pages  is  given  on 
the  page  following  the  title-page.]     $  N  20.13  :  P  29/5/A-H,  ch.  5 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants  303:  Nov.  1.  1927.  [1927.]  p.  101S5- 
210-f  leaves  10210a-l,  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     $  N  20.7/1 :  303 

Hot*-   to   op«ler   pn1>lieations — See   information    following-    Contents 

314  November,  1927 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usuallj-  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year ;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1025,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following  sub- 
jects :  Agriculture  ;  Education  ;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce  :  Public  health  and  child 
welfare."  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly.  They  are 
not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  1 2  iJ-sue.^  of  each  series ; 
single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.     Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington,  D.  C. 

AgricuJtural  clubs.  Clul).s  agricolas  de  joveiis:  [por  I.  W.  Hill].  [1927.] 
ii-fl8  p.  11.  (Agricnltui-a  no.  17,  Novembro  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao 
Pan-Americana.  Novembro,  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c;  subscription  price  for  12 
issues  of  series.  50c.  -^R  1-12  :  p  17 

Bolivia.     Commerce  of  Bolivia,   latest    reports  from   Bolivian   official   sources. 
[1927.]      [1]+S+[1]   p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  31,  1927.)      t 
L.  C,  card  23-26112  AR  1.19:  31 

Bulletin  (Enfflish  edition).     Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union.  Nov.  1927;  [v.  61. 
no.  11].     [1927.]     iv +1059-1161  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For  price,  see  note  above 
under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6  :  e  61/11 

• Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  pt.  11,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

{Portuguese    edition).     Boletim    da    Uniao    Pan-Americana,    Novembro, 

1927,    edicao    portuguesa  ;     [v.    29,     no.     11].      [1927.]      iv+7S7-862    p.    il. 
[Monthlv.     For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6  ;p  29/11 

{Spanish  edition).    Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Noviembre.  1927, 

seccion  espafiola ;    [v.  61,  no.   11].     [1927.]     iv+1099-1205  p.   il.     [Monthly. 
For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6  ;  s  61/11 

Camps.  Valor  del  campamento  de  verano  para  niiios ;  [por  Marie  M.  Ready]. 
[1927.]  ii+10  p.  il.  (Bducaciou  no.  34,  Noviembre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin 
de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Noviembre,  1927.  Extractado  y  traducido  de 
School  life,  Octubre  de  1926.]  f  Paper,  .5c.;  subscription  price  for  12  issues 
of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13 :  s  34 

Cuba.     Commerce  of  Cuba,  latest  reports  from  Cuban  official  sources.     [1927.] 
[1]+16+[1]  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  33,  1927.)     t 
L.  C.  card  1.3-35123  AR  1.19:  33 

Economics.  Trabajo  consultivo  ecouomico  para  los  gobiernos;  [por  E.  W. 
Kemmerer].  [1927.]  ii+12+[2]  p.  (Finanzas,  industria,  comercio  no.  32, 
Noviembre  de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Noviembre, 
1927.]     t  Paper,  5c. ;  sub^scription  price  for  12  issues  of  series.  50c. 

AR  1.14  :  s  32 

Guayule.     A  borracha  de  guayule  e  a  sua  producgao  em  gjande  escala ;   [pt 
Uthai   Vincent   Wilcox].     [1927.]     8   p.   il.     (MLscellanea   pau-americana   ni 


2.)      [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Novembro,  1927,     Do  Dun's  inter- 
national review,  1927,  Nova  York.]     t  Paper,  5c.  AR1.27:p2 

International  American  Conference.  Programma  e  regimento  da  sexta  Con- 
fereucia  Interuacioual  Americana,  a  reunir-se  na  Havana,  Cuba,  a  16  de 
Janeiro  de  1928,  approvados  pelo  cou.selho  director  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana. 
1927.  [l]+8  p.  large  8°  [For  the  English  and  Spanish  editions  of  this  pub- 
lication, see  Monthly  catalogue  for  May.  1927,  p.  890.]     t       AR  1.2 :  In  S/11 

Sexta  Conferencia  Internacional  Americana,  Havana,  Cuba,  16  de  Janeiro   j 

de  1928,  manual  especial  para  uso  dos  delegados.  1927.  iii+120  p.  [For 
the  English  and  Spanish  editions  of  this  publication,  see  Monthly  catalogue 
for  Sept.  1927,,  p.  184.]     t  AR  1.2  :  In  8/13  Portuguese 

Nicaragua.     Commerce   of  Nicaragua,   latest   reports  from  Nicaraguan  official   ; 
sources.     [1927,]      [1]+12+[1]    p.     (Foreign  trade   series  no.   32,   1927.)     t 
L.  C.  card  20-21429  AR  1.19:  32 

Ho>v   to   order   iivl>licatioii.s — See   iuforiuation   follotTinj?    Contents 

November,  1927  315 

Raw  materials.  A  eoncentragao  da  popularao  e  a  distribuigao  da  materia 
prima:  [pelo  Isaiah  Bowman].  [1927.]  S  p.  (Finangas.  imlustria,  com- 
mercio  no.  17,  Novembro  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana. 
Xovembro.  1927.]     f  Papor,  oc. :  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series.  50c. 

AR  1.14  :  p  17 


XoTE. — Although   The  Panama  Canal   makes  its  reports  to.   and   is   under  the  supervi- 
sion of.  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  13-17;  Nov.  2-30.  1927.  Balboa  Heiglits.  C.  Z. 
[1927].    p.  177-240.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-85328  W  79.5  :  21/13-17 

Note. — The  yearly  .subscription  r;ite  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  ."^l.OO  t'oreigm  ("single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
:ind  bureaus.  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  lihrnries.  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  word  "domestic"  refers  to  the  United 
States.  Canada.  Canal  Zone.  Cuba.  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua.  Mexico,  the  Philippines. 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama.  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  sul)scriptious 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Cnnal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  Office,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  tlie  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money  and  defaced  or 
smooth    coins   will   not   be   accepted. 


Report.     Annual   report   of  governor  of  the   Panama   Canal,   fiscal  year   1927. 
1927.     vi+139  p.  2  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.     *  Paper.  20c. 
L.  C.  card  15-2G7G1  W  79.1 :  927 

Same.     (H.  doc.  5,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Siii)pJics.  Schedule  of  rate.s  for  supplies  and  services  furnished  to  shipping 
and  allied  interests  at  Panama  Canal,  in  effect  July  1.  1927.  Panama  Canal 
Press.  Mount  Hoi^e.  C.  Z..  1927.  62  p.  (Tariff  9.)  [Supersedes  Panama 
Canal  Tariff  8  and  all  supplements  thereto.]     j  W  79.6:  9 

Same  [amendments].  Panama  Canal  [Sept.  2,  1927].  1  p.  (Supple- 
ment 1    [to]   Tariff  9.)     t  W  79.6 :  9/supp.l 


Mail  contracts.  Advertisement  inviting  proposals  for  service  of  carrying  mails 
in  regulation  screen  wagons  and  for  furnishing  equipments  for  delivery,  col- 
lection, and  transixtrtation  of  mail  in  cities  and  towns  named  in  North  Caro- 
lina. South  Carolina.  Georgia.  Florida,  Alabama,  Mis.sissippi.  Tennessee,  and 
Kentucky,  July  1,  1928-June  30,  1932.     Nov.  22,  1927.     [l]+44  p.     t 

P 1.7 :  927/1 

Mail  matter.  Failure  to  give  subscription  or  key  number  on  notices  to  pub- 
lishers concerning  undeliverable  copies  of  their  publications:  [issued  by]  3d 
assi.stant  Postmaster   General.     Nov.   23,   1927.     1  p.   oblong  32°     t 

P  4.2  :  Un  2/16 

Forwarding   and   returning  mail :    [issued  by]    3d   assistant   Postmaster 

General.     Nov.  28.  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24°     f  P  4.2  :  M  28 

k •    Improper  acceptance  of  matter  without  postage  stamps  affixed;   [issued 

f      by]    3d  as.sistant  Postmaster  General.     Nov.  2.  1927.     1  p.   oblong  24"     t 

P  4.2  :  Ac  2/2 

Simplified  addresses  on  mail  for  rural  routes  and  iwst-office  boxes  [regu- 
lations issued  by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying  instructions  by  3d 
assistant   Postmaster  General].     Nov.   5,   1927.     1   p.     (Order   6090.)     t 

tP  1.19 :  6000 

Ho'»\'   to   order   publications— See   information   follo\\-ins-    Contents 

316  November,  1927 

Money-orders.  Stoleu  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Got.  31,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/141 

— —  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 
Nov.  4,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/142: 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  11,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/143- 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  15,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/144 

• Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  21,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/145 

Stolen  money-order  forms;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  26,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4,2  :  M  74/146- 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  28,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/147 

■ Stolen  money -order  forms;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Nov.  29,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/148- 

Parcel  post.  Discontinuance  of  C.  O.  D.  service  to  and  from  United  States 
naval  vessels,  effective  Jan.  1,  1928  [regulations  issued  by  acting  Postmaster 
General,  with  accompanying  instructions  by  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General]. 
Nov.  26.  1927.     1  p.  narrow  8"     (Order  7054.)     f  P  1.19  :  7054 

Postage-stamps.  Surreptitious  removal  of  postage  stamps  from  mail  in  transit ; 
[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Nov.  23,  1927.  1  p.  oblong 
24°     t  P  4.2  :  St  2/19- 

Postal  bulletin,  v.  48,  no.  14527-551;  Nov.  1-30,  1927.  [1927.]  various  paging^ 
f°  [Daih'  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy.  $2.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48- 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  postal  guide,  4th  iSeries,  v.  7,  no.  5;  Nov. 
1927.  monthly  supplement.  1927.  cover-title.  59  p.  il.  [Includes  Changes- 
72-89  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts- 
306-309  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of  1924. 
Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with  supplements,  $1.25,. 
foreign  subscription,  $1.75;  July  issue,  $1.00;  supplements  published  monthly 
(11  pamphlets)  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/5- 

Railway  mail  pay.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  docket  no.  9200. 
in  re  railway  mail  pay,  application  of  railroads  in  New  England  in  matter  of 
railway  mail  pay ;  brief  for  Postmaster  General.    1927.    cover-title,  x+238  p.    { 

P  1.2 :  R  13/24 

Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  docket  no.  9200,  in  re  railway 

mail  pay.  petition  of  railroad  companies  represented  by  their  committee  oa 
railway  mail  pay  for  reexamination  of  rates  received  by  them  for  transpor- 
tation of  mails  and  service  connected  therewith,  petition  of  short  line  common 
carrier  railroads  for  reexamination  of  rates  received  by  them  for  transporta- 
tion of  mails  and  service  connected  therewith ;  brief  for  Postmaster  General. 
1927.    cover-title,  440  p.  +  [26]  folded  leaves,  il.  3  pi.  map.        %    P  1.2  :  R  13/25- 


Sfeamhoats.  Schedule  of  steamers  appointed  to  convey  mails  from  United! 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Dec.  1927.  Nov.  21,  1927.  1  p.  f°  [Monthly.] 
*  Paper.  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.  ( 

L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5  :  927/12:^ 


Arizona.  Alphabetical  scheme  of  Arizona,  for  use  of  publishers  in  distributionr 
of  2d-class  mail.  1927.     1927.     8  p.     t  P  10.10 :  Ar  41/5 

HoTT   to    order    pnltlications — See   Information   folloTvins    Contents 

NOX-EMBER,  1927  317 

California.  Alphabetical  scheme  of  California,  for  use  of  publishers  in  distri- 
bution of  2d-class  mail,  1927.     1927.     24  p.     $  P  10.10  :  C  12,  4 

Nevada.  Alphabetical  scheme  of  Nevada,  for  use  of  publishers  in  distribution 
of  2d-class  mail,  1927.     1927.     5  p.     I  P  10.10 :  N  41/5 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  ruial- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each  ;  the  other,  the  rural  tree  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue  for  February,  1927,  page  639. 


Addresses.     Address   of   President   Coolidge   at    the    awarding   to    Charles    A. 
Lindbergh  b3-  National  Geographic  Society  of  Hubbard  Medal,  Washington, 
D.  C,  Nov.  14,  1927.     1927.     [2] +2  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27706  Pr  30.2  :  L  64/2 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  before  Union  League  of  Philadelphia  at 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Nov.  17,  1927.     1927,     [2]  +8  p.     t 

L.   C.   card  27-27749  Pr30.2:;P53 

Alaska.  Executive  order,  Alaska  [withdrawing  lands  in  Alaska  for  townsite 
purposes].     Oct.  24,  1927.     1  p.  f °     (No.  4747.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  Al  12/61 

Executive    order    [authorizing   that   lands    comprised    within    Montague 

Island  military  reservation,  Alaska,  having  become  useless  for  military  pur- 
poses, be  placed  under  control  of  Secretary  of  Interior  for  disposition  as 
provided  by  law].    Nov.  9,  1927.    1  p.  f     (No.  4755.)     $        Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/63 

Arizona.  Executive  order,  Arizona  [revoking  Executive  order  of  May  25.  1925, 
which  withdrew  land  in  Arizona  for  classification  and  pending  enactment  of 
legislation].     Oct.  31,  1927.    1  p.  f     (No.  4751.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Ar  47/18 

Executive  order,  Arizona  [revoking  Executive  orders  of  June  24,  1924.  and 

Feb.  12,  1927,  which  withdrew  land  in  Arizona  from  settlement,  etc..  and 
restoring  same  to  entry].    Oct.  28,  1927.    1  p.  f     (No.  4749.)     i 

Pr  30.5  :  Ar  47/ 17 

Armistice  day,  1927,  proclamation  [ordering  flag  of  United  States  to  be  dis- 
played on  all  Government  buildings  on  Nov.  11,  1927,  and  inviting  people  of 
United  States  to  observe  day  in  schools  and  churches,  or  other  suitable  places, 
with  appropriate  ceremonies].    Nov.  2,  1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  1821.)     "i" 

Pr  30.7 :  Ar  55/'2 

Civil  service.  Executive  order  [amending  civil  service  rules  relating  to  classi- 
fication of  service  so  that  no  person  holding  a  position  when  it  becomes 
classified  shall  acquire  any  rights  thereunder  unless  Civil  Service  Commission 
is  satisfied  that  he  was  not  appointed  for  of  acquiring  such  rights]. 
Oct.  26,  1927.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4748.)     $  Pr  30.5  :  C  499  43 

Colorado.  Executive  order,  Colorado  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Apr.  30, 
1924.  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Colorado  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey.  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with 
Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open 
to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  Oct.  21, 
1927.    1  p.  f     (No.  4746.)     t,  Pr  30.5  :  C  719/23 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order  [foreign  service,  establishing  Tananarive. 
Madagascar,  as  unhealthful  post  at  which  one  year  of  duty  shall  be  counted 
as  one  year  and  a  half  in  reckoning  length  of  service  for  purposes  of  retire- 
ment].    Oct.  20,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4744.)     $  Pr  .30.5:  F  761/7 

HoTv   to   orfler   publications— See   Information   folloisvingr   Contents 

318  NOA'EMBER,  1927 

EaicaU.  Executive  order  [setting  aside  land  on  island  of  Kauai,  Hawaii,  for 
military  purposes,  with  exception  of  right-of-way  for  use  of  lighthouse  service 
and  for  other  purposes].     Nov,  15,  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4760.)     $ 

Pr  30.5  :  H  31/24 

Transferring  to  Hawaii  title  to  certain  public  property,  proclamation. 

Oct.  25,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  1818.)     t  Pr  30.7  :H  31/3 

Idalio.  Executive  order,  Idaho  [temporarily  withdrawing  lands  in  Twin  Falls  . 
Countv,  Idaho,  from  settlement,  etc.,  for  use  as  rifle  range  for  Idaho  National  I 
Guard].     Nov.  4.  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4753.)     $  Pr  30.5:  Id  1/9 

Magnesite.  Increasing  rates  of  duty  on  magnesite,  crude  and  caustic  calcined, 
proclamation  [authorizing  certain  increase  in  duty  on  magnesite,  crude  and 
caustic  calcined,  in  order  to  equalize  differences  in  costs  of  production  of 
crude  magnesite  in  United  States  and  Greece  and  of  caustic  calcined  magnt  s  te 
in  United  States  and  British  India].  [Nov.  10,  1927.]  [2]  p.  f"  ([No. 
1823.])     t  Pr  30.7  :M  274 

National  forests.  Executive  order,  Choctawhat -hee  National  Forest.  Fla. 
[directing  that  Flonda  National,  Fla.,  as  fixed  and  defined  by  proc- 
lamation of  Nov.  27,  1908.  and  modified  by  proclamations  of  Nov.  25,  1920, 
Oct.  23.  1926.  and  Oct.  17.  1927.  shall  hereafter  be  known  as  Choctawhatchee 
National  Forest].    Nov.  10,  1927.    1  p.  f     (No.  4756.)     $  Pr  30.5  :C  451 

Executive  order,  Chugach  National  Forest,  Alaska  [modifying  boundaries 

of  Chugach  National  Forest  so  as  to  include  tract  of  land  in  Alaska].  Nov. 
1^,1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4757.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Al  12/64 

Executive  order,  Columbia  National  Forest,  Wash,  [modifying  boundaries 

of  Columbia  National  Forest  by  excluding  therefrom  lauds  in  Washington, 
excluded  lands  to  be  opened  only  to  entry  iindei"  homestead  and  desert  land 
laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Gi  rmany  for  period  of  91  days, 
after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any 
public  laud  law  applicable  thereto].     Oct.  31,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4750.)     ± 

Pr  30  5 :  C  723 

Executive  order,  Tongass  National  Forest,  Alaska   [directing  that  tracts 

of  land  on  Baranof  Island,  in  Alaska,  heretofore  occupied  for  fish  cannery 
puriK)ses,  be  excluded  from  Tongass  National  Forest  and  restor.  d  tn  entry 
under  applicable  public  land  laws].     Nov.  4,  1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4752.)     $ 

Pr  30.5  :  Al  12/62 

Wenatchee    National    Forest,    Wash.,    4th    proclamation.     Nov.    2,    1927. 

1  p.  f °     (No.  1822.)     t  Pr 30.7 :W 48/3 

Whitman  National  Forest,  Oreg ,  6th  proclamation.     Oct.  24,  1927.    1  p.  f* 

(No.  1817.)      t  Pr  30.7  :  W  596/3 

New  Mexico.  Executive  order.  New  Mexico  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Nov. 
7,  1924,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  New  Mexico  from  settlement, 
etc.,  pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to 
entry  under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of 
W^ar  with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  laud 
may  be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto]. 
Nov.  16,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4761.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  N  42m/24 

Phenols.  Decreasing  rates  of  duty  upon  phenol,  proclamation  [authorizing 
certain  decrease  in  duty  on  phenol,  in  order  to  etiualize  differences  in  costs 
of  production  in  United  States  and  Great  Britain].  [Oct.  31.  1927.]  [2]  p.  f 
([No.  1820.])     t  Pr  30.7  :P  528 

Railroad  Labor  Board.  Executive  order  [amending  Executive  order  of  May 
21,  1926,  which  designated  L.  M.  Parker  as  custodian  of  records  of  Railroad 
Labor  Board,  so  as  to  stipulate  amount  of  ct>mpeusation  to  be  received  by 
him].     July  30,  1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4698.)     t  Pr 30.5 :P 226 

Utah.  Executive  order,  Utah  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in  Utah  from 
settlement,  etc.,  pending  resun-ey  of  said  township].  Oct.  21.  1927.  1  p.  f° 
( No.  4745. )     ?  Pr  30.5  :  Ut  1/21 


Hofv   to    order   pnbllcations — See    information    follo-ningf    Contents 


November,  1927  319 

War  Department.  Executive  order  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Jan.  24.  1918, 
excepting  from  operation  of  civil  service  rules,  civilians  employed  for  proper 
care  of  sick  officers  and  soldiers  in  Army  hospitals,  amending  civil  senice 
rules  relating  to  War  Department  so  as  to  except  from  examination  certain 
stated  positions  at  Army  hospitals,  and  listing  other  iwsitions  which  vi^ili 
hereafter  be  made  in  accordance  with  civil  service  act  and  rulesl.  Nov.  o, 
1927.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4754.)     t  Tr  30.5 :  C  499/44 

Wyoming.  Executive  order.  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Mar.  10, 
1927.  which  withdrew  certain  public  hinds  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey.  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War 
with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be 
oi>en  to  general  public  under  anv  public  laud  law  applicable  thereto].  Nov. 
15,1927.     1  p.  r      (No.  4759.)      %  Pi- 30.5 :  W  994/28 


Commerce.  Comparative  summary  of  water  borne  foreign  ccmmerce,  with 
graphic  charts,  Jan.  1.1921-Apr.  30,  1927'.  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research, 
Division  of  Statistics.  Oct.  11,  1927.  1  p.  3  pi.  oblong  large  8"  (Reixnt 
D.  8.  399.)      [Bimonthly.]     t  SB  7.5/399 :  927/1 

Water  borne  commerce  of  United  States  including  foreign,  intercoastal, 

and  coastwise  traffic  and  commerce  of  noncontiguous  United  States  territory, 
Jan.  1-Dec.  31,  1926 :  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of  Statis- 
tics. Oct.  11,  1927.  1  p.  large  4'  (Report  D.  S.  295.)  [Annual.  Figures 
subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/295 :  926 

Electric  appliances.  Docket  no.  31,  Trumbull-Vanderi>oel  Electric  Manufactur- 
ing Company,  Inc..  v.  Luckenbach  Steamship  Company.  Inc. ;  [decided  June 
23,  1927:  report  and  order  of  board].  1927.  [1]-1-12(>-129+[1]  p.  [Report 
from  Shipping  Board  reix)rts,  v.  1.]     t  SB  1.10/a  :  T  771 

Imports  and  exports  of  commodities  by  United  States  coastal  districts  and 
foreign  trade  regions,  Mav  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division 
of  Statistics.  [1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8"  (Reiwrt  D.  S.  275.) 
[Monthly.]     t  SB  7.5/275  :  m  927/5 

Intercoastal  traffic.  United  States  water  borne  intercoastal  traffic  by  ports  of 
origin  and  destination  and  principal  commodities,  calendar  year  1926:  [pre- 
pared in]  Bureau  of  Research.  Division  of  Statistics.  [Aug.  15,  1927.]  12 
leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  317.)  [Annual.  Figures  subject  to 
revision.]     t  SB  7.5/317  :  926/2 

Navigation.     Index    to    Proposed    codification    of    navigation    laws    of    United 
States;   [compiled  by]   Bureau  of  Law.     1927.     [l]-l-76  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  26-27654  SB  8.2 :  N  22/ind. 

RofiCiiberg  Brothers  d-  Co.  In  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  119,  Shipping 
Board  Emergency  Fleet  Coi-poration  v.  Rosenberg  Brothers  &.  Company ;  no. 
120.  [same]  v.  California  AVine  Association;  no.  121,  [same]  f.  S.  L.  Jones  & 
Company,  on  wi'its  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  api>eals  for  9tli  circuit; 
brief  for  petitioner.     1927.     cover-title,  iii-f  67  p.     t  SB  1.13  :  R  723/2 

Western  Union  Telegraph  Company.  No.  113.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Shipping  Board  Emergency  Fleet  Corporation  v.  Western  Union  Tele- 
graph Company,  on  writ  of  certiorai-i  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Co- 
lumbia ;    brief   for   petitioner.     1927.     cover-title,    ii+43   p.     X 

SB  1.13  ;  W  525/4 


Merchant  Fleet  neivs,  v.  1,  no.  6;  Nov.  1927.  [1927.]  12  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.] 
t  SB  2.16 : 1/6 

Ships.  Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,  Nov.  1-Dec.  15, 
1927;  issued  by  Traffic  Department.     1927.     vi+26  p.  11.     [Monthlv.]     t 

SB  2.14 :  927/11 

HoTF   to   order   publications — See    information    follovriug    Contents 

320  November,  1927 



Archives.     Conference    of   archivists,  Conference    on    teaching    of    history    in 

schools.    St.    Louis,    Dec.    28,    1921.  1927.     [1] +119-124    p.     [From    Report, 
1921.]     t 

L.   C.   card   14-21909  SI  4.1/a :  H  629/4 

Historical  societies.     Proceedings  of  17th  annual  conference  of  historical  so- 
cieties   [St.    Louis.    Dec.    29,    1921]  ;    reported    by    John    C.    Parish.     1927. 
[1] +107-117  p.     [From  Report,  1921.]     t 
L.  C.  card  14-21906  SI  4.1/a  :  H  629/2/921 

Introductory  pages  [letter  of  submittal,  contents,  organization  and  activities, 
etc.].    1927.    p.  1-26.     [From  Report,  1921.]     t  SI  4.1/a :  In  S/2/921 


Report  on  National  Gallery  of  Art,  including  Freer  Gallery  of  Art,  year  ended 
June  30,  1927.  1927.  [1] +53-64  p.  [From  Smithsonian  Institution  report, 
1927.]     t  SI  6.1 :  927 


Note. — ^The  publications  of  tlie  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz..  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Prcceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum 
collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can 
now  be  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  G6,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libi'aries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Carnotite.  Crystalline  carnotite  from  Utah ;  by  Frank  L.  Hess  and  William 
F.  Foshag.  1927.  cover-title,  6  p.  (Proceedings,  v.  72,  art.  12;  no.  2708.) 
t  SI  3.6 :  2708 


[Circulars]  1059-61;  Oct.  22-31,  1927.  [1927.]  Each  2  p.  or  4  p.  [GeneraJ 
instruction  circulars  to  consular  officers.]     j  S  1.4/2  :  10.59-61 

Consuls.  [Regulations  governing  consular  service  of  United  States,  annotated : 
article  13,  Discharge  of  seamen,  reprint  of  portion  of  article,  with  correc- 
tions.] Nov.  1927.  p.  5-6a  [of  article  13].  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for 
insertion  in  Regulations.     Included  in  price  of  Regulations.]     S  1.5  :  926/art.  13 

Same:  article  22,  Immigration  and  quarantine.    Nov.  1927.    28 p.     [Issued 

in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     *  Paper,  5c.  S  1.5 :  926/art.22 

Diplomatic   list,   Nov.   1927.      [1927.]      cover-title,   ii+43   p.   24°     *  Paper,   5c. 
single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  65c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8 :  927/11 

General  Clainis  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico.  Convention  between 
United  States  and  Mexico,  extending  duration  of  General  Claims  Commission 
provided  for  in  convention  of  Sept.  8,  1923 ;  signed  Washington,  Aug.  16,  1927, 
proclaimed  Oct.  13,  1927.  1927.  [l]+3  p.  (Treaty  series  758.)  [English 
and  Spanish.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27666  S  9.5/2  :  M  57/34 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conference.     Conference  Radiotelegraph ique  In- 
ternationale de  Washington,  1927,  listes  et  adresses  des  delegues  des  gouv- 
ernements  et  des  representants  des  compagnies  et  des  organismes  interna- 
tionaux.     5^  tirage.     1927.     ii+31  p,  4°     t 
L,  C,  card  27-27750  S  5.25  :  D  37/5/French 

Ho-w   to    order   publications— See   informatlou   foIIOTrlng    Contents 

November,  1927  321 

Telephone  directory,  Department  of  State  [Nov.  1927]  ;  compiled  in  Bureau  of 
Indexes  and  Arcliives.     1927.     iv+30  p.     $  S  1.21 :  927/2 


Creston  Reclamation  Company,  Limited.  In  matter  of  application  of  Creston 
Reclamation  Company,  Limited,  to  International  Joint  Commission  for  per- 
mission to  construct  certain  permanent  works  in  and  adjacent  to  channel  of 
Kootenai  River  in  British  Columbia  at  Creston,  motion  on  behalf  of  United 
States  for  extension  of  time  for  filing  statement  in  response  and  for  further 
hearings,  Nov.  23,  1927.  1927.  cover-title.  G  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  27-27748  S  3.23  :  C  S$ 


Barth,  John,  Company.  Certificate.  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  610,  United  States  vs. 
John  Barth  Company  and  United  States  Fidelity  &  Guaranty  Co.,  on  certifi- 
cate from  circuit  court  of  api)eals  for  7th  circuit.  [1927.]  cover-title, 
i+3  p.     t  Ju6.7:B282 

[Journal]   Nov.  21-30,  1927;    [slips]    29-36.     [1927.]     leaves  96-127.     | 

Ju  6.5 :  927 


Decisions.  Reports,  v.  8,  no.  1-7;  Sept.  20-Oet.  25,  1927.  [1927.]  [xlviii]4- 
1-952  p.  [Contain  decisions  promulgated  Sept.  9-Oct.  22,  1927.]  *  Paper, 
$1.50  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19 :  5/8-1  to  8-7 

Note. — The  decisions  of  tbe  Tax  Appeals  Board  have  been  placed  on  a  subscription 
basis  and  are  to  be  issued  in  small  pamphlets  until  a  suflScient  number  have  been 
published  to  make  a  volume.  The  price  of  these  advance  pamphlets  will  be  $1.50  per 
volume.  Later,  bound  volumes,  containing  table  of  contents  and  index,  will  be  issued, 
the  price  of  these  being  given  at  time  of  publication. 

Reports  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  v.  4.  Apr.  21-Sept.  30,  1926 :  Charles  E. 

Gebhardt,  reporter.     1927.     xlvii+1410  p.     *  Cloth,  $2.00.  Y3.T19:6/4 


Certificates  of  indebtedness.  United  States  of  America,  3%  per  cent  Treasury 
certificates  of  indebtedness,  series  TJ-192S,  dated  and  bearing  interest  from 
Nov.  15,  1927.  due  June  15.  1928.  [Nov.  7.  1927.]  2  p.  4"  ([Department 
circular  389 ;  Public  Debt  Commissioner.] )     f  T  1.4/2 :  389 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports 
from  Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  Nov.  1-30,  1927.     [1927.]     Each  4  p.  or 
3  p.  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  927 

Public  debt.    Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  Sept.  30,  1927.     [1927.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9 :  927/9 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws, 
including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  v.  52, 
no.  18-21 ;  Nov.  3-24,  1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Department 
decisions  numbered  42418-438,  abstracts  4141^335,  internal  revenue  decisions 

I      4099-^101,  prohibition  13-18,  and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).]     *  Paper,  5c. 

I      single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.50. 

L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2  :  52/18-21 


Circular  69  and  70 ;  Sept.  29  and  Oct.  20,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p.  and  1  p.     J 

T  47.7/3  :  69,  70 

HoTf    to   order   pablleatioitK — See   information   follo-n-ing    Contents 


November,  1927 

Orders.  General  order  38  and  39 ;  July  14  uud  Oct.  25,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  aud 
3  p.     t  T  47.5/4 :  38,  39 

Physical  exmnination.  Instructions  for  medical  officers  relative  to  physical 
examination,  1927.  1927.  ii+18  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion 
in  binder.]     t  T  47.8 :  P  56/2 


National  banks.  Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstandins;,  bonds  on  dejwsit,  etc. 
[Nov.  1,  1927].     Nov.  1,  1927.     1  p.  narrow  f"     t 
L.   C.   card  10-21266  T  12.9  :  927/11 


Rcappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Oct.  24-Nov.  22,  1927]  ; 
Nov.  11  and  25.  1927.     [1927.]     725-760+ [iii]   p.      (Reappraisement  circular 
34  and  35.)     [Weekly;  none  issued  Oct.  28,  Nov.  4  or  18,  1927.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreis;n  subscription.  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  34,  35 


Government  supplies.  Specifications  for  definite  and  additional  quantitv  sup- 
plies [fiscal  year  1928]  :  classes  1,  3,  and  10  [Jan.  1-Mar.  31,  1928].  [1927.] 
42  leaves,  4''     t  T  45.5/17  :  1/4 

Supplemental  specifications  and  proposals  for  supplies  [fiscal  year  1928]  : 

classes  2,  6,  8,  9,  and  10  [Jan.  1-June  30,  1928].     [1927.]     11  p.  4"     f 

T  45.5/17 :  2/2 

Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Oct.  1927].  Nov.  1,  1927.  6  p.  4"  (Form 
A.)      [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5: 927/10 


Pan  Ainer'can  Standardization  Conference.  Report  on  2d  Pan  American  Stand- 
ardization Conference,  [Washington,  D.  C,  May  9-11, 1927]  :  published  by  Cen- 
tral Executive  Council.  1927.  v+40p.  [English  and  Spanish.]  *  Pai)er,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27667  T  1.23/2  :  St  2/3/Eng.  &  Sp. 


Internal  revenue  bulletin.  Internal  revenue  bulletin,  v.  6,  no.  45-48 ;  Nov.  7-28, 
1927.  1927.  various  paging.  [Weekly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  sub- 
scription price  see  note  below). 

L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  927/45-48 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1927  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins, semiannual  cumulative  bulletins,  and  an  annual  digest.  The  weekly  bulletins  will 
contain  the  rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department  deci- 
sions (known  as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The 
semiannual  cumulative  bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including 
Treasury  decisions*  published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  annual  digest  will 
contain  in  digested  form  all  such  rulings  and  decisions  published  during  the  year,  the 
volume  for  1927  to  contain  also  digests  of  the  rulings  and  decisions  published  during 
the  years  1925  and  1926.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a  sub- 
scription basis,  from  tho  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  OflSce, 
Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

Internal    revenue    bulletin,    cumulative    bulletin    VI-1,    Jan.-June,    1927. 

[1927.]     viii+376    p.     [Semiannual.]     *  Paper,    40c.    (for   subscription   price 
see  note  above ) . 

L.  C.  card  22-27420  T  22.25  :  927/1 

Internal   revenue   news,   v.    1,   no.   5;    Nov.  1927.     1927.     cover -title,    24   p.   11. 

[Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  : 1/5 

Ho^v   to   oi'«ler   pultlicutioiis — See   information    followlngf    Contents 

November,  1927  323 


Bonds  of  United  States.     Caveat  list  of  United   States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Nov.  1,  1927.     [1927.]     67  p.  f"     [Monthly.]     t  T  20.7: 927/11 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Nov.  1,  1927.     Oct.  24, 
1927.     1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5 :  927/11 


Coins.     Information  relating  to  United  States  coins  and  medals.     1927.     8  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27751  T  28.2  :  C  66/4/927 

Report.     Annual  report  of  director  of  mint,  fiscal  year  1927.  including  Report  on 
production  of  precious  metals,  calendar  year  1926.     1927.     iii+251  p.   1  pi. 
(Treas.  Dept.  doc.  2983.)     *  Cloth.  75c. 
L.  C.  card  9-34686  T  28.1 :  927 


Mosquito  control  by  airplane,  memorandum  on  distribution  of  paris  green  by  air- 
plane in  control  of  Anopheles  production  in  uncleared  pond  near  Bamberg, 
S.  C,  Sept.  8,  1927.     1927.     [l]+2  p.     (Reprint  1180.)      [From  Public  health 
reports,  Sept.  23,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27760  T  27.6/a  :  1180 

Pellagra.     Study  of  pellagra-preventive  action  of  cowpea  (Vigna  sinensis)   and 
of  commercial  wheat  germ   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Joseph  Goldlierger 
and  G.  A.  Wheeler.     1927.     ii+8  p.     (Reprint  1181.)      [From  Public  health 
reports,  Sept.  30,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27752  T  27.6/a  :  1181 

Public  health  reports,  v.  42,  no.  44-47;  Nov.  4-25,  1927.     1927.     [xvi]+2699- 
2944  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $2.75. 
L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6 :  42/44-17 

Special  articles.— No.  44.  Summary  of  reports  of  principal  communicable  diseases 
for  July,  Aug.  and  Sept.  1927. — Moist  sand  method  of  applying  paris  green  for  destruc- 
tion of  subsurface-feeding  mosquito  larvae  ;  by  T.  H.  D.  Griffltts. — Pellagra  in  Missis- 
sippi flood  area,  report  of  inquiry  relating  to  prevalence  of  pellagra  in  area  affected  by 
overflow  of  Mississippi  and  its  tributaries  in  Tennessee,  Arkansas,  Mississippi,  and 
Louisiana  in  spring  of  1927  ;  by  .Josepb  Goldberger  and  Edgar  Sydenstricker. — Court  de- 
cision relating  to  public  health — No.  45.  Microscopic  changes  of  tularaemia  in  tick  Derma- 
centor  andersoni  and  bedbug  Cimex  lectularius  ;  by  Edward  Francis. — State  and  insular 
health  authorities,  1927,  directory,  with  data  as  to  appropriations  and  publications. — 
Xo.  46.  Endemic  goiter  in  Oregon  ;  by  Robert  Olesen. — Public  health  in  England  and 
Wales.  1926. — Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  47.  University  in  relation 
to  public  health  ;  by  J.  W.  Kerr. — Five-year  infant  mortality  study  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
[summary;  by  Frances  M.  Flollingshead]. — Current  world  prevalence  of  disease,  review 
of  monthly  epidemiological  report  issued  Oct.  15,  1927,  by  Health  Section  of  League  of 
Nations'  Secretariat. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
olKcers.  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

PuUiiations.     Public   Health    Service   publications,   list   of  publications   issued 
Apr.  1926-June,  1927.     1927.     ii+8  p.     (Reprint  1179.)      [From  Public  health 
reports,  Aug.  26,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26740  T  27.6/a  :  1179 

Shellfish    sanitation;    by    L.    INI.    Fislier.     1927.     [1]+10    p.     (Reprint    1178.) 

,    [From  Public  health  reports,  Sept.  16,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

I    L.  C.  card  27-27703  T 27.6/a:  1178 

Water  ijurification.  Studies  of  efficiency  of  water  purification  processes :  1, 
Results  obtained  from  preliminary  study  of  Cincinnati  and  Louisville 
municipal  filtration  plants,  2  and  3,  Results  obtained  from  collective  survey 
of  17  municipal  filtration  plants;  by  H.  W.  Streeter.  May.  1927.  xxii4-423 
p.  il.  16  pi.  (Public  health  bulletin  172.)  *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  27-27673  T  27.12  :  172 

HoTF   to    order   pnblicntious — See   Information   following-    Contents 

324  NOVEMBEB,  1927 


Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its 
cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments,  v.  8,  no.  11 ;  Nov.  20,  1927. 
1927.  [l]+435-4S5+ii  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26 :  8/11 

Special    articles. — -Recent    studies    of    Hygienic    Laboratory    on    chemotherapy    of 
organic  arsenicals    [with  bibliography  ;   by]    Carl  Voegtlin. — Skin   as   a   defense  organ  ;   m 
by  E.  Finger.  I 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Oct.  31,  1927.     Nov.  1,  1927.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8  :  927/10 


Life  insurance.  [Specimen  policy,  20-payment  life  policy.]  [Reprint  with 
slight  changes  1927.]  [4]  p.  il.  t°  ([Form]  747.)  [Although  this  iwlicy 
uses  Bureau  of  War  Risk  Insurance  in  the  text,  it  is  signed  by  the  director 
appointed  for  the  Veterans'  Bureau  in  1923.]     t  VB  1.2 :  L  62/5-3 

Mesothelioma.  Primary  pleural  mesothelioma,  with  report  of  case  [and  with 
bibliography;  by]  Leo  H.  Criep.  [1927.]  p.  919-924,  6  p.  of  pi.  [From 
United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  9.]     t 

VB  1.16/a  :  P  716 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  in.sertion  in  loose- 
leaf  hinders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as 
may  seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 
5-340.  Assistant  Secretary  of  War :  Procurement  of  supplies,  foreign  purchases ;  Nov. 
1,1927.      [1927.]      4  p.  W  1.6/1  : 5-340 

30-1435.  Quartermaster  Corps:   Construction;   Sept.   14,  1927.      [1927.]      2  p.      [Super- 
sedes AR  30-1435,  Oct.  15,  1925.]  W  1.6/1  :  30-1435/2 
30-2720.   Same :    Typewriters    and    similar    office    labor-saving    devices ;    Nov.    30,    1927. 
[1927.]      4  p.      [Supersedes  AR  30-2720,   Sept.  24,   1925.] 

W  1.6/1 :  30-2720/3 
35-5320.  Finance  Department :  Money  allowance,  transportation  of  dependents ;  Oct.  31, 
1927.     [1927.]     2   p.     [Supersedes  AR  35-5320,   Dec.    15,   1924.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-5320/2 

95-60.       Air  Corps  :  Aeronautical  ratings,  flying  officers  and  command  of  flying  units ; 

Nov.   30,   1927.      [1927.]      3  p.  W  1.6/1 :  95-60 

210-390.     Posts,  camps,  and  stations:  Motion  picture  service.  Changes  3;  Nov.  1,  1927. 

[1927.]      3  p.      [Supersedes  AR  210-390,   Changes  2,    Sept.    17,   1926.] 

W  1.6/2  :  210-390/ch.  3 
350-3000.  Military    education :    Army    correspondence    courses ;    Oct.    17,    1927.     [1927.] 

11    p.  W  1.6/1  :  350-3000  i 

615-200.     Enlisted  men:  Transfers,  Changes  2;  Oct.  18,  1927.      [1927.]      2  p.      [Super- 
sedes AR  615-200,  Changes  1,  Sept.  30,  1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  015-200/2/ch.  2 
615-360.     Same:  Discharge;  Sept.  14,  1927.      [1927.]      20  p.      [Supersedes  AR  61-5-360, 
Mar.  1,  1926.]  W  1.6/1 :  615-360/3  '• 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  lieretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  the  same  manner  asi 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e..l 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 

1400-30C.  Ordnance  maintenance,  infantry  and  aircraft  armament :  Browning  machine 
gun,  caliber  .30,  ground,  tank,  and  antiaircraft  types,  prepared  under  di- 
rection of  chief  of  ordnance;  Sept.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  21  p.  il.  *  Paper, 
5c.  W  1.22  :  1400-30  C 

1440-55.  Air  Corps:  Aircraft  engines  [with  bibliographies],  prepared  under  direction 
of  chief  of  Air  Corps;  June  30,  1927.  [1927.]  337  p.  il.  6  pi.  *  Paper, 
65c.  W  1.22  :  1440-55 

HoTV   to   order   pablications — See   information   follo^vlng    Contents 

November,  1927  325 

Training   regulations. 

Note. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf    binders. 

-J."iO-175.  Field  artillerv  :   Examination   for  gunners,   prepared   under   direction  of  cbief 
of  field  artillery;  June  1,  1927.      [1927.]     62  p.     ♦  Paiwr.  lOo. 

W  1.21  :  430-175 


Army  list  and  directory,  Nov.  1,  1927.     1927.     vi+287  p.  large  8"     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.35. 
L.  C.  card  9-35106  W  3.10  :  927/6 

Flying  cadets  of  Air  Corps,  aviation  as  career.     1927.     [l]+86  p.  il.     t 

L.  C.  card  27-27713  W  3.2  :  Av  5 

National  defense  act,  approved  June  3,  1916,  as  amended  to  include  Mar.  4.  1927. 
with  related  acts,  decisions  and  opinions ;  Pay  readjustment  act,  approved 
June  10,  1922,  as  amend*  d  to  include  Mar.  4,  1927.  with  related  acts,  decisions 
and  opinions.     July,  1927.     ii-f-112  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27742  W  3.2 :  N  21/6 

r.  '•>'.  Army  rccrutting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  9,  no.  21  and  22 ;  Nov.  1  and  15,  1927. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y..  Nov.  1  and  15.  1927.1 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°     t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island.  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45 :  927/21,  22 



Acfodynamics.     Simple   aerodynamics   and   the   airplane    [with   bibliography]  ; 
by  Charles  N.  Monteith.     Reprint   [with  changes]   of  3d  edition.  Nov.  1925. 
1927.     xxii+329  p.  il.     *  Paper,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27730  W  87.2 :  Ae  8/5,  3d  ed.  rep. 

Note. — The  first  issue  of  the  3d  edition  of  this  publication  was  prepared  by  the  Engi- 
neering;- Division  of  the  Air  Service,  but  when  the  Materiel  Division.  Air  Corps,  was 
organized  and  established  at  Dayton,  Ohio,  effective  Oct.  1926,  the  activities  of  the 
EngineeriQiT  Division  were  made  functions  of  the  Materiel  Division,  therefore  all  refer- 
ences to  the  Engineering  Division  contained  in  this  reprint  should  be  considered  as 
applying  to  the  Materiel  Division. 

Beams.  Precise  formulas  for  restrained  beam  with  axial  load  of  compression, 
equal  end  moments,  and  2  symmetrically  placed  side  loads.  Airplane  Section 
report;  by  A.  S.  Niles.  1927.  [2] +2  p.  il.  4"  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  infor- 
mation circular,  aviation,  v.  6,  no.  591,  Sept.  15.  1927.)     |      W  87.11/2 :  6/591 

Spars.  Progress  reports  on  experimental  metal  spars,  Airplane  Section  report : 
by  A.  S.  Niles,  jr.,  and  E.  C.  Friel.  1927.  [2] +24  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air 
Corps  information  circular,  aviation,  v.  6,  no.  590,  Aug.  26.  1927.')     t 

W  87.11  2  :  6/590 



NoTE. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  Xew  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Ofiice,  Old  Customhouse,  Detroit. 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Army 
Building,  New  York.  N.  Y. ;  467  Broadway.  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo. 
N.  Y. ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  showing 
localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any  of 
these  ofl5ces. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  changing 
conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  mav  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland.  Ohio,  and 
Oswego,  N.  T.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

HoTV   to    order   pultlications— See   Information   folloTvlng    Contents 

326  November,  1927 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  7,  Nov.  25,  1927,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bulletin 
36;  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S.  Lake 
Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.  [Nov.  IS,  1927].  p.  1-5+leaves  6-12-f-[2]  p. 
4"     t  W  33.3  :  36/8 


Report.  Annual  report  of  chief  of  Bureau  of  Insular  Affairs,  [fiscal  year] 
1927.     1927.     [11+33  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  W  6.1: 927. 


Report  of  surgeon  general,  Arm3%  to  Secretary  of  War,  [fiscal  year]  1927.  1927. 
xiii+501     p.     il.     [Includes     statistical     tables     for     calendar     year     1926.] 

*  Paper,  60e. 

L.  C.  card  6-35357  W  44.1 :  927 


National  Guard.  Manual  of  basic  training  and  standards  of  proficiency  for 
National  Guard:  v.  3.  Coast  artillery  (harbor  defense),  weapons  and  marks- 
man.ship.    small    arms.     1927.     iv+446    p.    il.    36°     (War  .  Dept.    doc.    918  ) 

*  Cloth,  $1.35. 

L.  C.  card  War  27-2  W  70.8 :  B  29/v.3  Art. 

Note. — This  and  the  2  following  publications  have  the  same  text.  The  subtitles  on 
the  title-pages,  the  subject  designations  on  p.  lii,  and  the  insignia  on  the  covers  are 
the  only   differences. 


Same:  v.  3.  Engineers,  weapons  and  marksmanship,  small  arms.     1927.  j 

iv+446  p.  il.  16°     (War  Dept.  doc.  918.)     *  Cloth,  $1.35.  | 

W  70.8  :  B  29/V.3  Engr.  j 

Sani!" :  v.  3,  Infantry,  rifle  companv,  weapons  and  marksmanship,  small  \ 

arms.     1927.     iv4  446  p.  il.  16°     (War  Dept.  doc.  918.)     *  Cloth.  $1.35.  , 

W  70.S :  B  29/V.3  Inf.  ; 

National  Guard  regulations,     t  j 

L.  C.  card  War  26-7  l 

Note. — The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 
2.       Explanations  and  definitions.  Change  1  ;  Oct.  15,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  70.7/4  :  2/ch.l    • 
20.        Commissioned  officers  of  National  Guard  ;  Nov.  1.  1927.     [1927.]     30  p. 

AY  70.7/4  :  30 
54.       I'rog;am  of  expenditures,  reservation  of  funds,  and  requisition  for  funds  ;  Nov.  1,   • 

iv'27.      [1927.]      4    p.  W  70.7/4: 54 

75-6.  Federal  property:  Expendible  property;  Sept.  16,  1927.      [1927.]      2  p. 

W  70.7/4  :  75-6 


Ordnanee.  Schedule  of  instruction  for  student  officers  in  artillery  design.  [Re- 
print] 1927.  iii+10  p.  (Design  manual,  note  no.  5.  artillery;  Ordnance 
Dept.  doe.  2047.)     $  W  34.25:  5/2 

Ordtmnce  provision  system.  Ordnance  provision  system :  Group  F,  Compass, 
lensatic,  M191S,  parts  and  equipment;  Sept.  16,  1927.  [1927.]  7  p.  il. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  F-14. )  [Supersedes  Review  list  F-14.  C.  O.  P.  S. 
no.  159,  Sept.  20,  1921.]     t  W  34.23:  F-14 

Same :  Group  F,  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  F ;  June  8,  1927.     [1927.] 

6  p.     ([Standard  nomenclature  list  F.  schedule  of  reviews.])      [Supersedes 
Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  F,  Feb.'l,  1926.]     %  W  34.23  :  F/2 


Cireular  letter  S2  [1927]  ;  Aug.  1,  1927.     1927.     [l]+20  p.  4°     [Title  is:  Freight  ' 
land-grant  equalization  agreements,  with  list  of  agreement  carriers ;  revised 
to  July  1.  1927.     Supersedes  all  previous  publications.     Usually  the  Circular 
letters  are  mimeographed  and  are  not  entered  in  this  catalogue.]     t 

W  77.22 :  927/82 

Ho'»v   to    order    imblicatioiis— See   iiiforniation    folloTvinsT    Contents 

o  I 

Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 


No.  397  V''        <i 

^-  "^'^  ^^ 

January,  1928    vC^^"       <b  ^^ 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

Folio f 

House H. 

House  bill- H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H,  J.  Res. 

House  report : H.  rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  Inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission I.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8* 

Page,  pages ■. p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,  plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto 4° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,   sections sec. 

Senate,  Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.  rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16° 

Table,  tables tab. . 

Thirtytwo-mo 32' 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12° 

Twentyfour-mo 24' 

Versus vs.,  v. 

Volume,  volumes -v.,  vol. 

Year yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 

*  Document  for  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  Issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 

t  Printed  for  official  use. 

NoTB. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  •  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  doo 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  When  size  is 
not  given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge 
of  border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were* 
ordered  to  be  printed.  TJsually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  extreme 
right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the  Office  of  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents. 




General  Information 397-398 

Agriculture  Department 399-406 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 400-401 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 401 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 40J. 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 401 

Entomology    Bureau 402 

Experiment  Stations  OflSce 402 

Porto  Rico  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 402 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration 402 

Forest  Service 402-403 

Information  Office 403 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 404-405 

Public  Roads  Bureau 405 

Soils  Bureau 405 

Weather  Bureau 405-406 

Architect  of  Capitol 406 

Civil  Service  Commission 406 

Commerce  Department 406-415 

Aeronautics   Branch 406-407 

Census  Bureau 407-408 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey ^ 408 

Fisheries  Bureau 408-409' 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 409^11 

Lighthouses   Bureau 411 

Mines  Bureau 411-412 

Navigation   Bureau _ 412 

Patent  Office 412^14 

Publications  Division 414 

Radio  Division 414 

Standards  Bureau 414-415 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 415 

Congress 415-459- 

Conference   Committees 416 

House  of  Representatives 416-446 

Accounts  Committee 416-417 

Agriculture  Committee 417 

Appropriations    Committee 417-418 

Civil  Service  Committee 418 

Claims  Committee 418-421 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 421 


IV  January,  1928 

Congress — Continued. 

House  of  Representatives — Continued.  Page 

Election    of   President,    Vice   President,    and    Representatives 

Committee 421 

Flood  Control  Committee 421 

Foreign  Affairs  Committee 422 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Committee 422 

Indian  Affairs  Committee 422-423 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Committee 423—129 









Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 

Judiciary  Committee 

Library  Committee 

Military  Affairs  Committee 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 

Patents   Committee 

Pensions  Committee 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Committee 

Printing  Committee 443 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 443-444 

Public  Lands  Committee 444-445 

Rules  Committee 445 

Territories  Committee 445-446 

Ways  and  Means  Committee 446 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Committee 446 

Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee 447 

National  Forest  Reservation  Commission 447 

Senate 447-459 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee 447-449 

Appropriations  Committee 449 

Claims  Committee 449-453 

Commerce  Committee 453-455 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 455 

Expenditures  in   Senatorial   Primary  and   General   Elections, 

Special  Committee  Investigating 455 

Indian  Affairs  Committee 455-456 

Interoceanic  Canals  Committee 456 

Interstate  Commerce  Committee 456 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 456 

Judiciary  Committee 456-457 

Military  Affairs  Committee 457 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 457 

Pensions  Committee 457 

Propaganda  or  Money  Alleged  to  Have  Been  Used  by  Foreign 
Governments  to  Influence  United  States  Senators,  Special 

Committee  to  Investigate 458 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 458 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Committee 458-459 

Territories  and  Insular  Possessions  Committee 459 

Useless  Executive  Papers,  Joint  Select  Committee  on  Disposition  of  _  459 

Court  of  Claims 459-461 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 461 

District  of  Columbia 461 

Federal  Reserve  Board 461 

January,  1928 


Federal  Trade  Commission 462 

General  Accounting  OflBce 462 

Geographic  Board 462 

Government  Printing  Office 462-463 

Documents  Office 462^63 

Interior  Department 463-465 

Education  Bureau 463 

Geological  Survey 464 

Pension  Bureau 464 

Actuaries    Board 464 

Reclamation  Bureau 464-465 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 465^84 

Justice  Department : 485-491 

Labor  Department 491-492 

Children's  Bureau 491 

Employment  Service 491 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 491-492 

"Women's  Bureau 492 

Library  of  Congress 492-493 

Card  Division 492 

Classification  Division 492 

Copyright  Office 492-493 

Documents  Division 493 

National  Academy  of  Sciences 493-^94 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 495 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers 495 

Navy  Department 495-500 

Engineering  Bureau 496 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 496-497 

Navigation  Bureau 497-500 

Hydrographic    Office 497-500 

Naval   Observatory 500 

Recruiting   Bureau 500 

Ordnance   Bureau 500 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 500 

Pan    American    Union 500-501 

Panama   Canal 502 

Health    Department 502 

Post  Office  Department 502-504 

Equipment  and  Supplies  Division 503 

Foreign  Mails  Division 503 

Postal   Savings  System 504 

Railway  Mail   Service 504 

Topography    Division 504 

President  of  United  States 504-505 

Shipping   Board 505-506 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 506 

Smithsonian    Institution 506 

National    Museum 506 

State  Department 506-508 

General  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico 508 

Mixed  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Germany 508 

Supreme  Court 508 

VI  January,  1928 


Tariff  Commission 508 

Tax  Appeals  Board 509 

Treasury  Department 509-514 

Budget  Bureau 509-510 

Coast  Guard 510-511 

Comptroller  of  Currency 511 

Customs  Court 511 

Engraving  and  Printing  Bureau 511 

General   Supply   Committee 511 

Government   Actuary 512 

Inter-American  High  Commission 512 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 512 

Loans  and  Currency  Division ^ 512 

Mint  Bureau 512 

Prohibition  Bureau 512 

Public  Health  Service 51^-514 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 514 

Treasurer  of  United  States 514 

"Veterans'  Bureau 514 

War  Department 514-521 

Adjutant  General's  Department 516 

Air  Corps 516 

Materiel    Division 516 

Army  and  Navy  Joint  Board 516 

Engineer  Department 516-520 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 519-520 

Finance    Department 520 

Judge  Advocate  General's  Department 520 

Militia  Bureau 520 

Ordnance   Department 520-521 

Signal   Office '. 521 

War   Finance   Corporation , —         521 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  is  authorized  Jo  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Office  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  wWch  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (J)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  official  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right ;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  56,  70-1. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (♦)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  ivill  not  be  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Ofla.ce  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Oflice, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,    Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,   Samoa,  or  to 



398  January,  1928 

Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  is 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  vrhich  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  OflSce  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  usting,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
vrould  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
Immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1,23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23* :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  Important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  397  JANUARY  1928 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  Issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  he  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Bindweed.  Experiments  with  sodium  clilorate  and  other  chemicals  as  herbi- 
cides for  field  bindweed  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  W.  L.  Latshaw  and 
J.  W.  Zahnley.  1927.  [2] +757-767  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  35,  no.  8,  Oct.  15,  1927.]    t  A  1.23/a  :  B  512 

Cattle.  Influence  of  position  of  cattle,  as  to  standing  and  lying,  on  rate  of 
metabolism ;  by  E.  B.  Forbes,  Max  Kriss,  Winf red  W.  Braman,  C.  D.  Jeffries, 
R.  W.  Swift,  Rowland  B.  French,  Russell  C.  Miller,  and  C.  V.  Smythe.  1928. 
[2] +947-960  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  10, 
Nov.  15,  1927.]    t  A  1.23/a  :  C  297/13 

Crops  and  markets.  Crops  and  markets,  Dec.  1927;  v.  4,  no.  12.  [1928.] 
p.  449-512,  il.  4°  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3  :  4/12 

Same,  Jan.  1928 ;  V.  5,  no.  1.     [1928.]     p.  1-32,  il.  4°     [Monthly.] 

A  36.11/3 :  5/1 

Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  9  and  10 ;  Nov.  1  and  15,  1927.  1927. 
cover-titles,  p.  769-960,  il.  6  p.  of  pi.  [Semimonthly.]  *  Paper,  20c.  single 
copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $5.00. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  35/9, 10 

Contents. — No.  9.  Supernumerary  chromosomes  in  Zea  mays  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  A.  E.  Longley. — Development  of  3  midseason  varieties  of  cabbage  resistant  to 
yellows  (Fusarium  couglutinans  Woll)  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  C.  Walker, 
John  Monteith,  jr.,  and  F.  L.  Wellman. — Bacterial  stripe  blight  of  oats ;  by  Charlotte 
Elliott. — Comparative  study  of  qulnhydrone  and  hydrogen  electrodes  for  determining 
hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  soils  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  F.  Snyder. — 
Nodular  lesions  in  spleen  of  swine  caused  by  Actinomyces  infection  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  G.  T.  Creech. — Modification  of  [Donald]  Bruce's  method  of  preparing 
timber-yield  tables;  by  L.  H.  Reineke. — Supplementary  relation  between  proteins  of 
corn  and  of  tankage  determined  by  metabolism  experiments  on  swine  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  H.  Mitchell  and  C.  H.  Kick. — No.  10.  Studies  in  natural 
hybridization  of  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Clyde  E.  Leighty  and  J.  W. 
Taylor. — Relation  of  atmospheric  humidity  to  deterioration  of  evaporated  apples  in 
storage  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Charles  W.  Culpepper  and  Joseph  S.  Cald- 
well.— Dehulling  barley  seed  with  sulphuric  acid  to  induce  infection  with  covered  smut ; 
by  Fred  N.  Briggs. — Growth  of  Bacillus  radicicola  on  artificial  media  containing  various 
plant  extracts  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  F.  E.  Allison. — Relation  of  tempera- 
ture to  growth  of  Penicillium  italicum  and  P.  digitatum  and  to  citrus  fruit  decay  pro- 
duced by  these  fungi ;  by  H.  S.  Fawcett  and  W.  R.  Barger.— Resistance  of  certain 
varieties  of  winter  wheat  to  artificially  produced  low  temperatures  ;  by  Donald  D.  Hill 
and  S.  C.  Salmon. — Relation  between  water  and  potash  in  plant  production  ;  by  Fred  W. 
Morse. — Influence  of  position  of  cattle,  as  to  standing  and  lying,  on  rate  of  metabolism ; 
,y„^-  ^-  Forbes,  Max  Kriss.  and  Winfred  W.  Braman,  with  collaboration  of  C.  D. 
Jeffries,  R.  W.  Swift.  Rowland  B.  French,  Russell  C.  Miller,  and  C.  V.  Smythe. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
With  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  It  is 
distributed  free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to 
large  universities,  technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges 
with  the  Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the 
buperintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  foIloTrlngr  Contents 


400  January,  1928 

Milk.  Effect  of  inanition  upon  yield  and  composition  of  cows'  milk  [\vith  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  O.  R.  Overman  and  K.  E.  Wright.  1927.  [2]  +637-644 
p.  il.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  C  839/15 

Official  record,  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.  7,  no.  1-4 ;  Jan.  4-25,  1928.     [1928.] 
Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  7/1-4 

Quarantine  on  account  of  European  corn  borer  revised,  Notice  of  quarantine  43 
(6th  I'evision)    [with  rules  and  regulations],  effective  Jan.  1,  1928.     [1928.] 
6  p.     (Federal  Horticultural  Board.)     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  12-1522  A  35.5 :  43/6th  rev. 

Solanaceous  plants.  Cytological  studies  on  virus  diseases  of  solanaceous  plants 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Isme  A.  Hoggan.  1927.  cover-title,  p.  651- 
671,  il.  3  p.  of  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1, 
1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  694/19 

Swine.  Supplementary  relation  between  proteins  of  corn  and  of  tanl^ge  de- 
termined by  metabolism  experiments  on  swine  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  H.  H.  Mitchell  and  C.  H.  Kick.  1927.  [2] +857-864  p.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  9,  Nov.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Sw64/4 


Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,   Jan.   1,   1928; 
v.  12,  no.  1.     [1928.]     24  p.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15  :  12/1 

Cattle.  Costs  and  methods  of  fattening  beef  cattle  in  corn  belt,  1919-23 ;  by 
R.  H.  Wilcox,  R.  D.  Jennings,  G.  W.  Collier,  W.  H.  Black,  and  E.  W.  Mc- 
Comas.  Dec.  1927.  cover-title,  114  p.  il.  2  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical 
bulletin  23.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Animal  Industry  Bureau  and 
Agi'icultural  Experiment  Stations  of  Illinois,  Indiana,  Iowa,  Missouri,  and 
Nebraska.  Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-800  A  1.36 :  23 

Crops.  Crop  and  livestock  reports  [Dec.  1927;  Price  situation].  [1928.]  450^ 
451+510-511  p.  4'     [From  CiX)ps  and  markets,  v.  4,  no.  12.]     t 

A  36.ll/3a  :  C  883/5 

European  corn-borer.  Farm  practices  under  corn-borer  conditions ;  [by  Jesse 
W.  Tapp,  George  W.  Collier,  and  C.  R.  Arnold].  [Jan.  1928.]  ii+21  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1562.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Entomology  Bureau.  Ohio  State  University,  Michigan  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station,  and  Michigan  Agricultural  Extension  SerAuce.]  *  Pai>er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-15  A  1.9  :  1562 

Farms.  Family  living  from  fann,  data  from  30  farming  localities  in  21  States, 
1918-22  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  H.  W.  Hawthorne.  Aug.  1925  [reprint 
1927].  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  bulletin  1338.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  Agr  25-983  A  1.3  :  1338/1-2 

Oermany.     Agricultural   survey   of   Europe :  Germany ;    by   Louis   G.   Michael. 
May,  1926,  [reprint]  1927.    cover-title,  112  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Depart- 
ment bulletin  1399. )     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-869  A  1.3  :  1399/1-2 

Marketing  of  farm  produce.     Joint  use  of  sales  organization  by  2  cooperative 
associations;    by    Kelsey   B.    Gardner.      Nov.    1927.     32  p.    il.      (Agriculture 
Dept.  Circular  10. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-4  A  1.4/2 :  10 

Marketing  farm  produce  by  parcel  post;    [by  Lewis  B.  Flohr].      [Jan. 

1928.]    ii+54  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1551.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-9  A  1.9 :  1551 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

January,  1928  401 

Marketinff  of  farm  produce — Continued. 

Marketing  onions ;  by  Alexander  E.  Cance  and  George  B.  Fiske.     July, 

1925,   [reprint]   1927.     cover-title,  71  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department 
bulletin  1325.)      [Includes  lists  of  Agriculture  Department  and  State  publi- 
cations relating  to  onions.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-982  A  1.3 :  1325/1-2 

Service  announcements.    Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  no.  109 :  Items 
relating  to  adjninistration  of  cotton  futures  and  cotton  standards  acts.    Jan. 
1928.    13  p.    *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  15-199  A  36.5  :  109 


Angora  goat;  [by  G.  P.  Williams].  [Dec.  1921,  revised  Nov.  1926,  reprint 
1927.]  ii+22p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' bulletin  1203.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1  A  1.9 :  1203/2-2 

Guinea  fowl,  [by  Andrew  S.  Weiant ;  revised  by  Alfred  R.  Lee].     [Mar.  1924, 
revised  May,  1926,  reprint  1927.]     ii+13  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1391. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-282  A  1.9 :  1391/2-2 

Poultry.  Incubation  and  brooding  of  chickens;  [by  M.  A.  Jul!  and  A.  R.  Lee]. 
[Jan;  1928.]  ii+28  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' bulletin  1538.)  [This 
biiUetin  is  a  revision  of  Farmers'  buletin  1363,  Natural  and  artificial  incuba- 
tion of  hens'  eggs,  and  Farmers'  bulletin  1376,  Natural  and  artificial  brooding 
of  chickens.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-12  A  1.9 :  1538 

Service  announcements.     Service   and   regulatory   announcements,   Dec.    1927; 
[no.]  248.    Jan.  1928.    p.  101-110.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  248 

Stvine  sanitation  system  as  developed  by  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry  in  McLean 
County,  111.  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  H.  B.  Raffensperger  and  J.  W. 
Connelly.     Nov.   1927.     20  p.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin   44.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-3  A  1.36 :  44 


Birds.  Returns  from  banded  birds,  1923-26 ;  by  Frederick  C.  Lincoln.     Dec. 

1927.  cover-title,  96  p.  il.  3  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin 

32.)  [Includes  lists  of  references  in  foot-notes.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-813                                                                                     A  1.36 :  32 


Cow  tester's  handbook,  by  J.  C.  McDowell ;  revised  by  Joseph  B.  Parker.    Nov. 
1924,  revised  Dec.  1927.     1927.     cover-title,  24  p.  il.  16°     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Miscellaneous  circular  26.)      [Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-14  A  1.5/2 :  26/2 

Food  for  cattle.  Relative  assimilation  by  dairy  cows  of  clover  and  alfalfa  hays 
and  of  rations  of  different  calcium  and  phosphorus  content  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited] ;  by  William  A.  Turner,  T.  Swann  Harding,  and  Arthur  M.  Hart- 
man.  1927.  [2] +625-635  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v. 
35,  no.  7.  Oct.  1,  1927.]     $  A  1.23/a  :  C  839/14 

Milk.    Eflfect  of  feeding  turnips  on  flavor  and  odor  of  milk ;  by  C.  J.  Babcock, 
Nov.  15,  1923  [reprint  1927].    8  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Department  bulle- 
tin 1208.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1479  A  1.3  :  1208/1-2 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  Information  folIoTvlns  Contents 

402  January,  1928 


European  red  mite.    Experiments  for  control  of  European  red  mite  and  other 
fruit-tree  mites ;  by  E.  J.  Newcomer  and  M.  A.  Yothers.    Nov.  1927.    34  p.  11. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  25.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-10  A  1,36:  25 

Oreeti-'bug  or  spring  grain-aphis,  how  to  prevent  its  periodical  outbreaks;  [by] 
W.  R.  Walton.     [June,  1921,  reprint  with  changes]  1927.     [2] -1-6  p.  il.     (Ag- 
riculture Dept    Farmers'  bulletin  1217.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-788  A  1.9 :  1217/1-3 

Honey.  It's  all  good  honey;  [poster].  Eastern  Offset  Inc.,  Baltimore  [1928]. 
29.8  X  20.9  in.    *  15c.  A  9.9 :  H  75/2 

Horse-flies.     Experimental   dissemination   of   tabanid   egg   parasite   Phanurus 
emersoni  Girault  and  biological  notes  on  species ;  by  D.  C.  Parman.     Jan. 
1928.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Circular  18.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-8  A  1.4/2 :  18 


Experiment  station  record.  Experiment  station  record,  v.  56 ;  index  number. 
1927.  cover-title,  xvii+901-1001  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol. 
(2  vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol. 

L..  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6 :  56/ind. 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 

Same,  v.  58,  no.  1 ;  Jan.  1928.    1928.    cover-title,  x+1-100  p.     A  10.6 :  58/1 

Same,  v.  58,  no.  2;  Feb.  1928.    1928.    cover-title,  ix-f  101-200  p. 

A  10.6 :  58/2 


ParadichloroVenzene  as  anthelmintic  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  G. 
Dilcmans.  1927.  [2] -1-645-649  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
t.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1,  1927.]     t  A1.23/a  :  P211 


Food.  Notices  of  judgment  under  food  and  drugs  act  15201-250.  Dec.  1927. 
p.  109-129.     *  Paper,  5c.  A46.6 :  15201-250 


Forest   icorker,    Jan.   1928;    [v.    4,    no.    1].     [1928.]     ii-h22    p.     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-838  A  13.19  :  928/1 

Forests  and  forestry.    America  and  the  world's  woodpile ;  by  Raphael  Zon  and 
William  N.  Sparhawk.     Jan.  1928.     16  p.  il.  map.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Cir- 
cular 21.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-5  A  1.4/2 :  21 

Forestry  and  farm  income;  [by  Wilbur  R.  Mattoon].  [Aug.  1920,  cor- 
rected Jan.  1923,  reprint  1927.]  36  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept  Farmers' 
bulletin  1117.)  [Includes  list  of  Agriculture  Department  publications  relat- 
ing to  forestry  for  the  farm.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1788  A  1.9 :  1117/1-6 

Forests  and  floods;  by  Ward  Shepard.  Jan.  1928.  24  p.  il.  (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     Circular  19. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-7  A  1.4/2 :  19 

National  forests.  Information  regarding  employment  on  national  forests.  13th 
revision.     Jan.  1928.     3  p.     t  A  13.2 :  N21/11/928 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  information  folIOTringr  Contents 

January,  1928  403 

Tiitiier.  Modification  of  [Donald]  Bruce's  method  of  preparing  timber-yield 
tables:  by  L.  H.  Reineke.  1927.  [2] +843-856  p.  il.  [From  Jounial  of  agri- 
cultural research,  v.  35,  no.  9.  Nov.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  T481/2 

Wichita  National  Forest  and  Game  Preserve.  Souvenir,  Wichita  National 
Forest  and  Game  Preserve,  Okla.,  prevent  forest  fires.  Revised  Dec.  1927. 
[1928.]      [4]   p.  il.  24°     t  A13.2:W63/2 

Wood-lots.     Care   and    improvement    of    farm    woods;    [by    C.    R.    Tillotson]. 
[Revised  Nov.  1920,  reprint  1927.]     24  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1177.)      [Mar.  1916.  on  p.  2,  is  the  original  date  of  issue  of  Farmers' 
bulletin  711.  of  which  Farmers'  bulletin  1177  is  a  revision.]     *  Paiier.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-21  A  1.9 :  1177/1-7 


Mount  Hood  National  Forest,  Greg.,  its  purposes  and  resources.  1927.  1  sheet 
(with  map  on  verso),  il.  large  4°,  folded  into  narrow  8°  size  and  so  printed 
as  to  number  15  p.     t  A  13.13 :  M86/3/927 

Natural  Bridge  National  Forest,  Va.  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.;  by  H.  M.  Sears].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  large 
4",  folded  into  narrow  8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  18  p.     t 

A  13.13 :  N21/10 

Banta  Barbara  National  Forest,  Calif,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.].  1927.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  f,  folded  into  8" 
size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [1]-|-19+[1]  p.     f  A  13.13:  Sa5tab 


Agriculture  Department.  List  of  publications  of  Department  of  Agriculture, 
Jan.  1901-Dec.  1925 ;  compiled  by  comparison  with  originals  by  Mabel  G. 
Hunt.  1927.  v+182  p.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  9.) 
[Supplementary  to  Bulletin  6,  Division  of  Publications,  issued  in  1902,  but 
duplicating  that  list  for  Jan.-June.  1901.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-797  A  1.38 :  9 

Farmers'  bulletins.  Classified  list  of  Farmers'  bulletins  of  Department  of 
Agriculture,  Jan.  15,  1928.     [1928.]     [3]  p.     (List  no.  2.)     t        A  21.9/8 :2,/ll 

Farmers'   bulletins   1276-1300,    [title-page]    with   contents:    prepared"  in 

Indexing  Section.     1928.     [l]+6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1276-1300 

Same  1301-25,  [title-page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]-f6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1301-1325 

• Same  1326-50,  [title-page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]+8  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1326-1350 

Same  1351-75,  [title-page]  with  contents ;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]+7p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1351-1375 

Same  1376-1400,  [title-page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing  Sec- 
tion.    1928.     [l]-f7  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1376-1400 " 

Same  1401-25,   [title-page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]+7  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1401-1425 

■ Same  1426-50,   [title-page]  with  contents ;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]-f6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1426-1450 

■ Same  1451-75,  [title-page]  with  contents ;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]+9  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9 :  1451-1475 

Same  1476-1500,  [title-page]  with  contents ;  prepared  in  Indexing  Section. 

1928.     [l]+8  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9  :  147&-1500 

■ [Farmers']  bulletins  of  Department  of  Agriculture  of  interest  to  persons 

who  live  in  cities  and  towns.     1928.     1  p.     (List  no.  3.)     t      A  21.9/8: 3/8 

Numerical  list  of  Farmers'  bulletins  of  Department  of  Agriculture,  Jan. 

15,1928.     [1928.]      [3]  p.     (List  no.  1.)     f  A  21.9/8 :  1/11 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTFinar  Contents 

404  January,  1928 


Alfalfa.     How  to  grow  alfalfa;  [by  R.  A.  Oakley  and  H.  L.  Wewtover].     [Dec. 
1922,  revised  Jan.   1928.]      [1928.]     11+30  p.   11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farm- 
ers' bulletin  1283.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-319  A  1.9  :  1283/3 

Barberry.     Bread  or  barberries;    [by  Edith  M.  Patch].     Jan.  1928.     il+14  p. 
il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Miscellaneous  publication  7.)      [Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion with  Maine  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-11  A  1.  38 :  7 

Black  rot.  Cytological  study  of  Ceratostomella  adiposum  (Butl.)  comb,  nov., 
black-rot  fungus  of  sugar  cane ;  by  George  B.  Sartoris.  1927.  [2]  +577-585 
p.  11.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  Su  32/19 

Chrysanthemums  for  the  home;  [by  B.  Y.  Morrison].     [Nov.  1923,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+17  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1311.)     *  Paper,   5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1483  A  1.9 :  1311/1-3 

<y07'n  breeding   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Frederick  D.  Richey.     Nov. 

1927.     cover-title,  64  p.  il.  12  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Department  bul- 
letin 1489.)      *  Paper,  25c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-6  A  1.3  :  1489 

Easter  lily.    Production  of  Easter  lily  in  northern  climates ;  by  David  Griffiths. 
Aug.  12,  1921   [reprint  1927].     29  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Bulletin  962.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-881  A  1.3  :  962/1-2 

Hydrogerb-ion  concentration.  Comparative  study  of  quinhydrone  and  hydrogen 
electrodes  for  determining  hydrogen-ion  concentration  of  soils  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  F.  Snyder.  1927.  [2] +825-834  p.  il.  [lYom  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  9,  Nov.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  So  34/72 

Mosaic  disease.  Soil  factors  influencing  development  of  mosaic  disease  in 
winter  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  Robert  W.  Webb.  1927. 
cover-title,  p.  587-614,  il.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  University  of  Wis- 
consin Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search, V.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a  :  W  56/74 

Narcissus.    Production  of  narcissus  bulbs;  by  David  Griffiths.     Oct.   11,  1924 
[reprint  1927].    32  p.  11.  1  pi.  8  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dejpt.   Department 
bulletin  1270.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-815  A  1.3  :  1270/1-3 

Plants.  Effect  of  absorption  by  plants  on  concentration  of  soil  solution ;  by 
Carl  S.  Scofield.  1927.  [2] +745-756  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search, V.  35,  no.  8,  Oct.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  694/18 

Pop-corn.  Factors  affecting  popping  quality  of  pop  corn ;  by  J.  G.  Willier  and 
Arthur  M.  Brunson.  1927.  [2] +615-624  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricul- 
tural research,  v.  35,  no.  7,  Oct.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  81 

Potatoes.     Seed  potatoes   and   how   to   produce   them;    [by   William   Stuart]. 
[May,  1923,   revised  Nov.  1927.]     [1927.]     11+18  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1332.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-745  A  1.9  :  133^/4 

Smuts  of  wheat  and  rye  and  their  control ;  [by  W.  H,  Tlsdale  and  V.  F.  Tapke]. 
[Dec.    1927.]     ii+17    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.    Farmers'    bulletin    1540.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-1  A  1.9  :  1540 

Wheat.  Comparative  studies  of  winter  hardiness  in  wheat  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  John  H.  Martin,  1927.  cover-title,  p.  493-535,  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  6,  Sept.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  W  56/75 

HoT7  to  order  publications— See  Information  folloirlng;  Contents 

January,  1928  405 

Whea  t — Continued. 

Rate  and  date  of  seeding  and  seed-bed  preparation  for  winter  wheat  at 

Arlington  experiment  farm ;  by  C.  E.  Leighty  and  J.  W.  Taylor.     Nov.  1927. 

20  p.  il.     (Agi-iculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  38.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-2  A  1.36 :  38 


Concrete.  Action  of  sulphate  water  on  concrete,  further  tests  of  specimens 
immersed  in  Medicine  Lake,  S.  Dak. ;  reported  by  Dalton  G.  Miller.  [1927.] 
p.  203-212,  il.  4°     [From  Public  roads,  v.  8,  no.  9,  Nov.  1927.]     t 

A  22.6/a  :  O  749 

Plain  concrete  for  farm  use;   [by  T.  A.  H.  Miller].     [Oct.  1922,  reprint 

1928.]      [2] +28  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1279.)      *  Paper, 


L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1245  A  1.9 :  1279/1-5 

Irrigation  of  alfalfa;  [by  Samuel  Fortier].     [Revised  Oct.  1925,  reprint  1927.] 
ii+37  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept  Farmers'  bulletin  865.)      [Nov.  1909,  on  p.  ii, 
is  the  original  date  of  issue  of  Farmers'  bulletin  373,  of  which  Farmers' 
bulletin  865  is  a  revision.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-25  A  1.9  :  865/3-2 

PuMic  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8.  no.  11 ;  Jan.  1928.  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  231-250,  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  A  22.6  :  8/11 


<}ilroy,  Calif.  Soil  survey  of  Gilroy  area,  Calif,  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  Stanley  W.  Cosby  and  E.  B.  Watson.  1927.  iv+599-642  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  p. 
of  pi.  map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  University  of  California  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station.     From  Field  operations,  1923.]     *  Paper,  25c. 

A  26.5/a  :  G  427 

Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14,  no,  10;  Oct.  1927. 
[1927.]  cover-title,  [208]  p.  il.  2  p.  of  maps,  4°  *  Paper,  35c.  complete 
monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-56G  A  29.29  :  14/10 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  Dec.  1927. 
[Jan.  3,  1928.]     [2]  p.  large  8"    t  A  29.30  :  927/12 

Monthly  iceather  review,  Oct.  1927 ;  v.  55,  no.  10.     [Dec.  30]  1927.    cover-title, 
p.  437^83,  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  10  p.  of  maps,  4°    *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  55/10 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (3)  climatological  tables  dealing 
with  the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows  :  (a) 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United 
States  or  other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological 
papers  and  books,  and  (c)  notes. 

Special  akticles. —  [H.  C]  Frankenfleld  on  the  1927  floods  in  Mississippi  Valley; 
[abstract]  by  A.  .T.  Henry. — Some  inundations  attending  tropical  cyclone.'?  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  I.  R.  Tannehill. — Relation  of  spring  temperatures  to  apple 
yields  [with  list  of  literature  cited];  by  W.  A.  Mattice. — On  measure  of  correlation; 
by  [Sir]  Gilbert  T.  Walker. — Note  on  theorems  of  [W.  H.]  Dines  and  [Sir  Gilbert  T.] 
Walker ;  by  Edgar  W.  Woolard. — Influence  of  precipitation,  [by  Robert  Marshall ;  ab- 
stract by  A.  J.  H.]. — Typhoons  and  depressions:  Five  typhoons  over  the  Far  East  in 
Oct.  1927  ;  by  Jos6  Coronas. 

Snoic  and  ice  bulletin,  no.  4^7,  winter  1927-28 ;  Jan.  2-23,  1928.  Jan.  4-25,  1928. 
Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4°     [Weekly  during  winter.]     *  Paper,  50c.  per  season. 

A  29.16 :  928/4-7 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTvlngr  Contents 

406  January,  1928 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Jan,  3-31,  1928;  no.  1-5,  1928. 
Jan.  4-Feb.  1,  1928.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2  :  928/1-5 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Jan.  3-31,  1928.  1st  edition.  [1928.]  Each 
16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  stations 
throughout  the  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be 
furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A 29.18:  928 

.  Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  Jan.  1-31,  1928.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1928.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain  as 
much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a  yr. 
(maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  928 

Weather  outlook,  Jan.  9-Feb.  4  [1928].  Jan.  7-28.  1928.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the 
forecast  center  at  Washington,  D.  C]     t  A  29.38 :  928/79-82 

jsjOTE. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows:  Washington.  D.  C.  (District 
1  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
rJistrict  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicaaio,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region.  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Report.    Annual  x-eport  of  architect  of  Capitol,  year  ended  June  30,  1927.     1928. 
iii+32  p.      (S.  doc.  8,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  11-34725 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  giatuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Postmasters.  Information  regarding  postmaster  positions  filled  through  nomi- 
nation by  the  President  for  confirmation  by  Senate.  Dec.  1927.  6  p.  (Form 
2223. )     t  CS  1.6 :  P  84/22/927 


NoTH. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  libraries,  etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  be 
submitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Organisation.  United  States  Department  of  Commerce.  [1927.]  9  p.  [From 
Congressional  dii'ectory,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  1st  edition,  Dec.  1927. 
Reprinted  for  use  in  answering  inquiries  concerning  organization  and  func- 
tions of  Department  of  Commerce.]     t  C  1.2  :  Or  3/3/927 


Airway  bulletin.  Airway  bulletin  9  and  52  revised,  245-272 ;  Dec.  12,  1927-Jan. 
7,1928.    [1928.]     Each  3  p.  or  2  p.  il.  12°     (Information  Division.)     t 

C  23.7  :  9/2,  etc. 

Same,  54  and  170;  May  10  and  Aug.  26,  1927.     [Reprint  1928.]     Each 

3  p.  12"*     (Information  Division.)      t  C  23.7 :  54/2,  etc. 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTcingr  Contents 

January,  1928  407 

Aiitcay  maps 

Chicago,  lU.,  to  Milwaukee,  Wis. ;  airway  map  no.  111.  Scale  10  ni.=1.3  in., 
scale  1:500,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  1927.  17.8X10.2 
in.     t  35c.  C  23.10/1 :  111 

Dallas  [Tex.]  to  Oklahoma  City  [Okla.]  ;  airway  map  no.  102.  Scale  10  m.= 
1.3  in.,  scale  1:500.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  1927. 
29.4X  10.2  in.     1 35c.  C  23.10/1 :  102 

Kansas  City,  Mo.,  to  Moline,  111. ;  air  navigation  map  no.  105.  Scale  10  m.= 
1.3  in.,  scale  1:500,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.  1927. 
40.2X10.2  in.     t  35e.  C  23.10  '1  :  105 

United  States.  Airway  [distances]  map  of  United  States.  Scale  309  ni.= 
0.9  in.  [Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sui-vey]  Nov.  1,  1927.  5  7X8.8  in. 
t  C  23.10/2 :  D  63 

Airwav   map   of   United    States.     Scale    300   m.=0.9   in.     [Washington, 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey]  Nov.  1,  1927.     6X9.2  in.     t  C  23.10/2  :Ai  7 

U.  S.  airways  [showing  lighted  and  non-lighted  portions]  as  of  Dec.  31, 

1927.     [Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  1928.]     7X9.1  in.     t 

C  23.10/2 :  L  62 


Agriculture.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925,  reports  for  States,  with 
statistics  for  counties  and  summary  for  United  States :  pt.  3,  Western  States. 
1927.  x+512  p.  il.  [Prepared  under  supervision  of  William  Lane  Austin, 
chief  statistician  for  agriculture,  assisted  by  Morris  J.  Hole.  Leon  E.  Trues- 
dell.  Sherman  S.  Slick,  George  B.  Wetzel,  and  Margaret  A.  Patch.]  *  Cloth, 
L.  C.  card  27-27849  C  3.31/1 :  925/pt.  3 

Business.  Survey  of  current  business,  Jan.  1928,  no.  77 ;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  and 
Bureau  of  Standards.  1928.  cover-title,  52  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Contains 
statistics  for  Nov.  1927,  and  items  covering  December  received  up  to  Dec. 
28,  the  date  given  above,  Jan.  1928,  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p.  2-^ 
of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  10c.,  semiannual  numbers 
25c.),  $1.50  a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33 :  928/1 

Same,   weekly   supplement,   Jan.   2-30,    1928.     [1927-28.]     Each   3   p.    or 

4  p.  il.  4°  [Included  in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which 
see  above.]  C 3.34 :  928/1-5 

Cotton.  December  report  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  imjwrted,  and  exported, 
and  active  cotton  spindles.  Jan.  13,  1928.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  fonn.]     t  C  3.21 :  927-28/5 

Report  on  cotton  ginning,  number  of  bales  of  cotton  ginned  from  growth 

of  1927  prior  to  Jan.  16,  1928,  and  comparative  statistics  to  corresponding 
date  in  1927  and  1926.  Jan.  23,  1928.  oblong  32"  [Preliminary  report 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.20  :  927-28/9 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  5  months  ending  Dec.  31, 
1927  and  1926.  Jan.  12,  1928.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products 
are  for  4  months  ending  Nov.  30.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is 
issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25  :  927-28/5 

Lumber.    Forest  products,  1926:  Lumber,  lath,  and  shingles;  compiled  in  coop- 
eration   with    Department    of    Agriculture,    Forest    Service.      1927.      23    p. 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26494  C  3.12/7 :  L  97/926 

Ho'w  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTvlngr  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 2 

408  January,  1928 

Manufactures.    Census  of  manufactures,  1927 :  Classes  of  establishments  which 
are  not  to  be  canvassed ;  excerpts  from  instructions  for  preparing  reports. 
1928.    8  p.  narrow  12°    % 
L.  C.  card  27-27879  C  3.24/6a  :  Es  81 

Unitarians.    Census  of  religious  bodies.  1926 :  Unitarians,  statistics,  denomina- 
tional history,  doctrine,  and  organization.     1928.     12  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  28-26015  C  3.35/a  :  Un  3 


NoiK. — -The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  lias  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast  and  Oeodetio  Survey  bulletin,   Dec.  31,   1927 ;   no.   151.      [1928.]     8   p. 
[Monthly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20  :  151 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot,  Paciiic  Coast,  California, 
Oregon,  and  Washington,  4th  edition,  1926.  Dec.  3,  1927.  [l]+22  leaves. 
( Serial  403. )     t  C  4.7/1 :  926/  supp.  2 

• United  States  coast  pilot,  Philippine  Islands :  pt.  1,  Luzon,  Mindoro,  and 

Visayas;    [by   R.    J.   Christman].     2d   edition.     1927.     iv+396   p.    il.    map. 
(Serial  399.)     *  Cloth,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  19-27608  C  4.18/5  : 1/2 


California,  Greenwood  to  Fort  Bragg,  surveys  to  1926  and  other  sources  [with 
insets]  ;  chart  5703.     Scale  1 :  40,000.     Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sur- 
vey, Dec.  1927.     42.9X27.8  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9:  5703 
Albion,  Approaches  to. 
Fort  Bragg  Landing. 
Greenwood  Landing. 
Russian  Gulch  Landing. 

Philadelphia  and  Camden  waterfronts.  Pa.-N.  J.,  surveys  to  1925,  surveys  by 
U.  S.  engineers  to  1927,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Navy  to  1927  and  other  sources; 
chart  280.  Scale  1 :  15,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan. 
1928.     40.7X33.9  in.     1 75c.  C  4.9:  280 


Biology.     Progress  in  biological  inquiries,  1926,  including  Proceedings  of  divi- 
sional conference,  Jan.  4-7,  1927;  by  Elmer  Higgins.     1928.     [1+515-]     681 
p.  il.     (Bureau  of  Fisheries  doc.  1029.)     [App.  7,  report  of  commissioner  of 
fisheries,  1927.     Page  515  is  incorrectly  numbered  517.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  F  21-2  C  6.1 :  927/app.  7 

Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish,  Dec.  15,  1927.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  8°  ( Statistical 
Imlletin  768.)      [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

C  6.5 :  768 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  Jan.  S,  1928;  no.  152.     [1928.]     7  p.     [Monthly.]     % 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  C  6.9: 152 

Fishery  industries  of  United  States,  1926  [with  list  of  earlier  publications  re- 
lating to   fisheries   of  Maryland   and   Virginia]  ;   by   Oscar   E.    Sette.     1928. 
[1] +337-483  p.      (Bureau  of  Fisheries  doc.  1025.)      [App.  5,  report  of  com- 
missioner of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  F  19-41  C  6.1 :  927/app.  5 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Boston  and  GloiTcester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  Nov.  1927.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  f"  (Statistical  bulletin  766.) 
t  C  6.5  :  766 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  follOTvlns  Contents 


January,  1928  409 

Fishery  products — Continued. 

Statement  of  (luantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed 

at    Seattle.    Wash.,    by   American  fishing  ves-sels,    Nov.    1927.     11>28.   1   p.   4" 
(Sratistical  bulletin  767.)     t  C  6.5:  767 

ij-rccmoood,  Miss.  Annotated  list  of  fishes  collected  in  vicinity  of  Greenwood, 
Miss.,  with  descriptions  of  3  new  species  [and  with  bibliography]  ;  by  Samuel 
F.  Ilildebrand  and  Irving  L.  Towers.  1928.  [l]+l();>-i:^6  p.  il.  large  8° 
([Bureau  of  Fisheries]  doc.  1027.)  [From  Bulletin,  v.  4:i.  pt.  2.]  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  F  28-2  C  6.3/ a  :  G  S59 

St.  Lottis,  Mo.     Trade  in  fresh  and  frozen  fishery  products  and  related  marlcet- 
ing  c(msideratious  in  greater  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  by  R.  H.  Fiedler.     1928.     [1]  + 
485-5^14  p.  il.     (Bureau  of  Fisheries  doc.  1026.)      [App.  6,  reixnt  of  commis- 
sioner of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  F  28-1  C  6.1 :  927/app.  6 


Advertising  for  community  pi'omotion ;  by  Wroe  Alderson.  1927.  v-f44  p.  il. 
(Domestic  commerce  series  21  :  Domestic  Commerce  Division.)  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26022  C  18.28 :  21 

Automotive  market  of  New  Zealand;  by  Julian  B.  Foster.  [Jan.  1928.]  ii-|-14 
p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  527;  [Automotive  Division].)  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26028  C  18.25  :  527 

Budgets.     Latin  American  budgets :  pt.  3,  Columbia  and  Venezuela  ;  by  James 
C.Corliss.     [Jan.  1928.]     ii-|-45  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  .524  ;  Finance 
and  Investment  Division.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26796  C  18.25 :  524 

China.     Sales  territories  in  China  [with  list  of  sources]  ;  by  Charles  K.  Moser. 
1927.     [l]-|-40  p.  il.  narrow   8°     (Division   of   Regional   Information.)     ''< 
L.  C.  card  28-26012  C  18.2  :  C  44/4 

Commerce.     Commerce  yearbook,   1926 :   v.   2,  Foreign  countries   and   noncon- 
tiguous territories  of  United  States.     1927.  vi4-642  p.  il.  9  maps.     *  Cloth, 
L.  C.  card  23-20993  C  18.26  :  926/v.  2 

Monthly   summary    of   foreign    commerce    of   United    States,    Nov.    1927. 

1927-28.     2  pts.  p.  1-72  and  ii+73-92  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  10c.  single  copy, 
*  pt.  2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub-scription,  $1.85. 

L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  18.7  :  928/5-1,  5-2 

Same.    1927.     [12  pts.  in  1],  92  p.  4"     (H.  doc.  37,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Trade  of  Pacific  Coast  States  with  west  coast  of  South  America ;   by 

Spencer  B.  Greene  and  Rohert  M.  Lane.     [Jan.  1928.]  n+2Q  p.     (Trade  in- 
formation bulletin  525;  Division  of  Regional  Information.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26011  C  18.25 :  525 

Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports  from  American  con- 
sular oflScers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Commerce  in  foreign 
countries,  no.  1-5 ;  Jan.  2-30,  1928.  1928.  cover-titles,  p.  1-320,  il.  4°  [Text 
and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  928/1-5 

Electric  machinery.     Southern  Wales  as  market  for  electrical  machinery  and 
supplies;  by  Ralph  C.  Busser.     [Jan.  1928.]     ii-|-26  p.     (Trade  information 
bulletin  526;  [Electrical  Equipment  Division].)     [The  date  of  issue  is  incor- 
rectly given  on  p.  ii  as  Jan.  1927,  instead  of  Jan.  1928.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26019  C  18.25 :  526 

Industrial  machinery:  German  textile  machinery  business  sought  by  Great  Brit- 
ain; [by]  Fayette  W.  Allport.  [1927.]  2  p.  4°  [From  Commerce  reports, 
Dec.  19,  1927.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  M 184/14 

HoTi-  to  order  publications— See  Information  follOTvlngr  Contents 

410  January,  1928 

Leather  production  and  trade  of  Canada ;  by  J.  Schnitzer.     [Jan.  1928.]     ii+11 
p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  528;  Hide  and  Leather  Division.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  28-26024  C  18.25 :  528 

Leipgig  Techmcal  Show;  [by]  Theodore  Pilger.  [1928.]  2  p.  il.  4°  [From 
Commerce  reports,  Jan.  2,  1928.]     t  C  18.5/la  :  L  534 

NatioTMl  Gernmn  Machinerp  Manufacturers'  Association.  Operations  of  Na- 
tional German  Machinery  Manufacturers'  Association ;  [by]  Theodore  Pilger. 
[1928.]     4  p.  il.  4"     [From  Commerce  reports,  Jan.  16,  1928.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  N  213 

Porto  Rico.  Trading  under  laws  of  Porto  Rico;  by  Joaquui  Servera.  1927. 
iv+44   p.     (Trade    promotion    series    58;    Division    of    Commercial    Laws.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26025  C  18.27 :  58 

Ports.  Methods  used  in  measuring  rank  of  United  States  ports;  [by]  Thomas 
R.  Taylor.     [1928.]     3  p.  il.  4°     [From  Commerce  reports,  Jan.  2,  1928.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  P  838 

■     Ports  important  in   trade  of  United   States ;    [by]    Thomas  R.   Taylor. 

[1928.]     4  p.  il.  4°     [From  Commerce  reports,  Jan.  9,  1928.]     t 

C  18.5/la  :  P  838/2 

Rubber.     Crude  rubber  survey:  Marketing  of  crude  rubber  (with  trade  statis- 
tics)  [and  with  bibliography]  ;  by  E.  G.  Holt.     1927.     xvi+257  p.  il.     (Trade 
promotion  series  55;  Rubber  Division.)     [Supersedes  Trade  information  bulle- 
tin 180,  Marketing  of  plantation  rubber.]     *  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26040  C  18.27 :  55 

Services  for  rubber  industry.     1028.     ii+12  p.  narrow  12"     [Includes  lists 

of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau  publications  relating  to  rubber.]  t 
L.  C.  card  27-27875  C  18.2 :  R  82 

Ship  subsidies.  Italian  ship-subsidy  sy.stem ;  by  E.  T.  Chamberlain.  [Jan. 
1928.]     iii+19  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  529;  Transportation  Division.) 

*  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26023  C  18.25 :  529 

Steel.  Standard  specifications  for  lap-welded  and  seamless  steel  and  lap-welded 
iron  boiler  tubes  (serial  designation  A83-27),  text  as  adopted  by  American 
Society  for  Testing  Materials.  1927.  18  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  214.) 
[Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards; translated  into  Portuguese  by  Kennie  Norris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of 
this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  18.24 :  214 

Standard  specifications  for  structural  steel  for  cars   (serial  designation 

All-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials.  1927, 
16  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  211.)  [Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared 
in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portuguese  by 
Kennie  Norris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of  this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title- 
page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  18.24  :  211 

•  Standard  specifications  for  structural  steel  for  locomotives  (serial  desig- 
nation AlO-24),  text  as  adopted  by  American  Society  for  Testing  Materials. 
1927.  18  p.  il.  (Industrial  standards  210.)  [Portuguese-English  edition, 
prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portu- 
guese by  Kennie  Norris  Bletz.  The  cover-title  of  this  edition  is  in  English, 
the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  18.24:  210 

Taxation.     Double  taxation  relief,  discussion  of  conventions  drafted  at  inter- 
national  conference   of  experts,   1927,   and   other  measures,   by  Mitchell   B. 
Carroll ;  with  introduction  by  Thomas  S.  Adams.      [Jan.  1928.]     iv+31  p. 
(Trade  information  bulletin  523;  Commercial  Law  Division.)     $ 
L.  C.  card  27-27871  C  18.25  :  523 

IIoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

January,  1928  411 

Trade  association  activities,  by  Irving  S.  Paul!,  J.  W.  Millard,  and  James  S. 
Taylor;    [with  Bibliograptiy,  by  Inez  K.  Rolph].     [Revised  edition.]     1927. 
viii+SSl  p.  11.     (Domestic  commerce  series  20.)     [Supersedes  Trade  associa- 
tion activities,  Elimination  of  waste  series,  1923.]     *  Cloth,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27883  C  18.28:  20 

Wrought-iron.  Standard  specifications  for  stay-bolt,  engine-bolt,  and  extra- 
refined  wrought-iron  bars  (serial  designation  A84-27),  text  as  adopted  by 
American  Society  for  Testing  Materials.  1927.  16  p.  (Industrial  stand- 
ards 215.)  [Portuguese-English  edition,  prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau 
of  Standards ;  translated  into  Portuguese  by  Kennie  Norris  Bletz.  The 
cover-title  of  this  edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Portuguese.]  *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  C  18.24 :  215 

Lighthouse  service  Mmetin,  v.  3,  no.  49;   Jan.  3,  1928.      [1928.]     p.  225-228. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121  C  9.31 :  3/49 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  1^,  1928;  Jan.  6-27   [1928].     1928.     various 
paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26  :  928/1-4 


Coal.    Analyses  of  Indiana  coals ;  [articles  by  W.  N.  Logan,  A.  C.  Fieldner,  and 
others].    1927.    iii+50  p.  il.     (Technical  paper  417.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27885  C  22.5 :  417 

Contents. — Indiana  coal  field ;  by  W.  N.  Logan. — Analyses  of  mine  samples ;  by 
A.  C.  Fieldner,  H.  M.  Cooper,  and  F.  D.  Osgood. — Description  of  samples ;  compiled  by 
F.  D.  Osgood. — Analyses  of  delivered  coal ;  by  N.  H.  Snyder. 

Anthracite  in  1926 ;  by  F.  G.  Tryon  and  H.  L.  Bennit.    Jan.  1928.    iii+39 

p.      [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,   10c. 

C  22.8/a  :  An  86/926 

Coal  in  1925 ;  by  F.  G.  Tryon  and  L.  Mann.    Jan.  10,  1928.    viii+393-533 

p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1925,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  25c.      C  22.8/a  :  C  631/925 

Coke  and  by-products  in  1925 ;  by  F.  G.  Tryon  and  H.  L.  Bennit.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
vi-|-535-615  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1925,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :C6G  925 

Coke-oven    accidents   in    United    States,   calendar   year  1926;   by   William    W. 
Adams.     1927.     ii+40  p.     (Technical  paper  437.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26409  C  22.5  :  437 

Gases  from  blasting  in  tunnels  and  metal-mine  drifts;  by  E.  D.  Gardner,  S.  P. 
Howell,  and  G.  W.  Jones.  1927.  iv+96  p.  il.  (Bulletin  287.)  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27856  C  22.3  :  287 

Hydraulic  classification,  its  theory,  mechanical  development,  and  application  to 
ore  dressing,  with  chapter  on  Methods  of  determining  densities  of  liquids  and 
ore  pulps;  by  A.  W.  Fahrenwald.  1927.  iv+51  p.  il.  1  pi.  (Technical  paper 
403.)  [Prepared  In  cooi)eratlon  with  School  of  Mines  of  University  of 
Idaho.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26016  C  22.5  :  403 

Metals.  Rare  metals,  cobalt,  molybdenum,  nickel,  tantalum,  titanium,  tungsten, 
radium,  uranium,  and  vanadium  in  1926;  by  Frank  L.  Hess.  Jan.  12,  1928. 
ii-f  249-274  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Papei',  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  R  182/926 

Mine  fi,res.     Fifty-nine  coal  mine  fires,  how  they  were  fought,  and  what  they 
teach :  by  G.  S.  Rice,  J.  W.  Paul,  and  M.  W.  von  Bernewitz.     1927.     ix+156 
p.  il.  5  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Bulletin  229.)     *  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27886  C  22.3  :  229 

Motion  pictures.     Descriptive  list  of  motion  picture  films  of  Bureau  of  Mines 
[and  plan  of  distribution,  Dec.  1927];  by  M.  F.  Leopold  and  R.  A.  Wood. 
[1928.]     ii+20  p.  il.  narrow  8°     t 
L.  C.  card  24-26304  C  22.2  :M  85/2 

HoTf  to  order  publications — See  information  folloivlng:  Contents 


January,  1928 

1927.     iv+92  p.  4  pi. 

Petroleum  refinery  statistics,  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins. 
(Bulletin  289.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.    C.   card   27-26552 

Potash  mining  in  Germany  and  France  [with  selected  bibliography]  ;  by  George 
S.  Rice  and  John  A.  Davis.     1927.     v+92  p.  il.  2  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  map.     (Bulle- 
tin 274.)     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.   C.   card   27-27881  0  22.3:274 

Publications.  Index  of  Bureau  of  Mines  publications.  [Edition  of  July,  1927.] 
1927.  [l]+48  p.  [This  index  covers  all  publications  in  list  of  July,  1927.]  t 
L.    C.    card   22-27360  0  22.7/2:927 

New  publications,  list  135;  Nov.  1927.  1927.  oblong  48°  [This  publica- 
tion is  issued  in  iwstal  card  form.]     t  0  22.7/3 :  135 

Silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Oentral  States  in  1926,  mine  reiwrt ;  [articles] 
by  J.  P.  Dunlop  and  H.  M.  Meyer.  Jan.  5,  1928.  ii+181-215  p.  [From 
Mineral  resources,   1926,  pt.   1.]     *  Paper,   10c.  O  22.8/a :  Si  39/926 

Stone  in  1926;  by  A.  T.  Coons.'  Dec.  1927.  ii +211-243  p.  [From  Mineral 
resources.   1926.   pt.   2.  ]     *  Paper,   5c.  0  22.8/a  :  St  72/926 


Ships.     American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
over,  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     ii+64  p.  4°     (Serial  122.)      [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy.  75e.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  0.  card  19-26597  011.8:928/1 

Merchant  vessels  of  United  States  (including  yachts  and  Government  ves- 
sels), year  ended  June  30,  1927.  1927.  976  p.  large  8°  [This  is  the  59th 
annual  list  of  merchant  vessels  of  United  States.]     *  Oloth,  $2.00. 

L.   0.   card   6^.35358  011.5:927/1 

Same:   [with  Seagoing  vessels  of  United  States,  1927].     1927.     976+148 

p.  il.  20  pi.  large  8°     [This  is  the  59th  annual  list  of  merchant  vessels  of 

.  United   States  with   Seagoing  vessels.]     t  0  11.5  :  927/1.  2 

Note. — ^This    publication    is    obtainable    only    in    the    2    separate    parts    as    follows : 
Merchant  vessels,  •  Cloth,  $2.00,  and  Seagoing  vessels,  *  Paper,  60c. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  30,  70th  Oong.  1st  sess.) 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Angert,  George  H.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Jan  tenu.  1928, 
appeal  no.  2127,  in  re  George  H.  Angert,  adjustable  tables ;  brief  for  commis- 
sioner of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,   5  p.     $  C  21.10 :  An  44 

Decisions.  [Decisions  in  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,  etc.]  Jan.  3.  1928. 
p.  1-6,  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  366,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  0.  card  23-7315 

0  21.5/a  2 :  366/1 

—  Same.  Jan.  10.  1928.    p.  251-256,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  366,     i 
no.  2.]  0  21.5/a  2 :  366/2     \ 

—  Same.  Jan.  17.  1928.    p.  475-^80,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  .366, 
no.  3.]  0  21.5/a  2 :  366/3 

—  Same.  Jan.  24,  1928..    p.  695-700,  large  8°     [Fi-om  Official  gazette,  v.  366, 
no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  2 :  366/4 

HoTP  to  order  publications — See  information  follofvinar  Contents 

January,  1928 


Decisions — Continued. 

Same.    Jan.  31,  1928.    p.  861-866,  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  366, 

no.  5.]  C21.5/a2:366/5 

Fuller,  Walter  M.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Jan.  term, 
1928,  appeal  no.  2131.  in  re  Walter  M.  Fuller,  improvements  in  cloth  and  its 
manufacture;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title.  7  p.     t 

C  21.10 :  F  959 

McGinletf,  James  M.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term, 
1928.  appeal  no.  2113,  m  re  James  M.  McGinley.  detachable  supports;  brief 
for  commissioner  of  patents.  1928.     cover-title.  8  p.     t  C2110:M175 

Offioial  gasette.     Official  gazette,  Jan.  3-31.  1928 ;  v.  366,  no.  1-5.     1928.     cover- 
titles,   1025+ [clxxvii]    p.  il.  large  8"      [Weekly.]      *  Paper.  25c.   single  copy, 
$10  00  a  vr. :  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  366/1-5 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trademarks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in 
patent    cases. 

The  annua]  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  he  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00.  and  the  other  on  Trade-nrarks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  aro  not  included 
in  the  re.^ular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  soib-scribers  who  remit  .^ll.oO  ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  s:une.  .$17.50. 

Same  [title-page,  contents,  errata,  etc.,  to]  v.  365;  Dec.  1927.    1928.     [2] 

leaves,  large  8°     *  Paper.  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official  gazette 
for  subscribers.  C  21.5  :  365  ^t.  p.  &  cont. 

■ Same,  w^eekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc..  Jan.  3,  19281.  [1928.1  xliv  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette, 
V.  366,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4  :  366/1 

Same  [Jan.  10.  19281.     [1928.]     xxxviii  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette. 

V.  366,  no.  2.  ]  C  21.5/a  4 :  366/2 

—     Same  [Jan.  17,  1928]. 
V.  366,  no.  3.] 

[1928.1     xxxviii  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

C  21.5/a  4 :  366/3 

Same  [Jan.  24,  1928].     [1928.]     xxix  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  .gazette, 

V.  366,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  366/4 

Same  [Jan.  31.  1928].     [1928.]     xxviii  p.  large  8°     [From  Offic"al  gazette. 

V.  366,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  306/5 

Owen,  Richard  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Oct.  term,  1927, 
patent  appeal  no.  2038,  in  re  application  of  Richard  B.  Owen  by  Fredericka  D. 
Owen,  administratrix,  design  for  electric  storage  battery  containers ;  brief  for 
commis-sioner  of  patents.    1927.    cover-title,  4  p.     t  C  21.10 :  Ow  2 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  Jan.  3-31,  1928.  [1928.]  Each  2  p. 
or  1  p.  large  8°     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  366,  no.  1-5.]     t 

C  21.5/al :  366/1-5 

— •    Index  of  patents  issued  from  Patent  Office,  1927. 
♦Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  28-260.34 

1928.    1019  p.  large  8" 
C  21.5/2 :  927 

[Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  1923]   errata  and  minor  correction 

sheet,  July  1-Dec.  31,  1927.     [1928.]     3  leaves,  oblong  24°     [Issued  in  loose- 
leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Manual.    Included  in  price  of  Manual,  for  which  see 
the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1924,  p.  375.] 
L.  C.  card  PO  24-21  I  23.2  :  C  56/4/923-errata  7 

Note. — The  Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  192.3,  was  issued  by  the  Patent 
Office  while  it  was  under  the  Interior  Department,  so,  although  these  corrections  were 
issued  by  the  Patent  Office  since  it  became  subordinate  to  the  Commerce  Department, 
the  old  classification  I  2.3.2  :  C  56/4/923.  is  retained  in  order  that  the  corrections  may 
be  filed  with  the  publication  to  which  they  belong. 

Trade-marks.    Index  of  trade-marks  issued  from  Patent  Office,  1927.    1928.    735 
p.  large  8°    *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26035  C  21.5/3  :  927 

Hovr  to  order  pnbllcatlonft— See  Informatton  follonrlng  Contents 

414  January,  1928 

Trade-marks — Continued. 

Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  Jan.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     7-52+ 

xvii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  366,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single 
copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a3  :  366/1 

Same,  Jan.  10,  1928.    [1928.]    257-306+xiv  p.  il.  large  8"    [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  366,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  366/2 

■ Same,  Jan.  17,  1928.     [1928.]    481-527+xiii  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  366,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  366/3 

Same,  Jan.  24,  1928.     [1928.]     701-734+xi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  366,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3 :  366/4 

Same,  Jan.  31,  1928.     [1928.]     867-903+ix  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  366,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  366/5 

Trattner,  Rosa  K.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,  1928, 
appeal  no.  2098,  in  re  Rosa  K.  Trattner,  improvement  in  remedial  agencies 
or  compositions ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title,  5  p.    t 

C  21.10 :  T  692 

Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution]  Dec.  31,  1927.  [1928.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  C  16.6 :  927/12 


Radio  service  bulletin,  Dec.   31,   1927;   no.   129.      [1928.]      21   p.      [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  129 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  $1.25  per 
Tolume,  paper  bound;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers),  $2.50.  These  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription, 
|2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

The  Technologic  papers  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  In 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  numbers 
vary  in  price. 

Bolts.  Packing  of  carriage,  machine,  and  lag  bolts.  1927.  v+18  p.  il. 
(Simplified  practice  recommendation  no.  60.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimina- 
tion of  waste,  simplified  practice,  packing  of  carriage,  machine,  and  lag  bolts. 
Recommendation  became  efCective  July  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.      C  13.12/1:  60 

Booms  {ships).  Tubular  steel  cargo  booms  for  ships,  capacities  of  5,  10,  15,  20, 
and  30  tons,  compiled  and  promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Com- 
mittee; American  marine  standards  H  no.  21-1927  to  H  no.  25-1927  approved 
June  10,  1927.    1927.    ii+8  p.  il.  large  8"     (AMSC  26.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.19 :  26 

Electric  lamps.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  lamps, 
electric,  incandescent,  large,  tungsten  filament,  Federal  Specifications  Board 
Specification  23b,  revision  promulgated  Nov.  23,  1927,  officially  promulgated 
by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Feb.  15,  1922,  for  use  of  Departments  and 
independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  large  tungsten  fila- 
ment incandescent  electric  lamps.  11th  [edition].  Dec.  21,  1927.  12  p. 
large  8°  (Circular  13.)  [Supersedes  Federal  Specifications  Board  Specifica- 
tion 23.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  G.  card  28-26036  C  13.4 :  13/11 

Same,  1928  supplement  to  United  States  Government  master  specification 

for  lamps,  electric,  incandescent,  large,  tungsten  filament,  Federal  Specifications 
Board  Specification  23b,  revision  promulgated  Nov.  23,  1927,  ofiicially  pro- 
mulgated by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Feb.  15,  1923,  for  use  of  Depart- 
ments and  independent  establishments  of  Government  in  purchase  of  large 
tungsten  filament  incandescent  electric  lamps.  11th  [edition].  Dec.  21,  1927. 
4  p.  large  8°  (1928  supplement  to  Circular  13.)  [Supersedes  Federal  Speci- 
fications Board  Specification  23.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.4 :  13/11/supp. 

Ho^v  to  order  publications — See  information  folIOTVlngr  Contenta 

January,  1928  415 

Fire-clay  refractories  for  marine  service  (specification),  compiled  and  promul- 
gated by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee;  approved  Sept.  20,  1927,  as 
American  marine  standard  E  no.  13-1927.  1928.  ii+6  p.  large  8°  (AMSO 
32.)     *  Paper,  5c.  013.19:32 

Laboratories.  Directory  of  commercial  testing  and  college  research  labora- 
tories. 2d  edition,  compiled  and  revised  by  Ann  E.  Rapxizzi.  Dee.  6,  1927, 
[published]  1928.  iii+46  p.  large  8°  (Miscellaneous  publication  90.)  [In- 
cludes, on  p.  2-4  of  cover,  list  of  Bureau  of  Standards  pamphlets  on  testing 
and  Directorv  of  specifications.]  *  Paper,  1.5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26037  C  13.10 :  90/2 

Propellers.  Packing  gland  for  propeller  hubs,  compiled  and  promulgated  by 
American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Sept.  20,  1927,  as  Ameri- 
can marine  standard  E  no.  12-1927.     1927.    ii+3  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSC  31.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19  :  31 

Propeller  hub  studs,  nuts,  and  lock  screws,  compiled  and  promulgated  by 

American  Marine  Standards  Committee :  approved  Sept.  20,  1927.  as  American 
marine  standard   E   no.   11-1927.     192S.     ii+5   p.   11.   large   8°     (AMSC   30.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.19 :  30 

Ship  propeller  details,  hubs  for  built-up  propellers  with  recessed  blades, 

fair-water  caps  for  built-up  propellers  with  recessed  blades,  compiled  and 
promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Sept.  20, 
1927,  as  American  marine  standards  E  no.  9-1927  and  E  no.  10-1927.  1928. 
ii+5  p.  il.  large  8°     (AMSC  29.)     *  Paper,  .5c.  C  13.19 :  29 

Puhlications.  New  publications  for  Nov.  1927,  additions  to  Supplementary  list 
of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  beginning  July  1,  1927.  [1928.] 
2  p.     t  C  13.4  :  24/27/Nov.  927 

New  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  no.  38;  Dec.  23,  1927.     1927. 

oblong  48°     [This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t      C  13.15 :  38 

Steel.     Some  principles  governing  choice  and  utilization  of  permanent-magnet 
steels;  by  Raymond  L.  Sanford.     Dec.  9,  1927.     [1] +557-567  p.  il.  large  8* 
(Scientific  papers  567.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  .5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26017  C  13.3/a  :  567 

Technical  news  Mlletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  Jan.  1928;  no.  129.     [1928.] 
12  p.      [Monthly.]      *  Pai)er,   5e.   single  copy,   25c.   a   yr. ;   foreign   subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  ^  C  13.13 :  129 

Tools.     Forged  tools.     1st  revision.     1927.     v-f24  p.  il.      (Simplified  practice 
recommendation  no.  17. )     [Title  on  cover  is :  Elimination  of  waste,  simplified 
practice,  forged  tools.    Recommendation  became  effective  Apr.  1,  1927.]     *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  C  13.12/1 :  17/lst  rev. 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service  'bulletm,  Jan.  3,  1928;   no.  147.     [1928.]     4  p. 
[Monthly.]     + 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10 :  147 


Congressional  record.     Congressional  record,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  v.  69, 
no.  16-37;  Jan.  4-31,  1928.     [1928.]     945-2395 -f  [35]  p.  4° 
L.  C.  card  12-36438  X/a.70/1 :  69/16-37 

Note. — ^The  Congressional  record,  containing  tbe  proceedings  and  debates  of  Con- 
gress, is  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published 

The  Record  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following  terms: 
Single  copy,  3  cents,  if  not  more  than  24  page-s  and  1  cent  more  for  each  additional  8 
pages ;  per  month,  |1.50 ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Subscriptions  are  payable  in 
advance.  Prices  for  the  bound  volumes  of  the  Record,  69th  Congress,  1st  and  2(1 
sessions,  and  prior  Congresjes.  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances 
to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money 
will  not  be  accepted. 

How  to  order  publications — See  inforiuatton  follo^vinff  Contents 

416  January,  1928 

Congressional  record — Continued. 

Same,  index,  with  title.  Congressional  record  index,  70th  Congress,  1st 

session,  v.  69,  nos.  16-25;  Jan.  4-14,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  2;  56+i+35  p.  4° 
[Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.70/1 :  69/16-25/ind. 

Same,  v.  69,  nos.  26-35 ;  Jan.  16-27,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  3 ;  48+i+28  p.  4" 

[Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.70/1 :  69/26-35/ind. 

Directory.     70th  Congress,  1st  session,  beginning  Dec.  5,  1927,  official  Congres- 
sional directory;  compiled  by  Elmer  C.  Hess.    2d  edition,  Jan.  1928.     [1928.] 
xvi+641  p.  il.  1  pi.    *  Cloth,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  6-25330  Y  4.  P  93/1 : 1/70-1-2 


Note. — Public  acts  In  slip  form  In  the  first  prints  may  be  obtained  from  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  a  subscription  price  of  $1.00  for  the 

present  session    (70th  Congress,  1st  session)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25 ;   single  copies 
are  usually  5c. 

Public  [act]  4-6,  70th  Congress. 

Columbia  River.  H.  R.  6657,  act  to  extoiid  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Columbia  River  near  Kettle  Falls,  Wash,  [by  State  of 
Washington].     Approved  Jan.  12,  192S.     1  p.      (Public  4.) 

District  of  Columbia.  H.  R.  483,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Treasury  to  acquire 
lands  within  District  of  Columbia  to  be  used  as  sites  for  public  buildings.  Approved 
Jan.  13.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  5.) 

Judges.  S.  773,  act  to  authorize  President  of  United  States  to  appoint  additional  judge 
of  district  court  for  southern  district  of  Iowa.  Approved  Jan.  19,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  6.) 


District  of  Columbia.  Construction  of  public  buildings,  conference  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  483  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Treasury  to  acquire  lands 
within  District  of  Columbia  to  be  used  as  sites  for  public  buildings]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Elliott.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  180,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


Calendars  of  House  of  Representatives,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  4—31, 
1928;  no.  15-35.  1928.  various:  paging,  large  8°  [Daily  when  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives is  in  session.    No  calendar  was  printed  bearing  the  number  33.]     t 

Y  1.2  : 1/70-1-15  to  70-1-35 

Rules.     Constitution,  Jefferson's  manual,  and  Rules  of  House  of  Representa- 
tives, 70th  Congress;  [compiled]  by  Lehr  Fess.    1927.    viii+677  p.     (H.  doc. 
781,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  6-17027 


Dekelbaum,  Sylvia.  Compensation  for  extra  clerical  labor  performed  in  com- 
puting and  distributing  mileage  for  1st  session  of  70th  Congress  [by  Sylvia 
Dekelbaum],  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  51;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
Jan.  24,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  362,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  of  Columbia.  Assist  subcommittee  investigating  government  of  District 
of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  101 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
Jan.  26,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  449,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Estey,  William  H.  William  H.  Estey,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  71  [author- 
izing payment  of  6  months'  salary  and  funeral  expenses  to  executor  of  estate 
of  William  H.  Estey,  late  disbursing  clerk  of  House  of  Representatives]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  358,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Grayson,  Joel.  Joel  Grayson,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  32  [authorizing 
payment  of  one  year's  salary  and  funeral  expenses  to  Annie  L.  Grayson  on 
account  of  death  of  Joel  Grayson,  late  employee  of  Document  Room,  House 
of  Representatives]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  363,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  pnltllcations— See  Information  toUoTvinft-  Contents 

January,  1928  417 

H&use  of  Representatives.  Temporary  assistant  majority  floor  manager  of 
telephones,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  79;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
Jan.  24,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  361,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kenyan,  Harold.  Harold  Kenyon,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  70  [authorizing 
iwyment  of  6  months'  salary  and  funeral  expenses  to  Anna  Kenyon  on  ac- 
count of  death  of  Harold  Kenyon,  late  Capitol  policeman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
MacGregor.    Jan.  24,  1928.    1  p.     ( H.  rp.  357,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

lAchty,  Emanuel  M.  Emanuel  M.  Lichty,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  25  [to 
pay  out  of  contingent  fund  of  House  amount  equal  to  6  months'  compensation 
of  Emanuel  M.  Lichty  and  $250  to  defray  funeral  expenses  of  said  Emanuel 
M.  Lichty]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  360, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Reidesel,  Frederick  C.  Regina  Reidesel,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  45  [to 
pay  Regina  Reidesel.  widow  of  Frederick  C.  Reidesel,  late  clerk  to  Committee 
nu  Post  Office  and  Post  Roads,  sum  equal  to  6. months'  .salary  and  $250  for 
funeral  expenses] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Jan.  24.  1928.  1  p.  (H. 
rp.  359,  70th  Cong.  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 


Agricultural  agents.  Relief  of  flood  stricken  areas  with  special  reference  to 
aid  in  employment  of  county  extension  agents,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res. 
99;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  134,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Agriculture.  Further  development  of  agricultural  extension  work,  hearings, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  6074,  Jan.  10-16,  1928.  1928.  iii+66  p. 
( Serial  C. )     *  Paper.  10c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  Ex  8/3 

Further  development  of  agricultural  extension  work,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  9495  [to  provide  for  further  development  of  agricultural  extension  work 
between  agricultural  colleges  in  the  several  States  receiving  benefits  of  act 
donating  public  lands  to  the  several  States  and  Territories  which  may  provide 
colleges  for  benefit  of  agriculture  and  mechanic  arts,  and  all  acts  supple- 
mentary thereto,  and  Department  of  Agriculture]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ket- 
cham.     Jan.  28,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  351,  70th  Cong.  1st  ses.s.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Agriculture  Department.  Relief  of  certain  field  employees  of  Department  of 
Agriculture,  Wool  standards,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
5631  [and]  H.  R.  7459,  Jan.  14,  1928.  1928.  iii+15  p.  (Serial  D.)  *  Paper, 
5c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  Em  7 

Poultry.  Amend  certain  acts  to  include  poultry  within  their  provisions,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  112 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  135,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Amend  certain  acts  to  include  poultry  within  their  provisions,  Tobacco 

statistics,  hearings,  70th  Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  85  [and]  H.  R 
53.  Dec.  19.  1927.     1928.     iii+11  p.     (Serial  B.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  P  86 

Wool.  Appropriation  of  certain  funds  for  wool  standards,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7459;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Haugen.  Jan.  20.  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
339,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Appropriations.  Independent  offices  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929.  hear- 
ing before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  independent  offices  appropriation  bill, 
1929.  70th  Congress.  1st  session.     1928.     ii+852  p.     *  Paper,  85c. 

Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  In  2/2/929 

Independent  offices  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  9481;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wood.  Jan,  17,  1928.  31  p.  (H.  rp. 
293.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hovr  to  order  pnblicatiuns — See  Information  folloiivins  Contents 

418  January,  1928 

Commerce  Department.  Appropriations,  Department  of  Commerce,  [fiscal  year] 
1929,  hearing  before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  Departments  of  State,  Justice, 
Commerce,  and  Labor  appropriation  bill  for  1929,  70th  Congress,  1st  session. 
1928.     ii+582  p.     *  Paper,  60c.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  C  73/2/929 

Interior  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  j'ear]  1929.  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9136;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cramton.  Jan.  11,  1928.  32  p.  (H.  rp.  255, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Justice  Department.  Appropriations,  Department  of  Justice,  [fiscal  year]  1929,^ 
hearing  before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Com- 
merce, and  Labor  appropriation  bill  for  1929,  70th  Congress,  1st  session. 
1927.     11+212  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  J  98/92^ 

Lator  Department.  Appropriations,  Department  of  Labor,  [fiscal  year]  1929, 
hearing  before  subcommittee  in  chargrASf  Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Com- 
merce, and  Labor  appropriation  bil7  for  1929,  70th  Congress,  1st  session. 
1927.     ii+94  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  L  11/929 

State  Departm^it.  Appropriations,  Department  of  State,  [fiscal  year]  1929, 
hearings  before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Com- 
merce,  and  Labor  appropriation   bill  for  1929,   70th   Congress,   1st  session. 

1927.  ii+282  p.     *  Paper,  30c.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  St  2/929' 

■ Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Commerce,  and  Labor  appropriation  bill, 

fiscal  year  1929,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8269 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shreve. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     57  p.     (H.  rp.  117,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  10c. 


Civil  Sermce  Commission.  Authorizing  Civil  Service  Commission  to  administer 
oaths  of  office,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5603 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lelilbach. 
Jan.  16,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  287,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

United  Spanish  War  Veterans.  Granting  leave  to  ex-service  men  and  women 
of  Spanish  War  Veterans  to  attend  convention  at  Habana,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7908  [granting  of  leave  to  ex-servicei  men  and  women  to  attend 
annual  convention  of  United  Spanish  War  Veterans  and  auxiliary  in  Havana, 
Cuba,  in  1928]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lehlbach.  Jan.  16,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
292,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Baker,  Rolwnd  M.  Roland  M.  Baker,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5338  [for 
relief  of  Roland  M.  Baker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  of  Wisconsin.     Jan.  6, 

1928.  3  p.     (H.  rp.  167,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bardel,  William.  William  Bardel,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6619  [for  relief 
of  estate  of  William  Bardel]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  5 
p.     (H.  rp.  170,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Baum,  Mrs.  Ida  F.  Ida  F.  Baum,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  766  [for  relief  of 
Ida  F.  Baum]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steele.  Jan.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  341. 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai>er,  5c. 

Beretta,  Charles.  Charles  Beretta  et  al,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3458  [for 
relief  of  Charles  Beretta,  Isidore  J.  Proulx,  and  John  J.  West]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Underhill.     Jan.    6,    1928.     5    p.     (H.    rp.    160,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Biddle,  R.  P.  R.  P.  Biddle,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6116  [for  relief  of 
R.  P.  Biddle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  Jan.  6,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  168, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bonds  of  United  States.  Amend  sec.  3702,  Revised  statutes  [relative  to  payment 
of  lost  or  destroyed  securities] ,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6106 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Underhill.     Jan.  16,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  285,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bretisinger,  Christine.  Christine  Brenzinger,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5297 
[for  relief  of  Christine  Brenzinger]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Jan.  6, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  165,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^T  to  order  pnbllcatlona — See  Information  following  Contents 


January,  1928  419 

€lai7n$.  Federal  tort  claims  bill,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9285  [to  provide 
for  settlement  of  claims  against  United  States  on  account  of  proi>erty  damage, 
personal  injury,  or  death]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  16,  1928.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  286,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  2d  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cannolly,  William  R.  William  R.  Connolly,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1537 
[for  relief  of  William  R.  Connolly]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  156,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Corcoran,  John  J.  John  J.  Corcoran,  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  5336  [for 
relief  of  John  J.  Corcoran]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  7,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  186,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Cruceta,  Adriano.  Adriano  Cruceta,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8889  [for 
relief  of  Adriano  Cruceta,  citizen  of  Dominican  Republic]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Gnver.  Jan.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  349,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.>  *  Pai)er, 

Dicklmon.  Mrs.  Frances  L.  Frances  L.  Dickinson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7110  [for  relief  t)f  Frances  L.  Dickinson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan. 
6,1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  171,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Donisi,  Joseph  D.  Joe  D.  Donisi,  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  924  [for  relief 
of  Joe  D.  Donisi]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  25,  1928.  7  p.  (H.  rp. 
386,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dunkin.  Harvey.  Harvey  Dunkin.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2523  [for  relief 
of  Harvey  Dunkin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rowbottom.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  181,  7'oth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Enoch,  William  T.  William  Thurman  Enoch,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4993 
[for  relief  of  William  Thurman  Enoch]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  of  Wisconsin. 
Jan.  24,  1928.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  373,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

FO'ijettevlUe,  Tenn.  State  Bank  &  Trust  Co..  Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5894  [for  relief  of  State  Bank  and  Trust  Company  of 
Fayetteville,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  7,  1928.  4  p.  (H. 
rp.  187,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fidelitt/  d  Deposit  Co.  of  Maryland,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5925  [for  relief 
of  Fidelity  and  Deposit  Company  of  Maryland]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt. 
Jan.  16,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  279,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Francke.  George  A.  Lewis  H.  Francke  and  Blanche  F.  Shelley,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5300  [for  relief  of  Lewis  H.  Francke  and  Blanche  F.  Shelley,  sole 
legal  heirs  of  George  A.  Francke.  alias  Ralph  K.  Warrington]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  166,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Ouffey,  A.  S.  A.  S.  Guffey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4203  [for  relief  of  A.  S. 
Guffey]  :  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  Jan.  7,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  185,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Head,  Mrs.  Mavfiaret  T.  Margaret  T.  Head,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3216 
[for  relief  of  Margaret  T.  Head,  administratrix]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath. 
Jan.  6,  1928.     12  p^     (H.  rp.  158,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Petroleum  Co.  (Ltd.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8527  [for  relief 
of  International  Petroleum  Company,  Limited.  Toronto,  Canada]  :  submitted 
by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.  Jan.  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  347,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jameson,  Joseph.  Joseph  Jameson,  report  to  accomjmny  H.  R.  3926  [for  relief 
of  Joseph  Jameson]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  9  p.  (H. 
rp.  161.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jones.  Marl/  M.  Mary  M.  Jones,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2524  [for  relief 
of  Mary  M.  Jones]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
157,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Knauf,  Fred  A.  Fred  A.  Knauf,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6254  [for  relief  of 
Fred  A.  Knauf]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp. 
169,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Ho-iv  to  order  publications— See  Information  follo'vrlns  Contemta 

420  January,  1928 

Langin  Field.  Relief  for  victims  of  airplane  accident  at  Langin  Field,  reiwrt 
to  accompany  H.  B.  482;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  16,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  284,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lawton,  Okla.  Relief  of  persons  suffering  loss  on  account  of  Lawton  fire,  1917, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4084 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  7,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  184,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mothias,  Luc.     Luc  Mathias,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8886   [for   relief  of 
Luc  Mathias]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of  Pennsylvania.     Jan.  16,  1928.      . 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  281.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.     1st  print  has  1     { 
page.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

J/e-vr/.  Mrs.  Tietar'ma.  Victorina  Mesa,  rei>ort  to  accompany  H.  R.  8887  [for 
lol  ef  of  Victorina  Mesa  for  death  of  her  husband,  Lucio  Lupisan]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.  Jan.  16,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  282,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pocahontas  Fuel  Co.  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4926  [for  relief  of 
Pocahontas  Fuel  Company  (Incorporated)];  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill. 
Jan.  6,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  163,  70th  Cong.  1st  .sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Reed,  F.  Ellis.  F.  Ellis  Reed,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3673  [for  relief  of 
F.  Ellis  Reed]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  7,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  183, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roll,  Mrs.  Jennie.  Jennie  Roll,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  926  [for  relief  of 
Jennie  Roll]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Box.  Jan.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  342,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rooks.  John.  John  Rooks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8093  [for  relief  of  John 
Rooks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  173,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sanitarium  Co..  Portland,  Oreg.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5923  [for  relief  of 
Sanitarium  Company,  Portland,  Oreg.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  7, 
1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  188,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sentinel,  schooner.  Schooner  Sentinel,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2138  [for 
relief  of  Louis  P.  Sunderland,  owner  of  schooner  Sentinel]  ;  submitted  by 
Mrs.  Langley.  Jan.  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  343,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

SiU'S,  Randolph.  Randolph  Sias,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8092  [for  relief  of 
Randolph  Sias] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
172,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sloan,  Howard  V.  Hovpard  V.  Sloan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4393  [for 
relief  of  Howard  V.  Sloan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  [of  Wisconsin].  Jan.  23, 
1928.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  345,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  Joel  T.  Joel  T.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4127  [for  relief  of 
Joel  T.  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Box.  Jan.  16,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  278, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Snyder,  Ed.  Ed.  Snyder,  William  Paddock,  Ed.  Strike,  and  A.  S.  Heydeck, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2137  [for  relief  of  Ed.  Snyder,  William  Paddock, 
Ed.  Strike,  and  A.  S.  Heydeck]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  24,  1928. 
7  p.     (H.  rp.  371,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Standard  Oil  Company  of  New  Jersey.  Relief  of  Standard  Oil  Co.  of  New 
Jersey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8529;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan. 
23,1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  348,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sweeney,  Francis.  Francis  Sweeney,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4927  [for  relief 
of  Francis  Sweeney]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  164,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thiliodeaux,  Mrs.  JosepMne.  Josephine  Thibodeaux,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
8369  [for  relief  of  Josephine  Thibodeaux]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan. 
23,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  346,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HovF  to  order  pablicatioxis — See  information  foUofvins  Contents 

Jantjart,  1928  421 

Thomas,  Jacoi  M.  Heirs  of  Jacob  Thomas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2809 
[for  relief  of  heirs  of  Jacob  Thomas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Jan.  7,  1928. 
7  p.     (H.  rp.  182,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Thompson,  W.  P.  W.  P.  Thompson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3394  [for  relief 
of  W.  P.  Thompson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  6,  1928.  3  p.  (H 
rp.  159,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper.  5c. 

Wareham,  Charles  R.  Charles  R.  Wareham,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8808 
[for  relief  of  Charles  R.  Wareham]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  [of  Wisconsin]. 
Jiin.  16,  1928.     20  p.     (H.  ii>.  280,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

William  Melbourne,  schooner.  Schooner  William  Melbourne,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  3971  [for  relief  of  William  Melbourne  Navigation  Company.  Lim- 
ited, owners  of  schooner  William  Melbourne]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bushong. 
Jan.  23,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  344,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Teaman,  Robert  F.  Robert  F.  Yeaman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4777  [to 
compensate  Robert  F.  Yeaman  for  loss  of  carpenter  tools  which  was  incurred 
by  reason  of  fire  in  Government  area  at  Old  Hickory  ordnance  depot]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Bulwinkle.  Jan.  6,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  162.  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Pai)er,  5c. 


Markets.  Acquisition  of  site  for  wholesale  farmers'  produce  market,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8298;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hall  of  Indiana.  Jan.  26,  1928. 
16  p.     (H.  rp.  451  [pt.  1]  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  War  Memorial  Museum  and  Veterans''  Headquarters.  Establishment 
of  a  Lincoln  memorial  museum  in  building  known  as  Ford's  Theater,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  7206  [to  establish  National  War  Memorial  Museum  and 
Veterans'  Headquarters  in  building  known  as  Ford's  Theater]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Beers.     Jan.  17,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  299,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)    *  Paper,  5c. 


President  of  United  States.  Proi>osed  amendments  to  Constitution  of  United 
States,  providing  for  election  of  President  and  Vice  President  and  filling 
vacancies  in  oflices  thereof  and  terms  of  such  oflBcers  and  Members  of  Con- 
gress, hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  2,  Jan.  9,  1928 ;  testi- 
mony of  Clarence  F.  Lea.     1928.     ii-f  17  p.     *  Paper,  5c.        Y  4.B1 2/1 :  P  92/8 

Proposed  constitutional  amendments  relating  to  fixing  of  time  for  com- 
mencement of  terms  of  President,  Vice  President,  and  Members  of  Congress, 
and  fixing  time  of  assembling  of  Congress,  etc.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  [on]  H.  J.  Res.  65,  H.  Con.  Res.  4,  H.  J.  Res.  30,  H.  J.  Res.  95,  Dec. 
19,  1927;  testimony  of  Fiorello  H.  LaGuardia  [and]  Edward  E.  Browne. 
1928.     ii+8  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.E1 2/1 :  P  92/7 

Proposing  amendment  to  Constitution  of  United  States  [fixing  time  for 

commencement  of  terms  of  President,  Vice  President,  and  Members  of  Con- 
gress, and  fixing  time  of  assembling  of  Congress,  etc.],  report  to  accompany 
H.  Con.  Res.  18;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Kansas.  Jan.  18,  1928.  10  p. 
(H.  rp.  309,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26070 

Proposing  amendment  to  Constitution  of  United  States  [fixing  time  for 

commencement  of  terms  of  President,  Vice  President,  and  Members  of  Con- 
gress, and  fixing  time  of  assembling  of  Congress,  etc.],  report  to  accompany 
S.  J.  Res.  47 :  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Jan.  20,  1928.  29  p.  (H. 
rp.  333,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  .5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26071 


Flood  control,  hearings.  70th   Congress.  1st  session,  on  control  of  destructive 
flood  waters  of  United  States,  Dec.  12  and  13,  1927.     1927. 
pt.  2.  Sacramento-San  Joaquin  River  system,     ill -f  759-891  p.  map.     *  Paper,  15c. 

Y  4.F  65  :  C  76/pt.  2 

Ho-fv  to  order  publications — See  Information  foUoTvlngr  Contenta 

422  January,  1928 


Hawaii.  Authorizing  the  President  to  invite  Great  Britain  to  sesquicenteunial 
of  Hawaiian  Islands  [and  providing  for  participation  of  Government  of 
United  States  tlierein],  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  141;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Maas.     Jan.  31,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  507,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Dairy  Congress.  8th  Int^^rnational  Dairy  Congress,  report  to 
accompany  H.  J.  Res.  156  [authorizing  the  President  to  accept  invitation  of 
British  Government  to  appoint  delegates  to  8th  Inlernaticmal  Dairy  Congress, 
to  lo  held  in  Great  Britain  during  June-July,  1928,  and  px-ovidiug  appro- 
priation for  payment  of  expenses  of  delegates]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Browne. 
Jan.  18,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  312,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pan  American  Congress  of  Highioays.  2d  Pan  American  Conference  on  High- 
ways, report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  108  [to  provide  for  expenses  of  par- 
ticipation by  United  States  in  2d  Pan  American  Conference  on  Highways 
at  Rio  de  Janeiro]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Linthicum.  Jan.  24,  1928.  4  p.  (H. 
rp.  365,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Permanent  International  Association  of  Road  Congresses,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  107  [to  provide  that  United  States  extend  to  Permanent  Inter- 
national Association  of  Road  Congresses  invitation  to  hold  6th  session  of 
association  in  United  States,  and  for  expenses  thereof]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Linthicum.  Jan.  24,  1928.  4  p.  (II.  rp.  364,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 


Deportation.  Lack  of  funds  for  deportations,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  R.  3,  H.  R.  5673,  H.  R.  6069,  Jan.  5,  1928.  1928.  ii+24  p. 
(Hearing  no.  70.  1.  1.)      *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1m  6/1 :  D  44/9 


Fort  Bellcnap  Reservation.  Reimburse  certain  Indians  of  Fort  Belknap  Reser- 
vation, Mont.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9994 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt. 
Jan.  26,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  462,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Indians.  Collection  of  fees  from  royalties  on  minerals  from  leased  Indian  lands, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8831;  submitted  by  Mr.  Liavitt.  Jan.  26,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  463,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Deferred-payment  sales  of  Indian  allotted  lands,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  8291  [to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  for  determining  heirs  of  deceased  Indians, 
for  disposition  and  sale  of  allotments  of  deceased  Indians,  for  leasing  of 
allotments,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan.  26, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  465,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Relief  of  Indians  occupying  railroad  lands  in  Arizona,  New  Mexico,  or 

California,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8293 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan. 
26,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  464,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.]  *  Paper, 

Koosharem  band  of  Ute  and  Painte  Indians.  To  reserve  120  acres  for  Koo- 
sharem  band  of  Indians  [residing  in  vicinity  of  Koosharem,  Utah],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8292;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan.  6,  1928.  1  p.  (H. 
rp.  178,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Middle  Rio  Ch-ande  Conservancy  District.  Conservation,  flood  control,  etc., 
for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in  Rio  Grande  Valley,  N.  Mex.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  70  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  execute  agreement  with 
Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District  providing  for  conservation,  irriga- 
tion, drainage,  and  flood  control  for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in  Rio  Grande  Valiey, 
N.  Mex.] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  Jan.  24,  1928.  7  p.  (H.  rp.  380,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)  •  *  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  follOTVinsr  Contents 

January,  1928  423 

Paiute  Indians.  Withdrawal  of  lands  adjacent  Summit  Iiake,  Nev.,  for  Paiute 
and  other  Indians,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8282  [for  permanent  with- 
drawal of  lands  bordering  on  and  adjacent  to  Summit  Lake,  Nev.,  for  Paiute, 
Shoshone,  and  other  Indians] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Arentz.  Jan.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  177,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Walker  River  Reservation.  Withdrawal  of  lands  in  Nevada,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8281  [for  withdrawal  of  lands  in  Nevada  for  use  and  benefit  of 
Indians  of  Walker  River  Reservation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Arentz.  Jan.  6, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  176,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Allegheny  River.  Bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Kittanning,  Pa.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  495  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of  Armstrong, 
Pa.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Kittanning,  Pa.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Wyant.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  193,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•  Paper,  5c. 

AtcJiafalaya  River.  Bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  Morgan  City,  La., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  449  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana 
Highway  Commission  to  construct  toil  bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  or 
near  Morgan  City,  La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  413,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bartholomew,  Bayou.  Bridge  across  Bayou  Bartholomew  at  Point  Pleasant, 
La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5728  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Police 
Jury  of  Morehouse  Parish,  La.,  or  State  Highway  Commission  of  Louisiana, 
to  construct  bridge  across  Bayou  Bartholomew  at  or  near  Point  Pleasant, 
La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  200,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Black  River.  Bridge  across  Black  River  at  Jonesville,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5726  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction 
of  bridge  across  Black  River  at  or  near  Jonesville,  La.,  by  State  Highway 
Commission  of  Louisiana]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  199,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Caney  Fork.  Bridge  across  Caney  Fork  River  at  Hurricane  Island,  Tenn.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  6959  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Caney  Fork  River 
in  De  Kalb  County,  Tenn.,  at  head  of  Hurricane  Island,  being  constructed  by 
De  Kalb  County]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  209, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Champlain,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  New  York  and  Ver- 
mont, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6099  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  New 
Yorti  and  Vermont  to  construct  bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  Crown 
Point,  N.  Y.,  and  Chimney  Point,  Vt.] :  submitted  by  Mr.  Corning.  Jan.  7, 1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  203,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Columbia  River.  Bridge  across  Columbia  River  near  Hood  River,  Oreg.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  7199  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Oregon-Washington 
Bridge  Company  to  maintain  bridge  already  constructed  across  Columbia 
River  near  Hood  River,  Oreg.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  393,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Conecuh  Rivei:  Bridge  across  Conecuh  River  on  Brewton-Andalusia  road, 
Escambia  County,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8896  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  to  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Conecuh  River 
on  Brewton-Andalusia  road  in  Escambia  County,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  407,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Coosa  River.  Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Cedar  Bluff,  Ala.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  8530  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Cedar 
BlufE,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  402, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  Information  foUoTvlngr  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 3 

424  January,  1928 

Coosa  Rwer — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Wetumpka,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7902  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  at  or  near 
Wetumpka,  Ala.] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25, 1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
396,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

•  Bridge  across  Coosa  River  on  Columbiana-Talladega  road,  Alabama,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  8531  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  De- 
partment of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  on 
Columbiana-Talladega  road  between  Talladega  and  Shelby  counties,  Ala.] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  403,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cumberland  River.  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Canton,  Ky.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7032  [authorizing  Valley  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated, 
Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Canton, 
Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  428,  70tb 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  luka,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7033  [authorizing  Valley  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated,  Paducah,  Ky.,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  luka,  Ky.] ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  429,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Smithland,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7034  [authorizing  Midland  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated,  Paducah, 
Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Smithland,  Ky.] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  430,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Delaware  River.  Bridge  across  Delaware  Ri\er  at  Burlington,  N.  J.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7948  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Delaware  River  at  or  near  Burlington,  N.  J.,  and 
Bristol,  Pa.,  by  Joseph  R.  Cheesman  and  Clifford  L.  Anderson]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Beck  [of  Pennsylvania].  Jan.  25,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  401,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

Duluth  Ship  Canal.  Bridge  Duluth  Ship  Canal  at  Duluth,  Minn.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5510  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Duluth,  Minn.,  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Duluth  Ship  Canal] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  7, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  194,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Elk  River.  Bridge  across  Elk  River  between  Lauderdale  and  Limestone  coun- 
ties, Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7913  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Highway  Department  of  Alabama  to  construct  bridge  across  Elk  River  on 
Athens- Florence  road  between  Lauderdale  and  Limestone  counties,  Ala.] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  217,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Grand  Calumet  River.  Bridge  across  Grand  Calumet  River  at  Forsythe  avenue. 
East  Chicago,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5744  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  for  reconstruction  of  bridge  across  Grand  Calumet  River  at  East 
Chicago,  Ind.,  by  Lake  County,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Indiana. 
Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  201,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st 
print  reads  incorrectly  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hillshoro  Bay.  Bridge  across  Hillsborough  Bay  at  Tampa,  Fla.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7218  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Hillsborough  Bay  at  22d 
street,  Tampa,  Fla.,  being  constructed  by  Hillsborough  County,  Fla.] ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  211,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kansas  River.     Dam  across  Kansas    (Kaw)   River  at  Lawrence,  Kans.    [con- 
structed by  Bowersock  Mills  and  Power  Company],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  \\ 
5569;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoch.     Jan.  25,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  391,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv  to   order  pnbllcations — Sec  Inforinntlon   foIloTvlng   Contents 



January,  1928  425 

Little  Calumet  River.  Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Ashland  avenue, 
Cook  County,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.'R.  6513  [granting  consent  of  Con- 
gress to  county  of  Cook,  111.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River 
at  or  near  Ashland  avenue,  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison. 
Jan.  7,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  206,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Ashland  avenue,  Cook  County,  111., 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8740  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of 
Cook,  111.,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at 
Ashland  avenue.  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  404,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Indiana  avenue,  Cook  County,  IlL, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6514  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of 
Cook,  111.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  or  near  Indiana 
avenue,  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  207,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Wentworth  avenue.  Cook  County, 

111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6512  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county 
of  Cook,  111.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  or  near  Went- 
worth avenue,  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp,  205,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mahoning  River.  Bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  Division  street,  Youngs- 
town,  Ohio,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6958  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Youngstown  to  construct  bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  Youngstown,  Ohio, 
at  or  near  Division  street]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Jan.  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  208,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  West  avenue,  Youngstown,  Ohio,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  6046  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Youngstown,  Ohio, 
to  construct  bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  or  near  West  avenue,  Youngs- 
town, Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp, 
202,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mississippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Alma,  Wis.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8726  Lauthorizing  Oscar  Baertch,  Christ  Buhmann,  and 
Fred  Reiter  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Alma, 
Wis.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  25,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  412,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c, 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  6487  [authorizing  Baton  Rouge-Mississippi  River  Bridge  Company 
to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Baton  Rouge,  La.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn,  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  425,  70th  Cong,  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Cassville,  Wis.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  8837  [authorizing  American  Bridge  and  Ferry  Company  (Incorporated) 
to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Cassville,  Wis.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  411,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Chester,  111.,   report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  8741  [authorizing  Dravo  Contracting  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Chester,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison, 
Jan.  25,  1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  440,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Hickman,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7921  [authorizing  A.  Robbins  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  or  near  Hickman,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928, 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  436,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Lansing,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5803  [authorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Lansing,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of 
Iowa.    Jan.  25,  1928.    4  p.     (H,  rp.  422,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

HoTC  to  order  publications— See  information  followlngr  Contents 

426  January,  1928 

Mississippi  Rvoer — ^tiontinued. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Monticello,  Minn.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  199  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  to  construct 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Monticello,  Minn.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.   Newton.     Jan.   7,   1928.     2  p.     (H.    rp.   191,   TOth   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

■ Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5818  [authorizing  J.  H.  Peacock,  F.  G.  Bell,  S.  V.  Taylor, 
E.  C.  Amann,  and  C.  E.  Ferris  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River 
at  or  near  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  410,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge   across  Mississippi   River   at   St.   Paul   and   Minneapolis,   Minn., 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8743  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  com- 
pleting construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  St.  Paul 
and  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  by  Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  25,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  405,  TOth  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Wabasha,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  64T6  [authorizing  Wabasha  Bridge  Committee  to  construct  bridge 
across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Wabasha,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Newton.    Jan.  25,  1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  424,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  near  Chester,  111.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  69T3  [authorizing  E.  H.  Wegener  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  or  near  Chester,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  42T,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Little  Falls,  Minn.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  194  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of  Morrison,  Minn., 
to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Little  Falls,  Minn.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  T,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  190,  TOth  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Missouri  River.  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8106  [authorizing  F.  C.  Barnhill  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan. 
Jan.  25,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  43T,  TOth  Gong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Hermann,   Mo.,   report  to   accompany 

H.  R.  5501  [authorizing  Hermann  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Hermann,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    8  p.     (H.  rp.  414,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Liberty  Landing,  Mo.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  6639  [authorizing  Centennial  Bridge  Company  of  Independence. 
Mo.,  Incorporated,  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Lib 
erty  Lauding,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan.  Jan.  25,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
426,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Miami,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

8107  [authorizing  Frank  M.  Burruss  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri 
River  at  or  near  Miami,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  438,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Washington,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5502  [authorizing  Washington  Missouri  River  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Washington,  Mo.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.   Milligan.     Jan.  25,   1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  419,   TOth   Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Washington  County,  Nebr.,  and 

Harrison  County,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  56T9  [authorizing  Ne- 
braska-Iowa Bridge  Corporation  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 
between  Washington  County,  Nebr.,  and  Harrison  County,  Iowa]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Iowa.  Jan.  25,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  420,  TOth  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Ho^v  to  order  pnbllcatlonis— See  information  foIIoTFlns  Contents 


January,  1928  427 

Missouri  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Glasgow,  Mont.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7466  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Montana,  Valley  County,  Mont., 
and  McCone  County,  Mont.,  or  to  any  or  either  of  them,  jointly  or  severally, 
to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Glasgow,  Mont.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Hoch.     Jan.  7,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  215,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Monongahcla  River.  Bridge  across  Monongahela  River  between  Glassport  and 
Clairton,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7925  [granting  consent  of  Congress 
for  maintenance  and  operation  of  bridge  across  Monongahela  River  between 
borough  of  Glassport  and  Clairton,  Pa.,  by  Allegheny  County,  Pa.]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.   Wyant.     Jan.  25,   1928.     2  p.     (H.   rp.   400,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Augusta,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5721  [authorizing  E.  M.  Elliott  and  Associates,  Incorporated,  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Augusta,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton. 
Jan.  25,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  421,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Cairo,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  121 

[authorizing  Cairo  Association  of  Commerce  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Cairo,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p. 
( H,  rp.  418,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Golconda,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7183  [authorizing  C.  J.  Abbott  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or 
near  Golconda,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
433,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Madison,  Ind".,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7916  [authorizing  Madison  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Madison,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Indiana.  Jan. 
25,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  435,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Mound  City,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

66  [authorizing  B.  L.  Hendrix,  G.  C.  Trammel,  and  C.  S.  Miller  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Mound  City,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  IMr.  Deni- 
son.    Jan.  25,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  417,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ravenswood,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  6073  [authorizing  E.  M.  Elliott  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River 
at  or  near  Ravenswood,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  ISIr.  Peery.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  423,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at   Shawneetown,   111.,   report   to   accompany 

H.  R.  7184  [authorizing  J.  L.  Rowan  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River 
at  or  near  Shawneetown,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25.  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  i-p.  434,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Maysville,  Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  437  [authorizing  Maysville  Bridge  Company  to 
construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Maysville,  Ky.,  and  Aberdeen, 
Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  416, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Maysville,  Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  472  [authorizing  Dwight  P.  Robinson  and  Com- 
pany, Incorporated,  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Mays- 
ville. Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Jan. 
25,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  415,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Rochester  and  Monaca,   Pa.,   report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  7192  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Rochester  and  Monaca, 
Pa.,  by  Beaver  County]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wyant.  Jan.  7,  1928.  3  p.  (H. 
rp.  210,  70th  Cong.  1st.  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  follofrlns  Contents 

428  January,  1928 

Ouachita  River.  Bridge  across  Ouachita  Rivei-  at  Harri&onburg,  La.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5727  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Ouacliita  River  at  or  near  Harrisonburg,  La., 
by  Louisiana  Highway  Commission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan. 
25,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  392,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *' Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  Monroe,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

5725  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge 
across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near  Monroe,  La.,  by  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion of  Louisiana]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
198,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Red  River.  Bridge  across  Red  River  at  Moncla,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
8818  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Moncla,  La.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  406,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Red  River  of  the  North.  Bridge  across  Red  River  of  the  North  between  Grand 
Forks,  N.  Dak.,  and  East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
108  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  North  Dakota  and  Minnesota  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Red  River  of  the  North  between  Grand  Forks,  N.  Dak., 
and  East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Burtness.  Jan.  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  189,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rio  Grande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  River  at  Presidio,  Tex.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5583  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Kansas  City,  Mexico 
and  Orient  Railway  Company  of  Texas  and  Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient 
Railway  Company  to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near 
Presidio,  Tex.,  opposite  Ojinaga,  Mexico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Jan. 
7,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  195,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rock  River.  Bridge  across  Rock  River  at  Dixon,  111.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6483  [granting  con.sent  of  Congress  to  Illinois,  county  of  Lee,  and  Dixon, 
or  to  any  or  either  of  them,  jointly  or  severally,  to  construct  bridge  across 
Rock  River  at  Dixon,  111.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  204,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Bridge  across  Rock  River  at  Palmyra,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7745  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Chicago  and  North  Western  Railway 
Company  to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Rock  River  in  Palmyra  and 
Nelson  townships,  Lee  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  7, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  216,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Louis  Rivei'.  Bridge  across  St.  Louis  River  at  Rices  Point,  Minn.,  rejwrt  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7909  [to  authorize  maintenance  and  renewal  of  timber 
frame  trestle  in  place  of  fixed  span  at  Wisconsin  end  of  steel  bridge  of  Duluth 
and  Superior  Bridge  Company  over  St.  Louis  River  between  Connors  Point, 
Wis.,  and  Rices  Point,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
2  p.     ('H.  rp.  397,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Snake  River.  Bridge  across  Snake  River  at  Idaho  Falls,  Idaho,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  319  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Snake  River  at  Idaho  Falls, 
Idaho,  being  constructed  by  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  192,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Heyburn,  Idaho,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7371  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Heyburn,  Idaho,  be- 
ing constructed  by  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
394,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Indian  Cove,  Idaho,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7370  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Idaho  to  constnict  bridge 
across  Snake  River  near  Indian  Cove,  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  Jan. 
7,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  212,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Swan  Valley,  Idaho,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7374  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Idaho  to  construct  bridge  across 
Snake  River  near  Swan  Valley,  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  Jan.  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  213,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoiT  to  order  publications— See  Information  follofvlnar  Contents 

January,  1928  429 

Susquehanwi  River.  Bridge  across  Susquehanna  River  at  Sunbury,  Pa.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8227  [authorizing  Sunbury  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Susquehanna  River  at  or  near  Bainbridge  Street  in  Sunbury, 
Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wyant.  Jan,  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  439,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tennessee  River.  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  Eggnei-s  Ferry,  Ky.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  7036  [authorizing  Valley  Bridge  Company,  Incor- 
porated, Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near 
Eggners  Ferry,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
432,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  mouth  of  Clarks  River,  Ky.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  7035  [authorizing  Midland  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated, 
Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  mouth 
of  Clarks  River  and  between  Livingston  and  McCracken  counties,  Ky.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Denison.  Jan.  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  431,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Pai)er,  5c, 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Guntersville,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7375  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of  Alabama 
to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Gunters- 
ville on  Guntersville-Huntsville  road  in  Marshall  County,  Ala.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  395,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  oc. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Scottsboro,  Ala.,  reiwrt  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7915  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near 
Scottsboro  on  Scottsboro-Fort  Payne  road  in  Jackson  County,  Ala.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  399,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c, 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Whitesburg  FeiTy,  Ala.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  7914  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or 
near  Whitesburg  Ferry  on  Huntsville-Laceys  Spring  road  between  Madison 
and  Morgan  counties,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928, 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  398,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •  Paper,  5c. 

Tombigl)ee  River.  Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at  Epes,  Ala.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8899  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
or  near  Epes,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  408,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  near  Aberdeen,  Miss.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5657  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  supervisors  of 
Monroe  County,  Miss.,  to  construct  bridge  acx'oss  Tombigbee  River  at  or  near 
Aberdeen,  Miss.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
197,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  near  Gainesville,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8900  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  near 
Gainesville  on  Gainesville-Eutaw  road  between  Sumter  and  Green  counties, 
Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  409,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Railroad  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at  Epes,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5638  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  Great  Southern 
Railroad  Company  to  reconstruct  railroad  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
Epes,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  196, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tug  Fork.  Bridges  across  Tug  Fork  of  Big  Sandy  River  near  Devon,  W.  Va., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7449  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Big  Sandy 
and  Cumberland  Railroad  Company  to  construct  2  bridges  across  Tug  Fork 
of  Big  Sandy  River  near  Devon,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Peery.  Jan. 
7,  1928,    2  p.     (H.  rp.  214,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)   *  Paper,  5c. 

^  HoTV  to  order  publications— See  informatloii  folIoTvingr  Contents 

430  Januakt,  1928 


Colorado  River.  Regulating  Colorado  River,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  5770,  to  improve  navigability  of  Colorado  River  by  securing 
regularity  of  flow,  by  protecting  and  developing  lower  Colorado  River  basin, 
by  providing  flood  control,  and  by  protecting  Colorado  River  in  its  present 
or  future  channel,  also  to  aid  in  reclamation  of  public  lands  of  United  States, 
to  prevent  controversy  between  States  in  Colorado  basin,  and  creating  Colo- 
rado River  Authority,  with  powers  and  duties  enumerated  herein,  as  means 
or  instrumentality  for  carrying  out  such  purposes  and  effectuating  such 
ends  and  making  such  improvements  self-sustaining  and  self-paying,  Jan.  7, 
1928.     1928.     iii+52  p.     *  Paper,   10c.  Y  4.1r  7/2 :  C  71/7 

ColuniMa  Basin  irrigation  project.  Columbia  Basin  project,  hearings,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7029,  for  adoption  of  Columbia  Basin  reclama- 
tion project,  Jan.  16  and  17,  1928.     1928.     iii+187  p.     ♦Paper,  20c. 

T4.Ir  7/2 :  C  72/3 

Deschutes  irrigation  project.  Deschutes  project  in  Oregon,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  307,  for  construction  of  Deschutes  project  in 
Oregon,  Jan.  10,  1928.     1928.     iii+36  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.Ir7/2:D45 

Okanogan  irrigation  project.  Authorizing  transfer  of  Okanogan  project.  Wash., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7203  [to  transfer  Okanogan  project,  in  State  of 
Washington,  to  Okanogan  Irrigation  District  upon  payment  of  charges 
stated]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  HiU  of  Washington.  Jan.  4,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
122,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Okanogan  IiTigation  District  in  Washington,   hearings,   70th   Congress, 

1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7203,  to  transfer  Okanogan  project,  in  State  of  Wash- 
ington, to  Okanogan  Irrigation  District  upon  payment  of  charges  stated,  Dec. 
20,1927.     1928.     ii+29  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.Ir7/2:Okl 

Transfer  of  Okanogan  project.  Wash.,  to  Okanogan  Irrigation  District, 

report  to  accompany  S.  1661 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  Jan.  11, 
1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  257,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Umatilla  Rapids  in  Columbia  River,  Oreg.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  306,  for  protection  and  development  of  Umatilla  Rapids  in  Columbia 
River,  Jan.  10,  1928.     1928.     iii+23  p.     *Paper,  5c.  Y4.Ir7/2:Uml 


Actions  at  law.  Concerning  actions  on  account  of  death  or  personal  injury 
within  places  under  exclusive  jurisdiction  of  United  States,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  1798 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  369,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Appeals.  To  amend  sec.  128  of  judicial  code,  relating  to  appeals  from  District 
Courts,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  343  [to  amend  sec.  128,  subdivision  b, 
paragraph  1,  of  judicial  code  as  amended  Feb.  13,  1925,  relating  to  appeals 
from  District  Courts,  so  as  to  include  district  courts  of  Alaska,  Hawaii, 
Virgin  Islands,  and  Canal  Zone]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Christopherson.  Jan.  5, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  153,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Boxing.  To  amend  sec.  320  and  321  of  penal  code  with  reference  to  prize 
fighting  and  boxing  contests  [within  Territories  and  District  of  Columbia], 
hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7200,  H.  R.  7736,  Jan.  13,  1928. 
1928.     ii-F28  p.     ( Serial  2. )     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  J  S9/1 :  P  37/4 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  5,  1928 ;  no.  3. 
1928.     42  p.  4°     t  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  70/3 

Champlain,  Lake.  Creation  of  Lake  Champlain  Bridge  Commission,  report  to 
accompany  H.  J.  Res.  104  [granting  consent  of  Congi-ess  to  agreement  or  com- 
pact entered  into  between  New  York  and  Vermont  for  creation  of  Lake 
Champlain  Bridge  Commission  and  to  construct  highway  bridge  across  Lake 
Champlain  between  Crown  Point,  N.  Y.,  and  Chimney  Point,  Vt.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  LaGuardia.  Jan.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  179,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  publications— See  inforniation  following  Contents 

January,  1928  431 

Commerce.  To  amend  Webb-Pomerene  act,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  8927  [to  amend  act  to  promote  export  trade,  so  as  to  extend  provi- 
sions of  act  to  import  trade],  Jan.  9  [19],  1928.     1928.     ii+47  p.     (Serial  3.) 

*  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  W  38 

Crime  and  crimmals.  Providing  penalties  for  escaping  from  Federal  penal  and 
correctional  institutions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9021 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dyer.     Jan.  12,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  271,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Declaratory  judgments.  Amend  judicial  code  by  adding  new  section,  to  be  no. 
274D  [relating  to  declaratory  decrees],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5623;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Montague.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  366,  70tli  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Amend  judicial  code  by  adding  new  section,  to  be  numbered  274D  [relating 

to  declaratory  decrees],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5623;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Montague.    Jan.  16,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  288,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  Courts.  Authorizing  changes  in  time  of  holding  court  in  El  Dorado 
division  of  Arkansas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9142  [to  amend  sec.  71  of 
judicial  code,  as  amended,  by  changing  time  of  holding  court  at  El  Dorado 
and  Harrison,  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tillman.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p.  (H. 
rp.  367,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Detach  Okfuskee  County  from  northern  district  of  Oklahoma  and  attach 

same  to  eastern  district,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7011 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Moore  of  Ohio.     Jan.   16,   1928.     1  p.     (H.   rp.   291,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Distnct  of  Columbia.  Amend  code  of  law  of  District  of  Columbia  [and  acts 
amendatory  thereof  and  supplementary  thereto,  relative  to  fees  to  be  charged 
bv  clerk  of  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia],  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9020;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  268,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  sec.  1112  of  code  of  law  for  District  of  Columbia  [relating  to 

marshal's  fees],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9026;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer. 
Jan.  12.  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  270,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Industrial  Institution  for  Women.  Public  highway  over  Government 
property  at  Alderson,  "W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9022  [to  authorize 
Alderson,  W.  Va.,  to  maintain  public  highway  upon  premises  occupied  by 
Federal  Industrial  Institution  for  Women  at  Alderson,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Dyer.     Jan.    17,    1928.     4   p.     (H.    rp.    301,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Flags.  To  prevent  desecration  of  flag  [and  insignia]  of  United  States  and  to 
provide  punishment  therefor,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
5724.  Jan.  18,  1928.     1928.     ii+9  p.     (Serial  4.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  4.  J  89/1 : F  59/5 

Inheritance  and  transfer  tax.  Refunding  of  certain  legacy  taxes,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7224  [to  extend  time  for  refunding  of  certain  legacy  taxes 
erroneously  collected]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  23,  1928.  4  p.  (H. 
rp.  356,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judges.  Additional  circuit  judge  for  6th  judicial  circuit,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  8229;  submitted  by  Mr.  Michener.  Jan.  12,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  267, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

— —  Additional  district  judge  for  southern  district  of  Iowa,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  6057 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  5,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  154, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional   distiict   judges   for   southern   district   of   New   York,   report 

to   accompany   H.   R.   9200;   submitted   by   Mr.   Dyer.     Jan.   19,   1928.     2  p. 
(H.  i-p.  314,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional  judge  for  eastern  district  of  New  York,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5774;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.     Jan.  19,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  319,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^T  to  order  publications— See  Information  follo-vrlng;  Contents 

432  January,  1928 

Jury.  Amend  sec.  1025,  Revised  statutes  [so  as  to  permit  clerks  or  steno- 
graphers employed  to  assist  United  States  attorneys  to  be  in  attendance  be- 
fore grand  juries],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9785;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer, 
Jan.  24,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  368,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marshals.  Deposit  of  fees,  etc.,  paid  to  United  States  marshals,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9052  [to  amend  sec.  6  of  act  of  May  28,  1896] ;  submitted 
by   Mr.   Hickey.     Jan.   13,   1928.     2  p.     (H.   rp.   273,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Granting  pension  to  deputy  marshals  of  district  court  for  western  dis- 
trict of  Arkansas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5709  [granting  pension  to 
regularly  commissioned  deputy  marshals  of  district  court  for  western  dis- 
trict of  Arkansas,  including  Indian  Territory,  now  Oklahoma,  and  to  their 
widows  and  dependent  children]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tillman.  Jan.  24,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  381,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend   sec.   1   of  act  of  Feb.   22,   1875    [regulating  fees  and  costs, 

relative  to  accounts  of  United  States  marshals  and  United  States  commis- 
sioners], report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9051;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  12, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  272,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nevada.  Reimbursement  of  Nevada,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  J.  Res.  Ill,  Jan.  18,  1928.    1928.    iii+28  p.     (Serial  6.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  4.  J  89/1 :  N  41 

"New  York  State.  Correcting  account  between  State  of  New  York  and  United 
States,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  59 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  18. 
1928.    6  p.     (H.  rp.  311,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Public  works.  To  regulate  disbursement  of  Federal  funds  for  public  works, 
report  [and  minority  views]  to  accompany  H.  R.  5772  [to  regulate,  control, 
and  safeguard  disbursement  of  Federal  funds  expended  for  creation,  con- 
struction, extension,  repair,  or  ornamentation  of  any  public  building,  high- 
way, levee,  dam,  excavation,  dredging,  drainage,  or  other  construction 
project].  [2  pts.]  (H.  rp.  310,  2  pts..  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[pt.  1.]  Report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Jan.  18,  1928.  2  p.  *  Paper,  5c. 
pt.  2.     Minority  views ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tillman.     Jan.  25,  1928.     7  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sink,  J.  L.  J.  L.  Sink,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8216  [to  confer  authoi'ity 
on  district  court  for  western  district  of  Virginia  to  permit  J.  L.  Sink,  bank- 
rupt, to  file  his  application  for  discharge  and  to  authorize  and  empower 
judge  of  said  court  to  hear  and  determine  same] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Montague. 
Jan'^  16,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  283,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Stenographers.  Appointment  of  stenographers  in  courts  of  United  States,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9024  [to  authorize,  appointment  of  stenographers  in 
courts  of  United  States  and  to  fix  their  duties  and  compensation] ;  submitted 
by   Mr.   Dyer.     Jan.   12,   1928.     2   p.      (H.    rp.    269,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Supreme  Court.  Amendment  to  sec.  227  of  judicial  code  [so  as  to  enable 
Attorney  General  to  furnish  justices  of  Customs  Court  with  reports  of 
Supreme  Court],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9049;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hall 
of  lUinois.  Jan.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  274,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected 
print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  allow  Supreme  Court  to  fix  salary  of  its  marshal,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8725  [to  amend  sec.  224  of  judicial  code]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dyer.     Jan.  17,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  300.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Writs.  In  reference  to  writs  of  error,  report  to  accompany  S.  1801  •  submitted 
by   Mr.   Dyer.     Jan.   24,   1928.     1   p.      (H.    rp.   370,   70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


King,  William  R.  Erection  of  tablet  or  marker  at  place  of  birth  of  William 
Rufus  King,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7903  [to  authorize  erection  at 
Clinton,  N.  C,  of  tablet  or  marker  in  commemoration  of  William  Rufus 
King,  former  Vice  President  of  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce. 
Jan.  26,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  460,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  Information  foIloTvingr  Contents 

January,  1928  433 

Library  of  Congress.  Increase  of  j^alary  for  librarian  of  Congress,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9036;  submittetl  by  Mr.  Luce.  Jan.  26,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
461,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Women.  Authorizing  additional  appropriation  for  memorial  to  heroic  women 
of  World  War,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  66;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce. 
Jan.  26.  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  458,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Adams,  Clayton  H.  Clayton  H.  Adams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8797  [for 
relief  of  Clayton  H.  Adams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  9, 
1928.     6  p.     (H.  rp,  224,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Aircraft  Procurement  Board,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  471  [to  provide  for 
Aircraft  Procuremenl  P>nard]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  119,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Antietam,  Battle  of,  1862.  Appointment  and  duties  of  superintendent  of  Antie- 
tam  battle  field,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  227;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher. 
Jan.  9,  1928.     2  p.     (H,  rp.  235,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Armstrong,  William  H.  William  H,  Armstrong,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
6180  [for  relief  of  William  H.  Armstrong]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  112,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army.  Appropriation  for  recovery  of  bodies  of  oflBcers,  soldiers,  and  civilian 
employees,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  230 ;  submitted  by  Mr,  McSwain,  Jan, 
9,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  230,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Disposition  of  remains  of  military  personnel  and  civilian  employees  of 

Army,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  248;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.     Jan.  9, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  232,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army  supplies.  To  limit  issue  of  reserve  supplies  or  equipment  held  by  War 
Department,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7752;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan. 
26,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  45G,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Army  Transport  retirement,  hearings,  69th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  15974, 
Feb.  17,  1927 ;  statement  of  Thomas  M.  Hunter.     1928.     ii+8  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.M  59/1 :  R  31/3 

Bailey,  George  P.  George  P.  Bailey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8775  [for  relief 
of  George  P.  Bailey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan,  9,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
220,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Barnitz,  Ricliard  B.  Richard  B.  Barnitz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7397 
[authorizing  the  President  to  order  Richard  B.  Barnitz  before  retiring  board 
for  hearing  of  his  case  and  upon  findings  of  such  board  determine  whether  or 
not  he  be  placed  on  retired  list  with  rank  and  pay  held  by  him  at  time  of  his 
resignation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow,  Jan.  5,  1928,  3  p.  (H,  rp,  147, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Beaty,  William  G.  William  G,  Beaty,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8983  [for 
relief  of  William  G.  Beaty]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Quin.  Jan.  11,  1928,  2  p, 
(H.  rp.  259,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Beier.  Richard  H.  Richard  H,  Beier,  report  to  accompany  H,  R,  8963  [for 
relief  of  Richard  H.  Beier] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  Jan,  13, 
1928.    3  p,     (H.  rp.  275,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Black,  Joseph  M.  Joseph  M,  Black,  report  to  accompany  H,  R.  9151  [for  relief 
of  Joseph  M.  Black]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Boylan,  Jan,  17,  1928,  2  p.  (H,  rp. 
298,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess,)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Boyle,  Edxcard  J.  Edward  J,  Boyle,  report  to  accompany  H,  R,  6005  [for 
relief  of  Edward  J.  Boyle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Glynn.  Jan.  5,  1928.  1  p. 
( H.  rp.  141,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c, 

Brannan,  Richard.  Richard  Brannan,  report  to  accompany  H,  R,  1073  [for 
relief  of  Richard  Brannan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  4, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp,  77,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho°w  to  order  publications — See  information  foIIOT^in^  Contents 

434  January,  1928 

Brice's  Ci'oss  Roads,  Miss.  Inspection  of  battle  fields  of  Brices  Crossroads  and 
Tupelo  in  Mississippi,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8736  [for  inspection  of 
battle  field  of  Brices  Cross  Roads,  Miss.,  and  battle  field  of  Tupelo,  or  Harris- 
burg,  Miss.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mc Swain,  Jan.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  233, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Broum,  Israel.  Israel  Brown,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6839  [for  relief  of 
Israel  Brown]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  5,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  142,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Buckley,  Seymour.  Seymour  Buckley,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3241  [for 
relief  of  Seymour  Buckley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  86,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Butler,  John  R.  John  R.  Butler,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8987  [for  relief 
of  John  R.  Butler]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  16,  1928.  5  p. 
(H.  rp.  290,  70th  Cong.  1st      -Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  3  and  14,  1928; 
no.  1  and  2.     1928.     86  p.  and  100  p.  4°     %  Y  4.M  59/1 :  70/1,  2 

Callahan,  Eugene  C.  E.  C.  Callahan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9161  [author- 
izing the  President  to  reappoint  E.  C.  Callahan  captain  of  Infantry,  Army]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  19,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  318,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Carlisle  Barracks.  To  seU  portion  of  Carlisle  Barracks  reservation,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5635  [to  amend  act  to  sell  portion  of  Carlisle  Barracks 
reservation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Jan.  26,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  459, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ccssidy,  John  G.  John  G.  Cassidy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8190  [for  relief 
of  John  G.  Cassidy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  5,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  151,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chickamauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Park.  Erection  of  memorials  to  com- 
memorate encampments  of  Spanish  War  organizations  at  Chickamauga  and 
Chattanooga  National  Military  Park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  229 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Reece.     Jan.  9,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  229,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

China.  Admission  of  2  Chinese  subjects  to  West  Point,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  39  [authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for  instruction  at 
Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Chinese  subjects  to  be  designated  hereafter 
by  Government  of  China]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  10,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  253,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Clark,  John.  John  Clark,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8627  [for  relief  of  John 
Clark]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
244,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cohurn,  William  T.  William  Taylor  Coburn,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8643 
[for  relief  of  William  Taylor  Coburn]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  246,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cole,  James  W.  James  William  Cole,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4104  [to  correct 
military  record  of  James  William  Cole] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan.  4, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  95,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cooke,  Robert  P.  Robert  P.  Cooke,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8772  [granting 
annuity  to  Robert  P.  Cooke]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Jan.  9,  1928.  23  p. 
(H.  rp  219,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cooley,  Lester.  Lester  Coolev,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8674  [for  relief  of 
Lester  Cooley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  236, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coursey,  Joe  B.  Joe  Burton  Coursey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9017  [to 
reinstate  Joe  Burton  Coursey  in  West  Point  Military  Academy]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.   Reece.     Jan.   11,   1928.     4  p.      (H.   rp.   265,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  information  folloTvlm?  Contents 

January,  1928  435 

Da  Huff,  Amos.  Amos  Dahuff,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8628  [for  relief  of 
Amos  Dahuff]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  245,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

David,  Estle.  Estle  David,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3352  [for  relief  of  Estle 
David] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  87,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

De  Forest,  Sylvester.  Sylvester  De  Forest,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6917  [to 
correct  military  record  of  Sylvester  De  Forest]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks. 
Jan.  5,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  143,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dotson,  WiUiatn  H.  William  H.  Dotson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7227  [for 
relief  of  Wiiliam  H.  Dotson] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  5,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  144,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Duffy,  Martin  L.  Martin  L.  Duffy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8796  [for  relief 
of  Martin  L.  Duffy] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  223,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Eastpart,  Miss.  Markers  for  battle  fields  of  Eastport  and  luka,  Miss.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8737;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  234,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Foster,  Kennedy  F.  Kennedy  F.  Foster,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4654  [for 
relief  of  Kennedy  F.  Foster]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4, 1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  98,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Genireux,  Emile.  Emile  Genireux,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2472  [for  relief 
of  Emile  Genireux,  alias  Emile  Genereux]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  82,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Getchell,  Charles  F.  Charles  F.  Getcheil,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8444  [for 
relief  of  Charles  F.  Getchell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  19,  1928.  3  p. 
( H.  rp.  315,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gib'bs,  Edward.  Edward  Gibbs,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2174  [for  relief  of 
Edward  Gibbs] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  25,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  446, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gilhison,  George  W.  G.  W.  Gilkison,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5380  [to  cor- 
rect military  record  of  G.  W.  Gilkison]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  132,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Goodwin,  Da/oid  E.  David  E.  Goodwin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4655  [for 
relief  of  David  E.  Goodwin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  99,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gordon,  G^les.  Giles  Gordon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3467  [for  relief  of 
Gile.s  Gordon] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  90, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chiilford  Courthouse  National  Park.  Establishment  of  national  military  park 
at  battle  field  of  Guilford  Courthouse,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  245 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  McSwain.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  231,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[H.  R.  245  amends  law  relative  to  administration  of  park.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Harris,  Pleasant  R.  W.  Pleasant  R.  W.  Harris,  report  to  accompany  H.  R, 
5230  [to  correct  military  report  of  Pleasant  R.  W.  Harris]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Speaks.     Jan.  6,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  174,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Herbert,  Tlieodore.  Theodore  Herbert,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1533  [for 
relief  of  Theodore  Herbert]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  78,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Holmes,  Charles  B.  Charles  B.  Holmes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6916  [to 
correct  military  record  of  Charles  B.  Holmes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow. 
Jan.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  276,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Horses.  Purchase  of  horses  for  military  establishment,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7195  [for  purchase  of  horses  and  mules  for  military  establishment] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  121,  70th  Cong.  1st 
.^ess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HofT  to  order  publications— See  Information  follo^rlngr  Contents 


436  January,  1928 

Hussey,  George  G.  George  C.  Hussey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5994  [for 
relief  of  George  C.  Hussey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  108,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hynes,  William  A.  William  A.  Hynes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4079  [for 
relief  of  William  A.  Hynes] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  93,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jackson  Barracks.  Purchase  of  Jackson  Barracks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
6094  [to  amend  sec.  7  of  act  authorizing  use  for  permanent  construction  at 
military  posts  of  proceeds  from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real  prop- 
erty, and  authorizing  sale  of  certain  military  reservations,  so  as  to  grant  to 
Louisiana  extension  of  time  for  exercising  option  in  purchase  of  Jackson 
Barracks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Jan.  4,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  139, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jakes,  John.  John  Jakes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2482  [for  relief  of  John 
Jakes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  83,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Janson,  Gaston  M.  Gaston  M.  Janson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1597  [for 
relief  of  Gaston  M.  Janson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  Jan.  23,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  354,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jones,  Joseph  W.  Joseph  W.  Jones,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8443  [for  relief 
of  Joseph  W.  Jones]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
379,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Jones,  Nicholas.  Nicholas  Jones,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8590  [for  relief  of 
Nicholas  Jones]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  242, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kraul,  George  E.  George  E.  Kraul,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3510  [to  au- 
thorize the  President  to  appoint  George  E.  Kraul  captain  of  infantry,  with 
rank  from  July  1,  1920]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
91,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Langan,  Patrick  J.  Patrick  J.  Langan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6006  [for 
relief  of  Patrick  J.  Langan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  109,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lasher,  Ralph  E.  Ralph  H.  Lasher,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6442  [for  relief 
of  Ralph  H.  Lasher,  whose  name  appears  in  Army  records  as  Ralph  C. 
Lasher]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  116,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leavemvorth,  Fort.  Authorize  construction  at  Fort  Leavenworth,  Kans.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9567 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  26,  1928.  1  p.  (H. 
rp.  452,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

Leininger,  Frederick.  Frederick  Leininger,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7228 
[for  relief  of  Frederick  Leininger]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  5, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  145,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lentz,  William.  William  Lentz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8798  [for  relief  of 
William  Lentz] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow,  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  225, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

LiMey,  Bert  H.  Bert  H.  Libbey,  alias  Burt  H.  Libbey,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3166  [for  relief  of  Bert  H.  Libbey,  alias  Burt  H.  Libbey] ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Wurzbach.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  85,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Longsdorf,  Milton  C.  Milton  Longsdorf,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8988  [for 
relief  of  Milton  Longsdorf]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  11, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  260,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lord,  Hertert  M.  To  place  a  retired  officer  of  Army  on  retired  list  as  major 
general  [said  officer  having  been  first  chief  of  finance  of  Army],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7926 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  10,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
251,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  Information  folIOTvlnx  Content* 


Januaky,  1928  437 

Lowe,  Charles  E.  Charles  E.  Lowe,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4660  [to  correct 
military  record  of  Charles  E.  Lowe] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  100,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McCune,  Mrs.  Martha  D.  Martha  D.  McCune,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8805 
[for  relief  of  Martha  D.  McCune] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  227,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McEenry,  Benjamin  8.  Benjamin  S.  McHenry,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4702 
[to  remove  charge  of  desertion  from  record  of  Benjamin  S.  McHenry] ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  5,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  140,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

McNeil,  George  W.  George  W.  McNeil,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8804  [for 
relief  of  George  W.  McNeil]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  226,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McNeill,  Chauncey  S.  Reappointment  of  Maj.  Chauncey  S.  McNeill  subject  to 
certain  conditions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9149 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks. 
Jan.  18,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  306,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Macready,  EdvMrd  D.  Sallie  Mattie  Macready,  widow  of  Edward  Daniel 
Macready,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7992  [for  relief  of  Sallie  Mattie 
Macready,  widow  of  Edward  Daniel  Macready]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher. 
Jan.  5,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  150,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Magill,  John.  John  Magill,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6007  [for  relief  of  John 
Magill]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  110,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mahoney,  Jeremiah  F.  Jeremiah  F.  Mahoney,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8370 
[for  relief  of  Jeremiah  F.  Mahoney]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Jan. 
9,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  238,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mangan,  Daniel.  Daniel  Mangan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1931  [for  relief 
of  Daniel  Mangan,  alias  Daniel  Manning] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan. 
4,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  79,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Martin,  Louis.  Louis  Martin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8789  [for  relief  of 
Louis  Martin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  19,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  316,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •Paper,  5c. 

Marvin,  John  D.  John  DeWitt  Marvin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1534  [to 
correct  military  record  of  John  Dewitt  Marvin] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn, 
Jan.  5,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  152,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Medals.  To  prohibit  unauthorized  wearing  of  medals,  etc.,  awarded  by  War 
Department  [or  authorized  by  Congress  for  military  forces  of  United  States], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8309 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  Jan.  25,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  443,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  Academy,  West  Point.  Construction  of  new  cadet  barracks.  Military 
Academy,  West  Point,  N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9202;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Morin.    Jan.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  277,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Membership  of  board  of  visitors.  Military  Academy,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8105:  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
125,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  fix  pay  and  allowances  of  chaplain  at  Military  Academy,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  6652;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.     Jan.  26,  1928.     2  p.     (H. 
rp.  457,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  topography.  Authorizing  mapping  agencies  of  Government  to  assist 
in  preparing  military  maps,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7937 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Furlow.    Jan.  4,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  124,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Militia.  Civilian  caretakers  for  National  Guard  organizations,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  242  [to  amend  sec.  90  of  national  defense  act,  as  amended,  so  as  to 
authorize  employment  of  additional  civilian  caretakers  for  National  Guard 
organizations,  under  certain  circumstances,  in  lieu  of  enlisted  caretakers  here- 
tofore authorized]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
118,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hovr  to  order  publications— See  Information  folloivtngr  ContentM 

438  Januaky,  1928 

Moriscm,  James  H.  S.  J.  H.  S.  Morison,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4663 
[authorizing  the  President  to  appoint  J.  H.  S.  Morison  to  position  and  rank 
of  major,  Medical  Corps,  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  102,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mullen,  Anthony.  Anthony  Mullen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9014  [for  relief 
of  Anthony  Mullen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan.  11,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
264,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mullins,  William.  William  Mullins,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4661  [to  correct 
military  record  of  William  Mullins]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.     Jan.  4,  1928.       | 

4  p.     (H.  rp.  101,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Murphy,  Thomas.  Thomas  Murphy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8574  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Murphy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boy  Ian.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
240,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Murphy,  William  H.  William  H.  Murphy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8989 
[correcting  military  record  of  William  H.  Murphy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks. 
Jan.  11,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  261,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Home  for  Disabled,  Volunteer  Soldiers.  Prescribing  persons  entitled 
to  benefits  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers,  etc.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  232  [to  amend  act  of  June  7,  1924,  prescribing  persons  en- 
titled to  benefits  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers  and 
method  of  their  admission  thereto,  so  as  to  make  women  and  Army  and  Navy 
nurses  eligible  for  admission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  249,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Neaf,  Mrs.  Mary.  Mary  Neaf,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3194  [for  relief  of 
Mary  Neaf]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  372, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neal,  James.  James  Neal,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7553  [for  relief  of  James 
Neal,  alias  James  Spencer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  5,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  148,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nicholas,  Thomas  F.  Thomas  F.  Nicholas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8589  [for 
relief  of  Thomas  F.  Nicholas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(H,  rp.  241,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nugent,  Fred  R.  Fred  R.  Nugent,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4536  [for  relief  of 
Fred  R.  Nugent]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  Jan.  6,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  175,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nurse  Corps,  Army.  To  include  Army  nurses  in  law  granting  6  months'  pay  to 
beneficiaries,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  238  [to  amend  act  to  provide  pay- 
ment of  6  months'  pay  to  widow,  children,  or  other  designated  dependent 
relative  of  any  oflBcer  or  enlisted  man  of  Regular  Army  whose  death  results 
from  wounds  or  disease  not  result  of  his  own  misconduct,  so  as  to  include 
nurses  of  regular  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  441,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Owen,  Owen  J.  Owen  J.  Owen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5232  [to  correct 
military  record  of  Owen  J.  Owen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.     Jan.  4,  1928. 

5  p.     (H.  rp.  106,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Parrett,  David.  David  Parrett,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6438  [for  relief  of 
David  Parrett]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  115, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Pajjer,  5c. 

Pate,  Charlie  R.  Charlie  R.  Pate,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4652  [for  relief  of 
Charlie  R.  Pate]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  97, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ralston,  John.  John  Ralston,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9000  [to  correct  mili- 
tary record  of  John  Ralston]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  11,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  262,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Reserve  Officers'  Traimng  Corps,  Army.  To  resume  interrupted  training  course 
for  reserve  ofllcers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  244 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson 
of  Illinois.    Jan.  11,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  258,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoiiT  to  order  publications— See  Information  follofvinar  ContentH 

January,  1928  439 

Bichter,  Ella  G.  Ella  G.  Richter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2808  [for  relief  of 
Ella  G.  Richter,  daughter  of  Henry  W.  Richter]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hughes. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  84,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ritter,  Andrew  B.  Andrew  B.  Ritter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3400  [to  cor- 
rect military  record  of  Andrew  B.  Ritter  ]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Johnson  of 
lUinois.     Jan.  4,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  88,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Robertson,  Charles.  Charles  Robertson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4902  [to 
correct  militai'y  record  of  Charles  Robertson] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chapman. 
Jan.  4,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  103,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ross,  Thomas  21.  Thomas  M.  Ross,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6162  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  M.  Ross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
Ill,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Scott,  Dennis  W.  Dennis  W.  Scott,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1970  [for  relief 
of  Dennis  W.  Scott]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
80,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shook,  James.  James  Shook,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5231  [to  correct 
military  record  of  James  Shook]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  4,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  105,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shropshire,  Thomas  J.  Thomas  Jefferson  Shropshire,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6185  [for  relief  of  Thomas  Jefferson  Shropshire]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  4,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  113,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Shull,  Henry.  Henry  ShuU,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6282  [for  relief  of 
Henry  Shull]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  4,  1928.  5  p. 
(H.  rp.  114,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Siam.  Admission  of  2  Siamese  subjects  to  West  Point,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  40  [authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for  instruction  at 
Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Siamese  subjects  to  be  designated  hereafter 
by  Government  of  Siam]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  10,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  254,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Siynons.  Henry.  Henry  Simons,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7229  [for  relief  of 
Henry  Simons]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan.  5,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  146, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st  print  reads  incorrectly  H.  R. 
533  instead  of  H.  R.  7229.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Siple.  John  W.  John  W.  Siple,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5383  [to  correct 
military  record  of  John  W.  Siple]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  IlUnois. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  133,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  William.  William  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4080  [for  relief  of 
William  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fisher.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  94, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sparks,  Frederick.  Frederick  Sparks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8790  [for 
relief  of  Frederick  Sparks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  19, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  317,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sperry,  WUUaim  J.  Duplicate  Medal  of  Honor  for  widow  of  Lieut.  Col.  Wil- 
liam J.  Sperry,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  118 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Froth- 
ingham.     Jan.  25,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  444,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Spurrier,  Thomas.  Thomas  Spurrier,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5381  [to  cor- 
rect military  record  of  Thomas  Spurrier]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illi- 
nois.    Jan.  4,  1928.     3  p.  (H.  rp.  107,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stephenson,  Harry  ^y.  Harry  Walter  Stephenson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
8806  [authorizing  the  President  to  reappoint  Major  Harry  Walter  Stephenson, 
Army  (retired),  to  position  and  rank  of  major.  Coast  Artillery  Corps,  Army]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  9,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  228,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HofT  to  order  publications— See  Information  follofrlnsr  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 4 

440  January,  1928 

Stevens,  Charles  R.  Charles  R.  Stevens,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  854  [for 
relief  of  Charles  R.  Stevens]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan. 
4,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  76,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stonestreet,  Clarence  O.  Clarence  G.  Stonestreet,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
9002  [for  relief  of  Clarence  G.  Stonestreet]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan. 
11,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  263,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Strevy,  John.  John  Strevy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4168  [for  relief  of  John 
Strevy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reeee.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  96,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Target  practice.  Annual  rifle  competitions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8550 
[to  amend  national  defense  act  so  as  to  provide  for  holding  of  rifle  comi)eti- 
tions  or  national  matches  every  year]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  10, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  250,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thompson,  Willard.  Willard  Thompson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8788  [to 
correct  military  record  of  Willard  Thompson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks. 
Jan.  9,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  222,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Traveling  expenses.  Amend  national  defense  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
234  [to  amend  sec.  47d  of  national  defense  act,  as  amended,  so  as  to  authorize 
allowance  of  1  cent  a  mile  for  subsistence  of  candidates  in  going  to  and. 
returning  from  camp  for  military  instruction  and  training]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Hofeman.     Jan.    11,    1928.     2   p.     (H.    rp.    256,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Tucker,  Alliert  0.  Albert  O.  Tucker,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8509  [for  relief 
of  Albert  O.  Tucker,  alias  Charles  M.  Healey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Jan. 
9,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  239,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Turner,  Augustus  C.  Augustus  C.  Turner,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3144 
[for  relief  of  Augustus  C.  Turner]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Jan.  23, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  355,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

United  Confederate  Veterans.  Loan  of  camp  equipment  [to  be  used  at  encamp- 
ment of  United  Confederate  Veterans  to  be  held  at  Little  Rock,  Ark.,  in  May, 
1928],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7013;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Jan.  25, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  442,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vancouver  Barracks.  Highway  across  Vancouver  Barracks  military  reserva- 
tion, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  172  [to  grant  and  convey  to  Vancouver  per- 
I)etual  easement  for  public  highway  purposes  over  and  upon  portion  of 
Vancouver  Barracks  militar.v  reservation.  Wash.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James, 
Jan.  9,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  248,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vedder,  George  D.  George  Davis  Vedder,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8599  [for 
relief  of  George  D.  Vedder]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  243,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wagoner,  Willia7n  H.  William  H.  Wagoner,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7779 
[for  relief  of  William  H.  Wagoner]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reeee.  Jan.  5,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  149,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Walter  Reed  Army  General  Hospital.  Appropriation  for  construction  at  Walter 
Reed  General  Hospital,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9676;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wainwright.     Jan.    20,    1928.     2    p.     (H.    rp.    338,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  j 

Authorizing  erection  of  nonsectarian  chapel  at  Army  medical  center  in   ; 

District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6991;  submitted  by  Mr. 
James.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  138,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected 
print.     1st  print  has  1  page.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.    Prohibit  certain  assignments  to  duty  in  bureaus  of  War  | 
Department,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7753  [to  authorize  disbursement  of  ] 
and  accounting  for  appropriation  "  Pay,  and  so  forth,  of  Army,"  as  one  fund, 
and  to  prohibit  certain  assignments  to  duty  in  bureaus  of  War  Department] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain,    Jan.  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  123,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hoiiv  to  order  pnbllcatlons— See  information  folloTringr  Contents 

January,  1928  441 

War  Department — Continued. 

To  regulate  sales  by  utilities  in  Army,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7938 ; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.     Jan.  9,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  247,  70th  Cong.  1st 

sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c, 

Weiskopf,  Edward  F.  Edward  F.  Weiskopf,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8673 
[for  relief  of  Edward  F.  Weiskopf  1  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  237,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Westcott,  James  E.  James  E.  Westcott,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3969  [for 
relief  of  James  E.  Westcott]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  92,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •Paper,  5c. 

Wheeler,  William  F.  William  F.  Wheeler,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1530  [to 
amend  military  record  of  William  F.  Wheeler]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  131,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Williams,  Finas  M.  Finas  M.  Williams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5228  [for 
relief  of  Finas  M.  Williams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chapman.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  104,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

WilVmms,  James  P.  James  P.  Williams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4920  [au- 
thorizing Secretary  of  War  to  award  Nicaraguan  campaign  badge  to  James 
P.  Williams,  in  recognition  of  his  services  to  United  States  in  Nicaraguan 
campaign  of  1912  and  1913]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  Jan.  16, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  289,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c, 

Winslow,  Oeorge  A.  George  A.  Winslow,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3466  [for 
relief  of  George  A.  Winslow]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  89,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Woodruff,  William  W.  William  W.  WoodrufC,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8778 
[for  relief  of  William  W.  WoodruflP]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  221,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wright  Field.  Transfer  of  testing  plant  of  Air  Corps  to  Wright  Field,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  7008  [to  authorize  appropriations  for  completion  of 
transfer  of  experimental  and  testing  plant  of  Air  Corps  to  permanent  site  at 
Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  4.  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  120,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Zink,  Robert.  Robert  Zink,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2296  [to  amend  mili- 
tary record  of  Robert  Zink]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Jan.  4, 
1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  81,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Anderson,  Charles  J.  Charles  James  Anderson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4766 
[for  relief  of  Charles  James  Anderson] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Butler.  Jan.  18, 
1928.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  308,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Baldwin,  Frederick  D.  W.  Frederick  D.  W.  Baldwin,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4931  [for  relief  of  Frederick  D.  W.  Baldwin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bur- 
diek.     Jan.  20,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  324,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •Paper,  5e. 

Boisseau,  Jesse  W.  Jesse  W.  Boisseau,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5930  [for 
relief  of  Jesse  W.  Boisseau]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  Jan.  26,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  450,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  6,  1928;  no.  2. 
1928.     48  p.  4°     t  Y  4.N  22/1 :  70/2 

Carroll,  Joseph  S.  Joseph  S.  Carroll,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2477  [for 
relief  of  Joseph  S.  Carroll]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gambrill.  Jan.  20,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  340,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess,)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Decorations  of  honor.  Authorizing  certain  officers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps 
to  accept  such  decorations,  orders,  and  medals  as  have  been  tendered  them 
by  foreign  Governments  in  appreciation  of  services  rendered,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5898;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  Jan.  20,  1928.  3  p.  (H. 
rp.  325,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •  Paper,  5c. 

Hofv  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTrlngr  Contents 

442  January,  1928 

Froemke,  Fayette  L.  Fayette  L.  Froemke,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  548 
[for  relief  of  Fayette  L.  Froemke]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Woodruff.  Jan.  20, 
1928.    5  p.     (H.  rp.  321,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oolden,  James.  James  Golden,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7107  [for  relief  of 
James  Golden]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  Jan.  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
307,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oral),  Frank  A.  Frank  A.  Grab,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1951  [granting  6 
months'  pay  to  Frank  A.  Grab,  father  of  Alfred  Newton  Grab]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Andrew.  Jan.  26,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  447,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Gray,  William  C.  William  C.  Gray,  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  5872  [for  relief 
of  William  C.  Gray]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Darrow.  Jan.  26,  1928.  5  p.  (H. 
rp.  448,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5e. 

Hecykell,  Arthur  L.  Arthur  L.  Hecykell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3721  [for 
relief  of  Arthur  L.   Hecykell]  ;   submitted  by  Mr.   Burdick.    Jan.   17,   1928. 

3  p.     (H.  rp.  294,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Holland,  John  P.  John  P.  Holland,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4066  [to  place 
John  P.  Holland  on  retired  list  of  Navy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  Jan. 
20,  1928.     17  p.     (H.  rp.  323,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Irwin,  Mrs.  Vincentia  V.  Vincentia  V.  Irwin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2494 
[granting  6  months'  pay  to  Vincentia  V.  Irwin,  widow  of  Glendon  W.  Irwin] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Gambrill.  Jan.  18,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  303,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Knox,  Mrs.  Lucy  B.  Lucy  B.  Knox,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1406  [granting 
6  months'  pay  to  Lucy  B.  Knox,  widow  of  Forney  M.  Knox]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  Jan.  18,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  302,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lindsay,  Russell  E.  Russell  H.  Lindsay,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4302  [for 
relief  of  Russell  H.  Lindsay]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  Jan.  17,  1928. 
9  p.     (H.  rp.  295,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

MoShane,  Mrs.  Maria  J.  Maria  J.  McShane,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1405 
[granting  6  months'  pay  to  Maria  J.  McShane,  mother  of  Julian  J.  McShane]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  Jan.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  322,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mathews,  Alfred  W.  Alfred  W.  Mathews,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6440  [for 
relief  of  Alfred  W.  Mathews]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wolverton.     Jan.  24,  1928. 

4  p.     (H.  rp.  378,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Leary,  Charles  R.  Charles  R.  O'Leary,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4767  [for 
relief  of  Charles  Robert  O'Leary]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  Jan.  17, 
1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  296,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Orr,  Kenneth  M.  Kenneth  M.  Orr,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4014  [for  relief 
of  Kenneth  M.  Orr]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Evans  of  California.  Jan.  18,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  304,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sanghove,  Clifford  J.  Clifford  J.  Sanghove,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3442 
[for  relief  of  Clifford  J.  Sanghove]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia. 
Jan.  18,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  305,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stinchcomb,  Frank.  Frank  Stinchcomb,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6194  [for 
relief  of  Frank  Stinchcomb]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drewry.  Jan.  17,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  297,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Copyright.  '  Amend  and  consolidate  acts  respecting  copyright,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  6104  [to  amend  sec.  57  and  61  of  act  to  amend  and  consoli- 
date acts  respecting  copyright,  approved  Mar.  4,  1909]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Vestal.     Jan.  23,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  353,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  Information  folloTringr  Contents 


January,  1928  443 


Carey,  Harriet  K.  Harriet  K.  Carey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4117  [for 
relief  of  Harriet  K.  Carey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p 
(H.  rp.  376,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hazard,  W.  Laureyice.  W.  Laurence  Hazard,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4116 
[for  relief  of  W.  Laurence  Hazard]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  Jan.  24, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  375,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Scott,  Winfield.  Winfield  Scott,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4115  [for  relief  of 
Winfield  Scott]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
374,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Postal  claims.    Claims  of  postmasters  for  credit  or  reimbursement  on  account 
of  unavoidable  losses,  report  to  accompany   H.   R.  325    [repealing  existing 
law  requiring  Postmaster  General  to  report  action  taken  on  claims  of  post- 
masters] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sproul  of  Illinois.     Jan.  24,  1928.     3  p.      (H.  rp. 
.  382,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c  . 

Postmasters.  Bonds  of  postmasters  and  employees,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7030  [to  amend  sec.  5  of  act  of  Mar.  2,  1895]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sproul  of 
Illinois.    Jan.  24,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  ip.  383,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Government  Printhig  Office.  Fixing  salaries  of  Public  Printer  and  deputy 
Public  Printer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6669 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Kiess.  Jan. 
7,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  218,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Agriculture  Department.  To  authorize  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  pay  for 
use  and  occupancy  by  Department  of  Agriculture  of  Bieber  building,  1358  B 
street  sw.,  Washington,  D.  C,  report  to  accompany  S.  1968 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
EUiott.     Jan.  20,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  327,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Capitol.  Regulating  use  of  Capitol  building  and  grounds,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  391;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.  Jan.  26,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  453,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cicero,  ni.  To  grant  to  Cicero,  111.,  easement  over  certain  Government  prop- 
erty, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7472;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.  Jan.  20, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  329,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Phoenix,  Ariz.  Granting  part  of  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix,  Ariz.,  to 
Phoenix  for  street  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6466;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Elliott.  Jan.  19,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  313,  70th  Cong.,  1st  sess.)  *Paper, 

• Public  buildings  and  grounds,  heai'ings.  70th  Congress,   1st  session,  on 

H.  R.  6466,  to  grant  part  of  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix,  Ariz.,  to  Phoenix 
for  street  purposes,  H.  R.  7472,  to  grant  to  Cicero,  111.,  easement  over  certain 
Government  property,  S.  1968,  to  authorize  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  imy 
for  use  and  occupancy  by  Department  of  Agriculture  of  Bieber  building,  1358 
B  street  southwest,  Washington,  D.  C,  Jan.  18  and  20,  1928.  1928.  ii+26  p. 
( No.  1. )     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.P  96/6  :  B  86/123 

Spiegel  Grove  State  Park.  Presenting  iron  gates  in  West  Executive  avenue  to 
Historical  Society  of  Ohio,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  359  [authorizing 
presentation  of  iron  gates  in  West  Executive  avenue  between  grounds  of  State, 
War,  and  Navy  Building  and  White  House  to  Ohio  State  Areheological  and 
Historical  Society  for  memorial  gateways  into  Spiegel  Grove  State  Park]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  388,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HOTV  to  order  pablien'tlons— See  information  (ollofTingr  Contents 

444  January,  1928 

Spiegel  Grove  State  Park — Continued. 

Public  buildings  and  grounds,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 

H.  R.  359,  authorizing  presentation  of  iron  gates  in  West  Executive  avenue 
between  grounds  of  State,  War,  and  Navy  Building  and  White  House  to 
Ohio  Archaeological  and  Historical  Society  for  memorial  gateways  into  Spiegel 
Givjve  State  Park,  H.  R.  391,  to  regulate  use  of  Capitol  building  and  grounds, 
Jan.  25,  1928.     1928.     ii+10  p.     (No.  2.)     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.P96/6:Sp4 



Alaska.  Abandoned  military  reservations,  Alaska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
9031  [to  provide  further  for  disposal  of  abandoned  military  reservations  in 
Alaska,  including  Signal  Corps  stations  and  rights  of  way]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Sinnott.  Jan.  20,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  331,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Cassidaij,  Katie.  Katie  Cassiday,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4126  [to  issue 
patent  to  Katie  Cassiday  for  tract  of  land]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan. 
20,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  337,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gunnison-M  ay  field  Land  d  Grazing  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1856  [for  relief 
of  Gunnison-Mayfield  Land  and  Grazing  Company] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    1  p.    (H.  rp.  387,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Hartman,  Frank.  Frank  Hartman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6569  [for  relief 
of  Frank  Hartman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  Jan.  20,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  336,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hollingsicorth,  Fannie  M.  Fannie  M.  Hollingsworth,  report  to  accompany  S. 
1795  [for  relief  of  Fannie  M.  Hollingsworth]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  445,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Imperial  County,  Calif.  Granting  right  of  way  to  Imperial  County,  Calif.,  over 
public  lands  for  highway  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5686 ;  sut>- 
mitted  by  Mr.  Swing.    Jan.  23,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  352,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5e. 

Mesa  Verde  National  Pa/rk,  Colo.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8744  [to  accept 
cession  by  Colorado  of  exclusive  jurisdiction  over  lands  embraced  within 
Mesa  Verde  National  Park]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  Jan.  20, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  330,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Montana.  Agreement  between  Montana  and  private  owners  of  land  for  grazing, 
etc..  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  445  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to 
enter  into  cooperative  agreement  or  agreements  with  Montana  and  private 
owners  of  lands  within  Montana  for  grazing  and  range  development]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Leavitt.    Jan.  19,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  320,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Oil  and  gas  leases  in  naval  petroleum  reserves, 
report  to  accompany  S.  1959  [to  transfer  to  Secretary  of  Navy  jurisdiction 
over  oil  and  gas  leases  issued  by  Secretary  of  Interior  on  lands  in  naval 
petroleum  reserves]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  Jan.  20,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp, 
334,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

New  Mexico.  Amendment  to  constitution  of  New  Mexico,  report  to  accompany 
S.  J.  Res.  38  [giving  and  granting  consent  to  amendment  to  constitution  of 
New  Mexico,  providing  method  for  executing  leases  and  other  contracts  for 
development  and  production  of  any  and  all  minerals  on  lands  granted  or 
confirmed  to  said  State  by  act  of  Congress  approved  June  20,  1910,  and  to 
enactment  of  such  laws  and  regulations  as  may  be  necessary  to  carry  said 
amendment  into  effect  if  it  is  adopted] ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Morrow.  Jan.  20, 
1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  332,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Petroleum.  Oil  and  gas  permits,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5783  [to  grantl 
extensions  of  time  of  oil  and  gas  pennits]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Douglas  ofl 
Arizona.    Jan.  25,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  389,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c.' 

Wow  to  order  publications— See  information  folloTrlngr  Contents 

Janttary,  1928  445 

PuWc  lands.  Isolated  tracts  of  public  lands,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6684 
[to  amend  sec.  2455,  Revised  statutes,  as  amended,  relating  to  isolated  tracts 
of  public  land]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Winter.  Jan.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  328, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Send,  Charles  H.  Charles  H.  Send,  report  to  accompany  S.  440  [for  relief  of 
Charles  H.  Send]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Jan.  20,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  335, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sperstad,  Englehard,  Euglehard  Sperstad,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  332 
[validating  homestead  entry  of  Englehard  Sperstad  for  public  land  in  Alas- 
ka] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp, 
385,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Trandum,  Holf/er  M.  Holger  M.  Trandum,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4125  [for 
relief  of  Hoiger  M.  Trandum]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan.  24,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  377,  7Dth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Turner,  Clifford  J.  Clifford  J.  Turner,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1997  [for 
relief  of  Clifford  J.  Turner]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Berger.  Jan.  24,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  384,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Subtnarine  boats.  Commission  to  investigate  sinking  of  submarine  S-4,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  131  [providing  for  commission  to  investigate  and 
report  upon  facts  connected  with  sinking  of  submarine  S-4,  and  upon  methods 
and  appliances  for  protection  of  submarines]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  Jan. 
6,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  155,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Alaska.  Payment  of  amounts  appropriated  by  Legislature  of  Alaska  for  addi- 
tional duties  of  Territorial  officers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8284:  submit- 
ted by  Mr.  Curry.     Jan.  25,  1928.     8  p.      (H.  rp.  390,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Alaska  Railroad.  Alaska,  relief  of  special  disbursing  agents  of  Alaska  Railroad 
[R.  D.  Chase  and  Leslie  Cramer],  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  J.  Res.  135.     1928.     ii+24  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/1 :  Al  1/54 

For  relief  of  special  disbursing  agents  of  Alaska  Railroad  [R.  D.  Chase 

and  Lesiie  Cramer],  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  135;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sutherland.     Jan.  10, 1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  252,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Anchorage,  Alaska.  Authorizing  Anchorage,  Alaska,  to  issue  bonds  for  school 
purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  340  [to  authorize  Anchorage,  Alaska,  to 
issue  bonds  for  construction  and  equipment  of  additional  school  building]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sutherland.  Jan.  4,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  128,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii.  Electric  light  and  power  plant,  Hanapepe,  Hawaii,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  83  [to  approve  act  numbered  24  of  session  laws  of  1927  of  Hawaii, 
entitled  act  to  authorize  manufacture,  maintenance,  distribution,  and  sup- 
ply of  electric  current  for  light  and  power  within  Hanapepe,  in  district  of 
Waimea,  island  and  county  of  Kauai,  by  Jose  Gomes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Houston  of  Hawaii.     Jan.  4,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  126,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Electric  light  and  power,  Waimea  and  Kekaha,  Hawaii,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  84  [to  approve  act  25  of  session  laws  of  1927  of  Hawaii, 
entitled  act  to  authorize  manufacture,  maintenance,  distribution,  and  supply 
of  electric  current  for  light  and  power  within  Waimea  and  Kekaha,  in  dis- 
trict of  Waimea,  on  island  and  in  county  of  Kauai,  Hawaii,  by  Waimea 
Garage  and  Electric  Company,  Limited]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of 
Hawaii.     Jan.  4,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  127,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii,  electric  light  and  power,  Hanapepe,  district  of  Waimea,  island 

and  county  of  Kauai,  and  Waimea  and  Kekaha,  district  of  Waimea,  island 
and  county  of  Kauai,  hearings.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  83  and 
H.  R.  84.     1928.     [2]  +2  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/1 :  H  31/31 

Ho^T  to  order  piiblicatioii.«— See  information  foIloTvlns  Contents 

446  January,  1928 

Hawaii — Continued. 

Hawaii,  qualifying  women  for  jury  service,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 

session,  on  H.  R.  5575.     1928.     ii+2  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/1 :  H  31/33 

Hawaiian  Homes  Commission,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 

6989,  to  amend  Hawaiian  Homes  Commission  act,  as  amended.  1928.  ii+25 
p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/1 :  H  31/32 

Rehabilitation  of  native  Hawaiians,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6989  [to 

amend  Hawaiian  Homes  Commission  act,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Houston  of  Hawaii.  Jan.  4,  1928.  8  p.  (H.  rp.  137,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26045 

To  amend  Hawaiian  organic  act,  as  amended  [so  that  hereafter  no  person 

shall  be  disqualified  for  service  as  juror  or  grand  juror  by  reason  of  sex], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5575 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  Jan. 
4,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  129,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mount  McKinley  National  Park.  Mount  M'Kinley  National  Park,  Alaska,  hear- 
ing, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  8126,  to  repeal  last  proviso  of  sec.  7 
of  act  to  establish  Mount  McKinley  National  Park  in  Alaska.  1928.  [2] +5 
p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/1 :  Al  1/53 

To  repeal  last  proviso  of  sec.  7  of  act  to  establish  Mount  McKinley  Na- 
tional Park  in  Alaska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8126 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sutherland.     Jan.  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  136,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper  5c. 

Seward,  Alaska.  Authorization  of  bond  issues,  Seward  and  Anchorage,  Alaska, 
hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7367,  to  authorize  Seward,  Alaska, 
to.  issue  bonds  for  purpose  of  constructing  and  equipping  public-school  build- 
ing, and  H.  R.  340,  to  authorize  Anchorage,  Alaska,  to  issue  bonds  for  con- 
struction and  equipment  of  additional  school  building.  1928.  [2] +3  p. 
♦Paper,  5c.  Y 4.T 27/1 :  Al  1/51 

Authorizing  Seward,  Alaska,  to  issue  school  bonds,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7367  [to  authorize  Seward,  Alaska,  to  issue  bonds  for  purpose  of  con- 
structing and  equipping  public-school  building]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sutherland. 
Jan.  4,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  130,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Seward  Peninsula.  Road,  trail,  and  tramway  construction,  Seward  Peninsula, 
Alaska,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  48,  authorizing 
improvement  of  system  of  overland  communications  on  Seward  Peninsula, 
Alaska.  1928.  ii+22p.  [H.  J.  Res.  48  provides  for  the  adoption  of  the 
Nome-Shelton-Kugruk  River-Keewalik  project.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y4.T 27/1:  All/52 

Zyvolski,  Albert  J.  Albert  J.  Zyvolski,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2145  [for 
relief  of  Albert  J.  Zyvolski]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sutherland.  Jan.  12,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  266,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Relief  of  Albert  J.  Zyvolski,  Alaska,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 

on  H.  R.  2145.     1928.     [2]  -f  10  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  T  4.T  27/1 :  Z  9 


Customs  Service.  Customs  administration  and  personnel  (diamond  smuggling), 
hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  1928.  pt.  2, 
iii +251-291  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.W  36 :  C  96/18/pt.  2 


World  War  emergency  oncers'  retired  list.    Retirement  of  oflScers  and  former 
officers  of  World  War,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  500  [making  eligible  for 
retirement  under  certain   conditions  officers   and   former   officers   of   World  t 
War,  other  than  officers  of  Regular  Army,  who  incurred  physical  disability.' 
in  line  of  duty  while  in  service  of  United  States  during  World  War]  ;  sub-  f 
mitted  by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.     Jan.  20,  1928.     10  p.     (H.  rp.  326,  70th  > 
Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Includes  minority  views  signed  by  Mr.  Rankin  and  Mr. 
Vincent.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28—26072 

Hovr  to  order  pn1>11cattons— See  Information  foIloTvingr  Contents 


January,  1928  447 


Internal  revenue.     Report  of  Joint  Committee  on  Internal  Revenue  Taxation, 
Dec.  22,  1927,  pursuant  to  revenue  act  of  1926;  [submitted  by  W.  R.  Green]. 
1928.    iii+20  p.     (H.  doc.  139,  TOtli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  2&-26046 


Report  of  National  Forest  Reservation  Commission,  year  ended  June  30,  1927. 
1927.     iv+33  p.     (S.  doc.  12,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  11-35944 


Calendar  of  business,  Senate.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  5-31,  1928 ;  no. 
5-23.  1928.  various  paging,  large  8°  [Daily  when  Senate  is  in  session. 
The  legislative  day  of  Jan.  27  extended  through  the  calendar  day  Jan. 
31.]     t  Y  1.3:  70/5-23 

Capitol.    Art  and  artists  of  Capitol  of  United  States  of  America ;  by  Charles 
E.  Fairmaii.     1927.     xiii+52G  p.  +  [l]   leaf,  il.  1  pi.  large  8°      ( S.  doc.  95, 
69th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Cloth,  $3.25. 
L.  C.  card  28-26032 

District  of  Columbia.     Annual  reports  of  public  utility  companies  of  District 
of  Columbia,  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1926.     1928.    iii+113  p.     (S.  doc.  28,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  14-30633 

Library.     Index   of   Congressional   committee   hearings    (not   confidential    in 
character)   prior  to  Mar.  4,  1927,  in  Senate  library;   [compiled  by]   Edward 
C.Goodwin.     1927.     [l]+447  p.     $ 
L.  C.  card  27-17450  Y  1.3  :  H  35/3 

Muscle  Shoals.  Legal  rights  of  United  States  and  Alabama  in  Muscle  Shoals 
project,  memorandum  opinion  for  Attorney  General  relative  to  legal  rights 
of  United  States  in  Muscle  Shoals  project  with  specific  reference  to  Wilson 
Dam  and  power  plant  at  Shefiield,  Ala.,  and  claims  of  Alabama  in  relation 
thereto,  [by  B.  M.  Parmenter]  ;  presented  by  Mr.  McNary.  1928.  iii+44  p. 
(S.  doc.  31,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26047 

New  Mexico  State  memorial  stone,  proceedings  held  in  Washington  Monument, 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  dedication  of  memorial  stone  placed  in  monument  by 
New  Mexico,  Dec.  2,  1927 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bratton.    1928.     [1]  +23  p.  1  pi. 
(S.  doc.  18,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26048 

Property  report  of  sergeant  at  arms  of  Senate,  letter  transmitting  full  and 
complete  account  of  all  property  in  his  possession  and  in  Senate  Oflace  Building 
belonging  to  Senate,  Dec.  1,  1927.  1928.  ii+66  p.  (S.  doc.  7,  70th  Coug. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

War.  Executive  assumption  of  war-making  power,  article  from  National  Uni- 
versity law  review.  May,  1927,  entitled  Executive  assumption  of  war-making 
power,  by  Albert  H.  Putney,  professor  of  constitutional  law.  National  Uni- 
versity Law  School ;  presented  by  Mr.  Blaine.  1928.  [l]+22p.  (S.  doc.  39, 
70th  Cong.  1st  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26049 


Agricultural  agents.  Rehabilitating  farm  land  in  flood  areas  [with  special 
reference  to  aid  in  employment  of  county  extension  agents],  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  672;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  32,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


HoTV  to  order  publications— See  information  follo^vlnar  Contents 

448  January,  1928 

Agriculture.  Agricultural  extension,  report  to  accompany  S.  1285  [to  provide 
for  further  development  of  agricultural  extension  work  between  agricultural 
colleges  in  the  several  States  receiving  benefits  of  act  donating  public  lands 
to  the  several  States  and  Territories  which  may  provide  colleges  for  benefit 
of  agriculture  and  mechanic  arts,  and  all  acts  supplementary  thereto,  and 
Department  of  Agriculture] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  11,  calendar 
day  Jan.  13,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  75,  70th  Cong.  Ist  soss.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cooperative    agricultural    extension    work,    hearing,    70th    Congress,    1st 

session,  on  S.  1285,  to  provide  for  further  development  of  agricultural  exten- 
sion work  between  agricultural  colleges  in  the  several  States  receiving 
benefits  of  act  donating  public  lands  to  the  several  States  and  Territories 
which  may  provide  colleges  for  benefit  of  agriculture  and  mechanic  arts,  and 
all  acts  supplementary  thereto,  and  Department  of  Agriculture,  Jan.  11,  1928. 
1928.    iii+36  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4  Ag  8/2 :  C  78/2 

Birds.  Protection  and  propagation  of  migratory  birds,  enforcement  of  mi- 
gratory bird  treaty  with  Great  Britain,  report  to  accompany  S.  1271  [to  more 
effectively  meet  obligations  of  United  States  under  migratory  bird  treaty 
with  Great  Britain  by  lessening  dangers  threatening  migratory  game  birds 
from  drainage  and  other  causes,  by  acquisition  of  areas  of  land  and  of 
water  to  furnish  in  perpetuity  reservations  for  adequate  protection  of  such 
birds,  and  by  providing  funds  for  establishment  of  such  areas,  their  main- 
tenance and  improvement,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Nor- 
beck.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  20,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  105,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

BroohsvUle  Plant  Introduction  Garden.  Disposal  of  Brooksville  Plant  Intro- 
duction Garden,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  20 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McNary.    Jan.  9,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  40,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  4,  1928 ;  no.  3. 
1928.     21  p.  4°     $  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  70/3 

Cattle.  Correction  of  sec.  6  of  act  of  Aug.  30,  1890,  report  to  accompany  S.  J. 
Res.  21  [to  correct  sec.  6  of  act  of  Aug.  30,  1890,  as  amended  by  sec.  2  of 
act  of  June  28,  1926,  relating  to  prohibition  of  importation  of  diseased 
cattle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  41,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Forests  and  forestry.  Protection  of  watersheds  of  navigable  streams,  hearing, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1181,  authorizing  appropriation  to  be  ex- 
pended under  provisions  of  sec.  7  of  act  to  enable  any  State  to  cooperate  with 
any  other  State  or  States  or  with  United  States  for  protection  of  watersheds 
of  navigable  streams,  and  to  appoint  commission  for  acquisition  of  lands  for 
purpose  of  conserving  navigability  of  navigable  rivers,  as  amended,  Jan.  5, 
1928.     1928.     iii-f  23  p.  il.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/2 :  W  31/2 

Protection  of  watersheds  of  navigable  streams,  report  to  accompany  S. 

1181  [authorizing  appropriation  to  be  expended  under  provisions  of  sec.  7  of 
act  to  enable  any  State  to  cooperate  with  any  other  State  or  States  or  with 
United  States  for  protection  of  watersheds  of  navigable  streams,  and  to  ap- 
point commission  for  acquisition  of  lands  for  purpose  of  conserving  navi- 
gability of  navigable  rivers,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  28.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mount  Weather,  Weather  Bureau  station,  report  to  accompany  S.  1531  [to  sell 
Weather  Bureau  station  known  as  Mount  Weather,  in  counties  of  Loudoun 
and  Clarke,  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  44, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Poultry  diseases,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  42  [to  amend  act  of  May  29, 
1884,  as  amended,  act  of  Feb.  2,  1903,  and  act  of  Mar.  3,  1905,  as  amended,  to 
include  poultry  within  their  provisions]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  42,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •  Paper,  5c. 

Rice.  Interpreting  meaning  of  tariff  act  of  1922  with  respect  to  imported  broken 
rice,  report  to  accompany  S.  Con.  Res.  4 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ransdell.  Jan.  9, 
1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  45,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  Information  foUo-wInsr  Contents 

January,  1928  449 

Roads.  Naming  certain  highways  through  State  and  Federal  cooperation,  re- 
iwrt  to  accompany  S.  1182;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9,  1928.  1  p, 
(S.  rp.  43,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 


Appropriations.  Independent  oflSces  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hear- 
ings before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  9481.  1928. 
11+57  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.  Ap  6/2 :  In  2/929 

Independent  offices  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  9481 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Warren.  Jan.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
138.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

State  Department.  Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Commerce,  and  Labor  appro- 
priation bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session  on  H.  R.  8269.    1928.    ii-f  139  p.    *  Paper,  15c. 

Y  4.  Ap  6/2 :  St  2/929 

Departments  of  State,  Justice,  Commerce,  and  Labor  appropriation  bill, 

[fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8269;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones 
[of  Washington].     Jan.  19,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  102,  70th  Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Agee,  Mrs.  Brewster.  Brewster  Agee,  report  to  accompany  S.  1442  [for  relief 
of  Brewster  Agee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp. 
31,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ashley,  Graver.  Grover  Ashley,  report  to  accompany  S.  1121  [for  relief  of 
Grover  Ashley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  11,  1928.  11  p.  (S.  rp. 
56,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Booker,  George  B.,  Company.  George  B.  Booker  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  342 
[for  relief  of  George  B.  Booker  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan. 
9,1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  17,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Braznell,  Benjamin.  Estate  of  Benjamin  Braznell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2765 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  Benjamin  Braznell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan. 
25,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  118,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cannvff,  Mrs.  Kate.  Kate  Canniff,  report  to  accompany  S.  1543  [for  relief  of 
Kate  Canniff]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  25,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Charles  Run  yon,  steam  tug.  Owner  of  American  steam  tug  Charles  Runyon, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2471  [for  relief  of  Crew  Transportation  Corporation, 
owner  of  American  steam  tug  Charles  Runyon]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard. 
Jan.  14,  calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  85,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Chouinard,  Horace  A.  Horace  A.  Choumard,  report  to  accompany  S.  511  [to 
reimburse  Horace  A.  Choumard  (Chouinard)  for  loss  of  certain  personal  prop- 
erty] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Jan.  11,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  53,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chrisp,  0.  H.  O.  H.  Chrisp,  report  to  accompany  S.  1113  [for  relief  of  O.  H. 
Chrisp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  34,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coast  Transit  Division  barge  no.  ^.  Owner  of  Coast  Transit  Division  barge 
no.  4,  report  to  accompany  S.  2586  [for  relief  of  Barrett  Company,  owner  of 
Coast  Transit  Division  barge  numbered  4]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan. 
23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  110,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Consolidation  Coastwise  Company.  Owner  of  barge  Consolidation  Coastwise 
no.  10,  report  to  accompany  S.  2517  [for  relief  of  Consolidation  Coastwise  Co., 
owner  of  barge  Consolidation  Coastwise  numbered  10] ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bayard.  Jan.  14,  calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  87,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mo-w  to  order  publications— See  Information  folIOTVlng:  Contents 

450  January,  1928 

Cruoeta,  Adriano.  Adriano  Cruceta,  report  to  accompany  S.  2420  [for  relief 
of  Adriauo  Cruceta,  citizen  of  Dominican  Republic]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black. 
Jan.  23,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  Ill,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dalton,  W.  P.  W.  P.  Dalton,  report  to  accompany  S.  2005  [for  relief  of  W.  P. 
Dalton]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  11,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Damron,  Mrs.  Isaielle  R.  Isabelle  R.  Damron,  report  to  accompany  S.  1361 
[for  relief  of  Isabelle  R.  Damron]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  9,  1928. 
9  p.     (S.  rp.  12,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Danenhoicer,  William  W.  William  W.  Danenhower,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1288  [to  carry  into  effect  findings  of  Court  of  Claims  in  case  of  William  W. 
Danenhower]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  9,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  20, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Davidson,  8.,  &  Sons.  S.  Davidson  &  Sons,  report  to  accompany  S.  1122  [for 
relief  of  S.  Davidson  and  Sons]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  23,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  108,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Doxey,  Mrs.  Josephine.  Josephine  Doxey,  report  to  accompany  S.  2524  [for 
relief  of  Josephine  Doxey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  14,  calendar 
day  Jan.  16,  1928.     13  p.     (S.  rp.  91,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Du  Pont,  Amelia  E.  Refund  of  estate  tax  erroneously  collected  [from  Eugene 
du  Pont,  executor  of  estate  of  Amelia  E.  du  Pont],  report  to  accompany 
S.  341 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Deneen.  Jan.  9,  1928.  7  p.  ( S.  rp.  35,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Eddtj,  Charles  O.  Elizabeth  B.  Eddy,  report  to  accompany  S.  457  [to  carry 
into  effect  finding  of  Court  of  Claims  in  claim  of  Elizabeth  B.  Eddy,  widow 
of  Charles  G.  Eddy];  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  11,  1928.  4  p.  (S. 
i*p.  60,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fitzgerald,  James  B.  James  B.  Fitzgerald,  report  to  accompany  S.  1114  [for 
relief  of  James  B.  Fitzgerald]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  11,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  70,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Florence  Luckenbach,  transport.  Owners  of  cargo  laden  aboard  U.  S.  trans- 
port Florence  Luckenbach,  report  to  accompany  S.  2585  [for  relief  of  owners 
of  cargo  laden  aboard  United  States  transport  Florence  Luckenbach]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  109,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fox,  John  A.  John  A.  Fox,  report  to  accompany  S.  1325  [for  relief  of  John 
A.  Fox]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Jan.  14,  1928.  5  p.  ( S.  rp.  82,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Goike,  Mrs.  Minta.  Minta  Goike,  report  to  accompany  S.  516  [for  relief  of 
Minta  Goike]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  11,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
64,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai>er,  5c. 

Grace,  W.  R.,  &  Co.  Owners  of  cargo  aboard  steamship  Boxley,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  2780  [for  relief  of  W.  R.  Grace  and  Company,  owners  of  cargo 
aboard  steamship  Boxley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  119,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hensley,  William.  William  Hensley,  report  to  accompany  S.  1623  [for  relief 
of  William  Hensley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  9,  1928.  11  p.  (S.  rp. 
26,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hopkins,  Leivis  C,  &  Co.  Lewis  C.  Hopkins  &  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S. 
2316  [for  relief  of  Lewis  C.  Hopkins  and  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye. 
Jan.  14,  calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  88,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Inheritance  and  transfer  tax.  To  extend  time  for  refunding  of  taxes  errone- 
ously collected  from  certain  estates,  report  to  accompany  S.  2185 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.    Stephens.     Jan.   9,   1928.     2  p.      (S.   rp.   19,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  iuforiuation  folloTrlng:  Contents 


January,  1928  451 

Kinff,  Richard  H.  R.  H.  King,  report  to  accompany  S.  1766  [for  relief  of  R.  H. 
King]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stepliens.  Jan.  9,  1928.  11  p.  (S.  rp.  15,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Klauber,  Mrs.  Sadie.  Sadie  Klauber,  report  to  accompany  S.  434  [for  relief 
of  Sadie  Klauber]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Jan.  9,  1928.  10  p.  (S.  rp. 
37,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Knauf,  Fred  A.  Fred  A.  Knauf,  report  to  accompany  S.  1758  [for  relief  of 
Fred  A.  Knauf]  ;  submittetl  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  14,  1928.  10  p.  (S.  rp. 
80,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Langin  Field.  Relief  for  victims  of  airplane  accident  at  Langin  Field,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1164;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  11,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp. 
71.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lincoln  County,  Oreg.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1218  [for  relief  of  Lincoln 
County,  Oreg.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  Jan.  14,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp.  79, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mathews,  Kate.  Kate  Mathews,  report  to  accompany  S.  3  [for  relief  of  Kate 
Mathews]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  9,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  14, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Maykovica,  Mrs.  Maria.  Maria  Maykovica,  report  to  accompany  S.  2591  [for 
relief  of  Maria  Maykovica]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  23,  1928.  7  p. 
( S.  rp.  107,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miller,  Morgan.  Morgan  Miller,  report  to  accompany  S.  2737  [for  relief  of 
Morgan  Miller]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  25,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
120,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moore,  Bert.  Bert  Moore,  report  to  accompany  S.  2457  [for  relief  of  Bert 
Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Jan.  14,  calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  84,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mortesen,  William.  William  Mortesen,  report  to  accompany  S.  1219  [for  relief 
of  William  Mortesen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Jan.  11,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
55.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Near  East  Relief  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  S.  1287  [for  relief  of  Near  East 
Relief  (Incorixjrated)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  23,  1928.  18  p. 
(S.  rp.  106.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

New  York  City.  Claim  of  city  of  New  York,  report  to  accompany  S.  459  [for 
relief  of  city  of  New  York]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  Jan.  23,  1928.  15  p. 
(S.  rp.  112,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neiiton,  Mass.  First  National  Bank  of  Newton,  Mass.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2447  [for  relief  of  stockholders  of  First  National  Bank  of  Newton,  Mass.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  14,  1928.  19  p.  (S.  rp.  81,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nichols,  Clara  E.  Clara  E.  Nichols,  report  to  accompany  S.  120  [to  extend 
benefits  of  employees'  compensation  act  to  Clara  E.  Nichols]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  9.  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  21,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Niehaus,  Charles  E.  Charles  H.  Niehaus,  report  to  accompany  S.  380  [for 
relief  of  Charles  H.  Niehaus]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  9,  1928.  12  p. 
(S.  rp.  9,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Army.  Relief  of  certain  officers  and  former  officers  of  Army,  and  for 
other  purposes,  report  to  accompany  S.  2032;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan. 
9,  1928.     94  p.     (S.  rp.  27,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Plummer,  Mrs.  Rosa  E.  Rosa  E.  Plummer,  report  to  accompany  S.  904  [for 
relief  of  Rosa  E.  Plummer]  ;  .submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  23,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Porter  Brothers  d  Biffle.  Authorizing  Porter  Bros,  and  Biffle  et  al.  to  institute 
suit,  report  to  accompany  S.  1476  [for  relief  of  Porter  Brothers  and  Biffle,  and 
certain  other  citizens]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Jan.  14,  calendar  day 
Jan.  16,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  83,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •Paper,  5c. 

Ho^T  to  order  publications— See  information  follo^v-lngr  Contents 

452  January,  1928 

Presleigh,  W.  H.  W.  H.  Presleigh,  report  to  accompany  S.  593  [for  relief  of 
W.  H.  Presleigh];  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Jan.  11,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  54, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Riggles,  Ricliard.  Richard  Riggles,  report  to  accompany  S.  2363  [for  relief 
of  Richard  Riggles]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  11,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp, 
63,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rohertson,  George  A.  George  A.  Robertson,  report  to  accompany  S.  1541  [for 
relief  of  George  A.  Robertson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  17,  calendar 
day  Jan.  18,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  97,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rogers,  George  W.  G.  W.  Rogers,  report  to  accompany  S.  2365  [for  relief 
of  G.  W.  Rogers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Jan.  11,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  rp. 
72,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Russell  d  Tucker  and  certain  other  citizens  of  Texas,  Oklahoma,  and  Kansas, 
report  to  accompany  S.  620  [for  relief  of  Russell  and  Tucker  and  certain 
other  citizens  of  Texas,  Oklahoma,  and  Kansas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield. 
Jan.  9,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  38,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Scott,  Harry.  Josephene  M.  Scott,  report  to  accompany  S.  1542  [for  relief  of 
Josephene  M.  Scott,  widow  of  Harry  Scott] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan. 
11,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  65,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shearer,  David  M.  David  McD.  Shearer,  report  to  accompany  S.  2720  [for 
relief  of  David  McD.   Shearer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.     Jan.  25.   1928. 

7  p.  ( S.  rp.  117,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Simpson,   Harry.     Harry   Simpson,   report   to  accompany    S.    1362    [to   extend 

benefits  of  employees'  compensation  act  to  Harry  Simpson] ;  submitted  by 

Mr.    Trammell.    Jan.   11,   1928.    2   p.     (S.  rp.    58,    70th   Cong.    1st   sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  Mrs.  Ella  H.  Ella  H.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  S.  1120  [for  relief  of 
Ella  H.  Smith];  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  11,  1928.  13  p.  (S.  rp. 
62,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *Paper,  5c. 

Spates,  Benjamin  F.  Benjamin  F,  Spates,  report  to  accompany  S.  1336  [for 
relief  of  Benjamin  F,  Spates] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan,  9,  1928. 
3  p,     (S.  rp.  30,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Spearin,  George  B.  Estate  of  George  B.  Spearin,  report  to  accompany  S.  1678 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  George  B,  Spearin] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  9, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  13,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Staten  Island  Shipbuilding  Company.  Owner  of  dry  dock  no.  6,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1981  [for  relief  of  Staten  Island  Shipbuilding  Company,  owner 
of  dry  dock  numbered  6]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p, 
( S.  rp.  22,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stewart,  John.  Estate  of  John  Stewart,  report  to  accompany  S.  1622  [for  re- 
lief of  estate  of  John  Stewart]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.     Jan.  9,  1928. 

8  p.     ( S.  rp.  18,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tampico  Marine  Iron  Works,  report  to  accompany  S.  472  [for  relief  of  Tampico 
Marine  Iron  Works]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  9,  1928.  5  p.  (S. 
rp.  29,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Taylor,  George  E.  Heirs  of  George  E.  Taylor,  report  to  accompany  S.  1358 
[for  relief  of  heirs  of  George  E.  Taylor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  9, 
1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  33,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thurin,  Rose.  Rose  Thurin,  adverse  report  to  accompany  S.  623  [for  relief  of 
Rose  Thurin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  23,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  113. 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Topping,  Prank-  Frank  Topping  and  others,  report  to  accompany  S,  19  [for 
relief  of  Frank  Topping  and  others]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Jan.  9, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  16,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^T  to  order  publications — Sec  Information  follo^rlngr  Contents 

Januaby,  1928  453 

Van  Dorn  Iron  Works  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  624  [for  relief  of  Van  Dora 
Iron  Works  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
10,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Van  Home,  James  E.  James  E.  Van  Home,  report  to  accompany  S.  601  [for 
relief  of  James  E.  Van  Home]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  11,  1928.  7 
p.     (S.  rp.  7S,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

W.  S.  Holbrook,  steam  tug.  Owners  or  receiver  of  American  steam  tug  W.  S. 
Holbrook,  report  to  accompany  S.  2516  [for  relief  of  owners  and/or  receiver 
of  American  steam  tug  W.  S.  Holbrook]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Jan.  14, 
calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928.    3  p.     ( S.  rp.  86,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

White,  John  F.  John  F.  and  Mary  L.  White,  report  to  accompany  S.  1133  [for 
relief  of  John  F.  White  and  Mary  L.  White]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell. 
Jan.  11,  1928.     24  p.     (S.  rp.  57,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wood,  Albert.  Albert  Wood,  report  to  accompany  S.  1217  [for  relief  of  Albert 
Wood];  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  11,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  59,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Zingarell,  M.  M,  Zingarell  and  wife,  report  to  accompany  S.  496  [for  relief  of 
M.  Zingarell  and  wife,  Mary  Alice  Zingarell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens. 
Jan.  11,  1928.     12  p.     (S.  rp.  61,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Duluth  Ship  Canal.  Bridge  across  Duluth  Ship  Canal,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1761  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Duluth,  Minn.,  to  construct  bridge 
across  Duluth  Ship  Canal]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  126,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Hillsboro  Bay.  Bridge  across  Hillsboro  Bay,  Tampa,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1917  [to  legalize  bridge  acl-oss  Hillsboro  Bay  at  22d  street,  Tampa,  Fla., 
being  constructed  by  Hillsborough  County,  Fla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  137,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Merchant  marine.  Further  development  of  American  merchant  marine,  report 
to  accompany  S.  744  [to  further  develop  American  merchant  marine,  to  as- 
sure its  permanence  in  transportation  of  foreign  trade  of  United  States,  and 
for  other  purposes]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones  [of  Washington].  Jan.  9,  1928. 
13  p.  (S.  rp.  39,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26050 

Missi-'isippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Clearwater,  Minn.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  193  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Clearwater  by 
Minnesota  and  counties  of  Sherburne  and  Wright]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  129,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Missouri  River.  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Hermann,  Mo.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  820  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  R.  A.  Breuer,  H.  L. 
Stolte,  John  M.  Schermann,  O.  F.  Nieuhueser,  Charles  A.  Egley,  and  George 
C.  Eberlin  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Hermann, 
Mo.];  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  123,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Washington,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  821  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  O.  F.  Schulte,  E.  H.  Otto,  O.  W. 
Arcularius,  J.  L.  Calvin,  and  J.  H.  Dickbrader  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Washington,  Mo.] ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Dale.  Jan. 
25,1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  124,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Wolf  Point,  Mont.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  444  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of 
bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Wolf  Point,  Mont.,  by  Montana,  or 
Roosevelt  County,  or  McCone  County,  Mont.,  or  either  or  several  of  them]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  131,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  follo'winsr  Contents 

454  January,  1928 

Missouri  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Missouri  and  Kansas,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  5547  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to-  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Buchanan  County,  Mo.,  and 
Doniphan  County,  Kans.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  132,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge   across  Missouri  River  between   Nebraska   and   Iowa,   report  to 

accompany  S.  1742  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Nebraska-Iowa  Bridge 
Corporation  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Washington 
County,  Nebr.,  and  Harrison  County,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan. 
25,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  128,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Glasgow,  Mont.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  1501  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Montana  or  Valley  County,  Mont., 
to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Glasgow,  Mont.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  125,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
♦Paper,  5c. 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ashland,  Ohio  [Ky.],  report  to 
accompany  S.  760  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Ashland  Bridge  Company 
to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Ashland,  Ky.,  and  Coal  Grove, 
Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  121,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Potomac  River.  Bridge  across  Potomac  River  between  Virginia  and  Maryland, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5628  [to  extend  time  for  commencing  and  time 
for  completing  construction  of  bridge  across  Potomac  River  near  Dahlgren, 
Va.,  and  Popes  Creek,  Md.,  by  George  Washington-Wakefield  Memorial  Bridge, 
a  corporation];  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  134, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Red  River.  Bridge  across  Red  River  at  Coushatta,  La.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R,  280  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission 
to  construct  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Coushatta,  La.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.    Jan.  25,  1928.    2  p.   (S.  rp.  130,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)    *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Red  River  at  Fulton,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

5642  [to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Red  River  at  Fulton, 
Ark.,  by  State  Highway  Commission  of  Arkansas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Jan.  25,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  135,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rio  Orande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  River  at  El  Paso,  Tex.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5582  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  El  Paso,  Tex.,  by  El  Paso  Electric 
Company  and  El  Paso  and  Juarez  Traction  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Jan.  25,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  133,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rock  River.  Bridge  across  Rock  River,  111.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1558 
[granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Chicago  and  North  Western  Railway  Com- 
pany to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Rock  River  in  Palmyra  and  Nelson 
townships.  Lee  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25.  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  127,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ships.  Amend  merchant  marine  act,  1920,  report  to  accompany  S.  789  [to 
amend  merchant  marine  act,  1920,  by  insuring  exemption  from  income  taxes 
during  10-year  period  there  provided  of  profits  on  sale  of  certain  vessels 
when  proceeds  of  such  sales  are  invested  in  new  American  vessels  approved 
by  Shipping  Board]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Willis.  Jan.  11,  calendar  day  Jan. 
12,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  74,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Susquehanna  River.  Bridge  across  Susquehanna  River  between  Wrightsville 
and  Columbia,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6479  [to  extend  times  for 
commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge  across  Susquehanna  River 
between  borough  of  Wrightsville,  York  County,  Pa.,  and  borough  of  Columbia, 
Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  by  counties  of  Lancaster  and  York]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Dale.    Jan.  25, 1928.    2  p.     ( S.  rp,  136,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c, 

How  to  order  pubHcatlonsi — See  information   folloTving:  Content* 

January,  1928  455 

Tennessee  River.  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  in  Perry  and  Decatur  counties, 
Tenn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6053  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and 
completing  construction  of  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Linden-Lexing- 
ton road  in  Perry  and  Decatur  counties,  Tenn.,  by  Highway  Department  of 
Tennessee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  19,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  101,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Tomhighee  River.  Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at  Epes,  Ala.,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  76S  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  Great  Southern 
Railroad  Company  to  reconstruct  railroad  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
Epes,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  122,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Claims.  Settlement  of  claims  for  subsidence  of  1st  street  in  District  of  Co- 
lumbia, report  to  accompany  S.  1279  [to  authorize  commissioners  of  District 
of  Columbia  to  compromise  and  settle  certain  suits  at  law  resulting  from 
subsidence  of  1st  street  east,  in  District  of  Columbia,  occasioned  by  construc- 
tion of  railroad  tunnel  under  said  street]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan. 
9,  1928.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  24,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Crime.  False  information  regarding  commission  of  crimes  in  District  of  Co- 
lumbia, report  to  accompany  S.  2277 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  11, 
calendar  day  Jan.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  76,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commission.  Expenses  of  members  of 
National  Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commission,  report  to  accompany  S.  12S4 
[amending  act  amending  act  providing  for  comprehensive  development  of 
park  and  playground  system  of  National  capital]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper. 
Jan.  9,  calendar  day  Jan.  10,  192S.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  49,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


Senator^l  campaign  expenditures,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant 
to  S.  Res.  195,  69th  Congress,  1st  session,  authorizing  president  of  Senate  to 
appoint  special  committee  to  make  investigation  into  means  used  to  influence 
nomination  of  any  i^erson  as  candidate  for  membership  of  Senate,  Jan.  7, 
1928.  1928.  pt.  7,  ii+3401-61  p.  [These  hearings  relate  to  campaign  ex- 
penditures in  Illinois  and  were  held  in  Washington,  D.  C]     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.Ex  7/12 :  C  15/pt.  7 

Smith,  Frank  L.  Senatorial  campaign  expenditures,  report  pursuant  to  S.  Res. 
1  [and  submitting  S.  Res.  112,  declaring  Fx'ank  L.  Smith  not  entitled  to  mem- 
bership in  Senate  as  Senator  from  Illinois]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Mis- 
souri.    Jan.  17,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  92,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 


Indians.  Survey  of  conditions  of  Indians  in  United  States,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  79,  Jan.  10  and  13,  1928.  1928.  iii+70 
p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.1n  2/2 :  In  2/2 

Middle  Rio  Ch'ande  Conservancy  District.  Conservation,  irrigation,  drainage, 
and  flood  control  for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in  Rio  Grande  A^alley,  N.  Mex., 
report  to  accompany  S.  700  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  execute 
agreement  with  Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District  providing  for  con- 
servation, irrigation,  drainage,  and  flood  control  for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in 
Rio  Grande  Valley,  N.  Mex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bratton.  Jan.  17,  calendar 
day  Jan.  20,  1928.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  104,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Hovr  -to  order  publications — See  inforniniion   foIIOTringr   Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 5 

456  •  January,  1928 

Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District- — Continued. 

Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy   District,    hearing.    TOtli    Congress,    1st 

session,  on  S.  700,  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  execute  agreement  witli 
Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District  providing  for  conservation,  irriga- 
tion, drainage,  and  flood  control  for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in  Rio  Grande 
Valley,  N.  Mex.,  Jan.  20,  1928.     1928.     iii+37  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.1n  2/2 :  R  47 


Pamama  Canal.  Penal  code  of  Canal  Zone,  report  to  accompany  S.  1256  [to 
amend  penal  code  of  Canal  Zone  so'  as  toi  prescribe  penalty  for  unlawful  tak- 
ing and  using  of  motor-vehicles  which  are  proijerty  of  another]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Edge.     Jan.  5,  192S.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  8,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 


Bellows,  Henry  A.  Salary  of  Henry  A.  Bellows,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res. 
55  [for  relief  of  Henry  A.  Bellows]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Couzens.  Jan.  4, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  6,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  5,  1928 ;  no.  1. 
1928.     10  p.  4"     $  Y  4.1n  8/3  :  70/1 

Federal  Radio  Commission.  Federal  radio  commissioners,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  confirmation  of  Federal  radio  commissioners,  Jan.  6 
and  7,  1928.    1928. .  pt.  1,  iii-f  1-131  p.     *  Pai^er,  15c.     Y  4.1n  8/3 :  R  11/2/pt.  1 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission.  Requesting  Interstate  Commerce  Commis- 
sion to  prepare  indexed  text  of  its  acts,  report  to  accompany  S.  Res.  17 
[requesting  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  to  prepare  manuscript  cover- 
ing text  of  the  various  acts  administered  by  it,  annotated  with  digests  of 
decisions,  and  indexed,  in  lieu  of  manuscript  requested  by  S.  Res.  334,  69th 
Congress,  agreed  to  Jan.  28,  1927]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Hawes.  Jan.  9,  1928.  2 
p.     (S.  rp.  36,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

PuNic  utilities.  Investigation  of  public  utility  corporations,  hearings,  70th 
Congress.  1st  session,  on  S.  Res.  83,  Jan.  16  [-26],  1928.  1928.  4  pts.[xiiil  + 
257  p.  1  tab.     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  5c. ;  *  pts.  2,  3,  and  4,  each,  10c. 

Y  4.1n  8/3  :  P  96/2/pt.  1-4 

Railroads.  Consolidation  of  x-ailway  properties,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  1175,  to  promote  unification  of  carriers  engaged  in  interstate 
commerce,  Jan.  9-21,  1928.     1928.     pt.  1,  iii-|-193  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 

Y  4.  In  8/3  :  R  13/44/pt  1 


Columbia  Basin  irrigation  project.  Columbia  Basin  reclamation  project,  hear- 
ings, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1462.  fen-  adoption  of  Columbia  Basin 
reclamation  project,  Jan.  11  and  13,  1928.  1928.  lii+167  p.  il.  map.  *  Paper, 
20c.  Y  4.1r  7/1 :  C  72/3 

Deschutes  irrigation  project.  Construction  of  Deschutes  project  in  Oregon,  hear- 
ing, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1186,  Jan.  12,  1928.     1928.     iii+34  p. 

*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1r  7/1 :  D  45 

Olanogan  irrigation  project.  To  transfer  Okanogan  project.  Wash.,  to  Okano- 
gan Irrigation  District,  report  to  accompany  S.  1661;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Jones  [of  Washington].     Jan.  4,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  7,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Umatilla  Rapids.  Protection  and  development  of  Umatilla  Rapids  in  Colum- 
bia River,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1187,  Jan.  10,  1928.  1928. 
ii-f  36  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1r  7/1 :  Um  1 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  4,  1928 ;  no.  2. 
1928.     16  p.  4°    $  Y  4.  J  89/2  :  70/2 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  information  folIOTvins  Contents 


January,  1928  457 

Courts  of  United  States.  Practice  and  procedure  in  Federal  courts,  report  to 
acconipanj-  S.  1094  [to  amend  practice  and  procedure  in  Fedi'ral  courts,  so 
that  in  jury  trials  presiding  judge  shall  not  express  his  opinion  as  to  credi- 
bility of  witnesses  or  weight  of  testimuny  involved  in  issue]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  17,  19:^8.  4  p.  ( S.  rp.  93,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )  *  Paper, 


Army  emergency  officers'  list.  Retirement  of  emergency  oflBicers,  report  to 
accompany  S.  777  [making  eligible  for  retirement,  under  certain  conditions, 
officers  and  former  officers  of  Army,  other  than  officers  of  Regular  Army,  who 
incurred  physical  disability  in  line  of  duty  while  in  service  of  United  States 
during  World  War]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  Jan.  23,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp. 
115,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Army.  Promotion  and  retirement  in  Army,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  S.  1894,  to  increase  efficiency  of  Army  [with  regard  to  promo- 
tion and  retirement  of  officers],  Jan.  13  and  14,  1928.     1928.     pt.  1,  iii+58  p. 

*  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.M  59/2  :  P  94/6/pt,  1 


Dispatch,  U.  S.  S.  Providing  for  loan  of  U.  S.  S.  Dispatch  to  Florida,  report  to 
accompany  S.  771 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  20, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  103,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McShane,  Mrs.  Maria  J.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Maria  J.  McShane  [mother 
of  Julian  J,  McShane],  report  to  accompany  S.  1655:  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Tydings.     Jan.  17,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  94,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  Reserve  Force.  For  relief  of  former  officers  of  Naval  Reserve  Force  and 
Marine  Corps  Reserve  [who  were  released  from  active  duty  and  d.senrolled 
at  places  other  than  their  homes  or  places  of  enrollment],  report  to  accom- 
pfiny  S.  150 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shortridge.  Jan.  17.  calendar  day  Jan.  18, 
1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  98,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Submarine  boats.     Commission  to  investigate  sinking  of  submarine  S-4,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  131    [providing  for  commission  to  investigate  and 
report  upon  facts  connected  with  sinking  of  submarine  S-4,  and  uix)n  meth- 
ods and  appliances  for  protection  of  submarines]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale. 
Jan.  11,  calendar  day  Jan.  13,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  77,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Pensions.  Granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  widows  and  former 
widows  of  soldiers,  sailors,  and  marines  of  Civil  War,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1939;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  [of  Indiana].  Jan.  27,  1928.  1  p.  (S. 
rp.  139,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Increase  of  pensions  to  widows  and  former  widows  of  soldiers,  sailors, 

and  marines  of  Civil  War.  joint  hearing  before  Committee  on  Pensions,  Sen- 
ate, and  Committee  on  Invalid  Pen.sions,  House,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on*  S.  1939,  Jan.  18,  1928.    1928.    iii+22  p.    *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.P  38/2 :  C  49/3 

Pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain   soldiers   and   sailors   of 

Civil  War,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2900  [.substituted  for  S.  6  and  other 
bills];  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  [of  Indiana].  Jan.  27,  1927  [1928].  144 
p.     (S.  rp.  141,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26051. 

Wood.  Mrs.  Louise  A.  Increase  of  pension  for  Louise  A.  Wood,  widow  of 
Major  General  Wood,  report  to  accomimny  S.  61;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck. 
Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  18,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  96,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5e. 

How  to  order  publlcntions — See  inforniattou   follovring   Contents 

458  January,  1928 


Meooico.  Alleged  payments  by  Mexican  Government  to  United  States  Senators, 
hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  7,  Dec.  15,  1927 
[-Jan.  7,  1928].  1927-28.  3  pts.  [viii]+294  p.  2  pi.  *  Paper,  pts.  1  and  3, 
each  15c. ;  *  pt.  2,  5c.  Y  4.P  94  :  M  57/pt.  1-3 

Alleged  payments  by  Mexican  Government  to  United   States   Senators, 

partial  report  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  7 ;   submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania.   Jan.  11,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp,  52,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Phoenix,  Ariz.  Granting  part  of  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix,  Ariz.,  to 
Phoenix  for  street  purposes,  report  to  accompany  S.  1692;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Keyes.    Jan.  25,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  116,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Public  buildings.  Amend  sec.  5  of  public  buildings  act,  approved  May  25,  1926, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  278 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Keyes.  Jan.  23,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  114,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Coal.  Granting  extensions  of  time  under  coal  permits,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1455;  submitted  by  Mr.  Biatton.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  18,  1928. 
1  p.     ( S.  rp.  99,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cochran,  Leonidas  L.  Leonidas  L.  Cochran  and  Rosalie  Cochran  Brink,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2020  [for  relief  of  Leonidas  L.  Cochran  and  Rosalie  Cochran 
Brink];  submitted  by  Mr.  Bratton.  Jan.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp-  78,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gunni  son-May  field  Land  and  Grazing  Company.  Relief  of  Guuuison-Mayfield 
Land  &  Grazing  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1856 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot. 
Jan.  11,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp,  67,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Harrison  County,  Miss.  Removing  cloud  on  title  from  land  in  Harrison  County, 
Miss.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1425 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Jan.  17,  calendar 
day  Jan.  18,  1928.     8  p.     (S.  rp.  95,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hollingsworth,  Fannie  M.  Fannie  M.  Hollingsworth,  report  to  accompany  S. 
1795  [for  relief  of  Fannie  M.  Hollingsworth]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of 
Montana.     Jan.  11,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  68,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Indian  reservations.  Issuance  of  trust  and  final  patents  on  lands  withdrawn 
or  classified  as  power  or  reservoir  sites  [in  Indian  reservations],  report  to 
accompany  S.  1313;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot.  Jan.  11,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp. 
66,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Transferring  to  Secretary  of  Navy  jurisdiction  over 
oil  and  gas  leases  issued  by  Secretary  of  Interior  on  lands  in  naval  petroleum 
reserves,  report  to  accompany  S.  1959;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Montana. 
Jan.  11,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  69,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

New  Mexico.  Amendment  to  constitution  of  New  Mexico,  report  to  accompany 
S.  J.  Res.  38  [giving  and  granting  consent  to  amendment  to  constitution  of 
New  Itfexico,  providing  method  for  executing  leases  and  other  contracts  for 
development  and  production  of  any  and  all  minerals  on  lands  granted  or 
confirmed  to  said  State  by  act  of  Congress  approved  June  20,  1910,  and  to. 
enactment  of  such  laws  and  regulations  as  may  be  necessary  to  carry  said 
amendment  into  effect  if  it  is  adopted]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bratton.  Jan.  14, 
calendar  day  Jan.  16,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  90,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Oregon.  Granting  certain  rocks  or  islands  to  Oregon  for  park  purposes,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1193 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Jan.  9,  calendar  day  Jan. 
10,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  51,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  Inforiuation   folloTvin^  Contents 


January,  1928  459 

Pensacola,  Fla.  Confirming  title  to  lots  in  Pensacola,  Fla.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2021  [extending  and  continuing  to  Jan.  12,  1930,  provisions  of  act 
authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  determine  and  confirm  by  patent  in 
nature  of  deed  of  quitclaim  title  to  lots  in  Pensacola,  Fla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bratton.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  18,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  100,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Petroleum.  Granting  extensions  of  time  under  oil  and  gas  permits,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1155 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst.  Jan.  9,  calendar  day  Jan.  10, 
1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  47,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Send,  Charles  H.  Relief  of  Charles  H.  Send,  report  to  accompany  S.  440; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Jan.  9,  calendar  day  Jan.  10,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  50, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Utah  National  Park.  Changing  name  of  Utah  National  Park  to  Bryce  Canyon 
National  Park  [and  adding  lands  to  park],  report  to  afccompany  S.  1312; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  Jan.  9,  calendar  day  Jan.  10,  1928.  2  p.  (S. 
rp.  48,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Yuma  County,  Ariz.  Use  of  public  lands  for  municipal  aviation  field  by 
Yuma  County,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1154 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst. 
Jan.  9,  calendar  year  Jan.  10,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  i-p-  46,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Use  of  public  lands  for  municipal  aviation  field  by  Yuma  County,  Ariz., 

report  to  accompany  S.  1154;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst.     Jan.  14,  calendar 
day  Jan.  16,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  89,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 


Porto  Rico.  Relief  of  Povto  Rican  taxpayers,  joint  hearings  before  Commit- 
tee on  Territories  and  Insular  Possessions,  Senate,  and  Committee  on  Insular 
Affairs,  House,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  754,  Dec.  6  [16],  1927-Jan. 
12,  1928.     1928.     iii+180  p.     [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

Y  4.T  27/2 :  P  83/3 

Relief  of  Porto  Rican  taxpayers,  report  to  accompany  S.  754 ;  submitted 

by  Mr.   Metcalf.     Jan.   27,   1928.     2  p.      (S.   rp.   140,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Executive  Departments.  Disposition  of  useless  papers  in  Executive  Depart- 
ments, report  on  proceeds  from  sales  of  useless  pai}ers  in  Executive  Depart- 
ments [for  2d  session  of  69th  Congress]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  Jan.  26. 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  455,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Veterans'  Bureau.  Disposition  of  useless  papers  in  Veterans'  Bureau,  report ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  Jan.  26,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  454.  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Advance  Automobile  Accessories  Corporation  v.     United   States ;  evidence  for 

plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.   H-3,   p.   12-15.     t  Ju  3.8:  Ad  95 

Alexander.    Alester  C.   Alexander  v.   United   States ;   report   of  commissioner. 

[1928.]     no.  F-1,  p.  1-2.     t  Ju  3.8  :A1 26/2 

Andretvs,  P.  L.,  Corporation.    P.   L.   Andrews   Corporation   v.   United    States, 

findings  of  fact  and  conclusion  filed  by  court.     Jan.  5,  1928.     6  p.     (S.  doc. 

38,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
Apex  Electric   Manufacturing   Co.    v.    United    States :    evidence   for    plaintiff. 

[1927.]     no.  H-13,  p.  11-22.     %  Ju3.8:Ap26 

Bradley.    R.   L.   Bradley  v.   United   States;   report   of   commissioner.     [1928.] 

no.  D-349,  p.  13-15.     %  Ju  3.8  :  B  728/3 

Ho^T  to  order  publications— See  Information  folIoTFlns  Contents 

460  January,  1928 

Bninda<;e.  Avery  Brundage  r.  United  States:  evidence  for  plainfff.  [1928.1 
no.  H-18,  p.  49-154.     t  Ju  3.8  :  B  835 

Busscy.  Arthur  Bussey  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
no.  E-343,  p.  17-22.     t  Ju  3.8  :  B  967 

Cases.  Monthly  calendar.  Feb.  1928.  1928.  19  p.  [Part  of  the  pastes  are 
blank.]     t  Ju  3.5:  928/2 

Trial  calendar  and  law  calendar,  prepared  Jan.  1928.     1928.    51  p.     [Part 

of  the  pages  are  blank.]     t  Ju  3.5  :  928/1 

Clark,  James,  Distillinrj  Company.  James  Clark  Distilling  Company  of  Cum- 
berland, Md..  for  use  of  James  Clark  and  John  Keating,  v.  United  States : 
stipulation  of  facts.     [1928.]     no.  F-220,  p.  19^22.     t  Ju  3.8  :  C  548/6 

Cole  fitorage  Battery  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.]  no. 
D-784,  p.  81-143.     t  Ju  3.8  :  C  676/2 

Faculty  Cluh  of  University  of  California  r.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1928.]     no.  H-426,  p.  i5-.3S.     $  .  Ju  3.8 :  F 119 

Former  Corporation  (formerlv  Philipsborn's)  r.  United  States;  report  of  com- 
missioner.    [1928.]     no.  D-244,  p.  39-41.     t  Ju  3.8  :  P  539 

Galveston,  Harrisburff  and  San  Antonio  Railway  Company  v.  United  States; 
report  of  special  commis>sioner.      [1928.]     no.  C-263,  p.  25-27.     I 

Ju  3.8  :  G  139/15 

Gemoo  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.  F-292,  p.  8-15.     t  Ju  3.8  :  G  284/2 

McNeil.  Edwin  C.  McNeil  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclu- 
.sion  of  law.  and  memorandum],  decided  Jan.  9,  1928.  [1928.]  no.  F-294. 
2  p.     I  Ju  3.9/a  :  M  233 

Michigan  Motor  Specialties'  Company.  V.  H.  Kendall,  trustee  in  bankruptcy 
Michigan  Motor  Specialtie-s'  Company,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.     [1928.]     no.  D-6,  p.  33-39.     $  Ju  3.8  :M  582/2 

Midland  Coal  Company.  IT.  G.  Kellogg  and  C.  H.  Markham,  individually  and 
as  copartners  tiading  under  firm  name  and  style  of  Midland  Coal  Company,  r. 
United  States:  brief  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     no.   F-147,  p.  29-35.     t 

Ju  3.8  :  M  584/4 

Paridy.  Charles  Paridy.  Anna  McLatchie,  and  Ferdinand  Lother  v.  United 
States;  si>ecial  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion  of  court], 
decided  Jan.  9,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  34716,  8  p.     J  Ju  3.9/a  ;P  217 

Rouse.  John  G.  Rouse,  executor  of  William  C.  Rouse,  i\  United  States ;  stipu- 
lation of  facts.     [1927.]     no.  H-lOO,  p.  7-8.     t  Ju  3.8  :  R  762 

Royal  Knitting  Mills.  Samuel  Roessler,  trustee  In  bankruptcy  of  Royal  Knit- 
ting Mills,  ^^  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  nO'.  D-858, 
p.  7-12.     ?  Ju  3.8  :  R  812/3 

Shields.  Peter  Shields  t\  United  States ;  report  of  commis.sioner.  [1928.]  no. 
F-125,  p.  17-19.     t  Ju  3.8  ;  Sh  61/3 

Sinclair  Coal  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no. 
E-571,  p.  27-32.     t  Ju  3.8  ;  Si  62 

Stanton  d  Jones.  James  Stanton  &  Edward  Jones,  trading  as  Stanton  &  Jones, 
V.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.  H-215.  p.  43-87.     t 

Ju  3.8  :  St  26 

Stewart,  F.  W.,  Manufacturing  Corporation.  F.  W.  Stewart  Manufacturing  Cor- 
poration r.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.]  no.  F-318,  p. 
12-21.     t  Ju  3.8  :  St  49/S 

Towne.  Robert  E.  Safford  and  William  Mason  Smith,  as  executors  of  Hai-riet 
Nye  Towne,  r.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiffs  [and]  defendant.  [1928.] 
no.  H-107,  p.  35-72.     t  Ju  3.8  :  T  66 

HoTT  to  order  pnblicatious— See   iiiforiuation  follo^ringr  Contents 

January,  1928  461 

United  ProfH-Sharing  Corporation  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff  [and! 
defendant.     [1928.]     no.  E-4S0,  p.  11-138.     t  Ju  8.8  :Un  3/53 

United  States  Co-nsermition  Compamj  v.  United  States;  i-eport  of  commissioner. 
L1928.]     no.  D-80S,  p.  11-13.     t  Ju  3.8  :Un  3/52 

Yankton  Indians.  Yankton  Sioux  [tribe  of  Indians]  v.  United  States;  evidence 
for  plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.  4-546  [D-546],  p.  125-284.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Y  16/5 

Same;  report  of  commissioner.     [1927.]     no.  D-546,  p.  113-123.     X 

Ju  3.8  :  Y  16/4 


Handkerchiefs.  No.  3036,  United  States  v.  Meadows,  Wye  &  Company,  Inc. 
(F.  A  MaeCluer,  Inc.),  transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court. 
[1927.]     cover-title,  i+27  p.     t  Ju7.6:M4Gl/2 

Parchment  paper.  No.  3038,  United  States  v.  D.  J.  Powers  (for  Franklin  Co.) 
and  Geo.  Wm.  Rueff,  Inc.,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court. 
[1928.]     cover-title,  i+33  p.     J  Ju7.6:F854 

Pipe-fittings.  No.  3048,  United  States  r.  Grinnell  Co.,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+29  p.     t        Ju7.6:G885 

Raffla.  No.  3051,  United  States  v.  Milton  Bradley  Company,  transcript  of  rec- 
ord on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+9  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  B  728 

Remission  of  duties.  No.  3047,  United  States  v.  Frank  P.  Dow  Co.,  Inc.  (Pacific 
Chemical  Co.).  tran.script  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1928.] 
cover-title,  i+9  p.     t  Ju  7.6 :  D  752 

Straw  braid.  No.  3045,  United  States  v.  R.  H.  Comey  Brooklyn  Co.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+33  p.     $ 

Ju  7.6  :  C  734 

Wall  board.  No.  3049,  United  States  v.  O.  M.  Baxter,  Inc.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i +83  p.     t     Ju7.6:B335 


Court  of  Appeals.  July  term,  1927,  no.  4638,  Isaac  Jacobs  vs.  United  States; 
no.  4639,  Lena  Jacobs  vs.  [same]  ;  brief  for  appellee.  1928.  cover-title, 
ii+24  p.     t  DC  9.5:  J  152 

• Transcript  of  record,  Apr.  term,  1927,  no.  4640,  United  States  vs.  Godfrey 

L.  Cabot ;  no.  4641.   Godfrey  L.   Cabot  vs.   United   States,   appeal   from   Su- 
preme Court  of  District  of  Columbia.      [1928.]      cover-title,  i+24  p.  4  facsim.      t 

DC  9.5  :C  112 


Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Jan.  1928;  [v.  14,  no.  1].  1928.  iv+1-108  p.  il.  4" 
[Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  .$2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.60. 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  14/1 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announfements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  research 
studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  condition  of 
Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member  banks  without 
charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal  Reserve  Board, 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  member  banks.     Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve  banks  for  collec- 
tion and  credit,  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     iii+119  p.  4"     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  928/1 

National  banks.  Trust  powers  of  national  banks.  Jan.  1928.  11  p.  (Regula- 
tion F,  1928.)      [Supersedes  Regulation  F,  1924.]     t  FR1.6:928/F 

HoTV  to  order  ijulilications — See  inforinatioii  folio-wins   Contents 

462  January,  1928 


Calumet  Baking  Powder  Company.  In  matter  of  Calumet  Baking  Powder  Com- 
pany, complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  868,  Feb.  8, 
1926.  [1928.]  p.  35-44.  ([Decision]  554.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v. 
10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  554 

Eastman  Kodak  Company.  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Eastman  Kodak  Co.  et 
al. ;  Supreme  Court,  May  31,  1927,  no.  215  [opinion  of  court].  [1927.]  7  p. 
(F.  T.  C.  [court  decision]  83.)     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  3  :  Ea  79/2 

Hones,  P.  H.,  Knitting  Company.  In  matter  of  P.  H.  Hanes  Knitting  Company, 
complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  [modified]  order;  docket  1134, 
Dec,  21,  1925.  [1928.]  p.  23-29-5.  ([Decision]  552.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  deci- 
sions, V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2:  552 

Rules  of  practice  and  procedure  and  statements  of  policy,  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928. 
ii+16  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26030  FT  1.7  :  928 

Standard  Oil  Company.  In  matter  of  Standard  Oil  Company  of  Kentucky,  com- 
plaint (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1141,  Nov.  28,  1925. 
[1928.]  p.  1-13.  ([Decision]  550.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  550 

Stock  dividends,  letter  transmitting  in  response  to  Senate  resolution  304,  69th 
Congress,   report  on   stock  dividends.     1927.     vii+273  p.      (S.   doc.   26,    70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.     1st  print  has  vii+19  pages.]     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  27-27870 

Summy,  Clayton  F.,  Company.  In  matter  of  Clayton  F,  Summy  Company, 
[amended]  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1174, 
Dec.  7,  1925.  1928.  [1] +14-22-4  p.  ([Decision]  551.)  [From  F.  T.  C. 
decisions,  V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2  :  551 


Decisions  of  comptroller  genei'al,  v.  6,  July  1,  192(>-June  30,  1927 ;  J.  R.  McCarl, 
comptroller  general,    Lurtin   R.   Ginn,   assistant   comptroller  general.     1927. 
xxi+971  p.     *  Cloth,  $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  22-24145  GA  1.5 :  6 


Decisions  of  Geographic  Board,  Dec.  14,  1927.     [1928.]     2  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  10-26561  GB  1.5  :  142 



American  history  and  biography,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent 
of  documents.  Dec.  1927.  [2] +31  + [2]  p.  (Price  list  50,  14th  edition.)  t 
L.  O.  card  26-26331  GP  3.9 :  50/14 

Education,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Nov. 
1927.     [2] +38  p.     (Price  list  31,  16th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26105  GP  3.9 :  31/16 

Finance,  banking,  budget  accounting,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superin- 
tendent of  documents.    Nov.  1927.     [2] +11+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  28,  16th  edi- 
tion.)    t 
L.  C.  card  26-26476  GP  3.9 :  28/16 

Ho-fT  to  order  publications— See  Infonuation  follOTVinsr  Contents 


January,  1928  463 

Foods  and  cooking:,  canning,  cold  storage,  lionie  economics,  list  of  publications 
for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.    Dec.  1927.     [2] +12+ [2]  p.     (Price 
list  11.  18th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  2&-26496  GP  3.0: 11/18 

Forestry,  tree  planting,  wood  tests,  and  lumber  industries,  list  of  publications 
for  sale  bv  superintendent  of  documents.    Dec.  1927.     [2] +15+ [2]  p.     (Price 
list  43,  20th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card 26-26171  GP3  9:43/20 

Maps,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.    Nov.  1927. 
[21+10  p.     (Price  list  53.  18th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  26-26876  GP  3.9 :  53/18 

Monthlp   catalogue,  United    States   public   documents    (with   prices),   no.   396: 

Dec.  1927.    1928.  vi+327-395  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/6 

Tariff  and  taxation,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents. 
Nov.  1927.     [21+42  p.     (Price  list  37,  14th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  25-27512  GP  3  9 :  37/14 

Transportation,  railroad  and  shipping  problems,  postal  service,  telegraphs,  tele- 
phones, list  of  publications  for  sale  bv  superintendent  of  documents.     Dec. 
1927.     [2] +16+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  25,  15th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26255  GP  3.9  :  25/15 


Note. — The  decisions  of  tbe  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pen.sion  cases  are  issued 
In  slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  in  signatures, 
both  being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions 
of  either  kind  in  separate  parts  as  they  are  issued;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.  Prices 
for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,   D.    C. 

Federal  Oil  Conservation  Board.    Report  2  of  Federal  Oil  Conservation  Board 

to  President  of  United  States,  Jan.  1928.    1928.    vi+40  p.     [Report  2  treats 

of  Possible  petroleum  substitutes  and  development  of  shale  oil.]  *  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  26-27621  1 1.2  :  F  31/3/pt.  2 


Health  education  publications.     Oct.  1927.     [8]  p.  il.  narrow  12"    f 

L  C.  card  E  22-568  1 16.14/2 :  H  34/927 

Land-grant  colleges,   [statistics  for]   year  ended  June  30,  1926 ;  bv  Walter  J. 
Greenleaf.     1927.    vi+75  p.  il.     (Bulletin  37,  1927.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  E  8-677  1 16.3  :  927/37 

PubliG  schools.     Statistics  of  State  school  system^,  1925-26;   prepared  in  Di- 
vision of  Statistics.     1927.     [l]+50  p.   il.     (Bulletin  39,   1927.)      [Advance 
sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     Pa- 
per, 10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  S-674  1 16.3  :  927/39 

School  life.  v.  13.  no.  5 ;  Jan.  1928.    1928.    cover-title,  p.  81-100,  il.  4°     [Monthly 
except  July  and  August.    Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr.    (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.;  for  50  copies  or  more 
sent  in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  lS-902  1 16.26/1 :  13/5 

Teachers'  certificates.     State  laws  and  regulations  governing  teachers'  certifi- 
cates;  by  Katherine   M.   Cook.     1928.     v+296  p.  il.      (Bulletin   19,   1927.) 
*  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  E  28-16  1 16.3  :  927/19 

HoTT  to  order  iiubllcatlons — See  information  foIIOTVlngr  Contents 

464  January,  1928 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports,  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, 1).  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that 
amounts  to  $5.00  at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should 
be  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Coal.  Geology  and  coal  resources  of  Salina  Canyon  district,  Sevier  County, 
Utah;  by  Edmund  M.  Spieker  and  Arthur  A.  Baker.  Jan.  18,  1928.  iv-fl25- 
170  p.  il.  3  pi.  map.     (Bulletin  796  C.)      *  Paper,  15c.  1 19.3  :  796-C 

Idaho.  Geography,  geology,  and  mineral  resources  of  part  of  southeastern 
Idaho  [with  bibliography],  by  George  Rogers  Mansfield;  with  Descriptions 
of  Carboniferous  and  Triassic  fossils,  by  G.  H.  Girty.  1927.  xiii-(-453  p.  il. 
29  pi.  3  are  in  pocket,  22  p.  of  pi.  19  maps,  9  are  in  pocket,  1  tab.  large  4° 
(Professional  paper  152.)  *  Paper.  $2.40. 
L.  C.  card  G  S  28-4  1 19.16 :  152 

Same.     (H.  doc.  604,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Limestone.  Section  of  Kaibab  limestone  in  Kaibab  Gulch.  Utah ;  by  L.  F. 
Noble.  Jan.  14,  1928.  ii+41-60  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Professional  paper 
150  C.)     *  Paper,  15c.  I19.16:150-C 

Manganese  deposit  of  Pleistocene  age  in  Bannock  County,  Idaho,  by  D.  F. 
Hewett ;  [with  title-page,  contents,  and  index  to  Bulletin  795].  1928. 
ii+211-221+iv  p.  il.      (Bulletin  795  H.)      *  Paper,  5c.  1 19.3 :  79.5-H 

Petroleum.  Geology  and  oil  and  gas  possibilities  of  Bell  Springs  district, 
Carbon  County,  Wyo.,  by  0.  E.  Dobbin.  H.  W.  Hoots,  and  C.  H.  Dane; 
[with  title-page,  contents,  and  index  to  Bulletin  796].  Jan.  19,  1928. 
iv-f  171-201-f-v  p.  il.  4  pi.  map.     (Bulletin  796  D.)     t  1 19.3  :  796-D 

PJiosphate  rock  in  Three  Forks-Yellowstone  Park  region,  Mont,  [with  bibliog- 
raphy] ;  by  D.  Dale  Condit,  E.  H.  Finch,  and  J.  T.  Pardee.  Jan.  9.  1928. 
iv+147-209  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  maps,  1  is  in  pocket.     (Bulletin  795  G.)     *  Paper,  20c. 

1 19.3 :  79&-G 

Publications.  New  publications,  list  237;  Dec.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  3  p. 
[Monthly.]      t  119.14/4:237 

Same,  list  238 ;  Jan.  1,  1928.     [1928.]    4  p.     [Monthly.]     t     119.14/4:238 



Report.  7th  annual  report  of  Board  of  Actuaries,  containing  valuation  of  assets 
and  liabilities  of  civil  service  retirement  and  disability  fund  and  other  infor- 
mation as  of  June  30,  1927.  1928.  iv+26  p.  (H.  doc.  131,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


New  reclamation  era,  v.  19,  no.  1;  Jan.  1928.  [1928.]  cover-title,  p.  1-16,  il.  4* 
[Monthly.     Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 

L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5  :  928/1 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  ana 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdic- 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  information  folloTvins  Contents 

Jaxuary,  1928  465 

2iew  reclamatian  era — Continued. 

tion  of  the  bureau  wbo  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

Yakima  irrigation  project.  Kittitas  diversion  dam  and  main  canal  to  sta. 
34+37.9,  Yakima  project,  Wash.,  Kittitas  division.  [1928.]  cover-title, 
i+25  p.  27  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  468.)  [Consists  of  specifications, 
schedule,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  bids  will  be  received  until  Feb. 
10,  lJy28.]     t  Paper,  $2.00.  127.8:468 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at 
various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on 
subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  single  copies,  usually  5c. 
In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valuation  decisions 
are  desired. 

Alabama  Great  Southern  Raih-oad.  Finance  docket  no.  6576,  securities  of  Ala- 
bama Gnat  Southern  Railroad ;  decided  Nov.  16,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  499-501.  ([Finance  decision]  3020.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3020 

Ahit)ai)ia,  Tennessee  and  No7-thern  Railivay.  Valuation  docket  no.  976,  Alabama, 
Tennessee  »&  Northern  Railway ;  [decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion].    1928.     [2] +327-361  p.  il.     (B-635.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-635 

Albany  Port  District.  Finance  docket  no.  6538,  construction  of  line  by  Albany 
Port  District ;  decided  Nov.  19,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  493- 
495.     ( [Finance  decision]  3018.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3018 

Alton  and  Southern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  .5020,  stock  of  Alton  & 
Southern  Railroad ;  decided  Nov.  16,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  487-488.  ([Finance  decision]  3015.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3015 

Aluminium.  No.  18224,  Cline  &  Beruheini,  Incorporated,  v.  Chicago  &  North 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  13,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1927.]  311-313+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12684.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  12684 

Ash-cans.  No.  18373,  Selig  Company  of  Texas  r.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  331- 
332.     ([Opinion]  12690.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12690 

Atchison,  Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6525,  operation 
and  abandonment  of  lines  by  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway ;  [decided 
Nov.  22,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +506-508  p.  ([Finance 
decision]  3023.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3023 

Finance  docket  no.  6.5.52,  acquisition  of  line  by  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 

Fe  Railway  Company;  [decided  Nov.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +496-498  p.     ([Finance  decision]  3019.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3019 

Atlantic  and  Westei'n  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6511,  acquisition  and  opera- 
tion of  line  by  Atlantic  &  Western  Railway ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  5.59-564.  ([Finance  decision]  3034.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3034 

Automobiles.  No.  185.56.  Chevrolet  Motor  Company  of  Michigan  r.  Chicngo, 
Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  337-340.  ([Opinion]  12693.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12693 

How   to  order  pablicationis — See  information   follovring'  Contents 

466  January,  1928 

Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6370,  stock  of  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad;  approved  Dec.  13,  1927;  supplemental  order.  1928.  p.  583. 
(([Finance  decision]  3041.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3041 

Barrels.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2915,  barrels,  half-barrels,  or 
kegs  from  Chicago,  111.,  to  Montgomery,  Ala. ;  [decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report 
and  order  of  commis.sion].  1928.  [1] +50-52+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12799.) 
[Report  from  I.  0.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  12799 

Beans.  No.  18845,  DeRussy  .T.  Bennett  v.  Michigan  Central  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  2,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+400^ 
402  p.     ([Opinion]  12710.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12710 

Birmingham  and  Southeastern  Railivay.  Valuation  docket  no.  670,  Birming- 
ham &  Southeastern  Railway  Company ;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +34-66  p.  (B-627.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
135.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-627 

Brass.  No.  17455,  Atlas  Iron  &  Metal  Company  et  al.  r.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  13.  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  299-303.  ([Opinion]  12682.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12682 

BuiJdinfj  materials.  No.  18175,  Batson-Cook  Company  v.  Chattahoochee  Valley 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  15,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  703-704.  ([Opinion]  12764.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
*Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12764 

BitUfrog  Goldfteld  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  0369,  abandonment  of  line  by 
Bullfrog  Goldfield  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Nov.  23,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  513-516.  ([Finance  decision]  3025.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3025 

Cahhage.  No.  17772,  Traffic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commei'ce  (Lynchburg,  Va.) 
rr.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Nov.  21,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +708-710  p.  ([Opinion]  12766.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12766 

Canned  food.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2909,  canned  goods,  in 
carloads,  from  Pacific  Coast  points  to  middle  section  of  United  States ; 
[decided  Nov.  12,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+520- 
536+ii    p.     ([Opinion]    12722.)      [Report    from    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12722 

No.  18655,  Ozark  Cider  &  Vinegar  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  &  Vicks- 

burg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1928.]  153-155+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12827.)  [Reiwrt  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12827 

Ca7is.  No.  17083,  United  States  Can  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  24,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  363-370+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12703.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12703 

• No.  18021,  Federal  Can  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  73-74.     ([Opinion]  12807.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12807 

Canton  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  918,  Canton  Railroad  Company ; 
decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  755-770.  (B-619.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-619 

Carrots.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2782,  estimated  weights  of 
carrots  from  Mississippi  and  Louisiana  to  northern,  eastern,  and  western 
points ;  decided  Nov.  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing. 
[1928.]     p.    19-22.     ([Opinion]    12788.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12788 

Hot  to   order  publications — See  iiiforinatlou  follofylng:   Contents 

January,  19-28  467 

Cast-iron.  No.  17877,  rates  on  pig  iron  and  articles  taking  same  rates  within 
Ohio:  decided  Dec.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  131-i:i8. 
([Opinion]   12821.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12821 

No.  18795,  Beaumont  Iron  Works  et  al.  v.  Gulf,  Colorado  &  Santa  Fe 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
Corrected  report.  1928.  [1] +228-230  p.  ([Opinion]  12839.)  [From  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12839/corrected 

Cuttle.  No.  15670,  Houston  Packing  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  and  order  of  com- 
mis.sion'].  1927.  [l]+326-328+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12688.)  [Report  from  I. 
C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12688 

No.  18277,  Clayton-Murnan  Live  Stock  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burlington 

&  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927  ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  421-422.  ([Opinion]  12716.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12716 

No.  19012,  Louisville  Live  Stock  Exchange,  on  behalf  of  N.  G.  Fort  v. 

Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  14,  1927 ;  re- 
port of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  667-669.  ( [Opinion]  12757.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,   v.   132.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12757 

Cedar  chests.  No.  18036,  Barker  Brothers  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  753-757.     ([Opinion]  12783.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5e. 

IC  1.6/la :  12783 

Cement.  No.  19421,  L.  E.  Myers  Company  r.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  9,  1927;  report  of  commis.sion.  [1928.]  p.  101-102. 
([Opinion]  12815.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.0/la :  12815 

■ Sduth  rn  coment  intes,  lio.  15S0(),  Lehigii  Portland  Cement  Company,  v. 

Aberdeen  &  Rockfi.^h  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  14.  1927;  [report 
and  orders  of  commission].  [1927.]  427-476+xi  p.  ([Opinion]  12718.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12718 

Ceniral  California  Traction  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  5008,  control  of 
Central  California  Traction  Company ;  [dec-ided  Nov.  28,  1927 ;  supplemental 
report  of  commission].  1928.  [l]-f540-544  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3030.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  report.s,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3030 

Central  Railroad  of  Netc  Jerseij.  Finance  docket  no.  (5G19,  bonds  of  Central 
Railroad  of  New  Jersey;  [decided  Dec.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +592-594  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3045.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3045 

Chairs.  No.  18136,  Jackson  Traffic  Bureau  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  4th  .section  applications  nos.  601,  703,  542,  1573,  1548,  1952, 
3965,  and  1561 ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928]  87-90+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12811.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12811 

Chwayo  and  North  Western  Raihray.  Jlnance  docket  no.  6542,  Chicago  & 
North  Western  equipment  trust  of  1925 ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  565-568.  ([Finance  deei-sion]  3035.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3035 

Chicayo,  BitrUngton  and  Quincy  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  715,  Chicago, 
Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  re- 
port of  commission].  1927.  [1] +1-865  p.  2  maps.  ([B-025].)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reiwrts  v.  134.]     *  Paper,  $1.00.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-625 

Chicago  Heights  Terminal  Transfer  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1062,  Chi- 
cago Heights  Terminal  Transfer  Railroad  Company  ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  665-685.  (B-615.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-615 

HoTT  to  order  pnlili cations— See  Information  follovrlngr  Contents 


468  January,  1928 

Chicago,  Mihcaukee  and  Gary  Railirair.  Valuation  docket  no.  106,  Chicago, 
Milwaulvee  and  Gary  Railway  Company ;  decided  Dee.  1,  1927 ;  supplemental 
report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p.  591-593.     (B-610.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 

ports, v.  133.]     *  Taper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-610 

Chicago,  MUiraukce  a)id  8t.  Paul  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6240,  Chicago, 
Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  reorganization;  decided  Jan.  4.  1928;  [report  of  com- 
mission]. [1928.]  p.  673-725.  ([Finance  decision]  3053.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.   131.]     *  Paper,'  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3053 

No.  17021,  investigation  of  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway  Com- 
pany; decided  Jan.  4,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  615-672. 
([Finance  decision]  3052.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  PaiDer,  10c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  F-3052 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  and  Pacific  Railwai/.  Finance  docket  no.  6522,  Chicago; 
Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Railway  bonds;  [decided  Nov.  1.  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +442-440  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  3000.)  [From  I.  C  C. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3000 

Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneapolis  and  Omaha  Raihraij.  Finance  docket  no.  6541, 
Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneapolis  &  Omaha  Railway  Company  equipment  trust 
certificates;  [decided  Nov.  9,  1927;  i*eport  of  commission].  1927.  [1]+47S- 
481  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3012.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.1  *  Paper. 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3012 

Clayton-Texline  Telephone  Exchange.  Finance  docket  no.  6559,  purchase  of 
properties  of  Clayton-Texline  Telephone  Exchange  by  Mountain  States  Tele- 
phone &  Telegraph  Company;  [decided  Nov.  1.  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [11+450-452  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3002.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3002 

Coal.  No.  15006,  rates,  charges,  regulations,  and  practices  governing  transpor- 
tation of  anthracite  coal ;  decided  Nov.  8,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  [and 
supplemental  order  no.  28]  of  commission.  [1927.]  419— 120+li  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12715.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12715 

-  No.  16048,  Ilift'-Brufe  Chemical  Company  et  al.  r.  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illi- 
nois Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  10,  1927;  report  and  order  of 
commission  on  reargumeut].  1927.  [l]+2S2-286+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12678.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12678 

No.  16160,  Kanawha  Black  Band  Coal  Company  et  al.  v.  Kanawha  Centra] 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  2,  1927;  report  of  commission  on 
further  hearing].  1928.  [1] +66-68  p.  ([Opinion]  12805.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12805 

No.  17094,  Elk  River  Coal  &  Lumber  Company  t?.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  371-376.     ([Opinion]  12704.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12704 

No.  18540,  State  of  Nebraska,  Nebraska  State  Normal  School  v.  Chicago, 

Burlington  &  Quincv  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  717-720.  ([Opinion]  12770.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12770 

No.  18545,  Edward  G.  Bailey  et  al.  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad  et  al. ; 

decided  Dec.  8.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  143-145.  ([Opinion] 
12824.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports.  V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12824 

No.  18634,  American  Foundry  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  345-346. 
([Opinion]  12696.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12696 

No.  18651,  Eddy  Paper  Corporation  v.  Norfolk  &  Western  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  3,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  63-65. 
([Opinion]  12804.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12804 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTflns  Contents 

January.  1928  469 

Coal — <_'on  tinned. 

Xo.  18891.  Xebrai5ka  Gas  &  Electric  Company  et  aL  v.  Chicago,  Burlington 

&  Quiucy  Railroad  Ojmpany  et  al. ;  decided  Not.  14.  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  669-670.  ([Opinion]  1275S.J  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports  v. 
132.J      *  Paper,  5c-.  I C  1.6/1  a  :  12758 

CoUmanite.  No.  1S<J53.  West  End  Chemical  Company  r.  Los  Angeles  &  Salt 
Lake  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Nov.  15,  1927 ;  report  and  order  of  com- 
mi^.sion].  1927.  [l]+686-6sS-r[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12762.)  [Reptirt  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  12762 

Condensed  milk.  Xo.  17734,  Borden  Sales  Company  r.  Utah  Idaho  Central  Bail- 
road  Company  et  al. :  decided  Not.  26.  1927:  report  of  commissiou.  [192S.] 
p.  29-32.     ([Opinion]  12791.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reix»rts.  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12791 

Copper.  No.  1S709,  Kawneer  Company  r.  Chicago  &  North  Western  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  18.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
64.3-645.     ([Opinion]  12751.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6  la :  12751 

No.  19326,  American   Smelting  &  Refining  Company  et  aL   c.  Atchison, 

Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al :  [decided  Dec.  5.  1927 :  rep-jrt  of 
commission].  192S.  [l]-h  110-113  p.  ([Opinion]  12S17.)  [From  L  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     •  Paper,  5c.  IC  L6  la  :  12817 

Cork.  No.  1S233,  Armstrong  Cork  Company  v.  Akron.  Canton  &  Youngstown 
Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  23.  1927:  report  of  c<»mmission. 
[192S.]  p.  9-16.  ([Opinion]  127S6.J  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  L6  la :  12786 

Cotton.  No.  14346.  Hoaston  Cotton  Exchange  &  Board  of  Trade  et  aL  r.  Abi- 
lene &  Southern  Railway  Company  et  aL :  decided  Nov.  IS.  1927 :  rept.rt  of 
commissiun  on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  615-616.  ([Opinion]  12745.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  12745 

No.  19151.  New  Orleans  Joint  Traffic  Bureau  et  al.   r.  Gulf,  Mobile  & 

Northern  Railroad  Company  et  aL;  [decided  Nov.  16,  1927:  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1927.  [1] +586-588+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12736.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12736 

Cotton  goods.  No.  11023,  St.  Louis  Chamber  of  Commerce  r.  directcT  generaL 
Alabama  Great  Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  De<:-.  12.  1927 : 
report  of  commission  on  further  hearing.  [192S.]  p.  121-124.  <^  [Opinion] 
12S19.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  1:36.]     »  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  12S19 

No.  16674.  Jt^husron  &  Larimer  Dry  (ioods  Company  r.  Atchison.  Toi>eka 

&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Oct.  14.  1927 :  report  of  c-om- 
missi-n.  [1927.]  p.  343-345.  ([Opinion]  12695.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  12695 

No.  17867.   Traffic  Bureau.   Chamber  of  Commerce.   Lynchburg.   Va.,  r. 

Delaware.  Lackawanna  &  Western  Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Oct.  14, 
1927 :  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  321-325.  ([Opinion]  126S7.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  12687 

Cotton-^eed.  No.  17261.  Tallulah  Cotton  Oil  Company  r.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg 
Railway  Company  et  aL  :  [decided  Nov.  8,  1927:  report  and  order  of  com- 
mi-ssion  on  reconsideration].  1927.  [1] -^558-560— iU  p.  ([Opinion]  1272S.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports.  V.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6 'la  :  12728 

No.   17.565.   Quanah  Cotton  Oil  Company  et  al.   r.   Atchison.  Topeka   & 

Santa  Fe  Railwav  Companv  et  aL :  [decided  Sept.  27.  1927:  rei)ort  of  eom- 
iiiission].  1927.  [l]— 304-310  p.  ( [Opinion]  12683.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
T.   1.32.]      *  Paper.   5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  126S3 

Curbing.  No.  17352.  W.  T.  Macken  r.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Company 
et  al. :  decided  Nov.  18.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  589-590. 
([Opinion]   12737.1      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  r.  132.]      *  Paper.  5o. 

IC  1.6  'la  :  12737 

Ho'»T   to   order    publicntions — See   information   folloirlttg'    Contents 

470  January,  1928  . 

Dardanelle  and  Russellville  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  703,  Dardanelle 
and  Russellville  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1927.     [1] +374-393  p.     (B-597.)      [From  I,  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-597 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  Apr.-May,  1927.  1927.     xxiii+ 

894  p.  il.     (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports,  v.  126.)  [Contains  also 
decisions  of  Mar.  15,  June  14,  and  23,  1927.]     *  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  8-30656  IC  1.6/1 :  126 

Delaware,  Lackatvannu  and  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6568,  as- 
sumption of  obligation  and  liability  by  Delaware,  Lackawanna  &  Western 
Railroad ;  decided  Nov.  2,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  447-449. 
([Finance  decision]  3001.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3001 

Delivery  charges.  No.  12420,  Carnegie  Steel  Company  v.  director  general,  as 
agent,  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company,  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  14,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission  on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  689-702.  ([Opinion]  12763.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12763 

Demui-rage.  No.  11468,  Bartlesville  Zinc  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent ; 
decided  Dec.  5,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  consideration.  [1928.] 
p.  57-60.     ([Opinion]  12802.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12802 

No.  18506,  Louisell  Pine  &  Hardwood  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Chi- 
cago, Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  341-342.  ([Opinion]  12694.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12694 

No.  18532,  Fred  M.  Williams  v.  Lehigh  Valley  Railroad  Company  et  al. ; 

decided  Nov.  18,  1927  ;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]    p.  573-576.     ( [Opinion] 
12732.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12732 

Derricks.  No.  18339,  Department  of  Highways,  Nevada,  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   727-729.      ([Opinion]    12774.)      [From  I.   C.   C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12774 

Desks.  No.  17376,  E.  W.  Prentice,  doing  business  at  Phoenix  Desk  &  Chair 
Company  v.  Southern  Pacific  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  5,  1927 ;  repor.t  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  409-412.  ([Opinion]  12713.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12713 

Detroit  and  Ironton  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  3357,  construction  of  line 
and  bond  issue  by  Detroit  &;  Ironton  Railroad ;  approved  Nov.  23,  1927 ;  order. 
1927.     p.  505.     ([Finance  decision]   3022.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3022 

Doors.  No.  18794,  Scott-Graff  Lumber  Company  v.  Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minne- 
apolis &  Omaha  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  745-746.  ([Opinion]  12779.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12779 

Dunbar  and  Wausaukec  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5476,  deficit  settlement 
with  Dunbar  &  Wausaukee  Railway ;  decided  Dec.  5,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  545-546.  ([Finance  decision]  3031.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3031 

Dunnage  allowances.  No.  17040,  Edward  Hines  Yellow  Pine  Company  et  al.  v. 
Akron,  Canton  &  Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  19,  1927  ; 
report  and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [l]-f 626-632-|-iv  p.  ([Opinion] 
12749.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  12749 

East  Broad  Top  Railroad  and  Coal  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  648,  East 
Broad  Top  Railroad  and  Coal  Company ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission.     [1928.]     p.  163-196.      (B-630.)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,  v.  135.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-630 

Ho-w  to  order  publications— See  information  folloTrlngr  Contents 

January,  1928  471 

East  Carolitui  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  968,  East  Carolina  Railway 
(Heury  Clark  Bridgers,  lessee)  ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  cummissiou. 
[1927.J     p.  797-807.     (B-e21.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-621 

Egys.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2993,  eggs  from  Hutchinson, 
Minn.,  to  Chicago,  111. ;  decided  Dec.  1,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  ot  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  55-56+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12SU1.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12801 

Envelopes.  No.  18535,  Whitaker  Paper  Company  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chi- 
cago &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  95-98.  ([Opinion]  12813.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12813 

Erie  and  Michigan  Railway  and  Navigation  Company.  Valuation  docket  no. 
952,  Erie  &  Michigan  Railway  &  Navigation  Co. ;  decided  Dec.  1,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  577-59U.  (B-609.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-609 

Erie  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6371,  Erie  Railroad  equipment  trust,  series 
NN ;  decided  Dec.  10,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.   557-558.     ([Finance   decision]    3033.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  r-3033 

Federal  Valley  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6(j00,  notes  of  Federal  Valley 
Railroad;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  569-570. 
([Finance  decision]  3036.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3036 

Feldspar.  No.  18023,  Hopewell  China  Corporation  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  10,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  565-567+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12730.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12730 

Fertilizers.  No.  15230,  E.  Rauh  &  Sons  Fertilizer  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  & 
Yomigstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  1,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  287-292 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12679.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12679 

Fiber-lioard  cans.  No.  16672,  Brownell  «&  Field  Company  v.  New  York,  New 
Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  14,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission  on  reconsideration.  [1927.]  599-601+11  p. 
([Opinion]   12741.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12741 

Fire-clay.  No.  18282,  National  Zinc  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Cliicago,  Rock 
Island  &  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  18,  1927 ;  report  and 
order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +724-727+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12773.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12773 

Flour.  No.  16941,  Baker  &  Holmes  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21,  1927;reix)rt  of  commission.  1927.  p.  723.  [Opin- 
ion] 12772.)     [From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.        IC  1.6/la  :  12772 

Freight.  Summary  of  freight  commodity  statistics  class  1  steam  railways 
[having  annual  operating  revenues  above  $1,000,000],  quarter  ended  Sept.  30, 
1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.     [1927.]     4  p.  oblong  large  8°     t 


Freight  rates.  No.  14532,  Acme  Mills  et  al.  v.  Alabama  Great  Southern  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  12,  1927 ;  report  and  4th-section  order 
no.  9699  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +114-121+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12818.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12818 

No.  16321,  State  Corjwration  Commission  of  Virginia  v.  Aberdeen  &  Rock- 
fish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  13,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.   173-182.     ([Opinion]    12832.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12832 

Ho^T  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 6 

472  January,  1928 

Fruit.  No.  19130.  California  Growers''  &  Slupi>ers'  Protective  Lea^e  v.  South- 
ern Pacific  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission  on. 
further  consideration].  1927.  [1] +582-585  p.  ([Opinion]  12735.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  12735 

Ji'icel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged  to 
operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for  switch- 
ing locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  167 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Nov.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  11  months  ended  with  Nov.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.  30 :  927/11 

Furmture.  No.  18925,  King-Haase  Furniture  Company  et  al.  i\  Ann  Arbor 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  26,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.    41-42.     ([Opinion]    12795.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12795 

■Gainesville  Midland  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6161,  acquisition  of  control 
by  Gainesville  Midland  Railroad ;  decided  Nov.  3.  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sfon.  [1927.]  p.  455-456.  ([Finance  decision]  3004.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-30O4 

Gas  oil.  No.  18780,  Eldorado  Refining  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railwav  Company;  [decided  Nov.  18.  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.     [1] +612-614  p.     ([Opinion]  12744.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12744 

Gasoline.  Midcontinent  oil  rates.  1025,  no.  15584,  Sinclair  Refining  Company 
et  al.  V.  Ahnapee  &  Western  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Jan.  3,  1928; 
supplemental  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +140-142 +xiv  p. 
([Opinion]  12823.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12828 

No.  17S70,  Tidal-Western  Oil  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Missouri-Kansas-Texas 

Railroad  Company  of  Texas  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  17,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  681-685.  ([Opinion]  12761.)  [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v. 
132.]     *Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12761 

Genesee  and  Wyoming  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  428,  Genesee  and 
Wyoming  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission.    [1927.]     p.    1-33.      (B-626.)      [Fi'om    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    135.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-626 

Gilmore  and  Pittsburgh  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1025.  Gilmore  and 
Pittsburgh  Railroad  Company.  Limited ;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [2] +821-846  p.  il.  (B-595.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-595 

Glass.  No.  18604.  Soutliwestern  Sheet  Glass  Company  v.  St.  Louis- San  Fran- 
cisco Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  10.  1927 :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  577-578.      ([Opinion]    12733.)      [From  I.  C.   C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12733 

Glycerin.  No.  18930.  Illinois  Powder  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Cleveland, 
Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Oct.  19. 
1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  403-404.  ([Opinion]  12711.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12711 

Grain.  In  equity,  no.  7687.  in  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Illinois, 
eastern  division,  Atchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al.  v. 
United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission ;  answer  of  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission.     1927.     cover-title.  5  p.     $  IC  1.13/1 :  At  2/24 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2933,  grain  from  Texas  to  south- 
eastern and  Mississippi  Valley  destinations:  [decided  Dec.  10.  1927;  report 
and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +156-1.59+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12828.) 
[Rep^irt  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12828 

Ho^v  to  order  itnblications— See  Inforinntion  follo^vingr  Contents 

January.  1928  473 

Granite.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2907,  granite,  stone,  and 
marble,  in  carloads,  in  New  England  territory;  [decided  Nov.  15.  1927;  report 
and  order  of  conunlssion].  1927.  [1] +514-516+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12720.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132. J     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12720 

Greenbrier,  Cheat  and  Elk  Railroad.  Finance  docliet  no.  6376.  control  of  Green- 
brier. Cheat  &  Elk  Railroad  by  Western  Maryland  Railway ;  decided  Nov.  28. 
1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  525-539.  ([Finance  decision]  3029.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3029 

Gypsum.  No.  17952,  American  Gypsum  Company  v.  New  York  Central  Rail- 
road Company;  decided  Nov.  10,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
561-564.     ([Opinion]   12729.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12729 

Hannibal  Union  Depot  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  788,  Hannibal  Union 
Depot  Company;  decided  Oct.  14.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
515-522.     (B-604.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-604 

Eolloic  tiles.  No.  16635,  Reliance  Brick  Company  of  Texas  v.  Kansas,  Okla- 
homa &  Gulf  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21.  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  711-712.  ([Opinion]  12767.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12767 

Hoofs.  No.  18011,  Tomkins-Summer  Company  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  1-3+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12784.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports. V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12784 

Huntingdon  and  Broad  Top  Mountain  Railroad  and  Coal  Company.  Finance 
docket  no.  6501.  notes  of  Huntingdon  &  Broad  Top  Mountain  Railroad  &. 
Coal  Company;  decided  Oct.  6.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  311- 
313.  ([Finance  decision]  2968.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2968 

Ice-cream  mi^.  No.  18060,  National  Association  of  Ice  Cream  Manufacturers  r. 
American  Railway  Express  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  19.  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  377-3S4+xiv  p.  ([Opinion]  12705.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12705 

Insulators.  No.  18415,  Jeffrey-Dewitt  Insulator  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927:  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  423^26+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12717.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12717 

Iron.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2906,  iron  and  steel  articles,  in 
less  than  carloads,  between  points  in  New  England  territory ;  decided  Nov.  3, 
1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  355-358+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12700.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12700 

Iron  Mountain  Railroad  of  Memphis.  Finance  docket  no.  6610.  bonds  of  Iron 
Mountain  Railroad  Company  of  Memphis ;  decided  Dec.  13.  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  589-591.  ( [Finance  decision]  3044.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3044 

Iron  ores.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2911,  ground  iron  ore  and 
mortar  colors,  in  carloads,  from  Birmingham.  Ala.,  and  Chattanooga  and 
Knoxville.  Tenn.,  to  southern  points  and  to  Ohio  and  Mississippi  River  cross- 
ings; decided  Dec.  12,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  169- 
172+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12831.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12831 

Jacksonville,  Gainesville  and  Gulf  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5862.  acquisi- 
tion of  line  by  Jacksonville,  Gainesville  &  Gulf  Railway ;  decided  Nov.  19. 
1927:  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  489—490.  ([Finance 
decision]  3016.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  .5c. 

IC  1.6/la:   F-3016 

How  to  order  publications — See  information   follotTingr  Contents 

474  elANUARY,    1928 

Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1050,  Kansas 
City,  Mexico  &  Orient  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [2]+217-256  p.  il.  (B-632.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  135.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-632 

Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient  Railway  of  Texas.  Valuation  docket  no.  1051, 
Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient  Railway  Company  of  Texas ;  [decided  Nov. 
25,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [2] +197-216  p.  il.  (B-631.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-631 

Keokuk  Union  Depot  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  790,  Keokuk  Union  Depot 
Company;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  549-563. 
(B-607.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-607 

Kitchen  cabinets.  No.  17918,  M'Cormick  Brothers  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicks- 
burg  Railvpay  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  79-83.  ([Opinion]  12809.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v,  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12809 

Lake  Erie,  Franklin  and  Clarion  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  933,  Lake  Erie, 
Franklin  «&  Clarion  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [1] +474-^96  p.  (B-602.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-602 

Lake  Terminal  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1020,  Lake  Terminal  Railroad 
Company;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  497-514. 
(B-603.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-603 

Lancaster  and  Chester  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  1001,  Lancaster  and 
Chester  Railway  Company ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  449^73.     (B-601.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-601 

Lathing.  No.  19073,  Bayly-Thompson  Company  v.  Minnesota-Atlantic  Transit 
Comi>any  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  15.  1927;  I'cport  of  ci-.nimissiim.  [1927.]  p. 
665-666.     ([Opinion]  12756.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  12756 

Latvn-moioers.  No.  18103,  Coldwell  Lawn  Mower  Company  v.  New  York  Cen- 
tral Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  19,  1927;  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1927.  [l]+390-392-|-[l]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12707.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5o.  IC  1.6/la  :  12707 

Logs.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2932,  transit  on  logs  and  lumber 
from  northwestern  points  to  eastern  destinations,  transcontinental ;  decided 
Dec.  13,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  125-130  + [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12820.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12820 

No.  18759,  Crook  Son  &  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et 

al. ;  decided  Nov.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  749-750. 
([Opinion]    12781.)      [From  I.   C.  C.  reports,   v.   132.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12781 

Los  Angeles  and  Salt  Lake  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5543,  operation  at 
line  by  Los  Angeles  &  Salt  Lake  Railroad ;  decided  Nov.  12,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission  on  petition  for  reopening.  [1927.]  p.  463^65.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 3007.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  F-3007 

• Finance  docket  no.  6535,  abandonment  of  part  of  branch  line  by  Los 

Angvles  «&  Salt  Lake  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Nov.  16,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  491-492.  ([Finance  decision]  3017.)  [From  I.  C. 
C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3017 

Louisiana  and  Arkansas  Railtcay.  Valuation  docket  no.  346,  Louisiana  & 
Arkansas  Railway  Company;  [de(^ded  Dec.  1,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [2] +687-723  p.  il.  (B-616.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.1 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-610 

HuTv  to  order  pnblications — See  information  folloTFing  Contents 

January,  1928  475 

Litmber.  No.  16267.  Acorn  Lumber  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent, 
Grand  Trunk  Pacific  Railway  Company,  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  26,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  23-26.  ([Opinion]  12789.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12789 

No.  17958,  Camp  Manufacturing  Company  et  al.  v.  Carolina  Western  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  26,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  33-36+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12792.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  136.]     *  Paper.  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12792 

No.  18445,  Berthold  &  Jennings  Lumber  Company  et  al.  v.  Bessemer  & 

Lake  Erie  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  75-78.  ([Opinion]  12808.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12808 

No.   18462.   Henry  G.   Brabston   v.    Southern   Railway   Company   et   al. ; 

decided  Nov.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  705-707.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12765.)     [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.      I  C  1.6/la  :  12765 

No.   18468.    S.    J.    Peabody   Lumber   Company   r.   Pennsylvania    Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  23,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
741-742.     ([Opinion]   12777.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

I  C  1.6/la  :  12777 

No.  18530.  Beaumont  Lumber  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pa- 
cific Railwav  Companv  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  14.  1927 :  report  of  commission, 
[1927.]     p.  349-^350.     ([Opinion]     12698.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12698 

No.   18637,   Brunswick  Traffic  Bureau   r.   Atlantic   Coast  Line   Railroad 

Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  18.  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1927.]  '  621-624+v  p.  ([Opinion]  12747.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12747 

No.  ISSSl,  Underwood  Lumber  Corporation  r.  Central  of  Georgia  Rail- 
wav Companv  et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  19,  1927;  report  of  commission].  [1927.] 
[l]"+398-399    p.     ([Opinion]     12709.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    132.] 

*  Paiier,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12709 

No.  18981,  Lehr  Lumber  Company  v.  Red  River  &  Gulf  Railroad  et  al. ; 

decided  Oct.  14.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  335-336.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12692.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.       I  C  1.6/la  :  12692 

No.   19046,   Mummert  Lumber  &   Tie   Company  v.   Atlantic   Coast  Line 

Bailroad  Companv  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
{1928.]     p.    43-44.     ([Opinion]    12796.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12796 

Machinery.  No.  18825,  Alexander  Smith  &  Sons  Carpet  Company  v.  director 
general  of  railroads,  as  agent;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927:  repoit  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   593-595.     ([Opinion]    12739.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12739 

Marble.  No.  16728.  Lautz  Marble  Corporation  ^•.  Erie  Railroad  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  Dec.  12.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission  on  reconsidera- 
tion. [1928.]  183-195+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12833.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12833 

No.   17583,  Traffic  Bureau,   Chamber   of   Commerce,   Lynchburg,   Va.,   v. 

Southern  Railway  Company;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   317-320.     ([Opinion]    12686.)      [From   I.    C.    C.   reports,   v.   132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  12686 

Meat.  No.  18896.  F.  Weiber  &  Son  v.  Chicago.  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway 
Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  18,  1927;  report  of  commssion.  [1927.]  p. 
625-626.     ([Opinion]   12748.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

I  C  1.6/la  :  12748 

Metals.  No.  18558,  Southern  Iron  &  Metal  Company  v.  Beaumont,  Sour  Lake  «& 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927  :  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   617-620.     ([Opinion]    12746.)      [From  I.   C.   C.  reports,  v.    132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12746 

now  to  order  publications— See  Information  folloyving  Contents 

476  January,  1928 

Middlings.  No.  18783,  Newsome  Feed  &  Grain  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road Company;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
743-744.     ( [Opinion]  12778.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12778 

Mine  timhers.  No.  18156,  Tilford-Hunt  Lumber  Company  v.  Houston  East  &. 
"West  Texas  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  751-753.  ([Opinion]  12782.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12782 

— —  No.  18784,  W.  J.  Delano  v.  St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  333-334. 
([Opinion]  12691.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12691 

Minneapolis  and  Rainy  River  Raihmij.  Valuation  docket  no.  115,  Minneapolis 
&  Rainy  River  Railway  Company  ;  [decided  Nov.  18,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1927.      [1] +594-612  p.      (B-611.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-611 

Minneapolis  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6607,  Minneapolis  & 
St.  Louis  receiver's;  certificates  [W.  H.  Bremner,  receiver  ;  decided  Dec.  9,. 
1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +576-578  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
3039.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3039 

Misroutlng.  No.  17832,  W.  E.  Goff  v.  St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Oct.  14.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +314-316 
p.     ( [Opinion]  12685.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12685. 

No.  19091,  Tulsa  Rig,  Reel  &  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 

&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  45-46.  ([Opinion]  12797.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12797 

Mississippi  Central  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  729,  Mississippi  Central 
Raili'oad  Company;  [decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[2] +287-326  p.  il.     (B-634.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-634 

Missouri-IUinois  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6325,  stock  of  Missouri-Illinois 
Railroad;  decided  Nov.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  467-470. 
([Finance  decision]   3009.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3009 

Missouri  Paeiflc  Railroad  Corporation  in  Nebraska.  Finance  docket  no.  6601, 
bonds  of  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  Corporation  in  Nebraska  ;  decided  Dec.  19, 
1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  609-611.  ( [Finance  decision]  3049.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-SOIG- 

Mobile  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6540,  bonds  of  Mobile  &  Ohio 
Railroad;  [decided  Nov.  23,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+520- 
522  p.  ([Finance  deci-sion]  3027.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3027 

Montana,  Wyoming  and  Southern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  713,  Montana, 
Wyoming  «&  Southern  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Dec.  1,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.     [1928.]     p.  257-285.      (B-633.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-633 

Mosses.  No.  14827,  National  Association  of  Upholstered  Furniture  Manufac- 
turers V.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  14,  1927;  report 
and  order  of  commission  on  further  hearing].  1927.  [1] +546-552 +iii  p. 
([Opinion]   12726.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12726 

Nara  Visa  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6558,  purchase  of  prop- 
erties ofNara  Visa  Telephone  Company  by  Mountain  States  Telephone  & 
Telegraph  Company;  [decided  Nov.  4,  1927;  report  of  commis.sion].  1927. 
[1] +460-462  p.     ([Finance  decision]  3006.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  F-3006 

HoTT  to  oi'der  publications — See  information  folloTFing  Contents 

January,  19-28  477 

Xetc  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railuay.  Finance  docket  no.  6450,  bonds  of 
New  Orleans.  Texas  &  Mexico  Railway :  decided  Nov.  12.  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  471— i75.  ([Finance  decision]  3010.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]      *  Paper,  ;jc.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-301O 

New  York,  Chicago  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6570.  note  of 
New  York,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railroad ;  decided  Dec.  13.  1927 :  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  579-583.  ([Finance  decision]  3040.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3040 

Neiv  York,  New  Haven  and  Hartford  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6582.  New 
York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  equipment  trust  of  1927,  no.  2 ;  decided  Nov. 
23,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  517-520.  ([Finance  decision] 
3026.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3026- 

Noiiolk  and  Portsmouth  Belt  Line  Railroad.  A'aluation  docket  no.  180,  Nor- 
folk and  Portsmouth  Belt  Line  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927  ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  771-796.  (B-620.)  [From  I.  C,  C. 
reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-620 

Norfolk  Southern  Railroad.  Finance  ducket  no.  6591,  securities  of  Norfolk 
Southern  Railroad ;  decided  Dec.  5.  1927 :  report  of  commission.  [192S.] 
p.   573-575.      ([Finance  decision]    3038.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   131.] 

*  Pai^er,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3038 

Oakdalc  and  Gulf  RaiUraj/.  Finance  docket  no.  6517.  abandonment  of  opera- 
tion of  line  by  Oakdale  &  Gulf  Railway :  [decided  Nov.  17.  1927 ;  report  of 
commission].  1927.  [l]-f 484-486  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3014.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC1.6/la  :  F-3014^ 

Oats.  No.  19030,  Fruen  Grain  Company  r.  La  Crosse  &  Southeastern  Railway 
Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  25.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  747-748.     ([Opinion]  12780.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12780 

Oklahoma.  New  Mexico  and  Pacific  Railicaii.  Valuation  docket  no.  504.  Okla- 
homa, New  Mexico  and  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Oct.  14, 
1927:  report  of  commLssion].  1927.  [l]+394-413  p.  (B-598.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133  (volume  number  is  incorrectly  given  on  p.  394  as  134).] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-598 

Oysters.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2492,  oyster  shells  to.  from, 
and  between  southern  and  southwestern  points :  decided  Dec.  5,  1927 :  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  53-55+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12800.) 
[Report  from   I.  C.   C.  reports,  v.  136.]      *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1,6/la  :  12800 

Paducah  and  Illinois  Railroad.  "Valuation  docket  no.  791,  Paducah  &  Illinois 
Railroad  Company:  decided  Oct.  14.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  651-664.     (B-614.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-614 

Paper.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2966.  newsprint  pai>er  from 
Lake  Charles.  La.,  to  Shreveport.  La. :  decided  Nov.  19.  1927 :  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  543-545+ [1]  p,  ([Opinion]  12725.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12725 

No.  17091.  National  Republican  Publishing  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 

Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  26,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  27-28.  ( [Opinion]  12790.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]  ♦Pa- 
per. 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12790 

■ No.   17194,   Robert  Blank  v.  Central   Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey 

et  al. :  decided  Nov.  5,  1927:  reix>rt  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.] 
385-389+ii  p.      ([Opinion]   12706.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reiwrts.  v.  132.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12706 

No.  17195,  National  Association  of  Employing  Lithographers  v.  Atchison, 

Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Dec.  15,  1927 :  report 
[and  order  of  commission.  [1928.]  201-213+iv  p.  ([Opinion]  12835.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12835 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  following   Contents 

478  January,  1928 

Paper — Continued . 

No.  18232,  Crown  "Willamette  Paper  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  295-298.     ([Opinion]  12681.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12681 

No.   18789,  Dallas  Paper  Company  v.  Texas  &   New  Orleans  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  591- 
593.     ([Opinion]  12738.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12738 

No.   18851,    Sherman   Paper   &  Box   Company,   Incorporated,   v.   Akron, 

Canton  &  Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  18,  1927 ;  re- 
port [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  605-611 +iii  p.  ( [Opinion]  12743.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12743 

Passen-fjer  rates.  No.  19920,  in  matter  of  intrastate  fares  of  Chicago,  North 
Shore  &  Milwaukee  Railroad  Company  within  Illinois  and  Wisconsin ;  decided 
Dec.  12,  1927:  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  165-168+ii  p. 
([Opinion]  12830.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12830 

Pennsijlvania  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6152,  abandonment  of  part  of 
branch  by  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Dec.  8,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928]  p.  547-556.  ([Finance  decision]  3032.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3032 

Pennsylvania-  Tunnel  and  Termmal  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6590,  stock 
of  Pennsylvania  Tunnel  &  Terminal  Railroad ;  decided  Dec.  8,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  571-573.  ([Finance  decision]  3037.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3037 

Petroleum.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2972,  petroleum  and  its 
products  from  Texas  to  destinations  in  Colorado  on  Chicago,  Burlington  & 
Quincy  Railroad:  [decided  Dec.  15,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +196-200+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12834.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12834 

No.  15822,  Indian  Refining  Compnny  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  & 

St.  Louis  Railway  Company ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  553-557.  ([Opinion]  12727.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12727 

No.  17717,  Trafiic  Department.  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Bradenton,  Fla., 

et  al.  V.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  69-72 +iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12806.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12806 

Piling.  No.  18577,  Nebraska  Bridge  Supply  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Cincinnati, 
New  Orleans  &  Texas  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Dec.  6, 
1927:  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +146-148  p.  ([Opinion]  12825.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12825 

Pipe.  No.  18177,  Morse  Dry  Dock  &  Repair  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  15.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  351-354.      ([Opinion]   12699.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  1.32.] 

♦  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12699 

Pipe-line  coating.  No.  18781,  Lone  Star  Gas  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  25.  1927:  report  of  commis.sion. 
[1928.]      p.    37-38.      ([Opinion]    12793.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136] 

•  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la :  12793 

Pittsburgh  and  Lake  Ene  Railroad.     Finance  docket  no.  6579,  Pittsburgh  & 

Lake  Erie  stock  dividend;    [decided  Dec.  13,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 

1928.     [1] +584-586  p.     ([Finance  decision]   3012.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 

V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3042 

Pittsburgh  and  West  Virginia  Raihvaif.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, valuation  docket  no.  835.  Pittsburgh  &  West  Virginia  Railway  Com- 
pany ;  valuation  docket  no.  882,  West  Side  Belt  Railroad  Company ;  brief  in 
support  of  tentative  valuations.     1928.     cover-title,  iii+80  p.     t 

IC  1  val.  8 :  P  687/4 

HoTV  to  order  pnlillcatlons— See  information  follo-wlngr  Contents 

January,  1928  479 

Pittshurffh,    Younffstoivn    and   Ashta'bula    Railicay.  Finance    docket    no.    6447, 

bonds   of   Pittsburgh,   Youngstown   &   Ashtabula  Railway ;    decided   Nov.   9, 

1927;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p.  475^77.  ([Finance  decision]  3011.) 

[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3011 

Plaster.  No.  18252,  Colorado  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  18,  1927 :  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  671-678 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12759.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12759 

. No.   18638,   Beaver   Products   Company,   Incorporated,   v.   Chesapeake  & 

Ohio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.   721-722.      ([Opinion]    12771.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.  132.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12771 

Phnnhers'  supplies.  No.  18839,  A.  Weiskittel  &  Sons  Company  i:  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  reiwrt  of  commission. 
[1028.]      p.   39-40.      ([Opinion]    12794)       [From    I.    C.    C.   reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Pai^r,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12794 

Posts.  No.  16485.  (sub-no.  1),  Pendleton  &  Gilkey  et  al.  v.  Minneapolis,  Red 
Lake  &  Manitoba  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Nov.  5,  1927 :  report  of 
commission.  [1927]  p.  359-360.  ( [Opinion]  12701.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12701 

Potato  Creek  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6544,  abandonment  of  line  by  Potato 
Creek  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Nov.  12.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  481-483.  ([Finance  decision]  3013.)  [From  I  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3013 

Potatoes.  No.  16670.  Arata  4S:  Peters.  Incorporated,  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway 
Company  et  al. :  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 :  reiwrt  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  103-109+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12816.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12816 

No.  17262,  J.  Nooney  &  Company,  Incorporated,  r.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927  ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission  on  fur- 
ther considei-ation.  [1927.]  405-40S+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12712.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12712 

■ No.  18029,  George  E.  Freeby  n  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Company 

et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  18,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927. 
[11+602-604+ii  P-  ([Opinion]  12742.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12742 

No.  18972,  Drake  Produce  Company  v.  Florida  East  Coast  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  25.  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  729- 
730.     ([Opinion]    12775.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12775 

Pulp  board.  No.  17544,  Celotex  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  &  Youngstown  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  22,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[l]+4-8  p.  ([Opinion]  12785.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]  *  Paper, 
5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12785 

Quebracho.  No.  18631,  Griess  Pfleger  Tanning  Company  v.  Central  Vermont 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  661-664.  ([Opinion]  12755.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12755 

Railroad  accidents.  Summary  of  accident  investigation  reports,  no.  33,  July- 
Sept.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Safety.     1928.     iii+31  p.     [Quarterly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  15c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  25c. 

L.  C.  card  A  20-942  IC  1  acci.7  :  33 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam   railways,   Sept.  1927   [and  9 

months  ending  with  Sept.  1927,  with  quarterly  summaries  by  roads  and  States, 
July-Sept.  1927;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Sept.  1927.  [8]  p. 
oblong  large  8"     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.31 :  927/9 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  informatioii  following  Contents 

480  January,  1928 

Railroad  employees.  Statistical  analysis  of  carriers'  monthly  hours  of  sen-ice 
reports  covering  all  railroads  which  reported,  year  ending  June  30,  1927, 
instances  in  which  employees  were  on  duty  for  peiiods  other  than  those 
provided  by  Federal  hours  of  service  act,  with  comparative  summary  ef) 
years  ending  June  30,  1923-27;  compiled  by  Bureau  of  Safety.  [1927.]  57 
p.  oblong  large  8°     *  Paper,  20e.   (incorrectly  given  in  publication  as  10c.). 

IC  1  hou.  9 :  927 

Wage   statistics,    class   1    steam    roads   in    United    States    [including   14 

switching  and  terminal  companies]  Oct.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of 
Statistics.     [1927.]      [4]  p.  il,  oblong  large  8°      t  IC 1  .ste.  25 :  927/10 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service  sta- 
tistics representing  166  railways  and  from -146  reports  of  pas.senger  service 
statistics  representing  161  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not 
included).  Nov.  1927  and  1926  [and  11  months  ended  with  Nov.  1027  and 
1926;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927  [published]  1928.  [2] 
p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.  21 :  927/11 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  exi)enses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  exi>enses  for 
183  steam  railways,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies,  Nov. 
1927  and  1926  [and]  11  months  ended  with  Nov.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared 
in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Siibject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.l9  :  927/11 

Opei'ating   revenues    and    operating   exi>enses    of   large    steam    railways, 

selected  items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000, 
Nov.  1927  and  1926  [and]  11  months  ended  with  Nov.  1927  and  1926;  [pre- 
pared in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject 
to  revision.]     t  ICl  Ste.  20 ;  927/11 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Nov.  1927, 

compared  with  Nov.  1926.  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
.$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     f  IC  1  ste.22 ;  927/11 

Revenue  traffic  statistics   of  class  1   steam  railways  in   United    States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  167 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included.  Oct.  1927  and 
1926  [and]  10  months  ended  with  Oct.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in]  Bureau 
of  Statistics.     Oct.  1927.     1  p.  oblong  large  8"     [Subject  to  revision.]     f 

ICl  ste.24 :  927/10 

Railway  Transfer  Company  of  City  of  Minneapolis.     Valuation  docket  no.  991,  , 
Railway  Transfer  Company  of  City  of  Minneapolis;   [decided  Nov.  25,  1927; 
report  of  commission].     1927.     [11+808-823   p.      (B-622.)      [From   I.    C.   C. 
reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-622  .' 

Rayon.     No.  18575,  Pacific  Embroidery  Company,  Incorporated,  -i".  Erie  Railroad  1 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  16,  1927 :  report   [and  order]   of  commission. 
[1927.1     679-680+ii  p.     ([Opinion]   12760.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12760  i 

Rocks.  No.  18227.  Earl  L.  Reeb  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ; 
decided  Dec,  9.  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  91-94+ [1] 
p.     ([Opinion]  12812.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  ;  12812  ' 

Roofincj.  No.  18822,  Nichols  Wire,  Sheet  &  Hardware  Company  v.  Texas  & 
Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al, ;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  347-349.  ([Opinion]  12697.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12697 

Routing.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2919,  livestock  from  Texas 
points  to  Cincinnati.  Ohio,  Louisville,  Ky.,  and  Indianapolis,  Ind. ;  decided 
Nov.  11,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  537-539+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12723.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c, 

IC  1.6/la :  12723 

Ho^v  to  order  i>u1>Iicntions — See  infornnation  follo'tviiig   Contents 

January,  1928  481 

Mural  Valleij  Railroad.  Finance  dot-ket  no.  5290,  deficit  status  of  Rural  Valley 
Railroad  ( Cowanshaunock  Coal  &  Coke  Company,  owner  and  operator)  :  de- 
cided Nov.  23,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.1  p.  509-512.  ([Finance 
decision]  3024.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3024 

/S7.  Clair  Terminal  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  678,  St.  Clair  Terminal  Rail- 
road Company;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  reiwrt  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  613- 
a36.     (B-612.)     [Froml.C.C.  reports.  V.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.       IC  1.6/la  :  B-012 

■St.  Joseph  Belt  Railn-aij.  Valuation  docket  no.  785,  St.  Joseph  Belt  Railway- 
Company:  decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  523-536. 
(B-605.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.        IC  1.6/la  :  B-605 

JSt.  Joseph  Union  Depot  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  789,  Saint  Jitseph 
Union  Depot  Company:  decided  Oct.  14,  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  537-548.     (B-<J06.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-606 

St.  Louis  and  O'FaUon  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  3908,  excess  income  of  St. 
Louis  «&  O'Fallon  Railway  Company ;  finance  docket  no.  4026,  excess  income 
of  Manufacturers"  Railway  Company :  approved  Oct.  7,  1927 :  order.  1927. 
p.  321.  ([Finance  decision]  2972.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-2972 

Same;  approved  Dec.  8.  1927;  order.     1928.     p.  611.     ([Finance  decision] 

3050.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3050 

St.  Loirs.  Eennett  and  Southeastern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  774.  St. 
Louis.  Kennett  &  Southeastern  Railroad  Company  :  [decided  Oct.  14.  1927 ; 
report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +414-429  p.  (B-599.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-599 

^Saltpeter.  Chile.  No.  19094.  Peerless  Ex^ilosives  Company  v.  Central  Railroad 
Company  of  New  Jersey :  decided  Dec.  6.  1297  [1927]  ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.   149-152.      ([Opinion]    12826.)      [From  I.  C.   C.   reports,  v.   136.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12826 

^and.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2913,  rules  for  constructing 
rates  on  sand  and  gravel  from  and  to  points  on  Southern  Railway  and  con- 
necting lines;  [decided  Dec.  17.  1927:  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928. 
[l]+21-4-218-f  [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12836.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  roports.  v. 
136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  *         IC  1.6/la :  12836 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2943,  restriction  of  combination 

rule  on  sand  between  Kansas  City.  Mo.,  and  points  in  Kansas  and  Missouri ; 
decided  Dec.  19,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  219-222+ 
[1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12837.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]  *  Paper. 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12837 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2953,  molding  sand  from  Dallas 

City.  111.,  to  Burlington  and  Keokuk.  Iowa :  [decided  Nov.  14,  1927 :  report 
and  order  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +540-542+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12724.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12724 

No.    18592,    Forcum    James    Lumber    &    Cooperage    Company    t'.    Illinois 

Central  Railroad  Companv ;  decided  Oct  14.  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]     p.  293-295.      ([Opinion]    12680.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.   132.] 

*  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  12680 

No.  18940.  M'Clain  Sand  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Com- 
pany; decided  Nov.  25,  1927:  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.] 
47-19+ [1]   p.      ([Opinion]   12798.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.O^la  :  12798 

8an  Diego  and  Arizona  Railicay.     Finance  docket  no.  6583,  notes  of  San  Diego 

&  Arizona  Railway;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927;  report  of  commission.     [1927.]     p. 

.    523-524.     ( [Finance  decision]  3028.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper, 

'   5c.  .  IC  1.6/la :  F-302S 

Hovf   to   order  publications — See   informntioii   folloTring   Coiiteutti 

482  January,  1928 

Silk.  No.  18672,  Hoboken  Manufacturers'  Railroad  Company  v.  Atchison,  To- 
peka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  5,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1927.]  579-582+ ii  p.  ( [Opinion]  12734.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12734 

Spriugfleld-Lamar  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6497,  purchase  of 
properties  of  Springfleld-Lamar  Telephone  Company  and  Holly-Stonington 
Telephone  Company  by  Mountain  States  Telephone  Sa  Telegraph  Company; 
[decided  Oct.  1,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +314^-316  p. 
([Finance  decision]  2969.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-2969 

Steel.  No.  18388,  Ames  Shovel  «&  Tool  Company  v.  Wabash  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  659-661. 
([Opinion]  12754.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12754 

Steel  bars.  No.  19010,  Chapman-Price  Steel  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6.  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  159-164.  ([Opinion]  12829.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12829 

Stock-cars.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2944,  furnishing  cars  for 
movement  of  livestock  from  points  in  southwest ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  61-63+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12803.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12803 

Stone.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2912,  crushed  stone  from  Gib- 
sonburg,  Maple  Grove,  and  Woodville,  Ohio,  to  Detroit,  Rlich. ;  decided  Dec. 
19,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  223-227  + [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  12838.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Pai^er,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12838 

Stoves.  No.  18459,  Barker  Bros.,  Incorporated,  v.  Michigan  Central  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Oct.  15,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p. 
361-363.      ([Opinion]   12702.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12702 

Sul)scribers  Service  Telephone  Company,  Incorporated.  Finance  docket  no. 
6537,  purchase  of  properties  of  Subscribers  Service  Telephone  Company,  In- 
corporated, by  Sullivan  Telephone  Company,  Incorporated ;  decided  Nov.  3, 
1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  457-459.  ([Finance  decision]  3005.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3005 

Sugar.  No.  13569,  southeastern  sugar  investigation ;  decided  Nov.  8,  1927 ; 
[report  and  orders  of  commission].  [1927.]  477-513+xiii  p.  il.  ([Opinion] 
12719.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12719 

Susquehanna  and  New  York  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  799,  Susquehanna 
and  New  York  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1927.]  p.  67-94.  (B-628.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-628 

Swine.  No.  18694,  Chicago  Live  Stock  Exchange  r.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  9,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
99-100.     ([Opinion]  12814.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12814 

Tallow.  No.  17811,  Norton  &  Company  v.  Richmond,  Fredericksburg  &  Potomac 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  10,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1927.]  p.  517-520.  ([Opinion]  12721.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.] 
*Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12721 

No.  18237,  Darling  &  Company  v.  New  York  Central  Railroad  Company 

et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  IS.  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +568-572+ [ii]  p.  ([Opinion]  12731.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  132.]     *Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12731 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTflngr  Contents 

January.  1928  483 

Tank-cars.  No.  18424,  Phillips  Petroleum  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burlington  & 
Quincv  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928."]     p.    17-18.     ([Opinion]    12787.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12787 

Tennessee  Central  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  947,  Tennessee  Central  Rail- 
road company  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  25.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[2] +95-162  p.  il.      (B-629.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-629 

Texas  and  Pacific  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6192,  bonds  of  Texas  &  Pacific 
Railwav;  [decided  Nov.  22,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission].  1927. 
[1] +502-505  p.     ([Finance  decision]  3021.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3021 

Tionesta  VaUcy  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  399,  Tionesta  Valley  Railway 
Company;  [decided  Sept.  12,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [l]+788- 
819  p.     (B-594.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  130.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-594 

Tonopah  and  Goldfield  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6519,  abandonment  of 
part  of  line  bv  Tonopah  &  Goldfield  Railroad  Company;  decided  Nov.  12, 
1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  465-466.  ( [Finance  decision]  3008.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3008 

Valuation  docket  no.  74,  Tonopah  and  Goldfield  Railroad  Company;  [de- 
cided Nov.  18.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] +862-888  p.  (B- 
624.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  B-624 

Tractors.  No.  17698,  Holt  Company  of  Texas  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific 
Railwav  Company;  decided  Oct.  14,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1927.] 
p.  329-330.     aOpinion]  12689.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12689 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  2)  and  (sub-no.  2-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop 
device  of  Miller  Train  Control  Corporation  on  Chicago  division  of  Chicago  & 
Eastern  Illinois  Railway ;  decided  Dec.  13,  1927 ;  supplemental  report  of  com- 
mission.    1928.     p.  139.     ([Opinion]  12822.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12822 

Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  6-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  National  Safety  Appliance  Company  on  part  of  Southwestern  division  of 
St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway;  decided  Nov.  2,  1927;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1927.]  p.  393-398.  ([Opinion]  12708.)  [From  1.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12708 

Same:  no.  13413  .(sub-no.  14),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  portion  of  Knoxville  division  of 
Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad;  [decided  Nov.  22,  1927;  supplemental  re- 
port of  commission].  1927.  [1] +646-648  p.  ([Opinion]  12752.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12752 

Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  14-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  Union  Switch  &  Signal  Company  on  New  Orleans  &  Mobile  division  of 
Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  Company;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1927.]  p.  649-658.  ([Opinion]  12753.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12753 

Same:  no.  13413   (sub-no.  38),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  portion  of  St.  Louis  division  of 
Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway ;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  731-740.  ([Opinion]  12776.)  [From 
L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12776 

Same:  no.  13413  (sub-no.  38-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device 

of  General  Railway  Signal  Company  on  portion  of  St  Louis  division  of 
Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway ;  decided  Nov.  22,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1927.]  p.  633-642.  ([Opinion]  12750.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12750 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  follovrin^  Contents 

484  January,  1928 

Train  service.  No.  17876,  Twin  Cities  and  head  of  lakes  joint  passenger-train 
service,  in  matter  of  application  of  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company,  Min- 
neapolis, St.  Paul,  &  Sault  Ste.  Marie  Railway  Company,  and  Great  Northern 
Railway  Company  for  authority  to  establish  joint  passenger-train  service  be- 
tween Minneapolis,  St.  Paul,  and  Duluth,  Minn.,  and  Superior,  Wis.,  and  to 
divide  earnings  therefrom ;  decided  Nov.  5.  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission on  further  hearings.  [1927.]  413— 118+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12714.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12714 

Troy  Union  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  230,  Troy  Union  Railroad  Com- 
pany;  [decided  Nov.  18,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1] -+-738-754  p. 
(B-61S.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-618 

Vni'in  Railicai/.  Finance  docket  no.  6609,  bonds  of  Union  Railway ;  decided 
Dee.  13,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  587-589.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 3043.)    [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]    *  Paper,  5c.     IC  1.6/la  :  F-3043 

Union  Transportation  Compamj.  Valuation  docket  no.  1029,  Union  Transix)rta- 
tion  Company;  [decided  Nov.  25,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]-H 
724-737  p.     (B-617.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  B-617 

Upper  Merion  and  Plymouth  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  773,  Upper  Merion 
and  Plymouth  Railroad  Company :  decided  Nov.  25,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. "[1927.]  p.  637-650.  (B-613.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]  *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-613 

Waba-s1i  Raihcaij.  Finance  docket  no.  4659.  bonds  of  Wabash  Railway;  decided 
Dec.  17,  1927;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  595-596. 
([Finance  decision]  3046.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3046 

Finance  docket  no.   5683,   bonds  of  Wabash   Railway ;   decided   Dec.   17, 

1927;   supplemental  report   of  commission.     [1928.]     p.    597-598.     ([Finance 
decision]  3047.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3047 

Watermelons.  No.  17955,  Shafton  Company  v.  Southern  Pacific  Company  et  al. ; 
decided  Nov.  21,  1927;  report  of  commissicm.  [1927.]  p.  715-716.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12769.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.        IC  1.6/la :  12769 

Western  Maryland  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6173,  acquisition  of  control  by 
Western  Maryland  Railway  Company ;  decided  Dec.  13,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  599-608.  ([Finance  decision]  3048.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.       ,  IC  1.6/la  :  F-304S 

Wharton  and  Northern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1030,  Wharton  and 
Northern  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Oct.  14,  1927*;  report  of  commission]. 
1927.  [1] -+-430-148  p.  (B-600.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-600 

Wheat.  No.  18534.  Jonesville  Milling  Company  r.  Wabash  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +84-86  p. 
([Opinion]  12810.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12810 

Wheelharrotvs.  No.  16888,  Chattanooga  Wheelbarrow  Company  v.  Nashville, 
Chattanooga  &  St.  Louis  Railway  et  al. ;  decided  Nov.  21,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission on  further  hearing.  [1927.]  p.  713-714.  ( [Opinion]  12768.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12768 

Williamson  and  Pond  Creek  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  233,  Williamson 
and  Pond  Creek  Railroad  Company ;  [decided  Nov.  18.  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1927.  [1] +564-576  p.  (B-608.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  133.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-608 

Wool.  No.  18871,  Alexander  Smith  »&  Sons  Carpet  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine 
Railroad  et  al. ;  [decided  Nov.  IS,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1927.  [1]  + 
596-598  p.     ([Opinion]  12740.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12740 

How   to  order  publications — See  inforiiiation  following   Contents 


January,  1928  485 


Aldine  Club.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-216,  Aldine  Club  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  statement  of  case,  request  for  findings  of  fact,  statutes,  and 
brief.      [1928.]     p.   71-76.     t  J1.13:A123/a 

Al yea-Nichols  Conipanij.  Xos.  640  and  041,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  Alyea- 
Nichols  Company  v.  John  L.  Pickering,  collector  [of  internal  revenue  for 
southern  district  of  Illinois  ;  same]  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writs  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  brief  for  respondents  in 
opposition.     1927.     cover-title,  i+18  p.     $  J  1.13  :A1 97/2 

Anderson,  Dulin,  Vamell  Company,  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-157.  Anderson, 
Dulin.  Varnell  Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].  [1928.] 
p.  13-15.     t  J  1.13:  An  24/6 

Armstrong,  R.  E.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  no.  8002, 
United  States  v.  R.  E.  Armstrong  et  al. ;  brief  of  appellant.  1927.  cover- 
title,  17  p.     %  J  1.13  :Ar  58/2 

Austin,  Irvinu  M.  No.  652,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Irving  M.  Austin 
V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+7  p.     t  J  1.13  :Au  76/2 

Baker,  Clutrles  M.  No.  672,  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927,  Charles  M. 
Baker  v.  United  States,  ou  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  4th  circuit :  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+12  p.     t  J  1.13  :B  171 

Beatty,  John  W.  No.  227,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Cora  B.  Beatty, 
executrix  of  John  W.  Beatty.  r.  D.  B.  Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue 
of  23d  di-strict  of  United  Slates  [in  western  district  of  Pennsylvania],  on 
writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  re- 
spondent.    1928.     cover-title,  i +20  p.     +  J  1.13  :B  38/5 

Beryer  Manufacturing  Company.  No.  — ,  in  district  court  for  northern  district 
of  California,  southern  division.  United  States  v.  Berger  Manufacturings 
Company  et  al. ;  information.     1927.     cover-title,  6  p.     t  J  113  :  B  453/4 

Boicring  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-14,  Bowring  and  Company  v.  United 
States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  9-11.     J  J  1.13 :  B  686/2 

Brown,  Arthur  G.  No.  33,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Arthur  C.  Brown 
V.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ; 
brief  for  United  States.     1927.     cover-title,  i+22  p.     J  J  1.13 :  B  812/9 

California  Wine  Association  of  Xew  York,  Incorporated.  In  Coitrt  of  Claims, 
no.  E-115,  California  Wine  Association  of  New  York,  Incori)orated,  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  71-89.     t  J  1.13 :  C 128/22 

Cape  May,  X.  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-618.  city  of  Cape  May,  municipal 
corix)ration  of  New  Jersey,  v.  United  States :  defendant's  reply  to  plaintiff's 
request  filed  Dec.  16,  1927.     [1928.]     p.  429-431.     $  J  1.13 :  C 17/9 

Casey.  Thomas  J.  No.  500.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  ttrm.  1927,  Thomas  J.  Casey 
V.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  cir- 
cuit;  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  i+ie  p.     t       J  1.13  :  C  268/2 

Same ;  supplemental  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title.  4  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  268/3 

Castner,  Curran  d  Bullitt,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-381,  Cast- 
ner,  Curran  &  Bullitt  (Inc.)  v.  United  States;  defendant's  counterclaim. 
[1928.]     p.  1-15.     t  J  1.13:0  279/2 

Chapman,  Adelaide  F.  No.  633,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Adelaide  F. 
Chapman  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of 
Claims;    brief    for    United    States.     1928.     cover-title,    i-1-9    p.     J 

J  1.13  :  C  366/9 

How  to  order  pnblicationM — See   information   following'  Contents 

486  January,  1928 

Claussen,  Niels  P.  No.  166,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  Statesi 
ex  rel.  Niels  Peter  Claussen  v.  Henry  H.  Curran,  commissioner  of  immigration 
[at  port  of  New  York],  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
2d  circuit ;  suggestion  of  abatement.     1928.     cover-title,  4  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  574/2 

Crook,  R.  L.  No.  5143,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  R.  L.  Crook 
and  estate  of  Mrs.  R.  L.  Crook  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decisions  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief 
for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+26  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  C  882/6 

Ourran,  Maurice  J.  No.  2172,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit,  Oct. 
term,  1926,  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  v.  Maurice  J. 
Curran  ;  brief  for  petitioner  for  review.     1928.     cover-title,  i+19  p.  large  8"  t 

J  1.13  :  C  936/4 

Daj/ton  Engineerinff  Laboratories  Company.  No.  B-429,  in  Court  of  Claims, 
Dayton  Engineering  Laboratories  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
brief.     1927.     cover-title,  iii+ 155-297  p.     t  J  1.13  :  D  337/23 

Dayton  Steel  FoundnJ  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-393,  Dayton  Steel 
Foundry  Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].  [1928.]  p, 
7-9.     I  J  1.13  :  D  337/24 

De  Rondc,  P.,  d  Co.,  Incorporated.  No.  654,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
P.  De  Ronde  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+11  p.     $  J  1.13 :  D  447/2 

Donnelley,  John  P.  No.  110,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  P.  Don- 
nelley V.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit ;  memorandum  for  United  States  on  reargument.  1928.  cover-title, 
ii-f  24  p.     $  J  1.13 :  D  718/8 

Dreyfuss  Dry  Goods  Company.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  circuit,  no.  5101, 
Dreyfuss  Dry  Goods  Company  v.  D.  Arthur  Lines,  former  collector  of  internal 
revenue,  upon  writ  of  error  to  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Louisiana ; 
reply  brief  of  appellee.     1928.     cover-title,  iii+30  p.     $  J  1.13  :  D  826 

Dyer  &  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-119,  Dyer  &  Company  v.  United  States ; 
defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner,  defendant's  request  for  lieu 
findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  1451-92.     |  J  1.13  :D  988/2 

Ennis  Coal  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-231,  Ennis  Coal  Company  v. 
United  States;  demuiTer  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  7-9.     $  J  1.13:  En 62 

Femald  Company.  In  equity,  no.  — ,  in  district  court  for  northern  district  of 
California,  southern  division,  United  States  v.  Fernald  Company  and  Soule 
Steel  Company ;  decree.     1927.     cover-title,  2  p.     $  J  1.13  :  F  391/3 

Same ;  petition.    1927.     cover-title,  7  p.     |  J  1.13  :  F  391/2 

Fidelity  Warehouse  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-128,  Fidelity  Ware- 
house Company  v.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1928.]    p.  11-13.    t 

J  1.13  :F  448/17 

Galveston,  Harrishurg  and  San  Antonio  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
A-227,  Galveston,  Harrisburg  &  San  Antonio  Railroad  Company  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief  on  resubmission. 
[1928.]     p.  43-^4.     t  J  1.13  :  G  139/10 

• In   Court  of  Claims,  no.   C-263,  Galveston,   Harrisburg  &   San   Antonio 

Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  , 
and  brief  on  resubmission.     [1928.]     p.  32-34.     $  J  1.13 :  G  139/11  ' 

Gil)son,  Mrs.  Kate  V.  United  States  circuit  court  of  api)eals  for  2d  circuit,  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue  vs.  Honoro  Gibson  Pelton,  as  executrix  of  Kate 
Viola  Gibson,  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals; 
transcript  of  record.    1928.    cover-title,  i+ 22  p.  large  8"    %  J  1.13  :G  358 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  iiiforination   following  Contents 

January,  1928  487 

Ooodyear  Tire  and  Ru'b'ber  Company,  Incorporated.  No.  159,  in  Supreme  Court, 
Oct.  term,  1927,  Goodyear  Tire  &  Rubber  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States,  on 
writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States.  1928.  cover- 
title,  ii+17  p.    $  J  1.13  :  G  639/7 

Orosfield,  John  A.  No.  62,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  A.  Gros- 
fleld  and  Richard  Caplis  v.  United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  6th  circuit;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States  on  reargument. 
1928.     cover-title,  i+22  p.     $  J  1.13  :  G  912/2 

Hamilton.  Ashton.  No.  2192,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit,  Ashton 
Hamilton  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ;  brief  for  respondent.  1928. 
cover-title,  ii+26  p.  large  8"    J  J  1.13  :  H  18/5 

Hendricks,  Harmon  W.  Transcript  of  record,  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit,  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  vs.  Harmon  W. 
Hendricks,  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals.  1927. 
cover-title,  18  p.  large  8"    J  J  1.13  :  H  384/4 

Hohoken  Manufacturers'  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
docket  no.  18672,  Hoboken  Manufacturers'  Railroad  Company  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  reply  of  complainant  and 
Secretary  of  War,  intervener,  to  defendants'  petition  for  reargument  and 
modification  of  decision  and  order  of  division  1.     1928.     cover-title,  20  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  H  653/4 

Hoffman,  B.  F.,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-463,  B.  F.  Hoffman, 
Inc.,  V.  United  States;  brief  for  defendant.     [1928.]    p.  75-88.    %  J  1.13  :  H  675 

Hope  Forge  and  Machine  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-549,  Hope  Forge 
L^  Machine  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  motion  for  new  trial. 
[1928.]     p.  137-143.    t  J  1.13  :H  773 

Hugger  Brothers.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-347,  Robert  Hugger  and  Emil  S. 
Hugger,  copartners  doing  business  under  name  of  Hugger  Bros.,  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact.     [1927.]     p.  115-128.     % 

J  1.13  :  H  873 

Hyatt  Roller  Bearing  Company.  No.  B-426,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Hyatt  Roller 
Bearing  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.  1927.  cover-title, 
iii-f  155-297  p.    $  J  1.13  :  H  996/2 

Indian  Motor  Cycle  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-49,  Indian  Motor 
Cycle  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  91-104.     % 

J  1.13  :  In  2/23 

Jackson,  Vera.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-158,  Vera  Jackson  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  motion  for  new  trial,  amendment  of  findings  of  fact,  and  brief 
thereon.     [1928.]    p.  55-65.    t  J  1.13:  J 139/3 

Jacquard,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-217,  Jacquard,  Inc.,  v. 
United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  31-33.     t        J  1.13 :  J 161 

Jenkins,  Ro'bert  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-382,  Safe  Deposit  &  Trust 
Company  of  Baltimore,  executor  of  Robert  H.  Jenkins,  v.  United  States; 
motion  for  new  trial  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  1-6.     $  J  1.13 :  J  418/2 

Johnson,  Robert  W.  No.  E-375,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Robert  W.  Johnson,  jr., 
John  S.  Johnson,  and  Evangeline  B.  Johnson,  beneficiaries  under  will  of 
Robert  Wood  Johnson,  v.  United  States;  brief  for  United  States.  1928. 
cover-title,  i-f  55-72  p.    $  J  1.13  :  J  636 

Kaufman,  Harry  8.,  Limited.  No.  5181,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit,  Nov.  tenn,  1927,  Harry  S.  Kaufman  (Ltd.)  v.  David  H.  Blair,  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of 
Tax  Appeals;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.  1928.  cover-title, 
ii+64  p.     I  J  1.13  :  K  162/8 

Kirly,  Fred  M.  No.  184,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Fred  M.  Kirby  v. 
United  States;  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United 
States.    1928.    cover-title,  i-f  13  p.     $  J  1.13 :  K  631/7 

HoTF  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTt'ln^  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 7 

488  January,  1928  • 

Komhauser,  Samuel  J.  No.  162,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Samuel  J. 
Kornhauser  v.  United  States ;  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief 
for  United  States.     1928.    cover-title,  1+24  p.     $  J  1.13  :  K  842/4 

Ktilm,  N.  Dak.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-55,  First  National  Bank  of  Kulm, 
N.  Dak.,  V.  United  States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief. 
[1927.]     p.  19-20.     t  J  1.13  :K  959 

Lacquer  and  Chemical  Corporation.  No.  635,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Lacquer  &  Chemical  Corporation  v.  Chester  P.  Mills,  Federal  prohibi- 
tion administrator  for  2d  district  of  New  York,  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner 
[of  internal  revenue],  et  al.,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  respondents  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+14  p.     $  J  1.18 :  L 119/5 

Langley,  William  C.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-882.  George  F.  Benedict,  as 
sole  surviving  trustee  of  William  C.  Langley,  v.  United  States ;  brief  for 
defendant.     [1928.]     p.  51-59.     t  J  1.13 :  L  266/2 

Lash's  Products  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-412,  Lash's  Products 
Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  answer  in  resistance  to  plaintiff's 
motion  for  new  trial  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  1-7.     t  J  1.13  :L  334/4 

Lavenstein  Corporation.  No.  2672,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit, 
Lavenstein  Corporation  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief  for  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+41  p.     t      J  1.13  :  L  387 

Lincoln,  Mrs.  Eudora  K.  [No.]  F-200,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Charles  K.  Lincoln, 
administrator  of  Eudora  Knox  Lincoln,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request 
for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.    1928.    cover-title,  i+21-34  p.    % 

J  1.13  :  L  638/9 

MaoArthur  Brothers  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-547,  MacArthur 
Brothers  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's 
report  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  39-50.     $  J  1.13  :M  118/6 

Maney,  Anna  M.  No.  686,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Anna  Marie 
Maney  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  7th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States.  1927.  cover-title, 
i-f  18  p.     I  J  1.13  :  M  318/4 

Manzi,  Mrs.  Amalia.  No.  204,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United 
States  V.  Amalia  Manzi,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
1st  circuit;  brief  for  United  States.    1928.    cover-title,  i+10  p.     t 

J  1.18 :  M  819/12 

Matthiessen,  F.  W.,  jr.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-333,  F.  W.  Matthiessen,  jr.,  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  answer  to  plaintiff's  motion  for  new  trial  and 
defendant's  motion  for  correction  of  judgment.     [1928.]     p.  45-47.     t 

J  1.13 :  M  433/2 

Metropolitan  Business  College.  No.  3969,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th 
circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Metropolitan  Business  College  v.  David  H.  Blair,  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of  Tax 
Appeals;  brief  for  respondent.     1927.     cover-title,  i+47  p.  large  8°     $ 

J  1.18 :  M  567/3 

Miller,  Albert,  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-121,  Albert  Miller,  E.  Percy 
Miller,  and  G[F].  H.  Hallock,  copartners  trading  under  firm  name  and  style 
of  Albert  Miller  &  Company,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to 
report  of  commissioner,  defendant's  request  for  lieu  findings  of  fact,  and 
brief.     [1928.]     p.  1451-94.     t  J  1.13 :  M  612 

Miller,  Herman.  No.  665,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Herman  Miller  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  8th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+19  p.     $  J  1.13  :  M  614/4 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  Information  foUo^vins  Contents 

January,  1928  489 

Miller,  T.  A.,  Lumber  Company.  No.  8026,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th 
circuit,  United  States  v.  T.  A.  Miller,  doing  business  as  T.  A.  Miller  Lumber 
Company,  in  error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Missouri ;  brief  for 
United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+33  p.     J  J  1.13 :  M  618/2 

Mouquin,  Louis  C.  No.  669,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States 
ex  rel.  Louis  C.  Mouquin  v.  William  C.  Hecht,  as  United  States  marshal,  etc., 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ; 
brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+8  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  M  865 

National  City  Bank  of  Seattle.  No.  655,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
National  City  Bank  of  Seattle  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  cer- 
tiorari to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928. 
cover-title,   i+9  p.     t  J  1.13  :Se  18/4 

Kechay,  Steve.  No.  642,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Steve  Nechay  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+6  p.    $  J  1.13 :  N  28 

Nevada  County  NatTOio  Gauge  Railroad.  No.  F-222,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Ne- 
vada County  Narrow  Gauge  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     1928.     cover-title,  i+80-128  p.     t    J  1.13  :  N  411/4 

New  Departure  Manufacturing  Company.  No.  B-430,  in  Court  of  Claims,  New 
Departure  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.  1927. 
cover-title,    iii+155^297    p.     $  J1.13:N42d/2 

Nigro,  Frank.  No.  600,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Frank  Nigro  v. 
United  States,  on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit ;  brief 
for   United    States.     1928.     cover-title,   ii+93   p.     t  J  1.13 :  N  568 

Nitro  Chemical  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-201,  Nitro  Chemical 
Corporation  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  demurrer  to  claimant's  petition. 
[1928.]     p.  7-10.     t  J  1.13  :N  638/2 

Northwest  Shoe  Finders  Credit  Bureau.  In  equity,  no.  579,  in  district  court  for 
western  district  of  Washington,  northern  division.  United  States  v.  Northwest 
Shoe  Finders  Credit  Bureau  et  al. ;  decree.    1928.    cover-title,  6  p.    $ 

J  1.13  :  N  819/4 

Paste,  J.  R.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-788,  J.  R.  Poste  v.  United  States ;  de- 
fendant's reply  brief.     [1927.]     p.   27-28.     %  J  1.13 :  P  845/7 

Reilhj,  Ursula  S.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-113,  Ursula  S.  Reilly  [et  al.]  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  reply  to  plaintiffs'  request  filed  Dec.  23,  1927. 
[1928.]     p.  107-108.     t  J  1.13  :  R  273/3 

Remy  Electric  Company.  No.  B-427,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Remy  Electric  Com- 
pany V.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     1927.     cover-title,  iii+155-297  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  R  289/6 

Richards,  Clifton  L.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  United 
States  V.  Clifton  L.  Richards,  in  error  to  district  court  for  northern  district 
of  Oklahoma  ;  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error.     1927.     cover-title,  i+19  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  R  39/2 

Rosenthal,  A.  S.,  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-90,  A.  S.  Rosenthal  Com- 
pany V.  United  States  ;  defendant's  brief.     1928.    p.  19.     t  J  1.13  :  R  727 

Ruhio,  Paul.     Nos.  650  and  651,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Paul  Rubio 

,    [alias  Paul  Rubio  Payne]  v.  United  States;  Thomas  Murphy  v.  [same],  on 

petitions  for  writs  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ; 

I      brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+8  p.     t 

'  J1.13:R825 

Ruth  Iron  Company.  No.  334,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  Dec. 
term,  1927,  Ruth  Iron  Company  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.  1927.  cover-title,  i+25 
p.     t  J  1.13  :  R  932 

How  to  order  puWlcations— See  information  folIoTrlngr  Contents 

490  Januaby,  1928 

Sample,  8.  O.,  Company,  Lim^ited.  No.  5211,  iu  cixxuit  court  of  appeals  for 
Sth  circuit,  S.  G.  Sample  Company,  Ltd.,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ; 
brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+26  p.     t  J1.13:Sa47 

Santee  Indians.  No.  596,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Sissetou  and 
Wahpeton  bands  of  Sioux  Indians  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  Court  of 
Claims  ;  motion  to  dismiss.     1928.     cover-title,  i+7  p.     t  J  1.13  :  Si  83/7 

Shof stall  Hay  and  Grain  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-120,  Sliofstall 
Hay  &,  Grain  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of 
commissioner,  defendant's  request  for  lieu  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.  [1928.] 
p.  1451-91.     *  J  1.13  :  Sh  73 

Siegel,  A.  J.     No.  319,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8tli  circuit,  Annie  L.  Siegel 
and  St.  Louis  Union  Trust  Company,  executors  of  A.  J.  Siegel,  v.  David  H. 
Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  ■ 
Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;   brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue.     1927. 
cover-title,  i+32  p.     t  J  1.13  :  Si  15/6  | 

Standard  Steel  Car  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  A-307,  Standard  Steel  I 
Car  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  Commissioner  R.  S.  ' 
Wbaley's  report  and  findings  filed  Nov.  14,  1927.-   [1927.]     p.  2277-2309.     ? 

J  1.13  :  St  24/53 

Stewart,  Frank  H.,  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-299,  Frank  H. 
Stewart  Electric  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's 
request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and 
brief.     [1927.]     p.  59-65.     t  J  1.13 :  St  49/11 

Sullivan,  Scuddy  W.     No.  5186,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5tli  circuit,  United 
States  V.  Scuddy  W.  Sullivan  et  al.,  error  to  district  court  for  southern  dis-  j 
trict  of  Florida;  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+26  p.     t 

J  1.13 :  Su  50 

Sunft  d  Co.  No.  181,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Swift  &  Company 
et  al.  and  Armour  &  Company  et  al.  v.  United  States,  on  certificate  from 
Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia  ;  brief  for  United  States  on  reargu- 
ment.     1927.     cover-title,  iii +43  p.     t  J  1.13  :  Sw  55/23 

Tayg  Brothers  d  Moorehead.  In  equity,  no.  847,  in  district  court  for  district 
of  Nebraska.  Tasg  Brothers  &  Moorehead  et  al.  v.  United  States  et  al., 
before  special  master;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.  1928.  cover-title, 
iii +109  p.     $  J  1.13  :T  128 

Tucker,  W.  C.  United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  W.  C. 
Tucker  v.  Acel  C.  Alexander,  collector  of  internal  revenue  [for  district  of 
Oklahoma],  in  error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Oklahoma;  brief 
for  defendant  in  error.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+20  p.     $  J  1.13 :  T  799/5 

Union  Land  and  Timher  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  [no.]  E-606,  Union 
Land  and  Timber  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings 
of  fact,  conclusions  of  law,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  45-71.     |      J  1.13  :  Un  3/134  i 

United  States  Automatic  Company.  No.  F-314,  in  Court  of  Claims,  United  i 
States  Automatic  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings 
of  fact  and  brief.     1928.     cover-title,  i+37-51  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Un  3/135 

Untermyer,  Isaac.  No.  221,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Fannie  B. 
Untermyer,  as  executrix  and  Edward  D.  Untermyer,  as  executor  of  Isaac 
Untermyer,  v.  Charles  W.  Anderson,  as  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  3d 
district  of  New  York,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit ;  brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+31  p.      t    J  1.13 :  Un  8/3 

Upton,  King.  No.  2188,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Thomas  W.  White,  collector  of  internal  revenue  [for  district  of  Massa- 
chusetts], V.  Norman  W.  Bingham,  jr.,  et  al.,  executors  [of  King  Upton], 
error  to  district  court  for  district  of  Massachusetts,  judgment  in  district  court 
(Lowell,  j.),  June  14.  1927;  brief  for  defendant,  plaintiff  in  error.  1927. 
cover-title,  y+82  p.     %  J1.13:Up8 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  Information  follo^rlngr  Contents 

January,  1928  491 

nisoch-,  Edward  J.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-114,  Edward  J.  Vilsack,  Joseph 
G.  Vili^ack,  and  Anne  L.  Vilsack,  administratrix  of  August  A.  Vilsack,  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  reply  to  plaintiffs'  request  filed  Dec.  23,  1927. 
[1928.]     p.  107-108.     t  J  1.13  :V  719/3 

Wabash  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-o47,  Wabash  Railway  Company  v. 
United  States ;  brief  for  defendant.     [1928.]     p.  11-13.     ?        J  1.13  :  W  111/8 

Weed  d  Kennedy.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-77,  American  Exchange  Under- 
writers, Elijah  R.  Kennedy  and  Joseph  S.  Irving,  copartnership  doing  busi- 
ness as  Weed  »&;  Kennedy,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  statement  of  case, 
contentions  of  parties,  statutes,  facts,    [and]    brief.     [1927.]     p.   135-154.     t 

J  1.13  :  W  417/4 

Wheeling  Tile  Company.  No.  2684,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  4th  circuit.  Wheel- 
ing Tile  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ;  brief  for  respondent. 
1928.     cover-title,  ii+18  p.     %  J  1.13  :W  57/9 

Yankton  Indians.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-546,  Yankton  Sioux  tribe  of 
Indians  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief  on  exceptions  to  report  of  com- 
missioner filed  Dec.  1,  1927.     [1928.]     p.  1-4.     t  J  1.13  :Y  16/6 

Same ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner  filed  Dec.  1,  1927. 

[1928.]     p.  1-11.     t  J  1.13  :Y  16/5 

Zemio-ray,  Samuel.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-A2S,  Samuel  Zemurray  v.  United 
States:  statement  of  case,  questions  involved,  defendant's  brief.  [1928.]  p. 
105-124.     t  J  113  :  Z  42 



Maternity.  Evaluation  of  maternity  and  infancy  work  in  generalized  progi-am ; 
by  Jessie  L.  Marriner.  1927.  [l]+4  p.  il.  [Separate  3  from  Proceedings  of 
4th  annual  Conference  of  State  Directors  in  Charge  of  Local  Administration 
of  Maternity  and  Infancy  Act,  1927.]     t  L  5.20/a  :  M  419/3 


Employment  agencies.     Monthly  report  of  activities  of   Stnte  and   municipal 

eiuplovment  services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  Nov.  1927. 
1928.     iv+12  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  24^62  L  7.11 :  927/11 

Industrial  emploi/ment  information  bulletin,  Dec.  1927;  v.  7,  no.  12.     [1928.] 
23  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8 :  927/12 


Association  of  Oovernmental  Labor  Officials  of  United  States  and  Canada.  Pro- 
ceedings of  14th  annual  convention  of  Association  of  Governmental  Labor 
Oflicials  of  United  States  and  Canada,  held  at  Paterson,  N.  J.,  May  31-June 
3.  1927.  Dec.  1927.  ix+131+vi  p.  (Bulletin  455;  Miscellapeous  series.) 
*  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  15-27231  L  2.3:  455 

Same.     (H.  doc.  49,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Coal  mines  and  mining.     Hours  and  earnings  in  bituminous  coal  mining,  1922, 
1924,  and  1926.     Nov.  1927.     iii+66+vi  p.     (Bulletin  454;  Wages  and  hours 
of  labor  series. )     *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  L  2&-1  L  2.3 :  454= 

Same.     (H.  doc.  48,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,   Dec.   1927.     1928.     [l]+23 
p.  11.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  2.3-234  L  2.9 :  927/12 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  Information  foUovrlngr  Contents 

492  January,  1928 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  26,  no.  1;  Jau.  1928.     1928.     yi+1-211  p.  il.     [This 
publication  bears   also  the  volume  pagination   1-211.]     *  Paper,    15c.    single 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6:  26/1 

Special  aeticles. — Trade-union  provision  for  sick,  aged,  and  disabled  members,  and 
for  dependents. — Workmen's  compensation  legislation  of  1927.-— Public  service  retire- 
ment systems  in  Great  Britain  and  France.-— Newer  industrial-accident  prevention  and 
workmen's  compensation  problem  ;  b.y  Ethelbert  Stewart. — Conciliation  work  of  Depart- 
ment of  Labor,  Nov.  1927;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwin. — Statistics  of  immigration.  Oct.  1927; 
by  J.  J.  Kunna. 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
It  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for  bulletin 
purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal  court 
decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention  before 
they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One  free  sub- 
scription will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  compensation 
commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor  laws  and 
organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics.  Others 
desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington, 
D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.  Prices  and  cost  of  living.  1928.  [1] +159-188  p.  il.  [Prev;ously  is- 
sued with  title :  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail.  This  publication  bears  also  the 
volume  pagination  159-188.     From  Monthly  labor  review,  Jan.  1928.]     t 

L  2.6/a2 :  928/1 

- — -    Wholesale  prices  of  commodities  for  Dec.  1927    (revised  series).     1928. 
[1]+14  p.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8 :  927/12 

Trade-union  provision  for  sick,  aged,  and  disabled  members,  and  for  depend- 
ents. [1928.]  p.  1-16.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination 
1-16.    From  Monthly  labor  review,  Jan.  1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  T  675/2 

Wages.  Increase  in  union  wage  rates  in  1927.  [1927.]  8  p.  [Th's  publica- 
tion bears  also  the  volume  pagination  951-958.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
Nov.  1927.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  W  124/8 

Workmen's  compensation  legislation  of  1927.  [1928.]  p.  17-33.  [This  publica- 
tion bears  also  the  volume  pagination  17-33.  From  Monthly  labor  review, 
Jan.  1928.]     f  L  2.6/a  :  C  738/5 


State  laws  affecting  working  women,  hours,  minimum  wage,  home  work;   [by 

Mrs.    Mildred    J.    Gordon].     1927.  v+51    p.+6    folded    p.     (Bulletin    63.) 
*  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-30  L  13.3  :  63 


Orientalia  added  1926-27;  [by  Walter  T.  Swingle].  1927.  vi+245-278  p.  il. 
2  p.  of  pi.     [From  Report  of  librarian  of  Congress,  1927.]     t 

LC  1.1/a  :  Or  4/7 


League  of  Nations.  Cards  for  publications  of  League  of  Nations  and  their 
arrangement  in  special  catalogue  at  Library  of  Congress.  Jan.  1.  1928.  8  p. 
( Bulletin  25. )     t  I^C  9.3 :  25 


Religion.    Classification,  class  B,  pt.  2,  BL-BX,  religion.    1927.    337  p.  large  8° 
[Printed  as  manuscript.]     *  Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26005  LO  1.7 :  B/pt.  2 


Copyright.  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries.  June,  1927.  1  p.  4"  (Explanatory 
circular  36.)     t  ^r^r,  ^   na/j 

L.  C.  card  6-35347  LO  3.4: 36/4 

How  to  order  iiublleatlons— See  Information  foUoTvlns  Contents 


January,  1928  493 

Copyright — Continued. 

[Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books,  v.  24] 

no.  118-130 ;  Jan.  1928.  Jan.  3-30,  1928.  p.  1569-1736.  [Issued  several  times 
a  week.  ]  LO  3.6/1 :  24/1-118  to  1-130 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books ;  pt.  1, 
group  2,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lectures, 
sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pictures ; 
pt.  2,  to  periodicals ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  reproductions 
of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  character,  photo- 
graphs, prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $5.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.  unbound),  foreign  subscription,  $7.00; 
pt.  1  (groups  1  and  2),  5e.  single  copy  (group  1),  25c.  single  copy  (group  2),  $1.50 
a  jr.,  foreign  subscription,  $2.75  ;  pt.  3,  25c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr.,  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, $2.00;  pts.  2  and  4,  each  25c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.20. 

Same,  pt.  1,  group  2.  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  com- 
po.sitions,  maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  8.  1927.  iv-f  1457-1638  p. 
[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-8 

Same,  pt-  3,  Musical  compositions,  v.  22,  no.  10.     1928.     v+1057-1173  p. 

[Monthly.  ]  LC  3.6/3 :  22/10 


State  publications.     Monthly  check-list  of  State  publications  received  during 
Oct.  1927 ;  V.  IS,  no.  10,     1928.     p.  445-489.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00 
a  yr. :  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  10-8924  LC  7.6:  927/10 


Allen,  Joel  A.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21,  1st 
memoir,  [l]-fv-vIl+20  p.  1  per.  4°    t 

L,  C.  card  27-26494  NA  1.5 :  21/1 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Joel  Asaph  Allen,  1838-1921  [with  bibliography]  ; 
by  Frank  M.  Chapman. 

Barnard,  Edward  E.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  21, 
14th  memoir,  [l]+i+23  p.  1  por.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26507  NA  1.5 :  21/14 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Edward  Emerson  Barnard,  1857-1923,  by  Edwin 
B.  Frost :  [with  Bibliography,  by  topics,  of  principal  scientific  papers  of  Edward 
Emerson  Barnard,  compiled  by  Mary  R.  Calvert]. 

Becker,  George  F.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21, 
2d  memoir,  [l]+i+19  p.  1  pOr.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  27-2&495  NA  1.5  :  21/2 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  George  Ferdinand  Becker,  1847-1919,  by  George 
P.  Merrill ;  [with  Bibliography  of  George  Ferdinand  Becker,  compiled  by  Isabel  P. 

Branner,  John  C.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21, 
3d  memoir,  [l]-f-i+20  p.  1  por.  4°     t 

L.  C.  card  27-2G496  NA  1.5 :  21/3 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  John  Casper  Branner,  1850-1922  [with  publica- 
tions of  John  Casper  Branner,  1884-1921]  ;  by  R.  A.  F.  Penrose,  Jr. 

Farlou-,  William  G.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21, 
4th  memoir.   [l]-l-i+22  p.  1  por.  4°     t 

L.  C.  card  27-26497  NA  1.5 :  21/4 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  William  Gilson  Farlow,  1844-1919  [with  bibliog- 
raphy and  with  list  of  publications]  ;  by  William  Albert  Setchell. 

Fish  and  fisheries.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  22, 

2d  memoir,  iii-f  80  p.  4  pi.  14  p.  of  pi.  map.  large  4°     *  Paper,  35c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26052  NA  1.5 :  22/2 

Contents. — Fresh-water  fl.shes  of  Chile  [with  Papers  dealing  with  fishes  of  Chile]  ; 
by  Carl  H.  Eigenmann. 

How  to  order  pabllcations— See  Information  followingr  Contents 

494  January,  1928 

Oilbert,  G-rove  K.    Memoirs  of  Natioual  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21, 
5tli  memoir,  [l]+v+303  p.  il.  3  por.  4  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  map,  4°     t 
L.  O.  card  27-26498  NA  1.5  :  21/5 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Grove  Karl  Gilbert,  1843-1918 ;  by  William  M. 

Goodale,  George  L.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  21, 
6th  memoii-,  [l]+i+19  p.  1  por.  4"    t 

L.  C.  card  27-26499  NA  1.5:  21/6 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  George  Lincoln  Goodale,  1839-1923,  Ijy  B.  L.  Eobin- 
son ;  [with  Bibliography,  compiled  by  Robert  Tracy  Jackson]. 

Howe,  Henry  M.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  21,  7th 
memoir,  [1]  +i+ll  p.  1.  Por-  4°    t 
L.  C.  card  27-26500  NA  1.5 :  21/7 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Henry  Marion  Howe,  1848-1922  [with  record  of 
Henry  Marion  Howe]  ;  by  George  K.  Burgess. 

Mayor,  Alfred  G.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927,     v.  21, 
8th  memoir,  [l]+i+14  p.  1  por.  4°    t 

L.  C.  card  27-26501  NA  1.5:  21/8 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Alfred  Goldsborough  Mayor,  1868-1922,  by 
Charles  B.  Davenport ;  [with  Scientific  papers  by  Alfred  G.  Mayor,  arranged  by  him- 

Meltzer,  Samuel  J.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.    v.  21, 
9th  memoir,  [l]+i+23  p.  1  por.  4°    t 
L.  C.  card  27-26502  NA  1.5:  21/9 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Samuel  James  Meltzer,  1851-1920  [with  bibliog- 
raphy of  S.  J.  Meltzer,  1881-1921]  ;  by  William  H.  Howell. 

Memoirs.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  19,  4  memoirs, 
v+90+3-36+45+3-7  p.  +  [7]  leaves,  il.  7  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  4"*    *  Paper,  65c. 
L.  0.  card  22-27443,  23-26312,  23-26613,  26-12827  NA  1.5 :  19 

Contents. — 1st.  Tectonic  conditions  accompanying  intrusion  of  basic  and  ultrabasic 
igneous  rocks  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  W.  N.  Benson. — 2d.  Parallaxes  of  37  stars;  by 
Mildred  Booth  and  Prank  Schlesiuger. — 3d.  Vegetation  of  Alpine  region  of  Rocky 
Mountains  in  Colorado ;  by  Theodore  Holm. — 4th.  Meteoric  iron  from  Owens  Valley, 
Calif. ;  by  George  Perkins  Merrill. 

■ Same.     (S.  doc.  89,  68th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Morley,  Edward,  W.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.    v.  21, 
10th  memoir,  [l]+i+8  p.  1  por.  4"    t 
L.  C.  card  27-26503  NA  1.5  :  21/10 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Edward  Williams  Morley,  1838-1923,  by  Prank 
Wigglesworth  Clarke;   [with  Bibliography,  compiled  by  Olin  Freeman  Tower]. 

Morse,  Harmon  N.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  21, 
11th  memoir,  [l]+i+14  p.  1  por.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26504  NA  1.5 :  21/11 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Harmon  Northrop  Morse  [with  list  of  investiga- 
tions carried  out  under  direction  of  H.  N.  Morse]  ;  by  Ira  Remsen. 

SaUne,  Wallace  0.  W.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.    1927.    v.  21, 
13th  memoir,  [l]+i+19  p.  1  por.  4°    t 
L.  O.  card  27-26506  NA  1.5  :  21/13 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Wallace  Clement  Ware  Sabine,  1868-1919  [wltt 
bibliography]  ;  by  Edwin  H.  Hall. 

Smith,  Alexander.     Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1927.     v.  21, 
12th  memoir,  [l]+i+7  p.  1  por.  4"     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26505  NA  1.5 :  21/12 

Contents. — Biographical  memoir  Alexander  Smith,  1865-1922  [with  bibliography  of 
scientific  papers]  ;  by  William  A.  Noyes. 

Sunflowers.     Memoirs    of   National    Academy    of    Sciences.     1927.     v.    22,    4th 
memoir,  iii+50  p.  43  p.  of  pi.  4°     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26053  NA  1.5 :  22/4 

Contents. — Tumors,  cysts,  pith-bunidles,  and  floral  proliferations  in  Helianthus  [with 
list  of  literature  references]  ;  by  Erwin  P.  Smith. 

Ho-»v  to  ox'der  publications — See  information  foIIo^Tins  Contents 

January,  1928  495 


Airfoils.     Aerodynamic  characteristics  of  airfoils,  3    [continuation  of  Reports 
93  and   124].     Reprint  1927.     cover-title,   p.   143-186,   il.   4°      (Report   182.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.     Report  182  originally  pub- 
lished Oct.  1923.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26356  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/182-3 

Atmosphere.     Standard  atmosphere,  tables  and  data  [with  list  of  references]  ; 
by  Walter  S.  Diehl.     Reprint  1927.     cover-title,  28  p.  il.  4°     (Report  218.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.    Report  218  originally  published 
Oct.  1925.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  en  rd  25-26954  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/218-2 

Engines.     Comparative   performance   of   aviation   engine   at   normal   and   high 
inlet  air  temperatures  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Arthur  W.  Gardiner  and 
Oscar  W.  Schey.     1927.     cover-title,  19  p.  il.  4°     (Report  277.)      [Text  and 
illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27882  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/277 

Relative  performance  obtained  with  several  methods  of  control  of  over- 
compressed  engine  using  gasoline  [with  references  and  bibliography]  ;  by 
Arthur  W.  Gardiner  and  William  E.  Whedon.  1927.  cover-title,  13  p.  il.  4" 
(Report  272.)  [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26041  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/272 

Fuel  sprays.    Effects  of  fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities  on  characteristics  of 
fuel  sprays  for  oil  engines  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  W.  F.  Joachim  and 
Edward  G.  Beardsley.    1927.    cover-title,  9  p.  11.  4°     (Report  281.)     [Text  and 
illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26054  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/281 

N.  A.  C.  A.  photographic  apparatus  for  studying  fuel  sprays  from  oil 

engine  injection  valves  and  test  results  from  several  researches  [with  refer- 
ence] ;  by  Edward  G.  Beardsley.  1927.  cover-title,  14  p.  il.  4°  (Report  274.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26055  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/274 

Wind  tunnel  tests  on  autorotation  and  flat  spin  [with  references  and  bibliog- 
raphy] ;  by  Montgomery  Knight.  1927.     cover-title,  18  p.  il.  4"     (Report  273.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27880  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/273 



Proceedings  of  board  of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer 
Soldiers,  Dec.  5,  1927.     Dec.  1927.     [v.  4]  491-503  p.     [Quarterly]     % 

NH  1.7 : 4/4 


Aircraft  purchased  by  Navy  Department,  report  of  designs,  aircraft,  aircraft 
parts,  and  aeronautical  accessories  purchased  by  Navy  Department  during 
fiscal  year  1927.     Jan.  5,  1928.     13  p.      (S.  doc.  43,  70th  Cong.   1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26056 

Court-martial  order  11,  1927;  Nov.  30,  1927.     [1928.]     11  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     % 

N  1.14 :  927/11 

Naval  courts.  Changes  5  [for]  Naval  courts  and  boards,  1923;  Sept.  12,  1927. 
[1927.]  ii  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  sections  to  be  inserted  in 
their  proper  places  in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  reprinted  sec- 
tions is  found  on  p.  ii  of  Changes  5  here  catalogued.]         $     N  1.2 :  C  83/5/ch.  5 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  follOTving  Contents 

496  January,  1928 

Orders.  General  order  170-172  [6th  series]  ;  Oct.  31-Nov.  30,  1927.  [1927.] 
5  p.  4°     [Issued  as  one  publication.]     $  N  1.13/6 :  170-172 

Submarvne  boats.  Safety  devices  for  submarines,  letter  requesting  Congress  to 
authorize  appointment  of  commission  of  experts  for  purpose  of  considering 
development  of  safety  devices  for  our  submarines,  and  to  make  such  inquiry 
and  investigation  into  S-4  disaster  as  may  be  desirable.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  doc,  135,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Bulletin.     Bulletin  of  engineering  information  18 ;  May  1,  1925,     [Reprint]  1927. 
[l]+46p.  il.     t 
L.  C,  card  22-26665  N  19.9/2: 18/rep, 

Same  20;  Sept.  1.  1925.     [Reprint]  1927.     88  p.  il,  1  pi.     t 

N  19.9/2 :  20/rep. 

Marine  engineenng.  Manual  of  engineering  instructions :  chapter  13,  Heat  in- 
sulation, revised  Oct.  15,  1927;  Oct,  15,  1927.  [1927.]  i+7  p,  [Issued  in 
loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  iu  binder.  Formerly  issued  in  1923  with  chapter 
12  and  with  title  Clothing  and  lagging.  This  revised  chapter  has  also  been 
issued  in  pamphlet  form  with  the  title  Instructions  relative  to  heat  insulation, 
for  which  see  Monthly  catalogue  for  Nov.  1927,  p.  310.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

N  19.8/2 :  13/1-2/rev, 

Measuring  instruments.  Instructions  for  operation,  care,  and  repair  of  measur- 
ing instruments ;  reprint  of  chapter  23  of  Manual  of  engineering  instructions 
[with  corrections],  1927.  [1]+1-2a+3-54  p.  il.  [Corrections  issued  by 
Changes  I  and  2  have  been  incorporated  in  this  reprint.  The  edition  of  the 
Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of  which  this  chapter  forms  a  part  has  not 
yet  been  issued.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C,  card  28-20029  N  19.8/2 :  23/rev.  927 


Aviation  crashes  at  Pensacola  in  1927;  by  J.  D.  Benjamin.  1927.  [l]+6  p. 
[From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  Av  52/8 

Dermatology.  Practical  therapy  in  dermatology ;  by  Richard  L.  Sutton.  1927. 
[1]  +4  p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  D  446 

Fractures;  by  G.  F.  Cottle.  1927.  [1]+12  p.  il.  [From  United  Slates  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     t  N  10.11/la :  F  849/3 

Gall-bladder.  Consideration  of  gall-bladder  surgery  ;  by  Rea  Smith.  1927.  4  p. 
[From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     f 

N  10.11/la :  G 135 

CHngivifis.  Acute  gingivitis  associated  with  fusiform  bacilli  and  spiral  forms 
[with  bibliography]  ;  by  C.  H.  Made.  1927.  [l]+14p.  [From  United  States 
naval  medical  bulletin,  V.  26,  no.  1.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  G  433 

Hospital  Corps  quarterly.  Supplement  to  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin 
published  for  information  of  Hospital  Corps  of  Navy,  Jan.  1928,  v.  12,  no.  1 ; 
edited  by  C.  L.  Oliphant  and  C.  P.  Dean.  1928.  vi-f  1-72  p.  il.  4  p,  of  pi. 
[Title  on  cover  is:  Hospital  Corps  quarterly,]     *  Paper,  25c.     N  10.11/2 :  12/1 

Special  articles. — Alkaloids ;  by  J.  Holden. — Survey  duty  in  the  tropics ;  by  J.  B. 
Heverly. — Blood  grouping  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  J.  P.  Buckner. — Notes  on 
technique  of  embalming ;  by  O.  W.  Arnesen. — Cinical  thermometers ;  by  J.  H.  Hunt. — 
Moths :  by  W.  ZurLinden. — Cape  Mala,  Republic  of  Panama ;  by  G.  H.  Erwin. — Helpful 


Manual  of  Medical  Department,  Navy.  1927.  x-f  579  p,  il,  [Issued  in  loose- 
leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.]     t  N  10.5/1 :  927 

HoTF  to  order  publications— See  Information  foIIOTvlngr  Content* 

January,  1928  497 

Naval  medical  hulletin.  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  published  quar- 
terly for  information  of  Medical  Department  of  Navy,  v.  26,  no.  1,  Jan.  1928 ; 
edited  by  L.  Sheldon,  jr.  1928.  vi+1-216  p.  il.  3  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.  *  Paper,  25c. 
single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10. 

L.  C.  card  8-35095  N  10.11/1 :  26/1 

Special  articles. — Pbysiology  of  respiration  in  relationship  to  problems  of  naval 
medicine,  pt.  1  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Eugene  F.  Du  Bois. — Fractures ;  by  G.  F. 
Cottle. — Practical  therapy  in  dermatology ;  by  Richard  L.  Sutton. — Habitability  of  sub- 
marines ;  by  D.  N.  Carpenter. — Acute  gingivitis  associated  with  fusiform  bacilli  and 
spiral  forms  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  C.  H.  Mack. — Consideration  of  gall-bladder  sur- 
gery ;  by  Rea  Smith. — Antityphoid  vaccination  in  Navy,  experience  of  14  years ;  by  J. 
C.  Pryor. — Aviation  crashes  at  Pensacola,  1927  ;  by  J.  D.  Benjamin. — Eye  examination 
as  factor  in  reduction  of  industrial  accidents  ;  by  J.  W.  Brewster. — Sarcoma  of  femur 
[with  list  of  references]  ;  by  P.  F.  Dickens  and  G.  G.  Herman. — Leukocytosis  in  early 
diagnosis  of  cerebrospinal  fever ;  by  Paul  Richmond,  jr. — Infant  feeding  in  the  tropics ; 
by  G.  F.  Cooper. — Tabes  diabetica,  report  of  case  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  F.  B. 
Angle. — Tuberculosis  with  concurrent  neoplasm  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  C.  R.  Wilcox. — 
Some  recent  work  in  leukemia,  with  report  of  3  cases ;  by  J.  B.  Gordon. — Treatment  of 
gonorrheal  ophthalmia  ;  by  E.  C.  Ebert. — Pernicious  anemia,  report  of  unusual  case ; 
by  R.  Krohn. — Nephritic  diazo  reaction,  with  report  of  cases ;  by  W.  J.  N.  Davis,  jr. — 
Viewing  stand  and  radio  installations  for  operating  room ;  by  A.  Farenliolt.— History 
of  nursing  In  Navy ;  by  J.  Beatrice  Bowman. — An  old  diary :  Some  observations  taken 
on  board  U.  S.  frigate  Philadelphia  during  her  cruise  in  year  1800  and  after  leaving 
her ;  by  Benjamin  G.  Harris. — Notes  on  preventive  medicine  for  medical  officers.  Navy, 
[includlngl  Epidemic  of  influenza  and  unusual  prevalence  of  other  communicable  dis- 
eases at  Naval  Training  Station.  Hampton  Roards,  Va.,  during  winter  and  spring  of 
1927 ;  [Case  of  hemorrhagic  encephalitis,  neoarsphenamine  poisoning,  with  recovery,  by 
P.  F.  Dickens :  Outbreak  of  poisoning  on  board  U.  S.  S.  Noa  attributed  to  liverwurst, 
by  D.  P.  Piatt]. 

Physical  examinations.  Physical  examinations.  1927.  [l]+78  p.  il.  [Chap- 
ter 11  from  Manual  of  Medical  Department,  Navy,  1927.]     t 

N  10.5/la  :  P  569/2 

Respiration.  Physiology  of  respiration  in  relationship  to  problems  of  naval 
medicine  [pt.  1,  with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Eugene  F.  Du  Bois.  1927. 
[1]+16  p.  il.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  R  312 

Sarcoma  of  femur  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  P.  F.  Dickens  and  G.  G.  Her- 
man. 1927.  [l]+5  p.  5  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulle- 
tin, V.  26,  no.  1.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  F  849 

Suhmarine  boats.  Habitability  of  submarines ;  by  D.  N.  Carpenter.  1927. 
[1]-|-10  p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  1.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  Su  16/3 

Typhoid  fever.  Antityphoid  vaccination  in  Navy,  experience  of  14  years ;  by 
.J.  C.  Pryor.  1927.  8  p.  il.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v. 
26,  no.  1.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  T  98 

Workmen's  compensation.  Injured  civilian  employees.  1927.  [1]+11  p. 
[Chapter  9.  sec.  3,  from  Manual  of  Medical  Department,  Navy,  1927.]     ± 

N  10.5/la  :  C  499 


Navy  directory,  oflScers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps,  including  officers  of  Naval 
Reserve  Force  (active).  Marine  Corps  Reserve  (active),  and  foreign  officers 
serving  with  Navy,  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  iii+264  p.  [Quarterly.]  *  Paper, 
25c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10.  N  1.24 :  928/1 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  OflSce  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port, 
Panama  Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
and  Duluth. 

Hydrographic  luUetin,  weekly,  no.  2000-3;  Jan.  4^25,  1928.  1927-28.  Each 
1  p.  f  and  large  4°     f  N  6.3  :  2000-3 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  information  follofving:  Contents 

498  January,  1928 

Notice  to  aviators  1,  1928;  Jan.  1  [1928].     [1928.]     2  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  6.25  :  928/1 

JVotwe  to  marin&s  1-4,  1928;  Jan.  7-28  [1928].  [1928.]  [xxxii] +1-103  leaves. 
[Weekly.]     f  N  6.11 :  928/1-4 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  Feb.  1928.     1927.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  928/2 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.],  Feb.  1928.     [1928.] 

[2]  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     f  N  6.22/1 :  928/2 

Aviation  charts 

Bata'bano,  Ow&a-Media  Luna  Cay,  Cuba ;  aviation  chart  V-190001.  Scale  10 
naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  m.  =  1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1:  500.000  at  lat.  23°  45'. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  1927.  47X10  in.  [Provisional  chart. 
Contains  text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     f  40c.  N  6.27 :  V-190001 

Media  Luna  Cay,  Ot^&a-Cape  Haiten  [Haitien],  Haiti;  aviation  chart  V-190002. 
Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  m.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  500,000  at  lat. 
23"  45'.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  1927.  49.3X10.1  in.  [Pro- 
visional chart.     Contains  text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c. 

N  6.27 :  V-190002 

Miami,  F?o.-lsla  de  Pinos,  Cuba;  aviation  chart  V-071902.  Scale  10  naut. 
in.=1.5  in..  10  stat.  m.=i.3  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  500,000  at  lat.  23°  45'.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  Dec.  1927.  47.2X10.1  in.  [Provisional  chart. 
Contains  text  .nnd  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c.  N  6.27  :  V-071902 


Afr'ica,  west  coast.  Strait  of  Gibraltar  to  Gambia  River,  compiled  from  latest 
information;  chart  1743.  Natural  scale  1:3,235,577  at  lat.  25°.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  June,  1898,  16th  edition,  Oct.  1927.  37.6X25.8 
in.     t  40c.  N  6.18 :  1743 

Borneo.  South  coast  of  Borneo,  Pulu  Laut  to  Tanjung  Selatan,  from  Nether- 
lands Government  charts  to  1927 ;  chart  3099.  Natural  scale  1 :  201,022  at  lat. 
4°   10'.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Nov.  1927.     29.9X42.7  in.     1 60c. 

N  6.18 :  3099 

Brazil.  East  coast  of  Brazil,  Itacolomis  Reef  to  Rio  de  Janeiro,  compiled  from 
latest  information;  chart  1331.  Natural  scale  1:909,659  at  lat.  21°.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  published  May  1893,  33d  edition,  Jan.  1928. 
40  X 33.8  in.     t  60c.  N  6.18  :  1331 

Buenos  Aires,  Argentina.  Port  of  Buenos  Aires,  Argentina,  from  Argentine  sur- 
veys to  1920;  chart  2450.  Scale  naut.  m.=2  in.,  natural  scale  1:36,584. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1907,  9th  edition,  Dec.  1927. 
40  X  27.8  in.     f  40c.  N  6.18 :  2450 

Central  America.  East  coast  of  Central  America  and  north  coast  of  Colombia, 
Cabo  Gracias  a  Dios  to  Puerto  Colombia,  compiled  from  latest  information; 
chart  945.  Natural  scale  1:952,808  at  lat.  12°.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Oct.  1885,  69th  edition,  Jan.  1928.     31.8X46.4  in.     t  60c. 

N  6.18 :  945 

Cori/nto,  Nicaragua.  Approaches  to  Corinto  Harbor,  west  coast  of  Nicaragua, 
from  surveys  by  U.  S.  S.  Ranger,  Vicksburg,  and  Buffalo,  between  1884  and 
1913,  with  additions  to  1927,  scale  naut,  m.=4.1  in.,  natural  scale  1:18,383; 
Corinto  Harbor,  scale  500  yds.=2  in.,  natural  scale  1 : 9,099 ;  chart  2604. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1913,  10th  edition,  Dec. 
1927.    33X26.6  in.     f  40c.  N  6.18:  2604 

England,  east  coast.  North  Foreland  to  Orfordness,  including  entrance  to  the 
Thames,  from  latest  British  surveys ;  chart  4444.  Natural  scale  1 :  146,624  at 
lat.  51°  45'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  June,  1915,  16tb 
edition,  Jan.  1926  [reprint  with  corrections,  1927].     25.7X32.8  in.     t  30c. 

N  6.18 :  4444 

HoTF  to  order  pnbllcatlons— See  Inforiaatiou  foUoTvlng:  Contents 


January,  1928  499 

Gambia  River  entrance,  west  coast  of  Africa,  from  British  surveys  between 
1826  and  1914,  entrance  to  Banjala  Creek  from  French  chart  of  1913 ;  with 
inset,  Bathurst,  from  British  survey  in  1898 ;  chart  2235.  Natural  scale 
1:87,948.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Aug.  1905,  4th  edi- 
tion, Dec.  1927.     25.8X33.2  in.     t  30c.  N  6.18:  2235 

Hakodate  Wan,  Hokushu,  south  coast,  Japan,  from  Japanese  surveys  to  1924, 
scale  naut.  m.=3.6  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  20,200 ;  Hakodate  Ko,  scale  500  yds.= 
1.8  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  10,000 ;  chart  2291.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  May,  1906,  6th  edition,  Nov.  1927.    25.7X40.3  in.     t  50c. 

N  6.18 :  2291 

Kattegat,  entrance  to  the  Baltic,  from  latest  Danish  and  Swedish  surveys  [with 
plans  of  harbors]  ;  chart  4852.  Natural  scale  1 :  286,130  at  lat.  57°.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office,  published  Apr.  1915,  13th  edition,  Jan.  1928. 
38.2  X  25.3  in.    t  40c.  N  6.18 :  4852 

Annolt  Harbor. 
Osterby  Harbor. 
Skagen   Harbor. 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  Feb.  1928;  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long.=0.7  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Jan.  17,  1928. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24:  928/2 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Graphical  charts  for  obtaining  corrections  to  observed 
altitude  of  the  moon. 

■ Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Mar,  1928;  chart  2603.     Scale  1°   long.= 

0.2    in.     Washington,     Hydrographic    Office,     Jan.     17,     1928.     22.6X31     in. 

[Monthly.     Certain   portions   of   the   data    are   furnished   by    the   Weather 

Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.17  :  928/3 

NoTB. — Contains  on  reverse :  Graphical  charts  for  obtaining  corrections  to  observed 
altitude  of  the  moon. 

•     Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  Feb.  1928;  chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

long.=0.27  in.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Jan.  17,  1928.     23.2X31.8 
in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c. 
L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  928/2 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Graphical  charts  for  obtaining  corrections  to  observed 
altitude  of  the  moon. 

-  Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific   Ocean,  Mar.   1928;   chart   1401.     Scale  1" 

long.=0.2  in.     Washington,   Hydrographic  Office,   Jan.   17,   1928.     23.7X35.3 

in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 

Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.16  :  928/3 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Current  chart  of  eastern  north  Pacific  Ocean,  March, 
April,  and  May. 

Pilot  chart  of  south  Atlantic  Ocean,  Mar.-May,  1928 ;  chart  2600.     Scale 

1°  long.=0.3  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Jan.  17,  1928.  23X31.9 
in.  [Quarterly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.20 ;  928/1 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Great  circle  sailing  chart  of  south  Atlantic  Ocean. 

Pilot  chart  of  south  Pacific  Ocean,  Mar.-May,  1928;  chart  2601.     Scale 

1°  long,=0.2  in,  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Jan.  17,  1928.  21.2X35.5 
in.  [Quarterly,  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  bv  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  ^  N  6.21:  928/1 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Great  circle  sailing  chart  of  south  Pacific  Ocean. 

Red  Sea  [with  plans  of  harbors],  sheet  4;  chart  2815.    Natural  scale  1:  696,000 
at  lat.  17°.     Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Dec.  1912,  7th  edi- 
tion,  Dec.   1927.     27X33   in.      1 40c,  N  6.18:  2815 
Gizan,  from  British  surveys  to  1926. 
Nohud,  Khor. 

Nowarat,  Khor,  from  British  survey  in  1876. 
Village  Bay,  Disei  I. 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  information  following:  Contents 

500  January,  1928 

St.  John  Harbor  and  approaches,  New  Brunswick,  Canada,  from  Canadian 
Government  surveys  to  1925,  Courtney  Bay  to  Black  Point  from  British 
survey  in  1844;  chart  149.  Scale  500  yds.=1.5  in.,  natural  scale  1:12,155. 
Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1884,  33d  edition,  Nov.  1927. 
39.1X80.1  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18: 149 

Sumatra,  west  coast,  Benkulen  to  Sunda  Strait,  including  Mega  and  Engano 
(Telanjang)  islands,  from  Netherland  surveys  between  1918  and  1920 ;  chart 
3124.  Natural  scale  1 :  498,114  at  lat.  5°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office. 
Dec.  1927.    26.1X39.1  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  3124 


Publications.  Publications  of  Naval  Observatory.  1927.  2d  series,  v.  11, 
iii+712  p.  il.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.  4°    *  Cloth,  $1.75. 

L.   C.   card  28-26057  N  14.6: 11 

Contents. — Results   of    observations    with    6-inch    transit    circle,    1909-18,    reduced 
under  duection  of  J.  C.  Hammond ;  discussed  by  J.  C.  Hammond  and  C.  B.  Watts. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  321,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


[Poster'\  299.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  Nov.  11,  1927.] 
14X17  in.     [Title  is:  Bull  dogs  at  sea.]     t  N  17.23/1 :  299 


Report  of  chief  of  Bureau  of  Ordnance  [fiscal  year  1927].     [1928.]     p.  269- 
279.    t 
L.  C.  card  9-4633  N  18.1 :  927/cop.  2 


Naval  supplies.  Index  to  specifications  issued  by  Navy  Department  for  naval 
stores  and  material.    Jan.  3,  1928.    vH-41  p.  12°     [Quarterly.]     t 

N  20.6/3:  928/1 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants  304;  Dec.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  p.  10211- 
234 -(-leaves  10234  a-m,  12"  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     $  N  20.7/1 :  304 

Same  305;   Jan.  2,  1928.     [1928.]     p.  10235-268 -f leaves  10268  a-g,  12" 

[Monthly.    Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in  Manual  of  Supply  Cori)s, 
Navy,  1«22.]    t  N  20.7/1 :  305 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year ;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  eacli  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  .4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects :  Agriculture ;  Education ;  Finance,  industry  and  commerce ;  Public  liealth  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each 
series ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

Bulletin  {English  edition).    Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  Jan.  1928;  [v.  62, 
no.  1].     [1928.]     iv-f- 1-116  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For  price,  see  note  above  under 
center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6 :  e  62/1 

Same.     (H.  doc.  60,  pt.  1,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Ho-vr  to  order  publications— See  Information  foIloTrlngr  Contents 

January,  1928  501 

BuUetin  (English  edition) — (Continued. 

Same,  [title-page  and  index  to]  v.  61,  Jau.-Dec,  1927.     1928.     [l]+xix  p. 

AR  1.6 :  e  61/t.  p.  &  Ind. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  593,  69th  Coiig.  2d  sess.) 

(Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan- Americana,  Janeiro,  1928, 

edigno  portuguesa;   [v.  30,  no.  1].     [1928.]     iv-fl-92  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6 :  p  30/1 

(Sijanish    edition).     Boletin    de   la    Uni6n    Panamericana,    Bnero,    1928, 

secciSn  espauola ;   [v.  62,  no.  1].     [1927.]     iv+1-116  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6 :  S  62/1 

Same,  v.  61    [secci6n  espanola]  ;   Enero-Diciembre,  1927   [frontispicio  y 

Indice] .     [  1927.  ]     [  1  ]  +xviii  p.  AR  1.6 :  S  61/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Chicle.  A  industria  do  chicle ;  [com  A  industria  do  chicle  no  Departameuto  de 
Pet6n,  Guatemala,  compilado  por  Jos§  Tercero].  [1927.]  [l]+6  p.  il.  Mis- 
cellauea  pan-americana  no.  3.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana, 
Dezembro,  1927.]     t  Paper,  5c.  AR  1.27 :  p  3 

Education.  A  instrucgao  publica  nos  Estados  Unidos.  [1927.]  ii+26  p.  11. 
(EducagSo  no.  17,  Dezembro  de  1927.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana, 
Outubro  e  Dezembro,  1927.  Resumido  de  um  boletim  publicado  pelo  United 
States  Bureau  of  Education  em  1927,  intitulado  Education  in  United  States.] 
t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  series  (12  nos.)  50c.  a  yr.        AR  1.13 :  p  17 

Hygiene.  Bsta  su  nino  preparado  para  ir  a  la  escuela?  [por  James  Frederick 
Rogers].  [1927.]  ii+30  p.  (Salud  pfiblica  y  puericultura  no.  34,  Diciembre 
de  1927.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Noviembre  y  Diciembre, 
1927.  Traduccion  del  impreso  no.  19,  de  la  serie  Health  education  del  Bureau 
of  Education,  Washington,  1926.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues 
of  series,  50c.  AR  1.15  :  s  34 

Infants.  Metodos  para  establecer  las  estadlsticas  de  mortalldad  infautil ;  [por 
R.  H.  Coats].  [1928.]  ii+14  p.  (Salud  piiblica  y  puericultura  no.  35, 
Enero  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Uni6n  Panamericana,  Enero,  1928.] 
t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.15 :  s  35 

International  Parliamentary  Conference  of  Commerce.  La  Conferencia  Parla- 
mentaria  Internacional  de  Comercio  de  Rio  de  Janeiro ;  [por  Alberto  Adrian!]. 
[1928.]  ii+4-f  [2]  p.  (Finanzas,  industria,  comercio  no.  34,  Enero  de  1928.) 
[Del  Boletin  de  la  Uni6n  Panamericana,  Enero,  1928.]  f  Paper,  5c. ;  sub- 
scription price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14 :  s  34 

Kindergarten.  El  kindergarten  en  los  Estados  Unidos;  [por  Beulah  Amidon]. 
[1928.]  ii+12-f  [2]  p.  il.  (Education  no.  36,  Enero  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin 
de  la  Union  Paramericana,  Enero,  1928.  Traducido  de  Survey  graphic 
number,  1  de  Septiembre  de  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c,;  subscription  price  for  12 
Issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  s  36 

Rivera,  Padre  Juan  A.  Diary  of  Padre  Juan  Antonio  Rivera  [covering  years 
1676-96,  during  which  time  author  was  chaplain  of  Hospital  de  Jestis 
Nazareno,  Mexico  City].  [1927.]  [1]+10  p.  (Pan  American  miscellany  no. 
9.)  [From  Bulletin,  Dec.  1927.  From  Mexican  magazine,  Jan.-June,  1927, 
Mexico  City.]     t  Paper,  5c.  AR  1.27  :  e 9 

Soils.  Imjportancia  de  la  clasificaci6n  y  los  reconocimientos  de  suelos;  [por 
H.  H.  Bennett].  [1928.]  ii+10  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  36,  Enero  de  1928.) 
[Del  Boletin  de  la  Uni6n  Panamericana,  Enero,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c.;  sub- 
scription price  for  12  issues  of  series,  .50c.  AR1.12:s36 

Water-power.  A  politica  Federal  de  forga  hydraulica  e  os  sens  resultados; 
[por  O.  C.  Merrill].  [1928.]  11 -[-10  p.  (Finangas,  industria,  commercio  no. 
18,  Janeiro  de  1928. )  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series, 
50c.  AR  1.14 :  p  18 


HoT»-  to  or«ler  nal»licntions — See   information   folloTvlngr  Contents 

502  January,  1928 


Note. — Although  The  Panama  Canal  makes  its  reports  to,  and  is  under  the  supervi- 
sion of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Accounts.  Classification  of  accounts  no.  5,  effective  July  1,  1927.  Panama 
Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope,  C.  Z.,  1927.  40  p.  [Supersedes  Classification  of 
accounts  no.  4,  effective  Apr.  1,  1922.]     t  W  79.7:  5 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  22-25 ;  Jan.  4r-25,  1928.  Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1928].    p.  291-346.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5  :  21/22-25 

Note. — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  $1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus.  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  or  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  OflSce,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 

Steamship  lines  through  Panama  Canal  and  to  its  terminal  ports,  and  pas- 
senger connections  from  Panama  Canal,  Nov.  1,  1927.  Panama  Canal  Press, 
Mount  Hope,  C.  Z.,  1927.     cover-title,  39  p.  il.     t  W  79.2 :  St  3/6 

Tide,  moon,  and  sunrise  tables,  Panama  (Balboa),  [calendar  year]  1928. 
Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope,  C.  Z.,  1927.  19  p.  24°  [From  Tide  tables, 
1928,  issued  by  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     $  W  79.2  :T  43/5 


Medical  Association  of  Isthmian  Canal  Zone.  Proceedings  of  Medical  Asso- 
ciation of  Isthmian  Canal  Zone,  1921-26.  Panama  Canal  Press.  Mount  Hope, 
C.  Z.,  1927.  V.  14,  133  p.  8  pi.  [During  1921-26  the  printing  of  the  Proceed- 
ings was  continued.  This  number,  v.  14,  covers  the  period  1921-26,  and  con- 
tains a  few  of  the  papers  read  before  the  Medical  Society  during  those  years, 
and  references  to  the  papers  known  to  be  publisihed  elsewhere.]     t 

W  79.12/6 :  14 
Note. — Includes  Blackleg  on  Canal  Zone ;  [by]  Lewis  B.  Bates. — Parasitic  index  of 
school  children  of  Panama  City ;  [by]  Fred  C.  Caldwell. — Some  anthropometric  data  col- 
lected from  local  autopsy  records  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  Herbert  C.  Clark. — 
Infantile  beri-beri  in  Panama,  preliminary  report ;  [by]  Leland  S.  Chapman. — Maritime 
quarantine  policy  of  The  Panama  Canal ;  [by]  William  C.  Rucker. — Preliminary  analysis 
of  treatment  of  lepers  at  Palo  Seco  with  ethyl  esters  of  fatty  acids  of  chaulmoogra  oil ; 
[by]  Philip  Horwitz. — Review  of  smallpox  treated  in  Ancon  Hospital  and  discussion 
regarding  its  differential  diagnosis  and  eradication  from  Panama  and  Colon ;  [by] 
Roland  C.  Connor. — Studies  in  chemistry  of  blood,  some  normal  values  of  blood  sugar 
in  the  tropics ;  [by]  J.  E.  Jacob  and  J.  R.  McLavy. — Preliminary  report  on  investigation 
of  sugar  content  of  human  blood  in  the  tropics  with  special  reference  to  Canal  Zone  ; 
[by]  Wesley  C.  Cox  and  James  E.  Jacob. — Mortality  of  intestinal  obstruction,  study  of 
150  cases  coming  to  operation  or  autopsy  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  Howard  K. 
Tuttle. — Hemorrhagic  bronchopneumonia  resembling  pneumonic  plague  due  to  bacillus 
of  B.  mucosus  capsulatus  group ;  [by]  Lewis  B.  Bates  and  Samuel  D.  Avery. — Tuber- 
culous infection  of  tonsils  and  adenoids  [with  bibliography ;  by]  V.  H.  Cornell.— 
Physiology  and  technic  of  spinal  anesthesia  ;  [by]  J.  M.  Bryant. — Kahn  precipitation 
test,  preliminary  report ;   [by]   S.  D.  Avery. 


Envelopes.  Local  addx-ess  on  special-request  envelopes;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant 
Postmaster  General.     Jan.  25,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  P  4.2 :  En  8/21 

Insured  mail.  New  Form  3849-c,  Inquiry  for  number  of  insured  parcel ;  [is- 
sued by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Jan.  18,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t 

P  4.2 :  In  7/7 

Letter-doxes.  Apartment-house  mail  receptacles,  list  of  manufacturers  and  dis- 
tributors of  one  or  more  designs  of  apartment-house  mail  receptacles  approved 
by  Post  Office  Department,  with  trade  names  of  boxes;  [issued  by]  as- 
sistant Postmaster  General.     1928.     1  p.  12°     t  P  2.2 :  Ap  1/5 

Hot*'  to  order  piiltlications — See  information  folloTt'ins  Contents 


January,  1928  503 

Mail  matter.  First-class  matter  not  to  be  accepted  for  insurance  or  transmis- 
sion as  G.  O.  D.  mail ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Jan.  19, 
1928.     1  p.  4°     t  P  4.3 :  F  51/3 

Money-orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Jan.  3,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/154 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  6,  192S.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4  2  :  M  74/155 

•    Same,  correction ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.    Jan.  11, 

1928.  1  p.  oblong  48°  [The  correction  is  for  the  list  of  Stolen  money-order 
forms  dated  Jan.  6,  1928,  which  appeared  in  the  Postal  bulletin  for  Jan.  7, 
1928.  The  numbers  of  the  money-order  forms  stolen  from  Southampton,  Pa., 
are  corrected  to  read  30594  to  30600.]     t  P  4.2  :  M  74^156 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  12,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  S"     t  P  4.2 :  JI  74/157 

•     Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  16,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/158 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  17,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/159 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  21,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/160 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Jan.  31,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :M  74/161 

Pan  American  Postal  Union.     Segundo  Congreso  Postal  Panamerieano.  Mexico, 
1026,  convenio  sobre  giros  postales  [2d  Panamerican  Postal  Congress,  Mexico, 
1926,  convention  for  exchange  of  money  orders].     [1928.]     32  p.     [Spanish 
and  English.]     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26031  P  1.0  :  M  57/7 

Postage-stamps.  New  size  stamp  coil  now  available  in  li/>-ceut  denomination; 
[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Jan.  12,  1928.  1  p.  oblong 
48°     t  P  4.2  :  St  2/20 

Postal  l)ulletin,  v.  49.  no.  14577-601 ;  Jan.  3-31.  1928.  1928.  various  paging,  f 
[Dailv  except  Sundavs  and  holidays.]  *  Paper.  5c.  single  copy.  $2.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  48 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  i>ostal  guide,  4th  series,  v.  7.  no.  7;  Jan. 
1028.  monthly  supplement.  1928.  cover-title,  56  p.  [Includes  Changes  110- 
124  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July.  1927,  and  unnum- 
bered Insert  (Order  7073,  dated  Dec.  2,  1927)  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations 
of  United  States,  edition  of  1924.  Text  on  p.  2— i  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal 
guide  with  supplements.  $1.25.  foreign  subscription,  $1.75 ;  July  issue,  $1.00 ; 
supplements  published  monthly  (11  pamphlets),  50c.,  foreign  subscription.  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/7 

Salaries.  United  States  Post  Office  Department  salary  tables  for  29-day  month. 
[1928.]     3  p.  4°     t  P  1.15:  928 


Postal  supplies.  List  of  postal  supplies  furnished  post  offices  of  1st  and  2d 
classes,  post  office  inspectors,  and  Railway  Mail  Seiwice.  Jan.  1,  1928.  ii  +  1-6 
p. + leaves  7-56.     +  P  18.2  :  P  84/2/928 


Steamboats.     Schedule   of  steamers   appointed   to   convey   mails   from   United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Jan.  1928.     Dec.  21,  1927.     1  p.  f     [Monthly.] 
*  Paiier.  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5 :  028/1 

Same,  Feb.  1928.     Jan.  21,  1928.     1  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 

copy.  50e.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.  P  8.5 :  928/2 

Hot*'  to   order  pTiblications — See  information  follo'wing'  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 8 

504  January,  1928 


Postal  savmgs  bonds.  Information  concerning  postal  savings  bonds.  Dec.  1927. 
4  p.     (Form  PS  27.)     t  P  19.2  :B  64/9 


South  Dakota.     Scheme  of  South  Dakota,  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  standpoint,  Dec.  1927. 

1927.  32  p.  narrow  12°     t  P  10.8 :  So  8d/5 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  In  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  In  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  hut  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue  for  February,  1927,  page  639. 


Address  of  President  Coolidge  before  Pan  American  Conference,  Havana,  Cuba, 
Jan.  16,  1928.     1928.     [2]  +9  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27884  Pr30.2:H29 

Alien  property.  Executive  order  authorizing  Alien  Property  Custodian  to  sell 
certain  property  at  private  sale  [being  real  estate  in  Long  Island  City,  N.  Y., 
belonging  to  Louis  F.  Kloz  et  al.  of  Germany.]  [Dec.  30,  1927,  published 
1928.]      [2]   p.  f°     ([No.  4790.])     t  Pr  30.5 :  Al  42/47 

Arizona.  Executive  order,  Arizona  [vrithdrawing  certain  public  lands  in  Ari- 
zona from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  townships].    Jan.  23, 

1928.  1  p.  f »     (No.  4798.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Ar  47/20 

Executive  order,  Arizona  [withdrawing  land  in  Arizona  from  settlement, 

etc.,  for  use  of  National  Guard  of  Arizona  as  rifle  range].    Dec.  17,  1927.    1  p. 
f "     ( No.  4786. )     t  Pr  30.5 :  Ar  47/19 

Bame,  Thomas.  Executive  order  [authorizing  restoration  of  Thomas  Baine  to 
classified  service].     Jan.  13,  1928.     1  p.  f "     (No.  4793.)     t         Pr  30.5  :B  161 

Bishop,  Mrs.  Dorothy  T.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs. 
Dorothy  Thelma  Bishop  to  position  in  Veterans'  Bureau],  Jan.  21,  1928.  1  p. 
f°     (No.  4797. )     t  Pr  30.5 :  B  541 

Boush,  Mrs.  Anna  P.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Mrs. 
Anna  Polk  Boush  as  clerk  in  Treasury  Department].  Jan.  13,  1928.  1  p.  f° 
(No.  4794.)     t  Pr  30.5  :B  669 

Calif ornda.  Executive  order,  California  [temporarily  withdrawing  public  lands 
in  California  from  settlement,  etc.,  in  aid  of  proposed  legislation].  Dec.  17, 
1927.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4785.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  C  128/39 

Commerce  Department.  Executive  order  [authorizing  Ephraim  F.  Morgan,  so- 
licitor for  Department  of  Commerce,  to  perform  duties  of  Secretary  of  Com- 
merce during  absence  of  Secretary  of  Commerce  and  assistant  Secretaries  of 
Commerce].     Dec.  17,  1927.     1  p.  f     (No.  4784.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  C  736/3 

Qrain  Corporation.  Executive  order  [approving  final  accounting  of  property 
and  funds  of  Grain  Corporation  and  directing  that  balance  on  hand  be  paid 
into  Treasury  of  United  States  in  final  settlement,  liquidation,  and  dissolu- 
tion of  corporation,  and  in  full  and  final  payment  to  its  stockholder,  United 
States ;  and  providing  for  transfer  of  records,  etc.,  of  Food  Administration 
and  of  Wheat  Director  to  Department  of  Commerce  until  completion  of 
building  to  be  used  for  permanent  housing  of  Government  records].  Dec. 
31,  1927,  [published]  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4791.)     t  Pr  30.5  :G  761 

How  to  order  palilicationis — See   infoi'iijjttion  followiiigr  Contents 

January,  1928  505 

Idaho.  Executive  order,  Idaho  [withdrawing  certain  public  land  in  Idaho 
from  settlement,  etc.,  for  use  by  Department  of  Commerce  in  maintenance 
of  air  navigation  facilities].     Jan.  19,  1928.     1  p.  f      (No.  4796.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  Ai  71/4 

Krotoshinsky,  Abraham.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Abra- 
ham Krotoshinsky  to  appropriate  position  in  Executive  civil  service].  Dec. 
16,1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  4783.)     t  Pr  30.5  :K  928 

Panama  Canal.  Executive  order  pre.scribing  rules  for  district  court  of  Canal 
Zone  relating  to  clerks  of  court,  bonds  to  be  given  by  them,  and  handling  and 
deposit  of  money  in  registry  of  court.    Jan.  3,  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4792.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  P  191/23 

Philippine  Islands.  Executive  order  [reserving  land  of  United  States  in  Albay 
Province,  Luzon,  P.  I.,  and  Manila,  P.  I.,  and  setting  same  apart  for  military 
purposes,  subject  to  private  rights].    Dec.  19.  1927.    1  p.  f"     (No.  4787.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  P  538/6 

Regan,  Jeremiah.  Executive  order  [authorizing  that  Jeremiah  Regan,  Fred 
Eugene  Potter,  and  Patrick  Redclington,  employed  as  chauffeurs  at  Marine 
Corps  garage,  Washington,  D.  C,  be  included  within  classified  civil  service]. 
Dec.  -29,  1927,   [published]   1928.     1  p.  f     (No.  4789.)     t  Pr  30.5:0  394 

Stokes,  Oeorge  W.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  George  W. 
Stokes  to  position  in  Cotton  Division  of  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Economics]. 
Jan.  19,  1928.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4795.)     t  Pr  30.5:  St  67 

Wyoming.  Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  May  8, 
1925,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War 
with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may 
be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto]. 
Dec.  28,  1927,  [published]  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4788.)     i         Pr  30.5 :  W  994/30 


Commerce.  Comparative  summary  of  water-borne  foreign  commerce,  with 
graphic  charts,  Jan.  1,  1921-June  30,  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Re- 
search, Division  of  Statistics.  Nov.  28,  1927.  1  p.  3  pi.  oblong  large  8"  (Re- 
port D.  S.  399.)      [Bimonthly.]     t  SB  7.5/399 :  927/2 

Furniture.  Docket  no.  41.  I.  O.  Helmly  Furniture  Company  v.  Merchants  and 
Miners  Transportation  Company:  [decided  Dec.  28,  1927:  report  and  order 
of  board].  1928.  [l]-f  132-133 -f[l]  p.  [Report  from  Shipping  Board  re- 
ports, V.  1.]     t  SB  1.10/a :  H  369 

Imports  and  exports  of  commodities  by  United  States  coastal  districts  and 
foreign  trade  regions,  fiscal  year  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research, 
Division  of  Statistics.  [Nov.  29,  1927.]  9  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report 
D.  S.  275.)      [Annual.]     t  SB  7.5/275 :  a927/l 

Intercoastal  traffic,  fiscal  year  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Divi- 
sion of  Statistics.  [Nov.  7,  1927.]  2  leaves,  oblong  large  8"  (Report  D.  S. 
158.)      [Annual.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/158 :  a927/l 

Merchant  marine.     Adequate   merchant   marine,   indispensable   factor   in   ex- 
pansion of  our  foreign  trade  and  for  national  security;  by  Alfred  H.  Haag. 
[1928.]     4  p.    t 
L.  C.  card  28-26058  SB  1.2 :  M  53/7 

Answers  to  your  questions  about  American  merchant  marine.     [Dec.  1, 

1927.]      [4]  p.  11.     t  SB  1.2 :  M  53/6-2 

Passenger  traffic.  Ocean  borne  passenger  traffic  of  United  States  (Great  Lakes 
excluded),  fiscal  year  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of 
Statistics.  [Dec.  14,  1927.]  8  leaves,  oblong  large  S"  (Report  D.  S.  157.) 
[Annual.     Figures  .subject  to  revision.)     t  SB  7.5/157 :  a  927/1 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloivins   Contents 

506  January,  1928 


Merchant  Fleet  news,  v.  1,  no.  8;  Jan.  1928.  [1928.]  12  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.]  f 
L.  O.  card  27-22836  SB  2.16 : 1/8 

Ships.  Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,  Jan.  1-Feb.  15,  1928, 
no.  74;  issued  by  Traffic  Department.  [1927.]  vi+26  p.  il.  [Monthly.  This 
is  the  first  issue  of  this  series  to  be  numbered.]     t  SB  2.14:  928/1 


Note.- — In  a  recent  price-list,  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  ia 
which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  wiiere 
price  is  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numbers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections ;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  ot  libraries  and  individuals  throughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailing-list  of 
individuals.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications 
should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment, 
and  Imve  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mail  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Fossil  footprints  from  Grand  Canyon,  3d  contribution ;  by  Charles  W.  Gilmore. 
Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution,  Jan.  28,  1928.     [2]  -f  16  p.  il.  5  p.  of  pi. 
(Publication    2956;    Smithsonian   miscellaneous    collections,    v.    80,    no.    8.) 
t  Paper.  20c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26162  SI  1.7  :  80/S 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientiflc  series,  viz.,  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientiflc  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum 
collections  in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can  now 
be  furnished. 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Flora  of  Panama  Canal  Zone;  by  Paul  C.  Standley.     [Jan.  31]  1928.     X+416+ 
[1]  p.  il.  1  pi.  66  p.  of  pi.     (Contributions  from  national  herbarium,  v.  27.) 
*  Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-159  SI  3.8  :  27 


China.  Claim  of  Government  of  China,  report  submitting  anew  2  claims  [for 
death  of  Chang  Lin  and  Tong  Huan  Yah]  presented  by  Government  of  China 
against  Government  of  United  States  arising  out  of  negligent  or  unlawful 
acts  in  China  of  persons  connected  with  military  and  naval  forces  of  United 
States.     Jan.  4,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  doc.  34,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

[Circular]  1062;  Dec.  15,  1927.  [1928.]  2  p.  [General  instruction  circular  to 
consular  officers.]     t  81.4/2:1062 

Hot*-  to  order  publications — See  information  foUoTving  Contents 

January,  1928  507 

Cladms  arising  out  of  occupation  of  Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  report  respecting  claims 
arising  out  of  occupation  of  Vera  Cruz,  Mexico,  by  American  forces  in  1914, 
and  recommending  authorization  of  appropriation  in  settlement  thereof.  Jan. 
4,  1928.     14  p.     (S.  doc.  33,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Diplomatic    list,    Jan.    1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,    ii+44    p.    24"     *  Paper,    oc. 
single  copy.  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  65c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8  :  928/1 

Foreign  service.    American  foreign  service.     1927.     iv+44  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26013  S  1.13 :  F  76/927 

Jnteriiatiotal  Dairii  Goiujress.  8tb  International  Dairy  Congress,  report  rela- 
tive to  participation  of  Government  of  United  States  in  8th  International 
Dairy  Congress  to  be  held  in  Great  Britain  in  June-July,  1928.  Jan.  5,  1928. 
3  p.  '  ( S.  doc.  36,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Emigration  and  Immigration  Conference.  2d  International  Emi- 
gration and  Immigration  Conference,  communication  requesting  that  legisla- 
tion be  enacted  to  provide  funds  to  cover  expense  of  Government's  participa- 
tion in  2d  International  Emigration  and  Immigration  Conference  to  be  held 
at  Habana  commencing  Mar.  31,  1928.  Jan.  11,  calendar  day  Jan.  13,  1928. 
3  p.     ( S.  doc.  40,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Society  for  Exploration  of  the  Arctic  Regions  hg  Means  of  the 
Airship,  report  concerning  plans  of  International  Society  for  Exploration  of 
rhe  Arctic  Regions  by  Means  of  the  Airship,  for  establishment  of  geophysical 
observations  of  inner  Arctic  regions,  toward  accomplishment  of  which  the  19 
Governments  whose  countries  are  represented  in  the  society  have  been  re- 
quested to  mali;e  annual  contribution  for  5  years,  for  required  preparatory 
work,  annual  contribution  requested  of  United  States  is  $300.  Jan.  4.  1928. 
5  p.  (H.  doc.  133,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26059 

Letcher,  Marion.  Relief  of  Marion  Letcher,  American  con.sul  general  at  Copen- 
hagen. Denmark,  report  recommending  appropriation  for  relief  of  Marion 
Letcher.  Jan.  17,  calendar  day  Jan.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  42,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Myrie,  Reginald  E.  Claim  for  death  of  Reginald  Ethelbert  Myrie,  report  recom- 
mending authorization  of  appropriation  for  payment  of  claim  presented  by 
Government  of  Great  Britain  in  behalf  of  David  S.  Myrie,  on  account  of 
death  of  his  son,  Reginald  Ethelbert  Myrie,  in  Panama  Canal  Zone,  Feb.  5, 
1921.     Jan.  4,  1928.     6  p.     (S.  doc.  32,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

No-nvag.  Claim  presented  by  Government  of  Norway,  report  relative  to  claim 
presented  by  Government  of  Norway  for  payment  of  interest  on  certain  sums 
advanced  in  connection  with  its  representation  of  American  interests  in  Mos- 
cow.    Jan.  5,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  doc.  37,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Pan  American  Congress  of  Highways,  Buenos  Aires,  Oct.  5-16,  1925,  report  of 
delegates  of  United  States  designated  by  the  President  in  pursuance  of  joint 
resolution  approved  Mar.  4,  1925.     [Reprint  with  addition  of  list  of  delegates] 
1928.     ii+9  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-27641  S  5.23  :  R  29  A-ep. 

Permanent  Iniernational  Association  of  Road  Congresses,  report,  with  accom- 
panying paper,  to  the  end  that  legislation  may  be  enacted  authorizing  the 
President  to  invite  Permanent  International  Association  of  Road  Congresses 
to  hold  their  6th  session  in  United  States,  either  in  1929  or  1930,  as  the  asso- 
ciation may  determine,  and  appropriation  for  expenses  of  such  meeting.  Jan. 
4.  1928.     5  p.     (H.  doc.  134,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Smuggling.     Convention    between    United    States    and    Belgium,    prevention    of 
smuggling   of  intoxicating   liquors ;    signed   Washington,    Dec.   9,    1925,   pro- 
claimed Jan.  11,  1928.     1928.     [l]+6  p.     (Treaty  series  759.)      [English  and 
French.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26014  S  9.5/2  :  B  41/3 

HofT  to   order  publications — See  information   following:   Contents 

508  January,  1928 

Sprague,  Richard  L.  Claim  of  Richard  L.  Sprague,  American  consul  at  Gibral- 
tar, report  relative  to  claim  of  Richard  L.  Sprague  for  reimbursement  for  ex- 
penses incurred  by  him  in  providing  relief  for  crew  of  American  steamer 
Kanabec.     Jan.  4,  1928.     8  p.     (S.  doe.  35,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Opinions  of  commissioners  under  convention  concluded  Sept.  8,  1923,  between 
United   States  and   Mexico,   Feb.   4,   1926-July   23,   1927.     1927.     iv+489  p. 
*  Paper,  60c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27872  S  3.34/6 :  926-927 


Chicago,  III.  Docket  no.  8000,  list  nos.  2353  and  2354,  before  Mixed  Claims  Com- 
mission, United  States  and  Germany,  United  States  on  behalf  of  First  Na- 
tional Bank  of  Chicago  v.  Germany  and  Deutsche  Bank;  brief  of  United 
States  dealing  with  liability  of  Government  of  Germany  for  pre-war  bank 
balances  carried  in  branches  of  German  banks  in  name  of  an  American  de- 
positor.    1928.     cover-title,  ii-f  27  p.  4°    $  S  3.31/5 :  C  43 


Braftet,  Mark  P.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  344,  Hubert  Work, 
as  Secretary  of  Interior,  vs.  Robert  L.  BrafEet,  administrator  of  Mark  P. 
Braffet,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia. 
[1928.]     cover-title,  i+25  p.     $  Ju  6.7 :  B  73 

[Journal]  Jan.  3-23,  1928;   [slips]  45-60.     [1928.]     leaves  149-188.     t 

Ju  6.5 :  927 

Knox,  Philander  C.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  341,  D.  B.  Heiner. 
collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania,  vs.  James  R. 
Tindle  and  Union  Trust  Company  of  Pittsburgh,  co-executors  [of  Philander 
C.  Knox],  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit. 
[1928.]     cover-title,  i+29  p.     t  Ju  6.7 :  K  776 


Magnesite,  report  of  Tariff  Commission  to  President  of  United  States,  differ- 
ences in  cost  of  production  of  crude  magnesite  and  caustic  calcined  magnesite 
in  United  States  and  in  principal  competing  country,  as  ascertained  pursuant 
to  provisions  of  sec.  315  of  title  3  of  tariff  act  of  1922 ;  with  appendix,  procla- 
mation by  the  President.  1928.  v-|-22  p.  [Greece  is  the  principal  compet- 
ing country  for  crude  magnesite  and  British  India  for  caustic  calcined  mag- 
nesite.] *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26021  TC  1.2 :  M  27 

Phenol,  report  of  Tariff  Commission  to  President  of  United  States,  differences 
in  costs  of  production  of  phenol  in  United  States  and  in  principal  competing 
country,  as  ascertained  pursuant  to  provisions  of  sec.  315  of  title  3  of  tariff 
act  of  1922 ;  with  appendix,  proclamation  by  the  President.  1928.  iv+12  p. 
[Great  Britain  is  the  principal  competing  country.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27876  TC  1.2  :  P  52 

Report.     11th  annual  report  of  Tariff  Commission,   [fiscal  year]    1927.     1928. 
vii+176  p.  il.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26040  TC  1.1: 927 

Same.     (H.  doe.  85,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Ho^tv  to  order  publications — See   information   follovrinj?   Contents 

January,  1928  509 


Decisions.    Reports,  v.  9,  no.  1-7 ;  Nov.  11-Dec.  23,  1927.     [1927-28.]     [xlvii]  + 
1-812  p.     [Contain  decisions  promulgated  Nov.  8-Dec.  22,  1927.     No.  1  con- 
tains table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  8.]     *  Paper,  $l.oO  per  vol. 
L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19 :  5/9-1  to  9-7 

Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Tax  Appeals  Board  have  been  placed  on  a  subscription 
basis  and  are  to  be  issued  in  small  pamphlets  until  a  sufficient  number  have  been 
published  to  maiJe  a  volume.  The  price  of  these  advance  pamphlets  will  be  $1.50  per 
volume.  Later,  bound  volumes,  containing  table  of  contents  and  index,  will  be  issued. 
the  price  of  these  being  given  at  time  of  publication. 


Coins.  Values  of  foreign  coins,  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  1  p.  4°  (Department  cir- 
cular 1.  Director  of  Mint.)     [Quarterly.]     t  T  1.4/2 : 1/928-1 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved   reports 
from  Tretisury  offices  and  depositaries.  Jan.  3-31,  1928.     [1928.]     Each  4  p.  or 
3  p.  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  928 

PiiUic  debt.     Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  Oct.  31,  1927.     [1927.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  19-21268  T  9.9:  927/10 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws, 
including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  v.  53,  no. 
1-A :  Jan.  5-26,  1928.  1928.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Department  decisions 
numbered  42513-548,  abstracts  4609-4868,  internal  revenue  decisions  4117-19, 
prohibition  21,  Tariff  Commission  Notice  dated  Dec.  23,  1927,  later  Tariff 
Commission  Notices  52  and  58,  and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).]  *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2 :  53/1-4 

Treasuri/  notes.  United  States  of  America,  BV2  per  cent  Treasury  notes,  series 
C-1930-32,  offered  only  in  exchange  for  3d  liberty  loan  4^/1  per  cent  bonds, 
dated  and  bearing  interest  from  Jan.  16,  1928,  due  Dec.  15,  1932,  redeemable 
at  option  of  United  States  at  par  and  accrued  interest  on  and  after  Dec.  15, 
1930,  interest  payable  June  15  and  Dec.  15.  [Jan.  9,  1928.]  2  p.  4°  (De- 
partment circular  392;  Public  Debt  [Commissioner].)     t  T  1.4/2: 392 


AgricruHure  Department.  Eradication  of  pink  bollworm  of  cotton,  supplemental 
estimate  of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929,  for  Department  of  Agriculture, 
to  eiiab'e  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  meet  emergency  caused  by  new  out- 
breaks of  pink  bollworm  of  cotton  in  Texas.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc. 
153.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Architect,  Supervising.  Public  buildings,  District  of  Columbia,  supplemental 
estimate  of  appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year,  1928,  pertain- 
ing to  Office  of  Supervising  Architect.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  151, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Commerce  Department.  Air  navigation  facilities,  1929,  supplemental  estimate 
of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Commerce,  fiscal  year,  1929  [to  provide 
lighted  airvi-ays].  Jan.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  41,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Court  of  Claims.  Salaries  and  expenses  of  commissioners.  Court  of  Claims, 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Justice,  fiscal  year 
1929,  to  be  immediately  available.  Jan.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  140,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration,  supplemental  estimate  of  appro- 
priation for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929.  Jan.  20,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  doc.  145,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HofV  to  order  publications— See  information  followingr  Contents 

510  January,  1928 

Forest  Service.  Salaries  and  expenses,  Forest  Service,  for  acquisition  of  lands 
for  protection  of  navigable  streams,  proposed  amendments  to  estimates 
for  Department  of  Agriculture  contained  in  budget  for  fiscal  year  1929  [for 
protection  from  forest  fires  and  acquisition  of  lands].  Jan.  16,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  doc.  144,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Immigration.  Bureau.  Bureau  of  Immigration,  supplemental  estimate  of  ap- 
propriation, fiscal  year  1929.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  129,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  6c. 

International  Boundary  Gorrmdssicm,  United  States  and  Mexico.  Water  boun- 
dary, United  States  and  Mexico,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for 
Department  of  State,  fiscal  year  1929.  for  water  boundary.  United  States  and 
Mexico.    Jan.  25,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  149,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Intel-national  Joint  Commission  on  Boundary  Waters  hetioeen  United  States 
and  Canada.  Commission  relating  to  boimdary  waters  between  United  States 
and  Canada,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  State, 
fiscal  year  1929,  to  be  immediately  available,  for  International  Joint  Commis- 
sion, United  States  and  Great  Britain,  relating  to  boundary  waters  between 
United  States  and  Canada.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  doc.  130,  70tJi  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics,  proposed  amendment  to  estimate 
contained  in  budget,  fiscal  year  1929,  for  National  Advisory  Committee  for 
Aeronautics.  Jan.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  148,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Pension  Bureau.  Salaries  in  Pension  Office,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropria- 
tion, fiscal  year  1929,  for  Department  of  Interior.  Jan.  23,  1928,  2  p.  (S. 
doc.  44,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     •  Paper,  5c. 

Reclamation  Bureau.  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  National  Park  Service,  Depart- 
ment of  Interior,  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations,  fiscal  year  1929, 
for  [Yuma  irrigation  project,  Ariz.-Calif.,  and  Yosemite  National  Park].  Jan. 
10,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  136,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

State  Department.  Publishing  ascertainment  of  electors  for  President  and 
Vice  President,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of 
State,  fiscal  year  1929.  Jan.  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  128,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Treasury  Department.  Division  of  Bookkeeping  and  Warrants,  Bureau  of  Mint, 
Bureau  of  Internal  Revenue  and  rental  quarters  in  District  of  Columbia, 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year 

1928,  and  fiscal  year  1929,  also  proposed  legislation  affecting  use  of  existing 
appropriation  and  proposed  changes  in  text  of  items  included  in  budget  for 

1929.  Jan.  30,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  doc.  152,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fremont,   Ohio,  post  office  and  other  Government  offices,   supplemental 

estimate  of  appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1929,  also 
proposed  changes  in  items  included  in  budget  for  1929.  Jan.  30,  1928.  3  p, 
(H.  doc.  154,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  National  military  park  at  battle  field  of  Stone  River,  Tenn., 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929,  for  War  Depart- 
ment, for  establishment  of  national  military  park  at  battle  field  at  Stone 
River.  Tenn.  Jan.  23, 1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  146,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Supplemental  estimates  for  War  Department,  supplemental  estimates  of 

appropriations,  fiscal  year  1929,  also  draft  of  proposed  legislation  affecting 
existing  appropriation  of  War  Department,     Jan.  11,  1928.    6  p.     (H.  doc. 
137,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26991 


Ice.  International  ice  observation  and  ice  patrol  service  in  north  Atlantic 
Ocean,  season  of  1927.     1927.     iii+119  p.  il.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Bulletin  16.)     t 

T  47.3 :  16 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  foIloTring-   Contents 


January,  1928  511 

Orders.  General  order  40;  Nov.  16,  1927.  1927.  1  p.  [Accompanied  by  re- 
prints of  chapters  3  and  6  of  Regulations  for  Coast  Guard,  1923.  to  be  in- 
serted in  their  proper  places  in  the  original  publication.]     t        T  47.5/4:  40 

Pay.  Amendments  to  Pay  and  supply  instructions  [Coast  Guard.  1926]  no.  13 ; 
Nov.  17,  1927.     [1927.]     8  p.     t  T  47.8 :  P  29/3/926/amdt.  13 

[Pay  and  supply  instructionsi]   circular  3 ;   Nov.   17,   1927.     1927.     1  p. 

[Circular  3  is  Amendment  to  Circular  1,  Pay  and  supply  instructions.]     t 

T  47.8/2 : 3 


Nati07ial  lianks.     Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit, 
etc.  [Jan.  3,  1928].     Jan.  3,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  f°     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21266  T 12.9 :  928/1 


Reappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Dec.  14,  1927-Jan.  17, 
1928];  Dec.  30,  1927  and  Jan.  20,  1928.     [1928.]     783-860+[iv]   p.     (Reap- 
praisement  circular  37  and  38.)      [Weekly;  none  issued  Jan.  6  and  13,  1928.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3 :  37,  38 


Colors.  General  conditions  and  specifications  for  furnishing  dry  colors,  etc.,  to 
Bureau  of  Engraving  and  Printing  during  fiscal  year  beginning  July  1,  1928. 
[1928.]     4  p.  4°     [Proposals  to  be  received  not  later  than  May  24,  1928.]     t 

T  18.5  :  C  71 


Government  supplies.  Specifications  and  proposals  for  supplies  [fiscal  year 
1929]  :  class  1  [Stationery,  paper  and  paper  articles,  and  drafting  supplies]. 
[1928.]     50  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18:1 

Same :  class  2  [Hardvpare,  metals,  brief  eases,  hand  bags,  leather  goods, 

and  shoe  findings].     [1928.]     87  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18:  2 

Same :  class  3  [Dry  goods,  flags,  wearing  apparel,  boots,  shoes,  slippers, 

window  shades,  and  cordage].     [1928.]     44  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18: 3 

Same:  class  4  [Drugs,  medicines,  and  chemicals].     [1928.]     35  p.  4°     t 

T  45.5/18 : 4 

Same :  class  5  [Laboratory  apparatus,  hospital  appliances,  and  surgical 

instruments].     [1928.]     40  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18: 5 

Same:  class  6  [Electrical,  engineering,  and  plumbing  supplies].     [1928.] 

35  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18 :  6 

• Same :  class  8  [Brushes,  glass,  lubricants,  fuel  oils,  paints,  and  painters' 

supplies].     [1928.]     30  p.  4°     f  T 45.5/18: 8 

Same :  class  10  [Groceries,  provisions,  cleaner,  polish,  floor  wax,  floor- 
polishing  compound,  scouring  compounds,  soaps,  soap  dispensers,  meat,  fish, 
lard,  oleomargarine,  and  household  supplies].     [1928.]     22  p.  4°    f 

T  45.5/18 :  10 

Same :  class  12  [Photographic  .supplies,  meteorological  apparatus,  micro- 
scopes, surveying  instruments,  and  meat-inspection  supplies],  [1927.]  33  p. 
4"     t  T  45.5/18: 12 

Same:  class  18   [Computing,  addressing,   dictating,  duplicating,   folding, 

sealing,    and    typewriting   machines ;    labor-saving    devices ;    exchange    type- 
writers, repair  parts,  and  equipment].     [1928.]     16  p.  4°    t  T 45.5/18: 18 

Same:  class  21   [Athletic  supplies  and  playground  equipment].     [1928.] 

4  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18 :  21 

Hoiv  to  order  publications— See  information  foUofvinK  Contents 

512  January,  1928 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Dec.  1927].  Jan.  1,  1928.  5  p.  4"  (Form 
A.)      [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5: 927/12 


Stock  companies.    Juridicial  status  of  foreign  corporations  in  American  repub- 
lics [report  of  6tli  International  Conference  of  American  States ;  published  by] 
Central    Executive    Council    of    Inter    American    High    Commission.     1927. 
cover-title,  vii+128  p.     [Spanish  and  English.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  0.  card  27-27873  T  1.23/2 :  C  81/4 


Internal  revenue  hulJetin,  v.  7,  no.  1-5 ;  Jan.  2-30,  1928.  1928.  various  paging. 
[Weelfly,]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  subscription  price  see  note  below) . 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  928/1-5 

NOTB. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1928  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins and  semiannual  cumulative  bulletins.  The  weekly  bulletins  will  contain  the 
rulings  and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department  decisions  (known 
as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  Internal  revenue  matters.  The  semiannual  cumu- 
lative bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including  Treasury  decisious) 
published  during  the  previous  8  months.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained 
on  a  subsci'lption  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  E>ocuments,  Government  Printing 
Office.  Washington,  D.  C.,  for  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

Internal  revenue  news,   v.   1,   no.   7 ;   Jan.  1928.     1928.     cover-title,   24  p.   il. 

[Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33: 1/7 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Jan.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     68  p.  f»     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7: 928/] 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Dec.  31,  1927.     1928. 
1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5 :  928/1 


Money.  World's  monetary  stocks,  and  production  and  consumption  of  gold  and 
silver  [calendar  years  1925  and  1926].  1927.  [1] -1-222-239  p.  [From  Report, 
1927.]     t  T  28.1/a  :  M  74/3/927 


Narcotics.  Extracts  from  report  of  commissioner  of  prohibition,  1927,  in  regard 
to  enforcement  of  narcotic  laws.     [1928.]     14  p.    t  T54.1/a:N165 

Opium.  RegTilations  5  relating  to  importation,  manufacture,  production,  com- 
pounding, gale,  dispensing,  and  giving  away  of  opium  or  coca  leaves,  their 
salts,  derivatives,  or  preparations  thereof,  under  act  of  Dec.  17,  1914,  as 
amended  by  sec.  703  and  704  of  revenue  act  of  1926,  act  of  Jan.  22  and  Mar. 
3,  1927,  and  under  sec.  705  of  revenue  act  of  1926,  internal  revenue-prohibition 
narcotic  regulations,  joint  narcotic  regulations  made  by  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue  and  commissioner  of  prohibition  with  approval  of  Secretary 
of  Treasury,  effective  Jan.  1,  192[8].  1927.  viii+95  p.  [These  R^idations 
embrace  the  substance  of  internal  revenue  Regulations  35,  revised,  approved 
Nov.  24,  1919.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27851  T  54.5  :  5 

Traffic  in  opium  and  other  dangerous  drugs,  year  ended  June  30,  1927, 

report  by  Crvernment  of  United  States.    1928.     [l]-|-30  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  2&-27749  T  54.2:  Op  3 

Hov»-  to  ordei"  publications — See  iiilomiation  folIoTving:  Contents 

Janxjaby,  1928  513 


Colds.     Common  colds;  by  W.  C.  Rucker.     Edition  of  1927.     1927.     [l]+4  p. 
(Supplement  30  to  Public  health  reports.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26018  T  27.6/2  :  30/3 

Goiter.     Endemic  goiter  in   Oregon;    by   Robert   Oleson.     1927.     ii+18   p.   il. 
(Reprint  1189.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Nov.  18,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27879  T  27.6/a  :  1189 

Health  hoards.     State  and  insular  health  authorities,  1927,  directory,  with  data 
as  to  appropriations  and  publications.     1927.      [l]+23  p.      (Reprint  1188.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Nov.  11,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c, 
L.  C.  card  24-26996  T  27.6/a  :  1188 

Nerjrocs.     Mortality  among  negroes  in  United  States  [with  list  of  references], 
by  Mary  Gover :  with  introduction  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker.     June,  1927,  [pub- 
lished] 1928.    Ti+63  p.  il.     (Public  health  bulletin  174.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26033  T  27.12 :  174 

Paris  green.     Moist  sand  method  of  applying  paris  green  for  destruction  of 
subsurface-feeding  mosquito  larvae ;  by  T.  H.  D.  Griffitts.     1927.     ii+5  p. 
(Reprint  1186.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Nov.  4,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26027  T  27.6/a :  1186 

Pellagra  in  Mississippi  flood  area,  report  of  inquiry  relating  to  prevalence  of 
pellagra  in  area  affected  by  overflow  of  the  Mississippi  and  its  tributaries  in 
Teunesste,  Aikansas,  Mississippi,  and  Louisiana  in  spring  of  1927;  by  Joseph 
Goklberger  and  Edgar  Sydenstricker.  1927.  [1] -r20  p.  (Reprint  1187.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Nov.  4,  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26026  T  27.6/a  :  1187 

Public  health  reports,  v.  43,  no.  1-4 ;  Jan.  6-27,  1928.    1928.     [xvi]  +1-257  p.  il. 
1  pi.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  &-25167  T  27.6 :  43/1-4 

Special  aeticles. — No.  l.  8th  Pan  American  Sanitary  Conference  [Lima,  Peru,  Oct. 
12-20,  1927],  official  report  of  resolutions  adopted. — Food  of  cullcine  larvae,  food  or- 
ganisms in  pure  culture  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  M.  A.  Barber. — No.  2.  Mortality 
imong  negroes  in  United  States. — Scarlet  fever,  its  prevention  and  control,  revision 
of  Supplement  21  to  Public  health  reports,  Nov.  27,  1914,  by  J.  W.  Schereschewsky ; 
revised  Dec.  1927,  by  R.  E.  Dyer. — Current  world  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of 
monthly  epidemiological  report  of  Health  Section  of  League  of  Nations'  Secretariat, 
Nov.  15,  1927. — No.  3.  How  to  give  artificial  respiration  by  prone  pressure  method. — 
Resurvey  of  eiyJemlc  tbyroid  enlargement  in  Cincinnati ;  by  Robert  Oleson. — Court 
decLsiions  relating  to  public  health. — -No.  4.  Prevalence  of  smallpox  in  United  States. — 
Oxygen  demand  of  polluted  waters,  running  water  Is  not  always  pure. — Experimental 
black  tongue  of  dogs  and  its  relation  to  pellagra  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Joseph 
Goldberger  and  G.  A.  Wheeler. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc..  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

PiiMications.     Some   Public   Health    Service  publications   suitable  for   general 
distribution.     1927.     [1]+13  p.      (Reprint  1192.)      [From  Public  health  re- 
ports. Dec.  2,  1927.1     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  2S-2606U  T  27.6/a  ;  1192 

R^ral  health  .vernier.     Cooperative  rural  health  work  of  Public  Health  Service, 
fiscal  year  1927;  by  L.  L.  Lumsden.     1927.     [l]+53  p.  il.      (Reprint  1184.) 
[From  Public  health  reports.  Oct.  21.  1927.]     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-27521  T  27.6/a  :  1184 

Vrviver.^ity  in  relation  to  public  health;  by  J.  W.  Kerr.     1927.     [11+8  p.     (Re- 
print 1190.)      [From  Public  health  reports.  Nov.  25.  1927.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  2^26020  T  27.6/a  :  1190 

Vwus.  Amendment  1  to  paragraphs  72  and  73  of  Regulations  for  sale  of  viruses, 
serums,  toxins,  and  analogous  products  [in  Di.strict  of  Columbia  and  inter- 
state traSie  in  said  articles,  prepared  by  board  consisting  of  surgeon  general 
of  Army,  surgeon  general  of  Navy,  and  surgeon  general  of  Public  Health 
Service]  :  approved  Aug.  1,  1923.     1928.     1  p.     t  T  27.17 :  10/2/amdt.  1 

llovr  to  order  publications — See  information  follOTvlngr  Contents 

514  January,  1928 

Water  pollution.     Oxygen  demand  of  polluted  waters :  1,  Bibliographical,  criti- 
cal review  [witli  list  of  references],  2,  Experimental,  rate  of  deoxygeuation ; 
by  Emery  J.  Theriault.     July,  1927.     x+185  p.  il.     (Public  health  bulletin 
173.)      *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27877  T  27.12 :  173 


Venereal  disease  information.  Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public 
Health  Service  for  use  in  its  cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments, 
V.  S,  no.  12;  Dec.  20,  1927.  1927.  [l]+487-519+xi  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy.  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  2.3-26719  T  27.26 :  8/12 

Special  .ujticles. — Syphilitic  eye  tragedies  and  their  prevention ;  by  John  Green. — 
Comparison  of  results  of  Kahn  and  Wassermann  tests,  summary  of  published  reports ; 
by  Louise  Endicott. — Author  index  [and]   Subject  index  for  v.  S,  1927. 

Same.  v.  9,  no.  1;  Jan.  20,  1928.     1928.     [l]+l-44+ii  p.  il.     [Monthly.] 

T  27.26 : 9/1 

Special  article. — Venereal  disease  among  Coast  Guard  personnel ;  by  W.  W.  King. 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Dec.  31,  1927.     Jan.  3,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8 :  927/12 


Medical  iuUctin.     United  States  Veterans"  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  2, 
Feb.  1928;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.     1928.     X+S7-202  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  2.5-26672  VB  1.16 :  4/2 

SPECIAL  ARTICLES. — Physiotherapeutic  movements,  self-administered,  for  chronic 
cardiovascular  degenerations  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  John  R.  McDill.-^Adminis- 
tratiou  of  medical  department  of  regional  office ;  [by]  Henry  A.  Smith. — Treatment  of 
neurosyphilis  with  tertian  malaria  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  R.  L.  Harris. — Diag- 
nosis of  chronic  epidemic  encephalitis  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  Clarence  H.  Den- 
ser.— Exercise  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis  ;  [by]  Marshall  L.  McClung. — Importance  of 
history  taking  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis  [with  list  of  references;  by]  B.  Sullivan. — - 
Prostatitis  as  focus  of  infection,  especial  reference  to  influence  of  treatment  on  low 
back  pain ;  [by]  E.  D.  Simpson. — Nature  and  diagnostic  value  of  acetic  anhydride- 
sulphuric  acid  test  (Boltz  test)  in  cerebrospinal  fluid  [with  list  of  references ;  by] 
N.  Novick. — Social  work  in  Veterans'  Bureau  tuberculosis  hospitals ;  [by]  Cordelia 
Higgins  Stern. — Importance  of  adjunct  dental  treatment;  [by]  Lionel  V.  Swift. — 
Tuberculosis,  chronic,  head  of  humerus,  bilateral ;  [by]  P.  P.  Haslitt, — Neuropsychia- 
tric  disease,  with  history  of  onset  following  exposure  to  tetraethyl  lead  [and  with  list 
of  references  ;  by]  Paul  E.  Reynolds. — Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in 
hospitals  and  regional  offices :  Spinal  fluid. — Educational  advantages  to  psychiatric 
nurse  in  attending  clinical  staff  conferences ;  [by]  Mabel  A.  Gray. — Notes  on  cases 
treated  by  physiotherapy  ;  [by]  Gertrude  Scott  and  Walter  A.  Monnich. — Therapeutic 
value  of  leather  work  in  mental  hospital ;  [by]  Charlotte  Duncan. 

Sputum.  Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in  hospitals  and  regional 
oflSces :  Examination  of  sputum ;  compiled  by  Philip  B.  Matz.  1928.  [1]+10 
p.  (Clinical  bulletin  20.)  [From  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical 
bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  1.]     t  VB  1.15:  20 


A7-mi/  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-leaf 
binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as  may 
seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series,  and 
each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing  cer- 
tain administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet  is 
required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  wU  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 

1-10.       Army    regulations :    List    of   current    pamphlets   and    changes,    distribution ; 
Jan.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     16  p.     [Supersedes  AR  1-10,  July  2,  1927.] 

W  1.^/1:  1-10/12 
5-300.     Assistant  Secretary  of  War :  Procurement  of  supplies,  Interbranch  procure- 
ment;  Nov.  30,  1927.      [1927.]     7  p.  W  1.6/1:  5-300 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  inforiuatlon  followingr  Contents 

January,  1928 



35-1400.  Same :    Pay    and 
[1927.]      2  p. 

Army  regulations — Continued. 

30-455.     Quartermaster  Corp.s :  Branding  and  registration  of  public  animals ;  Dec.  31, 
191.'7.      [1928.]      3  p.      [Supersedes  AR  30-455,  Apr.  2,  1924] 

W  1.6/1 :  30-455/2 
30-1075.  Same :  Operation  of  motor  vehicles,  Changes  1 ;  Dec.  16,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  30-1075/ch.  1 
30-1660.  Same:  Refrigeration,  Changes  1;  Dec.  31,  1927.     [1927.]     3  p. 

W 1.6/2  :  30-1660/2/ch.  1 
30-2210.  Same:  Rations,  Changes  1;  Dec.  31,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  30-2210/2/ch.  1 
Finance  Department :  Fiscal  features  of  interbranch  procurements  ;  Dec.  31, 
1927.      [1927.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-860,  Jan.  S,  1924.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-860/4 
allowances  during  authorized  absences ;  Dec.  31,  1927. 
[Supersedes  AR  35-1400,  June  21,  1926.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-1400/3 

35-3420.  Same:  Pay  and  allowances.  Organized  Reserves,  Changes  1;  Dec.  31.  1927. 

[1927.]      2  p.  W  1.0/2  :  35-3420/ch.  1 

35--i540.  Same  :  Reimbursement  of  traveling  expenses  of  enlisted  men  ;  Dec.  31,  1927. 

[1927.]      3  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-4540,  Aug.  30,  1926.] 

W  1.6/1  :  35-4540/3 

35-4820.   Same  :  Mileage,  travel  expenses,  and  travel  pay  on  discharge  of  officers  and 

of  others  entitled  to  same  traveling  allowance.  Changes  1 ;  Dec.  31.  1927. 

[1927.]      2  p.  W  1.6/2  :  3.5-4820/ch.  1 

35-6560.   Same  :  Receipt,  shipment,  and  Issue  of  property.  Changes  2  ;   Dec.  31,   1927. 

[1927.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-6560,  Changes  1.  Oct.  11,  1926.) 

■VT  1.6/2  :  35-6560/ch.  2 

40-:105.     Medical   Department :    Standards   of  physical   examination   for  entrance   into 

Regular  Army,  National  Guard,  and  Organized  ReservfS.  Changes  2  ;  Dec. 

31,   1927.      [1927.]      2   p.      [Supersedes   AR   40-105,    Changes   1,   Aug.   31, 

1926.]  W  1.6/2  :  40-105  /2/ch.  2 

40-2050.  Same  :  Veterinary  service,  remount  purchasing  boards.  Changes  1 ;  Dec.  31, 

1927.      1928.      1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  40-20o0/ch.  1 

40-2075.   Same:   Phvsical  examination  of  animals.   Changes   2;   Dec.   31.   1927.     1928. 

1  p.      [Supersedes  AR  40-2075,  Feb.  9.  1927.]  W  1.6/2  :  40-20T5/ch.  2 
Posts,  camps,  and  stations:   Commanding  officer.  Changes  1;   Dec.   1,   1927. 

[1927.]      4  p.  W  1.6/2:  210-70 /2/ch.  1 

Documents :  Secret,  confidential,  and  for  official  use  only.  Changes  1 ;  Dec. 

31,  1927.     1928.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  330-5/2/ch.  1 

Militarv  education  :  Air  Corps  Primary  Flying  School ;  Dec.  30,  1927.     [1927.] 

2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  350-500,  Oct.  6.  1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  350-500/2 
Same:  Air  Corps  Balloon  and  Airship  School;  Dec.  31,  1927.      [1927.]      4  p. 

[Supersedes  AR  350-520,  Aug.  26,  1926.]  W  1.6/1  :  350-520/2 

Same:    School    of   Aviation    Medicine,    Changes    1;    Dec.    31,    1927.      [1927.] 
2  p.  W  1.6/2  :  350-580/ch.  1 

Same :  Coast  Artillery  School,  Changes  1 ;  Dec.  31,  1927.     1927.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  350-700/ch.  1 
Personnel:  Military  discipline,  Changes  1;  Dec.  31,  1927.     [1927.]     2  p. 

W  1.6/2:  600-1 0/ch.l 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of  the 
various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore  known 
as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  the  same  manner  as  are 
Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e.. 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 
1300-22A.     Infantry  and  aircraft  armament:   U.   S.   rifle,   caliber   .22,   M1922M1.   and 

accessories,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  ordnance ;  Nov,  1,  1927. 

[1927.]     *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.22  :  1.300-22  A 

1355-75A.     Mobile   artillery   ammunition ;    Ammunition   for   75-mm.   field   guns,    M1897 

(French),    M1916     (American)     and    M1917     (British),    prepared    under 

direction    of    chief    of    ordnance;    Nov.    21,    1927.     [1927.]     38    p.    il. 

*  Paper,   10c.  W  1.22  :  1355-75  A 

1355-155B.   Same:  Ammunition   for   155-mm.   field  guns,  M1918M1    (French   G.   P.   F.), 

prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  ordnance;  Nov.   25,  1927.      [1927.] 

42  p.  11.     *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.22  :  1355-155  B 

Training  regulations. 

Note. — ^The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders. 

50-20.     Soldier :  Instriiction  dismounted  with  rifle  and  automatic  rifle.  Changes  1 : 

•Tan.   3.   1928.     1927   [published  1928].     1  p.     t  W  1.21  :  50-20/ch.  1 

50-55.     Same :  Instruction  dismounted,  with  pistol.  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1927 

[published  1928].     1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  50-55/ch.  1 

75-15.     Specialists  :   Color  sergeant  and  standard  bearer.  Changes  2 ;   Jan.  3.  1928. 

[1927.  published  1928.]      2  p.     t  W  1.21  :  7.5-15/ch.  ? 

112-5.       First  aid :  Outlines  of  first  aid  for  injured  or  sick,  Changes  2 ;  Jan.  3,  1928. 

1927    [published   1928].     1   p.     t  W  1.21  :  112-5/ch.  2 

150-10.     Marksmanship:   Rifle,   general,   Changes   2;  Jan.   3,   1928.     1927    [published 

1928].     1  p.     t  W  1.21:  150-10 /2/ch.  2 





HoTT  to  order  pablications — See  Information  follofvlngr  Contents 

516  January,  1928 

Training  regulations — Continued. 

150-20.     Same  :  Pistol,  dismounted,  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t 

W  1.21  :  150-20/cli.  1 
150-30.     Same :  Automatic  rifle,  Changes  3 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     2  leaves,     t 

W 1.21 :  150-30/ch.  3 

150-40.     Same :  37-mm.  gun  and  3-inch  trench  mortar,  Changes  2 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928. 

1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  150-40/ch.  2 

162-5.       Visual  signaling,  Changes  1;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1927  [published  1928.]     1  p.     t 

W  1.21  :  162-5/ch.  1 
195-25.     Fortification :  Protected  shelters,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  engi- 
neers;  Dec.  1,  1927.      [1927.]     ♦  Paper,  10c.  W  1.21 :  195-25 
360-5.       Animals:  Care  of  animals,  Changes  1;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1927  [published  1928]. 

1  p.     t  W  1.21  :  360-5/ch.  1 
420-275.  Infantry:  Tank  combat  practice.  Changes  1;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t 

W 1.21  :  420-275/ch.  1 
420-280.  Same:  Tank  driving.  Changes  1;  Jan.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     2  leaves,     t 

W 1.21  :  420-280/ch.  1 
425-20.     Cavalry :  Drill  and  combat  signals.  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t 

W  1.21 :  425-20/ch.  1 
425-130.  Same :  Ceremonies  and  Inspections,  Changes  2  ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t 

W  1.21  :  425-130/ch.  2 
430-75.     Field  artillery :  Field  artillery  driver,  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  3.  1928.     1927  [pub- 
lished 1928].     1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  430-75/ch.  1 
435-220.  Coast  Artillery  Corps:  Battery  command   (fixed),  Changes  2;  Jan.  3.  1928. 
1927   [published  1928].     1  p.     t                                        W  1.21 :  435-220/ch.  2 
435-222.  Same :  Regiment,  harbor  defense,  headquarters  battery,  Changes  1  ;  Jan.  3, 
1928.     1928.     1  p.     t                                                           W  1.21:435-222/ch.  1 
435-325.  Same:    Orientation,    Changes    1;    Jan.    3,    1928.      [1927,    published  "1928.] 

2  p.     t  W  1.21  :  435-325/ch.  1 
440-25.     Air  Corps :  Reviews  and  Inspections,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  Air 

Corps  ;  Dec.  31,  1927.      [1928.]     5  p.     •  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21  :  440-25 

1360-A.      Ammunition  :  Preparation  and  use  of  blank  ammunition  for  cannon,  Changes 

1 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1927  [published  1928].     1  p.     t         W  1.22  :  1360-A/ch.  1 


Ai'my  list  and  directory,  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     viH-324  p.  large  8"     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.35. 
L.  C.  card  9-35106  W  3.10 :  928/1 

U.  8.  Army  reoruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  10,  no.  1  and  2 ;  Jan.  1  and  15,  1928. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  1  and  15,  1928.] 
Bach  16  p.  il.  4°  t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island.  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  928/1,  2 



Propellers.  Comparison  of  flight  tests  of  number  of  wood  propel! irs  with 
wind  tunnel  tests  on  series  of  wood  propeller  models.  Airplane  Branch  report ; 
by  Frank  W.  Caldwell.  1928.  ii-fO  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  in- 
formation circular,  v.  6,  no.  595,  Sept.  15,  1927.)     t  W  87.11/2 :  6/595 


Policies.  Joint  action  of  Army  and  Navy :  chapter  11,  Agencies  for  effecting 
coordination ;  [approved  by  Secretary  of  War,  Nov.  9,  1927,  and  by  Secretary 
of  Navy.  Nov.  10,  1927].  [1927.]  4  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  inser- 
tion in  binder.]     t  W  1.2 :  J  66/chap.  11/rev. 


Alexander,  Port.  Port  Alexander,  Alaska,  report  on  preliminary  examination 
and  survey  of  Port  Alexander,  Alaska.  Dec.  14,  1927.  10  p.  (H.  doc.  106, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  5c. 

Baltimiore,  31(1.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Baltimore, 
]VId.,  district;  C.  R.  Pettis  in  charge.  1927.  [l]-f 422-446  p.  [Extract  G 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.iyia  :  B  217/20 

Boston,  Mass.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Boston, 
Mass.,  district;  S.  A.  Cheney  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +20-74  p.  [Extract  A 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  B  657/20 

Hot*'   <o  order  publications — See  information   follotvlng  Contents 


January,  1928  517 

Charleston,  8.  C.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Charles- 
ton, S.  C,  district;  Notley  Y.  Du  Hamel  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +590-621  p. 
[Extract  K  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]    t 

W  7.1/la  :  C  38/20 

Chattanooga,  Tenn.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Chat- 
tanooga, Tenn.,  district;  Lewis  H.  Watkins  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1135-48  p. 
[Extract  Y  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  C  392/20 

Cincinnati,  Ohio.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio,  district;  R.  G.  Powell  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1220-28  p. 
[Extract  DD  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  C  49/3.5 

CochrelU  Greek,  Va.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Cock- 
rells  Creek,  Va.    Dec.  14,  1927.    14  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  107,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

Delaware  River,  N.  J.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Dela- 
ware River,  N.  J.,  in  vicinity  of  Camden.  Dec.  14,  1927.  28  p.  map.  (H. 
doc.  Ill,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Detroit,  Mich.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Detroit, 
Mich.,  district;  E.  J.  Dent  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1405-58  p.  [Extract  II 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     f  W  7.1/la  :  D  484/20 

District  of  Columbia.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  district;  Brehon  Somervell  in  charge.  1927.  [l]+446- 
479  p.     [Extract  H  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la :  W  278/20 

Duluth,  Minn.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Duluth, 
Minn.,  district :  R.  W.  Crawford  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1239-80  p.  [Extract 
FF  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     f         W  7.1/la  :  D  889/20 

Florence,  Ala.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Florence, 
Ala.,  district;  Hugh  P.  Oram  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1148-72  p.  [Extract  Z 
from  annual  repoit  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  F  662/10 

Galveston,  Tex.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Galveston, 
Tex.,  district;  J.  L.  Schley  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +902-995  p.  [Extract  Q 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  G  169/20 

Grand  Haven  Harbor  and  Grand  River,  Mich.,  report  on  preliminary  examina- 
tion and  survey  of  Grand  Haven  Harbor  and  Grand  River,  Mich.  Dec.  14, 
1J>27.     32  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  103,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Haicaii.  Report  upon  river  and  harbor  improvement  in  district  of  Hawaii ; 
Earl  North  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1767-79  p.  [Extract  RR  from  annual 
report  of  chief  of  engineers.   1927.]     f  W  7.1/la  :  H  31/22 

Horn  Harbor,  Va.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Horn  Har- 
bor, Va.      Dec.  19,  1927.      16  p.  map.      (H.  doc.  124,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

Huntington,  W.  Va.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Hunt- 
ington, W.  Va.,  district;  E.  D.  Ardery  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1205-20  p. 
[Extract  CC  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  H  926/5 

Illinois  and  Mississippi  Canal,  III.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  of  Illi- 
nois and  Mississippi  Canal  in  vicinity  of  Mud  Creek,  111.  Dec.  14,  1927.  10  p. 
(H.  doc.  108,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jacksonville,  Fla.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  .Tack- 
sonville,  Fla.,  district;  Mark  Brooke  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +662-744  p. 
[Extract  M  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  .T  1.39/20 

Ho^v  to   order  publications— Sec  Information  folloivlnsr  Contents 

518  January,  1928 

Juneau,  Alaska-.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Juneau, 
Alaska,  district;  J.  G.  Steese  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1756-67  p.  [Extract 
QQ  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la :  J  953/7 

Kansas  City,  Mo.  Report  uix)n  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Kansas 
City,  Mo.,  district;  C  C.  Gee  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1098-1119  p.  [Extract 
W  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t        W  7.1/la:  K  133/20 

KetcJiiJcan  Creek  and  Saxman  Harbor,  Tongass  Narrows,  Alaska,  report  on 
preliminary  examination  and  sui'vey  of  Ketchikan  Creek  and  Saxman  Har- 
bor, Tongass  Narrows,  Alaska.  Dec.  14,  1927.  14  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  113, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Knoiis  Creek,  N.  C,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Knobbs 
Creek,  N.  C.  Dec.  14,  1927.  18  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  102,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 

Louisville,  Ky.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Louisville, 
Ky. ;  G.  R.  Spalding  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1228-39  p.  [Extract  EE  from 
annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  L  932/20 

Memphis,  Tetin.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Memphis, 
Tenn.,  district ;  Donald  H.  Connolly  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1027-50  p.  [Ex- 
tract S  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  M  519/7 

Mobile,  Ala.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Mobile,  Ala., 
district;  T.  H.  Emierson  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +795-839  p.  [Extract  O  from 
annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.1     t  W  7.1/la  :  M  713/20 

Montgomery,  Ala.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Mont- 
gomery, Ala.,  district;  L.  E.  Lyon  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +744-795  p.  [Ex- 
tract N  from  annual,  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]   t    W  7.1/la  :  M  767/20 

Morehead  City  Harhor,  N.  C,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey 
of  Morehead  City  Harbor,  N.  C.  Dec.  14,  1927.  17  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  105,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  lOe. 

Nashville,  Tenn.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Nash- 
ville, Tenn.,  district;  Lewis  H.  Watkins  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1119-35  p. 
[Extract  X  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  N 178/20 

New  Orleans,  La.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  New 
Orleans,  La.,  district;  Malcolm  Elliott  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +839-902  p. 
[Extract  P  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  N  42o/23 

New  York  City.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivei's  and  harbors  in  1st  New 
York,  N.  Y.,  district;  W.  D.  Styer  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +140-282  p.  [Ex- 
tract C  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  N  42y/50 

Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  2d  New  York,  N.  Y., 

district;  F.  C.  Boggs  in  charge.    1927.     [1] +282-326  p.     [Extract  D  from  an- 
nual report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  N  42y/51 

Norfolk,  Va.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Norfolk,  Va., 
district;  Brehon  Somervell  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +479-537  p.  [Extract  I 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  N  76/32 

Ohio  River.  Report  upon  improvement  of  Ohio  River  by  construction  and  oper- 
ation of  locks  and  dams.  1927.  [1] +1172-87  p.  [Extract  AA  from  annual 
report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     f  W  7.1/la  :  Oh  3/22 

Philadelphia,  Pa.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Philadel- 
phia, Pa.,  district;  F.  C.  Boggs  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +326-354  p.  [Extract 
E  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  P  531/20 

Pittsburgh,  Pa.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Pittsburgh, 
Pa.,  district;  Jarvis  J.  Bain  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1187-1205  p.  [Extract 
BB  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t         W  7.1/la :  P  68/28 

Ho>v  to  order  pnltlications — See  information  folloiringr  Contents 

January,  1928  519 

Porto  Rico.  Report  upon  river  and  harbor  improvement  in  district  of  Porto 
Rico;  F.  C.  Boggs  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1779-87  p.  [Extract  SS  from 
annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     f  W  7.1/la  :  P  838/21 

Providence,  R.  I.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Provi- 
dence, R.  I.,  district;  R.  F.  Fowler  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +74-140  p.  [Extract 
B  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  P  948/8 

Roch  Island,  lU.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Rock 
Island,  111.,  district ;  R.  C.  Williams  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1061-84  p.  [Ex- 
tract U  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/1  a  :  R  59/20 

St.  Louis,  Mo.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  St.  Louis, 
Mo.,  district;  John  C.  Gotwals  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1050-61  p.  [Extract 
T  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t         W  7.1/1  a  :  Sa  2  lo/20 

St.  Paul,  Mmn.  Rejwrt  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  St.  Paul, 
Minn.,  district;  R.  C.  Williams  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1084-98  p.  [Extract 
V  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t        W  7.1/1  a:  Sa2p/20 

San  Francisco,  Calif.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  1st 
San  Francisco,  Calif.,  district;  John  ^Y.  N.  Schulz  in  charge.  1927.  [1]  + 
1554-1606  p.     [Extract  LL  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  Sa  5  fr/39 

Savannah,  Ga.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Savannah, 
Ga.,  district;  William  F.  Tompkins  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +621-662  p.  [Ex- 
tract  L  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,   1927.]     t 

W  7.1/1  a  :  Sa  94/20 

Seattle,  Wash.  Report  ujwn  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Seattle, 
Wash.,  district;  T.  D.  Simkins  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1712-56  p.  [Extract 
PP  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t        W  7.1/1  a  :  Se  18/20 

Tampa  Bay.  Tampa  and  Hillsboro  bays,  Fla.,  rei)ort  on  preliminary  examina- 
tion and  survey  of  Tampa  and  Hillsboro  bays,  Fla.,  and  Tampa  Harbor,  Fla. 
Dec.  14,  1927.  39  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  100,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26061 

Yidcsturg,  Miss.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Vicks- 
burg,  Miss.,  district;  John  C.  H.  Lee  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +995-1027  p. 
[Extract  R  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  7.1/1  a :  V  663/20 

Waccamaw  Rive)',  8.  C,  report  on  survev  of  Waccamaw  River  between  Conway 
and  Red  BlufC,  S.  C.  Dec.  5,  1927.  8  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  82,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

Wilminffton,  Del.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Wilming- 
ton, Del.,  district;  Earl  I.  Brown  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +354-422  p.  [Ex- 
tract F   from   annual   report  of   chief   of   engineers,    1927.]     t 

W  7.1/1  a  :  W  688/20 

Wilmington,  N.  C.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C,  district ;  W.  A.  Snow  in  charge.  1927.  [1]  +537-590  p.  [Extract 
J  fiom  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/1  a  :  W  689/20 


NoTB. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse.  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  he  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices :  710  Army 
Building,  New  York,  N.  Y. ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  show- 
ing localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any 
of  these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  chang- 
ing conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers  upon  request.     The 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  folIoTving:  Contents 

85955— 28— No.  397 9 

520  January,  1928 

bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation   (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  !■ 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 


Apostle  Islands,  including  south  coast  of  Lake  Superior,  from  Little  Girl  Point, 
Mich.,  to  Sand  Point,  Wis.  Scale  1:60,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office. 
Detroit,  Mich.]   Nov.  1927.     44.6X32  in.     1 40c.  W  33.8  :Ap  4/5 

Charlevoix,  Lake.  Lake  Charlevoix,  including  Charlevoix  Harbor,  Mich.  Scale 
1:30,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.]  Nov.  1927.  23.3X30 
in.     t  20c.  W  33.8 :  C  38/2 

Ludington  Harbor,  Mich.;  with  inset,  Mouth  of  Lincoln  River  and  Lake,  includ- 
ing Epworth  Heights.  Scale  1:8.000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Detroit, 
Mich.]  Nov.  1927.    26X20.8  in.     f  20c.  W  33.8 :  L  96/2/927-2 

Saginaw  River,  including  Bay  City,  Mich. ;  with  inset.  Upper  Saginaw  River, 
including  city  of  Saginaw.  Scale  1 :  30,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office, 
Detroit,  Mich.]   Nov.  1927.     36X28.9  in.     1 40c.  W  33.8:  Sal/4 


Finance  circulars.  Changes  1  [to]  Finance  circular  2,  1927;  Dec.  7,  1927. 
[1928.]     3  leaves,  12°     $  W  97.5 :  927/2/ch.  1 

Changes  1    [to]    Finance   circular   7,   1927;   Nov.   15,   1927.      [1927.]      3 

leaves,  12°     t  W  97.5 :  927/7/ch.  1 

Changes  2  [to]  Finance  circular  1,  1926;  Jan.  6,  1928.     [1928.]     3  leaves, 

12"     t  W  97.5 :  926/1/ch.  2 


Courts-martial.     Manual  for  courts-martial.  Army,  effective  Apr.  1,  1928.     Re- 
vised  [edition].     1927.     ix+341  p.     (War  Dept.  doc.  14a.)     *  Cloth,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-27874  W  10.5/1 :  928 


National    Guard.      Official    National    Guard    register,    1927.      June    30,    1927. 
iii+1153  p.    *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  22-26684  W  70.5  :  927 

National  Guard  regulations,    f 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7 

Note. — ^The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when 
completed,  will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

78.  Militia  Bureau:  Target  ranges  for  use  of  National  Guard;  Nov.  1,  1927.     [1927.] 
7  p.  W  70.7/4:  78 


Ordnance  field  service  bulletin.     $ 

Note. — The  Ordnance  field  service  bulletins  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  inser- 
tion  in  loose-leaf  binders.  In  order  to  provide  a  vehicle  for  conveying  instructions 
and  information  from  the  chief  of  field  service  to  the  ordnance  field  service,  four 
bulletins,  entitled  Ordnance  field  service  bulletins,  will  be  issued.  The  bulletins  will 
be  divided  into  the  following  headings  :  Bulletin  1,  General  instructions ;  Bulletin  2, 
Supply ;  Bulletin  3,  Ammunition ;  Bulletin  4,  Maintenance. 

3-5.     Small    arms    ammunition;    Dec.    1,    1928    [1927].     [1927.]     16    p.     [Supersedes 
O.  F.  S.  B.  3,  sec.  5,  June  1,  1927,  and  all  changes  to  date.]        W  34.26 :  3/5-4 

4—1.     Maintenance   of   mat6riel    in    hands    of   troops;    Nov.    15,    1927.      [1927.]      12    p. 
[Supersedes  O.  P.  S.  B.  4,  sec.  1,  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.] 

W  34.26  : 4/1-2 

4-2.     Spare  parts  and  tools;  Nov.  15,  1927.     [1927.]     7  p.     [Supersedes  O.  F.  S.  B.  4 
sec.  2.  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.]  W  34.26 :  4/2-2 

4-4.     Overhaul  and  maintenance  in  storage;  Nov.  15,   1927.     [1927.]     4  p.      [Super- 
sedes O.  F.  S.  B.  4,  sec.  4,  Oct.  15,  1923,  and  changes  to  include  79.] 

W  34.26 : 4/4-2 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  information  folloiivlnsr  Contents 

January,  1928  521 

Ordnance  field  service  bulletin — Continued. 

4-5.     Alterations;  Nov.  15,   1927.     [1927.]     4  p.     [Supersedes  O.  F.  S.  B.  4,  sec.  5, 
Oct.  15.  1923,  and  changes  to  include  79.]  W  34.26  : 4/5-2 

4-6.     Special   instructions:  Groups  A  and   B  materiel;   Nov.   15,   1927.      [1927.]     7  p. 
[Supersedes  O.  F.  S.  B.  4,  sec.  6,  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.] 

W  34.26 :  4/6-2 
4-7.     Same:  Groups  C,  D,  and  E  materiel;  Nov.   15,   1927.     [1927.]     32   p.     [Super- 
sedes O.  F.  S.  B.  4,  sec.  7,  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.] 

W  34.26 :  4/7-3 
4-8.     Same:  Group  F  materiel;  Nov.  15,  1927.     [1927.]     6  p.     [Supersedes  O.  F.  S.  B. 

4,  sec.  8,  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.]  W  34.26 :  4/8-8 
4-9.     Same:  Group    G    materiel;    Nov.    15,    1927.      [1927.]      8    p.      [Supersedes    O.    F. 

5.  B.  4,  sec.  9,  Mar.  2,  1925,  and  changes  to  include  79.]  W  34.26  :  4/9-3 
4-10.   Same :    Group    H     materiel ;    Nov.    15,    1927.      [1927.]     4    p.      [Supersedes   O.    F. 

S.  B.  4,  sec.  10,  Oct.  15,  1923,  and  changes  to  include  79.]  W  34.26 : 4/10-2 

Ordnance  provision  system:  Group  T,  Schedule  of  review.s  for  Group  T ;  Dec.  8, 
1927.  1927.  1  p.  ([Standard  nomenclature  list  T,  schedule  of  reviews.]) 
[Supersedes  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  T,  C,  O.  P.  S.  no.  151,  July  20, 
1921.]     t 

L.  C.  card  24-27517  W  34.23 :  T 


Orders.  Orders  15,  17-22,  24  [1927] ;  Oct  15-Dec.  19,  1927.  1927-28.  Each  1  p. 
12°    t  W  42.10 :  927/15,  etc. 

Orders  1  [1928]  ;  Jan.  9,  1928.     1928.     1  p.  12°     +  W  42.10: 928/1 


Report.    10th  annual  report  of  War  Finance  Corporation,  year  ended  Nov,  30, 
1927.     1928.     ii+24  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  1^26060  Y  3.  W 19/3 : 1/927 

Same.     (H.  doc.  138,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  Inforniation  follovrins  Contents 


Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 


No.  398 

February,  1928 




Appendix app. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facslm. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

FoUo 1' 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House  report H.  rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H,  Res. 

Illustration,  Illustrations U. 

Inch,  Inches In. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 1.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,   miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8" 

Page,  pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pta. 

Plate,  plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto , 4' 

Report rp. 

Saint St 

Section,   sections sec. 

Senate,  Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.  rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16" 

Table,  tables tab, 

Thirtytwo-mo 32° 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12' 

Twentyfour-mo 24* 

Versus vs.,  v. 

Volume,  volumes- t.,  toI. 

Year yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 

*  Document  for  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  oflBce  Issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 

i  Printed  for  official  use. 

NoTH. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  malse  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  ♦  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  When  size  is 
not  given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge 
of  border,  excluding  margin.  The  dates,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  extreme 
right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the  Office  of  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents. 




General   Infuruiation 523-524 

Corrections  for  previous  Mimtlily  catalogues 52-t 

Agriculture  Department 525-534 

-VcriculTural  Economics  Bureau 52() 

Cooperative  Marketing  Divisiim 526 

Animal   Industry  Bureau 527 

Biological   Survey   Bureau 527-528 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 528 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  Office 528-529 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 529 

Entomology    Bureau 529-530 

Experiment  Stations  Office 530 

Food.  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration 530 

Forest    Service--- 531 

Information  Office 531 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 531-533 

Public  Roads  Bureau 533 

Soils  Bureau 533 

Weather  Bureau 533-534 

Architect  of  Capitol-- 534 

Commerce   Department 534-542 

Aeronautics   Branch 535 

Census  Bureau 535 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 536 

Fisheries  Bureau 536-537 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 537-538 

Lighthouses   Bureau 538 

Mines  Bureau 538-539 

Navigation   Bureau 539 

Patent  Office . 539-541 

Publications  Division 541 

Radio  Division 541 

Standards  Bureau 541-542 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 542 

Congress 542-599 

Conference   Committees 545 

House  of  Representatives 545-571 

Accounts  Committee 546 

Agriculture   Committee 546-547 

Appropriations  Committee 547 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 547 

Civil  Service  Committee 548 

Claims  Committee 548-550 

Coinage,  Weights,  and  Measures  Committee 550-551 


IV  Februaey,  1928 

Congress — Continued. 

House  of  Representatives — Continued.  Paga 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 551 

Education  Committee 552 

Election  of  President,  Vice  President,  and  Representatives  Com- 
mittee   552 

Elections  Committee  No.  1 552 

Elections  Committee  No.  2 552 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Committee 552 

Flood  Control  Committee 552-553 

Foreign  Affairs  Committee 553-554 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Committee 554 

Indian  Affairs  Committee 554-555 

Insular  Affairs  Committee 555 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Committee 555-560 

Inralid  Pensions  Committee 560 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 561 

Judiciary  Committee 561-562 

Labor  Committee 562 

Library  Committee 562 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee 562 

Military  Affairs  Committee 562-566 

Naral  Affairs  Committee •    566 

Patents  Committee 566 

Pensions  Committee 567 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Committee 567 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 567 

Public  Lands  Committee 567-570 

Rules  Committee 1 570 

Territories  Committee 570 

War  Claims  Committee 570-571 

"Ways  and  Means  Committee 571 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Committee 571 

Northern  Pacific  Railroad  Land  Grants,  Joint  Committee  on  Investi- 
gation of 571-572 

Senate 572-599 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee 572-573 

Appropriations  Committee 573-574 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 574 

Claims  Committee 574r-576 

Commerce  Committee 576-586 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 586 

Education  and  Labor  Committee 586 

Finance  Committee 586 

Foreign  Relations  Committee 587 

Immigration  Committee 587 

Indian  Affairs  Committee 587-589 

Interstate  Commerce  Committee 589 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 589-590 

Judiciary  Committee 590 

Library  Committee 590-591 

Military  Affairs  Committee 591-595 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 595 

Patents  Committee 595 

Februaky,  1928  r 

Congress — Continued. 

Senate — Continued.  P»g» 

Pensions*  Committee 595-596 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Committee 596 

Printing  Committee 596 

Propaganda  or  Money  Alleged  to  Have  Been  Used  by  Foreign 
Governments  to  Influence  United  States  Senators,  Special 

Committee  to  Investigate 596 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 596 

Public  Lauds  and  Surveys  Committee 596-598 

Territories  and  Insular  Possessions  Committee 598-599 

Useless  Executive  Papers,  Joint  Select  Committee  on  Disposition  of-  599 

Court  of  Claims 599-600 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 600 

District  qf  Columbia 600-601 

Employees'  Compensation  Commission 601 

Federal  Reserve  Board 601 

Federal  Trade  Commission 601-602 

General  Accounting  Office 603 

Gteographic  Board 603 

Government  Printing  Office 603 

Documents  Office 603 

Interior  Department 603-606 

Education  Bureau 603-604 

Geological   Survey 604-605 

Reclamation  Bureau 605-606 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 606-617 

Justice  Department 617-622 

Labor  Department 622-623 

Children's  Bureau : 622 

Employment  Service 622 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 622-623 

Library  of  Congress 623-624 

Copyright  Office 623-624 

Documents  Division 624 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 624 

Navy  Department 624-627 

Engineering  Bureau 624-625 

Marine   Corps 625 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 625 

Navigation  Bureau 625-627 

Hydrographic   Office 625-627 

Recruiting    Bureau 627 

Supplies   and  Accounts  Bureau 627 

Pan  American  Union 627-628 

Panama   Canal 628 

Executive    Department 628 

Executive  Office 028 

Post  Office  Department 629-631 

Equipment  and  Supplies  Division 630 

Foreign  Mails  Division 630 

Topography    Division 630-631 

President  of  United  States 631-632 

VI  February,  1928 

Shipping   Board 632 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation c 632 

Smithsonian    Institution 632-633 

National  Gallery  of  Art 633 

National    Museum 633 

StatA>  Department 633-634 

Mixed  Claims  Commission,  United  States  and  Germany 634 

Supreme  Court 634-635 

Tariff  Commission 635 

Tax  Appeals  Board 635-636 

Treasury    Department 636-640 

Bookkei'piu.u  and  Warrants  Division 636 

Budiret  Bureau 636-637 

Coast   Guard ,_  637 

Comptroller  of  Currency 637 

Customs   Court 637-638 

General   Supply   Committee 638 

Government    Actuary 638 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 638 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 638 

Public  Health   Service 638-690 

Hygienic    Labt>ratory 640 

Treasurer  of  United  States 640 

Veterans'  Bureau 640 

Vi'ar  Department 640-644 

Adjutant  General's  Department 641 

Air  Corps 642 

Materiel    Division 042 

Engineer    Department 642-643 

Alaska   Road  Commissioners  Board 643 

California    Debris   Commission 643 

Mississippi  River  Commission 643 

New   York   Harbor    Supervisor ^ 643 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 643 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Board 643 

Inspector   General's    Department 644 

Militia  Bureau 644 

Ordnance   Department 044 

Philippine  Islands 644 

Porto    Rico 644 

Signal   Oftice 644 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  is  authorized  i«  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
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Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Office  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  be  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
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A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
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publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (♦)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
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In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (If 
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together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  56,  70-1. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
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I'antajc  »,'u //(/>«,  fiirciyn  vioiicy,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  will  not  be  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  umtil 
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States,  Alaska,   (iuam,  Hawaii,  Philippine   Islands,  Porto  Rico,   Samoa,  or  to 


524  Februabt,  1928 

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The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
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by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
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documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
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would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
Immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23' :  So96*  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
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Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
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The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


Jan.  1928.    On  p.  409,  7th  line  under  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau^ 
change  "  Columbia  "  to  read  "  Colombia." 

Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  398  FEBRUARY  1928 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  aeries  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  lie 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Bach 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  Issues,  at 
irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest  them. 

Affricultural  Economics  Bureau.  Market  news  service  from  Atlanta,  Ga.,  to 
Montgomery,  Ala.,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of 
Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929,  to  enable  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  extend  leased 
wire  used  by  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Economics  in  connection  with  its  market 
news  service  for  farm  products  from  Atlanta,  Ga.,  to  Montgomery,  Ala.  Feb. 
6,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  doc.  170,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Cattle.  [Bureau  of  Animal  Industry]  order  286  [amendment  9],  regulations 
governing  sanitary  handling  and  control  of  hides,  fleshings,  hide!  cuttings, 
parings,  and  glue  stock,  sheepskins  and  goatskins  and  parts  thereof,  hair, 
wool,  and  other  animal  by-products,  hay,  straw,  forage,  or  similar  material, 
offered  for  entry  into  United  States,  and  amendment  1  to  [Bureau  of  Animal 
Industry]  order  301,  regulations  governing  importation  of  domestic  livestock 
and  other  animals  into  United  States,  effective  Dec.  10,  1927 ;  Dec.  10,  1927. 
1928.     1  p.     t  A4.5:286/amdt.9' 

Citrus  fruit.  Relation  of  temi)erature  to  growth  of  Penicillium  italicum  and 
P.  digitatum  and  to  citrus  fruit  decay  produced  by  these  fungi;  by  H.  S. 
Fawcett  and  "W.  R.  Barger.  1928.  [2] +925-931  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of 
agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  10,  Nov.  15,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a :  G  498/32 

Crop  report  regulations,  1928,  regulations  governing  publication  of  reports  and 
information  utilized  in  compilation  of  reports,  prepared  by  Bureau  of  Agri- 
cultural Economics,  concerning  acreages,  conditions,  yields,  farm  reserves, 
or  quality  of  products  of  soil  grown  within  United  States,  effective  Jan.  1, 
1928.  Feb.  1928.  4  p.  (Miscellaneous  publication  17.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-288  A  1.38 :  17 

Crops  and  markets,  Feb.  1928;  v.  5,  no.  2.     [1928.]     p.  33-72,  il.  4°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  O.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3 :  5/2 

Official  record.  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.  7,  no.  5-9 ;  Feb.  1-29, 1928.     [1928.] 
Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     ♦  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.10. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33 :  7/5-9 

Peas.  Strain  variations  and  host  specificity  of  root-nodule  bacteria  of  pea  group 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  G.  E.  Helz,  I.  L.  Baldwin,  and  E.  B.  Fred. 
1928.  cover-title,  p.  1039-55,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v. 
35,  no.  11,  Dec.  1,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a :  P  32/8 

Plants.  Relation  between  water  and  potash  in  plant  production;  by  Fred  W. 
Morse.  1928.  [2] +939-946  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v. 
35,  no.  10,  Nov.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  P  694/20 

Bauer-kraut.  Relation  of  temperature  to  rate  and  type  of  fermentation  and  to 
quality  of  commercial  sauerkraut  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  B. 
Parmele,  E.  B.  Fred,  W.  H.  Peterson,  J.  E.  McConkie,  and  W.  E.  Vaughn. 
1928.  cover-title,  p.  1021-38,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v. 
35,  no.  11,  Dec.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Sa  85/3 

HoTT    to    order    pnbllcatloma— See    Information    folloTvinsr    Content* 


526  February,  1928 

Seeds.  Some  relations  of  phospholipins  in  seeds  to  other  constituents  [with 
list  of  literature  cite<l]  ;  by  N.  B.  Guerrant.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  1001-19. 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  11.  Dec.  1.  1927.]     t 

A1.23/a:  Se  32/13 

Wheat.  Resistance  of  certain  varieties  of  Minter  wheat  to  artificially  produced 
low  temperatures ;  by  Donald  D.  Hill  and  S.  C.  Salmon.  1928.  [2]  +933-937 
p.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35.  no.  10.  Nov.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  W  56/76 


AffriGiiltural  outlook  for  1928.     Feb.  1928.     52  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Miscel- 
laneous publication  19.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24^277  A  1.38 :  19 

Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions.  Feb.  1,  1928;  t.  12, 
no.  2.     [1928.]     24  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper.  25c.  a  yr.  :  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15 :  12/2 

Botes  laboratori/  asph-ator;  by  E.  N.  Bates  and  George  P.  Bodnar.     Dec.  1927. 
12  p.  il.     (Agi-iculture  Dept.  Circular  9.)     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-16  A  1.4/2 :  9 

Beans.     Handbook  of  United  States  standards  for  beans,  effective  Sept.  1,  1926. 
1927.     37  p.  il.  narrow  16"     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-19  A  36.2 :  B  37 

Broicu-Duvel  moiMure  i^esfer  und  how  to  operate  it :  by  D.  A.  Coleman  and 

B.    G.    Boerner.     Feb.    1926.    revised   Dec.    1927.  1927.     cover-title,   44   p.    il. 

(Agriculture  Dept.     Department  bulletin  1375.)  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-299  A  1.3 :  1375/2 

Crops.  Crop  and  livestock  reports  [Jan.  1928;  Price  .situation].  [1928.]  2-3-f 
30-31  p.  4"     [From  Crops  and  markets,  v.  5,  no.  1.]     t        A  36.1  l/3a  :  C  883/6 

Poultry.     Marketing  poultry;    [by  Rob  R.    Slocum].  [Feb.   1924.   revised  Dec. 

1927.]      [1928.]     ii+30   p.    il.     (Agriculture   Dept.  Farmers'   bulletin    1377.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-243  A  1.9  :  1377/2 

Rice.  Handl:M)ok  of  official  standards  for  milled  rice,  brown  rice,  and  rough 
rice,  official  standards  of  United  States  as  established  and  promulgated  by 
Secretary  of  Agriculture,  important  features  of  rice  and  grading ; 
prepared  by  E.  G.  Boerner,  \V.  D.  Smith,  [and]  R.  M.  Gehl.  Jan.  1928. 
ii+72  p.  il.  narrow  24"  *  Paper,  lOe. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-274  A  36.2  :  R  .36/5 

Vegetable  statistics,  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1926.  with  comparable  data  for  earlier 
years ;    [compiled  by  Magdalen  H.   Burger  and   Mrs.   Florence  C.   Fitch,   as- 
sistetl  by  Mrs.  Ruth  G.  Tucker].     Jan.  192S.     cover-title.  268  p.     (Agilculture 
Dept.     Statistical  bulletin  22.)      *  Paper.  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-266  A  1.34  :  22 


Agrieultuval  cooperative  assoridtions.  marketing  and  purchasing.  1925  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;    by   R.   H.   Elsworth.     Jan.    1928.     cover-title,    98  p.    il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  40.)      *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-18  A  1.36 :  40 

Cattle.     Cooperative  marketing  of  livestock  in  United  States  by  terminal  asso- 
ciations;  by  C.  G.   Randell.     Feb.  1928.     cover-title.  112  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Technical  bulletin  57.)      [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agi-  28-26  A  1.36:  57 

Orain.     Cooperative  marketing  of  graiu  in  western  Canada   [with  list  of  liter- 
ature cited]  ;  by  J.  F.  Booth.     Jan.  1928.     coyer-title,  116  p.  il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Technical  bulletin  63.)      [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-13  A  1.36  :  63 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    foIlo-^Ting    Contents 

February,  1928  527 


Blackleg,  its  nature,  cause,  and  prevention;  [by  John  R.  Mohler].  [June,  1923, 
reprint   1928.]     ii+13    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    1355.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1028  A  1.9:  1355/1-3 

Cattle-lice.  Sheep  and  goat  lice,  methods  of  control  and  eradication;  [by 
Marion    Imes].     [Jan.    1928.]     8    p.     il.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Leaflet    13.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-265  A  1.35  :  13 

Dourine  of  horses;    [by  John  R.  Mohler  and  H.  W.  Schoening].     [Aug.  1920, 

revised  Dec.  1927.]  [1927.]  ii+10  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1146. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1742  A  1.9  :  1146/S 

Goats.     Milk  goats,  [by  Edward  L.  Shaw;  revised  by  C.  G.  Potts].     [Feb.  1918, 
revised  Dec.  1927.]      [1928.]     ii+33  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bul- 
letin 920.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1724  A  1.9  :  920/4 

Poultry.     Feeding  chickens;  [by  M.  A.  Jull  and  A.  R.  Lee].     [Oct.  1927,  reprint 
1928.]     ii+24    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    1541.)     ♦Pa- 
per. 5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-769  A  1.9 :  1541/1-2 

Poultry  keeping  in  back  yards;   [by  M.  A.  Jull  and  A.  R.  Lee].     [Nov. 

1926,  reprint  1928.]  ii+29  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin 
1508.)  [May,  1923,  on  p.  ii,  is  the  original  date  of  issue  of  Farmers'  bulletin 
1331,  Backyard  poultry  keeping,  of  which  Farmers'  bulletin  1508  is  a  re- 
vision.]    *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1781  A  1.9 :  1508/1-2 

Service  announcements.  Index  to  Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  1927. 
[1928.]  p.  111-114.  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Service 
and  regulatory  announcements  to  subscribers.  A  4.13  :  237-248/ind. 

Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  .Ian.  1928;  [no.]  249.     Feb.  1928. 

p.  1-8.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subsci-ip- 
tion,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  249 

Silos.     Pit  silos,  [by  T.  Pryse  Metcalfe  and  George  A.  Scott :  revised  by  W.  H. 
Black].     [June,  1917.  slightly  revised  Jan.  1923.  reprint  1927.]      [2] +12  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  825.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-409  A  1.9 :  825/2-4 

f^whw.  Nodular  lesions  in  spleen  of  swine  caused  by  Actinomyces  infection 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  G.  T.  Creech.  1928.  [2] +835-841  p.  6  p. 
of  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35.  no.  9.  Nov.  1,  1927.]  t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-35  A  1.23/a  :  Sw  64/4 

Tobacco.     Wild    tobaccos    (Nicotiaua    trigonophylla    Dunal    and    Nicotiana    at- 
tenuata  Torrey)  as  stock-poisoning  plants  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by 
C.  Dwight  Marsh.  A.  B.  Clawson.  and  G.  C.  Roe.     Dec.  1927.     23  p.  il.     (.Agri- 
culture Dept.     Technical  bulletin  22.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-30  A  1.36  :  22 

Udder  diseases  of  dairy  cows;  [by  Hubert  Bunyea].  [May.  1924,  revised  Dec. 

1926.  reprint  1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Fanners'  bulletin 
1422.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-741  A  1.9  :  1422/3-2 


Ganif.  Amendments  to  regulations  respecting  game  animals,  land  fur-bearing 
animals,  game  birds,  nongame  birds,  and  nests  and  eggs  of  birds  in  Alaska, 
effective  Apr.  1,  1928.  Jan.  1928.  4  p.  (Ala.ska  Game  Commission.  Cir- 
cular 4.)      t  A  5.10/4:  4 

Hoiv    to    order    publications — 8ee     information    followingr    Contenta 

528  February,  1928 

Mink   raising;    [by    Frank    G.    Ashbrook].     [Oct.    1927,    revised    Feb.    1928.] 
[1928.]     [2] +6  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Leaflet  8.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-626  A  1.35 :  8/2 

Rabbits.     Cottontail  rabbits  in  relation  to  trees  and  farm  crops ;    [by  D.  E. 
L-antz].     [Jan.  17,  1916,  revised  Apr.  1924,  reprint  1927.]     14  p.  il.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  702. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
X..  C.  card  Agr  16-217  A  1.9 :  702/3-4 

Mats.  Let's  oust  him  [paster  for  use  in  campaign  against  rats].  [1928.] 
4  X  6  in.     ( Bi-784. )     t  A  5.9/2 :  R 18/4 

Rat  control;  [by  James  Silver].     [June,  1927,  reprint  1928.]     ii+21  p.  il, 

(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1533.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-430  A  1.9 :  1533/1-2 


"Note. — The  new  Bureau  of  Chemistry  and  Soils  is  charged  with  the  responsibility  for 
.ill  the  research  work  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  on  chemistry  and  soils.  Th« 
following  units  of  the  Department  hare  been  included  in  the  new  bureau :  All  of  th« 
Bureau  of  Soils ;  all  of  the  Bureau  of  Chemistry,  except  those  units  having  to  do  with 
the  enforcement  of  the  food  and  drugs  act,  tea  act,  naral  stores  act,  and  coUahoratiou 
■with  other  Departments ;  and  the  soil-fertility  and  soil-bacteriology  units  of  the  Bureau 
<of  Plant  Industry. 

For  publications  prepared  by  the  Soils  Bureau  previous  to  its  consolidation  with  th« 
Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  533. 

Ba<Mlus  radicicola.  Growth  of  Bacillus  radicicola  on  artificial  media  contain- 
ing various  plant  extracts  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  F.  E.  Allison. 
1928.  [2]  +915-924  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  10, 
Nov.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  B  139/7 


Agronomy.     Ten  years  of  agronomy  extension,  1915-24 ;  by  O.  S.  Fisher.     Feb. 
1928.     24  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept     Circular  22.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-14  A  1.4/2 :  22 

Boys'  and  girls'  4-H  club  work  under  Smith-Lever  act,  1914-24 ;  [by  George  E. 
Farrell].     [Dec.  1926,  reprint  1927.]     ii-f  54  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Mis- 
cellaneous circular  85.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-28  A  1.5/2  :  85/2 

Extension  service  handbook  ou  agriculture  and  home  economics  [with  bibliog- 
raphies] ;  compiled  and  edited  by  T.  Weed  Harvey,  Oct.  1926.  1927.  iv-i-953 
p.  il.     *  Fabrikoid,  $2.50. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-883  A  43.5/2 :  H 19 

Note. — The  primary  purpose  of  the  Federal  handbook  is  to  place  in  the  hands  of 
extension  workers  the  practical  results  of  the  research  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture 
that  are  ready  for  extension,  and  to  continue  this  service  throughout  the  future.  To 
do  this,  loose  leaves  will  be  prepared  and  released  as  soon  as  material  is  available  and 
ready  for  distribution.  An  effort  will  be  made  to  make  each  loose  leaf  a  unit  within 
itself  and  to  treat  each  subject  as  fully  as  practicable  in  such  limited  space. 

Posters.  Series  of  educational  illustrations;  [prepared  in]  Division  of  Agri- 
cultural Instruction.     Each  15X12  in.     Each  Ic. 

1.176.  Grades  of  beef  ribs  and  rounds.  1927  [published  Jan.]  1928.  [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  B  39/1.176 

1.271.  Mjlk  and  butter  production.  1927  [published  ^an.]  1928.  [Prepared  in  coop- 
eration with  Dairy  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  M  59/1.271 

1.2732.  Cheese  making.  1927  [published  Jan.]  1928.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Dairy  Industi7  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  C  41/1.2732 

1.2737.  Cheeses.  1927  [published  Jan.]  1928.  [Prepared  In  cooperation  with  Dairy 
Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  C  41/1.2737 

2.51.  Rice.     1927    [published  Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared  in   cooperation   with  Plant   In- 

dustry Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  R  36/2.51 

2.52.  Rice  production.     1927  [published  Jan.  ]   1928.      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 

Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  R  36/2.52 

3.01.       Some  fiber  plant.:.     1927  [published  Jan.]  1928.     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 

Plant  Indu.stry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  F  44/3.01 

3.15-2.  Cotton  producing  areas  and  distributing  centers.      [Dec]   1925,   [reprint]   1928. 

[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 

A  45.5  :  C  82/3.15-2/rep. 
8.16.       Cotton  improvement.      [Dec]    1925,    [reprint]    1928.      [Prepared  in  cooperation 

with  Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  C  82/3.l6/rep. 

HOTV    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928 



■  3.172a. 











Cotton    manufacturing,    chart    1.     1927    [published    Jan.] 

cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 
Cotton   manufacturing,   chart    2.     1927    [published    Jan.] 

cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 
Fiber  flax.     1927   [published  Jan.]   1928.      '" " 

Industry  Bureau.] 

1928.      [Prepared    In 

A  45.5  :  C  82/3.172a 

1928.      [Prepared    iQ 

A  45.5  :  C  82/3.1721> 

[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  I'lant 

A  45.5  :  F  01/3.20 

Some  grades  of  wool.     1927   [published  Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared  in   cooperatioa 
with  Animal  Industry  Bureau  and  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 

A  45.5  :  W  88/3.71. 

Wool  production.     1927   [published  Jan.]   1928.      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with; 
Animal  Industry  Bureau,  Forest  Service,  and  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.}' 

A  45.5  :  W  88/3.72 

Dried-fruit   industry.     1927    [published   Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared    :n   cooperation, 
with  Plant  Industry  Bureau]    ■  A  45.5  :  F  94/5.272 

Potato   planting  and   cultivation.     1927    [published  Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared   la 
cooperation  with  Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  P  84/5.72 

Potato   spraying  and   harvesting.     1927    [published   Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared   la 
coopeiation  with   Plant  Indu.'^try  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  P  84/5.74 

Sweet  potatoes.     1927   [published  Jan.]   1928.     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  .\  45.5  :  P  84/5.8Ci' 

Sugar  cane.     1927  [published  Jan.]  1928.      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Plant 
Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  Su  3/6.12? 

Sugar  beet      1927  [publishrd  Jan.]  1928.      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Plant- 
Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  Su  3/6.22 

Cigar   tobacco.     1927    [published   Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared   in    cooperation    with 
Plant    Industry    Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  T  55/6.32a 

Flue-curerl    tobacco.     1927    [published    Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared    in    cooperation 
with  Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  T  55/6. 32b 

Buckwheat  and  arrowroot.     1927    [published   Jan.]    1928.      [Prepared   in    coop- 
eration with  Plant  Industry  Bureau.]  A  45.5  :  B  S5/6.9X 


Cows.     Care  of  dairy  cow  at  calving  time;     [by  J.  B.  Shepherd].     Jan.  1928 
4  p.  il.   (A2;riculture  Dept.    Leaflet  10.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-27  A  1.35  :  10 

Raising  dairy  heifer;   [by  J.  B.  Shepherd].     [Dec.  1927.]     [l]+5  p.  IL 

(Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet  14.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-21  A  1.35  :  14 

Testing  cows   for  production   every  other   month ;   by   J.    C.   McDowell. 

Aug.    1927    [reprint    1928].    4    p.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Circular    1.)     ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27^90  A  1.4/2 : 1/1-2 

Milk.     Production    of   clean  milk;    [by    Ernest    Kelly].     [Aug.    1914,    revised 

June,  1925,  reprint  1928.]  ii+18  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 602. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-71  A  1.9  :  602/5-2 

Woodward  Field  Station.     Dairy  work  at  Woodward  Field  Station,  "Woodward, 
Okla.,  1921-26;  by  C.  J.  Stauber,  Duncan  Stuart,  and  R.  R.  Graves.     Dec. 
1927.    24  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  12.)     •Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-273  A  1.4/2:  12 


Ants.     House  ants,  kinds  and  methods  of  control ;  [by]  C.  L.  Marlatt.     [July  8, 

1916,     revised     Apr.     1926,     reprint]     1928.     15     p.  il.     (Agriculture    Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  740.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  22-577  A  1.9 :  740/4-3 

Bees.     Wintering  bees  in  cellars ;    [by]   E.  F.  Phillips  and  George  S.  Demuth. 

[Sept.    1918,   reprint   with    omissions]    1928.     22   p.  il.     (Agriculture   Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1014.)     *  Pajjer,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-924  A  1.9 :  1014/1-6 

Codling -moths.     Life  history  of  codling  moth  in  Delaware;  by  E.  R.  Selkregg 
and    E.    H.    Siegler.     Jan.    1928.     cover-title,    61    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept. 
Technical  bulletin  42.)     [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Delaware  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     ♦  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-263  A  1.36 :  42 

HoTV    to    order    publication* — See    Information    folloTvlng    Contents 

530  February,  1928 

Fmd  tick  and  how  premises  may  be  freed  from  it;  [by  F.  C.  Bishopp].     [Dec. 
1919,  revised  Dec.  1927.]     [1928.]     ii+13  p.  il.   (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' 
bulletin  1070.)     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-1163  A  1.9 :  1070/4 

Honey.  United  Spates  grades,  color  standards,  and  packing  requirements  for 
honey,  recommended  by  Department  of  Agriculture;  [prepared  by  E.  L. 
Sechi-ist].  Dec.  1927.  32  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Circular  24.)  [Pre- 
pared in  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.  This  bulletin  is 
a  revision  of  Department  circular  410.  United  States  standards  for  honey 
recommended  by  Department  of  Agriculture.]  *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-23  A  1.4/2  :  24 

Ojfster-shell  scale  and  .scurfy  scale ;  by  A.  L.  Quaintance  and  E.  R.  Sasscer. 
Apr.   26,   1916    [reprint   with   slight   changes    1928].     16   p.   il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  723.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  16-518  A  1.9  :  723/2-8 

Rice.     Insects  injurious  to  rice  crop;   [by  J.  W.  Ingram].     [Dec.  1927.]     ii-f 
17  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1543.)      [This  bulletin  super- 
sedes Farmers'  bulletin  1086.  How  insects  affect  rice  crop.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
X,.  C.  card  Agr  28-24  A  1.9  :  1.543 

Sawfly  injurious  to  young  pines;  |by  William  Middleton].  [Jan.  1922,  revised 
Oct.  1927.]     [1928.]     ii-j-6  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1259.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-488  A  1.9  :  1259/2 

Striped  ilister  beetle  on  soy  beans;  [by  J.  W.  Ingram].     [Dec.  1927.]     [l]-[-5  p. 
il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Leaflet  12.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-17  A  1.35  :  12 

Western  cedar  pole  horer  or  powder  worm  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 

H.  E.  Burke.    Feb.  1928.  16  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  48.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-20  A  1.36  :  48 


Experiment  station  record,  v.  58,  no.  3 ;  Feb.  1928,  abstract  number.  1928. 
cover-title,  xi+201-300  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2  vols,  a 
yr.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol.  (subscription  price  incorrectly  given 
in  publication). 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6  :  58/3 

Note.— Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  Is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 


Coal-tar  colors.  Chemistry  and  analysis  of  permitted  coal-tar  food  dyes  [with 
list  of  literature  cited],  by  Joseph  A.  Ambler,  W.  F.  Clarke,  O.  L.  Evenson, 
[and]  H.  Wales;  [revised  by  H.  T.  Herrick  and  O.  L.  Evenson].  Apr.  1926, 
revised  Dec.  1927.  1928.  cover-title,  42  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Department 
bulletin  1390.)  [Formerly  issued  by  Chemistry  Bureau.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-771  A  1.3  :  1390/2 

Food.    Notices  of  judgment  under  food  and  drugs  act  15251-300.    1928.    p.  131- 

151.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  46.6 :  15251-15300  fj. 

Same  1.5301-350.    Feb.  1928.    p.  153-180.    *  Paper,  5c.    A  46.6  :  15301-1.5350 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  food  and  drug 
no.  2,  supplement  1 :  Amendments  to  Definitions  and  standards  for  food  prod- 
ucts.    Feb.  1928.     1  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-476  A  46.12 :  2/supp.  1 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    followlngr    Contents 

February,  1928  531 


American  forest  week.     Program  for  observance  of  American  forest  week,  at 
school.  Boy  Scout,  and  4-H  club  meetings,  ami  other  assemblies.     1928.     IG  p. 
narrow  8°    t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26^23  A  13.2  :  Am  3/2/928 

Bandelier  Xational   Monument.      In    land    of   ancient   clifE   dweller.    Bandelier 
National  Monument,  Santa  Fe  National  Forest,  N.  Mex.  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture].   Mar.  1923,  revised  Nov.  1927.    1928.     [l]+18p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Miscellaneous  circular  5. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-1237  A  1.5/2  :  5/3 

Forest  fires.  How  you  can  help  protect  forest,  prevent  fires,  fight  small  fires, 
report  large  fires.  [1928.]  [2]  p.  il.  narrow  8°  [Title  for  text  on  p.  2  is : 
Woods  fires.]     t  A  13.20/1 :  F  51/14 

— —  Take  care !  every  time  it  happens  every  farmer  shares  loss  [of  damage 
from  forest  fires]  ;  issued  by  District  Forester,  Eastern  National  Forest 
Distiict,  Washington,  D.  C.     [1928.]      [4]  p.  il.  4"     t  A  13.2  :F 51/12 

Forest rn  facts,  compendium  of  handy  information  on  America's  great  heritage 
of  fore.^ts.     Feb.    1928.     16   leaves,     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-22  A  13.2  :  F  76/21 

Management   plans,   with   special   reference  to  national   forests;  by   Inman   F. 

Eldredge.     Feb.  1928.     cover-title.  84  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous 
publication  11.)      *  Paper.  15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-29  A  1.38 :  11 

Taper  curves.  Form-class  taijer  curves  and  volume  tables  and  their  applica- 
tion [with  list  of  literature  cited]  :  by  C.  Edward  Behre.  1927.  cover-title, 
p.  673-744.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  8,  Oct.  15, 
1927.  ]     7  A  1.23/a  :  T  481/3 


\Voshakie  National  Forest,  Wj/o.  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.].  1927.  1  .sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  f°,  folded  into  narrow 
8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number   [1]+12+[1]   p.     t         A  13.13  :W  27/4 


Farmers'  hulletin-^.  Numerical  list  of  Farmers'  bulletins  of  Department  of 
Agriculture.  Feb.  15,  1928.     [1928.]      [3]  p.     (List  no.  1.)     t       A  21.9/8 : 1/12 


Apples.  Relation  of  atmospheric  humidity  to  deterioration  of  evaporated 
apples  in  storage  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Charles  W.  Culpepper  and 
Joseph  S.  Caldwell.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  889-906.  [From  Journal  of  agri- 
cultural research,  v.  35,  no.  10,  Nov.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/32 

Barley.  Dehulling  barlev  seed  with  sulphuric  acid  to  induce  infection  with 
covered  smut:  by  Fred"  N.  Briggs.  1928.  [2] +907-914  p.  [Prepared  in  co- 
operation with  California  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  10,  Nov.  15,  1927.]     t       A  1.23/a  :  B  249/12 

Corn.     Chemical-dust  seed  treatments  for  dent  corn;  by  J.  R.  Holbert.  C.   S. 
Rcddy.   and  Benjamin   Koehler.     Feb.   1928.     6  p.     (Agriculture   Dept.     Cir- 
cular 34.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with   Illinois  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station  and  Funk  Bros.  Seed  Co..  Bloomington.  111.]     *  Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-268  A  1.4/2 :  34 

Supernumerarv  chromosomes  in  Zea  mays  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 

by  A.  E    I^inslev.     1927.     cover-title,  p.  709-784,  il.     [From  Journal  of  agri- 
cultural research,  v.  35,  no.  9,  Nov.  1.  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  M  288/25 

Dodder:  [by  Albert  A.  Hansen].     [Jan.  1921,  revised  Aug.  1923,  reprint  1927.] 
22-1- [1]  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1161.)      *  Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-68  A  1.9 :  1161/2-4 

How    to    order    iiubllcations — See     information    following    Contents 

532  February,  1928 

Farm-'buildings.     Beautifying  the  farmstead;  [by  F.  L.  Mulford].     [Mar.  1920, 
reprint  with  changes  1928.]     64  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1087.)      [Aug.  1921,  on  p.  2,  is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-785  A  1.9 :  1087/1-6 

Goldenseal  under   cultivation;   by   Waiter  Van   Fleet.     Oct.   26,   1914,   reprint 
[1928].     16  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  613.)      [Mar.  1922, 
on  p.  1  is  date  of  previous  reprint.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14^1516  A  1.9 :  613/2-7 

Mushrooms.    Some  mushroom  diseases  and  their  carriers;  by  Vera  K.  Charles 
and  O.  H,  Popenoe.     Feb.  1928.     10  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  27.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Entomology  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-28  A  1.4/2 :  27 

Oats.  Bacterial  stripe  blight  of  oats ;  by  Charlotte  Elliott.  1927.  [2]  +811- 
824  p.  il.    [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  9,  Nov.  1,  1927.]  t 

A  1.23/a  :  Oa  8/8 

Peach  varieties  and  their  classification ;  [by]  H.  P.  Gould.  Revised  Jan.  1918 
[reprint  1928].  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  918.)  [This 
bulletin  was  issued  originally  as  Farmers'  bulletin  633  on  Dec.  30,  1914.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-429  A  1.9  :  918/2-4 

Pears.  Occurrence  of  acetaldehyde  in  Bartlett  pears  and  its  relation  to  pear 
scald  and  breakdown  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  P.  Harley  and 
D.  F.  Fisher.  1928.  [2] +983-993  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search, V.  35,  no.  11,  Dec.  1,  1927.]     f  A  1.23/a :  P  313/11 

Perennials    (plants).     Herbaceous  perennials;    [by   Furman   Lloyd   Mulford]. 
[May,  1924,  reprint  1928.]     ii+91  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 1381.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-648  A  1.9 :  1381/1-2 

Potatoes.    How  to  grow  acre  of  potatoes;  [by  William  Stuart].    [Mar.  1921,  re- 
vised Nov.  1927.]     [1927.]     ii+22  p.  ii.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulle- 
tin 1190.)     [This  bulletin  has  been  prepared  especially  for  use  in  boys'  and 
girls'  club  work.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-308  A  1.9: 1190/3 

Potato  storage  and  storage  houses;   [by  William  Stuart].     [July,  1917, 

revised  Nov.  1927.]  [1927.]  ii+22  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' 
bulletin  847.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bu- 
reau.]   *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  17-725  A  1.9 :  847/5 

■    Source,  character,  and  treatment  of  potato  sets  [with  list  of  literature 

cited]  ;  by  William  Stuart,  W.  C.  Edmundson,  P.  M.  Lombard,  and  G.  W. 
Dewey.     Dec.   1927.     36  p.   il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical   bulletin  5.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-264  A  1.36 :  5 

'    Why  potatoes  run  out;    [by  E.   S.   Schultz].      [Nov.  1924,  revised  Dec. 

1927.]      [1927.]     ii+21  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1436.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  25-406  A  1.9 :  1436/2 

Wound  periderm  formation   in  potato  as  affected  by   temperature  and 

humidity;  by  Ernst  Artschwager.  1928.  [2] +995-1000  p.  il.  [From  Jour- 
nal of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  11,  Dec.  1,  1927.]     t     A  1.23/a :  P  847/88 

Suffar-heets.    Seed  production  from  sugar  beets  over-wintered  in  field ;  by  John 
C.  Overpeck.     Jan.  1928.     8  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  20.)      [Pre- 
pared in  cooperation  with  New  Mexico  College  of  Agriculture  and  Mechanic 
Arts.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-25  A  1.4/2 :  20 

Tylenchus  pratensis  and  various  other  nemas  attacking  plants  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  G.  Steiner.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  961-981,  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  11,  Dec.  1,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  T  971/4 

HoTT    to    order    publication* — See    Information    folloTvlng'    Content* 

February,  1928  533 

Velvet  lean;  [by  C.  V.  Piper  and  W.  J.  Morse].     [Reprint  1928.]     ii+28  p.  iL 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers'  bulletin  1276.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-1217  A  1.9 :  1276/1-4 

Wheat.  Inheritance  of  awuedness.  yield,  and  quality  in  cresses  between  bobs, 
hard  federation,  and  propo  wheats,  at  Davis,  Calif,  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  J.  Allen  Clark,  Victor  H.  Florell,  and  John  R.  Hooker.  Feb.  192& 
[l]+40  p.  il.  (Agricu.tuve  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  39.)  [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  California  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-267  A  1.36 :  39 

Studies  in  natural  hybridization  of  wheat  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ; 

by  Clyde  E.   Leighty   and   J.   W.   Taylor.     1928.     cover-title,   p.   865-887,   iL 
[From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  10,  Nov.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  W  56/77 

PuUic  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  8,  no.  12 ;  Feb.  1928.  1928.     cover- 
title,  p.  251-274,  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  .$1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  A  22.6  :  S/12 

Rammed  earth  walls  for  buildings  [with  lists  of  references ;  by  M.  C.  Betts  and 
T.  A.  H.  Miller].     [Aug.  1926,  reprint  1928.]     ii+26  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept, 
Farmers'  bulletin  1500.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1461  A  1.9  :  1500/1-2 

Tile-trenching  machinery;  [by  D.  L.  Yaruell].  [May,  1920,  revised' Oct.  1927.] 
[1927.]  ii+16p.  il.  ( Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' bulletin  1131.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-290  A  1.9 :  1131/4 

Vermont.     Report  of  survey  of  transportation  on  State  highways  of  Vermont,  by 
Bureau  of  Public  Roads  and  Vermont  State  Highway  Department,     n.  p.  1927. 
80  p.  il.  7  maps,  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-272  A  22.8 :  V  59 

Wells.  Pumping  from  wells  for  irrigation;  [by  Paul  A.  Ewing].  [May,  1924, 
revised  Jan.  1928.]  [192S.]  ii+28  p.  ii.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bul- 
letii>  1404.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

L,  C.  card  Agr  24^03  A  1.9 :  1404/2 


Note. — For   publications   issued  by   the   Chemistry   and   Soils   Bureau   after   the   Soils 
Bureau  was  merged  with  the  Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  528. 

Polk  County,  Oreg.  Soil  survey  of  Polk  County,  Oreg. ;  by  E.  F.  Torgerson, 
Chas.  Hartmann,  jr.,  E.  J.  Carpenter,  and  W.  G.  Harper.  1927.  iii+1681- 
1721  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  map.  [Prepared  in  cooi)eration  with  Oregon  Agri- 
cultural Experiment  Station.     From  Field  operations,  1922.]     *  Pai)er,  25c. 

A  26.5/a :  P  759/5 

CHmntological  data  for  United   States  by  sections,  v.  14,  no.  11;  Nov.  1927. 
[1928.]     cover-title,  [194]  p.  il.  2  maps,  2  p.  of  maps,  4°     *  Paper,  35c.  com- 
plete monthly  numbf-r,  $4.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29  :  14/11 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of  the 
United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at  the 
Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  each 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C.  Jan.  1928. 
[Feb.  3,  1928.]      [2]  p.  large  8"     t  A  29.30  :  928/1 

Monthly  weather  review,  Nov.  1927;  v.  55,  no.  11.     [Jan.  25]  1928.     cover-title, 
p.  485-518,  il.  1  pi.  9  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]     *  Paper, 
15c.  single  copy.  $1.50  a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-9G0  A  29.6/1 :  55/11 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month  la 
the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and   (3)   climatological  tables  dealing  with 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    Information    following'    Content* 

91468— 28— No.  398 2 

534  February,  1928 

Monthly  weather  review — Continued. 

the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows:  (a)  results 
of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United  States  or 
other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological  papers 
and  books,  and   (c)   notes. 

SrEci.\L  AKTicLES. — Weather  and  corn  maturity  in  Iowa ;  by  Charles  D.  Reed. — 
Some  results  obtained  by  testing  solarimeters  with  pyrheliometric  tubes  ;  by  Ladislaus 
GorczyAski. — On  unit  of  radiation  ;  by  Sir  Napier  Shaw. — Meteorological  aspects  of 
iuteruational  balloon  race,  from  Detroit,  Mich.,  Sept.  10,  1927 :  by  C.  G.  Andrus. — 
Example  of  Avidespread  bumpiness  in  air;  by  C.  G.  Andrus.— Growth  of  northeastward- 
moving  cyclone  in  eastern  North  America  ;  by  W.  J.  Humphreys. — November  floods  in 
New  England  and  eastern  New  York ;  by  H.  C.  Frankeutield. — Virginia-District  of 
Columbia-Maryland  tornado  of  Nov.   17,  1927;  abstract  of  report  by  Willis  E.  Hurd. 

Report.    Report  of  chief  of  Weather  Bureau,  192&-27.    1928.     [4  pts.]  iii+260  p. 
7  map.s,  4"     [Reiwrt  includes  the  administrative  report,  fiscal  year  1927,  and 
meteorological  tables,  calendar  year  192G.]     *  Cloth,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-1419  A  29.1 :  927 

Same.     (H.  doc.  18,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Snoio  and  ice  hulletin,  no.  8-12,  winter  1927-28:  Jan.  30-Feb.  27.  1928.  Feb. 
1-29,  1928.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4"  [Weekly  during  winter.]  *  Paper.  50c. 
per  season.  A  29.16  :  928/8-12 

Weather.  [Weather  reports,  forecasts,  and  warnings  in  international  Morse 
code  broadcasted  from  Weather  Bureau  by  distant  control  connection  with 
Naval  Radio  Station,  Arlington,  Va.,  effective  Feb.  1,  1928;  prepared  in] 
Forecast  Division.    Jan.  26,  1928.    1  p.  4°     (Circular  16,  radio.)     t    A 29.37:16 

• Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  Feb.  7-28,  1928;  no.  6-9,  1928.     Feb. 

8-29,  1928.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2  :  928/6-9 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  Feb.  1-29,  1928.  1st  edition.  [1928.]  Each 
16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  stations 
throughout  the  Unitc^d  States,  20c.  a  month,  .$2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be 
furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A29.1§:928 

Same    [containing   forecasts    for    United    States],    Feb.    1-29,    1928.      2d 

edition.  [1928.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain 
as  much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a 
yr.  (maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  928 

Weather  outlook.  Ftb.  6-Mar.  3  [1928].  Feb.  4-25,  1928.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]     t  A  29.38 :  928/5-8 

Note. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows:  Washington,  D.  C.  (District 
1,  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7.  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Senate.  Ventilation  Senate  Chamber  and  Hall  of  House  of  Representatives, 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  under  legislative  establishment,  fiscal 
year  1929.    Feb.  20,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  181,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


NOTB. — The  Department  of  Commerce   prints  most  of  its  publications  in   very  limited 
editions,    the    distribution    of    which    is    confined    to    Government    officers,    libraries,    etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  be  sub- 
How    to    order    gublicationa— See    information    follovrins    Content* 


February,  1928  535 

mitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Chemical  indusirics.     Services  available  to  chemical  industry  through  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce.     [Reprint  with  slight  changes]  1028.     ii+33  p.  il.     t 
L.  C.  card  27-20929  C  1.2  :  C  42/928 


Airuay  huUetin.  Airway  bulletin  1,  5.  80-87,  133,  and  207  revised,  273-295; 
Jan.  3-Feb.  3,  1928.     [1928.]     Each  2  p.  il.  12'     (Information  Division.)     t 

C  23.7  :  1  '2,  etc. 

Same  24;  Apr.  5,  1927.  [Reprint  1928.]  3  p.  12°  (Information  Divi- 
sion.)    t  C  23.7:  24/2 


Agriculture.  United  States  census  of  agriculture,  1925,  reports  for  States,  with 
statistics  for  counties  and  summary  for  United  States :  pt.  2,  Southern  States. 

1927.  x+1328  p.  il.  [Prepared  under  supervision  of  William  Lane  Austin, 
chief  statistician  for  agriculture,  assisted  by  Morris  J.  Hole,  Leon  E.  Trues- 
dell.  Sherman  S.  Slick,  George  B.  Wetzel,  and  Margaret  A.  Patch.]  *  Cloth, 

L.  C.  card  27-27849  C  3.31/1 :  925/pt.  2 

Business.  Survey  of  current  business.  Feb.  1928,  no.  78;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce 
and  Bureau  of  Standards.  1928.  cover-title,  148  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Con- 
tains statistics  for  Dec.  1927,  and  items  covering  Jan.  1928,  received  up  to 
Jan.  28,  the  date  given  above,  Feb.  1928.  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  and 
Illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *Paper.  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc, 
semiannual  numbers  25c.),  $1.50  a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign 
subscription.  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  21-20819  C  3.33  :  928/2 

Same,    weekly  supplement.   Feb.    0-27.   1928.     [1928.]     Each  4   p.    il.   4° 

[Included  in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which  see  above.] 

C  3.34 :  928/0-9 

Christian  Reformed  Church.  Census  of  religious  bodies,  1920:  Christian  Re- 
formed Church,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organization. 

1928.  12  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-20098  C  3.35/a  :  C  402 

Cotton.  January  report  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  imported,  and  exported, 
and  active  cotton  spindles.  Feb.  14,  1928.  oblong  32''  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     f  C  3.21 :  927-28/0 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out.  on  hand,  and  exported  for  0  months  ending  Jan.  31,  1928 
and  1927.  Feb.  11,  1928.  oblong  32"  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products  are 
for  5  months  ending  Dec.  31.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is  issued 
in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25 :  927-28/0 

Manufactures.     Census    of   manufactures.    1927 :    Cla.ssiflcations    by   industries. 
1928.     09  p.  12°     [Prepared  under  supervision  of  Le Verne  Beales,  chief  statis- 
tician for  manufactures.]     J 
L.  C.  card  28-20090  C  3.24/2  :  C  50  5/927 

i^wcdish  Evangelical  Mission  Covenant  of  America.     Census  of  religious  bodies, 
1920 :  Swedish  Evangelical  Mission  Covenant  of  America,  statistics,  denomina- 
ticmal  historv,  doctrine,  and  organization.    1928.     11  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-20097  C  3.35/a  :  Sw  34 

Tohacco.  Leaf  tobacco  held  by  manufacturers  and  dealers,  Jan.  1,  1928  and  1927, 
and  Oct.  1  and  July  1,  1927.  Jan.  28,  1928.  oblong  32"  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.18/2:  928/1 

HoiT    to    order    publications— See    information    following:    Contents 

536  February,  1928 

coast  and  geodetic  survey 

Note. — Tlie  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast   and   Geodetic  Survey  hulletin,   Jan.   31,   192S;   no.   152.      [1928.]      6   p. 
[Monthly.]      $ 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20 :  152  ■ 

Seismological  report,  Apr.-June,  1926 ;  by  Frank  Neumann.     1928.     [1]  +60  p. 
(Serial  406.)      [Quarterly.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-20163  C  4.25 :  926/2 

Tides.  Iu.structions  for  tide  observations;  by  G.  T.  Rude.  1928.  vii+78  p.  11.  1 
pi.  12°     (Special  publication  139.)     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26073  C  4.19  :  139 


BeUinyham  Bay,  Wasli.,  surveys  to  1927  and  other  sources ;  chart  6378.  Scale 
1:40.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.  30.7X25.8  in. 
t     50c.  C  4.9 :  6378 

Georgia,  T.ybee  Island  to  Doboy  Sound,  surveys  to  1920,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engi- 
neers to  1920.  and  other  sources ;  chart  1241.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washington, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.    40.3X33  in.     t  75c.  C4.9: 1241 

Grays  Harior,  Wash.,  surveys  to  1926,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Nov.  1927 
and  other  sources ;  with  inset.  Continuation  of  Chehalis  River ;  chart  6195. 
Scale  1 :  40.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.  24.6X38.6 
in.    t  50c.  C  4.9 :  6195 

Molokai.  Harbors  of  Molokai,  Hawaiian  Islands;  chart  4121.  Washington. 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.    28.2X33.7  in.    t  50c.  C  4.9:  4121 

Kamalo  Harbor,  surveys  to  1925. 
Kaun.nkakr.i  Il.-irbur.  survpys  to  102."). 
Kolo  Harbor,   surveys   to   192.5. 
Papohaku  Roadstead,   surveys  to  1925. 
Pukoo  Harbor,  surveys  to  1925. 

Shuvalc  Strait  and  Bluefox  Bay,  Alaska,  south  coast,  surveys  to  1926;  chart 
8,573.  Scale  1:20.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928. 
27.3  X  42.6  in.     t  75e.  C  4.9 :  857a 

Texas,  Aransas  Pass  to  Baffin  Bay,  surveys  to  1899.  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers 
to  1927,  and  other  sources  [with  insets]  ;  chart  12S6.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Wash- 
ington, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.    39.3X32.1  in.     t  75c. 

C  4.9 :  1286 
Aransas  Pass. 
Baffin  Bay,  Continuation  of. 

TillamooTc  Bay.  Orcg..  surveys  to  1926.  surveys  from  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Nov. 
1927 ;  chart  6112.  Scale  1 :  20.000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
Jan.  1928.    32.3X26.1  in.     f  50c.  C  4.9  :  6112 

Umpqua  River,  Oreg.,  entrance  bar  to  Reedsport,  surveys  to  1920,  additional 
topography  from  other  sources,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Sept.  1927 ; 
chart  6004.  Scale  1 :  20,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.  Jan. 
1928.    23.9X27.9  in.     t25e.  C  4.9:  6004 

Willapa  Bay,  Wash.,  surveys  to  Aug.  1926.  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1924 ; 
with  inset.  Continuation  of  Willapa  River :  chart  6185.  Scale  1 :  40,000. 
Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Jan.  1928.    42.6X30.5  in.     f  75c. 

C  4.9 :  6185 


Cod.  Production  and  distribution  of  cod  eggs  in  Massachusetts  Bay  in  1924 
and  1925  [with  bibliography];  by  Charles  J.  Fish.  1928.  [1] +253-296  p. 
il.  large  8°  ( [Bureau  of  Fisheries]  doc.  1032.)  [From  Bulletin,  v.  43,  pt.  2.] 
*  Paper.  15c.  • 

L.  C.  card  F  28-7  C  6.3/a :  O  648 

How    to    order    pnbllcatfons'^See    information    foIIovrinsT    Contents 

February,  1928  537 

'Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish,  Jan.  15,  1928.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Statistical 
bulletin  774.)     [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

C  6.5 :  774 

Fisheries  service  Ixaietin.  Feb.  1,  1928;  no.  153.  [1928.]  10  p.  [Monthlv.]  % 
L.  C.  card  F 15-76  C  6.9 :  153 

Fishery  products.  Statement,  by  fishing  grounds  [etc.],  of  quantities  and  values 
of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at  Seattle,  Wash.,  by  American  fishing 
vessels,  calendar  year  1927.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  f"  (Statistical  bulletin 
771.)     t  0  6.5:771 

•    Statement,  by  fishing  grounds,  of  quantities  and  values  of  cerLiin  fishery 

products  landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by 
American  fishing  vessels,  calendar  year  1927.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  i"  (Statis- 
tical bulletin  773.)     t  C  6.5:  773 

Statement,  by  months,  of  quantities  and  values  of  certai.n  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  [calendar]  year  1927.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  t"  (Statistical  bul- 
letin 772.)     t  0  6.5:772 

Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at 

Boston  and  Gloucester,  Mass.,  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American  fishing  vessels, 
Dec.  1927.     1928.     1  p.  oblong  t"     (Statistical  bulletin  769.)     t       0  6.5:769 

Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  products  landed  at 

Seattle,  Wash.,  by  American  fishing  vessels,  Dec.  1927.  1928.  1  p.  4* 
(Statistical  bulletin  770.)     t  0  6.5:770 

Mississippi  River.    Biological  survey  of  upper  Mississippi  River  with  special 
reference  to  pollution  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  A.  H.  Wiebe.     1928.     [1]4-137- 
167  p.  il.  large  8°     ([Bureau  of  Fisheries]  doc.  1028.)     [From  Bulletin,  v.  43, 
pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  cart'  F  28-4  0  6.3/a  :  M  691/2 


^Chemicals.     Ger.Tiau  chemical  developments  in  1927;  by  William  T.  Daugherty. 
[Feb.  1928.]     iJ+29  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  532;    [Ohemical  Divi- 
sion].)    *  Paper,  10c. 
I..  0.  card  27-26119  0  18.25  :  532 

Commerce.     Monthly  summary  of  foreign  commerce  of  United  States,  Dec.  1927. 
1928.     2  pts.  p.  1-72  and  11+73-113  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1.  10c.  single  copy, 
*  pt.  2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 
L.  0.  card  14-21465  0 18.7 :  928/6-1.  6-2 

Same.     1928.     [2  pts.  in  1],  113  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  38,  70th  Oong.  1st  sess  ) 

The  world's  business  in  review,  latest  facts  and  figures  on  commerce  and 

industry  of  61  countries  are  given  in  Commerce  yearbook  of  foreign  countries 
[descriptive  circular  concerning  Commerce  yearbook,  1926,  v.  2].  1928.  1  p. 
4°  [For  above  described  publication  see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1928, 
p.  409.]     t  018  31:Y3 

'Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports  from  American  con- 
sular officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Commerce  in  foreign 
countries,  no.  6-9 ;  Feb.  6-27,  1928.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  321-592,  il.  4°  [Text 
and  illustrations  on  p.  2-A  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. : 
foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  928/&-9 

iElectric  machinery.     Irish  Free  State  as  market  for  electrical  machinery  and 
supplies;  by  Julian  F.  Harrington.     [Feb.  1928.]     ii+24  p.     (Trade  informa- 
tion bulletin  531;    [Electrical  Equipment  Divi.-:ion].)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  0.  card  28-26064  C  18.25  :  531 

Electrical  equipment  market  in  Argentina ;  [compiled  by  Lawrence  D.  Batson] 
from  reports  of  oversea  representatives  of  Departments  of  Commerce  and 
State  and  from  ofiicial  statistics.  [Feb.  1928.]  ii+35  p.  (Trade  informa- 
tion bulletin  536;  Electrical  Equipment  Division.)  [Includes  list  of  Foreign 
and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau  publications  pertinent  to  subject  matter  of 
this  bulletin.]  ♦  Paper,  10c. 
li.  0.  card  28-26107  C  18.25 :  530 

HoTT    to    order    ynbllcatloiui — Sc«    infonaatlom   follotrliiK    Contents 

538  February,  1928 

6-reat  Britain.     Taxation   of  business   in   Great   Britain    [witli   sources  of  in- 
formation] ;    by    Mitcliell   B.    Carroll.     1928.     vi+122   p.     (Trade   promotion 
series  60 ;  Division  of  Commercial  Laws. )      *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26055  C  18.27  :  60- 

Investment  trusts.  Participating  sJiares  in  British  investment  trusts ;  by 
Frederic  E.  Lee.  [Feb.  1928.]  ii+28  p.  (Trade  information  bulletin  530; 
[Finance  and  Investment  Division].)      *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26039  C  18.25  :  530- 

Note. — Includes    excerpts    from    Trade    information    bulletin    88,    British    investment 
trusts  ;  by  Leland  Kex  Robinson. 

Market  research  agencies,  guide  to  publications  and  activities  relating  to 
domestic  marketing,  1927  edition  [descriptive  circular  concerning  Domestic 
commerce  series  6].  1927.  1  p.  4"  [For  above  described  publication  see  tlie 
Monthly  catalogue  for  Oct.  1927,  p.  216.]     t  C  18.31:  M34 

Organization.  Department  of  Commerce,  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce, administrative,  technical  [and]  commodity  [organization].  1927.  1  p. 
narrow  f"     t  C18.2:  Or  3 

South  {U.  S.).  Commercial  survey  of  the  Soutlieast  [descriptive  circular  con- 
cerning Domestic  commerce  series  19].  1927.  1  p.  4"  [For  alM)ve  described 
pu))lication  see  the  Monthly  catalogue  for  Dec.   1927,  p.  340.]     t 

C  18.31 :  So  8  ze 

Tax  and  corporation  law  in  European  sales  organization ;  [by]  Mitchell  B, 
Carroll.     [1928.]     3  p.  4"     [From  Commerce  reports,  Feb.  6,  1928.]     f 

C  18.5/la  :  T  19©' 

Tools.     Markets  for  hand  tools  in  continental  Eurojye;  compiled  by  E.  B.  Morse 
from  reports  by   oversea    representatives   of  Department   of  Commerce  and 
State.     [Feb.   1928.]     ii-t-56  p.     (Trade  information   bulletin  533;   Iron  and 
Steel  Division.)     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26094  C  18.25 :  533 

Trade  association  activities  [descriptive  circular  concerning  Domestic  commerce 
series  20].  1927.  1  p.  4"  [For  above  described  pul)lication  see  the  Mctnthly 
catalogue  for  Jan.  1928,  p.  411.]     t  C  18.31 :  T  67 


ist-fhh  Di:Stricts.  Light  list,  Atlantic  and  Gulf  coasts  of  I'nited  States:  1928, 
corrected  to  Dec.  15,  1927.  1928.  520  p.  [Porto  Rico,  tlie  Virgin  Islands, 
Cuba,  and  Navassa  Island  are  included  in  this  publication.  Also  includes 
lists  of  light  lists  and  buoy  lists.  Map  on  verso  of  front  cover.]  *  Pai>er.  50c. 
L.  C.  card  11-15353  C  9.17  :  928 

16th-19th  Districts.  Light  list,  Pacific  Coast,  United  States,  Canada,  Hawaiian, 
[Midway,  Guam,  and  Americjin]  Samoan  islands;  1928,  corrected  t(»  Jan.  1. 
1928.  2169  p.  [Of  the  American  Samcwn  Islancs  only  Tutuila  is  included  in 
this  publication.  Also  includes  lists  of  light  lists  and  buoy  lists.  Map  on 
verso  of  front  cover.]  *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  14-30372  C  9.19 :  928 

Lighthouse  service  bulletin,   v.   3.   no.   50;    Feb.   1,    1928.     [1928.]     p.   229-232. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12^-35121  C  9.31 :  3/50 

Notice  to  mariners,   weekly,   no.   5-8,   1928;   Feb.   3-24    [1928].     1928.     various 
paging.     [Issued  jtdntly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Surrey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609-  C  9.26 :  928/5-8 


Cast-iron.     Electric-furnace  cast  iron  ;  by  C.  E.  Williams  and  C.  E.  Sims.     1928.  . 
iv-|-48   p.    il.     (Technical   paper    418.)      [This   paper    represents    work    done 
under  a  cooperative  agreement  with  College  of  Mines,  University  of  Wash- 
ington.]    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26104  C  22.5  :  418 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following;    ContentM 

February,  1928  539 

Coal.     Analyses  of  Arkansas  coals ;  [articles  by  George  C.  Branncr,  A.  C.  Field- 
ner.  and  others].     192S.     iii+20  p.  il.     (Technical  paper  416.)     *  Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26068  C  22.G  :  416 

Contents. — ^Arkansas  coal  fields  ;  by  George  <'.  Braaiier. — Analyses  of  mine  samples  ; 
by  A.  C.  Fieldner.  H.  M.  Cooi>er.  and  F.  D.  Osgood. — Description  of  samples  ;  compiled 
by  J.  N.  Geyer. — Analyses  of  delivered  coal  ;  by  N.  II.  Snyder. 

Analyses  of  Oklahoma  wals  ;   Tarticles  by  C.  L.  Cooper,  A.  C.  Fieldner, 

and  others].     1928.     lii+62  p.  11.     (Technical  paper  411.)      *  Paper.  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-20099  C  22.5  :  411 

Contents. — Oklahoma  coal  fields ;  by  C.  L.  Cooper. — Analyses  of  mine  samiJes ;  by 
A.  C.  Fieldner,  H.  M.  Cooper,  and  F.  D.  Osgood. — Description  of  sampJes  ;  compiled  by 
J.  X.  Geyer. — Analyses  of  delivered  coal  ;  by  N.  H.  Snyder. 

Coal  mines  and  mining.     Mining  of  thin  coal  beds  in  anthracite  region  of  Penn- 
sylvania :  by  Dever  C.  Ashmead.     1927.     vi+113  p.  11.  10  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.  2  tab. 
(Bulletin  245.)     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  2.S-26044  C  22.3  :  245 

Safety  in  coal  mining,  handbodk  ;  by  George  S.  Rice.     1928.     vi+141  p.+l 

folded  leaf.  (Bulletin  277.)  [Includes  li.sts  of  Mines  Bureau  public-ations  on 
self-contained  mine  rescue  breathing  apparatus  and  gas  masks.]  *  Paper,  25e. 
L.  C.  card  2!^26043  C  22.3 :  277 

State  laws  relating  to  coal-mine  timbering ;  by  J.  W.   Paul   tuid  i.   N. 

Gever.     1928.     iv-|-o7  p.     (Technical  paix'r  421.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26089  C22.5:421 

Gas  mask  for  protection  in  air  against  all  gases,  vapors,  and  smokes :  by  A.  C. 
Fieldner,   S.  H.  Katz,   H.  W.   Frcvert,  and  E.  G.  Meiter.     [1928.]     11  p.  il. 
(Serial  2719.)      [Usually   the    Serial   publications   of  the  Mines   Bureau   are 
mimeographetl  and  are  not  entered  in  this  catalogue.]     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26042  C  22.12 :  2719 

Gases.     Limits  of  inflammability  of  gases  and  vapors   [with  bibliography]  ;  by 
H.  F.  Coward  and  G.  W.  Jones.     1928.     vii-h99  p.  il.      (Bulletin  279.)      [Pre- 
pared in  cooperation  with  Safety  in  Mines  Research  Board  of  Great  Britain.] 
*  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26093  C  22.8 :  279 

Gold,  silvei:,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Calif^rnia  and  Oregon  in  1920.  mine  report ; 
by  James  M.  Hill.  Feb.  10.  1928.  ii-|-297-353  p.  [From  Mineral  resources, 
1926,  pt.  1.]     *  Pai^er,  10c.  C  22.8/a  :  G  5<i;i''3/926 

Lead  in  1926,  smelter  report;  by  Amy  StoU.  Feb.  1928.  ii-|-355-370  p.  [From 
Mineral  re.sources,  1926.  pt.  1.]     *  Pajier,  5c.  C  22.8/a  :  L  469/2/926 

Metah:  Secondary  metals  iu  1926:  by  J.  P.  Dunlop.  Feb.  13.  1928.  ii+275- 
295  p.     [  From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  1.  ]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  22.8/a  :  Se  24/926 

Sand  and  gravel  in  1926:  by  Estelle  R.  Phillips.  Feb.  11.  1928.  ii +281-293  p. 
[From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  22.8 ^k  :  Sa  56/926 


3/crcfta«^  wiflrme  statistics,  1927.     1928.     iv+75  p.     (No.  4.)     *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26038  C  11.2  :  M  53/927 

Ships.     American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 

over,  Feb.  1,  192.S.  1928.  ii+6:3  p.  4"  (Serial  123.)  [Monthly.]  *  Paper, 
10c.  single  copy.  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 

L.  C.  card  19-26597  C  11.8  :  928/2 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  \aew  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Pat<'nt  laws  are  furnished  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 

How    to    order    pnbllcatlonei — See     Information    follo^vlng    Content* 

540  February,  1928 

Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  $2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  |10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  ar« 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Barton,  Ben  D.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,  1928, 
patent  appeal  no.  2109,  in  re  Ben  D.  Barton,  power  attachment  for  motor 
vehicles ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title,  10  p.    % 

C  21.10 :  B  285 

In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,  1928,  patent 

appeal  no.  2110,  in  re  Ben  D.  Barton,  power  attachment  for  motor  vehicles; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title,  9  p.    $     C  21.10  :  B  285/2 

Classification   bulletin  59,    July  1-Dec.   31,    1927,   containing   classification   of 

subjects  of  invention  revised  by  Classification  Division.     1928.     16  leaves, 
large  8"     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  8-16238  C  21.3  :  59 

Decisions.      [Decisions  in   patent  and  trade-mark  cases,   etc.]      Feb.   7,   1928. 

p.  1-6,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  367,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a  2  :  367/1 

^    Same.    Feb.  14,  1928.    p.  235-240,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  367, 

no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  367/2 

Same.    Feb.  21,  1928.    p.  467-472,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  367, 

no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  2  :  367/3 

Same.     Feb.  28,  1928.     p.  699-704,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v. 

367,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  2 :  367/4 

Deli,  Frank  C.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,  1928, 
patent  appeal  no.  2059,  in  re  Frank  C.  Deli,  pencils ;  brief  for  commissioner  of 
patents.    1928.    cover-title,  5  p.    t  C  21.10  :  D  379 

Ooldsmith,  Alfred  N.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2114,  in  re  Alfred  N.  Goldsmith,  radio  receiving 
system ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title,  8  p.    $ 

C  21.10 :  G  573 

Hides,  William  W.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no  2084,  in  re  WUliam  Wesley  Hicks,  electric  heating  core ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title,  7  p.    $       C  21.10  :  H  529 

Kaplan,  Victor.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,  192S, 
patent  appeal  no.  2046,  in  re  Victor  Kaplan,  rotor  wheels  for  centrifugal  ma- 
chines, such  as  water,  gas,  and  steam  turbines;  brief  for  commissioner  of 
patents.     1928.     cover-title,  4  p.     $  C  21.10 :  K 141 

Midgley,  Thomas.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2119,  in  re  Thomas  Midgley,  method  and  apparatus  for 
incorporating  cords  in  rubber  sheets ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents. 
1928.     cover-title,  6  p.     $  C  21.10 :  M  584 

Nyman,  Alexander.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2054,  in  re  Alexander  Nyman,  condensers ;  brief  for 
commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  5  p.     $  C  21.10 :  N  99 

In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Jan.  term,   1928,  patent 

appeal  no.  2055,  ifti  re  Alexander  Nyman,  variable  condensers ;  brief  for  com- 
missioner of  patents.     1928.    cover-title,  6  p.     t  C  21.10 :  N  99/2 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  Feb.  7-28,  1928 ;  v.  367,  no.  1-4.     1928.     cover- 
titles,  943-(-[clvi]  p.  il.  large  8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  single  copy,  $10.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.01). 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5 :  367/1-4 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in  patent 

The  annual  Index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent 
to  those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50 ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $17.50. 

How    to    order    publlcationa — Sec    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928 


Official  gazette — Continued. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title,  Alpliabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  Feb.  7,  1928].  [1928.]  xxxviii  p.  large  8°  [From  Official  ga- 
zette, v.  367,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4 :  367/1 

—  Same  [Feb.  14,  1928]. 
V.  367,  no.  2.] 

—  Same  [Feb.  21,  1928]. 
zette,  V.  367,  no.  3.] 

[1928.]     xlii  p.  large  8" 
[1928.]     xxxviii  p.  large  8" 
[1928.]     xxxviii  p.  large  8° 

[From  Official  gazette, 
C  21.5/a  4  :  367/2 

Same  [Feb.  28,  1928]. 

zette,  V.  367,  no.  4.] 

Patents.     Classification  of  patents  issued  Feb.  7-28,  1928. 
large   8°     [Weekly.     From    Official   gazette,    v.    367,    no. 

[From  Official  ga- 
C  21.5/a  4:  367/3 

[From  Official  ga- 
C  21.5/a  4 :  367/4 

[1928.]     Each  2  p. 

1-4.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  367/1-4 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  Feb.  7,  1928.  [1928.] 
7-56+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  367.  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  O  21.5/a  3  :  367/1 

Same,  Feb.  14,  1928.     [1928.]     241-294-fxviii  p.  il.  large  8"     [From  Offi- 

cial gazette,  v.  367,  no.  2.] 

—  Same,  Feb.  21,  1928.     [1928.] 
cial  gazette,  v.  367,  no.  3.] 

—  Same,  Feb.  28,  1928.     [1928.] 
cial  gazette,  v.  367,  no.  4.] 


C  21.5/a  3  :  36r/2 

473-528 +xiv  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Offl- 
C  21.5/a  3  :  367/3 

705-754-f  xii  p.  il. 

large  8°     [From  Offl- 
C  21.5/a  3 :  367/4 

Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  Jan.  31,  1928.  [1928.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  C  16.6 :  928/1 


Radio   service    bulletin,   Jan.    31,    1928;    no.    130.     [1928.]     34   p. 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  15-26255 

C  24.3 :  130 


Note. — The  Scientific  papers  will  be  supplied  on  subscription  as  issued  at  $1.25  per 
volume,  paper  bound ;  foreign  subscription  (sent  in  single  numbers)  ?2.50.  These  vol- 
umes will  afterwards  be  issued  bound  in  cloth  at  $2.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription, 
$2.35.  Single  numbers  vary  in  price.  Address  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

The  Technologic  papers  will  be  issued  first  as  separates  and  later  in  volume  form  la 
the  same  manner  as  the  Scientific  papers.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  at  $1.25  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Single  number* 
vary  in  price. 

Aluminium.  Li.^ht  metals  and  alloys,  aluminum,  magnesium  [with  bibliography ; 
compiled  by  M.  G.  Lorentz  and  others].  Dec.  12,  1927.  iv+403  p.  il.  2  pi.  4 
p.  of  pi.  large  8°  (Circular  346.)  [Supersedes  Circular  76.]  *  Paper,  $1.10. 
L.  C.  card  2S-26074  C  13.4:  346 

Antenna   {radio  communication) .     IMethods,  formulas,  and  tables  for  calcula- 
tion of  antenna  capacity;  by  Frederick  W.  Grover.    Jan.  9,  1928.     [l]-i-569- 
629  p.  il.  large  8°     (Scientific  papers  568.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.1 
*  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26102  C  13.3/a :  568 

Brakes.  Automobile  brake  lining.  1928.  iv+12  p.  il.  ( Simplified  practice  rec- 
ommendation no.  66.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of  waste,  simpli- 
fied practice,  automobile  brake  lining.  Recommendation  became  effectire 
Dec.  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  013.12/1:66 

City  planning  primer,  by  Advisory  Committee  on  Zoning;  [issued  by]  Division 
of  Building  and  Housing.     1928.     iii-(-18  p.     [Includes  list  of  Commerce  De- 
partment publications  on  city  planning,  zoning,  building  codes,  housing,  and 
airports.]     ♦  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26038  C  13.2 :  C  4» 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Content* 

542  February,  1928 

Electrical   safciy  code.     National   electrical   safety   code;    American   standard, 
approved  Nov.  15,  1927,  by  American  Engineering  Standards  Committee.     4th 
edition,  Dec.  31,  1926.    1927.    xvii+525  p.  il.  1  tab.  12°     (Handbook  seiies  3.) 
*  Cloth,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  28-26086  C  13.11 :  3/2 

Flash-Hf/hts.  Metal  and  fiber  flash-light  cases.  1928.  iv+12  p.  il.  (Simplified 
practice  recommendation  no.  68.)  [Title  on  cover  Is  :  Elimination  of  waste, 
simplified  practice,  metal  and  fiber  flash-light  cases.  Ke<.'<>mmendation  be- 
came effective  Dec.  31,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.12/1:  68 

Hysteresis.     Statical  hysteresis  in  cycles  of  equal  load  range;  by  G.  H.  Keule- 
gan.     Jan.  25,  1928.     [1] +379-387  p.  il.  large  8°     (Technologic  papers  305.) 
I  From  Technologic  papers,  v.  22.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26096  C  13.8 :  365 

Publications.  New  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  no.  39;  Jan.  20,  1928. 
1928.     oblong  48°      [This  iniblication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

C  13.15 :  39 

Supplementary  list  of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  July  1,  1925- 

June  30,  1927;    [compiled  by  George  L.  Jeffrey].     Dec.  13,  1927.     [l]+8.j  p. 

[For  previous  papers  see  Circular  24,  7th  edition,  June  30,  1925.1     t 

L.  C.  card  26-10602  C  13.4 :  24/27 

Slwvels,  spades,  and  scoops.  1st  revision.  1928.  ii  +  16  p.  il.  Simplified  prac- 
tice recommendation  no.  48.)  [Tit.e  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of  waste,  sim- 
plified practice,  shovels,  spades,  and  scoops.  Recommendation  became  ef- 
fective July  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.12/1 :  48/lst  rev. 

Spools.  Metal  spools  (for  annealing,  handling,  and  shipping  wire).  1928.  iv+ 
12  p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommendation  no.  63.)  [Title  on  cover  is: 
Elimination  of  waste,  .simpl'ified  practice,  metal  spools  (for  annealing, 
handling,  and  shipping  wire).  Recommendation  became  effective  Jan.  1, 
1928.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.12/1:  63 

Stainless  iron.     Thermal  expansion  of  al  oys  of  stainless  iron  type;  by  Peter 
Hidnert   [and]   W.  T.  Sweeney.     Jan.  20,  1928.      [1] +639-647  p.  il.  large  8° 
(Scientific  papers  570.)      [From  Scientific  papers,  v.  22.]      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26103  C  13.3/a  :  570 

Technical  neics  huUetin  of  Bureau  of  Standards.     Feb.  1928;  no.  130.     [1928.] 

p.  13-28.     [Monthly.]  *  Paptr,  5c.  .single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sukscrip- 
tion,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  130 

Technologic  papers  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  v.  21  [nos.  328-352,  title-page,  con- 
tents, and  index],     1928.     iii+765-707  p.  large  8"     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.8:  328-352 


Steamboat   Ins'pection    Serv>ice   bulletin,    Feb.   1,    1928;    no.    148.     [1928.]     4   p. 
[Monthly.]     $ 
I..  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10  :  148 


Congressional  record.     Congressional  record,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  v.  69, 
no.  38^-59;  Feb.  1-29,  1928.      [1928.]     2397-3940+ [551]  p.  4° 
L.  C.  card  12-36438  X/a.70/l  :69/38-59 

Note. — The  Congrps.sional  record,  containing  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  Con- 
gress, is  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published 

The   Record   is   sold   by   the   Superintendent   of   Documents   on    the   following   terms : 

sions,  and  prior  Congresses,  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will 
not  be  accepted. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    {ollowins    Contents 

February.  1928  543 

H'ongvessioHol  record — Continued. 

•     Same,  index,   with  title.  Congressional  record  index,  70th  Congress.  1st 

session,  v.  09,  nos.  3G--1G ;  Jan.  30-Feb.  10,  1928.  [192S.]  no.  4;  50+30  p.  4° 
[Includes  Historj'  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.70/1 :  69/3G-46/ind. 

■     Same.  v.  G9,  nos.  47-56:  Feb.  13-24,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  5;  44-|-28  p.  4° 

[Includes  History  of  bills  and  resoluti<ins.]  X/a.70/1 :  69/47-56/ind. 


Note. — The  Division  of  Publicatious,  State  Departmenl,  receives  a  small  supply  of  the 
private  acts  whicli  it  distributes  free  upon  application. 

Private   [act]    1-18,   70th,  Congress. 

Apodaea,  ^^abino.  H.  R.  4995,  act  for  relief  of  Sabino  Apodaca.  Approved  Feb.  13 
19i'S.     1   p.      (Private   12.) 

Baum.  Mrs.  Ida.  F.  II.  R.  766,  act  for  relief  of  Ida  F.  Baum  [mother  of  Mrs.  Lillian 
J.  Leffard,  also  known  as  Vera  Anderson].  Approved  Feb.  13,  1928.  1  p.  (Private 

Biirkhead.  CalLin  H.  H.  R.  4707,  act  for  relief  of  Calvin  H.  Burkhead.  Approved  Feb. 
13.   1928.     1   p.      (Private   14.) 

Cniceta.  Adrian-).  II.  R.  8889,  act  for  relief  of  Adriano  Cruceta,  citizen  of  Dominican 
Republic.      Approved  Feb.   13.  1928.      1   p.      (Private  10.) 

Franvke.  Grori/f  .A.  II.  R.  5300,  act  for  relief  of  Lewis  H.  Francke  and  Blanclie  F. 
Shelley,  sole  legal  heirs  of  [George  A.  FraucUe,  alias]  Ralph  K.  Warrington.  Ap- 
proved Feb.   r.i.   1928.     1   p.      (Private   11.) 

HiLsfri/.  George  C.  II.  R.  5994,  act  for  relief  of  George  C.  Hussey.  Approved  Feb.  11, 
1928.      1    p.      (Private    4.) 

Ifc. Shane,  Mrs.  Maria  J.  H.  R.  1405.  act  granting  6  months'  pay  to  Maria  J.  Mc- 
Shano  [mother  of  Julian  J.  McShane].      Approved  Feb.  llr*).  1928.      1  p.      (Private  16.) 

Ritter,  Andreic  B.  U.  R.  3400,  act  to  correct  military  record  of  Andrew  B.  Ritter. 
Approved  Feb.   11.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  2.) 

Ro)<8.  Tfiomus  M.  H.  R.  6162.  act  for  relief  of  Thomas  M.  Ross.  Approved  Feb.  11, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  5.) 

Send.  Charh's  H.  S.  440,  act  for  relief  of  Charles  II.  Send.  Approved  Feb.  3,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  I.) 

Sentinel,  .schooner.  II.  R.  2138.  act  for  relief  of  [Tx)uis  P.  Sunderland]  owner  of 
scbooncr  Sentinel.     Aproved  Feb.  11,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  6.) 

Sias,  Randolph.  H.  R.  8092,  act  for  relief  of  Randolph  Sias.  Approved  Feb.  13,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  9.) 

Sloan,  Hoirard  V.  H.  R.  4393,  act  for  relief  of  Howard  V.  Sloan.  Approved  Feb.  11, 
1928.     1   p.      (Private  8.) 

Smith,  Joel  T.  II.  R.  4127,  act  for  relief  of  Joel  T.  Smith.  Approved  Feb.  13.  1928. 
I  p.      t  Private  15. ) 

Thihodtaux.  Mrs.  Josepliine.  H.  R.  S369,  act  for  relief  of  Josephine  Thibodeaux.  Ap- 
proved Feb.  15.   1928.     1  p.      (Private  18.1 

M'iUiains.  Finas  .U.  H.  R.  5228,  act  for  relief  of  Finas  M.  Williams.  Approved  Feb.  11, 
192S.      1  p.      (I'livate  3.) 

Yeainan.  Robert  F.  H.  R.  4777,  act  to  compensate  Robert  F.  Yeaman  tc.r  loss  oi'  carpen- 
ter tools  which  was  Incurred  by  reason  of  fire  in  Government  area  at  Old  Hickory 
ordnance  depot.     Approved  Feb.   13,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  J.3.) 

Zyvolski,  Albert  J.  II.  R.  2145,  act  for  relief  of  Albert  J.  Zyvolski.  Approved  Feb.  11, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  7.) 


Note. — Public  acts  in  slip  form  in  the  first  prints  may  be  obtain(>d  from  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Wasnington,  I).  C,  at  a  subscription  price  of  .$1.00  for  the  present 
session  (70th  Congress,  1st  session);  foreign  subscription,  $1.25:  single  copies  are 
usually  5c.  :  no.  32,  State  Deixirtment,  p.  544,  is  lOc 

Public  [act]  7-33,  70th  Congress. 

Actions  at  law.  S.  1798.  act  concerning  actions  on  account  of  death  or  personal  in.iury 
within  places  under  exclusive  jurisdiction  of  United  States.  Approved  Feb.  1,  1928. 
1  p.      (I'ublic  11.) 

Ayriculturul  agents.  S.  672.  act  for  purpose  of  rehabilitating  farm  lands  in  flood  areas 
[with  special  reference  to  aid  in  employment  of  county  extension  agents].  Approved 
Jan.  26,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  7.) 

Agriculture  Department.  S.  1968.  act  to  authorize  Secretarv  of  Agriculture  to  pay  for 
use  and  occupancy  by  Department  of  Agriculture  of  Bieber  Building,  1358  B  street 
southwest.  Washington,  D.  C.      Approved  Feb.  4,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  17.) 

Bartholomeic,  Bai/ou.  H.  R.  5728.  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Police  Jurv  of 
Morehouso  Parish,  La.,  or  State  Ili.ghway  Commission  of  Louisiana,  to  construct 
bridge  across  Bayou  Biirtholomew  at  or  near  I'oint  Pleasant.  La.  Approved  Feb.  6, 
1928.     1  p.      (Public  20.) 

Black  Rirer.  II.  R.  5726,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  coiisfruc- 
tion  of  bridge  across  Black  River  at  or  near  Jone.sville,  La.  [bv  State  Ilighwav  Com- 
mission of  Louisiana].     Approved  Feb.  6,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  19.) 

Chumplaln,  Lake.  H.  R.  6099.  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  New  York  and  Ver- 
mont to  construct  bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  Crown  I'oint,  N.  Y.,  and 
Chimney  Point,  Vt.     Approved  Feb.  15,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  29.) 

District  Courts.  H.  R.  9142.  act  to  amend  sec.  71  of  judicial  code,  as  amended,  by 
changing  time  of  holding  court  at  El  Dorado  and  Harrison,  Ark.  Approved  Feb.  7, 
1928.      1  i>.      (Public  21.) 

How    to    order    publleations — See    information    following    Contents 


February,  1928 

Public  [act]  7-33,  70th  Congress — Continued. 

Federal  Industrial  Institution  for  Wotyien.  H.  R.  9022,  act  to  authorize  Aldersou,  W. 
Va.,  to  maintain  public  higliway  upon  premises  occupied  by  Federal  Industrial  In- 
stitution for  Women  at  Alderson,  W.  Va.     Approved  Jan.  30,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  8.) 

HilUloro  Bay.  11.  R.  7218,  act  to  legalize  bridge  across  Hillsborougli  Bay  at  22d 
street,  Tampa,  Fla.  [being  constructed  by  Hillsborough  County,  Fla.].  Approved 
Feb.  3,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  13.) 

International  Boundary  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico.  H.  R.  10636,  act  to 
make  additional  appropriation  for  water  boundary,  United  States  and  Mexico.  Ap- 
proved Feb.  10,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  23.) 

Mahoning  River.  II.  R.  6045,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  commissioners  of 
Mahoning  County,  Ohio,  to  reconstruct  bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  South  Ave- 
nue, Youngstown,  Ohio.     Approved  Feb.   15,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  28.) 

H.  R.  6958,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Youngstown  to  construct  bridge 

acros-    Mahoning   River   at    Youngstown,    Ohio    [at    or    near    Divis.on    street].      Ap- 
proved Feb.  15,  192S.     1  p.      (Public  31.) 

Missouri  River.  H.  R.  5547,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  [Buchanan  County],  Mo.,  and  [Doni- 
phan County],  Kans.     Approved  Feb.  3,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  12.) 

national  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers.  II.  R.  164,  act  to  authorize  appropri- 
ations for  construction  [of  mess  building]  at  Pacific  Branch.  Soldiers'  Home,  Los 
Angeles  County,   Calif.     Approved  Feb.   13,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  2G.) 

Ouachita  River.  H.  R.  5725,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near  Monroe,  La.  [by  State  Highway 
Commission  of  Louisiana].     Approved  Feb.   6,   1928.     1   p.      (Public   18.) 

Phoenias,  Ariz.  H.  R.  6466,  act  granting  part  of  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix, 
Ariz.,  to  Phoenix  for  street  purpo.-es.     Approved  Feb.  11,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  24.) 

Red  River.  H.  R.  280,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Com- 
mission to  construct  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Coushatia,  La.  Approved 
Feb.  3,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  16.) 

H.  R.   5642,  act  to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Red  River  at 

Pulton,  Ark.   [by  State  Highway  Commission  of  Arkansas].     Approved  Feb.  8,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  14.) 

Rio  0-rande.  H.  R.  5582,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construc- 
tion of  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  El  Paso,  Tex.  [by  El  Paso  Electric  Company  and 
El  Paso  and  Juarez  Traction  Company].     Approved  Feb.  3,  192S.     1  p.      (Public  15.) 

Rock  River.  H.  R.  6483.  Act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Illinois,  county  of  Lee, 
and  Dixon,  or  to  any  or  either  of  them,  jointly  or  severally,  to  con-truct  bridge  across- 
Rock  River  at  Dixon,  111.     Approved  Feb.  15,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  30.j 

Shenatidoah  National  Park-.  S.  2656,  act  to  establish  minimum  area  for  Shenandoah 
National  Park  for  administration,  protection,  and  geneval  development  by  National 
Park  Service,  and  [to  lease  lands  within  Shenandoah  and  Great  Smoky  'Mountains 
national  parks].     Approved  Feb.  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  33.) 

State  Department.  H.  R.  8269,  act  making  appropriations  for  Departments  of  State 
and  Justice  and  for  judiciary,  and  for  Departments  of  Commerce  and  Labor,  fiscal 
year  1929.      [Approved  Fob.  15,  1928.]      51  p.      (Public  32.) 

Tennessee  River.  H.  R.  6053,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Linden-Lexington  road  In  Perry  and 
Decatur  counties,  Tenn.  [by  Highway  Department  of  Tennessee].  Approved  Jan.  30, 
1928.     1  p.     (Public  9.) 

Tomhifjlee  River.  H.  R.  5657,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  supervisors 
of  Monroe  Countv,  Miss.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at  or  near 
Aberdeen,  Miss.     Approved  Feb.  8,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  22.) 

United  Confederate  Veterans.  H.  B.  7013,  act  authorizing  and  directing  Secretary  of 
War  to  lend  to  governor  of  Arkansas  canvas  cots,  blankets,  bed  sheets,  pillows, 
pillow  cases,  and  mattresses  or  bed  sacks  to  be  used  at  encampment  of  United 
Confederate  Veterans  to  be  held  at  Little  Rock,  Ark.,  in  May,  1928.  Approved  Feb. 
14,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  27.) 

Vancouver  Barracks.  H.  R.  172.  act  to  grant  and  convey  to  Vancouver  perpetual  ease- 
ment for  public  highway  purposes  over  and  upon  portion  of  Vancouver  Barracks 
military  reservation.  Wash.    Approved  Feb.  13,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  25.) 

Writs.     S.   1801,  act  in  reference  to  writs  of  error.     Approved  Jan.  31.  1928.     1  p. 
(Public  10.) 
Public  [joint]  resolution  4-9,  70th  Congress, 

Champlain,  Lake.  H.  J.  Res.  104.  joint  resolution  granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
agreement  or  compact  entered  into  between  New  York  and  Vermont  for  creation  of 
Lake  Champlain  Bridge  Commission  and  to  construct  highway  bridge  across  Lake 
Champlain  [between  Crown  Point,  N.  Y.,  and  Chimney  Point,  Vt.].  [Approved  Feb. 
16,   1928.]      10  p.      (Public  resolution   9.) 

Court  of  Claims.  H.  J.  Res.  82.  joint  resolution  to  continue  commissioners  in  Court 
of  Claims.     Approved  Jan.  11,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolution  4.) 

Dairying.  H.  J.  Res.  81,  joint  resolution  for  amendment  of  act  of  Mar.  3,  1927,  by 
authorizing  annual  appropriation  to  carry  out  cooperative  experiments  [with  South 
Carolina  Agricultural  Experiment  Station]  contemplated  by  act.  Approved  Feb.  4, 
1928.      1   p.      (Public  resolution   0.)  .        ^ 

National  Home  for  Disahlcd  Volunteer  Soldiers.  H.  J.  Res.  93,  joint  resolution  for 
appointment  of  Paul  E.  Divine  as  member  of  board  of  managers  of  National  Home 
for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers.     Approved  Feb.  4,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolutions.) 

Neto  McTico.  S.  J.  Res.  ."S,  joint  le.^nlution  giving  consent  to  amendment  to  constitu- 
tion of  New  Mexico,  providina-  method  for  executing  leases  and  other  contracts  for 
development  and  production  of  anv  and  all  minerals  on  lands  granted  or  confirmed 
to  said  State  by  act  of  Congress  approved  June  20,  1910,  and  to  enactment  of  such 
laws  and  regulations  as  mav  be  necessary  to  carry  said  amendment  into  effect  if  it 
is  adopted.     Approved  Feb.  6,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolution  7.) 

Poultrr/.  H.  J.  Res.  112,  joint  resolution  to  amend  act  of  May  29,  1884,  as  amended, 
act  of  Feb.  2,  1903,  and  act  of  Mar.  3,  1905,  as  amended,  to  include  poultry  within 
their  provisions.     Approved  Feb.  7,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolution  8.) 

Ho-iv    to    order    pnbllcatioiui — See    Information   following    Content* 

February,  1928  545 

conference  committees 

Appropriations.  Conference  report  on  bill  making  appropriations  for  Executire 
Office  and  sundry  independent  executive  bureaus,  boards,  commissions,  and 
offices  [fiscal  year  1929],  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9481;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Wood.     Feb.  27,  192S.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  765,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Enemy  propertrj.  Settlement  of  war  claims  act  of  1928.  conference  report  on 
H.  R.  7201,  for  settlement  of  certain  claims  of  American  nationals  against 
Germany  and  of  German  nationals  against  United  States,  for  ultimate  return 
of  all  property  of  Gennaii  nationals  held  by  Alien  Property  Custodian,  and  for 
aQUitabie  apportionment  among  all  claimants  of  certain  available  funds ;  sub- 
mitted liy  Mr.  Smoot.  Feb.  27,  1928.  27  p.  (S.  doc.  64,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Committee  recommends  amendment  of  H.  R.  7201  by  substitute  and  amend- 
ment of  title  of  bill  to  read :  Act  for  seitlement  of  certain  claims  of  American 
nationals  against  Germany,  Austria,  and  Hungary,  and  of  :viti<mals  of 
Germany,  Austria,  and  Hungary  against  United  States,  and  for  ultimate  re- 
turn of  all  property  held  by  Alien  Property  Custodian.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Settlement  of  war  claims  act  of  1928.  [conference]  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7201  [for  settlement  of  certain  claims  of  American  nationals  against 
Germany  and  of  German  nationals  against  United  States,  for  viltimate  return 
of  all  property  of  German  nationals  held  by  Alien  Property  Custodian,  and  for 
equitable  apportionment  among  all  claimants  of  certain  available  funds]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Green  of  Iowa.  Feb.  27,  1928.  35  p.  (H.  rp.  766.  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recommends  amendment  of  H.  R.  7201  by  sub- 
stitute and  amendment  of  title  of  bill  to  read :  Act  for  settlement  of  certain 
claims  of  American  nationals  against  Germany,  Austria,  and  Hungary,  and  of 
nationals  of  Germany,  Austria,  and  Hungary  against  United  States,  and  for 
ultimate    return    of    all    property    held    by    Alien    Property    Custodian.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26117 

Interior  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  conference  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9136;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cramton.  Feb.  16,  1928.  6  p.  (H. 
rp.  701,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  posts.  Construction  at  military  posts,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7009  [to  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  at  military  posts]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  Feb.  13,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  639,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Public  'buildings.  Construction  of  certain  public  buildings,  conference  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  278  [to  amend  sec.  5  of  act  to  provide  for  construction  of 
certain  public  buildings,  approved  May  25,  1926]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Elliott. 
Feb.  9,  1928,     2  p.  (H.  rp.  620,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

State  Department.  State,  Justice,  Commerce,  and  Labor  appropriation  bill, 
[fiscal  year]  1929,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8269;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Shreve.     Feb.   6,    1928.     5   p.     (H.    rp.    593,   70th    Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Treasury  Department.  Conference  report  on  Treasury  and  Post  Office  appro- 
priation bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10635; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Madden.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  755,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Boy  Scouts  of  America.     17th  annual  report  of  Boy  Scouts  of  America,  1926. 
1928.     iii+239  p.  il.     (H.  doc.  93,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  23-13721 

Calendars  of  House  of  Representatives,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Feb.  1-29, 
1928;  no.  36-56.  1928.  various  paging,  large  8°  [Daily  when  House  of 
Representatives  is  in  session.]     %  Y  1.2 : 1/70^-1-36  to  70-1-56 

Procedure.     Cannon's    procedure   in    House    of   Representatives;    by    Clarence 
Cannon.     2d  edition.     1928.     viii-|-306  p.  il.  16°     (H.  doc.  684,  69th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26105 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    Information    follovvins    Contents 

546  Februakt,  1928 

Veterans  of  Foreign  H'wr*  of  United  States.  Proceedings  of  2Stli  annual  en- 
campment of  Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States,  Providence,  R.  I., 
Sept.  4-9,  1927.  1928.  vi+332  p.  1  p<jr.  2  p.  of  por.  (H.  doc.  789,  69th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)      ♦Paper,  50c. 

ACCOUNTS  committed;,  house 

Expenditures  in  Exerutive  Departments  Committee,  House.  Clerk  and  janitor 
to  Committee  on  Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments,  report  to  accom- 
panj' H.  Res.  100 :  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Feb.  23,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
738,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Invulid  Pensions  Committee.  Hon-^e.  Temporary  assistant  clerk  to  Committee 
on  Invalid  Pensions,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  98 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mac- 
Gregor.     Feb.  23,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  737,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Russell,  Aaron.  Erma  Russell,  report  tt)  accompany  H.  Res.  104  [to  i>ay  6 
months'  salary  and  funeral  expenses  to  Eima  Russell  on  account  of  death  of 
Aaron  Russell,  late  employee  of  House]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  Feb. 
23,  1928.     1  p.  (II.  rp.  739,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 


Agricultural  products.  Prohibit  crop  price  predictions  by  Goverimient  officials 
or  employees,  hearings.  70th  Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7215  [to  prohibit 
expression  of  opinitms  by  certain  persons  or  officials  connected  with  Govern- 
ment as  to  future  market  prici's  of  cotton,  wheat,  or  other  crops],  Jan.  14, 
1928.     1928.     iii+(50  p.  il.     (Serial  F.)     *  Paper,  10c.  Y4.  Ag8/l:C88 

Birds.  Migratory  bird  refuge  in  Cheyenne  Bottoms,  Ivans.,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7361,  Feb.  3,  1928.  1928.  iii+37  p.  (Serial  I.) 
*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/1 :  B  53/4 

Brooksville  Plant  Introduction  C-itrden.  To  dispose  of  Plant  Introduction  Gar- 
den, Hernando  County,  Fla..  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  26  [to  dispose  of 
real  property  located  in  Hernando  County,  Fla.,  known  as  Brooksville  Plant 
Intr(jduction  Garden,  no  longer  required  for  plant  introduction  purposes]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  568,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Feb.  23,  1928;  no.  1. 
1928.     32  p.  4°     $  Y  4.  Ag  8/1 :  70/1 

Containers.  Proposed  amendment  to  food  and  drugs  act  relative  to  slack-filled 
packages,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  487 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Feb.  6, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  590,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

European  corn  borer,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  24-26,  1928. 
1928.     iii+103  p.     (Serial  G.)     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.  Ag 8/1 :  C  81/2 

Horticultural  experiment  woi-lc  in  southern  Great  Plains  area,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  405  [for  horticultural  experiment  and  demonstration  work  in 
southern  Great  Plains  area]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  570,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Majestic  Hotel,  Lake  Charles,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4068  [for  relief  of 
Majestic  Hotel,  Lake  Charles,  La.,  and  of  R.  T.  Cronau]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Haugen.     Feb.  3,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  565,  70th  Cong,  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marketing  of  farm  produce.  Agricultural  relief,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  Jan.  17  [-Feb.  14],  1928.  1928.  [pts.  1-5,  xix]-|- 1-427  p.  (Serial 
E,  pts.  1-5.)  [Part  5  is  on  the  export  debenture  plan.]  *  Paper,  pts.  1-3, 
10c.  each  ;  *  pt.  4,  5c. ;  *  pt.  5,  15c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/1 :  R  25/4/pt.  1-5 

Mount  Weather',  Va.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  dispose  of  real 
property  in  Loudoun  and  Clarke  counties,  Va.  [known  as  Mount  "Weather,  no 
longer  required  for  observatory  and  laboratory  purposes],  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  89;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  Feb.  3,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  569, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    infornuitioii    folloviring,-    Contents 

February,  1928  547 

Schoenfeld,  William  A.  William  A.  Sclioeufeld,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8968 
[to  allow  credit  iu  accounts  of  William  A.  Schoenfeld]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Haugen.     Feb.  3,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  566,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Seed  grain  for  pest-stricken  areas,  William  A.  Schoenfeld  credit.  Mount  Weather 
property  disposal,  Majestic  Hotel  and  R.  T.  Cronau  relief,  Brooksville  Plant 
Garden  disposal,  Horticultural  experiment  work  in  southern  Great  Plains, 
Slack  filled  package  bill,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H,  R.  7942, 
H.  R.  8968,  H.  J.  Res.  89,  H.  R.  4068,  H.  J.  Res.  26,  H.  R.  405,  H.  R.  487.  Feb. 
2,1928.     1928.     iii+27  p.     (Serial  H.)     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.Ag8/l :  Se  3/9 


Agriculture  Department.  Agricultural  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929, 
hearings  before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  agricultural  appropriation  bill 
for  1929,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.     1928.     ii+1306  p.     *  Paper,  $1,35. 

Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  Ag  8/929 

Appropriations.  First  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1928.  hearing 
before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  deficiency  appropriations,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session.  1927.  ii  +  744  ii.  [Includes  hearings  on  estimates  for  deficiency 
appropriations  for  fiscal  year  1928  and  prior  fiscal  years  and  supplemental 
appropriations  for  fiscal  year  1928.]     *  Paper,  75c.         Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  D  36/928-1 

District  of  Columbia.  District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year] 
1929,  hearings  before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  District  of  Columbia  appro- 
priation bill  for  1929,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  1928.  ii+1123  p.  *  Paper, 
$1.10.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  D  63/929 

District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  11133;  submitted  by  Mr.  Simmons.  Feb.  17,  1928.  41  p. 
(H.  rp.  702,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Post  Office  Department.  Post  OflSce  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hear- 
ings before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  Post  Oflice  appropriation  bill  for  1929, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session.     1928.     ii+396  p.     *  Paper,  40c. 

Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  P  84/929 

Treasury  Department.  Ti'easury  and  Post  Office  Departments  appropriation 
bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10635 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Madden.  Feb.  7,  1928.  55  p.  (H.  rp.  594,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Treasury  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hearing  be- 
fore subcommittee  in  charge  of  Treasury  Department  appropriation  bill  for 
1929.  70th  Congress,  1st  ses.siou.     1928.     ii+954  p.     *  Paper,  $1.00. 

Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  T  71/929 

War  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10286;  submitted  by  Mr.  Barbour.  Jan.  31,  1928.  66  p.  (H.  rp.  497, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 


Banks  and  hankiivg.  Interlocking  bank  directorates,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6491  [to  amend  sec.  8  of  act  to  supplement  existing  laws  against  un- 
lawful restraints  and  monopolies,  as  amended,  so  as  to  permit  effective  regu- 
lation of  bank  directorates]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.  Jan.  30,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  487,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Reserve  Retirement  Fund,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4  [to  incorporate 
Federal  Reserve  Retirement  Fund,  to  define  its  functions,  and  for  other  pur- 
poses] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.     Jan.  30,  1928.     12  p.     (H.  rp.  479,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paijer,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26118 

State  banks  as  Government  depositories,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10151  [to 
amend  sec.  9  of  Federal  reserve  act,  so  as  to  allow  State  banks  which  are 
members  of  Federal  reserve  system  to  be  made  depositaries  of  public  money 
and  financial  agents  of  the  Government]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.  Feb. 
6,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  592,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publicatious — See    information    following    ContentK 

548  Februart,  1928 


Civil  service  retirement  act,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  31-Feb.  2, 
1928.     1928.     v+203  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.C  49/1 :  li  31/7 


AnAerson,  Anton.  For  relief  of  Anton  Anderson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
2654;  submitted  by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  624, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Apodaca,  Saiino.  Sabino  Apodaca,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4995  [for  relief 
of  Sabino  Apodaca]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rowbottom.  Jan.  23,  1928.  14  p. 
(H.  rp,  350,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  The  first  print  of 
House  report  350  (2  pages)  vpith  title,  Estate  of  L.  Gordon  Leech,  and  the 
accompanying  bill  H.  R.  93S5,  were  inadvertently  printed.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Archer,  Finch  R.  Finch  R.  Archer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2G5S  [for  relief 
of  Finch  R.  Archer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Feb.  27,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
758,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Back,  Chinther  C.  Carl  C.  Back,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1616  [for  relief 
of  Carl  C.  Back]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Feb.  6,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
578,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [The  Claims  Committee  amended  the  text  of  H.  R. 
1616  so  that  settlement  shall  be  made  to  Gunther  Carl  Back  instead  of  to 
his  father,  Carl  C.  Back.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bryson,  W.  J.  For  relief  of  W.  J.  Bryson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5075; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Feb.  6,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  579,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Burgess,  Oeorge  W.  George  "W.  Burgess,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8809  [for 
relief  of  George  W,  Burgess]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bulwinkle.  Feb.  6,  1928. 
16  p.  (H.  rp.  581,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

De  Loach,  James  A.  James  A.  De  Loach,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9902  [for 
relief  of  James  A.  De  Loach] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Feb.  24,  1928.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  751,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e, 

Elmer,  John.  Heirs  of  John  Eimer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1529  [for  relief 
of  heirs  of  John  Eimer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Feb.  20,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  709,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fcrmers  National  Bank,  Danville,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7518  [for 
relief  of  Farmers  National  Bank,  Danville,  Ky.] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Row- 
bottom.     Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  767,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fidelity  d  Deposit  Co.  of  Maryland,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2488  [for  relief 
of  Fidelity  and  Deposit  Company  of  Maryland] ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley. 
Jan,  30,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  467,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Fox,  John  A.  For  relief  of  John  A.  Fox,  report  to  accompany  S.  1325;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Ware,  Feb.  13,  1928.  5  p.  (H,  rp,  629,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•  Paper,  5c. 

Friend,  Joseph  F.  Joseph  F.  Friend,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6842  [for 
relief  of  Joseph  F.  Friend] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  580,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fritzen,  James  C.  James  C.  Fritzen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6271  [for  relief 
of  James  C,  Fritzen] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.  Jan,  30,  1928, 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  471,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gallagher,  A.  F.  A.  F,  Gallagher,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10014  [for  relief 
of  A,  F.  Gallagher]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
475,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Olens  Falls  Insurance  Company.  Relief  of  Glens  Falls  Insurance  Co.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9319;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  761,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  549 

Eai-mon,  Louis  E.  Louis  H.  Hai-mon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1588  [for 
relief  of  Louis  H.  Harmon]  ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  577,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Heitkamp,  George.  George  Heitkamp,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5399  [for 
relief  of  George  Heitkamp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  Jan.  30,  1928.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  470,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Eigglm  Lumher  Co.  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8031  [for  relief  of 
Higgius  Lumber  Company  (Incorporated)];  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill. 
Feb.  13,  1928.    6  p.     I H.  rp.  628,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Eolder,  J.  B.  3.  B.  Holder,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10502  [for  relief  of 
J.  B.  Holder]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  763. 
70th"  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Eome  Insurance  Co.,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9320  [for 
relief  of  Home  Insurance  Company,  New  York,  N.  Y.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Underbill.    Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  762,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Euggins,  Thomas.  Thomas  Huggins,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2657  [for 
relief  of  Thomas  Huggins]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
13,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  025,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leech,  L.  Gordon.  Estate  of  L.  Gordon  Leech,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9385 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  L.  Gordon  Leech,  bankrupt,  Grant  F.  Chase,  trustee] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Rowbottom.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  567,  70th  Cong, 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lueder,  Arthur  C.  Arthur  C.  Lueder,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8499  [for  relief 
of  Arthur  C.  Lueder]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  582,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mack,  John.  John  Mack,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6367  [authorizing  redemp- 
tion by  Treasury  of  20  war-savings  stamps,  series  of  1918,  now  held  by  John 
Mack]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  472,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Madry,  Myra.  Myra  Madry,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3844  [for  relief  of 
Myra  Madry]  ;  submitied  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan.  30,  1928.  7  p.  (H.  rp.  469, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mathews,  Kate.  Kate  Mathews,  report  to  accompany  S.  3  [for  relief  of  Kate 
Mathews]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  Jan.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  476,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Near  East  Relief  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  S.  1287  [for  relief  of  Near  East 
Relief  (Incorporated)];  submitted  by  Mr.  Bulwinkle.     Feb.  23,  1928.     20  p. 
(H.  rp.  749,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Includes  minority  views  signed  by  Mr. 
Box.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26119 

Newspapers.  Relief  of  certain  newspapers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10944 
[for  relief  of  certain  newspapers  for  advertising  services  rendered  Public 
Health  Service  of  Treasury  Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of 
Pennsylvania.  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  710,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Niehaus,  Charles  E.  Charles  H.  Niehaus,  report  to  accompany  S.  380  [for 
relief  of  Charles  H.  Niehaus]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steele.  Feb.  27,  1928.  13  p. 
(H.  rp.  756,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nightingale,  John  L.  John  L.  Nightingale,  report  to  accompany  H,  R.  8810 
[for  relief  of  John  L.  Nightingale]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Hud.speth.  Jan.  30, 
1928.    17  p.     (H.  rp.  473,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Connor,  Mrs.  Mary  E.  Mary  E.  O'Connor,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6436 
[for  relief  of  Mary  E.  O'Connor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of  Pennsylvania. 
Feb.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  627,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

91468— 28— No.  398 3 

550  February,  1928 

Officers,  Army.  Relief  of  certain  officers  and  former  officers  of  Army,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  4265  [for  relief  of  certain  officers  and  former  officers  of 
Army  and  for  other  individual  claims  approved  "by  War  Department]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Eslick.     Feb.  14,  1928.    20  p.     (H.  rp.  656,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Rogers,  George  W.  G.  W.  Rogers,  report  to  accompany  S.  2365  [for  relief  of 
G.  W.  Rogers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steele.  Jan.  30,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  478, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ross,  Andrew  N.  A.  N.  Ross,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8890  [for  relief  of 
A.  N.  Ross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bushong.  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  539, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Savery,  John  M.  John  M.  Savery,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4925  [for  relief 
of  John  M.  Savery]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Feb.  27,  1928.  7  p.  (H. 
rp.  759,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shults,  FranTi  E.  Frank  E.  Shultz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9380  [for  relief 
of  Frank  E.  Shults]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Box.  Jan.  30,  1928.  13  p.  (H,  rp. 
474,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Simpson,  George.  George  Simpson  and  R.  C.  Dunbar,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10417  [for  relief  of  George  Simpson  and  R.  C.  Dunbar]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Cellar  [Celler].     Feb.  6,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  583,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Smith  Tatlet  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4303  [for  relief  of  Smith  Tablet 
Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.  Feb.  13,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
626,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

South  Carolina.  State  of  South  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9710  [for 
relief  of  South  Carolina]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bui  winkle.  Feb.  20,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  711,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Townsend,  Vern  E.  Vern  E.  Townsend,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3029  [for 
relief  of  Vern  E.  Townsend]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hudspeth.  Feb.  20,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  708,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Washam,  R.  P.  For  relief  of  R.  P.  Washam,  F.  A.  Slate,  W.  H.  Sanders,  W.  A. 
McGinnis,  J.  E.  Lindssay  [Lindsay],  and  J.  T.  Pearson,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10503;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Feb.  27,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  764, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

White,  John  F.  John  F.  and  Mary  L.  White,  report  to  accompany  S.  1133  [for 
relief  of  John  F.  White  and  Mary  L.  White]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill. 
Jan.  30,  1928.    24  p.     (H.  rp.  477,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Zornes,  J.  W.  J.  W.  Zornes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  979  [for  relief  of  J.  W. 
Zornes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Irwin.  Feb.  13,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  623,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Barrels.  To  standardize  lime  barrels  and  require  proper  shipping  marka 
thereon,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  43  [to  amend  act  to 
standardize  lime  barrels,  relative  to  marking  of  barrels],  Jan.  23,  1928.  1928. 
ii+4  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.C66:B27/6 

Half-dollar.  Coinage  of  50-cent  pieces  in  commemoration  of  sesquicentennial  of 
discovery  of  Hawaii,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  81,  Jan. 
23,  1928.     1928.     ii+5  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.C  66 :  F  46/4 

To  authorize  coinage  of  silver  50-cent  pieces  in  commemoration  of  150th 

anniversary  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H. 
R.  81  [to  authorize  coinage  of  silver  50-cent  pieces  in  commemoration  of 
150th  anniversary  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands  by  Captain  James  Cook, 
I  and  for  purpose  of  aiding  in  establishing  a  Captain  James  Cook  memorial 
collection  in  archives  of  Hawaii]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Perkins.  Feb.  1,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  535,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTvlng:    Contents 

February,  1928  551 

Medals.  Authorizing  coinage  of  gold  medal  for  presentation  to  Charles  A.  Lind- 
bergh in  honor  of  his  achievements,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  J.  Res.  192,  Feb.  20,  1928.     1928.    ii+0  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.C  GO  :  L  &4 

Authorizing  coinage  of  gold  medal  in  commemoration  of  achievements  of 

Charles  A.  Lindbergh,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  192;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Perkins.  Feb.  21,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  722,  TOlh  Cong.  1st  *  Paper,  Oc. 
L.  C.  card  20^20120 

Authorizing   coinage   of   medals    in   commemoration   of   achievements   of 

Charles  A.  Lindbergh  [and  for  other  purposes],  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  R.  11078.  Feb.  20.  1928.    1928.    ii+7  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.C  66 :  L  64/2 

Authorizing  coinage   of  medals  in   commemoration   of   achievements   of 

Charles  A.  Lindbergh  [and  for  other  purposes],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11078 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Perkins.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  721,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mill  products.  Establish  standard  weights  and  measures  for  certain  mill  prod- 
ucts, hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  9040.  Jan.  23.  1928.  1928. 
ii+3  p.     *  Reaper,  5c.  Y  4.C  60  :  M  01 

To  establish  standard  of  weights  and  measures  for  the  following  wheat- 
mill,  rye-mill,  and  corn-mill  products,  namely,  flours,  semolina,  hominy,  grits, 
and  meals,  and  all  commercial  feeding  stuffs,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9040 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Perkins.  Feb.  1,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  537,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 


Banks  and  banking.  Relating  to  payment  or  delivery  of  deposits  of  money  or 
property  held  in  names  of  2  or  more  persons,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6856 
[relating  to  payment  or  delivery  by  banks  or  other  persons  or  institutions  in 
District  of  Columbia  of  deposits  of  money  and  property  held  in  names  of  2 
or  more  persons]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Jan.  .30,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
488,  70ih  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Child  labor.  To  regulate  employment  of  minors  in  District  of  Columbia,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  60S5 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McLeod.  Feb.  17.  1928.  5  p. 
(H.  rp.  703.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Inheritance.  Amend  chapter  21  of  code  of  law  for  District  of  Columbia  in  rela- 
tion to  descent  and  distribution  [of  property],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  49; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Gilbert.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  572,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Insurance.  Complete  code  of  insurance  law  for  District  of  Columbia,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10147  [to  provide  complete  cotle  of  insurance  law  for  District 
of  Columbia  (excepting  marine  insurance  as  now  provided  for  by  act  of  Mar. 
4,  1922,  and  fraternal  and  benevolent  insurance  associations  or  orders  as  pro- 
vided for  by  act  of  Mar.  3.  1901.  etc.)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blanton.  Feb.  21, 
1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  719,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Junior  Order  of  United  American  Mechanics.  Amending  sec.  764  of  subchapter 
12,  fraternal  beneficial  associations,  of  code  of  law  of  District  of  Columbia  [so 
as  to  include  among  associations  specifically  exempted  from  provisions  of  sub- 
chapter 12  Junior  Order  of  United  Am«nican  Mechanics  and  Dausrhtei-s  of 
America],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10869;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Underbill. 
Feb.  21,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  718,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Markets.     Acquisition  of  site  for  wholesale  farmers'  produce  market,  minority 

report   [and  minority  views]   to  accompany  H.  R.  8298.     pts.  2,  3^     (H.  rp. 

451.  pts.  2,  3.  70th  Cong.  1st 

pt.  2  Minority  report ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lampert.     Feb.  9,  1928.     8  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

pt.  3.  Minority  views;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gibson.  Feb.  15,  1928.  41  p.  [Includes 
Report  on  relocation  of  farmers'  produce  market,  by  Bureau  of  Efficiency,  and 
Statements  filed  with  subcommittee  relative  to  3  sites.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Police  Department.  Salarie.s  of  officers  and  members  of  Metropolitan  Police 
Force  and  Fii-e  Department  of  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
9346;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  Feb.  21,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  735,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    iollo-wlng    Contents 

552  February,  1928 


Hovsard  University.  Amend  act  to  incorporate  Howard  University,  hearing, 
69th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  8466  (H.  R.  393),  to  amend  act  to  in- 
corporate Howard  University  in  District  of  Columbia,  reprinted  in  connection 
with  H.  R.  279,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  supplemented  by  statement  of  Mal- 
colm   C.    Tarver.        1928.     ii+32    p.     *  Paper,    5c.  Y  4.Ed  8/2 :  H  83/3 

■ Howard  University,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  279  [to  amend  sec.  8  of 

act  to  incorporate  Howard  University  in  District  of  Columbia,  by  authorizing 
annual  appropriations  and  providing  for  inspection  of  university  by  Bureau 
of  Education]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  New  York.  Feb.  8,  1928.  5  p. 
(H.  rp.  606,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Includes  minority  views  signed  by  Mr. 
Lowrey,  Mr.  Tarver,  and  Mr.  De'Rouen.]     *  Paper,  5c. 


President  of  United  States.  Meeting  of  electors  of  President  and  Vice  President 
and  issuance  and  transmission  of  certificates,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7373 ;  .submitted  by  Mr.  Jeffers.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  750,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Proposing  amendment  to  Constitution  of  United  States,  providing  for  elec- 
tion of  President  and  Vice  President,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  J.  Res.  181,  Jan.  27,  1928;  statement  of  Clarence  F.  Lea.  1928.  ii+19  p. 
*Pai)er,  5c.  Y  4.  El  2/1 :  P  92/9 


Contested  elections.  Contested-election  case  of  Clark  v.  White,  report  on  con- 
tested-tlection  case  of  W.  H.  Clark  v.  Hays  B.  White,  from  6th  Congresssional 
district  of  Kansas;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
717,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Beck,  Ja7nes<  M.  James  M.  Beck  election  case,  1st  district  of  Pennsylvania, 
hearings,  70th  CongTCss,  1st  session,  by  authority  of  House  resolution  9 ; 
testimony.     1928.     ii+229   p.     *  Paper,    25c.  Y4.  E12/2:B38 


Claims.  Reporting  to  Congress  claims  and  demands  by  comptroller  general, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9583 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Williamson.  Jan.  30,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  491,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 

Retirement.  Uniform  retirement  date,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10288  [for 
uniform  retirement  date  for  authorized  retirements  of  Federal  personnel]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Williamson.  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  550,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Returns  Office.  To  provide  for  transfer  of  Returns  Office  from  Interior  De- 
partment to  General  Accounting  Ofiice,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9570 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Williamson.  Jan.  31,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  502,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Flood  control,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  control  of  destructive 
flood  waters  of  United  States,  Nov.  28,  1927  [-Feb.  1,  1928].     1928. 

pt.  3.  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries,     iv-j- 893-2015  p.  H.   1  pl.   map.     •Paper, 
$1.15.  Y  4.P  65  :  C  76/pt.  3 

pt.  4.  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries.     1114-  2017-3033  p.  11.     •  Paoer,  $1.00. 

Y4.F65:C76/pt.  4 
pt.  5.  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries,     ill -f3035-35b-f  3036-4042  p.  il.  1  pl.  6  p. 
of  pl.  2  maps.     •  Paper,  $1.25.  Y  4.F  65  :  C  76/pt.  5 

pt.  6.  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries,     iv-f  4043^924  p.  map.     ♦  Paper,  $1.00. 

Y  4.F  65  :  C  76/pt.  6 

How    to    order    pmbllcatlona — See    Infomiiitloii    follofvliigr    Contents 


February,  1928  553 

Sacramento  River.  Flood  control  of  Sacramento  River,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  117  [to  modify  project  for  control  of  floods  in  Sacramento  River,  Calif., 
adopted  by  sec.  2  of  act  to  provide  for  control  of  floods  of  MissLssippi  River 
and  of  Sacramento  River,  Calif.,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Reid  of  Illinois.     Feb.  13,  1928.     12  p.      (H.  i-p.  634,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Arms.  To  prohibit  exportation  of  arras,  munitions,  or  implements  of  war  to 
belligerent  nations,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  183  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Burton.     Jan.  30,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  492,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coffin,  Mrs.  Mabel  R.  Relief  of  widows  of  certain  foreign  service  officers,  re- 
port to  accompanv  H.  R.  10932 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  Feb.  15,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  688,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [H.  R.  10932  provides  for  relief  of  Mrs, 
Mabel  Rees  Coffin,  Mrs.  Sarah  Linard,  and  Mrs.  Catherine  ReQua  Johnson.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Dunlap,  Maurice  P.  Maurice  P.  Dunlap,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9411  [for 
relief  of  Maurice  P.  Dunlap]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Linthicum.  Feb.  23,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  743,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Foreign-  service.  Amend  foreign  service  l)uildings  act.  1926.  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10166;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  Feb.  2,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  541, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Franklin,  Lynn  W.  Lynn  W.  Franklin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8651  [for 
relief  of  Lynn  W.  Franklin]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Moore  of  Virginia.  Feb.  27, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  769,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gorgas  Memorial  Lahoratorif.  Gorgas  Memorial  Laboratory,  hearings,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  8128,  to  authorize  permanent  annual  appro- 
priation for  maintenance  and  operation  of  Gorgas  Memorial  Laboratory, 
Jan.  20,  1928.    1928.     iii+08  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y4.F76/1:G67 

Gorgas  Memorial  Laboratory,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8128  [to  author- 
ize permanent  annual  appropriation  for  maintenance  and  operation  of  Gorgas 
Memorial  Laboratory]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Temple.     Feb.  17,  1928.     9  p.     (H. 
rp.  706.  70tii  C<ing.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26121 

Haivaii.  Se.squicentennial  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  hearings,  70th,  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Re.s.  141,  to  authorize  the  President  to  invite 
Government  of  Great  Britain  to  participate  in  celebration  of  sesqulcentenniai 
of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  to  provide  for  participation  of  Gov- 
ernment of  Uinted  States  therein.  Jan.  26.  1928 ;  statement  of  V.  S.  K.  Hous- 
ton.    1928.     ii+9  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.F  76/1 :  H  31/2 

Kirjassoff,  Max  D.  Consulate  General  at  Yokohama,  Japan,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  J.  Res.  147  [for  relief  of  estate  of  Max  D.  Kirjassoff,  late  consul  in 
charge  of  American  Consulate  General  at  Yokohama.  Japan]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Martin  of  Massachu.setts.  Feb.  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  744,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lake  of  the  Woods,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10884  [to  amend  act  to  carry 
into  effect  provisions  of  convention  between  United  States  and  Great  Britain 
to  regulate  level  of  Lake  of  the  Woods  concluded  on  24th  of  February,  1925]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Maas.  Feb.  15,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  085,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Madeleine,  French  .steamship.  Steamship  Madeleine,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
9043  [to  authorize  pajment  of  indemnity  to  Government  of  France  on  ac- 
count of  losses  sustained  by  owners  of  French  steamship  Madeleine  as  rv-sult 
of  collision  betvveen  it  and  United  States  steamship  Kerwood]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Porter.     Feb.  23, 1928.     3  p.     ( H.  rp.  742,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Mexico.  Boundary  between  United  States  and  Mexico,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9286  [authorizing  appropriation  to  be  expended  by  American  section, 
International  Boundary  Commission,  United  States  and  Mexico,  for  purixjse 
of  making  survey  to  fix  boundary  between  United  States  and  Mexico,  be- 
tween El  Paso,  Tex.,  and  Fort  Quitman,  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McReynolds. 
Jan.  31,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  501,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

llo\r    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTrlngr    Contents 

554  February,  1928 

Offioers,  Forei;pi  service.  For  relief  of  certain  officers  of  foreign  service  of 
United  States,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9112  [for  relief  of  William  Roder- 
ick Doi'sey  and  other  officers  of  foreign  service  of  United  States,  who,  while 
serving  abroad,  suffered  by  theft,  robbery,  fire,  embezzlement,  or  bank  fail- 
ures losses  of  official  funds]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Martin  of  Massachusetts. 
Feb.  13,  1928.     14  p.     (H.  rp.  630,  70th  Cong.  Ist  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Wmans,  C.  S.  C.  S.  Winans,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8650  [for  relief  of 
C.  S.  Winans]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Moore  of  Viryinia.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  768,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  21  and  Feb.  15, 
1928;  no.  2  and  3.     192S.     Each  15  p.  large  8°     $  Y  4.1m  6/1 :  70/2,3 

Deportation  of  aliens,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10078 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  John- 
son of  Washington.     Jan.  30,  1928.     30  p.     (H.  rp.  484    [pt.   1],  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26146 

Immigration  Bureau.  Salaries  in  immigration  service,  hearings  before  subcom- 
mittee, 70th  CoJ^gress,  1st  session,  on  proposed  bills  to  fix  pay  scales,  Jan.  10, 
14,  and  26  [25],  1928.     1928.     ii+87  p.     (Hearings  no.  70.  1.  2.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.1m  6/1:  Sa3 


California.  Restoring  lands  in  California  to  public  domain  [which  are  now 
reserved  for  Indian  allotment  purposes],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8898; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  556,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carson  National  Forest.  Protection  of  watershed  in  Carson  National  Forest 
[from  which  water  is  obtained  for  Taos  Pueblo,  N.  Mex.],  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8824;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
483,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Chippewa  Inctia}%s.  Authorizing  Chippewa  Indians  of  Minnesota  to  submit 
claims  to  Court  of  Claims,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10360  [to  confer  addi- 
tional jurisdiction  upon  Court  of  Claims  under  act  authorizing  Chipi)ewa 
Indians  of  Minnesota  to  submit  claims  to  Court  of  Claims,  relative  to  funds 
of  Red  Lake  band  of  Clupi)ewa  Indians]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  Feb. 
23,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  746,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Per  capita  payment  to  enrolled  members,  Chippewa  tribe  of  Minnesota, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  462 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.     Feb.  6,   1928. 
5  p.     (H.  rp.  589,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.  5c. 

Fort  Bidwell  Indian  School.  Hospital  at  Fort  Bidwell  Indian  School,  Calif., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8542  [for  construction  of  hospital  at  Fort  P>idwell 
Indian  School,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p. 
( H.  rp.  554,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

— — •  School  building  at  Fort  Bidwell  Indian  School,  Calif.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8543  [for  construction  of  school  building  at  Fort  Bidwell  Indian 
School,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
555,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fort  Hall  Reservation.  Placing  of  water  on  Mich.aud  division  and  other  lands 
in  Fort  Hall  Indian  Reservation,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  308  [authorizing 
appropriation  for  survey  and  investigation  of  placing  of  water  on  Michaud 
division  and  other  lands  in  Fort  Hall  Indian  Reservation]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Arentz.     Jan.  30,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  485,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hupa  Valley  Reservation.  Appropriation  to  pay  half  cost  of  bridge  [across 
Trinity  River]  and  road,  Hoopa  Valley  Reservation,  Calif.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  441 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
480,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c.  "v| 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  555 

Indians.  Withdrawal  of  lands  in  Inyo  County,  Calif.,  for  Indian  use,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9037;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  557,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Lumml  Reservation.  Construction  of  road  on  Lummi  Indian  Reservation, 
Wash.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  873 1 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Wtisliiug- 
ton.     Feb.  9,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  616,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Okanogan  County,  Wash.  Autliorize  payment  of  certain  taxes  to  Okanogan 
County,  Wash.,  etc.,  report  to  acjompauy  11.  K.  431 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill 
of   Washington.     Feb.    22,    1928.     5   p.     (H.    rp.    736,    70th    Cong.  '  1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Osage  Indians.  Division  of  lands  and  funds  of  Osage  Indians  in  Oklahoma, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9033  [to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  to  amend  sec.  3  of  act 
for  division  of  lands  and  funds  of  Osage  Indians  in  Oklahoma,  relative  to 
leasing  of  oil  lands]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howard  of  Oklahoma.  Feb.  13,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  633,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Osage  tribal  and  individual  affairs,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th 

Congi-ess,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  9294,  relating  to  tribal  and  individual  affairs  of 
Osage  Indians  of  Oklahoma,  Jan.  17  and  19,  1928,  including  hearings  before 
the  full  committee  on  Jan.  19,  1928.  1928.  iii+26  p.  [The  hearings  of  Jan. 
19  were  held  before  the  full  committee  only.]     *  Paper,  5c.     Y  4.1u  2/1 :  Os  1/13 

Potaicatomi  Indians.  To  appropriate  treaty  funds  due  Wisconsin  Pottawatomie 
Indians,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7207 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  Feb.  3, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  553,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pugallup  Indians.  Upkeep  of  Puyallup  Indian  cemetery  at  Tacoma,  Wash., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  173 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  Feb.  2, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  547,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Riverside  Indian  School.  To  authorize  construction  of  dormitory  at  Riverside 
Indian  School,  Anadarko,  Okla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8326;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Howard  of  Oklahoma.  Feb.  13,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  632,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

SpoJ:a7i  Indians.  Claims  of  Lower  Spokane  and  Lower  Pend  d'Oreille  or  Lower 
Kalispell  Indians,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  R.  5574,  Jan.  14,  1928.     1928.     ii+30  p.     *  Paper,  5c.     Y  4.1n  2/1 :  W  27/4 

Wind  River  Reservation.  Amend  sec.  2  of  act  of  Mar.  3,  1905  [to  ratify  and 
amend  agreement  with  Indians  residing  on  Shoshone  or  Wind  River  Indian 
Reservation,  Wyo.,  and  to  make  appropriations  to  carry  same  into  effect], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  356 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Williamson.  Feb.  2,  1928. 
2  p.      (H.  rp.  549,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  PaiJer,  5c. 


Philippine  Islands.  Employment  of  civilian  assistants  in  Office  of  Governor 
General  of  Pliilippine  Islands,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8507  [to  amend  sec. 
29  of  act  to  declare  purpose  of  people  of  United  States  as  to  future  political 
status  of  i)eople  of  Philippine  Islands,  and  to  provide  more  autonomous  gov- 
ernment for  those  islands,  and  for  insertion  of  new  section  in  said  act  between 
sec.  29  and  30  of  said  act,  to  be  designated  as  sec.  29^2  of  said  act,  providing 
for  employment  of  civilian  assistants  in  Office  of  Governor  General  of  Philip- 
pine Islands  and  fixing  salaries  of  certain  officials]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kiess. 
Feb.  27,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  771  [pt.  1],  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Porto  Rico.  Relief  of  Porto  Rican  taxpayei-s,  report  to  accompany  S.  754; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Kiess.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  652,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Pajier,  5c. 


Ancon  Hospital.  Change  name  of  Ancon  Hospital  in  Panama  Canal  Zone  to 
General  Gorgas  Hospital,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  175  [to  change  name 
of  Ancon  Hospital  in  Panama  Canal  Zone  to  Gorgas  Hospital]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Denison.      Feb.    14,    1928.      7    p.      (H.    rp.    653,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    infonuation    folloivinB'    Contenta 

556  February,  1928 

Atchafalaija  Rive?:  Bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  Melville,  La.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  7927  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway 
Commission  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  or 
near  Melville,  La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
670,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calumet  River.  Bridge  across  Calumet  River  in  Chicago,  111.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R,  8897  [to  revive  and  reenact  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Chicago  to  construct  bridge  across  Calumet  River  at  or  near  130th  street  in 
Chicago,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  671, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

ChattahoocJiee  River.  Bridge  across  Chattahoochee  River  near  Alaga,  Ala.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  9063  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Chattahoochee  River  at  or  near  Alaga,  Ala.,  by 
Alabama  and  Georgia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  524,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chesapeake  Bap.  Bridge  across  Chesapeake  Bay,  report  to  accompany  S.  1498 
[to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge  across 
Chesapeake  Bay  from  point  in  Baltimore  County,  Md.,  near  mouth  of  Back 
River,  to  point  in  Kent  County,  Md.,  between  Rock  Hall  and  Tolchester  Beach, 
by  Chesapeake  Bay  Bridge  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wyant.  Feb.  21, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  724,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Clinch  River.  Bridge  across  Clinch  River  on  Sneedville-Rogersville  road,  Tenn., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9293  [granting  consent  of  Congi-ess  to  Highway 
Department  of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Clinch  River  on  Sneed- 
ville-Rogersville road  in  Hancock  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks. 
Feb.  1,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  532,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coosa  River.  Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Pell  City,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9064  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  at  or  near  Pell 
City  on  Pell  Citv-Anniston  road  between  Calhoun  and  St.  Clair  counties, 
Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  508,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cunil}erlan(l  Rive)\  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Dover-Clarksville  road, 
Tenn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9199  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  High- 
way Department  of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River 
on  Dover-Clarksville  road  in  Stewart  Countv.  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks. 
Feb.  1,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  530,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

• Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Lafayette-Celina  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  9139  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depart- 
ment of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Lafayette- 
Celina  road  in  Clay  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  1,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  526,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Lebanon-Hartsville  road,  Tenn.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  9137  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  De- 
partment of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on 
Lebanon-Hartville  road  in  Wilson  and  Trousdale  counties,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Parks.     Feb.  1, 1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  525,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •Paper,  Be. 

Current  River.  Bridge  across  Current  River  at  Success,  Ark.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9204  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  Highway  Commis- 
sion to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Current  River  at  or  near  Success, 
Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Jan.  31,  192S.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  511,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Fox  River.  Bridge  across  Fox  River  at  Algonquin,  HI.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9350  [granting  consent  of  Congi'ess  to  Frank  E.  Merrill,  carrying  on 
business  under  name  and  style  of  Frank  E.  Merrill  and  Company's  Algonquin 
Shores  Realty  Trust,  to  construct  footbridge  across  Fox  River  near  Algonquin, 
111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  672,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho'fT    to    order    publications — See    informa'tion    following'    Contents 

February,  1928  557 

Fox  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Fox  River  at  St.  Charles,  111.,  report  to  accompau}'  H.  R. 

9361  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  St.  Charles,  111.,  to  widen  bridge  across 
Fox  River  within  St.  Charles]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  14,  15)28. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  673,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Illinois  River.  Bridge  across  Illinois  River  at  Peoria,  111.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10566  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Peoria,  111.,  to  construct  free 
highway  bridge  across  Illinois  River  at  or  near  Peoria]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  725,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *Paper, 

KanaiohO'  River.  Bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9S43  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  com- 
pleting construction  of  bridge  across  Kanawha  River  in  or  near  Henderson, 
W.  Va.,  to  point  opposite  thereto  in  or  near  Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.,  by 
Henderson  Bridge  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  Feb.  14,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  677,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mahoning  River.  Bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  Warren,  Ohio,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9339  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  county 
commissioners  of  Trumbull  County,  Ohio,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge 
across  Mahoning  River  at  or  near  Warren,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Crosser. 
Jan.  31,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  512,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Menominee  River.  Bridge  across  Menominee  River  at  Marinette,  Wis.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2902  [authorizing  Wisconsin  and  Michigan  to  construct  free 
highway  bridge  across  Menominee  River  at  or  near  Marinette,  Wis.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Newton.     Feb.  14,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  669,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Miami  River.  Bridge  across  Miami  River  at  Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10756  [authorizing  Indiana  to  construct  toll  bridge  across 
Miami  River  betv»-een  Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  and  point  in  Hamilton  County, 
Ohio,  near  Columbia  Park]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Feb.  21,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  728,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mississippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Arkansas  City,  Ark., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7198  [authorizing  Henry  Thane  to  construct 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Arkansas  City,  Ark.]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Parks.     Feb.    14,    1928.     3    p.     (H.    rp.    662,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  New  Orleans,  La.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  10298  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  New  Orleans,  La.,  and  Gretna,  La., 
bv  George  A.  Hero  and  Allen  S.  Hackett]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn. 
Feb.  14,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  682,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge   across   Mississippi   River   at   Quincy,   111.,   report   to   accompany 

H.  R.  9849  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Quincy,  111.,  by  said  city]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Denison.     Feb.  1,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  534,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at   Savanna,  111.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  10026  [to  revive  and  reenact  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Illinois  and  Iowa,  or  either  of  them,  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  or  near  Savanna,  111.,  and  Sabula,  Iowa,  connecting  county  of  Carroll, 
111.,  and  county  of  Jackson,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  14,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  680,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Missouri  River.  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Atchison,  Kans.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10806  [authorizing  Atchison,  Kans.,  and  county  of  Buchanan, 
Mo.,  or  either  of  them,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or 
near  Atchison,  Kans.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoch.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
729,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publication* — See    Information    following    Contents 

558  February,  1928 

Missouri  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Decatur,   Nebr.,   report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  10658  [authorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Decatur.  Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson 
of  Iowa.     Feb.  21,  192S.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  726,  70th  Cong.  li?t  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  mouth  of  Big  Blue  River,  Mo.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  9773  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Manufactures'  Elec- 
tric Terminal  Railway  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near 
mouth  of  Big  Blue  River  in  Jackson  County,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Milligan.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  676,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

• Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Plattsmouth,  Nebr.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  10373  [authorizing  Plattsmouth  Bridge  Company  to  consiruct  bridge 
across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Plattsmouth,  Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Burtness.     Feb.  14,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  667,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Rulo,  Nebr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

10424  [authorizing  John  C.  Mullen,  T.  L.  Davis,  John  H.  Hutchings,  and 
Virgil  Falloon  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Rulo, 
Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burtness.  Feb.  14,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  668,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  in  St.  Louis  County,  Mo.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9018  [authorizing  E.  M.  Elliott  and  Associates  (Incorporated)  to 
construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Olive  street  road  in  St. 
Louis  County,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan.  Feb.  24,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp. 
752,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Monongahela  Rivei:  Bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  9761  [to  extend  time  for  completing  construction  of 
bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  or  near  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  by  Allegheny 
County,  Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wyant.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  675, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  Point  Marion,  Pa.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10707  [authorizing  Point  Marion  Community  Club  to  construct 
bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  or  near  Point  Marion,  Pa.]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Wyant.     Feb.   21,    1928.     2  p.      (H.   rp.    727,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Extend  time  for  completing  bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  or  near 

McKeesport,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10025  [to  extend  time  for  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Monongahela  River  at  or  near  Cliff  street.  McKees- 
port, Pa.,  to  point  opposite  in  Duquesne,  by  Allegheny  County,  Pa.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Wyant.     Feb.  14,  1928.     2  p.     (  H.  rp.  679,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

Ocinulgee  River.  Bridge  across  Ocmulgee  River  at  Fitzgerald,  Ga.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9831  [authorizing  J.  E.  Turner  to  construct  bridge  across 
Ocmulgee  River  at  or  near  Fitzgerald,  Ga.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston. 
Feb.  14,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  663,  70th  Cong.  1st      [Corrected  print.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ashland,  Ky..  report  to  rccompany 
H.  R.  473  [authorizing  Ashland  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Ohio  River  at  or  near  Ashland,  Ky.,  and  point  opposite  in  Coal  Grove,  Ohio]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Feb.  2,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  544,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

— —  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ashland,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  H.  H. 
5722  [authorizing  Rogers  Brothers  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Ashland.  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Feb.  2, 
1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  545,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Louisville,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

9660  [authorizing  Louisville,  Ky.,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Ohio  River 
at  or  near  said  city]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  533,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv    to    order    publications — See    information    followlns    Contents 

Febkuary,  1928  559 

Ohio  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ne\v  Mnrliiisviile,  W.  Va.,  roitori  tn  accuui- 

panj-  H.  ii.  10070  [authorizing  New  Martinsville  and  Ohio  lUvcr  BridiiC  Coni- 
panv  (incorporated)  to  construct  bridge  acruss  O'aio  River  at  or  near  >e\v 
Martinsville,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Feery.  Feb.  14,  ll.t28.  i'  p.  (11. 
rp.  665,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paiier,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Sisters%ille.  W.  Va..  report   to  accompany 

H.  R.  91SG  [authorizing  Sistorsville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Comi)any  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Sistersville.  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Tv^ry.     Jan.  31,  1928.     4  p.      (H.  rp.  509,  70th  Cong.  1st  .sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bildge  across  Ohio  River  at  WelLsburg,  \V.   Va.,   report   to  accompany 

S.  797  [authorizing  J.  K.  Mahone  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Ohio  River  at  or  near  Wellsbtirg.  "SV.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  Feb.  21, 
1928.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  723,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Owensboro,  Ky.,  and  Rockport,  Ind., 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9280  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  com- 
pleting construction  of  bridge  across  Ohio  River  approximately  midway  be- 
tween Owensboro,  Ky..  and  RockiX)rt,  Ind.,  by  Edward  T.  Franks]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Indiana.  Feb.  1,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  531.  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ouachita  River.  Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  near  Calion,  Ark.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9019  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Com- 
mission of  Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near 
Calion.  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  523, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Panama  Canal.  Authorize  payment  of  compensation  to  retired  w-arrant  officers 
and  enlisted  men  employed  by  The  Panama  Canal,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1946  [relative  to  pay  of  retired  warrant  officers  and  enlisted  men  and 
warrant  officers  and  enlisted  men  of  reserve  forces  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine 
Corps,  and  Coast  Guard,  fixed  under  terms  of  Panama  Canal  act,  as  amended]  : 
submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  Feb.  14,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  640,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Perdido  Bay.  Bridge  across  Perdido  Bay  at  Bear  Point,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9964  [authorizing  E.  L.  Higdon  to  construct  bridge  across  Perdido 
Bay  at  or  near  Bear  Point.  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Feb.  14, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  664,  70th  Cong.  se>s.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Public  Health  Service.     Coordination  of  public-health  activities  of  Government, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11026 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mapes.     Feb.  21.  1928. 
6  p.     (H.  rp.  733.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26122 

Public  Health  Service,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st 

session,  on  H.  R.  5766.  for  coordination  of  public  health  activities  of  Govern- 
ment, and  for  other  purposes,  Jan.  11.  1928.     1928.     iii4-42  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 

Y  4.  In  8/4 :  P  96/7 

Railroads.  Railroad  consolidation,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  R.  5641.  to  promote  unification  of  carriers  engaged  in  interstate  commerce, 
Dec.  19,  1927-Feb.  10,  1928.  1928.  4  pts.  in  1.  iii+461  p.  [These  hearings 
were  also  published  in  separate  numbered  parts.]     *  Paper.  50c. 

Y  4.  In  8/4  :  R  13/27 

Railroad  legislation  affecting  short  lines    (sec.  15a,  recapture  clause  of 

i.  c.  act),  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  8549.  Jan.  17  and  18, 
1928.     1928.     iii+97  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.  In  8/4 :  R  13^28 

Red  River.  Bridge  across  Red  River  near  Garland,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  8926  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission  of 
Arkansas  to  C(mstruct  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Garland.  Ark.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  ( H.  rp.  522,  70th  Cong,  sess. ) 
*  Paper,  oc. 

Ho^T    to    order    publications — See    informatiou    follofvingr    Content.s 

560  February,  1928 

Rio  Grande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  Zapata,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10144  [authorizing  B  and  P  Bridge  C<jmpany  to  construct  bridge  across 
Rio  Grande  River  at  or  near  Zapata.  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn. 
Feb.  14,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  666,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Sahine  River.  Bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  Merryville,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10143  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Com- 
mission to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near 
Merryville,  La.,  on  Merryville-Newton  highway]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn. 
Feb.  14,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  681,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Francis  River.  Bridge  across  St.  Francis  River  at  Marked  Tree,  Ark.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9365  [to  legalize  bridge  across  St.  Francis  River  at  or 
near  Marked  Tree,  Ark.,  being  constructed  by  Arkansas  Highway  Commis- 
sion] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  674,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tennessee  River.  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River,  Henry  and  Stewart  counties, 
Tenn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9198  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  High- 
way Department  of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on 
Paris-Dover  road  in  Henry  and  Stewart  counties.  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Huddleston.    Jan.  81,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  510,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Decatur-Kingston  road,  Tenn.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  9196  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Decatur-Kingston 
road  in  Roane  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p. 
( H.  rp.  528,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Jasper-Chattanooga  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  9147  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depart- 
ment of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Jasper- 
Chattanooga  road  in  Marion  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb. 
1,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  527,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Knoxville-Maryville  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  9197  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depart- 
ment of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Knoxville- 
Maryville  road  in  Knox  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  Feb.  1, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  529,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Tombigbee  River.  Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  near  Aliceville,  Ala.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9484  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depart- 
ment of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
or  near  Aliceville  on  Gainesville-Aliceville  road  in  Pickens  County,  Ala.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  513,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wabash  River.  Bridge  across  AVabash  River  at  Mount  Carmel,  111.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9946  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  or  near  Mount  Carmel.  111.,  by 
Illinois  and  Indiana]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Indiana.  Feb.  14,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  678,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Wabash  River   at   Vincennes,   Ind.,   report  to   accompany 

H.  R.  9953  [authorizing  Indiana,  acting  by  and  through  State  Highway  Com- 
mission, to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  or  near  Vincennes, 
Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Indiana.  Feb.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
753,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Pensions.  Increase  of  Civil  War  widows'  pensions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
10159  [granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  widows  and  former 
widows  of  soldiers,  sailors,  and  marines  of  Civil  War]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
W.  T.  Fitzgerald.  Feb.  16,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  698,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [In- 
cludes minority  report  signed  by  Mr.  Underwood  and  others.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  561 


Casper-AJcova  project  in  "Wyoming,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  R.  5743,  to  provide  for  storage  for  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte 
River  and  construction  of  Casper -Alcova  reclamation  project,  Jan.  16  [-27], 
1928.    1928.    2  pts.  [vii]+108  p.     *  Paper,  each  pt.  10c. 

Y  4.1r  7/2  :  N  81/2/pt.  1,  2 

Coif^ado  River.  Protection  and  development  of  lovper  Colorado  River  basin, 
hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5773,  Jan.  6  [-14],  1928.  1928. 
4  pts.  and  appendix  [xiiil+G64  p.  il.  [Part  4  includes  reports  on  development 
or  Colorado  River  basin  by  special  advisers  to  Secretary  of  Interior.]  *  Paper, 
pt.  1,  20c. ;  *  pts.  2.  3,  and  appendix,  each  15c. ;  *  pt.  4,  10c. 

Y  4.1r  7/2 :  C  71/8/pt.  1^,  app. 

Farm  colonies.  Organized  rural  communities,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  8221,  to  authorize  creation  of  organized  rural  communities  to 
demonstrate  methods  of  reclamation  and  benefits  of  planned  rural  develoi>- 
ment  [in  the  South],  Jan.  26  and  27,  1928.    1928.    iii+81  p.    ♦  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.1r  7/2  :  R  88 

Reclamation  of  land.  Aided  and  directed  settlement  on  Government  irrigation 
projects,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  9956,  Feb.  16,  1928. 
1928.    iii+82  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y4.Ir7/2:Se7 

Disposal   of   unproductive  public   lands   on   Federal  irrigation   projects, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9958;   submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.     Feb.  8,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  608,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Reclaiming  arid  lands,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  further 

present  development  of  Government  land  by  reclamation,  Jan.  20,  1928.    1928, 
ii+32  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1r  7/2 :  Ar  4/4 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  16-Feb.  20, 
1928  ;  no.  4^7.    1928.    various  paging,  4"     t  Y  4.J  89/1 :  70/4-7 

Commerce.  To  amend  act  to  promote  export  trade  [so  as  to  extend  provisions 
of  act  to  import  trade],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8927;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dyer.  Feb.  15,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  6S9,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Includes 
minority  views  signed  by  Mr.  LaGuardia,  Mr.  Dominick  and  Mr.  Bowling.] 

♦  Paper,  5c. 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals.  Change  in  title  of  Court  of  Customs  Appeals, 
hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  6687  [to  change  title  of  Court 
of  Customs  Appeals  to  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  and  for  other 
purposes],  Feb.  1,  1928.    192S.    ii+18  p.     (Serial  8.)     *  Paper,  .5c. 

Y  4.  J  89/1 :  C  96/2 

Courts.  To  authorize  registration  of  judgments,  decrees,  and  orders  rendered 
by  any  court  of  record  [of  any  State  or  of  United  States,  in  any  other  such 
court  of  record,  and  to  prescribe  effect  thereof],  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  R.  5615,  Jan.  18,  1928.    1928.    ii+19  p.     (Serial  7.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.  J  89/1 :  R  26 

Courts  of  United  States.  To  change  procedure  in  Federal  courts  in  certain 
cases,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5608,  H.  R.  8555,  H.  R. 
8230,  H.  R.  8556,  Jan.  17,  1928.     1928.     pt.  1,  ii+]/-69  p.     (Serial  1  [pt.  1].) 

*  Paper,     10c.  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  P  94/23/pt.  1 

District  Courts.  Create  new  judicial  district  in  Indiana,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2752;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hickey.  Feb.  27,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  770,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fertilizer  companies.  Requesting  information  from  Attorney  General  regarding 
violation  of  antitrust  laws  by  fertilizer  corporations,  adverse  report  to  ac- 
company H.  Res.  96;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dyer.  Feb.  10,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
622,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tlow    to    order    publications — See    information    follovFingr    Contents 

552  February,  1928 

Menominee  River.  HighAvay  bridge  across  Menominee  River  between  Wis- 
consin and  Michigan,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  176  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  to  agreement  or  compact  entered  into  between  Wisconsin  and 
Micliigan  for  construction  of  higliway  bridge  across  Menominee  River 
between  Marinette,  Wis.,  and  Menominee,  Mich.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Michener. 
Feb.  2,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  546,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pitchlynn,  Peter  P.  Estate  of  Peter  P.  Pitchlynn,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7824  [authorizing  Court  of  Claims  to  render  judgment  in  favor  of  adminis- 
trator of,  or  collector  for,  estate  of  Peter  P.  Pitchlynn  instead  of  heirs  of 
Peter  P.  Pitchlynn]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Michener.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
760,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Prohibition.  Relative  to  number  of  prohibition  agents,  administrators,  etc. 
[in  emplov  of  Government],  adverse  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  108;  sub- 
mitted by 'Mr.  Dyer.     Feb.  14,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  650,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  prohibition  law  and  to  regulate  admissibility  of  evidence  in 

certain  cases,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  50,  H.  R.  5684, 
H.  R.  51.  H.  R.  9588,  Jan.  20,  1928.    1928.    ii+28  p.     (Serial  5.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.  J  89/1 : P  94/22 


Labor  Statistics  Bureau.  Create  a  division  of  safety  in  Bureau  of  Labor 
Statistics,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6848;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jacobstein. 
Feb.  23,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  745,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Pulaski,  Count  Cammir.  Memorials  to  Casimir  Pulaski  and  Schuyler  Colfax, 
hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  27  and  H.  R.  160,  joint 
resolution  to  commemorate  150th  anniversary  of  death  of  Casimir  Pulaski 
and  establishing  commission  to  be  known  as  United  States  Pulaski  Sesqui- 
centennial  Commission,  and  bill  to  authorize  erection  in  South  Bend,  Ind., 
of  statue  of  Schuvler  Colfax,  Feb.  20,  1928.     1928     ii+6  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.L  61/1 :  P  96 

Wayne,  Antliony.  Gen.  Anthony  Wayne  memorial,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  180.  for  erection  of  public  historical  museum  on  site  of 
Fort  Defiance,  Defiance,  Ohio,  as  memorial  to  Anthony  Wayne,  Feb.  20,  1928. 
1928.     ii+20  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.L  61/1 :  W  36/2 


Belloios,  Henry  A.  Henry  A.  Bellows,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  55  [for 
relief  of  Henry  A.  Bellows]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Maine.  Jan.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  493,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Anderson,  John.  John  Anderson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1182  [for  relief 
of  John  Anderson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Feb.  6,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
586.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Barstey,  Cromwell  L.  Cromwell  L.  Barsley,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6152 
[for  relief  of  Cromwell  L.  Barsley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  Feb.  16, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  691,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Browder,  George  M.  George  M.  Browder  and  F.  N.  Browder,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  3372  [for  relief  of  George  M.  Browder  and  F.  N.  Browder]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  516,  70th 
Cong.  1st  .'^ess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Brown,  John  M.  John  M.  Brown,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7708  [for  relief 
of  John  M.  Brown]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  Feb.  3.  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp. 
552,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  563 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Feb.  2  and  20,  1928; 
no.  3  and  4.     1928.     108  p.  and  131  p.  4°     t  Y  4.M  59/1  :70/3,  4 

Camp,  Edward.  Edward  Camp,  report  to  accompany  H.  E.  1531  [for  relief  of 
Edward  Camp,  alias  Bennager  Camp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Feb.  1, 
192S.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  518,  TOth  Cong.  1st  .sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Campbell,  Albert.  Albert  Campbell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4687  [for  relief 
of  Albert  Campbell!  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Feb.  21,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  731,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Campbell,  Charles  E.  Charles  Ebin  Campbell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1023 
[to  correct  military  record  of  Charles  Ebin  Campbell,  alias  Ebin  Campbell]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  31,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  498,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carr,  Frederick  N.  Frederick  N.  Carr.  report  to  accompany  S.  43  [for  relief 
of  Frederick  N.  Carr]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  20,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  713,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carroll,  Thomas.  Thomas  Carroll,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  943  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Carroll]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
611,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Charlestoir,  S.  C.  To  dor.ate  certain  bronze  cannon  to  Charleston,  S.  C,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  6492;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  16,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  ip.  695,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Conlon,  Thomas.  Thomas  Conlon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1183  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Conlon];  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
587,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

DeCamp,  John  G.  John  G.  De  Camp,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3268  [for 
relief  of  John  G.  DeCamp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Feb.  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  617,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Estabrook,  William  H.  William  H.  Estabrook.  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11107  [for  relief  of  William  H.  Estabrook]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Wright.  Feb. 
17,1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  705,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Estes,  William.  William  Estes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11094  [to  correct 
military  record  of  William  Estes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois. 
Feb.  23,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  748,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Prahcr,  Michael  J.  Michael  J.  Fraher,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  940  [for 
relief  of  Michael  J.  Fraher]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  610,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii.  Appropriation  for  construction  of  military  posts  [to  be  used  for 
nurses'  quarters  at  Schofield  Barracks.  Hawaii],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7932;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  W7, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c.' 

■    Authorizing  purchase  of  real  estate   [in  Hawaii]   by  War  Department, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5806;  submitted  bv  Mr.  James.     Feb.  14.  1928. 

2  p.     (H.  rp.  648,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Payment  of  officers  and  Filipinos  formerly  enlisted  in  National  Guard 

of  Hawaii,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5-805:  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of 
Hawaii.     Feb.  23,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  741,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hervey,  John.  John  Hervey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R,  7268  [for  relief  of 
John  Hervey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  496, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hetrick,  T.  Abraham.  T.  Abraham  Hetrick.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10714 
[for  relief  of  T.  Abraham  Hetrick]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Wrieht     Feb.  20,  1928. 

3  p.     (H.  rp.  TOT,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hooker  road.  Paving  Government  road  from  St.  Elmo,  Tenn.,  to  Rossville.  Ga., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  581T:  submitted  bv  Mr.  Fisher.  Feb.  14,  1928.  3 
p.     (H.  rp.  649,  TOth  Cong.  1st  se.«s.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See     information    following    Contents 

564  February,  1928 

Humphreys,  Fort.  To  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  at  military 
posts  [so  as  to  provide  for  construction  of  barracks  at  Fort  Humphreys,  Va.], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7944 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  13, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  631,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Ilitz,  Michael.  Michael  Ilitz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6908  [for  relief  of 
Michael  Ilitz]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Jan.  31,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
500,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5e. 

Johnson,  Thomas.  Thomas  Johnsen,  report  to  accompany  S.  138  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Johnsen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  715,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Johnson,  Ahram  H.  Abram  H.  Johnson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1627  [for 
relief  of  Abram  H.  Johnson]  ;  submii^ed  by  Mr.  James.  Feb.  24,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  754,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judson,  William  H.  William  Henry  Judson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2525 
[for  relief  of  William  Henry  Judson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  Feb.  16, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  690,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kelly,  Peter  8.  Peter  S.  Kelly,  report  to  accompany  S.  1771  [for  relief  of 
Peter  S.  Kelly]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  20,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
716,  70tJi  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kings  Mountain,  Battle  of.  Inspection  of  battle  field  of  Kings  Mountain,  S.  C, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11140;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  20,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  712,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lanij,  Moms  J.  Morris  J.  Lang,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9334  [for  relief 
of  Morris  J.  Lang]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
659,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leach,  Dock.  Dock  Leach,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4865  [for  relief  of  Dock 
Leach]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Feb.  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  618,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

lAndbergh,  Charles  A.  To  authorize  Charles  A.  Lindbergh  to  accept  decox'a- 
tions  of  foreign  Governments,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10715 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.   Frothingham.     Feb.   9,   1928.     1   p.      (II.   rp.  619,   70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26123 

Martin,  Garrett  M.  Garrett  M.  Martin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  936  [for 
relief  of  Garrett  M.  Martin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  609,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Martin,  William.  William  Martin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4804  [for  relief 
of  William  Martin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2 
p.     (H.  rp.  644,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mason,  Landon  R.  Landon  Randolph  Mason,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4605 
[authorizing  the  President  to  issue  appropriate  commission  and  honorable 
discharge  to  Landon  Randolph  Mason]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  13, 
1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  638,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Morse,  FranJclin  B.  Franklin  B.  Morse,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3170  [for 
relief  of  Franklin  B.  Morse]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  21,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  730,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mothers.  Enabling  mothers  and  unmarried  widows  of  deceased  soldiers,  sail- 
ors, and  marines  to  visit  European  cemeteries,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
5494 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  Feb.  2,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  543,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neves,  Resin  F.  Rezin  Franklin  Neves,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2529  [for 
relief  of  Rezin  Franklin  Neves]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  Feb.  14,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  642,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nightingale,  William  H.  William  H.  Nightingale,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
2530  [for  relief  of  William  H.  Nightingale,  alias  W.  H.  Raymond] ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Wright.     Feb.   16,   1928.    2  p.     (H.   rp.   694,   70th  Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following^    Contents 

February,  1928  565 

Northrup,  Alonzo.  Alonzo  Nortlirup,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2098  [for  re- 
lief of  Alonzo  Nortlirup]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.     Jan.  31,  1928. 

2  p.     (H.  rp.  499,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Panama  Canal.  Authorizing  appropriation  for  military  posts,  etc.  [so  as  to 
provide  for  construction  of  concrete  storehouse  in  Canal  Zone],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  6180;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  646,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Philadelphia,  Pa.  Exchange  of  lands  in  Philadelphia,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9368  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  exchange  with  Pennsylvania 
Railroad  Company  land  situate  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McSwain.  Feb.  16,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  699,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

To  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  sell  to  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Co.  land 

situate  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5476 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  2, 1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  542,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Pierce,  James  M.  James  M.  Pierce,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2009  [for  relief 
of  James  M.  Pierce]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Feb.  6.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
588,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Porter,  William.  William  Porter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2527  [for  relief 
of  William  Porter,  alias  Asbury  F.  Spicer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  Feb. 
14,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  641,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Purdell,  Thomas.  Thomas  Purdell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4954  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Purdell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.     Feb.  14,  1928, 

3  p.     (H.  rp.  645,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Randolph-Macon  Academy,  Front  Royal,  Va.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4963 
[for  relief  of  Randolph-Macon  Academy,  Front  Roj'al,  Va.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Reece.  Jan.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  495,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Reilly,  Charles  F.  Charles  F.  Reilly,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3681  [for  re- 
lief of  Charles  F.  Reilly,  alias  Harry  Williams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chapman. 
Feb.  6,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  574,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roberts,  Daniel  F.  Daniel  F.  Roberts,  report  to  accompany  S.  46  [for  relief 
of  Daniel  F.  Roberts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  714,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

San  Francisco,  Calif.  Recreation  pier  at  foot  of  "Van  Ness  avenue,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1665 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham. 
Feb.  16,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  696,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Scott  Field.  To  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  at  Scott  Field,  111., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10146 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  Feb. 
6,  1928.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  576,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shannon,  John.  John  Shannon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6377  [for  relief  of 
John  Shannon,  alias  Eugene  Allen,  alias  Charles  Atwood]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wurzbach.     Feb.  6, 1928.     4  p.      (H.  rp.  575,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Sumter,  Fort.  Erection  of  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter,  Charleston,  S.  C,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  177  [authorizing  erection  by  executors  of  Eliza  Mack- 
intosh Clinch  Anderson  Lawton  of  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter,  Charleston,  S.  C, 
and  of  memorial  commemorating  defense  of  fort  by  General  Robert  Ander- 
son] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Feb.  23,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  740,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5e. 

Traveling  expenses.  Authorizing  payment  of  travel  expenses  from  appropria- 
tions for  investigations  and  surveys  of  battle  fields,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  235;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wurzbach.  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  548, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

VanderCook,  Vanrenslear.  Vanrenslear  VanderCook,  alias  William  Snyder, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1631  [for  relief  of  Vanrenslear  VanderCook,  alias 
William  Snyder]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  Feb.  3,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  551, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    follOTvlns    Contents 

91468— 28— No.  398 4 

566  February,  1928 

Vickslurg  National  Park.  Grant  right  of  way  across  Vicksburg  National  Mili- 
tary Park,  Miss.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11197  [to  authorize  Secretary  of 
War  to  gi'ant  rights  of  way  to  Vicksburg  Bridge  and  Terminal  Company, 
upon,  over,  and  across  Vicksburg  National  Military  Park  at  Vicksburg, 
Miss.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Quin.  Feb.  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  747,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wade,  Marion  F.  Marion  Francis  Wade,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2531  [for 
relief  of  Marion  Francis  Wade]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  Feb.  14,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  643,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wolters,  August.  Retirement  of  August  Wolters,  i-eport  to  accompany  H.  R. 
1598 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  573,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Belts,  Claude  S.  Claude  S.  Betts,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4608  [for  relief 
of  Claude  S.  Betts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drewry.     Feb.  6,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp. 

584,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.     Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  23  and  Feb. 

14,  1928  ;  no  3  and  4.     1928.     56  p.  and  60  p.  4°     J  Y  4.N  22/1  :70/3,  4 

Dispatch,  TJ.  8.  S.    Providing  for  loan  of  U.  S.  S.  Dispatch  to  Florida,  report 

to  accompany  S.  771;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drane.     Feb.  9,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp. 

615,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ele'ctriG  apparatus  and  appliances.  Authorizing  appraisal  of  certain  Govern- 
ment property  [used  by  Virginian  Power  Company  for  furiaishing  electric 
current  to  Naval  Ordnance  Plant  at  South  Charleston,  W.  Va.],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5746;  submitted  by  Mr.  Woodruff.  Feb.  13,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  635,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lathrop,  Mrs.  Constance  D.  Constance  D.  Lathrop,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
6195  [granting  6  months'  pay  to  Constance  D.  Lathrop,  widow  of  Patrick  T. 
M.  Lathrop]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drewry.  Feb.  8,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  601, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

McGormick,  Mrs.  Mary.  Mary  McCormick,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5897 
[for  relief  of  Mary  McCormick]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  Feb. 
17,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  704,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Navy.  Providing  for  sundry  matters  affecting  naval  service,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10276;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.     Feb.  6,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp. 

585,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Navy.  Amending  provision  contained  in  act  approved  Aug.  29,  1916, 
relating  to  assignment  to  duty  of  certain  officers  of  Navy  as  fleet  and  squad- 
ron engineers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5531 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of 
Georgia.     Feb.  9,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  614,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Providing  for  date  of  precedence  of  officers  of  staff  corps  of  Navy,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  21 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.     Feb.  13,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  637,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rosen,  Joseph.  Joseph  Rosen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8957  [to  reimburse 
Joseph  Rosen  for  losses  sustained  while  carrying  out  his  duties]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Updike.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  494,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


CHragossian,  Oarabed  T.  K.  Garabed  free-energy  generator,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  J.  Res.  36  [to  amend  sec.  3  of  joint  resolution  for  purpose  of  pro- 
moting efllciency,  for  utilization  of  resources  and  industries  of  United  States, 
for  lessening  expenses  of  the  war,  and  restoring  loss  caused  by  the  war  by 
providing  for  employment  of  discovery  or  invention  called  "  Garabed,"  claim- 
ing to  make  possible  utilization  of  free  energy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McLeod. 
Feb.  10,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  621,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26124 

Ho«-    to    order    publications — See    information    folloT«'ing°    Contents 

February,  1928  567 


Pensions.  Double  pensions  for  dependents  in  case  of  submarine  accidents,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  10437  [granting  double  pension  in  all  cases  to 
widows  and  dependents  when  officer  or  enlisted  man  of  Navy  dies  from  injury 
in  line  of  duty  as  result  of  submarine  accident]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hall  of 
Indiana.     Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  599,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and  sailors  of 

Regular  Army  and  Navy,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10141  [.substituted 
for  H.  R.  741  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  Jan.  30,  1928. 
108  p.     (H.  rp.  466.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26125 


Air  mail.  Air  mail,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7213  and 
H.  R.  8337,  Jan.  12  and  13,  1928.     1928.     iii+40  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.P  84/1 :  Ai  7/G 

• Amend  air  mail  act  of  Feb.  2,  1925,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8337 ; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Watres.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  607,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Contract  for  transportation  of  mails  by  air  to  foreign  countries,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  7213;  submitted  by  Mr.  Watres.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  481,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Capitol  Grounds,  Commission  for  Enlarging  of.  Create  commission  to  be  known 
as  Commission  for  Enlarging  of  Capitol  Grounds,  report  to  accompany  S. 
2301 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Feb.  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  686,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  of  Columbia.  To  regulate  construction  of  buildings  near  public  build- 
ing or  public  park,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1681,  to  reg- 
ulate height  and  exterior  design  and  construction  of  public  and  private 
buildings  in  National  capital  fronting  on  or  located  within  200  feet  of  public 
building  or  public  park,  Feb.  3,  1928.     1928.     pt.  1,  ii+1-21  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

X  4.P  96/6  :  H  36 


Asphalt,  gilsonite.  elaterite,  and  other  like  substances,  report  to  accompany 
H.  Ri.  68  [for  disposition  of  asphalt,  gilsonite,  elaterite,  and  otlur  like  sub- 
stances on  public  domain]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton.  Feb.  16,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  ip.  697,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Barber,  Zaccheus  P.  Zaccheus  P.  Barber,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  862 
[authorizing  issuance  of  patent  to  Zaccheus  P.  Barber]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Swing.     Feb.  27,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  757,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c 

Bountiful,  Utah.  Granting  lands  to  protect  water  supply  of  Bountiful.  Utah, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8733 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton.  Feb.  S,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  603,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Braasch,  William  C.  William  C.  Braasch,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9118 
[for  relief  of  William  C.  Braasch]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Feb.  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  596,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Cabazon  Water  Company.  Authorizing  sale  of  public  lands  to  Cabazon  AVater 
Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5687 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  S^ving,  Feb.  1,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  536,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Caldwell.  Wilford  W.  Wilford  W.  Caldwell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10038 
[for  relief  of  Wilford  W.  Caldwell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton.  Feb.  21,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  732,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

HofV    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

568  February,  1928 

California.  Calaveras  big  trees,  California,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5545 
[granting  lauds  to  California]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  Jan.  31,  1928 
3  p.      (H.  rp.  515,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carson  National  Forest.  Consolidate  national  forest  lands,  report  to  accompanj 
H.  R.  9820  [to  extend  provisions  of  act  to  consolidate  national  forest  lands 
to  lands  within  former  Spanish  or  Mexican  land  grants  within  or  contiguous 
to  boundaries  of  Carson.  Manzano,  or  Santa  Fe  national  forests  in  New 
Mexico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  Feb.  14,  192S.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  654,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Centerville,  Utah.  Granting  lands  to  Centerville,  Utah  [to  protect  watershed 
of  water-supply  system  of  said  city],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8734; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Colton.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  604,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chains  National  Forest.  Add  lands  to  Challis  and  Sawtooth  national  forests, 
Idaho,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  144 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith.  Jan.  31, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  504,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

To  provide  for  addition  of  land  to  Challis  National  Forest,   report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  6056 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith.     Jan.  31,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp. 
505,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coal.  Grant  extensions  of  time  under  coal  penults,  report  to-  accompany  S. 
1455;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  Feb.  14,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  651,  701b 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cochran,  Leonid  as  L.  Leonidas  L.  Cochran  and  Rosalie  Cochran  Brink,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2020  [for  relief  of  Leonidas  L.  Cochran  and  Rosalie  Cochran 
Brink]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  687,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Harrison  County,  Miss.  Removing  cloud  from  title  to  land  in  Harrison  County, 
Miss.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1425 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  1,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  520,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii  National  Park,  Hawaii,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10483  [to  revise 
boundary  of  portion  of  Hawaii  National  Park  on  island  of  Hawaii,  Hawaii]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  Feb.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  613,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Homestead.  Submission  of  proof  on  entries  within  reclamation  projects,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  475  [to  permit  taxation  of  lands  of  homestead  and  desert- 
land  entrym'en  under  reclamation  act]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Winter.  Feb.  8, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  605,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Idaho  National  Forest.  To  add  lands  to  Idaho  National  Forest,  Idaho,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  142;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
503,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kansas.  State  game  preserve,  Kansas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8286  [to 
authorize  sale  of  lands  near  Garden  City,  Kans.,  by  Kansas,  provided  that 
proceeds  of  said  sale  shall  be  used  to  purchase  land  in  Finney  County,  Kans., 
to  be  used  as  State  game  preserve]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  White  of  Colorado. 
Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  600,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Laird,  Alma.  Sale  of  lands  in  Florida  [to  Alma  Laird],  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4378;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  519,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lake  County,  Fla.  Adjustment  of  faulty  surveys  in  Florida,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5695  [to  equitably  adjust  disputes  and  claims  of  settlers  and  others 
against  United  States  and  between  each  other  arising  from  incomplete  or 
faulty  surveys  in  township  19  south,  range  26  east,  and  in  sections  7.  S,  17,  18, 
19,  30,  31,  township  19  south,  range  27  east,  Tallahassee  meridian.  Lake 
County,  Fla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  1,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  521,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana.  Sale  of  lands  to  Louisiana  and  Mississippi,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6993;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  15,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  683,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5e. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    follovFing    Contents 

February,  1928  569 

Mendon,  Utah.  Granting  lauds  to  Mendon,  Utah  [to  protect  watershed  of  water- 
supply  system  of  said  city],  rejwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  8724;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Colton.     Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  602,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mountain  Home,  Idaho.  First  National  Bank  of  Mountain  Home,  Idaho,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  3032  [for  relief  of  1st  National  Bank  of  Mountain  Home, 
Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  468,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  monuments.  Withdrawing  from  entry  public  land  in  Montana  for 
national  park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8110  [withdrawing  from  entry  north- 
west quarter  section  12,  township  30  north,  range  19  east,  Montana  meridian, 
for  purpose  of  preserving  site  of  battle  between  Nez  Perces  Indians  and  com- 
mand of  Nelson  A.  Miles  and  creating  said  area  in  Montana  a  national  monu- 
ment] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  506,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5e. 

OkJalwma  City,  Okla.  Sale  of  lands  by  Oklahoma  City,  Okla.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  465 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Oklahoma.  Feb.  14,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.'rp.  660,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oregon.  Granting  rocks  or  islands  to  Oregon  for  park  purposes,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  1193 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  Jan.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  490, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Poisacola.  Fla.  Title  to  lots  in  Pensacola.  Fla.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2021 
[extending  and  continuing  to  Jan.  12,  1930,  provisions  of  act  authorizing  Sec- 
retary of  Interior  to  determine  and  confirm  by  patent  in  nature  of  deed  of 
quitclaim  title  to  lots  in  Pensacola,  Fla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  21, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  i-p.  734,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

PuUic  lands.  "Validating  applications  for  entries  of  public  lands,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  11020;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  Feb.  21,  1928.  12  p.  (H. 
rp.  720,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Raker.  John  E.  Naming  of  mountain  in  honor  of  John  E.  Raker,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8311  [for  naming  of  mountain  or  peak  within  bnundaries 
of  Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park.  Calif.,  in  honor  of  John  E.  Raker]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Englebright.  Jan.  30.  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  489,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bt.  Marks,  Fla.  Survey,  appraisal,  and  sale  of  undisposed  lots  in  St.  Marks, 
Fla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9842;  submitted  by  Mr.  Yon.  Feb.  8,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  598,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Shenandoah  National  Park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8526  [to  establish 
min'mum  area  for  Shenandoah  National  Park  for  administration,  protection, 
and  general  development  by  National  Park  Service,  and  to  lease  lands  within 
Shenandoah  and  Great  Smoky  Mountains  national  parks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bushong.     Feb.  2.  1928.     2  p.       (H.  rp.  540,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.  5c. 

Shoshone  National  Forest.  Repeal  act  to  extend  provisions  of  homestead  laws 
to  certain  lands  in  Yellowstone  forest  reserve  [now  Shoshone  National 
Forest],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7946;  submitted  by  Mr.  AYinter.  Feb.  15, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  684,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Timber.  Oregon  &  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon  road  grant  lands, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  158  [to  amend  chaprer  137  of  volume  39  of 
Statutes  at  large,  64th  Congress.  1st  session,  relative  to  cutting  and  removal 
of  timber  from  revested  Oregon  and  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay 
wagon  road  grant  lands]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  486,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sale  of  timber  on  Oregon  &  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon- 
road  grant  lands,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8307  [amending  sec.  5  of  act 
approved  June  9.  1916,  so  as  to  authorize  sale  of  timber  on  class  3  of  Oregon 
and  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon-road  grant  lands]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Sinnott.  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  482,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT    to    order    publication* — See    information    following    Contents 

570  February,  1928 

Utah  National  Park.  To  change  name  of  Utah  National  Park  to  Bryte  Canyon 
National  Park  [and  add  lands  to  park],  report  to  accomljany  S.  1312;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Colton.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  514,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5e. 

Woman's  Home  Missionary  Sooi&ty  of  Methodist  Episcopal  Chwch.  Sale  of 
lands  near  Seward,  Alaska  [to  Woman's  Home  Missionary  Society  of  Meiho- 
dist  Episcopal  Church]  for  use  in  connection  with  Jesse  liee  Home,  rejiort 
to  accompany  H.  R.  333 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  Feb.  1,  1928. 
1  p.     (H.  rp.  517,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Wyoming.  Authorize  Secretary  of  Interior  to  grant  certain  oil  and  gas  pros- 
pecting permits  and  leases  [in  Wyoming],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  479; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Winter.  Feb.  2,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  538,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Yuma  County,  Ariz.  Aviation  field,  Yuma  County,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1154  [to  authorize  use  by  county  of  Yuma,  Ariz.,  of  public  lands  for 
municipal  aviation  field]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Douglas  of  Arizona.  Feb.  7, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  597,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      ^^^  Paper,  5c. 


Cigars.  Cuban  parcel  post  bill,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
9195,  to  amend  sec.  2804  and  3402,  Revised  statutes  [relative  to  importation 
of  cigars,  cheroots,  and  cigarettes],  Feb.  20.  1928.  1928.  ii+33  p.  *  Paper, 
5c.  Y  4.R  86/1 :  C  89 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Committee,  House.  Amend  Rules  of 
House  of  Representatives,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  107  [amending 
paragraph  34  of  Rule  11  of  Rules  of  House  of  Representatives  for  70th 
Congress,  relating  to  duties  of  Committee  on  Expenditures  in  Executive  De- 
partments] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  Feb.  3,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  571,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

President  of  United  States.  Proposed  amendment  to  Constitution,  report  to 
accompany  H.  Res.  112  [for  consideration  of  H.  Con.  Res.  18,  proposing 
amendment  to  Constitution  fixing  time  for  commencement  of  terms  of  Presi- 
dent, Vice  President,  and  Members  of  Congress,  and  fixing  time  of  assembling 
of  Congress,  etc.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  Feb.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  612, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Alaska.  Payment  of  officers,  Alaska,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  R.  8284  [to  authorize  payment  of  amounts  appropiiated  by  Legislature  of 
Alaska  on  account  of  additional  duties  imposed  upon  Territorial  officers]. 
1928.     ii+24  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  T  27/1 :  Al  1/55 


Bond,  Myron  C.  Myron  C.  Bond,  Guy  M.  Claflin,  and  Edwin  A.  Wells,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  1625  [to  carry  into  effect  findings  of  Court  of  Claims  in 
favor  of  Myron  C.  Bond,  Guv  M.  Claflin,  and  Edwin  A.  Wells]  ;  submitted 
by  Mrs.  Kahn.  Feb.  16,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  693,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Caudwell,  Charles.  Chtirles  Caudwell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4268  [for 
relief  of  Charles  Caudwell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hooper.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  562,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Hiseock,  Ernest  J.  Ernest  J.  Hiscock,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4267  [for 
relief  of  Ernest  J.  Hiscock]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hooper.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  561,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Army.  Allow  credit  in  accounts  of  disbursing  officers  of  Army  [on 
account  of  refunds  made  to  purchasers  of  surplus  war  supplies],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7166 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Eslick.  Feb.  14,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp- 
658,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order    publications — See    information    folloAving    Contents 


February,  1928  571 

Officers,  Army — Continued. 

C^dit  in  disbiirsiiug  accounts  of  certain  officers  of  Army,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  4258  [to  authorize  credit  in  disbursing  accounts  of  certain 
officers  of  Army  and  for  settlement  of  individual  claims  approved  by  War 
Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hare.  Feb.  3,  192S..  8  p.  (H.  i-p.  560, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers  of  Army,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4266  [for  relief  of  certain 

officers  and  former  officers  of  Army  and  for  settlement  of  individual  claims 
approved  by  War  Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hooper.  Feb.  14,  1928. 
16  p.     (H.  rp.  657,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Tucker,  Frank  W.  Frank  W.  Tucker,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5225  [for 
relief  of  Frank  W.  Tucker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  ip.  563,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Canadian  properties,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4257  [for 
validation  of  acquisition  of  Cainidian  properties  by  War  Department  and  for 
relief  of  certain  disbursing  officers  for  payments  made  thereon]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Hooper.  Feb.  3,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  i-p.  564,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Wyant,  Mrs.  Jennie.  Jennie  AVyant  and  others,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4229 
[for  relief  of  Jennie  Wyant  and  others]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  Feb.  3, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  559,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Zingarell,  M.  M.  Zingarell  and  vtdfe,  report  to  accompany  S.  496  [for  relief  of 
M.  Zingarell  and  wife,  Mary  Alice  Zingarell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey. 
Feb.  14,  1928.     12  p.     (H.  rp.  655,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Cigars.  To  amend  sec.  2S04  and  3402,  Revised  statutes  [relative  to  importation 
of  cigars,  cheroots,  and  cigarettes],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9195:  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Green  of  Iowa.  Feb.  13,  1928.  12  p.  (H.  rp.  636,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Greek  debt  settlement,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10760,  to 
authorize  settlement  of  indebtedness  of  Hellenic  Republic  to  United  States 
and  of  differences  arising  out  of  tripartite  loan  agreement  of  Feb.  10,  1918 ; 
Feb.  15,  1928.     1928.     iii+75  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y4.W3G:G81 

Soldiers.  Amendments  to  World  War  adjusted  compensation  act,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10487 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green  of  Iowa.  Feb.  7,  1928.  5  p. 
(H.  rp.  595,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Union  Trust  Company.  •Authorizing  execution  of  certain  indemnity  agreements 
to  enable  collection  of  certain  moneys  due  Treasury  Department,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10954  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  Treasury  to  execute  agree- 
ments of  indemnity  to  Union  Trust  Com])any,  Providence,  R.  I.,  and  National 
Bank  of  Commerce,  Philadelphia,  Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green  of  Iowa. 
Feb.  16,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rji.  700,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Yugoslavia.  Settlement  of  indebtedness  of  Kingdom  of  Serbs,  Croats,  and 
Slovenes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  367 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green  of  Iowa. 
Feb.  6,  1928.     8  p.     (H.  rp.  591,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Hospitals.  World  War  veterans'  legislation,  hearings  before  subcumniittee  on 
hospital  building  program,  70th  CongTess,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5604,  Jan. 
[9-Feb.  4],  1928.     1928.     iii+329  p.     *  Paper,  35c.  Y4.WS9:H79/2 


Northern  Pacific  Railway.  Northern  Pacific  land  grants ;  letter  of  Fel>.  8,  1928, 
from  John  G.  Sargent,  Attorney  General  [transmitting  memorandum  of  E.  E. 
Danly].  1928.  pt.  13,  ii+5485-5507  p.  map,  4  p.  of  pi.  and  maps.  [Parts 
1-12  appeared  in  Monthly  catalogues  during  the  period  of  the  68th  and  69th 
Congresses.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.N  81 :  II  35/pt.  13 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

572  February,  1928 

Northern  Pacific  Railway — Continued. 

Same  ;  table  of  contents  and  list  of  cases  cited,  pts.  1-13.     1928.     ii+5509- 

34  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.N  81 :  H  35/pt.  1-13  cont. 


Calendar  of  business.  Senate,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Feb.  1-29,  1928 ;  no. 
24-44.     1928.     various  paging,  large  8°      [Daily  wben  Senate  is  in  session.]     \ 

Y  1.3 :  70/24-44 

Southern  Reclamation  Conference,  proceedings  of  Southern  Reclamation  Con- 
ference, held  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Dec.  14  and  15,  1927,  under  auspices  of 
Department  of  Interior  and  Bureau  of  Reclamation.     1928.     xii+92  p.  4  pi. 
( S.  doc.  45,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26126 


AgriculUiral  day,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  61  [to  provide  for  Agricultural 
day]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p 
(S.  rp.  322,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Agriculture.  Development  of  vocational  education  in  the  several  States,  hear- 
ing, 70th  Congres.«,  1st  session,  on  S.  1731,  Feb.  9,  1928.  1928.  iii+73  p.  il. 
map.  [S.  1731  provides  for  development  and  improvement  of  agriculture  and 
home  economics.]     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  V  85 

Baskets.  Standard  hampers  and  containers,  report  to  accompany  S.  2148  [to 
fix  standards  for  hampers,  round  stave  baskets,  and  splint  baskets  for  fruits 
and  vegetables]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  14, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  303,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Birds.  Bear  River  Bay  migratory-bird  refuge,  report  to  accompany  S.  3194  [to 
establish  Bear  River  migratory-bird  refuge  at  Bear  River  Bay]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  15,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  310,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bear  River  migratory  bird  refuge,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 

S.  703,  to  establish  Bear  River  migratory  bird  refuge,  and  S.  1272,  authorizing 
establishment  of  migratory  bird  refuge  at  Bear  River  Bay,  Great  Salt  Lake, 
Utah,  Feb.  14,  1928.     1928.     ii+11  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  B  53/3 

Migratory  bird  conservation  act,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 

S.  1271,  to  more  effectively  meet  obligations  of  United  States  under  migratory 
bird  treaty  with  Great  Britain  by  lessening  dangers  tlireatening  migratory 
game  birds  from  drainage  and  other  causes,  by  acquisition  of  areas  of  land 
and  of  water  to  furnish  in  perpetuity  reservations  for  adequate  protection  of 
such  birds,  and  by  providing  funds  for  establishment  of  such  areas,  their 
maintenance  and  improvement,  and  for  other  purposes,  Feb.  17  and  18,  1928, 
1928.     iii+68  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  B  53/4 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  5-Feb.  24,  1928; 
no.  4-10.     1928.     various  paging,  4°     |.  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  70/4-10 

Claims.  Certain  claims  of  grain  elevators  and  grain  firms,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  S.  J.  Res.  59,  authorizing  the  President  to  ascertain, 
adjust,  and  pay  certain  claims  of  grain  elevators  and  grain  firms  to  cover 
insurance  and  interest  on  wheat  during  1919  and  1920,  as  per  certain  contract 
authorized  by  the  President ;  Feb.  23,  1928.     1928.     ii-|-12  p.     •  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.Ag  8/2  :  G  76/11 

Claims  before   Grain   Corporation,   report  to  accompany   S.   J.   Res.   59 

[authorizing  the  President  to  ascertain,  adjust,  and  pay  certain  claims  of 
grain  elevators  and  grain  firms  to  cover  insurance  and  interest  on  wheat 
during  1919  and  1920,  as  per  certain  contract  authorized  by  the  President] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Shipstead.  Feb.  28,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  441,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  573 

Cotton-seed  oil.  Regulating  interstate  commerce  in  cottonscefl  oil,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1414  [for  prevention  and  removal  of  obstructions  and  burdens 
upon  interstate  commerce  in  cottonseed  oil  by  regulating  transactions  on 
future  exchanges]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Maylield.  Feb.  10,  calendar  day  Feb. 
17,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  317,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Crop  insurance,  report  to  accompany  S.  2149  [authorizing  and  directing  Secre- 
tary of  Agriculture  to  investigate  all  phases  of  crop  insurance  |  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  i-p.  304,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Game  sanctuaries  in  national  forests,  report  to  accompany  S.  2456  [to  establish 
game  sanctuaries  in  national  forests]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  13, 
calendar  day  Feb.  14,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  305,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Horticultural  stations.  Horticultural  experiment  and  demonstration  work  in 
southern  Great  Plains  area,  report  to  accompany  S.  2832;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McNary.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  306,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Horticultural   experiment  worli   in   Great   Plains   and   Rocky   Mountain 

regions,  report  to  accompany  S.  2569  [for  horticultural  experiment  and  dem- 
onstration work  in  semiarid  or  dry-land  regions  of  United  States  at  experi- 
ment station  to  be  established  at  or  near  Cheyenne,  Wyo.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Kendrick.  Feb.  23,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  368,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Muscle  Shoals.  Disposition  of  Muscle  Shoals,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  2786,  to  authorize  and  direct  Secretary  of  War  to  execute  lease 
with  Air  Nitrates  Corporation  and  American  Cyanamid  Company,  and  S.  J. 
Res.  46,  for  completion  of  dam  numbered  2  and  steam  plant  at  nitrate  plant 
numbered  2  in  vicinity  of  Mu.scle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  distribution  of 
fertilizer,  Jan.  24-28,  1928.    192S.     iii+104  p.  1  pi.     *  Paper,  15c. 

Y  4.Ag  8/2  :  M  97/7 

Disposition  of  Muscle  Shoals,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.   Res.  46   [for 

completion  of  dam  numbered  2  and  steam  plant  at  nitrate  plant  numbered  2 
in  vicinity  of  Muscle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  distribution  of  fertilizer, 
and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norris.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day 
Feb.  3,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  iTp-  228,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.] 
♦  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26127 

Poultry  disease  research,  report  to  accompany  S.  2030  [for  research  into  causes 
of  poultry  diseases,  for  feeding  experimentation,  and  for  educational  pro- 
gram to  show  best  means  of  preventing  disease  in  poultry]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  369,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

White  River.  Pei'mittiug  withdrawal  of  water  from  White  River,  Arjj.  [near 
De  Vails  Bluflf,  Ark.,  by  Alvin  V.  Harris  and  John  A.  Welty],  report  to  ac- 
company S.  1103;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Feb.  11  [9],  calendar  day 
Feb.lO,192S.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  280,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st 
print  reads  incorrectly  Committee  on  Commerce  instead  of  Committee  on 
Agriculture  and  Forestry.]     ♦  Paper,  5c. 


Intei'ior  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9136;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot.  Jazi.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  192,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Treasury  Department.  Treasury  and  Post  Office  Departments  appropriation 
bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  R.  10635.    1928.    ii+13  p.     *  Paper,  5c.         Y  4.Ap  6/2  :  T  71/929 

Treasury  and  Post  Office  Departments  appropriation  bill,  fiscal  year  1929, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10635 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Warren.  Feb.  16,  cal- 
endar day  Feb.  20,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  319,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c: 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Content* 

574  February,  1928 

War  Department.  War  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hear- 
ings before  subcommittee,  70tli  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10286.  1928. 
ii+236  p.     *  Paper,  25c.  Y  4.Ap  6/2 :  W 19/929 

War  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  102S6;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  24,  1928. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  381,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Banks  and  hanking.  Interlocking  bank  directorates,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
6491  [to  amend  sec.  8  of  act  to  supplement  existing  laws  against  unlawful 
restraints  and  monopolies,  as  amended,  so  as  to  pennit  effective  regulation  of 
bank  directorates];  submitted  by  Mr.  Edge.  Feb.  28,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp. 
439,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Credit.  Amending  3d  paragraph  of  sec.  13  of  Federal  reserve  act  [relating 
to  bills  of  exchange  covering  nonperishable  readily  marketable  staples],  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  1989 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Edwards.  Feb.  16,  calendar 
day  Feb.  20,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  335,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Farm  Loan  Board.  Confirmation  of  members  of  Federal  Farm  Loan 
Board,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  relative  to  confirmation  of  nomi- 
nees for  membership  on  Federal  Farm  Loan  Board,  Jan.  13-26,  1928.  1928. 
ii+108  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.B  22/3  :  F  31/16 

Half-dollar.  To  authorize  coinage  of  silver  50-cent  pieces  in  commemoration 
of  150th  anniversary  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  etc.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  81  [to  authorize  coinage  of  50-cent  pieces  in  commemoration  of 
150th  anniver.sary  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands  by  Captain  James  Cook, 
and  for  purpose  of  aiding  in  establishing  a  Captain  James  Cook  memorial 
collection  in  archives  of  Hawaii]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp-  432,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Medals.  Longfellow  medal,  report  to  accompany  S.  2280  [to  authorize  coinage 
of  Longfellow  medals]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
438,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [S.  2280  originally  provided  for  coinage  of  Long- 
fellow 1-cent  pieces.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Finance  Corporation.  Investigation  of  administration  and  transactions 
of  War  Finance  Corporation,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  relative  to 
S.  Res.  84,  Dec.  20,  1927.    1928.    ii+30  p.    *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.B  22/3  :  W  19/2 


Andrews,  P.  L.,  Corporation.  P.  L.  Andrews  Corporation,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2644  [to  carry  out  findings  of  Court  of  Claims  in  case  of  P.  L. 
Andrews  Corporation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Feb.  13,  1928.  7  p. 
(S.  rp.  284,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Apodaca,  Sabino.  Sabino  Apodaca,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4995  [for  relief 
of  Sabino  Apodaca]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day, Feb. 
4,  1928.    14  p.     (S.  rp.  230,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Baum,  Mrs.  Ida  F.  Ida  F.  Baum,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  760  [for  relief 
of  Ida  F.  Baum,  mother  of  Mrs.  Lillian  J.  Leffard,  also  known  as  Vera 
Anderson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  4.  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  234,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Boyer,  George  W.  George  W.  Boyer.  report  to  accompany  S.  2657  [for  relief 
of  George  W.  Boyer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb. 
20,  1928.    8  p.     (S.  rp.  329,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Campbell,  F.  L.  F.  L.  Campbell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2227  [for  relief  of 
F.  L.  Campbell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  Feb.  13,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp. 
286,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carlisle,  Paul  D.  Paul  D.  Carlisle,  report  to  accompany  S.  3201  [for  relief  of 
Paul  D.  Carlisle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Trammell.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb. 
20.  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  326,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order    publications— See    information    folloiving    Contents 

February,  1928  575 

Caudicell,  Charles.  Charles  Caudwell,  report  to  accompany  S.  1736  [for  relief 
of  Charles  Caudwell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan. 
30,  1928.    6  p.     (S.  rp.  179,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Clerkin,  Mary.  Mary  Clerkin.  report  to  accompany  S.  205  [to  pay  claim  of  Mary 
Clerkin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Feb.  7,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  255,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

druceta,  Adriano.  Adriano  Cruceta,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8889  [for  relief 
of  Adriano  Cruceta,  citizen  of  Dominican  Republic]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black. 
Jan.  27.  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  180,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Faceina,  Anna.  Anna  Faceiua,  report  to  accompany  S.  3062  [for  relief  of  Anna 
Faceina]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Feb.  9,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  276,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fidelity  d  Deposit  Co.  of  Maryland,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5925  [for  relief 
of  Fidelity  and  Deposit  Company  of  Maryland]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard, 
Feb.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  285.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Francke,  George  A.  Lewis  H.  Francke  and  Blanche  F.  Shelley,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5300  [for  relief  of  Lewis  Francke  and  Blanche  F.  Shelley, 
sole  legal  heirs  of  George  A.  Francke,  alias  Ralph  K.  Warrington]  ;  t^ub- 
mitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  27,  calendar  dav  Jan.  30,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
183,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Frazer,  John.  Estate  of  John  Frazer  and  others,  report  to  accompany  S.  2855 
[for  relief  of  estates  of  John  Frazer,  Zephaniah  Kingsley,  John  Bunch, 
Jehu  Underwood,  and  Stephen  Vansandt]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens. 
Feb.  6.  1928.     14  p.     (S.  rp.  249.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ecnson,  Mrs.  Martha.  Martha  Henson,  report  to  accompany  S.  1637  [for 
relief  of  Martha  Henson]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  246,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Petroleum  Co.  {Ltd.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8527  [for  relief 

of  International  Petroleum  Company,  Limited,  Toronto,  Canada]  ;  submitted 

by   Mr.    Howell.     Feb.    13,    1928.     3   p.     (S.    rp.   283,    70th    Cong.  1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Jameson,  Joseph.  Joseph  Jameson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3926  [for  relief 
of  Joseph  Jame.son]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Deneen.  Feb.  13,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  rp. 
288,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Johnston.  Walter  W.  Walter  W.  Johnston,  report  to  accompany  S.  2711  [for 
relief  of  Walter  W.  Johnston]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Feb.  6,  1928. 
13  p.      (S.  rp.  248,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jones,  Mary  M.  Mary  M.  Jones,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2524  [for  relief 
of  Mary  M.  Jones]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
410.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kaufman,  W.  H.  W.  H.  Kaufman,  report  to  accompany  S.  2061  [for  relief  of 
W.  H.  Kaufman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20, 
1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  327,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Knoides,  Horace  G.  Horace  G.  Knowles,  report  to  accompany  S.  3325  [for 
relief  of  Horace  G.  Knowles]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Feb.  23,  1928. 
5  p.     (S.  rp.  370,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Langin  Field.  Relief  for  victims  of  airplane  accident  at  Langin  Field,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  482 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Feb.  13,  1928.  5  p. 
(S.  rp.  291,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Light.  William  A.  William  A.  Light,  report  to  accompany  S.  1691  [for  relief 
of  William  A.  Light]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb. 
20.  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  320,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Surety  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2335  [for  relief  of  National  Surety 
Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     ( S.  rp.  182,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following-    Contents 

576  February,  1928 

Newspapers.  Relief  of  certain  newspapers,  report  to  accompany  S.  3294  [for 
relief  of  certain  newspapers  for  advertising  services  rendered  Public  Health 
Service  of  Treasury  Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  411,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

North  Carolina.  State  of  North  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  S.  3097  [for 
relief  of  North  Carolina]  ;  submittetl  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p. 
( S.  rp.  434,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Old  Dominion  Land  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2926  [for  relief  of  Old 
Dominion  Land  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day 
Feb.  20,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  328,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     'Paper,  5c. 

Ross,  A.  N.  A.  N.  Ross,  adverse  report  to  accompany  S.  2424  [for  relief  of 
A.  N.  Ross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  Feb.  13,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  287, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sentinel,  schooner.  Owner  of  schooner  Sentinel,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
2138  [for  relief  of  Louis  P.  Sunderland,  owner  of  schooner  Sentinel]  ;  sub- 
mitte<l  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  4,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
235,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shulof,  Herman.  Herman  Shulof,  report  to  accompany  S.  3066  [for  relief  of 
Herman  Shulof];  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Feb.  9,  1928.  20  p.  (S.  rp. 
275,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sias,  Randolph.  Randolph  Sias,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8092  [for  relief  of 
Randolph  Sias]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.    Feb.  1.  calendar  day  Feb.  4,  1928. 

1  p.     (S.  rp.  233,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Sloan,  Howard  V.  Howard  V.  Sloan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4393  [for  relief 
of  Howard  V.  Sloan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  4, 
1928.    3  p.     ( S.  rp.  232,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  Joel  T.  Joel  T.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4127  [for  relief  of 
Joel  T.  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.    Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  4,  1928. 

2  p.     (S.  rp.  231,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thibodeaux,  Mrs.  Josephine.  Josephine  Thibodeaux,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
8369  [for  relief  of  Josephine  Thibodeaux]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan. 
27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp.  194,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Whitted,  Levi  R.  Levi  R.  Whitted,  report  to  accompany  S.  1956  [for  relief  of 
Levi  R.  Whitted];  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Feb.  27,  1928.  10  p.  (S.  rp. 
412,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Yeaman,  Robert  F.  Robert  F.  Yeaman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4777  [to 
compensate  Robert  F.  Yeaman  for  loss  of  carpenter  tools  which  was  incurred 
by  reason  of  fire  in  Government  area  at  Old  Hickory  ordnance  depot]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Caraway.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
193,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Zyvolski,  Albert  J.  Albert  J.  Zyvolski,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2145  [for 
relief  of  Albert  J.  Zyvolski]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  Feb.  1,  calendar 
day  Feb.  4,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  230,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Allegheny  River.  Bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Kittanning,  Pa.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  495  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of  Armstrong, 
Pa.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Kittanning.  Pa.]  ;  submit- 
ted by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  148,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Oil  City,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

6041  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  to 
construct  railroad  bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Oil  City,  Pa.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  156,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications— —See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  577 

Atchafalaya  River.  Bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  Morgan  City,  La.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  449  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway 
Commission  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Atchafalaya  River  at  or  near 
Morgan  City,  La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  359, 
70th  Cong.  Ist  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Bartholomew,  Bayou.  Bridge  across  Bayou  Bartholomew  at  Point  Pleasant, 
La.,  report  to  accompany  II.  R.  5728  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Police 
Jury  of  Morehouse  Parish,  La.,  or  State  Highway  Commission  of  Louisiana 
to  construct  bridge  across  Bayou  Bartholomew  at  or  near  Point  Pleasant, 
La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  154,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Black  River.  Bridge  across  Black  River  at  Jonesville,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  572G  [to  extend  times  fur  commencing  and  completing  construc- 
tion'of  bridge  across  Black  Rivt;r  at  or  near  Jonesville,  La.,  by  State  High- 
way Commission  of  Louisiana]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  30,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  153,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Caney  Fork.  Bridge  across  Caney  Fork  River  at  Hurricane  Island,  Tenn., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6959  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Caney  Fork  River 
in  De  Kalb  County,  Tenn.,  at  head  of  Hurricane  Island,  being  constructed 
by  De  Kalb  County]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30, 
1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  164,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Champlavn,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  New  York  and  Ver- 
mont, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6099  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  New 
York  and  Vermont  to  construct  bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  Crown 
Point,  N.  Y.,  and  Chimney  Point,  Vt.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1, 
calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  214,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Creation  of  Lake  Champlain  Bridge  Commission,  report  to  accompany 

H.  J.  Res.  104  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  agreement  or  compact  en- 
tered into  between  New  York  and  Vermont  for  creation  of  Lake  Champlain 
Bridge  Commission  and  to  construct  highway  bridge  across  Lake  Champlain 
between  Crown  Point,  N.  Y.,  and  Chimney  Point,  Vt.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  205,  70th  Cung.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chesapeake  Bay.  Bridge  across  Chesapeake  Bay,  report  to  accompany  S.  1498 
[to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Chesapeake  Bay  and  to  fix 
location  of  said  bridge  to  be  built  by  Chesapeake  Bay  Bridge  Company  from 
point  in  Baltimore  County,  Md.,  south  of  Back  River,  to  Hart  Island,  to 
Miller  Island,  and  thence  to  point  in  Kent  County,  Md.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  206,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Clinch  River.  Bridge  across  Clinch  River  in  Tennessee,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2477  [to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Clinch  River  on 
Sneedville-Rogersville  road  in  Hancock  County,  Tenn.,  by  Department  of 
Highways  and  Public  Works  of  Tennessee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1, 
calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  221,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Columbia  River.  Bridge  across  Columbia  River  near  Hood  River,  Oreg.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  7199  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Oregon-Washington 
Bridge  Company  to  maintain  bridge  already  constructed  across  Columbia 
River  near  Hood  River,  Oreg.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  361,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Conecuh  River.  Bridge  across  Conecuh  River  on  Brewton-Andalusia  road, 
Escambia  County,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8896  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  to  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Conecuh  River 
on  Brewton-Andalusia  road  in  Escambia  County,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.     Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  430,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coosa  River.  Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Cedar  Bluff,  Ala.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8530  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Cedar 
Bluff,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  422,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order    pnbllcatlons — See    information    following:    Content* 

578  February,  1928 

Coosa  River- — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Pell  City,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

9064  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of  Alabama  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa  River  at  or  near  Pell  City  on 
Pell  City-Anniston  road  between  Calhoun  and  St.  Clair  counties,  Ala.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  431,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

• Bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Wetumpka,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  2257  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  bridge  across  Coosa  River  near  Wetumpka,  Ala.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  219,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

• Bridge  across  Coosa  River  on  Columbiana-Talladega  road,  Ala.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  8531  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway 
Department  of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Coosa 
River  on  Columbiana-Talladega  road  between  Talladega  and  Shelby  counties, 
Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  423,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cumberland  River.  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Canton,  Ky.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1406  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Valley  Bridge  Company. 
Incorporated,  Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at 
or  within  1  mile  of  Canton,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr  Dale.  Feb.  13.  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  296,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Smithland,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  1408  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Midland  Bridge  Company,  Incorpo- 
rated, Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumber. and  River  at  or 
within  2  miles  of  Smithland,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  298,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  near  luka,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  1407  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Valley  Bridge  Company,  Incorpo- 
rated, Paducah,  Ky.,  to  constiaict  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  within  1 
mile  of  luka,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  297, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

"  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Dover-Clarksville  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  2496  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depai'tment 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Dover-Clarks- 
ville road  in  Stewart  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calen- 
dar day  Feb.  2,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  212,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Lafayette-Ceiina  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  2476  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  on  Lafayette- 
Ceiina  road  in  Clay  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar 
day  Feb.  2,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  208,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Belaivare  River.  Bridge  across  Delaware  River  at  Burlington,  N.  J.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2800  [authorizing  E.  K.  Morse  to  construct  bridge  across 
Delaware  River  at  or  near  Burlington,  N.  J.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb. 
8,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  258,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Duluth  SJiij)  Canal.  Bridge  across  Duluth  Ship  Canal  at  Duluth,  Minn.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  5510  [.granting  consent  of  Congi-ess  to  Duluth,  Minn.,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Duluth  Ship  Canal]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Da^e.  Jan.  27, 
calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  149,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Elk  River.  Bridge  across  Elk  River  betv.-een  Lauderdale  and  Limestone  coun- 
ties, Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7913  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Highway  Department  of  Alabama  to  constnact  br!d,ge  across  Elk  River  on 
Athens-Florence  road  between  Lauderdale  and  Limestone  counties,  Ala.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
170,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Flood  control,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  relative  to  flood  control  of 
Mississippi  River,  Jan.  23-31,  1928.    1928.    pt.  1,  iii-j- 1-341  p.     *  Paper,  35c. 

Y4.C73,/2:  F  65/4/pt.  1 

HoTV   to    order    publications — See    information    follofving    Contents 

February,  1928  579 

Grand  Calnmct  River.  Bridge  across  Grand  Calumet  River  at  Forsythe  ave- 
nue, East  Chicago,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5744  [granting  consent 
of  Congi'ess  for  reconstruction  of  bridge  across  Grand  Caiumet  River  at  East 
Chicago,  Ind.,  by  Lake  County,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27, 
calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  155,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Little  Calumet  River.  Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Ashland  avenue. 
Cook  County,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  G513  [granting  consent  of  Con- 
gress to  county  of  Cot^k,  111.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River 
at  or  near  Ashland  avenue,  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan^ 
27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  161,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa. 
per,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  Ri\er  at  Ashland   avenue.   Cook   County, 

111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8740  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county 
of  Cook,  111.,  to  construct  free  hlglmay  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River 
in  Cook  County,  at  Ashland  avenue]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
2  p.     ( S.  rp.  425,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Indiana  avenue.  Cook  County.  IlL , 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  G514  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of 
Cook,  III.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  or  near  Indiana 
avenue.  Cook  County.  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  dav 
Jan.  30,  192S.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  162,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  Wentworth  avenue,  Cook  County, 

111.,  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  6512  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county 
of  Cook,  III.,  to  consti-uct  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  at  or  near 
Wentv.orth  avenue.  Cook  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27, 
calendar    day    Jan.    30,    1928.     2    p.     (S.    rp.    160,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Mahoning  Rix>er.  Bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  Division  street.  Youugs- 
t9'wn,  Ohio,  report  to  accompany  H.  Ti.  6958  [granting  consent  of  Congress 
to  Youngstown  to  construct  bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  Youngstown, 
Ohio,  at  or  near  Division  street]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  30,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  163,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge    across    Mahoning    River    at    South    avenue,    Youngstown,    Ohio, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6045  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  commis- 
sioners of  Mahoning  County,  Ohio,  to  reconstruct  bridge  across  Mahoning 
River  at  Soutli  avenue,  Youngstown,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan. 
27.   calendar   day   Jan.   30,    1928.     2   p.     (S.   rp.   157,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge    across    Mahoning    River    at    West    avenue,    Youngstown,    Ohio, 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6046  [grantingi  consent  of  Congress  to  Youngs- 
town, Ohio,  to  construct  bridge  across  Mahoning  River  at  or  near  West 
avenue,  Young.stown,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day 
Jan.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  158,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Memphremagog,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Memphremagog  at  Newport,  Vt., 
report  to  accompany  S.  2698  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Vermont  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  arm  of  Lake  Memphrema.gog  at  or 
near  Newport,  Vt.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  237, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Menominee  River.  Bridge  across  Menominee  River  at  Marinette,  Wis.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2902  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Wisconsin  and  Michi- 
gan to  construct  fre?  highway  bridge  across  Menominee  River  at  or  near 
Marinette,  Wis.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  260, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mississippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Alma,  Wis.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8726  [authorizing  Oscar  Baertch.  Christ  Buhmann.  and 
Fred  'iteiter  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Alma, 
Wis.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  424.  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

580  February,  1928 

Mississippi  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  G4S7  [autlioriziug  Baton  Rouge-Mississippi  River  Bridge  Com- 
pany to  consiruct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Baton  Rouge, 
La.];  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  289,  70tli  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2449  [to  authorize  construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi  River 
at  or  near  Baton  Rouge,  in  parish  of  East  Baton  Rouge,  and  point  opposite 
tliereto  in  parish  of  West  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  by  Louisiana  Highway  Commis- 
sion] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  416,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5o. 

■ Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Cassville,  Wis.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  8837  [authorizing  American  Bridge  and  Ferry  Company  (Incorporated) 
to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Cassville,  Wis.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.     Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  429,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

• Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at   Chester,   111.,   report  to   accompany 

H.  R.  8741  [authorizing  Dravo  Contracting  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Chester,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  426,  70th  Cong.  ]st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Hickman,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7921  [authorizing  A.  Robbins  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  or  near  Hickman,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  351,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ,  *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Lansing,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5803  [authorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Lansing,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb. 
23,  1928.     2  p.     (  S.  rp.  354,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

• Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Lansing,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany 

S.  1879  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Interstate  Bridge  Company,  Lansing, 
Iowa,  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Lansing,  Iowa]  ;  ;?ub- 
mitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  217, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Monticello,  Minn.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  199  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  to  construct 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  MonticellO,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  146,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Little  Falls,  Minn.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  194  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of  Morrison, 
Minn.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Little  Falls, 
Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  145,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River   at   Prairie   du   Chien,   Wis.,   report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  5818  [authorizing  J.  H.  Peacock,  F.  G.  Bell,  S.  V.  Taylor, 
E.  C.  Amann,  and  C.  E.  Ferris  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River 
at  or  near  Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  419,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  8743  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  com- 
pleting construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  St.  Paul 
and  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  by  Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.     Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  427,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Savanna,  111.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  2483  [to  revive  and  reenact  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Illinois 
and  Iowa,  or  either  of  them,  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi  River,  at 
or  near  Savanna,  111.,  and  Sabula,  Iowa,  connecting  county  of  Carroll,  111., 
and  county  of  Jackson,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day 
Feb.  2,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  222,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  581 

Missisnppi  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Wabasha,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  G476  [authorizing  Wabasha  Bridge  Committee  to  construct  bridge 
across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Wabasha,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Feb.  23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  360,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  in  Minnesota,  report  to  accompany  S. 

2343  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge 
across  Mississippi  River  in  Ramsey  and  Hennepin  counties,  Minn.,  between 
St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis,  by  Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Railway]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  220, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  near  Chester,  111.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  6973  [authorizing  E.  H.  W^egener  to  construct  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  or  near  Chester,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  420,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Missouri  River.  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8106  [authorizing  F.  C.  Barnhill  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb. 
23,  1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.  372,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

. Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  2189  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  F.  C.  Barnhill  to  construct  bridge 
across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Arrow  Rock,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  218,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River   at  Hermann,   Mo.,   report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5501  [authorizing  Hermann  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Hermann,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  348,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

. ■  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Liberty  Landing,  Mo.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  6639  [authorizing  Centennial  Bridge  Company  of  Independence, 
Mo.,  Incorporated,  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Lib- 
erty Landing,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  i-p. 
371,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

: Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Miami,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

8107  [authorizing  Frank  M.  Burruss  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 
at  or  near  Miami,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
373,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

■ Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Miami,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2188 

[granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Frank  M.  Burruss  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Miami,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  cal- 
endar day  Feb.  2,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  207,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Niobrara,  Nebr.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  2827  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  South  Dakota  and  Nebraska  to 
construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Niobrara,  Nebr.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  356,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Washington,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5502  [authorizing  Washington  Missouri  River  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Washington,  Mo.]  •  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  349,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

-■ Bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Kansas  and  Missouri,  report  to 

accompany  S.  2554  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Atchison  and  Leaven- 
worth, Kans.,  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  and  counties  of  Buchanan  and  Platte,  Mo.,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  or  to  acquire  existing  bridges  at  or 
near  Leavenworth  or  Atchison,  Kans.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1, 
calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  204,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

How    to    order    publlcatioMS — See    information    follo^ving    Contents 

S1468— 28— No.  398 5 

582  February,  1928 

Missouri  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Washington  County,  Nebr.,  and 

Harrison  County,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5679  [authorizing  Ne- 
braska-Iowa Bridge  Corporation  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 
between  Washington  County,  Nebr.,  and  Harrison  County,  Iowa]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr,  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  355,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Glasgow,  Mont.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7466  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Montana,  Valley  County,  Mont., 
and  McCone  County,  Mont.,  or  to  any  or  either  of  them,  jointly  or  severally, 
to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Glasgow,  Mont.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  168, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Monongahela  River.  Bridge  across  Monongahela  River  between  Glassport  and 
Clairton,  Pa.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7925  [granting  consent  of  Congress 
for  maintenance  and  operation  of  bridge  across  Monongahela  River  between 
borough  of  Glassport  and  Clairton,  Pa.,  by  Allegheny  County,  Pa.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  367,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ashland,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2731  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Rogers  Brothers  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Ashland,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.     Feb.  6,  1928.    2  p.     ( S.  rp.  240,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Cairo,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  121 

[authorizing  Cairo  Association  of  Commerce  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Cairo,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  3?8,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Golconda,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7183  [authorizing  C.  J.  Abbott  to  constnict  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or 
near  Golconda,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
352,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Louisville,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2730 

[authorizing  Louisville,  Ky.,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or 
near  said  city]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  239, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Madison,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7916  [authorizing  Madison  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Madison,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  294,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Madison,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2666 

[granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Madison  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Madison,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb. 
1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  213,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

■ Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Mound  City,  111.,  report  to  ace  .xopany  H.  R. 

66  [authorizing  B.  L.  Hendrix,  G.  C.  Trammel,  and  C.  S.  Miller  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Mound  City,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Feb.  23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  353,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  New  Cumberland,  AV.  Va.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  798  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  R.  V.  Reger  Bridge  Company  to 
construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  New  Cumberland,  W.  Va.] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  216, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  New  Martinsville,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2801  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  New  Martinsville  and  Ohio 
River  Bridge  Company  (Incorporated)  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River 
at  or  near  New  Martinsville,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  8,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  259,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hovf    to    order    publications — See    Information    folloM'ing    Content* 

February,  1928  583 

Ohio  River — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  Rivei*  at  Ravenswood,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  6073  [authorizing  E.  M.  Elliott  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River 
at  or  near  Ravenswood.  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928, 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  418,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Sistersville,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  9186  [authorizing  Sistersville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Sistersville,  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.     Feb.  13,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  293,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Sistersville,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany  S. 

1162  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Sistersville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Company 
for  construction  of  toll  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  S  stersville,  W.  Va.] ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.     Feb.  6,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  238,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  797  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  J.  K.  Mahone  Bridge  Company  to 
construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928,  2  p.  (S.  rp.  215, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

— —  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Maysville,  Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio, 
report  to  accompany  S.  7G1  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Dwicrht  V.  Robin- 
son and  Company,  IncorjMJrated,  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  be- 
tween Maysville,  Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13, 
1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  301,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  oc. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Maysville,  Ky,,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio, 

report  to  accompany  S.  1170  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Maysville 
Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Maysville, 
Ky.,  and  Aberdeen,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S. 
rp.  292,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Rochester  and  Monaca,  Pa.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  7192  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Ohio  River  between  Rochester  and  Monaca,  Pa., 
by  Beaver  County]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  165,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ouachita  River.  Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  Harrisonburg,  La.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  5727  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near  Harrisonburg,  La., 
by  Louisiana  Highway  Commission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  415,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  Monroe,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

5725  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge 
across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near  Monroe,  La.,  by  State  Highway  Commission 
of  Louisiana] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan,  30,  1928. 
1  p.     (S.  rp.  152,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pearl  River.  Bridge  across  Pearl  River  In  Leake  County,  Miss.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  3118  [to  authorize  construction  of  temiwrary  railroad  bridge 
across  Pearl  River  at  point  in  or  near  section  35,  township  10  north,  range  8 
east,  Leake  County,  Miss.,  by  Pearl  River  Valley  Lumber  Company]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.     Feb.  23.  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  350,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Pearl  River  in  Rankin  County,  Miss.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  3119  [to  authorize  construction  of  temporary  railroad  bridge  across  Pearl 
River  in  Rankin  County,  Miss.,  and  between  Madison  and  Rankin  counties, 
Miss.,  by  Pearl  River  Valley  Lumber  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
Feb.  23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  357,  70th  Cong.  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Red  River.  Bridge  across  Red  River  at  Garland  City,  Ark.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  1104  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission 
of  Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Garland  City, 
Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  300,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

584  Februakt,  1928 

Red,  Riv/er — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Red  River  at  Moncla,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8818 

[granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission  to  construct 
free  highway  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Moncla,  La.] ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Dale.     Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  428,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Red  Rwer  of  the  North.  Bridge  across  Red  River  of  the  North  between  Grand 
Forks,  N.  Dak.,  and  East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  108 
granting  consent  of  Congress  to  North  Dakota  and  Minnesota  to  construct 
bridge  across  Red  River  of  the  North  between  Grand  Forks,  N.  Dak.,  and 
East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day 
Jan.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  144,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rio  Grande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  River  at  Presidio,  Tex.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5583  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Kansas  City,  Mexico 
and  Orient  Railway  Company  of  Texas  and  Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient 
Railway  Company  to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near 
Presidio,  Tex.,  opposite  Ojinaga,  Mexico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27, 
calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  142,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rock  River.  Bridge  across  Rock  River  at  Dixon,  111.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6483  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Illinois,  county  of  Lee,  and 
Dixon,  or  to  any  or  either  of  them,  jointly  or  severally,  to  construct  bridge 
across  Rock  River  at  Dixon,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  159,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Rock  River  at  Palmyra,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

7745  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Chicago  and  North  Western  Railway 
Company  to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Rock  River  in  Palmyra  and 
Nelson  townships,  Lee  County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calen- 
dar day  Jan.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  169,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Louis  River.  Bridge  across  St.  Louis  River  at  Rices  Point,  Minn.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7909  [to  authorize  maintenance  and  renewal  of  timber 
frame  trestle  in  place  of  fixed  span  at  "Wisconsin  end  of  steel  bridge  of 
Duluth  and  Superior  Bridge  Company  over  St.  Louis  River  between  Connors 
Point,  Wis.,  and  Rices  Point,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  364,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shipping  Board.  Sale  of  Pacific  Coast  lines  by  Shipping  Board,  hearings,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  S.  Res.  116,  relative  to  proposed  sale  of  3  cargo  services 
operated  by  Shipping  Board  between  American  and  oriental  ports,  Feb.  3-7, 
1928.     1928.     iii+162  p.     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.C  73/2 :  P  11/2 

Snake  River.  Bridge  across  Snake  River  at  Idaho  Falls,  Idaho,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  319  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Snake  River  at  Idaho  Falls, 
Idaho,  being  constructed  by  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  30,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  147,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Heyburn,  Idaho,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7371  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Heyburn,  Idaho,  being 
constructed  by  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp. 
362,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Indian  Cove,  Idaho,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7370  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Idaho  to  construct  bridge 
across  Snake  River  near  Indian  Cove,  Idaho] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan. 
27,   calendar  day  Jan.  30,   1928.     1  p.      (S.   rp.   166,  70th  Cong.   1st   sess.) 

♦  Paper,  5e. 

Bridge  across  Snake  River  near  Swan  Valley,  Idaho,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7374  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Idaho  to  construct  bridge 
across  Snake  River  near  Swan  Valley,  Idaho]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan. 
27.   calendar  day  Jan.  30,   1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.   167,  70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Susquehanna  River.  Bridge  across  Susquehanna  River  at  Sunbury,  Pa.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8227  [authorizing  Sunbury  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Susquehanna  River  at  or  near  Bainbridge  street  in  Sunbury, 
Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  421,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information   loUoTvIng    Contents 

February,  1928  585 

Tennessee  River.  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  between  Marshall  and  Trigg 
counties,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1409  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to 
Valley  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated,  Paducah,  Ky.,  to  construct  bridge 
across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Eggners  Ferry,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.    Feb.  13,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  299,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

— — •  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Guutersville,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7375  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near 
Guntersville  on  Guntersville-Huntsville  road  in  Marshall  County,  Ala.l  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  363,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Scottsboro,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  7915  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of  Alabama 
to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Scottsbora 
on  Scottsboro-Fort  Payne  road  in  Jackson  County,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.     Feb.  23,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  366,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  near  Whitesburg  Ferry,  Ala.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  7914  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Alabama  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or 
near  Whitesburg  Ferry  on  Huntsville-Laceys  Spring  road  between  Madison 
and  Morgan  counties,  Ala.] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  23,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  365,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Decatur-Kingston  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  2478  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Decatur-Kingston 
road  in  Roane  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day 
Feb.  2,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  209,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Jasper-Chattanooga  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  2479  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Jasper-Chatta- 
nooga road  in  Marion  County.  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1,  calen- 
dar day  Feb.  2,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  210,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Knoxville-Maryville  road,  Tenn.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  2480  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department 
of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Knoxville-Mary- 
ville road  in  Knox  County,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1.  calendar 
day  Feb.  2,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  211,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Paris-Dover  road,  Tenn.,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  2490  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Department  of 
Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  on  Paris-Dover  road 
in  Henry  and  Stewart  counties,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  1.  cal- 
endar day  Feb.  2,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  223,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Tennessee  River,  report  to  accompany  S.  1410  [granting 

consent  of  Congress  to  Midland  Bridge  Company,  Incorporated,  Paducah,  Ky., 
to  construct  bx'idge  across  Tennessee  River  within  2  miles  of  where  Clarks 
River  empties  into  Tennessee  River  and  between  Livingston  and  McCracken 
counties,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  295,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tamiiffbee  River.  Bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  near  Aberdeen,  Miss.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  5657  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  super- 
visors of  Monroe  County,  Miss.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
or  near  Aberdeen,  Miss.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day 
Jan.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  151,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Railroad  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at  Epes,  Ala.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5638  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  Great  Southern 
Railroad  Company  to  reconstruct  railroad  bridge  across  Tombigbee  River  at 
Epes,  Ala.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27^  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  150,  70th  Cong.  1st  se.'^s.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT    to    order    publications — See    information    following:    Content* 

586  February,  1928 

Tug  Fork.  Bridge  across  Tug  Fork  of  Big  Sandy  River  near  Devon,  W.  Va., 
report  to  accompany  S.  2348  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Norfolk  and 
Western  Railway  Company  and  Knox  Creek  Railway  Company  to  construct  2 
bridges  across  Tug  Fork  of  Big  Sandy  River  near  Devon,  W.  Va.] ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  143,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wabash  River.  Bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  Vincennes,  Ind.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  2965  [authorizing  Indiana,  acting  by  and  through  State  High- 
way Commission,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  or  near 
Vincennes,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  417, 
70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


^rcMfects.  Practice  of  architecture  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2660  [to  amend  act  to  provide  for  examination  and  registration  of 
architects  and  to  regulate  practice  of  architecture  in  District  of  Columbia, 
approved  Dec.  13,  1924]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day 
Jan.  30,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  171,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ba^s.  Closed  season  for  black  bass  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  t(i  accom- 
pany S.  2972  [for  further  protection  of  fish  in  District  of  Columbia,  particu- 
larly black  basis  and  crappie]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  338,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Feb.  13,  1928 ;  no. 
1.     1928.     12  p.  4°     X  Y  4.D  63/2 :  70/1 

Corporation  counsel.  Administration  of  oaths  by  corporation  counsel  of  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  2781 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper. 
Feb.  6,  1928.     3  p.      ( S.  rp.  250,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Police.  Salaries  of  park  police  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1628  [relating  to  Office  of  Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National 
Capital  in  matter  of  salaries  of  United  States  park  police]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sackett.     Feb.  8,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  261,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Traffic.  Operators'  permits  for  drivers  of  Government  vehicles  in  District  of 
Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  1281  [to  amend  sec.  7a  of  act  of  Mar.  3, 
1925,  known  as  District  of  Columbia  traffic  act,  1925,  as  amended  by  sec.  2 
of  act  of  July  3,  1926,  so  as  to  provide  operators'  permits  free  of  cost  to 
enlisted  men  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  and  Coast  Guard  oiiorating 
Government-owned  vehicles  in  District  of  Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Capper.     Feb.  1,  1928.     3  p.      (S.  rp.  201,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Labor  Statistics  Bureau.  To  create  a  division  of  safety  in  Department  of 
Labor  [Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics],  report  to  accompany  S.  1266;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Couzens.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  347,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
♦  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  9-Feb.  20, 
1928;  no.  2-6.     1928.     Each  32  p.  or  35  p.  4°     $  Y  4. F  49:  70/2-6 

Enemy  property.  Return  of  alien  property,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  7201,  for  settlement  of  certain  claims  of  American  nationals  against 
Germany  and  of  German  nationals  against  United  States,  for  ultimate  return 
of  all  property  of  German  nationals  held  by  Alien  Property  Custodian,  and 
for  equitable  apportionment  among  all  claimants  of  certain  available  funds, 
Jan.  23-26,  1928.    1928.    iii+200  p.     *  Paper,  25c.  Y  4.F  49  :  Al  4/2 

■ Settlement  of  war  claims  bill  of  1928,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7201 

[for  settlement  of  certain  claims  of  American  nationals  against  Germany, 
Austria,  and  Hungary,  and  of  nationals  of  Germany,  Austria,  and  Hungary, 
against  United  States,  and  for  ultimate  return  of  all  property  held  by  Alien 
Property  Custodian]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot.  Feb.  9,  1928.  37  p.  (S.  rp. 
273,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    information    followins    Contents 

February,  1928  587 


Adolf,  John.  Payment  of  claims  of  German  nationals,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2549  [providing  for  paj-ment  to  German  Government  in  behalf  of  heirs  or 
representatives  of  German  nationals.  John  Adolf.  Hermann  Pogel.  Franz  Lip- 
fert.  Albert  Wittenburg,  Karl  Behr,  and  Hans  Dechantsreiter]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Borah.    Feb.  8,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  257,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  Jan.  10-Feb.  28, 
1928;  no.  3-7.     [192S.]     various  paging,  4°    $  Y  4.F  76/2 :  70/3-7 

Pacific  Southicest  Exposition,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  62  [for  cooperation 
of  United  Slates  in  Pacific  Southwest  Exposition  in  commemoration  of  land- 
ing of  Spanish  padres  in  Pacific  southwest  and  opening  of  Long  Beach,  Calif., 
world  port]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Borah.  Feb.  8,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  256,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shipping.  International  convention  for  unification  of  certain  rules  in  regard  to 
bills  of  lading  for  carriage  of  goods  by  sea,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th 
Congress,  session,  relative  to  Executive  E,  Dec.  22,  1927.  1928.  pt.  1, 
ii+1-40  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.F  76/2  :  B  49 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Dec.  23,  1927-Feb. 
15,  1928;  no.  1-3.    1927-28.    various  paging,  4°     +  T  4.1m  6/2:  70/1-3 

Immigration.  Admission  as  nonquota  immigrants  of  certain  alien  wives  and 
children  of  United  States  citizens  [of  races  ineligible  to  citizenship],  hearing 
before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  2271,  Feb.  6.  1928. 
1928.    ii+29  p.    *  Paper,  .5c.  Y  4.1m  6/2  :  W  79 

To  grant  preference  to  wives  and  minor  children  of  alien  declarants  in 

issuance  of  immigration  visas,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  5 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  245,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper.  5c. 

Immigration  Bureau.  To  amend  sec.  24  of  immigration  act  of  1917  [relative  to 
immigrant  inspectors] ,  report  to  accompany  S.  2370 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed 
of  Pennsylvania.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp.  191,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Mexicans.  Restriction  of  Western  Hemisphere  immigration,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  S.  1437,  to  subject  certain  immigrants  born  in  countries 
of  Western  Hemisphere  to  quota  under  immigration  laws,  Feb.  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+11  p.     [This  hearing  relates  to  Mexicans  only.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.1m  6/2 :  W  52 

Teachers.  To  amend  immigration  act  of  1924  to  limit  immigration  of  aliens 
into  United  States  [relative  to  non-quota  entry  of  teachers  having  written 
contract  with  college,  academy,  seminary,  or  university],  report  to  accompany 
S.  2450 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
244,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Bismarck  Indian  School.  Authorizing  purchase  of  lands  in  Bismarck,  N.  Dak., 
for  Indian-school  purposes,  report  to  accompany  S.  2279 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Frazier.     Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  264,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chippewa  Indians.  Providing  for  per  capita  payment  to  each  enrolled  member 
of  Chippewa  tribe  of  Minnesota,  report  to  accompanv  S.  2342;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Schall.  Feb.  16,  c-alendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  330,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

.Fort  Belknap  Reservation.  Reimburse  certain  Indians  of  Fort  Belknap  Reser- 
vation, Mont.,  for  value  of  land,  report  to  accompany  S.  2815;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Wheeler.  Feb.  9,  calendar  day  Feb.  10,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  281,  70th  Cong. 
Ist  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

.How    to    order    publications— See    information    followine    Contents 

588  February,  1928 

Indiana.  Provide  for  permanent  withdrawal  of  lands  in  Inyo  County,  Calif., 
for  Indian  use,  report  to  accompany  S.  2157 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  Feb. 
8,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  263,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  act  for  relief  of  Indians  occupying  railroad  lands  in  Arizona, 

New  Mexico,  or  California  [as  amended,  so  as  to  extend  provisions  of  act  to 
Mar.  4,  1931],  report  to  accompany  S.  2154;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  Feb.  8, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  262,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  act  to  provide  for  determining  heirs  of  deceased  Indians,  for 

disposition  and  sale  of  allotments  of  deceased  Indians,  for  leasing  of  allot- 
ments, and  for  other  purposes  [relative  to  deferred-payment  sales  of  Indian 
allotted  lands],  report  to  accompany  S.  2155;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pine.  Feb.  8, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  266,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Klamath  Reservation.  To  provide  for  classification  andi  reservation  for  forest 
purposes  of  Klamath  Indian  Reser\-ation  land,  report  to  accompany  S.  2707 
[for  classification  of  all  unallotted  land  of  Klamath  Indian  Reservation  and- 
to  reserve  for  forest-production  purposes  all  land  primarily  adapted  to  produc- 
tion of  crops  of  timber]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day 
Feb.  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  308,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st 
print  reads  Mr.  Steiwer  instead  of  Mr.  Frazier.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Koosliarem  'band  of  TJte  and  Palute  Indians.  To  reserve  land  on  public  domain 
for  use  and  benefit  of  Koosharem  band  of  Indians  [residing  in  vicinity  of 
Koosharem,  Utah],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8292;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier. 
Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  265,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Palmer,  5c. 

Lummi  Reservation.  Authorizing  appropriation  for  construction  of  road  on 
Lummi  Indian  Reservation,  Wash.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1478 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Jones.  Feb.  9,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  279,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Middle  Rio  Grande  Consei-vancy  District,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  S.  700,  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  execute  agreement  with  Middle 
Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District  providing  for  conservation,  irrigation, 
drainage,  and  flood  control  for  Pueblo  Indian  lands  in  Rio  Grande  Valley, 
N,  Mex.,  Feb.  17,  1928.  1928.  pt.  2,  iii-f39-66  p.  [Part  1  appeared  in- 
Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1928,  p.  456.]     *  Paper,  5c.      Y  4.1n  2/2  :  R  47/pt.  2 

Osage  Indians.  Oil  and  gas  leases  on  Osage  Indian  lands,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2360  [to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  to  amend  sec.  3  of  act  for  division  of  lands 
and  funds  of  Osage  Indians  in  Oklahoma,  relative  to  leasing  of  oil  lands]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Thomas.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  272,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pavute  Indians.  To  provide  for  i)ermanent  withdrawal  of  lands  near  Summit 
Lake,  Nev.,  for  Paiute,  Shoshone,  and  other  Indians,  report  to  accompany  H. 
R.  8282 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  La  Follette.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  271,  70th' 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Potauatomi  Indians.  To  appropriate  treaty  funds  due  Wisconsin  Pottawa-- 
tomi  Indians,  report  to  accompany  S.  1759;  submitted  by  Mr.  La  Follette.- 
Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  172,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)' 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Pueblo  Indians.  To  provide  for  acquisition  of  rights  of  way  through  lands  of 
Pueblo  Indians  of  New  Mexico,  report  to  accompany  S.  1941 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Bratton.  Feb.  13,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  302.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Toquotlhty,  Robert.  Payment  of  royalties  to  Robert  Toquothty,  hearings,  70th^ 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  2362,  to  authorize  payment  to  Robert  Toquothty, 
of  royalties  arising  from  oil  and  gas  well  in  bed  of  Red  River,  Okla.,  Jan.  20- 
Feb.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+82  p.     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.1n  2/2  :  T  6Z 

Walker  River  Resei'vation.  To  provide  for  withdrawal  of  lands  in  Nevada  for 
Indians  of  Walker  River  Reservation,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8281 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  La  Follette.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  270,  70th  Cong, 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTring-    Contents 

February,  1928  589 

Zuni  Reservation.  To  authorize  appropriation  for  road  on  Zuui  Indian  Reser- 
vation, N.  Mex.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1456;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bratton. 
Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S,  rp.  336,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
•  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  TOth  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  10-Feb.  13, 
1928 ;  no.  2-4.     1928.     Each  10  p.  or  11  p.  4"     $  Y  4.1n  8/3  :  70/2^ 

Coal.  Conditions  in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio, 
hearing,  TOth  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  Res.  105,  to  investigate  conditions 
in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania.  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio,  Feb.  10.  1928.  1928. 
ii+33  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1n  8/3  :  C  63/5 

Convict  labor.  Convict  labor,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1940, 
to  divest  goods,  wares,  and  merchandise  manufactured,  produced,  or  mined 
by  convicts  or  prisoners  of  their  interstate  character  in  certain  cases,  Feb.  7- 
17,  1928.     1928.     iii+188  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.1n  8/3  :  C  76/2 

Divesting  prison-made  products  of  their  interstate  character  in  cerrain 

cases,  report  to  accompany  S.  1940 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hawes.     Feb.  21,  1928. 
6  p.     ( S.  rp.  344,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Radio  Commission.  Federal  Radio  Commission,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2317  [continuing  for  1  year  powers  and  authority  of  Federal  Radio  Com- 
mission under  radio  act  of  1927.  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Watson.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  226,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  radio  commissioners,   hearings,   70th   Congress,   1st   session,   on 

confirmation  of  Federal  radio  commissioners,  Feb.  2-6,  1028.     1928.     pt.  2, 
iii+133-291  p.  1  pi.  map.     ♦Paper,  35c.  Y  4.1n  8/3  :  R  11/2/pt.  2 

Public  utilities.  Investigation  of  public  utility  corporations,  hearings,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  Res.  S3,  Jan.  16-26,  1928.  1928.  iii+257  p.  1  tab. 
[These  hearings  were  also  published  in  separate  numbered  parts.]  *  Paper, 
40c.  Y  4.  In  8/3  :  P  96/2 

Investigation  of  public  utility  corporations,  report  to  accompany  S.  Res. 

83;  submitted  by  Mr.  Watson.    Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp. 
225,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Railroads.  Relief  for  short  line  railroads,  report  to  accompany  S.  656  [to 
amend  sec.  15a  of  interstate  commerce  act,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Pittman.    Feb.  13,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  290,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Casper-Alcova  reclamation  project,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
S.  1136,  to  provide  for  storage  for  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River 
and  construction  of  Casper-Alcova  reclamation  project,  Jan.  13-Feb.  1,  1928. 
1928.    iii+95  p.    ♦  Paper,  10c.  Y4.Ir7/l :  N81/3 

Colorado  River  basin,  hearings.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  728  and 
S.  1274.  bills  for  construction  of  works  for  protection  and  development  of 
lower  Colorado  River  basin,  for  approval  of  Colorado  River  compact,  and  for 
other  purposes,  Jan.  17-21,  1928.    1928.     iii+517  p.  il.  1  pi.     *  Paper,  60c. 

Y  4.1r  7/1 :  C  71/3 

Columbia  Basin  irrigation  project.  Columbia  Basin  reclamation  project,  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  1462  [for  adoption  of  Columbia  Basin  reclamation 
project]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones  and  Mr.  Dill.  Feb.  21,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
345,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Deschutes  irrigation  proiect.  Deschutes  project,  report  to  accompany  S.  1186 
[to  provide  for  construction  of  Deschutes  project  in  Oregon]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McNary.  Feb.  16.  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  323,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following:    Contents 

590  February,  1928 

Farm  colonies.  Creation  of  organized  rural  communities  to  demonstrate  meth- 
ods of  reclamation  and  benefits  of  planned  rural  development  [in  the  South], 
neai-ing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  2015,  Jan.  27,  1928.     1928.    ii+46  p. 

*  Paper,  10c.  Y4.Ir7/l:R8S 

Saratoga  irrigation  project.  Diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River  and 
construction  of  Saratoga  reclamation  project,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  1135,  Jan.  16,  1928.     1928.     ii+22  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.1r  7/1 :  N  81/2; 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  9-Febi  27, 
1928;  no.  3-10.     1928.     various  paging,  4°     t  Y  4.  J  89/2 :  70/3-10 

District  Cotirts.  Authority  for  publication  of  rules  in  common-law  actions, 
adverse  report  to  accompany  S.  759  [to  give  Supreme  Court  authority  to 
make  and  publish  rules  in  common-law  actions]  ;   submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh. 

•  of  Montana.  Feb.  28,  1928.  15  p.  (S.  rp.  440,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Detach  Okfuskee  County  from  northern  judicial  district  of  Oklahoma 

and  attach  same  to  eastern  district,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7011 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Caraway,    Feb.  13,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  282,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

New  judicial  district  in  Indiana,  report  to  accompany  S.  2752  [to  amend' 

sec.  80  of  judicial  code  to  create  new  judicial  district  in  Indiana]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Indiana.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  199,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lobbying.  To  require  registration  of  lobbyists,  report  to  accompany  S.  1095 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  Feb.  21,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  342,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nevada.  Reimbursement  of  Nevada  for  moneys  actually  advanced  and  ex- 
pended in  aid  of  common  defense,  hearing  before  subcommittee.  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  S.  J.  Res.  41,  directing  comptroller  general  of  United  States  to 
reopen,  readjust,  and  resettle  account  between  Nevada  and  United  States, 
Jan.  25,  1928.    1928.    ii+31  p.    *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.J89/2:N41 

•    Reimbursement  of  Nevada,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  41  [directing 

comptroller  general  to  reopen,  readjust,  and  resettle  account  between  Nevada 
and  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  Feb.  27,  1928.  8  p.  (S.  rp 
433,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pitclilynn,  Peter  P.  Estate  of  Peter  P.  Pitchlynn,  report  to  accompany  S.  1705 
[authorizing  Court  of  Claims  to  render  judgment  in  favor  of  administrator 
of  or  collector  for  estate  of  Peter  P.  Pitchlynn,  instead  of  heirs  of  Peter 
P.  Pitchlynn];  submitted  by  Mr.  Gillett.  Feb.  7,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  254, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sink,  J.  L.  J.  L.  Sink,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8216  [to  confer  authority 
on  district  court  for  western  district  of  Virginia  to  permit  J.  L.  Sink,  bank- 
rupt, to  file  his  application  for  discharge  and  to  authorize  and  empower  judge- 
of  said  court  to  hear  and  determine  same]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  Feb. 
16,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  312,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supreme  Court.  Marshal  of  Supreme  Court,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8725 
[to  amend  sec.  244  of  judicial  code,  so  as  to  allow  Supreme  Court  to  fix  salary 
of  its  marshal]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Feb.  27.  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  436,, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


George  Rogers  Clark  memorial,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  23  [providing 
for  participation  of  United  States  in  celebration  in  1929  and  1930  of  150th 
anniversary  of  conquest  of  Northwest  Territory  by  George  Rogers  Clark  and 
his  army,  and  authorizing  appropriation  for  construction  of  permanent 
memorial  of  Revolutionary  War  in  the  West,  and  of  accession  of  the  Old 
Northwest  to  United  States  on  site  of  Fort  Sackville,  which  was  captured 
by  George  Rogers  Clark  and  his  men  Feb.  25,  1779]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fess. 
Feb.  9,  1928.     11  p.     (S.  rp.  277,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hpw    to    order    publications— See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  591 

Gibbons,  James,  cardinal.  Memorial  statue  of  Cardinal  Gibbons,  report  ta 
accompany  S.  J.  Res.  72  [to  grant  permission  for  erection  of  memorial  statue 
of  Cardinal  Gibbons  in  District  of  Columbia  as  gift  to  people  of  United  States 
from  Knights  of  Columbus]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fess.  Feb.  7,  1928.  1  p. 
( S.  rp.  253,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Archives.  Creating  National  Archives,  report  to  accompany  S.  1169 
[to  create  establishment  to  be  known  as  National  Archives]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Fess.    Feb.  27,  1928.    1  p.     ( S.  rp.  435,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Aircraft.  To  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  transfer  or  loan  aeronautical  equip- 
ment to  museums  and  educational  institutions,  report  to  accompany  S.  1822 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  382, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ammunition.  Exchange  of  deteriorated  and  unserviceable  ammunition  and  com- 
ponents, report  to  accompany  S.  1833  [to  amend  act  authorizing  Secretary  of 
War  to  exchange  deteriorated  and  unsei"viceable  ammunition  and  components, 
so  as  to  permit  sale  of  said  ammunition]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania.    Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  386,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ann^.  Issue  of  arms  and  ammunition  for  protection  of  public  money  and  prop- 
erty, report  to  accompany  S.  3058  [to  amend  that  provision  of  act  approved 
Mar.  3,  1879.  relating  to  issue  of  arms  and  ammunition  for  protection  of 
public  money  and  property]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  391,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army.  Appropriation  for  recovery  of  bodies  of  officers,  soldiers,  and  civilian 
employees,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  230;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Penn- 
sylvania.    Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  392,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Appropriations  for  contingencies  of  Army,  report  to  accompany  S.  2387 ; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Penn.sylvania.     Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.  387, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Disposition  of  remains  of  military  personnel  and  civilian  employees  of 

Army,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  248;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania.   Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  397,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bands  (music).  Army  bandmaster.?,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  S.  750,  to  amend  act  for  making  further  and  more 
effectual  provision  for  national  defense,  as  amended ;  Jan.  26,  1928.  1928. 
ii-f  25  p.     *  Paper,  5e.  Y  4.M  59/2 :  B  22/2 

Black,  Charles  A.  Charles  A.  Black,  alias  Angus  Black,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3315  [for  relief  of  Charles  A.  Black,  alias  Angus  Black]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  McMaster.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  242,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Burkhead,  Calvin  H.  Calvin  H.  Burkhead,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4707 
[for  relief  of  Calviu  H.  Burkhead]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blease.  Jan.  27,  calen- 
dar day  Jan.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  181,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carlisle  Barracks.  To  sell  portion  of  Carlisle  Barracks  reservation,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5635  [to  amend  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  sell 
portion  of  Carlisle  Barracks  reservation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Penn- 
sylvania.    Feb.  27,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  402,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carr,  Frederick  N.  Frederick  N.  Carr,  report  to  accompany  S.  43  [for  relief 
of  Frederick  N.  Carr]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Indiana.  Jan.  27,  calen- 
dar day  Jan.  31,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  190,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cross,  Willis  B.  Willis  B.  Cross,  report  to  accompanv  H.  R.  3145  [for  relief 
of  Willis  B.  Cross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  Feb.  6,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
241,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pap  r,  5c. 

Dallas,  Tex.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  donate  certain  field  guns  to 
Dal. as,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2820  [authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to 
loan  certain  fleid  guns  to  Dalla.s.  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  Feb.  16, 
calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  321,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    follotvin^    Contents 

592  February,  1928 

General  Staff  Corps.  Providing  that  certain  graduates  of  general  service  schools 
and  of  Army  War  College  may  be  eligible  for  selection  to  General  Staff 
Corps,  report  to  accompany  S.  1828;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
Feb.  27,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  384,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii.  Payment  of  officers  and  Filipinos  formerly  enlisted  in  National  Guard 
of  Hawaii,  report  to  accompany  S.  2007 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  Feb. 
9,1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  274,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Horses.  Purchase  of  horses  and  mules  for  military  establishment,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  7195;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  399,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hussey,  Georffs  C.  George  C.  Hussey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5994  [for 
relief  of  George  C.  Hussey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  178,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Johnsen,  Thomas.  Thomas  Johnsen,  report  to  accompany  S.  138  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Johnsen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan. 
;30,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp,  175,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

IKelly,  Peter  S.  Peter  S.  Kelly,  report  to  accompany  S.  1771  [for  relief  of 
Peter  S.  Kelly]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  George.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  195,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kraul,  George  E.  George  E.  Kraul,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3510  [to 
authorize  the  President  to  appoint  Geoi'ge  E.  Kraul  captain  of  infantry,  with 
rank  from  July  1,  1920]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  401,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Landrtim,  Joseph  H.  Joseph  H.  Landrum,  report  to  accompany  S.  723  [author- 
izing the  President  to  appoint  Joseph  H.  Landnim  1st  lieutenant  of  field 
artillery,  Regular  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  Jan.  27.  calendar  day 
Jan.  31,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  198,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Loef,  Joseph  W.  Joseph  W.  Loef,  report  to  accompany  S.  1594  [for  relief  of 
Joseph  W.  Loef]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan. 
30,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  174,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

McHenry,  Fort.  To  authorize  additional  appropriation  for  Fort  McHenry,  Md., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  204 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Indiana. 
Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  325,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Medals.,  To  prohibit  unauthorized  wearing,  manufacture,  or  sale  of  medals 
and  badges  awarded  by  AVar  Department  [or  authorized  by  Congress  for 
military  forces  of  United  States],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8309;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  407,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  Academy,  We»t  Point.  To  authorize  construction  at  Military  Academy, 
West  Point,  N.  Y.  [of  new  cadet  barracks],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3202;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
408,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  posts.  To  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  at  military  posts, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7009 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928.     14  p.     (S.  rp.  186,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Military  supplies.  To  authorize  Secretary  of  War  and  Secretary  of  Navy  to 
class  as  secret  certain  material,  report  to  accompany  S.  1831  [to  authorize 
the  President  to  class  as  secret  certain  material,  apparatus,  or  equipment  for 
military  and  naval  use]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  405,  70lh  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Militia.  Additional  qualifications  for  National  Guard  State  staff  officers,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1838  [to  amend  sec.  110  of  national  defense  act  by  repealing 
and  striking  therefrom  certain  provisions  prescribing  additional  qualifications 
for  National  Guard  State  staff  officers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania.    Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  406,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hovr    to    order    publications — See    informatioii    folloiring'    Contenta 

February,  1928  593 

Militia — Continued. 

Care  and  treatment  of  members  of  civilian  components  of  Army  who 

suffer  personal  injury  in  line  of  duty,  report  to  accompany  S.  2948 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  389,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Civilian  caretakers  for  National  Guard  organizations,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  242  [to  amend  sec.  90  of  national  defense  act,  as  amended,  so  as 
to  authorize  employment  of  additional  civilian  caretakers  for  National  Guard 
organizations,  under  certain  circumstances,  in  lieu  of  enlisted  caretakers  here- 
tofore authorized]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.- 
2  p.     ( S.  rp.  400,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

• Disbursements  for  pay   of  National  Guard   officers   and   enlisted   men, 

report  to  accompany  S.  2537  [to  amend  sec.  110,  national  defense  act,  so  as  to 
provide  better  administrative  procedure  in  disbursements  for  pay  of  National 
Guard  officers  and  enlisted  men]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  388,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Monmouth,  Fort.  Purchase  land.  Fort  Monmouth  military  reservation,  N.  J., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  233 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  393,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Mooneij,  Francis.  Francis  Mooney.  rejwrt  to  accompany  S.  134  [for  relief  of 
Francis  Mooney]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rpu 
202,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Home  for  DisaMed  Volunteer  Soldiers.  Construction  at  Pacific 
Branch,  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  164  [to  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  of  mess  building  at 
Pacific  Branch,  Soldiers'  Home,  Los  Angeles  County,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Wagner,  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  188,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neal,  James.  James  Neal,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7553  [for  relief  of  Jamea 
Neal,  alias  James  Spencer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  Jan.  27,  calendar 
day  Jan.  31,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  189,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nugent,  Fred  R.  For  relief  of  Fred  R.  Nugent,  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  B. 
4536 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Feb.  21,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  337,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Nurse  Corps,  Army.  To  include  Army  nurses  in  law  granting  6  months'  pay 
to  beneficiaries,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  238  [to  amend  act  to  provide  for 
payment  of  6  months'  pay  to  widow,  children,  or  other  designated  dependent 
relative  of  any  officer  or  enlisted  man  of  Regular  Army  whose  death  results 
from  wounds  or  disease  not  result  of  his  own  misconduct,  so  as  to  include 
nurses  of  Regular  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27^ 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  396,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Army.  To  except  certain  officers  from  provisions  of  sec.  4C,  national 
defense  act,  report  to  accompany  S.  1823  [to  amend  sec.  2  of  act  approved 
June  6,  1924,  to  amend  in  certain  particulars  national  defense  act,  as  amended, 
relating  to  duty  with  troops,  so  as  to  further  authorize  Executive  disposition 
of  services  of  officers  of  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
Feb.  27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  403,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pay,  Ai'my.  Authority  to  withhold  pay  and  allowances  of  persons  in  military 
or  naval  services,  report  to  accompany  S.  1830  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  War 
or  Secretary  of  Navy  to  withhold  pay  or  allowances  of  any  person  in  military 
or  naval  service  to  cover  indebtedness  due  United  States  or  its  military 
agencies  or  instrumentalities]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  404,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Collection  of  indebtedness  due  United  States  from  ealisted  men  [of  ArmyJ, 

report  to  accompany  S.  1829 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  385,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Philadelphia,  Pa.  To  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  sell  to  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road Co.  land  in  Philadelphia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5476;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  398,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoiT    to    oifder    publications — See    information    (ollowins    Cont«at» 

591  February,  1928 

Retired  list,  Army.  War-time  rank  for  certain  officers  on  retired  list  of  Army, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2258;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  Feb.  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  343,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Richtcr,  Ella  G.  Ella  G.  Richter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2808  [for  relief 
of  Ella  G.  Ricliter,  daughter  of  Henry  W.  Richter]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pine. 
Feb.  8,  1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.  268,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ritclierdson,  Joseph  F.  Joseph  F.  Ritcherdson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
519  [for  relief  of  Joseph  F.  Ritcherdson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  Feb. 
21,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  346,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ritter,  Andrew  B.  Andrew  B.  Ritter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3400  [to  cor- 
rect military  record  of  Andrew  B.  Ritter]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  Jan. 
27,   calendar  day  Jan.   30,   1928.     3   p.     (S.   rp.   177,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Roberts,  Daniel  F.  Daniel  F.  Roberts,  report  to  accompany  S.  46  [for  relief 
of  Daniel  F.  Roberts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan. 
31,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  197,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ross,  Thomas  M.  Thomas  M.  Ross,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6162  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  M.  Ross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  George.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan. 
31,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  196,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

San  Francisco,  Calif.  Recreation  pier  at  foot  of  Van  Ness  avenue,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Calif.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1665;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  Jan. 
27,   calendar  day  Jan.  31,   1928.    2  p.     (S.   rp.   187,   70th  Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Sell,  Oliver  C.  Oliver  C.  Sell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2966  [for  relief  of  Oliver 
C.  Sell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  437,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ship  Island.  Transferring  iwrtion  of  lighthouse  reservation.  Ship  Island,  Miss., 
to  jurisdiction  and  control  of  War  Department,  report  to  accompany  S.  2594 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  31,  1928. 
1  p.     (S.  rp.  185,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Target  practice.  National  rifle  matches,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  8550,  to  amend  national  defense  act  [so  as  to  provide  for  holding  of 
rifle  competitions  or  national  matches  every  year],  Feb.  10,  1928.  1928. 
ii+26  p.     *  Paper,  5e.  Y  4.M  59/2 :  R  44 

Traveling  expenses.  Mileage  allowance  in  lieu  of  transportation,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1825  [to  amend  sec.  12  of  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances 
of  commissioned  and  enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps, 
Coast  Guard,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  as 
amended,  so  as  to  authorize  allowance  of  3  cents  per  mile,  in  lieu  of  trans- 
portation in  kind,  for  persons  using  privately  owned  conveyances  while  travel- 
ing under  competent  orders]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  383,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [S.  1825  also  includes  the 
National  Guard.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Subsistence  of  candidates  attending  citizens'  military  training  camps,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  234  [to  amend  sec.  47d  of  national  defense  act,  as 
amended,  so  as  to  authorize  allowance  of  1  cent  a  mile  for  subsistence  of 
candidates  in  going  to  and  returning  from  camp  for  military  instruction  and 
training] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S. 
rp.  394,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  sec.  67,  national  defense  act,  as  amended  [so  as  to  allow  ex- 
penses of  officers  of  Regular  Army  and  certain  reserve  officers  while  travel- 
ing in  attending  annual  conventions  of  National  Guard  Association  of  United 
States  and  Adjutaits  General  Association],  report  to  accompany  S.  2950; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  27,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  390, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

•  To  authorize  payment  of  travel  expenses  for  surveys  of  battle  fields,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  235 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb. 
27,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  395,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

HoTF    to    order    DUblicatlonf) — See    information    follovrln^    Contents 

Februaby,  1928  595 

Turner,  Augustus  C.  Augustus  C.  Turner,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3144 
[for  relief  of  Augustus  C.  Turner]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pine.     Feb.  8,  1928. 

3  p.     (S.  rp.  207,  TOtli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vancouver  Barracks.  Highway  across  Vancouver  Barracks  military  reserva- 
tion, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  172  [to  grant  and  convey  to  Vancouver  per- 
petual easement  for  public  highway  purposes  over  and  upon  portion  of  Van- 
couver Barracks  military  reservation.  Wash.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Jan. 
27,   calendar   day  Jan.  30,   1928.     2  p.     (S.   rp.   176,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Waldenmeijer,  Arthur.  Arthur  Waldenmeyer,  report  to  accompany  S.  2439  [to 
amend  military  record  of  Arthur  Waldenmeyer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham. 
Jan.  27,  calendar  day  Jan.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  173,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Walter  Reed  Army  General  Hospital.  Chapel  at  Army  medical  center  in  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6991  [authorizing  erection  of 
nonsectarian  chapel  at  Army  medical  center  in  District  of  Columbia]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Feb.  6,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  243,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Williams,  Finas  M.  Finas  M.  Williams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5228  [for 
relief  of  Finas  M.  Williams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Jan.  27,  calendar  day 
Jan.  30,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  184,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  Jan.  9-Feb.  28, 
1928;  no.  2-8.     1928.     various  paging,  large  8°    t  Y  4.N  22/2 :  70/2-8 

Decorations  of  honor.  To  authorize  certain  officers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps 
to  accept  such  decorations,  orders,  and  medals  as  have  been  tendered  them  by 
foreign  Governments  in  appreciation  of  services  rendered,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5898;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.     Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  15,  1928. 

4  p.     (S.  rp.  307,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Halcomb,  Mrs.  Mattie.  Mattie  Holcomb,  report  to  accompany  S.  1434  [for  re- 
lief of  Mattie  Halcomb]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  409,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hanley,  Frank.  Frank  Hanley,  report  to  accompany  S.  802  [for  relief  of 
Frank  Hanley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings.  Feb.  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  269, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McShane,  Mrs.  Maria  J.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Maria  J.  McShane  [mother 
of  Julian  J.  McShane],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1405;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Tydings.     Feb.  6,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  251,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pay,  Navy.  To  provide  additional  pay  for  personnel  of  Navy  assigned  to  duty 
on  submarines  and  to  diving  duty,  report  to  accompany  S.  3131 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Tydings.     Feb.  24,  1928.     3  p.     (S.   rp.   380,   70th  Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Stinchcomb,  Frank.  Frank  Stinchcomb,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6194  [for 
relief  of  Frank  Stinchcomb]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachusetts. 
Feb.  24,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  379,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Patents.  Forfeiture  of  patent  rights  on  conviction  under  laws  prohibiting 
monopoly,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  2783,  Jan.  [Feb.]  8  and 
9,  1928.     1928.     pt.  1,  iii+1-69  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.P  27/2  :  F  76/pt.  1 


Pensions.  Amending  aviation  pension  act  of  Mar.  3,  1915,  report  to  accompany 
S.  3198  [to  amend  act  of  Mar.  3,  1915,  granting  double  pension  for  disability 
from  aviation  duty.  Navy  or  Marine  Corps,  by  inserting  word  Army,  so  as  to 
read.  Army,  Navy,  and  Marine  Corps]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  In- 
diana. Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  1  p.  ^S.  rp.  .324.  70th  Gong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hoiv    to    order    publications— S^e    information    follo-wijis    Confent.s 

596  February,  1928 

Pensions — Continued. 

Granting  double  pension  in  all  cases  of  submarine  accidents,  report  to 

accompany  S.  2998  [granting  double  pension  in  all  cases  where  officer  or 
enlisted  man  of  Navy  or  Marine  Corps  dies  or  is  disabled  as  result  of  sub- 
marine accident]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  15, 
1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  309,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and  sailors  of 

Civil  War,  etc.,  supplemental  report  to  accompany  S.  2900  [substituted  for 
S.  6  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Indiana.  Feb.  20,  1928 
1  p.     (S.  rp.  141,  pt.  2,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     •  Paper,  5c. 


Air  mail  to  foreign  countries  and  insular  possessions  of  United  States,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1666;  submitted  by  Mr.  Moses.  Feb.  13,  calendar  day  Feb.  15, 
1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  311,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  calendar  of  bills,  resolutions,  and  reports  re- 
ferred to  Committee  on  Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  for  its  consideration  and 
action  thereon,  Jan.  13-Feb.  15,  1928 ;  no.  1-3,  70th  Congress,  1st  session. 
1928.     various  paging,  4°     $  Y  4.P  84/2  :  70/1-3 

Roads.  Aid  for  rural  post  roads,  report  to  accompany  S.  2327  [to  amend  act 
to  provide  that  United  States  shall  aid  States  in  construction  of  rural  post 
roads,  approved  July  11,  1916,  as  amended  and  supplemented]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Phipps.  Feb.  16,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  313,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

PBINTING   committee:,    SENATE 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  calendar  of  bills,  resolutions,  petitions,  manu- 
scripts, communications,  etc.,  referred  to  Committee  on  Printing  for  its  con- 
sideration and  action  thereon,  Jan.  28-Feb.  15,  1928;  no.  1-3,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session.     1928.     Each  10  p.  or  12  p.  4°     $      '  Y  4.P  93/3 :  70/1-3 

Indians.  Printing  of  manuscripts  relating  to  Indian  affairs,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  Res.  115;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  Feb.  1,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
200,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Territories.  Pai)ers  of  Territories,  report  to  accompany  S.  1168  [to  amend  act 
to  authorize  collection  and  editing  of  official  j)apers  of  Territories  now  in 
national  archives]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  3, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  227,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Mexico.  Investigation  of  alleged  payments  by  Mexican  Government  to  United 
States  Senators,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  7, 
Jan.  6,  1928.     1928.      pt.  4,  iii+297-341  p.     *  Paper,  5e.       Y  4.P  94  :  M  57/pt.4 


Phoenix,  Arid.  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6466  [granting  part  of  Federal  building  site  at  Phoenix,  Ariz.,  to 
Phoenix  for  street  purposes]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Ashurst.  Feb.  1,  calendar 
day  Feb.  2,  1928.     1  p.     ( S.  rp.  203,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  Jan.  9-Feb.  21, 
1928 ;   no.  2-5a,  6-7.     1928.     various  paging,  4°     $  Y  4.P  96/1 :  70/2,  etc. 

Eaioaii  National  Park.  Revising  boundary  of  portion  of  Hawaii  National 
Park,  Hawaii,  report  to  accompany  S.  3023 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Feb.  24, 
1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  374,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTving:    Contents 

February,  1928  597 

Imperial  County,  Calif.  Granting  right  of  way  to  Imperial  County,  Calif, 
[over  public  lands  for  highway  purposes],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5686; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
334,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kansa^s.  Sale  of  lands  near  Garden  City,  Kans.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2545 
[to  authorize  sale  of  lands  near  Garden  City,  Kans.,  by  Kansas,  provided 
that  proceeds  of  said  sale  shall  be  used  to  purchase  land  in  Finney  County, 
Kans.,  to  be  used  as  State  game  preserve]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Feb.  16, 
calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  332,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Kildee,  Mrs.  Nellie.  Nellie  Kildee,  report  to  accompany  S.  1755  [for  relief  of 
Nellie  Kildee];  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  Feb.  21,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  rp. 
340,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lundquist,  Lm.  Relief  of  Lyn  Lundquist,  report  to  accompany  S.  1756;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Kendrick.  Feb.  21,  1928.  8  p.  (S.  rp.  341,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Montana.  Agreement  between  Montana  and  private  owners  of  lands  for 
grazing  and  range  development,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  445  [authorizing 
Secretary  of  Interior  to  enter  into  cooperative  agreement  or  agreements 
with  Montana  and  private  owners  of  lands  within  Montana  for  grazing  and 
range  development]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Montana.  Feb.  24,  1928. 
3  p.     ( S.  rp.  376,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

J^aval  petroleum  reserves.  Leases  upon  naval  oil  reserves,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  101,  to  continue  investigation  of  naval 
oil  reserve  leases  and  activities  of  Continental  Trading  Company  of  Canada 
in  connection  therewith,  Jan.  2-1-Feb.  11,  1928.  1928.  pt.  1,  vi+1-342  p. 
*  Paper,  35c.  -  Y  4.P  96/1 :  N  22/2/pt.  1 

Oklahoma.  Extending  isolated  tract  act  to  lands  in  Oklahoma,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  2725 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20, 
1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  333,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

Parco,  Wyo.  Lease  of  public  lands  to  Parco,  Wyo.,  for  public  aviation  field, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2858;  submitted  by  Mr.  Warren  for  Mr.  Kendrick. 
Feb.  16,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  315,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Petroleum.  Granting  extensions  of  time  of  oil  and  gas  permits,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5783;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst.  Feb.  16,  1928.  1  p. 
(S.  rp.  316,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Public  land^.  Amending  sec.  2455,  Revised  statutes,  relating  to  isolated  tracts 
of  public  land,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6684 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick. 
Feb.  24,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  377,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Registers  {land  offices).  Compensation  of  registers  of  local  land  offices,  report 
to  accompany  S.  766;  submitted  by  Mr.  Warren  for  Mr.  Kendrick.  Feb.  16, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  314,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Marks,  Fla.  Survey,  appraisal,  and  sale  of  undisposed  lots  in  St.  Marks, 
Fla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9842 ;  submitted  by  Mi'.  Nye.  Feb.  24,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  375,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

ShenandorJi  National  Park.  Establishing  minimum  area  for  Shenandoah  Na- 
tional Park,  report  to  accompany  S.  2656  [to  establish  minimum  area  for 
Shenandoah  National  Park  for  administration,  protection,  and  general  devel- 
opment by  National  Park  Service,  and  to  lease  lands  within  Shenandoah  and 
Great  Smokv  Mountains  national  parks]  ;  submitted  by  M*  Nye.  Feb.  9, 
1928.     2  p.    '(S.  rp.  278,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stewart,  Robert  W.  Disposition  of  certain  liberty  bonds  acquired  by  Conti- 
nental Trading  Co.  (Ltd.),  report  to  accompany  S.  Res.  132  [in  matter  of 
inquiry  by  Committee  on  Public  Lands  and  Surveys  into  disposition  of  certain 
liberty  bonds  acquired  by  Continental  Trading  Company  (Limited),  under 
S.  Res.  101,  directing  that  witness  Robert  W.  Stewart,  having  declined  to 
answer  certain  questions,  be  taken  into  custody]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh 
of  Montana.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  3,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  229,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho-w    to    order    publications — See    information    lollowins    Contents 

91468— 28— No.  398 6 

598  February,  1928 

Williams,  Joseph  W.  Joe  W.  Williams,  report  to  accompany  S.  484  [for  relief 
of  Joe  W.  Williams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  331,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Wyoming.  Production  of  livestock  in  connection  with  irrigated  lands  in  Wyo- 
ming, report  to  accompany  S.  1131;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  Feb.  21, 
1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  339,  TOtli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


American  Samoa,  joint  hearings  before  Committee  on  Territories  and  Insular 
Possessions,  Senate,  and  Committee  on  Insular  Affairs,  House,  70th  Congxess, 
1st  session,  on  S.  Con.  Res.  2,  for  appointment  of  joint  committee  of  Congress 
to  investigate  conditions  in  American  Samoa,  Jan.  17-21,  1928.  1928.  iii+ 
105  p.     *  Paper,  lOe.  Y  4.T  27/2 :  Sa  4 

Hawaii.  Approval  of  act  no.  24  of  session  laws  of  1927  of  Hawaii  [to  authorize 
manufacture,  maintenance,  distribution,  and  supply  of  electric  current  for 
light  and  power  within  Hanapepe,  in  district  of  Waimea,  island  and  county  of 
Kauai,  bv  Jose  Gomes],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  83;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bayard.  'Feb.  7,  1928,     2  p.     (S.  rp.  252,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Approval  of  act  no.  25  of  session  laws  of  1927  of  Hawaii,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  84  [to  approve  act  25  of  session  laws  of  1927  of  Hawaii  to 
authorize  manufacture,  maintenance,  distribution,  and  supply  of  electric  cur- 
rent for  light  and  power  within  Waimea  and  Kekaha,  in  district  of  Waimea, 
on  island  and  in  county  of  Kauai,  Hawaii,  by  Waimea  Garage  and  Electric 
Company,  Limited]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Metcalf.  Feb.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
378,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

i    Rehabilitation  of  native  Hawaiians,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6989  [to 

amend  Hawaiian  Homes  Commission  act,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Hayden.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  17,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  rp.  318,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  extend  benefits  of  certain  acts  of  Congress  to  Hawaii  [for  advance- 
ment of  cooperative  agricultural  extension  work  between  Hawaii  and  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture],  report  to  accompany  S.  757;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham. 
Feb.  6,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  247,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  extend  provisions  of  sec.  1814,  Revised  statutes,  to  Hawaii  and  Alaska 

[so  as  to  entitle  each  of  said  Territories  to  place  statues  of  2  of  its  famous 
citizens  in  Statuary  Hall,  House  of  Representatives],  report  to  accompany 
S.  2069;  submitted  by  Mr.  Willis.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  413,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Philippine  Islands.  Appointment  of  governors  in  Philippine  Islands,  report  to 
accompany  S.  2787  [for  appointment  of  governors  of  non-Christian  provinces  in 
Philippine  Islands  by  governor  general  without  consent  of  Philippine  Senate]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Willis.  Feb.  1,  calendar  day  Feb.  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  224, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Appointment  of  governors  of  non-Christian  provinces  in  Philippine  Islands, 

hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  2787,  for  appointment  of  governors 
of  non-Christian  provinces  in  Philippine  Islands  by  governor  general  without 
consent  of  Philippine  Senate,  Feb.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+17  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.T  27/2 :  P  53/3 


Disposition  of  moneys  collected  as  taxes  upon  articles  coming  into  United 

States  from  Philippine  Islands,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  756, 
Dec.  16,  1927.     1928.     ii+25  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/2 :  P  53/4 

Employment  of  civilian  assistants  in  Office  of  Governor  General  of  Philip- 
pine Islands,  joint  hearing  before  Committee  on  Territories  and  Insular  Pos- 
sessions, Senate,  and  Committee  on  Insular  Affairs,  House,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  2292,  providing  for  employment  of  civilian  assistants  in  Office  of 
Governor  General  of  Philippine  Islands  and  fixing  salaries  of  certain  officials, 
Jan.  11,  1928.     1928.     ii-f  17  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  27/2 :  P  53/5 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  599 

Philippine  Islands — Continued. 

Providing  for  civilian  assistants  in  OflBce  of  Governor  General  of  Philip- 
pine Islands,  report  to  accompany  S.  2292  [providing  for  employment  of 
civilian  assistants  in  Office  of  Governor  General  of  Philippine  Islands  and 
fixing  salaries  of  certain  officials]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Willis.  Feb.  27,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  414,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 


Government  Printing  Office.  Disposition  of  useless  papers  in  Government 
Printing  Office,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  Feb.  14,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.^661,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

State  Deparitnent.  Disposition  of  useless  executive  papers  in  Department  of 
State,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  Feb.  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  558, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Disiwsition  of  useless  papers  in  War  Department,  report; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  Feb.  16,  192S.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  692,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Aikins.  John  T.  Aikins  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no. 
C-945,  p.  5-6.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Ai  44 

Ajneriean  Exchange  Under icriters  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1928.]     no.  F-77,  p.  61-80.     %  Ju  3.8  :  Am  35/36 

Carleton.  Wayne  L.  Carleton  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [con- 
clusion of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Feb.  20,  1928.  [1928.]  no. 
C-702,  2  p.     $  Ju  3.9/a  :  C  193/2 

Cooper.  Frank  W.  Cooper  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.  F-150,  p.  7-9.     %  Ju  3.8 :  C  785 

Craig.  Ellis  W.  Craig  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no, 
H-207,  p.  13-14.     t  Ju  3.8  :  C  844/3 

Craivford.  William  Crawford  v.  United  States;  defendant's  evidence.  [1928.] 
no.  F-110,  p.  23-24.     t  Ju  3.8 :  C  859/2 

Du  Puy.  Amy  H.  Du  Puy  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
no.  E-208,  p.  47-61.     %  Ju  3.8 :  D  929/2 

Herbert  Du  Puy  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     no. 

E-209,  p.  49-&4.     %  Ju  3.8 :  D  929 

Hoopes  d  Townsend  Corporation  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
nos.  F-30  and  H-92,  p.  75-84.     $  Ju  3.8  :  H  766/2 

Italian  National  Rifle  Shooting  Society  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  F-163,  p.  27-31.     t  Ju3.8:Itl 

Kingsbury.  Albert  Kingsbury  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
no.  F-3,  p.  7-14.     $  Ju  3.8 :  K  611 

Kissel  Motor  Car  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  defendant  and  claimant]. 
[1928.]     no.  A-260,  p.  171-181.     $  Ju3.8:K&43/3 

Livingston.  John  G.  Livingston  vs.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1928.]     no.  F-144,  p.  7-9.     t  Ju  3.8  :L  762/8 

Johnston  Livingston  vs.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [1928.] 

no.  F-145,  p.  7-10.     $  Ju  3.8  :  L  762/6 

Livingston,  J.,  d  Co.  J.  Livingston  &  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for 
plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.  H-342,  p.  7-15.     t  Ju  3.8  :L  762/7 

Michigan  Motor  Specialties  Company.  V.  H.  Kendall,  trustee  in  bankruptcy, 
Michigan  Motor  Specialties  Co.,  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff. 
[1928.]     no.  D-6,  p.  41-12.     %  Ju  3.8  :  M  582/3 

Ho-tv    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Content* 

600  February,  1928 

Morgan.  James  J.  Morgan  v.  "United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.1 
no.  H-292,  p.  5-6.     t  Ju  3.8  :  M  822/3: 

Owen.  Cyril  Benson  Owen  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclu- 
sion of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Jan,  23,  1928.  [1928.]  no.  E-335,  3 
p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  Ow  2 

Packard,  L.  W.,  &  Co.  L.  W.  Packard  &  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of 
commissioner.     [1928.]     no.  D-850,  p.  21-28.     $  Ju3.8:P123 

Piedm,ont  Grocery  Company  vs.  United  States;  stipulation  of  facts.     [1928.] 
[no.]  F-127,  p.  13-18.     t  Ju  3.8 :  P  595 

RatUffe.  George  W.  Ratliffe,  jr.,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  D-355,  p.  9-10.     t  Ju3.8:R189 

Saclcley,  James  A.,  Company.  James  A.  Saekley  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence 
for  defendant.     [1928.]     no.  E-342,  p.  65-68.     %  Ju  3.8  :Sa  14/3 

Schumann.  Adam  Schumann  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [con- 
clusion of  law,  and  opinion  of  court]  ;  decided  Feb.  20,  1928.  [1928.]  no. 
D-363,  8  p.    %  Ju  3.9/a :  Sch  86 

Stewart,  Frank  H.,  Electric  Company.  Frank  H.  Stewart  Electric  Company  v. 
United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion  of 
court],  decided  Feb.  20,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  F-299,  4  p.     J        Ju  3.9/a:  St  49 

Universal  Battery  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.  D-785,  p.  79-99.    t  Ju  3.8 :  Un  3/54 

Vesta  Battery  Corporation  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.]  no. 
F-196,  p.  31-68.     t  Ju  3.8  :  V  638/2: 

Wall.  Benjamin  Wall  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintifC.  [1928.]  no. 
E-553,  p.  7-32.    $  Ju  3.8 :  W  154/T 

Yankton  Indians.  Yankton  Sioux  tribe  of  Indians  v.  United  States;  [evidence 
for  defendant].     [1928.]     no.  D-546,  p.  429-430.    %  Ju  3.8  :Y  16/6 


Bookfi.  No.  3060,  United  States  v.  M.  Minkus,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal 
from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i-fS  p.    t  Ju  7.6  :M  665/2 

Chestnut  flour.  No.  3061,  United  States  v.  Gallagher  &  Ascher,  Inc.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.      [1928.]     cover-title,   i-fS  p.     $ 

Ju  7.6 :  G  135/2 

Rugs.  No.  3055,  United  States  v.  William  A.  Bird,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i-M6  p.     %     Ju  7.6  :B  532/2 

Soap-bark.  No.  3053,  United  States  v.  R.  Hilliers's  [Hillier's]  Son  Co.,  Inc., 
transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1928.]  cover-title^ 
i-f  39  p.     t  Ju  7.6 :  H  558/2 


Court  of  Appeals.  No.  4636,  Wells  Fargo  Bank  &  Union  Trust  Co.  and  Irving- 
Gollober,  executors  of  Julius  Gollober,  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue;  no.  4637,  Irving  Gollober  v.  [same];  brief  for  appellee. 
1928.     cover- title,  ii +53  p.     $  DC  9.5  :G  582 

No.  4671,  special  calendar  no.  — ,  Oct.  term,  1927,   Nichols    [Nicholas] 

Lee  Eagles,  Samuel  Moreno,  and  John  Proctor  v.  United  States ;  brief  on 
behalf  of  appellee.     1928.    cover-title,  iii+75  p.    t  DC  9.5  :Ea  37/2 

No.  4680,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Andrew  W.  Mellon,  Secretary  of  Treasury,  v. 

United  States  ex  rel.  Marcus  McLean  Clayton,  Joel  Wylie  Clayton,  and 
Elizabeth  Clayton  Cowan,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Colum- 
bia ;  brief  for  appellant.    1928.    cover-title,  i+30  p.     t  DC  9.5  :  C  579/2 

Ho^T    to    order    publications — See    Information    follovTlng    Contents 

February,  1928  601 

■Court  of  Appeals — Continued. 

Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  4668,  United  States  ex  rel.  Sadie  Holmes  Finley,  v. 

Frank  T.  Hines,  director  of  Veterans'  Bureau,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of 
District  of  Columbia ;  brief  of  appellee.    1928.    cover-title,  i+27  p.    t 

DC  9.5 :  F  496 

Original  docket  no.  976,  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  Alfred  Klesner, 

doing  business  under  name  Shade  Shop,  Hooper  &  Klesner;  brief  for  peti- 
tioner on  rehearing.    1928.    cover-title,  ii+32  p.    %  DC  9.5 :  Sh  12 

. Transcript  of  record,  Jan.  term,  1928,  no.  4702,  Frank  T.  Hines,  director 

of  Veterans'  Bureau,  vs.  J.  H.  Starnes,  committee  of  estate  and  person  of 
Charlie  Joe  Starnes,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia. 
1928.    cover-title,  i+25  p.     $  DC  9.5:  St  28/2 

Transcript  of  record,  Jan.  term,  1928,  no.  4714,  Board  of  Tax  Appeals  vs. 

United  States,  ex  rel.  James  S.  McCandless,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of 
District  of  Columbia.     [1928.]     cover-title,  1+32  p.     t  DC  9.5  :M  126 


JLiOngslwremcn.  Longshoremen's  and  harbor  workers'  compensation  act,  opinions 
approved  bv  Emplovees'  Compensation  Commission :  Opinions  21-30.  Nov.  25, 
1927-Jan.  26,  1928.  '  1928.     [1]  +27-51  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  EC  1.7/a  :  21-30 

Right  of  maritime  workers  to  compensation  under  longshoremen's  and 

harbor  workers'  compensation  act.     [Jan.  1928.]     4  p.  narrow  8°     *  Paper,  5c. 

EC  1.2  :  M  33 


Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Feb.  1928;  [v.  14,  no.  2].  1928.  iv+109-165  p.  11. 
map,  4''  [Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, $2.60. 

L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  14/2 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  research 
studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  condition  of 
Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member  banks  without 
charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal  Reserve  Board, 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  member  banks.    Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit,  Feb.  1,  1928.    1928.    8  p.  4°    t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  928/2 


American  Specialty  Company.  In  matter  of  William  F.  Schied  and  H.  H.  Bard, 
copartners  doing  business  under  trade  names  and  styles  of  American  Specialty 
Companv  and  American  Seed  Company,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  find- 
ings, and  order;  docket  1333,  Apr.  9,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  85-92.  ([Decision] 
560.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  560 

Ames.  Edwin  A.  In  matter  of  Edwin  A.  Ames,  Edwin  A.  Ames  trading  as 
0.stermoor  &  Company,  and  Ostermoor  &  Company,  Inc.,  complaint  (synopsis) 
[report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1133,  Feb.  15,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  45-59-1. 
([Decision]  555.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2  :  555 

A7-kansas  Wholesale  Grocers'  Association.  In  matter  of  Arkansas  Wholesale 
Grocers'  Association  et  al.,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and 
order;  docket  1232,  May  15,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  155-176.  ([Decision]  568.) 
{From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2:  568 

Hot    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Content* 

602  February,  1928 

Bardwil  Brothers.  In  matter  of  Ameen  Bardwil  and  George  Bardwil,  partners 
doing  business  under  trade  name  and  style  Bardwil  Brothers,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1268,  Apr.  27,  1926.  [1928.] 
p.  117-121.     ([Decision]  564.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2 :  564r 

Decisions.  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions,  findings  and  orders  of  Fed- 
eral Trade  Commission,  Mar.  23-Nov.  27,  1925;   [edited  by  Richard  S.  Ely]. 

1927.  V.  9,  xiii+701  p.     *  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  20-26411  FT  1.11 :  9- 

Factory-to-You  Furniiure  Store.  In  matter  of  M.  Goldberg,  individual  doing, 
business  under  trade  name  and  style  Factory-to-You  Furniture  Store,  com- 
plaint (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1152,  Mar.  8,  1926. 
[1928.]     p.  65-69-1.      ([Decision]    557.)      [From  F.  T.  C.   decisions,  v.   10.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  557 

Federal  Mail  Order  Company.     In  matter  of  Ben  Kreeger,  doing  business  under 
trade  name  and  style  of  Federal  Mail  Order  Company,  complaint  (synopsis) 
[report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1349,  Apr.  12,  1926.     [1928.]     p.  93-98. 
([Decision]   561.)      [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2  :  561 

Franklin  Coal  Company.  In  matter  of  Franklin  Coal  Company,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1187,  Feb.  5,  1926.  1928. 
[1] +30-34  p.  ([Decision]  553.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10]  *  Paper, 
5c.  FT  1.11/a  2:  553 

Good-Grape  Company.  In  matter  of  Good-Grape  Company,  complaint  (sjTiop- 
sis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1186,  Apr.  13,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  99- 
109.     ([Decision]  562.)      [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2 :  562 

Hagen  Import  Company  of  Petmsylvania.  In  matter  of  David  J.  Goldsmith,, 
doing  business  under  trade  name  and  style  Hagen  Import  Company  of  Penn^ 
sylvania,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1236, 
Mar.  6,  1926.  1928.  [1] +60-64  p.  ([Decision]  556.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  deci- 
sions, v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  l.ll/a  2 :  556. 

Houhigant,  Incorpo7'ated.  In  matter  of  Houbigant,  Incoi-porated,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1250,  Apr.  2,  1926.  1928. 
[1] +78-84-15  p.  ([Decision]  559.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  559- 

Laucr  &  Suter  Company.  In  matter  of  Lauer  &  Suter  Company,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1370,  June  1,  1926.  [1928.] 
p.  177-183-1.     ( [Decision]  569.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2 :  569- 

Long-Koch  Company.  In  matter  of  Long-Koch  Company,  complaint  (synopsis) 
[report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1252,  May  4,  1926.  1928.  [1]+128- 
134-1  p.     ([Decision]  566.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  1.11/a  2 :  56& 

Mid-West  Retail  Coal  Association.  In  matter  of  Mid-West  Retail  Coal  Asso- 
ciation et  al..  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1118, 
May  15,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  135-154.  ([Decision]  567.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  deci- 
sions, V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  567 

Reinhart  &  Newton  Company.  In  matter  of  Reinhart  &  Newton  Company,  com- 
plaint  (synopsis)    [report]   findings,  and  order;  docket  1304,  Apr.  13,  1926. 

1928.  [1] +110-116-1  p.     ([Decision]  563.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11  'a  2 :  563 

Z7.  /S.  Oil  Company,  Incorporated.  In  matter  of  U.  S.  Oil  Company,  Incorpo- 
rated, et  al.,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1175, 
Apr.  28.  1926.  1928.  [1] +122-127-1  p.  ([Decision]  565.)  [From  F.  T.  C. 
decisions,  V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2  :  565 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  603- 


Connecticut.  Expenditures  made  by  Connecticut  for  military  purposes  during 
War  of  1812-15,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to  resolution,  statement  of 
account  between  United  States  and  Connecticut  with  respect  to  advances 
and  expenditures  made  for  military  purposes  during  "War  of  1812-15.  Feb. 
8,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  doc.  52,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Decisions.    Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7.  Dec.  1927,  with  index-digest, 
Oct.-Dec.  1927;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant 
comptroller  general.    1928.     [l]+3G3^07+xxxvii  p.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a  :  7/6 

Same,  v.  7,  Jan.  1928 :  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn, 

assistant  comptroller  general.    1928.     [1] +407^55  p.     [Monthly.]     t 

GA  1.5/a:  7/7 

North  Carolina.  Claims  of  North  Carolina,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to 
resolution,  statement  of  indebtedness  of  North  Carolina  to  United  States 
upon  certain  bonds  of  State  and  claims  of  North  Carolina  for  advances  during 
War  of  1812.    Feb.  6,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  doc.  50,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Decisions  of  Geographic  Board,   Feb.   1,   1928.      [1928.]     2  p.      [No   decisions 
rendered  Jan.  1928.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-26561  GB  1.5  :  143 



Aoricultural  cJiemistry.  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  docu- 
ments.    Jan.  1928.     [2] +6  p.     (Price  list  40,  21st  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26494  GP  3.9  :  40/21 

Congress.     Proceedings  of  Congress,  Annals  of  Congress,  Register  of  debates, 
Congressional  globe,   Congressional   record,   list  of  publications  for   sale  by 
superintendent  of  documents.     Jan.   1928.      [2] +15+ [2]    p.      (Price  list  49, 
14th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26728  GP  3.9 :  49/14 

Country  life.     Publications  of  interest  to  suburbanites  and  home-builders  for 

sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.  Jan.  1928.    iii+18  p.     (Price  list  72,  5th 
edition. )     t 

L.  C.  card  26-26472  GP  3.9 :  72/& 

Labor,  child  labor,  employers'  liability,  wages,  insurance,  women,  strikes,  list 
of    publications    for    sale    by    superintendent    of    documents.      Dec.    1927, 
[2] +27+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  33,  13th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26497  GP  3.9  :  33/1^ 

Monthly  catalogue,   United   States  public   documents    (with   prices),   no.   397; 

Jan.  1928.    1928.    vi+397-521  p.  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/7 



High  schools.     Statistics  of  private  high  schools  and  academies,  1925-26 ;  pre- 
pared   in    Division    of    Statistics.     1927.     [l]+40    p.     (Bulletin    31,    1927.) 
[Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924r-26.] 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  20^424  1 16.3  :  927/31 

Ho^Y    to    order    publications — See    Information    folloiring^    Contents 

604  February,  1928 

High  schools — Continued. 

Statistics  of  public  high  schools,  1925-26 ;  prepared  in  Division  of  Statis- 
tics. 1927.  [l]+92p.  (Bulletin  33,  1927.)  [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial 
survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924^-26.]     ♦  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  E  20-630  1 16.3  :  927/33 

Some  economics.    Achievements  in  home  economics  education ;  by  Emeline  S. 
Whitcomb.     1927.     [lJ+26  p.     (Bulletin  35,  1927.)      [Advance  sheets  from 
Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  28^8  1 16.3  :  927/35 

PuMic  schools.     Statistics  of  city  school  systems,  1925-26 ;  prepared  in  Statisti- 
cal Division.     1928.     [1]+185  p.  il,     (Bulletin  32,  1927.)      [Advance  sheets 
from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1924-26.]     *  Paper,  30c. 
L.  C.  card  E  8-675  1 16.3  :  927/32 

School  life,  v.  13,  no.  6;  Feb.  1928.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  101-120,  il.  4° 
[Monthly  except  July  and  August.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.;  for  50  copies 
or  more  sent  in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 

L.  C.  card  E  18-902  1 16.26/1 :  13/6 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Annual 
reports,  Monographs,  Professional  papers.  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that 
amounts  to  $5.00  at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should 
be  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington, 
D.  C.  Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.     For  maps  and  topographic  maps  see  below. 

Florida.  Chemical  character  of  waters  of  Florida ;  by  W.  D.  Collins  and  C.  S. 
Howard.  Feb.  17,  1928.  iv+177-233  p.  il.  (Water-supply  paper  596  G.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Engineering  of  Florida  State  Board 
of  Health.]     *  Paper,  10c.  1 19.13  :  596-G 

Petroleum'.  Geology  and  oil  and  gas  prospects  of  northeastern  Colorado;  by 
Kirtley  F.  Mather,  James  Gilluly,  and  Ralph  G.  Lusk.  Jan.  17,  1928.  iv+65- 
124  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.  2  maps,  1  is  in  pocket.  (Bulletin  796  B.)  *  Paper, 
20c.  1 19.3  :  796-B 

Plants.     Plants  as  indicators  of  ground  water  [with  bibliographies]  ;  by  Oscar 
Edward  Meinzer.     1927.     v+95  p.  il.  12  p.  of  pi.     (Water-supply  paper  577.) 
*  Paper,  25c. 
L.  0.  card  GS  28^8  1 19.13  :  577 

Same.     (H.  doc,  71,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Publications.  New  publications,  list  239;  Feb.  1,  1928.  [1928.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     f  1 19.14/4 :  239 

Topographic  instructions  of  Geological  Survey :  F,  Map  compilation  from  aerial 
photographs ;  by  T.  P.  Pendleton.  1928.  iii +379^19  p.  il.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi. 
map.     (Bulletin  788  F.)     *  Paper,  15c.  1 19.3  :  788^F 


Tennessee.  Relief  map,  Tennessee.  Scale  1 :  500,000.  [Washington]  Geologi- 
cal Survey,  1927.  15.8X62  in.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Temies.see. 
Relief  shading  by  R.  W.  Berry.]     j  yOc.  119.25  :  T  25 

Topographic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  malting  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  individual  maps 
are  projected  to  represent  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and  each  map 
is    designated    by    the    name    of    some    prominent    town    or    natural    feature    in    the    area 

How    to    order    publications — See    informatloii    folloTving    Contents 

February,  1928  605 

mapped.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1  :  31,680,  1 :  62,500  and  1 :  125,000.  corre- 
sponding, approximately,  to  %  mile,  1  mile,  and  2  miles  to  1  inch.  The  area  coTered 
differs  with  the  latitude,  but  the  average  area  is  58.  230,  or  920  square  miles,  respectively, 
for  these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  printed  on  uniform-sized  paper,  about  20 
by  16%  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas  represented  thereon  are  about 
17%  inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to  latitude.  For  some  areas  of 
particular  importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published.  A  general  description  of 
topographic  maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed  on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 
More  than  two-fifths  of  the  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  Connecticut,  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mary- 
land. Massachusetts,  New  Jersey,  New  York,  Ohio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Virginia  are 
completely  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at 
10c.  each,  but  a  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to 
JfS.OO  at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios 
alone,  or  for  maps  and  folios  together. 

California.  California,  Cliatsworth  quadrangle,  lat.  34°  12'-34°  18',  long.  118* 
36'-118°  42'.  Scale  1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.  [Washington, 
Geological  Survey]  edition  of  1927.  18.2X15.1  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  por- 
tion of  the  sheet,  the  actual  measurement  being  14.5X9.6  in.]     1 10c. 

1 19.12  :  4  C  392 

California,  Covina  quadrangle,  lat.  34°-34°  06',  long.  117°  48'-117°  54'. 

Scale  1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Sur- 
vey] edition  of  1927.     18.2X15.2  in.     f  10c.  1 19.12  :  4  C  838/2 

California,  Glendora  quadrangle,  lat.  34°  06'-34°  12',  long.  117°  4S'-117"' 

54'.  Scale  1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.  18.2X15.2  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  portion  of  the 
sheet,  the  actual  measurement  being  10.9X15.2  in.]     1 10c.       1 19.12  :  4  G  485 

Illinois.  Illinois,  Arlington  Heights  quadrangle,  lat.  42°-42°  07'  30",  long.  87° 
52'  30"-8S°.  Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]   edition  of  1927.     22.8X17  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  12  Ar  52 

Illinois,  Hinsdale  quadrangle,  lat.  41°  45'-41°  52'  30",  long.  87°  52'  30"- 

88°.  Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survev] 
edition  of  1927.     22.8X17.1  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  12  H  59e 

Illinois,  Liberty  quadrangle,  lat.  39°  45'-40°,  long.  91°-91°  15'.     Scale  1: 

62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survev]  edition  of 
1927.     17.5  X  13.5  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  12  L  615 

2^e\o  Eampshire-Yermoiit,  Indian  Stream  quadrangle,  lat.  45°-45°  15',  long.  71° 
15'-71°  30'.  Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.  21.2X12.4  in.  [Map  covers  onlv  a  portion  of  the 
sheet.  ]     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  29  In  2 

Pennsylvania,  Blossburg  quadrangle,  lat.  41°  30'-41°  45',  long.  n°-ll°  15'. 
Scale  1 :  62.500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edi- 
tion of  1927.     17.5X13.2  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  38  B  62a 

Texas,  New  Braunfels  quadrangle,  lat.  29°  30'-29°  45',  long.  98°-98°  15'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  Preliminary  edition.  [Washington,  Geologi- 
cal Survey]  edition  of  1927.  17.5X15.3  in.  [Map  covers  only  a'  portion  of 
the  sheet,  the  actual  measurement  being  17.5X8.3  in.]     1 10c. 

1 19.12  :  43  N  42h 

West  Virginia.  West  "Virginia,  Bunisville  qiiadrangle,  lat.  38°  45'-39°,  long. 
80°  30'-80°  45'.  Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geo- 
logical Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.5X13.7  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  49  B  937/2 

West  Virginia,  Mullens  quadrangle,  lat.  37°  30'-37°  45',  long.  81°  15'- 

81°  30'.  Scale  1:62.500,  contour  interval  50  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1927.     17.5X14  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12  :  49  M  911 


New  reclamation  era.  Index  [to]  New  reclamation  era,  v.  IS,  1927.  [1927.} 
4  p.  4°  I  27.5  :  927/ind. 

New  reclamation  era,  v.  19,  no.  2  ;  Feb.  1928.     [1928.]    cover-title,  p.  17-32, 

il.  4°     [Monthly.     Illustrations  and  text  on  p.  2-A  of  cover.] 

L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5 :  928/2 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel  of 
the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help  them  In 
overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and  marketing 

HoTV    to    order    pn'^Iications-^See    informatipii    folloiivlng    Cunteiits 

006  February,  1928 

New  reclamation  era — Continued. 

their  crops,  to  inspire  tlie  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering  problenss 
and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so  that  reclama- 
tion shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation  era  is  sent 
regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the  subscription 
price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to  the  Chief 
Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form  of  postal 
money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal  Agent, 
Bureau  of  Reclamation.     Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of  subscription. 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at 
various  prices,  depiending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  sub- 
scription, price  $1.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50 ;  single  copies,  usually  5c. 
In  ordering  a  volume,  ne  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valuation  decisions 
*re  desired. 

Adci  phosphate.  No.  19396,  Louisiana  Farm  Bureau  Federation,  Incorporated, 
et  al.  V.  Louisiana  Railway  &  Navigation  Company;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927; 
report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +462-464  p.  ([Opinion]  12S91.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I01.6/la  :  12891 

Arcade  and  Attica  Railroad.  Finance  docliet  no.  6606,  bonds  of  Arcade  & 
Attica  Railroad;  decided  Jan.  6,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
13-15.  ([Finance  decision]  3075.)  [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3075 

Asphalt.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2941,  asphalt  and  petroleum 
road  oil  from  south  Pacific  Coast  territory  and  intermediate  points  to  Kansas 
City  and  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  transcontinental ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  [report  and 
order  of  commission].  [1928.]  465^70+[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  12892.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12892 

Atchison,  Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6631,  stock  of 
Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway ;  [decided  Jan.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1928.  [1] +744-746  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  3058.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3058 

Atlanta  and  St.  Andrews  Bap  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6225,  notes  of 
Atlanta  &  St.  Andrews  Bay  Railway ;  approved  Dec.  21,  1927 ;  supplemental 
order.  1928.  p.  743.  ([Finance  decision]  3057.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3057 

Automobiles.  No.  18868,  G.  A.  Fulton  v.  Northwestern  Pacific  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  49-50. 
([Opinion]   12967.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  139.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12967 

Bananas.  No.  15338,  Gugenheim-Goldsmith  Company  et  al.  v.  Galveston,  Harris- 
burg  &  San  Antonio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  4,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission  on  further  hearing].  1928.  [1] +520-521  p.  ([Opinion] 
12905.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12905 

No.  17932,  Amicon  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  portions  of  4th-section  application  nos.  601  et  al. ;  de- 
cided Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  [and  4th  section  order  no.  9709]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  259-260+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12842.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12842 

No.  18480,  E.  L.  McClung  v.  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway  Company ;  de- 
cided Dec.  23,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  347-349+ [1] 
p.     ([Opinion]  12860.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12860 

Barrels.  No.  18867,  Waco  Chamber  of  Commerce  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  383-385+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12869.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12869 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    information    follo'wing'    Contents 

February,  1928  607 

Battery  boxes.  No.  1S7G2,  Continental  Rubber  Works  v.  New  York,  Chicago  & 
St.  Louis  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  4,  1928 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1928.  [l]+538-542+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12909.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12909 

Bingham  and,  Garfield  Railway.     Finance  docket  no.  313,  guaranty  status  of 

Bingham  &  Garfield  Railway ;  decided  Jan.  14,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 

[1928.]     p.  45-50.     ([Finance  decision]   3087.)  [From   I.   C.   C.  reports,  v. 

138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  F-3087 

Black  potvder.  No.  18971,  Grasselli  Powder  Company  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati, 
Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  4,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  563-567.  ([Opinion]  12916.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12916 

Bwatcs.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2971,  borate  from  Amargo, 
Calif.,  to  Texas  Gulf  ports,  for  exiwrt ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  401-406+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12875.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12875 

Brass.  No.  19229.  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany; decided  Dec.  31.  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  415^18. 
([Opinion]    12878.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12878 

Bricks.  No.  18447,  Acme  Brick  Company  v.  Houston  &  Texas  Central  Railroad 
Company  ot  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  + 
20-22  p      ([Opinion]   1295S.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  1.39.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12958 

Brooklyn  Ea^stem  District  Ternvinal.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
valuation  docket  no.  1077,  Brooklyn  Eastern  District  Terminal ;  brief  in  sup- 
port of  tentative  valuation.    1928.    cover-title,  ii+66  p.    %        IC  1  val.8 :  B  791 

Buffalo,  Rochester  and,  Pittsburgh  Raihoay.  Finance  docket  no.  5656,  control  of 
Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburgh  Railway  by  Delaware  &  Hudson  Company; 
[decided  Dec.  13,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [l]-f 750-771  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3061.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3061 

Cah'bage.  No.  17586,  Leonard,  Crosset  &  Riley  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  rei>ort  and  orders  of  com- 
mission on  reconsideration].  1928.  [1] +256-258+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12841.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12841 

Cables.  No.  18918.  Arkansas  Light  &  Power  Company  v.  Alton  &  Southern 
Railroad  et  al. ;  decided  Sept.  27,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
423-424.     ([Opinion]   12880.)      [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10 1.6/la :  12880 

Carbon  blaok.  No.  18322,  Godfrey  L.  Cabot,  Incori)orated,  v.  Chicago,  Milwau- 
kee &  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  491-495.  ([Opinion]  12897.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12897 

Cast-iron.  No.  18235,  Holland  Furnace  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
479-482.     ([Opinion]  12894.)      [From  1.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12894 

-Cement.  No.  18139,  Carney  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Company  et  al. ; 
[decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission  on  further  consideration].  1928. 
[1] +396-398  p.  ([Opinion]  12873.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12873 

No.   18408.   Knickerbocker  Portland   Cement   Company,   Incorporated,   v. 

Boston  &  Albany  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  387-389.  ([Opinion]  12871.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12871 

MoTV    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

608  February,  1928 

Cement  sacks.  No.  17942,  Atlas  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka^ 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  clecided  Dec.  21,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [192S.]  p.  279-285.  ([Opinion]  12847.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12847 

Chesapeake  and  Ohio  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  2541,  Chesapeake  &  Ohio 
Railway  capital  stock :  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  2d  supplemental  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  781-782.  ([Finance  decision]  3065.)  [From  I.  C.  O. 
reports,  V.  131.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3065 

Finance  docket  no.  6624,  abandonment  of  portion  of  line  by  Chesapeake 

&  Ohio  Railway  Company ;  decided  Jan.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  73-74.  ([Finance  decision]  3094.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3094 

Chicago.  Indianapolis  and  Louisville  RaUxcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6438.  bonds 
of  Chicago,  Indianapolis  &  Louisville  Railway ;  decided  Jan.  18,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.1  p.  51-54.  ([Finance  decision]  3088.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3088 

Chocolate.  No.  17462,  Handy  Chocolate  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
311-315.     ([Opinion]  12853.1      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12855 

Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  and  St.  Loxm  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6635, 
bonds  of  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway ;  decided  Jan. 
16,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  37-39.  ([Finance  decision] 
3085.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3085- 

Cleveland  Union  Terminals  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  4861,  bonds  of  Cleve- 
land Union  Terminals  Company ;  approved  Jan.  20,  1928 ;  supplemental  order. 
[1928.]  p.  19-20.  ([Finance  decision]  3077.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3077 

— —  Finance  docket  no.  6668,  Cleveland  Union  Terminals  bonds ;  decided  Jan. 
20,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  55-58.  ([Finance  decision] 
3089.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3089 

Clothes  wringers.  No.  18929.  American  Wringer  Company  v.  New  York,  New 
Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  269-272.  ([Opinion]  12844.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12844 

Coal.  No.  17741,  E.  Morgan  &  Brother  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  23,  1927:  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +308-310  p. 
([Opinion]  12852.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12852 

No.  17806,  J.  R.  Blair  et  al.  v.  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  3,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  543-548+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12910.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12910 

No.   18514,  Acme  Coal   Company  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  &   Ohio   Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  21,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +286-292  p.  ([Opinion]  12848.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12848 

■    No.    18664,   Holmquist   Lumber   &   Fuel   Company   v.   Chicago   &   Alton 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  4,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +522-524  p.  ([Opinion]  12906.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12906 

No.  18777,  J.  W.  Dykstra  &  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul 

Railway  Companv ;  decided  Dec.  28.  1927:  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  385-386.     ([Opinion]  12870.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12870 

No.  18974,  Chicago.  Wilmington  &  Franklin  Coal  Company  v.  Chicago, 

Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report 
of  commission].  1928.  [1] +406-407  p.  ([Opinion]  12876.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12876 

Hoiv    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

Februakt,  1928  609 

Coal — Continued. 

No.  19005,  A.  J.  Airis  estate  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway 

Company;  decided  Jan.  13,  1928;  report  of  commission.     [1928.]     p.  687-688. 
([Opinion]  12944.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12944 

Copper.  No.  17259,  Taunton-New  Bedford  Copper  Company  v.  New  York,  New 
Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  3,  1928;  report 
and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +554-558 +iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12913.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     ♦  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12913 

Cotton.  No.  18212,  Meridian  TraflSc  Bureau  v.  Columbus  &  Greenville  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  6,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +316-320+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12854.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     ♦  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12854 

Cream.  No.  18955,  North  American  Creamery  Company  v.  American  Railway 
Express  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  359-364 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12863.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12863 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission   (valuation  reports),  May,  1927. 

1927.  viii+89o  p.  map.     (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports,  v.  127.) 

*  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  8-30656  IC  1.6/1 :  127 

Note. — The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  assigns  a  volume  in  ttie  series  of 
reports  at  various  times  which  contains  only  valuation  dockets.  This  is  true  regarding 
V.  127  here  catalogued. 

JDelaicare  Valley  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6392,  bonds  of  Delaware  Valley 
Railway  Company;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +772-775  p.     ([Finance  decision]  3062.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3062 

Demurrage.  No.  17791,  Union  Gas  &  Electric  Company  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio 
Railway  Company ;  decided  Dec.  21,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  recon- 
sideration. [1928.]  p.  275-278.  ([Opinion]  12846.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12846 

No.  18833,  O.  P.  Woodcock  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.     [1928.]       p. 
419-422.     ([Opinion]  12879.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12879 

Detroit  Manuiacturers  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6613,  control  of  Detroit 
Manufacturers  Railroad  by  Michigan  Central  Railroad;  decided  Jan.  14, 
1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  33-36.  ([Finance  decision]  3084.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3084 

Dexter  and  Noi-thern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6071,  deficit  status  of 
Dexter  &  Northern  Railroad ;  decided  Jan.  18,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  25-26.  ([Finance  decision]  3080.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3080 

Dinitrochlorobensol.  No.  18311,  E.  C.  Klipstein  &  Sons  Company  v.  Central 
Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  485-490.  ([Opinion]  12896.)  [From  I.  C.  C  re- 
ports, V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12896 

Doors.  No.  18625,  Paine  Lumber  Company  v.  Tennessee  Central  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  5,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  559- 
560.     ([Opinion]  12914.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12914 

Envelopes.  No.  18594,  E.  C.  Palmer  &  Company,  Limited,  v.  New  England 
Steamship  Company  et  al. ;   [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 

1928.  [1] +496-500  p.     ([Opinion]  12898.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12898 

Eureka  Hill  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6292,  deficit  status  of  Eureka  Hill 
Railway;  decided  Jan.  16,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  29-30. 
([Finance  decision]  3082.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3082 

How    to    order    nublicatlons — See    information    following    Contents 

610  February,  1928 

Fairport,  Painesville  and  Eastern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5199,  notes  of 
Fail-port,  Painesville  &  Eastern  Railroad ;  decided  Jan.  14,  1928 ;  supple- 
mental report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  23-24.  ([Finance  decision]  3079.) 
[From  I.  0.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3079 

Fences.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2946,  iron  and  steel  articles 
from  upper  east  bank  Mississippi  River  crossings  to  Des  Moines,  Fort  Dodge, 
and  Perry,  Iowa;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +408-414+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12877.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12877 

Fluxing  ores.  Np.  19076,  United  Verde  Oopper  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  5,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  573-574.  ([Opinion]  12919.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v, 
136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12919 

Freight-cars.  No.  17849,  Bangor  &  Aroostook  Railroad  Company  v.  American 
Railway  Association  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  30,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  727-756.     ([Opinion]   12953.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12953 

Freight  rates.  Fourth  section  application  no.  13030,  in  matter  of  4th-section 
departures  resulting  from  changes  in  classification;  [decided  Jan.  9,  1928; 
report  of  commission  on  reconsideration].  1928.  [1] +516-520  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12904.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v,  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  12904 

No.  607,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States,   Interstate 

Commerce  Commission,  and  Fort  Smith,  Subiaco  &  Rock  Island  Railroad 
Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  Company,  appeal  from  district  court 
for  western  district  of  Arkansas,  Fort  Smith  division ;  brief  for  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission.     1928.     cover-title,  iii+38  p.     t        IC  1.13/1 :  F  775/4 

No.   13857,   Chamber   of   Commerce   of   Selma,   Ala.,   v.   Alabama   Great 

Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  293-298.  ([Opinion]  12849.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12849 

No.  17004,  Chemical  Lime  Company  et  al.  v.  Bellefoute  Central  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[192S.]  333^43 +iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12858.)  [Report  from  I.  C,  C.  reports, 
V.   130.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12858 

No.  ISOSO,  Jewel  Tea  Company  v.  Hoboken  Manufacturers'  Railroad  Com- 
pany;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  375-378. 
([Opinion]  12867.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12867 

No.  18523,  Josey-Miller  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927  ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  379-382+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12868.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12S68 

Fruit.  No.  1S086,  W.  O.  Anderson  Commission  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  & 
Vicksburg  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  6,  1927 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  261-268.  ([Opinion]  12S43.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12843 

No.  18656,  Atlantic  Fruit  Company,  Incorporated,  et  al.  v.  Florida  East 

Coast  Railway  Company;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1928]     p.   425-427.     ([Opinion]    12881.)      [From   I.    C.   C.   reports,   v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12S81 

Fuel  for  road  locomotives  in  freight  and  passenger  train  service  (charged  to 
operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States  (fuel  for  .«witch- 
ing  locomotives  not  included),  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  167 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Dec.  1927 
and  1926  [and]  12  months  ended  with  Dec.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.    Dec.  1927.    1  p.  oblong  large  8"    [Subject  to  revision.]    t 

IC  1  ste.  30 :  927/12 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  611 

Furniture.  No.  18673,  Fleenor  Office  Furniture  Company  v.  Cleveland,  Cincin- 
nati, Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dee.  31,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  501-502.  ([Opinion]  12899.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/lu  :  12S9J) 

Galveston,  Houston  and  Henderson  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission,  valuation  docket  no.  969,  Galveston,  Houston  and  Henderson 
Railroad  Company ;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1928.  cover- 
title,  iii+138  p.    J  IC  1  val.  8 :  G  139 

Gasoline.  No.  17678,  Texas  Oil  Company  v.  Houston  East  &  West  Texas  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +482-484+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12895.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12895 

No.  18028,  Empire  Refineries  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  23,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +344-346    p.       ([Opinion]    12859.)       [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12859 

Glucose.  No.  18214,  American  Syrup  &  Preserving  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago, 
Burlington  &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  449-454+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12887.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12887 

Grain.  In  equity,  no  7687,  in  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Illinois, 
eastern  division,  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al.  v. 
United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission;  brief  for  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission.    1928.    cover-title,  i+14  p.    t  IC  1.13/1 :  At  2/25 

Hoops.  No.  18828,  Liberty  Cooperage  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Wabash  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  14,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  711- 
712.     ([Opinion]  12949.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12949 

Insulators.  No.  18636,  Houston  Lighting  &  Power  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton  & 
Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  399^00.  ([Opinion]  12874.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12874 

Iron.  No.  18791,  West  Virginia  Rail  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  21,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  303-307+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12851.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12851 

No.  18858,  United  Iron,  Metal  &  Supply  Company  v.  Chicago  &  Illinois 

Midland  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion.    [1928.]     p.  29-30.     ([Opinion]  12961.)      [From  L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  139.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12961 

No.  18869,  United  States  Cast  Iron  Pipe  &  Foundry  Company  v.  Alabama 

Great  Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  509-512.  ([Opinion]  12902.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12902 

Kcntuclrj.  Rockcastle  and  Cumberland  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6279, 
deficit  .status  of  Kentucky,  Rockcastle  &  Cumberland  Railroad ;  decided  Jan, 
IS,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  27-28.  ([Finance  decision] 
8081.)     [From  L  C.  G.  reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3081 

Lakeland  Railway.  Financial  [finance]  docket  no.  6589,  operation  of  line  by 
Lakeland  Railway;  [decided  Jan.  6,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[l]+8-10  p.     ([Finance  decision]   3073.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3073 

Leather.  No.  19220,  Ashland  Leather  Company  v.  Southern  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.] 
457-458+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]  12889.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12889 

HODV    to    order    publications—See     inform.-ition    follo^Tinj;    Contents 

gl2  February,  1928 

Lehigh  Valley  Railroadi  Tinance  docket  no.  6640,  bonds  of  Lehigh  Valley  Rail- 
road ;  decided  Jan.  6,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  3-4.  ([Finance 
decision]  3071.)      [From  I.  C.  0.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10 1.6/la :  F-3071 

Lime.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2874,  lime  between  southern 
points ;  [4th  section  applications  nos.  600  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  21,  1927 ;  sup- 
plemental report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +272-274 -fii  p. 
([Opinion]  12845.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12845 

Logs.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2905,  sawmill  logs  from  North 
Carolina  to  Virginia  points;  [decided  Dec.  28,  1927;  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1928.  [1] +370-374+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12866.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12866 

No.  18889,  Peabod.v  Lumber  Oompany  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Oompany 

et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  5,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  561-562. 
([Opinion]   12915.)      [From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12915 

Lumber.  No.  15993,  Pacific  Ooast  Shippers'  Association  et  al.  v.  Akron,  Oanton 
&  Youngstown  Railway  Oompany  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission on  further  argument.  [1928.]  p.  607-615.  ([Opinion]  12927.) 
[From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12927 

No.  17604,  Alexandria  Ohamber  of  Oommerce  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  1-3. 
([Opinion]  12954.)      [From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  139.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12954 

No.  18501,  Badger  Lumber  &  Coal  Oompany  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 

Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission].  1928.  [1] +350-352+11  p.  ([Opinion]  12861.)  [Report 
from  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper.  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12861 

Meat.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2595,  meats  and  packing  house 
products  to,  from,  and  between  southwestern  and  western  trunk-line  points ; 
decided  Jan.  9,  1928;  [report  and  orders  of  commission].  [1928.]  651-679+ 
viii  p.  ([Opinion]  12940.)  [Report  from  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]  *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  10  1.6/la  :  12940 

Misroiiting.  No.  16509,  Armour  Fertilizer  Works  v.  Central  Railroad  Company 
of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  3,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  525-526.     ([Opinion]  12907.)      [From  I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12907 

No.  18174,  F.  W.  Brownyard  v.  Union  Pacific  Railroad  Oompany  et  al. ; 

decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  447-448.  ([Opin- 
ion] 12886.)      [From  I.  O.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.      10  1.6/la :  12886 

No.  18517,  Ozark  Hardwood  Lumber  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  & 

St.  Paul  Railway  Oompany  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  5,  1928;  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1928.  [l]+568-570+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12917.)  [Report  from 
I.  O.  0.  reports,  v.  136  (volume  number  is  incorrectly  given  on  p.  568  as  138).] 
*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la :  12917 

No.  19051,  Columbia  Mills,  Incorporated,  v.  Spokane,  Portland  &  Seattle 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  4,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  571-572.     ([Opinion]  12918.)      [From  I.  O.  0.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  12918 

Missouri-Kansas-Texas  Railroad.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
valuation  docket  no.  828,  in  matter  of  tentative  valuations  of  properties  of 
Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Railway  Company,  Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas 
Terminal  Company  of  St.  Louis,  Boonville  Railroad  Bridge  Company,  and 
Oklahoma  Belt  Railroad  Oompany ;  valuation  docket  no.  814,  Missouri,  Kansas 
and  Texas  Railway  Oompany  of  Texas,  Wichita  Falls  and  Northwestern  Rail- 
way Company  of  Texas,  Wichita  Falls  Railway  Company,  Wichita  Falls  and 
Wellington  Railway  Company  of  Texas,  Wichita  Falls  and  Southern  Rail- 
How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  613 

MissourUKansas-T cxas  Railroad — Continued, 
way  Company  of  Texas,  Wicliita  Falls  Railway  Company,  Wichita  Falls  and 
Beaumont  and  Great  Is^rthern  Railroad,  San  Antonio  Belt  and  Terminal 
Railway  Company,  and  Texas  Central  Railroad  Company ;  valuation  docket 
no.  759,  Wicliita  Falls  &  Northwestern  Railway  Company ;  brief  in  support 
of  tentative  valuations.    1928.     cover-title,  iv+28G  p.     %     IC  1  val.  S  :  M  691/6 

Finance  docket  no.  6623,  bonds  of  Missouri-Kansas-Texas  Railroad ;  [de- 
cided Dec.  29,  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [l]-f 776-780  p.  ([Fi- 
nance decision]  3064.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3064 

Mojave  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6311,  deficit  status  of  Mojave 
Northern  Railroad;  decided  Jan.  16,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  31-32.  ([Finance  decision]  3083.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 
*  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-30S3 

Naples,  Seal)oard  and  G-iilf  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6515,  control  of 
Naples,  Seaboard  &  Gulf  Railway  by  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway ;  decided 
Dec.  29,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  787-792.  ([Finance  deci- 
sion] 3067.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.       IC  1.6/la  :  F-3067 

Nevada  Northern  Railicaij.  Finance  docket  no.  681,  guaranty  settlement  with 
Nevada  Northern  Railway  Company ;  [decided  Jan.  14,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission]. 1928.  [l]-f 40-44  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3086.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reiwrts,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3086 

Neiv  England  Steamship  Company.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission, 
valuation  docket  no.  1054,  New  England  Steamship  Company ;  valuation 
docket  no.  1048,  Hartford  and  New  York  Transportation  Company ;  valuation 
docket  no.  941,  New  Bedford,  Martha's  Vineyard  and  Nantucket  Steamboat 
Company;  brief  in  support  of  tentative  valuation.  1928.  cover-title,  i+64 
p.     +  IC  1  val.  8 :  N  42e 

New  Orleans  Great  Northern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  305,  New  Orleans 
Great  Northern  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Nov.  18,  1927;  report  of  com- 
misjsion].  1928.  [21+825-861  p.  il.  (B-623.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
133.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-623 

Neio  York,  New  Haven  and  Hartford  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  1063,  bonds 
of  New  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad ;  decided  Jan.  16,  1928 ;  sup- 
plemental report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  21-22.  ([Finance  decision] 
3078.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3078 

Finance  docket  no.  6630,  stock  of  Ne^v<  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford 

Railroad;  decided  Jan.  4,  1928;  report  of  commission.     [1928.]     p.  1-2.     ([Fi- 
nance decision]  3070.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3070 

Oil-well  supplies.  No.  16522,  Parkersburg  Rig  &  Reel  Company  v.  Union  Pa- 
cific Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  327-332+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12857.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12S57 

Outer  Harbor  Terminal  Railtcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6578,  acquisition  and 
operation  of  line  by  Outer  Harbor  Tenminal  Railway ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  793-796.  ([Finance  decision]  3068.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3068 

Paris  and  Great  Northern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6359,  acquisition  of 
Paris  &  Great  Northern  Railroad  by  St.  Louis,  San  Francisco  &  Texas  Rail- 
way;  decided  Dec.  29,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  797-803. 
([Finance  decision]  3069.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3069 

Peanuts.  No.  18726,  Loose-Wiles  Biscuit  Company  v.  St.  Louis-San  Francisco 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  353-358-f ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12862.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12862 

HoTT    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTfing    Content* 

91468— 28— No.  398 7 

614  February,  1928 

Philadelphia,  Bethlehem  and  New  England  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no. 
1055,  Philadelphia,  Bethlehem  and  New  England  Railroad  Company;  de- 
cided Dec.  30,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  381-391.  (B-637.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-637 

Pipe.  No.  16979,  Humble  Oil  &  Refining  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  & 
Gulf  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  23.  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [l]-|-324r-326  p.  ([Opinion]  12856.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12856 

Pittsburgh,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  and,  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no. 
6626,  bonds  of  Pittsburgh,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railroad:  [de- 
cided Jan.  14,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +16-19  p.  ([Finance 
decision]  3076.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3076 

Potatoes.  No.  16864,  J.  R.  Beggs  &  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  28,  1927 ;  report  of  commission  on  further 
consideration].  1928.  [1] +442-^46  p.  ([Opinion]  12885.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12885 

Rags.  No.  18937.  Levene's  Sons  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  de- 
cided Jan.  13,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  683-684,  ([Opinion] 
12942.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12942 

No.  18954,  B.  F.  Nelson  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Chicago,  St.  Paul, 

Minneapolis  &  Omaha  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  13,  1928 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  685-686.  ([Opinion]  12943.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12943 

Railroad  accidents.     Report  of  director  of  Bureau  of  Safety  in  re  investigation 
of  accident  which  occurred  on  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  at  Reily  Lake,  111., 
on  Dec.  10,  1927  [accompanied  by  report  of  engineer-physicist].     [1928.]     8 
p.  il.     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  A  28-159  IC  1  acci.  5 :  R  27 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,   Oct.   1927    [and  10 

months  ending  with  Oct.  1927;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Oct.  1927. 
[2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.31 :  927/10 

Same,  Nov.  1927   [and  11  months  ending  with  Nov.  1927 ;  prepared  in] 

Bureau  of  Statistics.  Nov.  1927  [published  1928].  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8'* 
[Subject  to  revision.]     f  10  1  ste.31 :  927/11 

Railroad  employees.  Ex  parte  72  (sub-no.  1)  in  matter  of  regulations  con- 
cerning class  of  employees  and  subordinate  officials  that  are  to  be  included 
within  term,  employee,  under  railway  labor  act ;  decided  Jan.  24,  1928 ; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  321-323+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
12855.)     [Report  from  L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la  :  12855 

Wage  statistics,   class   1   steam   roads   in   United    States    [including   16 

switching  and  terminal  companies]  Nov.  1927;  [prepai'ed  in]  Bureau  of  Sta- 
tistics.    1928.     [4]   p.  oblong  large  8°     t  IC  1  ste.25 :  927/11 

Railroad  ties.  No.  18834,  T.  J.  Moss  Tie  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  513-515+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12903.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  12903 

Railroads.  lYeight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  151  reports  of  freight  service  sta- 
tistics representing  166  railways  and  from  146  reports  of  passenger  service 
statistics  representing  161  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not 
included),  Dec.  1927  and  1926  [and  12  months  ended  with  Dec.  1927  and 
1926;  prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Dec.  1927  [published  1928].  [2]  p. 
oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.21 :  927/12 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
183  steam  railways,  including  15  switching  and  terminal  companies,  Dec.  19li7 
and  1926  [and]  12  months  ended  with  Dec.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Dec.  1927  [published]  1928.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Sub- 
ject to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.l9 :  927/12 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    follow^lns    Contents 

Februakt,  1928  615 

Ra  i1  roads — Continued. 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  railways,  se- 
lected items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  .*>25.000,OOU,  Dec. 
1927  and  1926  [and]  12  monilis  ended  wiih  Dec.  1927  and  192G;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Dec.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  S"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.20 :  927/12 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Dec.  1927, 

compared  with  Dec.  1926.  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000:  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Dec.  1927.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8"     [Subject  to  revision.]     f  IC  1  ste.22 :  927/12 

Older  [promulgated]  at  session  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  divi- 
sion 1.  held  on  14th  of  January.  1928,  in  matter  of  net  railway  operating  in- 
come (or  deficit)  and  recovery  and  payment  of  excess  earnings  unde  -covi- 
sions  of  sec.  15a  of  interstate  commerce  act,  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1927.  ^28.} 
15  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.9  :  in  2/7 

Revenue  traffic  statistics  of  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States,  in- 
cluding mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  152  reports  representing  167  steam 
railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Nov.  1927  ar^a  1926 
[and]  11  months  ended  with  Nov.  1927  and  1926;  [prepared  in]  Bu'-»hu  of 
Statistics.     Nov.  1927.     1  p.  oblong  large  S°     [Subject  to  revision.]     i 

IClste.24      27/11 

Ray  and  Gila  Valley  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  768,  guaranty  status  of  Ray 
&  Gila  Valley  Railroad ;  decided  Jan.  14,  1928 ;  report  of  commission  on  hear- 
ing and  reconsideration.  [1928.]  p.  59-63.  ([Finance  decision]  3090.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-309a 

Reconsignment.  No.  19780.  Cargill  Commission  Company  v.  director  general, 
as  agent:  decided  Dec.  23,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  365-366. 
([Opinion]  12864.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c, 

IC  1.6/la :  12864 

Rrfrifjeration.  No.  17095.  Wm.  F.  Allen  ^^  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  14.  1928 :  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  021-024.     ([Opinion]  12930.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12930 

Rooming.  No.  17170,  American  Tar  Products  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  17,  1927 ;  [report  and  order 
of  comniis.sion].  [1928.]  231-255 +iii  p.  ([Opinion]  12840.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12840 

Routing.  No.  17893.  Joseph  W.  Cottrell  Lumber  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  31.  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +428-430  p.  ([Opinion]  12882.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  I C  1.6/la  :  12882 

Saddletrees.  No.  19300,  Ruwart  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Chicago.  Burling- 
ton &  Quincy  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  5,  1928 :  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  575-577+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  12920.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12920 

St.  .Tohnshury  and  Lake  Chaniplain  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6675.  notes  of 
St.  Johnsbury  &  Lake  Champlain  Railroad ;  decided  Jan.  23.  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  97-98.  ([Finance  decision]  3100.)  [From  I.  C.  G. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3100 

St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  3908.  excess  income  of  St. 
Louis  &  O'Fallon  Railway  Company ;  finance  docket  no.  4026,  excess  income 
of  Manufacturers'  Railway  Company ;  approved  Dec.  17.  1927 ;  order.  1928. 
p.  749.  ([Finance  decision]  3060.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  *  Paper. 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3060 

St.  Louis,  Brovynsville  and  Mexico  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6636.  assump- 
tion of  obligation  and  liability  by  St.  Louis,  Brownsville  &  Mexico  Railway ; 
[decided  Dec.  31.  1927;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +612-614  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3051.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     ♦Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3051 

Koiv    to    order    publications — See    information    follo\vlng:    Contents 

QIQ  February,  1928 

Salt.  No.  16133,  Jackson  Traffic  Bureau  et  al.  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  299-303+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12850.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  12850 

. .    No.  17117,  Hudson  &  Thompson  et  al.  v.  New  Iberia  &  Northern  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928  ]  43o-441+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12884.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
13G.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12884 

No.  18206,  Cherokee  Mills  et  al.  v.  Morgan's  Louisiana  &  Texas  Railroad 

&  Steamship  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  28,  1927;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]      p.  431-434.      ([Opinion]    12883.)      [From  I.   C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12883 

Sand.  No.  16747  (sub-no.  2),  Atwood  Davis  Sand  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago  & 
North  Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  471-478.  ( [Opinion]  12893.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12893 

No.  18054,  Manufacturers  Foundry  Company  v.  New  York,  New  Haven  & 

Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  IS,  1928;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  35-37+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12963.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  139.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12963 

-  No.  18766,  Birmingham  Traffic  Association  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Dec.  31,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.     [1] +506-508  p.     ([Opinion]  12901.)      [From  I.  0.  C.  reports,  v.  136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12901 

Seahoard  Air  Line  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6478,  acquisition  of  control 
by  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway ;  decided  Dec.  13,  1927 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  733-743.  ([Finance  decision]  3056.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3056 

Finance  docket  no.  6673,  bonds  of  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway ;  decided 

Jan.  20,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  75-78.  ([Finance  decision] 
3095.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3095 

Southern  Pacific  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6521,  acquisition  of  line  by 
Southern  Pacific  Company;  [decided  Dec.  13,  1927;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +726-729  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3054.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  F-3054 

Southern  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6615,  abandonment  of  branch 
line  by  Southern  Pacific ;  decided  Jan.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  71-72.  ([Finance  decision]  3093.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3093 

Stearin.  No.  15394,  Best  Foods,  Incorporated,  v.  Central  Railroad  Company  of 
New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commission  on  reconsidera- 
tion.    [1928.]     p.  17-18.     ([Opinion]  12956.)     [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  139.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12956 

Sugar.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2891,  sugar,  import  and  coast- 
wise, from  Texas  Gulf  ports  to  Oklahoma ;  [decided  Dec.  30,  1927 ;  report  and 
orders  of  commission].  1928.  [l]+390-395+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  12872.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12872 

Superior  and  Southeastern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6264,  deficit  status  of 
Superior  &  Southeastern  Railway ;  decided  Jan.  6,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  5-8.     ([Finance  decision]  3072.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3072 

Switching.  Decision  under  safety  appliance  acts,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  7th 
circuit,  no.  3913,  Chicago  &  Erie  Railroad  Company  v.  United  States,  in  error 
to  district  court  for  district  of  Indiana  [opinion  of  court]  ;  decided  Dec.  12, 
1927.     [1928.]     3  p.     t  IC  1  saf.  7 :  C43/10 

Switching  charges.  No.  18771,  Seldomridge  Grain  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company;  decided  Jan.  9,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  637-638.      ([Opinion]    12935.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10 1.6/la  :  12935 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 


February,  1928  617 

Tanks.  No.  18846,  Magnolia  Petroleum  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  & 
Gulf  Railwaj-  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  23,  1927 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1928.]  367-369+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  12865.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12865 

No.  19366,  Magnolia  Petroleum  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 

Railway   Company   et   al. ;    decided   Dec.   31,    1927 ;    report   of   commission. 
[1928.]     p.   459^61.     ([Opinion]    12890.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   136.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12890 

Tennessee  Central  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5350,  securities  of  Tennessee 
Central  Railway ;  approved  Doc.  31,  1927 ;  supplemental  order.  1928.  p.  775. 
([Finance  decision]  3063.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3063 

Texas  and  Gulf  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6597,  control  of  Texas  &  Gulf 
Railway  by  Gulf,  Colorado  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company ;  decided  Dec.  19, 
1927  ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  747-749.  ( [Finance  decision]  3059.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3059 

Union  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6490,  construction  of  line  by  Union 
Pacific  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Jan.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  67-70.  ([Finance  decision]  3092.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3092 

Van  Dyke,  I.  A.,  Telephone  Service.  Finance  docket  no.  6625,  purchase  of  projv 
trties  of  I.  A.  Van  Dyke  Telephone  Service  by  Mountain  State  Telephone  & 
Telegraph  Company;  [decided  Jan.  20,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928, 
[l]+64-66  p.       ([Finance  decision]  3091.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3091 

Waste  materials.  No.  19041.  Midcontinent  Waste  Material  Dealers  Association 
et  al.  V.  Alton  &  Eastern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dee.  31,  1927 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  455-456.  ([Opinion]  12888.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  12888 

Watermelons.  No.  18698,  George  E.  Freeby  v.  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  21,  1927;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
503-505.     ([Opinion]  12900.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  136.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  12900 

Western  New  York  ani!  Pennsylvania  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6335.  aban- 
donment of  portion  of  branch  line  by  Western  New  York  &  Pennsylvania 
Railway  et  al. ;  decided  Dec.  31,  1927 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
783-786.  ([Finance  decision]  3066.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  131.]  -^Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3066 

Western  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5503,  Western  Pacific  Railroad 
bonds ;  decided  Jan.  6,  1928 ;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.    11-12.     ([Finance    decision]    3074.)      [From    I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    138.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3074 

For  A',  Hanover  and  Frederick  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6608,  stock  of  York, 
Hanover  &  Frederick  Railway;  [decided  Jan.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +730-732  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3055.)  [From  I.  C  C.  reports, 
T.  131.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3055 


Armstrong,  R.  E.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals,  8th  circuit,  no.  8002.  United 
States  V.  R.  E.  Armstrong  et  al. ;  no.  8007,  J.  R.  Keaton  et  al.  v.  United  States ; 
reply  brief  of  appellant  in  case  no.  8002  and  of  appellee  in  case  no.  8007. 
1928.     cover-title,  i+21  p.  large  8°     t  J  1.13  :Ar  58/3 

Arundel  Sand  and  Gravel  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-207,  Arundel 
Sand  and  Gravel  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plain- 
tiffs request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and 
brief.     [1928.]     p.  145-161.     t  J  1.13 :  Ar  84/'2 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    follofving    Contents 

618  February,  1928 

Asiatic  Petroleum  Company  (Netv  York),  Limited.  lu  Court  of  Claims,  uo 
E-326,  Asiatic  Petroleum  Company  (New  York),  Limited,  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  103-128.     $  J  1.13:  As  42/2 

Atwater,  William  C,  &  Co.,  Incorpwaied.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-125, 
William  C.  Atwater  &  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
supplemental  brief.     [1928.]     p.  197-248.     t  J  1.13:  At  94/8 

Barth,  John,  Company.  No.  610,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United 
States  V.  John  Barth  Company  and  United  States  Fidelity  &  Guaranty  Com- 
pany, on  certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  brief  on 
behalf  of  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  ii +31  p.     $  J  1.13  :B  282/3 

Beach,  Alfred  H.  No.  670,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Alfred  H.  Beach 
V.  United  States ;  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  Sth  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  192S.  cover-title, 
i+10  p.     $  J  1.13  :  B  352/3 

Blue,  Rupert.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-598,  Rupert  Blue  v.  United  States ; 
defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  53-03.     +  J  1.13 :  B  625/5 

Boston,  and  Albany  Railroad.  No.  F-339,  in  Court  of  Claims,  New  York 
Central  Railroad  Company,  lessee  of  Boston  &  Albany  Railroad,  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact, 
defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.  192S.  cover-title,  11+47- 
90  p.     $  J  1.13  :  N  42  Y/103 

Botany  Worsted  Mills.  No.  659,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Botany 
Worsted  Mills  i'.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court 
of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     covor-tiile,  i+23  p.     J 

J  1.13  :  B  657/14 

Bradley,  R.  L.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-349,  R.  L.  Bradley  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  objections  to  findings  of  commissioner,  defendant's  suggested 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  conclusions  of  law,  defendant's  brief  and  argu- 
ment, evidence  cited  bv  defendant  in  support  of  these  objections  printed  as 
appendix  hereto.     [1928.]     p.  17-44.     +  J  1.13 :  B  728/2 

Brandeis,  Mrs.  Artlmr  D.  Nos.  8031  and  8032,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
Sth  circuit,  Arthur  B.  Allen,  collector  of  internal  revenue,  district  of  Nebraska, 
V.  Mrs.  Arthur  D.  Brandeis  (Mrs.  Joseph  Helfmau)  ;  United  States  v.  [same], 
in  error  to  district  court  for  district  of  Nebraska ;  [brief  for  plaintiffs  in 
error].    1928.    cover-title,  i +22  p.    $  J  1.13  :  B  733 

Canibridge  Loan  and  Building  Company.  No.  700,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct. 
term,  1927,  United  States  v.  Cambridge  Loan  and  Building  Company ;  brief 
in  support  of  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims.  1928. 
cover-title,    ii+16  p.     X  J  1.13  :  C  144/11 

Chicago  Association  of  Candy  Jobbers.  In  equity,  no.  — ,  in  district  court  for 
northern  district  of  Illinois,  eastern  division,  United  States  v.  Chicago  Associ- 
ation of  Candy  Jobbers  et  al. ;    petition.     1928.     cover-title,  23  p.  large  8°     t 

J  1.13  :  C  4.3/122 

Chicago,  Milwaukee  and  St.  Paul  Rwilioay.  No.  667,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct. 
term,  1927,  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  v.  United  States, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States 
in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+5  p.     t  J  1.13  :  C  43/123 

Colgate,  Clinton  G.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-ISS.  Arthur  E.  Colgate,  admin- 
istrator of  Clinton  G.  Colgate,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  1928. 
cover-title,  i +97-146  p.     +  J  1.13  :  C  681/10 

Court  commissioners.     Register  of  United   States  commissioners;  compiled  in 
Division  of  Accounts,  Feb.  1,  1928.     1928.     cover-title.  64  p.     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  20-26480  J  1.18 :  928 

Cramp,  William,  &.  Sons  Ship  and  Engine  Building  Company.  In  Court  of 
Claims,  no.  F-291,  William  Cramp  &  Sons  Ship  and  Engine  Building  Com- 
pany V.  United  States;  defendant's  motion  for  new  trial,  amendment  of 
findings  of  fact,  and  brief  thereon.     [1928.]    p.  103-116.    t  J  1-13  :  C  849/2 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  619 

De  Bellis,  Rocco.  No.  682,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Rocco  de  Bellis  v. 
United  States ;  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  api>eals 
for  7tii  circuit ;  brief  and  supplemental  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 
1928.     cover-title,    i-fl4   p.     t  J  1.13  :D  35 

District  Courts.  Bankruptcy  rules  of  district  court  for  eastern  district  of 
Virginia,   Jan.   1928.     1928.     [1]+17   p.     t  J  1.8  :V  81/2 

Rules  of  district  court  for  district  of  Minnesota,  as  amended  and  revised 

to  Nov.  1.  1927  [with  Rules  of  practice  for  courts  of  equity  of  United  States, 
printed  as   appendix].     1928.     [l]+59  p.     t  J  1.8 :  M  66 

Rules  of  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Virginia,  Jan.  1928.     1928. 

viii+27  p.     t  J  1.8 :  V  81 

Dixie  Oil  Company,  Incorporated.  No.  5237,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit.  Dixie  Oil  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States,  on  writ  of  error  to  district 
court  for  western  district  of  Louisiana,  Shreveport  division  ;  brief  for  defend- 
ant in  error.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+43  p.     t  J  1.13 :  D  642 

Earjle  Indemnity  Company.  No.  688,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Eagle 
Indemnity  Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  cir- 
cuit court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 
1928.     cover-title,  i +17  p.     t  J  1.13  :  Ea  36/5 

Edgar  Estates  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-304,  Edgar  Estates 
Corporation  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  39-52     t  J  1.13:  Ed  34 

Evans  Milling  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-240,  Evans  Milling  Com- 
pany V.  United  States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  7-14.     ± 

J  1.13  :  Ev  16/2 

Former  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-244,  Former  Corporation 
(formerly  Philipsborn's)  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  [1928.]  p. 
61-73.     t  J  1.13 :  F  766/2 

Fort  Smith,  Siihiaco  and  Rock  Island  Railroad.  No.  607,  in  Supreme  Court, 
Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States,  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  and  Fort 
Smith,  Subiaco  &  Rock  Island  Railroad  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Rail- 
road Company,  appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district  of  Arkansas ; 
brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+41  p.  map.     t    J  1.13  :  F  775/11 

Fi-asei;  Arthur  C.  No.  6495,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Arthur 
C.  Eraser  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition 
for  review ,  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+36  p.  large  8°     t  J  1.13  :F  862 

Oinal,  Martine.  No.  711,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Martine  GInal  v. 
Benjamin  M.  Day.  commissioner  of  immigration  at  port  of  New  York,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit :  brief 
for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  i+18  p.     t  J_1.13 :  G  43 

Chreeti,  Moore  d  Co.  No.  5225,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Green, 
Moore  &  Company  et  al.  v.  United  States,  error  to  district  court  for  western 
district  of  Louisiana,  Louis  H.  Burns,  judge;  brief  on  behalf  of  defendant. 
1928.     cover-title,  14  p.     I  j  1.13  :  G  827 

Eickey,  John  T.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-8,  John  T.  Hickey  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1928.]  p.  45- 
52.     %  J  1.13  :  H  526./5 

Eord,  T.  B.,  Grain  Cof>ipany.  Docket  no.  4632,  in  Court  of  Appeals  of  District 
of  Columbia,  Apr.  term.  1927,  T.  B.  Hord  Grain  Company  v.  David  H. 
Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue;  brief  for  appellee.  1928.  cover 
title,  i+23  p.     J  J  1.13  :  H  781 

Idaho.  No.  13,  original,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  v. 
Idaho;  motion  for  judgment  on  pleadings,  brief  for  United  States  on  such 
motion,  and  proposed  decree.     1928.     cover-title,  11  p.     t  J  1-13 :  Id  1/2 

B.o\v    to    order    publications — See    information    following:    Content* 

620  February,  1928 

Jones,  William  A.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-331,  John  A.  Sizer,  Thomas 
A.  Jones,  and  Warren  Oilman  Jones,  executors  of  William  A.  Jones  v.  United 
States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1928.]  p. 
83-98.     t  J  1.13  :  J  728/5 

Kales,  Alice  Q.  No.  5052,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit,  Oct.  term, 
1927,  Fred  L.  Woodworth,  individually  and  as  collector  of  internal  revenue 
for  1st  district  of  Michigan,  v.  Alice  G.  Kales ;  error  to  district  court  for 
eastern  district  of  Michigan ;  brief  for  plaintiff  in  error.  1928.  cover-title, 
x+159  p.     $  J  1.13  :  K 124 

Lihhy,  McNeill  d  Liitiy.  No.  85-A,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Libby,  McNeill  &  Libby 
V.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.  1928.  cover-title, 
i-f  65-91  p.     $  J  1.13  :  L  614/6 

Love,  M.  A.  No.  5760,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  circuit,  M.  A.  Love  vs. 
United  States,  error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Louisiana,  Ben 
C.  Dawkins,  judge;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States,  1928.  cover-title, 
16  p.     $  J  1.13  :  L  941/2 

Mantle  Lamp  Company  of  America,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E- 
361,  Mantle  Lamp  Company  of  America.  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
objections  to  plaintiff's  requests  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  requests  for 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  69-87.     t        J  1.13 :  M  319/13 

Michigan  Central  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-3S1.  Michigan  Central 
Railroad  Company  v.  United  States;  brief  for  defendant.     [1928.]     p.  9-11.    t 

J  1.13  :M  582  ^8 

Midland  Coal  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-147,  H.  G.  Kellogg  and  C.  H. 
Markham,  individually  and  as  copartners  trading  under  firm  name  and  style 
of  Midland  Coal  Company,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report 
of  commissioner.     [1928.]     p.  1-6.     t  J  1.13:  M  584/19 

Missouri  Southern  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-443,  Missouri  Southern 
Railroad  Company  v.  United  States ;  demurrer  [and]  brief  in  support  of 
demurrer.     [1928.]     p.  25-35.     J  J  1.13 :  M  691/50 

Morini,  John.  No.  668,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  Morini  v. 
United  States ;  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+7  p.    % 

J  1.13  :  M  825 

New  Orleans  Shipioright  Company,  Limited.  No.  5158,  in  circuit  court  of  ap- 
peals for  5th  circuit,  New  Orleans  Shipwright  Company,  Ltd.,  v.  commissioner 
of  internal  revenue,  on  appeal  from  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  respond- 
ent.    1928.     cover-title,  ii+110  p.     $  J  1.13  :  N  420/7 

Norvell,  B.  R.  No.  5120,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  B.  R.  Nor- 
vell  et  al.  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district 
of  Louisiana,  Ben  C.  Dawkins,  judge ;  original  brief  for  United  States.  1928. 
cover-title,  9  p.    |  J  1.13  :  N  829/3 

Nunnally  Investment  Company.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Josiah  T.  Rose,  collector  of  internal  revenue,  for  district  of  Georgia,  v.  Nun- 
nally Investment  Company ;  petition  for  writ  of  certioi'ari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  5th  circuit  and  brief  in  support  thereof.  1928.  cover-title,  i+15 
p.     J  J  1.13  :  N  924/3 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  circuit  [no.  4944]  Josiah  T. 

Rose,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  district  of  Georgia,  versus  Nunnally 
Investment  Company:  [caption  to  transcript  of  record].  1928.  1  p.  [The 
signature  mark  reads  :  80511-28.]     t  J  113  :  N  924 

• Same;    [transcript   of   record].     [1928.]     p.   201-205.     [This   is   printed 

without  title.     The  signature  mark  reads:  80512-28.]     +  J  1.13  :  N  924/2 

Oklahoma.  No.  6,  original,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Oklahoma  v. 
Texas,  United  States,  intervener ;  return  by  United  States  to  order  to  show 
cause  why  decree  should  not  be  amended.     1928.     cover-title,  3  p.     $ 

J  1.13 :  Ok  4/46 

Hovr    to    order    publication* — See    information    following^    Contents 

FEBimARY,  1928  621 

Olmstead,  Roy.  Nos.  493,  532,  and  533,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Roy 
Olmstead  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  Charles  S.  Green  [et  al.]  v.  [same], 
Edward  H.  Mclnnis  v.  [same],  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+41  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  01  5/2 

Opinions.  [Official  opinions  of  Attorneys  General]  v.  35.  [signatures]  21-23. 
[1927.]     p.  319-366. 

L.  C.  card  12-40693  J  1.5/a  :  35/21-23 

Note. — The  opinions  of  the  Attorney  General  are  first  issued  in  signatures  being 
published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  75c.  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  opinions  in  separate 
parts  as  they  are  issued.  Prices  lor  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Packard,  L.  W.,  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-S50,  L.  W.  Packard  &  Com- 
pany V.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report. 
[1928.]     p.  29-34.     i  J  1.13  :  P  123 

PilUod  Lumber  Company.  No.  5067,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit, 
Pilliod  Lumber  Company  i\  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  appeal  from 
Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title.  11+24  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  P  645 

•iulnlan,  John.  No.  713,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  John  Quinlan  et  al. 
V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  5th  circuit ;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.      1928.     cover-title,  i-f  15  p.      $ 

J  1.13  :  Q  44/4 

Remington  Arms  Union  Metallic  Cartridge  Company,  Itworporated.  No.  684,  in 
Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Remington  Arms  Union  Metallic  Cartridge 
Company.  Inc.,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of 
Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+10  p.     J 

J  1.13  :  R  284/2 

Rodman  Chemical  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-2S0,  Rodman  Chemical 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  supplemental  and  reply  brief  on  de- 
murrer.    [1928.]     p.  23-25.     t  J  1.13  :R  618/5 

Sackley,  James  A.,  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-342,  James  A.  Sack- 
ley  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  99-104.     $ 

J  1.13 :  Sa  14/5 

St.  Louis,  San  Francisco  and  Texas  Raihvay.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-970, 
St.  Louis,  San  Francisco  &  Texas  Railway  Company  v.  United  States ;  brief 
for  defendant.     [1928.]     p.  11-13.     $  J  1.13 :  Sa  24/40 

Sperry  Gyroscope  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-3S,  Sperrv  Gyroscope 
Company  17.  United  States  ;  demurrer.     [1928.]     p.  99-120.     t    J  1.13  :"  Sp  87/8 

Standard  Oil  Company.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Hubert 
Work,  Secretary  of  Interior,  v.  Standard  Oil  Company;  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+11  p.     $  J  1.13:  St  24/54 

Taylor,  Albert  H.    In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 

1927,  patent  appeal  docket  no.  2093,  in  matter  of  application  of  Albert  Hoyt 
Taylor,    appeal   from    [Patent   Office]    Board   of   Appeals;    appellants   brief. 

1928.  cover-title,  i+42  p.     $  J  1.13  :  T  212 

Thrift  Building  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-123,  Thrift  Building 
Company  v.  United  States  ;  defendant's  brief.     1928.     p.  13.     t      3  1.13  :  T  415 

United  States  Conservation  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-808,  United 
States  Conservation  Co.  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  report  and 
findings  of  fact  of  commissioner,  defendant's  suggestions  for  findings  of  fact, 
defendant's  argument  and  brief,  evidence  relied  upon  by  defendant  in  support 
of  these  objections  and  suggestions  printed  as  appendix  hereto.  [1928.]  p. 
1^33.     t  J  1.13  :  un  3/136 

Virginia  Shipbuilding  Corporation.  No.  695,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Virginia  Shipbuilding  Corporation  and  Joseph  L.  Crupper,  receiver  in  bank- 
ruptcy of  Virginia  Shipbuilding  Corporation,  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for 
writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+13  p.     t  J  113 :  V  819/9 

Sovf    to    order    publications — See    Information    following:    Contents 

622  February,  1928 

Walker  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E— 488,  Walker 
Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  request 
for  findings  of  fact  and  conclusion  of  law,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  21-33.      t 

3  1.18  :  W  154/4 

Wall,  Benjamin.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  EJ-553,  Benjamin  Wall  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  statement  of  case,  request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief, 
[1928.]     p.  41^8.     t  J  1.13  :W  154/3 

Ware,  Ed.  No.  5058,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Ed  Ware  et  al. 
V.  United  States,  error  to  district  court  for  western  district  of  Louisiana, 
Ben  O.  Dawkins,  judge;  brief  on  behalf  of  United  States.  1928.  cover-title, 
13  p.     $  J  1.13  :  W  221/2 

Weare,  Lillian.  No.  709,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Lillian  Weare  v. 
United  States ;  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  8th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  i+4  p.     % 

J  1.13  :  W  374 

Wichita  Falls  Broom  Manufacturing  Company.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
5th  circuit,  no.  5148,  J.  A.  Kemp  et  al.  [former  stockholders  of  Wichita  Falls 
Broom  Manufacturing  Company,  dissolved  corporation]  v.  United  States, 
appeal  from  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Texas ;  reply  brief  of 
appellee.    1928.    cover-title,  i+16  p.    $  J  1.13 :  W  631/6 

Williams,  Ira  J.  No.  734,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  Ira  Jewell 
Williams  v.  Blakely  D.  McCaughn,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  1st  dis- 
trict of  Pennsylvania,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+7  p.     t  J  1.13  :  W  672/7 

Williamspoi't  Wire  Rope  Company.  No.  337,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Williamsport  \^'ire  Rope  Company  v.  United  States,  on  motion  of  petitioner 
to  reverse  and  remand ;  brief  for  United  States.    1928.    cover-title,  i+18  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  W  676/11 



Mothers.    What  is  happening  to  mothers  and  babies  in  District  of  Columbia? 
by  Dorothy  Reed  Mendenhall.    1928.    iii+27  p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-32  L  5.2 :  M  85/3 


Employment   agencies.  Monthly  report  of  activities  of   State   and   municipal 

employment  services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  Dec.  1927. 
1928.     iv-f  12  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  927/12 

Farm  Labor  Division.     Summary  of  activities  of  Farm  Labor  Division,  Em- 
ployment Service,  [calendar  year]  1927.    1928.     [l]-f3p.     t  L  7.12/1: 927 

Industrial  employment  infoiynation   bulletin,  Jan.   1928,   v.   8,   no.   1.      [1928.] 
21  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8 :  928/1 


Civil  service  pensians.     Federal  employees'  retirement  act.     [1928.]     p.  37-^7.  ' 

[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  paii;ination  249-259.     From  Monthly         I 
labor  review,  Feb.  1928.]     t  L2.6/a:R314 

Industrial    accidents.     Newer    industrial-accident    prevention    and    workmen's 
compensation  problem;  by  Ethelbert  Stewart.     [1928.]     p.  67-73.     [This  pub- 
lication bears  also  the  volume  pagination  67-73.    From  Monthly  labor  review,         ; 
Jan.  1928.]     t  L2.0/a:Ac2/5 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents  v 

February,  1928  623 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  26,  no.  2 ;  Feb.  1928.    1928.    vi+260  p.  il.  1  pi.     [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  213-472.]     'Paper,  15c.  singl* 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6 :  26/2 

Special  articles. — Trade-union  old-age  pensions  and  homes  for  aged  and  tubercu- 
lar.— Science  and  the  worker ;  by  James  J.  Davis. — Conciliation  work  o(  Department 
of  Labor,  Dec.  1927  ;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwln. — Statistics  of  immigration,  Not.  19:^7 ;  by 
J.  J.  Kunna. 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for 
bulletin  purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal 
court  decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention 
before  they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One 
free  subscription  will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  com- 
ponsation  commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  laboi 
laws  and  organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics 
Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.  Prices,  wholesale  and  retail;  Cost  of  living.  1928.  [1] +165-231  p.  il. 
[This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  377-443.  From  Monthly 
labor  review,  Feb.  1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  2 :  928/2 

Wholesale    prices    of    commodities    for    Jan.    1928.      1928.      [1]+14    p. 

[Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8  :  928/1 

Science  and  the  worker;  by  James  J.  Davis,  Secretary  of  Labor.  [1928.] 
p.  29-36.  [This  publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  241-248.  From 
Monthly  labor  review,  Feb.  1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  :Sci  27 

Wages.  Index  numbers  of  wages,  1840-1926.  1928.  [1] +120-121  p.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  332-333.  From  Monthly  labor 
review,  Feb.  1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  W  124/9 


Salaries,  Library  of  Congress,  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations  under 
legislative  establishment.  Library  of  Congress,  fiscal  year  1929  [for  salaries 
for  Library  of  Congress  and  for  preparation  of  biennial  index  to  State  legis- 
lation].   Feb.  13.  1927.    3  p.     (H.  doc.  174,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Copyright.  [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1.  group  1,  Books, 
V.  24]  no.  131-142;  Feb.  1928.  Feb.  1-27,  1928.  p.  1737-1856.  [Issued  sev- 
eral times  a  week.] 

L.  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  24/1-131  to  1-142 

Note. — Each  number  Is  issued  in  4  parts:  pt.  1.  group  1,  relates  to  books;  pt.  1, 
group  2.  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lectures, 
sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pictures ; 
pt.  2,  to  periodicals ;  pt.  3,  to  musical  compositions  ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art,  reproduc- 
tions of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  character, 
photographs,  prints,  and  pictorial  illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $5.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.  unbound),  foreign  subscription,  $7.00; 
pt.  1  (groups  1  and  2),  5c.  single  copy  (group  1).  25c.  single  copv  (group  2),  .$1.50  a 
yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $2.75;  pt.  3,  25c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  vr.. "foreign  subscription, 
$2.00  ;  pts.  2  and  4,  each  25c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.20. 

Same,  pt.  1,  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic 
compositions,  maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  9.  1928.  iv+ 1639-1834  p. 
[Monthly.  ]  LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-9 

Same,  pt.  1.  group  2,  Pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or 

periodicals,  etc.,  lectures,  sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  com- 
positions, maps,  motion  pictures,  v.  24,  no.  10.  1928.  iv+1835-2022  p. 
[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/1 :  24/2-10 

Homr    to    order    publications — See    information    toWowins    Contents 

624  February,  1928 

'Copyright — Con  tin  ued . 

Same,  pt.  2,  Periodicals,  v.  22,  no.  3.     1927.     iii +345-512  p.     [Quarterly.] 

LC  3.6/2 :  22/3 

■     Same,  pt.  3,  Musical  compositions,  v.  22,  no.  11.     1928.     v+ 1175-1277  p. 

[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/3  :  22/11 


State  piMicwHons.     Monthly  check-list  of  State  publications  received   during 
Nov.  1927 ;  v.  18,  no.  11.     1928.     p.  491-537.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a 
yr, ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
li.  C.  card  10-8924  LC  7.6  :  927/11 


Engines.     Performance  of  several  combustion  chambers  designed  for  aircraft 
oil  engines  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  William  F.  Joachim  and  Carlton  Kem- 
per.   1928.    cover-title,  12  p.  il.  4°     (Report  282.)     [Text  and  illustration  on  p. 
2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26136  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/282 

Oases.     Gaseous  explosive  reaction,  effect  of  inert  gases   [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;   by  F.  W.    Stevens.     1927.     cover-title,   12  p.   il.   4°      (Report  280.) 
[Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26137  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/280 

Wind  tunnel  tests.  Tests  on  models  of  3  British  airplanes  in  variable  density 
wind  tunnel  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  George  J.  Higgins,  W.  S.  Diehi, 
and  George  L.  DeFoe.  1928.  cover-title,  27  p.  il.  4"  (Report  279.)  [Text 
and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  15e. 

L.  C.  card  28-26135  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/279 

Note. — Includes    Report   of   Aerodynamics    Subcommittee,    British!    Aeronautical    Re- 
search Committee  :  Tests  of  3  airplane  models ;  by  11.  C.  H.  Towuend. 


Court-martial  orders.  Court-martial  order  10,  1927;  Oct.  31,  1927.  [1927.]  24 
p.  12°     [Monthly.]     $  N  1.14: 927/10 

Same,  12,  1927 ;  Dec.  31,  1927.     [1928.]     24  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     % 

N  1.14:  927/12 

Orders.  General  order  173  and  174  [6th  series]  ;  Jan.  16  and  17.  1928.  1928.  1 
p.  4°     [Issued  as  one  publication.]     %  N  1.13/6: 173,  174 

Uniforms.  Changes  in  Uniform  regulations  [Navy,  1922],  no.  4;  Aug.  1,  1927. 
[1927.]  i  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  inserted  in 
their  proper  places  in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  reprinted 
pages  is  found  on  the  first  page  of  Changes  4  here  catalogued.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

N  1.18/2 :  922/4 


Boilers.  Instructions  for  operation,  care,  and  repair  of  boilers ;  reprint  of 
chapter  2  of  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  [with  corrections].  1928. 
[  1  ]  + 1-22  A  -f  23-38A  -}-39^2a + 4,3-50b + 51-54  a + 55-58  A + 59-62  a + 63  -  64  a + 65- 
68a -f69-84A-f85-94A+95-120A+ 121-132  p.  il.  3  pi.  [Corrections  issued  by 
Changes  1-4  have  been  incorporated  in  this  reprint.  The  edition  of  the 
Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of  which  this  chapter  forms  a  part  has 
not  yet  been  issued.]     *  Paper,  30c.  N  19.8/2  :  2/l/rev.92S 

Bulletin  of  engineering  information  29;   Mar.  1,  1928.     1928.     iii+46  p.  il.  1 
pi.    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  22-26665  N  19.9/2  :  29 

Hovr    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  625 

Electric  apparatus  and  appliances.  Instructions  for  operation,  cave,  and  repair 
of  generating  sets,  motors,  and  motor  control  panels;  reprint  of  chapter  24  of 
Manual  of  eugineering  instructions  [with  corrections].  1928.  [ll+l-^B+T- 
14A+ir)-22  p.  [Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1-4  have  been  incorporated 
in  this  reprint.  The  edition  of  the  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of 
which  this  chapter  forms  a  part  has  not  yet  been  issued.]     *  Paijer,  10c. 

N  19.8/2 :  24/1/rev.  928 

Marine  engineering.  Manual  of  engineering  instructions:  chapter  23,  Measur- 
ing instruments  [with  corrections]  ;  Dec.  1,  1927.  [1927.]  i+l-2A+3-54  p. 
il.  [Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1  and  2  have  been  incorporated  in  this 
reprint.  Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  binder.  This  chapter  has 
also  been  issued  in  pamphlet  form  with  the  title  Instructions  for  operation, 
care,  and  repair  of  measuring  instruments,  for  which  see  Monthly  caralogae 
for  Jan.  1928,  p.  496.]     *  Paper,  15c.  N  19.8/2 :  23/1-2/rev.  927 


Orders.  Marine  Corps  order  10  and  11  [1928]  ;  Jan.  6  and  25,  1928.  [1928.] 
7  p.  and  1  p.  4°     $  N  9.9/3  :  10, 11 

Training  regulations.  Instructions  pertaining  to  Training  regulations.  Tech- 
nical regulations,  and  Training  manuals,  Army  [for  Marine  Corps  distribu- 
tion].    [1928.]     11  p.     [Supersedes  letter  dated  Sept.  21,  1926.]     t 

N  9.16  :  T  68/8/927 


CircuZor  7e»ers  nos.  441-1927  to  458-1928.     [1928.]     13  p.     t     N  10.14  :  441-458 

Dental  Corps,  Navy.     Circular  for  information  of  i)er.sons   desiring  to  enter 
Dental  Corps  of  Navy.     Revised  Nov.  1927.     1927.     [l]-f5p.  4°     t 
L.  C  card  24-27316  N  10.2  :  D  43/3/927 

Nurse  Corps,  Navy.  Circular  for  information  of  nurses  desiring  to  enter  Navy 
Nurse  Corps.     [1928.]     4  p.  4°     t  N  10.2 :  N  93/928 


Medical  Corps,  Navy.     Circular  for  information  of  persons  desiring  to  enter 
Medical  Corps  of  Navy.     Revised  Jan.  1928.     1928.     [l]-f4p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  17-26234  N  17.17 :  M  46/3/928 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold 
bj-  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  .ind  Notice  to  mariners  are 
supplied  free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  brapch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Fi-ancisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port,  Panama 
Canal,  Portland  ^Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  and  Duluth. 

Hydrographic  bulletin,  weekly,  no.  2004-8;  Feb.  1-29,  1928.  1928.  Each  1  p. 
large  4"  and  r     t  N  0.3  :  2001-8 

Ncivfoundland.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  OiRce  publication  73,  Newfound- 
land pilot,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (Nov.  1,  1918)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii-f-20 
leaves,     f  *  N  6.8 :  73/919-9 

Notice  to  aviators  2,1928;  Feh.l  [1928].  [1928.]  3  p.  map,  12"  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  625 :  928/2 

Notice  to  mariners.  Index  to  Notices  to  mariners,  nos.  27-53,  1927.  1928. 
[1]  -f  40  p.     t  N  6.11 :  927/27-53/intl. 

Notice  to  mariners  5-8,  1928;  Feb.  4-25  [1928].  [1928.]  [xxxiv] -f-104- 
202  leaves,  4  maps.     [Weekly.]     f  N  6.11 :  928/&-8 

Ho^T    to    order    publications — See    information    follo-ning'    Contents 

626  February,  1928 

South  America  pilot:  v.  1,  East  coast,  from  Orinoco  River  to  Plata  River.    3d 
edition.     1927.     x+550  p.+  [3]  leaves,  il.  8  pi.  2  maps.     ([Publication]  172.) 
[The  3  leaves  given  in  the  collation  consist  of  request  coupons  which  are 
detachable.]     t  Cloth,  90c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26087  N  6.8  :  172/927 

Tide   calendars.     Tide   calendar    [for   Baltimore    (Fort   McHenry)    and   Cape 

Henry],  Mar.  1928.     1928.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t"  N  6.22/2 :  928/3 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Ya.],  Mar.  1928.     [1928.] 

[2]   p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  928/3 


Cardenas  Bay.  Bahia  de  Cardenas,  north  coast  of  Cuba,  W.  I.,  from  surveys  by 
U.  S.  S.  Nokomis  between  1924  and  1926  [with  insets]  ;  chart  5162.  Scale 
naut.  m.=2.4  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  30,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  Aug.  1926,  2d  edition,  Jan.  1928.    46.8X33.4  in.     f  60e. 

N  6.18 :  5162 

Cardenas,  Bahia  de,  West  part  of. 
Manuay,  Canal  de  la. 

Central  America.  West  coast  of  Central  America,  Burica  Point  to  Mono 
Puercos,  compiled  from  latest  information ;  chart  1018.  Natural  scale 
1 :  290,690  at  lat.  7°  45'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar. 
1888,  34th  edition,  Jan.  1928.     26.6X41.2  in.     t  50c.  N6.18  :  1018 

Chosen.  Anchorages  on  east  coast  of  Chosen  (Korea),  Japan  Sea.  Asia,  from 
Russian  surveys  to  1887  and  Japanese  to  1907 :  chart  2107.  Wasiiini-Tton, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Feb.  1903,  7th  edition,  Jan.  1928.  33.1X25.1 
in.     t  40c.  N  6.18  :  2107 

Chaho  Bay. 

lion  Road    (Tallada)    or   (Rigen). 

Koinilov  Gulf  (Najin  Po)  with  Egerman  and  Anna  (Nakusan)  hays. 
Shinchan  Bay. 
Sivuch  (Najin),  Tizenko  (Yonguzei),  and  Stepanov  (Naasan)  hays. 

England,  south  coast,  Eeachy  Head  to  Dungeness,  from  British  surveys  to  1924 ; 
chart  4494.  Natural  scale  1 :  72,166  at  lat.  50°  45'.  Washington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  Feb.  1928.    27.3X39.5  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  4494 

Fonseca,  Gulf  of.  Gulf  of  Fonseca,  west  coast  of  Central  America,  from  U.  S. 
naval  surveys  to  1918,  with  additions  from  British  survey  in  1838 ;  chart  973. 
Natural  scale  1 :  145,278  at  lat.  13°  10'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
published  Jan.  1919,  8th  edition,  Feb.  1928.    23.4X30.3  in.     f  30c.    N  6.18  :  973 

Hong  Kong  Har'bor,  China,  south  coast,  from  British  survey  in  1912  and  1913 ; 
chart  1254.  Scale  naut.  m.=12.1  in.,  natural  scale  1 : 6,058.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Feb.  1918,  5th  edition,  Jan.  1928.  26.4X39.5 
in.     t  50c.  N  6.18 :  1254 

Makassar  Strait  (southern  portion).  Eastern  Archii)elago,  from  latest  Nether- 
lands Government  surveys ;  chart  3045.  Natural  scale  1 :  743,333  at  lat.  4". 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Nov.  1919,  3d  edition,  Feb.  1928. 
38.8  X  25.6  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18 :  3045 

Me^ise  River.  Mouths  of  the  Maas,  Netherlands,  North  Sea,  from  latest  Nether- 
land  Government  surveys ;  chart  4857.  Natural  scale  1 :  73,022.  Washington,, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Jan.  1915,  17th  edition,  Oct.  1927.  25.9X51.4 
in.     t  60c.  N  6.18  :  4857 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters.  Mar.  1928 :  chart  3500. 
Scale  1°  long.=0.7  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Feb.  14,  1928. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by 
the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24:  928/3 

Note.- — Contains  on  reverse  :  Navigational  hints. — Information  regarding  navigational 
books  and  charts. 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Apr.  1928 ;  chart  2603.    Scale  1°  long. =0.2  In. 

Washington,    Hydrographic    Office,    Feb.    14,    1928.     22.6X31    in.      [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c. 

N  6.17 :  928/4 
Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Navigational  hints. — Information  regarding  navlgationa] 
books  and  charts. 

How   to    order    publications — See    information    follOTringr    Contents 

February,  1928  627 

Pilot  cJiarts — Continued. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  Mar.  1928;  chart  1400.     Scale  1" 

long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Feb.  14,  1928.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     t  10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  928/3 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Navigational  hints. — Information  regarding  navigational 
books  and  charts. 

Pilot  chart  of  north   Pacific   Ocean,   Apr.  1928;   chart  1401.     Scale   1" 

long.=0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Feb.  14,  1928.  23.7X35.3  in. 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     t  10c.  N  6.16  :  928/4 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Graphical  charts  for  obtaining  corrections  to  observed 
altitude  of  the  moon. 

Pilot  chart  of  upper  air,  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  Feb.  1928;  chart  1400a. 

Scale  1°  long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Jan.  31,  1928. 
23X31.8  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     t  10c.  N  6.28:  928/2 

Note. — Contains  text  on  reverse. 


[Poster]  301.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  Feb.  1,  1928.] 
14X17  in.     [Title  :  Navy's  latest  addition.]     t  N  17.23/1 :  301 


Manual.  Change  in  Manual  of  Supply  Corps  [Navy,  1922],  no.  9;  Dec.  20,  1927. 
[1928.]  ii  p.  4"  [Accompanied  by  150  variously  numbered  pages  to  be  inserted 
in  their  proper  places  in  the  Manual.]     $  N  20.13  :  Su  7/2/922  ch.9 

Pay,  Navy.  [Instructions  for  carrying  into  effect  joint  service  pay  bill  (act  of 
June  10,  1922)]  .'^ec.  C  revised.  Revised  Oct.  24,  1927.  [1928.]  p.  cl-c2. 
[Sec.  C,  Pay  and  allowances  of  female  nurses,  Navy,  is  accompanied  by  pages 
a3-a4  and  a9-a10  which  are  not  changed  but  accompany  this  revised  sec.  C  as 
the  tables  contained  thereon  are  applicable  to  the  nurses.]     t 

N  20.13  :  P  29/5/C  rev. 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants  306;  Feb.  1,  1928.  [1928.]  p.  10269- 
2S9+leaves  10289a-k.  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     |  N  20.7/1 :  306 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year ;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects  :  Agriculture ;  Education ;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce ;  Public  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly.  They 
are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each  series ; 
single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.     Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington,  D.  C. 

American  poetry.  Group  of  translations  of  American  verse;  English  transla- 
tions by  Alice  Stone  Blackwell.  [1928.]  8  p.  (Pan  American  culture  no.  11, 
1928.)      [Spanish  and  English.     From  Bulletin,  Feb.  1928.]     t  Paper.  5c. 

AR  1.21 :  11 

Bulletin  (English  edition).    Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  Feb.  1928;  [v.  62, 
no.  2].     [1928.]    iv+117-223  p.  il.    [Monthly.    For  price,  see  note  above  under 
center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6 :  e  62/2 

Same.     (H.  doc.  60,  pt.  2,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Ho^v    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 

g28  February,  1928 

Bulletin — Continued . 

{Portuguese  edition).    Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Fevereiro,  1928, 

edigao  portuguesa;  [V.  30,  no.  2].     [1928.]     iv +9-3-168  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6 :  p  30/2 

{Spanish  edition).     Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Febrero,  1928, 

seccion  espanola;  [V.  62,  no.  2].     [1928.]     iT+117-224  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For 
price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  0.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6 :  s  62/2 

Character.  Influeucia  das  emocues  infantis  em  relagao  ao  caracter  maduro; 
[por  Charles  H.  Judd].  [1928.]  ii+10  p.  (Educagao  no.  18,  Fevereiro  de 
1928.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Fevereiro,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c.; 
subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  p  18 

Green  manuring.  Abonos  verdes  para  la  America  tropical;  [por  A.  J.  Pieters]. 
[1928.]  iv-|-15  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  37,  Febrero  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin 
de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Febrero,  1928.]  f  Paper,  5c;  sub.?cription  price 
for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  s  37 

Latin  American  foreign  trade  in  1926,  general  survey;  [by  Matilda  Phillips]. 
[1928.]     ii-|-16+[l]  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  34,  1927.)     t      AR  1.19  :  34 

Plague.  Organizagao  de  um  servigo  de  prevengao  de  peste  em  Porto  Rico ;  [por 
A.  L.  Carrion].  [1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Saude  publica  e  bem-estar  infantil  no. 
19,  Fevereiro  de  1928.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan- Americana,  Fevereiro, 
1928.]     t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 

AR  1.15  :  p  19 

Portuguese  language.  Need  for  study  of  Portuguese  in  United  States;  [by 
J.  de  Siqueira  Coutinho].  [1928.]  ii+6  p.  (Pan  American  culture  no.  10, 
1928.)     [From  Bulletin,  Jan.  1928.]     t  Paper,  5c.  AR  1.21 :  10 

World  friendship.  Movimiento  de  amistad  internacional  en  las  escuelas  de  Cali- 
fornia. [1928.]  8  p.  (Educacion  no.  37,  Febrero  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin  de 
la  Union  Panamericana,  Febrero,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for 
12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  s  37 


Note. — Although  The  Panama  Canal  makes  its  reports  to,  and  is  under  the  supervi- 
sion of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  26-30 ;  Feb.  1-29,  1928.  Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1928.]     p.  347^14.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5 :  21/26-30 

Note. — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  $1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus,  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  fi-ee.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  OflSce,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 

Steamship  lines  through  Panama  Canal  and  to  its  terminal  ports,  and  passenger 
connections  from  Panama  Canal,  Jan.  1,  1928.     Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount 
Hope,  C.  Z.,  1928.     cover-title.  40  p.  il.     t 
L.  C.  card  26-23433.  W  79.2 :  St  3/6/928 



Telephone  directory.  The  Panama  Canal,  telephone  directory,  Jan.  1,  1928. 
Panama  Canal  Press,  Mount  Hope,  C.  Z.,  1928.  204  p.  il.  t  Paper,  40c., 
Panama  Canal,  Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z.  W  79.2 :  T  23/5 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    folloTving    Contents 

February,  1928  629 


Eleciions.  Relation  of  postal  employees  to  elections  [order  of  Postmaster  Gen- 
eral dated  Aug.  12,  1926,  with  endorsement  of  1st  assistant  Postmaster 
General].     192S.     1  p.     t  P  1.2:  El 2/3 

Insured  mail.  Irregnlarities  in  treatment  of  undelivernble  insured  and  C.  O.  D. 
parcels ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Feb.  25,  1928.  1 
p.     t  P  4.2 :  Un  2/18 

Mail  matter.  Failure  to  notify  sender  on  Form  3547  of  new  address  of  ad- 
dressee; [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Feb.  17,  192S.  1  p. 
oblong  32°     t  P  4.2 :  Ad  2/11 

Forms  3540  and  354S  [for  notifying  persons  witli  regnrd  to  mail  held  for 

postage;  issued  by]   3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Feb.   14,  1928.     1  p. 
small  4°    t  P  4.2 :  F  76 

Proper  manner  of  addressing  mail  intended  for  occupant  of  particular 

house  or  premises ;    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Feb.  10, 
1928.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  P  4.2 :  Ad  2/10 

Mo7iey  orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Feb.  6,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/162 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Feb.  9,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/163 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Feb.  13,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/164 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Feb.  18.  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/165 

Stolen  money-order  foi-ms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

Feb.  21,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/166 

Organization.  Post  OflBce  Department.  [1928.]  5  p.  [From  Congressional 
directory,  70th  (Congress,  1st  session,  2d  edition,  Jan.  1928.  Reprinted  for  use 
in  answering  inquiries  concerning  organization  and  functions  of  Post  Office 
Department]     f  P  1.2:  Or  3/2 

Parcel  post.  New  parcel-post  agreement  with  Austria,  amendment  to  Postal 
laws  and  regulations  [issued  by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying  in- 
structions by  2d  and  3d  assistant  Postmasters  General].  Feb.  21,  1928.  1  p. 
f°     (Order  7319)     f  P  1.19:  7319 

Notices  for  and  treatment  of  C.  O.  D.  parcels  containing  nursery  stock ; 

[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     Feb.  24,  1928.     1  p.     t 

P  4.2 :  C  68/7 

Plants  and  plant  products  for  propagation  not  to  be  accepted  for  mailing  in 
violation  of  Postal  regulations ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 
Feb.  8,  1928.     1  p.  4°     t  P  4.2 :  P  69/8/928 

Postal  lulletin.  Index  to  Postal  bulletin,  [calendar]  year  1927,  v.  48.  [1928.] 
3  leaves,  f  °     *  Paper,  5c.  P  1.3  :  48/ind. 

Postal  bulletin,  v.  49,  no.  14602-625;  Feb.  1-29,  1928.     [1928.]     various 

paging,  f     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
$2.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3 :  49 

Postal  cards.  Improper  return  on  undeliverable  postal  cards ;  [issued  by]  3d 
assistant  Postmaster  General.    Feb.  13. 1928.    1  p.  oblong  32"    t    P  4.2  :  Un  2/17 

Reply  postal  cards  requesting  information,  for  use  in  addressing  mail  to 

rural  route  and  post  office  box  holders ;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     Feb.  3,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  32°     t  P4.2:  R29 

HoTV    to    order    publications — See    information    follot^ing    Contents 

91408— 28— No.  398 8 

630  February,  1928 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  postal  guide,  4tli  series,  v.  7,  no.  8,  Feb. 
1928,  monthly  supplement.  1928.  cover-title,  55  p.  [Includes  Changes  125- 
149  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts 
317-321  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of  1924. 
Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with  sui>- 
plements,  $1.25,  foreign  subscription,  $1.75 ;  July  issue,  $1.00 ;  supplements 
published  monthly  (11  pamphlets),  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  l.lO/l :  927/8 


Canceling  machines.    Instruction  book  and  catalogue  of  parts,  American  hand 
power  canceling  machines.     Jan.  1,  1928.     [l]+20  p.  il.     %  P18.2:C16 


Steamboats.     Schedule  of   steamers   appointed   to  convey  mails   from   United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  Mar.  1928.     Feb.  21,  1928.     1  p.  f°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  0.  card  25-26231  P  8.5 :  928/3 


Note. — Post  route  maps,  corrected  to  Jan.  1,  will  be  distributed  in  February  to  the 
postal  service.  For  a  list  of  the  maps  composing  the  set,  with  prices,  see  below.  Orders 
for  the  maps  should  be  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  and  money  orders  should  be  made  payable  to  him. 

Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural-delivery 
maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are  published 
in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes  starting  from  a  single  given 
post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery  routes  In  an 
entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is  used. 
Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to  special 
calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C.  These 
maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps  described  in  the  preceding 

Post  route  maps.    Post  route  maps  of — 
Alabama.     Scale  8.5  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Alaska.     Scale  40  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Arizona.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Arkansas.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
California,  Nevada.    Scale  12  m.=l  In.    2  sheets,  $1.20. 
Canal  Zone,  Isthmus  of  Panama.     Scale  1.6  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Colorado.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Florida.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Gteorgia.     Scale  8  m.==l  in.     60c. 

Hawaii,  Samoan  Islands.  Guam.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Idaho.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Illinois.     Scale  8  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Indiana.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Iowa.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Kansas.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Kentucky.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Louisiana.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Maine.     Scale  6.5  m.=l  in.     60c. 

Maryland,  Delaware,   District  of  Columbia.     Scale  5  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Massachusetts,  Rhode  Island,  Connecticut.     Scale  5  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Michigan.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Minnesota.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Mississippi.     Scale  8  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Missouri.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Montana.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Nebraska.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
New  Hampshire,  Vermont.     Scale  5  m.=l  in.     60c. 
New  Jersey.     Scale  4.4  m.=l  in.     60c. 

Hoiv    to    order    publications — See    Information    follo-vrlngf    Contents 

February,  1928  631 

I*ost  route  maps.    Post  route  maps  of — Continued. 
New  Mexico.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.    60c. 
New  York.     Scale  6.5  m.=l  in.     2  sheets,  $1.20. 
North  Carolina.     Scale  8  m.=l  in.    60c. 
North  Dakota.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Ohio.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Oklahoma.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Oregon.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.    60c. 
Pennsylvania.     Scale  5  m.=l  in.    2  sheets,  $1.20. 
Porto  Rico,  Virgin  Island.s.    Scale  5  m.=l  in.    60c. 
South  Carolina.     Scale  8  m.=l  in.     60c. 
South  Dakota.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Tennessee.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Texas.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.    2  sheets,  $1.20. 
Utah.     Scale  10  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Virginia.     Scale  7  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Washington.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
West  Virginia.     Scale  6  m.=l  in.    60c. 
Wisconsin.     Scale  9  m.=l  in.     60c. 
Wyoming.     Scale  12  m.=l  in.     60c. 

Post  route  maps.    Price  list  of  post  route  maps.    1927.    1  p.  4°    f  P  11.6:  928 


Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  dedication  of  new  building  of  National  Press 
Club  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Feb.  4,  1928.     1928.     [2] +6  p.     f 
L.  C.  card  28-260G9  Pr  30.2 :  N  21/6 

Amei-ican  forest  week,  Apr.  22-28,  1928,  proclamation  [designating  Apr.  22-28, 
1928,  as  American  forest  week,  and  recommending  that  Arbor  day  b?  observed 
on  some  daj'  of  same  week  where  practicable  and  not  in  conflict  with  law 
or  custom].     Feb.  24,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  1829.)     t  Pr  30.7:  F  761/4/928 

<Jhaco  Canyon  National  Monument,  N.  Mex.,  2d  proclamation.  Jan.  10.  1928. 
1  p.  map,  f     (No.  1826.)     t  Pr 30.7  :C  344 

Eaicaii.  Executive  order  [amending  description  of  Waimanalo  military  reserva- 
tion contained  in  Executive  order  of  Mar.  28,  1917,  which  set  aside  lands  at 
Waimanalo,  Hawaii,  for  military  purjroses].  [Feb.  2,  1928.]  7  p.  f  ([No. 
4802.] )     t  Pr  30.5 :  H  31/25 

1    Lighthouse  service,  proclamation    [authorizing  that  certain  public  land 

on  island  of  Kahoolawe,  Hawaii,  be  taken  for  uses  and  purposes  of  United 
States  for  lighthouse  purposes].     Feb.  3,  1928.     1  p.  f     (No.  1827.)     t 

Pr  30.7  :H  31/4 

Idaho.  Executive  order,  Idaho  [withdrawing  certain  public  land  in  Idaho  from 
settlement,  etc.,  for  use  by  Department  of  Commerce  in  maintenance  of  air 
navigation   facilities].     Feb.    11,    1928.     1   p.    f°     (No.    4806.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :Ai  71/5 

■Jacoh»,  Mrs.  Reherta  E.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs. 
Roberta  Estell  Jacobs  to  position  in  Government  Printing  Oflice].  Feb.  3, 
1928.     1  p.   f°     (No.   4803.)     $  Pr  30.5:  J 155 

McComb,  Mrs.  Grace  8.  E.  Executive  order  [authorizing  employment  of  Mrs. 
Grace  S.  E.  McComb  as  clerk  in  Navy  Department].  Feb.  13,  1928.  1  p.  f 
(No.  4808.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  M  134 

2faval  Supply  Depot,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  Executive  order  [excluding  from  opera- 
tion of  retirement  act  of  July  3,  1926,  because  of  their  intermittent  service 
on  piece  work  basis,  garment  makers  (bundle  hands)  employed  by  Naval 
Clothing  Factory,  Naval  Supply  Depot,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.].  Feb.  10  1928.  1  p. 
f     (No.  4805.)     t  '  Pr  30.5  :  R  314/2 

How    to    order    publlcationci — See    Information    following    Contents 

632  February,  1928 

Panama  Canal.  Executive  order  relating  to  licensing  bicycles  for  operation 
in  Canal  Zone.     Feb.  2,  1928.     1  p.  r     (No.  4801.)     t  Pr  30.5:  P 191/24 

Passports.  Executive  order,  rules  governing  granting  and  issuing  of  passports 
in  United  States.     [Jan.  31,  1928.]     7  p.  f°     ([No.  4800.])     t 

Pr  30.5  :  P  268/4 

Pauly.  Mrs.  Rose.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  PiOse 
Paulv  to  position  in  Treasurv  Department].  Feb.  10,  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4804.)      t  Pr  30.5  :P  286 

Rea,  Mrs.  Emnui  8.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  Emma 
S.  Rea  to  clerkship  in  Treasury  Department].  Feb.  13,  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4809. )     J  Pr  30.5 :  R  22 

Rohert.^.  Albert  8.  Executive  order  [waiving  maximum  age  limit  for  entrance 
to  open  competitive  examination  for  postmaster  at  The  Dalles,  Oreg.,  so  as 
to  permit  Albert  S.  Roberts  to  take  pending  open  competitive  examination 
for  that  position].     Feb.  13,  1928.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4807.)      t       Pr  30.5  :R  541 

RuffS.  Increasing  duty  on  cotton  rag  rugs  of  hit-and-miss  type,  proclamation 
[authorizing  certain  increase  in  duty  on  rag  rugs,  composed  wholly  or  in 
chief  value  of  cotton,  of  type  commonly  known  as  hit-and-miss,  in  order  to 
equalize  differences  in  cost  of  production  in  United  States  and  Japan]. 
[Feb.  1.3,  1928.]      [2]  p.  f°     ([No.  1828.])     t  Pr  30.7  :R 849 

Tupper,  Afrs.  Iva  C.  D.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Mrs. 
Iva  C.  D.  Tupper  to  clerical  position  in  Department  of  Commerce].  Jan.  25, 
1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4799.)     t  Pr  30.5  :T  839 

Wyoming.  Executive  order,  Wyoming  [temporarily  withdrawing  certain  public 
lands  in  Wvoming  from  settlement,  etc..  in  aid  of  proposed  legislation].  Feb. 
14,1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4810.)     %  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/31 


Flooring.  Docket  no.  34,  Biltmore  Flooring  Company  and  Carr  Lumber  Com- 
panv  V.  Lake  Giltedge  Steamship  Company  [et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  24,  1928 ; 
report  and  order  of  board].  1928.  [1] +134-137+ [1]  P-  [Report  from  Ship- 
ping Board  reports,  v.  1.]     t  SB  1.10/a  :  B  498 


Merchant  Fleet  neivs,  v.  1,  no.  9;  Feb.  1928.  [1928.]  16  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.]  f 
L.  C.  card  27-22836  SB  2.16 : 1/9 

8Mps.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United   States  and  foreign  ports,   Feb.   1-Mar.  15, 
1928,     no.     75;     issued     by     Traffic     Department.      [1928.]      vi+26     p.     11. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14 :  928/2 


Note. — In  a  recent  price-list,  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice :  "Appli- 
cants for  tlie  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  is  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numhers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections ;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  th.roughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailitvg-Ust  of 
individuals.      A    library    making    application    to    be    listed    for    Smithsonian    publications 

Hofv    to    order    publications — See    information    folio-wins'    Contents 

February,  1928  633 

should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment, 
and  have  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mail  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Indians.    Aboriginal   population   of  America   north   of   Mexico    [with   bibliog- 
raphy] ;   by   James   Mooney.     Washington,    Smithsonian   Institution,   Feb.   6, 
192S.     [2] +40  p.     (Publication  2955;  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections, 
V.  80,  no.  7.)     t  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26138  SI  1.7  :  80/7 

Religion  in  Szechuan  Province,  China  [with  bibliography] ;  by  David  Crockett 
Graham.     Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution,  Feb.  4,  1928.     [2] +83  p.  il. 
25  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2921;  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections,  v.  80, 
no.  4.)     t  Paper.  50c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26139  SI  1.7  :  80/4 


Catalogues.     Catalogue    of    collection    of    paintings    by    contemporary    British 
artists  on  view  in  National  Gallery,  Natural  History  Building,  National  Mu- 
seum, Mar.  5-Apr.  1,  1928.     1928.     cover-title,  8  p.  12°     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26101  SI  6.2  :  B  77 

Catalogue  of  collection  of  portraits  by  Bernhard  Osterman,  member  of 

Royal  Swedish  Academy  of  Arts,  on  view  in  National  Gallery,  Natural  History 
Building,  National  Museum,  Jan.  10-24,  1928.  Washington,  D.  C.  [no  pub- 
lisher] 1928.  cover-title.  [5]  p.  6  p.  of  por.  [Dates  of  exhibition  given  on 
first  page  as  Jan.  4-24,  1928.]     f  SI  6.2 :  Os  7 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz.,  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum  col- 
lections in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can  now  be 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth 
was  discontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others 
designated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title  page  and  index  will  be  published  for  each 
volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Conodonts.  Bibliography  of  conodonts,  with  descriptions  of  early  Mississippian 
species;  by  Grace  B.  Holmes.  1928.  cover-title,  38  p.  11  p.  of  pi.  (Pro- 
ceedings, V.  72,  art.  5  ;  no.  2701*)     f  SI  3.6  :  2701 

Heating.  Collection  of  heating  and  lighting  utensils  in  National  Museum ;  by 
Walter  Hough.  1928.  viii+113  p.  99  p.  of  pi.  (Bulletin  141.)  *  Paper,  70c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26085  SI  3.3  :  141 

Pentafomids.  Synopsis  of  pentatomid  bugs  of  subfamilies  Megaridinae  and 
Cauopinae  [with  notes  on  previously  described  species]  ;  by  W.  L.  McAtee 
and  J.  R.  Malloch.  1928.  cover-title,  21  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  72, 
art.  25  ;  no.  2721.)     t  SI  3.6 :  2721 

Shore-birds.    Life  histories  of  North  American  shore  birds,  order  Limicolae, 
pt.  1    [with  references  to  bibliography]  ;   by  Arthur  Cleveland  Bent.     1927. 
ix+420  p.  3  pi.  52  p.  of  pi.     (Bulletin  142.)     *  Paper,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26066  SI  3.3  :  142 


[Circular]  10G3 ;  Dec.  29,  1927.  [1928.]  5  p.  [General  instruction  circular  to 
consular  officers.]     t  S  1.4/2  :  1063 

Consuls.     [Regulations  governing  consular  service  of  United  States,  annotated: 
article    10,    Citizenship,    protection,    passports,    and    registration,    reprint    of 
portion  of  article,  with  corrections.]     Dec.  1927.     p.   7-108    [of   article   10]. 
[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t 
L.  C.  card  24-26116  '  S 1.5 :  926/140-174 

How    to    order    publication*— See    information    followingr    Contents 

634  Febkuaby,  1928 

Consuls — Continued. 

Same:     article    24,    Miscellaneous    instructions  [reprint    of    portion    of 

article,  with  corrections].     Jan.  1928.     l-lb+2-4a  p.  [of  article  24].     [Issued 

in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t  S  1.5 :  926/art.  24 

Same:    [article  28,  Protection  and  promotion  of  American  trade,  reprint 

of  portion  of  article,  with  corrections].     Jan.  1928.     p.  13-14  [of  article  28]. 
[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     }        S  1.5 :  926/597a 

Diplomatic    list,    Feb.    1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,    ii-h44    p.    24°     *  Paper,    5c. 
single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;   foreign  subscription,  65c. 
L.   C.   card   10-16292  S  l.S  :  928/2 

Foreign  service  of  United  States,  diplomatic  and  consular ;  corrected  to  Jan.  1, 
1928.     1928.     iv-f  94  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16369  S  1.7 :  928/1 

Ch'eat  Britain.  Claim  of  British  Government  for  relief  of  American  nationals 
in  Ru.  sia  in  1920,  report  in  relation  to  claim  presented  by  His  Britannic 
Majesty's  Government  for  payment  of  money  turned  over  to  American 
citizens  in  Russia  by  Mr.  North  upon  his  departure  from  Moscow.  Feb.  27,. 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  doc.  66,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii.  Sesquicentennial  of  discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  draft  of  joint 
resolution,  attached  to  accompanying  report,  to  authorize  the  President  to 
invite  Government  of  Great  Britain  and  Governments  of  certain  of  British 
Dominions  to  participate  in  celebration  at  Honolulu  of  sesquicentennial  of 
discovery  of  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  to  provide  for  participation  of  Govern- 
ment of  United  States  therein.  Jan.  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  doc.  1.82,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

•     L.  C.  card  28-26128 

Immigiation  quotas  on  basis  of  national  origin,  in  response  to  resolution,  joint 
communication  of  Secretary  of  State,  Secretary  of  Commerce,  and  Secretary 
of  Labor  to  the  President,  Feb.  25,  1928,  relative  to  provisions  of  immigra- 
tion act  of  1924.  Feb.  27,  1928.  12  p.  (S.  doc.  65,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marriages  of  American  citizens  abroad.     [1928.]     7  p.     t  S1.2:M34 

Nicaragua.    La  politica  de  los  Estados  Unidos  en  Nicaragua ;    por  Henry  L. 
Stimson.     1928.     [l]+46   p.     [Traducido,    con   el   bondadoso   permiso    de  la 
Direccion,  de  the  Saturdav  evening  post.]     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26129  S  1.2 :  N  51/2 

Passports.    Notice  to  bearers  of  passports   [Jan.  21,  1928].     [1928.]     15  p.     t 

S  1.2  :  P  26/15/928 

Seville,  Ihero-American  Exposition.  1928-29.  International  exposition  at  Seville, 
Spain,  message  from  President  of  United  States  recommending  amendment 
of  public  resolution  65,  approved  Mar.  3,  1925,  providing  for  participation  of 
United  States  in  international  exposition  to  be  held  in  Seville.  Spain.  Feb. 
16,  calendar  day  Feb.  20,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  doc.  59,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Pai)er,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26130 


Achclis,  Thomas.  Docket  no.  8230,  before  Mixed  Claims  Commission,  United 
States  and  Germany,  United  States  on  behalf  of  George  Achelis  [et  al.], 
heirf-  and  legatees  of  Thomas  Achelis,  v.  Germany ;  brief  of  United  States 
in  support  of  memorial.     1928.     cover-title,  28  p.  4°     $  S  3.31/5 :  Ac  45 


Camhrldge  Loan  and  Building  Company.  Petition  and  transcript  of  record, 
Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  700,  United  States  vs.  Cambridge  Loan  and  Building 
Company,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims.  [1928.] 
cover-title,  i-fl9  p.     $  "  Ju  6.7  :  C  144 

Hotv    to    order    publications— See    information    following    Contents 

February,  1928  635 

Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term,  1926,  Jan.  3  (in  part)-Ai)r.  11, 
1927;  Emest  Knaebel,  reporter.  1927.  lxxiv+S14  p.  (United  States  re- 
ports', V.  273.)      [Also  issued  in  4  preliminary  prints.]     *  Cloth,  $2.75. 

Ju  6  8/1 :  273 

[Journal]    Feb.  20-29,  1928;    [slips]    61-68.     [1928.]     leaves   189-219.     t 

Ju  6.5 :  927 

Lenson.  Rohert  JI.  Petition  and  transcript  of  record.  Oct.  term.  1927.  no.  705, 
United  States  vs.  Robert  H.  Lenson,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
Court  of  Claims.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+ 10  p.     +  Ju6.7:L548 

Official  reports  of  Supreme  Court,  v.  274  U.  S.,  no.  4 ;  Ernest  Knaebel,  reporter. 
Preliminary  print.  1928.  cover-title,  xviii-j- 611-765  p.  12°  [Cases  adjudged 
in  Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term,  1926  (opinions  of  May  31,  1927,  in  part-June 
6.  1927).  This  number  contains  table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  274.  Text  on 
p.  2  and  4  of  cover.  From  United  States  reports,  v.  274.]  *  Paper,  25c.  sin- 
gle copy,  $1.00  per  vol.  (4  nos.  to  a  vol. ;  subscription  price,  $3.00  for  12  nos.)  ; 
foreign  subscription,  5c.  added  for  each  pamphlet.  Ju  6.8/la  :  274/4 

Pro  feus,  steam  collier.  Transcript  of  record,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  620,  United 
States,  as  owner  of  steam  collier  Proteus,  vs.  Commonwealth  and  Dominion 
Line  (Ltd.).  as  owner  of  steamship  Port  Philip,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit.     [1928.]     cover-title,  iii+212  p.  il.     t 

Ju  6.7  :  P  940 

Standard  Oil  Company.  Transcript  of  record.  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  — ,  Hubert 
Work,  Secretary  of  Interior,  vs.  Standard  Oil  Company,  on  petition  for  writ 
of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appeals  of  Distiict  of  Columbia.  [1928.]  cover- 
title,  p.  119-126.     %  Ju  6.7 :  St  24/2 


Sugar-beets.    Costs  of  producing  sugar  beets:  pt.  2,  Ohio  [report  on  farmers' 
costs  of  producing  sugar  beets  in  Ohio,  1921,  1922,  and  1923]  errata.     [1928.] 
Ip.     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26969  TC  1.2  :  Su  3/2/pt.  2  errata 

Same:  pt.  4,  Colorado  [report  on  farmers'  costs  of  producing  sugar  beets 

in  Colorado,  1921,  1922,  and  1923]  errata.     [1928.]     1  p.     t 

TC  1.2  :  Su  3/2/pt.  4  errata 

Same:  pt.  5.  Utah   [report  on  farmers'  costs  of  producing  sugar  beets 

in  Utah,  1921,  1922,  and  1923]  errata.     [1928.]     1  p.     t 

TC  1.2  :  Su  3/2/pt.  5  errata 

Same:  pt.   7,   Wyoming    [report   on   farmers'   costs  of  producing   sugar 

beets  in  Wyoming,  1921,  1922,  and  1923]   errata.     [1928.]     2  leaves,     t 

TC  1.2  :  Su  3/2/pt.  7  eiTata 

■     Same:  pt.  9,  California    [report  on  farmers'   costs  of  producing  sugar 

beets  in  California,  1921,  1922,  and  1923]  errata.     [1928.]     6  leaves,     t 

TC  1.2 :  Su  3/2/pt.  9  errata 

Same :  pt.  10,  United  States,  summary  of  costs  of  production  of  sugar 

beets  in  United  States  and  economic  analysis  of  sugar  beet  industry,  1921, 
1922,  and  1923.     1928.     vii+112  p.  il.     *  Paper,  20c.         TC  1.2 :  Su  3/2/pt.  10 


Decisions.  Reports,  v.  9,  no.  8-10;  Jan.  5-13,  1928.  [1928.]  [xvii] +813-1260 
p.  [Contain  decisions  promulgated  Dec.  23,  1927- Jan.  13,  1928.]  *  Paper, 
$1.50  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  24^27411  Y  3.T  19  :  5/9-8  to  9-10 

Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Tax  Appeals  Board  have  been  placed  on  a  subscription 
basis  and  are  to  be  issued  in  small  pamphlets  until  a  sufl5cient  number  have  been  pub- 
lished to  make  a  volume.  The  price  of  these  advance  pamphlets  will  be  $1.50  per 
volume.  Later,  bound  volumes,  containing  table  of  contents  and  index,  will  bo  issued, 
the  price  of  these  being  given  at  time  of  publication. 

Ho-^T    to    order    publicationa — See    information    following    Contents 

636  February,  1928 

Decisions — Coutinued. 

Reports  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals,  v.  5,  Oct.  1,  1926-Jan.  31,  1927 ;  Charles 

E.  Gebhardt,  reporter.  1927.  liii+1398  p.  [Contains  also  decision  of  Apr. 
23,  1926.]     *  Cloth,  $2.00.  Y  3.T  19 :  6/5 


Customs  regulations  of  1923,  amendment  41  [-76].     [1928.]     [36]  leaves,     t 

T  1.9/1 :  923/amdt.41-76 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports 

from  Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  Feb.  1-29,  1928.  [1928.]  Each  4  p.  or 
3  p.  f°    [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 

L.  C.  card  15-3303  T 1.5  :  928 

Greece.  Funding  of  Greek  war  debt  to  United  States,  report  regarding  pro- 
posed plan  for  settlement  of  debt  owed  by  Greece  to  United  States  and  of 
differences  existing  between  the  2  Governments  arising  out  of  tripartite  loan 
agreement.  Feb.  6, 1928.  lip.  (S.  doc.  51,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26131 

Money.  Distinctive  paper  for  United  States  currency  and  other  securities. 
Feb.  1,  1928.  1  p.  4"  (Department  circular  394;  Public  Debt  [Commis- 
sioner].)    t  T  1.4/2:  394 

PuUlc  dett.    Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  Nov.  30,  1927.     [1928.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f°     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9 :  927/11 

Reftmd  of  taxes,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to  resolution,  list  by  States  of 
names  of  people  to  whom  taxes  have  been  refunded,  amounting  in  each  case 
to  -$25,000  or  more,  during  fiscal  year  1927.  1928.  [l]-fl2  p.  (S.  doc.  60, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Treasury  decisions.  Index  to  Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  reve- 
nue, prohibition,  and  other  laws :  v.  52,  Customs,  July-Dec.  1927 ;  v.  29, 
Internal  revenue,  Jan.-Dec.  1927 ;  and  Prohibition  decisions,  1927.  1928. 
11+66  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Treasury  decisions 
for  subscribers.  T  1.11/2  :  52/ind. 

Treasui-j-    decisions   under  customs,    internal   revenue,   prohibition,    and 

other  laws,  including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs 
Appeals,  V.  53,  no.  5-8;  Feb.  2-23,  1928.  1928.  various  paging.  [Weekly. 
Department  decisions  numbered  42549-605,  abstracts  4869-5064,  internal 
revenue  decisions  4120-32,  prohibition  22-23,  and  miscellaneous  (disbar- 
ments).]    *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50. 

L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2 :  53/5-8 


Receipts  and  expenditures.    Combined  statement  of  receipts  and  expenditures, 

balances,  etc.,  of  United  States,  fiscal  year  1927.  1928.  409  p.  4°  (Treas. 
Dept.  doc.  2992.)     *  Paper,  $1.00. 

L.  C.  card  10-11510  T  9.1 :  927 

Same.     (Treas.  Dept.  doc.  2992 ;  H.  doc.  80,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


Addresses  of  President  of  United  States  and  director  of  Bureau  of  Budget  at 
14th  regular  meeting  of  business  organization  of  Government  at  Memorial 
Continental  Hall,  Jan.  30,  1928.    1928.     [2] +18  p.    t 
L.  C.  card  25-20055  T  51.2  :  G  74/13 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Economics,  supple- 
mental estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal  year 
1929,  of  which  $10,000  shall  be  immediately  available  to  enable  Secretary  of 
Agriculture  to  complete  experiment  in  grading  of  meats  under  standards  fixed 
by  Department  of  Agiiculture.  Feb.  20,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  179,  70th  Cong, 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order    publications — See    information    following    Contents 


February,  1928  637 

Agriculture  Department.  Eradication  of  pink  bollworm  in  Texas,  communica- 
tion from  the  President  transmitting  proposed  amendment  to  estimate,  fiscal 
year  1929,  transmitted  with  letter  of  Jan.  SO,  1928,  for  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, to  enable  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  meet  emergency  caused  by  new 
outbreaks  of  pink  bollworm  of  cotton  in  Texas.  Feb.  27,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
doc.  191,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supplemental   estimates   of   appropriation,    Department   of   Agriculture, 

supplemental  estimates  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal 
year  1929,  with  2  proposed  amendments  affecting  estimates  of  appropriation 
contained  in  budget  for  fiscal  year  [1929].  Feb.  15,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  doc. 
176,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5e. 

Animal  Indiist7-y  Bureau.  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry,  supplemental  estimate 
of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929,  to  enable  Secretary  of  Agriculture  to  con- 
duct certain  tests  and  experiments  looking  to  control  of  cattle  grub.  Feb.  20, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  180,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Home  for  DisaNcd  Volunteer  Soldiers,  Santa  Monica,  Calif.,  supple- 
mental estimate  of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929,  for  construction  of  mess 
hall  at  Pacific  Branch  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers, 
Santa  Monica,  Calif.  Feb.  16,  calendar  day  Feb.  17,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc. 
57,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

PejTj/'s  Victor^/  Memorial  Commission,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation, 
fiscal  year  1929,  for  Perry's  Victory  Memorial  Commission.  Feb.  1,  calendar 
day  Feb.  2,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  47,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

War  Department.  Chalmette  National  Cemetery,  La.,  supplemental  estimate 
of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929,  for  War  Department  for  Chalmette  Na- 
tional Cemetery,  La.  Jan.  31,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  156,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Construction  of  additional  facilities,  "Walter  Reed  General  Hospital,  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1929, 
[for  War  Department]  for  construction  of  additional  facilities  at  Walter 
Reed  General  Hospital,  District  of  Columbia.  Feb.  24,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc. 
63,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Flood  relief,  Mississippi  River,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation, 

fiscal  year  1929,  for  War  Department,  for  flood  relief,  Mississippi  River. 
Feb.  13,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  doc.  56,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Pav  and  supply  instructions,  circular  1,  1928;  Dec.  31,  1927.  [1928.]  3  p. 
[Circular  1  is  Prices  of  clothing  and  small  stores.]     t  T  47.8/2: 1/3 

Register  of  commissioned  and  warrant  oflScers  and  cadets,  and  ships  and  sta- 
tions of  Coast  Guard,  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     [1]+144  p.     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26584  T  47.10 :  928 


National  banks.  Abstract  of  reports  of  condition  of  national  banks.  Dec.  31. 
1927;  no.  157.     [1928.]     13  p.  f°     t  T  12.5: 928/1 

Digest  of  decisions  relating  to  national  banks,  1864-1926 :  v.  1,  1864-1912. 

1927.     700  p.     (Treas.  Dept.  doc.  2890.)     *  Cloth,  $1.25. 

L.  C.  card  27-26730  T  12.7  :  926/1 

Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national  bank  notes, 

and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit,  etc.  [Feb.  1, 

1928].     Feb.  1,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  f     t 

L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9 :  928/2 


Reapprai-semcnts.  Index  to  Reappraisement  circulars,  showing  reappraisemeuts 
and  decisions  on  applications  for  review  by  Customs  Court,  Jan.  3-Dec.  31. 
1927.     1928.     [1]+11  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  T  20.4/4 :  927/lnd. 

How    to    order    publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

038  February,  1928 

Beappraisements— Continued. 

Reappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Jan.  19-Feb.  11, 

1928]  ;  Feb.  3  and  18,  1928.  [1928.]  861-895+ [iii]  p.  ( Reappraisement  cir- 
cular 39  and  40.)  [Weekly  ;  none  issued  Jan.  27  and  Feb.  10,  1928.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 

L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  39,  40 


Oovemment  supplies.  Specifications  and  proposals  for  supplies  [fiscal  year 
1929]  :  class  7  [Lumber,  millwork,  excelsior,  sawdust,  packing  boxes,  building 
materials,  slag,  stone,  and  asphalt,  oil,  and  tar  for  road  building].  [1928.] 
35  p.  4°     t  T  45.5/18 :  7 

Same:  class  9  [Furniture  and  floor  coverings].     [1928.]     57  p.  4°     t 

T  45.5/18 : 9 

Same:  class  15  [Incandescent  electric  lamps].     [1928.]     8  p.  4°    t 

T  45.5/18 :  15 

Same:  class  17  [Automobile  accessories,  tires,  and  tubes].     [1928.]     4  p. 

4°     t  T  45.5/18 :  17 

Specifications  for  definite  and  additional  quantity  supplies  [fiscal  year 

1928]  :  classes  1,  3,  and  10  [Apr.  1-June  30,  1928].     [1928.]     42  leaves,  4°     t 

T  45.5/17 : 1/5 

Bands  of  United  S'lates.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Jan.  1928].  Feb.  1,  1928.  5  p.  4°  (Form 
A.)     [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5: 928/1 


Internal  revetme  bulletin,  v.  7,  no.  6-9 ;  Feb.  6-27,  1928.     1928.     various  paging. 
[Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  subscription  price  see  note  below). 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  928/6-9 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1928  will  consist  of  weekly  bulletins 
and  semiannual  cumulative  bulletins.  The  weekly  bulletins  will  contain  the  rulings  and 
decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department  decisions  (known  as  Treasury 
decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The  semiannual  cumulative  bulletins 
will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including  Treasury  decisions)  published  during 
the  previous  6  months.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a  subscrip- 
tion basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Oflice,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

OleomaTgarin.    Regulations  34  governing  withdrawal  of  oleomargarine,  playing 
cards,  tobacco,  snuff,  cigars,  and  cigarettes,  from  factories,  free  of  tax,  for  use 
of  United  States  under  sec.  3464,  Revised  statutes.     Revised  Jan.  1928.     1928. 
[l]+5  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26087  T  22.17 :  34/4 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes,  Feb.  1,  1928.     [1928.]     69  p.  f"     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7 :  928/2 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Jan.  31.  1928.     1928. 
1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5 :  928/2 


Benzocaine-chaulmoogra  oil  in  treatment  of  leprosy,  preliminary  note  on  use  of 
oil-soluble  analgesic  which  renders  intramuscular  injections  of  chaulmoogra 
oil  painless;  by  Frederick  A.  Johansen.     1928.     7  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Reprint 
1193.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Dec.  9,  1927.]     •  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26113  T  27.6/a  :  1193 

Clonorchiasis  investigations,  summary  of  surveys  and  experiments  to  determine 
whether  clonorchiasis  may  be  disseminated  on  Pacific  slope  of  United  States ; 
by  N.  E.  Wayson.    1928.    8  p.     (Reprint  1198.)     [From  Public  health  reports, 
Dec.  23,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26088  T  27.6/a :  1198 

Hofv    to    order    publication* — See    Information   follofvln?    Contents 


FEBliUARY,    1928  639 

<}oiter.  Endemic  goiter  amon;^  school  children,  comparison  of  endemic  goiter 
incidence  among  school  children  in  Minnesota,  Oregon,  Colorado,  Montana, 
Connecticut,  and  Massachusetts,  and  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  Robert  Olesen.  1928.  [l]+9  p.  il.  (Reprint  1199.)  [From 
Public  health  reports,  Dec.  30,  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26091  T27.6/a:1199 

Mosquitoes.    Food  of  culicine  larvae,  food  organisms  in  pure  culture  [with  list 
of  references]  ;  by  M.  A.  Barber.    1928.     [l]+6  p.     (Reprint  1201.)     [From 
Public  health  reports,  Jan.  6,  1928.]     ♦  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26111  T  27.6/a  :  1201 

Negroes.  National  negro  health  week,  Apr.  1-8,  1928,  14th  annual  observance, 
under  auspices  of  Annual  Tuskegee  Negro  Conference  and  National  Negro 
Business  League,  in  cooperation  with  United  States  Public  Health  Service, 
State  Health  Departments,  county  health  departments,  city  health  depart- 
ments, and  various  health  and  civic  organizations.  1928.  iv+24-f  [2]  p.  il. 
1  pi.     [Illustration  and  text  on  front  and  back  covers.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  27.2 :  N  31/928 

Prices  of  negro  health  week  publications:  National  negro  health  week 

bulletin  [and]  National  negro  health  week  poster.     [1928.]     1  p.     t 

T  27.2 :  N  31/2 

Poliomyelitis.    Muscle  training  in  treatment  of  infantile  paralysis,  revised  from 
the  Boston  medical  and  surgical  journal;  by  Wilhelmine  G.  Wright.     1928. 
16    p.      (Reprint    1197.)       [From    Public    health    reports,    Dec.    23,    1927.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26112  T  27.6/a  :  1197 

Puhlic  health  reports.  Public  health  reports,  v.  42,  pt.  2,  nos.  26-52,  July-Dec. 
1927  [title-page  and  index].  1928.  [l]-f  3227-57  p.  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
included  in  price  of  Public  health  reports  for  subscribers. 

T  27.6 :  42/26-52/t.  p.  &  ind. 

Same,  v.  43,  no.  5-8 ;  Feb.  3-24,  1928.     1928.     [xv]  +259-495  p.  il.  4  p.  of 

pi.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,   5c.   single  copy,   $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign   subscription, 


L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6 :  43/5-8 

Special  articles. — No.  5.  Tularaemia  among  meadow  mice  (Microtns  californicus 
aestuarinus)  in  California  ;  by  J.  C.  Perry. — Current  prevalence  of  disease,  review  of 
monthly  epidemiological  report  of  Health  Section  of  League  of  Nations'  secretariat, 
published  at  Geneva,  Dec.  15.  1927. — Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  6. 
Sickness  among  persons  in  different  occupations  of  public  utility  ;  by  Dean  K.  Brun- 
dage. — No.  7.  Health  conditions  in  United  States,  Oct.-Dec.  1927,  prevalence  of 
diphtheria,  influenza,  meningococcus  meningitis,  poliomyelitis,  scarlet  fever,  smallpox, 
and  typhoid  fever. — Poliomyelitis  in  United  States,  1927. — Electron  equilibria  in  bi- 
ological systems :  1,  Method  for  continuous  measurement  of  electrical  potential  in 
living:  cells  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Carl  Voegtlin  and  Floyd  De  Eds. — Infant 
mortality  from  different  causes  and  at  different  ages  in  9  cities  of  United  States  ;  by 
Selwyn  D.  Collins. — Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  8.  Trachoma  in 
State's  health  program  ;  by  Paul  D.  Mossmau. — Epidemiological  and  statistical  study 
of  tonsillitis,  including  related  throat  conditions. — National  negro  health  week  to  be 
observed  Apr.  1-8,  1928. — Court  dcvisiou  relating  to  public  health. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc..  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

■Scarlet  fever,  its  prevention  and  control,  by  J.  W.  Schere.schewsky ;  revised  by 
R.E.Dyer.     1928.     [l]-fl2p.     (Reprint  1202.)      [Revision  of  Supplement  21 
to  Public  health  reports.     From  Public  health  reports,  Jan.  13,  1928.]     *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26114  T  27.6/a  :  1202 

Spleen.     On  significance  of  spleens  palpable  on  deep  inspiration  in  measurement 
of  malaria   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  K.  F.  Maxcy,  M.  A.  Barber,  and 
W.  H.  W.  Komp.     1928.     12  p.     (Reprint  1194.)      [From  Public  health  re- 
ports, Dec.  9,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26092  T  27.6/a  :  1194 

Tularaemia.     Seasonal  incidence  of  tularaemia  and  sources  of  infection.     1927. 
[l]-f3  p.  il.  1  pi.     (Reprint  1191.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Dec.  2, 
1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26115  T  27.6/a  :  1191 

HoTT    to    order    publications — See    Information    follofvingr    Contents 

640  February,  1928 

Zyklon-B.    Report   on   disposal   of  Zyklon-B   residue  following  fumigation   of 
holds  of  vessels;  by  G.  C.  Sherrard.     1928.     [l]+4  p.  il.     (Reprint  1196.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Dec.  16,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26134  T  27.6/a  :  1196 


Smallpox.  1,  Method  for  estimating  potency  of  smallpox  vaccine  [with  bibli- 
ography], by  John  N.  Force  and  James  P.  Leake;  2,  Immunological  relation- 
ship of  alastrim  and  mild  smallpox  [with  bibliography],  by  James  P.  Leake 
and  John  N.  Force.  Apr.  1927.  vi+64  p.  il.  12  pi.  16  p.  of  pi.  (Bulletin 
149.)  *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26062  and  26063  T  27.3  :  149 

Same.     (H.  doc.  790,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Paper  money.     Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Jan.  31,  1928.     Feb.  1.  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24"     t  T  40.8 :  928/1 


Medical  JyuUetin.     United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no. 
3,  Mar.  1928 ;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.    1928.    x+203-294  p.  14  p.  of  pi.     [Montli]y.] 
*  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr, ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.13 :  4/3 

Special  articles. — Diagnosis  of  intestinal  tuberculosis,  report  of  300  consecutive 
admission  cases  studied  by  Rontgen  ray  after  administration  of  barium  meal  [with 
reference;  by]  Harry  B.  Williams  and  Leroy  U.  Gardner. — Suggestions  rogardini; 
routine  eye  examinations;  [by]  De  Forrest  Ballou,  jr. — Bronchial  asthma,  with  case 
reports  and  post-mortem  record  [and  with  list  of  references ;  by]  M.  Pollak. — Bron- 
chial asthma  and  pulmonary  tuberculosis,  some  etiological  asthmogenic  considerations 
[with  list  of  references;  by]  J.  T.  Malone. — Tularemia  [with  list  of  references;  by] 
A.  J.  Campbell. — Spinal  fluid  pressure  in  psychotic  [with  list  of  references  ;  by]  M.  L. 
Underwood. — Competitive  athletics  in  treatment  of  mental  cases ;  [by]  .Tohn  Eisele 
Davis. — Improved  method  for  staining  of  tubercle  bacillus  and  other  acid-fast  organ- 
isms :  [by]  Emma  S.  Moss. — Ancient  Grecian,  Etruscan,  and  Roman  dentistry;  [by] 
Roy  Ledbetter  Denson. — Primary  carcinoma  or  lung;  [by]  H.  D.  Brewster. — Calcifica- 
tion of  pericardium;  [by]  C.  O.  Reed. — Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  In 
hospitals  and  regional  offices:  Spinal  fluid  (continued). — Influence  of  nurse  on  .spirit 
of  hospital ;  [by]  Thyra  E.  Pedersen. — Nurse  in  admitting  ward  of  hospital  for  care 
of  the  (uberculous;  [by]  Mabel  C.  Alexander. — Farm  work  for  mental  cases  [with  list 
of  references  ;  by]   U.  G.  lies. 


Army  regulations,     t  Adjutant  General's  Department. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as 
may  seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 

1-15.       Army  regulations:  General  provisions;  Dec.  12,  1927.      [1927.]      7  p.      [Su- 
persedes AR  1-15,  Mar.  27,  1922.]  W  1.6/1  :  1-15/2 
40-305.     Medical   Department :   Corps  area   and   department  laboratories,   Changes   1 ; 
Jan.  31,  1928.     1928.     1  p.                                             W  1.6/2  :  40-305/2/ch.  1 
40-2140.  Same  :  Veterinary  laboratory  service.  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  31,  1928.     1928.     1  p. 

W  1.6/2  :  40-2140/ch.  1 

210-405.     Posts,    camps,    and   stations :    United    States    Disciplinary   Barracks,    general 

[Fort   Leavenworth,   Kans.,    and   its   branches]  ;    Jan.    31.    1928.      [1928.] 

3  p.     [Supersedes  AR  210-405.  July  3,  1922.]  W  1.6/1  :  210-405/2 

350-940.     Military  education  :  Schools  for  bakers  and  cooks,  Changes  1 ;  Feb.  6.  1928. 

1928.     1  p.  W  1.6/2  :  350-940/ch.  1 

350-2200.   Same:    Citizens'    military   training   camps;    Jan.    23,    1928.      [1928.]      31    p. 

[Supersedes  AR   350-2200,  May  2,   1923.]  W  1.6/1  :  350-2200/2 

350-2600.   Same:  Troop  schools,  basic  course  for  officers;  Jan.  23,  1928.      [1928.]     6  p. 

W  1.6/1  :  350-2600 
615-160.     Enlisted   men:   Flying  cadets;   Dec.   31,    1927.      [1927.]      9  p.      [Supersedes 
AR  615-160,  Oct.  12,  1921,  including  Changes  5,  June  19,  1926.] 

W  i.6/1  :  615-160/2 

760-400.     Targets  and  target  accessories:   Allowances;  Jan.   18,   1928.      [1928.]      8  p. 

[Supersedes  AR  760-400,  Dec.  31,  1925.]  W  1.6/1  :  760-400/3 

Hoiv    to    order    publications — See    information    follovring    Contents 

February,  1928  g41 

Military  Academy,  West  Point.     Iiiformatiou  relative  to  appoiutmeut  and  ad- 
mission of  cadets  to  Military  Academy,   West  Point,   N.   Y.     Edition,  1928. 
1928.     iv+51  p.  il.  1  pi.  4  p.  of  pi.     t 
L.  C.  card  War  13-98  W  12.9 :  928 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertiou  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  brandies.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  tlie  same  manner  as 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e., 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 
1355-155A.  Mobile  artillery   ammunition  :    Ammunition    for   155-mm.    howitzers,   M1917 

(French)    and  M1918    (American),   prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of 

ordnance;    Nov.    23,    1927.      [1927.]      44    p.    il.     *  Paper,    10c. 

VV  1.22  :  1355-155A 
1400-45A.     Ordnance    maintenance,     infantry    and     aircraft     armament :     Pistols    and 

revolvers,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  ordnance ;  Dec.   13,   1927. 

[1927.]     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.22 :  1400-45A 

Training  regulations. 

Note. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders. 

1-10.     Training  regulations  :  List  of  Training  regulations,  Technical  regulations,  and 

Training  manuals  published  to  date  and  distribution  thereof ;  Jan.  3,  1928 

[1928.]      10  p.      [Supersedes  TR  1-10,  Jan.  6,  1927.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.21 :  1-10/5 
50-25.     Soldier :  Instruction  and  qualification  with  bavonet.  Changes  2 ;  Jan.  3,  1928. 

[1928.]      2  leaves,     t  W  1.21 :  50-25/ch.  2 

190-5.       Topography   and   surveying :    Map    reading.    Changes   2 ;    Jan.    3,    1928.     1928. 

1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  190-5/2/ch.  2 

190-15.     Same :    Military    sketching.    Changes    1 ;    Jan.    3,    1928.      [1928.]      4    leaves. 

*  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21  :  190-15/ch.  1 

420-50.     lufanti-y  :   Drill,  rifle  squad,  platoon,  and  company.  Changes  3 ;   Jan.   3.   1928. 

[1928.]      leaves  1-3  +  p.  4-5,  il.     t  W1.21 :  420-50/2/ch.  3 

420-65.     Same :  Drill,  headquarters  companies,  infantry  battalion,   regiment,  and  bri- 
gade. Changes  2 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  420-65/ch.  2 
420-180.  Same :    Combat    principles,    service    company,    infantry    regiment.    Changes    1  ; 

Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1   p.     t  W  1.21 :  420-180/ch.  1 

420-250.   Same :    Drill,    light   tank,    platoon,   and    company.    Changes   2 ;    Jan.    3.    1928. 

[1928.]     3  leaves,  il.     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21 :  420-250/ch.  2 

420—255.  Same :    Drill,    heavy   tank,   platoon,   and   company.    Changes   2 :   Jan.   3.    1928. 

[1928.]      3  leaves,  11.     •  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21  :  420-255/ch.  2 

430-80.     Field  artiUery  :  Maneuvers  limbered.  Changes  1;  Jan.  3,  1928.      [1928.]      3  p. 

t  W  1.21  :  430-80/ch.  1 

435—25.     Coast    Artillerv    Corps :    Tactical    employment    of   railway    artillery    employed 

outside  of  harbor  defenses.  Changes  2  ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     t 

W 1.21  :  435-25/ch.  2 
435-26.     Same :    Tactical    employment    against    naval    targets    of    tractor-drawn    coast 

artillery  sited  outside  of  harbor  defenses,  Changes  2 ;  Jan.  3,  1928.     1928. 

1  p.     t  W  1.21 :  435-26/ch.  2 

435-165.   Same:  Battery,  railway  artillery.  Changes   1;  Jan.  3,   1928.      [1928.]      1  p.   1 

pi.     t  W  1.21  :  435-165/ch.  1 

435-171.   Same:   Service  battery,  railway  artillery   regiment.   Changes  1;   Jan.   3.    1928. 

1928.     1  p.  il.     t  W  1.21 :  435-171/ch.  1 

435-185.  Same :  Battery  command,   tractor-drawn  coast  artillery.   Changes  1 ;  Jan.   3, 

1928.     [1928.]     6  leaves,   il.     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21  :  435-185/ch.  1 

435-310.   Same:  Examination  for  gunners.  Changes  2;  Jan.  3,  1928.      [1928.]      8  leaves. 

t  W  1.21 :  435-310/3/ch.  2 

440—96.     Air    Corps :    Bomb   ballistics    and    bomb    sights,    prepared    under    direction    of 

chief  of  Air  Corps  ;  Dec.  12,  1927.     [1927.]      37  p.  il.  1  pi.      *  Paper,  10c. 

W  1.21 :  440-96 


Amiy.    Official  Army  register,  Jan.  1,  1928.    1928.    vi+869  p.     (War  Dept.  doc. 
20a.)     [Title  on  p.  1  reads:  Register  of  Army  for  1928.]     *  Paper.  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18250  W  3.11 :  928 

Same.     (War  Dept.  doc.  20a;  H.  doc.  31,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

U.  S.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  Issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  10,  no.  3  and  4;  Feb.  1  and  15.  1928. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  1  and  15,  1928.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°    t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island.  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45  :  928/34 

tloyv    to    order    publications — Sec    information    tollowing    Contents 

642  February,  1928 



Aerodynamical  balance  for  P-IB  and  P-5  airplanes  by  standard  analytical 
method  for  determination  of  center  of  gravity  and  mean  average  chord  ( refer- 
ence to  Curtiss  Airplane  &  Motor  Company's  report  no.  3018  of  Apr.  29,  1927). 
Airplane  Branch  report ;  by  Theo.  DePort.  1928.  ii+3  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps. 
Air  Corps  information  circular,  v.  G.  no.  593,  Sept.  15,  1927.)     J 

W  87.11/2 :  6/593 

Fire  hazard  tests  of  ignition  equipment,  Power  Plant  Branch  report ;  by  F.  Glen 
Shoemaker.  1928.  ii+5  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  information  circu- 
lar, V.  G,  no.  596,  Sept.  15,  1927.)     t  W  87.11/2  :  6/596 

Flood  lights.  Handbook  of  instructions  for  airdrome  landing-field  flood  light 
type  A-4,  Equipment  Branch  report ;  by  W.  T.  Harding.  1928.  ii-|-3  p.  il.  4° 
(Air  Corps.     Air  Corps  information  circular,  v.  7,  no.  606,  Nov.  1,  1927.)     % 

W  87.11/2 :  7/606 

■ Handbook  of  instructions  for  airdrome  landing-field  flood  lights,  types  A-2 

and  A-3,  Equipment  Branch  report ;  by  W.  T.  Harding.     1928.    ii+5  p.  il.  4° 
(Air  Corps.     Air  Corps  inforaiation  circular,  v.  7,  no.  601,  Nov.  1.  1927.)     t 

W  87.11/2 :  7/601 

Wind  tunnel  tests  of  DH-^B  model  fitted  with  various  fins  and  rudders.  Air- 
plane Branch  report.  1928.  11+11  p.  il.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps  informa- 
tion circular,  v.  7,  no.  603,  Nov.  1,  1927.)     t  W  87.11/2  :  7/603 


Anacostia  Park  and  reclamation  and  development  of  Anacostia  River  and  flats- 
from  mouth  of  river  to  District  line,  D.  C. ;  Repairs  to  Aqueduct  Bridge, 
D.  C. ;  Maintenance  and  repair  of  Washington  Aqueduct  and  filtration  plant ; 
Increasing  water  supply.  District  of  Columbia ;  Monument  and  wharf,  Wake- 
field,  Va.,   birthplace  of  George  Washington ;   Brehon   Somervell   in   charge. 

1927.  [l]+192G-93  p.     [Extract  VV  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers. 
1927.]     t  W  7.1/1  a  :  An  13/16 

Buffalo,  N.  Y.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 
district;  DeWitt  C.  Jones  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1458-1540  p.  [Extract  JJ 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  B  863/20 

Chicago,  III.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Chicago,  111., 
district;  E.  H.  Schulz  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1373-1405  p.  [Extract  HH 
from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  AV  7.1/la  :  C  43/39 

Dorchester  Bay  and  Neponset  River,  Mass.,  report  on  preliminary  examination 
and  survey  of  Dorchester  Bay  and  Neponset  River,  Mass.,  with  view  to  secur- 
ing channel  30  feet  in  depth  and  of  suitable  width  to  Squantum.     Jan.  24, 

1928.  29  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  147,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Duluth,  Minn.  Duluth-Superior  Harbor,  statistical  report  of  marine  commerce 
of  Duluth,  Minn.,  and  Superior,  Wis.,  calendar  year  1927.  1928.  [1]+14  p. 
il.     t  W  7.2 :  D  88/927 

International  boundary  waters  [surveys,  preparation  of  plans,  etc.,  St.  Law- 
rence River,  etc.].  1927.  [1] +1964-75  p.  [Extract  YY  from  annual  report 
of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  In  8 

Los  Angeles.  Calif.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Los 
Angeles,  Calif.,  district;  H.  A.  Finch  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1540-54  p.  [Ex- 
tract KK  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1027.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  L  896/20' 

Milwaukee.  Wis.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Milwaukee, 
Wis.,  district;  John  J.  Kingman  in  charge.  1927.  [1] +1280-1373  p.  [Ex- 
tract GG  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,   1927.]     t 

W  7.1/la  :  M  64/21 

Norfolk  Harbor,  Va.,  in  vicinity  of  Craney  Island,  report  on  preliminary  ex- 
amination and  survey  of  Norfolk  Harbor,  Va.,  with  view  to  providing  anchor- 
age b.asin  in  vicinity  of  Craney  Island.     Jan.  16.  1928.     36  p.  map.     (H.  doc. 
143,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26132 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    following:    Contents 

February,  1928  643 

Portland,  Oreg.  Report  upon  improvemeut  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  Portland, 
Oreg.,  district;  L.  D.  WorsLam  in  cliarge.  1927.  [1] +1627-1712  p.  [Ex- 
tract NN  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

\Y  7.1/1  a  :  P  837/39 

Raritan  Bay  and  Raritan  River,  N.  J.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  of 
Raritan  Bay  and  Raritan  River,  N.  J.    Jan.  4,  1928.    45  p.  2  maps.     (H.  doc. 
127.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26133 

Redwood  Creek,  Calif.,  from  Redwood  City  to  San  Francisco  Bay,  report  on 
preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  channel  from  Redwood  City,  Calif., 
to  main  channel  in  San  Francisco  Bay,  with  view  to  securing  depth  of  30 
feet  and  width  of  300  feet.  Jan.  16,  1928.  36  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  142,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

San  Francisco.  Calif.  Report  upon  improvement  of  rivers  and  harbors  in  2d 
San  Francisco,  Calif.,  district;  C.  S.  Ridley  in  charge.  1927.  [1] -(-1606-27 
p.     [Extract  MM  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     f 

W  7.1/la  :  Sa  5  fr/40 


Report.  Report  upon  construction  and  maintenance  of  roads,  bridges,  and 
trails,  Alaska  [fiscal  year  1927]  ;  Board  of  Commissioners  for  Alaska  [In 
charge].  1927.  [1] +1975-89  p.  [Extract  ZZ  from  annual  report  of  engi- 
neers, 1927.]     t  W  74.1:  927/1 


Report  of  California  D6bris  Commission  [fiscal  year  1927].  1927.  [1]+1787- 
1804  p.     [Extract  TT  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 

W  50.1 :  927 


Report  of  Mississippi  River  Commission   [fiscal  year  1927].     1927.     [1]+1804- 
1901  p.     [Extract  UU  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  6-13873  W  31.1 :  927 


Report.  Supervision  of  harbor  of  New  York,  N.  Y.  [fiscal  year  1927]  ;  K.  M. 
Bennett,  supervisor.  1927.  [1] +1912-26  p.  [Extract  WW  from  annual  re- 
port of  chief  of  engineers,  1927.]     t  W  7.1/la  :  N  42yh/3a 


NOTB. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlaln,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  OflSce,  Old  Customhouse.  Detroit, 
Mich.  Charts  may  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Army 
Building,  New  York,  N.  Y. ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. ;  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  show- 
ing localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any 
of  these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  changing 
conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually' and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and 
supplements  thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation   season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

Report.     Survey  of  northern  and  northwestern  lakes ;  G.  B.  Pillsbury  in  charge. 
1927.     [1] +1954-64  p.     [Extract  XX  from  annual  report  of  chief  of  engi- 
neers, 1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  6-7112  W  7.1/la  :  N  811/35 


Sail  Francisco,  Calif.     Ports  of  San  Francisco,  Oakland,  Berkeley,  Richmond, 
upper  San  Francisco  Bay,  Santa  Cruz,  and  Monterey,  Calif.    1927.    x+317  p. 
il.  6  pi.  12  p.  of  pi.  11  maps,  2  mosaic  maps,  1  tab.     (Port  series  12.)     [Pre- 
pared in  cooperation  with  Shipping  Board.]     *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  28-26100  W  7.21 :  12 

Ho-w    to    order    publications — See    information    folloiTing    Contents 

644  February,  1928 


National  Home  for  DisaMed  Volunteer  Soldiers.     Annual  report  of  inspection 
of  the  several  branches  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers, 
[fiscal  year]    1927.     1928.    vii+29  p.     (H.   doc.   155,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  1-27224 


National  Ouard  regulations,    f 
L.  C.  card  War  2&-7 

Note. — ^The  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  Include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

15.  Organizations,  Changes  2  ;  Jan.  10,  1928.     1928.     1  p.  W  70.7/4  :  15/ch.  2 

36.  Military  discipline  and  courtesy.  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     1  p. 

W  70.7/4  :  36/ch.  1 
51.  Disbursing  officers,  Changes  3  ;  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     1  p.  W  70.7/4  :  51/ch.  3 

80.  Records,  reports,  and  returns;  Jan.  13,  1928,     [1928.]     2  p.  W 70.7/4:  80 


Ordnance.    Service  handbook  of  37-millimeter  gun  materiel,  model  of  1916,  June, 
1922.     [Reprint]  1928.    vi+77  p.  il.     (War  Dept.  doc.  1095.)     t 
L.  C.  card  War  28-1  W  34.5  :  G  95/1935/4 


Oovernor  general.  Annual  report  of  governor  general  of  Philippine  Islands, 
1926,  communication  from  President  of  United  States  transmitting  report  of 
governor  general  of  Philippine  Islands,  including  reports  of  heads  of  de- 
partments of  Philippine  Government,  fiscal  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1926.  1928. 
v+276  p.  (H.  doc.  99,  70th  Cong.  1st  *  Cloth,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  23-6553 

— —  Same.  [This  print  of  House  document  99  has  a  cloth  cover  which  omits 
the  Congressional  document  notation  and  which  bears  back  title :  Report  of 
governor  general  of  Philippine  Islands,  1926.]  W  49.1:  926 


Governor.  27th  annual  report  of  governor  of  Porto  Rico,  message  from  Presi- 
dent of  United  States  transmitting  27th  annual  report  of  governor  of  Porto 
Rico,  including  reports  of  heads  of  the  several  departments  of  Government  of 
Porto  Rico  and  that  of  auditor,  fiscal  year  1927.  1928.  iii+68  p.  ii.  (H.  doc. 
121,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Message  of  transmittal  and  annual  report  of 
governor  only.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  6-35095. 


Orders.  Orders  12^14,  16,  23  [1927]  ;  Sept.  2-Dec.  13,  1927.  1928.  Each  1  p. 
12°    t  W  42.10 :  927/12,  etc. 

Orders  2   [1928];  Jan.  11,  1928.     1928.     1  p.  12°     $  W  42.10: 928/2 

Ho^v  to   order   publications— See   information  follofrlnsT   Contents 


Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Dacuineiits 


May,  1928 




1-.     f 

c'.'r.  »( 



Appendix app. 

Coiigress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document ^ doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission P.  T.  C. 

Folio fo 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House   report H.   rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations il. 

Inch,  inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission I.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  mlBC. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date u.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8° 

Page,    pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pts. 

Plate,   plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto A° 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections „— sec. 

Senate,   Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  Joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.   rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo IG" 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirtytwo-mo 320 

Treasury Treas. 

Twelvemo 12" 

Twenty  four-mo 24"» 

Versus vs.,   v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year , yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 
♦  Document  for  sale  by  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 
%  Printed  for  official  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  *  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  OfS.ce,  Washington,  D.  C.  When  size  is 
not  given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge 
of  border,  excluding  margin.  The  date,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  I.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  Indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  In  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 




General  Information 913-914 

Corrections  for  previous  Montlily  catalogues 914 

Agriculture  Department 915-921 

Agricultural    Economics    Bureau 916 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 916 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 916-917 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 917 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  Office 917 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau i 917 

Entomologj'    Bureau 917-91S 

Experiment   Stations  Office 918 

Hav.aii  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 918 

Virgin  Islands  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 918 

Forest  Service 918 

Information    Office 919 

Radio    Service 919 

Plant  Industry  Bureau I 919-920 

Public  Roads  Bureau 920 

Weather  Bureau 920-921 

Alien  Property  Custodian 921 

Architect  of  Capitol 921 

Civil   Service   Commission 921 

Commerce  Department 921-928 

Aeronautics  Branch 921-922 

Census  Bureau 922-923 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 923-924 

Fisheries  Bureau 924 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 924-925 

Lighthouses  Bureau 925 

Mines  Bureau 925-926 

Navigation  Bureau 926 

Patent  Office 926-927 

Publications  Division 927 

Radio  Division 927 

Standards  Bureau 927-928 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 928 

Congress 928-1016 

Capitol  Grounds,  Commission  for  Enlarging  of 93S 

Conference   Committees 938-942 

Harriman  Geographic  Code  System,  Select  Joint  Committee  on 942 

House  of  Representatives 942-982 

Accounts  Conmiittee 942-943 

Agrifulture  Committee 943 


IV  May,  192.S 

Congress — Continued. 

House  of  Representatives — Continued.  Page 

Appropriations  Committee 943-944 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 944 

Census  Committee 9'1'4 

Civil  Service  Committee 944-945 

Claims  Committee 945-948 

Coinage,  Weights,  and  Measures  Committee 948-949 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 949-950 

Educatiou  Committee ^-  950 

Election    of    President,    Vice    President,    and    Representatives 

Committee 950 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Committee 951 

Flood  Control  Committee 951 

Foreign  Affairs  Committee 951-952 

Immigration   and   Naturalization    Committee 952 

Indian  Affairs  Committee 952-954 

Insular  Affairs  Committee-- -i 954 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Committee 955-960 

Invalid  Pensions  Committee 960 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 900-961 

Judiciary    Committee : 961-964 

Laws,  Committee  on  Revision  of 964 

Library  Committee 964-965 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee 965 

Military  Affairs  Committee 966-973 

Mines  and  Mining  Committee 973 

Naval  Affairs   Committee 973-975 

Patents  Committee 975 

Pensions  Committee 975-976 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Committee 976 

Printing  Committee 976-977 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 977 

Public  Lands  Committee 977-979 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Committee 979 

Rules  Committee 979-980 

War   Claims    Committee 980-982 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Committee 982 

Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee 982 

Senate 982-1016 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee 982-984 

Appropriations   Committee 984 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 984 

Civil  Service  Committee 985 

Claims   Committee 985-989 

Commerce   Committee 990-995 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 995-996 

Education  and  Labor  Committee 996 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Committee 996 

Finance   Committee 997 

Foreign  Relations  Committee 997-998 

Immigration    Committee 998 

Indian   Affairs   Committee 998-999 

May,  1928  v 

Congress — Continued. 

Senate — Continued.  Page 

Interstate   Commerce   Committee 999-1000 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee 1000 

Judiciary    Committee 1000-1001 

Library  Committee 1001 

Military  Affairs  Committee 1002-1007 

Mines  and  Mining  Committee 1007 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 1007-1010 

Patents  Committee 1010 

Pensions  Committee 1010 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Committee 1010-1011 

Printing  Committee 1011 

Privileges  and  Elections  Committee 1011 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee 1012 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Committee 1012-1015 

Tariff  Commission,  Select  Committee  on  Investigation  of 1015 

Territories  and  Insular  Possessions  Committee 1015-1016 

Useless  Executive  Palters,  Joint  Select  Committt  e  on  Disposition 

of 1016 

Court  of  Claims 101(>-1017 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 1017-1018 

District  of  Columbia 1018 

Fedei'al  Board  for  Vocational  Education 1018 

Federal  Power  Commission 1018  ' 

Federal  Reserve  Board 1019 

Federal  Trade  Commission 1019-1020 

General  Accounting  Office 1020 

Government  Printing  Office 1020-1021 

Documents  Office 1020-1021 

Interior   Department 1021-1023 

Alaska  Railroad 1021 

Columbia  Institution  for  the  Deaf 1021 

Convention  of  American  Instructors  of  the  Deaf 1021 

Education  Bureau . 1021 

Geological  Survey 1022 

National  Park  Service 1022-1023 

Reclamation  Bureau 1023 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 1024-1038 

Valuation  Bureau 1038 

Justice  Department 1038-1044 

Labor  Department 1044-1045 

Children's    Bureau 1044 

Employment    Service 1044 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 1044-1045 

Naturalization  Bureau !. 3045 

Library    of    Congress 1045-1046 

Card  Division IO45 

Catalogue  Division 1045 

Copyright  Office 1045-1046 

Documents   Division 1046 

National  Advisory  Commirtee  for  Aeronautics 1046 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers 1046 

vr  May,  1028 


Navy  Department 1047-1052 

Engineering  Bureau -, 10"*''' 

Judge  Advocate  General 10"*''^ 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 1047-1018 

Navigation  Bureau 104S-1052 

Hydrographic   Office 1048-1052 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 1052 

Pan  American  Union 1052-1053 

Panama  Canal 1053 

Post  Office  Department 1053-1054 

Equipment  and  Supplies  Division 1054 

Foreign  Mails  Division 1054 

Topography   Division 1054 

President  of  United  States 1054-1058 

Railroad  Adm'nistration 1058 

Shipping  Board 1058-1059 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 1059 

Smithsonian    Institution -•- 1059-1060 

National    Museum 1059-1060 

State  Department 1060-1062 

Haiti,  American  High  Commissioner  to 1062 

Supreme  Court 1062 

Tax  Appeals  Board 1062 

Treasury  Department 1063-1070 

Budget  Bureau ..1063-1068 

Coast  Guard 1068 

Comptroller  of  Currency 1068 

Customs  Court 1068 

Federal  Farm  Loan  Bureau 1068 

Federal  Narcotics  Control  Board 1069 

General'  Supply  Committee 1069 

Government  Actuary 1069 

Internal   Revenue   Bureau 1069 

Loans  and  Currency  Division .      1069 

Public  Health  Service 1069-1070 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 1070 

Treasurer  of  United  States 1070 

Veterans'  Bureau 1070-1071 

War  Department 1071-1075 

Adjutant  General's  Department 1072-1073 

Air  Corps 1073 

Engineer  Department 1073-1074 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 1074 

Inland  Waterways  Corporation 1074 

Insular  Affairs  Bureau 1074 

Dominican  Customs  Receivership 1074 

Militia  Bureau 1074-1075 

Ordnance   Department 1075 

Quartermaster  General  of  Army 1075 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  Oflace  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stock.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  bp  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  in  stock  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.    In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  Information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (♦)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (t)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  official  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  56,  70-1. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Kemittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (♦)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  will  not  be  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
nsed  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Office  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,  Samoa,  or  to 
Canada,  Cuba,  or  Mexico.  To  other  countries  the  regular  rate  of  postage  is 
charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


914  May,  1928 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  OflSce  of 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
Immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23" :  So  96^  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  In  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  O.  card"  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  OflSce  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalogue  is  issued  at  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year. 
This  contains  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  July  to  June,  and 
can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume.  Persons  desiring 
to  bind  the  catalogue  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful  to  retain  the 
numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  can  not  be  supplied. 


Mar.  1928.  On  p.  687,  14th  line  from  bottom  of  page,  change  "(Serial  2.)"  to 
read  "(Serial  11.)." 

Apr.  1928.  On  p.  807,  13th  line  from  top  of  page,  change  "  fiscal  year  1928  " 
to  read  "  fiscal  year  1929  " ;  on  p.  843,  transfer  the  entry  at  the  bottom  of  the 
page  subheaded  "Pink  holl-tvorms"  to  p.  836  between  the  entries  subheaded 
"  Oleomargarin"  and  "St.  Francis  Levee  District";  on  p.  849.  22d  line  from 
top  of  page,  change  "  S.  Dak."  to  read  "  N.  Dak." ;  on  p.  907,  8th  line  from  top 
of  page,  change  "  v.  9,  no.  44 ;"  to  read  "  v.  9,  no.  4 ;" 


No.  401  MAY  1928 


NoTK  — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  tlie  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  scries  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  sones  designated  as 
Technical  bulletin  •  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  4:Jo,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular  ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Eacn 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1.  ,  .  ,  ^  ■,        •„    , 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  i.'^sues,  at 
Irregular  intervals,  announcements  conci'rning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed  to 
all  applicants,  enabling  them  to  select  such  reports  and  bulletins  as  interest   them. 

Acetic  acid  as  soil  disinfectant  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  William  L. 
Doran.  1928.  [2J+269-2S0  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
V.  38,  no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A1.23/a:Ac36 

Ai)ple  curculio  and  its  control  by  hogs  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  B.  B. 
Fulton.  1928.  [2] +249-261  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
V.  36,  no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/33 

Crops  and  markets.     Crops  and  markets,  May,  1928;  v.  5,  no.  5.     [1928.]     p. 
153-184,  il.  4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  60c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-113  A  36.11/3 :  5/5 

Index  to  Crops  and  markets,  v.  4   [Jan.-Dec]     1927.     [1928.]     v  p.  4° 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  36.11/3  :  4/ind. 

Eggs.  Relative  utilization  of  different  calcium  compounds  by  hens  in  produc- 
tion of  eggs ;  by  G.  Davis  Buckner,  J.  Holmes  Martin,  and  A.  M.  Peter.  1928. 
[2] +263-268  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultui'al  research,  v.  36,  no.  3,  Feb. 
1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Eg  39/11 

Glutelins.  Comparative  study  of  glutelins  of  cereal  gTains  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  Ralph  K.  Larmour.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  1091-1120.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  12,  Dec.  15,  1927.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  G  524/2 

Official  record.  Department  of  Agriculture,  v.  7,   no.  18-22;   Slay  2-30,   1928. 
[1928.]     Each  8  p.  4"     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  7/18-22 

Quarantine.  Modification  of  Japanese  beetle  quarantine,  Amendment  4  to 
rules  and  regulations  (6th  revision)  supplemental  to  Notice  of  quarantine 
48,  effective  June  15,  1928.  Apr.  IS,  1928.  2  p.  (Federal  Horticultural 
Board. )      t  A  35.5 :  4S/6th  rev.  amdt.  4 

Tolacco.  Growth  of  tobacco  and  brown  root  rot  of  tobacco  as  affected  by 
timothy  infusions  of  different  ages  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  William 
L.  Doran.  1928.  [2] +281-287  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
v.  36,  no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  T  551/11 

Vanilla  root  rot  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  M.  Tucker.  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  1121-36,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  35,  no.  12, 
Dec.  15,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  V  318/2 

How   to   order  publications — See   information   following    Contents 


916  May,  1928 


Affncultural  situati<m,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,   May   1,   1928 ; 
V.  12,  no.  5.     [1928.]     24  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, AOq. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15  :  12/5 

Community  centers.     Plans  of  rural  community  buildings;   [by  W.  C.  Nason]. 
[Jan.  1921.  reprint  1928.]     40  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1173.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-228  A  1.9  :  1173/1-3 

Harvesting  machinery.     Shall  I  buy  a  combine?   [by  L.  A.  Reynoldson,  J.  H. 
Martin,    and   AV.    R.    Humphries].     [Apr.    1928.]     ii+18   p.    il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1565.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Plant  Indus- 
try Bureau  and  Public  Roads  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-655  A  1.9 :  1565 

Libraries.     Rural  libraries;   [by  "Wayne  C.  Nason].     [Apr.  1928.]     ii+50  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1559.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-399  A  1.9  :  1559 

Seeds.     Simple  method  for  determining  oil  content  of  seeds  and  other  oil-bear- 
ing materials;   by  D.  A.  Coleman  and  H.  C.  Fellows.     Apr.  1928.     14  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  71.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agi-  28-654  A  1.36 :  71 


Chloroform.  Adaptation  of  bactericidal  action  of  chloroform  to  preparation  of 
bacterins  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Hubert  Bunyea.  [Reprint]  1928. 
[2] -f 623-630  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  34.  no.  7, 
Apr.  1,  1927.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  45/2/rep. 

DoffS.    Breeds  of  dogs;  [by  S.  R.  Speelman  and  J.  O.  Williams].     [May,  1926, 

revised    May.    1928.]      [1928.]     li+46    p.  11.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1491.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-863  A  1.9  :  1491/4 

Goose  raising;   [by  Alfred  R.  Lee].     [Feb.  1917,  revised  Apr.  1928.]     [1928.] 
ii-fl4  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  767.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-650  A  1.9  :  767/5 

Hoff  Jiouses.  Practical  hog  houses;  [by  E.  Z.  Russell].  [May,  1926,  reprint 
1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers' bulletin  1487.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  0.  card  Agr  2&-877  A  1.9 :  1487/1-2 

Seriy'ce   anmouncetncnts.     Service   and   regulatory   announcements.    Feb.    1928 ; 
[no.]  250.     Mar.  1928.     p.  9-18.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  250 

Same,  Apr.  1928;   [no.]  252.     May,  1928.     p.  31-38.     [Monthly.] 

A  4.13 :  252 

Zygadenus.     Stock-p<jisoning  death   camas ;    [by  C.   Dwight  Marsh  and  A.   B. 
Clawson].     [July,  1922,  revised  Apr.  1928.]     [1928.]     ii+10  p.  il.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1273.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-790  A  1.9 :  1273/2 


Birds.     Wild  birds  introduced  or  transplanted  in  North  America  ;  by  John  C. 
Phillips.     Apr.  19,28.     cover-title,  64  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulle- 
tin 61.)      [References  interspersed.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-658  A  1.36  :  61 

English  sparrow  as  pest;   [by]  Ned  Dearborn.     [Apr.  1912,  revised  Apr.  1917, 
reprint  1928.]     23  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  493.)      [Im- 
print date  is  incorrectly  given  on  title-page  as  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  17-771  A  1.9  :  493/3-8 

HoTT    to    order   publications — See    information    folloTcing    Contents 


May,  1928  917 

Game.     Laws  and  reirulations  relating  to  game,  land  fur-bearing  animals,  and 
birds  in  Alaska.  lt»2S-29.     May,  1928.     ii+30  p.  il.     (Alaska  Game  Commis- 
sion.    Circular  5.)     [Regulations  contained  herein  should  not  be  relied  upon 
as  correct  after  July  1,  1929.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  2G-S62  A  5.10/4  :  5 

Game-birds.  Propagation  of  game  birds;  [by  W.  L.  McAtee].  [Mar.  1927, 
reprint    1928.]     ii+57    p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.    Farmers'    bulletin    1521.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-151  A  1.9  :  1521/1-2 

Moles.  American  moles  as  agricultural  pests  and  as  fur  producers ;  [by  Theo. 
H.  Scheffer.]  [Mar.  1922,  revised  Apr.  1927.]  [1928.]  ii+21  p.  il.  (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmeris'  bulletin  1247.)     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9:  1247/3-2 

RaMit  skins  for  fur:  [by  D.  Monroe  Green].  [Jan.  1927,  revised  Nov.  1927, 
reprint  1928.]      ii+14  p.   il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1519.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1798  A  1.9  :  1519/2-2 


Leather,    hides,    and   skins.     Home   tanning   of   leather    and   small    fur    skins ; 
[by  R.  W.  Frey.  I.  D.  Clarke,  and  F.  P.  Veitch].     [Aug.  1923,  reprint  with 
slight  changes.'  1928.]     ii+28  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1334.)     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1021  A  1.9  :  1334/2-2 


Farm^managemeni  extension,  1914-24  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  M. 
Dixon.     Mar.  1928.     35  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  30.)      [Prepared 
in  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-659  A  1.4/2 :  30 


Milk  utensils.     Washing  and  sterilizing  farm  milk  utensils;  [by  R.  J.  Posson]. 
[Mar.  1926.  reprint  1928.]     ii+6  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1473.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-413  A  1.9 :  1473/1-2 


Bees.  Swarm  control;  [by  Geo.  S.  Demuth].  [June,  1921,  reprint  with  changes 
1928.]     ii+30  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Farmers' bulletin  1198.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.9 :  1198/1-4 

Boll  weevils.  Dispersal  of  cotton-boll  weevil,  Antlionomus  grandis  Boh.  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  F.  A.  Fenton  and  E.  W.  Dunnam.  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  135-149.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  2, 
Jan.  15,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/46 

European  corn  'borer  and  its  controlling  factors  in  Europe  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  W.  R.  Thompson  and  H.  L.  Parker.    Apr.  1928.    cover-title,  63  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.    Technical  bulletin  59.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-648  A  1.36 :  59 

European  red  mite.  Taxonomic  status  of  deciduous-fruit  Paratetranychus  with 
reference  to  citrus  mite  (P.  citri)  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  A. 
McGregor  and  E.  J.  Newcomer.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  157-181,  il.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  2,  Jan.  15,  1928.]      t 

A  1.23/a  :  D  357 

Flies.     House  fly  and  how  to  suppress  it;  [by  L.  O.  Howard  and  F.  C.  Bishopp].. 
[Apr.  1924,  revised  Nov.  1926,  reprint  1928.]     ii+17  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1408.)      [Date  of  original  issue  incorrectly  given  on  this 
publication  as  Apr.  1925.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-526  A  1.9  :  1408/3-2 

Hovr    to    order   publications — See    information    folio-wing    Contents 

918  May,  1928 

Malaria.     Some   facts   about   malaria;    [by   L.   O.   Howard].  [Apr.    29,    1911, 

revised  Mar.  1928.]     [1928.]     ii+6  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulle- 
tin  450. )     *  Paper,    5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-824  A  1.9  :  450/6 

Mole-crickets.     Porto  Rican  mole  cricket;    [by  W.  A.  Thomas].     [Apr.   1928.] 
ii+9  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1561.)      *  Paper,   5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-656  A  1.9  :  1561 

Pecans.     Important  pecan  insects  and  their  control;   [by  John  B.  Gill].     [Jan. 

1924,  reprint  1928.]     ii+49  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1.364.) 
*  Paper,  lOe. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-331  A  1.9  :  1364/1-3 


Experiment  station  record,  v.  58,  no.  7;  May,  1928.     1928.     cover-title,  x+601- 
700  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.    (2  vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $1.25  per  vol. 
L,.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6:  58/7 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publicatious  on  agricultural 
science  which  have  recently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  the  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number   of  current  notes. 


Cannas.     Edible  canna  in  Waimea  district  of  Hawaii   [with  list  of  literature 

cited]  ;  by  J.  C.  Ripperton  and  R.  A.  Goff.  Apr.  1928.     cover-title,  41  p.  il. 
(Bulletin   57.)     *  Paper,    15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-400  A  10.9/3  :  57 


Report  of  Virgin  Islands  Agricultural  Experiment  Station,    [fiscal  year]   1927. 
May,   1928.     cover-title.   17  p.   il.     *  Paper,    10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1776  A  10.26/1 :  927 


Directory,  Forest  Service,  Apr.  1928.     1928.     ii+41  p.  16°     [Semiannual.]     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-224  A  13.8/2  :  928/1 

Forests  and  forestry.     American  forests  and  forest  products.  Oct.  1927,  revised 

Mar.  1928.     1928.     cover-title,  324  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Statistical  bulle- 
tin  21. )     *  Paper.    45c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-772  A  1.34;  21/2 

Superior  National  Forest.  Rotariaus,  welcome  to  national  forests  of  North 
Woods  [Superior  National  Forest  and  Minnesota  National  Forest],  n.  p. 
[Mar.  20,  1928].     [4]   p.  il.  narrow  16°     f  A  13.2  :R  74 

Timber  depletion,  lumber  prices,  lumber  exports,  and  concentration  of  timber 
ownership,  report  on  Senate  resolution  311,  June  1,  1920.     3d  edition.     1928. 
73  p.  il.   4°     *  Paper,   25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-662  A  13.2  :  T  48/6/3d  ed 

Wichita  National  Forest  and  Game  Preserve;  [by  S.  M.  Shanldin  and  James  B. 
Scott].     May.  1925,  revised  June,   1928.     1928.     [1]+13  p.   il.     (Agriculture 
Dept.     Miscellaneous  circular  36.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-657  A  1.5/2 :  36/2 


Modoc  National  Forest,  Calif,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  1928.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  oblong  t",  folded  into  narrow  8° 
size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [l]+19-t-[l]  p.     t  A  13.13  ;M  72 

HoTV    to    order   publications — See    information    foHo'wing'    Contents 


§r  "  May,  1928  919 


[Farmers'^  bulletins  of  Department  of  Agriculture  of  interest  to  persons  who 
live  in  cities  and  towns,  May  1,  1928.     1928.     1  p.     (List  no.  3.)     t 

A  21.9/8 :  8/9 


Marketing  of  farm  produce.     U.  S.   Radio  Farm  School :  Cooperative  market- 
ing, Feb.  22- Apr.  25,  1928 ;  by  specialists  of  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Econom- 
ics.    [Apr.]  1928.     20  p.     (Farm  economics  series  3.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-381  A  21.13/4  :  3 


Bordeaux  mixtures.  Commercial  Bordeaux  mixtures,  how  to  calculate  their 
value;  [by  Errett  Wallace  and  L.  H.  Evans].  [Jime,  1918,  revised  Mar. 
1928.]  [1928.]  ii+9  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  994.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration.} 
*  Palmer,  5c.  A  1.9 :  994/3 

Canker  {diseases  of  plonts).     Bacterial  canker  of  tomatoes;  by  Mary  K.  Bryan. 
Apr.  1928.     8  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  29.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-653  A  1.4/2 :  29 

Citrus  fruit.     Culture  of  citrus  fruits  in  Gulf  States;   [by  E.  D.  Vosbury  and 
T.  Ralph  Robinson].     [July,  1923,  revised  July,   1927,  reprint  1928.]     ii+42 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1343.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-1025  A  1.9  :  1343/2-2 

Corn.     Better  seed  corn  ;  [by  C.  P.  Hartley].     [Sept.  1920,  reprint  1928.]     15  p. 
il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1175.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1744  A  1.9  :  1175/1-8 

Further  experiments  with  seed  treatments  for  sweet-corn  diseases ;   by 

C.  S.  Reddy  and  J.  R.  Holbert.     1928.     [2] +237-247  p.  il.     [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a :  C  814/46 

Gladiolus.  Rot  of  gladiolus  comis  caused  by  Peuicillium  gladioli,  L.  McC.  and 
Thom  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Luciu  McCuUoch  and  Charles  Thorn. 
1928.  [2] +217-224  p.  1  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36, 
no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  G  451/3 

Green,  mmiuriyig;  [by  C.  V.  Piper  and  A.  J.  Pieters].     [Apr.  1922,  reprint  1928.] 
46  p.    il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    1250.)      [Date   of   original 
issue  il. correctly  given  on  p.  2  as  Apr.  1925,  which  is  date  of  a  previous 
repriur.]     *  Paptr,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-520  A  1.9  :  1250/1-4 

LMac  blight  in  United  States  [with  list  of  literature  citetl]  :  by  Mary  K.  Bryan. 
1928.  [2] +225-235  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
v.  36,  no.  3,  Feb.  L  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :L  627 

Mosaic  disease.  Further  studies  on  soil  relationships  of  mosaic  disease  of  win- 
ter wheat;  by  Robert  W.  Webb.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  53-75,  il.  [Prepared 
in  cooperation  with  Agricultural  Experiment  Station  of  University  of  Wis- 
consin.    From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  1,  Jan.  1,  1928.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  W  56/79' 

Mulching.     Crop-plant   stimulation   with  paper  mulch    [with   list   of  literature 

cited]  ;  by  L.  H.  Flint.     May,  1928.     20  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical 
bulletin  75.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-652  A  1.36  :  75- 

8trau-ber7-ies.     Strawberry  culture.  South  Atlantic  and  Gulf  Coast  regions;  [by 
George    M.    Darrow].     [Apr.    1919.    revised    Apr.    1928.]      [1928.]     40    p.    il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1026.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  19-379  A  1.9 :  1026/3 

HoTv    to    order   publications — See    Information    follcwing    Clontents 

920  Mat,  1928 

Strawterries — Continued. 

Strawberry  culture,   western   United   States;    [by   George  M.   Darrow]. 

[Apr.  1919,  revised  Dec.  1926,  reprint  1928.]     ii+21  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 

Farmers'  bulletin  1027.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  27-145  A  1.9  :  1027/2-2 

Sweet  clover;  [by  A.  J.  Pieters].     [1928.]     8  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Leaflet 
23.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-651  A  1.35  :  23 

Tree  planting.  Instructions  for  planting  trees.  Apr.  1928.  3  p.  il.  (D.  L.  A.  2, 
revised.)     t  A  19.2  :  Sh  4/2/928 

Note. — This  pamphlet  is  sent  out  only  in  connection  with  the  distribution  of  trees 
lor  shelter-belt  demonstrations. 


Public  roads,  journal  of  higliway  research,  v.  9,  no.  3 ;  May,  1928.  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  49-72.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  $1.50. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  A  22.6  :  9/3 


CUmatoIogical  data.     Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  14, 
no.  12;  Dec.  1927.     [1928.]     cover-title,    [204]   p.  il.  map.     2  p.  of  maps,  4" 
*  Paper,  35c.  complete  monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29  :  14/12 

Note. — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  United  States.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound 
at  the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  num- 
bers can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy.  50c.  a  yr.  for 
each  section. 

Same,  v.  14,  no.  13;  [calendar]  year  1927.     [1928.]     cover-title,  [242]  p. 

il.  2  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  50c.  A  29.29:  14/13 

■ Same,  v.  15,  no.  1;  Jan.  1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,   [204]  p.  il.  map,  2  p. 

of  maps,  4°     *  Paper,  35c.  complete  monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr.    A  29.29 :  15/1 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  4-8  [season  of  1928]  ;  May  1-29, 
1928.  New  Orleans,  La.,  May  2-31,  1928.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4°  *  Paper, 
30c.  per  season  (April-October).  A  29.39 :  928/4-8 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington.  D.  C,  Apr.  1928. 
[May  3,  1928.]      [2]  p.  large  8°     t  A  29.30  :  928/4 

Montniii  tveather  remew.  Mar.  1928;  v.  56,  no.  3.  [May  28]  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  79-124,  il.  1  pi.  11  p.  of  maps,  4°  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ; 
foreign   subscription,   $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  56/3 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (o)  climatological  tabh's  dealing 
with  the  weather  of  the  montk.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows :  (a) 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United  States 
or  other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological  papers 
and   books,   and    (c)    notes. 

Special  articles. — Second  phase  of  streamflow  experiment  at  Wagon  Wheel  Gap, 
Colo.  ;  by  C.  G.  Bates  and  A.  J.  Henry.— Notes  on  estimating  run-off  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  Abraham  Streiff. — Floods  of  Mar.  1928,  in  Sacramento  Valley  ;  by  N.  R. 
Taylor. — tVeather  and  probability  of  outbreaks  of  pale  western  cutworm  in  Montana 
and  near-by  States  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  William  C.  Cook. — On  measure 
of  correlation,   a   rejoinder ;    by   Gilbert    T.    Walker. 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin.  May  1-29.  1928;  no.  18-22,  1928. 
May  2-30,  1928.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2 :  928/18-22 

Weather  map.  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan,  and  lower  Michigan],  May  1-31.  1928.  1st  edition.  [1928.]  Each 
16.4X22.7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  stations 
throughout  the  United  States,  20c.  a  month.  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be 
furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A 29.18:  928 

Hovr    to    order   publications — See    information    following'    Contents 


May,  1928  921 

Weather  map — Continued. 

Same    [containing   forecasts    for   United    States],    May    1-31,    1928.    2d 

edition.  [1928.]  Eacli  16.4X22.7  in.  [Tlie  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain 
as  much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  montli,  $3.00 
a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be  iurnislied  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  928 

Weather  outlook,  May  7-June  2  [1928].  May  5-26,  1928.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]  t  A  29.38 :  928/18-21 
XuTE. — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from,  forecast  centers  of  the  Western  Bureau,  as  follows  :  Washinjiton,  D.  C.  (District 
1,  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  liist  Gulf  States, 
District  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West  Gulf  States)  ;  Chicago,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lalies,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys.  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  S,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  Sau  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western    States). 


Report.     Annual  report  of  Alien  Property   Custodian,   1927,   trading  with   the 
enemy  act,  annual  report  of  Alien  Property  Custodian  on  proceedings  liad 
under  trading  with  the  enemy  act,  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1927.     May  14,  1928. 
17  p.  (H.  doc.  302.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26123 


Capitol  power  plant,  paragraph  of  legislation  affecting  existing  appropriations 
for  Capitol  power  plant  under  legislative  establishment,  Office  of  Architect  of 
Capitol.     May  10.  1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  270,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Civil  service  act  and  rules,  statutes,  Executive  orders,   and  regulations,  with 
notes  and  legal  decisions;  amended  to  Mar.  1,  1928.     1928.     [1]+109  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  28-20319  CS  1.7/1 :  928 


Note. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  librai-ies,  etc. 
When  a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publicaton  should  be 
submitted  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For 
copies  of  charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office, 
the  Coast  and  Geodetic   Survey,  Washington,   D.   C. 

Walrus.  Protection  of  walruses  and  sea  lions  in  Alaska  [laws  and  regula- 
tions]. May  1,  1928.  3  p.  4°  (Department  circular  286,  4th  edition;  Bureau 
of  Fisheries,  Alaska  Fisheries  Service.)      [Super.sedes  previous  editions.]     t 

C  1.4 :  286/4 


Air  commerce  regulations,  effective  as  amended  June  1,  1928.  1928.  iii+36  p. 
il.     (Information  bulletin  7.)     t  C  23.8: 7 

Aircraft  accidents.  Civil  air  accidents  and  casualties.  Mar.  10,  1928.  1  p.  4° 
(Information  bulletin  30.)     t  C 23.8:  30 

Airports.  Airports,  tvpes  of  management,  rentals,  concessions,  field  rules.  Mar. 
31,1928.     9  p.  4°     (Information  bulletin  21,  2d  [edition].)     t         C  23.8: 21/2 

HoTV    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

922  May,  1928 

Airports — Continued. 

Construction  of  airports.  Apr.  1928.  [2] +16  p.  il.  4°  (Aeronautics  bul- 
letin 2,  formerly  Information  bulletin  2.)     t  C  23.11 :  2 

Airway  bulletin  322,  324,  326-327,  329-348;  Mar.  22-May  4,  1928.  [1928.1 
Each  2  p.  il.  12°     t  C  23.7 :  322,  etc. 


Business.  Survey  of  current  business.  May,  1928,  no.  81 ;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  and 
Bureau  of  Standards.  1928.  cover-title,  48  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Contains 
practically  complete  data  for  Mar.  1928,  and  text  covering  early  weeks  of 
April,  the  date  given  above  May,  1928,  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  on  p. 
2-4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  lOc,  semiannual  num- 
bers 25c.),  $1.50  a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  3.33  :  92S/5 

Same,  weekly  supplement.  May  7-28,  1928.  [1928.]  Each  4  p.  il.  4°  [In- 
cluded in  price  of  monthly  Survey  of  current  business,  which  see  above.] 

C  3.34 :  928/19-22 

Christian  and  Missionary  Alliance.     Census  of  religious  bodies,   1926:  Chris- 
tian  and   Missionary   Alliance,    statistics,    denominational    history,    doctrine, 
and  organization.     1928.     10  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26321  C  3.35/a  :  C  462/2 

Church  of  God.  and  Saints  of  Christ.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926:  Church 
of  God  and  Saints  of  Christ,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine,  and 
organization.     1928.     10  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26358  C  3.35/a  :  C  475/2 

Cotton.  April  report  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  imported,  and  exported,  and 
active  cotton  spindles.  May  14,  1928.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.21 :  927-28/9 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  9  months  ending  Apr.  30,  1928 
and  1927.  May  12,  1928.  oblong  32°  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products  are 
for  8  months  ending  Mar.  31.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is 
issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25  :  927-28/9 

Free  Magyar  Reformed  Church  in  America.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926 : 
Free  Magyar  Reformed  Church  in  America,   statistics,   denominational  his- 
tory, doctrine,  and  organization.    1928.    9  p.    *  Paper,  oc. 
L.  C.  card  28-26357  C  3.35/a  :  F  875 

Friends.  Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926:  Friends,  statistics,  denominational 
history,     doctrine,    and    organization,     consolidated     report.      1928.     30    p. 

L.  C.  card  28-26378  C  3.35/a  :  F  915 

General  Eldership  of  Churches  of  God  in  North  America.     Census  of  religious 
bodies,  1926:  General  Eldership  of  Churches  of  God  in  North  America,  statis- 
tics,    denominational    history,     doctrine,     and    organization.      1928.      11     p. 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-262r77  C  3.35/a  :  C  475 

Marriage  and  divorce,   [calendar  year]  1926,  statistics  of  marriages,  divorces, 
and  annulments  of  marriage.     1928.     90  p.  il.     [Prepared  under  supervision 
of  Leon  E.  Truesdell,  chief  statistician  for  population,  assisted  by  Alba  M. 
Edwards  and  Alice  V.  Hagan.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26041  C  3.2  :  M  34/926 

Pilgrim.  Holiness  Church.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926 :  Pilgrim  Holiness 
Church,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organization.     1928. 
11  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26286  C  3.35/a  :  P  643 

How   to   order  publications — See    information   follo'wing;   Contents 

May,  1928  923 

Reformed  Church  in  Undted  States.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926 :  Reformed 
Church   in    United   States,   statistics,   denominational   history,    doctrine,    and 
oi-ganization.     1928.     15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26386  C3.35/a:R259 

Tobacco.     Leaf  tobacco  held  by  manufacturers  and  dealers,  Apr.  1,  1928  and 

1927.  and  Jan.  1,  1928  and  Oct.  1,  1927.  Apr.  28,  1928.  oblong  32°  [Pre- 
liminary report.     This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  curd  form.]     t 

C  3.18/2 :  928/2 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  i.ssued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Liffhthoiises  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  joint  publication.  Tlie  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  In 
Washinston,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Boston  Harbor.     Tides  and  currents  in  Boston  Harbor ;  by  Paul   Schureman. 

1928.  iii+116  p.  11.  6  maps.  (Special  publication  142.)  [Includes  list  of 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  publications  relating  to  tides  and  currents.] 
*  Paper,  30c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26345  C  4.19  :  142 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  bulletin,   Apr.   30,   1928;   no.   155.      [1928.]     8  p. 
[Monthly.]     | 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20 :  155 

Eydrogi'apher,  surveying  ship.  Specifications  for  single-screw,  steel,  Diesel 
electric-propelled  surveying  ship  Hydrographer,  1928.  1928.  [1]--|-150  p. 
12"    t  C4.17:H99 

Hydrographic  manual;  by  J.  H.  Hawley.     1928.     v+170  p.  il.  1  pi.  14  p.  of  pi. 
(Special  publication  143.)      [Includes  list  of  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  pub- 
lications of  interest  in  connection  with  this  manual.]     *  Cloth,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26363  C  4.19  :  143 


Beaufort  Harbor,  N.  C,  surveys  to  1927,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Sept. 
1927 ;  chart  420.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
Apr.  1928.    24.5X23.4  in.    t  25c.  C  4.9  :  420 

Gulf  Coast,  Habaua  [Cuba]  to  Tampa  Bay  [Fla.,  from]  surveys  to  1926  and 
other  sources;  chart  1113.  [Scale  1:471,000.]  Washington.  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  May,  1928.  43.1X29  in.  [For  offshore  navigation  onlv.] 
t  7oc.  C  4.9  :  1113 

Mexico,  Gulf  of.  Gulf  of  Mexico,  compiled  from  surveys  by  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  charts  of  Hydrographic  Office,  British  charts,  Spanish  charts,  maps, 
etc.;  sailing  chart  1007.  [Scale  1:2,195.000.]  Washington,  Coast  and  Geo- 
detic Survey,  Apr.  1928.    33.1X41  in.     [For  offshore  navigation  onlv.]     t  75c. 

C  4.9 :  1007 

New  YorTi  Harbor,  surveys  to  1926,  sun^eys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1928  and  other 
sources ;  chart  369.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey, 
Apr.  1928.    43.7X33.7  in.    t  75c.  C  4.9  :  369 

Pybus  Bay,  Frederick  Sound,  southeast  Alaska,  surveys  to  1926,  scale  1 :  40,000 ; 
Hobart  and  Windham  bays,  Stephens  Passage,  southeast  Alaska,  surveys 
1889-1922,  scale  1:40,000;  chart  8218.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  Apr.  1928.     27.3X34.2  in.     1 50c.  0  4.9:8218 

San  Francisco  Bay,  Calif:,  Visitation  Point  to  Point  Blunt,  surveys  to  1927, 
surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Feb.  1928 ;  chart  5535.  Scale  1 :  20,000.  Wash- 
ington, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Apr.  1928.     36.9X28.4  in.     f  75c. 

C  4.9 :  5535 

Tlevak  Strait.  Northern  part  of  Tlevak  Strait  and  Ulloa  Channel,  southeast 
Alaska,  surveys  1927 ;  chart  8151.  Scale  1 :  40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  Apr.  1928.    30.1X40.5  in.    t  75c.  C  4.9:  8151 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follorvingr    Contents 

309605— 28— No.  401 2 

924  May,  1928 

Wrangell  Narrows,  southeast  Alaska,  original  surveys  in  1910,  surveys  by  U.  S. 
Engineers  to  Jan.  1928 ;  chart  8170.  Scale  1 :  20,000.  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  Apr.  1928.    39.4X31.1  in.     [Map  is  in  2  sections.]     f  75c. 

C  4.9 :  8170 


Cod.     Statistics  of  catch  of  cod  off  east  coast  of  North  America  to  1926 ;  by 
Oscar  E.  Sette.     1928.     [1] +737-748  p.  il.     (Bureau  of  Fisheries  doc.  1034.) 
[App.  9,  report  of  commissioner  of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  F  28-17  C  6.1 :  927/app.  9 

Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish,  Apr.  15,  1928.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  8°  ( Statistical 
bulletin  784.)      [Statistics  furnished  by  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau.] 

C  6.5 :  784 

Fisheries  service  bulletin,  May  1,  1928;  no.  156.     [1928.]     9  p.     [Monthly.]     % 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  C  6.9  :  156 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Seattle,  Wash.,  by  American  fishing  vessels,  Mar.  1928.  1928. 
1  p.  4°     (Statistical  bulletin  783.)    t  C  6.5  :  783 

Trade  in  fresh  and  frozen  package   fish  products ;   by   R.   H.   Fiedler. 

May,  1928.    12  p.  il.     (Economic  circular  63.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  F  28-18  C  6.7  :  63 


AutomoMIcs.     Automotive  industry  and  trade  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland ; 
by  William  M.  Park.    1928.    iv+52  p.  il.     (Trade  promotion  series  63 ;  [Auto- 
motive Division].)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26355  C  18.27  :  63 

Department  of  Commerce  promotes  exports  of  automotive  products.    1928. 

27  p.  il.  narrow  12°     t 

L.  C.  card  28-26384  C  18.2  :  Au  8/2 

Boots  and  shoes.     Directory  of  United  States  exporters  of  boots  and  shoes  and 
other  leather  manufactures ;   compiled  in   Shoe   and   Leather   Manufactures 
Division.     3d  edition,  Apr.  1928.     1928.     ii+41  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26340  C  18.2  :  B  64/928 

Candy  distribution  in  United  States ;  by  Rupert  L.  Purdon.     1928.    vi+50  p.  il. 
( Domestic  commerce  series  23  ;  Foodstuffs  Division. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26371  C 18.28 :  23 

China.     Sales  territories  in  China  [with  list  of  sources]  ;  by  Charles  K.  Moser. 
[Reprint]   1928.      [l]-f40  p.  il.  narrow  8°      (Division  of  Regional  Informa- 
tion.)    t 
L.  C.  card  28-26012  C  18.2  :  C  44/4/928 

Commerce.     Monthly   summary   of  foreign   commerce   of  United   States,   Mar. 
1928.     1928.     2  pts.  p.  1-76  and  ii+77-96  p.  4°     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  10c.  single 
copv,  *  pt.  2,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 
L.  C.  card  14-21465  C 18.7  :  928/9-1,  9-2 

Same.     1928.     [2  pts.  in  1],  96  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  41,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Commerce  reports.  Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports 
from  American  consular  officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce in  foreign  countries,  no.  19-22 ;  May  7-28,  1928.  1928.  cover-titles, 
p.  321-568,  il.  4°  [Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covers.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  928/19-22 

Same,  nos.  1-13  [series  1928],  v.  1,  31st  year;  Jan.-Mar.  1928  [title-page 

and  index].     1928.     [2]-(-xxvi  p.  4°     [Quarterly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
20c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  30c.  C  18.5/1 :  928''l-13/t.p.&ind. 

Cotton   fairies   and   their  uses;    [prepared   in]    Textile   Division.     1928.     ii-|- 
36  p.    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26337  C  18.2  :  C  82 

How    to    order   publlcations-^See    Informatioii    follo^ving    Contents 

May,  1928  925 

Iniernational  payments.    Balance  of  international  payments  of  United  States 
in   1927,   oy   Ray   Hall;    with   foreword   by   Herbert    Hoover.      [May,   1928.] 
Tiii4-56  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  552;  Finance  and  Investment  Divi- 
sion.)    t 
L.  C.  card  23-26806  C  18.25  :  552 

Machinery.     Shippers'  guide  in  declaring  machinery  for  export,    [with]    glos- 
sary of  terms,  effective  Jan.  1,  1928;    [prepared  in]    Industrial  Machinery 
Division.     1928.     [1]+13  p.  il.     t 
L.  C.  card  28-26341  C  18.2  :  M18/4/928 

Motion  pictures.     Market  for  motion  pictures  in  Scandinavia  and  Baltic  States ; 
compiled  from  reports  by  George  R.  Canty  and  other  Bureau  representatives. 
[May,    1928.]     ii-)-25  p.     (Trade   information    bulletin   553;    Motion   Picture 
Section  [Specialties  Division].)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26376  C  18  25  :  553 

Motor-vehicles.     Installment  selling  of  motor  vehicles  in  Europe ;  compiled  [by 
Ernest   D.    Cavanaugh]    from   reports   by   representatives   of  Department   of 
Commerce.     [May,  1928.]     ii+42  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  550;  Auto- 
motive Division.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26344  C  18.25 :  550 

Paper  and  paper  products  in  Canada  ;  by  Norman  S.  Meese,  based  on  data  pub- 
lished by  Canadian  Bureau  of  Statistics  and  material  submitted  by  officers 
of  Departments   of   State   and   Commerce.     [May,   1928.]     ii+15  p.     (Trade 
information  bulletin  549  ;  Paper  Division. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26336  C  18.25 :  549 

Wireless  communication  in  British  Empire;  by  G.  Stanley  Shoup.  [May,  1928.] 
ii+28     p.      (Trade    information     bulletin     551;     Transportation     Division.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26356  C  18.25  :  551 

Yufjosiav'.a.     Kingdom  of  Serbs,  Croats,  and   Slovenes    (Yugoslavia),   commer- 
cial and  industrial  handbook;  by  Kenneth  S.  Patton.     1928.     xiv+261  p.  il. 
2  maps.     (Trade  promotion  series  61.)      *  Paper,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26373  C  18.27  :  61 


Bridges.     Regulations  for  lighting  bridges,  1928.     1928.     10  p.  5  pi.  4°     % 

L.  C.  card  28-26392  C  9.25  :  B  76/8 

Civil-service  regulations  for  lighthouse  service,  adopted  Dec.  7,  1927,  effective 
July  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+19  p.     t  C  9.25 :  C  49/3 

L'ght -ships.  Specifications  for  single-screw,  steol,  Diesel-electric-propelled  1st- 
class  lightship,  class  of  no.  100,  1928.     1928.     [1]+117  p.     t 

C  9.22 : L  62/18/928 

Lighthouse  service   bulletin,  v.  3,   no.   53;   May  1,   1928.     [1928.]     p.   241-244. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  12-35121  C  9.31 :  3/53 

Notice  to  mariners.  Notice  to  mariners,  Great  Lakes,  weekly,  no.  10-13,  1928; 
Mav  4-25  [1928].  Conover  Press,  Detroit  [May  3-24,  1928].  various  paging. 
t  Supt.  of  Lighthouses,  Detroit,  Mich.  C  9.41 :  928/10-13 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  18-21;  May  4-25  [1928].     1928.     various 

paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 

L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26  :  928/18-21 


Coal.  Spontaneous  heating  of  coal  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Joseph  D.  Davis 
and    D.    A.    Reynolds.      1928.      v+74   p.    il.    3    pi.      (Technical    paper    409.) 

*  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26343  C  22.5  :  409 

Petroleum  in  1926;  by  G.  R.  Hopkins  and  A.  B.  Coons.  Apr.  26,  1928.  ii+335- 
417  p.     [From  Mineral  resources,  1926,  pt.  2.]     *  Paper,  15c. 

C  22.S/a  :  P  448/926 

Ho^v    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 


May,  1928 

Publications.     New  publications,  list  141 ;  Feb.  1928. 
publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,  list  142 ;  Feb.  1928.     1928.     oblong  48° 

in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,  list  143  ;  Feb.  1928.     1928.     oblong  48° 

in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,  list  144 ;  Mar.  1928.     1928.     oblong  48° 

in  postal  card  form.]     t 

Same,  list  145  ;  Mar.  1928.     1928.     oblong  48° 

in  postal  card  form.]     t 


1928.     oblong  48°     [This 
C22.7/3  :141 

[This  publication  is  issued 
C22.7/3  :142 

[This  publication  is  issued 
C22.7/3  :143 

[This  publication  is  issued 
C22.7/3  :144 

[This  publication  is  issued 
C  22.7/3 :  145 

Ships.    American  documented  seagoing  merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
over,  May  1,  1928.     1928.     ii  +  65  p.  4°     (Serial  126.)      [Monthly.]     *Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  0.  card  19-26597  C  ll.S  :  928/5 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office. 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  worli  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Patent  laws  are  furnislied  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  !f2.00  per 
package,  or  in  boolis  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  sched- 
ule of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Decisions.     [Decisions   in    patent   and   trade-mark    cases,    etc.]     May    1,    1928. 
p.  1-8,  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette,  v.  370,  no.  1.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c  a  year. 
L.  0.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a2 :  370/1 

Same.     May  8,  1928.    p.  251-256,  large  8 

no.  2.] 

Same,    May   15,   1928.     p.   511-516,   il.   large   8" 

V.  370,  no.  3.] 

-  Same.     May  22,  1928. 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  370, 
C  21.5/a2 :  370/2 

[From   Official   gazette, 
C  21.5/a2 :  370/3 

p.  757-762,  large  8° 

no.  4.] 


May  29,  1928.     p.  1009-20,  large  8° 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  370, 
C  21.5/a2 :  370/4 

[From  Official  gazette,  v.  370, 
C  21.5/a2 :  370/5 

Koehring,  Philip  A.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  apiJeal  no.  2167,  in  re  Philip  A.  Koehriug,  design  for  concrete 
mixer  truck  body  and  frame ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1928.  cover- 
title,  6  p.     t  C  21.10  :  K  818 

Merritt,  Edvxird  H.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2142,  in  re  Edward  H.  Merritt,  design  for  flag:  brief 
for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  4  p.     |  C  21.10 :  M  553 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  May  1-29.  1928 ;  v.  370,  no.  1-5.     1928.     cover- 
titles,   1275   -f    [ccii]    p.  il.  large  8°      [Weekly.]      *  Paper,  25c.   single  copy, 
$10.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  370/1-5 

Note.- — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week  :  also 
decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  courts  in  patent 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price,  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent  to 
those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  !fl7.50. 

• Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  May  1,  1928].  [1928.]  xxxviii  p.  large  8°  [From  Official 
gazette,  v.  370,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4  :  370/1, 

How    to    order   publlcatlons^See    information    folIoT«-ing    Contents 

May,  1928  927 

Official  gazette— Continued.  ^^  .  , 

Same  [May  8,  1928].     [1928.]     xlvi  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  370,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  370/2 
Same    [May   15,    1928].  [1928.]      xxsviii    p.    large    8°      [From    Official 

gazette,  v.  370,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  370/3 
Same  [May  22,  1928].  [1928.]     xl  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  370,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  370/4 

Same   [May  29,  1928].  [1928.]     xl  p.  large  8°     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  370,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  4 :  370/5 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  May  1-29,  1928.  [1928.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  370,  no.  1-5.]     t 

C  21.5/a  1 :  370/1-5 

Smith.  Jesse  A.  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2170,  in  re  Jesse  A.  B.  Smith,  typewriting  machines; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  5  p.     J 

C  21.10  :  Sm  61/2 

Taylor,  Albert  H.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2093,  in  re  Albert  Hoyt  Taylor,  systems  of  reradia- 
tion  of  radio  signals ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1928.  cover-title, 
7  p.     J  C  21.10  :T  212 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  May  1,  1928.  [1928.] 
9-55+xii  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  370,  no.  1.]  *-~ Paper, 
10c.  single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  370/1 

Same,  May  8,  1928.     [1928.]     257-318 +xix  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  370,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  370/2 

Same,  May  15,  1928.     [1928.]     517-558+xi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  370,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  370/3 

Same,  May  22,  1928.     [1928.]     763-811+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  370,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  370/4 

Same,    May    29,    1928.      [1928.]      1021-74+xiii    p.    il.    large    8°      [From 

Official  gazette,  v.  370,  no.  5.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  370/5 

Waldheim,  John.  In  Court  of  Apijeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
192S,  patent  appeal  no.  2168,  in  re  John  Waldheim,  typewriting  machines; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  6  p.     t 

C  21.10 :  W  145 

Williams,  Paul  F.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2141,  in  re  Paul  F.  Williams,  connectors  for  electrical 
conductors;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title.  6  p.     $ 

C  21.10  :  W  674 


Commerce  Department.  Supplement  to  annual  List  of  publications  [of  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce  available  for  distribution],  Apr.  30,  1928.  [1928.]  4  p. 
[Monthly.]     t  016.6:928/4 


Radio   service   bulletin,   Apr.   30,   1928;    no.   133.      [3928.];     23   p.      [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  15-26255  0  24.3:133 


Glue.  Marine  glue  for  seams  of  ship  decks  (specification),  compiled  and 
promulgated  by  American  Marine  Standards  Committee ;  approved  Jan.  23, 
1928,  as  American  marine  standard  O  no.  15-1928.  1928.  ii+4  p.  large  S" 
(AMSC  34.)      *  Paper,  5c.  013.19:34 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    foHovrlng'    Contents 

928  Mat,  1928 

Handles.  Ash  handles.  1928.  iv+14  p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommenda- 
tion no.  76.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of  waste,  simplified  practice, 
ash  handles.     Recommendation  became  effective  Nov.  1,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.12/1 :  76 

Hickory  handles.  1928.  vi+12  p.  il.  (Simplified  practice  recommenda- 
tion no.  77.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of  waste,  simplified  practice, 
hickory  handles.  Recommendation  became  effective  Nov.  1,  1927.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  C  13.12/1 :  77 

Metals.  Standard  samples  issued  or  in  preparation.  Apr.  24,  1928.  8  p.  large 
8°  (Circular  25,  supplement.)  [Supersedes  supplement  issued  July  1, 
1927.]     t  C  13.4:  25/9-3 

Roller-l)earings.  Roller  bearings.  1928.  iv+14  p.  il.  (Simplified  practice 
recommendation  no.  67.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  Elimination  of  waste,  simplified 
practice,  roller  bearings.  Recommendation  became  effective  Dec.  1,  1927.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  C  13.12/1 :  67 

Technical  news  htilletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards.  May,  1928 ;  no.  133.     [1928.] 

p.  61-76.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion. 40c. 
L.  O.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  133 

Weights  and  measures.  Program  of  21st  National  Conference  on  Weights  and 
Measures,  at  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Washington,  D.  C,  May  22-25. 
1928.     [1928.]     coveF-title,  8  p.  12°     [Part  of  the  pages  are  blank.]     t 

C  13.7 :  928/1 


Steamboat  Inspection  Service   bulletin,   May  1,   1928;   no.   151.      [1928.]      3  p. 
[Monthly.]     I 
L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10 :  151 


Congressional  record.  Congressional  record,  proceedings  and  debates  of  1st 
session,  70th  Congress,  v.  69,  pt.  2  and  3;  Jan.  9-Feb.  23,  1928.  [Permanent 
edition.]  1928.  [3] -(-1151-3492  p.  4°  *  Price  will  be  quoted  when  set  is 

L.  C.  card  12-36438  X  643-644  :  70/1 

Note. — In  this  permanent  bound  edition,  the  paging  differs  from  that  of  the  daily 
numbers,  the  text  being  revised,  rearranged,  and  printed  without  breali.  The  bound 
volumes  of  the  Ri'cord  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Prices  will  be 
furnished  on  apjilication  for  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  the  69th  Congress,  1st  and 
2d  sessions,  and  prior  Congresses.  Send  remittances  for  the  bound  volumes  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will  not 
be  accepted. 

Congressional  record,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  v.  69,  no.  115-142;  May 

1-29,1928.     [1928.]     7805-10777 +[ 52 ]  p.  4°  X/a.70/1 :  69/115-142 

Note. — The  Congressional  record,  containing  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  Con- 
gress, is  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published 

The  Record  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following  terms : 
Single  copy,  3  cents,  if  not  more  than  24  pages,  and  1  cent  more  for  each  additional  8 
pages ;  per  month,  $1.50,  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.  Subscriptions  are  payable  in 
advance.  Prices  for  the  bound  volumes  of  the  Record,  69th  Congress,  1st  and  2d 
sessions,  and  prior  Congresses,  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances  to 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will 
not  be  accepted. 

■ •     Same,  index,  with  title.  Congressional  record  index,  70th  Congress.  1st 

session,  v.  69,  nos.  107-120 ;  Apr.  23-May  6,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  10 ;  44-1-1+32 
p.  4°     [Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]         X/a.70/1 :  107-120/ind. 

Same,  V.  69.  nos.  121-134 ;  May  7-20,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  11 ;  63+1+67  p. 

4°     [Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.70/1 :  121-134/ind. 

Same,  v.  69,  nos.  135-144;  Mav  21-29,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  12;  48+i+41  p. 

4"     [Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.70/1 :  135-144/ind. 

How   to   order  publications— See   information   foUoTvingr   Contents 

May,  1928  929 


Note The  Division  of  Publications,  State  Department,  receives  a  small  supply  of  the 

private  acts  which  it  distributes  free  upon  application. 

Private  [act]  81-161,  70tli  Congress. 

Anderson,  Antoti.     H.   R.   2654,  act  for  relief  of  Anton   Anderson.     Approved   May   3, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  109.)  ,     ^  ,  j   ,r       ,j 

Archer.  Finch  R.     H.  R.  2658,  act  for  relief  of  Finch  R.  Archer.     Approved  May  14, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  130.>  ,     .        „      .  .  ^    ^,        la 

Banta.   Marion.     H.    R.    10067,    act   for    relief   of   Mavion    Banta.      Approved    May    16, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  146.)  ^        ^     .    r.      rr      u         r. 

Barber.   Zaccheus   P.     H.  R.  852.    act   authorizing   issuance    of   patent    [to    Zaccheus    P. 

Barber].     Approved  Apr.  23.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  84.) 
Barsleu.   Cronncell  L.     II.  R.  6152.    act   for   relief   of   domwell    L.    Barsley.      Approved 

May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  154.)  .       .  „,  .-r  t,     ,    .     ., 

Beckstcad.  ^yvman  U.     S.  2008,  act  for  relief  of  parents  of  Wyman  Henry  Beckstead- 

Approved  Apr.  27.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  98.) 
Bhiextein,  Ruben.     S.  1428,   act   for  relief  of  R.    Bluestein.      Approved   Apr.    28,    1928. 

1  D.      (Private  10.3).  „         .  .  ., 

Bren::inner,    Christine.     H.  R.  5297.    act   for   relief   of    Christine   Brenzinger.      Approved 

Mav  16.  1028.     1  p.      (Private  143.)  ,  _     ^^ 

Broicdrr.    Ocorge    M.     H.  R.  3372.    net    for    relief    of    George    M.    Browder    and    F.    N. 

Browder.     Approved  Mav  14.  1928.     1  p.     (Private  132.) 
CaldiceU.  Wilford  W.     II.  R.  10038.   act  for  relief  of  Wilford   W.   Caldwell.     Approved 

Apr.  24.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  87.) 
Campbell.  Albert.     H.  R.  4687,   act   for   relief  of  Albert   Campbell.      Approved   May   21, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  160.) 
Casf<idai/.  Katie.     H.  R.  4126.  act  to  issue  patent  to  Katie  Cassiday  for  tract  of  land. 

Approved  Mav  1,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  106.) 
Caudirell.    Charles.     S.  1736.   act   for    relief  of   Charles    Caudwell.      Approved   Apr.    26, 

1928.      1  p.      (Private  90.1 
Chihlers.   William   M.     H.  R.  4357,   act   for  relief  of  William   Childers.      Approved   May 

11.  1928.     1  p.      (Pi-iviitp  115.) 

City  of  Beaumont  f!hin  Cnrporatini}  H.  R.  8001.  act  conferrins;  jurisdiction  upon  cer- 
tain courts  of  Unitf^d  States  to  hoar  and  determine  claim  hy  [City  of  Beaumont 
Ship  Corporation],  owner  of  steamship  City  of  Beaumont,  against  United  States. 
Appioved  Mav  21.   1928.     1  p.      (Private  158".) 

Clatterbuck.  E.  A.  H.  R.  4619,  act  for  relief  of  E.  A.  Clatterbuck.  Approved  May  16, 
1928.      1  p.      (Private  142.) 

Clephorn.  Clarence.  H.  R.  5981.  act  for  relief  of  Clarence  Cleghorn.  Approved  May 
14.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  133.) 

Clerlin,  Man/.  S.  205,  act  to  pav  claim  of  Marv  Clerkin.  Approved  Apr.  26.  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  91.) 

Connollu.  William  R.  H.  R.  1537.  act  for  relief  of  William  R.  Connolly.  Approved 
May  16.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  138.) 

DeGn'rmo.  .Jacob  E.     H.   R.  9148.  act  for  relief  of  Jacob  E.  DeGarmo.     Approved  May 

12.  1928.      1   p.      (Private  118.) 

DeLoach.  James  A.  H.  R.  9902.  act  for  relief  of  .Tames  A.  DeLoach.  Approved  Apr. 
23.   1928.     1  p.      (Private  86.) 

Dijron.  Frank.  S.  1848,  act  for  relief  of  Frank  Dixon.  Approved  Apr.  27,  1928.  1  p. 
(Private  99.) 

Dotson.  William  H.  H.  R.  7227,  act  for  relief  of  William  H.  Dotson.  Approved  May 
12.  1928.     1  p.      fPrivate  119.) 

Dunlap.  Maurice  P.  H.  R.  9411.  act  for  relief  of  Maurice  P.  Dunlap.  Approved  May 
21,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  156.) 

Dyer.  Mrs.  Anita  W.  H.  R.  10536.  act  granting  6  months'  pay  to  Anita  W.  Dyer 
[mother  of  William  Lansdnle  Dyer],     Approved  May  9.  1928.     1   p.      (Private  114.) 

Eagle  Transport  Company,  Limited.  S.  3507,  act  for  relief  of  Eagle  Transport  Com- 
panv  ^Limited)  and  West  of  England  Steamship  Owners'  Protection  and  Indemnity 
Association    (Limited).     Approved  Apr.  28.   1928.      1   p.      (Private   100.) 

Edwards.  Mrs.  M.  M.  H.  R.  .3936.  .net  for  relief  of  M.  M.  Edwards  [widow  of  John 
Davis  Edwards].     Approved  May  14.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  128.) 

Eimer.  John.  H.  R.  1529.  act  for  relief  of  heirs  of  John  Eimer.  Approved  Mav  14, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  131.) 

Enoch,  William  T.  II.  R.  4993.  art  for  relief  of  William  Thurman  Enoch.  Approved 
May  14.  1928.      1  p.      (Priv.nte  121  ) 

Farni'-rs  Xational  Bank.  H.  R.  7518.  act  for  relief  of  Farmers  National  Bank.  Dan- 
ville. Ky.     Approved  Apr.  23.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  83.) 

Franklin.  Lynn  W.  H.  R.  8651,  act  for  relief  of  Lynn  W.  Franklin.  Approved  Apr. 
23.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  85.) 

Gordon,  Giles.  H.  R.  3467,  act  for  relief  of  Giles  Gordon.  Approved  May  16,  1928. 
1  p.      f  Private  137.) 

Hanlcy.  Frank.  S.  802,  act  for  relief  of  Frank  Ilanley.  Approved  Apr.  26,  1928.  1  p. 
(Private  92.) 

Harmon,  Louis  H.  H.  R.  1588,  act  for  relief  of  Louis  H.  Harmon.  Approved  Apr.  23, 
1928.      1  p.      (Private  82.1 

Harrington,  Mrs.  Ona.  S.  2126.  act  to  provide  for  compensation  for  Ona  Harrington 
for  injuries  received  in  airplane  accident.  Approved  Apr.  28,  1928.  1  p.  (Private 

Hauch.  Martha  A.  S.  1368,  act  to  extend  benefits  of  emplovees'  compensation  act  to 
Martha  A.  Hauch.     Approved  May  1.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  108.) 

Head.  Mrs.  Marqaret  T.  H.  R.  3216,  act  for  relief  of  Margaret  T.  Head,  administra- 
trix.    Approved  May  8.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  113.) 

Huffman,  Thomas  E.  H.  R.  11741,  act  for  relief  of  Thomas  Edwin  Huffman.  Ap- 
proved May  12,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  117.) 

HoTT   to   order  publications — See    information   following'    Contents 

930  Mat,  1928 

Private  [act]  81-161,  70th  Congress — Continued. 

Ives,  Norman  P.,  jr.  H.  R.  9612,  act  to  allow  Norman  P.  Ives,  jr.,  credit  on  other 
lands  for  compliances  made  in  homestead  entry  Gainsville  021032.  Approved  May 
17,  192S.     1  p.      (Private  150.) 

KcUij,  Peter  8.  S.  1771,  act  for  relief  of  Peter  S.  Kelly.  Approved  Apr.  24,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  88.) 

Knaicnshue,  A.  Roy.  H.  R.  11764,  act  conferring  jurisdiction  upon  Court  of  Claims 
or  District  Courts  to  bear,  adjudicate,  aud  enter  judgment  on  claim  of  A.  Roy 
Knabensliue  against  United  States  for  use  or  manufacture  of  invention  of  A.  Roy 
Knabenshue.     Approved  May  3,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  110.) 

Knaitf,  Fred  A.  S.  1758,  act  for  relief  of  Fred  A.  Knauf.  Approved  Apr.  27,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  96.) 

Larcfigrove,  British  steamship.  S.  3506,  act  for  relief  of  owners  of  British  steamship 
Lar'chgrove.     Approved  Apr.  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  101.) 

Lonffino,  Thomas  C.  H.  R.  5398,  act  for  relief  of  heirs  of  Thomas  C.  Longino.  Ap- 
proved May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  136.) 

Louisiana.  H.  R.  9568.  act  to  authorize  purchase  at  private  sale  of  land  in  Louisiana. 
Approved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  161.) 

Loice,  Charles  E.  H.  R.  4660,  act  to  correct  military  record  of  Charles  E.  Lowe. 
Approved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  159.) 

McAteer  SJiipbuilding  Company,  Incorporated.  11.  R.  5935,  act  for  relief  of  McAteer 
Shipbuilding  Company,  Incorporated.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  144.) 

McQueen,  Sallic  E.  H.  R.  9789,  act  for  relief  of  Saliie  E.  McQueen  and  Janie  McQueen 
Parker.     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  151.) 

Majestic  Hotel.  H.  R.  4068,  act  for  relief  of  Majestic  Hotel.  Lake  Charles,  La.,  and  of 
R.  T.  Cronau.     Approved  May  1.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  107.) 

Mud  Lake.  H.  R.  8487.  act  to  adjudicate  claims  of  homestead  settlers  on  drained 
Mud  Lake  bottom  in  Minnesota.     Approved  May  3.   1928.     1  p.      (Private  111.) 

Navy.  H.  R.  10276.  act  providing  for  sundry  matters  affecting  naval  service.  Ap- 
proved May  14,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  123.) 

Nead,  Elmer  J.  H.  R.  8474,  act  for  relief  of  Elmer  J.  Nead.  Approved  May  17,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  149.) 

Night iwjale,  John  L.  H.  R.  8810,  act  for  relief  of  John  L.  Nightingale.  Approved 
May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  14o.) 

O'Connor,  Mrs.  Mary  E.  H.  R.  G436,  act  for  relief  of  Mary  B.  O'Connor.  Approved 
May  14,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  126.) 

Officers,  Foreign  service.  H.  R.  9112,  act  for  relief  of  William  Roderick  Dorsey  and 
other  officers  of  foreign  service  of  Unired  States,  who,  while  serving  abroad,  suf- 
fered by  theft,  robberv,  fire,  embezzlement,  or  bank  failures  losses  of  official  funds. 
[Approved  May  21,  1928.]     2  p.     (Private  155.) 

Old  Dominion  Land  Company.  S.  2926.  act  for  relief  of  Old  Dominion  Land  Company. 
Approved  Apr.  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  105.) 

Pensions.  H.  R.  10141,  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain 
soldiers  and  sailors  of  Regular  Army  and  Navy,  and  so  forth,  and  certain  soldiers 
and  sailors  of  wars  other  than  Civil  War,  and  to  widows  of  such  soldiers  and 
sailors.      [Approved  Mav  15,  1928.]      18  p.      (Private  135.) 

■ S.  2900,  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain  soldiers  and 

sailors   of  Civil   War   and   certain   widows   and   dependent   relatives   of   such   soLliers 
and  sailors.      [Approved  May  3,  1928.]      103  p.      (Private  112.) 

Puhlic  lands.  H.  R.  11020,  act  validating  certain  applications  for  and  entries  of  pub- 
lic lands.     [Approved  Apr.  25.  1928.]     3  p.      (Private  89.) 

Ralsion,  Byron  B.  H.  R.  5968,  act  for  relief  of  Byron  Brown  Ralston.  Approved 
Mav  14,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  122.) 

Richards,  Nellie.  H.  R.  7722,  act  authorizing  health  officer  of  District  of  (Tolumbia 
to  issue  permit  for  opening  of  crave  containing  remains  of  Nellie  Richards.  Ap- 
proved Apr.  1^8,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  102.) 

Ridgely,  Frank  E.  H.  R.  7142,  act  for  relief  of  Frank  E.  Ridgely.  Approved  May  21, 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  157.)  ,     ^  .         . 

Rohertso7i;  Rohcrt  8..  jr.  S.  1377.  act  for  relief  of  Robert  Stanley  Robertson,  jr.  Ap- 
proved Apr.  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  94.)  „       , 

Sanr/hove,  Clifford  J.  H.  R.  3442,  act  for  relief  of  Clifford  J.  Sanghove.  Approved 
May  14,   1928.     1  p.      (Private  129.)  .  „        , 

Saunders,  Mrs.  Ethel  L.  H.  R.  11716.  act  authorizing  and  directing  Secretary  of  In- 
terior to  issue  patents  to  Ethel  L.  Saunders.  Approved  May  17,  1928.  1  p. 
(Private   153.)  ,    „  .  .,   ^r        -.a 

Savery,  John  M.  H.  R.  4925,  act  for  relief  of  John  M.  Savery.  Approved  May  14, 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  127.)  ^  ^  „    ^^.  »  .,   t»t       ir 

Shivers,  Jesse  R.  H.  R.  4396,  act  for  relief  of  Jesse  R.  Shivers.  Approved  May  lb, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  139.)  .   ^     ^  ^^     4.  a  ^^a 

Shortm.  D.  Oeorge.  H.  R.  11960,  act  for  relief  of  D.  George  Shorten.  Approved 
May  16,   1928.     1  p.      (Private  141.)  ^    ^  .,,  ^  ^  » 

Smith  Tatlet  Company.  H.  R.  4303,  act  for  relief  of  Smith  Tablet  Company.  Ap- 
proved May  16,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  140.)  ^  t.     ,  ,      ^    c.„„, 

Sperstad,  Enqlehard.  H.  R.  332,  act  validating  homestead  entry  of  Luglehard  Sper- 
stad  for  public  land  in  Alaska.     Approved  May  17,  1928      1  p.     (Private  147.) 

Siceency,  Francis.  H.  R.  4927,  act  for  relief  of  Francis  Sweeney.  Approved  May  17, 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  148.)  „    _  ,       ,  ,  ,,„„ 

Townsend,  Vcrn  E.  H.  R.  3029.  act  for  relief  of  Vern  B.  Townsend.  Approved  May 
12,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  120.)  _    ^  .  ^  -m,       ia 

Tynes,  William  V.     H.  R.  7061,  act  for  relief  of  William  V.  Tynes.     Approved  May  14, 

Wa!ie%  W.  ^.  H!'R^l2049!'act  to  sell  to  W.  H.  Walker.  Ruth  T^^Walker  and  Queen 
B.  W^alker  southeast  quarter  section  34.  township  2  iiorth,  range  14  east  Choctaw 
meridian,  Clarke  County,  Miss.     Approved  May  17,  1928      1  p.      (Private  iJ--)  . 

Wareham,  Charles  R.  H.  R.  8808,  act  for  relief  of  Charles  R.  Wareham.  Approved 
May  14,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  124.) 

How    to    order   publications — See    information   following    Contents 

Mat,  1928  931 

Private  [act]  81-161,  70th  Congress — Continued. 

Weier,  Henry  G.     S.  2442,  act  for  relief  of  Henry  C.  Weber.     Approved  Apr.  2G,  1928. 

1  p.     (Private  93.) 
Wheeler,  William  F.     H.  R.  1530,  act  for  relief  of  William  F.  Wheeler.     Approved  Apr. 

21,  192S.     1  p.      (Private  81. J 
Williams,  David  J.     S.  463.   act   for   relief  of  David   .1.   Williams.     Approved   Aor.   27, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  95.) 
Williams,  Joseph    W.     S.  484,   act   for   relief  of  Joe  W.   Williams.     Approved   Apr.   27, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  97.) 
Wilson,  Lois.     II.  R.  10192,    act   for    relief  of   Lois   Wilson.     Approved   Mav    12,    1928. 

1  p.      (Private   116.) 

Wyant,  Mrs.  Jennie.  H.  R.  4229,  act  for  relief  of  Jennie  Wj'aut  and  others.  Approved 
May  15,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  134.1 

Private  [joint]  resolution  3,  70th  Congress. 

Kirjassoff,  Max  D.  H.  J.  Res.  147.  joint  resolution  for  relief  of  estate  of  Max  D.  Kir- 
jassoff  [late  consul  in  charge  of  American  Consulate  General  at  Yokohama,  Japan]. 
Approved  May  3.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  resolution  3.) 


Note. — Public  acts  in  slip  form  in  the  first  prints  may  be  obtained  from  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  at  a  subscription  price  of  $1.00  for  the  present 
session  (70th  Congress,  1st  session)  :  foreign  subscription,  $1.25;  single  copies  are 
usually  5c. ;    no.  457,  District  of  Columbia,  p.  932,  is  10c. 

Public  [act]  289-462,  70th  Congress. 

Aisaroka  Xational  Forest.  H.  R.  15,  act  authorizing  appropriation  to  enable  Secretary 
of  Interior  to  carry  out  provisions  of  act  to  make  additions  to  Absaroka  and  Gallatin 
national  forests  [and  Yellowstone  National  Park]  and  to  improve  aad  extend  winter- 
feed  facilities  of  elk,  antelope,  and  other  game  animals  of  Yellowstone  Isational  Park 
and  adjacent  land.     Approved  May  IS.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  425.) 

Agriculture  Department.  H.  R.  11577.  act  making  appropriations  for  Department  ot 
Agriculture,  fiscal  vear  1929.      [Approved  May  10,  1928.]      35  p.      (Public  392.) 

Air  mail.  H.  R.  S33'7,  act  to  amend  air  mail  act  of  Feb.  2,  1925,  as  amended  by  act 
of  June  3,  1926.     Approved  May  17.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  410.) 

Appropriations.  H.  K.  9481,  act  making  appropriations  for  Executive  Office  and  sun- 
drv  independent  executive  bureaus,  boards,  commissions,  and  offices,  fiscal  year  1929. 
[Approvfd  May  16,  1928.]      18  p.      (Public  400.) 

H.   R.   12875,  act  making  appropriations  for  legislative  branch  of   Government, 

fiscal  year  1929.      [Approved  May  14,  1928.]      IS  p.      (Public  38G.) 

Baker,  Fort.  H.  R.  45^8.  net  authorizing  appropriation  for  repair  and  resurfacing  of 
roads  on  Fort  Baker  military  reservation,  Calif.  Approved  May  16,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  403.) 

Ba.'ikets.  S.  2148,  act  to  fix  standards  for  hampers,  round  stave  baskets,  and  splint 
baskets  for  fruits  and  vegetables.      [Approved  May  21.   1928.]      3  p.      (Public  462. 1 

Bear  River  MiQrutori/  Bird  Refuge.  S.  3194.  act  to  fstablish  Boar  River  Migratory- 
Bird  Refuge  [at  Bear  River  Bay,  Utah].  [Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.]  2  p.  (Public 

Bomitiful.  Utah.  H.  R.  8733,  act  granting  lands  to  Bountiful.  Utah,  to  protect  water- 
shed of  water-supplv  system  of  said  city.  Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Bryce  Canuon  National  Park.  S.  3824.  act  to  correct  descriptions  of  land  comprising 
Brvce  Canyon  National  Park  as  contained  in  act  to  establish  Utah  National  Park 
in  'Utah,  and  act  to  change  name  of  Utah  National  Park  to  Bryce  Canyon  National 
Park.     Approved  Mav  12,^1928.     1  p.    (Public  374.) 

Buhl,  Idaho.  II.  R.  12192.  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  accept  deed  to  land 
and  issue  patent  therefor  to  Buhl,  Idaho.  Approved  May  21,  1928.  1  p.  Public 

Cases-  Inlet.  H.  R.  12379.  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Howard  Seabury  to 
construct  dam  to  retain  tidal  waters  in  unnamed  cove  which  is  situated  and  extends 
from  Cases  Inlet  into  section  28,  township  21  north,  range  1  west,  Willamette 
meridian,   in   Pierce   County,   Wash.     Approved   May   16,    1928.     1   p.      (Public   394.) 

Centerville,  Utah.  H.  R.  8734,  act  granting  lands  to  Centerville,  Utah,  to  protect 
watershed  cf  water-supply  system  of  said  city.  Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  311.) 

Champlain,  Lake.  H.  R.  10643,  act  authorizing  Gulf  Coast  Properties.  Inc..  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  at  or  near  Rouses  Point,  N.  Y.  [Approved 
May  14,   1928.]      3  p.      (Public  882.) 

II.    R.    11692,   act  authorizing   Gulf   Coast   Properties,    Inc.,   to   construct  bridge 

across    Lake    Champlain    at    or   near    East   Alburg,    Vt.      [Approved    May    14,    1928.] 

2  p.      (Public  383.) 

Charleston.  S.  C.  H.  R.  6492,  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  donate  to  Charles- 
ton,    S.   C,   certain   bronze   cannon.     Approved   Mav    11,    1928.     1   p.      (Public    363.) 

Chief  Joseph  Battle  Ground  of  Bear's  Paw.  H.  R.  8110,  act  withdrawing  from  entry 
northwest  quarter  section  12,  township  30  north,  range  19  east.  Montana  meridian 
[for  purpose  of  preserving  site  of  battle  between  Nez  Perces  Indians  and  command  of 
Nelson  A.  Miles,  said  land  to  be  known  as  Chief  Joseph  Battle  Ground  of  Bear'i 
Paw].     Approved  Mav  21.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  450.) 

Chippewa  Indians.  H.  R.  10360,  act  to  confer  additional  jurisdiction  upon  Court  of 
Claims  under  act  authorizing  Chippewa  Indians  of  Minnesota  to  submit  claims  to 
Court  of  Claims  [relative  to  funds  of  Red  Lake  band  of  Chippewa  Indians],  Ap- 
proved May  18.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  422.) 

II.   R.   12067,   act  to   set  aside  lands   for  Chippewa  Indians   in  Minnesota.     Ap- 

proved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  461.) 

Hofv   to    order   publications — See    information    folloivins    Contents 

932  Mat,  1928 

Public  [act]  289-462,  70tli  Congress— Continued. 

Crater  National  Forest.  S.  3224,  act  to  extend  provisions  of  forest  exchange  act  to 
Crater  National  Forest,  Oreg.     Approved  Apr.  23,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  305.) 

S.   3225,   act  to   enlarge  boundaries   of   Crater   National   Forest.     Approved  Apr. 

23,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  306.) 

Crow  Reservation.  H.  R.  11478,  act  to  amend  act  to  allot  lands  to  children  on  Crow 
Keservation,  Mont,  [so  as  to  include  children  hereafter  born,  as  long  as  lands  for 
allotment  purposes  are  available].     Approved  May  2,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  342.) 

Cttmberland  River.  S.  4060,  act  authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to 
construct   bridge  across   Cumberland   liiver   at   or   near   Canton,    Ky.     Approved   May 

.  18,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  429.) 

S.    4061,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Smithland,  Ky.     Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1   p.      (Public  430.) 

S.    4288,    act   authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  South  Fork  of  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burnside,  Ky.     Approved 

•     May  18,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  434.) 

S.    4289,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Neelys  Ferry  in  Cumberland  County,  Ky. 
Approved  May  IS,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  435.) 

S.    4290,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burkesville,  Ky.     Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1    p.      (Public    436.) 

S.  4291,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge   across    Cumberland    River    at    or    near    Arat,    Ky.     Approved    May    18,    1928. 
1    p.      (Public    437.) 

S.    4292,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Center  Point,  Ky.     Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1    p.      (Public    438.) 

S.    4293,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Creelsboro,  Ky.     Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1    p.      (Public    439.) 

S.    4294,   act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burnside,   Ky.     Approved  May  18,   1928. 
1    p.      (Public    440.) 

S.    4295,    act    authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  mouth  of  Indian  Creek  in  Russell  County, 
Ky.     Approved   May  18.   1928.     1   p.      (Public  441.) 

Current  River.  H.  R.  11992.  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  Highway 
Commission  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Current  River  at  or  near 
Riggers,    Ark.      Approved   May    14.    192S.      1    p.      (Public    385.) 

Dakota  In<Hans.  H.  R.  6862,  act  authorizing  and  directing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  in- 
vestigate, hear,  and  determine  claims  of  individual  members  of  Sioux  tribe  of  Indians 
against  tribal  funds  or  against  United  States.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

H.    R.    9046.    act    lo    continue   allowance   of   Sioux   benefits.     Approved    May    21, 

1928.      1    p.      (Public    460.) 

Delaware  River.  H.  R.  350,  act  to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Dela- 
ware River  near  Trenton,  N.  J.  [by  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  and  Pennsyl- 
vania and  Newark  Railroad  Company].  Approved  Apr.  21,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Detroit  Rwer.  S.  4405,  act  authorizing  Detroit  River  Canadian  Bridge  Company 
to  construct  bridge  across  Detroit  River  at  or  near  Stony  Island,  Wayne  County, 
Mich.     Approved    May    21.    1928.     1    p.      (Public    449.) 

District  Courts.  H.  R.  7011,  act  to  detach  Okfuskee  County  from  northern  district  of 
Oklahoma  and  attach  same  to  eastern  judicial  district  of  said  State.  Approved  Apr. 
21,    1928.     1    p.      (Public    291.) 

H.   R.   8835,   act  to  amend  sec.   98  of  judicial   code,   as  amended,   to   providp  for 

terms  of  court  at  Bryson  City,  N.  C.     Approved  Apr.  25.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  315.) 

S.   2752.  net  to  amend  sec.  80  of  ludicial  code  to  create  new  judicial  district  in 

Indiana.      [.Approved    Apr.    21.    1928.]  '   2    p.      (Public    289.) 

S.    3947.    act    to    provide    for    times    and    places    for    holding    court    for    eastern 

district  of  North   Carolina.      Approved  May  10,  1928.      1   p.      (Public  359.) 

District  of  Columbia.  H.  R.  6844.  act  concerning  liability  for  participation  in  breaches 
of  fiduciary  obligations  [in  District  of  Columbia]  and  to  make  uniform  law  with 
reference   thereto.      [Approved  May   14.   1928.]      4   p.      (Public   380.) 

H.   R.   6856.  act  relating  to  payment  or  delivery  by   banks  or  other  persons  or 

institutions  in  District  of  Columbia  "of  deposits  of  money  and  property  held  in  names 
of  2   or   more  persons.      [Approved   May    15.   1928.]      2   p.      (Public   390.) 

II.  R.  8915,  act  for  detention  of  fugitives  apprehended  in  District  of  Columbia. 

[Approved  Apr.  21.  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  294.) 

H.  R.  11133.  act  making  appropriations  for  government  of  District  of  Columbia 

and  other  activities  chargeable  in  whole  or  in  part  against  revenues  of  such  District, 
fiscal  year   1929.      [Approved   May  21.   1928.]      43  p.      (Public  457.) 

S.    3565.    act    to    provide    coiopensation    for    disability    or    death    resulting    from 

injury  to  emplovees  in  cert.nin  emplovments  in  District  of  Columbia.     Approved  May 
17,    1928.      1    p.      (Public    419.) 

Dwluth,  Minn.  S.  2340.  act  to  transfer  to  Duluth.  Minn.,  old  Federal  building,  with 
site  thereof.     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  420.) 

Electric  apparatus  and  appliances.  H.  R.  5746,  act  to  authorize  appraisal  of  certain 
Government  property  [^used  by  Virginian  Power  Company  for  furnishing  electric  cur- 
rent to  Naval  Ordnance  Plant  at  South  Charleston,  W.  Va.].  Approved  May  11, 
1928.     1   p.      (Public   368.) 

Emery  River.  S.  3571,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  court  of  Roane 
County.  Tenn.,  to  construct  bridge  across  Emery  River  at  Suddaths  Ferry  in  Roane 
County,  Tenn.     Approved  May  14,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  376.) 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    lollo^sving    Contents 

May,  1928  933 

Public  [act]  2S9-i62,  TOtli  Congress— Continued. 

Fish  and  fisheries.  S.  3437.  act  to  provide  for  conservation  of  flsh.  Approved  May  1, 
1928.     1    p.      (Public   338.) 

Five  CiviUrcd)  Tribes.  S.  3594,  act  to  extend  period  of  restriction  in  lands  of  certain 
members  of  Five  Civilized  Tribes.      [Approved  May  10,  1028.]      2  p.      (Public  3G0.) 

Forests  mid  foresU-y.  S.  1181,  act  authorizing  appropriation  to  be  expended  under 
provisions  of  sec.  7  of  act  to  enable  anv  State  to  cooperate  with  any  other  State 
or  States  or  with  United  States  for  protection  of  watersheds  of  navigable  streams, 
and  to  appoint  commission  for  acquisition  of  lands  for  purpose  of  c  uiserving  naviga- 
bilitv  of  navigable  rivers,  as  amended.     Approved  Apr.  30,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  326.) 

French  Broad  River.  S.  4045,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Highway  Depart- 
ment of  Tennessee  to  construct  bridge  across  French  Broad  River  on  Newport-Ashe- 
ville  (N.  C.)  road  near  Del  Rio,  Tenn.  Approved  May  18,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

General  Staff  Corps.  S.  1828,  act  to  amend  2d  paragraph  of  sec.  5  of  national  defense 
act,  as  amended  by  act  of  Sept.  22,  1922,  by  adding  thereto  provision  that  will 
authorize  names  of  certain  graduates  of  general  service  schools  and  Army  War 
College,  not  at  present  eligible  for  selection  to  General  Staff  Corps  eligible  list,  to 
be  added  to  that  list.      Approved  May  21,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  445.) 

Gerry,  Elhridge  T.  S.  3640.  act  authorizing  acceptance  from  Peter  G.  Gerry  of  gift 
of  law  library  of  late  Elbridge  T.  Gerry  [for  use  of  Supreme  Court].  Approved 
Apr.  25.   1928.      1  p.      (Public  314.) 

Gorgas  Memorial  Lahoratory.  H.  R.  8128,  act  to  authorize  permanent  annual  appro- 
priation for  maintenance  and  operation  of  Gorgas  Memorial  Laboratory.  Approved 
May   7,   1928.      1   p.      (Public  350.) 

Grand  Arnn/  of  the  RepiibUc.  S.  3791.  act  to  aid  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  in  its 
Memorial  day  services.  May  30.  1928.     Approved  May  9,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  357.) 

Great  Britain.  '  H.  R.  12179,  act  for  reimbursement  of  Government  of  Great  Britain  on 
account  of  certain  sums  expended  by  British  chaplain  in  Moscow,  F.  North,  for 
relief  of  American  nationals  in  Russia  in  1920.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  345.) 

Gvnnison  National  Forest.  H.  R.  7223,  act  to  add  lands  to  Gunnison  National  Forest, 
Colo.      Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  307.) 

JTairaii.  H.  R.  5806.  act  to  authorize  purchase  of  real  estate  [in  Hawaii]  by  War 
Department.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  398.) 

H.  R.  11809,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  to  complete  purchase  of  real  estate 

in  Hawaii   [known  as  Kalena  tract,  which  is  within  boundaries  of  Schofleld  Barracks 
reservation].     Approved  May  16.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  406.) 

S.  757,  act  to  extend  benefits  of  certain  acts  of  Congress  to  Hawaii  [for  advance- 
ment of  cooperative  agricultural  extension  work  between  Hawaii  and  Department  of 
Agriculture].      Approved  May   16.    1928.      1    p.      (Public  395.) 

Homestead.     H.  R.  475,  act  to  permit  taxation  of  lands  of  homestead  and  desert-land 

entrymen  under  reclamation  act.     Approved  Apr.  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  290.) 
Hupa  Valley  Reservation.     H.  R.  441.  act  to  authorize  appropriation  to  pay  half  cost 

of  bridge   [across  Trinitv  River]   ard  road  on  Hoopa  Valley  Reservation,  Calif.     Ap- 
proved May  16,  1928.     1   p.      (Public  402.) 
Illinois  Rivrr.     S.   4034,  act  authorizing  Calhoun   Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge 

across    Illinois    River    at    or    near    Grafton,    111.      [Approved    May    18,    1928.]      3    p. 

(Public    426.) 
Indian  colonies.     S.   2084,   act  for  purchase  of  land  in  vicinity  of  Winnemucca,   Nov., 

for  Indian  colony.     Approved  May  21,  1928.     1   p.      (Public  444.) 
Indianapolis.  Ind.     H.  R.   7475,  act  "for  removal  of  Confederate  monument  and  tablets 

from    Greenlawn    Cemeterv    to    Garfield    Park    [Indianapolis,    Ind.].     Approved    May 

15.   1928.     1   p.      (Public   388.) 
Indians.     H.    R.    491,    act    authorizing    attorney    general    of    California    to    bring    suit 

in  Court  of  Claims  on  behalf  of  Indians  of  California.      [Approved  May  18,   1928.] 

2   p.      (Public   423.) 
Judges.     H.  R.   8229,  act  for  appointment  of  additional  circuit  judge  for  6th  Judicial 

circuit.     Approved  Mny  8.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  353.) 
Kanawha  River.     H.  R.  11265,  act  authorizing  Cabin  Creek  Kanawha  Bridge  Company 

to  construct  bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  or  near  Cabin  Creek,  W.  Va.      [Approved 

May   1,   1928.]      2   p.      (Public  336.) 
H.   R.    11266,   act    authorizing    St.    Albans    Nitro    Bridge    Company    to    construct 

bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  or  near  St.  Albans,  W.  Va.      [Approved  May  1,  1928.] 

2  p.      (Public  335.) 

La  Fayette  extension  road.  H.  R.  11723,  act  for  paving  of  Government  road,  known 
as  La  Fayette  extension  road,  commencing  at  Lee  and  Gordon's  mill,  near  Chicka- 
mauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Military  Park,  and  extending  to  La  Fayette,  Ga., 
constituting  approach  road  to  Chickamauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Military 
Park.     Approved  May  9,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  356.) 

Lake  County,  Fla.  H.  R.  5695.  act  to  equitably  adjust  disputes  and  claims  of  settlers 
and  others  against  United  Stntes  and  between  each  other  arising  from  incomplete 
or  faulty  surveys  in  township  19  south,  range  26  east,  and  sections  7,  8.  17.  18,  19, 
30,  31,  township  19  south,  range  27  east,  Tallahassee  meridian,  Lake  County,  Fla. 
[Approved  May  21.  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  447.) 

Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park.  H.  R.  11023,  act  to  add  lands  to  Lassen  Volcanic 
National  Park  in  Sierra  Nevada  Mountains  of  California.  Approved  Apr.  26,  1928. 
1   p.      (Public   321.) 

H.    R.    11405,    act   to    acquire    State    land    situate    in    Lassen    Volcanic    National 

Park.   Calif.,  by  exchange.     Approved  May  21.   1928.     1   p.      (Public  456.) 

H.   R.   11685,  act   to  accept   cession  by   California  of   exclusive  jurisdiction   over 

lands  embraced  within  Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park.      [Approved  Apr.   26,   1928.] 

3  p.      (Public   320.) 

Library  of  Congress.  H.  R.  9355,  act  for  acquisition  of  property  in  District  of  Columbia 
for  Library  of  Congress.      [Approved  May  21,  1928.]      2  p.    (Public  453.) 

Ho-w    to    order   publications — See    information    follovcing'    Contents 

934  May,  1928 

Public  [act]  289-462,  70th  Congress— Continued. 
Library  of  Congress — Continued. 
FT.   R.    10.544,   act  to   abolish   Office  of  Administrative   Assistant   and   Disbursing 

Officer   in   Library   of   Congress   and   to   reassign   duties   thereof.     Approved   May   11, 

1928.     1   p.      (Public   364.) 
Lights.     H.  R.  13032,  act  to  amend  act  to  regulate  navigation  on  Great  Lakes  and  their 

connecting  and  tributary  waters   [relative  to  lights  for  tuss  wliose  principal  business 

is  harbor  towing].     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  408.) 

H.  R.   13037,   act  to  amend  sec.   1,  rule  2,   rule  3,   subdivision  e,  and  rule  9   of 

act  to  regulate  navigation  on  Great  Lalces  and  their  connecting  and  tributary 
waters  [relative  to  lights  on  lake  steamers].  Approved  May  17,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Liquors.     H.   R.    12733,    act   to   authorize   refund   of   certain   taxes   on   distilled   spirits. 

Approved  May  8,   1928,     1  p.      (Public  354.) 
Louisiana    State   Mvscvm.     H.    R.    5826,    act    authorizing    Secretary    of    Navy,    in    his 

discretion,  to  deliver  to  custody  of  Louisiana  State  Museum,  New  Orleans,  La.,  silver 

bell  in  use  on  cruiser  New  Orleans.     Approved  May  21,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  446.) 
Louisiana   State   University   and   AgiicuHural    and  Mechanical   College.     H.    R.    11852, 

act   for   confirm.ntion    of   grant   of   lands   formerly   United    States   barracks   at   Baton 

Rouge,  La.,  to  board  of  supervisors  of  Louisiana   State  University  and  Agricultural 

and   Mechanical   College.     Approved   May   17,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  412.) 
Madeleine,  Frcneh  steamship.     H.   R.  9043,  act  to  authorize  payment  of  indemnity  to 

Government  of  France  on  account  of  losses  sustained  by  owners  of  French  steamship 

Madeleine  as   result   of   collision   between   it  and   United   States   steamship   Kerwood. 

Approved  May  14,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  381.) 
Marine  Band.     S.    4180,    act   authorizing   attendance   of   Marino    Band    at    Confederate 

veterans'  reunion  at  Little  Rock,  Ark.      Approved  May  2,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  343.) 
Medals.     H.  R.  5789,  act  for  gratuitous  issue   [by  Secretary  of  War]   of  service  medals 

and    similar   devices,   for   replacement   of   same,    and    for   other    purposes.     Approved 

May   12,   1928.     1   p.      (Public   369.) 
Medicine  Lodge,  Kans.     H.  R.  8132,  act  authorizing  appropriation  for  erection  of  tablet 

or    marker    at    Medicine    Lodge,    Kans.,    to    commemorate    holding    of    Indian    peace 

council  at  which   treaties  were   made  with  Plains  Indians   in   Oct.    1867.     Approved 

May  7,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  351.) 
Mendon,  Utah.     H.  R.  8724,  act  granting  lands  to  Mendon,  Utah,  to  protect  waterslied 

of  water-supply  system  of  said  city.     Approved  Apr.  23,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  308.) 
Mesa  Verde  National  Park.     H.  R.  8744,  act  to  accept  cession  by  Colorado  of  exclusive 

jurisdiction    over    lands    embraced    within    Mesa    Verde    National    Park.      [Approved 

Apr.  25,   1928.]      3   p.      (Public  317.) 
Military  Academy,  West  Point.     H.  R.  6652,  act  to  fix  pay  and  allowances  of  chaplain 

at  Military  Academy.      Approved  May  16,   1928.      1  p.      (Public  399.) 

H.    R.    8105,    act    to    provide    for    membership    of    board    of    visitors,    Military 

Academy.     Approved  May  17.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  416.) 

Military  topography.  H.  R.  7937,  act  to  authorize  mapping  agencies  of  Government 
to  assist  in  preparation  of  military  maps.  Approved  Ma\'  14,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Militia.  H.  R.  239,  act  to  amend  sec.  110  of  national  defense  act  by  repealing  and 
striking  therefrom  certain  provisions  prescribing  additional  qualifications  for  National 
Guard   State  staff  officers      Approved  May   12,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  370.) 

H.  R.  242,  act  to  amend  sec.  90  of  national  defense  act,  as  amended,  so  as  to 

authorize  employment  of  additional  civilian  caretakers  for  National  Guard  organiza- 
tions, under  certain  circumstances,  in  lieu  of  enlisted  caretakers  heretofore  author- 
ized.     Approved  Apr.    21,    1928.      1   p.      (Public   293.) 

S.   2948,  act  to  amend  sec.  6,  act  of  Mar.  4,   1923,  as  amended,  so  as  to  better 

provide  for  care  and  treatment  of  members  of  civilian  components  of  Army  who 
suffer  personal  injury  in  line  of  duty.  [Approved  Apr.  26,  1928.]  2  p.  (Public 

Mississippi  River.  H.  R.  11267,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  county 
commissioners  of  Itasca  County,  Minn.,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across 
Mississippi  River  at  or  near  road  between  Cohasset  and  Deer  River,  Minn.  Approved 
May  1,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  334.) 

S.   3598,   act  authorizing  Dupo  Bridce  Company,   to   contruct   combined  highway 

and  railroad  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Carondelet,  Mo.  [Approved 
May  14,  1928.]      3  p.      (PuWic  377.) 

S.   3740,  act  for  control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River  and   its   tributaries,   and 

for  other  purposes.  [Approved  May  15,  1928.]  6  p.  (Public  391.)  [Section  13  of 
this  act  relates  to  modification  of  project  for  control  of  floods  on  Sacramento  River, 

S.    3862,   act   authorizing   J.    T.    Burnett   to   construct  bridge   across   Mississippi 

River  at  or  near  Tiptonville,  Tenn.     [Approved  May  14,  1928.]     2  p.      (Public  378.) 

Missoula  National  Forest.     H.   R.   126,  act   to  add  lands  to  Missoula  National   Forest, 

Mont.     [Approved  May  17.  1928.]     3  p.     (PubUc  418.) 
Missouri  River.     H.   R.   11212,  act  authorizing  Paul  Leupp   to  construct  bridge  across 

Missouri    River    at    or    near    Stanton,    N.    Dak.       [Approved    May    1,    1928.]       2    p. 

(Public  337.) 
• H.  R.  11625,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Montana.  Valley  County,  Mont., 

and   Garfleld   County,   Mont.,   or   to   any   or  either   of   them,   jointly   or   severally,   to 

construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Glasgow,  Mont.      [Approved  May 

1,  1928.]     1  p.     (Public  330.) 
■ H.    R.    11887,    act   authorizing    Interstate   Bridge    Company    to    construct   bridge 

across  Missouri   River  at  or  near  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.      [Approved  Apr.   23,   1928.] 

2  p.      (Public  298.) 
Mount  McKinley  National  Park.     H.  R.  8126,  act  to  repeal  proviso  of  sec.  6  and  last 

proviso   of   sec.    7   of   act   to   establish   Mount   McKinley    National   Park   in   Alaska. 
.    Approved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  452.) 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    foUofvlng'    Contents 

May,  1928  935 

:'ublic  [act]  289-462,  70th  Congress— Continued. 

Myrie,  Reoinald  E.  H.  R.  9569,  act  authorizing  payment  of  indemnity  to  British  Gov- 
ernment on  account  of  death  of  Reginald  Ethelbert  Myrie,  alleged  to  have  been  killed 
in  Panama  Canal  Zone  on  Feb.  5,  1921,  by  United  States  Army  motor  truck. 
Approved  May  3,  192S.     1  p.     (Public  344.) 

yational  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers.  H.  R.  6990,  act  to  authorize  appro- 
priations for  construction  [of  barrack  buildings]  at  Pacific  Branch,  Soldiers'  Home, 
Los  Angek's  County,  Calif.     Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  300  ) 

Navy.  H.  R.  5G44,  act  to  enable  enlisted  man  in  naval  service  to  make  good  time  lost 
in  excess  of  1  day  under  certain  conditions.  Approved  May  21,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  448.) 

Navy  Departineiit.  H.  R.  12286,  act  making  appropriations  for  Navy  Department  and 
naval  service,  fiscal  year  1929.     [Approved  May  21,  1928.]     23  p.      (Public  454.) 

New  York  State.  S.  805,  act  donating  revolutionary  cannon  to  New  York  State  con- 
servation department.     Approved  May  11,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  361.) 

Nognles,  Ariz.  S.  2004,  act  authorizing  paving  of  Federal  strip  known  as  International 
street,  adjacent  to  Nogales,  Ariz.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  401.) 

Nursery  stock.  H.  R.  484,  act  to  amend  sec.  10  of  plant  quarantine  act,  approved 
Aug.  20.  1912  [relative  to  enforcement  of  act].  Approved  May  1,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  327.) 

Ocmulgce  River.  H.  R.  11203,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  counties  of  Telfair 
and  Coffee  to  construct  free  highv>'ay  bridge  across  Ocmulgee  River  at  or  near  the 
present  Jacksonville  ferry  in  Telfair  and  Coffee  counties,  Ga.  Approved  Apr.  23, 
1928.     1  p.     (Public  299.) 

Officers,  Navy.  H.  R.  21,  act  to  provide  for  date  of  precedence  of  officers  of  staff  corps 
of  Navy.     Approved  May  11,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  367.) 

H.  R.  54G5,  act  to  amend  sec.   1571,  Revised  statutes,  to  permit  officers  of  Navy 

to  count  duty  on  airships  as  sea  duty.     Approved  May  11,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  366.) 

H.   R.   5531,  act   to  amend  provision   contained  in  act  approved   Aug.   29,   1916, 

relating   to   assignment   to   duty   of   certain   officers   of   Navy    as   fleet   and   squadron 
engineers.     Approved  May  11,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  365.) 

Ohio  River.  H.  R.  7184,  act  authorizing  J.  L.  Rowan  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 
River  at  or  near  Shawneetowu,  111.     [Approved  May  1,  1928.]     2  p.     (Public  339.) 

H.  R.  11356,  act  authorizing  Indiana  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Ohio  River 

at  or  near  Rockport,  Ind.     [Approved  May  1.  1928.]     2  p.      (Public  333.) 

S.  797,  act  authorizing  ,T.  K.  Mahone  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 

Ohio    River    at    or    near    Wellsburg,    W.    Va.      [Approved    May    14,     1928.]      2    p. 
(Public  375.) 

S.  4046,    act    authorizing    Henderson-Ohio    River    Bridge    Company    to    construct 

bridge    across    Ohio    River   at    or    near    Henderson,    Ky.      [Approved    May    3,    1928.] 
3  p.      (Public  348.) 

Okanoqan  County,  Wash.  H.  R.  431,  act  to  authorize  payment  of  certain  taxes  to 
Okanogan  County,  Wash.     Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.     1   p.      (Public  301.) 

Oklahoma.  S.  2725,  act  to  extend  provisions  of  sec.  2455,  Revised  statutes,  to  certain 
public  lands  in   Oklahoma.     Ai^proved  Apr.  24,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  313.) 

Pan  American  Union.  H.  B.  12899,  act  authorizing  erection  for  sole  use  of  Pan 
American  Union  of  office  building  on  square  of  land  lying  between  18th  street,  C 
street,  and  Virginia  avenue  northwest,  in  Washington,  D.  C.  Approved  May  16,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  404.) 

Panama  Canal.  H.  R.  11475,  act  to  revise  and  codify  laws  of  Canal  Zone.  Approved 
May  17,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  413.) 

Panama  Railroad  Company.  H.  R.  11245,  act  to  cancel  certain  notes  of  Panama  Rail- 
road Company  held  by  Treasurer  of  United  States.  Approved  May  14,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  387.) 

Papar/o  Reservation.  S.  3026,  act  authorizing  construction  of  fence  along  east  boundary 
of  Papago  Indian  Reservation,  Ariz.     Approved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  443.) 

Parco.  Wyo.  S.  2858,  act  to  authorize  use  of  public  lands  by  Parco,  Wyo.,  for  public 
aviation  field.     Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  303.) 

Patents.  H.  R.  6103,  act  to  amend  act  making  appropriations  for  sundry  civil  expenses 
of  Government,  fiscal  year  1884  [relative  to  issue  of  patents  to  employees  of 
Government  without  payment  of  fees].     Approved  Apr.  30,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  325.) 

Pensions.  H.  R.  10437,  act  granting  double  pension  in  all  cases  to  widows  and  de- 
pendents when  officer  or  enlisted  man  of  Nav.v  dies  from  injury  in  line  of  duty  as 
result  of  submarine  accident.     Approved  Apr.  27,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  323.) 

Philadelphia,  Fa.  H.  R.  9368,  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  exchange  with 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  land  situate  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Approved  Apr.  25, 
1928,     1  p.      (Public  316.) 

Philippi,  W.  Ta.  H.  R.  10799,  act  for  lease  of  land  and  erection  of  post  office  at 
Philippi,  W,  Va.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  405.) 

Physician  to  the  President.  S.  3456,  act  allowing  rank,  pay,  and  allowances  of 
colonel.  Medical  Corps,  Army,  to  medical  officer  assigned  to  dutv  as  personal  physician 
to  the  President.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  393.) 

Physicians.  H.  R.  11629.  act  to  amend  proviso  of  act  approved  Aug.  24,  1912,  with 
reference  to  educational  leave  to  employees  of  Indian  service  [so  as  to  include 
physicians  of  Indian  service  in  said  proviso,  etc.]  Approved  May  8,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  355.) 

Pinedo,  Francesco  de.  H.  R.  13331,  act  to  authorize  the  President  to  present  Distin- 
guished Flying  Cross  to  Francesco  de  Pinedo,  Dieudonne  Costes,  .Toseph  LeBrix, 
Ehrenfried  Gunther  von  Iluenefeld.  James  C.  FitzMaurice,  and  Hermann  Koehl. 
Approved  May  2,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  341.) 

Pneumatic  tubes.  H.  R.  13171,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Treasury  to  accept  fran- 
chise from  government  of  city  of  New  York  to  change  routing  of  pneumatic-tube 
service  between  customhouse  and  present  appraisers'  stores  building.  Approved 
May  15,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  389.) 

How    to    order  publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

936  May,  1928 

Public  [act]  289-462,  70th  Congress— Continued. 

Porto  Rico.  H.  R.  9363,  act  to  provide  for  completion  and  repair  of  customs  buildings 
in  Porto  Rico.     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  414. j 

S.  754,  act  for  relief  of  Porto  Rican  taxpayers.     Approved  Apr.  23,  1928.     1  p. 

(Public  302.) 

Postal  service.  H.  R.  12383,  act  to  amend  sec.  11  of  act  approved  Feb.  28,  1925 
(United  States  code,  title  39,  sec.  823),  granting  sick  leave  to  employees  in  postal 
service.     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  411.) 

Potomac  River.  H.  R.  9830,  act  authorizing  Great  Falls  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Potomac  River  at  or  near  Great  Falls  [and  betveeen  Fairfax  County. 
Va.,  and  Montgomery  County,  Md.].      [Approved  Apr.  21,  1928.]      3  p.      (Public  297.) 

Presidio  of  San  Francisco.  H.  R.  9047,  act  to  authorize  appropriations  for  construe 
tion  of  roads  at  I'residio  of  San  Francisco,  Calif.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  346.) 

Pueblo  Indians.  H.  R.  9483.  act  to  provide  for  acquisition  of  rights  of  way  through 
lands  of  Pueblo  Indians  of  New  Mexico.  Approved  Apr.  21,  1928.  1  p.  (Puljlic 

Red  River  of  the  North.  H.  R.  11473,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  North  Da- 
kota and  Minnesota  to  construct  bridge  across  Red  River  of  the  North  at  Fargo, 
N.  Dak.   [and  Moorehead.  Minn.]     Approved  May  1.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  332.) 

Registered  mail.  H.  R.  11279,  act  authorizing  Postmaster  General  to  establish  uni- 
form system  of  registration  of  mail  matter.  [Approved  May  1,  1928.]  2  p.  (Pub- 
lic 328.) 

Registers  (land  offices).  S.  766,  act  to  fix  compensation  of  registers  of  local  land  of- 
fices.    Approved  May  21,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  459.) 

Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps,  Army.  H.  R.  244,  act  to  enable  members  of  Reserve 
Officers'  Training  Corps  who  have  interrupted  course  of  training  prescribed  in  act  of 
June  4,  1920,  to  resume  such  training  and  amending  accordingly  sec.  47c  of  that  act. 
Approved  May  12,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  371.) 

Retired  list.  Coast  Guard.  H.  R.  11022.  act  to  extend  medical  and  hospital  relief  io 
retired  otficers  and  retired  enlisted  men  of  Coast  Guard.  Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  424.) 

Rio  Orande.  H.  R.  11578,  act  authorizing  B  and  P  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Rio  Grande  River  at  or  near  Weslaco,  Tex.  Approved  M'ay  1,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  331.) 

Roads.  S.  1341,  act  to  amend  act  to  provide  that  United  States  shall  aid  States  in 
construction  of  rural  post  roads,  approved  July  11,  1916,  as  amended  and  supple- 
mented.    Approved  May  21,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  458.) 

Rosebud  Renervation.  S.  3438,  act  authorizing  per  capita  payment  to  Rosebud  Sioux 
Indians,  South  Dakota.     Approved  May  11.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  362.) 

Sabine,  Lake.  S.  4253,  act  authorizing  H.  L.  McKee  to  construct  bridge  across  Lake 
Sabine  at  or  near  I'ort  Arthur,  Tex.      [Approved  May  18,  1928.]      3  p.      (Public  432.) 

Sahine  River.  S.  4254,  act  authorizing  Texas  and  Louisiana  to  construct  free  highway 
bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Pendleton's  Ferry.  Approved  May  18,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  433.) 

St.  Clair  Rirer.  H.  R.  11404,  act  authorizing  Port  Huron,  Sarnia,  Point  Edward  Inter- 
national Bridge  Companv  to  construct  bridge  across  St.  Clair  River  at  or  near  Port 
Huron,  Mich.      [Approved  Apr.  24,  1928.]     4  p.      (Public  312.) 

St.  Francis  River.  H.  R.  9365,  act  to  legalize  bridge  across  St.  Francis  River  at 
Marked  Tree,  Ark.  [being  constructed  by  Arkansas  Highway  Commission].  Approved 
Apr.  21,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  295.) 

Selfridge  Field.  H.  R.  11808,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  for  purchase  of  land  at 
Self  ridge  Field,  Mich.     Approved  May  16.  1928.     1  p.      (I'ublic  397.) 

Shoshone  National  Forest.  H.  R.  7946,  act  to  repeal  act  to  extend  provisions  of  home- 
stead laws  to  certain  lands  in  Yellowstone  forest  reserve  [now  Shoshone  National 
Forest].     Approved  May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  451.) 

Shv!<i)uni  Indians.  S.  3366,  act  to  authorize  per  capita  payment  to  Shoshone  and 
Arapahoe  Indians  of  Wyoming  from  funds  held  in  trust  for  them  by  United  States. 
Approved  Apr.  28.   1928.      1   p.      (Public  324.) 

South  Dakota.  S.  2910,  act  granting  to  South  Dakota  for  park  purposes  public  lands 
within  Custer  State  Park,  S.  Dak.     Approved  May  12,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  373.) 

State  banks.  H.  R.  10151,  act  to  amend  sec.  9  of  Federal  reserve  act  [so  as  to  allow 
State  banks  which  are  members  of  Federal  reserve  system  to  be  made  depositaries 
of  public  money  and  financial  agents  of  the  Government].  Approved  May  7,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  352.) 

Tennessee  River.  S.  4059.  act  authorizing  State  Highway  Commission.  Kentucky,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  mouth  of  Clai^ks  River  [and  be- 
tween Livingston  and  McCracken  counties,  Ky.].  -Approved  May  18,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public   428.) 

S.    4062,    act   authorizing    State    Highway    Commission,    Kentucky,    to    construct 

bridge  across   Tennessee   River  at  or  near  Eggners   Ferry,   Ky.     Approved   May   18, 
1928.      1    p.      (Public    431.) 

Timber.  H.  R.  158,  act  to  amend  chapter  137  of  volume  39  of  Statutes  at  large,  64th 
Congress,  1st  session  [relative  to  cutting  and  removal  of  timber  from  revested 
Oregon  and  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon  road  grant  lands].  Approved 
May   17,    1928.     1   p.      (Public   417.) 

H.  R.  8307,  act  amending  sec.  5  of  act  approved  June  9,  1916.  so  as  to  authorize 

sale  of  timber  on  class  3  of  Oregon  and  California   Railroad  and   Coos  Bay  wagon-     | 
road  grant  lands.     Approved  May  17,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  415.) 

Tucson,  Ariz.     S.  2978,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  donate  certain  buildings  ta    j 
Tucson,  Ariz.     Approved  May  16,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  396.)  i 

Tule   River   Reservation.     S.    1662,    act    to    change    boundaries    of    Tule    River    Indian    3 
Re.servation,   Calif.     Approved   May   17,    1928.      1   p.      (Public   421.) 

Wabash  River.  H.  R.  9485,  act  authorizing  Roy  Clippinger,  Ulys  Pyle,  Edgar  Leathers, 
Groves  K.  Flescher  [and]  Carmen  Flescher  to  construct  bridge  across  Wabash  River 
at  or  near  McGregors  Ferry  in  White  Countj',  111.  [Approved  May  1,  1928.]  3  p.. 
(Public  340.) 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    folio-wing    Contents 


May,  1928  937 

Public  [act]  289-462,  70th  Congress— Continued. 

Waccamaw  River.  H.  R.  11797,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Columbus  County, 
N.  C,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Waccamaw  River  at  or  near  Reeves 
Ferry,   Columbus  County.   N.   C.     Approved  May   14.    1928.     1   p.      (Public   384.1 

Wadsirorth.  Fort.  H.  R.  11762,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  to  complete  construc- 
tion  at   Fort  Wadsworth,   N.   Y.      Approved   Apr.   23,    1928.      1    p.      (Tublic   310.) 

TVar  Department.  S.  1738,  act  for  validation  of  acquisition  of  Canadian  properties  by 
War  Department  and  for  relief  of  certain  disbursing  officers  for  payments  made 
thereon.     Approved    Apr.    26,    1928.      1    p.      (Public    319.) 

White  River.  H.  R.  11583,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Com- 
mission of  Arkansas  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Cotter, 
Ark.      Approved    May    1.    1928.      1    p.      (Public    329.) 

Wind  River  Reservation.  S.  3365,  act  to  authorize  allotments  to  unallotted  Indians  on 
Shoshone  or  Wind  River  Reservation,  Wyo.  Approved  May  21,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Wool.  H.  R.  7459,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  for  use  by  Secretary  of  Agriculture 
of  certain  funds  for  wool  standards.     Approved  May  17.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  409.) 

Workmen's  compensation.  H.  R.  12320.  act  to  amend  longshoremen's  and  harbor  work- 
ers' compensation  att  [so  as  to  explicitly  provide  for  representation  of  Employees' 
Compensation  Commission  in  court  proceedings].  Approved  May  4,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  349.1 

Writs.  FT.  R.  12441.  act  to  amend  sec.  2  of  act  in  reference  to  writs  of  error,  approved 
Jan.  31,  1928,  Public,  numbered  10,  70th  Congress.  Approved  Apr.  26,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  322.) 

Zachary  Taylor  National  Cemetery.  H.  R.  11482,  act  to  amend  sec.  2  of  act  to  author- 
ize appropriation  for  care,  maintenance,  and  improvement  of  burial  grounds  con- 
taining remains  of  Zachary  Taylor,  former  President  of  United  States,  and  memorial 
shaft  erected  to  his  memory,  and  for  other  purposes  [so  as  to  authorize  acceptance 
of  additional  land  for  national  cemetery  to  be  known  as  Zachary  Taylor  National 
Cemetery].     Approved  May  10,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  358.) 

Zuni  Reservation.  S.  1456,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  for  road  on  Zuni  Indian 
Reservation,  N.  Mex.     Approved  May  12,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  372.) 

Public  [joint]  resolution  27-48,  70th  Congress. 

Arhitration.  H.  J.  Res.  202,  joint  resolution  requesting  the  President  to  extend  to 
Republics  of  America  invitation  to  attend  a  conference  of  conciliation  and  arbitra- 
tion to  be  held  at  Washington  during  1928  or  1929.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  resolution  32.) 

Chang  Lin.  H.  J.  Res.  145,  .ioint  resolution  for  payment  of  indemnity  to  Chinese 
Government  for  death  of  Chang  Lin  and  Tong  Huan  Yah,  alleged  to  have  been 
killed  by  members  of  armed  forces  of  United  States.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  resolution  33.) 

Child  health  day.  H.  J.  Res.  184,  joint  resolution  designating  May  1  as  Child  health 
day.     Approved  May  18,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution  4(5.) 

Duluth.  Minn.  S.  .1.  Res.  119.  joint  resolution  granting  easement  to  Duluth,  Minn. 
Approved  May  17.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution  45.) 

Qibhons,  James,  eardinal.  S.  .7.  Res.  72.  .ioint  resolution  to  grant  permission  for  erec- 
tion of  memorial  statue  of  Cardinal  Gibbons  [in  District  of  Columbia  by  Knights 
of  Columbus].      Approved  Apr.   23,   1928.      1   p.      (Public  resolution   27.) 

Inter-American  highiray.  H.  J.  Res.  259,  joint  resolution  authorizing  assistance  in 
consti-urtion  of  an  inter-American  highway  on  Western  Hemisphere.  Approved  May 
4.  1928.      1  p.      (Public  resolution  40.) 

International  American-  Institute  for  Protection  of  Childliood.  H.  J.  Res.  230.  joint 
resolution  to  provide  for  membership  of  United  States  in  American  International 
Institute  for  Protection  of  Childhood.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  reso- 
lution 31.) 

International  Coneiress  of  Entomology.  H.  J.  Res.  152,  joint  resolution  authorizing 
and  requesting  the  President  to  extend  invitations  to  foreign  (rovernments  to  be 
represented  by  delegates  nt  International  Congress  of  Entomologv  to  lie  held  in 
United  States  in  1928.     Approved  May  1.  1928.     1  p.      (I'ublic  resolution  29.) 

Kamp.  Arend.  H.  .T.  Res.  150,  joint  resolution  for  payment  of  indemnity  to  Govern- 
ment of  Netherlands  for  compensation  for  personal  injuries  sustained  by  2  Nether- 
lands subjects,  Arend  Kamp  and  Francis  Gort,  while  United  States  ship  Canibas 
was  loading  on  May  1,  1919,  at  Rotterdam.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 
resolution  37.) 

Lindhcrgh,  Charle-t  A.  H.  J.  Res.  192.  joint  resolution  to  provide  for  coinage  of  medal 
in  commemoration  of  achievements  of  Charles  A.  Lindbergh.  Approved  May  4,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  resolution  .39.) 

Muhlcnherg,  Peter.  H.  .T.  Res.  239.  joint  resolution  authorizing  erection  in  District  of 
Columbia  of  monument  in  memorv  of  Peter  Muhlenberg  [by  Peter  Muhlenberg 
Memorial  Association].      Approved  May  2.  1928.      1  p.      (Public" resolution  30.) 

Oakland.  Calif.  H.  .T.  Res.  244.  joint  resolution  authorizing  modification  of  adopted 
project  for  Oakland  Harbor,  Calif.  Approved  Apr.  28,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion   28.) 

Oversea  highicay.  H.  J.  Res.  256.  joint  resolution  authorizing  Bureau  of  Public 
Roads  to  make  survey  of  uncompleted  bridges  of  Oversea  highway  from  Key  West  to 
mainland,  in  Florida,  with  view  of  ascertaining  cost  of  construction  of  said  bridges, 
and  report  their  findings  to  Congress.  Approved  May  16,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion 43. ) 
Pink  boll-irorm.      S.  .1.   Res.   129,  joint  resolution  to  provide  for  eradication  of  pink  boll- 

wornT  and  authorizing  appropriation  therefor.  [Approved  May  21,  1928.]  2  p.  (Pub- 
lic   resolution    47.) 

Soriano.  Juan.  H.  ,T.  Res.  146.  joint  resolution  for  payment  of  indemnity  to  Dominican 
Republic  for  death  of  Juan  Soriano  who  was  killed  by  landing  of  airplane  belonging 
to  United  States  Marine  Corps.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion  34.) 

Ho^v   to    order  pnbllcatlons — See    Information   following   Contents 

938  May,  1928 

Public  [joint]  resolution  27-48,  70th  Congress — Continued. 

Sumter,  Fort.  H.  J.  Res.  177,  joint  resolution  autliorizing  erection  [by  executors  of 
Eliza  Mackintosh  Clinch  AncU'i'son  Lawtun]  of  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter,  Charleston, 
S.  C.  [and  of  memorial  commemorating  defense  of  tort  by  General  Robert  Anderson]. 
Approved  May  11,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  resolution  41.) 

Sun  Jui-chin.  H.  J.  Res.  151,  joint  resolution  for  payment  of  claim  of  Government  of 
China  for  compensation  of  Sun  Jui-chiu  for  injuries  resulting  from  assault  on  him 
by  private  in  United  States  Marine  Corps.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 
resolution    35.) 

Tucker,  Edwin.  H.  J.  Res.  148,  joint  resolution  for  payment  of  indemnity  to  British 
Government  to  compensate  dependents  of  Edwin  Tucker,  British  subject,  alleged  to 
have  been  killed  by  United  States  Army  ambulance  in  Colon,  Panama.  Approved 
May   3,   1928.     1   p.      (Public   resolution   36.) 

Upper  Mississippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish  Refuge.  H.  J.  Res.  200,  joint  resolution 
to  amend  sec.  10  of  act  to  establish  Upper  Mississippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish 
Refuge  [so  as  to  increase  amount  which  may  be  paid  for  land  or  land  and  water 
hereafter  purchased  for  refuge].  Approved  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion  42.) 

Ward,  Artcmas.  H.  J.  Res.  263,  joint  resolution  authorizing  president  and  fellows  of 
Harvard  College  to  erect  on  public  grounds  in  District  of  Columbia  monument  to 
Artemas  Ward.     Approved   May  21,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution   48.) 

White  River.  S.  J.  Res.  135,  joint  resolution  making  emergency  appropriation  for 
flood  protection  on  White  River,  Ark.  Approved  May  IG,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 
resolution    44.) 

Wiseman,  William.  U.  J.  Res.  149,  joint  resolution  to  authorize  appropriation  for 
compensation  of  William  Wiseman.  Approved  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion   38.) 


Capitol.     Enlarging  of  Capitol  grounds,  letter  transmitting  plans  for  enlargement 
of  Capitol  grounds  and  recommending  legislation  which  will  authorize  Archi- 
tect of  Cajntol  to  proceed  with  said  plans.     Apr.  30,   1928.     4  p.     (H.  doc. 
252,  70th  Cong.   1st  sess.)     *  Paper,   5c. 
L.   C.  card  28-26393 


Agriculture.  Further  development  of  agricultural  extension  work,  conference 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9495  [for  further  development  of  agricultural  ex- 
tension work  between  agricultural  colleges  in  the  several  States  receiving 
benefits  of  act  donating  public  lands  to  the  several  States  and  Territories 
which  may  provide  colleges  for  benefit  of  agriculture  and  mechanic  arts,  and 
all  acts  supplementary  thereto,  and  Department  of  Agriculture]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Haugen.     May  4,   1928.     2  p.      (H.   rp.   1524,   70th  Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Agriculture  Department.  Department  of  Agriculture  appropriation  bill  [fiscal 
year  1929],  confereiice  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11577;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dickinson  of  Iowa.     May  5,  1928.     8  p.     (H.  rp.  1536,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Aircraft.  Transfer  or  loan  aeronautical  equipment  to  museums  and  educational 
institutions,  conference  report  to  accompany  S.  1822 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James. 
May  23,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1841,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Appropriations.  Legislative  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  conference 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12875 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murphy.  May  8,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1565,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Second    deficiency    appropriation    bill,    conference    report    to   accompany 

H.  R.  13873  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations, 
fiscal  year  1928,  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropria- 
tions, fiscal  years  1928  and  1929,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Wood.     May    25,    1928.     9    p.     (H.    rp.    1884,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Clark,  George  R.  Participation  in  celebration  of  150th  anniversary  of  conquest 
of  Northwest  Territory,  conference  report  to  accompany  S.  .T.  Res.  23  [pro- 
viding for  participation  of  United  States  in  celebration  in  1929  and  1930  of 
150th  anniversary  of  conquest  of  Northwest  Territory  by  George  Rogers 
Clark  and  his  army,  and  authorizing  appropriation  for  construction  of 
permanent  memorial  of  Revolutionary  War  in   the  West,  and  of  accession 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follo-n'in^    Contents 


May,  1928  939 

Clark,  George  R. — Continued. 

of  the  old  Northwest  to  United  States  on  site  of  Fort  Sackville,  which 
was  captured  by  George  Rogers  Clark  and  his  men  Feb.  25,  1779]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1806,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Decorations  of  honor.  Authorize  certain  oflScers  of  Navy  and  Marine  Corps 
to  accept  decorations,  orders,  and  medals  tendered  by  foreign  Governments ; 
conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5898 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten. 
May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1741,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recom- 
mends amendment  of  H.  R.  5898,  by  adding  names  of  certain  Army  officers, 
and  amendment  of  title  of  bill  to  read :  Act  to  authorize  certain  officers  of 
Army,  Navy,  and  Marine  Corps  to  accept  such  decorations,  orders,  and 
medals  as  have  been  tendered  them  by  foreign  Governments  in  appreciation 
of  services  rendered.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  conference  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  11133 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Simmons.  May  16,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  1709,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Government  officials  and  emploj;ees.  Amend  salary  rates  contained  in  com- 
pensation schedules  of  act  of  Mar.  4,  1923,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6518;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lehlbach.  May  23,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1845, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Immigration.  Grant  preference  to  wives  and  minor  children  [of  alien] 
declarants  in  issuance  of  immigration  visas,  conference  report  to  accompany 
S.  J.  Res.  5 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Washington.  May  28,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  i-p.  1918,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recommends  amendment  of 
title  of  bill  to  read :  Joint  resolution  relating  to  immigration  of  certain; 
relatives  of  United  States  citizens  and  of  aliens  lawfully  admitted  to  United 
States.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Inland  Waterways  Corporation.  Create  Inland  Waterways  Corporation,  con- 
ference report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13512  [to  amend  act  to  create  Inland 
Watei'ways  Coi'poration  for  purpose  of  carrying  out  mandate  and  purpose 
of  Congress  as  expressed  in  sec.  201  and  500  of  transportation  act]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Parker.  May  28,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1917,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Intei-nal  revenue.  Revenue  bill,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1  [to 
reduce  and  equalize  taxation,  provide  revenue,  and  for  other  purposes]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hawley.  May  25,  1928.  26  p.  (H.  rp.  1882,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marketing  of  farm  produce.  Agricultural  surplus  control  bill,  conference  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  3555  [to  establish  Federal  Farm  Boai'd  to  aid  in  orderly 
marketing  and  in  control  and  disposition  of  surplus  of  agricultural  com- 
modities in  interstate  and  foreign  commerce]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen. 
May  12,  1928.     21  p.     (H.  rp.  1620,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Merchant  marine.  American  merchant  marine,  conference  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  744  [to  further  develop  American  merchant  marine,  to  assure  its 
permanence  in  transportation  of  foreign  trade  of  United  States,  and  for 
other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Maine.  May  12,  1928.  11  p. 
(H.  rp.  1649,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Further  development  of   American  merchant  marine,   conference  report 

on  bill  (S.  744),  to  further  develop  American  merchant  marine,  to  assure  its 
permanence  in  transportation  of  foreign  trade  of  United  States,  and  for  other 
purposes ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  10  p. 
(S.  doc.  104,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  posts.  Construction  at  military  posts,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  11134  [to  authorize  appropriations  for  construction  at  military  posts]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  May  23,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1842,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT    to    order   publications — See    information    foUoTfing'    Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 3 

940  Mat,  1928 

Mississipin  River.  Control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River  [and  its  tributaries, 
and  for  other  purposes],  conference  report  on  bill  (S.  3740)  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Jones.  May  3,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  91,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Amend- 
ment relating  to  modification  of  project  for  control  of  floods  on'  Sacramento 
River,  Calif.,  is  included  in  the  amendments  of  the  committee.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River  [and  its  tributaries,  and  for  other 

purposes],  conference  report  on  bill  (S.  3740)  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  96,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Amendment  relating  to  modification  of  project  for  control  of  floods  on 
Sacramento  River,  Calif.,  is  included  in  the  amendments  of  the  committee.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River,  conference  report  to  accompany 

S.  3740  [for  control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries,  and 
for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reid  of  Illinois.  May  3,  1928.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  1505.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Amendment  relating  to  modification  of 
project  for  control  of  floods  on  Sacramento  River,  Calif.,  is  included  in  the 
amendments  of  the  committee.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River,  conference  report  to  accompany 

S.  3740  [for  control  of  floods  on  Mississippi  River  and  its  tributaries,  and  for 
other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reid  of  Illinois.  May  7,  1928.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1555,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Amendment  relating  to  modification  of 
project  for  control  of  floods  on  Sacramento  River,  Calif.,  is  included  in  the 
amendments  of  the  committee.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26395 

Muacle  SJwals.  Completion  of  dam  no.  2,  etc..  Muscle  Shoals,  conference  report 
to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  46  [for  completion  of  dam  no.  2  and  steam  plant  at 
nitrate  plant  no.  2  in  vicinity  of  Muscle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  dis- 
tribution of  fertilizer,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin. 
May  23,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  1844,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recom- 
mends amendment  of  S.  J.  Res.  46  by  substitute  and  agrees  to  House  amend- 
ment of  title  of  bill  which  reads :  Act  to  provide  for  national  defense  by 
creation  of  corporation  for  operation  of  Government  properties  at  or  near 
Muscle  Shoals  in  Alabama,  and  for  other  purposes.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Disposition    of    Muscle    Shoals,    conference    report    on    joint    resolution 

(S.  J.  Res.  46)  for  completion  of  dam  no.  2  and  steam  plant  at  nitrate  plant 
no.  2  in  vicinity  of  Muscle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  distribution  of  fer- 
tilizer, and  for  other  purposes ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  21,  1928.  8  p.  (S.  doc.  118,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee 
recommends  amendment  of  S.  J.  Res.  46  by  substitute  and  agrees  to  House 
amendment  of  title  of  bill  which  reads :  Act  to  provide  for  national  defense 
by  creation  of  corporation  for  operation  of  Government  properties  at  or  near 
Muscle  Shoals  in  Alabama,  and  for  other  purposes.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ — —  Disposition  of  Muscle  Shoals,  conference  report  on  joint  resolution  (S.  J. 
Res.  46)  for  completion  of  dam  no.  2  and  steam  plant  at  nitrate  plant  no.  2 
in  vicinity  of  Muscle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  distribution  of  fertilizer, 
and  for  other  purposes ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
23,  1928.  8  p.  (S.  doc.  142,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recommends 
amendment  of  S.  J.  Res.  46  by  substitute  find  agrees  to  House  amendment  of 
title  of  bill  which  reads:  Act  to  provide  for  national  defense  by  creation  of 
corporation  for  operation  of  Government  properties  at  or  near  Muscle  Shoals 
in  Alabama,  and  for  other  purposes.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Muscle  Shoals,  conference  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  46  [for  com- 
pletion of  dam  no.  2  and  steam  plant  at  nitrate  plant  no.  2  in  vicinity  of 
Muscle  Shoals  for  manufacture  and  distribution  of  fertilizer,  and  for  other 
purposes];  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin.  May  21,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1786, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  recommends  amendment  of  S.  J.  Res.  46  by 
substitute  and  agrees  to  House  amendment  of  title  of  bill  which  reads :  Act 
to  provide  for  national  defense  by  creation  of  corporation  for  operation  of 
Government  properties  at  or  near  Muscle  Shoals  in  Alabama,  and  for  other 
purposes.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26394 

How    to    order  publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  941 

Navy  Department.  Appropriations  for  Navy  Department  and  naval  service, 
conference  report  on  bill  H.  R.  12286,  making  appropriations  for  Navy  De- 
partment and  naval  service,  fiscal  year  1929 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3, 
calendar   day   May    12,    1928.     4   p.      (S.    doc.    103,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Navy  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  conference  report 

to  accomixiny  H.  R.  12286;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fi-ench.  May  12,  1928.  8  p. 
(II.  rp.  1648,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Nutt.  Haller.  Estate  of  Haller  Nutt,  conference  report  to  accompany  S.  1760 
[for  relief  of  legal  representative  of  estate  of  Haller  Nutt]  ;  .submitted  bv 
Mr.  Strong  of  Kansas.  May  29,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1922,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

PfH.viW!^.  Granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and 
sailors  of  Regular  Army  and  Navy,  etc.,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10141;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  May  2,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1459, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Pensions   and   increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers   and   sailors   of 

Regular  Army  and  Navy,  their  widows,  etc.,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12381;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  May  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1828, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pensions  and  increase  of  pensions,  to   widows   and   former  widows    of 

^soldiers,  sailors,  and  marines  of  Civil  War,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10159;  submitted  by  Mr.  W.  T.  Fitzgerald.  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.l661,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Postage.  Amending  act  regulating  postal  rates,  conference  report  on  bill  (H.  P. 
12030)  to  amend  title  21  of  act  approved  Feb.  28,  1925  (43  Stat.  1;  66  fp. 
1066].  U.  S.  code,  title  39),  regulating  postal  rates:  submitted  by  Mr.  Moses. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  16,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  doc.  105,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5e. 

Amending  act  regulating  postal  rates,  conference  report  on  bill    (^H.  R. 

12030)  to  amend  title  2  of  act  approved  Feb.  28,  1925  (43  Stat.  p.  1066,  U.  S. 
code,  title  39),  regulating  postal  rates;  submitted  by  Mr.  Moses.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May  25,    1928.      3    p.      (S.    doc.    156,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Regulating  postal  rates,  conference  reixirt  to  accompany  H.  R.  12030; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Griest.  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1808,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Regulating  postal  rates,  conference  report  to  accompany   H.  R.  12030 ; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Griest.  May  25.  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1883,"  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Pai>er,  .5c. 

Public  Health  Service.  Coordination  of  public-health  activities  of  Government, 
confei-ence  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  11026:  submitted  bv  Mr.  Parker.  Alay 
8,  192S.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1567,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Republic,  steamship.  Recognizing  heroic  conduct,  etc.,  of  officers  and  crews  of 
U.  S.  S.  Republic,  American  Trader,  President  Roosevelt,  President  Harding, 
and  British  steamship  Cameronia,  conference  reiwrt  to  accomjtany  S.  1009; 
submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Maine.  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  "(H.  rp.  1840,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Shoshoni  Indians.  Court  of  Claims  to  hear,  adjudicate,  and  render  judgment 
in  claims  of  northwestern  bands  of  Shoshone  Indians  against  United  States, 
conference  reix>rt  to  accomi>any  S.  710;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  IMay  10, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1579,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Soldiers.  Amend  World  War  veterans'  act,  1924,  conference  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13039;  submitted  bv  Mr.  J(^hnson  of  South  Dakota.  May  28, 
1928.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  1919,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Contracts  enter^  d  into  by  War  Department  to  be  made  in 
writing,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12352 :  submitted  bv  Mr. 
James.     May  29,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1923,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  I'aper.  5c. 

How    to    order    publications — See    information    followin;?    Contents 

942  Mat,  1928 

Wayne,  Anthony.  Erection  of  public  liistorical  museum  at  Fort  Defiance, 
Defiance,  Ohio  [as  memorial  to  Anthony  Wayne],  conference  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  J.  Res.  82:  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1866,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Harriman  geographic  code  system.  Harriman  geographic  code  system,  hear- 
ings, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  public  resolution  70,  69th  Con- 
gress, authorizing  joint  committee  of  both  Houses  to  consider  purchase  of 
right  to  unrestricted  use  of  Harriman  geographic  code  system  under  patents 
issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  and  also  unrestricted  use  of  all  copyrights 
issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  in  connection  with  products  of  Harriman  geo- 
graphic code  system  for  all  governmental,  administrative,  or  publication 
purposes  for  vs'hich  same  may  be  desirable,  Apr.  13-May  4,  1928.  1928.  pt.  2, 
iii+.223-345  p.     *  Paper,  15e.  Y  4.H  23/2 :  H  35/pt.  2 

Harriman  geographic  code  system,  report  pursuant  to  public  resolution 

70,  69th  Congress,  authorizing  joint  committee  of  both  Houses  to  consider 
purchase  of  right  to  unrestricted  use  of  Harriman  geographic  code  system 
under  patents  issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  and  also  unrestricted  use  of  all 
copyrights  issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  in  connection  with  products  of  Har- 
riman geographic  code  system  for  all  governmental,  administrative,  or  publi- 
cation purposes  for  which  same  may  be  desirable ;  presented  by  Mr.  Moses. 
1928.  ii-t-8  p.  (S.  doc.  159  [pt.  1],  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26427 


Appropriations.  Contingent  expenses.  House  of  Representatives,  supplemental 
estimate  of  appropriation  under  legislative  establishment,  fiscal  year  1928. 
May  12,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  287,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  oc. 

Calendars  of  House  of  Representatives,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  May  1-28. 
1928,  no.  108-132.  1928.  various  paging,  large  8°  [Daily  when  House  of 
Representatives  is  in  session.  The  legislative  day  of  May  28  extended 
through  the  calendar  day  May  29.]     t  Y  1.2 : 1/70-1-108  to  70-1-132 

0-ran^  Army  of  the  Republic.     Journal  of  61st  national  encampment.   Grand 
Army  of  the  Republic,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Sept.  11-16,  1927.     1928.     v+316 
p.  4  por.  22  p.  of  por.     (H.  doc.  67,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  16-15656 


Beattie,  David.  To  pay  6  months'  salary  and  $250  to  widovp  of  David  Beattie, 
late  employee  of  House  of  Representatives,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  210 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  May  25,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1865,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sunt,  Jennie  K.  Jennie  K.  Hunt,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  183  [to  pay 
Jennie  K.  Hunt,  clerk  to  late  A.  E.  B.  Stephens,  sum  equal  to  one  month's 
salary]  ;  submitt.ed  by  Mr.  MacGregor.  May  25,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1863, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miller,  Fred  R.     Fred  R.  Miller,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  142  [to  pay  Fred     i 
R.  Miller  for  extra  and  expert  services  to  Committee  on  Pensions]  ;  submitted     i 
by  Mr.  MacGregor.     May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1924,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Pai)er,  5c. 

Naylor,  Margaret  E.    Margaret  Elma   Naylor,   report   to   accompany   H.   Res.     i 
129   [that  sum  to  be  paid  to  Margaret  Elma  Naylor  for  extra  and  expert     , 
services  to  Committee  on  Invalid  Pensions]  ;    submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1926,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neilson,  Walter  C.  Walter  C.  Neilson,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  151  [to 
pay  Walter  C.  Neilson  for  extra  and  expert  services  to  Committee  on  Pen- 
sions by  detail  from  Bureau  of  Pensions]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1925,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho'w    to    order  publications — See    infonnatlon    following    Contents 


Mat,  1928  943 

Palmer,  William  R.  Kate  Gilbert,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  220  [to  pay 
sum  not  to  exceed  $500  to  Kate  Gilbert  for  expenses  of  William  R.  Palmer, 
late  employee  of  House  of  Represeutatives]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 
May  25,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1SG4,  TOtli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Alabama  J^'ational  Forest.  Suspending  certain  provisions  of  law  in  connection 
with  acquisition  of  lands  within  Alabama  National  Forest,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  J.  Res.  130;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  May  16,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1708,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Alaska.  Extend  benefits  of  Hatch  act  and  Smith-Lever  act  to  Alaska,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13882;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  May  22,  1928.  3  p. 
( H.  rp.  1816,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  12,  1928; 
no.  5.     1928.     44  p.  4°     J  Y  4.Ag8/l :  70/5 

Cotton.  Regulating  transactions  of  cotton  exchanges,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11017,  Apr.  11-May  8,  1928.  1928.  iii-f202  p.  il. 
( Serial  O. )     *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.Ag8/l :  C  82/13 

Regulating  transactions  of  cotton  exchanges,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

13646  [for  prevention  and  removal  of  obstructions  and  burdens  upon  inter- 
state commerce  in  cotton  by  regulating  transactions  on  cotton-futures  ex- 
changes] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  May  11,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1612, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Da-irying  and,  livestock  experiment  stations.  Establish  dairy  and  livestock 
experiment  and  demonstration  station  for  the  South  near  Lewisburg,  Tenn.. 
report'to  accompany  H.  R.  13447 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen.  May  19,  1928 
op.     (H.  rp.  1778,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana,  fish  and  game  preserve,  South  Carolina  migi-atory  bird  refuge,  hear- 
ings, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12735,  H.  R.  10561,  May  14,  1928. 
1928.     iii+21   p.   il.     (Serial    N.)      *  Paper,    5c.  Y  4.Ag8/l :  L  93 

Oleomargarin.  Amendment  to  oleomargarine  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
10958  [to  amend  definition  of  oleomargarine  contained  in  act  defining  butter, 
also  impo-sing  tax  upon  and  regulating  manufacture,  sale,  importation,  and 
exiwrtation  of  oleomargarine,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Haugen. 
May  11,  1928.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  1606,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pfink  bolltcorm  eradication,  hearings.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res. 
237.  Apr.  4  and  5,   1928.     1928.     [pt.   2],   iii-f 59-111  p.     (Serial  L,   pt.   2.) 

*  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ag8/l :  B  63/pt.  2 

Poxiltry-disease  research,  report  to  accompany  S.  2030  [for  research  into 
causes  of  poultry  diseases,  for  feeding  experimentation,  and  for  educational 
program  to  show  best  means  of  preventing  disease  in  poultrv]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Haugen.      May    11,    1928.     2   p.      (H.    rp.    1613,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Ammunition  depots.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1928, 
supplemental  hearing  before  special  subcommittee  in  charge  of  ammunition 
storage.  War  and  Navy  Departments,  70th  Congress.  1st  session.  1928. 
ii-f  265  p.     *  Paper,  25c.  Y  4.Ap6/l :  D  36/928-2/supp. 

Appropriations.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1928,  hear- 
ing before  subcommittee  in  charge  of  deficiency  appropriations,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session.  1928.  ii+SOO  p.  [Includes  hearings  on  estimates  for  defi- 
ciency appropriations  for  fiscal  year  1928  and  prior  fiscal  years  and  supple- 
mental appropriations  for  fiscal  years  1928  and  1929.]     *  Paper,  SOc. 

Y  4.Ap6/l :  D  36/928-2 

Ho^T    to    order   publications— See    information   follOTving    Contents 

944  Mat,  1928 

Appropriations — Continued. 

Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  fiscal  year  1928,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  13873  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations, 
fiscal  year  1928,  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropriations, 
fiscal  years  1928  and  1929,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wood. 
May  18,  1928.     28  p.     (H.  rp.  1731,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


CredAt.  Amending  3d  paragraph  of  sec.  13  of  Federal  reserve  act  [relating  to 
bills  of  exchange  covering  nouperishable  readily  marketable  staples],  report 
to  accompany  S.  1989 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.  May  10,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1581,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Legal  tender  notes.  Nationalization  of  legal-tender  money,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12288.  to  provide  legal-tender  money  without  in- 
terest secured  by  community  noninterest-bearing  25  year  bonds  for  public 
improvements,  market  roads,  employment  of  unemployed,  building  homes  for 
and  financing  through  community  banks  organized  under  State  laws,  its  citi- 
zens, farmers,  merchants,  manufacturers,  partnerships,  corporations,  trusts 
or  trustees,  and  for  community  needs  of  United  States,  Apr.  10  [-25],  1928. 
1928.  3  pts.  [vi]+186  p.  il.  [The  hearing  held  on  May  1,  1928,  is  included 
in  pt.  3.]     *  Paper,  pt.  1,  15c. ;  *  pt.  2,  10c. ;  *  pt.  3,  5c. 

Y  4.B  22/1 :  L  52/pts.  1-3 

Porto  Rico.  Amendment  to  Federal  farm  loan  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13936  [to  amend  2d  paragraph  of  sec.  4  of  Federal  farm  loan  act,  as  amended. 
so  as  to  increase  amount  which  may  be  loaned  to  any  one  borrower  by  branch 
l)anks  in  Porto  Rico  and  Alaska]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.  May  26, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1913,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

jReceivers  under  Federal  farm  loan  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  14000  [to 
amend  sec.  29  of  Federal  farm  loan  act,  relative  to  powers  of  receivers  ap- 
pointed by  Federal  Farm  Loan  Board]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFadden.  May 
25,1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1872,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Census,  1930   {l-5th).     Fifteenth  and  subsequent  decennial  censuses,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  .393;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fenn.     May  2,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp. 
1476.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26324 


Civil  service  pensions.  Amending  act  for  retirement  of  employees  in  classified 
civil  service,  report  to  accompany  S.  1727 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lehlbach.  May 
10,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1580,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Govenmient  offlcials  and  employees.  Amendment  to  retirement  law,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13565  [to  amend  act  for  retirement  of  employees  in  classi- 
fied civil  service,  relative  to  retention  of  employees  beyond  retirement  age]  : 
submitted  by  Mr.  Smith.  May  25,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1870,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Half  holiday  for   certain   Government   employees,   report   to   accompany 

S.  3116 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dallinger.  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1811.  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  salary  rates  contained  in  compensation  schedules  of  classifica- 
tion act  of  Mar.  4,  1923,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6518;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Lehlbach.  May  3,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1503,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per. 5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26325 
:Soldiers.     Granting  preference  to  veterans  in  civil  service  examinations,  report 
to   accompany   H.    J.   Res.   238;    submitted   by    Mr.    Jeffers.     May   23.    1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1830,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order   publications — See    infonriation    following    Contents 


May,  1928  945 

Soldiers — Continued. 

Retention    of   veterans    in    civil    service,    liearings,    70th    Congress,    1st 

session,  on  H.  R.  7453,  to  amend  act  approved  Aug.  23,  1912,  as  amended 
by  act  of  Feb.  28,  1916,  for  establishment  of  efficiency  ratings  and  prefer- 
ence for  persons  honorably  discharged  from  military  or  naval  service  em- 
ployed in  civil  service,  May  17,  1928.     1928.     iii+17  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.  C  49/1 :  V  64/2 


Anient.  Robert  S.  Robert  S.  Ament,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10045  [for 
relief  of  Robert  S.  Ament]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  19,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1768,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

American  Foreign  Trade  Corporation  and  Fils  d'Aslan  Fresco,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8511  [for  relief  of  American  Foreign  Trade  Corporation  and 
Fils  d'Aslan  Fresco]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  May  25,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp. 
1878,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ashviore,  Arthur  N.  Arthur  N.  Ashmore,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12499 
[for  relief  of  Arthur  N.  Ashmore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  "Ware.  May  14,  1928. 
4  p.     (H.  rp.  1659,  70th  Cong.  l§t  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Barthold,  F.  R.  F.  R.  Barthold,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9659  [for  relief 
of  F.  R.  Barthold]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of  Missouri.  Apr.  80,  1928. 
7  p.     (H.  rp.  1418,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bell,  Grover  J.  G.  J.  Bell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10191  [for  relief  of 
G.  J.  Bell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Irwin.  May  14,  1928.  13  p.  (H.  rp.  1650, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bethlehem  Steel  Company.  Award  of  National  War  Labor  Board  in  favor  of 
certain  Bethlehem  Steel  Co.  employees,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5780  [for 
further  carrying  out  of  award  of  National  War  Labor  Board,  of  July  31, 
1918,  in  favor  of  certain  employees  of  Bethlehem  Steel  Company,  Bethlehem, 
Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  12,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1621,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bradley,  Harry  C.  Harry  C.  Bradley,  report  to  accompany  S.  433  [for  relief 
of  Harry  C.  Bradley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Irwin.  May  12,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp. 
1643,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Broxon,  James  M.  E.  James  M.  E.  Brown,  report  to  accompany  S.  1646  [for 
relief  of  James  M.  E.  Brown]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1411,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bryon.  Edgar  C.  Heirs  of  Edgar  C.  Bryon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3967 
[for  relief  of  next  of  kin  of  Edgar  C.  Bryon]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  of 
Wisconsin.  May  1.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1455,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Camhouri,  Mrs.  Louise  M.  Louise  M.  Cambouri,  report  to  accompany  S.  363 
[for  relief  of  Louise  M.  Cambouri]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Underbill.  Mav  19. 
1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  1760,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Casey,  William  J.  William  J.  Casey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10624  [for 
relief  of  William  J.   Casey]  ;   submitted  by  Mr.   Underbill.     May   12.   192S. 

2  p.     (H.  rp.  1642,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cornog,  Augusta.  Augusta  Cornog,  report  to  accompany  S.  3931  [for  relief 
of  Augusta  Cornog]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Irwin.  May  19.  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp. 
1783,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Davidson.  S.,  d  Sons.  S.  Davidson  &  Sons,  report  to  accompany  S.  1122  [for 
relief  of   S.   Davidson   and   Sons]  ;   submitted  by   Mr.   Ware.     May  7,   1928. 

3  p.     (H.  rp.  1546,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Davis,  Herman  C.  Herman  C.  Davis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9737  [for 
relief  of  Herman  C.  Davis]  :  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  May  12,  1928. 
8  p.     (H.  rp.  1627,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following-    Contents 

946  May,  1928 

Eddy,  Charles  F.  Maj.  Charles  F.  Eddy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12871 
[for  relief  of  Charles  F.  Eddy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bulwinkle.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1420,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Egan,  Peter  J.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peter  J.  Egan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12007 
[for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Peter  J.  Egan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  May  25, 
1928.    6  p.     (H.  rp.  1879,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Espy,  Douglas  B.  Douglas  B.  Espy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3168  [for  relief 
of  Douglas  B.  Espy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  1,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1454,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Faustina,  Gilbert.  Gilbert  Faustina  and  John  Alexander,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7411  [for  relief  of  Gilbert  Faustina  and  John  Alexander]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Ware.  May  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1571,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Fitzgerald,  John  I.  John  I.  Fitzgerald,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7392  [for 
relief  of  John  I.  Fitzgerald]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  19,  1928. 
2  p.     ( H.  rp.  1765,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fitzgerald,  John  J.  John  J.  Fitzgerald,  report  to  accompany  S.  3314  [for 
relief  of  John  J.  Fitzgerald]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Irwin.  May  19,  1928.  9  p. 
(H.  rp.  1782,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.' 5c. 

Florida  East  Coast  Car  Ferry  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  445  [for  relief  of 
Florida  East  Coast  Car  Ferry  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr. 
30,1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1408,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Forest  Service.  Relief  of  certain  members  of  trail  crew  employed  by  Forest 
Service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12711;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr. 
30,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1419,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gillespie,  E.  W.  E.  W.  Gillespie,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12612  [for  relief 
of  E.  W.  Gillespie]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  19,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1771,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Heinz.  H.  J.,  Company.  H.  J.  Heinz  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10178 
[for  relief  of  H.  J.  Heinz  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  12, 
1928.    2  p,  (H.  rp.  1628,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hottum-Kennedy  Dry  Dock  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  513  [for  relief  of 
Hottum-Kennedy  Dry  Dock  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  19, 
1928.    5  p.     (H.  rp.  1762,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jenifer,  John  L.  John  L.  Jenifer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2492  [to  extend 
benefits  of  employees'  compensation  act  to  John  L.  Jenifer]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Irwin.    May  19,  1928.    8  p.     (H.  rp.  1784,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kaufman,  W.  H.  W.  H.  Kaufman,  report  to  accompany  S.  2061  [for  relief  of 
W.  H.  Kaufman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  1,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1452.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kaiitz,  Christian  F.  Katherina  Kautz  and  Fred  G.  Kautz,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  11289  [for  relief  of  Katherina  Kautz  and  Fred  G.  Kautz,  heirs 
of  estate  of  Christian  F.  Kautz]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  1,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1445,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leriii.  M.,  d  Sons.  INI.  Levin  &  Sons,  report  to  accompany  S.  2438  [for  relief 
of  M.  Levin  and  Sons]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1414,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leiris.  Mrs.  Lnila.  Lula  Lewis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12280  [for  relief  of 
Lula  Lewis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Guyer.  May  9,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  1572, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lewis,  Omer  D.  Omer  D.  Lewis,  report  to  accompany  S.  1448  [for  relief  of 
Omer  D.  Lewis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Apr.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1410,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Long,  James  M.  James  M.  Long,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7236  [for  relief  of 
James  M.  Long]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran  of  Pennsylvania.  May  8,  1928. 
4  p.  (H.  rp.  1568,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st  print  has  2 
pages.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  947 

McConnell,  Mrs.  Nelle.  Nelle  "McConnell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2764  [for  relief 
of  Nelle  McConnell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  1,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1453,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

McDonald,  Uharlie.  Charlie  McDonald,  report  to  accompany  S.  2788  [for  relief 
of  Charlie  McDonald]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
( H.  rp.  1415,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

MacDonald,  2\ina.  Nina  MacDonald  and  others,  report  to  accompany  S.  2336 
[for  relief  of  Nina  MacDonald,  Zenas  V.  Johnston,  Margaret  E.  Thompson, 
Arthur  L.  Beaman.  and  May  Fee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  Apr.  30, 
1928.    11  p.     (H.  rp.  1413,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

McManus,  Mrs.  Agnes  M.  Agnes  and  George  J.  McManus,  report  to  accompany 
S.  471  [for  relief  of  Agnes  McManus  and  George  J.  McManus]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  14,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1651,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Maf/oon,  H.  C.  H.  C.  Magoon,  report  to  accompany  S.  444  [for  relief  of  H.  C. 
Magoon]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  12,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  1629, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miehaelson,  Samuel  8.  Samuel  S.  Michaelson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12021  [for  relief  of  Samuel  S.  Michaelson]  ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  May 
7,  1928.    2  p.     ( H.  rp.  1544,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Montana  Stale  College,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11510  [for  relief  of  Montana 
State  College]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1770, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moore,  Alice  E.  Alice  E.  Moore,  report  to  accompany  S.  1297  [to  extend  bene- 
fits of  employees'  compensation  act  to  Alice  E.  Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Cochran  of  Pennsylvania.  May  12,  1928.  11  p.  (H.  rp.  1630,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

New  York  Marine  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5216  [for  relief  of  New  York 
Marine  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  14,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1660,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Neicspapers.  Relief  of  certain  newspapers,  report  to  accompany  S.  3294  [for 
relief  of  certain  newspapers  for  advertising  services  rendered  Public  Health 
Service  of  Treasury  Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  22, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1813.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Nilan,  M.  T.  M.  T.  Nilan.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9862  [for  relief  of  M.  T. 
Nilan]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1767,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oshorne,  Robert  C.  Robert  C.  Osborne,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3722  [for 
relief  of  Robert  C.  Osborne]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Guyer.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1416,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pepper,  Mrs.  Loretta.  Loretta  Pepper,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10126  [for 
relief  of  Loretta  Pepper]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rathbone.  May  5,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1533,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rinks,  Ella  M.  Ella  Mae  Rinks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11500  [for  relief 
of  Ella  Mae  Rinks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  19,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1769,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Robertson,  George  A.  George  A.  Robertson,  report  to  accompany  S.  1541  [for 
relief  of  George  A.  Robertson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  1,  1928.  6  p. 
( H.  rp.  1451.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rocky  Ford  National  Bank,  Rocky  Ford,  Colo.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12714  [for  relief  of  Roekv  Ford  National  Bank,  Rocky  Ford,  Colo.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Underbill.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1463,  70tb  Cong.  1st 
.sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Russell,  E.  A.  H.  A.  Russell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11749  [for  relief  of 
H.  A.  Russell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Guyer.  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1819, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     [Corrected  print.    1st  print  has  2  pages.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    folIOTrlne:    Contents 

948  May,  1928 

Sallei/,  Charles  E.  Charles  H.  SaUey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9716  [for 
relief  of  Charles  H.  galley]  ;  subm  tted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  May  19,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1766,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Schetiren,  Leo.  Leo  Seheuren,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10125  [for  relief  of 
Leo  Seheuren]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rathbone.  May  5,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1532,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.  5c. 

Snvith,  Clarence  P.  Clarence  P.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13498  [for 
relief  of  Clarence  P.  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  May  19,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1772,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

SnaUi/,  Edna  E.  Edna  E.  Snably,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8859  [for  relief 
of  Edna  E.  Snably]  ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  Apr.  30,  1928.  1  p.  (H. 
rp.  1417,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Southern  Shipyard  Corporation,  report  to  accompany  S.  3030  [for  relief  of 
Southern  Shipyard  Corporation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  May  25,  1928. 
13  p.     (H.  rp.  1880.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stapleford,  SalHe.  Sallie  Stapleford  et  al.,  report  to  accompany  S.  343  [for 
relief  of  Sallie  Stapleford,  Mrs.  J.  C.  Stuckert.  Mary  E.  Hildebrand,  Kate 
Wright.  Mary  M.  Janvier,  Harry  L.  Gray,  Frank  D.  Carrow.  Harry  "V.  Buck- 
son,  George  H.  Swain,  Claude  N.  Jester,  and  Charles  H.  Jamison]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Underhill.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1406,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.^ 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Staten  Island  Shiphuilding  Companii.  Owner  of  dry  dock  no.  6,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1981  [for  relief  of  Staten  Island  Shipbulding  Company,  owner 
of  dry  dock  numbered  6]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Celler.  May  12.  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1636,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Tait,  Samuel  F.  Samuel  F.  Tait,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12117  [for  relief 
of  Samuel  F.  Tait]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steele.  May  8,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1569,  70tb  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Talbert,  W.  H.  W.  H.  Talbert.  reiwrt  to  accompany  S.  1645  [for  reimburse- 
ment of  W.  H.  Talbert]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  May  19,  1928.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1763,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

TasTcer,  Harry  C.  HaiTy  C.  Tasker.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11153  [for 
relief  of  Harry  C.  Tasker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beck  [of  Wisconsin].  May  7, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1543,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Teachout,  Stanley  R.  Stanley  R.  Teachout,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4776 
[for  relief  of  Stanley  R.  Teachout]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  May  5,  1928. 
10  p.     (H.  rp.  1529,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Temple,  Larry  M.  Larry  M.  Temple,  report  to  accompany  S.  443  [for  relief 
of  Larry  M.  Temple]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underhill.  May  19,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1761,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Willis,  M.  L.  M.  L.  Willis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4609  [for  relief  of 
M.  L.  Willis]  :  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1764,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Wood.  Albert.  Albert  Wood,  report  to  accompany  S.  1217  [for  relief  of  Albert 
Wood]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  Apr.  30,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1409,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 


ChamherUn,  Clarence  D.  Authorizing  presentation  of  gold  medals  to  Clarence 
D.  Chamberlin  and  Charles  A.  Levine,  commemorative  of  their  trans-Atlan- 
tic flight,  report  to  accompany  S.  3944;  submitted  by  Mr.  Perkins.  May  26, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1911,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dahlonega,  Ga.  Establish  assay  office  at  Dahlonega,  Ga..  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12451:  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  23.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1829, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hove    to    order   publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  949 

Mammoth  Cave  National  Park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13694  [to  authorize 
Secretary  of  Treasury  to  prepare  and  strike  medal,  with  appropriate  em- 
blems, devices,  and  inscriptions  thereon,  commemorative  of  enactment  of 
act  approved  May  25,  1926,  providing  for  establishment  in  Kentucky  of  Mam- 
moth Cave  National  Park]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Perkins.  May  26,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1897,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Architects.  Practice  of  architecture  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2660  [to  amend  act  to  provide  for  examination  and  registration  of 
architects  and  to  regulate  practice  of  architecture  in  District  of  Columbia]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McLeod.  IMay  1,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1439,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Aviation  fields.  Civil  air  field,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  830O  [for  acquisition, 
improvement,  equipment,  management,  operation,  maintenance,  and  disposition 
of  civil  air  field  and  any  appurtenances,  inclusive  of  repairs,  lighting,  and 
communication  systems  and  all  structures  of  any  kind  deemed  necessary  and 
useful  in  connection  therevrith,  at  Gravelly  Point]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hall  of 
Indiana.     May  19,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1777,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Claims.  Authorizing  commissioners  of  District  Qf  Columbia  to  settle  claims 
and  suits  against  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3581 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  McLeod.  May  1,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1440,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Commissioners.  To  fix  salaries  of  members  of  board  of  commissioners  of  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7342;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beers. 
May  19,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1776,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Degrees  {colleges,  universities,  etc.).  To  regulate  degree-conferring  institutions 
in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  2366;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McLeod.  May  17,  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1722,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26398 

Education  Board.  Exemption  of  individual  members  of  Board  of  Education 
from  personal  liability  for  acts  of  board,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12530 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1605,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Engineer  Department.  Authorize  payment  of  additional  compensation  to  as- 
sistants to  engineer  commissioner  of  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7341;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beers.  May  19,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1775, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Friendly  societies.  Payment  of  death  benefits  by  fraternal  beneficial  associa- 
tions in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3844 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Zihlman.    May  21,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1795,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Regulating  juvenile  insurance  by  fraternal  beneficial  associations  in  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3694 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman. 
May  21,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1794,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gallahan,  Mrs.  Jennie  B.  Claim  of  Jennie  Brute  Gallahan,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  8388  [for  relief  of  Jennie  Bruce  Gallahan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Lampert.    May  18,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1742,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Land.  Proceedings  for  condemnation  by  United  States  of  land  in  District  of 
Columbia  for  public  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13461 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  McLeod.  May  15,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1693,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Rights  in  land  for  park  purposes  and  lease  of  buildings  on  park  lands 

in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  4126  [authorizing  National 
Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commission  to  acquire  title  to  land  subject  to 
limited  rights  reserved,  and  limited  rights  in  land,  and  authorizing  director 
of  public  buildings  and  public  parks  of  National  capital  to  lease  land  or 
existing  buildings  for  limited  periods  in  certain  instances]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Lampert.    May  19,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1780,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^y    to    order   publications — See    information    folloiiring'    Contents 

950  May,  1928 

Markets.  Relocation  of  food  distribution  district  of  Dist  fict  of  Columbia,  hear- 
ings before  subcommittee  on  parks  and  playgrounds,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  13590,  May  17,  1928.    1928.    ii+21  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.D  63/1 :  F  73/3 

Potomac  River.  To  preserve  for  development  potential  water  power  and  park 
facilities  of  gorge  and  Great  Falls  of  Potomac  River,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  307 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  May  23,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1837, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Street-railroads.  Merger  of  street  railway  corporations,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  276,  Apr.  20-May  8,  1928.     1928.     ii+486  p. 

1  pi.     *  Paper,  50c.  Y  4.D  63/1 :  St  8/7 

Merger  of  street  railway  corporations  operating  in  District  of  Columbia, 

report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  276 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  May  17, 
1928.    34  p.     (H.  rp.  1720,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26397 

Taxation.  Providing  for  notice  to  owners  of  land  assessed  for  benefits  by  ver- 
dict of  condemnation  juries,  report  to  accompany  S.  4124 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Zihlman.    May  14,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1657,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Teachers.  Amending  certain  sections  of  teachers'  salary  act,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12956;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  May  11,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1609,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Exemption  of  public  school  employees  from  $2,000  salary  limitation,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  12531  [to  exempt  employees  of  public-school  system  of 
District  of  Columbia  from  $2,000  salary  limitation  provision  of  legislative, 
executive,  and  judicial  appropriation  act,  approved  May  10, 1916,  as  amended]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman,  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1607,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Text-'books.  Free  textbooks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12739  [to  provide  books 
and  educational  supplies  free  of  charge  to  pupils  of  public  schools  of  District 
of  Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Zihlman.  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1608, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vagrancy.  Define  and  punish  vagrancy  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7911;  submitted  by  Mr.  McLeod.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1869,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Workmen's  compensation,  report  to  accompany  S.  3565  [to  provide  compensation 
for  disability  or  death  resulting  from  injury  to  employees  in  certain  employ- 
ments in  District  of  Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Underbill.     Apr.  30,  1928. 

2  p.     (H.  rp.  1422,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Agriculture.  Vocational  education,  report  to  accompany  S.  1731  [for  further 
development  of  vocational  education,  in  agriculture  and  home  economics,  in 
the  several  States  and  Territories]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  New  York. 
May  15,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1667,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rehabilitation  of  the  disabled.  Vocational  rehabilitation,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13251  [for  vocational  rehabilitation  of  disabled  residents  of  District  of 
Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  New  York.  May  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1578,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


President  of  United  States.  To  apportion  electors  in  election  of  President,  Vice 
President,  etc.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7373  and  H.  R. 
13712,  bills  providing  for  meeting  of  electors  of  President  and  Vice  President, 
etc.,  May  19,  1928.    1928.    ii+16  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.E12/1:B12 

Hofv    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 


May,  1928  951 


Accounts.  To  require  prompt  rendition  of  accounts,  hearingrs,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  121S0,  Mar.  28  and  31,  1928.  1928.  iii+76  p.  *  Paper, 
K)c.  Y  4.  Ex  7/13  :  Ac  3 

Reports.     To  discontinue  certain  reports  now  required  by  law  to  be  made  to 

Congress,  report  to  accompany  H.   R.   12064 ;   submitted  by  Mr.  MacGregor. 

May  18,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1757,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print.} 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Floods.  Flood  control,  hearings.  70tli  Congress,  1st  session,  on  control  of  de- 
structive flood  waters  of  United  States,  Nov.  22,  1927,  and  Jan.  11,  1928. 

pt.  7.  Floods  in  New  England  States.  iv  + 4925-5370  p.  il.  4  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.  map.  [In- 
cludes miscellaneous  material  on  flood  control  and  index  to  pts.  1—7.] 
*  Paper,  75c.  Y  4.F  05  :C  70/pt.7 

Preliminary  examinations  and  surveys  for  flood  control,  hearings  before 

subcommittees,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  preliminary  examinations  and 
surveys  witli  view  to  flood  control  on  sundry  streams,  Feb.  29  and  Mar.  19, 
1928.     1928.     iii+36  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.F65:Su7/4 

Preliminary  examinations  of  sundry  streams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

13484  [authorizing  preliminary  examinations  of  sundry  streams  with  view  to 
control  of  their  floods,  substituted  for  H.  R.  6919  and  other  bills]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Reid  of  Illinois.  May  3,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1494,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


China,  United  States  Court  for.  Salaries  of  officers  of  United  States  Court  for 
China,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12955  [to  amend  act  creating  United  States 
Ctairt  for  China  and  prescribing  jurisdiction  thereof  and  act  making  appro- 
priations for  diplomatic  and  consular  service,  fiscal  year  1921]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.   Porter.     May  2,   1928.     4  p.      (H.   rp.    1479,   70th   Cong.    1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Citizens  of  United  States.  Protection  of  American  citizens  of  foreign  birth  or 
parentage  from  liability  to  military  service  in  certain  nations,  report  to 
accompany  H.  J.  Res.  268  [requesting  the  President  to  negotiate  with  nations 
with  which  there  is  no  such  agreement  treaties  for  protection  of  Americaii 
citizens  of  foreign  birth,  or  parentage,  from  liability  to  military  service  in  such 
nations]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Temple.  May  3,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1482,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Congress  of  Americanists.  23d  International  Congress  of  Ameri- 
canii-ts,  rei>ort  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  97  [authorizing  the  President  to  ap- 
point 3  delegates  to  23d  International  Congress  of  Americanists,  and  making 
appropriation  for  expenses  of  such  congress  to  be  held  in  New  York  City  in 
Sept.  1928]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  2,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1481,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Juridical  Congress  on  Wireless  Telegraphy.  Appropriation  for 
expenses  of  United  States  in  International  Juridical  Congress  on  Wireless 
Telegraphy  [to  be  held  at  Rome  in  1928],  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res. 
316 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1875,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

International  Maritime  Conference  for  Safety  of  Life  at  Sea.  International 
conference  for  revision  of  convention  of  1914  for  safety  of  life  at  sea,  report 
to  accompanj'  H.  J.  Res.  266  [authorizing  appropriation  for  exi^enses  of  par- 
ticipation by  United  States  in  international  conference  for  revision  of  con- 
vention of  1914  for  safety  of  life  at  sea,  to  be  held  in  London,  England,  in 
1929]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1480,  7ath  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5o. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follo>vins    Contents 

952  May,  1928 

International  Technical  Committee  of  Aerial  Legal  Experts,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  311  [to  provide  annual  appropriation  to  meet  quota  of  United 
States  toward  expenses  of  International  Technical  Committee  of  Aerial  Legal 
Experts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1817,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai>er,  5c. 

International  Telegraph  Conference,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  317  [author- 
izing appropriation  to  pay  for  exi>enditures  involved  in  participation  by 
United  States  in  International  Telegraph  Conference  to  be  held  in  Brussels  in 
1928]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1876,  70th 
Cong.   1st  sess. )     *  Paper,   5c. 

Interparliamentary  Union,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13930  [to  authorize  appro- 
priation for  American  group  of  Interparliamentary  Union]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Burton,     May  22,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1825.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Jewell,  Mrs.  Jeannette  S.  Jeannette  S.  Jewell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12966 
[for  relief  of  Jeannette  S.  Jewell,  widow  of  John  F.  Jewell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Porter.     May  9,1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1575,70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Johnson,  Mi'S.  Etta  B.  L.  Etta  B.  Leach  Johnson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12995  [for  relief  of  Etta  B.  Leach  Johnson,  widow  of  Felix  S.  S.  Johnson]  : 
submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  IS.  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1745,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moore,  Charles  A.  Charles  A.  Moore,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9085  [for 
relief  of  Charles  A.  Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May  18,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1743,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tulsa,  Okla.  International  Petroleum  Exposition  at  Tulsa,  Okla.,  rei)ort  to 
accompany  H.  J.  Res.  292  [authorizing  the  President  to  invite  States  of  the 
Union  and  foreign  countries  to  participate  in  International  Petroleum  Exhibi- 
tion at  Tulsa,  Okla.,  to  begin  Oct.  20,  1928]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Porter.  May 
2,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1477,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Aliens.  Legalization  of  residence  of  certain  aliens,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13793  [relating  to  records  of  arrival  of  certain  immigrants]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Schneider.  May  19,  1928.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  1774,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [In- 
cludes minority  views  signed  by  Mr.  Moore,  Mr.  Warren,  Mr.  Green,  and  Mr. 
Box.     Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  21,  1928 ;  no.  6. 
1928.     26  p.  large  8°     $  Y  4.1m  6/1 :  70/6 

Immigration.  Amendments  to  immigration  act  of  1924,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  234  and  related  measures  affecting  quota  exemptions 
and  preferences,  H.  R.  8540,  nurses  and  teachei-s  in  Porto  Rico,  H.  R.  159 
and  related  measures  affecting  records  of  immigrant  arrivals.  Mar.  27-Apr. 
10,  1928.     1928.     ii+126  p.      (Hearing  no.  70.1.6.)     *  Paper.  15c. 

Y  4.1m  6/1 :  Im  6/17 

Relat  ng  to  immigration  of  certain  relatives  of  United  States  citizens  and 

aliens  lawfully  admitted  to  United  States,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  5 
[to  grant  preference  to  wives  and  minor  children  of  alien  declarants  iu 
issuance  of  immigration  visas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jenkins.  May  5,  1928.  6 
p.     (H.  rp.  1539,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Natiirali^zation.  Permitting  naturalization  of  certain  aliens,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13791;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Langley.  May  18,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1752,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 



Cherokee  Indians.  Expenditure  of  certain  funds  standing  to  credit  of  Cherokee 
Nation  in  Treasury  of  United  States  to  be  paid  to  one  of  attorneys  for  Cherokee 
Nation,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13753 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howard  of  Okla- 
homa.    May  17,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1730,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5o. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follovrins    Contents 

May,  1928  953 

Childers,  Eloise.  Eloise  Childers,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  260  [for 
relief   of  Eloise   Childers]  ;    submitted   by   Mr.    Cartwright.     May    10.    1928. 

3  p.     (H.  rp.  1587,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5e. 

Chippevxi  Indians.  Classification  of  Chippewa  Indians  of  Minnesota,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  12414;  submitted  by  Mr.  Letts.  May  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1851,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coal.  Extending  leases  on  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  in  Choctaw  and  Chickasaw 
nations,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12574  [to  provide  for  extension  of 
time  of  certain  mining  leases  of  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  in  segregated 
mineral  land  of  Choctaw  and  Chickasaw  nations,  and  to  permit  extension  of 
time  to  purchasers  of  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  within  segregated  mineral 
lands  of  said  nations  to  complete  payments  of  purchase  price]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Cartwright.     Apr.  30,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1421,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Coive,  Effa.  EfCa  Cowe.  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  261  [for  relief  of  Effa 
Cowe]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cartwright.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1493,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pai)er,  5c. 

Creek  Indians.  Payment  of  attorneys  of  Creek  Nation  of  Indians,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  12604  [authorizing  advancement  of  certain  funds  standing 
to  credit  of  Creek  Nation  in  Treasury  of  United  States  to  be  paid  to  attorneys 
for  Creek  Nation]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Howard  of  Oklahoma.     May  10,  1928. 

4  p.     (H.  rp.  1586,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dussome,  Carl  J.  R.  Carl  J.  Reid  Dussome,  report  to  accompany  S.  2076 
[authorizing  allotment  of  Carl  J.  Reid  Dussome  as  Kiowa  Indian  and  direct- 
ing issuance  of  trust  patent  to  him  to  lands  of  Kiowa  Indian  Reservation. 
Okla.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Howard  of  Oklahoma.  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1655,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Five  Civilized  Tribes.  Extend  period  of  restrictions  in  lands  of  certain  mem- 
bers of  Five  Civilized  Tribes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13711  [to  amend 
sec.  4  of  act  to  extend  period  of  restrictions  in  lands  of  certain  member.'^  of 
Five  Civilized  Tribes,  so  as  to  correct  error]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May 
14,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1654,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fort  Apache  Reservation.  Purchase  of  privately  OTSTied  lands  within  For" 
Apache  Indian  Reservation,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4346 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Leavitt.     May    24,    1928.     2   p.     (H.    rp.    1853,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

♦  Paper,  5c. 

Fort  Peck  Reservation.  Authorized  lease  or  sale  of  reserved  lands  on  Forr 
Peck  Indian  Reservation,  Mont.,  reiwrt  to  accompany  S.  3593  [to  authorize 
leasing  or  sale  of  lands  reserved  for  agency,  schools,  and  other  purposes  on 
Fort  Peck  Indian  Reservation,  Mont.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  17. 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1723.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hansen,  R.  E.  R.  E.  Hansen,  report  to  accompany  S.  3794  [for  relief  of  R.  E. 
Hansen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howard  of  Oklahoma.  May  17,  1928.  3  p.  (H. 
rp.  1729,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Hunts  Along,  James.  James  Hunts  Along,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12312 
[for  relief  of  James  Hunts  Along]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.     May  17,  1928. 

5  p.     (H.  rp.  1724,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Indian  Affairs  Office.  Salary  of  commissioner  and  assistant  commissioner  of 
Indian  affairs,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13506:  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt. 
May  14.  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1653.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Indians.  Regulating  Indian  allotments  disposed  of  by  will,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10372;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sproul  of  Kansas.  May  19,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1781,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper.  5c. 

Hovr    to    order   publications — See    information    (ollofving    Contents 

954  May,  1928 

Kutenai  Indians.  Drainage  and  reclamation  of  Kootenai  Indian  allotments  in 
Idaho,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11468  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior 
to  execute  agreement  or  agreements  with  drainage  district  or  districts  provid- 
ing for  drainage  and  reclamation  of  Kootenai  Indian  allotments  in  Idaho 
within  exterior  boundaries  of  such  district  or  districts  that  may  be  benefited 
hv  drainage  and  reclamation  work]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington. 
May  4,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1506,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

MiUichamp,  F.  Stanley.  F.  Stanley  Millichamp,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11064  [for  relief  of  F.  Stanley  Millichamp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Wash- 
ington.    May  4,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1522,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Navajo  Reservation.  Telephone  line  from  Flagstaff  to  Kayenta,  Navajo  Indian 
Reservation.  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3779 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt. 
May  12.  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1640,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Olherg.  C.  R.  C.  R.  Olberg,  report  to  accompany  S.  2738  [for  relief  of  C.  R. 
Olberg]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Arentz.  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1656,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Osage  Indians.  Amending  act  for  division  of  lands  and  funds  of  Osage  Indians 
of  Oklahoma,  report  to  accompany  S.  2360  [to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  to  amend 
sec.  3  of  act  for  division  of  lands  and  funds  of  Osage  Indians  in  Oklahoma]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  26,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1901,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)  [Committee  amends  S.  2360  by  adding  amendments  to  other  laws 
affecting  tribal  and  individual  affairs  of  the  Osage  Indians.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

• Tribal  and  individual  affairs  of  Osage  Indians  of  Oklahoma,  report  to 

accompany   H.    R.    13407 ;    submitted    by    Mr.    Leavitt.     May    1,    1928.     3   p. 
(H.  rp.  1458,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pine  Ridge  Reservation.  Per  capita  payment  to  Pine  Ridge  Sioux  Indians  of 
South  Dakota,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13342;  submitted  by  Mr.  William- 
son.    Apr.  30,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1424,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

San  Carlos  Reservation.  Authorizing  disposition  of  2  bridges  on  San  Carlos 
Indian  Reservation,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4321 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Englebright.     May    17,    1928.     2    p.     (H.    rp.    1728,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Spohan  Indians.  Authorizing  certain  Indian  tribes  in  State  of  Washington  to 
present  claims  to  Court  of  Claims,  report  to  accompany  S.  1480  [authorizing 
certain  Indian  tribes  and  bands,  namely  Lower  Spokan  and  Lower  Pend 
d'Oreille  or  Lower  Kalispel  tribes,  or  any  of  them,  residing  in  State  of 
Washington,  to  present  their  claims  to  Court  of  Claims]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Hill  of  Washington.     May  3,  1928.     10  p.     (H.  rp.  1490,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Umatilla  Reservation.  Allotment  of  lands  to  Indians  on  Umatilla  Reservation. 
Oreg.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1191  [to  amend  act  for  allotment  of  lands  in 
severalty  to  Indians  residing  upon  Umatilla  Reservation,  Oreg.,  and  granting 
patents  therefor,  so  as  to  withhold  from  sale  or  disposition  certain  lands  for 
use  as  tribal  grazing  grounds]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  12,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1639,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

White  Bear,  Russell.  Russell  White  Bear,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13600 
[for  relief  of  Russell  White  Bear]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  17.  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1726,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Yankton  Indians.  Reinvesting  title  to  lands  in  Yankton  Sioux  tribe  of  Indians, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2792;  submitted  by  Mr.  Letts.  May  24,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1852,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Porto  Rico.  Confer  right  to  vote  to  women  of  Porto  Rico,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7010  [to  amend  organic  act  of  Porto  Rico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kiess. 
May  25,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1895,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    Inforuiation    following:    Contents 

May,  1928  955 


Altamalia  River.  Bridge  across  Altauiaha  River  at  Towns  Bluff  Ferry,  Ga., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13S56  [authorizing  H.  G.  Martin.  W.  P.  Calhoun, 
J.  H.  Kaplin,  R.  L.  O'Neal,  O.  J.  Whipple,  H.  G.  McBride,  J  B.  Brown,  and 
Idus  Jones  to  construct  bridge  across  Altamaha  Riv^'r  at  or  near  Towns  Bluff 
Ferry,  connecting  Jeff  Davis  and  Montgomery  counties,  Ga.]  ;  submittt-d  by 
Mr.  Huddlestou.     May  24,   1928.     3  p.     (H.   rp.  1849,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bartholometo,  Bayou.  Bayou  Bartholomew,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11481  [to  make  portions  of  Bayou  Bartholomew  in  Arkansas  nonnavigable]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1669,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bear  Creek.  Bridge  across  Bear  Creek  at  Lovel  Point,  Mr.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13652  [authorizing  Elmer  J.  Cook  to  construct  bridge  across  Bear 
Creek  at  or  near  Lovel  Point.  Baltimore  County.  Md.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wyant.     May  15,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1085,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bills  of  lading  and  loss  and  damage  claims,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th 
Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12773.  to  amend  paragraph  11  of  sec.  20  of 
interstate  commerce  act,  as  amended.  May  10,  1928.  1928.  iii+19  p.  *  Paper. 
5c.  T  4.  In  8/4  :  B  49/5 

Black  River.  Bridge  across  Black  River  at  or  near  Jonesville,  La.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13687  [authorizing  H.  M.  Wheeler  to  construct  bridge  across 
Black  River  at  or  near  Jonesville,  La.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburu.  May 
15,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1686,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bogue  Chitto  River.  Bridge  across  Bogue  Chilto  River  in  St.  Tammany  Parish, 
La.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3808  [to  authorize  construction  of  temporary 
railroad  bridge  across  Bogue  Chitto  River  at  or  near  point  in  township  5 
south,  range  13  east,  St.  Helena  meridian.  St.  Tammnny  Parish,  La.,  by 
Lamar  Lumber  Company.  Incorporated]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  May 
2.  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1475,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carriers.  Extension  of  Government  guaranty  to  carriers  by  water  (Merchant 
&  Miners  Transportation  Co.),  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress, 
1st  ses.sion.  on  H.  R.  12177  and  S.  3723,  to  amend  and  reenact  subdivision 
(a)  of  sec.  209  of  transportation  act,  1920  [so  as  to  extend  provisions  thereof 
to  carriers  by  water  not  controlled  by  any  railroad  companv].  May  17  and 
18,  1928.     1928.     iii+46  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.1n  8/4  :  W  29/3 

Champlain,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  at  Rouses  Point,  N.  Y., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13707  [authorizing  Elisha  N.  Goodsell  to  construct 
bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  at  or  near  Rouses  Point.  N.  Y..  and  point  at 
or  near  Alburgh,  Vt.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Corning.  May  15.  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1689,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chicago,  III.  Lighthouse  reservation  in  Chicago,  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13708  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  Commerce  to  dispone  of  certain  lighthouse 
reservation  and  to  acquire  land  for  lighthouse  purposes]  :  submitted  by 
Mr.    Merritt.      May   14,    1928.      5   p.      (H.    rp.    1662,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  r  !,•   1  m  <j 

Choctaichatchee  River.  Bridge  across  Choctawhatchee  River,  Ala.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13651  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  to  con- 
struct free  highway  bridge  across  Choctawhatchee  River  in  Dale  County  on 
highway  now  under  construction  from  Dothan  to  Enterprise]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Huddleston.     May  15,  1928.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  1684,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Coast  Guard.  Life  Saving  Service  pensions,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  28  and  H.  R.  7454,  granting  pensions  to  certain 
members   of   former   Life    Saving   Service.    Mav   18,    1928.     1928.     iii-f20   p. 

*  Paper.  5c.  Y  4.1n  8/4 :  L  62/13 

Ho-*v    to    order   publications — See    information    follo-winjc    Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 4 

956  May,  1928 

Columbia  River.  Bridge  across  Columbia  River  at  Arlington,  Oreg.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13824  [authorizing  L.  L.  Montague  to  construct  bridge  across 
Columbia  River  at  or  near  Arlington,  Oreg;.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  May 
24,  192S.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  1847,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cumberland  River.  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Burnside,  Ky.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13203  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway 
Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at 
or  near  Burnside,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  2,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1471,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Creelsboro,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  13205  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission, 
Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
Creelsboro,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1473, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  mouth  of  Indian  Creek,  Ky.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  13204  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway 
Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at 
or  near  mouth  of  Indian  Creek  in  Russell  County,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Peery.     May  2,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1472,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Neelys  Ferry,  Ky.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13207  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion, Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
Neelys  Ferry,  Cumberland  County,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  3, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1485,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

, Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Arat,  Ky.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13209  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion, Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
Arat,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1487,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burkesville,  Ky.,  report  to 

accompany  H.  R.  13208  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway 
Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at 
or  near  Burkesville,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1486,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  near  Center  Point,  Ky.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13210  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion, Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
Center  Point,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  i-p. 
1488,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  South  Fork  of  Cumberland  River  at  Burnside,  Ky.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  13206  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway 
Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  South  Fork  of  Cum- 
berland River  at  or  near  Burnside,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peery.  May  3, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1484,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Des  Moines  River.  Bridge  across  Des  Moines  River  at  or  near  Croton,  Iowa, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13501  [authorizing  Henry  Horsey,  Winfield  Scott, 
A.  L.  Ballegoin,  and  Frank  Schee  to  construct  bridge  across  Des  Moines  River 
at  or  near  Croton,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Iowa.  May  15, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1677,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Detroit  River.    Bridge  across  Detroit  River  at  Stony  Island*  Mich.,  report  to  • 
accompany  H.  R.  13065  [authorizing  Detroit  River  Canadian  Bridge  Company 
to  construct  bridge  across  Detroit  River   at  or  near   Stony   Island,  Wayne 
County,  Mich.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mapes.     May  2,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  i-p.  1469, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Point.  Conveyance  of  Federal  Point  lighthouse  reservation  to  Wil- 
mington, N.  C.  [as  memorial  to  commemorate  Battle  of  Fort  Fisher],  report 
to  accompany  S.  4302 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Merritt.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1697,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    foHoTvln?    Contents 

May,  1928  957 

Fox  River.  Bridge  across  Fox  River,  Dundee.  111.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13593  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  East  Dundee  and  West  Dundee,  111., 
to  construct  foot  bridge  across  Fox  River  between  East  Dundee  and  West 
Dundee,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  i-p.  1683, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Government  purchases  of  American  goods,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  Con.  Res.  19,  Apr.  26  and  27,  1928.     1928.     iii+53  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.1n  8/4 :  Am  3 

Inland  Watencays  Corporation.  Inland  Watenvays  Corporation,  extension  of 
barge  line,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10710,  to  amend 
act  to  create  Inland  Waterways  Corporation  for '  of  candying  out 
mandate  and  puriwse  of  Congress  as  expressed  in  sec.  201  and  500  of  trans- 
portation act ;  Apr.  24-May  2,  1928.    1928.    pt.  2,  iii+331-418  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.1n  8/4 :  In  5/2/pt.  2 

Inland  Waterways  CorxKjration,  report  [and  minority  views]  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13512  [to  amend  act  to  create  Inland  Waterways  Corporation  for 
purpose  of  carrying  out  mandate  and  purpose  of  Congress  as  expi'essed  in  sec. 
201  and  500  of  transportation  act].  [2  pts.]  (H.  rp.  1537,  2  pts.,  70th  Cong 
1st  sess.) 

L.  C.  card  28-26396 

[pt.  1.]    Report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  May  5,  1928.     16  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
pt.  2.     Minority  views  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Merritt.     May  14,  1928.     3  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kanwicha  River.  Bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  Dunbar,  W.  Va.,  report  to 
ac-company  H.  R.  13399  [authorizing  Baltimore  Gas  Engineering  Corporation 
to  construct  bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  or  near  Dunbar,  W.  Va.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Peery.     May  15,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1675,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Kankakee  River.  Dam  across  Kankakee  River  at  Momence,  111.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13831  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Momence  conserv- 
ancy district  to  construct  dam  across  Kankakee  River  at  Momence,  111.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Denison.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1871,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Labeling  foreign  products,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13071  [to  amend  sec.  8  of 
food  and  drugs  act,  approvetl  June  30,  1906,  as  amended,  relative  to  labeling 
of  nuts,  raw  or  dried  fniits,  and  raw  or  dried  vegetables  grown  outside  of 
United  States  and  its  Territories]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  May  8,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1570,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

lAghts.  Transfer  of  certain  lighthouse  resei^ations,  report  to  accompany  H.  B. 
12533  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  Commerce  to  dispose  of  certain  lighthouse 
reservations  and  to  acquire  lands  for  lighthouse  puriK)ses]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Merritt.     May  16,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  i-p.  1700,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mahoning  River.  Viaduct  across  Mahoning  River  at  Niles,  Ohio,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  12894  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  overhead  viaduct  across  Mahoning  River  at  or  near  Xiles.  Ohio, 
by  board  of  county  commissioners  of  Trumbull  County,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Cooper  of  Ohio.     May  2,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1468,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Mississippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Hastings,  Minn.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13503  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Hastings, 
Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Newton.  May  15,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1679,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Helena,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  13380  [authorizing  D.  T.  Hargraves  and  John  W.  Dulaney  to  construct 
bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Helena,  Ark.]  :  sultniitted  by  Mr. 
Parks.     May  2,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1478,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  near  New  Orleans,  La.,  I'eport  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13292  [to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  near  and  above  New  Orleans,  La.,  by  .said  city  through  its  Public  Belt 
Railroad  Commis.sion]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  May  15,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1673,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    Infonuation    following    Contenta 

958  May.  1928 

Missouri  River.  Bridge  across  Missouri  RLver  at  Kansas  City,  Kans.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13482  [autliorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Kansas  City,  Kans.]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Hocli.     May    15,    1928.     2   p.     (H.    rp.    1676,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,   5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Niobrara,   Nebr.,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  13592  [authorizing  H.  A.  Rinder  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri 
River  at  or  near  Niobrara.  Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burtness.  May  15,  1928. 
3  p.      (H.  rp.  1682,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Union,  Nebr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

13826  [authorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  at  or  near  Union,  Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shalleuberger. 
May  24,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1848,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  and  Omaha, 

Nebr.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3693  [authorizing  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  and 
Omaha,  Nebr.,  or  either  of  them,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across 
Missouri  River  between  Council  Bluff's,  Iowa,  and  Omaha,  Nebr.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Robinson  [of  Iowa].  May  2.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1474.  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River.  Mo.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4203  [authoriz- 
ing J.  H.  Haley  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  point  where 
Olive  street  road,  St.  Louis  County.  Mo.,  if  extended  west  would  intersect 
Missouri  River]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Milligan.  May  15,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1690,   70th   Cong.    1st   sess.)     *  Paper,    5c. 

Motor-vehicles.  Regulation  of  interstate  motor  busses  on  public  highways,  hear- 
ing, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12380,  to  regulate  interstate  commerce 
bv  motor  vehicles  operating  as  common  carriers  of  persons  on  public  highwavs, 
Apr.  10-18,  1928.     1928.     iii+307  p.     *  Paper,  30c.  Y  4.In8/4  :  M  85/a 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ashland,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13976  [authorizing  International  Business  Company,  Inc.,  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  Ashland,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cooper 
of  Ohio.     May  26,  1928.     3  p.     (PI.  rp.  1898,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ripley,   Ohio,   report  to  accompany  H.   R. 

13591  [authorizing  Ripley  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio- 
River  at  or  near  Ripley.  Ohio]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Crosser.  May  15,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1681,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Oregon  and  California  Railroad.  Relief  for  land-grant  ralro;ul,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  10162  [for  relief  of  land-grant  railroad  operated  between 
station  formerly  known  as  East  Portland,  Oreg..  and  Roseville,  Calif.]  :  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Lea.  May  5.  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1538,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[The  land-grant  railroad  in  question  is  the  Oregon  and  California  Rail- 
road, oi^erated  by  the   Southern   Pacific   Company.]     *  Paper,   5c. 

Ouachita  River.  Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  Harrisonburg,  La.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13705  [authorizing  H.  M.  Wheeler  to  construct  bridge 
across  Ouachita  River  at  or  near  Harrisonburg,  La.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Huddleston.     May    15,    1928.     2    p.      (H.    rp.    1688,    70th    Cong.    1st  "sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ouachita  River  near  mouth  of  Saline  River,  Ark.,  report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  13540  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway 
Commission  of  Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at  point 
between  mouth  of  Saline  River  and  Louisiana  and  Arkansas  line,  in  counties 
of  Union  and  Ashley,  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  May  15,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1680,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pearl  River.  Bridge  across  Pearl  River  at  or  near  Edinburg,  Miss.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13996  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  sui>ervisors 
of  Leake  County,  or  to  said  board  and  board  of  supervisors  of  Neshoba 
County,  Miss.,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Pearl  River  at  or 
near  Edinburg,  Miss.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  Mav  26,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1899,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  959 

Perdido  Bay.  Bridge  acro.«s  Perdido  Bay  at  Innerarily  Point,  Fla..  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13747  [autliorizing  Nortliwest  Florida  Corporation  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Perdido  Bay  at  or  near  Innerarity  Point  in  Escambia 
County,  Fla.,  to  mainland  of  Baldwin  County.  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddle- 
ston.  '  May  22,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1821,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

JPlatinutn.  Marking  of  platinum,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  S.  1251,  to  regulate  marking  of  platinum  imported  into  United 
States  or  transported  in  interstate  commerce,  May  18,  1928.  1928.  iii  +  28 
p.  *  Paiier,  5c.  Y  4.1n  8/4  :  P  69 

Pointe  aux  Herhes  lighthouse  reservation,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13G44 
[to  sell  at  private  sale  portion  of  Pointe  aux  Herbes  lighthouse  reservation. 
La.,  to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Merritt.  May  15. 
1928.     3  p     .(H.  rp.  1694,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Potomac  River.  Bridge  across  Potomac  River  at  Paw  Paw,  W.,  Va.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13848  [to  legalize  bridge  across  Potomac  River  at  or  near 
Paw  Paw,  W.  Va.,  being  constructed  by  West  Virginia  and  Maryland]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Perry.    May  22,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1823,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Rio  Grande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  Langtry,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13318  [authorizing  Val  Verde  County  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  Langtry,  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ray- 
l)urn.     May  15,  1928.     2  p.     ( H.  rp.  1674,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  near  Ysleta,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

13778  [authorizing  Alex  Gonzales  to  construct  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  near 
Ysleta,  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rayburn.  May  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1846, 
70  h  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Sabine  River.  Bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  Burr's  Ferry,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13777  [authorizing  Louisiana  and  Texas  to  constx'uct  free  high- 
way bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Burr's  Ferry,  La.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Rayburn.     May    22,    1928.     2    p.     (H.    rp.    1822,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

•S*.  Croix  River.  Bridge  across  St.  Croix  River  at  Stillwater,  Minn.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13-502  [authorizing  Minnesota  to  construct  free  highway 
bridge  across  St.  Croix  River  at  or  near  Stillwater,  Minn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Newton.     May  15,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1678.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■St.  Laxcrence  River.  Bridge  across  St.  Lawrence  River  near  Alexandria  Bay, 
N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12895  [authorizing  New  York  Development 
Association,  Inc.,  to  construct  bridge  across  St.  Lawrence  River  near  Alex- 
andria Bay,  N.  Y.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Corning.  May  15,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1670,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Santa  Rosa  Souiid.  Bridge  aci'oss  Santa  Rosa  Sound,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13177  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  boards  of  county  commissioners 
of  counties  of  Escambia  and  Santa  Rosa,  Fla.,  to  construct  free  highway 
bridge  across  Santa  Rosa  Sound,  Fla.,  at  or  near  Deer  Point,  Santa  Rosa 
County,  or  at  or  near  Sharp  Point  on  Santa  Rosa  Island]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Huddleston.     May    15,    1928.     3    p.     (H.    rp.    1671,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

Savannah  River.  Bridge  across  Savannah  River  at  Sylvania,  Ga..  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13267  [authorizing  South  Carolina  and  Georgia  State  high- 
way departments  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Savannah  River  at  or  near 
Burtons  Ferry  near  Sylvania,  Ga.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  May  15, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1672,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tennessee  River.  Bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Clifton,  Tenn., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13141  [authorizing  T.  S.  Hassell  to  construct 
bridge  across  Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Clifton,  Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Peery.     May  2,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1470,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

960         .  May,  1928 

Tennessee  River — Continued. 

Bridges  in  Alabama,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13481  [granting  consent 

of  Congress  to  Alabama  State  Bridge  Corporation  to  construct  bridges  across 
Tennessee,  Tombigbee,  Warrior,  Alabama,  and  Coosa  rivers  within  Alabama] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Huddleston.  May  3.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1489,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

White  River.  Bridge  across  White  River  at  Augusta,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13689  [granting  cnnsent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  through  its  State 
Highway  Department  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near 
Augusta,  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1687^ 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  White  River  at  Clarendon,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany  S. 

4344  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission  of  Arkan- 
sas to  construct  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Clarendon,  Ark.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Parks.  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1824,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  White  River  at  Newport,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

13108  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission  of  Arkan- 
sas to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Newport]  ;  submit- 
ted by  Mr.  Parks.  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1820,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


Pensions.  Granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and 
sailors  of  Civil  War,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13511  [substituted  for 
H.  R.  503  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  W.  T.  Fitzgerald.  May  3,  1928. 
380  p.      (H.  rp.  1501,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  40c. 


Arkansas  River.  Interstate  compact,  Colorado-Kansas,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7025  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  or  agreements  between 
Colorado  and  Kansas  with  respect  to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of 
Arkansas  River  and  all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  inter- 
ested] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  May  18,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1748,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cimarron  River.  Apportionment  of  waters  of  Cimarron  River  and  all  other 
streams  in  which  New  Mexico  and  Oklahoma  are  jointly  interested,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  6496 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1737,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Colorado  River.  Interstate  compacts,  Colorado-Utah,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  7028  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  or  agreements  between 
Colorado  and  Utah  with  respect  to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of 
Colorado,  Green,  Bear  or  Yampa,  White,  San  Juan,  and  Dolores  rivers  and 
all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  interested]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  May  IS,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1751,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gila  River.  Compacts  or  agreements  between  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  with 
respect  to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of  Gila  and  San  Francisco 
rivers  and  all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  interested,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  6499 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  IS,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1740,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

North  Platte  River.  Granting  consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  between  Colo- 
rado and  Wyoming,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7026  [gi'anting  consent  of 
Congress  to  compacts  or  agreements  between  Colorado  and  Wyoming  with 
respect  to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River  and 
other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  interested]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1749,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  961 

}forth  Platte  River — Continued. 

Interstate  compacts,  Colorado-Nebraska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7027 

[^rantin.c:  consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  or  agreements  b-'tween  Colorado 
and  Nebraska  with  respect  to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of  North 
Platte  River  and  all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  inter- 
ested! :  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  n^- 
1750.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Storage  for  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River  and  construction 

of  Saratoga  reclamation  project,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13421 :  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Winter.    May  18,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  i-p.  1759.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  .5c. 

To  provide  for  storage  and  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River 

and  construction  of  Casper-Alcova  reclamation  project,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R  13420:  submitted  by  Mr.  Winter.  May  IS,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1758, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Okanogan  imgation  project.  DeliveiT  of  water  on  Okanogan  irrigation  proj- 
ect. Wash.,  during  1928  season,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  298 :  sub- 
mitted by  Mi-.  Smith.    May  12,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1637.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

Rio  Grande.  ApiK)rtionment  of  waters  of  Rio  Grande,  Pecos,  and  Canadian 
or  Red  rivers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6497  [granting  consent  of  Congress 
to  compacts  or  agreements  between  New  Mexico  and  Texas  with  respect  to 
division  and  apiwrtionment  of  waters  of  Rio  Grande.  Pecos,  and  Canadian 
or  Red  rivers,  and  all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  inter- 
ested] :  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1738.  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  5c. 

—  Compacts  or  agreements  between  New  Mexico  and  Colorado  with  respect 
to  division  and  apportionment  of  waters  of  Rio  Grande,  San  Juan,  and  Las 
Animas  rivers,  and  all  other  streams  in  which  such  States  are  jointly  inter- 
ested, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6498;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  18, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1739,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

—  Interstate  compact,  Colorado-New  Mexico,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7024  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  or  agreements  between  Colo- 
rado and  New  Mexico  with  respect  to  division  and  apportionment  "f  waters 
of  Rio  Grande,  San  Juan,  and  Las  Animas  rivers  and  all  other  strc>ams  in 
which  such  States  are  jointly  interested]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Colo- 
rado.    May  IS,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1747,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Rio  Grande  irrigation  project.  Extending  time  of  construction  payments  on 
Rio  Grande  Federal  irrigation  project,  N.  Jlex.-Tex.  [by  Elephanr  Butte 
Irrigation  District  and  El  Paso  County  Water  Improvement  District  1], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11471 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  10.  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1589,  70th  Cong.  1st  ses.s.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Umatilla  Rapids  project.  Oreg.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  306  [for  protection 
and  development  of  Umatilla  Rapids  in  Columbia  River]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sinnott.    May  26,  192S.    9  p.     (H.  rp.  1909,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Agricultural  d<iy.  To  provide  for  Agricultural  day.  report  to  accompany  S.  J. 
Res.  61;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1504,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Alaska.  Care  of  insane  citizens  of  Alaska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  170: 
submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1540,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bonds  of  officers,  etc.  Amending  law  regarding  official  bonds,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13978  [to  amend  sec.  5  of  act  of  Mar.  2.  1895.  relating  to  official 
bonds]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  i-p.  1862,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

962  Mat,  1928 

Boxing  matches  in  Hawaii,  report  to  accompauy  H.  R.  7200  [to  amend  sec.  321 
of  penal  code]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1542, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  1  and  14,  1928 ; 
no.  13  and  14.     1928.     64  p.  and  70  p.  4°     |  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  70/13, 14     I 

Clerks.     Appointment    of   law    clerks    to   circuit   judges,    report   to   accompany    1 
H.  R.  9054;    submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.     May  8,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1561,     I 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c.  ' 

Courts  of  United  States.  Prescribing  procedure  for  forfeiture  of  vessels  and 
vehicles  under  customs,  navigation,  and  internal  revenue  laws,  hearing, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12730,  May  8,  1928.  1928.  ii+30  p. 
( Serial  27.)      *  Paper,   5c.  Y  4. J  89/1 :  V  63/2 

To  change  procedure  in  Federal  courts  in  certain  cases,  hearings,  70th 

Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10639,  H.  R.  10548,  Apr.  25,  1928.  1928.  [pt. 
3],  ii+26  p.     ( Serial  1,  pt.  3. )     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  P  94/23/pt.  3 

Disburshiff  officers.  Designation  and  bonding  of  persons  to  act  for  disbursing 
officers  [and  others  charged  with  disbursement  of  public  money  of  United 
States],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12203;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May 
3,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1497,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

D'i strict  Courts.  Amend  ;^.ct  establishing  eastern  judicial  district  of  Oklahoma 
[so  as  to  provide  for  holding  terms  of  court  at  Durant,  Okla.],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10431 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  11,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1604,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Amend  sec.  71  of  judicial  code  as  amended,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

12036  [to  amend  sec.  71  of  judicial  code,  as  amended  by  public  numbered  21, 
70th  Congress,  approved  Feb.  7,  1928,  so  as  to  transfer  Ashley  County  from 
western  to  eastern  district  of  xVrkansas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May 
12,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1625,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Amend  sec.  126,  title  28,  United  States  code  [relative  to  appointments  of 

relatives  by  district  judges  and  judges  of  Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals],  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  12526 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  24,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1857,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Change  Hardeman  County,  Tex.,  from  Fort  Worth  division  to  Wichita 

Falls  division  of  northern  judicial  district  of  Texas,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9055;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1624, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Changing  boundaries  of  divisions  of  .southern  district  of  California  [and 

tei-ms  of  court  for  each  division],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12351;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Graham.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1626,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Provision  of  times  and  places  for  holding  terms  of  court  for   eastern 

district  of  North  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  S.  3947 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Weaver.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1426,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

— —  To  create  new  division  of  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Texas, 
report  to  accompauy  H.  R.  12629 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sumners  of  Texas. 
May  17,  1928.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  1721,  70th  Cong,  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Flags.  To  adopt  official  flag  code  of  United  States,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,    on    H.    J.    Res.    11,    Jan.    25,    1928.     1928.     ii+34    p.     (Serial    28.) 

*  Paper,   5c.  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  F  59, '6 

Florida.  For  relief  of  Florida,  report  to  accompany  S.  3917 :  submitted  by 
Mr.  Christopherson.     May  21,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1787,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  || 

*  Paper,  5c.  T| 

Godfrey,  Mrs.  Cora  W.  To  permit  United  States  to  be  made  party  defendant 
in  certain  case  [to  be  instituted  in  courts  of  South  Carolina  by  Mrs.  Cora  W. 
Godfrey  to  foreclose  mortgage  of  W.  J.  Wood],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12809;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  7.  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1545,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May.  1928  963 

Industrial  Reformatory.  To  remove  age  limits  of  persons  who  may  be  con- 
fined at  Industrial  Reformatory  at  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12249;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1498, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judges.  Additional  district  judge  for  eastern  and  western  districts,  South 
Carolina,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12811 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dominick. 
Apr.  30,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1427,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional  judge  for  northern  district  of  Illinois,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4183  [authorizing  filling  of  vacancy  occurring  in  office  of  district  judge 
for  northern  district  of  Illinois  created  by  act  for  appointment  of  additional 
circuit  judge  for  4th  judicial  circuit,  for  appointment  of  additional  district 
judges  for  certain  districts,  providing  for  annual  conference  of  certain  judges, 
and  for  other  pui^poses]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  18,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1736,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional   judge   in   Florida,    report   to  accompany   S.   1275    [to  create 

additional  judge  for  southern  district  of  Florida]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham. 
May  24,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1859,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional  justice  for   Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia,   report 

to  accompany  H.  R.  13116 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  3,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1500,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Appointment  of  additional  circuit  judge  for  2d  judicial  circuit,  report 

to  accompany  S.  1976 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  24.  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1860,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  provide  additional  justice  of  Supreme  Court  of  District  of  C<»lumbia, 

hearing.  70th  Consn-ess,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  13116,  May  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+17  p.     ( Serial  25. )     *  Paper,  5c.  T  4.  J  89/1 :  D  63/13 

Laics.  Revision  and  printing  of  index  to  Federal  statutes,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9778  [to  amend  act  providing  for  revision  and  printing  of  index 
to  Federal  statutes  by  librarian  of  Congress,  so  as  to  include  acts  of  70th 
Congress,  and  increasing  appropriation  therefor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham. 
May  7,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1541,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Marslials.  Fees  of  marshal  in  certain  cases,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12250 
[to  amend  sec.  574,  title  28,  United  States  code,  relative  to  fees  of  marshals 
for  expenses  of  keeping  boats,  etc..  attached  in  admiralty]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Graham.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1499,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Miller,  B.  C.  B.  C.  Miller,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11859  [for  relief  of 
B.  C.  Miller]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  8,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  1562, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Xarcotic  farms.  Establishment  of  2  narcotic  farms,  hearings.  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  127S1.  H.  R.  13645,  Apr.  26-28,  1928^  1928.  ii+222 
p.  11.     ( Serial  29.)      *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.  J  89/1 :  N  16 

Establishment  of  2  narcotic  fanns,  report  to   accompany  H.  R.   13645 

[to  establish  2  narcotic  farms  for  confinement  and  treatment  of  persons 
addicted  to  use  of  habit-forming  narcotic  drugs  who  have  been  convicted 
of  offenses  against  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  14, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1652,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

North  Carolina.  For  relief  of  North  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  S.  3097 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  22,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1S18,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oaths.  Dispensing  with  oath  or  aflirmation  as  method  of  verifying  certain 
written  instruments,  rejjort  to  accompany  H.  R.  9343 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Graham.     May  8,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp,  1566,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Pickert,  L.,  Fi^sh  Company,  Incorporated.  L.  Pickert  Fish  Co.  (Inc.),  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  10908  [for  relief  of  L.  Pickert  Fish  Company  (Incor- 
porated)]; submitted  by  Mr.  Christopherson.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1462,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

HoTf    to    order   publications — See    information    follo'iving    Contents 

964  May,  1928 

Prison  camps.  To  establish  Federal  prison  camps,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11285;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  18,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1735,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Probation  system.  To  amend  probation  law,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  H.  R.  11801,  Apr.  13,  1928.  1928.  ii+69  p.  il.  8  pi.  3  maps. 
( Serial  24. )     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4  J  89/1 :  P  94/26 

Prohibition.  Certain  information  from  Secretary  of  Treasui-y  concerning  en- 
forcement of  prohibition  law  in  western  district  of  Pennsylvania,  adverse 
report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  181 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May  3.  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1496,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Information  concerning  prohibition  enforcement  from  Attorney  General, 

adverse  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  180;  submitted  by  Mr.  Graham.  May 
3,1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1495,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  amend  prohibition  laws  for  purpose   of  more  efficient  enforcement, 

hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11410,  Apr.  30,  1928.  1928. 
ii+59  p.     (Serial  26.)     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4. J  89/1 :  P  94/27 


Code  of  laxcs  of  United  States.  Publication  of  supplements  to  United  States 
Code  and  of  code  of  laws  for  District  of  Columbia  and  supplements  thereto, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13621  [to  authorize  preparation  and  publication 
of  supplements  to  Code  of  laws  of  United  Stages  with  perfecting  amendments, 
printing  of  bills  to  codify  laws  relating  to  District  of  Columbia  and  of  such 
code  and  of  supplements  thereto,  and  for  distribution]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Roy  G.  Fitzgerald.     May  16,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1705,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Blount,  Camp.  Acquisition  of  land  and  erection  of  markers  at  Camp  Blount, 
Tenn.,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11196.  for  erection  of 
tablet  or  markers  at  Camp  Blount,  Lincoln  County,  Tenn.,  May  16.  1928.  1928. 
ii+11  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.L  61/1 :  C  15 

District  of  Columbia.  Improvement  of  base  and  grounds  of  Washington  Monu- 
ment, hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11208,  to  provide  for 
eng  neering  and  landscape  study,  preparation  of  plans,  and  estimate  of  cost 
of  improvement  of  base  and  grounds  of  Washington  Monument  in  District 
of  Columbia,  May  11,  1928.     1928.     ii+7  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.L61/1:  W27 

Ellsworth,  Lincoln.  Lincoln  Ellsworth  medal,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  3919,  to  award  gold  medal  to  Lincoln  Ellsworth,  distinguished 
American  explorer.  May  16,  1928.     1928.     ii+12  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.L  61/1 :  El  5 

Medal  of  honor  to  Lincoln  Ellsworth,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12456 

[awarding  Congressional  Medal  of  Honor  to  Lincoln  Ellsworth]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Luce.  May  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1839,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Committee  amends  H.  R.  12456  so  as  to  authorize  presentation  of  gold  medal 
of  honor  to  Lincoln  Ellsworth  instead  of  Congressional  Medal   of  Honor.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Government  officials  and  employees.  Awards  for  distinguished  work  in  science 
and  conspicuous  semce,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  424, 
providing  for  a  medal  of  honor  and  awards  to  Government  employees  for 
distinguished  work  in  science,  and  H.  R.  13036,  to  authorize  board  of  regents 
of  Smithsonian  Institution  to  make  recommendations  regarding  conspicuous 
service,  May  8,  1928.     1928.     ii-f  39  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.L  61/1 :  Sci  2 

Hart,  Nancy.  Tablet  or  marker  to  commemorate  Nancy  Hart,  reiwrt  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  7452  [for  erection  of  tablet  or  marker  to  be  placed  at  some  suit- 
able point  at  Alfords  Bridge  in  county  of  Hart,  Ga.,  on  national  highway 
between  Georgia  and  South  Carolina,  to  commemorate  memory  of  Nancy 
Hart]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1807,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho^v    to    order   publications — See    information    follo-wing    Contents 

May,  1928  965 

Mount  Rushmore  Xatio7Ml  Memorial  Commission,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12521  [croatins  Mount  Rushmore  National  Memorial  Commission  and  defin- 
ing its  purpose  and  powers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1800.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nashville,  Tcnii.  Establishment  of  Presidents'  plaza,  Nashville,  Tenn.,  hear- 
ing, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  9496,  providing  for  Presidents' 
plaza  and  memorial  in  Nashville,  Tenn.,  to  Andrew  Jackson,  James  K. 
Polk,  and  Andrew  Johnson,  former  Presidents  of  United  States.  Mav  11. 
1928.     1928.     il+12  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.  L61/1:P92 

Presidents'  plaza  and  memorial  in  Nashville,  Tenn.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  3171  [providing  for  Presidents'  plaza  and  memorial  in  Nashville, 
Tenn..  to  Andrew  Jackson,  James  K.  Polk,  and  Andrew  Johnson,  former 
Presidents  of  United  States]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  24,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  18.55,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

2fez  Percex  Indians.  Moniiment  on  site  of  battle  between  Nez  Perce  Indians 
under  command  of  Chief  Joseph  and  command  of  Nelson  A.  Miles,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8109:  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1799,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pulaski  Sesquicentennial  Commission,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  304  [pro- 
viding for  observance  and  commemoration  of  150th  anniversary  of  death  of 
Casimir  Pulaski,  and  establishing  commission  to  be  known  as  United  States 
Pulaski  Sesquicentennial  Commission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1798,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rhode  Island.  Battle  of,  177 S.  One  hundred  and  fiftieth  anniversary  of  Battle 
of  Rhode  Island,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11800  [to  establish  commission 
for  participation  of  United  States  in  observance  of  150th  anniversary  of 
Battle  of  Rhode  Island]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.  May  22.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1809,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Sesquicentennial  celebration   of   Battle   of  Rhode   Island,   hearing,    70th 

Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11800,  to  establish  commission  for  participa- 
tion of  United  States  in  observance  of  150th  anniversary  of  Battle  of  Rhode 
Island;  May  16,  1928.     1928.     ii+6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  T4.  L6l/l:R34 

'Wyommg  massacre,  1778.  Sesquicentennial  of  Battle  of  Wyoming,  hearing, 
70th  Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  13594,  for  cooperation  of  Federal  Gov- 
ernment in  sesquicentennial  of  Battle  of  Wyoming;  May  16,  1928.  1928. 
ii+16  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  L  61/1 :  W  99 

Sesquicentennial    of    Battle    of   Wyoming,    repoi-t    to    accompany    H.    R. 

14034.  [to  establish  commission  for  participation  of  United  States  in  observ- 
ance of  150th  anniversary  of  Battle  of  Wyoming]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce. 
May  26,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1900,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Yorktoion  Sesquicentennial  Commission,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  279 
[establishing  commission  to  formulate  and  submit  plans  for  observance  of 
150th  anniversary  of  surrender  of  Cornwallis  at  Yorktown,  Va.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Luce.  May  21,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1801,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


Fish-culture.  Five-year  construction  and  maintenance  program.  Bureau  of 
Fisheries,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13383 :  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of 
Maine.    Apr.  30,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1434,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Zfights.  Lights  for  tugs  whose  principal  business  is  harbor  towing,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13032  [to  amend  act  to  regulate  navigation  on  Great  Lakes 
and  their  connecting  and  tributary  waters]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of 
Maine.    Apr.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1432,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lights  on  lake  steamers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13037   [to  amend 

sec.  1,  rule  2,  rule  3,  subdivision  e,  and  rule  9  of  act  to  regulate  navigation 
on  Great  Lakes  and  their  connecting  and  tributary  waters]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  White  of  Maine.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1433.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

966  May.  1928 


Air  Corps  retrievers.  Construction  or  purchase  of  1  heavy  seagoing  Air  Corps 
retriever  for  War  Department  [for  use  at  France  Field,  Canal  Zone],  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10365;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1558,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Airplanes.  First  heavier-than-air  flying  machines,  report  to  accompany  H.  J. 
Res.  224  [to  ascertain  which  was  1st  heavier-than-air  flying  machine] ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1467,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Audler,  Fred,  jr.  Fred  Andler,  jr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4683  [for  relief 
of  Fred  Andler,  jr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  12,  1928.  3  p.  (H. 
rp.  1634,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army.  Percentages  of  enlisted  men  in  6th  and  7th  grades  of  Army,  etc.,^ report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13250;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  May  1,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1450,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army  Transport  Service.  Army  Transport  retirement,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  436,  H.  R.  5634,  H.  R.  9832,  and  H.  R.  10478.  Mar.  5- 
Apr.  14,  1928.     1928.     ii+36  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  R  31/4 

Providing  for  retirement  of  navigators  or  engineers  in  Army  Transport 

Service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10478  [providing  retirement  for  persons 
who  hold  licenses  as  navigators  or  engineers  who  have  reached  the  age  of  64 
.vears  and  who  have  served  25  or  more  years  on  seagoing  vessels  of  Army 
Transport  Service]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  May  2.  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1466,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Auhiirn,  Me.  Purchase  of  land  adjoining  target  range  at  Auburn.  Me.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  2463  [to  amend  act  for  purchase  of  land  adjoining  target 
range  at  Auburn,  Me.,  so  as  to  provide  for  cost  of  investigation  of  title,  etc.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  May  1,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1441,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Aviators.  Recognizing  aviation  accomplishments,  report  to  accompany  S.  4235; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama.  May  15.  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1696,  70tb 
Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  amends  S.  4235,  relating  to  medals  for  foreign 
aviators,  by  adding  new  section  concerning  pay  and  retirement  of  military 
aviators,  and  amends  title  to  read :  Act  for  recogn'zing  aviation  accomplish- 
ments.]    *  Paper,  5c. 

Bliss.  Foi-t.  Purchase  of  land  adjoining  Fort  Bliss.  Tex.,  hearing  before  sub- 
committee no.  2,  70th  Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  8288 ;  statements  of 
B.  F.  Cheatham  [and]  Dayton  Moses,  Apr.  13,  1928.  1928.  ii+10  p.  *  Paper, 
5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  F  77/11 

BuUis.  Camp.  Purchase  of  land  near  Camp  BuUis,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  11071 :  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  10,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1583,. 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Carlisle,  Paul  D.  Paul  D.  Carlisle,  report  to  accompany  S.  3201  [for  relief  of 
Paul  D.  Carlisle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Apr.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1431,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chavi^,  Richard  A.  Richard  A.  Chavis.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3278  [for 
relief  of  Richard  A.  Chavis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  2,  1928.  2 
p.     (H.  rp.  1464,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Claims.  Settlement  of  damages  to  persons  and  property  by  Army  aircraft,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  7939 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  Mav  10,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1582,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Clark,  Camp.  Purchase  of  land  adjoining  Camp  Clark,  Nevada,  Mo.  [and 
authorizing  appropriation  therefor],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12951;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  James.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1896,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Ho-»v    to    order   publications — See    information    foIloTving;    Contents 

May,  1928  967 

€lay,  Mrs.  Maria  H.  Mari5  Heiisley  Clay,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10194 
[for  relief  of  Maria  Hensley  Clay,  mother  of  Charles  D.  Clay,  jr.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Waiuwright.  May  3,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  14S3,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Cole,  George  A.  George  A.  Cole,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12641  [for  relief 
of  George  A.  Colel  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  1,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1447,  70th  Cong.  1st  ses-s.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Costello,  Edward  J.  Edward  J.  Costello,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1539  [for 
relief  of  Edward  J.  Costello]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Garrett  of  Texas.  May  11, 
1928.    4  p.     ( H.  rp.  1G02,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coivpens,  Battle  of,  11  SI.     National  military  park  at  Cowpens  battle  ground,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  12106  [to  erect  national  monument  at  Cowpens  battle 
gi-ound]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwaiu.    May  10,  1928.    16  p.     (H.  rp.  1584,  70rh 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  ^ard  2S-26391) 

■Cunningham.  Joseph.  Joseph  Cunningham,  report  to  accompany  S.  2733  [for 
relief  of  Joseph  Cunningham]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  May  1,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1449,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Davidson,  Donald  M.  Donald  M.  Davidson,  reiK)rt  to  accompany  H.  R.  10812 
[for  relief  of  Donald  M.  Davidson]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  V.'ainwright.  Mav 
23,  1928.     4  p.      (H.  i-p-  1S31.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Day,  George  A.  Gleorge  A.  Day,  reixtrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  9719  [for  relief  of 
George  A.  Day]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1521, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  of  Columbia.  "Washington  Parish  Burial  Ground  (Congressional  Ceme- 
tery), hearing  before  subcommittee  no.  9,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
11916;  statements  of  Mrs.  Edwin  C.  Gregory  [and]  Charles  L.  Abernethv, 
Apr.  24,  1928.     1928.     ii-f9  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.M59/1:W27 

Dombris,  Norman.  Norman  Dombris,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10457  [for 
relief  of  Norman  Dombris]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Mav  15,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1699,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dry  Valley  road.  Paving  Government  road  from  Rossville,  Ga.,  to  Chicka- 
mauga  National  Military  Park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12662  [for  paving 
of  Government  road,  known  as  Dry  Valley  road,  commencing  where  said  road 
leaves  La  Fayette  road,  in  Rossville,  Ga.,  and  extending  to  Chickamauga 
and  Chattanooga  National  Military  Park,  constituting  approach  road  to  said 
park]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1802,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Edwards,  Robert  O.  Robert  0.  Edwards,  report  to  accompany  S.  2894  [for 
relief  of  Robert  O.  Edwards]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  May  22,  1928.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1815,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fleming,  John  F.  John  F.  Fleming,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12650  [for 
relief  of  John  F.  Fleming]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  18,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1734,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fort  Negley  National  Park.  National  military  park  at  Fort  Negley  on  battle 
field  of  Nashville,  Tenn..  hearing.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10291 ; 
statements  of  Mrs.  E.  Gillentine  [and]  Joseph  W.  Byrns,  Feb.  2,  1928.  1928. 
ii-j-7  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  T4.M  59/1 :  F  77/12 

Gateway  Bridge  Company.  Acquisition  of  land,  now  part  of  Fort  Brown  mili- 
tary reservation,  by  Gateway  Bridge  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13458: 
submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1797,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

General  Staff  Corps.  Equalize  rank  of  officers  in  positions  of  great  respon- 
sibility in  Army  and  Navy  [namely  chief  of  staff  of  Army  and  chief  of  naval 
operations],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9961 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  May 
7,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1547.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following'    Contents 

968  '  May,  1928 

General  Staff  Corps — Continued. 

Providing  that  certain  graduates  of  general  service  schools  and  of  Army 

War  College  may  be  eligible  for  selection  to  General  Staff  Corps,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1S2S ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  May  5,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1551,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Harden.  Josiah.  Josiah  Harden,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1.3260  [for  relief 
of  Josiah  Harden]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  11,  192S.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1G17,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

nollij.  Squire  J.  Squire  J.  Holly,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2069  [for  relief  of 
Squire  J.  Holly]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  May  25,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1886,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Huestis,  Alfred  O.  Alfred  O.  Heustis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3443  [for 
relief  of  xVlfred  O.  Huestis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  May  1,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1442,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Htmt,  Mrs.  Elizabeth.  Elizabeth  Hunt,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  ^02  [for 
relief  of  Elizabeth  Hunt,  widow  of  George  W.  Hunt]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Speaks.     May  18,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1733,  70th  Cong.  1st  ses.s. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hunter.  Armstrong.  Armstrong  Hunter,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6112  [for 
relief  of  Armstrong  Hunter]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Illinois.  May  1,. 
192S.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  1446,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jackson,  Pierce  D.  Pierce  Dale  Jackson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1286T 
[granting  honorable  discharge  to  Pierce  Dale  Jackson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McSwain.    Apr.  30,  1928.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  1428,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Jefferson  rille,  Ind.  Authorizing  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real  proijerty 
at  Jeffersonville.  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12689;  submitted  by  Mr. 
MeSweeney.  May  5,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1549,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Jimenez.  Jose  J.  Jose  J.  Jimenez,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  300  [author- 
izing Secretary  of  AVar  to  receive  for  instruction  at  Military  Academy,  West 
Point.  Jose  J.  J.menez,  citizen  of  Venezuela]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morin. 
May  26,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1914,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *Paper,  5c. 

L  bouts.  Construction  or  purchase  of  2  L  boats  for  War  Department,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  10363:  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  May  7,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1556,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Laws,  Mrs.  Rosetta.  Rosetta  Laws,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3728  [for  relief 
of  Rosetta  Laws]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  26,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1906,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lee,  Joseph.  Joseph  Lee,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4244  [for  relief  of  Joseph 
Lee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  1,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1443,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lcich,  John  ^V.  John  W.  Leicli.  alias  John  Leach,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11854  [for  relief  of  John  W.  Leich,  alias  John  Leach,  alias  John  W. 
Lamont]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  26,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1908,  70tb 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

MoAleer.  Joseph  M.  Joseph  M.  McAleer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13476  [for 
relief  of  Joseph  M.  McAleer,  alias  Joseph  M.  Mejair]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Ransley.    May  4,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1523,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

McKinley,  Fort.  Transfer  of  water  pipe  line  at  Fort  McKinley,  Me.,  to  Port- 
land Water  District,  report  to  accompany  S.  3057  [to  transfer  and  convey  to 
Portland  Water  District,  a  municipal  corporation,  water  pipe  line  including 
submarine  water  main  connecting  Fort  McKinley,  Me.,  with  water  system  of 
Ptsrtland  Water  District]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  May  3,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1492,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Manley,  James  A.  James  Aloysius  Manley,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1304S 
[for  relief  of  James  Aloysius  Manley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama. 
May  12,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1635,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to   order   publications — See    information    follonving    Contents 


May,  1928  969 

Marko,  Joseph.  Joseph  Marko,  reixiit  to  accompany  H.  R.  11844  [for  relief  of 
Joseph  Marko]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  (41ynu.  May  29,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1927, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marsli/ill.  Samuel  J.  D.  Samuel  J.  D.  Marshall,  report  to  accompany  H.  R 
11422  [for  relief  of  Samuel  J.  D.  Marshall]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  R^uisley. 
May  15,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1663,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

MUiianj  Acadenn/,  West  Point.  To  authorize  appropriations  for  construction 
at  ^lilitary  Academy,  West  Point,  N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  K.  11469; 
submitted  "by  Mr.  Morin.  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1812,  7Uth  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Transter   of   surplus   materials   for   construction    of   buildinjrs    at    West 

Point  [Military  Academy],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6655:  submitted  bv 
Mr.  Frothiugham.  May  21,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1804,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Military  posts.  Authorizing  appropriations  for  construction  at  military  posts, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13825 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  May  21, 
1928.    10  p.     (H.  rp.  1793,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Militia.  Settlement  of  claims  for  armory  drill  pay,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13296;  submitted  by  Mr.  Houston  of  Hawaii.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1491,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Settlement  of  claims  for  armory  drill  pay,  report  to  accompany  S.  4216; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1559,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miller.  Robert  W.  For  relief  of  Rtibert  W.  Miller,  hearing.  70th  Congress.  1st 
session,  Mar.  31,  1928.     1928.     ii+21  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.  M59/1:M61 

Milligan.  Howard  P.  H.  P.  Milligan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13440  [for 
relief  of  Howard  P.  Milligan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  James.  May  23,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  1834,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Monocacy,  Battle  of  the,  186^.  National  military  park  at  battle  field  of 
Mouocacy.  IMd.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11722.  Apr.  13, 
1928.    1928.    ii+14  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  M  59/1 :  M  75 

National  military  park  at  battle  field  of  Monocacy,  Md.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  11722  [to  establish  national  military  park  at  battle  field  of 
Monocacy,  Md.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1610, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Monterey.  Calif.  Conveying  lands  to  Monterey,  Calif.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13033  [to  convey  portions  of  military  reservation  at  Monterey,  Calif., 
to  Monterey.  Calif.,  for  extension  of  Alvarado  street]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Mc- 
Swain.     Jday  21,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1803.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moore.  Thomas  W.  Thomas  W.  Moore,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13097  [for 
relief  of  Thomas  W.  Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothiugham.  :May  1.  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1448,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Morgan,  Mrs.  Eduin  D.  Edwin  D.  ^Morgan,  report  to  aecompnny  H.  R.  12359 
[for  relief  of  widow  of  Edwin  D.  ^Inrgan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May 
18,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1744,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Motor-boats.  Motor  mine  yawls  for  War  Department,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10364  [for  construction  or  purchase  of  2  motor  mine  yawls  for  War 
Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1557.  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers.  Amending  sec.  4826,  Revised 
statutes  [as  amended,  so  as  to  increase  number  of  members  of  board  of  man- 
agers of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Glynn.    May  2.5,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1877,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Board  of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers 

to  accept  title  to  [land,  etc.,  of]  State  Camp  for  Veterans  at  Bath,  N.  Y., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12953:  submitted  by  Mr.  Glynn.  May  11.  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1611,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hot*-    to    order   publications — See    Informatloii    follo^rlng    Contents 

970  May,  1928 

Next  Orleans,  La.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  lease  to  New  Oi'leans  Asso- 
ciation of  Commerce  New  Orleans  quartermaster  intermediate  depot  unit 
no.  2,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  258 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  Apr. 
30,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1430,  TOtli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Netvliold,  Robinson.  Robinson  Newbold.  repoit  to  accompany  H.  R.  5222  [for 
relief  of  Robinson  Newbold]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boylan.  May  9,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1573,  TOth  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Officers,  Air  Corps.  Increase  efficiency  of  Air  Corps  [reports]  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12814;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright.  Apr.  16  and  May  3,  1928.  [2 
pts.]  10  p.  and/3  p.  (H.  rp.  1277,  2  pts.,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 

— —  Promotion  and  retirement,  hearings,  70th  Congi'ess,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
12199  [to  increase  efficiency  of  Air  Corps]  Apr.  2  and  4.  1928.  1928.  pt.  2, 
ii+11-42  p.     *  Paper.  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  Ai  7/8/pt.  2 

Officers,  Army.  Commissioned  service  in  Philippine  Constabulary,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  3463  [to  recognize  commissioned  service  in  Philippine  Constabu- 
lary in  determining  rights  of  officers  of  Regular  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McSwain.  Apr.  30,  1928.  11  p.  (H.  rp.  1425,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

To  define  promotion  list  of  Army,  report  [and  minority  views]  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13509  [to  define  promotion-list  officers  of  Army  and  to  prescribe 
methods  of  their  promotion].  [2  pts.]  (H.  rp.  1574,  2  pts.,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. ) 

[pt.  l.]Report ;    submitted    by    Mr.    Morin.     May    9,    1928.     23    p.      [Includes    minority 

views  of  Mr.  Wainwright.]      *  Paper,   5c. 
pt.  2.  Minority    views ;    submitted   by    Mr.    Wainwright.     May    10,    1928.     4    p.     *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

■  To  make  chiefs  and  assistant  chiefs  of  branches  of  Army  eligible  for  ap- 
pointment as  general  officers  of  the  line,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13244 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1792,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Padmore,  Arthur  A.  Arthur  A.  Padmore,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4626  [for 
relief  of  Arthur  A.  Padmore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  May  1,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1444,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pansh,  Willia^n.  William  Parish,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11181  [for  relief 
of  William  Parish]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  May  23,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1832,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Pay,  Anny.  Collection  of  indebtedness  due  United  States  from  enlisted  men 
[of  Army],  report  to  accompany  S.  1829;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  May  5, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1550,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Define  terms  "child"  and  "children"  as  used  in  acts  of  May  19[18], 

1920,  and  June  10,  1920 [1922,  relating  to  pay  and  allowances  of  commis- 
sioned and  enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service],  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12449;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright.  May  5,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1548, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Readjust  pay  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and  Geo- 
detic Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12110 
[to  amend  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissioned  and  enlisted 
personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  relative  to  pay  of  certain  officers  of  Army 
whose  pay  is  limited  by  law  to  that  of  grade  of  captain]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Quin.     May  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1519,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Physician  to  the  President.  Rank,  pay,  and  allowances  of  personal  physician 
to  the  President,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13784  [allowing  rank,  pay,  and 
allowances  of  colonel,  Medical  Corps,  Army,  to  medical  officer  assigned  to 
duty  as  personal  physician  to  the  President]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright. 
May  25,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1867,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  971 

Pirkey,  Frank  Z.  Frank  Z.  Pirkey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3460  [for  relief 
of  Frank  Z.  Pirkey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hoffman.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
18S7,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pringle,  James  W.  James  W.  Pringle,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1320  [for 
relief  of  James  W.  Pringle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  25,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1885,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Reed,  Walter.  To  recognize  high  public  service  rendered  by  Walter  Reed  and 
those  associated  with  him  in  discovery  of  cause  and  means  of  transmission 
of  yellow  fever,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13060;  submitted  by  Mr.  Froth- 
Ingham.  Apr.  30.  1928.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1429,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26326 

• Yellow  fever,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session  [on  H.  R.  11686,  to  pro- 
vide for  placing  of  names  of  certain  individuals  on  rolls  of  War  Department, 
and  to  authorize  board  of  regents  of  Smithsonian  Institution  to  make  certain 
recommendations  as  to  recognition  of  citizens  in  public  service  who  through 
voluntary  risk  of  life  and  health  have  rendered  conspicuous  service  to  the 
people  of  the  country],  Apr.  11,  1928.    1928.    pt.  1,  ii+1-22  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.M  59/1 :  Y  3/pt.l 

Reserve  Division,  War  Dept.  Create  Reserve  Division  of  War  Department, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11683;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Alabama.  May 
12,  1928.    8  p.     (H.  rp.  1631,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Richards,  DaA)id  F.  David  F.  Richards,  alias  David  Richards,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  2651  [for  relief  of  David  F.  Richards,  alias  David  Richards]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Hoffman.  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1814,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Russell,  Frank  C.  Frank  C.  Russell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11343  [for 
relief  of  Frank  C.  Russell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frothingham.  May  25,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1893,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rynearson,  Oren  W.  Oren  W.  Rynearson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8974 
[authorizing  the  President  to  order  Oren  W.  Rynearson  before  retiring  board 
for  hearing  of  his  case  and  upon  findings  of  such  board  determine  whether 
or  not  he  be  placed  on  retired  list  with  rank  and  pay  held  by  him  at  time  of 
his  resignation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright.  May  25,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp. 
1889,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Paul,  Minn.  Grant  land  to  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12988;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1791,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Santa  Rosa  Island.  Defining  "  public  purposes  "  with  respect  to  parts  of  Santa 
Rosa  Island,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13174  [declaring  certain  desig- 
nated purposes  with  respect  to  parts  of  Santa  Rosa  Island  in  Florida  to  be 
"  public  purposes  "  within  meaning  of  proviso  in  sec.  7  of  act  approved  Mar. 
12,  1926.  authorizing  use  for  permanent  construction  at  military  posts  of  pro- 
ceeds from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real  property,  and  authorizing 
sale  of  certain  military  reservations]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  21, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1805,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sale  of  land,  Santa  Rosa,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3991   [declaring 

certain  designated  purposes  with  respect  to  parts  of  Santa  Rosa  Island  in 
Florida  to  be  "  public  purposes  "  within  meaning  of  proviso  in  sec.  7  of  act 
approved  Mar.  12,  1926,  authorizing  use  for  permanent  construction  at  mili- 
tary posts  of  proceeds  from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real  property, 
and  authorizing  sale  of  certain  military  reservations]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McSwain.    May  21,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1796,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Schefick,  Martial  G.  Martin  G.  Schenck.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13633  [for 
relief  of  Martin  G.  Schenck,  alias  Martin  G.  Schanck]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Reece.    May  23,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1843,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sell,  Oliver  C.  Oliver  C.  Sell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2966  [for  relief  of  Oliver 
C.  Sell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1461,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Content!^ 

109605— 28— No.  401 5 

972  May,  1928 

Seymour,  Mrs.  Henrietta.  Henrietta  Seymour,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8079 
[for  relief  of  Henrietta  Seymour,  widow  of  Joseph  H.  Seymour]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Huglies.     May  26,  1928.     4  p.      (H.  rp.  1907,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Shand,  Richvngs  J.  Credit  accounts  of  Rictiings  J.  Shand,  United  States  prop- 
erty and  disbursing  officer,  Illinois  National  Guard,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10244;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1892, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sherman,  William  M.  William  M.  Sherman,  report  to  accompany  S.  162  [for 
relief  of  William  M.  Sherman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  5,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1535,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Silvers,  Ernest  L.  Ernest  L.  Silvers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8597  [for  relief 
of  Ernest  L.  Silvers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ransley.  May  11.  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1616,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Simpson,  Frank  W.  To  reinstate  Frank  W.  Simpson,  formerly  lieutenant, 
coast  artillery,  as  1st  lieutenant  in  Army,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4811 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1465,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  Charles.  Charles  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11772  [for  relief 
of  Charles  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1664,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  James  W.  James  W.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12834  [for 
relief  of  James  W.  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain.  May  11,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1603,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Target  practice.  Amend  national  defense  act  [relative  to  holding  of  rifle 
competitions  or  national  matches  every  year],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13446;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  5,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1531,  70t}> 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thomas,  Fort.  Improvement  of  Fort  Thomas  avenue.  Fort  Thomas,  Ky.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13406  [to  authorize  Fort  Thomas,  Ky.,  to  widen,  improve, 
reconstruct,  and  resurface  Fort  Thomas  avenue  and  to  assess  cost  thereof 
against  United  States  according  to  front  feet  of  military  reservation  abutting 
thereon,  and  authorizing  appropriation  therefor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McSwain. 
May  24,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1854,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Traveling  expenses.  Mileage  allowance  in  lieu  of  transportation,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1825  [to  amend  sec.  12  of  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances 
of  commissioned  and  enlisted  persinniel  of  Ai'my,  Navy,  JNlarine  Corps,  Coast 
Guard,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  as  amended, 
so  as  to  authorize  allowance  of  3  cents  per  mile,  in  lieu  of  transportation 
in  kind,  for  persons  using  privately  owned  conveyances  while  traveling 
under  competent  orders]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  jNIay  25,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1868,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [S.  1825  also  includes  the  National  Guard.} 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Travis  Edgar,  sr.  Edgar  Travis,  sr.,  report  to  accompany  S.  652  [for  relief  of 
Edgar  Travis,  sr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reece.  May  25,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1894,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Trussell,  James  E.  James  E.  Trussell,  report  to  accompany  S.  2673  [for  relief 
of  James  E.  Trussell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Speaks.  May  2,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1460,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

TJlery,  Clarence.  Amend  national  defense  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8341 
[for  appointing  Clarence  Ulery,  warrant  officer,  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wright.     May  7,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1553,  70th  Cong.  1st  .sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Van  Leeutven,  Adrian.  Placing  Cadet  Adrian  Van  Leeuwen  on  retired  list, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  78S7;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wainwright.  May  14, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1658,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Certain  contracts  entered  into  by  War  Department  to  be 
made  in  writing,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12352;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wright. 
May  5,  1928.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  1552,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 


May,  1928  973 

War  Department — Continued. 

To  amend  see.  3  of  act  approved  Mar.  12,  1926,  relating  to  sale  of  surplus 

War  Department  real  property,  report  to  accompany  S.  3752;  submitted  by 
Mr.    McSwain.     May    11,    1928.     2   p.     (H.   rp.    1614,    70th   Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Watcrtown,  Mass.  Widening  and  resurfacing  of  Arsenal  street  in  Watertown, 
Mass.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10149,  Apr.  13,  1928; 
statement  of  Frederick  W.  Dallinger  [and  statement  of  C.  C  Williams.]  1928. 
11+10  p.     *Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  W  31 

Westport  National  Park.  National  military  park  to  commemorate  Battle  of 
Westport,  Mo.,  hearing  before  subcommittee  no.  4,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  5781 ;  statements  of  George  H.  Combs,  jr.  [and]  H.  H.  Crittenden, 
Feb.  8,  1928.     1928.     ii+8  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  W  52/3 

Young,  Ferdinand.  Ferdinand  Young,  alias  James  Williams,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  10093  [for  relief  of  Ferdinand  Young,  alias  James  William.s]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Furlow.  May  10,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1585,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Potash.  Developing  potash  deposits  in  United  States,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  496  [authorizing  appropriation  for  development  of  potash  jointly  by 
Department  of  Agriculture  and  Department  of  Commerce  by  improved 
methods  of  recovering  potash  from  deposits  in  United  States]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.    Winter.     May    4,    1928.     6    p.     (H.    rp.    151S,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26327 

Potash,   hearing,  70th  Congress,   1st  session,  on  H.  R.  496,  authorizing 

appropriation  for  development  of  potash  jointly  by  Geological  Survey  of 
Department  of  Interior  and  Bureau  of  Mines  of  Department  of  Commerce 
by  improved  methods  of  recovering  potash  from  deposits  in  United  States, 
Apr.  25-May  5,  1928.     1928.     ii+48  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y4.M66/1 :  P  84/4 


Adams,  WiUiain  E.  William  B.  Adams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1993  [to 
correct  naval  record  of  William  E.  Adams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of 
Georgia.     May  12,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1641,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Alabama.  To  deliver  to  Alabama  silver  service  for  battleship  Alabama,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13182;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  May  11, 
1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1600,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

American  Legion  Naval  Post  No.  110.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  deliver 
to  Naval  Post  110.  American  Legion,  bell  of  battleship  Connecticut,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  12607 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  11,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1599,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ammunition  depots.  Providing  ammunition  storage  facilities  for  Navy,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  136S2;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten.  May  12,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1638,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Burns,  John  L.  John  Lewis  Burns,  report  to  accompany  S.  1852  [to  correct 
naval  record  of  John  Lewis  Burns]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1412,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  May  4,  1928 ;  no.  7. 
1928.     80  p.  4°     I  Y  4.N  22/1 :  70/7 

Cardivell,  Larry.  Larry  Cardwell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6263  [for  rein- 
statement of  Larry  Cardwell  in  Naval  Academy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick. 
May  1,  1928.     12  p.     (H.  rp.  1437,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chaplains.  Appointment  of  chaplains  in  Navy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13414  [to  amend  sec.  1396,  Revised  statutes,  relative  to  appointment  of 
chaplains  in  Navy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wolverton.  May  24,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1858,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    Information    foHowlngr    Contents 

974  May,  1928 

Cleary,  Francis  J.  Francis  James  Cleary,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10274 
[for  relief  of  Francis  James  Cleary]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  May  1, 
1928.     30  p.     (H.  rp.  1438,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cook,  Herschel  P.  Herschel  Paul  Cook,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10015 
[authorizing  promotion  on  retired  list  of  Navy  of  Herschel  Paul  Cook]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Burdick.  May  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1891,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ellsierg,  Edward.  Edward  EUsberg,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13795  [for 
recognition  of  meritorious  service  performed  by  Edward  EUsberg,  Henry 
Hartley,  and  Richard  E.  Hawes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  May  18,  1928. 
18  p.     (H.  rp.  1746,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hickman,  Raymond  N.  Raymond  Nelson  Hickman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
8464  [for  relief  of  Raymond  Nelson  Hickman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick. 
May  11,  1928.     25  p.     (H.  rp.  1597,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lafot,  Lloyd.  Lloyd  Lafot,  report  to  accompany  S.  362  [for  advancement  on 
retired  list  of  Navy  of  Lloyd  Lafot]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Evans  of  California. 
Apr.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1407,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *    Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana  State  Museum.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy,  in  his  discretion,  to 
deliver  to  custody  of  Louisiana  State  Museum,  New  Orleans,  La.,  silver  serv- 
ice set  in  use  on  battleship  Louisiana,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13404 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Williams  of  Missouri.  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1601, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marks,  John.  John  Marks,  alias  John  Bell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6907 
[for  relief  of  John  Marks,  alias  John  Bell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.     May 

25,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1888,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moore,  James  M.  Commodore  J.  M.  Moore,  Coast  Guard  (retired),  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  11905  [for  relief  of  J.  M.  Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale. 
May  15,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1702,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  Academy,  Annapolis.  Appointment  of  midshipmen  at  large  by  Vice 
President  of  United  States,  report  to  accompany  S.  2802 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Britten.     May  15,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1668,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  Operations  Office.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  assign  to  chief  of 
naval  operations  public  quarters  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13370;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten.  May  3,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1502,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  Training  Station,  Hampton  Roads.  Construction  of  barracks  and  mess 
hall  for  enlisted  men  at  Naval  Training  Station,  Hampton  Roads,  Va.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  13876;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drewry.  May  19,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1785,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Navy.  Payments  to  dependents  of  oflScers  and  men  who  lost  their  lives  on 
submarine  S^.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13542 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick. 
May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1920,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Officers,  Navy.  Distribution  and  promotion  of  commissioned  officers  of  the  line 
of  Navy,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  14039 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten.     May 

26,  1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1903,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Neil,  John  F.  John  F.  O'Neil,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5995  [for  relief  of 
John  F.  O'Neil]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  5,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1530, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Pay,  Navy.  Amending  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissione<i  and 
enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  as  amended  [relative  to  pay  of 
warrant  officers],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12032;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten. 
May  7,  1928.     23  p.     (H.  rp.  1560,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Pai>er,  5c. 

PuWw  works.  Construction  of  certain  public  works  by  Secretary  of  Navy, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13S84 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten.  May  19,  1928. 
11  p.     (H.  rp.  1779,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Ho-tv    to    order   publications — See    information    follo'cving    Contents 

May,  1928  975 

Ricluirdson,  Simon  A.  Simon  A.  Richardson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  91G8 
[for  relief  of  Simon  A.  Richardson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia. 
May  25,  192S.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1890,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roievts,  T.  Gaines.  T.  Gaines  Roberts,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5019  [for 
i-elief  of  T.  G.  Roberts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Williams  of  Missouri.  May  1, 
1928.     18  p.     (H.  rp.  1457,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Seward,  Andrew  J.,  jr.  Andrew  Jackson  Seward,  jr.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  2486  [for  relief  of  Andrew  Jackson  Seward,  jr.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr. 
Gambrill.     May  1,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1456,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

ShacJclette.  William  S.  "William  S.  Shacklette,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12666  [for  relief  of  William  S.  Shacklette]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Drewry.  May 
24,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1856,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shea,  Francis  L.  Francis  Leo  Shea,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9009  [for  relief 
of  Francis  Leo  Shea]  ;  submited  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  16,  1928.  15  p.  (II.  rp. 
1701,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Suhiuarine  boats.  Increase  in  limit  of  cost  of  fleet  submarine  V-4,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13248;  submitted  by  Mr.  Britten.  May  9,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1577,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Sullivan,  Philip  V.  Philip  V.  Sullivan,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4264  [for 
relief  of  Philip  V.  Sullivan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burdick.  May  11,  1928.  4 
p.     (H.  rp.  1615,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thomas,  James  M.  James  M.  Thomas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1939  [for 
relief  of  James  M.  Thomas]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  25,  1928.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  1873,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States.  Deliver  bell  of  old  cruiser  Minne- 
apolis to  Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars,  Department  of  Minnesota,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  8339 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hancock.  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (H, 
rp.  1598,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  PaiJer,  5c. 

Yorke.  Louis  A.  Louis  A.  Yorke,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9072  [for  relief 
of  Louis  A.  Yorke]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  25,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1874,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Copyright.  Divisible  copyright,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
8913.  to  amend  sec.  27,  42,  and  44  of  act  to  amend  and  consolidate  acts  re- 
specting copyright,  approved  Mar.  4,  1909;  Apr.  20,  1928.  1928.  pt.  2, 
[1]  +89-147  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.P  27/1 :  C  79/17/pt.  2 

Music.  Repeal  of  price-fixing  clause  for  mechanical  reproduction,  hearings, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10655,  to  amend  sec.  1  (e)  and  25  (e)  of 
act  to  amend  and  consolidate  acts  respecting  copyright,  approved  Mar.  4, 
1909 ;  Apr.  3-11,  1928.     1928.     iii+201  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  Y4.P27/1:M46 

Repeal  of  price-fixing  clause  for  mechanical  reproduction,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  13452  [to  amend  act  to  amend  and  consolidate  acts  respecting 
copyright,  approved  Mar.  4,  1909,  as  amended,  in  respect  of  mechanical  repro- 
duction of  musical  compositions]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vestal.  May  4,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1520,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Patents.  Amending  statutes  of  United  States  with  respect  to  reissue  of  defec- 
tive patents,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12112 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Goodwin. 
May  1,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1435,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Pensions.  Pen.sions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and  sailors  of 
Regular  Army  and  Navy,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13563  [substituted 
for  H.  R.  1252  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Knutson.  May  5,  1928. 
88  p.     (H.  rp.  1525,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Hoiv    to    order    piiblic»tion8 — See    information    foHo-wing-    Contents 

976  Mat,  1928 

Pensions — Continued. 

Survivors  of  Jeanette  relief  expedition,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13302 

[granting  pension  to  survivors  of  Jeanette  relief  expedition]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Welch  of  California.  May  10,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1588,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Assault  and  tattery.  Amending  sec.  197  of  criminal  code,  hearings  before  sub- 
committee, 70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11999  [to  amend  sec.  197  of 
criminal  code,  so  as  to  provide  more  drastic  punishment  for  mail  robbers], 
Mar.  29,  1928.     1928.  '  iii+29  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.P  84/1 :  C  86 

Safeguarding  the  mail,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13114  [to  amend  sec. 

197  of  criminal  code  (sec.  320,  title  18,  United  States  code),  so  as  to  provide 
more  drastic  punishment  for  mail  robbers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sanders  of  Nev? 
York.     May  12,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  i-p.  1633,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Foreign  mail  service.  Compensation  to  American  ships  for  transporting  foreign 
mails,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6865  [to  prescribe  more  definitely  rates  of 
compensation  payable  to  steamships  of  United  States  registry  for  transpor- 
tation of  foreign  mails]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hogg.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1788,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Transportation  of  foreign  mails,   report  to  accompany  H.  R.   6864   [to 

authorize  Postmaster  General  to  require  steamship  companies  to  carry  mail 
when  tendered]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hogg.  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1789, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mail  matter.  Extension  of  collect-on-delivery  service,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12898  [to  extend  collect-on-delivery  service  and  limits  of  indemnity  to 
sealed  domestic  mail  on  vphich  Ist-class  rate  of  postage  is  paid]  ;  submitted 
by    Mr.    Foss.     May    12,    1928.     2    p.     (H.    rp.    1632,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Receipts  for  ordinary  mail,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  56  [to  authorize 

Postmaster  General  to  issue  receipts  to  senders  for  ordinary  mail  of  any 
character,  and  to  fix  fees  chargeable  therefor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kelly. 
May  8,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1563,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Motor  Vehicle  Service  Division.  Promotion  of  clerks  and  general  mechanics  in 
motor-vehicle  service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13449 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Ramseyer.     May  23, 1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1835,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

•    Promotion  of  clerks,   general  mechanics,  driver  mechanics,   and   garage 

men  drivers  in  motor-vehicle  service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13450 :  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Ramseyer.  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1836,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Postm^asters.  Increased  salaries  for  certain  postmasters  of  1st  class,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5837;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kelly.  May  8,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1564,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sea  Post  Service.  Temporary  employment  of  railway  postal  clerks  as  substi- 
tute sea-post  clerks,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  58  [to  authorize  assignment 
of  railway  postal  clerks  and  substitute  railway  postal  clerks  to  temporary 
employment  as  substitute  sea-post  clerks]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hogg.  May  18, 
1928.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1753,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vehicles.  Hire  of  vehicles  from  letter  carriers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13451  [to  authorize  Postmaster  General  to  hire  vehicles  from  letter  carriers 
for  use  in  service]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Buckbee.  May  16,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1704,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  5c. 


Cowpens,  Battle  of,  17S1.  Battle  of  Cowpens  and  Kings  Mountain,  S.  C.  report 
to  accompany  H.  Res.  230  [for  printing  of  certain  historical  statements 
relative  to  Battle  of  Cowpens  and  Battle  of  Kings  Mountain,  S.  C]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Kiess.    May  28,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1916,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

MoTV   to    order  publications — See    Information    following:    Contents 

May,  1928  977 

Territories.  OflBcial  papers  of  Territories,  report  to  accompany  S.  1168  [to 
amend  act  to  authorize  collection  and  editing  of  official  papers  of  Territories 
now  in  national  archives]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Beers.  May  26,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1912,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Washington,  George,  Commission  for  Celebration  of  200th  Anniversary  of 
Birth  of.  George  Washington  Bicentennial  Commission,  report  to  accompany 
S.  3092  [to  enable  George  Washington  Bicentennial  Commission  to  carry  out 
and  give  effect  to  certain  approved  plans]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kiess.  May  28, 
1928.    1  p.     (H.  rp.  1915,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Capitol.     Providing  for  enlargement  of  Capitol  grounds,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13929;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     May  22,  1928.     4  p.      (H.  rp.  1810, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26400 

Custodians.  Public  buildings  and  grounds,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.-  R.  12408,  authorizing  custodians  and  acting  custodians  of  Federal 
buildings  to  administer  oaths  of  office  to  employees  in  custodian  service, 
S.  2004,  authorizing  paving  of  Federal  strip  known  as  International  street, 
adjacent  to  Nogales,  Ariz.,  H.  J.  Res.  249,  granting  easement  to  Duluth,  Minn., 
H.  R.  7904,  to  transfer  to  Duluth,  Minn.,  old  Federal  building  with  site 
thereof,  H.  R.  12409,  to  grant  to  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  easement  over  certain 
Government  property,  H.  R.  12952  [to  amend  act]  for  relief  of  contractors 
and  subcontractors  [so  as  to  include  J.  H.  B.  Wilder],  H.  R.  12899,  authoriz- 
ing erection  for  use  of  Pan  American  Union  of  office  building  on  square  of 
land  lying  between  18th  street,  C  street,  and  Virginia  avenue  northwest,  in 
Washington,  D.  C,  Apr.  4  and  18,  1928.    1928.    ii+22  p.     (No.  6.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Y  4.P  96/6 :  B  86/125 

District  of  Columbia.  Discontinuance  of  public  market  on  Pennsylvania  ave- 
nue between  7th  and  9th  streets  northwest,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res. 
50  [providing  that  Secretary  of  Agriculture  be  directed  to  give  notice  that  on 
and  after  Jan.  1,  1929,  the  Government  will  cease  to  maintain  public  market 
on  Pennsylvania  avenue  between  7th  and  9th  streets  northwest]  ;  submitted 
by   Mr.    Elliott.     May  18,   1928.     1   p.     (H.   rp.    1755,   70th   Cong,   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,   5c. 

part  ford.  Conn.  Authc'-'ing  conveyance  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  of  title  to  site 
and  building  of  present  Federal  building  in  that  city,  report  to  accompany 

1  S.  4035:  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.  May  18,  1928,  2  p,  (H,  rp,  1754,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess, )     *  Paper,   5c, 

Supreme  Court.  Building  for  Supreme  Court,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13665  [for  submission  to  Congress  of  preliminary  plans  and  estimates  of  costs 
for  construction  of  building  for  Supreme  Court]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott. 
May  19,  1928.     2  p.     (H,  rp.  1773,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

White,  Robert  M.  Robert  Michael  White,  report  to  accompany  H,  R.  5952  [for 
relief  of  Robert  Michael  White]  ;  submitted  by  Mr,  Elliott,  May  18,  1928. 
2  p,     (H,  rp,  1756,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess,)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Alaska.  Additional  grant  of  lands  to  agricultural  college  and  school  of  mines, 
Alaska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10157 :  submitted  by  Mr,  Houston  of 
Hawaii,     May  5,  1928.     2  p,     (H.  rp,  1528,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess,)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Angeles  National  Forest.  To  conserve  water  resources  and  encourage  reforesta- 
tion of  watersheds  of  Los  Angeles  County  [by  withdrawal  of  public  lands 
included  within  Angeles  National  Forest  from  location  and  entry  under  mining 
laws],  report  to  accompany  S,  4135:  submitted  bv  Mr,  Englebright,  May  15, 
1928.     4  p,     fH.  rp.  1095,  70th  Cong,  1st  sess,)     *  Paper,  5c, 

Boudousquie.  Xorbert.  Norbert  Boudou-squie.  report  to  accompany  S,  39.54  [to 
qui'et  title  in  heirs  of  Norbert  Boudousquie  to  lands  in  Louisiana]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr,   Hooper,     May   17.   1928.     2  p,     (H,   rp,   1712,   70th   Cong,   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c,  • 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

978  Mat,  1928 

Cache  National  Forest.  Addition  to  Cache  National  Forest,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  310 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smitli.  May  16,  1928.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  1703, 
TOth  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dean,  Seth.  Seth  Dean,  report  to  accompany  S.  4327  [to  relinquisli  title  of 
United  States  to  land  in  claim  of  Seth  Dean,  situate  in  county  of  Washington, 
Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  White  of  Colorado.  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1833,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Faulkner  County,  Ark.  To  quiet  title  to  lands  in  Faulkner  County,  Ark.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  12322;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  May  23, 
1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1838,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fish-culture.  Cede  lands  in  Idaho,  including  John  Smiths  Lake,  to  Idaho  for 
fish-cultural  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13144 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Smith.     May  16,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1707,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hancock,  Joseph  M.  Joseph  M.  Hancock,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12339 
[to  grant  patent  to  lands  to  Joseph  M.  Hancock]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of 
Washington.     May    29,    1928.     4    p.     (H.    rp.    1921,    70th    Cong.     1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,   5c. 

Hot  Springs,  Ark.  Conveying  lot  no.  3,  block  no.  115,  to  Hot  Springs,  Ark., 
report  to  accompany  S.  3361 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  May  17, 
1928.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1718,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Land  offices.  Establishment  of  land  offices,  report  to  accompany  S.  1794  [estab- 
lishing additional  land  offices  in  Montana,  Oregon,  South  Dakota,  Idaho, 
Nevada,  Utah,  New  Mexico,  Colorado,  and  Wyoming]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Winter.     May  26,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  1904,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park.  Acquisition  of  State  land  in  Lassen  Volcanic 
National  Park,  Calif,  [by  exchange],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11405;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Euglebright.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1423,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lassen  "Volcanic  Natiional  Park,  Calif.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11719 

[to  revise  boundaries  of  Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Euglebright.     May  15,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1691,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Lincoln  National  Forest.  Acquisition  of  lands  in  Lincoln  National  Forest,  N. 
Mex.  [by  exchanging  therefor  lands  on  public  domain  also  within  such 
State],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12113;  submitted  by  Mr.  Morrow.  May  5, 
1928.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1526,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Monterey,  Calif.  Granting  land  to  Monterey,  Calif.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12347  [granting  all  right,  title,  and  interest  of  United  States  to  laud  known  as 
Cuartel  lot  to  Monterey,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Englebright.  May  15,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1692,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Morrison,  Dan  A.  To  authorize  granting  of  certain  privileges  in  Lewis  and 
Clark  National  Monument,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4589  [for  relief  of 
Dan  A.  Morrison]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Leavitt.  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1698,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [The  committee  amends  H.  R.  4589  so  as  to  pay 
Dan  A.  Morrison  for  discovery  and  development  of  cavern  known  as  Lewis 
and  Clark  Cavern  National  Monument.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Northern  Pa<-ific  land  grants,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  318  [amending 
joint  resolution  directing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  withhold  his  approval  of 
adjustment  of  Northern  Pacific  land  grants,  and  for  other  purposes,  approved 
June  5,  1924,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  SInnott.  May  24,  1928.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1850,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Neil,  Henry  A.  Henry  A.  O'Neil.  report  to  accompany  S.  4022  [authorizing 
Secretary  of  Interior  to  lease  land  in  Stanley  County,  S.  Dak.,  to  Henry  A. 
O'Neil  for  buffalo  pasture]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Arentz.  May  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1790,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ouachita  National  Park,  Ark.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
5729,  to  establish  Ouachita  National  Park  in  Arkansas,  Feb.  2-Apr.  3.  1928. 
1928.     iii+156  p.     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.P  96/2 :  Ou  1 

Hove    to    order   publications — See    information    follo-tTing    Contents 


May,  1928  979 

Parker  I-Sec-0  Post  Xo.  12,  All  American  Indian  Legion,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  13744  [for  acquisition  by  Parker  I-See-O  Post  numbered  12.  All  Ameri- 
can Indian  Legion,  Lawtou,  Okla.,  of  east  half  northeast  quarter  northeast 
quarter  northwest  quarter  of  section  20,  township  2  north,  range  11  west, 
Indian  meridian,  in  Comanche  County,  Okla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton. 
May  26,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1905,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

PuNic  knids.  Lands  held  under  color  of  title,  report  to  accompany  S.  3776  [to 
issue  patents  for  lands  held  under  color  of  title]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colton. 
May  17,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1727,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Francis  Levee  District.  Authorizing  assessment  of  improvement-district 
benefits  against  public  lands  and  lands  heretofore  owned  by  United  States,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  10657  [to  authorize  assessment  of  levee,  road,  drain- 
age, and  other  improvement-district  benefits  within  St.  Francis  Levee  District, 
Ark.,  against  public  lands  and  lands  heretofore  owned  by  United  States]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  May  5,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1527,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

8an  Juan  County,  Wash.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12775  [providing  for  grant 
of  land  to  county  of  San  Juan,  Wash.,  for  recreational  and  public-park  pur- 
poses] :  submitted  by  Mr.  Hill  of  Washington.  May  17,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1719,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Siskiyou  Xational  Forest.  Improvement  of  Oregon  caves,  Siskiyou  National 
Forest.  Oreg.,  reporc  to  accompany  S.  3162 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  May 
12,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  162.3.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Vmpqua  Xational  Forest.  Construction  of  road  in  Umpqua  National  Forest, 
Oreg.  [between  Steamboat  Bridge  and  Black  Camas  in  Douglas  County,  Oreg.], 
repoit  to  accompany  H.  R.  9770 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinnott.  May  12,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1622.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wyoming.  Production  of  livestock  in  connection  with  irrigated  lands  in  Wyo- 
ming [Montana,  and  New  Mexico],  report  to  accompany  S.  1131;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Cclton.  May  18,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1732,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 


Rivers.     River  and  hai^'^r  bill,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  14066  [authorizing 
construction,  repair,  anci  preservation  of  certain  public  works  on  rivers  and 
harbors,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dempsey.    May  28,  1928. 
107  p.     (H.  rp.  1910,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26401 

RULES  committee:,  house 

Army  emergency  officers'  retireci  list.  Consideration  of  S.  777,  making  eligible 
for  retirement  certain  officers  and  former  officers  of  Army,  Navy,  and  Marine 
Corps  [other  than  officers  of  Regular  Army,  Navy,  or  Marine  Corps,  who 
incurred  physical  disability  in  line  of  duty  while  in  service  of  United  States 
during  AYoiid  War],  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  Res.  188;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Snell.     May  7,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  i-p.  1554,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Austria.  For  consideration  of  House  joint  resolutioji  247,  report  to  accompany 
H.  Res.  221  [for  consideration  of  H.  J.  Res.  247,  to  authorize  Secretary  of 
TreasuiT  to  cooperate  with  other  relief  creditor  Governments  in  making  it 
iwssible  for  Austria  to  float  loan  in  order  to  obtain  funds  for  furtherance 
of  its  reconstruction  program,  and  to  conclude  agreement  for  settlement  of 
indebtedness  of  Austria  to  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  May 
23,1928.    1  p.     (H.  i-p.  1826,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Civil  service  pensions.  Retirement  of  employees  in  classified  civil  service,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  Res.  222  [for  consideration  of  S.  1727,  to  amend  act 
to  amend  act  for  retirement  of  employees  in  classified  civil  service,  and  acts 
in  amendment  thereof,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  May  23,  1928. 
1  p.     ( H.  rp.  1827,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Colorado  River.  Boulder  dam.  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  1928.  [pt. 
1].  2.  [iv]  +1-88  p.     *  Paper!  pt.  1.  5c  ;  *  pt.  2.  10c.     Y  4.R  86/1 :  B  66/3/pt.l.  2 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Content.s 

980  May,  1928 

Colorado  River — Continued. 

Consideration  of  H.  R.  5773,  relating  to  Colorado  River  basin,  report  to 

accompany  H.  Res.  208  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  5773,  for  construction 
of  works  for  protection  and  development  of  lower  Colorado  River  basin,  for 
approval  of  Colorado  River  compact,  and  for  other  purjioses]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Snell.  May  15,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1666,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Convict  labor.  Divest  pi-ison  made  goods,  etc.,  of  their  interstate  character  in 
certain  cases,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  196  [for  consideration  of  H.  R. 
7729  to  divest  goods,  wares,  and  merchandise  manufactured,  produced,  or 
mined  by  convicts  or  prisoners  of  their  interstate  character  in  certain  cases]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  SneU.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1644,  70th  Cong..  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Customs  Service.  Adjust  compensation  of  certain  employees  in  Customs  Serv- 
ice, report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  197  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  13143  to 
adjust  compensation  of  certain  employees  in  Customs  Service]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Snell.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1645,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

House  of  Representatives.  Apportionment  of  Representatives  in  Congress, 
report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  207  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  11725,  for 
apportionment  of  Representatives  in  Congress]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell. 
May  15,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1665,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Immigration  Bureau.  Amend  sec.  24  of  immigration  act  of  1917,  report  to 
accompany  H.  Res.  199  [for  consideration  of  S.  2370,  to  amend  sec.  24  of 
immigration  act  of  1917,  relative  to  immigrant  inspectors]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Snell.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1647,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

Inland  Watertoays  Corporation.  Amending  Inland  Waterway  Corporation  act, 
report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  198  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  13512,  to  amend 
act  to  create  Inland  Waterways  Corporation  for  purpose  of  carrying  out 
mandate  and  purpose  of  Congress  as  expressed  in  sec.  201  and  500  of  trans- 
portation act]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  May  12,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1646, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Physician  to  the  President.  Rank,  pay,  and  allowance  of  colonel  to  personal 
physician  to  President,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  192  [for  consideration 
of  S.  3456,  allowing  rank,  pay,  and  allowances  of  colonel,  Medical  Corps, 
Army,  to  medical  officer  assigned  to  duty  as  personal  physician  to  the  Presi- 
dent] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell.  May  11,  1928.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1618,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pink  toll-worms.  Eradication  of  pink  bollworm,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res. 
193  [for  consideration  of  S.  J.  Res.  129,  to  provide  for  eradication  of  pink 
bollworm  and  authorizing  appropriation  therefor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snell. 
May  11,  1928.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1619,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Addison  E.  Bullard,  schooner.  Owners  of  schooner  Addison  E.  Bullard,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1486  [for  relief  of  Horace  Turner  and  associates,  owners 
of  schooner  Addison  E.  Bullard]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  11,  1928. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1595,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Alcock,  John  L.  John  L.  Alcock,  report  to  accompany  S.  3308  [to  confer  juris- 
diction on  Court  of  Claims  to  hear  and  determine  claim  of  John  L.  Alcock] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sinclair.  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1517,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Allen,  Alonzo  D.  Alonzo  Durwood  Allen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12793  [for 
relief  of  Alonzo  Durward  Allen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinclair.  May  11,  1928. 
6  p.      (H.  rp.  1594,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Allen,  Wade.  Wade  Allen  and  Ed  Johnson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7378 
[for  relief  of  Wade  Allen  and  Ed  Johnson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ware.  May 
1,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1436,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hew    to    order   publications — See    information    folio-wing^    Contents 


May,  1928  981 

Allen,  Will  J.  Will  J.  Allen,  report  to  accompany  S.  2473  [for  relief  of  Will 
J.  Allen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  4,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1516, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Barnard,  Clarence.  Capt.  Clarence  Barnard,  report  to  accompany  S.  605  [for 
relief  of  Clarence  Barnard]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  4,  1928.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1514,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Booker,  George  B.,  Company.  George  B.  Booker  Co.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  342  [for  relief  of  George  B.  Booker  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey. 
May  4,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1513,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Brinton,  Louis  C.  Louis  C.  Brinton,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7492  [for 
relief  of  Louis  C.  Brinton]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  May  11,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1591,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cobb,  Blasdell  &  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4781  [for  relief  of  legal 
representatives  of  Cobb,  Blasdell  and  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hooper. 
May  4,  1928.     11  p.     (H.  rp.  1508,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dickson,  H.  W.  H.  W.  Dickson  and  Mary  L.  Dickson,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  11239  [for  relief  of  H.  W.  Dickson  and  Mary  L.  Dickson]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.   Sinclair.     May  11,   1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1592,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Edwards,  Mrs.  Eugenia.  Eugenia  Edwards,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9396 
[to  comijensate  Eugenia  Edwards  for  allowances  due  and  unpaid  during 
World  War]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1510, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Finney,  W.  B.  Capt.  W.  B.  Finney,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9516  [for  relief 
of  W.  B.  Finney]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.     May  4,  1928.'    2  p.     (H.  rp. 

1511,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Gallagher,  Charles.  Edward  I.  Gallagher,  report  to  accompany  S.  456  [to 
carry  out  findings  of  Court  of  Claims  in  case  of  Edward  I.  Gallagher,  admin- 
istrator of  estate  of  Charles  Gallagher]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hooper.  May  17, 
1928.     9  p.     (H.  rp.  1725,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Godfrey,  Ida  E.  Ida  E.  Godfrey  et  al.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4387  [for 
relief  of  Ida  E.  Godfrey.  Lee  C.  Davis,  and  Thomas  N.  Emley]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.   Sinclair.     May  11,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1590,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Eauge,  George  H.  Lieut.  George  H.  Hauge,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9210 
[for  relief  of  George  H.  Hauge]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.  May  4,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1509,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

King,  Harry  M.  Harry  M.  King,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10236  [for  relief 
of  Harry  M.  King]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey.     May  4,  1928.     2  p.       (H.  rp. 

1512,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Lehman,  Bertram.  Bertram  Lehman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6350  [for 
relief  of  Bertram  Lehman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sinclair.  May  16,  1028.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1710,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rodes,  Tyree.  May  Gordon  Rodes  and  Sara  Louise  Rodes,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  6174  [for  relief  of  May  Gordon  Rodes  and  Sara  Louise  Rodes, 
heirs  at  law  of  Tyree  Rodes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  16,  1928. 
7  p.      (H.  rp.  1711,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stockett,  John  W.  John  W.  Stockett,  report  to  accompany  S.  2319  [for  relief 
of  John  W.  Stockett]  ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Kahn.  May  4,  1928.  12  p.  (H. 
rp.  1515,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wright,  David  A.  David  A.  Wright,  repoi't  to  accompany  H.  R.  12638  [for 
relief  of  David  A.  Wright]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jenkins.  May  5,  1928.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1534,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wright,  Thomas  G.  Heirs  of  Thomas  G.  Wright,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3937  [for  relief  of  heirs  of  Thomas  G.  Wright]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peavey. 
May  4,  1928.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1507,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

982  May.  1928 

Young,  Roger  H.  Roger  H.  Young,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11607  [for 
relief  of  Roger  H.  Young]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lowrey.  May  11,  192S.  2  p. 
{H.  rp.  1593,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Edward  Hines  Junior  Hospital,  report  [and  minority  view.s]  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5513  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  Treasury  to  amend,  in  his  discretion, 
contracts  for  erection  of  Edward  Hines  Junior  Hospital].  [2  pts.]  (H.  rp. 
1576.  2  pts.,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

[pt.  1.]   Report ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Luce.     May  9,  1928.     2  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
pt.  2.     Minority  views  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Rankin.     May  17,  1928.     2  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Holm,  Carl.  Carl  Holm,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10974  [for  relief  of  Carl 
Holm]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Crail.  May  11,  192S.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1596,  70th  Coug. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Muskogee,  Okla.  Settlement  for  rent  for  Veterans'  Hospital  no.  90,  Muskogee. 
Okla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13199  [authorizing  payment  to  Oklahoma  in 
settlement  for  rent  for  Veterans'  Hospital  numbered  90  at  Muskogee.  Okla.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Browning.  May  26,  1928.  [2]  p.  (H.  rp.  1902,  70th  Coug. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Soldiers.  Amend  World  War  veterans'  act,  1924,  report  to  accompany  S.  2372 
[to  amend  .sec.  201,  subdivision  1,  of  World  War  veterans'  act,  1924.  as 
amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  South  Dakota.  May  25.  192S.  5  p. 
(H.  ip.  ISSl,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Committee  amends  S.  2372  by  adding 
amendments  to  other  sections  of  the  World -War  veterans'  act.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ AVorld  War  veterans'  legislation,   70th   Congress,   1st  session,  on  H.  R. 

10160,  reintroduced  under  title  of  H.  R.  13039,  Feb.  24-Apr.  12.  1928.     1928. 
iii+282  p.     [This  hearing  is  on  H.  R.  10160  and  other  bills.]     *  Paper,  30c. 

Y  4.W  89  :  L  52/6 


Internal  revenue.  Payment  of  taxes  in  view  of  disclosures,  letter  transmitting, 
in  response  to  resolution,  report  relating  to  taxes  and  penalties  paid  conse- 
quent upon  disclosures  before  Committee  on  Public  Lands  and  Surveys, 
Senate,  in  course  of  investigation  by  it  pursuant  to  Senate  resolution  101, 
and  related  matters.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  157, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Appropriations.  Contingent  expenses.  Senate,  supplemental  estimate  of  appro- 
priation under  legislative  establishment,  Senate,  fiscal  year  1928.  May  5, 
1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  264,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

• Contingent  expenses.    Senate,   supplemental   estimates  of   appropriations 

under  legislative  establishment.  Senate,  fi.scal  year  1928.     May  12,  1928.     2  p. 
(H.  doc.  286,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar  of  business.  Senate,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  1-28.  1928:  no. 
93-110,  117-121.  1928.  various  paging,  large  S"  [Daily  when  Senate  is  in 
session.  Owing  to  an  error  in  numbering  there  were  no  calendars  numbered 
111-116,  respectively.]     +  Y  1.3  :  70/93-110, 117-121 

Taxation.  Florida  v.  Mellon,  article  reprinted  from  Cornell  law  quarterly,  v. 
13,  no.  3,  Apr.  1928,  entitled  Strange  case  of  Florida  r.  Mellon,  by  Arthur  W. 
Machen,  jr.;  presented  by  Mr.  Bruce.  1928.  [l]+26  p.  (S.  doc.  102,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Alabama    National    Forest.     Acquisition  of    lands    within    Alabama    National 

Forest,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  130;  submitted  bv  Mr.  McNary.     May 

3,    oilendar    day   May   9,    1928.     2    p.  (S.    rp.    1071.    70th    Cong.    1st 
*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   iiublications — See    information    follo'tvingr    Contents 

May,  1928  983 

Angeles  National  Forest.  Conserve  water  resources  and  encourage  reforesta- 
tion of  watersheds  of  Los  Angeles  County  [by  withdrawal  of  public  lands 
included  within  Aiigeles  National  Forest  from  location  and  entry  under  min- 
ing laws],  report  to  accompany  S.  4135;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  Apr.  30, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  933,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  1-26,  192S; 
no.  18-21.     1928.     Each  39  p.  4°     t  Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  70/18-21 

Containers.  Slack-filled  packages,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H.  R.  487,  to  amend  act  for  preventing  manufacture,  sale,  or  transportation 
of  adulterated  or  misbrauded  or  poisonous  or  deleterious  foods,  drugs,  medi- 
cines, and  liquors,  and  for  regulating  traffic  therein,  as  amended.  May  8  and 
9,1928.     1928.     iii+46  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/2 :  P  12/8 

Cotton.  Cotton  prices,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion, pursuant  to  S.  Res.  142,  to  investigate  recent  decline  in  cotton  prices, 
Apr.  2-13,  1928.     1928.     pt.  3,  iii +513-875  p.     *  Paper,  35c. 

Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  C  82/12/pt.  3 

Standardized   bales   of   cotton,   hearing,   70th   Congress,   1st   session,   on 

S.  872.  to  standardize  bales  of  cotton  and  requiring  sale  of  cotton  by  true 
net  weight  of  bale,  May  16,  1928.     1928.     iii+126  p.  il.     *  Paper,  15c. 

Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  C  82/15 

Standardized  bales  of  cotton,  report  to  accompany  S.  872  [to  standardize 

bales  of  cotton  and  requiring  sale  of  cotton  by  true  net  weight  of  bale]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Ransdell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  144  p.  il. 
(S.  rp.  1281,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 

Supervision   of   cotton   futures   exchanges,   hearings,   70th    Congress,    1st 

session,  on  S.  3871,  to  amend  cotton  futures  act,  as  amended,  by  investing 
transactions  in  cotton  for  future  delivery  with  public  interest,  providing 
commission  to  supervise  cotton-futures  exchanges,  defining  and  prohibiting 
manipulation,  and  for  other  purposes,  Apr.  10  and  13,  1928.  1928.  iii+59  p. 
♦Paper,  10c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  C  82/14 

Dairying  and  livestock  k^i^eriment  stations.  Experiment  station  for  the  South, 
report  to  accompany  S.  4470  [authoi'izing  and  directing  Secretary  of  Agri- 
culture to  establish  and  maintain  dairy  and  livestock  experiment  and  demon- 
stration station  for  the  South  at  or  near  Lewisburg.  Tenu.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1305,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Farm  relief,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  1,  1928;  [statement  of 
William  HoUingsworth].     1928.     ii+6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.         Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  F  22/5 

Fears,  Jess  T.  For  relief  of  Jess  T.  Fears,  report  to  accompany  S.  4454 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1153,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Forest  nurseries.  Addition  to  Beal  Nursery  at  East  Tawas,  Mich.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  10374  [authorizing  acquisition  of  land  and  water  rights 
fO(i-  forest-tree  nurseries]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  9,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1073,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Forests.  Promote  continuous  production  of  timber  on  lands  chiefly  suitable 
therefor,  report  to  accompany  S.  1344  [to  amend  act  to  provide  for  protection 
of  forest  lands,  for  reforestation  of  denuded  areas,  for  extension  of  national 
forests,  and  for  other  purposes,  in  order  to  promote  continuous  production 
of  timber  on  lands  chiefly  suitable  therefor]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  McNary. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1072,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Grain.  To  repeal  grain  standards  act,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
S.  2533,  Apr.  24  and  25,  1928.     1928.     pt.  2,  iii+85-118  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 

Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  G  76/12/pt.  2 
Rain.     Conservation  of  rainfall,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress, 

1st  session,  on  S.  3484,  for  conservation  of  rainfall  in  United  States  May  :',, 
1928.     1928.     iii+33  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  R  13 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Conteuts 

984  May,  1928 

Rain — Continued. 

Conservation  of  rainfall,  report  to  accompany  S.  3484  [for  conservation 

of  rainfall  in  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Thomas.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  18,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1211,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Totacco.  Collection  and  publication  of  tobacco  statistics,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  53,  for  collection  and  publication  of  statistics  of 
tobacco  by  Department  of  Agriculture,  May  10,  1928.  1928.  iii+16  p. 
*  Paper,  5c.  Y4.Ag8/2:T55 

Wheat.  Protein  content  in  wheat,  hearing.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S. 
3367,  to  amend  grain  standards  act,  requiring  wheat  standards  to  take  ac- 
count of  percentage  of  protein  content  in  wheat.  May  19,  1928.  1928.  iii+38 
p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.Ag  8/2 :  W  56/5 

Wool  standards,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7459  [to  authorize  appropriation 
for  use  by  Secretary  of  Agriculture  of  certain  funds  for  wool  standards]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
1070,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Appropriations.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1928,  hear- 
ings before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  13873,  making 
appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations,  fiscal  year  1928,  and 
prior  fiscal  years,  and  to  provide  supplemental  appropriations,  fiscal  years 
1928  and  1929.     1928.     ii+60  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ap  6/2 :  D  36/928-2 

■  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1928,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  13873  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropria- 
tions, fiscal  year  1928,  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appro- 
priations, fiscal  years  1928  and  1929,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Warren.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1266,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Brokers'  loans,  report  to  accompany  S.  Res.  113  [favoring  restriction  of  loans 
by  Federal  reserve  banks  for  speculative  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nor- 
beck.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp-  1124,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Edison,  Thomas  A.  Authorizing  gold  medal  in  commemoration  of  achievements 
of  Thomas  A.  Edison,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  243  [for  striking  of 
medal  commemorative  of  achievements  of  Thomas  A.  Edison  in  illumining 
path  of  progress  through  development  and  application  of  inventions  that  have 
revolutionized  civilization  in  last  century]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Edge.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  25, 1928.     4 p.      (S.  rp.  1285,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Intermediate  Credit  Bank  of  ColumMa.  Federal  land  and  intermediate 
credit  banks  of  Columbia,  S.  C,  adverse  report  to  accompany  S.  Res.  159  [to 
investigate  affairs  and  management  of  Federal  laud  and  intermediate  credit 
bank  of  Columbia,  S.  C]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  12,  1928.     12  p.     (S.  rp.  1125,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  San  Francisco.  Erection  of  Federal  reserve  bank 
building  in  Los  Angeles,  Calif,  [by  Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  San  Francisco], 
report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  142 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Phipps.  May  3,  calen- 
dar day  May  19,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  1228,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

State  banks  as  Government  depositories,  report  to  accompany  II.  R.  10151  [to 
amend  sec.  9  of  Federal  reserve  act,  so  as  to  allow  State  banks  which  are 
members  of  Federal  reserve  system  to  be  made  depositaries  of  public  money 
and  financial  agents  of  the  Government]  :  submitted  bv  Mr.  Glass  for  Mr. 
Edge.     May  1,  1928.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  961,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following^    Contents 



May,  1928  985 

civrL  SER^^CE  committee,  senate 

Government  offlcials  and  employees.  Amend  salary  rates  contained  in  compen- 
sation schedules  of  classification  act  of  Mar.  4,  1923.  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  6518 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  6  p. 
(S.  rp.  1163,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Prohibition.  Covering  certain  pei'sons  into  classified  civil  service  without  exam- 
ination, hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  1995,  placing  certain 
employees  of  Bureau  of  Prohibition  in  classified  civil  service,  Feb.  21-Mar.  22, 
1928.    1928.    iii+81  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.C  49/2  :  P  M/2 


Ahierger,  George  W.  George  W.  Abberger,  report  to  accompany  S.  3452  [for 
relief  of  George  W.  Abberger]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1030.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Allen,  Wade.  Wade  Allen  and  Ed  Johnson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7378  [for 
relief  of  "Wade  Allen  and  Ed  Johnson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  cal- 
endar day  May  26,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1318,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Back,  Guniher  C.  Carl  C.  Back,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1616  [for  relief  of 
Carl  C.  Back]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Deneen.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928. 
4  p.  (S.  rp.  1123.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Text  of  H.  R.  1616  provides  that 
settlement  shall  be  made  to  Gunther  Carl  Back  instead  of  to  his  father,  Carl 
C.  Back.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bane,  Moses  M.  Estate  of  Moses  M.  Bane,  report  to  accompany  S.  3056  [for 
relief  of  estate  of  Moses  M.  Bane]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  cal- 
endar day  May  9,  1928.    10  p.     (S.  rp.  1065,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Banta,  Marion.  Mai.'"^  Banta,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10067  [for  relief  of 
Marion  Banta]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1074.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Baylin,  Joseph  J.  Joseph  J.  Baylin.  report  to  accompany  S.  1643  [for  relief  of 
Joseph  J.  Baylin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  Apr.  30,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp. 
926,  70th  Cong.  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Boisseau,  Jesse  W.  Jesse  W.  Boisseau,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5930  [for 
relief  of  Jesse  W.  Boisseau]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  14,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1138,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Booth  d  Co.  (Inc.),  report  to  accompany  S.  4337  [for  relief  of  Booth  and  Com- 
pany (Incorporated)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
26,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1304,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Browder,  George  M.  George  M.  Browder  and  F.  N.  Browder,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  3372  [for  relief  of  George  M.  Browder  and  F.  N.  Browder]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Black.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  948,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

City  of  Beaumont  Ship  Corporation,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8001  [conferring 
jurisdiction  upon  certain  courts  of  United  States  to  hear  and  determine  claim 
by  City  of  Beaumont  Ship  Corporation,  owner  of  steamship  City  of  Beaumont, 
against  United  States]  ;  submitted  liy  Mr.  Bayard.  Mav  3,  calendar  dav  Mav 
9,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1067,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cocke,  William  J.  William  J.  Cocke,  report  to  accompany  S.  1958  [for  relief  of 
William  J.  Cocke]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Mav  3,  calendar  dav  Mav  21, 
1928.    8  p.     (S.  rp.  1252,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Connolly,  William  R.  William  R.  Connolly,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1537 
[for  relief  of  William  R.  Connolly]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Bayard.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  944,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cornog,  Augusta.  Augusta  Cornog,  report  to  accompany  S.  3931  [for  relief  of 
Augusta  Cornog]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  May  3,  1928.  4  p.  ( S.  rp. 
987,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to   order  publications — See   Information   follovvlns   Contents 

986  ^^^Y'  1^28 

Eddp,  Charles  F.  Maj.  Charles  F.  Eddy,  report  to  accompauy  S.  3942  [for 
relief  of  Charles  F.  Eddy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  15,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1166,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Edtcards,  Mrs.  M.  M.  M.  M.  Edwards,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3936  [for 
relief  of  M.  M.  Edwards,  widow  of  John  Davis  Edwards]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Black.     Apr.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  950,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Elmer,  John.  Heirs  of  John  Elmer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1529  [for  relief 
of  heirs  of  John  Elmer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  Apr.  30,  1928.  8  p. 
(S.  rp.  955,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Enoch,  William  T.  William  Thurman  Enoch,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4993 
[for  relief  of  William  Thurman  Enoch]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield.  Apr.  30, 
1928.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  953,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fayettevllle,  Tenn.  State  Bank  &  Trust  Co.,  Fayetteville,  Tenn.,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  5894  [for  relief  of  State  Bank  and  Trust  Company  of  Fayette- 
ville, Tenn.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928. 
7  p.     (S.  rp.  1043,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Friend,  Joseph  F.  Joseph  F.  Friend,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6842  [for  re- 
lief of  Joseph  F.  Friend]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  15,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1151,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Gallagher,  A.  F.  A.  F.  Gallagher,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10014  [for  relief 
of  A.  F.  Gallagher]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
19,1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1232,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Glens  Falls  Insurance  Company.  Relief  of  Glens  Falls  Insurance  Co.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9319;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  26,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1308,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Glover,  Mrs.  Mervin  W.  Widow  of  Mervin  W.  Glover,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12063  [for  relief  of  widow  of  Mervin  W.  Glover]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1234,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gregg,  Arch  L.  Arch  L.  Gregg,  report  to  accompany  S.  3595  [for  relief  of  Arch 
L.  Gregg]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  5  p. 
(S.  rp.  1077,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hartman,  Frank.  Frank  Hartman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6569  [for  relief 
of  Frank  Hartman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
12,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1129,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Head,  Mrs.  Margaret  T.  Margaret  T.  Head,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3216 
[for  relief  of  Margaret  T.  Head,  administratrix]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mayfield. 
Apr.  30,  1928.     12  p.     (S.  rp.  952,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Higgins  Lumber  Co.  (Inc.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8031  [for  relief  of  Hig- 
gins  Lumber  Company  (Incorporated)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  May 
3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  6  p.  (S.  rp.  1155,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Home  Insurance  Co.,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9320  [for  re- 
lief of  Home  Insurance  Company,  New  York,  N.  Y.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1309,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Hothmi-Kennedy  Dry  Dock  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  513  [for  relief  of  Hot- 
tum-Kennedy  Dry  Dock  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Apr.  30, 
1928.    5  p.     (S.  rp.  959,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Howard,  R.  S.,  Company.  R.  S.  Howard  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  116  [for 
relief  of  R.  S.  Howard  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  7,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1041,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Huffman,  Thomas  E.  Thomas  Edwin  Huffman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
11741  [for  relief  of  Thomas  Edwin  Huffman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper. 
Apr.  30,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  957,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to    order   publications — See    information    folloiving    Contents 

May,  1928  987 

Jcnnin(/s,  E.  H.  E.  H.  Jeuuings,  H.  L.  Johanns,  aud  Henry  Blauk,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9620  [for  relief  of  E.  H.  Jennings,  F.  L.  Joliaun^,  and  Henry 
Blauk]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1137,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Johns-Manville  Corporation,  reix)rt  to  accompany  S.  1547  [for  reLef  of  Johns- 
Manville  Corporation]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  15,  1928.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  11G5,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

June,  Louie.  Louie  June,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2473  [for  relief  of  Louie 
June]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Apr.  30,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  r p.  947,  70th  Cong. 
1st  .sess.)      *  Pai:er,  5c. 

King,  Harry  M.  Harry  M.  King,  report  to  accompany  S.  4376  [for  relief  of 
Harry  M.  King]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  May  3,  calendar  day  Mav  12, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1121,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Lagrange  Grocery  Company.  Lagrange  Grocery  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
7895  [for  relief  of  Lagrange  Grocery  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1134,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Lagrange  Grocery  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7898  [to  ratify  action 

of  local  board  of  sales  control  in  respect  of  contracts  between  United  States 
and  Lagrange  Grocery  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    14,    1928.     5    p.     (S.    rp.    1136,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Lcicis,  Mrs.  Lula.  Lula  Lewis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12280  [for  relief  of 
Lula  Lewis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928. 
5  p.     ( S.  rp.  1319,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Longino,  Thomas  C.  Heirs  of  Thomas  C.  Longino,  report  to  accompany  H.  R, 
5398  [for  relief  -'f  heirs  of  Thomas  C.  Longino]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Capper. 
Apr.  30,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  956,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lovell,  Walter  D.  Walter  D.  Lovell,  reix)rt  to  accompany  H.  R.  5944  [for  relief 
of  AValter  D.  Lovell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
26,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1311,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

McAtcer  Shipbuilding  Co.  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5935  [for  relief 
of  McAteer  Shipbuilding  Company,  Incorporated]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Deneen. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1040,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Madry,  Myra.  Myra  Madry,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3844  [for  relief  of 
Myra  Madry]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928. 
7  p.     (S.  rp.  1312,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Magoon,  H.  C.  H.  C.  Magoou,  report  to  accompany  S.  444  [for  relief  of  H.  C. 
Magoou]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  1,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  976,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Pai^er,  5c. 

Markle,  C.  N.  C.  N.  Markle,  report  to  accompany  S.  3743  [for  relief  of  C.  N. 
Markle]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1042,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mary  M,  barge.  Owners  of  Mary  M,  report  to  accompany  S.  460  [for  relief  of 
William  Malley  and  Thomas  Malley  as  executors  of  estate  of  Mary  Malley, 
owners  of  barge  Mary  M]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  9,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1064,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Moss.  John  B.  John  B.  Moss,  report  to  accompany  S.  2989  [for  relief  of  John 
B.  Moss]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928. 
5  p.     (S.  rp.  1236,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Murphy,  Con.  Con  Murphy,  report  to  accompany  S.  4187  [for  relief  of  Con 
Murphy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  4  p. 
(S.  rp.  1154,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Murray,  Frank.  Frank  Murray,  report  to  accompany  S.  2441  [for  relief  of 
Frank  Murray]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1314.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 6 

988  ^^AY,  1928 

Nead,  Elmer  J.  Elmer  J.  Nead,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8474  [for  relief  of 
Elmer  J.  Nead]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1031,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Nightingale,  John  L.  John  L.  Nightingale,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8810  [for 
relief  of  John  L.  Nightingale]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  9,  1928.     17  p.     (S.  rp.  1068,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Connor,  Mrs.  Mary  E.  Mary  E.  O'Connor,  report  to  accompany  H.  R  6436 
[for  relief  of  Mary  E.  O'Connor]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  945,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pearson,  Mrs.  Margaret  W.  Margaret  W.  Pearson  and  John  R.  Pearson,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1618  [for  relief  of  Margaret  W.  Pearson  and  John  R.  Pear- 
son] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  10,  1928.  4  r- 
(S.  rp.  lOSl,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pocahontas  Fuel  Co.  {Inc.),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4926  [for  relief  of 
Pocahontas  Fuel  Company  (Incorporated)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Mny 
3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1120,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. » 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Poston  Brick  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3219  [for  relief  of  Poston  Brick  Com 
pany]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  24,  1928.  3  p 
(S.  rp.  1279,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Press  PuUishmg  Co.,  Marianna,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4839  [for 
relief  of  Press  Publishing  Company,  Marianna,  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cara- 
way. May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1156,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roeiken,  Mrs.  Mary  L.  Mary  L.  and  Esther  M.  Roebken,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  200  [for  relief  of  Mary  L.  Roebken  and  Esther  M.  Roebken]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  6  p.  (.S.  rp.  1117, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sanghove,  Clifford  J.  Clifford  J.  Sanghove,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3442 
[for  relief  of  Clifeord  J.  Sanghove]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     ( S.  rp.  949,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sealy.  Havert  S.  Havert  S.  Sealy  and  Porteus  R.  Burke,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3470  [granting  relief  to  Havert  S.  Sealy  and  Porteus  R.  Burke]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Stephens.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
1122,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Selhy,  R.  Wilson.  R.  Wilson  Selby,  report  to  accompany  S.  1364  [for  relief  of 
R.  Wilson  Selbyj  ;  submitted  by  Mr  Stephens.  Mav  3,  calendar  day  May  14. 
1928.    5  p.     (S.  rp.  1142,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Seller,  M.,  &  Co.  M.  Seller  &  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2304  [for  relief  of 
M.  Seller  and  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  1,  1928.  9  p. 
(S.  rp.  975,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shivers,  Jesse  R.  Jesse  R.  Shivers,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4396  [for  relief 
of  Jesse  R.  Shivers]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1066,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shorten,  D.  George.  D.  George  Shorten,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11960  [for 
relief  of  D.  George  Shorten]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Mav  3.  calendar  day 
May  4,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  996,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shults,  Frank  E.  Frank  E.  Shults,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9380  [for  relief 
of  Frank  E.  Shults]  ;  submittetl  by  Mr.  Stephens.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
19,  1928.    13  p.     (S.  rp.  1233,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith  TaUet  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4303  [for  relief  of  Smith  Tablet 
Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Deneen.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1039,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  989 

South  Oarolhia.  State  of  South  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9710  [for 
relief  of  South  Carolina]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  26,  1928.    8  p.     (S.  rp.  131(X  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stafford,  John  P.  John  P.  Stafford,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5322  [for  relief 
of  John  P.  Stafford]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
15,  1928.    8  p.     ( S.  rp.  1157,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Standard  Oil  Company  of  New  Jersey.  Relief  of  Standard  Oil  Co.  of  New 
Jersey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8529 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    26,    1928.      2    p.      (S.    rp.    1307,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Swank,  Frederick  D.  Frederick  D.  Swank,  report  to  accompany  S.  584  [for 
relief  of  Frederick  D.  Swank]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  7,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1038,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Sweeney.  Francis.  Francis  Sweeney,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4927  [for 
relief  of  Francis  Sweeney]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stephens.  INIay  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.    2  p.     ( S.  rp.  1024,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     Papei-,  5c. 

Temple,  Larry  M.  Larry  M.  Temple,  report  to  accompany  S.  443  [for  relief  of 
Larry  M.  Temple]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  M:iy  7,  1928 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  1032,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thomas,  A.  M.  A.  M.  Thomas,  report  to  accompany  S.  3525  [for  relief  of  A.  M. 
Thomas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928.  4  p. 
( S.  rp.  995.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Thorpe,  Joseph  F.  Joseph  F.  Thorpe,  report  to  accompany  S.  382  [for  relief  of 
Joseph  F.  Thorpe]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Caraway.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  ^347,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Tynes.  William  V.  William  V.  Tynes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7061  [for 
relief  of  William  V.  Tynes]  :  .submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  Apr.  30.  192S  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  951,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wallace,  F.  C.  F.  C.  Wallace,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8440  [for  relief  of 
F.  C.  Wallace]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1118,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

M'areham,  Charles  R.  Charles  R.  Wareham,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8808 
[for  relief  of  Charles  R.  Wareham]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Howell.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
20  p.     (S.  rp.  958,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Washam.  R.  P.  For  relief  of  R.  P.  Washam  and  others,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  10508  [for  relief  of  R.  P.  Washam,  F.  A.  Slate,  W.  H.  Sanders,  W.  A. 
McGinnis.  J.  E.  Lindsay,  and  J.  T.  Pearson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1150,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

West  Point  Wholesale  Grocery  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7897  [to  ratify 
action  of  local  board  of  sales  control  in  respect  of  contracts  between  United 
States  and  West  Point  Wholesale  Grocery  Company]  :  submitted  by  Mr. 
Waterman.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1135^  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

William  Mellyourne,  schooner.  Owners  of  schooner  William  Melbourne,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  3971  [for  relief  of  William  Melbourne  Navigation  Com- 
pany. Limited,  owners  of  schooner  William  Melbourne]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Howell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1231,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Wilson,  Lois.  Lois  Wilson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10192  [for  relief  of 
Lois  AVilson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  Apr.  30.  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  946, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wyant,  Mrs.  Jennie.  Jennie  Wyant  and  others,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4229  [for  relief  of  Jennie  Wyant  and  others]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Waterman. 
Apr.  30,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  927,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follovring    Contents 

990  Mat,  1928 


Alleyheny  River.  Bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  Eldred,  Pa.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  12913  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  or  near  borough  of  Eldred, 
Pa  by  commissioners  of  McKean  County,  Pa.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  1200,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5e. 

Altamalia  River.  Bridge  across  Altamaha  River  at  Towns  BlufE  Ferry,  Ga., 
report  to  accompany  S.  4487  [authorizing  Uvalda  Booster  Club  to  construct 
bridge  across  Altamaha  River  at  or  near  Towns  Bluft  Ferry,  connecting 
Montgomery  and  Jeff  Davis  counties,  Ga.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May   22,    1928.      2  p.      (S.    rp.    1265,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bear  Creek.  Bridge  across  Bear  Creek  near  Lovel  Point,  Md.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4401  [authorizing  Elmer  J.  Cook  to  construct  bridge  across  Bear 
Creek  at  or  near  Lovel  Point,  Baltimore  County,  Md.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1147,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Champlain,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  Rouses  Point,  N.  Y.,. 
and  Alburgh,  Vt.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4560  [authorizing  Elisha  N.  Good- 
sell  to  construct  bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  between  point  at  or  near 
Rouses  Point,  N.  Y.,  and  point  at  or  near  Alburgh,  Vt.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr, 
Dale.  May  28,  calendar  day  May  29,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1323,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Lake  Champlain  near  East  Alburg,  Vt.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  11692  [authorizing  Gulf  Coast  Properties,  Inc.,  to  consti-uct  bridge 
across  Lake  Champlain  at  or  near  East  Alburg,  Vt.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  5,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1006,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Chicago,  III.  Disposition  of  certain  lighthouse  reservation,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4300  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  Commerce  to  dispose  of  certain  light- 
house reservation  and  to  acquire  land  for  lighthouse  purposes,  in  Chicago, 
111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  I'p.  1119,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coasts.  Protection  of  shore  lands  from  damaging  erosions,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  3637  [to  provide  Federal  cooperation  with  States  in  devising  means 
to  protect  valuable  shore  lands  from  damaging  erosions]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1267,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cumherland  River.  Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Arat,  Ky.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4291  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Arat,  Ky.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1059,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Burkesville,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4290  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  bridge 
across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burkesville,  Ky.]  :  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1058,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Center  Point,  Ky.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4292  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct 
bridge  across  Cumberlaid  River  at  or  near  Center  Point,  Ky.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1060,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Creelsboro,  Ky.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4293  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct 
bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Creelsboro,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  1061,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to    order   publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  991 

Oumhcrlaud  Rh-er — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  Neelys  Ferry,  Ky.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  42S9  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct 
bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Neelys  Ferry  in  Cumberland 
County,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928. 
2  p.      (S.  rp.  1057,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge   across  Cumberland   River   at   or   near   Burnside,   Ky.,   report  to 

accompany  S.  4294  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission.  Kentucky,  to 
construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burnside,  Ky.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  INIr.  Dale.  :May  3.  calendar  day  May  10,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1087, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  luka,  Ky..  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12571  [granting  con.sent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion, Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
luka,  Ky.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  18,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1197,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Cumberland  River  near  mouth  of  Indian  Creek  in  Russell 

County,  Ky..  report  to  accompany  S.  4295  [authorizing  State  Highway  Com- 
mission, Kentucky,  to  construct  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 
mouth  of  Indian  Creek  in  Russell  County.  Ky.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1056,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  South  Fork  of  Cumberland  River  at  Burnside,  Ky.,  report 

to  accompany  S.  4288  [authorizing  State  Highway  Commission,  Kentucky, 
to  construct  bridge  across  South  Fork  of  Cumberland  River  at  or  near  Burn- 
side, Ky.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  10,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1086,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■Current  River.  Bridge  across  Current  River  at  Biggers,  Ark.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  11992  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  Highway  Com- 
mission to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Current  River  at  or  near 
Biggers.  Ark.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  8.  calendar  day  May  5,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1008,  70th  Cong.  1st     *  Paper,  5c. 

Delaicare  River.  Bridge  across  Delaware  River  near  Wilmington,  Del.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1857  [authorizing  Delaware  and  New  Jersey  Bridge  Cor- 
poration. George  A.  Casey.  Clifford  R.  Powell,  and  Anthony  J.  Siracusa  to 
construct  bridge  across  Delaware  River  at  or  near  Wilmington,  Del.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  5.  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1004, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Des  Moines  River.  Bridge  across  Des  Moines  River  at  Croton,  Iowa,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4357  [authorizing  Henry  Horsey,  Winfield  Scott,  A.  L.  Balle- 
goin,  and  Frank  Schee  to  construct  bridge  across  Des  Moines  River  at  or 
near  Croton.  Iowa]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3.  calendar  dav  May  14, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1146,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Detroit  River.  Bridge  across  Detroit  River  near  Stony  Island,  Mich.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4405  [authorizing  Detroit  River  Canadian  Bridge  Company  to 
construct  bridge  across  Detroit  River  at  or  near  Stony  Island,  Wayne  County, 
Mich.]  :  submitted-  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1141,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paiwr,  5c. 

Federal  Point.  Conveyance  of  Federal  Point  lighthouse  reservation,  N.  C,  to 
Wilmington,  N.  C.  [as  memorial  to  commemorate  Battle  of  Fort  Fisher], 
report  to  accompany  S.  4302 ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Simmons.  Mav  3.  calendar 
day  May  10,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1089,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Fish-cultnre.  Five-year  construction  and  maintenance  program.  Bureau  of 
Fisheries,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13383 ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Fletcher. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1239,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Ho>v    to    order   publications — See    information    follo'wiug,'    Contents 

992  May,  1928 

Hoquiam,  Wash.  Local  inspectors,  Steamboat  Inspection  Sei-vice,  Hoquiam, 
Wash.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  457  [to  create  board  of  local  insi>ectors. 
Steamboat  Inspection  Service,  at  Hoquiam,  Wash.]  :  .submitted  by  Mr.  Jones. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  17,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1182,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Inland  Waterivaijs  Corporation,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13512  [to  amend  act 
to  create  Inland  Waterways  Corporation  for  purpose  of  carrying  out  mandate 
and  purpose  of  Congress  as  expressed  in  sec.  201  and  500  of  transportation 
act]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sackett.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  7  p. 
(S.  rp.  1273,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Kanawha  River.  Bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  Winfield,  W.  Va.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4353  [authorizing  Huntington  Clarksburg  Bridge  Company  to 
construct  bridge  across  Kanawha  River  at  or  near  Winfield,  W.  Va.]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1145. 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Little  Calumet  River.  Bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River,  Cook  County,  111., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11917  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  county  of 
Cook,  111.,  to  widen  existing  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  in  Cook 
County,  111.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard  for  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  IS,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1203,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mississippi  River.  Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Aitkin,  Minn.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  13069  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  to  con- 
struct free  highway  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Aitkin,  Minn.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (S. 
rp.  1244,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Bettendorf,  Iowa,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  12235  [authorizing  B.  F.  Peek,  G.  A.  Shallberg,  C.  I.  Josephson,  J.  W. 
Bettendorf,  A.  J.  Russell,  and  J.  L.  Hecht  to  construct  bridge  across  Missis- 
sippi River  at  or  near  10th  street  in  Bettendorf,  Iowa]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sheppard  for  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1205,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Mississippi  River  near  New  Orleans,  La.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4229  [to  extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  near  and  above  New  Orleans,  La.,  by  said  city  through  its  Public  Belt 
Railroad  Commission]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
10,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1085,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Missouri  River.  Bank  protection  at  and  near  Niobralra,  Nebr.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  J.  Res.  80  [authorizing  appropriation  for  bank  protection  for  control 
of  floods  and  prevention  of  erosion  of  Missouri  River  at  and  near  Niobrara, 
Nebr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  La  FoUette.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1253,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■  Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Kansas  City,  Kans.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4345  [authorizing  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge 
across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Kansas  City,  Kans.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale, 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1143,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  Niobrara,  Nebr.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4381  [authorizing  H.  A.  Rinder  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 
at  or  near  Niobrara,  Nebr.]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  14,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1148,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River   at  Randolph,   Mo.,   report   to   accompany 

H.  R.  11338  [authorizing  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Randolph,  Mo.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  5,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1009,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Missouri  River,  St.  Louis  County,  Mo.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4203  [authorizing  J.  H.  Haley  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 
near  point  where  Olive  street  road,  St.  Louis  County,  Mo.,  if  extended  west 
would  intersect  Missouri  River]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  5,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1010,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following:    Contents 


May,  1928  993 

Natianal  Insfitute  of  Health.  Proposed  National  Institute  of  Health,  hearings 
before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  3391,  to  establish 
National  Institute  of  Health,  to  authorize  increased  appropriations  for 
Hygienic  Laboratory,  and  to  authorize  Government  to  accept  donations  for 
use  in  ascertaining  cause,  prevention,  and  cure  of  disease  affecting  human 
beings.  Apr.  24  and  25,  1928.  '  1928.     iii+96  p.     *  Paper,  10c 

Y  4.C  73/2 :  N  21/3 

Proposed  National  Institute  of  Health,  report  to  accompany  S.  4518  [to 

establi-sh  and  operate  National  Institute  of  Health,  to  create  system  to  fellovr- 
ships  in  said  institute,  and  to  authorize  Government  to  accept  donations  for 
use  in  a.scertaining  cause,  prevention,  and  cure  of  disease  affecting  human 
beings]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Ransdell.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928. 
102  p.     (S.  rp.  1280,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26428 

Neiv  River.  Bridge  across  New  River  at  McCreery,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12806  [authorizing  J.  H.  Harvell  to  construct  bridge  across  New 
River  at  or  near  McCreery,  W.  Va.]  ;  .«ubniitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    18,    1928.     1    p.     (S.    rp.    1199,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Ohio  River.  Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Evansville,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  4438  [authorizing  Indiana  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at 
or  near  Evansville,  Ind.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  18,  1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.  1193,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  New  Cumberland.  W.  Va..  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  5475  [authorizing  New  Cumberland  Bridge  Company  to  construct 
bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  New  Cumberland.  W.  Va.]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Sheppard  for  Mr.  Dale.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1202,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  Ripley,  Ohio,  report  to  accompany  S.  4450 

[authorizing  Ripley  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at 
or  near  Ripley,  Ohio]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  19,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1240,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Extension    of    time   for    construction    of   bridge    across    Ohio    River    at 

Evansville,  Ind.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4439  [to  extend  times  for  com- 
mencing and  completing  construction  of  bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near 
Evansville,  Ind.,  by  Indiana]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3.  calendar 
day  May  18,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1194,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oversea  highioay.  Survey  of  uncompleted  bridges  of  Oversea  highway  from 
Key  West  to  mainland.  Florida,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  256 ;  sub- 
mittetl  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  10,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1090,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Perdido  Bay.  Bridge  across  Perdido  Bay  in  Florida  and  Alabama,  report 
to  accompany  S.  4457  [authorizing  Northwest  Florida  Corporation  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Perdido  Bay  at  or  near  Inerarity  Point  in  Escambia 
County,  Fla..  to  mainland  of  Baldwin  County,  Ala.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1243,  70th"  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Rio  Grande.  Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  Brownsville,  Tex.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12100  [to  amend  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Gateway 
Bridge  Company  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  between 
Brownsville.  Tex.,  and  Matamoros,  Mexico]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Sheppax'd. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1196,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  Tornillo,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

12031  [to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction  of  bridge 
across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  point  2  miles  south  of  Tornillo,  Tex.,  by  W.  J. 
Stahmann.  Edgar  D.  Brpwn,  and  L.  N.  Shafer]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard. 
May  3.  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1195,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

994  May,  1928 

Rio  Grande- — Continued. 

Bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  Weslaco,  Tex.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

12877  [autliorizing  Los  Olmos  International  Bridge  Company  to  constnict 
bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  Weslaco,  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1201,  70tb  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Saline,  Lake.  Bridge  across  Lake  Sabine  at  Port  Arthur,  Tex.,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4253  [authorizing  H.  L.  McKee  to  construct  bridge  across  Lake 
Sabine  at  or  near  Port  Arthur,  Tex.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3. 
calendar    day    May    7,    1928.      2    p.       (S.    rp.    1022,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

SaUne  River.  Bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  Pendleton's  Ferry,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4254  [authorizing  Texas  and  Louisiana  to  construct  free  high- 
way bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Pendleton's  Ferry]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1023,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  Starks,  La.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

12623  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Starks,  La.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  1  p. 
(S.  rp.  1198,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Lawrence  River.  Bridge  across  St.  Lawrence  River  near  Alexandria  Bay, 
N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4566  [authorizing  New  York  Development 
Association,  Inc..  to  construct  bridge  across  St.  Lawrence  River  near 
Alexandria  Bay,  N.  Y.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  28,  calendar  day  May 
29,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1321,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *.  Paper,  5c. 

Santa  Rosa  Sound.  Bridge  across  Santa  Rosa  Sound,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  4456  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  boards  of  county  commissioners  of 
counties  of  Escambia  and  Santa  Rosa,  Fla.,  to  construct  free  bridge  across 
Santa  Rosa  Sound,  Fla.,  at  or  near  Deer  Point,  Santa  Rosa  County,  or  at  or 
near  Sharp  Point  on  Santa  Rosa  Island]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shepard.  May 
3.  calendar  day  May  19,   1928.     2  p.      (S.  rp.   1242,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Savannah  River.  Bridge  across  Savannah  River  at  Burtons  Ferry,  Ga.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  4474  [authorizing  South  Carolina  and  Georgia  State  highway 
departments  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Savannah  River  at  or  near  Burtons 
Ferry  near  Sylvania,  Ga.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  22,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1264,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tennessee  River.  Bridges  across  Tennessee,  Tombigbee,  Warrior,  Alabama,  and 
Coosa  rivers,  Ala.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13481  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  to  Alabama  State  Bridge  Corporation  to  construct  bridges  across 
Tennessee,  Tombigbee,  Warrior,  Alabama,  and  Coosa  rivers  within  Alabama] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1127,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tensas  River.  Bridge  across  Tensas  River  in  Louisiana,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  11080  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Fisher  Lumber  Corporation 
to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Tensas  River  in  Louisiana  at  or  near 
dividing  line  between  sections  1  and  12,  township  12  north,  range  9  east, 
Louisiana  meridian]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard  for  Mr.  Dale.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    18,    1928.      2    p.      (S.    rp.    1204,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5e. 

Wabash  River.  Bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  McGregors  Ferry,  111.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  4451  [to  amend  act  authorizing  Roy  Clippinger,  Ulys  Pyle, 
Edgar  Leathers,  Groves  K.  Flescher,  and  Carmen  Flescher  to  construct  bridge 
across  Wabash  River  at  or  near  McGregors  Ferry  in  White  County,  111., 
so  as  to  authorize  bridge  to  be  built  at  New  |Iarmony,  Ind..  instead  of 
McGregors  Ferry]  ;  submitted  by  I\Ir.  Sheppard.  May  3.  calendar  day  May 
19,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1241,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Ho-w    to    order   publications — See    information    lollowing    Contents 

May,  1928  995 

Waccamaip  River.  Bridge  across  Waccamaw  River  near  Reeves  Ferry,  Colum- 
bus County,  N.  C,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11797  [granting  consent  of 
Congress  to  Columbus  County,  N.  C,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across 
Waccamaw  River  at  or  near  Reeves  Ferry,  Columbus  County,  N.  C]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  5,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1007, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

White  River.  Bridge  across  White  River  at  Augusta,  Ark.,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4504  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  through  its  State 
Highway  Department  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near 
Augusta,  Ark.]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928. 
1  p.     ( S.  rp.  1270,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bridge  across  White  River  near  Clarendon,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4344  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission  of 
Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Clarendon,  Ark.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1144,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.)     *  Paper,   5c. 

Bridge  across  White  River  near  Clarendon,  Ark.,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4465  [gi'anting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commission  of 
Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Clarendon,  Ark.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Dale.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1268,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.)     *  Paper,   5c. 


Boxing.  To  legalize  amateur  boxing  exhibitions  in  District  of  Columbia,  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  4085  [to  prevent  professional  prize  fighting  and  to 
authorize  amateur  boxing  in  District  of  Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928,     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1139,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Pai)er,  5c. 

Education  Board.  Personal  liability  of  members  of  Board  of  Education  of 
District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3828  [to  amend  public  law  num- 
bered 254,  approved  June  20.  1906,  known  as  organic  school  law,  so  as  to  re- 
lieve individual  members  of  Board  of  Education  of  personal  liability  for 
acts  of  board]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  932, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Friendly  societies.  Payment  of  death  benefits  by  fraternal  beneficial  associa- 
tions in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3844 :  submitted  by  Mr. 
Blaine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  1158,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5e. 

■ Regulating   juvenile    insurance    by    fraternal    beneficial    associations    in 

District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  3694 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1159,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Insurance  code  for  District  of  Columbia,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  3709,  to  provide  code  of  insurance  law  for  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  except  as  herein  provided,  and  H.  R.  10147,  to  provide  com- 
plete code  of  insurance  law  for  District  of  Columbia  (excepting  marine  insur- 
ance as  now  provided  for  by  act  of  Mar.  4.  1922,  and  fraternal  and  benevolent 
insurance  associations  or  orders  as  provided  for  by  act  of  Mar.  3,  1901  [etc.]), 
Apr.  .5-7,  1928.     1928.     iii+129  p.     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.D  63/2  :  In  7/2 

Junior  Order  of  United  American  Mechanics.  Exemption  of  certain  fraternal 
associations  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10SG9  [amend- 
ing see.  764  of  subchapter  12,  fraternal  beneficial  associations,  of  code  of  law 
for  District  of  Columbia,  so  as  to  include  among  associations  specifically 
exempted  from  provisions  of  subchapter  12  Junior  Order  of  United  American 
Mechanics,  Daughters  of  America,  and  Knights  of  Columbus]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Blaine.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  19.  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1230,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTv    to    order   publications — See    inforinntion    following    Contents 

ggg  May,  1928 

Land.  Rights  in  land  for  park  purposes  and  lease  of  buildings  on  park  land* 
in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  4126  [authorizing  National 
Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commission  to  acquire  title  to  land  subject  to 
limited  rights  reserved,  and  limited  rights  in  land,  and  authorizing  director 
of  public  buildings  and  public  parks  of  National  capital  to  lease  land  or 
existing  buildings  for  limited  periods  in  certain  Instances]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Sackett.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1003,  70th 
Cong.    1st   sess.)     *  Paper,    5c. 

Street-railway  merger  in  District  of  Columbia,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion, on  S.  J.  Res.  133,  to  authorize  merger  of  street  railway  corporations 
operating  in  District  of  Columbia,  May  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+52  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.D  63/2  :  St  8/7 

Streets.  Changing  name  of  Railroad  avenue  In  District  of  Columbia,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  10073  [to  change  name  of  Railroad  avenue,  between 
Nichols  avenue  and  Massachusetts  avenue,  to  Fairlawn  avenue]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Capper.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  24,  1928.  1  p.  ( S.  i-p.  1276,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Extension  and  widening  of  14th  street  nw..  District  of  Columbia,  report 

to  accompany  S.  3440  [to  vacate  certain  streets  and  alleys  within  area  known 
as  Walter  Reed  General  Hospital,  District  of  Columbia,  and  to  authorize 
extension  and  widening  of  14th  sti'eet  from  Montague  street  to  its  southern 
terminus  south  of  Dahlia  street]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bruce.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  12,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1116,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Use  of  United  States  land  for  highway  purposes  in  District  of  Columbia, 

report  to  accompany  S.  4087 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sackett.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  8,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1052,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Taxation.  Assessment  and  collection  of  taxes  in  District  of  Columbia,  report 
to  accompany  S.  4441 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
15,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1152,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Assessment  of  benefits  by  condemnation  juries  in  District  of  Columbia, 

report  to  accompany  S.  4124  [to  provide  for  notice  to  owners  of  land  assessed 
for  benefits  by  verdict  of  condemnation  jui'ies  in  District  of  Columbia]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
993,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Teachers.  Amendment  of  teachers'  salary  act,  approved  June  4,  1924,  report 
to  accompany  S.  4063;  submitted  by  Mr.  Copelaud.  May  1,  1928.  3  p. 
( S.  ip.  972,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Exemption   of   public   school    employees   from    $2,000   salary    limitation, 

report  to  accompany  S.  3827  [to  exempt  employees  of  public-school  system 
of  District  of  Columbia  from  $2,000  salary  limitation  provision  of  legisla- 
tive, executive,  and  judicial  appropriation  act,  approved  May  10,  1916,  as 
amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  5,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1013,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Text-iooks.  Free  books  and  supplies  for  public  schools  of  District  of  Columbia, 
report  to  accompany  S.  3902 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cap]>er.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  4,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  997,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper^  5c. 


Unemployed.  Analysis  and  appraisal  of  unemployment  statistics,  report  to 
accompany  S.  Res.  219  [for  analysis  and  appraisal  of  reiwrts  on  unemploy- 
ment and  systems  for  prevention  and  relief  thereof]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Couzens.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1063,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Reports.  Discontinuance  of  certain  reports,  rejwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  12064 
[to  discontinue  certain  reports  now  required  by  law  to  be  made  to  Congress]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sackett.  May  28,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  1320,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mow   to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  997 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  22,  1928;  no. 
10.     1928.     40  p.  4»     t  Y4.F  49: 70/10 

Customs  Service.  Componsation  of  Customs  Service  employees,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4075  [to  adjust  compensation  of  certain  employees  in  Customs  Serv- 
ice] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Edge.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S. 
rp.  1257.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hospitals.  Hospitalization  for  World  War  veterans,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12821  [to  authorize  appropriation  to  provide  additional  hospital,  domiciliary, 
and  out-patient  dispensary  facilities  for  persons  entitled  to  hospitalization 
under  World  War  veterans'  act,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snioot. 
May  3.  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.     10  p.     (S.  rp.  1255,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26402 

Insurance.  Amending  sec.  300  of  World  War  veterans'  act  [so  as  to  permit 
payment  of  insurance  to  trust  company  or  bank  designated  by  insured  as 
trustee],  report  to  accompany  S.  3258;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shortridge.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    2,    1928.      1    p.       (S.    rp.    1256,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Internal  revenue  bill  of  1928,  report  to  accompany  H.  B.  1 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Smoot.  Mav  1.  1928.  48  p.  (S.  rp.  960,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26403 

Plainfield.  N.  J.  Carillon  of  bells  for  Grace  Church,  Plainfleld,  N.  J.,  report 
to  accompany  S.  793  [to  refund  duty  on  carillon  of  bells  imported  for  Grace 
Church.  Plainfield,  N.  J.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    22.    1928.     2    p.     (S.    rp.    1261,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Princeton  University.  Remission  of  duty  on  carillon  of  bells  for  Princeton 
University,  report  to  accompany  S.  2355;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania. May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1259,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Providence,  R.  I.  Remission  of  duty  on  carillon  for  Swedish  Lutheran  Church, 
Providence.  R.  I.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2907 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of 
Pennsylvania.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1260,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Soldiers.  Amend  sec.  201  of  World  War  veterans'  act,  1924.  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2372  [to  amend  sec.  201.  subdivision  1,  of  World  War  veterans'  act, 
1924.  as  amended,  relating  to  burial  and  funeral  expenses  of  honorably  dis- 
charged ex-service  men]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  [of  Pennsylvania].  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    22,    1928.     3    p.      (S.    rp.    1254,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

• Amend   World   War   veterans'    act    [1924],    report    to    accompany   H.    R. 

13039 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  26, 
1928.     7  p.     (S..rp.  1297.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Aeronautics^.  International  aeronautical  conference,  report  to  accompany  S.  J. 
Res.  161  [authorizing  the  President  to  invite  representatives  of  foreign  Gov- 
ernments to  attend  an  international  aeronautical  conference  on  civil  areo- 
nautics  in  Washington  on  Dec.  12-14.  1928]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Borah.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    23,    1928.     3    p.     (S.    rp.    1271,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar.  70th  Congress.  1st  session,  May  5  and  24,  1928 ; 
no.  14  and  15.     [1928.]     Each  24  p.  4°     t  Y  4.F  76/2  :  70/14, 15 

Foreign  service.    Reorganization  and  improvement  of  foreign  service,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4382;  submitted  by  Mr.  Moses.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  9, 
1928.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  1069,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  2&-26404 

HoDV   to    order   publications — See    Information    follonving    Contents 

998  Mat,  1928 

International  Maritime  Conference  for  Safety  of  Life  at  Sen.  International 
conference  for  revision  of  convention  of  1914  for  safety  of  life  at  sea,  report  to 
accompany  S.  J.  Res.  131  [providing  for  participation  by  United  States  in 
international  conference  for  revision  of  convention  of  1914  for  safety  of  life 
at  sea,  to  be  held  in  London,  England,  in  1929]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Borah. 
May  2,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  981,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Deportation  of  alien  seamen,  report  to  accompany  S.  717;  submitted  by  Mr. 
King.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1037,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Cherokee  Indians.  Declaring  purpose  of  Congress  in  passing  act  of  June  2, 
1924,  report  to  accompany  S.  4488  [declaring  purpose  of  Congress  in  passing 
act  of  June  2,  1924,  to  confer  full  citizenship  upon  eastern  band  of  Cherokee 
Indians,  and  further  declaring  that  it  vras  not  purpose  of  Congress  in  passing 
act  of  June  4,  1924,  to  repeal,  abridge,  or  modify  provisions  of  former  act  as 
to  citizenship  of  said  Indians]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Schall.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  26,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  1295,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Chippewa  Indians.  Authorizing  Turtle  Mountain  Chippew^as  to  submit  claims 
to  Court  of  Claims,  report  to  accompany  S.  3676 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1114,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*   Paper,  5c. 

To  set  aside  lands  for  Chippewa  Indians  in  Minnesota,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12067;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1111,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Coal.  Extending  leases  on  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  in  Choctaw  and  Chickasaw 
nations,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3867  [to  provide  for  extension  of  time 
of  certain  mining  leases  of  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  in  segregated  mineral 
land  of  Choctaw  and  Chickasaw  nations,  and  to  permit  extension  of  time  to 
purchasers  of  coal  and  asphalt  deposits  within  segregated  mineral  lands  of 
said  nations  to  complete  payments  of  purchase  price]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Pine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  11,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1097,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cowlitz  Indiana.  To  permit  Cowlitz  tribe  of  Indians  to  file  suit  in  Court  of 
Claims,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  167 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jones.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1076,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 

CreeJc  Indians.  Authorizing  advancement  of  funds  to  Creek  Nation  to  be  paid 
to  attorneys  for  Creek  Nation,  report  to  accompany  S.  3868 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Pine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  11,  1928.  4  p.  ( S.  rp.  1098,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dakota  Indians.  Continue  allowance  of  Sioux  benefits,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  9046 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928. 
7  p.     (S.  rp.  1131,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Five  Civilized  Tribes.  Extend  period  of  restrictions  in  lands  of  certain  mem- 
bers of  Five  Civilized  Tribes,  report  to  accompany  S.  4448  [to  amend  sec.  4 
of  act  to  extend  period  of  restrictions  in  lands  of  certain  members  of  Five 
Civilized  Tribes,  approved  May  10.  1928,  so  as  to  correct  error]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1174,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Extend  period  of  restrictions  on  lands  of  certain  members  of  Five  Civ- 
ilized Tribes,  report  to  accompany  S.  3594;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pine.  May  3, 
1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  982,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Fort  Apache  Reservation.  Authorizing  appropriation  for  purchase  of  privately 
owned  lands,  Fort  Apache  Indian  Reservation,  Ariz.,  report  to  accompany 
S.  4346 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1110,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Content.s 


May,  1928  999 

Hansen,  R.  E.  R.  E.  Hansen,  report  to  accompany  S.  3794  [for  relief  of  R.  E. 
Hansen]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1075,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Indians.  Attorney  general  of  California  to  bring  suit  in  Court  of  Claims  on 
behalf  of  Indians  of  California,  report  to  accompany  S.  727 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  La  Follette.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  1055,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Indian  tribes  to  present  claims  to  Court  of  Claims,  report  to  accompany 

S.  4273  [authorizing  certain  Indian  tribes  and  bands,  or  any  of  them,  residing 
in  State  of  Washington,  to  present  their  claims  to  Court  of  Claims]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Jones.     May  3,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  983,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Iowa  Indians.  Iowa  tribe  of  Indians,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  139  [for 
relief  of  Iowa  tribe  of  Indians]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Thomas.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  24,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  1278,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

027  Spring  Reservation.  Approve  deed  of  conveyance  of  land  in  Seneca  Oil 
Spring  Reservation,  N.  Y.  [to  Seneca  Oil  Spring  Association  (Incorporated)], 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12446 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  cal- 
endar day  May  12,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  1112,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pine  Ridge  Reservation.  Authorizing  per  capita  payment  to  Pine  Ridge  Sioux 
Indians  of  South  Dakota,  report  to  accompany  S.  4231 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1132,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

San  Carlos  Reservation.  Disposing  of  2  bridges  on  San  Carlos  Indian  Reser- 
vation, Ariz.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4321 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst.  May 
3,  calendar  day  May   12,   1928.     1   p.     (S.   rp.   1128,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

White  River  XJte  Indians.  Relief  of  AVhite  River,  Uintah,  Uncompahgre,  and 
Southern  Ute  tribes  or  bands  of  Ute  Indians  in  Utah,  Colorado,  and  New 
Mexico,  report  to  accompany  S.  2482 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    12,    1928.     2    p.     (S.    rp.    1113,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Yankton  Indians.  Reinvesting  title  to  lands  in  Yankton  Sioux  tribe  of  Indians, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2792 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  12,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1130,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


€oal.  Conditions  in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio, 
hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  105,  to  investigate 
conditions  in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio,  Apr.  9 
[-24],  1928.  1928.  pts.  7,  8,  [vii] +1615-2272  p.  *  Paper,  pt.  7,  30c.;  *  pt.  8, 
35c.  Y  4.In8/3  :  C  63/5/pt.7,  8 

Conditions  in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio,  part 

■     of  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  105,  to  investigate 

conditions  in  coal  fields  of  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  Ohio ;   statement 

and  examination  of  William  H.  Coolidge,  Apr.  19,  1928.  1928.  124  p. 
i     [Includes    United    Mines    Workers    in    West    Virginia,    brief    submitted    by 

bituminous  operators'  special  committee  to  Coal  Commission,  Aug.  1923,  etc. 

This    publication    is    extracts    from    pt.    8    of   hearings    catalogued    above.] 

*  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.1  n8/3  :  C  63/6 

Platinum.  Marking  of  platinum,  report  to  accompany  S.  1251  [to  regulate 
marking  of  platinum  imported  into  United  States  or  transported  in  inter- 
state commerce]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  May  3,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
985,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Railroad-cars.  Repeal  of  Pullman  surcharge,  report  to  accompany  S.  668 
[amending  sec.  1  of  interstate  commerce  act]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dill.  May 
3,  calendar  day  May  21,   1928.     2  p.     (S.   rp.   1251,   70th   Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

1000  May,  1928 

Railroads.  Amending  law  regarding  certificates  of  public  convenience  and 
necessity  [for  construction  of  new  lines  of  railroad  or  extension  of  existing 
lines],  report  to  accompany  S.  2309;  submitted  by  Mr.  Watson  for  Mr. 
Mayfield.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  1282,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Consolidation  of  railway  properties,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 

on  S.  1175,  to  promote  unification  of  carriers  engaged  in  interstate  commerce, 
Mar.  3,  1928.     1928.     pt.  2,  iii+195-231  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

y  4.In8/3  :  R  13/44/pt.  2 


Casper- Aloova  reclamaUon  project,  report  to  accompany  S.  4304  [for  storage 
for  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River  and  construction  of  Casper- 
Alcova  reclamation  project]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  IS,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1184,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

G-ila  Rwer.  Investigation  of  waters  of  Gila  River,  N.  Mex.,  and  Ariz.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  10786  [authorizing  surveys  and  investigations  to  deter- 
mine best  methods  and  means  of  utilizing  waters  of  Gila  River  and  its 
tributaries  above  San  Carlos  reservoir  in  New  Mexico  and  Arizona]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Ashurst.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  17,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1179,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5e. 

Rio  Grande  irrigation  project.  Extending  time  of  construction  payments  on 
Rio  Grande  Federal  irrigation  project,  N.  Mex.-Tex.  [by  Elephant  Butte 
Irrigation  District  and  El  Paso  County  Water  Improvement  District  1], 
report  to  accompany  S.  4167 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  17,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1181,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

■     Extending  time  of  construction  payments,  Rio  Grande  Federal  irrigation 

project,  N.  Mex.-Tex.,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  4167,  Apr. 
26,  1928.  1928.  iii+44  p.  [This  hearing  relates  to  payments  to  be  made 
by  the  Elephant  Butte  Irrigation  District  and  the  El  Paso  County  Water 
Improvement   District  1.]     *  Paper,   5c.  Y  4.1r  7/1 :  R  47/3 

Saratoga  reclamation  project,  report  to  accompany  S.  4305  [to  provide  for 
storage  for  diversion  of  waters  of  North  Platte  River  and  construction  of 
Saratoga  reclamation  project]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  18,  1928.     2  p.      ( S.  rp.  1185,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Yuma  irrigation  project.  Yuma  auxiliary  project,  report  to  accompany  S.  1142 
[amending  act  of  Jan.  25,  1917,  and  other  acts  relating  to  Yuma  auxiliary 
project,  Ariz.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ashurst.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  17, 
1028.     2  p.      (S.  rp.  1183,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Zillah  State  Park  bridge,  report  to  accompany  S.  3039  [authorizing  appropria- 
tion for  construction  of  bridge  and  approach  road  leading  to  Zillah  State 
Park,  Wash.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dill.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  9,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1062,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Calendiir.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  7-28,  1928; 
no.  19-22.     1928.     Each  36  p.  or  38  p.  4°     %  Y  4.  J  89/2 :  70/19-22 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau.  Investigation  of  Senator  Couzens's  charges,  report 
to  accompany  S.  Res.  213  [to  investigate  certain  circumstances  connected 
with  matter  of  additional  tax  assessments  upon  James  Couzens]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Blaine  for  Mr.  Borah.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  14,  1928.  1  p. 
(S.  rp.  1140,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Jordan,  Weslep.  Devise  of  Wesley  Jordan,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  77 
[concerning  lands  and  property  devised  to  Government  by  Wesley  Jordan] ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  3,  calendar  day  Mav  22,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp. 
1258,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 


May,  1928  1001 

Judges.  Additional  judge  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  lo  accompany  S.  4127 
[for  appointment  of  additional  justice  of  Supreme  Court  of  District  of 
Columbia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gillett.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15.  1928. 
1  p.     (S.  rp.  1162,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional  judge  in  Mississippi,  report  to  accompany  S.  1965  [to  author- 
ize appointment  of  district  judge  for  northern  district  of  Missis.sippi]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Gillett.     May  3,  calendar  day  May   15,   1928.     1  p.     (S.   rp. 

1160,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Additional  judge  in  2d  judicial   circuit,   report  to  accompany   S.   1976 ; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Gillett.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp. 

1161,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Salaries  of  judges  of  Territories  and  insular  possessions,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  11463  [to  fix  salaries  of  certain  judges  of  Territories  and 
insular  possessions  of  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  May  3,  cal- 
endar day  May  24,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1277,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Marshals.  Fees  of  United  States  marshals,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9051 
[to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  of  Feb.  22,  1875,  regulating  fees  and  costs,  relative  to 
accounts  f>f  United  States  marshals  and  United  States  commissioners]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Blaine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1299, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Panama  Canal.  Judicial  system  of  Canal  Zone,  report  to  accompany  S.  3938 
[relating  to  courts  of  Canal  Zone]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Waterman.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  14, 1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1149,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stenographers.     Official  reporters  in  United  States  courts,  report  [and  minority 
views]   to  accompany  H.  R.  9024   [to  authorize  appointment  of  reporters  in 
courts  of  United  States  and  to  fix  their  duties  and  compensation].     [2  pts.] 
(S.  rp.  1180,  2  pts.,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[pt.  l.jReport ;   submitted  by   MV.   Walsh   of  Montana.     May   3,   calendar   dav   May   17, 

1928.     3  p.      *  I'aper,  5c. 
pt.  2.   Minority  views  ;  submitted  by  Mr.   King.     May  3,   calendar  day  May  IS,   1928. 
5  p.     *  I'aper,  5c. 

Supreme  Court  reports  for  Customs  Courts,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9049  [to 
amend  sec.  227  of  judicial  code,  so  as  to  enable  Attorney  General  to  furnish 
justices  of  Customs  Court  with  reports  of  Supreme  Court]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Blaine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1298,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Dakota  Indians.  Sioux  and  Pawnee  Indian  battle  grounds,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  9194  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  acquire  land  and  erect 
monument  on  site  of  battle  between  Sioux  and  Pawnee  Indian  tribes  in 
Hitchcock  County,  Nebr.,  fought  in  1873]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fess.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  16,  1928.     1  p.     ( S.  rp.  1178,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

LWrari/  of  Congress.     Acquisition  of  property  for  Library  of  Congress,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9355  [for  acquisition  of  property  in  District  of  Columbia 
for  Library  of  Congress]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fess.     May  3,  calendar  day  May 
15,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1175,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26405 

Mount  Rushniore  National  Memorial  Commission,  report  to  accompany  S.  3848 
[creating  Mount  Rushmore  National  Memorial  Commission  and  defining  its 
purposes  and  powers]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Fess.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  16, 
1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1176,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

NatioMtl  Botanic  Garden.  United  States  Botanic  Garden,  Washington,  D.  C, 
plants  for  Congressional  distribution,  1928.     [1928.]     4  p.     t 

Y  4.L  61/3  :  B  65/11 

Negroes.  Memorial  building  for  National  Memorial  Association  (Inc.),  report 
to  accompany  S.  J.  Rts.  132  [to  create  commission  to  secure  plans  and  de- 
signs for  and  to  erect  memorial  building  for  National  Memorial  Association 
(lucorixiratcd).  in  city  of  Washington,  as  tribute  to  negro's  contribution  to 
achievements  of  America]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fess.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  16,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1177,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   poblications — See    information    foUo^ving    Contents 

1002  Mat,  1928 


Air  Corps  retriever  for  War  Department,  report  to  accompany  S.  2952  [for  con- 
struction or  purchase  of  1  heavy  seagoing  Air  Corps  retriever  for  War  De- 
partment, for  use  at  France  Field,  Canal  Zone]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher 
for  Mr.  Keed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1109,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Andrews,  John  M.  John  M.  Andrews,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3723  [for 
relief  of  John  M.  Andrews]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  26,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1303,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Amistrong,  George  R.  George  R.  Armstrong,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4664 
[for  relief  of  George  R.  Armstrong]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  May  3. 
calendar    day    May    5,    1928.     3    p.     (S.    rp,    1012,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Army  supplies.  To  limit  issue  of  reserve  supplies  or  equipment  held  by  War 
Department,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7752;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of 
Pennsylvania.     Apr.    30,    1928.    2    p.     (S.    rp.    939,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Baker,  Fort.  Resurfacing  roads  on  Fort  Baker  military  reservation,  Calif., 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4588  [authorizing  appropriation  for  repair  and  re- 
surfacing of  roads  on  Fort  Baker  military  reservation,  Calif.]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  935,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Baton  Rouge,  La.  To  convey  to  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  perpetual  easement  for  street 
purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8742  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  War 
to  convey  to  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  portion  of  Baton  Rouge  National  Cemetery  for 
use  as  public  street]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  19,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1238,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Broion,  John  M.  John  M.  Brown,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7708  [for  relief 
of  John  M.  Brown]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
19,  1928.     5  p.      (S.  rp.  1237,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Buckley,  Seymour.  Seymour  Buckley,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3241  [for 
relief  of  Seymour  Buckley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart  for  Mr.  Robinson  of 
Indiana.     May  1,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  967,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Campbell,  Albert.  Albert  Campbell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4687  [for  relief 
of  Albert  Campbell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
11,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1093,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

CJialmette,  La.  Right  of  way  for  levee  through  Chalmette  National  Cemetery 
[to  Lake  Borgne  Basin  Levee  Board,  agency  of  Louisiana],  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  11758:  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
25,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1294,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Charleston,  S.  C.  Donate  bronze  cannon  to  Charleston,  S.  C,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  6492;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4. 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1001,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

China,  Admission  of  2  Chinese  subjects  to  West  Point,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  39  [authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for  instruction  at 
Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Chinese  subjects  |to  be  designated  hereafter 
by  Government  of  China]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3, 
calendar    day   May   19,    1928.    2    p.     (S.    rp.    1218,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Columbia  Arsenal.  Sale  of  Columbia  (Tenn.)  Arsenal  property,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  12479  [authorizing  sale  of  all  interest  and  rights  of  United  States 
m  Columbia  Arsenal  property  situated  in  9th  civil  district  of  Maury  County, 
Tenn.,  and  providing  that  net  fund  be  deposited  in  military  post  construction 
fund]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1250,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Cox,  Elbert  L.  Elbert  L.  Cox,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10702  [for  relief  of 
Elbert  L.  Cox]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  Mav  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  1249,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

How    to.  order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1003 

Da  Euif.  A)nos.  Amos  Dahuff,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8628  [for  relief  of 
Amos  Dahuff]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25, 
1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1293,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Damdson.  Donald  M.  Donald  M.  Davidson,  report  to  accompany  S.  3088  [for 
relief  of  Donald  M.  Davidson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  Mav  3,  calendar 
day  May  21,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1247,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

District  of  Colunibia.  Policing  of  military  highways  leading  out  of  District  of 
Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  4461 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsyl- 
vania. May  3.  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  1245,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  oc. 

Dotson.  William  H.  William  H.  Dotson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7227  [for 
relief  of  William  H.  Dotson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Apr.  30,  1928.  4  p, 
(S.  rp.  930,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dry  Valley  road.  Paving  of  Dry  Valley  road,  Georgia,  report  to  accompany 
S.  3881  [for  paving  of  Government  road,  known  as  Dry  Valley  road,  com- 
mencing where  said  road  leaves  La  Fayette  road,  in  Rossville,  Ga.,  and 
extending  to  Chickamauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Military  Park,  con- 
stituting approach  road  to  said  park]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    12,    1928.     1    p.     (S.    rp.    1126,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

Edwards.  Ro'bert  0.  Robert  O.  Edwards,  report  to  accompany  S.  2894  [for 
relief  of  Robert  O.  Edwards]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Steck.  Apr.  30,  1928.  7  p. 
(S.  rp.  928,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gateway  Bridge  Company.  Sale  of  portion  of  Fort  Brown  military  reservation, 
Brownsville,  Tex.,  to  Gateway  Bridge  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4315 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1213,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oenireux,  Emile.  Emile  Genireux,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2472  [for  relief 
of  Emile  Genireux,  alias  Emile  Genereux]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  May 
3,   calendar  day  May   19,   1928.    3  p.     (S.   rp.   1229,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Gordon,  Giles.  Giles  Gordon,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3467  [for  relief  of 
Giles  Gordon]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pine.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1002,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Griswold,  Fort.  Conveyance  of  Fort  Griswold  (Conn.)  tract  to  Connecticut, 
report  to  accompany  S.  4503 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  22,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  1262,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hacker,  Earlie  0.  Harley  O.  Hacker,  report  to  accompany  S.  3690  [for  relief 
of  Harlie  O.  Hacker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  Apr.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
931,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hawaii.  Purchase  of  real  estate  [in  Hawaii]  by  War  Department,  reiwrt  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5806;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  937,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Purchase  of  real  estate  in  Hawaii,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11809; 

submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  942, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [The  land  to  be  purchased  is  known  as  Kalena  tract 
and  is  within  boundaries  of  Schofield  Barracks  reservation.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Herbert,  Theodore.  Theodore  Herbert,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1533  [for 
relief  of  Theodore  Herbert]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  26,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1302,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hervey,  John.  John  Hervey,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7268  [for  relief  of 
John  Hervey]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McMaster.  May  8,  calendar  day  Mav  19, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1*223,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HetricJc.  T.  Abraham.  T.  Abraham  Hetrick,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10714 
[for  relief  of  T.  Abraham  Hetrick]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    25,    1928.     3    p.     (S.    rp.    1289,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT    to    order  publications— See    Information    folloivlng    Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 7 

1004  May,  1928 

lUtz,  Michael.  Michael  Ilitz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6908  [for  relief  of 
Michael  Ilitz];  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  Apr.  30,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  929, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Kettle  Creek,  Battle  of,  1779.  Marker  for  site  of  Battle  of  Kettle  Creek.  Wilkes 
County,  Ga..  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9965  [to  erect  tablet  or  marker  to 
mark. site  of  Battle  of  Kettle  Creek,  in  Wilkes  County.  Ga.,  where,  on  Feb. 
14,  1779,  Elijah  Clarke  and  Colonel  Pickens  overtook  the  Tories  under 
Colonel  Boyd,  killing  him  and  many  of  his  followers,  thus  ending  British 
dominion  in  Georgia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  12,  1928.     3  p.     ( S.  rp.  1101,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

L  boats  for  War  Department,  report  to  accompany  S.  2951  [for  construction 
or  purchase  of  2  L  boats  for  War  Department!  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher 
for  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1108,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

La  Fayette  extension  road'.  Paving  La  Fayette  extension  road,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  2990'  [foi  paving  Government  road  extending  from  Lee  and 
Gordon's  mill  to  La  Fayette.  Ga.,  known  as  La  Fayette'  extension  and  consti- 
tuting approach  road  to  Chattanooga  and  Chickamauga  National  Military 
Park];  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  1,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  963,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Lonffsdorf,  Milton  G.  Milton  Longsdorf,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8988  [for 
relief  of  Milton  Longsdorf]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart  for  Mr.  Robinson  of 
Indiana.     May  1,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  966,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Loive.  Charles  E.  Charles  E.  Lowe,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4660'  [to  correct 
military  record  of  Charles  E.  Lowe]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  3,  cal- 
endar day  May  12,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1115,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mangan,  Daniel.  Daniel  Mangan,  report  to  accompany  H,  R.  1931  [for  relief 
of  Daniel  Mangan.  alias  Daniel  Manning]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1214,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Manley,  James  A.  James  Aloysius  Manley,  report  to  accompany  S.  4107  [for 
relief  of  James  Aloysius  Manley]  ;  submittefl  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  19,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1235,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Medals.  Award  and  supply  of  service  medals  to  individual  soldiers,  report  to 
accomijany  H.  R.  5789  [for  gratuitous  issue  by  Secretary  of  War  of  service 
medals  and  similar  devices,  for  replacement  of  same,  and  for  other  pur- 
poses] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
986,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Medical  Corps,  Army.  Officers  of  Medical  Corps  to  account  certain  service  in 
computing  rights  for  retirement,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11981 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1269,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  Academy,  West  Point.  Board  of  visitors.  Military  Academy,  rejwrt 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8105  [to  provide  for  membership  of  board  of  visitors, 
Military  Academy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1926. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  M3,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Easement  to  New  York  Central  Railroad  Co.  to  cross  West  Point  military 

reservation,  report  to  accompany  S.  4466  [to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to 
grant  to  New  York  Central  Railroad  Company  pei-petual  easement  extend- 
ing acros.s  Constitution  Island  on  West  Point  military  reservation,  N,  Y., 
for  railroad  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  25,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1284,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Fix  pay  and  allowances  of  chaplain  at  Military  Academy,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  6652;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  938,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Military  topography.  Authorizing  mapping  agencies  of  Government  to  assist 
in  preparation  of  military  maps,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7937 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  940,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

How    to   order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1005 

Miller,  Robert  W.  Robert  W.  Miller,  report  to  accompany  S.  2519  [for  relief 
of  Robert  W.  Miller]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  8,  calendar  day  May 
1!),  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1225,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

MiUUjnn,  Howard  P.  H.  P.  Milligan.  report  to  acompan.v  S.  3866  [authorizing 
appointment  of  H.  P.  Milligan  as  major  of  infantry  in  Regular  Army]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  7  p.  (S.  rp. 
1226,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

Murin,  Williani.  William  Morin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2272  [for  relief  of 
William  Morin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  10, 
1928.     3  p.     ( S.  rp.  1224,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Morse,  Franklin  B.  Franklin  B.  Morse,  report  to  accomjmny  H.  R.  3170  [for 
relief  of  Franklin  B.  Morse]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  3,  calendar  clay 
May  26,  1928.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1301,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mothers.  To  authorize  mothers  and  unmarried  widows  of  deceased  World  War 
veterans  buried  in  Europe  to  visit  graves,  heai'ing  before  subcommittee,  70th 
Congress.    1st    session,    on    H.    R.    5494,    May    14.    1928.      1928.      iii+29    p. 

*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/2 :  M  85 

Motor-boats.  Two  motor  mine  yawls  for  War  Department,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  2947  [for  construction  or  purchase  of  2  motor  mine  yawls  for  War 
Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher  for  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1107,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Mayer,  James  E.  James  E.  Moyer.  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6432  [for  relief 
of  James  E.  Moyer]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1272.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers.  Board  of  managers  of 
Natioi'.al  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers  to  accept  title  to  [land,  etc., 
of]  State  Camp  for  Veterans  at  Bath,  N.  Y.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12953 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  19,  1928. 
2  p.  (S.  rp.  1222,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [H.  R.  12953  as  reported  to  Senate 
has  an  added  section  which  authorizes  Secretary  of  War  to  accept  conveyance 
of   cemetery   at   New   York   State    Camp   for   Veterans   near   Bath,    N.   Y.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Hospital   at   National   Home   for   Disabled   Volunteer    Soldiers,    Dayton, 

Ohio,  hearing  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  132, 
authorizing  erection  of  sanitary  fireproof  hospital  at  National  Home  for 
Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers  at  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+21  p. 

*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/2  :  N  21/2 

New  Orleans,  La.  Lease  to  New  Orleans  Association  of  Commerce,  New 
Orleans,  quartermaster  intermediate  depot  unit  no.  2,  report  to  accompany 
S.  J.  Res.  120 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1217,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Offieers,  Army.  To  increase  efficiency  of  Air  Corps,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12814  [to  increase  efficiency  of  Army]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Penn- 
sylvania. May  3,  calendar  day  May  11,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1099,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ohio.  Relief  of  Ohio,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12938;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Locher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1306,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ordnance.  Disposition  of  condemned  ordnance,  guns,  projectiles,  etc.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  6049  [to  amend  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  and 
Secretary  qf  Navy  to  make  certain  disposition  of  condemned  ordnance,  guns, 
projectiles,  and  other  condemned  material  in  their  respective  departments]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Tyson.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1248,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pate,  Charlie  R.  Charlie  R.  Pate,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4652  [for  relief 
of  Charlie  R.  Pate]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  5, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1011,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to   order   publications — See    information    following;    Contents 

1006  May,  1928 

Pay,  Army.  Readjust  pay  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12110  [to  amend  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissioned  and 
enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Sui-vey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  relative  to  pay  of  certain  officers 
of  Army  whose  pay  is  limited  by  law  to  that  of  grade  of  captain]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Wagner.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1286, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

To  equalize  pay  of  certain  classes  of  officers  of  Regular  Army,  report  to 

accompany  S.  3569;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.    May  1,  1928.    8  p.     (S.  rp. 
962,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Purdell,  Thomas.  Thomas  Purdell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4954  [for  relief 
of  Thomas  Purdell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Black.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19, 
1928.     3  p.     ( S.  rp.  1227,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      [Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Randolph-Macon  Academy.  For  relief  of  Randolph-Macon  Academy,  Front 
Royal,  Va.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4963 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1288,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Reserve  Offlcers'  Training  Corps,  Army.  Resumption  of  training  of  certain 
members  of  Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  244 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  934, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Retired  list,  Army.  Readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissioned  and  enlisted 
personnel  of  Army,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12624  [to  amend  sec.  17 
of  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissioned  and  enlisted  personnel 
of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and 
Public  Health  Service,  as  amended,  relative  to  pay  and  allowances  of  officers 
and  warrant  officers  on  retired  list]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1215,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Report 
reads  incorrectly  H.  R.  12642.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ringgold  road.  Paving  of  Ringgold  road,  Ga.,  report  to  accompany  S.  2991 
[for  paving  of  Government  road,  known  as  Ringgold  road,  extending  from 
Chattanooga  and  Chickamauga  National  Military  Park,  Ga.,  to  Ringgold,  Ga., 
constituting  approach  road  to  Chattanooga  and  Chickamauga  National  Mili- 
tary Park]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  1100,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Paul,  Minn.  Granting  land  to  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4148 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp, 
1263,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Santa  Rosa  Island.  Sale  of  land,  Santa  Rosa,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany  S. 
3991  [declaring  certain  designated  purposes  with  respect  to  parts  of  Santa 
Rosa  Island  in  Florida  to  be  "  public  purposes  "  within  meaning  of  proviso 
in  sec.  7  of  act  approved  Mar.  12,  1926,  authorizing  use  for  permanent  con- 
struction at  military  posts  of  proceeds  from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department 
real  property,  and  authorizing  sale  of  certain  military  reservations]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Fletcher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  11,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
1096,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Selfridge  Field.  Purchase  of  land  at  Selfridge  Field,  Mich.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  11808;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  Apr.  30,  1928. 
2  p.     (.S.  rp.  941,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shand,  Richings  J.  Richings  J.  Shand,  report  to  accompany  S.  2949  [to  credit 
accounts  of  Richings  J.  Shand,  United  States  property  and  disbursing  officer, 
Illinois  National  Guard]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1292,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Sherman,  Camp.  Transfer  of  portion  of  military  reservation,  Camp  Sherman, 
Ohio,  to  Department  of  Justice,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10649 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1221,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to   order  publications — See   infonuation   following   Contents 

May,  1928  1007 

Siam.  Admission  of  2  Siamese  subjects  to  West  Point,  report  to  accompany 
H.  J.  Res.  40  [authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for  instruction  at 
Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Siamese  subjects  to  be  designated  liere- 
after  by  Government  of  Siam]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1219,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Soldiers  discharged  for  misrepresentation  of  age,  report  to  accompany  S.  3736 
[for  relief  of  soldiers  who  were  discharged  from  Army  during  World  War 
because  of  misrepresentation  of  agel  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.  Muv  3, 
calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1212,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Sumter,  Fort.  Erection  of  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter,  report  to  accompany  H.  J. 
Res.  177  [authorizing  erection  by  executors  of  Eliza  Mackintosh  Clinch 
Anderson  Lawton  of  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter,  Charleston,  S.  C,  and  of 
memorial  commemorating  defense  of  fort  by  General  Robert  Anderson]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Tyson.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  5,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1005, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Target  practice.  Amending  national  defense  act  [relative  to  holding  of  rifle 
competitions  or  national  matches  every  year],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
13446 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1291,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Trams,  Edgar,  sr.  Edgar  Travis,  sr.,  report  to  accompany  S.  652  [for  relief  of 
Edgar  Travis,  sr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Brookhart.  May  1,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
965,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Walker,  John  F.  John  F.  Walker,  report  to  accompany  S.  2462  [for  relief  of 
John  F.  Walker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Locher.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1220,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Certain  contracts  entered  into  by  War  Department  to  be 
made  in  writing,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12352 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steck. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  25,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  l290,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Warrant  officers.  Army.  Providing  for  appointment  of  certain  persons  as  war- 
rant ofiicers,  report  to  accompany  S.  3459  [to  amend  act  for  appointment  as 
warrant  ofiicers  of  Regular  Army  of  such  persons  as  would  have  been  eligible 
therefor  but  for  interruption  of  their  status,  caused  by  military  service  ren- 
dered by  them  as  commissioned  officers  during  AYorld  AYar]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Brookhart.    May  1,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  964,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Welch,  James  K.  P.  James  K.  P.  Welch,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  971  [for 
relief  of  James  K.  P.  Welch]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  May  1,  1928.  6  p. 
(S.  rp.  974,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Wise,  Curtis  P.  Curtis  P.  Wise,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  802  [to  correct  mili- 
tary record  of  Curtis  P.  Wise]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blaine.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  19,  1928.    9  p.     (S.  rp.  1216,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Foreign  exchange.  Revision  and  publication  of  foreign  exchange  and  currency 
statistics,  report  to  accompany  S.  Re.s.  95  [to  revise  to  date  and  publish  with 
illustrations  as  Senate  document,  serial  8,  Foreign  exchange  quotations  and 
curves,  and  serial  9,  European  currency  and  finance,  both  publications  pre- 
pared under  Senate  resolution  469,  67th  Congress,  4th  session]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Oddie.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  op.  (S.  rp.  1164,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Anthony,  William  H.,  jr.  W.  H.  Anthony,  jr.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3427 
[authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  make  readjustment  of  pay  to  W.  H. 
Anthony,  jr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Broussard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  11, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1092,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How   to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

1008  May,  1928  | 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  TOtli  Congress,  Isl  session.  May  1-26,  1928;  no 
12-16.    1928.    various  paging,  large  8°    J  ^  4.^'  ZZ/J. :  iU/iz-XK) 

Cardwell,  Larry.  Larry  Cardwell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  6263  [for  rein- 
statement of  Larry  Cardwell  in  Naval  Academy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydiugs. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  26.  1928.  12  p.  (S.  rp.  1313,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Carroll,  Joseph  S.  Joseph  S.  Carroll,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2477  [for  relief 
of  Joseph  S.  Carroll]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
18,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1191,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Collins,  Ross  F.  Ross  F.  Collins,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3221  [for  relief  of 
Ross  F.  Collins]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  28,  calendar  day  May  29,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1324,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

DeGartno,  Jacob  E.  Jacob  E.  DeGarmo,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9148  [for 
relief  of  Jacob  E.  DeGarmo]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  1,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  968,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dyer,  Mrs.  Anita  W.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Anita  W.  Dyer  [mother  of 
William  Lansdale  Dyer],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10536;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Broussard.    May  1,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  971,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Gvngras,  Alexander.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Alexander  Gingras,  father  of 
Louis  W.  Gingras,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11978;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale. 
May  1,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  970,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Oral),  Frank  A.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Frank  A.  Grab  [father  of  Alfred 
Newton  Grab],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1951;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale. 
May  1,  1928.    2  p.     ( S.  rp.  969,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Irwin,  Mrs.  Vincentia  V.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Vincentia  V.  Irwin 
[widow  of  Glendon  W.  Irwin],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2494;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Tydings.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1192,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Knox,  Mrs.  Lucy  B.  Granting  6  months'  pay  to  Lucy  B.  Knox  [widow  of 
Forney  M.  Knox],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1406;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1190,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Lathrop,  Mr9.  Constance  D.  Constance  D.  Lathrop,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
6195  [granting  6  months'  pay  to  Constance  D.  Lathrop,  widow  of  Patrick 
T.  M.  Lathrop]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Swanson.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  10, 
1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1078,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana  State  Museum.  Silver  bell  in  use  on  cruiser  New  Orleans,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5826  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy,  in  his  discretion,  to 
deliver  to  custody  of  Louisiana  State  Museum,  New  Orleans,  La.,  silver  bell 
in  use  on  cruiser  New  Orleans]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Broussard.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    11.    1928.      1    p.      (S.    rp.    1091.    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

McCormlck,  Mrs.  Mary.  Mary  McCormick,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5897 
[for  relief  of  Mary  McCormick]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachusetts. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  10,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1084,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Moore,  James  M.  Commodore  J.  M.  Moore,  report  to  accompany  S.  3632  [for 
relief  of  J.  M.  Moore]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings.  May  3,  calendar  dav  May 
18,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1189,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Murphy,  Robert  B.  Robert  B.  Murphy,  report  to  accompany  S.  3327  [for  relief 
of  Robert  B.  Murphy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachusetts.  May  3, 
calendar    day    May    10,    1928.      2    p.      (S.    rp.    1083,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

JSlaval  Operations  Office.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  assign  to  chief  of 
naval  operations  public  quarters  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4402 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings.  May  3,  calendar  dav  May  10,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1080,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to   order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1009 

Navy.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  provide  escort  for  bodies  of  deceased 
officers,  eulisted  men,  :ind  nurses,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12694;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1206, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

. To  enable  enlisted  man  in  naval  service  to  make  good  time  lost  in  excess 

of  1  day  under  certain  conditions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5644;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1103, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pay,  Navy.  Amending  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commissioned 
and  enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy.  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast 
and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service  [so  as  to  include  lieutenant 
commanders  of  staff  corps  of  Navy  and  lieutenant  commanders  of  line  and 
engineers  corps  of  Coast  Guard  in  provisions  of  act],  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5718 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  1104.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  advance  public  funds  to  naval  personnel 

under  certain  conditions,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11621 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  1105,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

To   amend    act   to   readjust    pay   and    allowances    of   commissioned    and 

enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service  [as  amended,  relative  to  pay  of 
warrant  officers],  report  to  accompany  S.  3692;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shortridge. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  998,  70th  Cong.  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

■ To  authorize  payment  of  6  months'  death  gratuity  to  dependent  rela- 
tives of  officers,  enlisted  men,  or  nurses  whose  death  results  from  wounds 
or  disease  not  resulting  from  their  own  misconduct,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5548;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1102,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Publw  works.  To  authorize  Secretary  of  Navy  to  proceed  with  construction 
of  certain  public  works,  and  for  other  purposes,  report  to  accompany  S.  4572 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.  11  p.  (S.  rp. 
1317,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ralston,  Byron  B.  Byron  Brown  Ralston,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5968 
[for  relief  of  Byron  Brown  Ralston]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Swanson.  Apr.  30, 
1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  954,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Read,  Albert  C.  Authorize  the  President  to  award,  in  name  of  Congress,  gold 
medals  of  appropriate  design  to  Albert  C.  Read,  Elmer  F.  Stone,  Walter 
Hinton,  H.  C.  Rodd,  J.  L.  Breese,  and  Eugene  Rhodes,  report  to  accompany 
S.  4338;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  1  p. 
(S.  rp.  1049,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ridgely,  Frank  E.  Frank  E.  Ridgely,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7142  [for 
relief  of  Frank  E.  Ridgely]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Swanson.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  10,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  1079,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Submarine  boats.  Increase  in  limit  of  cost  on  one  fleet  submarine,  report  to 
accompany  S.  4571 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  26, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1316,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tilghman,  Mrs.  Mary  M.  Mary  M.  Tilghman,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res. 
47  [for  relief  of  Mary  M.  Tilghman,  former  widow  of  Frederick  Coleman]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp. 
1207,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States.  Disposition  of  bell  formerlv  on 
old  cruiser  Minneapolis,  report  to  accompany  S.  2289  [authorizing  Secretary 
of  Navy,  m  his  discretion,  to  deliver  to  custody  of  Veterans  of  Foreign 
Wars  of  United  States,  Department  of  Minnesota,  bell  formerlv  on  old 
cruiser  Minneapolis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Schall.  Mav  3.  calendar  day  May  10. 
1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  1088,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

1010  M^^'  1^28 

War-shins     Construction  of  certain  naval  vessels,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

11526;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.     May  3,  1928.     8  p.     (S.  rp.  988,  70th  Cong. 

1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
To  authorize  alterations  and  repairs  to  certain  naval  vessels,  report  to 

accompany  S.  4570;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hale.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  26, 

1928.    6  p.     (S.  rp.  1315,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
To  authorize  construction  of  certain  naval  vessels,  hearings,  70th  Con 

gress,    1st   session,   on   H.   R.    11526,    Apr.    27,    28,    1928.      1928.      ii+129   p. 

♦Paper,  15c.  Y  4.  N  22/2  :  V  63/3 

Williams,  James  P.  Nicaraguan  campaign  badge  to  James  P.  Williams,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  4920  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  award  Nicara- 
guan campaign  badge  to  James  P.  Williams  in  recognition  of  his  services 
to  United  States  in  Nicaraguan  campaign  of  1912  and  1913]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Hale.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  12,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  1106,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

WiHght,  Ralph  0.  Ralph  Ole  Wright  and  Varina  Belle  Wright,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5910  [for  relief  of  Ralph  Ole  Wright  and  Varina  Belle 
Wright] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Swanson.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928. 
9  p.     (S.  rp.  1208,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Giragossian,  Garaied  T.  K.  Garabed  free-energy  generator,  minority  views  to 
accompany  S.  J.  Res.  35  [to  amend  sec.  3  of  joint  resolution  for  purpose 
of  promoting  efficiency,  for  utilization  of  resources  and  industries  of  United 
States,  and  so  forth,  approved  Feb.  8,  1918]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Metcalf. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1300,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26419 

Patent  Office.  Prevention  of  improper  practices  before  Patent  Office,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  5527  [to  prevent  fraud,  deception,  or  improper  practice  in 
connection  with  business  before  Patent  Office]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Metcalf. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  1209.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Patents.  Extension  of  time  limitations  under  which  patents  were  issued  to 
persons  who  served  in  military  or  naval  forces  of  United  States  during 
World  War,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  10435;  submitted  by  Mr.  Metcalf. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  26,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp,  1296,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Pensions.  Granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain  soldiers  and 
sailors  of  Civil  War  and  certain  widows  and  dependent  children  of  soldiers 
and  sailors  of  said  war,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13511  [substituted  for 
H.  R.  503  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  15,  1928.    607  p.     (S.  rp.  1173,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  60c, 

Pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  for  certain  soldiers  and  sailors  of 

Regular  Army  and  Navy,  etc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13563  [substituted 
for  H.  R.  12.52  and  other  bills]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  18,  1928.    99  p.     (S.  rp.  1210,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Wilson,  Mrs.  Edith  B.  Edith  Boiling  Wilson,  report  to  accompany  S.  4276 
[granting  pension  to  Edith  Boiling  Wilson]  ;  submitted,  by  Mr.  Steck.  May  8, 
calendar   day   May   14,   1928.     1   p.      (S.    rp.   1133,    70th   Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  calendar  of  bills,  resolutions,  and  reports,  re- 
ferred to  Committee  on  Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  for  its  consideration  and 
action  thereon.  May  3  and  24,  1928;  no.  8  and  9,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
1928.     19  p.   and  20  p.     4"     t  Y  4. P  84/2 :  70/8,  9 

Hoiv   to    order  publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1011 

Envelopes.  Manufacture  and  sale  of  stamped  envelopes,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  S.  1752,  to  regulate  manufacture  and  sale  of  stamped 
envelopes,  Apr.  24,  1928.     1928.     iii+68  p.     *  Paper,  10c.       Y4.P84/2:En8 

Manufacture  of  stamped  envelopes,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  144; 

submitted   by   Mr.   Brookhart.     May   3,   calendar  day   May  25,   1928.     1   p. 
(S.  rp.  12S3,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lotteries.  Fraudulent  use  of  mails,  report  to  accompany  S.  2751  [to  amend 
sec.  213,  act  of  Mar.  4,  1909  (criminal  code,  title  18,  sec.  336,  United  States 
code),  affixing  penalties  for  use  of  mails  in  connection  with  fraudulent  de- 
vices and  lottery  paraphernalia]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Moses.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  4,  1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  994,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mail  matter.  Metered  postage  regulation,  hearing,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  S.  3890,  to  amend  sec.  5  of  act  making  appropriations  for  service  of  Post 
Office  Department,  fiscal  vear  1921,  Apr.  23,  1928.  1928.  iii4-109  p. 
*  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.P  84/2  :  M  56 

Preparation  of  prepaid  mail  matter,  report  [and  minority  views]  to  ac- 
company S.  3890  [to  amend  sec.  5  of  act  making  appropriations  for  service 
of  Post  Office  Department,  fiscal  year  1921].  [2  pts.]  (S.  rp.  1000,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.) 

[pt.  1.]  Report ;   submitted  by  Mr.  Moses.     May  3,   calendar  day   May  4,   1928.     1   p. 

*  Paper,   5c. 
pt.  2.  Minority  views ;  submitted  by  Mr.   Brookhart.     May  3,   calendar  day  May   12, 
1928.     4  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Poisons.  Shipping  of  certain  poisons  through  mails,  report  to  accompany 
S.  3127  [to  amend  sec.  217,  as  amended,  of  act  to  codify,  revise,  and  amend 
penal  laws  of  United  States,  approved  Mar.  4,  1909,  relative  to  transmission 
of  poisons  in  mails]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Frazier.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4, 
1928.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  991,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Postal  service.  Allowing  credit  to  postal  employees  for  time  served  in  Army, 
Navy,  or  Marine  Corps,  report  to  accompany  S.  860;  submitted  by  Mr. 
McKellar.    May  3,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  989,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shorter  workday  on  Saturday  for  postal  employees,  report  to  accompany 

S.  3281 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  La  Follette.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  990,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Postmasters.  Qualifications  of  postmasters,  report  to  accompany  S.  3328  [to 
amend  title  39,  postal  service,  chapter  2,  sec.  32,  code  of  laws  of  United  States 
in  force  Dec.  6,  1926]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blease.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4, 
1928.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  992,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Purdy,  Sheldon  R.  Sheldon  R.  Purdy,  report  to  accompany  S.  2526  [for  relief 
of  Sheldon  R.  Purdy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Phipps.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  8, 
1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1054,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roads.  Atlantic  to  Pacific  highway,  report  to  accompany  S.  1900  [for  construc- 
tion of  post  roads  and  military  highway  from  point  on  or  near  Atlantic 
Coast  to  point  on  or  near  Pacific  Coast,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Moses.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp,  999,  70tli 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  calendar  of  bills,  resolutions,  petitions,  manu- 
scripts, communications,  etc.,  referred  to  Committee  on  Printing  for  its 
consideration  and  action  thereon,  May  5,  1928;  no.  5,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion.    1928.     12  p.   4°     I  Y  4.P  93/3 :  70/5 


President  of  United  States.  Providing  for  meeting  of  electors  of  President  and 
Vice  President,  and  for  other  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7373  [for 
meeting  of  electors  of  President  and  Vice  President  and  for  issuance  and 
tranmission  of  certificates  of  their  selection  and  of  results  of  their  deter- 
mination] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith  [of  South  Carolina].  May  3,  1928.  2  p, 
(S.  rp.  986,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTV   to   order  publications — See   information   following^   Contents 

1012  May,  1928 


Pan  American  Union.  Authorizing  erection  for  use  of  Pan  American  Union 
of  office  building  [on  square  of  land  lying  between  18th  street,  C  street 
and  Virginia  avenue  nw.,  Washington,  D.  C],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12899 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Keyes.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  978,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

PMUppi,  W.  Va,.  Post  office  at  Philippi,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
10799  [for  lease  of  land  and  erection  of  post  office  at  Philippi,  W.  Va.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Keyes.    May  2,  1928.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  980,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

'Pneumatic  tubes.  Proposed  change  in  pneumatic-tube  service,  New  York 
City,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13171  [authorizing  Secretary  of  Treas- 
ury to  accept  franchise  from  government  of  city  of  New  York  to  change  rout- 
ing of  pneumatic-tube  service  between  customhouse  and  present  appraisers' 
stores  building]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Keyes.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  979,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Tanlcsletf-Drumriglxt  Cut  Stone  Cofnpany.  Amending  act  for  relief  of  con- 
tractors and  subcontractors  for  post  offices  and  other  buildings,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  11951  [to  amend  act  for  relief  of  contractors  and  subcon- 
tractors for  post  offices  and  other  buildings  and  work  under  supervision  of 
Treasury  Department,  as  amended,  !<o  as  to  include  Tanksley-Drumright  Cut 
Stone  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Keyes.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  977, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Ahsaroka  National  Forest.  Improving  winter-feed  facilities  of  game  animals 
of  Yellowstone  National  Park,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  15  [authorizing 
appropriation  to  enable  Secretary  of  Interior  to  carry  out  provisions  of  act  to 
make  additions  to  Absai'oka  and  Gallatin  national  forests  and  Yellowstone 
National  Park,  and  to  improve  and  extend  winter-feed  facilities  of  elk,  ante- 
lope, and  other  game  animals  of  Yellowstone  National  Park  and  adjacent 
land]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  5  p.  (S. 
rp.  1025,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Aviation  fields.  Leasing  of  public  lands  for  use  as  public  aviation  fields,  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  11990  [to  authorize  leasing  of  public  lands  for  use 
as  public  aviation  fields]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cutting.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1021,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Baton  Rouge,  La.  Granting  lands  to  St.  Joseph's  Roman  Catholic  Church, 
East  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  report  to  accompany  S.  3620 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  1051,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Boise  National  Forest.  Adding  lands  to  Boise  National  Forest,  Idaho,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1577;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gooding.  May  3,  calendar  dnv  Mav 
7,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1045,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Boudousquie,  Norhert.  Quieting  title  in  heirs  of  Norbert  Boudousquie  to  lands 
in  Louisiana,  report  to  accompany  S.  3954 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1028,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Btthl,  Idaho.  Issuance  of  land  patent  to  Buhl,  Idaho,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  12192 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1172,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  May  3  and  15, 
1928  ;  no.  12  and  13.     1928.     75  p.  and  83  p.  4°     J  Y  4.  P  96/1 :  70/12, 13 

Charleston  Industrial  Corporation.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  purchase 
property,  to  protect  interests  of  United  States  [conveyed  by  Charleston  In- 
dustrial Corporation  in  trust  to  secure  payment  of  certain  indebtedness  due 
to  United  States],  report  to  accompany  S.  4514;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May 
28,  calendar   day  May  29,   1928.     2  p.     (S.   rp.   1322,   70th  Cong.   1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1013 

Chief  Joseph  Battle  Ground  of  Bear's  Paw.  Battle  of  Bear's  Paw  National 
Monument,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  SllO  I  withdrawing  from  entry  north- 
west quarter  section  12,  township  30  north,  range  19  east.  Montana  meridian, 
for  purpose  of  preserving  site  of  battle  between  Nez  Perces  Indians  and  com- 
mand of  Nelson  A.  Miles,  said  land  to  be  known  as  Chief  Joseph  Battle 
Ground  of  Bear's  Paw]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsti.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
8,  1928.     3  p.      (S.  rp.  1053,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Dean,  Seth.  Relinquishing  title  to  land  in  claim  of  Seth  Dean  in  Washington 
County.  Ala.,  report  to  accompany  S.  4327;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1169,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c. 

Hoiiicsfcad.  Amending  sec.  10  of  stock-raising  homestead  act  [relative  to  sto^k 
driveways  over  mineral  lands],  report  to  accompany  S.  3949;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Oddie.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1167,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.  J     *  Paper,  5c. 

Hot  Springs,  N.  Mex.  Granting  land  in  Hot  Springs.  N.  Mex.,  to  New  Mexico, 
report  to  accompany  S.  2572;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cutting.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  7.  1928.     1  p.     ( S.  rp.  1019.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Idaho  National  Forest.  Adding  lands  to  Idaho  National  Forest,  Idaho,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1578 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gooding.  May  3,  calendar  day  May 
7,  1928.     2  p.       (S.  rp.  1046,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Ives,  Norman  P.,  jr.  Norman  P.  Ives,  jr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  9612 
[to  allow  Norman  P.  Ives,  jr.,  credit  on  other  lands  for  compliances  made  in 
homestead  entry  Gainesville  021032]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  7,  1928.     8  p.     ( S.  rp.  1027,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lake  County,  Fla.  Adjusting  disputes  and  claims  of  settlers  arising  from  in- 
complete or  faulty  surveys  in  Lake  County,  Fla.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
5695  [to  equitably  adjust  disputes  and  claims  of  settlers  and  others 
against  United  States  and  between  each  other  arising  from  incomplete  or 
faulty   surveys  in  township  19  south,   range  26  east,   and  in  sections   7,   8, 

17,  18,  19,  30.  31,  township  19  south,  range  27  east,  Tallahassee  meridian.  Lake 
Count v,  Fla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928. 
4  p.     "( S.  rp.  1029,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park.  Acquisition  of  State  land  in  Lassen  Volcanic 
National  Park,  Calif,  [by  exchange],  reiK)rt  to  accompany  H.  R.  11405;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1171, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana.  Purchase  at  private  sale  of  tract  of  land  in  Louisiana,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  9568 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.   1035.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Louisiana  State  University  and  Agricultural  and  Mechanical  College.  Confirma- 
tion of  grant  of  lands  [formerly  United  States  barracks  at  Baton  Rouge, 
La.]  to  Louisiana  State  University  and  Agricultural  and  Mechanical  College, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  11852 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  10,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  1082,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Confirmation    of   grant    of   lands    [formerly    United    States   barracks    at 

Baton  Rouge,  La.]  to  Louisiana  State  University  and  Agricultural  and 
Mechanical  College,  report  to  accompany  S.  3537 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye. 
May  3.  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  1050.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,   5c. 

McQtieen.  Sallie  E.  Sallie  E.  McQueen  and  Janie  McQueen  Parker,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  9789  [for  relief  of  Sallie  E.  McQueen  and  Janie  McQueen 
Parker]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1015,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Militia  Target  Range  Reservation.  Securing  of  title  to  certain  private  lands 
contiguous  to  and  within  Militia  Target  Range  Reservation,  Utah,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1314:  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot.     May  3,  calendar  day  May 

18,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1187,  70th  Cong.   1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    folloTving-    Contents 

1014  May,  1928 

Montana.  Exchange  of  lands  adjacent  to  national  forests  in  Montana,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1511;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  1044,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Montezuma  National  Forest.  Adding  lands  to  Montezuma  National  Forest, 
Colo.,  report  to  accompany 'H.  R.  6854  [to  add  lands  to  Montezuma  National 
Forest,  Colo.,  and  to  pay  Ute  Indians  certain  amount  for  said  lands]; 'sub- 
mitted' by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928.  5  p.  ( S.  rp.  1170, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  parks.  Transferring  jurisdiction  over  certain  national  military  parks 
and  national  monuments  from  War  Department  to  Department  of  Interior, 
report  to  accompany  S.  4173 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  1026,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Investigation  of  activities  of  Continental  Trading 
Co.,  report  [and  supplemental  report]  pursuant  to  Senate  resolution  101  [to 
continue  investigation  of  matter  of  naval  oil  reserve  leases  and  activities  of 
Continental  Trading  Company  of  Canada  in  connection  therewith].  [2  pts.] 
(S.  rp.  1326,  2  pts.,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
L.  C.  card  28-26406 

[pt.  1.]  Investigation  of  activities  of  Continental  Trading  Co.,  report;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Walsh  of  Montana.  May  2S,  calendar  day  May  29,  1928.  14  p.  [Cor- 
rected print.  1st  print  has  13  pages.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
pt.  2.  Leases  upon  naval  oil  reserves  and  activities  of  Continental  Trading  Co.  (Ltd.) 
of  Canada,  supplemental  report ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  28,  calendar 
day  May  29,  1928.     20  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Leases   upon   naval   oil   reserves,   hearings,    70th   Congress,    1st   session, 

pursuant  to  S.  Res.  101,  to  continue  investigation  of  naval  oil  reserves  leases 
and  activities  of  Continental  Trading  Company  of  Canada  in  connection  there- 
with. Mar.  15-17,  1928.  1928.  pt.  3,  v+623-SOO  p.  [These  hearings  were 
held  in  Chicago,  111.]     *  Paper,  20c.  Y  4.P  96/1 :  N  22/2/pt.  3 

Northern  Pacific  land  grants,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  318  [amending 
joint  resolution  directing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  withhold  his  approval  of 
adjustment  of  Northern  Pacific  land  grants,  and  for  other  purposes,  approved 
June  5,  1924,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kendrick.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  25,  1928.     1  p.     (S.  rp.  1287,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

O'Neil,  Henry  A.  Leasing  of  land  in  Stanley  County,  S.  Dak.,  to  Henry  A. 
O'Neil  for  buffalo  pasture,  report  to  accompany  S.  4022;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1014,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Petroleum.  Providing  for  contests  of  certain  oil  and  gas  permits,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1512;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Montana.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  24,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1275,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Eoswell,  N.  Mex.  Establishing  additional  land  oflBce  in  Roswell,  N.  Mex., 
report  to  accompany  S.  3136  [creating  Roswell  land  district,  establishing 
land  oflSce  at  Roswell,  N.  Mex.,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Cutting.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1020,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Saunders,  Mrs.  Ethel  L.  Issuance  of  land  patents  to  Ethel  L.  Saunders,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  11716;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cutting.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1018,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Shoshone  National  Forest.  Repealing  act  extending  provisions  of  homestead 
laws  to  certain  lands  in  Yellowstone  forest  reserve  [now  Shoshone  National 
Forest],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  7946;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gooding.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1036,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Sperstad,  Englehnrd.  Validating  homestead  entry  of  Englehard  Sperstad  for 
public  land  in  Alaska,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  332;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Cutting.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1017,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c.     * 

How  to   order  publications — See    information   follo^ving    Contents 

May,  1928  1015 

Springdale,  Utah.  Relief  of  Springdale,  Utah,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12706;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smoot.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  1188,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Teton  National  Park,  report  to  accompany  S.  4385  [to  establish  Teton  National 
Park  in  South  Dakota]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  19,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1246,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Corrected  print] 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Timbe}-.  Oregon  &  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon-road  grant  lands, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  158  [to  amend  chapter  137  of  volume  39  of 
Statutes  at  large,  64th  Congress,  1st  session,  relative  to  cutting  and  removal 
of  timber  from  revested  Oregon  and  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay 
wagon-road  grant  lands]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  7,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1033,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Sale  of  timber  on  Oregon  &  California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon-road 

grant  lands,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  8307  [amending  sec.  5  of  act  approved 
June  9,  1916,  so  as  to  authorize  sale  of  timber  on  class  3  of  Oregon  and 
California  Railroad  and  Coos  Bay  wagon-road  grant  lands]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  McNary.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1034,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Walker,  W.  H.  Sale  of  land  to  W.  H.  Walker,  Ruth  T.  Walker,  and  Queen  E. 
Walker  in  Clarke  County,  Miss.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12049 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Norbeck.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  1016,  70tli 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Whiddon,  John  P.  Purchase  of  lands  by  John  P.  Whiddon,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4234;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  15,  1928. 
1  p.     (S.  rp:  1168,  70th  Cong.  Ist  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Yosemite  National  Park.  Acquisition  of  certain  patented  lands  adjoining 
Yosemite  National  Park,  Calif,  [by  exchange],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
12038;  submitted  by  Mr.  Nye.  May  3.  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  1186,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Tariff  Commission.  Investigation  of  Tariff  Commission,  hearings,  69th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  162,  authorizing  and  directing  investi- 
gation of  manner  in  which  flexible  provision  of  tariff  act  of  1922  has  been 
or  is  being  administered ;  index,  prepared  by  E.  P.  Costigan.  1928.  pt  11, 
ii+ 1463-84  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.T  17 :  H  35/pL  11 


Alaska.  Authorizing  certain  payments  by  treasurer  of  Alaska,  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  4257  [to  authorize  payment  of  certain  salaries  or  compensation  to 
Federal  oflScials  and  employees  by  treasurer  of  Alaska]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Pittman.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  7,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  1048.  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

American  Sam^a.  Acceptance  of  cessions  of  certain  Samoan  Islands,  report  to 
accompany  S.  J.  Res.  110  [for  accepting,  ratifying,  and  confirming  cessions 
of  certain  islands  of  Samoan  group  to  United  States,  and  for  other  purposes]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Bingham.  May  3,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  984,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  calendar  of  bills,  resolutions,  petitions,  manu- 
scripts, communications,  etc.,  referred  to  Committee  on  Territories  and 
Insular  Possessions  for  its  consideration  and  action  thereon,  May  1,  1928 ; 
no.  1,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.     1928.     12  p.  4°     J  Y  4.T  27/2  :  70/1 

Insular  Reorganization  Joint  Commission.  Joint  Commission  on  Insular  Reor- 
ganization, report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  9  [to  establish  Joint  Commission 
on  Insular  Reorganization]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tydings.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  11,  1928.     2  p.       (S.  rp.  1095,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order  pnbllcatlona — See    Information    following    Contents 

1016  Mat,  1928 

Porto  Rico.  Amending  act  providing  civil  government  for  Porto  Rico,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  8559  [to  amend  sec.  58  of  act  to  provide  civil  govern- 
ment for  Porto  Rico,  so  as  to  impose  diity  on  coffee  imported  into  Porto 
Rico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bayard.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  11,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  rp.  1094,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Completion  and  repair  of  customs  buildings  in  Porto  Rico,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  9363:  submitted  by  Mr.  HaiTis.  May  1,  1928.  1  p.  (S.  rp. 
973,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Commerce  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  papers  in  Department  of  Com- 
merce, report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  17.  1928.  31  p.  (H.  i-p.  1714^ 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Labor  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  executive  pai)ers  in  Department  of 
Labor,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  17,  1928.  8  p.  (H.  rp.  1713, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      "^  Paper,  5c. 

Navy  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  papers.  Navy  Department,  report ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  17,  1928.  26  p.  (H.  nx  1716.  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

State  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  executive  papers  in  Department  of 
State,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  17,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1715, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Treasury  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  papers  in  Treasury  Department, 
report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  17,  1928.  63  p.  (H.  rp.  1717,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

War  Department.  Disposition  of  useless  executive  papers  in  War  Department, 
report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wason.  May  24,  1928.  8  p.  (H.  rp.  1861,  70tli 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Abbott.  William  M.  Abbott  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
no.  F-167,  p.  13-17.     $  Ju  3.8  :  Ab  29 

Alpha  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  F-319,  p.  11-15.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Al  74 

Biggam  Tradler  Corporation  rsi.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.  E-145,  p.  3&-50.     t  Ju  3  8 :  B  482/2 

Blue.  Rupert  Blue  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of 
law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  Apr.  30,   1928.     [1928.]     6   p.     $ 

Ju  3.9/a  :  B  625 

Bodkin.  Arabella  E.  Bodkin,  sometimes  named  and  referred  to  as  Mrs.  Patrick 
H.*  Bodkin,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no.  H-262, 
P-  9-10.     t  Ju  3.8  ;B  632/2 

CarroU  Electric  Company.  Harry  R.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll,  partners 
trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United  States; 
report  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     no.  C-921,  p.  127-131.     %     Ju  3.8 :  C  236/20 

Harry   R.   Carroll   and   Louis   D.    Carroll,   partners   trading   under   firm 

name   of    CarroU    Electric    Co.    %\    United    States;    report    of    commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  C-923,  p.  147-151.     %  Ju  3.8 :  C  236/21 

Cracker  Jack  Company,  Incorporated.  Cracker  Jack  Company,  Cracker  Jack 
Company  (Inc.),  Shotwell  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States;  evi- 
dence for  plaintiffs.     [1928.]     nos.    P-97,    F-155,    F-156.   p.    19-63.     % 

Ju  3.8 :  C  841 

Dow  Pump  and  Diesel  Engine  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commis- 
sioner.    [1928.]     no.  E-475,  p.  39-44.     %  Ju  3.8 :  D  752 

How   to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1017 

Du  Puy.  Amy  H.  Du  Puv  r.  United  States;  Herbert  Du  Puy  v.  [same]  ;  evi- 
dence   fcr    plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.    F.-208.    no.    E-209,    p.    65-93.     % 

Ju  3.8  :  D  929/3 

Fort  Bcrthold  Reservation.  Indians  of  Fort  Bertliold  Indian  Reservation, 
X.  Dak.,  comprising  tribes  known  as  Arickarees.  Gros  Ventres,  and  Mandans, 
V.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.     [192S.]     no.  B-449,  p.  283-320.     t 

Ju  3.8:  In  2/6 

Greenfield  Tap  d  Die  Corporation  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  plaintiff], 
[1928.]     no.  F-157,  p.  33-44.     J  Ju  3.8 :  G  8:37/2 

Hudson  ]^'am(jation  Company.  Middleton  S.  Borland,  as  receiver  of  Hudson 
Navigation  Company,  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff  and  defendant. 
[1928.]     no.  D-391,  p.  43-77.     t  Ju  3.8  :H  869/9 

Kessler  Motor  Company  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.   E-219,   p.   117-142.     %  Ju3.8:K4S5/5 

Kreamer,  A.,  Incorporated.  A.  Kreamer,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  report  of 
commissioner.     [1928.]     no.  F-207,  p.  5-9.     i  Ju3.8:K87 

Lindsay  Lumber  Company.  George  R.  Lindsay,  doing  business  under  name  and 
style  of  Lindsay  Lumber  Company,  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  D-223,  p.  35-10.     %  Ju3.8:L645 

Long.  Charles  B.  Long  v.  United  States;  stipulation.  [1928.]  no.  11-412, 
p.  15-18.     X  Ju3.S:LS5 

McMyler  Interstate  Company.  McMyler  Interstate  Co.  v.  United  States;  re- 
port of  commissioner.      [1928.]     no.  E-439,  p.  1-6.     %  Ju  3.8 :  M  229/2 

McMyler    Interstate    Co.    v.    United    States ;    report    of    commissioner. 

[1928.]     no.  E-440,  p.  41^9.     t  Ju  3.8  :M  229/3 

McMyler    Interstate    Co.    v.    United    States :    report    of    commissioner. 

[1928.]     no.  E-^41,  p.  71-74.     %  Ju  3.8 :  M  229/4 

Murray.  John  E.  Murray  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.   D-112.   p.   115-120.     %  Ju  3.8 :  M  964/3 

Penrose.  Spencer  Penrose  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  claimant].  [1928.] 
case  no.  E-303.  p.  7-55.     %  Ju  3.8  :  P  386 

Royal  Knitting  Mills.  Samuel  Roessler,  trustee  in  bankruptcy  of  Royal  Knit- 
ting Mills  V.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.]  no.  D-858, 
p.  17-44.     t  Ju  3.8  :R  812/4 

United  Theaters  Company  v.  United  States ;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
[no.]   F-360,  p.  17-44.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Un  3/55 

Warner-Patterson  Company  v.  United  States;  evidence  for  plaintiff.  [1928.] 
no.  F-154,  p.   11-28.     t  Ju  3.8  :  W  248 

Westclox  Company  (formerly  Western  Clock  Co.)  v.  United  States;  evidence 
for  plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.  E-402.  p.  7-61.     t  Ju3.8:W522 

Yale  d  Toivne  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States;  evidence  [for  plaintiff]. 
[1928.]     no.  F-257.  p.  27-38.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Y  12/5 


Coal-tar  colors.  No.  3087,  United  States  v.  Sandoz  Chemical  Works,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,   i+38  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  Sa  57/2 

Ferramanganese.  No.  3080,  United  States  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R.  Co., 
transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1928.]  cover-title, 
i-f  23  p.     t  Ju  7.0  :  B  217 

Insulators.  No.  3085, ^United  States  v.  A.  W.  Fenton  Co.,  transcript  of  record 
on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i-f 20  p.     % 

Ju  7.6  :  F  367/2 

Ho>v    to    order   pnbllcatioitB— See    information    following    Contents 

1018  Mat,  1928 

Remission  of  duties.  Supplemental  return  to  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  suit 
3003,  United  States  v.  Vincent  de  Messimy  [transcript  of  record  on  appeal 
from  Customs  Court].     [1928.]     p.  13-18.     $  Ju  7.6 :  D  394/2 

Steel  bars.  No.  3086,  United  States  v.  Henry  L.  Exstein  Co.,  Inc.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i-fl02  p.     t 

Ju  7.6  :  Ex  82 

Velveteen.  No.  3059,  United  States  v.  Wecker  &  Co.,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  ii-j-lSl  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  W^ll 


Court  of  Appeals.  No.  4677,  Cuyahoga  Abstract  Title  and  Trust  Company  v. 
commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax 
Appeals ;    brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+34  p.     t    DC  9.5 :  C  99 

No.  4681,  Oct.   term,   1927,  Harry  F.   Sinclair  v.  United   States,  appeal 

from   Supreme   Court   of  District   of   Columbia ;     brief   for   appellee.     1928. 
cover-title,  ii-f43  p.     t  DC  9.5  :  Si  62 

No.  4693,  Jan.  term,  1928,  Rosario  Lombardo  vs.  United  States;  brief  on 

behalf  of  appellee.     1928.     cover-title,  18  p.     t  DC  9.5 :  L  838 

No.  4697,  Henry  L.  Berg  et  ux.  vs.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 

review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;    brief  for  respondent.     1928. 
cover-title,  ii-f  28  p.     J  DC  9.5  :B  452 

No.  4741,  Robert  E.  Humphries  v.  United   States ;    brief  on  behalf  of 

appellee.     1928.     cover-title,  13  p.     $  DC  9.5 :  H  888 

Transcript  of  record,  Apr.  term,  1928,  no.  4747,  David  H.  Blair,  commis- 
sioner of  internal  revenue,  vs.  Detroit  Reduction  Company,  appeal  from 
Board  of  Tax  Appeals.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i-f  15  p.     t  DC  9.5  :D  484 


Foremen.     Bibliography  on  foreman   training,   selected  and  annotated  list  of 
references  on  recent  books,  pamphlets,  and  magazine  articles ;   [prepared  by 
Frank  Cushman].     Apr.  1928.    v-f-29  p.     ([Bulletin  128;  Trade  and  indus- 
trial series  35.])     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  E28-101  VE  1.3  :  128 

Teachers.     Course  in  farm  shop  work  for  teachers  of  vocational  agriculture. 
Apr.  1928.     iii+10  p.     (Monograph  5.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  B28-148  VE  1.11 :  5 

Tenure  of  agricultural  teachers  in  Mississippi ;    [by  Verey  G.  Martin]. 

Apr.  1928.     iii+9  p.     (Monograph  4.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  E28-151  VE  1.11 : 4 


Coolidge  Dam.  Proposed  development  of  hydroelectric  power  at  Coolidge  Dam, 
letter  transmitting  report  on  compensation  of  Apache  Indians  of  San  Carlos 
Reservation  for  generation  of  hydroelectric  power  at  Coolidge  Dam.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  4, 1928.  13  p.  ( S.  doc.  93,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26330 

Rules  and  regulations  governing  administration  of  Federal  water  power  act, 
with  copy  of  act  and  of  amendment  thereto.  3d  revised  issue.  1928.  vi-f  68 
p.  [Contains  all  amendments  to  and  including  May  1,  1928,  but  does  not 
include  commission's  accounting  rules  and  regulations  approved  Nov.  20,  1922, 
which  are  published  separately.]  t 
L.  C.  card  28-26276  FP  1.6 :  928 

How    to    order   pnbllcattons — See    Information    follOTvIngr    Contents 

Mat,  1928  1019 


Federal  re.<<erve  bulletin,  May,  1928;  [v.  14,  no.  5].  1928.  iv+305-372  p.  il.  4° 
[Montlily.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy.  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.60. 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  14/5 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analyses  of  business  conditions,  resoarch 
studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  condition  of 
Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member  banks  without 
charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal  Reserve  Board, 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  resei-ve  memier  banks.     Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit.  May  1,  1928.     1928.     [1]+13  p.  4"     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9  :  928/5 

Member  bank  call  report  39,  condition  of  all  member  banks  [of  Federal 

reserve  system],  Feb.  28,  1928.     1928.     ii+30  p.  il.  4°     t  FR  1.11 :  39 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions  are  sold  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  subscrip- 
tion, price  $1.00  per  volume;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50;  single  copies,  5c. 

American  Snuft  Company.  No.  3816.  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit, 
Oct.  term,  1927.  Federal  Trade  Commission  v.  American  SnuflE  Company ; 
application  for  enforcement  of  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission.  1928. 
cover-title,  7  p.  large  8°     t  FT  1.5  :  Am  35/8 

Bayuh  Cigars,  Incorporated.  No.  3788,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d 
circuit.  Oct.  term,  1927,  Bayuk  Cigars,  Inc.,  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission ; 
brief  for  respondent.    1928.    cover-title,  iv-flOO  p.    large  8°     t 

FT  1.5  :  B  345/2 

Civil  Service  Correspondence  School.  In  matter  of  J.  L.  Heaps,  trading  under 
name  Civil  Service  Correspondence  School,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  find- 
ings, and  order ;  docket  1354.  June  30.  1926.  [1928.]  p.  207-216.  ([Decision] 
574.)     [From  F,  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  l.ll/a  2 :  574 

Cohn-Hall-Marx  Company.  In  matter  of  Cohn-Hall-Marx  Company,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1261,  June  9,  1926.  [1928.] 
p.  195-199.     ([Decision]  572.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  l.ll/a  2 :  572 

Kobi,  J.  W.,  Com^panit.  In  matter  of  J.  W.  Kobi  Company,  complaint  (synopsis) 
[report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1297,  June  18,  1926.  1928.  [1] +200-206 
p.     ([Decision]  573.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FT  l.ll/a  2 :  573 

Minneapolis^  Woolen  Mills  Company,  Incorporated.  In  matter  of  Minneapolis 
Woolen  Mills  Company,  Inc.,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and 
order:  docket  1336.  June  7,  1926.  1928.  [1] +184-187-1  p.  ([Decision] 
570.)      [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  l.ll/a  2  :  570 

Motion  pictures.     Trade  practice  conference  for  motion  picture  industry.  New 
York  City.  Oct.  10-15,  1927.    1928.    ii+51  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26387  FT  1.2 :  M  85 

Paul,  B.  No.  906,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Paul  Balme,  trading 
under  name  and  style  of  B.  Paul,  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  on  peti- 
tion for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for 
Federal  Trade  Commission  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  13  p.    % 

FT  1.5  :  P  281/4 

Petroleum   Industry,    prices,    profits,    and    competition,    letter    transmitting,    in 
response  to  Senate  resolution  31.  69th  Congress,  report  on  prices,  profits,  and 
competition  in  petroleum  industry.    1928.    xxiii+360  p.  il.  9  pi.  map.     (S.  doc. 
61,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26407 

How    to    order   pabllcations — See    information    following    Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 8 

1020  Mat,  1928 

Public  utilities.     Utility  corporations,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to  resolu- 
tion   monthly  report  on  electric  power  and  gas  utilities  inquiry ;  filed  with 
secretary  of  Senate,  Mar.  15,  1928.    1928.    ix+46  p.     (No.  1.)      (S.  doc.  92,  pt. 
1,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26408 

Western  Woolen  Mills  Company.  In  matter  of  Western  Woolen  Mills  Com- 
pany, complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1365,  June  8, 
1926  1928.  [1] +188-194  p.  ([Decision]  571.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions, 
V.  id.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  571 


Decisions.    Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7,  Mar.  1928,  with  index-digest, 
Jan.-Mar.  1928 ;  J.  R.  McCarl,  comptroller  general,  Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant 
comptroller  general.    1928.     [1] +537-621+ xxx  p.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a  :  7/9 

Lake  Denmark,  N.  J.  Property  damage  and  personal  injury  claims,  naval 
ammunition  depot.  Lake  Denmark,  N.  J.,  1926,  supplemental  report  of  claims 
for  compensating  persons  who  suffered  property  damage  or  personal  injury 
due  to  explosions  of  naval  ammunition  depot.  Lake  Denmark.  N.  J.,  July  10, 
1926.    May  19,  1928.    8  p.     (H.  doc.  310,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Smith,  J.  A.  J.  A.  Smith,  letter  transmitting  report  and  recommendation  to 
Congress  concerning  claim  of  J.  A.  Smith.  May  28,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  327, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  5c. 



Farm  management,  farm  accounts,  credits,   marketing,   homes,   and  statistics, 
list   of   publications   for   sale  by   superintendent   of    documents.     Apr.    1928. 
[2] +31+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  68,  14th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26174  GP  3.9 :  68/14 

Foreign  relations  of  United  States,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent 
of  documents.  Mar.  1928.  [2] +19+ [2]  p.  (Price  list  65,  10th  edition.)  t 
L.  C.  card  25-27511  GP  3.9  :  65/10 

Irrigation,  drainage,  and  water  power,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superin- 
tendent   of   documents.     Mar.    1928.     [2] +19+ [2]    p.     (Price   list   42,    19th 
edition. )     t 
L.  C.  card  25-26949  GP  3.9 :  42/19 

Monthly  catalogue.  United  States  public  documents  (with  prices),  no.  400;  Apr. 
1928.     1928.     vi+781-911  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/10 

Pacific  States:  California,  Oregon,  Washington,  list  of  publications  relating  to 
above  States  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Apr.  1928.     [2]+16+ 
[2]  p.     (Price  list  69,  10th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-27430  GP  3.9 :  69/10 

Periodicals.     Government  periodicals,  subscriptions  are  taken  for  these  period- 
icals by  superintendent  of  documents.     Mar.  1928.     [2] +6  p.     (Price  list  36,       . 
21st  edition. )     t  { 

L.  C.  card  26-26170  GP  3.9 :  36/21 

Plants,  culture  of  fruits,  vegetables,  grain,  grasses,  and  seeds,  list  of  publica- 
tions for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Apr.  1928.  [2] +40+ [2]  p. 
(Price  list  44,  20th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26172  GP  3.9  :  44/20 

How    to    order   publlcationts — See    Information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1021 

Soils  and  fertilizers,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  docu- 
ments.    Apr.  1928.     [2] +16+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  46,  22d  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  25-27431  GP  3.9  :  46/22 


Note.- — The  decisions  of  tlie  Department  of  the  Interior  in  pension  cases  are  issued 
in  slips  and  in  signatures,  and  the  decisions  in  land  cases  are  issued  in  sigjnatures, 
both  being  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  $1.00  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  decisions 
of  either  kind  in  separate  parts  as  they  are  issued  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.  Prices 
for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Claims  of  Joseph  Nelson  and  J.  B.  Martin,  paragraph  of  proposed  legislation, 
object  of  \yhich  is  to  authorize  payment  from  exi.sting  appropriations  of  2 
claims  for  damages  to  privately  owned  property,  which  have  been  considered 
and  adjusted.  Apr.  30,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  doc.  255,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Pensions.     [Decisions    of    Department    of    Interior    in    appealed    pension    and 
retirement  claims,  v.  22,  signatures]  18-16.     [1928.]     p.  193-256.     [For  price, 
see  note  above  under  center  head.] 
L.  C.  card  12-29422  I  24.8/a  :  22/sig.  13-16 


Travelogue.  Alaska  Railroad,  Mt.  McKinley  Park  Route,  travelogue  containing 
worthwhile  information  concerning  Curry  resort,  Mt.  McKinley  National  Park, 
and  points  of  interest  along  the  line.     1928.     [1]+12  p.  il.  narrow  8°     t 

1 1.59/2  :  T  69 



Report  of  proceedings  of  25th  meeting  of  Convention  of  American  Instructors 
of  the  Deaf,  Columbus,  Ohio,  June  27- July  1,  1927.     1928.    xiv+221  p.  il. 
(S.  doc.  62,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  8-11184 


Colleges    and    universities.     Accredited    higher    institutions.      1928.      v+40    p. 
(Bulletin  41,  1927.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  B  26-332  1 16.3  :  927/41 

Nur.<ies.     Statistics  of  nurse  training  schools,  1926-27;  prepared  in  Statistical 
Division.      1928.      [11+57   p.      (Bulletin    2.    1928.)       [Advance    sheets    from 
Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United  States,  1926-28.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.   card  E  20-572  1 16.3  :  928-2 

PuMie  schools.  Items  of  statistics  for  public-school  systems,  with  special  ref- 
erence to  reports  to  Bureau  of  Education ;  compiled  by  Emery  M.  Foster. 
Mar.  1928.  14  p.  (Statistical  circular  10.)  [This  material  is  a  part  of  the 
report  of  the  committee  on  unifoi-m  records  and  reports  of  the  department 
of  superintendence  of  the  National  Education  Association  and  the  National 
A.ssneiation  of  Public-School  Business  Officials.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  E   28-104  1 16.39 :  10 

School    life,    v.    13,    no.    9;    May,    1928.     1928.     cover-title,    p.    161-180,    il.    4^ 
[Monthly  except  July  and  August.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c, 
single  copy.  50c.  a  yr.  (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription.  75c;  for  50  copies  or 
more  sent  in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  18-902  1 16.26/1 :  13/9 

Ilo'wr  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTrinig'  Contents 

1022  M^^'  1928 


NOTB The   publications   of   the   United    States    Geological    Survey    consist   of   Annual 

reoorts"  Monographs,  Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  topographic 
mans  ('some  of  which  bear  descriptive  texts),  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  the 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  (except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
mans)  are  generallv  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  follow- 
ing the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and  folios  and  the 
World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Washington,  D.  C.  A 
discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that  amounts  to  $5.00 
at  the  retail  price.  This  discount  applies  to  an  order  for  either  maps  or  folios  alone  or 
for  maps  and  folios  together.  Remittance  for  these  publications  should  be  made  by 
monev  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C.  Orders 
for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Washington,  D.   C. 

Castlegate,  Utah.  Economic  geology  of  Castlegate,  Wellington,  and  Sunnyside 
quadrangles,  Carbon  County,  Utah ;  by  Frank  R.  Clark.  1928.  vi+165  p.  il. 
15  pi.  1  is  in  pocket,  6  p.  of  pi.  map  in  pocket.  (Bulletin  793.)  *  Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  28-141  1 19.3  :  793 

Note. — The  investigation  reported  herein  was  undertaken  to  satisfy  the  Increasing 
demand  for  more  detailed  information  regarding  the  coal  that  underlies  these  quad- 

Same.     (H.  doc.  544,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Mississippi  River.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1924:  pt.  7,  Lower 
Mississippi  River  basin ;  Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief  hydraulic  engineer,  H.  C. 
Beckman,  Robert  Follansbee,  H.  B.  Kinnison,  and  C.  E.  Ellsworth,  district 
engineers.  1928.  iv -4-123  p.  il.  (Water-supply  paper  587.)  [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  Missouri,  Colorado,  Kansas,  and  Texas.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  10-^45  119.13:587 

Same.     (H.  doc.  81,  69th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Pit6licaho««  issued  in  Apr.  1928 ;  list  242.     [1928.]     3  p.     [Monthly.]     f 

1 19.14/4 :  242 

Snake  River.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States.  1923 :  pt.  12.  North  Paci- 
fic slope  drainage  basins,  B.  Snake  River  basin ;  Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief 
hydraulic  engineer,  G.  C.  Baldwin,  G.  L.  Parker,  C.  G.  Paulsen,  A.  B.  Purton, 
and  F.  F.  Henshaw,  district  engineers.  1928.  vi-l-259-|-li  p.  il.  (Water- 
supply  paper  573.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Idaho,  Oregon,  and 
Nevada.  The  matter  with  roman  pagination  is  entitled :  Stream-gaging  sta- 
tions and  publications  relating  to  water  resources,  pt.  12,  North  Pacific  slope 
basins.]  *  Paper,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  G  S  10-167  1 19.13 :  573 

Same.     (H.  doc.  680,  68th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Crater  Lake  National  Park.     Circular  of  general  information  regarding  Crater 
Lake  National  Park,  Oreg.,  season  July  1-Sept.  20  [with  I'st  of  literature]. 
[1928.]     cover-title,    iv-(-23   p.    il.    map.     [Other   illustrations   on   p.    2-4   of 
cover.  ]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26512  I  29.6 :  C  85/2/928 

Grand  Canyon  National  Park.     Circular  of  general  information  regarding  Grand 
Canyon  National  Park,  Ariz.,  open  all  year  [with  list  of  literature].     1928. 
cover-title,  ii-f66  p.  il.  map.     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26745  I  29.6  :  G  76/928 

Hawaii   National   Park.    Circular   of   general   information    regarding    Hawaii 
National   Park,   open   all   year    [with   list   of   literature].     1928.     cover-title, 
il-f  18  p.  il.     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26310  I  29.6  :  H  31/928 

Mesa  Verde  National  Park.  Circular  of  general  information  regarding  Mesa 
Verde  National  Park,  Colo.,  season  May  15-Nov.  1  [with  list  of  literature]. 
1928.  cover-title,  ii-f62  p.  il.  [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  t 
L.  C.  card  21-26514  I  29.6 :  M  56/928 

BoTv  to  order  publications — See  Inforiuatlou  folIoTvlns  Contents 


May,  1928  1023 

Yellowstone  National  Park.  Fossil  forests  of  Yellowstone  National  Park;  [by 
F.  H.  Knowlton].  [Reprint  with  changes]  1928.  30  p.  il.  map.  [Includes 
list  of  Government  publications  on  Yellowstone  National  Park.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26410  I  29.6 :  Y  3/6/928 

Geological  history  of  Yellowstone  National  Park  [with  list  of  publications 

on   Yellowstone   National   Park;    by   Arnold   Hague].     [Reprint   with    slight 
changes]  1928.     24  p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26411  I  29.6 ;  Y  3/5/928 

Yosemite  Natimial  Park.     Circular  of  general  information  regarding  Yosemite 
National  Park.  Calif.,  open  all  year  [with  list  of  literature].     1928.     cover- 
title.  ii+77  p.  il.  map.     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26446  I  29.6 :  Y  8/5/928 

Sketch  of  Yosemite  National  Park  and  account  of  origin  of  Yosemite  and 

Hetch  Hetchy  valleys;   [by  F.  E.  Matthes].     [Reprint  with  changes]   1928. 
45  p.  il.  map.     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26478  I  29.6 :  Y  8/3/928 


Hot  Spring-^  National  Park,  map  of  roads  and  trails;  [prepared  in]  Civil  En- 
gineering Division.  Scale  1.000  ft.=1.25  in.  Feb.  1927,  [reprint]  1928. 
7.4  X  18.6  in.     t  I  29.8 :  H  79/928 


Minidoka  irrigation  project.  Earthwork,  canal  lining,  and  structures,  main 
canal,  station  0+00  to  180+00.  Minidoka  project,  Idaho,  gravity  extension 
division.  [1928.]  cover-title,  i+15  p.  3  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  476.) 
[Consists  of  specifications,  schedule,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project, 
proposals  to  be  received  until  June  12,  1928.]     f  Paper,  35c.  127.8:476 

New  reclamation  era,  v.  19,  no.  5 ;  May,  1928.  [1928.]  cover-title,  p.  65-80,  il.  4° 
[Monthly.    Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 

L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5  :  928/5 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel  of 
the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  w.ater.  to  help  them 
in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and  mar- 
keting their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation  era 
is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdiction 
of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the  sub- 
scription price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  In  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to  the 
Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C.  and  remittance  in  the  form  of 
postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent,  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

Otvyhee  Dam,  Owyhee  project,  Oreg.-Idaho.  [1928.]  cover-title,  ii+33  p.  34  pi. 
2  maps,  4°  (Specifications  474.)  [Consists  of  specifications,  scheduie,  and 
drawings  for  irrigation  project,  proposals  to  be  received  until  June  7.  1928.] 
t  Paper.  $2.50.  127.8:474 

Vale  in-igation  project.  Diversion  dam  and  earthwork  tunnels  and  structures. 
Vale  main  canal  to  station  127+89.7,  Vale  project,  Oreg.  [1928.]  cover-title, 
11+22  p.  12  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  475.)  [Consists  of  specifications, 
schedule,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  proposals  to  be  received  until 
June  8,  1928.]     t  Paper,  85c.  I  27.8  :  475 


Colorado  River  lasin;  John  H.  Pellen,  chief  draftsman;  map  23000.  Scale  50 
m.=1.2  in.     [Washington,  Reclamation  Bureau]  1928.    20.6X18.2  in.    t  25c. 

I  27.7  :  C  71 

Ho'»v  to  order  publications— Sec  Information  follo-«vlnsr  Contents 

X024  M^Y'  1^28 


j^'oTE The   bound   volumes   of   the   decisions,    usually   known    as   Interstate   Commerce 

Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at 
various  prices  depenrlins  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  snb- 
scriDtion  price  $1.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50  ;  single  copies,  usually  5c. 
In  ordering  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valuation  decisions 
are  desired. 
Alcohol,  Denatured.    No.  17329,  American  Distilling  Company  v.  Akron,  Canton 

&  Youngstown  Railwav  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  2,  1928 ;  report  [and       . 

order]  of  commission.     L1928.]     633-642+iii  p.     ([Opinion]  13270.)      [Report      i 

from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13270       ^ 

No.  18813,  Wm.   S.   Merrell  Company  v.   Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.     [1] +360-362  p.     ([Opinion]  13176.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13176 

Aluminium  sulphate.  No.  19375,  Board  of  City  Commissioners,  Okmulgee,  Okla. 
V.  St.  Louis-San  Franci.sco  Railway  Company;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  571-572+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13251.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13251 

Apple  pomace.    No.  19713.  C.  W.  Zaring  &  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  17,  1928  ;  report  of  commission.     [1928.]     p.  369-   J 
370.     ([Opinion]  13179.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  ^ 

IC  1.6/la :  13179 

Asphalt.  No.  19077,  Philip  Carey  Manufacturing  Conii)any  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.   371-372.     ([Opinion]    13180.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  lO  1.6/la  :  13180 

Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6588,  bonds  of  Atlantic  Coast 
Line  Railroad;  decided  Apr.  3,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  411- 
415.      ([Finance     decision]     3179.)       [From     I.     C.     C.     reports,     v.     138.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3179 

Auto^nobile  lyumpers.  No.  19340,  American  Chain  Company,  Incorporated,  et  al. 
V.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  379^380.  ([Opinion]  13184.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13184 

AiitomoMles.  No.  19484,  C.  R.  Gleason  Company  et  al.  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
461-462.     ([Opinion]   13213.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13213 

Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6731,  abandonment  of  part 
of  branch  line  by  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  327-328.  ([Finance  decision]  3164.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138  (volume  number  is  incorrectly  given  on  p.  327  as 
140) .]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-31&4 

Bananas.  Investigation '  and  suspension  docket  no.  2761,  bananas  from  Gulf 
ports  to  points  in  southern  territory  and  to  Ohio  River  crossings;  [decided  Apr. 
9,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission  on  oral  argument].  1928.  [l]+682- 
684+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13283.)  [Reiport  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13283 

• No.  18824,  Lovett  Fruit  &  Produce  Company  et  al.  v.  Alabama  Great 

Southern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  30,  1928 :  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  611-613.  ([Opinion]  13262.)  [Yrv>m  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13262      I 

Bai-rels.  No.  16&32,  J.  D.  Hollingshead  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23.  1928 :  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing. 
11928.]     p.  497-490.     ([Opinion]    13223.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  i.6/la  :  13223 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  following   Contents 

May,  1928  1025 

Basket  hoops.  No.  19354.  Liberty  Cooperage  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Erie  RaU- 
road  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p  367-368.  ( [Opinion]  13178.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]  *  Paiier,  5c. 
^  IC1.6/la  :  13178 

Baskets.  No.  18911.  Edgerton  Manufacturing  Company  r.  Aberdeen  &  Rockfish 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  decidetl  Mar.  17.  1928;  report  of  c«^>mmission. 
[1928.1  p.  351-359.  ([Opinion]  13175.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
i  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13175 

Blackboards.  No.  18976,  Northwestern  School  Supply  Compapy  r.  Delaware, 
Lackawanna  &  Western  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  24,  1928 ;  re- 
port of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  543-544.  ([Opinion]  13241.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13241 

Bone  products.  No.  19507,  Rumford  Chemical  Works  v.  New  York,  New  Haven 
&  Hartford  Raili'oad  Company  et  al. ;  decided.  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  43-46.  ([Opinion]  13294.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  ^  I C  1.6/la  :  13294 

Bottles.  No.  19439,  Sheboygan  Beverage  Company  r.  Chicago  &  North  Western 
Railwav  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  24,  1928;  reixirt  of  commission]. 
1928.  [l]+53(>-537  p.  ([Opinion]  13239.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  13239 

Boxes.  No.  19044,  Menasha  Printing  &  Carton  Company  v.  Chicago  &  North 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  31,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  675-676.  ([Opinion]  13280.)  [I^rom  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13280 

Brass.  No.  16358,  Federated  Metals  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  28,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  589^592.     ([Opinion]  13256.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13256 

Brick.s.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2989,  combination  rule  on 
brick  and  related  articles  in  western  tnmk-line  territory ;  decided  Mar.  30, 
1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  601-604+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion]  13259.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13259 

No.  19236,  L.  J.  Bolster  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Chesapeake  &  OhiO' 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9.  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  71-72.     ([Opinion]  13300.)     [From  I.  C.  O.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13300 

No.  19369.  Kusa  Brick  &  Tile  Company  v.   Kansas,  Oklahoma  &   Gulf 

Railwav  Company  of  Texas  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  385-386.  ([Opinion]  13186.)  [Pi-om  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]      *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13186 

Broom^corn.  No.  19855,  Southern  Traffic  &  Audit  Association  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  14.  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  117-118.  ([Opinion]  13307.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  142.]      *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13307 

Broom  handles.  No.  17824,  Lumberton  Broom  &  Mop  Handle  Factory.  Incor- 
porated, et  al.  V.  Akron,  Canton  &  Youngstown  Railway  Company  et  al. ; 
[decided  Mar.  16,  1928  :  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  +318-329 
+xii  p.  ([Opinion]  13169.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13169 

Buffalo  Creek  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  826,  lessees,  Buffalo  Creek  Rail- 
road et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  1-28. 
(B-660.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-660 

Burlap  hags.  No.  19446,  International  Vegetable  Oil  Company  r.  Eastern 
Steamship  Lines,  Incorporated,  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20.  1928 :  reiwrt  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  453^55 +ii  p.  ([Opinion]  1.3210.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13210 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  lollOTving   Contents 

1026  May,  1928 

Burlaps.  No.  18810,  Peninsula  Produce  Exchange  v.  Pennsylvania  Railrokd 
Company;  [decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +346-350+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13174.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10 1.6/la  :  13174 

Canned  food.  No.  18817,  Lewis-Ohitty-Consolidated  v.  Southern  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  + 
500-502  p.     ([Opinion]  13224.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13224 

Cans.  No.  19367,  Pratt  &  Lambert,  Incoi-porated,  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  | 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  ' 
p.  381-384.     ([Opinion]  13185.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13185 

Cattle.  No.  16285,  White  Provision  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlanta,  Birmingham 
&  Atlantic  Railvpay  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion on  further  argument.  [1928.]  p.  73-75.  ([Opinion]  13301.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13301 

Cement.  Investigation  and  susi)ension  docket  no.  2988,  cement,  in  carloads, 
from  Linvs'ood.  Iowa,  to  points  in  Illinois;  decided  Mar.  29,  1928;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  579-582+[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  13254.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  13254 

No.  18144,  Sandusky  Cement  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  31,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  673- 
674.     ([Opinion]  13279.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13279 

No.  19144,  Lehigh  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  425-426.  ([Opinion]  13198.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
♦Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13198 

No.  19181,  Belt  Line  Brick  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. :  decided  Mar.  24,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  545- 
546.     ([Opinion]  13242.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13242 

■ No.  19875,  Lehigh  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Graham  County  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
451-452.     ([Opinion]  13209.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13209 

Charcoal.  No.  19741,  Southern  Wood  Products  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nash- 
ville Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  523-524.  ([Opinion]  13234.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13234 

Chester  and  Mount  Vernon  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6638,  acquisition  of 
line  and  issuance  of  securities  by  Chester  &  Mount  Vernon  Railroad ;  decided 
Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  313-320.  ([Finance  de- 
cision] 3161.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3161 

Chicago  and  North  Western  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  898,  Chicago  and 
North  Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Jan.  6,  1928;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [1] +1-638  p.  map.  ([B-654].)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  137.]     *  Paper,  $1.00.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-654 

CJilorin.  No.  19244,  Buckeye  Cotton  Oil  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  30,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +614-616+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13263.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13263 

• No.   19563,   Tidal  Refining  Company  v.   Atchison,   Topeka   &   Santa   Fe 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  509-510.     ([Opinion]  13227.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  l.G/la :  13227 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  following   Contents 


May,  1928  1027 

Cleveland  and  PittshurgJi  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6814,  bonds  of  Cleve- 
land &)  Pittsburgh  Railroad;  decided  Apr.  13,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  433^36.  ([Finance  decision]  3183.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  PaiDer,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3183 

Coal.  No.  16699,  Crerar  Clinch  Coal  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  of  commission  on  further  hearing]. 
1928.     [1] +20-22  p.     ([Opinion]    13289.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.   142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13289 

No.  17657,  Gulf  Coal  Company  v.  Virginian  Railway  Company  et  al. ; 

decided  Apr.  5,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  657-662.  ([Opinion] 
13275.)     [From  I.  C.  0.  reports,  V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13275 

No.  18924,  New  River  Coal  Operators'  Association  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  503-505.     ([Opinion]  13225.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6Aa  :  13225 

No.  19523,  Elliott  Fuel  Company  v.  Delaware  &  Hudson  Company  et  al. ; 

decided  Mar.  30,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  617-618.  ([Opin- 
ion]   13264.)      [From   I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    140.]     ♦Paper,    5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13264 

Coke.  No.  19242,  Baton  Rouge  Electric  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +438-440  p.  ([Opinion]  13204.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
♦Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13204 

No.  19343,  Straight  Line  Engine  Company,  Incorporated,  et  al.  v.  New 

York  Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  24,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  547-548.  ([Opinion]  13243.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  ;  13243 

Cotton.  No.  19554,  M.  Hohenberg  &  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  24,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +530-532  p.  ([Opinion]  13237.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13237 

Cotton  goods.  No.  18882,  Knorr-Sehlaudt  "Wholesale  Company  v.  Baltimore  & 
Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  435-437.     ([Opinion]    13203.)      [From  I.   C.   C.  reports,  v.   140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  13203 

Cotton-seed.  No.  17261,  Tallulah  Cotton  Oil  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  2,  1928 ;  corrected  report  of  commission 
on  reconsideration.  [1928.]  p.  663-665.  ([Opinion]  13276.)  [From  I,  C.  0. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13276 

No.  18428,  Galveston  Chamber  of  Commerce  et  al.  v.  Abilene  &  Southern 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  23-28.     ([Opinion]  13290.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13290 

Crates.  No.  19183,  Jonesboro  Freight  Bureau  et  al.  v.  Missouri-Kansas-Texas 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  22,  1928 ;  report  and  order  of  com- 
mission]. 1928.  [l]+480-482+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13219.)  [Report  from 
L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13219 

Davenport,  Rock  Island  and  North  Western  Railvxi/ij.  Valuation  docket  no.  786, 
Davenport,  Rock  Island  and  North  Western  Railway  Company ;  [decided  May 
16,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +738-760  p.  (B-658.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  137.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-658 

Demurrage.  No.  18511,  Southern  Roads  Company  v.  Galveston,  Harrisburg  & 
San  Antonio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  413-414.  ([Opinion]  13194.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13194 

Hovr  to  order  publications— See  Information  foIIoTring:  Contents 

1028  Mat,  1928 

Detroit  Toledo  and  Ironton  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  857,  Detroit,  Toledo 
and  ironton  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  22,  1928;  report  of 
commi.'^sion].  1928.  [2] +115-190  p.  il.  (B-665.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  141.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-665 

Drain-tiles.  No.  18897,  Gamble  &  Stockton  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlanta,  Birming- 
ham &  Atlantic  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  565-568.  ([Opinion]  13249.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13249 

Drayage.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2990,  absorption  of  drayage 
charges  on  lead  or  zinc  ore  or  concentrates  by  Southwest  Missouri  Railroad ; 
decided  Apr.  2,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  627-632+ 
[1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13269.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13269 

Egg  cases.  No.  16930.  Dillman  Egg  Case  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  12,  1928 ;  report  and  order 
of  commission  on  further  hearing].  1928.  [l]+162-166+iii  p.  ([Opinion] 
13144.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  13144 

Eggs.  No.  19268,  Tennessee  Egg  Company  v.  Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ; 
decided  Mar.  21,  1928  ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  441-442.  ( [Opinion] 
13205.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13205 

Fairport,  Painesville  and  Eastern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6816,  Fair- 
port,  Painesville  &  Eastern  debentures ;  decided  Apr.  13,  1928 :  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  437-438.  ( [Finance  decision]  3184.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3184 

Fisli-oil.  No.  18584,  Swan-Finch  Oil  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +330-332  p.  ([Opinion]  13170.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13170 

No.  19067,  Frank  L.  Young  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohioi  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  17.  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  363-366. 
([Opinion]    13177.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13177 

Freight.     Freight  commodity  statistics,  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States, 
year  ended  Dec.  31,  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.     1928.     cover- 
title,  p.  3-135,  oblong  large  8°     (Statement  no.  28100.)     *  Paper,  50c. 
L.   C.   card  A  25-724  IC  1  ste.29  :  927 

Freight  rates.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2994,  cancellation  of 
class  rates  from  ix)ints  on  Illinois  Terminal  to  Central  Freight  Association 
territory  when  in  connection  with  Chicago,  Springfield  &  St.  Louis  Railway; 
decided  Apr.  16,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  91-94+ 
[1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13305.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  132.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13305 

Investigation   and  suspension   docket  no.   3002,   restriction   of  rates  and 

routes  on  livestock  between  Southern  Pacific  lines  and  Missouri  Pacific  lines, 
and  from  and  to  New  Mexico  points  on  Southern  Pacific  lines;  [decided  Mar. 
24,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +538-542+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  13240.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Pai^er,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13240 

■ No.  14999,  Arizona  Corporation  Commission  v.  Arizona  Eastern  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9.  1928;  report  of  commission  on  further  argu- 
ment. [1928.]  p.  61-68.  ([Opinion]  13298.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142.]     *  Paper.  5c:  IC  1.6/la  :  13298 

• No.   1S8G6,   Alcolu  Railroad   Company  v.   Atlantic   Coast   Line  Railroad 

Company;    [decided  Mar.  22,  1928:  report  and  order  of  commission].     1928. 

[1] +466-170+ [1]   p.      ([Opinion]   13216.)  [Report  from  L  C.  C.  reports,  v. 

140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13216 

How  to  order  pnltlications— See  information   following  Contents 

May,  1928  1029 

Fuel  for  locomotives  (cliarged  to  operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in 
United  States,  compiled  from  158  reports  representing  169'  steam  railways, 
switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Mar.  1928  and  1927  [and] 
3  months  ended  with  Mar  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics. 
Mar.  1928.     1  p.  oblong  large  8"     [Subject  to  revision.]     t    IC  1  ste.  30  :  928/3 

Fuel-oil.  No.  12783,  Rio  Grande  Oil  Company  v.  Arizona  Eastern  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  3,  1928;  report  of  commission  on  further  hear- 
ing. [1928.]  p.  651-652.  ([Opinion]  13273.)  [From  I  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13273 

No.    15748,    Western    Petroleum    Refiners    Association    v.    St.    Louis-San 

Francisco  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  489-192.  ([Opinion]  13221.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *Pai>er,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13221 

No.  19100,  Imperial  Oil  Marketing  Company  t\  San  Antonio  &  Aransas 

Pass  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928 :  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  569-570.  ([Opinion]  13250.)  [From  I.  C  C.  rei>orts,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13250 

Gas  oil.  No.  19213,  Skelly  Oil  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  431-432.     ([Opinion]  13201.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13201 

Gasoline.  No.  17108,  James  B.  Berry  Sons'  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Balti- 
more &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  17,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [1] +406-408  p.  ([Opinion]  13191.)  [Fi-om  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13191 

No.  17751,  Pat  Malloy  and  W.   O.   Dickenson,   receivers  for  Coaistantin 

Refining  Company,  v.  Missouri-Kansas-Texas  Railroad  Company ;  [decided 
Mar.  30.  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +576-578  p.  ([Opinion] 
13253.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13253 

Gloves.  No.  19722,  Gordon  &  Ferguson  i>.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Rail- 
way Company ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
521-522.      ([Opinion]   13233.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13233 

Grain.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  3034,  transit  arrangements 
at  points  on  Missouri-Kansas-Texas  Railroad  of  Texas ;  [decided  Mar.  26, 1928 ; 
report  [and  order]  of  commission.  1928.  [1] +558-560+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion] 
13247.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.    IC  1.6/la :  13247 

No.  9702.  Memphis-Southwestern  investigation,  4th  section  matters  :  de- 
cided Apr.  9,  1928;  [report  and  supplemental  4th  section  order  no.  7542  of 
commission  on  rehearing].  [1928.]  139-150+ ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13315.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13315 

No.  15026,  Oklahoma  Millers'  L(  ague  v.  Alabama  &  Mississippi  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  2,  1928 ;  report  and  order  of  commission  on 
further  hearing].  1928.  [1] +624-626+ iii  p.  ([Opinion]  13268.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13268 

No.  15511,  Board  of  Trade  of  Chicago  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission on  further  hearing.  [1928.]  3-8+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13286.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  13286 

Railway  rates  on  grain,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to   resolution, 

report  concerning  relative  rates  on  grain  in  United  States  and  in  Canada. 
IMay  3,  calendar  day  May  16,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  doc.  107,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Corrected  print.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26409 

Grain-cleaning  machines.  No.  19477,  Twin  City  Separator  Company  v.  Minne- 
apolis, St.  Paul  &  Sault  Ste.  Marie  Railway  Company ;  decided  Mar.  21, 
1928;  report  of  commission.  1928.  p.  465.  ([Opinion]  13215.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]      *  Paper,  5c.  I  C  1.6/la  :  13215 

HoiT  to   order  itii1>lications — See   iiiforinatioii   folloTviiig   Contents 


1030  May,  1928  '. 

Granite.    No.  19196,  Wholesale  Granite  Company  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;   [decided  Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission].     1928.     . 
rn +58-60  p.     ([Opinion]  13297.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13297 

Grapes.  No.  19333,  Gamble  Robinson  Company  v.  Pere  Marquette  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
D.  377-378.     ([Opinion]  13183.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13183 

No.  19925,  Jos.  Gentile  Company  v.  Tidewater  Southern  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  30,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  621- 
622.     ([Opinion]  13266.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13266 

Great  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6721,  construction  of  branch  line 
by  Great  Northern  Railway  Company;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  321-323.  ([Finance  decision]  3162.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]      *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3162 

Hides  and  slcins.  No.  19495,  Western  Carolina  Shippers  Association  v.  Aber- 
deen &  Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [l]+456-458  p.  ([Opinion]  13211.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13211 

Hoops.    No.  19372,  Liberty  Cooperage  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;    [decided  Mar.  20,  1928;   report  of  commission]. 

1928.     [l]-f 398-400  p.     ([Opinion]  13189.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13189 

Ice.  No.  19292,  Peninsula  Produce  Exchange  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  + 
506-508  p.     ([Opinion]  13226.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13226 

Iron.  No.  17^26,  Bluefield  Hardware  Company  et  al.  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  12,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]    p.   79-85.      ([Opinion]    13303.)      [From   I.    C    C.    reports,    v.    142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13303 

No.  18043,  Pittsburgh  Crushed  Steel  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Rail- 
road et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  339- 
340.     ([Opinion]   13172.)      [From  I.  O.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  13172 

No.  18412,  Keystone   Steel  &  Wire  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  15-19.     ([Opinion]  13288.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13288 

No.  18441,  Southern  Scrap  Material  Company,  Limited,  v.  Louisville  & 

Nashville  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  573-575.  ([Opinion]  13252.)  [From  I.  C.  C  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13252 

No.  18645,  Parkersburg  Rig  &  Reel  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company ;  decided  Mar.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
415-418.     ([Opinion]  13195.     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Papers,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13195 

No.  19526,  Louis  Cohen  &  Son  v.  Erie  Railroad  Company;  decided  Mar. 

21,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  463-464.  ([Opinion]  13214.) 
[From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  13214 

Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  and  Memphis  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6796,  se- 
curities of  Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  &  Memphis  Railway;  [decided  Apr.  12, 
1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +360-362  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
3176.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3176 

HoTF  to  order  pnblication.s— See  information  following:   Contents 

May,  1928  1031 

La  Salle  and  Bureau  County  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  443,  La  Salle  & 
Bureau  County  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Mar.  16,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission.     [1928.]      p.   73-88.      (B-663.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.    141.1 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-663 

Lawn-mowers.  No.  19267,  Worcester  Lawn  Mower  Company  v.  Ann  Arbor 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1928.]  443-445+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13206.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13206 

Lehigh  and  Hudson  River  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  733,  Lehigla  and 
Hudson  River  Railway  Company ;  [decided  Mar.  3,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1928.     [1] +698-737  p.     (B-657.)      [From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  137. J 

*  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-657 

Lime.  No.  18988,  Louisville  Cement  Company  v.  Southern  Railway  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  + 
76-78+ [1]  p.     ([Opinion]   13302.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13302 

Limestone.  No.  19651,  Trenton  Chamber  of  Commerce  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  527-529.      ([Opinion]    13236.)      tFrom  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13236 

Louisville  and  Nashville  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6621,  bonds  of  Louisville 
&  Nashville  Railroad;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.J 
p.  427-430.      ([Finance  decision]   3181.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   138.J 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3181 

Lubricating -oils.  No.  15777,  Derby  Oil  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  22,  1928 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  471-474+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13217.)  [Report 
from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13217 

Lumber.  No.  17666,  T.  H.  Wright  v.  Trona  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided 
Apr.  9,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  29-35+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  13291.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13291 

No.  17900,  Kentucky  Lumber  Company  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hear- 
ing. [1928.]  p.  409-410.  ([Opinion]  13192.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13192 

No.  18343,  Cross-Bodine  Lumber  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  411^12.     ([Opinion]  13193.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13193 

No,  19021,  J.  M.  Card  Lumber  Company  v.  Nashville,  Chattanooga  &  St. 

Louis  Railway ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  421-424+[l]  p.  ([Opinion]  13197.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13197 

No.  19657,  Learned  Lumber  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  517- 
518.     ([Opinion]  13231.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13231 

McCloud  River  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  817,  McCloud  River  Railroad 
Company;  decided  Mar.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  89-114. 
(B-664.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.         IC  1.6/la  :  B-664 

Marble.  No.  18681,  Weifenbach  Marble  &  Tile  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  493-496. 
([Opinion]  13222.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13222 

HoTV  to  order  publlcatioiis — See  information  follo'wlngr  Contents 

1032  May,  1928 

Maryland  and  Delaware  Coast  RaUwaii.  Finance  docket  no.  4101,  securities  of 
Maryland  &  Delaware  Coast  Railway ;  decided  Apr.  17,  1928 ;  2d  suppl-i- 
mental  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  439-442.  ([Finance  decision] 
3185.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  .5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3185 

Matches.    No.  19676,  Federal  Match  Corporation  et  al.  i\  Southern  Pacific  Com-  I 

pany;   decided   Mar.   30,   1928;   report   of  commission.      [1928.]      p.   619-620.  1 

(fOninion]    13265.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,  v.   140.]      *  Paper,   5c.  I 

IC  1.6/la  :  13265  1 

Meat.     No.  17933,  William  Schluderberg-T.  J.  Kurdle  Company  v.  Baltimore  cSc  | 

Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;    [decided  Mar.  31,  1928 ;  report  of  commis-  j 

sion].     1928.     [1] +665-668  p.     ([Opinion]   13277.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  I 

V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.                                                                             IC  1.6/la  :  13277  1 

. No.  19418,  Cudahy  Packing  Company  v.  Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy 

Railroad    Company   et    al. ;    decided    Mar.    16,    1928 ;    report    of   commission.  | 

[1928.]     p.   309-311..    ([Opinion]    13166.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   140.]  j 

*  Paper,  5c.                                                                                            IC  1.6/1  a :  13166  * 

Minneapolis  and  St.  Louies  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6823,  Minneapolis  & 
St.  Louis  receiver's  certificates;  [decided  Apr.  17,  1928;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1928.  [1] +442-444  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3186.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.    '  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3186 

Valuation  docket  no.  510,  Minneapolis  &  St.  Louis  Railroad  Company ; 

[decided   Mar.   10,   1928;    report  of  commission].     1928.     [2] +761-897  p.   il. 
(B-659.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports.  V.  137.]     *  Paper,  15c.        IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-659 

Minnesota  Transfer  Raihcay.  Valuation  docket  no.  1053,  Minnesota  Transfer 
Railway  Company;  decided  Mar.  3,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
639-667.     (B-655.)      [From   I.  C.  C.    reports,  v.   137.]     *  Paper,   5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-655 

Missouri,  OklaJioma  and  Gulf  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6611,  acquisition 
of  Missouri,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railroad  by  Kansas,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Rail- 
way;  [decided  Mar.  13.  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +294-296  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3155.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3155 

MoMle  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6496,  abandonment  of  branch 
line  by  Mobile  «&  Ohio  Railroad ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  30.5-309.  ([Finance  decision]  3158.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3158 

Monongahela  Connecting  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  987,  Monongahela 
Connecting  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  10,  1928;  report  of  com- 
mission].    1928.     [1] +44-72  p.     (B-662.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-662 

Mops.  No.  19271,  Massasoit  Manufacturing  Company  v.  New  England  Steam- 
ship Company;  [decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]  + 
36-38  p.     ([Opinion]  13292.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  13292 

Motor-vehicles.  No.  18300,  motor  bus  and  motor  truck  operation ;  decided  Apr. 
10,  1928;  [report  of  commission].  [1928.]  p.  685-760.  ([Opinion]  13284.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  13284 

Mount  Mansfield  Electric  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6218,  deficit  settlement 
with  Mount  Mansfield  Electric  Railroad;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  333-334.  ( [Finance  decision]  3167.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3167      ' 

Naphtha.  No.  18272,  Transcontinental  Oil  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  26,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  561-564+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13248.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  13248 

How  to   order  iiiittlicationM— See  iiifornintion   following;   Contents 

May,  1928  1033 

Nelson  and  AlhemarJe  Railuxiy.  Valuation  docket  no.  179,  Nelson  and  Albe- 
marle Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  13,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  191-203.     (B-666.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  B-666 

Neto  York,  Chicago  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  2919,  acquisi- 
tion and  stock  issue  by  New  York.  Cliicago  &  St.  Louis  Railroad ;  [decided 
Mar.  19.  1928;  supplemental  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +310-312  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3100.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3160 

Finance  docket  no.  6748,  stock  of  New  York,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Rail- 
road;  [decided  Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [11+324-326  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3163.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3163 

Northern  Pacific  Radhvay.  Finance  docket  no.  6523.  operation  under  trackage 
rights  by  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  31.  1928 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  405-410.  ([Finance  decision]  3178.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  F-3178 

Paper.  No.  17985,  Express  Publishing  Company  v.  Galveston.  Harrisburg  & 
San  Antonio  Railway  Company;  decided  Apr.  2,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1928.]  669-672+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13278.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  13278 

No.  19636.  Sinaiko  Brothers  Comi>any  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul 

Railway  Company ;  decided  Mar.  30.  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  1928. 
p.  623.     ([Opinion]  13267.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  13267 

Paper  bags.  No.  19171,  Advance  Bag  &  Paper  Company,  Incorporated,  f.  Cleve- 
land, Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar. 
21,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  427-428.  ([Opinion]  13199.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13199 

Passenger  rates.  No.  18779,  Ulster  &  Delaware  Railroad  Company  v.  New  York 
Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  14,  1928  ;*  report  and  order  of 
commission].  1928.  [1] +204-219+ vi  p.  ([Opinion]  13152.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13152 

Peoples  Telephone  and  Telegraph  Company-  Finance  docket  no.  6743,  purchase 
of  properties  of  Peoples  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Company  by  Southern  Bell 
Telephone  &  Telegraph  Company ;  [decided  Mar.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion.] 1928.  [1] +302-304  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3157.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3157 

Petroleum-  No.  17898,  Smitherman  &  McDonald.  Incorporated,  et  al.  v.  Mans- 
field Hardwood  Lumber  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  11,  1928 :  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  49-57+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13296.)  [Report 
from  L  C.  C.  reports,  V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  L6/la  :  13296 

No.  19137.  Pennsylvania  Oil  Company  of  Evanston  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 

Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  22.  1928;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  475-479+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  13218.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13218 

Pickles.  No.  19441,  Pepin  Pickling  Company  i\  Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneapolis 
&  Omaha  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  459-460.  ([Opinion]  13212.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13212 

Piedmont  and  Northern  Railvoay.  Finance  docket  no.  6208,  proposed  construc- 
tion of  lines  by  Piedmont  &  Northern  Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  3, 
1928;  [report  of  commission].  [1928.]  p.  363--404.  ([Finance  decision] 
3177.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  F-3177 

Pins,  insulator.  No.  19259,  Joslyn  Manufacturing  &  Supply  Company  v.  Balti- 
more &  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  387-389+ [ii]  p.  ([Opinion]  13187.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13187 

Hofv  to  order  pnblicatlons^See  information  follcwingr  Contenta 

1034  ^^^'  1^28 

Pipe.  No.  17320,  Somerville  Iron  Works  et  al,  v.  Central  Railroad  Company  of 
New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  17,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
n  333-338.  ([Opinion]  13171.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]  *  Paper,  5e. 
^'  IC  1.6/la  :  13171 

No.  19436,  South  Chester  Tube  Company  v.  Central  Railroad  Company  of 

New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
n  449-450.     ([Opinion]  13208.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13208 

Plaster.  No.  19311,  Standard  Gypsum  Company  v.  Southern  Pacific  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  373-374. 
( [Opinion]  13181.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13181 

Pumps.  No.  19621,  Mabie-Lowrey  Hardware  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928]     p.   513-514.     ([Opinion]    13229.)      [From   I.   C.   C.  reports,   v.   140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la :  13229 

Railroad  accidents.  Summary  of  accident  investigation  reports,  no.  34,  Oct.- 
Dec.  1927;   [prepared  in]   Bureau  of  Safety.     1928.     iii+43  p.     [Quarterly.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  15c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  25c. 

L.  C.  card  A  20-942  ^  IC  1  acci.  7 :  34 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  Jan.  1928;   [prepared 

in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Jan.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t 

L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.  31 :  928/1 

Same,  Feb.  1928  [and  2  months  ending  with  Feb.  1928 ;  prepared  in]  Bu- 
reau of  Statistics.    Feb.  1928.     [2]  p.  oblong  large  8"    [Subject  to  revision.]    t 

IC  1  ste.  31 :  928/2 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  16  switching  and  terminal  companies]  Feb.  1928 :  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     1928.     [4]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°     t       IC  1  ste.  25  :  928/2 

Railroad  tracks.  No.  19435,  James  Stanton  Construction  Company  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  15,  1928;  report 
of  commission].  1928.  [1] +312-314  p.  ([Opinion]  13167.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13167 

Railroads.  Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  158  reports  of  freight  service  sta- 
tistics representing  168  railways  and  from  152  reports  of  passenger  service 
statistics  representing  162  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not 
included),  Feb.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Feb.  1928. 
[2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1  ste.  21 :  928/2 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
185  steam  railways,  including  16  switching  and  terminal  companies,  Mar. 
1928  and  1927  [and]  3  months  ended  with  Mar.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared 
in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Mar.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to  re- 
vision.]    t  IC  1  ste.  19 :  928/3 

• Operating   revenues   and   operating   expenses   of  large   steam   railways, 

selected  items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000, 
Mar.  1928  and  1927  [and]  3  months  ended  with  Mar.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared 
in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Mar.  1928.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°  [Subject  to 
revision.  ]     f  IC  1  ste.  20 :  928/3 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Feb.  1928, 

compared  with  Feb.  1927,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statics.  Feb.  1928.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     f  IC  1  ste.  22 :  928/2 

Same,  selected  items  for  Mar.  1928,  compared  with  Mar.  1927,  for  roads 

with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of 
Statistics.    Mar.  1928.     [2]  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

IC  1  ste.  22 :  928/3 

How  to  order  publications— See  Information  following:  Contents 

May,  1928  1035 

Railroads — Continued. 

Revenue  traflSc  statistics  of  class  1   steam   railways  in   United   States, 

including  mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  159  reports  representing  169 
steam  railways,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Feb.  1928 
and  1927  [and]  2  months  ended  with  Feb.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Feb.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  re- 
vision.]    t  IC  1  ste.  24  :  928/2 

Rails.  No.  18438,  J.  B.  Harvey  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  30,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [l]+60&-610  p. 
([Opinion]  13261.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13261 

No.  19247,  Hyman-Michaels  Company  v.  Durham  &  Southern  Railway 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  1-2. 
([Opinion]  13285.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13285 

Reconsignment.  No.  18987,  "William  Dauzer  &  Company  v.  Southern  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  433-435.     ([Opinion]  13202.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13202 

Refrigeration.  No.  19321,  L.  K.  Stein  Company  v.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pa- 
cific Railway  Company ;  decided  Mar.  19,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  375-376.     ([Opinion]  13182.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13182 

No.  19719,  Gage  Baldwin  Company  v.  Northern  Pacific  Railway  Com- 
pany; decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  519-520. 
([Opinion]   13232.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13232 

Reweighing  of  freight.  No.  18659,  FuUerton  Lumber  Company  v.  Chesapeake  & 
Ohio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  28,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  593-596.  ([Opinion]  13257.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13257 

Roofing.  No.  19569,  Rosenthal  Woodworking  Company  v.  Detroit,  Grand  Haven 
&  Milwaukee  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  511-512.  ([Opinion]  13228.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13228 

Routing.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2996,  routing  of  wood-pulp 
board  from  International  Falls,  Minn.,  to  Decatur,  111.,  East  St.  Louis,  111., 
and  St.  Louis,  Mo. ;  [decided  Apr.  17,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +86-90+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13304.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13304 

St.  Louis,  Troy  and  Eastern  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  1035,  St.  Louis, 
Troy  and  Eastern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  3,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission].  1928.  [1] +668-697  p.  (B-656.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  137.]      *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-6.56 

Salt.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  3031,  salt  from  Louisiana  pro- 
ducing points  to  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  routed  via  Houston,  Tex.,  and  Southern 
Steamship  Company;  decided  Mar.  27,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  555-557+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  13246.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13246 

San  Antonio,  Vvalde  and  Oulf  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  702,  San  An- 
tonio, Uvalde  &  Gulf  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Mar.  31,  1928;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [2] +231-258  p.  il.  (B-668.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-668 

Sand.  No.  19381,  Green  &  Stowe  v.  Norfolk  &  Western  Railway  Company; 
[decided  Mar.  21,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +446-448  p 
([Opinion]   13207.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13207 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  following  Contents 

109605— 28— No.  401 9 

1036  M^^'  ^^2« 

SiUev  Lake  Bisteneau  and  Southern  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  528, 
Spv  Lake  Bisteneau  &  Southern  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar. 
fmsf^repoft  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +808-847  p.  (f-GS^  )  t^ro- 
L  C.  C.  reports,  v.  135.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  .  B-652 

Sillcomanaanese.  No.  18734,  Brennan  &  Corrigan,  Incorporated,  v.  Erie  Rail- 
roM  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mfssion  [S.]  419U20+iip.  ([Opinion]  13196.)  [Report  froxn  I.  CC 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  .  13196 

Snickersville  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6747,  purchase  of  prop- 
erties of  Snickersville  Telephone  Company  by  Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Tele- 
phone Company  of  Virginia;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
ri928  1  P  329-331.  ([Finance  decision]  3165.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.   138.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3165 

Stearin  No  19572,  Best  Foods,  Incorporated,  v.  Central  Railroad  Company 
of  New  Jersey  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  24,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
n  549-550.  ([Opinion]  13244.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
p.  o'±v-oov.     V  L    F  J  j^  i.Q/ia :  13244 

Steel  '  No  19415,  Globe  Malleable  Iron  &  Steel  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  29,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission.  [1928.]  597-600+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13258.)  [Report  from 
I.  0.  0.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13258 

Stone.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2937,  proportional  rates  on 
stone  and  marble  between  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  and  points  in  Florida ;  decided 
Mar.  20,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  389-398+ [1]  p. 
(rOpiniou]  13188.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13188 

No.  18162,  Andrew  Ulysses  Givens  v.  Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad 

Company;  decided  Mar.  30,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  605-607. 
([Opinion]  13260.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13260 

No.    19927,    Cameron,    Joyce   &    Company    v.   Toledo,'  Peoria   &   Western 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  47-48.     ([Opinion]  13295.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13295 

Sugar.  No.  16341,  Nebraska  State  Railway  Commission  v.  Alexandria  & 
Western  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9.  1928 ;  reiKtrt  of  commis- 
sion on  reargument.  [1928.]  p.  653-656.  ([Opinion]  13274.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13274 

— —    No.   17427,   American   Sugar  Refining  Company  v.   Atlantic   Coast  Line 

Railroad   Company  et  al. ;   decided   Mar.   17,   1928 ;  report    [and   order]    of 

commission.     [1928.]     341-345+ [1]    p.      ([Opinion]  13173.)      [Report   from 

I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13173 

Sulphur.  No.  18406,  Inland  Waterways  Corporation,  operating  Mississippi- 
Warrior  Service,  v.  Beaumont,  Sour  Lake  &  Western  Railway  Company  et 
al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  9-14.  ([Opinion] 
13287.)      [From  L  O.  C.  reports,  V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13287 

Superior  and  Southeastern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6585,  operation  of 
lines  by  Superior  &  Southeastern  Railway ;  decided  Apr.  17,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  445-447.  ([Finance  decision]  3187.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3187 

Switching  charges.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2992,  switching  at 
Little  Rock  and  North  Little  Rock,  Ark.;  decided  Mar.  28,  1928;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  583-588+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13255.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13255 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  3013,  switching  between  Lake 

Charles,  La.,  and  West  Lake,  La. ;  decided  Mar.  26,  1928 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  551-554+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13245.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13245 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  foUo-frlngr  Contents 

May,  1928  1037 

Tank  agitators.  No.  19456,  Gilliland  Oil  Company  of  New  Mexico  v.  Atchison, 
Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  ah;  decided  Mar.  31,  1928;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  677-678+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13281.) 
[Rt-port  from  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13281 

Tennessee  Central  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6810,  bonds  of  Tennessee  Cen- 
tral Railway;  decided  Mar.  31,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  35&- 
356.     {[Finance  decision]  3174.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Pr.per,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3174 

Tennessee  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  5436,  bonds  of  Tennessee  Railroad 
Company :  decided  Mar.  30,  1928 ;  supplemental  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  331-332.     ([Finance   decision]    3166.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   138.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-316S 

Thornton  and  Alexandria  Raihvay.  Finance  docket  no.  6401,  abandonment  of 
line  by  Thornton  &  Alexandria  Railway  Company ;  [decided  Mar.  31,  1928 ; 
report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +416-426  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3180.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3180 

Time.  No.  10122.  standard  time  zone  investigation ;  decided  Apr.  11,  1928 ;  15th 
supplemental  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  679-681+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  13282.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13282 

Tin-plate.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2991,  tin  plate  from  San. 
Francisco  Bay  points  to  Sacramento,  Calif. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928 ;  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928. J  643-64U+[l]  p.  '[Opinion]  13271.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13271 

Tomatoes.  No.  19862,  Griesel  Brothers,  Incorporated,  v.  Chicago  Great  Western 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 :  report  of  commission^ 
[1928.]     p.   525-526.     ([Opinion]    13235.)      [From  I.   C.   C.  reports,   v.   140.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13235 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices: 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  7-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  device  of  Union 
Switch  «&  Signal  Company  on  Roanoke  subdivision  of  Shenandoah  division 
of  Norfolk  &  Western  Railway  Company ;  decided  Mar.  16,  1928 ;  report  of 
commLssion.  [1928.]  p.  297-305.  ([Opinion]  13164.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13164 

Same:  no.   13413    (sub-no.   18-2),  in  matter   of   automatic   train-control 

devices  of  Union  Switch  &  Signal  Company  on  part  of  Illinois  division  of 
Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  483-488.  ([Opinion]  13220.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13220 

Vintah  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  402,  Uintah  Railway  Company ;  decided 
Apr.  13.  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  259-286.  (B-669.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-669 

Unlading  and  lading.  No.  18798,  Fall  River  Chamber  of  Commerce  v.  New 
York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928; 
report  of  commission.     [1928.]     p.  69-70.     ([Opinion]   18299.)      [From  I.  C. 

C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.'o  la  :  1320S 

Vegetables.  No.  15928,  Lobman,  Moog  &  Company  et  al.  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee 
&  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  15,  1928;  report  [and 
orders]  of  commission.  [1928.]  259-264+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  13156.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13156 

Wall-cleaning  compounds.  No.  19209,  Climax  Cleaner  Manufacturing  Company 
V.  Baltimore  «&  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  20,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  429-430.  ([Opinion]  13200.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13200 

Walnuts.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2998,  import  walnuts,  from 
north  Pacific  Coast  points  to  eastern  points,  transcontinental;  decided  Mar, 
21,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  401-405+ [1]  jt- 
([Opinion]  13190.)     [Report  from  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  140.]     *  Paper,  5e. 

IC  1.6/la :  131Se 

Ho-w  to   order  publications— See  information   follo^rlngr   Contents 

1038  ^^'  ^^^ 

Water-aas  tar  No.  19542,  Barrett  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  Com- 
oanv  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  24,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  533-536+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13238.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13238 

Wviwna  Bridge  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  787,  Winona  Bridge  Railway 
Company;  decided  Mar.  16,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  29^3. 
(B-661.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-661 

Wood  No  15921,  King-Haase  Furniture  Company  v.  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  3,  1928;  report  of  commission  on  recon- 
sideration.  [1928.]  p.  649-650.  ([Opinion]  13272.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  140.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13272 

Wool  No.  18665,  Boston  Wool  Trade  Association  v.  Androscoggin  &  Kennebec 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  39-42+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13293.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13293 

.    No.  19648,  Worumbo  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad 

et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  23,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.] 
515-516+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13230.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  140.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13230 

Yosemite  Valley  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  304,  Yosemite  Valley  Railroad 
Company;  [decided  Mar.  22,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [l]+204- 
231  p.     (B-667.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

10  1.6/la :  B-667 


Railroads.  Order,  instructions,  and  form  pertaining  to  inventory  of  records 
prescribed  by  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  Jan.  21,  1915.  [Reprint  with 
changes]  1928.    7  p.+l  folded  leaf.     (Valuation  order  11.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  val.5  :  11/3 

Order,  instructions,  and  forms  pertaining  to  schedules  of  laud  to  be  filed 

with  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  by  common  carriers,  Nov.  21,  1914. 
[Reprint]  1928.    8  p.+2  folded  leaves.     (Valuation  order  7.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  val.5  :  7/3 

Regulations  and  instructions  relating  to  recording  and  reporting  changes 

in  physical  property  of  every  common  carrier  subject  to  provisions  of  act  to 
regulate  commerce  whenever  such  changes  occur  in  connection  with  con- 
struction, transfer,  lease,  or  abandonment  of  property  as  prescribed  by  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  in  accordance  with  sec.  19a  of  act  to  regulate 
commerce,  effective  May  15,  1928.  1928.  [l]+3  p.  (Valuation  order  24.) 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  val.5  :  24 

Regulations  and  instructions  to  govern  recording  and  reporting  of  all 

extensions  and  improvements  or  other  changes  in  physical  property  of  every 
common  carrier  as  prescribed  by  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  in  accord- 
ance with  sec.  19a  of  act  to  regulate  commerce,  effective  Jan.  1,  1919.  2d 
revised  issue.  [Reprint]  1928.  32  p.  1  pi.  (Valuation  order  3,  2d  revised 
issue.)     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1  val.5  :  3/3-2 


Ann  Arl)or  Railroad.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Ann  Arbor 
Railroad  Company  [et  al.]  v.  United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Com- 
mission, appeal  from  district  court  from  northern  district  of  California; 
suggestions  in  opposition  to  motion  for  stay  or  suspension  of  operation  of 
order  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  pending  appeal.  1928.  cover-title, 
1+32  p.    $  J  1.13  :  An  71/2 

Barford,  C.  E.  No.  2719,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit.  United 
States  versus  C.  A.  Lindgren,  administrator  of  C.  E.  Barford  et  al. ;  reply 
brief  for  appellant.    1928.    cover-title,  11  p.    J  J  1.13  :  B  238/2 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    following    Contents 

May,  1928  1039 

Bell  &  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-116,  Bell  and  Company  and  Holliugs- 
Smith  Company,  affiliated  corporations,  vs.  United  States ;  stipulation  of 
facts.     [1928.]  *  p.    5-8.     $  J  1.13 :  B  413/a 

Bettj/,  Elio.  No.  913,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Elio  Betty  v.  Benja- 
min M.  Day,  commissioner  of  immigration  at  port  of  New  York,  on  petition 
for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for 
respondent  in   opposition.     1928.     cover-title,   i+14  p.     $  J  1.13 :  B  466/6 

Castner,  Curran  d  Bullitt,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-381,  Cast- 
ner.  Curran  &  Bullitt,  Inc.,  t'.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report 
of  commissioner  and  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  in  lieu  of 
findings  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     p.  1-33.     %  J  1.13  :C  279/3 

Chase  Securities  Corporation.  No.  921,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Chase  Securities  Corporation  [et  al.]  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ 
of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  i+ 12  p.     t  J  1.13:0  386/11 

Chesapeake  and  Potomac  Telephone  Company.  No.  A-233,  in  Court  of  Claims, 
Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone  Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
brief  in  opposition  to  motion  for  new  trial.  1928.  cover-title,  i+517- 
538  p.     t  J  1.13  :  C  424/11 

Chin  Toy.  No.  927,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Chin  Toy  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+5  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  C  441/24 

Chin  Wah  Kee.  No.  926,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Chin  Wah  Kee  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  cex'tiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  5th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+6  p.     t  J  1.13  :  C  441/23 

Claims.  Judgment  against  Government  by  District  Courts,  records  of  judg- 
ments rendered  against  Government  by  District  Courts  in  special  cases. 
May  12,  1928.     6  p.     (H.  doc.  281,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  against  United  States,  records  of  judgments  rendered  against 

Government  by  District  Courts.  May  12,  1928.  8  p.  (H.  doc.  279,  70tb 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  rendered  against  Government  by  district  court  for  northern 

district  of  California,  records  of  judgments  rendered  against  Government 
[under  Treasury  Department]  by  district  court  for  northern  district  of 
California,  as  submitted  by  Attorney  General  through  Secretary  of  Ti-easury. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.     11  p.     (S.  doc.  125,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  rendered  against  Government  by  District  Courts,  records  of 

judgment  rendered  against  Government  by  District  Courts  under  public 
vessels    act.     May    12,    1928.    8    p.     (H.    doc.    283,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  rendered  against  Government  by  District  Courts,  records  of 

judgment  rendered  against  Government  by  District  Courts  [under  War 
Department].     May    12,    1928.     3    p.     (H.    doc.    282,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  rendered  against  United  States,  Treasury  Department,  rec- 
ords of  judgments  rendered  against  Government  by  district  court  for  northern 
district  of  California.  May  12,  1928.  7  p.  (H.  doc.  284,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Judgments  rendered  by  Court  of  Claims,  list  of  judgments  rendered  by 

Court  of  Claims.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  127, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

■ Judgments  rendered  by  Court  of  Claims,  list  of  judpnents  rendered  by- 
Court  of  Claims  which  have  been  submitted  by  Attorney  General  through 
Secretary  of  Treasury,  and  require  appropriation  for  their  payment.  May 
12.  1928.     4  p.     (H.  doc.  280,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

1040       *  ^Y'  1^2^ 

Ciyrtez  Oil  Company.  No.  867,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Cortez  Oil 
Company  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to.  Court  of 
Claims  ■  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title,  1+12  p.  t 
^  '  J  1.13 :  C  818/2 

DHskill  David  B.  No.  925,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  David  B. 
Driskill  v  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuir  emit 
of  appeals  for  9th  circuit:  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928. 
cover-title,  i+16  p.     t  J  11'^  :  D  833 

mmer  Candy  Company,  Incorporated.     No.  — ,  in   Supreme  Court,   Oct.  term, 

1927,  John  Y.  Fauntleroy,  former  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  collection 
district  of  Louisiana,  v.  Elmer  Candy  Company,  Inc. :  petition  for  writ  of  cer- 
tiorari to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit  and  brief  in  support  thereof. 

1928.  cover-title,  i +11  p.  %  J  1.13:  El  63 
[Opinion  of  court,  filed  Feb.  2,  1928,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  cir- 
cuit, no.  5213,  Elmer  Candy  Company,  Inc.,  versus  John  Y.  Fauntleroy,  former 
collector  of  internal  revenue  for  collection  district  of  Louisiana,  error  to  dis- 
trict court  for  eastern  district  of  Louisiana.]      [1928.]     p.  55-59.     | 

J  1.13  :  El  63/2 

First  National  Pictures,  Incorporated.  In  equity,  no.  — ,  in  district  court  for 
southern  district  of  New^  York,  United  States  r.  First  National  Pictures,  Inc.. 
et  al. ;  petition.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+58  p.     t  J  1.13  :  F  519/6 

Fisler,  John.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E^50,  John  Fisler  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's 
request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  147-178.     + 

J  1.13  :  F  .^49 

Frankle  Brothers  Company.  United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  cir- 
cviit,  Frankle  Brothers  Company  vs.  Carl  F.  Routzahn,  collector  of  internal 
revenue ;  motion  to  dismiss  writ  of  error  or  affirm  judgment  of  lower  court 
and  brief  in  support  of  motion.    1928.    cover-title,  1+23  p.    J      J  1.13  :  F  854/6 

Gibboney,  D.  Clarence.  No.  936,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Thomas  J. 
Norris  and  Clarence  Gibboney,  jr.,  administrators  c.  t.  a.  of  D.  Clarence  Gib- 
boney,  r.  Howard  Sutherland,  as  Alien  Property  Custodian,  and  Frank  White, 
ns  Treasurer  of  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
■of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  Alien  Property  Custodian  and  Treasurer 
of  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i +12  p.     %  J  1.13  :G  352 

<rreat  Lakes  Steamship  Company.  In  equity,  no.  2456,  in  district  court  for 
northern  district  of  Ohio,  United  States  v.  Great  Lakes  Steamship  Company 
et  al. ;  final  decree.     1928.     cover-title,  4  p.     $  J  1.13 :  G  798/19 

Ouettel,  Henry  A.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-210,  Martha  A.  Guettel  and 
Arthur  Guettel,  individually,  and  Martha  A.  Guettel  and  Henry  A.  Auerbach, 
trustees  for  Edward  Guettel  under  will  of  Henry  A.  Guettel,  v.  United  States ; 
defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  3&-42.     $ 

J  1.13  :  G  938 

Higgins,  Eugene.  In  Court  of  Claims,  petition  no.  F-136,  Eugene  Higglns  v. 
United  States  ;  stipulation  of  facts.     [1928.]     p.  25-27.    t  J  1.13  :  H  535 

JBoufjhton,  Henry  W.  No.  870,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Henry  W. 
Houghton  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  4th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+7  p.     I  J  1.13  :  H  814/6 

Hudson  Navigation  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-391,  Middleton  S.  Bor- 
land, receiver  of  Hudson  Navigation  Company,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's 
excepticms  to  report  of  commissioner  filed  Mar.  10,  1925.  [1928.]  p.  29- 
52.     I  J  1.13  :  H  869/6 

Jennings,  Frederic  B.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  J-152,  Laura  H.  Jennings,  execu- 
trix of  Frederic  B.  Jennings,  v.  United  States;  demurrer.  [1928.]  p.  7- 
i2.     I  J  1.13  :  J  443 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    following    Contents 


May,  1928  1041 

Kales,  Mrs.  Alice  G.  United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit,  Alice 
G.  Kales  v.  Fred  L.  Woodworth.  individually  and  as  collector  of  internal 
revenue,  1st  district  of  :Michigan ;  brief  and  reply  brief  for  defendant  in  error. 
1928.    cover-title,  iii+52  p.     t  J  1-13  :  K  124/3 

Kastel,  Phil.  No.  939.  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term.  1927,  Phil  Kastel  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+8  p.    t 

J  1.13  :  K  155 

Kemsley,  Millhonrn  &  Co.,  Limited.  No.  886,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927, 
Kemsley,  Millbourn  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  v.  Frank  K.  Bowers,  as  collector  of  internal 
revenue  for  2d  district  of  New  York,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  cir- 
cuit court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.  1928. 
cover-title,  i+7  p.    $  J  1.13  :  K  329 

Kendrick  Coal  and  Dock  Company.  No.  8105,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th 
circuit,  Kendrick  Coal  and  Dock  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  reve- 
nue, on  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  respondent. 
1928.    cover-title,  ii +26  p.    t  J  1.13  :  K  349 

Kessler  Motor  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-219,  Kessler  Motor  Com- 
pany V.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  iindings  of  fact  and  brief  on 
new  trial.     [1928.]     p.  131-166.     t  J  1.13  :K  485/5 

Lash's  Products  Company.  No.  858,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Lash's 
Products  Company  v.  United  States,  on  i)etition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
Court  of  Claims ;    brief  for  United  States.     1928.     cover-title,  i-f  6  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  L  334/5 

Latham,  Edgar  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  J-252,  Edgar  H.  Latham  v.  United 
States;    demurrer.     [1928.]     p.  19-24.     t  J  1.13  :L 347 

Leiois-Hall  Iron  Works.  No.  873,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Lewis- 
Hall  Iron  Works  v.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Appe:  1  of  District  of  Columbia; 
brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-iitle,  i-j-lS  p.     t 

.     J  1.13  :  L  589/6 

Lupfer  &  Remick.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-344.  Edward  P.  Lupfer  and 
Frederick  N.  Remick,  doing  business  as  Lupfer  &  Remick,  v.  United  States : 
defendant's  statement  of  case,  request  for  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of 
law,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  67-75.     %  J  1.13  :L  973/2 

McDonald,  Daniel  M.  No.  945,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Daniel 
Michael  McDonald  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States.  1928. 
cover-title,  i+5  p.     I  J  1.13  :  M  145/9 

Magen,  Herbert.  No.  896,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Herbert  Magen  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States^  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i-f  8  p.     t  J  1.13  :M  271 

Mastin,  Thomas  H.  No.  347,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  Thomas 
H.  Mastin  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  review  of  decision  of  Board 
of  Tax  Appeals ;   brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  16  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  M  394 

Matthiessen,  Eda.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-573,  Eda  Matthiessen  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  conclusions  of  law  and 
brief.     [1928.]     p.  85-105.     t  J  1.13 :  M  433/3 

Milwaukee  Motor  Products,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-40,  Mil- 
waukee Motor  Products,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  [1928.] 
p.  25-35.     %  J  1.13  :  M  648/3 

Minnehaha  National  Bank  of  Sioux  Falls.  No.  348,  original,  in  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  8th  circuit.  Minnehaha  National  Bank  of  Sioux  Falls,  S.  Dak., 
V.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  appeal  from  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ; 
brief  for  respondent.     1928.     cover-title,  13  p.     $  J  1.13  :  M  666/25 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    following    Contents 

1042  ^^^i  1928 

Morgan's  Louisiana  and  Texas  Railroad  and  Steamship  Company.  In  Court  of 
Claims,  no.  C-1061,  Morgan's  Louisiana  &  Texas  Railroad  &  Steamship 
Company  v.  United  States;    defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  11-12.     X 

J  1.13  :  M  823/3 

National  Candy  Company.  No.  F-90,  in  Court  of  Claims,  National  Candy 
Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief,  with  request  for  findings. 
1928.     cover-title,  ii+ 123-160  p.     t  J  1.13  :  N  213/51 

New  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railway.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1069, 
New  Orleans,  Texas  &  Mexico  Railway  Company  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's brief.     [1928.]     p.  11-12.     t  J  1.13  :N  420/9 

New  York  and  Cuia  Mail  Steamship  Company.  Judgment  rendered  against 
Government  under  public  vessels  act,  record  of  judgment  rendered  against 
Government  by  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Pennsylvania  [in  favor 
of  New  York  i&  Cuba  Mail  Steamship  Co.]  \mder  public  vessels  act,  as 
submitted  by  Attorney  General  through  Secretary  of  Treasury.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  126,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Niagara  Junction  Railvyay.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  J-153,  Niagara  Junction 
Railway  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  demurrer  [and]  brief  in 
support    of    demurrer.     [1928.]         p.    9-13.     t  J  1.13 :  N  51 

Opinions.  [Oflacial  opinions  of  Attorneys  General]  v.  35,  [signatures]  24-28. 
[1928.]     p.  367-446. 

L.  C.  card  12^0693  J  1.5/a  :  35/24-28 

Note. — The  opinions  of  the  Attorney  General  are  first  Issued  in  signatures  being 
published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Subscribers  may  deposit  75c.  with  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  and  receive  the  contents  of  a  volume  of  the  opinions  in  separate 
parts  as  they  are  issued.  Prices  for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Paramoiint  Famous  Lasky  Corporation.  In  equity,  no.  — ,  in  district  court  for 
southern  district  of  New  York,  United  States  v.  Paramount  Famous  Lasky 
Corporatiton  et  al. ;  petition.    1928.    cover-title,  ii+146  p.    $       J  1.13  :  P  212/3 

Pocono  Pines  Assem,bly  Hotels  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-512, 
Pocono  Pines  Assembly  Hotels  Company  v.  United  States ;  plea  in  abatement 
[1928.]     p.  135-144.     |  J  1.13  :  P  751/2 

Red  Wing  Linseed  Company.  No.  337,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  cir- 
cuit. May  term,  1928,  Red  Wing  Linseed  Company  v.  David  H.  Blair,  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of 
Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  respondent,  on 
motion  to  dismiss.    1928.    cover-title,  6  p.     $  J  1.13  :  R  245/5 

Richardson,  William  K.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  200-A,  William  King  Richardson 
V.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
p.  43-46.     %  J  1.13  :  R  397 

Rios,  Salvadore.  No.  944,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States 
ex  rel.  Salvadore  Rios  v.  Benjamin  M.  Day,  commissioner  of  immigration  at 
port  of  New  York,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title,  i-l-9 
p.     *  J  1.13  :  R  479 

Rodman  Chemical  Company.  No,  853,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Rod- 
man Chemical  Company  et  al.  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  cer- 
tiorari to  Court  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i-f  10  p.     t  J  1.13  :R  618/6 

St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon  Railway.  Nos.  980  and  981,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct. 
term,  1927,  St.  Louis  and  O'Fallod^  Railway  Company  and  Manufacturers' 
Railway  Company  v.  United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission; 
United  States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  v.  St.  Louis  and  O'Fallon 
Railway  Company  and  Manufacturers'  Railway  Company,  appeals  from  dis- 
trict court  for  eastern  district  of  Missouri ;  motion  to  advance.  1928.  cover- 
title,  3  p.     t  J  i.i3:Sa24/41 

How   to   order  publications — See   information   following    Contents 

May,  1928  1043 

St.  Paul  Abstract  Company.  No.  342,  original,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
Stli  circuit,  St.  Paul  Abstract  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  respondent. 
1928.     cover-title,  ii+29  p.     t  J  113  :  Sa  24/42 

Smith,  Robert  H.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1145,  Julian  S.  Smith  and  Chap- 
man S.  Clark  [trustees  under  will  of  Robert  H.  Smith]  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.     [1928.]     p.  1-25.     % 

J  1.13 :  Sm  61 

Southern  Pacific  Railroad.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  B-371,  Southern  Pacific 
Railroad  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  29-36.    t 

J  1.13  :  So  8/93 

Spirou,  George  A.  No.  887,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  George  A. 
Spirou  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i-l-7  D.     t  J1.13:Sp48 

Standard  Oil  Company.  In  equity,  no.  4131,  in  district  court  for  northern  dis- 
trict of  Illinois,  eastern  division,  United  -States  v.  Standard  Oil  Company 
(Indiana)  et  al. ;  brief  for  United  States  in  support  of  its  motion  to  recom- 
mit and  its  exceptions  to  master's  report.  1928.  cover-title,  iii+120  p.  large 
8»    t  J  1.13  :  St  24/57 

Stauffer,  Eshleman  d  Co.,  Limited.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-24,  Stauffer, 
Eshleman  &  Company,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  request  for  findings 
of  fact  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  31-64.    t  J  113 :  St  29/6 

Swan,  Raymond  D.  No.  903,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Raymond  D. 
Swan  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  3d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i-f  5  p.     $  J  1.13  :  Sw  24/2 

Thayer-West  Point  Hotel  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  J-229,  Edward 
J.  Kelly,  trustee  in  bankruptcy  of  Thayer-West  Point  Hotel  Corporation  v. 
United  States  ;  defendant's  demurrer.     [1928.]    p.  20-31.    %  J  1.13  :  T  339 

Tom  Luey.  No.  932,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Tom  Luey  v.  United 
States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover- title,  i+4  p.    t 

J  1.13  :  T  59 

Toione,  Mrs.  Harriet  N.  No.  H-107,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Robert  E.  Safford 
and  William  Mason  Smith,  as  executore  of  Harriet  Nye  Towne,  v.  United 
States ;  defendant's  objections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact, 
defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+127-156  p.     t  J  1.13  :T  661 

Twin  City  Tile  and  Marble  Company.     No.  8133,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals 

for  8th  circuit.  Twin  City  Tile  and  M&rble  Company  v.  commissioner   of 

internal  revenue,  on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals; 

brief  for  appellee.    1928.    cover-title,  i+25  p.     $  J  1.13  :  T  923/5 

Universal  Rubber  Products  Company.  No.  3629,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  3d  circuit.  Mar.  term,  1928,  in  matter  of  Universal  Rubber  Products 
Company,  bankrupt,  H.  M.  Stephens,  trustee  of  Universal  Rubber  Products 
Company,  bankrupt,  v.  D.  B.  Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  23d 
district  of  Pennsylvania  and  United  States,  appeals  from  district  court  for 
western  district  of  Pennsylvania ;  brief  for  appellees.  1928.  cover-title, 
ii+20  p.     t  J  1.13  :  Un  3/140 

Wells  Manufacturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H^4,  Wells  Manu- 
facturing Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  23-25.    t 

J  1.13  :  W  462/7 

Western  Knitting  Mills.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  J-29,  Western  Knitting  Mills, 
Wallace  G.  Kay,  and  Kay  &  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
demurrer  to  petition  [and]  defendant's  memorandum  brief  in  support  of  its 
demurrer  to  petition.     [1928.]     p.  31-34.     t  J  113 :  W  525/23 

How    to    order   publications — See    Information    follovrlns    Contents 

1044  May,  1928 

Worthmgton  Pump  wnd  Machinery  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
F-375  Wcirthington  Pump  &  Machinery  Corporation  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  63-74.     J 

J  1.13  :  W  899/5 



Publications.  Popular  publications.  [Edition  of]  Jan.  3,  1928.  1928.  4  p. 
narrow  12"     t  L  5.2 :  P  96 

Vital  statistics.  Is  your  child's  birth  recorded?  [It  is  important  that  it  should 
be.]  [Revised  Mar.  15,  1928.]  [1928.]  [3]  p.  il.  4°  ([Dodger  no.  3  re- 
vised.] )  t  ^  5-^^  =  2/^ 

Employment  agencies.  Monthly  report  of  activities  of  State  and  municipal 
employment  services  cooperating  with  U.  S.  Employment  Service,  Mar.  1928. 

L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  928/3 

Industi-ial  employment  information  hulletvn,  Apr.  1928;  v.  8,  no.  4.  [1928.] 
24  p.  4°       [Monthly.]     t 

L.  0.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8:  928/4 

Posters.  Harvest  hands,  1928  harvest  will  start  soon  in  big  wheat  belt,  secure 
accurate  and  reliable  information  before  starting;  [aU  lettered  poster]. 
[1928.]  21X1G  in.  [Issued  by  U.  S.  Farm  Labor  Division,  Kansas  City, 
Mo.l     t  L  7.7:1126/5/928 

Wheat.     Harvesting  in  big  wheat  belt,  1928;   [prepared  in  U.  S.  Farm  Labor 
Division,  Kansas  City,  Mo.].    May  1,  1928.     [l]-t-8+[2]  p.     ([Bulletin  H-28; 
Farm  labor  series.])     t 
L.  C.  card  L  27-59  L  7.12/3  :  H-28 


BuilWkigs.     Building    expenditures,  1921-27,    trend    toward    apartment    house 

livins:  in  American  cities  based  on   building  permit  reports.     1928.      [1]-}- 
14  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  28-132  L  2.2  :B  86/2 

Building  permits,    1927    [in   principal   cities   of   United    States].     1928. 

[l]-fl7p.     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-165  L  2.2 :  B  86 

Emploi/ment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries,  Apr.  1928.     1928.     [l]+20  p. 
il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9 :  928/4 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  26,  no.  5;  May,  1928.  1928.  vi 4-210  p.  il.  [This  pub- 
lication bears  also  the  volume  pagination  885-1094.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6 :  26/6 

Special  articles.— Cost  of  medical  service. — Recreational  activities  of  labor  organi- 
zations.— Conciliation  work  of  Department  of  Labor,  Mar.  1928 ;  by  Hugli  L.  Kerwin. — 
Statistics  of  immigration,  Feb.  1928 ;  by  J.  J.  Kunna. 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
employment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  Investigations  too  brief  for  bulletin 
purposes,  notices  of  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal  court 
decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention  before 
they  could  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One  free  sub- 
scription will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  compensation 
commissions,  and  other  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor  laws  and 
organizations  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics.  Others 
desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington, 
D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.    Index  numbers  of  wholesale  prices  on  pre-war  base,  1890-1927.     1928. 
[11+50  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  L  28^103  L  2.2  :  W  62/2 

Hove   to   order  publications — See   information   foUoTrlns   Contents 

May,  1928  1045 

Prices — Continued . 

Wholesale    prices    of    commodities    for    Apr.    1928.     1928.     [1]+14    p. 

[Monthly.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  22-229  L  2.8 :  928/4 

Recreational  actimties  of  labor   organizations.     [1928.]     p.   5-20.     [This   pub- 
lication bears  also  the  volume  pagination  889-904.     From  Monthly  labor  re- 
view. May,  1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  R  245/2 

Chin  Ban-.  Supreme  Court,  no.  237,  Oct.  term,  1926  (274  U.  S.  657-675),  Weedin, 
commissioner  of  immigration,  r.  Chin  Bow,  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  ap- 
peals for  9th  circuit;  [opinion  of  court]  decided  June  6,  1927.  [1928.]  9  p. 
[This  case  deals  with  the  question  of  citizenship  in  the  United  States  and 
is  printed  for  the  information  of  field  oflBcers  of  the  Naturalization  Bureau 
and  others  concerned.]     t  L  6.6  :  C  441 

Manssi.  Mrs.  Amalia.  Supreme  Court,  no.  204,  Oct.  term,  1927,  United  States  v. 
Amalia  Manzi.  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit ;  [opinion 
of  court]  Apr.  9,  1928.  [1928.]  2  p.  [This  case  deals  with  the  question  of 
citizenship  in  the  United  States  and  is  printed  for  the  information  of  field 
ofiicers  of  the  Naturalization  Bureau  and  others  concerned.]     t     L6.6:  M  319 


Readi/tig  room,  location  of  classes  [in  bookstacks  and  various  divisions  of 
library.  Mar.  31.  1928].     [1928.]     6  p.  1,1.  1  pi.  narrow  16'     t       LC1.2:R22/& 

S/jecifl/ /an7?7;'c6- and  rei-Tilations  for  research.     [1928.]     [l]-|-6  p.  12°     t 


Subject  headings.  Additions  and  changes  for  list  of  subject  headings  [3d  edi- 
tion], note  1 ;  May  5,  1928.     [1928.]     1  p.  oblong  48"     t       LC  9.6/3  :3/l/note  1 


Sul)ject  headings.  Additions  and  changes  for  L.  C.  list  of  subject  headings,  3d 
ed.,  list  1;  Jan.  1-Mar.  31,  1928.  1928.  1  card,  oblong  48°  [Sample  card.] 
t  LC  9.6/3  :  3/1 

List  of  subject  headings,  3d  ed.,  additions  and  changes,  list  1 ;  Jan.-Apr. 

1928.     [1928.]     4  cards,  oblong  48°     [Issued  also  on  gummed  paper.] 

LC  9.6/3 :  3/1 

Note. — In  response  to  numerous  requests,  slips  containing  lists  of  additions  and 
changes  for  the  3d  edition  of  the  List  will  be  supplied  monthly,  excepting  months  during 
which  there  are  too  few  to  Justify  the  printing  of  a  slip.  They  will  be  printed  on  one 
side  only,  in  n  form  adapted  to  the  space  into  which  they  are  to  fit,  and  will  be 
supplied  on  card  stock  or  thin  gummed  paper,  according  to  preference.  They  will  be 
numbered  consecutively  and  show  the  period  covered.  With  the  list  for  December 
will  he  sent  a  charge  slip  for  the  issues  supplied  during  the  calendar  year  at  8c. 
each.     These  slip  lists  will  be  kept  in  stock  until  the  4th  edition  of  the  List  is  issued, 


Copyright.  [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books, 
V.  25]  no.  22-32;  May,  1928.  May  2-25,  1928.  p.  337-512.  [Issued  several 
times  a  week.] 

L.  C.  card  6-35347  LC  3.6/1 :  25/1-22  to  132 

Note. — Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1.  relates  to  books  ;  pt.  1, 
group  2.  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
tures ;  pt.  2,  to  periodicals ;  pt,  3,  to  musical  compositions ;  pt.  4,  to  works  of  art, 
reproductions  of  a  work  of  art.  drawings  or  plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical 
character,    photographs,    prints,    and    pictorial    illustrations. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalogue  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  to  the  Register  of  Copyrights. 
Prices  are  as  follows:  Paper,  $5.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.  unbound),  foreign  subscription.  $7.00; 
pt.  1  (groups  1  and  2),  5c,  single  copv  (group  li,  2.5c,  single  copy  (group  2t,  .fl.50 
a  yr.,  foreign  subscription.  $2.75  ;  pt.  3,  25c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr.,  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, $2.00;  pts.  2  and  4,  each  25c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.20. 

How    to    order   publications — See   Information    following    Contents 

1046  '^^^^  1^28 

Oopyrwhl — Continued. 

Same,   pt.   3,    Musical   compositions,   v.   23,    no.    1.     1928.     v +1-130   p. 

[Monthly.]  LC  3.6/3  :  23/1 

Same,   pt.  3.  Musical   compositions,   v.   23,   no.   2.     1928.     v+139-264  p. 

[Monthlv.    Page  numbers  131-138  liave  been  incorrectly  omitted.] 

LC  3.6/3 :  23/2 

Same,  pt.  4,  Works  of  art,  reproductions  of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or 

plastic  works  of  scientific  or  technical  character,  photographs,  prints,  and 
pictorial  illustrations,  v.  22,  no.  4  [with  index  and  title-page  to  new  series, 
pt.  4,  V.  22,  nos.  1-4,  calendar  year  1927.]  1928.  iii+313^61+[l]  p. 
£Quarterly. ]  LC  3.6/4 :  22/4 


^ate  publications.     Monthly  check-list   of   State  publications   received   during 
Feb.  1928 ;  v.  19,  no.  2.     1928.     p.  49-107.     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a 
jr. :  foreign  subscription,   $1.25. 
I..   C.  card  10-8924  LC  7.6:  928/2 


Aeronautics.     Bibliography   of   aeronautics,   1925;    [by   Paul   Brockett].     1928. 
vii-f  189  p.  large  8°     [This  work  covers  the  literature  published  from  Jan.  1 
to  Dec.  31,  1925.]     *  Paper,  50c. 
li.  C.  card  21-26313  Y  3.N  21/5 :  7/925 

Resume  of  advances  in  theoretical  aeronautics  made  by  Max  M.  Munk 

[with    lists    of    references]  ;    by    Joseph    S.    Ames.     Reprint    1928.     cover- 
title,  46  p.  il.  4°     (Report  213.)      [Report  213  originally  published  Mar.  1925.] 
*  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26294  T  3.N  21/5  :  5/213-2 

Airfoils.     Aerodynamic  characteristics  of  airfoils,  5  [continuation  of  Reports  93, 
124,  182,  and  244].     1928.     cover-title,  p.  331-379,  il.  4°     (Report  286.)      [Text 
and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26356  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/286 

Nozzles.    Differential   pressures   on   pitot-venturi   and   pitot-static   nozzle   over 
360°  pitch  and  yaw  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  R.  M.  Bear.     Reprint  1928. 
cover-title,  9  p.  il.  4"     (Report  264.)     (Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3 
of  cover.    Report  264  originally  published  July,  1927.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26755  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/264-2 

Spray  penetration.  Some  factors  affecting  reproducibility  of  penetration  and 
cut-off  of  oil  sprays  for  fuel-injection  engines  [with  references  and  bibliog- 
raphy] ;  by  E.  G.  Beardsley.  Reprint  1928.  cover-title,  10  p.  il.  4°  (Report 
258.)  [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Report  258  originally 
published  Feb.  1927.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26215  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/258-2 

Stiperchargiers.  Comparative  performance  of  Roots  type  aircraft  engine  super- 
chargers as  affected  by  change  in  impeller  speed  and  displacement  [with 
bibliography] ;  by  Marsden  Ware  and  Ernest  E.  Wilson.  1928.  cover-title, 
14  p.  il.  4°  (Report  284.)  [Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.] 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26382  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/284 



Proceedings  of  board  of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer 
Soldiers,  Mar.  15,  1928.     Mar.  1928.     [v.  5]  p.  1-10.     [Quarterly.]     t 

NH  1.7 : 5 

How    to    order   publications — «<»e    information    following    Contents 

Mat,  1928  1047 


Clahns.  For  relief  of  contractors,  Navy  Department,  supplemental  estimate  of 
appropriation  for  Navy  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  for  relief  of  contractors, 
claims  of  which  have  been  considered  and  adjusted  by  Secretary  of  Navy. 
May  12,  1928.     3  p.     (H.  doc.  288,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Relief  of  contractors,  Navy  Department,  supplemental  estimate  of  appro- 
priation for  Navy  Department,  fiscal  year  1928.  for  relief  of  contractors. 
May  1,  192S.     op.     (H.  doc.  256,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5e. 

Conrt-martiol  order  3,  1928;  Mar.  31,  1928.     [1928.]     16  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 

N  1.14 :  928/3 

Orders.     General  order  175  [6th  series]  ;   Mar.  28,  1928.     [1928.]     3  p.  4°     t 

N  1.13/6 :  175 


Bulletin.  Index  [to]  Bulletins  of  engineering  information,  nos.  17-30.  June  1» 
1928.     [1]+21  p.     t  N  19.9/2 :  17-30/ind. 

Propellers.  Instructions  for  care  and  repair  of  propellers :  reprint  of  chapter 
11  of  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  [with  corrections].  1928.  [l]+9  p, 
il.  [Corrections  issued  by  Changes  1^  have  been  incorporated  in  this  re- 
print. The  edition  of  the  Manual  of  engineering  instructions  of  whch  this 
chapter  forms  a  part  has  not  yet  been  issued.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  23-26295  N  19.8/2  :  11/1/rev.  928 


Court-nwrtial  orders.  Index  of  Court-martial  orders,  year  ending  Dec.  31.  192T. 
1928.     ii+13  p.  12°     [Court-martial  orders  issued  by  Navy  Department.]     t 

N  1.14 :  927/ind, 


AiHation  medicine.  Medical  aspects  of  naval  aviation ;  by  F.  Ceres.  I92SI 
[ll-j-ll  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26, 
no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Av  52/9 

Chemical  warfare  and  naval  medical  officer  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  E.  "W. 
Brown.  1928.  [l]-f30  p.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin, 
V.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  C  42 

Dentistry.  Dental  diagnosis ;  by  T.  L.  Sampsell.  1928.  8  p.  [From  United 
States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  D  434/5- 

Dental  observations  on  annual  physical   examination ;   by  L.   C.   Frost. 

1928.     [l]-f-ll   p.   il.      [From  United   States   naval  medical  bulletin,   v.   26, 
no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  D  434/4 

Esophagus.  Method  for  complete  dilatation  of  cicatricial  stenosis  of  esophagus  ; 
by  C.  M.  Shaar.  1928.  4  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Es  59 

Eookicorm  as  new  health  problem  in  St.  Croix;  by  T.  H.  Hayes.  1928.  [IJ+U 
p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t 

N  10.11/la  :  H  im/Z 

Leukemia.  Acute  lymphoblastic  leukemia  [with  report  of  cases]  ;  by  K.  C 
Satterlee  and  F.  W.  Walker.  1928.  [l]-}-4  p.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  L  572? 

Malaria.  Notes  on  malaria  survey  at  Part  [Port]  de  Paix,  Haiti;  by  P.  W. 
Wilson.  1928.  [l]-f4  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bul- 
letin. V.  26.  no.  2.]     t  N  lO.ll/la  :  M  291/7 

Outbreak  of  malaria  among  civilian  population  of  Olongapo,  P.  I. ;  by 

J.  H.  Robbins.     1928.     [1]+11  p.     [From  United  States  naval  medical  tafl- 
letin,  V.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  M  2.91M 

Ho^   to    order  publications — See   information   follo^vlng    Contents 

1048  ^^^'  1^28 

Pineal  gland.  Pineal  shadow,  diagnostic  landmark  [with  list  of  references]  ; 
by  O.  B.  Spalding.  1928.  [l]+6  p.  il.  1  pi.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  P  652 

Rabies  in  Haiti ;  by  G.  C.  Thomas.  1928.  [1]  +5  p.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10  11/la  :  R 112 

Respiration.  Physiology  of  respiration  in  relationship  to  problems  of  naval 
medicine,  pt.  1,  continued  [with  list  of  references]  and  pt.  2  [with  list  of  ref- 
erences] ;  by  Eugene  F.  Du  Bois.  1928.  [l]+24  p.  il.  [From  United  States 
naval  medical  bulletin,  V.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la :  R  312/2 

Sodium  thiosulphate  in  treatment  of  syphilis  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  J.  W. 
Kimbrough.  1928.  [l]+6  p.  [From  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin, 
V.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Sy  79/11 

Surgery.  Surgical  case;  by  W.  H.  Michael.  1928.  [l]+4  p.  [From  United 
States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  Su  77/2 

Tonsillectomy;  by  W.  S.  Sargent.  1928.  [l]+8  p.  [From  United  States  naval 
medical  bulletin,  V.  26,  no.  2.]     t  N  10.11/la  :  T  616 


Aviation  seamanship,  information  for  deck  petty  officers  and  certain  aviation 
ratings  preparing  for  advancement  in  rating,  course  prepared  by  Training 
Division,  Lowering  plane  from  ship.  Handling  boats  in  vicinity  of  planes. 
Towing,  Hoisting  planes,  Going  alongside  crashed  plane,  Fueling  planes. 
1928.     [2]     (Navy  training  courses.)     I  N  17.25  :  Av  5 

Naval  Academy,  Annapolis.     Regulations  governing  admission  of  candidates  into 
Naval  Academy  as  midshipmen,  June,  1928.     1928.     ii+30  p.  il.     [Text  on 
verso  of  front  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-32069  N  12.7  :  928 

Quartei-masters,  Navy.  Instructions  and  exercises  for  seamen  Ic  in  prepara- 
tion for  rating  of  quartermaster  3c,  course  in  28  assignments,  assignments  1-5, 
Qualifications,  general  duties.  Watches,  emergencies.  Log  book.  1928.  [1]  + 
46  p.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t  N  17.25 :  Q  2/4/assi.  1-5 

Same,  assignments  6-9,   Compass,  Barometer,  leads,   sounding  machine. 

Patent  log,  telescope,  binocular,  Searchlights,  navigation  lights,  speed  cones, 
engine  room  telegraph,  whistle,  siren,  towing  spar,  steering  gear.  1928. 
[l]-f56  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     $  N  17.25  :  Q  2/4/assi.  6-9 


Note.- — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are  sup- 
plied free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port,  Panama 
Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  and  Duluth. 

Asia.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  123,  Asiatic  pilot,  v.  2, 
corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources  from 
date  of  publication  (Jan.  15,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii-|-52  leaves,  il.    t 

N  6.8 :  123/920-8 

Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  124,  Asiatic  pilot,  v.  3,  cor- 
rections and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources  from  date 
of  publication  (Nov.  1,  1919)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii-f  36  leaves,  il.     t 

N  6.8 :  124/919-9 

Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  162,  Asiatic  pilot,  v.  6,  cor- 
rections and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources  from  date 
of  publication   (Dec.  17,  1923)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+29  leaves,     t 

N  6.8 :  162/923-5 

HoTv   to   order  publications — See    Information   followlngr   Contents 

May,  1928  1049 

Atlantic  Ocean.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  OflBce  publication  134,  East  At- 
lantic pilot,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (Apr.  30,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii+ 
48  leaves,  il.     t  N  6.8 :  134/920-7 

Australia.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  169,  Australian  pilot, 
V.  3,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources 
from  date  of  pubUcation  (May  10,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii+56 
leaves,     t  N  6.8  :  169/920-8 

Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  170,  Australian  pilot,  v.  4, 

corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources  from 
date  of  publication  (May  14,  1920)   to  Jan.  1,  1928.     1928.     ii+32  leaves,     t 

N  6.8 :  170/920-8 

Baltic  Sea.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  143,  Baltic  pilot, 
V.  2,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources 
from  date  of  publication  (Jan.  2.  1920)  to  Jan.  1.  1928.  1928.  ii-H60  leaves, 
il.     i  N  6.8 :  143/920-9 

Biscay,  Bay  of.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  133,  Bay  of 
Biscay  pilot,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (Oct.  9,  1926)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii+8 
leaves,     t  N  6.8  :  133/926-3 

British  ColumUa.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  176,  British 
Columbia  pilot,  v.  2,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and 
other  sources  from  date  of  publication  (Mar.  5,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928. 
iH-64  leaves,  il.     t  N  6.8 :  176/920-9 

East  Indies.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  164,  East  Indies 
pilot,  V.  2,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  aud  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (May  28,  1923)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii-H 
16  leaves,     t  N  6.8  :  164/923-6 

Qreat  Britain.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  145,  British 
Islands  pilot,  v.  2,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and 
other  sources  from  date  of  publication  (Jan.  2,  1924)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+38  leaves,     f  N  6.8  :  145/924-5 

Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  146,  British  Islands  pilot. 

V.  3,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources 
from  date  of  publication  (June  17,  1923)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii-|-18 
leaves,     t  N  6.8 :  146/923-5 

Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  149,  British  Islands  pilot, 

V.  6,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources 
from  date  of  publication  (Oct.  3,  1925)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii-1-17 
leaves,     t  N  6.8 :  149/925-3 

Hydrographic  bulletin,  weekly,  no.  2017-21;  May  2-29,  1928.  1928.  Each  1  p. 
f°  and  large  4°  [For  Ice  supplements  to  accompany  uos.  2017-21,  see  below 
under  center  head  Charts  the  subhead  Ice.]     t  N  6.3:  2017-21 

Lights.  List  of  lights,  with  fog  signals  [including  unifonn  time  system]  :  v.  2, 
South  and  east  coasts  of  Africa  and  Asia,  East  Indies,  Australia,  New  Zea- 
land, and  South  Sea  Isles;  corrected  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii+529  p.  map. 
([Publication]   31.)     t  Paper,  75c.  N  6.8:  31/928 

Mediterranean  Sea.  Supplement  to  HydrogTaphic  Office  publication  154, 
Mediterranean  pilot,  v.  4,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners 
and  other  sources  from  date  of  publication  (June  27.  1925)  to  Jan.  1.  1928. 
1928.     ii-f22  leaves,     t  N6.8:  154/925-^ 

New  Zealand.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  171,  New 
Zealand  pilot,  corrections,  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (May  21,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+46  leaves,     t  N  6.8  :  171/920-9 

Notice  to  aviators  5,  1928;  May  1  [1928].     [1928.]     3  p.  12°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26958  N  6.25 :  928/5 

How    to    order   publications — See    information    follofrins:    Cnntfn*" 


May.  1928 

Notice  to  mariners  1&-21,  1928;  May  5-26  [1928].  [1928.]  [xxxi] +450-563 
leaves.     [Weekly.]     t  N  6.11 :  928/1821 

Nova  Scotia,.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  99,  Nova  Scotia 
nilot  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other  sources 
from'  date  of  publication  (Feb.  12,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928.  ii+49  leaves, 
jj     ^  N  6.8 :  99/920-9 

8t  Lawrence  River.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  100,  St. 
Lawrence  pilot  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
source<?  from  date  of  publication  (Oct.  20,  1924)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+ 16  leaves,     t  N  6.8 :  100/924-4 

Scandinavia.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  140,  Scandinavia 
pilot  V  1  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and  other 
sources  from  date  of  publication  (Apr.  16,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928, 
ii+30  leaves,  il.     t  N  6.8 :  140/920-8 

South  America.  Supplement  to  Hydrographic  Office  publication  174,  South 
America  pilot,  v.  3,  corrections  and  additions  from  Notices  to  mariners  and 
other  sources  from  date  of  publication  (Jan.  29,  1920)  to  Jan.  1,  1928.  1928. 
ii+OS  leaves,  il.     [Includes  index  for  chapter  6  of  publication  174.]     t 

N  6.8 :  174/920-9 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calendar  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  June,   1928.     1928.     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N 6.22/2 :  928/6 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.]  June,  1928.     [1928.] 

[2]  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  928/6 


Alfferia-Tums,  Mediterranean  Sea,  Cape  Bougaroni  to  Fratelli  Rocks,  including 
Galite  Channel,  from  French  and  British  surveys  between  1870  and  1883 
[with  insets]  ;  chart  3982.  Natural  scale  1 :  295,068  at  lat.  37°.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  July,  1919,  3d  edition,  Apr.  1928.  25.7X42.8 
in.     t  50c.  N  6.18  :  3982 

Port  de  la  Caile  [Algeria]. 

Tabarka  [Tuuis],  from  French  survey  in  1883. 

Atlantic  Coast  of  United  States,  Boston  to  Cape  Hatteras,  compiled  from  pub- 
lications of  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  with  additions  from  other  sources ; 
chart  942.  Natural  scale  1 :  757,900  at  lat.  39°.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  Oct.  1885,  146th  edition,  Apr.  1928.  45.2X33.2  in.  [For  off- 
shore navigation  only.]     t  70c.  N  6.18 :  942 

Comodora  Rivadavia,  Golfo  San  Jorge,  Argentina,  from  Argentine  Government 
chart  published  in  1923 ;  chart  3912.  Scale  2,000  yds.=4.4  in.,  natural  scale 
1 :  15,127.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1918,  2d  edition, 
Apr.  1928.     20.6X15.9  in.     1 20c.  N  6.18:  3912 

Earth.  Chart  of  the  world  showing  great  circle  distances  and  azimuths  from 
Washington,  D.  C,  to  all  points  on  the  earth's  surface;  chart  5199.  Scale 
1,200  stat.  m.=l  in. ;  1,000  naut.  m.=l  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office, 
May,  1928.  26.1X23.5  in.  [Vessels  should  not  use  this  chart  for  naviga- 
tional purposes.]     t  20c.  N  6.18:  5199 

Elbe  River,  Germany,  North  Sea,  Brunsbuttelkoog  to  Hamburg,  from  latest 
German  surveys ;  with  inset,  Hamburg  and  Altona  harbors ;  chart  4909.  Nat- 
ural scale  1 :  53,205.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Feb.  1915, 
9th  edition,  May,  1928.     24.8X37.3  in.     t  40c.  N  6.18:  4909 

Formosa  I.  (Taiwan  To)  and  Strait,  China  Sea,  from  latest  Japanese  and 
British  surveys;  chart  3176.  Natural  scale  1:680,629  at  lat.  24°.  Washing- 
ton, Hydrographic  Office,  published  June,  1916,  6th  edition,  Apr.  1928.  25.8  X 
38.7  in.     t40c.  N  6.18:  3176 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

May,  1928  1051 

Hokushu.  Anchorages  on  north  and  west  coasts  of  Hoknshu,  Japan ;  chart 
2426.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1918,  2d  edition, 
Apr.  1928.     23X25  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18  :  2426 

Abashiri  Byochi,  north  coast,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1905. 
Mashike  Hakuchi,  west  coast,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1897. 
Monbetsu  Byochi,  north  coast,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1906. 
Yesashi  Byochi,  north  coast,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1906. 

Ice.  Ice  supplement  to  Hydrographic  bulletin ;  issue  239.  Scale  1°  long.==0.3 
in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany 
Hydrographic  bulletin  2017,  May  2,  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  239 

Same;    issue  240.     Scale   1°    long.=0.3    in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  2018, 
May  9,  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2  :  240 

Same;   issue   241.     Scale   1°    long.=^.3   in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  2019, 
May  16,  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2  :  241 

Same;   issue   242.     Scale   1°    long.=0.3   in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  2020,  May 
23,1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  242 

Same;    issue  243.     Scale   1°    long.=^.3   in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  2021,  May 
22  (29),  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  243 

Panama.  Plans  on  north  coast  of  Panama,  Central  America ;  chart  2162. 
Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1904,  4th  edition,  Apr.  1928. 
21.6  X  13.7  in.     t  20c.  N  6.18 :  2162 

Carreto,  Puerto,  from  old  Spanish  plan. 
Isla  de  Pinos  Anchorage,  from  reconnaissance  by  U.  S.  S.  Castine  in  1904. 

Pilot  charts.     Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  June,  1928 ;  chart  3500. 

Scale    1°    long.=0.7    in.     Washington,    Hydrographic    Office,    May    14,    1928. 

23.4X35.1  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 

Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.24  :  928/6 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Cyclonic  storms. 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  July,  1928 ;  chart  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May  14,  1928.  22.6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]         t  10c. 

N  6.17 :  928/7 
Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Cyclonic  storms. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  June,  1928;  chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May  14,  1928.  23.2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.15/1 :  928/6 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Chart  of  the  world,  showing  great  circle  distances  and 
azimuths  from  Washington,  D.  C,  to  all  points  on  the  earth's  surface. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific   Ocean,   July,   1928;   chart  1401.     Scale  1" 

long.=0.2  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May  14,  1928.  23.7X35.3  in, 
[Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bu- 
reau.]    1 10c.  N  6.16  :  928/7 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Tropical  storms  of  eastern  north  Pacific  Ocean,  by 
Willis  Edwin  Hurd ;  [with]  Cyclone  of  Sept.  9-10,  1922,  by  David  Polowe  and  other 

Pilot  chart  of  upper  air,  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  May.  1928 ;  chart  1400a. 

Scale  1°  long.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  Apr.  25,  1928. 
23X31.8  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  bv  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.28 :  928/5 

Note. — Contains  text  on  reverse. 

Superior,  Lake.  Lake  Superior,  Canada,  Middlebrun  Bay  to  Pigeon  River,  in- 
cluding Thunder  Bay,  from  Canadian  Government  survey  in  1903  and  1904; 
chart  5276.  Scale  stat.  m.=0.9  in.,  natural  scale  1:72,489.  Washington, 
Hydrographic  Office,  published  Sept.  1920,  2d  edition,  Apr.  1928.  37X33.7  in. 
t  50c.  N  6.18  :  5276 

Hovr  to  order  pnblicatlons — See  Information  follo'vrlngr  Content* 

109605— 28— No.  401 10 

1052  ^^^>  1^8 

Yangtze  River.  Approaches  to  Yangtze  River,  China,  from  surveys  by  Chinese 
Maritime  Customs  between  1916  and  1924;  chart  3218.  Natural  scale  1: 
121 192  Washington,  Hydrographic  OflSce,  published  Mar.  1916,  10th  edition, 
Apr.  1928.     28.5X40.3  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  3218 


Naval  supplies.  Index  to  specifications  issued  by  Navy  Department  for  naval 
stores  and  material.     Apr.  2,  1928.     vi+42  p.  12°     [Quarterly.]     t 

N  20.6/3 :  928/2 

Supply  Corps,  Navjf.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants;  May  1,  1928.  [1928.]  p.  10371- 
409-|-ieavPs  10409a-h,  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922.]     t  N  20.7/1 :  309 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  $2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  Portuguese 
edition  $1.50  a  year;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  Pan  American 
Union  began  the  publication  of  i  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
subjects:  Agriculture;  Education;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce;  Public  health  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portuguese  bimonthly.  They 
are  not  published  in  English.  The  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each  series  ; 
single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.     Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Alcoholism.  El  deber  del  maestro  en  la  lucha  contra  el  alcoholismo ;  [por  Cora 
Frances  Stoddard].  [1928.]  ii  +  10  p.  (Educacion  no.  40,  Mayo  de  1928.) 
[Del  BolPtin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Mayo,  1928.  Traducido  del  Scientific 
temperance  journal,  Otono  de  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12 
issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  s  40 

ArclKTology.  Investigaciones  arqueol6gicas  en  la  region  Media  Americana  en 
1927,  publicada  por  la  Union  Panamericana  en  cumplimiento  de  la  resolucion 
de  la  quinta  Conferencia  Internacional  Americana  sobre  Proteccion  de  los 
Restos  Arqueologicos ;  [por  S.  G.  Morley].  [1928.]  [1]+16+[1]  p.  il. 
(Arqueologia  Amei*icana  no.  3.)     t  Paper,  5c.  AR1.20:s3 

Argentina,  [foreign  trade  of  Argentina  for  1926]  latest  reports  from  Argentine 
official  .sources.     [1928.]     [l]+24  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  37,  1928.)     t 

AR  1.19 :  37 

Bulletin  (English  edition).     Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  May,  1928;   [v. 

62,  no.  5].     [1928.]     iv+439-545  p.  il.     [Monthly.     For  price,  see  note  above 
under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  8-30967  AR  1.6  :  e62/5 

■    Same.     (H.  doc.  60,  pt.  5,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

{Portuguese   edition).     Boletim   da    Uniao   Pan-Americana,   Maio,    1928, 

edicao   portuguesa ;    [v.    30,    no.    5].     [1928.]     iv+329-411    p.    il.     [Monthly. 
For  price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6 :  p  30/5 

(Spani^li  edition).     Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Mayo,  1928,  sec- 

cion   espanola;    [v.   62,   no.   5].     [1928.]     iv+447-568  p.   il.     [Monthly.     For; 

price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6 :  s  62/5  j 

Honduras  [foreign  trade  of  Honduras  for  1926-27]  Latest  reports  from  Hon- 
duran  official  sources.  [1928.]  [l]+6  p.  (Foreign  trade  series  no.  38, 
1928.)     t  AR  1.19;  38* 

New  Year  of  tropical  American  indigenes  [New  Year  festival  of  ancient  inhab- 
itants of  tropical  America  and  its  revival;  by  Zelia  Nuttall].  [1928.] 
(Pan  American  miscellany  no.  9.)      [From  Bulletin,  Jan.  1928.]     t  Paper,  5c. 

AR  1.27 :  e  9 

Note. — The  series  number  9  was  incorrectly  given  to  Diary  of  Padre  Juan  Antonio 
Rivera,  for  which  see  Monthly  catalogue  for  Jan.  1928,  p.  501.  The  Diary  should, 
have  been  designated  Pan  American  misceHany  no.  10,  and  the  edition  has  been  cor- 
rected by  the  cancellation  of  no.  9  and  the  substitution  of  no.   10. 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  follonvlngr  Content* 

May,  1928  1053 

Potatoes.  Mejores  patatas  pc.ra  la  America  tropical;  [por  W.  A.  Orton], 
[1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  40,  Mayo  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletm  de 
la  Uui6n  Paiiamericana,  Mayo,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c.;  subscription  price  for 
12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  s  40 


NoTB. — Although  The  Panama  Canal  makes  its  reports  to,  and  is  under  the  supervi- 
sion of,  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  39-43;  May  3-30.  1928.  Balboa  Heights,  C  Z. 
[1928].     p.  527-590.     [Weekly.] 

L.  C.  card  7-35.328  W  70.5  :  21/39-43 

Note. — The  yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  .$1.00  foreign  (single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus.  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreign  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chambers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States,  Canada,  Canal  Zone,  Cuba,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mexico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  Panama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  Office,  The 
Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  ivritten.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 


Air  mail.  Air  mail  information ;  [issued  by]  3d  a.ssistant  Postmaster  General. 
May  10.  1928.     1  p.  il.  4°     t  P  4.2  :  Ai  7/8 

Air  mail   .service;    [issued   by]    2d   assistant   Postmaster   General.     Mav 

15,1928.     1  p.  4°     t  P3  2:Ai7/5 

■  Air  mail  service,  change  in  schedule ;  [issued  by]  2d  assistant  Post- 
master General.     May  22,  1928.     1  p.  4°     +  P  3.2 :  Ai  7/6 

Air-mail  service,  change  in  schedule;  [issued  by]  2d  assistant  Post- 
master General.     May  24,  1928.     1  p.  4"  P  3.2  :  Ai  7/7 

Mail  matter.  Name  and  address  of  sender  mast  be  placed  on  4th  class  mail ; 
[issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  May  2,  1928.  1  p.  oblong 
32^     t  P  4.2  :  F  S2/5 

Money-orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  as.sistant  Post- 
master General.     Apr.  30.  1928.     1  p.  nnrrow  8"     t  P  4.2  :M  74/179 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  7,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/180 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  S,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8"     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/'181 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  17,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8"     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/182 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  IS,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8"     "^  P  4.2  :  M  74/183 

Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  19,  1928.    1  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/184 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  22,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/185 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

May  25,  1928.    1  p.  narrow  large  8°    t  P4.2:  M  74/186 

Stolen  money-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Po.stmaster  General 

May  28,  1928.    1  p.  narrow  large  8"    t  P  4.2  :  M  74/187 

'Narcis.^ua  bulb  quarantine;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.  Apr. 
27,  1928.    1  p.  12"    i-  P  4.2 :  N  16 

Ho-^v  to  order  pabllcatlons — See  Information  follo'vrliis  Contents 

1054  ^1^^^  1^28 

Postage-stamps.  Stamp  stock  requisitions  to  be  properly  indorsed ;  [issued  by] 
3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.    May  24,  1928.    1  p.  oblong  48°    t 

P  4.2 :  St  2/21 

Valley  Forge  commemorative  stamp;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 

General.'  May  12,  1928.    1  p.  4°    t  P  4.2 :  V  24 

Postal  bulletin,  v.  49,  no.  14678-703;  May  1-31,  1928.  [1928.]  various  paging, 
il.  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a 

L.*C.  card  6-5810  P  1.3  :  49 

Postal  guide.  United  States  official  postal  guide,  4th  series,  v.  7,  no.  11;  May, 
1928.  monthly  supplement.  1928.  cover-title,  80  p.  il.  [Includes  Changes 
183-201  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and 
Inserts  332-334  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United  States,  edition  of 
1924.  Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *  Official  postal  guide,  with 
supplements,  $1.25,  foreign  subscription,  $1.75 ;  July  issue,  $1.00 ;  supplements 
published  monthly  (11  pamphlets),  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/11 

Poultry.  Acceptance  of  day-old  chicks  without  special  handling  charge ;  [issued 
by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.    May  3,  1928.    1  p.  oblong  48°    t 

P  4.2 :  C  43/3 

Syracuse.  K.  Y.  Distribution  scheme,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  post  office;  corrected  to 
Apr.  1,  1928.     1928.     [1] +78  p.  12°     |  P  1.18 :  Sy  1/3 


Postal  supplies.  List  of  postal  supplies  furnished  post  offices  of  3d  class.  June 
1,  1928.     ii+1-6  p.-f  leaves  7-20.     $  P  18.2  :  P  84/3/928 


Steamboats.    Schedule  of  steamers  appointed  to  convey  mails  from  United  States 
to  foreign  countries,  May,  1928.    Apr.  21,  1928.    1  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5 :  928/5 

Same,  June,  1928.    May  23,  1928.    1  p.  f°     [Monthly.]  P  8.5 :  928/6 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75  cents  each ;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  .Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly 
catalogue  for  February,  1928,  page  630. 


Addresses.    Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  Gettysburg  battle  field,  May  30, 
1928.    1928.     [l]+7p.    t 
L.  C.  card  28-26379  Pr  30.2  :  G  33 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  joint  meeting  of  American  Federation 

of  Arts  and  American  Association  of  Museums,  Washington,  D.  C,  May  16, 
1928.    1928.     [2]  +4  p.    t 

L.  C.  card  28-26359  Pr  30.2  :  Am  3/5 

Address  of  President  Coolidge  at  150th  anniversary  of  Phillips  Academy, 

Andover,  Mass.,  May  19,  1928.    1928.     [2] +7  p.    t 

L.  C.  card  28-26360  Pr  30  2  •  P  54 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 


May.  1928  1055 

Alaska.  Executive  order,  Ala;ska  [eliminating  lands  in  Alaska  from  those 
reserved  by  Executive  order  of  June  23,  1914,  for  tovpnsite  purposes  in 
connection  vpith  construction  and  operation  of  railroads,  and  restoring  said 
lands  to  public  domain  subject  to  entry  under  homestead  laws  applicable 
to  Alaska].    May  8,  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4878.)     t    '  Pr  30.5 :  A112/71 

Executive  order,  Alaskan  timber  reserve  no.  1  reduced  [revoking  Execu- 
tive order  of  June  22,  1915,  as  modified  by  Executive  orders  of  Feb.  16, 
1918,  Feb.  5,  1919,  and  Nov.  26,  1924,  reserving  timber  on  certain  lands  in 
Alaska  for  use  in  connection  with  Government  railroad  in  Alaska,  in  so  far 
as  it  affects  timber  on  remainder  of  area  included  in  original  order].  Apr. 
27,1928.    1  p.  f     (No.  486.5.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Air2/70 

Alien  property.  Executive  order  authorizing  Alien  Property  Custodian  to  sell 
certain  property  at  private  sale  [being  real  estate  in  Jefferson  County,  Ky., 
belonging  to  Waldemar  Conrad  von  Zedtwitz  of  Germany].  [May  9,  1928.] 
[2]  p.  f°     (No.  4881.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  Al  42/49 

Alien  Property  Citstodian.  Executive  order  supplemental  to  Executive  order 
of  Oct.  12,  1917,  vesting  power  and  authority  in  designated  oflScers  and 
making  rules  and  regulations  under  trading  with  the  enemy  act  [approved 
Oct.  6,  1917,  and  amendments  thereto,  especially  as  concerns  Alien  Property 
Custodian  and  settlement  of  claims  by  him].  Apr.  23,  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4862.)      $  Pr  30.5  :T  675 

Armstrong,  George  R.  Veto  message  relating  to  George  R.  Armstrong,  message 
transmitting  without  approval  H.  R.  4664,  for  relief  of  George  R.  Armstrong. 
May  22.  1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  318,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Army  emergency  officers''  retired  liM.  Veto  message  regarding  retirement  of 
emergency  oflBcers,  message  returning  without  approval  bill  (S.  777)  making 
eligible  for  retirement,  under  certain  conditions,  oflBcers  and  former  oflScers 
of  Army,  Navy,  and  Marine  Corps,  other  than  officers  of  Regular  Army, 
Navy,  or  Marine  Corps,'  who  incurred  physical  disability  in  line  of  duty 
while  in  service  of  United  States  during  World  War.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  24,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  doc.  153,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Bands  {music).  Veto  message  regarding  Army  bands,  message  returning 
without  approval  bill  (S.  750)  to  amend  act  for  making  further  and  more 
effectual  provision  for  national  defense,  as  amended  [relative  to  commis- 
sioning of  Army  bandmasters].  May  3,  calendar  day  May  24,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  doc.  154,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Child  health  day,  proclamation  [setting  apart  May  1,  1928,  as  Child  health 
day].    Apr.  28,  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  1835.)     t  Pr30:C437 

Colorado.  Executive  order,  Colorado  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Oct.  21, 
1925,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Colorado  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War 
with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may 
be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto]. 
May  3,  1928.       1  p.  f°     (No.  4875.)      %  Pr  30.5 :  C  719/26 

Copyright,  Rumania,  proclamation  [extending  to  citizens  of  Rumania  all  bene- 
fits of  act  of  Mar.  4,  1909,  including  copyright  controlling  parts  of  instru- 
ments serving  to  reproduce  mechanically  musical  works,  and  providing  that 
provisions  of  sec.  1  (e)  shall  apply  only  to  compositions  published  after 
July  1,  1909,  and  registered  for  copyright  in  United  States,  which  have  not 
been  reproduced  within  United  States  prior  to  May  14,  1928].  May  14,  1928. 
1  p.  f     (No.  1836.)     t  Pr  30.7  :  C  796/8 

Cowlitz  Indians.  Veto  message  relating  to  Cowlitz  tribe  of  Indians,  message 
transmitting  without  approval  H.  R.  167,  to  amend  act  of  Feb.  12,  1925,  so  as 
to  permit  Cowlitz  tribe  of  Indians  to  file  suit  in  Court  of  Claims  under  said 
act.    May  22,  1928.    1  p.     (H.  doc.  319,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  folloinring  Contents 

1056  May,  1928 

Customs  Service.  Executive  order  [authorizing  transfer  of  certain  persons 
named  in  order  and  now  employed  in  Customs  Service  in  foreign  countries  to 
classified  clerical  positions  in  Customs  Service].  Apr.  25.  1928.  1  p.  f  (No. 
4864. )     X  Pr  30.5  :  C  969/S 

Executive  order   [creating  Durham,  N.  C,  as  port  of  entry  in  customs 

collection  district  no.  15  (North  Carolina),  with  headquarters  at  Wilmington, 
N  C .  effective  30  days  from  date  of  this  order].  May  3.  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4876.)     t  ^  Pr  30.5 :  N  811/4 

Executive  order  [creating  Fabens,  Tex.,  as  port  of  entry  in  customs  col- 
lection district  no.  24  (El  Paso),  with  headquarters  at  El  Paso,  Tex.,  effective 
30  davs  from  date  of  this  order].    May  1,  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4869.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  T  312/3 

Dudley,  John  O.  Executive  order  [authc^rizing  reinstatement  of  John  G.  Dudley 
as  statistical  and  research  agent  and  legal  advisor  in  Department  of  Com- 
merce].   May  3,  1928.    1  p.  T     (No.  4871.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  D  865/2 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order  [establishing  Chapter  iv-9  of  Instructions  to 
diplomatic  oflScers  of  United  States :  Regulations  governing  selection,  training 
and  promotion  of  foreign  service  officers  for  language  assignments  in  the  Near 
East,  in  eastern  Europe,  and  in  north  Africa].  [May  8.  1928.]  [2]  p.  f 
( No.  4879. )     %  Pr  30.5 :  F  761/10 

Gardner,  Mrs.  Charlotte  S.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs. 
Charlotte  Steele  Gardner  to  appropriate  clerical  position  in  Employees'  Com- 
pensation Commission].    Apr.  28,  1928.    1  p.  f     (No.  4868.)     t    Pr  30.5 :G  171 

Hubbard.  Edmund  F.  Veto  message  relating  to  Edmund  F.  Hubbard,  message 
transmitting  without  approval  H.  R.  10139,  for  relief  of  Edmund  F.  Hubbard. 
May  22,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  321,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Indians.  Executive  order  [prtividing  that  trust  period  on  allotments  of  Prairie 
band  of  Pottawatomi  Indians  in  Kansas,  which  expires  during  calendar  year 
1928,  be  extended  for  period  of  10  years,  except  those  named  in  order].  Apr. 
16,1928.    1  p.  f °     (No.  4858.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  P  847/2 

Jones,  Mrs.  Roy  K.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  Roy  K. 
Jones  to  appropriate  position  in  Navy  Department].  Apr.  17,  1928.  1  p.  f 
( No.  4859. )     %  Pr  30.5 :  J  724 

Kansas  City,  Mexico  and  Orient  Railroad  Company  labor  dispute,  proclamation 
[creating  board  to  investigate  such  dispute  and  report  their  findings  to  Presi- 
dent of  United  States  within  30  days  of  date  of  proclamation].  Apr.  28,  1928. 
1  p.  f     (No.  1834.)     t  Pr  30.7  :K  133 

Marketing  of  farm  produce.  Message  to  Senate  returning  without  approval 
Senate  bill  3555,  to  establish  Federal  Farm  Board  to  aid  in  orderly  marketing 
and  in  control  and  disposition  of  surplus  of  agricultural  commodities  in  inter- 
state commerce,  May  23,  1928.  1928.  [l]+25p.  [Includes  Opinion  of  Attor- 
ney General.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26385  Pr  30.8  :  F31/2 

Same,  with  text  of  act  and  with  title,  veto  message  relating  to  agriculture 

surplus  control  act,  message  returning  without  approval  bill  (S.  3555)  to 
establish  Federal  Farm  Board  to  aid  in  orderly  marketing  and  in  control  and 
disposition  of  surplus  of  agricultural  commodities  in  interstate  and  foreign 
commerce.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23.  1928.  30  p.  (S.  doc.  141,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     [Includes  Opinion  of  Attorney  General.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26413 

Minnesota.  Executive  order,  Minnesota  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Nov.  14, 
1927.  which  withdrew  lands  in  counties  of  Lake  of  the  Woods  and  Roseau, 
Minn.,  from  settlement,  etc.,  in  order  to  carry  into  effect  provisions  of  con- 
vention between  United  States  and  Great  Britain  to  regulate  level. of  Lake  of 
the  Woods,  and  presenting  revised  list  of  lands  to  be  withdrawn  for  that 
purpose].     [Apr.  28.  1928. J     2  p.  f"     ([No.  4867.])     $  Pr 30.5 :  M 666/6 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  following  Contents 

Mat,  1928  1057 

l^ational  forests.  Executive  order.  Harney  National  Forest.  S.  Dak.  [modifying 
boundarie.s  of  Harnev  National  Forest  by  excluding  therefrom  lands  in  South 
Dakota].    Apr.  27.  1928.    1  p.  t"     (No.  4866.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  H  229/2 

Executive  order.  Manti  National  Forest.  Utah    [including  land  in  Utah 

in  Manti  National  Forest  in  so  far  as  withdrawal  does  not  interfere  with  or 
defeat  legal  rights  under  public  land  laws].  May  9.  1928.  1  p.  f*  (No. 
4880.;      t  Pr  30.5  :  M  319/3 

Executive    order    [revoking   Executive    order    of   Dec.    22,    1924,    which 

established  McClellan  National  Forest,  Ala.,  on  portion  of  Camp  McClellan 
militarv  reservation.  Ala.].     Mav  4.  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4877.)     $ 

Pr  30.5  :  M  132/2 

Nevada.  Executive  order,  Nevada  [withdrawing  land  in  Nevada  from  settle- 
ment, etc.,  subject  to  any  prior  valid  claim,  for  use  by  Department  of  Com- 
merce in  maintenance  of  air  navigation  facilities].  Mav  3,  1928.  1  p.  f* 
( No.  4873. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  Ai  71/24 

Neic  Mexico.  Supplemental  Executive  order.  New  Mexico  [designating  other 
public  lands  to  be  added  to  those  withdrawn  by  Executive  order  of  Apr.  2, 
1924,  which  temporarily  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  New  Mexico  for 
classification  and  pending  determination  as  to  advisability  of  reserving  same 
for  national  park  or  monument  purposes].  May  3.  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4870. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  N  42  m/33 

Pathfinder  Bird  Refuge.  Executive  order.  Pathfinder  Bird  Refuge,  Wyo.  [re- 
establishing with  its  original  boundaries  reservation  for  protection  of  native 
birds  created  by  Executive  order  of  Feb.  25,  1909,  and  abolished  by  Execu- 
tive order  of  Aus:.  18.  1922.  to  be  known  as  Pathfinder  Bird  Refuge.]  Apr. 
19,  1928.    1  p.  map,  f     (No.  4860.)     $  Pr  30.5 :  B  532/13 

Pu'blic  ffealth  Service.  Veto  message  relating  to  Public  Health  Service,  mes- 
sage transmitting  without  approval  H.  R.  11026,  for  coordination  of  public- 
health  activities  of  Government,  and  for  other  purposes.  May  22,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  doc.  .320,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Road^.  Veto  message  relating  to  funds  authorized  for  roads  through  pub- 
lic and  Indian  lands,  message  returning  without  approval  bill  (S.  3674) 
to  amend  act  to  provide  that  United  States  shall  aid  States  in  construction 
of  rural  post  roads,  approved  July  11.  1916.  as  amended  and  supplemented. 
May  3.  calendar  day  May  18.  1928.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  111.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper.  5c. 

Spokan  Indians.  Veto  message  authorizing  Indians  in  State  of  Washington  to 
present  claims  to  Court  of  Claims,  message  returning  without  approval  bUl 
(S.  1480)  authorizing  certain  Indian  tribes  and  bands  [namely  Lower 
Spokan  and  Lower  Pend  d'Oreille  or  Lower  Kalispel  tribes]  or  any  of  them, 
residing  in  State  of  Washington,  to  present  their  claims  to  Court  of  Claims. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.     3  p.     (S.  doe.  110,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Utah.  Executive  order.  Utah  [withdrawing  certain  public  land  in  Utah 
from  settlement,  etc..  for  use  by  Department  of  Commerce  in  maintenance 
of  air  navigation  facilities].     May  3,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4872.)     t 

Pr  30.5  :  Ai  71/23 

Wyoming.  Executive  order.  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Oct.  5, 
1923,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc, 
pending  resurvey,  in  so  far  as  it  affects  township  named  in  present  order, 
and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under  homestead  or 
desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Germany  for  period 
of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general  public 
under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  Apr.  24,  1928.  1  p.  f 
( No.  4863. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  W  994/35 

HoTT  to  order  pabllcattons— See  information  folloTvlng:  Contents 

1058  ^^Y,  1928 

Wyoming — Continued. 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  June  12,  1925, 

which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc.,  pend- 
ing resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under 
homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Ger- 
many for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to 
general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  Apr.  23,  1928. 
Ip.  f"     (No.  4861.)     I  Pr  30.5  :  W  994/34 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  June  18,  1926, 

which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc.,  pend- 
ing resurvey,  in  so  far  as  it  affects  townships  named  in  present  order,  and 
authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under  homestead  or 
desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War  with  Germany  for 
period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to  general 
public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  May  3,  1928.  1  p.  f 
( No.  4874. )     t  Pr  30.5  :  W  994/36 

Supplemental  Executive  order,  Wyoming  [modifying  Executive  order  of 

July  7,  1927,  which  temporarily  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming 
from  settlement,  etc.,  in  aid  of  proposed  legislation,  by  adding  and  releasing 
certain  lands  and  authorizing  that  released  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War 
with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may 
be  open  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto]. 
Apr.  16,  1928.     1  p.  f     (No.  4857.)     t  Pi*  30.5  :  W  994/33 


Demurrage.  No.  342,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Krauss  Brothers 
Lumber  Company  v.  Andrew  W.  Mellon,  director  general  of  railroads,  as 
agent,  etc.,  et  al. ;  motion  by  respondents  to  amend  judgment  as  to  costs  and 
retax  costs.    1928.    cover-title,  5  p.    $  Y  3.R  13/2 :  8  K  868/10 

Report  of  director  general  of  railroads  [Jan.  1,  1927-Jan.  1,  1928].     May  16, 
1928.    6  p.     (H.  doc.  306,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26755 


Commerce.  Comparative  summary  of  water  borne  foreign  commerce,  with 
graphic  charts,  Jan.  1,  1921-Dec.  31,  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research, 
Division  of  Statistics.  Apr.  26,  1928.  1  p.  3  pi.  oblong  large  8"  (Report 
D.  S.  399.)     [Bimonthly.]     f  SB  7.5/399 :  927/4 

Imports  and  exports  of  commodities  by  United  States  coastal  districts  and 
foreign  trade  regions,  Oct.  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division 
of  Statistics.  [Mar.  31]  1928.  8  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  275.) 
[Monthly.    Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/275 :  m  927/10 

Intercoastal  traffic.  Intercoastal  traffic,  Oct.-Dec.  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau 
of  Research,  Division  of  Statistics.  [Apr.  20]  1928.  2  leaves,  oblong  large  8° 
(Report  D.  S.  158.)     [Quarterly.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t 

SB  7.5/158 :  q  927/4 

United   States  water  bonie  intercoastal  traffic  by  ports  of  origin  and 

destination  and  principal  commodities,  fiscal  year  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau 
of  Research,  Division  of  Statistics.  [Apr.  7]  1928.  11  leaves,  oblong  large  8° 
(Report  D.  S.  317.)     [Annual.     Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t 

SB  7.5/317 :  927/1 

Passenger  traffic.  Ocean  borne  passenger  traffic  of  United  States  (Great  Lakes 
excluded),  Oct.-Dec.  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Research,  Division  of 
Statistics.  [Apr.  21]  1928.  4  leaves,  oblong  large  8°  (Report  D.  S.  157.) 
[Quarterly.    Figures  subject  to  revision.]     t  SB  7.5/157  :  q  927/4 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following;  Contents 

Mat,  1928  1059 

Pipe.  Docket  no.  39.  Bonnell  Electric  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Pacific 
Steamship  Company;  [decided  Mar.  6,  1928;  report  and  order  of  board]. 
1928.     [1] +143-144+ [1]  p.     [Report  from  Shipping  Board  reports,  v.  1.]     t 

SB  1.10/a  :  B  643 

Transoceanic  Corporation.     Construction  of  vessels  by  Transoceanic  Corpora- 
tion, letter  transmitting,  in  response  to  resolution,  report  relative  to  proposal 
of  Transoceanic  Corporation  in  connection  with  construction  of  fast  passenger 
vessels.    1928.    iv+57  p.  il.     (S.  doc.  87,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26331 


Merchant  Fieet  netos,\.l,  no.  10;  Mar.  1928.  [1928.]  16  p.  11.  4°  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  27-22836  SB  2.16 :  1/10 

Ships.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports.  May  1-June  15, 
1928,  no,  78 ;  issued  by  Traffic  Department.     [1928.]     vi+26  p.  il.     [Monthly. 
Imprint  date  incorrectly  given  on  back  of  cover  as  1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14  :  928/5 


NoTK. — In  a  recent  price-list,  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  is  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numbers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge ;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections ;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers '  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  throughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailing-list  of 
individuals.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications  should 
state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment,  and 
have   the  endorsement   of  a   Member   of   Congress." 

The  annual  reports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mall  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Walcott,  Charles  D.  Charles  Doolittle  Walcott.  secretary  of  Smithsonian  Insti- 
tution, 1907-27,  memorial  meeting,  Jan.  24,  1928  [with  Bibliography  of  pub- 
lished writings  of  Charles  D.  Walcott].  Washington,  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion, May  12,  1928.  [7] +37  p.  1  por.  (Publication  2964;  Smithsonian  mis- 
cellaneous collections,  v.  80,  no.  12. )  t  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26366  811.7:80/12 

Yaksas:   by   Ananda    K.    Coomaraswamy.     Washington.    Smithsonian    Institu- 
tion, May  8.  1928.     [2] +43  p.  23  p.  of  pi.     (Publication  2926;  Smithsonian 
miscellaneous  collections,  v.  80,  no.  6.)     t  Paper,  80c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26365  SI  1.7  :  80/6 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz..  Proceedings,  Bulletins,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
The  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scientific  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  technical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum  col- 
lections in  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can  now  be 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth  was 
discontinued.     The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others  desig- 

Hovr  to  order  publications — See  Infonnatloii  follovrlne  Contents 

1060  May,  1928 

Dated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for  each 

volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Bats     American  bats  of  genera  Myotis  and  Pizonyx ;  by  Gerrit  S.  Miller,  jr.. 

and  Glover  M.  Allen.     1928.     viii+218  p.  11.  1  pi.    (Bulletin  144.)     *  Paiier.  55c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26370  SI  3.3  :  144 

Belvosia.     Revision  of  American  parasitic  flies  belonging  to  genus  Belvosia ;  by 

J  M  Aldricli.    1928.    cover-title,  45  p.    (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  8 ;  no.  2729.)    + 

SI  3.6 :  2729 

Copepods.  Two  new  species  of  commensal  copepods  from  Woods  Hole  region; 
by  H  R  Seiwell.  1928.  cover-title,  5  p.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Proceedings,  v.  73, 
art.  18;  no.  2739.)     t  SI  3.6:  2739 

Crustaceans.  Two  common  species  of  parasitic  Crustacea  (Sacculinidae)  of 
West  Indies  [with  list  of  literature]  ;  by  H.  Boschma.  1928.  cover-title.  10 
p.  il.     (Proceedings,  V.  73,  art.  5;  no.  2726.)     t  SI  3.6:  2726 

Pit  hotiite  villages.  Prehistoric  pit  house  village  site  on  Columbia  River  at 
Wahluke,  Grant  County.  Wash.;  by  Herbert  W.  Krieger.  1928.  cover-title, 
29  p.  7  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  11 ;  no.  2732.)     t  SI  3.6:  2732 

Proceedings  of  National  Museum,  [title-page,  contents,  and  list  of  illustrations 
to]  V.  71.     1928.    xiii  p.     t  SI  3.6  :  2673-2696/t.  p.  &  cont. 


Note. — The  series  of  lettered  executive  documents,  to  which  several  of  the  following 
publications  under  the  Department  of  State  belong,  is  printed  in  confidence  for  the  use  of 
the  Senate,  and  is  inaccessible  to  other  purposes  unless  the  Senate  removes  the  injunction 
of  secrecy. 

Aeronautics.  International  aeronautical  conference  on  civil  aeronautics,  re- 
port with  accompanying  papers,  to  the  end  that  legislation  may  be  enacted 
authorizing  the  President  to  invite  representatives  of  foreign  Governments  to 
attend  an  international  aeronautical  conference  on  civil  aeronautics  to  be 
held  in  Washington,  D.  C,  Dec.  12-14  of  this  year  and  appropriation  for 
expenses  of  such  conference.  May  18,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  doc.  808,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

Aliens.  [Circular  926,  Admission  of  aliens  into  United  States]  :  sec.  2,  Docu- 
ments required  of  aliens  entering  United  States  [reprint  of  portion  of  sec- 
tion, with  corrections].  [1928.1  p.  3-6.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  in- 
sertion in  Circular.]     t  S  1.4/2 :  926/2/p.  3-6,  rev. 

Arbitration.  Arbitration  treaty  with  France,  arbitration  treaty  between  United 
States  and  French  Republic;  signed  Washington,  Feb.  6,  1928.  Feb.  6,  1928. 
3  p.  ([Confidential]  ;  Senate  executive  D,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction 
of  secrecy  removed  Feb.  8,  1928.]     $  Y  1.70/1 :  D 

Arbitration  with  Germany,  treaty  of  arbitration  between  United  States 

and  Germany;  signed  Washington,  May  5,  1928.  May  7,  1928.  3  p.  (Con- 
fidential; Senate  executive  K,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecv 
removed  May  10.  1928.]     t  Y  1.70/1  :K 

Arbitration  with  Italy,  treaty  of  arbitration  concluded  between  United 

States  and  Italy.  Washington,  Apr.  18  [19],  1928.  May  2,  1928.  3  p.  (Con- 
fidential;  Senate  executive  J,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecy 
removed  May  10,  1928.]     $  Y  1.70/1:  J 

Conciliation  with  Germany,  treaty  of  conciliation  between  United  States 

and  Germany;  signed  Washington,  May  5,  1928.  May  7.  1928.  3  p.  (Con- 
fidential: Senate  executive  L,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecy 
removed  May  10,  1928.]     t  Y  1.70/1  :L 

Cattle.  Convention  between  United  States  and  Mexico  safeguarding  livestock 
interests,  convention  concluded  between  United  States  and  United  Mexican 
States,  [signed  Washington]  Mar.  16,  1928.  for  purpose  of  safeguardine: 
livestock  interests  of  the  two  countries  through  prevention  of  introduction 
of  infectious  and  contagious  diseases.  Mar.  19,  1928.  4  p.  (Confidential: 
[Senate]  executive  H,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecy  removed 
Mar.  28.  1928.]     t  Y  1.70/1 :  H 

Hovp  to  order  publications — See  Information  (ollowlns  Contents 

May,  1928  1061 

C07isuls.  [Regulations  governing  consular  service  of  United  States,  annotated: 
article  1,  Consular  branch  of  foreign  service,  reprint  of  portion -of  article, 
with  corrections.]  [May,  1928.]  p.  23-24  [of  article  1].  [Issued  in  loose- 
leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t  S  1.5  :  926/art.  1/par.  12-14 

■    Same :  article  2,  Retirement  of  foreign  service  officers  [reprint  of  portion 

of  article,  with  corrections].  May,  1928.  p.  1-2  [of  article  2].  [Issued  in 
locse-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     |       S  1.5  :  926/art.  2/par.  31-34 

Same :    [article  10,   Citizenship,   protection,   passports,   and   registration, 

reprint  of  portion  of  article,  with  corrections].  Apr.  1928.  p.  39-40a  [of 
article  10].     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t 

S  1.5 :  926/art.  10/par.  150 

• Same:    article   10,    Citizenship,    protection,    passports,    and    registration, 

summary.  May,  1928.  7  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in 
Regulations.]     t  S  1.5 :  926/art.  10/sum.  928 

Same :  Index  to  article  10,  Citizenship,  protection,  passports,  and  regis- 
tration. Mav,  1928.  16  p.  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regu- 
lations.]    t  '  S  1.5  :  926/art.  10/ind.  928 

Same :  [article  16,  Transportation  of  seamen,  reprint  of  portion  of  article, 

with  corrections].  May,  1928.  p.  5-6  [of  article  16].  [Issued  in  loose-leaf 
form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t  S  1.5  :926/art.  16/par.  284-288 

Same:  [article  28,  Protection  and  promotion  of  American  trade,  re- 
print of  portion  of  article,  with  corrections].  May,  1928.  p.  35-36  [of  article 
28].     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     ? 

S  1.5  :  926/art.  28/par.  602 

Same:    article   29,   Record   Ijooks   and   archives    [reprint   of   portion   of 

article,  with  corrections].  May.  1928.  p.  1-2  [of  article  29].  [Issued  in 
loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations,     t  S  1.5  :  926/art.  29 /par.  604 

Diplomatic  list.  May,  1928.     [1928.]    cover-title,  ii-f  44  p.  24°    *  Paper,  oe.  single 
copy.  50c.  a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  65c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8  :  928/5 

Extradition.  Extradition  treaty  with  Poland,  extradition  treaty  between 
United  States  and  Poland,  signed  Warsaw,  Nov.  22,  1927,  also  transmitted, 
for  information  of  Senate,  protocol  [signed  Warsaw,  Nov.  22,  1927]  accom- 
panying treaty.  Feb.  16,  1928.  7  p.  (Confidential:  [Senate]  executive  G, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     [Injunction  of  -secrecy  removed  Feb.  24,  1928.]     t 

Y  1.70/1 :  G 

Extradition  with  Honduras,  supplementary  extradition  convention  with 

Honduras:  signed  Tegucigalpa,  Feb.  21,  1927.  Dec.  8,  1927.  2  p.  (Con- 
fidential; Senate  executive  A.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecy 
removed  Mar.  14,  1928.]     $  Y  1.70/1 :  A 

Foreign  relations.    Papers  relating  to  foreign  relations  of  United  States :  1914 
supplement.   World   War.     1928.     cccix-f862   p.      [This   is  the  first   of   the 
supplemental  volumes  containing  the  diplomatic  correspondence  concerning 
the  Wortd  War.]     *  Cloth.  $1.75. 
L.  C.  card  10-3793  S  1.1 :  914/supp. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  474,  69th  Cong.  1st 

Internatiomil  Juridical  Congress  mi  Wireless  Telegraphy,  Rome,  Italy,  report 
recommending  appropriation  to  pay  expenditures  involved  in  participation 
by  United  States  in  International  Juridical  Congress  on  Wireless  Telegraphy 
to  be  held  at  Rome,  Oct.  1.  1928.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  16.  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  doc.  106,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

International  Technical  Committee  of  Aerial  Legal  Expei'ts,  report  regarding 
work  of  International  Technical  Committee  of  Aerial  Legal  Experts,  recom- 
mending authorization  of  annual  appropriation  to  meet  quota  of  United 
States  toward  expenses  of  this  committee.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  4.  1928. 
4  p.     ( S.  doc.  94,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

HoTT  to  order  pablicatlons — See  Information  following  Contents 

1062  ^^'  1^28 

Jnternatitynal  Telegraph  Conference,  report  requesting  that  Congress  be  asked 
to  enact  legislation  authorizing  appropriation  to  pay  for  expenditures  in- 
volved in  pai-ticipation  br  United  States  in  International  Telegraph  Con- 
ference to  be  held  at  Brussels  in  1928.  May  18,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  doc.  309, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mmroe  doctrine.  Centenary  of  Monroe  doctrine,  address  by  Charles  E. 
Hughes,  Secretary  of  State,  at  meeting  held  under  auspices  of  American 
Academy  of  Political  and  Social  Science  and  Philadelphia  Forum  at  Phila- 
delphia, Nov.  30,  1923,  to  celebrate  centenaiy  of  Monroe  doctiine.  1928. 
cover-title,  [1]  +16  p.  t 
L.  C.  card  28-26338  S  1.2  :  M  75/2 

Observations  on  Monroe  doctrine,  address  by  Charles  E.  Hughes,  Secre- 

tarv  of  State,  delivered  before  American  Bar  Association,  Minneapolis,  Minn., 

Aug.  30,  1923.     [Reprint]  1928.     [l]+20  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  23-26941  S  1.2 :  M  75/rep. 

Pan  American  Sanitary  Con^ference.  Additional  protocol  to  Pan  American  sani- 
tary convention,  additional  protocol  signed  Lima,  Oct.  17  [19],  1927,  to 
Pan  American  sanitary  convention,  signed  Habana,  Nov.  14,  1924,  to  ratifica- 
tion of  which  Senate  gave  its  advice  and  consent,  Feb.  23,  1925.  Feb.  16, 
1928.  4  p.  (Confidential;  [Senate]  executive  E,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [In- 
junction of  secrecy  removed  Feb.  24,  1928.]     t  Y  1.70/1 :  E 

Parcel  post  convention  between  Austria  and  United  States;  [signed  Vienna,  Feb. 
16,  1928,  Washington,  Mar.  1,  1928,  approved  Mar.  13,  1928].     1928.     [l]+23 
p.     [English  and  German.]     t  Post  Ofiice  Department. 
L.  C.  card  28-26320  S  9.2 :  P  84/13 

Peace.  Protocol  to  treaty  with  Netherlands,  for  advancement  of  general  peace, 
protocol  signed  [Washington]  Feb.  13,  1928,  between  United  States  and 
Netherlands,  interpretative  of  article  1  of  treaty  concluded  between  the  two 
countries  Dec.  18,  1913,  looking  to  advancement  of  cause  of  general  peace. 
Feb.  16,  1928.  3  p.  (Confidential;  [Senate]  executive  F,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     [Injunction  of  secrecy  removed  Feb.  24,  1928.]     %  Y  1.70/1 :  F 


Report.     6th  annual  report  of  American  High  Commissioner  at  Port  au  Prince, 

Haiti,  to  Secretary  of  State,  [calendar  year]  1927.     1928.  v+83  p.  il.     *  Pa- 
per, 15c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26709  S  1.22  :  927 


[Journal  May  14-28,  1928;  [slips]  100-105.  [1928.]  leaves  306-338.  [Jour- 
nal for  May  14,  1928,  slip  100  is  a  corrected  print.]     %  Ju  6.5  :  927 


Decisions.    Reports,  advance  sheet:  James  Couzens  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  docket  no.  10438;   [promulgated]   May  5,  1928.     [1928.]     ii+139  p. 
*  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19  :  5/a/C  837 

Reports,  v.  10,  no.  4  and  5 ;  Feb.  2  and  7,  1928.     [1928.]     [xii] +332-599  p. 

[Contain  decisions  promulgated  Jan.  28-Feb.  7,  1928.]     *  Paper,  $1.50  per  vol. 

Y  3.T  19  :  5/10-4  to  10-5 
Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Tax  Appeals  Board  have  been  placed  on  a  subscriptiou 
basis  and  are  to  be  issued  in  small  pamphlets  until  a  sufficient  number  have  been  pub- 
lished to  make  a  Tolume.  The  price  of  these  advance  pamphlets  will  be  $1.50  per 
volume.  Later,  bound  volumes,  containing  table  of  contents  and  index,  will  be  issued, 
the  price  of  these  being  given  at  time  of  publication. 

Rules  of  practice  before  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  revised  to  May  1,  1928.     1928. 
vi+24  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26096  Y  3.T  19 :  7/928 

Ho^  to  order  publtcattonB— See  Information  following  Contents 

Mat,  1928  1063 


Finance.     Daily  statement   of  Treasury  compiled  from   latest  proved   reports 
from  Treasury  oflBces  and  depositaries,  May  1-31,  1928.     [1928.]     Each  4  p. 
or  3  p.  t°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  928 

PubUc  debt.     Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  Mar.  31,  1928.     [1928.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  C.  card  10-21268  T  9.9 :  928/3 

Treasury  decmons  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other 
laws,  including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals, 
V.  53,  no.  18-22 ;  May  3-31,  1928.  1928.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Depart- 
ment decisions  numbered  42721-782,  abstracts  5753-6091,  internal  revenue 
decisions  4155-58,  Prohibition  29-32,  Tariff  Commission  Notices  74-77.  later 
Tariff  Commission  Notices  53-54,  65,  70,  and  72,  and  miscellaneous  (disbar- 
ments).] *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy.  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2  :  53/18-22 


Agricultural  Econoinicg  Bureau.  Standards  for  hampers  and  other  baskets, 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture  [for 
Bureau  of  Agricultural  Economics]  for  enforcement  of  act  fixing  standards 
for  hampers,  round  stave  baskets  and  splint  baskets  for  fruits  and  vegetables. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  139,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c.  • 

Wool  standards.  Bureau  of  Agricultural  Economics,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  to  carry  into  effect  provisions  of  act  to  authorize 
appropriation  for  use  by  Secretary  of  Agriculture  of  certain  funds  for  wool 
standards.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  148,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Animal  Industry  Bureau.  Expenses,  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry,  supplemental 
estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929, 
for  animal  husbandry  investigations  [for  renewal  of  water  system  pipe  lines 
at  experiment  station  at  Fort  Keogh,  Mont].  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22, 
1928.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  129,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Architect,  Supervising.  International  street,  Nogales,  Ariz.,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  [for  OflSce 
of  Supervising  Architect]  for  grading  and  paving  International  street  adja- 
cent to  Nogales,  Ariz.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc. 
132,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Remodeling  and  enlarging  public  buildings,  1927.  deficiency  estimate  of 

appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1927  [for  Supervising 
Architect  for  post  office  building  at  Orlando,  Fla.].  May  11,  1928.  2  p. 
(H.  doc.  276,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Biological  Survey  Bureau.  Bear  River  Migratory  Bird  Refuge,  1928-29,  sup- 
plemental estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal 
year  1928.  to  remain  available  until  June  30.  1929  [for  Bureau  of  Biological 
Survey]  for  establishing  and  maintaining  at  Bear  River  Bay.  Utah,  migra- 
tory bird  refuge.     May  12,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  291,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Civil  Service  Commission.  Traveling  expenses,  Civil  Service  Commission,  sup- 
plemental estimate  of  appropriation  for  Civil  Service  Commission,  fiscal  year 
1929   [for  salaries  and  traveling  expenses].     Apr.  30.   1928.     2  p.     (H.   doc. 

■    254,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Claims.     Claims   allowed   by   General   Accounting   Office,    schedules   of   claims 
allowed  by  various  divisions  of  General  Accounting  Office,  as  covered  by  cer- 
tificates of  settlement.     May  12,  1928.     73  p.     (H.  doc.  289,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  24-26112 

Tlow  to  order  pnbllcatloniH— See  Informatton  folloif^ngr  Contents 

1064  ^^^^  1^28 

Claims — Continued. 

Claims  for  damages.  Executive  Departments  and  establisliments,  esti- 
mate of  aijpropriations  submitted  by  tlie  several  Executive  Departments  and 
establishments  to  pay  claims  for  damages  to  privately  owned  property  and 
damages  by  collision  with  naval  and  river  and  harbor  vessels.  May  10,  1928. 
63  p.     (H.  doc.  271,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  10c. 

Claims   for   damages   of   several   Executive   Departments,    estimates    of 

appropriations  submitted  by  the  several  Executive  Departments  to  pay 
cJaims  for  damages  to  privately  owned  property  and  damages  by  collision 
with  naval  vessels.     May  12,  1928.     7  p.     (H.  doc.  296,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Estimates  of  appropriation*,  Executive  Departments,  estimates  of  appro- 
priations submitted  by  the  several  Executive  Departments  to  pay  claims  for 
damages  to  privately  owned  property.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928. 
5  p.     (S.  doc.  124,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Commerce  Department.  Miscellaneous  items  for  Department  of  Commerce, 
supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Commerce,  fiscal 
year  1928  and  fiscal  year  1929,  with  proposed  drafts  of  legislation  affecting 
existing  appropriations.  May  11,  1928.  6  p.  (H.  doc.  277,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supplemental  estimates.  Department  of  Commerce,  supplemental  esti- 
mates of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Commerce,  fiscal  year  1928  and 
fiscal  year  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  doc.  109, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

District  of  Columbia.  Appropriations  for  District  of  Columbia,  supplemental 
and  deficiency  estimates  of  appropriations  for  District  of  Columbia,  1927  and 
prior  fiscal  years,  fiscal  year  1928  and  fiscal  year  1929,  with  drafts  of 
approved  legislation  affecting  existing  appropriations.  May  10,  1928.  14  p. 
(H.  doc.  272,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Buildings  and  grounds,  District  of  Columbia,  draft  of  proposed  legisla- 
tion affecting  existing  appropriation  for  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  year 
1928.  with  respect  to  acquisition  of  site  in  vicinity  of  Dunbar  High  School 
for  drill,  athletic,  and  playground  purposes.  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc. 
299,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Construction  of  bathing  pools.  District  of  Columbia,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  for  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  year  1928,  for  con- 
struction of  2  bathing  pools  authorized  by  act  approved  May  4,  1926.  May  8, 
calendar    day    May   21,    1928.     2   p.     (S.    doc.    117,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Expenses,  Assessor's  Oflice,  District  of  Columbia,  supplemental  estimate 

of  appropriation  for  Assessor's  Oflice,  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  years  1928 
and  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  ( S.  doc.  123,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

John    Boyd,    supplemental    estimate    of    appropriation    for    District    of 

Columbia,  fiscal  year  1928  [for  payment  of  judgment  in  favor  of  John  Boyd]. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  18,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  108.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
■*  Paper,  5c. 

Effloienoi/  Bureau.  Salaries  and  expenses.  Bureau  of  EflSciency,  draft  of  pro- 
posed legislation  to  make  available  from  appropriation  for  salaries  and  ex- 
penses. 1928,  for  Bureau  of  Efficiency  sum  for  payment  for  certain  contract 
work  to  secure  data  in  relation  to  retirement  plans  for  teachers  in  District 
of  Columbia  and  civil-service  retirement  and  disability  fund.  Mav  14.  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  doc.  301,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

E7nployee.9'  Compensation  Commission.  United  States  Employees'  Compensa- 
tion Commission,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Employees' 
Compensation  Commission,  fiscal  year  1929.  for  salaries  and  expenses  and 
printing  and  binding.  May  3,  calendar  dav  Mav  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc. 
136.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     •  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  publicatlonii — See  Information  lollowlng:  Contents 


May,  1928  1065 

Engineer  Departtnent.  Salaries.  OflBce  of  Chief  of  Engineers,  proposed  draft 
of  legislation  affecting  existing  appropriation  for  War  Department,  fiscal  year 
1929,  for  salaries.  Office  of  Chief  of  Engineers.  May  3.  calendar  day  Mav 
22.  1928.    2  p.     (S.  doc.  138,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Extension  Service,  Agriculture  Dcpt.  Cooperative  agricultural  extension  work, 
Department  of  Agriculture,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  De- 
partment of  Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929  [for  Extension  Service]  for  coopera- 
tive agricultural  extension  work.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  doc.  144,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Horticultural  Board.  Establishment  and  enforcement  of  noncotton 
zones,  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriation  [for  Federal  Horticultural 
Board]  for  establishing  and  enforcing  noncotton  zones  for  eradication  of 
pink  boUworm  of  cotton.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928.  2  p.  (y.  uoc. 
119,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Radio  Commission,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Federal 
Kadio  Commission,  fiscal  year  1929.  May  12,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  dec.  294,  70th 
Cong.  Ist  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Federal  Trade  Commission,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Federal 
Trade  Commission,  fiscal  year  1929.  May  2,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  257,  70tli 
Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5c. 

Foicsi  Service.  Bureau  of  Forest  Service  and  Plant  Industry,  supplemental 
estimates  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929 
[for  Plant  Industry  Bureau  for  horticultural  experiment  and  demonstration 
work,  southern  Great  Plain?  area,  and  for  Forest  Service  for  ar-qui-^ition  of 
additional  forest  lands].  May  3,  1928.  3  p.  (H.  doc.  260,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

George  Rogers  Clark  Sesquicentennial  Commission,  supplemental  estimate  of 
appropriation  for  George  Rogers  Clark  Sesquicentennial  Commission,  fiscal 
year  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  143,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Immigration  Bureau.  Expenses  of  regulating  immigration,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Labor,  Bureau  of  Immigration, 
fiscal  year  1928.  May  12,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  28.5,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Indian  Affairs  Office.  Supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations  for  Bureau  of 
Indian  Affairs,  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of 
Interior,  Bureau  of  Indian  Affairs,  fiscal  year  1928,  and  proposed  authoriza- 
tions of  expenditures  of  Indian  tribal  funds.  May  3,  calendar  dav  May  22, 
192S.    4  p.     (S.  dnc.  133,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Interior  Department.  Department  of  Interior,  Indian  tribal  funds,  supple- 
mental estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Interior,  fiscal  year 
1928  and  fiscal  year  1929,  proposed  authorization  for  expenditure  of  Indian 
tribal  funds,  with  drafts  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appropria- 
tions.    May  12.  1928.     6  p.     (H.  doc.  292,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Mi-scellaneous  appropriation.  Interior  Department,  supplemental  and  de- 
ficiency estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Interior,  fiscal  years 
1924,  1927,  1928,  and  1929,  proposed  authorizations  for  expenditure  of  Indian 
tribal  funds,  with  drafts  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appropria- 
tions.   May  3,  1928.    14  p.     (H.  doc.  261,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Justice  Department.  Miscellaneous  appropriation  for  Department  of  Justice, 
supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  .Justice,  fiscal 
year  1928.  also  drafts  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appropriations. 
May  3,  1928.    4  p.     (H.  doc.  262,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miscellaneous  appropriations  for  several  Departments,  deficiency  esti- 
mates of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Justice,  fiscal  year  1926  and  prior 
years,  and  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations,  fiscal  year  1928,  also 
drafts  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appropriations.  Mav  12, 
1928.    5  p.     (H.  doc.  295,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  pablicationiB — See  information  toWorving  Contents 

1066  May,  1928 

Justice  Department— Continued. 

Salaries  and  miscellaneous  expenses,  Department  of  Justice,  supple- 
mental estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  Justice,  fiscal  year 
1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  113,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )      *  Paper,  5c. 

Mint  Bureau.  Medal  of  Charles  A.  Lindbergh,  supplemental  estimate  of  appro- 
priation for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1929  [for  Mint  Bureau]. 
May  10,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  273,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

National  Park  Service.  Roads  and  trails,  national  parks,  draft  of  proposed 
legislation  affecting  appropriation  for  roads  and  trails,  national  parks,  con- 
tained in  Interior  Department  appropriations,  fiscal  year  1929  [for  National 
Park  Service].  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  297,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

Navigation  Bureau,  Navy  Dept.  Naval  training  stations,  Bureau  of  Naviga- 
tion, supplemental  estimate  of  appropriations  for  Navy  Department,  fiscal 
years  1924  and  1925,  for  Naval  Training  Station,  San  Diego.  May  12,  1928. 
2  p.     (H.  doc.  293,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Navy  Department.  Increase  of  Navy,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation, 
fiscal  year  1929,  for  increase  of  Navy.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928 
2  p.     ( S.  doc.  134,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miscellaneous  appropriation  of  Navy  Department,  supplemental  estimate 

of  appropriations  for  Navy  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  and  prior  years. 
May  3,  1928.    4  p.     (H.  doc.  263,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 

Miscellaneous  pay,  Navy  Department,  draft  of  proposed  legislation  mak- 
ing available  not  to  exceed  $20,000  for  expenses  in  connection  with  research 
and  investigation  of  safety  devices  and  appliances  for  submarines  during 
fiscal  year  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  130,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Personnel  Classification  Board.  Expenses,  Personnel  Classification  Board,  sup- 
plemental estimate  of  appropriation  for  Personnel  Classification  Board  to 
remain  available  until  June  30,  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  doc.  120,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Plant  Industry  Bureau.  Salaries  and  expenses,  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry, 
supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture,  fiscal 
year  1928  [for  investigations  of  tree  disease  knovpn  as  European  larch 
canker].    May  10,  1928.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  275,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Plant  Quarantine  and  Control  Administration.  Eradication  or  control  of  Euro- 
pean corn  borer,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of 
Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1929  [for  Plant  Quarantine  and  Control  Administra- 
tion] for  eradication  or  control  of  European  corn  borer.  May  3,  calendar 
day  May  25,  1928.    2  p.     ( S.  doc.  155,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Post  Office  Department.  Foreign  mail  transportation,  supplemental  estimate 
of  appropriation  for  Post  Office  Department,  fiscal  year  1929.  May  3,  calen- 
dar day  May  23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  doc.  150,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Post  Office  Department  personal  or  property  damage  claims,  deficiency 

estimate  of  appropriation  for  Post  OflSce  Department,  fiscal  year  1927,  for 
payment  of  personal  or  property  damage  claims.  May  8,  1928.  2  p.  (H. 
doc.  266,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

•  Rural  delivery  service,  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Post  Office  Depart- 
ment, fiscal  year  1925.  May  10,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  274,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *Pai)er,  5c. 

Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National  Capital  Office.  General  expenses 
Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National  Capital,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  for  Office  of  Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of 
National  Capital,  fiscal  year  1929.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928.  2  p. 
(S.  doc.  121,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c 

How  to  order  publlcattona — See  Information  following  Contents 


May,  1928  1067 

Public  Roads  Bureau.  Mount  Vernon  memorial  highway,  supplemental  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  for  Department  of  Agriculture  [for  Bureau  of  Public 
Roads]  to  carry  into  effect  provisions  of  act  to  authorize  and  direct  survey, 
construction,  and  maintenance  of  memorial  highway  to  connect  Mount  Vernon, 
Va..  with  Arlington  Memorial  Bridge  across  Potomac  River  at  Washington. 
May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  doc.  149,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Shipping  Board.  Proposed  legislation  aftecting  construction  loan  fund,  Ship- 
ping Board,  draft  of  proposed  legislation  relating  to  Shipping  Board  in  con- 
nection with  obligations  that  may  be  entered  into  by  board  for  loans  to  be 
made  from  construction  loan  fund.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p. 
( S.  doc.  146,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

titate  Department.  23d  International  Congress  of  Americanists,  supplemental 
estimate  of  appropriation  for  Department  of  State  for  expenses  of  3  delegates 
to  represent  United  States  at  23d  International  Congress  of  Americanists,  to 
be  held  In  New  York  City.  Sept.  17,  1928.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  24,  1928. 
2  p.     (S.  doc.  152,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

— —  Miscellaneous  appropriations,  Department  of  State,  1928  and  1929,  sup- 
plemental estimates  of  appropriations  for  Department  of  State,  fiscal  years 
1928  and  1929,  with  draft  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appro- 
priation.   May  14,  1928.    8  p.     (H.  doc.  298,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  5e. 

Relief  of  officers  of  foreign  service,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropria- 
tion for  Department  of  State,  for  relief  of  Joseph  C.  Grew  and  other  members 
of  foreign  service.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  131, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supplemental  estimates.  Department  of  State,  supplemental  estimates  of 

appropriations  for  Department  of  State,  fiscal  years  1928  and  1929.  May  3, 
calendar    day   May    19,    1928.     3   p.      (S.    doc.    115,    70th    Cong.    1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau,  Havy  Dept.  Navy  Department,  Bureau  of  Sup- 
plies and  Accounts,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriations  for  Navy  De- 
partment, fiscal  year  1929.  May  14,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  300,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Treasure/  Department.     Customhouse  and  post  oflSce,  Fall  River,  Mass.,  supple-        • 
mental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1929. 
May  3,  1928.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  258,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Miscellaneous   appropriations    for    Treasury    Department,    supplemental 

estimate  of  appropriations  for  Treasury  Department,  fiscal  year  1929,  also 
drafts  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  use  of  existing  appropriations.  May 
3,  1928.     5  p.     (H.  doc.  259,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Veterajhs'  Bureau.  Hospital  facilities  and  services.  Veterans'  Bureau,  supple- 
mental estimate  of  appropriation  for  Veterans'  Bureau,  fiscal  year  1928.  May 
3,  calendar  day  May  23,   1928.    2  p.     (S.   doc.   151,   70th   Cong.   1st   sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department.  Construction  of  buildings,  nurses'  quarters,  Walter  Reed 
General  Hospital,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation,  fiscal  year  1928,  for 
War  Department  for  construction  of  nurses'  quarters  at  Walter  Reed  General 
Hospital,  District  of  Columbia.  May  28,  1928.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  326,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Investigation  and  survey  for  a  Nicaraguan  canal,  estimate  of  appropria- 
tion for  War  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  for  investigation  and  survey  for  a 
Nicaraguan  Oanal.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  145> 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

Paving  of  Hooker  road,  Tennessee  and  Georgia,  supplemental  estimate  of 

appropriation  for  War  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  for  paving  Government 
road,  known  as  Hooker  road.  Tennessee  and  Georgia.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  22.  1928.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  137,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  pablicatlons — See  Information  following:  Content* 

109605— 28— No.  401 11 


1068  ^^'  1^2^ 

War  Department — Continued.  .  ,      x-      ^      * 

Pavin"-  of  La  Fayette  extension  road,  Ga.,  supplemental  estimate  of  ap- 
propriation for  War  Department,  fiscal  year  1928,  for  paving  Government 
road  known  as  La  Fayette  extension  road,  in  Georgia.  May  3,  calendar  day 
May  22,  1928.    2  p.     (S.  doc.  135,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Pavin"-  of  Ringgold  road  from  Chickamauga  and  Chattanooga  National 

Military  Park  to  Ringgold,  Ga.,  supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for 
War  Department  for  paving  and  improving  Government  road  known  as  Ring- 
gold road.  Georgia.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  147, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Schedule  of  claims  allowed  by  General  Accounting  Office.     May  12,  1928. 

2  p.  (H.  doc.  290,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Tliese  claims  are  for  damages  and 
losses  incident  to  operation  of  Army.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supplemental    estimates.    War   Department,    supplemental    estimates    of 

appropriations,  fiscal  years  1928  and  1929.     May  3,  calendar  day  May  21,  1928. 

3  p.     (S.  doc.  122,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Supplemental    estimates.    War    Department,    supplemental    estimates    of 

appropriations  for  War  Department,  fiscal  years  1928  and  1929.  May  3, 
calendar  day  May  19,  1928.  4  p.  (S.  doc.  114,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  5c. 

War  Department,  supplemental  estimates  of  appropriation,  [fiscal  years] 

1928  and  1929,  [also  draft  of  proposed  legislation  affecting  existing  appropria- 
tion of  War  Department].  May  8,  1928.  4  p.  (H.  doc.  267,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Cirmlars  76  and  77 ;  Mar.  24  and  Apr.  17,  1928.     [1928.]    2  p.  and  1  p.     $ 

T  47.7/3  :  76,  77 

Decisions.  Modified  digest  and  index  of  published  decisions  of  comptroller  gen- 
eral concerning  contracts  and  purchases,  July  1,  1921-Dec.  31,  1927.  1928. 
x+38  p.     $  T  47.2  :  D  35 

Enlistment.    Instructions  for  recruiting  officers,  Coast  Guard.     [1928.]     14  p.     % 

T  47.8  :  Of  2/4 

Pay.  Pay  and  supply  instructions,  circular  1,  1928  [amendment]  ;  Apr.  10,  1928. 
1928.    1  p.     J  T  47.8/2 : 1/3/amdt. 

. Pay  and  supply  instructions,  circular  3,  1928 ;  Apr.  13,  1928.     [1928.]     2  p. 

[Circular  3  is  Extension  of  enlistment,  nonaccrual  of  pay,  and  time  lost  due 
to  absence  from  duty  for  misconduct,  without  leave,  etc.]     t         T  47.8/2  :  3/2 


National  banks.    Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit, 
etc.  [May  1,  1928].     May  1,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  f     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9 :  928/5 


Reappraisements  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  Apr.  28-May  15,  1928]  ; 
May  11  and  18,  1928.     [1928.]     999-1029+ [iii]  p.     (Reappraisement  circular 
46  and  47.)     [Weekly ;  none  issued  Apr.  27  or  May  4, 1928.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  46,  47 


Banks  and  banking.     Statements  of  condition  of  Federal  land  banks,  joint-stock 
land  banks,  Federal  intermediate  credit  banks,  compiled  from  their  reports 
to   Federal   Farm   Loan   Board   as   of  Mar.   31,   1928.      1928.     ii+29   p.   4° 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  2S-26SS3  T  48.6 :  928/1 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  folIovFing  Contents 

May,  1928  1069 


l^arcotlc  drugs  import  and  export  act,  as  amended,  and  regulations  thereunder. 
Apr.  1928.     iii  +  16  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  2S-2G3S0  T  53.2 :  Ac  8/928 


Government  supplies.  Specifications  and  proposals  for  supplies  [fiscal  year 
1929]  :  class  10  [Meat,  fish,  lard,  and  oleomargarine].     [1928.]     4  p.  4°     t 

T  45.5/18 :  10/2 

Specifications  for  definite  and  additional  quantity  supplies   [fiscal  year 

1929] :  classes  1,  3,  and  10  [July  1-Sept.  30,  1928].     [1928.]     41  leaves,  4"     t 

T  45.5/18 : 1/2 

Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  Apr.  1928].  May  1,  1928.  5  p.  4" 
(Form  A.)      [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5 :  928/4 


Income  tax.  Procedure  for  auditing  of  1040  income-tax  returns  in  ofiices  of 
collectors  of  internal  revenue ;  prepared  by  Accounts  and  Collections  Unit. 
1928.     ii+46  p.     $  T  22.2 :  In  2/8 

Internal  revenue  bulletin,  v.  7,  no.  19-22;  May  7-28,  1928.  1928.  various 
paging.  [Weekly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy  (for  subscription  price  see  note 

L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  928/19-22 

Note. — Tbe  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1928  will  coiLsist  of  weekly  bulletins 
and  semiannual  cumulative  bulletins.  The  weekly  bulletins  will  contain  the  rulings  and 
decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department  decisions  (known  as  Treasury 
decisions)  pertaining  to  iuteiual  rLVenue  matters.  The  semiannual  cumulative  bulle- 
tins will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including  Treasury  decisions)  published 
during  the  previous  6  months.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained,  on  a 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Trinting  Office, 
Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription.  $2.75. 

Internal   revenue   neics,    v.    1,    no.    11 ;  May,    1928.      1928.      cover-title,    24    p. 

[Monthly.     Text   on  p.   2  of  cover.]  *  Paper,   5«.   single  copy,   50c.   a   yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  : 1/11 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes.  May  1,  1928.     [1928.]     69  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7:  928/5 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United   States  money,  Apr.  30,  1928.     1928. 
1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5  :  928/5 


Bust  {in  industry).    Health  of  workers  in  dusty  trades:  1,  Health  of  workers 
in  Portland  cement  plant;  by  L.  R.  Thompson,  Dean  K.  Brundage,  Albert  E. 
Russell,   [and]  J.  J.  Bloomfield.     Apr.  1928.     viii+138  p.  il.  2  pi.  18  p.  of  pi. 
(Public  health  bulletin  176.)     *  Paper,  45c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26361  T  27.12  :  176 

Fleas.     Rat-flea   survey  of  port  of   San  Juan,   P.  R.,  preliminary  report;   by 
O.  H.  Cox,  Arturo  L.  Carrion,  and  Carroll  Fox.    1928.     [l]-f6  p.  il.     (Reprint 
1215.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  16,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26369  T  27.6/a  :  1215 

Malta  fever,  problem  for  State  and  municipal  laboratories  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  A.  V.  Hardy.     1928.     [l]-f9  p.     (Reprint  1212.)      [From  Public 
health  reports,  Mar.  2,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26367  T  27.6/a  :  1212 

Howr  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Content.s 

1070  ^^^''  ^^^^ 

Public  health  reports,  v.  43,  no.  18-21 ;  May  4-25,  1928.  1928.  [xv] +1067-1319 
p.  il.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 

L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6  :  43/18-21 

Special  articles. — No.  18.  Causes  of  illness  at  different  ages,  Hagerstown,  [Md.l 
morbidity  studies :  no.  7  ;  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker. — Whole-time  county  health  officers, 
IQ-Jg  I  directory]. — No.  19.  Meningococcus  meningitis  in  United  States. — Incidence  of 
various  diseases  according  to  age  [with  list  of  references],  Hagerstown  [Md.]  morbidity 
studies  no  8 ;  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker. — No.  20.  Full-time  county  health  program 
developed  in  Mississippi  Valley  following  flood  ;  by  J.  G.  Townsend. — Regular  session 
of  I'ermancnt  Committee  of  International  Ofhce  [of  Public  Hygiene,  Paris],  Nov.  7-16, 
1927-  [translation]. — No.  21.  Se.x  differences  in  incidence  of  certain  diseases  at 
different  ages  [with  list  of  references],  Hagerstown  [Md.]  morbidity  studies  no.  9; 
bv  Edgar  Sydenstricker. — Court  decision  relating  to  public  health. 

"  Note — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Respiratory  diseases.    Importance  of  respiratory  diseases  as  cause  of  disability 
among    industrial    workers;    by    Dean    K.    Brundage.      1928.      [l]+8    p.    il. 
(Reprint  1214.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  16,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26368  T  27.6/a  :  1214 

TonsiUectomy.    Health  record  of  University  [of  Michigan]  students  as  related 
to  tonsillectomy;  by  Warren  E.  Forsythe.     1928.     [l]+4  p.     (Reprint  1213.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  9,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26412  T  27.6/a  :  1213 


Venereal  disease  information,  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its 
cooperative  work  with  State  health  departments,  v.  9.  no.  5 ;  May  20,  1928. 
1928.  [l]+185-222+ii  p.  il.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a 
vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  23-26719  T  27.26  :  9/5 

Special  article. — Study  of  venereal  disease  prevalence  in  22  Kansas  counties 
[with  list  of  references;  by]  Earle  G.  Brown. 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing Apr.  30,  1928.  *  May  1,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24°     t  T  40.8 :  928/4 


Cerebrospinal  fluid.  Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in  hospitals 
and  regional  offices:  Examination  of  spinal  fluid;  compiled  by  Philip  B. 
Matz.     1928.     [l]+56  p.     (Clinical  bulletin  21.)     t  VB  1.15 :  21 

Electrocardiograph,  its  construction,  principle  of  operation,  and  clinical  value; 
[by]  Leo  H.  Criep.  [1928.]  9  p.  il.  [From  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau 
medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  5.]     t  VB  1.16/a  :  El  25 

Gastric  jv/ice.  Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in  hospitals  and 
regional  offices :  Examination  of  gastric  and  duodenal  contents ;  compiled  by 
Philip  B.  Matz.     1928.     13  p.     (Clinical  bulletin  22.)     t  VB  1.15 :  22 

Medical  bulletin.     United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  5, 
May  1928;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.     1928.     x-f  403-502  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi.     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.16 :  4/5 

Special  articles. — Recent  advances  in  interpretation  of  physical  signs  in  pulmonary 
tuberculosis  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  Louis  H.  Fales. — Disease  of  prostate  and 
seminal  vesicles  [with  reference  ;  by]  C.  D.  Allen. — Control  of  fits  and  betterment  of 
mental  symptoms  in  epilepsy  [with  list  of  references;  by]  Albert  E.  Brownrigg. — 
Vibratory  sensibility,  methods  of  ascertaining  and  diagnostic  value  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences; by]  J.  Epstein. — Psychometric  methods  [1st  installment;  by]  G.  V.  N.  Dear- 
born.— Pleurisies  and  their  significance  in  relation  to  tuberculosis  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences ;  by]  Edward  H.  Green. — Electrocardiograph,  its  construction,  principle  of  opera- 
tion, and  clinical  value;  [by]  Leo  H.  Criep. — Therapeutic  value  of  library  service  In 
tuberculosis  hospital;  [by]  Elizabeth  Rodhouse  Creglow. — ^Multiple  tooth  impaction 
and  malocclusion  in  psychoneurosis ;    [by]    William   D.  Lanier,   jr. — Focal  infection  of, 

How  to  order  publications — See  Information  folloTving  Contents 


May,  1928  1071 

Medical  huUetin — Continued. 

lower  tooth  as  causative  factor  in  recurrent  keratitis;  [by]  H.  R.  Smith. — Tumor  of 
maxilla ;  [bv]  John  W.  Bleasdale. — Thrombo-phlebitis  as  later  complication  In  pul- 
monary tuberculosis,  case  reports  with  post-mortem  findings  [with  bibliography ;  by] 
Richard  C.  Buckley. — Adamantinoma  of  pituitary  [with  list  of  references;  by]  Samuel 
Lichtenstein. — Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in  hospitals  and  regional 
offices:  Spinal  fluid  (concluded).— Ideal  attendant;  [by]  Thyra  Pedersen. — Physio- 
therapy, lecture  to  nurses ;  [by]  Mabel  C.  Rj'an. — Health  lecture,  tuberculosis  in 
children  ;   [by] Theodore  E.  Schwarz. 

Vibratory  sen^ibiliti/,  methods  of  ascertaining  and  diagnostic  value  [with  list 
of  references;  by]  J.  Epstein.  [1928.]  8  p.  il.  [From  United  States  Vet- 
erans' Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  5.]     t  VB  1.16/a  :  V  659 


Army  regulations. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative  subjects  as 
may  seem  appropriate,  arranged  in  proper  sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 

5-160.     Assistant    Secretary    of    War :  Procurement    of    supplies,    bids    and    awards. 

Changes  1  ;   May  16,   1928.     1928.     1   p.     t  W  1.6/2  :  5-160/ch.  1 

30-1580.  Quartermaster    Corps :   Plre    prevention    and    fire    fighting ;    May    14,    1928. 

[1928.]      2    p.      [Supersedes   AR    30-1580,    Sept.    21,    1925]      *  Paper,   oc. 

W  l.G/1  :  30-1580/2 
30-2200.  Same :   Classification    of    subsistence    stores ;    Mav    16,    1928.     1928.     1    p. 
[Supersedes  AR  30-2200,  Nov.  15,  1924.]      *  Paper,   5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  30-2200/3 

3.5-1540.  Finance    Department :  Gratuitv    upon    death,     Changes     1  ;     Mav    7,    1928. 

1928.     1   p.     t  W  1.6/2  :  35-1540/2/ch.  1 

40-275.     Medical    Department  :   Sanitary    reports,    Changes    1 ;    May   28,    1928.     1928. 

1  p.      t  W  1.6/2  :  40-275/2/ch.  1 
40-1710.   Same:   Supply    table    and    price    list,     medical    supplies;     Apr.     23,     1928. 

[1928.]      189   p.     *  Paper,    30c.  W  1.6/1  :  40-1710 

40-2240.  Same:  Veterinary     statistical     reports;     Mar.     31.     1928.      [1928.]      5     p. 

[Supersedes    AR    40-2240,    Nov.    12.    1921,    including    Changes    1,    Julv 

10,   1926.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6/1  :  40-2240/2 

140—10.  Officers'  Reserve  Corps  :  Members  of  National  Guard  below  grade  of  gen- 
eral officer;  Apr.  23.  1928.  [1928.]  6  p.  [Supersedes  AR  140-10, 
Dec.  15,   1924.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6/1  :  140-10/2 

210-50.  Posts,  camps,  and  stations :  Unit  and  other  similar  funds.  Changes  3 ; 
Apr.  10,  1928.  [1928.]  3  p.  [Supersedes  AR  210-50,  Changes  2, 
Mar.   31,   1927.1     t  W  1.6/2  :  210-50  ch.  3 

210-65.  Same:  Exchanges.  Changes  3;  May  7,  1928.  [1928.]  13  p.  [Supersedes 
AR  210-65,  Changes  2.  .June  25.  1927.]      t  W  1.6/2  :  210-65/ch.  3 

210-75.  Same  :  Report  on  legal  actions  against  United  States  or  its  agents,  employ- 
ment of  civil  counsel,  summons  bv  civil  courts;   May  16.   1928.      [1928.] 

2  p.      [Supersedes   AR   210-75,    Aug.    15,    1924.]      *  Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  210-75   2 
605-175.     Commissioned     officers:  Foreign     service;     May     10,     1928.      [1928.]      2     p. 
[Supersedes   AR    605-175,    Apr.    29,;   1924.]      *  Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  605-175/6 
720-100.     Equipment:  Allowances;    Mar.    31,    1928.      [1928.]      7    p.     *  Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  720-100 
775-20.       Ammunition    allowances:  Field    artillery;    Apr.    23,    1928.      [1928.]      10    p. 
[Supersedes    AR    775-20,    Dec.    31,    1925.]      *  Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  775-20/2 

850-20.        Standard   specifications  for   marking  shipments.   Changes   1 ;   Apr.    23,    1928. 

1928.     1  p.     t  W  1.6/2:  850-20 /ch.  1 

850-90.       Miscellaneous  :  National    Board    for    Promotion    of   Rifle    Practice ;    May    12, 

1928.      [1928.]      2    p.      *  Paper,    5c.  W  1.6/1  :  8.'-i0-90 

850-100.     Same:  Promotion    of    rifle    practice.    Changes    1;    May    28,    1928.      11928.] 

2  p.     t  W  1.6/2  :  850-100/2/ ch.  1 

850-120.     Same:  Athletics;    Apr.    16.    1928.      [1928.]     4    p.     *  Paper.    5c. 

W  1.6/1 :  850-120 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  in.sertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  ai 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  the  same  manner  as 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e., 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 

HofV  to  order  publications — See  infonuation  follOTVlng  Contents 

1072  ^^^''  ^^^^ 

Technical  regulations — Continued. 

1350-37 \  Infantry  and  aircraft  ammunition:  Ammunition  for  37-mm.  gun,  M1916, 
inenared  under  direction  of  chief  of  ordnance;  Apr.  2o,  1928.  [1928.] 
14  p.  il.     *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.22  :  1350-37A 

1400-30G.  Ordnance  maintenance,  infantry  and  aircraft  armament :  Aircraft  machine 
jrun  cal.  .30,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  ordnance;  Apr.  2, 
1928.      [1928.]      22   p.   il.     *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.22  :  1400-30G 

Training  manual. 

Note.- The  sections  of  the  Training  manual  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  inser- 
tion in  loose-leaf  binder. 

2180-45  Topography  and  surveying:  Meridian  determination,  prepared  under  direction 
of  chief  of  engineers;  Apr.  16,  1928.  [1928.]  53  p.  il.  1  pi.  [Supersedes 
TR  190-45.]     *  Paper,  15c.  W  1.23  :  2180-45 

Tra ining  rcgula t ions. 

XoTE. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders. 

420-70.  Infantry :  Drill,  service  company,  infantry  regiment.  Changes  1 ;  Jan.  3,  1928. 

[1028.]     4  leaves,  il.     f  W  1.21  :  420-70/ch.l 

435-30.  Coast  Artillery  Corps  :  Tactical  employment  of  antiaircraft  artillery,  prepared 

under  direction  of  chief  of  coast  artillery;  Apr.  16.  1928.      [1928.]      48  p.  il. 

[Supersedes  TR  435-30,  Jan.  7,  1924.]     *  Paper.  15c.  W  1.21 :  435-30/2 


Army  list  and  directory,  May  1,  1928.    1928.     vi+2S5  p.  large  8°     [Bimonthly.] 
*  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.35. 
L.  C.  card  9-3510G  W  3.10 :  928/3 

Flying  cadets  of  Air  Corps,  aviation  as  career.  1928.  [2] +12  p.  narrow  16°  t 
L.  C.  card  War  2S-3  W  3.2 :  Av  5/2 

Message  center  specialist,  instructors  guide  for  all  arms ;  prepared  under  direc- 
tion of  chief  signal  oificer.  Reprint  [with  changes]  1928.  ix+318  p.  il. 
(United  States  Ai-my  training  manual  25.)  [The  pages  following  p.  216  and 
232  read  217-226  and  233-253,  respectively.]     *  Cloth.  55c.  W  3.39/1 :  25/3 

Note. — In  this  1928  reprint,  Information  topic  no.  2,  Army  organization,  is  omitted. 
This  Information  topic  no.  2  will  be  found  corrected  to  Jan.  1,  1928,  in  the  1928 
reprints  of  Training  manuals  20  and  21,  Basic  signal  communication. 

Military  communications.  Basic  signal  communication,  instructors  guide  and 
[for]  all  arms;  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  signal  ofHcer.  Reprint  [with 
changes]  1928.  viii+154+[l]  p.  il.  1  pi.  (United  States  Army  training 
manual  21.)     *  Cloth,  40c.  W  3.39/1 :  21/2 

Military  education.  Army  correspondence  courses :  subcourse.  Mobilization  and 
administration,  1928-29,  introduction  and  lesson  1  [Mobilization].  1928. 
ii+  4  p.    t  W  3.50  : 1 

Same,  lesson  2,  Rail  transportation.    1928.     1  p.     t  W  3.50 :  2 

'Same,  lesson  3,  Mess  management.     1928.    1  p.     t  W  3.50:  3 

Same,  lesson  4,  Mess  management,  contd.    1928.    1  p.    t  W  3.50 :  4 

Same,  lesson  5,  Customs  of  the  service.     [1928.]     2  p.    t  W  3.50:  5 

Same,  lesson  6,  Discipline.    1928.    1  p.     t  W  3.50 :  6 

Same,  lesson  7,  Military  correspondence.     [1928.]    2  p.    t  W  3.50 :  7 

Same,  lesson  8,  Penalty  envelopes  and  labels,  use  of  the  mails.     1928. 

1  P-     '  W  3.50 :  8 

■ Same,  lesson  9,  Supply.    1928.    1  p.    t  W  3.50:  9 

Same,  lesson  10,  Supply,  contd.    1928.    1  p.     t  W  3.50 :  10 

Same,  lesson  11,  Daily  company  reports.     [1928.]     2  p.    t  W  3.50: 11 

Same,  lesson  12,  Daily  company  reports,  contd.     1928.    1  p.  W  3.50: 12 

Same,  lesson  13,  Company  funds.     [1928.]    2  p.    f  W  3.50: 13 

Same,  lesson  14,  Military  courtesy.    1928.    1  p.    t  W  3.50 :  14 

How  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

May,  1928  1073 

77.  S.  Army  recridtwg  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  10,  no.  9  and  10 ;  May  1  and  15,  1928. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  May  1  and  15,  1928.] 
Each  IG  p.  il.  4°    t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45 :  928/9, 10 


Air  Corps  information  cirGulars.  Index  to  unrestricted  Army  Air  Corps  infor- 
mation circulars :  pt.  1,  Heavier-than-air  circulars  nos.  1-600 ;  pt.  2,  Lighter- 
than-air  circulars  nos.  1-157.  1928.  ii+40  p.  4°  (Air  Corps.  Air  Corps 
information  circular,  v.  6,  no.  600,  May  15,  1928.)     $  W  87.11/2  :  6/600 


Big  Timber  Greek,  N.  J.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Big 
Timber  Creek,  N.  J.  Apr.  10,  1928.  17  p.  3  maps.  (H.  doc.  217,  70th  Cong. 
1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Caloosahaicliee  River  and  Lake  Okeechobee   drainage   areas,   Fla.,   report   on 
survey  of  Caloosahatchee  River  and  Lake  Okeechobee  drainage  areas,  Fla., 
with  view  to  improvement  for  navigation  and  control  of  floods.     Apr.  9,  1928. 
70  p.  1  pi.  4  maps.     (H.  doc.  215,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26414 

Elk  River,  Md.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Elk  River,  Md. 
Apr.  10,  1928.     16  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  216,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Hudson  River,  N.  Y.,  below  Hudson,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and 
survey  of  Hudson  River,  N.  Y.,  below  Hudson ;  and  Hudson  River,  N.  Y.,  with 
view  to  deepening  channel  in  and  near  Haverstraw  Bay.     Mar.  30,  1928.    25 
p.  map.      (H.  doe.  210,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26328 

Hydraulic  mining  Investigations  in  California,  letter  from  chief  of  engineers, 
Army,  to  chairman  of  Committee  on  Commerce,  Senate,  submitting  report  of 
Board  of  Engineers  on  Rivers  and  Harbors  relative  to  cost  of  building  dams 
on  Bear  River,  Middle  American,  and  North  American  rivers,  with  recom- 
mendations of  Hydraulic  Mining  Commission  of  California,  and  proposed 
change  in  California  Debris  Commission  act ;  presented  by  Mr.  Jones.  1928. 
[1]+31  p.  map.  (S.  doc  90,  70th  Coiig.  1st  sess.)  [Includes  report  of  Cali- 
fornia Debris  Commission.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26415 

Norfolk  Harbor,  Va.,  channel  in  western  branch  of  Elizabeth  River,  report  on 
preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Norfolk  Harbor,  Va.,  with  view  to 
deepening,  widening,  and  extending  channel  in  western  branch  of  Elizabeth 
River.  May  7,  1928.  24  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  265,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Pa- 
per, 10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26416 

Port  Aransas,  Tex.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Port 
Aransas,  Tex.  Apr.  7,  1928.  22  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  214,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 

Roanoke  River.  Mouth  of  Roanoke  River.  N.  C,  report  on  preliminary  exami- 
nation and  survey  of  mouth  of  Roanoke  River,  N.  C.  Apr.  2,  1928.  18  p. 
map.     (H.  doc.  211,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

San  Francisco  Harbor,  Calif.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of 
San  Francisco  Harbor,  Calif.     Mar.  9,  1928.     61  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  196,  70th 
Cong.  1st  .sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26329 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  Information  folio-wing  Contents 

1Q74  May,  1928 


Note Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and   St.   Lawrence  River   to 

the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lalie  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse,  Detroit, 
Mich  Charts  mav  also  be  purchased  at  the  following  U.  S.  engineer  offices  :  710  Army 
Building  New  York,  N.  Y.  ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N  Y. :  and  Canal  Office,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.  A  catalogue  (with  index  map),  show- 
ing localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any 
of  these  offices.  ,  ,  .        .    „ 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  gives  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  chang- 
ing conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  U.  S.  engineer  offices  in 
Duluth.  Minn.,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  1,  May  25,  1928,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bulletin 
37 :  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S. 
Lakes  Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.  [May  19,  1928].  12  leaves+[2]  p.  map, 
4°     t  W  33.3  :  37/supp.  1 


Huron,  Lake.  Lake  Huron,  Tawas  Harbor  to  Rogers,  Mich,  [with  insets]  ; 
Lake  Huron  coast  chart  3.  Scale  1:20,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office, 
Detroit,  Mich.]  Mar.  1928.     46.1X30.9  in.     t  40c.  W  33.7/3  :  H  3/3/n.s. 

Alpena  Harbor,  Mich. 

Rogers  and  Calcite,  Mich.,  Lake  Huron,  Harbors  at. 

Tawas  Harbor,  Mich. 

North  coast  of  Lake  Huron,  from   Scammon  Cove  to  Lougheed  Point, 

including  North  Channel,  from  Sulphur  Island  to  Little  Detroit  [with  insets]  ; 
Lake  Huron  coast  chart  4.  Scale  1:120,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office, 
Detroit,  Mich.]  Apr.  1928.     41.1X33.8  in.     t  40c.  W  33.7/3  :H  4/3 

Little  Detroit. 
Serpent  Harbor. 

Niagara  River.  Upper  Niagara  River,  from  Lake  Erie  to  the  Falls.  Scale 
1:30,000.  [U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.]  Mar.  1928.  45.3X28.6 
in.     t  40c.  W  33.8 :  N  51/6 

Sheloygam,  Wis.  Sheboygan  Harbor,  Wis.  Scale  1 :  10,000.  [U.  S.  Lake 
Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.]   May,  1928.     24.1X18.2  in.     f  20c. 

W  33.8  :  Sh  3/4 


Report.    Annual  report  of  Inland  Waterways  Corporation  to  Secretary  of  War, 
calendar    year    1927 ;    by    T.    Q.    Ashburn,    chairman    and    executive.      1928. 
[l]+66  p.    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  27-25963  W  103.1 :  927 



Report  of  21st  fiscal  period,  Dominican  Customs  Receivership  under  American- 
Dominican  convention  of  1924,  calendar  year  1927,  with  Summary  of  com- 
merce, [calendar  year]  1927.    1928.     [l]+99  p.  1  pi.     [Submitted  to  Bureau 
of  Insular  Affairs.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  9-9600  W  6  13/1  •  927 


National  Guard  regulations,     t 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7 

nnH  n^'i^Tr^,^  .1^  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared 
comnffPt?.d  w  11  ^n^f  ^^^^.^  °^  ^.^'''^1  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when 
compJoted,  will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

Hon-  to  order  publications — See  information  following  Contents 

May,  1928  1075 

National  Guard  regulations — Continued. 

30.  National   Guard   Reserve,   Changes  2  ;   May   1,   1928.      1928.      1    P-   _ 

46.         Air  Corps  organizations;   Apr.   1,   1928.      [1928.]   7   p.  W  70.7/4  :  46 

75-1.     Federal    property:  General;    May    1,    1928.      [1928.]      3    p.  [Supersedes   NGR 

75-1,    June    15,    1927.]  W  70.7/4  :  75-1/2 

75-15.   Same:  Operation   and   maintenance   of   motor   vehicles;    May  1,    1928.      [1928.] 

11   p.   il.  W  70.7/4  :  75-15 


Ordnance  pro-vision  system.  Ordnance  catalog  (ordnance  provision  system)  : 
Group  A.  Rifle,  automatic,  cal.  .30,  Browning,  M1918,  parts  and  equipment ; 
Mar.  28,  1928.  [1928.]  26+3  p.  il.  1  pi.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-4.) 
[Supersedes  Standard  nomenclature  list  A-4,  May  22,  1923.]     t 

W  34.23 :  A-t/3 

Same :  Group  B,  Pistol,  automatic,  caliber  .45,  M1911,  pistol,  automatic, 

caliber  .45,  M1911A1,  parts  and  equipment;  Mar.  26,  1928.  [1928.]  20+1 
p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  B-6.)  [Supersedes  Standard  nomen- 
clature list  B-6,  Apr.  12,  1923.]     $  W  34.23  :  B-6/4 

Same:  Group   B,   Rifle,    U.    S.,   cal.    .30,    M1903,    parts   and   equipment; 

Mar.  26,  1928.  [1928.]  28+2  p.  il.  1  pi.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  B-3.) 
[Supersedes  Standard  nomenclature  list  B-3,  June  9,  1925.]     t 

W  34.23 :  B-3/3 

• [Ordnance  provision   system:  Group  B]    Shotguns,   Changes  1;   Feb.   7, 

1928.     1928.     1  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  B-9   [changes  1].)      t 

W  34.23  :  B-9/ch.  1 


L  boats.  Specifications  for  Army  vessel  of  tugboat  type  for  use  in  mine  field 
operations  of  Coast  Artillery  Corps,  to  be  known  as  distribution  box  boats 
of  L63  and  class.  May,  1928.  xiii+60  leaves,  il.  [Although  numbered  xiii 
and  60  leaves,  there  are  in  reality  only  xi  and  59  leaves.]     t    W  77.8/1 :  V  63 



Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 


No.  402 
June,  1928 




Appendix ,-"PP- 

Coxjgress V.""?' 

Department |P 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,    facsimiles facsim. 

Federal  Trade  Commission F.  T.  C. 

Folio -^° 

House i^-y- 

House  bill ^;^— /r— ^A  ^• 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  Joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House   report H-    rp. 

House  resolution   (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustiation,  illustrations 11. 

Inch,  inches in. 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 1.  C.  C. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Miscellaneous mis.,  misc. 

Nautical naut. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 80 

Page,    pages p. 

Part,  parts pt.,  pta. 

Plate,   plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits per. 

Quarto 40 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,   Senate  bill S. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S    J.  Res. 

Senate   report S.   rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session sess. 

Sixteenmo 16" 

Table,  tables tab. 

Thirtytwo-mo 320 

Treasury Treas. 

Tv?elvemo 12» 

Twentyfour-mo 24* 

Versus V8.,   v. 

Volume,  volumes v.,  vol. 

Year - yr. 

Common  abbreviations  for  names  of  States  and  months  are  also  used. 
*  Document  for  sale  by   Superintendent  of  Documents. 

t  Distribution  by  office  Issuing  document,  free  if  unaccompanied  by  a  price. 
t  Printed  for  official  use. 

Note. — Nearly  all  of  the  Departments  of  the  Government  make  a  limited 
free  distribution  of  their  publications.  When  an  entry  shows  a  •  price,  it  is 
possible  that  upon  application  to  the  issuing  office  a  copy  may  be  obtained 
without  charge. 


Words  and  figures  inclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title-pages  of  the  publications  catalogued.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  When  size  is 
not  given  octavo  is  to  be  understood.  Size  of  maps  is  measured  from  outer  edge 
of  border,  excluding  margin.  The  date,  including  day,  month,  and  year,  given 
with  Senate  and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were 
ordered  to  be  printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but 
various  causes  sometimes  make  delays. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
cvdering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 




General  Information 1077-1078 

Corrections  for  previous  Monthly  catalogues 1078 

A.griculture  Department 1079-1086 

Agricultural   Economics   Bureau 1080 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 1080-1081 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 1081 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 1081 

Entomologj-   Bureau lOSl-1082 

Experiment  Stations  Office 1082 

Guam  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 1082 

Hawaii  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 10S2 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration 1082 

Forest  Service 1082-1083 





















Congress 1093-1110 













Home  Economics  Bureau 

Plant  Industry  Bui"eau 

Public  Roads  Bureau 

Soils  Bureau 

Weather  Bureau 

jivil   Service  Commission - 

commerce   Department 

Aeronautics  Branch 

Census  Bureau 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 

Fisheries  Bureau 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau. 

Lighthouses  Bureau 

Mines  Bureau 

Navigation  Bureau 

Patent  Office 

Publications  Division 

Radio  Division 

Standards  Bureau  

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 

Arlington  Memorial  Bridge  Commission 

Harriman  Geographic  Code  System,  Select  Joint  Committee  on. 

House  of  Representatives 

Agriculture  Committee 

Appropriations  Committee 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee 

Coinage,  Weights,  and  Measures  Committee 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 

Education  Committee 

Immigration   and   Naturalization    Committee 

Insular  Affairs  Committee 


June,  1928 


Congress — Continued. 

House  of  Representatives 

Judiciary    Committee 

Laws,  Committee  on  Revision  of 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee 

Military  Affairs  Committee 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 

Patents  Committee 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee- 
Public  Lauds  Committee 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Committee 

Roads  Committee 

Public  Buildings   Commission 


Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee 

Claims   Committee 

District  of  Columbia  Committee 

Foreign  Relations  Committee 

Immigration    Committee 

Judiciary   Committee 

Naval  Affairs  Committee 

Patents  Committee 

Presidential    Campaign    Expenditures,     Special    Committee 


Tariff  Commission,  Select  Committee  on  Investigation  of 

Court  of  Claims 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 

District  of  Columbia 

Employees'  Compensation  Commission 

Federal  Reserve  Board 

Federal  Trade  Commission 

General  Accounting  Oliice 

Geographic  Board 

Government  Printing  OflBce 

Documents  Office 

Interior  Department 

Education  Bureau 

Geological  Survey 

National  Park  Service 

Pension  Bureau 

Reclamation  Bureau 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 

Justice  Department 

Labor  Department 

Children's   Bureau . 

Employment   Service 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 

Library   of   Congress 

Catalogue  Division 

Copyright  Office 

National  Academy  of  Sciences 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 






























June,  1928 


Navy  Department 1131-1135 

Engineering  Bureau ., 1131 

Navigation  Bureau 1181-1184 

Hydrographic   Office 1132-1134 







Naval    Academy 

Recruiting  Bureau 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 

Pan  American  Union 

Panama  Canal 

Post  Office  Department 

Foreign  Mails  Division 

Postal  Savings  System 

Purchasing   Agent 

Railway  Mail  Service 

Topography   Division 

President  of  United  States 

Railroad  Administration 

Shipping  Board 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 

Smithsonian    Institution 

American  Historical  Association 

National   Museum 1142-1148 

State  Department 1143-1144 

Supreme  Court 1144 

Tariff  Commission 1144 

Tax  Appeals  Board 1144 

Treasury  Department 1144-1148 



















Budget  Bureau 

Coast  Guard 

Comptroller  of  Currency 

Customs  Court 

Federal  Farm  Loan  Bureau 

General  Supply  Committee 

Government  Actuary 

Inter-American  High  Commission. 

Internal   Revenue   Bureau 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 

Public  Health  Service 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 

Treasurer  of  United  States 

Veterans'  Bureau 

War  Department 

Adjutant  General's  Department—. 

Air  Corps 

Materiel  Division 

Engineer  Department 1151-1152 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey 1151-1152 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Board 1152 

Medical    Department 1152 

Militia  Bureau 1152 

Ordnance  Department 1152 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C,  is  authorized  to  sell 
at  cost,  plus  10  per  cent,  without  limit  as  to  the  number  of  copies  to  any  one 
applicant  who  agrees  not  to  resell  or  distribute  the  same  for  profit,  any  United 
States  Government  publication  not  confidential  in  character. 

Publications  can  not  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  ad- 
vance of  payment. 

The  accumulation  of  publications  in  this  OflSce  amounts  to  several  millions, 
of  which  over  two  million  are  assorted,  forming  the  sales  stocls.  Many  rare 
books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must  bp  sold  regardless  of  their  age 
or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  boolis  have  been  in  stocli  some  time,  and  are  apt  to 
be  shop-worn.     In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available  is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished 
free,  on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects 
concerning  which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  thnt  current 
publications  which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalogue. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalogue  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dag- 
ger (t)  indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  Department,  Bureau, 
or  Division  issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (t)  indicates  that  the 
document  is  printed  for  official  use.  Whenever  additional  information  con- 
cerning the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  Bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  Department,  Bureau,  or  Division,  and  the 
title,  together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the 
extreme  right;  order  the  Congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title, 
together  with  the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session, 
e.  g.,  H.  doc.  56,  70-1. 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (♦)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  by  coupons,  postal  money 
order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may  be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  For- 
eign remittances  should  be  made  either  by  international  money  order  or  draft 
on  an  American  bank. 

Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  ^cill  not  be  accepted. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  that  are  good  until 
used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  Ofl5.ce  in  sets  of  20  for  $1.00.  Ad- 
dress order  to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Ofllce, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States,  Alaska,  Guam,  Hawaii,  Philippine  Islands,  Porto  Rico,  Samoa,  or  to 
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charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  postage.,. '  In  computing  foreign  post- 
age, add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication.  ^^ 

1077  ^ 

2Q73  June,  1928 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  Con- 
gressional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the 
publication  is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  Sales  Stock  of  the  Ofl3ce  of 
the  Supeiintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number 
by  such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  Departmental  publications,  the  arrange- 
ment of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Checklist  of  United  States  public 
documents,  1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a 
library,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what 
would  ordinarily  be  a  superior  number  or  letter  (the  numbers  or  letters 
Immediately  following  the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not 
being  practicable  to  print  these  numbers  and  letters  as  superiors  in  the 
Monthly  catalogue,  e.  g.,  the  number  A  1.23/a :  So  96/4  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalogue  would  be  A  1.23" :  So  96'  in  a  library. 


Numbers  to  be  used  In  ordering  the  printed  catalogue  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  the  more  important  publications.  These 
are  given  at  the  left,  with  "  L.  C.  card  "  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the 
Documents  Office  classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these 
cards,  remittances  in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  Information  about 
them  should  be  addressed  to  the  Librarian  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superin- 
tendent of  Documents. 


The  Monthly  catalogue  is  sent  to  libraries,  schools,  and  colleges  free  on 
application.  Subscription  price  to  individuals,  50c.  a  year,  including  index; 
foreign  subscription,  75c.  a  year.  Back  numbers  can  not  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 


May,  1928.  On  page  955,  13th  line  from  top  of  page,  change  "  Lovel  Point,  Mr." 
to  read  "  Lovel  Point,  Md." ;  on  page  9G8,  28th  line  from  top  of  page,  change 
"  Jose  J.  Jimenez  "  to  read  "  Jose  J.  Jiminez." 


The  Documents  OfS.ce  will  soon  issue  an  index  to  all  entries  in  the  twelve 
numbers  of  the  Monthly  catalogue,  July,  1927,  to  June,  1928.  A  title-page 
for  the  twelve  numbers  of  the  catalogue  will  accompany  the  index.  Duplicate 
numbers  of  the  Monthly  catalogue  can  not  be  supplied. 


Monthly  Catalogue 

No.  402  JUNE  1928 


Note. — In  accordance  with  a  recent  order  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  the  Depart- 
ment bulletin  series  will  be  stopped  at  no.  1500,  being  replaced  by  a  series  designated  aa 
Technical  bulletin ;  the  last  of  the  Department  circular  series  will  be  no.  425,  to  be 
replaced  by  a  series  designated  Circular ;  and  the  last  of  the  Miscellaneous  circular  series 
will  be  no.  110,  to  be  replaced  by  a  series  designated  as  Miscellaneous  publication.  Each 
of  the  new  series  begins  at  no.  1. 

Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be  sup- 
plied by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Department  issues, 
at  irregular  intervals,  announcements  concerning  its  publications,  which  will  be  mailed 
to   all  applicants,   enabling  them   to  select  such   reports  and   bulletins  as  interest   them. 

Cotton.  Chemical  study  of  development  of  cotton  bolls  and  rate  of  formation 
of  gossypol  in  cotton  seed  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Willis  D.  Gallup. 
1928.  [2] +471-480  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  5, 
Mar.  1,  1928.]     i  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/47 

Crops  and  markets,  June,  192S;y.  5,  no.  6.    [1928.]    p.  185-224,  il.  4°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  60c.  a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  85c. 
L.  C.  card  Agx  24-113  A  36.11/3  :  5/6 

Journal  of  agricultural  research.  Journal  of  agricultural  research  [title-page, 
contents,  errata,  and  index  to]  v.  35;  July  1-Dec.  15,  1927.  1928.  vii+ 
1153-64  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23  :  35/t.  p.  &  ind. 

• Same,  v.  36,  no.  5  and  6 ;  Mar.  1  and  15,  1928.    1928.    cover-titles,  p.  391- 

580,  11.  14  p.  of  pi.     [Semimonthly.]     *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ; 

loreign  subscription,  $5.00. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23  :  36/5,  6 

Contents. — No.  5.  Chemical  composition  of  American-grown  French  cider  apples  and 
other  apples  of  like  character  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Joseph  S.  Caldwell. — 
Chemical  composition  of  juices  of  some  American  apples  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  Joseph  S.  Caldwell. — Bacterial  halo  spot  of  kudzu  caused  by  Bacterium  puerariae 
Hedges  ;  by  Florence  Hedges. — Changes  produced  in  apples  by  use  of  cleaning  and  oil- 
coating  processes  ;  by  J.  R.  Neller. — Correlated  studies  in  oats  of  inheritance  of  reac- 
tion to  stem  rust  and  smuts  and  of  other  differential  characters  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  H.  K.  Hayes,  Fred  Griffee,  F.  J.  Stevenson,  and  A.  P.  Lunden. — Variations 
of  colloidal  material  in  typical  areas  of  Leonardtown  silt  loam  soil  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  R.  S.  Holmes. — Chemical  study  of  development  of  cotton  bolls  and 
rate  of  formation  of  gossypol  in  cotton  seed  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Willis 
D.  Gallup. — Observed  case  of  spontaneous  ignition  in  stable  manure ;  by  L.  H.  James, 
G.  L.  Bidwell,  and  R.  S.  McKinney. — No.  6.  Cytological  study  of  Puccinia  glumarum 
on  Bromus  marginatus  and  Triticum  vulgare  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Ruth  F. 
Allen. — Growth  of  Rhode  Island  reds  and  effect  of  feeding  skim  milk  on  constants  of 
their  growth  curves  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Harry  W.  Titus  and  Morley  A. 
JuU. — Growth  of  chickens  in  relation  to  feed  consumption  ;  by  Morley  A.  Jull  and 
Harry  W.  Titus.— Accuracv  of  cattle  weights  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  L. 
Lush,  F.  W.  Christensen,  C.  V.  Wilson,  and  W.  H.  Black. 

Note. — This  publication  is  published  by  authority  of  the  Secretary  of  Agriculture, 
with  the  cooperation  of  the  Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  It  is 
distributed  free  only  to  libraries  of  agricultural  colleges  and  experiment  stations,  to 
large  universities,  technical  schools,  and  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges 
with  the  Agriculture  Department.  Others  desiring  the  Journal  may  obtain  it  from  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Oats.  Correlated  studies  in  oats  of  inheritance  of  reaction  to  stem  rust  and 
smuts  and  of  other  differential  characters  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ; 
by  H.  K.  Hayes,  Fred  Griffee,  F.  J.  Stevenson,  and  A.  P.  Lunden.  1928.  cover- 
title,  p.  437-457.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36.  no.  5,  Mar. 
1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Oa  8/9 

Official  record,  Department  of  Agriculture,   v.   7,   no.  23-26;   June  6-27,  1928. 
[1928.]     Each  8  p.  4°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-146  A  1.33  :  7/23-26 

HoTV  to  order  publications— See  Information  follovring  Contents 

736— 28— No.  402^ 2  1079 

1080  June,  1928 

Wheat.  Occurrence  and  behavior  of  embryoless  wheat  seeds  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  Mildred  E.  Lyon.  1928.  [2] +631-637  p.  il.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  7,  Apr.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  W  56/80 

Yearhook.     Yearbook  of  agriculture,   1927;   Nelson   Antrim  Crawford,   editor, 
Arthur  P.  Chew,  associate  editor.     1928.     xxii+1234  p.  il.     *  Cloth,  $1.50. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1035  A  1.10 :  927 

Contents. — Year  in  agriculture,  Secretary's  report  to  the  President  [1927]. — What's 
new  in  agriculture. — Miscellaneous  lists. — Agricultural   statistics. — Index. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  150,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  June  1, 1928  ;  v.  12, 
no.  6.  [1928.]  24  p.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15  :  12/6 

Cov>peas.  Marketing  eowpea  seed  crop;  [by  J.  E.  Barr].  [Jan.  1923,  reprint 
1928.]  27  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1308.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-325  A  1.  9  :  1308/1-2 

Crops.  Crop  and  livestock  reports  [May.  1928;  Price  situation].  [1928.]  154r- 
155+182-183  p.  4°     [From  Crops  and  markets,  v.  5,  no.  5.]     t 

A  36.11/3  a  :  C  883/8 

Hau  caps;   [by]   H.  B.  McClure.     [May,   1918,  revised  Mar.  1928.]     1928.     16 
p.    il.     (Agriculture    Dept.     Farmers'    bulletin    977.)      [Formerly    issued    by 
Farm  Management  and  Farm  Economic-s  Office.  ]     *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  18-531  A  1.9 :  977/2 

Leases.     Farm  lease  contract;   [by]  L.  C.  Gray  and  Howard  A.  Turner.     [Oct. 
1920,  revised  Apr.  1924,  reprint]  1928.     36  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1164.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-1916  A  1.9  :  1164/2-4 

Milk.  Some  factors  affecting  demand  for  mil!':  and  cream  in  metropolitan  area 
of  New  York;  by  H.  A.  Ross.  June,  1928.  cover-title,  68  p.  il.  (Agriculture 
Dept.  Technical  bulletin  73.)  [Test  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  AgT  28-673  A  1.36 :  73 

Tractors.     Changes  effected  by  tractors  on  coni-belt  farms ;   [by  L.  A.  Reynold- 
son  and  H.   P...  ToUey].     [Repdnt  1928.]     ii+12  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmer.s'  bulletin  129(3.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Public  Roads  Bureau 
and  Animal  Industry  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-322  A  1.9 :  1296/1-3 

Villages.  Rural  planning :  The  village ;  [by  Wayne  C.  Nason].  [Mar.  1925,  reprint 
1928.]  ii+46  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1441.)  *  Paper.  100. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  25-625  A  1.9 :  1441/1-2 


Dogs.     Sheep-killing  dogs;    [by  M.  W.  Coll].     [Jmi?,  1922,  reprint  1928.]     30 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1268.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-788  A  1.9: 1268/1-3 

Foot-and-Mouth  Disease  Commission.  Report  of  Foot-and-Mouth-Disease  Com- 
mission of  Department  of  Agriculture  [with  list  of  literature  cited],  by  Peter 
K.  Olitsky,  Jacob  Traum,  and  Harry  W.  Schoening;  [with  introduction  by 
John  R.  Mohler].  June,  1928.  cover-title.  172  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Technical  bulletin  76.)  [Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.  Includes  Regulations 
for  control  of  foot-and-mouth  disease  in  European  countries;  compiled  in 
1925  by  Swedish  Foot-and-Mouth-Disease  Commission.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-670  A  1.36  :  76 

Horses.    How  to  select  a  sound  horse;  [by  H.  H.  Reese].     [Feb.  1917,  revised 
Aug.  1925,  reprint  1928.]     ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
779.)     [Date  of  original  issue  incorrectly  given  on  this  publication  as  Feb. 
1919.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  17-332  A  1.9 :  779/4-2 

How  to  order  puMicatioiis— See  information   followingr   Contents 


June,  1928  1081 

PonUnj.  Standard  breeds  &  varieties  of  chickens:  1,  American,  Asiatic.  Eng- 
lish, and  Mediterranean  classes;  [by  M.  A.  Jull].  [Oct.  1926,  revised  Mar. 
1928.]      [192S.]     ii+37   p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'   bulletin   1.506.) 

*  Paper,  10c.  -^  1-9 :  1506/2 
Service   anumnicemetits.     Service   and   regulatory   announcements,    May,    1928; 

[no.]  253.     June,  1928.     p.  39-46.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c. 

a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 

L.  "C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  4.13  :  253 

Sheep.    Farm  sheep  raising  for  beginners,  [by  F.  R.  Marshall  and  R.  B.  Millin ; 
revised  by  D.  A.   Silencer].     [July,   1917,   revised  Apr.   1927,   reprint   1928.] 
ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  840.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-289  A  1.9  :  840/6-2 

Sorghum.  Feeding  grain  sorghums  to  livestock,  [by  George  A.  Scott ;  revised 
by  Arthur  T.  Semple].  [June,  1916,  revised  Apr.  1928.]  [1928.]  ii+10  p. 
il'.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' bulletin  724.)     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9:  724/4 


Birds.     Homes  for  birds :  [by  E.  R.  Kalmbach  and  W.  L.  McAtee].     [July,  1925, 
revised  Jan.  1926.  reprint  1928.]     ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin    1456. )     *  Paper,    5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  2.5-990  A  1.9  :  1456/2-3 

Chinchilla  rabbits   for  food   and  fur;    [by  D.   Monroe  Green].     [May,    1928.] 
ii+6  p.  il.     (Apiculture  Dept.     l-eaflet  22.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-667  A  1.35 :  22 


XoTE. — For   publications   prepared   by   the    Soils    Bureau   previous   to   its   consolidation 
■with  the  Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  10S5. 

Fulton  County,  Ohio.  Soil  survey  of  Fulton  County,  Ohio ;  by  Arthur  E.  Taylor, 
R.  A.  Winston,  G.  L.  Fuller,  and  G.  W.  Conrey.  1928.  iv +1841-1902  p.  il. 
map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Ohio  Agricultural  Experiment  Station. 
From  Field  oi^erations,  1922.]     *  Paper,  20c.  A26.5/a:F959 

Phimouth  County,  Iowa.  Soil  survey  of  Plymouth  County,  Iowa;  by  D.  S. 
Gray  and  A.  L.  Gray.  1928.  iii+79&-821  p.  il.  map.  [Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion' with  Iowa  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  From  Field  operations, 
1923.]     *  Paper,  15c.  A  47.5/a  :  P  749 

Soils.  Variations  of  colloidal  material  in  typical  areas  of  Leonardtown  silt 
loam  soil  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  R.  S.  Holmes.  1928.  [2]  +459- 
470  p.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  5,  Mar.  1,  1928.]      ! 

A  1.23/a  :  C  698 

Yadkin  County,  V.  C.  Soil  survey  of  Yadkin  County,  N.  C. ;  by  William  D.  Lee 
and  S.  F.  Davidson.  1928.  iii+24  p.  il.  map.  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with 
North  Carolina  Department  of  Agriculture  and  North  Carolina  Agricultural 
Experiment    Station.     From    Field    operations,    1924.]     *  Paper,    15c. 

A  47.5/a:  Yl 


Apple  maggot  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  B.  A.  Porter.  May,  1928. 
cover-title,  48  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Te-hnical  bulletin  66.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Connecticut  Agricultural  Exi)eriment  Station.] 

*  Pai)er,   15c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-663  A  1.36 :  66 

Arthropods.  Simple  method  for  life-history  studies  of  root-feeding  arthropods ; 
bv  Ed.  M.  Searls.  1928.  [2] +639-645  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  36,  no.  3,  Apr.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  ;  R  679/2 

Chinch   bug   and  how   to   fight   it;    [by    W.  P.    Flint   and    W.    H.    Larrimer]. 
[June,  1926,  reprint  1928.]     ii+17  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1498.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1132  A  1.9 :  1498/1-2 

now   to  optler  pablicatlons— See  information   following   Contents 

■|^Q02  June,  1928 

European  corn-'borer.    Bibliography  of  European  corn  borer  (Pyrausta  nubilalis 
Hbn.)  ;  [by]  J.  S.  Wade.     Sept.  1925,  revised  and  enlarged  May,  1928.     1928. 
cover-title,  35  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Miscellaneous  circular  46.)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  cai-d  Agr  28-661  A  1.5/2 :  46/2 

Fleas  and  their  control;  [by]  F.  C.  Bishopp.  [Revised  Apr.  1928.]  1928.  16  p. 
il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  897.)  [Nov.  1915,  on  p.  2,  is  the 
original  date  of  issue  of  Fanners'  bulletin  683  of  which  Farmers'  bulletin 
897  is  a  revision.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.9:  897/4 

San  Jose  scale.    Preliminary  report  on  control  of  San  Jose  scale  with  lubricat- 
ing-oil  emuLsion;   [by]  A.  J.  Ackerman.     June,  1923  [reprint  1928].     19  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Department  circular  263.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agi-  23-733  A  1.14/2 :  263/1-2 


Experiment  station  record.  Experiment  station  record,  v.  58,  no.  8;  June,  1928. 
1928.  cover-title,  x+701-800  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  per  vol.  (2 
vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25  per  vol. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  10.6 :  58/8 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  reports  and  publications  on  agricultural 
science  wliicli  have  lecently  appeared  in  all  countries,  especially  tbe  United  States. 
Extra  numbers,  called  abstract  numbers,  are  issued,  3  to  each  volume.  These  are 
made  up  almost  exclusively  of  abstracts,  that  is,  they  contain  no  editorial  notes  and 
only  a  limited  number  of  current  notes. 

Same,  v.  58,  no.  9;  June,  1928,  abstract  number.     1928.     cover-title,  xi+ 

801-900  p.  il.  A  10.6:  58/9 


Report  of  Guam  Agiicultural  Experiment  Station,  1926.     June,   1928.     cover- 
title,  19  p.  il.     t 
L.  0.  card  Agr  12-1720  A  10.22/1 :  926 


Report  of  Hawaii  Agi'icultural  Exi^eriment  Station,  1927.     June,  1928.     cover- 
title,  27  p.  il.  1  pi.  2  p.  of  pi.     t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  6-1359  A  10.9/1 :  927 


Food.  Notices  of  judgment  under  food  and  drugs  act  15401—150.  June,  1928. 
p.  203-224.     *  Paper,  5c.  A  46.6 :  15401-15450 

Sam-^  15451-500.     June,  1928.     p.  225^244.     *  Paper,  5e. 

A  46.6 :  15451-15500 


Colorado.     National  forests  of  Colorado.     [May,  1928.]     [2]-f3S  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Miscellaneous  publication  18.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-669  A  1.38 :  18 

Douglas  spruce.  Rates  of  growth  of  immature  Douglas  fir  as  shown  by  periodic 
remeasurements  on  permanent  sample  plots;  by  Walter  H.  Meyer.  1928. 
cover-title,  p.  193-215,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36, 
no.  3,  Feb.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  D  747/3 

Foi-est  worker.  Forest  worker.  May,  1928;  [v.  4,  no.  3].  [1928.]  ii+30  p. 
[Bimonthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-838  A  13.19  :  928/3 

Magazine  for  forest  workers  [descriptive  circular  of  Forest  worker  pub- 
lished bimonthly  by  Forest  Service].     [1928.]     4  p.  il.  large  8"     t 

A  13.19 :  adv. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information   following   Contents 


June,  1928  1083 


Cleveland  National  Forest,  Calif,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads, 
trails,  etc.].  [1928.]  1  slieet  (witli  map  on  verso),  il.  large  4°,  folded  into 
narrow  12°   size  and   so  printed   as  to   number    [l]+25+[2]    p.     t 

A  13.13  :  C  59 

Oregon.  Road  and  information  map  for  national  forests  of  Oregon.  Revised 
1927.  1928.  1  sheet  (with  map  on  verso),  il.  large  4°.  folded  into  narrow 
12°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [l]-j-19+[l]  p.     t  A  13.13  :  Or  3/5 

Sequoia  National  Forest,  Calif,  [resources  and  recreation  features,  roads,  trails, 
etc.].  [1928.]  1  sheet  (with  map  on,  il.  narrow  f",  folded  into  nar- 
row 8°  size  and  so  printed  as  to  number  [1]-|-21  +  [1]  p.     t  A  13.13  :  Se6 


Dresses  for  little  girl;   [by  Maude  Campbell].     [May]   1928.     S  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Leaflet  26.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-665  A  1.35  :  26 

Food.     Good  proportions  in  diet;  [by  Caroline  L.  Hunt].     [Mar.  1923,  reprinted 
with  slight  changes  May,  1928.]      [2] +22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1313. )      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-397  A  1.9 :  1313/1-3 

Lamb  as  j'ou  like  it;    [by  Lucy  M.  Alexander  and  Fanny  Walker  Yeatman]. 
[June]  1928.     (Agi'iculture  Dept.     Leaflet  28.)      [Prepared  in  cooper- 
ation with  Animal  Industry  Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-674  A  1.35  :  28 


Apples.  Chemical  composition  of  American-grown  French  cider  apples  and 
other  apples  of  like  character  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Joseph  S. 
Caldwell.  1928.  cover-title,  p.  391-406.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  v.  36,  no.  5,  Mar.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/37 

Chemical  composition  of  apple  juices  as  affected  by  climatic  conditions 

[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Joseph  S.  Caldwell.  1928.  cover-title, 
p.  289-365,  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  4,  Feb.  15, 
1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/36 

Chemical  composition  of  juices  of  some  American  apples   [with  list  of 

literature  cited];  by  Joseph  S.  Caldwell.  1928.  [2] +407-417  p.  [From 
Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  5,  Mar.  1,  192S.]     t 

A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/35 

Mean  summer  or  optimum  temperatures  in  relation  to  chemical  com- 
position in  apple  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Joseph  S.  Caldwell.  1928. 
cover-title,  p.  367-389.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  4, 
Feb.  15,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/34 

Blister  rust.  Protect  western  white  pine  and  sugar  pine  from  blister  rust ;  by 
J.  F.  Martin.  Western  edition.  Apr.  1928.  [8]  p.  il.  narrow  8°  (Agri- 
culture Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  23.)  [California,  Connecticut, 
Idaho,  Maine,  Massachusetts,  Michigan,  Minnesota,  Montana,  New  Hamp- 
shire, New  Jersey,  New  York,  Oregon,  Pennsylvania,  Rhode  Island,  Vermont, 
Washington,  and  Wisconsin  cooperating.]     t  A  1.38  :  23 

Protect  white  pine  from  blister  rust ;  by  J.  F.  Martin.     Eastern  edition. 

Apr.  1928.  [8]  p.  il.  narrow  8°  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publica- 
tion 22.)  [California,  Connecticut,  Idaho,  Maine,  Massachusetts,  Michigan, 
Minnesota,  Montana,  New  Hampshire,  New  Jersey,  New  York,  Oregon.  Penn- 
sylvania, Rhode  Island,  "Vermont,  Wa.shington,  and  Wisconsin  cooperating.]     t 

A  1.38 :  22 

Celery  growing;  [by  W.  R.  Beattie].     [June,  1922,  revised  Mar.  1928.]     [1928.] 
ii+28  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1269.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-1001  A  1.9  :  1269/3 

Hovr  to  order  publications— See  Inforiuation   following:  Contents 

]^Qg4  June,  1928 

Cotton.  Applicability  of  Pearson's  equivalent  probability  r  method  to  problem 
of  seedling  mortality  in  sea-island,  Egyptian,  and  upland  cotton  [with  list 
of  literature  cited];  by  J.  Arthur  Harris  and  Marie  M.  Ness.  1928.  [2]  + 
615-623  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no.  7,  Apr.  1, 
1928.]     t  ^  1.23/a  :  C  829/49 

Illustrations  of  application  of  criterion  of  deviation  of  an  observed  from 

random  distribution  to  problem  of  seedling  stand  in  sea-island,  Egyptian,  and 
upland  cotton ;  by  J.  Arthur  Harris,  George  J.  Harrison,  and  F.  M.  Wadley. 
1928  [2] +603-614  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  36,  no. 
7,  Apr.  1,  1928.]     t  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/48 

F7-uit.     Growing  fruit  for  home  use;  [by  H.  P.  Gould  and  George  M.  Darrow]. 
[Feb.  1919,  revised  Aug.  1925,  reprint  1928.]     ii+37  p.  il.      (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1001.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  20-982  A  1.9  :  1001/3-2 

Fusarium.    Factors  in  inception  and  development  of  Fusarium  rot  in  stored 
potatoes  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Freeman  Weiss,  J.  I.  Lauritzen, 
and  Philip  Brierley.     May,  1928.     cover-title,  36  p.  il.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     Technical  bulletin  62.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-671  A  1.36  :  62 

Iris  (plant).     Production  of  certain  iris  bulbs;  by  David  Griffiths.     Apr.  1928. 
23  p.  1  pi.  6  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.    Circular  25.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-660  A  1.4/2 :  25 

Seeds.    Rules  for  seed  testing  [adopted  by  Association  of  Official  Seed  Analysts 
of  North  America  at  annual  meeting  at  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  17-20,   1926]. 
[Jan.  1927,  reprint]  Apr.  1928.     13  p.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Department  cir- 
cular 406.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-8  A  1.14/2 :  406/2 

Strawhci-ry  varieties  in  United  States;   [by  George  M.  Darrow].     [Apr.  1919, 
revised  June.  1927,  reprint  1928.]     11+30  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' 
bulletin  1043.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  27-748  A  1.9 :  1043/4-2 

Sudan  grass;  [by  H.  N.  Vinall].     [May,  1920,  revised  Jan.  1925,  reprint  1928.] 
ii+22  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1126.)      *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  23-318  A  1.9  :  1126/4-4 

Weeds,  how  to  control  them,  [by]  H.  R.  Cox ;  [revised  by  Albert  A.  Hansen  and 
Frederick  V.  Coville].     [May  12,  1915,  revised  June,  1924,  reprint]  1928.    32 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  660.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-497  A  1.9  :  660/4-5 

Wheat.    Varieties   of   winter   wheat   adapted   to  eastern   United    States;    [by 

Clyde  E.  Leighty].  [Apr.  1921,  reprint  1928.]  20  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
Farmers'  bulletin  1168.)     ♦Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  21-581  A  1.9  :  1168/1-3 


Irrigation.    Irrigation  of  cotton  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  James  C. 

Marr  and  Robert  G.  Hemphill.  May,  1928.     cover-title,  38  p.  il.  (Agriculture 

Dept.    Technical  bulletin  72. )  *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  28-668  A  1.36  :  72 

Practical  information  for  beginners  in  irrigation;   [by  Samuel  Fortier]. 

[July  1906,  revised  Dec.  1927.]     [1927,  published  1928.]     ii+37  p.  U.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  864.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  28-664  A  1.9 :  864/4 

Massachusetts.  How  Massachusetts  is  improving  her  roadsides ;  by  R.  E.  Tribou. 
[1928.]  p.  25-36,  il.  4"  [From  Public  roads,  v.  9,  no.  2,  Apr.  1928.]  *  Paper, 
10c.  A  22.6/a  :  M  382 

Taracing  farm  lands;  [by  C.  B.  Ramser].  [Feb.  1924,  revised  June,  1928.] 
[1928.]  ii+20  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  buUetin  1386.)  *  Paper, 

L.  C.  card  Agr  2S-672  A  1.9 :  1386/2 

HoKV  to  order  publications— See  information  follo^vlns  Contents 

June,  1928  1085 


Note. — For  publications  issued  by  the  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau  after  the  Soils  Bu- 
reau was  merged  with  the  Chemistry  Bureau,  see  p.  1081. 

Laiorence  County,  Ind.  Soil  survey  of  Lawrence  County,  Ind  ,  by  W.  E.  Tharp, 
T.  M.  Bushuell,  and  J.  E.  Adams ;  pt.  2,  Management  of  Lawrence  County  soils, 
by  A.  T.  Wiancko  and  S.  D.  Conner.  192S.  iv+1955-2000  p.  il.  4  p.  of  pi  map. 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  witb  Purdue  University  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station.     From  Field  operations,  1922.]     *  Paper,  25c.  A  26.5/a  :  L  439/3 

Monroe  County,  Ind.  Soil  survey  of  Monroe  County,  Ind.,  by  T.  M.  Bushnell  and 
Earl  D.  Fowler ;  pt.  2,  Management  of  Monroe  County  soils,  by  A.  T.  Wiancko 
and  S.  D.  Conner.  1928.  iv+1723-70  p.  il.  1  pi.  map.  [Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion with  Purdue  University  Agricultural  Experim.  ..t  Station.  From  Field 
operations,  1922  ]     *  Paper,  25c.  A  26.5/a :  M  757/5 


Airway  observers.  Instructions  for  airway  observers.  1928.  ii+28  p.  il.  (Cir- 
cular N,  Aerological  Division,  1st  edition. )     *  Paper,  15c. 

Climatological  data.  Climatological  data  for  United  States  by  sections,  v.  15, 
no.  2;  Feb.  1928.  [1928.]  cover-title,  [206]  p.  il.  map,  2  p.  of  maps,  4" 
*  Paper,  35c.  complete  monthly  number,  $4.00  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  A  29.29 :  15/2 

Note." — Made  up  of  separate  Climatological  data  issued  from  42  section  centers  of 
the  T'nited  Staffs.  Printed  at  the  several  section  centers  and  assembled  and  bound  at 
the  Washington  Office.  Issued  principally  for  service  use  and  exchange.  Back  numbers 
can  not  be  supplied.  The  separate  Climatological  data  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  rate  of  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr.  for  eacji 

. Same,  v.  15,  no.  3 ;  Mar.  1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,  [217 J  p.  il.  map,  2  p.  of 

maps,  4°  A  29.29 :  15/3 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  no.  9-12  [season  of  1928]  ;  June  5-26, 
1928.  New  Orleans,  La.,  June  6-27,  1928.  Each  [2]  p.  il.  large  4°  *  Paper, 
30c.  per  season  (April-October) .  A  29.39 :  928/9-12 

Meteorology.  Monthlv  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C,  May,  1928. 
[June  2,  1928.]      [2]  p.  large  8°     t  A  29.30:  928/5 

Monthly  weather  review,  Apr.  1928;  v.  56,  no.  4.     [June  29]   1928.     cover-title, 
p.  125-165,  il.  11  p.  of  maps,  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  15c. 
single  copy,  $1  50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  A  29.6/1 :  56/4 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  contains  (1)  meteorological  contributions  and 
bibliography,  (2)  an  interpretative  summary  and  charts  of  the  weather  of  the  month 
in  the  United  States,  and  on  adjacent  oceans,  and  (3)  climatological  tables  dealing 
with  the  weather  of  the  month.  The  contributions  are  principally  as  follows  :  (a) 
results  of  observational  or  research  work  in  meteorology  carried  on  in  the  United 
States  or  other  parts  of  the  world,  (b)  abstracts  or  reviews  of  important  meteorological 
papers  and  books,  and   (c)   notes. 

Special  articles. — Winter  anticyclone  of  Great  Basin  ;  [by]  Alfred  J.  Henry. — Fre- 
quency and  persistence  of  low  relative  humidity  in  State  of  Washington  ;  by  George  W. 
Alexander. — Forest-fire  weather  in  central  Massachusetts  ;  by  Paul  W.  Stickel.- — I'ro- 
tecting  oil  reservoirs  against  lightning;  [abstract]  by  Marion  E.  Dice. — Comparison  of 
air  and  soil  temperatures  ;  by  Harry  G.  Carter. — Diiirnal  variation  of  rainfall  at  San 
Juan,  P.  R.  ;  [by]  C.  L.  Ray. — Meteorological  problems  of  rigid  airships ;  by  F.  W. 
Reichelderfer. — Whence  come  cold  waves?  [by]  Alfred  J.  Henry. 

Streani-floio  experiment.     Forest  and  stream-flow  experiment  at  Wagon  Wheel 
Gap,  Colo. :  Final  report  on  completion  of  2d  phase  of  experiment ;  by  C.  G. 
Bates  and  A.  J.  Henry.     1928.     iv+79  p.  il.  1  pi.  map,  large  4°     (Monthly 
weather  review  supplement  30. )     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  22-170  A  29.6/2 :  30 

Weather.    Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin.  June  5-26,  1928:  no.  23-26.  1928. 
June  6-27,  1928.    Each  4  p.  il.  4"    *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  A  29.7/2  :  928/23-26 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information  foIlOTrlngr  Contents 

1086  '^^^^'  ^^^^ 

Weather  map  Daily  weather  map  [of  United  States,  containing  forecasts  for 
all  States  east  of  Mississippi  River  except  Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Indiana,  upper 
Michigan  and  lower  Michigan],  June  1-30,  1928.  1st  edition.  [1928.]  Each 
16  4X22  7  in.  [Not  issued  Sundays  or  holidays.]  *  Editions  issued  at  Wash- 
ington D  C,  25c.  a  month,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  editions  issued  at  about  65  stations 
throughout  tlie  United  States,  20c.  a  month,  $2.00  a  yr.  (maps  can  not  be  fur- 
nished in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue).  A 29.18:  928 

Same  [containing  forecasts  for  United  States],  June  1-30,  1928.  2d  edi- 
tion. [1928.]  Each  16.4X22.7  in.  [The  Sunday  edition  does  not  contain  as 
much  information  as  the  edition  for  week  days.]  *  30c.  a  month,  $3.00  a  yr. 
(maps  can  not  be  furnished  in  quantities  unless  the  order  is  placed  with  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  in  advance  of  issue). 

A  29.18 :  928 

Weather  outlook,  June  4-July  7  [1928].  June  2-30,  1928.  Each  1  p.  [Weekly. 
The  edition  here  catalogued  is  the  one  for  Districts  1-3  issued  from  the  fore- 
cast center  at  Washington,  D.  C]  t  A  29.38  :  928/22-26 
Note — The  Weather  outlooks  for  the  various  zones  are  prepared  at,  and  distributed 
from  forecast  centers  of  the  Weather  Bureau,  as  follows  :  Washington.  D.  C.  (District 
1  North  and  Middle  Atlantic  States,  District  2,  South  Atlantic  and  East  Gulf  States, 
D'istrict  3,  Ohio  Valley  and  Tennessee)  ;  New  Orleans,  La.  (District  4,  Southern  Plains 
and  West' Gulf  States);  Chicago,  111.  (District  5,  Region  of  Great  Lakes,  District  6, 
Upper  Mississippi  and  lower  Missouri  valleys,  District  7,  Northern  and  central  Great 
Plains)  ;  Denver,  Colo.  (District  8,  Northern  Rocky  Mountain  region,  District  9,  South- 
ern Rocky  Mountain  and  Plateau  regions)  ;  San  Francisco,  Calif.  (District  10,  Far 
Western  States). 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  its  publications  gratuitously  to  those  who  apply  for 

Reentry  in  classified  service.    May,  1928.    7  p.     (Form  126.)     t 
L.  C.  card  28-817  CS  1.23  :  928 

Steamboat  Inspection  Sermce.  Information  concerning  examinations  for  en- 
trance to  Steamboat  Inspection  Service.    May,  1928.    4  p.     (Form  1405.)     t 

CS  1.6  :  St  3/12/928 


Note. — The  Department  of  Commerce  prints  most  of  its  publications  in  very  limited 
editions,  the  distribution  of  which  is  confined  to  Government  officers,  libraries,  etc.  When 
a  selling  price  is  noted  in  this  list,  application  for  such  publication  should  be  submitted 
to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C,  with  remittance.  For  copies  of 
charts,  coast  pilots,  and  tide  tables,  however,  apply  directly  to  the  issuing  office,  the 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Motor-hoats.  Regulation  of  motor  boats.  May  1,  1928.  4  p.  4"  (Department 
circular  236,  12th  edition ;  Bureau  of  Navigation  and  Steamboat  Inspection 
Service.)     t  01.4:236/12 


Air  commerce  regulations,  effective  as  amended  June  1,  1928.  1928.  iii+36 
p.  il.     (Information  bulletin  7.)     t  0  23.8:7 

Air  marking  for  cities.  June  15,  1928.  1  p.  il.  4°  (Aeronautics  bulletin  4,  for- 
merly Information  bulletin  38. )     t  0  23.11 :  4 

Airplanes.  Requirements  for  approved  type  certificates :  Airplane  structures, 
airplane  engines,  airplane  propellers,  with  recommended  practice  (civil). 
1928.    1928.    x+56  p.  il.     (Aeronautics  bulletin  14.)     t  0  23.11:14 

Airports  and  landing  fields.  May  1,  1928.  15  p.  4°  (Aeronautics  bulletin  5. 
formerly  Information  bulletin  5. )     t  0  23.11 :  5 

Airway  bulletin  349-372 ;  May  S-22,  1928.     [1928.]     Each  2  p.  il.  12°     t 

O  23.7 :  349-372 

How  to  order  publications— See  information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  1087 

Civil  aeronautics  in  United  Stnto^.  Mav.  15,  1928.  22  p.  il.  4'  (Aeronautics 
bulletin  1,  formirly  Informatiin  bulletiu  1.)     t  C  23.11 :  1 

Trade  director]/.    Aeiouautics  trade  directory :  pt.  1,  Commodities ;  pt.  2.  Activi- 
ties.   May  15.  1028.     [l]+29  p.  4"     (Aeronautics  bulletin  3.  formerly  Informa- 
tion bulletin  3.)     t  C  23.11  rP, 

Agriculture.  United  States  census  of  agriculture.  1925,  reports  for  States,  with 
statistics  for  counties  and  summary  for  United  States :  pt.  1,  Northern  States ; 
pt.  2,  . Southern  States;  pt.  3,  Western  States  [descriptive  circular].  [1927.] 
4  p.  4°  [For  above  described  publications  see  Monthly  catalogue  for  Dec. 
1927,  p.  337,  Feb.  192S.  p.  535.  and  Jan.  1928,  p.  407,  respectivelv.]     t 

C  3.29  :  As  S 

Business.  Survey  of  current  business.  June.  1928,  uo.  82;  compiled  by  Bureau 
of  Census  in  cooperation  with  Bureau  of  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce 
and  Bureau  of  Standards.  1928.  cover-title,  48  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Con- 
tains practically  complete  data  for  Apr.  1928.  and  text  covering  early  weeks 
of  May,  the  date  given  above  June.  1928.  being  the  date  of  issue.  Text  on 
p.  2—4  of  cover.]  *  Paper.  10c.  (single  numbers  usually  10;*.,  semiannual  num- 
bers 25c.).  .SI. 50  a  yr.  (including  weekly  supplement)  ;  foreign  subscription. 
L.  C.  card  21-2GS19  C  3.33  :  92S/G 

Same,  weekly  supplement.  June  4-25.  1928.     [1928.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p.  il. 

4°      [Included  in   ijrice   of  monthly   Survev   of  current   business,   which   see 
above.]  '  C  3.34 ;  92S/23-2G 

Christian  Union.  Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926:  Christian  Union,  statistic:^, 
denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organization.  1928.  11  p.  *  Pai^er.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26435  ^  C  3.35/a  ;  C  462/3 

Church  of  the  Nazaroie.    Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926 :  Church  of  the  Naza- 
rene.    statistics,    denominational   history,    doctrine,    and    organization.      1928. 
15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26421  C  3.35/a  ;  N  236 

Cottan.  May  report  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  imiwrted,  and  exported,  and 
active  cotton  spindles.  June  14,  1928.  oblong  32"  [Preliminary  report. 
This  publication  is  issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.21 ;  927-928/10 

Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manu- 
factured, shipp'-d  out,  on  hand,  and  exported  for  10  months  ending  May  31, 
192S  and  1927.  June  12,  1928.  oblong  32"  [Exports  of  cottonseed  products 
are  for  9  months  ending  Apr.  30.  Preliminary  report.  This  publication  is 
issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t  C  3.25  :  927-28/10 

Evangelical  Synod  of  North  America.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926;  Evan- 
gelical Synod  of  North  America,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine, 
and  organization.     1928.     11  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26432  C  3.35/a  :  Ev  14 

German  Baptist  Brethren   {Dunkers).     Census  of  rtligious  bodies.  1926;  Ger- 
man   Baptist   Brethren    (Dunkers),    statistics,    denominational    history,    doc- 
trine, and  organization,  consolidated  report.     1928.     31  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26422  C  3.35/a  ;  G  317 

Manufactures.  Biennial  census  of  manufactures,  [calendar  year]  1925.  1928. 
xiii+1469  p.  il.  [Prepared  under  supervision  of  LeVerne  Beales,  chief 
statistician  for  manufactures,  assist;  d  by  John  F.  Daly,  executive  chief  of 
division,  and  liy  OA^en  L.  Briggs,  Thomas  J.  Fitzgerald.  Walter  S.  Gilchrist, 
Story  B.  Ladd,  August  H.  O.  R(aie.  William  A.  Ruff,  William  W.  Sawver, 
Edward  B.  White,  and  Paul  R.  Birge.]  *  Cloth,  .$2.00. 
L.  C.  card  2J-27304  C  3.24/1 ;  925 

Reformed    Church   in   America.     Census   of   religious   bodies,    192G;     Reformed 
Church  in  America,  statistics,  denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organi- 
zation.    1928.     15  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26386.  C  3.35/a  ;  R  259/2 

HOTT  to   order  publications — See   iiiforination    folloTrin^   Contents 

73&— 28— No.  402 3 

1088  *^^^^'  ^^^^ 

Reformed    Episcopal    Church.     Censu:^    of    religious    bodies,    1926:     Reformed 
Episcopal  Church,  statistics,  deuominatioual  history,  doctrine,  and  organiza- 
tion.    1928.     10  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26434  C  3.35/a  :  R  259/3 

River  Brethreu.     Census  of  religious  bodies,  1926:    River  Brethren,  statistics, 
denominational  history,  doctrine,  and  organization,  consolidated  report.     1928. 
15  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26424  C  3.35/a  :  R  524 

Swedish   Evangelical   Free   Church  of   United   States   of   America.     Census   of 
religious  bodies.  1926 :    Swedish  Evangelical  Free  Church  of  United  States 
of  America,    statistics,    denominational   history,    doctrine,    and    organization. 
1928.     9  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26423  C  3.35/a  :  Sw  34/2 

Volunteers    of    Ama-ica.     Census    of    religious    bodies,  1926:     Volunteers    of 

America,  statistics,  history,  doctrine,  and  organization.  1928.     11  p.     *  Paper, 

L."C.  card  28-26475  C  3.35/a  :  Y  88 


Note. — The  monthly  Notice  to  mariners,  formerly  issued  by  the  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  has  been  consolidated  with  and  made  a  part  of  the  Notice  to  mariners  issued  by 
the  Lighthouses  Bureau,  thus  making  it  a  .joint  publication.  The  charts,  coast  pilots, 
and  tide  tables  of  the  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  are  sold  at  the  office  of  the  Survey  in 
Washington,  and  also  by  one  or  more  sales  agents  in  each  of  the  important  American 

Coast  and   Geodetic  Survey   Mlletin,   May  31,   1928;   no.   156.     [1928.]     10  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-26512  C  4.20 :  156 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot,  Atlantic  Coast,  section  C, 
Sandv  Hook  to  Cape  Henry.    May  12,  1928.     [l]+22  leaves.     (Serial  420.)     t 

C  4.6/1 :  C/2/supp.  928 

Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot,  West  Indies,  Porto  Rico  and 

Virgin  Islands.     Apr.  30,  1928.     [1]+14  leaves.     (Serial  418.)     t 

C  4.6/2 :  P  83/2/supp.  928 


Columhia  River,  Oreg.-Wash.,  entrance  to  Harrington  Point,  surveys  to  1926, 
surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  1927 ;  chart  6151.  Scale  1 :  40.000'.  Washing- 
ton, Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  May,  1928.     24.7X41.3  in.     t  75c.     C  4.9:  6151 

Florida,  Gulf  Coast.  Lemon  Bay  to  Pas-sage  Key  Inlet,  surveys  to  1926  and 
other  sources :  chart  1256.  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  May,  1928.     43.9X32.2  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9:  1256 

Graj/s  Harbar,  Wash.,  surveys  to  1926,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers  to  Nov.  1927 
and  otlier  sources:  with  inset.  Continuation  of  Chehnlis  River;  chart  6195. 
Scale  1:40,000.  Washington.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Mav,  1928. 
24.7  X  38.6  in.     t  50c.  C  4.9 :  6195 

Inside  route,  Jupiter  Inlet  to  Barnes  Sound,  Fla.,  from  latest  surveys  and  other 
information  :  chart  3260.  Scale  1 :  80,000'.  Washington.  Coast  and  Geodetic 
Survey,  May,  1928.     34.1X22  in.     [Map  is  in  3  sections.]     t  25c.       0  4.9:3260 

Jolo  If<la)id.  .Tolo  and  Tapul  islands.  Sulu  Archipelago,  P.  I.,  original  surveys 
to  1926  and  other  sources:  chart  4513.  [Scale  1:100/100.]  Manila,  P.  I„ 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  Mar.  1928.     33.2X41.8  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9:  4513 

Miami  Harbor  and  approaches,  Fla.,  surveys  to  1919,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engineers 
to  Jan.  1928  and  other  sources ;  chart  583.  Scale  1 :  40.000.  Washington,  and  Geodetic  Survey,  May,  1928.     38.1X25.6  in.     f  50c.  C  4.9:  583 

Molokai  Island.  Channels  between  Molokai,  Maui,  Lauai,  and  Kahoolawe, 
Hawaiian  Islands,  surveys  to  1925,  surveys  by  U.  S,  Engineers  to  1927,  and 
other  sources  :  chart  4130,  Scale  1 :  80,000.  Washington,  Coast  ar.d  Geodetic 
Survey,  Ma.v,  1928.     43.8X32.8  in.     1 75c.  0  4.9:4130 

HoTT  to  order  publications— See  information   follo^ving   Contents 


June,  1928  1089 

Oregon.  Cape  Sebastian  to  Humbng  Mountain,  surveys  to  1925 ;  chart  5951. 
Scale  1:40,000.  Washington,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  May,  192S.  40X28 
in.     t  75c.  C  4.9  :  5951 

Tam/Hi  Bay  and  St.  Joseph  Sound.  Fla.,  surveys  to  1927,  surveys  by  U.  S.  Engi- 
neers to  1927.  and  otht^r  sources:  chart  12.")7.  Scale  1:80.000.  Washington, 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  May.  1928.     40.3X32.8  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9  :  1257 

Vi  'jinia.  Chincoteague  Inlet  to  Hog  Island  Light,  surveys  to  1915.  surveys  by 
U.  S.  Engineers  to  1926 :  chart  1221.  Scale  1 :  80.000.  Washington,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  May,  1928.     31.2X41  in.     t  75c.  C  4.9: 1221 


Canned,  fishery  products  and  by-products  of  United  States  and  Alaska,  1927. 
Washington,  Apr.  1928.  [1]+14  leaves,  oblong  8°  (Statistical  bulletin  782.) 
[Mimeographed.]     t  C  6.5  :  782 

Cold  storage  holdings  of  fish.  May  15.  1928.  1928.  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Statistical 
bulletin  788.)      [Statistics  furnished  bv  Agricultui'al  Economics  Bui*eau.]     t 

C  0.5 :  788 

Fish-eulture.     Propagation  and  distribution  of  fdod  fishes,  fi'^cal  3'ear  1927;  by 
Glen  C.  Leach.     1928.     [1] +683-736  p.  il.     (Bureau  of  Fisheries  doc.  1033.) 
[App.  8.  report  of  commissioner  of  fisheries,  1927.]     *  PaiDer,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  F  28-19  C  6.1 :  927/app.  8 

Fisheries  service  VuUetin.  :imiQ  1,1Q2S\  no.  lol.  [1928.]  10  p.  [Monthly.]  % 
L.  C.  card  F  15-76  '  C  6.9 :  157 

Fishery  products.  Statement  of  quantities  and  values  of  certain  fishery  prod- 
ucts landed  at  Boston  and  Gloucester.  Mass..  and  Portland,  Me.,  by  American 
fishing  vessels,  Apr.  1928.     1928.     1  p.  oblong  f°     (Statistical  bulletin  785.)     t 

C  6.5 :  785 

Same.  May,  1928.    1928.    1  p.  oblong  f "     ( Statistical  bulletin  789. )     t 

C  6.5 :  789 


Boot  and  shoe  industry  and  trade  of  New  Zealand;  by  J.  C.  Hudson.     [June, 
1928.]     ii+16  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  554;  [Shoe  and  Leather  Manu- 
factures Division].)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26375  C  18.25 :  554 

Brazil.     Commercial  readjustment  in  Brazil,  1927;  by  M.  A.  Phoebus.     [June, 
1928.]     ii+21  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  560;  Division  of  Regional  In- 
formation.)    *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26484  C  18.25 :  560 

^artels.     International  cartel  movement  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  Louis  Domer- 
atzky.     [.June.  1928.]     ii+61  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  556;  Division 
of  Regional  Information.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26388  C  18.25  :  556 

'ocoa  in  West  Africa ;  by  Leonard  J.  Schwarz.     1928.     iv+44  p.  il.  map.     (Trade 
promotion  series  68:  Foodstuffs  Division.)      *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26481  C  18.27  ;  68 

'ommerce.  Monthly  summary  of  foreign  commerce  of  United  States,  Apr.  1928. 
1928.  2  pts.  p.  1-76 +ii-- 77-96  p.  4'  *  Paijer,  pt.  1.  10c.  single  copy,  *  pt.  2, 
5c.  single  copy,  .$1.25  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.85. 

!L.  C.  card  14-21465  C  18.7 :  928/10-1, 10-2 
Same.     1928.     [2  pts.  in  1],  96  p.  4°     (H.  doc.  42,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

' 'ommerce  reports.  Commerce  reports,  weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  reports 
from  American  consular  officers  and  representatives  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce in  foreign  countries,  no.  23-26:  June  4-25.  1928.  1928.  cover-titles, 
p.  569-832,  il.  4"  [Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  covers]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $4.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $6.00.  C  18.5/1 :  928/23-26 

Ho^T   to   order   pa1>Iieation.s — See   information    follo^Tingr   Contents 

JQ9Q  June,  1928 

Electric  Diachincry.    Britisli  market  for  electrical  machinery  and  equipment:  l)y 
Huirli  D.  Butler.     [June.  1928.]     ii+3S  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  55S; 
[Electrical  Equipment  Division].)      [Includes  list  of  Briiisli  publications  per- 
tinent to  subject  matter  of  tbis  bulletin.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26482  C  18.25  :  558 

lodin.     Trade  in  iodine ;    [compiled  by  O.  P.  Hartley]   from  reports  by  repre- 
sentatives of  Departments  of  Commerce  and  State  and  other  sources.     [June, 
1928.]      ii+35    p.      (Trade    information    bulletin    561;    Chemical    Division.) 
♦Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26502  C  18.25  :  561 

Luxcmhurg,  brief  economic  survey;  by  James  E.  Parks.     [May,  1928.]     ii+13  p. 
il       (Trade  information  bulletin   559.)      [The  date   of      issue  is   incorrectly 
iiiven  on  p.  ii  as  Mav,  1918,  instead  of  May.  1928.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26483  C  18.25  :  559 

Samples.     Shipment  of  samples  and  advertising  matter  to  British  Empire :  by 
Roberta  P.  Wakefield.     [June,  1928.]     114-53  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin 
557:  Foreiirn  Tariffs  Division.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26420  C  18.25  :  557 

Steel.  Standard  specifications  for  lap-welded  and  seamless  steel  and  lap-welded 
iron  boiler  tubes  (serial  designation  A83-27),  text  as  adopted  by  American 
Society  for  Testing  Materials.  Revised  1927.  1928.  18  p.  11.  (Industrial 
standards  63.)  [Spanish -English  edition,  prepared  in  cooperation  with 
Bureau  of  Standards  and  American  Section  of  Inter-American  High  Com- 
mi.ssion  :  translated  into  Spanish  by  E.  0.  Cauova.  The  cover-title  of  this 
edition  is  in  English,  the  title-page  in  Spanish.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  CD  26-2  C  18.24  :  63/2 

Surgical  tnstnnnents.     Surgical  and  dental  instrument  trade  in  Australia  and 
New  Zealand;    [articles]   by  E.  G.  Pauly  and  J.  C.  Hudson.     [June,  1928.] 
ii+23  p.     (Trade  information  bulletin  555;   [Specialties  Division].)     *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  28-26374  C 18.25  :  555 


Buoys.  Plans  and  specifications  for  buoys  and  appendages.  1928.  1928.  [1]  + 
7  p.  24  pi.  4°     i  C  9.22  :  B  88/5/928 

Florida.  Seacoast.  Florida.  St.  Johns  River  light  station,  radiobeacon  to  be 
established;  [all  lettered  poster].  June  9.  1928.  16X10.5  in.  ([Poster] 
notice  to  mariners  106.)     t  C  9.38/1 :  lOi^  ; 

Lifiht-ships.    Plans  and  specifications  for  moorincs  for  ships  and  buoys  (wrought- j 
iron),  1928.    1928.     [1]+10  p.  9  pi.  4°     t  C  9.22  :  M  78-^10/928  j 

Lialitliouse  service  bulletin,  v.  3,  no.  54;   June  1,  1928.      [1928.]     p.  245-248.  I 
[Monthly.]     t  ' 

L.  C.  card  12-35121  C  9.31 :  3/54  ■ 

Notices  to  mariners.    Notice  to  mariners,  Great  Lakes,  weekly,  no.  14-18.  1928;  -j 
June  1-29  [1928].     Conover  Press,  Detroit  [Mav  31- June  28,  1928.]     varioua 
paging,    t  Supt.  of  Lighthouses,  Detroit,  Mich.  C  9.41 :  928/14-18 

Notice  to  mariners,  weekly,  no.  22-26;  June  1-29  [1928].     1928.     variou^ 

paging.     [Issued  jointly  with  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.]     t 
L.  C.  card  7-20609  C  9.26 :  928/22-26"' 


Cyanide  e.rtraction  of  gold  and  silver  associated  with  arsenic  and  antimony  in 
ores,  with  especial  reference  to  those  in  Nevada  and  South  Dakota :  by 
Edmund  S.  Leaver  and  Jesse  A.  AYoolf.  1928.  iv-f  52  p.  11.  5  p.  of  pi.  (Tech- 
nical paper  423.)  [This  report  represents  work  done  under  a  cooperative 
agreement  with  University  of  Nevada.]  *  Paper.  15c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26476  C  22.5  :  423 

Gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Montana,  mine  report;  by  C.  N.  Gerry. 
June  6,  1928.  ii-f371-114  p.  [From  Mineral  resources.  1926.  pt.  1.] 
*  Paper,  10c.  C  22.S/a  :  G  563/7/926^ 

Ho^-  to  orrter  inublieatioui^— See  infomialion   folloTrins-   Coiilent.s  | 


June,  1928 


Mineral  resources.     Mineral  resources   of   United    States,   1925 :   pt.   1,   Metals 
[with  bibliographies].    192S.    xi+A123+76S  p.  il.  1  tab.     *  Cloth,  .$1.25. 
L.  C.  card  4-18124  C  22.8  :  925/pt.  1 

Same.     (H.  doc.  64.3  [pt.  1].  G9th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
Same:    pt.   2,    Nonmetals    [witli    bibliographies]. 

1928.      vi+G15    p.    il. 
C  22.8 :  925/pt.  2 

*  Cloth,  .$1.00. 

Same.     (H.  doc.  643,  pt.  2.  69th  Cong.  2d  ses.s.) 

Oxygen.     Thermodynamic  properties  of  oxygen  and  nitrogen ;  by  Russell  W. 

Millar  and  John  D.  Sullivan.     1928.     ii+20  p.  2  pi.  in  pocket.  (Technical 
paper  424. )      *  Paper.  15c. 

L.  C.  card  2S-2&429  C  22.5 :  424 

Timbering   of  mines.     Questions   and    answers   on   timbering  bituminous    coal 
mines;    by  J.   W.   Paul.     1928.      ii+32   p.   il.   1   pi.      (Miners'    circular   31.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26417  C  22.6 :  31 


Ships.    American  documented  seagoinj 
over.  June  1,  1928.     1928.     ii-1-65  p 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr 
L.  C.  card  19-26597 

merchant  vessels  of  500  gross  tons  and 
4°     (Serial  127.)      [Monthly.]     *  Paper, 
foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 

C  11.8 :  928/6 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single 
copies.  These  are  not  enumorated  in  this  catalogue,  but  mav  be  obtained  for  10c.  each 
at  the  Patent  Office, 

A  variety  of  indexes,  giving  a  complete  view  of  the  work  of  the  Patent  Office  from 
1790  to  date,  are  published  at  prices  ranging  from  25c.  to  $10.00  per  volume,  and  may 
be  obtained  from  the  Sup  rintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Rules  of 
practice  and  pamphlet  Pntent  laws  are  furnishod  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the 
Patent  Office.  The  Patent  Office  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages  of  20  at  §2.00  per 
package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  ?10.00  per  book.  These  coupons  are 
good  until  used,  but  are  only  to  be  used  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For  schedule 
of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Champeau.  Laicrence  X.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr. 
term  [1928],  patent  appeal  no.  2126,  in  re  Lawrence  X.  Champeau,  devices 
for  artificial  illumination ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1928. .  cover- 
title,  9  p.     $  C  21.10 :  C  357 

Crews,  Clarence  M.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  apiieal  no.  2171.  in  re  Clarence  M.  Crews,  typewriting  mach  nes ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    1928.    cover-title.  8  p.    t  C  21.10 :  C  867 

Decisions.  [Decisions  iu  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,  etc.]  June  5,  1928.  p. 
1-6,  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  371,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  23-7315 

—     Same.     June  12.   1928. 
371,  no.  2.] 

p.  257-262,   large  8° 

Same.     June  19.   1928.     p.   529-534,  large  8' 

371,  no.  3.] 

—     Same.     June  26. 
371,  no.  4.] 

1928.     p.   775-780.   large  8° 

C  21.5/a  2 :  371/1 

[From   Official  gazette,   v. 
C  21.5/a  2  :  371/2 

[From   Official  gazette,   v. 
C  21.5/a  2  :  371/3 

[From   Official   gazette,   v. 
C  21.5/a  2  :  871/4 

Drei/fus,  Henri/.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  D  strict  of  Columbia.  Apr.  term,  1928, 
patent  appeal  no.  2091.  in  re  Henry  Dreyfus,  manufacture  of  films,  celluloid- 
like masses,  blncks,  and  other  products  or  articles;  brief  for  commissioner  of 
patents.     1928.     cover-title,  13  p.     t  C  21.10 :  D  826 

Holmes,  Morris  P.     In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
!      1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2123,  in  re  Morris  P.  Holmes,  hoisting  mechanisms ; 
,      brief  for  commissoner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title.  16  p.     t 
I  C  21.10  :  H  736/2 

How   to   order  pulilieatious — See   infoniiatiou   I'olloTfingr   Coutents 


June,  1928 

Jackson,  Lucian  C.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2174,  in  re  Lucian  C.  Jackson,  internal  combustion 
engines'  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  7  p.     J 

C  21.10:  J  135 

McLaughlin,  Wliortin  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia.  Apr. 
term,  1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2163.  in  re  Whortin  B.  McLaughlin  and  Louis 
Goldiierj?  food  product ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  1928.  cover-title. 
7  p.     J  ■  C  21.10 :  M  222 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazette,  June  5-26.  1928 ;  v.  371,  no.  1-4.     1928.     cover- 
titles,    997-f[clxvi]    p.    il.    large    8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,    25c.    single    copy, 
."i;i0.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $16.00. 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5  :  371/1-4 

Note Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks,  designs,  and  labels  issued  each  week ;  also 

decisions   of  the  commissioner   of  patents   and   of  the   United    States   courts   in   patent 


The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents, 
price,  $1.00,  and  the  other  on  Trado-m;irks.  price  50c.  These  indexes  are  not  included 
in  the  regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  hut  will  be  sent  to 
those  yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $11.50  ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $17.50. 

■     Same    [title-page,    contents,    errata,    etc.,    to]    v.    369;    Apr.    1928.     1928. 

[2]    leaves,  large  S"     *  Paper,   5c.   single  copy,   included   in   price  of  Official 
gazette  for  subscribers.  C  21.5  :  369/t.  p.  &  cont. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title,  Alphabetical  list  of  registrants  of  trade- 
marks [etc.,  June  5,  1928].  [1928.]  xlii  p.  large  8'  [From  Official  gazette, 
V.  371,  no.  1.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  4 :  371/1 

• Same  [June  12.  1928].     [1928.]     xlvi  p.  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette, 

v.  371,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  4 :  371/2 

Same    [June    19,    1928].     [1928.]     xxxviii    p.    large    S"     [From    Official 

gazette,  v.  871,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  4  :  371/3 

Same   [June  26.  1928].     [1928.]     xl  p.  large  8"     [From  Official  gazette, 

V.  371,  no.  4.1  C  21.5/a  4  :  371/4 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  June  5-26.  1928.  [1928.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8"     [Weekly.     From  Official  gazette,  v.  371,  no.  1-4.]     f 

C  21.5/a  1 :  371/1-4 

Smith,  Jesse  A.  B.  In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term, 
1928,  patent  appeal  no.  2169,  in  re  Jesse  A.  B.  Smith,  typewriting  machine; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title,  6  p.     t 

C  21.10 ;  Sm  61/3 

• In  Court  of  Appeals  of  District  of   Columbia,   Apr.   term,   1928,  patent 

appeal  no.  2192.  in  re  Jesse  A.  B.   Smith,  typewriting  machine  equipments ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     1928.     cover-title.  13  p.     t 

C  21.10 :  Sm  61/4 

Trade-marks.  Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  June  5,  1928.  [1928.] 
7-59+xiv  p.  il.  large  8°  [From  Official  gazette,  v.  371,  no.  1.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  3  :  371/1 

■ Same,  June  12,  1928.     [1928.]     263-314-fxv  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  371,  no.  2.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  371/2 

■     Same,  June  19,  1928.     [1928.]     535-585+xii  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  371,  no.  3.]  C  21.5/a  8  :  371/3 

Same,  June  26.  1928.     [1928.]     781-835+xvi  p.  il.  large  8°     [From  Official 

gazette,  v.  371,  no.  4.]  C  21.5/a  3  :  371/4 


Commerce    Department.     List    of    publications    of    Department    of    Commerce 
available  for  distribution  by  issuing  offices  of  the  Department  and  its  field 
agencies   or    from    superintendent    of    documents    and    agents    of    his    office. 
[Edition  of]  May  15.  1928.    1928.    xiii+138  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  14-30281  C  16.5  :  928 

How  to  order  implications— See  luforiuntion   folIOT«-ins;   Contents 


June,  1928  1093 


Radio   service   huUetin.   May   31,    1928;    no.   134.      [1928.]      21   p.      [Monthly.] 

*  Paper,  oc.  single  copy,  2oc.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  40c. 

L.  C.  card  15-26255  C  24.3  :  134 


AJ>rasiv€s.     Elimination  of  waste :  Coated  abrasive  products,  [circular]    to  all 

consumers,    distributors,    and    manufacturers   interested    in  coated    abrasive 

products    [including   original    draft    of    Simplified   practice  recommendation 

no.    89    and    asking    indorsement    of    recommendations    and  pledge   of    their 

support  beginning^  Sept.   1.   19281.     [1928.]     14  p.   4"     t  C  13.2 :  Ab  8 

Piihlications.  New  publications  for  Feb.  1928.  additions  to  Supplementary  list 
of  publications  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  beginning  July  1.  1927.  [1928.] 
2  p.     t  C  13.4  :  24/27/Feb.  928 

Soils.  Bureau  of  Standards  soil-corrosion  studies:  1,  Soils,  materials,  and 
results  of  earlv  observations  [with  Bibliography  of  soil  publications]  ;  by 
K.  H.  Logan.  S.  P.  Ewing.  [and]  C.  D.  Yeomans.  Apr.  28.  1928.  [11+447- 
5.54  p.  il.  3  pi.  10  p.  of  pi.  large  8"  (Technologic  papers  3GS.)  [From  Techno- 
logic pai^ers.  v.  22.]  *  Paper.  50c. 
L."^  C.  card  28-26426  C  13.8  :  3G8 

Technical  neics  bulletin  of  Bureau  of  Standards.  June,  1928:  no.  134.     [1928.] 
p.  77-92.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper.  5c.  single  copy,  2.jc.  a  yr. :  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, 40c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13  :  134 

Waterproofing.  United  States  Government  master  specification  for  integral 
waterproofing  matei'ial  (for  with  portland  cement  mortar  or  concrete). 
Federal  Specifications  Board  Specification  444a.  revised  Mar.  5.  1928.  officially 
promulgated  by  Federal  Specifications  Board,  Oct.  28.  1926,  for  use  of  Depart- 
ments and  independent  establi-shmeuts  of  Government  in  pui'chase  of  integral 
waterproofing  material  (for  use  with  portland  cement  mortar  or  concrete). 
June  5,   1928.     4  p.   large  8°      (Circular  360.)      [Supersedes   Circular  322.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26478  C  13.4  :  360 

Yearbook.  Standards  yearbook.  1928  [descriptive  circular  concerning  Miscel- 
laneous publication  83].  1928.  1  p.  4"  [For  Miscellaneous  publication  S3 
see  below.]     t  C  13.18 :  Y  3/928 

Standards  yearbook.  1928  [with  lists  of  references].     1928.  vi+399  p.  il. 

( Miscellaneous  publication  S3.)      *  Cloth.  $1.00. 

L.  C.  card  27-26405  C  13.10  :  83 

Note. — Includes  Bibliography  on  standardization  ;   compiled  by  Anne  L.  Baden. 


Steamboat  Inspection  Service  bulletin,   June  1.   1928 :   no.  152.      [1928.]      4  p. 

[Monthly.]      t 
•    L.  C.  card  15-26679  C  15.10  :  152 


Congressional  record.  Congressional  record,  proceetlings  and  debates  of  1st 
ses.sion,  70th  Congress,  v.  69.  pt.  4:  Feb.  24-Mar.  13.  1928.  [Permanent  edi- 
tion.] 1928.  [1] +3493-4666  p.  il.  4°  *  Price  will  be  quoted  when  set  is 

L.  C.  card  12-36438  X  645  :  70/1 

Note. — In  this  permanent  bound  edition,  the  paging  differs  from  that  of  the  daily 
numbers,  the  text  being  revised,  rearranged,  and  printed  without  break.  The  bound 
volumes  of  the  Record  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents.  I'rices  will  be 
furnished  on  application  for  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  the  69th  Congress,  1st  and 
2d  sessions,  and  prior  Congresses.  Send  remittances  for  the  bound  volumes  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will  not 
he  accepted. 

IfoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTvingr  Contents 

JQ94  June,  1928 

Co ngressiona I  record — Con t i n iiecl. 

Conm'essional  record,  70th  Congress.  1st  session,  v.  69,  no.  14.3-147:  .June 

4-30.  1928.     [192S.]     10779-11301  + [-1]   p.  il.  4°  X/a.70/1 :  69/143-147 

Note. Tlie  Coiifrressional  record,  containing  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  Con- 
gress i.s  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published 
fortnightly.  The  1st  session  of  the'  70th  Congress  adjourned  May  29,  1028;  5  num- 
bers of  the  Record,  containing  speeches  were  issued  June  4,  7,  12,  21,  and  30, 

The  Record  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following  terms : 
Single  copy,  3  cents,  if  not  more  than  24  pages,  and  1  cent  more  for  each  additional  8 
pages:  per  month.  .$1.50.  foreign  subscription.  .f2.50.  Subscriptions  are  payable  in 
advance.  Prices  for  the  bound  volumes  of  the  Record.  G9th  Congress,  1st  and  2d 
si'ssions.  and  prior  Congresses,  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances  to 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.  Stamps  and  foreign  money  will 
not  be  accepted. 


XoTE. — The  Division  of  Publications.  State  Department,  receives  a  small  supply  of  the 
private  acts  which  it  distributes-  free  upon   application. 

Private   [act]   162-297,   70th   Congress. 

AiJdUon  E.  Billiard,  schooner.     S.  1486.  act  for  relief  of  [Horace  Turner  and  associates! 

owners  of  schooner  Addison  E.  Bullard.     Approved  May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Private 

AlcocJc.  John  L.     S.   3308.  act  tn  confer  jurisdiction   on   Court  of  Claims  to  hear  and 

determine  claim  of  .Tobn  L.  Alcock.  Approved  May  28,  1928.  1  p.  (Private  226.) 
Allrn.   Wade.     H.   R.   7378.   act  for  relief  of  Wade  Allen   and  Ed  Johnson.     Approved 

Mav    29.    1928.      1    p.      (Private    228.) 
AUenI  Will  J.     S.  2473,  act  for  relief  of  Will  J.  Allen.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p. 

(Private   2.35.) 
Atidreirs.  P.  L..  Corporation.     S.  2644.  act  to  carrv  out  findings  of  Court  rf  Claims  in 

case  of  P.   L.  Andrews  Corporation.      May  29.   1928.      1   p.      (Private  233.) 
Anthony.  William  IT.,  jr.     S.   3427.   act   authorizing   Secretary  of  Navy  to  make  read- 
justment of  pay  to  W.   H.   Anthony,  jr.     Approved   May   28,   1928.     1   p.      (Private 

Back.  Gitnthrr  C.     H.  R.  1616.  act  for  relief  of  Carl  C.  Back.     Approved  May  26.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  202.)      [Settlement  is  to  be  made  to   Gunther  Carl  Back  instead  of 

to  his  father.   Carl   C.   Eack.l 
Barnard.   Clarence.     S.    605.    act   for   relief   of   Clarence    Barnard.     Approved   May    29. 

1928.      1   p.      ^Private   244.) 
Bois.teau.  -Tcs-^e  W.     H.  R.   5930,  act  for  relief  of  Jesse  W.   Boisseau.     Approved   May 

22.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  168.) 
Booker,  Gcorcie  B..   Company.     S.    342,    act   for   relief   of   George   B.    Booker   Company. 

Approved  May  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  221.) 
Bonilnusfiuie.  Norbert.     S.   3954,  act  to  quiet  title  in  heirs  of  Norbert  Boudousquie  to 

lands  in  Louisiana.     May  29,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  2.84.) 
Boyce.  William   R..  ,(•  Son.     S.  379.  act  for  relief  of  William   R.  Bovce  and   Son.     Ap- 
proved Mav  28,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  219.) 
Bradley.  Harry  C.     S.    433,   act   for   relief  of   Harry    C.   Bradley.     Approved   May    29, 

1928.      1   p.      (Private  2.55.) 
Brinton,  Louis  C.     H,  R.  7492,  act  for  relief  of  Louis  C.  Brinton.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  277.) 
Broirn.  James  M.  E.     S.  1646.  act  for  relief  of  James  M.  E.  Brown.     Approved  Mav  28, 

1928.      1  p.      (Private  215.) 
Brown.  John  M.     H.    R.    7708.   act   for   relief  of   John   M.    Brown.      Approved   May   26, 

1928.      1  p.      (Private  199.) 
Buckley,  Seymour.     H.  R.  3241.  act  .for  relief  of  Seymour  Buckley.     Approved  Mav  29. 

1928.      1  p.      (Private  280.) 
Bi(riis,  John  L.     S.  1852.  act  to  correct  naval  record  of  John  Lewis  Burns.     Approved 

May  28.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  214.) 
Camboiiri.  Jfi-.s.   Louise  M.     S.   363.   act   for   relief  of   Louise  M.   Cambouri.     Approved 

May  29.   1928.     1   p.      (Private  254.) 
Campbell.  P.  L.     S.  2227.  act  for  relief  of  F.   L.   Campbell.     Approved  May  28.   1928. 

1   p.      (Private  212.) 
Carli.ile.  Paul  D.     S.  3201,  act  for  relief  of  Paul  D.  Carlisle.     Approved  May  29.  1928: 

1  p.      (Private  229.) 
Carroll,  Joseph  S.     H.  R.  2477,  act  for  relief  of  Joseph  S.  Carroll.     Approved  Mav  26, 

1928.      1  p.      (Private  191.)  " 

Chaplin,  Mrs.  Lulu.     S.  374.  act  for  relief  of  Lulu  Chaplin.     Approved  May  29.   1928. 

1  p.      (Private  245  )  i  i'l  ^    j 

Coast   Tran.9it  DiiHMon   barge  no.   .',.     S.    2586.    act   for   relief   of    [Barrett    Company], 

owner  of  Coast  Transit  Division  barge  numbered  4.     Approved  May  28.  1928.     1  p, 

(Private  211.)  ^f  j 

Collins,  Ross  F.     H,  R.  3221.  act  for  relief  of  Ross  P.  Collins.     Approved  May  29.  1928, 

1  p.      (Private  281,) 
Cornog,  .Augusta.     S.  ,3931.  act  for  relief  of  Augusta  Cornog.     Approved  May  29.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  286.) 
Cox.  Elhrrt  L.     H.  R.  10702,  act  for  relief  of  Elbert  L.  Cox,     Approved  May  26.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  200,) 
CH»!»;M,r/7mm,  Joseph.     S.   2733.   act  .for  relief  of  Joseph   Cunningham.     Approved   May 

28,  1028.      1   p,      (Private  205.) 

Da  ITuft,  Amos.     H.  R.  8628,  act  for  relief  of  Amos  Dahuff.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  276.) 
Xj^'^^^Xhr,^"""^'^  -^'-     ^-  3088.  act  for  relief  of  Donald  M.  Davidson.     Approved  May 

29.  1928,     1  p.      (Private  291,) 

How   to  order  pnlilications— See   infot-mation    following-   Contents 


June,  1928  1095 

Private  [act]  162-297,  70th  Congress — Coutinuetl. 

Davidson.  S.,  d  Sons.     S.  1122.  act  for  relief  of  S.  Davidson  and  Sous.     Approved  May 

20.   192S.      1    p.      ( Private  247.) 
District  of  Coliunhia.     S.  3903,  act  for  reinterment  of  bodies  now  interred  in  grounds 

of  St.   Francis  de-  Sales   Church  in   District  of  Columbia.     Approved   May   28.   1928. 

1  p.      U'rivate  223.) 
Dussomc,  Carl  J.  R.     S.  2070.   act  authorizing  allotment  of  Carl  J.   Reid   Dussome  as 

Kiowa    Indian,    and    directing    issuance    of    trust    patent    to    him    to    land.s    of   Kiowa 

Indian    Ueservation.    Okla.     Approved    May    29,    1028.     1    p.      (Private    268.) 
Eddy,  Charles  P.     S.  3942,  act  for  relief  of  Charles  F.  Eddy.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1   p.      (Private  285.1 
Edwards,  Robert  O.     S.  2894.  act  for  relief  of  Robert  O.  Edwards.     Approved  May  29, 

192S.      1    p.      (Private    293.) 
Ellsworth,  Lincoln.     S.  3919,  act  awarding  gold  medal  to  Lincoln  Ellsworth    [and  gold 

medals  of  honor  to  Roald  Amundsen  and  L'mberto  Xobile].     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  287.) 
Faulkner   County,   Ark.     S.    3602,    act    to    quiet    title  and    possession    with    respect   to 

lands   in   Faulkner   County.  Ark.     Approved   May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Private   251.) 
Fitzc/erald,  John  J.     S.  3314.  act  for  relief  of  John  J.  Fitzgerald.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.     1   p.      (Private  290. » 
Florida.     S.  3917,  act  for  relief  of  Florida.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Private 

Florida  East  Coast  Car  Ferry  Company.     S.  445,  act  for  relief  of  Florida  East  Coast 

Car  Ferrv  Company.     Approved  May  28.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  218.) 
Friend,  Joseph  F.     H.  R.  6842.  act  for  relief  of  Joseph  F.  Friend.     Approved  May  22, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  170.) 
Gallagher,  A.  F.     H.  R.   10014.  act  for  relief  of  A.  F.  Gallagher.     Approved  May  26, 

1928.      1   p.      (Private   182.) 
Gallayhcr,  Charles.     S.   456.   act   to  carry  out  finding.s   of  Court  of  Claims  in  case  of 

Edward  I.   Gallagher,  administrator  of  estate  of  Charles  Gallagher.     Approved  Mav 

28,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  217.) 
Genireux.   Emile.      H.   R.    2472.    act   for   relief   of   Emile    Genireux    [alias    Emile  Gene- 

reux].     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  190.) 
Gingras,  Alexander.      II.   R.   11978.   act  granting  6  months'   pay  to  Alexander   Gingras, 

father  of  Louis  W.  Gingras.      Approved   Mav  26.   1928.      1   p.      (Private  185.) 
Glover,  Mrs.   Mcrrin   W.      H.   R.   12063.   act  for  relief  of  widow  of  Mervin  W.   Glover. 

Appr.ned  May  26,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  181.) 
Grab,  Frank  A.      II.  R.  1951.  act  granting  6  months'  pay  to  Frank  A.  Grab   [father  of 

Alfred  X.  Grab].      Approved  May  26,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  188.) 
Han-oen.  R.  E.     S.  3794.  act  for  relief  of  R.  E.  Hansen.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p. 

(Private  28S.  i 
Hartman,  Frank.     H.   R.   6569.   act  for  relief  of  Frank  Hartman.     Approved  May  28, 

1928.      1   p.      (Private   203.) 
Henson.  JJrs.  Martha.     S.   1637,  act  for  relief  of  Martha  Henson.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.     1   p.      (Private  238.) 
Herveii.  John.     II.   R.   7268.  act  for  relief  of  John  Hervey.     Approved  May  26,   1928. 

1  p."     (Private  198.) 
Hetrick.  T.  Abraham.     H.  R.  10714.  act  for  relief  of  T.  Abraham  Hetrick.     Approved 

May  28.   1928.      1   p.      (Private   204.) 
Hif/pins  Lumber  Com  pan  y.  Ineorpcrated.     H.   R.   8031.   act  for  relief  of  Higgins  Lum- 
ber  Company    (Incorporated).      Approved   May   25.    1928.      1    p.      (Private    180.) 
Holcomb,  Mr.t.'  Mattie.     S.  1434,  act  for  relief  of  Mattie  Holcomb.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.      1    p.      (Private   241.) 
Hottum-Kcnncdii  Dm  Dock  Company.     S.   513,  act  for  relief  of  Hottum-Kennedy  Dry 

Dock  Compan'v.      Approved  Mav  29.   1928.      1  p.      (Private  259.) 
Hubbard.  Edmund  F.     H.  R.  14057.  act  for  relief  of  Edmund  F.  Hubbard.     Approved 

May  28.   1928.      1   p.      (Private  209.) 
ffur/fjhis,  Thomas.     H.  R.  2657.  act  for  relief  of  Thomas  Huggins.     Approved  Mav  26. 

1928.      1    p.      (Private   201.) 
Ilitz.  Michael.     H.   R.  6908,  act  for  relief  of  Michael  Ilitz.     Approved  May  28,   1928. 

1    p.      (Private   208.) 
Tririn.   Mis.    Vinreutia   V.     H.    R.    2494.    net   .granting   6   months'    pay   to  Tincentia   V. 

Irwin  [widow  of  Olendon  W.  Irwin].      Approved  Mav  26.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  192.) 
Jennings.   E.   U.      11.    R.   9620,    act    for   relief   of   E.    H.    Jennings.    F.    L.    Johanns,    and 

IT<  nry  Flank.      Approved  May  24.  1028.      1  p.      (Private  ]77.'l 
Johnson,  Mrs.  Martha  A.   V.     H.   R.   4380,   act   for  relif^f  of  Martha  Andrew   Virginia 

.Johnson.     Approved  Mav  20.   1028.      1   p..      (Private  278.) 
June,  Louie.     H.  R.  2473.  act  for  relief  of  Louie  June.     Approved  May  22.  1928.     1  p. 

(Private  103.) 
Kaufman,  ^Y.  H.     S.  2061.  act  for  relief  of  W.  H.  Kaufman.     Approved  May  29.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  267.) 
King,  Harrif  M.     S.  4376.  act  for  relief  of  Harry  M.  King.     Approved  May  28,   1928. 

1'  p.      (Private  222.) 
Kjiox,  Mrs.  L-ncy  D.     H.  R.  1406.  act  granting  6  months'  pay  to  Lucy  B.  Kn6x  [widow 

of  Forney  M.  Knox].     Approved  May  26.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  186.) 
Lafot.  Llovd.      S.   362,   act   for   advancement   on   retired  list  of  Navv  of   Lloyd   Lafot. 

Approved  May  28,   3  028.      1  p.      (Private  220.) 
Lagrange  Grocery  Companu.     H.  R.  7895,  act  for  relief  of  Lagrange  Grocery  Company. 

Approved  May  23.   1928.     1  p.      (I'rivate  175.) 
H.   R.   7S98.   act   to  ratify  action   of  local  board  of  sales   control   in   respect   of 

contracts   between   United   States  and   Lagrange   Grocerv   Company.     Approved    May 

22.   1028.      1   p.      (Private  172.) 
Lathrop,  Mr.';.  Con-vtancr  E:     H.  Rj  6195.  act  granting  6  months'   pay  to  Constance  D. 

Lathrop     [widow    of    Patrick    T.    M.    Lathrop].      Approved    May    22.    1928.       1    p. 

(Private  109.) 
Levin.  M.,  iC-  Sons.     S.  2438.  act  for  relief  of  M.  Levin  and  Sons.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  297.) 

HoTV  to  ordei"  publications— See  inforiuatioit   followiiisr   CouteiitH 

73(}_28— No.  402 1 

1096  June,  1928 

Private  [act]  162-297,  70th  Congjress — Continued. 

Lcicis.  Mrs.  Uda.     H.  R.  12280,  act  for  relief  of  Lula  Lewis.     Approved  May  29.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  273.) 
Leiois    Omcr  D.     S.   1448,  act  for  relief  of  Omer  D.   Lewis.     Approved  May  29,   1928. 

1   p'      (Private  240.) 
Light.   WiTUain   A.     S.    1601.   act  for  relief  of  William  A.    Light.     Approved   May   29, 

1928.      1   p.      (Private   2.37.) 
Loef,  Joseph  W.     S.  1594.  act  for  relief  of  Joseph  W.  Loef.     Approved  May  29.  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  239.) 
McConiull.  Mrs.  Nelle.     S.  2764.  act  for  relief  of  Nolle  McConnell.     Approved  May  29, 

:92S.     1  p.      (Private  231.) 
McCormick.  Mr.t.   Mary.     H.    R.   5897,    act   for    relief   of   Mary    McCormick.     Approved 

Mav  26,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  196.) 
McDonald.  Charlie.     S.   2788.  act  for  relief  of  Charlie  McDonald.     Approved  May  29, 

1928.     1   p.      (Private  294.) 
MacDonald,   Xihia.     S.    2336.    act   for   relief   of   Nina   MacDonald.    Zenas   V.    Johnston, 

Margaret  E.  Thompson,  Arthur  L.  Beaman,  and  May  Fee.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  269.) 
MoMalion.  Mrs.  Hattie  M.     S.  2697.  act  for  relief  of  Hattie  M.   McMahon.     Approved 

May  29,   1928.     1  p.      (Private  232.) 
McMimufi,  Mrs.   A(/nes  M.     S.   471.   net   for   relief  of  Agnes   McManus   and   George  J. 

McMamis.     Approved  Mav  29.  1928.      1  p.      (Private  258.) 
Magoon.  H.  C.     S.  444.  act  for  relief  of  H.  C.  Magoon.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p. 

(Private  257.) 
Manpan,  Daniel.     H.  R.  1931,  act  for  relief  of  Daniel  Maugan   [alias  Daniel  Manningl. 

Approved  May  26.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  187.) 
Mauley,  James  A.     H.   R.   13048,  act  for  relief  of  James  Aloysius  Manley.     Approved 

May  29.  1928.      1   p.      (Private  270.) 
Miller,  Robert  W.     S.  2519,  act  for  relief  of  Robert  W.  Miller.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  250.) 
Moore,  Alice  E.     S.   1297,  act  for  relief  of  Alice  E.   Moore.     Approved  May  29,   1928. 

1  p.      (Private  261.) 
Moore.  James  M.     S.   3632,   act   for   relief  of  J.   M.  Moore.     Approved   May   29,   1928. 

1  p.      (Private  289.) 
Morin,  William.     H.  R.  2272,  act  for  relief  of  William  Morin.     Approved  May  26,  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  189.) 
Murraii,  Frank.     R.  R.   [H.  R.]  3539,  act  for  relief  of  Frank  Murray.     Approved  May 

29,   1928.     1   p.      (Private  279.) 
Iscar  East  Relief.     S.    1287.   act   for   relief  of   Near  East   Relief    (Incorporated).     Ap- 
proved May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Private   242.) 
Nichols,  J.  F.     S.  764,  act  for  relief  of  J.  F.  Nichols.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p. 

(Private  243.) 
Niitt,  Haller.     S.  1769,  act  for  relief  of  legal  representative  of  estate  of  Haller  Xutt. 

Approved  May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Private  248.) 
Oil  Spring  Reservation.     II.   R.   12446.   act  to  approve  deed   of  conveyance  of  land  in 

Seneca   Oil   Spring  Reservation.   N.   Y.    [to    Seneca   Oil    Spring   Association    (Incorpo- 
rated)].    Approved  May  22,   1928.     1  p.      (Private   162.) 
Olherg,  C.  R.     S.  2738,  act  for  relief  of  C.  R.  Olberg.     Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p. 

(Private  295.) 
O'Neil,  Henry  A.     S.  4022,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  lease  laud  in  Stan 

ley  Oountv,  S.  Dak.,  to  Henry  A.  O'Neil  for  buffalo  pasture.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1  p.      (Private  283.) 
Pate.   Charlie  R.     H.   R.   4652,  act  for  relief  of  Charlie   R.   Pate.     Approved   May  26, 

1928.     1   p.      (Private  194.) 
Pensions.     H.  R.  12381.  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain  sol- 
diers and  sailors  of  Regular  Army  and  Navy,  and  so  forth,  and  certain  soldiers  and 

sailors  of  wars  other  than   Civil  War,   and  to  widows  of  such   soldiers  and  sailors. 

[Approved  May  28,  1928.]      10  p.      (Private  210.) 
^     H.  R.  13511,  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain  soldiers 

and  sailors  of  Civil  War  and  certain  widows  and  dependent  children  of  soldiers  and 

sailors  of  said  war.     [Approved  May  24,  1928.]     132  p.      (Private  178.) 
H.  R.  13563.  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  certain  soldiers 

and    sailors    of   Regular   Army    and    Navy,    and    so    forth,    and    certain    soldiers    and 

sailors  of  wars  other  than   Civil  War.   and   to  widows  of   such   soldiers   and  sailors. 

[Approved  May  29,   1928.]      8  p.      (Private  227.) 
Petit  Jean  Mountain.     S.  3338.  act  authorizing  sale  of  lands  on  Petit  Jean  Mountain 

near  Morrilton.    Ark.,   for   use   by   Young   Men's   Christian   Association    of  Arkansas. 

Approved  May  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  225.) 
Pocahontas   Fuel   Company.  Incorporated.     H.    R.   4926.    act    for   relief   of   Pocahontas 

Fuel  Company   (Incorporated).     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  184.) 
Press  Publishitig  Company.     H.   R.  4839.  act  for  relief  of  Press  Publishing  Company, 

Marianna,  Ark.     Approved  Mav  22,  1928.      1  p.      (Private  166.) 
Purdell,   Thomas.     H.   R.  4954,   act  for  relief  of  Thomas   Purdell.     Approved   May  26, 

1928.     1  p.      (Private  195.) 
Randolph-Macon  Academy.      H.    R.   4963,   act   for   relief   of   Randolph-Macon   Academy, 

Front  Royal,  Va.     May  28.  1928.     1  p.     (Private  207.) 
Republic,  steamship.     S.    1609,   act   recognizing  heroic   conduct,   devotion   to   duty,   and 

skill  on  part  of  officers  and  crews  of  LTnited   States  steamships   Republic,   American 

Trader.    President  Roosevelt,   President    Harding,   and   British   steamship   Cameronia. 

Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  264.) 
Richter.  Ella  O.     H.  R.  2808,  act  for  relief  of  Ella  G.  Richter,  daughter  of  Henry  W. 

Richter.     Approved  May  25,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  179.) 
Robertson,  Oeorge  A.     S.   1541.  act  for  relief  of  George  A.  Robertson.     Approved  May 

29,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  263.) 
Rodcs,  Tyree.     S.  126,  act  for  relief  of  May  Gordon  Rodes  and  Sara  Louise  Rodes,  heirs 

at  law  of  Tyree  Rodes.     Approved  May  "29,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  252.) 

How  to  order  publications — See  information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  1097 

rivate  [act]  1G2-297.  70th  dmsress;— Continue!. 

Sail tj  Ha  vert  S.  H  R.  3470  act  granting  relief  to  Havcrt  S.  Sealy  and  Portous  R. 
Burke.     Approved  May  22,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  1G4.) 

Sell.  Oliver  C.  S.  2966,  act  for  relief  of  Oliver  C.  Sell.  Approved  May  29  19''8  1  n 
(Private  230.)  '  "         ^' 

Sluind,  Richhujs  J.  H.  R.  10244,  act  to  credit  accounts  of  Rlchings  J.  Shand  United 
States  property  and  disbursing  officer,  Illinois  National  Guard.  Approved  Alav  ''9 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  275.)  ■         ' 

Shennan.  ^\'iUiam  M.  S.  162,  act  for  relief  of  William  M.  Sherman.  Approved  Mav  28 
1028.     1  p.      (Private  206.)  ' '^         "    ^  J      °. 

Sliultx.  Frank  E.  H.  R.  9.380,  act  for  relief  of  Frank  E.  Shults.  Approved  Mav  ''6 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  183.)  ^       ' 

Sies,  Charlex  /?.  H  R.  4012.  act  for  relief  of  Charles  R.  Sies.  Approved  May  22  1928 
1  p.     (Private  165.) 

Southern  Shipiinnl  Corporation.  S.  3030.  act  for  relief  of  Southern  Shipyard  Corpora- 
tion.    Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  292.) 

Stafford,  John  P.  H.  R.  5322,  act  for  relief  of  John  P.  Stafford.  Approved  Mav  22, 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  167.)  " 

Staplffrrd,  Sallie.  S.  343.  act  for  relief  of  Sallie  Stapleford,  Mrs.  J.  C.  Stuckert.  Mary 
E.  Hildebrand.  Kate  Wright.  Mary  M.  .Janvier,  Harry  L.  Grav.  Frank  D.  Carrow, 
Harry  V.  Buckson.  George  H.  Swain.  Claude  N.  Jester,  and  "Charles  H.  Jamison. 
Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p.     (Private  253.) 

Staten  Island  Shipbuilding  Company.  S.  1981,  act  for  relief  of  fStaten  Island  Ship- 
building Company]  owner  of  drv  dock  numbered  6.  Approved  May  29,  1928.  1  p. 
(Private  266.) 

Talbert,  W.  H.  S.  1645,  act  for  reimbursement  of  W.  H.  Talbcrt.  Approved  Mav  29 
1928.     1  p.     (Private  265.) 

Tanksleij-Dnnnrifjlit  Cut  Stone  Companil-  H.  R.  11951,  act  to  amend  act  for  relief  of 
contractors  and  subcontractors  for  post  offices  and  other  buildings  and  work  under 
supervision  of  Treasury  Department,  as  amended  [so  as  to  include  Tanksley-Drum- 
right  Cut  Stone  Company].     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Private  274.) 

Temple.  Larry  M.  S.  443,  act  for  relief  of  Larry  M.  Temple.  Approved  May  29,  1928. 
1  p.     (Private  256.) 

Thackrey.  William  E.  S.  2306,  act  for  relief  of  William  E.  Thackrev.  Approved  May 
29.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  236.)  .  •  f 

Til.9on-.  Williaw  J.  H.  R.  12311,  act  to  provide  for  payment  of  compensation  to  William 
J.  Tilson.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Private  272.) 

Topping,  Frank.  S.  19.  act  for  relief  of  Frank  Topping  and  others.  May  29,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  246.) 

Travis,  Edgar,  sr.  S.  652,  act  for  relief  of  Edgar  Travis,  sr.  Approved  Mav  29,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  260.) 

Trussell,  James  E.  S.  2673.  act  for  relief  of  James  E.  Trussell.  Approved  May  29, 
1928.     1  p.       (Private  296.) 

TT.  S.  Holbrook,  steam  tug.  S.  2516.  act  for  relief  of  owners  and/or  receiver  or"  Ameri- 
can ste.nm  tug  W.  S.  Holbrook.     Approved  Mav  29.  1928.     1  p.      (Pri%-ate  234.) 

VTalluee,  F.  C.  H.  R.  8440,  act  for  relief  of  F.  C.  Wallace.  Approved  Mav  22,  1928. 
1  p.      (Private  173.) 

Washam,  R.  P.  H.  R.  10503.  act  for  relief  of  R.  P.  Washam,  F.  A.  Slate.  W.  H. 
Sanders.  W.  A.  McGinnis.  J.  E.  Lindsay,  and  J.  T.  Pearson.  Approved  May  22, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  174.) 

Tre7e7(,  James  K.  P.  H.  R.  971,  act  for  relief  of  James  K.  P.  Welch.  Approved  May 
24,  1928.      1   p.      (Private  176.) 

West  Point  Wholesale  Grocery  Company.  H.  R.  7897.  act  to  ratify  action  of  local 
board  of  sales  control  in  respect  of  contracts  between  L'nited  States  and  West  I'oint 
Wholesale  Grocerv  Companv.     Approved  Mav  22.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  171. > 

Wilder,  James  H.  B.  H.  R.  12952,  act  to  amend  act  for  relief  of  contractors  and  sub- 
contractors for  post  offices  and  other  buildings  and  work  under  supervision  of  Treas- 
urv  Department,  as  amended  [so  as  to  include  J.  H.  B.  Wilder].  Approved  May  29, 
1928.     1  p.      (Private  271.) 

William  Melbourne,  schooner.  H.  R.  ,3971.  act  for  relief  of  [William  Melbourne  Navi- 
gation Companv,  Limited],  owners  of  schooner  William  Melbourne.  Approved  May 
26.  1928.     1  p.      (I'rivate  193.) 

Wise,  Curtis  P.  H.  R.  802.  act  to  correct  military  record  of  Curtis  I'.  Wise.  Approved 
May  29.   1928.     1  p.      (Private  282.)  „    ,^^o 

Wood,  Albert.  S.  1217,  act  for  relief  of  Albert  Wood.  Approved  May  28,  1928.  l  p 
(Private  216.) 

Woottcn,  Charles  T.  S.  1955,  act  for  relief  of  Charles  Thomas  Wooten  [Wootten]. 
Approved  Mav  28.  192.8.     1  p.      (Private  213.) 

Wright.  Ralph  O.  H.  R.  5910.  act  for  relief  of  Ralph  Ole  Wright  and  %  anna  Belle 
Wright.     Approved  May  26.  1928.     1  p.      (Private  197.) 

'rivate  [joint]  resolution  4  and  5,  70tli  Congress. 
Jordan,  Wesley.     H.  J.  Res.  77,  joint  resolution  concerning  lands  and  property  devised 
to  Government  by  Wesley  Jordan.     Approved  May   28,   1928.     1   p.      (I'nvate  reso- 

Tilghntan,  Mrs.  Mary  M.  H.  J.  Res.  47,  joint  resolution  for  relief  of  Mary  M.  Tilgh- 
man.  former  widow  of  Frederick  Coleman.  Approved  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  (Private 
resolution  4.) 

PT'RTTD  T  AW.t? 

Note. — Public  acts  in  slip  form  in  the  first  prints  may  be  obtained  from  the  feuperin- 
ndent  of  Documents.  Washington.  D.  C.  at  a  subscription  price  of  iJl.OO  for  the  present 
ssion  (70th  Congress.  1st  session);  foreign  subscription.  .?1.2.3:  single  copies  are 
iually  oc.  ;  no.  563,  Appropriations,  p.  109S.  and  no.  562,  Internal  revenue,  p.  1100,  are 
>c.  each. 

How   to   order   imTjlicaticns— Soe   information    following   Contents 


June,  1928 

Public  rtict]  4G3-620.  622-624,  70th  Congress. 

y;Qjp_ Public  net  G21,  which  is  H.  R.  13622,  act  to  amend  and  supplement  Code  of 

laws  ofT'nitrd  States,  is  in  press. 

Arnmn  Indiana  H  R.  11479.  act  to  reserve  lands  on  public  domain  in  Valencia 
County    N.  Mex..  for  use  and  benefit  of  Acoma   Pueblo  Indians.     Approved  May  23, 

\m-ieitilure^  n  l"  94n.'i.  act  to  provide  for  further  development  of  agricultural  exten- 
sion work  b(>tween  agricultural  colleges  in  the  several  States  receivins  benefits  of 
art  donatin"  public  lands  to  the  several  States  and  Territories  which  may  provid<> 
eollp<'es'for'beneflt  of  asi'iculture  and  mechanic  arts,  and  all  acts  supplementary 
thereto,   and  Department  of  Agriculture.      Approved   May   22,    1928.      1   p.      (Public 

Air  Corns  retrievers  H.  R.  10365,  act  to  provide  for  construction  or  purchas?  of  1 
heavv  sea"oins  Air  Corps  retriever  for  War  Department  [for  use  at  France  Field, 
Canal  Zoiiel.   ^Approved  May  23.  192S.      1  p.      (Public  4«2.)  . 

Aircraft  S  1S''2  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  transfer  or  loan  aeronautical 
oquipinent  to  museums  and  educational  institutions.     Approveil  May  26,  1928.     1  p. 

Alabama'^  "h  R  13182  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy,  in  his  discretion,  to  deliver 
to  custody 'of  Alabama  silver  service  presented  to  United  States  for  battleship  Ala- 
bama.'    Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  606.) 

Allcnhvnv  River  H.  R.  12913,  act  to  extend  times  tor  commencing  and  completing 
construction  of  bridge  across  Allegheny  River  at  or  near  borough  of  Eldred,  Pa.  [by 
commissioners  of  McKean  County,  Pa.].  Approved  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 
.')46  ) 

Altamalia  River  S.  448".  act  authorizing  Uvalda  Booster  Club  to  construct  bridge 
across  Altamaha  River  at  or  near  Towns  Bluff  Ferry,  connecting  Montgomery  and 
.leff  Davis  counties,   Ga.      [Approved  May  29,   1928.]      2  p.      (Public  582.) 

Anpelcs  Kntional  Forest.  S.  4135,  act  to  conserve  water  resources  and  to  encourage 
reforestation  of  watersheds  of  Los  Angeles  County  by  withdrawal  of  public  lands 
included  within  Angeles  National  Forest  from  location  and  entry  under  mining 
laws.      [Approved  May  29.   1928.]      3  p.      (Public  578.) 

Appropriations.  H.  R.  13873,  net  making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  cer- 
tain appropriations,  fiscal  year  1928,  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental 
appropriations,  fiscal  years  1928  and  1929,  and  for  other  purposes.  [Approved  May 
29.  1928.]      62  p.      (Public  563.) 

Armi/  emergcncv  oificcrs'  retired  list.  S.- 777.  act  making  eligible  for  retirement,  under 
certain  conditions,  officers  and  former  officers  of  Army,  Navy,  and  Marine  Corps, 
other  than  officers  of  Regular  Army.  Navy,  or  Marine  Corps,  who  have  incurred 
physical  disability  in  line  of  duty  while  in  service  of  United  States  during  World 
War.  [Became  law  Mav  24.  1928,  by  two-thirds  vote  of  each  House,  after  veto  by  the 
President]      3  p.      (Public  506.) 

Aubuni.  Me.  S.  2463,  act  to  amend  act  for  purchase  of  tract  of  land  ad.inining  target 
range  at  Auburn,  Me.  [so  as  to  provide  for  cost  of  investigation  of  title,  etc.].  Ap- 
proved May  23.   192S.      1   p.      (Public  402.) 

Aviation  fields.  H.  R.  11990,  act  to  authorize  leasing  of  public  lands  for  use  as  public 
aviation  fields.     Approved  May  24,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  499.) 

Baton  Rottge.  La.  11.  R.  8742,  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  to  convey  to  Baton 
Rouge,  La.,  portion  of  Baton  Rouge  National  Cemetery  for  use  as  public  street.  Ap- 
proved May  26.   102S.      1  p.      (Public  530.) 

S.  3020,  act  granting  land  to  conciegation  of  St.  Joseph's  Roman  Catholic  Church 

in  parish  of  East  Baton  Rongo.  La.     Approved  May  26.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  521.) 

Bear  Creek.  S.  4401,  act  authorizing  Elmer  .7.  Cook  to  construct  bridge  across  Bear 
Creek  at  or  near  Lovel  Point,  Baltimore  County,  Md.  [Approved  Mav  24,  1928.] 
2  p.      (Public  498.) 

Boguc  CMtto  River.  S.  3808,  act  to  authorize  construction  of  temporary  railroad  bridge 
across  Bogue  Chitto  River  at  or  near  point  in  township  5  south,  range  13  east,  St. 
Helena  meridian.  St.  Tammany  Parish,  La.  [bv  Lamar  Lumber  Company,  Incorpo- 
rated].    Approved  May  26,   1928.      1   p.      (Public  525.) 

CardiceU.  Larnj.  H.  R.  6263,  act  for  reinstatement  of  Larry  Cardwell  in  Naval 
Academy.     Approved  June  8,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  624.) 

Clialmette,  La.  II.  R.  1175S,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  grant  right  of  way  for 
levee  through  Chalmette  National  Cometery  [to  Lake  Borane  Basin  Levee  Board, 
agency  of  Louisiana].     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  613.) 

Chicago,  111.  S.  4300.  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  Commerce  to  dispose  of  certain 
lighthouse  reservation  and  to  acquire  land  for  lighthouse  purposes  [in  Chicago,  111.]. 
[Approved  May  20,  1928.]     2  p.      (Public  581.) 

ChoctawhatcJiee  River.  H.  R.  13651,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  to 
construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Choctawhatchee  River  in  Dale  County  on  high- 
way now  under  construction  from  Dothan  to  Enterprise.  Approved  May"  29,  1928. 
1   p.      (Public   599.) 

Coal.  S.  3867,  act  to  provide  for  extension  of  time  of  certain  mining  leases  of  coal 
and  asphalt  deposits  in  segregated  mineral  land  of  Choctaw  and  Chickasaw  nations, 
and  to  permit  extension  of  time  to  purchasers  of  coal  and  asnhalt  deposits  within 
segregated  mineral  lands  of  said  nations  to  complete  payments  of  purchase  price. 
(Approved  May  25,  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  507.) 

Code  of  lairs  of  United  States.  H.  R.  1?,621.  act  to  authorize  preparation  and  publica- 
tion of  supplements  to  Code  of  laws  of  United  States  with  perfecting  amendments, 
printing  of  bills  to  codify  laws  relating  to  District  of  Columbia  .and  of  such  code  and 
of  supplements  thereto,  and  for  distribution.  [Approved  May  29,  1928.]  2  p. 
(Public   020.) 

Coliiwhin  Arsenal.  H.  R.  12479,  act  authorizing  sale  of  all  of  and  rights  of 
United  Stiites  in  Columbia  Arsenal  propertv  situated  in  9th  civil  district  of  Maury 
L.ounty,  Tenn.  [to  Columbia  Military  Academy],  and  providing  that  net  fund  be 
(P^'j'f,- *^rr  .o\  military    post    construction    fund."     [Approved    May    26,    1928.]      2    p. 

How  *o  or<1er  i>u1>licntions— See  iiiformntioii   follovring-  Contents 

June,  1928  1099 

Public  [act]  463-620,  622-624,  70th  Cougress— Continued. 

Copyright.     H.  R.  6104,  act  to  amend  soc.  57  and  61  of  act  to  amend  and  consolidate 

;ic  s  respecting  copyright,  approved  Mar.  4,  1909.      [Approved  May  23,   1928.]      2  p. 

U'liblic  478.) 
Crcait.     S.  1989,  act  to  amend  ."d  paragraph  of  sec.  13  of  Federal  reserve  act  [relating 

to   bill!?  of  exchange  covering  nonperi^hable  readily  marlietable   staples].     Approved 

May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  594.) 
Cnek  Indians.      S.   3808,   act   authorizing   advancement   of   certain    funds   standing   to 

^re:'.ic   of   Creek   Nation   in   Treasurv   of   United   States   to   be   paid   to   attorneys   for 

Cieek  Nation,     .\ppioved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  567.) 
Cumberland  Hirer.     II.   It.  12571,  act   grantin.i;  consent  of  Congress  to   State  Highway 

Commission,  Kentucky,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Cumberland  River  at  or  near 

luka,  Ky.     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  528.) 
Customs  i^errice.     U.   K.    13143,   act   to  adjust   compensation   of   certain   employees   in 

Customs  Service.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  575.) 
Dairying  and  livestock  ej-pcriment  stations.     H.  R.  13447.  act  to  establish  and  maintain 

dairy  and  livestock  experiment  and  demonstration  station  for  the  South  at  or  near 

Lewisburg,  Tenn.     Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  602.) 
Dakota  Indians.     II.  II.  9194.  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  acquire  land  and 

erect  monuuiont  on  site  of  battle  between  Sioux  and  Pawnee  Indian  tribes  in  Hitch- 
cock County.  Nebr..  fought  in  1S73.     .\ppioved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  505.) 
Dean,  Seth.     S.  4327,  act  to  relinquish  title  of  United  States  to  land  in  claim  of  Seth 

Dean,  situate  in  county  of  Washington,  Ala.     Anproved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public 

Decorations  of  honor.     II.  R.  5898,  act  to  authorize  certain  oflSccrs  of  Army,  Navy,  and 

Marine  Corps  to  accept  such  decorations,  orders,  and  medals  as  have  been  tendered 

them  liy  foreign  Governments  in  appreciation  of  services  rendered.      [Approved  May 

26.   1928.]      4   p.      (Public  515.) 
Des    iloines    River.     S.    4357.    act    authorizing    Henry    Horsey.    Winfield    Scott,    A.    L. 

Ba'legoin,  and  Frank  Schee  to  construct  bridge  across  Des  Moines  River  at  or  near 

Croton,  Iowa.      [Approved  May  22,  1928.]      3  p.      (Public  470.)' 
District   Courts.     S.   3Si!4.    act   to   create   new   division    of   district    court   for   northern 

district  of  Texas.     Approved  May  26,  1028.     1  p.      (Public  516.) 
District  of  Colninhia.     II.  II.  6085.  act  to  regulate  emplovment  of  minors  within  District 

of  Columhi.i.      [.\pproved  May  29,  1928.  ]""    10  p.      (I'ublic  618.) 

H.  R.  10073,  act  to  change  name  of  Railroad  avenue,  between  Nichols  avenue  and 

Massachusetts    avenue     [to     Fairlawn     avenue].     Approved    May     29,     1928.     1     p. 
(Public  615.) 

—     S.  2542,  act  for  construction  of  private  conduit  across  Lincoln  road  northeast  in 

District  of  Columbia    [by  Trinity  College].     Approved  Mav  23,  1928.     1  p.      (Public 

S.  2660,  act  to  amend  act  to  provide  for  examination  and  registration  of  archi- 
tects and  to  regulate  practice  of  architecture  in  District  of  Columbia.  [Approved 
May  29,  1928.]      4  p.      (Public  571.) 

S.  3694.  act  regulating  juvenile  insurance  bv  fraternal  beneficial  associations  in 

District  of  Columbia.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  572.) 

■ S.   4124,   act    to   provide   for   notice   to  owners   of   land   assessed   for  benefits   by 

verdict   of   condemnation   juries    in    District   of   Columbia.     Approved   May   29,    1928. 

I  p.      (I'ublic  573. J 

European  corn-borer.  H.  R.  12632,  act  to  provide  for  eradication  or  control  of  European 
corn  borer.     Approved  May  24,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  505.) 

Five  Civilized  Tribes.  S.  4448,  act  to  amend  sec.  4  of  act  to  extend  period  of 
restrictions  in  lands  of  certain  members  of  Five  Civilized  Tribes,  approved  May  10, 
1928  [so  as  to  correct  error].     Approved  May  24,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  504.) 

ForeUjn  service.  H.  R.  10166.  act  to  amend  foreign  service  buildings  act,  1926.  Ap- 
proved May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  586.) 

Forests  and  forestry.  S.  3550.  act  to  insure  adequate  supplies  of  timber  and  other 
forest  products  for  the  people  of  United  States,  to  promote  full  use  for  timber 
growing  and  other  purposes  of  forest  lands  in  United  States,  including  farm  v.-ood 
lots  and  those  abandoned  areas  not  suitable  for  agricultural  production,  and  to 
Secure  correlation  and  most  economical  conduct  of  forest  research  in  Department  of 
Agriculture,  through  research  in  reforestation,  timber  growing,  protection,  utilization, 
forest  economics,  and  related  subjects.  [Approved  May  22,  1928.]  3  p.  (Public 

Fort  Apache  Reservation.  S.  4346,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  for  purchase  of 
privately  owned  lands  within  Fort  Apache  Indian  Reservation,  Ariz,  [belonging  to 
Aztec  Land  and  Cattle  Company].     Approved  May  29.  1928.       1  p.      (Public  583.1 

Fort  Peck  Reservation.  S.  3593,  act  to  authorize  leasing  or  sale  of  lands  reserved 
for  auencv,  schools,  and  other  purposes  on  Fort  Peck  Indian  Reservation,  Moiit. 
Approved  May  28,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  552.) 

Gateway  Bridge  Company.  S.  4315.  act  to  sell  3304^  square  feet  of  Fort  Brown 
military  reservation.  Brownsville.  Tex.,  to  Gateway  Bridge  Company.  Approved 
May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  591.) 

Gila  River.  II.  R.  10786.  act  authorizing  surveys  and  investigations  to  determine 
best  methods  and  means  of  utilizing  waters  of  Gila  River  and  its  tributaries  above 
San  Carlos  reservoir  in  New  Mexico  and  Arizona.  Approved  May  25,  192S.  1  p. 
(Public  508.) 

Gorernnunt  o/ficials  and  employees.  H.  R.  6518.  act  to  amend  salary  rates  contained  in 
compensation  schedules  of  act  of  Mar.  4.  1923,  to  provide  for  classification  of  civilian 
positions  within  District  of  Columbia  and  in  field  services.      [Approved  May  28,  1928.] 

II  p.      (Public  555.) 

Government  Printing  Office.     H.  R.  6669.  act  fixing  salary  of  Public  Printer  and  deputy 

I'ublic  Printer.     Approved  May  29.   1928.      1  p.      (Public  619.1 
Hartford,   Conn.      S.   4035,   act  authorizing  conveyance   to   Hartford,   Conn.,   of   title   to 

site  and  building  of  present  Federal  building  iu  that  city.     Approved  May  29,  1928. 

1  p.      (Public  576.) 

Ho'^v   to   ortler   pul>Hoation.<*~See   inforniatioii    follo^vins-   Contents 

-i-|QQ  June,  1928 

Public  [act]  463-620,  022-624,  70tli  Congress— Continued. 

rr        ■  ™    ir„o;.      TT    R    457    act  to  create  board  of  local  inspectors,  Steamboat  Inspec- 

^"t?rSe\S  at  lii^^  IP-      (f-ublic  472.) 

ff«,    7«/s      II    R    1281'!.  act  to  authorize  appropriation  to  provide  additional  hospital, 

,?,..t,ipiiinrv    ■nid  out-uatieut  dispensary  facilities  for  persons  entitled  to  hospitaliza- 

tk.iiuS 'World  wii-ve^  act,  1924,  as  amended.      [Approved  May  23,  1928.] 

2  p.      (Public  480.) 

ffn*  vV,»«s    Irfc      S    3361,  act  to  convey  to  Hot  Springs,  Ark.,  all  of  lot  numbered  3 
i!,bK  numbered  115  i^n'Hot  Springs,  irk.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public 


rntenial'reveiiuc.  II.  R.  1,  act  to  reduce  and  equalize  taxation,  provide  revenue,  and  for 
other  purposes.      [Approved  May  29.  1928.]      104  p.      (Public  562.)  . 

IiitcmirliameHtary  Union.  II.  R.  13930,  act  to  authorize  appropriation  tor  American 
•TouD  of  Interparliamentary  Union.     Approved  May  29,  1928.      1  p.      (lublic  o9(.) 

JiuhKt  II  K  11463,  act  to  fix  salaries  of  certain  .iudges  of  Territories  and  insular 
possessions  of  United  States.     Approved  May  29,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  614  ) 

L_     s    41S3,  act  authorizing  filling  of  vacancy  occurring  m  office  of  district  judge  for 

northern  district  of  Illinois  created  by  act  for  appointment  of  additional  circuit  judge 
for  4th  judicial  circuit,  for  appointment  of  additional  district  judges  for  certain  dis- 
tricts providing  for  annual  conference  of  certain  judges,  and  for  other  purposes. 
Approved  May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Public  592.) 

Kanmcha  Rivr.  H.  R.  13399,  act  autliorizing  Baltimore  Gas  Engineering  Corporation 
to  construct  bridsie  across  Kanavk'ha  River  at  or  near  Dunbar,  W.  Va.  [Approved 
May  29,  1928.]      2  p.      (I'ublic  603.) 

Kettle  Creek  Battle  of,  l"ii.  H.  R.  9965,  act  to  erect  tablet  or  marker  to  mark  site  of 
Battle  of  Kettle  Creek,  in  Wilkes  County,  Ga.,  vi-here,  on  Feb.  14,  1779  Elijah  Clarke 
and  Colonel  Pickens  overtook  the  Tories  under  Colonel  Boyd,  killing  him  and  many 
of  his  followers,  thus  ending  British  dominion  in  Georgia.     Approved  May  23,  1928 

King    Willkim  R.  ^  II.  R.  7903,  act  to  authorize  erectioti  at  Clinton,  N.  C,  of  tablet  or 
marker  in  commemoration  of  William  Rufus  King,  former  Vice  President  of  United 
States.     Approved  May  23,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  4S8.) 
Kutcnai  Indians.     H.  R.  11468,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  execute  agree- 
ment or  agreements  with  drainage  district   or   districts   providing  for   drainage   and 
reclamation  of  Kootenai  Indian  allotments  in  Idaho  within  exterior  boundaries  of  such 
district  or  districts  that  may  be  benefited  by  drainage  and  reclamation  work.      [Ap- 
proved May  29,  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  564.) 
L  hoat.s.     H.  R.  10303,  act  for  construction  or  purchase  of  2  L  boats  for  War  Depart- 
ment.    Approved  May  23,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  484.) 
Letter-boxes.     H.   It.   12605,   act  to   enable   Postmaster  General  to   purchase   and   erect 
community  mail  boxes  on  rural  routes  and   to   rent   compartments  of  such  boxes  to 
patrons  of  rural  delivery.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  609.) 
Litits,  Pa.     II.  R.  8540,  act  authorizing  appropriation  for  erection  of  tablet  or  marker 
at    Lititz,    I'a.,    to    commemorate   burial    place    of    110    American    soldiers    who    were 
wounded  in  Battle  of  Brandywiue  and  died  in  military  hospital  at  Lititz.     Approved 
May   23,    1928.      1    p.      (Public   485.) 
Little  Calumet  River.     H.   R.    11917,   act   granting   consent  of   Congress   to   county   of 
Cook,  111.,  to  widen  existing  bridge  across  Little  Calumet  River  in  Cook  County,  111. 
Approved  May  26,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  537.) 
McKinley,  Fort.     S.   3057,   act   to  transfer   and   convey   to   Portland  Water   District,   a 
municipal   corporation,   water  pipe   line  including   submarine  water   main   connecting 
Fort  McKinley,  Me.,  with  water  system  of  Portland  Water  District.     Approved  May 
22,  lOL'S.      1  p.      (I'ublic  465.) 
Mahoniny  River.     II.   R.    12894,   act   to   extend   times   for   commencing   and   completing 
Construction  of  overliead  viaduct  across  Mahoning  River  at   or  near  NiUs,   Ohio    [b.v 
board    of    county    commissioners    of    Trumbull    County,    Ohio].     Approved    May    26, 
1928.      1   p.      (Public  534.) 
Marshals.     H.  R.  9051,  act  to  amend  sec.  1  of  act  of  Feb.  22,  1875,  regulating  fees  and 
costs    [relative    to    accounts    of    T'nited    States    marshals    and    United    States    com- 
missioners].    Approved  May  29,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  616.) 
Medical    Corps.   Army.     li.    R.    11981,    act    to    authorize    officers    of   Medical    Corps    to 
account  certain  service  in  computing  their  rights  for  retirement.     Approved  May  29, 
1928.      1  p.      (Public  612.) 
Merchant    marine.     S.    744,    act    to    further    develop    American    merchant    marine,    to 
assure  its  permanence  in  transportation  of  foreign  trade  of  United   States,  and  for 
other  purposes.      [Approved  May  22,   1928.]      10  p.      (Public  463.) 
Military    posts.     II.    R.    11134,    act    to    authorize    appropriations    for    construction    at 

military  posts.      [Approved   May  26,   1928.]      3  p.      (Public  518.) 
Mihlia      S.    4210,   act    lo    authorize   adjustment   and    settlement    of   claims   for   armors 

drill  pay.     Approved  :ilay  22.  1928.      l  p.      (Public  408.) 
J/  Ri'-cr      U     U.    12235,    act    authorizing   B.    F.    Peek,    G.    A.    Shallberg,    C.    I. 
Josephson,    .T.    \^ .    Bettendorf,   A.    J.    RusselL   and   J.    L.    Hecht   to   construct   bridge 
across    Missis.sippi    Itivor   ;,t   or   near    10th    street    in    Bettendorf,    Iowa.      [Approved 
May  26,  1928.]      3  p.      (Public  533.) 

v7  i,^^;  ^;   V^^***^'  ''X't  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  to   construct  free 
°0    iri'^S      1  ^*^  across   Mississippi   River  at   or   near   Aitkin,   Minn.     Approved   May 

How  to  ordei-  publications— See  information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  HQl 

Public  [act]  403-G20,  622-624,  TOtli  Congress— Continued. 
Misaisisippi  Kiocr — Continued. 

n.  n.  laasi).  ait  authorizing  D.  T.  Ilai'graves  and  John  W.  Dulauey  to  construct 

bridge  across  Mississippi  liivei-  at  or  near  Helena,  Ark.  [Approved  May  26,  1928.] 
2  p.      (Public  536.) 

S.  4229,  act  to  extend  time  for  constructing  of  bridge  across  Mississippi  liiver 

near  and  above  New  Orleans,  La.  Iby  said  city  through  its  Public  Belt  Kallroad 
Commission].     .Approved  May  24,  192S.     1  p.      (Public  502.) 

Missouri  J^ircr.  II.  U.  H388,  net  authorizing  Kansas  City  Southern  Railway  Company 
to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River  near  Randolph,  Mo.  [Approved  May  24, 
1928.]      3  p.      (Public  500.) 

S.    3693,    act    authorizing    Council    Bluffs,    Iowa,    and    Omaha,    Ncbr.,    or    either 

of  them,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Missouri  River  between  Council 
Bluffs.    Iowa,    and    Omaha,    Nebr.      Approv.d    May   24,    1928.      1    p.      (Public    .')U3. ) 

■ S.   4203,   act  authorizing  .7.   H.   Haley  to   construct   bridge  across  Missouri  River 

near  point  where  Olive  street  road,  St.  Louis  County,  Mo.,  if  extended  west  would 
intersect  Missouri  River.   [Approved  May  29,  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  5S4. ) 

■ S.   4345.   act  authorizing  Interstate  Bridgi'   C(unpany   to  construct  bridge  across 

Missouri  River  at  or  near  Kansas  City,  Kans.  [Approved  May  22,  1928.]  2  p. 
(Public   409.) 

S.  4381,  act  authorizing  H.  A.  Rinder  to  construct  bridge  across  Missouri  River 

at  or  mar  Niobrara,  Nebr.     [Approved  May  22,  1928.]     2  p.      (Public  471.) 

Montezuvia  Xatiomil  Forest.  II.  R.  6854,  act  to  add  lands  to  Montezuma  National 
Forest,  Colo,  [and  to  pay  Ute  Indians  certain  amount  for  said  lands].  Approved 
May  22,    1928.     1    p.      (Public   474.) 

Motor-bodts.  11.  R.  10304.  act  for  construction  or  purchase  of  2  motor  mine  yawls  for 
War  Department.     Approved  May  23,  1928.     1  p.      (I'ublic  483.) 

Motor  VchicJe  Hcrrice  Uivision.  II.  R.  7354,  act  to  allow  Postmaster  General  to  pro- 
mote mechanics'  helpers  to  1st  grade  of  special  mecliuuics  [in  motor  vehicle  service]. 
Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      U'utilic  017.  j 

Mount  Vernon,  Va.  S.  1369.  act  to  authorize  and  direct  survey,  construction,  and 
maintenance  of  memorial  highway  to  connect  Mount  Vernon,  Va.,  with  Arlington 
Memorial  Bridge  across  I'otomac  River  at  Washington.  [Approved  May  23,  1928.] 
2  p.      (Public  493.) 

National  Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commission.  S.  1284,  act  amending  act  amending 
act  providing  for  comprehensive  development  of  park  and  playground  system  of  Na- 
tional capital  [relative  to  travel  expenses  of  members  of  National  Capital  Park  and 
Planning  Commission].     Approved  May  24,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  497.) 

National  Home  for  Disabled  Voluntcvr  tioldiers.  II.  R.  12953.  act  to  authorize  board 
of  managers  of  National  Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers  to  accept  title  to 
[lands,  etc..  of]  State  Camp  for  Veterans  at  Bath,  N.  Y.  Approved  May  26,  1928. 
1  p.  (Public  531.)  [Authorization  is  also  given  to  Secretary  of  War  to  accept  con- 
veyance of  cemetery  at  New  York  State  Camp  for  Veterans  near  Bath,  N.  Y.] 

Karal  Academy,  Annapolis.  S.  2S02,  act  for  appointment  of  midshipmen  at  large  bj 
Vice  President  of  United  States.     Approved  May   28,   1928.      1  p.      (Public  501.) 

Navy.  II.  R.  12694,  act  authorizing  Secretary  of  Navy  to  provide  escort  for  bodies  of 
deceased  officers,  enlisted  men,  and  nurses.  Approved  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  (Pub- 
lic 543.) 

Nv-n->  Mexiio.  S.  2535,  act  granting  to  New  Mexico  lands  for  reimbursement  of  counties 
of  Grant,  Luna,  Hidalgo,  and  Santa  Fi'  for  interest  paid  on  railroad-aid  bonds,  and 
for  payment  of  principal  of  railroad-aid  bonds  issued  by  Silver  City  and  to  reimburse 
said  town  for  interest  paid  on  said  bonds,  and  for  other  purposes.  Approved  May  28, 
1928.      1   p.      (Public  553.) 

New  River.  H.  R.  12806,  act  authorizing  J.  H.  Harvell  to  construct  bridge  across  New 
River  at  or  near  McCreery,  W.  Va.     [Approved  Mav  26.  1928.]     2  p.      (Public  545.) 

North  Carolina.  S.  3097,  act  for  relief  of  North  Carolina.  Approved  May  29,  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  579.) 

Officers,  Army.  S.  3463,  act  to  recognize  commissioned  service  in  Philippine  Constabu- 
lary in  determining  rights  of  officers  of  Regular  Army.  Approved  May  23,  1928. 
1   p.      (Public  490.) 

Ohio.     II.  R.  12938,  act  for  relief  of  Ohio.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  608.) 

0/rio  River.  H.  R.  5475.  act  authorizing  New  Cumberland  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Ohio  River  at  or  near  New  Cumberland,  W.  Va.  [Approved 
May  25,  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  511.) 

S.  4450,  act  authorizing  Ripley  Bridge  Company  to  construct  bridge  across  Ohio 

River  at  or  near  Ripley,   Ohio.      [Approved   May   26,   1928.]      2   p.      (Public  547.) 

Okanogan  irrigation  project.  S.  1661.  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  Interior  to  transfer 
Okanogan  proiect.  Wash.,  to  Okanogan  Irrigation  District  upon  payment  of  charges 
stated.     Approved  May  25,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  509.) 

Ordnance.  H.  R.  0049,  act  to  amend  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  War  and  Secretary 
of  Navy  to  make  certain  disposition  of  condemned  ordnance,  guns,  projectiles,  and 
other  condemned  material  in  their  respective  departments.  Approved  May  26,  1928. 
1   p.      (Public  549.) 

Oregon  and  California  Railroad.  S.  3699,  act  for  relief  of  land-grant  railroad  operated 
between  statiosi  formerly  known  as  East  Portland.  Oreg..  and  Boseville,  Calif. 
Approved  May  23.  1928.  1  p.  (Public  494.)  [The  land-grant  railroad  in  question 
is  the  Oregon  and  California  Railroad,  operated  by  the  Southern  Pacific  Company.] 
*  Paper.  5c. 

Ouachita  Rirer.  H.  R.  12677,  act  to  amend  sec.  2  of  act  approved  Mar.  12,  1928. 
granting  consent  of  Congress  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Ouachita  River  at 
or  near  C.ilion,  Ark.  [bv  State  Highway  Commission  of  Arkansas].  Approved  May 
25,  1928.      1   p.      (Pnblib  514.)- 

Patents.  II.  R.  10435,  act  for  extension  of  time  limitations  under  which  patents 
were  issued  in  cas(^  af  persons  who  served  in  military  or  naval  forces  of  United 
States  during  World   War.      [Approved   May   31,    1928.]      2   p.      (Public   623.) 

S.    2823.    act    amending    Statutes    of    United    States    with    respect    to    reissue    of 

defective-  patents.     Approved   May   24,   1928.     1   p.      (Public   501.) 

Ho-^v   to   order  pii1>Iieations — See   informntion   follOT\-iiis-   Contents 


June,  1928 

I'ublic-  [act]  4G3-620,  622-624,  70tli  Congress — Continued. 

I'ai/  \rmy  II  R.  12110,  act  to  amend  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  com- 
iuis'sioned  and  enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast 
and"  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  as  amended  [relative  to  pay  of 
certain  officers  of  Army  whose  pay  is  limited  by  law  to  that  of  grade  of  captain]. 
Approved  May  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  560.) 

S    1829    act  to   authorize   collection,   In   monthly   installments,    of   indebtedness 

due   United   States  from   enlisted   men    [of   Army].     Approved   May   22,    1928.     1    p. 

Pay  Suvii.  H.  R.  554S,  act  to  authorize  payment  of  6  months'  death  gratuity  to 
dependent  relative  of  officers,  enlisted  men,  or  nurses  whose  death  results  from 
wounds  or  disease  not  resulting  from  their  own  misconduct.  Approved  May  22, 
192S.     1   p.      (Public  47:1 ) 

n.  R.  5718,  act  to  amend  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allowances  of  commisisoued 

and  enlisted  personnel  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast  Guard,  Coast  and 
Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service  [so  as  to  include  lieutenant  com- 
manders of  staff  corps  of  Navy  and  lieutenant  commanders  of  the  line  and  engineer 
corps  of  Coast  Guard  in  provisions  of  act].  Approved  May  23,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  489.) 

II.    R.   11621,   act  to   authorize   Secretary   of   Navy   to   advance   public   funds   to 

naval  personnel  under  certain  conditions.  Approved  May  22,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

Pearl  River.  H.  R.  13996.  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  board  of  supervisors 
of  Leake  County,  Miss,  [or  to  said  board  and  board  of  ^upei-visors  of  Neshoba 
County.  Miss.]  "to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Pearl  River  at  or  near 
Edinburg.  Miss.     Approved  May  29,   1028.      1  p.      (Public  596.) 

Pensions.  .H.  R.  10159,  act  granting  pensions  and  increase  of  pensions  to  widows  and 
former  widows  of  soldiers,  sailors,  and  marines  of  Civil  War.  Approved  Mav  23, 
1928.      1   p.      (Public  479.) 

Perdido  Bail.  ^-  4457,  act  authorizing  Northwest  Florida  Corporation  to  construct 
bridse  across  Perdido  Bay  at  or  near  Inerarity  Point  In  Kscambia  County.  Fla..  to 
mainland  of  Baldwin  County.  Ala.      [Approved  May  26.   1928.]      2  p.      (Public  548.) 

Pine  Ridge  Reservation.  H.  R.  13342,  act  to  authorize  per  capita  payment  to  Pine 
Ridge  Sioux  Indians  of  South  Dakota.     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  517.) 

Pointe  aux  Hcrbes.  H.  R.  13644,  act  to  sell  at  private  sale  portion  of  Pointe  aux 
Herbes  lighthouse  reservation.  La.  [to  Louisiana  Highway  Commission].  [Ap- 
proved Mav  29.  1928.]      2  p.      (Public  600.) 

Postar/e.  11.'  R.  12030,  act  to  amend  title  2  of  act  approved  Feb.  28,  1925  (43d 
Statutes,  p.  1066.  United  States  Code,  title  39),  regulating  postal  rates.  [Approved 
May  29.   1928.]     6  p.      (Public   566.) 

Po.<ital  claim.9.  II.  R.  325.  act  repealing  existing  law  requiring  Postmaster  General  to 
report  action  taken  on  claims  of  postmasters  [for  loss  by  burglary.  Are,  or  other 
unavoidable  casualty].     Approved  May  29.  1928.     1  p.      (Public  587.) 

Postal  service.  H.  R.  5681,  act  to  provide  differential  in  pay  for  night  work  in  postal 
service.  [Became  law  Mav  24.  1928.  by  two-thirds  vote  of  each  House,  after  veto 
by  the  President.]      1  p.     "(Public  496.1" 

Postmasters.  H.  R.  7900,  act  granting  allowances  for  rent,  fuel,  light,  and  equipment 
to  postmasters  of  4th  class.  [Became  law  May  24,  1928,  by  two-thirds  vote  of  each 
House,  after  veto  by  the  President.]      1  p.      (Public  495.) 

President  of  United  States.  H.  R.  7373,  act  providing  for  meeting  of  electors  of 
President  and  Vice  President  and  for  issuance  and  transmission  of  certificates  of 
their  selection  and  of  result  of  their  determination.  [Approved  May  29,  1928.] 
2  p.      (Public  569.) 

Red  River.  II.  R.  8926,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Commis- 
sion of  to  construct  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Garland  Citv,  Ark. 
Approved  May  25.   1928.      1   p.      (Public   512.) 

H.  R.  12670.  act  to  amend  sec.  2  of  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  for  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Red  River  at  or  near  Pulton.  Ark.  [by  State  Highway 
Commission   of  Arkansas].     Approved  May  25.   1928.      1   p.      (Public  513.) 

Reiwrts.  H.  R.  12064.  act  to  discontinue  certain  reports  now  required  by  law  to  be 
made  to  Congress.      [Approved  May  29.   1928.]      12  p.      (Public  611.) 

Retired  list,  Arnnj.  H.  R.  12624.  act  to  amend  sec.  17  of  act  to  readjust  pay  and 
allowances  of  commissioned  and  enlisted  personnel  of  .Vrmy,  Navy.  Marine  Corps, 
Coast  Guard.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and  Public  Health  Service,  as  amended 
[relative  to  pay  and  allowances  of  officers  and  warrant  officers  on  retired  list].  Ap- 
proved Alay  26.  1928.      1  p.      (Public  551.) 

Rinpifold  mad.  H.  R.  11724,  act  for  paving  of  Government  road,  known  as  Ringarold 
road,  extendina-  from  Cbickamauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Military  Park,"  Ga.. 
to  Ringgold.  Ga..  constituting  approach  road  to  Chickamausa  and  "Chattanooga 
National  Military  Park.     Approved  May  22,  1928.      1   p.      (Public  477.) 

7?io  Grande.  IT.  R.  12031.  net  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridse  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  point  2  miles  south  of  Tornillo, 
Tex.  [by  W.  .T.  Stnhmann,  Edgar  D.  Brown,  and  L.  N.  Shafer].  Approved  Mav  26. 
1928.     1    p.      (Public   540.) 

IT.  R.  121 00.  net  to  amend  act  srantinsr  consent  of  Consrress  to  Gateway  Bridge 

Conipnnv  for  construction  of  bridge  across  Rio  Grande  between  Brownsville,  Tex., 
and  .Matamoros.  Mexico.     Approved  May  26,   1928.        1   p.      (Public  539.) 

H.  R.  12877.  act  authorizing  Los  Olmos  International  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  Weslaco,  Tex.  Approved  May  28.  1928. 
1  p.      (Public  554.) 

H.   R.   13318.   act  authorizing  Val  Verde   County   Bridsre   Companv  to   construct 

bridire  across  Rio  Grande  at  or  near  Langtry,  Tex.  '  Approved  May  29,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  604.) 

Rio  Griinde  irrigation  protect.  H.  R.  11471.  act  extending  .time  of  construction  pay- 
ments on  Rio  Grande  Federal  irrigation  project.  N.  !*tex.-Tex.  [by  Elephant  Butte 
Irrigation  District  and  El  Paso  County  Water  Improvement  District  1].  Approved 
May   28.   1928.      1   p.      (Public   556.)      " 

How  to  order  pii1tIlcatioii!<i— See  information   follo^vin^  Contents 

June,  1928  1103 

Public  [act]  463-620,  622-624,  TOth  Congress— Continued. 

Roads.  S.  2327,  act  to  amend  act  to  provide  that  United  States  shall  aid  States  in 
construction  of  rural  post  roads,  approved  Julv  11.  1916,  as  amended  and  supple- 
mented.    Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  519.) 

Sabine  River.  H.  R.  12623,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Louisiana  Highway 
Commission  lo  construct  free  hiirhway  bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Starks, 
La.     Approved  May  26,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  544.) 

H.   R.    13777,   act   authorizing  Louisiana   and   Texas   to   construct   free   highway 

bridge  across  Sabine  River  at  or  near  Burr  Ferry,  La.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p. 
(Public  598.) 

St.  Croijc  River.  S.  3793,  act  authorizing  St.  Croix  Interstate  Bridge  Company  to  con- 
struct bridge  across  St.  Croix  River  near  Grantsburg,  Wis.  [Approved  May  22,  1928.] 
2  p.      (Public  467.) 

St  Paul,  Minn.  S.  4148,  act  authorizing  and  directing  Secretary  of  War  to  grant 
land  to  St.  Paul,  Minu.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  577.) 

St.  Vincevt's  Orphan  Asyhtm.  S.  2511.  act  to  change  name  of  St.  Vincent's  Orphan 
Asylum  [to  St.  Vincent's  Home  and  School]  and  to  amend  act  to  amend  act  to 
incorporate  St.  Vincent's  Orphan  Asylum  in  District  of  Columbia.  Approved  May 
29,   1928.     1  p.      (Public  568.) 

San  Carlos  Reservation.  S.  4321,  act  to  dispose  of  2  bridges  on  San  Carlos  Indian 
Reservation,  Ariz.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  590.) 

Santa  Rosa  Island.  S.  3991,  act  declaring  certain  designated  purposes  with  respect 
to  parts  of  Santa  Rosa  Island  in  Florida  to  be  "  public  purposes  "  within  meaning 
of  proviso  in  sec.  7  of  act  approved  Mar.  12,  192C,  authorizing  use  for  permanent 
construction  at  military  posts  of  proceeds  from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real 
property,  and  authorizing  sale  of  certain  military  reservations.  Approved  May  29, 
1928.     1  p.      (Public  593.) 

Santa  Rosa  Sound.  S.  4456,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  boards  of  county 
commissioners  of  counties  of  Escambia  and  Santa  Rosa,  Fla.,  to  construct  free  bridge 
across  Santa  Rosa  Sound,  Fla.  [at  or  near  Deer  Point,  Santa  Rosa  County,  or  at  or 
near  Sharp  Point  on  Santa  Rosa  Island].  Approved  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  (Pub- 
lic 523.) 

Savannah  River.  S.  4474,  act  authorizing  South  Carolina  and  Georgia  State  highway 
departments  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Savannah  River  at  or  near  Burtons 
Ferrv  near  Sylvania,  Ga,     [Approved  May  26,  1928.]     2  p.     (Public  522.) 

Sherman,  Cvmp.  H.  R.  10649,  act  for  transfer  of  portion  of  military  reservation 
known  as  Camp  Sherman,  Ohio,  to  Department  of  Justice  [for  use  as  site  for  Indus- 
trial Reformatory].     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  532.) 

SoMi^rs.  H.  R.  10487,  act  to  amend  World  War  adjusted  compensation  act,  as 
amended.     [Approved  May  29,  1928.]     4  p.      (Public  570.) 

H.  R.  13039.  act  to  amend  World  War  veterans'  act,  1924.      [Approved  May  29, 

192.8.]      8  p.      (Public  585.) 

SpringdaJe,  Utah.  H.  R.  12706,  act  for  relief  of  Springdale,  Utah.  Approved  May  28, 
1928.     1  p.      (Public  559.) 

Stonington,  Me.  H.  R.  11950,  act  to  legalize  pier  and  wharf  [built  by  Marguerite  S. 
Morrison]  in  Deer  Island  thoroughfare  on  northerly  side  at  end  of  Buck- 
master  Neck  at  Stonington.  Me.     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  538.) 

Submarine  boats.  H.  R.  13248.  act  to  authorize  increase  in  limit  of  cost  of  one  fleet 
.submarine.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  605.) 

Target  practice.  H.  R.  13446,  act  to  amend  national  defense  act  [relative  to  holding 
of  rifle  competitions  or  national  matches  every  year].  Approved  May  28,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  557.) 

Tennessee  River.  H.  R.  13141,  act  authorizing  T.  S.  Hassell  to  construct  bridge  across 
Tennessee  River  at  or  near  Clifton,  Tenn.  [Approved  May  26,  1928.]  2  p.  (Public 

H.  R.  13481,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Alabama  State  Bridge  Corpora- 
tion to  construct  bridges  across  Tennessee,  Tombigbee,  Warrior,  Alabama,  and  Coosa 
rivers  within  Alabama.      [Approved  May  26.   1928.]      2  p.      (Public  526.) 

Tcfisas  River.  H.  R.  11980,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Fisher  Lumber  Cor- 
poration to  construct  railroad  bridge  across  Tensas  River  in  Louisiana  [at  or  near 
dividing  line  between  sections  1  and  12,  township  12  north,  range  9  east,  Louisiana 
meridian].      Approved  May  26,  1928.      1  p.      (I'ublic  541.) 

Traveling  expenses.  S.  1825,  act  to  amend  sec.  12  of  act  to  readjust  pay  and  allow- 
ances of  commissioned  and  enlisted  personn<'l  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  Coast 
Guard,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  and'  Public  Healtli  Service,  as  amended,  so  as  to 
authorize  allowance  of  3  cents  per  mile,  in  lieu  of  transportation  in  kind,  for  persons 
u'sing  privatelv  owned  conveyances  while  traveling  under  competent  orders.  Approved 
May  29.  1928."    1  p.     (Public  595.)      [S.  1825  also  includes  the  National  Guard.] 

Umatilla  Reservation.  S.  1191.  act  to  amend  act  providing  for  allotment  of  lands 
in  severalty  to  Indians  residing  upon  Umatilla  Reservation.  Oreg.,  and  granting 
patents  therefor  [so  as  to  withhold  from  sale  or  disposition  certain  lands  for  use  as 
tribal  grazing  lands].     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  622.) 

Wabash  River.  S.  2965.  act  authorizing  Indiana,  acting  by  and  through  State  High- 
way Commission,  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  Wabash  River  at  or  near  Vincennes, 
Ind.     Approved  May  25,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  510.) 

War  Department.  H.  R.  12352,  act  to  require  certain  contracts  entered  into  by  Sec- 
retarv  of  War,  or  bv  officers  authorized  bv  him  to  make  them,  to  be  in  writing.  Ap- 
proved May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  610.) 

S.  3752,  act  to  amend  sec.  3  of  act  authorizing  use  for  permanent  construction 

at  military  posts  of  proceeds  from  sale  of  surplus  War  Department  real  property, 
and  authorizing  sale  of  certain  military  reservations,  approved  Mar.  12,  1926  [rela- 
tive to  sale  to  citizens  fif  L'nited  States  ().f  portions  f(f  reservations  occupied  and 
improved  by  them].     Approved  May  26,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  550.) 

Ho-fv  to  order  publlctitions — See  information   following   Contents 

736— 2S— No.  402 5 

J2Q4  June,  1928 

Public  [act]  463-620,  622-624,  70tli  Congress — Continued. 

Warrant  officers  Army.  H.  R.  8314,  act  to  amend  act  for  appointment  as  warrant  of- 
tlcers  of  Kogular  Army  of  such  persons  as  would  have  been  eligible  therefor  but 
for  interruption  of  their  status  caused  by  military  service  rendered  by  them  as 
commissioned  officers  during  World  War.  Approved  May  23,  1928.  1  p.  (Public 

White  River  H.  R.  13108,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  State  Highway  Com- 
mis-^ion  of  Arkansas  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Newport. 
Approved  May  29,  1928.      1  p.      (Public  607.) 

S    4344,   act   granting   consent   of   Congress   to    State    Highway    Commission   of 

Arkansas  to  construct  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Clarendon,  Ark.  Ap- 
proved May  29,  1928.     1   p.      (Public  588.) 

S  4504,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Arkansas  through  its  State  High- 
way Department  to  construct  toll  bridge  across  White  River  at  or  near  Augusta, 
Ark.     Approved   Mav   26,    1928.     1    p.      (Public   529.) 

Yosemite  National  Park.  H.  R.  12038.  act  to  authorize  acquisition  of  certain  patented 
lands  adjoining  Yosemite  National  Park  boundary  by  exchange.  Approved  May  28, 
1928.     1  p.      (Public   558.) 

Public  [joint]  resolution  49-67,  70th  Congress. 

Aeronautics.  S.  J.  Res.  161,  joint  resolution  authorizing  the  President  to  invite 
representatives  of  foreign  Governments  to  attend  an  international  aeronautical  con- 
ference on  civil  aeronautics  in  Washington  on  Dec.  12-14,  1928.  Approved  May  29, 
1928.     1   p.      (Public  resolution   64.) 

Alabama  National  Forest.  S.  J.  Res.  130,  joint  resolution  suspending  certain  provi- 
sions of  law  in  connection  with  acquisition  of  lands  within  Alabama  National 
Forest.     Approved  May  29,   1928.     1   p.      (Public   resolution    62.) 

China.  H.  J.  Res.  39,  joint  resolution  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for 
instruction  at  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Chinese  subjects  to  be  designated 
hereafter  by  Government  of  China.  Approved  May  24,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion  53.) 

Citizens  of  United  States.  H.  J.  Res.  268,  joint  resolution  requesting  the  President  to 
negotiate  with  nations  with  which  there  is  no  such  agreement  treaties  for  protection 
ofAmerican  citizens  of  foreign  birth,  or  parentage,  from  liability  to  military  service 
in  such   nations.     Approved   May   28,    1928.     1   p.      (Public   resolution   56.) 

Clark,  George  R.  S.  J.  Res.  23,  joint  resolution  providing  for  participation  of  United 
States  in  celebration  in  1929  and  4930  of  150th  anniversary  of  conquest  of  North- 
west Territory  by  George  Rogers  Clark  and  his  army,  and  authorizing  appropriation 
for  construction  of  permanent  memorial  of  Revolutionary  War  in  the  West,  and  of 
accession  of  the  Old  Northwest  to  United  States  on  site  of  Fort  Sackville,  which 
was  captured  by  George  Rogers  Clark  and  his  men  Feb.  25,  1779.  [Approved  May 
23.    1928.]      2    p.      (Public    resolution    51.) 

Colorado  River.  S.  J.  Res.  164,  joint  resolution  to  appoint  board  of  engineers  to 
e.xamine  and  report  upon  dam  to  be  constructed  under  H.  R.  5773,  Boulder  Dam  bill 
[for  construction  of  works  for  protection  and  development  of  lower  Colorado  River 
basin,  for  approval  of  Colorado  River  compact,  and  for  other  purposes].  Approved 
May   29,    1928.     1    p.      (Public    resolution    65.) 

Cuba.  S.  J.  Res.  125,  joint  resolution  authorizing  President  of  United  States  to 
accept  monumental  urn  to  be  presented  by  Republic  of  Cuba,  and  providing  for  its 
erection  on  appropriate  site  on  public  grounds  in  Washington,  D.  C.  Approved 
May   22,    1928.     1   p.      (Public   resolution   49.) 

Edison,  Thomas  A.  H.  J.  Res.  243,  joint  resolution  for  striking  of  medal  commemora- 
tive of  achievements  of  Thomas  A.  Edison  in  illuminating  path  of  progress  through 
development  and  application  of  inventions  that  have  revolutionized  civilization  in 
last  century.     Approved  May  29,   1928.     1    p.      (Public   resolution   66.) 

Horses.  H.  J.  Res.  140,  joint  resolution  to  amend  sec.  1  and  2  of  act  of  Mar.  3,  1891 
[to  provide  for  safe  transport  and  humane  treatment  of  export  cattle  from  United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  so  as  to  include  horses,  mules,  asses,  sheep,  goats,  and 
swine  in  provisions  of  said  act].  Approved  May  28,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolution 

Immigration.  H.  J.  Res.  5,  joint  resolution  relating  to  immigration  of  certain  rela- 
tives of  United  States  citizens  and  of  aliens  lawfully  admitted  to  United  States.  [Ap- 
proved May  29,   1928.]      2  p.      (Public   resolution   61.) 

International  Congress  of  Americanists.  S.  J.  Res.  97,  joint  resolution  authorizing 
the  President  to  appoint  3  delegates  to  23d  International  Congress  of  Americanists, 
and  making  appropriations  for  expenses  of  such  congress  [to  be  held  in  New  York 
City  in  Sept.  1928].     Approved  May  23,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution  50.) 

Jimenez,  Jose  J.  S.  J.  Res.  155,  joint  resolution  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  re- 
ceive for  instructions  at  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  .lose  J.  Jimenez,  citizen  of 
Venezuela.     Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution   63.) 

Nei(7  Orlean»,  La.  S.  J.  Res.  120,  joint  resolution  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  tof 
lease  to  Now  Orleans  Association  of  Commerce  New  Orleans  quartermaster  inter- 
mediate depot  unit  numbered  2.  Approved  May  28,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion  59.) 

Northern  Pacific  Railxcay.  H.  J.  Res.  318,  joint  resolution  amending  joint  resolution 
directing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  withhold  his  approval  of  adjustment  of  Northern 
1  aciflc  land  grants,  and  for  other  purposes,  approved  June  5,  1924,  as  amended. 
Approved  May  28,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution  55.) 

Potomac  River.  H.  J.  Res.  307.  joint  resolution  to  preserve  for  development  poten- 
tial "water  power  and   park  facilities  of  gorge   and   Great   Falls  of   Potomac   River. 

r.  APPro'^'ed  May  29,  1928.     1  p.      (Public  resolution  67.) 

Read.  Albert  C.  S.  J.  Res.  51,  joint  resolution  tendering  thanks  of  Congress  to  Albert 
fl"  ,  i°^   i  -P/    ^^    achievement    in    completing    first    trans-Atlantic    aeroplane 

«"  'o2",n?.o°^^^'°S  for  his  advancement  on  list  of  commanders  of  Navy.  Approved 
May  28,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolution  58.) 

How  to  ortler  publications— See  Information-  foUo-TFlu^  Contents 

June,  1928  1105 

Public  [joint]  resolution  49-67,  70th  Congress — Continued. 

Siam.  H.  J.  Res.  40,  joint  resolution  authorizing  Secretary  of  War  to  receive  for 
instruction  at  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  2  Siamese  subjects  to  be  designated 
hereafter  by  Government  of  Siam.  Approved  May  24,  1928.  1  p.  (Public  resolu- 
tion 52.) 

Tulsa,  Okla.  H.  J.  Res.  292,  joint  resolution  authorizing  the  President  to  invite 
States  of  the  Union  and  foreign  countries  to  participate  in  International  Petroleum 
Exposition  at  Tulsa,  Okla.,  to  begin  Oct.  20,  1928.  Approved  May  28,  1928.  1  p. 
(Public  rrsolution  54.) 

Wayne,  Anthony.  S.  J.  Res.  82,  joint  resolution  for  erection  of  public  historical  mu- 
seum on  site  of  Fort  Defiance,  Defiance,  Ohio  [as  memorial  to  Anthony  Wayne]. 
Approved  May  29,  1928.     1  p.     (Public  resolution  60.) 


Arlington  Memorial  Bridge.  Specifications  for  bascule  draw  span  Arlington 
Memorial  Bridge,  contract  no.  22,  advertisement.  1928.  iv-}-61  p.  il.  4° 
[Bids  to  be  opened  July  16,  1928.]     t  Y3.Ar5/2:  B29 


Harriman  geographic  code  system,  minority  views  pursuant  to  public  resolution 
70,  69th  Congress,  authorizing  joint  committee  of  both  Houses  to  consider  pur- 
chase of  right  to  unrestricted  use  of  Harriman  geographic  code  system  under 
patents  issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  and  also  unrestricted  use  of  all  copy- 
rights issued,  or  that  may  be  issued,  in  connection  with  products  of  Harriman 
geographic  code  system  for  all  governmental,  administrative,  or  publication 
purposes  for  which  same  may  be  desirable ;  presented  by  Mr.  Bingham. 
1928.  ii-t-2  p.  (S.  doc.  159,  pt.  2,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-2&i27 


Calendars  and  history  of  legislation  of  House  of  Representatives,  70th  Congress, 
1st  ses.sion,  final  edition.     1928.     200  p.  large  8°     $  Y  1.2 : 1/70-1/final  ed. 

District  of  ColumJna.     Fiscal  relations  with  District  of  Columbia,  remarks  of 
Robert  G.  Simmons  in  House  of  Representatives,  Feb.  21  and  May  25,  1928, 
relative  to  fiscal  relations  between  United  States  and  District  of  Columbia. 
1928.     iii-f28  p.     (H.  doc.  330,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26495 


Alaska.  Extended  benefits  to  Alaska  and  Hawaii,  Overtime  pay  for  employees 
of  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry,  Alabama  National  Forest,  Brooksville  Plant 
Garden,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7952  [to  extend  benefits 
of  Hatch  act,  Adams  act,  Purnell  act,  and  Smith-Lever  act  to  Alaska],  H.  R 
6070  [to  extend  benefits  of  certain  acts  of  Congress  to  Hawaii  for  advance- 
ment of  cooperative  agricultural  extension  work  between  Hawaii  and  De- 
partment of  Agriculture],  H.  R.  6509  [to  provide  overtime  pay  for  employees 
in  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry],  H.  R.  11414  [to  authorize  Secretary  of 
Agriculture  to  establish  trading  rules  and  business  practices  for  handlers  ot 
and  dealers  in  fresh  fruits  and  vegetables,  to  provide  for  system  of  adjust- 
ment of  disputes,  and  for  other  purposes],  H.  R.  13447  [to  establish  and  main- 
tain dairy  and  livestock  experiment  and  demonstration  station  for  the  South 
at  or  near  Lewisburg,  Tenn.],  H.  J.  Res.  291  [for  suspension  of  provisions  of 
sec.  7  of  act  of  Mar.  1,  1911,  requiring  consent  of  State  legislature  for  acquisi- 
tion of  any  unacquired  lands  within  present  exterior  boundaries  of  Alabama 
National  Forest  until  Dec.  31,  1930],  H.  J.  Res.  204  [206,  to  dispose  of.  real 
property  located  in  Hernando  County,  Fla.,  known  as  Brooksville  Plant 
Introduction  Garden,  no  longer  required  for  plant-introduction  purposes  to 
Heniando  Tobacco  Company],  Jan.  13-May  18,  1928.  1928.  iii+67  p. 
( Serial  Q. )     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  Al  1/4 

Cotton.  Sale  of  cotton  by  net  weight,  Standardization  of  bale  covering  for 
cotton,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5677,  H.  R.  10303,  Apr. 
10-May  19,  1928.     1928.     iii+103  p.     (Serial  R.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  C  82/14 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  folloTvlns  Contents 

2][Qg  June,  1928 

Oleomargarine,  bearings,  70th  Coiisress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  10958,  Apr.  17-20, 
1928.     1928.     iii+147  p.     (Serial  M.)      *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  01 2/11 

Options  and  futures.  Grain  futures  act  amendment,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  11952,  May  25,  1928.  1928.  iii+41  p.  il.  (Serial  S.) 
♦Paper,  10c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  G  76/4 

Wheat.  United  States  grain  standards  act  amendment,  hearings,  70th  Congress, 
1st  session,  on  H.  R.  106  [to  amend  grain  standards  act  by  inserting  new 
section  providing  for  licensing  and  establishing  laboratories  for  making  deter- 
minations of  protein  in  wheat  and  oil  in  flax].  May  11  and  15,  1928.  1928. 
iii+55  p.     (Serial  P.)     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  G  76/5 


Interior  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1929,  hearing  before  sub- 
committee in  charge  of  Interior  Department  appropriation  bill,  1929.  1928. 
ii+1196  p.     *  Paper,  $1.00.  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  In  8/6/929 


Legal  tender  notes.  Nationalization  of  legal-tender  money,  hearings,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12288.  to  provide  legal-tender  money  vrithout 
interest  secured  by  community  noninterest-bearing  25  year  bonds  for  public 
improvements,  market  roads,  employment  of  unemployed,  building  homes  for 
and  financing  through  community  banks  organized  under  State  laws,  its 
citizens,  fanners,  merchants,  manufacturers,  partnershii)s,  corporations, 
trusts  or  trustees,  and  for  community  needs  of  United  States.  May  21.  1928. 
1928.     pt.  4,  ii+ 187-192  p.  il.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.B  22/1 :  L  52/pt.  4 


Mammoth  Cave  National  Park.  Authorizing  medal  commemorative  of  estab- 
lishment of  Mammoth  Cave  National  Park,  hearings,  70th  Congress.  1st  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  13694,  May  26,  1928.    1928.    ii+5  p.    *  Paper,  5c.    Y  4.C  66  :  M  31 


Capital  of  United  States.    Work  of  National  Capital  Park  and  Planning  Com- 
mission;  statements  of  U.  S.  Grant,  3d,  Carey  H.  Brown,  and  Charles  W. 
Eliot,  2d;  Mar.  10,  1928.    1928.    ii+29  p.  14  maps.    *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  28-26507  Y  4.D  63/1 :  N  21/2 


Education,  Department.  Proposed  Department  of  Education,  hearing,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  7,  to  create  Department  of  Education,  Apr.  25- 
May  2,  1928.    1928.    vii+550  p.  il.     *  Paper,  75c.  Y  4.Ed  8/2  :  Ed  8/3 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  final  edition,  70th 
Congress,  May  29,  1928  ;  no.  7.    1928.    26  p.  large  8"    t  Y  4.1m  6/1 :  70/7 

Trachcrs.  Immigration  of  college  professors,  hearings  before  subcommittee, 
••_LL,  "^^'^''•''-  ^^^  session,  on  S.  24.50  and  H.  R.  92S4,  Mav  9.  1928.  1928. 
ii+ag  p.     (Hearing  no.  70.1.7.)     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.  Im  6/1 :  C  68 


Po^fo  J^>S^-     Suffrage  for  Porto  Rico,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 

on  vvn.non  '  J ^T"^ •"''f ''''I''^  "^^^^  ^^  P^^"**^  ^^^^  tso  as  to  coufer  right  to  vote 
on  ^^omen  ot  Porto  Rico],  Apr.  30,  1928.    1928.    ii+26  p.     *  Paper.  5c. 

Y  4.1n  7/1 :  P  83/16 
HoTv  to  order  publications-See  iuformatlon   following  Contents 

June,  1928  1107 


Campaign  funds.  To  amend  Constitution  to  give  Congress  power  to  regulate 
expenditures  made  for  party  nominations  to  Federal  offices,  hearing,  70th 
Congress.  1st  session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  277,  May  15,  1928 ;  statement  of  Henry  R. 
Rathbone.    192S.     [1]+16  p.     (Serial  30.)     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4. J  89/1 :  C  76/9 


Code  of  laics  of  United  States.  Amend  and  supplement  Code  of  laws  of 
United  States,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  13622;  submitted  by  Mr.  Roy  G. 
Fitzgerald.      May    16,    1928.      6    p.       (H.    rp.    1706,    70th    Cong.    1st    sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 


Merchant  marine,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  merchant  marine, 
Mar.  2-14,  1928.  1928.  pt.  2.  ii+207-939  p.  [Part  1  appeared  in  Monthly 
catalogue  for  Mar.  1928,  p.  689.]     *  Paper,  75c.  Y  4.M  53  :  M  53/5/pt.2 


Airplanes.  First  heavier-than-air  flying  machine,  hearing  before  subcommittee 
no.  8,  70th  Conijress,  1st  session.  Apr.  27, 1928  ;  statements  of  Roy  G.  Fitzgerald 
[and]  C.  G.  Abbot.     1928.     ii+56  p.  il.  10  p.  of  pi.     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.M  59/1 :  F  67 

Aviation  fields.  Technical  construction  at  Air  Corps  posts,  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12688,  Apr.  7,  1928.     1928.     ii+25  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Y  4.M  59/1 :  Ai  7/9 

BuUis,  Camp.  Purchase  of  land  in  vicinity  of  Camp  Bullis,  hearing  before  sub- 
committee no.  2,  70th  Congress,  1st  .session ;  statement  of  Harry  M.  Wurzbach, 
Apr.  13,  1928.     1928.     ii+2  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  B  87/3 

Claims  of  certain  members  of  Army  and  Marine  Corps  while  attending  officers' 
training  camps  during  World  War,  hearing  before  subcommittee  no.  5,  70th 
Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  203  ;  statement  of  F.  Dickinson  Letts,  Jan.  23, 
1928.     1928.     ii+5  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  W  89/5 

Hawaii.  Pay  of  certain  members  of  National  Guard  of  Hawaii,  hearing  before 
.subcommittee  no.  5,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5805  [to  pay  officers 
and  Filipinos  formerly  enlisted  as  members  of  National  Guard  of  Hawaii  for 
field  and  armory  training  during  1924  and  1925,  and  to  validate  payments  for 
such  training  heretofore  made]  ;  statement  of  A'ictor  S.  K.  Houston,  Jan.  23, 
1928.     1928.    ii+6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.M  59/1 :  H  31/2 

Officers,  Air  Corps.  Promotion  and  retirement  (Air  Corps),  hearings,  70th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session,  on  H.  R.  12199  [to  increase  efficiency  of  Air  Corps],  Apr.  2 
and  4,  1928.     Revised  print.     3928.     pt.  2,  ii +11-84  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

Y  4.M  59/1 :  Ai  7/8/pt.  2,  rev. 



Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  June  25.  1928 ;  no.  8. 
1928.     92  p.  4°     ?  Y  4.N  22/1 :  70/8 


Patent  Office.  Prevention  of  fraud  in  practice  before  Patent  Office,  hearing, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5527,  to  prevent  fraud,  deception  or  im- 
proper practice  in  connection  with  business  before  Patent  Office.  Jan.  20-Feb. 
28,1928.     1928.     ii+100  p.     *  Paper,  15c.  Y  4.P  27/1 :  F  86/2 

Patents.  Government  employees'  patents,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session, 
on  H.  R.  6103,  to  amend  act  making  appropriations  for  sundry  civil  expenses 
of  Government,  fiscal  year  1884  [relative  to  issue  of  patents  to  employees  of 
Government    without    pavment    of    fees],    Jan.    27.    1928.     1928.     [1]+14    p. 

*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4  P  27/1 :  G  74/2 

HoTV  to  order  pnlilicatlons— See  information   folloTring   Contents 

jjQg  June,  1928 


Capitol  Public  buildings  and  grounds,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on 
H  R  139''9  for  enlarging  of  Capitol  gi'ounds,  May  22,  1928.  1928.  ii+12  p. 
(No.  8.)    '*  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.P  96/6 :  C  17/2 

Supreme  Court.  Public  buildings  and  grounds,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  ses- 
sion on  H.  R.  13665,  to  provide  building  for  Supreme  Court,  S  4035,  authoriz- 
ing conveyance  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  of  title  to  site  and  building  of  present 
Federal  building  in  that  city,  H.  R.  5952,  for  relief  of  Robert  Michael  White, 
S.  J  Res.  50,  providing  that  Secretary  of  Agriculture  be  directed  to  give  notice 
that  on  and  after  Jan.  1,  1929,  the  Government  will  cease  to  maintain  public 
market  on  Pennsylvania  avenue  between  7th  and  9th  streets,  northwest,  H.  R. 
12290  to  designate  building  site  for  National  Consen-atory  of  Music  of 
America,  and  for  other  purposes,  May  16  and  IS,  1928.  1928.  ii+27  p.  (No. 
7. )     *  Paper,  5c.  ^  4.P  96/6 :  B  86/126 


Superior  National  Forest,  Minn.,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R. 
12780,  to  promote  better  protection  and  highest  public  use  of  lands  of  United 
States  and  adjacent  lands  and  waters  in  northern  Minnesota  for  production 
of  forest  products,  development  and  extension  of  recreational  uses,  preserva- 
tion of  wild  life,  and  other  purposes  not  inconsistent  therewith,  and  to  pro- 
tect more  effectively  streams  and  lakes  dedicated  to  public  use  under  terms 
and  spirit  of  clause  2  of  Webster-Ashburton  treaty  of  1842  between  Great 
Britain  and  United  States,  and  looking  toward  joint  development  of  indispen- 
sable international  recreational  and  economic  assets.  1928.  iii-l-9S  p. 
*  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.P  96/2  :  Su  7/2 


Caloosahatchee  River,  North  New  River  Canal,  St.  Lucie  Canal  and  River,  and 
Lake  Okeechobee,  Florida,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  subject  of 
improvement  of  Caloosahatchee  River,  North  New  River  Canal,  St.  Lucie 
Canal  and  River,  and  Lake  Okeechoobee  [Okeechobee],  Florida,  May  19. 
1928.    1928.    ii+33  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  Y  4.R  52  :  F  66/2 


Roads,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session.  Feb.  15,  1928.     1928. 

pt.  4.  On  H.  R.  IS,  to  permit  granting  of  Federal  aid  in  respect  of  certain  roads  and 
higbwaj's  [wliich  lead  directly  to  or  from  toll  bridge  or  toll  ferry],  iii  +  609- 
652  p.  map.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y  4.R  53/2  :  H  35/12/pt.  4 


Report.    Annual  report  of  Public  Buildings  Commission,  calendar  year  1927; 
presented  by  Mr.  Smoot.     1928.     iii+52  p.  8  p.  of  pi.  2  maps.      (S.  doc.  112, 
70tli  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  22-27309 


Calendar  of  business.  Senate,  70th  Congress,  2d  session,  Dec.  3,  1928;  no.  122, 
1928.     20  p.  large  8°     [Printed  in  advance.]     t  Y  1.3 :  70/122 

Common  law.    Charles  Viner  and  our  common  law,  article  reprinted  from  Owl, 

official  publication  of  Sigma  Nu  Phi  Fraternity  (legal),  by  William  A.  Ham-  j 

ilton;  presented  by  Mr.  Bayard.    1928.     [1]+11  p.     (S.  doc.  161,  70th  Cong.  I 

1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c.  * 

Florida  East  Coast  Canal.  Cheap  water  transportation  for  Florida,  article  by 
Gilbert  A.  Youngberg,  chief  engineer,  Florida  Inland  Navigation  District, 
in  connection  with  projected  improvement  of  Florida  East  Coast  Canal ;  pre- 
sented by  Mr.  Fletcher.  1928.  [l]+13p.  (S.  doc.  162,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 
[Includes  another  article  by  Mr.  Youngberg,  entitled  Why  buy  Florida  East 
Coast  Canal?]     *  Paper,  5c. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTringr  Contents 

June,  1928  1109 

Nicaragua.  Report  of  collector-general  of  customs  of  Republic  of  Nicaragua, 
Jan.  1-Dec.  31.  1927,  and  statistics  of  commerce  of  1927 ;  presented  by  Mr. 
Bingham.     1928.     [l]+30  p.     (S.  doc.  164,  70tli  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 


Cotton  prices,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pur- 
suant to  S.  Res.  142,  to  investigate  recent  decline  in  cotton  prices,  Apr.  16- 
May  18,  1928.     1928.     pt.  4,  iii+877-1514  p.  il.     *  Paper,  65c. 

Y  4.Ag  8/2  :  C  82/12/pt.  4 

Grazing.  To  promote  development,  protection,  and  utilization  of  grazing  facili- 
ties within  national  forests,  hearings.  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  S.  3238 
[2328] ,  May  15  and  22,  1928.     1928.     ii+22  p.     *  Paper,  5c.      Y  4.  Ag  8/2 :  G  79 

Superior  National  Forest,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  70th  Congress,  1st 
session,  on  S.  3913,  to  promote  better  protection  and  highest  public  use  of  lands 
of  United  States  and  adjacent  lands  and  waters  in  northern  Minnesota  for 
production  of  forest  products,  and  for  other  purposes,  Apr.  30-May  12,  1928. 
1928.     iii+147  p.   map.     *  Paper,   15c.  Y4.Ag8/2:Su7 

Tobacco.  Collection  and  publication  of  tobacco  statistics  [by  Department  of 
Agriculture],  reijort  to  accompany  H.  R.  53;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  May 
3,  calendar  day  May  23,  1928.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1274,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Re- 
port reads  incorrectly  Committee  on  Agriculture  instead  of  Committee  on  Agri- 
culture and  Forestry.]     *  Paper,  5c. 


Roberta,  Seth  L.  S.  L.  Roberts,  report  to  accompany  S.  3741  [for  relief  of  S.  L. 
Roberts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Steiwer.  May  28,  calendar  day  May  29,  1928. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  1327,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      *  Paper,  5c. 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  29,  1928 ;  oo.  3. 
1928.     19  p.  4°     t  Y4.D  63/2:  70/3 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  2d  session,  Dec.  3,  1928;  no.  16. 
[1928.]     24  p.  4°     [Printed  in  advance.]     $  Y  4. F  76/2 :  70/16 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  2d  session,  Dec.  3,  192S;  no.  5. 
1928.    8  p.  4°     [Printed  in  advance.]     4  Y  4.1m  6/2 :  70/5 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  2d  session,  Dec.  3,  1928;  no.  23. 
1928.    40  p.  4°     [Printed  in  advance.]     t  Y  4. J  89/2  :  70/23 


Calendar.  Legislative  calendar,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  May  29,  1928 ;  no.  17. 
1928.     14  p.  large  8°     $  Y  4.N  22/2 :  70/17 


Patent  Office.  Prevention  of  fraud  in  practice  before  Patent  Oflfice,  hearings, 
70th  Congress,  1st  session,  on  H.  R.  5527,  to  prevent  fraud,  deception,  or  im- 
proper practice  in  connection  with  business  before  Patent  Office,  May  3  and 
4,1928.     1928.     iii+66  p.     *  Paper,  10c.  Y4.P27/2:F86 

HoTv  to  order  publications — See  information  folloTvlns  Contents 

1 1 1 A  June,  1928 



Presidential  campaign  expenditures,  hearings,  70th  Congress,  1st  session,  pur- 
sirint  to  S  Res  214,  resolution  to  appoint  special  committee  to  inquire  into 
expenditures  of  various  Presidential  candidates,  May  7  [-June  6],  1928. 
192S  Dts  1-3,  [xi] +1-1053  p.  *  Paper,  pts.  1  and  3,  each  40c. ;  *  pt  2,  30c. 
iy.i&.     iiih.  X  o,  L     J  Y  4.P  92  :  C  15./pt.  1-3 


Tariff  Commission.  Investigation  of  Tarife  Commission,  report  pursuant  to 
S  Res  1G2  (69th  Congress),  authorizing  and  directing  investigation  of 
manner  in  which  flexible  provisions  of  tariff  act  of  1922  has  been  or  is  being 
administered ;  [submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Arkansas]  with  minority  views 
[of  Mr  David  A.  Reed].     1928.     [l]+7p.     (S.  rp.  132.5,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26500 


Allen  George  W.  Allen  v.  United  States;  evidence.  [1928.]  no.  H-453,  p. 
5_7_    I  Ju  3.8  :A1  53/3 

Allgrnnn.  Carl  G.  Allgrunn  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [con- 
clusion of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  June  18,  1928.  [1928.]  no. 
34696,  34  p.  il.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  Al  54 

Arrowhead  Springs  Company  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.] 
no.  F-363,  p.  31-44.     t  Ju  3.8  :  Ar  69 

Ca)roll  Electric  Company.  Harry  R.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll,  partners, 
trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United  States; 
report  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     no.  C-924,  p.  137-140.     $      Ju  3.8  :  C  236/22 

EUsivorth.  Lincoln  Ellsworth  et  al.  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.   F-51,  p.  13-16.     t  Ju  3.8:  El  59/4 

Fidelity-Philadelphia  Trust  Co.  &  International  Navigation  Co.  v.  United 
States;  report  of  commissioner.     [1928.]     no.  H-200,  p.  27-29.     $ 

Ju  3.8  :  F  448/9 

Fox,  C.  B.,  Company,  Incorporated.  C.  B.  Fox  Co.  (Inc.)  vs.  United  States; 
evidence  for   plaintiff.     [1928.]     no.    F-336,   p.   11-24.     |  Ju  3.8  :F  83/2 

Sickcy.  John  T.  Hickey  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion  of  court],  decided  May  28,  1928.  [1928.]  no.  H-8, 
7  p.     1:  Ju  3.9/a  :  H  526 

Hoffman.  '  Josiah  Ogden  Hoffman  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  H-297,  p.  9-10.     t  Ju  3.8  :H  675/2 

Eouseman.  Frank  C.  Mattern  and  Frank  L.  Carre,  executors  of  Samuel  F. 
Houseman,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no.  H-198, 
p.  17-19.     X  Ju  3.8  :  H  817 

Kaltcnbach.  Charles  E.  Kaltenbach  v.  United  States;  supplemental  report  of 
commissioner.     1928.     no.  D-583,  p.  53.     |  Ju  3.8 :  K 127/4 

• Charles  E.  Kaltenbach  v.  United  States;  supplemental  report  of  com- 
missioner.    1928.     no.  D-584,  p.  45.     $  Ju  3.8 :  K  127/3 

Levy.  Neville  Levy  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1928.]  no.  F- 
243,  p.  5-8.     t  Ju  3.8 :  L  579 

Minis.  Abram  Minis,  executor,  and  Maria  Minis,  executrix  of  Lavinia  F.  Minis, 
V.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion  of 
court],  decided  May  28,  1928.     [1928.]     no.  H-125,  5  p.    J  Ju  3.9/a  :  M  664 

Number  Eight  Coal  Company  v.  United  States ;  stipulation.  [1928.]  no.  H-191, 
P-  "^-S-     X  Ju  3.8  :  N  917 

How  to  order  piiMications— See  informatioii  following  Contents 

Jtdne,  1928  1111 

Philadelphia  Boiler   Works  r.  United   Slates;   evidence  for  plaintiff.      [1928.] 
no.   D-562y2.  p.   19-30.     |  Ju  3.8  :P  53/19 

Smith.    John  Russell  Smith  r.  United  States;  stipulation.     [1928.]     no.  B-587, 
p.  35-55.    t  Ju  3.8 :  Sm  61/6 

Tomlinson.     William  G.  Tomlinscn  r.  Unitetl  States;  evidence  [for  claimant]. 
[1928.]     no.  H-345,  p.  7-28.     ?  Ju  3.8  :  T  597 

Williams,  J.  H..  d  Co.     J.  H.  Williams  &  Compauv  vs.  United  States ;  a^eed 
statement  of  facts.     [1928.]     no.  H-291,  p.  19-21.  '$  Ju  3.8  :W  673/4 

Yorkvieic    Fitiance    Corporatimi    r.    United    States ;    report    of    commissioner. 
[1928.]     no.  H-205,  p.  27-31.     %  Ju  3.8 :  Y  82/2 


Fishrmeal.    No.  3082,  United  States  v.  Geo.  S.  Bush  &  Co.,  Inc.,  et  al.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+23  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  B  963 

Lima  Mans.     No.  3093,  United  States  v.  A.  Goldmark  &  Sons  Corp.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+24  p.     } 

Ju  7.6 :  G  569 

Soap.    No.  3090,  United  States  v.  Yardley  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.    [1928.]    cover-title,  i+44  p.    t  Ju7.6:Y21 

Whisky.     No.  3092,  United   States  v.  Peter  McQuade,  transcript  of  record  on 
appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1928.]     cover-title,  i+18  p.    %  Ju7.6:M242 


Juvenile  Court  of  District  of  Columbia,  report  covering  work  of  Juvenile  Court 
during  year  ended  June  30.  1927.    1928.    iv+69  p.     (S.  doc.  99,  70th  Cong.  1st 
sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  8-35306 


District  of  Columbia.  Rules  adopted  June  1,  1928,  governing  self-insurance 
under  District  of  Columbia  workmen's  compensation  act  of  May  17,  1928, 
public  no.  419,  70th  Congress,  entitled  act  to  provide  compensation  for  disa- 
bility or  death  resulting  from  iniury  to  employees  in  certain  employments  in 
District  of  Columbia.     [1928.]     3  p.  4°     t  EC  1.6  :D  63 


Federal  resa-ve  bulletin.  June,  1928:  [v.  14.  no.  6].    1928.    iv+373-444  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.]     t  Paper.  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.60. 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  14/6 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains,  in  addition  to  the  regular  official  announcements,  the 
national  review  of  business  conditions,  detailed  analysis  of  business  conditions,  research 
studies,  reviews  of  foreign  banking,  and  complete  statistics  showing  the  condition  of 
Federal  reserve  banks  and  member  banks.  It  will  be  sent  to  all  member  banks  without 
charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Federal  Reserve  Board, 
Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Federal  reserve  member  banks.     Federal  reserve  inter-district  collection  system, 
changes  in  list  of  banks  upon  which  items  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve 
banks  for  collection  and  credit,  June  1,  1928.    1928.     [1]+13  p.  4°     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26870  FR  1.9 :  928/6 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information   follovrins  Contents  ' 

736— 2&— No.  402 6   ' 

J -I -1 2  JuNT3,  1928 


Snra The  bound  volumes  of  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions  are  sold  by  the 

Siinerinteudcnt  of  Documents.  Washington,  D.  C.     Separate  opinions  are  sold  on  subscrip- 
tion, price  $1.00  per  volume  ;  foreign  subscription,  §1.50  ;  single  copies,   5c. 

Benedict  Manufacturing  Compamj.  lu  matter  of  Benedict  Mauufacturiug  Com- 
pany, complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket  1157,  July 
7  ld'>C)  IM'^S  [1] +242-247  p.  ([Decision]  579.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions, 
r.  lb7] '  *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  579 

Busch  Jacob.  In  matter  of  Jacob  Busch.  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  find- 
ings' and  order;  docket  1066,  July  7,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  217-223.  ([Decision] 
575.)     [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  V.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  575 

Century  Silver  Manufacturing  Company.  In  matter  of  I.  Weisenfreind  and 
B.  Liebermnn,  partners  doing  business  under  trade  name  and  style  Century 
Silver  Manufacturing  Company,  complaint  (synopsis)  [report]  findings,  and 
order;  docket  1159,  July  7,  1926.  1928.  [1] +248-258  p.  ([Decision]  580.) 
[From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2  :  580 

Grand  Rapids  Varnish  Company.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th 
circuit,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Federal  Trade  Commission  r.  Grand  Rapids  Varnish 
Company,  application  for  enforcement  of  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission ; 
transcript  of  proceedings  before  Federal  Trade  Conuuission.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+22  p.     $  FT  1.5 :  G  762 

Ontario  Silver  Company.  In  matter  of  Ontario  Silver  Company,  complaint 
(synopsis)  [report]  lindings,  and  order;  docket  1067,  July  7,  1926.  1928. 
[1] +224-229  p.  ([Decision]  576.)  [From  F.  T.  C.  decisions,  v.  10.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  FT  1.11/a  2:  576 

Public  utilities.     Utility  corporations,  letter  transmitting,  in  response  to  reso- 
lution, monthly  report  on  electric  power  and  gas  utilities  inquiry ;  filed  with 
secretary  of  Senate,  Apr.  16,  1928.     1928.     xxix+lS5  p.     (No.  2.)      (S.  doc. 
92,  pt.  2,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26408 

Wagner,  A.  L.,  Manufacturing  Company.  In  matter  of  A.  L.  Wagner  Manu- 
facturing Company,  complaint  (synop.sis)  [report]  findings,  and  order;  docket 
1160.  July  7,  1926.  [1928.]  p.  259-264-1.  ([Decision]  581.)  [From  F.  T.  C. 
decisions,  v.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FT  1.11/a  2 :  581 


Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  7.  Apr.  1928 ;  J.  R.  McCarl.  comptroller  gen- 
eral. Lurtin  R.  Ginn,  assistant  comptroller  general.     1928.      [l]-r621-6S9  p. 
[Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  21-26777  GA  1.5/a  :  7/10 


Decisions  of  Geographic  Board.  Apr.  4.  1928.     [1928.]     2  p.     t 

L.  C.  card  10-26561  GB  1.5  :  145 



Commerce  and  manufactures,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of 
documents.    May,  1928.     [2] +62  p.     (Price  list  62,  10th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  20-26374  GP  3.9  :  62/10 

Finance,  banking,  budget  accounting,  list  of  publications  for  sale  bv  superin- 
tendent of  documents.  May,  1928.  [2]  +10  p.  (Price  list  28,  17th  edition.)  t 
L.  C.  card  26-26476  GP  3.9  :  28/17 

Bandy   books,   list   of  publications   for   sale   by   superintendent   of   documents. 
May,  1928.    iii+12  p.     (Price  list  73,  3d  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-27401  GP  3.9 :  73/3 

How   to   order  publications — See    information    following   Contents 

June,  1928  1113 

Immigration,  naturalization,  citizenship,  Chinese,  Japanese,  negroes,  and  aliens, 
list  of  publicatons  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     May,   1928. 
[2] +8+ [2]  p     (Price  list  67,  13th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26387  GP  3.9  :  67/13 

Injects,  bees,  honey,  and  insects  injurious  to  man,  animals,  plants,  and  crops, 

list  of  pixJlications   for  sale  by   superintendent  of   documents.     Apr.   1928. 
[2] +20-'  [2]  p.     (Price  list  41,  20th  edition.)     t 

L.  C.  card  25-27428  GP  3.9  :  41/20 

Maps,  iist  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     May,  1928. 
t2]+S+[2]  p.     (Price  list  53,  19th  edition.)     f 
L.  C.  card  25-26876  GP  3.9 :  53/19 

Mines,  explosives,  fuel,  gas,  gasoline,  petroleum,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by 
superintendent  of  documents.     May,  1928.      [2] +30  p.      (Price  list  58,  16th 
edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26423  GP  3.9  :  58/16 

Monthly  catalogue.  United  States  public  documents  (with  prices),  no.  401;  May, 
1928.     1928.     Ti+913-1075  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy.  50c.   a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription.  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  928/11 

Weights   and   nwasvrrs.      Standards   of  weight   and  measure,   tests   of  metals, 
thermometers,  concrete,  iron,  electricity,  light,  clay,  radiotelegraphy,   metric 
system,  list  of  publications  for  sale  by  superintendent  of  documents.     Apr. 
1928.     [2] +50+ [2]  p.     (Price  list  64,  14th  edition.)     t 
L.  C.  card  26-26256  GP  3.9  :  64/14 



Commercial  education  in  1924^26;  by  J.  O.  Malott.    1928.     [l]+33  p.  il.     (Bulle- 
tin 4,  1928.)      [Advance  sheets  from  Biennial  survey  of  education  in  United 
States,  1924-26.]      *  Paper.   10c. 
L.  C.  card  E  22-3  1 16.3  :  928/4 

Negroes.    Survey  of  negro  colleges  and  universities :  chapter  5,  Arkansas.    1928. 
[l]+29  p.     [Section  of  Bulletin  7,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

1 16.3/a  :  N  312/33/chap.  5 

School   life.   v.   13.    no.   10;    June.    1928.      1928.      cover-title,   p.    181-200,    il.    4° 
[Monthly  except  July  and  August.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
single  copy.  50c.  a  yr.   (10  months)  ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.:  for  50  copies 
or  more  sent  in  bulk  to  one  address,  35c.  a  yr.  each. 
L.  C.  card  E  18^902  1 16.26/1 :  13/10 

Teachers,  Training  of.     Professional  preparation  of  teachers  for  rural  schools, 
abstracts  of  addresses  delivered  at  conference  called  by  commissioner  of  educa- 
tion, at  Lenox  Hotel,  Boston.   Feb.   25.   1928:  prepared  in   Rural  Education 
Division.     1928.     vi+71  p.  il.     (Bulletin  6,  1928.)     *  Paper,  1.5c. 
L.  C.  card  E  28-170  1 16.3  :  928/6 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geolosical  Survey  of  Annual 
reports.  Monosiraphs.  Professional  papers.  Bulletins.  Vi'ater-suppl.v  papers,  topographic 
maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  textsi.  base  and  contour  and  other  maps  of  the 
United  States  and  of  the  States,  folios  of  the  Geoloiaric  atlas  of  the  United  States,  and  tlie 
World  atlas  of  commercial  geology.  All  publications  i  except  Monographs,  folios,  and 
maps)  are  generally  distributed  free  by  the  Survey  until  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
following  the  year  in  which  they  were  published.  Copies  are  also  sold  by  the 
intendent  of  Documents,  Washington.  D.  C.  at  the  prices  indicated.  The  maps  and 
folios  and  the  World  atlas  are  sold  by  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey  at  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  A  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  for  maps  or  folios  that 
amounts  to  .$.5.00  at  the  retail  price.  Thi^  discount  applips  to  an  order  for  either  maps 
or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  folios  together,  R?mittance  for  these  publications  should 
be  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey.  Washington, 
D.  C.  Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C.     For  topographic  maps  see  next  page. 

How   tu  order  pablicatlonsi— See  informatlou   follovt-ins   Contenttt 

iii^  June,  1928 

Geology     Contributions  to  economic  geologj',  1927 :  pt.  1,  Me^^g  and  nonmetals 
except  fuels;  G.  F.  Loughlin  and  G.  R.  Mansfield,  geologists  hi  charge.     1928. 
iv+221   p.   ii.  2  pi.     4  p.   of  pi.   6  maps,   1   is   in   pocket.     (Bulletin    795.) 
♦Paper,  50c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  5-748  1 19.3  :  795 

Co.NTENTS Manganese-bearing  deposits  near  Lake  Crescent  and  Hump^ulips,  Wash. ; 

bv  J*T  Pardee — Potash  brines  in  Great  Salt  Lalce  Desert,  Utah  [with  biuiography]  ; 
bv  Thomas  B  Nolan. — Organic  precipitation  of  metallic  copper ;  by  T.  S.  l,overing. — 
Brown    iron     ores    of    west-middle    Tennessee     [with     bibliography]  ;     by     finest     F. 

Burchard Quicksilver  deposits  of  Pilot  Mountains,  Mineral  County,  Nev.  ;  by  ■William 

F  Foshag —Gilbert  district,  Nev.;  by  Henry  G.  Ferguson. — Phosphate  rock  in  Three 
Forks-Yellowstone  Park  region,  Mont,    [with  bibliography]  ;   by   D.   Dale  Condit.   E.  H. 

'  Finch,  and  J.  T.  Pardee. — Manganese  deposit  of  Pleistocene  age  in  Bannock  Countj, 
Idaho';  by  D.  F.  Hewett. — Index. 

. Same.     (H.  doc.  546,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Hudson  Bay.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1924 :  pt.  5.  Hudson  Bay 
and  upper  Mississippi  River  basins;  Nathan  C.  Grover,  chief  hydraulic  en- 
gineer, W.  A.  Lamb.  S.  B.  Soul6,  J.  B.  Spiegel.  H.  E.  Grosbach,  and  H.  C. 
Beckm'an,  district  engineers.  1928.  v+185  p.  il.  (Water-supply  paper  585.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  North  Dakota,  Minnesota,  Wisconsin.  Iowa, 
Illinois,  and  Missouri.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  GS  10-344  1 19.13  :  585 

Same.     (H.  doc.  79,  691:h  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Molluscan  fauna  of  Alum  Bluff  group  of  Florida :  pt.  5,  Tellinacen,  Solenacea, 
Mactracea,  Myacea,  Molluscoidea :  by  Julia  Gardner.  June  5,  1928.  iv-t-185- 
2494-iii  p.     8  p.  of  pi.  'i"     (Professional  paper  142  E.)     *  Paper.  20c. 

I19.16:142-E     J 

PuUiodtions.     List  of  publications  of  Geological    Survey,   not  including  topo- 
graphic maps.     [Edition  of]  Apr.  1928.    1928.    217  p.    t 
L.  C.  card  GS  11-221  1 19.14/1 :  928 

Publications  issued  in  May,  192S ;  list  243.     [1928.]     3  p.     [Monthly.]     t 


Topographic  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  is  making  a  series  of  topographic  maps  that  will 
eventually  cover  the  whole  United  States,  also  Alaska  and  Hawaii.  The  individual 
maps  are  projected  to  represent  quadrangle  areas  rather  than  political  divisions,  and 
each  map  is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town  or  natural  feature  in 
the  area  mapped.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1  :  31,680.  1  :  62,500,  and 
1 :  125,000,  corresponding,  approximately,  to  Vi  mile,  1  mile,  and  2  miles  to  1  inch. 
The  area  covered  differs  with  the  latitude,  but  the  average  area  is  58,  230,  or  920 
square  miles,  respectively  for  these  three  scales.  Topographic  maps  are  printed  on 
uniform-sized  paper,  about  20  by  16l^  inches,  and  the  maps  of  the  quadrangle  areas 
represented  thereon  are  about  17%  inches  long  and  12  to  15  inches  wide  according  to 
latitude.  For  some  areas  of  particular  importance  special  large-scale  maps  are  published. 
A  general  description  of  topographic  maps  and  a  list  of  the  symbols  used  are  printed 
on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

More  than  two-flfths  of  the  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  Connecticut,  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia,  Mary- 
land, Massachusetts,  New  Jersey,  New  York,  Ohio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Virginia  are 
completely  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  at 
10c.  each,  but  a  discount  of  40  per  cent  is  allowed  on  any  order  which  amounts  to 
$5.00  at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for  either  maps  or 
folios  alone,  or  for  maps  and  folios  together. 

California,  Azusa  quadrangle,  lat.  34°  06'-34°  12'.  long.  117°  54'-llS°.  Scale 
1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  5  and  25  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Sui-vey]  edi- 
tion of  1928.  18.3X15.2  in.  [Map  covers  only  a  portion  of  the  sheet,  the 
actual  measurement  being  13.3 X  15.2  in.]     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  4  Az  88 

Illinois.  Illinois,  Elmhurst  quadrangle,  lat.  41°  52'  30"-42°,  long.  87°  52' 
30"-88°.  Scale  1:24,000.  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1928.    228  X  17.1  in.     t  lOe.  1 19.12  :  12  El  63 

Illinois,  Palos  Park  quadrangle,  lat.  41°  37'  30"-41°  45',  long.  87°  45'-87° 

52'  30".  Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Sur- 
vey] edition  of  1928.    22.S  X  17.1  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  12  P  186 

^    Illinois.  Wheeling  quadrangle,   lat.  42°   07'   30"-42°    15',  long.   87°    52' 

30"-88°.  Scale  1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  5  ft.  [Washington,  Geological 
Survey]  edition  of  1928.    22.8  X  17  in.    1 10c.  1 19.12: 12  W  57 

How  to  order  publications— See  information   following   Contents 

June.  1928  1115 

~New  York,  Troy  quadrangle,  lat.  42°  30'-42°  45',  long.  73°  30'-73°  45'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Survey]  edition  of 
1928.     17.5  X  13  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  32  T  75/4 

West  Virginia.  West  Virginia.  Glenville  quadrangle,  lat.  38°  45'-39°,  long.  80° 
45'-81°.  Scale  1:02.500,  contour  interval  20  ft.  [Washington,  Geological  Sur- 
vey] edition  of  1928.     17.5  X  13.7  in.     f  10c.  '  1 19.12  :  49  G  48/3 

West  Virginia,  Holden  quadrangle,  lat.  37°   45'-38°,  long.   82°-82°    15'. 

Scale  1 :  62,000,  contour  interval  50  ft.     [AVashington,  Geological  Survey]  edi- 
tion of  1928.     17.5  X  13.9  in.     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  49  H  71/2 


Sequoia  National  Parle.  Circular  of  general  information  regarding  S(>quoia  and 
General  Grant  National  Parks,  season  May  15-Oct.  1  and  at  any  time  for 
motorists  carrying  own  camp  equipment  [with  list  of  literature].  [1928.] 
cover-title,  ii+38  p.  il.  2  maps.  [Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  t 
L.  C.  card  21-2G445  I  29.6  :  Se  6/928 

YeUowstonc  National  Park.     Geysers  of  Yellowstone  National  Park;   [by  Wal- 
ter Harvey  Weed].     [Reprint,  with  changes  and  revised  map]  1928.     28  p.  il. 
map.     [Some  revision  of  figures  made  in  this  192S  edition.     Includes  lists  of 
Government  publications  on  Yellowstone  National  Park.]     *  Paper,   10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26508  I  29.6 :  Y  3/7/928 

Manual  for  railroad  visitors,   [with]  time-tables  Yellowstone  Park  tours, 

Yellowstone   National   Park,    June   20-Sept.    19,    1926.     [1928.]     29   p.   il.    4°, 
folded  into  narrow  8°  size,     t  I  29.6 :  Y  3/2/928 


Surgeons.     Instructions  to  examining  surgeons;  appi'oved  Apr.  11,  1928.     1928. 
[l]+14p.     t 
L.  C.  card  9-31414  I  24.13  :  928 


Lower  Yellowstone  irrigation  project.  Earthwork  and  structures  for  open 
drains.  Lower  Yellowstone  project,  Mout.-N.  Dak.  [1928.]  cover-title, 
i-fl4  p.  11  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  478.)  [Consists  of  specifications, 
schedules,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  ijroject,  proposals  to  be  received  until 
July  12,  1928.]     t  Paper,  50c.  127.8:478 

Neno  reclamation  era,  v.  19,  no.  6;  June,  1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,  p.  81-96, 
il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 
L.  C.  card  9-35252  I  27.5 :  928/6 

Note. — The  New  reclamation  era  is  a  magazine  for  the  farmers  and  the  personnel 
of  the  bureau.  Its  aim  is  to  assist  the  settlers  in  the  proper  use  of  water,  to  help 
them  in  overcoming  their  agricultural  difficulties,  to  instruct  them  in  diversifying  and 
marketing  their  crops,  to  inspire  the  employees  of  the  bureau  and  chronicle  engineering 
problems  and  achievements,  and  to  promote  a  wholehearted  spirit  of  cooperation,  so 
that  reclamation  shall  attain  the  greatest  heights  of  success.  The  New  reclamation 
era  is  sent  regularly  to  all  water  users  on  the  reclamation  projects  under  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  bureau  who  wish  to  receive  the  magazine.  To  others  than  water  users  the 
subscription'  price  is  75c.  a  year,  payable  in  advance.  Subscriptions  should  be  sent  to 
the  Chief  Clerk,  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  Washington,  D.  C,  and  remittance  in  the  form 
of  postal  money  order  or  New  York  draft  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Special  Fiscal 
Agent.  Bureau  of  Reclamation.  Postage  stamps  are  not  acceptable  in  payment  of 

Yakima  irrigation  project.  Drum  gates,  sluice  gates,  and  trash  racks  for 
Easton  diversion  dam,  Yakima  project,,  Kittitas  division.  [1928.] 
cover-title,  i-f-10  p.  8  pi.  4°  (Specifications  477.)  [Consists  of  invitation  for 
bids,  schedule,  specifications,  and  drawings  for  irrigation  project,  proposals 
to  be  received  until  June  29,  1928.]     t  Paper,  85c.  127.8:477 


Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  various  prices,  depending  upon  the  size  of  the  volume.  Separate  opinions  are  sold 
on  subscription,  price  $1.00  per  volume ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50 ;  single  copies, 
usually  5c.  In  ordei-ing  a  volume,  be  sure  to  specify  whether  Traffic,  Finance,  or  Valua- 
tion decisions  are  desired. 

Ho-\v  to  order  publications — See  inforniation   foUoTving^  Contents 

j|^-|^-|^g  June,  1928 

Albany  Passenger  Terminal  Compamj.  Finance  docket  no.  6S0O,  stock  of  Al- 
bany Passenger  Terminal  Company;  decided  May  2,  192S ;  report  of  com- 
niissiou  ri92S.]  p.  5G7-5GS.  ([Finance  decision]  3212.)  [From  I.  C.  O. 
reports,'  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3212 

Alcohol  Denatured.  No.  18628,  Chicago  Mica  Company  et  al.  f.  Chicago  & 
Ea'^tern  Illinois  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [1] +286-288  p.  ([Opinion]  13347.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  re- 
ports, V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13347 

No.  19233,  Chicago  Mica  Company  v.  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Railway 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
291-292      ([Opinion]  13349.)      [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13349 

Alderman  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6794,  purchase  of  properties 
of  Alderman  Telephone  Company  by  Southwestern  Bell  Telephone  Company ; 
[decided  Apr.  24,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +468-470  p.  ([Fi- 
nance decision]  3195.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3195 

Army  supplies.  No.  18928,  A.  C.  Loveland  &  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Atlantic 
Coast  Line  Railroad  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  21,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.     [1] +334-336  p.     ([Opinion]  13361.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  10  1.6/la  :  13361 

Atchison,  Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6525,  operation 
and  abandonment  of  lines  by  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway;  decided 
May  2,  1928;  report  of  commission  on  hearing.  [1928.]  p.  573-575.  ([Fi- 
nance decision]  3215.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3215 

Atlanta  and  St.  Andrews  Bay  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5421,  notes  of  At- 
lanta &  St.  Andrews  Bay  Railway;  decided  Apr.  21,  1928;  supplemental  re- 
port of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  455-456.  ([Finance  decision]  3192.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3192 

Bananas.  No.  19404,  Harlan  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Atlanta  &  West  Point 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  187-189.     ([Opinion]  13327.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13327 

Baskets.  No.  19934,  American  Crate  &  Basket  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  26,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  381-382.  ([Opinion]  13375.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142.]     *  Paper,  5c,  IC  1.6/la  :  13375 

Bath-tubs.  No.  17453,  Fisher  Supply  Company  v.  Alabama  &  Vicksburg  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  19,  1928 ;  supplemental  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.   177-178.     ([Opinion]    13323.)      [From  I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13323 

Biff  Sandy  and  Kentucky  River  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  1295,  deficit 
status  of  Big  Sandy  &  Kentucky  River  Railroad ;  [decided  Apr.  25,  1928 ;  re- 
port of  commission].  1928.  [1] +448-449  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3188.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3188 

Birmingham,  Selma  and  Mobile  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  4623,  deficit 
status  of  Birmingham,  Selma  &  Mobile  Railroad ;  decided  May  2,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  499-500.  ([Finance  decision]  3204.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3204 

Bricks.  No.  17528,  Dann-Gerow  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line 
Railroad  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Apr.  30,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928.     [l]+35G-360  p.     ([Opinion]  13368.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13368 

No.  18384,  Salt  Lake  Pressed  Brick  Company  v.  Denver  &  Rio  Grande 

Western  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  259-264+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13340.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13340 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  followlngr  Contents 

June,  1928  1117 

Brimstone  Railroad  and  Canal  Company.  Valuation  docket  no.  739,  Brimstone 
Railroad  &  Canal  Company ;  decided  Apr.  30,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[192S.]     p.  445-465.     (B-673.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-673 

Buttermilk  pouJtry  feed.  No.  19562,  Armour  &  Company  of  Delaware  v.  Atchi- 
son, Topeka  &  Sauta  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  24,  1928 ; 
report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  389-390.  ([Opinion]  13379.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  14iJ.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13379 

Canadian  Northern  Raihcay.  Valuation  docket  no.  936,  Canadian  Northern 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  9,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  577-594.     (B-678.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  oc. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-678 

Cast-iron.  No.  19519,  Vermont  Snath  Company  v.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad  et 
al. ;  decided  Apr.  9,  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  275- 
27S+[1}    p.      ([Opinion]    13345.)      [Report   from   I.    C.    C.    reports,    v.    142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13345 

Chicago  and  North  Western  Railicmj.  Finance  docket  no.  6831,  Chicago  & 
North  Western  equipment  trust  of  1927,  series  U ;  decided  May  2.  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  563-566.  ([Finance  decision]  3211.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3211 

Chicago,  St.  Paul.  Minneapolis  and  Omfiha  Raihcay.  Finance  docket  no.  6825, 
Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneajwlis  &  Omaha  Railway  equipment-trust  certificates, 
series  E;  decided  May  2.  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  56{>-572. 
([Finance  decision]  3213.)      [From  I.  C  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3213 

Clinton-Oklahoma-Western  Railroad  of  Texas.  Finance  docket  no.  6851,  stock 
of  Clinton-Oklahoma-Western  Railroad  of  Texas ;  decided  May  10.  1928 :  re- 
port of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  631-632.  ( [Finance  decision]  3229.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3229 

Coal.  No.  13546,  Kanawha  Black  Band  Coal  Company  et  al.  v.  Chesapeake  & 
Ohio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  1,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of 
commission  on  further  hearing.  [1928.]  433-443+v  p.  ([Opinion]  13391.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/1  a  :  13391 

No.  18183,  intrastate  rates  on  coal  to  East  St.  Louis.  111. ;  decided  Apr. 

13,  1928:  report  [and  orders]  of  commission.  [1928.]  95-116-t-iv  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 13306.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13306 

• No.  18211.  Colorado  &  New  Mexico  Coal  Operators  Association  v.  Atchison, 

Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ra'lway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Apr.  27.  1928 :  report 
[and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  373-380+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13374.) 
[Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13374 

No.  18641,  Potomac  Electric  Power  Company  et  al.  v.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio 

Railway  Company  et  al. :  [dec'ded  Apr.  25.  1928 ;  report  and  order  of  com- 
mission]. 1928.  [l]-|-236-250+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13337.)  [Reiwrt  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  T.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13337 

Cotton  goods.  No.  18931,  Traffic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commerce.  Lynchburg, 
Va.,  V.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  14.  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  133-136.  ([Opinion]  13313.)  [From  I.  C.  C  re- 
ports, V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13313 

Cotton-seed.  No.  18571,  San  Diego  Oil  Products  Corporation  v.  San  Diego  & 
Arizona  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928 :  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  269-271.      ([Opinion]   13343.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,  y.   142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13343 

Decisions  of  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  (valuation  reports),  Oct.  1927. 
1928     vii+874  p.  2  maps.     (Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports,  v.  134.) 

*  Cloth,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  8-30656  IC  1.6/1 :  134 

Note. — The    Interstate    Commerce    Commission    assigns    a    volume    in  the    series  _  of 

reports  at  various  times  which  contains  only  valuation  dockets.  This  is  true  regarding 
V.  134  here  catalogued. 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  Information   following  Contents 

jj^j^g  June,  1928 

Delaware  and  Hudson  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6719,  acquisition  ot 
control  by  Delaware  &  Hudson  Company ;  decided  Apr.  28,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  481-482.  ( [Finance  decision]  3200.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3200 

Demunage.  No.  18978,  Pine  &  Cypress  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Chesapeake 
&  Ohio  Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  21,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  353-355.     ([Opinion]    13367.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.    142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13367 

No.    19329,    Western    Asphalt    Paving    Corporation    v.    Chicago    &   North 

Western  Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  13,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.   183-184.     ([Opinion]    13325.)      [From   I.    C.   C.   reports,   v.   142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13325 

No.  19725,  Milne  Lumber  Company  v.  Detroit,  Grand  Haven  &  Milwaukee 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  165-166.  ([Opinion]  13319.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13319 

Denver  and  Rio  Grande  Western  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6806,  bonds  of 
Denver  &  Rio  Grande  Western  Railroad ;  decided  Apr.  21.  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  621-623.  ( [Finance  decision]  3226.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3226 

Detroit  and  MacJcinao  Railioay.  Finance  docket  no.  3548,  proposed  abandon- 
ment of  Lincoln  branch  by  Detroit  &  Mackinac  Railway;  [decided  May  2, 
1928;  report  of  commission  on  further  consideration  and  further  argument]. 
1928.  [1] +576-582  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3216.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  138.].     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3216  ' 

Drag-hars.  Order  [promulgated]  at  general  session  of  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission  on  10th  of  October,  1910,  in  re  standard  height  of  drawbars. 
[Reprint  1928.]     2  p.     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.9 :  D  79/2-4 

Diiluth,  South  Shore  and  Atlantic  Railivay.  Finance  docket  no.  6604,  abandon- 
ment of  Republic  branch  by  Duluth,  South  Shore  «&  Atlantic  Railway ;  [de- 
cided Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +470-474  p.  ([Finance 
decision]  3196.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3196 

Dunnage  and  Iracing.  No.  19282,  David  Berg  Industrial  Alcohol  Company  v. 
Reading  Company ;  decided  Apr.  17,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  161-164+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13318.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13318 

Durham  and  Southern  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  724,  Durham  and  South- 
ern Railway  Company;  [decided  Apr.  13,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +362-387  p.     (B-671.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  B-671 

Erie  Raih-oad.  Finance  docket  no.  6114,  proposed  control  of  Erie  Railroad  Com- 
pany and  Pere  Marquette  Railway  Company  by  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railwayl 
Company;  decided  May  8,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  517-547: 
([Finance  decision]  3207.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3207 

Fertilizers.  No.  19602,  Kelly,  Weber  &  Company,  Limited,  v.  Missouri  Pacific 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  197-198+ [1]  p.  ( [Opinion]  13331.)  [Report  from  L  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13331 

Fordyce  and  Princeton  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6679,  abandonment  of 
part  of  line  by  Fordyce  &  Princeton  Railroad ;  decided  Apr.  12,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  479-480.  ([Finance  decision]  3199.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3199 

Freight  rates.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  2983,  cancellation  of 
tran.scontinental  class  and  commodity  rates  to  and  from  Florida:  decided 
7.  A'  •  '  \  -...L^'^P^^"*  f'''"^^  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  151-158+ [1]  p. 
([Opinion]  13316.)     [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13316 

How  to  order  publications-See  Information   following  Contents 

June,  1928  1119 

Freight  rates — Continued.  _    ,    .^ 

Ko.  19149,  Providence  Fruit  &  Produce  Excliange  et  al.  v.  ISew  York.  New 

Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  13,  1928 ;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  179-182.  ( [Opinion]  13324.)  [From  I.  C.C  reports, 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13324 

Fuel  for  locomotives  (charged  to  operating  expenses),  class  1  steam  railways  in 
United  States,  compiled  from  158  reports  representing  169  steam  railways, 
switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included,  Apr.  1928  and  1927  [and]  4 
mouths  ended  with  Apr.  1928  and  1927 ;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics. 
Apr.  1928.    1  p.  oblong  large  8°    [Subject  to  revision.]     t        IC  1  ste.30 :  928/4 

Fuel-oil.  No.  19566,  United  States  Finishing  Company  v.  New  York,  New  Haven 
&  Hartford  Railroad  Company ;  decided  Apr.  19,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  331-333.  ([Opinion]  13360.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13360 

Furniture.  No.  19127,  J.  P.  Womack  &  Sons,  Incorporated,  v.  Southern  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  13,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[11+174-176  p.  ([Opinion]  13322.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13322 

Gainesville  Midland  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  5955,  Gainesville  Midland 
reorganization ;  decided  May  8,  1928 ;  report  of  commission  on  further  hear- 
ing [1928.]  p.  585-600.  ([Finance  decision]  3218.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  l38.  ]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3218, 

Golden  Valley  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6767,  purchase  of  prop- 
erties of  Golden  Valley  Telephone  Company;  [decided  Apr.  25,  1928;  report 
of  commission].  1928.  [1] +484-486  p.  ( [Finance  decision]  3202.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3202- 

Hoops.  No.  19462,  Liberty  Cooperage  &  Lumber  Company  v.  Wabash  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.]  293-294+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13350.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,. 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13350 

Tee  machines.  No.  19555,  Traffic  Bureau,  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Lynchburg, 
Va.,  V.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  19,  1928 ;  report 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  195-196.  ([Opinion]  13330.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13330- 

Illinois  Term,inal  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6718,  acquisition  of  control  by 
Illinois  Terminal  Company ;  decided  Apr.  25,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]  p.  487-498.  ([Finance  decision]  3203.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3203 

Iron.  No.  19488,  H.  Sofranscy  Company  v.  New  York,  Susquehanna  &  Western 
Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  2,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  409-410.     ([Opinion]  13387.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13387 

Kansa^s  and  Missouri  Rallnay  and  Terminal  Company.  Finance  docket  no. 
3130,  securities  of  Kansas  &  Missouri  Railway  &  Terminal  Company ;  [decided 
May  15,  1928;  supplemental  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +690-692  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3238.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3238 

Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  and  Memphis  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6796,  se- 
curities of  Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  &  Memphis  Railway ;  [approved  May  11, 
1928:  supplemental  order].  1928.  [1] +616-617  p.  ([Finance  decision] 
3223.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-3223 

Kansas,  Oklahoma  and  Gulf  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6861,  bonds  of 
Kansas,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railway ;  decided  May  17,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  693-696.  ([Finance  decision]  3239.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3239 

Locks.  No.  19433,  Schlage  Lock  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  19,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]+190- 
192  p.     ([Opinion]  13328.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  1332& 

HoTF  to  order  pnltlloatlons — See  Information   folIOTFlng-  Contents 

1  loQ  June,  1928 

Locomotives.  No.  19299,  Railroad  Commission  of  Wisconsin  v.  Aberdeen  &  Rock- 
fish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  May  7,  1928;  [report  and  order  of 
commission].  [1928.]  199-210+iii  p.  ([Opinion]  13332.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  l.G/la  :  13332 

Longview,  Portland  and  Northern  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6854,  notes  of 
Longvie'w,  Portland  &  Northern  Railway ;  decided  May  5,  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mi'^sion.  [1928.]  p.  633-634.  ([Finance  decision]  3230.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3230 

Liibricating-oils.  No.  19540,  Flynn,  Welch  &  Yates  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa 
Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  28,  1928;  report  of  commission]. 
1928  [1] +298-300  p.  ([Opinion]  13352.)  [From,  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13352 

Lumber.  No.  18416,  Mell  &  Sons  Lumber  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Baltimore 
&  Ohio  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion]. 1928.  [1] +124-126  p.  ([Opinion]  13310.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13310 

No.  19286,  Blanchard  Lumber  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  New  York,  New 

Haven  &  Hartford  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Apr.  13,  1928;  report  and 
order  of  commission].  1928.  [l]+184r-186+ii  p.  ([Opinion]  13326.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13326 

No.  19376,  Flowers  Lumber  Company  v.  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway  Com- 
pany; decided  Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  265-266. 
([Opinion]  13341.)     [From  I.  C.  C  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13341 

No.  19745,  Milne  Lumber  Company  v.  Vicksburg,   Shreveport  &  Pacific 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  17,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  167-168.     ([Opinion]  13320.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5e. 

IC  1.6/la :  13320 

.    No.  20005,   Joseph   W.   Cottrell   Lumber  Company  v.   Baltimore  <&   Ohio 

Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  14,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  119-120.     ([Opinion]  13308.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13308 

Machinenj.  No.  18714,  Manufacturers'  Association  of  Chicago  Heights  v.  Illi- 
nois Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  25,  1928 ;  report  [and 
order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  385-386+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13377.)  [Re- 
port from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  13377 

Midland  Valley  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  675,  Midland  Valley  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  30,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [2]  + 
389-444  p.  il.     (B-672.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

IC  1.6/la  :B-672 

Misroutirig.  No.  19556,  Mallard  Brokerage  Company  v.  Texas  &  Pacific  Railway 
Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr,  18,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p. 
325-326.     ([Opinion]  13357.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la:  13357 

No.  19861,  Nash  Dietz  Company  v.  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad  Company 

et  al. ;  decided  May  1,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  453^55. 
([Opinion]  13395.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13395 

■Mound  City  and  Eastern  Railicay.  Finance  docket  no.  6424,  construction  of 
line  by  Mound  City  &  Eastern  Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  28,  1928 ;  re- 
port of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  553-562.  ( [Finance  decision]  3210.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3210 

New  Orleans,  Texas  and  Mexico  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  3500,  bonds  of 
New  Orleans,  Texas  &  Mexico  Railway;  approved  Apr.  24,  1928;  4th  supple- 
mental order.  1928.  p.  475.  ([Finance  decision]  3197.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3197 

How  to  order  pnlillcatlonis— See  information   following   Contents 

Ju^^:.  192S  1121 

Keic  York,  Chicago  and  St.  Loivs  Railroid.  Finance  docket  no.  2919.  acquisi- 
tion and  stock  issue  by  Xew  York,  Chicago  &:  St.  Louis  Railroad:  [approved 
May  2.  192S ;  2d  supplemental  order].  192-8.  p.[l].  572.  ([Finance  deci- 
sion] 3214.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  13S.]     *  Paper,  5c.     IC  1.6  la:  F-3214 

Oklahoma  City.  Okla.  No.  15995,  Corporation  Commission  of  State  of  Okla 
homa  et  al.  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  de- 
cided Apr.  9,  192S ;  [report  and  certificate  of  public  conTenience  and  neces- 
sity of  commission  on  further  hearing].  [1928.]  251-2.54-7- [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 13338.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  133SS 

Paper.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  30)7,  paper  and  paper  articles, 
in  less  than  carloads,  from  Virginia  cities  and  eastern  points  to  the  South : 
decided  Apr.  23.  1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [192S.]  21.5-221— 
[1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13334.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  r.  142.]  *  Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13334 

No.  19814.  Hutchinson  Paper  Company  v.  Chicago.  Rock  Island  &  Gulf 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  27.  192S ;  report  of  commission.     192S. 
p.  401.     ([Opinion]  133S3.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  .5c. 

IC  1.6  la  :  133S3 

Peaches.  Xo.  18649.  Welch  &  Welch  r.  Southern  Pacific  Company  et  al. :  de- 
cided Apr.  9.  1928:  report  of  commission.  [192S.]  p.  267-269.  ([Opinion] 
13342.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  13342 

Pecos  and  Rio  Grande  Telephone  Company.  Finance  docket  no.  6795.  purchase 
of  properties  of  Pecos  &  Rio  Grande  Telephone  Company  by  Southwestern 
Bell  Telephone  Company;  [decided  Apr.  23.  192S :  report  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] -^476-478  p.  ([Finance  decision]  3198.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
T.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/'la  :  F-319S 

Pennsylvania  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6S35.  stock  of  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road; [decided  Apr.  24.  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1]— 4.52-4-54  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3191.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  13S.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6  la  :  F-3191 

Peppers.  Xo.  18745.  S.  H.  &  E.  H.  Frost  r.  Central  of  Georgia  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  14.  1928:  report  of  commission.  [192S.]  p.  131- 
132.     ([Opinion]  13312.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6  la  :  13312 

Pittsburgh  and  West  Virginia  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  745,  guaranty 
settlement  Avith  Pittsburgh  &  West  Virginia  Railway :  [decided  Apr.  10.  1928 : 
report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] —5.50-5.52  p.  ("[Finance  decision]  3209.) 
[From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6,  la  :  F-3209 

Potatoes.  X'o.  19535,  Minnesota  Potato  Growers  Exchange  r.  Atchison.  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10.  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  193-194.  ([Opinion]  13329.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  13329 

Pulp  toard.  Xo.  19969.  Robert  Gaylord,  Incorporated,  et  al.  r.  Chicago,  Mil- 
waukee &  St.  Paul  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  May  1.  192S :  report  of 
commission.  [192S.]  p.  405-^06.  ([Opinion]  13385.)  [From  I.  C  C.  re- 
ports, V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6  la  :  13385 

Railroad  employees.  Wage  statistics,  class  1  steam  roads  in  United  States 
[including  16  switching  and  terminal  companies]  Mar.  1928 :  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.     192S.     [4]  p.  il.  oblong  large  S"    t        IC  1  ste.  25 :  92Si  3 

Railroads.    Freight  and  passenger  service  operating  statistics  of  class  1  steam 

railways  in  United  States,  compiled  from  157  reports  of  freight  service 
statistics  representing  168  railways  and  from  151  reports  of  passenger  serv- 
ice statistics  representing  162  railways  (switching  and  terminal  companies 
not  included).  Mar.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Mar. 
1928.     [2]  p.  oblong  large  S''     [Subject  to  revision.]     t        ICI  ste.  21 :  92S  3 

Hotr  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTvins   Contents 

1 192  June,  1928 

Railroads — Continued. 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States,  compiled  from  monthly  reports  of  revenues  and  expenses  for 
185  steam  railways,  including  16  switching  and  terminal  companies,  Apr.  1928. 
and  1927  [and]  4  months  ended  with  Apr.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bu- 
reau of  Statistics.     Apr.  1928.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     f 

IC  1  ste.l9  :  92814 

OiJerating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  large  steam  railways,  se- 
lected items  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above  $25,000,000,  Apr. 
1928  and  1927  [and]  4  months  ended  with  Apr.  1928  and  1927 ;  [prepared  in] 
Bureau  of  Statistics.  Apr.  1928.  [2]  p.  oblong  large  8"  [Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  IC  1  ste.20 :  928/4 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Apr.  1928, 

compared  with  Apr.  1927,  for  roads  with  annual  operating  revenues  above 
$25,000,000;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of  Statistics.  Apr.  1928.  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     f  IC  Iste.  22:  928/4 

Revenue  traffic  statistics  of  classi  1  steam  railways  in  United  States,  in- 
cluding mixed-train  service,  compiled  from  158  reports  representing  169  steam 
railway.s,  switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included.  Mar.  1928  and  1927 
[and]  3  months  ended  with  Mar.  1928  and  1927;  [prepared  in]  Bureau  of 
Statistics.     Mar.  1928.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

IC  1  ste.24  :  928/a 

Reconsignment.  No.  18749,  L.  Powers  Fruit  Company  et  al.  v.  Pennsylvania 
Railroad  Company;  [decided  Apr.  24,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[1] +346-350  p.  ([Opinion]  13365.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142]  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13365- 

Roofing.  No.  11203,  Standard  Paint  Company  et  al.  v.  director  general,  Ala- 
bama &  Vieksburg  Railway  Company,  et  al. ;  decided  May  8,  1928 ;  report  [and 
supplemental  order]  of  commission  on  reargument.  [1928.]  221-229+ viii  p. 
([Opinion]  13335.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  6/la  :  13335- 

Routing.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no  2999,  routing  from  points  on 
Spokane,  Coeur  D'Alene  »&  Palouse  Railway,  eastbound  transcontinental ;  [de- 
cided Apr.  30,  1928;  report  and  order  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +230-236+ 
[1]  p.     ( [Opinion]  13336.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]    *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13336. 

St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6798,  St.  Louis-San  Fran- 
cisco readjustment;  decided  May  2,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  505-516.  ([Finance  decision]  3206.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  6/la  :  F-320e 

Same;    approved    May    11,    1928;    supplemental    order.     1928      p.    617. 

([Finance  decision]  3224.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3224 

■ Finance  docket  no.  6856,  St.  Louis-San  Francisco  equipment  trust,  series 

CC;  decided  May  12,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  673-676. 
([Finance  decision]  3235.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3235v 

Salt.  No.  19463,  Acme  Hay  &  Mill  Feed  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  24,  19^8 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  351-352.  ([Opinion]  13366.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13366 

San  Antonio,  Uvalde  and  Gulf  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  6440,  proposed 
operation  of  terminal  tracks  by  San  Antonio,  Uvalde  &  Gulf  Railroad ;  [de- 
cided May  15,  1928:  report  of  commission].  1928.  [1] +658-664  p. 
([Finance  decision]  3233.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3233. 
Sand.    No.  19188,  L.  W.  Rexroad  &  Company  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 
Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.     [1928.] 
p.  28^290.     ([Opinion]  13348.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  6/la  :  13348. 
How  to  order  pnlilicatlons— See  luformation   followlngr  CoifctentM 

June.  1928  1123 

Sand — Continued. 

No.  19362.  Northwestern  Lumbermens  As.soeiation  v.  Minneaimlis.  Sr.  Paul 

and  Sault  Ste.  Marie  Railway  Company;  decide<l  Apr.  10.  192S :  i-oport  of  com- 
mission. [1G2S.1  p.  295-297.  ( [Opinion]  13351.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142  ]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13351 

No.  19635.  Chamber  of  Commerce.  Traffic  Bureau  [Reck  Island.  111.]   v. 

Cliicaso.  Indianapolis  &  Louisvilli'  Railway  Company  et  al. :  [decided  Apr.  25, 
1928  r  report  of  commission].  192S.  [1] +396-398  p.  ([Opinion]  13381.) 
[From  I.  C   C.  reports,  v.  142]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13381 

No.  19726.  T.  B.  Baker  v.  Nashville.  Chattanooga  &  St.  Louis  Railway  et 

al. :  de<-ided  Apr.  14.  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  137-138.  ( [Opin- 
ion] 13314.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.         IC  1.6/la  :  13314 

No.  19772.  Ccdumbia  Sand  Company,  Incorporated,  r.  Seaboard  Air  Line 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  26.  1928 :  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  329-330.     ([Opinion]  13359.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  13359 

Seahoard  Air  Line  Railu-cni.  Finance  docket  no.  6580.  proposed  acquisition  of 
control  hy  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway  Company ;  decided  May  12.  1928 :  reixirt 
of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  665-672.  ([Finance  decision]  32,34.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3234 

Shookft.  No.  19505,  American  Crate  tS;  Basket  Company  r.  X'nion  Pacific  Rail- 
road Company  et  al. :  [decided  Apr.  9.  1928:  report  and  order  of  commission]. 
1928.  [1] +272-274 -fii  p.  ([Opiiuon]  13344.)  [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13344 

Silica.  No.  19086.  Columbia  Glass  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison.  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Apr.  17.  1928 ;  report  of  commis- 
sion. [1928.]  p.  169-173.  ([Opinion]  13321.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v. 
142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13321 

Sodium  diclxromafe.  No.  19273.  Amalgamated  Leather  Companies,  Incorpo- 
rated, r.  Central  Railroad  Company  of  New  Jersey  et  al. :  decided  Apr.  17. 
1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  159-160.  ([Opinion]  1.3317.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13317 

SpeUcr.  No.  19695.  Federated  Metals  Corporation  v.  Central  Railroad  Company 
of  New  Jersev  et  al. ;  [deeded  Apr.  27.  1928:  report  of  commission].  1928. 
[11+402-404  p.  ([Opinion]  13384.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]  *  Pa- 
lier.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13384 

Spoolti  {for  lextUe  machinery) .  No.  19860.  Schwarzenbach  Huber  Company  v. 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company :  decided  Apr.  28,  1928 :  report  of  commis- 
sion. '[1928.]  p.  365-366.  ([Opinion]  13371.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  n  ports, 
V.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13371 

StanJey,  Merrill  and  Phillips  BaiUray.  Finance  docket  no.  227.  deficit  status 
of  Stanley.  Merrill  &  Phill'ps  Railway ;  decided  May  4.  1928 :  report  of  com- 
mission. '[1928.]  p.  583-584.  ([Finance  decision]  3217.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5e.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3217 

Steel.  No.  18907,  Ingalls  Iron  Works  Company  v.  Galvesron.  Harrisburg  «S:  San 
Antonio  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  30.  1928 :  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  121-i23.  ([Opinion]  13309.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
y.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13309 

Stone.  No.  19650.  Olive  Hill  Limestone  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Baltimore 
&  Oh'o  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  21,  1928 :  reijort  of  commission. 
[1928.]      p.   211-214.      ([Opinion]    13333.)      [From   I.   C.   C.   reports,   v.   142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13333 

Siififir.  No.  13569.  southeastern  sugar  investigation ;  decided  June  4.  1928 :  sup- 
plemental report  [and  orders]  on  reconsideration.  [1928.]  459-4G5+vii  p. 
([Opinion]   13397.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la:  13397 

No.  18291.  Layton  &  Layton.  Incorporated,  et  al.  r.  Pennsylvania  Railroad 

Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  27.  1928 :  report  [and  order]  of  commission. 
[1928.1     311-314+ [1]* p.     ([Opinion]  1.3354.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  y.  142.] 

*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13354 

How  to  order  pnlilioations— See  information   fflloTvi^is  Contents 

■1124  June,  1928 

Sulnhnr  No  19744,  Stfiiiffer  Chem'cal  Company  of  Texas  v.  Houston  &  Brazos 
Valley  Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  25,  1928 ;  report  of  commission. 
n<mi  n  3'>7-32S.  ([Opinion]  1335S.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.] 
*  Paper,  5e.    "  I^  1<^/1^^  ■  ^^^^S 

Tennessee  Railroad.    Finance  docket  No.  1359,  deficit  status  of  Tennessee  Rail- 
•  road-   decided   Apr.   25,    1928;    report   of   commission.      [1928.]      p.   449-450. 

( [Finance  decision]  3189.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

^^  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3189 

Texas  and  Pacific  Raihcay.    Finance  docket  no.  6867,  Texas  &  Pac  fie  equipment 

trust  series  B ;  decided  May  15,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.     [1928.]     p.  677- 

680    '([Finance  decision]  3236.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5e. 

^  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3236 

Thornton  ami  Alexandria  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6401,  abandonment  of 
line  liy  Tliornlon  &  Alexandria  Railway  Company;  approved  Apr.  20,  1928; 
^UDplemental  order.  1928.  p.  483.  ([Finance  decision]  3201.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.0/la  :  F-3201 

Time.  No.  10122,  standard  time  zone  investigation;  decided  May  19,  1928; 
16tii  supplemental  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  279-285+ [1] 
p      ([Opinion]  13346.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13346 

Toledo.  ,sf.  Louis  and  Western  Railroad.  Valuation  docket  no.  83,  Toledo, 
St  Louis  &  Western  Railroad  Company;  [decided  Apr.  13,  1928;  report  of 
commission].  1928.  [2]+2S7-361  p.  il.  (B-670.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  141.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1.6/la  :  B-670 

Tomatoes.  No.  1S332,  John  F.  Barker  Produce  Company  et  al.  v.  Arizona 
Eastern  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  10,  1928:  report  [and  order] 
of  commission.  [1928.]  255-258+ [1]  p.  ([Opinion]  13339.)  [Report  from 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13339 

No.  18746.  J.  S.  Wise  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided 

Apr.    24,    1928;    report    of    commission.     [1928.]     p.    341-343.       ([Opinion] 
13363.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  V.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13363 

Train-control  devices.  No.  13413,  in  matter  of  automatic  train-control  devices : 
no.  13413  (sub-no.  24-2),  in  matter  of  automatic  train-stop  device  of  General 
Railway  Signal  Company  on  Baltimore  division  (east  end)  and  on  portion  of 
Baltimore  Terminal  division,  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad ;  decided  Apr.  25. 
1928  ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  301-310.  ( [Opinion]  13353.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13353 

Ticine.  No.  16369,  Portland  Traffic  &  Transportation  Association  et  al.  v. 
Oregon- Washington  Railroad  &  Navigation  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Apr.  14, 
1928;  report  [and  order]  of  commission.  [1928.]  127-130+ [1]  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 13311.)      [Report  from  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  13311 

Union  Railroad  of  Oregon.  Finance  docket  no.  6466,  acquisition  and  operation 
of  line  by  Union  Railroad  of  Oregon;  decided  Apr.  19,  1928;  report  of 
commission.  [1928.]  p.  457-^60.  ( [Finance  decision]  3193.)  [From  I.  C.  C. 
reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3192 

Utah  Railway.  Valuation  docket  no.  538.  Utah  Railway  Company;  decided 
Apr.  30,  1928 ;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  545-576.  (B-677.)  [From 
I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  141.]     *  Paper,  5c.  .  IC  1.6/la  :  B-677 

Wahasli  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  6807,  bonds  of  Wabash  Railway ;  decided 
May  2.  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.]  p.  501-504.  ([Finance  deci- 
sion] 3205.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.      IC  1.6/la :  F-3205 

Washington  Western  Railway.  Finance  docket  no.  2482,  deficit  status  of 
rJri""^'^°"  Western  Railway;  decided  Apr.  25,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
[1.328]  p.  451-452.  ([Finance  decision]  3190.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  .  IC  1.6/la :  F-3190 

How  to  ordei-  publications— See  information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  1125 

West  Side  Belt  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  883,  guaranty  status  of  West 
Side  Belt  Railroad:  [decided  Apr.  10,  1928;  report  of  commission].  1028. 
[n+54S-r.50  p.     ([Finance  decision]  3208.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.] 

*  Paper,  Oc.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3208 

Western  Maryland  RaiHvai/.  Finance  docket  no.  6173,  acquisition  of  control 
b.v  Western  Maryland  Railway  Company ;  decided  Apr.  9.  1928 :  report  of 
commission  on  reconsideration  and  reargument.  [1928.]  p.  461—467. 
([Finance  decision]  3194.)     [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  138.1     *  Paper.  5r 

IC  1.6/la :  F-3194 

Wheels.  No.  19197.  United  Yerde  Copper  Company  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka 
&  Santa  Fe  Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Apr.  13.  1928 ;  report  of  com- 
mission. [1928.]  p.  315-320.  ([Opinion]  13355.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports. 
V.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC1.6/la  :  13355 

Wichita  Falls  and  Southern  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  2213,  securities  of 
Wichita  Falls  <&  Southern  Railroad ;  approved  May  5,  1928 :  supplemental 
order.  1928.  p.  613.  ([Finance  decision]  3221.)  [From  I.  C.  C.  reports, 
V.  138.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  F-3221 

Wire.  No.  19685.  Dudlo  Manufacturing  Corporation  v.  Chicago  &  North  West- 
ern Railway  Company  et  al. :  decided  Apr.  25,  1928;  report  of  commission. 
[1928.]     p.  383-384.     ([Opinion]    13376.)      [From  I.   C.  C.   reports,  v.  142.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  13376 

Wool.  No.  19284,  Boston  Wool  Trade  Association  r.  Abilene  &  Southern  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  decided  Api*.  27,  1928;  report  of  commission.  [1928.] 
p.  321-324.     ([Opinion]  13356.)      [From  I.  C.  C.  reports,  v.  142.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1.6/la  :  13356 


Advance  Automobile  Accessories  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no  H-3, 
Advance  Automobile  Accessorie.s  C<!rporation  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
ob.lections  to  plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant'!^  request  for 
findings  of  fact,  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  35-46.     t  J  1.13:  Ad  95 

American  Molasses  Company  of  Neic  York.  No.  H-45,  in  Court  of  Claims, 
American  Molas.'^es  Company  of  New  York  v.  United  States :  defendant's 
request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.     1928.     cover-title,  14-69-90  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  Am  3/119 

Apex  Electric  Manufaoturing  Company.  In  Court  of  Clainia  no.  H-13,  Apex 
Electric  Manufacturing  Company  r.  United  States;  defendant's  ob.iections  to 
plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  and  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  35--10.     %  J1.13:Ap26 

Asiatic  Petroleum  Company  {Neiv  York),  Limited.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
E-326,  Asiatic  Petroleum  Company  (New  York),  Ltd.,  v.  United  States;  de- 
fendant's motion  for  new  trial  [brief  and  argument.]  [1928.]  p.  137- 
149.     -t  J  1.13  :  As  42/3 

Bell  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  H-116,  Bell  and  Company  and  HoUiugs- 
Smith  Company,  affiliated  corporations,  i'.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief. 
[1928.]     p.  21-27.     t  J  1.13  :B  413/4 

Belland,  Albert.  No.  971,  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct.  term,  1927.  Albert  Belland  et 
al.  V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  5th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+6  p.     t  J  1.13  :  B  414 

Bonring,  Charles  W.  No.  lOUl,  in  Supreme  (^.'ourt,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Charles  W. 
Bowring  r.  Frank  K.  B(;wers,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  2d  district  of 
New  York,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
2d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.    1928.     cover-title,  ii+21  p.     $ 

J  1.13  :B  086/3 

Burt,  Wellington  R.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  ,1-188,  Second  Natioiial  I*>ank  of 
Saginaw.  Saginaw,  Mich.,  ti-uste?  of  estate  of  Wellington  R.  Burt.  r.  I'nited 
States;  demurrer  [and  brief].     [1928.]     p.  115-123.     t  .J  1.13 :B  95 

HoTV   to   order  pnltlleationjs — See   iuforination    follo-»viiis"   Contents 

1 1 95  June,  1928 

CurroU  Electric  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-920,  Harry  R.  Carroll  & 
Louis  D  Carroll,  partners  trading  undei-  firm,  name  of  Carnal  Electric  Com- 
miiv  r  United  States:  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  rep^^rt. 
U1)2S.]   'p.  101-103.     t  J  1.13  :C  236/13 

In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-921,  Harry  R.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll, 

partners  trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United 
«;tqte^-  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.  [1028.]  p.  139^ 
j]l      I  J  1.13  :  C  236/14 

In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-923,  Harry  R.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll, 

partners  trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United 
sVite^-  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.  [1928.]  p.  57-62.  X 
~  '     ■  '  J  1.13  :C  236/15 

In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-924.  Harry  R.  Carroll  and  Louis  D.  Carroll, 

partners  trading  under  firm  name  of  Carroll  Electric  Company,  v.  United 
States-  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.  [1928.]  p.  147- 
l'49.    'i  J  1.13  :  C  236/16 

Clarlc,  Chapman  8.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-1153,  Chapman  S.  Clark  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1928.] 
p.  1-10.     t  J  1-13  '■  <^  547/3 

Clark,  Mrs.  Nannie  M.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  C-108-1,  Nannie  M.  Clark  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  [1928.] 
p.  1-8.     t  J  1-13  :  C  548/5 

Cook,  Marl/.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1928,  Arthur  J.  Karnuth, 
director  of  immigration,  and  Charles  Dreher,  inspector  in  charge  immigra- 
tion service,  r.  United  States,  on  petition  of  Preston  M.  Albi'o,  attorney,  for 
Mary  Cook  and  Antonio  Danelou ;  petition  for  writ  of  certitirari  to  circuit 
court  of  apepals  for  2d  circuit  and  brief  in  support  thereof.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+18  p.     I  J  1.13  :  C  772/2 

United  States  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  no.  274,  Oct.  term, 

1927,  United  States,  on  petition  of  Preston  M.  Albro,  on  relation  of  Mary  Cook 
and  Ant(»nio  Danelon,  t).  Arthur  J.  Karnuth,  director  of  immigration,  and 
Charles  Dreher,  inspector  in  charge  immigration  service,  appeal  from  district 
court  for  western  district  of  New  York;  [opinion  of  court].  [1928.]  \x 
49-54.     t  J  113  :  C  772/3 

Echols,  Jerry  L.  No.  1011,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Jerry  L.  Echols  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  5th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+5  p.     t  J1.13:Ec45 

Eilay  Company.  No.  961,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  Ellay  Company  v. 
Frank  K.  Bowers,  collector  of  internal  revenue  for  2d  district  of  New  York, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ; 
brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+11  p.     t     J  1-13  :  El  53 

Ehf  d  Walker  Dry  Goods  Company.  No.  8100,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
8th  circuit,  Ely  &  Walker  Dry  Goods  Company  i-.  United  States,  appeal  from 
district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Missouri ;  brief  for  appellee.  1928.  cover- 
title,  ii+18  p.     t  J  1.13:  El  94 

Farri.%  G.  W.  No.  96S,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927.  G.  W.  Farris  and 
Amos  Farris  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928. 
cover-title,  1+11  p.    t  j  1.13  :  F  249 

Great  Lakes  Steamship  Company.  In  equity,  no.  2456,  in  district  court  for 
northern  district  of  Ohio.  United  States  ■??.  Great  Lakesi  Steamship  Company 
ct  al.;  amended  petition.     1928.     cover-title,  9  p.     t  J  1.13  :  G  793/20 

Griyy,  J.  Walter.  Nos.  941  and  953,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  J.  Walter 
Grigg  V.  United  States;  Sidney  P..  Sligh  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  writs  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States. 

1928.  cover-title,  i+3  p.     J  J  1.13  :  G  876 

Ho^v  to  order  publications— See  inforinatloii   follo^vins   Contents 

June,  1928  1127 

Giioranti/  Trust  Conipaini  of  Xcir  York.  In  «iuity,  consolidated  cause  no.  299 
with  290,  in  district  court  for  district  of  Minnesota.  Guaranty  Trust  Company 
of  New  York,  as  trustee,  et  nl.,  v.  Minneapolis  &  St.  Louis  Railroad  Company 
et  ill.,  before  Howard  S.  Abbott,  special  master;  brief  for  United  States  on 
petition  of  United  States  to  estabiis-li  priority,  under  R.  S.  sec.  :-!4G6,  upon 
claims  nos.  2700  and  41S6.     1928.    cover-title,  25  p.     $  J  1.13  :  G  931/2 

Harris,  Simon-  D.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  D-533,  Simon  D.  Harris  et  al.  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  brief  in  opposition  to  motion  for  new  trial.  [1928.] 
p.  73-79.     t  J  113  :  H  243/3 

Harris  Brothers  Companii.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-ir)9,  Harris  Brothers 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to  findinjis  requested,  de- 
fendant's request  for  findings  of  fact,  and  brief.     [1928.]     p.  155-182.     | 

J  1.13  :  H  244/10 

HfiidersoH,  John.  No.  984.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  John  Henderson  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
4th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+8  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  H  383/2 

Huilsnn  Kavifjation  Companij.  No.  D-391,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Middleton  S.  Bor- 
land, as  receiver  of  Hudson  Naviiration  Company,  v.  United  States;  defend- 
ant's request  for  findiniis  of  fact  and  brief.  1928.  cover-title,  ii+175- 
275  \y.     t  J  1-13  :  H  869/7 

Klceson  Conjpanij.  No.  2711,  circuit  court  of  appeals,  4th  circuit,  Kleeson  Com- 
pany V.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  to 
review  decisions  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief  for  respondent.  1928. 
cover-title,  i+22  p.     t  J  1.13  ;K  672/2 

Krenmcr,  A.,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-207.  A.  Kreamer.  Inc.,  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  23-26.     ?  J  1.13  :K  87 

Lassen  Lumher  and  Box  Coiupany.  No.  5331,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
9(h  circuit,  Lassen  Lumber  &  Box  Co.  r?.  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  in- 
ternal revenue,  upon  writ  of  error  to  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  defend- 
ant in  error.     1928.     cover-title,  i+30  p.     ±  J  1.13  ;L  337 

Leather,  William.  No.  940,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  William  Leather 
and  Leon  K.  Leigh  i\  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
C<nirt  of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title. 
i+6p.     :i:  J  1.13  :L  483/8 

Loreland.  Mrs.  Florence  L.  No.  1007,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  John 
Winthrop  Loveland,  as  executor  of  Florence  Lee  Loveland,  Helen  Loveland 
Armstrons-.  and  Florence  Loveland  Barron  (submitted  for  Florence  Lee  Love- 
land). V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  3d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover- 
title,  i+16  p.     %  J  1.13  :L  942 

Mimnamjh,  John  L.  No.  F-388.  in  Court  of  Claims.  John  L.  Mimnaugh,  jr., 
executor  of  .John  L.  Mimnaugh,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  objections  to 
plaintiff's  request  for  findings  of  fact  and  brief.  1928.  cover-title,  i  +  107- 
1.38  p.     t  ^  J  1.13  :M  6.53 

Minnesota  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Companii.  No.  F-65,  in  Court  of  Claims, 
Minnesota  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  v.  United  States ;  brief  on  behalf 
of  defendant  in  answer  to  brief  of  amici  curiae  and  to  reply  brief  of  plaintiff. 
1928.     cover-title,  ii -1-191-219  p.     %  J  1.1.3  :  M  666/26 

Murray,  John  E.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  112-D,  John  E.  Murray  [et  al.]  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  brief  on  new  trial.     [1928.]     p.  133-138.     t 

J  1.13  ;  M  964/3 

Nicolich,  Marco.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  tenn,  1928,  United  States  v. 
Marco  Nicolich  :  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
5th  circuit.     1928.     cover-title,  i-t-2  p.     t  J  1.13 :  N  545 

Persson,  Oscar  E.  F.  No.  — ,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1928,  United  States 
V.  Oscar  Edvin  Ferdinand  Persson ;  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
coujt  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit.     1928.     cover-title,  i -1-3  p.     $         J  1.13  :  P  432 

How  to  order  publications— See  information   folJowing-   Contents 


June,  1928 

Portsmouth  Harhor  Land  and  Hotel  Coinpanii.  No.  884,  in  Supreme  Court.  Oct. 
term  1'.I27,  I'ortsmuuth  Harbor  Land  »S:  Hotel  Company  et  al.  r.  Unitefl  States, 
on  petit i">n  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States 
in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+10  p.     t  J  1.13  :  P  838/15 

Power  T.  C.  d  Bro.  No.  5359,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit,  T.  C. 
Power  and  Bro.  r.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ;  brief  for  respondent  on 
motion  to  dismiss.    1928.    cover-title,  i +9  p.     t  J  1.13  :  P  871/5 

Ralston,  John  M.  No.  985.  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term.  1927,  John  M.  Rnlston 
V,  D.  B.  Heiner,  collector  of  internal  revenue,  23d  district  of  Pennsylvania, 
oil  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit; 
brief   for  respondent    in    opposition.     1928.     cover-title,    i+8    p.     t 

J  1.13 :  R 139/2 

Saunders  Systeui  Wa-sMiigton  Coiiipamj.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-402,  Saun- 
der.s  System  Washington  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  objections  to 
plaintiff's  request  for  findincrs  of  fact,  defendant's  request  for  findings  of 
fact,  defendant's  brief.     [1928.]     p.  77-88.     t  .  J  1.13 :  Sa  87 

Smiler,  David  A.  No.  982,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927.  David  A  Smiler  v. 
United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  couii;  of  appe:ils 
for  5th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i-f7p.     t  J1.13:Sm42 

Southern  Pacific  Company.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-352,  Southern  Pacific 
Company  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner. 
[1928.]     p.  13-31.     t  J  1.13:  So  8/94 

Suffff,  J.  D.  Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  5th  circuit,  no. 
5312,  David  H.  Blair,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  vs.  estate  of  J.  D. 
Sugg,  E.  S.  Briant,  temporaiy  administrator,  i>etition  for  review  of  decision 
of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals  (district  of  Texas).     [192S.]     cover-title,  i+15  p.     t 

J  1.13  :  Su  34 

Taleott,  Jonathan  R.  No.  951,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Cynthia  R. 
Talcott.  executrix  of  Jonathan  R.  Taleott,  r>.  United  States,  on  petition  for 
writ  of  certiorai'i  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+18  p.     ?  J  1-13  :  T 143 

Wallace,  Arthur  W.  No.  17022,  in  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Illi- 
nois, eastern  division.  United  States  v.  Arthur  W.  Wallace  et  al. ;  brief  in 
opposition  to  demurrer.     1928.     cover-title,  ii+39  p.     t  J  113  :  W  155/5 

Ware  Radio,  Incorporated.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  E-61,  Ware  Radio,  Inc.,  v. 
United  States;  stipulation  [and  agreed  statement  of  facts].     [1928.]    p.  1-7.    $ 

J  1.13  :  W  229 

Woods,  William  8.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  F-380,  Hugh  Wilhite  et  al.,  trus- 
tees under  will  of  William  Stone  Woods,  v.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief. 
[1928.]     p  35-72.     J  J  1.13  :  W  868/2 

Yankton  Indians.  No.  970,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Yankton  Sioux 
tribe  of  Indians  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court 
of  Claims ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.    1928.    cover-title,  i+10  p.    $ 

J  1.13  :  Y  16/? 

Young,  Rotert  L.  No.  964,  in  Supreme  Court,  Oct.  term,  1927,  Robert  L.  Young 
V.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  9th  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  1928.  cover-title, 
i+8p    I  J  1.13  :Y  86/4 

How  to  order  pnbllcattons— See  information   following   Contents 

JrxE,  1928  1129 



Child  management ;  by  D.  A.  Thorn.     [Reprint  with  slight  changes]  1928.     iv+ 
47  p.     (Bureau  publication  143,  revised  Sept.  1927.)      [Illustration  on  front 
cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-66  L  5.20  :  143/4 

Crime  and  criminals.    "Welfare  of  prisoners'  families  in  Kentucky;  by  Ruth  S. 
Bloodgood.     1928.     v+50  p.     (Bureau  publication  182.)      *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-129  L  5.20  :  182 

Jut^enile  employment  and  industrial  problems  of  child  welfare  [list  of  Chil- 
dren's Bureau  publications].  [1928.]  p.  31-34,  narrow  12°  [From  list  of 
publications  of  Children's  Bureau,  Jan.  3,  1928.]     t  L  5.24/a  :  J  988/2 

PtiNicati^jn.s.    Publications.     [Edition  of]  Jan.  3,  1928.    1928.    iii+42  p.  narrow 
12"     t 
L.  C.  card  23-11157  L  5.24  :  92^ 


Directory  of  public  employment  offices,  May,  1928.  1928.  20  p.  narrow  12°  t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-9  L  7.2 :  D  62/4/928 

Employment  agencies.    Monthly  report  of  activities  of  State  and  municipal  em- 
ployment  services  cooperating  with  U.    S.   Employment   Service,   Apr.    1928. 
1928.     8  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  L  24-62  L  7.11 :  928/4 

Industrial  employment   information   Tjulletin,  May,  1928:  v.  8,  no.  5.      [1928.] 
24  p.  4°     [Monthly.]      t 
L.  C.  card  L  21-17  L  7.8:  928/5 


Building    trades.      Apprenticeship    in    building    construction;     [by    Estelle    M. 
Stewart].     Apr.  1928.     v+133+iv  p.      (Bulletin  459;  Miscellaneous  series.) 
*  Paper.  20c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-130  L  2.3  :  459 

Same.     (H.  doc.  63,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Employment  in  selected  manufacturing  industries.   May  1928.     1928.     [l]+20 
p.  il.     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9  :  928/5 

Lead-poisoning.     New  test  for  industrial  lead  poisoning,  presence  of  basophilic 
red  cells  in  lead  poisoning  and  lead  absorption ;  by  Carey  P.  McCord.     Apr. 
192S.     iii+33+vi    p.    il.      (Bulletin    400;    Industrial    accidents    and    hygiene 
series.)      *  Paper.   10c. 
L.  C.  card  L  28-131  L  2.3:  400 

Same.     (H.  doc.  64,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

Medical  service.  Cost  of  medical  .service.  [1928.]  p.  1-4.  [This  publication 
bears  also  the  volume  pagination  885-888.  From  Monthly  labor  review.  May 
1928.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  M  468/2 

Monthly  labor  review,  v.  26,  no.  6;  June,  1928.  1928.  vi+188+v  p.  il.  [This 
publication  bears  also  the  volume  pagination  1095-1282.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy.  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.25. 

L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6  :  26/6 

•Special  articles. — Old  age  at  50:  by  James  J.  Davis.  Secretary  of  Labor. — Settle- 
ments for  accidents  to  American  seamen. — .\pprenticeship  in  building  con.struction. — ■ 
Blast-furnace  productivity  in  United  States ;  by  Ethelbert   Stewart.— Conciliation  work 

Ho'iv   to   order  imliiications^See   information    follo^vinj?   Contents 


June,  1928 

Monthly  labor  revieiv — Contmued. 

of  Department  of  Labor,  Apr.  1928  ;  by  Hugh  L.  Kerwin. — Statistics  of  immigration, 
Mar    1928 ;  by  J.  J.  Kunna. 

>;oxE The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 

its'  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  prices,  wages,  industrial  disputes,  and 
emplovment  conditions,  as  also  the  results  of  original  investigations  too  brief  for  bulletin 
purposes  notices  (f  labor  legislation  by  the  States  or  by  Congress,  and  Federal  court 
decisions  affecting  labor,  which  from  their  importance  should  be  given  attention  before 
thev  (ould  ordinarily  appear  in  the  bulletins  devoted  to  these  subjects.  One  free  sub- 
scription will  be  given  to  all  labor  departments  and  bureaus,  workmen's  compensation 
commissions,  and  ether  offices  connected  with  the  administration  of  labor  laws  and 
organization's  exchanging  publications  with  the  Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics.  Others 
desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Washington, 
D.  C.,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Prices.     Prices,     wholesale     and     retail,     Feb.     1928.     192a     [1]+21     i>.     il. 
[Monthly.     Formerly  Wholesale  prices  of  commodities.]     t 
L.  C.  caVd  L  22-229  L  2.6/a  2  :  92S/2 

Same,  Mar.  1928.     1928.     [l]+22p.  iL     [Monthly.]     t     L  2.6/a  2 :  928/3 

Same,  Apr.  1928.     1928.     [l]+24  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     f     L  2.6/a  2 :  928/4 

Same,  with  title.  Wholesale  prices  of  commodities  for  May,  1928.     1928. 

[1]+14  p.     [Monthly.]     t  L  2.8: 928/5 


Catalogues.  Exhibition  of  contemporary  French  prints  [catalogue],  under 
patronage  of  M.  Paul  Claudel,  Myron  T.  Herrick,  M.  Edouard  Herriot,  Elihu 
Root,  and  under  auspices  of  I'Association  Frangaise  d'Expansion  et  d'Echanges 
Artistiques  and  American  Federation  of  Arts.  1928.  xi+15  p.  29  pi. 
*  Paper.  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26425  LC  1.2  :  F  88 


Subject  lieadlngs.  List  of  subject  headings.  Sd  ed.,  additions  and  changes, 
list  2;  May,  1928.  [1928.]  12  cards,  oblong  48°  [Issued  also  on  gummed 
paper.]  LC  9.6/3:  3/2 

Note. — In  response  to  numerous  requests,  slips  containing  lists  of  additions  and 
changes  for  the  3d  edition  of  the  List  will  be  supplied  monthly,  exceptin™  mouths  dur- 
ing which  there  are  too  few  to  justify  the  printing  of  a  slip.  They  will  be  printed 
on  one  side  only,  in  a  form  adapted  to  the  space  into  which  they  are  to  fit.  and  will  be 
sujipiied  on  card  stock  or  thin  gummed  paper,  according  to  preference.  They  will  be 
numbered  consecutively  and  show  the  period  covered.  With  the  list  fi  r  December  will 
be  sent  a  charge  slip  for  the  issues  supplied  during  the  calendar  year  at  8c.  each. 
These  slip  lists  will  be  kept  in  stock  until  the  4th  edition  of  the  List  is  issued. 

Subject  headings  with  local  subdivision:  (A)  Headings  with  indirect  sub- 
division, (B)  Headings  with  direct  subdivision,  (C)  List  of  local  divisions 
(states,  provinces,  etc.)  to  which  subdivision  is  always  direct;  compiled  by 
Mary  Wilson  MacNair.  4th  edition.  1925,  reprinted  1928.  34  p.  t  Paper. 
20c.,  Card  Division,  Library  of  Congress,  Washington,  D.  C. 

L.  C.  card  25-26006  LC  9.6/1 :  L  78/4/928 


Copyright.     [Catalogue  of  copyright  entries,  new  series,  pt.  1,  group  1,  Books. 
V.  25]  no.  :^3-46  :  May-.Tune.  1928.    May  2S-June  29, 1928.    p.  513-736.     [Issued 
several  times  a  week.] 
L,  r.  c;ird  (i-.1.-.;^47  LC  3.6/1 :  25/1-33  to  1-46 

Note  —Each  number  is  issued  in  4  parts  :  pt.  1,  group  1,  relates  to  books  ;  pt.  1, 
group  _,  to  pamphlets,  leaflets,  contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,  etc.,  lec- 
tures, sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  dramatic  compositions,  maps,  motion  pic- 
"'•^"  •   pt.   1.    to   periodicals  ;    pt.    3,   to   musical   compositions :   pt.    4,   to    works    of   art. 

ti^n    to  no-     subscription,  $2.75;  pt.  3,  25c.  single' copy,  $1.50  a  yr.,  foreign  ~subscrip-j 
tion,  !^_.oo,  pts.  2  and  4,  each  25c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  $1.20. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  follovrins   Contents 

June,  1928  1131 


Lizards.    Memoirs  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences.     1928.     v.  22.  3cl  memoir, 
ix+201  p.  il.  6  pi.  24  p.  of  pi.  map.  1  tab.  large  4"    *  Paper.  750. 
L.  C.  card  2S-2G4S0  NA  1.5  :  22/3 

Contents.— Fossil   lizards   of  North   America    [with   bibliography]  ;    by   Charles   W. 


Model  tests.  Preliminary  wing  model  tests  in  variable  density  wind  tunnel  of 
National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics  [with  list  of  references],  by 
Max  M.  Munk;  [with  Comparison  with  theory,  by  George  J.  Higgins].  Re- 
print 1928.  cover-title.  15  p.  il.  4°  (Report  217.)  [Report  217  originally 
published  Nov.  1925.]  *  Paper.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  25-27433  Y  3.N21/5  :  5/217-2 

■ — —     Some  aspects   of  comparison  of  model  and  full-scale  tests ;   by  D.  "W. 
Taylor.     Ri  print  1928.     cover-title.  23  p.  il.  4°     (Report  219.)      [Report  219 
originallv  published  Feb.  1926-]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  26-26178  Y  3.N  21/5  :  5/219-2 

Pressure  distrihutioii  over  rectangular  monoplane  wing  model  up  to  90°  angle  of 
attack  [with  list  of  references  and  bibliography],  by  Montgomery  Knight  and 
Oscar  Loeser.  jr.     1928.     cover-title,  19  p.  il.  4°      (Report  288.)      [Text  and 
ilhistration  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26391  Y3.N21/5  :  5/288 

Publications.     List  of  reports,  with  prices.     Edition.  June  1,  1928.     1928.     v+ 
30  p.  12"     t 
L.  C.  card  27-26874.  Y3.N  21/5 :  2  R  29/928 

Wiiiff  spar  stress  charts  and  wing  truss  proportions;  by  Edward  P.  Warner. 
Reprint  1928.     cover-title.  18  p.  il.  4°     (Report  214.)      [Report  214  originally 
publi-shed  Oct.  1925]     *  Paper.  lUc. 
L.  C.  card  25-26955  Y  3.N  21/5 :  5/214-2 


Orders.     General   order  176   [6th   series]  ;   Apr.  28,   1928.     [1928.]     2  p.   4"     ± 

N  1.13/6 :  176 

Uuifoniis.  Changes  in  Uniform  regulations  [Navy,  1922],  no.  5;  Mar.  26,  1928. 
[1928.]  1  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  to  be  inserted  in 
their  proper  places  in  the  original  publication.  A  list  of  these  reprintetl 
pages  is  found  on  the  first  page  of  Changes  5  here  catalogued.]     *  Parx^-r.  5c. 

N  1.18/2 :  922/5 


Bulletin   of   engineering   information   31;    June   1,    1928.     1928.     111+41    p.    il. 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  22-26665  N  19.9/2:  31 


Boilers.  Oil  burning  boiler  operation,  course  in  8  assignments,  assignments 
1-8.     1928.     iii+80  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     ± 

N  17.25  :  Oi  5/2/assi.l-8 

Education.  Announcement  of  courses  and  Manual  of  standard  practice.  Re- 
vision of  Apr.   1928.     1928.     [l]+45  p.     (Navy  training  courses.)     $ 

N  17.25  :M  31/2/928 

Electricians.  Instructions  for  use  in  preparation  for  rating  of  electrician's 
mate  3c,  course  in  27  assignments,  prepared  by  Training  Division,  assign- 
ments 21-27,  Controllers,  Interior  communication.s,  Electrical  troubles.  Emer- 
gency drills.  Electric  shock  and  resuscitation.  Review  problems.  1928. 
[l]+70  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     |  N  17.25 :  El  2/3/assi.21-27 

HoTV   to   order  publications — See   information   folloiving-   Contents 


June.  1928 

Naval  Academy,  Annapolis.  Examination  papers  for  admission  to  Naval  Acad- 
emy, Annapolis,  Md.,  i-egular  examination  series  42-46,  48-64.  substantiating 
examination  series  1-8,  Feb.  1919-Apr.  1928.  1928.  75  p.  t  Naval  Academy. 
L.  C.  card  8-35154  N  12.8/1 :  928 

Navij.  American  naval  history,  assignments  1-20  [with  bibliography],  revised 
course  ba.sed  on  Story  of  our  Navy  (1918  edition)  ;  by  William  Oliver 
Stevens.     1928.     iii+53   p.    il.     (Navy    training   courses.)     t 

N  17.25 :  H  62/2/assi.l-20 

Sailors.  Instructions  for  use  in  preparation  for  rating  of  seaman  Ic.  course 
in  12  assignments,  prepared  by  Training  Division,  assignments  9-12,  Artil- 
lerv,  Small  arms.  Gunnery,  Signals.  1928.  [l]+56  p.  il.  8  pi.  (Navy  train- 
ing courses.)     t  N  17.25  :  Se  l/7/ 

Shipfitters.  Instructions  for  nonrated  men  in  preparation  for  rating  of  ship- 
fitter  3c.  course  in  10  assignments  prepared  by  Bvireau  of  Navigation  with 
assistance  of  Bureau  of  Construction  and  Repair,  assignments  1-3.  Rathig 
riMjuirements,  duties  of  petty  officer,  Arithmetic,  General  information  about 
.ships,  tvpes  of  ships.     1928.     [l]-f45  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     t 

N  17.25 :  Sh  6/6/assi.l-8 

■     Same,   assignments  4-6,   Materials   used   in   ship  construction,   C.   &   R. 

piping.  Pipe  fitting.     1928.     [l]+46  p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     $ 

N  17.25  :  Sh  6/6/assi.4-6 

Same,  assignments  7-10.  Riveting,   calking,    Soldering,   painting,   Repair 

jobs,  Soundinc  watch,  entering  double  bottoms  and  fuel  tanks,  inspections. 
1928.     [l]+53p.  il.     (Navy  training  courses.)     J  N  17.25  :  Sh  6/6/assi.7-10 


Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  manuals,  etc.,  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold 
by  the  office  in  Washington  and  also  by  agents  at  the  principal  American  and  foreign 
seaports  and  American  lake  ports.  Copies  of  the  General  catalogue  of  mariners'  charts 
and  books  and  of  the  Hydrographic  bulletins,  reprints,  and  Notice  to  mariners  are  sup- 
plied free  on  application  at  the  Hydrographic  Office  in  Washington  and  at  the  branch 
offices  in  Boston.  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans, 
Galveston,  San  Francisco.  San  Pedro.  Calif.,  San  Juan,  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port,  Panama 
Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  and  Duluth. 

Hi/droffraphio  hiilletin,  weekly,  no.  2022-25 ;  June  6-27.  1928.  1928.  Each  1  p. 
f"  and  large  4"  [For  Ice  supplements  to  accompany  nos.  2022-25.  see  below 
under  center  head  Charts  the  subhead  Ice.]     t  N  6.3  :  2022-25 

Mexico  and  Central  America  pilot,  west  const,  from  United  States  to  Colombia, 
including  gulfs  of  California  and  Panama.  7th  edition.  1928.  v+446 
p.+  [3]  leaves,  il.  8  pi.  map,  2  p.  of  maps.  ([Publication]  84.)  [The  3  leaves 
given  in  the  collation  consist  of  request  coupons  which  are  detachable.] 
t  Paper,  90c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26372  N  6.8 :  84/928 

Notice  to  aviators  6,  1928;  June  1  [1928].  [1928.]  3  p.  12°  [Monthly.]  t 
L.  C.  card  20-20958  N  6.25  :  928/6 

Notice  to  mariners  22-26,  1928;  June  2-30  [1928].  [1928.]  [xliii]-f 564-711 
leaves.     [Weekly.]     t  N  6.11 :  928/22-26 

Radio  aids  to  navigation,  including  details  of  radiocompass  stations,  radiobea- 
cons.  weather  bulletins,  storm  and  navigation  warnings,  time  signals,  etc. ; 
corrected  to  Mar.  15,  1928.  Notice  to  mariners  11,  1928.     1928.    ix+447  p.  il. 
3  maps.     ([Publication]  205.)     t  Paper,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26895  N  6.8  :  205/928 

Tide  calendars.  Tide  calenchir  [for  Baltimore  (Fort  McHenry)  and  Cape 
Henry],  July,  1928.     1928.    1  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/2 :  928/7 

Tide  calendar  [for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News,  Va.],  Julv.  1928.     [1928.] 

[2]  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     t  N  6.22/1 :  928/7 

How  to  order  pnblicailon.s— See  information  following   Contents 

June,  1928  1133 

Aviation  charts 

Gracias  a'Dios,  Cape.  Cape  Gracios  [Gracias]  a'Dios,  Nicaragua-Port  Limou. 
Costa  Rica :  aviation  chart  V-252.  Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  m.=1.3 
in.,  natural  scale  1 :  oOO.OOO  at  lat.  12°  30'.  Washington,  Hytlrograiihic  Office, 
Mav.  192S.  49.1  X  10.1  in.  [Provisional  chart.  Contains  text  and  illustrations 
on  reverse.]     t  40c.  N  6.27  :  V-252 

Hahana,  Cuha-Vovt  Morelos.  Mexico;  aviation  chart  Y-249.  Scale  10  naut. 
ni.=l.o  in..  10  stat.  m.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1:500.000  at  lat.  22°.  Wash- 
ington, Hydrographic  Office.  May,  1928.  50X10  in.  [Provisional  chart.  Con- 
tains text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c.  NG.27:  V-249 

Morelos,  Port.  Port  Morelos,  Mexico-Puerto  Barrios,  Guatemala  ;  aviation  chart 
V-250.  Scale  10  naut.  m.-=1.5  in.,  10  stat.  ni.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  500,000 
at  lat.  18°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May.  1928.  52X10.1  in. 
[Provisional  chart.    Contains  text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c. 

N  6.27 :  V-250 

Puerto  Barrios,  Giiatemala-Cai)e  Gracias  a'Dios,  Nicaragua ;  aviation  chart 
V-251.  Scale  10  naut.  m.=1.5  in..  10  stat.  in.=1.3  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  500.000 
at  lat.  16°.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office.  May,  1928.  51.1X10  in.  [Pro- 
visional chart.     Contains  text  and  illustrations  on  reverse.]     t  40c. 

N  6.27 :  V-251 


Bering  Sea  and  Strait.  Siberia  and  Alaska,  compiled  from  latest  information ; 
chart  68.  Natural  scale  1:3.436.385  at  lat.  62°.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
office,  published  Mar.  1917.  13th  edition.  May.  1928.     34.6X32.3  in.     t  50c. 

N  6.18 :  68 

Buenaventura,  Colomhia.  Port  Buenaventura.  Pacific  Coast  of  Colombia,  from 
British  survey  in  1846  corrected  from  latest  information  to  1927 ;  chart  1786. 
Scale  naut.  m.=1.5  in.,  natural  scale  1 :  48.642.  Washington.  Hydrographic 
Office,  published  May,  1899,  12th  edition.  May,  1928.     24.8X36.3  in.     f  40c. 

N  6.18 :  1786 

Guajira  Peninsula.  Peninsula  de  Guajira.  South  America,  north  coast,  Cabo 
la  Vela  to  Punta  de  Espada.  including  los  Monges  (the  Monks),  from  surveys 
by  U.  S.  S.  Niagara  in  1926  and  1927 :  chart  5519.  Natural  scale  1 :  145,157 
at  lat.  12°  30'.  Washington,  Hydrogi-aphic  Office,  May,  1928.  29.1X50.2  in. 
t  60c.  N  6.18 :  5519 

Honda  Baii.  Bahia  Honda,  Peninsula  de  Guajira,  Colombia,  north  coast,  from 
survey  by  U.  S.  S.  Niagara  in  1927:  chart  5518.  Scale  naut.  m.=2.4  in., 
natural  scale  1:30,000.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May.  1928. 
29.9X33  in.     f  40c.  N  6.18:  5518 

Ice.  Ice  supplement  to  Hydrographic  bulletin:  issue  244.  Scale  1°  long.=0.3 
in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office  [1928].  8.9X11.8  in.  [To  accompany 
Hydrogi-aphic  bulletin  2022,  June  6.  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  244 

Same:    issue   245.     Scale   1°    long.=0.3    in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office    [1928].     8.9X11.8    in.     [To    accompany    Hydrographic    bulletin    2023, 
June  13.  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  245 

Same;    issue  246.     Scale   1°    long. =0.3   in.     Washington,    Hydrographic 

Office  [1928].     8.9X11.8  in.     [To  accompany  Hydrographic  bulletin  2024.  June 
20.  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  246 

Same:    issue    247.     Scale    1°    long.=0.3    in.     Washington.    Hvdrosraphic 

Office    [1928].     8.9X11.8    in.     [To    accompany    Hvdrographic    buUerin    2025, 
June  27.  1928.]     t  N  6.3/2:  247 

Kobe  Ko.  Naikai  (Inland  Sea).  Honshu,  south  coast.  Japan,  from  Japanese 
survey  in  1918:  chart  1645.  Scale  ntrnt.  m.=7  in.,  natural  scale  1:10.396. 
Washington.  Hydrographic  Office,  published  Mar.  1!321.  5th  edition.  May, 
1928.     39.2X25.9  in.     t  50c.  N  6.18:  1645 

How  to  order  publications — See   inforuiation   follo^vini?   Contents 

J  234  June,  1928 

Maracaibo,  Gulf  of.  Gulf  of  Venezuela  (Golfo  de  Maracaibo),  Colombia  and 
Vt^nczuel'a,  from  surveys  by  U.  S.  S.  Niagara  between  1925  and  1927;  chart 
5520  Natural  scale  1:242,045  at  lat.  11°  40'.  Washington,  Hydrographic 
Office,  May,  1928.     32.6X4S.3  in.     t  TOc.  N  6.1S  :  5520 

Molukka  Passage.  Islands  between  Molukka  Passage  and  Mindanao,  Eastern 
Archipelago,  from  United  States  and  Netherland  Government  surveys  to 
19'>4  •  chart  1727.  Natural  scale  1:745,483  at  lat.  4'  Wa.shington,  Hydro- 
graphic  Office,  published  Apr.  1909,  Sth  edition.  May,  1928,  34.9X26.3  in. 
t  40c.  N  6.18 :  1727 

Nemitro  Peninsula.  Approaches  to  Nemuro  Hanto,  east  coast  of  Hokushu, 
Japan,  from  Japanese  survey  in  1921 ;  chart  5535.  Natural  scale  1 :  88,958. 
Washington,  Hvdrographic  Office,  May,  1928.     28.1X41,4  in,     f  50c. 

N  6.18:  5535 

Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters.  July.  1928;  chart  350O. 
Scale  1°  long.=0,7  in.  Washington.  Hydrographic  Office.  June  15.  1928. 
23.4X35.1  in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau,]     1 10c.  N  6.24:928/7 

Note. — Contnins  on  i-everse  :    Chart  of  the  world,  showing  great  circle  distances  and 
azimuths  from  Washington,  D,  C,  to  all  points  on  the  earth's  surface. 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  Aug.  1928;  chart  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2 

in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office.  June  15,  1928.  22,6X31  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c. 

N  16,17 :  928/8 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Tropical  storms  of  eastern  north  Paciflc  Ocean,  by  Willis 

Edwin  Hurd  ;   [with]   Cyclone  of  Sept.  9-10,  1922,  by  David  Polowe  and  other  officers, 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,  July,  1928;   chart  1400.     Scale  1° 

]ong.=0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrogi-aphic  Office.  June  15.  1928.  23,2X31.8 
in.  [Monthly.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather 
Bureau.]     t  10c. 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  928/7 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :   Current   chart   of  north  Atlantic  Ocean,   July,   covering 
track  of  low-powered  steamers  between   Straits  of  Florida  and  English  Channel, 

Pilot  chart  of  upper  air,  north  Atlantic  Ocean.  June.  1928;  chart  1400a. 

Scale  1°  long.=^0.27  in.  Washington,  Hydrographic  Office,  May  28.  1928. 
23X31.8  in.  [Mnnthlv.  Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the 
Weather  Bureau.]     t  10c,  N  6,28:  928/6 

Note. — Contains  text  on  reverse. 

Telegraph  chart  of  the  world,  showing  submarine  cables,  principal  land  lines, 
and  radio  stations  [with  insets]  ;  chart  2180a-c.  Scale  1°  long. =0,2  in. 
Washington,  Hydrogi-aphic  Office,  published  Sept.  1923,  5th  edition.  May,  1928. 
3  sheets,  each  37.9X26.9  in.     t  40c.  per  sheet.  N  6,18 :  2180  a-c 

British  Isles,  North  Sea,  and  Baltic, 
Newfoundland  to  Chesapeake  Bay, 
West  Indies  and  Central  America, 

Thames  River.  River  Thames  entrance,  England,  east  coast.  North  Foreland 
to  the  Nore,  from  latest  British  surveys ;  chart  4479.  Natural  scale  1 :  52.100. 
Washington.  Hydrogi-aphic  Office,  published  Mav.  1915,  12th  edition.  May, 
1928.     20.3X47.4  in.     t   50c.  N  6.18 :  4479 


Report  of  board  of  visitors  to  Naval  Academv,  Annapolis,  Md.,  Apr.  26,  1928. 
1928.     [l]+5  p.     t 
L.  0.  card  8-7222  N  12.1/1 :  928 


Posters.  [Poster]  304.  [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  Apr. 
20,1928.]     14X17  in.     [Title  is  :  Making  another  record.]     t      N  17.23/1 :  304 

Same,  305,     [Press  of  Navy  Recruiting  Bureau,  New  York,  May  28,  1928.] 

14X17  in.     [Title  is :  Shore  leave.]     t  N  17.23/1:  305 

IIow  to  order  publications— See  information   follOTring  Contents 


June,  1928  1135 


Accounting  numhers.  Appropriations  and  subheads  showing  accounting  num- 
bers. 1929  edition.  July  1,  1928.  192S.  ii-fl2  p.  4°  (Accounting  bullitin 
1,  pt.  1.)     t  N  20.3  : 1/929-1 

Supply  Corps,  Navy.  Memorandum  for  information  of  officers  of  Supply  Corps, 
commanding  officers,  and  commandants;  June  1.  1928.  [1928.]  p.  1U41(>- 
440+ leaves  1044Ga-o.  12°  [Monthly.  Includes  Advance  notice  of  changes  in 
Manual  of  Supply   Corps,   Navy,   1922.  J     $  N  20.7/1 :  310 


Note. — The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  monthly  bulletins,  handbooks,  etc.,  at 
prices  usually  ranging  I'l'ora  5c.  to  .$2.50.  The  price  of  the  English  edition  of  the  bulletin 
is  25c.  a  single  copy  or  .$2.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $2.00  a  year,  the  I'ortuf^uese 
edition  .$1.50  a  year;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year  on  each  edition  for 
countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Beginning  with  Jan.  1925,  the  I'an  American 
Union  began  the  publication  o^f  4  series,  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese,  on  the  following 
sulijects :  Agriculture ;  Education ;  Finance,  industry,  and  commerce ;  Public  healtli  and 
child  welfare.  The  Spanish  series  is  issued  monthly  and  the  Portugue.'^e  bimonthly. 
They  are  not  published  in  English.  Tlie  subscription  price  is  50c.  for  12  issues  of  each 
series ;  single  copies  of  any  series,  5c.  Address  the  Pan  American  Union,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

Agriculture.  Progresso  agricola  na  America  Latina ;  [por  W.  A.  Orton]. 
[1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  20,  Maio  de  1928.)  [Do  Boletim  da 
Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Maio,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12 
issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  p  20 

Alcoholism.  A  defesa  contra  o  alcoolismo.  [1928.]  ii+10  p.  (Saude  publica 
e  bem-estar  infantil  no.  22.  Junho  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan- 
Americana.  Junho.  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  sub.scription  price  for  12  issues  of 
series,   50c.  AR  1.15  :  p  22 

Bulletin    {English    edition  i.     Bulletin    of    Pan    American  Union,    June,    1928; 

[v.  62,  no.  6].     [1928.]     iv+547-654  p.  il.     [Monthly.  For  price,   see  note 
above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  S-30967  AR  1.6  :  e  62/6 

•     Same.     (H.  dec.  60,  pt.  6,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 

{Portuguese  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Junho,   1928. 

edigfio  portuguesa;  [v.  30.  no.  6].     [1928.]     iv+413-488  p.  il.     [Monthly.    For 

price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  AR  1.6  :  p  30/6 

• {Spanish  edition).  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Junio,  1928,  sec- 

ciOn  espanola;    [v.  62.   no.   6].     [1928.]     iv  +  569-675  p.   il.  [Monthly.     For 

price,  see  note  above  under  center  head.] 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  AR  1.6  :  s  62/0 

Diseases  of  plants.  Enfermedades  de  las  legumbres  en  la  America  Tropical ; 
[por  C.  M.  Tucker].  [1928.]  ii  +  18  p.  il.  (Agricultura  no.  41,  Junio  de 
1928.)  [Del  BoletJn  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Junio,  192S.]  t  Pttper,  5c.; 
subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.12  :  s  41 

Libraries.     Bibliothecas  latino-americanas ;   [por  Charles  E.  Babcock].     [1928.] 
[1]+15+[1]   p.  il.      (Bibliothecas  americanas  no.  1.)      [From  Bulletin,  Apr. 
1928.]       t  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26489  AR  1.34  : 1 

Mexico  [foreign  trade  of  Mexico  for  1926]  latest  reports  from  Mexican  official 
sources.     [1928.]      [1]+12  p.      (Foreign  trade  series  no.  40,  1928.)     t 
L.  C.  card  13-6842  AR  1.19  :  40 

Milk.  Importancia  de  un  abastecimiento  de  leche  pura ;  [por  Samuel  J. 
Crumbine].  [192S.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Salud  publica  y  puericultura  no.  41, 
Junio  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Junio,  1928.] 
t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.15 :  s  41 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information  follOTvinsT  Contents 

1 1 0f'  June.  1928 

Pprti    rforeien  trade  of  Peru  for  1926]    latest   reports  from  Peruvian   official 

^sources!    !;928.]     [1]+14  p.     (Foreign  trade  series  no.  39,  1928.)     t 
L.  C.  card  22-26690  ^^^  119 :  39 

Petroleum  Importancia  do  scbisto  bituminoso  na  extracgao  petrolifera ;  [por 
Willi-im  C  Whittam].  [1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Finangas,  industria.  commercio 
no  20  Maio  de  1928.)  [Do  Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana,  Maio,  1928.] 
t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14  :  p  20 

Professions.  Orientagao  vocacional,  um  programma  educativo ;  [por  Harry 
D  kit«on].  [1928.]  12  p.  il.  (Educagao  no.  20.  Junbo  de  1928.)  [Do 
Boletim  da  Uniao  Pan-Americana.  Junbo,  1928.  Publicado  no  tbe  Nation's 
sc'bools  Janeiro  de  1928.]  t  Pfipcr,  5c.;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of 
series,  50c.  AR  1.13  :  p  20 

Riffhts  of  women.  Igualdad  de  dereclios  para  la  mujer ;  [discursos  por  Julia 
Martinez  y  Doris  Stevens].  [1928.]  ii+14  p.  il.  (Salud  piiblica  y  puericul- 
tura  no.  40,  Mayo  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Mayo, 
19''8  1     t  Paper,'  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c. 


Schools.  Progressive  schools  in  Latin  America;  [by  Heloise  Brainerd]. 
[1928]  (Education  no.  7.)  [From  Bulletin,  May,  1928.]  t  Paper. 
5c.      ■  AR  1.11 :  7 

Science.  La  ciencia  y  el  obrero ;  [por  James  J.  Davis].  [1928.]  ii+14  p.  il. 
(Finanzas,  industria.  comercio  no.  39.  Junio  de  1928.)  [Del  Boletin  de  la 
Union  I'anamericana,  Junio,  1928.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription  price  for  12 
issues  of  series,   50c.  AR  1.14  :  s  39 

Street  lighting.  El  alumbrado  de  las  calles ;  [pur  O.  F.  Haas].  [1928.] 
ii+18  p.  il.  (Finanzas,  industria,  comercio  no.  88,  Mayo  de  1928.)  [De]  Bole- 
tin de  la  Union  Panamericana,  Mayo,  1928.  De  Annals  of  American  Acad- 
emy of  Political  and  Social  Science,  Sept.  1927.]  t  Paper,  5c. ;  subscription 
price  for  12  issues  of  series,  50c.  AR  1.14 :  s  38 


Note. — Althousrli  The  Panama  Canal  makes  its  reports  to,  and  is  under  the  supervision 
of  the  Secretary  of  War,  it  is  not  a  part  of  the  War  Department. 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  21,  no.  44-47 ;  June  6-27,  1928.    Balboa  Heights,  C.  Z. 
[1928].    p.  591-642.     [Weekly.] 
L.  C.  card  7-35328  W  79.5  :  21/44-47 

.Note. — The  .yearly  subscription  rate  of  the  Panama  Canal  record  is  50c.  domestic, 
and  .$1.00  foreign  (.single  issues  2c.),  except  in  the  case  of  Government  departments 
and  bureaus,  Members  of  Congress,  representatives  of  foreicn  Governments,  steamship 
lines,  chamJiers  of  commerce,  boards  of  trade,  and  university  and  public  libraries,  to 
whom  the  Record  is  distributed  free.  The  word  "  domestic "  refers  to  the  United 
States.  Canada,  Canal  Zme.  Cuba.  Guam,  Hawaii,  Manua,  Mf^xico,  the  Philippines, 
Porto  Rico,  Republic  of  I'anama,  Tutuila,  and  the  Virgin  Islands.  Subscriptions  Will 
commence  with  the  first  issue  of  the  Record  in  the  month  in  which  the  subscriptions 
are  received,  unless  otherwise  requested.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  Dis- 
bursing Clerk,  The  Panama  Canal,  but  should  be  forwarded  to  the  Chief  of  UfBce, 
The  Panama  Canal,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  name  and  address  to  which  the  Record  is  to 
be  sent  should  be  plainly  written.  Postage  stamps,  foreign  money,  and  defaced  or 
smooth  coins  will  not  be  accepted. 


Air  mail.  Air  mail  service  [over  route  C.  A.  M.  3,  effective  July  5,  192S;  issued 
by]  2d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     June  13,  192S.     1  p.  ciblong  32"     t 

P  3.2  :  Ai  7/8 

Air  mail  service  [over  route  C.  A.  M.  IS.  effective  Julv  10,  1928;  issued 

by]  2d  assistant  Postmaster  ({eneral.     June  13,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  24"     t 

P  3.2  :  Ai  7/9 

Business  reply  cards  and  letters  in  busine.-:s  reply  envelopes  [regulations  issued 
by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying  instructions  bv  3d"  assistant  Post- 
master General].     June  7,  1928.     1  p.  il.   narrow  f"      (Order  7788.)      t 

P  1.19 :  7788 

How  to  order  i>nl>Iieatiou.s— See  infornintiou   following-   Contents 

June,  1928  1137 

Envelopes.  Proposal  and  specifications  for  stamped  envelopes  and  newspaper 
wrapijers  for  i>ostal  service,  for  4  years,  beginning  Jan.  1,  1929.  1928. 
[1]+14  p.  4°     [Bids  to  be  opened  Aug.  7,  1928.]     t  .    P  1.13  :  En  8AV929 

Mail  matter.  Cost  ascertainment:  Instruction  letter  A  [July  1,  1928],  Record 
of  revenues,  pieces,  and  weiglit  (if  all  classes  of  originating  mail  matter  ex- 
cepting publisher.s"  2d  class.     [1928.]     6  p.     I  P  4.5:  A/7 

Same:  Instruction  letter  B  [July  1,  1928],  Weii;hing  of  mails  by  classes 

and  destinations.     [1928.]     5  p.     t  P4.5:B/5 

Same:  Instruction  letter  C  [July  1,  1928],  Record  of  copies,  pieces,  reve- 
nues, and  weights  of  2d-class  matter  mailed  by  publishers  and  news  agents. 
[1928.]     4  p.    $  P  4.5  :  C/4 

■ — —  Same:  Instruction  letter  C  (supplemental)  [July  1,  1928],  Consolidation 
of  postmaster's  reix)rts  on  Form  16  of  copies,  pieces,  revenues,  and  weights  of 
publishers'  2d  class.     [1928.]     3  p.     t  P  4.5 :  C/4/supp. 

Same:  Instruction  letter  D  [July  1.  1928],  Volume  tests.     [1928.]     4  p.    $ 

P  4.5 :  D/4 

Same:  Instruction  letter  E  [July  1,  1928].  Weights,  or  number  of  sacks, 

of   incoming   mails   from   foreign   countries    and    United    States    possessions. 
[1928.]     3  p.    t  P4.5:B/2 

Same:  Instruction  letter  F  [July  1.  1928],  Time  studies  and  expenditures 

[at  post  offices,  including  classified  stations  and  branches].     [1928.]     11  p.     $ 

P  4.5 :  F/8 

■ ■     Same:  Instruction  letter  G    [July  1,  1928],  Time  and  expenditures  for 

city  carrier  service  [including  carrier  stations  and  branches].     [1928.]     3  p.    $ 

P  4.5 :  G/3 

Same:    Instruction    letter   H    [July    1,    1928],    Tests    in    carrier    .';ervice. 

[1928.]      6  p.     t  P4.5:H/4 

Same:  Instruction  letter  I   [July  1,  1928],  3d  and  4th  class  post  offices. 

[1928.]     3  p.     t  P  4.5: 1/4 

Same:  Instruction  letter  K  [July  1,  1928],  Rural  delivery  service.     [1928.] 

3   p.      $  P4.5:K/8 

■ Same:  Instruction  letter  L  [July  1,  1928],  Measurement  and  apportion- 
ment of  floor  space  [at  post  offices,  inelud  ng  stations  and  branch  offices]. 
[1928.]     2  p.     $  P4.5:L 

Same;  Instruction  letter  R  [July  1,  1928],  Railway  Mail  Service  distribu- 
tion and  tests.     [1928.]     5  p.     $  P4.5:R/6 

Same:  Instruction  letter  T  [July  1,  1928],  Large  terminal  R.  P.  O.  time 

reports  and  tests.      [1928.]     4  p.     t  P  4.5 :  T/3 

Same:  Instruction  letter  U  [July  1,  1928],  Record  of  revenues  by  classes 

on   drop  mails  and  station  letter-box  collections  bv   Railwav  Mail   Service. 
[1928.]     3  p.     t  ■  P4.5:U/3 

Same:  Instruction  letter  V  [July  1,  1928],  Ra'lwav  Mail  Service  volume 

tests.     [1928.]     3  p.     $  P  4.5 :  V/3 

Same:  Instruction  letter  W  [July  1,  1928],  Number  of  sacks  of  incoming 

mails  from  foreign  countries  and  United  States  possessions.     [1928.]     2  p.     J 

P  4.5 :  W/3 

■ Same:  Instruction  letter  Y  [July  1.  1928],  Record  of  space  used  for  dis- 
tribution and  storage  purposes  in  R.  P.  O.  and  apartment  R.  P.  O.  cars. 
[1928.]     3  p.     t  P4.5:Y/3 

• Modification   of  conditions   governing  acceptance   of   nonmetered   permit 

of  matter  of  1st  class  without  .stamps  affixed.    June  8,  1928.    1  p.  oblonL;-  32°     t 

P  12  :  N  73 

Money-orders.  Stolen  money-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster 
General.     June  1,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  8"     t  P  4.2 :  M  74/188 

Stolen  money-order  forms;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

June  4,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  large  S"     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/189 

Hotv  to  order  x>nblicatious — See   information  folloivinja:   Contents 


June.  1928 

Money-orders — Contiuued. 

.    stolen  monej'-order  forms ;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

June  11,  1928.    1  p,  narrow  large  8°    t  P  4.2  :  M  74/190 
Stolen  mi>ney-order  forms;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

June  19,  1918.     1  p.  narrow  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :  M  74/191 
Stolen  money-order  forms ;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

June  22,  1928.     1  p.  large  8°     t  P  4.2  :M  74/192 
Stolen  money-order  forms ;   [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General. 

June  25,  1928.    1 'p.  narrow  large  8°    t  P  4.2  :  M  74/193 

Parcel  post.  Increased  parcel-post  facilities  for  Germany  [amendments  to 
Postal  laws  and  regulations ;  issued  by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompany- 
ing instructions  by  2d  and  Sd  assistant  Postmasters  General].  June  23,  192S. 
1  p.  r     (Order  7858.)     t  P  1.19 :  7858 

Postage.  Amendment  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  [of  United  States,  edition 
of  1"J24]  :  Rates  of  postage  on  air  mail.  June  7,  1928.  1  p.  oblong  24"  (Order 
7773.)     t  P  1.19:  7773 

Amendments  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations   [of  United  States,  edition 

of  1924]  :  Postage  on  private  mailing  cards  (post  cards)  1  ce)it  each.  June  7, 
1928.     1  p.  oblong  48"     (Order  7786.)     t  P  1.19 :  7786 

Changes  in  postage  rates  effective  July  1,  1928;  [issued  by]  3d  assistant 

Postmaster  General.    June  7,  1928.    1  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  4.2  :  P  84/10 

Postage    due    on    short-paid    matter    [regailations    issued    by    Postmaster 

General,  with  accompanyilig  instructions  by  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General]. 
June  7,  1928.     1  p.  12"      (Order  7787.)     t  P  1.19 :  7787 

Postage  rates,  limits  of  weight,  and  maximum  dimensions  for  articles  in 

regular  mails  to  foreign  countries.    1928.    1  p.  narrow  ft  P  1-2  :  F  76/2 

• Postage  rates  on  2d-class  matter  [regulations  issued  by  Postmaster  Gen- 
eral, with  accompanying  instructions  by  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General]. 
June  7,  1928.     1  p.  narrow  f°     (Order  7792.)     t  P  1.19 :  7792 

Rate  of  postage  on  certain  books  mailed  by  and  to  certain  public  libraries, 

organizations,  or  associations.    June  7,  1928.    1  p.  12"     (Order  7791.)     t 

P  1.19 :  7791 

Rates   of  postage   on   3d-class   matter   including   rates    on    bulk    lots   of 

identical  pieces  [regulations  issued  by  Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying 
instructions  by  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General].  June  7,  1928.  1  p.  nar- 
row f"     (Order  7789.)     t  P  1.19  :  7789 

Rates  of  postage  on  4th-class  matter.    June  7,  1928.    1  p.  narrow  large  8" 

(Order   7790.)      t  P  1.19  :  7790 

Postage-stamps.    Issuance  of  new  special-handling  stamps  delayed;  [issued  by]    | 
3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     June  22,  1928.     1  p.  oblong  32°     t.  ■ 


Requisitions  not  to  be  submitted  for  new  denomination  special-delivery     ' 

stamps:    [issued  by]  3d  assistant  Postmaster  General.     June  22,  1928.     1  p.   .] 
oblong  48"     t  P4.2:  Sp3/4    | 

Postal  bulletin,  v.  49,  no.  14704-729 ;  June  1-30,  1928.     [1928.]    various  paging,  11.    I 
f"     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  0-5810  P  1.3  :  49 

Postal  guide.    United  States  official  postal  guide,  4th  series,  v.  7,  no.  12:  June, 
1928,  monthly  supplement.    1928.    ciiver-title.  110"+ [2]  p.  il.    [Includes  Changes 
202-210  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  July,  1927,  and  Inserts      . 
335-383  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of   United   States,   edition   of   1924.     ( 
Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]      *  Official  postal   guide,  with   supplements,   $1.25, 
foreign  subscription,  $1.75;  July  issue,  $1.00:  supplements  published  monthly 
(11  pamphlets).  50c.,  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  4-18254  P  1.10/1 :  927/12 

Postmaster,^.  Compensation  to  postmasters,  4th-class  offices;  [issued  by]  1st 
assistant  Postmaster  General.    June  18,  1928.     1  p.  4"     t  P  2.2:0  73 

How  to  order  publications— See  informntion   follOAvins   Contents 

June,  1928  113^ 

Registered  mail.  Indemnity  up  to  $1,000  provided  for  loss,  rifling,  or  damage 
of  domestic  registered  mail  effective  July  1,  1928  [regTilations  issued  hy 
Postmaster  General,  with  accompanying  instructions  by  3d  assistant  Post- 
master General].     June  9,  1928.     1  p.  f"     (Order  7783.)     f  P  1.19: 7783- 


Steamboats.     Schedule   of   steamers   appointed   to  convey  mails  from   United 
States  to  foreign  countries,  July,  1928.     [June  20,  1928.]     7  p.  f°     [Monthly.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26231  P  8.5  :  928/7r 


Finger-prints.     Instructions  concerning  finger  impressions  in  connection  witlu 

postal  savings  transactions.     Revision  of  Feb.  1928.     1928.  cover-title,  8  p. 
(Form  PS  45.)      t 

L.  C.  card  28-26268  P  19.2  :  F  49/2: 


Envelopes.  Award  of  contracts  for  envelopes  for  use  of  departments  of  Gov- 
ernment during  fiscal  year  1929.     1928.     cover-title,  ii-fS  p.  il.  4°     t 

P  15.2 :  En  8/6/929. 


Mail-trains.  Schedule  of  mail  trains  no.  467,  June  19,  1928,  3d  division,  Railway 
Mail  Service,  comprising  District  of  Columbia,  Maryland,  North  Carolina,. 
Virginia,  and  West  Virginia  (except  peninsula  of  Maryland  and  Virginia). 
1928.     160  p.  narrow  8°     $  P  10.12/3  :  467' 

New  York  City.  Scheme  of  city  distribution,  New  York.  N.  Y.,  for  use  in 
Railway  Mail  Service;  corrected  to  June,  1928.  1928.  [1]-1-1-10  p.-|-leaves 
11-66+p.  67-68,  narrow  12°     $  P  1.18  :  N  42  y/8^ 


Note. — Since  February,  1908,  the  Division  of  Topography  has  been  preparing  rural- 
delivery  maps  of  counties  in  which  rural  delivery  is  completely  established.  They  are 
published  in  two  forms,  one  giving  simply  the  rural  free  delivery  routes,  starting  from- 
a  single  given  post  office,  and  sold  at  75' cents  each;  the  other,  the  rural  free  delivery 
routes  in  an  entire  county,  sold  at  50  cents  each.  A  uniform  scale  of  1  inch  to  1  mile  is 
used.  Editions  are  not  issued,  but  blue  line  print  copies  are  produced  in  response  to- 
special  calls  addressed  to  the  Disbursing  Clerk,  Post  Office  Department,  Washington  D.  C. 
These  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the  post  route  maps,  for  which  see  Monthly, 
catalogue  for  February,   1928,  page  630. 


Alien  property.  Executive  order  authorizing  Alien  Property  Custodian  to  selt 
certain  property  at  private  sale  [being  real  estate  in  Hanover  Township, 
Luzerne  County,  Pa.,  belonging  to  Caroline  Countess  Zur  Lippe  et  al.  of 
Germany].     [June  6,  1928.]     2  p.  f°     ([No.  4905.])     $  Pr  30.5 :  Al  42/50^ 

Arizona.  Executive  order,  Arizona  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Apr.  25,  1925, 
which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Arizona  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending- 
resurvey,  and  authorizing  that  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry  under  home 
stead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualfied  ex-service  men  of  War  with  German> 
for  a  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be  open  to 
general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  May  26,  1928. 
1  p.  f°     (No.  4895.)     %  Pr  30.5  :  Ar  47/22- 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey.  Executive  order  [including  in  classified  civil 
service  positions  of  skilled  laborer  and  t'de  observer  now  held  by  William  C. 
Meyer  and  Frederik  A.  Kummell,  respectively,  in  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey]. 
May  26,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4891.)     |  Pr  30.5 :  M  575/2: 

HoTV  to  order  publications — See  information   follo'fving'   Contents 

1 J4Q  June,  1928 

Coast  Guard  Depot,  Curtis  Bay.  Executive  order  [authorizing  that  employees 
of  Coast  Guard  Depot,  Curtis  Bay,  Md.,  whose  names  appear  on  list  furnished 
Civil  Service  Commisson  by  direction  of  Secretary  of  Treasury  in  indorse- 
ment dated  May  7,  1928,  be  included  in  competitive  classified  service].  May 
22,1928.     1  p.  r      (No.  4886.)      t  Pr  30.5 :  C  631/5 

Colorado.  Executive  order,  Colorado  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in 
Colorado  from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  township].  June 
2,1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4900.)     %  Pr  30.5 :  C  719/27 

Comuls.  Executive  order  [amending  Regulations  governing  consular  service 
of  United  States,  annotated,  concerning  registration  of  American  citizens]. 
May  26,  1928.     1  p.  f °     (No.  4893.)     %  Pr  30.5  :  C  766/17 

Customs  Service.  Executive  order  [creating  customs  station  of  Charlotte, 
N.  C,  as  l>ort  of  entry  in  customs  collection  district  no.  15  (North  Carolina) 
with  headquarters  at  Wilmington,  N.  C,  effective  30  days  from  date  of  this 
order].     May  29,  1928.     1  p.  r     (No.  4899.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  N  811/5 

Deer  Flat  Reservation.  4th  Executive  order.  Deer  Flat  Reservation,  Idaho 
[revoking  Executive  order  of  Feb.  25,  1909,  setting  apart  lands  in  Idaho  as 
preserve  and  breeding  ground  for  native  birds,  in  so  far  as  it  affects  certain 
lands  in  Idaho].    June  6,  1928.    1  p.  map,  f     (No.  4904.)     t       Pr  30.5  :  D  86/2 

Engraving  and  Printing  Bureau.  Executive  order  [authorizing  transfer  to 
appropriate  subclerical  positions,  without  change  in  civil  service  status,  of 
those  unclassified  laborers  in  rag  laundry  in  Bureau  of  Engraving  and  Print- 
ing who  cannot  be  placed  elsewhere  in  unclassified  positions].  May  26,  1928. 
Ip.  f°     (No.  4894.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  En  36/2 

Foreign  service.  Executive  order,  amending  Chapter  iv-8  of  Instructions  to 
diplomatic  oflicers  of  United  States:  Regulations  governing  foreign  service 
officers  assigned  for  language  study  in  China  and  Japan.  [May  26,  1928.] 
3  p.  f°     ( [No.  4892.] )     t  Pr  30.5  :  F  761/11 

Hmlbert,  Mrs.  Victoria  A.  Executive  order  [authorizing  employment  of  Mrs. 
Victoria  A.  Hulbert  as  clerk  at  headquarters,  Marine  Corps,  Wa.shington, 
D.  C.].    June  8,  1928.    1  p.  f°     (No.  4907.)     t  Pr  30.5  :H  876 

Idaho.  Executive  order,  Idaho  [temporarily  withdrawing  certain  public  lands 
in  Idaho  from  all  foi-ms  of  appropriation,  pending  classification  and  in  aid 
of  legislation].    May  21,  1928.    1  p.  f °     (No.  4885.)     %  Pr  30.5  :  Id  1/10 

Indians.  Executive  order  [providing  that  trust  period  on  allotments  of 
Pawnee  Indians  of  Oklahoma,  which  expires  during  calendar  year  1928,  be 
extended  for  period  of  10  years,  except  those  named  in  order].  May  29,  1928. 
1  p.  r     (No.  4898.)     t  Pr  30.5  :P  289 

McLaugJilin,  Mrs.  Kate.  Executive  order  [authorizing  reinstatement  of  Mrs. 
Kate  McLaughlin  to  appropriate  position  in  Government  Printing  Ofiice]. 
June  6,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4906.)     t  Pr 30.5  :M  222 

Minnesota.  Executive  order,  Minnesota  [temporarily  withdrawing  certain 
public  lands  in  Minnesota  fi'om  settlement,  etc.,  for  classification  and  in  aid 
of  proposed  legislation].     May  26,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4889.)     t 

Pr  30.5 :  M  666/7 

National  forests.  Executive  order,  Montana  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Dec. 
15,  1913,  which  reserved  land  in  Montana  for  use  by  Forest  Service  as  Sure- 
shot  ranger  station  in  connection  with  administration  of  Madison  National 
Forest,  Mont.].    June  12,  1928.    1  p.  r     (No.  4910.)     |  Pr  30.5 :  M  762/6 

Executive  order  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Dec.  22,  1924,  which  estab- 
lished Jackson  National  Forest,  S.  C,  on  portion  of  Camp  Jackson  military 
reservation,  S.  C.].    May  17,  1928.    1  p.  f     (No.  4884.)     t         Pr  30.5 :  J  139/2 

Ozark  National   Forest,  Ark.,  7th  proclamation.     June  13,   1928.     1  p. 

map,  f     (No.  1839.)     f  Pr  30.7 :0z  1/2 

Plumas  National  Forest,  Calif.,  6th  proclamation.    June  9,  1928.    1  p.  f 

(No.  1838.)     t  Pr  30.7  :P  731 

Wallowa    National    Forest,    Oreg.,    6th    proclamation.      [June   6,    1928.] 

[2]p.  f"     ([No.  3837.])     t  Pr30.7:W  159/2 

How  to  order  imlilications— See   information   following  Contents 

June,  1928  .  1141 

A'euj  Mexico.  Executive  order,  New  Mexico  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands 
in  New  Mexico  from  settlement,  etc.,  for  classification  and  in  aid  of  legisla- 
tion].    June  4,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4901.)      t  Tr  3U.5  :  N  42  m  34 

Regan,  Mrs.  Rita  C.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  Rita  C. 
Regan  to  clerkship  in  Boston,  Mas.s.,  office].  May  23,  1928.  1  p.  f  (No. 
4S87.)     t  Pr  30.5  :R  261 

Sill,  Mrs.  A7ma  E.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Mrs.  Anna  E. 
Sill  to  appropriate  position  in  classified  or  unclassified  civil  service].  May  16, 
1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4883.)     t  Pr  30.5:  Si  35 

Steinberg,  John  C.  Executive  order  [prolonging  eligibility  for  reinstatement 
of  John  Charles  Steinberg  to  appropriate  position  in  Government  service]. 
June  8,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4908.)     $  Pr  30.5:  St  34 

Utah.  Executive  order,  Utah  [temporarily  %vithdrawing  certain  public  lands 
in  Utah  from  settlement,  etc.,  for  classification  and  pending  determination, 
as  to  advisability  of  adding  same  to  Zion  National  Park].  May  25,  1928. 
1  p.  f°     (No.  4888.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  Ut  1/24 

Executive  order,  Utah   [withdrawing  certain  public  land  in  Utah  from 

settlement,  etc.,  for  use  bv  Department  of  Commerce  in  maintenance  of  air 
navigation  facilities].     May  28,   1928.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4896.)     $ 

Pr  30.5  :  Ai  71/25 

Veteran  preference.  Executive  order  [creating  advisory  committee  whose  duty 
will  be  to  study,  analyze,  and  report  upon  civil  service  rules  relating  to 
veteran  preference  and  appointing  members  of  such  advisory  committee]. 
June  9,  1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4909.)     $  Pr  30.5:  Ad  96 

Virgin  Islands.  Executive  order  [directing  that  $260,000,  and  such  additional 
sum  as  may  become  available,  be  placed  to  credit  of  governor  of  Virgin 
Islands  to  be  expended  in  his  discretion  for  necessary  expenses  incident  to 
occupation  of  and  temporary  government  for  Virgin  Islands].  June  5,  1928. 
1  p.  t"     (No.  4903.)     t  Pr  30.5  :  V  819/6 

Walker,  Harry  W.  Executive  order  [authorizing  appointment  of  Hari-y  W. 
Walker  as  jwstmaster  at  Simsbury,  Conn.].  May  26,  1928.  1  p.  f°  (No. 
4890.)     t  Pr305:W152 

Wyoming.  Executive  order,  Wyoming  [revoking  Executive  order  of  Mar.  5, 
1924,  which  withdrew  certain  public  lands  in  Wyoming  from  settlement,  etc., 
pending  resurvey,  and  authorizing  tliat  said  lands  be  opened  only  to  entry 
under  homestead  or  desert  land  laws  by  qualified  ex-service  men  of  War 
with  Germany  for  period  of  91  days,  after  which  any  remaining  land  may  be 
oi)en  to  general  public  under  any  public  land  law  applicable  thereto].  May 
28,  1928.     1  p.  f"     (No.  4897.)     t  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/38 

Executive  order,  Wyoming  [withdrawing  certain  public  lands  in  Wyo- 
ming from  settlement,  etc.,  pending  resurvey  of  said  townships].  May  16, 
1928.     1  p.  f°     (No.  4882.)     J  Pr  30.5 :  W  994/37 


Freight  rates.  Before  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  no.  12596,  Pressed 
Steel  Car  Company  v.  director  general,  as  agent,  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad 
Company,  et  al. ;  motion  of  director  general,  as  agent,  to  vacate  and  set  aside 
order.     1928.     cover-title,   18  p.     i  Y  3.R  13/2  :  8  P  926/7 


Netv  York,  Chicago  and  St.  Louis  Railroad.  No.  5148,  in  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  6th  circuit,  Oct.  tei'm,  1927,  United  States  v.  New  York,  Chicago 
and  St.  Louis  Railroad  Company,  appeal  from  district  court,  northern  dis- 
trict of  Ohio,  eastern  division ;  brief  for  appellant.  1928.  cover-title, 
ii+29  p.     t  SB  1.13  :  N  42y 

Hot*'  to  order  publications — See  Information   follOTring   Contents 


June,  1928 

Russell  Wheel  and  Foundry  Company.  No.  5096,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  foi 
Cth  circuit,  Russell  Wheel  &  Foundry  Company  vs.  United  States,  error  to- 
district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Michigan;  [brief  for  defendant  in  error]. 
1928.     cover-title,  iii+60  p.     |  SB  1.13  :  R  919 


Ships.     Schedule  of  sailings,  passenger,  mail,  and  freight  vessels  operated  for 
Shipping  Board  between  United  States  and  foreign  ports,  June  1-July  15,. 
1928,  no.  79;  issued  by  TrafBc  Department.     [1928.]     vi+26  p.  il.     [Montlily. 
Imprint  date  incorrectly  given  on  back  of  cover  as  1927.]     t 
L.  C.  card  23-26331  SB  2.14 :  928/(? 


Note. — In  a  recent  price-list,  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  this  notice :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  requested  to  state  the  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  iu 
which  they  are  especially  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  is  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  ptiblication  numbers  arranged  in  sequence. 
The  serial  publications  of  the  Smithsonian  Institution  are  as  follows :  1,  Smithsonian 
contriliutions  to  knowledge;  2,  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections;  3,  Smithsonian 
annual  reports.  No  sets  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are 
out  of  print.  The  papers  issued  in  the  series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and  Mis- 
cellaneous collections  are  distributed  without  charge  to  public  libraries,  educational 
establishments,  learned  societies,  and  specialists  in  this  country  and  abroad ;  and  are 
supplied  to  other  institutions  and  individuals  at  the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should 
be  made  payable  to  the  '  Smithsonian  Institution.'  The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 
the  papers  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitously  by  the 
Institution  to  libraries  and  individuals  throughout  the  world.  Very  few  of  the  Report 
volumes  are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  many  of  those  of  which  the  Smith- 
sonian edition  is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing-lists 
of  public  libraries  and  other  educational  establishments,  but  no  general  mailing-Ust  of 
incUvduals.  A  library  making  application  to  be  listed  for  Smithi5onian  publications 
should  state  the  number  of  volumes  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment, 
and  have  the  endorsement  of  a  Member  of  Congress." 

The  annual  nports  are  the  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as 
public  documents.  All  the  others  are  paid  for  from  the  private  funds  of  the  Institution, 
but  as  they  are  usually  regarded  as  public  documents  and  have  free  transmission  by 
mail  they  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogue. 

Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections,  v.  80  [title-page  and  contents].  Wasli- 
ington,  Smithsonian  Institution,  1928.  v  p.  (Publication  2969.)  t  Price  on 
application.  SI  1.7 :  80/t.  p.  &  cont. 


Report.  Annual  report  of  American  Historical  Association,  1924,  supplement. 
1928.     xxiii-1-292  p.     *  Cloth,  75c. 

L.  C.  card  4-18261  SI  4.1 :  924/supp. 

Contexts. — Writings  on  American  history,  1924,  bibliography  of  books  and  articles 
on  United  States  and  Canadian  history  published  during  1924,  with  some  memoranda 
on  other  portions  of  America;  compiled  by  Grace  Gardner  Griffin. 

■ •     Same.     (H.  doc.  696,  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  National  Museum  comprise  an  annual  report  and  three 
scientific  series,  viz.,  Proceedings,  Bulletin.s,  and  Contributions  from  national  herbarium. 
Ihe  editions  are  distributed  to  established  lists  of  libraries,  scentiflc  institutions,  and 
specialists,  any  surplus  copies  being  supplied  on  application.  The  Proceedings  are  usually 
brief  ticlinical  papers  and  the  Bulletins  generally  monographs  based  on  the  Museum  col- 
led ions  111  biology,  geology,  and  anthropology.  No  sets  of  any  of  these  series  can  now  be 

Beginning  with  v.  66,  the  binding  of  volumes  of  Proceedings  in  either  paper  or  cloth  was  a 
aiscontinued.  The  separate  papers  will  be  sent  to  depository  libraries  and  to  others  I 
ucsignated  to  receive  them,  as  issued,  and  a  title-page  and  index  will  be  published  for  ^ 
each  volume  so  that  the  volume  may  be  bound  if  desired. 

Asteroidea  of  north  Pacific  and  adjacent  waters:  pt.  2,  Forcipulata  (part)  [with 
bibhography]  ;  by  Walter  Kenrick  Fisher.     1928.     iii-l-245  p.  il.  81  p.  of  pi. 
large  4"     (Bulletin  76.)     *  Paper,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  11-35787  SI  33  :  76/2 

How  to  order  publications— See  Information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  1143 

Fire-making  apparatus  in  National  Museum ;  by  Walter  Hough.  1928.  cover- 
title,  72  p.  11.  11  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  14;  no.  2735.)     t 

SI  3.6 :  2735 

Meteorites.  Concerning  origin  of  metal  in  meteorites ;  by  George  P.  Merrill. 
1928.     cover-title,  7  p.  3  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  21;  no.  2742.)     t 

SI  3.6 :  2742 

Moths.  New  moths  of  family  Ceruridae  (Notodontidae)  in  National  Museum; 
by  William  Schaus.  1928.  cover-title,  90  p.  (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  19; 
no.  2740.)     t  SI  3.6:  2740 

Pterosauria.  New  pterosaurian  reptile  from  marine  Cretaceous  of  Oregon ;  by 
Charles  W.  Gilmore.  1928.  cover-title,  5  p.  il.  (Proceedings,  v.  7'^,  art.  24; 
no.  2745.)     t  SI  3.6:  2745 

Sapromysidac.  Notes  on  American  2-winged  flies  of  family  Sapromyzidae ;  by 
J.  II.  Malloch.  1928.  cover-title,  IS  p.  il.  (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  23;  no. 
2744.)     t  SI  3.6:  2744 

Scorpions  of  western  part  of  United  States,  with  notes  on  those  occurring  in 
northern  Mexico  [and  with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  B.  Ewing.  1928. 
cover-title,  24  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  9;  no.  2730.)     t 

SI  3.6 :  2730 

Vertebrates.  Field  notes  on  vertebrates  collected  by  Smithsonian-Chrysler  Bast 
African  expedition  of  1926;  bv  Arthur  Loveridse.  1928.  cover-title.  69  p. 
4  p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  17;  no.  2738.)     t  SI  3.6:  2738 

Zeolites  from  Ritter  Hot  Spring,  Grant  County,  Oreg. ;  [articles]  by  D.  F. 
Hewett,  Earl  V.  Shannon,  and  Forest  A.  Gonyer.  1928.  cover -title,  IS  p.  il.  2 
p.  of  pi.     (Proceedings,  v.  73,  art.  16;  no.  2737.)     t  SI  3.6  :  2737 

Contents. — Introduction.— Occurrence    of    zeolites  ;    by    D.    F.    Hewett. — Description 
of  minerals  ;  by  Earl  V.  Shannon  and  Forest  A.  Gonyer. 


Alien  property.     Arrangement  effected  by  exchange  of  notes  between   United 
States  and  Great  Britain  regarding  releases  of  property  seized  under  American 
and  British  trading  with  the  enemy  acts;  signed"  [London]   Jan.  4  and  Feb. 
23,1927.     1928.     [l]+4p.     (Treaty  series  754-A.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
li.  C.  card  28-26470  S  9.5/2  :  G  79/78 

ICircular^  1069;  May  10,  1928.  [1928.]  5  p.  [General  instruction  circular 
to  consular  officers.]     %  S  1.4/2: 1069 

Colorado  River.  Equitable  use  of  waters  of  lower  Colorado  River  and  Rio 
Grande,  in  response  to  resolution,  report  submitting  information  regarding 
equitable  use  of  waters  of  lower  Colorado  River  and  Rio  Grande.  May  28, 
calendar  day  May  29,  1928.  9  p.  (S.  doc.  163,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  *  Paper, 
L.  C.  card  28-26496 

Diplomatic   list,    June,    1928.     [1928.]     cover-title,   ii+46   p.    24°     *  Paper,    5c. 
single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  65c. 
L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8:  928/6 

Extradition.     Supplementary    extradition,    convention    between    United    States 
and  Honduras;  signed  Tegucigalpa,  Feb.  21,  1927,  proclaimed  June  7,  1928. 
1928.     4  p.     (Treaty  series  761.)      [English  and  Spanish.]     *  Paper,  5e. 
L.  C.  card  28-26470  S  9.5/2  :  H  75/5 

Friendship.  Friendship,  commerce,  and  consular  rights,  treaty  of  friendship, 
commerce,  and  consular  rights  between  United  States  and  Honduras ;  signed 
Tegucigalpa,  Dec.  7,  1927.  Jan.  5,  1928.  14  p.  (Confidential;  Senate  execu- 
tive C,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)  [Injunction  of  secrecy  removed  May  25, 
1928.]     %  Y  1.70/1:0 

HoTF  to  order  publications— See  information   folloTving   Contents 

J  J ^4  June,  1928 

Friendship — Continued. 

riendsMp — connnuea. 

Friendship,  commerce,  and  consular  rights  with  Latvia,  treaty  of  friend- 
ship, commerce,'  and  consular  rights  between  United  States  and  Latvia,  signed 
■r.: .'     * —    on    100Q    TTTith  in^-prnrptfi tivp  nrotocol    Tsisfned  Risa.  Anr.  20.  lOiiSl 

snip,  commerce,  lum  <j«juaui<;ii  ii-,wu..>  ,j^^,,^^.^  v^»..i^^.  ......>,^..  — v.  ^^.^.,^,  ^.„..^^ 

Riga  Apr.  20,  1928,  with  interpretative  protocol  [signed  Riga,  Apr.  20,  1928] 
accompanying  treaty.  May  16,  1928.  14  p.  (Confidential;  Senate  executive 
M    70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)      [Injunction  of  secrecy  removed  May  25.  1928.]     t 

Y  1.70/1  :M 

Liquors.    Prevention  of  smuggling  of  alcoholic  beverages  witli  Greece,  conven- 
tion to  aid  in  prevention  of  smuggling  of  alcoholic  beverages  into  United  States  | 
concluded  between  United  States  ond  Greece;   [s'gned  Washington]  Apr.  25, 
1928.    Apr.   30,   1928.    4  p,     (Confidential;    Senate  executive   I,   70th   Cong. 
1st  sess.)      [Injunction  of  secrecy  removed  May  25,  1928.]     t         Y  1.70/1 :  I 


Boston  and  Maine  Railroad.  Certificate,  Oct.  term,  1927,  no.  978,  United  States 
vs.  Boston  &  Maine  Railroad;  no.  979,  Old  Colony  Trust  Company  et  al., 
executors  [of  William  M.  W^ood],  vs.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on 
certificate  from  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit.  [1928.]  cover-title, 
i+4  p.     J  Ju  6.7 :  B  657/2 

[JoiirnaU  June  4  and  5.  1928;  [slips]  106  and  107.     [1928.]     leaves  339-347.     t 

Ju  6.5 :  927 

Official  reports  of  Supreme  Court,  v.  275  U.  S.,  no.  3 ;  Ernest  Knaebel.  reporter. 
Preliminary  print.  1928.  cover-title,  ii+279-482  p.  12"  [Cases  adjudged  in 
Supreme  Court  at  Oct.  term,  1927  (opinions  of  Dec.  5,  1927,  in  part-Jan.  3, 
1928).  This  number  contains  table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  275,  pts.  1-3.  Text 
on  p.  2-4  of  cover.  From  United  States  reports,  v.  275.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,  50c.  per  vol.  (4  nos.  to  a  vol.;  subscription  price,  $1.50  for  12  nos.)  ; 
foreign  subscription,  5c.  added  for  each  pamphlet.  Ju  6.8/la  :  275/3 


Svfjar-'bcets.    Costs  of  producing  sugar  beets:  pt.  6,  Idaho,  report  on  farmers' 
costs  of  producing  sugar  beets  in  Idaho,  1921,  1922,  and  19'23.     [Revised  edi- 
tion.]    1928.     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  O.  card  25-26969  TC  1.2  :  Su  3/2/pt.  6,  rev. 


Decisions.    Reports,  v.  10,  no.  6 ;  Feb.  21,  1928.     [1928.]     vi-j- 599-824  p.     [Con- 
tains decisions  promulgated  Feb.  S-16,  1928.]     *  Paper,  $1.50  per  vol. 
L.  C.  card  24-27411  Y  3.T  19  :  5/10-6 

Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Tax  App^eals  Board  have  been  placed  on  a  subscription 
basis  and  are  to  be  issued  in  small  pamphlets  until  a  sufficient  number  have  teen  pub- 
lished to  make  a  volume.  The  price  of  these  advance  pamphlets  will  be  $1.50  per 
volume.  Later,  bound  volumes,  containing  table  of  contents  and  index,  will  be  issued, 
the  price  of  these  being  given  at  time  of  publication. 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Extract  from  Regulations  of  Treasury  Department 
with  respect  to  United  States  bonds  and  notes  (Treasury  Department  circular 
300,  dated  July  31.  1923)  :  Extract  1,  Assignments  in  case  of  death  of  regis- 
tered holder.       [1928.]     3  p.  4°     t  T  1.4/2a :  B  64/928 

• Payment  of  3d  liberty  loan  at  maturity.     July  2,  1928.     4  p.  4°     (Depart-  ' 

ment  circular  403;  Public  Debt  [Commissioner].)     t  T  1.4/2  :  403 

Certificates  of  indebtedness.  United  States  of  America,  Treasury  certificates  of 
indebtedness,  dated  and  bearing  interest  from  June  15,  1928,  series  TD3-1928, 
4  i>er  cent,  due  Dec.  15,  1928,  series  TM2-1929,  3ys  per  cent,  due  Mar.  15,  1929. 
June  6,  1928.  1  p.  4°  (Department  circular  400;  Public  Debt  [Commis- 
sioner].)    t  T  1.4/2:  400 

How  to  orrter  publications— See  information   following   Contents 

June,  1928  1145 

Finance.     Daily  statement  of  Treasury  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports  from 
Treasury  offices  and  depositaries,  June  1-30,  1928.     [1928.]     Each  4  p.  or  3  p. 
t°    [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 
L.  C.  card  15-3303  T  1.5  :  928 

Public  debt.     Statement  of  pnl)lic  debt  of  United  States,  Apr.  30,  1928.     [192S.] 
[2]  p.  narrow  f     [Monthly.]     f 
L.  O.  card  1 0-212(18  T  9.9 :  928/4 

Telephone  directory  of  Treasury  Department  [May,  1928].     1928.     ii+51  p.     t 

T  1.28 :  928 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  internal  revenue,  prohibition,  and  other  laws, 
including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  Appeals,  v.  53, 
no.  23-26,  1928.  1928.  various  paging.  [Weekly.  Department  decisions 
numbered  4278^-844,  abstracts  6092-6305,  internal  revenue  decisions  4159-70 
(except  4169  which  has  been  printed  as  supplement  to  Treasury  decisions,  for 
which  see,  below,  under  Internal  Revenue  Bureau),  prohibition  33,  Tariff 
Commission  Notices  78-79,  later  Tariff  Conimission  Notices  55.  60,  70,  and  72, 
and  miscellaneous  (disbarments).]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  for- 
eign snibseription.  $2.50. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2  :  53/23-26 


Addresses  of  President  of  United  States  and  director  of  Bureau  of  Budget  at 
15th  regular  meeting  of  business  organization  of  Government  at  Memorial 
Continental  Hall,  June  11,  1928.     1928.     [2]  +18  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  O.  card  25-26655  T  51.2  :  G  74/14 

Claims  allowed  by  General  Accounting  Office,  schedules  of  claims  allowed  by 
various  divisions  of  General  Accounting  Office.  May  3,  calendar  day  May  22, 
1928.     13  p.     ( S.  doc.  128,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess  )     *  Paper,  5c. 


Boatswains.  Regulations  governing  appointments  of  chief  boatswains  (L)  in 
Coast  Guard.     [1928.]     3  p.     t  T47.8:B03 

Circular  78  and  79  ;  May  10  and  28,  1928.    1928.    1  p.  and  2  p.     $    .T  47.7/3  :  78,  79 

Orders.     General  order  43  ;  May  7,  1928.     [1928.]     2  p.     f  T  47.5/4 :  43 

Pail.  [Amendments]  to  Pay  and  supply  instructions  [Coast  Guard,  1926]  no. 
15  and  16 ;  Apr.  13  and  May  10,  1928.     [1928.]     9  p.  and  1  p.    t 

T  47.8 :  P  29/3/926/amdt.  15, 16 

[Regulations  for  Coast  Guard.  1923]  index.  [Revised  edition.]  ^  Mar.  1928.  34 
p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Regulations.]     t 

T  47.9 :  923/ind. 


National  banks.     Monthly  statement  of  capital  stock  of  national  banks,  national 
bank  notes,  and  Federal  reserve  bank  notes  outstanding,  bonds  on  deposit,  etc. 
[June  1,  1928].     June  1,  1928.     1  p.  narroAV  f°     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21266  T  12.9 :  928/6 


Reappraiseinents  of  merchandise  by  Customs  Court  [on  May  16-June  28,  1928]  ; 
June  8  and  29.  1928.      [1928.]     1031-75+ [iv]   p.      (Reappraisement  circular 
48  and  49.)      [Weekly;  none  issued  May  25,  June  1,  15,  or  22,  1928.]     *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.30. 
L.  C.  card  13-2916  T  20.4/3  :  48,  49 

HoTT  to  order  publications — See  information   folloTviiis  Contents 


June,  1928 


Banks  and  hanking.  Statements  of  condition  of  Federal  land  banlis,  joint  stock 
land  banks  Federal  intei-mediate  credit  banks,  compiled  from  tbeir  repoi'ts  to 
Federal    Farm    Loan    Board    as    of    Apr.     30,     1928.     1928.     ii+29    p.     4° 

K"S'SV263S3  T  48.6:  928/2 

Report,    lltb  annual  report  of  Federal  Farm  Loan  Board,  year  ended  Dec.  31, 

1927.  1928.     iii+122  p.     (H.  doc.  324,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  18-26147 


Government  supplies.  Awards  for  definite  and  additional  quantity  supplies 
[fiscal  year  1929]  :  classes  1,  3,  and  10  [July  1-Sept.  30,  1928].  [1928.]  29  p. 
40     I    *  T  45.6:  929/1 

Specifications    and   proposals   for    supplies    [fiscal    year    1929]  :  class    8 

[Gasoline  and  kerosene,  July  1-Sept.  30,  1928].     [1928.]     2  p.  4°    t 

T  45.5/18 :  8/2 

Same  [Oct.  1-Dec.  31,  1928].     [1928.]     2  p.  4"     t  T  45.5/18:  8/3 

Same  [Jan.  1-Mar.  31,  1929].     [1928.]     2  p.  4<>     f  T  45.5/18 : 8/4 

Same  [Apr.  1- June  30,  1929].    1928.]     2  p.  4"     f  T  45.5/18:  8/5 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Market  prices  and  investment  values  of  outstanding 
bonds  and  notes  [of  United  States,  May,  1928].  June  1,  1928.  5  p.  4° 
(Form  A.)     [Monthly.]     t  T  50.5 :  928/5 


Stock  companies.  Juridical  status  of  foreign  corporations  in  American  republics 
[report  of  6th  International  Conference  of  American  States;  published  by] 
Central  Executive  Council  of  Inter  American  High  Commission.     [Reprint] 

1928.  cover-title,  vii-fl28  p.     [Spanish  and  English.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26339  T  1.23/2 :  C  81/4/928 


Income  tax.  Income,  profits,  and  estate  taxes,  computation  of  income,  vpar- 
profits,  excess-profits,  and  estate  taxes  in  cases  where  property  is  or  has  been 
in  custody  of  United  States  under  trading  wth  the  enemy  act,  and  collection 
and  payment  of  internal-revenue  taxes  from  such  property.  [1928.]  12  p. 
([Treasury  decision]  4168.)      [From  Treasury  decisions,  v.  53,  no.  26.]     t 

T  l.ll/2a  :  In  2/52 

Internal  revenue  inJIetin.     Internal  revenue  bulletin,  v.  7,  no.  23-26;  June  4-25, 
1928.     1928.    various  paging.     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy   (for  sub- 
scription price  see  note  below). 
L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  928/23-26 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  service  for  1928  will  consist  of  weekly  bulle- 
tins and  semiannual  cumulative  bulletins.  The  weekly  bulletins  will  contain  the  rulings 
and  decisions  to  be  made  public  and  all  Treasury  Department  decisions  (known  as 
Trca,sury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The  semiannual  cumula- 
tive bulletins  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including  Treasury  decisions) 
published  during  the  previous  6  months.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be 
obtained,  on  a  subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government 
Trinting  Office,  Washington,  D.  C,  for  $2.00  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.75. 

Internal    revenue    bulletin,    cumulative    bulletin    VI-2,    July-Dec.    1927. 

[1928.]     ix+425  p.     [Semiannual.]     *  Paper,  40c.  (for  subscription  price  see 
note  above). 

L.  C.  card  22-27420  T  22.25 :  927/2 

Internal  revemie  districts.    List  of  collection  districts  with  names  and  addresses 
of  collectors.    Revised  May  16,  1928.    1928.     [l]-f22p.    t 
L.  C.  card  28-26471  T  22.6  :  928 

How  to  order  publications— See  Information  following  Contents 

June,  1928  1147 

Internal  revenue  laxcs  in  force  Apr.  1,  1927,  with  appendix  containing  laws  of 
general  nature  and  miscellaneous  provisions  applicable  to  administration  of 
internal  revenue  laws.  Compilation  of  1927.  1928.  li+1630  p.  (Treas. 
Dept.  doc.  2981.)  [Short  titles  of  revenue  acts  and  other  acts  used  for  brev- 
ity throughout  compilation  given  on  verso  of  front  cover.]  *  Cloth,  $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  2S-2G41S  T  22.9:  927 

Internal   revenue   neics,   v.   1,   no.    12 ;    June,   1928.     1928.     cover-title,   24   p. 
[Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  75c. 
L.  C.  card  27-26746  T  22.33  : 1/12 

TotacGO.    Regulations  8,  relating  to  taxes  on  tobacco,  snuff,  cigars,  and  cigar- 
ettes,  also   on  cigarette   papers   and   tubes  and  purchase  and   sale   of  leaf 
tobacco   under  Revised   statutes  and   subsequent  acts.     Revised  Apr.   1928. 
1928.    viii+165  p.     *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26389  T  22.17  :  8/17 

Regulations  73,  relating  to  exportation  without  payment  of  tax  of  tobacco 

manufactures,  oleomargarine,  adulterated  butter,  mixed  flour,  and  playing 
cards,  shipments  to  possessions  of  United  States,  and  drawback  on  tobacco 
manufacturers  and  stills  exported,  or  shipped  to  Porto  Rico  or  Philippine 
Islands,  under  internal  revenue  laws.    1928.    iv+21  p.    *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26433  T  22.17 :  73 


Bonds  of  United  States.  Caveat  list  of  United  States  registered  bonds  and 
notes.    June  1,  1928.     [1928.]     69  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     t  T  26.7: 928/6 

Money.     Circulation  statement  of  United  States  money,  Mar.  31,  1928.     1928. 
1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t 
L.  C.  card  10-21267  T  26.5  :  928/4 

Same,  May  31,  1928.    1928.    1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.]     t       T  26.5:  928/6 


Alcoholism  and  drug  addiction  as  seen  in  United  States  marine  hospitals;  by 
H.    McG.   Robertson.     1928.     4   p.      (Reprint   1218.)      [From    Public   health 
reports,  Apr.  6,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26486  T  27.6/a  :  1218 

Blacktongue.  Further  study  of  experimental  blacktongue  with  special  refer- 
ence to  blacktongue  preventive  in  yeast  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Joseph 
Goldberger,  C.  A.  AVheeler,  R.  D.  Lillie,  and  L.  M.  Rogers.  1928.  ii-f38  p. 
(Reprint  1216.)  [From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  23,  1928.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26485  T  27.6/a :  1216 

Health  officers.    Whole-time  county  health  oflacers,  1928  [directory].    1928.    8  p. 
(Reprint  1226.)      [From  Public  health  reports.  May  4,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26718  T  27.6/a  :  1226 

Hygiene,   Public.     Municipal  ordinances  and  regulations  pertaining  to   public 
health,  1923-26 ;  compiled  by  William  Fowler.     1928.    xi+237  p.  il.     (Supple- 
ment 68  to  Public  health  reports.)     *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  21-26956  T  27.6/2 :  68 

Transactions  of  25th  annual  Conference  of  State  and  Territorial  Health 

Ofiicers  with  United  States  Public  Health  Service,  held  at  Washington,  D.  C, 
May  20  and  21,  1927.    May,  1928.    vi+108  p.  il.     (Public  health  bulletin  178.) 

*  Paper.  20c. 

L.  C.  card  6-35322  T  27.12 :  178 

Malaria,  lessons  on  its  cause  and  prevention  for  use  in  schools,  by  H.  R. 
Carter;  [revised  by  J.  A.  Le  Prince  and  T.  H.  D.  Griflatts].  Revised  edition, 
Apr.  1928.    1928.    18  p.  4  p.  of  pi.     (Supplement  18  to  Public  health  reports.) 

*  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26377  T  27.6/2: 18/8 

HoTv  to  order  publications— See  information  folIoTringr  Contents 

j248  June,  1928 

National  Leper  Home  (United  States  Marine  Hospital),  Carville,  La.,  review 
of  more  important  activities  during  fiscal  year  1927 ;  by  O.  E.  Denney.    1928. 
[l]+7  p.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Reprint  1219.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr.  6, 
1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26487  T  27.6/a  :  1219 

Puhlio  health  reports,  v.  43,  no.  22^26;  June  1-29,  1928.     1928.     [xix]+1321- 
1711  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscrip- 
tion, $2.75. 
L.  C.  card  6-25167  T  27.6  :43/22-26 

Spkcial  akticles. — No.  22.  Current  world  prevalence  of  communicable  diseases. — 
Loosely  bound  sulphur  in  pituitary  extracts  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  M.  X.  Sulli- 
van and  M.  I.  Sniitli. — Court  decision  relating  to  public  health. — No.  23.  Study  of 
blacktongue-preventive  action  of  16  foodstuffs,  with  special  reference  to  identity  of 
blacktongue  of  dogs  and  pellagra  of  man  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Joseph  Gold- 
ber"er  G  A  Wheeler,  R.  D.  Lillie,  and  L.  M.  Rogers. — No.  24.  Health  of  workers  in 
dusty  trades. — Sewage-polluted  surface  waters  as  source  of  water  supply;  by  H.  W. 
Strceter. — Court  decisions  relating  to  public  health. — No.  25.  Occupational  mortality 
among  males  in  England  and  Wales,  1921-23,  summary  of  report  of  registrar  gont.Tal ; 
by  Rollo  H.  Britten. — No.  26.  Unit  for  scarlet  fever  streptococcus  antitoxin  [with  list 
of  references]  ;  by  R.  E.  Dyer. — Current  world  prevalence  of  communicable  diseases. — 
Court  decision  relating  to  public  health. 

Note. — This  publication  is  distributed  gratuitously  to  State  and  municipal  health 
officers,  etc.,  by  the  Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service,  Treasury  Depart- 
ment. Others  desiring  these  reports  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Rural  health  service.    Extent  of  rural  health  service  in  United  States,  1924-28; 
by  L.  L.  Lumsden.     1928.      [1]+14  p.   il.      (Reprint   1220.)      [From   Public 
health  reports,  Apr.  13,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26666  T  27.6/a  :  1220 

Sickness.     Causes  of  illness  at  different  ages,   HagerstoAvn,  [Md.]    morbidity 

studies  no.  7;  by  Edgar  Sydenstricker.     1928.     [l]+8  p.  il.  (Reprint  1225.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  May  4,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  27-26048  T  27.6/a  :  ]22o 

Sludge  digestion.    Effect  of  certain  trade  waste  on  sludge  digestion ;  by  Willeni 
Rudolfs.    1928.     8  p.  il.     (Reprint  1223.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr. 
20,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  28-26509  T  27.6/a  :  1223 

Effect  of  salt  on  sludge  digestion   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Willem 

Rudolfs.    1928.     8  p.  il.     (Reprint  1221.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr. 

13,  1928.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  28-26488  T  27.6/a  :  1221 


Kansas.  Study  of  venereal  disease  prevalence  in  22  Kansas  counties  [with  list 
of  references] ;  by  Earle  G.  Brown.  1928.  8  p.  il.  (Reprint  9.)  [From  Ven- 
ereal disease  information,  v.  9,  no.  5,  May,  1928.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

T  27.26/a  :  V  555/3 


Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing May  31,  1928.    June  1,  1928.    1  p.  oblong  24"    t  T  40.8  :  928/5 


Medical  bulletin.  United  States  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  4,  no.  6, 
June,  1928;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.     1928.     viii-f  503-580  p.  2  pi.  12  p.  of  pi. 

[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  1,5c.  single  copv,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.15. 
L.  C.  card  25-26672  VB  1.16:  4/6 

Special  akticles. — Basal  lesions  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis,  with  report  of  7  cases 
[and  with  list  of  relorences  ;  by  J  W.  A.  Colton. — Pulmonary  hydatid  cyst,  with  hysteri- 
cal manifestations  [with  list  of  references  ;  by]  Benjamin  Apfelberg. — Earlv  diagnosis 
as    iiinuenced    by    physical    continuity    of   various    necessary    departments ;    [by]    W.    B. 

How  to  order  publications— See  information  foUoTvins   Contents 

June,  1928  1149 

Medical  bulletin — Continued 

anemia  and  its  treatment  [with  bibliography ;  by]  David  L.  Libcrman. — Nephritis  in 
far  advanced  pulmonary  tuberculosis;  [by]  J.  A.  Ren6. — Psychometric  methods  (con- 
tinued) ;  [by]  G.  V.  N.  Dearborn. — Bronchial  asthma  relieved  by  removal  ot  oral  focal 
infection;  [by]  I.  W.  Whitaker.— Oral  infection  in  mental  patients;  [by]  C.  U.  Hillier.— 
Impaction  of  bran  in  gastrointestinal  canal;  [by]  E.  J.  Butzke,  H.  O.  Barker,  J  U. 
Boswell,  and  T.  E.  Drewett. — Standardization  of  clinical  laboratory  work  in  hospitals 
and  regional  offices :  Examination  of  gastric  contents. — Mental  hygiene,  lecture  to 
nurses;  [by]  David  M.  Gardner. — Tlierapeutlc  occupation  for  psychotics ;  [by]  A.  L. 
Roberts. — Occupational  therapy    helped   to   win   fight ;    [by]    Eunice   M.    Gates. 

■ Same,  v.  4,  no.  7,  July,  192S;  B.  W.  Carr,  editor.     1928.     viii+581-G51 

p.  il.  2  pi.     [Monthly.]  VB  1.16:  4/7 

Special  articles. — Address  of  Director  [of  Veterans'  Bureau]  Frank  T.  Hines  at 
Sth  conference  of  Medical  Council. — Address  of  medical  director,  B.  W.  Black,  to 
Medical  Council.— Artificial  pneumothorax  in  Veterans'  Bureau  ;  [by]  I'hilip  B.  Matz. — 
Effects  of  changes  in  altitude  on  pneumothorax  cases ;  [by]  Eugene  A.  (Jatterdam. — 
Pneumothorax,  spontaneous  bilateral,  with  report  of  3  cases  [and  with  list  of  refer- 
ences ;  by]  C.  C.  Benedict. — Intrathoracic  pressure  and  pleural  exudat"^  in  artificial 
pneumothorax;  [bv]  Homer  van  Home. — Psychometric  methods  (continued);  [by] 
G.  V.  N.  Dearborn". — Multiple  neuritis  [with  bibliography;  by]  Delniar  Goode. — rn(  u- 
morachi-ventriculographv ;  [hv]  A.  R.  Woods. — Epiglottis  retractor;  [by]  A.  G.  Morse- 
Unusual  dental  anomaly  [with  list  of  references;  by]  C.  S.  Klinkert. — Case  of  bilat-ral 
spontaneous  pneumothorax,  tuberculous,  with  recovery  [with  list  of  references ;  by] 
Chester  M.  Hazen. — Tularemia  [with  list  of  references ;  by]  H.  C.  Waits.^Nurse  m 
neuropsychiatric  hospital ;  [by]  Ethel  A.  Carroll. — Occupational  therapy  for  psychotic 
patients  ;  [by]  Lorin  F.  Wood. 


Army  regulations. 

Note. — The  Army  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  The  names  of  such  of  the  more  important  administrative!  subjects  as 
may  seem  appi'opriate.  arranged  in  proper  .sequence,  are  numbered  in  a  single  series, 
and  each  name  so  numbered  constitutes  the  title  and  number  of  a  pamphlet  containing 
certain  administrative  regulations  pertaining  thereto.  Where  more  than  one  pamphlet 
is  required  for  the  administrative  regulations  pertaining  to  any  such  title,  additional 
pamphlets  will  be  issued  in  a  separate  sub-series. 
15-5.  Adjutant  General's  Department :  General  provisions ;  June  30,  1928. 
[1928.]      4  p.      [Supersedes  AR   15-5,   Jan.    30,   1924.]      *  Paper,   5c. 

^  W  1.6/1  :  1.5-5/2 

20-30.  Inspector  General's  Department:  Investigations;  June  16,  1928.  [1928.] 
4  p.      [Supersedes  AR  20-30,  Apr.  23,   1923.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  20-30/3 
30-450.     Quartermaster  Corps:  Public  animals;   June  6,   1928.     1928.     1  p.      [Super- 
sedes AR  30-450,  June  6,   1927.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6/1  :  30-4;iU/3 
30-965.     Same:  Transpoi-tation    of    animals,    Changes    2;    Apr.    30,    1928.      [192S.] 
2   p.      [Supersedes   AR   30-965,    Changes    1,    Sept.    11,    1924.]      t 

W  1.6/2  :  30-965/ch.2 

30-1325.  Same :  Care    and    use    of    gasoline    on    War    Department    vessels ;    June    18, 

1928.     1928.     1   p.     *  Paper,    5c.  W  1.6/1  :  30-1325 

30-3010.   Same :  Price    list    of    china    and    glassware ;    June    30,    1928.     1928.     1    p. 

[Supersedes    AR    30-3010,    June    30,    1927.]      ♦Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  30-3010/6 
35-320.     Finance    Department:  Agent    ofHcers,    Changes    4;    July    2,    1928.      [1928.] 
2   p.      [Supersedes  AR   35-320,   Changes  3,   July  2,   1927.]      t 

W  1.6/2  :  35-320/ch.4 
35-780.     Same  :  Proceeds  of  sales  which  must  be  deposited  to  credit  of  treasurer  of 
United    States,    Changes    1 ;    June    18,    1928.     1928.     1    p.     t 

W  1.6/2  :  35-780/ch.l 
35-1440.   Same  :  Loss  of  pay  during  absence  due  to   diseases   resulting  from   miscon- 
duct;    June    18,    1928.      [1928.]      2    p.      [Supersedes    AR    35-1440,    Nov. 
16,1926.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6/1  :  35-1440/3 

35-1480.  Same:  Aviation  pay,  officers  and  enlisted  men,  Changes  1;  July  2.  1928. 
1928.      1    p.      t  W  1.6/2  :  35-1480/ch.l 

35-4120.  Same  :  Expenses  of  courts-martial,  courts  of  inquiry,  military  commissions, 
and   retiring   boards.    Changes   1  ;   June   30,    1928.     1928.     1    p.     t 

W  1.6/2  :  35-4120/ch.l 
35-4220.   Same  :   Subsistence  and  rental  allowances  for  commissioned  officers,  warrant 
officers,  members  of  Armv   Nurse  Corps,  and  contract  surgeons.   Changes 
1;    June   25,    1928.      [1928.]      2    p.      t  W  1.6/2  :  35-4220/2/ch.l 

35-0600.  Same:  Sales  of  property;  May  21,  1928.  [1928.]  9  p.  [Supersedes 
AR  3.5-6660,  Jan.  7,  1926,  including  Changes  1,  July  2,  1927.]  *  Paper, 
He.  AV  1.6/1  :  35-6600/3 

35-7220.  Same  :  Claims  in  favor  of  United  States  on  account  of  damages  to  Gov- 
ernment   property;    May   7,    1928.      [1928.]      5    p.     *  Paper,    5c. 

W  1.6/1  :  35-7220 

40-500.     Medical     Department :  Administration     of     hospitals,     general     provisions. 

Changes    3;    June    30.     1928.      [1928.]      4    p.      [Supersedes    AR    40-590. 

Changes   2.   Julv   2,    1927.]      t  W  1.0/2  :  40-500/ch..^ 

95-45.       Air  Corps  :  Materiel  Division  ;   Juno  18,   1928.     1928.     1   p.      *  Paper,   5e. 

W  1.6/1  :  95-45 

HoTF  to  ordei'  piililication.s — See  inforjiiatioii   follo-»viiis  Contents 


June.  1928 

Army  regulations — Continued. 

l()'>--no      Signal     Corps :  Meteorological     service;     June     11,     1928.      [1928.]      2     p. 

*'i  Supersedes    AR    105-210,    Nov.    12,    1921.]      *  Paper,    5c. 

'■  W  1.6/1:  105-210/2 

'^4-,_qoo      Militarv    records :    Monthly    rosters,    Changes    1 ;    June    18,    1928.       1928. 

d4d   JW.     ^>"'ji^'^»i'   ,  *^"  ^  -^  ^  ^  1  (./2  :  345-90G/2/ch.l 

600-90        Personnel :  Manufacture    and    sale    of    decorations,    service    medals,    badges, 

ribbons,  lapel  buttons,  etc.;  June  30,  1928.      [1928.]      2   p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

'  W  1.6/1 :  600-90 

600-550.  Same:  Deceased,  Changes  2;  June  25,  1928.  [1928.]  2  p.  [Supersedes 
AR   600-550,    Changes    1,   June    1,    1927.]      t  W  1.6/2  :  600-550/ch.2 

605-5  Commissioned    oificers :  Appointment    i  i     Regular    Army,    except    in    Medical 

Department    and    except    chaplains,    Changes    2 ;    May    31,    1928.     1928. 

1  p.      [Supersedes  AR   605-5,    Oianges   1,   Dec.   18,    1926.]      t 

W  1.6/2  :  605-5/3/ch.2 
605-115.     Same:  Leaves  of  absence  and  delays,   Changes   3;   June  30,    1928.      [1928.] 
3   p.      [Supersedes   AR   605-115,    Changes   2,    July   2,    1927.]      t 

W  1.6/2  :  605-115/2/ch.5 

605-140      Same :  Purchase    of   private    mounts    from    and    by    Government ;    June    30, 

1928.      [1928.]      3  p.      [Supersedes  AR  605-140,  July  2,  1927.]      *  Paper, 

5c.  W  1.6/1  :  605-140/3 

605-200.     Same:  Boards  for  classification,   Changes  2;  Apr.   30,   1928.      [1928.]      3  p. 

[Supersedes    AR    605-200,    Changes    1,    Mar.    31,    1927.]      t 

W  1.6/2  :  605-200/ch.2 
610-5.         "Warrant   oflScers :    General   provisions,    Changes    1 ;    June   25,    1928.      [1928.J 

2  p.     t  W  1.6/2  :  610-5/ch.I 
615-275.     Enlisted    men:  Furloughs,    passes,     and    delays;    May    28,    1928.      [1928.] 

3  p.      [Supersedes    AR    615-275,    Sept.    26,    1921,    including    Changes    2, 
Apr.   25,   1924.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6/1  :  615-275/2 

775-10.  Ammunition  allowances  :  Small  arms  and  miscellaneous :  May  7.  1928. 
[1928.]      26   p.      [Supersedes   AR    775-10,    Dec.    31,    1925.]      *Paper,    oc. 

W  1.6/1 : 775-10/2 

Technical  regulations. 

Note. — The  Technical  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  They  will  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  regulations  of  a 
technical  nature,  such  as  descriptions  of,  instructions  for  the  care  of,  instructions  for 
the  handling  of,  and  the  proper  nomenclature  of  arms,  materiel,  and  equipment  of 
the  various  branches.  This  series  will  include  the  class  of  publications  heretofore 
known  as  handbooks.  Technical  regulations  will  be  numbered  in  the  same  manner  as 
are  Training  regulations,  but  1000  will  be  added  to  the  general  subject  numbers,  i.  e., 
Training  regulations  will  appear  as  TR  445-270  and  Technical  regulations  as  TR 
1360-3A.  Antiaircraft  ammunition  :   Ammunition   for  3-inch   antiaircraft  guns,   M1917, 

M1918.  and  M1925,   prepared  under  direction   of  chief  of  ordnance  ;   Mar. 

19,  1928.      [1928.]      26  p.  il.     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.22  :  1360-3A 

Training  regulations. 

Note. — The  Training  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
loaf  binders. 

405-550.  Medical  Department :  Collecting  company,  prepared  under  direction  of  surgeon 
general ;  Mar.  16.  1928.  [1928.]  52  p.  il.  *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.21  :  405-550 
420—20.  Infantrv :  Dismounted  ceremonies,  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  of  in- 
fantry:  Apr.  2,  1928.  [1928.]  21  p.  [Supersedes  TR420-20,  June  9, 
1924.  including  Changes  1,  Feb.  15,  1926,  and  Changes  2.  Jan.  3.  1927.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  W  1.21 :  420-20/2 


Military  communicaUoiis.  Basic  signal  communication,  students  manual  for  all 
arms;  prepared  under  direction  of  chief  .'signal  officer.  Reprint  [with 
clianges]  1928.  v+S6  p.  il.  1  pi.  (United  States  Army  training  manual  20.) 
*  Cloth,  30c.  W  3.39/1 :  20/2 

U.  8.  Army  recruiting  news,  bulletin  of  recruiting  information  issued  by  direc- 
tion of  Adjutant  General  of  Army,  v.  10.  no.  11  and  12 ;  June  1  and  15,  1928. 
[Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y.,  June  1  and  15,  1928.] 
Each  16  p.  il.  4°     t  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  Governors  Island,  N.  Y. 
L.  C.  card  War  22-1  W  3.45 :  928/11, 12 


Air  navigation  maps 

Kansas  City,  Mo.,  to  Muskogee,  Okla. ;  air  navigation  map  no.  24  (experimental). 
Scale  10  m.=1.3  in.,  scale  1:500,000.  Engineer  Reproduction  Plant,  Army, 
Washington  Barracks,  D.  C,  1924,  [revised]  1928.  35.6X10.2  in.  1 35c., 
Aeronautics  Branch,  Commerce  Dept.  W  87.22/2 :  24 

How  to  order  puMlcatlons— See  information   following:   Contents 

June,  1928  1151 

Omaha,  Nebr.  Omaha  to  North  Platte,  Nebr. :  air  navigation  map  no.  11  (ex- 
perimental). Scale  10  m.=1.3  in.,  scale  1:500.000.  Engineer  Reproduction 
Plant,  Army,  Washington  Barracks,  D.  C,  1925  [reprint  19281.  37.2X10.2 
in.     t  35c.,  Aeronautics  Branch,  Commerce  Dept.  W  87.22/2  :  11 


Airplane  spirming  characteristics.  Airplane  Branch  [report,  with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  H.  A.  Sutton.  1928.  iii+32  p.  il.  2  pi.  4''  (Air  Corps.  Air 
Corps  information  circular,  v.  7,  no.  G13,  Feb.  15,  1928.)     $     W  87.11/2:  7/613 


CheJialis  River.  Wash.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Che- 
halis  River.  Wash.  May  21,  1928.  21  p.  3  maps.  (H.  doc.  315,  70th  Cong.  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Great  Lakes,  connecting  waters,  principal  harbors,  and  river  channels,  report 
on   preliminary   examination   and    survey   of   Great   Lakes,    their   connecting 
waters,  principal  harbors,  and  river  channels.     Apr.  30,  1928.     92  p.  4  maps. 
(H.  doc.  2.53.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper.  20c. 
L.  C.  card  2.8-26494 

Pupef  ^mmd  and  tributary  waters.  Wash.,  report  on  preliminary  examination 
and  plan  and  estimate  of  cost  of  improvement  of  Pusret  Sound  and  tributary 
waters,,  particularly  in  respect  to  condition  of  channels  nnd  mouths 
of  such  rivers,  with  view  to  clearing  of  such  channels  and  mouths  of  sand 
bars  and  other  obstructions  by  use  of  suction  dredge  or  otherwise.  May  18, 
1928.    23  p.     ( H.  doc.  307,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 

St.  Laxcrence  River  between  Ogdensburg.  N.  Y.,  and  Lake  Ontario,  report  on 
preliminnry  examination  and  survey  of  St.  Lawrence  River  between  Ogdens- 
burg, N.  T.,  and  Lake  Ontario.  May  21.  1928.  17  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  316,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper.  lOc. 

Skagit  River.  Wash.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  of  Skagit  River. 
May  19.  1928.    17  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  311,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Sk^panon  River.  Skipanon  Channel.  Oreg..  report  on  preliminary  examination 
and  survey  of  Skipanon  channel.  Oreg.  May  11,  1928.  19  p.  map.  (H.  doc. 
278,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Stilaguamish  River,  Wash.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of 
Stilaguamish  River.  Wash.     May  19,  1928.     13  p.  map.     (H.  doc.  312,  70th 

Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  15c. 

Vmpqua  River  and  entrance.  Oreg.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  of 
Umpqua  River  and  entrance,  Oreg.  May  21,  1928.  18  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  317, 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Pajjer,  10c. 

Waddington  Harbor,  N.  Y.,  report  on  preliminary  examination  and  survey  of 
Waddington  Harbor.  N.  Y.  May  22,  1928.  12  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  322,  70th 
Cong.  1st  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 


Note. — Charts  of  the  Great  Lakes  and  connecting  waters  and  St.  Lawrence  River  to 
the  international  boundary  at  St.  Regis,  of  Lake  Champlain,  and  of  the  New  York  State 
canals  are  prepared  and  sold  by  the  U.  S.  Lake  Survey  Office,  Old  Customhouse.  Detroit, 
Mirh.  Charts  mav  also  be  purchased  at  the  followine  TJ.  S.  eneinef  r  offices  :  710  Army 
Building,  New  York.  N.  Y. ;  467  Broadway,  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  540  Federal  Building,  Buffalo, 
N.  Y. ;  and  Canal  Office.  Sault  Ste.  Marie.  Mich.  A  catalosrue  (with  index  map),  show- 
ing localities,  scales,  prices,  and  conditions  of  sale,  may  be  had  upon  application  at  any 
of  these  offices. 

A  descriptive  bulletin,  which  supplements  the  charts  and  givps  detailed  information  as 
to  harbors,  shore  lines  and  shoals,  magnetic  determinations,  and  particulars  of  changing 
conditions  affecting  navigation,  is  issued  free  to  chart  purchasers,  upon  request.  The 
bulletin  is  revised  annually  and  issued  at  the  opening  of  navigation  (in  April),  and  sup- 
plements thereto  are  published  monthly  during  the  navigation  season. 

Complete  sets  of  charts  and  publications  may  be  seen  at  the  TJ.  S.  eneineer  offices  in 
Duluth,  Minn.,  Milwaukee.  Wis.,  Chicago,  111.,  Grand  Rapids.  Mich.,  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
and  Oswego,  N.  Y.,  but  they  are  obtainable  only  at  the  sales  offices  above  mentioned. 

Hofv  to  order  publications— See  Information   tolloyving  Contents 

^■j^^2  June,  1928 

Great  Lakes.  Supplement  2,  June  22,  1928,  corrections  and  additions  to  Bul- 
letin 37 ;  to  supplement  information  given  upon  charts  of  Great  Lakes.  U.  S. 
Lakes  Survey  Office,  Detroit,  Mich.  [June  16,  1928].  p.  1-3+leaves  4-11  + 
[2]   p.  4'     t  W  33.3  :  37/supp.  2 


Panama  Canal  and  its  ports.  1928.  x+72  p.  11.  2  pi.  16  p.  of  pi.  3  maps.  (Port 
ser  es  22  )  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Operations  Bureau,  Shipping^ 
Board.]      *  Paper,  35c.  W  7.21 :  22: 


Army  School  of  Nursing.  10th  annual  announcement  of  Army  School  of  Nursing, 
Armv  Medical  Center,  Walter  Reed  General  Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C, 
1928^29.     1928.     iv+20  p.  1  pi.  map.     t  W  44.2 :  N  93/929- 

XoTE  ■ The    annual    announcement    for    1926-27    was    designated    the    7th    annual 

aiinLuncoment  but  the  numbering  has  been  revised,  with  this  issue  for  1928-29,  tO' 
indicate  the  correct  number  of  years  that  the  Army  School  of  Nursing  has  been  in 
existence,  the  date  of  organization  being  May  25,  1918.  The  numbers  8th  and  9th  will 
therefore  be  omitted  from  this  series  of  annual  announcements. 


national  Guard  regulations,     t 
L.  C.  card  War  26-7 

Note. — Tho  new  National  Guard  regulations  are  being  printed  as  they  are  prepared, 
and  approved  regardless  of  serial  numbers  of  the  several  pamphlets  which,  when  com- 
pleted, will  include  the  revision  of  the  1922  Regulations. 

15.       Organization ;  Apr.  1,  1928.      [1928.]      12  p.      [Supersedes  NGR15.  July  1,   1926, 

ard  Changes  1  and  2.]  W  70.7/4  :  15/3: 

75-6.   [Federal  property  :  Expendable  property]  Changes  1 ;  June  1,  1928.     1928.     1  p. 

W  70.7/4  :  75-6/ch.  1 


Ordnance  provision  system.  Ordnance  catalogue  (ordnance  provision  system)  : 
Group  A,  Major  items;  Apr.  5,  1928.  [1928.]  4  p.  (Standard  nomenclature 
list  A-1.)     [Supersedes  Standard  nomenclature  list  A-1,  Oct.  27,  1926.]     + 

W  34.23 :  A-1/2 

Ordnance  provision  system :  Group  A,  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  A ; 

Apr.  5,  1928.      [1928.]     2  p.      ([Standard  nomenclature  list  A,   schedule  of 
reviews.])     [Supersedes  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  A,  Oct.  27,  1926.]     % 

W  34.23 :  A/2 

-  Same :  Group  B,  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  B  ;  May  14,  1928.  [1928.] 
2  p.  ([Standard  nomenclature  list  B,  schedule  of  reviews.])  [Supersedes 
Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  B,  May  20,  1927.]     %  W  34.23  :  B/3- 

[Same:  Group  G]    Repair  body,  M191S,  Changes  1 ;  May  15,  1928.     [1928.] 

7  p.     (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-S  [changes  1].)     $         W  34.23 :  G-8/ch.  1 

— -  Same :  Group  S,  Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  S ;  May  15,  1928.  1928. 
1  p.  ([Standard  nomenclature  list  S,  schedule  of  reviews.])  [Supersedes 
Schedule  of  reviews  for  Group  S,  C.  O.  P.  S.  no.  150,  July  15,  1921.]     | 

W  34.23 :  S- 

How  to  order  pultlications— See  inCoriuation   follovflng;  Contents 


Index  to 

Monthly  Catalogue 

United  States 

Public  Documents 

Nos.  391-402 

July,  1927-June,  1928 




To  Monthly  Catalogue,  July,  1927-June,  1928 

'SOTE.— Entries  appear  in  this  index  (/)  under  names  of  Government  or  corporate  authors;  (2)  under  personal 
authors;  (3)  under  series  titles  or  titles  of  publications,  if  distinctive;  (4)  under  subjects.  Specific  subjects  are  not 
duplicated  under  the  Government  authors. 

The  list  of  page  numbers  immediately  following  the  name  of  any  Executive  Department,  bureau,  office,  etc., 
refers  to  all  entries  under  the  corresponding  center  head  on  those  pages  of  the  Monthly  Catalogue  proper. 

Incfiisive  paging  is  not  given. 

A  Page 

A.  B.  A.  Independent  Oil  &  Gasoline  Co 870 

A.  E.  F.,  see  American  Expeditionary  Forces. 
.\.  J.  II.,  see  Henry,  Alfred  J. 

Aamodt,  O.  S.,  inheritance  in  wheats 203,211 

Aarhus  Harbor,  chart 249 

Aslander,  Alfred,  sulphuric  acid  weed  spray.  4,72 

Abaco  islands,  chart 248 

Abashiri  Byochi,  chart  of  north  coast _ . .  1051 

Abberger,  George  W.,  relief 985 

Abbot,  C.  G.: 

high  frequency  rays,  introduction 190 

on  evolution  of  stars 191 

statement  rel.  to  first  airplane 1107 

sun  rays,  in  Africa,  Chile  and  California-..  898 

sun  rays,  influence  on  plants,  etc 191 

see  also  .\strophysical  Observatory. 
Abbott,  C.  J.,  bridge  across  Ohio  River  427,582,670 

.\bbott,  W.  S.,  external  parasites  of  poultry 786 

Abbott,  William  M.,  v.  United  States 1016 


Hodgkin's  disease 247 

wounds  and  injuries 246,247 

Aberdeen,  Miss.,  bridge 429,544,585 

Aberdeen,  Ohio,  bridges 427,583,670 

.\berdeen,  S.  Dak.: 
Commercial  Club — 

grain 34 

Aberdeen  &  Rockflsh  R.  R.: 

locomotives 1120 

notes - 30 

rates 32,471 

rates  on— 

baskets 1025 

cement 467, 868 

coal.. 296,869 

cotton 32,869 

hides  and  skins 1030 

strawboard ill 

Abernethy,  Charles  L.,  statement 967 

Abilene  &  Southern  Ry.: 
rates  on^ 

cotton 469 

cotton-seed 101,1027 

horses 736 

posts 873 

potatoes 873 

wool 1125 

.\borigines,  see  Indians. 

.\  bortion  of  cattle 73 


coated  products,  elimination  of  waste 1093 

materials  in  1926 340 

Absaroka  National  Forest,  additions...697, 931, 1012 

appendix  abscess  versus  pyonephrosis. 247 

of  liver 907 

Absenteeism  in  industry 46 

Absorption  spectra,  see  Spectra. 

Academic  degrees,  see  Degrees  (colleges,  univer- 
sities, etc.). 
Academic    dissertations,    see     Dissertations 
(academic) . 

Academies,  statistics,  1925-26 603 

Academy  of  Sciences,  see  National  Academy  of 

.\cala  cotton,  see  Cotton. 

Accident  bulletin.  Interstate  Commerce  Comn.  365 

air  accidents  and  casualties 921 

aviation  crashes  at  Pensacola,  1927 496,497 

coal-mine  fatalities  in  U.  S.,  1920 282 

coke-oven  accidents,  1926 411 

cost  to  employer 117 

eve  examination  factor  in  reduction 497 

industrial  accidents,  1922-23. 372 

industrial  accidents  to  women 117 

metal-mine  accidents  in  U.  S.,  1925 85 

mine  accidents  due  to  explosives 85 

quarry  accidents  in  United  Stales,  1925 19 

statistics,  Mines  Bur.  publications 19,85 

to  .\meriean  seamen,  settlement 1129 

see  also  Collisions  at  sea — Employers'  liabil- 
ity and  workmen's  compensation — 
Industrial  accidents  and  hygiene 
series — Railroad  accidents — Safetv 
of  life. 
Acclimatization  study,  fishes  and  amphibians.  660 

budget,  publications  for  sale 462.  1112 

farm  accounts,  publications  for  sale...  225,  1020 

farm  cost  accounting  system 4 

numbers  for  Navy 1135 

nurse's  point  of  view 247 

under  Federal  farm  loan  act 24 

uniform  system  for  steam  roa<ls,  order 96 

see  also  names  of  Departments,  bureaus,  etc. 

Accounting  bulletin 1 135 

Accounting    Office,    see    General    ,\ccouniiiig 


of  U.  S.  marshals  and  commissioners 432, 


prompt  rendition,  to  require 951 

see  also  Accounting — also  names  of  Depart- 
ments, bureaus,  etc. 
Accounts  and  Collections  Unit,  Internal  Rev- 
enue Bur _ 1069 

Accounts  Bureau,   Navy   Dept.,   see   Supplies 
and  .\ccounts  Bureau,  Navy  Dept. 
Accounts  Committee,  House: 

abolishing  useless  offices,  etc 346 

reports 416,417,546,805,942,943 

Accounts  Division,  Justice  Dept 618 

Acetaldehyde  in  Bartlett  pears 532,647 

Acetic  acid  a*;  soil  disinfectant 783,915 

Acetic  anhydride-sulphuric  acid  test 514 

Achelis,  George,  heir,  v.  Germany 634 



Index,  1927-1928 


Achclis,  Thomas,  i'.  Germany 634 

Acid-fast  organisms,  method  for  staining 640 

Acid  pliosphate.  xcc  Phosphates. 
Acid  soil,  xfe  Soils. 

Acids,  census  of  manufactures,  192;).  _ Hb 

see  ahn  names  of  acids. 

Ackerman,  A.  J.,  San  Jose  scale 1082 

Ackerman,  Adam  B.,  relief..-. 348 

Acme  Brick  Co.:  _^_^    „_  „„„ 

bricks 98,607,732 

hollow  tiles -  871 

switching  charges '-H 

\cmeroaK'o.  r.  United  States 237,608 

Acme  Ilav  &  Mill  Feed  Co.,  salt 1122 

Acme  Mills,  freight  rates 471 

Acme,  Palmers  &  DeMooy  Foundry  Co 366 

.\coma  Indians,  to  reserve  lands 681,847, 1098 

Acorn  Lumber  Co,  lumber 475 

.Vctinomyces  infection  in  swine 399,527 

Actinomycosis,  with  repori  of  2  cases 907 


bone  tuberculosis  treatment 197  in  case  of  lupus  vulgaris 65 

.\ctions  at  law: 

injury  in  place  under  V.  S.  jurisdiction.  430,  543 

rules  in  common-law  actions .590,8,50 

suits  against  corporations 686 

see  alsn  names  of  litigants. 
.Vets,  see  Laws. 

Actuaries  Board 464 

report,  1927 464 

Actuary,       Government,      see      Government 

Adamantinoma  of  pituitary 1071 

Adams,  Clayton  H.,  relief 4,33 

Adams,  Frank  D.,  gem  districts  of  Ceylon,  etc.  190 

.\dams,  Fred,  schizoid  mechanisms. 392 

Adams,  George,  relief .348 

Adams,  Howard,  receiver,  v.  T^nited  States.  116.  370 

Adams,  J.  E.,  soil  of  Lawrence  Co.,  Ind 1085 

Adams,  Oscar  S.,  first-order  triangulation  net  .     15 
Adams,  Robert  C,  receiver,  v.  United  States..  746 

Adams,  Thomas  S.,  double  taxation  relief 410 

Adams,  William  E.,  naval  record 973 

Adams,  William  W.: 

coal-mine  fatalities  in  U.  S.,  1925 282 

coke-oven  accidents,  1926 ._..  411 

explosives  production  in  U.  S.,  1926 85 

inetal-inine  accidents  in  V.  S.,  1925 85 

(jUiirry  accidents  in  U.  S.,  1925 19 

-Vddison  E.  BuUard,  schooner,  relief  of  owners.  83K, 

980, 1094 

copyrighted 118, 

179, 309, 373,  493,  623,  752, 885 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926 245 

see  also  subject  of  address,  name  of  person 
by  whom  delivered,  name  of  body 
before    which    delivered,  or   place 
where  given. 
.\ddressing  machines.  Government  supplies. ..  511 

.\den.  Gulf  of,  pilot,  supplement     757 

Adenoids,  tuberculous  infection 502 

Adirondack  &  St.  Lawrence  R.  R 39 

Adjusted  compensation   act,   see   World   War 
adjusted  compensation  act. 

.\djutant  General's  Dejiartment 66, 136, 

199,  265.  32.5,  393,  516,  641,  775,  908,  1072,  11,50 

.Vnny  regulations _. no 

Adjutants  General  .Association . .  i 594. 693, 804 

Adler,   Leonard   E.,  r.   Mexico,  correction  of 

claimant's  name 2 

Administrative  .\ssistant  and  Disbursing  Offi- 
cer, Library  of  Congress,  abolition 

of  oflice 688,850,934 

Administrative  branches  of  Government,  see 
Executive  Departments. 

Adolf,  John,  claim... 38.5,  .587, 800,  81 1 

Adrian!,  .Vlherlo: 

la  Conferencia  Parlamentaria  Internacional 

de  Comercio .'iOi 

las  deudas  extranjeras  y  la  balanza  comer- 

cial  de  los  Estados  Unidos.  7C0 

Adult  education: 

college  and  university  extension .    863 

public  educalion  in  years  1924-26 93 

public  evening  schools. 93 

Adulteration,  see  names  of  articles  adulterated" 
Advance  Automobile  Accessories  Corp       459,1125 

Advance  Bag  &  Paper  Co.,  Inc.,  paper  hags..  1033 

automotive  products  in  Latin  America 151 

for  community  promotion. 409 

remission  of  duty  recommended 379 

shipment  to  British  Empire 1090 

Advisory    Committee    for    .Aeronautics,    see 
National  Advisory  Committee  for 
.Advisory  Committee  on  Zoning,  city  planning.  .541 
Advisory  Committee  to  Division  of  Venereal 

Diseases 134 

Aerial  Legal  Experts,  International  Technical 
Committee    of,    see    International 
Technical     Committee    of    .Aerial 
Legal  Experts. 
-Aerial  navigation,  see  .Aeronautics,  and    refer- 

Aerial  photographs,  map  compilation  from 601 

.Aero,  see  headings  beginning  .Aero — .Air— .Avia- 

balance  for  P-lB  and  P-5  airplanes 642 

characteristics  of  airfoils.. .  1 19, 179, 495, 752, 1046 

characteristics  of  wing  sections 119 

determination  of  mean  chord 642,  777 

simple  aerodynamics  and  the  airplane 325 

same,  correction  of  subhead 328 

Aerofoils,  see  .Airfoils. 

Bjerknes  theory,  aerologieal  data 790 

international  aerologieal  soundings 212 

-Aeronautic  instruments,  see  names  of  instru- 
Aeronautical  er4uipment,  see  .Aircraft. 

abstract  of  State  laws 791 

advances  made  by  Max  M.  Munk,  resume.  1046 

air  commerce  regulations 213,921, 1086 

aviation  as  a  career 325, 1072 

bibliography,  1925 1046 

civil  aeronautics  in  TTnited  Kingdom 339 

civil  aeronautics  in  United  States 1087 

crashes  at  Pensacola  in  1927 496,497 

estimate  for  air  navigation  facilities 509 

information     circular,  .Air  Corps 137, 

325,  516,  642,  777,  778, 909,  1073, 1151 

index 1073 

international  conference  on  civil  aeronaut- 
ics   997,1060,1104 

land  for  air  navigation  facilities .505, 

631.10.57.  1141 
medicine  and  hygiene — 

aviation  hygiene 246,247 

correspondence  course,  medical  avia- 
tion   fi6 

naval  aviation,  medical  aspects...  887, 1047 

nomenclature 1 19 

publications — 

for  sale  b v  supt .  of  docs 292,  862 

lists  of  air  publications 148,213,791 

standard  atmosphere  chart 87, 343 

trade  directory 1 087 

see  also  Aerodynamics — Aircraft — .Airplanes 
— .Aviators — Balloons — Seaplanes-— 
a/so  certain  headings  beginning -Air— 
also  National  Advisory  Committee 
for  -Aeronautics. 
-Aeronautics  .Advisory  Committee,  see  National 
-Advisory  Committee  for  -Aeronau- 
Aeronautics  and  Communication  Section,  For- 
eign and  Domestic  Commerce  Bur.  339 
Aeronautics  Branch,  Commerce  Depl.  12,  78, 148, 213, 
277. 337, 406,  535, 658,  791,  921,  1086 

report,  1927 '278 

Aeronautics  bulletin  (formerly  Information  bul- 
letin)   922,  1086, 1087 

Aeronautics  Bureau,  Navv  Dept 374,7.53 

report,  1927 374,7.53 

.Aeroplanes,  see  -Airplanes. 

-Afognak  Island,  chart 215 


charts 50,122,498,758,889 

cocoa  in  West  .Africa.. 1089 

film  market ,  short-subject 795 

foreign  service  officers  of  U.  S 1056 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts 1049 

pilot,  supplement 756 




Africa— Continued. 

sun  rays,  studying 898 

see  also  Union  of  South  Africa. 

Agadir  Road,  cliart 52 


effect  on  heat  production  of  chiclcens  (2) 4 

Hagerstown,  Md.,  morbidity  studies — 

age  curve  of  illness M 

causes  of  illness,  difTerent  ages.  _.  1070, 1148 

illness  and  death  by  age  of  persons 19« 

sex  differences  at  difTerent  ages 1070 

various  diseases  according  to  age 1070 

see  also  Old  age. 
Aged  and  Infirm,  Home  for,  see  Home  for  Aged 
and  Infirm,  D.  C. 

Agee,  Mrs.  Brewster,  relief 449 

Aghiyuk  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control  __ _  763 

Agnew,  Mary  A.,  workers  in  agric.  subjects 652 

Agoncillo,Gregorio,  r.  Philippine  Islands..  370,882 
Agricultura  serle,  see  .\griculture. 
Agricultural  attaches: 

e.Cpanding  foreign  serv.  in  Agric.  Dept.— 

hearings 674 

reports 674,835 

.Vgricultural  banks,  see  Federal  land  banks- 
Joint  stock  land  banks. 
Agricultural  chemistry: 

chemistry  in  Agriculture  Dept Ml 

control  of  optimum  fertilization 71. 141 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  does f;03 

Agricultural  clubs: 

boys'  and  girls'  4-11  club  work 330,  .523 

clubs  agricolas  de  jovens 314 

-Vgricultural  colleges: 

statistics,  1926,  land-grant  colleges 463 

workers  in,  list 652 

see  also  names  of  agricultural  colleges  or  uni- 
versities with  which  they  are  con- 
Agricultural  colonies,  see  Farm  colonies. 
.\gricultural  credit: 

accounting,  etc.,  under  Fed.  farm  loan  act.    24 

publications  for  sale 225, 1020 

see  also  Federal  Farm  Loan  Bureau— Fed- 
eral land  banks. 

Agricultural  day,  to  provide  for. 572,961 

.Vgricultural  economics,  see  .\gricultural  situa- 
tion (periodical). 

Agricultura]  Economics  Bureau 4,72,142,204, 

270, 329,  400,  526,  648,  784. 916,  lOSO 

estimates 388,52.5,636,1063 

market  news  service  to  Montgomery,  .\la. .  .525 

report,  1927 ". 330 

service  and  regulatory  announcements...        5, 
72, 143, 271, 330.  401,  649 
see  also  Tenny,  Lloyd  S. 
Agricultural   education,    see   .\gricultural    col- 
leges— .\griculture. 
-Agricultural   experiment   farms,  see   names   of 

Agricultural  experiment  stations: 

animal  disease  control  work 273 

bulletins  to  end  of  1920,  list 652 

food  crop  improvement 273 

home  economics  research 144,207 

income,  expenditures,  etc.,  1920 144 

list  of  bulletins,  192.5-26 331 

publications,  1925-26 144 

report  on  experiment  stations,  1926 144 

soil  betterment 273 

workers  in,  list. 652 

see  also  names  of  stations. 
.\gricultural  Extension  Service,  see  Extension 

Service,  .\griculture  Dept. 
-■Vgricultural  extension  work,  see  .\griculture. 
Agricultural  implements,  see  Farm  implements 
and  machinery. 

Agricultural  Implements  Division 84,340 

-■Vgricultural  Instruction  Division 528,529 

.Vgricultural  labor,  see  Farm  labor. 
-Agricultural  machinery,  see  Farm  implements 

and  machinery. 
-Vgricultural  outlook,  see  .Agriculture. 

.Agricultural  pests,  from  imported  plants 208 

see  also  names  of  pests. 
-Agricultural  products: 

crop  report  regulations 525 

foreign  trade  of  United  States 142 

market  news  service  to  Montgomerv,  Ala.  525 
marketing  farm  produce  by  parcel  post 400 


-Vgricultural  products— Continued. 

marketing  perishables,  unfair  practices 836 

national  standards  for  farm  products 270 

predicting  crop  prices,  to  prohibit 546 

price  situation 142 

prices  received  by  producers 5 

produce  agency  act,  administration "  388 

see  also  Crops— also  names  of  special  prod- 
.Agricultural  relief,  see  Agriculture. 
Agricultural  research  journal,  see  Journal  of  agri- 
cultural research. 
.Agricultural  schools,  see  -Agricultural  colleges— 
also  names  of  agricultural  schools,  or 
colleges  with  which  they  are  con- 
-Agricultural  series,  see  .Agriculture. 

-Agricultural  situation  (periodical) 5,72,142, 

204, 270, 329, 400.  526.  648,  784,  916,1080 
.Agricultural  Students,  National  Congress  of, 
see  National  Congress  of  Vocational 
.Agricultural  Students. 

agricultura  serie  (Portuguese) 54, 


agricultura  serie  (Spanish) 5.5,124,185,253, 

378,  501,  628,  760, 893,  1053. 1 135 

agricultural  outlook,  1928 526,648 

agricultural  relief  (surplus  control)— 

bill  and  prospectus,  Poindexter  plan...  353 

export  debenture  plan .  .546 

hearings 546,675,808,983 

minority  views 808 

reports 704,803,832,939 

statement  of  William  Hollingsworth...  983 

veto  message 10.56 

agricultural  series.  Federal  Board  for  Voca- 
tional Education 26,225 

birds  in  relation  to  agriculture — 

common  birds  of  southeastern  U.  S 330 

common  birds  useful  to  farmer 6,650 

magpie 272 

census,  1925— 

county  tables  5-8  for  individual  States.   12, 
13, 14, 15,  79,  SO,  81,  82, 149, 150 

reports  for  States 337,407,535 

same,  descriptive  circular 1087 

summary  statistics 78 

census  publications  for  sale 358 

classification,  labrary  of  Congress 885 

cooperative  associations .52G 

corn-belt  farming  system G49 

county  agents  in  flood  areas — 

hearings 346 

law 543 

reports 417,447 

employment  prospects  for  1928 372 

extension  work — 

cooperative  work,  1 925 143 

estimate,  1929 1065 

further  development,  hearings.  417,448,835 

further  development,  law 1 098 

further  development,  reports 417, 

448,  703,  938 

handbook 528 

ten  years  of  agronomy  extension. 528 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  hearings.  1105 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  law 933 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  reports.  598, 


in  Europe,  survey 400,648 

in  the  South,  success  factors 204 

income  from  agricultural  production 142 

livestock  farming  in  Black  Prairie  Belt 270 

livestock  farming  pubs,  of  Ala.  and  Miss..  270 
permanence  of  dilTerences  in  experimental 

field 647,787 

progressn  agricola  na  .America  Latina 1135 

report  of  Sec.  of  -Agriculture,  1927 329,  1080 

run-oft'  from  small  agricultural  areas 3.  77 

statistics,  1926 142 

.statistics,  1927 1080 

vocational  agriculture- 
development,  etc.,  in  States 572, 

679,  703,811,9.'iO 

project  planning 26 

teachers'  course  in  farm  shop  work 1018 

teachers'  tenure  in  Mississippi 1018 

training  of  teachers 224 


Index,  1927-1928 


Agriculture— Continued. 

workers  in  subjects  pertaining  to,  list 65J 

see  also  Drv  farming— Farms— a^w  certain 
headings  beginning  Agricultural- 
Agriculture— Farm— a/.so  names  of 
special  prnducts. 
Aericulture  and  Forestry  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative.—  353,448,572,703,836,983 

correction  of  entry  (S.  rp.  865) 914 

hearings ^48, 

572,  573,  703,  704,  835,  836,  983,  984, 

minority  views -- 704 

reports 447,448,449.572,573, 

703.  704,  835,  836, 837, 982, 9.S3,  984, 
Agriculture  Committee,  House: 

calendar,  legislative ">40. 674,  806.  943 

hearings-.- 346.417,546, 

547,  674,  675,  806,  807,  943. 1105, 1)05 

minority  views 806 

reports. . .  -  346. 417, 546, 547, 674, 675. 806, 807,  943 

.\griculture  Department --  3,  71.  141. 

203.  269,  329, 399, 525,  647,  783,  915, 
aiJiiropriations,  1929 — 

amendment  to  budget 770 

estimates 509,637,770 

hearings 547,  704 

law 931 

reports 675,704,938 

Bieber  Building,  to  pay  for  use,  etc.— 

hearings 443 

law__.. 543 

report 443 

ehemi.stry .- 141 

Department  bulletins — 

title-pages,  etc.,  bulletins  1176-1400 053 

see  also  subjects  of  bulletins, 
employees — 

relief  of  certain  employees,  hearings 417 

technical  workers,  list 141 

functions  of  major  branches 141 

li  f  irary 333 

report.  1927 333 

official  record,   weekly  publication 4, 

71, 141,  204,  270,  329,  400,  525,  648, 
783,  915,  1079 

index  to  v.  6.. 648 


for  distribution 8, 9 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 159,862 

issued  during  1901-25 403 

publications  on  (lists)— 

bees-- 206 

corn 26 

forestry  for  the  farm 402 

forestry  on  farm  woodlands 052 

grain  sorghums 275 

oat  production 788 

onions.-- __  401 

report  of  Sec.  of  Agriculture,  1927 329, 1080 

yearbooks — 

1926  yearbook 142 

1927  yearbook 1080 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 159,  862 

see  also  Farmers'  bulletins. 
Agriculture  Department  of  Massachusetts: 

soil  survey  of  Worcester  County        _  276 

Agriculture  Department  of  \orth  Carolina: 

soil  survey  of  Yadkin  Countv..  108I 

tobacco ■  276 

Agriculture  Department  of  Philippine  Islands^ 

proiiagafSo  de  Dlantas  tropicaes         _  761 

Agronomy,  see  .Vgricultiu-e. 

Agronsky,  Gershon,  reclamation  of  Palestine       226 
.\grostology,  see  Grasses. 
.Minapee  A  Western  lly.: 

rates  on— 

'm>\os ._..  230 

'"■'cks ___  8,57 

essolme 298,472,736 

I'*»!'ej;---- 873 

pulpboard 874 

Aikins,  John  T.,  r.  United  sii„f   '"'^ated. 

Aiier?"  "wiel,  pressure  di.strih„tinn ??n 

nslie,  George  G.:  riDution 119 

larger  corn  stalk-borer 

larger  sod  web  worm.  J* 



air-nitrogen  processes 288 

carbon  monoxide  determination 19 

child's  need  of  open  air 750 

correlation  of  static  with  atmosphere  aid  to 

navigation. 52, 123 

flame  propagation  of  natm-al  gas  in  air 662 

forces  on  biplane  and  triplane  models 119 

mass  exchange  in  free  air 11 

pressure,  Gulf  Stream  fluctuations 212 

pressure,  on  coming  to  rest  from  speeds 119 

radio  atmospheric  disturbances 191 

requirements  of  2-stroke  cycle  engine 119 

solar  radiation  depletion  by  atmosphere 11 

standard  atmosphere 343,495 

standard  atmosphere  chart 87.343 

tables  based  on  standard  atmosphere 119 

widespread  bumpiuess.  example 534 

see  also  Aerology — Aeronautics,  and  refer- 
ences—Barometric      depressions- 
Humidity — Temperature. 
Air  commerce,  see  .\eronautics. 
Air-cooled  engines,  see  Engines. 

Air  Corps 66, 136.199.325 


flying  cadets,  aviation  as  career 325, 1072 

increase  efTiciency  by  promotion,  etc. — 

hearings 824,970,1107 

reports 970,1005 

statement  of  Charles  A.  Lindbergh 824 

information  circulars 137,325,  516, 

642.  777,  778,  909, 1073, 1151 

index 1073 

property  issued  to  National  Guard 200 

Army  regulations 198.  324,  774, 1149 

technical  regulations 324,  774 

training  regulations 516,641,  908 

technical  order 66, 1 36, 137 

testing  plant,  transfer 441,672,719 

Air  Corps  retriever,  construction,  etc.  966, 1002, 1098 

.\ir-hardening  rivet  steels.- 344 

.\ir  Information  Division,  Aeronautics  Branch, 

Commerce  Dept 12,78,148,213, 

277, 337. 406,  535, 658,  791,  792 
Air  mail: 

air  mail  information 1053 

air  mail  service — 

Albany  and  Cleveland .-  1053 

New  York-.\tlanta-New  Orleans 894 

route  C.  A.  M.  3 1136 

route  C.  A.  M.  18 1136 

schedule,  changes 1053 

beacon  site  in  Nevada _.  127 

beacon  site  or  landing  field  in  Calif 57 

envelopes  of  distinctive  design 894 

postage  rates 1138 

'Stamps,  improper  use 126 

to  amend  air  mail  act — 

hearings 567 

law.-.. 931 

report 567 

transportation  to  foreign  countries,  etc.— 

hearings 567 

law 667 

reports 567.596 

Air  marking  for  cities 148.337, 1086 

Air  navigation,  see  Aeronautics. 
Air  Navigation,  International  Commission  for, 
see   International   Commission  for 
Air  Navigation. 

Air  navigation  maps 775,909, 1150 

Air  Nitrates  Corporation,  Muscle  Shoals  lease, 

hearings 24,  288, 350,  573 

Air  ports: 

glass  for  air  ports,  marine  standard 21 

Air  ports  (aeronautics),  see  .\irports  and  avia- 
tion fields. 
Air  routes,  see  .\irways. 
Air  Service,  see  Air  Corps. 
Air-ships,  see  .\irships. 

.\ir  stations,  see  Airports  and  aviation  fields. 
Air  Traffic  Association,  see  International  Air 

Traffic  Association. 

accidents  and  casualties 92) 

ammunition,  technical  regulations 199,1072 

armament,  Air  Corps  technical  order 66 

armament,  technical  regulations 324, 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 80 



Aircraft — Continued. 

control  for  seacoast  defense 718,853 

control  surfaces,  lift,  drag,  etc 310 

damages  by  Army  aircraft,  claims 966 

engines — 

combustion  chambers,  performance G24 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

fuel  injection,  etc.,  study 119 

fuel  sprays,  apparatus  for  studying 495 

normal  and  high  air  temperatures 495 

overcompressed  engine  using  gasoline..  495 

Roots  type  supercharger ...  1046 

sprav    penetration,     etc.,    reproduci- 

bihty 1046 

supercharging  air-cooled  engine 752 

technical  regulations 324 

exhaust  equipment  temperature... 777 

fire  prevention 777 

flow  and  drag  formulas  for  quadrics 119 

ignition,  recent  developments 909 

loan  of  aeronautical  equipment . .  _ 591 , 

690,  718, 938, 1098 

purchased  by  Xavy  Dept.,  report 495 

wood  and  glue  for  Navy,  inspection _.  7.53 

see  also  Aeronautics — Airplanes — Airships — 
Balloons — .Seaplanes — also  Dope 

.Aircraft  carrier,  medical  department 887 

Aircraft  Procurement  Board,  to  provide  for...  433 
Airdromes,  see  .\irports  and  aviation  fields. 

aerodynamic  characteristics 119, 


air  force  and  moment  for  X-20  wing 47 

Brady's  wind  tunnel  model,  wing  flutter. .  778 

design  of  internally  braced  wings 909 

Douglas  0-2E-1  airplane  wing  cellule 778 

drag  of  wings  with  end  plates 47 

model  tests  in  wind  tunnel  of  N'.  A.  C.  -\ .    1131 
pressure  distribution— 

at  high  speeds 119, 179 

on  PW-9  wing  models 179 

over  monoplane  wing  model 1131 

over  thick  tapered  airfoils 179 

over  upper  wing  and  aileron.  119 

Sperry  Messenger  model,  air  force  tests 118 

Airis,  A.  J.,  estate,  coal 609 

Airplane  Branch,  Air  Corps 516, 

Airplane  carrier,  see  Aircraft  carrier. 

Airplane  Section,  Air  Corps 137,325 


aerodynamical  balance,  P-IB  and  P-5 642 

aerodynamics  and  the  airplane 325 

same,  correction  of  subhead 328 

aileron,  pressure  distribution  over  model...  119 
airfoils — 

aerodynamic  characteristics 119, 

179. 495,  752, 1046 

air  force  and  moment  for  N-20  wing 47 

air  forces  on  Sperry  Messencer  model..  118 

design  of  internally  braced  wings 909 

Douglas  0-2E-1  airplane  wing  cellule..  778 

drag  of  wings  with  end  plates 47 

pressure  distribution,  at  high  speeds.  119,179 
pressure  distribution,  Fokker  D-Vll...  119 
pressure  distribution,  X.  A.  C.  A.  81, 

etc. -. 179 

pres-sure     distribution,     P\V-9     wing 

model 179 

pressure  distribution,  wing  model 1131 

wing  flutter  of  Brady's  model 778 

wing  model  tests  in  wind  tunnel 1131 

approved  type  certificates,  requirements..  1086 

autorotation  and  flat  spin 49." 

beam  with  axial  load,  etc.,  formulas 325 

biplane  and  triplane  models 119 

biplane  induced  drag 909 

determination  of  center  of  gravity,  etc 777 


centrifugal  type  injection  valves 47 

friction 47 

measurement  of  engine  power  in  flight .  119 
supercharger,  N.  A.  C.  A.  Roots  type..    47 

technical  order,  Air  Corps 136, 137 

test  engine,  X.  A.  C.  A.. 119 

two-stroke  cycle  engine,  power,  etc 119 

first  heavier-than-air  flying  machine — 

report 966 

statements  of  R.  G.  Fitzgerald,  etc...  1107 

Airplanes— Continued . 

flight  path  inclination  and  velocity 119 

fuselages,  floats,  and  hulls,  tests 118, 119 

handbook  proposed  for  designers 213 

mail  matter,  see  Air  mail. 

maintenance  inspection  record 199 

night  observation,  test  of  model.. 909 

pressure  distribution  data 909 

propellers — 

flight  and  wind  tunnel  tests 119,516 

interaction,  propellers  and  structures..  119 

tests  on  Xavy  type  model  (2) 119 

radio  sets  and  receiving  equipment 200 

range  and  endurance,  calculating 118, 119 

spars — 

column  effect 119 

experimental  metal 325 

wing  spar  stress  charts,  etc 1131 

spinning  characteristics 1151 

stresses  in  landing  gears,  etc 777 

take-off  and  landing  characteristics 119 

technical  order,  airplanes  and  parts 136 

tests,  model  and  full-scale 1131 

wheel.  Materiel  Division  32  by  fi  disk 777 

wind  tunnel  tests,  British  models... 624 

wind  tunnel  tests,  DH4B  model 642 

wings,  see  above,  airfoils. 
see  also  Aeronautics — Aircraft — .Seaplanes — 
also  Dope  (aircraft). 
.\irports  and  aviation  fields: 
flood  lights 642 

airports — 

construction 922 

lists 792,1086 

publications  of  Commerce  Department.  541 

rating  regulations 791 

types  of  management,  rentals,  etc 921 

aviation  fields — 

construction,  hearings 1107 

construction,  report 822 

in  District  of  Columbia 949 

in  Idaho .50.5,631 

in  Parco,  Wyo 597,698,935 

in  vicinity  of  Fort  Kamehameha 823 

in  Yuma  County,  Ariz 459,570,672 

leasing  of  public  lands. ..  697, 856, 1012, 1098 
landing  fields — 

lists  of  landing  fields 792. 1086 

see  also  Airways. 
.\irship.  International  Society  for  Exploration 
of  the  Arctic  Regions  by  Means  of, 
see  International  Society  for  Explo- 
ration of  the  Arctic  Regions  by 
Means  of  the  Air.ship. 

duty  on  to  count  as  sea  duty 695, 853, 935 

meteorological  problems 1085 

rigid  airships  for  Xavy  Dept. — 

amendment  to  budget. 771 

hearing --  675 

see  also  Aircraft. 

Airway  bulletin 12,  78, 148, 

213,  277, 337, 406, 535, 658,  792, 922, 1086 

index  to  nos.  1-200 277 

index  to  nos.  1-300 658 

Airway  maps 407,  792 

.\irw3y  observers,  instructions 1085 


maps  of  United  States 148,407 

meteorological  conditions 119 

to  tirovide  lighted  airwavs,  estimate 509 

Aitkin,'  Minn.,  bridge 816,992.1100 

Akron,  Coin.,  water  requirement  of  plants 4, 10 

Akron  &  Barberton  Belt  R.  R.,  malt  syrup —  738 
.\kron.  Canton  &  Youngstown  Ry.: 

dunnage  allowances.. 470 

rates  on — 

broom  handles.. -.. 1025 

cattle 230 

clay- 100 

cork 469 

denatured  alcohol 1024 

fertilizers 471 

fiber  board 363 

furniture 33 

grain. 34 

insulators 611 

lumber 612 

paper 478 


Index,  1927-1928 


Akron,  ('auton  &  Yoiingstown  Ry.— Con. 
rates  on— Continued. 

petroleum '^ 

l)ulp  board 4'^ 

root-beer  sjrup--- ^"i 

sashes - ^^° 

.\kutan  Pass - ^°^ 


Bridge  Corporation- 
bridges,  Tennessee,  etc.,  rivers.  960,994. 1103 

\laga  -  556,6fi(,707 

Aliceviile". 560,672,711 

Calhoun-St.  Clair  counties 556,578,668 

Cedar  Bluff- 423,577,667 

Dale  County 95.5,1098 

Kpes - 429,672.711 

E.scambia  County 423,577,667 

Gainesville 429,672,711 

Guntersville 429,  ,585,  672 

Lauderdale-Limestone  counties  424,  578,  668 

.'^cnttsboro 429,  ,58.5, 672 

Talladega-Shclbv  counties 424,  578, 668 

Wetumpka 424,.578,667 

Wliite.shurg  Ferry 429,  ,585, 672 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  ,5-8 79 

iron  ores,  masnetic  cincentration 281 

livestock  farming.  Black  Prairie  Belt---      270 

mail  contracts 315 

post  route  map 630 

rights  in  beds,  etc.,  of  its  streams 350 

rights  in  Muscle  Shoals  project 447 

silver  service  for  battleship  Alabama.  973,1098 

Alabama,  V.  S.  S.,  silver  service 97.3, 1098 

Alabama  &  -Mississippi  R.  R.,  grain 103.1029 

.\lahama  &  Vicksburg  Ry.: 
rates  on— 

alcohol - .        96 

bananas 606 

bath-tubs 97, 1116 

bricks-..- — 98 

building  materials- 98 

canned  food -  - - .  99, 466 

cans -  -  466 

chairs 467,733 

cocoa 31 

cotton 101 

cotton-seed 32,297,469.1027 

fruit 610 

gasoline 1 03 

iron ia30 

kitchen  cabinets '. 474 

lumber -  105 

mucilage -  873 

petroleum ..    478 

roofing 1122 

rosin 171 

salt 616 

sulphuric  acid... 366 

wall  paper 173 

refrigeration 742 

Alabama  Central  R.  R.: 

freight  rates 735 

rates  on  limestone 105 

Alabama,  Florida  &  Gulf  R.  R 876 

Alabama  Great  Southern  R.  R.: 

bridge 429, 4.55,  .585, 672 

freight  rates 471,610 

rates  on— 

bananas 1024 

bricks../. 732 

cast-iron 31 

cotton  goods 469 

creosote  oil 101 

furniture 103,364,735 

iron 611 

lumber 738 

peaches..- 740 

petroleum , 873 

posts 37 

securities... 465,731 

Alabama  Indians,  xee  Alibamu  Indians. 
Alabama  National  Forest: 
ac(iuisition  of  lands- 
hearings ..  1105 

law 1104 

reports 943,982 

Al:i!)am!i  Polytechnic  Institute: 

livestock  farming.  Black  Prairie  Beit 270 

Alabama  River,  bridge '.160,994,1103 


.Alabama,  Tennessee  &  Northern  R.  R.: 

bonds 96 

valuation 465 

Alaga,  Ala.,  bridge 556,667,707 

Alameda,  Calif.,  bridge 818 

Alaska 359 

appeals  from  district  court 4,30, 800, 8.50 

banks,  amount  loaned  to  one  borrower 944 

benefits  of  Hatch,  etc.,  acts — 

hearings 1 105 

report. 943 

blue-fox  farming 785 

bonds,  etc.,  in  legal  proceedings 686,  717,  800 

buoy  list - 18 

coast  pilot,  supplement 659,  792 

Eskimo  of  western  .Alaska 898 

fisheries — 

1925 151 

1926 16 

canned  fishery  products 10.89 

laws,  etc.,  for  protection 336 

fur-seal  industries,  1925 151 

fur-seal  industries,  1926... 16 

game,  etc.,  regulations. 527.  917 

general  information 226 

geologic  investigations  in  north 94.360 

iu.saue,  care 961 

land  offices,  registers  and  receivers. 722 

lands — 

reserved  for  townsite  purposes 187,896 

subject  to  homestead  entry 2.5-5, 1055 

withdrawn  for  classification 186 

withdrawn  for  townsite  purposes. . .  56, 317 

map 161 

military  reservations,  disposal 444,  721, 800 

mineral  industry 360 

mineral  resources,  1925 360 

musk  oxen  for  introduction 70:3 

officers,  payment- 
hearing 570 

reports ...  445,1015 

post  route  map 630 

publications — 

for  sale  bv  supt.  of  documents 292 

of  Geological  Survey 226,360 

Pvcnode.sma,  molluscan  genus  from  Silu- 
rian  129 

reindeer 73 

report  of  governor,  1927 339 

roads,  bridges,  and  trails- 
expenditures  693,  722 

lands  withrawn.  Executive  order 380 

report  of  Road  Comnrs.  Board 643 

salmon-tagging  experiments 10, 17 

timber  reserve  no.  1  reduced 1055 

to  place  statues  in  Statuary  ITall 598,850 

walrus  and  sea  lions,  protection 921 

Alaska    Agricultural    College   and    School   of 

Mines,  grant  of  lands 977 

Alaska  .Agricultural  Experiment  Stations 273 

land  for  use  of  Biological  Survey 186 

land  withdrawn  for  use 763 

report,  1926 273 

Alaska   Engineering  Commission,  see  Alaska 

Alaska  Fisheries  Service 336,921 

Alaska  Game  Commission  circular 527,917 

Alaska  Packers  Association,  U.  S.  cs 724,860 

Alaska  Peninsula,  chart 82.6.59 

-Alaska  Peninsula  Fisheries  Reservation 16 

Alaska  Railroad.. 1021 

special  disbursing  agents,  relief 445 

travelogue. 1021 

Alaska   Road   Commission,   see  .Alaska    Road 
Commissioners  Board. 

.Alaska  Road  Commissioners  Board 643 

land  for  construction  of  roads,  etc 380 

report  on  roads,  bridges,  etc.,  1927 643 

Alaskan  Engineering  Commission,  see  Alaska 

Alastrim,  immunological  rel.  to  mild  smallpox.  640 

Albany  Passenger  Terminal  Co.,  stock 1116 

.Albany  Port  District,  construction  of  line 465 

.Albany  quadrangle,  N.  Y 729 

.Albatross,  Fisheries  steamer: 

Echinoidea  collected  1907-10 192 

Pomacentridae,  etc.,  collected —  899 

.\lbay  Province,  Luzon,  land  set  apart 505 

Albemarle  Paper  Mauulaeluring  Co.,  paijer...  170 
.\lbers  Brothers  .Milling  Co.,  oats.. - 36 




Albert  Silk  Coal  Co.,  coal... 869 

.\lbion,  approaches  to,  chart 408 

Albright,  W.  8..  appointment. -. 824 

Albro,  Preston  M..  attorney,  cases 1126 

.Albuquerque,  N'.  Mex.,  see  Middle  Rio  Grande 
Conservancy  District. 

Alburg,  Vt.,  bridge 955,990 

.\lcock,  John  L.,  claim 838,980,1094 

-\lcohol,  rates  on 30,96 

see  also  ,\lcohol  (denatured) — Chaulmoogra 
oil  compounds. 
.\lcohol  (denatured): 

formulae _ 196,772 

production,  etc.,  regulations 195 

rates  on 1024,1116 

-Vlcoholic  liquors,  see  Liquors. 

a  defesa  contra  o  alcoolismo 1135 

fimong  parents  of  juvenile  delinquents 177 

as  seen  in  U.  S.  marine  hospitals 905, 1147 

la  lucha  contra  el  alcoholisrao 1052 

.\lcolu  R.  R.,  rates 1028 

Alden,  Charles  11.,  paradichlorobenzene 651 

Alderman,  L.  R.: 

e.xtension  helps  in  adult  education 863 

public  education  of  adults,  1924-26. 93 

public  evening  schools  for  adults 93 

Alderman  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties. .  1116 

.\lderson,  Wroe,  community  promotion 409 

Alderson,  W.  Va.,  highway 431,544 

.\ldine  Club  r.  United  States 222,485 

Aldrich,  J.  M.: 

flies  of  western  mountains.. 898 

muscoid  flies,  .American  types 384 

parasitic  flies  of  genus  Belvosia 1060 

two-winged  flies  of  family  Cyrtidae 258 

.\ldridge,  Mary  S.,  exr.\.,  r.  United  States 41 

.\ldridge,  W.  O.,  v.  United  States 41 

-Aleutian  Islands: 

chart 659 

coast  pilot,  supplement.- 659 

map 161 

Alexander,  A.  J.  A.,  cases 237 

Alexander,  .Alester  C,  v.  United  States 459 

-Alexander,  Charles  P.,  crane  flies 258 

Alexander,  George  W.,  low  relative  humidity.  1085 

.Alexander,  H.  E.,  ground  water  pollution 64 

-Alexander,  John,  relief 946 

-Alexander,  Lucy  M.: 

beef  cooking 274 

lamb  as  you  like  it. 1083 

-Alexander,  Mabel  C,  nurse  for  tuberculous 640 

-Alexander,  Port,  preliminary  examination 516 

-Alexandria  &  Western  Ry.,  sugar 1036 

-Vlexandria  Bay,  N.  Y.,  bridge 959,994 

-Alexandria  Chamber  of  Commerce,  lumber 612 


commercial  varieties 209 

hay,  assimilation  by  dairy  cows 269,  270, 401 

hay,  net-energy  value 3 

how  to  grow  alfalfa 404 

irrigation 405 

nutritive  value,  relation  of  maturity...  204,  209 

root  troubles 209 

utilization 274 

-Alfalfa  weevil,  control.. 7 

-Algeria,  chart 1050 

.Algonquin,  111.,  bridge 556,708,801 

.Alibamu  Indians,  land,  livestock,  etc 681,814 

-Aliceville,  .Ala.,  bridge 560,672,711 

-Alien  property,  see  Enemy  property. 

.Alien  Property  Custodian..  78, 147,  212,  336, 657, 921 

powers,  etc.,  order  amended 1055 

report,  1926 336 

report,  1927 921 

return  of  property  of  German  nationals- 
estimate  for  settlement  of  war  claims . .  903 

hearings 586 

law 668.834 

reports 352,545,586 


admission  into  U.  S.,  corrections. 60, 1060 

entering  U.  S.,  documents  required...  763, 1060 

publications  for  sale 225. 1113 

see  also  Deportation— Immigration — Natur- 
.Alister,  H.  A.,  gold  inlays 135 


-Alkali  in  irrigated  districts 209 

Alkali  lands,  crops 654 

.Alkaloids 496 

-AH  -American  Indian  Legion,  see  Parker-I-See-0 
Post  no.  12,  -All  -American  Indian 

-Allegheny  &  Western  Ry.,  valuation 163 

-Allegheny  County,  Pa.: 
bridges  at  or  near— 

Glassport  and  Clairton 427, 582, 670 

McKeesport 558,710,803 

Pittsburgh 558,709,803 

-Allegheny  River: 
bridges — 

Eldred,  Pa... 816,990, 1098 

Kittanning,  Pa 423,576,667 

Oil  City,  Pa 317,576,667 

light  list 217 

-Allegheny  Terminal  Co.,  valuation 163 

-Allen,  Alonzo  D.,  relief 980 

Allen,  C.  D.: 

disease  of  prostate  and  seminal  vesicles. .  1070 

indications  for  urological  study 135 

.Allen,  Charles  R.: 

educational  program  for  laundry  salesmen.    91 

foreman  conference  leaders,  training 725 

retail  meat  business,  manual 26 

-Allen,  Eugene,  alias,  see  Shannon,  John. 
.Allen,  Frank  P.,  alias,  see  Jelna,  Paul. 

Allen,  George  W.,  v.  United  States 1110 

.Allen,  Glover  M..  bats  of  genera  Myotis,  etc.  .1060 

.Allen,  Joel  -A.,  biographical  memoir 493 

.Allen,  Orville  C,  v.  United  States.. 355 

.Allen,  Ruth  F.r 

cytological  study  of  Puccinia  glumarum..  1079 

orange  leaf  rust  on  Malakoff  wheat 9 

Allen,  W.  &  T.,  Co.  V.  United  States 303 

-Allen,  Wade,  relief 980,985,1094 

-Allen,  AVill  J.,  relief 838,981, 1094 

-Allen,  William  F.,  &  Co.,  refrigeration 615 

.Allen  Manufacturing  Co.,  cast-iron 31 

-Allergy,  with  post-mortem  findings 198 

-Alley  in  District  of  Columbia,  vacating 845 

-Allgrunn,  Carl  G.,  v.  United  States 1110 

-Allied  Packers,  Inc.,  swine 876 

Alligator  pear,  see  Avocado. 

-Allison,  F.  E.,  Bacillus  radicicola 399,  ,528 

-Allotments,  see  Indians,  and  names  of  certain 
Indian  tribes,  reservations,  etc. — 
also  certain  headings  beginning  Pay. 
Allowances,  see  Postmasters — also  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Pay. 

-Alloys,  nonferrous,  census  of  manufactures 214 

see    also    .Aluminum — Beryllium — Brass — 
Bronze — Iron— Magnesium— Silver 
— Steel. 
-Allport,  Fayette  W.,  German  te.xtile  machinery  409 

-Allsop,  Thomas,  patent  appeal 663 

Alma,  Wis.,  bridge. 425,579,669 


ephemeris  of  sun  and  Polaris,  1 927 227 

ephcmeris  of  sun  and  Polaris,  1928 293 

nautical  almanac — 

1929 123 

1929,  extracts... 54 

1930 892 

-Almon,  Edward  B.  (Representative  from  .Ala.): 
minority  views — 

Roads  Com 832 

.Alonso,  -Antonio,  las  asociaciones  de  padres  y 

maestros 378 

.Alpena,  Mich.: 

chart  of  harbor 1074 

port  of  entrv,  abolishing 255 

.Alpha  Portland  Cement  Co.  r.  Ignited  States    1016 

-Alpine  region  of  Rocky  Mountains 494 

.Altamaha  River,  bridge 9.55,990,1098 

.Altars,  Katoina,  in  Ilopi  worship 190 

.Alter,  Dinsmore,  correlation  periodogram 147 

-Altimeters,  calibrating  tables. 119 


changes,  effects  on  pneumothorax  cases...  1149 
moon,  charts  for  obtaining  corrections.  499, 627 

Polaris,  1927 227 

Polaris,  1928 293 

tables  for  computing 119 

Alton  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  waste  materials 617 


Index,  1927-1928 


Alton  &  Southern  R.  R.: 
rates  on— 

cables -- 


stock - 



A  Iton  Mercantrie'Co".',  peanuts    108 

Altomi  Harbor,  Oermany,  chart "a^ 

Alum  BlulT,  molluscan  fauna i"* 

Aluminum:  ,,, 

and  light  alloys ----, -- --  °^/: 

corrosion,  magnesium-aluminum  alloys-.--  119 

manufactures,  census  report,  192o ;j.l4 

production  in  1926 i»^ 

rates  on ---. v-— ,v. 

thermal  expansion  of  alummum-beryllium 

alloys- - ■^'*^ 

Aluminum  sulphate: 

efl'ect  on  rhododendrons  and  other  plants.-  189 

rates  on       lui-4 

\lva  Okla.,  Amer.  Legion  to  acquire  lot 831 

Alvaradost..  Monterey,  Calif^  extension 969 

Alyea--\'iehols  Co.  v.  John  L.  Pickering ..-  485 

Amahai  Bay,  chart    .--- .----- 50 

Amalgamated  Leather  Companies,  Inc-  112.3 

\mann,E.  C,  bridge -  42G,580,6b9 

Ambassadors,  precedence  rules-     187 

Ambler,  Joseph  A.,  coal-tar  food  dyes 530 

Ambriz,  Port,  chart 50 

Ambrizette  Bay,  chart 50 

Ameba  parasitic  in  salmomd  fishes 16 

\mebiasis,  treatment  with  stovarsol 64 

Ament,  Robert  S.,  relief- 945 


abonos  verdes  para  la  America  tropical 628 

America  and  the  world's  woodpile 402 

archaeloogical  work  in  1925 184 

archaeological  work  in  1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

bibliothecas  americanas -- --  1135 

business,  practical  aids 215 

Chinese- American  calendar  for  102  years...  883 

cotton  machinery  and  Samuel  Slater 191 

daughters  of  America  at  work,  poster 884 

doctoral  dissertations,  1926,  etc 885 

enfermedades  de  las  legumbres  en  la  Amer- 
ica tropical 1135 

flies,  2-winged,  of  family  Sapromyzidae...  1143 

forests,  compendium  of  information 531 

bibliography,  1924 1142 

naval  history,  training  course 1132 

publications,  history  and  biography...  462 

Hymenoptera  of  subfamily  Anteoninae 258 

marine  insurance,  comparative  legislation...  62 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

mejores  patatas  para  la  America  tropical..  1053 

New  Year  of  tropical  indigenes 1052 

nuevas  plantas  alimenticias  para  la  America 

tropical 378 

standards  for  metal  fits 22 

synthetic-ammonia  plant 288 

trade-unions  and  unemployment  (2) 751 

verse,  group  of  translations 627 

see  also  Central  America — Latin  America — 
North  America — South  America- 
United  States— West  Indies. 

America  Bay,  chart 248 

American   Academy   of   Political   and   Social 

address  of  Charles  E.  Hughes 1062 

annals,  articles  reprinted  from 378, 1136 

American  archaeology,  see  Archaeology. 
American  Association  of  Museums,  address...  1054 

American  Bakeries  Co.,  condensed  milk 869 

American  Baptist  Home  Mission  Society 174 

American  Bar  Association: 

address  of  Charles  E.  Hughes 1062 

salaries  of  Federal  judges 835 

American  Bar  Association  journal,  article  from.  353 
American  battle  fields,  see  Battle  fields. 

American  Battle  Monuments  Commission 78 

sites  for  monuments  in  France 192 

American  Book  Co.,  books. 163 

American  Bridge  and  Ferry  Co.,  Inc.: 

bridge  at  Carondelet,  Mo 683 

bridge  at  Cassville,  Wis_ 425,580,669 

American  Bronze  Powder  Manufacturing  Co..  24, 

American  Can  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 41 


American  Chain  Co.,  Inc.,  automobile  bump- 
ers  1024 

-American  citizens,  see  Americans— Citizens  of 
LTnited  States. 

American  city  series 124, 125 

American  Conference,  see  International  Amer- 

can  Conference. 
American  Council  of  Education,  see  Modern 
Foreign    Language    Study    Com- 
American  Crate  &  Basket  Co.: 

baskets 1116 

shooks 1123 

American  Cyanamid  Co.,  Muscle  Shoals  lease.  24, 

288, 350,  573 

American  Distilling  Co.,  alcohol 1024 

American  Drop  Forging  Institute,  safety  code.  245 
.\merican-Egyptian  cotton,  see  Cotton. 
American  Engineering  Standards  Committee: 

national  electrical  safety  code 542 

safety  code  for  forging,  etc  - 245 

safety  code  for  rubber  mills,  etc 117 

American  ephemeris  and  nautical  almanac: 

1929,  extracts 54 

im 892 

American  Ethnology  Bureau,  see  Ethnology 

American  Exchange  Underwriters  v.  V.  S 223, 

491,  599 
American     Expeditionary     Forces,     medical 

administration 138 

American  Federation  of  Arts: 

address  of  President  Coolidge 1054 

exhibition  of  French  prints,  catalogue 1130 

American  Federation  of  Organizations  for  the 
Hard  of  Hearing,  report  of  educa- 
tion committee 94 

American  Feed  Manufacturers'  Association —  101 
American    Foot-and-Mouth-Disease    Commis- 
sion, see   Foot-and-Mouth-Disease 

American  Foreign  Trade  Corporation,  relief 945 

American  forest  week: 

proclamation 631 

program  for  observance 531 

American  Foundry  Co.,  coal 468 

American  Fruit  &  Vegetable  Shippers  Asso- 
ciation, fruit 103 

American-German    Claims    Commission,    see 
Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S. 
and  Germany. 
American  goods,  see  Commercial  products. 

American  Grain  &  Hay  Co.,  grain... 104 

American  Gypsum  Co.,  gypsum 473 

American  High    Commissioner   to   Haiti,   see 
Haiti,    American    High    Commis- 
sioner to. 
American  Historical  Association..  320,  384, 898, 1142 

proceedings,  1921 384 

reports — 

1921,  introductory  pages 320 

1922 898 

1924,  supplement... 1142 

American  history,  see  History. 
American  Hygiene  Association: 

venereal  disease  prevalence  in  Detroit 197 

same,  abstract,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  v. 

42 63 

American     Independence     Sesqui-Centennial 
Commission,  see  Sesqui-Centennial 
of    American    Independence    and 
Thomas      Jefferson       Centennial 
American  Indians,  see  Indians. 
American   Institute  for   Protection  of  Child- 
hood, see  International   American 
Institute  for   Protection  of  Child- 
American  Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers: 
standards  for  (Spanish  translations) — 

electrical  measuring  instruments 84 

illuminating  engineering  nomenclature, 

etc 18 

insulator  test  specifications 18 

wires  and  cables. 17 

American  Instructors  of  the  Deaf,  Convention 
of,  see  Convention  of  American 
Instructors  of  the  Deaf. 



American  Legion: 

convention,  1927,  proceedings 805 

convention,  1928,  to  lend  equipment 690, 

718,  800 
New  York  Department- 
War  Dept.  equipment  for  convention..  822 
Virginia  Department- 
War  Dept.  equipment  for  convention..  822 
Wasliinptnn  Department — 

War  Dept.  equipment  for  convention..  821 
xee  also  names  of  American  Lesrion  posts. 

.\nierican  Leeion  Xaval  Post  110._ 973 

.Vmerican  Linseed  Co.,  linseed-oi! 10.5 

.Vnierican  Live  Stock  Commission  Co.  v.  U. .?..  745 

American  Loan  &  Trust  Co 369 

.Vmerican  Lumber  Co 657 

.American  Marine  Standards  Committee: 

cargo  handling  gear  for  ships 87 

condenser  tube  ferrules  and  tube  sheets 87 

couplings  for  propeller  shafting 2S5 

fire-clay  refractories 415 

fire-hose  racks __  286 

glass  for  air  ports  and  fixed  lights 21 

glassware  for  ship  equipment 21 

hose _-- 21,88 

hulls,  steel,  care  and  maintenance 88 

lifeboats,  standard  sizes,  etc 665 

lights,  fi.xed,  for  ships 88 

machinery  spare  parts,  etc.,  for  ships 88 

marine  boilers,  Scoteli  type 21 

marine  boilers,  water-tube.. 88 

marine  glue  for  seams  of  ship  decks 927 

mattresses,  etc.,  for  ship  equipment 88 

mooring  bitts 22.89 

packing  gland  for  propeller  hubs 415 

pilot  ladder .._ 344 

piping,  distinctive  markings 89 

pressure  and  vacuum  gauges 89 

propeller  details 415 

propeller  hub  studs,  nuts,  and  lock  screws.  415 

propeller  shaft  details 344 

safety  on  ships,  equipment  and  methods...    22 

ship  fittings  for  decks  and  rigging 89 

silverware  for  ship  equipment 89 

tubular  steel  cargo  booms  for  ships 414 

American-Mexican  Claims  Commission,  see 
General  Claims  commission,  U.  S. 
and  Mexico. 

.American  Molasses  Co.  of  New  York 877, 1125 

American  Xational  Live  Stock  Assoc,  cattle...  867 
American  Xational  Red  Cross: 

building,   memorial   to  women   in   World 
estimate 718 

law 073 

report 433 

meeting,  address  of  President  Coolidge 255 

American  nautical  almanac,  1929-_ 123 

.\merican  Petroleum  Institute,  fuel  oil 340 

-American  Potash  &  Chemical  Corporation 740 

American  practical  navigator,  tables  from 248 

American  Preserve  Co.,  cherries _    99 

.\merican  Public  Health  As.sociation 134 

American  Rabbit  &  Cavy  Breeders  Association, 

Inc.,  rabbits 741 

.Vmerican  Railway  Association,  freight-cars...  610 
American  Railway  Express  Co.: 
rates  on — 

cream 609 

fruit 103 

ice-cream  containers 34 

ice-cream  mix 473 

milk 299 

rabbits. 741 

American  Red  Cross,  see  American  X'ational 

Red  Cross. 
.\nierican  republics: 

conciliation  and  arbitration  conference- 
law 937 

report 812 

request  for  legislation 899 

foreign  corporations,  juridical  status..  512,1146 
see  aho  Latin  America — n!so  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Pan  American — 
aho  names  of  republics. 
American  Revolution,  Xational  Society  of 
Daughters  of,  see  X^ational  Society  of 
Daughters  of  American  Revolution. 

American  River: 

dams,  cost  of  building _ 1073 

report  to  Federal  Power  Commission 291 

-Vmerican  Samoa: 

acceptance  of  cessions  of  islands. 1015 

conditions,  committee  to  investigate 598 

post  route  map. (i30 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

see  aho  Tutuila. 

-American  Seed  Co_ fioi 

.\merican  SniPlting  iVr  Refining  Co.,  copper 469 

-Vmerican  Snuil'  Co.,  Fed. Trade  Commission  ;■_  1019 
-\merican  Society  for  Testing  Materials: 
specifications — 

axles,  etc.,  for  locomotives  and  cars 340 

bars,  wrought-iron... Ai] 

boiler  and  fire-hc<  steel 281 

boiler  tubes,  steel  and  iron 410,  lOiKl 

castings,  steel 216 

forgings,  carbon  steel  and  alloy  steei. . .  340 

forgings,  for  locomotives 340 

steel  girder  rails 661 

structural  steel  for  bridges. 18 

structural  steel  for  buildings 216 

structural  steel  for  cars 4io 

structural  steel  for  locomotives 410 

wheels,  wrought  solid  carbon-steel 216  • 

American  Specialty  Co ___ 601 

American  Sponge  &  Chamois  Co.,  U.  S.  v 26 

American  Standard  Ship  Fittings  Corporation.  722 
American  States,  Internationa!  Conference  of, 
see    International   American    Con- 

-American  Statistical  Association 372 

-Vmerican  Stores  Co.  r.  United  States 41,722 

-American  Sugar  Refining  Co.,  sugar _.  1036 

.\merican  Syrup  &  Preserving  Co..  glucose 611 

American  Tar  Products  Co.,  roofing.. 615 

.\merif'an  Tobacco  Co.,  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  c.  357 
,'V.merican  Trader,  steamship,  heroic  conduct  of 

oilicers,  etc 821,844,941,1096 

American  Window  Glass  Co.,  glass 103 

American  Wringer  Co.,  clothes  wringers 608 


thirty  great -'Americans 27 

see  also  Citizens  of  United  States. 
-Vmes,  Edwin  .A..,rp.,etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  601 
Ames,  Joseph  S.,  advances  in  aeronautics  made 

by  M.  M.  Munk 1046 

.^mes  Shovel  &  Tool  Co.,  .steel 48'i 

Amicon  Fruit  Co.: 

bananas 606 

misrouting 35 

-\midon,  Beulah,  el  kindergarten  en  los  E.  U_  501 

synthesis,  deterioration  of  steels 344 

synthetic-ammonia    plants,    German    and 

American 288 

Ammoniacal  silver  nitrate  for  chancroids 48,49 

-Ammonites,  Upper  Cretaceous  group 228 

-\mmonium  sulphate,  statements 288 

.A.mmonium  sulphocyanate,  customs  charges. .  224 

allowances,  Armj'  regulations 774, 1071, 1150 

antiaircraft,  technical  regulations 775, 1150 

antiaircraft  guns,  handbook 200 

Army  training  regulations 516 

artillery,  mobile,  technical  regulations 393, 

515, 641 

exchange  of  deteriorated  ammunition 591 

for  protection  of  public  money,  etc 591 

infantry  and  aircraft,  regulations 199,1072 

revolver  and  automatic  pistol 911 

small  arms,  obsolete  and  nonstandard 911 

small  arms,  service  components 911 

Ammunition  depots: 

storage  conditions,  survey 907 

storage  facilities  for  Navy — 

hearing 943 

report 973 

see  aho  names  of  places  where  located. 
Amoebic  dysentery  and  endamcebic  carriers...  888 

Amoyloi  Anchorage,  chart 214 

Amphibians,  high  temperature  tolerance 660 

Amphion,  steamship,  claim 749 

Ampin  Hakuchi,  chart 183 

Amundsen,  Roald,  medal 1095 

Amur  Shipping  &  Trading  Co 657 


Index,  1927-1928 


Anacapa  Island,  chart 16 

Anacostia  Park,  report-- M^ 

Anacoslia  River,  reclamation,  etc mj 

Anaho  Bay,  chart - ^^ 

Analysis,  see  names  of  substances,  etc.,  ana- 

Anama  Wan,  chart — . v-v -;« 

Anaplasmosis,  estimate  to  meet  outbreaK ijO 

Anchor  Bay  Telephone  Co '31 

Anchorage,  Alaska: 

bonds  for  school  purposes- 
hearing- 446 

law 800 

reports 445,  /22 

Anchorage  Bay,  chart 2*9 

Ancient  literature,  see  Literature. 
Ancon  Hospital: 

•smallpox  treated,  review -.  wl 

to  change  name 55.i,805 

Ancud,  Gulf  of,  chart 181 

Ancylostoma,  see  Hookworms. 

Andaman  Islands,  chart 181 

Andersen,  Alice  M.,  Poa  pratensis,  etc 4.75 

Andersen  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 105 

Anderson,  A.  C,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  ^\  is^  789 

Anderson,  Anton,  relief 548,838,929 

Anderson,  Charles  J.,  relief 441 

Anderson,  Clifford  L.,  bridge 424,668,708 

Anderson,  Elna,  crops  other  than  grains 142 

Anderson,  J.  W.,  relief ---  711,809 

Anderson,  John,  relief - .  - 562 

Anderson,   Robert,   defense  of  Fort   Sumter, 

memorial 565,938,1007 

Anderson,  Vera,  see  Leflard,  Lillian  J. 

-Anderson,  W.  M.,  caisson  disease  during  diving    49 

Anderson,  W.  O.,  Commission  Co.,  fruit 610 

Anderson,  Dulin,  Varnall  Co.  v.  U.  S 485 

Andervont,  H.  B.,  fowl  sarcoma 905 

Andler,  Fred,  jr.,  relief 966 

Andrade,  Calif.,  port  of  entry 381 

Andrew,  A.  Piatt  (Representative  from  Mass.): 
reports  made  by  — 

Naval  Affairs  Com _.._  442,695,827 

Andrews,  John  M.,  relief 349, 1002 

Andrews,  P.  L.,  Corporation: 

findings  in  case 574,  099, 1094 

('.  United  States 459 

Andrews-Bradshaw  Co.  v.  United  States 24,303 

Androscoggin  &  Kennebec  Ry 1038 

Andrus,  C.  A.,  what  should  the  diagnosis  be?-  247 
Andrus,  C.  G.: 

balloon  race  from  Detroit,  Sept.  10,  1927 534 

example  of  widespread  bumpiness  in  air...  534 

in  newborn  child,  bibliography 308 

pernicious,  and  its  treatment. 1148, 1149 

pernicious,  report  of  unusual  case 497 


local,  in  eye,  ear,  nose,  and  throat  work.  246,  247 

needle  for  maxillary  nerve 246,247 

post  operative  changes  in  blood.. 392 

spinal,  physiology  and  technic. 502 

Aneurysm,  arterio-venous. 49 

Angeles  National  Forest  lands... 977,983, 1098 

Angert,  George  H.,  patent  appeal 412 

Angle,  F.  E.,  tabes  diabetica 497 

Angle-bars,  rates  on 96 

Angle  of  site,  M1917,  parts  and  equipment 200 

Anglo- Austrian  Bank _ 387 

Anglo-Egyptian  Sudan,  commercial  handbook.    17 

A  ngora  goat 401 

Anholt  Harbor,  Denmark,  chart 499 

.\nhydrides,    see    Acetic    anhydride-sulphuric 

acid  test. 
Animal  heat: 

cattle,  heat  production  (2  entries) 3 

chickens,  heal  production  (2  entries) 4 

surface  temperature  (2  entries) 392 

Animal  industry: 

classifieation.  Library  of  Congress 885 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 5,  73, 143,  205, 

271, 330, 401,  527, 649,  784,  916, 1080 

directory 73 

estimates 637,"  770,' 1063 

orders 71.269,52.5,647 

overtime  pay 1105 

report,  1927.. 330 

.\nimal  Industry  Bureau — Continued. 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 73, 

143,  205,  271, 330, 401,  527,  784, 916, 1081 

index,  1927 527 

see  also  Mohler,  John  R. 

Animal  products,  statistics,  1926 142 

see  also  names  of  products. 

Army  training  regulations 516 

breeding  essentials 143 

influences  of  sun  rays 191 

North  -American  fauna 73 

publications  on — 

animal  industry 93,726 

farm  animals 93,726 

insects  injurious  to  animals 292, 1113 

wild  animals 225,862 

see  also  Cattle — Diseases  of  animals — Fur- 
bearing  animals— Zoology  — o/so 
names  of  animals. 
Animals  (fossil): 

Cretaceous  invertebrate  faunas 258 

Grand  Canyon  fossil  footprints 59,506,898 

molluscan  fauna  of  Alum  Bluff  group 1114 

new  reptile  from  Triassie  of  N.  J 767 

Pleistocene  and  Pliocene  faunas 728 

Pocono  fauna  of  Broad  Top  coal  field 728 

pterosaurian  reptile 1143 

Triassic  marine  invertebrate  faunas 294 

see  also  Zoology — also  names  of  fossil  ani- 
Animas  River,  waters,  consent  to  compacts. ..  961 
Ann  Arbor  R.  R.: 
rates  on— 

automobiles .._ 1024 

barrels 1024 

books 163 

cement 99,607 

coal 733,1027 

furniture 472 

iron 737 

lawn-mowers 1031 

mosses 476 

paper 107 

tin-plate 112 

V.  United  States  and  I.  C.  C. 1038 

Anna  Bay,  chart 626 

Anna  Maria  Bay,  see  Taio  Hae. 

Annals  of  Congress  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

Annapolis,  Md.,  see  Naval  Academy,  Annap- 
jVnopheles,  see  Mosquitoes. 
Ant,  see  Ants. 

prong-horn,  nematode  from. 60 

winter  feed  facilities 697,931,1012 

Antenna  capacity,  calculation 541 

Anteoninae,  see  Hymenoptera. 

paradichlorobenzene 270, 402 

santonin,  anthelmintic  properties 3,73 

Anthocyan,  behavior  of  pigments  in  canning  71, 145 
Anthonomus  grandis,  see  Boll  weevil. 
Anthony,  William  H.,  jr.,  readjustment  of  pay  825, 

1007, 1094 
Anthracite  coal,  see  Coal— Coal  mines  and  min- 

Anthracnose,  clover  disease 654 

Anthrax  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 


classification.  Library  of  Congress 885 

early  man  in  Europe,  1927  field  studies 898 

Anthropometric  data  from  autopsy  records 502 

Anti-hog-cholera  serum,  values  of  types 205 

Anti-war  treaties,  see  Peace. 

Antiaircraft  ammunition,  see  Ammunition. 

Antiaircraft  guns,  see  Guns. 

Anticholera  vaccination,  at  Shanghai --_  888 

Anticlines,  see  Ingomar  anticline,  Mont. 
Anticyclones,  see  Winds. 

Antidotes  for  caustic,  etc.,  substances 787 

Antietam  battle  field,  superintendent 433 

Antigua,  money-order  post  offices 254 

Antilles,  Greater,  pilot 50 


ores,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold,  etc 1090 

production  in  1926 217 

Antiquities,  see  Archaeology. 

July- June 



Antitoxin,  scarlet  fever  streptococcus 1148 

Antitrust  laws,  see  Monopolies. 

Ants,  kinds  and  methods  of  control 529 

Apache  Indians,  compensation 1018 

Apache  National  Forest,  lands  included 57 

Apalachicola  Northern  R.  R.,  valuation _.  295 

Apartment  houses: 

mail  receptacles 502 

trend  toward  apartment  house  living 1044 

Apex  Company,  wall  paper ._  173 

Apex  Electric  Manufacturing  Co.  r.  V.  S.  459, 1125 
Apfelberg,     Benjamin,     pulmonary     hydatid 

cyst 1148 


corn  root-aphis,  methods  of  controlling 786 

green-bug  or  spring  grain-aphis 402 

petroleum-oil  emulsion  toxicity 6 

Apia,  Samoa,  solar  radiation  observations 147 

.\podaca,  Sabino,  relief ,543,548,574 

Apolima  Island,  chart. _ -  759 

Apolima  Lagoon,  chart  of  entrance --  759 

Apostle  Islands,  chart 520 

Appalachia,  Va.,  American  Legion  convention.  822 

Appalachian  Ry.,  valuation 866 

Appanoose  Countv,  Iowa,  soil  survev 656 

Appeals  from  dist.  cts.  of  Alaska,  etc..  430,  800,  850 

Appendicitis,  rontgen  ray  examination  (2) 48 

Appendix  abscess  versus  pyonephrosis 247 


cedar  rust  attacking  trees 145 

chemical  composition 783, 1079, 1083 

cleaning,    etc.,    processes,    changes    pro- 
duced  1079 

evaporated,  deterioration  in  storage 399,  531 

growing  east  of  Mississippi  River 209,  788 

insects 65 1 

juices,  chemical  composition 783, 1079, 1083 

orchard  renovation 274 

pectin  extract,  homemade 208 

powdery  mildew  control 334 

rates  on  apples 97,230,866 

standards  for  apples  in  barrels,  etc 143 

standards  for  inspection  of  apples 5,271 

yield,  in  Cumberland-Shenandoah  region..  329 

yields,  relation  of  spring  temperatures 405 

Apple  curculio,  control  by  hogs 783,915 

Apple  maggot 1081 

Apple  pomace,  rates  on 1024 

Apple  scab 78S 

Apples,  see  Apple. 

Appointments,  see  Civil  service— Post  offices — 

also  names  of  Departments,    bu- 

eaus,  etc. — also  names  of  persons 

appointed  to  office. 

Apportionment  of  Representatives  in  Congress: 

hearing _ .  676 

minority  views 807 

reports." _  807,980 

Apprenticeship  in  building  construction  (2)...  1129 

deficiencv  and  supplemental,  1928,etc. — 

estimates 388.389 

hearings 547,943,984 

laws. 345,1098 

reports 345,347 

354, 938, 944. 984 
independent  offices,  1929 — 

hearings ■. 417,  449 

law 931 

reports 417,449,545,673 

legislative  establishment,  1928,  etc. — 

estimates  389 

legislative  establishment,  1929 — 

hearings. 807, 837 

law 931 

reports 807,837,938 

correction  of  date  on  p.  807... 914 

see  also  names  of  Departments,  bureaus 
and  objects. 
Appropriations  Committee,  House: 

hearings 417,418, 


reports 347, 417, 

418,  547, 675, 807, 944 
Appropriations  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 449, 573, 

574,  704. 837, 984 

reports....  354,449. 

573, 574,  704, 837. 984 


Apterygota  from  Central  America,  etc 38'1 

Aqueduct  Bridge,  see  District  of  Columbia, 

Arachnida,  leg-segmentation.. 898 

Arafura  Sea,  chart 181 

Aransas  Harbor  Terminal  Ry.,  valuation 2,30 

.4.ransas  Pass,  chart 536 

Arapaho  Indians: 

language  studies,  Northern  Arapaho 898 

per  capita  payment — 

hearings 815 

law 936 

reports 815,  849 

relief  bv  filing  suit  in  Ct.  of  Cls 681,  714, 

800, 814 

Arat,  Ky.,  bridge... 932,956,990 

Arata  &  Peters,  Inc.,  potatoes 479 


conference  of  Republics  of  America- 
law. 937 

report 812 

request  for  legislation. 899 

treaties  with — 

France 1060 

Germany 1060 

Italy. 1060 

see  also  Industrial  arbitration. 
Arbor  day,  to  observe  in  American  forest  week.  631 
Arc  spectrum,  see  Spectra. 

Arcade  &  Attica  R.  R.,  bonds 606 

.\rcady  Farms  Milling  Co.,  grain 34 


American  archeology  series. 124, 184, 892 

arqueologia  Americana 377, 1052 

expedition  to  China 898 

Piedmont  region  of  South  Carolina 898 

work  in  Middle  America,  1927 892 

same  (in  Spanish) 10.52 

work  in  the  Americas,  1925 184 

work  in  the  Americas,  1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

see  also  Indians,  and  references. 

Archer,  Finch  R.,  relief 548,929 

Arches,  concrete,  analysis 211 

Archibald,  R.  W.,  milk  and  foam  during  pas- 
teurization   206 

Architect  of  Capitol..  330,406, 


estimate  for  Senate  wing  reconstruction 791 

report,  1927 406 

Architect,  Supervising,  estimates 509,902, 1063 

Architects,  examination,  etc 586,949, 1099 


consular  regulations 192, 106 1 

papers  of  Territories,  collection,  etc 596,977 

see  also  National  Archives. 

Archivists,  conference,  1921 320 

Arctic  Ocean,  lights,  etc 311 

Arctic  Regions,  Exploration  of ,  by  Means  of  the 
Airship,  International  Society  for, 
see  International  Society  for  Explo- 
ration of  the  Arctic  Regions  by 
Means  of  the  Airship. 

Arcularius,  O.  W.,  bridge 4.''.3 

Ardery,  E.  D.,  Huntington,  W.  Va.,  district...  517 

.\rdmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station,  work 209 

Arents,  Annie  A.,  exr.,  v.  I'nited  States.. 237 

Arents,  George,  r.  United  States 237 

Arents,  George,  jr.,  gxr.,  r.  United  States 237 

Arentz,  Samuel  S.  (Representative  from  Nev.): 
reports  made  by- 
Indian  Affairs  Com 423,  5.54, 


Public  Lands  Com , 698,978 


budget 1" 

chart 181 

electrical  equipment  market .537,  661 

foreign  trade,  1926.. 10.52 


census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 12 

compact  with  N.  Mex.,  consent  of  Congress  960 
Corporation    Commission — 

freight  rates ..1028 

date  scale  emergency,  estimate  to  meet 389 

Indians  occupying  railroad  lands. .  .422,  .588, 668 
opened  to  homestead  entry 2.5.5, 1139 

reserved  for  townsite  purposes 187 


Index,  1927-1928 


Arizona— Continued, 
lands— ("ontinuod. 

revoking  certain  Executive  orders 617 

witlidrawn  for  use  of  National  Guard..  504 

withdrawn  pending  resurvey 504,  703 

Lyguselisus,  pest  of  cotton  regions T4 

m"illipeds  of  order  Colobognatha 767 

national  forests,  road  map  - 652 

postal  service— 

alphabetical  scheme  for  publishers 316 

plants  and  plant  products  addressed  to  762 

post  route  map 630 

Arizona  Eastern  R.R.: 

rates !"''» 

rates  on- 

flour - -    102 

fuel-oil- --- --  1029 

gram -«» 

meat ■299 

tomatoes 1124 

refrigeration 109 


bridges  at  or  near — 

Augusta - 960.995.1104 

Biggers 683,932,991 

Calion       559,671,710,817,1101 

Clarendon 960,995,1104 

rotter.. 685,711.845,937 

Fulton  348,454,544,817,1102 

Cxarland 559,583,710,1102 

Marked  Tree 560,710,936 

Newport 960,1104 

Success 556,668,708 

Tnion-Ashley  counties 958 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 79 

coals,  analyses . 539 

deputy  marshals,  pension 432 

lands  withdrawn  pending  classification 764 

meteoric  irons  heretofore  undescribed 1 92 

negro  colleges,  etc. ,  survey 1113 

pellagra  in  Mississippi  flood  area 323,  513 

post  route  map 630 

strawberry  pickers  wanted,  poster 883 

tornadoes,  1879-1920 11 

Arkansas  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 650 

Arkansas  &  Louisiana  Midland  Ry .,  valuation.    731 

-Vrkansas  &  Louisiana  Missouri  Ry.,  paper 36 

Arkansas  City,  Ark.,  bridge 557,708,802 

Arkansas  Light  &  Power  Co.,  cables 607 

Arkansas  Railroad,  acquisition  of  line... 295 

.\rkansas  River: 

irrigation  of  arid  and  semiarid  lands. 789 

waters,  consent  to  compact 960 

Arkansas  Textile  Co.,  textile  machinery 744 

Arkansas  Tie  &  Timber  Co.,  railroad  ties 741 

.Arkansas  AVestern  Ry.,  oil-well  supplies 300 

Arkansas  Wholesale  Grocers'  Association: 

complaint,  report,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  601 

V.  Federal  Trade  Commission 92, 113 

Arlington,  Oreg.,  bridge . 956 

Arlington  experiment  farm,  wheat 405 

Arlington  Heights  quadrangle,  111 605 

.Arlington  Memorial  Bridge: 

bascule  draw  span,  specifications 1105 

highway  connecting  with  Mount  Vernon— 

est  imate 1067 

hearings 832 

law 1101 

reports .; 698,717 

Arlington  Memorial  Bridge  Commission 1105 

Arlington  Naval  Radio  Station,  weather  rps. ..  534 

aircraft fig 

aircraft  and  infantry 324,515, 

.       .    .      ,  641,1072 

Armistice  day,  1927,  proclamation 317 

Armory  drill  pay  claims,  settlement..  852, 969, 1100 
-Vrmour  &  Co.: 

buttermilk  poultry  feed 1117 

peanuts "    873 

sand '.".";''.'""  366 

sugar .._:. 302 

swine.. 39  87fi 

!'.  ITnited  States 243,490 

.Vrmour  Fertilizer  Works,  misrouting  '  612 


ammunition,  obsolete  and  nonstandard.       911 
ammunition,  service  components..  9ii 

exportation  to  belligerent  nations  '  "  .^sa 

Arms — Continued . 

for  protection  of  public  money,  etc 591 

National  Guard  training  manual 326 

see  also  Ordnance — Weapons. 

Armstrong,  C.  L.,  leprosy  cases 392 

Armstrong,   Charles,  tetanus  following  small- 
pox vaccination 391,  773 

Armstrong,  George  R.: 
reports 690, 1002 

veto  message 1055 

Armstrong,  Helen  L.,  v  .United  States 1127 

Armstrong,  R.  E.,  United  States  r 48.5,617 

Armstrong,  Robert  B.,  v.  United  States 113 

Armstrong,  AVilliam  H.,  relief 433 

Armstrong  Cork  Co.,  cork _..  469 

Armstrong  County,  Pa.,  bridge 423,576,667 

Armuelles,  Port,  chart 181 


aircraft,  claims  for  damages  by 966 

ammunition  storage  conditions,  survey 907 

appropriations.    War    Dept.    and    Army, 

hearings 574, 675 

law... 804 

reports 547,574,673 

aviators,  double  pension  for  disability.  595,695 
bandmasters,  commissioning — 

hearing 591  j 

reports 718,822 

veto  message ._. 1055 

contingencies,  appropriation  for... 591 

enlisted  men — 

claims,  oflicers'  training  camps 1107 

employed  by  The  Panama  Canal..  559,  671 

indebtedness  to  U.  S.,  collection 593, 

operators'    permits    for    Govt,    vehi- 
cles   586,810 

percentages  in  6th  and  7th  grades 966 

regulations  concerning 265, 

relief  of  those  who  misrepresented  age 

see  aJsn,  below,  personnel. 

joint  action  with  Navy 137, 199,516 

list  and  directorv 66, 

199,325,516.775,  1072 

national  defense  act,  as  amended 325 

officers — 

chiefs,  etc.,  of  branches  as  general  offi- 
cers of  the  lino 970 

directorv 66, 

Executive  disposition  of  services...  593,  692 

in  or  near  District  of  Columbia 66, 

265, 393, 908 
National  Guard  convention -.594, 

693, 804 

precedence  with  ambassadors,  etc 187 

jjromotion,  etc.,  hearings. 457,719 

])romotion,  etc.,  minority  views...  852,970 

promotion,  etc.,  reports 852,970 

refunds  to  disbursing  officers 570,571 

register,  1928 641 

regulations  concerning 65, 


relief  of  certain  oflScers 451.  .5,50 

service  in  Philippine  Constabulary 692, 


to  accept  foreign  decorations 939, 1099 

see  also,  below,  personnel, 
pensions,  see  Pensions. 
disposition  of  remains 433,591,667 

on  duty  with  National  Guard 67 

recovery  of  bodies ._ 433,  .591,  667 

regulations  concerning 136, 

393,  515, 774, 1150 
see  also,   above  and  below,   enlisted 
men— officers — warrant  officers. 

postal  employees,  credit  for  service 1011 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  292, 862 

purchase  of  horses  and  mules _ 435,  592,  668 

ration,  prescribing 351 

register  1928.  641 

regulations .  65, 135,  "136, "198,  "m  "264',  265',  324^  393, 

514,  515,  640,  774, 907, 908, 1071, 1149,  1150 

current  pamphlets  and  changes... 514 



Army— Continued. 

regulations— Continued. 

general  provisions. 640 

miscellaneous  regulations..  65. 199,908, 1071 

technical  regulations 136, 199,  324, 393, 

.515,  641.  774,  775,  908,  1071,  1072,  1150 
technical  regulations,   instructions  for 

Marine  Corps 625 

technical  regulations,  list 641 

training  regulations 136,  26.'i, 

325,  515,  516, 641,  775,  908, 1072, 1150 
training   regulations,    instructions   for 

Marine  Corps 625 

training  regulations,  list 641 

supplies,  see  Army  supplies, 
training  manuals— 

.\rmy  cook 908 

basic  signal  communication 1072, 1150 

hydrographic  surveying 136 

instructions  for  Marine  Corps 625 

list 641 

message  center  specialist 1072 

meteorological  observer 136 

packer 265 

telegraph  operator. 136 

topography  and  surveying 775,908, 1072 

warrant  officers- 
employed  by  The  Panama  Canal..  559,  671 

persons  with  interruption  of  status 825, 

1007, 1104 

regulations  concerning 1 99, 1 1 50 

see  also,  above,  personnel, 
see  also  American  Expeditionary  Forces^ 
Pay,  Army — Recruiting  and  en- 
listment— Retired  list,  .\rmy—  Sol- 
diers— also  certain  headings  begin- 
ning Military — also  names  of  special 
branches  of  the  service. 

Army  and  Navy  Joint  Board. 137, 199,  516 

Army  directory,  see  .\.rmy. 
Army  emergency  officers'  retired  list,  see  Emer- 
gency officers'  retired  list. 

.\rmy  hospitals,  civil  service  rules 319 

see  also  names  of  hospitals. 
Army  list  and  directory,  see  .A.rmy. 
Army  medical  center,  see  Walter  Reed  .\rmy 
General  Hospital. 

Army  Mine  Planter  Service 199 

.\rmy  Nurse  Corps,  see  Nurse  Corps,  .\rmy. 
.\rmy  officers,  see  Army. 
Army  posts,  see  Military  posts. 
Army  register,  see  .\rmy. 

Army  Reserve  Olficers'  Training  Corps,  sec 
Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps, 

Army  School  of  Nursing,  announcement 1152 

Army  supplies: 

issue  of  reserve  supplies,  etc 433, 1002 

rates  on. 1116 

regulations  rel.  to  equipment 1071 

technical  regulations 136 

see  also  Military  supplies^aiso  names  of 
Army  Supply  Base,  Hampton  Roads,  lands...   57, 

186,  764 
Army  training  manual,  see  Army. 
.\rmy  Transport  Service: 
retirement — 

hearings 433,960 

report 960 

Army  worm,  see  Fall  army  worm. 
Arner,  G.  B.  L.: 

agricultural  products,  foreign  trade 142 

agricultural  statistics,  1920.. 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products. _. 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Arnesen,  O.  W.: 

history  of  embalming 120 

technifiue  of  embalming 496 

Arnold,  C.  R.,  farm  practices  under  corn-borer 

conditions 400 

Arnold,  Henry  H.,  v.  United  States 41 

Arnold,  Una  M.,  relief 704 

Arnoldsburg  quadrangle,  W.  Va 362 


las  ar&ceas  economicas 378 


Aron,  E.  F.,  pharmacy  under  naval  govern- 
ment   120 

Arrhythmias,  electrocardiogram 246, 247 

Arrow  Rock,  Mo.,  bridge 426,581,670 

Arrowhead  Springs  Co.  v.  United  States 1110 

Arrowroot,  educational  illustrations 529 

.\rrows,  see  Bows  and  arrows. 

Arsenal  St.,  Watertown,  Mass.,  widening,  etc..  973 

Arsenals,  see  names  of  arsenals. 

.\rsenates,  chemotherapy.. 324 

see  also  Calcium  arsenate — Lead  arsenate. 

ores,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold,  etc 1090 

production  in  192G 1.52 

Arsenic-free  zinc,  preparation 120 

Arsenicals,  see  Arsenates. 

Arsphenamine-sodium  thiosulphate  treatment.    63 


of  Capitol  of  U.  S.  A 447 

works  of.  copyrighted 47, 179, 373,  1046 

works  of,  copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

.\rtaki  Bay,  chart 50 

.\rtaud,  T.  P.,  land  appraisal 303 

Artediellus,  see  Fish  and  fisheries. 

Artemus-Jellico  R.  R.,  rates  on  coal 296 

Arterio-veuous  aneurysms. 49 

Arthritides  in  adult _ 907 

Arthritis,  infectious,  foci  of  infection 1148 


legs  and  leg-bearing  segments. 898 

life  history  studies 1081 

Arthur  Kill,  chart  of  northern  part 279 

Artichoke,  Jerusalem,  as  crop  plant 210 

Articles  of  Confederation ._ 222 

Artificial  buttermilk,  see  Buttermilk. 
Artificial  leather,  see  Leather,  hides,  and  skins. 

coast  artillery,  manual  for  Nat.  Guard 326 

field  artillery,  training  regulations.  325,  516, 64 1 
see  also  Ordnance. 
Artistic  and  Literary  Property,  International 
Conference    on,    see    International 
Conference  on  Literary  and  Artistic 

Artists  of  Capitol  of  U.  S.  A 447 

Arts,  American  Federation  of,see  American  Fed- 
eration of  Arts. 
Artschwager,   Ernst,  wound  periderm  forma- 
tion  532,647 

Arundel  Sand  &  Gravel  Co.  ».  U.  S 28s,  617 

Arzila,  Morocco,  chart... 52 

Asau  Harbor,  Sa vail  Island,  chart 759 


packings,  asbestos  metallic  cloth  sheet 22 

packings,  asbestos  wick  and  rope 22 

paper  and  millboard,  waste  elimination 284 

production  in  1926 281 

shingles,  customs 224 

Asbestos  Corporation,  Ltd.,  U.  S.  v 745 

Asbury  Park,  N.  J.,  diphtheria  immunization.  134 
Asclepias  mexicana,  see  Milkweed. 
Ascomycete  Neurospora: 

fertile  hybrids,  production 647,788 

nuclear  phenomena  with  heterothallisni..  2)4, 


Ash,  Charles  S.,  demurrage 101 

Ash-cans,  rates  on 465 

Ash  handles,  elimination  of  waste ._.  928 

.\sh-handling machinery,  operation,  care,  etc.. _  886 

Ashbaugh,  Alexander,  relief 349 

.\shbrook,  Frank  G.: 

blue-fox  farming  in  Alaska 785 

experimental  fur  farm 73, 785 

feeding  garbage  to  hogs..- _ 73 

fur  laws  for  season  1927-28 205 

mink  raising 272,528 

Ashland,  Ky.: 
bridges — 

Ashland  Bridge  Co.. 454,558,670 

International  Business  Co.,  Ine 958 

Rogers  Brothers. 558,582,670 

Ashland  Bridge  Co.,  bridge.. 4,54,  .558,  670 

Ashland  Leather  Co.,  leather 611 

.\shley,  Grover,  relief - 449 

Ashley  County,  .\rk.: 

bridge 9S8 

transfer  of  judicial  district , 962 


Index,  1927-1928 

Ashmead,  Dever  C,  mining  thin  coal  beds  in 

Pa 539 

Ashmore,  Arthur  N.,  relief.. 94o 

Ashurst.  Henry  F.  (Senator  from  Ariz.): 
minoritv  views- 
Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com.  849, 1000 
reports  made  by- 
Indian  AiTairs  Com 715,716,848,999 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com...  596 
Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com...  459,  597 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts 1049 

pilot,  supplements. 756,888,1048 

radio  markets  developing  slowly... 216 

Asiatic  Petroleum  Co.<,(New  York),  Ltd.  618,1125 
Aslander,  Alfred,  see  Aslander,  Alfred. 

Asmus,  Henry,  farm  horseshoeing 7:5 


article  on --  654 

rates  on 30 

Asper,  (luy  P.,  postoperative  collapse  of  lung..  264 

and  related  bitumens,  production  in  1926..  152 

disposition  on  public  domain 567 

Government  supplies 62,638 

leases  of  Choctaw,  etc.,  lands 953, 998, 1098 

rates  on 97,103,606,731,1024 

Aspirators,  see  Bates  laboratory  aspirator. 
Assault  and  battery,  punishment,  mail  robbers.  976 

Assay  Commission 905 

proceedings,  1928,  test  of  coinage,  etc 905 

Assay  office  at  Dahlonega,  Ga 948 

Asses,  transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle...  703,1104 
Assessor,  District  of  Columbia: 

estimate  for  office 1064 

report,  1927 3.56 

Assistants  (dyeing): 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 ....     14 

Association  Fran?aise  d'Expansion  et  d'Ech- 
anges    Artistiques,    exhibition    of 

French  prints,  catalogue 1130 

Association  of  Cocoa  &  Chocolate  Manufact- 
urers of  United  States,  cocoa 31 

Association  of  Governmental  Labor  Officials 
of  United  States  and  Canada,  pro- 
ceedings, 1927 491 

Association  of  Official  Seed  Analysts  of  North 

America,  seed  testing  rules 1084 

Associations,  see  Parent-teacher  associations — 
aho    names    of    associations — also 
special  subject  with  which  associa- 
tion has  to  do. 
As'eroidea,  see  Starfish. 
Asterolecaniinae,  see  Scale  insects. 

Asthenia,  neurocirculatory.     779 

Asthma,  see  Bronchial  asthma. 
iVstronomical   instruments,    see   names   of   in- 

Astrophysical  Observatory 384 

report,  1927.. 384 

see  also  Abbot,  C.  G. 

Asuncion,  Paraguay,  interesting  capital 124 

Atchafalaya  River: 

bridge  at  Melville,  La 556,707,800 

bridge  at  Morgan  City,  La _  423,577,667 

Atchison,  Kans.,  bridges 557, 581,709,  S02 

Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry.: 

abandonment  of  lines ." 30,465,1116 

acQuisition  of  line 4(55 

case  of  Hoboken  Manufacturers'  R.  R 487 

case  of  Oklahoma   Corporation   Commis- 
sion  1121 

misrouting 476,738 

operation  of  hncs 465, 1116 

rates 610 

rates,  4th  section  applications i03 

rates  on— 

apples .. 866 

automobiles _ 30, 97 

barrels 606 

baskets. I.''lll6 

bed-springs 97 

bones 732 

brass 466 

broom-corn 1."]^"  1025 

broom  handles 30, 163 

building  materials "    '"      '   31 

buttermilk  poultry  feed.. '  '1117 

Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry.— Contd. 
rates  on — Continued. 

cabbage 98,607 

cans 466 

carpets 1 64 

cattle 231,467 

cedar  chests 467 

cement  sacks 608 

chlorin 1026 

•coal 164,733,869,1117 

coffee 869 

copper 469 

cotton 101 

cotton  goods 469 

cotton-seed 469 

egg  cases 1028 

fluxing  ores 610 

fruit 166 

gas  oil 472,1029 

gasoline 33,611,870 

glass 103 

grain 472,611,1029 

grapes 34, 166 

gravel 104 

hoofs 473 

horses 298 

ice-cream  cones 737 

infusorial  earth 104 

linseed-oil 872 

lubricating-oils 35,872,1031,1120 

lumber 612 

millet  seed 106 

oats 36 

paper 477 

peanuts 108 

petroleum 300,740, 1033 

pipe 170,234 

plaster 479 

potatoes 741, 1121 

pumps 1034 

railroad  tracks 1034 

roofing 615 

salt 1122 

sand 874,1122 

silica 1 123 

silk 482 

soy-beans 172 

steel 111,875 

stone HI 

sugar 876 

swine ill 

tank  agitators 1037 

tanks 617 

text-books 236 

vegetables 876 

wheels 1125 

wool 237 

refrigerator-cars 742 

stock 606 

switching 172 

switching  charges 236,  616 

trackage 876 

train-control  devices.. 1037 

valuation 97,  866 

Atchison  Union  Depot  &  R.  R.  Co.,  valuation.  163 

Athletic  supplies  for  Government 511 

Athletics  in  treatment  of  mental  cases 640 

.\tlanta,  Ga.: 

air  mail  service 894 

International  Association  of  Industrial  Ac- 
cident Boards  and  Commissions...  751 

Atlanta  &  St.  Andrews  Bay  Ry.,  notes 163, 

Atlanta  &  West  Point  R.  R.: 
rates  on — 

bananas J116 

bottles 732 

cattle 99 

cotton 165, 1027 

cotton-seed 101 

granite 1030 

sand. 38 

shade  cloth 302 

warehouses 40 

Atlanta,  Birmingham  &  .\tlantic  Ry.: 
rates  on— 

cattle 1026 

drain-tiles 1028 



Atlanta,  Biiniinghaiii  &  Atlantic  Ky.— Contil. 
rates  on— continued. 

hosiery _ 87 1 

insecticides 167 

phosphates . .  740 

watermelons  _ 40 

Atlantic  &  Western  Ry.,  acquisition  of  line 465 

Atlantic  City  &  Shore  R.  R.,  valuation ;W 

Atlantic  Coast: 

buoy  list 217 

charts 214,248,758,1050 

current  tables,  1929 792 

light  lists 538,662,795 

pilots — 

coast  pilot --    82 

coast  pilot,  supplements 15,659, 1088 

inside  route,  supplement.- 150 

red  snappers,  2  species 16 

tide  tables,  1929 6.59 

see  also  Atlantic  States. 
.\tlantic  Coast  Line  R.  R.: 

bonds. 1024 

demurrage 609 

misrouting 873 

rates 870, 1028 

rates  on — 

Army  supplies 1116 

bricks 1116 

citrus  fruit 868 

curbing 469 

e.xcavating  machinery 735 

feldspar 471 

flour 471 

limestone --.  1031 

locks 1119 

lumber 35,  U>8 

lumber  (2  entries) 475 

peanuts 740,873 

phosphates 36 

pipe 478 

potatoes 365,479 

rails 37 

rosin  dross 109 

sugar 1036 

watermelons _    40 

refrigeration 615 

stock 295 

train-stop  device 236 

('.  United  States 288 

Atlantic  Coastal  Plain,  see  Atlantic  States. 

Atlantic  Fruit  Co.,  Inc.,  fruit 610 

Atlantic  Gulf  Oil  Corporation  v.  U.  S..._ 113 

Atlantic  Ocean: 

charts  of  north  Atlantic- 
current  charts 183,376,759, 1134 

pilot  chart 52,  123,183,250, 

313, 376, 499,  627,  759, 891, 1051, 1134 

pilot  chart  of  upper  air 376, 


sailing  chart 50 

charts  of  south  Atlantic- 
great  circle  sailing 499 

pilot  chart 52,250,499,891 

fishing  banks  in  north  Atlantic 890,891 

international  ice  observation,  etc 510 

pilot,  east  Atlantic,  supplement 1049 

weather  forecasts  by  radio 11, 183 

Atlantic  Refining  Co.: 

alcohol 30 

V.  United  States 156 

.\tlantic  States: 

farm  products,  monthly  prices,  1925 5 

soil  fertility.  Central  Atlantic  States 271 

strawberry  culture,  S.  Atlantic  States 919 

see  also  Atlantic  Coast. 

Atlantic  Works,  to  carry  out  findings.. 704 

Atlas,  geologic,  of  United  States 294 

.■\.tlas  Iron  &  Metal  Co.,  brass 466 

Atlas  Line  Steamship  Co.  v.  United  States 880 

Atlas  Portland  Cement  Co.,  cement  sacks 608 

Atmosphere,  see  Air. 

Atmospheric  nitrogen,  see  Nitrogen. 

Atmospheric  pressure,  see  Air. 

Atrophy  of  liver  after  neosalvarsan  use 887 

Attendant,  ideal 1071 

Attorney  General,  see  Justice  Department. 
Attorneys,  see  District  attorneys — Lawyers. 
Atwater,  C.  G.,  sulphate  of  ammonia 288 

15950—29 2 


Atwater,  Helen  W.,  honey  and  its  uses 75 

Atwater,  William  C,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 1.56, 

174, 237, 288,  618 
.\twood,  Charles,  alias,  see  Shannon,  John. 

Atwood  Davis  Sand  Co.,  sand.. 616 

Auburn,  Me.,  land  adjoining  target  range 851, 

966, 1098 

.\udio  frequency  currents,  generator  for 665 

Auditor,  District  of  Columbia,  report,  1927 356 

Auerbach,  Ilenrv  A.,  trustee,  v.  U.  S 355, 1040 

Auffurth,  E.  L.  F.,  relief 676 

Augusta,  Ark.,  bridge.. 960,995,1104 

Augusta,  Ga.: 

air  navigator  maps.. 775,776 

improvement  of  Savannah  R.  below 698 

Augusta,  Ky.,  bridge 427,710,803 

Aunkerman,   Adam   B.,  alias,  see  Ackerman, 
.\dam  B. 

Aunt  Sammy's  radio  recipes.. 208 

.\ustin,  Irving  M.,  p.  United  States 485 

Austin,  J.  T).,v.  United  States 174 

Austin,  L.  W.: 

radio  atmospheric  disturbances 191 

solar  activity  and  radio  reception 77 

.\ustin,  William  L.: 

census  of  agriculture,  1925. 337, 407,  535 

stocks  of  leaf  tobacco,  etc.,  1926 81 

Austin  Company  v.  United  States 113,288,877 

Austin  papers 899 

Austin  Powder  Co.,  black  powder 731 


charts 50,122,181 

land  shell,  Thersites  bipartita 258 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts. 1049 

pilot,  supplements 756,7.57, 1049 

surgical  and  dental  instrument  trade 1090 


crania  in  National  Museum 767 

veterans,  treatment  by  U.  S.  Veterans'  Bur.    65 

debt  to  U.  S.  and  loan  for  reconstruction- 
hearings 834 

legislation  recommended 769 

reports  of  committees 834,979 

parcel-post  convention  with  U.  S 1062 

parcel-post  insurance  agreement 629 

war  claims,  settlement- 
estimate 903 

law 668,8.34 

reports _ 545,  .586 

see  also   Tripartite    Claims     Commission, 
U.  S.,  Austria,  and  Hungary. 

Automatic  Gravel  Products  Co.,  sand 38 

Automobile  bumpers,  rates  on 1024 

Automobile  heaters,  rates  on ... 736 

Automobile  trucks,  sec  Motor-trucks. 

accessories.  Government  supplies 638 

American  machinery  used  by  Citroen  Co..     17 

brake  lining,  elimination  of  waste .541 

competition  of  leading  mfr.  of  Gt.  Brit 280 

exhaust  gas  in  streets  and  repair  shops 773 

for  the  Vice  President,  estimate 702 

grease  rack 247 

one  for  every  66  persons  in  the  world 17 

operators'  permits.  Govt,  vehicles  in  D.  C.   586, 


rates  on 30, 97, 163, 230, 295, 465,  606,  765,  1024 

tires,  use  and  care 287 

world  consumption  in  1926 83 

world  motorization  on  Jan.  1,  1927 17 

see  uho  Motor-busses — Motor-cycles— 
Motor-trucks— Motor-vehicles  — 

Automotive  Division 83,280,409.661,924,925 

Automotive  products,  see  Motor-vehicles,  and 


allergy,  post-mortem  findings 198 

anthropometric  data  from  autopsy  records.  502 

bronchial  asthma,  post-mortem  record 640 

comparison  of  physical,  etc.,  examinations.  264 
pneumothorax,  post  mortem  photograph. .  392 

thrombo-phlebitis  in  tuberculosis 1071 

tuburculous  ulcer  of  duodenum 135 

value  in  settlement  of  claims 392 

.\utorotation,  wind  tunnel  tests 495 


Index,  1927-1928 


Average  (maritime  law):     ,    .  ,  ^.        .  ,.„ 

comparative  American  legislation,  etc oj 

same  (in  Spanish) ,----,■""  ^?c 

Avers,  Henry  O.,  variation  of  mean  sea  level- .    15 
Avery,  Samuel  D.:  . 

hemorrhagic  bronchopneumonia ouz 

Kahn  precipitation  test 502 

Avery,  Thomas  J.,  v.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue  26i 
Vviatiou,  -see  Aeronautics,  and  references. 
Aviation  charts...  121, 181, 248, 312, 375, 498, 889, 1133 
Aviation  fields,  see  .\irports  and  aviation  fields— 
also  names  of  fields. 

Aviation  seamanship,  training  course 1048 

Aviation  stations,  see  Airports  and  aviation 

foreign,  DistinguLshed  Flying  Crosses..  851,906 

notice  to  aviators 121, 

180,  248, 311, 375, 498,  025, 757, 889, 1049, 1132 
pay  and  retirement  of  military  aviators— 

H.  R.  11273,  hearings 822 

H.  R.  11273,  report 822 

S.  4235,  report -  966 

pensions,  to  include  Army  in  provisions.  595,  695 

recognizing  aviation  accomplishments 966 

see  also  names  of  aviators. 

Avocado,  0  sen  cultivo  e  distribuifao 54 

Avon,  Geneseo  &  Mount  Morris  R.  R.,  valu- 
ation   735 

Awa  Anchorage,  chart 182 

Axles  for  locomotives,  etc.,  specifications 340 

Aycock-Holiey  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 168 

Ayer,  Charles  F.,  v.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue.  860 
Ayer,  Frederick,  v.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue.  366 

Ayers,  S.  Henry,  milk  pasteurization 272 


eelestial  bodies 311 

Polaris,  1927 227 

Polaris,  1928 293 

the  sun. 180 

world  charts 1050,1051,1134 

.\zov.  Sea  of,  chart  of  ports 181 

Aztec  Land  and  Cattle  Co.,  land  in  Fort  Apache 

Reservation 953,998, 1099 

.\zusa  quadrangle,  Calif 1114 


B  and  P  Bridge  Co.: 

bridge  at  Weslaco,  Tex 685,844,936 

bridge  at  Zapata,  Tex 560, 710, 803 

Babbitt  metal,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

Babcock,  C.  J.: 

flavor  and  odor  of  milk,  etl'ect  of  feeds 7 

flavor  ant4  odor  of  milk ,  effect  of  turnips 401 

Babcock,  Charles  E.: 

Latin  American  libraries 761 

same  (in  Spanish) 1135 

Babcock,  F.  Ray,  grains  for  N.  and  S.  Dak.,  etc.  275 

Babcock  &  Wilcox  Co.,  iron.. 737 

Babies,  see  Infants. 

Bacharach,  Isaac  (Representative  from  N.  J.): 
report  made  by — 

Ways  and  Means  Com 834 

Bachmann,  Carl  Q.  (Representative  from  W. 
minority  views — 

Civil  Service  Com 807 

Bacilli,  see  Acid-fast  organisms — also  headings 
beginning  Bacillus— aZso  names  of 
bacillary  diseases. 

Bacillus  coli: 

distribution  in  soil  under  and  near  pits 64 

recovery  from  soil  at  Fort  Caswell 64 

water  purification  experiments 63, 197 

Bacillus  inucosus  eapsulatus.. 502 

Bacillus  radicicola 399,528 

Back,  Carl  C,  relief 548,985,1094 

Back,  E.  A.: 

clothes  moths  and  their  control 651 

stored-grain  pests... 272 

Back,  Guntlier  C,  relief 548,985,1094 

Back  pain,  prostatitus  as  focus  of  infection 514 

Bacon,  Robert  L.,  thanks  of  Congress  to  Charles 

E.  Hughes 812 

Bacon  Brothers,  potatoes 74i 



canker  of  tomatoes,  bacterial. 919 

chloroform,  bactericidal  action 5, 910 

irradiated  oils,  bactericidal  properties 135 

milk  and  foam  during  pasteurization 206 

pollution  of  wells 64 

root-nodule  bacteria  of  pea  group 525,647 

see  also  Bacteriology— a/so  headings    begin- 
ning Bacillus — Bacterium — also 
names  of  bacterial  diseases. 

Bacterins,  chloroform  action 5,916 

Bacteriology,  of  oysters 785 

Bacterium      pruni,      production     of     certain 

enzymes 203,209 

Bacterium  puerariae,  halo  spot  caused  by 1079 

Baden,  Anne  L.,  standardization 1093 

Badger  Lumber  &  Coal  Co.,  lumber 612 

Badger  Radio  Co.,  electric  appliances 870 

Badges  of  honor,  see  Decorations  of  honor — 

Baertch,  Oscar,  bridge 425,579,669 

Baft'in  Bay,  Continuation  of,  chart 536 

Bagging,  rates  on 97 

Bagley,  B.  W.,  cement  in  1926 796 

Bags,  see  Burlap  bags — Paper  bags. 

Bagworm,  injurious  shade-tree  insect 331 

Bahama  Islands: 

money-order  post  offices 254 

pilot 50 

Bahamas-Cuban  Co.,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States.. .  877 

Bahr  Brothers  Manufacturing  Co 170 

Baievsky,  Boris,  fisheries  of  Siberia 151 

Bail,  to  authorize 687 

Bailev,  E.  H..  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis 789 

Bailey,  Edward  G.,  coal 468 

Bailey,  Elmer  S.,  v.  American  Baptist  Home 

Mission  Society 174 

Bailey,  George  P.,  relief -  433 

Bailey,  N.  R.,  pressure  distribution  data 909 

Bailey,  Vernon: 

beaver  habits,  etc 205 

how  beavers  build  their  houses 189 

Bailift's  in  U.  S.  courts,  to  abolish 686 

Bain,  H.  Foster,  cost  of  Chilean  nitrate 288 

Bain,  Jarvis  J.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  district 518 

Baine,  Thomas,  restoration  to  classified  service.  504 

Baird,  John  H.,  patient  as  an  individual 135 

Baker,  Andrew  J.,  relief 833 

Baker,  Arthur  A.,  Salina  Canyon  dist.,  Utah. .464, 

Baker,  Calton  (or  Carlton)  C.,see  Baker,  Guy  C. 

Baker,  Charles  M.,  v.  United  States 485 

Baker,  Guy  C,  correct  records  of  War  Dept...  349 

Baker,  Roland  M.,  relief 418 

Baker,  T.  B.,  sand 1123 

Baker,  Virgil,  v.  comptroller  general,  etc 224 

Baker  &  Holmes  Co.,  flour 471 

Baker,  Fort,  roads... 349,931,1002 

Baker  Foundation,  see  Judge  Baker  Founda- 

Baker  Ice  Machine  Co.,  Inc.,  pipe. 740 

Baker-Joslyn  Co.,  insulators 737 

Baker  ratings.  Navy  training  course 888 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

combinations  in  bread,  etc.,  hearings 717 

Bakeries  Service  Corporation,  paper 107 

Baking-powder,  rates  on 295 

Balangnipa  Road,  chart 312 

Balboa,  C.  Z.,  tide,  moon,  and  sunrise  tables..  502 

Baldwin,  Frederick  D.  W.,  relief 441 

Baldwin,  G.  C,  surface  water  supply 1022 

Baldwin,  Gage,  Co.,  refrigeration 1035 

Baldwin,  I.  L.,  root-nodule  bacteria 525,647 

Baldwin  County,  Ala.,  bridge.. ..  843,959,993,1102 

Baldwin  Hardware  Co.,  freight  rates 232 

Bales  of  cotton: 
to  standardize — 

hearings 983. 1105 

report 983 

Balish  Brothers,  misrouting- 738 

Ball,  Alice  R.,  reinstatement 255 

Ball,  Carleton  R.,  how  to  use  sorghum  grain.-  275 
Ball,  James  S.: 

farm  inventories - 271 

system  of  farm  cost  accounting --      4 

Ballegoin,  A.  L.,  bridge 956,991,1099 





race  from  Detroit,  Sept.  10,  1927 534 

sounding  balloon  ascensions,  results 212 

Sfe  also  Aircraft— Airships. 

Ballou,  De  Forrest,  jr.,  eye  examinations 640 

Balrae,  Paul,  cases. 225,292,1019 

Baltic  Sea: 

lights,  etc 121 

pilot,  supplements 888,1049 

telegraph  chart . 1134 

Baltic  States,  motion-picture  market 92.i 

Baltimore,  Md.: 

aviation  chart 121 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 516 

tide  calendar ■"»,  121, 181, 

248,  312, 375,  498, 626, 758, 1050, 1132 

unemploj-ment  survey., 751 

Baltimore  &  Carolina  Steamship  Co 59 

Baltimore  &  Ohio  Chicago  Terminal  R.  R.: 
rates  on— 

enamel 102 

stone 39 

Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad: 

abandonment  of  part  of  branch  line 1024 

bonds 230 

control  of  C,  I.  &^X 31 

customs  on  ferromanganese. 1017 

misroutiug 35,  738 

operation  under  trackage  rights 731 

rates 33, 1141 

rates  on — 

asphalt 1024 

automobiles 295 

baking-powder 295 

barium  carbonate S66 

black  powder 97 

bricks 98 

canned  food 164 

cans 99 

cast-iron 607,732 

cement 1026 

chlorin 1026 

chocolate 608 

coal 100,468,608,733 

coffee 734 

cotton  goods— 1027 

derricks 470 

enameled-ware 870 

fish-oil 1028 

gasoline 1029 

grain 298 

insulator  pins 1033 

insulators 473 

iron 611,871.1030 

lumber 1031, 1120 

meat 1032 

naphtha 106.1032 

paper 170,477 

paper  bags 740 

peaches 234 

pipe-line  coating 478 

plumbers'  supplies 479 

potatoes 614 

railroad  ties 614 

rocks . 480 

roofing 171 

sand 481,874,875 

steel 110,743,1036 

steel  bars 482 

stone 1123 

sulphuric  acid 744 

swine _.  482.876 

tomatoes 173 

wall-cleaning  compoimds 1037 

water-gas  tar 10:38 

wood 1038 

wool 744 

zinc 40 

routing 615 

stock 466 

train  service.. 744 

train-stop  device . 1124 

V.  Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Ry 877 

V.  United  States 367,877 

Baltimore  Gas  Engineering  Corporation..  957, 1100 
Bamberg.,   S.    C,   mosquito   control  by   air- 
plane  196,  .323 

Bamberger,  Florence  E.,  la  inspeccion  escolar..    55 


culture,  etc 654 

groves  thrive  in  United  Stales. 145 

Bananas,  r.ates  on 006,1024,1116 

Bancker-Xicholls  Brokerage  Co.. 731 

Band  instruments,  see  Musical  instruments. 

Ban(ia  ."^ea,  chart  of  ea.'^tern  part 181 

Bandelier  National  Monument 531 

Banding  birds,  instructions 785 

Bandmasters,  Army: 
commissioning — 

hearing .59 1 

reports 718,822 

veto  message 1055 

Bane,  Moses  M.,  relief  of  estate 985 

Bangor  &  .\roostook  R.  R.: 

freight-cars .610 

freight  rales 32 

rates  on — 

coal 296 

lumber 105 

stock 16.3,230 

Bangs,  N.  H.,  climate  of  China 6.56 

Bank-notes,  see  Federal  reserve  notes — National 
bank  notes — Paper  money. 

Banka  Strait,  chart  (2  entries) 249 

Banking,  see  Banks  and  banking. 
Banking  and  Currency  Committee,  House: 

hearings 24,90,944,1106 

reports 547,675,944 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 574,7ai,837 

reports 574,837,984 


in  Colorado,  rules  of  district  court 114, 877 

in  Virginia,  rules  of  district  court 619 

Banks  and  banking: 

amount  loaned  to  one  borrower 944 

deposits  in  names  of  2  persons,  payment-.  551, 

845. 932 

el  ahorro  escolar 761 

same  (in  Portuguese) 893 

interlocking  directorates — 

effective  regulation 547,  574, 667 

regulations  of  Fed.  Reserve  Bd.,  etc...  861 
0  commercio  exterior  e  as  casas  bancarias.  _  252 

publications  on  banking  for  sale 462, 1112 

State  banks  as  Government  depositories..   .547, 

936. 984 

veteran's  insurance  pajTnents 997 

see  also  Federal  intermediate  credit  banks — 
Federal  land  banks— Federal  re- 
serve banks — Federal  reserve  mem- 
ber banks — Foreign  exchange  — 
Joint  stock  land  banks — National 
banks — also  names  of  banks  or 
places  where  located. 
Bannock  County,  Idaho,  manganese  de- 
posit   464, 1114 

Banta,  Marion,  relief 676,929,985 

Baptiste,  Marie  R.  J.,  relief 812 

Bar  Association,  see  American  Bar  Association. 

Bar-iron,  rates  on 97,866 

Bara  Bav,  chart 182 

Baranof  Island,  land 318,896 

Barbados,  monev-order  post  offices.. 254 

Barber,  M.  A.: 

food  of  anopheline  larvae 134 

food  of  culicine  larvae 513,6.39 

malaria,  Mexican  cotton  pickers  in  Miss...    63 

spleens  in  measurement  of  malaria 391.  639 

tadpole  enemy  of  mosquito  larvfr 391,  773 

tests  of  larvicide  stoxal 134,263 

transmission  of  malaria  by  Anopheles.  263, 391 

Barber,  Zaccheus  P.,  patent 567,856,929 


black  stem  rust __ 333 

bread  or  barberries 404 

eradication  in  wheat  areas 209 

Barbour,  George  B.,  loess  of  China 190 

Barbour,    Henrv    E.     (Representative    from 
reports  made  by — 

-Appropriations  Com 547 

Conference  Com 673 

Bard,  n.  H.,  complaint,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade 

Comu eOI 

Bardel,  William,  relief 418 


Index,  1927-1928 


Bardia,  Port,  chart. - - -  ^12 

Bardwil  Brothers oii.JJof 

Barford,  C.  E.,  United  States  versus 877, 1038 

Barge  hne:  ^ 

extension  by  Inland  Waterways  Corp.— 

hearings 816,957 

minority  views ---  957 

report ^57 

Barger,  W.  R.,  citrus  fruit  decay 399,525 

Barite  in  1926_.- 217 

Barium  carbonate: 

duty,  proclamation  increasing  rate — 895 

rates  on *^'j*> 

Barium  products  in  1926 217 

Barker,  Eugene  C,  Austin  papers 899 

Barlier,  II.  O.,  bran  impaction 1149 

Barlver,  John  F.,  Produce  Co.,  tomatoes 1124 

Barker  Brothers,  Inc.: 

cedar  chests 467 

sprmgs . 


stoves 482 

Barkley,  Alben  W.  (Senator  from  Ky.): 
report  made  by- 
Finance  Com 713 


culture,  uses,  and  varieties 788 

official  grain  standards  handbook 649 

rates  on -^  7:u 

seed,  dehulling  to  induce  smut 399,  531 

Barnard,  Clarence,  relief 838,981,1094 

Barnard.  Edward  E.,  biographical  memoir 493 

Barnegat  lightship  to  be  established 19 

Barnett,  Jackson,  case  against  American  Bap- 
tist Home  Mission  Society 174 

Barnett,  V.  H.,  Gillette  coal  field,  Wyo.  _  _    161,  803 
Barnhart,  Earl  \V.: 

educational  program  for  laundry  salesmen.    91 

retail  meat  business,  manual 26 

Barnhill,  F.  C,  bridge 428,581,670 

Barnitz,  Richard  B.,  retirement 433 

Barnsdall  Refineries,  Inc.,  fuel-oil 166 

Barometric  depressions: 

and  typhoons  in  the  Far  East 33.5,405 

basis  for  seasonal  forecasting 11 

Barr,  J.  E.,  marketing  cowpea  seed  crop 1080 

Barrancas,  Fort,  lighthouse  reservation 2,55 


marking  lime  barrels- 
hearings .5.50 

report 809 

rates  on 466,606,731,1024 

Barrett,  Halsey  M.,  i\  United  States 241 

Barrett,  O.  W.,  las  araceas  economieas 378 

Barrett  Company: 

paper-stock _ .300 

relief 449,808,1094 

(;.  United  States _ 288 

water-gas  tar 1038 

Barrier  Reefs,  chart 122 

Barrington  Passage,  chart 181 

Barrios,  Puerto,  Guatemala,  see  Puerto  Barrios, 

Barro  Colorado  Island  Biological  Station 189 

Barron,  Florence  L.,  v.  United  States 1127 

Barron,  William  E.,  report  of  Hoods,  1927 :<35 

Barrows,  William  B.,  farm  timber 274 


billet-steel  concrete  reinforcement  bars 344 

customs  charges  on  steel  bars 1018 

rates  on  steel  bars 482 

specifications  for  wrought-iron  bars 411 

see   also    Angle-bars— Bar-iron— Drawbars. 

Barschi,  H.,  &  Son,  enameled-warc 870 

Barsley,  Cromwell  L.,  relief 562,851.929 

Bart  quadrangle,  Tex.. .  229 

Barth,  John,  Co.,  U.  S.  v 174,321,367,618,877 

Barthold,  F.  R.,  relief. 945 

Bartholomew,  Bayou: 

bridge 423,543,577 

to  make  portions  nonnavigable 955 

Bartlesville  Zinc  Co.,  demurrage 470 

Bartlett,  Adolphus  C,  Mabel  O.  Reinecke  i;   "  745 
Bartlett,  Harley  H.: 

botanical  trip  to  Formosa 898 

fast-di.sappeariug  flora  of  Sumatra.. 898 

Bartlett  pears,  see  Pears. 

Barton,  Ben  D.,  patent  appeals. 540 

Barton,  Mary  L.,  trustee,  David  H.  Blair  v        878 
Barton,  Otis,  David  H.  Blair  i'.  trustee  878 

Bart.sch,  Paul: 

natural  history  of  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence 898 

natural  history  studies,  Florida  Keys,  etc..  898 
Basham,  Thomas  E.,  Co.  c.  Robert  H.  Lucas.  745 

Basilan  Island,  anchorages 214 

Basket  hoops,  rates  on 1025 

Basket  Maker  village  of  Southwest 898 

Basket  tops,  rates  on 731 


for  fruits,  etc.,  standards- 
estimate  Sot  enforcement  of  act 1063 

hearings 678 

law 931 

reports 572,809 

rates  on 1025,1116 

Basophilic  red  cells  in  lead  poisoning 1129 

Bass,  James  W.,  relief 676,  protection  in  District  of  (^olumbia...  .586,809 

Bassler,  Ray  S.,  bryozoa  of  Gulf  of  Mexico 767 

Bat,  see  Bats. 

Batabano,  Cuba,  aviation  chart 498 

Batchelder,  Howard  M.,  reinstatement. .,  764 

Bates,  C.  Q.,  stream-flow  experiment 920, 1085 

Bates,  E.  N.,  laboratory  aspirator .526 

Bates,  Frederick,  new  base  point  on  thermo- 

metric  scale 89 

Bates,  John  W.,  relief 822 

Bates,  Lewis  B: 

blackleg  on  Canal  Zone 502 

hemorrhagic  broncho-pneumonia 502 

Bates  laboratory  aspirator .526 

Bateson,  William,  article  on 189 

Batesville  Southwestern  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Batev-Fleming  Co.,  rice.. 742 

Bath,  N.  Y.: 

cemetery,  conveyance  to  United  States...   822, 


lands,  etc.,  for  soldiers'  home 969, 100,5. 1101 

Bath  &  Hammondsport  R.  R.,  valuation 295 

Bath-tubs,  rates  on 97, 1116 

Bathing  pools,  in  District  of  Columbia. ..  809, 1064 

Bathurst,  Africa,  chart 499 

BatjerA  Co.  r.  United  States 174 

Baton  Rouge,  La.: 

bridges..     425,  ,580.  669, 683 

land  grant  to  La.  University 831, 931, 1013 

land  to  St.  Joseph's  Church 8:30, 1012, 1098 

portion  of  National  cemetery  for  street 690, 

1002, 1098 

Baton  Rouge  Electric  Co.,  coke 1027 

Baton  Rouge,  Hammond  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  val- 
uation   364 

Baton  Rouge-Mississippi  River  Bridge  Co..   425, 

.580,  669 
Baton  Rouge  National  Cemetery....  690, 1002, 1098 

Bats,  of  genera  Myotis  and  Pizonyx 1060 

Batson,  Lawrence  D.: 

electrical  development  in  Colombia,  etc —  151 

electrical  development  in  Japan 83 

electrical  equipment  markets..  216.  280,  339,  537 
world  radio  markets,  broadcasting  service.   1.52 

Batson-Cook  Co.,  building  materials 466 

Batteries    (electric),    see    Electric    batteries- 
Storage  batteries. 

Battery  boxes,  rates  on 607 

Battle,  see  name  of  battle. 
Battle  fields: 

guide  to  American  battlefields  in  Europe. .    78 

study,  etc.,  of  U.  S.  battlefields,  report 393 

see  also  names  of  battles,  or  places  where 
battles  were  fought. 
Battle  Monuments  Commission,  sec  American 
Battle  Monuments  Commission. 

Battle  of  Bear's  Paw  National  Monument 721 

Battle-ships,  see  War-ships. 

Battlefields,  see  Battle  fields. 

Battles,  see  names  of  battles. 

Battleships,  see  War-ships. 

Batz,  Alexander  de,  see  DeBatz,  Alexander. 

Baum,  Ida  F.,  relief. 418.543,574 

Baum,  Nathan,  trustee,  t>.  United  States 303 

Bauman,  Abraham,  /'.  United  States...  41, 113, 158 

Bauman,  Michael  J.,  relief 807 

Baumgartner,  Julius,  United  States  t' 367 

Baumhofer,  Lynn  G.,  pine  tip  moth 204,273 

Bauxite  in  1926 152 

Baxter,  J.  H.,  &  Co.,  poles 108 

Baxter,  O.  M.,  Inc..  United  States  v.. 461,724 

Bay,  see  name  of  bay. 





Bay  City,  Mich.,  chart 520 

Bay  Terminal  R.  R.,  car-trust  obligations 731 

Bayano,  Rio,  see  Rio  Chepo. 
Bayard,  Thomas  F.  (Senator  from  Del.): 
paper  presented  by — 

Charles  Viner  and  our  common  law_ .  1108 
reports  made  bv— 

Claims  Com _ 449,450,451,452, 

453,  574.  575,  576, 704,  705, 706,  8.38, 
Territories    and    Insular     Possessions 

Com 598,722,  1016 

Baver-Rothgeh  Co.  v.  United  States,  etc 897 

Bayersdorfer,  11.,  &  Co.,  United  States  v 356 

Bayeux,  Haiti,  tapping  Ilevea  rubber  trees 789 

Baylin,  Joseph  J.,  relief 985 

Bayly-Thompson  Co.,  lathing 474 

Bayoneta  Island,  chart 313 

Bayou,  sec  name  of  bayou. 
Bays,  see  names  of  bays. 

Bavuk  Cigars,  Inc.,  r.  Federal  Trade  (^omn.     725, 


Beach.  .Mfred  H.,  r.  United  States 618 

Beacon  Knitting  Mills,  Inc 861 

Beacons,    see    Air   mail — Radio   beacons — also 

names  of  places  where  located. 
Beal,  F.  K.  L.: 

common  birds  of  southeastern  U.  S .3.30 

common  birds  useful  to.  farmer 6,650 

food  of  some  well-known  birds... 205 

Beal  Nursery: 
hearings 674 

reports 674,983 

Beales,  Le Verne: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 1087 

census  of  manufactures,  1927 535 

Beals,  E.  A.: 

free-air  winds  over  Honolulu  and  Guam...    77 

trade  winds  of  the  north  Pacific 77 

Beals,  F.  W.,  v.  United  States 157,242 

Beals,  Lester  C,  /'.  United  States 157,242 

Beaman,  Arthur  L.,  relief 706,947, 1096 

Beaman,  W.  M.,  topographic  mapping 728 

Beaman  Elevator  Co.,  misrouting.. 872 

Beams,  formulas  for 325 

see  also  Box  beams. 

Bean,  Barton  .\.,  fishes 899 

Bean,  L.  H.,  agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 


handbook  of  United  States  standards 526 

rates  on 97,  466 

save  from  deterioration  in  transit 654 

see  also  names  of  beans. 

Bear,  R.  M.,  pressures  on  nozzles 47, 1046 

Bear  Brand  Hosiery  Co.,  hosiery 871 

Bear  Creek,  bridge 955,990,1098 

Bear  Point,  bridge 559,710,803 

Bear  River  (California): 

dam,  cost  of  building ' 1073 

Bear  River  (Colorado),  see  Yam  pa  River. 
Bear  River  (Wyoming): 

irrigation  dam,  feasibility. 819 

Bear  River  Migratory  Bird  Refuge: 
to  establish — 

estimate  of  appropriation 1063 

hearings .572,674 

law 931 

reports 572,674 

Beard,  Harry  R.,  fish  canned  as  sardines 17 

Beardsley,  Edward  G.: 

apparatus  for  studying  fuel  sprays. 495 

centrifugal  type  injection  valves 47 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

oil  sprays,  reproducibility,  etc 1046 

spray  penetration,  fuel  injection  nozzle 47 

Bearings  (machinery): 

elimination  of  waste,  roller  bearings 928 

operation,  care,  and  repair 753,755 

Bear's  Paw  National  Monument,  see  Battle  of 
Bear's  Paw  National  Monument. 

Beatrice  Creamery  Co.,  cream.. 165,869 

Beattie,  David,  to  pay  widow 942 

Beattie,  James  H.: 

cucumbers,  production  in  greenhouses 788 

farm  garden  in  the  North 334 

greenhouse  tomatoes 210 

home  storage  of  vegetables 76 


Beattie,  \V.  R.: 

celery  growing 1083 

home  jiroduction  of  onion  seed  and  sets 788 

onion  culture 145 

tomatoes  as  truck  crop 210 

Beatty,  Cora  B.,  exrx.,  v.  D.  B.  Heiner 485 

Beatty,  John  W..  c.  D.  B.  Heiner 485 

Beaty,  William  G,,  relief 433,799,851 

Beaufort,  S.  C,  relief  of  Carteret  Street  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church  South 699 

Beaufort  Harbor,  N.  C,  chart 1.50,923 

Beaumont,  Tex.,  air  navigation  map 776 

Beaumont  &  Great  Northern  R.R.: 

valuation 613 

correction  of  entry 646 

Beaumont  Iron  Works,  cast-iron 467 

Beaumont  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 475 

Beaumont,  Sour  Lake  &  Western  Ry.: 
rates  on — 

metals 475 

oil-well  machinery... .365 

petroleum 36 

sulphur 1036 

Be.aver  County,  Pa.,  bridge 427,583,670 

Beaver,  Meade  &  Englewood  R.R.,  extension.  867 

Beaver  Products  Co.,  Inc.,  plaster 479 


habits  and  experiments  in  beaver  culture..  205 

how  beavers  build  their  houses 189 

Bebry,  Percival  B.,  patent  appeal 282 

Bechdel,  S.  I.,  vitamin  B  in  feed  and  in  milk 

produced  (2  entries) 204 

Beck,  James  M.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
election  case- 
hearings  552,  679 

minority  views 679 

report 679 

report  made  by — 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Com.  424 
Beck,  Joseph  D.  (Representative  from  Wis.): 
reports  made  bv— 

Claims  Com 418, 

419,  420,  421,  807,  945, 948 

Beck,  Stewart  L.,  relief 707 

Becker,  George  F.,  biographical  memoir 493 

Becker,  Joseph  A.: 

agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Becker,  R.  B.,    cows,   utilization   of  grain    in 

silage 20.3,204 

Beckett,  Clinton  O.,  Veterans'  Hospital,  Gulf- 
port,  Miss. 264 

Beckett,  R.  E.,  Gossypium  cernuum 71,209 

Beckman,  H.  C.: 

surface  water  supply — 

Hudson  Bay  and  Mississippi  R.  basins.  1114 

Mississippi  River  basin,  lower 1022 

Missouri  River  basin 94 

Beckstead,  Wyman  H.,  relief  of  parents 694, 

719, 929 

Bed-springs,  rates  on 97 

Bedbugs,  tularaemia  in 323 

Bedding  charges  for  livestock 30 

Bedell,  G.  H.,  judging  sheep.. 271 

Beds,  rates  on.. 97 

Bee,  see  Bees. 

cooking  according  to  cut 274 

educational  illustrations 528 

market  classes,  etc.,  of  dressed  beef 5 

on  farm,  slaughtering,  cutting,  curing 330 

statistics,  1925. 5 

Beef  cattle,  see  Cattle. 

Beeman,  Otis,  r.  United  States 222 

Beers,  Edward  M.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 421,949 

Printing  Com 977 


article  on 206 

beekeeping  in  buckwheat  region  206 

beekeeping  in  tulip-tree  region... 651 

carbohydrate  utilization  by  honeybees  (3).  269 


Index,  1927-1928 

Bees— Continued, 

for  sale  by  supt  of  floes 292, 11 W 

of  Agriculture  Department 200 

swarm  control 206,917 

wintering  in  cellars.. -.-  529 

Beetles,  see  names  of  beetles. 

Beets,  rates  on 230 

see  also  Sugar  beets. 

Beggs,  .1.  R.,  &  Co.,  potatoes 614 

Behavior,  your  child's 750 

Behr.  Karl,  claim.. ._ 385,587,800,811 

Behre,  C.  Edward,  form-class     taper     curves, 

etc 270,531 

Beich,  Paul  F.,  Co.,  peanuts 740 

Beier,  Richard  H.,  relief .-.  433 

Bel,  J.  Fleming,  relief 700 

Belang  Road,  chart 50 

Belcourt,  N.  Dak.: 

boarding  school - 849 

correction  of  entry 914 

Belden,  \V.  S.,  tornado  at  St.  Joseph,  Mo 77 

Belgian  Congo  member  of  International  OfiSce 

of  Public  Health 196 

Belgium,  convention  with  United  States 507 

Belinpton  (juadrangle,  W.  Va 362 

Bell.  Clarence  J.,  admr.,  v.  United  States 304 

Bell,  F.  G.,  bridge. 426,580,609 

Bell,  G.  A.: 

breeds  of  draft  horses 649 

feeding  horses 143 

Bell,  Grover  .1.,  relief 945 

Bell,  John,  alias,  see  Marks,  John. 

Bell,  Lucius,  relief 349 

Bell,  Matilda  C,  observed  in  a  psychiatric  hos- 
pital   135 

Bell,  see  Bells. 

Bell  &  Co.  r.  United  States... 1039, 1125 

Bell  ^^prin^s  district,  Wvo.,  geology,  etc...  464,863 

Bell  Telephone  Co.  of  Pennsylvania 298,302 

Belland,  Albert,  v.  United  States 1125 

Belle  Fomche  irrigation  project 294 

Bellcfield  Co.  v.  D.  B.  Heiner. 745 

Bellefonte  Central  R.R.: 

fi  eight  rates 610 

rates  on  coal 868 

Bellinger,  V.  E.,  pulmonary  tuberculosis 264 

Bellingham  Bay,  chart 536 

Bellinijhara  Harbor,  Wash.,  examination 909 

Bellows,  Henry  A.,  relief. 456,562,800 


battleship  Connecticut 973 

cruiser  Minneapolis 975,1009 

cruiser  New  Orleans 826,934,974, 1008 

see  also  Carillons. 

Belonlioh  Bay,  chart 312 

Belt  Line  Brick  Co.,  cement 1026 

Belt  Railway  of  Chicago,  rates  on  cans 732 

Belts  (straits): 

lights,  etc 121 

Belvosia,  revision  of  flies  of  genus lOOO 

Bench  marks: 

California,  tidal  bench  marks 793 

Connecticut,  tidal  bench  marks 279 

United  States,  descriptions...  _    338 

Benedict,  C.  C: 

pericarditis,  complicating  tuberculosis 64 

pneumothorax,  spontaneous  bilateral 1149 

Benedict,  George  F.  , trustee,  v.  U.  S _  488 

Benedict  Manufacturing  Co. 1112 

Benefit  associations: 

psfahlishnient  funds  for  disabled  workers  45,  40 
payment  of  death  benefits  in  D.  C  949  995 

Bengal,  Bay  of: 

chart 249 

pilot,  supplement ",""  7,57 

Benham,  Ehzabeth,  industrial  accidents  117 

Benjamin,  Henry,  alias,  see  McHenrv,  Benja- 
min S. 
Benjamin,  J.  D.: 

aviation  crashes  at  Pen.sacola,  1927.         496  497 

death  by  lightning '  49 

Bennett,  DeRussy  J.,  beans..  "' 4(56 

Bennett,  George  H.,  jr.,  relief...  "  707 

Bennett,  H,  H.:  

grouping  of  soils 10 

impnrtancia  de  la  clasificacidn  y  los  reconoc- 

imientos  de  suelos 501 

wa.stnge  caused  by  soil  erosion  785 

Bennett,  Mary  S.,  relief 707 

Bennettsville  &  Chefaw  R.  R.,  valuation 230 

Benning,  P'ort: 

area  restored  to  military  reservation 382 

construction 349 

Benning  National  Forest,  order  rescinded 382 

Bennit,  H.  L.: 

anthracite  in  1926 411 

coke  and  by-products  in  1925. 411 

Benson,  W.  N.,  igneous  rocks 494 

Bent,  Arthur  C,  North  American  shore  birds.  633 
Bentley,  Wilson  A.,  recent  treasures  of  snow...  212 
Benton  County,  Wash.,  land  for  bird  refuge..  703 
Benwood  &  Wheeling  Connecting  Ry.: 

deficit  settlement 295 

valuation 97 

Benzocaine-chaulmoogra  oil  for  leprosy 391, 638 

Benzol,  rates  on 230 

Beppu  Ko,  chart .50 

Beppu  Wan,  chart  of  harbors 50 

Berdyansk!  Road,  chart 181 

Beretta,  Charles,  relief 418 

Berg,  David,  Industrial  Alcohol  Co 1118 

Berg,  Henry  L.,  vs.  David  H.  Blair 1018 

Bergengren,  Roy  F.,  credito  cooperativo 252 

Berger,  Ernest  E.,  steam  in  limekiln 152 

Berger,  Victor  L.  (Representative  from  Wis.): 
report  made  by — 

Public  Lands  Com... 445 

Berger  Manufacturing  Co.,  U.  S.  ;; 485 

Bergin,  M.  C,  markets  for  prepared  medicines.    18 

Berglund,  Torkel,  microstructure  of  ferrite 665 

Bergman,  Peter,  y.  United  States... 878 

Beri-beri,  infantile,  in  Panama .502 

Bering  Sea,  chart 1133 

Bering  Strait,  chart.. 1133 

Berkeley,  Calif.,  port 643 

Berkeness,  Die,  United  States  y 174 

Berkshire  Woolen  Co.  v.  United  States 41 

Berlage,  H.  P.,  jr.,  east  monsoon  forecasting...  335 

Berlin,  Germany,  diphtheria  increase 263 


chart  of  Bermuda  Islands 50 

chart  of  Narrows 758 

money-order  post  offices 254 

pilot 50 

Bermuda  grass,  eradication 788 

Bernard,  Judae  &  Co.,  United  States  v 91 

Bernewitz,  M.  W.    von,   fifty-nine  coal   mine 

fires 411 

Berries,  see  names  of  berries. 

Berry,  Earl  E.,  patent  appeal 341 

Berry,  Edward  W.: 

flora  of  Esmeralda  formation  in  Nevada 385 

fossil  nutlets  of  genus  Lithospermum 899 

Berry,  James  B.,  Sons'  Co.,  Inc.,  gasoline 1029 

Berry,  William  J,,  endurance  of  rail  steel 065 

Berthold  &  Jennings  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 475 

Bertholf,  L.  M.,  carbohydrate  utilization  by 

honeybee 269 

Berwyn  quadrangle,  111 864 

Beryllium,  and  alloys,  thermal  expansion 343 

Besi  Bay,  chart 51 

Bessemer,  Ala.,  geologic  atlas 294 

Bessemer  &  Lake  Erie  R.  R.,  rates  on  lumber.  475 
Bessemer  branch,  see  Duluth,  South  Shore  <fe 
Atlantic  Ry. 

Best,  Harry,  deaf-mute  population  of  U.  S 792 

Best  Foods,  Inc.,  stearin 616, 1036 

Bethlehem  Shipbuilding  Corporation,   Ltd., 

Ignited  States  against 257 

Bethlehem  Steel  Company: 

award  of  National  War  Labor  Board 945 

cases.. 174,237,257,367 

Bethlehem  Steel  Corporation,  United  States.. 

against "257 

Bettendorf,  J.  W.,  bridge 817,992, 1100 

Bettendorf,  Iowa,  bridge 817,992,1100 

Belts,  Claude  S.,  relief 566 

Belts,  M.  C,  rammed  earth  walls 533 

Betty,  Elio,  r.  Benjamin  M.  Day 1039 

Beveridge,  J.  C,  jr..  Mails  and  Files  Section, 

Reclamation  Bur... 96 

Beyer,  A.  H.,  corn  ear  worm  as  enemy  of  vetch  207 

aboriginal  population  north  of  Mexico 633 

absenteeism  in  industry 4fi 

absorption  spectra  of  iron ,  etc 22 




Bibliography— Continued. 

accident  statistics,  Mines  Bureau  pubs_.  19,85 

acetic  acid  as  soil  disinfectant 783,915 

acetic  anhydride-sulphuric  acid  test 514 

flctinoniycosis 907 

adamantinoma  of  pituitary... 1071 

aerological  soundings 212 

aeronautics — 

1925 1046 

advances  made  by  Max  M.  Munk 1046 

aerodynamics  and  the  airplane 325 

air  forces  on  Sperry  Messenger  model..  118 

air  pressure  on  coming  to  rest 119 

air  publications 148,213,791 

autorotation  and  flat  spin 495 

biplane  and  triplane  cellule  models 119 

calibrating  altimeters,  etc 119 

centrifugal  type  injection  valves 47 

*  column  effect  in  airplane  wing  spars..  119 

combustion  chambers,  performance 624 

drag  of  wings  with  end  plates 47 

engines 47,119,324,495,752 

flow  and  drag  formulas 119 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities... 495 

fuel  injection  and  compression  ignition.  119 
lift,  drag,  and  elevator  hinge  moments.  310 

nozzles,  differential  pressures 47, 1040 

pressure  distribution 119, 179,909, 1131 

pressure  measurement  through  tubes..  246 
range  and  endurance  of  airplanes. .  118, 119 

Roots  type  supercharger 47, 1046 

spinning  characteristics  of  airplane 1151 

standard  atmosphere ..-  495 

superheat  meter  for  airships 344 

take-off  and  landing  characteristics 119 

twin-float  seaplane  during  take-off 119 

walls  in  closed  wind  tunnels,  effect 310 

wind  tunnel  tests,  British  models 624 

wing  model  tests 1131 

agricultural  extension 143,528 

agricultural  survey  of  France 048 

Alaska 226,360 

alfalfa,  maturity  and  nutritive  value...  204,  269 
Americans  in  the  Far  East,  employment, 

etc 151 

amcebic  dysentery  and  endamoebic  carriers.  888 

Ancylostoma 258 

anemia,  in  newborn  child 308 

anemia,  pernicious,  and  its  treatment  1148, 1149 

anthocyan  pigments  in  canning 71, 145 

anthropometric  data  from  autopsy  records.  502 

anticholera  vaccination  at  Shanghai 888 

apple  curculio  and  its  control  by  hogs.  783,  915 

apple  deterioration  in  storage 399,  531 

apple  juices 783,1079,1083 

apple  maggot 1081 

Apterygota,  insects  from  Central  America.  384 

arsphenamine-sodium  Ihiosulphate 63 

arthritides  in  adult .--  907 

asbestos  in  1926 281 

ascomycete  Neurospora 204,  333,  647, 788 

automobile  exhaust  gas  in  streets,  etc 773 

Bacillus  radicicola,  growth 399,528 

bactericidal  properties  of  oils 135 

Bacterium    pruni,    production    of    enzy- 
mes  203,209 

Bandelier  National  Monument 531 

Barro  Colorado  Island  Biological  Station..  189 

bees 206,269 

bindweed,  experiments  with  herbicides.  270, 399 
biographical  sketches — 

.^.llen,  Joel  A 493 

Barnard,  Edward  E 493 

Becker,  George  F.. - 493 

Branner,  John  C 493 

Farlow,  William  G 493 

Gilbert,  Grove  K 494 

'  Goodale,  George  L 494 

Howe,  Henry  M.. 494 

Mayor,  Alfred  G... 494 

Meltzer,  Samuel  J 494 

Morley,  Edward  W 494 

Morse,  Harmon  N 494 

Sabine,  Wallace  C.  W 494 

Smith,  Alexander 494 

birds,  banded,  returns  from 401 

birds,  banding  instructions -  785 

Bierknes  theory,  aerological  data 790 

black  tongue 513, 773, 905, 1147    148 


Bibliography — Continued. 

blood,  grouping 496 

blood,  post  operative  changes 392 

'    bronchial  asthma 640 

bubonic  plague  and  maritime  quarantine..  134 

buttermilk,  artificial 3 

cabbage  resistant  to  yellows .399,  654 

canaries,  care  and  management 650 

carcinoma,  metastatic,  of  heart 05 

carcinoma,  of  descending  colon 392 

cardiac  disorders  of  war  veterans 392 

cattle,  heat  production  (2  entries) 3 

cattle  weights 1079 

chemical  warfare  and  medical  officer..  887, 1047 

chemotherapy  of  organic  arsenicals- _  324 

chestnut,  replacement  of  blight-killed 8 

chickens — 

critical  temperature 4 

growth  of  Rhode  Island  reds 1079 

heat  production  (2  entries) 4 

hen,  passage  of  food 4 

metabolism  and  energy  value  of  corn . .  3, 4 
child,  physical  growth  and  development...  244 

child  welfare 750 

Chinese  military  medicine 246,247 

chloroform,  bactericidal  action 5,916 

cholecystography 48, 49 

citrus  insects  of  Japan 207 

city  planning,  zoning,  building  codes,  etc...  541 

civil  service 78 

climate  of  southeastern  Pennsylvania 790 

climatic  regions  of  North  America 212 

clover  anthracnose 654 

coal,  spontaneous  heating 925 

coal-tar  food  dyes 530 

cod  eggs  in  Massachusetts  Bay 536 

cod  fisheries 151 

colloidal  mastic  and  colloidal  gold  tests 65 

conodonts 633 

cooperative  associations 526 

corn — 

breeding 404 

pollen,  nitrogenous  constituents...  203,204 

publications  of  Agricultm-e  Dept 26 

quality  in  seed 71,203 

supernumerary     chromosomes,      Z  e  a 

mays 399,531 

cotton — 

Acala,  upland  variety  from  Mexico...  333 

boll  decay,  Southwestern  States 204,275 

boll  weevil,  dispersal 648,917 

community  improvement 654 

factors  affecting  price 648 

inheritance  of  smooth  seeds 203,  209 

irrigation 1084 

seedling  mortality 1084 

cottonseeds,   gossypol   content,   etc.  4, 71, 1079 
cows — 

assimilation  of  rations 269,270,401 

effect  of  inanition  on  milk 270,400 

short-time  test 203,211 

coyotillo,  poisonous  plant. 649 

crayfishes 16 

crustaceans 1060 

Daimonelix 60 

dehydration  of  fruits  and  vegetables 6 

dental  anomaly,  unusual . 1149 

dietary  scales,  etc 332 

dietetics 247 

disease  incidence  according  to  age 1070 

diseases,  sex  difference  at  various  ages 1070 

dusting  mixtures,  chemical  changes 648,  786 

edible  canna,  Waimea  district  of  Hawaii...  918 
education — 

higher 160 

nursery-kindergarten-primary 293 

secondary 28, 227 

electrocardiogram 246,  247 

electron  equilibria,  biological  systems 639 

emotions  in  psychotic  patients 907 

employee  stock  ownership H" 

enamel  slips - --  285 

epidemic  encephalitis,  diagnosis 514 

epilepsy,  control  of  fits,  etc. 1070 

European  corn  borer.. 331,917,1082 

Eurytoma  parva,  wheat  jointworm  para- 
site  -—    J 

explosive  investigations,  Mines  Bur.  pubs.    85 


Index,  1927-1928 



bihliotiraphy— Continupd. 

fall  army  worm 

farms—  .  ,„,, 

family  living  from  farm ■JUU 

farm-management  extension,  1914-24_._  917 

real  estate  situation,  lit26-27 204 

work  for  mental  cases 640 

fish,  acclimatization  to  high  temperature.-  660 
fisheries  of—  ,      , 

(}ulf  States  and  New  England 151 

Maryland  and  Virginia-. 408 

Siberia - ^^^ 

fishes  in  vicinity  of  Greenwood,  Miss 409 

fishes  of  Chesapeake  Bay 660 

flag  smut  of  wheat — -    "6 

flies  and  their  eradication  (2  entries) 48 

llv  control - -- -  907 

foot-and-mouth  disease  control 1080 

Forcipulata- U42 

foreman  conference  leaders,  training 725 

forestry  for  the  farm 402 

forestry  on  farm  woodlands.  - - - .  652 

forests  rel.  to  water  and  climate 208 

form-class  taper  curves,  etc 270,531 

footprints  in  Grand  Canyon 59 

msect 60 

lizards  of  North  America 1131 

Fox  ethnology 191 

fur  farming.  Biological  Survey  pubs .-    73 

Fusarium  rot  in  stored  potatoes 1084 

gaseous  explosive  reaction 624 

gases  and  vapors,  inflammability  limits 539 

gastro-jejunocolic  fistula 264 

geodetic  publications. 15 

geography,  etc.,  of  southeastern  Idaho 464 

geologic  formations 28,  29 

geology  of  Ingoniar  anticline,  Mont 94 

geophysical  methods  of  prospecting 341 

gingivitis -  496,497 

gladiolus .--. 783,919 

glutelins  of  cereal  grains 647, 915 

goiter... 63,246,247,391,639 

gold  inlays  by  indirect  method 135 

Government  documents  in  U.  S.  and  else- 
where... 118 

grain,  cooperative  marketing  in  Canada. .  526 

grain  sorghums 275 

granuloma  inguinale 907 

heart,  premature  contractions  (2  entries)...    48 

Helianthus,  tumors,  cysts,  etc 494 

helminth  parasites 767 

llevea  rut)ber  trees,  tapping 789 

history,  American,  1924 1142 

I lodgkin's  disease,  abdominal 247 

lloUisler  area,  Calif.,  soil  survey 656 

home  econonucs,  extension  work 143,  528 

horse|)ower  C'luipnient,  development 728 

hydatid  cyst,  pulmonary 1148 

hydrogen-ion  concentration  and  absorption 

by  wheat. 204,206 

igneous  rocks 494 

illness,  age  curve.. 64 

illness,  rate  among  males  and  females...  63,  262 

industrial  safety 178 

in.sects  and  slasli  disposal 144 

international  cartel  movement 1089 

intestinal  obstruction 502 

inundations  attending  tropical  cyclones 405 

iron  ores  of  west-middle  Teimessee. . .  227, 1114 

irrigation,  arid  and  seiniarid  lands,  etc 789 

isopods,  terrestrial,  in  National  Museum..  258 

Japanese  flowering  cherries 654 

Jerusalem  artichoke  as  crop  plant .'".  210 

k  indergarl  en 226 

lake  water,  organic  content '_    16 

larger  snd  webworm _._  273 

larvicide  sloxal,  tests 134,  263 

lead  arsenate  and  lime  spray  mixture..  204,273 

1-eadville  mining  district,  Colo 29 

legs  and  leg-bearing  segments,  arthropods..  898 

lemons,  hiustening  coloration 74 

Leonardtown  silt  loam  soil 1079  1081 

leprosy g3 

lilac  blight  in  United  States 783,919 

livestock  farming 270 

loess  of  China ___  190 

lumber,  seasoning,  handling  and  ciire....      791 
magnesium  and  alloys,  corrosion 119 

Bibliography— Continued. 

magnetic  declination  in  Calif  andNev 278 

malaria 246,247,263,391 

Malta  fever 773,1069 

marine  insurance. 62 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

market  research  agencies 216 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

maternal,  infant,  and  child  welfare,  etc 116 

Medical  Dept.,  Army,  in  World  War..  138,  779 

medicine,  preventive 191 

Mendelian  ratios  in  maize 71,76 

mercurochrome  in  gonococcus  infection..  48,49 

mesothelioma,  pleural 135,324 

metal  fits 22 

metals 341,541,665, 1091 

meterorologieal  conditions  along  airways...  119 

Mexican  whorled  milkweed .♦. .  203 

mica  in  1926 341 

milk  marketing 205 

milk  pasteurization 272 

mine  rescue  breathing  apparatus,  etc 539 

Mississippi  River,  biological  survey 537 

MogoUon  mining  district,  N.  Mex 95 

mohair,  kemp  fibers  in  fleeces 205 

mosaic  disease  i  n  winter  wheat 269,  404 

food  of  anopheHne  larvae 134 

food  of  culicine  larvae 513,639 

tadpole  enemy  of  mosquito  larvio 773 

mothers,  books  for 91 

mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes 3,  76 

Muscle  Shoals  project 350 

mutillid  wasps 899 

national  parks 162,866 

Crater  Lake  National  Park... 1022 

General  Grant  National  Park 730, 1115 

Glacier  National  Park 865 

Grand  Canyon  National  Park 1022 

Hawaii  National  Park 1022 

Hot  Springs  National  Park 729 

Lafayette  National  Park 730 

Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park 730 

Mesa  Verde  National  Park 1022 

Mount  Rainier  National  Park... 865 

Rocky  Mountain  National  Park 865 

Sequoia  National  Park 730,1115 

Wind  Cave  National  Park 730 

Yellowstone  National  Park..  866, 1(]23, 1115 

Yosemite  National  Park _ .  730, 1023 

Navy,  history 49, 1132 

negroes,  mortality  in  U.  S... 513 

nematode  worms 60 

nematodes  in  North  American  birds. 649 

neuritis,  multiple... 1149 

neuropsychiatric  disease 514 

neurosyphilis  treatment  with  malaria 514 

nitrates 350 

nitrogen  fixation  and  utilization. 288 

nonmetals 341, 1091 

oats,  spring  production 788 

oceanography,  physical,  of  Gulf  of  Maine..  339 

Octomitus  salmonis Ifi 

onions 401 

orange  bud  selection 210 

orange  leaf  rust  on  MalakofE  wheat 9 

osteomata,  multiple 247 

oviposition  rate  of  grape  leaf  hoppers 3,  7 

oxidation-reduction  studies 263, 90fi 

oxygen  demand  of  polluted  waters 514 

oysters,  production,  handling,  etc 785 

paper  mulch 919 

paradichlorobenzene  as  anthelmintic.  270,402 

Paratetranychus.  taxonomic  status 648,917 

paratyphoid  bacilli  and  food  poisoning 888 

parks 227  , 

patient  as  an  individual 135  ' 

pea  group,  root-nodule  bacteria 525,647 

pears,  acetaldehyde  occurrence 532,647 

pecan.. 4,141 

pellagra     392,1148 

pellagra-preventives 63, 196,323 

pension  systems  for  teachers 227 

pericarditis  with  effusion,  diagnosis 247 

periodogram  and  rainfall 147 

permanence  of  differences  in  experimental 

field 647,787 

petroleum-oil  emulsions 6 

phosphate  rock.. 464,1114 



Bibliography— Continued. 

Piiylloxera,  infestation  in  Calif 652 

physical  education _ 28 

physiotherapeutic  movements  for  heart 514 

pineal  shadow,  diagnostic  landmark..  887, 1048 

pink  bollworm  parasites  in  Hawaii .  273 

plants  as  indicators  of  ground  water 604 

pleurisies,  relation  to  tuberculosis 1070 

pneumothorax,  bilateral  spontaneous 1H9 

Poa  pratensis  and  Poa  compressa 4.  75 

posture _ 63 

potash,  mining  in  Germany  and  France 412 

potash  brines.  Great  Salt  Lake  Desert  __  _  1114 

potato  sets,  source,  character,  etc 532 

potato  wart,  spread  and  repression 789 

potatoes,  freezing  injury _ 210 

prenatal,  infant,  and  child  care __  750 

presidential  terms 353 

psychiatric  social  worker,  master-key 907 

psychic  regression,  mechanism ". 264 

pulsus  alternans 264 

rain-bearing  winds 77 

raisins,  commercial  standardization 206 

rammed  earth  walls  for  buildings. __ _.  533 

red  bread-mold  fungi 4,  76 

religion  in  Szechuan  Province,  China 633 

respiration 497,887, 1048 

retinitis  pigmentosa 48, 49 

root  rot  of  Lucretia  dewberry 269,  270 

rubber 4 10 

rubber  goods  testing 286 

run-off,  notes  on  estimating 920 

Sabal  causiarum 3,  75 

sales  territories  in  China... 409,924 

salt,  iodized,  loss  of  iodine 71,203 

salt,  use  in  range  management 8 

sarcoma  of  femur  (2  entries) 497 

sauerkraut,  relation  of  temperature 525,647 

scarlet  fever  streptococcus  antitoxin 1148 

Schizamoeba  salmonis.. 16 

schizophrenia,  acute  phase 1148 

school  support... 2S 

scorpions  in  western  U.  S.  and  Mexico 1143 

seeds,  phospholipins.  etc 526,647 

sewage  chlorination 1.34 

sewing  in  the  home,  present  trends 145 

ships,  fouling  of  bottoms 794 

shore  birds.  North  American 633 

signal  communication  (2  entries) 136 

skin  diseases 264 

sludge  digestion,  effect  of  salt 905, 1148 

smallpox,  estimating  potency  of  vaccine. ..  640 
smallpox,  immunological  rel.  to  alastrim...  640 

smelts _  _  _ _  _    16 

smut,  artificially  inoculated  corn 648,  789 

smuts  and  stem  rust  in  oats  <2) 1079 

sodium  thiosulphate  in  syphilis 887, 1048 

erosion  785 

grouping  by  mechanical  analysis 10 

hydrogen-ion  concentration 399.  404 

publications 1093 

solanaceous  plants,  cell  study 270,400 

solar  radiation.. ^..  ii,  147 

soy  beans,  mottling 4 

soy  beans,  selection  for  quality  of  oil 71,  204 

spark  generators 119 

sphygmomanometers 221 

spinal  fluid  pressure  in  psychotic 640 

spleen  as  measure  of  malaria 197,  391,  6.39 

spring  temperatures,  rel.  to  apple  yields. . .  405 

standardization 1 093 

standards  yearbook,  1928. 1093 

steam,  function  in  limekiln 152 

steels,  density 286 

stone  setting _.  291 

strawberries 9,  269,  276 

strawberry  xanthosis,  new  disease 647,  783 

sugar-beets,  use  of  refractometer 647,  7S9 

sugar-cane  moth  borer  in  U.  S 786 

sugar  canes,  disease-resistant 9 

sulphur  in  pituitan,- extracts 1148 

sulphuric  acid  as  weed  spray 4,  72 

surface  waters  of  New  Jersey 228 

.surgery  of  biliary  tract 64 

•^wine  — 

-Xctinomyces  infection 399,  .527 

factors  affecting  price 204 


Bibliography— Continued, 
swine — continued. 

metabolism  experiments. .399, 4<X) 

sanitation  system 401 

sex  in  pig  litters 6 

soft-pork  investigations.. 650 

Synaptomys 73 

syphilis  and  heart 392 

tabes  diabetica 497 

tapeworm  larvae  in  primate 269,  330 

taxation  of  business  in  Great  Britain 538 

testing _  415 

tetanus  following  vaccination 391,  773 

tides  and  currents 923 

timber  defects,  insects  causing. 144 

tobacco  and  brown  root  rot,  growth 783,915 

tomato,  inheritanceof  shapes  of  fruits 4,  72 

tonsillectomy  dangers.. 907 

tonsillitis 773 

trade  association  activities 411 

trading  under  laws  of  Cuba 83 

traverse .338 

Triassic  marine  invertebrate  faunas 294 

tuberculosis — 

artificial  pneumothorax 197 

basal  lesions 1148 

history  taking,  importance 514 

infection  of  tonsils  and  adenoids .502 

intestinal  tuberculosis 907 

of  spine,  early  diagnosis 392 

physical  signs,  interpretation 1070 

thrombo-phlebitis  as  complication 1071 

ulcer  of  duodenum 135 

with  concurrent  neoplasm 497 

tularemia 640, 1149 

Tylenchus  pratensis  and  other  nemas.-.532,  647 

typhus  fever  in  Ireland 263,391 

ulcers,  gastric  and  duodenal 197 

union-management  cooperation 244,245 

vanilla  root  rot 647, 915 

venereal  diseases 779,910, 1070,1148 

vibratory  sensibility 1070, 1071 

Vincent's  angina 264 

virus __  71,210 

vitamin  B  in  feed  and  milk  produced  (2) 204 

vocational  guidance 28 

water  resources 29,  94,  95, 1022 

weather—  ^ 

and  probable  cutworm  outbreaks 920 

long-range  forecasting.. .335 

severe  cold  waves  on  Texas  coast 790 

types  at  .San  Jose.  Calif 335 

western  cedar  pole  borer  or  powder  worm..  530 
wheat — 

embryoless  seeds,  occurrence,  etc 1080 

inheritance 203,211,533 

kernel,  etc.,  hard  red  spring  wheat 647, 


natural  hybridization 399,533 

protein  content 71, 141 

winter  hardiness 269,404 

white  snakeroot 269,330 

white  sucker 16 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisoning  plants 527 

wind  frequency  resultants 212 

see  also  Catalogues — Price  lists.  Documents 
Office — also  names  of  Departments, 
bureaus,  etc.,  issuing  lists  of  publi- 

Bibliothecas  americanas 1 135 

Bicholi,  Halmahera  Island,  chart.. .W 

Bickett  Coal  and  Coke  Co.  r.  V.  S 41,858 

Bicking,  George  W.,  caroa  fiber 21 

Bickley,  A.  E.,  /'.  United  States 745 

Bicuspid  teeth,  see  Teeth. 

and  parts,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 13 

licensing  for  operation  in  Canal  Zone 632 

Biddle,  R.  P.,  relief 418 

Bidwell,  G.  L.,  manure,  spontaneous  ignition.  1079 
Bieber  Building: 

use  by  Agriculture  Dept.,  to  pay  for— 

hearings 443 

law 543 

report 443 

Big  Fork  &  International  Falls  Ry.. 29fi 

Big  Rock  Stone  A  Material  Co 701,713,803 

Big  Sandy  iV  Cumberland  K.R.,  bridge.s 429 


Index,  1927-1928 


BiR  Sarniv  &  Kentucky  River  Ry.: 

deficit  status H16 

rates  on  lumber - 3o 

valuation -- «' 

BiR  Snndv  River,  see  Tug  Fork. 

Hip  Timber  Creek,  examination  and  survey.-  1073 

BiR  trees  o(  Yoseraite,  etc.,  national  parks 865 

Ripi'low,  Uenrv  B.,  Gulf  of  Maine 339 

Blceam  Trailer  Corporation  v.  IJ.  S.  .-  90,367, 1016 

BigRers,  Ark.,  bridge 683,932,991 

Bighorn  National  Forest: 

proposed  addition  of  public  lands 702 

resources  and  recreation  features,  etc 208 


secret  of  big  trees,  national  parks 865 

Bilangan,  Jiko,  chart 50 

Biliarv  tract  surgery,  control  of  mortality 64 

Billings  &  Central  Montana  Ry.,  valuation...  364 
Bills  (Congressional); 

history,  OOtli  Cong.  2d  sess... 23 

historv,  70th  Cong.  1st  sess 345, 


Bills  of  exchange  covering  staples 574, 944, 1099 

Bills  of  lading: 

loss  and  damage  claims 955 

unification  of  rules,  convention .587 

Biltniore  Flooring  Co.,  flooring 632 

Bicanga  Bay.  chart. 312 

Binding,  see  Bookbinding— Public  printing. 

Binding-.^tephens  Seed  Co.,  soy-beans. _.  172 

Bindv.eed  herbicides 270,399 

Bingham,  Hiram  (.Sena tor  from  Conn.): 
minority  views — 

Harriman   Geographic   Code  System, 

Select  Joint  Committee  on 1105 

paper  presented  by — 

customs  collection  in  Nicaragua 1109 

reports  made  bv— 

Library  Com 850 

Military  Affairs  Com. 592, 

594,  595,  718, 851, 852, 1003, 1006 

Printing  Com... 596,855 

Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 

Com 598,722,1015 

Bingham,  Norman  W.,  jr.,  exr.,  Thomas  W. 

Wt  itei' - 490 

Bingham  <fe  Garfield  Ry.,  guaranty  status 607 

Binglmmton,N.y.,scherneof  city  distribution.  253 

Biography,  American,  Govt,  publications 462 

see  also  subject  of  biographical  sketch. 

Biological  products,  sale. 513 

Biological  stations,  see  names  of  stations. 

Biological  Survey  Bureau 6,73,143, 

205,  272, 330, 401, 527, 650,  785, 916, 1081 

estimate,  1928 1063 

report,  1927 272 

service    and    regula  tory    announce- 
ments  6,205,330 


electron  equilibria,  biological  systems..  639, 905 

of  Mississippi  River,  biological  siu'vey 537 

of  Philippine  Archipelago,  etc 192,899 

see  also  Fish  and  fisheries— ai«o  names  of  cer- 
tain animals,  plants,  etc. 
Biplanes,  see  Airi)lanes. 

Bird,  William  A.,  United  States  » 600 

Bird  refuges  and  reservations: 

community  refuges.. 73 

in  Cheyenne  Bottoms,  Kans ,546 

in  South  Carolina __  943 

portion  of  Fort  Matanzas ]_"  ]27 

see  also  Birds— n/«o  names  of  refuges  and 
Bird  Woman,  see  Sacaiawea. 

banded,  returns  from,  1923-26 401 

banding  instructions , /  785 

homes  for  birds 1081 

how  to  attract "l[l"[[  6 

in  relation  to  agriculture—  

common  birds  of  southeastern  U.  S 330 

common  birds  useful  to  farmer  6  650 

migration '785 

migratory  birds- 
local  names  of  migratory  game  birds       143 

protection,  etc.,  hearings 572 

protection,  etc.,  report """  448 

shorebirds  in  southern  South  America"  330 

Birds— Continued. 

migratory  birds— Continued.  j 

treaty  act  regulations 205 

treaty  act  regulations,  amendments. .  186, 


nematodes  of  pathological  significance 649 

propagation  of  game  birds 917 

Federal  laws  relating  to 205 

in  Alaska,  regulations 527,917 

ofHcials,  etc.,  directory,  1927 143 

publications,  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs..  225,  862 

shore  birds,  order  Limicolae 633 

trematode  parasites 767 

vi^ild  birds  in  North  America 916 

see  also   Bird  refuges   and  reservations — 
Food  for  birds — Game — also  names 
of  birds. 
Birge,  Edward  A.,  lake  water,  organic  content.    16 
Birge,  Paul  R.,  census  of  manufactures,  1925..  1087 
Birmingham,  Ala.: 

air  navigation  maps. 776,  777 

magnetic  concentration  of  flue  dust 281 

red  iron  ore,  mining,  etc 281 

Traffic  Association — 

sand 616 

Birmingham  &  Southeastern  Ry.,  valuation...  466 
Birmingham,  Selma  &  Mobile  R.  R.,  deficit 

status II 16 

Birmingham  Southern  R.  R.,  rates  on  coke..  734 

is  your  child's  birth  recorded?... 308, 1044 

statistics  for  registration  area,  1925 337 

summary  of  provisional  figures,  1926 63 

Biscay,  Bay  of,  pilot,  supplement 1049 

Bishoff,  F.  G.,  V.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue...  745 
Bishop,  C.  W.: 

archeological  expedition  to  China 898 

bronzes  of  Hsin-chgng  Hsien 190 

ritual  bullfight 190 

Bishop,  Dorothy  T.,  appointment 504 

Bishopp,  F.  C: 

diseases  of  poultry 271 

fleas  and  their  control 1082 

fowl  tick,  how  premises  may  be  freed 530 

house  flv  and  how  to  suppress  it 917 

stable  fly 786 

Bismarck  Association  of  Commerce,  hides  and 

skins 871 

Bismarck  Indian  School,  lands... ,587,681,800 

Bisphara,  W^illiam  N.,  Medical  Dept.  of  Army  779 
Bitts,  mooring,  American  marine  standards.  22,  SO 
Bitumen,  see  Asphalt. 
Bituminous  coal,  see  Coal  mines  and  mining. 

Bjerknes  theory,  aerological  data 790 

Black,  Angus,  alias,  see  Black,  Charles  A. 

Black,  B.  W.,  address  to  Medical  Council. .64, 1149 

Black,  Charles  A.,  relief. 349,  .591,  799 

Black,  Hugo  L.  (Senator  from  Ala.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Claims  Com 450,574,575,576,705. 

706,  838, 839, 840, 985, 986,  987,  988, 989 

Military  Affairs  Com 593, 

595,  718, 719.  852, 1005, 1006 

Black,  Joseph  M.,  relief 433 

Black,  R.  H.,  cleaning  grain  on  farms,  etc 142 

Black,  W.  H.: 

accuracy  of  cattle  weights 1079 

beef  on  farm 330 

costs,  etc.,  of  fattening  beef  cattle... 400 

fattening  steers  on  dry -land  crops 271 

feeding  cattle  for  beef 649 

judging  beef  cattle . 271 

pit  silos 527 

rafas  de  gado  bovino  de  corte 252 

sorgo  silage,  etc.,  for  fattening  calves 6.50 

Black  bass,  see  Bass. 

Black  currant  is  nurse  of  blister  rust 145 

Black  Mesa  forest  reserve,  see  Apache  National 

Black  powder,  rates  on 97,607,731 

Black  Prairie  Belt,  livestock  farming 270 

Black  River,  bridge 423,543,577,955 

Black  rot,  cytological  study  of  fungus. 269,404 

Black  Soa  pilot,  supplement 888 

Black  Star  Line,  Inc.: 

Albert  A.  Zink  v 45 

relief  of  seamen,  etc 8.38 




Black  stem  rust,  see  Stem  rust. 
Black  tongue: 

preventive  action  of  16  foodstuffs,  etc 1148 

preventive  in  yeast 773, 1147 

relation  to  pellagra 5i3,905, 1148 


d iscases _  655 

growing ._ _ 333 


composition  blackboard,  waste  elimination.  798 

rates  on 1025 

Blackburn,  James  W.,  judge  of  Canal  Zone 380 

Blackburn,  William  J.,  child  welfare  in  N.  J    .  308 

nature,  cause,  and  prevention 527 

on  Canal  Zone  _ .  _ 502 

Blackmun,  G.  H.,  living  conditions  in  Guam..  120 
Blackstrap  molasses,  see  Molasses. 
Blacktongue,  see  Black  tongue. 

Blackwell,  Alice  S.,  American  verse 627 

Blackwell,  Richard  B.,  v.  United  States 222 


case  with  absence  of  subjective  sjTiiptoms.  392 

scrotal  fistulac  following  rupture 247 

Blaine,  John  J.  (Senator  from  VvMs.): 
minority  views — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 846 

paper  presented  by — 

war-making  power,  Exec,  assumption.   447 
reports  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com.  845,  846, 995,  996 

Judiciary  Com 590, 1001 

Military  Affairs  Com... .592, 

595,  719, 1003, 1007 

Blair,  Edward  A.,  relief 853 

Blair,  Frank  P.,  v.  United  States 174 

Blair,  Fred  J.,  fruits  and  vegetables 142 

Blair,  J.  R.,  coal 608 

Blanchard  Lumber  Co.,  Inc.,  lumber 1120 

Blanco,  Cape,  Anchorage,  chart 890 

Bland,  O.  Edith,  national  park  of  Switzerland..  191 

Blaney,  Harry  F.,  silt  in  Colorado  River 655 

Blank,  Henry,  relief 696,987,  1095 

Blank,  Robert,  paper 477 

Blank-book  making,  census,  1925 149 


case  of  Davies,  Turner  &  Co 860 

laundering,  effect  upon  insulating  value...    87 
Blanton,    Thomas    L.    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 551 

Indian  Affairs  Com 681 

Blast  furnaces: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

productivity  in  United  States 1129 


gases  from  blasting  in  tunnels,  etc 411 

in  open-cut  copper  mines 19 

permissible  single-shot  blasting  unit 662 

Bleasdale,  John  W.,  tumor  of  maxilla.. 1071 

Blease,  Cole  L.  (Senator  from  S.  C): 
reports  made  by — 

Military  Affairs  Com 591,718,719,851 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 1011 

Bletz,  Kennie  N.: 
specifications — 

a.xles,  etc.,  for  locomotives  and  cars 340 

boiler  and  fire-box  steel 281 

boiler  tubes,  iron  and  steel 410 

carbon  steel  and  alloy  steel  forgings 340 

carbon  steel  forgings  for  locomotives...  340 

steel  castings 210 

steel  girder  rails 661 

structural  steel  for  bridges 18 

structural  steel  for  buildings... 216 

structural  steel  for  cars 410 

structural  steel  for  locomotives.. 410 

wrought-iron  bars 411 

wrought  solid  carbon-steel  wheels..  210,217 

Blevins,  James, ;;.  Edgar  C.  Snyder 224 

Blight,  see  name  of  plant  aflected. 

0  problema  social  e  mundial  da  cegueira 378 

Bliss,  Chester  I.,  grape  leaf  hoppers 3,7 

Bliss,  E.  W.,  Co.  V.  United  States 303 

Bliss,  Herbert  R.,  patent  appeal.. 218 

Bliss,  Fort,  purchase  of  land  adjoining 966 

Blister  beetles,  see  Striped  blister  beetle. 

Blister  rust: 

black  currant  is  nurse 145 

protect  pine 1083 

quarantine 762,  783 

Block-signals,  tabulation  of  statistics 163 

Blocks,  see  Wood  shipping  blocks. 

Blodgett,  John  W.,  v.  Charles  Holden 238 


carbon  monoxide  determination 19 

grouping 496 

lipase  in  blood  serum  of  lepers 63 

post  operative  changes  after  anesthesia 392 

pressure,  value  in  diagnosis 392 

sugar  content  in  the  tropics 502 

Bloodgood,  Ruth  S.: 

juvenile  coiu-ts  and  probation  in  N.  J. 308 

welfare  of  prisoners'  families  in  Ky 1129 

Bloom,  J.  F.,  &  Co.,  granite 298 

Bloomer,  Howard  B.,  admr.,  v.  United  States.-  222 
Bloomfield.  J.  J.: 

automobile  exhaust  gas  in  streets,  etc 773 

health  of  workers 1069 

Bloomingtou  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Blossburg  quadrangle.  Pa 605 

Blount,  Camp,  tablet  or  markers 964 

Blowers,  operation,  care,  and  repair 753,  754 

Blue,  Rupert,  v.  United  States 289,618.1016 

Blue  book,  see  Official  register  of  United  States. 

Blue-fox,  farming  in  Alaska 785 

Bli;e-grass,  development  of  gametophyte,  etc.  4, 75 

Blue  Island  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Blue  Mountains  division,  see  Whitman  Na- 
tional Forest. 

Blue-sky  measurements 77 

Blueberries,  rates  on 731 

BlueSeld  Hardware  Co.,  iron 1030 

Bluefox  Bay,  chart 536 

Bluegrass,  see  Blue-grass. 

Bluestein,  Ruben,  relief 705,807,929 

Blum  quadrangle,  Tex.. 361 

Blumberg,  .\lfred,  intestinal  tuberculosis 907 

Blvthevilie,  Leachville  &  Arkansas  Southern 
R.  R.: 
rates  on — 

lumber 872 

piling 740 

Board,  see  Boards  of  trade,  etc. — cho  nan  e  of 
board  or  subject  with  which  board 
has  to  do. 
Boards  of  trade,  etc.: 
boards  of  trade — 

Chicago,  111 1029 

Des  IMoines,  Iowa... 104 

Indianapolis,  Ind 298 

chambers  of  commerce — 

Alexandria,  La 612 

Bradenton,  Fla 478 

El  Dorado,  Ark 36 

Fall  River,  Mass 1037 

Galveston,  Tex.. 1027 

Grand  Island,  Nebr 869 

Jamestown,  N.  Y 737 

Lakeland,  Fla 870 

Lynchburg.  Va 101, 

103, 106, 110, 466, 469,475, 876, 1117, 1119 

Mitchell,  S.  Dak 172 

Afobile,  Ala.. 99,101,168 

Phoenix,  Ariz 876 

Port  Arthur  Chamber  of  Commerce  & 

Shipping 744 

Rock  Island.  Ill 1123 

St.  Louis,  Mo 469 

Selma,  Ala 610 

Trenton,  N.  J 735,1031 

M'aco,  Tex 606 

West  Texas  Chamber  of  Commerce. ..  232 
commercial  associations — 

.\berdeen  Comm.ercial  Club 34 

Birmingham  Traffic  -Association. 616 

Bismarck  Association  of  Conm  erce 871 

Brunswick  Traffic  Bureau 4  75 

Cairo  Association  of  Commerce 427, 

582,  6  70 

Charleston  Traffic  Bureau. 869 

Fargo  Commercial  Club.. 733 

Galveston  Comnercial  Association  102,297 

Jackson  Traffic  Bureau 98, 



Index,  1927-1928 


Boards  of  trade,  etc.— Continurd. 

fominercial  lissociations— fontinuod. 

Joneshoro  Kreiiilit  Bureau -  102. 

Memphis  Freight  Bureau.. 103, 

364, 732,  73.S 

Meridian  Traffic  Bureau 609 

Mobile    Chamber    of    Commerf*    & 

Business  League .-  99, 

101, 168 

Muscle  Shoals  Traffic  Biu-eau 735,  873 

Xew  Orleans  .\ssociation  of  Comii.erce  970, 
1005, 1104 

New  Orleans  Joint  Traffic  Bureau 469 

Traffic  Association  of  South  Atlantic 

Ports -  869 

Boat -building,  census  of  manufactures,  1925...  81 
Boathouse  at  Kaval  Academy,  construction..  827 

attached  in  admiralty,  fees  of  marshals..  963 

foreign  built,  tax  upon  use 195 

Navy  boat  hook.  1927 310 

see    also    Boat-building— Sailing    vessels— 
Shi;)S — also  kinds  of  boats,  e.  g., 
Lifeboats— «/»'o  names  of  boats. 
Boatswains  in  Coast  Guard,  appointn  ents. ..  1145 

iJobbins,  rates  on 97 

Bobs  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Bobwhite  iiuail,  regulations  for  permits 330 

Bo("as  de  Dragos,  chart 250 

Bockoven,  Sterling,  infectious  arthritis 1148 

Bodkin,  Arabella  E,,  r.  United  States 1016 

Bodkin,  Mrs.  Patrick  H.,  sef  Bodkin,  Arabella 

Bodnar,  George  P.,  Bates  laboratory  aspirator  526 
Boerner,  E.  G.: 

Brown-Duvel  moistm-e  tester 526 

cleaning  grain  on  farms,  etc. 142 

official  standards  for  rice. 526 

official  standards  for  wheat,  etc 649 

Boggs.  F.  v.: 

Xew  York,  N.  Y.,  district 518 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  district 518 

Porto  Rico,  district... 519 

Bogle,  W.  S.,  &  Co.,  Inc. 878 

Bogue  Chitto,  bridge 841,955,1098 

Bohan,  Merwin  L.,  motor-vehicles  in  Cuba  ...  661 

Boiler  tubes,  see  Tubes. 


feed  water  and  feed  water  apparatus 119, 

120,  753,  754 

marine  boilers,  Scotch  type 21 

marine  boilers,  water-tube 88 

oil  burning  boiler  operation 1131 

operation,  care,  and  repair 624,754 

rates  on 98,867 

steel  specifications  for  locomotives 281 

Boise  irrigation  project,  water  rights 685 

Boise  Xational  Forest,  lands 1012 

Boisseau,  Jesse  W.,  relief. 441,985, 1094 

Bojelebung  Channel,  chart 214 

Bolckow  quadrangle.  Mo 228 

Bolivar,  Simon,  statue  in  citv  of  Panama  903 


budget 339 

commerce 314 

meteoric  irons  heretofore  undescribed '  192 

Boll  weevil,  dispersal 648,917 

Boll-worms,   see    Corn    earworm— Pink    boll- 

Bolster,  L.  J.,  Co.,  Inc.,  bricks 1025 

Bolt  rope,  see  Rope. 

Bolts,  elimination  of  waste  in  packing.. 414 

Boltz  test  in  cerebrospinal  lluid 514 

Bomb  racks.  Air  Corps,  technical  regulations,    774 

BoBacorsi,  .Vrniando,  I.  U.  S _ 176 

Bond,  Charles  F.,  receiver,  t<.  V.  S 44,307 

Hond,  .Myron  C.,  claim. "      '570 


Cape  Cod  Canal,  estimate  for  retiring 903 

noninterest-bearing  25  year  bonds 944, 1106 

see  also  Fronds  of  United  States— Guaranties 
and  sureties— a/«o  names  of  com- 
panies, etc.,  issuing  bonds. 
Bonds  of  officers: 

companies  acceptable  as  sureties,  etc       194  901 
Bonds  of  United  States: 

assignments  in  case  of  death  of  holder 1144 

on  deposit 61,  132,  194,  261, 

322. 389,  511,  637,  771, 904, 1068, 1145 

Bonds  of  United  States— Continued. 

outstanding    bonds    and    notes,    market 

prices,  etc... 62,133, 195,261, 

322,390,  512,  638,  772, 904, 1069, 1146 

payment  of  lost  or  destroyed  securities 418 

payment  of  third  liberty  loan 1144 

postal  savings  bonds,  information 504 

registered,  caveat  list  of  bonds  and  notes..  62, 
133,  195,  262.  323,  390,  512,  638,  772, 

special  deposits  of  public  moneys 260 

see  also  Government  securities. 

Bone  black,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

Bone  products,  rates  on 1025 


fractures  of  long  bones,  1  ate  results 67 

multiple  osteomata 247 

rates  on 732 

treatment  of  osseous  disease  and  injury 64 

tuberculosis  treated  by  actinotherapy 197 

Bonnell  Electric  Manufacturing  Co 1059 

Bonus  act,  see  World  War  adjusted  compensa- 
tion act. 
Book  of  estimates,  see  Budget. 

Bookbinding,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

Booker,  George  B..  Co.,  relief 449,981, 1094 


regulations  of  Indian  Office 865 

Bookkeeping  and  Warrants  Division 636 

estimate 510 


copyrighted-. . 46,  117,  179,  245,  309, 

373,  493,  623.  751,  752, 885, 104.5, 1130 
customs  cases — 

Furuya,  M.,  Co 2." 

Kerbv,  Kale 2.' 

Minkus,  M 91,600 

Nelson,  Thomas,  &  Sons 25 

freight  rates  on -.  163 

navigational,  information  regarding 620, 

627,  7,59 

postage  from  and  to  libraries,  etc 1 138 

see  also  Children's  literature — Incunabula — 
Literature— Text-books. 

Bookstacks,  Library  of  Congress,  estimate 336 

Booms,  tubular  steel  cargo,  for  ships 414 

Boone,  C.  E.,  vulcanization  of  guayule  rubber.  221 

Boone,  Mrs,  Earl  W.,  appointment 895 

Boonville  Railroad  Bridge  Co.,  valuation 612 

Booth,  Ewing  E.,  statement 825 

Booth,  J.  F.,  marketing  of  grain  in  Canada 526 

Booth,  Mildred,  parallaxes  of  .57  stars 494 

Booth  &  Co.,  Inc.,  relief 985 

Boothe,  Marian  H.,  reinstatement ~M 

Boots  and  shoes: 

exporters,  directory  of 924 

Government  supplies. 511 

Government  supplies,  shoe  findings 511 

industry,  and  trade  of  New  Zealand. 1089 

industry,  wages  and  hours  of  labor... 308 

specifications  for  rubber  boots 221 

Borah,  Milliam  E.  (Senator  from  Idaho): 
reports  made  by  — 

Foreign  Relations  Com .  587, 

713    714    997    998 

Judiciary  Com .'.  717, 850,' 1000 

Borate,  rates  on 607 

Bordeaux  mixtures,  commercial,  value 919 

Borden,  D,  M.: 

Douglas  0-2E-1  airplane  wing  cellule 778 

wind  tunnel  test  of  airplane  mode! 909 

Borden  Sales  Co.,  condensed  milk 469 

Boren-Stewart  Co.,  oleomargarin 107 

Boring  insects,  see  names  of  insects. 

Borland,    Middleton   S.,   receiver,   r.    United 

States 723, 1017, 1040, 1127 


anchorages    between    Borneo    and    New 

Guinea,  charts 50,51,181,182 

coasts  of  Borneo,  charts 51,312,498 

Boschma,  H.,  Crustacea  of  West  Indies 1060 

Boston,  Mass.: 

air  navigation  map "" 

fishery  products,  calendar  year  1927 537 

fishery  products,  monthly  statement 16, 

S3,  215, 280, 408,  537, 660, 794,  1089 

postal  district,  scheme  of  separation 185 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 51" 



Bosion,  Mass.— Continued. 

tides  and  currents  in  harbor.  _ 923 

sic  also  Judge  Baker  Foundation. 
Bosion  &  Albany  R.  R.: 
rates  on— 

cement _ 607 

ginger-ale 736 

paper. 36 

slag --- 743 

wool -- 113 

switching  charges... 765 

train-stop  devices 173 

r.  United  States 618 

Boston  <t  Maine  R.  R.: 

ac(iuisition  and  operation  of  line 98 

bonds 230 

rates  on — 

blueberries 731 

bobbins 97 

cast-iron... 733, 1117 

coal 468 

cotton  goods 1117 

iron 1030 

paper 107,873 

wood-puIp__. 113 

wool 484,1038 

readjustment 98 

switching  charges 236,  744 

t'nited  Slates  r 878, 1144 

Boston    medical   and  surgical  journal,  article 

from,  revised  and  reprinted 391,  639 

Boston  Sand  &  Gravel  Co.  v.  U.  S 238,367,745 

Boston  Wool  Trade  .Association: 

switching  charges 765 

wool 113,237,1038.1125 

Boswell,  J.  R.,  bran  impaction 1149 


botanical  trip  to  Formosa 898 

exploration  in  eastern  Colombia 898 

see  nho  Plants. 

Botany  Worsted  Mills  r.  United  States 618,878 

Bothnia,  Gulf  of,  lights,  etc 121 

Bott,  Frank  F.,  appointment 824 

Bottle  caps,  elimination  of  waste 284 


milk  and  cream,  elimination  of  waste 284 

rates  on. 732,867. 1025 

Bottling  of  distilled  spirits  in  bond 905 

BoudousQuie,  Xorbert,  heirs,  lands..  977, 1012. 1094 
Boulder  Canyon,  see  Colorado  River. 

Boundary  waters,  surveys 642 

xee  also  International  Boundary  Commis- 
sion, United  States  and  Mexico — 
International  Joint  Commission  on 
Boundary  Waters  between  United 
States  and  Canada. 
Bountiful.  Utah,  water  supply,  lands..  567,856,931 

Boush,  .\nna  P.,  reinstatement 504 

Boush  Creek  Land  Corporation  r.  U.  S 858 

Bowditch,  Nathaniel,  .\merican  practical  navi- 
gator, tables  from 248 

Bower,  R.  F.,  sulphate  of  ammonia 288 

Bower,  Ward  T.,  fisherv  and  fur-seal  industries 

of  Alaska..! 16,151 

Bowersock  Mills  and  Power  Co.,  dam 424 

Bowie,  William,  geodetic  operations,  1924-26..     15 
Bowling,    William    B.    (Representative    from 
minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com 561 

Bowman,     Frank    L.     (Representative    from 
W.  Va.): 
reports  made  bv — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 679,810 

Bowman.  Isaiah,  a  concentra<;ao  da  populacao..  315 
Bowman,  J.  Beatrice:  ' 

diets  and  nurse 49 

history  of  nursing  in  Navy 497 

Bowman,  S.  H.,  Lumber  Co.,  coal 164 

Bowring,  Charles  W.,  t.  Frank  K.  Bowers 1125 

Bowring  &  Co.  r.  United  States 485 

Bows  and  arrows,  Omaha  makers 190 

Box,  John  C.  (Representative  from  Tex.); 
minority  views — 

Claims  Com 549,808 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  952 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com _. 420,550 


Box  beams,  plywood  webs,  share  strength 137 


manufacture  of  wooden  boxes,  census,  1925.     13 

packing  bo.xes.  Government  supplies 62,638 

rates  on 98,732,867, 1025 

see  also  Battery  boxes. 
Boxing  contests: 

to  amend  penal  code  so  as  to  authorize — 

hearing 430 

reports 962, 995 

Boxley,  steamship,  relief  of  owners  of  cargo 4.50 

Boy  Scouts  of  .\merica,  report,  1926. 545 

Boyce,  William  R.,  &  Son,  relief 705,807,1094 

Boyd,  John,  pajinent  of  judgment.. 1064 

Boyd,  Mark  F.,  preventive  medicine 191 

Boydell,  George  J.,  relief... 826 

Boyer,  George  W..  relieL.. 574,676,799 

Boyer,  J.  \.,  corrosion  of  magnesium,  etc 119 

Boylan,  John  J.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by— 

:Mi!itary  Aflairs  Com 349. 350,  433.  434, 

436,  438, 441,  564, 690,  693,  823, 825,  970 

Boyle,  Edward  J.,  relief.. 433 

Boyle  Commission  Co.,  potatoes 37 

Boynton,  Carl  W.,  Stephen  J.  Hayde  r 224, 

368,  747 

forty  books  for  boys  and  girls 94 

sixty  stories  for  boys  and  girls 160 

working  boys  in  New  York  City,  health..     116 
Boys'  agricultural  clubs,  see  .Agricultural  clubs. 

Bozeman,  Mont.,  auxiliary  fisheries  station 841 

Braasch,  William  C,  relief.. 567,  799.856 

Brahston,  Henry  G.: 

lumber 475,  738 

misrouting 738. 873 

Bracken,  .Aaron  F..  grains  for  Utah  dry  lands..  275 

Bradbury,  L.  A.,  gastro-jejunocolic  fistula 264 

Braden.  Glenn  T.: 

D.  B.  Heiner  vs 131,238 

C.  G.  Lewell>-ii  rs 131,238 

Bradenton  Chamber  of  Commerce 478 

Bradford,  Theodore  .A.,  appointment.. 895 

Bradley,  Harry  C,  relief 838,945,1094 

Bradley,  Milton.  Co.,  United  States  r 461 

Bradley,  R.  L.,  (.  L'nited  States 459,618 

Brady,  John  R.,  r.  L'nited  States.. 859 

Brady's  wing  model,  see  .Airfoils. 

Braffet,  Mark  P.,  Secretary  of  Interior  c 41, 

174,  ,508.  745 
Braffet,  Robert  I.,  admr.: 

Secretary  of  Interior  v 41, 174,  .508,  745 

correction  of  appellee's  name  on  p.  41..    70 

Bragg  &  Millsaps  Co.,  cattle 99 

Braham,  J.  M..  air-nitrogen  processes. 288 

Braids,  see  Hat  braids. 

Brainerd,  Heloise,  Latin  -American  schools 1136 

Brainerd,  W.  K.,  feeding  of  dairy  cows 74,  786 


automobile  brake  lining 541 

Chicago  .Jc  Erie  R .  R.  r.  United  States 98 

Bramau,  Winfred  W.: 

heat  production  of  cattle  (2  entries) 3 

metabolism  of  cattle  (2  entries) 399 

net -energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc... 3 

Bran  impaction  in  gastrointestinal  canal 1149 

Branch,  G.  V.,  cantaloupes,  commercial  grad- 
ing  648 

Brand,  G.  D.,  actinomycosis 907 

Brandeis,  Mrs.  Arthur  D.,  U.  S.,  etc.,  v 618 

Brandywine,  Battle  of,  1777,  tablet 688.  UCl 

Brann,  J.  W..  ginseng  diseases 333 

Brannan,  Richard,  relief 4:53 

Braimer,  George  C,  .Arkansas  coal  fields .5:i9 

Branner,  John  C,  biographical  memoir 493 


census  of  brass  and  allovs,  1925 214 

rates  on 30,  98,  163.  466. 607.  732. 867.  1025 

Bratton,  Sam  G.  (Senator  from  N.  Afex.): 
paper  presented  by- 
New  Mexico  State  memorial  stone 447 

reports  made  by- 
Indian  -Affairs  Com 4,55, 

588.  539.  714, 847,  849 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 855 

Public  Lands  and  Survevs  Com 458, 

4.59.  722,  856 


Index,  1927-1928 


Brazil:  .. 

I'udget - ^' 

gljjjrtS J75,  498 

commercial  readjustment,  1927 1089 

electrical  eciuipmeut,  marketing- _ii 

foreign  trade  for  1920.. - -----  'M 

MioUuslcs  of  genus  ("orbicula,  new  species.-  192 

Parana  pine  lumber  industry.-- ---    18 

tlirougli  a;;rosloloKist's  spectacles- -  190 

Braznell,  IJeujamin,  relief  of  estate ---  449 


bread  or  barberries - ^04 

sec  also  Bakeries. 
Bread  mold,  «<x  Ked  bread  mold. 

Bre;ist-feeding  demonstrations .-.  371 

Breathing  apiiaratus,  mine  rescue 539 

Breaux,  Lawrence,  v.  United  States 878 


animals,  essentials 143 

cattle,  for  milk  production 143 

razas  de  galliiias  ponedoras  y  su  crianza 185 

see  also  Fish-culture. 

Breese,  J.  I-.,  medal 1009 

Bremen,  Germany,  chart 184 

Breiuerhaven,  Germany,  chart 184 

Bremner,  W.  il.,  receiver  of  Minneapolis  &  St. 

Louis  R.R -..  169,299,470 

Brennan  &  Corrigan,  Inc.: 

rolling-mill  rolls. - 109 

silicomaugauese -  - 1036 

Brenzinger,  Christine,  relief- --  418,838,929 

Breuer,  R.  .^.,  bridge  across  Missouri  R 453 

Brewster,  George  F.,  veterans'  hospitals 65 

Brewster,  H.  D.,  primary  carcinoma  of  lung.-.  640 
Brewster,  J.  W.,  exam.,  accident  reduction .  497 

Briand's  proposal  for  pact  of  friendship 901 

Briant,  E.  S.,  admr.,  David  II.  Blair  rs 1128 

Brioe's  Cross  Roads,  Miss.,  battlefield 434 

Brick,  see  Bricks. 

Brick  buildings,  setting  cut-stone  trim 291 


apparatus  for  transverse  tests  of  brick 21 

paving,  elimination  of  waste 284 

rates  on 30, 98. 163.  607,  732,  867, 1025, 1116 

specification  for  common  clay  brick 87 

see  also  Sand-lime  brick. 

Bridge  Cori)oratiou  of  Alabama 960, 994, 1103 

Bridgers,  Henry  C,  lessee  of  East  Carolina  Ry-  471 

highway  bridge  surveys 789 

lighting  regulations,  1928 925 

Oversea  highway,  survey 699,937,993 

structural  steel  for,  specifications 18 

see  also  names  of  bridges— o/so  names  of 
places  where  located— a/«o  names  of 
rivers  or  bodies  of  water  to  be 

Briefcases,  Government  supplies..- 511 

iJrierley,  Philip: 

Fusarium  rot  in  stored  potatoes 1084 

potato  wart,  spread  and  repression 789 

Briggs,  Fred  N.,  biirley  seed  dehulling  to  induce 

smut 399,531 

Briggs,  L.  J.,  p.ressure  over  airfoils 119, 179 

Briggs,  Owen  L.,  census  of  manufactures,  1925.  1087 

Brilliant  Sand  Co.,  sand 875 

Brimstone  R.  R.  &  Canal  Co.: 

valuation- .__ 1117 

versus  United  States,  etc 232,238 

Brin,  Leonard  M.,  lumber  industry  of  Brazil..    18 
Brines,  potash,  in  Great  Salt  Lake  Desert.-      1114 

Brink,  Rosalie  C,  relief 458,568.799 

Brinton,  Louis  C,  relief 981  1094 

BrLscoe,  Daniel,  r.  K.  B.  Craig '   745 

BrI.scoe,  L.  F..,  colostomy "'"  264 

Briscoe.  Lucy  G.,  e.\r.,  v.  E.  B.  Craig  745 

Brist,  Frederick  W.,  report  of  floods,  1927.  335 

Bristol,  I'a.,  bridge-. 424,668,708 

British,  see  (ireat  Britain. 
British  Columbia: 

I'Kht  list 662 

pilot,  supplements 757,1049 

British  Columbia  Electric  Rv '   108 

British  Empire,  s(e  Great  Britain. 
British  Guiana: 

commercial  and  economic  survey. 280 

money-order  post  offices '_'_  254 


British  Honduras,  money-order  post  offices 254 

British  India,  see  India. 

British  Islands,  see  Great  Britain. 

British  Isles,  see  Great  Britain. 

British  Malaya,  market  for  canned  foods 660 

Britten,  Fred  A.  (Representative  from  EL): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 939 

Naval  Affairs  Com. 695,973,974,975 

Britten,  Rollo  H.: 

expectation  of  life  in  England  and  U.  S 391 

occupational  mortality  in  England,  etc 1148 

Broad  Top  coal  field,  Pa.,  Pocono  fauna.. 728 


menus  and  recipes  broadcast 208 

Senate  proceedings 374 

world  radio  markets,  broadcasting  service..  152 
sec  also  Radio  communication. 

Brockett,  Paul,  bibl.  of  aeronautics,  1925 1046 

Erode,  R.  B.,  spark  generators 119 

Erode,  Vv^.  R.,  determination  of  copper  number 

of  paper 220 

Brodie,  C.  P.,  appointment 380 

Brody,  S.,  v.  United  States 24, 113 


loans  by  Federal  reserve  banks- 
hearings 837 

report 984 

Brombacher,  W.  G: 

standard  atmosphere 343 

tables  for  calibrating  altimeters,  etc. 119 

Bromine  in  1926 153 

Bromus  marginatus,  Puecinia  glumarum  on...  1079 
Bronchial  asthma: 

and  pulmonary  tuberculosis 640 

case  reports  and  post-mortem  record 640 

removal  of  oral  focal  infection 1149 

Bronchitis  in  U.  S.  .\rmy  in  World  War 779 


hemorrhagic,  resembling  pneumonic  plague  502 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

Bronze,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

Bronzes  of  Hsin-cheng  Usien 190 

Brooding  of  chickens 401 

Brooke,  Charles  R.,  osseous  disease,  etc 64 

Brooke,  Mark,  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  district 517 

Brookens,  P.  F.: 

agricultural  statistics,  1926. 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Brookhart,  Smith  W.  (Senator  from  Iowa): 
minority  views — 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 1011 

reports  made  by- 
Civil  Service  Com 838 

MUitary  Affairs  Com 592, 

593.  594,  719,  853, 1002, 1007 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 1011 

Erookhaven  Lumber  &  Manufacturing  Co 364 

Brookings,    S.    Dak.,    address    of    President 

Coolidge 186 

Brookins,  E.  F.,  soil  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y..  211 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  ice  for  public  bldgs.,  1929 907 

see  also  Naval  Medical  Supply  Depot,  New- 
York— Naval  Supply  Depot,  New 
Brooklyn  Eastern  District  Terminal,  valuation.  607 
Brooks,  C.  E.  P.,  Gulf  Stream,  review  by  A.  J.H  212 

Brooks,  Charles  F.,  long  range  forecasting 335 

Brooks,  Harlow,  neurocirculatory  asthenia 779 

Brooks,  John  D.,  abscess  of  liver 907 

Brooks ville  Plant  Introduction  Garden: 
hearings... 547, 1105 

law 804 

reports 448,546,806 


experiments  at  dry-land  field  station 054 

rates  on 1025 

Broom  handles,  rates  on 30, 163, 1025 

Brooms,  rates  on 732 

Brotherhood  of  Sleeping  Car  Porters 875 

Broussard,  Edwin  S.  (Senator  from  La.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com... 1007,1008 




Browder,  F.  N.,  relief 562,929,985 

Browder,  George  'SI.,  relief 562,929,985 

Browa,  Arthur  C,  r.  United  States 485 

Brown,  Bruce  K.,  patent  appeal 282 

Brown,  Carey  II.,  statement 1106 

Brown,  D.  H.,  v.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue.-.  238 

Brown,  E.  R.,  trustee,  U.  S.v 43,305,369 

Brown,  E.  W.,  chemical  warfare 887, 1047 

Brown,  Earl  I.,  Wilmington,  Del.,  district 519 

Brown,  Earle  G.,  venereal  disease,  Kansas.1070, 1148 

Brown,  Edgar  D.,  bridge 818,993,1102 

Brown,  Edward  A.,  Co.,  relief 834 

Brown,  F.  M.,  homemade  sling  psychrometer  .  887 

Brown,  G.,  ground  water  pollution- 64 

Brown,  Herbert  V,'.,  v.  United  States... 238 

Brown,  Hylton  R.,  dust  in  grain  elevators 650 

Brown,  Israel,  relief 434 

Brown,  J.  B.,  bridge 955 

Brown,  James  M.  E.,  relief 838,945,1094 

Brown,  John  AI.,  relief 562,1002,1094 

Brown-Duvel  moisture  tester 526 

Brown,  Fort,  sale  of  portion 967, 1003, 1099 

Brown  root  rot,  timothy  infusions 7s3,  915 

Brown-tail  moth,  quarantine  on  account  of 4 

Brown  University: 

Botany  Department — 

rose  diseases 655 

Browne,  Edward  E.  (Representative from  Wis.): 
commencement  of  terms  of  President,  etc. .  421 
report  made  by- 
Foreign  Affairs  Com 422 

Browne,  R.  W.,  fly  control 907 

Browne,  Ralph  C,  John  K.  M.  Harrison  v 603 

Brownell  &  Field  Co.,  fiber-board  cans 471 

BrowneU  Improvement  Co.,  stone 39 

Browning,      Gordon      (Representative     from 
minority  views — 

Elections  Com.  No.  2 679 

report  made  by- 
World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Com.  982 
Browning  machine-rifle,  see  Machine-rifle. 
Browning  rifle,  see  Rifles. 
Brownrigg,  Albert  E.,  fits,  etc.,  in  epilepsy-..  1070 

Brownsville,  Tex.,  bridge 818,993, 1102 

Brownyard,  F.  W.,  misrouting 612   I 

Broxton,  WOIiam: 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

Bruce,  Donald,  timber-yield  tables. -.  399,403 

Bruce,  E.  E.,  &  Co.,  muriatic  acid 169 

Bruce,  WOIiam  C.  (Senator  from  Md.): 
minority  views — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 846 

paper  presented  by — 

strange  case  of  Florida  v.  Mellon. 982 

reports  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 996 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 849 

Bruere,  J.  M.,  r.  United  States 881 

Bruins,  John  H.,  canned  food,  British  Malaya.  660 

Brundage,  -A. very,  v.  United  States 460 

Brundage,  Dean  K.: 

health  of  workers 1069 

respiratory  diseases,  indus.  workers--.  773, 1070 
sickness  among  persons  in  public  utility..  639, 

Brunet,  Walter  M.: 

venereal  disease  prevalence  in  Detroit 197 

same,  abstract,  in  public  health  reports.  63 
Brunschwig,  A.  E.,  Sippy  treatment  for  peptic 

ulcer  (2  entries) 247 

Bnmson,  Arthur  M.,  pop  corn  quality 269,404 

Brunswick  &  Chillicothe  R.  R.,  valuation 877 

Brunswiek-Balke-CoUender  Co.,  Inc 33 

Bnmsv.ick  Traflic  Bureau,  lumber 475 

Brushes,  Government  supplies 511 

Brussels,  Belgium: 

International  Telegraph  Conference .  -  952, 1062 

weather  during  .\pr.  and  May,  1927 147 

Bryan,  \.  Hugh: 

maple  sirup  and  sugar  production.. 785 

maple  sugar  composition,  etc 651 

sorgo-sirup  manufacture 272 

Bryan,  Mary  K.: 

bacterial  canker  of  tomatoes 919 

lilac  blight  in  United  States 783.919 


Bryant,  J.  M.,  spiual  anesthesia 502 

Bryce  Canyon  National  Monument,  origin 75 

Bryce  Canyon  National  Park: 

"  description  of  lands,  correcting 830, 856, 931 

name  of  Utah  National  Park  changed 459, 

570. 672 

Bryon,  Edgar  C,  relief  of  next  of  kin 945 

Brvozoa  of  Gulf  of  >iexico  region 767 

Brvson,  AV.  J.,  relief .548,799,838 

Bryson  City,  N.  C,  term  of  court 686,932 

Bubbles  of  gas  in  liquids,  producing 19 

Bubonic  plague,  see  Plague. 

Buchanan  Countv,  Mo.,  bridges 347, 

Buck,  John  M.,  infectious  abortion  of  cattle. ..    73 
Buckbee,  John  T.  (Representative  from  111.): 
report  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 976 

Buckeye  Cotton  Oil  Co.,  ehlorin 1026 

Buckland,  John  M.,  slag 743 

Bucklev,  John  S.,  diseases  of  poultry 271 

Buckley,  Richard  C: 

example  of  allertry 198 

thrombo-phlebitis  in  tuberculosis 1071 

tuberculosis  of  l^^nph  nodes 26 1 

tuberculous  ulcer  of  duodemun 135 

Bucklev.  S.  S.,  castration  of  hogs 143 

Buckley,  Seymom-,  relief 434,1002,109-1 

Buckner,  G.  Davis,  calcium  compounds,  utili- 
zation by  hens  in  egg  production..  783, 

Buckner,  J.  F.,  blood  grouping 496 

Buckson,  E.  C,  relief --  707 

Buekson,  Harry  V„  relief 840,948, 1097 

Buckwheat,  educational  illustrations 529 

Buckwheat  region,  beekeeping 206 

Bud  moth,  life  history 204.  269 

Bud  rot  fungus,  coconut,  new  host 3,  75 

Bud  select  ion ,  Valencia  orange 210 


Latin  American  countries 17,339,409 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  409 524 

United  States- 
Medicine  and  Surgery  Bur.  accounting-  247 

message  of  President 388 

objects  of  expenditure,  classification 358 

preparation  and  submission,  rules,  etC-  255 
publications  on  budget  accoimting.  462, 1112 

statenenis 388 

submission  of  estimates  for  budget 61 

Budget  Bureau 61, 

132,  388,  509,  636,  770, 902, 1063. 1 145  of  director — 

business  organization  of  Govt.' 636, 1145 

conduct,  rules  and  regulations 255 

report,  1927 1-32 

see  aho  Lord,  Herbert  M. 

Buenaventura,  Colombia,  chart  of  port -  11.33 

Buenos  .Aires,  Argentina: 

chart  of  port 498 

Pan  -American  Congress  of  Highways--  259,  .507 
Buffalo.  X.  v.: 

infant  mortality  study 323 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 642 

Buffalo  Brick  Co.,  bricks 30,163 

Buffalo  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation 1025 

Buffalo,  Rochester  &  Pittsburgh  Ry.: 

bonds 98 

control  by  Delaware  &  Hudson  Co 607 

peddler  cars 301 

valuation 163 

Buffalo-Springfield  Roller  Co 38 

Bufflein  Lumber  &  Manufacturing  Co 168 

Bugs,  see  names  of  bugs. 

Buhl,  Idaho,  land  patent 830,931.1012 

Buhmann,  Christ,  Mississippi  R.  bridge 425. 

579,  669 

apprenticeship  (2  entries) 1129 

codes,  publications  of  Commerce  Dept -541 

construction  developments  during  1926 151 

expenditures,  1921-27 1044 

permits  in  principal  cities — 

1926 178 

1927 1044 

stone  setting  in  brick  buildings 291 

Btiilding  and  Housing  Division 151.  541 


Index,  1927-1928 


Building  materials: 

developments  (luring  1926 Joi 

(iovernment  supplies W,  ws 

rates  on —  -  31,98,466 

sound  transmission " 

xet  aho  names  of  materials. 

Buildinfis;  .  ,       .  ,  ,     ....  ,. 

expenditure  for  nonresidential  buildings.-    4o 
height  and  design  when  near  park,  etc...  56/ 

Iiroiection  from  lightning 790 

rural  community  buildings 9ib 

see  also   Public  buildings— awo  names  of 

Bula  Bay,  chart '»^ 

Bulbs:  ^       , 

American  bulbs  under  glass .--  2.5 

gladiolus  corms,  rot 783,919 

grape-hvaeinth  bulbs,  proauction 334 

hybrid  Palestine  iris  corms,  production 334 

iris  bulbs,  production 1084 

narcissus  bulbs,  production 404 

narcissus  bulbs,  (luarantine 1053 

Bull,  Halmahera  Island,  chart  of  approaches _.-    50 

Bull  Bav,  chart --    50 

Bull,  R.  C,  vaccination  by  pressure  method. .  134 
Bull,  see  Bulls. 

Bullard,  Addison  E.,  schooner,  see  Addison  E. 
BuUard,  schooner. 

Bullard.  William  H.  G.,  r.  United  States 238 

Bulletins,  see  Farmers'  bulletins— a/.so  names  of 
Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  issuing 
bulletins — also  subjects. 

Bullfight,  ritual -- 190 

Bullfrog  Goldfield  R.  R._- 466 

Bullis,  Camp,  purchase  of  land 966, 1107 


cooperative  associations,  herd  improvement      6 

proved  dairy  sires. 144 

purebred  dairy-sires 331,651 

Bulwinkle,    Alfred    L.    (Representative   from 
N.  C): 
minority  views- 
Claims  Com... 808 

reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com... 421, 

548, 549, 550, 676, 677, 808, 946 
Bumpers,  see  Automobile  bumpers. 

Bumpiness  in  air,  example 534 

Bunch,  .fohn,  relief  of  estate 575 

Bundesen,  Herman  N.,  diphtheria  in  Chicago.  263 
Bunge,    Alejandro    E.,    sofismas    economicos 

derrotistas 892 

Bunker  Hill  &  Sullivan  Mining  &  Concen- 
trating Co.: 

lead 364 

smelt  ing. 1 10 

Bunting,  wool,  master  specification.. 284 

Bunyea,  Hubert: 

bactericidal  action  of  chloroform 5,916 

diseases  of  poultry __ 271 

udder  diseases  of  dairy  cows 527 


plans,  etc.,  for  buoys  and  moorings  (2) 1090 

see  also  names  of  places  where  located. 
Burch.  Harold  A.,  hand  tools,  British  market.     18 

Burchard,  Ernest  F.,  brown  iron  ores 227, 1114 

Burdette,  Robert  C,  toxicity  of  petroleum-oil 

emulsions  to  aphids.. 6 

BurdI  Suleiman,  Mersa,  see  Bardia,  Port. 
Burdick.  Clark  (Representative  from  R.  I.): 
reports  made  by- 
Naval  Affairs  Com...     .  441 
442,  .566, 695, 827, 828, 973, 974. 975 
Bureaus,  see  Government  offices— a/so  names 

of  bureaus. 

for  metisiirement  of  gas  volumes 154 

for  micronieasureraenl  of  liquid  volumes        87 
Burger,  Magdalen  H.,  vegetable  statistics  .526 

Burger  Brothers  Co.,  malt  s\Tup. .  738 

Burgess,  George  K.,  memoir,  etc.,  of  H.'m 

Howe. 494 

.vf f  also  Standards  Bureau.,  (ieorge  \V.,  relief.. 548 

Burgwald,  L.  H..  cleaning  milking  machines. '  651 
Murial,  etc..  expenses  of  ex-service  men  997 

Burke,  H.  K..  western  cedar  pole  borer  .'i3n 


Burke.  Porteus  R.,  relief.. 809,988,1097 

Burkes,  D.  C,  tryparsamid  in  neurosyphilis. .  907 

Burkesville,  Ky.,  bridge 932,956,990 

Burkhart,  George  C,  receiver,  c.  U.  S 745 

Burkhead,  Calvin  H.,  relief 349,543,591 

Burkholder,  J.  L.,  Middle  Rio  Grande  Con- 
servancy project 727 


jute,  master  specification 285 

rates  on 163,1026 

Burlap  bags,  rates  on 732,867,1025 

Burleson,  Ed,  relief 822 

Burlington,  X.  J.,  bridges 424,578,668,683,708 

Burma  gem  districts 190 

Burneson,  Daisy  L.,  v.  United  States 303 

Burnett,  J.  T.,  Mississippi  R.  bridge..  817.842,934 
Burnham.  D.  R..  fattening  steers  on  dry-land 

crops 271 

Burns,  J.  C,  strawberries 875 

Burns,  John  L.,  naval  record 719,973, 1094 

Burns,  Justin  C.  receiver,  v.  U.  S 747 

Burns,  O.  E..  lumber 35 

Burnside,  Ky.,  bridges  (6  entries  in  all).  932, 956. 991 

Burnsville  quadrangle,  W.  Va 605 

Burr  Ferry,  bridge 959, 1103 

Burruss.  P'rank  M.,  Missouri  R.  bridge  .426,581,670 

Burt,  Clarence  E.,  appointment  as  captain 690 

Burt.  Cora  W.,  e.\r.,  patent  appeal.. 218 

Burt,  Harry  B.,  patent  appeal 218 

Burt.  Vi'ellington  R..  r.  United  States 1125 

Burt  County.  Xebr.,  soil  survey 10 

Burtness,   Oleer  B.   (Representative  from  X. 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 347. 428.  558,  684. 685,  958 

Burton,    Theodore    E.    (Representative   from 
reports  made  bv — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com 553,  680, 812, 952 

Burton,  Walter  C,  relief 676 

Burtons  Ferry,  bridge 959,994,1103 

Busby,  Jeff  (Representative  from  Miss.): 
minority  views — 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com. 
Busch,  Jacob,  rp..  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn.. 
Buses,  see  Motor-busses. 

Bush,  George  S.,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  v 

Bush  Terminal  R.  R.,  rates  on  dry-goods 2971 

Bushmen,  South  .\frican,  crania 767| 

Bushnell,  David  I.,  jr.: 

drawings  by  A.  DeBatz  in  La..  1732-35 3841 

drawings  by  John  Webber.  1778 7671 

Bushnell,  George  E.,  tuberculo.sis 77ff| 

Bushnell  T.  M.: 
soil  .surveys — 

Lawrence  County,  Ind 1085 

Monroe  County,  Ind 10 

Bushong,  Robert  G.  (Representative from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 421,5501 

Public  Lands  Com.. 

calendar  reform,  importance 12 

same  (in  Portuguese) 252 

same  (in  Spanish) 1241 

practical  aids  to  .\merican  business.. 215j 

statistics,  record  hook 81.338.65* 

survev  of  current  business 12,79.148, 

213,  278.  337,  407.  535. 658.  792.  922. 1087J 

supplement,  record  book 81,338.6581 

supplement,  weeklv 12.79.148,1 

213,  278.  337.  407.  535. 658,  792, 922, 1087J 

taxation  in  Great  Britain 538  1 

see  aha  Executive  Departments. 
Business  education,  see  Commercial  education. 
Business  reply  cards,  see  Post  cards. 
Business  reply  envelopes,  see  Envelopes. 
Busser,  Ralph  C,  electrical  machinery,  Wales.  409 
Busses,  see  Motor-busses. 

Bussey,  Arthur,  r.  United  States 460 

Butler,  C.  St.  J.,  Haitian  Training  School  for 

Xurses,  address  to  class 247 

Butler,  H.  B..  industrial  relations  in  I'.  S. 178 

Butler,  Hugh  D.: 

electrical  machinery,  British  market 1090 

Irish  Free  State,  economic  survev 795 

Butler,  John  R.,  relief 434 

.  352J 





Butler,  O.  M.,  Philippine  Islands. 84 

Butler,  Thomas  S.  (Representative  from  Pa.)-' 
reports  made  hv — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 441,827 

Butler  County  R.  R.,  rates  on  cotton-seed 734 


adulterated,  exportation  without  tax 1147 

census  report,  1925 12 

educational  illustrations 528 

farm  making  and  storing  for  winter  use 206 

making  on  farm 051 

see  also  Oleomargarine. 

Butterflies,  fragrant. -_-  190 

Buttermilk,  artificial,  influence  on  body. 3 

Buttermilk  poultry  feed,  rates  on 1117 

Butts,  Charles,  Bessemer-Vandiver  folio,  Ala..  294 
Butts,  Thomas,  German  exports  of  electrical 

equipment 794 

Butz,  Walter  D.,  patent  appeal 341 

Butzke,  E.  J.,  bran  impaction. 1149 


dairy  by-products,  utilization 74 

flsherv  products  of  U.  S.  and  Alaska 1089 

Byram,  Thomas  P.,  relief 826 

Byrns,  Joseph  W.,  statement.. 967 

Bywater,  Selwyn,  v.  United  States 41 


C.  O.  T).,  see  CoUect-on-delivery. 

Cabazon  Water  Co.,  purchase  of  lands 567, 

800, 856 

article  on 788 

rates  on 98,296,466,607 

yellows,  varieties  resistant  to 399,654 

Cabbage  worm  and  its  control 74 

Cabin  Creek,  W.  Va.,  bridge 683,842,933 

Cabin  Creek  Kanawha  Bridge  Co 683,842,933 


rates  on 607 

standards  for  (Spanish  translation) 17 

Cables  (submarine): 

laws  relating  to  commerce 674 

world  chart 1134 

Cabot,  Godfrey  L.,  cases 401,724,860 

Cabot,  Godfrey  Ij.,  Inc.,  carbon  black. 607 

Cache  National  Forest.. 978 

Cadets,  see  Air  Corps— Coast  Guard— Military 
Academy,      West      Point — Naval 
Academy,  .Annapolis. 
Caffrey,  D.  J.: 

European  corn  borer — 

control 207 

imported  parasites 207 

scouting,  quarantine,  etc.- .-  331 

Cairns  Corner  quadrangle,  Calif 162 

Cairo,  111.: 

Association  of  Commerce- 
bridge 427,582,670 

Caisson  disease,  during  helmet  diving 49 

Calbuco,  Puerto  de,  chart 181 

Calcification  of  pericardium 040 

Caleite  Harbor,  Mich.,  chart. 1074 

Calcium  arsenate,  rates  on 98 

Calcium  chloride  in  1926 153 

Calcium  compounds,  utilization  by  hens..  783,915 

Calcium  rations  for  dairy  cows 269,  270, 401 

Caldwell,  Frank  W.,  propeller,  tests 516 

Caldwell,  Fred  C,  parasitic  index 502 

Caldwell,  George,  relief 349 

Caldwell,  Joseph  S.: 

anthocyan  pigments  in  canning 71, 145 

chemical  composition  of  apple 783, 1079, 1083 

deterioration  of  apples  in  storage 399,  531 

Caldwell,  Wilford  W.,  relief... 567,8.56,929 

Caldwell  &  Taylor,  benzol 230 


Chinese-American  calendar  for  102  yrs 883 

importance  of  reform  to  business  world 124 

same  (in  Portuguese) 252 

same  (in  Spanish)... 124 

Calendars  (of  business),  see  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia — Court  of 
Claims — Court  of  Customs  Ap- 
peals—House of  Representatives- 
Senate — also  names  of  committees. 

15950—29 3 


Calenders,  safety  code 117 

Caleta  Horno,  chart 7.58 

Calf,  see  Calves. 

Calhoun,  W.  P.,  bridge 955 

Calhoun  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 816,842,933 


buoy  list 18 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 12 

charts 82,279,408,659 

coast  pilot,  supplement 408 

date  scale  emergency,  estimate  to  meet 389 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc,  1926 539 

grasses 898 

Harbor  Commissioners  Board- 
State  Belt  R.  R.  V.  ITnited  States 104 

hydraulic  mining  investigations 1073 

Indians — 

Mission  Indians. 898 

occupying  railroad  lands 422,588,668 

suit  on  behalf  of  Indians...  681,814,933,999 

judicial  districts 962 


for  air  mail  beacon  site 57 

granting  lands  to  California. .  .  568,  800, 856 

opened  to  homestead  entry 57,895 

restoring  to  public  domain 554 

withdrawn 127,504 

withholding  timber  lands  from  sale 858 

Lygus  elisus,  pest  of  cotton  regions 74 

magnetic  declination  in  1927 27K 

millipeds  of  order  Colobognatha 767 

movimiento  de  amistad  internacional  en  las 

escuelas  de  California.. 028 

Phylloxera  infestation,  study 652 

pocket  gophers,  geography  and  evolution..  190 
postal  service- 
alphabetical  scheme  for  publishers 317 

post  route  map 630 

publications  on,  for  sale 293,1020 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing,  errata...  635 

sun  rays,  studying. 898 

tidal  bench  marks 793 

tularaemia  among  meadow  mice 039,906 

California   Agricultural    Experiment    Station: 

barley  seed  dehulling  to  induce  smut .531 

inheritance  in  crosses  between  wheats .533 

orange  leaf  rust  on  Malakofl  wheat 9 

.soil  surveys — 

Gilroy  area 405 

Hollister  area 650 

California,  Arizona  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 31 

California  Co-Operative  Canneries  !i.  U.  S 860 

California  Debris  Commission 043 

annual  report,  1927 643 

report  on  hydraulic  mining 1073 

(California  Dressed  Beef  Co.,  swine 111 

California    Growers'    &    Shippers'    Protective 

League,  fruit 103,472 

Cahfornia,  Gulf  of,  pilot 1132 

California  Packing  Corporation,  dried  fruit 102 

California  Power  Board,  report 291 

California  Table  Fruit  Co.,  grapes 34 

California  University,  see  California  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station. 

California  Wine  .Association 319,383 

California    Wine   Association   of   New    York, 

Inc 1.56,485 

Cahfornia  Wire  &  Cable  Co.,  Inc 731 

Calion,  Ark.,,  bridge .5.59.071,710,817,  1101 

Calkins,  Au'gsbury  &  Mikan,  sheep 172 

Callahan,  Eugene  C,  to  reappoint 434 

Callander,  W.  F.: 

agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

I'alle,  Port  de  la,  see  La  Calle,  Port  de. 

Callyodontidae  collected  by  Albatross 899 

Caloosahatchee  River: 

drainage  area,  survey. 1073 

improvement 1108 

Calumet  Baking  Powder  Co 462 

Calumet  district,  Ill.-Ind.: 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  v. 
42 196 


Index,  1927-1928 


Calumet  River,  bridge ---  556,707,801 

tee    also    Grand    Calumet    River— Little 
Calumet  River. 
Calvert,  Mary  R.,  papers  of  E.  E.  Barnard. .-  493 

care  of  dairy  calf '°^ 

sorgo  silage,  etc.,  roughage  for  fattening..  650 

statistics,  1925 ^5 

Calvin,  J.  L.,  bridge 453 

Camns  Prairie  R.  R.,  rates  on  gram 34 

Cambarus, . see  Crayfishes. 

Cambouri.  Louise  M.,  relief 83S,  94.0, 1094 

Cambria  &  Indiana  R.  R.,  valuation 230 

Cambrian  period,  geology  of  Rocky  Mountains  898 

Cambridge  Loan  and  Building  Co.,  cases 113, 

618,  634 

Camden,  N.  J.,  waterfront  chart 408 

Camden  i  Burlington  County  Ry 230 

Camerer,  C.  B.,  retinitis  pigmentosa 48,49 

Cameron,  Joyce  &  Co.,  stone 1036 

Cameronia,  British  steamship,  officers  and  crew, 

heroic  conduct,  etc...  821,844,941,1096 
Cammack,  F.  K.,  neufchatel  and  cream  cheese.  7 
Camp,   Bennager,  alias,  see  Camp,   Edward. 

Camp,  Edward,  relief 563 

Camp,  see  name  of  camp. 

Camp  Manufacturing  Co.,  lumber 475 

Campaign  e.xpenditures: 

candidates  for  membership  of  Senate- 
hearings 455 

reports 455,712 

Congress  to  have  power  to  regulate 1107 

Presidential  candidates,  hearings 1110 

Campbell,  A.  J.,  tularemia 640 

Campbell,  Albert,  relief 563,929,1002 

Campbell,  Charles  E.,  military  record 563 

Campbell,  Ebin,  alias .?«  Campbell,  Charles  E. 

Campbell,  F.  L.,  relief 574,808,1094 

Campbell,  John  J.,  relief 690 

Campbell,  Maude: 

dresses  for  little  girl 1083 

present  trends  in  home  sewing 145 

Campbell,  Meredith  F.,  granuloma  inguinale..  907 
Campbell  Electric  Co.  v.  United  States...  156,238 
Camps,  see  Military  camps— Prison  camps- 
Summer    camps — also    names    of 

chemical  exports  from  United  States 151 

electric  fan  market  for  American  makes 661 

film  market,  short-subject 795 

grain,  cooperative  marketing 526 

grain,  relative  rates  in  U.  S.  and  Canada.  1029 

history,  bibliography,  1924 1142 

Indians,  immigration 681,699,714,802 

lake  fish,  trade  with  United  States 260 

leat  her  production  and  trade 410 

light  lists.. 538,662 

money-order  post  offices 254 

paper  and  paper  products 925 

properties  acquired  by  War  Dept .571, 

706,  834, 937 
Statistics  Bureau — 

paper  and  paper  products 925 

veterans,   treatment   bv   U.    S.   Veterans' 

Bur 65 

see  also  International  Joint  Commission  on 
Boundary  Waters     between  United 
States  and  Canada. 

»]anadian  Mill  &  Elevator  Co.  v.  V.  ^... 303 

f^anadian  National  Rys.,  rates  on  poles _  740 

Canadian  Northern  Ry.,  valuation ..  1117 

Canadian  Pacific  Ry.,  lease  of  line  296 

Canadian  River,  waters,  consent  to  compact  .  961 

(  anal,  see  nan.e  of  canal. 

Canal  record,  see  Panair.a  Canal  record. 

Canal  Zone,  Isthiims  of  Panama,  see  Panama 

Canal  (zone). 
Canal  Zone  Medical  Association,  see  Medical 
Association    of    Isthmian     Canal 
t'anals,  see  of  canals. 

Canaries,  care  and  luanagenent  650 

Cance.  Alexander  E.,  marketing  onions  '  401 

I  anceling  nmchiue  instruction  book  mo 

t  aneer,  see  Tumors. 

Candy  distribution  in  C.  S  i)24 

Candy  Supjily  ('(,.,  inited  States  c       ""  ijc; 


Cane  silage,  see  Silage. 

Canev  Fork,  bridge 423,577,667 

Caney  Valley  Ry.,  note 867 

Canker  of  tomatoes 919 

Canna,  Wainiea  district  of  Hawaii 918 

Cannan,  R.  K.,  oxidation-reduction  studies 906 

Canned  food: 

fishery  products  of  U.  S.  and  Alaska 1089 

market  in  British  Malaya 600 

rates  on 99,164,466,1026 

see  also  name  of  special  food. 
Canneries,  .sff  Canning  and  preserving. 

Canniff,  Kate,  relief 449 

Canning  and  preserving: 

anthocyan  pigments,  behavior  in  canning  71, 145 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 79 

citron,  preserving 333 

fish  for  canning  as  sardines,  preparation..    17 

peas  for  canning 275 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  93,463 
vegetable  canneries,  women's  ejnployment.  117 
Cannon,  (^larence  (Representative  from  Mo.): 
miuoritv  veiws — 

Roads  Com 832 

procedure  in  House  of  Representatives 645 


bronze  cannon  for  Charleston,  S.  C 563, 

931, 1002 

donating  to  New  York 719,  824, 935 

see  also  Ordnance. 
Canopinae,  see  Pentatomids. 

Canova,  E.  C,  steel  and  iron  boiler  tubes 1090 

Cans,  rates  on 31,  99, 466,  732,  867, 1026 

see  also  Ash-cans — Fiber-board  cans. 
Cantaloupes,  grading,  packing,  and  shipping.  648 

Canter,  Herman  H.,  v.  United  States 368,879 

Canton,  Ky.,  bridges 424,578,668,816,841,932 

Canton,  Aberdeen  &  Nashville  R.  R.,  valua- 
tion  364 

Canton  Railroad,  valuation -  466 

Canty,  George  R.: 

European  motion-picture  industry  in  1927.  795 

market  for  motion  pictures 84,925 

Canu,  Ferdinand,  hryozoa 767 

Capacitance,     measurement     by     Maxwell's 

method 343 

Cape,  see  name  of  cape. 

Cape  Cod  Canal,  bonds,  estimate  for  retiring..  903 

Cape  Ilaitien,  Haiti: 

aviation  chart. 498 

chart  of  harbor 375 

Cape  Mav,  N.  J.,  v.  V.  S 21,238,485,878 

Cape  ]\lay  Real  Estate  Co.  v.  U.  S 238 

Cape  Tafelneh  Anchorage,  chart .-    52 

Cape  Verde  Islands,  chart 249 

Capes,  see  names  of  capes. 
Capital  Park  Commission,  «fe  National  Capital 
Park  and  Planning  Commission. 
Capital   stock,    .see   names   of  railroads,    etc., 

issuing  stock. 
Capital  Traction  Co.: 

merger  of  street  railway  corporations — 

agreement  between  corporations 861 

hearings 9.50,996 

report 9.50 


art  and  artists 447 

building  and  grounds,  use — 

hearings 443 

reports 443,855 

grouncis,  plans  for  enlargement 938 

grounds,  providing  for  enlargement — 

hearings 1108 

report 977 

Hall  of  House,  ventilation 534 

Senate  Chamber,  ventilation 534 

Senate  wing,  reconstruction,  etc. — 

estimate 791 

hearing 837 

report 837 

Statuary  Hall- 
Hawaii  and  Alaska  to  place  statues.  598,  850 
Capitol,  Architect  of,  see  Architect  of  Capitol. 
Capitol  Grounds,  Commission  ior  Enlarging  of.  938 
to  create — 

hearings 830 

law 801 

report 567 




Capitol  GrouiKis,  (Commission  on  Enlarging. _.  673 
report 673 

Capitol  power  plant 921 

Caplis,  Richard,  r.  United  States^ _..  305,487 

Capons,  see  Poultry. 
Capper,  Arthur  (Senator  from  Kans.): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 448, 


Claims  Com 449,450,451, 

452.  575,  576,  707.  838,  839,  840, 986, 987 

District  of  Cohmibia  Com 455. 

586,  711.  712,  845,  846, 995, 996 
Capps,  Stephen  R.,  Toklat-Tonzona  region.  94,360 

Capron,  Lillian,  appointment 381 

Caps,  see  Bottle  caps. 

Capual  Channel,  chart 82 


Fort  M'orth  Belt  Ry.  v.  U.  S. 230 

Southern  Pacific  Co.  i\  U.  S 99,732 

State  Beit  R.  R.  of  California  r.  U.  S 164 

Caranica,  Xonda,  r.  John  D.  Nagle 878 

Caraway,  T.  H.  (Senator  from  Ark.): 
paper  presented  by — 

tubercular  infection  of  animals 835 

reports  made  by  — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 447, 

573,  704,  836 

Claims  Com 449, 

450,  452,  576.  706,  838.  988,  9S9 

Judiciary  Com 457,590.850 

Carbohydrates,  utilization  by  honeybees  (3).--  269 

romanc-e  of  carbon 190 

Carbon  black: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

produced  from  natural  gas  in  1926 19 

rates  on 607 

Carbon  disulphide,  rapid  vaporization 207 

Carbon  monoxide: 

determination  in  blood  and  air 19 

self-rescuer 19 

Carbon  steel,  see  Steel. 

Carbonates,    see   Barium   carbonate — Copper- 
Carboniferous  period: 

fossils,  description 464 

Pocono  fauna  of  Broad  Top  coal  field 728 

Carcinoma,  see  Tumors. 

Card,  J.  M.,  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 1031 

Card,  L.  E.: 

heat  production  of  chickens  (2) 4 

hen,  passage  of  food 4 

Card  Division,  Library  of  Congress 492, 1045 

Cardenas  Bay,  chart 626 

Cardiac,  see  Heart. 

Cardiovascular  degenerations,  physiotherapy..  514 
Cards,  see  Catalogue  cards — Playing  cards — 
Postal  cards. 

Card  well,  Larry,  reinstatement 973, 1008, 1098 

Carey,  Harriet  K.,  relief 443,720,799 

Carev,    Philip,    Company   v.    Federal    Trade 

Comn : 726 

Carey,  Philip,  Manufacturing  Co.: 

asphalt 1024 

V.  Federal  Trade  Comn 726 

Carfiel  &  Morris,  beets 230 

CargUl  Commission  Co.,  reconsigmuent 615 

Cargo  handling  gear  for  ships 87 

Caribbean  Sea,  weather  forecasts  by  radio  _.  11, 1S3 

Grace  Church,  Plainfleld,  N.  J 997 

Princeton  University 997 

Swedish  Lutheran  Church,  Providence, 

R.  1 997 

Carleton,  Wayne  L.,  r.  United  States 222,  .599 

Carling,  John,  arthritides  in  adult 907 

Carlisle,  Chester  L.,  schizoid  mechanisms 392 

Carlisle,  Paul  D.,  relief 574,966,1094 

Carlisle  Barracks,  to  sell  portion 434,  591,  667 

Carman,  W.  L.,  actinotherapy  in  lupus  vul- 
garis     65 

Carmcl  sheet,  N.  Y.-Conn 729 

Carnegie  Institute,  address  of  President  Cool- 

idge 255 

Carnegie  Steel  Co.,  delivery  charges 470 

Carnes,  Marion  M.,  .switching 172 


Carney  Co.,  cement 99,607 

Carnivores,  hookworm  of.. 258 

see  also  names  of  carnivorous  animals. 

Carnotite,  crystalline,  from  Utah 320 

Caroa  fiber,  as  paper-making  material... 21 

Carolina,  Clinchfield  &  Ohio  Ry.,  bricks 867 

Carolina  Southern  Ry.,  secuiities _ 99 

Carolina  Western  R.  R.,  rates  on  lumber 475 

Carolinas,  see  North  Carolina— South  Carolina. 

Caroline  Islands,  chart 51 

Carondelet,  Mo.,  bridges 683,817,842,934 

Carpenter,  C.  G.: 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

grains 142 

Carpenter,  D.  N.,  habitabUity  of  submarines 

(2  entries) 497 

Carpenter,  E.  J.,  soil  survey  of  Polk  Co.,  Oreg..  533 

Carpenter,  Frank  M.,  fossU  insect 60 

Carpenter,  R.  B.,  relief 707 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

rates  on 164 

specifications 285 

Carr,  B.  W.: 

article  on  bone  tuberculosis 197 

editor  of  Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin.  64, 
135,  197,  264,  392,  514,  640,  907,  1070,  1148, 

Carr,  E.  C,  flies  and  their  eradication  (2) 48 

Carr,  Frederick  N.,  relief .'i63,  591, 799 

Carr,  J.  M.,  flue-cured  tobacco,  fertilizers 276 

Carr  Lumber  Co.,  flooring 632 

Carre,  Frank  L.,  exr.,  r.  United  States 42, 1110 

Carreto,  Puerto,  chart 1051 

Carriages,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 12, 13 


drinking  water  coolers 196 

list  of  corporate  names,  supplement 296 

see    also     Motor-busses — RaUroads — Ship- 
Carrion,  Arturo  L.: 

organizacao  de  um  servi^o  de  prevenpao  de 

peste  em  Porto  Rico 628 

rat-flea  survey  of  port  of  San  Juan 773, 1069 

Carroll,  Ethel  A.,  nurse 1149 

Carroll,  Joseph  S.,  relief 441,1008,1094 

CarroU,  Mitchell  B.: 

double  taxation  relief 410 

tax  and  corporation  law  in  Europe 538 

taxation  of  business 538 

Carroll,  Thomas,  airplane  characteristics 119 

CarroU,  Thomas,  relief.. 563 

Carrofl  Electric  Co 289,  303,  367, 1016, 1110, 1136 


pellagra-preventive  action 63 

rates  on 466 

Carrow,  Frank  D.,  relief 840,948,1097 

Carruthers,  Lemuel  A.,  financial  statistics 149 

Cars,  see  Coal-cars — Electric-cars — Freight- 
cars — Post-office  cars — Pullman- 
ears — Railroad-c  a  r  s —Refrigerator- 
cars — Stock-cars— Tank-cars. 

Carson,  F.  T.,  Schopper  folding  tester 286 

Carson  National  Forest: 

boundaries 568,703,801,856 

protection  of  watershed 554,  714,801 

Carson,  Pirie,  Scott  &  Co.,  carpets 164 

Cartel  movement,  international 1089 

Carter,  Albert  E.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
report  made  by- 
Rivers  and  Harbors  Com 832 

Carter,   George  H.,  see  Govermnent  Printing 

Carter,  H.  R.,  malaria,  cause  and  prevention.  1147 
Carter,  Harry  G.,  air  and  soil  temperatures..    1085 
Carteret  Street  Methodist  Episcopal  Church 

South,  relief 699 

Cartwright,    WUburn    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by— 

Indian  Aflairs  Com 681,81.5,953 

Caruso,  G.,  &  Co.,  strawberries 875 

Caruso,  Rinella,  Battaglia  Co.,  Inc.: 

peaches 107 

potatoes 37 

Carvalho,  Anselmo  Ferraz  de,  see  Ferraz  de 

Carvalho,  Anselmo. 
Carver,  Amos  D.,  United  States  p 74."i,  768 


Index,  1927-1928 


Carville,  La.,  see  National  Home  for  Lepers, 

Carville.  „„„ 

Carv,  H.  H.,  Co.,  switching.-.-.-------- f™ 

( "aril   R.  E..  Valencia  orange  bud  selection---  210 
{-arvopsis  development  in  Poa  pratensis,  etc.  4/5 

Ciksco  l'as.sage,  chart --.- ---  ^'^ 

Cases  Inlet,  dam  to  retain  tidal  waters....  »lfi.9^} 

< 'asey,  ( ieorge  A.,  bridge    ..--.- -.--  ^\ 

('ascv,TlmmasJ.,P.  United  states ^'^*'u?- 

I'asev,  William  J.,  relief ^^^ 

Ciish-on-delivery,  see  Collect-on-delivery. 
rashioD,  William  A.,  metastatic  carcinoma     -    65 
Casper-.\lcova  irrigation  project--  561,  589  961, 1000 

l'a.ssidav,  Katie,  patent  to  land 444,  b56,  929 

i-assidy,  John  G.,  relief -.ol'lih  Ira 

("assville,  Wis.,  bridge 425,580,669 

Cast-iron:  . 

electric-furnace  cast  iron ,----.-'    tn 

mooring  bills,  American  marine  standard—    89 

pipe,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

production  of  pig  iron  in  192G 217 

niteson 31,99,467,607,732,733.1117 

Cast-steel,  see  Steel. 

Ciisterline,  Ira,  Inc.,  coal '^4 

CastiUetes  anchorages,  chart •512 

Castings,  steel,  standard  specifications 216 

Castlegate  quadrangle,  Utah,  geology 1022 

Castner.  Curran  &  Bullitt,  Inc....  90,485,859, 1039 

effect  on  heat  production  of  chickens  (2) . . .      4 

of  hogs -- --  143 

Casualties,  see  Accidents,  and  references. 

Caswell,  Fort,  giound  water  pollution 64 

Cat  Creek  oil  field,  geology 94 

( 'atalogue  cards,  League  of  Nations  pubs 492 

Catalogue  Division,  J>ibrary  of  Congress .885, 

1045, 1130 

blank  forms,  etc.,  Internal  Revenue  Bur.--    62 

blank  paper  and  envelopes,  G.  P.  O 27 

canceling  machine  parts 630 

charts,  etc.,  of  Coast  &  Geod.  Surv-  82,  214, 659 

copyright  entries---  46,47,117,118,179,245,309, 

373, 493,  623,  624,  751,  752, 885, 1045, 1046, 1130 

explanatory  circular 492 

Freer  Gallery  of  .'Vrt,  paintings,  etc 767 

French  prints,  exhibition  at  L.  C 1130 

human  crania  in  National  Museum 767 

insects  of  importance  in  public  health 906 

mariners'  charts  and  books 121 

material  distributed  by  Venereal  Diseases 

Division 197 

National  Gallery  of  .\ri — 

jiaintings  by  British  artists 633 

portraits  bv  Bernhard  Osterman 633 

ordnance 67,780,911,1075,1152 

public  documents— 

1926-27,  index  to  monthly  catalogue 358 

1927,  monthly  catalogue 27, 

93, 159,  226, 292, 358, 463 

1928,  monthly  catalogue 603, 

publications  of  For.  and  Dora.  Comm.  Bur.    84 

stores  carried  at  navy  yards 892 

subject  headings,  Library  of  Congress 885 

additions  and  changes--- 1045, 1130 

local  subdivision 1130 

Caterpillar  tractors,  see  Tractors. 

Gates,  Eunice  M.,  occupational  therapy 1149 

Gather,  D.  C,  Naval  Medical  Supply  Depot-    48 

Catherine  Hill  Bay,  chart 181 

Catholic  Aipostolic  Church,  census,  1926 79 

Catholic  Indian  Missions  Bureau 681,714,799 

Catholic  University  of  America 678,801 

Catostomus  commersonii,  see  White  sucker. 

Cattegat,  see  Kattegat. 


admission.  State  sanitary  requirements 784 

appropriation  for  S.  G.  Exper.  Station- 
hearings 346 

law ._.  544 

re[)ort 34G 

bedding  charges  for  livestock 30 

beef  cat  tie — 

costs,  etc.,  of  fattening  in  corn  belt 400 

feeding  cattle  for  beef 649 

judging 271 

rai.'as  de  gado  bovino  de  corte 252 


Cattle— Continued. 

convention  between  U.  S.  and  Mexico 1060 

cooperative  marketing  by  associations 526 

crop  and  livestock  reports 270, 

329, 400, 526,  648,  784,  1080 

dairy  cattle- 
breeding  for  milk  production 143 

breeds 143 

herd  improvement  through  bull  assoc.      6 

diseased,  importation,  to  correct  act 448 

driveways  over  mineral  lands 1013 

duties,  remission 701,712,804 

experiment  station  near  Lewisburg,  Tenn.— 

hearings U05 

law...- 1099 

reports 943,983 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

feeding  grain  sorghums  to  livestock 1081 

heat  production,  measm-ement  (2  entries)..      3 

in  Black  Prairie  Belt,  livestock  farming 270 

metabolism,  influence  of  position  (2j 399 

production  on  irrigated  lands 598, 979 

publications  on  livestock  farming 270 

quarantine 71,269,525,647 

rates  on 99.  230,  231.  487,  733,  867, 1026, 1028 

routing  livestock  from  Texas  points 480 

stable  fly  losses  to  livestock 786 

statistics,  1925 _ 5 

stock-poisoning  death  camas 916 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle — 

hearings ..674 

law 1104 

reports 675,703 

tuberculin  testing  of  livestock 785 

watering  places,  Modoc  National  Forest...  704 

weights,  accuracy 1079 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisoning  plants 527 

see  also  Bulls — Calves — Cows — Steers— aZso 
Diseases  of  animals— Food  for  cattle 
— Stock  ranges. 
Cattle  cars,  see  Stock-cars. 

Cattle  grub,  control,  estimate 637 

Cattle  lice,  control  and  eradication 527 

Cattle  scab,  and  methods  of  control 271 

Cattle  tick,  story  of 271 

Caudwell,  Charles,  relief 570,575,833,929 

Caustic  substances,  see  Poisons. 

Cavalry  training  regulations 516,  775 

Cavanaugh,  Ernest  D.,  installment  selling 925 

Cavanaugh,  Jeanne,  agricultural  statistics 142 

Caveat  list  of  U.  S.  registered  bonds  and  notes.  62, 
133,  195,  262,  323,  390,  512,  638,  772,  905, 
069, 1147. 

Caves  in  Siskiyou  National  Forest 704,979 

Caviar,  case  of  W.  S.  Makaroff 860 

Cawee  Islands,  chart 53 

Cawood,  Maclane  relief 676 

Ceara  Bay  chart 51 

Cedar  Bluff,  Ala.,  bridge 423,577,667 

Cedar  chests,  rates  on 467 

Cedar  Keys,  Fla.,  aviation  charts 889 

Cedar  rust,  apple  trees  attacked  by. 145 

Cedar  Street  Warehouse  &  Storage  Co.  »  U.  S.  723 

Celebes,  chart... 249 

Celery  growing 1083 

Celestial  bodies: 

azimuths.. 311 

navigational  examples  of  observations. .  52, 123 
see  also  Moon — Stars — Sun. 

Cellars,  wintering  bees 529 

Celler,  Emanuel  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 418, 

549,  550,  676, 808,  809, 946, 947,  948 

basophilic  red  cells  in  lead  poisoning 1129 

black  rot  fungus,  cytologieal  study 269,404 

electrical  potential  in  living  cells 639,905 

orange  leaf  rust,  cytologieal  study 9 

Puccinia  glumarum,  cytologieal  study 1079 

reduction  potentials  in  cell  suspensions 906 

solanaceous  plants,  virus  diseases 270,400 

tissue,  action  of  high-frequency  currents —  905 
Celotex  Co.: 

fiber  board 363 

pulp  board 479,874 




Portland  cement  used  with  waterproofing.  1093 

production  in  1926 796 

rates  on 99,  296, 363,  467,  607,  733, 868, 1026 

workers  in  Portland  cement  plant 1069 

Cement  sacks,  rates  on 608 


in  Europe,  mothers,  etc.,  to  visit.  564,692,100.5 

laws  and  regulations  relating  to 

see  also  names  of  cemeteries  or  places  where 

located.  28 


fifteenth  decennial  census — 

hearings 676 

report^- 944 

imblications  for  sale 358 

see  also  names  of  articles,  industries,  States, 

Census  Bureau _ 12,78, 148, 

213,  278,  337,  407,  535,  658,  792,  922,  1087 

report,  1927.. 1.50 

Census  Committee,  House: 

hearings. 676 

minority  views 807 

reports 807,944 

Centennial  Bridge  Co.,  Inc.,  bridge 426,581,670 

Center  of  gravity,  see  Gravitv. 

Center  Point,  Ky.,  bridge.. -\ _.  932,956,990 

Centerville,  Utah,  water  supply 568,856,931 

Ontral  America: 

.\pterygota,  insects  of  subclass 384 

archaeological  work — 

1925. 184 

1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

1927 892 

same  (in  Spanish) 1052 


east  coast 498 

route  chart  _ 376 

telegraph  chart 1134 

west  coast 626 

helminth  parasites  from  mammals. _ 767 

northers  of  Central  American  region 313 

pilots — 

east  coast 375 

east  coast,  supplement 888 

west  coast 1132 

see  also  Latin  America. 
Central  American  waters,  pilot  chart..  52. 123, 1S3, 
250,  313,  376,  499,  626,  759,  890,  1051,  1134 
Central  Atlantic  States,  see  Atlantic  States. 
Central  California  Traction  Co.,  control...  164,  467 
Central  Executive  Council,  Inter-American  High 

Commission 62,195,261,322 

Central  of  Georgia  Ry.: 

bonds 231 

misrouting 169 

rates  on — 

bagging 97 

lumber 475 

peppers ." 1121 

quebracho 234 

rails _--  109 

valuation... 231 

Central  Pacific  Ry.,  abandonment  of  line 296 

Central  Railroad  of  New  Jersey: 

bonds 467 

equipment  trust 231 

misrouting 233, 612 

rates  on — 

asparagus 30 

brass 30,732 

dinitrochlorobenzol 609 

iron 104 

paper 36,477 

pipe 1034 

saltpeter 481 

sodium  dichromate 1123 

solder _ 38 

spelter.. 1123 

stearin 616,  1036 

steel 110 

Central  States: 

farm  products,  monthly  prices,  1925 5 

silver,  copper,  lead,  etc.,  1926 412 


Central  Union  Trust  Co.,  e.xr.,  r.  V.  S .        240 

Ontral  Vermont  Ry.: 

rates  on — 

granite 1 04 

ciuebracho 479 

receivers'  certificates 733 

Centralia,  Wash.,  convention  of  Amer.  Legion..  821 

Centralia  Eastern  R.  K.,  valuation 364 

Century  Silver  Manufacturing  Co... 1112 


from  Cody  shale  of  Oregon  Basin,  Wyo...    227 

of  Eagle  sandstone,  etc.,  in  western  U.  S...  227 

see  also  Ammonites.. 
Ceramic  mosaic,  see  Mosaics. 
Ceratostomella  adiposum,  see  Black  rot. 
Cereals,  see  Grain. 

Cerebral  and  cerebellar  tumors 197,  264 

Cerebrospinal  fever,  see  Meningitis. 
Cerebrospinal  fluids: 

acetic  anhydride-sulphuric  acid  test 514 

chnical  laboratory  work. 514, 

640,  774,  907, 1070, 1071 

colloidal  mastic  and  colloidal  gold  tests 65 

spinal  fluid  pressure  in  psychotic 640 

Ceres,  F.,  medical  aspecrs  of  aviation 887, 1047 

Certain-Teed  Products  Corporation,  slate 743 

Certificates,  analysis  of  standard  sample 89, 154 

see  also  Certificates  of  indebtedness — Postal 
savings  certificate — Teachers'  certif- 
icates— AVar-savings  certificates. 
Certificates  of  indebtedness: 

special  deposits  of  pubhc  moneys 260 

Treasury — 

3  per  cent,  series  TM2-1928 194 

31  ^percent,  series  TJ-1928 .321 

Ws  percent,  series  TM-1929 769 

3'8  percent,  series  TM2-192J 1144 

314  percent,  series  TD-1928 387 

3K  percent,  series  TD2-1928 769 

4  percent,  series  TD3-1928 1144 

Certified  Dry  Mat  Corporation,  paper 873 

Ceruridae  in  National  Museum. 1143 

Ceylon  gem  districts 190 

Chace,  E.  M.,  raisins 206 

Chaco  Canyon  National  Monument 631 

Chadwick  Coal  Yard  Co.,  coal 100 

Chaho  Bay,  chart 626 

Chains,  case  of  Bernard,  Judae  &  Co 91 

Chairs,  rates  on 467,733 

Challis  National  Forest,  lands 568,  801,  856 

Chalmers,  Henry,  shipments  to  Latin  America.  795 
Chalmette  National  Cemetery: 

estimate 637 

right  of  way  for  levee 822,1002,1098 

Chamber  music,  see  Music. 

Chamberlain,  E.  T.,  Italian  ship-subsidy 410 

Chamberlain,  Edmund  O.,  v.  U.  S.._ 745 

Cnamberlain,  M'estou  P.,  disabilities 779 

Chamberlin,  Benjamin  D.,  patent  appeal 218 

Chamberlin,  Clarence  D.,  gold  medal. 948 

Chamberlin,  F.  S.,  tobacco  budworm 7 

Chambers  of  commerce,  see  Board  of  trade,  etc. 
Chambliss,  Charles  E.: 

prairie  rice  culture  in  United  States 655 

sov-bean  rotation  increases  rice  vields 210 

Chambliss,  William  II.,  relief. 838 

Chamisso  Harbor,  Lukunor  Islands,  chart...      51 

Champeau,  Lawrence  X..  patent  appeal 1091 

Champlain,  Lake: 
Crown   Point,   N.   Y.,   and   Chimney 

Point,  Vt 423,430,543,544,577 

East  Alburg,  Vt 682,931,990 

Rouses  Point,  N.  Y 682, 841, 931, 955,990 

chart 137 

Champlain  Transportation  Co.,  valuation 31 


ammoniacal  silver  nitrate  treatment 48,  49 

tartar  emetic  in  treatment.. 887 

Chaudaburi  River,  and  approaches,  chart 251 

Chang  Lin, claim  fordeath.. 506,812,937 

Channel,  see  name  of  channel. 

Channing,  .\lice,  delinquents 177 

Chapel,  L.  T.,  storms  on  Isthmus  of  Panama..  056 
Chapel  at  Army  medical  center 440,  595,  672 


Index,  1927-1928 



Army  correspondence  course ob 

at  M  Hilary  Academy,  pay  and  allowances     437, 

934. 1004 

ill  N'avy,  appointment ^73 

Chapleau,  Alfred,  relief COO 

Chaplin,  Lulu,  relief 70.5,833,1094 

Chapline,  "\V.  R.:  .      ,      , 

soil  erosion  on  western  grazmg  lanos /85 

use  of  salt  in  range  management 8 

Chapman,  Adelaide  F.,  r.  United  States...  238,485 

Chapman,  Edwin  N.,  r.  United  States 41 

Chapman,  Frank  M.,  memoir  of  Joel  A.  .\llen.  493 
Chapman,  Homer,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis.  789 

Chapman,  John  D.,  ('.  United  States. 41 

Chapman,  Leland  S.,  infantile  beri-beri 502 

Chapman,  Virgil  (Kepresentative  from  Ky.): 

reports  made  by— 

Military  AlTairs  Com 439, 

441, 565,  690, 822, 823,  825 

Chapman,  Willie  G.,  relief 690 

Chapman-Price  Steel  Co.,  steel  bars 482 


iufluencia  de  las  emocioues  y  reacciones...  124 
same  (in  Portuguese) 628 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 150 

rates  on... 868.1026 

Charles,  Vera  K.,  mushrcom  diseases .532 

Charles  Runyon,  steam  tug,  relief  of  owner 449 

Charleston,  S.  C: 

aviation  charts 181,248 

chart  of  entrance  to  harbor 338 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 517 

to  donate  certain  bronze  cannon. .  563, 931, 1002 
TralBc  Bureau — 

cotton 869 

Charlaston  &  Western  Carolina  Ry.,  cotton...  869 

Charleston  Industral  Corporation,  property 1012 

Charlevoix,  Mich.: 

chart  of  harbor 520 

port  of  entry,  abolishing 255 

Charlock,  case  of  International  Milling  Co 290 

Charlotte,  N.  C,  port  of  entry 1140 


foreign  commerce,  water-borne ___   319, 

505,  766, 1058 

kitchen  charts .__ 332 

moon,  corrections  to  observed  altitude.  499. 627 

standard  atmosphere  chart 87,343 

wind  frequency  resultants  for  U.  S 212 

wing  spar  stress  charts,  etc 1131 

xee  also  Maps  and  charts— Pilot  charts. 

Chase,  Agnes,  eastern  Brazil,  agrostology UK) 

Chase,  Grant  F.,  trustee,  relief 549 

Chase,  R.  D.,  relief. 445 

Chase  &  Co.,  citrus  fruit.. 868 

Chase  Bag  Co.  v.  U.  S 878  National  Bank,  exr.,  v.  U.  S 238 

Chase  Securities  Corporation  v.  U.  S 1039 

Chatham  Terminal  Co.,  valuation 99 

Chatsworth  quadrangle.  Calif 605 

Chattahoocliee  River,  bridge 550.667,707 

Chattahoochee  N'alley  Ry.,  building  materials.  466 
Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  rivers,  etc.,  in  district.        517 

Chattanooga  Wheelbarrow  Co 484 

Chattel  mortgages,  ste  Mortgages. 

C-hattin,  B.  E.,  r.  Mexico 130,193 

Chaulm.oogra  oil  compounds: 

painlass  intramuscular  injections 391.638 

treatment  of  lepers  at  Palo  Seco 502 

use  in  leprosy (53 

Chavez,  Juan,  r.  United  States ^"^  878 

Chavis,  Richard  A.,  relief... 966 

(Cheatham,  B.  F.,  statement '""  966 

see  also  Quartermaster  General  of  Army. 
Check-li.sts,  State  pultlications,  monthly    "  47 


<  heduba  Strait,  chart 182 


census  report,  1925 .._ 12 

cottage,  making  and  using  in  the  liome. !!    272 
cottage,  manufaclure  in  creameries,  etc  7 

educational  illustrations '  528 

neufchfltel  and  cream,  farm  manufacture  7 

Swiss,  costs  in  U.  S.  and  .Switzerland  260,  proclamation  increasing  dutv  260 


Cheesman,  Joseph  R.,  bridge... 424,668,708 

Chehalis  River: 

continuation  of,  chart 536, 1088 

examination  and  survey 1151 

Cheltenham  Magnetic   Observatory 278 

Chelys  shell,  see  Tortoise-shell. 

Chemical  analysis,  see  name  of  substance  ana- 

Chemical    Division,    Foreign    and    Domestic 

Commerce  Bur. 18,  537,  794, 1090 

Chemical  dust,  seed  treatments  for  com 531 

Chemical  industry: 

Commerce  Dept.  services  available 148,535 

world-wide  importance  of  U.  S.  industry.  .  339 

Chemical  Lime  Co.:  * 

coal.. 868 

freight  rates 610 

Chemical  warfare  and  naval  medical  oflacer.887, 1047 

Chemical  Warfare  Service 199 

exhibit _  199 


British  chemical  trade 794 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

composition  of  cottonseeds 4,  71 

development  in  Germany,  1927... 537 

exports  to  neighboring  countries 151 

Government  supplies 511 

importance  of  U.  S.  chemical  industry 339 

pollution  of  wells 64 

synthetic  organic  chemicals,  1926 260 

waters  of  Florida,  chemical  character 604 

see  also  names  of  chemicals. 


cotton  bolls,  etc.,  chemical  study  (2) 1079 

in  .\griculture  Department 141 

of  oysters 785 

see  oho  Agiicultural  chemistry — Chemical 

Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau 206, 

272,  528, 650,  785, 917, 1081 

Chemistry  Bureau 6,74,143,206,272 

report,  1927. 272 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 206 

see  also  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau. 

Chemistry  Division,  Hygienic  I^aboratory 90!i 

Chemotherapy,  of  organic  arsenicals 324 

Cheney,  S.  A.,  Boston,  Mass.,  district.. 516 

Chentabun  River,  see  Chandaburi  River. 

Cheopis,  see  Fleas. 

Cliepo,  Rio,  see  Rio  Chepo. 

Cherokee  Indians: 

citizenship 998 

funds  to  be  paid  attorney 9,52 

.<fff  also  P'ive  Civilized  Tribes. 

Cherokee  Mills,  salt 616 

Cherokee  National  Forest,  proclamation ._  896 


hearing 570 

report 571 


costs  in  U.  S.  and  foreign  countries. 768 

duty  increase,  proclamation 381,768 

growing  east  of  Rocky  Mountains 145 

rates  on.. _.    99 

see  also  Japanese  flowering  cherries. 

Cherry,  Morris  F.,  benefit 822 

Chert,  rates  on 868 

Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Coal  efe  Coke  Co..  241,  ,306,  748 

Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railway: 

abandonment  of  portion  of  line 608 

capital  stock... 608 

control  of  Erie  R.  R.,  etc 1118 

demurrage 32,609,1118 

rates  on — 

angle-bars 96 

bricks 1025 

cast-iron _. 99 

coal 868,1027,1117 

lumber 168 

plaster 479 

rails 37 

reweighing  of  freight 1035 

Sewell  Valley  R.  R.  ;• 31 

team-track  charges. 302 

valuation 296 

Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railivay  of  Indiana,  valua- 
tion...:  296 

July- June 



Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone  Co 41, 

723  1039 
Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone  Co.  of  Va.'  1036 
Chesapeake  &  Potomac  Telephone  Co.  of  W. 

Va 167,743 

Chesapeake  Bay: 

bridge 556,577,673,801 

chart 279 

fishes 660 

light  list 795 

Chesapeake  Bay  Bridge  Co 556,577,673,801 

Chesapeake-Delaware  Canal,  aviation  chart...  122 

Chesney,  .\.lan  M.,  immunity  in  syphilis. 263 


surgery  in  tuberculosis 197 

thoracotomy  for  empyema 392 

Chester,  111.,  bridges 425,426,580,581,669 

Chester  &  Mount  Vernon  R.  R 1026 

Chestnut,  blight-killed,  natural  replacement. .      8 

Chestnut  flour 600 

Chevrolet  Motor  Co.,  r.  United  States 878 

Che\Tolet   Motor   Co.   of  St   Louis,   automo- 
biles.  97,295,465 

Chew,  .Vrthur  P.,  yearbook  of  agriculture 1080 

Chewing  gum,  census  of  manufactures 79 

Cheyenne,  Wyo.: 

airway  map 792 

horticultural  experiment  station — 

estimate 770 

law 668 

reports 573,675 

Cheyenne  Bottoms,  Kans.,  bird  refuge 546 

Cheyenne  Indians,  relief  by  filing  suit  in  Ct. 

of  Cls 681,714,800,814 

Cheyenne     River     Reservation,     homestead 

purchase  money 097,721,801 

Chicago,  111.: 

address  by  Secretary  Hoover 12 

air  navigation  map 776 

airway  map 407 

Board  of  Trade- 
grain 1029 

bridge 556,707,801 

diphtheria  immunization 263 

diphtheria  situation 263 

First  National  Bank  c.  Germany,  etc 508 

Health  Department — 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan..- 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.    health 

rps.,  V.  42 196 

lighthouse  reservation 955,  990, 1098 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district. 642 

Sanitary  District- 
pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,   summary,   in   pub.   health 

rps.,  v.  42 196 

Wisconsin  et  al.  r 768 

Chicago  &  .^Iton  R.  R.; 
rates  on — 

coal. 608 

copper  sulphate 32 

fuel-oO 870 

rolling-mill  rolls 109 

valuation 99 

Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Ry.: 

control  of  Chicago  Heights  Terminal  Trans- 
fer R.  R 164 

rates  on — 

coal 468,808 

denatured  alcohol 1116 

strawberries 875 

restriction  in  routing  lumber,  etc 168 

train-stop  device .  .      483 

F.  United  States 41 

Chicago  &  Erie  R.  R.: 

brakes 98 

switching "  616 

valuation .        735 

Chicago  &  Illinois  Midland  Ry.: 

notes 231 

rates  on  iron 611 

Chicago  &  Illinois  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation.  364 
Chicago  &  North  Western  Ry.: 

bridge 428,454.584,671 

demurrage... ioi,  1118 

equipment  trust 99,467,868,1117 

m  isrout  ing 872 

Chicago  &  North  Western  Ry.— Continued, 
rates  on — 

aluminum 465 

asphalt 731 

bottles 1025 

boxes 98,1025 

bricks 1&3,  867 

cans 867 

coal 100,231 

copper 469 

egg  cases. 735 

electric  appliances 870 

evaporated  milk 870 

hides  and  skins. 871 

iron 871 

muriatic  acid 169 

paper io7 

pipe 740 

sand. 616 

swine 39 

wire 1125 

valuation i02fi 

versus  United  States 113 

Chicago  &  Western  Indiana  R.  R.: 

bonds _._ 733 

land  transfers 682,801,841 

Chicago  -Association  of  Candy  Jobbers 367,618 

Chicago,  Burlington  &  Quincy  R.  R.: 
rates  on — 

barrels 731 

boilers 98 

burlap  bags 732 

cattle 467,867 

cement 99 

coal 468,469,608 

coffee 869 

corn 734 

denatured  alcohol 1024 

glucose 611 

insulators 737,871 

lumber lOo 

macaroni 299,  872 

meat 1032 

petroleum 170,478 

potatoes 37 

saddletrees 615 

sand 366 

steel 743 

strawberries 875 

swine 876 

tank-cars .483 

valuation 467 

versus  United  States 174 

Chicago  Carton  Co.,  trouser  presses 39 

Chicago  Coal  Merchants  -Association 100, 164 

Chicago  Granatine  Manufa"cturing  Co_. 40 

Chicago  Great  Western  R.  R.: 

freight  rates 166 

rates  on  tomatoes 1037 

Chicago  Heights  Terminal  Transfer  R.  R.: 

control  by  Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois 164 

rates  on  sand 301 

valuation 467 

Chicago,  Indianapolis  &  Louisville  Ry.: 

bonds 100,608 

rates  on  sand 1123 

Chicago,  Kalamazoo  &  Saginaw  Ry.,  paper 107 

Chicago,  Lake  Shore  &  Eastern  Ry 733 

Chicago  Live  Stock  Exchange,  swine 482 

Chicago,  Memphis  &  Gulf  R.  R.,  valuation...  364 

Chicago  Mica  Co.,  denatured  alcohol 1116 

Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  Gary  Rv.,  valuation...  468 
Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Ry.: 

bonds _.." 31 

bridge  across  Mississippi  River 426, 

580, 581, 696 

demurrage 869 

investigation 468 

misrouting 612 

rates  on — 

automobiles 230 

bottles _..  867 

cans _..    31 

carbon  black 607 

coal 608,609 

cream _.,  im 

linseed-oU... 105 

lumber 168 


Index,  1927-1928 


Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St.  Paul  Ry.-Contd. 
ratfs  on— continued.  ^.^ 

n>«at - '""1033 

paper --    g^, 

plaster ,,21 

pulp  board - „^. 

radio  apparatus..- '2* 

rosin  size --- 51? 

sand ,„o7 

vegetables.. "irB  srs 

reorganization - *''**' °^° 

switching  charges.. - AVVri  cia 

r.  United  Slates .—  41,1^,618 

Chicago,  North  Shore  &  Milwaukee  R.  K 4/» 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Gulf  Ry.: 

rates  on—  „Qri 

benzol. ^2" 

hollow  tiles *'' 

lard  substitutes ju^ 

paper-- 41 

pipe---- ----  fi!? 

tanks -- ---- ----  617 

Chicago,  Rnck  Island  &  Pacific  Ry.: 

abandonment  of  line... Ib4,dti3 

acquisition  of  line ---  iV*^ 

bonds - - 100,468,742 

correction  of  subhead  on  p.  (42 782 

case  of  Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R.,  etc 877 

demurrage 101,  470 

eQUipment-trust  issue  of  1927. 100 

rates  on— 

automobiles _  - 46.') 

beds -- 97 

fire-clay - 471 

fuel-oil.. 166 

gloves 1029 

grain 870 

linseed-oil -  - 738 

lumber 475 

oil-well  supplies 739 

paper 36 

sand 38 

tomatoes - .  -  236 

tractors... _ 483 

refrigeration __ -.  874, 1035 

train-control  device --  302 

Chicago,  St.  Louis  &  New  Orleans  R.  R.; 

bonds 34 

valuation 364 

Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneapolis  &  Omaha  Ry.; 

bonds 868 

equipment  trust  certificates.-. 468, 1117 

rates  on — 

doors 470 

hoisting  machinery 736 

pickles 1033 

rags 614 

(  hicago,  Springfield  &  St.  Louis  Ry.: 

cancellation  of  class  rates 1028 

notes 100 

Chicago,  Wilmington  &  Franklin  Coal  Co 608 

Chicama,  Puerto,  chart..  - 122 

Chiekamauga  and  Chattanooga  National  Park: 

approach  roads,  to  pave 691,693,825, 

933, 967, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1068, 1102 
memorials  to  Spanish  War  organizations. .  434 
I  'hicka.saw  Indians: 

J.  F.  McMurray  f 43 

leases  of  coal,  etc.,  lands 95.3,998, 1098 

see  also  Five  Civilized  Tribes. 

Chicken-pox  in  V.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

Chicken-tick,  see  Fowl  tick. 
Chickens,  see  Poultry. 

Chicle  industry _ 2.52 

same  (in  P.  rtuguese) '.'.[  501 

Chief  Coordinator,  fieneral  Supply,  report 132 

see  also  Coordinators,  General  Supply. 
Chief  Joseph  Battle  Ground  of  Bear's"  Paw, 

national   monument  in  Montana  .569, 
Chief  of  naval  operations,  sec  Naval  Operations 

Chief  of  staff  of  Army,  see  General  Staff  Corps 

Chignik  Bay,  chart 279 

Child  care,  ««  Children.  

Child     Congress,      Pan     American,  see  Pan 

American  Child  Congress, 
'hild    Health    Council,    see    National    Child 
Health  Council. 


Child  health  day: 

designating  May  1  of  each  year- 
hearing 811 

law ---  9;-*7 

reports 811,847 

proclamation  setting  aside  May  1,  1928...  10."5 
Child  labor: 

employment  of  minors  in  D.  C...  551,845, 1019 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

juvenile  employment 1129 

Child  welfare,  see  Children. 

Child  Welfare  Division,  D.  C 771 

Childers,  Eloise,  relief 953 

Childers,  William  M.,  relief 676,929 

Cliildhood,  International  American  Institute 
for  Protection  of,  .see  International 
American  Institute  for  Protection 
of  Childhood. 

behavior ".50 

care  and  management — 

child  management 307,  1129 

group  study 760 

in  home  economics  departments _93 

lesson  material 7.50 

preschool  child --  750 

references "50 

communicable  disease  protection 750 

care  in  Cleveland,  Ohio 45 

e.xtent  in  7  Pennsylvania  counties 5 

in  New  Jersey,  local  provision,  etc 308 

instituciones  para  ninos  menesterosos..  252 

place  for  reception,  etc.,  in  D.  C 771 

public  aid  to  mothers 750 

education  by  ceJebrating  their  successes...     27 

el  bienestar  del  nifio 308 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  391, 639 
esta  su  nino  preparado  para  ir  a  la  escuela?.  501 

food  for  young  children 653 

food  likes  and  dislikes 750 

hard-of-hearing  child -    94 

health  examination 750 

health  for  school  children ..-. 27 

hygiene  program  in  New  Hampshire 371 

influencia  de  las  emociones  y  reacciones —  124 

same  (in  Portuguese) --  628 

insurance,  regulating  in  D.  C 949,995, 1099 

is  your  child's  birth  recorded? 308, 1044 

nutrition "50 

parasitic  index,  Panama  City-.. 502 

physical  defects "50 

physical  growth  and  development 244 

posture 750 

publications — 

child  welfare,  industrial  problems 1129 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 726 

popular  pubs,  of  Children's  Bur 1044 

salud  publica  y  puericultura  serie .54, 

12.5,  252,  501,  760,  761,  893, 113.5, 1136 

saude  publica  e  bem-estar  infantil  serie —  125, 


statures  and  weights,  children  under  6 116 

sun  suits... 787 

sunshine  and  open  air,  child's  need 750 

teeth 750 

tuberculosis  in  children,  health  lecture 1071 

valor   del    campamento    de   verano    para 

ninos 314 

vocational  education  for  farm  children 117 

see  also  Boys — Girls — Illegitimacy — Infants — 
Juvenile  delinquency — also  certain 
headings  beginning  Child— Chil- 
dren's— also  International  Amer- 
ican Institute  for  Protection  of 

Children's  Bureau 45, 116, 

177,  244,  307,  371, 491,  622,  750, 1044, 1129 
publications — 

edition  of  Jan.  3,  1928 1129 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 726 

popular  publications,  1928 1044 

publications  on  (lists) — 

juvenile  employment,  etc... 1129 

maternal  and  infant  welfare,  etc 116 

report,  1927 ...-  371 

Children's  Bmeau  of  Cleveland,  see  Cleveland, 




Children's  carriages  and  sleds,  census,  1925 1.3 

Children's  coui  ts,  see  Juvenile  courts. 
Children's  literature: 

forty  books  for  boys  and  girls 94 

sixty  stories  for  boys  and  girls 160 

Children's  rompers 208 

Childs,  James  B.: 

foreign  Government  publications 752 

Government  document  bibliography 118 


budget 339 

electrical  equipment  market .  _ 280 

fresh-water  fishes 493 

solar  radiation  and  rainfall 147 

sun  rays,  studying 898 

Chile  saltpeter,  see  .?altpeter,  Chile. 
Cliilean  nitrate,  see  Saltpeter,  Chile. 

Chilean  review,  article  reprinted  from 893 

Chillicothe,  Ohio,  see  Industrial  Reformatory. 
Chimney  Point,  Vt.,  bridge...  42:S.  430,  543,  544.  .577 

Chimney  Rock  Co.  r.  United  States 238 

Chin  Bow,  Luther  Weeding 1045 

Chin  Toy  r.  United  States 1039 

Chin  Wah  Kee  f.  United  States 10.59 


archeological  expedition 898 

calendar,  Chinese-.Vmerican,  for  102  years..  883 
China  trade  act,  1922,  with  amendments...  660 
claim  for  death  of  Chang  Lin  and  Tong 

Huan  Yah 506,812,937 

claim  for  injuries  to  Sun  Jui-chin 386 


climate  of  China 656 

foreign  service  officers  of  U.  S 1140 

green  pit  viper 384 

labor  conditions,  present 884 

loess  of  China 190 

military  medicine _ 246,247 

sales  tenitories... 409,924 

unionization  of  labor 309 

see  also  Chinese. 

China-clay,  rates  on 100 

China  Sea,  charts 758,889 

China,   United   States  Court  for,  salaries  of 

officers 899,951 

Chinaware  belonging  to  Coast  Guard.. 132 

Chinch  bug  and  how  to  fight  it 1081 

Chinchilla  rabbits,  see  Rabbits. 
Chindblom,  Carl  R.  (Representative  from  111.): 
report  made  by — 

Ways  and  Means  Com 701 


instruction  at  West  Point.. _  434, 1002, 1104 

publications  concerning,  for  sale 225, 1113 

Chinese  dwarf  lemon  introduced 145 

Chinese  elm  in  American  horticulture 145 

Chinese  jujube  in  southwestern  U.  S 145 

Chinese  ring-necked  pheasants,  mailing 254 

Chinrana  Bay,  chart 312 

Chippewa  Indians: 

claims,  prosecution  expenses 681,714,801 

claims.  Turtle  Mountain  band 998 

classification 814,953 

funds  of  Red  Lake  band.. 554,714,847,931 

lands,  to  set  aside  for  Indians. 814,931,998 

per  capita  payment 554,587,667 

Chippewa  Valley  &  Northern  Ry 100 

Chirikof  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Chisholm,  Edward  de  C,  v.  United  States 41 

Chittenden,  F.  H.: 

bagworm 331 

common  cabbage  worm  and  its  control 74 

Chitto,  Bogue,  bridge. 841,  955,  lO.^S 

Chlorin,  rales  on 1026 


phenol  in  water  after  chlorination 905 

sewage  chlorination 134 

Chloroform,  action  in  bacterin  preparation. .  5,  916 

and  products,  census  report,  1925 79 

rales  on 608 

Choctaw  Indians: 

J.  F.  McMurray  v. 43 

leases  of  coal ,  etc. .  lands 953, 998, 1098 

see  also  Five  CivUized  Tribes. 

batcbee  National  Forest,  new  name. .  318 


Choctawhatchee  River: 

bridge  in  .\labama 955, 1098 

bridge  in  Florida 707 

Choisser,  R.  M.,  atrophy  of  liver 887 

Cholecystography,  with  report  of  cases 48,49 

Cholera,    see    Anticholera    vaccination — Hog 

Choptank  River,  examination  and  survey 909 

Chosen,  chart _ 626 

Chouinard,  Horace  A.,  reimbursement 449 

Choumard,    Horace    A.,    see    Chouinard, 
Horace,  A. 

Chowiet  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Chrisler,  V.  L.,  transmission  of  sound 22 

Chrisp,  O.  H.,  relief 449 

Christensen,  F.  W.,  accuracy  of  cattle  weights.  1079 
Christian   and    Missionarv    .\lUance,    census, 

1926 ." 922 

Christian  Reformed  (^hurch,  census,  1926 535 

Christian  Union,  census.  1926 1087 

Christie,  J.  R.,  when  and  how  does  sex  arise?..  275 

Christman,  Daniel  H.,v.  United  States 113 

Christman,  R.  J.,  coast  pilot 408 

Christmas  mail: 

cooi)eration  of  the  public  in  preparing 253 

precanceled  stamps,  use  on  holiday  mail...  254 
Christopherson,    Charles    A.    (Representative 
from  S.  Dak.): 
reports  made  by — 

Judiciar v  C  om 430, 686, 687,  962,  963 

Chromite  in  1926 19 

Chromosomes,  supernumerary,  in  Zea  mays..  399, 


Chrysanthemums  for  the  home 404 

Chrysler-Smithsonian  .\frican  expedition 1143 

Chugach  National  Forest,  boundaries 318 

Church,  C.  G.: 

commercial  standardization  of  raisins 205 

maple  sugar 651 

Church  of  God  and  Saints  of  Christ,  census, 

1926 922 

Church  of  the  Nazarene,  census,  1926 1087 

Churches,  see  Religious  bodies — also  names  of 

Cicatricial  stenosis  of  esophagus 887, 1047 

Cicero,  111.: 

easement  over  Government  property- 
hearings 443 

law 801 

reports 443,721 

Cidaridae,  see  Sea-urchins. 

Cider,  census  of  manufactiures,  1925 213 

Cigarette  papers,  tax  regulations 1147 

Cigarette  tubes,  tax  regulations 1147 


importation — 

hearings 570 

report 571 

taxes,  regulations 1147 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  use  of  U.  S_..  638 

importation — 

hearing 570 

report 571 

taxes,  regulations 1147 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  use  of  U.  S.. .  638 

Cimarron  River,  apportionment  of  waters 960 

Cimarron  River  Oil  Co.,  U.  S.  v 174, 175 

Cimex  lectularius,  see  Bedbugs. 
Cincinnati,  Ohio: 

air  navigation  map 770 

American  Public  Health  .\ssjciation 134 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children.  _  391,  639 

endemic  thyroid  enlargement 513,  906 

filtration  plants,  results  of  study 323 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 517 

tornado  on  Jan.  li),  1928 656 

Cincinnati  Coal  Co.,  team-track  charges 302 

Cincinnati,  Indianapolis  A:  Western  R.  R.: 

control  by  Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R 31 

valuat  ion 868 

Cincinnati  Inter-Terminal  R.  R.,  valuation 296 

Cincinnati,  New  Orleans  &  Texas  Pacific  Ry.: 
rates  on- 
piling 478 

strawberries 39 


Index,  1927-1928 


Cincinnati  Union  Terminal  Co 868 

Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals: 

apiKsals  from  Board  of  Tax  Appeals 8iS 

appointment  of  relatives  by  judges -  962 

judgeo—  .  .„, 

for  4th  circuit - ^2 

for  9th  circuit oo' 

rules  for  5th  circuit.  New  Orleans,  La 113 

to  change  judicial  circuits,  etc 820 

to  create  lOth  circuit -- 820 

Circulars,  see  names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
etc.,    issuing    circulars— a?.so    sub- 
Circulation  of  money,  see  Money. 

Circulatory  system,  syphilis  of 263 

Cisco  &  Northeastern  Ry.: 

construction  of  extension 31 

notes - - 231 

Cities  and  towns: 

advertising  for  community  promotion 409 

air  marking 148,337,1086 

American  city  series 124, 125 

apartment  house  living  in  cities 1044 

automobile  exhaust  gas  in  streets "73 

building  permits,  1926- 178 

building  permits,  1927 1044 

city  planning,  primer 541 

city  planning,  publications 541 

emplovment  services,  activities.. 45, 116, 

"  244,  308,  491,  622,  750,  883,  1044,  1129 
expenditure  for  nonresidential  buildings .  _ .  45 
farmers'  bulletins  of  interest  to  persons  in_ .   333. 

403, 919 

financial  statistics,  1926. 338 

health  officers,  1927 196,262 

industries,  census  report,  1925 149,338 

infant  mortality  in  9  cities.. 639,905 

laws  and  regulations  rel.  to  town  sites 28 

notifiable  diseases,  1926 63, 133, 134 

public  health  ordinances,  etc.,  1923-26 1147 

rural  planning,  the  village 1080 

certain  practices  in  administration 359 

cit  y  school  leaflet 27, 28,  226, 359 

statistics,  1925-26 604 

trees  for  streets 10 

see  also  names  of  cities  and  towns. 

Citizens  Coal  Co.,  coal 101 

Citizens  of  United  States: 

employment,  etc.,  in  the  Far  East 151 

astates,  regulations  for  consular  service.  192,  900 

marriages  abroad 634 

military  reservation  sales  (S.  3752)  853, 973, 1103 
military  service  in  certain  nations — 

law 1104 

report 951 

statements  of  Mr.  Kelly,  etc 812 

registration,  consular  regulations 1140 

relief  in  Russia,  1920 634,812,933 

war  claims  against  Germany,  etc— 

estimate.- 903 

hearings 586 

'aw 668,834 

reports... 352,545,586 


cases  dealing  with _ 884,1045 

publications  for  sale "  225*  1113 

purpose  as  to  Cherokee  Indians...'"""        '  998 
regulations  governing  consular  service 633, 

.     XT  .       ..      .  900",  1001 

see  also  Naturalization. 
Citroen  Co.,  use  of  American  machinery  17 

Citron,  curing  and  pre.serving "      "333 

Citrus  fruit: 

cooi>erative  marketing  agencies  5 

culture  in  Oulf  States 76  919 

decay,  rel.  of  temperature  to  fungi 399' 525 

insects  infesting  citras  in  Japan  '  207 

pectin  extract,  homemade.  208 

rates  on ggo 

spraying  trees  for  control  of  i"n.sects" 273 

white  fly  attacking  citrus  in  P.  R  "3  70 

•"•<•  0/.S0  names  of  citrus  fruits.  '   " 

Citrus  mile,  taxonomic  status  64a  917 

Citrus  trees,  icM^itrus  fruit.         """ "'-"i' 

City  of  Beaumont  Ship  Corporation...  676,929,985 


City  planning,  see  Cities  and  towns. 

City  school  leaflet,  see  Schools. 

Civil  aeronautics,  see  .\eronautics. 

Civil    Engineering    Division,    National    Park 

Service 1023 

Civil  service: 

act,  rules.  Executive  orders,  etc 78,921 

application  of  meiit  system 791 

appointments,  disparity  in  apportionment.  791 

classification  of  service,  amending  rules 317 

eligibility  and  certification 657 

E.xecutive  orders  amending  certain  rules.  __  58, 

188, 319,  765 

general  information 78 

information  for  boards  of  examiners,  etc 78 

miscellaneous  information 212,657 

reentry  in  classified  service 277, 1086 

veteran  preference  in  appointments — 

advisory  committee  created 1141 

hearings 676, 945 

report 944 

rules  of  Civil  Service  Com 11 

see  also  Civil  service  pensions — Government 
officials  and  employees— a/,w  head- 
ings for  classes  of  persons  for  which 
civil  service  examinations  are  held, 
e.  g.  Postmasters — also  special  sub- 

Civil  Service  Commission. 11, 

78,  212,  277,  336,  406,  657,  791,  921,  1086 

estimate,  1929 1063 

oaths  of  office,  to  administer 418 

report,  1927 336 

useless  papers 858 

see  also  Deming,  William  C. 
Civil  Service  Committee,  House: 

hearings 548,676,807,945 

minority  views 807 

reports 418,807,944 

Civil  Service  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 985 

reports 837,838,985 

Civil  Service  Correspondence  School 1019 

Civil  service  pensions: 

claims,  decisions  of  Interior  Dept.  159, 358, 1021 

employees  of  Panama  Canal 684 

Federal  employees'  retirement  act — 

act,  with  amendments,  decisions,  etc.  23, 78 

article  from  monthly  labor  review 622 

retirement  and  disability  fund,  1927..  464 

to  amend,  hearings 548 

to  amend,  reports 807, 837, 944, 979 

uniform  retirement  date 562 

public  service  retirement  systems... 117, 

178,  372, 492 
Civil  service  retirement  and  disability  fund, 

see  Civil  service  pensions. 
Civil  \Var,  1861-65: 

pensions  for  soldiers,  sailors,  widows,  etc. — 

H.  R.  13511 960,  1010, 1096 

S.  2900.. 457,596,805,819,930 

pensions  for  widows  and  former  widows..  457, 

Civita  Vecchia,  chart 52 

ClaflLn,  Guy  M.,  claim... 570 


against  Treasury  Dept.,  attorneys,  etc 61 

against  AVar  Dept.,  settlement 571 

allowed  bv  General  -\ccounting  Office...  388, 
389, 1063. 1068, 1145 

armory  drill  pay,  settlement 852.  969, 1100 

bills  of  lading  loss  and  damage  claims 955 

commissioners  of  D.  C.  to  settle...  810,845,949 

contractors  for  Navy  Dept.,  estimates 1047 

damages  by  .\rmy  aircraft. _. 966 

damages  to  private  property. 388, 1064 

explosion  at  naval  ammunition  depot — 

report  of  Gen.  .Accounting  Office..  726,1020 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  12236 808 

farmers'  grain  elevators,  etc. — 

hearings 572,700 

reports 572,833 

judgments  rendered  bv  Court  of  Claims.  ..367, 

judgments  rendered  bv  District  Courts...  307. 

1039, 1042 

members  of  officers'  training  camps. 1107 

method  for  settlement,  to  provide 419 



Claims— Continued. 

personal,  etc.,  damage,  P.  O.  Dept 10C6 

Postmaster   General   to  report,   repealing 

law 443, 1102 

reporting  claims,  etc.,  to  Congress- 
hearings--- 679 

law 801 

reports 552,838 

settlement,  value  of  autopsies 392 

subsidence  of  1st  street  in  D.  C 455,678,801 

war  minerals  contracts,  to  amend  act — 

hearings 694 

minority  views 825 

reports 694,825 

see  <iUo  Enemy  property— Internal  revenue 
claims — aho  General  Claims  Com- 
mission, U.  S.  ami  Mexico— Mixed 
Claims  Commission.  V.  S.  and 
Germany— Tripartite  Claims  Com- 
mission, U.  S.,  Austria,  and  Hun- 
gary—also names  of  claimants. 
Claims  Committee,  House: 

minority  views _  _    .549,808 

reports   -- ---  418,  419.  420,  421,  548,  ,549,  550, 

676,  677, 678, 807, 808, 809, 945, 946, 947, 948 
Claims  Committee,  Senate: 

reports 449, 

450,  451,  452.  453.  574,  575,  .576.  704.  70.5,  706, 

707.  838. 839,  840,  985.  986.  987.  988.  989, 1109 

Claire  Furnace  Co.,  Fed.  Trade  Commission  r..    92 

Clairton,  Pa.,  bridge 427.582,670 

Clapp,  R.  C,  V.  United  States ---,  175 

Claremont  quadrangle,  Calif 864 

Clarendon,  -\rk.,  bridge 960,99.5, 1104 

Clark,  .\lesander  H.,  see,  as  reporter.  Court  of 
Customs  Appeals,  casas  adjudged. 

Clark,  Austin  H.,  fragrant  butterflies 190 

Clark,  Chapman  S.,  r.  U.  S.  (5  entries  in  all)..  723, 

878, 1043, 1126 
Clark,  Charles  X.,  alias,  see  Peck,  Franklin  D. 
Clark,  Frank  R.,  geology  of  Castlegate,  etc..  1022 
Clark,  George  Rogers: 
memorial — 

estimate  for  commission 1065 

law 1104 

reports 590,821,938 

Clark,  Herbert  C,  anthropometric  data.  502 

Clark,  J.  Allen: 

club  wheats 334 

common  while  wheats 334 

durum  wheats 789 

inheritance  in  crossess  between  wheats 533 

wheat  varieties  for  "Western  States 146 

Clark,  James,  Distilling  Co.  c.  United  States..  460 

Clark,  John,  relief. _. 434 

Clark,  Lindley  D.,  decisions  affectine  labor 244 

Clark,  Margaret,  r.  United  States     ~  224 

Clark,  Martha  B.: 

mineral  resources  of  United  States — 

1923,  pt.  1,  summary...* 94 

1926,  preliminary  summary 85 

Clark,  Nannie  M.,  v.  United  States..  723,878, 1126 
Clark,  W.  H.: 

contested  election  case — 

letter  from  clerk  of  House 346 

report ,5,52 

Clark,  AV.  Mansfield,  oxidation-reduction.  283,906 

Clark,  Camp,  land  adjoining 966 

Clark  Fork,  plan 360 

Clarke,   Frank  W.,  memoir  of  Edward  W. 

^Nlorley 494 

Clarke,  I.  D.,  home  tanning 917 

Clarke,  John  D.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
minority  views — 

-Agriculture  Com 806 

Clarke,  W.  F.,  coal-tar  food  dyes 530 


accounts,  Panama  Canal 502 

admissions  and  discharges  of  patients 392 

American  cotton... 72 

automotive  apparatus,  etc.,  for  export 280 

civil  service  employees,  laws 23 

domestic  commodities  exported 336 

electrical  apparatus  and  suoplies 794 

expenditures  of  U.  S.  Government 358 

filing.  Foreign  and  Domestic  Comm.  Bur.     83 
hydraulic  classification,  theory,  etc 411 

Classification — Continued. 

importancia  de  la  clasificacion  de  suelos...  501 

imports  into  United  States 12 

inventions,  changes 20,219,283 

Library  of  Congress — 

agriculture,  etc 885 

geography,  anthropology,  etc 885 

military  science 885 

religion 492 

patents 20,  86, 

154, 219, 283. 342, 413,  .541, 664,  797, 927, 1092 

patents,  corrections,  etc.,  for  manual 86, 

283, 284.  413 

peach  varieties 532 

scrap.  Supply  Dept..  Panama  Canal 55 

Classification  bulletin.  Patent  Office 153,540 

Classification  Division,  Library  of  Congress.  492, 


Classification  Division,  Patent  Office 153,  .540 

Clatterbuck,  E,  A.,  relief 676,929 

Clausen,  Curtis  P.,  citrus  insects  of  Japan..  207 

Claussen,  Xiels  P..r.  Henry  H.  Curran 486 

Clawson,  A.  B.: 

coyotillo.  poisonous  plant 649 

Mexican  whorled  milkweed 205 

stock-poisoning  death  camas _  916 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisoning  plants 527 

Clay,  Charles  D.,  jr.,  relief  of  mother 967 

Clay,  Harold  F.,  crops  other  than  grains 142 

Clay,  Maria  H.,  relief .  _  967 


clay-products  industries,  1926 337 

production  in  1926 281 

publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

rateson 100,868 

see    also     China-clay— Fire-clay— Fuller's 

Clay  County,  Tenn. ,  bridge 556, 578, 668,  707 

Clayton,  Frank  J.,  workmen's  compensation..  725 

Clayton,  H.  Helm,  world  vreather  records 129 

Clayton,  Joel  W.,  Sec.  of  Treasury  r* 3.56,600 

Clayton,  Marcus  M.,  Sec.  of  Treasury  bs.  3,56,600 
Clayton  County,  Iowa: 

gift  of  lands  from  James  B.  Munn— 

hearings 674 

law 804 

reports 674,703 

Clayton-Murnan  Live  Stock  Co.,  cattle 467 

Clay ton-Texline  Telephone  Exchange 468 


appfes,  changes  produced 1079 

census  of  cleaning  establishments,  1925 149 

engine-cleaning  fluids,  inflammation  tests..  137 

fur  and  leather  garments 343 

Government  supplies 511 

grain  on  farms  and  in  country  elevators 142 

windows,    etc..     Engraving    &     Printing 

Bur 771 

see  also  WaU-cleaning  compounds. 

Clearfield  &  Mahoning  Ry.,  valuation 163 

Clearwater,  Minn.,  bridge 347,453.669 

Cleary.  Francis  J.,  relief 974 

rieavenger,  John  W.,  militarj' record 349 

Cleghorn,  Clarence,  relief 676,838,929 

Clemmer,  H.  J.,  kernel  smuts  of  sorghum .3,76 

Clerk  of  House,  see  House  of  Representatives. 

Clerkin,  Mary,  to  pav  claim 57.5,808,929 


law  clerks  to  circuit  judges 962 

of  district  court  of  Canal  Zone,  rules 505 

of  Supreme  Court  of  D.  C.  fees 431,  717,801 

to  be  present  before  grand  juries 432 

see  also  names  of  certain  Congressional  com- 
mittes — also  names  of  Departments 
bureaus,  etc. 

Clermont  County,  Ohio,  soil  survey 656 

Cleveland,  Ohio: 

air  navigation  map 776 

chart  of  harbor 779 

Children's  Bureau — 

care  of  dependent  children 45 

Cleveland-.Akron  Bag  Co.,  bagging 97 

Cleveland  &  Pittsburgh  R.  R..  bonds 1027 

Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis 

bonds _ 608 

railroad  switches 235 


Index,  1927-1928 


Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis 
Ky.— continued, 
rates  on— 

black  powder ou/^ 

boilers ; ;     „i 

coal..-- 101,608 

envelopes *'! 

fish - '35 

furniture - "i;i 

glycerin 4(_ 

paper  bags... 1033 

paper-mill  plugs I'O 

petroleum 478,740 

talc 111 

wrought-iron 113 

reconsignment 301 

train-stop  devices 483 

r.  J.  K.  Dering  Coal  Co 303 

Cleveland  National  Forest: 

Executive  order  of  Oct.  15,  1925,  revoked...  SQ.'S 



Cleveland  Union  Terminals  Co.,  bonds 608 

(^litT  dweller,  in  land  of 531 

ClilTord,  Chas.  E.,  Co.,  marble 106 

Clifton.  Tenn.,  bridge 959, 1103 


apple  juices  as  affected  by 783,1083 

as  totality  of  weather-- 335 

climatological  data — 

calendar  year,  1927 920 

monthly  data  for  United  States 10, 

77, 146,  211,  276, 334, 405, 533, 920, 1085 

China 656 

Coimbra,  Portugal 77 

North  America,  climatic  regions 212 

same,  outline  of  article-.- --  335 

southea,stern  Pennsylvania 790 

Climatology,  see  (^limate. 

Climax  Cleaner  Manufacturing  Co 1037 

Clinch  River,  bridge 556,577,667,707 

Clinchfield  Navigation  Co.,  Inc.,  t'.  V.  S 238 

Cline,  Isaac  M.,  report  of  floods,  1927 335 

Cline  &  Bernheim,  Inc.,  aluminum 465 

Clinical  bulletin.  Veterans'  Bureau---  392,514, 1070 

Clinics  in  Haiti... 120 

Clinton,  N.  C,  tablet  to  W.  R.  King 432, 1100 

Clinton  &  Oklahoma  Western  R.  R.,  construc- 
tion of  line 231 

Clinton-Oklahoma  Western  R.  R.  of  Te.i;as: 

construction  of  line 231 

stock 1117 

Clippinger.  Roy,  bridge 685,845,936,994 

Clocks,  and  parts,  census  report,  1925 ^-    12 

Clonorchiasis  investigations 391,638 

Clothes  moths: 

article  on.. 496 

control _ -  651 

Clothes  wringers,  rates  on 608 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 213 

cleaning  of  fur  and  leather  garments 343 

Coast  (iuard  price  list 637 

supplies  for  Govt,,  wearing  apparel 511 

see  also  names  of  special  articles  of  clothing. 

anthracnose _  654 

failure ^--'"-^-]^"""I  /  6.54 

hay.  assimilation  by  dairy  cows.—  269, 270. 401 

sweet  clover 92o 

Club  wheats,  «ee  Wheat.  

Clubs,  nee  Agricultural  clubs. 

analyses  of— 

Arkansas  coals _     .539 

Indiana  coals , .../....      411 

Oklahoma  coals ......  539  of  Choctaw,  etc.,  lands- "1"'953, 998. 1098 

permits,  extension  of  time 458  568  667 

production  in  1925 '411 

production  of  anthracite  In  1926 '  411 

'■n'eson 31, 100,101, 164,  231."  296." 468, 

469. 608. 600,  733,  7.34,  868,  869,1027, 1117 
resources  of  Salina  Canyon  dist,,  Utah  464.  863 
spontaneous  heating  of  coal. . .  905 

ffc  nixo  Coal  mines  and  mining— Coke 



Ford  Motor  Co.,  etc 42, 101 

Northern  W.  Va.  Coal  Operators'  Assoc---128, 

Coal  fields: 

Arkansas .539 

Indiana 411 

Oklahoma 539 

see  also  Coal  mines  and  mining — also  names 
of  coal  fields- 

Coal  Grove,  Ohio,  bridge 454,558,670 

Coal  mines  and  mining: 

conditions  in  Pennsylvania,  etc. — 

hearings - 589,716,849,999 

statement,  etc,  of  W.H.  Coolidge 999 

fatalities  in  United  States,  1926 282 

fifty-nine  coal  mine  fires 411 

hours,  etc.,  in  bituminous  coal  mining 491 

safety  in  coal  mining,  handbook 539 

thin  coal  beds  in  Pennsylvania 539 

timbering,  bituminous  coal  mines 1091 

timbering.  State  laws .539 

Coal-oil,  see  Kerosene. 
Coal-tar  colors: 

analysis  of  coal-tar  food  dyes 530 

case  of  Sandoz  Chemical  Works 1017 

certification  of  coal-tar  food  colors 208 

Coast,  see  Coasts. 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 15,82, 150, 

214,278, 338,  408, 536, 658,  792, 923, 1088 

bulletin.. 15,82,150, 

214,278,  338,  408,  536,  658,  792, 923, 1088 

geodetic  publications,  digest 793 

positions  included  in  classified  service 1139 

publications  on  (lists) — 

terrestrial  magnetism 279 

tides  and  currents 923 

traverse 338 

report,  1927 278 

see  also  Pay,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Sm-vey — 
Retired  list.   Coast  and  Geodetic 
Coast  artillery,  see  Artillery. 
Coast  Artillery  Corps: 

technical  regulations 908 

training  regulations 516,641,775, 1072 

Coast  defense,  shore-based  aircraft 718, 853 

Coast  Guard 61.132,194, 

261.  321. 389,  510, 637,  771, 903, 1068, 1145 

cadetships,  appointments 261 

chief  boatswains,  appointments 1145 

circular 61,132,321 

771, 903, 1068, 1145 

circular  letter,  reprint 194 

court  sentence,  places  of  execution 127 

courts  and  boards,  amendments.- 389,771 

extension  of  enlistment,  circular 1068 

mail  and  files,  rules  for  handling 389,903 

officers,  temporary  appointments 61 

operators'  permits  for  Govt,  vehicles...  586,810 

orders,  generaf. 61,322,511,903,1145 

pensious,  former  Life  Saving  Service 955 

physical  examination 322 

publications.  Government 727 

recruiting  officers,  instructions 1068 

register,  officers,  cadets,  etc.,  1928 637 

regulations.  1923— 

complements,  original  enlistments,  etc.  261 

index 1145 

leaves  of  absence,  etc 261 

rank,  duty,  and  command 389 

reprints  of  chapters  3  and  6 511 

report,  1927 389 

supply  instructions,  amendments..  61, 132,511, 

771, 1068, 1145 

supply  instructions,  circular. ..132, 511,637, 1068 

time  lost  due  to  misconduct,  etc 1068 

venereal  disease  among  personnel 514 

warrant  officers,  etc.,  employed  by  The 

Panama  Canal 559,671 

see  also  Pay,  Coast  Guard— Retired  list, 
Coast  Guard. 
Coast  Guard  Academy,  New  London,  regula- 
tions  261 

Coast  Guard  cutters,  register,  1928 637 

Coast  Guard  Depot,  Curtis  Bay,  employees..  1140 




Coast  Guard  stations,  register,  1928 637 

Coast  pilots: 

catalogues 82,214,659 

inside  route. _._ 150,338 

see  also  names  of  localities. 

Coast  Transit  Division  barge  no.  4 449,808, 1094 

Coasts,  protection  from  erosion ._. _.  9'JO 

Coats,  R.  H.,   estadisticas  de   mortalidad   in- 

fantil 501 


absorption  spectra 22 

production  in  1926.- 411 

Cobb,  John  X.,  Pacific  cod  fisheries 151 

Cobb,  N.  A.: 

nemas  and  recent  progress  in  Hematology..    76 

when  and  how  does  sex  arise? 275 

Cobb,  Blasdell  &  Co.,  relief 833,981 

Coblentz,  W.  W..  radiometric  measurements, 

etc.,  of  Mars 21 

Coburn,  William  T.,  relief 434 

Coca,  regulations,  importation,  etc 512 

Cochran,  Doris  M.,  natural  history  collecting 

by  Hugh  M.  Smith  in  Siam 898 

Cochran,  John  J.  (Representative  from  Mo.): 
report  made  by- 
Claims  Com 945 

Cochran,  Leonidas  L.,  relief 458,568,799 

Cochran,   Thomas  C.   (Representative  from 
minority  views — 

Claims  Com 808 

reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 420,549,677,946,947 

Cocke,  "William  J.,  relief 985 

Cockerly,  Van,  chronic  urethritis 392 

Cockrells  Creek,  preliminary  examination 517 

Cockroaches 207 


and  products,  census  report,  1925 79 

in  West  Africa 1089 

rates  on 31 

Coconut  bud-rot  fungus,  new  host 3.  75 

Coconut  Plantations  Co.  v.  United  States. .  355,  723 

catch,  east  coast  of  North  America 924 

eggs  in  Massachusetts  Bay,  1924  and  1925..  536 

Pacific  fisheries 151 

Cod,  Cape,  coastal  sea  temperatiu-es 212 

see  also  Cape  Cod  Canal. 
Code  of  insurance  law  for  D.  C: 

hearings 995 

report 551 

Code  of  laws  of  D.  C,  to  print 964,1098 

Code  of  U.  S.: 

title  15  (property  in  transit) 687 

title  IS  (lotteries) 1011 

title  18  (mail  robbers) 976 

title  22  (minister  to  Liberia) 813 

title  28  (appointments  by  judges) 962 

title  28  (marshals'  fees) 963 

title  39  (Post  Office  Dept.  employees)..  936 

title  39  (postage) 941,1102 

title  39  (postmasters) 1011 

supplements,  to  authorize 964, 1098, 1107 

Codes,    see    headings    beginning    Code — also 
special  subjects. 

Codling  moth  in  Delaware,  life  history 529 

Cody  shale,  cephalopods 227 


algunos  aspectos  del  cultivo  del  caff 124 

imported  into  P.  R.,  to  impose  duty..  682. 1016 

rates  on 734,869 

Coffee  County,  Ga.,  bridge 684,843,935 

Coftev,  Irven  E.,  patent  appeal 341 

Coffin,  Mabel  R.,  relief 553,799 

Cogen,  J.  Robert,  v.  United  States 878 

Cognizance  of  material  (2  entries) 886 

Cohasset,  Minn.,  bridge  (in  sec.  35,  t.  144  n.,  r. 

25  w) 683,709,842,934 

Cohen,  Bamett,  oxidation-reduction  studies. 203, 906 
Cohen,  Louis,  &  Son: 

iron 1030 

re<;onsignment.. 109 

steel - 110 

wire 744 


Cohn  &  Ellett  v.  Shipping  Board,  etc 42 

Cohn-Hall-Marx  Co 1019 

Coimbra,  Portugal,  climate 77 


test,  1928 905 

Coinage,  Weights,  and  Measures  Committee, 

hearings 550,551,678,1106 

reports.- 550,551,809,948,949 


information  relating  to  U.  S.  coins.. 323 

values  of  foreign  coins 61,261,509,902 

see  also  names  of  coins. 
Coir,  see  Mats  and  matting. 

and  by-products  in  1925 411 

industry,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 213 

rates  on 31,100,164,734,1027 

Coke-oven  accidents,  1926 „ 411 

Coker,  R.  E.,  new  genus  of  darter 16 

Colbert  Limerock  Asphalt  Co.,  limestone 105 

Cold  (disease): 

common  colds 513 

Cold  storage: 

holdings  of  fish 16.82,215, 

280,  339, 408,  537, 660,  794, 924, 1089 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 93, 463 

Cold  waves: 

on  Texas  coast 790 

whence  come  cold  waves? 1085 

Coldwell  Lawn  Mower  Co.,  lawn-mowers 474 

Cole,  CjTcnus  (Representative  from  Iowa): 
reports  made  by — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com 812,813 

Cole,  George  A.,  relief 967 

Cole,  Harvey  S.: 

floods  of  1927  in  Mississippi  basin 335 

notable  tornadoes  of  May,  1927 77 

tornadoes  in  Arkansas,  1879-1926 11 

Cole,  James  W.,  to  correct  military  record 434 

Cole,  John  S.,  Ardmore  Dry-Laud  Field  Station  209 
Cole.  L.  A.,  tidal  bench  marks,  Connecticut. ._  279 

Cole,  L.  J.,  quality  of  oil  in  soy  beans 71,204 

Cole,  S.  B.,  soil  survey  of  Perry  Co.,  Miss 789 

Cole  Storage  Battery  Co.  r.  U.  S 303,460 

Coleman,  D.  A.: 

Brown-Duvel  moisture  tester 526 

determining  oil  content  of  seeds,  etc 916 

heat-damaged  wheat 5 

Coleman,  Frederick,  relief  of  widow.  695, 1009, 1097 

Colemanite,  rates  on 469 

Colfax,  Schuyler,  statue  in  South  Bend,  Ind...  562 
Colgate,  .\rthur  E.,  admr.,  v.  United  States.  __  618 

Colgate,  Clinton  G.,  f.  United  States 618 

Colgate  &  Co.  v.  United  States 238 

Cohseum  Batterv  Co.  v.  United  States 157,239 

Coll,  M.  W.,  sheep-killing  dogs 1080 

Collect-on-delivery,  extend  service  on  mail 976 

see  also  Parcel  post. 
College  professors,  see  Teachers. 
Colleges  and  universities: 

accredited  higher  institutions 1021 

biennial  survey  of  higher  education 293 

extension  helps  in  adult  education 863 

German  students,  health  conditions,  etc..  196 

higher  education  circular 728 

in  District  of  Columbia,  to  regulate— 

hearings 810 

reports 712.949 

negro  colleges,  etc.,  survey 1113 

physical  education 28 

references  on  higher  education 160 

relation  to  public  health. 323,513 

research  laboratories,  directory 415 

statistics,  1925-26 863 

teachers  colleges,  per  capita  costs 160 

teachers  colleges,  statistics,  1925-26 359 

see  aUo  Agricultural  colleges — also  names 
of  colleges  and  universities. 
Collet otrichum  frifolii,  cause  of  clover  anthrac- 

nose 654 

Collier,  George  W.: 

corn-borer  conditions,  farm  practices 40( 

costs,  etc.,  of  fattening  beef  cattle 400 

C  oilier,  Jessie  H . ,  appointment 896 

Collins,  Henrv  B  ,  jr., Eskimoof  western  Alaska.  898 
Collins,  Ross  F.,  relief. 826,1008,1094 


Index,  1927-1928 


Collins,  Selwyn  D.:  .  ^,n  nnr 

infant  mortality  in  9  cities  of  U.  S 639,905 

tonsillitis,  epidemiological,  etc.,  study 773 

same,  summary  in  public  health  rps. ..  639 

venereal  disease  prevalence 773, 908 

Collins,  W.  D.:  ^„     .  , 

chemical  character  of  Honda  waters 604 

practical  water  analysis _ 728 

quality  of  water  of  Pecos  River.. 161 

surface  waters  of  New  Jersey 228 

Collisions,  see  Collisions  at  sea— Railroad  acci- 
Collisions  at  sea: 

guide  for  reporting. 128 

rules  to  prevent  collisions  of  vessels... 277 

Colloids:  .  ,  ,.    ,    , 

gold  test,  comparison  with  mastic  test 65 

r,eonardtown  silt  loam  soil... -  1079, 1081 

Collvbia  drvophila,  cause  of  root  rot  of  Lucretia 

dewberry --  269,270 

Colman,  Howard  D.,  patent  appeals. 341 

Colobognatha,  see  Millipeds. 

botanical  exploration 898 

budget ----  409 

correction  of  entry 524 

chart - 498 

electrical  equipment,  marketing 151 

laws,  trading  under 215 

T'olon,  Panama: 

smallpo.K  diagnosis  and  eradication 502 


carcinoma  of  descending  colon 392 

Colonial  Trust  Co.,  exr.: 

CO.  Lewellynw 131,238 

D.  B.Heinerw 131,238 


cranberries,  discoloration  in  canning  (2) —      3 
honey,  in  comb,  color  standards  for  grades    207 

honey,  United  States  standards.. 530 

lemons,  hastening  coloration 74 

see  also  Pigments. 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 79 

consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  with— 

Kansas 960 

Nebraska 961 

New  Mexico 961 

Utah... _ 960 

Wyoming 960 

crayfishes 16 

district  court,  rules  in  bankruptcy 114,  877 

endemic  goiter  among  schoolchildren.  391,639 

geologic  formations 28,29 

geology  and  oil  and  gas  prospects 604,863 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc,  1925 217 

land  offices,  establishing. 978 

lands  opened  to  homestead  entry 57, 

187, 317,  896, 1055 
lands  withdrawn  pending  resurvey . ..  764, 1140 

national  forests 1082 

post  route  map 630 

rossite  and  metarossite,  new  vanadates 385 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing,  errata 635 

vegetation,  .Mpine  region  of  Rocky  Mts.._  494 
Colorado  &  New  Mexico  Coal  Operators  Associ- 
ation, coal 1117 

(,'olorado  &  Southeastern  R.  R.,  valuation 32 

Colorado  &  Wyoming  Ry.,  valuation...  231 

Colorado  Portland  Cement  Co.,  plaster.  479 

Colorado  River: 

basin,  map IO23 

basin,  surface  water  supply __    29 

compact  for  use  of  waters,  consent...         "  960 
equitable  use  of  waters.  State  Dept.  rp....  114,3 

plan  and  profile 864 

protection,  development,  etc.-^ 

board  of  engineers  to  report  on  dam       1104 

hearings.. 430,561,589,979 

minority  views 686  849 

reports  of  committees 686, 716^  980 

reports  of  special  advisers  to  Secretary' 
of  Interior  (¥.  C.  Emerson,  W.  F. 
Durand,  J.  Q.  Scrugham,  and  J.  R 

OarOeld) 56i  730 

silt,  relation  to  irrigation '  655 

r]o  orado  River  .\uthority,  to  create  ""  430 

i  olored  people,  see  Negroes. 

Colors,  see  Coal-tar  colors — Color — Dyes  and 

dyeing — Pigments. 
Colors  (flags),  see  Flags. 

Colostomy. _ 264 

Colton,  Don  B.  (Representative  from  Utah): 
reports  made  by — 

Elections  Com.  No.  1. 552,679 

Public  Lands  Com 444, 

567,  568,  569,  570,  830,  831,  979 

Roads  Com 832 

Colton,  W.  A.,  pulmonary  tuberculosis 1148 

Columbia,  Pa.,  bridge... 348,  4.')4, 671 

Columbia,    S.    C,    see    Federal    Intermediate 
Credit  Bank  of  Columbia. 

Columbia  &  Cowlitz  Ry 164 

Colimibia  Arsenal,  sale  of  property..  823, 1002, 1098 
Columbia  Basin  irrigation  project: 
adoption — 

hearings 430, 456 

reports 589,686 

Columbia  Glass  Co.,  silica 1123 

Columbia  Institution  for  the  Deaf 359, 1021 

report,  1927 _ 3.59 

Columbia  Mills,  Inc.,  misrouting. 612 

Columbia  National  Forest,  homestead  entry...  318 

Columbia  Park,  Ohio,  bridge 557,708,802 

Columbia  River  and  Valley: 
bridges  across  river — 

Arlington,  Oreg 956 

Hood  River,  Oreg 423,577,667 

Kettle  Falls,  Wash 347,416 

charts  of  river 15,82,279,1088 

development,  etc.,  of  Umatilla  Rapids — 

hearings 430,456 

report 961 

examination  and  survey  of  river 909 

improvement  of  river  below  Portland 831 

light  list 795 

prehistoric  inhabitants 898 

prehistoric  pit  house  village  site 1060 

surface  water  supply  of  basin 29 

wheat  in  basin,  dry  farming  methods 271 

Columbia  River  Bird  Refuge,  title  to  lands 703 

Columbia  Sand  Co.,  Inc.,  sand 1123 

Columbus,  Ohio: 

Convention  of  American  Instructors  of  the 

Deaf 1021 

Columbus  &  Greenville  Ry.,  rates  on  cotton..  609 

Columbus  Bolt  Works  Co.,  rods 171 

Columbus  Confectioners'  Assoc,  U.  S.  v 303 

Columbus  County,  N.  C  bridge 685,937,995 

Column  effect  in  airplane  wing  spars 119 

Colville  National  Forest,  boundaries 256 

Colville  Reservation  forests,  preservation 714 

Colwell,  N.  P.,  medical  education,  1924-26 28 

Comanche  C ounty ,  Okla. , land  for  All  American 

Indian  Legion  Post _-.  979 

Combinations,  see  Monopolies. 
Combines,  see  Harvesting  machinery. 

Combs,  George  H.,  jr.,  statement 973 

Combustion  chambers  for  aircraft  oil  engines. _  624 

Combustion  time  in  engine  cylinder 245 

Comey,  R.  H.,  Brooklyn  Co.,  United  States  v.  461 

commerce  reports 17,83, 151, 

216,280,  339, 409,  537,  661,  794, 924, 1089 
commerce  reports,  indexes,  etc..  .83,  280,  661, 924 
commercial  series.  Federal  Board  for  Voca- 
tional Education 26,91 

domestic  commerce  series..  216,  340,  409, 411, 924 

financas,  industria,  coramercio  serie 55, 


finanzas,  industria,  comercio  serie 55, 184, 

252,  314,  378,  501,  760,  761,  892, 1136 
foreign  commerce  and  navigation,  1926.-215,  794 
foreign  trade- 
calendar  year  1926 216 

calendar  year  1927 660 

fiscal  year  1926-27 151 

same,  with  slight  changes  (in  Span- 
ish)  378 

foreign  trade  bulletins 84 

foreign  trade  series 55, 124, 

185.  314,  628,  760, 892, 1052, 1135, 1136 

free  zones  in  ports  of  U.  S 842 

las  deudas  extranjeras  y  la  balanza  comer-. 

cial 760 






Commerce — Continued. 

laws,  compilation 674 

monthly  summary  of  foreign  commerce  of 

United  States 17,83,151,216, 

280,  339, 409, 537,  660,  794,  924, 1089 
o  commercio  exterior  e  as  casas  bancarias.  252 

ports  important  in  trade  of  U.  S _.  410 

practical  aids  for  domestic  commerce 660 

protection,  etc.,  consular  regulations 634, 

900, 1061 
publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs_._  93, 1112 
the  world's  business  in  review,  descriptive 

circular  of  yearbook  noted  below.  537 

trade  information  bulletin 17, 18,  83,  84, 151, 

1.52,  216,  280,  339,  340, 409,  410,  .537, 
538,  660,  661,  794,  795,  925,  1089, 1090 

trade  promotion  series 17, 18,  84,  215,  339, 

340,  410,  538, 661,  795,  924, 925, 1089 
water-borne  commerce — 

foreign,  intercoastal,  coastwise,  etc 319 

report  of  chief  of  engineers  (2) 394 

summary  of  foreign  commerce 319, 

505,  766, 1058 

volume  of  foreign  commerce ._.  189 

yearbook,  1926 83,409,537 

see  also  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce 
Bureau— Imports  and  exports — 
Interstate  commerce— Merchant 
marine— S  h  i  p  p  i  n  g—  T  arifl— oLso 
certain  headings  beginning  Com- 
mercial—oZ«o  names  of  articles  of 
commerce  and  names  of  countries, 
Commerce  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings. 578,  584,  709,  842,  845, 993 

reports _.  354, 

453, 454,  455,  576,  577,  578,579,  580, 
581,  582,  583,  584,  585,  586,-707,  70S, 
709,  710,  711,  841,  842,  843,844,  845, 
990,  991,  992, 993,  994,  995. 

correction  for  p.  843  (S.  rp.  865) 914 

Commerce  Department 12,78, 148, 

213,  277,  336,  406, 534, 658,  791, 921, 1086 
appropriations,  1928— 

estimates 1064 

•appropriations,  1929 — 

estimate _.  509, 1064 

hearing 418 

law 544 

reports 418,449,545 

immigration  quotas,  national  origin 634 

organization 406 

promotes  exports  of  automotive  products.  924 
available  for  distribution.. _-_  1092 

on  city  planning,  zoning,  etc 541 

supplement  to  annual  list 20,86, 

154,  220,  284,  343,  414,  541, 604,  797,  927 
records  of  Food  Admin,  and  Wheat  Direc- 
tor  504 

report,  1927 277 

Secretary — 

Ephraim  F.  Morgan  to  perform  duties.  504 

Julius  Klein  to  perform  duties 187 

useless  papers 1016 

see  also  Hoover,  Herbert. 
Commerce  Department,  Solicitor  for,  see  Solici- 
tor for  Department  of  Commerce. 
Commerce,  International  Parliamentary  Con- 
ference of,   see  International   Par- 
liamentary   Conference    of    Com- 
Commerce  reports,  see  Commerce. 
Commercial  aeronautics,  see  Aeronautics. 
Commercial  associations,  see  Boards  of  trade, 

Commercial  aviation,  see  Aeronautics. 
Commercial    Conference,    Pan   American,   see 
Pan  American   Commercial   Con- 

Commerical  Credit  Co.  v.  United  States 303 

Commercial  education,  1924-26 1113 

Commercial  law: 

tax  and  corporation  law  in  Europe 538 

trading  under  laws  of — 

Colombia.. 215 

Cuba.. 83 

Porto  Rico 410 


Commercial  Laws  Division 83,215,410,538 

Commercial  products: 

commodities  of  commerce  series 252 

customs  case  of  Dent,  Allcroft  &  Co.,  Inc.  158 
Government  purchase  of  American  goods.  957 

reappraisement  circulars 61. 133, 194, 

261,  322,  389,  511,  638,  771,  904. 1068, 1145 

index,  1927 637 

reappraisements  of  merchandise,  weekly..    61, 
133,  194,  261,  322,  389,  511,  6:58,  771, 
shipment  of  samples  to  British  Empire.  1090 

stabilization  of  price  level.. _ 90 

unsolicited  merchandise  in  mails 829 

wholesale   prices   of  commodities.  46, 117, 178, 
245,  309,  372,  492,  623,  751, 884, 1045, 1130 
see  also  Imports  and  exports. 
Commercial  schools,  see  Commercial  education. 

Commercial  standard  series 344 

Commission,  see  name  of  commission. 

District  of  Columbia — 

assistants  to  engineer,  compensation..  845, 


report,  1927 290 

salaries 845, 949 

to  settle  claims 810,845,949 

see  also  Court  commissioners. 
Commissions,  see  names  of  commissions. 
Committees,  Congressional,  index  of  hearings..  447 

see  also  names  of  committees. 
Commodities,  see  Commercial  products. 
Commodities  of  commerce  series,  see  Commer- 
cial products. 
Common  carriers,  see  Carriers. 

Common  law,  Charles  Viner  and 1108 

Commonwealth  &  Dominion  Line,  Ltd 306,635 

Communicable   diseases,  see   Contagious  dis- 

in  United  States,  1926 84 

underground  experiments 796 

see     also     MOitary     communication — also 
various  methods  of  communication, 
e.  g.  Telegraph. 
Communities,    see    Cities    and    towns — Farm 

Community  buildings,  rural 916 

Comodoro  Rivadavia,  chart 1050 

Comoro  Islands,  pilot 248 

Compac  Tent  Co.  v.  United  States.. 289,745 

Compagnie  Generale  Transatlantique 879 

Companies,   see   Corporations — Public   utility 
companies — also    names    of    com- 

deviation  diagram 25Q,  313 

in  Lake  region 910 

lensatic  compass,  parts,  etc 326 

magnetic  declination  in  Calif,  and  Nev 278 

variation,  digest  of  geodetic  pubs.. 793 

Compensation,  see  Damages — Employers'  lia- 
bDity   and   workmen's   compensa- 
tion— Indemnity — Pensions — Sala- 
ries— Wages— ateo  headings   begin- 
ning Pay. 
Compensation     Commission,     United     Stales 
Employees',  see  Employees'  Com- 
pensation Commission. 
Complements,  Coast  Guard  regulations,  1923-.  261 
Compressed  aii-  plants,  operation,  care,  etc.  753,  755 

Comptroller  Bay,  chart 249 

Comptroller  general,  see  General  Accounting 

Comptroller  of  Currency 61, 132, 194, 

261,  322,  389,  511,  637,  771,  904,  1068,  1145 

report,  1927 389,904 

Computing-machine  ribbons,  specification 87 

Computing  machines.  Government  supplies...  511 
Concentrated  milk,  see  Milk. 

Concepcion,  Port,  chart -  758 

Conciliation   (industrial),  see  Industrial  arbi- 
Conciliation  (international  relations): 
conference  of  Republics  of  America- 
law 937 

report ---  812 

request  for  legislation 899 

treaty  with  Germany 1060 


Index,  1927-1928 


Concklin,    Edward    F.,    Lincoln    Memorial, 

D.  C ^f„ 

Concord  quadrangle,  N.  H «t) 

Concrete:  -f,- 

action  of  sulphate  water  on  concrete 4U5 

arches,  analysis ^r, 

farm  use ooe'iin 

publications,  Government-        '^''°'  ,  , 

reinforcement,  new  billet-steel  bars -344 

used  with  waterproofing  material...- imi 

Concurrent  resolutions,  see  Resolutions. 
Condensed  milk,  see  Milk. 
Condensers:  . 

operation,  care  and  repair ^m>  'oo 

tube  ferrules  and  tube  sheets lyr ■,■,,. 

Condit,  D.  Dale,  phosphate  rock  464, 114 

Condra  O.K.,  soil  survey  of  Burt  Co.,  Nebr..    10 
Conductors  (electric),  see  Electric  conductors. 
Conduit  across  Lincoln  road  in  D.  C.  712,  810, 1099 

Cone,  Albert  B.,  seasoning,  etc.,  of  lumber 791 

Cone,  Victor  M.,  farm  weirs,  construction,  etc.     10 

(^nnecuh  River,  bridge 423, 577,  fi67 

Confectionery,  census  report,  1925 79 

Confederate  Veterans,  see  United  Confederate 


headstones  over  graves »--5 

monument  in  Indianapolis,  removal 688, 

850,  933 
Conference,  see  name  of  conference  or  name  of 

place  where  held. 
Conference  Committees: 

reports 345, 

416,  545,  673,  805,  938,  939,  940,  941,  942 
Conference  for  Limitation  of  Naval  Armament, 

records 702 

Conference   of   State   and   Territorial   Health 
Officers  with  United  States  Public 

Health  Service,  transactions 1147 

Conference  of  State   Directors  in   Charge  of 
Local  Administration  of  Maternity 

and  Infancy  Act,  proceedings 371 

Conference    of    Supervisors    of    Southeastern 

States,  abstracts  of  addresses 160 

Conferencia    Parlamentaria    Internacional    de 

Comercio 501 

Congress,  see  name  of  Congress. 

(Congress  of  United  States 23,  90, 155, 

221,  287,  345,  415,  542,  666,  798,  928,  1093 

annals,  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

Congressional  directory,  70-1 345,416 

Congressional  globe,  for  sale 603 

Congressiun  il  record— 

69tli   Cong.  2d  sess.,  bound  vols.,  in- 
(jg^ _     23 

70th  Cong.  Is'tsess.,  bound'vols-798,'928, 1093 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.,  daily 345, 

415,  542,  666,  798, 928, 1094 
70th  Cong.  1st  sess.,  daily,  index 345, 

416,  543,  666,  799,  928, 1094 
for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs . 603 

officers  and  employees,  payment 345 

powers,  general  welfare  clause 353 

proceedings,  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

register  of  debates,  for  sale.. 603 

reports  to  be  made  to  70th  Congress 346 

time  of  asscmblug,  Constitutional  amdt.— 

hearings 421 

reports 354,421,570,699 

testimony  of  F.  H.  LaQuardia  and  E. 

E.  Browne _ 421 

testimony  of  C.  F.  Lea 421 

see  also  Committees— House  of  Representa- 
tives— Senate— o/«o  names  of  com- 
mittees—a/so  subjects  of  bills  and 
Congressional  Cemetery,  hearing  on  H.  R.  11916.  967 
Congres-sional  directory,  see  Congress  of  United 

Congressional  documents: 
69th  Cong.  2d  sess.— 

'nde-\ 358 

preliminary  schedule  of  volumes 93 

schedule  of  volumes 355 

see    also    Government    publications— o/so 
subject  of  document. 
Congressional  globe,  see  Congress  of  United 


Congressional  Library,  see  Library  of  Congress. 
Congressional  Medal  of  Honor: 

awards,  1862-1926 265 

duplicate  for  W.J.  Sperry 439,  719,  800 

to  present  to  Charles  A.  Lindbergh. _  345 

Congressional  record,  see  Congress  of  United 

Congressmen,  see  House  of  Representatives- 
Senate— aZso  names  of  Senators  and 

Conifers,  growing  and  planting _ . .      8 

Conkliu-Zonne-Loomis  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair..  368 

Conlon,  Thomas,  relief 563 

Conn,  C.  G.,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States 175 


endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  391,  639 

expenditures.  War  of  1812-15 603 

portion  of  Fort  Griswold 1003 

post  route  map 630 

relief .-  705 

tidal  bench  marks .-  279 

Connecticut,  U.  S.  S.,  to  deliver  bell 973 

Connecticut  Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 

apple  maggot 1081 

Connelly,  J.  W.,  swine  sanitation  system 401 

Conner,  S.  D.: 

soil    management    of    Lawrence    County, 

lud 1085 

soil  management  of  Monroe  County,  Ind  1085 
Connolly,     Donald    H.,     Memphis,    Tenn., 

district 518 

Connolly,  J.,  maxillary  nerve  anesthesia...  246,  247 

Connolly,  William  R.,  relief 419,929,985 

Connor,  P.,  tornadoes  in  Kansas 212 

Connor,  Roland  C,  smallpox,  Ancon  Hospital-  502 

Connors  Point,  Wis.,  bridge 428,584,671 

Conodonts,  bibl.,  with  Mississippian  species...  633 
Conrey,  G.  VV.: 
soil  surveys— 

Clermont  County,  Ohio 656 

Fulton  County,  Ohio 1081 

Conservation  of  natural  resources,  see  Natural 

Conservatory  of  Music  of  America,  see  Na- 
tional Conservatory  of  Music  of 
Consolidated  Gas,  Electric  Light,  and  Power 

Co.  of  Baltimore  e.  U.  S 42^289 

Consolidated  index,  see  Congressional  docu- 

Consolidated  Lumber  Co 734 

Consolidated  Telephone  Co 32 

Consolidation  Coastwise  Co.,  relief 449 

Constantin  Refining  Co.,  gasoline 1029 

(Constitution  Island,  easement  for  railroad 1004 

Constitution  of  United  States: 

amendment  in  lieu  of  18th 820 

amendment  relating  to  nominations 1107 

amendment  relating  to  President,  etc. — 

hearings 421,552 

reports 354,421,570,699 

statement   and   testimony   of   C.  F. 

Lea 421,552 

testimony  of  F.  H.  LaQuardia  and 

E.  E.  Browne 421 

general  welfare  clause 353 

in  House  rules 416 

in  Senate  manual.. _ 222 

Construction,  see  Building. 

Construction  and  Repair  Bureau...  48, 180,374,886 

estimate.. 771 

general  information  bulletin 48 

report,  1927 374,75? 

Construction  loan  fund  legislation 1067 

Construction  materials,  see  Building  materials. 

Consular  officers,  see  Consuls. 

Consular  offices,  see  Consular  service— Foreign 

Consular  reports,  see  Commerce. 
Consular  service: 

mailing  list,  consular  offices  of  U.  S 899 

amendments 57, 127 

citizenship,  protection,  etc 633,900, 1061 

consular  branch  of  foreign  service 1061 

discharge  of  seamen 320, 900 

estates    of    citizens    dying    without 

U.  S 192,900 



Consular  service— Continued, 
regulations— continued. 

fees 258 

immigration  and  quarantine 57,320,900 

miscellaneous  instructions 634,900 

preparing  shipments  to  Latin  America.  795 

protection,  etc.,  of  American  trade..  .  634, 

900, 1061 

record  books  and  archives 192, 1061 

registration  of  American  citizens 1140 

retirement 1061 

transportation  of  seamen 900, 1061 

wages,  etc.,  of  seamen 900 

see  also  Consuls— Foreign  service. 

consular  rights  treaty  with — 

Germany 900 

H  onduras 1143 

Latvia 1144 

instructions,  general 192,  258, 

320,  385,  506,  633,  767, 899,  1 143 
see  also  Consular  service — Foreign  service. 
Contagious  diseases: 

at    Naval    Training    Station,    Hampton 

Roads 497 

Medical  Dept.  of  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War.  779 

monthly  review  of  world  prevalence 773, 

prevalence  of  notifiable  diseases — 

cities,  1926 63,133,134 

States,  1926 391 

protecting  your  child 750 

reports  for  July-Sept.  1927,  summary 323 

see  also  names  and  classes  of  diseases. 

explosives,  etc.,  I.  C.  C.  specifications 102 

ice-cream,  rates  on 34 

salt  packages,  elimination  of  waste 665 

shucked  oysters,  shipping  containers 660 

slack-filled  packages- 
hearings 547,98 

report 546 

see  also  names  of  containers,  e.  g.  Barrels. 
Contested  elections: 

House  of  Representatives- 
Clark  i;.  White 346,552 

Hubbard!;.  LaGuardia 346,679 

Taylor  v.  England 346,679,811 

Wefald  V.  Selvig 346 

Continental  Battery  Co.  k.  U.  S 1.57,304 

Continental    Memorial    Hall,    see    Memorial 

Continental  Hall. 
Continental  Roofing  &  Manu/actm'ing  Co.: 

asphalt 97 

roofing... 59 

Continental  Rubber  Works,  battery  boxes 607 

Continental  Telegraph  Co.,  valuation 296 

Continental  Trading  Co.,  Ltd.: 

disposition  of  liberty  bonds 597, 858 

naval  oil  reserve  activities- 
hearings 597,857,1014 

report 1014 

Contracts,  see  Government  contracts— Leases- 
Mail  contracts. 

from  national  herbarium 506 

from  national  herbarium,  for  sale 226 

to  economic  geology,  1926 94 

to  economic  geology,  1927 863, 1114 

Control  surfaces,  see  Aircraft. 

Convention  of  American  Instructors  of  the 

Deaf 1021 

proceedings  of  25th  meeting,  1927 1021 

Conventions,  see  names  of  bodies  holding  con- 
ventions; or,  when  not  held  by  any 
named  body,  see  name  of  conven- 
tion, if  distinctive,  otherwise  name 
of  place  of  meeting — also  special 
Conventions  and  treaties,  see  Treaties. 
Convict  labor: 

prison-made  goods  in  interstate  commerce — 

hearings 589,820,832 

reports 589,688,980 

15950—29 4 

Convicts,  see  Crime  and  criminals. 

Conway,  Richard  P.,  v.  United  States 289 

Coogle,  C.  P.: 

malaria,  Mexican  cotton  pickers  in  Miss...    63 

spleen  rate  and  malaria  prevalence 197 

Cook,  Albert   W.,   protection  of  strawberries 

from  frost 212 

Cook,  Elmer  J.,  bridge 955,990, 1098 

Cook,  Frederick  A., ;;.  United  States 2,39,306 

Cook,  George  W.,  v.  Mexico.. eo 

Cook,  Herschel  P.,  promotion _.  974 

Cook,  James: 

memorial  collection  in  Hawaii- 
hearings 5.50 

law __.  668 

reports 550,574 

Cook,  Katherine  M.: 

progress  of  rural  education,  1925-26 28 

teachers'  certificates,  laws  governing 463 

Cook,  Mary,  cases 1126 

Cook,  O.  F.: 

Aeala  cotton  from  Mexico 333 

millipeds  of  order  Colobognatha 767 

one-variety  cotton  communities 654 

Cook,  R.  L.,  admissions,  etc.,  of  patients 392 

Cook,  William  C,  weather  and  cutworm 920 

Cook  County,  111.: 

bridges  across  Little  Calumet  River 425, 


land  conveyed  to  C.  &  W.  I.  R.  R.  682,801,841 

Cooke,  C.  Wythe,  new  Vicksburg  mollusks...  899 

Cooke,  Robert  P.,  granting  annuity... 434 

Cooke,  Wells  W.,  bird  migration 785 

Cooke  City,  Mont.,  highway  from  Red  Lodge.  855 

Army  cook,  training  manual 908 

Aunt  Sammy's  radio  recipes... 208 

beef,  according  to  cut. 274 

publications  for  sale 93,463 

Cooley,  Lester,  relief 434 

Coolidge,  Calvin,  see  President  of  United  States. 

Coolidge,  William  H.,  statement 998 

Coolidge  Dam,  hydroelectric  power 1019 

Coolidge  Foundation,  see  Elizabeth   Sprague 
Coolidge  Foundation. 

Coomaraswamy,  Ananda  K.,  Yak§as... 1059 

Coons,  A.  B.,  petroleum  in  1926 925 

Coons,  A.  T.: 

lime  in  1926 282 

potash  in  1926 218 

salt,  bromine,  and  calcium  chloride,  1926...  153 

slate  in  1926.. 218 

stone  in  1926 412 

Cooper,  C.  L.,  Oklahoma  coal  fields. 539 

Cooper,  Frank  W.,  v.  United  States. 599 

Cooper,  G.  F.: 

infant  feeding  in  the  tropics 497 

mixed  venereal  infections 49 

poisoning  from  soap  vine 247 

Cooper,  H.  M.: 

analyses  of  mine  samples — 

Arkansas  coals 539 

Indiana  coals 411 

Oklahoma  coals 539 

Cooper,  John  G.  (Representative  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 347, 425, 427, 557,  558, 957, 958 

Cooper,  M.  R.,  horses,  cost  on  corn-belt  farms.  329 
Cooper,   Mabel   T.,   accounting  from   nurse's 

point  of  view 247 


agricultural  extension  work— 

during  1925 143 

further  development,  hearings.  417, 448,  835 

further  development,  law 1098 

further  development,  reports 417, 

448,  703,  938 
to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  hearings.  1105 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  law 933 

to    extend    benefits    to    Hawaii,   re- 
ports  598,806 


Index,  1927-1928 


Cooperation— Continued. 

bull  associations,  dairy-herd  improvement.  6 
marketing-     ,  .  ,.  hor 

agricultural  associations o-in 

agricultural  census,  1925,  county  tables.   12, 

citrus-fruit  marketing  agencies 5 

grain  in  western  Canada. 526 

joint  use  of  sales  organization 400 

livestock  associations 526 

Radio  Farm  School  article 919 

purchasing,  agricultural  associations 526 

rural  health  work,  Public  Health  Serv_  263,513 
shelter-belt  demonstrations,  Great  Plains..  211 
union-management  cooperation,  bibl. .  244,  245 

Cooperative  Extension  Work  Office 74, 

143,  206,  330, 528, 917 

series  of  educational  illustrations 528,  529 

Cooperative  Marketing  Division 5,205,526 

Cooperative  Oil  &  Paint  Co.,  roofing 171 

Coordinators,  (ieneral  Supply,  report,  1927 1.32 

see  also  Chief  Coordinator,  General  Supply. 
Coos  Bay: 

chart 215 

e.xamination  and  survey 778 

Coos  Bay  wagon  road  grant  lands: 

recreational  act  extended  to 698,803,857 

timber 569,930,1015 

Coos  County,  N.  H.,  2.  187 
Coosa  River: 
Alabama 960,994,1103 

Cedar  Bluff.... 423,577,667 

Pell  City 556,578,668 

Talladega-Shelbv  counties 424,578,668 

Wetumpka 424,578,667 

Copeland,  Royal  S.  (Senator  from  N.  Y.): 
paper  presented  by— 

National  sesquicentennial  celebration..  765 
reports  made  by— 

-Appropriations  Com 837 

Commerce  Com 841 

District  of  Columbia  Com _  712, 

845,  846, 996 

Copepods  from  Woods  Hole  region 1060 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

drilling  and  blasting  in  open-cut  mines 19 


California 539 

Central  States 412 

Colorado _ 217 

Eastern  States. 217 

Montana 85, 1090 

Nevada _.    85 

Oregon.. 539 

organic  precipitation  of  metallic  copper.. .  1114 

rates  on 32,296,469,609 

Copper-carbonate,  seed  treatment  for  stinking 

smut  of  wheat 788 

Copper  number  of  paper,  determination 220 

Copper  plates  in  Freer  Gallery  of  Art,  list 767 

Copper  sulphate,  rates  on 32,469 

(  opyright: 

catalogue  of  copyright  entries 46,47,  117, 

118,  179,  245,  309,  373,  493,  623,  624, 
751, 752, 885, 1045, 1046, 1130. 

explanatory  circular 492 

decisions,  1927 796 

extending  benefits  to  Rumania.. .J"."."""""l055 

law  of  United  States,  as  amended 118 

musical  compositions,  reproductions  975 
to  amend  sec.  27,  42,  and  44  of  act- 
hearings.... 828 

report _  828 

to  amend  sec.  57  and  61  of  act  — 

'aw 1099 

reports 442,854 

see  also  names  of  articles  copyrighted. 

Copyright  Office 46,117,179,245, 

.„    ,  ,      ,309.373,492,623,751,885,1045,1130 
(  oquiUo  Island,  see  Pikelot  Island. 
Coquille  River: 

chart  of  entrance 215 

examination  and  survey...  "  773 

Corbett,  L.  C,  cabbage 788 

Corbicula,  see  MoUusks. 

Corcoran,  John  J.,  relief 419 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

(jovernment  supplies 511 

Cordova,  Alaska,  land  for  BMucation  Bur.  use.  380 
Corea,  see  Chosen. 

Corinto  Harbor,  Nicaragua,  chart 498 

Cork,  rates  on 469 

Corkery,  James  V.,  v.  United  States 222 

Corliss,  James  C: 

Latin  American  budgets 17, 339, 409 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  409 524 

Corms,  see  Bulbs. 

better  seed  corn _  275,919 

breeding -_.  209,404 

growing  in  Southeastern  States 333 

Mendeliau  ratios  in  maize..  71,76 

mosaic  disease  and  productiveness 209 

net-energy  value  to  chickens 3,4 

nitrogenous  constituents  of  pollen 203, 204 

official  grain  standards  handbook 649 

operative  jobs  of  corn-growing  enterprise..      26 

protein,  metabolism  of  swine. 399,400 

publications  of  Agriculture  Department ...    26 

quality  in  sweet  corn 9 

quality  of  seed  determined  by  leaching...  71,203 

rates  on 734 

seed  treatments,  dent  corn 531 

seed  treatments,  sweet-corn  disease 783,919 

silage,  net-energy  value 3 

smut  susceptibility  when  inoculated 648,  789 

supernumerary  chromosomes  in  Zea mays..  399, 


varieties  resistant  to  rot  disease 275 

weather  and  corn  maturity  in  Iowa 534 

see  also  Pop  corn. 
Corn  belt: 

beef  cattle,  cost,  etc. ,  of  fattening 400 

changes  on  farms  effected  by  tractors 1080 

farming  system  of  hogging  down  crops 649 

farms,  cost  of  using  horses 329 

shall  I  buy  a  tractor? 204 

Corn  borers,  see  European  corn  borer — Larger 
corn  stalk-borer. 

Corn  earworm,  enemy  of  vetch 207 

Corn  oil,  census  report,  1925 14 

Corn  root-aphis,  methods  of  controlling 786 

Corn  sirup,  census  report,  1925 14 

Corn  stalk -borers,  see  Larger  corn  stalk -borer. 
Cornell,  V.  H..  tuberculous  infection  of  tonsils 

and  adenoids 502 

Cornell  law  quarterly,  reprint  from 982 

Cornell    University,    see    New    York    State 

Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 

Ithaca — New  York  State  College 

of  -Agriculture. 

Corning,  Parker  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 

reports  made  by — 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Com.  423, 

682,  683, 955,  959 

Corning  Distilling  Co.,  v.  United  States...  157,746 

Cornog,  Augusta,  relief 945,985^1094 

Cornwall  R.  R.,  valuation 869 

Coronas,  Jose,  typhoons  in  the  Far  East...  335,405 
Corporation  commissions,  see  names  of  States, 

cities,  etc. 
Corporation  counsel,  D.  C,  to  administer 

oaths 586,  678 


employee  stock  ownership  in  U.  S.,  bibl. ..  117 
foreign,  status  in  American  republics.  512, 1146 

interest  and  usury  in  D.  C 810 

suits  against,  to  amend  judicial  code 686 

tax  aud  corporation  law  in  Europe 538 

see  also  names  of  corporations. 

Corps  areas  and  departments,  regulations 774 

Correlation,  measure  of 405,920 

Correspondence  courses.  Army 66, 1072 


magnesium  and  alloys 119 

resistance,  testing  method 798 

soils.  Bureau  of  Standards  studies 1093 

steel,  effect  of  geographical  location 886 

Corrosive  substances,  see  Poisons. 
Corrupt  practices,  see  Elections. 

Cortez  Oil  Co.,  v.  United  States 175, 1040 

Cortina  rp.,  bearing  of  history  codes  on 900 



Cosby,  Stanley  W.: 
soil  surveys— 

Oilroyarea,  Calif 405 

Hollister  area,  Calif.. 656 

Cosmetics,  census  report,  1925 79 

Cosmogony,  see  Universe. 
Cost  of  living: 

figures  in  wage  adjustments 751 

for  .Americans  in  the  Far  East 151 

prices  and  cost  of  living 492 

retail  prices  and  cost  of  living  series _.  244 

separates  from  Monthly  labor  review..  117,  623 
Cost  of  production,  see  names  of  special  articles, 

Costa.  Oscar  Machado  da: 

structural  steel  for  bridges 18 

structural  steel  for  buildings _.  216 

Costa  Rica,  foreign  trade  for  1920 892 

Costas,  Dalmacio,  v.  Philippine  Islands 370,882 

Costello,  Edward  J.,  relief 967 

Costes,  Dieudonne,  to  present  Distinguished 

Flying  Cross 935 

Costigan,  E.  P.,  index  to  Tariff  Commission 

investigation  hearings 1015 

Costigan,  John,  relief 349,851 

Costilla  Trust,  Thomas  W.  White  v 879 

Cottage  cheese,  see  Cheese. 

Cotter,  Ark.,  bridge 68.5,711,845,937 

Cottle,  G.  F.: 

appendix  abscess  versus  pyonephrosis 247 

debt  of  surgical  diagnosis  to  X  ray  (2) 49 

fractures 496,497 

Cottoid  fish,  see  Fish  and  fisheries. 

Cotton,  R.  T.,  stored-grain  pests 272 


Acala,  upland  variety  from  Mexico.. 333 

American-Egyptian  variety  in  U.  S C33 

commercial  classification 72 

consumed,  on  hand,  etc 13,79,148, 

213,  278,  337, 407,  535,  658,  792, 922, 1087 

crazy-top  disorder 9 

educational  illustrations 528,529 

forfeiture  under  antitrust  laws 687 

items  rel.  to  administration  of  act 401 

regulating  exchanges,  hearings 943,983 

regulating  exchanges,  report 943 

regulations  under  act 330 

sale  in  future  markets,  to  prevent 704 

ginned ,  from  crops  of  1927,  etc 149, 


growth  of  Gossypium  cernuum 71,  209 

Investigation  of  new  uses- 
hearings 674 

law _  801 

reports 674,836 

irrigation  of  cotton 1084 

linters,  establishment  of  standard  grades..  270 

one-variety  communities 654 

pest  in  Ariz.,  etc.,  cotton  regions 74 

prices — 

factors  affecting 648 

to  investigate  decline 836,983, 1109 

to  prohibit  predictions 546 

production  and  distribution.  1926-27 337 

rates  on....  32, 101, 165,  296, 469, 609,  734, 869, 1027 

routing  restrictions 164 

seedling  mortality 1084 

seedling  stand 1084 

shedding,  inheritance  of  rate  in  hybrid 3,  76 

standardize  bales,  etc. — 

hearings. 983, 1105 

report 983 

.standards,  administration  of  act 401 

supply  and  distribution,  1926-27 79 

weekly  cotton  region  bulletin 10, 

see  also  certain  headings  beginning  Cotton. 

Cotton  and  Tobacco  Statistics  Division 337 

Cotton-boll  weevil,  see  Boll  weevil. 
Cotton  bolls: 

decays  in  Southwestern  States 204,275 

development,  chemical  study  (2).. 1079 

Cotton-gin  operation  in  Texas,  1924-25 72 

Cotton  goods: 

case  of  N.  Erlanger,  Blumgart  &  Co.,  Inc..  860 
census  of  manufact  ures,  1 925 149 

Cotton  goods— Continued. 

fabrics  and  their  uses 924 

hospital  and  institutional  textiles... 664 

manufacturing,  wages  and  hours  of  lalsor...  116 

rates  on 101,231,469, 1027, 1117 

ship  equipment,  cotton  articles 88 

see  also  names  of  special  articles. 

Cotton  machinery,  and  Samuel  Slater 191 

Cotton  pickers,  Mexican,  malaria  among 63 

Cotton  rags  for  wiping  machinery 285 


gossypol  content,  etc 4,  71 

gossypol  formation,  chemical  study  (2) 1079 

hulls,  roughage  in  rations  of  calves. _  6.50 

industry,  rp.  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn 726 

inheritance  of  smooth  seeds  in  cotton. .  203,  209 

products,  manufactured,  etc .    13,79, 

149,  213,  278,  .337, 407,  535,  658,  792, 922,  1087 

rates  on 32,101,231,297,469,734,1027,  1117 

received,  crushed,  and  on  hand..  13,  79, 

149,  213,  278,  337, 407, 535, 658, 792, 922, 1087 
Cotton-seed  oil: 

transactions  on  future  exchanges — 

hearing 836 

report ,573 

Cotton  States  Fertilizer  Co.,  phosphates 740 

Cotton  thread,  tariff  information  survey .387 

Cotton  trade,  see  Cotton  goods. 

Cottons,  tariff  information  survey 387 

Cottontail  rabbits,  see  Rabbits. 
Cottrell,  Joseph  W.,  Lumber  Co.: 

lumber 1120 

routing 615 

Couch,  James  F.,  white  snakeroot... 269,330 

Coulbourn  Fruit  Co.,  tomatoes 173 

Coulter,  John  M.,  organic  evolution 190 

Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  bridge ___  843,958, 1101 

Council    on    Foreign    Relations,    address    by 

Secretary  Kellogg 768 


health  organization — 

in  Mississippi  Valley  after  flood 1070 

maternity  and  infancy  work 371,750 

officers,  1927 133 

officers,  1928 1070,1147 

see  also  names  of  counties. 
Country  life: 

health  service,  extent  from  1924-28 905. 1148 

health  work,  cooperative,  1927 263,513 

publications  of  interest  to  suburbanites 603 

rural  community  buildings 916 

rural  planning,  the  village 1080 

Country  schools: 

farm  seed  testing 655 

rural  school  leaflet 28 

rural  school  supervision 160 

teachers,  professional  preparation. 1113 

County  agents: 

in  flood  stricken  areas^ 

hearings 346 

law 543 

reports 417, 447 

Couplings,  for  propeller  shafting 285 

.see  also  Car-couplings. 

Cotu-sey,  Joe  B.,  to  reinstate 434 

Court  commissioners: 

fees,  etc.,  regulating  accounts 432, 1001, 1100 

register  of  commissioners,  1928 618 

salaries,  etc..  Court  of  Claims,  estimate..  .509 

to  continue  in  Court  of  Claims... 348,544 

Court  of  Appeals,  District  of  Columbia: 

calendars 1.58,356,724 

governm.ent  and  practice,  revised  rules 291 

see  also  names  of  parties  to  suits. 

Court  of  Claims 24,90,156,222, 

288,  355,  4.59,  599,  722, 858, 1016, 1110 
cases — 

calendars 157,  289,  460,  722, 859 

decided,  Feb.-June,  1927 722 

pending,  general  jurisdiction,  1927 289 

term  1925-26,  index 157 

commissioners,  estimates  for  salaries,  etc..  .509 

commissioners,  to  continue 348,544 

depositions,  instructions  for  taking 1.57 

judgments  rendered — 

which  require  appropriation 367, 1039 

year  ended  Dec.  3,  1927. 289 

sec  also  names  of  claimants. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals: 

to  change  title  of  Court  of  Customs  Appeals    561, 

boO,  ouU 

Pniirt  ftf  Cnstoras  Appeals.- --  25,91, 158,  224, 

Court  of  ^"sioms  Aj^p  .^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^ 

calendar,  1927 r"— ,7;„V I?. 

cases  adjudged,  Apr.  m6-Apr.  1927 355 

cases  adjudged  index  to  v.  1-14.  35o 

Hopi";  ons   weeklv  bl,  IJA  194,  ^Di, 

decisions.  ^  ^eK^s^ -^-^^^  ^^^  ^^^^  „^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^  ^^^ 

to  change  title _..    561,  686, 850 

see  also  names  of  firms,  etc.,  appeahng  cus- 
toms charges. 
Court  of  Customs  Appeals  reports 355 



labor  - - ft* 

pasteurization w,  lati 

)ublie  health 63,134,196,263, 

323,  391,  513,  639, 773, 905, 1070, 1148 

relating  to  Veterans'  Bur.,  1925-26 198 

registration  of  judgments,  etc 561 

see  aho  District  Courts— Juvenile  courts— 
also  headings  beginning  Court  and 
Courts— a/so  names  of  courts. 
Courts-martial  and  courts  of  inquiry: 
manual,  1928 520 

manual,  1928,  Executive  order 381 

Coast  Guard,  amendments 389,771 

naval  courts  and  hoards,  changes 495 

orders — 48,119, 

180,  246,  310,  495,  624, 752, 886, 1047 

orders,  index 1047 

Courts  of  domestic  relations: 

tribiinaes  de  relacoes  domesticas 378 

Courts  of  equity,  to  limit  jurisdiction 717,850 

Courts  of  United  States: 

bailiffs  and  criers,  to  abolish 686 

decisions — 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 727 

patents  (in  Official  gazette).  20,86, 153,219, 

283, 342,  413,  540, 663, 797, 926, 1092 

patents  (separates  from  Official  gazette)   20, 

85,   86,    153,   218,   282,   283,   342, 

412, 413, 540,  663, 796, 797, 926, 1091 

patents,  etc.,  1927 796 

forfeiture  of  vessels,  etc 962 

procedure,  to  change  in  certain  eases 561, 

686, 962 

register 242 

rules  of  practice  for  courts  of  equity __  619 

sitting  in  equity,  jurisdiction 717,850 

stenographers,  appointment,  etc 432, 1001 

see  aho  China,  United  States  Court  for— 
Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals- Court 
of  Claims— Court  of  Customs  Ap- 
peals—Customs Court— District 
Courts— Supreme  Court  of  United 
States — aho  Judges — Marshals. 

Coushatta,  La.,  bridge 348,454,544 

('oushatta  Indians,  see  Koasati  Indians. 
Coutinho,  J.  do  Siqueira,  study  of  Portuguese.  628 
Touzens,  James  (Senator  from  Mich.); 
reports  made  by- 
Education  and  Labor  Com 586,  847, 996 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 456 

tax  assessments,  to  investigate  charges 1000 

r.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue.. 1062 

C'ovelo  quadrangle,  Calif 95 

Covered  smut,  see  Smuts. 

Covert,  Roy  N.,  lightning  protection 790 

Coville,  Frederick  V.: 

aluminum    sulphate    on    rhododendrons, 

etc 189 

weeds,  how  to  control  them 146, 1084 

Covina  quadrangle  .Calif 605 

Covington  &  Cincinnati  Elevated  R.  R.  & 

Transfer  &  Bridge  Co.,  valuation.  296 
Cow,  see  Cows. 

marketing  cowpea  seed  crop 1080 

pellagra-preventive  action 196,323 

utilization 275 

Cowan.  Elizabeth  C,  Sec.  of  Treasury  vs..  356,600 
Cowanshannock  Coal  &  Coke  Co. 481 


Coward,  H.  F.: 

flame  propagation  of  natural  gas  in  air 662 

limits  of  inflammability  of  gases,  etc 539 

Cowe,  Efla,  relief 953 

Cowlitz,  Chehalis  &  Cascade  Ry.: 

bonds 297 

construction  of  extension.  _ 231 

Cowlitz  Indians: 

to  file  suit  in  Court  of  Claims — 

reports - _  681,998 

veto  message... 1055 

Cowpeas,  see  Cow-peas. 
Cowpens,  Battle  of,  1781: 

national  monument 967 

printing  certain  historical  statements 976 


assimilation  of  rations 269,270,  401 

care  at  calving  time __  .523 

feeding  of  dairy  cows 74,206,786 

improving  dairy  herds 651 

purebred  and  grade  dairy,  comparison 651 

raising  heifer. 529 

short- time  test  of  performance 203,  211 

tester's  handbook.. 401 

testing  associations  and  records 144 

testing  for  production 144,529 

udder  diseases 527 

utilization  of  grain  in  silage 203,204 

yield,  etc.,  of  milk,  effect  of  inanition.  270. 400 
see  also  Calves— Cattle. 

Cox,  Carolyn,  absenteeism  in  industry. 46 

Cox,  Earl  J.,  United  States  versus 113 

Cox,  Elbert  L.,  relief 690,1002,1094 

Cox,  H.  R.,  weeds,  how  to  control  them..  146, 1084 

Cox,  Julia  W.,  guardian.  United  States  v 113 

Cox,  O.  H.,  San  Juan  rat-flea  survey 773, 1069 

Cox,  Wesley  C,  sugar  content  of  blood  in  the 

tropics ,502 

Coxswains,  Navy  training  course 310,311 

Coykendall,  Thomas  C,  patent  appeal 282 

Coyotillo,  poisonous  plant 649 

Crabs  from  Eocene  of  Texas 767 

Cracker  Jack  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 1016 

Craig,  Charles  F.,  malarial  fevers. 779 

Craig,  Ellis  W.,  v.  United  States 289,599,746 

Craig,  William,  soil  of  Clermont  Co.,  Ohio 656 

Crail,  Joe  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
report  made  by- 
World  War  Veterans'  lyCgislation  Com.  982 

Grain,  Lewis  W.,  relief... 823 

Cram,  Eloise  B.,  nematodes  in  birds 649 

Cramer,  Leslie,  relief 445 

Cramp,   William,   &  Sons  Ship  and  Engine 

Building  Co.  v.  United  States 618 

Cramton, Louis C.  (Representative from  Mich.): 
reports  made  by  — 

Appropriations  Com 418.675 

Conference  Com 545 


canned,  discoloration  (2  entries) 3 

stop  over  in  transit  at  points  in  Texas 101 

Crane,  A.  G.,  physical  reconstruction,  etc 779 

Crane,  W.  R.,  red  iron  ore  mines. 281 

Crane  flies  from  Holarctic  region. 258 

Craney  Island,  anchorage  basin  near. 642 

Crania,  see  Skulls. 

Crappie,  protection  in  D.  C 586,  809 

Crashes,  see  Accidents. 

Crater  Lake  National  Park,  circular 1022 

Crater  National  Forest: 

boundaries 830,831,856,932 

extending  forest  exchange  act 856, 932 

Crates,  rates  on 1027 

Craven,  Thomas,  v.  United  States 746 

Crawford,  Nelson  A.,  yearbook  of  agriculture.  1080 
see   also   Information    Office,    Agriculture 

Crawford,  R.  W.,  Duluth,  Minn.,  district 517 

Crawford,  William,  v.  United  States 355,599 

Crayfishes,  genus  Cambarus 16 

Crazy-top  disorder  of  cotton 9 


cooling  cream  on  farm 331 

demand    in    metropolitan    area    of    New 

York 1080 

marketing  in  New  England 205 

rates  on... 166,609,869 



Cream  bottles,  see  Bottles. 
Cream  cheese,  see  Cheese. 

Cream  of  Wheat  Co.  v.  Fed.  Trade  Comn 92 

Creameries,  cottage  cheese  manufacture 7 


crfdito  cooperativo 252 

nonperishable  marketable  staples.  574,  944, 1099 
see  also  Agricultural  credit. 

Credit  union  loans,  why  workers  borrow 45 

Creech,  G.  T.,  Actinomyces  infection,  swine.  _  399, 

Creek  Indians: 

payment  of  attorneys 953,  998, 1099 

V.  United  States 24,355 

see  also  Five  Civilized  Tribes. 

Creelsboro,  Ky.,  bridge 932,956,990 

Creep  in  steels  at  different  temperatures 665 

Creeping  eruption,  report  of  case 49 

Creglow,  Elizabeth  R.,  library  service  in  tuber- 
culosis hospital 1070 

Creosote  oil,  rates  on 101 

Crerar  Clinch  Coal  Co.,  coal 1027 

Crescent  Bed  Co.,  beds 97 

Creston  Reclamation  Co.,  Ltd 321 

Cresylic  acid: 

costs  in  U.  S.  and  competing  country 193 

duty,  proclamation  decreasing  rates 57, 193 

Cretaceous  period: 

invertebrate  faunas  of  the  Carolinas 258 

pterosaurian  reptile  from  Oregon 1143 

scaphites 228 

Crew  Transportation  Corporation,  relief 449 

Crews,  Clarence  M.,  patent  appeal 1091 

Cricher,  A.  Lane,  transportation,  etc.,  in  U.  S.    84 
Cricket,  see  Mole  cricket. 
Criep,  Leo  H.: 

electrocardiograph  (2  entries) 1070 

primary  pleural  mesothelioma 135,324 

Criers  in  U.  S.  courts,  to  abolish 686 

Crime  and  criminals: 

bail,  to  authorize 687 

bonds  in  criminal  cases,  executing 678 

escape  from  Fed.  institutions,  penalties 431 

false  information  in  D.  C 455,  678 

fugitives  apprehended  in  D.  C 678,845,932 

warrants,  issuance  and  execution 687 

welfare  of  prisoners'  families  in  Ky 1129 

see  also  Convict  labor — Extradition — Par- 
dons— Probation. 
Criminals,  see  Crime  and  criminals. 

Cripple  Creek  &  Colorado  Springs  H.  R 113 

Crisp,  Charles  R.  (Representative  from  Ga.): 
minority  views — 

Ways  and  Means  Com 701 

Crittenden,  H.  H.,  statement 973 

Croats,  see  Yugoslavia. 
Crohurst,  H.  R.: 

ground  water  pollution 64 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  v. 

42 196 

Cronau,   Robert  T.,  relief 546,547,836,930 

Cronk,  James  W.,  report  of  floods,  1927 335 

Crook,  Mrs.  Robert  L.,  estate  p.  David  H.  Blair.  486 
Crook,  Robert  L.: 

r.David  H.  Blair 486 

r.  United  States __  113 

Crook  Son  &  Co.,  logs 474,  738 

Crop  insurance: 

"request  for  views  of  Sec.  of  Agric... 703 

to  investigate 573 


cottontail  rabbits  in  relation  to  crops 528 

crop  and  livestock  reports 270, 

329, 400,  526, 648,  784, 1080 

dry-land  crops  for  fattening  steers 271 

food  crop  improvement  results 273 

for  alkali  lands 654 

hogging  down  crops 649 

insects  injurious  to.  Govt,  pubs _._292, 1113 

paper  mulch,  crop-plant  stimulation 919 

statistics,  crops  other  than  grains 142 

weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin. —  11, 

77,  147,  212,  277,  335,  406,  534,  6-56, 
790,  920,  1085. 
yields,  simple 27 1 


Crops — Continued. 

yields,  weather  influence 790 

see  also  Agricultural  products— Rotation  of 
crops— a/.?o  names  of  special  crops. 

Crops  and  markets  (periodical) 3,71,141, 

203,  269,  399,  525,  647,  783,  915,  1079 

index  to  v.  3... 3 

index  to  v.  4_ 915 

Crosby,  M.  A.,  livestock  farming. 270 

Cross,  H.  C: 

creep  in  5  steels 665 

density  of  hot-rolled,  etc.,  carbon  steels 286 

Cross,  Whitman,  Italian  Mountain  vicinity.--  192 

Cross,  Wilhs  B.,  relief 349,591,799 

Cross-Bodine  Lumber  Co.,  lumber.. 1031 

Cross  Rip  Shoal  light,  removal  of  shoals 778 

Crosser,  Robert  (Repre-sentative  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 557,958 

Crossties,  see  Railroad  ties. 

Croton,  Iowa,  bridge 956,991,1099 

Crough,  Elena  M.,  ehild-hvgiene  program,  N. 

H 1 371 

Crouse-Hinds  Co.,  trafTic  signals  for  D.  C 156 

Crow  Reservation: 

lands  for  children  hereafter  born...  681.847,932 
road,  tribal  funds  to  pay  part  of  cost  681,  715, 801 

Crowlev,  .lohn  W.,  jr.,  twin-float  seaplane 119 

Crown  Point,  N.  Y.,  bridge...  423, 430,  .543,  544,  577 

Crown  Willamette  Paoer  Co.,  paper 107,478 

Cruceta,  Adriano,  relief 419,450,543,575 

Crude  oil,  see  Petroleum. 

Crude  rubber,  see  Rubber. 

Crumbine,    Samuel    J.,    importancia    de    un 

abastecimiento  de  leche  pura 1 135 

Crupper,  Joseph  L.,  receiver,  v.  U.  S 621 


common  species  ofWest  Indies 1060 

of  South  America 898 

Cryolite  in  1926 85 

Crystal  Mills,  Inc.,  United  States  »_ _..  304 

Crystal  River  &  San  Juan  R.  R.,  marble 106 

Crystalline  carnotite  from  Utah 320 

Cuartel  lot,  granting  to  Monterey,  Calif 978 


chart 249 

cigars,  im.portation  into  U.  S.— 

hearing 570 

report 571 

commerce 314 

light  list 538 

money-order  post  offices 254 

motor-vehicle  distribution 661 

proposals,  Internat.  Radiotelegraph  Conf__  259 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

trading  under  laws  of  Cuba 83 

urn  presented  to  U.  S.,  to  accept..  820.850, 1104 

production  in  greenhouses 788 

rates  on 297 

Cudahy  Packing  Co.: 

meat 1032 

swine 39 

Culbert,  Frederic  P.,  v.  United  States 222 

Culbertson,  Viola  E.,  agricultural  statistics 142 

Culicidae,  see  Mosquitoes. 

Culler,  S.  L.,  Lumber  Co.,  lumber. 105 

Cullins,  John  G.,  schizoid  mechanisms 392 

Culpepper,  Charles  W.: 

anthocyan  pigments  in  canning 7 1, 145 

deterioration  of  apples  in  storage 399,  631 

factors  determining  quality  in  corn 9 

Culture    series,    see    Pan    American    culture 

Culver,  J.  J.,  external  parasites  of  poultry 786 

Cumberland  River: 

Arat,  Ky 932,956,990 

Burkesville,  Kv - 932,956,990 

Burnside,  Ky.  (6  entries  in  all) .  932,  956, 991 

Canton,  Ky 424,578,668,816,841,932 

Center  Point,  Ky 032,956,990 

Clay  Countv,  Tenn 556,578,668,707 

Creelsboro,  Ky ...-  932,956,990 

luka,  Ky      424,  578, 668, 816, 991, 1099 

Neelys  Ferry,  Ky 932,9.56,991 


Index,  1927-1928 

Cumberland  Kiver— Continued, 

Kussell  ConiUy,  Ky 932, 95b,  991 

Sniilhland,  Ky....  424,578,668,816,841,932 
Stewart  County.  Tenn  556,578,673,707,801 

Wilson-Trou.s(iale  counties,  Tenn 556, 

673, 707,  801 

Cumberland-.Shenandoah  re^'ion,  apples 329 

Cumings  Brut  hers,  automobile  heaters '36 

Cununinj;s,  Herbert  \V.,  syiiliilis,  etc.,  in  N.  Y  907 
Cummins,  .\.  U.,  &  Co..  Inc.,  v.  United  States  8(9 

(-ummins,  Albert  B.,  memorial  addresses 2S7 

Cunningham,  Joseph,  relief 718.967, 1094 

Cunningham.  R.  N.,  timber-growing,  etc 2(4 

Cups.  .Iff  Turpentine  cups. 

Curbing,  rate.s  on - ;--  *™ 

Curculio,  apple,  control  by  hogs /8.J.  915 


beef  on  farm.  - *'" 

citron •'^•^ 

Curran,  Charles  .\I.,  r.  United  States 222,368 

Curran,  Maurice  J.,  David  H.  Blair  (>.._ 486 

Currant,  black,  nurse  of  blister  rust - 145 

Currency,  see  Money— ra)>er  money. 
Currency,  Comptroller  of,  xre  Comptroller  of 

Currency  Division,  see  Loans  and  Currency 

Current  River: 

bridge  at  Biggers,  Ark 683,932,991 

bridge  at  Success,  Ark 556,668,708 

Currents,   see    Electric   currents— Ocean   cur- 
Ciury,  Charles  F.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
report  made  by — 

Territories  Com -_ 445 

Currv  resort,  travelogue 1021 

Curtis,  Elizabeth  R.  (E,  p.  24,  incorrect): 

V.  United  States 24,368 

Curtis,  Fannie  C.,».  United  States 24,368 

Curtis,  Harry  A.: 

nitrogen  situation,  European  countries 288 

nitrogen  situation.  United  States 288 

Curtis,  Harvey  L. : 

absolute  measurement  of  capacitance 343 

rubber-.sulphur  compounds 155 

Curtis,  J.  G.,  Leather  Co.,  hides  and  skins 104 

Curtis,  Simon  R.,  v.  United  States 90,368 

Curtis   Bay,   Md.,   see   Coast   Guard   Depot, 
Curtis  Bay. 

Curtiss  Aeroplane  &  Motor  Co.,  Inc 166 

Curves,  see  Taper  curves. 
Cushman.  Frank: 

bibliography  on  foreman  training 1018  in  foreman  training 861 

Cushman,  Joseph  A.,  foraininifera,  Siphonina.  384 
Cushman,  R.  A.: 

ichneumon-flies 258 

three  new  parasites  of  pine  tip  moth 7 

Cuspid  teeth,  see  Teeth. 

Custer  State  Park,  lands 722,831,936 

Custodians  to  administer  oaths. _ 829,977 

Custom-houses,   see   names   of   places   where 

Customs,  see  Manners  and  customs. 
Customs  (tariff),  see  Tariff— oAw  names  of  im- 
porting companies  and  names  of  ar- 
ticles imported. 
Customs  Appeals  Court,  see  Court  of  Customs 

Customs  Bureau 904 

Customs  Court 61, 133, 

194, 261, 322, 389, 511, 637, 771, 904,  i068, 1145 

decisions,  weekly 61  132 

194,  261, 321, 388, 509, 636,  770, 902, 1063, 1145 
reports  of  Supreme  Court,  to  furnish..  432, 1001 
Customs  Service: 

administration  and  personnel 352,446 

compensation  of  certain  employees 834, 

980, 997, 1099 

free  zones  in  ports  of  U.  S 842 

list  of  districts,  headriuarters,  etc _..  904 

onths,  administration  by  officials 701,804 

transfer   of   certain   persons   to   classified 

positions 1056 

see  also  names  of  ports,  etc. 

Page       I 
Cutting,  Bronson  (Senator  from  N.  Mex.): 

reports  made  by —  ' 

District  of  Columbia  Com 712 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 856, 

857,  1012, 1013, 1014 
Cutworm  outbreaks  and  weather,  Mont.,  etc..  920 

Cuyahoga  Abstract  Title  &  Trust  Co 1018 

Cuyahoga  River,  chart 779 

Cuyler's  Harbor,  Calif.,  chart 16 

Cyanide  extraction  of  gold  and  silver 1090     A\ 

Cyclones,  see  Storms.  I| 


aircraft  engine,  fuel  injection,  etc 119 

combustion  time  in  engine  cylinder 245 

gas  densities,  effect  on  fuel  sprays 495 

Cynthiana  Construction  Co.,  demurrage 102 

Cvrtidae,  new  species  of  2-winged  flies 258 


pulmonary  hydatid  cyst 1148 

Cysts,  pith-bundles,  etc.,  in  Helianthus 494 

Cytology,  see  Cells. 


D.  A.  R.,  see  National  Society  of  Daughters  of 
American  Revolution. 

Dadisman,  A.  J.,  yield  of  apples 329 

Dahlberg,  Arnold  O.,  cottage  cheese.. _      7 

Dahlgren,  Va.,  bridge 348,454,671 

Dahlias  for  the  home 275 

Dahlonega,  Ga.,  establish  assay  office 948 

Da  Huff,  Amos,  relief 435,1002,1094 

Daily  Pantograph,  Inc.,  ;■.  United  States 175 

Daily  statement  of  Treasury,  see  Treasury. 
Daily  weather  map,  see  Weather. 

Daimonelix,  peculiar  fossil  forms  from  Md 60 

Daiquiri  Bay,  chart 182 

Dairen  Naiko,  chart 122 

Dairen  Wan,  chart 249 

Dairy  by-products,  methods  of  utilizing 74 

Dairy  calves,  see  Calves. 
Dairy  cattle,  see  Cattle— Cows. 
Dairy  Congress,  see  International  Dairy  Con- 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 6,74, 

143,  206,  272,  331,  401,  529,  651.  785, 917 

report,  1927 331 

Dairy  sires,  see  Bulls. 

appropriation  for  S.   C.   Experiment  Sta- 
hearings 346 

law 544 

report 346 

experiment  station  near  Lewisburg,  Tenn.— 

hearings 1105 

law 1099 

reports -  943,983 

handbook  of  dairy  statistics 784 

publications  for  sale  bv  supt.  of  docs 93,  726 

work  at  Woodward  Field  Station,  1921-26..  529 
see  also  Calves— Cows— Dairy  by-products. 
Dakota  Indians: 

allowance  of  Sioux  benefits 814,  932, 998 

claims  of  individuals  of  Sioux  tribe.  681,  848, 932 
monument  on  site  of  battle  with  Pawnees.  821, 

1001, 1099 
Dale,  Porter  H.  (Senator  from  Vt.): 
reports  made  by- 
Civil  Service  Com 837,985 

Commerce  Com 453, 

454,  455,  576,  577,  578,  579,  580,  581,  582, 
583,  584,  585,  586,  707,  708,  709,  710,  711, 
841,  842,  843, 844,  845, 990, 991, 992, 993, 
994, 995.  . 

Dale  County,  Ala.,  bridge 955, 1098      | 

Dallas,  Tex.: 

air  navigation  map 777 

airway  map 407 

loan  field  guns 591,690,799 

see  also  Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  Dallas. 

Dallas  Paper  Co.,  paper 36,478 

Dallas  Terminal  Ry.  &  Union  Depot  Co.,  val- 
uation  38 



Dallinger,      Frederick      \V.      (Representative 
from  Mass.): 
report  made  by- 
Civil  Service  Com 944 

statement  before  Mil.  AlT.  Com.,  H.. 973 

Dalrvmpie  Harbor,  P.  I.,  chart _._    82 

Dalton,  \V.  P.,  relief 4,10 

Daly,  John  F.,  census  of  manufactures,  1925.  _  1087 
Dam,  s(e  name  of  dam,  and  name  of  river,  or 

place  where  located. 
Damages,    for   injury    in    place   under    U.    S. 

jurisdiction,- 430,  543 

see  also  Claims. 

Damon  estate,  acquisition 823 

Dampskibsselskabet  iN'orden  r.  U.  S 290 

Damron,  Isabelle  R.,  relief 450 

Dams,  see  names  of  dams,  and  names  of  rivers, 
or  places  where  located. 

Dane,  C.  n.,Bell  Springs  dist.,  Wyo 464,863 

Dane,  Frank,  r.  United  States 42 

Danelon,  Antonio,  cases 1126 

Danenhower,  William  W.,  claim 450 

Danenhower,  Sloan,  i  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 723 

Dangers  of  Pacific  Ocean 52,53 

Daniels,  A.  M..  lime-sulphur  concentrate 051 

Danly,  E.  E.,  Northern  Pacific  land  grants 571 

Dann-Oerow  Co.,  Inc.,  bricks lllfi 

Danville,  Ky.,  see  Farmers  National  Bank. 

Danzer,  William,  &  Co.,  reconsignment 1035 

D'Anzio.  Porto,  chart 52 

Dardauelle  &  Russellville  R.  R.,  valuation 470 

Darien,  Manchuria,  Schick  test  and  diphtheria 

carriers 63 

Darling  &  Co.,  tallow 482 

Darnell,  R.  J.,  lessee  of  Batesville  Southwestern 

R.  R 364 

Darrow,  George  M.: 

blackberry  growing.. 333 

fruit  growing  for  home  use 1084 

raspberry  culture 210 

strawberries — 

culture 919,920 

everbearing 9 

sterilitv  and  fertility 9 

varieties  in  United  States 210, 1084 

Darrow,  George  P.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by — 

Xaval  Affairs  Com 442,094 

Darter,  new  genus  from  North  Carolina,. 16 

Date  palm: 

flowers,  fertilization 648,788 

in  Egypt  and  Sudan,  culture 9 

new  industrv  for  Southwest 145 

pollen,  effect  on  fruit 648,788 

Date  palm  scale,  emergency,  estimate  to  meet..  389 

Datum  planes,  tidal 214 

Daugherty,  Carroll  R..  horsepower  equipment.  728 
Daugherty,    William    T.,    (lerman    chemical 

developments  in  1927 537 

Daughters  of  America,   exempt  from  certain 

provisions  of  D.  Claw 551,995 

Daughters  of  America  at  work,  poster 884 

Daughters  of  American  Revolution,  National 
Society  of,  see  National  Society  of 
Daughters    of   .\merican    Revolu- 
Davenport,    Charles    B.,    memoir   of   A.    G. 

Mayor 494 

Davenport,  Frederick  M.  (Representative  from 
N.  y.): 
views — 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 686 

Davenport,  R.  W.,  water-power  development.  728 
Davenport,  Rock  Island  &  North  Western  Ry., 

valuation 1027 

David,  Estle,  relief 435 

Davidson,  Donald  M.,  relief 967, 1002, 1094 

Davidson,  Jehiel,  hydrogen-ion  concentration 

and  absorption  bv  wheat 204. 206 

Davidson,  S.,  <fc  Sons,  relief 450,945, 1095 

Davidson,    S.    F.,    soil    of    Yadkin    County, 

N.  C 1081 

Davidson,  W.  M.,  external  parasites  of  poul- 
try  786 

Davies,  T.  L.  (Davis,  p.  558,  incorrect): 

bridge  across  Missouri  River 558,709,802 

Davies  &  Thomas,  iron 104 


Davies,  Turner  &  Co.,  U.  S.  v 224,860 

Davis,  Dwight  F.,  see  War  Department. 

Davis,  H.  P.,  feeding  of  dairy  cows 74,786 

Davis,  H.  S.: 

Octomitus  salmonis 16 

Schizama'ba  salmonis 16 

Davis,  Herman  C,  relief 945 

Davis,  Hubert  W.: 

fluorspar  and  cryolite  in  1926 85 

iron  ore,  pig  iron,  and  steel  in  1926 217 

Davis,  James  C,  see  Railroad  Administration. 
Davis,  James  J.: 

old  age  at  50 1129 

problem  of  worker  displaced  by  machinery.  178 

science  and  the  worker  (2  entries) 623 

same  (in  Spanish) 1136 

see  also  Labor  Department. 
Davis,  John  A.,  potash  mining,  Germany,  etc.  412 

Davis,  John  E.,  athletics  for  mental  cases 640 

Davis,  John  J.,  corn  root-aphis 786 

Davis,  Joseph  D.,  coal,  spontaneous  heating...  925 
Davis,  L.  M.,  farm  animals  and  animal  prod- 
ucts  142 

Davis,  Lee  C,  relief 833,981 

Davis,  Mary  .\.,  children's  rompers. 208 

Davis,  Mary  D.: 

kindergarten-primary  education,  pubs 226 

nursery-kindeigarten-primary  education...  293 

Davis,  O.,  tartar  emetic  in  chancroid .._  887 

Davis,  R.  G.,  aviation  hvgiene 246,247 

Davis,  R.  O.  E.: 

grouping  of  soils 10 

use  of  electrolytic  bridge 211 

Davis,  W.  C: 

commercial  cuts  of  meat 329 

market  classes  and  grades  of  beef 5 

Davis,  W.  J.,  winter  field  peas 334 

Davis,  W.  J.  N.,  jr.,  nephritic  diazo  reaction...  497 
Davis,  William  II.: 

birth,  stillbirth,  etc.,  statistics,  1925 337 

mortality  statistics,  1925 658 

Davis,  William  M.,  memoir  of  G.  K.  Gilbert..  494 

Davis,  Calif.,  wheat,  inheritance  in  crosses 533 

Dawkins  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 168 

Dawson,  Cecil  F.,  patent  appeal 796 

Dawson,  J.  R.,  feeding  dairy  cows  in  summer.  206 

Day,  Edgar,  v.  United  States 114 

Day,  George  A.,  relief 967 

Day,  Preston  C,  agricultural  statistics,  1926..  142 
Day,  W.  D.  C,  abdominal  Hodgkin's  disease..  247 
Day  marks,  see  names  of  places  where  located. 

Dayman  Channel,  chart 53 

Dayton,  Ohio: 

air  navigation  map 776 

hospital  at  Soldiers'  Home 351,1005 

see  also  Wright  Field. 

Dayton  Engineering  Laboratories  Co 222, 

304,  486,  723 
Dayton  Steel  Foundry  Co 486 

deaf-mute  population  of  U.  S.,  1920 792 

hard-of-hearing  child 94 

tympanic  membrane  and  impaired  hearing.  198 
see  also  American  Federation  of  Organiza- 
tions for  the  Hard  of  Hearing — Co- 
lumbia Institution  for  the  Deaf — 
Convention  of  American  Instructors 
of  the  Deaf. 
Dean,    Arthur    L.,    iododihydrochaulmoogric 

acid 63 

Dean,  C.  P.,  editor,  naval  medical  bulletin, 

supplement 120,496,887 

Dean,  H.  K.,  work  of  Umatilla  Field  Station..     10 

Dean,  Seth,  title  to  land. 978, 1013, 1099 

Dearborn,  G.  V.  N.,    psvchometric    methods 

(Sentries  in  all) 1070,1149 

Dearborn,  Ned,  English  sparrow  as  pest 916 

Deardorff,  Neva  R.,  child  dependency,  etc 45 


accuracy  of  mortality  records 63 

bv  lightning,  rejwrt  of  case 49 

coal-mine  fatalities  in  U.  S.,  1926 282 

control  in  surgery  of  biliary  tract.. 64 

incidence  of  illness  and  death 196 

infant  mortality — 

in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  five-year  study 323 

in  nine  cities  of  U.  S 639,905 


Index,  1927-1928 


Death— Contiuued. 

infant  mortality— continued. 

mrtodos  para  establecer  las  estadis- 

ticas  de  mortalidad  infantil 501 

provisional  figures,  19:20 63 

statistics  for  registration  area,  1925 33< 

International  Typographical  Union 884 

intestinal  obstruction... --- 502 

negroes  in  U.  S.,  mortality  among 513 

same,    summary    in    public    health 

reports - ^1^ 

occupational  mortality  in  England,  etc.--  1148 

payment  of  death  benefits  in  D.  C 949,995 

State  mortality  statistics 773, 905 

statistics,  1925 -  658 

suainiary  of  i)rovisional  figures,  1926 63 

Death  camas,  see  Zygadenus. 
Debates,  see  special  subjects. 
DeBalz,  .\le.\ander,  drawings  in  La.,  1732-35..  384 

DeBellis,  Kocco,  j'.  United  States 619 

Debts,  see  Certificates  of  indebtedness— Public 

DeCamp,  John  O.,  relief 563 

Decatur,  Nebr.,  bridge 558,709,802 

Decatur  County,  Tenn.,  bridge . . .  348, 354, 455,  544 

Dechantsreiter,  Hans,  claim 385,587,800,811 

Deciduous   fruit   Paratetranychus,   see   Kuro- 

pean  red  mite. 

civil  service 89,921 

commissioner  of  patents— 

1927 796 

weekly  (in  Official  gazette) .  .20, 86, 153, 219, 

283. 342. 413,  540,  663,  797,  926, 1092 

weekly  (separates  from  Official  gazette).  20, 

85,  86, 153,  218,  282,  283,  342,  412,  413, 


comptroller  general— 

Julv,  192fi-June,  1927... 462 

July,  192G-June,  1927,  index-digest 726 

Julv-Sept.  1927,  index-digest 292 

Oct.-Dec.  1927,  index-digest 603 

Jan.-Mar.  1928,  index-digest... 1020 

concerning  contracts  and  purchases...  1068 

monthly 27, 

92, 159, 292, 358, 603, 726. 1020, 1112 
Court  of  Claims- 
cases  decided,  Feb.-June,  1927... 722 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals 61, 132, 194, 261, 

321, 388,  509, 636, 770, 902, 1063, 1145 
courts  of  United  States— 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 727 

patent,  trade-mark,  etc.,  cases,  1927 796 

patents  (in  Oflacial  gazette).  20, 86, 153, 219, 
283,  342, 413,  540,  663,  797, 926, 1092 
patents   (separates  from   Official   ga- 
zette).... 20, 85, 86, 153,  218,  282,  283, 342, 
412, 413,  540,  663,  796,  797, 926, 1091 
customs — 

Jan.-June,  1927 194 

Jan. -June,  1927,  index... 132 

July-Dec.  1927 770 

July-Dec.  1927,  index _        636 

weekly 61,132,194,261, 

321, 388, 509, 636,  770, 902, 1063, 1 145 

Customs  Court 61, 132, 194,  261, 

321, 388,  509, 636,  770, 902, 1063, 1145 

disabilities,  whether  in  line  of  duty 779 

Federal  Trade  Commission— 

V.8 159 

V.9. 602 

V.  9,  index 92 

Geographic  Board,  1923-27.. " 92 

Geographic  Board,  1927-28.  292, 462, 603, 862, 1 112 
Interior  Department- 
pension  and  retirement  claims.  159, 358, 1021 

public  lands,  v.  51 160 

public  lands,  v.  51,  index 93 

public  lands,  v.  51,  signatures  i-iii.  93 

public  lands,  v.  52,  signatures  1-12..        359 
mternal  revenue— 

Jau.-Dec.  1927 772 

Jan.-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

weekly 61, 132, 194, 261, 

T   r,   ^   o         321,388,509,636,770,902,1063,1145 

I.  C.  C.  finance  reports- 
Sept.  1926-Mar.  1927 297 

Mar.-July,  1927 73 

Decisions— Continued. 
I.  C.  C.  reports- 

Oct.-Dec.  1926 165 

Dec.  1926-Jan.  1927 165 

Jan.-Mar.  1927 297 

Feb.-Mar.  1927 297 

Apr.-May,  1927 470 

May-June,  1927 734 

June-Sept.  1927 869 

I.  C.  C.  valuation  reports — 

Oct.-Dec.  1926 231 

Dec.  1926-Mar.  1927 297 

Mar.-July,  1927 734 

May,  1927 609 

Oct.  1927 1117 

labor,  decisions  of  courts  affecting 244 

limits  of  time  for  rendering 717 

national  banks,  digest  of  decisions 61,  637 

pasteurization,  court  decisions 63,196 

pensions 159,358,1021 

index,  1927 636 

weekly.. 61,132,194,261, 

321,  388,  509,  636, 770,  902, 1063, 1145 
public  health,  court  decisions..   63, 134, 196,  263, 

323,391,513,639,773,905,1070,1148        I 
public  lands — 

v.  51 160 

V.  51,  index 93 

v.  51,  signatures  i-iii 93 

V.  52,  signatures  1-12 359 

retirement 78,159,358,1021 

Supreme  Court- 
cases  appealed  from  Ct.  of  Cls 722 

national  prohibition  act,  etc 262 

Tax  Appeals  Board  reports— 

V.  3,  index... 260 

V.4  321 

V.  4,  index 260 

V.  5 636 

V.  5,  index 387 

V.  6,  index 769 

in  pamphlet  form 60, 132, 194,  260, 

321,  387, 509, 635,  769, 901, 1062, 1144 

Jan.-June,  1927 194 

Jan.-June,  1927,  index 132 

Julv-Dec.  1927 770 

Julv-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

Jan.-Dec.  1927 772 

Jan.-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

weekly 61,132,194,261, 

321,  388,  509, 636,  770, 902, 1063, 1145 

Veterans'  Bur.,  court  decisions,  1925-26 198 

Decker,  Jacob  E.,  &  Sons,  swine 39 

Decking  (freight) : 

rates  on 869 

Declaration  of  Independence,  Senate  manual..  222 
Declaratory  decrees,  new  section  to  be  added 

to  judicial  code 431 

Decorations  of  honor: 

list  of  awards,  1862-1926 265 

officers  of  Navv,  etc.,  to  accept 441, 

595,  939, 1099 
see  also  Medals — also  names  of  decorations, 
e.  g.  Distinguished  Flying  Cross. 

De  Court,  Julian,  v.  United  States 222,879 

Decrees,  registration  in  other  courts 561 

see  also  Declaratory  decrees. 
De  Eds,  Floyd,  electrical  potential  in  living 

cells 639,905 

Deer  Flat  Reservation,  Exec,  order  revoked. .  1140 

Deer  Island,  pier  and  wharf 818, 1103 

Deer  Island  Thorofare,  chart 279 

Deer  Point,  bridge 959,994,1103 

Deer  River,  Minn.,  bridge  (in  sec.  35,  t.  144  n.,  . 

r.  25w.) 683,709,842,934   | 

Deering,  James  R.,  exr.,  v.  David  H.  Blair 224      ^ 

Defender  Manufacturing  Co.,  patent  appeal...  218 

Defenses,  see  Coast  defense. 

Deferred-payment  sales,  Indian  lands.  422,588,668 

Deflenbaugh,  Walter  S.,  city  schools 359 

Defiance,  Ohio,  Wayne  museum.. 562, 

Deficiency  appropriations  and  estimates,  see 

DeFoe,  George  L.,  British  airplanes 624 

4  De  Forest,  Sylvester,  military  record 435 




Deforest,  T.  S.,  Co.,  linseed-oil 872 

DeGarmo,  Jacob  E.,  relief 094,929,1008 

Degrees  (colleges,  universities,  etc.) ; 
to  regulate  institutions  in  D.  C— 

hearings 810 

reports.. 712,949 

DeGroot.  John,  r.  United  States 304 

Dehulling  barley  seed  to  induce  smut 399,  531 

Dehydration  of  fruits  and  vegetables 6 

DeKalb  &  Western  R.R.,  deficit  status 101 

Dc  Kalb  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 425,577,667 

Dekelbaum,  Sylvia,  compensation 416 

Delaney,  Edward,  military  record 690 

Delano,  W.  J.,  mine  timbers 476 

De  Laval  Steam  Turbine  Co.  v.  U.  S 859 


codling  moth,  life  history 529 

I>ost  route  map 630 

vegetable  canneries,  women's  employment.  117 

Delaware  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 529 

Delaware  &  Hudson  Co: 

acquisition  of  control lllS 

control  of  B.,  R.  &  P.  Ry 607 

rates  on- 
cast-iron..  _  733 

coal 1027 

slate 743 

wire.. 744 

Delaware  <fe  New  Jersey  Bridge  Corp 991 

Delaware  Bay,  light  list 795 

Delaware  County,  Pa.,  cases. 189,766 

Delaware,  Lackawanna  &  Western  R.R.: 

acquisition  and  stock  issue 869 

assumption  of  obligation  and  liability 470 

rates  on — 

blackboards 1025 

cotton  goods 469 

food 165 

reconsignment.. 109 

r.  United  States 304,368 

Delaware  River: 
Burlington,  N.  J 424,  578,  668, 683,  708 

Trenton,  N.  J 683,841,932 

WUmiugton,  Del 991 

improvement  at  Camden,  N.  J__ 831 

preliminary  examination  report .517 

Delaware  Valley  Ry.,  bonds 609 

Delegates,  see  House  of  Representatives— a?«o 

name5  of  Delegates. 
Delgado,  F.  A.,  crude  drug  industry  of  U.  S._.  661 

Deli,  Frank  C,  patent  appeal 540 

Delinquents,  see  Juvenile  delinquency. 

Delivery  charges,  Carnegie  Steel  Co 470 

Dellinger,  J.  H.,  radio  fading  measurements...  155 

De  Loach,  James  A.,  relief 548,838,929 

Del  Rio,  Tenn.,  bridge 816,842,933 

Del  Valle,  J.  A.  Lopez,  see  Lopez  del  Valle,  J.  A. 
Dementia  pra-cox: 

bladder  case  in  patient. 392 

focal  infection  of  dental  origin 264 

Deming,  William  C,  merit  system 791 

see  also  Civil  Service  Commission. 

Democrat  Printing  Co.,  paper.. 188 

Demopolis  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties...  231 
Demp.sev,  S.  Wallace  (Representative     from 
N.  Y.): 
report  made  by  — 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Com 979 


Ash,  Charles  S 101 

BartlesvOle  Zinc  Co 470 

Consolidated  Lumber  Co 734 

Cynthiana  Construction  Co 102 

Krauss  Brothers  Lumber  Co 59,  765, 1058 

Lea,  Albert,  Packing  Co 869 

LouiseU  Pine  &  Hardwood  Co.,  Inc 470 

I       Merchants  &  Planters  Compress  &  Ware- 

'  house  Co 165 

Milne  Lumber  Co 165, 1118 

Pine  &  Cypress  Manufacturing  Co 1118 

Pine  Plume  Lumber  Co 734 

Pleasant  Coal  Co 734 

Southern  Roads  Co 1027 

Turner  Lumber  d:  Investment  Co 101 

Union  Gas  &  Electric  Co 32,609 

Western  Asphalt  Paving  Corporation 1118 

Williams,  Fred  M 470 

Woodcock,  O.  P.,  Co 609 

Demuth,  George  S.: 

beekeeping  in  buckwheat  region 206 

beekeeping  in  tulip-tree  region 651 

swarm  control 206,917 

wintering  bees  in  cellars 529 

Denatured  alcohol,  see  Alcohol  (denatured). 
Deneen,  Charles  S.  (Senator  from  111).: 
minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com 850 

reports  made  bv — 

Claims  Com 450,575,705,985,987,988 

Judiciary  Com 717 

Denison,  Edward  E.  (Representative from  111.) : 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Com.  424, 
425,  426, 427, 428, 429,  555,  556,557, 
559,  684,  685,  816,  817,  819, 957. 
Denison,  Bonham  &  New  Orleans  R.  R.: 

valuation  (name  of  railroad  on  p.  613  incor- 
rect)  613 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  613 646 

Denmark,  public  health  organization 196 

Denmead,  Talbolt,  bird  protection  officials 143 

Denney,  O.  E.,  Nat.  Leper  Home,  Carville  905. 1148 
Denny,  F.  E.,  hastening  coloration  of  lemons.    74 

Denser,  Clarence  H.,  epidemic  encephalitis 514 


fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

liquids  and  ore  pulps,  determining 411 

rubber-sulphur  compounds 155 

steels,  hot-rolled  and  heat-treated 286 

Densmore,  Frances,  Winnebago  Indian  music.  898 

Denson,  Roy  L.,  Grecian,  etc.,  dentistry 640 

Dent,  E.  J.,  Detroit,  Mich.,  district 517 

Dent,  Allcroft  &  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  v 158 

Dent  corn,  see  Corn. 

Dental  Corps,  Navy,  information  circular 625 

Dental  instruments,  trade,  .\ustralia.  etc 1090 


adjunct  dental  treatment,  importance 514 

ancient  Grecian,  Etruscan,  and  Roman 640 

dental  engineering 65 

diagnosis,  dental 887,1047 

gold  inlays  by  indirect  method 135 

in  Veterans'  Bureau  general  hospital 198 

physical  exam.,  dental  observations. .  887, 1047 
see  also  Teeth. 
Denton,  Minna  C,  homemade  pectin  extracts.  208 
Denver  &  Rio  Grande  Western  R.  R.: 

bonds 1118 

rates  on — 

bricks 1116 

cement 99 

gasoline 736 

oil-well  supplies 739 

peaches 107 

Denver  LTnion  Terminal  Ry.,  valuation 102 

Department  bulletins,  see  Agriculture  Depart- 
ment— also    subjects    of   bulletins. 
Departments  of  Government  of  United  States, 

see  Executive  Departments. 
Dependent  children,  see  Children. 
De  Port,  Theo.: 

aerodynamical  balance  for  airplanes 642 

determination  of  center  of  gravity,  etc 777 

stresses  in  landing  gears,  etc 777 


alien  seamen 998 

eugenical  aspects 680 

lack  of  funds 422 

to  deport  certain  aliens 554,  G80 

Depositions,  Court  of  Claims,  instructions..  157 
Depressions,  see  Barometric  depressions. 

Depue,  R.,  relief 705 

Deputy  Public  Printer,  see  Government  Print- 
ing Office. 

De  Queen  <fc  Eastern  R.  R.,  cotton-seed 734 

Derailments,  see  Railroad  accidents. 

Derby  Oil  Co.,  lubricating-oils 1031 

Dering,  J.  K.,  Coal  Co 303 

Dermacentor  andersoni,  see  Wood  tick. 
Dermatology,  see  Skin. 

De  Ronde,  P.,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S.. 486 

DeRouen,  Rene  L.  (Representative  from  La.): 
minority  views — 

Education  Com 552 

Derricks,  rates  on 470 

see  also  Oil  derricks. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Desch,  John  M.,  household  goods --  871 

Deschutes  irrigation  project: 

hearings - «0,456 

reports 589,686 

Dcseado,  Rio,  see  Rio  Deseado. 
Pesert  lands,  see  Reclamation  of  land. 

^^Ifmrial  eazette  20, 86, 153, 219. 

offlcial  ea^e»e-283--342, 413, 54O,  663,  797, 926,  1092 

registration  of  designs 695 

Desks,  rates  on 4*0 

Des  Moines  Board  of  Trade,  grain 104 

Des  Moines  River,  bridge 956,991,1099 

Destroyers,  see  AVar-ships. 

Detmer,  Bruner  &  Mason.  Inc.,  dry-goods 297 

Detour,  Mich.,  port  of  entry,  abolishing 2oo 

Detroit,  Mich.: 

balloon  race,  Sept.  10,  1927 534 

encampment  of  Spanish  War  Veterans 674 

Health  Board- 
venereal  disease  prevalence 197 

same,  abstract,  in  pub.  health  rps.    03 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 517 

venereal  d  isease  prevalence 197 

same,  abstract,  in  public  health  reports.  63 

Detroit  &  Ironton  H.  R.,  construction,  etc 470 

Detroit  &  Mackinac  Ry.,  branch  lines —  165. 1118 

Detroit  &  'Western  Ry.,  valuation 877 

Detroit,  Grand  Haven  &  Milwaukee  Ry.: 

demurrage 11 18 

rates  on — 

beans 97 

roofing ---  1035 

relocation  of  line 870 

Detroit  Manufacturers  R.  R.,  control 609 

Detroit  Reduction  Co.,  David  H.  Blair  r« 1018 

Detroit  River: 

bridge. 932,956,991 

commerce,  1927 910 

Detroit   River  Canadian  Bridge  Co.  932.958,991 

Detroit  Steel  Products  Co 42 

Detroit,  Toledo  &  Ironton  R.  R.: 

demurrage 165 

rates  on — 

road-rollers 38 

zinc 303 

valuation 1028 

rersus  United  States 239 

Delwiler.  Samuel   B.,  black  currant  is  nurse 

of  blister  rust__ 145 

Deutsche  Bank,  First  Nat.  Bank  of  Chicago  ('-_  508 

De  Vails  Bluff,  Ark.,  water  from  White  R 573 

De  Vaney,  F.  D.,  magnetic  concentration  of 

iron  ores 281 

Devils  Basin  nil  field,  geology 94 

Devils  Lake  Reservation,  trust  period 381 

Devon,  W.  Va.; 

bridges,  construction  bv— 

Big  Sandv  &  Cumberland  R.  R 429 

Knox  Creek  Ry ,586,672 

Norfolk  <t  Western  Ry _,  586,672 

Dewar,  Margaret  M.: 

chaulmoogryl  alcohol  preparation 63 

4-ehaulnioogrylaminophenylarsonic  acid...    63 

lipase  in  blood  serum  of  lepers (i3 

plasma  proteins  in  leprosy _ __    63 

Dewberry  root  rot  caused  by  Collybia 269,  270 

Dewey.  Charles  L.,  relief '. 690 

Dewey,  (1.  W.,  source,  etc.,  of  potato  sets 532 

De  Witt  quadrangle,  Mich.. __ 162 

Dexter  ANorthern  R.  R.,  deficit  status 609 

DII-IB  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 

Diabetes  and  general  practitioner 392 


BoUz  test,  diagnostic  value 514 

carbon  monoxide  poisoning. 19 

cardiac  arrhythmias,  electrocardiogram  246,  247 

ilental 887,1047 

derinatnlogical  and  syphilogical 197,  264 

physical  (•mitinuity  of  various  depts...  1148 
pineal  shadow,  diagnostic  landmark  887, 1048 
pulinoniiry  inffiitinns,  nontuberculous  135 

sur^'ical.  debt  to  X  ray  (2  entries) 49 

value  of  blood  pressure  in  iliagnosis  392 

what  should  the  diagnosis  be? 247 

xee  n/.so  names  of  di.seases. 
Diamond  snniggling,  hearings 446 


Diarrheal  diseases,  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War.  779 
Diary  on  board  V.  S.  Philadelphia,  etc.,  1800..  497 

Diatfaea  and  allies,  American  moths 129 

Diazo  reaction,  nephritic 497 

Dice,  Marion  E..  protecting  oil  reservoirs 1085 

Dichromate,  see  Sodium  dichromate. 

Dickbrader,  J.  H.,  bridge  across  Missouri  R...  453 

Dickens,  P.  F.: 

case  of  hemorrhagic  encephalitis 497 

endarteritis,  acute,  from  electric  shock 247 

sarcoma  of  femur  (2  entries) _..  497  il 

Dickenson,  W.  O.,  receiver,  v.  Missouri-Kan-         \] 

sas-Texas  R.  R 1029 

Dickinson,  E.  G.,  Hospital  Corps  material 120 

Dickinson,  Frances  L..  relief 419,705,799 

Dickinson,  L.  J.  (Representative  from  Iowa): 
reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com 675 

Conference  Com 938 

Dickson,  H.  W.,  relief 981 

Dickson,  James  G.,  corn  resistant  to  rot 275 

Dickson,  John  D.,  receiver  of  Pittsburgh,  Shaw- 

raut  &  Northern  R.  R 170 

Dick.son,  Mary  L.,  relief 981 

Dickstein,      Samuel      (Representative      from 
N.  Y.): 
report  made  by- 
Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  680 

Dictating  machines.  Government  supplies 511 

Diederich,  Henry  W.,  relief  of  widow 713 

Diederich,  Margaret,  relief 713 

Diehl,  H.  C.  freezing  injurv  to  potatoes 210 

Diehl,  Walter  S.: 

flight  path  inclination  and  velocity 119 

range  and  endurance  of  airplanes 118, 119 

standard  atmosphere,  tables  and  data 495 

tests  on  airplane  fuselages,  etc 118, 119 

tests  on  models  of  British  airplanes 624 

Diesel  engines,  operation,  care,  and  repair..  754,  755 

and  nurse 49 

dietary  scales  and  standards 332 

dietetics — 

article  bv  M.  J.  Miney... 247 

article  by  A.  P.  Smith 247 

at  naval  hospitals 49 

in  hospitals 49 

in  institutions  and  in  field 134,  262 

same  (in  Spanish) .54 

good  proportions 1083 

lamb  and  mutton,  their  use 3:j2 

Dietrich,  Morris,  relief 833 

Digestive  tract  of  hen,  pa.ssage  of  food 4 


decisions  concerning  contracts,  etc.. 1068 

decisions  relating  to  national  banks 61,637 

geodetic  pubs.,  triangulation.  etc 793 

opinions  relating  to  Veterans'  Bureau 198 

views  regarding  venereal  disease  problems.    49 
see  also  Index-digests. 

Di  Giorgio  Fruit  Co.,  refrigeration 109 

Dikmans,  G.,  paradichlorobenzene 270,402 

Dilatation  of  stenosis  of  esophagus 887. 1047 

Dill,  C.  C.  (Senator  from  Wash.): 
paper  presented  by — 

six-year  term  for  President 353 

reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com H48 

Interstate  Commerce  Com... 999 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com.  589.  1000 

Dille,  Alvin,  forestry  on  home  woodlands 652 

Dillie,  John  L.,  granite. 104 

DilSman  Egg  Case  Co.,  egg  cases 1028 

Dimensions  for  articles  mailed  abroad 1138 

Dines,  Alta  E.,   la  lucha  famiUar  contra  la 

tuberculosis 125 

Dines,  W.  H.,  theorems  of,  note  on 405^1 

Dinitrochlorobenzol,  rates  on 60'.i  W 

Dioxide,  see  Sulphur  dioxide.  ^ 

in — 

Asbury  Park  ,N.  J.,  immunization 134 

Berlin,  increase 263 

Chicago 263 

New  York  City -  263 

United  States 263,639 

United  States  Army  in  World  War 779 

prevention  and  control "72 

Schick  test  and  diphtheria  carriers 63 




Diplomas,  see  Degrees  (colleges,  universities, 

Diplomatic  service,   xee   Diplomats — Foreign 


diplomatic  list 60, 129,  ] 92, 

2.^8,  320,  .•}S5,  507,  634,  768,  900,  1061,1143 

instructions  to  diplomatic  officers 192 

see  also  Ambassadors — Ministers  (foreign 

Dipping,  sheep  tick  eradication. 6.=)0 

Director  general  of  railroads,  see  Railroad  Ad- 
Directorates,  see  Banics  and  banking. 

aeronautics  trade  directory 1087 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 73 

Army 60,199.325,516,775,1072 

bird  and  game  protection  officials,  etc 143 

Congressional.  70th  Cong.  1st  sess 345,416 

educational  directory.  1928 727 

exporters  of  boot^  and  shoes,  etc 924 

Forest  Service 208,918 

health  officers,  etc. — 

citv  officers,  1927 196,262 

county  officers,  1927 133 

county  officers,  1928 1070,1147 

State,  etc.,  health  authorities 323,513 

laboratories,  commercial  testing,  etc.. 415 

Naval  Academy,  1927 377 

same,  changes 377 

Navy 120,247,497,888 

public  employment  offices 308, 1129 

Public  Health  Service  officers,  etc 263 

telephone — 

Navy  Department 180 

Panama  Canal. 628 

State  Department 321 

Treasury  Department 1145 

see  also  Registers — Rosters. 
Dirigible  balloons,  see  Airships. 

decisions  as  to  disabilities 779 

foreign  service  disability  system 127 

funds  for  disabled  workers 45,46 

origin  of  disability,  comments 49 

respiratory  diseases  and  disability 773. 1070 

trade-union  provision  (2  entries) 492 

see  also  Rehabilitation  of  the  disabled. 
Disarmament  Conference,  see  Conference  for 

Limitation  of  Naval  Armament. 
Disbursements,  see  Finance. 
Disbm'sing  officers: 

credit  in  accounts 570,571 

National  Guard  regulations 644 

persons  to  act  for  disbursing  officers 962 

Discharge  of  seamen,  consular  regulations..  320,900 
Discipline,  see  Military  discipline. 

Discoloration  of  canned  cranberries  (2) 3 


donations  for  ascertaining  cause,  etc 993 

epidemiological  reports,  review 134. 

190,  263,  323,  513,  639 

incidence,  according  to  age 1070 

incidence,  sex  dillerenee* _.  1070 

prostate  and  seminal  vesicles,  disease 1070 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 27, 727 

rare  skin  disease,  case  report 264 

skin  diseases  in  U.  S.  .\rmy  in  World  War.  779 
see  also  Medicine — Sicknes.s — aha  names 
and  classes  of  diseases. 
Diseases  of  animals: 

control 273 

convention  between  U.  S.  and  Mexico 1060 

(cows,  udder  diseases 527 
poultry 271 

poultry,  research  into  causes. 573, 943 

sheep 650 

swine 73 

see  also  names  of  diseases. 
Diseases  of  plants: 

enfermedades    de    las    legumbres    en    la 

America  tropical 1135 

garden  vegetables 76 

quarantine  against  plant  diseases 4 

solanaceous  p!ants,virus  disease  study. .270,  400 

Diseases  of  plants— Continued, 
special  plants — 

ginseng 333 

mushroom  diseases  and  their  carriers..  532 

onion  diseases  and  their  control.. 788 

raspberries  and  blackberries 655 

rose,  causes  and  control 655 

strawberries  on  market. __ 76 

sweet-corn,  seed  treatments... 78:1,919 

see  also  names  of  diseases. 

Disert,  Nell  I.,  hospital  housekeeping 49 

Disinfectants,  smut  control 210 

see  also  names  of  disinfectants. 

Dispatch,  U.  S.  S.,  loan  or  gift  to  Fla 457, 

566,  668 

Dispensaries  for  venereal  diseases 64, 197 

Dissertations  (academic): 

American  doctoral  dissertations,  1926,  etc..  885 
Distillation,  see  Wood  distillation. 
Distilled  spirits,  see  Liquors. 

Distilling  plants,  operation,  care,  etc 753,  755 

Distinguished  Flying  Cross: 

for  foreign  aviators  (S.  42.3.5) 851,966 

to  present  to  Ehienfried  G.  von  Huenefeld, 

etc 823,935 

Distinguished-Service  Cross,  awards 265 

Distinguished-Service  Medal,  awards 265 

District  attorneys,  Canal  Zone,  leave 188 

District  Courts: 

appeals  in  Alaska,  Hawaii,  etc 430, 800, 850 

common-law  actions,  rules 590,  850 

decisions,  limits  of  time 717 

in  Arkansas- 
court  in  El  Dorado 431,  .543 

transfer  Ashley  County 962 

in  California — 

boundaries  of  divisions 962 

in  Colorado — 

rules  in  bankruptcy,  etc 114,877 

in  Indiana — 

new  judicial  district 561,  .590.932 

in  Iowa — 

notice  to  the  bar 304 

in  Kentucky- 
rules -  879 

in  Minnesota — 

rules 619 

in  North  Carolina — 

court  in  eastern  district 932,962 

term  of  court  at  Bryson  City GS6,  932 

in  Ohio — 

rules  of  practice 114 

in  Oklahoma- 
detach  Okfuskee  Co.  from  n.  district. .  431 

690,  932 

term  of  court  at  Durant 962 

in  Panama  Canal  Zone- 
rules  relating  to  clerks  of  court 505 

in  Tennessee — 

rules 114 

standing  orders _._  114 

in  Texas — 

new  division 962,1099 

rules 746 

transfer  Hardeman  County. 962 

in  Virginia — 

bankruptcy  rules 619 

rules 619 

judgments  rendered 367,1039,1042 

jurisdiction,  limiting 717 

see  also  Judges— also  names   of  parties   to 

District  of  Columbia 26,  91, 158,  224,  290, 

356, 461,  600,  724, 800, 1018, 1111 
acts  of  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.  affecting  D.  C  _  26 
appropriations,  1927  and  1928 — 

est  i  mates 1064 

appropriations,  1929 — 

estimates 771, 1064 

hearings 547,837 

law..      .     932 

reports 547,704,939 

Aqueduct  Bridge,  repairs 642 

architects,  examination,  etc 586,949,1099 

Army  officers  stationed  in  or  near 66,  265, 

393,  908 

bank  deposits  in  names  of  2  persons 551, 

845,  932 


Index,  1927-1928 



District  of  Columbia-Continued. 

bathing  pools,  construction '^Vo^  oaq 

black  bass,  further  protection 5°"'*::!^ 

bonds  in  criminal  cases,  executing.- --  b'O 

builflinps,  height,  etc.,  when  near  park mi 

chattel  mortgages, 7U 

civil  air  field,  acquisition,  etc... ^4^ 

claims  to  be  settled  by  commissioners. .  -  -  -»10. 

845,  949 
code  of  laws  and  supplements  to  print 964, 

Congressional  Cemetery 9^7 

crime,  false  information  regarding 455,  6/8 

degree-conferring  institutions- 
hearings 810 

reports 712,949 

descent  and  distribution  of  property 551 

divisions,  etc.,  of  government- 
assessor,  estimate  for  office. 1064 

assessor,  report,  1927 356 

auditor,  report,  1927 .--.  356 

commissioners,  compensation  of  assist- 
ants to  engineer 845,949 

commissioners,  report,  1927 290 

commissioners,  salaries 845,949 

corporation     counsel,     to     administer 

oaths 586,  678 

Court  of  Appeals,  calendars...  158,  356,  724 

Court  of  Appeals,  revised  rules 291 

Education  Bd.,  liability  of  members..  949. 


Education  Bd.,  report,  1927 356 

Engineer  Dept.,  report,  1927 356 

Fire  Dept.,  report,  1927 356 

Fire  Dept.,  salaries 551 

riealth  Dept.,  report,  1927 356 

Home  for  Aged  and  Infirm,  hospital...  846 

Insurance  Dept.,  report,  1927 356 

Juvenile  Court,  report,  1927 1111 

Playgrounds  Dept.,  report,  1927 3.56 

Police  Dept.,  cases 861 

Police  Dept.,  report,  1927 356 

Police  Dept.,  salaries 551 

Police  Dept.,  Woman's  Bur 679,846 

Public  Library,  report,  1927 291 

Public  Utilities  Comu.,  report,  1926...  158 
Public  Welfare  Bd.,      Child      Welfare 

Division 771 

Public  Welfare  Bd.,  report,  1927 356 

Supreme    Court,    additional    justice, 

hearing 963 

Supreme    Court,    additional    justice, 

reports 963, 1001 

Supreme  Court,  fees  of  clerk...  431,  717,  801 

ta.\  collector,  report,  1927 356 

traffic  director,  report,  1927 356 

Weights,  etc.,  Dept.,  report  1927 357 

documents  and  debates  relating  to 159 

Dunbar  High  School,  drill  grounds,  etc...  1064 
employees — 

compensation  for  injuries 91 

ofDcial  register,  1927 149 

farmers'  market  site- 
hearings 810,846 

letter  from  commissioners 356 

minority  views 551,846 

report  by  Bureau  of  EflJciency 551 

reports  of  committees I.  421,  551,  846 

statements  relative  to  3  sites.  551 

fiduciary  obligations 678, 845, 932 

finances,  report,  1927 _  356 

fiscal  relations  with  United  States..  'noo 

food  distribution  district,  relocation 950 

fraternal  beneficial  associations- 
juvenile  insurance 949,995, 1099 

payment  of  death  benefits 949,  995 

free  textbooks,  etc.,  in  schools 950,996 

fugitives  ap[)iehended,  detention. .  678,  845, 932 
assist  subcommittee  investigating 416 

hearings  on  investigation 156 

see  alio,  above,  divisions,  etc.,  of  gov- 
highways,  use  of  U.  S.  land...  995 
hydroelectric  power  at  Great  Falls- 
hearings 712 

report --'."::::."::::::  846 

District  of  Columbia— Continued, 
insurance  code,  to  provide— 

hearings 995 

report 55 1 

juries,  separation  in  felony  cases 810 

kidnapping,  penalties  for 846 

acquisition  for  park  purposes 949,996 

assessed  for  benefits,  notice _.  810, 

950,996,1099    a 

condemnation  proceedings 949  I 

mail  trains,  schedule 127,  254,  380, 895, 1139  " 

maps  and  charts — 

air  navigation  maps 776 

aviation  chart 121 

post  route  map 630 

topographic  map 294 

market  on  Pa.  ave.  to  be  discontinued — 

hearings 1108 

reports 696,855,977 

marshal's  fees 431 

memorial  bldg.  as  tribute  to  negro 696, 1001 

memorials,  see  name  of  memorial,  or  name  of 
person  in  whose  honor  memorial  is 
merger  of  street  railway  corporations- 
agreement  between  corporations 861 

hearings... 950,996 

report 950 

military  roads,  policing 1003 

minors,  to  regulate  employment..  551,845, 1099 
monuments,  see  name  of  monument,   or 
name    of   person   in  whose  honor 
monument  is  erected. 

national  representation,  hearing 820 

Navy  and  Marine  Corps  officers  in  D.  C . .  3U 
operators'  permits  for  Govt,  vehicles.  586, 810 

osteopathy,  to  regulate  practice 679 

park  along  Potomac  River 712 

park  police,  manual  for 188 

park  police,  salaries 586,  679, 803 

park  regulations,  1927 188 

practice  of  healing  art,  to  regulate 810, 846 

prize  fighting  and  boxing  contests — 

hearing 430 

report 995 

public  buildings,  to  acquire  sites- 
estimates 509,902 

law 416 

reports 352,416 

public  school  system,  survey  report 725 

public  utility  companies,  reports,  1926 447 

public  utility  companies,  reports,  1927 835 

quarters  for  chief  of  naval  operations..  974, 1008 
quarters  for  U.  S.  Internal  Revenue  Bur. .  510 

real  estate,  purchase  and  condemnation 830 

reformatory,  working  capital 771 

rehabilitation  of  disabled  residents — 

hearing 811 

report 950 

reinterment    of    bodies,    St.    Francis    de 

Sales  Church. 810,845,1095 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district _.  517 

streets,  etc. — 

1st  street,  claims  for  subsidence 455, 

678, 801 

14th  street,  e.xtension,  etc 996 

Lincoln  road,  conduit  across..  712,  810, 1099 

Railroad  ave.,  to  change  name 810, 

996, 1099 

vacating  alley  in  square  1083 845 

students  at  University  of  Maryland 811 

taxes,  assessment  and  collection 712,996 

teachers,  salaries 950, 

tornado  of  May  14,  1927 77 

tornado  of  Nov.  17,  1927 534, 

traffic  and  motor  vehicle  regulations 91 

urn  presented  to  U.  S.,  erection. .  820,850, 1104 

usury,  to  amend  code  of  laws  of  D.  C 810 

vagrancy,  define  and  punish... 950 

Washington  Aqueduct  and  filtration  plant.  642 

water  supply,  increasing 642 

Western  Market,  improvement,  etc 810 

what  is  happening  to  mothers  and  babies?.  622 
work  of  Nat.  Capital  Park,  etc.,  Comn. . .  1106 
workhouse,  working  capital 771 




District  of  Columbia— Continued, 
workmen's  compensation — 

hearings. 712.  846 

law 932 

reports 811,846.950 

rules  governing  self-insurance 1111 

sec  also  name^  of  associations,  conferences, 
District  of  Columbia  Committee,  House: 

hearings 156,810,846,9.50 

minority  views 551 

reports 421,  551, 678, 679, 809, 810, 811, 949,  950 

work  of  Nat.  Capital  Park,  etc.,  Comn...  1106 
District  of  Columbia  Committee,  Senate; 

calendar,  legislative 586,  712, 1 109 

hearings 712,846,995,996 

minority  views 846 

reports 465,  586,  711,  712,  845,  846,  99.5,  996 

Disulphide  of  carbon,  see  Carbon  disulphide. 
Diver's  paralysis,  see  Caisson  disease. 
Dividends,  see  Stocks. 

Divine,  Paul  E.,  appointment 350,544 

Diving  dutv,  pay  of  Navy  personnel . .  595,  695,  803 

Divorce  statistics,  1926 922 

Dix,  Camp,  areas  restored 896 

Di.xie  County,  Fla.,  bridge 710,819 

Dixie  Creameries,  Inc.,  ice 737 

Dixie  Oil  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 619 

Dixon,  Frank,  relief 720,826,929 

Dixon,  H.  M.: 

farm-management  extension,  1914-24 917 

method  of  analvzing  farm  business 74 

Dixon,  111.,  bridge 428,  544,  584 

Dobbin,  C.  E.: 

Bell  Springs  district,  Wyo 464,863 

Gillette  coal  field,  Wyo 161,863 

Dobler  &  Mudge,  paper  towels 383 

Dobson  Lumber  Co.,  relief... 676 

Doctors,  see  Physicians — Surgeons. 
Documented  vessels,  see  Merchant  marine. 
Documents,    see    Congressional    documents — 
Government      publications — Mili- 
tary publications. 

Documents  Division,  Librarv  of  Congress 47, 

118. 179,  309,  373, 49.3, 624,  752. 885,  1046 

Documents  Office 27,9.3, 1.59. 

225,  292, 358, 462,  603,  726, 862, 1020, 1112 

report,  1927 727,862 

Dodder .531 

Dodge,  B.  O.: 

aseomycete  Neurospora 204,  333. 647,  78S 

diseases  of  raspberries  and  blackberries 655 

red  bread-mold  fungi 4,  76 

Dodge,  John  F.,  r.  United  States 222 

Dodge,  Matilda  R.,  admr.,  v.  United  States.. _  222 

Dodger  series.  Children's  Bureau 308, 1044 

Dogo,  see  Ogi  Island. 

black  tongue  of  dogs 513,773,905, 114S 

breeds  of  dogs 916 

sheep-killing  dogs 1080 

tapeworm  larvae  experimentally  reared.  269,330 

Dolese  Brothers  Co.,  stone 111 

Dollar  Savings  and  Trust  Co.,  exr.,  patent 218 

Dolomite,  rates  on 32 

Dolores  River  waters,  consent  to  compact 960 

Dombris,  Norman,  relief 967 

Domeratzky,  Louis,  internat.  cartel  movement.  1089 

Domestic  Commerce  Division ^  216,340,409 

Domestic  science,  see  Home  economics. 
Domestics,  see  Servants. 

Dominica,  money-order  post  offices 254 

Dominican  Customs  Receivership 1074 

report,  1927 1074 

Dominican  Republic: 

claim  for  death  of  Juan  Soriano 386,  813, 937 

commerce,  1927 1074 

foreign  trade,  1926 55 

Dominick,  Fred  H. (Representative  from  S.  C): 
minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com 561 

report  made  by  — 

Judiciary  Com 963 

Donelsou,  Fort,  battle  field  park 349,718,801 

Dong  Bow  Hee,  alias,  see  Hee,  Charley. 

Doniphan  f^ounty,  Kans.,  bridge 347,454,544 

Donisi,  Joseph  D.,  relief 419 


Donnell-Zane  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 368 

Donnelley,  John  P.,  v.  United  States..  239,304,486 

Donnelly,  Mary  E.,  appointment 764 

Donnelly  &  Co.,  relief 705 

Doors,  rates  on 16,5,470,609 

Dope  (aircraft): 

Air  Corps  technical  order 66 

Doran,  William  L.: 

acetic  acid  as  soil  disinfectant __.  783,915 

tobacco  and  brown  root  rot 783,915 

Dorchester  Bay,  report  on  survey 042 

Dorrance,  Katharine,  grains. 142 

Dorsey,  John  A.,  Myra  C.  Eill  v 224 

Dorsey,  N.  Ernest,  lightning 147 

Dorsey,  William  R.,  relief 554,840,930 

Dotson,  Wilham  H..  relief 435.929,  1003 

Doty,  F.,  naval  medical  supply  depots.... 887 

Douglas,  E.  M.: 

leveling 161 

transit  traverse 228 

triangulation 161 

Douglas.  Louis  W.  (Representative  from  Ariz.): 
minority  views — 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 686 

reports  made  by — 

Public  Lands  Com 444,570 

Douglas  County,  S.  Dak.,  soil  survey 146 

Douglas  fir: 

growth,  remeasurement  on  sample  plots..   783, 


timber  growing  and  logging  practice 8, 274 

Douglas  0-2E-1  airplane  wing,  see  Airfoils. 

Doullut  &  Williams  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 355 

Dourine  of  horses 527 

Dow,  Frank  P..  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  v 461 

Dow  Pump  and  Diesel  Engine  Co.  v.  U.  S 1016 

Dowdell.  R.  L.,  comparative  tests  of  rail  steel.  665 
Dowell,  Cassius  C.  (Representative  from  Iowa): 
report  made  by — 

Roads  Com 832 

Dower,  James  J.,  relief 823 

Downing,  C.  U.,  &  Son,  coal 296 

Downs,  The,  chart 51 

Doxey,  Josephine,  relief 450 

Doyle,  Alexander  C,  relief. 823 

Doyle,  C.  B.,  Acala  cotton  from  Mexico 333 

Doyle,  Crawford,  v.  United  States 175 

Dozier,  H.  L.,  white  fly  attacking  citrus 3,72 

Drafting  supplies  for  Government.. 511 

Drag,  see  Aircraft— Airplanes. 

Drag-bars,  see  Drawbars. 

Dragons  Mouths,  see  Bocas  de  Dragos. 

Drain-tiles,  rates  on 1028 


of  irrigated  farms 276 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  93, 1020 

run-off  from  small  agricultural  areas 3,  77 

Drainage  districts,  organization,  etc 211 

Drake,  J.  A.,  corn-belt  farming  system 649 

Drake  Produce  Co.,  potatoes 479 

Dramatic  compositions: 

copyrighted. . .  118, 179,  309, 373, 493,  623,  752,  885 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926 245 

Drane,  Herbert  J.  (Representative  from  Fla.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com.. 566,826,828 

Draper,  W.  F.,  preventive  medicine 196,263 

Dravo  Contracting  Co.,  bridge 425,580,669 

Drawback  on  tobacco,  etc.,  exported. 1147 

Drawbars,  standard  height. 1118 


by  A.  DeBatz,  in  Louisiana,  1732-35 384 

by  John  Webber  of  .\merican  natives,  1778.  767 

copyrighted 47,179,373,1046 

copyrighed,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

in  Freer  Gallery  of  Art,  list 767 

Drayage  charges,  absorption  by  Southwest  Mis- 
souri R.  R 102, 1028 

Dredging  machinery,  rates  on 102 

Dresses  for  httle  girl 1083 

Drewett,  T.  E.,  bran  impaction 1149 

Drewry,  Patrick  H.  (Representative  from  Va.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 442,566,828,974,975 

Dreyer   Commission   Co.   v.    Arnold  J.    Hell- 

mich 368 

Dreyfus,  Henry,  patent  appeal 109 1 


Index,  1927-1928 


Dreyfuss  Dry  Goods  Co.  r.  D.  Arthur  Lines..  486 
Dried  fruit:  ,  .„     ^    ,.  ,„„ 

industry,  educational  illustrations S29 

rates  on - "'■^ 

ue  alxo  names  of  fruits. 
Dried  milk,  see  Milk. 

DrigKS.  Louis  L..  receiver,  p.  U.  S -ioS 

Driggs  Ordn;ince  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 335 

Drilling  in  open-cut  copper  mines.. _19 

Drills,  ship  and  gunnery,  Navy '5b 

Drinking  water,  see  Water. 

Drisco  Shoal,  chart... 7/9 

Driskill,  David  D.,  v.  United  States 1040 

Drop  Forging  Institute,  see  American  Drop 

Forging  Institute. 
Drowning,  avoidable,  some  observations  (2) . . .    48 

Drug  addiction: 

as  seen  in  U.  S.  marine  hospitals 905, 1147 

establishment  of  2  narcotic  farms 963 

Drug  and  Insecticide  Administration,  see  Food, 
Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administra- 

census,  1925,  drug  industries,  etc 79 

crude  drug  industry  of  United  States 061 

food  and  drugs  act- 
notices  of  judgment 208, 

332, 402,  530,  787, 1082 

notices  of  judgment,  index 272 

regulations  for  enforcement 208 

Government  supplies 511 

markets  for  prepared  medicines ._    18 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  does 27,727 

traiOc  in  dangerous  drugs,  192(V27 512 

ste  also  Narcotics — also  names  of  drugs. 
Drunmiond's  Island,  see  Tapeteuea. 
Drums,  see  Barrels. 
Drunkenness,  see  Alcoholism. 

Dry  Canyon  (luadrangle,  Calif. 729 

Dry  cells,  see  Electric  cells. 
Dry  farming: 

settlers'  progress  in  eastern  N.  Mex 329 

wheat  in  Columbia  and  Snake  R.  basins...  271 
Dry  farming  stations,  see  names  of  stations. 

Government  supplies 511 

rates  on _.  297 

Drv-land  crops,  see  Crops. 

Dry  Valley  Road,  paving 967,1003 

Dryden,  Ilugh  L.,  pressure  over  airfoils...  119, 179 

Dryden,  Tex.,  air  navigation  map 776 

Dubinski,  Benjamin,  v.  United  States 157,243 

Du  Hois,  Eugene  F.: 

respiration,  pt.  1  (2  entries) 497 

same,  pt.  1,  continued,  and  pt.  2..  887, 1048 

DuBose,  William  G.,  admr.,  v.  U.  S. 240 

Dubuque  &  Sioux  City  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Duck  (textile): 

cotton  duck,  elimination  of  waste 343 


raising _ 205 

wild-duck  foods 785 

Ducote,  Charles  II.,  electric  fan  markets 661 

Dudley,  J.  E.,  jr.,  potato  leafhopper 74 

Dudley,  John  (J.,  reinstatement. 1056 

Dudlo  Manufacturing  Corporation,  wire 1125 

Dufly,  Martin  L.,  relief 435 

Du  Hamel,  Notley  Y.,  Charleston,  S.  C,  dist    517 
Duisberg,  Carl,  Synthetic  Patents  Co.,  Inc.,  v.    78 

Dulaney,  John  \V.,  bridge 957,1101 

Duluth,  Minn.: 

bridge 424,453,578,068 

Federal  building,  to  transfer...  829,855,932,977 

granti  ng  easement _ .  929, 855, 937. 977 

marine  commerce  report 642 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district ]  517 

Duhilli  and  Suiiorior  Bridge  Co 428,584,67,' 

iniluih,  .Mi.ssahe  A  Northern  Ry.,  potash.         740 

Duluth  .-^hip  Canal,  bridge 424,453,578,668 

Duluth,  South  Shore  it  Atlantic  Ry.: 

ahandoninont  of  Bessemer  branch 735 

abauilonrneut  of  Republic  branch 1118 

Duluth  Union  Depot  &  Transfer  Co.,  valua- 

„      ,        ^   lion 364 

Dunbar,  R.  C,  relief _ 550 

Dunbar,  W.  Va.,  bridge. 957, 1100 


Dunbar  &  Sullivan  Dredging  Co..  222, 289,  304,  746^ 
Dunbar  &  Wausaukee  Ry.,  deficit  settlement.  47^ 

Dunbar  High  School,  drill,  etc.,  grounds 106 

Dunbeath  Harbor,  Scotland,  chart 18 

Duncan,   Charlotte,   leather  work   in  mental 

hospital __  514 

Duncan  Passage,  chart _ )8l 

Dunham,  Kcnnon: 

address  to  Medical  Council 64 

nontuberculous  lung  infections 135,197    d 

Dunkers,  census,  1926. 1087    ■ 

Dunkin,  Harvey,  relief 419    ^ 

Duulap,  Maurice  P.,  relief 553,9^9 

Dunlap,  William  A.,  markets  for  windmills. . .  340 
Dunleith  &  Dubuque  Bridge  Co.,  valuation....  364 
Dunlop,  J.  P.: 

gold  and  silver  in  1925 217 

gold,  silver,  etc.,  in  Eastern  States,  1928 217 

secondary  metals  in  1926 539 

silver,  copper,  etc.,  in  Central  States,  1926.  412 

Dunn,  A.  Henry,  surgery  of  biliary  tract 64 

Dunn,  E.,  ground  water  pollution 64 

Dunn,  Giles  P.,  jr.,  relief 834 

Dunnage  allowances,   Edward  Hines  Yellow 

Pine  Co 470 

Dunnage  and  bracing,  David  Berg  Industrial 

Alcohol  Co 1118 

Dunnam,  E.  "W.,  dispersal  of  boll  weevil..  648,917 
Dunnewald,  T.  J.,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis.     789 

Dun's  international  review,  reprint  from 314 

Duodenum,  see  Intestines. 

Duplex  Printing  Press  Co.. 108 

Duplicating  machines.  Government  supplies..  511 

Dupo  Bridge  Co. ,  bridge 817, 842,  934 

Du  Pont,  .\melia  E.,  refund  of  estate  tax 4.50 

Du  Pont,  Eugene,  exr.,  refund  of  estate  tax 450 

Du  Pout  de  Nemours,  E.  I.,  &  Co 97 

Du  Puy,  Amy  H.,  v.  United  States 599, 1017 

Du  Puv,  Herbert,  v.  United  States 599. 1017 

Duquesne,  Pa.,  bridge 558,710.803 

Duralumin  channels,  compressive  strength 909 

Durand,  W.  F.: 

air  propellers  and  airplane  structures 119 

air  propellers  in  flight  and  wind  tunnel 119 

tests  on  Navy  type  model  propellers  (2) 119 

see  also  Colorado  River. 

Durant,  Okla.,  term  of  court 962 

Durgin,  Casper  M.,  Ist-order  traverse  manual.  338 

Durham,  N.  C.  port  of  entry 1056 

Durham  &  Southern  Ry.: 

rates  on  rails 1035 

valuation, 1118 

Durum  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Dussome,  Carl  J.  R.,  Kiowa  Res.  lauds 848, 

953, 1095 

control  in  grain  elevators 650 

health  of  workers  in  dusty  trades 1069,  1148 

see  also  Chemical  dust — Flue  dust. 
Dusting  mixtures,  changes  during  storage..  648,  786 
Dutch,  see  Netherlands. 
Dutch  East  Indies,  see  Malay  Archipelago. 

Dutch  Guiana,  commercial,  etc.,  survey. 280 

Duties,  see  Tariff. 

Dutton,  W.  M.,  &  Sons  Co.,  Inc.,  steel 743 

Dwan,   Ralph  11.,  workmen's  compensation 

laws 751 

Dwarf  lemon,  see  Lemon. 
Dwellings,  sec  Housing. 

Dyar,  Harrison  G.,  moths 129 

Dyeing,  sec  Dyes  and  dyeing. 

Dyer,  .4nita  W.,  to  pay 826,929,1008 

Dyer,  Elmer  C,  v.  George  A.  Stauffer 175 

Dyer,  Helen  A.,  arsphenamine-sodium  thio- 

sulphate dS  ^ 

Dyer,  Leonidas  C.  (Representative  from  Mo. ):  Mi 

reports  made  by—  ^ 

Judiciary  Com .-.   348, 

430,  431,  432,  561,  562,  686,  687 
Dyer,  R.  E.: 

scarlet  fever  prevention  and  control 513,039 

scarlet  fever  streptococcus  antitoxin 1 148 

Dyer,  William  L.,  to  pay  mother 826,929, 1008 

Dyer  &  Co.  r.  United  States... 157,486 

Dyer  Brothers,  oil-well  machinery 739 

Dyersburg  Milling  Co.,  misrouting 233 



Dyes  and  dyeing: 
census,  1925 — 

dyeing  establis!iiuenl,s.._ _  149 

dyeing  textiles 148 

natural  dyestuffs 14 

census,  192(5 — 

dyes 260 

see  also  Coal-tar  colors. 
Dyestuffs,  see  Dyes  and  Dyeing. 

Dyke.  C.  G.,  pericarditis  with  effusion 247 

Dykstra.  J.  W.,  &  Co.,  coal 008 

DjTiamometer.  measurement  of  engine  power..  1 19 
Dysentery,  amoebic,  and  endamoebic  carriers..  888 


E-Z  Opener  Bag  Co.: 

lime 872 

reconsignment 742 

wood 40 

Eagle  Cotton  Oil  Co.,  coal 869 

Eagle  Indemnity  Co.  r.  United  States... 619 

Eagle  sandstone  cephalopod.';  in  western  U.  S.,  227 

Eagle  Transport  Co.,  Ltd.,  relief 713,812,929 

Eagles,  Nicholas  I-.  (Niciiols,  p.  000,  incorrect): 

rs.  United  States.- _.  356,  fiOO 

Bales,   E.   N.,  wind  tunnel  test  of  airplane 

model 909 

Ear,  local  anesthesia 246,247 

see  also  Deafness. 

Earhart,  Will,  music  in  platoon  schools 226 

Earhart,  William,  relief 349 

Early  man,  see  .\nthropology. 
Earnings,  see  Wages. 
Earnshaw,  Frank  L.: 

fur  laws  for  season  1927-28 205 

game  laws,  1927-28. 73,272 

Ears,  see  Deafness — Ear. 

Earth,  underground  communication 796 

see  also  World. 

Earth-current  meter,  applications 220 

Earth  walls,  see  Walls. 

cause,  especially  of  those  of  eastern  V.  S  _  _.  190 

seismologica!  reports.  _ 150,  536 

Earworm,  see  Corn  earworm. 
East  (Far  East),  see  Far  East. 
East  (Near  East),  see  Near  East. 
East  (U.  S.): 

earthquakes,  cause 190 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc,  1926 217 

hay  stackers,  how  to  use  to  save  labor 649 

spray  irrigation 146 

winter  wheal  varieties 1084 

woodchuck  control 650 

East  .Mburg.  Vt.,  bridge 682,931,990 

East  Broad  Top  R.  R.  &  Coal  Co.,  valuation..  470 

East  Carolina  Rv.,  valuation. 471 

East  Chicago,  Ind.,  bridge 424,579,668 

East  Dundee,  111.,  bridge.. 957 

East  Fayu  Island,  chart 51 

East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.,  bridge 428,584,671 

East  Indies,  see  Malay  Archipelago. 

East  Pass,  e.xamination,  etc.,  of  channel 909 

East  Tawas,  .Mich.: 

addition  to  Beal  Nursery- 
hearings 674 

reports 674,983 

Easter  lilv,  in  northern  climates 404 

Easterly.  Lewis  H..  relief 349,799,851 

Eastern  National  Forest  District 531 

Eastern  States,  see  East  (U.  S.). 

Eastern  Steamship  Lines,  Inc.,  burlap  bags...  1025 

Eastman,  George: 

calendar  reform,  importance  to  business 124 

same  (in  Portuguese) 252 

same  (in  Spanish) 124 

Eastman  Kodak  Co.,  Federal  Trade  Comn.  v..  462 

Eastport,  Miss.,  markers  for  battle  field 435 

Eaton,  H.  N.: 

superheat  meter  for  airships 344 

use  and  testing  of  sphygmomanometers 221 

Eberlin,  George  C..  Missouri  River  bridge 453 

Elbert,  E.  ('.,  gonorrheal  oi>hthalmia 497 

Eblin  &  Co.,  cotton-seed.*     231 

Kchinoidea.  see  Sea-urchins. 
Echo  Dam: 

high  pressure  emergency  gates... 7:30 

specifications,  schedules,  etc 162 


Echols,  Jerry  L.,  r.  United  States 1126 

Eckerman,  W.  E.,  Bennie  Marks  r.. 224 

Eckman,  James  R.: 

gases  in  metals 344 

sulphur  trio.xide  in  sulphur  dioxide 22 

Economic  circular,  Fisheries  Bureau 660,924 

Economic  geology,  see  Geology. 
Economic  waste: 

soflsmas  economicos  derrotistas 892 


trabajo    consultivo    economico    para    Ids 

gobiernos 314 


budget 339 

foreign  trade  for  1925  and  1 926 1 24 

Eddy,  Charles  F.,  relief 946,986,1095 

Eddy,  Charles  G.,  claim 450 

Eddy,  Elizabeth  B.,  claim 450 

Eddy  Paper  Corporation,  coal 468 

Edgar  Estates  Corporation  ^'.  U.  S._ 222,619 

Edge,  Walter  E.  (Senator  from  N.  J.): 
reports  made  by — 

Banking  and  Currency  Com 574,984 

Finance  Com 997 

Interoceanic  Canals  Com 456,849 

Edgerton  &  Beers,  Inc.,  watermelons 40 

Edgerton  Manufacturing  Co.,  baskets 1025 

Edinburg,  Miss.,  bridge 958,1102 

Edison,  Thomas  .-\..,  medal 809,984,1104 

Edison,  Thomas  .\.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 42 

Edier,  George  C,  seed  marketing  hints 72 

Edmunds,  Eugenia  H.,  exr.,  v.  V.  S 176 

Edmundson,  W.  C,  source,  etc.,  of  potato  sets.  532 
Educa?H0  serie,  see  Education. 
Educacion  serie,  see  Education. 

children,  celebrating  their  successes 27 

directory,  1928 727 

educacao  serie 124,501,628,893, 1136 

educacion  serie 55. 124, 

252, 314, 378,  501,  628,  761, 893, 1052 

education  series 760.761, 1136 

la  educacion  publicaenlos  Estados  Unidos.  252 

same  (in  Portuguese) 501 

Navy  courses  for  advancement  in  rating...  120, 

180.  -247 

Navy  training  courses 49, 120, 121, 180, 

247, 248, 310,  311, 888, 1048, 1131, 1132 

announcement 1131 

parenthood,  in  home  economics  depts 93 

pubhcations — 

current  educational  publications...  160, 359 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  decs 462 

health  education 463 

rural  education,  progress  in  192.5-26 28 

see  also  .\dult  education — Commercial  edu- 
cation—Elementary education — 
Military  education — Physical  edu- 
cation-Secondary education — 
Technical  education — Vocational 
education — also  Intelligence  tests — 
Rehabilitation  of  the  disabled — 
Schools,  and  references— aZso  special 
subject,  e.  g.  Medicine. 
Education  and  Labor  Committee,  Senate: 

reports.. 586,847,996 

Education  Board,  District  of  Columbia: 

liabilitv  of  members 949,99.") 

report,"l927 356 

Education  Bureau 27,9.3,160,226, 

293, 359, 463,  603,  727, 863, 1021, 11 13 

publications  available 94, 728 

report,  1927 359 

Education  Committee,  House: 

hearings 552,811,1106 

minoritv  views 552 

reports 552,679,811,950 

Education  Department,  to  create,  hearing 1106 

Education,  Pan  Pacific  Conference  on,  see  Pan 
Pacific  Conference  on  Education, 
Rehabilitation,  Reclamation,  and 
Educational  motion  pictures,  see  Motion  pic- 

Educational  review,  reprint  from 761,893 

Edward  Hines  Junior  Hospital,  contracts 982 

Edwards,  Alba  M.,  marriage  and  divorce.  1926.  922 


Index,  1927-1928 

Edwards,  Charles  G.  (Representative  from 
minority  views— 

Koads  Com --  '^i^ 

Kdwards,  Edward  I.  (Senator  from  N.  J.): 
report  made  by— 

B:\nkingand  Currency  Com -  574 

Edwards,  Eugenia,  allowances  unpaid 981 

Edwards,  J.  Harrington,  atty.,  Sec.  of  Interior?).    26 

Edwards,  John  D.,  relief  of  widow 676,929,986 

Edwards,  John  II.,  jr.,  v.  Norfolk  &  Western 

Ry 115 

Edwards,  M.  J.,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis.-.  789 

Edwards,  Mrs.  M.  M.,  relief 676,929,986 

Edwards,  Mary  S.:  .    ^  .     .. 

venereal  disease  prevalence  m  Detroit 197 

same,  abstract,  in  public  health  reports.    03 

Edwards,  Robert  O.,  relief 967,1003,1095 

Efficiency  Bureau 357,725 

farmers'  produce  market  in  D .  C 551 

report,  Nov.  192G-Oct.  1927 357 

salaries,  etc.,  draft  of  legislation 1064 

traffic  signals  for  D.  C 156 

Egan,  Patrick,  relief... 705 

Egan,  Peter  J.,  relief 946 

Egerman  Bay,  chart 626 

Egerton,  K.  A.  H.,  British  market  for  hosiery.     18 

Egg  cases,  rates  on 735, 1028 

Egg  Island,  chart 53 

Eggerss-O'Flyng  Co.,  boxes 98 

Eggners  Ferry,  bridge 429, 

585, 672, 819,  844, 936 

cod  eggs  in  Massachusetts  Bay,  1924-25 536 

marketing 5 

rates  on 471, 1028 

utilization  of  calcium  compounds  by  hens.  783, 

Egley,  Charles  A.,  bridge  across  Missouri  R...  453 

chart 312 

date  culture 9 

trade  financing  and  exchange 84 

Egyptian  cotton,  see  Cotton. 

Egypti>in  Powder  Co.  freight  rates 297 

Eichenlaub,  F.  J.,  dermatological  and  syphilo- 

gical  diagnostic  work 197,264 

Eigenmann,  Carl  H.,  fishes  of  Chile 493 

Eight-liour  laws,  see  Hours  of  labor. 

Kimer,  John,  relief  of  heirs 548,929.986 

Eisenhower,  Milton  S.,  utilida  de  la  radiotele- 

fonia 55 

Eklutua,  Alaska,  land  for  Education  Bur 380 

El  .\iaish,  Morocco,  see  Larache,  Morocco. 

Elaterite  on  public  domain,  disposition 567 

Elbe  River,  chart. 1050 

Elbow  fractures,  tourniquet  splint 887 

F;ibow  Passage  chart _ 659 

VA  Dorado,  Ark.: 

Chamber  of  Commerce- 
paper 36 

court.. 431,543 

Eldorado  Refining  Co.,  gas  oil 472 

Eldred,  Pa.,  bridge _._ 816,990,1098 

Eldredge,  Inman  F.,  management  plans,  with 

reference  to  national  forests 531 

Election   of    President,    Vice    President,    and 
Representatives  Committee, House: 

hearings _  421,552,950 

,    reports _. ._.  421,552 


case  of  James  M.  Beck ._ 552,679 

corrupt  practices  act,  to  extend. __ 850 

documents  and  debates  relating  to 159 

nominations  for  office,  to  regulate 1107 

relation  to  postal  employees. 629 

Senatorial  campaign  expenditures- 
hearings 455 

reports 455_  7^2 

see  also  Contested  elections. 
Elections  Committee  No.  1,  House- 

reports.... 552,679 

Elections  Committee  No.  2,  House: 

hearings 552,679 

report 679 

Elections  Committee  No.  3,  House: 

case  of  Taylor  v.  England 679  811 

report 'gn 

Page    J 

Electors  for  President  and  Vice  President:  I 

meeting,  issuance  of  certificates,  etc 552,    " 

950, 1011, 1102 

publishing  ascertainment 510 

Electric  apparatus  and  appliances: 

Air  Corps  technical  order. 66 

appraisal  of  Government  property.  566, 8.53, 932 
case     of    Trumbull- Vanderpoel     Electric 

Manufacturing  Co 319 

census,  1925 79 

electric  equipment,  export  from  Germany..  794     i 

electric  propulsion  installations 754,755     I 

glossary  of  electrical  terms 794 

Government  supplies 511 

marketing  electrical  equipment- 
Argentina 537 

Brazil 17 

British  market... 1090 

Chile 280 

Colombia  and  Venezuela 151 

India 216 

Irish  Free  State 537 

Japan 83 

Mexico ._.  339 

Peru 151 

southern  Wales 409 

western  Europe 795 

rates  on  electric  appliances 870 

see  also  Radio  apparatus  and  appliances — 
also  name  of  special  apparatus  or 

Electric  batteries,  specification 343 

Electric  bridges,  use  for  determining  soluble 

salts 211 

Electric-cars,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 81 

Electric  cells,  specification 343 

Electric  conductors: 

current  distribution  in  supraconductors 87 

Electric  currents: 

earth-current  meter 220 

generator  for  aud  io  currents 665 

high  frequency,  action  upon  tissue  cells 905 

supraconductors,  current  distribution 87 

Electric  fans,  markets  of  the  world 661 

Electric-furnace  cast  iron 538 

Electric  lamps: 

incandescent.  Government  supplies 6.38 

incandescent,  specifications 414 

Electric  machinery: 

census,  1925 79 

British 1090 

Irish  Free  State .537 

southern  Wales 409 

Electric  motors  and  motor  control  panels 625 

Electric  potential  in  living  cells 639,905 

Electric  power: 

production  of  electricity,  1919-26 728 

reports  of  Federal  Trade  Comn..  726, 1020, 1112 
Electric  railroads,  see  names  of  railroads,  etc. 

Electric  Reduction  Co.,  C.  G.  Lewellyn  v 239 

Electric   safety   code,    see   National   electrical 
safety  code. 

Electric  shock,  acute  endarteritis  from 247 

Electric  Short  Line  Terminal  Co.,  valuation. __  735 
Electric     washing     machines,     see     Washing 

Electric  wire,  standards  for  (Spanish  transla- 
tion)     17 

Electrical,  see  Electricity— o7so  certain  headings 

beginning  Electric. 
Electrical   Engineers,   American  Institute  of, 
see  American  Institute  of  Electrical 

Electrical  Equipment  Division 17,83,151, 

216,  280,  339,  409,  537,  794,  795,  1090 
Electrical     Manufacturers'     Association,     see         Ai 
National  Electrical  Manufacturers'        H 
A.ssociation.  " 


Navy  training  course 311, 1131 

to  be  appointed  to  grade  of  ensign  in  Navy.  694 
Electricidad  en  America  (magazine): 

article  reprinted  from _. 55 


electrical  standard  series 17, 18,84 

indeterminateness  of  electric  charge 343 

light  and  power  in  Hawaii 445,598,668 



Electricity— Continued. 

publications  for  sale... _ 226, 1113 

rubber-sulphur,  electrical  properties 155 

see  also  Static — also  certain  headings  begin- 
ning Electric. 

article  on 120 

cardiac  arrhythmias,  electrocardiogram  in 

diagnosis 246,  247 

construction,  etc.,  of  electrocardiograph  (2 

entries) 1070 

Electrode       potentials,       oxidation-reduction 

studies 906 

Electrolysis  testing 285 

Electrolytic  bridges,  see  Electric  bridges. 

Electron  equilibria,  biological  systems 639,905 

Elementary  education: 

kindergarten-primary  education,  pubs 226 

nursery-kindergarten-primary  education...  293 
Elephant  Butte  Irrigation  District: 
payments  on  irrigation  project- 
hearing... 1000 

law 1102 

reports 961, 1000 

Elephant  hunt,  continuing 898 

Elevators  (aircraft): 

hinge  moments  of  control  surfaces. 310 

Elevators  (grain),  see  Grain  elevators. 

Elias,  O.,  &  Brother,  logs 738 

Elimination  of  waste 21,284,343,344, 

414,  415,  542,  664,  665,  666,  798,  928 

Eliot,  Charles  W.,  2d.  statement 1106 

Elizabeth  Island,  transfer  to  Interior  Dept 763 

Elizabeth  River,  channel  in  west  branch 1073 

Elizabeth  Sprague  Coolidge  Foundation 886 


winter  feed  facilities 697, 931, 1012 

Elk  River: 

bridge 424,578,668 

examination,  etc 1073 

Elk  River  Coal  &  Lumber  Co.,  coal 468 

Elkin  &  Alleghany  R.  R.,  guaranty  status 297 

EUay  Co.  v.  Frank  K.  Bowers 1126 

Elliott,    Charlotte,   bacterial  stripe   blight  of 

oats.. 399,532 

EUiott,  E.  M.: 

bridge  across  Ohio  River 427,  583.  670 

Elliott,  E.  M.,  and  Associates,  Inc.: 

bridge  across  M  issouri  River 558 

bridge  across  Ohio  River 427,710 

Elliott,  James  I.,  r.  Treasurer  of  U.  S 175 

Elliott,  Malcolm,  New  Orleans,  La.,  district- .  518 
Elliott,  Richard  N.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 416,545 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com._  352, 
443,  696,  697, 829,  830, 977 

Elliott   Fuel    Co.,    coal 1027 

Ellis,  Abraham  M.,  v.  United  States 859,879 

Ellis,  N.  R.,  soft-pork  investigations 650 

Ellis  Bay,  chart 53 

Ellsberg,  Edward,  recognition  of  service 974 

Ellsworth,  C.  E.,  surface  water  supply 1022 

Ellsworth,  Lincoln: 

medal  of  honor 841,964,1095 

V.  United  States 1110 

Elm,  Chinese,  in  American  horticulture 145 

Elmer  Candy  Co.,  Inc.,  cases. 1040 

Elmhurst  quadrangle,  111. 1114 

El  Oriente,  steamship,  claim 749 

El  Paso,  Tex.: 

air  navigation  maps 776 

bridge 348,454,544 

EI  Paso  and  Juarez  Traction  Co 348,454,544 

El  Paso  County  Water  Improvement  District  1: 
payments  on  irrigation  project — 

hearings. 1000 

law.... 1102 

reports 961, 1000 

El  Paso  Electric  Co.,  bridge 348,454,544 

El  Sol,  steamship,  claim 749 

Elsworth,  R.  H.: 

agricultural  cooperative  associations 526 

agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 

Eltinge,  Richard  L.,  schizoid  mechanisms 392 

15950—29 5 


Ely,  C.  F.,  outbreak  of  scarlet  fever 49 

Ely,  Constance,  appointment 764 

Ely,  Richard  S.,  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  decisions.  159, 


Ely  &  Walker  Dry  Goods  Co.  v.  U.  S 1126 


history _ 120 

technique 496 

Embassies,  see  Foreign  service. 

Embezzlement,  substitution  of  "I  O  U's" 894 

Emergency  hospitals,  Navy,  hutment  type 887 

Emergency  ofiQcers'  retired  list: 

law.... 1098 

minority  views.. 701 

reports 446,457,701,979 

veto  message 1055 

Emerson,  F.  C,  see  Colorado  River. 

Emerson,  T.  H.,  Mobile,  Ala.,  district 518 

Emery  River,  bridge 816,841,932 


statistics  in  Monthly  labor  review 751 

Emigration  and  Immigration  Conference,  see 
International  Emigration  and  Im- 
migration Conference. 

Emley,  Thomas  N.,  relief. 833,981 

Emley,  W.  E.,  manufacture  of  lime 286 

Emmons,  S.  F.,  Leadville  mining  district 29 


in  pyschotic  patients,  Pressey  test 907 

influencia  en  la  formacion  del  caracter 124 

same  (in  Portuguese) 628 

Empire  Refineries,  Inc.: 

gasoline - 611 

lubricating-oils 872 

Employees,  see  Civil  service  pensions — Govern- 
ment officials  and  employees— In- 
dustry—Labor — Railroad  employ- 
ees— Safety  of  life — also  names  of 
Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  where 

Emplovees'  Compensation  Commission 91, 


estimate 1064 

report.  July,  1926-June.  1927 357 

repre.sentation   in   cases   under   longshore- 
men's, etc.,  compensation  act..  688, 937 

Employers,  incidental  cost  of  accidents 117 

Employers'  liability  and  workmen's  compen- 
accident  compensation  in  D.  C. — 

hearings 712,846 

law 932 

reports 811,846,950 

rules  governing  self-insurance 1111 

conflict  of  laws,  workmen's  compensation.  751 

industrial-accident  problem 492 

legislation  of  1927  (2  entries) 492 

longshoremen's,  etc.,  compensation  act — 

opinions  approved 291,  601 

right  of  workers  to  compensation 601 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

relation  to  vocational  rehabilitation 725 

United  States  Government- 
civilian  employees 497 

compensation  act,  as  amended 91 

laws,  compilation 287 

workmen's  insurance  and  compensation 

series 751 

see  also  Employees'  Compensation  Com- 
Employment  agencies: 

activities  of  State,  etc.,  services 45,116, 

244, 308, 491, 622,  750, 883, 1044, 1129 
directory,  public  employment  offices.  308, 1129 
Employment  and  unemployment: 

Americans  in  the  Far  East,  employment-   151 

employment  prospects 244,372 

in  Baltimore,  unemployment 751 

in  Europe,  unemployment  (3  entries  in  all)  751, 

industrial   employment   information    bul- 
letin  45,116,177,244 

308, 372,  491, 622, 750, 883, 1044, 1129 
legal  tender  money  to  employ  unem- 
ployed .  .  --  944,1106 


Index,  1927-1928 


Employiuont  and  uupmployment-Continued. 

national  forests,  employment  mformation    402 

selected    industries,    employment    45, 116,  l/S, 

244,  308,  372,  491,  751,  883, 1044, 1129 

.statistics  of  unemployment,  analysis 996 

to  stabilize  employment.- ---- 845 

trade-unions  and  unem!)loyment  (2) /5i 

unemployment  and  part-time  employment, 


Kraployment  omcesViee  Employment  agencies. 
Employment  ServMce.-...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

estimate,  1929 ;;-,^?? 

posters....... 883,1044 

Empyema,  thoracotomy,  end  results. iv^ 

Emulsions:  ,  ,  ,„„_ 

lubricating-oil,  San  Jose  scale  control 108^ 

petroleum-oil  emulsion  toxicity 6 


rates  on - '^^^ 

slips  controlling  consistency 285 

Enameled-ware,  rates  on -  870 

Encarnacao  Anchorage,  chart 249 


hemorrhagic,  neoarsphenamine  poisoning..  497 
Encephalitis  lethargica: 

diagnosis,  chronic  epidemic  encephalitis...  514 

in  V.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

treatment 49 

Elndamnebic  carriers  and  amoebic  dysentery. . .  888 

Endarteritis,  acute,  from  electric  shock 247 

Endeavour  Strait,  chart 53 

Enderby  Islands,  see  Puluwat  Islands. 
Endicott,  Louise,  Kahn and  Wassermaun  tests..  514 
Enemy  property: 

Kloz,  Louis  F 504 

Lippe,  Caroline,  Countess  Zur 1139 

Zedtwitz,  Waldemar  C.  von 1055 

releases  arranged  by  U.  S.  and  Gt.  Brit...  1143 
sequestrated,  and  payment  of  mixed  claims.  769 
settlement    of    claims- 
estimate 903 

hearings. 586 

law 668,834 

reports 352,545,586 

taxes,  computing,  collecting,  and  paying...  1146 
Enemy  Property  Custodian,  see  Alien  Property 

Enemy  trade,  see  Trading  with  the  enemy  act. 

Garabed,  free-energy  generator .566, 1010 

net  value  in  corn  silage,  etc 3 

net  value  of  corn  to  chickens 3,4 

Engano  Island,  chart ,500 

Engineer  Corps,  Army: 

correspondence  course... 66 

orders  and  regulations,  changes 778,910 

rank,  duties,  and  addresses... 26.5,909 

regulations 198 

Engineer  Department,  Armv 66, 137, 199,  265, 

325,  394,  516,  642,  778,  909, 1073, 1151 

report,  1927 394 

salaries,  OfTice  of  Chief  of  Engineeers 1065 

Engineer  Department,  District  of  Columbia: 

report,  1927 356 

Engineering,  see  Marine  engineering— Steam 

Engineering  Branch,  Forest  Service 145 

Engineering  Bureau,  Navy  Dept 119,180,246, 

310,  374, 496,  624,  753, 886, 1047, 1131 

report,  1927 374,753 

Engineering  Standards  Committee,  see  Ameri-' 
ican  Engineering  Standards  Com- 

Engineering  supplies  for  Government 511 


basic  training  manual  for  Nat.  Guard 326 

<letail  to  Latin  America 854 

fleet,  etc.,  assignment 566,853,935 

see  also  Engineer  Corps,  Army. 

approved  type  certificates 1086 

centrifugal  type  injection  valves 47 

cleaning  fluids,  inflammation  tests 137 

combustion  chambers,  performance 624 

noinlnistion  lime  in  engine  cylinder 245 


Engines — Continued, 
aircraft— Continued . 

friction 47 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

fuelinjection,  and  compression  ignition.  119 
fuel  injection,  spray  penetration,  etc..  1046 

fuel  sprays,  apparatus  for  studying 495 

measurement  of  engine  power  in  flight.  119 

normal  and  high  air  temperatures 495 

overcompressed  engine  using  gasoline..  495     g 

power  output  and  air  requirements 119     I 

supercharger.  Roots  type 47,1046     " 

supercharging  air-cooled  engine 752 

technical  order.  Air  Corps 136, 137 

technical  regulations 324 

test  engine,  N.  A.  C.  A 119 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 80 

see  also  Diesel  engines— Locomotives. 

England,  Charles  H.,  v.  United  States 306 

England,  E.  T.  (Representative  from  W.  Va.): 
contested  election- 
arguments 679 

letter  from  clerk  of  House 346 

report 811 

England,  see  Great  Britain. 

Engle,  Earl  T.,  crayfishes  of  genus  Cambarus .     16 
Englebright,   Harry  L.   (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com 554,555,815,9.54 

Public  Lands  Com 568, 

569, 697, 831, 977,  978 

Englehart,  G.  A.,  v.  Mexico. 130,193 

English  Channel,  lights,  etc 121 

English  Road  chart 249 

English  sparrow  as  pest 916 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

supplies  for  Government 390 

Engraving  and  Printing  Bureau 389,  511,  771 

report,  1927 389 

unclassified  laborers  in  rag  laundry 1140 

Enid  Milling  Co.  v.  United  States 304 

Enlarging  Capitol  Grounds,  Commission  for, 
see  Capitol  Grounds,  Commission 
for  Enlarging  of. 
Enlarging  Capitol  Grounds,  Commission  on, 
see  Capitol  Grounds,  Commission 
on  Enlarging. 
Enlisted   men,   see   Army— Marine    Corps- 
Navy— oi«o  certain  headings  begin- 
ning Pay. 
Enlistment,  see  Recruiting  and  enlistment. 

Ennis,  C.  C,  azimuths  of  celestial  bodies 311 

Ennis  Coal  Co.  c.  United  States 486 

Enoch,  William  T.,  relief 419,929,986 

Enochs  Lumber  &  Manufacturing  Co _.  169 

Enslow,  L.  H.,  sewage  chlorination 134 

Enterprize  Box  Co.,  lumber ". 738 

Entomology,  see  Insects. 

Entomology  Bureau 7,  74, 144,  206, 

272, 331, 402, 529, 651,  786, 917, 1081 

posters 402 

report,  1927.. 273 

see  also  Marlatt,  C.  L. 
Entomology  Congress,  see  International  Con- 
gress of  Entomology. 

Enuresis 308 


distinctive  design  for  air  mail 894  • 


Government    departments,    proposal, 

etc 1139 

Government  Printing  Office,  contracts .  726 

postal  service,  proposal,  etc -  762 

letters  in  business  reply  envelopes 1136 

rates  on 471,  609 

special-request,  local  address  on 502 

stamped,  manufacture  and  sale lOH 

stamped,  redemption 894 

stock  catalogue  and  price  list,  G.  P.  O 27 

windows  of  window  envelopes 21 

Enzymes  produced  by  Bacterium  pruni...  203,209 

Eocene  period,  crabs  from  Texas 767 

Epes,  Ala  : 

bridge,  highway 429,672,711 

bridge,  railroad 429,455,585,672 





sun  and  Polaris,  1927 _..  227 

sun  and  Polaris,  1928 293 

see  also  American  ephemeris  and  nautical 
Epidemic  encephalitis,  see  Encephalitis  lethar- 

Epidemics,  see  Contagious  diseases— Diseases— 
also  names  of  diseases. 

Epiglottis  retractor 1149 

Epilepsy,  fits  and  mental  symptoms--. 1070 

Epstein,  J.,  vibratory  sensibility 1070,1071 

Epworth  Heights,  Mich.,  chart 520 

Equal  rights  of  women,  see  Women. 
Equipment  and  Supplies  Division.  Post  OlBce 

Dept 503,630,763, 10;.4 

Equipment  Branch,  .\ ir  Corps 642,  777 

Equipment  trusts,  see  names  of  railroads,  etc. 
Equipments,  see  Army  .supplies. 

Eciuitable  Trust  Co.  of  New  York 174 

Equity,  see  Courts  of  equity. 

Erickson,  Ethel,  women  in  vegetable  canneries.  117 

Erickson,  Jennie  v.,  patent  appeal...     342 

Ericsson,  Herman  C,  r.  Ignited  States.- 746 

Erie  &  Michigan  Rv.  &  Navigation  Co 471 

Erie  Bolt  &  Nut  Co.,  iron 871 

Erie  Railroad: 

bonds 102 

coal 231 

control  by  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Ry 1118 

equiiiment,  construction  and  repair 102 

equipment  trust 165,471 

rates  on^ 

basket  hoops -.-  1025 

coal 734 

fruit  wrappers 103 

iron 1030 

manures 105 

marble 475 

rayon 480 

silicomanganese 1036 

wood-pulp 40 

reconsignmen t 742 

switching  charges 876 

valuation 735 

Erie  Terminals  R.  R.,  valuation- 735 

Erlanger,  N.,  Blumgart  &  Co.,  Ine 860 

Ernest,  L.  B.,  tuberculin  testing  of  livestock. .  785 
Ernst,  Frank  A.: 

a*^mospheric  nitrogen  fixation... 350 

nitrogen  situation,  European  countries 288 

world's  inorganic  nitrogen  industry 350 


shore  lands,  protection 990 

soil,  national  menace 785 

Erwin,  G.  H.,  Cape  Mala,  Republic  of  Panama.  496 
Escambia  County  ,.\la.: 

bridge  across  Conecuh  River 423, 577, 667 

Escambia  Countv,  Fla.: 

bridge  acro,ss  Perdido  Bay 843,959,993,1102 

bridge  across  Santa  Rosa  Sound  .  959,994, 1103 

Escanaba,  Mich.,  port  of  entry,  abolishing 255 

Escanaba  &  Lake  Superior  R.  R.,  notes 735 

Esch,  John  J.,  member  of  I.  C.  C 716 

Eskimo  of  western  .\laska 898 

Eslick,  Edward  E.  (Representative from  Tenn.) : 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com... 550 

War  Claims  Com 570 

Esmeralda  formation  flora  in  Nevada- 385 

Esophagus,  cicatricial  stenosis 887, 1047 

Espy,  Douglas  B.,  relief 946 

Essential  oils: 

census  of  manufactures.  1925 79 

e.xtracting  volatile  oils  from  plants,  etc 655 

Establishnent  funds  for  disabled  workers 45,46 

Estabrook,  William  H.,  relief 563 

Estate  tax,  see  Inheritance  and  transfer  tax. 

Estates  of  citizens  dying  without  U.  S 192,900 

Esters,  see  Ethyl  esters. 

Estes,  William,  military  record 563 

Estey,  William  H.,  funeral  expenses,  etc 416 

Estimates  of  appropriations,  see  Appropria- 
tions— Budget— o;.«o  special  subjects 
of  appropriations  or  Department  or 
bureau  submitting  estimates. 



Fox,  contributions... ^ 191 

Indian  ethnological  research — 

estimate 903 

hearing 688 

law 802 

reports 688,715 

Ethnology  Bureau 191 

see  also  Fewkes,  J.  Walter. 
Ethyl  esters: 

chaulmoogra  oil 502 

iododihydrochaulmoogric  acid 63 

Etna  &  Montrose  R.  R..  valuation 2.32 

Etruscan  dentistry. 640 


Cummins,  Albert  B. 287 

Flahert  v,  Lawrence  J 287 

Fuller,  Charles  E 221 

Ladd,  Edwin  F 287 

La  Follette,  Robert  M 221 

McKinlev,  William  B 287 

Raker,  John  E 287 

Eupatorium  urticaefoHum.  see  White snakerool. 

Eureka  Hill  Ry.,  deficit  status 609 


agricultural  survey 400,648 

American  automotive  products 660 

American  battle  fields,  guide 78 

cemeteries,  mothers,  etc.,  to  visit.  564,692, 1005 

chart 889 

corn  borer,  controlling  factors 917 

currency  and  finance 1C07 

early  man,  field  studies,  1927 898 

foot-and-mouth  disease  control 1080 

foreign  service  officers  o£U.  S 1056 

industrial  electrical  equipment  markets 795 

motion  pictures- 
industry  in  1927 795 

market  in  Central  Europe 84 

short  subject  film  market 339 

motor  vehicles,  installment  selling 925 

nitrogen  situation 288 

radio  markets,  conditions... 152 

tax  and  corporation  law 538 

tool  markets 538 

unemployment  (3  entries  in  all) 751 ,  884 

European  corn  borer: 

bibliography... 1082 

controlling  factors  in  Europe 917 

eradication  or  control — 

control  compaign  report 647 

estimate 1066 

hearings 546,806 

law .--■-.  1099 

reports 806,836 

farm  practices,  corn-borer  conditions 400 

imported  parasites 207 

present  status 207 

quarantine,  notices 4,72,141,400 

scouting,  quarantine,  etc 331 

European    larch    canker,    investigation    esti- 
mate  1066 

European  red  mite: 

control  experiments 402 

taxonomic  status  of  Paratetranychus  „ .  648,917 
European  War,  1914-1918: 

-American  battle  fields,  guide.. 78 

foreign  relations  of  United  States 1061 

Medical  Department  of  U.  S.  Army...  138,779 

money  cost  to  U.  S.  Government 769 

see  also  special  subject,  e.  g.  Monuments 
and  memorials. 
Eurytoma  parva,  parasite  of  wheat  jointworm.      7 

Eustis  Fort,  area  restored 382 

Eustis  National  Forest,  order  rescinded 382 

Evangelical  Synod  of  North  America,  census.  1087 
Evans,  Isabel  P.,  bibliography  of  George  F. 

Becker 493 

Evans,  John  M.  (Representative  from  Mont.): 
reports  made  by- 
Indian  AlTairs  Com 081 

Public  Lands  Com 697 

Evans,  L.  IL,  Bordeaux  mixtures 919 

Evans,  W.  E.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Allairs  Com 442,695,974 


iNDEX,  1927-1928 


Evau!i  MUllng  Co.  r  United  States -----  619 

Kvansville,  Ind.  bridge 684,817,9iM 

Kvaporiiti'd  apples,  see  Aj^ple. 
Kvaporateil  milk,  see  Milk. 

Evaporation  in  the  Southwest -ii- 

Kve,  .\.  S.,  geophysical  methods  of  prospect- 

ing - 3^' 

Evening  schools,  see  Schools. 

Evens  i  Howard  Fire  Brick  Co.,  bricks 732 

Svenson,  O.  L.,  coal-tar  food  dyes — ---  530 

Everett,  Ouerra,  .■\merican-Cuban  commerce--  _^83 

Everett  Harbor,  Wash.,  chart 793 

Everlastik,  Inc.,  p.  United  States -  289 

Evidence  in  prohibition  cases,  admissibility.--  562 

in  pocket  gophers  of  California - 190 

of  stars - - 191 

organic,  history 190 

Euing,  n.  E.: 

iegs,  etc.,  of  arthropod  gi-oups_ ---  89s 

scorpions  of  western  U.  S.  and  Mexico 1143 

Ewins,  Paul  A.,  pumping  for  irrigation ."iSS 

Ewing,  .'^.  P.,  soil-corrosion  studies 1093 

Ex-Cel  Uattery  Works  v.  United  States—.  157,239 
E.\-servico  men,  see  Veterans,  and  references. 
Examination,  see  Physical  examination. 

Naval  Academy,  admission -.  120, 1132 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service,  entrance...  11, 

see  also  headings  for  classes  of  persons  for 
which   civil   service   examinations 
are  held,  e.  g.  Postmasters. 
Examiners    Board    of    Foreign    Service,    see 
Foreign  Service  Board  of  Exam- 
Examinijig  surgeons,  see  Surgeons. 

Excavating  machinery,  rates  on 735 

Excelsior,  Government  supplies 62,638 

Excess-profits  tax: 

administration,  survey. 288 

computation,  trading  with  the  enemy  act.  1146 
Exchange,  see  Foreign  exchange. 
Exchange  National  Bank  of  Spokane  v.  U.  S...  114 
Exchange  Service,  see  International  Exchange 

Excise,  see  Internal  revenue. 
Executive,  see  President  of  United  States. 
Executive  Committee  of  Foreign  Service  Per- 
sonnel Board,  see  Foreign  Service 
Personnel  Board. 
Executive  Department  of  The  Panama  Canal, 

see  Panama  Canal  (zone). 
Executive  Departments: 

business  organization,  addresses 63S,  1145 

claims  for  damages  to  private  property.       388 


economies  effected,  1927 132 


1928,  awards 62,195,390,771 

1928,  general  schedule 62,390 

1928,  specifications,  etc.. 261,322,638 

1929,  awards _..  1146 

1929,  specifications,  etc "390, 

511, 638, 772, 1146 
see  also  -Appropriations— Government  offi- 
cials  and   employees— ofeo  names 
of  Departments. 

Executive  OfTico  appropriations,  see  Appropri- 
ations, independent  offices. 

Executive  Office  of  The  Panama  Canal,  see 
Panama  Canal  (zone). 

Executive  orders,  see  subjects  of  orders. 

Executive  proclamations,  see  President  of 
United  States— oi«o  subjects  of 

Exercise  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis  .  514 

Exhaust  eijuipment   temperature  determina"- 

tion 777 


extension  exhibits,  preparation,  etc...  143 

see  also  names  of  exhibitions— o?so  special 

Exner,  Felix,  world  weather  records  129 

Expeditionary  Forces,  see  American  Expedi- 
tionary Forces. 

Expeditions,  see  Explorations— a/so  names  of 


Expenditures,  see  Budget— Campaign  expend- 
itures—Family— Finance. 
Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Com- 
mittee, House: 

clerk  and  janitor 546 

duties,  to  amend  rules  of  House 570 

hearings 679,951 

reports --  552,951 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Departments  Com- 
mittee, Senate:  ^ 

report 996       I 

Expenditures  in  Senatorial  Primary  and  Gen-  ' 

eral  Elections,  Special  Committee 
Investigating,  Senate: 

liearings 455 

reports 455,  712 

Experiment  farms,  see  names  of  farms. 

Experiment  station  record ---  7.5,207, 

273, 331, 402, 652, 786, 918, 1082 
abstract  number-  - .  7. 144,  207, 331, 530,  786, 1082 
index  number — 

v.  55 --     74 

V.  56 402 

Experiment  stations,  see  Agricultural  experi- 
ment stations — Fisheries  experi- 
ment stations — Mining  experiment 
stations — also    names   of   stations. 

Experiment  Stations  Office 7,74,144, 

207, 273, 331,  402, 530, 652,  786, 918. 1082 

report,  1927 331 

Explanatory  circular.  Library  of  Congress 492 

Exi)loration  of  the  Arctic  Regions  by  Means 
of  tlie   -Virship,   International   So- 
ciety for,  see  International  Society 
for  Exploration  of  the  Arctic  Re- 
gions by  Means  of  the  .\irship. 

E.xplorations,  Government  publications 727 

see     also     Smithsonian     expeditions — aho 
names   of  expeditions,    or   names 
of  places  explored. 

mine  accidents  due  to  explosives- 85 

production  in  United  States,  1926 85 

publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

publications  of  Mines  Bureau 85 

stemming,  effect  on  efficiency 796 

transportation,  I.  C.  C.  regulations- --  102 

see  also  names  of  explosive  substances. 
Export  declarations: 

automotive  apparatus  and  supplies 280 

electrical  apparatus  and  supplies 794 

machinery 925 

Export  duties,  see  Tariff. 

Export  Oil  Corporation  v.  United  States 24 

Exports,  see  Imports  and  exports. 
Expositions,  see  names  of  expositions. 
Express,  see  names  of  commodities  and  names 
of  companies. 

Express  Publishing  Co.,  paper... 1033 

Exstein,  Henry  L.,  Co.,  Inc.,  United  States  ».  1018 
Extension    Conference,    see    Western    States 
Extension  Conference. 

Extension  Service,  Agriculture  Dept 332 

cooperative  extension  work,  estimate 1065 

report,  1927 332 

see  also  Warburton,  C.  W. 
Extension  work: 

adult  education,  university  helps 863 

cooperative  work,  1925 143 

estimate  for  1929 1066 

further  development,  hearings.  417, 448, 835 

further  development,  law 1098 

further  development,  reports.- 417 

448,703,938     ^, 

handbook 528    m 

ten  years  of  extension,  1915-24 528   M 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  hearings-  1105    ~ 

to  extend  benefits  to  Hawaii,  law 933 

to    extend    benefits    to    Hawaii,    re- 
ports  598,806 

exhibits,  how  to  prepare  and  display 143 

farm  management,  1914-24 917 

home  economics,  cooperative  work,  1925 143 

home  economics,  handbook -  528 

home-management  extension  work,  1914-24.  331 
program  for  Western  States 206 




SitensioQ  Work  Office,  see  Cooperative  Ex- 
tension Work  Oflic-e. 


treaty  with  Honduras 1001.  ll« 

treaty  with  Poland... 1061 


examination,  factor  in  accident  reduction..  497 

examinations,  suggestions  regarding. 040 

local  anesthesia  in  eye  work 246,247 

protection,  safety  standards 201 

sN'philitic  eye  tragedies,  prevention 514 

see  aho  Retinitis  pigmentosa. 

iye-testing  apparatus,  an  improvement  in 887 

Czekiel,  Mordecai,  inice  of  hogs 204 


i"aaborg  Harbor,  chart 249 

i'abens,  Tex.,  port  of  entry 1056 

•'abrics,  see  Textiles. 

""aceina,  .\nna,  relief 575 

•"actories,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

•'actory-to-Vou  Furniture  Store 602 

•"acuity  Club  of  Cniversity  of  California. .  460,879 
"ading,  see  Radio  communication, 
"ahrenwald,  A.  W.,  hj-draulic  classification...  411 
•"allure,  see  Bankruptcy. 

•"ain,  Edmund,  United  ^tatesr 304 

•"ain,  W.  L.,  Grain  ("o.  r.  United  States 175 

•"airbank,  H.  S.,  agricultural  statistics 142 

•"airbanks,  .\.  J.: 

pressure  distribution  tests 179 

pressure  over  model  of  upper  wing,  etc 119 

•"airbanks,  .\laska,  land  district,  boundaries...    56 

Fairfax  County,  Va.,  bridge 685,710,936 

"'airlawn  ave.,  D.  C 810,996,1099 

•"airman,  Charles  E.,  art,  etc.,  of  U.  S.  Capitol.  447 

""airport  Harbor,  Ohio 764 

•"airport,  Painesville  &  Eastern  R.  R.: 

debentures 1028 

notes 610 

securities 32 

raja  d'Agua,  chart 249 

rakarava  .\tolI,  chart 890 

•"ales,  Louis  H.,  tuberculosis 1070 

""all  army  worm 631 

•"all  River,  Mass.: 

Chamber  of  Commerce — 

unlading  and  lading 1037 

customhouse,  etc.,  estimate 1067 

Walloon,  Virgil,  bridge 558,709,802 

•"alter,  Benjamin  F.,  v.  United  States 368,879 


expenditures,  planning  and  recording 332 

living  from  the  farm 400 

nutritive  needs 332 

prisoners'  families,  welfare  in  Ky 1129 

?ans,  see  Electric  fans. 

?anshaw,  Cape,  lands. 256 

?ar  East: 

employment,  etc.,  for  Americans.. 151 

film  market,  short-subject 795 

typhoons 335,405 

far  Eastern  Section 151, 152 

farenholt,  A.: 

commanding  officer  of  naval  hospital.  _  246, 247 

grease  rack  for  automobiles 247 

viewing  stand,  etc.,  for  operating  room 497 

Fargo,  X.  Dak.: 

bridge 685,844,936 

Commercial  Club- 
coal 733 

Farley  &  Loetscher  Manufactm-tng  Co 235 

Farlow,  William  G.,  biographical  memoir 493 

Farm  animals,  see  .A.nLmals— Cattle. 
Farm  buildings: 

I     beautifying  the  farmstead 532 

'     publications  on  farm  homes.. 225,1020 

Farm  colonies: 

organized  rural  commimities — 

hearings. 561,590 

report 819 

Farm  economics  series 653,919 

Farm  equipment,  see  Farm  implements  and 

Farm  implements  and  machinery: 

case  of  Lewis  &  Conger 25 

manufactiwe  and  sale  of  farm  equipment...    13 
see  also  names  of  implements  and  machines. 

Farm  labor: 

farm  labor  series i(W4 

for  mental  eases.. 040 

harvest  hands  in  wheat  belt,  poster 1044 

hay  stackers  to  save  labor 649 

saving  by  hogging  down  crops 649 

Farm  Labor  Division: 

harvest  hands,  1928,  poster 1044 

strawberry  pickers  wanted,  poster 883 

summary  of  activities,  1927.. 622 

Farm  loan  act,  see  Agricultural  credit. 

Farm  Loan  Board,  .see  Federal  Farm  Loan 

Farm  Loan  Bureau,  see  Federal  Farm  Loan 

Farm  machinery,  see  Farm  implements  and 

Farm  management: 

business  of  farming. 653 

extension,  1914-24 917 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs..  225, 1020 
ranch  organization,  etc.,  in  (ireat  Plains...  648 
Farm  products,  see  .A.gricultm'al  products. 
Farm  relief,  see  Agricuilture. 
Farm  work,  see  Farm  labor. 

agricultural  relief  (surplus  control)  - 

bill  and  prospectus,  Poindexter  plan...  3-53 

export  debenture  plan 546 

hearings 546,675,800,983 

minority  views 806 

reports. 704,806,832,939 

statement  of  William  HoUingsworth...  983 

veto  message 1056 

birds  useful  to  farmer 6,6.50 

farmer  and  -\merican  merchant  marine 897 

farmer  and  Shipping  Board 189 

hawks  and  owls  from  standpoint  of  farmer.      6 

prices  received  for  farm  products 5 

seed  marketing  hints 72 

utilidad  de  la  radiotelefonia 55 

Farmers'  buUetins: 

lists  0!  bulletins—  . 

available  for  distribution 8 

classified  list 209.403 

for  persons  in  cities  and  towns.  333, 403. 919 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 159, 862 

numerical  lists 75, 333, 403,  531, 653,  787 

title-pages,  etc.,  bulletins  1276-1500 403 

see  also  subjects  of  bulletins. 

Farmers  Federated  Fertilizer  Corporation 24, 

288, 350 

Farmers'  Loan  &  Trust  Co.,  exr.,  v.  U.  S 2.37 

Farmers'  market,  see  Markets. 

Farmers  National  Bank,  relief 548,8:59,929 

Farming,  see  Agriculture — Dry  farming. 

beef,  slaughtering,  cutting,  curing 330 

blue-fos  farming  in  Alaska 785 

business,  method  of  analyzing 74 

butter  making  and  storing  for  winter  use..  206 

butter  making  on  farm 651 

cleaning  grain 142 

concrete  for  farm  use 405 

coniferous  trees,  growing  and  planting 8 

corn-belt  farms — 

changes  effected  by  tractors 1080 

cost  of  using  horses 329 

shall  I  buy  a  tractor? 204 

corn  borer  conditions,  practices 400 

cost  accotmting  system 4 

drainage  of  irrigated  farms 276 

family  living  from  farm 400 

forestry,  and  farm  income 402 

forestry,  publications  of  Agric.  Dept...  402,652 

fm^  farm,  experimental 73,785 

gardens  in  the  North 334 

hardwood  seedlings 274 

horseshoeing  on  farm 73 

inventories 271 

lease  contract 204, 1080 

milk  and  cream  cooling 331 

milk  utensils,  washing  and  sterilizing 917 

neufchatel  and  cream  cheese  manufacture..      7 
opportunities  on  Orland  irrigation  project.   295 

population,  etc.,  1925,  coimtv  tables.. 12, 

13, 14, 15,  79, 80, 81,  82, 149. 150 

poultry  raising 650 

property,  protection  from  lightning 790 


Index,  1927-1928 



Farms— Continued. 

real  estate  situation,  1926-27-. ---  ^"^ 

selecting  a  farm - o** 

sheep—  _„. 

breeds ---, ;»* 

equipment  for  raismg '»« 

sheep  raising  for  beginners lOsi 

shop  work,  course  for  teachers.. 1018 

terracing  farm  lands lOsf 

timber,  measuring  and  marlcetmg 2/4 

vinegar  making-....--- }43 

vocational  education  for  farm  children 117 

weirs,  construction  and  use 10 

woods,  care  and  improvement 403 

see  also  .Agriculture— a;*o  certain  headings 
beginning  Agricultural— Farm— u/«o 
names  of  exiicrinient  farms. 
Farmstead,  see  Farm  buildings. 

Farrell,  George  E.,  4-H  club  work 528 

Farris,  Amos,  v.  United  States. 1126 

Farris,  O.  W.,  v.  United  States.. - 1126 

Fatalities,  see  Death. 

Faulkner  County,  Ark.,  lands....  831, 857, 978, 1095 

Fauna,  see  Animals— -A.nimals  (fossil). 

Faust,  Edward  A.,  v.  United  States 289,879 

Faustina,  Gilbert,  relief 946 

Fawcett,  II.  S.,  citrus  fruit  decay 399,525 

Favetteville,  N.  C,  air  navigation  map 775 

Fayetteville,  Tcnn.,  sec  State  Bank  &  Trust 
Co.,  Favetteville,  Tenn. 

Fears,  Jess  T.,  relief 983 

Feather  River  Lumber  Co.  v.  United  States  24, 239 
Federal,  see  certain  headings  beginning  Federal, 
Government,  and  National. 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education 26, 

91, 158, 224, 291, 357, 725, 861, 1018 

laws  relating  to  World  War  veterans 134 

rcjiort,  1927 357 

Federal  buildings,  see  Public  buildings. 

Federal  Can  Co.,  cans .-  466 

Federal  Cement  Tile  Co.,  cement 733 

Federal  control,  see  Government  control. 
Federal  Courfs  see  Courts  of  United  States, and 

Federal  Departments,  see  Executive  Depart- 
Federal   employees,  see   Government   officials 

and  employees. 
Federal  Farm  Board: 

to  establish  for  agricultural  relief- 
hearings -.  546,675,806 

minority  views 806 

reports 704,806,832,939 

veto  message 1056 

Federal  farm  loan  act,  see  Agricultural  credit. 
Federal  Farm  Loan  Board,  see  Federal  Farm 

Loan  Bureau. 
Federal  Farm  Loan  Bureau  (this  heading  in- 
cludes   the    Federal    Farm    Loan 
Board,  which  is  the  executive  head 

of  the  bureau) 195, 390, 1068, 1146 

members  of  board,  confirmation 574 

receivers  appointed  by  Farm  Loan  Board    944 

rei)ort,  1926 195,390 

re[)ort,  1927 1146 

Federal  Horticultural  Board 144,207,273,787 

estimates 389, 1065 

report,  1927 273 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 144, 

208  27*^  787 
Federal  Industrial  Institution  for  Women  '431544 
Federal  Intermediate  Credit  Bank  of  Columbia' 984 
Federal  intermediate  credit  banks,  statements 

of  condition 1068,1146 

hederal    land    banks,    statements    of    condi- 

.,   ,      ,,      tion.. 1068,1146 

federal  laws,  see  Laws,  and  references 

Federal  .Mail  Order  Co 602 

Federal  Match  Corporation: 

matclK's 1032 

switching  charges ill  744 

Federal  Narcotics  Control  Board  """        io69 

Federal  Oil  Conservation  Board: 

appropriation  to  continue  available  902 

report,  Jan.  1928 463 

Federal  Point  reservation.. ""^"956, 991 

Federal  Power  Commission 291  1018 

act  to  create ___  '        '  359 

additional  employees.. 683 

Federal  Power  Commission— Continued. 

report,  1927 291 

rules,  etc..  Federal  water  power  act lOlS 

unsound  basis  of  Federal  water  power  act..  350 

Federal  property,  .sfe  Government  property. 

Federal  Radio  Commission.. 291 

confirmation  of  commissioners,  hearings  456, 589 

continuing  powers,  etc 589, 673, 689, 699, 801 

estimate,  1929 1065    . 

jurisdiction 689  m, 

report,  1927 291  f 

Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  Dallas 699 

Federal  Reserve  Bank  of  SanFrancisco 984 

Federal  reserve  banks: 

inter-district  collection  system 27 

changes 92,158  225, 

292,  357,  461,  601,  725,  861,  1019,  1111 
loans  for  speculative  purposes — 

hearings. 837 

report 984 

Federal  Reserve  Board 26,91,158,225, 

291,  357,  461,  601,  725,  861,  1019,  1111 

regulations,  relating  to  member  banks 771 

regulations,  series  of  1928 357 

report,  1926... 27 

report,  1927 725 

Federal  reserve  bulletin 26,91, 158,225, 

291,  357,  461,  601,  725,  801,  1019,  1111 
index  to  v.  13 357 

Federal  reserve  member  banks: 

inter-district  collection  system 27 

changes 92, 158,225, 

292,  357,  461,  601,  725,  861,  1019,  1111 

member  bank  call  report 158,357,725, 1019 

regulations  of  Federal  Reserve  Board 771 

Federal  reserve  notes,  outstanding.  61, 132, 194, 261, 
322,  389,  511,  637,  771,  904,  1068,  1145 

Federal  Reserve  Retirement  Fund 547 

Federal  reserve  system,  see  certain  headings 
beginning  Federal  reserve. 

Federal  Specifications  Board: 
specifications — 

alphabetical  indexes,  etc.. 89,798 

brick,  common  clay 87 

brick,  sand-lime 220 

bunting,  wool 284 

burlap 285 

carpets  and  rugs 285 

cells  and  batteries,  dry 343 

hollow  tile 88, 154 

hose,  fire 286 

ink- 88,343 

lamps,  electric 414 

leather 88,154,220 

lubricants  and  liquid  fuels 217 

mosquito  netting 798 

oil-cloth 286 

packing,  asbestos  metallic  cloth  sheet..    22 

packings,  asbestos  wick  and  rope 22 

paint. 665 

rags,  cotton,  for  wiping  machinery 285 

ribbons,  computing,  etc.,  machine 87 

ribbons,  hectograph 87 

ribbons,  typewriter.. 89 

rubber  boots 226 

screws,  wood 285 

tablecloths,  cotton 282 

tires,  and  inner  tubes 

waterproofing  for  use  with  mortar,  etc -1093 

Federal  statutes,  see  Laws. 

Federal  taxation,  see  Taxation  and  references. 

Federal  Trade  Commission 92, 

158,225,292,357,462, 601,  725, 861, 1019, 1112 

V.  8 159^  , 

V.  9 60^ 

V.  9,  index M 

see  also  names  of  companies,  etc. 

estimate,  1929 1096 

report,  1927 357 

reports  on — 

cottonseed  industry 726 

electric-power  industry 726 

Panhandle  crude  petroleum 726 

utility  corporations. 1020. 1112 

rules  of  practice,  etc 92,462 

Federal  Valley  R.  R.,  notes 471 

Federal  water  power  act,  see  Federal  Power 



Federated  Metals  Corporation: 

brass 98,607,732,867, 1025 

copper 32,296 

solder 38 

spelter .._  743, 1123 

Federation  of  Arts,  see  American  Federation  of 

Federation  of  Trade-Unions,  see  International 

Federation  of  Trade-Unions. 
Fedorov,  E.  E.,  das  klima  als  wettergesam- 

theit 335 

Fee,  May,  relief 706,947,1096 

Feed  mills,  see  Mills  and  millwork. 

Feed  water  and  apparatus 119,120,753,754 

Feeding,  see  Food— Food  for  cattle— Food  for 

Feeding  stuSs,  see  Food  for  cattle. 

Fees,  Don  C,  relief 676 


accounts  of  U.  S.  marshals,  etc...  432,  lOOl,  1100 
clerk  of  Supreme  Court  of  D.  C...  431,  717, 801 

consular ._.  127, 2.5S 

expenses  of  keeping  boats,  etc 963 

marshal  in  District  of  Columbia 431 

marshals  of  United  States,  deposit 4.32, 1001 

patents  to  Govt,  employees  without  fees — 

hearings 1107 

law 935 

reports 695,854 

refund  of  certain  visa  fees 681,699 

royalties  on  Indian  land  minerals 422,  715 

Feick,  George,  &  Sons  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair..     724 

production  in  1926 217 

rates  on 471 

Felialupo  Road,  chart "  759 

Fellows,  H.  C,  oil  content  of  seeds,  etc 916 

Felsenthal,  Ben,  &  Co.,  United  States  p 91 

Felt,  M.  E.,  ground  water  pollution 64 

Felt  goods,  census,  1925 214 

Felt  hats,  see  Hats. 
Females,  see  "Women. 

Femur,  sarcoma  of  (2  entries) 497 

Fena,  John,  grapes 166 

Fences,  rates  on 610 

Fenn,  E.  Hart  (Representative  from  Conn.): 
reports  made  by- 
Census  Com 807,944 

Fenton,  A.  W.,  Co.,  United  States  r 1017 

Fenton,  F.  A.: 

dispersal  of  cotton-boll  weevil 648,917 

new  parasitic  HjTnenoptera 2.58 

Ferguson,  Henry  G.: 

Gilbert  district,  Nev 294, 1114 

Mogollon  mining  district,  N.  Mex 95 

Fergusson,  S.  P.: 

aerological  soundings,  instruments,  etc 212 

recent  contributions  to  hygrometry 335 

Fermentation  of  sauerkraut .525,647 

Fernald  Co.,  United  States  r 486 

Fernandina,  Fla.: 

aviation  charts 248,312 

lighthouse  reservation  for  park 841 

Ferraz  de  Carvalho,  Anselmo,  climate  of  Coim- 

bra,  Portugal,  review 77 

Ferrell,  John  A.,  health  organization 371,750 

Ferric  sulphate-sulphuric  acid  process 19 

Ferris,  C.  E.,  bridge 426,580,669 

Ferris,  Cornelius,  Irish  Free  State 795 

Ferris,  Mary  E.,  to  pay 835 

Ferris,  AVoodbridge  N.,  to  pay  widow 835 

Ferrite  microstructure,  unusual  features 665 

Ferromanganese,  case  of  B.  &  O.  R.  R 1017 

Ferrules,  condenser  tube,  and  tube  sheets 87 

Fertility  in  strawberry 9 

Fertilization  of  date  palm  flowers 648,788 

Fertilizer    companies,    violation    of   antitrust 

laws 561 


census  of  manufactures,  1925..  80 

flue-cured  tobacco,  fertilizer  tests 276 

mineral  content  of  plant  solution 71,141 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 1021 

rates  on  fertilizers 165,471.1118 

see  also  Muscle  Shoals— a/«o  names  of  ferti- 
lizer materials. 
Fess,  I.ehr,  rules  of  House,  etc 416 

Fess,  Simeon  D.  (Senator  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by- 
Library  Com 590,591,717,850,851,1001 

Fever,  see  name  of  fever. 
Fewkes,  J.  Walter: 

aboriginal  wooden  objects  from  Florida 766 

archeology  of  Piedmont  region  of  S.  C  898 

Katcina  altars  in  Hopi  worship. 190 

see  also  Ethnology  Bureau. 
Fiber  board,  see  Pulp  board. 

Fiber-board  cans,  rates  on 471 


educational  illustrations 528,529 

kemp  fibers  in  mohair  fleeces 205 

miscellaneous  products,  census,  1925 148 

textile,  skin  protection  from  sunburn..  203,  270 
see  also  Caroa  fiber. 

Fiction,  thirty  great  books 27 

Fidelity  &  Deposit  Co.  of  Maryland...  419,575,666 
Fidelity-Philadelphia  Trust  Co.  f.  U.  S...  42,1110 

Fidelity  Union  Trust  Co 239 

Fidelity  Warehouse  Co.  v.  United  States 486 

Fiduciary  obligations,  liability  for  breaches..  678, 

845, 932 
Fiedler,  R   H.: 

trade  in  fishery  products.  St.  Louis,  Mo...  409 

trade  in  package  fish  products.. 924 

Field,  Marshall,  &  Co.,  United  States  v 25 

Field  activities  of  Plant  Industry  Bureau 209 

Field  artillery,  see  Artillery. 
Field  guns,  see  Guns. 

Field  operations  of  Soils  Bureau. 1.36 

Fieldner,  A.  C: 

analyses  of  mine  samples — 

Arkansas  coals 539 

Indiana  coals 411 

Oklahoma  coals 539 

carbon  monoxide  self-rescuer 19 

gas  mask  for  protection  in  air 539 

Fields,  see  Pastures. 

Fifth  &  Ninth  Districts  Coal  Traffic  Bur 733 

Fifty-cent  piece,  see  Half-dollar. 

Figs,  rates  on 870 


Coast  Guard 389,903 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau.     83 

Reclamation  Bureau 96 


in  Hawaii  National  Guard,  payment- 
law ." 802 

reports 563,592 

statement  of  Victor  S.  K.  Houston 1107 

see  also  Philippine  Islands. 
Films,  see  Motion  pictures. 

Fils  d'Aslan  Fresco,  relief 945 

Filtration  plants,  municipal,  results  from 323 

see  also  Washington  Aqueduct  and  filtra- 
tion plant. 
Finanfas,     industria,     commercio    serie,    see 


cities,  financial  statistics,  1926 338 

daily  statement  of  Treasury 61, 132. 194,  261, 

321,  387,  509, 636,  769,  902,  1063, 1145 

finangas,  industria,  commercio  serie 55, 


finance  circulars 67. 137 

changes .520,  779 

finanzas,  industria,  comercio  serie _  55,184, 

252.  314,  378,  501,  760,  761,  892,  1136 

publications  for  sale 462, 1112 

receipts,  etc.,  of  U.  S.,  1927— 

combined  statement 636 

report  on  state  of  finances 388,  770 

report  on  state  of  finances,  extracts 770 

States,  financial  statistics,  1926. 149 

see     also     Budget— Interstate     Commerce 

Commission,      decisions      (finance 

reports)— a^.so   names   of  countries 

and  places. 

Finance  and  Investment  Division,  Foreign  and 

Domestic  Commerce  Bur 17, 

83, 84, 151,  339. 409,  538,  925 
Finance  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 354,  586,  712, 847, 997 

hearings 586,847 

reports 586,712,713,847,997 


Index,  1927-1928 


Finance  Corporation,  see  War  Finance  Cor- 
Finance  Department,  War  Dept..  67,137,520,779 

Arnw  regulations 65,135,198, 

264, 324, 393, 515,  774, 907, 1071, 1149 

finance  circulars 67,137 

changes - 520,779 

Finance  Division,  see  Finance  and  Investment 
Division,    Foreign   and    Domestic 
Commorce  Bur. 
Finanzas,  industria,  comercio  serie,  see  Finance. 

Finch,  E.  H.,  phosphate  rock 464,1114 

Finch,  H.  A.,  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  district 642 

Finger,  E.,  skin  as  a  defense  organ... 324 


how  to  take 243 

postal  savings  transactions 1139 

Finkelslein  &  Konmiel  v.  United  States 304 

Finley,  Sadie  H.,  r.  Frank  T.  Hines 601 

Finn,  A.  N.,  heterogeneities  in  glass 798 

Finney,  W.  B.,  relief -._ 981 

Finnev  County,  Kans.,  purchase  of  lands 568, 

597,  669 

Fins,  DH-4B  model,  wind  tunnel  tests 642 

Fir,  see  Douglas  fir. 
Fire-box  steel,  see  Steel. 

rates  on 471 

refractories  for  marine  service 415 

Fire  Department,  District  of  Columbia: 

report,  1927.. 356 

salaries 551 

Fire  hose,  see  Hose. 

Fire-hose  racks,  American  marine  standard 286 

Fire-making  apparatus  in  National  Museum.  1143 
Fire  prevention: 

aircraft  fire  prevention 777 

handbooks  for  schools  of  Oregon 787 

ignition  equipment,  fire  hazard  tests 642 

National  fire  prevention  week,  1927 187 

woods  fires,  help  prevent 8 

Firearms,  see  Arms— Rifles. 

Fires,  see  Forest  fires^Mine  fires. 

First  aid.  Army  training  regulations 515 

First  National  Pictures,  Inc.,  IT.  S.  v 1040 

First  National  Steamship  Co.  v.  IT.  R 304 

First  street,  D.  C,  subsidence  suits 455. 

678, 801 

First  Trust  and  Savings  Bank,  trustee 242,  289 

Fish,  Charles  J.,  cod  eggs  in  Mass.  Bay 536 

Fish  and  fisheries: 

biological  inquires,  1925.. _ 151 

biological  inquires,  1926 408 

classification,  Library  of  Congress 885 

cold  storage  holdings  of  fish 16  82 

215,  280, 339, 408,  537,  660, 794, 924, 1089 

conservation  of  fish 821,841,933 

cottoid  fishes  of  genus  Artediellus 60 

diiiappearing  game  fishes,  remedy....  12 
fishery  industries  of  United  States  .       1.51, 408 
fishery  products- 
Alaska  and  United  States,  1927 1089 

Boston,  Mass.,  calendar  yr.  1927 537 

Boston,  Mass.,  monthly  statement.        16, 
83, 215,  280, 408, 537,  660,  794, 1089 
Gloucester,  Mass.,  calendar  yr.  1927...  537 
Gloucester,     Mass.,     monthly    state- 
ment   _.. 16,83, 

^      ,  215, 280, 408,  537, 660,  794, 1089 

Portland,  Me.,  calendar  yr.  1927 537 

Portland,  Me.,  monthly  statement  16 

83, 215,  280, 408,  537,  660,  794, 1089 

•St.  Louis,  Mo.,  trade,  etc.. 409 

Seattle,  Wash.,  calendar  vr.  1927.  537 

Seattle,  Wash.,  monthly  statement     '   16 
.        17,83,150,215,339,409.537,660,924 
trade  in  package  fish  products  .  924 

transportation,  to  fix  rates  716 

Government  supplies,  fish.. 511  io69 

lake  fisl),  tariff  information  survey  '  260 

lake  fish,  trade  between  U.  S.  and  Canada"  260 
of — 

Alaska,  fishery  industries,  1925  ]5i 

Alaska,  fishery  industries,  1926  16 

Alaska,  laws,  etc.,  for  protection  "  336 
Atlantic  Ocean,  fishing  banks  890  891 
Chesapeake  Bay,  fishes  '  660 

Cliile,  fresh-water  fi.shes...  493 


Fish  and  fisheries— Continued, 
of — Continued. 

Greenwood,  Miss.,  fishes  collected 409 

Kev  West,  Fla.,  2  new  species 16 

Pacific  Ocean,  fishing  banks 890,891 

Siberia,  fisheries 151 

Texas,  marine  fisheries 151 

preserve  for  fish  in  Louisiana 943 

publications  on  fishes 358 

refrigeration  of  fish 151  . 

statistical  bulletin 16, 17.82,83, 1.50,215,280, 

339, 408, 409.  537.  660.  794. 924, 1089 

tolerance  of  high  temperatures  by  fish 660 

see   also    Shellfish— a/so    certain    headings 
beginning  Fish— a?.so  names  of  fish. 
Fish  as  food: 

case  of  H.  F.  Hammond 91 

propagation  and  distribution  of  fish..  151, 1089 

rates  on  fish 735 


classification.  Library  of  Congress 885 

five  vear  program  for  Fisheries  Bur 821, 

96.5, 991 

food  fishes,  propagation 151, 1089 

lands  ceded  to  Idaho 978 

stations  in— 

Idaho 841 

Montana 841 

New  Mexico 842  hatcheries,  see  Fish  culture. 
cases — 

Bush,  George  S.,  &  Co.,  Inc.. 1111 

Schade,  Wilfred,  &  Co 860 

Tarr,  George  J.,  Co.. 860 

industry.. 661 

Fish-oil,  rates  on 1028 

Fish-sounds,  case  of  Gorton  Pew  Fisheries  Co.    91 

Fisher,  A.  K.,  hawks  and  owls 6 

Fisher,  D.  F.: 

acetaldehyde  in  Bartlett  pears 532,647 

apple  powdery  mildew,  control 334 

Fisher,  Eleanor,  laryngeal  tuberculosis 198 

Fisher,  Hubert  F.  (Representative  from  Tenn.): 
reports  made  by— 

Military  .\fTairs  Com... 349,351,352, 

433,  434.  435, 436, 437, 438,  439,  563, 
690,  691, 823 

Fisher,  L.  M.,  shellfish  sanitation. 196,323 

Fisher,  O.  S.,  agronomy  extension,  1915-24 528 

Fisher,  Walter  K.,  Asteroidea,  Forcipulata...  1142 

Fisher,  Fort,  Battle  of,  memorial 956,991 

Fisher  Lumber  Corporation,  bridge..  819,994, 1103 

Fisher  Supply  Co.,  bath-tubs 97,1116 

Fisheries,  sec  Fish  and  fisheries. 

Fisheries  Bureau 16,82,150,215, 

280,  338, 408,  536, 660,  794, 924, 1089 

1924,  title-page,  contents,  etc 660 

1925 280 

1926 16,338 

1927 660 

divisional  conference,  1927,  proceedings 408 

fisheries  service  bulletin 16,83, 1.50, 

215, 280,  339. 408,  537,  600,  794,  924, 1089 

five  year  construction,  etc.,  program 821. 

965, 991 

report,  1926 151 

report,  1927 280 

Fisheries  experiment  station,  coast  of  Wash 842 

Fisheries  service,  see  Fisheries  Bureau. 
Fishery  products,  see  Fish  and  fisheries. 
Fishes,  see  Fish  and  fisheries — also  names  of 

Flske,  George  B.,  marketing  onions. 401^ 

Fisler,  John,  i>.  United  States 723. 104fl 

Fistula:  ^ 

gastro-jejunocolic  fistula 284 

multiple  scrotal  fistulae 247 

Fitch,  Florence  C: 

agricultural  statistics 142 

cattle,  calves,  beef,  veal,  hides,  and  skins..      5 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products... 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

vegetable  statistics 528 



Fits  (epilepsy): 

control 1070 

Fits  (metal): 

comparison  of  standards 22 

Fitzgerald,  Gerald  A.,  shipping  oysters _.  660 

Fitzgerald,  James  B.,  relief _ 450 

Fitzgerald,  John  I.,  relief 946 

Fitzgerald,  John  J.,  relief 839,946, 1095 

Fitzgerald,  Roy  O.  (Representative from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 419,420,548,550 

Laws,  Com.  on  Revision  of 964, 1107 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation 

Com 446,701 

statement  on  first  airplane 1 107 

Fitzgerald.  Thomas  J.,  census  of  manufactures.  1087 
Fitzgerald,  W.  T.  (Representative  from  Ohio): 

reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 805,  941 

Invalid  Pensions  Com 560,819,960 

Fitzgerald,  Qa.,  bridge 558,710,803 

FitzMaurice,   James   C,   to  present  LMstin- 

guished  Flying  Cross 823,935 

FitzSimons,  W,  S.,  reinstatement 256 

Five  Civilized  Tribes: 

restrictions  in  lands,  extension 814, 

933, 953, 998, 1099 

suits  involving  land  titles 715 

Fixed  Nitrogen  Research  Laboratory 288 

Flag,  seeFlags. 

Flag  smut,  see  Smuts. 


description  and  use.  Army  regulations 198 

Government  supplies 511 

official  flag  code  of  United  States __  962 

to  prevent  desecration  of  flag  of  U.  S.— 

hearings 431 

report 686 

Flagstaff,  Ariz.,  telephone  line.. 848,954 

Flagstaff  at  Fort  Sumter  as  memorial 565, 

938, 1007 

Flaherty,  Lawrence  J.,  memorial  addiesses 287 

Flake,  Wilson  C: 

British  market  for  hosiery 18 

Government  publications  rel.  to  textOes 84 

Flame  propagation  of  natural  gas  in  air 662 

Flash-light  cases,  metal  and  fiber 542 

Flat  spin,  wind  tunnel  tests 495 

Flathead  National  Forest,  resources,  etc 75 

Flathead  Reservation,  see  Jocko  Reservation. 

Flavor  of  milk,  effect  of  some  feeds 7,401 


census,  1925,  dressed  flax 148 

fiber  flax,  educational  illustrations 529 

oil  in  flax,  determination 1106 

Flax  rust  control  through  immune  strains 210 


bubonic  plague  control,  cheopis  index i:54 

control 1082 

rat-flea  survey  of  port  of  San  Juan 773, 1069 

Fleenor  Office  Furniture  Co.,  furniture 611 

Fleet  Corporation,  see  Shipping  Board  Mer- 
chant Fleet  Corporation. 
Fleet  Marine  Corps  Reserve; 

relief  of  retired,  etc.,  members 694 

retainer  pay,  date  for  filing  claims 826 

Fleet  Naval  Reserve: 

relief  of  retired,  etc.,  members 694 

retainer  pay,  date  for  filing  claims  826 

Fleischmann  Construction  Co.  f^.  U.  S 114,879 

Fleming,  Arthur  H.,  v.  David  H.  Blair 746 

Fleming,  John  F.,  relief 967 

Flescher,  Carmen,  bridge 685,845,936,994 

Flescher,  Groves  K.,  bridge 685,845,936,994 

Fleshings,  rates  on 32 

Fletcher,  Duncan  U.  (Senator  from  Fla.): 
paper  presented  by — 

cheap  water  transportation  for  Fla 1108 

reports  made  by — 

Commerce  Com... 841,843,991,993 

Military  Affairs  Com 594. 

718,  719, 852, 853, 1004, 1005, 1006 

Fletcher,  MUan  D.,v.  United  States 355 


and  their  eradication  (2  entries) 48 

control 907 

house  fly  and  how  to  suppress  it 917 

in  Vieima  Museum,  American  types 384 

Flies— Continued. 

of  western  mountains S9S 

see  also  names  of  flies. 
Flight,  see  Aeronautics— Airplanes. 

Flint,  L.  H.,  paper  mulch... 919 

Flint,  W.  P.,  chinch  bug  and  how  to  fight  it..  1081 

Flint  River  &  Northeastern  R.  R 257 

Floats,  airplane,  tests... 118,119 

Floceulation  reactions  in  syphilis 64 

Flolir.  Lewis  B.: 

agricultural  products,  foreign  trade 142 

agricultural  statistics 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

marketing  farm  produce  by  parcel  post 400 

Flood  Control  Committee,  House: 

hearings 347,421,552,811,951 

reports _  553,679,811,951 

Flood  lights,  airdrome  landing-field 642 


conuol  cf  flood  waters  of  U.  S.— 

hearings 347,421,552,951 

report 951 

county  agents  in  flood  areas- 
hearings.. 346 

law 543 

reports *_ _.  417, 447 

forests  and  floods 402 

in — 

Kentucky,  relief 698,902 

New  England  and  eastern  New  York..  534 

New  Hampshire,  relief 770 

Vermont,  relief 699,770 

tropical  cyclones,  inundations  attending...  405 
see  also  names  of  rivers. 
Floor  coverings: 

article  on 653 

asphalted-felt-base,  census,  1925 148 

Government  supplies 638 

Floor-polishing  compound 511 

Floor  wax.  Government  supphes 511 

Flooring,  rates  on 632 

Floors  and  floor  coverings 653 

Flora,  see  Botany— Plants— Plants  (fossil). 

Florell,  Victor  H.,  inheritance  in  wheats 533 

Florence,  Ala.,  rivers,  etc.,  in  district 517 

Florence    Luckenbach,    transport,    relief    of 

owners  of  cargo... 450 


aboriginal  wooden  objects 766 

additional  judge 717,820,963 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 13 

charts 16, 1088 

cheap  water  transportation 1108 

citrus  trees,  spraying  for  insects,  etc 273 

fossil  turtles  from  Pleistocene 129 

Health  Board- 
chemical  character  of  Florida  waters 604 

lands,  disposition 697 

loan  or  gift  of  U.  S.  S.  Dispatch 457, 

566, 668 

mail  contracts 315 

map,  post  route 630 

molluscan  fauna  of  Alum  Bluff  group 1114 

oyster  beds,  survey 843 

pineapple  culture 334 

radiobeacon  to  be  established  off  coast 1090 

relief 839,962,1095 

strange  case  of  Florida  v.  Mellon 982 

tobacco  budworm  and  its  control 7 

waters,  chemical  character 604 

Florida  East  Coast  Canal 1108 

Florida  East  Coast  Car  Ferry  Co.,  relief 839, 

946, 1095 
Florida  East  Coast  Railway: 
rates  on — 

fruit 610 

potatoes 479 

Florida  Keys,  natural  history  studies 898 

Florida  National  Forest,  name  changed 318 

Florida,  Straits  of,  chart 793 

Florman  Manufacturing  Co.,  linseed-oil 738 

Flotation  of  limestone  from  gangue 281 


exportation  without  payment  of  tax 1147 

for  pretzels 329 


Index,  1927-1928 


Flour— Continued. 

rates  on 102,471 

weights,  etc.,  for  wheat  and  rye  products. .  551 

sec  also  Chestnut  flour. 
Flour  mills,  see  Mills  and  inillwork. 

formulas  for  simple  quadrics 119 

in  metals,  bibliography 665 

Flower  garden,  see  Gardens. 

Flowers,  Hiland  L.,  psychotic  patients 907 

Flowers  Lumber  Co.,  lumber... 1120 

Flue  dust,  magnetic  concentration 281 

Fluorspar  in  1926 85 

Flu.xing  ores,  see  Ores. 
Flu.xing  stone,  see  Stone. 
Fly,  see  Flies. 
Flying,  see  Aeronautics. 

Flying  cadets  of  Air  Corps 325, 1072 

Flying  fields,  see  Airports  and  aviation  fields — 

also  names  of  fields. 
Flying  machines,  see  Airplanes — Seaplanes. 
Flying  pay,  see  certain  headings  beginning  Pay. 

Flynn,  Welch,  &  Yates,  lubrieating-oils 1120 

Foam,  see  Milk. 

Focal  infection,  see  Infections. 

Fodder,  see  Food  for  cattle. 

Fog  at  sea 123,183,250,891 

Fog  signals: 

Africa  and  Asia,  etc 1049 

Baltic  Sea,  etc. _ 121 

British  Islands,  Enghsh  Channel,  etc 121 

Great  Lakes 662 

North  and  South  America,  etc 757 

Norway.  Iceland,  and  Arctic  Ocean 311 

Fokker  D-VII  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 

Folb,  M.  B.,  Cape  Hatteras  reminiscences 120 

Folding  machines.  Government  supplies 511 

Folding  Room,  House  of  Representatives 346 

Folger,  J.  A.,  &  Co.,  coffee 869 

Folger,  William  A.,  expert  services 835 

Folk-lore  classification.  Library  of  Cong 885 

Follansbee,  Robert: 

surface  water  supply- 
Colorado  River  basin 29 

Great  Basin 94 

Mississippi  River  basin,  lower 1022 

Missouri  River  basin 94 

Folsom,  J.  W.,  .\pterygota _ 384 

Foltz,  Ira  W.,  patent  appeal 218 

Fond  la  Grange,  chart... 375 

Fonseca,  Gulf  of,  chart 626 


blacktongue-preventive  action 1148 

care  of  food  in  the  home 787 

census,  1925,  miscellaneous  food  products..  213 

chinchilla  rabbits  for  food 1081 

crop  improvement  results 273 

definitions,  etc.,  for  food  products 332,  530 

food  and  drugs  act- 
notices  of  judgment 308,332. 

402, 530, 787, 1082 

notices  of  judgment,  index 272 

regulations  for  enforcement 208 

for  children — 

breast-feeding  demonstrations 37 1 

child's  likes  and  dislikes 750 

infant  feeding  in  the  tropics 497 

young  children 653 

poisoning,  relation  of  paratyphoid  bacilli . .  888 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 93, 463 

rates  on 165 

see  also  Canned  food — Coal-tar   colors- 
Diet — Markets— a  ?«o  names  of  spe- 
cial foods  and  drinks. 

Food  Administration  records,  etc.,  transfer 504 

Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Administration . .  75, 
208, 332,  402,  530, 787, 1082 

estimate,  1929 509 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 75, 

208, 332,  530, 787 
Food  for  birds: 

forest,  farm,  and  garden  birds 205 

wild-duck  foods 785 

Food  for  cattle: 

dairy  cattle _.  786 

dairy  cows. 74,206 


Food  for  cattle— Continued. 

feeding  cattle  for  beef 649 

feeding  experiments 144,207 

Government  supplies 772 

milk  flavor  and  odor  affected  by  feeds 7 

rations  containing  calcium,  etc 269, 270, 401 

roughage  in  rations  for  fattening  calves 650 

standard  of  weights,  etc 551,704 

steers,  fattening  on  dry-land  crops 271 

vitamin  B  in  feed  and  milk  produced  (2) . .  204 
see   also   Forage  and   forage   plants— a?so 
names  of  feeding  stuffs. 

Food  for  mosquitoes: 

anopheline  larvae,  food  in  pure  culture 134 

culicine  larvae,  food  in  pure  culture 513, 639 

Food  for  poultry: 

feeding  chickens 271,527 

growth  in  relation  to  feed  consumption...  1079 

parasites,  preparations  for  control 786 

passage  through  digestive  tract  of  hen 4 

rates  on  buttermilk  poultry  feed 1117 

Foods,  see  Food. 

Foodstuffs  Division 18,  660,  661 ,  924, 1089 

Foot-and-Mouth-Disease  Commission  report.  1080 

Foot-and-mouth  disease  control 1080 

Footprints,  fossil,  from  Grand  Canyon.  59,  506, 898 

Footwear,  see  Boots  and  shoes. 

Forage  and  forage  plants: 

Government  supplies,  forage 261,772 

grasshopper  control  forage  crops 7 

wireworms  destructive  to  forage  crops 207 

see  also  names  of  plants. 

Foraminifera,  genus  Siphonina,  etc 384 

Forbes,  Charles  E.,  v.  Sam  L.  Gross 746 

Forbes,  E.  B.: 

heat  production  of  cattle  (2) 3 

metabolism  of  cattle  (2) 399 

net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

Forbes,  J.  J.,  use  of  miners'  self-rescuer 663 

Force,  John  N.: 

alastrim  and  mild  smallpox 640 

estimating  potency  of  smallpox  vaccine 640 

Forcipulata,  see  Starfish. 

Forcum  James  Lumber  &  Cooperage  Co.,  sand.  481 

Ford,  Joseph  H.,  administration  of  A.  E.  F 138 

Ford,  Richard  A.,  D.  C.  Court  of  Appeals, 

rules 291 

Ford  industrial  schools: 

escuelas  de  la  industria  Ford 184 

Ford  Motor  Co.  v.  United  States,  etc 42,101 

Ford's  Theater,  Lincoln  memorial  museum 421 

Fordson  Coal  Co.: 

sand 742 

V.  United  States,  etc 42,101 

Fordyce  &  Princeton  R.  R 1118    • 

Fore  River  Shipbuilding  Corporation 257    ' 

Forecast  Division,  Weather  Bur 11, 183,534,656  ^ 


ice  forecasting  by  means  of  weather. 335 

precipitation  and  water  levels 77  " 

see  also  Weather  forecasts. 

Foreign  Affairs  Committee,  House: 

hearings 553,812 

reports 422,  553,  554,  680, 811, 812,  813, 951, 952 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau..   17,83, 
151,  215,  280,  339,  409.  537.  660.  794,  924, 1089 

administrative,  etc.,  organization 538 

director  to  act  as  Secretary  of  Commerce...  187 

filing,  classification  of  material 83 

positions  at  home  and  abroad,  appoint- 
ments..  7W 

publications,  catalogue 84 

publications  on  rubber 410 

report,  1927 281 

Foreign  commerce,  see  Commerce. 

Foreign  commerce  service  officers,  precedence..  187 

Foreign  countries:  , 

advertising  matter,  remission  of  duty 37? 

air  mail  to  foreign  countries — 

hearings 567 

law 667 

reports 567, 596 

coins,  values 61,261,509,902 

commerce,  1926 409 

same,  descriptive  circular 537 

communicable  diseases 773, 905, 1148 

Government  document  bibliography. 118 



foreign  countries — Continued. 

Government  publications  in  Library  of 

Congress 752 

labor  offices  and  officials.. 46, 116 

markets  for  — 

motion  pictures 339 

tractors 84 

windmills 340 

marriages  of  American  citizens  abroad 634 

officers  serving  with  U.  S.  Navy 120, 

247, 497, 8S8 

petroleum  refineries 18 

wage  rates  compared  with  rates  in  U.  S 178 

see  also  Public  debts — also  names  of  coun- 
•"oreign  debts,  see  Public  debts, 
•"oreign  exchange: 

in  Egypt,  Greece  and  Turkey 84 

quotations  and  curves 1007 

see  also  Finance— Money, 
'"oreign    Language    Study    Committee,    see 
Modern  Foreign  Language  Study 
^oreign  languages,  see  names  of  languages, 
"oreign  mail  service: 

compensation  to  American  ships 976 

estimate,  foreign  mail  transportation 1066 

postage  rates,  limits  of  weight,  etc 1138 

regular  mails  and  parcel  post 253 

schedule  of  steamers 126, 

1S6,  254,  316,  503, 630, 763, 1054, 1139 
to  require  steamship  companies  to  carry 

mail 976 

transactions,  statistics 125 

"oreign  Mails  Division ..   126, 

186,  254, 316,  .503, 630, 763, 1054, 1139 
"oreign  Plant  Introduction  Office: 

plant  material  introduced 275 

seeds  and  plants  imported 210 

"oreign  Policy  Association 55 

"oreign  relations: 

papers  relating  to 1061 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 1020 

"oreign  Relations  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 354, 


hearings 587,713,714 

reports 587,71.3.714,847,997,998 

'oreign   Relations   Council,   see  Council  on 

Foreign  Relations, 
'oreign  service: 

administering  on  interchangeable  basis 764 

American  foreign  service,  general  informa- 
tion  507 

appointment  of  officers  on  retired  list 720 

at  Lagos,  Nigeria,  Exec,  order 381 

at  Tananarive,  Madagascar,  Exec,  order...  317 

buildings  act,  to  amend 553, 1099 

expenditures  authorized  as  to  insurance 57 

foreign  service  of  U.  S.,  quarterlv  list...  60, 2,58 

634, 900 

language  assignments 1056, 1140 

minister  to  Liberia,  to  increase  salary — 

recommendation 768 

report.. 813 

precedence  between  ambassadors,  etc 187 

relief  of  certain  officers 554.840,9.30, 1067 

reorganization  and  improvement 997 

retirement  and  disability  system,  rules 127 

see  also  Agricultural  attaches — Consular 
service — Consuls — Diplomats. 

oreign  Service  Board  of  Examiners 764 

oreign  Service  Personnel  Board 764 

oreign  Service  School .764 

oreign  Tariffs  Division 216,795,1090 

oreign  trade,  see  Commerce. 

loreign  trade  zones,  see  Free  zones. 

ioreign  Wars  of  United  States,  Veterans  of, 

',  see   Veterans   of   Foreign  Wars  of 

United  States. 
Oreigners,  see  Aliens, 
loremen : 

I    bibliography  on  foreman  training 1018 

■    progress  in  foreman  training 861 

j    training  foreman  conference  leaders. 725 

prest  fires: 

:    central  Mass.,  forest-fire  weather.. '  lOS.*; 

I    estimate  for  protection  from,  1929 510 

Forest  fires— Continued. 

help  prevent  woods  fires 8 

how  you  can  help  prevent  fires ......    531 

prevention  handbook  for  schools ..,  787 

take  care!  every  farmer  shares  loss "  ,S3i 

Forest  Insect  Investigations  Division 144 

Forest  nurseries,  see  Beal  Nursery. 
Forest  products: 

American  forest  products 274  918 

census  reports,  1926... 15^407 

rates  on ^ _  _  igg 

routing  restriction "II"!  168 

«fe  a/«o  names  of  products. 

Forest  Products  Laboratory. 753 

Forest  Reservation  Commission,  see  National 
Forest    Reservation    Commission. 
Forest  reserves,  see  National  forests. 

Forest  Service 8,7,5,144  208 

274, 332, 402, 531, 652,  787, 918, 1082 

directories. _ 208, 91H 

estimates 510,  loas 

north  Pacific  district 787 

relief  of  members  of  trail  crew. 946 

report,  1927 332 

see  also  Greeley,  W.  B. 

Forest  worker  (periodical) 7.5, 

144, 274, 402, 787, 1082 

same,  descriptive  circular 1082 

Forests  and  forestry: 

acquisition  of  lands,  estimates,  1929...  510, 1065 

America  and  the  world's  woodpile 402 

forest  plantations,  measurements 648,783 

forest  week .531 

forestry  and  farm  income 402 

forestry  as  profession 274 

forestry  facts,  compendium  of  information.  .531 

forestry  in  Sweden 339 

forests  and  floods 402 

forests  and  forest  products. 274,918 

forests  and  water  in  light  of  science 208 

forests  of  Colville  Reservation 714 

hardwood  forests,  blight-killed  chestnut...      8 

home  woodlands,  forestry  lessons 652 

management  plans 531 

publications — 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

forestry  for  the  farm 402 

forestry  on  farm  woodlands 652 

reforestation,  etc.,  research — 

H.  R.  6091,  hearings 674 

H.  R.  12878,  report 806 

S.  1183,  hearings 703 

S.  1344,  report 983 

S.  3.556,  law 1099 

S.  3.556,  report... 836 

selvicultiu-a  panamericana 253 

stream-flow  experiment 920,1085 

watersheds,  protection — 

hearings 448, 674 

la\^ 933 

reports 448,674,805 

Yosemite.  etc.,  national  parks 730 

see  also  Forest  fires— Forest  worker  (peri- 
odical)—National  forests— a/so  Fos- 

safety  code  for  forging 245 

specifications — 

carbon  steel  and  alloy  steel  forgings —  340 
carbon  steel  forgings  for  locomotives...  340 

for  locomotives  and  cars 340 

Formaldehyde  seed  tre;itment  for  oat  smuts...  6.54 

Formalin  treatment  of  chancroids,  etc 48.49 

Former  Corporation  r.  United  States 460, 

619,  879 
Formosa,  see  Taiwan. 

Formosa  Strait,  chart 10.50 

Forms,  see  Transportation  request  forms— af»o 
names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
etc.,  issuing  forms— n/»o  special  sub- 
ject, e.g.  Income  tax. 

Forster,  W.  II.  C,  plague  epidemics 263 

Forsythe,   Warren   E..   health  of  students  as 

related  to  tonsillectomy 776. 1070 

Fort,  Franklin  W.  (Representative  from  N.  J.): 
minority  views — 

Agriculture  Com """ 

Fort,  N.  G.,  cattle *''>'< 


Index,  1927-1928 


Fort,  sec  name  of  fort. 
Fort  Apache  Reservation: 

power  permits,  etc nS",^nn 

privately  owned  lands,  purchase..  953, 998, 1099 
Fort  Belknap  Reservation,  reimburse  certain 

Indians .- ---  422,  587,  666 

Fort  Berthold  Reservation  v.  United  States.. -1017 
Fort  BIdwell  Indian  School: 

hospital ---  !^M,n5,S01 

school  building 554,715,801 

Fort  Bragg  Landing,  chart 408 

Fort  Dodge,  Des  Moines  &  Southern  R.R.: 

rates  on  grain IW 

V.  United  States 114 

Fort  Donelson  National  Park 349,718,801 

Fort  Hall  Reservation,  water,  etc 554,  715,  801 

Fort  Hays  Branch  Station,  cereal  experiments.  333 
Fort  Keogh,  Mont.,  experiment  sta.  estimate.  1063 
Fort   Neglev    National    Park,    statements   of 

Mrs.  E.  Gillentine,  etc 967 

Fort  Peck  Reservation,  lands 814,848,953,1099 

Fort  Smith  &  Western  Ry.,  rates  on  coal 733 

Fort  Smith,  Subiaco  &  Rock  Island  R.  R.: 

freight  rates 610 

P.  Missouri  Pacific  R.  R... 368,619 

Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  easement 829,977 

Ft.  Worth,  Tex.,  air  navigation  map. 777 

Fort  Worth  &  Denver  South  Plains  Ry 232 

Fort  Worth  Belt  Ry.,  car-couplings 230 

Fortier,  Samuel: 
arid  and  semiarid  lands _ 789 

border  method 789 

of  alfalfa 405 

practical  information  for  beginners 1084 

silt  in  Colorado  River 655 

Fortification,  Army  regulations 516,775 

Forts,  see  Military  posts— abo  names  of  forts. 

Fortymile.  Alaska,  abolishing  port  of  entry 381 

Foshag,  William  F.: 

crystalline  carnotite  from  Utah 320 

minerals  of  Mexico 898 

Quicksilver  deposits  of  Pilot  Mts 228, 1114 

rossite  and  metarossite,  new  vanadates 385 

Foss,  Frank  H.  (Representative  from  Mass.): 
reports  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com..  696,976 

Fosse  &  Co.,  manures 105 


carboniferous  and  Triassic  fossils 464 

forests  of  Yellowstone  National  Park 1023 

peculiar  fossil  forms  from  Maryland 60 

see  also  Animals  (fossil)— Insects  (fossil) — 
Mollusks  (fossil)— Plants  (fossil)— 
also  names  of  fossil  plants,  animals, 

Foster,  Emery  M.,  public-school  systems 1021 

Foster,  Julian  B.,  automotive  market  of  N.  Z..  409 

Foster,  Kennedy  F.,  relief... 435 


census  of  foundry  products,  1925 214 

wages  and  hours  of  labor,  1927 883 

Fountain  pens,  short-paid  parcels 253 

4-chaulmoogrylaminophenyIarsonic  acid  63 

4-H  club  work 330,528 

Fourteenth  street,  D.  C,  widening,  etc  996 

Fourth  and  Central  Trust  Co.,  exr 43 

Fourth-class  mail  matter,  see  Parcel  post. 
Fowl  tick,  how  premises  may  be  freed.    .  530 

Fowler,  Earl  D.,  soil  of  Monroe  County,  Ind  1085 
Fowler,  11.  C,  pipe-tool  accidents.  662 

Fowler,  Henry  W.,  fishes 899 

Fowlor,  R.  F.,  Providence,  R.  I.,  district  519 

Fowler,  William: 

public  health  laws  and  regulations,  1926        202 
public  health  ordinances,  etc.,  1923-26  1147 

Fowler  Commission  Co.,  corn  734 

Fowls,  «ee  Poultry. 

Fox,  C.  B.,r.  United  States...  289 

Fox,  C.  B.,  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States....  "1110 
tax,  Carroll,  San  Juan  rat-flea  survey. . .  773, 1069 
J  ox,  Elizabeth,  public-health  nurses  371 

Fox,  Florence  C: 

playgrounds  of  the  Nation  2''7 

sixty  stories  for  boys  and  girls  16O 

Fox,  H.,  &  Co.  V.  Maurice  Campbell  '  879 

Fox,  Homer  S.,  British  chemical  trade 794 

Fox,  John  A.,  relief. 450648  799 


Fox,  see  Blue-fox. 

Fox  &  Illinois  Union  Ry.,  deficit  settlement...  232 

Fox  Indians: 

ethnology,  contributions 191 

language  studies... 898 

Fox  Islands,  chart 137 

Fox  River: 

bridges  at  — 

Algonquin,  111 556,708,801 

Dundee,  111 957    jJ 

St.  Charles,  111 557,708,801  l| 

Fractures:  "' 

article  on.. 496,497 

elbow,  tourniquet  splint 887 

long  bones,  late  results 67 

mandible... 907 

Fraher,  Michael  J.,  relief 563 


agricultural  survey 648 

arbitration  treaty  with  U.  S 1060 

claim  for  owner  of  steamship  Madeleine — 

law 934 

report  of  committee 553 

report  of  State  Dept.. 386 

industrial  machinery  market 795 

pilot,  supplement 757 

potash  mining 412 

public  service  retirement  system 492 

renunciation  of  war,  U.  S.  and  France 901 

sites  for  monuments  to  be  erected  by  U.  S..  192 
France  Field,  Aic  Corps  retriever....  966, 1002, 1098 

Francis,  Edward,  tularaemia  in  tick,  etc 323 

Francke,  George  A.,  relief 419,543,575 

Francke,  Lewis  H.,  heir,  relief 419,543,575 

Francois,  Marius,  relief 812 

Frank,  L.,  &  Son  Co.  v.  United  States 114,748 

Frank,  Leah,  relief 814 

Frank,  Rudolph  W.,  v.  Germany 131 

Frank,  William,  potatoes 365 

Franked  mail,  see  Mail  matter. 
Frankenfield,  H.  C: 

daily  river  stages,  1926 11 

floods  in  Mississippi  basin,  1927... 336 

same,  abstract 405 

November  floods  in  New  England,  etc 534 

Frankfort  &  Cincinnati  R.  R 32 

Franking  privilege,  see  Mail  matter. 

Frankle  Brothers  Co.  vs.  Carl  F.  Routzahn.. .  1040 

Franklin,  Lynn  W.,  relief.. 553,929 

Franklin  Coal  Co.,  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  rp.,  etc.  602 

Franklin  Company,  United  States  » 461 

Franklin  Ice  Cream  Co.,  claim 908 

Franks,  Edward  T.,  Ohio  River  bridge....  559,671 

Eraser,  Arthur  C,  v.  David  H.  Blair 619 

Fraternal    benefit    associations,    see    Benefit 


business  before  Patent  Office- 
hearings 1107, 1109 

reports 695, 1010 

use  of  mails  for  fraudulent  devices 721, 1011 

Frazer,  John,  relief  of  estate 575 

Frazier,  Lynn  J.  (Senator  from  N.  Dak.): 
reports  made  by- 
Banking  and  Currency  Com. 574 

Indian  Affairs  Com.. 587, 

588,  714,  715,  716,  848, 849, 998, 999 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 1011 

Fred,  E.  B.: 

root-nodule  bacteria  of  pea  group 525, 647 

sauerkraut,  relation  of  temperature 525, 647 

Frederikshavn,  Denmark,  chart... 499 

Fredonia  &  Reeds  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Free  Magyar  Reformed  Church  in  America, 

census  report,  1926 922 

Free  zones,  establishment  in  ports  of  U.  S 842  ^, 

Freeby,  George  E.:  ^ 

potatoes. ....  479  n 

watermelons 617  ^ 

Freed,  Harold,  thoracotomy  for  empyema 392 

Freedmen's  Hospital 28,369 

report,  1927 359 

school  of  nursing,  regulations 28 

Freeland,  Chester  V.,  v.  United  States 239,368 

Freeman,  H.  B.,  underground  communication.  796 
Freeman,  John  R.,  jr.: 

comparative  tests  of  rail  steel 66S 

endurance  properties  of  rail  steel 665 




Freer  Gallery  of  Art 767 

paintings,  pastels,  etc.,  list 767 

report,  1927 320 

Freeth,  F.  A.,  article  on  H.  Eamerlingb  Onnes.  190 

effects  on  onions _ 9 

injury  to  potatoes 210 


commodity  statistics — 

order  of  Interstate  Commerce  Comn...  870 

summary 165,471,735 

year  ended  Dec.  31,  1927 1028 


Bangor  &  Aroostook  R.  R 610 

suitable  for  loading  flour,  etc 102 

see  also  Coal-cars— R  efrigerator-cars— 
Stock-cars— Tank-cars. 
Freight  rates: 

class  and  commodity  rates— 

between     Oregon     and     Washington 

points 32 

cancellation 870, 1118 

investigation  of  eastern  class  rates 870 

investigation  of  southern  class  rates 103 

classification  changes  rel.  to  4th  sec 102,  610 

consolidated  southwestern  cases 735 

land-grant  equalization  agreements.. 326 

long  and  short  haul 716 

see  also  Shipping — also  names  of  commodi- 
ties, names  of  associations,  compa- 
nies, railroads,  and,  for  boards  of 
trade,  etc.,  name  of  place  where 

Fremont,  Ohio,  post  ofiice,  estimate 510 

Fremont  National  Forest: 

proposed  addition  of  public  lands... 702 

purposes  and  resources,  information  map..      8 
French,  Burton  L.  (Representative  fromldaho): 
reports  made  by —    . 

Appropriations  Com 675 

Conference  Com '. 941 

French,  H.  J.,  creep  in  5  steels 665 

French,  Rowland  B.: 

heat  production  of  cattle  (2  entries) 3 

metabolism  of  cattle  (2  entries) 399 

net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

French  Broad  River,  bridge 816,842,933 

French  Guiana,  commercial,  etc.,  survey 280 

French  language,  reading  after  graduation 160 

French  prints,  catalogue  of  L.  C.  exhibition..   1130 
Fresco,  Fils  d'Aslan,  see  Fils  d'.4slan  Fresco. 

Frevert,  H.  W.,  gas  mask  protection  in  air .539 

Frey,  R.  W.,  home  tanning  of  leather,  etc 917 

Friction  of  aviation  engines 47 

Friedman,  William  F.,  International  Radio- 
telegraph Conference 900 

Friel,  E.  C: 

design  of  internally  braced  wings 909 

progress  rps.  on  experimental  metal  spars..  325 

Friend,  Joseph  F.,  relief 548,986, 1095 

Friendly  societies,  see  Benefit  associations. 

Friends,  census  of  religious  bodies,  1926.. 922 


treaty  with — 

Germany 900 

Honduras 1143 

Latvia... 1144 

Fries,  J.  August,  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

Frishman,  Ralph  F.,  v.  Hungary 259 

Fritzel,  Mike,  v.  United  States 114 

Fritzen,  James  C,  relief... 548 

Froemke,  Fayette  L.,  relief 442 

Froley,  J.  W.,  azimuths  of  celestial  bodies 311 

Frost,  Edwin  B.,  memoir  of  E.  E.  Barnard 493 

Frost,  H.  H.,  Jutland 120 

Frost,  L.  C,  dental  observations 887,1047 

Frost,  S.  H.,  &  E.  H.,  peppers 1121 

Frost,  S.  W.,  lifelhistory  of  bud  moth 204,269 

Frost,  strawberries  protected  by  heating 212 

Frothingham,  Louis  A.  (Representative  from 
minority  views — 

Military  Affairs  Com 824 

reports  made  by— 

Military  Affairs  Com 349, 

350, 436, 437, 439,  563, 564, 565, 690. 691. 
692, 693,  822, 826, 966, 968, 969,  970,  971 


Fruen  Grain  Co.,  oats. 477 


date  palm,  effect  of  pollen 648,788 

dealers  in  fresh  fruits,  rules,  etc 1105 

dehydration,  commercial 6 

grown  outside  of  U.  S.,  labeling.. 957 

rates  on 103,166,472,610 

standard  hampers,  etc. — 

estimate  for  enforcement  of  act 1063 

hearings. 678 

law 931 

reports 572,809 

statistics 142 

see  also  Citrus  fruit — Dried  fruit- Fruit- 
culture— aiso  names  of  fruits,  fruit 
diseases,  and  fruit  pests. 

bridge  grafting 9 

experiments  in  southern  Great  Plains- 
estimate 1065 

hearings 547 

law 802 

reports 546,573,836 

experiments  near  Cheyenne,  Wyo — 

estimate 770 

law 668 

reports 573,675 

glowing  fruit  for  home  use 1084 

information  for  fruit  growers.. 786 

publications  for  sale 159, 1020 

see  also  Citrus  fruit— aZso  names  of  fruits. 
Fruit  trees,  see  names  and  classes  of  fruit. 
Fruit  worms,  see  Mexican  fruit  worm. 

Fruit  wrappers,  rates  on 103 

Fruits,  see  Fruit. 

engine  cylinder,  fuel  injection,  etc... 119 

for  locomotives 33, 103, 166, 

232, 297,  363, 472, 610, 870, 1029, 1119 

mineral  fuels,  1926 94 

mineral  fuels,  1927 863 

publications.  Government 226,1113 

see  also  Spraying  (fuels) — also  name  of  fuel. 

Fuel  injection  nozzle,  spray  penetration 47 


apparatus,  operation,  etc.  (2  entries).. 754 

distribution,  1926,  national  survey 340 

Government  supplies 511 

master  specification  for  liquid  fuels 217 

rates  on 166,  735, 870, 1029, 1119 

Fuels,  see  Fuel. 

Fugitives  from  justice,  see  Crime  and  criminals. 

Fujimoto,  G.,  iododihydrochaulmoogric  acid..    63 

Fukuura  Wan,  chart 182 

Fuller,  Charles  E.,  memorial  addresses 221 

Fuller,  G.  L.,  soil  of  Fulton  County,  Ohio 1081 

Fuller,  W.  P.,  &  Co.,  linseed-oil 105 

Fuller,  Walter  M.,  patent  appeal 413 

Fuller's  earth,  in  1926 19 

Fullerton  Lumber  Co.,  reweighing  of  freight..  1035 

Fullmer,  Irvin  H.,  standards  for  metal  fits 22 

Fulton,  B.  B.,  apple  curcuho 783,915 

Fulton,  G.  A.,  automobiles 606 

Fulton,  Ark.,  bridge 348,454,544,817,1102 

Fulton  Bag  &  Cotton  Mills,  burlap  bags 732 

Fulton  County,  Ohio,  soil  survey 1081 

Fulwider,  R.  M.,  study  of  Vincent's  angina...  264 

tests  for  HCN  in  ship  fumigation 905 

Zyklon-B  residue  disposal. 391,640 

Fungi,  see  names  of  fungi  and  fungous  diseases. 
Fungicide  Board,  see  Insecticide  and  Fungicide 

Fungicides,  see  names  of  fungicides. 
Fungous  diseases,  see  names  of  diseases. 

Funk  Bros.  Seed  Co.,  dent  corn 531 

Funsten,  R.  E.,  Co.  v.  United  States 222,368 


cleaning  of  fur  garments 343 

tanning  small  skins. 917 

Fur-bearing  animals: 

Biological  Survey  pubs,  on  fur  farming 73 

experimental  farm 7:<,  785 

laws  for  season  1927-28 205 

regulations  in  Alaska 527,917 

sec  also  Game — also  names  of  animals. 
Fur-felt  hats,  see  Hats. 


Index,  1927-1928 

Kur-st'al,  ««  Seal  and  seal  fisheries. 
Furlow,  A  lion  J.  (Rpprcsentative  from  Minn.1: 

''%nmarv  Aff^rs  Com 350,433,435,436, 

■  437,438, 441, 690, 823,  824, 966, 967, 973 

Furnaws,  see  Blast  furnaces. 

Furness,  J.W.: 

antimony  in  1920. --- ---  ^'' 

clironiilo  in  1920 '« 

manganese,  etc.,  in  1926 --  ^^ 

mercury  in  1926 ---  218 

tin  in  1926 1^ 

Furness,  Withy  &  Co.,  Ltd oOi 

Furniture:  ,„      ,  •    ^  — j 

for  Federal  buildmgs  (2 entries) ---  '/3 

Government  supplies 638 

rates  on . . .  33,  103, 363,  364, 472.  505,  611, 735, 1119 
Furs,  see  Fur. 

Furuya,  M.,  Co.,  United  States  v -    2o 

Fusarium  conplufinans,  see  Yellows. 

Fusarium  rot  in  stored  jiotatoes 1084 

Fuselages,  airplane,  tests 118,119 

Futures,  see  Options  and  futures. 


O.  A.  K.,  see  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic. 

Gaeta  Bay,  chart 52 

Gage,  Charles  E.,  crops  other  than  grains 142 

Gager,  Leslie  T.,  cardiac  disorders 392 

Gages,  see  Pressure  gages— Vacuum  gages. 

Gaines,  E.  F.,  wheat  resistant  to  smut 276 

Gaines.  W.  L.,  dairv  cows,  short -time  test-  -  203,  211 

Gainesville,  Ala.,  bridge 429,672,711 

Gainesville  &  Northwestern  R.  R 736 

Gainesville  Midland  Ry.: 

acquisition  of  control 472 

operation  of  lines 298 

reorgani7,ation -  297, 1119 

Galdston,  lago,  health  of  working  boys 116 

Galesburg  quadrangle,  111 361 

Galite  Channel,  chart 1050 

Gall-bladder  surgery,  consideration 496,497 

Gallagher,  A.  F.,  relief 648,986,1095 

Gallagher,  Bernard  A.,  diseases  of  poultry 271 

Gallagher,  Charles,  claim 833,839,981,1095 

Gallagher,  Edward  L,  admr.,  claim 833, 

839, 981, 1095 

Gallagher  &  Ascher,  Inc.,  U.  S.  ».-.. 600 

Gallahan,  Jennie  B.,  relief 949 

Gallatin  National  Forest,  additions...  697,931,1012 

Gallinas  River,  chart 122 

Galloway,  B.  T.: 

bamboo  groves  thrive  in  United  States 145 

bamboos  and  bamboo  culture 654 

Quetta  nectarine. 146 

Galloway  Lithographing  Co 741 

Gallup,  Willis  D.: 

cows,  utilization  of  grain  in  silage 203,  204 

development  of  cotton  bolls,  etc.  (2) 1079 

possypol  content,  etc.,  of  cotton  seeds 4.71 

Galpin,  C.  J.,  agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 

Galvfin,  Adolfo  P.,  mother  r.  United  States 130 

Galviin,  Salomf  Lerma  de.  v.  United  States...  130 

Galvanizing  tanks,  plate  material 886 

Galveston,  Tex.: 

Chamber  of  Commerce— 

eotton-seed.- ._ 1027 

chart  of  entrance 338 

Commercial  .\ssociation — 

freight  rates _..  102,  297 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district .      517 

Galveston,  Harrisburg  &  San  Antonio  Ry.: 

demurrage 1027 

freight  rates io2,297 

rates  on — 

bananas _.  eoe 

paper .-'l033 

steel 1123 

train-stop  device """  "'"    ^76 

r.  United  States 175, 304, 460" 486, 746 

Galveston,  Houston  &  Henderson  R  R  • 

demurrage 165 

valuation... gn 

Gam,  James  H.  S.,  relief 707 

Gambia  River,  chart "  499 

Gambier  Bay,  chart ""  079 

Giimbino,  Rosario,  r.  United  States..."      239 


Gamble,  James  A.,  cooling  milk,  etc 331 

Gamble  &  Stockton  Co.,  drain-tiles 1028 

Gamble  Robinson  Co.: 

decking ---  869 

grapes 1030 

refrigeration 874 

Gambrill,  Stephen  W.   (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 441,442,695,827,975 

Gambusia,  see  Mosquito  fish.  iJ 

Game:  ^ 

disappearing  game  fishes,  remedy 12 

feed  facilities  in  Yellowstone  Park.  697, 931, 1012 
laws  and  regulations — 

Alaska,  regulations 527,917 

Federal  laws 205 

summary  of  Federal,  etc.,  statutes. .  73,272 

local  names  of  migratory  game  birds 143 

officials,  etc.,  concerned  with  protection 143 

propagation  of  game  birds 917 

refuges,  preserves,  etc. — 

in  Kansas 568,597,669 

in  Louisiana 943- 

national  forest  sanctuaries _  573 

on  Ouachita  National  Forest 807 

see  also  names  of  game  preserves. 
Game-birds,  see  Birds- Game. 

Games,  classification.  Library  of  Congress 885 

Gametophyte,  female,  of  Poa  pratensis,  etc 4,  75. 

Gandrud,  B.  W.,  magnetic  concentration  of  ores.  281      ' 

Gangue,  siliceous,  flotation  of  limestone 281 

Garabed,  free-energy  generator 566,  lOlO' 

Garages,  see  Repair  shops. 

Garbage,  feeding  to  hogs 73: 

Garden  City,  Kans.,  sale  of  lands 568,597,669 


experiments  in  southern  Great  Plains- 
estimate - 1065 

hearings '. 54T 

law... 802 

reports 546,573,836; 

experiments  near  Cheyenne,  Wyo. — 

estimate 770i 

law 668 

reports 573,675 


farm  garden  in  the  North 334 

garden  vegetable  diseases  and  insects 76 

insect  enemies  of  flower  garden.. 74,651 

seeds  for  home  and  market  garden 210' 

Gardiner,  Arthur  W.: 

aviation  engine,  comparative  performance.  495 

fuel  injection  and  compression  ignition 119 

overcompressed  engine  using  gasoline. 495- 

Roots  type  aircraft  engine  supercharger 47 

Gardner,  Charlotte  S.,  appointment 1056 

Gardner,  David  M.,  mental  hygine 1149 

Gardner,  E.  D.: 

drilling  and  blasting  in  copper  mines 19 

gases  from  blasting  in  tunnels,  etc 411 

Gardner,  Frank  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
minority  views- 
Roads  Com 832 

Gardner,  Frank  Q.,  trustee,  Mabel  G.  Rein- 

eckevs 193,748 

Gardner,  Julia,  molluscan  fauna 1114 

Gardner,  Kelsey  B.,  use  of  sales  organization..  400 

Gardner,  Leroy  U.,  intestinal  tuberculosis 640 

Gardner,  Thomas  J.,  relief 349 

Garfield,  James  R.,  see  Colorado  River. 

Garfield  County,  Mont.,  bridge 684,843,934 

Garland,  Ark.,  bridge 559,583,710,1102 

Garments,  see  Clothing. 

Garner,  W.  W.,  factores  mundiaes  na  industria 

do  fumo 761  . 

Garnishment  of  salaries  of  Fed.  employees 686         M 

Garrett,  Daniel  E.  (Representative  from  Tex.):  ^ 

reports  made  by — 

Military  Affairs  Com 433, 

441, 563, 565, 690, 691, 966, 967 
Garrett,  George  H.,  post  operative  changes  in 

blood 392 

Garrison,  Robert  Y.,  relief 823 

Garton,  W.  M.,  sanitation  dept.,  Quantico 49 

Gas,  see  Gases— a/so  certain  headings  beginning 



Gas  (illiiminating): 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 213 

recort  of  Federal  Trade  Comn 1020, 1112 

Gas  (natural): 

carbon  black  produced  in  1926 19 

flame  propagation  in  gas-air  mixtures _  662 

in — 

Bell  Springs  district,  Wyo 464,863 

Colorado,  prospects 604,863 

Oklahoma,  map  of  gas  fields 161 

Texas,  map  of  gas  fields 161 

contests 1014 

extension  of  time 444,459,597,671 

prospecting  in  Wyoming. 570 

production  in  1926 282 

Gas  lamps,  incandescent.  Government  supplies.  390 
Gas  masks: 

for  protection  against  all  gases,  etc 539 

publications,  Mines  Bureau 539 

see  also  Self-rescuers. 

Gas  oil,  rates  on 472,1029 


automobile  exhaust  gas  in  streets,  etc 773 

burette  for  measurement  of  gas  volumes 154 

explosive  reaction,  elTect  of  inert  gases 624 

from  blasting  in  tunnels,  etc 411 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

gas  mask  for  protection  against  gases 539 

in  metals 344 

inflammability  limits 539 

producing  small  bubbles  in  liquids 19 

publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

see  also  certain  headings  beginning  Gas — 
also  names  of  gases. 

Government  supplies.. 1146 

natural-gas  gasoline  in  1926 281 

publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

rates  on 33,  103,298,472,811,736,870,1029 

Gasoline  engines,  see  Engines. 

Qaspe  Bay.  chart 51 

Gaspe  Harbor,  Quebec,  chart.. 51 

Gastric  contents,  examination 1070, 1149 

Gastric  ulcer,  see  Ulcers. 

Gastro-jejunocolic  fistula,  with  case  report 264 

Gastroenteroptosis  treated  by  physiotherapy ..    65 

Gastrointestinal  canal,  bran  impaction 1149 

Gates,  Dellora  R.,v.  U.  S 175,746 

Gates,  George  R.,  schizoid  mechanisms 392 

Gates  for  Spiegel  Grove  State  Park  .443,  444,  721,  804 
Gateway  Bridge  Co.: 

bridge 818,993, 1102 

purchase  of  portion  of  Fort  Brown 967, 

1003, 1099 

Gathmann  sink-head  molds 665 

Gatterdam,   Eugene  A.,  eflfect  of  altitude  on 

pneumothorax  cases 1 149 

Gatun  Lake,  outbreak  of  otitis  media 888 

Gauges,  see  Pressure  gages— Vacuum  gages. 

Gauley  &  Meadow  River  R.  R.,  valuation 296 

Gauley  Mountain  Coal  Co.  (•.  David  H.  Blair.  239 

Gaylord,  Robert,  Inc.,  pulp  board 1121 

Gazette,  see  Official  gazette. 

Gears,  reduction,  operation,  care,  etc.     (2) 754 

Gebhardt,   Charles   E.,   see,   as  reporter,   Tax 
Appeals  Board,  reports. 

Gecko  from  Tanganyika  Territory 767 

Geddes,  J.  G.,  o  commercio  exterior  e  as  casas 

bancarias 252 

Gee,  C.  C.,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  district ._  518 

Geese,  raising 205,916 

Geestemunde,  see  Wesermunde,  Germany. 

Gehl,  R.  M.,  official  standards  for  rice 526 

Geib,  W.  J.,  soil  of  Green  Lake  (^o..  Wis 789 

Geisler,  C.  D.,  analysis  of  concrete  arches 211 

Gelzenlichter,  R.,  aircraft  fire  prevention 777 

Gem  districts  of  Ceylon  and  Burma 190 

Gemco  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  U.  S 460 

General  Accounting  Office 27,92, 

159,  292,  358,  462,  603,  726, 1020, 1112 

claims  allowed 388, 

decisions  of  comptroller  general — 

July,  1926-June,  1927 462 

July,  1926-June,  1927,  index-digest 726 

July-Sept.  1927,  index-digest 292 

General  .\ccounting  Office— Continued, 
decisions  of  comptroller  general— Can td. 

Oct.-Dec.  1927,  index-digest 603 

Jan.-Mar.  1928,  index-digest 1020 

concerning  contracts  and  purchases...  1068 

monthly 27, 92, 

159,  292,  358.  603,  726,  1020, 1112 
opinions  of  comptroller  general- 
relating  to  Veterans'  Bur..  1925-26 198 

report  of  comptroller  general,  1927 358 

reporting  claims,  etc.,  to  Congress- 
hearings 679 

law _  801 

reports 552,838 

General  average,  see  Average  (maritime  law). 
General  Claims  Commission,  V.  S.  and  Mexico     60, 

130,  193,  508 

convention  extending  duration 320 

opinions,  Feb.  4,  1926-July  23,  1927 508 

see  also  names  of  claimants. 
General  Eldershij)  of  Churches  of  God  in  North 

America,  census.  1926... 922 

General  Grant  National  Park: 

circular  of  general  information.. 1115 

forests 730 

publications  on.  for  sale 730 

secret  of  big  trees 865 

topographic  map .  95 

General  Land  Office 28,227,293,359,863 

report,  1927 _  359 

General  Railway  Signal  Co.: 

train-control  or  train-stop  devices  on — 

Atlantic  Coast  Line  R.  R 236 

Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R 1124 

Boston  &  Albany  R.  R 173 

Cleveland,     Cincinnati,     Chicago     & 

St.  Louis  Ry 483 

Louisville  &  Nashville  R.  R 483 

Michigan  Central  R.  R 302,366 

New  York  Central  R.  R 112,173 

General  Sprayer  Co.,  insecticides 167 

General  Staff  Corps 266,394 

Army  regulations 198 

rank  of  chief  of  staff 967 

selection  of  eligibles — 

hearings 692 

law 933 

reports 592,968 

General  Storage  Battery  Co.  v.  U.  S 157,239 

General  Supply  Committee 62, 195, 

261,  322,  390, 511,  638,  771, 1069,  1146 

to  enlarge  functions 686 

General  Textile  Corporations.  U.  S 304 


audio  currents  of  adjustable  frequency 665 

census  report,  1925 13 

operation,  etc.,  of  generating  sets 625 

Genereux,  Emile,  alias,  see  Genireu.x,  Emile. 

Genesee  &  Wyoming  R.  R.,  valuation 472 

Genesee  County,  N.  Y.,  soil  survey 211 

Geneva,  Switzerland,   Conference  for  Limita- 
tion of  Naval  Armament 702 

Genicheski  Road,  chart __.  181 

Genireux,  Emile,  relief 435, 1003, 1095 

Genito-urinarj'  tract,  surgery  in  tuberculosis-  _   197 

Gentile,  Joseph,  Co.,  grapes 1030 


geodetic  operations  in  U.  S.,  1924-26 15 

geodetic  standardization... 16 

digests  of  geodetic  publications 793 

list  of  geodetic  publications 15 

Geodesy  and  Geophysics  Union,  see  Interna- 
tional   Union    of    Geodesy    and 
Geodesy  Section,  see  International  Union  of 

Geodesy  and  Geophysics. 
Geodetic   Survey,    see    Coast   and    Geodetic 

Geographic  Board 92,292,462,603,862, 1112 

decisions  192:j-27.-        _  92 

decisions!  1927-28!  ]-""'r292,"462,'66.3,"862,'lll2 
Geographic  code: 
right  to  use,  etc.— 

hearings. 805,942 

minority  views 1105 

report... 942 


Index,  1927-1928 


"^^d^iflcation,  Library  of  Congress..    885 

•      o  espirito  do  ensino  da  geographia  moderua-  124 

"      of  Idaho,  southeastern  part 4b4 

pocket  gophers  in  Cahfornia - 190 

publications,  Government- - '^' 

Oeofogic  atlas  of  United  States ---  ^94 

(ieoloiical  and   Natural   History   Purvey   of 

Wisconsin,  soil  of  Green  Lalce  Co..  7»y 

OnnlnEJcal  Sufvev 28,94,  Ibl,  227, 

Geological  "ur^ey  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^  _^^  ^^^^  ^^22, 1113 

estimate - ^^^ 


for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents . . . .      -  -  159 

new  publications -^^'X:^'},} ; 

228,  294, 464, 604,  728, 863, 1022, 1114 

relating  to  Alaska... ^^^'o!JH 

report,  1927 ...._.----  360 

Geological  Survey  of  Mississippi,  soil '89 

Geological  Survey  of  Tennessee,  ores. 227 


contibutions  to— 

economic  geology,  1926.. _ 94 

economic  geology,  1927 863,1114 

Alaska,  investigations  in  north 94,  360 

Bell  Springs  district,  Wyo_ 464,863 

Castlegate,  etc.,  quadrangles,  Utah...  1022 
Cat  Creek  and  Devils  Basin  oil  fields.       94 

Colorado,  northeastern 604,  863 

Colorado,  Wyoming,  and  Montana..  28,29 

Fort  Caswell" 64 

Idaho,  southeastern — 464 

Ingomar  anticline,  Mont 94 

Italian  Mountain  vicinity,  Colo 192 

Knik-Matanuska  district,  Alaska 360 

Leadville  mining  district,  Colo 29 

M ichigan,  explorations -_. 898 

Mogollon  mining  district,  N.  Mex 95 

Salina  Canyon  district,  Utah 464,863 

Yellowstone  National  Park 1023 

publications  of  Geological  Survey 159 

see  also  the  following  names  of  periods,  eras, 
etc. :— Cambrian— Carboniferous- 
Cretaceous  —  Eocene  — Miocene — 
Mississippian  —  Oligocene — Ordo- 
vician  —  Permian  —  Pleistocene  — 
Pliocene— Silurian— Triassic. 

Geophysical  methods  of  mining 341 

George,  Walter  F.  (Senator  from  Ga.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Military  Affairs  Com_ 592,594,718,851 

George  Rogers  Clark  Se.squicentennial  Com- 

estimate 1065 

law 1104 

reports  of  committees 590, 821.9:H8 

George  Washingion  Bicentennial  Conuni.ssion, 
ser  Washington,  George.  Commis- 
sion for  Celebration  of  2(H)tli  Anni- 
versary of  Birth  of. 
George       Washington  -  Wakefield       ^^emorial 

Bridge 348,4.54,671 


bridge  across  Chattahoochee  River.  556, 667,  707 

bridge  across  Savannah  River 959,994, 1103 

{;ensus  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-« 80 

charts 16,530 

mail  contracts 315 

post  route  map 630 

tobacco  hudworni  and  its  control. .  _ 7 

Georgia  Agricultural  ICxperiment  Station    .      050 
Georgia  &  Florida  Ry.: 

freight  rates ." Ki/; 

rates  on  meat... 73S 

Georgia  Coastal  Plain  Experiment  Station: 

tobacco 276 

winter  field  peas 334 

Oeorgia,  Florida  &  Alabama  Ry ""!  no 

Georgia  Northern  Ry. 173 

Oeorgia  Peach  Growers  Exchange        740 

Georgia  Rail  Road  &  Banking  Co.,  valuation"  166 
Oeorgia  Railroad,  valuation.  . .  166 

Georgia  Southern  &  Florida  Ry.  ""  736 

Georgia  State  College  of  Agriculture.  "  276 

Oericke,  Martha  L.,  bulletins  of  agricultural 

experiment  stations 652 

Oericke,  W.  F.,  protein  content  of  wheat       71  141 

German-American    Claims    Commission,    see 
Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S. 
and  Germany. 
German  Baptist  Brethren  (Dunkers): 

census,  1926 1087 

German  language,  reading  after  graduation 160 

German  Machinery  Manufacturers'  .Associa- 
tion, see  National  German  Machin- 
ery Manufacturers'  Association. 
German  measles,  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War...  779 

agricultural  survey 400 

chemical  developments  in  1927 537 

exports  of  electrical  equipment,  19i;}-27 794 

industry  and  trade 601 

metal-working,  industry  and  trade 661 

textile,  business  sought  by  Gt.  Brit 409 

parcel-post  facilities  increased 1138 

potash  mining... 412 

receipts  from,  Treas.  Dept.  rp.  extracts 769 

standards  for  metal  fits 22 

synthetic-ammonia  plant 288 

treaties  with  United  States- 
arbitration  1060 

conciliation 1060 

friendship,  commerce,  etc 900 

university  students,  health  conditions 196 

war  claims,  settlement — 

estimate 903 

hearings 586 

law 668,834 

reports 352,545,586 

see  also  Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S. 
and  Germany. 

Gerry,  C.  N.,  gold,  etc.,  in  Montana 85, 1090 

Gerry,  Elbridge  T.,  law  library  for  Supreme 

Court 933 

Gerry,  Peter  G.  (Senator  from  R.  I.): 

gift  of  law  library  to  Supreme  Court 933 

report  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 719 

Getchell,  Charles  F.,  relief... 435 

Gettysburg  battle  field,  address  of  President 

Coolidge 1054 

Geyer,  J.  N.: 

-Arkansas  coals,  description  of  samples 539 

coal-mine  timbering,  State  laws 539 

Oklahoma  coals,  descriptions  of  samples 539 

Geysers  of  Yellowstone  National  Park 1115 

Oiardia  intestinalis,  unusual  case 135 

Gibboney,  D.  Clarence,  cases 336,1040 

Gibboney,  D.  Clarence,  jr.,  admr.,  cases..  336, 1040 

Gibbons,  James,  cardinal,  statue  in  D.  C .591, 

688,  937 

Gibbs,  Edward,  relief 435 

Gibbs,  H.  D.,  oxidation-reduction  studies 906 

(iiblett,  M.  A.,  line-squalls 6.56 

(5ibson,  Ernest  W.  (Representative  from  \t.): 
minority  views- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 551 

report  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 679 

Gibson,  Kate  V.,  David  H.  Blair  rs 486.746 

Gidley,  J.  W.,  continuing  elephant  hunt .    898 

Gifford,     Charles     L.     (Re])re.senta1ive     from 
rei)ort  made  bv— 

Elections  Com.  No.  3 811 

Gila  River: 

waters,  consent  to  compact 960 

waters,  method  of  utilization 819.  lOOO,  1099 

Gilbert,  Basil  E.,  chemical  control  of  optimum 

fertilization 71, 141 

Gilbert,  Charles  H.: 

red-salmon  runs  to  Karluk  River,  Alaska.    17 

tagging  salmon  in  Alaska 16 

Gilbert,  George  H.,  relief 349,799,851 

Gilbert,  Grove  K.,  biographical  memoir 494 

Gilbert,  Kate,  to  pay.. 943 

Gilbert,  Ralph  (Representative  from  Ky.): 
minority  views — 

Insular  Affairs  Com C82 

reports  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com. _  .551,810 

Library  Com 348,689 

Gilbert,  W.  W.,  diseases,  etc.,  of  vegetables 76 

Gilbert  district,  Nev 294,1114 





Gilbert  quadrangle,  W.  Va.-Va.-Ky. 729 

Gilbertson,  H.  W.,  extension  exhibits 143 

OUclirist,  Walter  S.,  census  of  manufactures..  1087 
Giles,  Albert  W.,  tornadoes  in  Va.,  1814-1925. .     11 

Gilkison,  George  W.,  military  record 435 

Gill,  John  B.,  pecan  insects 273, 918 

Gill  Bay,  chart 758 

Gillentine,  Mrs.  E.,  statement 967 

Gillespie,  E.  W.,  relief 946 

Gillespie,  Julian  E.,  trade  financing,  etc 84 

GUlespie,  T.  A.,  Loading  Co .  176 

Gillett,  E.  M.,  relief.. 826 

Gillett,  Frederick  H.  (Senator  from  Mass.): 
reports  made  by — 

Judiciary  Com 590, 1001 

Gillette  coal  field,  Wyo 161,863 

GUliland  Oil  Co.  of  N.  Mex... 1037 

Gilluly,  James: 

geology,  etc.,  of  northeastern  Colorado.  604,  863 

sedimentary  rocks  of  San  Rafael  Swell 728 

Gilmore,  Charles  W.: 
footprints  from  Grand  Canyon.  59,  506,  898 

lizards  of  North  .^.merica.. 1131 

pterosaurian  reptUe  from  Oregon 1143 

reptile  from  Triassic  of  New  Jersey 767 

turtles  from  Pleistocene  of  Florida 129 

Gilmore  &  Pittsburgh  R.  R.,  valuation 472 

Gilpin  Construction  Co.,  relief 839 

GUroy  area,  Calif.,  soil  survey 405 

Gilsonite  on  public  domain,  disposition... 567 

Ginal,  Martine,  v.  Benjamin  M.  Day 619 

Ginger-ale,  rates  on 736 

Gingivitis,  fusiform  bacilli,  etc 496,497 

Gingras,  Alexander,  to  pay 694, 1008, 1095 

Gingras,  Louis  W.,  to  pay  father 694, 1008, 1095 

Ginsburg,  Isaac: 

fishes  from  Key  West,  Fla 16 

red  snappers  of  Atlantic  Coast 16 

Ginseng  diseases  and  their  control 333 

Gipsy  moth,  see  Gypsy  moth. 
Giragossian,  Garabed  T.  K.,  free  energy  gener- 
ator  1 566,1010 


daughters  of  America  at  work,  poster 884 

dresses  for  little  girl 1083 

forty  books  for  boys  and  girls 94 

sixty  stories  for  boys  and  girls 160 

Girls'  agricultural  clubs,  see  Agricultural  clubs. 
Girty,  George  n.: 

Carboniferous  and  Triassic  fossils 464 

Pocono  fauna  of  Broad  Top  coal  field 728 

Given,  A.,  maple  sugar 651 

Givens,  Andrew  U.,  stone _ 1036 

Gizan,  Arabia,  chart 499 

Glacial  period,  see  Pleistocene  period. 

Glacier  National  Park,  circular _..  865 

Gladiolus,  rot  of  corms __  783, 919 

Glarner,  F.  H.,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  cotton 101 

Glasgow,  Mont.: 

bridges 427, 454, 582, 670, 684, 843,  934 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  670 782 

Glasgow,  Scotland,  see  Royal  Medico-Chirurgi- 

cal  Society  of  Glasgow. 
Glass,  Carter  (Senator  from  Va.): 
report  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 846 


cause  and  removal  of  heterogeneities 798 

for  air  ports  and  fixed  lights 21 

Government  supplies 511 

industry,  productivity  of  labor 308 

rates  on.__ 103,472 

soda-lime  glass 154 

see  also  Glassware. 

Glassport,  Pa.,  bridge 427,582,670 

I  customs  cases — 

Hudnut,  Richard 25 

Koons,  Wilson  &  Co 25 

for  ship  equipment,  Amer.  marine  stand- 
ard  21 

Gleason,  C.  R.,  Co.,  automobiles.. 1024 

Glendora  quadrangle,  Calif 605 

Glens  Falls  Insurai^e  Co.,  relief 548,986 

Glenville  quadrangle,  W.  Va 1115 

Globe  Grain  &  Milling  Co.,  barley 731 


Globe  Machine  &  Stamping  (3o.,  boxes. ^ 732 

Globe  Malleable  Iron  &  Steel  Co.,  steel...  743, 1036 
Gloucester,  Mass.: 
fishery  products- 
calendar  year  1927 537 

monthly  statement..  16,  83,  215,  280,  408. 

537, 660.  794, 1089 

Glover,  Mervin  W.,  relief  of  widow...  808,986,1095 

Gloves,  rates  on 1029 

Glucose,  rates  on 611 


aircraft,  inspection  manual  for  Navy 753 

marine,  for  seams  of  ship  decks,  spec 927 

see  also  Yavan  glue. 

Glutehns,  cereal  grains 647,915 

Glycerin,  rates  on.. 472 

Glynn,  James  P.  (Representative  from  Conn.): 
minority  views — 

Military  Affairs  Com... 824 

reports  made  by — 

Military  .Affairs  Com.. 349, 

351,  433,  434,  435,  437,  438,  439,  440,  441, 
562,  563,  565,  566,  690,  692,  693,  822,  824, 
968, 969. 

Angora  goat-. - 401 

lice,  control  and  eradication 527 

milk  goats. 527 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle — 

hearings 674 

law 1104 

reports 675,703 

Godfrev,  Cora  W.,  case 962 

Godfrey,  Ida  E.,  relief 833,981 

Godley  quadrangle,  Tex 865 

Goetz,  Julius  J.,  trustee,  v.  United  States  (case 

no.  D-682) 241,289 

Goff,  R.  A.,  edible  canna,  Hawaii 918 

GofT,  W.  E.,  misrouting 476 

Goike,  Mrs.  Minta,  relief _.  450 

Goiter,  see  Thyroid  gland. 

Goleonda,  111.,  bridge 427,582,670 


cyanide  extraction  of  gold  in  ores 1090 

in — 

California _ 539 

Colorado 217 

Eastern  States 217 

Montana 85, 1090 

Nevada 85 

Oregon 539 

production  and  consumption,  1925  and  1926.  512 

production  in  1925 217 

Gold  inlays  by  indirect  method 135 

Goldberg,  Louis,  patent  appeal. 1092 

Goldberg,  M.,  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn..  602 
Goldberger,  Joseph: 

black  tongue  of  dogs,  rel.  to  pellagra. ..  513,905 

blacktongue-preventive  action  of  foods 1148 

blacktongue-preventive  in  yeast 773, 1147 

cowpea,  etc.,  as  pellagra-preventivfS--  -  196,  323 

nature  and  prevention  of  pellagra 196, 263 

pellagra  in  Mississippi  flood  area 323,513 

tomato,  etc.,  as  pellagra-preventives 63 

Golden,  James,  relief 442 

Golden,  N.  D.,  short-subject  film  markets.  339,795 

Golden  Valley  Telephone  Co 1119 

Goldenseal  under  cultivation 532 

Goldman,  Jacob  A.,  U.  S.  v 746,768 

Goldman,  M.  H.,  cleaning  of  fur,  etc.,  garments.  343 

Goldmark,  A.,  &  Sons  Corporation,  U.  S.  v 1111 

Goldsmith,  .\lfred  N.,  patent  appeal 540 

Goldsmith,  David  J.,  case _.  602 

Goldsmith,  Frederick  O.,  relief 694 

Goldthwaite  quadrangle,  Tex._ 865 

Gollober,  Irving,  e.xr.,  v.  David  11.  Blair 600 

GoilubL-r,  Julius,  v.  David  H.  Blair. 600 

(lOlombiewski,  John,  relief 676 

Goltra,  Edward  F.,  v.  United  States 114 

Gomes,  Jose,  electric  current,  Hanapepe 445, 

598, 668 

Gompers,  Samuel,  memorial  in  D.  C. 672,713 


in  New  York  State,  one-day  incidence 907 

mercurochrome    and    gonococcus    infec- 
tion...  48,49 

treatment  of  gonorrheal  ophthalmia 497 




Index,  1927-1928 


(■Oliver,  Forest  A.,  zeolites --- 1143 

(JoDzalcs.  Alex,  bridge ;-,;--.--^--V-A,----"-  tno 

dood-nraiH'  Co.,  rp.,etc.,ofFed.TradeComn.  602 

Ooodale.  (leorgc  L.,  biographical  memoir 494 

Goode.  Delinar,  multiple  neuritis iJ49 

(}oodc,  William  F.,  relief vrv": *"*■* 

(Joodiiig,  Frank  K.  (Senator  from  Idaho): 
reports  made  by— 

Interstate  Commerce  Com     ao 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com S56, 


Goodman,    M.    Harold,    dermatological   and 

syphilogical  diagnostic  work...  197,264 

Goodrich,  C."l..,  farming  in  the  South.-. 204 

(loods,  see  Commercial  products. 

Goodsell,  Elisha  N.,  bridge ^^°' ?o? 

Goodwin,  David  E.,  relief ;-----  4d5 

(Joodwin,  Edward  C,  inde.>:  of  Congressional 

committee  hearings 447 

fJoodwin,  (jodfrey  G.  (Keprcsentative  from 
report  made  by— 

Patents  Com -  -  97a 

Goodyear  Tire  &  Rubber  Co.,  Inc.: 

p.  commissioner  of  patents 219 

r.  United  States 487 

Goon  Bon  June  ('.  United  States 175 

Goose  raising 205,  916 

Gophers,  see  Pocket  gophers. 

Oorczvnski,  Ladislaus,  solarimeters,  etc 534 

Gordon,  Giles,  relief 435,929,1003 

Gordon,  Helen  W.,  Shenandoah  Nat.  Forest, 

map 652 

Gordon,  J.  B.,  some  recent  work  in  leukemia 497 

Gordon,  J.  K.,  otitis  media,  Gatun  Lake 888 

Gordon,  M.  H.,  f.  United  States 879 

Gordon,   Mildred  J.,  working  women,   State 

laws 492 

Gordon,  Will  H.,  relief --.-  839 

Gordon  &  Ferguson,  gloves 1029 

Gorgas,  William  C,  monument  in  D.  C 850 

Gorgas  Hospital,   to  change  name  of  Ancon 

Hospital 555,805 

Gorgas  Memorial  Laboratory: 

annual  appropriation,  to  authorize— 

hearings -  - 553 

law.. 933 

report 553 

Gort,  Francis,  claim... 385,813,937 

Gorton  Pew  Fisheries  Co.,  U.  S.  v 91 

Gosho  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  i< 304 

Gossypium  cernuum,  see  Cotton. 

Gossypol  in  cottonseeds 4,71, 1079 

Gotwals,  John  C,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  district 519 

Gould,  Harris  P.: 

apjile  growing  east  of  Mississippi  R 209,  788 

apple-orchard  renovation 274 

apple  yield,  factors  influencing 329 

bridge  grafting 9 

cherry  growing  east  of  Rocky  Mountains..  145 

growing  fruit  for  home  use 1084 

peach  varieties  and  their  classification 532 

Gove,  W.  D.,  engine  power  in  flight 119 

Gover,  Mary: 

mortality  among  negroes  in  U.  S 513 

same,     summary     in     public     health 

reiiort s 513 

Uovemment,  see  Political  science — also  certain 
headings  beginning  Federal,  Gov- 
ernment, and  National. 

Government  Actuarv.. 62, 133, 195,261, 

322, 390,  512, 638, 772, 904, 1069, 1146 
Government  binding,  see  Public  printing. 
Government  bonds,  see  Bonds  of  United  States. 
Government  buildings,  see  Public  buildings. 
Government  contracts: 

decisions  of  comptroller  general 1068 

for  War  Dept.,  to  be  made  in  writing  941, 

.     .  972, 1007, 1103 

printing  and  binding  material,  etc 27 

relief  of  contractors.  Navy  Dept 1047 

uniform  requirements,  to  establish.  820 

see  also  Public  works. 

Government  control,  railroad  and  wire 674 

Government  documents,  see  Government  pub- 


Government  employees,  see  Government  offi- 
cials and  employees. 
Government  Hospital  for  Insane,  see  St.  Eliza- 
beths Hospital. 

Government  Island,  control  by  War  Dept 127 

Government  ofHces: 

outside  competitive  classified  service 657 

supplies — 

1928,  awards 62,195,390,771 

1928,  general  schedule 62,390 

1928,  specifications,  etc 261,322,638        i 

1929,  awards 1146        I 

1929,  specifications,  etc 390, 

see  also  names  of  offices. 
Government  officials  and  employees: 

appointed  officer,  hold  over  after  expiration 

of  term .  _ 717 

compensation  act,  as  amended,  text 91 

garnishment  of  salaries.. 686 

half  holidav  for  certain  employees 944 

holiday  in  D.  C,  Dec.  24,  1927 381 

leave  for  Spanish  War  Veterans 418,  804 

medals  for  distinguished  work  in  science...  964 

oath  of  office,  to  eliminate  renewal. 687 

official  register,  1927 149 

patents,  issue  without  payment  of  fees- 
hearings 1107 

law 935 

reports 695,854 

retention  beyond  retirement  age 944 

salary  rates,  to  amend — 

hearings 807 

law 1099 

minority  views 807 

reports 807,939,944,985 

see  also   Civil  service — Civil  service  pen- 
sions—aZso  names  of  Departments, 
bureaus,  etc.,  where  employed. 
Government  printing,  see  Public  printing. 

Government  Printing  Ofliee 27,92,159,225, 

292,  358,  462,  603,  726,  862, 1020, 1112 

report,  1927.. : 862 

salaries  of  Public  Printer  and  deputy  Pub- 
lic Printer 443,855,1099 

useless  papers,  disposition 599 

Government  property: 

arms  and  ammunition  for  protection 591 

care  in  veterans'  hospitals 198 

National  Guard  regulations 67, 

see  also  Government  supplies — also  names 
of  Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  to 
which  property  belongs— o2«o  names 
of  places  where  located. 
Government  publications: 

bibliography  in  U.  S.  and  elsewhere 118 

distribution,  information 862 

foreign,  Library  of  Congress  accessions 752 

handy  books,  publications  for  sale 1112 

monthly  catalogue — 

1926-27,  index 358 

1927-28 27,93, 159,226,292, 

358, 463,  603,  727,  862, 1020, 1113 

monthly  check-list  of  State  publications 47, 

118, 179,  309,  373,  493,  624, 752, 885, 1046 
see  also  Congressional  documents— Period- 
icals— Price    lists — also    names    of 
Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  issuing 
publications— ai«o,  for  special  list, 
subject  of  list. 
Government  securities,  distinctive  paper  for...  636 
see  also  Bonds  of  United  States — Certificates 
of    indebtedness— a?«o    names    of 
securities,  e.  g.  Treasury  notes. 
Government  supplies: 

American  goods,  Government  purchases...  957 

awards,  1928. 62,195,390,771 

awards,  1929 1146 

coordination  of  purchases 686 

decisions  relative  to  purchases 1068 

general  schedule,  1928 62,390 

master  specifications,  index,  etc 798 

specifications  and  proposals,  1928 261, 

,  322, 638 

specifications  and  proposals,  1929 390,511, 

638,  772, 1069, 1146 



Oovprnment  supplies— Continued. 

warehouse  for  storage,  erection _  830 

see  aho  Army  supplies — Xaval  supplies — 
Postal  supplies — also  names  of  De- 
partments, bureaus.etc. — o/«o  names 
of  special  supplies. 
Governmental  Labor  Officials  of  United  States 
and  Canada,  Association  of,  see 
Association  of  Governmental  Labor 
Officials  of  United  States  and 
Governments,    trabajo   con.sultivo   economico 

para  los   gobiernos 314 

Governors,  see  names  of  States,  Territories,  etc. 

Govomai  Suido,  chart 51 

Grab,  Alfred  N.,  to  pav  father 442, 1008, 1095 

Grab,  Frank  A.,  to  pav 442,1008,1095 

Grace,  W.  R.,  A-  Co.,  relief .._  450 

Grace  Church,  Plainfield,  X.  J.,  carillon 997 

Gracias  a'Dios,  Cape,  aviation  charts 1133 

Grade  marking  lumber,  consumers'  protection.  791 

Grafting,  bridge 9 

Grafton.  111.,  bridge 816,842,933 

Graham,  David  C,  religion  in  Szechuan  Prov- 
ince, China 633 

Graham,  George  S.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 805 

Judiciary  Com 687, 688, 961, 962, 903, 964 

Graham,  Samuel  A.,  pine  tip  moth 204,  273 

Graham  County  R.  R.,  rates  on  cement 1026 

Graham  quadrangle,  Tex 361 


cleaning  on  farms  and  in  elevators 142 

cooperative  marketing  in  Canada .526 

experiments  at  Fort  Hays  Branch  Station.  333 

for  Utah  dry  lands 275 

for  western  X.  and  S.  Dak.  and  eastern 

Mont 275 

freight  rates— 

on  grain 33,34, 103, 

104, 166,  298, 472, 611,  736,  870, 1029 

on  grain  products 33,34, 1G6.  870 

relative  rates  in  L'.  S.  and  Canada 1029 

future  markets,  to  prevent  sales 704 

futures  act,  to  amend,  hearings 1106 

glutelins  of  cereal  grains 647,915 

grasshopper  control,  rel.  to  cereal  crops..      7 

in  silage,  utilization  by  dairy  cows 203,  204 

pests,  stored-grain 272 

publications  for  sale 1.59, 1020 

seed  grain  for  pest-stricken  areas 547 

standards  act,  to  repeal. 836,983 

statistics,  1926 142 

stem  rust  attacks  in  many  varieties 210 

wireworms  destructive  to  cereal  crops 207 

see  also  Sorghum — also  names  of  grains. 

Grain-aphis,  spring,  or  green-bug 402 

Grain-cleaning  machines,  rates  on 1029 

Grain  Corporation: 

claims  of  farmers'  grain  elevators- 
hearings 572,  700 

reports 572,833 

final  accounting,  etc..  Executive  order 504 

Grain  elevators: 

claims  of  farmers — 

hearings 572,  700 

reports 572,833 

cleaning  grain  in  country  elevators 142 

dust  control 650 

Grain  mills,  see  Mills  and  millwork. 

Grains,  see  Grain. 

Grand  Army  of  the  Republic: 

journal  of  61st  encampment 942 

Memorial  day  services,  to  aid 720, 933 

Grand  Bahama  Island,  chart.. 248 

Grand  Calumet  River,  bridge 424,579,668 

Grand  Canyon  X'ational  Park: 

circular  of  general  information 1022 

topographic  map 95,228 

Grand  Canyon  of  the  Colorado: 

fossil  footprints 59,506,898 

fossil  insect 60 

Grand  Falls,  X'ew  Brunswick 60 

Grand  Forks,  X.  Dak.,  bridge 428,584,671 

Grand  Haven  Harbor,  Mich.,  report 517 

Grand  Island  Chamljer  of  Commerce,  coffee..  869 
Grand  juries,  see  Juries. 

Grand  Rapids,  Mich.: 

Grand  Army  of  the  Republic 942 

Sons  of  Union  Veterans  of  Civil  War 806 

Grand  Rapids  Varnish  Co.,  case.. 1112 

Grand  River,  preliminary  examination  rp 517 

Grand  River  \"a!ley  Ry.,  valuation 736 

Grand  Trunk  Pacific  Ry.,  rates  on  lumber 475 

Grand  Trunk  Western  Rv.,  refrigeration. 171 

Granite,  rates  on 104, 166,  232,  298, 473, 1030 

Grant,  U.  S.,  3d,  statement 1106 

see  also  .Arlington  Memorial  Bridge  Com- 
mission— California  Power  Board — 
Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks 
of  the  Xationnl  Capital  Office. 

Grant,  W.  T.,  Co.,  patent  appeal 342 

Grant  County,  X'^.  Mex.,  reimbursement 698, 

722, 1101 

Grant  County,  S.  Dak.,  soil  survey 276 

Grant    National    Park,    see    General    Grant 
National  Park. 

Grantsburg,  Wis.,  bridge 818,844,110.? 

Granuloma  inguinale,  etiology 907 

Grape,  see  Grapes. 

Grape-hyacinth,  production  of  bulbs 334 

Grape  leaf-hoppers,  oviposition  rate 3,7 


eastern,  preparation  for  market 648 

rates  on 34, 166,  298, 1030 

Graphite  in  1926 217 

Grass,  see  Grasses. 

Grasselli  Powder  Co.,  black  powder 607 


cultivated  grasses 654 


Brazil,  agrostology 190 

California 898 

Oregon  and  Washington 898 

publications  for  sale 159, 1020 

see  also  Mats  and  matting — also  names  of 

control  in  relation  to  crops 7 

when  and  how  does  sex  arise? 275 


production  in  1926 .._  539 

rates  on 104,481,868 

Gravelly  Point  civil  air  field  in  D.  C 949 

Graves,  Roy  R.: 

Ardmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station 209 

breeding  for  milk  production 143 

dairy  work  at  Woodward  Field  Station 529 

Graves,  of  Confederate  soldiers,  headstones..  823 
see  also  Cemeteries. 

Gravity,  determination  of  center 642,777 

Gray,  A.  L.,  soil  of  Plvmouth  Co.,  Iowa 1081 

Gray,  D.  S.,  soil  of  Plymouth  Co.,  Iowa 1081 

Gray,  Greta,  convenient  kitchens 653 

Gray,  Harry  L.,  relief 840,948.1097 

Gray,  L.  C,  farm  lease  contract 204, 1080 

Gray,  Mabel,  psychiatric  nurse,  conferences...  514 

Grav,  William  C,  relief 442 

Gray,  William  S.,  &  Co.  v.  United  States 114 

Gravs  Harbor,  Wash.,  charts 536,1088 

Grays  Harbor  Motorship  Corporation.  222,  239,  289 
Grayson,  Annie  L.,  funeral  expenses,  etc.,  of 

husband 416 

Grayson,  Joel,  funeral  expenses,  etc 416 


agreements  in  Montana 444, ,597,803 

conservative  grazing  pays 274 

national  forests,  protection,  etc.. 1109 

Grazing  lands,  soil  erosion 785 

Grease  rack  for  automobiles 247 

Great  Basin: 

surface  water  supply ..-    94 

winter  anticylone 1085 

Great  Britain: 

advertising  matter,  etc.,  shipment 1090 

Aeronautical  Research  Committee — 

report,  Aerodynamics  Subcommittee..  624 

automobile  mfr.,  competitive  position 280 

automotive  industrv  and  trade 924 

charts  of  England 498,626,758 

chemical  trade 794 

civil  aeronautics  in  United  Kingdom 339 

claim  for  relief  of  Americans  in  Russia 634, 

812. 933 


Index,  1927-1928 


Great  Britain— Coutinued. 

claims  for  death  of—  ; 

Myrie,  Reginald  E - oO/,bl3,935 

Kichardson,  Samuel 386 

Tucker,  Edwin - 386,813,938 

cresylic  acid,  cost  of  production 193 

electrical  machinery,  etc.,  market —  1090 

expectation  of  life  in  England 391 

German  textile  machinery  business 409 

hand  tools,  market  for 18 

hosiery  market 18 

insured  parcels  for,  packing 126 

investment  trusts,  participating  shares 538 

lights,  etc.,  British  Islands 121 

occupational  mortality,  males  in  England.  1148 

paintings  by  British  artists 633 

phenol ,  costs  of  production 508 

pilot,  supplements 757,888, 1049 

public  health  in  England,  1926 323 

public  service  retirement  system 492 

rainfall,  correlation  periodogram 147 

releases  of  alien  property,  arrangement —  1143 
Safety  in  Mines  Research  Board- 
flame  propagation  of  natural  gas-air 662 

limits  of  inflammability  of  gases,  etc...  539 

standards  for  metal  fits 22 

taxation  of  business 538 

telegraph  chart  of  British  Isles 1134 

underwear  market 84 

wireless  communication,  British  Empire. ...  925 
see  aUo  names  of  certain  countries  compris- 
ing the  British  Empire. 
Great  circle  sailing: 

Atlantic  Ocean  chart 499 

Indian  Ocean  chart 376 

Pacific  Ocean  chart... 499 

world  charts 1050, 1051, 1134 

Great  Falls  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 685,710,936 

Great  Falls  of  Potomac  River,  see  Potomac 

Great  Lakes: 

bulletins  to  supplement  charts- 
bulletin  36,  supplements 67, 137, 

200, 266, 326 

bulletin  37 910 

bulletin  37,  supplements 1074, 1152 

compass  and  magnetism  of  the  earth 910 

connecting  waters,  harbors,  etc 1151 

hydrology 656 

lake  levels,  report  of  Charles  E.  Hughes 768 

light  list __.  662 

lights  for  tugs  and  steamers 934, 965 

notice  to  mariners 662,795,925,1090 

weather  information  by  radio 790 

ste  also  names  of  lakes. 

Great  Lakes  Steamship  Co 879, 1040, 1126 

Great  Lakes  Transit  Corporation 765 

Great  Northern  Ry.: 

bonds 298,364 

cases 42,368,871,879 

construction  and  abandonment  of  lines.  104, 166 

construction  of  branch  line 1030 

passenger-train  service— 

Puget  Sound-Portland 39 

Twin  Cities  and  head  of  lakes 484 

rates  on— 

apples 97 

coal 733 

lumber 35 

poles 234 

sand 366 

.  wire 173 

switchmg  charges HI 

valuation 298 

Great  Plains: 

combined  harvester-thresher 648 

cooperative  shelter-belt  demonstrations...^  211 
horticultural  experiments,  southern  area- 
estimate 1065 

hearings.. I".^I!.  547 

•aw '.'.'.  802 

reports 546,573,836 

range-cattle  production,  etc.  648 

flreat  Salt  Lake  Desert,  potash  brines  ""lll4 

Great  Smoky  Mountains  National  Park 544, 

569  597 
Great  Southern  Railroad,  valuation  '  364 

Great  Southern  Refining  Co.,  petroleum 740 

Great  War,  see  European  War,  1914-18. 

Great  Western  Power  Co.,  relief 677 

Great  Western  Railway,  valuation. 166 

Greater  Antilles,  see  Antilles,  Greater. 

Greater  Des  Moines  Committee,  Inc.,  paper...  873 


ancient  dentistry ._. 640 

chart  of  east  coast 889 

convention  to  prevent  smuggling  liquors.. .1144 
indebtedness  to  U.  S.,  settlement- 
hearings 571 

report  of  Treasury  Dept 636 

reports  of  committees.. 701,712 

magnesite,  costs  of  production 508 

trade  financing  and  exchange 84 

Greeley,  W.  B.: 

timber  growing  and  logging  practice.  8,274, 652 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  652 782 

see  al^o  Forest  Service. 

Green,  Charles  S.,  v.  United  States 176,621 

Green,  D.  Monroe: 

chinchilla  rabbits  for  food  and  fur 1081 

rabbit  skins  for  fur 330,917 

raising  domestic  rabbits 272 

Green,  Edward  H.,  pleurisies,  relation  to  tuber- 
culosis.  1070 

Green,  John,  syphilitic  eye  tragedies 514 

Green,  M.  AV.,  engine  power  in  flight 119 

Green,    William     R.     (Representative    from 
Iowa) : 
minority    views — 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  952 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 545 

Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Com.  447 

Wavsand  Means  Com 352,571,701 

Green  &  Stowe,  sand... 1035 

Green  Bay  entrance,  chart 779 

Green-bug,  see  Grain-aphis. 

Green  Lake  County,  Wis.,  soil  survey.. 789 

Green  manuring: 

abonos  verdes  para  la  America  tropical 628 

field  peas  as  green  manure  crop 334 

green  manuring.. 919 

Green,  Moore  &  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 175,619 

Green  pit  viper,  in  China 384 

Green  River  waters,  consent  to  compact 960 

Green  Star  Steamship  Corporation: 

Archibald  U.  Wahn  v 746 

V.  United  States 746 

Greenbrier  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  control 743 

Greenbrier,  Cheat  &  Elk  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  part  of  line 736 

control  by  Western  Maryland  Ry 473 

Greene,  Daniel  M.,  Interior  Dept.  decisions...  160 
Greene,  Spencer  B.,  trade  of  Pacific  States  with 

South  America 409 

Greenfield  Tap  and  Die  Corporation 723, 1017 


Ajmerican  bulbs  under  glass 275 

cucumber  production.. 788 

greenhouse  tomatoes.. 210 

insects  injurious  to  ornamental  plants 786 

Greenleaf,  Walter  J.,  land-grant  colleges 463 

Greenwald,  H.  P.,  flame  propagation  of  natural 

gas  in  air 662 

Greenway,  Gilbert  C,  jr.,  case 243,882 

Greenwich     Islands,     see     K  apingamarangi 

Greenwood,  Miss.,  fishes  collected 409 

Greenwood  Landing,  chart 408 

Gregg,  Arch' L.,  relief. 986 

Gregg,  Willis  R.: 

international  aerological  soundings 212 

meteorological  conditions  along  airways 119 

Gregory,  Mrs.  Edwin  C,  statement 967 

Grenada,  money-order  post  oflSces 254 

Grenell,  L.  H.,  tarnish  resisting  silver  alloys 155 

Gretna,  La.,  bridge 557,670 

Grew,  Joseph  C,  relief 1067 

Greybull  River  irrigation  dam,  feasibility 819 

Gries,  Caroline  G.: 

agricultural  products,  foreign  trade 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products... 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Griesel  Brothers,  Inc.,  tomatoes 1037 




Griess  Pfleger  Tamiing  Co..  <iuebracho 479 

Griest,  W.  W.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com j^l 

Griffee.  Fred,  smut,  etc.,  reaction  in  oats  (2)_.  1079 
Griffin,  Edward  L.,  toxicity  of  petroleum-oil 

emulsions  to  aphids 6 

Griffin,  Grace  G.,  writings  on  Amer.  history--  1142 

Griffin,  Helen  F.,  relief 839 

Griffin,  Samuel  H.,  reinstatement 256 

Griffith,  Ruth: 

agricultural  statistics,  1926. . - _ .  _ 142 

crops  other  than  grains -  142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products.-- -  142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains --- 142 

Griffiths,  David: 

American  bulbs  under  glass 275 

Easter  lily 404 

grape-hyacinth  bulbs 334 

hybrid  "Palestine  iris  corms 334 

iris  bulbs 1084 

narcissus  bulbs 404 

regal  lily 275 

score  of  easily  propagated  lilies 654 

Griffiths,  Marion  A.: 

smut,  artificially  inoculated  corn 648,789 

variants  in  Ustilago  nuda 4,76 

Griffitts,  T.  H.  D.: 

.\nopheles  atropos,  its  breeding,  etc 63, 196 

malaria,  lessons  on  cause  and  prevention..  1147 
paris  green  for  mosquito  destruction..  323.513 

Grigg,  J.  Walter,  v.  United  States 1126 

Grimes,  Franij:  G.,  fur  laws  for  1927-28 205 

Grimshaw,  Russel  C: 

el  ahorro  escolar 761 

same  (in  Portuguese) 893 

Grinding  wheels,  elimination  of  waste 286 

Grinnell,  .Joseph,  pocket  gophers  of  Calif 190 

Grinnell  Company,  United  States  v 461 

Grissinger,  Elwood.  r.  United  States 355 

Griswold,  Fort,  tract  to  Connecticut 1003 

Grits,  standard  of  weights,  etc 551,704 

Groceries,  Government  supplies 511 

Groesbeck,  E.  C,  corrosion  resistance 798 

Grogan,  Starke  M..  financial  statistics 149 

(iroissmayr,  Fred,  Nile  flood  studies 335 

(Iron void,  Ingeborg,  crops  other  than  grains...  142 

Grosbach,  H.  E.,  surface  water  supply 1114 

Groseclose.  Elgin  E.,  currency  svstems,  Orient.    83 

Grosfield.  John  A.,  v.  U.  S _.  .30.5,487 

Gross,  Alfred  O.,  Barro  Colorado  Island  Bio- 
logical Station 189 

Gross,  C.  R.,  dehydration  of  fruits,  etc 6 

Grosvenor  quadrangle,  Tex 361 

Ground  water,  see  Water  (underground). 

Grover,  Frederick  W.,  antenna  capacity 541 

Grover,  Nathan  C: 

power  capacity,  etc.,  in  U.  S.,  introd 728 

surface  water  supply — 

Colorado  River  basin 29 

Great  Basin 94 

Mississippi  River  basins 1022, 1114 

Missouri  River  basin _.    94 

Pacific  slope  basins 29, 1022 

Qrovier-Starr  Produce  Co.,  tomatoes 236 


chickens... 1079 

children 244 

Grubbs,  S.  B.,  bubonic  plague,  etc 134 

Grunsky,  C.  E.,  hydrology  of  Great  Lakes 656 

Guajira  Peninsula,  chart 1133 

Guam  .-^icultural  Experiment  Station 1082 

report,  1926 1082 

Guam  Island: 

free-air  winds 77 

light  list 538 

living  conditions 120 

money-order  post  offices 254 

post  route  map 630 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

Guambacho,  Port,  see  Samanco,  Port. 
<  Juaranties  and  sureties: 

acfri'ptable  sureties  on  Federal  bonds. .  194, 901 

crirninnl  cases,  executing  bonds 678 

liling  of  bonds  by  Alaska... 686,717,800 

persons  to  act  for  disbursing  officers.     %'2 

postmasters  and  employees,  bonds 443,  671 

to  amend  law  rel.  to  official  bonds 961 

Guaranty   settlements,   see  names   of  ccrlain 

Guaranty  Trust  Co.  of  New  York: 

Austria  and  Anglo- Austrian  Bank 387 

Germany 131 

Minneapolis  &  St.  Louis  R.  R 1127 

Guatemala,  foreign  trade,  1926 55 

Qua  yule: 

a  borracha  de  guayule 314 

vulcanization  tests  of  guayule  rubber 221 

Guerrant,  N.  B.,  phospholipins  in  seeds...  526,  647 

Guettel,  Arthur,  (■.  United  States 3.55, 1040 

Guettel,  Edward,  v.  United  States 355, 1040 

Guettel,  Henry  A.,  v.  United  States 355, 1040 

Guettel,  Martha  A.,  v.  United  States 355, 1040 

Gufley,  A.  S.,  relief... 419,705,799 

Gugenheim-Goldsmith  Co.,  bananas--- -  606 

Guiana,  see  British  Guiana— Dutch  Guiana- 
French  Guiana. 
Guide-books,  see  special  subject. 

Guidons,  Army  regulations 198 

Guilford  Courthouse  National  Park 435 

Guinea  fowl 401 

Guinea-pig  raising.. 205 

Gulf,  see  name  of  gulf. 

Gulf  &  Sabine  River  R.  R 166 

Gulf  &  Ship  Island  R.  R 97 

Gulf  Coal  Co 1027 

Gulf  Coast: 

buoy  list 281 

chart 923 

light  lists 538,  795 

pilot,  inside  route,  supplement 338 

see  also  Gulf  States. 

Gulf  Coast  Lines,  excess  income 104 

Gulf  Coast  Properties,  Inc.: 
bridges  at  or  near — 

East  Alburg,  Vt... 682,931,990 

Rouses  Point,  N.  Y 682,841,931 

Gulf,  Colorado  &  Santa  Fe  Ry.: 

construction  of  line 298 

control  of  Texas  &  Gulf  Ry 617 

rates  on — 

cast-iron 467 

oleomargarin _ 107 

Gulf,  Mobile  A  Northern  R.  R.: 

operation  of  line 104 

rates  on — 

asphalt 163 

cotton... 469 

valuation 167 

Gulf  Shipbuilding  Co.,  case 6.57 

Gulf  States: 

bryozoa  of  Gulf  of  Mexico  region 767 

citrus  fruit  culture 76,919 

fisheries,  pubhcations 151 

strawberry  culture. 919 

see  also  Gulf  Coast. 

Gulf  Stream,  fluctuations,  etc 212 

Gulfport,  Miss.,  Veterans'  Hospital 264 

Gulfport  Fertilizer  Co.,  phosphates 36 

Gum  Motor  Co.,  automobiles 30 

Gum-tree,  see  Red  gum. 
Gun  mounts: 

antiaircraft  gun  mount,  handbook... 138 

antiaircraft  truck  mount,  handbook 67 

Gunnery,  drills.  Navy 756 

see  also  Target  practice. 

Gunnison  County,  Colo.,  geology,  etc 192 

Gunnison-Mayfield  Land  &  Grazing  Co 444, 

458, 802 

Gunnison  National  Forest -  -  697,  702,  857, 933 

Gunong  Sudi  Anchorage,  chart 182 

Gunpowder,  see  Black  powder. 

ammunition  for  3-inch  antiaircraft  guns 200 

carriage  and  gun,  75-mm 911 

materiel,  37-milhmeler  gun,  handbook 644 

materiel,  155-millimeter  gun --  395,780 

to  loan  field  guns  to  Dallas,  Tex 591,690 

seealso  Cannon—  Machine  gun— Ordnance- 
Rifles — Shotguns. 

G  untersville,  Ala .,  bridge 429,  .585,  R72 

Ouyer,  U.  S.  (Representative  from  Kans.): 
rejiorls  made  hv — 

Claims  Coin...  419, 676.  n77,  67R,  80S,  946, 947 
.   Gwin,  Karl  S.,  p.  United  States 859 


Index,  1927-1928 


production  in  1926 - 281 

rates  on *'^ 

Gypsy  moth,  quarantine --- ---      * 


II.,  A.  J.,  see  Henry,  Alfred  J. 

Uaag  Alfred  H.,  adequate  merchant  marine—  505 

Haar,  William  11.,  United  States  r 746 

Haas,  Andrew  L.,  v.  United  States.. ^5' 

Haas  Ewart  G.,  v.  United  States.. 859 

Hans,  C}.  C,  factors  affecting  price  of  hogs 204 

Haas,  O.  F.,  el  alumbrado  de  las  calles -  1136 

Hahana,  Cuba,  see  Havana,  Cuba. 

Hackeiisack  River,  chart '93 

Hacker,  Harlie  O.,  relief... -- 1003 

Hacketl,  Allen  S.,  Mississippi  R.  bridge...  55/,  6/^0 

Hadwen,  Sevmour,  reindeer  in  Alaska "3 

HaKan,  Alice  V.,  marriage  and  divorce,  1926...  922 

Hanoii  Import  Co.  of  Pennsylvania 602 

Hatior,  .Jolm  M.: 

commercial  survey  of  the  Southeast 340 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

Haperstown,  Md.: 
morbidity  studies- 
age  curve  of  illness 64 

causes  of  illness,  different  ages...  1070, 1148 

illness  and  death 196 

males  and  females,  illness  rate 63,  262 

sex  differences  at  different  ages 1070 

various  diseases  according  to  age _  1070 

Hagpan.  Josephine  A.,  relief 707 

Hague,  .\rnold,  Yellowstone  Nat.  Park 1023 

Haight,  A.  S.,  &  Co.  ('.  United  States 90 

Haines,  Blanche  M.,  maternity  and  infancy...  116 

Haines.  George,  feeding  experiments 144,  207 

Haines,  W.  T.: 

basal  metabolism  of  chickens 3,4 

critical  temperature  of  chicken 4 

heat  prod  uct  ion  of  chickens  (2  entries) 4 

Haircloth,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 


hill  clinics 120 

rabies  in  Haiti 887,1048 

Haiti  (island): 

zoological  exploration  in  Hispaniola 898 

Haiti,  American  High  Commissioner  to. 1062 

report,  1927 1062 

Haitian  General  Hospital  Training  School  for 

Nurses,  address  to  class 247 

Hakodate  Ko,  chart... 499 

Hakodate  Wan,  chart 499 

Halawa  site,  acquisition 823 

Haloomb,  Mattie,  see  Holcomb,  Mattie. 
Hale,  Fletcher  {Representative  from  N.  H.): 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 941 

Naval  -Affairs  Com 442, 

694, 695,  826, 828, 973, 974,  975 
Hale,  Frederick  (Senator  from  Me.): 
paper  presented  by- 
limitation  of  naval  armaments 702 

reports  made  by — 

Appropriaticras  Com... 837 

Naval  Affairs  Com.. .  457, 

595,  719.  720,  853, 1008. 1009, 1010 
Haley,  J.  H.,  Missouri  River  bridge..  958,  992, 1101 

Haley,  ,Iohn  W.,  v.  Mexico 130, 193 

Haley,  S.  W.,  thoracotomy  for  empyema 392 

Haley,  W.  E.,  sugar-cane  moth  borer  in  U.  s..  786 

to  commemorate  discovery  of  Hawaii- 
hearings 5,5n 

law 668 

reports 550,574 

Hall.  Albert  R.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
re[)orts  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com.. _.  421,949 

Pensions  Com '  557 

Hall,  Clarence,  stemming  explosives "  796 

Hall,   Edwin    H.,    memoir,   Wallace    C.    W. 

Sabine 494 

Hall,  George  M.,  ground  water  in  rocks  161 
Hall,  Homer  W.  (Representative  from  111.): 
reimrt  made  by- 
Judiciary  Cora 432 

H  all,  Maurice  ('.,  parasites,  etc.,  of  sheep. . .      650 

Hall,  Milton  W.: 

diarrheal  group  of  diseases 779 

respiratory  tract,  inflammatory  diseases 779 

Hall,  Ray: 

balance  of  internat.  payments  of  U.  S.— 

1926 84 

1927 925 

Hall  Islands,  chart 51 

Hallock,  F.  H.,  v.  United  States 157,289,488 

Halo  spot,  of  kudzu 1079 

Ham,  Clifford  D.,  relief 677,705,799 

Hamburg-American   Terminal   &   Navigation 

Co.  V.  United  States 880 

Hamburg  Harbor,  chart 1050 

Hamersley  Manufacturing  Co.,  wood-pulp 40 

Hamilton,  Ashton,  r.  David  H.  Blair 487 

Hamilton,    J.    O.,    sunburn,    textDe    protec- 
tion   203,270 

Hamilton,    William    A.,    article    on    Charles 

Viner  and  common  law 1108 

Hamilton  Harbor,  Bermuda,  chart 51 

Hamilton  Manufacturing  Co.,  case 175 

Hammatt,  Theodore  D.,  wheat  marketing 18 

Hammel,  Riglander  &  Co.,  United  States  r 290 

Hammond,  H.  F.,  United  States;' 91 

Hammond,   J.    C,    observations   with   6-inch 

transit  circle 500 

Hammond,  L.  D.,  weight  of  blackstrap  mo- 
lasses      22 

Hampers,  sec  Baskets. 

Hampton,  J.  W.,  jr.,  &  Co.  v.  V.  S 746 

Hampton,  Va.,  air  navigation  map 776 

Hampton  &  Branch ville  R.  R.,  securities 736 

Hampton    Roads,    see    Army    Supply    Base, 
Hampton  Roads— a/«o  Naval  Train- 
ing Station,  Hampton  Roads. 
Hanapepe,  Hawaii,  electric  light,  etc..  445,598,668 
Hancock,   Claience  E.    (Representative  from 
N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 828,975 

Hancock,  Joseph  M..  patent  to  lands 978 

Hancock  &  Calumet  R.  R 169 

Hancock  County,  Tenn.,  bridge...  556,577,667,707 

Hand,  George  R.,  salary,  etc 806 

Hand,  Irving  F.,  blue-sky  measurements 77 

Hand  bags.  Government  supplies 511 

Hand  tools,  see  Tools. 

Handbooks,  see  names  of  Departments,   bu- 
reaus,   etc.,    issuing    handbooks — 
also  special  subject. 
Handkerchiefs,  case  of  Meadows,  Wye  &  Co., 

Inc.  (F.  A.  MacCluer,  Inc.) 461 


elimination  of  waste 928 

rates  on 30,163,1025 

Handling  charges,  Atlantic  and  Gulf  ports 112 

Handy  books  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 1112 

Handv  Chocolate  Co.,  chocolate 608 

Hanes,  P.  H.,  Knitting  Co..  case 462 

Hangings,  wall,  new  occupational  therapy 907 

Hankins,  O.  G.,  soft-pork  investigations 650 

Hanley,  Frank,  relief 595,694,929 

Hanlon,  Timothy,  relief 701 

Hanna,  H.  Melville,  rs.  United  States 859 

Hanna.  Howard  M.,  exr.,  vs.  United  States 859 

Hannibal  Bridge  Co.,  valuation 877 

Hannibal  Union  Depot  Co.,  valuation 473 

Hansen,  Albert  A.: 

Bermuda  grass 788 

dodder .531 

weeds,  how  to  control  them 146, 1084 

Hansen,  Gus,  alias,  see  Hansen,  Hugo. 

Hansen,  Hugo,  v.  IJnited  States 305 

Hansen,  Peter,  naval  record 694 

Hansen,  R.  E.,  relief 953,999,1095 

Hanson,  Karl  B.,  experimental  fur  farm 73,785 

Harbor  Coaling  Corporation,  coal 100 

Harbor  Commissioners  Board  of  California 164 

Harbor  workers,  see  Employers'  liabiUty  and 

workmen's  compensation. 

construction,  etc.,  of  public  works 979 

important  ports  in  trade  of  U.  S 410 


Great  Lakes,  examination  and  survey.  1151 

Panama  Canal 1152 

Porto  Rico 200 



Harbors— Continued. 

port  series 200,643,1152 

rank  of  U.  S.  ports,  methods  of  measuring  -  410 
see  also  names  of  harbors. 
Hard  federation  wheat,  see  Wheat. 
Hard  of  hearing,  see  Deafness. 
Hard    of    Hearing,    American    Federation    of 
Organizations    for,    see    American 
Federation    of    Organizations    for 
the  Hard  of  Hearing. 
Hard  woods,  see  Hardwoods. 

Hardeman  County,  Tex.,  judicial  district 962 

Harden,  Josiah,  reUef. 968 

Hardie,  William  K.,  r.  United  States 747 

Hardin,  Leo  J.,  optimum  fertilization 71, 141 

Harding,  T.  Swann,  assimilation  of  rations  by 

dairy  cows 269,270,401 

Harding,  W.  T.,  airdrome  landing-field  flood 

lights 642 

Harding,  Warren  G.,  as  President,  Executive 

order  regard  ing  budget 255 

Harding  Glass  Co.,  sand 110 

Harding,  President,  steamship,  see  President 

Harding,  steamship. 

builders'  hardware,  elimination  of  waste-.-    21 

Government  supplies 511 

Hardware  Section 18 

Hardware  Underwriters  r.  United  States 42, 114 


blight-killed  chestnut  in  forests 8 

growing  seedlings  on  farm. 274 

timber  growing  and  logging  practice 8 

Hardy,  A.  V.,  Malta  fever  problem 773, 1069 

Hardy,  J.  I.,  kemp  fibers  in  mohair  fleeces 205 

Hardy,  Russell  F.,  Materiel  Division  32  by  6 

disk  wheel 777 

Hare,  Butler  B.  (Representative  from  S.  C): 
reports  made  bs- — 

War  Claims  Com 571,699 

Harger  &  Blish,  radio  apparatus 741 

Hargraves,  D.  T.,  bridge 957,1101 

Harlan,  C.  L.,  farm  animals  and  products 142 

Harlan,  Harry  V.,  barley,  culture,  uses,  etc 788 

fiarlan-Elzey-Randall  Co.,  vegetables 876 

Harlan  Fruit  Co.,  bananas 1116 

Harlem  River,  fixed  bridges 778 

Harley,  C.  P.,  acetaldehyde  in  pears 532,647 

Harmolita  tritici,  see  Jointworms. 

Harmon,  Louis  H.,  relief 549,839,929 

Harney  National  Forest,  boundaries 1057 

Harper,  Carl  B.,  v.  Paul  G.  Zimmerman 239 

Harper.  W.  G.,  soil  survey  of  Polk  Co.,  Oreg..  533 
Uarriman  geographic  code: 
right  to  use,  etc. — 

hearings 805,942 

minority  views 1105 

report 942 

Harriman    Geographic    Code    System,    Select 
Joint  Committee  on: 

hearings 805,942 

minority  views 1105 

report 942 

Harrington,  J.  P.,  Mission  Indians  of  Calif 898 

Harrington,  Julian  F.: 
Irish  Free  State — 

economic  survey .-  795 

market  for  electrical  machinery,  etc 537 

Harrington,  Mrs.  Ona,  relief. 677,705,929 

Harris,  -Vlvin  V.,  water  from  White  River 573 

Harris,  B.  W.,  mercurochrome 247 

Harris,  Benjamin  G.,  diary  during  1800... 497 

Harris,  J.  .\rthur: 

permanence  of  difierences  in  experimental 

field 647,787 

seedling  mortality  in  cotton 1084 

seedling  stand  in  cotton 1084 

Harris,  Pleasant  R.  W.,  military  record 435 

Harris,  R.  L.,  treatment  of  neurosyphilis  with 

tertian  malaria 514 

Harris,  Simon  D.,  v.  United  States 1127 

Harris,  William  J.  (Senator  from  Ga.): 
report  made  by- 
Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 

Com 1016 

Harris  Brothers  Co.  v.  United  States 723, 1127 

Harris  Rubber  Co.  v.  United  States 24, 175 

Harrisburg,  Miss.,  see  Tupelo,  Miss. 

Harrison,  Charming  W.,  chemistry  of  oysters..  785 

Harrison,  George  J.: 

inheritance  of  smooth  seeds  in  cotton..  203,209 

seedhng  stand  in  cotton 1084 

Harrison,  Henry  H.,  relief  of  mother 826 

Harrison,  John  K.  M.,  v.  Ralph  C.  Browne 663 

Harrison,  Mary  M.,  relief 826 

Harrison,  W.  X.,  enamel  sUps -..  285 

Harrison,  -\rk.,  court 431,543 

Harrison  County,  Iowa,  bridge 426,454,582,670 

Harrison  County,  Miss.,  land  title 458,568,666 

Harrisonburg,  La.,  bridge 428,583,671,958 

Hart,  Nancy,  tablet  or  marker 964 

Hart,  R.  A.,  drainage  of  irrigated  farms 276 

Hart  Island,  bridge 577,673,801 

Harter,  L.  L.: 

mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potato _  3,  76 

save  beans 654 

stem  rot  of  sweet  potatoes 3, 10,76 

Hartford,  Conn.,  Federal  building 856, 

Hartford   &   New   York   Transportation   Co., 

valuation 613 

Hartley,  C.  P.,  better  seed  corn 275,919 

Hartley,  Henry,  recognition  of  service 974 

Hartley,  O.  P.,  trade  in  iodine 1090 

Hartman,  .\rthur  M.,  assimilation  of  rations  bv 

dairv  cows 269,270,401 

Hartman,  Frank,  relief 444,986,1095 

Hartmann,  Charles,  jr.,  soil  of  Polk  Co.,  Oreg.  533 

Harvard  business  review,  reprint  from 761 

Harvard  Manufactin-ing  Co.  r.  U.  S 368 

Harvard  University,  monument  to  Ward..  821,938 

Harvell,  J.  H.,  bridge 817,993,1101 

Harvest  labor,  see  Farm  labor. 
Harvesting,  see  names  of  special  crops. 
Harvesting  machinery: 

harvester-thresher  in  Great  Plains 648 

shall  I  buy  a  combine? 916 

Harvey,  E.  Newton,  cold  light 190 

Harvey,  J.  B.,  rails 10.35 

Harvey,  T.  Weed,  extension  service  handbook  528 
Harward  Manufacturing  Co.  r.  United  States  222 
Haslitt,  P.  P.,  tuberculosis,  head  of  humerus..  514 

Hassall,  .Albert,  insects 906 

Hassell,  T.  S.,  bridge 959, 1103 

Hastings,  Minn.,  bridge 957 

Hat  braids,  case  of  T.  J.  McGrath  &  Co 224 

Hathaway,  Charles  M.,  jr.,  Irish  Free  State...  795 
Hathaway,    Edward    S.,    tolerance    of   high 

temperatures  by  fish 660 

Hathcock,  James  S.,  cotton-gin  operation 72 

Hatiling  Bay,  chart 51 


fur-felt,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

wool-felt,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

Hatteras,  Cape,  isolated  duty 120 

Hatters'  plush,  Irving  Massin  &  Brothers 290 

Hattery,  O.  C,  bulletin  to  supplement  Great 

Lakes  charts 910 

Hauch,  Martha  A.,  benefits  of  employees'  com- 
pensation   705,  808,  929 

Hauge,  George  H.,  relief , 981 

Haugen,  GflbertN.  (Representative from  Iowa): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  Com 346, 

417,  546, 547, 674,  675,  806,  807,  943 

Conference  Com 805,938,939 

Hausman,  S.,  &  Sons  Co.,  brass 163 

Havana,  Cuba: 

aviation  chart 1133 

chart  of  harbor 249 

convention  of  Spanish  War  Veterans — 

leave  for  ex-service  men 418,804 

Emigration  and  Immigration  Conference — 

participation  by  U.  S 507,680 

International  .American  Conference — 

address  of  President  Coolidge 504 

handbook  for  use  of  delegates 184 

same  (in  Portuguese) 314 

same  (in  Spanish) 184 

programma  e  regimento _ 314 

Pan  .\merican  Child  Congress 761 

same  (in  Portuguese) 893 

same  (in  Spanish) 761 

Hawaii 362 

agriculture,  cooperative  extension  work — 

hearings 1105 

law 933 

reports 598,806 


Index,  1927-1928 


Hawaii— Continued.  .  ^         ^  .,„  gf,o  o./. 

appeals  from  <listr  ct  court^-  — -  "30, 800,  830 
boxing  matches  (H.  R.  72U0J  ^^^ 

hearing 962 

report - -  ,rA 

coast  pilot,  supplement..-----------. '^'^ 

discovery,  sesquicentennial  celebration— 

coinage  of  50-ceut  piece,  hearings &ftu 

coinage  of  .lO-cent  piece,  law.- bb» 

coinage  of  50-cent  piece,  reports-...  550, 574 

participation,  hearings »s^ 

participation,  law '^'f 

participation,  report  of  committee^-  ----  'tH 
participation,  report  of  State  Dept— --  bSi 
participation,    statement,    'V.    b.    -K-- 

Houston - ---;v,—  --''  A4^ 

electric  current,  to  approve  acts  of  Hawaii   «5, 

governor,  report,  1927 36- 

jury  service,  qualifying  women— 

hearings -- Jji 

report — -  ^46 

lands  for  road  purposes °< 

light  list --  — - - ^ds 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts '^ 

map,  post  route o.iu 

money-order  post  offices joi 

mortality  statistics,  1925 ()58 

National  Guard,  payment  of  officers,  etc.— 

law..- ° 

reoorts  ooo,  oy  j 

statement  of  victor  S.  K.  Houston 1107 

pink  boUworm  parasites 273 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

real  estate,  piu-chase  by  War  Dept 563, 

690, 933, 1003 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district-- 517 

title  to  certain  public  property 318, 764 

to  place  statues  in  Statuary  Hall 598, 850 

see  also  names  of  special  localities  in  Hawaii. 
Hawaii  Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  .918, 1082 

report,  1927 1082 

Hawaii  National  Park: 

circular  of  general  information- 1022 

rules  and  regulations 29 

to  revise  boundary 568,596,802,857 

Hawaiian  Homes  Commission: 
to  amend  act — 

hearing - 446 

law 668 

reports-..- -  446,598 

Hawes,  Harry  B.  (Senator  from  Mo.): 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate  Commerce  Com -  456,589 

Hawes,  Richard  E.,  recognition  of  service .  974 

Hawks  from  standpoint  of  farmer 6 

Hawley,  Edith,  dietary  scales,  etc 332 

Hawley,  .T.  IT.,  hydrographic  manual,  1928 923 

Hawley,  Willis  C.  (Representative  from  Oreg.): 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 939 

Waysand  Means  Com 701,834 

Hawley  &  Lctzcrich,  United  States  » 860 

Hawthorne,  H.  W.: 

family  living  from  farm 400 

method  of  analyzing  farm  business 74 

Hay,  Oliver  P.,  .shell  of  Chelys,  etc 767 


alfalfa  and  clover,  assimilation 269, 270, 401 

alfalfa  and  soy-bean,  net  energy  value 3 

handbook  of  official  standards -..  5,  784 

hay  caps... 1080 

inspection,  rules  and  regulations 649 

inspection,  etc.,  official  standards 72 

rates  on 34,736 

uso  of  stackers  to  save  labor 649 

Hayde,  Stephen  J.,  ».  Boynton  and  Larson...  224, 

368,  747 
Hayden,  Carl  (Senator  from  Ariz.): 
report  made  by- 
Territories  and  Insular  Possessions  Com. 598 

llaydite  Company,  petroleum 300 

Hayes,  H.  K.: 

inheritance  in  wheats 203,211 

reaction  in  oats  to  stem  rust,  etc.  (2) 1079 

Hayes,  Montrose  W.: 

report  of  floods,  1927 335 

St.  Louis  tornado  of  Sept.  29,  1927 335 

Hayes,  T.  H.,  hookworm  in  St.  Croix 887. 1047 


Hayes,  W.  N.,  United  States  » 175 

Hayford,  John  F.,  bench  marks  in  U.  S 338 

Hayne,    T.    B.,   transmission   of  malaria   by 

Anopheles 263,391 

Haynes,  Sheppard,  duck  raising 205 

Hays,  Kans.,  see  Fort  Hays  Branch  Station. 
Hazard,  Daniel  L.: 

magnetic  observations,  Cheltenham 278 

results  of  magnetic  observations,  1920 82 

Hazard,  G.  J.,  Jutland 120 

Hazard,  W.  Laurence,  relief 44.3,720,799 

Hazen,  Chester  M.: 

artificial  pneumothorax 197 

spontaneous  pneumothorax,  tuberculous..  1149 

HCN  in  ship  fumigation,  qualitative  tests 905 

Head.  Margaret  T.,  admx..  relief 419,929,986 

Head  protection,  safety  standards  _  _ 251 

Heald,    K.    C,   geology,    Ingomar   anticline, 

Mont 94 

Healey,  Charles  M.,  alias,  see  Tucker,  Albert 

Healev  Aeroplane  Bus  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 2.39 

Health,  see  Hygiene— Hygiene  (public)— a?«o 
headings  beginning  Health— Pub- 
lic Health. 
Health  boards  and  departments: 

county  maternity  and  infancy  work ...  371,  7S0 

dtv  officers,  1927 196,262 

county  officers,  1927 133 

county  officers,  1928 1070,1147 

State  and  insular  authorities,  1927.  323,513 

see  also  Conference  of  State  and  Territorial 

Health  Officers  with  United  States 

Public  Health  Service— oiso  names 

of  cities.  States,  etc. 

Health  examination,  see  Physical  examination. 

Health  insurance,  foreign  service 57 

Health,   National  Institute  of,  see  National 

Institute  of  Health. 
Health  officers,  see  Health  boards  and  depart- 
Health  records,  see  Records. 
Health  Section  of  League  of  Nations,  epidemio- 
logical reports,  review 134, 

196,  263, 323,  513,  639 
Heaps,  J.  L.,  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn...  1019 

Heard,  Thomas  A.,  relief 690 

Hearings,  see  names  of  committees— aiso  sub- 

arrhythmias,  electrocardiogram 246,247 

block  with  Stokes-Adams  syndrome 1148 

carcinoma,  metastatic 65 

physiotherapeutic  movements  for 514 

pre'mature  contractions  (2  entries) 48 

recording  of  cardiac  findings 135 

syphilis  and  heart  disease 392 

war  veterans,  cardiac  disorders 392 


strawberries,  protection  from  frost 212 

wheat  damaged  by  heat 5 

see  also  Animal  heat— Insulation  (heat). 
Heating  apparatus: 

collection  of  utensils.  National  Museum.  _  _  633 

domestic,  census  report,  1925 14 

rates  on  automobile  heaters 736 

Hecht,  J.  L.,  Mississippi  R.  bridge...  817,992,1100 
Heckert,  F.  W.,  exhaust  equipment  tempera- 
ture   .  777 

Hectograph  ribbons,  specification... 87 

Hecykell,  Arthur  L.,  relief 442 

Hedges,  Florence,  kudzu,  bacterial  halo  spot..  1079 

Hee,  Charley,  v.  United  States 176 

Heitner,  William  J.,  schizoid  mechanisms 392 

Heid  Brothers,  Inc.,  v.  United  States.. 24,305 

Heifers,  see  Cows. 
Heikes,  V.  C: 

arsenic  in  1926. 152 

gold,  silver,  etc.,  in  Nevada  in  1925 85 

selenium  and  tellurium  in  1926 153 

Heiman  Brothers  Battery  Co.  v.  U.  S 157 

Heinrich,  Carl: 

moths  of  genus  Diatraea  and  alfies... 129 

sugai'-eane  moth  borer 786 

Heinrich,  Herbert  W.,  cost  of  accidents  to 

employer 117 

Heinz,  H.  J.,  Co.,  relief. 946 

Heinzenberger,  John,  relief 690 

July- June 



Heitkamp,  George,  relief 549 

Helena,  Ark.,  bridge 957, 1101 

Helfman,   Mrs.  Joseph,   see  Brandeis,   Mrs. 
Arthur  D. 

Helgoland,  chart 890 

Helianthus,  see  Sunflowers. 

Heliotherapy  for  laryngeal  tuberculosis 198 

Hellenic  Republic,  see  Greece. 
Hellman,  Florence  S.,  Muscle  Shoals  biblio- 
graphical list-- - - 350 

Hellman.  Isadore  X.,  Arnold  J.  Hellmich  t.  305.  368 
Hellman.  Miltgn  C,  Arnold  J.  Hellmich  r_  305.  368 

Helm  &  Northwestern  R.  R..  valuation 364 

Helminth  parasites  of  Central  Amer.  mam- 
mals  ---  767 

Helmly.  I.  C,  Furniture  Co.,  furniture 505 

Helmsdale  Harbor,  Scotland,  chart 183 

Helpful  suggestions  (article  in  Hospital  Corps 

quarterly) 496 

Helz,     G.     E.,    root-nodule    bacteria,     pea 

group 525,647 

Hematite,  see  Iron  ore. 

Hemingway,   Roberta,  kindergarten-primary 

education 226 

Hemke,  Paul  E.: 

drag  of  wings  with  end  plates 47 

measurement  of  pressure  through  tubes 246 

Hemorrhagic  bronchopneumonia,  see  Broncho- 
Hemorrhagic  encephalitis,  see  Encephalitis. 

Hemp,  dressed,  census.  1925 148 

Hemphill.  Robert  G.,  irrigation  of  cotton 1084 

Hen.  see  Poultry. 

Henderson,  Charles  W.,  gold,  etc.,  in  Colorado-  217 

Henderson,  John,  p.  United  States 1127 

Henderson,  Richard  C,  colloidal  mastic,  etc., 

tests  on  cerebrospinal  fluids 65 

Henderson,  W.  K..  Iron  Works  &  Supplv  Co--  369 

Henderson,  Kv..  bridges 817.843,935 

Henderson.  W.  Va..  bridge- .5.57.668,708 

Henderson  Bridge  Co..  bridge 5.57,668,708 

Henderson  Companr,  gasoline 33 

Henderson-Ohio  River  Bridge  Co 817,843,935 

Henderson  Telephone  &  Telegrraph  Co 871 

Hendricks,  Harmon  W..  David  H.  Blair  r.?-  487,747 
Hendricks.  Robert  W..  rain,  etc.,  Drecipitation-  212 
Hendrrs,  B.  L.,  Ohio  River  bridge.-.-  427,582,670 

Hengerer,  William,  Co.,  United  States  r 91 

Heimy,  D.  C,  see  California  Power  Board. 

Henricksen,  Henry  C,  el  cultivo  de  la  pina 893 

Henrickson,  H.  B.,  sphygmomanometers 221 

Henry. -Alfred  J.: 

abnormal  summers  in  United  States 212 

floods  in  Mississippi  Valley--- --  405 

hydrology  of  Great  Lakes 656 

influence  of  precipitation 405 

line-SQuallS- 656 

fluctuations  of  Gulf  Stream,  review 212 

forest  and  stream-flow  experiment 920, 1085 

monsoon  forecasting  for  Java,  summary 335 

weather  of  1927  in  United  States 656 

whence  come  cold  waves? 1085 

winter  anticvclone  of  Great  Basin 1085 

Henrv,  -\rthur  W.,  flax  rust  control 210 

llenrv,  Basil  N.,  relief 823 

Henry,  Clifford  E.,  goiter 346.247 

Henry,  Helen  H.,  seeds  of  quack  grass,  etc 269, 


Henry,  Mrs  Moore  L.,  relief. _ 694 

Henry,  Cape,  tide  calendar 50, 121, 181, 

248, 312. 375,  498,  626,  7.58, 1050, 1132 

Henry  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 560, 

Hens,  see  Poultry. 
Henshaw,  F.  F.:" 

surface  water  supply- 
Columbia  River  basin  and  Oregon 29 

Great  Basin - 94 

Snake  River  basin 1022 

Hensley,  William,  relief.- 450 

Henson,  Martha,  relief.. 575,833,1095 

Heras  Hervas,  -A.ntonio  las,  o  problema  social  e 

mundial  da  cegueira 378 

Herbaceous  perennials... 532 


contributions  from  national  herbarium .506 

publications  for  sale 226 


Herbert,  Theodore,  relief... 435,1003 

Herbert,  Port,  chart 659 

Herbicides,  see  names  of  herbicides. 

Herdbook,  swine,  data  rel.  to  sex  in  litters 6 

Heredity  (plants): 

cotton,  rate  of  shedding  in  hybrid 3,76 

cotton,  smooth  seeds. 203,209 

maize,  Mendelian  ratios 71,76 

oats,  stem  rust  and  smuts  reaction  (2) 1079 

.soy  beans,  mottling 4 

tomato,  ovate  and  related  shapes 4,72 

wheat,  awnedness.  etc.,  in  crosses 533 

wheat,  winter  hardiness,  etc.,  in  crosses.--  203. 

Herman,  G.  G.: 

acute  osteomyelitis  with  metastasis ---  247 

sarcoma  of  femur  (2  entries) 497 

Hermann,  Mo.,  bridge 426,453,581,670 

Hermann  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 426,581.670 

Hermann  Oak  Leather  Co.,  quebracho 234 

Hernando  Tobacco  Co.: 

plant  introduction  garden  property- 
hearings 1105 

law 804 

report 806 

Hero,  George  A..  ^Mississippi  River  bridge 557, 


Heroes,  thirty  great  .Americans 27 

Herrick.  H.  T.,  coal-tar  food  dves --.  530 

Herrington.  B.  L.,  iodized  salt 71,203 

Herschman.  Harry  K.: 

air-hardening  rivet  steels 344 

tarnish  resisting  silver  alloys 155 

Hersey,  Ira  G.  (Representative  from  Me.): 
report  made  by- 
Judiciary  Com 687 

Hervas.  Antonio  las  Heras,  see  Heras  Hervas, 
.A.ntonio  las. 

Hervey,  John,  relief 563.1003,1095 

Hess,  Eli,  V.  United  States 222.  723,880 

Hess,  Elmer  C,  Congressional  directorv— .  345,416 
Hess,  Frank  L.: 

crystalline  carnotite  from  Utah 320 

rare  metals,  cobalt,  etc..  in  1926 411 

rossite  and  metarossite,  new  vanadates 385 

Hess,  Katherine,  sunburn,  textile  protec- 
tion  - --2a3,270 

Hessian  fly,  parasites  in  Pa.,  Md.,  etc 648,786 

Hessling,  N.  A.,  barometric  depressions,  etc 11 

Hetch  Hetchv  Vallev,  account  of  origin 1023 

Hetrick.  T.  .\brahara.  relief 563,1003,1095 

Hevea  rubber  tre^s  at  Bayeux,  Haiti 789 

Heverlv,  J.  B.,  survev  dutv  in  the  tropics 496 

Hewett,  D.  F.: 

manganese  deposit  of  Pleistocene  age 464, 


zeolites  from  Ritter  Hot  Spring 1143 

Hevburn,  Idaho,  bridge 428,584,671 

Heydeck,  A.  S..  relief 420 

Heyl,  Paul  R.,  tuning  fork  as  timepiece 15 

Hickey,  Andrew  J.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  bv— - 

Judiciary  Com -.  432,561,686.820 

Hickey,  John  T.,  r.  United  States -.  305,:555. 

619, 1110 

Hickey,  Mary  A.,  nurses'  narrative  reports 907 

Hickman,  Ravmond  N.,  relief 974 

Hickman,  Ky.  bridge 425,580,669 

Hickory  handles,  elimination  of  waste 928 

Hicks,  William  W.,  patent  appeal .540 

Hicoria  pecan,  see  Pecan. 

Hidalgo  Countv,  N.  ^tex.,  reimbursement 698, 

722. 1101 

Hide  and  Tycather  Division 18,410,795 

Hides,  see  Leather,  hides,  and  skins. 
Hidnert.  Peter: 

thermal  expansion,  nf  beryllium,  etc 343 

thermal  expansion,  stainless  iron  allovs 542 

Higdon,  E.  L.,  Perdido  Bay  bridge....  559,710,803 

Higgins  Cora,  financial  statistics  of  States 149 

Higgins,  Elmer: 

biological  inquiries,  1926 408 

E  report  on  marine  fisheries  of  Texas.. 151 

Higgins,  Eugene,  v.  United  States 1040 

Higgins,  George  J.: 

effect  of  walls  in  closed  wind  tnnnel,< 310 

le.stson  models  of  Briiish  airplanes 624 

wing  model  tests,  coiiiiiarison  with  theory.  1131 


Index,  1927-1928 


Higgins  Lumber  Co.,  Inc.,  relief...---  549  986, 1095 
High   Commission,  see  Inter-Ainencan  High 

High  Point,  Thomasvilie  &  Denton  R.  R o'l 

High  schools: 

laboratory  layouts  for  sciences ibU 

statistics  of  private  schools,  1925-26 W6 

•itatistios  of  public  schools,  1925-26 604 

Higher  education,  see  Colleges  and  universities. 
Higher   education   circular,   see   Colleges   and 

Highway    departments,    etc.,    see    names    of 

Highway  slash  and  western  pine  beetle / 

Highways,  see  Roads. 

Highwavs  Congress,  Pan  American,  see  Pan 
.\merican  Congress  of  Higliw-ays. 

Hiji  Ko  chart -^0 

Hilario,  .\nselmo,  r.  Philippine  Islands 3/0, 8b2 

Ilildebrand,  -Mary  E.,  relief 840,948, 1097 

Hildebrand,  Samuel  F.: 

from  Key  West,  Fla 16 

in  vicinity  of  Greenwood,  Miss 409 

of  Chesapeake  Bay 660 

red  snappers  of  Atlantic  Coast 16 

Hill,  C.  C,  Hessian  fly  parasites 648,786 

Hill,  C.  L..  forests  of  Vosemite,  etc.,  parks 730 

Hill.  Donald  D.,  wheat 399,526 

Hill,  K.  E.,  density  of  carbon  steels 286 

Hill,  I.  W.,  clubs  agricolas  de  jovens 314 

Hill,  James  .VI.: 

bauxite  and  aluminum  in  1926 152 

gold,  etc.,  in  California  and  Oregon,  1926...  539 

magnesium  and  its  compounds  in  1926 217 

platinum  and  allied  metals  in  1926 85 

Hill,  Joseph  A.,  deaf-mute  population,  1920 792 

Hill,  Lister  (Representative  from  -\la.): 
reports  made  by— 

Militarv  Affairs  Com 433,435, 

562,  691,  693.  822,  823,  966,  968,  971 

Hill,  Myra  C,  v.  Massachusetts 224 

Hill,  R.  C,  .strawberries  for  market 649 

Hill,  Samuel  B.  (Representative  from  Wash.): 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com __.  555,954 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com..  430,686 

Public  Lands  Com 444,831,978,979 

Hill,  Walter,  fruit... 166 

Hill,  WiUiam  S.: 

farmer  and  .Vmerican  merchant  marine 897 

farmer  and  Shipping  Board 189 

Hill  City  Ry.,  valuation .34 

Hill  clinics  in  Haiti... 120 

Uillier,  C.  R.,  oral  infection  in  mental  patients  1149 

Hillier's,  R.,  Son  Co.,  Inc.,  United  States  r 600 

Hillman,  F.  H.,  farm  seed  testing 655 

Hillsboro  Bay: 

bridge 424,453,544 

preliminary  examination 519 

Hillsboro  quadrangle,  Wis... 362 

Hillsborough  County,  Fla.,  bridge 424,453,544 

Hines,  Edward,  Yellow  Pine  Co.: 

dunnage  allowances 470 

lumber.. 105 

Hine,s,  Frank  T.,  address  to  Medical  Council      64, 

see  also  v  eterans'  Bureau. 
Hines    Hospital,    see    Edward    Hines    Junior 

llinkle,  Takuji  Yamashita,  etc.,  t' _  884 

Hinsdale  (juadrangle,  111 605 

Hiiiton.  Walter,  medal 1009 

Hire;,  Charles  E.,  Co.,  root-beer  syrup  301 

1 1  irsh,  .\malie,  e.\r.,  r.  United  States  .,  42 

Hirsh,  .Morris  M.,  r.  United  States 42 

llir.-ih,  William  A.,  exr.,  v.  United  States  42 

Hiscnck,  Ernest  J.,  relief _    570 

Hispaniola,  see  Haiti  (island). 

Historical  Association,  see  American  Historical 

Historical  Manuscripts  Commission,  report        899 
Historical  societies,  conference,  1921  320 

Historical    Society   of   Ohio,    see    Ohio    State 
Archeological  and  Historical  Soci- 
Histories  (medical): 

importance  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis 514 



American  naval  history,  training  course..  1132 

of  United  States  Navy,  bibliography 49 

publications  on  .\merican  history 462 

teaching  history  in  schools,  conference 320 

see  also  American  Historical  Association. 
Hitchcock,  A.  S.,  grasses  of  Oreg.  and  Wash...  898 

Hitchcock  Countv,  Nebr.,  monument 821, 

1001, 1099 

Hobart  Bay,  chart 923 

Hobbs,  Ewart  W.,  see,  as  reporter.  Court  of 
Claims,  cases. 

Hobbs,  William  H.,  cause  of  earthcfuakes 190 

Hoboken  Manufacturers'  R.  R.: 

freight  rates 610 

silk 482 

V.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 487 

Hoch,  Homer  (Representative  from  Kans.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 424,427,5.57,685,9.58 

Hocking  Valley  Ry.,  valuation 298 

Hodges,  L.  Bowers,  focal  infection   of  dental 

origin... 264 

Hodgkins,  Alton  R.: 

marine  insurance  and  general  average 62 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

Hodgkins,  June  A.: 

agricultural  statistics 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Hodgkin's  disease,  abdominal 247 

Hodgson,  James  F.,  trade  financing,  etc 84 

Hodson,  Ivan,  .soil  of  Clermont  Co.,  Ohio 656 

Hofer.  David,  trustee,  v.  United  States 240,289 

Hoffheimer  Brothers  Co.,  Charles  ^r.  Dean  r__  880 

Hoffman,  B.  F.,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 157,487 

Hoffman,  Frederick  L.,  mortality  experience  of 

Internat.  Typographical  Union 884 

Hoffman,    Harold    G.    (Representative    from 
N.  J.): 
reports  made  by- 
Military  Affairs  Com 4.36, 

437,  440,  562,  692,  824,  968,  970,  971 

Hoffman,  Josiah  O.,  r.  United  States... 1110 

Hofmann-Sproul  Co.  r.  United  States 239 

Hog,  see  Swine. 

Hog  cholera,  serum  types,  values 205 

Hog  houses,  practical 916 

Hogg,  David  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 976 

Hoggan,  Ismf  A.,  virus  of  plants..  270,  400 
Hogs,  see  Swine. 

Hohenberg,  M..  &  Co.,  cotton 1027 

Hoisting  machinery,  rates  on 736 

Hoko  Suido,  see  Pescadores  Channel. 

Hokushu.  chart 889,1051 

Holarctic  region,  crane  flies 258 

Holbert,  James  R.: 

corn  varieties  resistant  to  rot  disease 275 

dent  corn,  chemical-dust  seed  treatments..  531 
sweet-corn  diseases,  seeA  treatments...  783,919 
Holbrook,  W.  S.,  steam  tug,   see  W.  S.  Hol- 
brook,  steam  tug. 

Holcomb,  Mattie,  relief 595,826,1095 

Holden,  J.,  alkaloids 496 

Holdcn,  James  A.: 

irrigated  crop  rotations  in  Nebraska 9 

work  of  Scotts  Bluff  Field  Station 275 

Holden  quadrangle,  W.  Va 1115 

Holder,  J.  B.,  relief.. 549 

Holderness  quadrangle,  N.  H 361 

Hole,  Morris  J.,  census  of  agric,  1925...  337,407,535 
Holiday  mail,  see  Christmas  maU. 
Holidays,    see    Memorial    day — Thanksgiving 
day — also      Government      officials 
and  employees. 

Holland.  John  P.,  to  place  on  retired  list 442 

Holland,  see  Netherlands. 

Holland  Furnace  Co..  cast-iron __ 607 

Hollings-Smith  Co.  vs.  United  States 1039.112; 

llollingshead,  Frances  M.,  infant  mortality 323 

Hollingshead,  J.  D.,  Co.,  barrels 1024 

Hollingshead,  R.  S.,  concentrated  milk  trade..  661 
Hollingsworth,  Fa  nnie  M.,  relief 444,458,799 




HoUingsworth,  William,  statement.. 983 

Hollister  area,  Calif.,  soil  survey 650 

Hollow  tile: 

rates  on 473,871 

specifications 88, 154 

strength  of  interlocking-rib  tile  walls 666 

Hollowav,  T.  E.,  sugar-cane  moth  borer 786 

HoUv,  Squire  J.,  relief 968 

Hollv-Stonington  Telephone  Co 482 

Holm,  Carl,  relief 982 

Holm,  George  E.,  skim  milk  in  dry  form,  uses..    74 
Holm,  Theodore,  .Vlpine  region  of  Rocky  Mts.  494 

Holmes,  Charles  B.,  military  record 435 

Holmes,  Grac-e  B.,  bibliography  of  conodonts..  633 

Holmes,  Morris  P.,  patent  appeals 219,1091 

Holmes,  R.  S.,  Leonardtown  soil 1079,1081 

Holmquist  Lumber  cV  Fuel  Co.,  coal 608 

Holt,  E.  G.,  marketing  of  crude  rubber 410 

Holt,  W.  L.: 

aging  of  soft  rubber  goods 22 

tensile  properties  of  rubber  compounds 665 

Holt  Company  of  Texas,  tractors 99,483 

Holton,  Edwin  L.,  training  teachers  of  agric...  224 

Holyoke  &  Westfield  R.R.  i'.  U.  S 90 


apple  and  citrus  pectin  extracts 208 

chrysanthemums  for  the  home 404 

cottage  cheese  making  and  using 272 

dahlias  for  the  home 275 

farm  seed  testing 6.55 

food,  care  of 787 

fruit  growing  for  home  ase 1084 

home  work  for  women.  State  laws 492 

honey  and  its  uses  in  the  home 75 

onion  seed  and  sets,  production 788 

publications  of  interest  to  home-builders...  603 

roses  for  the  home 210 

sewing,  present  trends 145 

tanning  of  leather  and  small  fur  skins 917 

vegetable  storage 76 

vinegar  making 143 

Home  economics: 

child  care,  etc.,  in  home  economics  depts_.     93 

development,  etc.,  in  States 572, 


education,  achievements 604 

extension  work — 

cooperative  extension  work,  1925 143 

handbook 528 

home-management,  1914-24 331 

home  economics  series 725 

hospital  housekeeping 49 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 93, 463 

research  at  experiment  stations 144, 207 

vocational  classes,  plant  and  equipment...  725 

Home  Economics  Bureau 75, 

145, 208, 274,  332, 653,  787, 1083 

report,  1927 274 

Home  education  reading  course,  see  Reading. 

Home  for  .\ged  and  Infirm,  D.  C,  hospital 840 

Home  garden,  see  Gardens. 
Home  Insurance  Co.: 

relief 549,986 

V.  T.  A.  Gillespie  Loading  Co 176 

Home  management,  see  Home  economics. 
Home  reading  course,  see  Reading. 
Homes,  see  Farm  buildings — also  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Home. 
Homes    (institutions),    see    Institutions— a?so 

names  of  homes. 

entries  by  ex-service  men — 

.^izona.... 255, 1139 

California 57,895 

Colorado 57,187,317,896,1055 

Columbia  National  Forest 318 

Maple  Island 256 

New  Mexico. 58,318,764,765,896 

Wyoming... 58,188,257, 

319.  382,  505, 897, 1057, 1058, 1141 

lands  in  Alaska  subject  to  entry 255, 1055 

purchase  money,  payment 0,97,  721,801 

settlers  on  Mud  Lake  bottom 677,840,930 

stock  driveways 1013 

taxation  of  lands 568,  721,  857,  933 

Hominy,  standard  of  weights,  etc 551, 704 


Honda  Bay,  chait 1133 


extradition  treaty  with  U.  S 1061,1143 

foreign  trade,  1926-27. 1052 

friendship,  etc.,  treaty  with  U.  S. 1143 

Honduras,  British,  see  British  Honduras. 

and  its  uses  in  the  home 75 

grades,  color  standards,  etc 207,530 

it's  all  good  honey,  poster 402 

publications  for  sale 292, 1113 

Honeybees,  see  Bees. 

Honeywell,  Hannah  E.,  vitamin  B  in  feed,  rela- 
tion to  milk  produced  (2  entries)..  204 
Hong  Kong: 

chart  of  harbor 626 

chart  of  waters 376 

Honolulu,  Hawaii: 

chart  of  harbor 16 

free-air  winds 77 

Pan  Pacific  conf.  on  education,  etc 293 

Honshu,  chart  of  plans  on  north  coast 122 

Hood,  Jack,  v.  irnited  States 880 

Hood  River,  Oreg.,  bridge 423,577,667 

Hoofs,  rates  on 473 

Hooker,  A.  B.,  single-shot  blasting  units 662 

Hooker,  J.  G.,  r.  United  States 880 

Hooker,  John  R.,  inheritance  in  wheat  crosses.  533 
Hooker,  W.  A.,  animal  disease  control  work...  273 

Hooker  road,  paving 563,802,851,1067 


healt  h  problem  in  St .  Croix 887, 1047 

of  carnivores,  Ancyclostoma 258 

Hoon,  Kirby,  relief 677 

Hoopa  Valley  Reservation,  see  Hupa  Valley 

Hooper,    Joseph    L.     (Representative    from 
reports  made  by — 

Public  Lands  Com 977 

War  Claims  Com 570,  571,  833, 834,  981 

Hooper  &  Klesner,  see  Shade  Shop,  Hooper  & 

Hoopes  &  Bro.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 747 

Hoopes  &  Townsend  Company  c.  U.  S 747 

Hoopes  &  Townsend  Corporation  v.  V.  S..  599,  747 

Hoops,  rates  on 611, 1030, 1119 

sec  aJso  Basket  hoops. 

Hoots,  H.  W.,  Bell  Springs  dist.,  Wyo 464,863 

Hoover,  Herbert: 

balance  of  inlernat.  payments,  foreword.  84,  925 

el  cine  como  elemento  de  progreso 55 

remedy  for  disappearing  game  fishes 12 

see  also  Commerce  Department. 

Hoover,  Jessie  M.,  cottage  cheese 272 

Hope  Forge  &  Machine  Co.  i\  U.  S 90,487 

Hopewell  China  Corporation,  feldspar.. 471 

Hopi  worship,  Katcina  altars 190 

Hopkins,  G.  R.: 

asphalt  and  related  bitumens  in  1926 152 

carbon  black  produced  from  natural  gas.    19 

nattiral-gas  gasoline  in  1926 281 

natm-al  gas  in  1926 282 

petroleum  in  1926 925 

petroleum  refinery  statistics,  1926 412 

Hopkins,  Lewis  C,  &  Co.,  relief 4.50 

Hops,  growing  and  cm-ing 788 

Hoquiam,  Wash.,  inspectors  of  Steamboat  In- 
spection Service 821,992,1100 

Hord,  T.  B.,  Grain  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair 619 

Hormel,  George  A.,  &  Co.  c  United  States 289 

Horn  Harbor,  Va.,  examination 517 

Hornblower,  Henrv  A.,  trustee,  Thomas  W. 

White  I' 879 

Horse,  see  Horses. 

Horse-flies,  egg  parasite 402 

Horsepower  equipment,  development  in  U.S..  728 

breeds  of  draft  horses 649 

breeds  of  light  horses _ 649 

cost  of  using  on  corn-belt  farms 329 

dourine - -  527 

feeding ---  143 

how  to  select  a  sound  horse 1080 

purchase  for  military  establishment 435, 

592,  668 


Index,  1927-1928 



rates  on. --"  lOi '6'' 29*>. '"^o 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle- 
hearings - ,o^« 



reports" -  675.703 

llorseslioe  Canyon.'piate  steel  pipe  for  syplion.  730 

Horseshoeing  on  farm TiVfl'oaVinao 

Horsev,  llonry,  bridge ---.-  956  991  1099 

Horticultural  Board,  see  Federal  Horticultural 

HoriiculUire,  sec  Fruit-culture— Gardening. 

Ilurton.  .v.  H.,  waterpower  and  electricity 7is 

U(irton,  Fred  K.,  relief ^26 

Horton,  Robert  E.,  hydrology  of  Great  Lakes.  650 

Horwitz,  Philip,  lepers  at  Palo  Seco 502 


.American  marine  standards- 
fire  hose 21,88 

kinds  and  sizes 21 

metallic  hose ---    21 

specification  for  lire  hose 286 

see  also  racks. 

British  market '8 

industry,  wages  and  hours  of  labor 308 

rates  on 871 

lloskins,  J.  K.,  Illinois  ftiver  pollution,  etc.-  196 
Hospital  Corps,  Navy: 

duty  with  Provisional  Regiment 887 

material 120 

(4Ualification  card 887 

Hospital  Corps  quarterly,  see  Naval  medical 

bulletin,  supplement. 

admissions,  etc.,  in  veterans'  hospitals.  264,  :J92 

appliances.  Government  supplies 511 

building  additional  veterans'  hospitals- 
estimate -. 1067 

hearings 571 

law 1100 

minority  views.. 834,835 

reports 834,835,997 

care  of  Government  property.. 198 

clinical  laboratory  work- 
examination  of  sputum 392,  514 

gastric  and  duodenal  contents. .-  1070, 1149 

spinal  fluid 514,  640,  774, 907, 1070, 1071 

m-inalysis  (2  entries) 392 

contact  with  relatives  of  patients _ .  65, 1 98 

cotton  textiles,  elimination  of  waste 664 

dental  treatment  in  general  hospital 198 

diagnosis,  physical  continuity  of  depts 1148 

dietetic  service 49 

for  Home  for  Aged  and  Infirm... 846 

hospital  curve  for  neuropsychiatric 197 

hospital  housekeeping 49 

local  boards  of  managers  or  visitors 65 

marine  hospitals,  alcoholism,  etc.,  in.  905, 1147 

marine  hospitals  and  relief  stations 263 

mental  disease  research.  State  hospitals 134 

national  hospital  day,  aims 264 

naval  patients,  care 826 

nurses — 

in  hospital  forthe  tuberculous 640 

in  neuropsychiatric  hospital 264 

influence  of  nurse  on  spirit 640 

observed  in  a  psychiatric  hospital 135 

occupational  therapy- 
administering,  a  profession,  not  a  job. .  392 

leather  work,  therapeutic  value 514 

supervision,  mental  hospitals.. 198 

opportunities  in  U.  S.  civil  service 791 

pneumothorax  therapy,  value 907 

reading  predilections  of  patients 135 

social  work  in  tuberculosis  hospitals 514 

tuberculosis,  educational  program 392 

tuberculosis,  value  of  library  service 1070 

venereal  disease  treatment 64, 197 

see  also  Army  hospitals— Naval  hospitals—' 
also  names  of  hospitals  or  names  of 
plac<!S  where  located. 
Hosterman,  W.  H.,  official  hay  standards        5  784 
Hostler  Coal  &  Lumber  Co.,  Inc.,  coal  101 

Hot  Spnngs,  Ark.,  to  convey  lot 857,978, 1100 

Hot  Springs,  N.  Mex.,  land  1013 

1 1  ot  Springs  National  Park : 

circular  of  general  information 729 

map  of  roads  and  trails i023 


Jiotteutots,  crania  in  National  Museum 767 

Hottes,  Charles  F.,  sweet  corn  seed  quality.  71,203 

Hottum-Kennedy  Dry  Dock  Co.,  relief 946, 

986, 1095 
Houbigant,  Inc.,  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  602 
Hough,  Walter: 

fire-making  apparatus  in  Nat.  Museum...  1143 
heating,  etc.,  utensils.  National  Museum..  633 

Indian  village  sites,  etc.,  in  Tennessee 898 

Houghton,  Harry  W.  (Henry,  p.  1040,  incor- 
rect) : 

V.  United  States 240,1040 

Houghton,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

Houpt,  Ella,  fabric  painting 392 

Hours  of  labor: 

eight-hour  laws,  etc.,  compilation 287 

in — 

bituminous  coal  mining,  1922,  etc 491 

boot  and  shoe  industry,  1907-26 308 

cotton-goods  manufacturing,  1910-26...  116 

foundries  and  machine  shops,  1927 883 

hosiery  and  underwear  industries 308 

iron  and  steel  industry,  1907-26 116 

motor  vehicle  industry,  1925 46 

slaughtering  and  meat  packing,  1927...  884 

woolen,  etc.,  goods  manufacturing 117 

night  work  in  postal  service,  pay 696, 1102 

of  railroad  employees — 

carriers'  reports,  analysis 480 

report  of  Safety  Bureau,  1927 366 

of  working  women,  State  laws 492 

overtime  pav.  Animal  Industry  Bur 1105 

union  scales,  1913-27 178 

union  scales.  May  15,  1927... 884 

wages  and  hour's  of  labor  series 46, 

House  flies,  see  Flies. 

House  of  Representatives 23,  90, 155, 

287,  345,  416,  545,  674,  805,  942,  1105 

abolishing  useless  offices,  etc 346 

apportionment,  see,  below.  Members. 

calendars.... 346, 416,  545,  674, 805, 942, 1105 

Cannon's  procedure  in  House 545 

clerk,  report,  1927 345 

committee  hearings,  index 447 

contested  elections  cases — 

Clark  V.White 346,552 

Hubbard  v.  LaGuardia 346,679 

Taylor  J).  England 346,679,811 

Wefald  V.  Selvig 346 

contingent  expenses,  estimates 805,942 

election  case  of  James  M.  Beck- 
hearings 552,679 

minority  views 679 

report 679 

employees,  list,  June  30,  1927 345 

expenditiu-es,  1927,  report  of  clerk 345 

Folding  Room,  estimate 346 

history  of  legislation ,  70-1 1 105 

House  Office  Building,  see,  below,   Office 

manual,  rules  of  House,  70th  Congress 416 

apportionment,  hearing 676 

apportionment,  minority  views 807 

apportionment,  reports 807,980 

corrupt  practices  in  election,  etc 850 

term  of  office,  commencement,  hearings  421 
term  of  office,  commencement,  reports.  354, 
term  of  office,  cc-imenfement,  testi- 
mony   421 

Office  Building — 

estimate,  supplemental,  1928 336 

rules,  70th  Congress... 416 

rules,  70th  Congress,  to  amend 570 

telephones,  assistant  floor  manager 417 

see  also  Capitol — Congress  of  United  States — 
also    names    of    committees — also 
names  of  Representatives. 
House  Office  Building,  see  House  of  Representa- 
tives, OfRce  Building. 

Household  goods,  rates  on 737, 871 

Household  management,  see  Home  economics. 

Household  supplies  for  Government 511 

Housekeeping,  see  Home  economics. 

Houseman,  Samuel  F.,  v.  United  States...  42,1110 


publications  of  Commerce  Department .541 



Housing  Corporaliou,  New  Brunswick,  N.J. ,0    115, 

Houston,  Victor  S.  K.  (Delegate  from  Hawaii): 
_    pay  of  Hawaii  National  Guard  menibers.  1107 
gf.    reports  made  by— 

Military  Affairs  Com 438,  563,  690,  969 

Public  Lands  Com _  445,  568,  570, 977 

Territories  Com 445, 440 

"^    sesquicentcnnial  of  Hawaiian  Islands 553 

Houston  &  Brazos  Valley  Ry.,  sulphur. 1124 

Houston  &  Texas  Central  K.  R.: 
rates  on — 

bricks _ _.  607 

granite 232 

lubricatlng-oils __  872 

V.  United  States 176 

Houston  Cotton  Exchange  &  Board  of  Tra(le_.  469 
Houston  East  &  West  Texas  Ry.: 
rates  on — 

excavating  machinery 735 

gasoline 611 

mine  timbers. 476 

Houston  Lighting  &  Power  Co.,  insulators 611 

Houston  Packing  Co.,  cattle 467 

Howard,  C.  S.: 

chemical  character  of  Florida  waters 604 

surface  waters  of  New  ,f ersey 228 

Howard,  E.  B.  (Representative  from  Okla.): 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com 555,  814, 952, 9,53 

Howard,  Edgar  (Representative  from  Nebr.): 
reijort  made  by- 
Indian  .\ffairs  Com 815 

Howard,  Elmer  A.,  v.  United  States 240 

Howard,  Kate  IvI.,  v.  United  States _  176 

Howard,  L.  O.: 

bagworm 331 

house  fly  and  how  to  suppress  it 917 

parasite  element  of  control  of  insects 190 

some  facts  about  malaria 918 

Howard,  Malcomb,  v.  United  States 724 

Howard,  Mary  L.,  admx.,  v.  United  States 240 

Howard,  R.  S.,  Co.,  relief 986 

Howard,  Mrs.  Warren  V.,  relief 350 

Howard  Stove  &  Furnace  Co.,  steel 743 

Howard  University 362 

appropriations  and  inspection- 
hearings 652 

minority  views 552 

reports 552,099,847 

report,  1927 362 

women's  dormitory,  specifications 727 

Howe,  F.  B.,  soil  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y 211 

Howe,  Henry  M.,  biographical  memoir,  etc 494 

Howell,  A.  Brazier,  .\merican  lemming  mice..    73 
Howell,  Robert  B.  (Senator  from  Nebr.): 
reports  made  bv— 

Claims  Com 450,451,452,453, 

575,  576, 705,  706,  838, 985, 986, 987, 989  ' 
Howell,  S.  P.,  gases  from  blasting  in  tunnels...  411 
Howell,  William  H.,  memoir  of  S.  J.  Meltzer..  494 

Howze,  E.  C,  relief 677 

Hrdli6ka,  Ales: 

field  studies  of  early  man  in  Europe 898 

human  crania  in  National  Museum 767 

Hsin-ch6ng  Hsien,  China,  bronzes 190 

Hualapai  Reservation,  see  AValapai  Reserva- 

Huaiiape  Islands,  chart 122 

Huanchaco  Road,  chart 122 

Hub  dynamometer,  see  Dynamometer. 
Hubbard,  C.  C,  cleaning  fur,  etc.,  garments...  343 
Hubbard,  Edmund  F.: 
law 1095 

reports 691,851 

veto  message.- 1056 

Hubbard,  H.  Warren: 
contested  election — 

letter  from  clerk  of  House.. _ 346 

report 679 

Hubbard,  William  F.,  maple  sirup  and  sugar..  785 

Hubbard  Medal,  awarding  to  Lindbergh 317 

Huddleston,    George     (Representative     from 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate    and    Foreign    Commerce 

Com 423,424,428,429,556,558, 

559,  560,  684,  685,  819, 955, 958, 959, 960 


Hudgeus,  J.  C,  schizoi)hrenia,  acute  phase..  1148 

Hudnut,  Richard,  United  States  c 25 

Hudson,  J.  ('.: 

boot  and  shoe  industry.  New  Zealand...  1089 
surgical  instrument  trade.  New  Zealand . .  1090 

Hudson  &  Thompson,  salt 616 

Hudson  Bag  Co.,  Inc.,  paper.. 739 

Hudson  Bay,  surface  water  supply.. 1114 

Hudson  Mule  Co.,  horses. 167 

Hudson  Navigation  Co.  v.  I'nited  States 7^, 

Hudson  River: 

examination  below  1 1  udson 1073 

map 161 

Hudson  Valley  Coke  &  Products  Corporation: 

cast-iron 733 

coke 164 

Hudspeth,  C.  B.  (Representative  from  Tex.): 
minority  views — 

Roads  Com... 832 

reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com.. .  549,  550, 676,  677,  678,  808, 809 

Huelsen,  Walter  A.,  sweet  corn  seed 71,203 

Huenefeld,  Elurenfried  G.  von,  to  present  Dis- 
tinguished Flying  Cross.. 823,935 

Huestis,  Alfred  O.,  relief... 968 

Huevo  Bay,  chart 758 

Huff,  Amos  da,  see  Da  Huff,  Amos. 

Huffman,  Thomas  E.,  relief 808,929,986 

Hugger  Brothers  I'.  United  States 487 

Huggins,  Thomas,  relief 5-19,  839, 1095 

Hughes,  Charles  E.: 

addresses  on  Monroe  doctrine 1062 

lake  levels,  report  to  Supreme  Comrt 768 

regent  of  Smithsoniau  Institution 345 

thanks  of  Congress 812 

Hughes,  James  A.  (Representative  from  W. 
reports  made  by — 

Military  Affairs  Com 439,  690,972 

Hulbert,  Harold  S.,  encephalitis  lethargica 49 

Hulbert,  Victoria  A.,  employment 1140 

Hulett,  F.  A.,  &  Son,  mattresses 106 

Hull,  Morton  D.  (Representative  from  111.): 
report  made  by — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com 812 


care,  etc. ,  American  marine  standard 88 

tests  on  airplane  hulls 118, 119 

Humble  Oil  &  Refining  Co.: 

oil-well  machinery 365 

petroleum. 36,873 

pipe 614 

Hmnboldt  Bay,  chart... 279 

Humerus,  head  of,  bilateral  tuberculosis 514 

Humes,  Augustine  L.,  exr.,  v.  U.  S 175,746 


alTecting  wound  periderm  in  potato 532,  647 

low,  frequency,  etc.,  in  AVashington  State.  1085 
relation  to  stored  apple  deterioration..  399,531 
sugar  beet  growing  under  humid  condition.  655 
Humphreys,    W.    J.,    northeastward-moving 

cyclone 534 

Humphreys,  Fort,  barracks,  construction 564, 

718,  802 

Humphries,  Robert  E., ;;.  United  States 1018 

Humphries,  W.  R.: 

harvester-thresher  in  Great  Plains 648 

shall  I  buy  a  combine? 910 

Hiunptulips,   Wash.,  manganese-bearing  de- 
posits  1114 

Hund,  August,  generator  for  audio  frequency 

currents 665 

Hungarian  Claims  Commission,  see  Tripartite 
Claims  Commission,  U.  S.,  Aus- 
tria, and  Hungary. 

war  claims,  settlement- 
estimate 903 

law.. 668,834 

reports.. 545,  586 

see  also  Tripartite  Claims  Commission,  U. 
S., Austria,  and  Hungary. 

Hunn,  Chester  J.,  peas  for  canning 275 

Hunt,  Caroline  L.: 

food  for  young  children 653 

good  proportions  in  diet.. 1083 

honey  and  its  uses  in  the  home 75 

school  lunches... 209 


Index,  1927-1928 


Runt,  Charles  J. .relief - --  681 

Hum,  Elizabeth,  relief-- 9"8 

liunt,  (ieorge  W.,  relief  of  widow 968 

Hunt,  J.  11.,  clinical  thermometers 496 

Hunt,  Jennie  K.,  to  pay 942 

Hunt,  Mabel  O.,  publications,  Agrie.  Dept.-..  403 

Hunt  Hrothers  Fruit  Co.,  apples 230 

Hunter,  Albert  C,  oysters 785 

Hunter,  Armstrong,  relief 968 

Hunter,  BjTOn,  wheat,  dry  farming  methods.-  271 

Hunting  sports,  classification- 885 

Huntingdon  &  Broad  Top  Mountain  R.  R.  & 

Coal  Co.,  notes 473 

Huntingdon  &  Clearfield  Telephone  Co.,  sale 

of  property 298 

Huntington,  Ellsworth,  secret  of  big  trees 8G5 

Huntington,    Katherine,    Veterans'    Hospital, 

Palo  Alto,  Calif 198 

Huntington,  W.  Va.,  rivers,  etc.,  in  district...  517 
Huntington,  Clarlvsburg  Bridge  Co.,  bridge.-.  992 

Hunts  Along,  James,  relief 953 

Hupa  Valley  Reservation,  cost  of  bridge,  etc. ..554, 

848, 933 
Hurd,  Willis  E.: 

fog  at  .sea 123,183,250,891 

north  Pacific  tropical  storms 123, 1051, 1134 

nortliers  of  Central  American  region 313 

tornado  of  Nov.  17,  1927 534 

Huron,  I>ake,  charts 182. 1074 

Hurricane  Island,  Caney  Fork  bridge.  423,577,667 

Uussey,  George  C,  relief 436,543,592 

Hutchings.  John  H.,  Missouri  R.  bridge 558, 

709,  802 
Hutchins,  Wells  A.,  irrigation  water  delivery..  655 

Hutchinson  Paper  Co..  paper 1121 

Hutment  type  of  emergency  hospitals..- 887 

Hutterische  Church  v.  United  States 240,  289 

Hutton,  Lynn  D.: 

barberry  and  black  stem  rust 333 

barberry  eradication  in  wheat  areas 209 

Hy-Power  Gasoline  Co.,  gasoline 736 

Hyacinth,  see  Grape-hyacinth. 
Hyatt  Roller  Bearing  Co.  v.  U.S..  222,305,487,723 
Hybridization,  see  Ascomycete  Neurospora— 

Hydatid  cyst,  pulmonary 1148 

Hyder,  Alaska,  and  vicinity,  map 95 

Hydraulic  classification 411 

Hydraulic  laboratory,  to  establish 843 

Hydraulic  Mining  Commission  of  California.  1073 

Hydraulic  mining  investigations  in  Calif 1073 

Hydraulic  power,  see  Water-power. 
Hydrociiloric  acid,  see  Muriatic  acid. 
Hydrocyanic  acid  gas  tests,  ship  fumigation...  905 
Hydroelectric  energy,  see  Water-power. 
Hydrogen  electrodes  for  determining  hydrogen- 
ion  concentration  of  soils. 399, 404 

Hydrogen-ion  concentration: 

effect  on  wheat  seedlings 204,  206 

of  soils,  determining 399^404 

relations  bet.  reduction  potentials  and  pH  '  906 

Hydrogen  i)eroxid,  rates  on... 298 

Hydrograptier,  surveying  ship 923 

Hydrographic  bulletin.. 49  121   180  248 

311, 375, 497, 625, 757,  888, 1049, 1132 
ice  supplement 51 

,,    ,  ^.  52, 122,  i82,758,"890,''i05i,"ll33 

Hydrographic  manual,  1928 923 

Hydrogi-aphic  Office 49, 121  185  248 


report,  1927 ..375,753 

route  chart ggo 

Hydrographic  surveying,  see  Surveying" 


ground-water  hydrology  at  Fort  Caswell  64 
of  Great  Lakes '^50 

1 1  y drophobia,  see  Rabies.  


aviation  hygiene 246  247 

dusty  trades,  health  of  worliers  fo09  11^48 

esta  su  nifto  preparado  para  ir  a  la  escuela?'  501 
German  univer.sity  students,  health,  etc  '  196 
Health  conditions,  Get.-Dec  1927  '  639 

health  for  school  children  27 

hookworm  as  health  problem,  StVCroixV.".".887, 

industrial  health  activities,  1926  884 

same,   summary    in    monthly  'labor" 
""  - - 884 


Hygiene — Continued. 

of  maternity  and  infancy^ 

administration  of  act 116 

county  health  organization 371,750 

e.vhibits  and  pubs,  of  Children's  Bur. .  116 

how  to  keep  your  baby  well 91 

keeping  well  baby  well 177 

program  in  New  Hampshire 371 

work  in  generalized  program. 491 

publications — 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs. 27,  727 

health  education 463 

school  health  studies 27,94 

teaching  health,  interest-arousing  devices...  27 

tonsillectomy  as  related  to  health 773, 1070 

working  boys,  he.'ilth  in  New  York  City...  116 
see  also  Industrial  accidents  and  hygiene 
series — Mental  hygiene — also  head- 
ings beginning  Health. 
Hygiene  (public): 

court  decisions,  public  health...  63, 134, 196, 263 
323,  391,  513,  639, 773, 905, 1070, 1148 
in — 

Denmark,  organization 196 

England  and  Wales,  1926. _ 323 

Mississippi  Valley  after  flood-- 1070 

insects  of  importance  in  public  health 906 

iodization  of  water  to  prevent  goiter 63 

laws  and  regulations  adopted  during  1926..  262 

municipal  ordinances,  etc.,  1923-26 -.  1147 

national  negro  health  week  (2J. 639 

pul)licatious,  prices 639 

nurses,  public-health,  training  standards...  371 

oral  prophylaxis,  rel.  to  public  health 392 

public  health  bulletin 63, 

133,  196,  323,  513,  514,  773, 1069, 1147 

public  health  reports 63, 134, 196,  263,  323, 

391,  513,  639,773, 905, 1070, 1148 

index,  etc.,  to  v.  42 134,  639 

supplement...-- 133,262, 

rural  health  work — 

extent  of  rural  health  service 905, 1148 

Public  Health  Service,  1927 263,  513 

salud  publica  y  puericultura  serie.-  54, 125, 252, 

saude  publica  e  bem-estar  infantil  serie 125, 

378,  628,  893, 1135 

trachoma  in  Slate's  health  program 639,906 

university  in  rel.  to  public  health 323,  513 

see  also   Sanitation — also   headings   begin- 
ning Health— Public  Health. 
Hygiene  series,   see  Industrial  accidents  and 
hygiene  series. 

Hygienic  Laboratory 64,640,900 

chemotherapy  of  organic  arsenicals 324 

increased  appropriations,  to  authorize 993 

Hygrometry,  recent  contributions,  reviews 335 

Hylonile  Products  Co.,  infusorial  earth 104 

Hyman-Michaels  Co.: 

rails... 37,1035 

wrought-iron 113 

Hymenoptera,  parasitic,  subfamily  Anteoninae  258 

Hynes,  William  A.,  relief 436 

Hypodermic  injection 120 

Hyslop,  J.  A.,  wireworins  destructive  to  crops.  207 
Hysteresis,    statical,   in  cycles  of  equal    load 

range 542 


I  O  U's,  substitution  in  postal  service 894 

laeger  quadrangle,  W.  Va.-Va 362 

Ibero-Anierican  Exposition: 

general  regulations 386 

to  amend  pub.  res.  65,  U.  S.  participation- 
law 805 

message  from  President  of  U.  S 634 

report 680 


forecasting  by  means  of  weather.. 335 

ice  supplement  to  hydrographic  bulletin  51,  52, 

international  ice  observation,  1927 510 

rates  on 737,1030 

snow  and  ice  bulletin 33  5 

405,  534,  656, 790 

supplies.  Government 772 

supplies,  public  bldgs.  in  N.  Y.  Citv 907 




Ii-e  cream,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 79 

Ice-cream  cones,  rates  on . 737 

Ice-cream  containers,  see  Containers. 

Ice-cream  mix,  rates  on 473 

Ice  machines,  rates  on _ 1119 

Ice  patrol  service  in  north  Atlantic,  1927 510 


brief  economic  survey .-.  661 

lights,  etc 311 

Ichneumon-flies,  notes  and  descriptions 258 


air  navigation  facilities 505,631 

bridges  at  or  near— 

Ilevburn -  428,584,671 

Idaho  Falls 428,584,671 

Indian  Cove 428,584,671 

Swan  Valley.  __ 428,584,671 

census  of  agriculture,  1925.  tables  5-8- 80 

drainage,  etc.,  of  Kootenai  lands 954, 1100 

easement  in  Lapawi  Reservation 815 

fish  culture,  lands  ceded  for 978 

fish  hatching,  etc.,  station 841 

geography,  geologv.  and  mineral  resources.  464 

land  offices,  establishing 721,978 

lands  withdrawn  pending  classification...  1140 

post  route  map 630 

rifle  range  for  Idaho  National  Guard 57,318 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing 1 144 

United  States  v 619 

Idaho  Falls,  Idaho,  bridge 428,584,671 

Idaho  National  Forest,  lands 568,  802,  857, 1013 

Idaho  University: 
School  of  Mines- 
hydraulic  classification. 411 


of  traveler.  Govt,  transportation  requests..  770 

Identification  Division,  Justice  Dept 243 

Igneous  rocks,  sec  Rocks. 

compression,  aircraft  engine  cylinder 119 

equipment,  fire  hazard  tests 642 

recent  developments  in  aircraft 909 

spark  generators  for  automotive  ignition...  119 

lion  Road,  chart 626 

lies,  U.  G.,  farm  work  for  mental  cases 640 

Iliflf-BrufE  Chemical  Co.,  coal 468,868 

Ilitz,  Michael,  relief 564,1004,1095 

Illegitimacy,  service  social  com  paes  solteiros..  125 

Illichevsky,  George  J.,  relief SOS 


bridges  across — 

Mississippi  River .5.57,580,670 

Rock  River 428,  544,  ,584 

"Wabash  River 560,711,804 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 13 

district  judge 963,1100 

intrastate  fares  of  C.  N.  S.  &  M.  R.  R 478 

post  route  map 630 

Public  Health  Department- 
pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,   summary,    in   pub.    health 

rps.,  V.  42 196 

Senatorial  campaign  expenditures 455,712 

tornado  of  Apr.  19,  1927 11 

Wisconsin  et  al.  v 768 

Illinois  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

cattle  fattening  in  corn  belt 400 

dent  corn,  chemical-dust  seed  treatments..  .531 

flag  smut  of  wheat 76 

Illinois  &  Mississippi  Canal,  report 517 

Illinois  Central  R.  R.: 

bon  ds 34 

construction,  etc.,  of  cut-off 232 

equipment  trust . 232 

misrouting . 169 

rates 297 

rates  on — 

bricks 98,732 

coal 164,608 

cotton 734 

grain 104 

hides 298 

household  goods 737 

machinery 11 20 

pears 170 

sand 481 

tomatoes 876, 1124 

wash-tubs 40 

valuation 364 


Illinois  Coal  Traffic  Bm-eau. 100 

Illinois  Electric  Porcelain  Co 871 

Illinois  Merchants  Trust  Co.,  exr.,  v.  U.  S.  175,746 

Illinois  Northern  Ry..  v:iluation 299 

Illinois  Powder  Manufacturing  Co 472 

Illinois  River: 

bridge  at  Grafton-... 816,842,933 

bridge  at  Peoria 5.57,708,802 

pollution  and  natural  purification 134, 19fi 

Illinois  Steel  Bridge  Co.,  steel 111,875 

Illinois  Terminal  Company: 

acquisition  of  control 1119 

cancellation  of  class  rates 102S 

Illinois  Terminal  Railroad,  valuation 232 

Illness,  see  Sickness. 

Illuminating  gas,  see  Gas  (illuminating). 

Illumination,  see  Lighting. 


copyrighted 47,179,373,1046 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

Ilsley,  L.  C: 

permissible  single-shot  blasting  units 662 

underground  communication  experiments.  796 

Imes,  Marion: 

cattle  scab,  control  and  eradication.  271 

sheep  and  goat  lice,  control,  etc 527 

sheep  tick  &  its  eradication  bydipping 6.'iO 

Immigrants,  see  Aliens — Immigration. 


alien  wives  of  U.  S.  citizens .587,680 

Canadian  Indians,  to  e.xempt  from  act 681, 

699,  714, 802 

college,  etc.,  teachers — 

hearings 1106 

report 587 

consular  regulations 57, 320, 900 

expenses  of  regulating,  estimate 1065 

information  on 371 

national  origins  provision — 

communication  of  Sec.  of  State,  etc 634 

postponement,  hearing 714 

postponement,  law 804 

postponement,  reports 680,699 

nurses  and  teachers  in  Porto  Rico 952 

preference  to  relatives  of  U.   S.   citizens, 

etc 587,813,939,1104 

publications  for  sale 225, 1113 

quota  exemptions  and  preferences. 952 

records  of  arrival,  certain  immigrants- 
hearings 952 

report 952 

restriction  and  scarcity  of  servants 45 

statistics  in  Monthly  labor  review 46, 

117,  178,  244,  309.  372,  492,  623,  751, 
Western  Hemisphere,  restriction...  .587,714,814 
see  also  Aliens. 
Immigration  and  Emigration  Conference,  see 
International       Emigration       and 
Immigration  Conference. 
Immigration  and   Naturalization   Committee, 

calendar,  legislative 347,  .5.54,  680, 952, 1106 

hearings 422,554,680.814,9.52,1106 

minoritv  views 680,952 

reports 347,554,680,681,813,952 

Immigration  Bureau 244,372,883 

estimates 510, 1065 

inspectors,  to  amend  immigration  act 587, 


report,  1927 . -..  372 

salaries  in  immigration  service 554 

Immigration  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 587,847,1109 

hearings 587,  714 

reports .587,714,998 

Immigration  stations,  list,  1927 263 


alastrim  and  mild  smallpox,  relationship. .  640 
diphtheria  immunization  in  Asbury  Park.  134 

diphtheria  immunization  in  Chicago 263 

in  syphihs,  present-day  concepMons 263 

Impaired  hearing,  see  Deafness. 
Imperial  Countv,  Calif.,  right  of  way  for  high- 
way  444,597,668 

Imperial  Machine  and  Foundry  Corporation.  42,43 

Imperial  Machine  Company 42 

Imperial  Oil  Marketing  Co 1029 


Index,  1927-1928 


Implements,  see  Farm  implements  and  machin- 
Implements  of  war,  see  Munitions. 
Import  duties,  see  Tariff. 
Imports  and  exports: 

coastal  districts  and  foreign  trade  regions- 
calendar  year  1926 128 

fiscal  year  1927 505 

monthly 128,  319, 383,  766, 1058 

export  trade  act,  extend  to  import  trade- 
hearings. .. 431 

minority  views - 561 

reports 561,699 

shipments  to  Latin  Amer.,  regulations 795 

statistical  classification  of  exports 336 

statistical  classification  of  imports.. 12 

statistical  returns  of  exports 336 

see  aUo  Commerce— Tariff— a?so  names  of 
articles  imported  and  exported  and 
names  of  countries. 

Irasouan  Bay,  chart _ 52 

Inanition,  effect  on  cows'  milk 270,400 

Inauguration,  see  President  of  United  States, 

election  and  term  of  office. 
Incandescent  lamps,  see  Electric  lamps — Gas 


agricultural  production,  income  from 142 

forestry  and  farm  income 402 

net  income  statistics,  1926 390 

railways,  net  operating  income,  etc.,  order.  615 

railways,  preliminary  statement,  1927 874 

Income  tax: 

administration,  survey 288 

auditing  returns,  procedure 1069 

computation,  trading  with  the  enemy  act.  1146 

forms  used  for  taxable  year  1926 62 

merchant  marine,  certain  exemptions 454 

statistics  from  net  income  returns,  1926 390 

title,  proposed  rearrangement 288 

withholding  and  information  at  source 62 

Incubation  of  chickens 401 

Incunabula,  from  Vollbehr  collection 884 

Indemnity,  domestic  registered  mail 1139 

see  also  Claims— Damages. 
Independence,  Declaration  of,  see  Declaration 

of  Independence. 
Independent   offices   appropriations,   see   Ap- 

Independent  Produce  Shippers,  Inc 296 

Inderrieden  Canning  Co 732 


decisions  of  comptroller  general 292, 

603,  726, 1020 
Index  numbers: 

wholesale  prices— 

1890-1927,  pre-war  base 1044 

1923-July,  1927.. 178 

exDlanation  of  new  indexes  (2  entries)..  372 

acts  of  69th  Cong.  2d  sess.  affecting  D.  C__.  26 

Air  Corps  information  circulars 1073 

airway  bulletins 277,658 

bulletin  of  engineering  information 1047 

Coast  Guard  regulations _ 1145 

commerce  reports — 

Apr.-June,  1927 83 

July-Sept.  1927.. "  280 

Oct.-Dec.  1927 661 

Jan.-Mar.  1928 924 

Congressional  committee  hearings..^  447 

Congressional  documents— 

69th  Cong.  2d  sess 35g 

(■Congressional  record— 

69th  Cong.  2d  sess.,  bound  vols..  23 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess.,  dailv 345 

.  ,  416,543,666,799,928,1094 

coi)>Tight  entries- 
art,  works  of,  etc.,  1927 1046 

musical  compositions,  1926  46 

pamphlets,  leaflets,  etc.,  1926  ""  245 

periodicals.  1926 '    46 

court  martial  orders,  Navy  1047 

Court  of  Claims-  "'"" 

wises,  term  1 92.''>-26 ]  57 

Court  of  Customs  Appeals—   

cases  adjudged,  v.  1-14 355 


Indexes— Continued, 
crops  and  markets- 
V.  3 


V.  4 915 

customs  decisions,  July-Dec.  1927 636 

decisions  concerning  contracts,  etc 1068 

experiment  station  record — 

V.  55 74 

V.  56 402 

Federal  reserve  bulletin,  v.  13 357 

Federal  statutes,  70th  Congress 963 

Federal  Trade  Commission  decisions,  v.  9.    92 
food  and  drugs  act — 

notices  of  judgment  14001-15000 272 

Geological  Survey- 
bulletin  792 94,360 

bulletin  795 464, 1114 

bulletin  796 464,863 

professional  paper  150 728 

Hospital  Corps  quarterly,  v.  11 120 

Interior  Department — 

decisions,  public  lands,  v.  51 93 

internal  revenue  decisions,  Jau.-Dec.  1927.  636 
International   Assoc,   of  Indus.   Accident 

Bds.,  etc.,  proceedings,  1925-27.  751 
journal  of  agricultural  research — 

V.  34 269 

v.  35 1079 

mineral  resources  of  United  States- 
metals,  1923 94 

nonmetals,  1923 94 

Mines  Bureau  publications 412 

monthly  catalogue  of  public  docs.,  1926-27.  358 
monthly  labor  review— 

V.  24... 178 

V.  25 884 

monthly  weather  review,  v.  55 790 

naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  25 247 

naval  stores  and  material^ 

classification  index 760 

specifications 54,  251,  500, 1052 

navigation  laws,  proposed  codification 319 

new  reclamation  era.  v.  18 605 

notice  to  mariners,  H.  O.,  1927 121,625 

official  gazette,  weeklv 20,  86, 153,  219,  283, 

342. 413,  .541, 664,  797, 926, 927, 1092 

official  record,  Agriculture  Dept.,  v.  6 648 

Pan  American  Union  bulletin — 

Jan.-Dec.  1927  (English  ed.)... 501 

Jan.-Dec.  1927  (Spanish  ed.) 501 

Panama  Canal  record,  v.  20 378 

patents  issued,  1927_ 413 

postal  bulletin,  v.  48 629 

prohibition  decisions,  1927 636 

public  health  reports,  v.  42 134,639 

reappraisement  circulars,  Jan.-Dec.  1927...  637 

school  life,  V.  12 28 

service  and  regulatory  announcements- 
Animal  Industry  Bureau,  1927 527 

specifications,  U.  S.  Government  master.  89, 798 
Standards  Bureau — 

scientific  papers,  v.  21 344 

technologic  papers,  V.  21 542 

State  law  index- 
estimate  for  preparation 623 

rules 245 

Supreme  Court- 
cases  decided,  Oct.  term,  1926 177 

cases  pending,  Oct.  term,  1927 193 

Tariff  Commission  investigation 1015 

Tariff  Commission  publications 901 

Tax  Appeals  Board  reports— 

V.  3 260 

V.  4 260 

V.  5 387 

V.  6 769 

trade-marks  issued,  1927 413 

Treasury  decisions — 

Jan.-June,  1927 132 

Jan.-Dec.  1927 636 

venereal  disease  information,  v.  8 514 

Veterans'  Bureau  medical  bulletin,  v.  3 392 

water-supply  paper  596.. 728 

Yards  and  Docks  Bureau  manual 123 

Indexes  and  Archives  Bureau,  State  Dept 1321 

Indexing  Section,  Agriculture  Dept 403,653 




chart 312 

electrical  equipment  market 216,661 

magnesite,  costs  of  production 508 

pilot,  supplement 757 

Indian  Affairs  Committee,  House: 

hearings.- 555,814,815 

reports -._ 422,423, 

554,  555, 681,  682, 814, 815, 952, 953, 954 
Indian  Affairs  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 455,456,588,714 

reports 455,587,588, 

589,  714,  715,  716, 847, 848, 849, 998, 999 

Indian  Affairs  Office %,  229, 362, 865 

estimate .._ 1065 

organization  chart 96 

physicians,  educational  leave 682,848,935 

regulations,  bookkee^jing  and  accounting..  865 

report,  1927.. 362 

roster  of  officers,  Indian  service 229 

salary  of  commissioner,  etc 953 

Indian  antiquities,  see  Indians,  and  references. 
Indian  colony  near  Winnemucca,  Nev.  715, 814, 933 

Indian  Commissioners  Board 362 

report,  1927 362 

Indian  Cove,  bridge 428,584,671 

Indian  lands,  see  Indians. 

Indian  Motor  Cycle  Co.  v.  U.  S 487 

Indian  Ocean: 

great  circle  sailing  chart 376 

pilot  chart 52. 123, 18.3,  250, 

313, 376, 499, 626,  759, 890,  lOol,  1134 

south  Indian  Ocean  pilot 248 

Indian  Refining  Co.,  petroleum 478 

Indian  reservations: 

power  or  reservoir  sites,  patents,  etc 458 

roads,  to  authorize  appropriations— 

H.  R.  7343,  report... 832 

S.  1145,  law.. 1100 

S.  1145,  reports 715,814 

S.  3674,  report.. 855 

S.  3674,  veto 1057 

see  also  names  of  reservations. 

Indian  River  Refining  Co.,  Inc 36 

Indian  schools,  see  names  of  schools  or  places 

where  located. 
Indian  service,  see  Indian  Affairs  Office. 

Indian  Stream  quadrangle,  N.  H.-Vt 605 

Indian  Territory,  see  Oklahoma. 
Indian  trust  estates: 
creation — 

hearings 814 

reports. -. 814,848 

Indian  trust  funds,  see  Indians— aiso  names  of 

certain  Indian  tribes,  etc. 

bridges  at  or  near — 

Evansville 684,817,993 

Lawrenceburg 557,708,802 

Mount  Carmel 560,711,804 

Rockport 684,843,935 

Vincennes 560,  586, 1103 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 13 

coals,  analvses 411 

Health  Board— 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health 

rps.,  V.  42 196 

judicial  district... 561,-590,932 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  public  health  re- 
ports...  196 

post  route  map. 630 

Indiana  .Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  see 
Purdue    University    .Agricultural 
Experiment  Station. 
Indiana  Harbor  Belt  R.  R.: 
rates  on — 

cement .__  733 

potatoes 741 

Indiana  Northern  Ry.,  operation  of  line 104 

Indiana  Quartered  Oak  Co.  v.  Fed.  Trade 

Comn 726 

Indianapolis,  Ind.: 
Board  of  Trade — 

grain 298 

monument  to  Confederate  soldiers.  688,  850,  933 

15950—29 7 


allotments  disposed  of  by  will 953 

allotments  on  public  domain,  regulations..  863 

California  to  bring  suit  on  behalf  of 681, 

814  933  999 

Canadian,  immigration 681, 699)  714^  802 

conditions  in  United  States,  survey 455 

ethnological  research- 
estimate 903 

hearing 6H8 

law 802 

reports 688,715 

fees  from  royalties  on  minerals 422,  715 

heritage  from  American  Indians 190 

in  Oregon,  claims 848 

in  Washington  State,  claims 999 

lands,  deferred-payment  sales 422,  588,  668 

lands,  in  Inyo  County,  Calif 555,588,668 

manuscripts  relating  to,  printing 5% 

occupying  railroad  lands,  relief 422, 588, 668 

population  north  of  Mexico.. 633 

prehistoric  inhabitants  of  Colirmbia  River 

Valley 898 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

religion 229 

tribal  funds,  expenditures 1065 

vUlage  sites  and  quarries  in  Tennessee 898 

wooden  objects  from  southern  Florida 766 

see  also  Five  Civilized  Tribes— aZso  certain 
headings  beginning  Indian — also 
names  of  reservations,  tribes,  etc. 

Indicator,  wind  component,  parts 138 

Indices  Section,  I.  C.  C 230 

Indigo  sulphonates,  electrode  potentials 906 

Indoor  recreation  for  industrial  employees 178 

Indophenols,  oxidation-reduction  studies 906 

Industrial  Accident  Boards  and  Commissions, 
International  Association  of,  see 
International  Association  of  In- 
dustrial Accident  Boards  and 
Industrial  accidents,  see  .\ccidents. 

Industrial  accidents  and  hygiene  series 1129 

Industrial  alcohol,  see  .\lcohol  (denatured). 
Industrial  and  engineering  chemistry,  reprint 

from 350 

Industrial  arbitration: 

conciliation  work  of  Labor  Dept.. 46, 

117, 178, 244,  309, 372, 492,  623,  751, 884, 
1044, 1129, 1130. 
laws  rel.  to  mediation,  etc.,  compOation...  287 

proceedings  under  railroad  labor  act 244 

Industrial  betterment,  see  Welfare  work. 

Industrial  Company  p.  United  States 305 

Industrial  education,  see  Technical  education. 
Industrial  employment  information  bulletin, 
see  Employment  and  unemploy- 
Industrial  hj'giene,  see  Hygiene. 
Industrial  Institution  for  Women,  see  Federal 
Industrial  Institution  for  Women. 
Industrial  machinery,  see  Machinery. 

Industrial  Machinery  Division. ._  661,795,925 

Industrial  motion  pictures,  see  Motion  pic- 
Industrial  property,  see  Patents. 
Industrial  Reformatory: 

appropriation  to  remain  available 902 

portion  of  Camp  Sherman  (H.  R.  10649)..  S2.=), 

1006,  ] 103 

to  remove  age  limits 963 

Industrial  schools,  see  Technical  education. 
Industrial  series: 

Federal  Board  for  Vocational  Education..  291, 

Pan  .American  Union 125 

Industrial  standards  series.  Foreign  and  Domes- 
tic Commerce  Bureau 18, 

216, 281, 340, 410, 411,  661, 1090 
Industrial  tracks,  see  Railroad  tracks. 
Industrial  training,  see  Technical  education. 
Industrial  waste,  see  Elimination  of  waste — 

Waste  materials. 

absenteeism  in  industry. 46 

accident  experience  in  1925  and  1926 372 

child  welfare  problems,  publications 1129 


Index,  1927-1928 

Industry— Continued. 

ananfas.  industria,  <^-^^^^^^^,i^-,^i^ 

flnanzas.  ind-^a.  CK>n^io^serie^-^.^|^  18^ 

health  and  recreation  activities,  1926.  -      -  884 
same,    summary    in    monthly    labor 

review °°j 

industrial  relations  in  United  States 17S 

industrial  safety,  outline  of  material  on.---  1'8 

recreation  for  employees ;_,  ,n^n 

respiratory  diseases  among  workers...  ilS,  1U7U 
iff  also  ?:mplovment  and  unemployment- 
Manufactures— a/so  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Industrial— aZso 
name  of  industry— a/«o  names  of 
countries  and  places. 

Inerarity  Point,  bridge 843,959,993,1102 

Infant,  .iff  Infants. 

Infantile  beri-beri,  see  Beri-beri. 

Infantile  paralysis,  see  Poliomyelitis. 


ammunition,  technical  regulations 199, 1072 

armament,  technical  regulations  324,  515,  641, 1072 
basic  training  manual  for  Nat.  Guard..  326,  394 
training  regulations..  265,  516,  641, 908, 1072,  1150 

anemia  in  newborn  child,  bibliography 308 

breast  feeding 371 

article  on  infant  care 45 

how  to  keep  your  baby  well 91 

keeping  well  baby  well 177 

lesson  material 750 

references 750 

self-directed  group  study 750 

exhibits  and  pubs,  of  Children's  Bur 116 

feeding  in  the  tropics 497 


in  Buffalo,  N.  Y 323 

in  nine  cities  of  United  States 639, 905 

in  United  States 773,905 

mftodos  para  establecer  las  estadlsticas 

de  mortalidad  infantil 501 

statistics  for  legistration  area,  1925 337 

summary  of  provisional  figures,  1926...    63 
welfare  and  hygiene  act — 

administration,  fiscal  year,  1926 116 

county  health  organization 371,750 

work  in  generalized  program 491 

what  is  happening  to  babies  in  D.  C? 622 

sff  also   Conference  of  State  Directors  in 
Charge  of  Local  Administration  of 
Maternity  and  Infancy  Act. 

arthritis,  foci  of  infection.. 1148 

bronchial  asthma,  oral  focal  infection 1149 

focal  infection  of  dental  origin 264 

keratitis,  focal  infection  of  tooth 1070, 1071 

lung  infections,  nontuberculous 135, 197 

mental  patients,  oral  infection 1149 

prostatitis  as  focus  of  infection 514 

pulmonary  nontuberculous,  role  of  sinuses.  135 

Infectious  abortion  of  cattle 73 

Infectious  diseases,  see  Contagious  diseases— 

also  names  of  diseases. 
Infirm,  Home  for  Aged  and,  see  Home  for  Aged 
and  Infirm,  D.  C. 

Inflammabihty  of  gases,  etc.,  hmits 539 

Inflammation  tests,  engine  cleaning  fluids 137 


epidemic,  at  naval  station,  Hampton  Roads  497 

epidemic,  reminiscences 887 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

prevalence,  Oct.-Dec.  1927 639 

Information  bulletin.   Aeronautics  Branch      148, 
213, 337, 791,  792, 921, 1086 
see  also  Aeronautics  bulletin. 
Information  circulars: 

Air  Corps _  137 

325,  516,  642,  777",  7"7879o'9',To7"3",  1151 

index 1073 

InformatioH    Division,    Aeronautics    Branch, 
Commerce  Dept.,  see  Air  Informa- 
tion Division,  Aeronautics  Branch, 
Commerce  Dept. 
Information  Office,  Agriculture  Dept  .  8 

75,  209,  333. 403,  53 1 ,  6,5.3,  787,  9 1 9 
«e«  ai.vo,Crawford,  Nelson  A. 


Information  Section,  Naval  Intelligence  Office.    49 

Infusorial  earth,  rates  on 104 

Ingalls  Iron  Works  Co.,  steel.. 1123 

Ingelas  Bay,  chart .50 

Ingomar  anticline,  Mont.,  geology 94 

Ingram,  J.  W.: 

insects  injurious  to  rice  crop 530 

striped  blister  beetle  on  soy  beans .-  530 

Ingram-Day  Lumber  Co 369 

Inguinale,  granuloma,  etiology 907 


property  in  District  of  Columbia 551 

Inheritance  (biology),  see  Heredity  (plants). 
Inheritance  and  transfer  tax: 

computation,  trading  with  the  enemy  act.  1146 

refunding,  to  extend  time 431, 450,  713,  802 

Initiative,  documents  and  debates  rel.  to 159 

Injunctions  in  labor  disputes,  limiting 717,8.50 


abdominal  wounds  and  injuries 246,  247 

osseous,  physical  measures  in  treatment ...    64 
see  also  Accidents— Damages— Employers' 
liability  and  workmen's  compensa- 

Ink  specifications. 88,  343 

Inland  Products  Co.  (».  U.  S 222,  305,369 

Inland  Steel  Co.,  angle-bars 96 

Inland  waterways: 
inside  route — 

Jupiter  Inlet  to  Barnes  Sound 21.5, 108S 

Key  West  to  Rio  Grande,  supplement.  338 
New  York  to  Key  West,  supplement..  150 

Sapelo  Sound  to  St.  Augustine 659 

Sff  also  names  of  waterways. 

Inland  Waterways  Corporaton 1074 

extension  of  barge  line- 
hearings 816,957 

minority  views 957 

report 9.57 

freight  rates 166 

increase  of  capital  stock 842 

report,  1927 1074 

sulphur - 1036 

to  amend  act 939,  957,  980, 992, 1 100 

Inlays,  gold,  by  indirect  method 135 

Inner  Harbor,  Kayeli  Bay,  chart 182 

Inner  tubes,  sef  Tubes  (inner). 

Inoculation,  malaria -.  26.3 

Insane,  care  in  Alaska --.  961 

Insane,    Government    Hospital    for,    see    St. 

Elizabeths  Hospital. 
Insecticide  Administration,   see   Food,   Drug, 
and  Insecticide  Administration. 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 9,274 

report,  1927 274 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 9 

Sff  also  Food,  Drug,  and  Insecticide  Admin- 

fruit  growers  information 786 

notices  of  judgments 9 

rates  on 167 

Sff  also  Spraying  (agriculture) — also  names 
of  insecticides. 

como  combatir  las  plagas  de  insectos 760 

injurious  to — 

apple 651 

citrus  trees  in  Florida 273 

citrus  trees  in  Japan 207 

flower  garden .-  74,651 

fruit,  information  for  growers 786 

grain,  stored 272 

man,  etc.,  publications  for  sale 292. 1113 

ornamental  greenhouse  plants 786 

pecans 273,918 

rice  crop 530 

vegetable  garden 76 

of  importance  in  public  health,  catalogue...  906 

parasite  element  of  control  of  insects 190 

publications  for  sale -.  292, 1113 

quarantine  against  dangerous  insects 4 

slash  disposal  relative  to  insects 144 

timber  defects  caused  by  insects 144 

Sff  also  names  of  insects. 
Insects  (fossil): 

from  Lower  Permian  of  Grand  Canyon 60 

Inside  route,  xff  Inland  waterways. 



Insignia  of  United  States: 
to  prevent  desecration — 

hearings 431 

report 686 

Inspection,  see  names  of  substances  or  objects 

Inspection  charges,  Hawley  &  Let^erich 860 

Inspector  General's  Department- 644 

Army  regulations 264,  774, 1149 

Inspectors,  see  Post  office  inspectors. 
Installment  selling  of  motor  vehicles  in  Europe.  925 
Institute    for    Protection    of    Childhood,    see 
International    American    Institute 
for  Protection  of  Childhood. 

cotton  textiles,  elimination  of  waste 664 

dietetics  in  institutions. 134,262 

same  (in  Spanish) 54 

for  children  in  New  Jersey 308 

instituciones  para  ninos  menesterosos 252 

trade-union  homes  for  aged,  etc 623 

see  also  names  of  special  institutions. 
Instruction,  see  Teaching. 
Instructors   of   the    deaf,    see    Convention    of 
.\merican  Instructors  of  the  Deaf. 
Instruments,  see  Dental  instruments — Measur- 
ing     instruments — Meteorological 
instruments — Musical  instruments 
— Surgical  instruments — Surveying 
instruments — also  names  of  instru- 

Insular  .\flairs  Bureau 326, 1074 

report,  1927 326 

Insular  .Vflairs  Committee,  House: 

hearings 459,  598,815,  llf'3 

minority  views 682 

reports 555,  682,  9.>4 

Insular  possessions: 

air  mail  to  insular  possessions — 

hearings 567 

law 667 

reports. 567,596 

health  authorities,  1927,  directory 323,  513 

judges'  salaries — 

hearing 687 

law 1100 

reports 687,1001 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

see  also  names  of  possessions.  For  matters 
relating  equally  to  States  and  insu- 
lar possessions,  see  States. 

Insular  Reorganization  Joint  Commission 1015 

Insulation  (heat): 

cotton  blankets,  eflect  of  laundering 87 

engineering  instructions 310,496 

Insulator  pins,  rates  on 1033 


case  of -A..  W.  Fenton  Co _.  1017 

ease  of  Janson  Co 724 

one-piece  porcelain  insulators 665 

rates  on 473,611,737,871 

standards  for  (Spanish  translation) 18 


code  for  District  of  Columbia — 

hearings 995 

report 551 

foreign  service,  expenditures  authorized 57 

juvenile  insurance  in  D.  C 949,  995, 1099 

marine  insurance  and  general  average 62 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

see  also  Crop  insurance— Health  insurance — 
Life  insurance — "War  risk  insurance. 
Insurance  companies: 

acceptable  reinstu'ing  companies 194,901 

securities  on  Federal  bonds 194,901 

Insurance  Department,  District  of  Columbia, 

report,  1927 356 

Insurance  Department,  Shipping  Board  Mer- 
chant Fleet  Corporation 128 

Insured  mail: 
inquiry  for  number,  new  form  3849-C- .  502 

new  method  of  fihng  receipts.  __ 126 

packing  for  Gt.  Britain  and  Ireland 126 

undeliverable,  irregular  treatment 629 

Intelligence  tests,  directions  for  use 136 

Inter-.\merican  Committee  on  Electrical  Com- 
munications  1.30 

Inter-.\merican  High  Commission 62, 


Inter-.\merican  highway,  construction 812,937 

Intercoastal  traffic,  see  Shipping. 

Interest,  on  postal  savings  certificates 763 

see  also  Usury. 

Interference,  biplane,  effects  on  pressure 179 

Interior  Department 27.93,159,226, 

293,  358,  463,  603,  727,  863,  1021,  1113 

appointments  in  field  service 226 

appropriations,  1928  and  prior  years- 
estimate 1065 

appropriations,  1929 — 

estimate 1065 

hearings.- _ 704, 1106 

law 668 

reports 418,54.5,573 

decisions — 

pension  and  retirement  claims  159,  358, 1021 

public  lands,  v.  51. 160 

public  lands,  r.  51,  index 93 

public  lands,  v.  51,  signatures  i-iii 93 

public  lands,  v.  52,  signatiues  1-12 359 

employees  as  registers,  etc.,  in  Alaska 722 

general  information  regarding. 93 

report,  1927 .359 

useless  papers 858 

Interlocking  bank  directorates,  see  Banks  and 

banking,  and  references. 
Intermediate  credit  banks,  see  Federal  inter- 
mediate credit  banks. 
Internal  revenue: 

Jan.-Dec.  1927 772 

Jan.-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

weeklv 61, 132,194,261, 

321,  .388,  509,  636,  770,  902,  1063,  1145 

laws  in  force  .\pr.  1,  1927 1147 

payment  of  taxes  in  view  of  disclosures 9S2 

reports  of  joint  Congressional  com 288,447 

revenue  act  of  1928 — 

comparison  with  revenue  act  of  1926 352 

hearings 353,847 

hearings,  calendar  of  assignments 288 

law 1100 

reports 352,9.39,997 

see  also  Taxation,  and  references — also  names 
of  commodities,  etc.,  from  which 
revenue  is  derived. 
Internal  revenue  bulletin 62, 133, 195,  262, 

322,  390,  512,  638,  772,  904,  1069,  1146 
cumulative  semiannual  bulletin 322, 1140 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 62. 133, 195,  262, 

322,  390,  512,  638,  772,  904,  1069,  1146 

blank  forms,  books,  etc.,  ccitalogue... 62 

investigation,  Senator  Couzen's  charges..  1000 

rental  quarters  in  D .  C . ,  estimate 510 

report,  1927 390 

Internal  revenue  claims,  refunding  taxes 431, 

450,  713, 802 

Internal  revenue  collectors,  list 1146 

Internal  revenue  districts,  list 1146 

Internal  Revenue  Joint  Committee,  see  Internal 
Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee. 

Internal  revenue  news 62. 133, 195, 

262,  322,  .390,  512,  772,  904,  10S9,  1147 
Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee: 

reports 288,447,982 

International  aeronautical  conference 997, 


International  Air  Traffic  .Association 259 

International  .American  Conference: 

address  of  President  Coolidge 504 

chairman  of  U.  S.  delegation,  thanks  of 

Congress 812 

foreign  corporations,  juridical  status.  _  512, 1146 

handbook  for  use  of  delegates 184 

same  (in  Portuguese) 314 

same  (in  Spanish) 184 

private  international  law 252 

same  (in  Spanish) 2.53 

programma  e  regimento 314 

public  international  law 2.53 

same  (in  Portuguese) 2.53 

same  (in  Spanish) 253 


Index,  1927-1928 


luternational  American  Institute  for  Protection 
of  Childhood: 

article  on  (in  Portuguese) ^9;] 

article  on  (in  Spanish) »9'i 

membership  of  United  States- 
law - - — .--: ^il 

recommendation  for  appropriation dSo 

report - 680 

International  &  Great  Northern  Ry.: 

guaranty  settlement :^--^-- 

see  aiso  International-Great  Northern  R.  R. 
International  Association  of  Industrial  Accident 
Boards  and  Commissions: 

proceedings,  1925-27,  index 751 

proceedings,  1927 7ol 

safety  code  for  rubber  mills,  etc 117 

International  Association  of  Road  Congresses, 
see    Permanent    International 
Association  of  Road  Congresses. 
International   Boundary  Commission,  United 
States  and  Mexico: 

additional  appropriation 544 

estimate,  1929 ---  510 

to  fix  boundary  between  Mexico  and  Texas  553 
International  boundary  waters,  surveys,  etc...  642 

International  Business  Co.,  Inc.,  bridge 958 

International  cartel  movement 1089 

International  catalogue  of  scientific  literature..  384 
International  Commission  for  Air  Navigation..  130 
International  Commission  of  Jurists: 

private  international  law 252 

same  (in  Spanish) 253 

public  international  law 253 

same  (in  Portuguese) 2.53 

same  (in  Spanish) 253 

International  Conference  of  American  States, 
see  International   American   Con- 
International     Conference   on     lyiterary    and 
Artistic  Property: 
expenses  of  delegates- 
appropriation  requested 900 

report 812 

International  Congress  of  Americanists: 
delegates  to  represent  U.  S.— 

estimate 10G7 

law 1104 

report 951 

International  Congress  of  Entomology: 
to  invite  foreign  Governments — 

law 937 

recommendation 385 

report-. 812 

International  Dairy  Congress: 

participation  by  United  States- 
estimate 770 

law t',72 

report  of  Foreign  Affairs  Com.,  H 422 

report  of  State  Dept .507 

International    Emigration    and    Immigration 
participation  by  United  States- 
legislation  requested ,507 

reports fiSO 

International  exchange,  see  Foreign  exchange. 

International  E.whange  Service.. 384 

report,  1927 _ 384 

International  Federation  of  Trade-Unions 309 

International  friendship,  see  World  friendship. 
International  Geodetic  and  Geophysical  Union, 
see  International  Union  of  Geodesy 
and    Geophvsics. 
International-Great  Northern  R.  R.: 

honds 299,7.37 

rates  on  cotton  goods _       231 

see  also  International  &  Great  Northern  Ry. 

International  Joint  Commission  on  Boundary 

Waters  between  United  States  and 

Canada 60,321 

estimates,  1929 510  902 

International  Juridical  Congress  on'wireless' 
participation  by  United  States- 
appropriation  recommended...  106I 

report  of  committee 951 

proposals,  Internat.  Radiotelegraph  Conf"'  259 

International  labour  review,  article  from 25j 

International  law: 

private  international  law 252 

same  (in  Spanish) 253 

public  international  law 253 

same  (in  Portuguese) 253 

same  (in  Spanish) 253 

International  Maritime  Conference  for  Safety 
of  Life  at  Sea: 
participation  by  United  States — 

recommendation 900 

reports 951,998 

International  Milling  Co.,  United  States  v 290 

International  Morse  code,  weather  reports.  534, 656 

International  Navigation  Co.  ».  U.  S 42,1110 

International  Office  of  Public  Health: 

committee  meeting,  1927,  note  on  plague...  263 
extraordinary  session  of  Permanent  Com- 
mittee  64 

regular  session  of  Permanent  Committee. .  1070 
Sudan  and  Belgian  Congo  become  members  196 

International  Paper  Co.,  wood-pulp 113 

International     Parliamentary    Conference    of 

Commerce 501 

International  payments  of  U.  S.: 

balance,  1926 84 

balance,  1927 925 

International  peace,  see  Peace. 

International  Petroleum  Company,  Ltd 419 

575,  (   ~ 

International  Petroleum  Exposition 952,1105 

International  Radio  Telegraph  Co.  ».  U.  S 241] 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conference: 

address  of  President  Coolidge 255 

international  radiotelegraph  convention — 

convention,  with  regulations 385,386 

draft  of  convention 192,193 

hearing  on  Senate  executive  B 713 

listeset  adresses  des  delegues 192,259,320 

minutes  of  the  conference 386 

program  of  entertainment,  etc 259 

proposals 130,193,259, 

same,  errata 259j 

Tariffs,  Word  Count  and  Accounting  Com., 

report  on  codes 900| 

International  relations,  see  Foreign  relations. 
•International  Road  Congress,  see  Permanent 
International  Association  of  Road 
International  Sanitary  Conference  of  American 
Republics,     see     Pan     American 
Sanitary  Conference. 
International  Shipping  Conference,  resolutions 

of  wireless  committee 193| 

International  Shoe  Co.,  hides : 

International   Society  for  Exploration  of  the 
Arctic  Regions  by  Means  of  the 
aimual  contribution  requested — 

report  of  Foreign  Afl.  Com.,  House 8131 

report  of  State  Dept 50 

International  street,  Nogales,  Ariz.,  to  pave..  721,1 
830,  935,  977, 1063 
International  Technical  Committee  of  Aerial 
Legal  Experts: 

quota  of  U.  S.  toward  expenses,  to  meet 953 

report  regarding  work,  etc — .  106^ 

International  Telegraph  Conference: 
participation  by  United  States- 
appropriation  requested 108S 

report  of  Foreign  Affairs  Com.,  H 95^ 

International  Typographical  Union,  mortality 

experience,  1927.. 

International    Union    of    Geodesy   and    Geo- 

geodetic  operations,  rp.  to  Geodesy  Sec 15 

Prague  meetings... 335 

International  Vegetable  Oil  Co 1025 

Interoceanic  canals,  see  Nicaraguan   Canal- 
Panama  Canal. 
Interoceanic  Canals  Committee,  Senate: 

reports 456,849 

Interparliamentary  Union,  appropriation.  952, 1100^  I 




Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Committee, 

iiearings... 559,  683, 

684, 816, 817, 818,  955,  957,  958. 959 

minority  views 817,957 

reports -_ 347, 

348, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 
555,  556,  557, 558,  559,  560, 682, 683, 
684, 685, 816, 817, 818, 819, 955, 956, 
957, 958, 959,  960. 
Interstate  Bridge  Co.: 

bridge  across  Mississippi  River 425,580,669 

bridges  across  Missouri  River— 

Decatur,  Nebr 558,709,802 

Kansas  City,  Kans... _.  958,992,1101 

Nebraska  City,  Nebr 684,842,934 

Union,  Nebr _.. 958 

Interstate  commerce,  indexed  text  of  acts 456 

see  also  Commerce — also  names  of  articles  of 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission..  30, 96, 163, 229, 
295, 363, 465, 606, 731,  866, 1024, 1115 

eases  in  Federal  courts,  1887-1927... 230 

conference  rulings.  May,  1918-Jan.  1927 869 

decisions  (finance  reports) — 

Sept.  1926-Mar.  1927 _  297 

Mar.-JiUy,  1927 734 

decisions  (reports)— 

Oct.-Dec.  1926 165 

Dec.  192e-Jan.  1927 165 

Jan.-Mar.  1927 ._ 297 

Feb.-Mar.  1927 297 

Apr.-May,  1927 470 

May-June,  1927 734 

June-Sept.  1927 869 

decisions  (valuation  reports) — 

Oct.-Dec.  1926 231 

Dec.  1926-Mar.  1927 297 

Mar.-July,  1927 734 

May,  1927 609 

Oct.  1927 1117 

indexed  text  of  its  acts,  to  prepare 456 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 225 

report,  Dec.  1,  1927 365 

to  confirm  John  J.  Esch  as  member 716 

see  also  names  of  raDroads,  etc. 
Interstate  Commerce  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 456,  .589, 849 

hearings 456,589,716,849,999,1000 

reports 456,  589,716,  849,  999, 1000 

Inlestmal  parasites,  see  Parasites. 

bran  impaction,  gastrointestinal  canal 1149 

examination  of  duodenal  contents 1070, 1149 

mortality  of  intestinal  obstruction. 502 

tuberculosis,  diagnosis 640 

tuberculosis,  study 907 

ulcer,  duodenal 197 

ulcer,  tuberculous,  of  duodenum 135 

Intoxicants,  see  Liquors. 

Intoxication,  see  .\lcoholism. 

Intracoastal  waterways,  see  Inland  waterways. 

Inundations,  see  Floods. 

Invalid  Pensions  Committee,  House; 

hearings 457 

reports 560,819,960 

temporary  assistant  clerk 546 


classification,  changes. _ 20,219,283 

classification  bulletin 153,540 

see  also  Patents. 

Inventories,  farm... 271 

Inversion  of  o  quartz  to  0  quartz... 89 

Invertebrates,  see  .\nimals  (fossil). 
Investigating  Senatorial  Campaign  Expendi- 
tures Special  Committee,  Senate, 
see  Expenditures  in  Senatorial  Pri- 
mary and  General  Elections, 
Special  Committee  Investigating, 

Investigation  Bureau,  Justice  Dept 243 

Investment  Division,  see  Finance  and  Invest- 
ment Division,  Foreign  and  Do- 
mestic Commerce  Bur. 

Investment  trusts,  participating  shares 538 

Inyo  County,  Calif.,  lands 555,588,668 

Inyo  National  Forest,  map. 652 

loannou,  Florence  K.,  world  export  duties...  216 



loss  from  iodized  salt 71,203 

trade  in  iodine 1090 

water,  iodization  to  prevent  goiter 63 

Iodized  salt,  see  Salt. 

lododihydrochaulmoogric  acid 63 


bridge  across  Mississippi  River 557,580,670 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 80 

district  court,  notice  to  the  bar. 304 

district  judge,  additional 416,431 

post  route  map. 630 

Railroad  Commissioners  Board — 

coal 100 

weather  and  corn  maturity 534 

Iowa  .Vgricultural  Experiment  Station: 

cattle  fattening  in  corn  belt 400 

soil  surveys — 

.Appanoose  Coimty 656 

Plymouth  County... 1081 

Iowa  Indians: 

relief  999 


automotive  industry  and  trade 924 

insured  parcels,  packing 126 

typhus  fever  epidemiology 263, 391 

see  also  Great  Britain— Irish  Free  State. 


certain  iris  bulbs,  production 1084 

hybrid  Palestine  iris  corms,  production 334 

Irish  Free  State: 

economic  survey 795 

market  for  electrical  machinery,  etc 537 


absorption  spectra 22 

accidents  in  iron  industry 372 

barrels  or  dnuns,  rates  on 731 

boiler  tubes,  lap-welded,  specifications 410, 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

industry,  wages  and  hours  of  labor 116 

publications  for  sale 226,1113 

rates  on  iron 1(«,  611, 737,  871, 1030, 1119 

rates  on  iron  articles 167, 473,  610 

stainless,  thermal  expansion  of  alloys 542 

see  also  Bar-iron— Cast-iron — Iron  ore — 
Wrought-iron — also  Ferric  sulphate- 
sulphuric  acid  process. 

Iron  and  Steel  Division.. 18,538 

Iron  Mountain  R.  R.  of  ^Memphis,  bonds 473 

Iron  ore: 

brown  iron  ores  of  Tennessee 227, 1114 

magnetic  concentration  of  Alabama  ores 281 

production  in  1926 217 

rates  on 167,473 

red  iron  ore  mines,  Birmingham  district...  281 
see  also  Meteorites. 

Iroquois  Pulp  &  Paper  Co.,  paper.. 107 


alkali  in  irrigated  districts 209 

arid  lands  of  Mo.  River  basin,  etc 789 

border  method 789 

delivery  of  irrigation  water 655 

drainage  of  irrigated  farms 276 

of  alfalfa 405 

of  cotton... 1081 

practical  information  for  beginners 1084 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  93, 1020 

pumping  from  wells 533 

rotation  of  irrigated  crops  in  Nebraska 9 

silt  in  Colorado  R,  rel.  to  irrigation 655 

spray  irrigation  in  Eastern  States. 146 

see  also  Reclamation  of  land — also  names  of 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee,  House: 

hearings 430,  561 

minority  views 686 

reports 430,  561,  685,  686,  819, 960, 961 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings _ 456,589,590,1000 

minority  views 849 

reports 456,589,716,1000 

Irrigation  districts,  see  names  of  districts. 

Irrigation  projects,  see  Reclamation  of  land. 

Irvine,  Wilham  L.,  rupture  of  spleen... 887 

Irving,  J.  D.,  Leadville  mining  district,  Colo..    29 

Irving,  Joseph  S.,  r.  United  States 223,491 


Index,  1927-1928 



Irwin,  B.  E.,lmdget  and  Medicine  and  Surgery 

Bureau -- --- 

Irwin  Ed.  M.  (Representative  from  111.): 

'"^Cla.'Jlfs'com^.  550,  676,  677,  678,  809, 945, 946 
Irwin,  Cilendon  W.,  to  pay  widow...  442, 1008, 1095 

Irwin,  Vincentia  V.,  to  pay 442  1008, 1095 

Isaacs,  C.  Grant,  British  underwear  market. ..    »4 

Isanotski  Strait,  chart „°2 

Isbell,  H.  S.,  automobile  exhaust  gas ui 

Ishaila  Rocks,  chart.. 31-^ 

Isla  de  Finos,  see  Isle  of  Pines. 
Island,  fee  name  of  island. 

Island  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation 296 

Island  possessions,  see  Insular  possessions. 
Islands,  see  names  of  islands  and  groups  of 

Islands  of  the  Pacific,  see  Pacific  islands. 
Isle  of  Pines: 

anchorage  chart I05i 

aviation  chart.. 498 

Isopods,  terrestrial,  in  National  Museum 258 

Isthmian  Canal,  see  Panama  Canal. 
Isthmian  Canal  Zone,  see  Panama  Canal  (zone). 
Isthmian  Canal  Zone,  Medical  .Association  of, 
see  Medical  Association  of  Isthmian 
Canal  Zone. 
Isthmus  of  Panama,  see  Panama,  Isthmus  of. 

Italian  Fruit  &  Produce  Co.,  grapes 298 

Italian  Moimtain,  geology,  etc.,  of  vicinity 192 

Italian    National    Rifle    Shooting    Society    of 

United  States 599,747,859 


arbitration  treaty  with  U.  S 1060 

chart  of  west  coast ^52 

cherries,  costs  of  production 768 

monetary  policy 151 

motion-picture  market 84 

proposals,  Internat.  Radiotelegraph  Conf..  193 

ship-suhsidv  svstem... 410 

Itasca  County,  Minn.,  bridge 683,709,842,934 

Ithaca  Trust  Co.,  exr.  ancrtrustee,  v.  U.  S.  290,307 

luka,  Ky.,  bridges 424,  578,  668,  816,991, 1099 

luka,  Miss.,  markers  for  battlefield 435 

Ives,  Norman  P.,  jr.,  homestead  credit 697, 

930, 1013 

Iwai  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  United  States  v 724 

Izaak  AValton  League  of  America,  address 12 

J.  H.  R.  Products  Co.,  barium  carbonate 860 

Jackson,  Andrew: 

memorial  in  Nashville,  Tenn. — 

hearings _ 717,965 

reports 851,965 

statue,  address  of  President  accepting 895 

Jackson,  Charles  F.,  labor  decisions,  etc 244 

Jackson,  E.  W.,  shoe  last  blocks 110 

Jackson,  Lucian  C,  patent  appeal 1092 

Jackson,  Martha,  bill  of  review 160 

Jackson,  Philip,  v.  United  States 724 

Jackson,  Pierce  D.,  discharge 968 

Jackson,  Robert  T.,  bibliography  of  George  L. 

Goodale 494 

Jackson,  Vera,  v.  United  States 487 

Jackson  &  Eastern  Ry.,  operation  of  line 104 

Jackson  Barracks,  purchase 436,718,802 

Jack.son  County,  Mo.,  bridge 558,709,802 

Jackson  National  Forest,  order  revoked 1140 

Jackson  Traffic  Bureau: 

building  materials 98 

chairs 467,733 

household  goods 737 

pears 170 

,     salt ]"^'".]I  616 

Jacksonville,  Fla.,  rivers,  etc.,  in  district  517 

Jacksonville,  Gainesville  &  Gulf  Ry 104,473 

Jacob,  James  K.: 

studies  in  chemistry  of  blood 502 

sugar  content  of  blood  in  the  tropics. 502 

Jacobs,  Isaac,  vs.  United  States 461 

Jacobs,  Lena,  vs.  United  States. ..."."  461 

Jacobs,  Reberta  E.,  appointment "  631 

Jacobstein,  Meyer  (Representative  from  N.  Y  )• 
report  made  by- 
Labor  Com .562 


Jacquard,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 487 

Jade,  Loring  Andrews  Co 224 

Jakes,  John,  relief 436 

Jamaica,  money-order  post  ofiBces 254 

James,  Henry  F.,  climate  of  southeastern  Pa...  790 
James,  L.  H.,  spontaneous  ignition  in  manure.  1079 
James,  W.  Frank  (Representative  from  Mich.): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com.... 938,941 

Military  Affairs  Com 349, 

351,  433,  435,  436,  440,  441,  563,  564, 
565,  692,  693,  823,  966,  969. 

Jameson,  Joseph,  relief 419,575,666 

Jamestown  Chamber  of  Commerce,  iron 737 

Jamestown  Forwarding  Co.,  switching  charges.  876 

Jamison,  Charles  H.,  relief 840,948,1097 

Janitor    to    Committee    on    Expenditures    in 

Executive  Departments,  House 546 

Janson,  Gaston  M.,  relief ___  436 

Janson  Company,  United  States  t' 724 

Janvier,  Mary  M.,  relief 840,948,1097 


American  lumber 661 

citrus  insects 207 

electrical  equipment,  marketing 83 

foreign  service  officers  of  U.  S 1140 

proposals,  Internat.  Radiotelegraph  Conf..  259 

rag  rugs,  increasing  U.  S.  duty 632 


publications  concerning,  for  sale 225, 1113 

Japanese  beetle: 

quarantine 141,270,915 

toxicity  of  acid  lead  arsenate 4,  74 

Japanese  flowering  cherries 654 

Japanese  wall  hangings 907 

Jarboe,  J.  H.,  Rocksprings,  Tex.,  tornado 11 

Jardine,  William  M.,  see  Agriculture  Depart- 

Jarrell,  B.  C,  &  Co.,  boxes 867 

Jasper,  Robert  T.,  r.  United  States 240 

Jaundice,  infectious,  in  Army  in  World  War...  779 
Jauregg,  J.  Wagner-,  see  Wagner-Jauregg,  J. 

Java,  forecasting  cast  monsoon 335 

Jeanette  relief  expedition,  pension  survivors. . .  976 

Jeans,  J.  H.,  new  outlook  in  cosmogony 190 

Jeflers,  Lamar  (Representative  from  Ala.): 
reports  made  by- 
Civil  Service  Com 944 

Election  of  President,  Vice  President, 

and  Representatives  Com 5.52 

Jefferson  Southwestern  R.  R ...  104 

Jefferson,  Thomas,  Centennial  Commission, 
sec  Sesqui-Centennial  of  American 
Independence  and  Thomas  Jeffer- 
son Centennial  Commission. 

Jefferson's  manual 222,  416 

Jeft'ersonville,  Ind.,  War  Dept.  property,  sale..  968 

Jeffrey,  George  L.,  Standards  Bur.  pubs 542 

Jeffrey-Dewitt  Insulator  Co.,  insulators 473 

Jeffries,  C.  D.: 

cattle,  rate  of  metabolism  (2  entries) 399 

net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

Jeffries,  Elmer  B.,  v.  Sam  L.  Gross 747 

Jelly,  homemade  pectin  extracts 208 

Jelna,  Paul,  relief 823 

Jenifer,  John  L.,  employees'  compensation 946 

Jenkins,  J.  Mitchell,  straighthead  of  rice 146 

Jenkins,  Robert  H.,  c.  United  States 487 

Jenkins,    Thomas    A.    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by^ 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  680, 
813,  952 

War  Claims  Com 981 

Jennings,  E.  H.,  relief 696,987,1095 

Jennings,  Frederic  B.,  v.  United  States 1040 

Jennings,  Laura  H.,  exrx.,  v.  United  States...  1040 
Jennings,  R.  D.: 

cost,  etc.,  of  fattening  beef  cattle 400 

livestock  farming.  Black  Prairie  Belt 270 

Jennison,  Kathleen,  accidents  to  women 117 

Jerusalem  artichoke  as  crop  plant 210 

Jesse  Lee  Home,  lands 670,800,858 

Jester,  Claude  N.,  relief 840,948,1097 

Jester,  William  B.,  relief. 707 

Jet,  ca,se  of  Ben  Felsenthal  &  Co 91 

Jew  Lee  v.  A.  W.  Brough 240 




Jewel  Tea  Co.,  Inc.: 

coffee 734 

food 165 

freight  rates 610 

.Jewell,  Jeannette  S.,  relief 952 

Jewell,  John  F.,  relief  of  widow 952 

Jewett,  Henry  E.,  r.  United  States 859 

Jewish  reclamation  of  Palestine 226 

Jimenez,  Jose  J.,  instruction  at  West  Point.  968, 

Joachim,  AVilljam  F.: 

aircraft  oil  engines,  combustion  chambers..  624 

centrifugal  type  injection  valves 47 

coefficient  of  discharge  of  liquids 118 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

Jocko  Reservation,  names  to  be  added  to  roll..  681 

Jodidi,  S.  L.,  Bacterium  pruni 203,209 

Johanns,  F.  L.,  relief 696,987,1095 

Johansen,  Frederick  A.,  benzocaine-chaulmoo- 

gra  oil  in  leprosy 391,638 

John,  Mildred,  why  workers  borrow 45 

John  Smiths  Lake  ceded  to  Idaho 978 

Johns-Manville  Corporation,  relief 987 

Johnsen.  Thomas,  relief 564,592,799 

Johnson,  Abram  H.,  relief 564 

Johnson,  Albert  (Representative  from  Wash.): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com. 939 

Immieration  and  Naturalization  Com.  5.54, 
680,  681 
Johnson,  .\ndrew: 

memorial  in  Nashville,  Term. — 

hearings 717,965 

reports 851,965 

Johnson,  .\rnold  H.,  iodized  salt 71,203 

Johnson,  Catherine  R.,  relief 553,799 

Johnson,  Ed,  relief 980,985,1094 

Johnson,  Esther,  farm  animals,  etc 142 

Johnson.  Etta  B.  L.,  relief 952 

Johnson,  Evangeline  B.,i'.  United  States 487 

Johnson.  Felix  S.  S.,  relief  of  widow 952 

Johnson,  Hiram  W.  (Senator  from  Calif.): 
reports  made  by — 

Commerce  Com 844 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 716 

Johnson,  Jed  (Representative  from  Okla.): 
reports  made  bv— 

Public  Lands  Cora 569,698,831 

Johnson,  John  S.,  r.  United  States 487 

Johnson,  Levy  S.,  r.  United  States 222,880 

Johnson,  Lewis  W.,  origin  of  disability 49 

Johnson,  Lucius  W.,  abdominal  wounds 246,  247 

Johnson.  Martha  A.  V.,  relief... 823, 1095 

Johnson.  Noble  J.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Com  424, 
427.  559,  560,  684,  817,  819 

Johnson,  Robert  W.,  v.  United  States 487 

Johnson.  Robert  W.,  jr.,  r.  United  States 487 

Johnson,   Roval  C.   (Representative  from  S. 
minority  views — 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Com.  835 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 941 

World  WarVeterans'  Legislation  Com.  701, 
835, 982 
Johnson.  William  R.  (Representative  from  111.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Militarv  Affairs  Com 349, 

350,351,  352. 433, 434, 435,  436, 437, 438, 
439,  440,  441.  563,  564,  565,  693, 968. 

Johnsonburg  R.  R.,  abandonment  of  line 167 

Johnstin,  Ruth,  homemade  pectin  extracts 208 

Johnston.  Edward  C,  fur  seals,  Pribilof  Is.  16,151 

Johnston.  George  L.,  v.  United  States 747 

Johnston,  Walter  W.,  relief 575,808 

Johnston,  Zenas  V.,  relief 706,947,1096 

Johnston  &  Larimer  Dry  Goods  Co 469 

Johnston  Brothers  Co.  r.  United  States 223 

Johnston  City  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Johnstown  &  Stony  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation 34 

Joint  Board,  see  Army  and  Navy  Joint  Board. 
Joint  commissions,  see  names  of  commissions. 
Joint  committees,  see  names  of  committees. 
Joint  resolutions,  see  Resolutions. 


Joint  stock  land  banks: 

exempting  from  sen.  8  of  Clayton  act 837 

statements  of  condition.. 1068, 1146 

Jointworms,  Eurytoma  parva  as  parasite 7 

Joliet  &  Chicago  R  R.,  valuation 99 

Jolliffe,  C.  B.,  nieasiu-ements  of  radio  fading...  155 
Jolo  Island,  see  Sulu  Island. 

Jones,  Arthur  R.,  Syndicate. 176 

Jones,  D.  W.,  European  corn  borer  parasites. .  207 
Jones,  DeWitt  C,  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  district..  642 

Jones,  E.  L.,  anticholera  vaccination 888 

Jones,  E.  Malcolm,  soil  of  Perry  Co.,  Miss 789 

Jones,  Edward,  r.  L'nited  States 460,859 

Jones,  O.  W.: 

gases  from  blasting  in  tunnels,  etc 411 

limits  of  inflammability  of  gases,  etc 539 

Jones,  Hinton  D.,  bladder  case  in  dementia 

praecox  patient 392 

Jones,  Idus,  bridge... 955 

Jones,  J.  M.,  sorgo  silage 650 

Jones,  Jenkin  AV.,  grains  for  dry  lands 275 

Jones,  Joseph  W.,  relief 436 

Jones,  Lewis  W.,  las  deudas  estranjeras  y  la 

balanza  comercial 760 

Jones,  Marvin  (Representative  from  Tex.): 
reports  made  by — 

-\griculture  Com 674 

Conference  Com 939,940 

Jones,  Mary  >[.,  relief 419,  575,  666 

Jones,  Nicholas,  relief...; 436 

Jones,  Mrs.  Rov  K.,  appointment 1056 

Jones,  S.  L.,  &  Co 319,383 

Jones,  Thomas  -\.,  exr.,  v.  United  States...  223,  620 
Jone?,  Warren  G.,  exr.,  v.  United  States...  223,620 
Jones,  Wesley  L.  (Senator  from  Wash.): 
reports  made  by — 

.Appropriations  Com 449 

Commerce  Com 354, 

453,  709,  841,  842,  844,  W5, 990, 992 

Indian  Affairs  Com 588, 

715,  848,  849, 998, 999 
Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com..  4.56,  589 

Jones,  William  A.,  v.  United  States 223,620 

Jonesboro  Freight  Bureau,  crates 1027 

Jonesville,  La.,  bridge 423,543,577,955 

Jonesville  Milling  Co.,  wheat 484 

Jordan,  David  Starr,  moscjuito  fish 190 

Jordan,  E.  O.,  paratyphoid  bacilh 888 

Jordan,  Edna  M.,  farm  animals,  etc 142 

Jordan,  Louis: 

gases  in  metals 344 

tarnish  resisting  silver  alloys 1 .55 

Jordan,  Wesley  (Jordon,  p.  687,  incorrect): 

lands,  etc.,  devised  to  Government 687, 

1000, 1097 

Josephson,  C.  I.,  bridge 817,992,1100 

Josey-Miller  Co.,  freight  rates 610 

Joslyn  :Manufacturing  &  Supply  Co 1033 

Journal  of  agricultural  research 3, 

4,  71,  203,  269, 399,  647,  783, 1079 

editorial  policy 203 

index,  etc.,  to  v.  34 269 

index,  etc.,  to  v.  35 1079 


Grand  Army  of  the  Republic 942 

Supreme  Court  of  the  L>nited  States 259, 

321, 387, 508, 635,  768, 901, 1062, 1144 
Journeymen    Stone    Cutters'    Association    of 

North  .\merica 747 

Joy  Floral  Co 724 

Juan  de  Fuca  Strait,  chart 215 

Juan  Jose  Pi^so  Cove,  chart 758 

Juday,  Chancev,  organic  content  of  lake  water.    16 
Judd,  Charles  H.: 

influencia  de  las  emociones  y  reacciones...  124 

same  (in  Portuguese) 628 

Judd,  Neil  M.,  Pueblo  Bonito,  N.  Mex 898 

Judge  Advocate  General,  Navy 374, 1047 

report,  1927 374,753 

Judge  Advocate  General's  Department,  Army.  520 

regulations 774 

Judge  Baker  Foundation,  delinquent  children.  177 

additional  circuit  judges..  431,  687,  S33, 963, 1001 

appointment  in  9th  circuit 687 

apiJointment  of  relatives 962 


Index,  1927-1928 

Judges— Continued. 

District  of  Columbia  Supreme  Court, 

hearing — --, v,""V 

District  of  Columbia  Supreme  Court, 

reports  963,1001 

Florida....".'. 717,820,963 

nilnois - 963  1100 

Iowa --  416,431 

Mississippi - i^J 

Now  York 431 

South  Carolina --- 963 

South  Dakota 687 

law  clerks  to  circuit  judges 962 


Canal  Zone  dist.  ct.,  leave  of  absence. .  188 
Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals,  4th  circuit- .    42 

Porto  Rico,  to  fix  salaries.. 682 

opinion  as  to  witne-sses,  etc... 457 

salaries,  report  of  Amer.  Bar  Assoc,  com...  835 
salaries  in  Territories,  etc.— 

hearing 687 

law 1100 

reports - 687,1001 

see  also  District  Courts. 

Court  of  Claims— 

which  require  appropriation 367, 1039 

year  ended  Dec.  3,  1927.... 289 

District  Courts- 

which  require  appropriation.  367, 1039, 1042 
food  and  drugs  act — 

notices 208. 332, 402,  530, 787^  1 082 

notices,  index 272 

insecticide  act,  notices 9 

registration  in  other  courts 561 

Judicial  appropriations,  ««  Justice  Department, 

Judicial  circuits,  see  Circuit  Courts  of  Appeals. 
Judicial  code,  see  special  subject. 
Judiciary,    see    Courts    of    United    States — 
Judges— Justice    Department,    ap- 
Judiciary  Committee.  House: 

calendar,  legislative 348, 430,  561 ,  686,  819 

hearings. 430,431,432,561, 

562, 686,  687, 820, 962, 963, 964, 1107 

minority  views 432,  687 

reports 348,430,431,432,561, 

562  686,  687, 688, 820, 961, 962, 963, 964 
Judiciary  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 354, 

456,  590,  717. 850, 1000, 1109 

hearings ,590.  717,  S.'iO 

minority  views 850, 1001 

reports 354. 457,  590, 717,  850, 1000, 1001 

Judson,  Lewis  V,: 

geodetic  standardization. 15 

testing  of  line  standards  of  length 23 

Judson,  William  H.,  relief.. 564 

Juelsminde  Harbor,  chart 249 

Jugoslavia,  aee  Yugoslavia. 

Juilliard,  Augustus  D.,  v.  United  States...         240 

Jujube,  Chinese,  in  southwestern  U.  S  145 

Julihn,  C.  E.,  sulphur  £.nd  pyrites  in  1926 663 

Jull,  Morley  A.: 

farm  poultry  raising 650 

feeding  chickens. 271, 527 

growth  of  chickens 1079 

growth  of  Rhode  Island  reds......  J!..^.^  1079 

incubation  and  brooding  of  chickens  .  401 

poultry  houses  and  fixtures 784 

poultry  keeping  in  hack  vards... 527 

razas  de  gallinas  r)onedofas  y  su  crianza       185 
standard  breeds,  etc.,  of  chickens.      6, 143, 1081 

turkey  raising 650 

•June,  I^uie,  relief ....;; "677,"987."l095 

Juneau,  .\laska: 

land  district,  boundaries  changed  56 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

Junior  Orderof  United  American  Alechanics"  551, 995 
Juridical   Congress   on    Wireless   Telegraphy, 
see  International   Juridical   Con- 
.  gress  on  Wireless  Telegraphv. 


qualifications  of  jurors 7j7 

separation  in  felony  cases ......".^  810 

Juries— Continued. 

stenographers,  etc.,  before  grand  juries...  432 
women,  jury  service  in  Hawaii — 

hearings.. 446 

report 446 

Jurisdiction,   see   Courts   of  United   States — 

District  Courts. 
Jurists,    International    Commission    of,    see 
International   Commission  of  Ju- 

Justice  Depart  ment 41, 1 13, 174,  237, 

303, 366, 485. 617,  745, 877, 1038, 1125 
appropriations,  1928  and  prior  years — 

estimates 1065 

appropriations,  1929 — 

estimate 1066 

hearing 418 

law 544 

reports 418,449,545 

opinions  of  Attorneys  General — 

V.  35,  by  signatures....  44,  242, 369,  621, 1042 

agriculture  surplus  control 1056 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 727 

relating  to  Veterans'  Bur.,  1925-26 198 

portion  of  Camp  Sherman  transferred  to..  825, 

1006, 1103 

register 242 

report,  1927 370 

see  ako  Sargent,  John  G.  For  Court  of 
Claims  and  Supreme  Court 
cases  see  names  of  claimants. 

Justin,  Margaret,  sunburn 203,270 


burlap,  master  specification 285 

census  of  jute  goods  manufacture,  1925 148 

Jute  Industries,  Ltd.,  v.  U.  S. 223,355,369 

Jutland,  Battle  of,  diagrams 120 

Juvenile  Court  of  D.  C,  report,  1927 1111 

Juvenile  courts,  and  probation  in  New  Jersey..  308 
Juvenile  delinquency: 

alcoholism  among  parents  of  delinquents.. .  177 

child  welfare  in  New  Jersey 308 

extent  in  7  Pennsylvania  counties 45 

Juvenile  employment,  see  Child  labor. 

K.  of  C,  see  Knights  of  Columbus. 

Kabinda  Bay,  chart 50 

Kafir  silage,  see  Silage. 

Kahn,  Horence  P.  (Representative from  Calif.): 
reports  made  by- 
War  Claims  Com 570,981 

Kahn  test: 

comparison  with  Kolmer  reaction  (2) 48 

comparison  with  Wassermann  test.. 514 

preliminary  report 502 

Kahoolawe  Island: 

chart 1088 

land  for  lighthouse  purposes 631 

Kahului  Harbor,  Hawaii,  chart 793 

Kai  Road,  chart 312 

Kaibab  limestone  in  Kaibab  Gulch,  Utah 464 

Kaibab  National  Forest 787 

Kaibab  Reservation,  road 675,804 

Kaibobn  Road,  chart 182 

Kaipara  Harbor,  New  Zealand,  chart 249 

Kalamazoo  Vegetable  Parchment  Co 107 

Kalena  tract,  purchase 690,933,1003 

Kales,  Alice  G.,  cases 620,747,1041 

Kalispel  Indians: 
claims — 

hearings 556 

reports 682,849,954 

veto  message 1057 

Kalmbach,  E.  R.: 

common  birds  of  southeastern  U.  S 330 

homes  for  birds 1081 

magpie  in  relation  to  agriculture 272 

Kaltenbach,  Charles  E.,  v.  United  States 90, 

240, 1110 

Kamalo  Harbor,  Molokai,  chart 536 

Kamehameha,  Fort,  flying  field 82:^ 

Kamo  Ko,  chart I 182 

Kamp,  Arend,  claim 385,813,937 

Kanawha  Black  Band  Coal  Co... 468, 1117 



Kanawha  Central  Ry.: 

deficit  status 167 

rates  on  coal _. 468 

Kanawha  River: 

hridees  at  or  near — 

Cabin  Creek.  W.  Va 683,842,933 

Dunbar,  W.  Va 957,1100 

Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.  557, 668, 683, 708, 802 

St.  Albans.  W.  Va... 683,842,933 

Winfield,  W.  Va 992 

examination  and  survey 909 

improvement 832 

Ught  list 217 

Kane,  Francis  F.: 

Institute  Intemacional  -Americano  de  Pro- 

teccao  a  Infancia 893 

same  (in  Spanish) 893 

Kankakee  River,  dam  at  Momenee,  111 957 

Kanner,  Joseph,  r.  United  States 240 

Kanner,  Leon.,  v.  United  States 240 

Kanner.  Max,  v.  United  States 240 

Kansa  Indians,  claims. 815 


census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 80 

compact  with  Colo.,  consent  of  Congress...  960 

contested  election,  Clark  r.  White 346,552 

game  preserve,  land  for 568, 597, 669 

post  route  map 630 

tornadoes.  July  10,  1927 _ 212 

venereal  disease  prevalence 1070, 114S 

Kansas  .Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

alfalfa  root  troubles 209 

cereal  experiments 333 

combined  harvester-thresher 648,649 

kernel  smuts  of  sorghum 76 

Kansas  &  Missouri  Ry.  &  Terminal  Co 1119 

Kansas  City,  Kans.: 

bridge 958,992,1101 

switching  charges 876 

Kansas  City,  Mo.: 

air  navigation  maps 777, 1150 

airway  map 407 

National  Congress  of  Vocational  Agricul- 
tural Students 225 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 618 

switching  charges 876 

Kansas  City  &  Grandview  Ry 232 

Kansas  City  Connecting  R.  R.,  valuation 105 

Kansas  City,   Excelsior  Springs  &  Northern 

Rv.,  valuation 877 

Kansas  City,  Fort  Scott  &  Memphis  Ry-1030, 1119 
Kansas  City,  jNIexico  &  Orient  Railroad: 

bridge 428,584,671 

labor  dispute,  board  to  investigate 1056 

valuation 474 

Kansas  City,   Mexico  &   Orient  Railway  of 

bridge '. 428,584,671 

valuation 474 

Kansas  City,  St.  Louis  &  Chicage  B.  R.,  valu- 
ation..  99 

Kansas  City,  Shreveport  &  Gulf  Terminal  Co.  364 
Kansas  City  Southern  Ry.: 

bridge  across  Missouri  River 684,992, 1101 

Brimstone  R.  R.  &  Canal  Co.  » 232,238 

United  States,  etc.,  v 43, 115,241 

Kansas,  Oklahoma  &.  Gulf  Ry.: 

acquisition  of  Mo.,  Okla.  &  Gulf  R.  R....  1032 

bonds 1119 

note 167 

rates  on  hollow  tiles 473 

Kansas,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Ry.  of  Texas,  rates 

on  bricks 1025 

Kansas  River,  dam  at  Lawrence,  Kans 424 

Kapingamarangi  Islands,  chart 51 

Kaplan,  David: 

carcinoma  of  descending  colon 392 

recording  of  cardiac  findings  for  rating 135 

Kaplan,  Victor,  patent  appeal 540 

Kaplin,  J.  H.,  bridge 955 

Karack,  Lee,  alias,  see  Eagles,  Nicholas  L. 

Karluk  River,  rod-salmon  runs 17 

Karwinskia  humboldtiana,  see  Coyotillo. 

Kastel,  Phil,  !».  United  States 1041 

Katcina  altars  in  Hopi  worship 190 


chart 499 

Ughts,  etc 121 

Katz,  Frank  J.: 

mineral  resources  of  United  States— 

1923,  introduction  to  pt.  1 94 

1923,  prefatory  note  to  rps.  on  gold,  etc.    94 
1926,  preliminary  summary,  introduc- 
tion     85 

Katz,  S.  H.: 

carbon  monoxide  self-rescuer. 19 

gas  mask  for  protection  in  air 539 

use  of  miners'  self-rescuer 663 

Katzenstein  &  Keenc,  United  States  r 158 

Kauai,  land  set  aside  for  mihtary  purposes 318 

Kaufman,  Harry  S.,  Ltd.,  i\  David  H.  Blair...  487 

Kaufman,  J.  B.,  cerebrospinal  fever 49 

Kauf man,  W .  n .,  relief 575, 946, 1095 

Kauluan  Channel,  chart 214 

Kaunakakai  Harbor,  Molokai,  chart 536 

Kautz,  Christian  F.,  relief  of  heirs 946 

Kautz,  Fred  G.,  heir,  rehef.. 946 

Kautz,  Katherina,  heir,  relief 946 

Kaw  River,  ste  Kansas  River. 

Kawneer  Co.,  copper 469 

Kay,  Benjamin,  v.  Edgar  C.  Snyder,  etc.. 176 

Kav,  Maurice,  v.  Edgar  C.  Snyder,  etc 176 

Kay  &  Co.,  Inc.,  (;.  United  States 1043 

Kayeli  Bay,  chart 182 

Kayenta,  .•Vriz.,  telephone  line 848,954 

Kearney,  Thomas  H.: 

American-Egyptian  cotton  in  U.  S 333 

crops  for  alkali  lands 654 

inheritance  of  smooth  seeds  in  cotton. .  203, 209 

shedding  in  cotton  hybrid 3,76 

Keating,  F.  E.,  sorgo  silage,  etc.,  for  calves 650 

Keating,  John,  v.  United  States. 460 

Keaton,  J.  R.,  v.  United  States 617 

Kegs,  see  Barrels. 

Keith,  M.  Helen,  hen,  passage  of  food 4 

Kekaha,  Hawaii,  electric  current 445,598,668 

Kekich,  Emil,  forestry  in  Sweden 339 

Kellogg,  Frank  B.,  war  prevention  policy 768 

see  also  State  Department. 

KeUogg,  H.  G.,  V.  U.  S 460,620,748 

Kellogg-Briand  treaty,  see  Peace. 

Kellogg,  Spencer,  &  Sons,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 305 

Kelly,  Clyde  (Representative  from  Pa.): 

military  service,  statement 812 

reports  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 696, 

829, 976 
KeUy,  Edward  J.,  trustee,  v.  United  States...  1043 

Kelly,  Ernest,  production  of  clean  milk 529 

Kelly,  H.  H.: 

.\merican  automotive  products  in  Europe.  660 

development  of  Citroen  Co... 17 

Kelly,  Peter  S.,  relief 564,592,930 

KeUy,  Weber  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  fertOizers 1118 

Kelly's  Creek  &  Northwestern  R.  R 871 

Kelman,  Leah,  Japanese  wall  hangings 907 

Kelso,  F.  L.,  .\rdmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station.  209 
Kemmerer,  E.  W.,  trabajo  consultivo  econo- 

mico  para  los  gobiernos 314 

Kemp,  J.  A.,  V.  United  States 622 

Kemp,  see  Mohair. 
Kemper,  Carlton: 

aircraft  oil  engines,  combustion  chambers..  624 
power  output,  etc.,  2-stroke  cycle  engine...  119 
Kempton,  F.  E.: 

barberry  and  black  stem  rust 333 

barberry  eradication  in  wheat  areas 209 

Kempton,  J.  H.,  Mendelian  ratios  in  maize..  71,76 

Kemsley,  Millbourn  &  Co.,  Ltd 1041 

Kendall,  Samuel  A.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com..  696,829 

KendaU,  V.  H.,  trustee,  v.  U.  S 460,599 

Kendall,  WiUiam  C,  smelts 16 

Kendall  Refining  Co.,  gasoline 103 

Kendrick,  John  B.  (Senator  from  Wyo.): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com. 573 

Indian  Affairs  Com 714,716,847,849 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 1000 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 459, 

597,  598, 856, 857, 1014 

Kendrick  Coal  &  Dock  Co.. 1041 

Kennedy,  Elijah  R.,  v.  U.  S 223,491 

Kensington  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  valuation. 364 


Index,  1927-1928 


^"^A^ftT  --  932,956,990 

Burkesviiie''.-"!--! 932, 956,  990 

Burnside  (6  entries  in  all) 932, 956, 991 

( 'flnrt>ii  816,  841,  932 

Center  Point:::::::::.- -  932,950,990 

Creelsboro  932.956,990 

Eggners  Ferry «?i\m^nM 

jjjjjfj    816,991,1099 

Livingston-McCracken  counties 819, 

844, 936 

Neel  ys  Ferry  932, 956, 99 1 

Russell  County..- 932,956,991 

Smithland 816,841,932 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 80 

district  court,  rules 879 

mail  contracts 315 

post  route  map Jj30 

relief  on  account  of  floods 698, 902 

welfare  of  prisoners'  families 1129 

Kentucky  &  Tennessee  Ry.,  valuation. 872 

Kcntiukv  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 1031 

Keniuckv  Midland  R.  R.,  valuation 364 

Kcntucki,-,  Rockcastle  &  Cumberland  R.  R., 

deficit  status. Oil 

Kenyon,  Anna,  funeral  expenses  of  husband...  417 

Kenyon,  Harold,  funeral  expenses 417 

Kcuyon.  Howard,  Dredging  Co 735 

Keokuk,  Iowa,  lock  in  Mississippi  River 66 

Keokuk  Union  Depot  Co.,  valuation 474 

Kephart,  L.  W.,  quackgrass. 055 

Keratitis,  focal  infection  of  tooth 1070, 1071 

Kerber,  L.  V.,  induced  drag  of  any  biplane 909 

Kerl)y,  Kate,  United  States  y 25 

Kernel  smuts,  see  Smuts. 

Kernel  texture,  hard  red  spring  wheat 647,  784 

Kerasene,  Government  supplies 1146 

Kerr,  J.  A.,  soil  of  Perry  County,  Miss 789 

Kerr,  J.  W.,  universitv  in  relation  to  public 

health 323,513 

Kerr,  James  B.,  letter  relative  to  Northern  Pa- 
cific lands 702 

Kerwin,  Hugh  L.,  conciliation  work  of  Labor 

Department 46, 117. 178,  244,  309, 

372, 492, 023,  751, 884, 1044, 1 129, 1130 
Kessler,  D.  W.: 

maintenance  of  interior  marble 220 

physical  properties  of  limestones... 155 

Kessler  Motor  Co.  v.  U.  S 747,859, 1017, 1041 

Ketcham,    John    G.    (Representative    from 
minority  views — . 

Agriculture  Com 806 

report  made  by — ,. 

Agriculture  Com 417 

Ketchikan  Creek,  examination..  .  518 

Kettle  Creek,  Battle  of,  1779,  marker 821. 

1004. 1100 

Kettle  Falls,  Wash.,  bridge 347,416 

Keulegan,  G.  H.,  statical  hysteresis  in  equal 

load  cycles 542 

Kewalik,  Alaska,  overland  communication 446 

Key  Harbor,  Ontario,  and  approaches,  chart       182 
Key  West,  Fla.: 

aviation  chart _  889 

fishes Ig 

Keyes,  Henry  W.  (Senator "from': 
reports  made  by- 
Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com..  458, 
^         ^  "21, 855, 856, 1012 
Keys,  D.  A.,  geophysical  methods  of  prospect- 
ing  34J 

Keystone  Glue  Co.,  fleshings,.::::  39 

Keystone  Steel  &  Wire  Co.,  iron  "  1030 

Khaz  Bay,  chart '__  ti59 

Kick,  C.  U.,  swine  metabolism  experiments :::399, 

Kidder,  A.  V.:  ^°° 

archaeological  work,  1925 184 

archaeological  work,  1926..  .  124 

same  (in  Spanish)..  377 

Kidnapping  penalties  in  D.  C.  846 

Kidneys  and  ureter  anomalies 392 

Kidwell,  Joriiau,  militarv  record  35O 
Kiess,  Edgar  R.  (Representative  from  Pa.)""" 
reports  made  by- 
Insular  Affairs  Com 555,682,954 

Pnntmg  Com 443,976,977 


Kifer,  R.  S.,  combined  harvester-thresher 648 

Kildee,  Nellie,  relief 597 

Kill  Van  Kull,  chart 279 

Killip,  Ellsworth  P.,  botanical  exploration 898 

Kilocycle-meter  conversion  table 797 

Kimball,  Herbert  H.: 

meetings  Internat.  Geodetic,  etc.,  Union. .  335 

solar  radiation  intensity,  etc 11 

Kimbrough,  J.  W.,    sodium   thiosulphate    in 

syphilis 887,1048 

Kincer,    J.     B.: 

factors    influencing    yield    of    apples 329 

weather    influence    on    crop    yields 790 

Kinder  &  Northwestern  R.  R 167 


el  kindergarten  en  los  Estados  Unidos 501 

nursery-kindergarten-primary  education...  293 
publications,  kindergarten-primary  educa- 
tion  226 

King,  C.H.,  tadpole  enemy  of  mosquito  larva;.  391, 


King,  C.  J.,  crazy-top  disorder  of  cotton 9 

King,  Edward  J.  (Representative  from  111.): 
report  made  by — 

Banking  and  Currency  Com 675 

King,  Harry  M.,  relief 981,987,1095 

King,  James  E.,  v.  United  States 114 

King,  John  M.,  relief 691 

King,  M.  R.,  typhus  fever  in  Ireland 263,391 

King,  Richard  II.,  relief 451 

King,  W.  W.,  venereal  disease 514 

King,  William  H.  (Senator  from  Utah): 
minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com.. 1001 

reports  made  by — 

Expenditures    in    Senatorial    Primary 
and     General     Elections,     Special 

Committee  Investigating 712 

Immigration     Com 998 

Judiciary     Com 717 

King,  William  R..  tablet  at  place  of  birth.  432, 1100 
King-Haase  Furniture  Co.: 

furniture 472 

wood 1038 

Kingdom  of  Serbs,  Croats,  and  Slovenes,  see 

Kingman,  John  J..  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  district..  642 

Kingon,  James  W.,  relief 350,606,705 

Kings  Mountain,  Battle  of,  1780: 

inspection  of  battle  field 564,718,802 

printing  certain  historical  statements 976 

Kingsbury,  Albert,  r.  United  States... 599 

Kingsbury,  S.  S.,  tepsile  properties  of  rubber..  665 

Kingsley,  Zephaniah,  relief  of  estate 575 

Kinman,  C.  F.,  characteristics  of  plums 275 

Kinnison,  H.  B.: 

surface  water  supply — 

Mississippi  River  basin,  lower 1022 

IMissouri  River  basin 94 

Kinnison  Brothers,  boilers 98 

Kinsman,  D.  F.,  soil  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y  211 

Kintner,  Samuel  M.,  v.  United  States 241 

Kiowa  Reservation,  lands  to  Carl  J.  R.  Dus- 

some     848,953,1095 

Kirby,  Fred  M.,  v.  United  States 487 

Kircher,  Joseph  C,  Parana  pine  lumber 18 

Kirjassoff,  Max  D.,  relief  of  estate 553,931 

Kirk,  Edwin,  Pycnodesma 129 

Kirk,  James  S.,  &  Co.,  paper  bags 740 

Kirkpatrick,  E.  L.,  agric.  statistics,  1926 142 

Kirwan,  B.  E.,  hill  clinics  in  Haiti 120 

Kisalaut  Bay,  chart 182 

Kissel  Motor  Car  Co.  v.  United  States 305,599 

Kitchen  cabinets,  rates  on...... 474 

Kitchen  charts 332 

Kitchens,  convenient 653 

Kitson,  Harry  D.: 

la  orientacion  professional 893 

same  (in  Portuguese) 1136 

Kittanning,  Pa.,  bridge 423,576,667 

Kittitas  division,  Yakima  project 295, 


Klamath  Reservation,  forest  land.. 588 

Klamath  Wild  Life  Refuge,  see  Uppfer  Klamath 
Wild  Life  Refuge. 

Klauber,  Sadie,  relief 451 

Klausner,  Louis,  United  States;' 304 

Kleeson  Co.  r.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue 1127 

Klein,  Arthur  J.,  higher  education,  1924-26 298 



Klein,  Julius,  see  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce Bureau. 

Klemmedson,  G.  S.,  ranch  organization 648 

Klesner,  Alfred,  Federal  Trade  Commission  r..  92. 


Klinefelter,  C.  F.,  foreman  conf.  leaders 725 

Klinkert,  C.  S.,  unusual  dental  anomaly 1149 

Klipstein,  E.  C,  &  Sons  Co..  dinitrochloroben- 

zol.. 609 

KIoz.  Louis  F.,  property,  sale 504 

Knabenshue,  A.  Roy,  to  hear  claim...  833,839,930 
Knaebel,    Ernest,    see,    as  reporter.   Supreme 
Court  of  United  States,  cases  ad- 

Knapp,  F.  R.,  lumber 35 

Knauf.  Fred  A.,  relief 419,451,930 

Khaysi,  Georges,  artificial  buttermilk 3 

Knickerbocker  Portland  Cement  Co.,  Inc 607 

Knight,  Edward,  relief 823 

Knight,  ^Montgomery: 

autorotation  and  flat  spin 495 

pressure  distribution  over  wing  m.odel 1131 

Knight  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States...  859 
Knights  of  Columbus: 

exempt  from  certain  provisions  of  D.  C. 

laws  995 

statue  of  Cardinal  Gibbons^I]^"ir59i,"688, 937 

Knik-Matanuska  district,  Alaska,  geologj- 360 

Kjiit  goods,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

Knobbs  Creek,  N.  C,  preliminary  examina- 
tion  518 

Knorr-Schlaudt  "U'holesale  Co.,  cotton  goods.  1027 

Knowles,  Horace  G.,  relief.. 575,677 

Knowlton,  F.  H.,  fossil  forests 1023 

Knox,  Fomev  M.,  to  pay  widow 442, 1008, 1095 

Knox,  Lucv  B.,  to  pay 442.1008,1095 

Knox,  Philander  C,  cases 43,508,747 

Knox,  Camp,  areas  restored 896 

Knox  Countv,  Tenn.,  bridge. .  560,  585, 673,  711.  801 

Knox  Creek  Ry.,  bridge 586.672 

Knoxville  Iron  Co.,  bar-iron 97,866 

Knutson,  Harold  (Representative from  Mum.): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 941 

Indian  .\fTairs  Com 554,  681,  814 

Pensions  Com 443,567,695,975 

Koasati  Indians,  land,  livestock,  etc 681,  814 

Kobe  Ko,  chart 1133 

Kobi,  J.  AV.,  Co.: 

complaint,    report,    etc,    of    Fed.    Trade 

Comn 1019 

r.  Federal  Trade  Commission 225 

Koch,  Elers.  timber  growing 274 

Kodama,  K.,  article  in  reply  to 263 

Koehl,    Hermann,    to   present    Distinguished 

Flying  Cross. 823,935 

Koehler,  Benjamin: 

dent  corn,  chemical-dust  seed  treatments..  531 

flag  smut  of  wheat 76 

Koehring,  Philip  A.,  patent  appeal 926 

Koepfle,  Leo  G.,  travel  in  Mexico 281 

Koeppe,  C.  E.,  climate  of  China 656 

Koflau  Island,  chart 250 

Kofoid,  Charles  A.,  intestinal  parasites 779 

Kohlman,  Francis  L.,  trustee,  i'.  U.  S ..  114,  879 

Kolmer  reaction,  comparison  with  Kahn  reac- 
tion (2) 48 

Kolo  Harbor,  Molokai,  chart •>56 

Koltes,  F.  X.: 

arterio-venous  aneurysm 49 

traumatic  rupture  of  spleen 247 

Komp,  AV.  H.  AV.: 

spleens  in  measurement  of  malaria 391,  639 

tests  of  larvicide  stoxal 134,263 

transmission  of  malaria  by  Anopheles..  263, 391 
Kono,  Charles  H.,  r.  secretary  of  state  of  Wash-    • 

ington  State 884 

Koons,  Wilson  &  Co.,  United  States  r 25 

Koosharem  band  of  Indians,  see  Paiute  Indians 

— Ute    Indians. 
Kootenai  Indians,  see  Kutenai  Indians. 

Kootenai  River,  permanent  works  in 321 

Kopp,  William  F.  (Representative  from  Iowa): 
report  made  by — 

Labor  Com 820 

Korea,  see  Chosen. 

Kornhauser,  Samuel  J.,  r.  United  States 488 

Kornilov  Gulf,  chart 626 


Korstian,  C.  F.,  chestnut  replacement 8 

Kosicki,  Bernard  .\.: 

law  of  industrial  property — 

Colombia 215 

Cuba 83 

Kosmerl,  Francis  S.,  f.  David  H.  Blair 176 

Kramer,  E.  W.,  see  California  Power  Board. 

Kratz,  John  A.,  vocational  rehabilitation 158 

Kraul,  George  E.,  to  appoint  as  captain...         436, 

592, 802 
Krauss  Brothers  Liunber  Co.,  demurrage..       59, 

76'5',  1058 

Kreamer,  A.,  Inc.,  r.  United  States 1017, 1127 

Kreeger,  Ben,  rp.,  etc..  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn...  602 

Kress,  C.  W.,  asparagus 30 

Krieger,  Herbert  W.: 

inhabitants  of  Columbia  River  Valley 898 

prehistoric  pit  house  village  site * 1060 

Tinne  Indians  of  Yukon  River  Valley 898 

Krijn,  Jacques,  &  Zoon 147 

Kriss,  Max: 

cattle,  rate  of  metabolism  (2  entries) 399 

heat  production  of  cattle  (2  entries). 3 

net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

Krohn,  R.,  pernicious  anemia 497 

Krotoshinsky,  Abraham,  appointment 505 

Krueger,  Anna  R.,  v.  Germany 131 

Kudzu,  bacterial  halo  spot.. 1079 

Kugruk   River,   commimications  on    Seward 

Peninsula 446 

Kujulik  Bay,  chart 279 

Kulm,  N.  Dak.,  First  National  Bank  v.  U.  S..  289, 

Kummell,  Frederick  A.,  civil  service  position.  1139 
Kummer,    Fritz,    Internal.    Fed.    of    Trade- 
Unions  309 

Kunna,  J.  J.,  statistics  of  immigration 46, 

117,  178,  244,  309,  372,  492,  623,  751, 
884, 1044, 1130. 

Kusa  Brick  &  Tile  Co.,  bricks 1025 

Kutei  River,  chart _  312 

Kutenai  Indians,  drainage,  etc.,  of  lands..  954, 1100 
Kwala  Klang,  see  Port  Swettenham,  Federated 
Slalay  States. 

Kwikstik  Co.,  mucilage 873 

Kyle,  Corinne  F.,  spring  wheat 647,784 

Kyle,  Curtis  H.,  corn  growing 333 

L  boats  for  War  Dept.,  purchase,  etc 968. 


L.  W.  F.  Engineering  Co.  r.  U.  S 369 

La  Bare,  J.  W.,  relief 350 


foreign  products __  957 

official  gazette j...  20,86,153, 

219, 283, 342. 413, 540, 663, 797, 926, 1092 

protection,  Patent  Office  information 797 


census,  employment  of  wage  earners 149 

conditions  in  China 884 

decisions  and  opinions  affecting  labor 244 

employee  stock  ownership  in  U.  S.,  bibl...  117 

Engraving  and  Printing  Bur.  laborers 1140 

establishment  funds  for  disabled.. 45,46 

health  of  workers  in  dusty  trades 1069, 1148 

health  of  working  boys  in  New  York  City.  116 

international  competition 117 

labor  laws  of  United  States  series... 244 

legislation  in  Uruguay. 244,245 

monthly  labor  review.. 45, 117. 178,  244, 

309,  372,  492,  623,  751,  884,  1044,  1129 

index  to  v.  24 178 

index  to  v.  25 884 

offices,  and  officials  in  U.  S.,  etc 46, 116 

offices,  enforcement  of  wage  payments 46 

post  office  laborers,  classified  status 256 

preferences  on  Fed.  construction  works 820 

problem  of  worker  displaced  by  machinery.  178 
productivity — 

blast  furnaces  in  United  States 1129 

glass  industry 308 

productivity  of  labor  series 308 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

science  and  the  worker  (2  entries) 623 

same  (in  Spanish) 1136 

statistics,  1924-26,  handbook 45 


Index,  1927-1928 


Labor— Continued.      .       .    „  „  ,,7 

unskilled,  low  earnings  in  U.  S n' 

why  workers  borrow .....——---    40 

see  also  Child  labor— Convict  labor— Em- 
ployers' liability  and  workmen  s 
compensation— Farm  labor— Hours 
of  labor— Immigration— Industry- 
Railroad  employees— Strikes  and 
lockouts  —  Wages  —  Women  —  also 
certain  headings  beginning  Em- 
ployment—Industrial— Labor. 
Labor  Committee,  House: 


Labor  Department 45, 116, 

177,  244,  307,  371,  491,  622,  750,  883, 
1044,  1129 

appropriations,  1929— 

hearing -  418 

law -- -  544 

reports 418,  449,  ,545 

conciliation  work 46, 117, 178,  244, 309, 

372,  492,  623,  751,  884,  1044,  1129,  1130 

educational  institutions  approved  by 244 

immigration  quotas,  national  origin -.  634 

publications,  edition  of  Nov.  15,  1927 309 

report,  1927 371 

unemployment  in  United  States 751 

useless  papers 1016 

see  also  Davis,  James  J. 
Labor  laws  of  United  States  series,  see  Labor. 
Labor  offices,  see  Labor. 

Labor  officials,  see  Labor— also  Association  of 
Governmental   Labor   Officials   of 
United  States  and  Canada. 
Labor  organizations,  see  Labor-unions. 
Labor-saving  devices: 

Government  supplies -.. 511 

hay  stackers,  use  in  East  and  South 649 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 45, 116, 

178,  244,  308,  372,  491,  622,  751,  883, 
1044, 1129 

estimate,  1929.. _ 902 

report,  1927 _. 372 

safety  division 562,  .586 

work  (2entries) .372 

see  also  Stewart,  Ethelbert. 

in  China,  unionization  of  labor 309 

old-age  pensions  and  homes  for  aged,  etc...  623 

provision  for  sick,  etc.,  members  (2) 492 

recreational  activities 1044, 1045 

tipping,  opposition  of  organized  labor 244 

unemployment  and  Amer.  trade-unions  (2)  751 
union-management  cooperation,  bibl..  244,  245 

wage  rates,  increase  in  1927 309, 492 

wages  and  hours  of  labor,  1913-27 178 

wages  and  hours  of  labor.  May  15,  1927 884 


apparatus.  Government  supplies.. 511 

directory  of  testing,  etc.,  laboratories 415 

elementary  laboratory  procedures 887 

layouts  for  high-school  sciences 160 

Malta  fever,  problem  for  laboratories .  773, 1069 
standardization  of  clinical  work- 
examination  of  sputum 392,  514 

gastric  and  duodenal  contents. . .  1070, 1149 

spinal  fluid 514, 640,  774, 907, 1070, 1071 

urinalysis  (2} .392 

tests  of  water-bearing  materials "294 

Laborers,  see  Labor. 

Labrador,  chart  of  coast 182 

La  Brea  quadrangle,  Calif 864 

Labridae  collected  by  .Albatross  899 

Labuan  Kora  Kora,  see  Wai  Pelau  Anchorage". 

La  Calle,  Port  de,  chart 1050 

Lace,  census  of  manufactures,  1925  149 

Lacquer  &  Chemical  Corporation         488 

La  Crescenta  quadrangle,  Calif  "  864 

T    i^""^®,^  Southeastern  Ry.,  rates  on  oatsV.'  477 
Ladd,  C.  E.,  farm  cost  accounting  4 

Ladd ,  E  d win  F. ,  memorial  addresses    287 

Ladd,  Story  B.: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 1087 

importance  of  U.  S.  chemical  industry     '    339 
Ladder,  pilot,  American  marine  standard  344 

-a  *ayette  extension  road...         091  93:5  i"6n4'infiS 
Lafayette  National  Park,  information     .'...^^O 


Lafayette  Union  Ry.,  valuation 877 

La  Flesche,  Francis,  bow  and  arrow  makers...  190 
La  Follette,  Robert  M.  (Senator  from  Wis.): 

memorial  addresses 221 

La  Follette,  Robert  M.,  jr.,  (Senator from  Wis.): 
reports  made  by — 

Commerce  Com 844,992 

Indian  Affairs  Com 588,999 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 1011 

Lafot,  Lloyd ,  advancement  on  retired  list 720,        dl 

974, 1095        W 

Lagartija,  Paso,  chart 181 

Lagos,  Nigeria,  foreign  service 381 

Lagrange  Grocery  Co.,  relief.. 700,  987, 1095 

LaGuardia,  Fiorello  H.  (Representative  from 
N.  Y.): 
commencement  of  terms  of  President,  etc. .  421 
contested  election- 
letter  from  clerk  of  House 346 

report 679 

military  service,  statement 812 

minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com 561 

report  made  by- 
Judiciary  Com 430 

La  Habra  quadrangle,  Calif 361 

Laird,  Alma,  lands  in  Florida 568,857 

La  JoUa  band  of  Luiseiio  Indians,  see  Luiseiio 

Lake,  see  Lakes— aZso  name  of  lake. 

Lake  Borgne  Basin  Levee  Board 822, 1002, 1098 

Lake  Champlain  Bridge  Commission 430, 

543,  544,  577 

Lake  Charles,  La.,  switching  charges.. 1036 

see  also  Majestic  Hotel. 
Lake  County,  Fla.,  faulty  surveys....  568,933,1013 

Lake  County,  Ind.,  bridge 424,579,668 

Lake    Crescent,     Wash.,    manganese-bearing 

deposits 1114 

Lake  Denmark,  N.  J.: 

explosion,  rp.  of  Gen.  Accounting  Off.  726, 1020 
explosion,  rp.  to  accompany  H.  R.  122-36. .    808 
Lake  Erie  &  Fort  Wayne  R.  R.: 

deficit  status 737 

extension  of  line 2.33 

Lake  Erie  &  Western  R.  R.,  valuation 737 

Lake  Erie,  Franklin  &  Clarion  R.  R.,  valua- 
tion.  474 

Lake  fish,  see  Fish  and  fisheries. 

Lake  Giltedge  Steamship  Co.,  flooring 632 

Lake  of  the  Woods: 
to  regulate  level — 

amendment  of  act 553, 802, 847 

lands  withdrawn  from  settlement,  etc.   381, 

Lake  of  the  Woods  County,  Minn.,  lands.  381, 1056 

Lake  States,  timber  growing,  etc 652 

Lake  Superior  &  Ishpeming  R.  R.,  stock 299 

Lake  Superior  Terminal   &  Transfer  Ry.  of 

Wisconsin,  valuation. 233 

Lake  Survey,  see  Northern  and  Northwestern 

Lakes  Survey. 
Lake  survey  charts,  see  Great  Lakes. 
Lake  Tahoe  Ry.  &  Transportation  Co.,  valua- 
tion     34 

Lake  Terminal  R.  R.: 

deficit  settlement 299 

valuation 474 

Lake  View  School  quadrangle,  Calif 162 

Lakeland  Chamber  of  Commerce,  freight  rates.  870 

Lakeland  Railway,  operation  of  line 611 

Lakes,  organic  content  of  water 16 

see  also  Great  Lakes — also  names  of  lakes. 

Lakeside  &  Marblehead  R.  R.,  valuation 299 

Lam  Young,  John  D.  Nagle  v 305 

Camar  Lumber  Co.,  Inc 841,955,1098     ^ 

La  Mare,  Chester,  v.  United  States 114     ml 

Lamb,  W.  A.:  ^ 

surface  water  supply- 
Hudson  Bay  and  Mississippi  R.  basins. 1114 

Missouri  River  basin 94 


lamb  as  you  like  it... 1083 

use  in  diet 332 

see  also  Sheep. 
Lambie,  John  S.,  jr.,  typhoid  and  paratyphoid.  779 
Lambs,  see  Lamb — Sheep. 
Lamont,  John  W.,  alias,  see  Leich,  John  W. 




Lampblack,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

Lampert,  Florian  (Representative  from  Wis.): 
reports  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 551,949 

Lampert,  Lester  L.,  relief 833 

Lampland,  C.  O.,  radiometric  measurements, 

etc.,  of  Mars. 21 

Lamport  Manufacturing  Supply  Co.,  Inc 157, 

176,  223,  240 
Lamps,  see  Electric  lamps— Gas  lamps. 

Lanai  Island,  chart 108S 

Lancaster,  J.  L.,  receiver,  v.  United  States 8S2 

Lancaster,  Minn.,  port  of  entry 187 

Lancaster  &  Chester  Ry.,  valuation 474 

Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  bridge..- 348,454,671 


appraisals,  instructions  for  carriers. 303 

deferred-payment  sales,  Indian  lands 422, 

588, 668 

farm  lands,  terracing.. 1084 

in  District  of  Columbia — 

acquisition,  etc.,  for  parks 949,996 

assessed  for  benefits,  notice  to  owners.  810, 
950, 996, 1099 

condemnation  by  United  States.. 949 

schedules,  valuation  order  of  I.  C.  C 877 

see  also  Public  lands— Reclamation  of  land. 
Land   banks,  see  Federal  land  banks — Joint 

stock  land  banks. 
Land-grant  colleges,  see  Agricultural  colleges. 
Land-grant  railroads,  see  Railroads,  and  names 

of  railroads. 
Land  Office,  General,  see  General  Land  Office. 
Land  offices: 

establishing  in  Roswell,  N.  Mex 1014 

to  establish  additional  offices 721,978 

see  also  Receivers  (land  offices)— Registers 
Oand  offices) . 
Land  patents,  Mrs.  Helen  V.  McLeod  to  sign .  381 
see  also  names  of  persons,  etc.,  to  whom  pat- 
ents are  issued. 
Land  shells,  see  Mollusks. 

Landana  Bay,  chart 50 

Landes,  Keimeth  K.,  Knik-Matanuska  district  360 

Landing  characteristics  of  airplanes 119 

Landing  fields,  see  Airports  and  aviation  fields— 
aUo  names  of  fields. 

Landing-force  manual.  Navy,  1927 756 

Landing  gears,  determination  of  stresses 777 

Landrum,  Joseph  H.,  to  appoint 592 

Lands,  see  Land. 

Lane,  E.  C,  crude  petroleums  of  U.  S 796 

Lane,  Mortimer  B.,  record  book  of  business 

statistics 81,338,658 

Lane,  Robert  M.,  trade  of  Pacific  States  with 

South  America 409 

Lang,  Morris  J.,  relief 564 

Langan,  Patrick  J.,  relief 436 

Langin  Field,  relief  of  victims  of  airplane  acci- 
dent  420,  451,  575,  666 

Langley,  Katherine  (Representative  from  Ky.): 
reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 419, 

420,  548, 549,  676, 677, 808, 945, 947, 948 
Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  952 

Langley,  William  C,  r.  United  States 488 

Langrock  Brothers  Co.  v.  United  States 369 

Langtrj-,  Tex.,  bridge 959,1102 

Languages,  studies  among  Fos,  etc.,  Indians..  898 
see  also  names  of  languages. 

Lanier,  William  D.,  jr.,  tooth  impaction 1070 

Lankford,   William   C.   (Representative  from 
report  made  by — 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 819 

Lanphear,  M.  O.,  soil  of  Worcester  Co.,  Mass.  276 

Lansing,  Iowa,  bridge 425,580,669 

Lantow,  J.  L.,  fattening  steers 271 

Lantz,  David  E.: 

rabbits  in  rel.  to  trees  and  farm  crops 528 

raising  guinea  pigs 205 

La  Perouse  Strait,  chart 889 

Lapham,  Macy  H.,  Phylloxera  in  Calif 652 

La  Piche  band  of  Luiseno  Indians,  see  Luiseno 

Lapwai  Reservation,  lands,  easement  to  Idaho  815 

Larache,  Morocco,  chart 52 

Larceny : 

sending  and  receipt  of  stolen  property 820 

Larch  canker,  see  European  larch  canker. 

Larch-fir  timber  growing,  etc 274 

Larchgrove,  British  steamship 714,813,930 

Lard,  Government  supplies 511,1069 

Lard  substitutes,  rates  on.. 105 

Larger  corn  stalk-borer 74 

see  also  Sugar-cane  moth  borer. 

Larger  sod  webworm _  273 

Larmour,  Ralph  K.,  study  of  glutelins 647,915 

Larrea,  Port,  chart.. 758 

Larrimer,  W.  H.,  chinch  bug... 1081 

Larson,  G.  H.,  cholecystography 48,49 

Larson,  Gustaf,  Stephen  J.  Hayde  c 224,368 


honeybee,  carbohydrate  utilization 269 


anopheline,  food  in  pure  culture 134 

culicine,  food  in  pure  culture 513,639 

paris  green  for  destruction 323,  513 

tadpole  of  spadefoot  toad  enemy...  391,  773 
tapeworm,  cause  of  tumor  in  primate..  269,  330 

Larvicide  stoxal,  some  tests 134,263 

Laryngeal  tuberculosis,  see  Tuberculosis. 

La  Salle  &  Bureau  County  R.  R.,  valuation..  1031 

Las  -\nimas  River,  see  Animas  River. 

Lash,  Elmer,  tuberculin  testing  of  livestock 785 

Lasher,  Georgeine  S.,  v.  United  States 114 

Lasher,  Herbert,  v.  United  States 223 

Lasher,  Ralph  H.,  relief. 436 

Las  Heras  Hervas,  Antonio,  see  Heras  Hervas, 
Antonio  las. 

Lash's  Products  Co.  r.  U.  S 114,289,488,1041,  B.  R.,  tornadoes  in  Kansas 212 

Lassen  Lumber  &  Box  Co 1127 

Lassen  Volcanic  National  Park: 

boundaries,  to  revise 978 

circular  of  general  information 730 

jurisdiction,  cession  by  California..  697, 857, 933 
naming  peak  in  honor  of  John  E.  Raker..   569, 

722, 803 
to  acquire  lands  by  exchange.  831, 933, 978, 1013 

to  add  lands.. 697,857,933 

Last  blocks,  see  Shoe  last  blocks. 

census,  1926 407 

rates  on 474 

Latham,  Edgar  H.,  v.  United  States 1041 

Lathrop,  Constance  D.,  to  pay 566, 1008, 1095 

Lathrop,  Edith  A.,  State  school  improvement 

associations 28 

Lathrop,  Edward  S.,  relief 680,799 

Lathrop,  Patrick  T.,  to  pay  widow..  566, 1008, 1095 
Latimer,  W.  J.,  soil  of  Worcester  Co.,  Mass...  276 
Latin  America: 

advertising  automotive  products 151 

budgets.. 17,339,409 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  409 524 

cultivo  del  mango 253 

factores  mimdiaes  na  industria  do  fumo  na 

America  Latina 761 

film  market,  short-subject. 795 

foreign  trade  in  1925 125 

foreign  trade  in  1926. 628 

highways.  U.  S.  engineers  to  assist 854 

libraries 761 

same  (in  Spanish).. _. 1135 

progressive  schools 1136 

progresso  agricola 1135 

shipments,  customs,  etc.,  regulations 795 

suggestions  for  teachers 760 

tool  markets 340 

see  also  Central  America — South  America — 
also  certain  headings  beginning  Pan 
American — also  names  of  Latin 
.A.merican  countries. 
Latin  American  Section,  Foreign  and  Domes- 
tic Commerce  Bur 281 

Laton  quadrangle,  Calif 162 

Latshaw,  W.  L.,  sodium  chlorate,  etc.,  as  her- 
bicides for  bindweed 270,399 

Latvia,  treatv  with  U.  S 1144 

Lauderdale  County,  Ala.,  bridge 424,578,668 

Lauer  &  Suter  Co.. 602 

Laughlin,  Harry  H.,  statement 680 

Laundering  blankets,   effect  upon  insulating 

value... 87 


census  of  power  laundries,  1925 149 

educational  program  for  salesmen 91 


Index,  1927-1928 


LauiHlryowners  National  Association        91 

Lauritzen,  J.  I.,  Fusarium  rot  in  potatoes..-  1084 

Lain  Island,  chart t^t^ 

Laut  Strait,  chart ^°^ 

Lmitz  Marble  Corporation,  marble       .-..----  «'& 
Lavadia,  f'atalino,  v.  Philippine  Islands...  370,882 

La  Vega,  Caleta,  chart... ]»' 

Lavenstein  Corporation. |^° 

La  Verne  quadrangle.  Calif.    ...-.---.  »04 

Law.  see  Actions  at  law-Commercial  aw- 
Cominou  law— International  law— 
Laws— -Military    laws. 

Law  Bureau,  .Shipping  Board..  . -siy 

Law  of  nations,  see  International  law. 

Lawlor,  Veta  J.,  educational  program  in  tu- 

berculosis  hospitals -"-.mi 

Lawn-mowers,  rates  on.. 4/4, 1031 

Lawrason,  Guy  B..  o.  United  States . iab 

Lawrence,  Kans..  dam  across  Kansas  River. ..  424 
Lawrence  County,  Ind.: 

.soil  management j"°^ 

soli  survey ;;--iAo  ono 

Lawrenceburg,  Ind.,  bridge 55^  im,w^ 

circular,  laws  of  69th  Cong.  2d  sess 60 

Federal  and  State  laws  for  sale,  list 727 

igualdad  de  derechos  para  la  mujer 1136 

index  to  Federal  statutes,  70th  Congress. ..  963 
private  (slip)— 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess 543.  666,  667, 

799, 800, 929, 930, 931, 1094, 1095, 
1096, 1097 
public  (slip)— 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess 345,416,543, 

544, 667,  668,  669.  670, 671,  672, 800, 

801, 802,  803,  804.  931,  932,  933,  934, 

/  935, 936, 937.  1097. 1098, 1099, 1100, 


State  law  index  .estimate  for  preparation..  623 

State  law  index,  subject  headings,  etc 245 

statutes  at  large,  Dec.  1925-Mar.  1927 1.55 

see  also  Code  of  U.  S.—aJso  names  of 
countries  and  names  of  States, 
etc.— aiso  for  single  laws  or  com- 
pilations of  laws,  see  special  subject 

Laws,  Ro.setta,  relief 968 

Laws,  Committee  on  Revision  of.  House: 

reports 964,1107 

Lawsuits,  see  Actions  at  law. 
Lawton,  Eliza  M.  C.  A.,  flagstaff  at  Fort  Sum- 
ter   565,938,1007 

Lawton,  Okla.,  felief  of  persons  suffering  fire 

loss 420 

see  also  Security  National  Bank. 

for  I'herokee  Nation,  funds  to  be  paid 952 

for  Creek  Indians,  funds  to  be  paid.953,998,1099 
recognition  of  attorneys.  Treasury  Dept...  61 
see  also  District  attorneys. 

Layne  &  Bowler  Corporation  v.  U.  S.,  etc 897 

Layton  &  Layton,  Inc.,  sugar 1123 

Lazell,  E.  W.,  psychic  regression 264 

Laze,  Hector,  Mexico  as  industrial  nation 125 

I^ea,  Albert,  Packing  Co.,  demurrage 869 

I.«a.  Clarence  F.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
commencement  of  terms  of  President,  etc..  421 

election  of  President,  etc 552 

reports  made  bj'— 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 423,428 

816, 956, 957, 958 

Leach,  Dock,  relief. 564 

Leach,  Qlen  C,  food  fishes .—  151,1089 

Leach,  John,  alias,  see  Leich,  John  W. 

Leaching  corn  seed 71  203 

I>ead:  ""'      ' 

bar,  pipe,  and  sheet,  census  report,  1925        214 

drayage  charges 102, 1028 


California 539 

Central  States '  412 

Colorado " '  217 

Eastern  States ]'  217 

Montana .""""85,"l090 

Nevada gs 

Oregon.. — !  — —  539 


Lead— Continued . 

pigments  and  salts,  production  in  1926 340 

poisoning,  new  test 1129 

production  in  1926,  smelter  report 539 

rates  on 167,364,872 

see  also  Tetraethyl  lead. 

Lead  arsenate: 

dusting  mixtures,  chemical  changes 648,786 

spray  mixtures,  lead  arsenate  and  lime.  204,  273 
toxicity  on  Japanese  beetle 4,  74 

Leadville  mining  district,  Colo.,  geology,  etc.  _     29 

Leaf-hoppers,  see  Grape  leaf-hoppers- Potato 

Leaf  rust,  wheat  breeding  for  resistance 146 

see  also  Orange  leaf  rust. 

Leaf  tobacco,  see  Tobacco. 


copyrighted 118, 

179,  309, 373, 493, 623,  752, 885 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926 245 

see  also  names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
etc.,  issuing  leaflets — also  subjects. 

League  of  Nations: 
Health  Section— 

epidemiological  reports,  review 134. 

196.  263,  323,  513,  639 
publications,  Library  of  Congress  cards 492 

Leake.  James  P.: 

alastrim  and  mild  smallpox _..  640 

diagnosis  of  poliomyelitis 263,391 

estimating  potency  of  smallpox  vaccine 640 

Leake  Countv,  Miss.,  bridges 583, 


Learned  Lumber  Co 1031 

farm  lease  contract 204, 1080 

oil  leases,  Government  publications 293 

see  also  Indians,  and  names  of  certain  In- 
dian tribes— Mineral  lands— Naval 
petroleum  reserves — also  names  of 
certain  companies,  associations,  etc. 

Leather,  William,  v.  Cnited  States 1127 

Leather,  hides,  and  skins: 

American  leather  in  foreign  markets 795 

census,  1925,  artificial  leather 148 

census,  1925,  leather  industries 13 

cleaning  of  leather  garments 343 

exporters  of  leather  manufactures.. 924 

home  tanning  of  small  fur  skins,  etc 917 

leather  production  and  trade  of  Canada —  410 

leather  work  in  mental  hospital 514 

rabbit  skins  for  fur. 330,917 

rates  on  hides  and  skins. . .  104,  298,  736,  871, 1030 

rates  on  leather 611 

specifications 88,154,220 

statistics  of  hides  and  skins,  1925... 5 

supplies  for  Govt.,  leather  goods 511 

world  production,  etc.,  of  hides  and  skins..    18 

Leathers,  Edgar,  bridge.. 685,845,936,994 

Leatherwood,  Elmer  O.  (Representative  from 
minority  views — . 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 686 

Leave  of  absence: 

Canal  Zone,  judge  of  district  court,  etc 188 

Coast  Guard  regulations 261 

Indian  service  physicians 682, 848, 935 

see  also  Sick  leave. 

Leavenworth,  Kans.,  bridge 581 

Leavenworth,  Fort,  construction 436 

Leaver,  Edmund  S.,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold 

and  silver.. 1090 

Leavitt,  Scott  (Representative from  Mont.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Claims  Com 419, 

548, 549,  677,  678,  946, 947, 948 

Conference  Com 941 

Indian  Affairs  Com 422, 

681,  682.  814, 953, 954 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 561 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Com...  567 

Public  Lands  Com 444  , 

445,  567,  569,  697, 831,  978 
LeBrix,  Joseph,  Distinguished  Flying  Cross...  935 

Le  Claire  Canal,  use,  administration,  etc 66 

LeClerc,  J.  A.,  fish  meal  industry 661 

Le  Crone,  John  W.,  receiver,  r.  U.  S 370 





copjTighted ...  118, 179.  309,  373, 493, 623,  752, 885 

copyrighted,  1926,  index 245 

Ledbetter,  W.  A.,  v.  Elias  Wesley.. 747 

Leding,  A.  R.,  date  palm  fertilization 648,  78S 

Lee,  .\lfred  R.: 

duck  raising 205 

feeding  chickens 271,527 

goose  raising 205,916 

guinea  fowl _ _  401 

incubation  and  brooding  of  chickens 401 

poultry  houses  and  fixtures 784 

poultry  keeping  in  back  yards 527 

squab  raising 6,  784 

turkey  raising 650 

Lee,  Frederic  E.,  British  investment  trusts 538 

Lee,  John  C.  H.,  Vicksburg  Miss.,  district 519 

Lee,  Joseph,  relief 968 

Lee,  Oscar: 

flotation  of  limestone  from  gangue 281 

magnetic  concentration  of  iron  ores 281 

Lee,  Walter  S.,  dental  treatment 198 

Lee,  William  D.,  soil  of  Yadkin  County,  N.  C .  1081 

Lee,  Willis  T.,  geologic  formations 28,  29 

Lee  Coimty,  111.,  bridge 428,544,584 

Lee  Home,  see  Jesse  Lee  Home. 

Leeb,  Alfred,  v.  United  States... 174 

Leech,  L.  Gordon,  relief 549 

Lees  Ferry,  Ariz.,  gauging  station,  estimate...  389 
Leete,  C.  S.,  milk  and  foam  during  pasteuriza- 
tion  206 

Leete,  Mary  M.,  dependent  chOdren  in  Cleve- 
land...  45 

LeFevre,  Edwin: 

making  fermented  pickles. _ 6 

making  vinegar  in  the  home  and  on  farm..  143 

LeFevre,  Peter  E.,  pasteurization 63 

Leffard,  Lillian  J.,  relief  of  mother.. 543.574 

Leflelman,  L.  J.,  forest  plantations 648,  783 

Legacy  tax,  see  Inheritance  and  transfer  tax. 
Legal  tender  money,  see  Paper  money. 
Legations,  see  Foreign  service. 

Legg,  Carlton  V.,  v.  United  States 157 

Leggett  &  Piatt  Spring  Bed  &  Mfg.  Co 97 

Legislation,  see  Laws — also  Congress  of  United 

States— House  of  Representatives — 

also  subjects  of  bills  and  resolutions. 

Legislative  calendars,  see  names  of  committees. 

Legislative  Counsel  Office 834 

Legislative  establishment  appropriations,  see 

Legislative  Reference  Service,  Library  of  Con- 
gress  245 

Legs  and  leg-bearing  segments  of  arthropods  ..  898 

Lehigh  &  Hudson  River  Ry.  valuation 1031 

Lehigh  &  New  England  R.  R.: 

bonds 34 

equipment  trust. 233 

Lehigh  Portland  Cement  Co 296, 467,  868, 1026 

Lehigh  Telephone  Co.,  purchase  of  properties.  236 

Lehigh  University,  smallpox  vaccination 134 

Lehigh  Valley  R.R.: 

bonds 612 

demurrage 470,734 

misrouting 35 

rates  on  grapes 34 

Lehlbach,  Frederick  R.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

Civil  Service  Com 418,807,944 

Conference  Com 939 

Lehman,  Bertram,  relief 981 

Lehr  Lumber  Co 475 

Leich,  John  W.,  relief 968 

Leigh,  Leon  K.,  v.  United  States.. 1127 

Leighty,  Clyde  E.: 

common  white  wheats 334 

flag  smut  of  wheat 76 

natural  hybridization  of  wheat 399,533 

wheat  breeding  to  resist  leaf  rust 146 

wheat  seeding  and  seed-bed  preparation..  405 
wheat  varieties  adapted  to  eastern  U.  S..  1084 

Leininger,  Frederick,  relief 436 

Leipzig  Technical  Show.. 410 

Le  Lacheur,  E.  A.,  tidal  bench  marks 793 

Lembeh  Strait,  chart 249 

Lemmings,  revision  of  American 73 



Chinese  dwarf  Meyer  lemon  introduced...  145 

hastening  coloration  of  lemons 74 

Lemon  Cove  quadrangle,  Calif. 864 

Lemon  Cove-Woodlake  Growers  &  Shippers 

Association,  trackage 876 

Lemoore  quadrangle,  Calif ._  162 

Length,  see  Weights  and  measures. 

Lenox  Hotel,  addresses  at  educational  eonf ni3 

Lenroot,  Katharine  F.: 

5th  Pan  American  Child  Congress... 761 

same  (in  Portuguese) 893 

same  (in  Spanish) 761 

servifo  social  com  paes  solteiros 125 

Lensatic  compass,  see  Compass. 
Lenses  (lamp): 

rates  on 299 

Lenson,  Robert  H.,  U.  S.  cs 635,880 

Lentine,  G.  E.,  pneumothorax 392 

Lentz,  William,  relief. 436 

Leominster.  Mass.,  easement... 830 

Leonard,  Henry,  r.  U.  S . 240 

Leonard,  Crosset  &  Riley,  cabbage... 98,607 

Leonardtown  silt  loam  soil 1079, 1081 

Leopold,  M.  F.,  motion  picture  films 411 

Leper  Home,  see  National  Home  for  Lepers, 

Lepers,  see  Leprosy. 

Le  Prince,  J.  A.,  malaria  lessons.. 1147 


benzocaine-chaulmoogra  oil  treatment.  391,  638 

studies.. 63 

treatment  at  Palo  Seco 502 

imusual  manifestations,  report  of  cases 392 

Lerio  Patent  Cup  Co.,  turpentine  cups 876 


ammoniacal  silver  nitrate  treatment 48, 49 

basal,  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis 1148 

nasal,  in  leprosy,  radium  treatment 63 

swine  spleen,  caused  by  .\ctinomyces..  399,  527 

Lesley,  E.  P.,  air  propellers  in  flight 119 

Leslie,  C .  Frank,  pasteurization 63 

Lesselyoung,  Simon  P.,  t.  United  States 115 

Letcher,  Marion,  relief 507 

Lethargic  encephalitis,  see  Encephalitis  leth- 


apartment-house  mail  receptacles 502 

community  mail  boxes 829, 1100 

Letter-carriers,  hire  of  vehicles 976 

Letters,  see  Mail  matter. 
Letts,    F.    Dickinson    (Representative    from 
Iowa) : 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com 814,  953, 954 

statement  before  Military  Affairs  Com...  1107 

lymphoblastic,  acute  cases 887,1047 

recent  work,  with  report  of  3  cases _  497 

Leukocytosis    in    diagnosis    of    cerebrospinal 

fever 497 

Leupp,  Paul,  bridge 684,843,934 

Levandoski,  John,  patent  appeal 342 

Leveling,  see  Siu'veying. 

Levene's  Sons,  rags 614 

Levin,  M.,  &  Sons,  relief 839,946, 1095 

Levine,  C  harles  A . ,  gold  medal 948 

Levy,  Neville,  v.  United  States 1110 

Levy  County,  Fla.,  bridge 710,819 

Lewis,  Elmer  A.: 

compilations  of  laws — 

civil  service  retirement,  etc.. 23 

interstate  and  foreign  commerce 674 

liquor 287 

mediation,  conciliation,  etc 287 

seamen's  act,  etc 24 

Veterans'    Biureau   and   war   risk   in- 
surance  -.  155, 156 

Lewis,  H.  G.,  soil  of  Genesee  County,  N.  Y 211 

Lewis,  Harrv  J.,  Co.,  strawberries 39 

Lewis,  Lula,  relief 946,987,1096 

Lewis,  Meriwether,  National  Monument, 
see  Meriwether  Lewis  National 

Lewis,  Omer  D.,  relief 705,946,1096 

Lewis  and  Clark  Cavern  National  Monument-  978 
Lewis  &  Conger,  United  States  v 25 


Index,  1927-1928 


Lewis-Chitty-Consolidated,  canned  food 1026 

Le\vis5Hall  Iron  Works  v.  David  H.  Blair.  356, 1041 
Lewisburg,  Tenn.: 

dairying  and  livestock  station— 

hearings :::::"  lo99 

repor'ts"::::::::::::::: 943.983 

Lewistown  quadrangle,  Pa 228 

Lewton,  Frederick  L.,  cotton  machinery 191 

Leiima,  Regina,  relief ------  812 

Liabilitv,  Employers'  see  Employers'  liability 
and  workmen's  compensation. 

Libbey,  Bert  H.,  relief ---  436 

Libby,  McNeill  &  Libby  v.  U.  S 43,  240,  620 


minister  resident,  etc.,  salary  increase- 
recommendation  768 

report 813 

Liberman,  David  L.,  pernicious  anemia-  1148, 1149 
Liberty  bonds,  see  Bonds  of  United  States. 
Liberty  Cooperage  &  Lumber  Co.: 

basket  hoops -  1025 

basket  tops 731 

hoops 611, 1030, 1119 

Liberty  Glass  Co.,  lumber 738 

Liberty  Landing,  Mo.,  bridge 426,581,670 

Liberty  loans,  see  Bonds  of  United  States. 

Liberty  quadrangle.  111 605 

Libia,  chart.- 312 


bibliothecas  americanas 1135 

Latin  American  libraries 761 

same  (in  Spanish) 1135 

postage  on  certain  books  mailed 1138 

Public  Library  of  D.  C,  report,  1927 291 

rural  libraries 916 

see  also  Library  leaflet.  Education  Bureau— 
also  names  of  Departments,  etc. 
Library  Committee,  House: 

hearings 562,688,689,964,965 

reports -  432, 433, 688, 689, 820, 821, 964, 965 

Library  Committee,  Senate: 

hearing 717 

reports  -  - - . . .  590, 591, 717, 850, 851, 1001 

Library  Division,  Education  Bur. 28,160,359 

Library  Joint  Committee: 

estimate  for  purchase  of  oil  painting 353 

improving,  etc..  Botanic  Garden 702 

Library  leaflet.  Education  Bureau 28, 160 

Library  0  ICongress _.  46,117,179, 

245,  309,  373,  492,  623,  751,  884,  1045,  1130 
acquisition  of  property  in  D.  C...  688, 933, 1001 
Administrative  Assistant  and  Disbursing 

Officer,  abolition  of  office..  688, 850, 934 

bookstacks,  estimate 336 

cards  for  League  of  Nations  pubs 492 

classification — 

agriculture,  etc 885 

geography,  anthropology,  etc 885 

military  science 885 

religion 492 

exhibition  of  French  prints,  catalogue 1130 

festival  of  chamber  music,  Apr.  27-29, 1928. .  886 

foreign  Government  publications 752 

increase  of  salary  for  librarian 433, 669 

orieutalia  added,  1926-27. 492 

pubHcations  issued  since  Oct.  1920 309 

reading  room,  location  of  classes .  1045 

report,  1927 373 

research,  facilities  and  regulations..  1045 

salaries,  estimates 623  751 

State  law  index,  estimate I.      '623 

State  law  index,  subject  headings,  etc  245 

subject  headings  in  catalogues 885 

additions  and  changes 1045  1130 

local  subdivision '  1130 

Vollbehr  collection,  incunabula.  884 

Vollbiihr  collection,  printers',  etc.,  marks"  885 
Library  service  in  tuberculosis  hospital  1070 

Lice,  4fe  Cattle  lice. 

Llchtenstein,  Samuel,  adamantinoma  1071 

Uchty,  Emanuel  M.,  funeral  expenses,  etc     '    417 
Lioberman,  B.  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn"lll2 
Life-boats,  see  Lifeboats. 
Life  expectation  in  England  and  U  S  391 


Life  insurance: 

payment  of  veteran's  insurance  to  bank 997 

specimen  policies,  Veterans'  Bureau — 

ordinary  life  policy 134 

twenty-payment  life  policy 324 

twenty-year  endowment  policy 197 

World  War  veterans'  legislation 835 

Life  Saving  Service,  see  Coast  Guard. 

Life-saving  stations,  see  Coast  Guard  stations. 

Lifeboats,  American  marine  standard 665 

Lift  of  aircraft,  see  Aircraft. 

Liggett,  Hunter,  advancement  on  retired  list  _ .  851 

Light,  William  A.,  relief ,S75, 808, 1096 


cold  light 190 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs..  226, 1113 

Light-House  Establishment,    see  Lighthouses 


Barnegat  lightship  off  N.  J.  coast 19 

moorings,  plans  and  specifications 1090 

specifications  for  light  ship  no.  100 84,  925 

Lighthouse  reservations,  to  transfer 957 

see  also  names  of  places  where  located. 

Lighthouse  service,  see  Lighthouses  Bureau. 

Lighthouses  Bureau 18,84,152,217, 

281,  340,  411,  538,  662,  795,  925,  lOr" 

civil-service  regulations 

3d  district. 

8th  district 

13th  district 

14th  district 211 

15th  district 

16th  district 

17th  district 

18th  district II 

lst-2d  districts 7! 

lst-9th  districts... 

4th-5th  districts 7! 

7th-8th  districts 7! 

10th-12th  districts 61 

16th-17th  districts 

16th-19th  districts 

17th-18th  districts 7! 

employees,  instructions 21! 

lighthouse  service  bulletin 19,  84, 152,217i 

281,  340,  411,  538,  662,  795,  925,  1'"' 

lighthouse  service  regulations,  1927 1! 

posters 19,281,  If" 

report,  1927 28] 


bridges,  regulations,  1928... 

el  alumbrado  de  las  calles 11: 

standard  nomenclature  (Spanish  trans.) 11 

utensils,  collection  in  National  Museum... 


article  by  N.  Ernest  Dorsey 141 

death  by  lightning,  report  of  case 4! 

destruction  of  tulip  tree 141 

protection  of  farm  buildings,  etc 7r 

protection  of  oil  reservoirs 1 


for  steamers  on  Great  Lakes. 934, 

for  tugs  on  Great  Lakes 934, 

standards  for  fixed  lights - 

standards  for  glass  for  fixed  lights 2. 

see  also  Lighting — Searchlights — also  Light- 
ships—Lighthouses Bureau,  and 
names  of  places  where  lights  are 

Lightships,  see  Light-ships. 

Likupang  Road,  chart 

Lilac  blight  in  United  States 783,91 

Lilies,  easily  propagated 654 

see  also  Easter  lily — Regal  lilv. 

Lillie,  R.  D.: 

blacktongue  preventive  action  of  foods 1148 

blacktongue  preventive  in  yeast 773, 1147 

Lilly,  Mack  B.,  v.  West  Virginia... 747 

Lily,  see  Lilies. 

Lima,  Joseph,  v.  United  States 239 

Lima,  Peru: 

Pan  American  Sanitary  Conference — 

program 63 

report  of  resolutions  adopted. 513 

Lima  beans,  customs  case IIU 


July- June 



barrels,  shipping  marks- 
hearings 550 

report 809 

dusting  mixtures,  chemical  changes 648,786 

manufacture ^6 

preparation  of  lime-sulphur  concentrate 651 

production  in  1920.- 282 

rates  on 233,612,872,1031 

soil  liming  principles 785 

spray  mixture,  lead  arsenate  and  lime..  204, 273 

Lime-sulphur  concentrate,  preparation,  etc 651 

Limekiln,  function  of  steam 152 


commercial,  phj-sical  properties 155 

flotation  from  siliceous  gangue 281 

Kaibab  limestone  in  Kaibab  Gulch,  Utah .  464 

rates  on 105. 1031 

Limestone  County,  Ala.,  bridge 424,578,668 

Limestone  Telephone  Co 167 

Limicolae,  see  Birds. 

Limitation  of  Naval  .\rmament  Conference,  see 
Conference  for  Limitation  of  Naval 
Limitations  (law): 

amending  sec.  1044,  Revised  statutes- 
law 345 

reports... 348,354 

Limon,  Costa  Rica,  aviation  chart 1133 

Linard,  Sarah,  relief.. 553,799 

Lincoln,  Charles  K.,  admr.,  v.  U.  S. 305,488 

Lincoln,  Eudora  K.,  v.  U.  S... 305,488 

Lincoln,  Frederick  C: 

banding  birds 785 

returns  from  banded  birds 401 

Lincoln  branch,  see  Detroit  &  Mackinac  Ry. 

Lincoln  County,  Oreg.,  relief... 451 

Lincoln  highway,  relocated. 162 

Lincoln  Memorial 765 

Lincoln  Memorial  Library  dedication 186 

Lincoln  memorial  museum,  see  National  War 
Memorial  ^Museum  and  Veterans' 
Lincoln  National  Forest: 

lands 978 

resources  and  recreation  features 274 

Lincoln  River  and  Lake,  chart  of  mouth 520 

LiQcoln  Road,  D.  C,  conduit  across..  712,810, 1099 
Lindbergh,  Charles  A.: 

awarding  of  Hubbard  Medal 317 

Congressional  Medal  of  Honor. 345 

medals  in  honor  of  achievements — 

estimate 1066 

hearings.. 551 

law 937 

reports 551 

testimony  before  Mil.  Afl.  Com.,  H 824 

to  accept  decorations — 

law... 666 

report... 564 

Lindgren,  C.  A.,  admr.,  U.  S.  versus. 877, 1038 

Lindley,  Robert  T.,  report  of  floods,  1927 335 

Lindsay,  J.  E.  (Lindssay,  p.  550,  incorrect): 

relief 550,989.1097 

Lindsay,  Russell  H.,  relief. 442 

Lindsay  Lumber  Co.  r.  United  States.. 1017 

Lindstrom,  E.  W.: 

inheritance  of  shapes  of  tomato  fruits 4, 72 

quality  of  oU  in  soy  beans 71,201 

Line-squalls .• 656 

Line  standards,  see  Weights  and  measures. 

articles  for  ship  equipment. 88 

fit  census  of  linen  goods  manufacture,  1925 148 

Lingadang  Road,  chart 312 

Linney,  Charles  E.,  evaporation 212 

Linoleum,  census  of  manufactures,  1925. 148 


case  of  H.  B.  Thomas  &  Co.. 25 

rates  on 105,738,872 

Linters,  see  Cotton. 

Linthicum,  J.   Charles  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by- 
Foreign  Affairs  Com 422,553,680 

Linton,  Edwin,  trematode  parasites  of  birds...  767 
Linton,  W.  P.,  analysis  of  concrete  arches 211 

15950—29 8 



in  blood  serum  of  lepers o'd 

tests.. 63 

Lipfert,  Franz,  claim _ 385,587,800,811 

Lippe,  Caroline,  Countess  Zur,  property  sale.  1139 
Lipscomb,  H.  R.,  spontaneous  pneumothorax.  198 
Lipson,  J.  K.,  medical  dept.  of  aircraft  carrier.  887 
Liquid  fuel,  see  Fuel-oU. 

burette  for  micromeasurement  of  liquids...    87 

densities  of  liquids  and  ore  pulps 411 

discharge  through  small  round  orifices 118 


bottling  of  distilled  spirits  in  bond 905 

permits  for  manufacture,  etc 196 

smuggling  from  Belgium 507 

smuggling  from  Greece 1144 

statistics  concerning  alcoholic  liquors 905 

taxes  on  distilled  spirits,  refund 834,934 

see  also  Prohibition. 

Lissberger,  B.,  &  Co.,  zinc. 303 

Literary  and  Artistic  Property,  International 
Conference   on,    see   International 
Conference  on  Literary  and  -Artis- 
tic Property. 

ancient,  medieval,  and  modern 27 

fiction,  thirty  great  books 27 

world's  great  literary  bibles 27 

see  also  ChUdren's  literature. 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

supplies  for  Government,  specifications 390 

Lithospermum,  fossil  nutlets  of  genus 899 

Lititz,  Pa.,  tablet  to  ."Vmerican  soldiers...  688, 1100 

Little,  Arthur  D.,  romance  of  carbon... 190 

Little  Belt,  chart. 249 

Little  Calumet  River,  bridges.. 425, 


Little  Colorado  River,  plan  and  profile 360 

Little  Detroit,  Ontario,  chart..-. 1074 

Little  Falls,  Minn.,  bridge 426,580,669 

Little  Koniuji  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control...  763 
Little  Rock,  Ark.: 

Confederate  Veterans  reunion — 

loan  of  camp  equipment 440, 544 

Marine  Band  to  attend 827,934 

switching  charges 1036 

Littlehales,  G.  W.: 

azimuths  of  celestial  bodies 311 

azimuths  of  the  sun 180 

Live  Oak,  Perry  &  Gulf  R.  R.,  valuation 34 

Live  stock,  see  Cattle. 

Live  Stock  Freight  Bureau,  cattle 231 


abscess 907 

a\rophy,  with  neosalvarsan  administration.  887 

Liverpool,  England,  chart 759 

Liverwurst  poisoning  on  board  U.  S.  S.  Noa...  497 
Livestock,  see  Cattle. 

Living  conditions  in  Guam 120 

Living  expenses,  see  Cost  of  living. 

Livingston,  J.,  &  Co.  v.  U.  S 699 

Livingston,  John  G.,  vs.  U.  S.. 599 

Livingston,  Johnston,  vs.  U.  S 599 

Livingston,  Thomas  M.,  v.  U.  S 115,240,289 

Livingston  County,  Ky...  429,585,671,819,844,936 

Lizards,  fossil,  of  North  America 1131 

Lloyd,  W.  A.,  fact  organization,  etc.,  in  West- 
ern States 206 

Lloyd-Smith,  Marjorie  F.,  v.  Da^id  H.  Blair..  746 

Load  lines,  for  American  vessels 842 

Loanda  Harbor,  Angola,  chart 50 


for  speculation,  restriction- 
hearings 837 

report 984 

seed  grain  for  pest  stricken  areas 547 

see  also  Agricultu  al  credit — Credit  union 
loans— Public  debts— oiso  names  of 
certain  railroads,  companies,  etc. 

Loans  and  Currency  Division 62, 

133,  195,  262,  323,  390,  512,  638,  772,  905, 
1069, 1147. 
Lobar  pneumonia,  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War  779 

Lobbyists,  registration. 590 

Lobitos  Cove,  chart... 890 


Index,  1927-1928 


Lobinan,  Moog  &  Co.,  vegetables -  1037 

Lobsters,  Oovernment  publications •"» 

Local  anesthesia,  see  Anesthesia. 
Locher,  Cyrus  (Senator  from  Ohio): 

reports  made  by—  ,nnr  mn-r 

iMilitary  Aflairs  Com 1005, 100/ 

Lock,  sec  name  of  river  or  place  where  located. 

Lockjaw,  see  Tetanus. 

Lockouts,  see  Strikes  and  lockouts. 

Locks,  rates  on m^ 

Locks  (waterways)  see  names  of  rivers  or  places 
where  located. 

Locomotive  Inspection  Bureau 366 

report,  1927.. - 366 

Locomotives:  .    . 

case  of  Wisconsin  Railroad  Commission  _.  1120 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 80 

fuel  for  locomotives 33, 103,  166, 

232,  297,  363,  472,  610,  870,  1029,  1119 

Loef,  Joseph  W.,  relief. 592,823,1096 

Loeser,  Oscar,  jr.,  pressure  distribution  over 

wing  model 1131 

Loess  of  China.- 190 

Loftin,  U.  C,  sugar-cane  moth  borer  in  U.  S..  786 

Lofton,  R.  E.,  window  envelopes 21 

Logan,  K.  H.: 

applications  of  earth-current  meter 220 

electrolysis  testing 285 

soil-corrosion  studies 1093 

Logan,  W.  N.,  Indiana  coal  field 411 

Logan  &  Southern  Ry.,  valuation 296 

Logging,  see  Lumber  and  lumbering. 

rates  on 364,474,612,738,872 

transit 474 

Lohmander,  Hans,  terrestrial  isopods 258 

Loi  Hoa,  John  D.  N&g\ev 305 

Lombard,  P.  M.,  potato  sets 532 

Lombardo,  Rosario,  vs.  U.  S 1018 

London,  Isabel,  v.  ClitTord  D.  Phelps 747 

London,  England,  International  Maritime  Con- 
ference for  Safety  of  Life  at  Sea...  900, 
951. 99S 

Lone  Star  Gas  Co.,  pipe-line  coating 478 

Long,  A.  R.,  precipitation  at  Memphis,  Tenn.  79U 

Long,  Charles  B.,  v.  United  States 1017 

Long,  F.  R.,  (k  Co. ;;.  United  States 43 

Long,  James  M.,  relief 946 

Long  and  short  hauls,  see  Freight  rates. 
Long  Beach,  Calif.: 

Pacific  Southwest  Exposition — 

cooperation  of  United  States 587,701 

entry  of  exhibits 701,804 

Long  Bell  Lumber  Co.,  posts 873 

Long  Island,  .\laska,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Long  Island  Railroad  equipment  trust 167 

Long-Koch  Co.,  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade  Comn.  602 
Louganecker,  David  E.: 

American  leather  in  foreign  markets 795 

electrical  equipment  market  in  Mexico 339 

Longfellow  medals,  coinage 574 

Longino,  Thomas  C,  relief  of  heirs 808,  930,  987 

Longley,  A.  E.,  supernumerary  chromosomes.  399, 


Longsdorf,  Milton  C,  relief 436, 1004 

Longshoremen,  see   Employers'   liability  and 
workmen's  compensation. 

Lougview,  Portland  &  Northern  Ry 1120 

Loomis,  H.  F.: 

crazy-top  disorder  of  cotton 9 

millipeds  of  order  Colobognatha  767 

lioop  &  Lookout  R.  R.,  control 743 

l>oose  smut,  see  Smuts. 

Loose-Wiles  Biscuit  Co.,  peanuts.. .        613 

Lopez  del  Valle,  J.  A.,  los  reconocimientos  med- 
icos prenupciales 761 

Lorain,  Ohio: 

abolishing  as  port  of  entry. 764 

imijrovenient  of  harbor...  ""'  698 

Lorain  A  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation.  35 

Lord,  Herbert  M.,  to  place  on  retired  list  as 

major  general 436 

see  also  Budget  Bureau. 
Lord,  Russell,  marine  fisheries  of  Texas  151 

Lorentz,  M.  O.,  light  metals  and  alloys  "  541 

Lonng  Andrews  Co.,  United  States  v  224 

Los  Angeles,  Calif.: 

map,  air  navigation 777 

map,  topographic 1^ 864 

Los  Angeles,  Calif.— Continued. 

reserve  bank  building 984 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 642 

streets,  portions  of  Fort  McArthur  for 691 

Los  Angeles  &  Salt  Lake  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  part  of  branch  line 474 

operation  of  line 474 

rates  on  colemanite 469 

Los  Angeles  County,  Calif.,  water  resources . .   977, 

983, 1098 
see  also  National  Home  for  Disabled  Vol- 
unteer Soldiers. 

Los  Angeles  Junction  Ry 105 

Los  Martires,  see  Pulap  Islands. 

Los  Monges,  see  Monks,  The. 

Los  Olmos  International  Bridge  Co..  818,994, 1102 

Lother,  Ferdinand,  v.  United  States 460 

Lottery  paraphernalia,  use  of  mails 721, 1011 

Loughlin,  O.  F.: 

Leadville  mining  district,  Colo 29 

metals  and  nonmetals,  1927 1114 

Louisell  Pine  &  Hardwood  Co.,  Inc 470 


bridges  at  or  near — 

Baton  Rouge 580,  683 

Burr  Ferry .-  959, 1103 

Coashatta... 348,454,544 

Harrisonburg. 428,  583,  671 

Jonesville 423,  543,  577 

Melville ,556,707,800 

Merryville 560,710,803 

Moncla. 428,584,671 

Monroe 428,544,583 

Morgan  City 423,  .577,  667 

Pendleton's  Ferry 818,936,994 

Point  Pleasant 423,  543,  577 

Starks . 818,994,1103 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 80 

disease-resistant  sugar  canes 9 

drawings  by  A.  DeBatz,  1732-35 384 

fish  and  game  preserve 943 

land,  purchase  by  U.  S... 831,930,1013 

lands,  sale  by  United  States 568,802,857 

lighthouse  reservation,  purchase 959, 1102 

pellagra  in  Mississippi  flood  area 323,  513 

post  route  map 630 

right  of  way  for  levee 822, 1002, 1098 

Louisiana  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

corn  productiveness  and  mosaic  disease..  209 

straighthead  of  rice 146 

Louisiana  &  Arkansas  Ry.: 

notes... 233 

rates  on — 

ice 737 

lumber 738 

valuation 474 

Louisiana  &  Missouri  River  R.  R.,  valuation.    99 
Louisiana  &  North  West  R.  R.,  valuation...  872 

Louisiana  &  Pike  County  R.  R.,  valuation 877 

Louisiana  Farm  Bureau  Federation,  Inc 606 

Louisiana  Railway  &  Navigation  Co.: 

notes 105 

rates  on  acid  phosphate 606 

Louisiana  State  Museum,  bell 826,  934,  974, 1008 

Louisiana  State  University  and  Agricultural 

and  Mechanical  College,  lands..  831, 
934, 1013 

Louisiana  Western  R.  R 232,238 

Louisville,  Ky.: 

air  navigation  maps  (2) 776 

bridge 558,582,671 

filtration  plants,  results  of  study 323 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district.. 518 

Louisville  &  Nashville  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  part  of  branch  line 233 

acquisition  of  line 299 

bonds 1031 

construction  and  operation 105 

demurrage. 102 

misrouting 738 

rates  on — 

bar-iron 97,866 

boxes 867 

cattle 467 

cement 1026 

charcoal 868, 1026 

coal - 296 

coke 1027 

cream 869 

July- June 


Louisville  &  Nashville  R.  R.— Continued, 
rates  on — Continued. 

horses 107 

iron 737, 1030 

lumber 738, 1031 

petroleum 36 

rails 103.=i 

sand-. 616 

stone.-  10.36 

tanning  extract Ill 

switching  charges 111 

train-stop  devices 483 

Louisville  Cement  Co..  lime 1031 

Louisville  Live  Stock  Exchange 467 

Louisville,  New  Orleans  &  Texas  Ry.  of  Ark- 
ansas, valuation 364 

Love,  John  M.,  dangers  of  tonsillectomy 907 

Love.  M.  A.,  vs.  United  States 620 

Lovel  Point: 

bridge 9.i5,  990, 1098 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  955 1078 

Loveland,  A.  C,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  Army  supplies.  1116 

Loveland,  Florence  L.,  v.  United  States 1127 

Loveland,  John  W.,  exr.,  v.  United  States 1127 

Lovell,  Walter  D.,  relief 700,987 

Loveridge.  Arthur: 

gecko  from  Tanganyika  Territory 767 

vertebrates,  Smithsonian-Chrysler  exped.  1143 

Lovering,  T.  S.,  metallic  copper 1114 

Lovett  Fruit  &  Produce  Co.,  bananas 1024 

Lowe,  Charles  E.,  military  record 437,930, 1004 

Lowe,  E.  P.,  soil  of  Perry  County,  Miss 789 

Lowe,  J.  E.,  V.  United  States 175 

Lowe,  Donald  &  Co.,  United  States  » 44 

Lower  Kalispel  Indians,  see  Kalispel  Indians. 
Lower  Pend  d'Oreilles,  see  Kalispel  Indians. 
Lower  Spokan  Indians,  see  Spokan  Indians. 

Lower  Yellowstone  irrigation  project 294, 1115 

Lowrey,  B.  G.  (Representative  from  Miss.): 
minority  views — 

Education  Com 552 

reports  made  by — 

Coinage,  Weights,  and  Measures  Com.  948 

War  Claims  Com 700, 

833,  834,  980,  981,  982 

Lowry,  Florence  M.,  occupational  therapy 392 

Lubricating-oil  emulsion  for  San  Jose  scale —  1082 

Government  supplies 511 

master  specification  for  lubricants 217 

rates  on 35,872,1031,1120 

Luce,  Robert  (Representative  from  Mass.): 

dispensing  with  oath  in  certain  cases 687 

minority  views- 
World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Com.  835 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com 939,942 

lyibrary  Com 432, 

433,  688,  689. 820, 821, 964,  965 
World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Com.  982 

Lucke,  Charles  E.,  patent  appeal 219 

Lucke,  Henry  J.,  c.  United  States 305 

Luckenbach,  Edgar  F.,  v.  United  States 880 

Luckenbach,  Florence,  transport,  see  Florence 

Luckenbach.  transport. 
Luckenbach  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United  States.  880 
Luckenbach  Steamship  Co.,  Inc.: 

rates  on  electric  appliances 319 

V.  United  States 880 

Lucretia  dewberry,  root  rot 269,270 

Lucy,  Port,  chart 793 

Ludington  Harbor,  Mich.,  chart 520 

Lueder,  Arthur  C,  relief 549,70.5,799 

Luedtke,  C.  L.,  agricultural  statistics,  1926 142 

Luginbill,  Philip: 

corn  earworm  as  enemy  of  vetch. 207 

fall  army  worm 651 

Luiseno  Indians,  trust  period 57 

Lukens,  R.  R.,  coast  pilot,  Atlantic  Coast 82 

Lull,  George  E.,  measles  in  U.  S.  Army 779 

Lumber  and  lumbering: 

American  lumber  in  Japan 661 

census  of  forest  products,  1928,  lumber 407 

census  of  manufactures,  1925,  lumber,  etc_13, 149 

end-matched  softwood  lumber, 12 

exports  and  prices  of  lumber... 918 

Government  supplies,  lumber 62,  638 

grade  marking  of  lumber,  report 791 

Lumber  and  lumbering — Contintied. 

inspection  of  lumber,  specifications 48 

logging  practice  in — 

central  hardwood  region. 8 

Douglas  fir  region 8 

Lake  States _ 652 

western  white  pine,  etc.,  forests 274 

lumber  market  of  Peru... 661 

lumber  production  since  1801,  etc.. 13 

Parana  pine  lumber  industry  of  Brazil 18 

publications  on  lumber  industries 463 

rates  on  lumber _.   35, 

105.  168,  474.  475,  612,  738, 872, 1031, 1120 

routin.g  restriction  on  lumber.. 168 

seasoning,  handling,  and  care  of  lumber 791 

transit  arrangement  on  lumber 168,474 

transit  privileges  on  lumber. 3.5,  233,  299 

see  also  Timber — Wood. 

Lumber  Division 18,  661 

Lumbering,  see  Lumber  and  lumbering. 
Lumberton  Broom  &  Mnp  Handle  Factory, 

Inc 1025 

Lummi  Reservation,  road  construction  555,  588, 802 
Lumsden,  L.  L.: 

cooperative  rural  health  work,  1927 263,  513 

rural  health  service,  1924-28 905, 1148 

Luna  County,  N.  Mex.,  reimbursement 698, 


Lunches,  school 209 

Lundberg,  Emma  O.,  public  aid  to  mothers 750 

Lunden,  F.  P.,  smuts,  etc.,  in  oats  (2  entries).  1079 

Lundquist,  Lyn,  relief... 597 


carcinoma,  primary 640 

hydatid  cyst,  pulmonary 1148 

infections,  chronic  nontuberculous 135,197 

infections,  role  of  accessory  sinuses 135 

postoperative  collapse 264 

Lunn,  W.  >L,  flue-cured  tobacco,  fertilizer  test.  276 

Lupfer  &  Remick  v.  United  States 90,  880, 1041 

Lupisan,  Lucio,  relief  of  widow 420,  706,  799 

Lupus  vulgaris,  see  Tuberculosis. 

Lurie,  Levi,  v.  United  States 305 

Lush,  J.  L.,  cattle  weights..... 1079 

Lusk,  Ralph  G.,  geology,  etc 604,863 

Luthy,  Charles  T.,  patent  appeal 663 

Lutke  Island,  see  East  Fayu  Island. 

Lutz  &  Schramm  Co.,  strawberries 111 

Luxemburg,  brief  economic  survey 1090 


coast  pilot 408 

coast  pilot,  supplement 659 

Ly gus  elisus,  pest  of  cotton  regions 74 

Lymph  nodes,  tuberculosis  of 264 

Lymphoblastic  leukemia,  acute  cases 887, 1047 

Lynch,  Charles  F.,  receiver,  v.  United  States..  747 
Lynchburg  Chamber  of  Commerce: 

cabbage 466 

cotton  goods 101,469,1117 

fruit  wrappers 103 

ice  machines 1119 

marble. 475 

misrouting 106 

steel - 110 

tomatoes 876 

Lynching,  documents  relating  to 159 

Lyon,  L.  E.,  Montgomery,  Ala.,  district 518 

Lyon,  Mildred  E.,  embryoless  wheat  .seeds...  1080 


M&M  Wood  Working  Co.,  doors..-. 165 

Maas,  Melvin  J.  (Representative  from  Minn.): 
reports  made  by- 
Foreign  .\fTairs  Com 422,553 

Maas  River,  see  Meuse  River. 

Maba,  Halmahera  Island,  chart 50 

Mabie-Lowrey  Hardware  Co.,  pumps 1034 

Mc.\leer,  Joseph  M.,  relief 968 

McAllister,  Charles  A.,  t>.  United  States 880 

Macao,  parcel-post  convention  with  U.  S 379 

Macaroni,  rates  on 299,872 

MacArthur  Brothers  Co.  v.  U.  S 355,488 

Mac.\rthur,  Fort,  portions  to  Los  Angeles •  691 

McAfee,  W.  L: 

common  birds  of  southeastern  U.  S 330 

community  bird  refuges. —    73 

food  of  sorne  well-known  birds 205 


Index,  1927-1928 


McAtee,  W.  L.— Continued. 

homes  for  birds i"»' 

how  to  attract  birds ^ 

local  names  of  migratory  game  birds lii 

propagation  of  game  birds -  ai^ 

synopsis  of  pentatomid  bugs.. m^ 

wild-duclc  foods...  —  -.... -—--^-aih  qc7 

Mc\tecr  Shipbuilding  Co.,  Inc -.  /OO, 930, 987 

MacBpth  Kvans  Glass  Co.,  lenses -i»9 

McBlainc  &  Co.,  United  States  » 91 

McBride,  H.  O.,  bridge  — ..-  —  ---  —  ------  "o^ 

McCandless,  James  S.,  Tax  Appeals  Board  v.-m, 


McCartney,  J.  L.,  Chinese  military  medicine..246, 

M'ClainSand  Co 481 

McClave,  E.  W.,  &  Son,  Inc.,  lumber 35 

McClellan,  Camp,  railroad  culverts,  etc 691, 

McClellan  National  Forest,  order  revoked 1057 

McClelland,  T.  B.,  algunos  aspect os  del  cultivo 

del     cafe.. 124 

McClintic,    James    V.    (Representative    from 
minority  views — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 095 

McClintock.  J.  A.,  ginseng  diseases 333 

McCliutock-Trunkey  Co.,  sugar 236 

McCloskey,  M.  H.,  jr..  Inc.,  v.  United  States..  749 

McCloud  River  R.  R.,  valuation 1031 

MacCluer,  F.  A.,  Inc.,  United  States  v 461 

McClung,  E.  L.,  bananas 606 

McClung,  Marshall  L.,  exercise  in  pulmonary 

tuberculosis 514 

McClure,  H.  B.: 

hay  caps 1080 

haystackers,  how  to  use  to  save  labor 649 

McClure,  W.  F.,  see  California  Power  Board. 
McCollum,  Burton: 

applications  of  earth-current  meter 220 

electrolysis  testing 285 

McComas,  E.  W.: 

beef  on  farm 330 

costs,  etc,  of  fattening  beef  cattle 400 

McComb,  Grace  S.  E.,  employment 631 

McCone  County,  Mont.: 

bridge  at  or  near  Glasgow 427, 582,  670 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  670 .--  782 

bridge  at  or  near  Wolf  Point 347, 453, 670 

McConkie,  J.  E.,  sauerkraut 525,647 

McConnell,  Nelle,  relief... 705,947,1096 

McConnell,  Wiiliam  P.,  relief 707 

McConnico,  Andrew  J.,  Nicaragua 340 

McCord,  Carey  P.,  industrial  lead  poisoning.. 1129 

MacCorkle,  W  A.,  v.  David  H.  Blair 880 

McCormick,  Marj',  relief 566,1008,1096 

M'Cormick  Brothers  Co.,  kitchen  cabinets 474 

McCormick  Steamship  Co.,  sugar 236 

McCracken  County,  Ky.,  bridge 429, 

585, 671,  819, 844, 936 

McCreery,  W.  Va.,  bridge 817,993, 1101 

McCulloch,  Lucia: 

citron,  curing  and  preserving. 333 

rot  of  gladiolus  corms 783,919 

McCullough,  C.  B.,  highway  bridge  surveys..  789 

McCune,  Martha  D.,  relief 437 

McDaniel,  A.  B.,  interlocking-rib  tOe  walls    ..  666 
McDill,  John  R.: 

national  hospital  day 264 

physiotherapeutic  movements 514 

McDonald,  Charlie,  relief _.  705,947,1096 

McDonald,  Daniel  M.,  v.  United  States 1041 

MacDonald,  Nina,  relief 706,947,1096 

McDonnell,  Edward,  v.  Ohio... 224 

McDonnell,  Patrick  A.,  v.  United  States 176 

McDowell,  J.  C: 

cooperative  bull  associations 6 

cow  tester's  handbook 401 

cow-testing  associations 144 

proved  dairy  sires.. 144 

purebred  and  grade  dairy  cows I  651 

testing  cows  for  production 144,529 

Macey,  Marguerite,  relief 677,839 

Macey,  Oliver  C,  relief. 677  839 

McFadden,  George  H.,  &  Brothers  Agency     .'  32 
MoFadden,  Louis  T.  (Representative from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by- 
Banking  and  Currency  Com 547,  944 


McFarland,  J.  Norris,  United  States  v 204 

McFarland,  W.  A.,  United  States  v 204 

McFarland,  W.  N.,  magnetic  decluiation 278 

McGarvey,  O.  A.,  stone  setting 291 

McGinley,  James  M.,  patent  appeal 413 

McGinnis,  W.  A.,  relief 550,989,1097 

McGlashan,  H.  D.,  Great  Basin  water  supply-    94 

McQrath,  T.  J.,  &  Co.,  United  States  v 224 

MeGreer  Brothers,  cattle 867 

MacGregor,  Clarence  (Representative  from 
N.  Y.): 
minority  views — 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  680 
reports  made  by- 
Accounts  Com 416, 417,  546, 806. 942, 943 

Expenditures    in    Executive    Depart- 
ments Com 951 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  681 
McGregor,  E.  A.: 

Lygus  elisis,  pest  of  cotton  regions 74 

taxonomic  status  of  Paratetranychus.  -  648,  917 

McGregors  Ferry,  bridge 685,  845, 936, 994 

Machado  da  Costa,  Oscar,  see  Costa,  Oscar 

Machado  da. 
Machen,  Arthur  W.  jr.,  strange  case  of  Florida 

V.  Mellon -  982 

McHenry,  Benjamin  S.,  relief 437,718,799 

McIIenry,  Fort: 

additional  appropriation- -..  350,592,669 

tide  calendar 50,121,181, 

248, 312,  375, 498, 626,  758, 1050, 1132 

Machine  gun,  Army  training  regulations 775 

Machine-rifle,  Browning,  parts,  etc 911 

Machine-shop  products,  census,  1925 214 

Machine  shops,  wages,  etc.,  1927 883 

Machine  tools,  census,  1925 214 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

industrial  machinery,  French  market 795 

industry  and  trade,  German 661 

problem  of  worker  displaced  by  machinery.  178 

rateson 475,738,1120 

record  book  of  business  statistics 658 

shippers'  guide  in  declaring  for  export 925 

spare  parts,  etc.,  for  seagoing  ships 88 

see  also  Farm  implements  and  machinery — 
also  special  kinds  of  machinery, 
e.  g.  Electric  machinery. 

Mclnnis,  Edward  11.,  v.  United  States 176,621 

Mack,  August  J.,  appointment 691 

Mack,  C.  H.,  acute  gingivitis 496,497 

Mack,  John,  war-savings  stamps 549,839 

McKane,  George  N.,  v.  United  States 43, 240 

McKay,  A.  W.,  citrus-fruit  marketing  agen- 
cies  -5 

McKavCreek  Bird  Refuge,  lands  set  apart 58 

McKean  County.  Pa.,  bridge 816.990. 1098 

McKee,  ILL.,  bridge 818,936,994 

McKee.  Roland,  Chinese  dwarf  lemon 145 

McKeesport,  Pa.,  bridge 558,710,803 

McKeesport  Tin  Plate  Co 112 

McKeever,  Lucille,  fruits  and  vegetables 142 

McKellar,  Kenneth  (Senator  from  Tenn.): 
report  made  by — 

Library  Com 851 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com.  856, 1011 

Macken  W.  T.,  curbing 469 

McKenzie  Construction  Co.,  Inc 115 

Mackinaw,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

McKinley,  William  B.,  memorial  addresses...  287 

McKinley,  Fort,  water  pipe  line 852,  968, 1100 

McKinley   National    Park,   see   Mount   Mc- 
Kinley National  Park. 
McKinney,  H.  H.: 

methods  in  virus  studies 71,210 

mosaic  virus 71, 210 

wheat  mosaic  control 211 

McKinney,  R.  S.,  manure,  spontaneous  igni- 
tion  1079 

McKinney,  W.  E.,  see,  as  successor,  Moore, 

McKnight,  Samuel  H.,  v.  United  States.. .  240, 289 

McLatchie,  Anna,  v.  United  States 460 

McLaughlin,  Kate,  reinstatement 1140 

McLaughlin,  Whortin  B.,  patent  appeal 1092 

McLavy,  J.  R.,  chemistry  of  blood 502 

MacLean,  H.  C,  Italy's  monetary  policy 151 

McLean  County,  111.,  swine  sanitation 401 




McLeod,    Clarence   J.    (Representative   from 
reports  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 551, 

678,  679, 809,  810, 949,  950 

Patents  Com _.    566 

McLeod,  Helen  V.,  to  sign  land  patents 381 

McLouth,  Sydney  C,  Ingram-Day  Lumber 

Co.  V 369 

McMahon,  Hattie  M.,  relief 808,  840, 1096 

McManus,  Agnes  M.,  relief 706,947,1096 

McManus,  George  .).,  relief... 706,947, 1096 

McMaster,  W.  H.  (Senator  from  S.  Dak.): 
reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 706,840,986,987 

Indian  Affairs  Com 715, 848,  849, 998, 999 

Military  Affairs  Com 591,  719, 1002, 1003 

McMullin,  Margaret,  relief 707 

McMullin,  William,  jr.,  relief 707 

McMurray,  J.  F.,  v.  Choctaw  Indians,  etc 43 

McMurtrey,  J.  E.,  jr.,  flue-cured  tobacco 276 

McMyler  Interstate  Co.  v.  United  States 1017 

McNabb,  George,  influenza  epidemic 887 

MacNair,  Mary  W.: 

American  doctoral  dissertations,  1926,  etc.  885 

subject  headings 885 

subject  headings  with  local  subdivisions..  1130 
McNary,  Charles  L.  (Senator  from  Oreg.): 
paper  presented  by — 

Muscle  Shoals  project 447 

reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 448, 

449,  572,  573,  703,  704,  835, 836, 837, 

Appropriations  Com 704 

Commerce  Com. 990 

Conference  Com 940 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 589 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 458, 

856, 857, 858, 1013, 1015 
McNaught,  Waldo  F.,  national  hospital  day..  264 

Macneal,  Donald  B.,  hoisting  machinery 736 

McNeil,  Edwin  C,  v.  United  States... 460 

McNeU,  George  W.,  relief 437 

McNeUl,  Chauncey  S.,  reappointment 437 

McNight,  Samuel  H.,».  United  States 90 

Macomber,  Esther,  occupational  therapy 392 

McPhee,  Hugh  C,  swine  herdbook,   se.x   data 

source 6 

McPherson,  A.T.,  rubber-sulphur  compounds.     155 

McQuade,  Peter,  United  States  v 1111 

McQueen,  Sallie  E.,  relief 697,930,1013 

Macready,  Edward  D.,  relief  of  widow 437 

Macready,  Sallie  M.,  relief 437 

McReynolds,    S.    D.    (Representative    from 
Tenn.) : 
report  made  by— 

Foreigp  -A.ffairs  Com 553 

McShane,  Julian  J.,  pay  for  mother 442, 

457  543  595 

McShane,  Maria  J.,  to  pay 442, 457,  543'  595 

McSwain,  John  J.  (Representative  from  S.  C): 
reports  made  by — 

Mflitary  Affairs  Com 350, 

352, 433, 434, 435, 438, 440,  563,  564, 
565,  690,  691, 692, 693, 823, 825,  966, 
967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973. 
McSweeney,  John  (Representative  from  Ohio) : 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  Com 806 

Military  .\flairs  Com 968 

Mactracea  from  Florida 1114 

McWhorter,  V.  O.,  farm  sheep  raising... 784 

MacWiUiams,  W.  H.,  visit  of  Virginia  nurses 
to    Pharmacist's    Mates    School, 

Portsmouth 120 

Madagascar,  pUot... 248 

Madden,  Martin  B.  (Representative  from  HI.) : 
reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com 347,547 

Conference  Com 345,545 

Madeleine,  French  steamship: 
claim  of  owner — 

law 934 

report  of  committee 553 

report  of  State  Dept 386 


Madison,  Ind.,  bridge 427,582,670 

Madison,  Wis.,  aerological  data,  analysis 790 

Madison  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 427,582,670 

Madison  County,  Miss.,  bridge 583,685,803 

Madison  Natiorial  Forest,  Executive  order...  1140 

Madras  Roadstead,  chart 312 

Madry,  Myra,  relief 519,987 

Magazines,  see  Periodicals. 

Magen,  Herbert,  v.  United  States..  _ 1041 

Maggot,  see  Apple  maggot. 

Magill,  John,  relief 437 

Magistad,  Oscar,  soU  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis..  789 

costs  in  U.  S.,  India,  and  Greece 508 

duty  increase,  proclamation 318,  508 


and  light  alloys. 541 

corrosion  of  magnesium  and  alloys. 119 

production,    1928,    magnesium    and    com- 
pounds  217 

IMagness,  Laurance  F.,  patent  appeal 663 

Magnet  steels,  choice  and  utilization 415 

Magnetic  concentration  of  iron  ores  of  Ala 281 

Magnetic  declination,  see  Compass. 

Magnetic  iron  oxides 258 

Magnetic  observatories,  see  names  of  observa- 
Magnetism,  see  Terrestrial  magnetism. 
INIagnolia  Petroleimi  Co.: 

tanks 617 

United  States  d 43,305,369 

Magnusson,  Leifur,  international  competition 

in  labor.. 117 

Magoon,  C.  A.,  quality  in  corn 9 

Magoon,  H.  C,  relief 947,987,1096 

Magpie,  relation  to  agriculture 272 

Mah-jong  sets,  rates  on 105 

Mahakam  River,  see  Kutei  River. 

Maher.  P.  P.,  rontgen  rav  in  appendicitis  (2)..    48 

Mahone,  J.  K.,  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 559,583,935 

Mahoney,  Jeremiah  F.,  relief 437 

Mahoning  County,  Ohio,  bridges 347,544,579 

Mahoning  River: 

bridge  at  Warren,  Ohio 557,669,708 

bridge  at  Youngstown,  Ohio 347, 

425,  544, 579, 669 

viaduct  at  Niles,  Ohio... 957,1100 

Mahoning  Valley  R.  R.,  valuation 163 

Maicr,  Charles  G.,  bubbles  of  gas  in  liquids 19 

Mail-bo.xes,  see  Letter-boxes. 
MaO-carriers,  see  Letter-carriers. 
MaO-cars,  see  Post-office  cars. 

MaU  contracts,  screen  wagons 315 

see  also  Air  mail. 
Mail  delivery: 

community  maU  boxes 829, 1100 

rural  delivery — 

county  maps,  price  list 127 

estimate  of  appropriation 1066 

see  also  names  of  cities. 
MaU  matter: 

accepting  without  postage  stamps  affixed..  315 

addressing  mail,  proper  manner 629 

advertising  matter,  remission  of  duty 379 

Christmas  mail,  cooperation  of  the  pubhc.  253 
Coast  Guard  mail,  rules  for  handling..  389,903 

coUect-on-delivery  service,  extension 976 

cost  ascertainment,  instruction  letters 1137 

cost  ascertainment,  report,  1927 379,894 

estimate,  foreign  mail  transportation 1066 

first-class  not  for  insurance  orC.  O.  D 503 

foreign  mail — 

regular  and  parcel  post 253 

schedule  of  steamers 126, 

186,  254,  316,  503,  630,  763,  1054,  1139 

transactions,  statistics 125 

forwarded,  notification  to  sender 185 

forwarding  and  returning  maU 315 

franked  and  penalty  maU,  handhng 894 

franking  privUege,  Pan  American  Postal 

Union  members 829 

letters  in  business  reply  envelopes 1136 

lotterj'  paraphernalia,  etc 721, 1011 

new  address  of  addressee,  to  notify  sender..  629 
poisons,  transmission  in  mails 829, 1011 


Index,  1927-1928 

Mail  matter— Continued. 

due  on  short-paid  matter 1138 

forms  to  notify  of  mail  held 629 

on  2d-class  matter. llg» 

on  3(l-class  matter JJ^s 

regular  mails  to  foreign  countries 1138 

prepaid  metered  and  nonmetered  mail- 
conditions  governing,  modification —  1137 

hearings lO}} 

minority  views luji 

report - .-—  ^^il 

rates  to  U.  S.  steamships  for  transporting..  976 

receipts  for  ordinary  mail Qi'e 

regulating  postal  rates- 
hearings.... 696,854 

law - 1102 

postal  instructions --  1138 

feports 696,854,941 

reports  on  form  3580  and  form  3039 762 

rural  routes,  etc.,  addresses  simplified 315 

stciimship  companies  required  to  carry 976 

undeliverahle — 

improper  defacement  of  addresses 2.53 

key  number  on  notices  to  publishers...  315 
not  bearing  forwarding,  etc.,  pledge. __.  762 

unsolicited  merchandise  in  mails 829 

see  also  Air  mail— Parcel  post— Registered 
Mail  receptacles,  see  Letter-boxes. 

Mail  robbers,  more  drastic  punishment 976 

Mail  trains,  see  Railway  Mail  Service. 
Mails,  see  Mail  matter— Postal  service. 
Mails  and  Files  Section,  Reclamation  Bur., 

oflice  system  and  filing  system 96 

Maimbung  Bay,  chart... ..-    82 


post  route  map 630 

Maine  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 404 

Maine  Central  R.  R.,  sublease  of  line..- _  296 

Maine  Co-operative  Sardine  Co 240 

Maine,  Gulf  of,  physical  oceanography 339 

Maine  Spinning  Co.,  bobbins 97 

Maize,  see  Corn. 

Majene  Road,  chart... 312 

Majestic  Hotel,  relief.  _ 546,547,836,930 

Makah  Reservation,  road  to  Neah  Bay 848 

Makaroff,  W.  S.,  United  States  v 860 

Makassar  Road,  chart 312 

Makassar  Strait,  charts 312,626 

Makaweli,  Hawaii,  chart 794 

.\rala.  Cape,  Republic  of  Panama 496 

Malabrigo  Road,  see  Chicama,  Puerto. 
Malakoff  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

among  Mexican  cotton  pickers  in  Miss 63 

at  Port  de  Paix,  Haiti,  survey 887, 1047 

cause,  etc. ,  lessons  for  schools 1147 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

inoculation 263 

outbreak  at  Olongapo,  P.  I 888. 1047 

prevention  and  control 246,247 

relation  of  moscjuito  fish 190 

some  facts  about  malaria ._ 918 

spleen  rate  as  measure  of  prevalence 197 

spleens  in  measurement  of  malaria 391,  639 

tertian,  treatment  of  neurosyphilis 514 

transmission  by  southern  Anopheles...  263,391 
Malay  Archipelago: 

East  Indies  pilot,  supplements 757, 1049 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts 1049 

markets  of  Netherlands  East  Indies.  152 

Malaya,  see  British  Malaya. 

Maldonado  Bay,  chart 759 

Malemba  Bay,  chart '""    50 

-Males,  see  Men. 

Mallard  Brokerage  Co.,  misrouting  1120 

.Malleable  Iron  Range  Co 859 

Malley,  Mary,  relief  of  executors  '  987 

Malley,  Thomas,  exr.,  relief ""'  987 

Malley,  William,  exr.,  relief  .  qr? 

Malloch,  J.  R.:  °' 

American  2-winged  flies,  Sapromyzidae        1143 
synopsis  of  pentatomid  bugs  633 

Malloy,  Pat,  receiver,  v.  M.-K.-T.  R  R       """l029 
Malone,  .1.  T.: 

bronchial  asthma  and  tuberculosis  640 

role  of  in  pulmonary  infections I  135 


Malott,  J.  O.,  commercial  education,  1924-26.. 1113 

Malt  syrup,  rates  on 738 

Malta  fever,  problem  for  laboratories 773,  1069 


Central  American,  helminth  parasites 767 

nematodes  parasitic  in  intestines _  767 

Mammoth  Cave  National  Park: 

medal  in  honor  of  establishment — 

hearings 1106 

report 949        g 

Man,  insects  injurious  to.  Govt,  pubs 292, 1113        I 

see  also  Anthropology— Ethnology— Men.  " 

Manassa  Timber  Co.,  piling 740      1 

Mandel.  Fred  L.,  v.  David  H.  Blair 241 

Mandible,  fractures 907 

Manev,  Anna  M.,  v.  United  States 488 

Mangan,  Daniel,  relief 437,1004,1096 


and  manganiferous  ores  in  1926 282 

deposit  in  Bannock  County,  Idaho 464, 1114 

deposits  near  Lake  Crescent,  Wash.,  etc..  1114 
in  magnesium  aluminum  alloys,  corrosion.  119 

Manganitu  Bay,  chart 51 


cultivo  del  mango  en  la  America  Latina.  _.  253 
Mangold,    M.    W.,   unerupted  and   impacted 

teeth 49 

Manila, P.  I.,  land  for  military  purposes. _  505 

Manila  rope,  see  Rope. 

Manistee,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

Manitou  Islands,  chart 137 

Manitou  Passage,  chart 200 

Manley,  James  A.,  relief 968, 1004, 1096 

Mann,  L.,  coal  in  1925 _..  411 

Mann,  Lawrence  B.: 

foreign  trade,  calendar  year  1927 660 

foreign  trade,  fiscal  year  1926-27 151 

same,  with  slight  changes  (in  Spanish)    378 

Mann  Lumber  Co.  v.  United  States 859 

Manners  and  customs,  classification 885 

Manning,  Daniel,  see  Mangan,  Daniel. 

Manono  Anchorage,  chart 759 

Manowitz,  Jacob,  v.  United  States 748 

Mansfield,  Fred  C,  Co.,  evaporated  milk 870 

Mansfield,  George  R.: 

geography,  etc.,  of  part  of  Idaho 464 

metals  and  nonmetals,  1927 1 1 14 

Mansfield,  W'endell  C: 

fossil  forms  from  Maryland 60 

Pleistocene  and  Pliocene  faunas 728 

Mansfield  Hardwood  Lumber  Co.. 1033 

Manske,  Henry,  jr.,  relief 694 

Manter,  James  E.,  receiver,  v.  United  States    116,370 

Manti  National  Forest,  land  in  Utah.. 1057 

Mantle  Lamp  Co.  of  America  v.  U.  S 289,620 


accounting  officers,  1925,  change 251 

Army  training  manuals — 

Army  cook 908 

basic  signal  communication 1072, 1150 

hydrographic  surveying 136 

list  of  manuals 641 

Marine  Corps  distribution 625 

message  center  specialist 1072 

meteorological  observer 136 

packer ..  265 

signal  communication 136 

telegraph  operators 136 

topography  and  surveying 775, 908, 1072 

courts-martial,  Apr.  1,  1928 381,520 

engineering  instructions — 

changes 246 

chapters 120, 496,  625,  754,  755, 886, 887 

reprints  of  chapters 119, 180, 

309,  496, 625,  753,  754, 755,  756, 886, 887 

Jefferson's  manual 222,416 

landing-force.. 756 

meat  business,  retail 26 

naval  district,  1927 247 

Navy  courses,  standard  practice 1131 


Marine  Corps,  changes 48,887 

Medical  Department,  Army,  changes.  394 

Medical  Department,  Navy 496 

National  Guard,  basic  training 326,394 

Prohibition  Bur.,  field  oflSce  manual.. .  262 

Reclamation  Bur... 294 

Senate... 222 



Manuals— Continued, 
of— Continued. 

Supply  Corps,  Navy,  1922,  changes.  313, 627 

Yards  and  Docks  Bur.,  changes ._  123 

Yards  and  Docks  Bur.,  index 123 

paints  and  painting,  sailors'  manual 180 

patents,  classification,  corrections,  etc 86, 

283,  284, 413 

survey  of  public  lands,  supplement 227, 293 

traverse,  Ist-order 338 

triangulation  computation  and  adjustment.  793 

United  States  park  police 188 

wood  and  glue  for  Navv  aircraft 753 

Yellowstone  Nat.  Pk.,  R.  R.  visitors,  1928.  1115 

Manuay,  Canal  de  la,  chart .  626 

Manufacturers'  Association  of  Chicago  Heights: 

machinery 1120 

sand 301 

Manufacturers'  Electric  Terminal  Ry.: 

bridge  across  IMissouri  River 558,709,802 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  558  „ 646 

Alanufaeturers  Foundry  Co.: 

cast-iron.- 733 

sand 616 

Manufacturers  Railway  (St.  Louis): 
e.xeess  income — 

Interstate  Commerce  Comn.  orders...    38, 
Manufacturers     Railway     v.     United 

States 301,307,346,1042 

United  States  v.  Manufacturers  Rail- 
way  . 1042 

valuation 168 

Manufacturers  Traffic  Bureau,  cast-iron 732 

census,  1925 — 

biennial  census 1087 

industries.  States  and  cities 149,338 

summary  by  industry  groups,  etc 278 

census,  1927 — 

classes  not  to  be  canvassed 408 

classifications  by  industries 535 

census  pubhcations  for  sale 358 

employment  in  selected  industries 45,116, 

178,  244, 308. 372, 491,  751,  883, 1044, 1129 
publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs.. .  93, 1112 
see  aho  names  of  manufactured  articles. 

rates  on 105 

spontaneous  ignition 1079 

see  aho  Green  manuring. 

loth  century,  in  Vollbehr  collection 884 

relating  to  Indian  affairs,  printing 596 

Manuscripts  Commission,  «ee  Historical  Manu- 
scripts Commission. 

Manzano  National  Forest 568,  703,  801, 856 

Manzi,  Amalia,  I  nited  States  » 131,488, 1045 

Mapes,  Carl  E.  (Representative  from  Mich.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 559,818  256 

Maple  Island,  homestead  entry 

Maple  sugar:  651 

composition,  analysis,  etc ,  956 

production 785 

Maple  syrup,  production 785 

Maps  and  charts: 

air  navigation  maps 775, 909, 1150 

airway  maps 148,  407 

compilation  from  aerial  photographs 604 

copyrighted ...  118, 179,  309,  373, 493, 623, 752, 886 

copyrighted,  1926,  index,  etc 245 

issued  by — 

Aeronautics  Branch,  Commerce  Dept.  407, 


Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 15, 82, 150, 

214, 279, 338, 408,  536, 659, 793, 923, 1088 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  catalogues.  82, 

314,  659 

Forest  Service 8,75,145, 

208,  274,  332,  403,  531,  652,  787,  918,  1083 

General  Land  Office... 360 

Geological  Survey,  maps 95, 

161, 360, 604, 864 

Geological  Survey,  topographic  maps..  95, 

161, 228, 294, 360, 604, 729, 864, 1114 

Maps  and  charts— Continued, 
issued  by — Continued. 

Hydrographic  Office 50, 122, 

181, 248, 312,  375. 498,  626, 758, 889. 1050, 1133 

Hydrographic  Office,  aviation  charts.    121, 

181,  248,  312, 375, 498, 889, 1133 

Hydrographic  Office,  catalogue.. 121 

National  Park  Service 1023 

Northern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Sur- 

vey__.. 137,200,520,779,1074 

Reclamation  Bureau 1023 

Weather  Bureau 11,  77, 

147,  212,  277,  335,  406,  534,  656,  657,  790, 


maps  for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents..  463, 1113 

mOitary,  Govt,  agencies  to  assist..  437,  934, 1004 

navigational  charts,  information...  626,627,759 

post  route  maps,  list 630,631 ' 

post  route  maps,  price  list 631 

route  chart 890 

rural  delivery  maps,  price  list 127 

telegraph  chart  of  the  world 1 134 

use  of  Harriman  geographic  code- 
hearings 805,942 

minority  views 1105 

report 942 

see  also  Charts — aho  names  of  cities,  rivers, 

Mar  Chiquita  Lagoon,  chart 181 

Mar  del  Plata,  Argentina,  chart 312 

Maracaibo,  Gulf  of,  chart 1134 


maintenance  of  interior  marble 220 

rates  on _ 106,473,475,1031 

Marcellus,  M.  B.,  giardia  intestinalis 135 

Marcus,  Benjamin,  v.  United  States 241 

Marcus,  Henry,  &  Son,  United  States  v 204 

Marcus,  Jacob,  v.  United  States 241 

Mare  Island  Strait,  chart 16 

Marianna  &  Blountstown  R.  R 168 

Marietta  quadrangle,  Ohio-W.  Va 228 

Marin,  Joseph  N.,  relief 826 

Marine     Band    to    attend     Confederate    re- 
union  827,934 

Marine  Barracks,  Quantico,  sanitation  dept...    49 

Marine  boilers,  see  Boilers. 

Marine  Citv,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry..  255 

Marine  Corps 48, 120,  310,  374,  625,  756, 887 

anticholera  vaccination  at  Shanghai 888 

claims  of  members  at  training  camps 1107 

maintenance  in  Nicaragua,  cost  data 886 

manual,  changes 48,887 

officers — 

directory 120,247,497,888 

in  District  of  Columbia,  Nov.  1,  1927..  311 

precedence  with  ambassadors,  etc 187 

register,  1928 756 

to  accept  foreign  decorations 441, 

595,  939, 1099 
operators'  permits  for  Govt,  vehicles . .  586,  810 

orders 120,310,625,756 

postal  employees,  credit  for  service.. 1011 

Provisional  Regiment,  3d  brigade 887 

publications.  Government 727 

register,  1928 756 

relief  of  members  who  misrepresented  age.  828 

report,  1927 374,753 

warrant  officers,  etc.,  employed  by  The 

Panama  Canal 559,671 

see  aho  Pay,  Marine  Corps. 
Marine  Corps  emergency  officers'  retired  list, 
see  Emergency  officers'  retired  list. 
Marine  Corps  Reserve: 

act  to  provide  for  creation,  etc.,  sec.  14 91 

directory 120,247,497,888 

relief  of  former  officers 457 

relief  of  retired,  etc.,  members. -. 694 

retainer  pay,  date  for  filing  claims 826 

Marine  engineering: 

bulletin  of  engineering  information  _ 246, 


index  to  nos.  17-30.. 1047 

manual  of  engineering  instructions- 
changes  -  -  - 246 

chapters 120,  496,  625, 754,  755, 886, 887 

reprints  of  chapters 119, 180, 

309, 496,  625,  753,  754,  755, 756, 886, 887 
tables 887 


Index,  1927-1928 


Marine  hospitals,  see  Hospitals. 

Marine  insurance  and  general  average bi 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

Marine  Standards  Committee,  see  American 

Marine  Standards  Committee. 
Mariners,  see  Sailors— also  Notice  to  mariners. 
Marines,  see  Marine  Corps. 

Marinette,  Wis.,  bridge.  -  -  5.57,  562, 579, 669,  672,  70S 
Marinette,  Tomahawk  &  Western  R.  R.,  de- 
ficit status... -  106 

Marion  &  Linn  County  R.  R 107 

Marion  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 560, 

Maritime  Conference  for  Safety  of  Life  at  Sea. 
see  International  Maritime  Confer- 
ence for  Safety  of  Life  at  Sea. 
Maritime  quarantine,  see  Quarantine. 
Maritime  workers,  see  Employers'  liability  and 
workmen's  compensation. 

Marked  Tree,  Ark.,  bridge 560,710,9.36 

Markers,  see  Monuments  and  memorials. 
Market  gardening: 

tomatoes  as  truck  crop. 210 

vegetable  seeds  for  market  garden 210 


agricultural  relief  (surplus  control)— 

bill  and  prospectus,  Poindexter  plan...  353 

e.xport  debenture  plan 546 

hearings 546, 675, 806,  983 

minority  views 806 

reports 704,806,832,939 

statement  of  William  Hollings worth...  983 

veto  message 1056 

agricultural  associations 526 

agricultural  census,  1925,  county  tables.  12, 
13, 14, 15,  79, 80,  81, 82, 149, 150 

citrus  fruit  agencies 5 

grain  in  western  Canada 526 

joint  use  of  sales  organization 400 

livestock  associations 526 

Radio  Farm  School  article.^ 919 

news  service  to  Montgomery,  Ala 525 


beef,  classes  and  grades 5 

cowpea  seed  crop 1080 

crude  rubber 410 

eggs... 5 

electrical  equipment 17, 83, 151 

farm  produce  by  parcel  post 400 

farm  timber 274 

fishery  products  in  St.  Louis,  Mo 409 

grapes,  eastern 648 

lumber,  end-matched  softwood 12 

milk  and  cream  in  New  England 205 

onions _..  401 

poultry 5, 526 

seeds,  hints  for  farmer 72 

strawberries,  preparation  for  market.  72,  649 

wheat 18 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs..  225, 1020 

Radio  Farm  School  article 653 

research  agencies,  guide  to  publications 216 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

unfair  practices,  to  suppress 836 

Marketing    Division,    Cooperative,    see    Co- 
operative Marketing  Division. 

discontinuance    of    Pa.    ave.    market    in 
D.  C- 

hearings. HOg 

reports 696,855,977 

farmers'  market  in  D.  C,  site- 
hearings 810, 846 

letter  from  D.  C.  commissioners 356 

minority  views.. .._ 551,846 

report  of  Bureau  of  Efficiency '551 

reports  of  committees 421,551  846 

statements  relative  to  3  sites  551 

food  distribution  district  in  D.  C  "  950 

foreign  markets  for— 

automotive  products.  New  Zealand        409 
canned  foods,  British  Malaya..  660 

chemicals,  Canadian  market,  etc  151 

electrical  equipment 216 

,    ,  .     ,  280, 339, 537,"66i,"794, 795 

electrical  machinery... 409,537,1090 

nosiery,  British  market  18 

Markets— Continue  d . 

foreign  markets  for — Continued. 

industrial  machinery,  French  market..  795 

leather 795 

lumber,  Peru 661 

motion  pictures 84, 339, 795, 925 

prepared  medicines 18 

radio 152,216 

tools,  British  market 18, 340,  538 

tractors 84 

underwear,  British  market 84 

windmills.. 340 

improvement  of  Western  Market  in  D.  C.  810 
see  also  Crops  and  markets  (periodical). 

Markham,  C.  H.,  v.  United  States 460,620,748 

Markle,  C.  N.,  relief 987 

Marko,  Joseph,  relief 969 

Marks,  Bennie,  v.  Ohio 224 

Marks,  John,  relief 974 

Marksmanship,  see  Target  practice. 
Marlatt,  C.  L.: 

cockroaches 207 

house  ants,  kinds  and  methods  of  control..  529 
see  also  Entomology  Bm'eau. 

Marley,  Michael,  relief 691 

Marmer,  H.  A.,  tidal  datum  planes 214 

Marmot  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Marquesas  Islands,  chart 249 

Marquette,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

Marquez  quadrangle,  Tex... 229 

Marquis  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Marr,  James  C,  irrigation  of  cotton 1084 


American  citizens  abroad. ._ 634 

census  report,  1926 922 

Marriner,  Jessie  L.,  maternity,  etc.,  work 491 

Marron,  Joseph  E.,  v.  United  States 241 

Mars  (planet): 

radiometric  measurements,  etc 21 

Marsh,  C.  Dwight: 

coyotillo,  poisonous  plant _.  649 

Mexican  whorled  milkweed 205 

stock-poisoning  death  camas 916 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisoning  plants 527 

Marshall,  F.  R.: 

breeds  of  sheep  for  farm 784 

farm  sheep  raising  for  beginners 1081 

Marshall,  Robert,  influence  of  precipitation 405 

Marshall,  Samuel  J.  D.,  relief 969 

Marshall,  Walter  K.,  flour  for  pretzels... 329 

Marshall,  AVilliam,  patent  appeal 342 

Marshall,  William  B.: 

Australian  land  shell  and  its  allies 258 

mollusks  of  genus  Corbicula 192 

Marshall  Field  &  Co.,  see  Field,  Marshall,  & 


duties  of  bailiffs  in  U.  S.  courts 686 

boats,  etc.,  attached  in  admiralty 963 

deposit 432 

in  District  of  Columbia 431 

to  regulate  accounts  rel.  to  fees,  etc 432, 

1001, 1100 

leave  of  absence  in  Canal  Zone 188 

pension  to  deputy  marshals  in  Ark.,  etc 432 

salary  of  marshals  of  Supreme  Court 432, 

590, 804, 805 

Marson,  Clifford  J.,  patent  appeal. 663 

Marston,  Roy  L.,  appointment.. 692 

Martin,  Charles  D.,  tractors,  foreign  markets..    84 

Martin,  Garrett  M.,  relief 564 

Martin,  Glenn  L.,  Co.  v.  United  States... 369 

Martin,  H.  G.,  bridge 955 

Martin,  J.  B.,  claims 1021 

Martin,  J.  F.,  protect  pine  from  blister  rust.  1083 

Martin,  James  V.,  Aeroplane  Co.  v.  U.  S 305 

Martin,  John  H.: 

club  wheats .-  334 

combined  harvester-thresher  in  Qt.  Plains.  648 

common  white  wheats 334 

durum  wheats 789 

grains  for  western  N.  and  S.  Dak.,  etc 275 

shall  I  buy  a  combine? 916 

utilization     of    calcium     compounds    by 

hens 783,915 

winter  hardiness  of  wheat... 269,404 

Martin,  Joseph  N.,  relief 826 



Martin.  Joseph  W.,  jr.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com.. 553,554 

Martin,  Louis,  relief 437 

Martin,  Percy  A.,  labor  legislation  in  Uruguay.  244, 

Martin,  R.  F.  R.,  soil  of  Worcester  Co.,  Mass..  276 

Martin,  Verey  G.,  agricultural  teachers 1018 

Martin,  William,  relief 564 

Martinez,  Julia,  igualdad  de  derechos  para  la 

mujer 1136 

Marvil  Package  Co.,  logs 872 

Marvin,  Charles  F.,  jr.,  combustion  time  in 

engine  cylinder 245 

Marvin,  John  D.,  military  record 437 

Mary  M.,  barge,  relief  of  owners 987 


bridge  at  Paw  Paw,  W.  Va 959 

corn-growing  enterprise,  operative  jobs 26 

fisheries,  list  of  publications 408 

fossil  forms 60 

Hessian  fly,  status  of  parasites 648,786 

Pleistocene  faunas... 728 

postal  service — 

post  route  map.. 630 

schedule  of  mail  trains 127, 


topographic  map 294 

tornado  of  Nov.  17,  1927 ___  534 

Maryland  &  Delaware  Coast  Ry 1032 

Maryland  &  Pennsylvania  R.  R.,  valuation. ..  872 

Maryland  Casualty  Co.  v.  United  States 223 

Maryland  University,  students  from  D.  C 811 

Mashike  Hakuchi,  chart 1051 

Maskell  species  of  scale  insects 129 

Masks,  see  Gas  masks. 

Mason,  F.  H.,  v.  C.  F.  Routzahn 241 

Mason,  J.  .\lden: 

archaeological  work  in  S.  -America,  1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

Mason,  Landon  R.,  commission,  etc 5G4 

Mason,  Silas  C,  date  culture 9 

Mason  &  Hanger  Company 90 

Mason  &  Hanger  Contracting  Company 723, 

748, 859 

Mass  exchange  in  free  air 11 


Agriculture  Department- 
soil  survey  of  Worcester  County 276 

cancer,  voluntary  reporting 196 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  391,  639 

forest-fire  weather 1085 

Myra  C.  Hill  v 224 

post  route  map 630 

roadside  improvement 1084 

Massachusetts  Bay,  cod  eggs,  production 536 

Massasoit  Manufacturing  Co.,  mops 1032 

Massin,  Irving,  &  Brothers,  United  States  p...  290 
Master  specifications,  see  Federal  Specifications 
Board,  specifications. 

Mastin,  Thomas  H.,  v.  David'  H.  Blair 1041 

Mataatu  Harbor,  Savaii  Island,  chart 759 

Matamoros,  Mexico,  bridge.. 818,993,1102 

Matanuska-Knik  district,  .Alaska,  geology 360 

Matanzas,  Fort,  refuge  for  birds 127 

jSIatches,  rates  on 1032 

Materiel  Division,  Air  Corps 137, 

325,  516,  642,  777, 909, 1151 
Maternity,  see  Mothers. 

Maternity  and  Infancy  Act,  Conference  of 
State  Directors  in  Charge  of  Local 
Administration  of,  see  Conference 
of  State  Directors  in  Charge  of 
Local  .Administration  of  Maternity 
and  Infancy  Act. 
Mather,  Kirtley  F..  geology,  etc.,  of  Colo._  604,863 
Matheson,  Kenneth  J.: 

cottage  cheese  in  the  home 272 

cottage  cheese  manufacture.. 7 

neufchatel  and  cream  cheese 7 

Mathews,  Alfred  W..  relief 442 

Mathews,  Kate,  relief 451,549,799 

Mathias,  Luc,  relief. .- 420 

Mathis  quadrangle,  Tex 229 


Mats  and  matting,  grass  and  coir,  census,  1925..  148 

Matsugahama  Wan,  chart... 53 

Mattern,  Frank  C,  exr.,  v.  United  States.  42, 1110 
Matthes,  F.  E.,  Yosemite  National  Park,  etc..  1023 
Matthiessen,  Eda  (Edna,  p.  90,  incorrect): 

F.  United  States 90,35,5,1041 

Matthiessen,  F.  W.,  jr.,  v.  United  States 90, 

Mattice,  W.  A.: 

spring  temperatures,  rel.  to  apple  yields...  405 

weather  influence  on  crop  yields 790 

Matting,  see  Mats  and  matting. 
Matloon,  Wilbur  R.: 

forestry  and  farm  income 402 

forestry  lessons  on  home  woodlands 652 

help  prevent  woods  fires 8 

measuring,  etc.,  farm  timber 274 

shortleaf  pine  primer 208 


kinds  and  sizes  for  ship  equipment.. 88 

rates  on 106 

Matz,  PhUip  B.; 

artificial  pneumothorax 1149 

standardization  of  laboratory  work — 

examination  of  sputum 392,514 

gastric  and  duodenal  contents 1070, 1149 

spinal  fluid 514, 640, 774, 907, 1070, 1071 

urinalysis  (2) -.  392 

tuberculosis,  intercurrent  diseases 197 

Maucher,  J.  V.,  jr.,  net-energj'  values  of  corn 

silage,  etc - 3 

Maud  expedition,  1922-25,  scientific  work 190 

Maui  Island,  chart 1088 

Maxcy,  K.  F.,  spleens  in  malaria.. 391,  639 

Maxeiner,  Stanley  R.,  surgery  of  chest,  etc.,  in 

tuberculosis 197 


needle  for  anesthesia  of  maxillary  nerve.  246, 247 

tumor  of  maxilla 1071 

Maxwell,  .Toseph  A.,  Sons  Commission  Co 104 

Maxwell's  method  of  capacitance  measurement  343 

Mayaguez  Bay,  chart 338 

Mayfield,  Earle  B.  (Senator  from  Tex.): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 573 

Claims  Com...  451, 452,  574,  575, 838, 985, 986 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 1000 

Mavkovica,  Maria,  relief 451 

Mayo,  Chester  G.,  relief 827 

Mayor,  .Alfred  G.,  biographical  memoir 494 

Massville,  Ky.,  bridge 427,583,670,710 

Maysville  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 427,583,670 

Maysville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 710 

Ma\"u  River,  chart 182 

Mavumba  Bav,  chart 50 

Mazer  Acoustile  Co.  v.  United  States..  723,859,880 

]Mead,  Bennet,  deaf-mute  population 792 

Meade,  George  G.,  monumeut,  address  of  Pres- 
ident Coolidge 255 

Meade,  Camp,  area  restored 382 

Meade  National  Forest,  order  rescinded 382 

Meadow  mice,  in  Calif.,  tularaemia  among.  639, 906 

Meadows,  Wye  &  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  p... 461 

Meal,  standard  of  weights,  etc 551. 704 

see  also  Fish-meal. 

Measles,  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

see  also  German  measles. 
Measures,  see  Weights  and  measures. 
Measuring  instruments: 

electrical,  standards  for  (Spanish  trans.)...    84 

operation,  care,  and  repair 496,625 


commercial  cuts  of  meat 329 

Government  supplies 511, 1069 

grading,  estimate. 636 

rates  on 299,475,612,738,1032 

retail  business,  manual 26 

see  also  names  of  meats. 

Meat-inspection  supplies  for  Government 511 

Meat  packing  industry,  see  Packing  industry. 
Mechanics"  helpers  in  post  office  motor  vehicle 

service,  promotion... 829,1101 

Mechanics,  United  .American,  Junior  Order  of, 
see  Junior  Order  of  United  Ameri- 
can Mechanics. 
Medal  Brick  fz  Tile  Co.,  bricks 98 


Index,  1927-1928 



award  to—  ,„„^ 

Amundsen,  Roald 1095 

Chamberlin,  Clarence  D --  948 

Ellsworth,  Lincoln 841,964,1095 

Levine,  Charles  A. ._ 948 

Nobile,  rraberto..- 1095 

Read,  Albert  C,  and  companions 1009 

coinage  of  Longfellow  medals 574 

establishment   of   Mammoth    Cave    Nat. 
hearings 1106 

report. - 949 

for  distinguished  work  by  Govt,  employees  964 
gratuitous  issue,  replacement, etc.  691,934,1004 
in  honor  of  Thomas  A.  Edison....  809,  984, 1104 
in  honor  of  Charles  A.  Lindbergh- 
estimate 1066 

hearings - 551 

law.-.. 937 

reports -  551 

information  relating  to  U.  S.  medals 323 

report  of  Safety  Bureau,  I.  C.  C,  1927 366 

to  prohibit  unauthorized  wearing..  437,  592, 802 
see  also  Congressional  Medal  of  Honor — 
Decorations    of    honor— Hubbard 

Medford,  Oreg.,  air  navigation  map 776 

Media  Luna  Cay,  aviation  charts 498 

Mediastinal  lymph  nodes,  see  Lymph  nodes. 
Mediation,  see  Industrial  arbitration. 

Mediation  Board 373 

report,  1927. 373 

Medical  Association  of  Isthmian  Canal  Zone, 

proceedings,  1921-26 502 

Medical  attendance,  Nat.  Guard  regulations. .    67 
Medical  bulletins,  see  Naval  medical  bulletin — 
Veterans'  Bureau,  medical  bulletin. 
Medical  Corps,  Army: 

appointment _..    65 

rights  for  retirement 823, 1004, 1100 

Medical  Corps,  Navy: 

commanding  officer  of  naval  hospital . .  246,  247 

information  circular 625 

views  regarding  venereal  disease 49 

Medical  Council,  Veterans'  Bur.: 
addresses  of— 

Black,  B.  W 64,1149 

Dunham,  Kennon 64 

Hines,  Frank  T 64,1149 

Medical  Department,  Army 67, 


correspondence  course 66 

in  World  War—. 

administration 138 

Army  Nurse  Corps 779 

communicable  and  other  diseases 779 

physical  reconstruction 779 

training... 779 

manual,  1916,  changes.. .  394 

regulations 65,135,198, 

264, 393,  515, 640, 774. 908, 1071, 1149 

regulations,  training 908,1150 

report  of  surgeon  general,  1927 326 

Medical  Department,  Navy: 

chemical  warfare  and  medical  officer..  887, 1047 

field  supply  table 310 

manual,  1927 496 

see  also  Medical  Corps,  Navy— Medicine 
and  Surgery  Bureau. 

Medical  department  of  aircraft  carrier 887 

Medical  examination,  see  Physical  examination. 
Medical  officers,  see  Medical  Corps,  Array- 
Medical  Corps,  Navy— Veterinary 
Corps,  Army. 

Medical  service,  cost 1044, 1129 

Medical  supplies: 

naval  medical  supply  depots ...  887 

supply  table  of  Medical  Dept.,  Navy 310 


chemical  warfare  and  medical  officer..  887, 1047 

Chmese  military  medicine 246,  247 

medical  aspects  of  naval  aviation 887, 1047 

niedical  aviation  correspondence  course  66 

medical  education,  1924-26.  .  28 

opportunities  in  U.  S.  civil  service""!""^"  791 

Medicine — Continued, 
preventive  medicine — 

article  from  Smithsonian  report,  1926..  191 

notes  for  medical  officers.  Navy 49, 

247,  497, 887 
unexplored  field  in  private  practice...  196, 


relation  of  oral  prophylaxis 392 

relation  of  respiration,  pt.  1  (2  entries) 497 

same,  pt.  1,  continued,  and  pt.2.     887,1048 
see  also  Therapeutics. 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 48, 

120,  246,  310,  374, 496, 625, 756, 887, 1047 

accounting  system  and  budget 247 

circular  letters 625 

report  of  surgeon  general ,  1 927 374,  753 

Medicine  Bow  National  Forest,  resources,  etc.    75 
Medicine  Lake,  action  of  sulphate  water  on  con- 
crete immersed  in 405 

Medicine  Lodge,  Kans.: 
peace  council  marker- 
hearing 688 

law 934 

reports 689,851 

Medicines,  sec  Drugs — Patent  medicines. 
Medico-Chirurgical    Society   of   Glasgow,   see 
Royal  Medico-Chirurgical  Society 
of  Glasgow. 
Medieval  literature,  see  Literature. 
Mediterranean  Sea: 

meteorological  conditions 335 

pilot,  supplements 757,888,889, 1049 

Medway  River,  chart 250 

Meehan,  John  W.,  diphtheria  in  U.  S.  Army..  779 
Meehan,  M.  J.,  Quianas,  commercial,  etc., sur- 
vey  280 

Meese,  Norman  S.,  paper,  etc.,  in  Canada 925 

Mega  Island,  chart 500 

Megaridinae,  see  Pentatomids. 
Meggers,  William  F.: 

absorption  spectra  of  iron,  etc 22 

arc  and  spark  spectra  of  scandium 221 

Meier,  F.  C: 

copper-  carbonate  seed  treatment  of  wheat.  788 

save  beans 654 

Meinzer,    Oscar   E.,   plants  as   indicators   of 

ground  water 604 

Meiter,  E.  Q.,  gas  mask  protection  in  air 539 

Melbourne,    William,    Navigation   Co.,    Ltd., 

relief... 421,989,1097 

Melchers,  L.  E.,  kernel  smuts  of  sorghum 3,  76 

Meldahl,  Alfred  G.  V.,  military  record 691 

Mell  &  Sons  Lumber  Co.,  Inc.,  lumber 1120 

Mella,  Hugo: 

cerebral  and  cerebellar  tumors. 197,264 

contact  with  relatives  of  patients 65, 198 

Mellon,    Andrew   W.,    see   Treasury   Depart- 
Melons,  see  names  of  melons. 

Meloy,  Guy  S.,  grades  for  cotton  linters 270 

Meltzer,  Samuel  J.,   biographical  memoir 494 

Melville,  La.,  bridge 556,707,800 

Member  banks,  see  Federal  reserve  member 

Members,    see    House    of    Representatives- 
Senate — also  names  of  Senators  and 
Memoirs,  Nat.  Academy  of  Sciences..  493,  494, 1131 
Memorial  addresses,  see  Eulogies. 

Memorial  Continental  Hall,  addresses 636,1145 

Memorial  day,  services  of  Q.  A.  R.,  to  aid.  720,933 
Memorial     Museum     and     Veterans'     Head- 
quarters, see  National  War  Memo- 
rial Museum  and  Veterans'  Head- 
Memorials,  see  Monuments  and  memorials. 
Memphis,  Tenn.: 
Freight  Bureau — 

burlap  bags 732 

furniture 103,364,735 

hourly  precipitation 790 

Memphis  quadrangle 865 

National  Conference  on  Vocational  Reha- 
bilitation of  the  Disabled  Civilian.  158 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district _ 518 

Memphremagog,  I/ake,  bridge... ,579,669,683 





illness  rate  among  males 63, 262 

occupational  mortality  in  England,  etc 1148 

see  also  Man. 

Mens  National  Park,  to  establish  in  Ark 721 

Menado  Road,  chart 51 

Menasha  Printing  &  Carton  Co.,  boxes 1025 

Mendelian  ratios  in  maize-,, 71,  76 

Mendenhall,  Dorothy  R.,  what  is  happening 

to  mothers  and  babies  in  D.  C.?...  622 

Mendon,  Utah,  water  supply 569,857,934 


cerebrospinal  fever — 

at  Naval  Training  Station,  San  Diego__    49 
cerebrospinal  meningitis,  U.  S.  Army_.  779 

leukocytosis  in  early  diagnosis 497 

meninogococcus  meningitis  in  U.  S.._  639, 1070 
Menominee,  Mich.: 

bridge 562,672,708 

harbor,  examination  and  survey 778 

Menominee  River: 

bridge 557,562,579,669,672,708 

examination  and  survey 778 

^[ental  diseases: 

emotions  in  psychotic  patients 907 

master-key  of  psychiatric  social  worker 907 

nurse  attending  clinical  conferences 514 

observed  in  psychiatric  hospital 135 

occupational  therapy — 

competitive  athletics  in  treatment 640 

farm  work  for  mental  cases 640 

for  psychotics 1149 

in  hospitals 198 

leather  work,  therapeutic  value 514 

oral  infection  in  mental  patients 1149 

psychic  regression,  mechanism 264 

schizoid  mechanisms 392 

spinal  fluid  pressme  in  psychotic.-. 640 

State  hospitals  as  research  unit. 134 

see    also    Neuropsychiatric    diseases — also 
names  of  diseases. 

Mental  hygiene,  lecture  to  nurses 1149 

Mental  tests,  see  Intelligence  tests. 
Menus,  see  Cookery. 

Meramec  Spring  quadrangle,  Mo 864 

Merchandise,  see  Commercial  products. 
Merchant    Fleet    Corporation,    see    Shipping 
Board    Merchant    Fleet    Corpora- 

Merchant  Fleet  news 59, 

128,  1S9,  257,  319,  383,  506,  632,  1059 
Merchant  marine: 

adequate  merchant  marine 505 

American  documented  seagoing  vessels. _  19,  85, 
218,  341,  412,  539,  663,  796,  926,  1091 

answers  to  your  questions  about 505 

construction  loan  fund 1067 

further  development,  etc. — 

hearings 089, 1107 

law 1100 

reports 453,821,832,939 

income  taxes,  certain  exemptions 454 

merchant  vessels  of  U.  S.,  1927 218,412 

seagoing  vessels  of  U.  S.,  1927 218,412 

seamen's  act  and  other  laws 24 

statistics.  1927 539 

trade  routes  &  shipping  services 128 

see  also  Shipping. 
Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee, 

hearings 689,821,1107 

reports 562,689,821,965 

Merchant    vessels,    see    Merchant    marine — 

Merchants  &  Miners  Transportation  Co.: 
extension  of  Government  guaranty — 

hearing  on  H.  R.  12177  and  S.  3723 955 

report  on  S.  3723 849 

rates  on  furniture 505 

Merchants  &  Planters  Compress  &  Warehouse 

Co.,  demurrage 165 

Merck  &  Co.,  United  States  r 224 


in  case  without  diagnosis 247 

in  cases  of  gonococcus  infection 48,49 


deposits  of  Mineral  County,  Nev 228, 1114 

production  of  quicksilver  in  1926 218 

Meredith,  H.,  meteorological  conditions  over 

Mediterranean 335 

Mergui  Archipelago,  chart _ 122 

Meridian  &  Memphis  Ry.,  valuation 168 

Meridian,  Brookhaven  &  Natchez  R.  R.,  valu- 
ation  _ _ 364 

Meridian  Fertilizer  Factory,  phosphates.. 36 

Meridian  Independent  Telephone  Co 168 

Meridian  Traffic  Bureau,  cotton 609 

Meriquinones,  oxidation-reduction  studies 906 

Merit  system  in  U.  S.  civil  service 791 

Meriwether  Lewis  National  Monument 381 

Merrell,  William  S.,  Co.,  denatured  alcohol...  1024 

Merrian,  John  C,  regent  of  Smithsonian 345 

Merrifield,  Frank  L.,  relief 824 

Merrill,  Frank  E.,  &  Company's  Algonquin 

Shores  Realty  Trust 556,708,801 

Merrill,  George  P.: 

memoir  of  George  Ferdinand  Becker 493 

meteoric  irons  from — 

Bolivia,  Arkansas  and  Michigan 192 

Owens  Valley 494 

Wallapai  Reservation 384 

meteorite  from  Oakley,  Idaho 192 

origin  of  metal  in  meteorites 1 143 

Merrill,    O.    C,   a   politica   Federal  de   forfa 

hvdraulica 501 

Merrill,  Sherburn  M.,  admr.,  f.  U.  S 882 

Merrill  Engineering  Co.,  asphalt 163 

Merritt,  Edward  H.,  patent  appeal-.. 926 

Merritt,  Schuyler  (Representative from  Conn.): 
minority  views — 

Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 957 

reports  made  by — 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 955,956,957,959 

MerryvOle.  La.,  bridge 560,710,803 

Mersey  River,  chart ..  759 

Mertzj  Edward   P.,  .Andrew  W.   Mellon  vs. 

(3  entries) 860,861 

Merv,  Karim  J.,  relief 706 

Mesa,  Victorina,  relief 420,  706,  799 

Mesa  Verde  National  Park: 

circular  of  general  information 1022 

jurisdiction  over  lands 444,857,934 

Mescalero  -\pache  Reservation 681,714,799 

Mesce,  Frank  H.,  r.  United  States 24,43,241 

Meserve,  J.  C,  electrocardiography 120 

Mesothelioma,  pleural,  report  of  case 135,324 

Message  center  specialist,  guide 1072 

Messages  of  President,  see  President  of  United 

IMessimy,  Vincent  de,  U.  S.  v .724, 1018 

Messina  Harbor,  Sicily,  chart 182 


cattle,  influence  of  position  (2) 399 

chickens,  and  net  energy  value  of  corn.  3, 4 
nitrogen  compounds  in  potato  tubers  71, 141 
swine,  proteins  of  corn  and  tankage. 399,  400 

IMetal  fits,  comparison  of  standards 22 

Metal  mines  and  niining: 

gases  from  blasting,  metal-mine  drifts 411 

mine  accidents  in  L'nited  States,  1925 85 

Metal  Package  Corporation  of  New  York 99 

Metal-working  machinery: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

exports  in  1926 151 

German  industry  and  trade 661 

safety  code  for  hot  metal  stamping 245 


contributions  to  economic  geology 1114 

corrosion  resistance,  effect  of  testing 798 

flow  in  metals,  bibliography 665 

gases  in  metals 344 

Government  supplies 511 

meteorites,  origin  of  metal 1143 

mineral  resources  of  United  States — 

1923,  index,  etc.,  to  pt.  1 94 

1924 341 

1925 1091 

nonferrous,  census  of  manufactures,  1925. .  14, 214 

rates  on 475 

record  book  of  business  statistics 658 

secondary  metals  in  1926. 539 

standard  samples 22,928 

tests.  Government  publications 226,1113 

see  also  Metal  mines  and  mining— Precious 
metals — Rare    metals — also    names 
of  metals. 
Metarossite,  new  vanadate  from  Colorado 385 


Index,  1927-1928 


Metastasis:  .    *    :„  047 

acute  osteomyelitis  with  metastasis. -  i47 

metastatic  carcinoma  of  heart - -    00 

Metcalf,  Jesse  II.  (Senator  from  H.  I.): 
minority  views— 

Patents  Cora io^tJ 

reports  made  by— 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 7ib 

Naval  Affairs  Com.. ood 

Patents  Com 720,854.1010 

Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 

Com .—.459,598 

Metcalfe,  T.,  pit  silos 527 


Bolivia,  Arkansas  and  Michigan 192 

Oakley,  Idaho. 192 

Owens  Valley,  Calif 494 

Wallapai  Indian  Reservation 384 

origin  of  metal  in  meteorites 1 143 

oxidation  of  meteoric  irons 258 

Meteorological  instruments: 

aerological  sounding  instruments 212 

Qovernuient  supplies 511 

see  also  names  of  instruments. 


balloon  race  from  Detroit,  Sept.  10,  1927. ..  534 

conditions  along  airways 119 

conditions  over  eastern  Mediterranean 335 

meetings,  Internat.  Geodetic,  etc.,  Union..  335 
meteorological  observer,  students  manual..  136 

meteorological  tables,  1926 534 

monthly  meteorological  summary 10, 

77,  147,  211,  277,  335,  405,  533,  656, 
790, 920, 10S5. 
radiotelegrams,  international  regulation...  259 

rigid  airship  meteorological  problems 1085 

see  alsn  Weather. 

Meter-kilocycle  conversion  table 797 

Metered  mail,  see  Mail  matter. 

Meters,   see   Earth-current   meter— Superheat 

Methodist    Episcopal    Church,    see    Woman's 
Home  Missionary  Society  of  Meth- 
odist Episcopal  Church. 
Methylene  blue,  oxidation-reduction  studies...  906 

Metric  system,  publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer  Distributing  Corp 748 

Metropolitan  Business  College 488 

Metropolitan  Life  Insurance  Co 25,369 

Metropolitan  Police  Force,  see  Police  Depart- 
ment, District  of  Columbia. 

Meuse  River,  chart 626 

Mexican  Boundary  Commission,  see  Inter- 
national Boundary  Commission, 
United  States  and  Mexico. 
Mexican  Claims  Commission,  see  General 
Claims  Commission,  U.  S.  and 

Mexican  fruit  worm,  quarantine 141 

Mexican  magazine,  article  reprinted  from 501 

Mexican  whorled  milkweed,  see  Milkweed. 

restriction  of  Western  Hemisphere  immigra- 
tion into  U.  S... 587,714,814 


Acala  cotton 333 

alleged  payments  to  U.  S.  Senators- 
hearings. _ 458,596 

report 458 

archaeological  work,  1925 184 

archaeological  work,  1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

bobwhite  quail,  issuance  of  permits  .  330 

chart 759 

convention  with  U.  S.  rel.  to  cattle...  1060 

electrical  equipment  market...  339 

foreign  trade  for  1926 II35 

industrial  nation 125 

minerals ggg 

mollusks,  new  Vicksburg  (O'h'gocene)  899 
money-order  post  offices ...  254 
east  coast 375 

east  coast,  supplement "  888 

west  coast """         1132 


Mexico — Continued. 

route  chart 376 

scorpions  in  northern  Mexico 1143 

travel  routes  and  costs 281 

see  also  General  Claims  Commission,  U.  S. 
and  Mexico — International  Bound- 
ary Commission,  United  States  and 

Mexico  City,  city  of  palaces 125 

Mexico,  QiUf  of: 

chart 923 

coast  pilot,  supplement 214 

routes  to  east  coast  of  S.  America.. 250 

weather  forecasts  by  radio.. 11, 183 

see  also  Gulf  Coast  — Gulf  States. 

Meyenberg  Evaporated  Milk  Co.,  cans 867 

Meyer,  Francis  A.,  relief 707 

Meyer,  H.  L.  G.,  v.  United  States 90 

Meyer,  H.  M.: 

>*_  silver,  copper,  etc.,  in  Central  States,  1926.  412 

SS''  sulphur  and  pyrites  in  1926 663 

Meyer,  Walter  H.,  growth  of  Douglas  fir.  783, 1082 

Meyer,  William  C,  civil  service  position 1139 

Meyer  lemon,  see  Lemon. 

Meyer  Shield  Post,  American  Legion,  lot 831 

Miami,  Fla.: 

aviation  charts 312,498 

charts  of  harbor  and  approaches 215, 1088 

Miami,  Mo.,  bridge 426,581,670 

Miami  River,  bridge 557,708,802 

Mica  in  1926... 341 

Mice,  see  Lemmings— IMeadow  mice. 

Michael,  Louis  Q.,  agric.  survey  of  Europe.  400, 648 

Michael,  W.  H.,  surgical  case 887, 1048 

Michaelson,  Samuel  S.,  relief 947 

Michaud  division,  see  Fort  Hall  Reservation. 
Michelson,  Truman: 

contributions  to  Fox  ethnology 191 

language  studies  among  Fox,  etc.,  Indians.  898 
Michener,  Earl  C.  (Representative  from  Mich.): 
minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com... 687 

reports  made  by — 

Judiciary  Com 348,431,562,686 

Rules  Com 699 

Michie,  Henry  C: 

anthrax 779 

cerebrospinal  meningitis 779 

chicken-pox 779 

diarrheal  group  of  diseases 779 

diphtheria 779 

encephalitis  lethargica 779 

German  measles 779 

measles 779 

mumps 779 

scarlet  fever 779 

smallpox 779 

venereal  diseases. 779,910 

Vincent's  disease 779 


bridge  across  Menominee  River 557, 

562, 579,  669,  672,  708 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 13 

geological  explorations 898 

land  withdrawn  from  settlement,  etc 58 

post  route  map 630 

Michigan  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

corn-borer  conditions,  farm  practices 400 

ginseng  diseases  and  their  control 333 

Michigan  Agricultural  Extension  Service 400 

Michigan  Bean  Co.,  beans 97 

Michigan  Bell  Telephone  Co 32,731,873 

Michigan  Central  R.  R.: 

control  of  Detroit  Manufacturers  R.  R 609 

rates  on— 

automobiles 163 

basket  tops 731 

beans. 466 

sheep 172 

shoe  last  blocks 110 

stoves 482 

wash-tubs 40 

switching 366 

train-stop  devices 302,366 

V.  United  States 620 

Michigan   Guaranty   Corporation,   see   Indus- 
trial Company. 




Michigan,  Lake: 

chart 137,  ajo 

pollution,  report  of  investigation 133 

same,    summary,    in    public    health 
reports 196 

Michigan  Motor  Specialties  Co.  r.  U.  S...  460,599 

Michigan  National  Forest,  resources,  etc 145 

Michigan   University,   health  of  students  as 

related  to  tonsillectomy 773, 1070 

Mickel,  Clarence  E.,  mutillid  wasps 899 

Microscopes,  Government  supplies.. 511 

Microstructure  of  ferrite,. 6.55 

Microtus  californicus  aestuarinus,  see  Meadow 

Midcontinent  Waste  Material  Dealers  Assoc.  617 
Middle  America,  see  Central  -A.merica. 
Middle  American  River,  see  American  River. 
Middle  .\tlantic  States,  see  .\tlantic  States. 
Middle  Rio  Grande  Conservancy  District: 
flood  control,  etc.,  for  Pueblo  Indians — 

hearings 456,588 

law 669 

reports 422,455 

status,  etc.,  of  plan 727 

Middleton,  Jefferson: 

clav  in  1926 281 

feldspar  in  1926 217 

fuller's  earth  in  1926 19 

graphite  in  1926 217 

gypsum  in  1926 281 

Middleton,  'iVilliam: 

insect  enemies  of  flower  garden 74, 651 

sawfly  injurious  to  young  pines 5.30 

Middleton  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Middletown,  Pa.,  air  navigation  map 776 

Middlings,  rates  on 476 

Midgley,  Thomas,  patent  appeal 540 

Midland  Bridge  Co.,  Inc.: 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River. .  424, 578, 668 

bridge  across  Tennessee  River 429,585,671 

Midland  Coal  Co.  r.  United  States 460,620,748 

Midland  Continental  R.  R..  deficit  status 299 

Midland  Refining  Co.,  lubricating-oils 872 

Midland  Valley  R.  R.,  valuation 1120 

Midshipmen,  see  Xaval  .A.cademv,  Annaiwlis. 

Midwav  Islands,  light  list 538 

Midwest  Metal  Co.,  lead ....  872 

Mid-West  Retail  Coal  Association 602 

Migration  of  birds,  see  Birds. 
Migratory  birds,  see  Birds— a?so  Bird  refuges 
and  reservations. 

Miho  Wan,  chart 250 

Milan  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties 872 

Milbank,  Dunlevy,  e.Tr.,  v.  United  States 880 

Milbank,  Jeremiah,  esr.,  v.  United  States 880 

Milbank,  Joseph,  executors  t.  United  States.. .  880 
Milburn,  Mary  E.,  institutions  for  children...  308 
Mildews,  see  Powdery  mildew. 
Mileage,  see  Traveling  expenses. 

Miles,  Florence  G.,  fruits  and  vegetables 142 

Miles,   Nelson  .\.,   battle  with   Nez   Perces, 

national  monument  on  site 569, 

689, 931, 965, 1013 
Military  .\cademy.  West  Point: 

board  of  visitors,  membership 437, 934, 1004 

cadets,  appointment  and  admission 641 

chaplain,  pav  and  allowances 437, 934, 1004 

construction  at 437, 592, 669, 691, 969 

easement  across  reservation 1004 

instruction  of— 

citizen  of  Venezuela 96S,  1104 

two  Chinese.. 434. 1002, 1104 

two  Siamese 439, 1007, 1105 

Military  .^flairs  Committee,  House: 

calendar,  legislative 434,563,690,822 

hearings 24, 

288,  350,  433,  691,  692,  822,  824,  825,  966, 
967,  969,  970,  971,  973,  1107 

minority  views 824,970 

reports  348, 

349,  350,  351,  352,  433,  434,  435.  436.  437, 
438,  439,  440,  441,  562,  563,  564,  565,  566, 
690,  691,  692,  693,  821,  822.  823,  824,  825, 
966, 967,  968,  969,  970,  971,  972,  973. 
Militarv  Affairs  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 457,591,594,719,852,1005 

minority  views 852 

reports 457, 

591,  592,  593,  594,  595,  718,  719,  851,  852, 
853,  1002,  1003,  1004,  1005,  1006,  1007. 

Military  aviators,  see  .Aviators. 
Military  camps,  regulations. .  13.1, 324, 515, 640, 1071 

see  also  names  of  camps. 
Military  communication: 

basic  signal  communication... 1072, 1150 

message  center  specialist 1072 

radio  activities  of  .Army  and  Navy 137 

signal  communication  manuals,  lists 1.36 

visual  signaling,  regulations 516 

Military  courts,  see  Courts-martial  and  courts 
of  inquiry. 

Military  discipline,  etc.,  regulations 644 

Military  education: 

.\rmy  regulations 324, 393,  515,  MO,  774 

.Armv  training  manuals 136 


Marine  Corps  distribution 625 

.Vrmv  training  regulations 136, 

265, 325,  515,  516,  641, 775, 908, 1072, 1150 

correspondence  courses 66, 1072 

Military  establishment,  see  .Army. 
Military  homes,  see  National  Home  for  Dis- 
abled Volunteer  Soldiers. 
Military  hospitals,   see  .Army  hospitals— o/«o 
names  of  hospitals. 

Militarj-  laws.  United  States,  1921,  changes 2*6 

Military  medicine,  Chinese 246,247 

Military  parks,  see  National  parks — also  names 

of  parks. 
Military  posts: 

.Army  regulations.. 135, 324,  515, 040, 1071 

construction  at 350, 

545,  592, 669, 691,  852, 939, 969, 1100 
see  also  names  of  forts,  barracks,  etc. 
Military  publications: 

Army  regulations 135,  774,  908 

secret,  confidential,  etc.,  documents 515 

Militarv  records: 

.Army  regulations 135, 199,  265,  393, 1150 

National  Guard  regulations 644 

Military  reservations,  in  .Alaska 444,721,800 

see  also  names  of  places  where  located — also 
names  of  reservations,  forts,  etc. 

AlUitary  science,  classification 885 

Mihtary  service: 

U.S.  citizens  in  foreign  nations — 

law 1104 

report 951 

statements  of  Mr.  Kelly,  etc 812 

see  also   Recruiting  and  enlistment — also 
.A.rmy — Marine  Corps — Navy. 
Military  societies,  see  names  of  societies. 
Military  supplies: 

to  class  certain  supplies  as  secret. 592 

see  also  .Army  supplies — Munitions— Naval 
Military  topography,  see  Surveying. 
Military  training,  see  Military  education. 
Militia,  see  National  Guard. 

Militia  Biu-eau 67,138, 

200,  266,  326, 394,  520,  644,  910, 1074, 1152 

report,  1927 395 

Militia  Target  Range  Reservation,  lands 1013 


census  of  condensed  and  evaporated  milk..    12 

concentrated,  international  trade 661 

cooling  milk  on  farm 331 

demand  in  metropolitan  area  of  New  York.1080 

educational  tUustrations 528 

effect  on  growth  of  Rhode  Island  reds 1079 

flavor  and  odor,  effect  of  some  feeds 7 

flavor  and  odor,  effect  of  turnips 401 

import  milk  act,  enforcement 75 

importancia  de  im  abastecimiento  de  leche 

pura 1135 

inanition  of  cows,  effect  on  mUk. 270,400 

marketing  in  New  England 205 

milk  goats 527 

pasteurization — 

bacterial  count  of  foam 206 

court  decisions 63, 196 

definitions  and  their  enforcement 63 

present  status... 272 

production,  breeding  problem 143 

production,  clean  mUk 529 

rates  on- 
condensed  milk 469,869 

evaporated  milk 870 

milk 299 


Index,  1927-1928 


Milk— Continued.  _. 

skim  milk  in  dry  form  has  various  uses  74 

vitamin  li  in  feed  and  milk  produced(2)..-  2m 
see  also  Butlermilk. 
Milk  bottles,  sec  Uottles. 

Milk  i.lauts,  cottapo  cheese  manufacture 7 

Milk  utensils,  washing  and  sterihzmg 917 

Milking-machines,  cleanmg -- o5i 

Milkweed,  Mexican  whorled -^uo 

Millar,   Kussell   W.,   thermodynamic  proper- 

ties  of  oxygen  and  nitrogen 1091 

Millard,  J.  W.: 

trade  association  activities 4U 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

Millboard,  asbestos,  elimination  of  waste 284 

Millepeds,  see  Millipeds. 

Miller,  Albert,  &  Co.  p.  U.  S 157,289,488 

Miller,  Arthur  P.,  water  coolers  on  carriers 196 

Miller,  B.  C,  relief. 963 

Miller,  C.  S.,  Ohio  River  bridge 427,582,6,0 

Miller,  Clarence  R.,  autopsies 392 

Miller,  Dalton  G.,  action   of  sulphate   water 

on  concrete 405 

Miller,  Elton  W.,  aerodynamic  characteristics 

of  wing  sections 119 

Miller,  Eric  R.,  winds  in  U.  S.,  charts 212 

Miller,  Fred  R.,  to  pay 942 

Miller,  Gerrit  S.,  jr.: 

bats  of  genera  Myotis  and  Pizonyx 1060 

rodents  of  genus  Plagiodontia 192 

Miller,  H.  A.,  way  to  increase  crop  yields 271 

Miller,  II.  C,  safe  practices  at  oil  derricks 282 

Miller,  Harold  E.,  spray  penetration 47 

Miller,  Herman,  r.  United  States 488 

Miller,  John  F.  (Representative  from  Wash.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com --  694,826 

Miller,  L.  F.,  milk,  etc.,  during  pasteuriza- 
tion  206 

Miller,    Morgan,    relief 451 

Miller,   Philippus   W.,   vs.   Blakely   D.   Mc- 

Caughn 880 

Miller,  R.  A.: 

duralumin  channels,  compressive  strengths  909 

strength  of  plywood  webs  of  box  beams 137 

Miller,  R.  B.,  avoidable  drowning  (2  entries).,    48 

Miller,  Robert  W.,  relief... 824,969. 1005, 1096 

Miller,  Russell  C,  metabolism  of  cattle  (2) 399 

Miller,  T.  A.,  Lumber  Co.,  United  States  »....  489 
Miller,  T.  A.  II.: 

concrete  for  farm  use 405 

rammed  earth  walls  for  buildings 533 

Miller,  Thomas  W.,  v.  United  States 748 

Miller  Island,  bridge . 577,673,801 

Miller  Rose  Co.,  egg  cases 735 

Miller  Train  Control  Corporation,  device 483 

Millers  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation 872 

Millers  National  Federation 159 

Millet,  rates  on  seed 106 

Millichamp,  F.  Stanley,  relief 954 

Milligan,  Howard  P.,  relief 969, 1005 

Milligan,  Jacob  L.  (Representative  from  Mo.): 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate     and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 347,426,558,683,684,817,9.58 

Millikan,  R.  A.,  high  frequency  rays 190 

Milliman,  Curtis  V.,  relief 692 

Millin,  R.  B.,  farm  sheep  raising 1081 

Millipeds,  order  Colobognatha 767 

Mills  and  millwork: 

flour,  feed,  and  grain  mills,  census,  1925 149 

Government  millwork  supplies 62,638 

planing  mills,  census,  1925 13 

rolling  mills,  census,  1925 __ _  214 

-safety  code  for  rubber  mills,  etc  117 

Millwork,  nee  Mills  and  millwork. 
Milne  Lumber  Co.: 

demurrage _...  ig5,  1118 

lumber.  168, 1120 

Milton  Bradley  Co.,  see  Bradlev,  Milton,  Co 
Milton  Dairy  Co.,  L.  M.  Willcuts  ('«.         131, 176 
Milwaukee,  Wis.: 

airway  map __  407 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district .'  fi42 

Milwaukee  Motor  Products,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S    7231041 
Milwaukee  Patent  Leather  Co.  241  289 

Mimnaugh,  John  L.,  v.  U.  S 723,  859  1127 



charts 279,1134 

coast  pilot,  supplement 659 


coast  pilot 408 

coast  pilot,  supplement-. 659 

Mine  accidents,  see  Accidents. 

Mine  fires,  fifty-nine 411 

Mine  Planter  Service,  see  Army  Mine  Planter 

Mine  rescue  breathing  apparatus 539 

Mine  timbers: 

bituminous  coal  mine  timbering 1091 

coal-mine  timbering.  State  laws 539 

rates  on 476 

Mine  yawls  for  War  Department 969, 1005, 1101 

Mineral  fuels,  see  Fuel. 

Mineral  lands: 

leases,  etc.,  in  New  Mexico 444,  458,  544 

stock  driveways 1013 

Mineral  Range  R.R 169,233 

Mineral  resources,  see  Minerals. 

Mineral  Wells  quadrangle,  Tex... 361 

Mineralogy,  see  Minerals. 


claims  connected  with  the  war — 

hearings 694 

minority  views 825 

reports 694,  825 

Indian  lands,  fees  from  royalties 422,715 

industry  of  Alaska 360 

of  Italian  Mountain  vicinity,  Colo 192 

of  Mexico 898 

resources  of  Alaska,  1925 360 

resources  of  Idaho,  southeastern  part 464 

resources  of  United  States— 

1923,  metals,  index,  etc 94 

1923,  nonmetals,  index,  etc 94 

1924,  metals 341 

1924,  nonmetals _  341 

1925,  metals 1091 

1925,  nonmetals 1091 

1926,  preliminary  summary 85 

publications  of  Geological  Survey 159 

see    also    Mines    and    mining — Ores — also 
names  of  minerals. 

Minerals  Section 18 

Miners' circular 663,1091 

Mines  and  mining: 

census  publications  for  sale 358 

leased  public  lands,  mining  regulations 29 

publications  for  sale 226, 1113 

use  of  miners'  self-rescuer 663 

see  also  Coal  mines  and  mining— Metal 
mines  and  mining — Precious 
metals — o/«o  certain  headings  begin- 
ning Mine — also  names  of  metals 
and  minerals  mined — also  names  of 
mining  districts. 
Mines  and  Mining  Committee,  House: 

hearings 694,973 

minority  views.- 825 

reports 693,694,825,973 

Mines  and  Mining  Committee,  Senate: 

hearing , 719 

report 1007 

Mines  Bureau 19,85,152,217, 

281, 340, 411, 538, 662,  796, 925, 1090 

motion-picture  films 282,411 

edition  of  July,  1927 282 

index 412 

new  publications 1.52,153,412,662,926 

publications  on  (lists) — 

accident  statistics 19,85 

explosive  investigations 85 

mine  rescue  breathing  apparatus,  etc. .  539 

report,  1927 282 

Mines  Research  Board,  Safety  in,  see  Safety 
in  Mines  Research  Board  of  Great 

Miney,  Mary  J.,  dietetics 247 

Mingo  Lime  &  Lumber  Co.,  bricks.. 732 

Minhardi  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Minidoka  irrigation  project 730, 1023 

Minimimi  wage,  see  Wages. 
Mining,  see  Mines  and  mining. 



Mining  districts,  see  names  of  districts. 
Mining  experiment  stations,   authorizing  ap- 
propriation, hearing 719 

Minis,  Abram,  exr.,  r.  U.  S _ 290,748,1110 

Minis,  Lavinia  F.,  r.  U.  S 290,748.1110 

Minis,  Maria,  exrx.,  v.  U.  S.  (case  no.  H-12.i).   290, 

Ministers  (foreign  service): 

precedence,  rules  to  be  observed 187 

Minli  raising 272,528 

Minkus,  M.,  United  States  v _  91,600 

Minneapolis,  Minn,: 

address  of  Charles  E.  Hughes 1062 

bridge 426,580,581,669 

Minneapolis,  V.  S.  S.,  bell 975, 1009 

Minneapolis  &  Rainy  River  Ry.,  valuation 476 

Minneapolis  &  St.  Louis  R.  R.: 

bonds  - 35 

Guaranty  Trust  Co.  of  New  York  v 1127 

receiver's  certificates 169.  299, 476, 1032 

valuation 1032 

Minneapolis,    Xorthfield    &    Southern    Ry., 

valuation 738 

Minneapolis,    Red    Lake    &    Manitoba   Ry., 

posts 479 

Minneapolis,  St.  Paul  &  Sault  Ste.  Marie  Ry.: 

equipment  trust 169 

rates  on — 

grain-cleaning  machines 1029 

granite 166 

sand 1123 

train  service ___  484 

Minneapolis  Woolen  Mills  Co.,  Inc 1019 

Minnegerode,  Lucj',  see  Minnigerode,  Lucy. 
Minnehaha  Xational  Bank  of  Sioux  Falls. . . .  1041 

Aitkin 816,992,1100 

Clearwater 347. 453.  669 

Grand  Forks,  N.  Dak.— East  Grand 

Forks,  Minn 428,584,671 

Hastings 9,''.7 

Monticello 426,580,669 

Moorhead 685,844,936 

Stillwater 959 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 80 

contested  election,  Wefald  r.  Selvig 346 

district  court,  rules 619 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  .391,  6-39 
Health  Department — 

milk  and  foam  during  pasteiirization .  _  206 

lands  withdrawn... __ 1140 

post  route  map 630 

Minnesota  &  International  Ry.,  valuation...  364 

Minnesota-Atlantic  Tran.sit  Co.,  lathing 474 

Minnesota,  Dakota  &  Western  Ry.,  valuation.    35 
Minnesota  Department  of  Veterans  of  Foreign 
Wars    of    United    States,    bell    of 

cruiser  Minneapolis 975,1009 

Minnesota  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co.  223,  881, 1127 
Minnesota   National    Forest,   welcome   to  ro- 

tarians 918 

Minnesota  Potato  Growers  Exchange 1121 

Minnesota  Transfer  Ry..  valuation 1032 

Minnesota  University,  milk  and  foam 206 

Minnesota  Western  R.  R.,  extension 233 

Minnigerode.  Lucy: 

dietetic  service  in  hospitals 49 

dietetics  in  institutions  and  in  field 134,262 

same  (in  Spanish) .54 

Public  Health  Service  Nursing  Corps. .  63, 196 
Minors,  see  Child  labor— Children. 

Mint  Bureau 32.3,512,905 

estimates 510, 1066 

report,  1927 323 

Minter  City  Southern  &  Western  R.  R.,  valua- 
tion   364 

Minturki  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Minturn  district,  Wyo 161,863 

Miocene  period,  flora  in  Nevada 385 

Mirabal  Motor  Co.,  automobiles 163 

Misbranding  of  seed  of  redtop... 76 

Miscelanea  panamericana 124 

Miscellanea  pan-americana 252, 314,  ,501 

Miscellaneous  circulars,  see  names  of  Depart- 
ments, bureaus,  etc..    issuing   cir- 
culars— alsn  special  subject. 
Miscellaneous    collections    series,    see    Smith- 
sonian miscellaneous  collections. 

Miscellaneous  publications,  see  names  of  De- 
partments,   bureaus,   etc.,    issuing 
publications — also  special  subject. 

Misool  Island,  chart... 250 


.\micon  Fruit  Co 35 

Armour  Fertilizer  Works 612 

Balish-  Brothers 738 

Beaman  Elevator  Co 872 

Brahston,  Henrv  G 738,873 

Brownyard,  F.  W 612 

Columbia  Mills,  Inc.. 612 

Dyersburg  Milling  Co 233 

Enochs  Lumber  &  Manufacturing  Co 169 

Goff,  W.  E 476 

Lynchburg  Chamber  of  Commerce 106 

Mallard  Brokerage  Co 1120 

Nash  Dietz  Co 1120 

Norcross  Marble  Co 35 

Ozark  Hardwood  Lumber  Co 612 

Pine  &  Cvpress  Manufacturing  Co 169,738 

South  Alabama  Grocery  Co 169 

Tulsa  Rig.  Reel  &  Manufacturing  Co 476 

Western  Bridge  &  Construction  Co -.  738 

Windsor  Broom  Co 233 

Mission  Indians: 

Mission  Indians  of  California... 898 

trust  period  extended 381 


agricultural  teachers,  tenure 1018 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 __    80 

district  judge 1001 

Geological  Survey — 

soil  survey  of  Perrv  County 789 

lands,  sale  by" United  States. 568,802,857 

livestock  farming,  Black  Prairie  Belt 270 

malaria  among  Mexican  cotton  pickers 63 

pellagra  in  flood  area 323,  513 

postal  service — 

mail  contracts. 315 

plants,  etc.,  addressed  to  Miss 762 

post  route  map 630 

Mississippi  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

livestock  farming.  Black  Prairie  Belt 270 

soft-pork  investigations.. 650 

Mississippi  Central  R.  R.: 

rates  on  logs 364 

valuation 476 

Mississippi  Export  R.  R.,  securities 35 

Mississippi  Farm  Bureau  Cotton  Assoc 734 

Mississippi  Farm  Bureau  Truck  Assoc 742 

Mississippi  River  &  Bonne  Terre  Ry 43 

Mississippi  River  and  Valley: 
barge  line,  extension — 

hearings 816,957 

minority  views 957 

report 957 

biological  survey  of  upper  river 537 

bridges  at  or  near — 

Aitkin,  Minn 816,992,1100 

Alma,  Wis 425,579,669 

Arkansas  City,  Ark 557,708,802 

Baton  Rouge,  La 425,580,669,683 

Bettendorf,  Iowa 817,992,1100 

Carondelet,  Mo 683,817.842,934 

Cassville,  Wis 425,  580, 669 

Chester,  111 425,426,580,581,669 

Clearwater,  Minn .347,45.3,669 

Cohasset,    Minn.    (sec.   35,   t.    144    n.,    r. 

25  w.) 683,709,842,934 

Hastings,  Minn 957 

Helena,  Ark 957, 1101 

Hickman,  Kv 425,580,669 

Lansing,  Iowa 425,580,669 

Little  Falls,  Minn 426,580,669 

Monticello,  Minn 426,580,669 

New  Orleans,  La 557,670,957,992,1101 

Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis. 426,580,669 

Quincy,  111 557,669,709 

St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis,  Minn 426, 

580,  581, 669 

Savanna,  III 557, .580, 670 

Tiptonville,  Tenn 817, 842, 934 

Wabasha,  Minn 426,581,669 

canal  at  head  of  Rock  Island  rapids 66 

flood  control- 
committee  reports 679,  709, 811, 833,  940 

hearings 347,  552,  578,  709, 832 


Index,  1927-1928 


Mississippi  River  and  Valley— Continued, 
flood  control— Continued. 

jo^      ._______--------- yo4 

plan  of  Army  engineers 394 

reports,  etc.,  on  problems,  list 394 

spillways  on  lower  Mississippi  River. .  394 
flood  of  1927— 

article  by  11.  C.  Frankenfield,  etg 335 

same,  abstract 405 

health  program  following  flood 1070 

pellagra  in  flood  area 323,513 

relief,  estimate — 637 

light  list,  Mississippi  River  and  tributaries.  340, 


locks,  regulations  to  govern  use,  etc 66 

map  of  Mississippi  River  Valley 360 

■■jurface  water  supply 1022, 1114 

topographic  mapping,  etc 811 

Missis-sippi  River  Commission 643 

report,  1927 643 

Mississippi  River  South  Pass,  poster 19 

Mississippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish  Refuge, 
see  Upper  Mi-ssissippi  River  Wild 
Life  and  Fish  Refuge. 

Mississippi  Southern  R.  R.,  lumber 105 

Mississippi  Valley  Co.,  valuation 364 

Mississippi- Warrior  Service,  see  Inland  Water- 
ways Corporation. 

Mississippian  epoch,  conodonts 633 

Missoula,  Mont.,  post  office,  etc.,  estimate 903 

Missoula  National  Forest,  lands. 697,857,934 


census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8_ 80 

post  route  map.. 630 

strawberry  pickers  wanted,  poster 883 

Wisconsin  et  al.  v 768 

Missouri  Agricultural  Experiment  Station 400 

Mi-ssouri  &  Illinois  Bridge  &  Belt  R.  R.,  valua- 
tion  106 

Missouri  &  North  Arkansas  Railroad,  valua- 
tion  169 

Missouri  &  North  Arkansas  Railway,  receiver's 

certificates 106 

Missouri  Gravel  Co.,  sand... 366 

Missouri-Illinois  R.  R.,  stock i.  476 

Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Railway,  valuation.  612 
Missouri,  Kansas  &  Texas  Railway  of  Texas, 

valuation.. 612 

Missouri,  Kansas  &  Te.xas  Terminal  Co.  of  St. 

Louis,  valuation 612 

Missouri-Kansas-Texas  R.  R.: 

bonds.. _ 613 

rates  on— 

cement 868 

crates 1027 

gasoline 1029 

swine .  876 

Missouri-Kansas-Texas  R.  R.  of  Texas: 

rates  on  gasoline 472, 1029 

transit  arrangements  on  grain.         _  1029 

Missouri,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railroad: 

acquisition  by  Kansas,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf 

Ry 1032 

Mis,souri,  Oklahoma  &  Gulf  Railway: 

valuation 873 

Missouri  Pacific  R.  R.  Company:    

accident  near  Reily  Lake,  111 _  614 

acquisition  of  lines 299 

bonds __  233 

Fort  Smith,  Subiaco,  &  Rock  island  r"r' 

J 368,619 

misroutmg 1120 

"•ates.. """"]'"";":.  610 

rates  on— 

barley 731 

bricks 30 

fertilizers mg 

gasoline 103 

hoops-- '.'.'".V.'.Vmo 

livestock 1028 

lumber ___  (;]2 

machinery ""  j^g 

oil-well  machinery.^^] ' 739 

«and __  ;; "■  ijo 

.storage  batteries '    39 

textile  machinery """ 744 

restriction  of  routes  on  livestock         102S 

switching  charges 744 

V.  United  States IIIIIIII^III".!!  306 

Missouri     Pacific    R.    R.     Corporation    in 

Nebraska,  bonds 476 

Missouri  River: 

bank  protection 992 

Arrow  Rock,  Mo 426,581,670 

Atchison,  Kans 557,709,802 

Atchison  and  Leavenworth,  Kans 581 

Council  Bluffs,  Iowa 843,958,1101 

Decatur,  Nebr 558,709,802 

Doniphan  County,  Kans 347,454,544 

Glasgow,  Mont 427, 

454,  582,  670,  684,  843, 934 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  670 782 

Hermann,  Mo 426,453,581,670 

Jackson  County,  Mo 558,709,802 

Kansas  City,  Kans 958,992,1101 

Liberty  Landing,  Mo 426,581,670 

Miami,  Mo... 426,581,670 

Nebraska  City,  Nebr 684,842,934 

Niobrara,  Nebr...  581,684,803,958,992,1101 

Plattsmouth,  Nebr... 558,709,802 

Randolph,  Mo 684,992,1101 

Rulo,  Nebr 558,709,802 

St.  Louis  Countv,  Mo....  558,958.992,1101 

Stanton,  N.  Dak 684,843,934 

Union,  Nebr 958 

Washington,  Mo. 426,453,581,670 

Washington  County,  Nebr 426, 

454,  582,  670 

Wolf  Point,  Mont_. __.  347,4.53,670 

irrigation   of  arid  and  semiarid  lands   of 

basin 789 

surface  water  supply  of  basin 94 

Missouri  Southern  R.  R.: 

deficit  status 169 

V.  United  States.. 620 

Mitchell,  George  A.,  spray  irrigation 146 

Mitchell,  H.  H.: 

basal  metabolism  of  chickens 3, 4 

critical  temperature  of  chicken 4 

heat  production  of  chickens  (2) 4 

hen,  passage  of  food. 4 

swine,  metabolism  experiments 399,  400 

Mitchell,  J.  C: 

electric  washing  machines,  world  markets.  794 
electrical  equipment  markets  in  Europe. ..  795 
Mitchell,  James  A.,   guardian,  v.   David  H. 

Blair 238 

Mitchell,  Jane  C,  marketing  radios 216 

Mitchell,  John  B.: 

birth,  stillbirth,  etc.,  statistics,  1925 337 

mortality  statistics,  1925. _.  658 

Mitchell,  John  J.,  exr.,  f.  U.  S 175,746 

Mitchell,  W.  D.,  V.  U.  S _.._ 881 

Mitchell  Chamber  of  Commerce 172 


control  of  fruit-tree  mites 402 

spraying  citrus  trees  for  control 273 

Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S.  and  Ger- 
many   131,508,634 

payments  on  account  of  awards 769 

see  also  names  of  claimants. 
Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S.  and  Mexico, 
see  General   Claims   Commission, 
U.  S.  and  Mexico. 
Mixed  Claims  Commission,  U.  S.,  Austria,  and 
Hungary,    see    Tripartite    Claims 
Commission,  U.  S.,  .Austria,  and 
Mobile,  Ala.: 

Chamber  of  Commerce  &  Business  League — 

canned  food. 99 

cotton _. 101 

lumber 168 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

Mobile  &  Ohio  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  branch  line 1032 

bonds 476 

equipment  trust 873 

rates  on — 

bricks 732 

hides  and  skins 1871 

oil-well  machinery.. _ 1170 

Mobile  Bay,  light  to  be  changed.. --i 281 

Mobilization,  Army  correspondence  courses. -.i.1072 

Mocha  Island,  chart. 182 

Modern  Foreign  Language  Study  Committee,  160 
Modern  languages,  see  names  of  languages. 




Modern  literature,  see  Literature. 
Modoc  National  Forest: 

resources  and  recreation  features,  etc 918 

stock-watering  places,  development 704 

MofEt,  Fred  IL,  mineral  industry  of  Alaska...  3(jO 

Mogollon  mining  district,  N.  Mex 95 

Mogotes  Cove,  chart 312 

Mohair,  elimination  of  kemp  fibers 205 

Mohler,  John  R.: 

blackleg,  its  nature,  cause,  and  prevention.  527 

dourine  of  burses 527 

foot-and-mouth  disease  control lOSO 

Texas  or  tick  fever 205 

see  also  Animal  Industry  Bureau. 
Moisture,  see  Brown-Duvel  moisture  tester — 
Humidity — Soil  moisture. 

Mojave  Northern  R.  R.,  deficit  status 613 

Mokil  Islands,  chart 51 


blackstrap,  determination  of  weight 22 

rates  on 739 

Mold,  see  name  of  mold. 

Mole  cricket.  Port  Rican 918 

Moles  as  agricultural  pests,  etc 917 

Moline,  111.: 

airway  map 407 

lock  in  Mississippi  River 66 

Moline  George  Co.,  calcium  arsenate 98 

Molluscoidea  from  Florida 1114 


.4ustralian  land  shell,  Thersites  bipartita..  258 

fauna  of  Alum  Bluff  group 1114 

new  species  of  genus  Corbicula 192 

Mollusks  (fossil): 

Pycnouesma  from  Silurian  of  Alaska 129 

Vicksburg  (Oligocene)  mollusks 899 

see  also  Cephalopods. 

channels,  chart 1088 

harbors,  chart 536 

Molukka  Passage,  chart 1134 

Molybdenum  in  1926 411 

Momence,  111.,  dam  across  Kankakee  River 957 

Monaca,  Pa.,  bridge 427,583,670 

Monahan,  A.  C,  laboratory  layouts 160 

Monbetsu  Byochi,  chart 1051 

Moncla,  La.,  bridge 428,584,671 

Monell,  Ambrose,  v.  U.  S 290,369 

Monell,  Maude  M.,  exrx.,  v.  U.  S 290,369 


circulation  statement 63, 133, 

195,  262,  323, 391,  512,  638,  772, 1069, 1 147 

conversion  tables 254 

currency  systems  of  the  Orient 83 

European  currency  and  exchange 1007 

Italy's  monetary  policy 151 

stock  and  circulation,  Treasury  Dept.  rp_.  770 

world's  monetary  stocks,  1925-26 512 

see  also  Coins,  and  names  of  coins — Finance — 
Foreign  exchange — Paper  money — 
Public  moneys. 

convenio  sobre  giros  postales 503 

conversion  tables 254 

register  of  money-order  post  offices... 254 

stolen  money-order  forms 56, 

126,  185,  254,  316,  379,  503,  629,  762,  894, 
1053,  1137,  1138. 
same,  correction  rel.  to  Southampton, 

Pa 503 

Money  Orders  Division 254 

Monges,  Los,  see  Monks,  The. 

Monilia  sitophila,  red  bread-mold  fungi 4,76 

Monks,  The,  chart 1133 

Monmouth,  Fort,  puchase  of  land 350,  .593,  670 

Monnich,  Walter  A.,  physiotherapy 514 

Monocacy,  Battle  of  the,  1864.  military  park...  969 
Monongahela  Connecting  R.  R.,  valuation...  1032 
Monongahela  River: 

Glassportand  Clairton,  Pa....  427,582,670 

McKeesport,  Pa 558,710,803 

Pittsburgh,  Pa 558,709,803 

Point  Marion,  Pa 558,709,803 

light  list.-.. 217 

Monoplanes,  see  Airplanes. 

15950—29 9 



bread,  combinations  in  restraint  of  trade...  717 

fertilizer  corporations ,561 

forfeiture  of  patent  rights.. 595,  720 

forfeiture  of  property 687 

Monroe,  La.,  bridge 428,  544,  .583 

Monroe  Bay,  examination  and  survey. 778 

Monroe  County,  Ind.: 

soil  management 1085 

soil  survey 1085 

Monroe  County,  Miss.,  bridge 429,  544,  .585 

Monroe  Creek,  examination  and  survey 778 

Monroe   doctrine,    addresses   by    Charles    E. 

Hughes 1062 

Monson  quadrangle,  Calif 95 

Monsoons,  see  Winds. 

Montague,   Andrew  J.   (Representative  from 
reports  made  by- 
Judiciary  Com 431,432 

Montague,  L.  L.,  bridge 956 

Montague  Island,  lands 317 


bridge  at  or  near  Glasgow 427, 

454,  582,  670, 684, 843, 934 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  670 782 

bridge  at  or  near  Wolf  Point 347,453,670 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 81 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  391,  639 

fish-cultural  station 841 

geologic  formations 28,  29 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc 85, 1090 

grains  for  eastern  Montana 275 

grazing,  etc.,  agreements... 444,597,803 

land  offices,  establishing 721,978 

lands  adjacent  to  national  forests 1014 

livestock  on  irrigated  lands  (S.  1131)...  598,979 

post  route  map 630 

weather  and  probable  cutworm  outbreaks.  920 

Montana  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

combined  harvester-thresher. 648,649 

ranch  organization,  etc 648 

Montana  State  College,  relief 947 

Montana,  Wyoming  &  Southern  R.  R.,  valua- 
tion  476 

Monteith,  Charles  N.: 

simple  aerodynamics  and  the  airplane 325 

same,  correction  of  subhead 328 

Monteith,  John,  jr.: 

cabbage  resistant  to  yellows 399,654 

clover  anthracnose 654 

Montello  Granite  Co 166 

Monterey,  Calif.: 

land  known  as  Cuartel  lot 978 

lands  for  extension  of  street.. 969 

port  of  Monterey 643 

Montevideo,  Uruguaj',  see  International  Amer- 
ican Institute  for  Protection  of 

Montezuma  National  Forest,  lands 698, 

1014, 1101 

Montgomery,  A.  B.,  emergency  hospitals 887 

Montgomery,  Ellen,  heir,  v.  U.  S.. 241,369 

Montgomery,  H.  H.,  syphilis,  health  records 

(2  entries) _.  247 

Montgomery,  John  J.,  v.  U.  S 241,369 

Montgomery,  Regina  C,  heir,  v.  U.  S 241,369 

Montgomery,  Richard  J.,  assignee,  v.  U.  S..  241,  369 

Montgomery,  Ala.: 

air  navigation  maps 776,  777 

market  news  service  for  farm  products 525 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

Montgomery  &  Erie  Rv.,  bonds 233 

Montgomery  County,  Md.,  bridge 685,710,936 

Monthly  catalogue,  public  documents,  see  Gov- 
ernment publications. 

Monthly  check-list  of  State  publications,  see 

Monthly  labor  review,  see  Labor. 

Monthly  meteorological  summary,  see  Meteor- 

Vionthly  summary  of  foreign  commerce  of 
United  States,  see  Commerce. 

Monthly  weather  review,  see  Weather. 

Monticello,  Minn.,  bridge 426,580,669 

Montreal,  Quebec,  typhoid-fever  situation 63 


Index,  1927-1928 


Nfontserrat,  money-order  post  offices.  254 

Monuments    (national),   see  National   monu- 
Monuments  and  memorials: 

sites  in  Trance,  acquisition  by  U.  S U2 

soldiers  killed  at  Battle  of  Perryville       348,  6a 
women  of  World  War,  memorial  building—  _ 

estimate '1° 

law 6/3 

report .--,-  *•'"* 

see  also  names  of  monuments  and  memorials 
or  names  of  persons  in  whose  honor 
they   are   erected— aiso   names   of 
places  where  located. 
Moon,  Charles,  measurement  of  capacitance...  343 

altitude,  charts  for  corrections 499,627 

tables,  Panama  (Balboa),  1928 502 

see  also  Celestial  bodies. 

Moonev,  Francis,  relief. ;---  593 

Mooney,  James,  aboriginal  population  nortn  of 

Mexico 633 

Moonev,  James  E.,  v.  U.  S.. 43 

Moore,  Alice  E.,  relief 706,947,1096 

Moore,  Bert,  relief 451 

Moore,  C.  Ellis  (Representative  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by — 

Judiciary  Com 431,687 

Moore,  C.  L.,  pneumothorax  therapy 907 

Moore,  Charles  A.,  relief 952 

Moore,  Emilv  L.,  v.  United  States 43 

Moore,  Frank  F.,  relief 808 

Moore,  George  S.,  ncuropsychiatric  negroes 135 

Moore,  Harris  L.,  trustee,  v.  U.  S 860 

Moore,  Hill,  guardian,  bill  of  review... 160 

Moore,  James  M.,  relief 974, 1008,1096 

Moore,  John  W.  (Representative  from  Ky.): 
minority  views- 
Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  952 
Moore,    R.     Walton     (Representative     from 
reports  made  by- 
Foreign  Affairs  Com 553,554,680 

Moore,  Thomas  W.,  relief 969 

Moorehead,  M.  T.,  heart  block 1148 

Moorhead,  Minn.,  bridge 685,844,936 

Mooring  bitts,  American  marine  standards..  22,89 

Moorings  for  ships  and  buoys,  plans,  etc 1090 

Mopaushih  Rocks,  chart 890 

Mops,  rates  on 1032 

Morbidity,  see  Diseases — Sickness. 
Mordants  (dyeing): 

census  report,  1925 14 

More,  C.  T.: 

cantaloupes,  commercial  grading 648 

preparation  of  strawberries  for  market 72 

Morehead  City,  N.  C: 

aviation  charts 181,  375 

examination  of  harbor 518 

Morehouse  Parish,  La.,  bridge 423,543,577 

Morelos,  Port,  aviation  charts 1133 

Moreno,  Samuel,  vs.  U.  S 356,600 

Morgan,  A.  C,  tobacco  budworm 7 

Morgan,  B.  D.,  soil  of  Clermont  County,  Ohio.  656 

Morgan,  E.,  &  Brother,  coal .' 608 

Morgan,  Edwin  D.,  relief  of  widow 969 

Morgan,  Ephraim  F.,  see  Solicitor  for  Depart- 
ment of  Commerce. 

Morgan,  Ina  L.,  psychiatric  social  worker 907 

Morgan,  James  J.,  v.  U.  S 600 

Morgan,  T.  H.,  article  on  William  Bateson 189 

Morgan  City,  La.: 

bridge 423,  577, 667 

port  of  entry.  Exec,  order  abolishing 381 

Morgan,  Fort,  lighthouse  reservation 58 

Morgan's  Louisiana  &  Texas  R.  R.  &  Steam- 
ship Co.: 

rates  on  salt 616 

V.  United  States 1042 

Morin,  John  M.  (Representative "from  Tti.)'." 
TC]iOTts  made  by- 
Conference  Com 545,939,940 

Military  Affairs  Com 437, 

„     441,564,691,692,824,968,969,970 

Morm,  \J  illiain,  relief 350,1005,1096 

Morini,  John,  v.  U.  S 69o 

Morison,  James  H.  S.,  to  appo'inVas "major  """"  438 
Morley,  Edward  W.,  biographical  memoir       '  494 


Morley,  Sylvanus  G.: 
archaeological  work— 

1925 184 

1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

1927 892 

same  (in  Spanish) 1052 

Morocco,  chart 52 

Morris,  Monty,  v.  United  States 115 

Morris,  Roger  S.,  pulsus  alternans,  notes 264 

Morris  Motor  Co.  of  Gt.  Brit.,  competition 280 

Morrison,  B.  Y.: 

chrysanthemums  for  the  home 404 

dahlias  for  the  home 275 

Morrison,  Dan  A.,  to  pay 978 

Morrison,  Emily,  scale  insects 129 

Morrison,  Harold,  scale  insects 129 

Morrison,  Marguerite  S.,  pier  and  wharf..  818, 1103 

Morrison,  Paul,  syphilis  and  heart  disease 392 

Morrison  Canyon,  plate  steel  pipe 730 

TNIorrison  County,  Minn.,  bridge 426,580,669 

Morristown-Corryton      Line,     see     Southern 

Morrow,  Elizabeth  J.,  relief 707 

Morrow,  John  (Representative  from  N.  Mex.): 
reports  made  by- 
Indian  .\ffairs  Com....  422,  554, 081,  682, 815 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 819, 

960, 961 
Public  Lands  Com ... .  444,  568, 698, 831, 978 

Morrow,  Thomas  L.,  v.  U.  S 369 

Morse,  A.  G.,  epiglottis  retractor 1149 

Morse,  E.  B.,  markets  for  hand  tools,  Europe.  538,  E.  K.,  bridge 578,668,683 

Morse,  Franklin  B.,  relief 564,1005 

Morse,  Fred  W.: 

discoloration  of  canned  cranberries  (2) 3 

water  and  potash  in  plant  production.  399,525 

Morse,  Harmon  N.,  biographical  memoir 494 

Morse,  W.  J.: 

soy  beans,  culture  and  varieties 655 

utilization  of  cowpeas 275 

velvet  bean 533 

Morse  code,  see  International  Morse  code. 

Morse  Dry  Dock  &  Repair  Co.,  pipe. 478 

Mortality,  see  Death. 

Mortar  used  with  waterproofing  material 1093 

Mortensen,  Theodor,  Cidaridae  collected 192 

Mortesen,  William,  relief. 451 

Mortgages,  chattel,  releases  in  D.  C 712 

Mortlock  Islands,  see  Nomoi  Islands. 

Morzhovoi  Bay,  chart 82 

Mosaic  disease: 

corn,  influence  on  productiveness 209 

virus,  factors  affecting  properties 71,210 

wheat,  control  through  immune  strains 211 

wheat,  soil  factors 269,  404, 647, 648, 919 

Mosaics,  unglazed  ceramic 344 

Moscow,  Russia: 

interests  of  U.  S.,  claim  of  Norwaj^ 507,813 

relief  of  Americans,  claim  of  Great  Britain.  634, 

812, 933 
Moscr,  Charles  K.,  sales  territories,  China.  409,924 

Moses,  Dayton,  statement 966 

Moses,  George  H.  (Senator  from  N.  H.): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 941 

Foreign  Relations  Com 997 

Harrinian   Geographic    Code    System, 

Select  Joint  Committee  on 942 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 596, 


Mosher,  George  C,  puerperal  septicemia 371 

Mosquito  fish,  its  relation  to  malaria... 190 

Mosquito  Inlet  Reservation 764 

Mosquito  netting,  specifications 798 


.\nopheles  atropos,  its  breeding,  etc 03, 196 

food  of  anopheline  larvae 134 

food  of  culicine  larvae 513,639 

malaria  transmission  by  Anopheles 263,391 

paris  green  by  airplane  in  control 196,323 

paris  green  for  larvae  destruction 323, 513 

tadpole  enemy  of  mosquito  larvae 391, 773 

Moss,  E.  G.,  flue-cured  tobacco,  fertilizers 276 

Moss,  Emma  S.,  staining  of  tubercle  bacillus. .  640 

Moss,  Frederic  J.,  pasteurization 63 

Moss,  John  B.,  relief 987 




Moss,  T.  J.,  Tie  Co.,  raUroarl  ties 614 

Mossburg,  L.  A.,  watermelons 40 

Mosses,  rates  on 47G 

Mossman,  Paul  D.,  trachoma 639,900 

Mossman,  Robert  C,  world  weather  records. .  129 

aid  to  mothers  with  dependent  children...  "SO 

books  for  mothers  on  infant  care,  list.. 91 

mortality  in  United  States 773,905 

prenatal  care 308 

to  visit  European  cemeteries 564,  692, 1005 

welfare  and  hygiene — 

administration  of  act 116 

county  health  organization 371,750 

exhibits  and  pubs,  of  Children's  Bur. .    116 

work  in  generalized  program 491 

what  is  happening  to  mothers  in  D.  C.  ?...  622 

see  also  Conference  of  State  Directors  in 

Charge  of  Local  Administration  of 

Maternity  and  Infancy  Act. 

Moths,  see  Clothes  moths— a/«o  names  of  moths. 

Motion  Picture  Section,  Foreign  and  Domestic 

Commerce  Bur.. 84,339,795,925 

Motion  pictures: 

copjTighted ...  118, 179,  309.  373,  493, 623,  752,  885 

copjTighted,  index,  etc..  1926 245 

el  cine  como  elemento  de  progreso.. 55 

hearing 716 

industry,  European,  in  1927 795 

markets  for — 

in  Central  Europe,  Italy,  and  Spain...    84 

in  Scandinavia  and  Baltic  States 925 

industrial  and  educ.  pictures  abroad. ..  3-39 

short-subject  films  in  Europe 339 

short-subject  films  in  Latin  Amer.,  etc.  795 

Mines  Bureau  films 282,411 

trade  practice  conference  for  industry 1019 


mine  yawls  for  War  Dept 969, 1005, 1101 

regulation 1086 


operation,  decision  of  I.  C.  C 1032 

regulation  on  public  highways 958 

.see  also  Motor-vehicles. 
Motor-cars,  see  Automobiles — Motor-vehicles. 

and  parts,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 13 

supplies  for  postal  service 763 

see  also  Motor-vehicles. 

operation,  decision  of  I.  C .  C 1032 

transporte  de  carga  por  autocamiones 761 

see     also     Automobiles— Motor-vehicles — 
also  Gun  mounts. 
Motor  Vehicle  Service  Division,   Post  Office 

credit  for  time  served  as  substitute 829 

promotion  of  clerks,  etc 976 

promotion  of  mechanics'  helpers 829, 1101 


advertising  automotive  products 151 

American  automotive  products  in  Europe.  660 

bodies  and  parts,  census  report,  1925 13 

distribution  in  Cuba 661 

exporters  and  their  brokers,  instructions...  280 

exports  of  automotive  products. 924 

industry,  etc..  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  924 

installment  selling  in  Europe 925 

market  of  New  Zealand 409 

penalty  for  taking  in  Canal  Zone 4.56 

postal  service,  supplies  furnished 763 

regulations  for  District  of  Columbia..* 91 

wages  and  hours  of  labor  in  industry 46 

see  also  Automobiles— Motor-busses— Mo- 
Motorcycles,  see  Motor-cycles. 

Motors,  census,  1925,  prime  movers,  etc 13 

Mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes 3,76 

Mottling  in  soy  beans 4 

Mouat,  Port,  chart 181 

Moulton,  Forest  11.,  patent  appeal 219 

Mound  City,  111.,  bridge 427,582,670 

Mound  City  &  Eastern  Ry 1120 

Mounds,  publications  for  sale 862 

Mount  Carmel,  111.,  bridge 560,711,804 

Mount  Eden  quadrangle,  Ky 96 

Mount  Hood  National  Forest,  purposes,  etc...  403 
Mount  Hood  quadrangle,  Oreg 90 


Mount  Hope  Mineral  R.  R.,  valuation 35 

Mount  McKinley  National  Park: 

act  to  establish,  to  repeal  part 446,722,934 

rules  and  regulations 162 

travelogue 1021 

Mount  Mansfield  Electric  R.  R.,  deficit  settle- 
ment  1032 

Mount  Rainier  National  Park,  circular 865 

Mount  Rainier  quadrangle.  Wash 729 

Mount       Rushmore       National       Memorial 

Comn 965,1001 

Mount  Vernon,  Iowa,  precipitation 212 

Mount  Vernon,  Va.: 

highway  to  connect  with  Washington- 
estimate 1067 

hearings 832 

law 1101 

reports 698,717 

Mount  Weather,  Va.,  to  sell  Weather  Bureau 

station.. 448,546,547,670 

Mountain  Home,  Idaho,  1st  National  Bank...  569 

Mountain  States  Roofing  Co 31 

Mountain    States    Telephone    &    Telegraph 

Co 168.468,476,482,617 

Mouquin,  Louis  C,  v.  William  C.  Hecht 489 

Mouse  River,  see  Souris  River. 
Mouth,  sec  Oral  prophylaxis. 
Moving  pictures,  see  Motion  pictures. 

Moyer,  James  E.,  relief 350, 1005 

Moyer's  Home  Store,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S. 882 

Mucilage,  rates  on 873 

Mud  Bay,  chart 279 

Mud  Lake,  claims  of  settlers 677,840,930 

Muhlenberg,  Peter,  monument  in  D.  C 689, 

851,  937 

Muir-Smith  Motor  Co.,  automobiles 765 

Mulch,  paper,  crop-plant  stimulation 919 


production 784 

purchase  for  military  cstabhshment 435, 

592, 668 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle 703, 1104 

Mulford,  Furman  L.: 

beautifying  the  farmstead.. 532 

herbaceous  perennials 532 

roses  for  the  home 210 

trees  for  roadside  planting 655 

trees  for  town  &  city  streets 10 

Mullen,  .-Vnthony,  relief 438 

Mullen,  John  C,  Missouri  R.  bridge..  558,709,802 

Mullens  quadrangle,  W.  Va... 605 

Mulliken,  H.  S.,  cost  of  Chilean  nitrate 288 

Mullins,  AVilliam,  military  record 438 

Multilateral  treaty,  see  Peace. 

Mummert  Lumber  &  Tie  Co.,  lumber 475 

Mumps  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

Munger,  Thornton  T.,  timber  growing,  etc 8 

Mimicipalities,  see  Cities  and  towns. 

Munitions,  exportation 553 

Munk,  Max  M.: 

aerodynamic  characteristics,  wing  sections.  119 

air  forces  on  biplane,  etc.,  models 119 

preliminary  wing  model  tests 1131 

resume  of  advances  made  in  aeronautics. .  1046 
Munn,  James  B.: 

gift  of  lands  to  Clayton  County,  Iowa- 
hearings 674 

law 804 

reports 674,703 

Munroe,  Helen,  Smithsonian  publications 191 

Muriatic  acid,  rates  on 169 

Murphy,  Alex.,  &  Co.,  U.  S.  v 224 

Murphy,  Alice  C,  reinstatement 896 

Murphy,  Con,  relief 987 

Murphy,  Frank  (Representative  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com... 807 

Conference  Com 938 

Murphy,  Robert  B.,  relief 1008 

Murphy,  Thomas,  relief 438 

Murphy,  Thomas,  v.  United  States 489 

Murphy,  Thomas  J.,  Co.,  relief. 834 

Murphy,  William  H.,  military  record 438 

Murphysboro  Paving  Brick  Co.,  bricks 98 

Murray,  Frank,  relief 815,987,1096 

Murray,  Glen,  United  States  t'A- 131,241,306 

Murray,  John  E.,  v.  United  States 1017,1127 

Murray,  Joseph  B.,  patent  appeal 283 


Index,  1927-1928 


Murray,  Thomas  E.,  jr.,  patent  appeal.. 283 

Muscle  Shoals: 

bibliographical  list '^'^ 

legal  rights  of  V.  S.  and  Alabama 44/ 

preservation,  etc.,  of  project— 

hearings'.- 24,288,350,573,692 

hearings,  index .- 350 

minority  views. 824 

report,  etc.,   of  Muscle  Shoals  Joint 

Com 350 

reports  of  committees 573, 824, 940 

reports  of  Muscle  Shoals  Inquiry 288 

Muscle    Shoals,    Birmingham    &    Pensacola 
R.  R.: 

acquisition  of  tracks 300 

rates  on  lumber 168 

Muscle  Shoals  Commission  of  Alabama 350 

Muscle  Shoals  Inquiry,  reports 288 

Muscle  Shoals  Joint  Committee 350 

Muscle  Shoals  Traffic  Bureau: 

freight  rates 735 

potatoes 873 

Muscle  training  in  infantile  paralysis 391,639 

Muscoid  flies,  see  Flies. 

Museums,  memorial  to  Anthony  Wayne 562, 

689, 851, 942, 1105 
see  also  names  of  museums. 
Museums,  American  Association  of,  see  Ameri- 
can Association  of  Museums. 

Mushroom  diseases  and  their  carriers 532 


appreciation 293 

chamber,  Library  of  Congress  festival 886 

in  platoon  schools,  report 226 

mechanical  reproduction,  price  fixing 975 

musical  compositions  copyrighted 46, 

47,  118,  179,  245,  309,  373,  493,  624,  752, 

index,  etc.,  1926 46 

of  Winnebago  Indians 898 

Music  Division,  Library  of  Congress 886 

Music  of  America,  National  Conservatory  of, 
see  National  Conservatory  of  Music 
of  America. 
Musical  instruments: 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

maintenance,  etc.,  of  band  instruments 138 

Music  oxen,  to  acquire  herd  for  Alaska 703 

Muskegon,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

Muskegon  Railway  &  Navigation  Co.: 

bonds. 35 

control _ 233 

Muskogee,  Okla.: 

air  navigation  maps 777,1150 

boilers  from  municipal  hospital 670,  701,  713 

rent  for  Veterans'  Hospital 982 

Mutes,  see  Deafness. 

Mutillid  wasps,  investigations 899 

Mutton,  use  in  diet.. 332 

see  also  Sheep. 

Mutual  Creamery  Co.,  milk 299 

Myacea  from  Florida .  1114 

Myer,  J.  W.,  Mails  and  Files  Section,  Recla- 
mation Bur 96 

Myers,  Qarry  C,  education  of  children  .  27 

Myers,  L.  E.,  Co.,  cement 467 

Myotis,  see  Bats. 

Myrie,  David  S.,  claim  for  death  of  son...  507,813 

Myne,  Reginald  E.,  claim  for  death...  507,813,935 


N-20  wing,  see  Airfoils. 

N.   A.    C.   A.    Roots   type  supercharger,   see 

Naasan  Bay,  see  Stepanov  Bay. 
Nabarro,  David  N.,  transmission  of  syphilis       907 
Najin  Bay,  see  Sivuch  Bav. 
Najiu  Po,  see  Kornilov  Gulf. 
Nakusan  Bay,  see  Anna  Bay. 

Nalahia  Bay,  chart 182 


aeronautics  nomenclature 119 

decisions  of  Geographic  Bd.,  1923-27         92 
decisions  of  Geographic  Bd.,  monthly     292, 

...       .     ,.  462,603,862,1112 

uiummatmg  engmeering  nomenclature . .        18 

Names— Continued. 

migratory  game  birds,  local  names 143 

ordnance,  standard  list 67, 

138,  200,  326,  395,  521,  780,  911, 1075, 1152 

zoology,  amdts.  to  internat.  rules 263,392 

Namlea  Road,  chart 182 

Namoluk  Islands,  chart 51 

Nansemond  River,  examination  and  survey 778 

Nantucket  Sound,  examination  and  survey 778 

Naoetsu  Harbor,  Japan,  chart 890 

Naphtha,  rates  on 106, 1032 

Naples,  Seaboard  &  Gulf  Ry.,  control 613 

Nara  Visa  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties 476 

Narcissus  bulbs: 

production 404 

quarantine 1053 


act,  as  amended,  and  regulations 1069 

advances  of  funds  for  law  enforcement 701, 

713, 803 

enfoi-cement  of  laws  in  1927 512 

see  also  Drug  addiction— aZso  names  of  nar- 
cotic drugs. 
Narcotics  Control  Board,  see  Federal  Narcotics 

Control  Board. 
Narrows,  see  Bermuda — New  York  Harbor. 
Nasal,  see  Nose. 

Nash  Dietz  Co.,  misrouting 1120 

Nashville,  Tenn.: 

air  navigation  maps 776,777 

establishment  of  Presidents'  plaza — 

hearings 717,965 

reports 851,965 

park  on  battle  field,  statements 967 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

Nashville,  Chattanooga  &  St.  Louis  Ry.: 

bonds 739 

rates  on— 

cotton-seed 231 

lumber 1031 

sand 1123 

wheelbarrows 484 

V.  United  States 881 

Nason,  Wayne  C: 

plans  of  rural  community"buildings 916 

rural  libraries 916 

rural  planning,  the  village 1080 

National,  see  certain  headings  beginning  Fed- 

National  Academy  of  Sciences 493,  886, 1131 

memoirs... 493,494,1131 

publications,  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 226 

report,  1926-27 886 

to  investigate  cancer  cure 847 

National   Advisory   Committee  for   Aeronau- 
tics  47, 118, 

179.  245, 310,  374, 495,  624,  752, 1046, 1131 

estimate,  1929 MO 


1926. 119 

1927 374 

lists,  with  prices 119, 1131 

test  engine,  description 119 

National  Archives,  to  create  establishment.  591,  689 
National  .\rt  Qallerj^  see  National  Gallery  of 

National    Association    of    Employing    Litho- 
graphers, paper 477 

National  Association  of  Ice  Cream  Manufactu- 

ice-cream  containers 34 

ice-8ream  mix 473 

National  Association  of  Public-School  Business 
Officials,  statistics  for  public-school 

systems 1021 

National  Association  of  Upholstered  Fiu-niture 

Manufacturers,  mosses 476 

National  bank  notes,  outstanding 61, 

132,  194,  261,  322,  389,  511,  637,  771, 
904, 1068. 1145. 

National  Bank  of  Commerce 571, 713, 800 

National  banks: 

capital  stock 61,132,194,261, 

322,  389,  511, 037,  771, 904, 1068, 1145 

condition,  abstract  of  reports 132, 

389,  637, 904 

condition,  individual  statements 904 

decisions  relating  to,  digest 61 ,  637 




National  banks — Continued. 

organization  and  powers 771 

taxes  on  bank  shares 704 

trust  powers _..  46? 

see  aho  names  of  banks  or  places  where 
National  Board  for  Promotion  of  Rifle  Practice: 

report  of  Military  Affairs  Com.,  Senate 853 

veto  message 897 

National  Botanic  Garden 702 

estimate,  1928  and  1929 702 

plants  for  Congressional  distribution 1001 

National  Broom  Co.,  broom  handles _..    30 

National  budget,  see  Budget. 

National  Candy  Co.  v.  U.  S 290,1042 

National  Canners  Association 164 

National  capital,  see  District  of  Columbia. 
National  Capital,  Office  of  Public  Buildings  and 
Public  Parks  of,  see  Public  Build- 
ings and  Public  Parks  of  National 
Capital  Office. 
National  Capital  Park  and  Planning  Commis- 
sion  374 

expenses  of  members 455, 810, 1 101 

report,  1927 374 

to  acquire  land  in  D.  C 949,996 

work,  statements  of  U.  S.  Grant,  3d,  etc.  1106 
National  cemeteries,  see  names  of  cemeteries  or 
places  where  located. 

National  Chemical  Manufacturing  Co 859 

National  Child  Health  Council 27 

National  City  Bank  of  Seattle,  v.  U.  S 489 

National  Committee  on  Music  in  Platoon  or 

Work-Study-Play  Schools,  report- .  226 
National  Committee  on  Wood  Utilization: 

accomplishments  and  aims 791 

end-matched  softwood  lumber 12 

grade  marking  of  lumber 791 

sawdust  and  wood  flour 148 

seasoning,  handling  aod  care  of  lumber 791 

National  Conference  on  Vocational  Rehabilita- 
tion   of    the    Disabled    Civilian, 

proceedings,  1927 158 

National  Conference  on  Weights  and  Measures: 

20th  conference,  1927,  report 665 

21st  conference,  1928,  program 928 

National  Congress  of  Vocational  Argicultural 

Students,  announcement 225 

National  Conservatory  of  Music  of  America..  830, 

National  control,  see  Government  control. 
National  defense,  see  Army — Navy. 
National    Education    Association    of    United 
States,  statistics  for  public-school 

systems 1021 

National  Electric  Signaling  Co.  v.  U.  S 241 

National  Electrical  Manufacturers'  Association, 

glossary  of  electrical  terms,  etc 794 

National  electrical  safety  code 542 

National  Forest  Reservation  Commission .  447,  702 

report,  1927 447 

resolutions  adopted  at  meeting,  1928 702 

National  forests: 

areas,  June  30,  1927 145 

employment  on,  information  regarding 402 

game  sanctuaries 573 

grazing  facilities,  to  protect,  etc 1109 


Arizona,  road  map 652 

Colorado 1082 

New  Mexico,  road  map 652 

Oregon,  road  map 1083 

timber,  scaling  and  measurement 652 

watersheds,  protection 857 

see  also  Forests  and  forestry — also  names  of 
national  forests. 

National  Gallery  of  Art 320,633 

paintings  by  British  artists 633 

portraits  by  Bernhard  Osterman 633 

report,  1927 320 

National  Geographic  Society,  award  of  medal 

to  Charles  Lindbergh 317 

National  German  IMachinery  Manufacturers' 

Association,   operations 410 

National  Guard: 

Air  Corps  organizations 1075 

armory  drill  pay,  claims 852,969, 1100 

!H;ational  Guard— Continued. 

.\rmy  personnel  on  duty  with,  regulations.    67 

basic  training  manual.. 326,394 

civilian  caretakers 437,  593,  934 

injured  personnel,  care  and  treatment 593, 

691, 934 

medical  attendance,  regulations 67 

of  Hawaii,  payment  of  officers,  etc.— 

law 802 

reports 563,592 

statement  of  Victor  S.  K.  Houston 1107 

official  register,  1927 520 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  292, 862 

regulations,  separate  pamphlets 67, 

138,  200,  266,  326,  394,  520,  644,  910, 
1074, 1075, 1152. 

rifle  range  in  Arizona 504 

rifle  ranges  in  Idaho 57,318 

staff  officers,  qualifications 592,691,934 

training,  notes  on 394 

traveling  expenses 594,972, 1103 

uniforms,  regulations 394 

see  also  Pay,  National  Guard. 
National  Guard  -Association  of  United  States..   594, 

693, 804 

National  Guard  Reserve,  regulations 1075 

National  Hardware  Service  Corporation 42, 114 

National  herbarium,  see  Herbariums. 
National    Home    for    Disabled    Volunteer 

Soldiers 47, 310,  495,  752, 1046 

board  of  managers — 

appointment  of  W.  S.  Albright 824 

appointment  of  Frank  F.  Bott 824 

appointment  of  Paul  E.  Divine 350,  544 

appointment  of  Roy  L.  Marston 692 

membership  to  be  increased 969 

proceedings,  fiscal  year,  1927 752 

proceedings,  quarterly 47,310,495,1046 

report,  1927 752 

construction  at  Pacific  Branch — 

estimate 637 

laws 544, 9  i5 

renorts 351,593,852 

hearings  on  various  bills 692 

hospital  at  Dayton,  Ohio,  erection 351,1005 

inspection  of  branches,  1927 644 

lands,  etc.,  at  Bath,  N.  Y 989,1005,1101 

women  eligible  for  admission  -  -  438,  718,  719, 803 

National  Home  for  Lepers,  Carville 905, 1148 

National  hospital  day 264 

National  hydraulic  laboratory 843 

National  Institute  of  Health,  to  establish 993 

National  Lead  Battery  Co.,  storage  batteries-.    39 

National  Life  Insurance  Co.  v.  U.  S 881 

National  Memorial  .Association,  Inc 693,1001 

National  monuments: 

jurisdiction  transferred 1014 

site  of  battle  with  Nez  Perces  Indians 569, 

see  also  names  of  national  monuments  or 
places  where  located. 

National  Museum 59,129,191,258, 

320,  384.  506,  633,  767,  899, 1059, 1142 
collections,  see  special  subject, 
exhibitions — 

paintings  by  British  artists 633 

portraits  by  Bernhard  Osterman 633 


v.  69,  title-page,  contents,  etc _    60 

V.  70,  title-page,  contents,  etc 258 

v.  71,  .separates 60, 129, 192,  767 

v.  71,  title-page,  contents,  etc 1060 

v.  72,  separates.  192,  258, 320, 384,  385, 633,  767 

V.  73,  separates 767,  899, 1060, 1143 

publications — 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 226 

issued  1926-27.. 385 

report,  1927 385 

see  aho  Wetmore,  Alexander. 

National  Negro  Business  League 639 

National  negro  health  week  (2  entries) 639 

prices  of  publications 639 

National  origins,  see  Immigration. 

National  Park  Service 29, 


estimates,  1929.. 510,1066 

report,  1927 362 


Index,  1927-1928 


National  parks:  .      ,       ,  ico 

glimpses  of  our  national  parks it>^ 

jurisdiction  over  military  parks 1014 

publications,  Government 727 

roads  and  trails 1066 

superintendents,  qualifications s^ 

see  also  National  monuments— aZ«o  names 
of  national  parks. 

National  Pole  Co.,  poles 234 

National  Press  Club  buildmg  dedication Ml 

National  Refining  Co.,  petroleum 740 

National  Reliabilitation  Association 158 

National  repre.';entation,see  Suffrage. 

National  Republican  Publishing  Co 477 

National  resources,  see  Natural  resources. 
National  Safety  Appliance  Co.: 

train-control  or  train-stop  devices  on— 
Galveston,  Harrisburg  &  San  Antonio 

Ry._- 876 

St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Ry 483 

National  Safety  Council: 

code  for  forging  and  hot  metal  stamping-..  245 

code  for  rubber  mills  and  calenders 117 

National  Show  Case  Co.,  store  fixtures 111 

National  Slag  Co.,  slag.... 743 

National  Society  of  Daughters  of  American 

Revolution 899 

address  of  President  Coolidge 895 

report.  Mar.  1,  1926-Mar.  1,  1927 899 

National  Soldiers'  Home,  see  National  Home  for 
Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers. 

National  Supply  Co.,  Midwest,  boilers 867 

National  Surety  Co.,  relief 575 

National  Tube  Co.,  pipe 170,234,765 

National  University  law  review,  reprint 447 

National  War  Labor  Board,  award 945 

National  War  Memorial  Museum  and  Veterans' 

Headquarters,  establishment. 421 

National  Zinc  Co.,  Inc.: 

fire-clay 471 

sulphuric  acid 366 

National  Zoological  Park 385 

report,  1927 385 

Nationahzation  of  legal-tender  money 944, 1106 

Nation's  business: 

article  reprinted  from 124 

same  (in  Portuguese) 252 

Nation's  schools: 

article  reprinted  from 893 

same  (in  Portuguese) 1136 

Nattkemper,  R.  L.,  electrocardiogram 246,247 

Natural  Bridge  National  Forest: 

proclamation.. 187 

resources  and  recreation  features 403 

Natural  gas,  see  Gas  (natural). 
Natural  history: 

collecting  in  Siam  by  H.  M.  Smith 898 

north  shore  of  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence 898 

of  Florida  Keys  and  West  Indies 898 

Natural  resources,  conservation,  Govt.  pubs...  293 

Natural  wonders,  Govt,  pubs 727 


certain  aliens 952 

publications  for  sale 225, 1113 

residence  of  aliens,  required  length 347 

Naturalization  Bureau.. 373,884,1045 

report,  1927.. 373 

Nautical  almanac,  see  Almanacs. 

Nautical  Almanac  Office 54, 123,892 

Navajo  Reservation,  telephone  line 848,954 

Naval  Academy,  Annapolis 313,377,1134 

admission,  examination  papers 120, 1132 

admission,  regulations.. 120,1048 

appointment  of  midshipmen  by  Vice  Pres- 
ident of  United  States 853,974,1101,  construction 827 

register,  1927-28 313 

report  of  board  of  visitors 1134 

station  directories,  1927.. 377 

same,  changes 377 

Naval  Affairs  Committee,  House: 

calendar,  legislative 352, 

441,  566, 694,  826, 973, 1 107 

mmority  views _       695 

reports 441,  4427566"  694, 

695, 825, 826, 827, 828, 973, 974, 975 

Naval  Affairs  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative  ..354,  595, 720, 853, 1008, 1109 

hearings 1010 

reports 457, 

595,  719,  720, 853, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010 
Naval    air  stations,    see    Airports    and    aviation 

Naval  ammunition  depots,  see  names  of  places 

where  located. 
Naval  Armament,  Conference  for  Limitation 
of,  see  Conference  for  Limitation 
of  Naval  Armament. 
Naval  aviation  stations,  see  Airports  and  avia- 
tion fields. 
Naval   Clothing   Factory,   see  Naval   Supply 

Depot,  New  York. 
*Javal  Communication  Service: 

development,  site  in  San  Juan,  P.  R.. 58 

telephone  directory  for  Navy  Dept 180j 

Kaval  courts,  see  Courts-martial  and  courts  of 

Naval  directory,  see  Navy. 

Naval  districts,  manual,  1927 247| 

Naval  engineering,  see  Marine  engineering. 
Naval  establishment,  see  Navy — Navy  Depart- 

Naval  government,  pharmacy  under 120 

Naval  hospitals: 

dietetics 49j 

duties  of  commanding  officer 246,247 

emergency  hospitals,  hutment  type 887| 

salary  tables  of  civil  employees,  supp 376 

Naval  Intelligence  Offi.ce 49 

Naval  medical  bulletin 48,247,497,887 

index  to  v.  25 247 

supplement 120,496,! 

index  to  v.  11 12 

Naval  Medical  Service,  see  Medical  Depart- 
ment, Navy. 

Naval  Aledical  Supply  Depot,  New  York 48 

Naval  medicine,  see  Medicine. 

Naval  Observatory 377,50 

publications,  1927 50 

report,  1927. 377,  75| 

time  service la 

Naval  officers,  see  Navy. 

Naval  Operations  Office 247,37^ 

chief,  assignment  of  quarters  in  D.  C.  974, 100" 

chief,  equalize  rank 

report,  1927 375,753' 

Naval  Ordnance  Plant: 

electric  current 566,  853,932 

information  relative  to — 

letter  from  Navy  Dept 752 

report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  160... 
Naval  petroleum  reserves: 
leases,  investigation — 

hearings 597,  857. 1014 

report lOll 

leases,  to  transfer  jurisdiction- 
law 67 

reports 444, 4^ 

Naval  prisons.  Coast  Guard  personnel l^ 

Naval  radio  stations,  see  Radio  stations— aZ«o 
names   of  ■  stations   and   names   of 
places  where  located. 
Naval    reservations,    see    Naval    petroleum 

Naval  Reserve: 

act  to  provide  for  creation,  etc.,  sec.  14 91' 

relief  of  retired,  etc.,  members 694 

retainer  pay,  date  for  filing  claims 826 

Naval  Reserve  Force: 

officers,  directory 120,247,497,888 

relief  of  former  officers 457 

relief  of  retired,  etc.,  members 694 

retainer  pay,  date  for  filing  claims 82G 

Naval  Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps 120 

Naval  stations: 

commandants,  memorandum  for...  54, 123, 184, 

251,  313,  500,  627,  760,  892,  1052,  1135 

imprisonment  of  Coast  Guard  personnel...  127 

safety  standards 251 

see    also    Radio    stations— aiso    names    of 

July- June 



Naval  stores: 

classification,  index 760 

specifications,  index 54,251,500,1052 

see  also  Turpentine. 
Naval  supplies: 

classification  index 760 

cognizance  of  material  (2  entries) 886 

medical  supply  depots 887 

specifications,  index 54,251,500,1052 

stock  catalogs,  stores  at  navy  yards 892 

see  also  Military  supplies. 

Naval  Supply  Depot,  New  York 631 

Naval  Training  Station,  Hampton  Roads: 

barracks,  etc.,  construction 974 

influenza  epidemic  and  other  diseases 497 

scarlet  fever  outbreak 49 

Naval  Training  Station,  San  Diego: 

cerebrospinal  fever  outbreak 49 

estimate ---  1066 

Naval  vessels,  see  War-ships. 

Naval  War  College,  Newport 120 

Naval  warfare,  see  War. 

Navarrete,  Julio  B.,  solar  radiation  and  rainfall 

in  Chile 147 

Navas!5a  Island,  light  list 538 

Navies,  information  concerning 49 

Navigable  waters: 

applications  for  permits  for  work  in 137 

rules  and  regulations -  265 

see  also  Rivers. 

American  practical  navigator,  tables  from.  248 

aviation  seamanship 1048 

books  and  charts,  information 626,627,759 

celestial  observations  for  position 52, 123 

finding  courses,  supplementary  method 376 

hints,  navigational 626,627,759 

laws  of  U.  S.,  1927 218 

laws  of  U.  S.,  proposed  codification,  index.  319 

radio  aids 121, 1132 

static  and  atmosphere  as  aid 52, 123 

see  also  Commerce— Great  circle  sailing — 
Navigation  Bureau,  Commerce  Dept. ._  19,  85,  218, 
282,  341,  412,  539,  663,  796,  926,  1091 

report,  1927 282 

Navigation  Bureau,  Navy  Dept...  49, 120, 180,247, 
310,  375,  497,  625,  756,  888,  1048,  1131 

circular  letter 756,888 

estimate.. 1066 

report,  1927 375,753 


accounting  numbers 1135 

aircraft  wood  and  glue,  inspection 753 

ammunition  storage  conditions,  survey 907 

ammunition  storage  facilities,  providing — 

hearing 943 

report 973 

annual  physical  examination 497 

appropriations  for  naval  service,  1929 — 

amendment  to  budget 771 

hearings 675 

law 935 

reports 675,837,941 

boat  book,  1927 310 

chaplains,  appointment 973 

directory 120,247,497,888 

drills,  ship  and  gunnery 756 

enlisted  men — 

advancement      in      rating,      subjects 

needed 120,180,247 

apprentice  seamen 49, 120,  311, 1132 

employed  by  The  Panama  Canal..  559, 671 
operators'    permits    for    Govt,    vehi- 
cles  586,810 

relief  of  those  who  misrepresented  age.  828 

to  make  good  time  lost 827,935, 1009 

training  courses 49,120,  121, 

180,  247,  248,  310,  311,  888,  1048, 1131, 1132 

training  courses,  announcement 1131 

see  also,  below,  personnel. 

foreign  officers  serving  with 120,  247, 497, 888 

assignments.  Navy  training  course 1132 

bibliography 49 

increase  of  Navy,  estimate 1066 

information  concerning 49 

joint  action  with  Army 137, 199,  516 


Navy — Continued. 

landing-force  manual,  Navy,  1927 756 

medical  aspects  of  naval  aviation 887, 1047 

nursing  in  Navy,  history 497 

officers — 

assignment  as  fleet,  etc.,  engineers 566, 

853,  935 
commanding  ships,  memorandum  for..  54, 
123,  184,  251,  313,  500,  627,  760,  892,  1052, 

directory 120,247,497,888 

distribution,  etc.,  of  line  officers 974 

dutv  on  airships  to  count  as  sea  dutv.   695, 

853,  935 

in  District  of  Columbia,  Nov.  1,  1927..  311 

precedence  of  staff  officers 566, 853, 935 

precedence  with  ambassadors,  etc 187 

register,  1928 756 

to  accept  foreign  decorations. 441 , 

595,  939, 1099 
see  also,  below,  personnel — warrant  offi- 
pensions,  see  Pensions, 

advance  of  public  funds.  _.    .  827, 1009, 1102 

care  in  Government  hospitals 826 

escort  for  bodies 827,1009,1101 

payment  of  death  gratuity...  827, 1009, 1102 
see   also,   above    and    below,   enlisted 
men — officers — warrant  officers. 

postal  employees,  credit  for  service 1011 

publications.  Government 727 

register,  1928.... 756 

regulations,  1920 180 

regulations,  1920,   changes 246 

sundry  matters  aflecting,  to  provide  for...  566, 

853, 930 

typhoid  vaccination  (2  entries) 497 

uniform  regulations,  1922,  changes 624, 1131 

use  in  Nicaragua — 

cost  of  maintenance 886 

hearings 714 

warrant  officers — 

employed  by  The  Panama  Canal..  559, 671 
promotion,  all  active  service  to  count..  828 

register,  1928._. 756 

see  also  Hospital  Corps,  Navy— Nurse 
Corps,  Navy — Pay,  Navj' — Re- 
tired list,  Navy — War-ships — also 
certain  headings  beginning  Naval- 
Navy  and  Army  Joint  Board,  see  Army  and 
Navv  Joint  Board. 

Navy  Department 48,119,  180,  246, 

310,  374,  495,  624,  752,  886,  1047, 1131 

accounting  numbers 1135 

aircraft  purchased,  report 495 

ammunition  storage  conditions,  survey 907 

ammunition  storage  facilities,  providing — 

hearing 943 

report 973 

appropriations,  1928,  and  prior  years — 

estimates 1047, 1066 

appropriations,  1929^ 

amendment  to  budget 771 

estimates.. 1066 

hearings 675 

law 935 

reports 675,837,941 

orders,  general... .  48, 119,  246, 496, 624, 1047, 1131 

public  works,  to  authorize 974, 1009 

report  of  Secretary  of  Navy,  1927 374,  753 

reports,  1927 753 

sundry  matters  aflecting,  to  provide  for...  566, 

853, 930 

telephone  directory 180 

useless  papers 1016 

see  also  certain  headings  beginning  Naval. 
Navy  directory,  see  Navy. 
Navy  emergency  officers'  retired  list,  see  Emer- 
gency officers'  retired  list. 
Navy  Medical  Department,  see  Medical  De- 
partment, Navy. 
Navy  Nurse  Corps,  see  Nurse  Corps,  Navy. 
Navy     Recruiting     Bureau,     see     Recruiting 

Bureau,  Navy  Dept. 
Navy  register,  see  Navy. 
Navy  training  courses,  see  Education. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Navy  Yard  Division 251 


safety  standards «' «oo 

stores  carried  by  supply  officers...    89^ 

see  alsn  names  of  places  where  located. 

Naylor,  Margaret  E.,  to  pay ^;;--niA  Itl 

Nead,  Elmer  J  ,  relief... 67/, 930, 988 

Neaf,  Mary,  relief -rw ;.- S,S 

Neah  Bav,  road  from  Makah  Reservation 848 

Neal,  JaiTies,  relief 438,593,667 

Near  East: 

film  market,  short-subject '95 

foreign  service  officers  of  U.  S 1056 

Navy  nurse  in  the  Near  East 247 

Near  East  Relief: 

rehef     451,549,1096 

report,  1927 835 


bridge  across  Missouri  River 581,684,803 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 81 

coal,  rates  on 468 

comjiact  with  Colo.,  consent  of  Congress..  961 

crayfishes Ifi 

irrigated  crop  rotations 9 

post  route  map 630 

Railway  Commission- 
sugar 1036 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing 769 

Nebraska  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

cattle  fattening  in  corn  belt 400 

combined  harvester-thresher 648,649 

work  of  Scotts  BlufT  Field  Station 275 

Nebraska  Bridge  Supply  &  Lumber  Co.: 

piling 478 

posts  -- 37 

Nebraska  City,  Nebr.,  bridge 684,842,934 

Nebraska  Gas  &  Electric  Co.,  coal 469 

Nebraska-Iowa  Bridge  Corporation 426, 

454,  582, 670 
Nebraska  National  Forest,  pine  tip  moth_.  204,  273 

Nebraska  State  Normal  School,  coal __  468 

Nebraska  University,  soil  of  Burt  County 10 

Nechay,  Steve,  v.  I'nited  States 489 

Necklaces,  case  of  Marshall  Field  &  Co 25 

Necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes 3,76 

Nectarine,  Quetta,  fruit  of  Indian  origin 146 

Needle  for  anesthesia  of  maxillary  nerve 246,  247 

Needles,  Calif.,  lots  for  Indian  use 848 

Neely,  M.  M.  (Senator  from  W.  Va.): 
report  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 845 

Neelys  Ferry,  bridge 932,956,991 

Negri  Baru  Bay,  see  Tolitoli  Bay. 
Negro,  Rio,  see  Rio  Negro. 

colleges  and  universities,  survey 1113 

crania  in  National  Museum. 767 

memorial  building 696, 1001 

mortality  in  U.  S 513 

same,  summary  in  public  health  re- 
ports  _ __,  513 

national  negro  health  week,  1928  (2) 639 

neuropsychiatric  problems 135 

publications  — 

Government  publications 225,1113 

negro  health  week  publications,  prices    639 
Neill,  M.  n.: 

lipase  in  blood  serum  of  lepers 63 

plasma  proteins  in  leprosy.. 63 

radium  u.sed  for  nasal  lesions  of  leprosy  63 

Neilson,  Walter  C,  to  pay 942 

Neller,  J.  R.,  changes  in  apples 1079 

Nelms,  Milton  A.,  v.  United  States  369 

Nelson,  Andre,  relief  of  mother...  812 

Nelson,  B.  F.,  Manufacturing  Co.,  rags  '  614 

Nelson,  Charles  E.,  trustee,  cans.   .  31 

Nelson,  John  E.  (Representative  from  Me  )• 
report  made  by- 
Interstate    and    Foreign    Commerce 

Com gl8 

Nelson,  .John  H.,  petroleum  refineries  18 

Nelson,  Joseph,  claims  for  property  damages     1021 
Ne  son,  K.  T..  European  radio  markets  152 

Nelson,  'rhonias.  <t  Sons,  United  States  v  ""    ''S 

Ne  son  &  Albemarle  Ry.,  valuation 296"l033 

Nelson  Fuel  Co.,  coal..  gf58 

Nelson  Township,  111,,  brid";4M,"584  671 


Nemas,  see  Nematode  worms. 

Nematode  worms: 

attacking  plants 532,647 

in  birds  in  North  America 649 

nemas  and  recent  progress  in  nematology..    76 
new  nematode  from  prong-horn  antelope...    60 

of  family  Strongylidae  in  mammals 767 

see  also  names  of  worms. 
Nematodirus     antilocaprae,     see     Nematode 

Nemuro  Peninsula,  chart 1134 

Neoarsphenamine  poisoning 497 

Neoplasms,  see  Tumors. 

Neosalvarsan  administration,  acute  atrophy  of 

liver  associated  with 887 

Nephrectomy,  postoperative  collapse  of  lung..  264 

in  advanced  pulmonary  tuberculosis 1149 

nephritic  diazo  reaction... 497 

Neponset  River,  report  on  survey 642 

Nertney,  E.  G.,  fractures  of  mandible 907 


maxillary,  needle  for  anesthesia 246,247 

surface  temperatures,  neurological  point  of 

view  (2  entries) 392 

Nervous    diseases,    see    Neuropsychiatric   dis- 
eases—o?so  names  of  diseases. 

Nesbitt,  J.  n.,  blood  pressure  in  diagnosis 392 

Neshoba  County,  Miss.,  bridge 958,1102 

Ness,  Marie  M.,  seedling  mortality  in  cotton.  10S4 

chart 769 

claims  for  subjects  injured 385,813,937 

peace  treaty  with  U.  S 768 

peace  treaty  with  U.  S.,  protocol 1062 

proposals.  Internal.  Radiotelegraph  Conf..  259 
Netherlands    East   Indies,    see   Malay   Archi- 
Neufchatel  cheese,  see  Cheese. 

Neumann,  Frank,  seismological  reports 150,536 

Neurasthenic  types,  notes  on 392 

Neuritis,  muliple 1149 

Neurocnculatory  asthenia 779 

Neurology,  sec  Nerves. 
Neuropsychiatric  diseases: 

contact  with  relatives  of  patients 65, 198 

following  exposure  to  tetraethyi  lead 514 

hospital  curve,  Veterans'  Bureau  patients.. 197 

negroes,  study  of  problems 135 

nurses  in  neuropsychiatric  hospital 204, 1149 

nursing  and  neuropsychiatric  training 65 

occupational  therapy  with  patients 264 

problem  of  Veterans'  Bureau 197 

see  also  Mental  diseases — also  names  of  dis- 
Neurosyphilis,  see  Syphilis. 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 8.1 

flora  of  Esmeralda  formation 36fe 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  1925..    85 
Highways  Department — 

derricks  _ _ 470 

land  offices,  establishing 721,978 

lands  withdrawn 127,1057 

lands  withdrawn,  revoking  order 250 

magnetic  declination  in  1927 278 

ores,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold,  etc 1090 

postal  service — 

alphabetical  scheme  for  publishers 317 

post  route  map 630 

reimbursement  of  Nevada — 

hearings 432,590 

report 590 

timber  lands,  withholding  from  sale 858 

Nevada-California-Oregon  Ry.  v.  U.  S.  157,241,306 
Nevada  County  Narrow  Gauge  R.  R.  v.  U.  S.  489 
Nevada  Northern  Ry.,  guaranty  settlement...  613 

Nevada  Transportation  Co.,  deficit  status 106 

Nevada  University,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold 

and  silver 1090 

Neves,  Rezin  F.,  relief 564 

Nevis  Island,  money-order  post  offices 254 

New,  Harry  S.,  see  Post  Office  Department. 

New  Bedford  Harbor,  Mass.,  chart 150 

New  Bedford,  Martha's  Vineyard  &  Nantucket 

Steamboat  Co.,  valuation 613 

New  Braunfels  quadrangle,  Tex 605 



New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  v.  Housing  Corp,.  115,748 
New  Cumberland,  W.  Va.: 
bridges,  construction  by — 

New  Cumberland  Bridge  Co.  817,993, 1101 

Reger,  R.  V.,  Bridge  Co 582 

New  Cumberland  Bridge  Co 817,993, 1101 

New  Departure  :Manufacturing  Co.  223,  306,  489,  723 
New  England: 

fisheries,  publications 151 

flood  control 951 

floods  of  November,  1927 534 

light  list 795 

marketing  of  milk  and  cream 205 

New  England  Brick  Co.,  switching  charges 236 

New  England  Steamship  Co.: 
rates  on — 

envelopes 609 

mops 1032 

valuation 613 

New  Fisheries  Co.,  fish  as  food 735 

New  Guinea: 

anchorages    between    Borneo    and    New 

Guinea,  charts 50,51,181,182 

coasts  of  New  Guinea,  charts 181,250 

New  Hampshire: 

child-hygiene  program,  foundation 371 

flood  relief,  estimate 770 

Highway  Department — 

transportation  survey,  report.. 655 

post  route  map 630 

transportation  on  highways,  survey  rp 655 

New  Harmony,  Ind.,  bridges 819,994 

New  Haven  &  Dunbar  R.  R.  v.  United  States.  43 
New  Iberia  &  Northern  R.  R.,  rates  on  salt..  016 
New  Jersey: 

Barnegat  lightship  off  coast,  poster 19 

child  welfare 30S 

fossil  reptile  from  Triassic 707 

industrial  accidents  to  women 117 

post  route  map 63) 

public  service  retirement  system.. _._  17 i 

quality  of  surface  waters 22o 

New  Jersey  &  New  York  R.  R.,  valuation 7:1) 

New  Jersey,  Indiana  &  Illinois  Ry.,  valuation.  SV7 
New  London,  Conn.,  see  Coast  Guard  Acad- 
emv.  New  London. 

New  Martinsville,  W.  Va.,  bridge 559,582,67; 

New  Martinsville  and  Ohio  River  Bridge  Co., 

Inc.,  bridge 559,582,071 

New  Mexico: 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 81 

consent  of  Congress  to  compacts  with— 

Arizona 960 

Colorado 9ol 

Texas 9oi 

dry-land  farming,  progress 329 

fish-hatching,  etc.,  station 842 

Indians  occupying  railroad  lands. .  422,  588, 66S 
establishing  land  offices 978 

opened  to  homestead  entry.  58,  318. 764, 893 

reimbursement  of  counties 698,  722,  llOi 

withdrawn 187,382,896,1057,1111 

livestock  on  irrigated  lands  (S.  1131)...  598,  97;t 

map 360 

mineral   leases,    amendment   to   constitu- 
tion  444,458,544 

national  forests,  road  map 652 

post  route  map 63 1 

stone  in  Washington  monument 380,447 

waters  of  Cimarron  River 960 

New  Mexico  Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 

fattening  steers 271 

New  Mexico  College  of  Agriculture  and  Me- 
chanic -A-rts,  seed  from  sugar  beets.  532 
New  Orleans,  La.: 

air  mail  service 891 

air  navigation  map 777 

Association  of  Commerce — 

quartermaster  intermediate  depot 970, 


aviation  chart 8S9 

bridges 557,670,957,992,1101 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

New  Orleans,  U.  S.  S.,  befl 826,934,974,100s 

New  Orleans  Great  Northern  R.  R.,  valuation.  613 

New  Orleans  Joint  Tralfie  Bureau,  cotton 469 

New  Orleans  Public  Belt  R.  R.,  valuation 106 

New  Orleans  quartermaster  intermediate  depot 

unit  no.  2,  to  lease 970,1005,1104 

New  Orleans  Shipwright  Co.,  Ltd 620 

New  Orleans,  Texas  &  Mexico  Ry.: 

bonds 35,477,739,1120 

cases.. 115,241,881,1042 

New  reclamation  era 29,96,162,229, 

295, 363, 464, 605,  730, 866, 1023, 1115 

index,  v.  18 605 

New  River  bridge 817.993,1101 

New  River  Coal  Operators'  Association 1027 

New  River  Collieries  Co.  v.  V.  S 241,306,748 

New  Year  of  tropical  .\merican  indigenes 1052 

New  York  &  Cuba  Mail  Steamship  Co 1042 

New  York  Butchers  Dressed  Meat  Co 733 

New  York  Central  R.  R.: 

acquisition  of  control 169 

acquisition  of  lines 739 

agreement  with  Racquette  Ry.  modified. .  742 
as  lessee — 

train  stop  device 173 

V.  United  States 618 

easement  across  West  Point  reservation. .  100 1 

misrouting 106 

passenger  rates 1033 

rates  on- 

beets --..  230 

boxes. 732 

brass 867 

bricks 98 

burlap  bags 732 

calcium  arsenate... 98 

coal lf'4 

coke 1027 

figs 870 

gypsum 473 

iron 737 

lawn-mowers 474 

lumber 168 

tallow 482 

trouser  presses 39 

stock 169,234 

storage 744 

train-stop  device 112, 173 

valuation -  300 

NTew  York,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  R.  R.: 

acquisition  and  stock  issue 1033, 1121 

note 477 

rates  on  battery  boxes 607 

stock . - 1033 

United  States  ;,• 1141 

valuation. 737 

New  York  City: 

addre=:s  by  Secretary  Kellogg 768 

air  navigation  maps.. 77G,  777 

aviation  chart 122 

convention  of  American  Legion 805 

diphtheria 263 

health  of  working  boys 110 

ice  for  public  buildings,  1929 997 

International  Congress  of  Americanists. ..  951, 

milk  and  cream,  factors  affecting  demand..  10-(0 

motion  picture  industry  conference 1019 

pneumatic  tube  ,  to  change  route.. 830, 935, 1012 
postal  service- 
air  maU  service  to  Atlanta,  etc 894 

scheme  of  city  distribution 1139 

separation  scheme  for  post  office  use . . .  762 

relief - 451 

rivers,  etc.,  in  districts 518 

see  also  Central  Union  Trust   Co.— Home 
Insurance  Co.— alxo  Naval  Medical 
Supply  Depot,  New  York. 
New  York  Development  Association,  Inc.  959,991 
New  Yorli  Harbor: 

charts.... --  793,923 

light  list 662 

tide  table,  1928 279 

New  York  Harbor  Supervisor 643 

report,  1927 043 

New  York  Insulated  Wire  Co.,  wire 112 

New  York,  Lackawaima  &  Western  Ry 169 

New  York  Marine  Co.,  rehef 947 

New  York,  New  Haven  &  Hartford  R.  R.: 

bonds...- - - -- 613.739 

equipment  trust. -  36.  364,  477 

freight  rates 1119 


Index,  1927-1928 


New   York,    New    Haven   &   Hartford   R.  R.— 
rates  on—  .  , 

bone  products i";?? 

clothes  wringers oos 

coal 100 

Qoke ■'"* 

copper ^^'?n? 

cotton  goods lUj 

fiber-board  cans... 471 

fuel-oil... 1119 

granite f?^ 

lumber 1120 

paper- - ^f^ 

sand...- 616 

steel 38 

swine.. HI 

wire 112 

wool "44 

stock. 234,613 

switcliing  charges. 765 

unladinp  and  lading 1037 

New  York  Polvclinic  Medical  School  &  Hos- 
pital r.  U.  S 223,290,748 

New  York  ShipbuQding  Co.  v.  U.  S....  223,  306,369 
New  York  State: 

account  with  U.  S.,  correcting 432 

bridge  across  Lake  Champlain 423, 

430,  543,  544, 577 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 13 

contested  election,  Hubbard  v.  La  Guardia.  346, 


district  judges 431 

November  floods  in  eastern  New  York 534 

post  route  map 631 

public  service  retirement  system 178 

revolutionary  cannon,  donating 719,824,935 

syphilis  and  gonorrhea,  incidence 907 

New  York  State  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion, Ithaca,  ginseng  diseases 333 

New  York  State  Camp  for  Veterans; 

cemetery,  conveyance  to  U.  S. ..  822, 1005, 1101 
lands,  etc.,  conveyance  for  soldiers'  home.  969, 


New  York  State  College  of  Agriculture 211 

New   York    State   Department   of   American 

Legion,  War  Dept.  equipment 822 

New  York,  Susquehanna  &  Western  R.  R.; 

abandonment  of  branch  line 739 

rates  on  iron 1119 

valuation 735 

New  York  Telephone  Co 39 

New  Zealand: 

automotive  market 409 

boot  and  shoe  industry  and  trade 1089 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts 1049 

pilot,  supplement 1049 

surgical  and  dental  instrument  trade 1090 

veteran.s,  treatment  by  U.  S.  Veterans'  Bur.    65 

Newark  Call  Printing  &  Publishing  Co 36 

Newbold,  Robinson,  relief 970 

Newburgh  &  South  Shore  Ry.: 

deficit  settlement 300 

valuation __  i69 

Newcomer,  E.  J.: 

control  of  European  red  mite 402 

taxonomic  status  of  Paratetranychus..  648,  917 

chart  of  northern  part 182 

money-order  post  offices '/_  254 

pilot,  supplement _      625 

Newman  Brothers,  relief 834 

Newport,  Ark.,  White  River  bridge..         9C0, 1104 
Newport,  K.  1.,  see  Naval  War  College,  New- 

Newport,  Vt.,  bridge 579,669,683 

Newport  Hay,  chart g2 

Newport  News,  Va.: 

port..  200 

tide  calendar 50,  121,  isi 

XT        «   u,^''^^^2,  375,  498,  626,  758,  889,  1050,  1132 
News  Publishing  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair  860 

Newsome  Feed  &  Grain  Co.,  middlings  "  476 

Newspaper  wrappers,  redemption  894 


contributions  to,  copyrighted.  118 

,  ..    ,.        ,  179,  309,  373, 493, 623,"752, 885 

contributions  to,  copyrighted,  index,  1926     245 
relief  of  certain  newspapers..  549  576  947 

subscriptions  may  be  paid  in  advance  '      '  687 

Newton,    Walter    H.    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 347,424, 

425, 426, 427,  428,  557,  683, 816, 957, 959 
Newton,  William,  nitrogen  in  potato  tubers.  71, 141 

Newton,  Mass.,  First  National  Bank,  relief 451 

Newton  Falls  Paper  Co.,  china-clay 100 

Newton  Oil  Mill,  cotton-seed 297 

Nez  Perces  Indians: 

national  monument  on  battle  site 569, 

689, 931,  965, 1013 

trust  period  extended 127 

Ngaruae  Passage,  chart 890 

Ngatik  Islands,  chart 51 

Ngofakiaha  Road,  chart 51 

Niagara  Junction  Ry.  v.  United  States 1042 

Niagara  River,  chart 1074 


commerce 314 

commercial  and  economic  survey 340 

la  poiitica  de  los  Estados  Unidos 634 

report  of  collector-gen.  of  customs 1109 

United  States  Navy  in  Nicaragua — 

cost  of  maintenance 886 

use,  hearings  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  137..  714 

withdrawal  of  forces,  adverse  report 714 

Nicaraguan  Canal: 

investigation  and  survey — 

estimate 1067 

report 849 

Nicholas,  Thomas  F.,  relief 438 

Nichols,  Allen,  relief 692 

Nichols,  Clara  E.,  employees'  compensation...  451 
Nichols,  Esek  S.: 

climate  as  totality  of  weather 335 

frequencies  of  weather  types,  San  Jose 335 

Nichols,  George,  exr.,  cases 25, 115,  748,  768 

Nichols,  J.  F.,  relief 808,840,1096 

Nichols,  John  W.  T.,  cases 25, 115,748,768 

Nichols,  Mary  B.,  exr.  (Nieholis,  p.  115,  incor- 

cases .' 25,115,748,768 

Nichols,  P.  F.,  dehydration  of  fruits,  etc 6 

Nichols  Wire,  Sheet  &  Hardware  Co 480 


absorption  spectra 22 

production  in  1926 411 

Nickells,  John  M.,  v.  Shipping  Board,  etc 42 

Nicolieh,  Marco,  United  States  z; 1127 

Nicoll,  Herbert,  relief 707 

Nicotiana,  see  Tobacco. 

Niehaus,  Charles  H.,  relief 451,549,799 

Nienhueser,  O.  F.,  Missouri  River  bridge 453 

Night  work,  see  Hoiu-s  of  labor. 

Nightingale,  John  L.,  relief 549,930,988 

Nightingale,  William  H.,  relief 564 

Nigro,  Frank,  v.  United  States 489 

Niigata  Harbor,  Japan,  chart 890 

Nilan,  M.  T.,  relief 947 

Nile  River,  flood  studies 335 

Niles,  A.  S.: 

precise  formulas  for  restrained  beam,  etc...  325 
progress  rps.  on  experimental  metal  spars..  325 

study  of  pressure  distribution  data 909 

Niles,  Ohio,  viaduct 957>1100 

Niles-Bement-Pond  Co.  v.  United  States. 859 

Niobrara,  Nebr.: 

bank  protection  of  Missouri  River 992 

bridge 581,  684,  803,  958,  992, 1101 

Nissen,  H.  F.,  destroyer  steam  engineering...  121 

Nissen,  John  P.,  patent  appeal 283 

Nitrate  Division,  Ordnance  Office 288 

Nitrates,  see  Silver  nitrate— a/so  Muscle  Shoals. 

Nitric  acid,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

Nitro  Chemical  Corporations.  U.  S 489 


air-nitrogen  processes 288 

atmospheric  nitrogen  fixation 350 

constituents  of  corn  pollen 203,204 

fixation  and  utilization 288 

in  metals,  determination  by  vacuum  fusion.  344 

inorganic  nitrogen  industry 350 

metabolism  in  potato  tubers 71, 141 

nitrogen  survey 288 

relation  to  protein  content  of  wheat 71, 141 

situation  in  European  countries 288 

situation  in  United  States,  review 288 

July- June 


Nitrogen — Continued. 

thermodynamic  properties ..,  1091 

see  also  Muscle  Shoals. 

Nivison-Weiskopf  Co.,  lumber 105 

Nixon,  Roy  W.,  date  palm 648,788 

Noa,  U.  S.  S.,  poisoning  from  liverwurst 497 

Nobile,  Umberto,  medal 1095 

Noble,  L.  F.,  Kaibab  limestone 464 


root-nodule  bacteria  of  pea  group 525,647 

swine  spleen,  caused  by  Actinomyces.   399, 527 

Noel,  W.  A.,  dehydration  of  fruits,  etc 6 

Nogales,  Ariz.: 

air  navigation  map 909 

paving  International  street 721, 

830, 935, 977, 1063 

Nohud,  Khor,  chart 499 

Nolan,  Thomas  B.,  potash  brines 1114 

Nolde,  Anna  L.,  v.  United  States 43,290,748 

Nome,  Alaska: 

land  district,  boundaries  changed 56 

overland  communication 446 

Nomenclature,  see  Names. 
Nominations,  see  Elections — Post  offices. 

Nomoi  Islands,  chart 51 

Nonferrous  alloys,  see  Alloys. 
Nonferrous  metals,  see  IMetals. 

contributions  to  economic  geology 1114 

mineral  resources  of  United  States— 

1923,  inde.x,  etc 94 

1924 341 

1925. 1091 

Nonmetered  mail,  see  Mail  matter. 

Nounenbruch,  Otto,  patent  appeal 219 

Nooney,  J.,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  potatoes 479 

Norbeck,  Peter  (Senator  from  S.  Dak.): 
reports  made  by- 
Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 448,  703 

Banking  and  Currency  Com. .  574,  837, 984 

Pensions  Com 457,854,1010 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 721, 

722, 857,  858, 1013, 1014, 1015 
Norbury,  Frank  P.,  destruction  of  tulip  tree  by 

lightning 147 

Noreross  Marble  Co.,  misrouting 35 

Norden,  Danish  steamship,  owner  v.  U.  S 290 

Norfolk,  Va.: 

aviation  charts 121, 122,375 

harbor,  dredging  advertisement ..-  199 

harbor,  examination  and  survey 642, 1073 

port  of  Norfolk 200 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

tide  calendar  for  navy  yard 50, 121, 181,  248, 

312, 375, 498,  626,  758, 8S9, 1050, 1132 
see   also   Army    Supply    Base,    Hampton 
Norfolk  &  Portsmouth  Belt  Line  R.  R.,  valu- 
ation  477 

Norfolk  &  Western  Ry.: 

bridge 586,672 

case  of  John  H.  Edwards,  jr 115 

misrouting 738 

rates  on — 

bricks 732 

cabbage 296 

coal 468 

condensed  milk 869 

sand.. 742, 1035 

shavings 172 

stoppage  of  goods  in  transit 743 

train-control  devices. 1037 

Norfolk  Southern  R.  R.: 

rates  on—  >  . 

logs.. 872 

potatoes 37,  741 

securities 477 

Norfolk  Terminal  &  Transportation  Co.,  valu- 
ation  296 

Normal  schools: 

per  capita  costs.  State  normal  schools 160 

statistics,  1925-26 ^. 359 

Normanby  Sound,  chart 53 

Norris,  George  W.  (Senator  from  Nebr.): 
reports  made  by- 
Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 573 

Judiciary  Com 354,  717 

Norris,  J.  C,  bridge  across  Ohio  River 803 


Norris,  Thomas  J.,  admr.,  cases 336, 1040 

North,  Earl,  Hawaii,  district 517 

North  (U.  S.): 

bhght-killed  chestnut  in  the  Northeast 8 

census  of  agriculture,  1925... _. 337 

same,  descriptive  circular 1087 

farm  garden 334 

see  also  Northwest  (U.  S.). 
North  America: 

aboriginal  population  north  of  Mexico 633 

archaeological  work  north  of  Mexico 184 

climatic  regions 212 

same,  outline  of  article.. 335 

cod,  catch  off  east  coast  to  1926 924 

current  tables,  Atlantic  Coast,  1929 792 

drawings  by  John  Webber  of  natives,  1778.  767 

fauna.  North  American 73 

fossil  lizards 1131 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts 757 

nematodes  in  birds 649 

northeastward-moving  cyclone,  growth 534 

red  snappers  of  Atlantic  Coast 16 

shore  birds,  order  Limicolae 633 

telegraph  chart.  Newfoundland  to  Chesa- 
peake Bav 1134 

tide  tables,  Atlantic  Coast,  1929 659 

Triassic  marine  invertebrate  faunas 294 

wild  birds  introduced  or  transplanted 916 

North  American  Cement  Corporation 172 

North  American  Creamery  Co 609 

North  American  Provision  Co.: 

swine 876 

v.  United  States 157 

North  American  Railway  Construction  Co 881 

North  American  River,  see  American  River. 
North  Atlantic  Ocean,  see  Atlantic  Ocean. 
North  Carolina: 

Agriculture  Department- 
soil  survey  of  Yadkin  County 1081 

tobacco 276 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 81 

claims  for  advances  during  War  of  1812 603 

court  in  eastern  district. 932,962 

Cretaceous  invertebrate  fauna 258 

darter,  new  genus 16 

light  list,  North  Carolina  sounds 795 

Pliocene  and  Pleistocene  faunas 728 

postal  service — 

mail  contracts 315 

mail  trains,  schedule 127, 

254, 380, 895, 1139 

post  route  map 631 

relief 576,820,963,1101 

North  Carolina  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 

soft-pork  investigations 650 

soil  survey  of  Yadkin  County 1081 

tobacco 276 

North  Channel,  Lake  Huron,  chart .-  1074 

North  Dakota: 

bridge,  Fargo 685,844,936 

bridge,  Grand  Forks 428,584,671 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8.. 14 

grains  for  western  North  Dakota 275 

post  route  map 631 

North  Dakota  .\gricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion,   ranch    organization,     etc..  648 

North  Dakota  Mill  &  Elevator  .\ssoc 736 

North  Little  Rock,  Ark.: 

hospital  reservation 701,  713, 803 

switching  charges 1036 

North  New  River  Canal,  improvement 1108 

North  Pacific  district  of  Forest  Service 787 

North  Pacific  Ocean,  see  Pacific  Ocean. 

North  Packing  &  Provision  Co.,  swine Ill 

North  Platte,  Nebr.,  air  navigation  map 1151 

North  Platte  River: 

water  diversion,  storage..  561,  589,  590, 961, 1000 

waters,  consent  to  compacts.. 960,961 

North  Sea: 

charts 312,890 

lights,  etc 121 

pilot,  supplement 889 

telegraph  chart 1134 

North  Shore  Material  Co.,  sand.. -> 875 

North  West  Harbor,  Calif.,  chart 16 

North  Woods,  see  .Minnesota  National  Forest- 
Superior  National  Forest. 


Northeast,  see  North  (U.  S.). 

Northeast  Harbor,  Sanak  Island,  chart 215 

Northern  Alabama  Ry.,  valuation JUU 

Northern   and   northwestern  lakes,  see  Great 

Lakes.  -r   ^     c~  cc 

Vfirthern  and  Northwestern  Lakes  Survey.—    66, 
.Nortncrn  anu    ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^5,  519,  643,  779,  910, 

1074, 1151. 
report  1927       "  "^ 

Northern  ArapahoIndians,«eeArapaho  Indians. 
Northern  Casket  Co.,  iron— ---------------  7d7 

Northern  Metals  Co.,  Shipping  Board  Emer- 

gency  Fleet  Corporation  v ^57 

Northern  Pacific  Railroad  Land  Grants,  Joint 

Committee  on  Investigation  of —  571, 
572, 702 

Northern  Pacific  Railway: 

abandonment  of  line  proposed hTA 

construction  and  abandonment  of  lines 106 

land  grants  to  Northern  Pacific  R.  R.— 

approval  of  adjustment,  amending  res_  978, 

memorandum  of  E.  E.  Danly 571 

resolution  for  institution  of  suits -.  702 

table  of  contents  and  cases  cited 572 

operation  under  trackage  rights.. 1033 

passenger-train  service 39,484 

rates  on- 
decking --  °0" 

dredging  machinery 102 

grain 736 

household  goods 871 

lumber —  -  105, 1031 

marble 1031 

paper 478 

potatoes 479 

sugar 302 

refrigeration 1035 

smelting-in-transit  arrangement 110 

United  States  0 881 

valuation 364 

versus  Interstate  Commerce  Comn 106,365 

Northern  Railroad  of  New  Jersey,  bonds 107 

Northern  States,  see  North  (U.  S.). 

Northern  Telegraph  Co.,  valuation 107 

Northern  Trust  Co.,  exr.,  Mabel  G.  Reinecke 

V 745 

Northern    West    Virginia     Coal     Operators' 

Association,  coal-cars-. 128,382 

Northers,  see  Winds. 

Northrup,  Alonzo,  relief 565 

Northrup,  King  &  Co.,  millet  seed 106 

Northwest  (U.S.): 

how  to  attract  birds -      6 

Northwest  Florida  Corporation _  959,993,1102 

Northwest  Paper  Co.,  rosin  size 874 

Northwest  Providence  Channel,  chart... 248 

Northwest  Shoe  Finders  Credit  Bureau 489 

Northwest  Territory: 

conquest,  150th  anniversary — 

estimate  for  commission 1065 

law 1104 

reports 590, 82%  938 

Northwestern  Bell  Telephone  Co.. 876 

Northwestern  Fruit  Exchange 97 

Northwestern  Lakes  Survey,  see  Northern  and 
Northwestern  Lakes  Survey. 

Northwestern  Leather  Co.  Trust 736,871 

Northwestern  Lumbermens  Association 1123 

Northwestern  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co 723 

Northwestern  Pacific  R.  R.: 

hiinds- 873 

rates  on  automobiles... - - 606 

Northwestern  School  Supply  Co 1025 

Northwestern  Terminal  Rv.,  valuation  739 

Norton,  Lewis  Q.,  v.  United  States 241 

Norton  &  Co.,  tallow. 482 

Norvell,  B.  R.,v.  United  States I."'  620 


claim  for  interest  on  sums  advanced       507  813 

lights,  etc 311 

pilot,  supplement 757 

Norwich  &  Worcester  R.  R.,  bonds  36 


local  anesthesia  in  nose  work 246  247 

radium  used  for  nasal  lesions  of  leprosy '  63 

Index,  1927-1928 


Notes,  see  Bonds  of  United  States— Federal 
reserve  notes — National  bank  notes 
— Treasury  notes — also  names  of 
railroads,  corporations,  etc.,  issuing 
Notes  on  preventive  medicine,  see  Medicine. 
Notice  of  quarantine,  see  Quarantine. 

Notice  to  aviators 121,180,248, 

311,  375,  498,  625,  757,  889,  1049,  1132 
Notice  to  mariners: 

Hydrographic  Office,  corrections,  etc.— 

Aden,  Gulf  of 757 

Africa 756 

Asia 756,888,1048 

Atlantic  Ocean 1049 

Australia 756,757,1049 

Baltic  Sea 888,1049 

Bengal,  Bav  of 757 

Biscay,  Bav  of 1049 

Black  Sea r~ 

British  Columbia 757,1049 

Central  America,  east  coast ! 

East  Indies 757, 1049 

France 757 

Great  Britain 757,888,1049 

India 757 

Med  iterra  nean  Sea 757, 888,  889, 1049 

Mexico,  east  coast f" 

New  Zealand 1049 

Newfoundland 625 

North  Sea ! 

Norway 757 

Nova  Scotia 1050 

Pacific  Ocean i 

Persian  Gulf. 757 

Red  Sea 757 

St.  Lawrence  River. 1050 

Scandinavia 889, 1050 

South  America 758,1050 

West  Indies 758 

Hydrographic  Office,  weekly— 

1927 50, 121, 181,  248, 311, 375,  625 

1927,  index... -- 121,625 

1928 498,625,757,889,1050,1132 

Lighthouses  Bureau — 

Great  Lakes 662,795,925,1090 

notices  issued  jointly  with  Coast  and 

Geodetic  Survey 19, 84, 152,  217, 

281, 340, 411,  538, 662,  796,  925, 1090 

poster  notice  to  mariners 19,  281, 1090 

Notices  of  judgments,  see  Judgments. 
Notifiable  diseases,  see  Contagious  diseases. 
Notodontidae,  new  moths  in  Nat.  Museum..  1143 

Notsuke  Suido,  chart 313 

Nougaret,  R.  L.,  Phylloxera  in  Calif 652 

Nova,  Louis,  v.  United  States 174 

Nova  Scotia: 

charts  of  south  coast 52,758 

pilot,  supplement 1050 

Novick,   N.,  acetic  anhydride-sulphuric  acid 

test - 5141 

Novorossisk  Bay,  chart 52| 

Novorossisk  Harbor,  Russia,  chart 52  j 

Nowarat,  Khor,  chart 499] 

Noyes,    William    A.,    memoir    of    Alexander 

Smith... 4941 


fuel  injection,  spray  penetration 47  j 

pitot-venturi  and  pitot-static. 47,1046, 

Nuclear  phenomena,  ascomvcete  Neurospora..  204,  i 

333  i 

Nugent,  Fred  R.,  relief 4-38,  593, 667  j 

Nukuoro  Islands,  chart 51  • 

Nukuoro  Passage,  chart-.. 51 ' 

Number  Eight  Coal  Co.  v.  United  States 1110 

Nunn,  Janet  H.,  Americans  in  the  Far  East...  151 
Nunnally  Investment  Co.,  Josiah  T.  Rose  v...  620 
Nurse  Corps,  Army: 

beneficiaries,  to  grant  6  months'  pay 438, 

593, 670 

in  World  War : 779 

Nurse  Corps,  Navy: 

circular  for  information  of  nurses 247,  625 

history  of  nursing  in  Navy 497 

pay  and  allowances  of  female  nurses 627 

uniform  regulations 756 

see  also  Navy,  personnel. 




Nursery-kindergarten-priiuary  education 293 

Nursery  stock: 

notices  for,  etc.,  C.  O.  D.  parcels 629 

plant  quarantine  art — 

act,  as  amended 144 

to  amend  sec.  10,  hearings 674 

to  amend  sec.  10,  law 935 

to  amend  sec.  10,  reports 675,836 

Nurses  and  nursing; 

accounting  from  nuj-se's  point  of  view 247 

Army  and  Navy  nurses,  admit  to  Soldiers' 

Home 438,718,719,803 

diets  and  nurse 49 

history  of  nmsing  in  Navy 497 

immigration  of  nurses  for  P.  R 9.52 

in  hospital  for  the  tuberculous 640 

influence  of  nurse  on  hospital 640 

la  lucha  familiar  contra  la  tuberculosis 125 

Navy  nurse  in  the  Near  East 247 

neuropsychiatric  hospital 264, 1149 

neuropsychiatric  training,  rel.  to  nursing. .    65 

nurses'  narrative  reports 907 

psychiatric  nurse,  clinical  conferences 514 

public-health  nurses,  training 371 

Public  Health  Service  Nursing  Corps..  63, 196 
training  schools- 
Army  School  of  Nursing 1152 

Freedmen's  Hospital _.    28 

Haitien  General  Hospital,  address  to 

class  of  1926 .  247 

St.  Elizabeths  HospitaL"""""I"'30,  229 

statistics,  1926-27 1021 

tuberculosis  hospitals,  educ.  progiam 392 

visit   of  Virginia   nurses   to    Pharmacist's 

Mates  School,  Portsmouth 120 

see  also  Nurse  Corps,  Army— Nurse  Corps, 
Nursing,  see  Nurses  and  nursing. 

Nutlets,  fossil,  of  genus  Lithospermum 899 


alfalfa,  relation  of  maturity 204,269 

child's  nutrition 750 

family's  nutritive  needs 332 

Nuts,  grown  outside  of  U.  S.,  labeling 957 

see  also  names  of  nuts. 

Nutt,  Haller,  relief  of  estate. 834,840,941,1096 

Nuttall,  Zelia,  New  Year  of  tropical  American 

indigenes 1052 

Nyberg,  Nels  S.,  admr.,  v.  United  States 878 

Nye,  Gerald  P.  (Senator  from  N.  Dak.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 449, 

450,  451, 452,  706,  840,  985,  988,  989 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 458, 

459,  596,  597,  598,  721,  722,  856, 
857,  858, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015. 

Nyman,  Alexander,  patent  appeals 540 

Nystrom,  AmerB.,  dairy  cattle  breeds 143 



chart 659 

land  for  military  purposes 57 

Oak  Hill  Telephone  Co 743 

Oak  Investment  Co.,  Inc 290 

Oakdale  &  Gulf  Ry 477 

Oakland,  Calif.: 

modification  of  harbor  project 832,937 

port  of  Oakland 643 

Oakland  Reservation,  trust  period  extended...  764 

Oakley,  R.  A.: 

commercial  varieties  of  alfalfa 209 

how  to  grow  alfalfa 404 

utilization  of  alfalfa _-  274 

Oaklev,  Idaho,  iron  meteorite  found 192 

Oakville  quadrangle,  Tex... 229 


Civil  Service  Comn.  to  administer... 418 

corporation  counsel,  D.  C,  to  administer.  586, 

custodians  of  buildings  to  administer. .  829, 977 

customs  officials  to  administer 701,804 

dispensing  with  for  certain  instruments — 

report 963 

statement  of  Robert  Luce 687 

eliminate  renewal  in  certain  cases ..-.  687 



bacterial  stripe  blight 399,532 

fall  sown  oats 654 

net-energy  value 3 

official  grain  standards  handbook 649 

production,  .\griculture  Dept.  pubs 788 

rates  on 36,477 

smuts,  formaldehyde  seed  treatment 654 

smuts,  stem  rust  reaction  (2  entries) 1079 

spring  oat  production 788 

Oberlin,  Hampton  &  Eastern  Ry.,  deficit  settle- 
ment  36 

Oberndorfer,  E.  M.,  liquidator,  p.  U.S 114,748 

O'Brien,     Ruth: 

present  trends  in  home  sewing 145 

sun  suits  for  children 787 

Observatories,  see  names  of  observatories. 

Ocala  National  Forest,  proclamation 256 

Occupational  therapy: 

article  on,_ 392 

for  psychotic  patients 1149 

helped  to  win  figlit 1149 

in  mental  hospital 198 

profession,  not  a  job 392 

psychotics,  therapeutic  occupation 1149 

value 392 

with  neuropsychiatric  patients 264 

see  also  special  subject,  e.  g.  Pottery. 

mortality  in  England  and  Wales 1148 

sickness  in  public  utility  occupations..  639,906 
see  also  Vocational  education — Vocational 
guidance — also  names  of  occupations. 

Cape  Cod  coastal  sea  temperatures 212 

fog  at  sea 123,183,250,891 

physical  oceanography  of  Gulf  of  Maine. ..  339 
see   also    Ocean    currents — also   name    of 
Ocean  currents: 

eastern  north  Pacific  Ocean 250,376,499 

north  Atlantic  Ocean 183,376,759,1134 

tables,  Atlantic  Coast,  1929 792 

tables.  Coast,  etc.,  Surv.,  catalogues 82, 


tides  and  currents,  Boston  Harbor 923 

tides  and  currents,  publications 923 

Ocean  Steamship  Co.  of  Savannah  v.  U.  S 881 

Oceanography,  see  Ocean. 

Oceans,  see  Ocean — also  names  of  oceans. 

Ochs,  A.  C,  Brick  &  Tile  Co.,  bricks 867 

Ocmulgee  River: 

bridge,  Fitzgerald,  Ga 558,710,803 

bridge,  Jacksonville  ferrv 684,843,935 

O'Connell,  F.  J.,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis_.  789 

O'Connor,  Mary  E.,  relief 549,9.30,988 

Octomitus  salmonis,  flagellate  of  trout 16 

Oddie.  Tasker  L.  (Senator  from  Nev.): 
reports  made  by — 

Mines  and  Mining  Com.. 1007 

Naval  Affairs  Com... _.  853 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Com 854, 


Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 856, 

857, 858, 1013 

O'Donnell,  James  E.,  Sec.  of  Interior  rs 26, 176 

Odor  of  milk,  effect  of  some  feeds. 7,401 

Oesterlein  Machine  Co _-  131,242 

6sterman,Bernhard,  portraits  in  Nat.  Museum.  .633 
Officers,  see  Army— Coast  Guard— Marine 
Corps— National  Guard— Navy— 
also  Government  officials  and 
employees,  and  names  of  Depart- 
ments, bureaus,  etc.  ,  where  em- 

Officers'  Reserve  Corps,  Army  regulations 774. 

Officers'    training    camps,    claims    of   certain 

members -  1 107 

Officers'  Training  Corps,    Reserve,   see  Naval 
Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps- 
Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps, 
O^ces,  see  Government  offices. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Offloiftl  BMette  20,86,153,219, 

Official  B"«"«-^-342,  413,  540,  663,  797,  926,  1092 

inrtPT  weekly  20,86,153,219,283. 

index,  ^eeKiy.--^-- ^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^26,  927,  1092 


OfTicial  postal  guide,  see  Postal  service. 
Official  record.  Agriculture  Dept.:  _ 

weekly  publication - ^•'W'V'?n-n 

270,  329,  400,  525,  648,  783,  915,  10/9 

index  to  y.  6. 


Official  register  of  United  States,  1927...    149 

Officials,   see   Government   officials   and   em- 
O'Gara  Coal  Co.: 

Mahel  O.  Reinecke  w •'^'^' '1? 

r.  United  .States 44 

Ogden,  E.  Lncv,  agricultural  experiment  station 

bulletins 652 

Ogden  Grain  Exchange: 

fl^H^ - - -- -'-l^ 

grain f^o 

Ogi  Island,  chart  of  harbors  in  Dogo 1»2 


Bennie  Marks  o -  224 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 14 

coal  field,  investigation- 
hearings 589.716,849,999 

statement,  etc.,  of  W.  H.  Coolidge 999 

district  court,  rules  of  practice 114 

geodetic  pubs.,  triangulation,  etc 793 

Highways    and    Public    Works    Depart- 
transportation  survey 276 

industrial  accidents  to  women 117 

post  route  map... 631 

relief 824,1005,1101 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing,  errata 635 

transportation  survey,  report 276 

Ohio  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 
soil  surveys — 

Clermont  County 656 

Fulton  County 1081 

Ohio  &  Erie  Canal,  dedication  stones 667,689 

Ohio  &  Kentucky  Ry.,  securities 169 

Ohio  Canal,  chart... 779 

Ohio  Farm  Bureau  Federation: 

cattle 230 

stoppage  of  goods  in  transit. 743 

Ohio  River: 

bridges,  construction  by- 
Abbott,  C.J... 427,582,670 

Ashland  Bridge  Co 454,558,670 

Augusta,  Ky 803 

Beaver  County,  Pa 427,583,670 

Cairo  Association  of  Commerce 427, 

582,  670 

Elliott,  E.  M 427,583,670 

Elliott,  E.  M.,  and  Associates,  Inc..  427, 


Franks,  Edward  T.. 559,671 

Henderson-Ohio  River  Bridge  Co 817, 

843  935 

Hendrix,  B.  L.,  etc 427,582*670 

Indiana 684,817,843,935,993 

International  Business  Co.,  Inc.  958 

Louisville,  Ky 558,582,671 

Madison  Bridge  Co 427,582  670 

Mahone,  J.  K.,  Bridge  Co 559,  583!  935 

Maysville  Bridge  Co 427,583,670 

Maysville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Co..  710 
New  Cumberland  Bridge  Co.  817, 993, 1101 
New    Martinsville    and    Ohio    River 

Bridiie  Co.,  Inc 559,582,671 

Reger.  R.  V.,  Bridge  Co 582 

Ripley  Bridge  Co 958,993,1101 

Robinson,  Dwight  P.,  &  Co.,  Inc 427, 

r,  T,    .,_       ^  583,670 

Rogers  Brothers  Co 558,582,670 

Kowan,  J.  L 427  §43  935 

Sistersville  Ohio  River  BridgeCo.  1 .     559, 

■KVcf  ir     .     ,      T,  -.  583,670 
«  est  Kentucky  Bridge  &  Transporta- 
tion Co 817  843 

improvement,  locks  and  dams            ""       'ms 
lightlist ■""" ""  017 

«..,*'"2P^P°'"'8*^'''°'  Ohio  Ri'ver  "system" ""  'fi? 

Ohio  River  &  Western  Ry ."."."."."."."/  234 


Ohio  State  Archaeological  and  Historical  So- 

gates  for  Spiegel  Grove  State  Park 443, 

444,  721,  804 

stones  from  Ohio  &  Erie  Canal 667,689 

Ohio  State  University,  corn-borer 400 

Oil,  see  Oils,  and  references— aZso  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Oil. 

Oil  burning  boiler  operation 1131 

OilCitv,  Pa.,  bridge 347,576,667 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

specification 286 

Oil  Conservation  Board,  see  Federal  Oil  Con- 
servation Board. 

Oil  derricks,  safe  practices 282 

Oil  engines,  see  Engines. 
Oil  fields,  see  Petroleum. 
Oil  lands,  see  Petroleum. 
Oil  reserves,  see  Naval  petroleum  reserves. 

Oil  reservoirs,  protecting  against  lightning 1085 

Oil  shales: 

importancia  do  schisto  bituminoso  na  ex- 
tract ao  petrolifera 1136 

Oil  spravs  for  fuel-injection  engines 1046 

Oil  Spring  Reservation 81.5,999,1096 

Oil-well  machinery,  rates  on 170,365,739 

Oil-well  supplies,  rates  on 300, 613, 739 

Oil  wells,  see  Petroleum. 
Oilcloth,  see  Oil-cloth. 

Oilcoating  processes,  changes  in  apples 1079 


Air  Corps  technical  order 66 

bactericidal  properties  in  vitro  of  oils 135 

in  flax,  laboratories  for  determination 1106 

road  oils.  Government  supplies 62,638 

seeds,  etc.,  determining  oil  content 916 

see  also  Essential  oils— Fuel-oil— Lubricat- 
ing-oils- Petroleum— aiso  names  of 

Oita  Eo,  chart 50 

Ojinaga,  Mexico,  bridge 428,584,671 

Okanogan  County,  Wash.,  taxes  payment 555, 

848, 935 

Okanogan  Indians  v.  United  States.. 242 

Okanogan  Irrigation  District: 
transfer  of  Okanogan  project — 

hearings 430,456 

law 1101 

reports 430 

Okanogan  irrigation  project: 

delivery  of  water  during  1928 961 

transfer  to  Okanogan  Irrigation  District — 

hearings 430,456 

law 1101 

reports 430 

Okeechobee,  Lake: 

drainage  area,  survey 1073 

improvement 1108 

Okemos  Independent  Telephone  Co 873 

Okfuskee  County,  Okla.,  change  from  northern 

to  eastern  district 431,590,932 


census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 149 

coals,  analyses 539 

Corporation  Commission — 

V.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry..  1121 

deputy  marshals,  pension  _  _ 432 

isolated  tracts  of  land  (S.  2725) 597,  698, 935 

oil  and  gas  fields,  map 161 

post  route  map 631 

V.  Texas 620 

waters  of  Cimarron  River 960 

Oklahoma  Agricultural   Experiment   Station, 

combined  harvester-thresher...  648,649 

Oklahoma  Belt  R.  R.,  valuation 612 

Oklahoma  City,  Okla.: 

airway  map 407 

port  of  entry  in  customs  district 255 

sale  of  lands 569,803,857 

V.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 1121 

Oklahoma  MUlers'  League,  grain 103, 1029 

Oklahoma,  New  Mexico  &  Pacific  Ry.,  valua- 
tion  477 

Oklahoma  Portland  Cement  Co.,  cement...  99,868 
Oklahoma  Traffic  Association: 

alchohol. 96 

broom  handles 163 

lead 167 

July- June 


Okmulgee,  Okla.: 

City  Commissioners  Board- 
aluminum  sulphate 1024 

Olberg,  C.  R..  relief 848,954,1096 

Old  age: 

old-age  at  50 1129 

trade-union  provision  (3  entries  in  all) .  492, 623 
Old  age  pensions: 

foreign  service,  expenditures  authorized 57 

trade-union  pensions 623 

Old  Colony  RaUroad,  David  H.  Blair  v 881 

Old  Colonv  Trust  Co.,  esr.; 

V.  David  H.  Blair 883, 1144 

V.  John  F.  Malley 243 

Old  Dominion  Glass  Corporation,  fuel-oil 735 

Old  Dominion  Land  Co.,  relief 576,  700,930 

O'Leary,  Charles  R.,  relief 442 


definition,  to  amend — 

hearing 830, 1106 

report 943 

exportation  without  payment  of  tax 1147 

Government  supplies 511, 1069 

rates  on 107 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  TJ.  S.  use 638 

Olesen,  Robert: 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children. ._391,  639 

endemic  goiter  in  Oregon 323,513 

endemic  thyroid  enlargement  in   Cincin- 
nati   513,906 

iodization  of  water  to  prevent  goiter 63 

Oligocene  period,  new  Vicksburg  mollusks 899 

Oliphant,  C.  L.,  editor,  naval  medical  bulletin, 

supplement 120,496,887 

Olitsky,  Peter  K.,  foot-and-mouth  disease 1080 

Olive  HiU  Limestone  Co.,  Inc.,  stone 1123 

Oliver,  S.  T.  Kent,  v.  United  States 116 

Olmstead,  Roy,  r.  United  States 176,621 

Olongapo,  P.  I.,  malaria  outbreak 888, 1047 

Olympia,  M'ash.,  port  of  entry 381 

Olympic  Xatioual  Forest,  boundaries 831 

Oma  'Wan,  chart 122 

Omaha,  Nebr.: 

air  navigation  map 1151 

bridge 843,  958, 1101 

Omaha  Bridge  &  Terminal  Ry.  Co.,  valua- 
tion  364 

Omaha  Indians,  bow  and  arrow  makers 190 

Oman,  Gulf  of,  chart. 250 

O'Neal,  R.  L.,  bridge 955 

O'Xeil,  Henrv  A.,  to  lease  land 978, 1014, 1096 

O'Neil,  John  F.,  relief 974 

O'Neil,  John  T.,  relief 351 


culture 145 

diseases  and  their  control 788 

effects  of  freezing 9 

marketing  onions 401 

publications,  .\griculture  Department 401 

seed,  home  production 788 

Onnes,  H.  Kamerlingh,  article  on 190 

Ontario  Silver  Co 1112 

Operating  room  viewing  stand  and  radio 497 

Operations,  see  Surgery. 

Operations  and    Training    Division,    Marine 

Corps 756 

Operations  Bureau,  Shipping  Board 1152 

Operators'  permits.  Govt,  vehicles  in  D.  C.  586, 810 

Ophthalmia,  gonorrheal,  treatment 497 


Attornevs  General— 

V.  35,  by  signatures...  44,242,369,621,1042 

for  sale  bv  supt.  of  documents 727 

relating  to  Veterans'  Bur.,  1925-26 198 

comptroller  general — 

relating  to  Veterans'  Bur.,  1925-26 198 

General  Claims  Comn.,  U.  S.  and  Mexico.  508 

labor,  opinions  affecting 244 

Veterans'  Bur.,  1925-26,  digests 198 


regulations  relative  to  importation,  etc 512 

traffic,  year  ended  June  30,  1927 512 

Oppau,  Germany,  synthetic  ammonia  plant...  288 
Options  and  futures; 
items  rel.  to  administration  of  act 401 

regulating  exchanges,  hearings 943,983 

regulating  exchanges,  report 943 

regulations  under  act 330 

sale  in  future  markets 704 

Options  and  futures— Continued, 
cottonseed  oil,  to  regulate— 

hearing.. 836 

report 573 

grain,  sale  in  future  markets- 
minority  views 704 

report 704 

grain  futures  act,  to  amend 1106 

Oral  infection,  see  Infections. 

Oral  prophylaxis,  rel.  to  medicine,  etc. 392 

Oram,  Hugh  P.,  Florence,  Ala.,  district.. 517 


bud  selection  in  Valencia  orange 210 

Orange  leaf  rust,  on  Malakofl  wheat 9 

Oranges,  see  Orange. 

apple-orchard  renovation 274 

Orders,  see  names  of  Departments,  bureaus,  etc. 
issuing  orders— ako  subject  of 

Ordinance  of  1787 222 


artillery  ammunition 393,515,641 

catalogue 67,  780,  911, 1075, 1152 

condemned,  disposition 692, 1005, 1101 

instruction  in  artillery  design 326 

maintenance,  technical  regulations. 324,  641, 1072 

ordnance  field  service  bulletin 520,521 

advance  notice  of  revision 67 

ordnance  provision  svstem .     67, 

138,  200,  326,  395,  521,  780,  911,  1075,  1152 

standard  nomenclature  list 67, 

138,  200,  326,  395,  521.  780,  911,  1075,  1152 

used  and  obsolescent,  transfers 827 

see  also  names  of  ordnance  materiel. 

Ordnance  Bureau,  Xavy  Dept 377,500 

report,  1927 377,500,753 

Ordnance  Department,  War  Dept 67,  138, 

200,  326,  395,  520,  644,  780,  911,  1075, 1152 

.\rmy  regulations 264 

Ordnance  Engineering  Corporation 223,  370,  748 

Ordovician  period,  ground  water  in  rocks  near 

Woodstock,  Va 161 

Ore,  see  Ores. 

buoy  list 84 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 14 

chart 1089 

coast  pilot,  supplement 408 

endemic  goiter 323,391,513,639 

forest  fire  prevention  handbook 787 

forester — 

forest  fire  prevention  handbook 787 

gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc,  1926 539 

grasses 898 

Highway  Commission — 

highway  bridge  surveys.. 789 

Indians,  claims 848 

establishing  land  ofBces... 721,978 

for  lookout  station 896 

for  use  of  Indians 848 

withholding  timber  lands  from  sale 858 

map  of  national  forests 1083 

post  route  map 631 

pterosaurian  reptile  from  Cretaceous 1143 

public  instruction  superintendent — 

forest  fire  prevention  handbook 787 

publications  on,  for  sale 293, 1020 

rocks,  etc..  off  coast,  Executive  order 382 

rocks  or  islands  for  park  purposes..  458,  569,  671 

water  supply,  Pacific  slope  basins 29 

Oregon  Agricultural  Experiment  Station. 533 

Oregon  &  California  R.  R.: 

acquisition  by  Southern  Pacific  Co 107 

recreational  act  extended  to  grant  lands...  698, 

803, 857 

relief 817,858,958,1101 

timber  from  grant  lands,  sale,  etc.  569, 936, 1015 

Oregon  Basin,  Wvo..  cephalopods 227 

Oregon,  California  &  Eastern  Ry 107,739 

Oregon  Trunk  Ry.,  valuation 110 

Oregon-Washington  Bridge  Co 423,577,667 

Oregon-Washington    Railroad    &    Navigation 

passenger-train  service. 39 

rates  on — 

cattle 867 

doors 165 

lead 364 


Index,  1927-1928 


Oregon-Washington   Railroad   &   Navigation 
Co.— continued, 
rates  on— Continued. 

lumber J7° 

shooks - ,HV 


densities  of  liquids  and  ore  pulps 411 

deposits  of  Leadville  mining  district 29 

deposits  of  Mogollon  mining  district 95 

dressing,  hydraulic  classification 411 

rates  on  fluxing  ores 610 

tee  also  Iron  ore— Metals— aZso  names  of 
Organic  evolution,  see  Evolution. 
Organized  labor,  see  Labor-unions. 

Orient,  currency  systems - ---    83 

see  also  Far  East— Near  East. 

Orientalia  added  to  Library  of  Congress 492 

Orinoco  Co.,  Ltd.,  v.  United  States 370 

Orion,  steamship,  relief  of  seamen,  etc 838 

Orland  irrigation  project: 

farm  ownership  opportunities 295 

specifications,  etc.,  for  Stony  Gorge  Dam..  96, 


Orlando,  Fla.,  post  office,  remodeling 1063 

Ornithology,  see  Birds. 

Oroluk  Lagoon,  chart 51 

Orpet.  Edward  0.,  hybrid  Palestine  iris  corms.  334 

Orr,  Kenneth  M.,  relief 442 

Orrben,   C.   L.,   soil   of  Appanoose   County, 

Iowa 656 

Orton,  W.  A.: 

mejores  patatas  para  la  America  tropical..  1053 

progresso  agricola  na  America  Latina 1135 

Osage  Indians: 

lands  and  funds,  division 954 

leasing  of  oil  lands 555,588 

tribal  and  individual  afTairs 555,815,954 

V.  United  States 306 

Osborne,  Robert  C,  relief 947 

Osgood,  F.T>.: 

analyses  of  mine  samples- 
Arkansas  coals ■ 539 

Indiana  coals 411 

Oklahoma  coals 539 

O'Shea,  M.  V.,  reading  modern  foreign  lan- 
guages   160 

Osseous   diseases,   sec   Bones— fl?so   names   of 

Osteomata,  multiple,  report  of  case 247 

Osteomyelitis,  acute  case  with  metastasis 247 

Osteopathy,  to  regulate  practice  in  D.  C 679 

o.-iterby  Harbor.  Denmark,  chart 499 

osterhout,  lAicius  K.,  relief 692 

ostermoor  A  Co..  Inc. 601 

otitis  media  outbreak  at  fJatun  Lake,  C.  Z.V.I  888 

otomycosis  outbreak  at  Gatun  Lake,  C.  Z 888 

otto,  E.  H..  bridpe  across  Missouri  River...      453 
Ouachita  Xational  Forest: 

game  refuges g07 

timber,  water,  forage,  etc.- "^      8 

Ouachita  National  Park: 

to  establish  in  .'^ 721,978 

Ouachita  River: 

bridges  at  or  near — 

Galion,  Ark... 559,671,710,817,1101 

Harrisonburg,  La 428,583,671,958 

Monroe, La 428,  .'i44,  583 

I  nion-Ashley  counties.  Ark..  9f.s 

Outdoor  recreation  for  industrial  employees  46 

Outer  Harbor  Terminal  Ry..._ "  013 

Outlawry  of  war  troatv.  see  Peace 
Overbey,  .\unetle  J.,  v.  United  States  370 
Overbey,  Horace,  e.\r.,  v.  United  States  370 
Overbey,  John  T.,  v.  United  States              ""'"  3-9 
Overman,  Lee  S.  (Senator  from  N.  C.)- 
paper  presented  by- 
judicial  salaries 8^5 

Overman,  O.  R.,  efTeet  of  inanition  upon  cows' 

niilk _..  070  400 

Overpeck,  .Tolm  ('.,  seed  from  sugar  beets  '        '539 
Oversea  highway,  uncompleted  bridges '  699, 

Overtime,  see  Hours  of  labor.  ''^'^'' 

Oviposition  rate  of  grape  leaf  hoppers  3  7 

Owasfo  Uivor  Ry.,  valuation  IO7 

Owen,  Chiirles  A.,  receiver,  v.  U.  ,S  iifi  •^70 

OW.M1.  Cyril  B..  V.  U.  S...'. ]::::  nSfiOO 


Owen,  F.  V.,  mottling  in  soy  beans 4 

Owen,  Fredericka  D.,  admrx.,  patent  appeal..  413 

Ow-en,  Owen  J.,  to  correct  military  record 438 

Owen,  Richard  B.,  patent  appeal 413 

Owens  Valley,  meteoric  iron 494 

Owensboro,  Ky.,  bridge 559,671 

Owls  from  standpoint  of  farmer 6 

Owsley,  J.  Q.,  chancroids,  etc.,  treatment 48,49 

Owyhee  irrigation  project 30, 1023 


meteoric  irons 258 

studies  on  oxidation-reduction 263,  906 


polluted  waters,  oxygen  demand 514 

same,  summary  in  public  health  re- 
ports  513 

thermodynamic  properties 1091 

Oyster-shell  scale,  and  scurfy  scale 530 

Oyster  shells,  rates  on 477,739 


bacteriology  and  chemistry 785 

containers,  etc.,  used  in  shipping 660 

survey  of  natural  beds  in  Florida 843 

Ozark  Cider  &  Vinegar  Co.,  canned  food 466 

Ozark  Hardwood  Lumber  Co.,  misrouting 612 

Ozark  National  Forest,  proclamation 1140 


P-IB  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 
P-5  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 

Pacasmayo  Road,  chart 122 

Pacific  li  Idaho  Northern  Ry.,  valuation 234 

Pacific  Branch,  Soldiers'  Home,  see  National 
Home  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Sol- 

Pacific  Chemical  Co.,  United  States  v 461 

Pacific  Coast: 

buoy  lists 18,84 

clonorchiasis  surveys,  etc 391,638 

light  lists 538,662,795 

pilot,  supplement 408 

routes  to  Philippine  Islands 313 

see  also  Pacific  States. 

Pacific  Coast  Cone  Co.,  ice-cream  cones 737 

Pacific  Coast  lines,  sale 584 

Pacific  Coast  Shippers'  Association 612 

Pacific  Embroidery  Co.,  Inc.,  rayon 480 

Pacific  islands: 

lights,  etc.,  on  coasts  of  South  Sea  Isles 1049 

mandate  areas,  etc 312 

Pacific  Ocean: 

.\steroidea  of  north  Pacific 1142 

charts  of  north  Pacific- 
current  chart 259,376,499 

pilot  chart 52, 12,3, 18?, 

250,  313,  376, 499,  627,  759,  891, 1051 

.sailing  chart 250 

charts  of  south  Pacific- 
great  circle  sailing  chart 499 

pilot  chart 53,250,499,891 

cod  fisheries 151 

doubtful  shoals  and  dangers 52,53 

fishing  banks  in  north  Pacific 890,891 

pilot,  supplement 889 

trade  winds  of  the  north  Pacific 77 

tropical  storms,  north  Pacific 123,1051,1134 

Pacific  slope,  see  Pacific  Coast. 
Pacific  Southwest  Exposition: 

cooperation  of  United  States .587,  701 

entry  of  exhibits 701,804 

Pacific  States: 

plum  in  relation  to  pruning 275 

publications  on,  for  sale 293, 1020 

surface  water  supply i 29, 1022 

trade  with  west  coast  of  South  America 409 

see  also  Pacific  Coast. 

Pacific  States  Lumber  Co 35 

Pacific  Steamship  Co 1059 

Pack  River,  plan 360 

Packages,  see  Containers. 

Packard,  L.  W.,  &  Co.  v.  U.  S 600,621,881 

Packer,  Army  training  manual 265 

Packers  and  Stockyards  Administration 333 

report,  1927 333 


•     bolts,  elimination  of  waste 414 

cantaloupes 648 

honey.  United  States  requirements 530 



Packing— Continued. 

insured  parcels  for  Gt.  Brit,  and  Ireland..  126 
razor  blade  packaging,  waste  elimination..  344 
Packing  boxes,  see  Boxes. 

Packing  house  products,  rates  on 612 

Packing  industry: 

census  report,  1925,  meat  packing... 14 

hours  and  earnings,  1927,  meat  packing 884 

packers  and  stockyards  act,  to  amend — 

hearings 704 


specifications — 

asbestos  metallic  cloth  sheet 22 

asbestos  wick  and  rope 22 

Pacoima  quadrangle,  Calif 228 

Paddock,  William,  relief 420 

Padmore,  Arthur  A.,  relief 970 

Paducah  &.  Illinois  R.  K.,  valuation 477 

Page,  William  Tyler,  see  House  of  Representa- 
tives, clerk. 

Pagosa  Springs  quadrangle,  Colo 361 

Paige  quadrangle,  Calif 228 

Paine,  L.  S.,  soil  of  Burt  County,  Xebr 10 

Paine  Lumber  Co.,  doors 609 


-•Vir  Corps  technical  order 66 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 149 

Government  supplies,  painters'  supplies...  511 

Govermnent  supplies,  paints 511 

sailors'  manual 180 

specification 665 

see  also  Pigments. 

Paiating  fabric 392 


by  contemporary  British  artists 633 

in  Freer  Gallery  of  .\rt.  list 767 

purchase  of  oil  painting  known  as  Peace...  353 
Paints,  see  Paint. 
Paiute  Indians: 

land  for  Koosharem  band 422,588,669 

lands  adjacent  to  Summit  Lake 423, 588, 671 

Palawan,  coast  pilot,  supplement 659 

Pale  western  cutworm  and  weather,  Moat 920 

Paleontology,  see  Fossils. 

Jewish  reclamation 226 

Palestine  iris,  see  Iris. 
Pallada,  see  lion  Road. 

Palmer,  -\.  Mitchell,  United  States  r 212 

Palmer,  .•Vrthur  W.,  American  cotton 72 

Palmer,  E.  C,  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  envelopes 609 

Palmer,  Fanny  M.,  foreign  trade  in  agricul- 
tural products 142 

Palmer,  Lawrence  J.,  reindeer  in  .\laska 73 

Palmer,  Xida  P.,  pension  systems  for  teachers.  227 

Palmer,  William  R.,  to  pav  expenses 943 

Palmyra  Township,  111.,  bridge 428,454,584,671 

Palo  .\lto,  Calif.,  Veterans'  Hospital 198 

Palo  Seco,  treatment  of  lepers 502 

Palos  Park  quadrangle.  Ill 1114 

Pambauwang  Road,  chart 312 


copjTighted ...   1 18, 179, 309.  373, 493, 623,  752, 885 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926 245 

Pan  -American  Child  Congress: 

el  bienestar  del  niSo 308 

5th  Pan  American  Child  Congress.., 761 

same  fin  Portuguese) 893 

same  (in  Spanish) 761 

Pan  American  Commercial  Conference 125 

Pan  American    Conference,    see   International 

.\m_erican  Conference. 
Pan  American  Conference  on  Arbitration  and 

law 937 

report 812 

request  for  legislation 899 

Pan  American  Congress  of  Highways: 
1925  conference— 

refK)rt  of  delegates  ofU.  S 259, 507 

1928  conference,  participation  bv  U.  S. — 

law : 804 

legislation  requested 386 

reports 422.680 

Pan  American  culture  series 627.  628,  761 

Pan   American   highway,  see   lut-er-American 

15950—29 10 

Pan  American  Highways  Congress,  see  Pan 

American  Congress  of  Highways. 
Pan  American  Institute  of  Child  Welfare,  see 
International    American    Institute 
for  Protection  of  Childhood. 

Pan  American  miscellany 124,501,893, 1052 

Pan  American  Postal  Congress,  see  Pan  .A.meri- 

can  Postal  Union. 
Pan  American  Postal  Union: 

convenio  sobre  giros  postales jfc 503 

franking  privCege  for  member  nations 829 

resolution  rel.  to  advertising  matter 379 

Pan  -Imeriean  Road  Conferenc-e,  see  Pan  -\mer- 

ican  Congress  of  Highways. 
Pan  .American  Sanitary  Conference: 

additional  protocol  to  sanitary  convention.  1062 

program 63 

resolutions  adopted,  official  report 513 

Pan  .A.merican  Standardization  Conference: 

conclusions 125 

report  on  2d  conference — 

English 261 

English  and  Spanish 322 

Spanish 262 

Pan  American  Union 54. 124, 184,252, 

314, 377, 5t»0,  627,  760. 892. 1052, 11.S5 

bulletin 54. 124, 184.  252,  314, 378, 

500. 501. 627, 628.  700,  892.  i052, 1135 

index,  Jan.-Dec.  1927  (English  ed.) 501 

index.  Jan.-Dec.  1927  (Spanish  ed.; 501 

office  building  in  D.  C 830,935,977, 1012 

publications  of  special  interest 125 

Pan  Pacific  Conference  on  Education,  Rehabili- 
tation. Reclamation,  and  Recrea- 
tion, report,  1927 293 


chart  of  north  coast 183, 1051 

Panama,  Bay  of,  chart 313 

Panama  Lanal: 

and  its  ports 1152 

appropriations  for  1929,  estimates 378 

employees,  authorizing  increase  in  pay 187 

employees,  retirement I 684 

Executive  orders,  supplement 379,893 

facilities,  to  increase 849 

inspecting  engineer,  etc.,  examination 58 

pilots'  handbook 185 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

retired  warrant  officers,  etc.,  payment.  559,  671 

shipping  supplier,  schedule  of  rates 315 

steamship  lines 502,628 

Panama  Canal  (zone) 55.125,185,253, 

315.  378.  502,  628,  761,  893, 1053,  1136 

accounts,  classification 502 

appropriations  for  1929,  estimates 378 

blackleg  on  Canal  Zone 502 

district  court — 

appeals  from  district  court 430, 800, 850 

leave  of  absence  of  judge,  etc 188 

rules  relating  to  clerks 505 

divisions  of  government — 

Executive  Dept 379.628,893 

Executive  Office 379,628,893 

Governor 315 

Governor,  report,  1927 315 

Health  Dept 502,894 

Health  Dept.,  report,  1926 894 

Marine  Division 185 

Purchasing  Dept 55, 125 

Purchasing  Dept.,  exam,  of  inspectors.    58 

Supply  Dept 55 

Executive  orders,  supplement 379, 893 

flora 506 

infantOe  beri-beri,  preliminary  report 502 

inspecting  engineer,  examination 58 

judicial  system 1001 

laws,  to  revise  and  codify 684,935 

licensing  bicycles.  Executive  order 632 

maritime  quarantine  policy 502 

motor-vehicles,  penalty  for  taking 456 

postal  service — 

money-order  post  pffic-es... 254 

post  route  map...'. 630 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

storehouse,  construction 565 

sugar  content  of  human  blood 502 

supphes,  proposals 55,125 


Index,  1927-1928 


Panama  Caunl  (zone)— Continued. 

supplies,  scrap  classification oo 

telephone  directory. t>-» 

vehicle  and  traffic  laws,  etc.- .-  loo, /bi 

vehicles,  regulating  speed ...----  fb 

V.  20,  title-page  with  index 378 

Panama  City:  „ 

parasitic  index  of  school  children ou^ 

smallpox  diagnosis  and  eradication-- 502 

statue  of  Oen.  Simon  Bolivar,  estimate 903 

tide,  moon,  and  sunrise  tables,  1928 502 

Panama,  Gulf  of,  pilot— 1132 

Panama,  Isthmus  of,  winds  and  storms oSb 

Panama  Rail  Road  Steamship  Line 383 

Panama  Railroad.- 253 

notes,  to  cancel 684,  y.-i& 

pay  increase  for  certain  employees 187 

ret'irenient  of  employees 684 

rules  for  conductors,  etc.,  1927 253 

Panama    Rubber    and    Equipment    Co.    ;;. 

U.  S 157,242 

Pancoast,  Laura  T.,  w.  U.  S 723,881 

Panhandle  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 107 

Panhandle  crude  petroleum,  see  Petroleum. 

Panu  Jin,  chart '-- 891 

Papago  Reservation,  fence  east  boundary 715, 

^  815,935 

Pape,  Charles,  &  Co.,  cucumbers 297 

Pape,  Elsie  W.,  guardian,  v.  U.  S 115 

Pape,  Eugene  K.,  v.  U.  S 115 


asbestos,  elimination  of  waste 284 

bond  and  ledger,  specifications 862 

caroa  fiber  as  paper-making  material 21 

case  of  A.  H.  Ringk  &  Co 860 

census  of  manufactures,  192.5 14 

contracts  approved  for  G.  P.  O 726 

copper  number,  method  of  determination..  220 

distinctive,  for  U.  S.  currency,  etc 636 

in  Canada,  paper  and  paper  products 925 

rates  on 30,  107, 

170,  188,  477,  478,  739,  873,  1033,  1121 
samples  submitted  to  G.  P.  O.,  rp.  on  tests.  862 
standards,  etc.,  paper  and  paper  products-  287 

stock  catalogue  and  price  list 27 

supplies  for  Government 511 

see  also  Cigarette  papers— Parchment 
paper— Wall  paper— oZso  Printed 
paper  articles. 

Paper  bags,  rates  on 740,1033 

Paper  Division,  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce Bur 925 

Paper-mill  plugs,  rates  on- - 170 

Paper  money: 

distinctive  paper  for  U.  S.  currency,  etc...  636 
legal  tender  money  for  community  needs-.  944, 


outstanding 64,  134,  197,  263, 

324,  392,  514,  640,  774,  907,  1070,  1148 

Paper  mulch,  crop-plant  stimulation 919 

Paper-stock,  rates  on 300 

Paper  towels,  rates  on 383 

Papers,  see  Archives— Austin  papers— IJseless 
papers— aZso  names  of  Departments, 
bureaus,  etc.,  to  which  papers 

Papoliaku  Roadstead,  chart 536 

Parachute  Creek  quadrangle,  Colo... 361 


anthelmintic 270,402 

experiments,  peach-borer  control  in  South.'  651 

use  to  prevent  ravages  of  peach  borer..  144 

Paraffin  troubles  in  producing  crude  oil..  662 

Paralline  Companies,  Inc.,  mah-jong  sets  105 

Paraguay,  budget... 17 

Parallaxes  of  57  stars "  494 

Paralysis  (infantile),  see  PoiiomyelitisV 
Paramount  Famous  Lasky  Corporation  1042 

Parana  pine,  see  Pine. 

Parana  River,  chart 890 


control  of  injurious  insects.-- _..  .        190 

index  of  .school  children  in  Panama  502 

intestinal,  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War        779 

European  corn  borer 207 

Hessian  fly 648, 786 

Page    J 

Parasites— Continued.  I 

of— Continued.  ' 

pine  tip  moth 7 

pink  bollworm  in  Hawaii 273 

poultry,  internal  medication 786 

sheep 650 

see  also  names  of  parasites,  or  names  of  dis- 
eases which  they  cause. 
Parasitic  insects,  see  Parasites. 

Paratetranychus,   see  Citrus  mite— European  . 

red  mite.  ii 

Paratyphoid  fever:  J 

bacilli,  relation  to  food  poisoning -  888       t 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779       « 

Parcel  post: 

cigars,  etc.,  importation- 
hearing 570 

report -  571 


examination  by  addressees 894 

naval  vessels,  service  discontinued 316 

nursery  stock  parcels,  notices,  etc 629 

recording  at  1st  and  2d  class  offices 762 

undeliverable,  irregular  treatment 629 

convention  vrith  Austria^ 

postal  regulations 629 

text  of  convention ■ 1062 

convention  witli  IVTaeao 379 

farm  produce,  marketing 400 

foreign  mails 253 

fountain  pens  in  short-paid  parcels-- 253 

increased  facilities  for  Germany 1138 

insured — 

inquiry  for  number,  new  form  3849-C-„  502 

new  method  of  filing  receipts 126 

packing  for  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  -  126 

undeliverable,  irregular  treatment 629 

postage  rates  on  4th-class  matter 1138 

sealed  parcels  at  3d  or  4th  class  rates 762 

sender's  name,  etc.,  on  4th  class  mail 1053 

Parchment  paper: 

case  of  D.  J.  Powers  (for  Franklin  Co.) 461 

case  of  George  W.  Rueff,  Inc 461 

Parco,  Wyo.,  lands  for  aviation  field—  597, 698, 935 
Pardee,  J.  T.: 

manganese-bearing  deposits 1114 

phosphate  rock 464, 1114 

Pardons,  report  relating  to 354 

Parent-teacher  associations: 

las  asociaciones  de  padres  y  maestros 378 

Parente,  Joe,  v.  United  States 176 


education  for  parenthood 93 

of  juvenile  delinquents,  alcoholism .-.  177 

see  also  Parent-teacher  associations. 

Paria,  Gulf  of,  chart 250 

Paridy,  Charles,!).  United  States 460 

Paris,  France: 

American  Legion  convention,  proceedings-  805 
International  Office  of  Public  Hygiene.  64, 1070 

Paris  &  Great  Northern  R.  R 613 

Paris  green: 

by  airplane  in  mosquito  control 196,323 

with  sand  to  destroy  mosquito  larvae--  323,  513 
Parisli,  John  C,  conference  of  historical  socie- 
ties, 1921 -- 320 

Parish,  William,  relief --  970 

Park,  William  M.: 

automotive  industry,  etc.,  of  Gt.  Britain.-  924 
position  of  Gt.  Britain's  leading  automobile 

manufacturer 280 

Park  Commission,  see  National  Capital  Park 
and  Planning  Commission. 

Park  Place,  Tex.,  claim -- 700 

Park  police  force,  see  Police. 

Parker,  Edward  C,  hay  standards  handbook  5, 784 

Parker,  Edwin  B.,  salary 897     d 

Parker,  G.  L.:  ■ 

surface  water  supply —  ™ 

lower  Columbia  River  and  Oregon 29 

Snake  River  basin 1022 

Parker,  H.  L.,  European  corn  borer  in  Europe-  917 

Parker,  J.  B.,  improving  dairy  herds- -.  651 

Parker,  James  S.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by — 

Conference  Com 673,939,941 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com... 682,817 

Parker,  Janie  M.,  relief 697,930,1013 




Parker,  John  M.,  v.  United  States 113 

Parker,  Joseph  B .,  cow  tester's  handbook _ _  401 

Parker,   L.   M.,  see  as  custodian  of  records. 

Railroad  Labor  Board. 
Parker-I-See-O  Post  no.  12,  All  American  Indian 

Legion,  land 979 

Parkersburg  Kig  &  Reel  Co.: 

iron 871, 1030 

oil-well  supplies 613,  739 

Parkinson,  T.,  measurements  of  radio  fading..  155 

Parks,  James  E.,  Luxemburg,  survey 1090 

Parks,  Tilman  B.  (Representative  from  Ark.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 348,  556,  557,  559, 

560,  683,  685,  817,  955,  957,  958,  960 

District  of  Columbia,  regulations,  1927 188 

General  Land  Office  regulations,  etc 28 

see  also  National  parks — State  parks — also 
names  of  parks. 
Parlatoria  date  scale,  see  Date  palm  scale. 
Parman,  D.  C: 

external  parasites  of  poultry 786 

tabanid  egg  parasite,  Phauurus  emersoni..  402 

Parmele,  H.  B.,  sauerkraut 525,647 

Parmenter,  B.  M.,  rights  of  U.  S.  and  Alabama 

in  Muscle  Shoals 447 

Parmenter,  R,,  oceanography,  Gulf  of  Maine..  339 

Parr,  George  T.,  patent  appeal 797 

Parr,  V.  V.,  ranch  organization,  etc 648 

Parran,  Thomas,  jr.: 

public  health  organization  of  Denmark 196 

venereal  disease  prevalence 773, 906 

Parrett,  David,  relief 43S 

Parrish,  C.  W.,  v.  Mexico •....  130,193 

Parry,  William: 

laws  relating  to  weights  and  measures 23 

same,  descriptive  circular 23 

Parsons,  D.  E.,  interlock  ing-rib  tile  walls 666 

Pasilangan,  Jiko,  chart.. 50 

Passaic  River,  chart 793 

Passenger  rates: 

Chicago,  North  Shore  &  Milwaukee  R.  R..  478 

New  York  Central  R.  R 1033 

Ulster  &  Delaware  R.  R 1033 

Passenger  traffic: 

ocean  borne,  1927,  fiscal  year 505 

ocean  borne,  1927,  quarterly..  128,383,766,1058 
Passenger-train  service,  see  Train  service. 

granting  and  issuing.  Executive  order.  632, 768 

notice  to  bearers..! 193,  634 

refund  of  certain  visa  fees.. 681,699 

regulations,  consular  service 633,900,1061 

regulations,  State  Department. 768 

Pastels  in  Freer  Gallery  of  Art,  list 767 

Paster  for  use  in  campaign  against  rats 528 


court  decisions 63, 196 

definitions,  and  their  enforcement 63 

milk,  present  status _ 272 

milk  and  foam,  bacterial  count,  etc 206 

Pastures,  hillside,  timber  growing 145 

Patch,  Edith  M.,  bread  or  barberries 404 

Patch,  Margaret  A.,  agriculture,  1925..  337,407,535 

Pate,  Charlie  R.,  relief .__,...  438,1005,1096 

Patent  medicines,  census  report,  1925 79 

Patent  Office 19,85, 153,218, 

282,  341,  412,  539,  663,  796,  926,  1091 
decisions — 

1927 796 

weekly  (in  Official  gazette)..  20,86, 153,  219, 

283,  342,  413,  540,  663,  797,  926,  1092 
weekly     (separates). 20, 

85,  86,   153,  218,  282,  283,  342,  412, 
413,    540,   663,    796,    797,    926,    1091 
fraud,  deception,  etc.,  to  prevent — 

hearing 1107, 1109 

reports 695,1010 

report,  1927 284 

rules  of  practice 219 


classification 20,86,154,219, 

283,  342,  413,  541,  664,  797,  927,   1092 

classification  manual,  corrections,  etc 86, 

•  ■  283,  284, 413 


Patents— Continued, 
decisions — 

1927 796 

in  OflScial  gazette 20,86,153,219, 

283,  342,  413,  540,  663,  797,  926,  1092 

separates  from  Official  gazette...  20, 

85,  86,  153,  218,  282,  283,  34"2",  412, 

413,    540,    663,    796,    797,    926,    1091 

forfeiture  of  rights 595,720 

fraud,  deception,  etc.,  to  prevent — 

hearings 1107, 1109 

reports 695,1010 

general  information 283 

in  Official  gazette 20, 86,  i5'3]  219, 

283,  342,  413,  .540,  663,  797,  926, 1092 

index  to  patents  issued,  1927 413 

issue  to  Govt,  employees  without  fees- 
hearings 1107 

law 935 

reports 695,854 

law  of  industrial  property,  Colombia 215 

law' of  industrial  property,  Cuba 83 

laws 283 

licensing  patents  owned  by  U.  S 828 

reissue  of  defective  patents. 720,975,1101 

time  limitations,  extension . .  828, 829, 1010, 1101 
see    also    Inventions— Land    patents— aZso 
names  of  persons,  firms,  etc.,  apply- 
ing for  patents. 
Patents  Committee,  House: 

hearings 695,  828, 829,  975, 1107 

reports 442,  566,  695,  828,  829, 975 

Patents  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 595,  720, 1109 

minority  views lOlO 

reports 720,854, 1010 

Paterson,  N.  J.,  Association  of  Governmental 
Labor    Officials    of    U.    S.    and 

Canada 491 

Pathfinder  Bird  Refuge,  reestablishing 1057 

Pathology,  see  names  of  diseases. 

admissions  and  discharges,  classification...  392 

as  individuals 135 

reading  predilections... 135 

relatives  of,  improving  our  contact 65, 198 

Paton,  C.  R.,  2-stroke  cycle  engine 119 

Paton,  R.  R.,  forest  plantations 648,783 

Patten,  Anna  F.,  dietetics  at  naval  hospitals. .    49 

Patterson,  C.  A.,  dental  engineering 65 

Patterson,  J.  E.,  western  pine  beetle... 7 

Patton,  Kenneth  S.,  Kingdom  of  Serbs,  etc 925 

Paul,  B.,  cases 225,292,1019 

Paul,  J,  W.: 

coal-mine  timbering,  State  laws 539 

fifty-nine  coal  mine  fires 411 

timbering  bituminous  coal  mines 1091 

V.  United  States  (case  of  J.   W.  Paul  as 

trustee). 859 

Paull,  Irving  S.: 

trade  association  activities 411 

same,  descriptive  circular. 538 

Paulsen,  C.  G.: 

surface  water  supply — 

Great  Basin 94 

Missouri  River  basin 94 

Snake  River  basin 1022 

Pauly,  E.  G.,  surgical  instrument  trade 1090 

Pauly,  Rose,  appointment 632 

Paving  bricks,  see  Bricks. 

Paw  Paw,  W.  Va.,  bridge.. 959 

Pawnee  Indians: 

monument  on  site  of  battle  with  Sioux 821, 

1001, 1099 

trust  period  extended 1140 

Paxton  quadrangle,  111 729 

Pay,  see  Salaries— Wages— aZso  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Pay. 
Pay,  Army: 

allowances  for  enlisted  men 256 

allowances  for  otficers.. 897 

chaplain  at  Military  Academy. ..  437,934, 1004 

"child"  and  "children",  to  define... 970 

disbursement,  etc.,  of  appropriation 440 

military  aviators— 

H.  R.  11273,  hearings 822 

H.  R.  11273,  report 822 

S.  4235,  report.-. 966 


Index,  1927-1928 


Pay,  Army-Continued. 

officers  limited  to  grade  of  captain...      --  yTO, 

lUUu,  liUz 

pay  readjustment  act  as  amended 325 

pay  tables,  1928 77o 

to  equalize  for  certain  officers luuo 

traveling  expenses... ^^'*'n~T  inno 

warrant  officers %v-c      '  \Wn 

withhold  to  cover  indebtedness  to  U.  b...  u9.i, 
Pav,  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey: 

"allowances  for  enlisted  men 256 

allowances  for  officers 897 

"child"  and  "children,"  to  define. 970 

pay  readjustment  act  as  amended 325 

traveling  expenses 594,972, 1103 

Pay,  Coast  Guard: 

allowances  for  enlisted  men 256 

allowances  for  officers 897 

"child"  and  "children,"  to  define 970 

instructions,  amendments 61, 


instructions,  circular 132,  511,  037, 1068 

lieutenant  commanders  of  line,  etc 827, 

1009, 1102 

nonaccrual  of  pay,  circular 1068 

pay  readjustment  act  as  amended 325 

traveling  expenses 694,972, 1103 

warrant  officers 974, 1009 

Pay,  Marine  Corps: 

"allowances  for  enlisted  men 256 

allowances  for  officers 897 

"child"  and  "children,"  to  define 970 

pay  readjustment  act  as  amended 325 

traveling  expenses 594,972, 1103 

warrant  officers 974,1009 

Pay,  National  Guard: 

disbursement  procedure 593,  692,  802 

flying  requirements,  regulations 897 

preparation  of  pay  rolls  and  vouchers 260 

Pay,  Navy: 

allowances  for  enlisted  men.. 256 

allowances  for  officers.. 897 

"child"  and  "children,"  to  define 970 

lieutenant  commanders  of  stafl  corps 827, 

1009, 1102 
pay  readjustment  act- 
act  as  amended... 325 

pay  bill  instructions,  changes 313 

pay  bill  instructions,  section  C 627 

submarine  and  diving  duty 595,  695,  803 

traveling  expenses.. 594,  972, 1103 

■warrant  officers 974, 1009 

withhold  to  cover  indebtedness  to  U.  S 593 

Pay,  Public  Health  Service: 

allowances  for  enlisted  men 256 

allowances  for  officers 897 

"child"  and"children,"  to  define 970 

pay  readjustment  act  as  amended 325 

traveling  expenses 594,972, 1103 

Payette  River,  plan  and  profile 95 

Paymaster  General,  Navy,  see  Supplies  and 
Accounts  Bureau,  Navv  Dept. 

Payne,  Paul  Rubio,  alias,  see  Rubib,  Paul. 


production  for  canning 275 

root-nodule  bacteria 525,647 

winter  field  peas 331 

see  also  Cow-peas. 

Peabody,  S.  J.,  Lumber  Co.: 

logs... 612 

lumber 475 


Netherlands  and  IT.  S.,  protocol  to  treaty    1062 

Netherlands  and  U.  S.,  treaty 768 

renunciation  of  war- 
multilateral  treaty,  notes 901 

te.xt  of  M.  Briand's  pact...  901 

war  prevention  policy  of  U.  s".,  address.  768 

Peace  (painting): 

to  purchase,  estimate 353 

Peace  council  at  Medicine  Lodge: 
tablet  to  commemorate — 

hearing 688 

Jaw. 934 

reports 689,851 


rates  on  peaches 107,234,740,1121 

%'arieties  and  their  classification 532 

Peach  borer: 

control,  paradichlorobenzene  experiments..  651 

how  to  prevent  or  lessen  its  ravages 144 

Peaches,  see  Peach. 

Peacock,  J.  H.,  Mississippi  R.  bridge..  426,  580,  669 

Peacock's  Anchorage,  chart 183 

Peale,  Rembrandt  H.: 

Secretary  of  Interior,  etc.,  vs 724,  727 

V.  Federal  Power  Commission 44 


grading,  roasting,  etc.,  census,  1925 213 

rates  on 108,613,740,873 

Pear,  see  Pears. 

Pearce,  A.  T.,  watermelons 173 

Pearl  Island,  Interior  Dept.  control 763 

Pearl  River: 
bridges — 

Edinburg,  Miss 958,1102 

Leake  County,  Miss 583,684,803 

Rankin  County,  Miss 583,685,803 

Pearl  River  Valley  Lumber  Co.: 

bridge  in  Leake  County,  Miss 583,684,803 

bridge  in  Rankin  County,  Miss...  583,685,803 
Pearl  River  Valley  Railroad: 

notes 36 

rates  on  wood 40 

Pearlman,  Barney, ;;.  United  States 177 


acetaldehyde  in  Bartlett  pears 532,647 

rates  on 170 

scald  and  breakdown 532,647 

Pearsall  quadrangle,  Tex 361 

Pearson,  J.  T.,  relief 550,989, 1097 

Pearson  .lohn  R.: 

relief  988 

V.  United'Statesr'-"^MI"'II^'."^.'366,881 
Pearson,  Margaret  W.: 

relief 988 

V.  United  States 306,881 

Pearson's  equivalent  probability  r  method 1084 

Peas,  see  Pea. 
Peaslee-Gaulbert  Co.: 

copper  sulphate 32 

varnish 237 

Peavey,  Hubert  H.  (Representative from  Wis.): 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com 555,815 

War  Claims  Com 571,  700, 833, 834, 981 


development  from  flower  to  maturity 4, 141 

insects  and  their  control 273,918 

Peck,  Franklin  D.,  relief 824 

Pecos  &  Rio  Grande  Telephone  Co 1121 

Pecos  River: 

quality  of  w-ater 161 

waters,  consent  to  compact 961 

Pecos  Valley  Southern  Ry 170 

Pectin  extracts  in  jelly 208 

Peddler  cars,  see  Refrigerator-cars. 
Pedersen,  Thyra  E.: 

care  of  Government  property... 198 

ideal  attendant 1071 

influence  of  nurse  on  hospital... 640 

Pedro  Gonzales  Island,  chart 313 

Peebles,  Robert  H.,  shedding,  cotton  hybrid.  3,76 
Peek,  B.  F.,  Mississippi  R.  bridge....  817,992, 1100 

Peek,  Charles,  utensil  sterilizer... 49 

Peerless  Explosives  Co.,  saltpeter 481 

Peery,  George  C.  (Representative  from  Va.): 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com 348,  423, 427, 429, 557, 

559,  683,  685, 816,  817,  956,  957, 959 
Pegel,  Hermann  (Pegal,  p.  385,  incorrect): 

claim 385,587,800,811 

Peipers,  Martha  E.,  v.  Alien  Property  Custo- 
dian, etc 336 

Peixotto,  J.  C,  relief 840 

Pelfrey,  Samuel,  relief.. 351 

Pell  City,  Ala.,  bridge 556,578,     ' 


in  Mississippi  flood  area... 323,511 

nature  and  prevention 196, 

preventive  action  of  cowpea,  etc 196, 3^j 

preventive  action  of  tomato,  etc 

relation  of  black  tongue  of  dogs...  513, 905, 1148J 

review '... 39r 

Pellen,  Jobn  H-,  map  of  Colo.  River  basin....  lO; 




Pelton,  Florence  J.,  nurses  in  neuropsyehiatric 

hospital 264 

Pelton,  Honoro  G.,  exrx.,  v.  David  H.  Blair.  486,  746 

Penacook  quadrangle,  N.  H 228 

Penal  code,  see  special  subject. 
Penalty  mail,  see  Mail  matter. 

Pence.John  P.,  reappointment 351 

Pend  d'Oreilles,  see  Kalispel  Indians. 

Pend  Oreille  Lake,  plan 360 

Pendleton,  T.  P.,  map  compilation  from  aerial 

photographs 604 

Pendleton  &  Gilkev,  posts -  479 

Pendleton's  Ferry,  bridge 818,936,994 

Penicillium  digitatum,  citrus  fruit  decay.-  399,525 

Penicillium  gladioli,  rot  of  corms 783,  919 

Penicillium  italicum,  citrus  fruit  decay 399,  525 

Peninsula  Produce  Exchange: 

burlaps 1026 

ice 1030 

Penis  chancroid,  tartar  emetic  treatment 887 

Penitentiaries,  see  Convict  labor — Crime  and 

cri  minals — Prisons. 
Pennington,  Catherine  E.,  agricultural  experi- 
ment stations.. 331 

Pennington,  J.  A.  G.,  automotive  advertising.  151 


anthracite  region,  mining  thin  coal  beds..  539 
apples  in  Cumberland-Shenandoah  region.  329 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 14 

child  dependency  and  delinquency 45 

climate  of  southeastern  Pennsylvania 790 

coal  fields,  investigation- 
hearings 589,710,849,999 

statement,  etc.,  W.  H.  Coolidge. 999 

election  case  of  James  M.  Beck — 

hearings 552,679 

minority  views 679 

report .  679 

Hessian  fly,  status  of  parasites 648,788 

post  route  map 631 

public  service  retirement  system ... ..  117 

Pennsvlvania  &  Newark  R.  R.,  bridge 6?3, 

841, 932 

Pennsylvania  Company,  valuation 300 

Pennsylvania  Oil  Co.  of  Evanston 1033 

Pennsylvania  Railroad: 

abandonment  of  part  of  branch 230,  478 

bridge  across  Allegheny  River 347,  576, 667 

bridge  across  Delaware  River 683, 841, 932 

delivery  charges 470 

land  in  Philadelphia,  to  purchase..  565,593,671 

lands  in  Philadelphia,  exchange 565,852,935 

rates  on— 

alcohol 30 

apple  pomace • 1024 

ash-cans 465 

automobile  bumpers 1024 

brass 98,163,607,1025 

burlap  bags 867 

burlaps 1026 

cabbage 466 

cans 1026 

cattle 733 

cement 467, 1026 

coal 468 

coke 31 

copper 296 

fuel-oU 166,735 

hides  and  skins 104 

hydrogen  peroxid 298 

ice 1030 

ice  machines 1119 

iron  (2  entries) 737 

lenses.... 299 

logs 474,612,738 

lumber 475 

middlings 476 

paper 107 

paper-stock 300 

petroleum 740 

potatoes 479 

rags 614 

rods 171 

sUk. 743 

spools 1123 

sugar - ..--  1123 

vegetable  fibers 237 

Pennsylvania  Railroad— Continued. 

reconsignment... 1122 

stock.  _ 1121 

Pennsylvania  State  College: 
School  of  Agriculture- 
apples     in     Cumberland-Shenandoah 

region 329 

Pennsylvania  Tunnel  &  Terminal  R.  R.  stock.  478 
Penrose,  R.  A.  F.,  jr.,  memoir  of  J.  C.  Branner.  493 

Penrose,  Spencer,  v.  United  States 1017 

Pens,  see  Fountain  pens. 
Pensacola,  Fla.: 

air  navigation  map... 776 

aviation  charts  (2  en  tries).. 889 

aviation  crashes  in  1927 496,497 

title  to  lots 459,569,803 

Pension  Bureau 362,464,1115 

examining  surgeons,  instructions 1115 

report,  1927 362 

salaries,  estimate,  1929 510 

see  also  Scott,  Winfield. 

aviation  dutv,  to  include  Army.. 595,695 

decisions 159,358,1021 

deputy  marshals  in  Arkansas,  etc 432 

for  members  of  Life  Saving  Service 955 

for  soldiers,  sailors,  widows,  etc — 

Civil  War  (H.  R.  13511) 960,1010,1096 

Civil  War  (S.  2900) 457,596,805,819,930 

Regular  Army  (H.  R.  10141) 567, 

854, 930, 941 

Regular  Army  (H.  R.  12381) 695, 

854,  941, 1096 
Regular  Army  (H.  R.  13563).  975, 1010, 1096 

Regular  .\rmy  (S.  2505) 854 

Regular  Navy  (H.  R.  10141) 567, 

854  930  941 

Regular  Navy  (H.  R.  12381) ...  69.5, 

854, 941, 1096 

Regular  Navy  (H.  R.  13563) 975, 

1010, 1096 

Regular  Navy  (S.  2505) 854 

wars  other  than  Civil  (H.  R.  10141)...  567, 

854  930  941 

wars  other  than  Civil  (H.  R.  12381)..  695. 

854, 941, 1096 

wars  other  than  Civil  (H.  R.  13563)...  975 

1010, 1096 

for  widows  of  Civil  War  soldiers,  etc 457, 


public-school  teachers,  pension  systems 227 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  292, 862 

submarine  accidents,  double  pensions 567, 

596,  854, 935 

survivors  of  Jeanette  relief  expedition 976 

see  also  Civil  service  pensions— Federal  Re- 
serve Retirement  Fund — Old   age 
pensions— also    names    of   persons 
granted  pensions. 
Pensions  Committee,  IJouse: 

reports 443,567,695,975,976 

Pensions  Committee,  Senate: 

hearings 457 

reports 457, 595, 596,  720, 854, 1010 

Pentatomids,  Megaridinae  and  Canopinae 633 

Peoples  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Co 1033 

Peoria,  111.,  bridge. 557,708,802 

Peoria  &  Pekin  Union  Ry.,  valuation.. 365 

Peoria  Railway  Terminal  Co.,  valuation 234 

Pepin  Pickling  Co.,  pickles 1033 

Pepper,  Loretta,  relief 947 

Peppermint  cultivation 788 

Peppers,  rates  on 1121 

Peptic  ulcer,  Sippy  treatment  (2) 247 

Percy,  Clara,  claim ._ 820 

Perdido  Bay: 

bridge.  Bear  Point,  Ala 559,710,803 

bridge,  Int-rarity  Point,  Fla..  843,959,993, 1102 
Pere  Marquette  Ry.: 

control  by  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Ry 1118 

equipment  trust 170 

rates  on— 

coal 101 

grapes 1030 

iron --- 737 

logs 738 

stock  issue  proposed... 300 

valuation 234 


Index,  1927-1928 


Perennials,  herbaceous...... 532 

Perfect  Window  Eegulator  Co.  v.  U.  b ----  9U, 

Perfumery:  „. 

case  of  lioRer  &  Oallet 25 

census  report,  1925 '^ 

Pericarditis;  ,  ,         ,    •  ^a 

complicating  pulmonary  tuberculosis b4 

witii  effusion,  direct  diagnosis 247 

Pericardium,  calcification..-. 640 

Periderm,  wound,  formation  in  potato biZ,  bi/ 

Periodicals:  ■  u*  a  na 

contributions  to,  copyrighted -  lis, 

179,  309, 373, 493, 623, 752, 885 
contributions  to,  copyrighted,  index,  1926.-  245 

copvrigiited - —  46,245,624 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926. 46 

Government  periodicals,  subscriptions 93, 


subscriptions  may  be  paid  in  advance 687 

Treasury  Department  publications 769 

Periodogram,  group  or  correlation ...  147 

Perishable     commodities,    see    Agricultural 

Perkins,  Randolph  (Representative  from  N.J.) : 
reports  made  by — 

Coinage,  Weights  and  Measures  Com.  550, 
551, 809,  948,  949 

Perkins,  William,  relief 351 

Perkins,  Willis  J.,  v.  Lawrence  B.  Sperry 177 

Perlman  Rim  Corporation  v.V.S 223,306,723 

Permanent  International  Association  of  Road 
invitation  to  hold  6th  session  in  U.  S.  — 

law 805 

report  of  State  Dept 507 

reports  of  committees 422,  680 

Permian  period,  fossil  insect 60 


bobwhite  quail  from  Me.xico 330 

building,  in  principal  cities — 

1926- - 178 

1927 1044 

coal,  extension  of  time... 458,  568,  667 

manufacture,  etc.,  of  intoxicating  liquors. .  196 
oil  and  gas- 
contests 1014 

extension  of  time 444,  459, 597,  671 

prospecting,  in  Wyoming 570 

work  in  navigable  waters 137 

Pernicious  anemia,  see  Anemia. 
Peroxids,  see  Hydrogen  peroxid. 

Perry,  J  .A.,  relief 808 

Perry,  J.  C,  tularaemia  among  meadowmice..  639, 


Perry  County,  Miss.,  soil  survey 789 

Perry  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 348,354,455,544 

Perry  Point,  Md.,  Veterans'  Hospital 702 

Perry's  Victory  Memorial  Commission 362 

estimate ., 637 

report,  1927 362 

Perryville,  Battle  of,  1862.  tablet..-. 348,671 

Persian  Gulf  pilot,  supplement 757 

Personnel  and  Business  Administration  Office, 

Agriculture  Dept HI 

Personnel  Board  of  Foreign  Service,  see  Foreign 
Service  Personnel  Board. 

Personnel  Classification  Board,  estimate 1066 

Per.sson,  Oscar  E.  F.,  U.  S.  v 1127 


as  lumber  market 661 

budget 339 

charts. 122,890 

electrical  equipment,  marketing. . .  I5i 

foreign  trade  for  1926 use 

Pescadores  Channel,  chart 183 

Pests,    see    Agricultural    pests— insects— oZso 

names  of  pests. 
Petaluma  Creek,  examination  and  survey  910 


chicle  industry 252 

same  ( in  Portuguese) "I"'"'"'  501 

Peter,  A.  M.,  calcium  compounds,  utilization 

•,,    by  hens  in  ogg  production 783,915 

leter     Muhlenberg     Memorial     Association, 

T>  *        ,.    monument  in  D.  C 689, 851, 937 

Peters,  M.  C,  Mill  Co.,  burlaps 163 

Peterson,  A.  A.,  creep  of  steels 665 


Peterson,  Burt  A.,  patent  appeal 341 

Peterson,  W.  H.,  sauerkraut 525,647 

Peterson  Bay,  chart 215 

Petit  Jean  Mountain,  sale  of  lauds 831,  858, 1096 

Petrified  Forest  National  Monument,  rules 29 

Petrography,  see  Rocks. 

crude  petroleums  of  U.  S.,  analyses 796 

emulsions,  size  of  drops  and  toxicity 6 

importancia  do  schisto  bituminoso 1136 

industry,  prices,  etc.,  report 1019 

leasing  Osage  oil  lands 555,  588 

oil  fields — 

Cat  Creek  and  Devils  Basin 94 

of  Oklahoma,  map 161 

of  Texas,  map 161 

Panhandle  crude  petrolum,  report  on 726 

paraffin  troubles  in  producing  crude  oil 662 

permits — 

contests 1014 

extension  of  time 444, 459,  597, 671 

prospecting  in  Wyoming 570 

pipe-tool  accidents  at  wells,  prevention 662 

possibilities,  Bell  Springs  dist.,  Wyo...  464,863 

production  in  1926 925 

prospects,  northea.stern  Colorado 604,863 

publications  on — 

oil  leases 293 

petroleum 226,1113 

rates  on  petroleum 36  , 

108, 170,  300, 478,  606,  740,  873, 103    I 
rates  on  petroleum  products. . .  108,  300, 478,  740 

refineries  in  foreign  countries 18 

refinery  statistics,  1926 412 

refining,  census  report,  1925 14 

substitutes  and  shale  oil  development,  rp„  463 
see    also    Fuel-oil — Naval    petroleum    re- 
Petroleum   Exposition,   see  International   Pe- 
troleum Exposition. 
Petroleum  Institute,  see  American  Petroleum 

Pettis,  C.  R.,  Baltimore,  Md.,  district 516 

Pettit,  George,  relief 692 

Peyton  Packing  Co.,  meat 299 

Pfau,  C.  L.,  Bacillus  coli  in  soil 64 

Pfeiffer,  Albert,  syphilis,  etc.,  N.  Y.  State 907 

pH,  see  Hydrogen-ion  concentration. 

Phanurus  emersoni,  tabanid  egg  parasite 402 

Phares,  W.  A.,  gastric  and  duodenal  ulcer 197 

Pharmacist's  mate.  Navy  training  course 49 

Pharmacist's  Mates  School,  Portsmouth: 

hypodermic  injection  as  taught  at 120 

visit  of  Virginia  nurses - 120 

Pharmacy  under  naval  government 120 

Pheasants,  Chinese  ring-necked,  mailing 254 

Phelps,  Francis  P.,  new  base  point  on  thermo- 

metric  scale 89 


costs  in  U.  S.  and  Great  Britain 508 

duty  decrease,  proclamation- 318,508 

oxidation-reduction  studies 906 

tastes,  etc.,  in  water  after  chlorination 905 

Philadelphia,  Pa.: 

address  of  C  harles  E .  Hughes 1062 

address  of  President  Coolidge 317 

aviation  charts 122 

land,  to  sell  to  Pennsylvania  R.  R 565, 

593,  671,  852, 935 
lands,  exchange  with  Pennsylvania  R.  R-  565, 

852, 936 

relief - 706 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

waterfront,  chart - -.  408 

see  also  National  Bank  of  Commerce. 
Philadelphia,  U.  S.  frigate,  observations  taken 

on  board,  1800 497 

Philadelphia  &  Reading  Ry.,  valuation -.  740 

Philadelphia,  Baltimore  &  Vfashington  R.  R., 

bonds - 234 

Philadelphia,  Bethlehem  &  New  England  R. 

R.,  valuation 614 

Philadelphia  Boiler  Works  v.  U.  S— -  723,  748, 1111 
Philadelphia   Forum,  address  of  Charles  E. 

Hughes - 1062 

Philippi,  W.  Va.: 

post  office-- - -  696,830,9.35,1012 

topographic  map  of  quadrangle. 865 

July- June 



Philippine  Constabulary 692,824,852,970,1101 

Philippine  Islands 644 

Agriculture  Department — 

bulletin  32,  adaptation 761 

articles  imported  into  U.  S.,  tax  moneys-..  598 

biology,  contributions 192,899 

board  of  visitors,  biennial  appointment 722 

catalogue  of  charts,  etc 82 

chart 793 

coast  pilot --  408 

coast  pilot,  supplement 659 

commercial  survey 84 

Cyrtidae,  new  genus  of  2-winged  flies 258 

governor  general- 
assistants  in  office,  hearings 598,815 

assistants  in  office,  minority  views 682 

assistants  in  office,  reports 555,599 

report,  1926 644 

governors  of  non-Christian  provinces. 598 

money-order  post  offices 254 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

routes  to  Pacific  Coast  ports 313 

salaries  of  certain  officials — 

hearings 598,  815 

minority  views 682 

reports 555,  599 

tobacco,  etc.,  exported  to,  drawback 1147 

see  o/«G  Filipinos. 

Philipsborn's  r.  United  States 460,619,879 

PhilUps,  E.  F.: 

beekeeping  in  buckwheat  region 206 

beekeeping  in  tulip-tree  region 651 

bees 206 

carbohydrate  utilization  by  honeybees  (2) .  269 

wintering  bees  in  cellars 529 

Phillips,  Estelle  K.,  sand  and  gravel 539 

Phillips,  Frank  M.,  teachers'  colleges,  etc 160 

Phillips,  John  C,  wild  birds  in  N.  America 916 

Phillips,    Matilda,    Latin    American    foreign 

trade,  1926 628 

Phillips,  Tracy  L.,  relief 827 

Phillips,  W.  J.,  Eurytoma  parva 7 

Phillips  Academy,  Andover,   Mass.,  address 

of  President  Coolidge 1054 

Phillips  Petroleum  Co.,  tank-cars 483 

Phipps,  Lawrence  C.  (Senator  from  Colo.): 
reports  made  by- 
Appropriations  Com 704 

Banking  and  Currency  Com 984 

Post  Offices  and  Post  JRoads  Com.  596, 1011 
Phoebus,    M.    A.,   commercial  readjustment, 

Brazil 1089 

Phoenix,  Ariz.: 

air  navigation  maps 777,909 

Chamber  of  Commerce^ 

sugar 876 

street,  part  of  Federal  building  site — 

hearings 443 

law.. 544 

reports 443,458,596 

Phoenix  Desk  &  Chair  Co.,  desks 470 

Phonographs,  census,  1925 214 


analysis  of  Tennessee  phosphate  rock 89 

in    Three     Forks- Yellowstone     Park    re- 
gion  464,1114 

production  of  phosphate  rock,  1926 341 

rates  on  acid  phosphate 606 

rates  on  phosphates. 36, 740 

Phospholipins  in  seeds 526,647 


absorption  by  wheat  seedlings 204,206 

rations  containing,  assimilation 269,270,401 

Photographic  supplies  for  Government 511 


copyrighted 47,179,373,1046 

cop>Tighted,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

fuel  sprays  from  engine  injection  valves 495 

map  compilation  from  aerial  photographs..  604 

pneumothorax  on  post  mortem 392 

Photometric  standards  (.Spanish  translation) . .    18 
Phragmidium  imitans,  cause  of  yellow  rust  of 

raspberry 3,  72 

Phuong  Con,  John  D.  Nagle  v 305 

Phylloxera  infestation,  study  in  Calif 652 

Physical  defects,  your  child's.. 750 

Physical  education: 

in  American  colleges  and  universities 28 

physical  education  series 727 

professional  training,  report 727 

Physical  examination: 

child's  health  examination... 750 

compared  with  autopsy  findings 264 

dental  observations.. 887, 1047 

for  Coast  Guard 322 

in  Navy,  annual 497 

los  reconocimientos  medicos  prenupciales. .  761 
Physical  reconstruction,  see  Rehabilitation  of 

the  disabled. 
Physical  training,  see  Physical  education. 

Indian  service,  educational  leave...  682, 848,  935 

rank  of  physician  to  the  President 351, 

692, 935, 970, 980 
see  also  Surgeons. 

Physics,  Navy  training  course 247 


cases  treated  by,  notes 514 

for  cardiovascular  degenerations 514 

lecture  to  nurses 1071 

treatment  of  gastroenteroptosis.., 65 

treatment  of  osseous  disease  and  injiu'y 64 

Phvtophaga  destructor,  see  Hessian  fly. 

Picher,  Emily  S.,  trustee,  v.  U.  S 25,242 

Picher,  Oliver  S.,  case  of  trustee  v.  U.  S 25,  242 

Pickert,  L.,  Fish  Co.,  Inc.,  relief. 963 


fermented,  making 6 

rates  on 1033 

Pickwick  quadrangle,  Tex 361 

Pictures,    see    Motion    pictures— Paintings- 
Photographs— Portraits. 

Piedmont  &  Northern  Ry 1033 

Piedmont  Grocery  Co.  vs.  U.  S 600 

Piedmont  region  of  S.  C,  archeology 898 

Piemeisel,    Lydia   N.,    plants,  water  require- 
ment  4, 10 

Pierce,    A.    H.,    relation    of   neuropsychiatrie 

training  to  general  nursing 65 

Pierce,  James  M.,  relief 565 

Pierce,  Leslie,  apple  scab 788 

Pierce  County,  Wash.,  dam 816,931 

Pierce  Pond  quadrangle,  Me 361 

Pierre,  W.  H.,  soU  of  Grant  Co.,  S.  Dak. 276 

Pierson,  James  R.,  patent  appeal 219 

Pieters,  .\.  J.: 

abonos  verdes  para  la  America  tropical 628 

clover  failure 654 

green  manuring 919 

sweet  clover 920 

Pietsch,  .\rav  L.,  David  H.  Blair  ».  exr 881 

Pietsch,  Walter  G.,  exr.,  David  H.  Blair  v 881 

Piezo-electric  stabilization,  generator 665 

Pig,  see  Swine. 

Pig  iron,  see  Cast-iron. 


dry  colors  for  Engrav.  and  Print.  Bur 511 

lead  and  zinc,  1926 340 

see  also  Anthocyan — Paint. 
Pigs,  see  Swine. 
Piippo,  Arthur  F.,  Madison  aerological  data...  790 

Pikelot  Island,  chart 51 

Pilger,  Theodore: 

German  machinery  industry  and  trade C61 

German  metal-working  machinery  indus- 
try   661 

Leipzig  Technical  Show 410 

National  German  Machinery  Mfrs.  Assoc.  410 

Pilgrim  Holiness  Church,  census,  1926... 922 

Piling,  rates  on 478,740 

Pilliod  Lumber  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair 621 

Pillows,  kinds  and  sizes  for  ship  equipment 88 

Pillsbury,  G.  B.,  survey  of  lakes,  report,  1927..  643 
Pilot  charts: 

Atlantic  Ocean,  north 52, 123, 183,250, 

313,  376, 499,  627,  759, 891, 1051, 1134 

upper  air 376, 627, 759, 1051, 1134 

Atlantic  Ocean,  south 52,250,499,891 

Central  American  waters 52,  123,  183,  250, 

313,  376,  499,  626,  759,  890, 1051, 1134 

Indian  Ocean 52,  123,  183,250, 

313,  376,  499,  626   759,  890, 1051, 1134 


Index,  1927-1928 


Pilot  charts-Continued. 

Pacific  Ocean,  north 5-.  i-iA,  laa, 

pacinc  ^Jcean^g^  3^3^  g^g^  ^gg^  337^  759,  ggi,  105I 

Pacific  Ocean,  south -  53,250,499,891 

Pilot  guides,  see  Coast  pilots— ai«o  names  of 

Pilot  ladder,  American  marine  standard.-.----  ^44 

Pilot  Mountains,  quicksilver  deposits 228,1114 

Pilots' handbook,  Panama  Canal 1*5 

Pincus.  Harry,  relief - 676 

Pine,  W.  B.  (Senator  from  Okla): 

reports  made  by—  ^ 

Indian  Affairs  Com 588,  ,15,998 

Military  Affairs  Com 594,  .595, 1003 

Parana  pine  lumber  industry  of  Brazil 18 

protect  from  bl  ister  rust 1083 

sawfly  injurious  to  young  pines 530 

shortieaf  pine  primer 208 

western  white  pine  timber  growing,  etc 274 

Pine  &  Cypress  Manufacturing  Co.: 

demurrage iso^iqa 

misroutmg iw,  m» 

Pine  Bluff  &  Arkansas  River  Ry.,  valuation—    38 

Pine  Plains  military  res.,  area  restored 382 

Pine  Plains  National  Forest,  order  establishing 

rescinded 382 

Pine  Plume  Lumber  Co.,  demurrage 734 

Pine  Ridge  Reservation,  per  capita  payment--  954, 

999, 1102 

Pine  tip  moth: 

in  Nebraska  National  Forest 204,273 

three  new  hymenopterous  parasites. .- 7 

Pineal  shadow,  diagnostic  landmark 887, 1048 


culture  in  Florida 334 

el  cultivo  de  la  pifia 893 

Pinedo,  Francesco  de,  to  present  Distinguished 

Flying  Cross 935 

Pinellas  Point,  bridge ^85,711,804 

Pines,  xee  Pine. 

Pineville  quadrangle,  W.  Va 729 

Piney  Creek  &  Paint  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation.-  29G 

Piney  Point,  bridge.. 685,711,804 

Pingplap  Islands,  chart 51 

Pink  boUworm: 
additional  appropriation 673 

estimates 509,637,1065 

hearings 807,943 

l&w  937 

reports".".-.!.-' ! "867,84.3,980 

correction  for  p.  843 914 

parasites  of  pink  bollworm  in  Hawaii 273 

quarantine  on  account  of 72 

Pinney,  Anna  H.,  appointment 897 

Pins,  see  Insulator  pins. 

Pioneer  Coal  A-  Coke  Co.,  coal -    31 


Grinnell  Co 461 

Sanchez,  Enrique  V 158 

cast-iron  pipe,  census,  1925 -. 214 

distinctive  markings  for  piping 89 

rates  on 170,  234, 478,  614, 740,  765, 1034, 1059 

Pipe-line  coating,  rates  on 478 

Pipe  tool  accidents  at  wells,  prevention .  .  662 

Piper,  C.  v.: 

cultivated  grasses - 6.54 

green  manuring -- 919 

velvet  bean .       _  _       .533 

Pirkey,  Frank  Z.,  rehef 971 

Pirtle,  T.  R.,  dairy  statistics 784 


ammunition,  standard  nomenclature 911 

automatic,  caliber  .45,  parts,  etc 1075 

marksmanship,  dismounted -..  265 

Pit  house  village,  prehistoric  site.. 1060 

Pitchlynn,    Peter    P.,   judgment   in   favor   of 

r.-.u  .       ^estate 562,590,667 

Pith-bundles,  etc.,  in  Helianthus 494 

Pitot-static  nozzle,  see  Nozzles. 

Pitot-venturi  nozzle,  see  Nozzles. 

Pittard,  Kugene.  el  cancer  en  las  razas  humanas    760 

Pittman,  Key  (Senator  from  Nev.): 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate  Commerce  Com 589 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Cora 856 

Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 
Com 1015 


Pittman,  W.  N.,  trustee,  v.  XT.  S.-- 860 

Pittsburg,  Bessemer  &  Lake  Erie  R.  R.: 

bonds - 234 

stock 36 

Pittsburg,  Shawmut  &  Northern  R.  R 170 

Pittsburgh,  Pa.: 

address  of  President  Coolidge 255 

bridge 558,709,803 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 518 

see  also  Union  Trust  Co.  of  Pittsburgh. 
Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie  R.  R.: 

maintenance  of  way  expenditures 741 

rates  on  strawberries 111 

stock  dividend 478 

train-stop  device 112 

Pittsburgh  &  Ohio  Valley  Ry.,  valuation 300 

Pittsburgh  &  West  Virginia  Ry.: 

guaranty  settlement 1121 

valuation 478 

Pittsburgli,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  ^t.  Louis 

R.  R.,  bonds 614 

Pittsburfi!h  Crushed  Steel  Co.,  iron 1030 

Pittsburgh  Hotels  Co.  ;;.  U.  S 242 

Pittsburgh,  Youngstown  &  Ashtabula  Ry 479 

Pituitary  body,  adamantinoma  of 1071 

Pituitary  extracts,  sulphur  in 1148 

Piute  Indians,  see  Paiute  Indians. 
Pizonyx,  see  Bats. 
Place  names,  see  Names. 

Placentia  Harbor,  Newfoundland,  chart 183 

Plagiodontia,  see  Rodents. 

bubonic,  and  maritime  quarantine 134 

pneumonic,     bronchopneumonia     resem- 

bhng -  502 

predicting  epidemics  in  the  Punjab 263 

servifo  de  prevenfao  de  peste  em  Porto 

Rico 628 

Plainfield,  N.  J.,  carillon  for  Grace  Church...  997 
Plains  Indians: 

peace  council  at  Medicine  Lodge,  tablet- 
hearing 688 

law 934 

reports 689,851 

Plakidas,  A.  G.,  strawberry  xanthosis 647,783 

Plane,  Josephine  H.,  v.  Walter  E.  Carr 177 

Planets,  excursions  on 190 

Planing  mills,  see  Mills  and  millwork. 
Plant  industry: 

classification.  Library  of  Congress 885 

Plant  Industry  Bureau 9,75,145,209, 

274, 3.33, 404,  531,  654,  787, 919, 1083 

estimates - 1065, 1066 

field  activities 209 

report,  1927 334 

service  and  regulatory  announcements 76 

Plant  life,  see  Botany. 
Plant  pathology,  see  Diseases  of  plants. 
Plant  Quarantine  and  Control  Administration, 
estimate  for  control  of  European 

corn  borer 1066 

Plantations,  forest,  partial  measurements.   648,  783 

Planting,  see  Tree  planting. 


absorption,  effect  on  soil  solution 270,404 

aluminum  sulphate  on  acid-soil  plants 189 

extracts,  growth  of  B.  radicicola 399,528 

fiber  plants,  educational  illustrations 528 

for  Congressional  distribution 1001 

importation — 

by      Foreign      Plant      Introduction 

Oflice 210,27: 

entry  restricted  or  prohibited 207 

pests  collected  from  imported  plants--.  20.- 

indicators  of  ground  water 601 

influences  of  sun  rays 19JI 

insects  injurious  to  greenhouse  plants 786 

nuevas  plantas  alimenticias 378 


Pauama  Canal  Zone 506 

Rocky  Mountains,  Alpine  vegetation.  494 

Sumatra,   fast-disappearing  flora 898 

paper  mulch,  crop-plant  stimulation 91if 

propagafao  de  plantas  tropicaes 761 

publications — 

on  insects  injurious  to  plants 292, 1113 

on  plants 159, 1020 

quarantine  act- 
text  of  act- 144 

to  amend  sec.  10,  hearings 674 



Plants— continued . 

quarantine  act— Continued. 

to  amend  sec.  10,  law 935 

to  amend  sec.  10,  reports 675,836 

regulations  for  mailing  plants — 

addressed  to  places  in  .\rizoua 762 

addressed  to  places  in  Mississippi 762 

violation  of  regulations 56,  629 

Tylenchus  pratensis,  etc.,  attacking...  532,  647 

volatile  oils,  methods  of  extracting . 655 

water  and  potash  in  x^lant  production..  399,  525 

water  requirement  at  Akron,  Colo 4, 10 

see  also  Botany— Diseases  of  plants— Forage 
and  forage  plants — Herbariums — 
Heredity  (plants)  — Perennials — 
Poisonous  plants — also  names  of 
Plants  (fossil) : 

Esmeralda  formation  flora  in  Nevada 385 

Plasma  proteins  in  leprosy 63 

Plaster,  rates  on 479,873,1034 

Plastic  works: 

copyrighted 47,179,373,1046 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

Plate  printing,  census  of  manufactures,  1925-..  149 
Plates,  see  Stereotype  plates— a/so  Steel. 

and  allied  metals  in  1926.. 85 

marking,  to  regulate— 

hearing 959 

report 999 

Platoon  schools,  music  report 226 

Piatt,  D.  P.,  poisoning  on  board  U.  S.  S.  Noa.  497 

Platte  County,  Mo.,  bridge 581 

Plattsburg,  X.  Y.,  abolishing  as  port  of  entry..  764 

Plattsmouth,  Xebr..  bridge 558,709,802 

Plattsmouth  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 558,709,802 

Playground  equipment,  Government  supplies.  511 
Playgrounds  Department,  D.  C,  report,  1927  .  356 

Playgrounds  of  the  Xation  _  _ 227 

Playing  cards: 

exportation  without  payment  of  tax 1147 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  use  of  U.  S.._  638 

Playter,  Harold,  Nicaragua,  survey 340 

Pleasant  Coal  Co.,  demurrage 734 

Pleich,  John,  sr.,  v.  U.  S 242 

Pleistocene  period: 

faunas  from  Md.,  Va.,  and  N.  C 728 

fossil  turtles  from  Florida 129 

manganese  deposit,  Bannock  Co.,  Idaho..  464, 

Pleural  mesothelioma,  with  report  of  case..  135,  324 

Pleurisies,  relation  to  tuberculosis _ . _  1070 

Pliocene  period,  fauna  from  N.  Carolina 728 

Plugs,  see  Paper-mill  plugs. 
Plumas  National  Forest: 

proclamation 1140 

resources  and  recreation  features 332 

Plumbers'  supplies: 

for  Government 511 

rates  on 479 

Plummer,  Rosa  E.,  relief 451 

Plums,  varietal  characteristics 275 

Plush,  see  Hatters'  plush. 

Plymouth  County,  Iowa,  soil  survey 1081 

Plymouth  Quarries,  Inc.,  granite 232 

Plywood  webs  of  box  beams,  shear  strength 137 

Pneumatic  tires,  see  Tires. 

Pneumatic-tube  service  in  New  York  City,  to 

change  routing 830,935, 1012 

Pneumonia,     see     Bronchopneumonia — Lobar 

Pneumonic  plague,  see  Plague. 

Pneumorachi-ventriculography 1 149 

artificial — 

in  tuberculosis  treatment 197 

in  Veterans'  Bureau 1149 

intrathoracic  pressure,  etc 1149 

effects  of  changes  in  altitude 1149 

photograph  on  post  mortem 392 

spontaneous 198, 1149 

therapy,  value  in  veterans'  hospitals 907 

tuberculous,  bilateral  spontaneous 1149 

Poa  compressa,  see  Blue-grass. 
Poa  pratensis,  see  Blue-grass. 

Pocahontas  Fuel  Co.,  Inc.,  relief 420,988, 1096 

Pocket  gophers,  of  California .... ,.  190 


Pocono  fauna  of  Broad  Top  coal  field,  Pa 728 

Pocono  Pines  Assembly  Hotels  Co. .370, 1042 

Poetry,  American,  translations 627 

Pohl,  Erwin  R.,  geological  explorations 898 

Poindexter,  Miles,  plan  for  farm  relief 353 

Point  Marion,  Pa.,  bridge 558,709,803 

Point  Marion  Community  Club,  bridge 558, 

709, 803 

Point  Pleasant,  La.,  bridge. 423,543,577 

Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.,  bridges. 557, 

668, 683, 708, 802 

Point  Pleasant  &  Henderson  Bridge  Co 683, 

708,  802 

Pointe  aux  Herbes,  sale  of  reservation 959, 1102 

Poisoning,  see  Poisons. 
Poisonous  plants: 

coyotillo 649 

death  camas 916 

Mexican  whorled  milkweed 205 

white  snakeroot,  toxic  constituent 269,  330 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisoning  plants ,')27 


acid  lead  arsenate  on  Japanese  beetle 4, 74 

carbon  monoxide  poisoning,  diagnosis,  etc.    19 

caustic  poison  act,  enforcement 332 

corrosive  substances,  etc.,  antidotes 787 

lead  poisoning,  new  test 1129 

liverwurst  poisoning  on  U.  S.  S.  Noa 497 

neoarsphenamine  poisoning  case. 497 

paratyphoid  bacilli,  food  poisoning 8S8 

petroleum-oil  emulsions 6 

soap  vine  poisoning,  report  of  case 247 

transmission  in  mails 829, 1011 

Poland,  extradition  treaty  with  U.  S 1061 


1927  ephemeris  and  table  of  azimuths,  etc..  227 

1928  ephemeris  and  table  of  azimuths,  etc..  293 

Poles,  rates  on 108,234,740 

Polhamus,  Loren  G.,  Hevea  rubber  trees 789 


military  highways  out  of  D.  C,  policing..  1003 

United  States  park  police,  manual 188 

United  States  park  police,  salaries. .  586,  679, 803 
Police  Department,  District  of  Columbia: 

cases  before  trial  board  in  last  3  yrs 861 

report,  1927 356 

salaries 551 

Woman's  Bureau,  to  establish 679,846 


specimen  policies.  Veterans'  Bureau — 

ordinary  life  policy 134 

twenty-payment  life  policy 324 

twenty-year  endowment  policy 197 


diagnosis 263,391 

in  United  States,  1927 639 

muscle  training  in  treatment 391,639 

Polishes,  Government  supplies 511 

Political  and  Social  Science,  American  Acad- 
emy of,  see  .American  Academy  of 
Political  and  Social  Science. 

Political  parties,  documents  and  debates 159 

Political  science,  publications  on 159 

Polk,  James  K.: 

memorial,  in  Nashville,  Tenn.— 

hearings 717,965 

reports 851,  %5 

Polk  County,  Oreg.,  soil  survey 533 

Pollak,«M.,  bronchial  asthma 640 


corn,  factors  affecting  Mendelian  ratios..  71,76 

corn,  nitrogenous  constituents 203,204 

date  palm,  effect  of  pollen  on  fruit 648,788 

Pollution  of  water,  see  Water  pollution. 

Polowe,  David,  cyclone,  Sept.  9-10,  1922.  1051, 1134 

Pomacentridpe  collected  by  Albatross 899 

Pomegranate  blotch 269,334 

Pomeroy,  C.  S.,  Valencia  orange  bud  selection.  210 

Pomeroy  Belt  Ry.,  valuation 298 

Pomologv,  see  Fruit-culture. 

Ponce  &  Guavama  R.  R.  v.  U.  S 355 

Ponta  do  Sol,  Port,  chart 249 

Poole,  R.  F.,  root  rot  of  Lucretia  dewberry...  269, 


Pop  corn,  popping  quality 269,404 

Popenoe,  C.  H.: 

garden  vegetables,  diseases  and  insects 76 

mushroom  diseases  and  their  carriers 532 


Index,  1927-1928 


Popenoe,  Wilson:  ,    .     .  •     t   f  „o        o« 

cultivo  del  mango  en  la  Amfinca  Latma...  256 
o  abacate,  o  seu  cultivo  e  distnbui?ao  54 

Popes  Creelc,  Md.,  bridge — -  348,454,6/1 

Popillia  japonica,  see  Japanese  beetle. 
Population:  ,     _  ,...,.. 

a  concentracao  da  popular ao  e  a  distribuicao 

da  materia  prima 315 

aboriginal,  of  America  north  of  Mexico 633 

census  publications  for  sale 35b 

deaf-mute,  of  U.  S.,  1920,  analysis 792 

farms,  1925,  county  tables -„--z-.x  }?• 

13, 14, 15, 79, 80, 81, 82, 149, 150 

Porcelain  insulators,  elimination  of  waste 665 

Pork,  see  Swine. 

Port,  see  Harbors— obo  name  of  port. 

Port  Angeles,  Wash.,  chart 16 

Port  Angeles  Western  R.  E 108 

Port  Aransas,  Te.x.,  examination,  etc 1073 

Port  Arthur,  Tex.:  „  , 

bridge-l - 818, 936, 994 

Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Shipping- 
switching 744 

Port  de  Paix,  Haiti,  malaria  survey 887, 1047 

Port  Desire,  see  Puerto  Deseado,  Argentina. 

Port  Gentil  Anchorage,  chart 50 

Port-holes,  see  Air  ports. 

Port  Holland,  P.  I.,  chart 214 

Port  Huron,  Mich.,  bridge 818,844,936 

Port  Huron  &  Detroit  R.  R.,  valuation 170 

Port  Huron,  Sarnia,  Point  Edward  Interna- 
tional Bridge  Co.,  bridge..  818,844,936 

Port  Huron  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation 170 

Port  Knockie,  Scotland,  chart 183 

Port  of  Spain,  Trinidad,  chart 53 

Port  Orford,  Oreg.,  statue  to  Theodore  Roose- 
velt  689 

Port  Phillip,  steamship,  cases 306.635 

Port  Swettenham,  Federated  Malay  States —  183 

Portage  Bay,  chart 82 

Porter,  B.  A.,  apple  maggot 1081 

Porter,  J.  M.,  manufacture  of  lime 296 

Porter,  Stephen  G.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com 553, 


Porter,  William,  relief 565 

Porter  Brothers  &  Biffle,  relief 451,808 

Portknockie,  Scotland,  see  Port  Knockie,  Scot- 
Portland,  Me.: 

fishery  products- 
calendar  year  1927 537 

monthly  statement 16, 

83, 215,  280, 408,  537,  660, 794, 1089 
Portland,  Oreg.: 

charts 150,279 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district... 643 

Portland  cement,  see  Cement. 

Portland  Traffic  &  Transportation  Assoc 1124 

Portland  Water  District,  pipe  line 852, 968, 1100 

Porto  Rico 644 

banks,  amount  loaned  to  one  borrower 944 

coast  pilot,  supplement 1088 

coffee  imported,  to  impose  duty 682, 1016 

customs  buildings,  completion  and  repair.  682, 

936, 1016 

district  court,  temporary  judge '...  765 

governor,  report,  1927 644 

judges,  to  fix  certain  salaries 682 

lands  returned  to  War  Dept.   by  Navy 

Dept 58 

light  list 538 

mole  cricket 918 

nurses  and  teachers,  immigration.  "  "  952 

ports 200 

postal  service— 

money-order  post  offices 254 

post  route  map 631 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

relief  of  taxpayers- 
hearings 459 

Jaw 936 

reports 459,555 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district.. 519 

servifo  de  prevent ao  de  peste ""  628 

tobacco,  etc.,  exported  to,  drawback  1147 

trading  under  laws 410 

Porto  Rico — Continued. 

white  fly  attacking  citrus 3, 72 

women,  right  to  vote — 

hearings. 1106 

report 954 

Porto  Rico  Agricultural  Experiment  Station...  75, 

331, 402 

report,  1926 - 331 

Portraits,  by  Bernhard  Osterman,  catalogue...  633 
Ports,  see  Harbors— a?«o  names  of  ports. 
Ports  of  entry  and  delivery,  see  Customs  Serv- 
ice— also  names  of  ports. 

Portsmouth,  Va.,  port 200 

see  also  Pharmacist's  Mates  School,  Ports- 

Portsmouth  Harbor  Land  &  Hotel  Co 115,1128 

Portuguese  language: 

need  for  study  in  United  States 628 

summer  course 761 

Posson,  R.  J.,  farm  milk  utensils 917 

Post  cards: 

business  reply  cards,  regulations 1136 

postage  on  private  mailing  cards 1138 

Post  mortem  examinations,  see  Autopsies. 
Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Committee,  House: 

hearings. 567,696,829,976 

reports 443,567,696,829,976 

Post  office  box  number  in  return  card 56 

Post-office  cars,  steel 854 

Post  Office  Department 56,125,185,253,315, 

379,  502,  629,  762, 894, 1053, 1136 
appropriations,  1928,  and  prior  years- 
estimates 902, 1066 

appropriations,  1929— 

estimates 379,902,1066 

hearings 547,  573 

law 672 

reports 545,547,573 

bonds 443,671 

credit  for  time  served  in  Army,  etc 1011 

night  work,  differential  in  pay 696, 1102 

relation  to  elections 629 

salaries,  hearings 855 

salary  tables  for  29-day  month. 503 

shorter  workday  on  Saturday 1011 

sick  leave 696,936 

organization 629 

policy  of  Post  Office  establishment 696 

report,  1927 380 

useless  papers,  disposition 354 

Post  office  inspectors: 

supplies 503 

Post  Office  Inspectors  Division 895 

Post  office  supplies,  see  Postal  supplies. 
Post  offices: 

allowances  for  rent,  fuel,  etc 696,1102 

inspection,  circular  to  be  used 895 

laborers  given  classified  status 256 

money-order  offices,  register 254 

nominations  and  appointments.. 213 

State  list 56 

see  also  Postal  service — also  names  of  places 
where  located. 
Post    Offices    and    Post    Roads    Committee, 

calendar'l  legislative 596,  721, 854, 1010 

hearings 721,854,855,1011 

minority  views 1011 

reports 596,854,855,1011 

Post  route  maps: 

list.... 630,631 

price  list -  631 


2d-class  matter 1138 

3d-class  matter  including  rates  on  bulk 1138 

4th-class  matter.. 1138 

air  mail 1138 

articles  to  foreign  countries 1138 

books  mailed  by  and  to  libraries,  etc 1138 

due  on  short-paid  matter 1138 

forms  to  notify  of  mail  held  for  postage 629 

private  mailing  cards 1138 

regulating  postal  rates- 
hearings 696,854 

law 1102 

postal  instructions 1138 

reports 696,854,941 

'  parcels  at  3d  or  4th  class  rates 762 




air  mail,  improper  use 126 

issued  July,  1847-Dec.  1927,  description 254 

new  size  stamp  coil,  1'  o-cent  denomination.  503 

precanceled,  must  be  defaced 185 

precanceled,  use  on  holiday  mail 254 

removal  from  mail  in  transit 316 

requisitions  to  be  properly  indorsed 1054 

special-delivery,  new  denomination 1138 

special-handling  stamps,  issue  delayed 1138 

Valley  Forge  commemorative  stamp 1054 

Postal  bulletin,  see  Postal  service. 
Postal  cards: 

issued  July,  1847-Dec.  1927,  description 254 

redemption,  regulations 894 

reply  cards  requesting  information 629 

requisitions  to  be  properly  prepared 379 

undeliverable,  improper  return 629 

Postal  claims,  see  Claim.s — Indemnity. 
Postal  Congress,  Pan  American,  see  Pan  Ameri- 
can Postal  Union. 
Postal  guide,  see  Postal  service. 
Postal  laws,  see  Postal  service. 
Postal  money-orders,  see  Money-orders. 
Postal  rates,  see  Postage. 
Postal  savings  bonds,  information  concerning..  504 

Postal  savings  certificates,  interest 763 

Postal  Savings  System 380.504,763,1139 

finger  impressions,  instructions 1139 

report,  1927 380 

true  mission,  excerpts  from  report 380 

Postal  service: 

appropriations,    see    Post    Office    Depart- 

bonds  of  employees 443,671 

credit  for  time  served  in  -\rmy,  etc 1011 

elections,  relation  of  postal  employees 629 

future  policy 696 

laws  and  regulations,  amendments 629, 

894, 1138 

laws  and  regulations,  inserts 126.186,254. 

'316.  380,  503.  630,  762,  894,  10.>i,  1138 

night  work,  diiTerential  in  pay 696,1102 

official  envelopes,  etc.,  proposal 782 

official  postal  euide 56.126,186,2.54, 

316,  380,  503.  630,  762,  894,  1054,  1138 

abridged  official  postal  guide 56 

postal  bulletin 56,126,185,254. 

316,  379,  503.  629,  762,  894,  1054,  1138 

V.  48,  index 629 

publications,  Oovernment 463 

salaries,  hearings 855 

shorter  workday  on  Saturday 1011 

sick  leave 696,936 

substitution  of  "I  O  U's"  for  money 894 

see  also  .\ir  mail — Foreit'n  mail  service — 
Letter-carriers  —  Mail  delivery  — 
Mail  matter — Money-orders — Par- 
eel  post— Postage— Railway  Mail 
Service — Star  routes— o?so  certain 
headings  beginning  Post  and  Pos- 
tal—q(so  names  of  States,  cities,  etc. 
Postal  supplies: 

awards,  showing  contractors  andjirices ,56 

furnished  post  offices,  lists 503, 1054 

motor-vehicle  items 763 

proposal  and  specifications 763,  894, 1137 

Postal  Union.  Pan  American,  see  Pan  American 
Postal  Union. 

Poste,  J.  R.,  V.  United  States 489,749 


issued  by — 

Cooperative  Extension  "Work  Office...  528, 


Employment  Service 883,1044 

Ento  lology  Bineau 402 

Lighthouses  Bureau 19,281,1090 

Recruiting  Bureau.  N'avv  Dept 54,123, 

184,  251,  377,  500,  627,  760,  892,  1134 

Women's  Bureau 884 

national  negro  health  week  poster,  price 639 

Postmaster  General,  see  Post  Offic-e  Depart- 

allowances  for  rent,  fuel,  etc. 696, 1102 

bonds 443,671 

claims,  to  repeal  law  rel.  to  reports 443, 1102 

compensation,  4th-class  offices... 1138 


Postmasters— Continued. 

examinat  ion  for  4th-class  postmaster 78 

positions,  nomination  by  the  President 406 

qualificat  ions 1011 

salaries,  increase  for  1st  class 976 

Postmen,  sec  Letter-carriers. 

Poston  Brick  Co.,  relief 988 

Postoperative  collapse  of  lung 264 


rates  on 37,479,873 

Posts  (military),  see  Military  posts. 


child's  posture 750 

resume  of  literature  relating  to 63 


brines,  in  Great  Salt  Lake  Desert.. 1114 

de\elopnient  in  United  States 973 

in  plant  production,  rel.  to  water 399,  525 

mining  in  Germany  and  France 412 

production  in  1926_.. 218 

rates  on.._ 740 

Potassium  absorption  by  wheat  seedlings..  204, 206 


commercial  potato  crop 72,784 

educational  illustrations 529 

freezing  injury  to  potatoes 210 

Fusarium  rot  in  stored  potatoes 1084 

how  to  grow  acre  of  potatoes 532 

inspection  of  potatoes,  standards 5 

late  or  main-crop  potatoes 654 

mejores  patatas  para  la  .-America  tropical..  1053 
nitrogen  compounds  in  potato  tubers...  71, 141 

rates  on  potatoes 37, 

170,  234,  365,  479,  614,  741,  873,  1121 

seed  potatoes  and  how  to  produc*  them 404 

sets,  source,  character,  and  treatment 532 

storage  and  storage  houses 532 

why  potatoes  rim  out 532 

wound  peri'ierm  formation 532,647 

see  also  Sweet  potato. 

Potato  Creek  R.  R.,  abandonment  of  line 479 

Potato  leaf-hoppers,  how  to  control 74 

Potato  wart,  factors  of  spread,  etc 789 

Potatoes,  see  Potato. 

Potawatomi  Indians: 

treaty  fimds  due.  to  appropriate...  555,  588,  671 
trust  period  extended 58, 1056 

Potentiometric  study  of  meriquinones 906 

Potomac  Electric  Power  Co.,  coal 1117 

Potomac  River: 

bridges  at  or  near — 

Dahlgi-en,  Va 348,454.671 

Great  Falls 685,710,936 

Paw  Paw.  W.  Va 959 

hydroelectric  energy  at  Great  Falls- 
hearings 712 

report.. 846 

preservation  of  Great  Falls,  etc. — 

H.J.  Res.  307,  law 1104 

n.  J.  Res.  307,  report 950 

S.  1280,  hearing 712 

Potosi  Tie  &  Lumber  Co.,  railroad  ties 37 

Potrero  band  of  LuiseBo  Indians,  see  Luiseno 

Pottawatomie  Indians,  see  Potawatomi  Indians. 

Potter,  B.  J.,  sale  of  properties . 873 

Potter,  Fred  E.,  included  within  classified  civil 

service 505 


census  of  manufactures,  1926 337 

for  tuberculous  patient 135 

Potts,  C.  G.: 

farm  sheep  raising 784 

milk  goats 527 


amend  certain  acts  to  include  poultry- 
hearings 346,417 

law 544 

reports 417,448 

breeds  &  varieties  of  chickens 6, 143, 1081 

capons  and  caponiaing 649 

critical  temperature  of  chicken 4 

digestive  tract  of  hen,  passage  of  food 4 

diseases 271 

diseases,  research  into  causes 573, 943 

farm  poultry  raising 650 

feeding  chickens 271,  527 

growth  of  chickens 1079 


Index,  1927-1928 


Poultry— Continued. 

LTowth  of  Kho<ie  Island  reds lO'y 

heat  production,  etTect  of  age,  etc.  (2J 4 

houses  and  fixtures.....-------- '°4 

incubation  and  brooding  of  chickens 4Ui 

keeping  in  backyards oj.7 

marketing    - o.o/o 

metabolism  and  net  energy  value  of  corn..  3, 4 

parasite  control,  internal  medication 786 

postal  regulations-      ,^    ,.,  ,„,. 

acceptance  of  day-old  chicks 1054 

undeliverable  baby  chicks 894 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 93,  /26 

razas  de  gallinas  ponedoras  y  su  crianza..-  185 

utilization  of  calcium  compounds "83, 915 

see  also  Ducks— Geese— Guinea  fowl— Tur- 

Pour  la  sante,  article  reprinted  from 378 

Powder,  see  Black  powder. 

Powder  worms,  see  Western  cedar  pole  borer. 

Powderv  mildew,  apple 334 

Powell,  Clifford  R.,  bridge 991 

Powell,  R,  G.,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  district 517 

Powell  National  Forest,  Bryce  Canyon,  etc.--  75 
Power,  T.  C,  &  Brother  v.  David  H-  Blair--  1128 

capacitv  and  production  in  U.  S 728 

output  of  2-stroke  cycle  engine 119 

see  also  Electric  power— Water-power. 
Power-boats,  see  Motor-boats. 
Power  Commission,  see  Federal  Power  Com- 
Power  Plant  Branch,  Air  Corps--  137,  642,  77",  909 
Power  plants,  see  Capitol  power  plant— Elec- 
tric power— oZso  names  of  places 
where  located. 

Powers,  D.  .7.,  United  States? 461 

Powers,  Hale,  surface  temperature  (2  entries).  392 

Powers,  L.,  Fruit  Co.,  reconsignment 1122 

Powers,  Ray,  dehydration  of  fruits,  etc 6 

Practical  Drawing  Co.,  paper 107 

Prague,    Czechoslovakia.  Internationa'  Geo- 
detic and  Geophysical  Union 335 

Prairie  band  of  Potawatomi  Indians,  see  Pota- 
watomi  Indians. 

Prairie  du  Chien,  Wis.,  bridge 426,  580,  669 

Prairie  Pipe  Line  Co.: 

machinery 738 

oil-well  supplies 300 

Pratt  &  Lambert,  Inc.,  cans 1026 

Precedence,  ambassadors.  Army  officers,  etc--  187 

Precious  metals  in  1926 . -323 


analysis  at  Mount  Vernon,  Iowa 212 

hourly,  at  Memphis,  Tenn 790 

influence 405 

long-range  forecasting - 77 

see  also  Rain— Snow. 

Preguifa,  Porto  da,  chart 249 

Prenatal  care: 

lesson  material 750 

minimum  standards,  least  mother  should 

do 308 

references 750 

self-directed  group  study 750 

Prentice,  E.  W.,  desks 470 

Prescott  &  Northwestern  R.  R.,  bonds-. -  108 

Prescott  National  Forest,  resources 208 

Preserving,  see  Canning  and  preserving. 
President  Harding,  steamship,  heroic  conduct 

of  officers,  etc 821,844,941,1096 

President  of  United  States 56,127,186,255, 

317, 380, 504, 631,  763, 895, 1054, 1139 
addresses  at— 

American    Federation    of    Arts,    etc., 

meeting 1054 

American  Red  Cross  meeting 255 

award  to  Lindbergh  of  Hubbard  medal.  317 

Carnegie  Institute,  Founder's  day 255 

Gettysburg  battle  field 1054 

International  Radiotelegraph  Conf 255 

Lincoln  .Memorial  Library  dedication-  186 
National  Press  Club  bldg.  dedication    631 

New  Me.\ico  stone  dedication 380, 447 

Phillips  Academy  anniversary 1054 

addresses  before — 

Daughters  of  American  Revolution 895 

Pan  American  Conference 504 

Union  League  of  Philadelphia 317 


President  of  United  States— Continued, 
addresses  on — 

business  organization  of  Govt 636, 1145 

Jackson,   Andrew 895 

Meade,  General  George  Gordon 255 

candidates,  campaign  expenditures 1110 

election  and  term  of  office- 
hearings 421,552 

reports 354,421,570,699 

statement    and    testimony    of   C.    F. 

Lea 421,552 

testimony  of  F.  H.  LaGuardia  and  E. 

E.  Browne 421 

testimony  on  six-year  term 353 

electors — 

meeting  and  certificates.   552, 950, 1011, 1102 

publishing  ascertainment 510 

Executive  orders,  see  subjects, 
messages —  - 

at  beginning  of  70th  Cong.  1st  sess 381 

see  also  special  subject. 

physician,  to  allow  rank  of  colonel.. 351, 

692, 935, 970, 980 

proclamations,  Dec.  1925-Mar.  1927.. 155 

see  also  subjects. 
veto  messages- 
agricultural  surplus  control 1056 

claims  of  Cowlitz  Indians. 1055 

claims  of  Spokan  Indians 1057 

commissioning  of  Army  bandmasters.  1055 
national  rifle  and  pistol  matches,  etc..  897 

public  health  activities.. .1057 

relief  of  George  R.  Armstrong... 1055 

relief  of  Edmund  F.  Hubbard 1056 

retirement  of  emergency  officers. 1055 

roads  through  public,  etc.,  lands 1057 

war-making  power.  Executive  assumption.  447 
see  also  subjects  of  Executive  orders  and 
proclamations— aZso  Harding,  War- 
ren G. 
President  Roosevelt,  steamship,  heroic  conduct 

of  officers,  etc 821,844,941, 1096 

Presidential  Campaign  Expenditures,  Special 
Committee  Investigating,  Senate: 

hearings. 1110 

Presidents'  plaza: 

establishment  in  Nashville,  Tenn. — 

hearings 717,965 

reports 851,965 

Presidio,  Tex.,  bridge 428,584,671 

Presidio  of  San  Francisco,  roads 692,852,936 

Presleigh,  W.  H.,  relief 452 

Press  Publishing  Co.,  relief 677,988, 1096 

Pressed  Steel  Car  Co.,  freight  rates 1141 

Presses,  fee  Printing-presses— Trouser  presses. 

Pressey  test  of  emotions 907 

Pressman,  Mildred  B.,  industrial  safety,  bibl..  178 


data,study 909 

flow  and  drag  formulas  for  quadrics 119 

fluctuations  of  Gulf  Stream 212 

measurement  through  tubes 246 

on  PW-9  wing  models 179 

over  airfoils  at  high  speed 119, 179 

over  monoplane  wing  model 1131 

over  thick  tapered  airfoils 179 

over  wing  and  aileron 119 

on  coming  to  rest  from  speeds 119 

on  pitot-venturi,  etc.,  nozzle 47, 1046 

Pressure  gages,  for  ships 89 

Pressure  method  of  smallpox  vaccination 134 

Pretzels,  flour  for 329 

Preventive  medicine,  see  Medicine. 
Pribilof  Islands: 

computation  of  fur  seals,  1926 16 

fur-seal  census,  1925 151 

Price,  Emmott  W.: 

helminth  parasites 767 

new  nematode  from  prong-horn  antelope. .    60 

Price,  Walter  L.,  v.  U.  S 306,881 

Price  lists: 

blank  paper  and  envelopes,  G.  P.  O 27 

Coast  Guard  supplies 132,637 

Documents  Office 27, 

93, 159, 225,  226, 292,  293,  358. 462, 463, 
603,  726,  727,  862, 1020, 1021, 1112, 1113 

Documents  Office,  lists 292,862 

post  route  maps --  631 

rural  delivery  county  maps- 127 



Price  Sand  Co.,  sand 874 


and  cost  of  living 492 

index  numbers,  1923-July,  1927,  revised 178 

indexes  of  prices,  explanation  (2  entries) 372 

price  situation.--.   142,  270,  329, 400,  526,  648, 1080 

prices,  whiolesale  and  retail 46, 

117, 178,  244, 309, 372, 623, 751, 1130 

retail  prices,  1890-1926 244 

retail  prices  and  cost  of  living  series... 244 

stabilization  of  price  level,  hearings.  _ 90 

wholesale  prices— 

1890-1926 178 

1890-1927 1044 

prices,  wholesale  and  retail 46, 

117, 17S,  244, 309, 372, 623.  751, 1130 
wholesale     prices     of     commodities, 

monthly 46.117,178,245, 

309, 372, 492.  623,  751, 884, 1045, 1130 

wholesale  prices  series 178 

see  also  names  of  various  commodities,  etc. 

Prideaux,  William  D.,  relief 827 

Primary  education,  see  Elementary  education. 
Primates,  tumor  caused  by  tapeworm  larvae.  269, 

Prime  movers,  see  Motors. 

Prince  Bay,  chart 50 

Prince  Edward  Island,  chart 313 

Prince  of  Wales  Channel,  chart 53 

Prince  of  Wales  Island,  land  excluded  from 

Tongass  National  Forest .._  250 

Prince    Rupert    Harbor,    British    Columbia, 

chart 891 

Princeton  University,  carillon 997 

Pringle,  James  W.,  relief 971 

Printed  paper  articles,  rates  on 741 

Printers'  marks  from  Vollbehr  collection 885 


census  reports,  1925.. 149 

technical  investigations  made  in  G.  P.  O..    92 
see  also  Public  printing. 
Printing  Bureau,  see  Engraving  and  Printing 

Printing  Committee,  House: 

reports 443,976,977 

Printmg  Committee.  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 596,855, 1011 

reports 596, 855 

Printing  House  Craftsmen,  Washington  Club 
of,  see  Washington  Club  of  Printing 
House  Craftsmen. 
Printing    Office,    see    Government    Printing 

Printing-presses,  rates  on 108 


copjTighted 47,179,373,1046 

copjTighted,  index,  etc.,  1927 1046 

French,  catalogue  of  exhibition  at  L.  C...  1130 

in  Freer  Gallery  of  .\rt,  list 767 

protection.  Patent  Office  information 797 

Prison  camps,  to  establish 964 

Prisoners,     see     Convict     labor — Crime     and 
criminals— Prisons. 

Prisoner's  Harbor,  Calif .  chart 16 

Prisons,  committee  to  investigate 699 

see      also      Convict      labor — Crime   and 
criminals — Naval    prisons — Prison 
Private  acts,  see  Laws. 
Private    claims,    see    Claims — also    names    of 

Private  laws,  see  Laws. 
Private  mailing  cards,  see  Post  cards. 
Private  resolutions,  see  Resolutions. 
Private  schools,  see  Schools. 
Privileges  and  Elections  Committee,  Senate: 

report 1011 

Prize-fighting,  see  Boxing  contests. 

juvenile  courts  and  probation  in  N.  J .308 

to  amend  probation  law 964 

Procedure,    see    Courts    of    United    States — 
District    Courts— House    of    Rep- 
Proceedings  of  National  Museum: 

v.  69,  title-page,  contents,  etc 60 

V.  70,  title-page,  contents,  etc 2.58 

V.  71,  separates 60,129,192,767 


Proceedings  of  National  Museum — Continued. 

V.  71,  title-page,  contents,  etc 1060 

V.  72,  separates 192,  258, 320,  384,  .385,  633,  767 

V.  73,  separates 767,899, 1060, 1143 

Proclamations,  see  President  of  United  States — 
also  subjects  of  proclamations. 

Procter  &  Gamble  Co.,  rosin 171 

Proctor,  John,  vs.  United  States 356,600 

Produce,  see  .\gricultural  products. 
Producers,  see  Farmers. 
Productivity  of  labor,  see  Labor. 
Professional    degrees,    see    Degrees    (colleges, 
universities,  etc.). 

Professional  paper.  Geological  Survey 28, 

29,  227,  228,  294, 464, 728, 1114 

index  to  no.  1.50 728 

Professional  schools,  statistics,  1925-26 863 


la  orientacion  profesional 893 

same  (in  Portuguese) 1136 

see  also  Vocational  guidance — also  names>of 
specific  professions. 
Professors,  see  Teachers. 

Proffitt,  IMaris  M.,  industrial  education 226 

Profits    taxes,    see    Excess-profits    tax — War- 
profits  tax. 

admissibility  of  evidence 562 

agents,  administrators,  etc.,  number  of 562 

amendment  to  Constitution  in  lieu  of  18th.  820 
index,  1927 636 

weekly 61.132,194,261, 

321, 388,  509,  636.  770, 902, 1063, 1145 

documents  and  debates  relating  to 159 

enforcement,  information  requested 964 

enforcement,  to  amend  prohibition  laws...  964 

liquor  laws 287 

penalties  for  violation  of  act 687,850 

Supreme  Court  decisions  interpreting  act..  262 
see  also  Liquors. 

Prohibition  Bureau 195,262,391,512,772,905 

amendments  to  regulations  1,  2,  and  3 391 

employees  imder  civil  service- 
hearings -  985 

report 838 

field  office  manual. 262 

report.  1927 391 

Project  planning.  a^Ticultural 26 

Proliferations,  floral,  in  Helianthus 494 

Promotion,  see  Air  Corps— Army — Navy—  also 

Alotor  Vehicle  Service  Division. 
Prone  pressure  method  of  artificial  respiration.  513, 

Propaganda  or  Money  Alleged  to  Have  Been 
Used  by  Foreign  Governments  to 
Influence  United  States  Senators, 
Special  Committee  to  Investigate, 

hearings 458,  596 

report 458 

Propagation,  see  Fish-culture— Game— Plants. 
Propellers  (aerial): 

approved  type  certificates,  requirements... 1086 

interaction  of  propellers  and  structures 119 

tests  in  liight  and  wind  tunnel 119,  516 

tests  on  Navy  type  model  (2  entries) 119 

Propellers  (marine) : 

engineering  instructions 755, 1047 

hub  studs,  nuts,  and  lock  screws 415 

hubs,  fair-water  caps,  etc 415 

packing  gland  for  propeller  hubs 415 

Propelling  machinery: 

operation,  care  and  repair 180, 

754,  755,  886,  887 

shaft  details..: 344 

shafting  couplings 285 

Property:  . 

forfeiture  tmder  antitrust  laws 687 

in  District  of  Columbia,  distribution 551 

private,  claims  for  damages 388, 1064 

stolen  property,  sending  and  receipt 823 

see  also  Enemy  property — Government 
property— Real  estate— a/.so  names 
of  Departments,  bureaus,  etc., 
owning  property. 
Prophylaxis,  see  Oral  prophylaxis — also  names 
and  classes  of  diseases. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Propo  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Prosiwcting,  geophysical  methods ^i 

Prosperity  r&serve,  to  create «o 

Prostate  vesicle,  disease  of J"'" 

Prostalili.^  as  (ocus  of  infection -----v •- 

Proieciiou  of  Childhood,  International  Ameri- 
can Institute  for,  see  International 
American  Institute  for  Protection 
of  Childhood, 

^"corn  and  tankage,  metabolism  of  swine...  399 


in  treatment  of  ponococcus  infection 48,49 

plasiiia  proteins  in  leprosy -    63 

protein  content  of  wheat- 
correlation  with  kernel  texture,  etc. ..  64^ 

effect  of  nitrogen "^^'^j} 

to  amend  grain  standards  act 984, 1106 

Proteus,  steam  collier,  cases 306, 035 

Protocols,  see  subjects,  and  names  of  countries. 

Proulx.  Isidore  J.,  relief 418 

Providenc-e,  K.  I: 

carillon  for  Swedish  Lutheran  Church 997 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

Veterans  of  Foreign  AVars  of  U.  S 546 

see  nlxo  Tiiion  Trust  Co.  of  Providence. 

Providence  Pruit  &  Produce  Exchange 1119 

Provisions,  Government  supplies 511 

Pruning  plimis  iu  Pacific  States 275 

Pryor,  J.  C,  antityphoid  vaccination  (2) 497 

Psychiatry,  see  Mental  diseases— Neuropsy- 
chiatric  diseases. 

Psvchic  regression,  mechanism 264 

Psychometric  methods  (3  entries  in  all). ..1070, 1149 

Psychoneurosis,  tooth  impaction,  etc 1070 

Psychoses,  see  Mental  diseases. 

Psychrometer,  homemade  sling 887 

Pterosaurian  reptile,  Cretaceous  of  Oreg 1143 

Puako  quadrangle,  Ilavvaii ._ 729 

Public  acts,  see  Laws. 

Public  binding,  see  Public  printing. 

Public  buildings: 

estimates,  1929 510,903 

foreign  service  buildings  act,  to  amend 553, 

public  buildings  act,  to  amend  sec.  5  — 

law. 671 

minority  views 352 

reports 352,458,545 

supplies,  contract  form,  etc 907 

see  also  Public  works— a Zso  names  of  Depart- 
ments, bureaus,  etc. — also  names  of 
buildings  and  places  where  located. 
Public   Buildings  and   Grounds   Committee, 

hearings 443, 444,  567,  696,  830, 977, 1 1 08 

minority  views 352 

reports 352, 443,  507,  696, 697,  829,  830, 977 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee, 

reports 458,  596,  721,  855,  856, 1012 

Public  Buildings  and  Public  Parks  of  National 

Capital  Office 188,382,765 

care,  etc.,  of  War  Dept.  buildings 903 

estimate,  1929 1066 

report,  1927 ,382 

to  park  land  in  D.  C 949,996 

Public  Buildings  Commission 1108 

report,  1927 ii08 

Public  debts: 

expenses  of  loans 387 

las  deudas  extranjeras  y  la  balanza  com- 

ercial.. 760 

obligations  of  foreign  governments- 
expenditures  from  repayments 387 

extract  from  rp.  of  Sec.  of  Treasury    ..  769 
of  .\ustria,— 

settlement  with  U.  S.,  committee  rps.  834, 


settlement  with  U.  S.,  hearings 834 

settlement  with  U.  S.,  Treas.  Dept.  rp    769 
of  Greece — 

settlement  with  U.  S.,  hearings..  571 

settlement  with  U.  S.,  reports  of  cotn- 

mittees 701,712 

settlement  with  U.  S.,  Treas.  Dept.  rp    636 

13, 804fl 
...    55^ 

Public  debts— Continued, 
of  Yugoslavia- 
settlement  with  U.S.,  reports .  571, 713, 804 

OS  Estados  Unidos  come  nagao  credora 55 

report  of  Treasury  Dept.,  1927,  extract 770 

statement  of  public  debt  of  U.  S_..  61,  132, 194, 
261,  321,  509,  636,  770,  902,  1063,  1145 
see  also  Sinking  funds. 
Public  documents,  see  Government  publica 

Public    Documents    Office,    see    Documents 

Public  domain,  see  Puolic  lands. 
Public  health,  see  Hygiene  (public)— o7so  head 

ings  beginning  Public  Health. 
Public    Health     Association,    see    American 

Public  Health  Association. 
Public  health  bulletin,  see  Hygiene  (public). 
Public    Health,    International    Office   of,    see 
International     OfiSce     of     Public 
Public  nealth  nurses,  see  Nurses  and  nursing. 
Public  health  reports,  see  Hygiene  (public). 

Public  Health  Service 63, 133, 196,262, 

323,  391,  513. 638,  772,  905,  1069, 1147 

coonerative  rural  health  work,  1927 263,  513 

coordination  of  public  health  activities — 

hearing 559 

reports 559,844,941 

veto  message 1057 

officers,  list,  1927 263 

publications 134, 323, 391,  513 

report,  1927 391 

typhoid-fever  situation  in  Montreal 63 

see  also  Conference  of  State  and  Territorial 
Health  Officers  with  United  States 
Public  Health  Service— Pay, 
Public  Health  Service— Retired 
list.  Public  Health  Service. 

Public  Health  Service  Nursing  Corps 63, 196 

Public  Improvements,  legal  tender  money  for 

community  needs.. 944, 1106 

Public  lands: 

allotments  on  public  domain,  regulations . .  863 

asphalt,  etc.,  on  public  domain 567 


V.  51.... 160 

V.  51,  index 93 

V.  51,  signatures  i-iii 93 

V.  52,  signatures  1-12 359 

isolated  tracts 445,597,671 

mining  on  leased  lands,  regulations 29 

patents,  lands  held  under  color  of  title,  858,979 

publications.  Govt.,  on  public  domain 293 

roads  through  public  lands — 

reports 832,855 

veto  message 1057 

survey,  instructions,  supplement 227,293 

unproductive  lands,  disposal 561 

vacant  on  July  1,  1927 227 

validating  applications  for  entries..  569,  858, 930 
see  also  Homestead— Reclamation  of  land— 
also  names  of  States,  etc.,  where 
lands  are  located. 
Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Committee,  Senate: 

calendar,  legislative 351,  596,  721,  856, 1012 

hearings 597,721,857,1014 

reports. 458,  459,596.597,598,721, 

722,  856,  857,  858, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015 
Public  Lands  Committee,  House: 

hearings 978, 1108 

reports 444,445,567,568,569 

570,  697,  698, 830,  831, 977, 978, 979 
Public  laws,  see  Laws. 
Public  libraries,  see  Libraries. 
Public  moneys: 

advance  to  Navy  personnel 827, 1009, 1102 

arms  and  ammunition  for  protection 59) 

cost  of  World  War  to  U.  S.  Government...  769 

special  deposits  for  bonds,  etc.,  of  U.  S 260 

State  banks  as  depositories 547,936,984 

Public  papers,  see  Archives— Useless  papers— 
also  names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
etc.,  to  which  papers  belong. 
Public    Printer,    see    Government    Printing 




Public  printing: 

materia!,  contracts 37 

supplies  for  Government— 390 

Public  property,  see  Government  property. 
Public  resolutions,  see  Resolutions. 
Public  roads,  see  Koads. 

Public  Roads  Bureau 10,76,  146,  211, 

276,  331,  405,  533,  055,789,920,1084 

engineers,  detail  to  Latin  America 854 

estimate 1067 

report,  1927 334 

Public-school  teachers,  see  Teachers. 

Public  schools,  see  Schools. 

Public  utilities  commissions,  see  name  of  State 

or  name  of  place. 
Public  utility  companies: 

District  of  Columbia,  reports,  1926. 447 

District  of  Columbia,  reports,  1927 835 

electricity  production  by  power  plants 728 

investigation  of  utility  corporations — 

hearings .— 456,  589 

report 589 

reports  on  electric  power  and  gas 1020, 1112 

sickness  in  different  occupations 639,906 

see  also  names  of  companies. 
Public  Welfare  Board,  D.  C: 
Child  Welfare  Division — 

place  for  reception,  etc.,  of  children 771 

report,  1927 356 

Public  works: 

construction  by  Sec.  of  Navy 974, 1009 

disbursement  of  funds,  to  regulate 432 

expansion    diu'ing    periods   of   imemploy- 
ment — 

hearing 845 

report 845 

preferences  in  employment  oflabor S20 

Publications,  see  Bibliography — Catalogues — 
Government  publications — Mili- 
tary publications — nho  names  of 
Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  issuing 
publications — also  subject  of  pub- 
Publications   and    Supplies    Division,    Labor 

Dept 309 

Publications  Division,  Commerce  Dept 20, 

86,  154,  220,  284,  343,  414,  541,  664, 
797, 927, 1092. 

Publications  Division,  State  Dept 60 

Publishers'  marks  from  Vollbehr  collection 885 

Publishing  industry,  census,  1925 149 

Puccinia  glumarum,  cytological  study 1079 

Puccinia  iriticina.  see  Orange  leaf  rust. 

Pueblo,  Colo,  airwav  map 792 

Pueblo  Bonito,  K.  Mex 898 

Pueblo  Indians: 

lands,  conservation,  flood  control,  etc. — 

hearings 456,  588 

law. 669 

reports 422,455 

lands,  rights  of  way  through...  588, 682,  849, 936 
see  also  Acoma  Indians. 
Pueblo  of  Santa  Rosa,  see  Santa  Rosa  Pueblo, 

Pueblo  Union  Depot  &  R.  R.  Co.,  valuation.  108 

Puente  quadrangle,  Calif 729 

Puerperal  septicemia,  notification  problem...  371 

Puerto  Barrios,  Guatemala,  aviation  charts 1133 

Puerto  Deseado,  .4.rgentina,  chart 251 

Puget  Sound: 

and  tributary  waters,  improvement 1151 

passenger-train  service  to  Portland 39 

Pugh,  M.  A.,  markets  of    Xetherland    East 

Indies 152 

Pukoo  Harbor,  Molokai,  chart 536 

Pulap  Islands,  chart 51 

Pulaski,  Count  Casimir: 

150th  anniversary  of  death — 

hearing 562 

report 965 

Pulaski  Sesquicentennial  Commission: 
to  establish — 

hearing 562 

report 965 

Pullman-cars,  surcharge,  repeal.. _ 999 

Pullman  Company,  sleeping-car  porters 875 

Pulmonary  infections,  see  Lungs — also  names 

»               of  special  diseases. 
Pulplboard,  rates  on 363, 479, 874. 1121 


Pulp-wood,  see  Wood-pulp. 

Pulsus  alternans,  clinical  notes 264 

Pulusuk  Island,  chart 51 

Puluwat  Islands,  chart 51 


and  pumping  equipment,  census,  1925 214 

irrigation,  pumping  from  wells 533 

operation,  care,  and  repair  (2  entries) 755 

rates  on 1034 

Punjab,  predicting  plague  epidemics 263 

Purchasing  Agent,  Post  Office  Dept 1139 

Purchasing  Department  of  The  Panama  Canal, 
see  Panama  Canal  (zone). 

Purdell,  Thomas,  relief. 565, 1006, 1096 

Purdon,  Rupert  L.,  candy  distribution  in  U.  S.  924 
Purdue   University   Agricultural   Experiment 

cattle  fattening  in  corn  belt 400 

soft-pork  investigations 650 

soils  of  Lawrence  County,  Ind 1085 

soils  of  Monroe  County,  Ind 1085 

Purdy,  Sheldon  R.,  relief 1011 

Pure  food  and  drugs  act,  see  Food. 
Purification  of  water,  see  Water  purification. 

Purington  Paving  Brick  Co.,  bricks 867 

Purnell,  Fred  S.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
report  made  by- 
Agriculture  Com 806 

Purse  Brothers: 

peaches 234 

potatoes 741 

Purton,  A.  B.: 

surface  water  supply- 
Colorado  River  basin.. 29 

Great  Basin 94 

Snake  River  basin 1022 

Pusey,  Lewis  B.: 

oil  and  gas  fields  of  Oklahoma,  map. 161 

oil  and  gas  fields  of  Texas,  map 161 

Put  in  Bay,  Ohio,  abolishing  port  of  entry 764 

Putney,  Albert  H..  war-making  power 447 

Puyaliup  Indians,  cemeterj-  at  Tacoma,  Wash.  655, 

715, 803 
PW-9  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 

Pybus  Bay,  chart 923 

Pycnodesma,  see  Mollusks  (fossil). 

Pyle,  Ulys,  bridge 685,845,936,994 

Pyonephrosis,  appendix  abscess  versus 247 

Pyrausta  nubilalis,  see  European  corn  borer. 

improved  water-flow  pjTheliometer 212 

testing  pjTheliometric  tubes 534 

PjTites  in  1926 .-  663 

Pyrotannic  acid  method  for  carbon  monoxide 

determination 19 



article  on 655 

seeds  compared  with  wheat  grass  seeds 269, 


Quadrics,  flow  and  drag  formulas 119 

Quail,  see  Bobwhite  quail. 
Quaintance,  A.  L.: 

apple  insects ......  651 

insecticides,  spraying  apparatus,  etc 786 

oyster-shell  scale  and  sciu^fy  scale 530 

peach  borer,  how  to  prevent  its  ravages 144 

Quakers,  see  Friends. 

Quanah,  Acme  &  Pacific  Ry.,  stock 170 

Quanah  Cotton  Oil  Co.,  cotton-seed .. 469 

Quantico,  Va.,  see  Marine  Barracks,  Quantico. 

bubonic  plague  and  maritime  quarantine..  134 

cattle 71,269,525,647 

consular  regulations 57,  320,  900 

list  of  current  orders,  etc 787 

narcissus  bulb.. 1053 

notice  of 4,72.141,270,400,783,915 

on  account  of— 

blister  rust 762,  783 

European  corn  borer 4,  72, 141, 331, 400 

gypsy  moth  and  brown-tail  moth 4 

insects  and  plant  diseases. 4 

Japanese  beetle 141,270,915 

Mexican  fruit  worm 141 

pink  hollworm 72 

satin  moth 270 

Thurberia  weevil. 72 


Index,  1927-1928 


Quarantine— Continued. 

plant  (luarantine  act — 

text  of  act - ---  Iz* 

to  atnrmi  sec.  10,  hearings o74 

toiimi-n<l  sec.  10,  law -;-  9»5 

to  amend  sec.  10,  reports ---  o'5,«^d 

Dolicvof  The  Panama  Canal oOz 

Quarantine  stations,  list,  1927 -63 

Quarantine  vessels,  list,  1927.. - - -^^ 

Quarries  and  quarrying: 

accident  statistics.  Mines  Bur.  pubs h5 

accidents  in  United  States,  1925 ---    19 

Quartermaster  Corps  of  Army: 

Army  regulations 65.135.198,264, 


correspondence  course - 66 

Quartermaster  General  of  Army 326,911, 1075 

circular.. 911 

circular  letter 326 

see  also  Cheatham,  B.  F. 

Quartermasters,  Navy,  training  course 1048 

Quart/,  new  base  point  on  thermometric  scale.    89 

Quebracho,  rates  on 234,479 

Queen  Emma  estate,  acquisition 823 

Quetta  nectarine,  new  fruit  of  Indian  origin. ..  146 
Quicksilver,  see  Mercury. 

Quigua,  Paso,  chart- 181 

Quin,  Percy  E.  (Representative  from  j\Iiss.): 

reports  made  by— 

Military  Aflairs  Com...351,433, 566, 693,  970 

Quincy,  111.,  bridge -.  557,669,709 

Quincy  Market  Cold  Storage  &  Warehouse  Co.  765 
Quinhydrone,    for   determining   hydrogen-ion 

concentration  of  soils 399,404 

Quinlan,  John,  v.  United  States 621 

Quinton  Spelter  Co.,  coal 733 

R.,  W.  W.,  see  Reed  ,W.  W. 

Rabat,  Morocco,  chart.. 52 

Rabbit-house  construction 330 


chinchilla  rabbits  for  food  and  fur 1081 

cottontail  rabbits,  rel.  to  trees  and  crops...  528 

rabbit  skins  for  fur 330,917 

raising  domestic  rabbits 272 

rates  on  rabbits 741 

Rabies  in  Haiti 887,1048 

Rabild,  Helmer,  feeding  of  dairy  cows. 74,786 

Racks,    see    Bomb    racks — Fire-hose    racks — 
Grease  rack. 

Racquette  Lake  Ry 742 

RadelOnger,  F.  G.,  azimuths 311 

Radio,  see  certain  headings  beginning  Radio. 
Radio  apparatus  and  appliances: 

conditions  in  European  radio  markets 152 

marketing  radios  in  Western  Hemisphere..  216 

markets  in  Asia  developing  slowly 216 

operating  room  installations ". 497 

radio  plants 886,887 

rates  on  radio  apparatus 741 

world  radio  markets,  statistical  analysis...  152 
see    also    Electric    apparatus    and    appli- 
Radio  beacons: 

aids  to  navigation 121, 1132 

St.  Johns  River  light  station,  Florida 1090 

system  of  United  States 281 

Radio  Commission,  see  Federal  Radio  Commis- 
Radio  communication: 

aids  to  navigation 121, 1132 

.\ir  Corps  technical  order... _..    66 

airplane  radio  sets... 200 

antenna  capacity,  calculation '  541 

atmospheric  disturbances. 191 

cooijcrativc  measurements  of  radio  fading      155 
coordination  of  Army  and  Navy  activities    137 

m  British  Empire 925 

laws  relating  to  commerce ]"'  "     674 

meteorological  radiotelegrams,  regulation  "  259 

publications  for  sale 226,863  1113 

radio  communication  pamphlet '       '  200 

solar  activity  and  ra<iio  reception..  '    77 

utilidad  de  la  radii.telefon  a  para  fos'agri- 

cultores .._  55 

Weather  Bureau  circular IL^III  534,656  790 


aadio  communication— Continued. 

weather  forecasts,  etc.,  distribution 11, 

147, 183, 790 
see  also  Broadcasting — Radio  stations— aZ«o 
International  Juridical  Congress  on 
Wireless  Telegraphj-— Internation- 
al Radiotelegraph  Conference. 

Radio  companies,  proposals 259 

Radio  compass  stations,  see  Radio  stations. 
Radio  Division,  Commerce  Dept...  21,87,154,220, 
284, 343,  414,  541, 664, 797, 927, 1093 

radio  service  bulletin 21, 87, 154, 220, 

284, 343, 414,  541, 664, 797,  927, 1093 

report,  1927 284 

Radio  electricians,  Navy,  grade  of  ensign 694 

Radio  Farm  School 653,919 

Radio  Service,  Agriculture  Dept 653,919 

Radio  Service,   Commerce   Dept.,  see  Radio 

Division,  Commerce  Dept. 
Radio  stations: 

amateur  stations  of  United  States 220 

broadcast  schedules,  naval  radio  stations 890, 


commercial  and  Government  stations 154 

of  the  world,  chart 1134 

radiocompass  stations,  navigation  aids 121, 

see  also  names  of  stations,  or  names  of  places 
where  located. 
Radiobeacons,  see  Radio  beacons. 
Radiocompass  stations,  see  Radio  stations. 
Radiometrv,   measurements  of  planet   Mars, 

1926 21 

Radiotelegraph   Conference,  see  International 

Radiotelegraph  Conference. 
Radiotelegraphy,  see  Radio  communication. 
Radiotelephony,  see  Radio  communication. 

production  in  1926 411 

treatment  of  nasal  lesions  of  leprosy 63 

Raffensperger,  H.  B.,  swine  sanitation  system.  401 

Raffia,  case  of  Milton  Bradley  Co. 461 

Rag  rugs,  see  Rugs. 

case  of  Katzenstein  &  Keene  et  al 158 

case  of  McBlaine  &  Co 91 

cotton,  specifications _.  285 

rates  on 614 

Railroad  accidents: 

at  Reily  Lake,  111 614 

at  Victoria,  Miss 234 

colhsions,  derailments,  etc.,  1926 365 


report,  1927 366 

reports,  summary 108, 479, 1034 

reported  by  railways,  summary. 37, 

108, 171,  235,  300,  479,  614, 874, 1034 

Railroad  .\dministration 59, 

128, 188, 257, 382, 765, 1058, 1141 

report,  1927 1058 

see  also  names  of  companies,  etc. 

Railroad  avenue,  D.  C,  to  change  name 810, 

996, 1099 

Railroad-cars,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 81 

see  also   Coal-ears — Electric-cars — Freight- 
cars— Post-office    cars — Pullman- 
cars — Refrigerator-cars — Stock-cars 
■ — Tank-cars. 
Railroad  commissions,  see  names  of  States. 
Railroad  employees: 

arbitration  proceedings  under  labor  act 244 

class  included  within  term  emploj^ee 614 

disputes  with  carriers,  laws,  compilation...  287 

hours  of  service,  carriers'  rps.,  analysis 480 

hours  of  service.  Safety  Bureau  rp 366 

maintenance  of  way  expenditures 741 

wage  statistics 37.108,  171,235 

300,  365,  480,  614,  741,  874,1034,  1121 
Railroad  Labor  Board,  compensation  of  cus- 
todian of  records 318 

see    also  Mediation  Board. 
Railroad  land  grants,  see  Railroads,  and  names 
of  railroads. 

Railroad  lands,  relief  of  Indians  occupying 422, 

Railroad    Mediation    Board,    see    Mediation 



Railroad   rates,   see   Freight  rates — Passenger 

Railroad  repair  shops,  census,  1925 ..-    81 

Railroad  securities,  see  names  of  railroads  issu- 
ing securities. 
Railroad  switches,  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chi- 
cago &:  St.  Louis  Ry.  v.  V.  S 235 

Railroad  ties: 

rates  on 37,614,741 

transit  privileges 35 

Railroad  track  scales,  specifications 89,665 

Railroad  tracks: 

industrial,  I.  C.  C.  valuation  order 877 

rates  on 1034 

terminal,  operation  by  S.  A.,  U.  &  G.  R.  R .  1122 

accounting    system,    uniform,    I.    C.    C. 

order 96 

certificates  of  pubHc  convenience,  etc 1000 

changes  and  improvements  in  property, 

etc 1038 

class  1  steam  roads — 

capitalization  and  income,  1927 874 

freight  commoditv  statistics 165, 

471,  735, 1028 

fuel  for  locomotives 33.103,166, 

232,  297,  363,  472,  610.  870,  1029,  1119 

operating  revenues  and  expenses.  37,108, 171, 

235. 301,  365,  4S0,  614, 741,  S74,  1034, 1122 

operating  statistics,  freight,  etc 37, 108, 

171,  235,  301,  365,  480,  614,  741.  1034,  1121 

revenue  traffic  statistics 37. 109, 171, 235, 

301,  365,  480,  615,  742,  874,  1035,  1122 

statement  of  operating  averages 300 

disputes  with  emplovees,  laws,  compila- 
tion  ■- 287 

excess  earnings,  recovery  and  payment 615 

freight  land-grant  equalization 326 

inventory  of  records 1038 

land  appraisals,  instructions 303 

land  schedules,  supplemental  order 877 

land  schedules,  valuation 1038 

large  steam  roads- 
operating  revenues  and  expenses 37, 

lOS.  171.  235, 301, 365, 480,  615, 742,  874, 
1034, 1122. 

operating  statistics 37,109, 171, 

235,  301,  365,  480,  615,  742,  1034,  1122 

laws,  compilation 674 

operating  income  or  deficit,  I.  C.  C.  order.  615 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

relief  for  short  line  railroads — 

hearings 559 

report 589 

report  of  I.  C.  C,  1926 -  741 

statistics,  1926,  preliminary  abstract 109 

unification  of  interstate  carriers — 

hearings. 456,559,1000 

report 817 

views  of  minority 817 

see  also  Carriers — Government  control — 
Railway  Mail  Service — Safety  ap- 
pliances— also  certain  headings  be- 
ginning R  a  i  1  r  o  a  d — Train— ai«o 
names  of  railroads. 

endurance,  etc.,  of  rail  steel 665 

open-hearth  steel  girder  rails 661 

rates  on 37,109,1035 

Railway  commissions,  see  names  of  States. 
Railway  mail  pav,  see  Railwav  Mail  Service. 
Railway  Mail  Service.  127. 254. 316. 380,  504, 895, 1139 

clerks  as  substitute  sea-post  clf^rks 976 

mail  trains,  schedule 127,  254, 380, 895, 1139 

railway  mail  pay — 

New  England  lines 126,316 

reexamination  of  rates 126, 316 

supplies 503 

see  also  names  of  States  and  cities. 
Railway  Transfer  Co.  of  City  of  Minneapolis, 

valuation... 480 

Railways,  see  Railroads. 

conservation  of  rainfall 983,984 

correlation  periodogram 147 

hourly  probabilities  at  Sault  Ste.  Marie...  212 


Rain— Continued. 

rainfall  and  ground  water  at  Fort  Caswell .    64 

run-olT,  from  small  agricultural  areas. 3,  77 

run-olT,  notes  on  estimating 920 

solar  radiation  and  rainfall  in  Chile 147 

variation  of  rainfall  at  San  Juan,  P.  R 1085 

winds  bearing  rain  in  far  western  States 77 

see  also  Precipitation. 
Rainbow  Battery  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  U.  S.   157, 


Raine  Island,  chart  of  entrance... 122 

Rainfall,  see  Rain. 

Rainier,  see  Mount   Rainier  National  Park- 
Mount  Rainier  quadrangle.  Wash. 

Raisins,  commercial  standardization... 206 

Raker,  John  E.: 

memorial  addresses 287 

naming  mountain  in  honor  of 569,  722,  803 

Raleigh,  X.  C,  Conference  of  Supervisors  of 

Southeastern  States,  addresses 160 

RaLston,  Byron  B.,  relief 827,930,1009 

Ralston,  John,  to  correct  military  record 438 

Ralston,  John  M.,  r.  D.  B.  Heiner 1128 

Ralston,   Oliver  C,  ferric  sulphate-sulphuric 

acid  process 19 

Rammed  earth  walls  for  buildings 533 

Ramree  Harbor,  Burma,  chart 182 

Ramscr,  C.  E.: 

run-oiT  from  small  agricultural  areas 3,  77 

terracing  farm  lands 1084 

Ramseyer,  C.  Wilham  (Representative  from 
reports  made  bv — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 696, 

829, 976 

Rules  Com 832 

Ranawng  Anchorage,  see  Ranong  Anchorage. 

Ranch  organization,  etc.,  in  Great  Plains 648 

Randall,  T.  D.,  &  Co.,  relief 834 

Randell.  C.  G.,  marketing  of  livestock 526 

Randolph,  D.  W.,  spark  generators 119 

Randolph,  Mo.,  bridge 684.992,1101 

Randolph-Macon  Academy,  relief...  565. 1006, 1096 

Rands,  R.  D.,  disease-resistant  sugar  canes 9 

Ranges  (stock),  see  Stock  ranges. 
Ranges  (stoves): 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 14 

Ranges  (target) ,  see  Target  ranges. 
Ranier,  see   Mount    Rainier  National  Park- 
Mount  Rainier  quadrangle.  Wash. 
Rankin,  John  E.  (Representative  from  Miss.): 
minority  views — 

Census  Com 807 

World     War     Veterans'     Legislation 

Com 446,701,982 

Rankin  County,  Miss.,  bridge 583,685,803 

Ransdell,  Joseph  E.  (Senator  from  La.): 
minority  views — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 704 

reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com.  448, 836, 983 
correction  of  entry  on  p  843  (S.  rp. 

865) 914 

Commerce  Com 843,993 

Ransley,  Harry  C.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
minority  views — 

Military  ASairs  Com 824 

reports  made  by — 

Military  ASairs  Com 691, 968,  969,  972 

Rapp,  Herbert  H.,  public  school  system  in  D.  C  725 
Rapp,  Paul  L.,  public  school  system  in  D.  C  725 

Rapuzzi,  Ann  E.,  directory  of  laboratories 415 

Rare  metals,  in  1926 411 

Raritan  Bay,  report  on  examination 643 

Raritan  River,  report  on  examination 643 


culture 210 

diseases  of  raspberries 655 

yellow  rust 3,  72 

Rat,  see  Rats. 

Rat-bite  fever,  two  cases 134 

Rathbone,  Henry  R.  (Representative  from  111.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com xoS,947,948 

statement  before  Judiciary  Com.,  House..  1107 

15950— 2&- 



Index,  1927-1928 

Rathbun.  Mary  J.,  crabs  from  Eocene  of  Texas.  767 
Rations  (Army),  see  Army. 
Rations  (cattle),  see  Food  for  cattle. 

RatlitT,  George  W.,  jr.,  v.  U.  S 600,  723,  .49 

Rats:  f,  roQ 

control - — ^'°^l 

let's  oust  him,  paster     7-o-,nfiQ 

port  of  .San  Juan,  rat-Oea  survey         -  7/3, 1069 

shins,  rat-proofing  for  control  of  plague 1J4 

Rauh,  E.,  &  Sons  Fertilizer  Co    fertilizers  471 

Rausch,  John  P.,  Co.,  Inc  ,  v.  United  States       115 

Ravenswood,  W.  Va.,  bridge 427,583,670 

Raw  materials:  ,.  ^  -i,   •  - 

a  concentracao  da  populafao  e  a  distribui?ao 

da  materia  prima ^^^ 

Rawdon,  Henry  S.: 

corrosion  resistance  test  method iy» 

raicrostructure  of  ferrite oo5 

Rawley,  Wilbert,  relief - '^' 

diurnal  variation  of  rainfall,  San  Juan 1085 

rainfaU  probabilities,  Sault  Ste.  Marie 212 

Ray  &  Gila  Valley  R.  R.,  guaranty  status 615 

Rayburn,  Sam  (Representative  from  Tex.): 
reports  made  by— 

Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 
Com         .  348,423.425,428,556,557,560, 
683,  685,  818,  819,  955,  957,  953,  959 
views  of  minority- 
Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com. 817 

Raymond,    W.    H.,    alias,    see    Nightingale, 

William  11. 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

rates  on. 480 


high  frequency  rays  of  cosmic  origin 190 

influences  of  sun  rays  on  plants,  etc 191 

see  also  X-rays. 
Razor  blades,  packaging,  elimination  of  waste.  344 

Rea,  Emma  S.,  appointment 632 

Rea,  Robert  II.,  notes  on  neurasthenic  types..  392 
Read,  Albert  C,  medal,  etc.,  for  trans-Atlantic 

flight 720,827,1009,1104 

Read,  Henry  T.,  Sec.  of  Interior,  etc.,  rs 26, 115 

Reader  Railroad,  construction  of  line,  etc 171 

courses — 

appreciation  of  music 293 

for  boys  and  girls 94, 160 

great  literature,  ancient,  medieval,  etc.    27 

reading  course  series 27,  94, 160,  293 

thirty  books  of  great  fiction 27 

thirty  great  Americans 27 

world's  great  literary  bibles 27 

predilections  in  veterans'  hospitals.- 135 

Reading  Company: 

dunnage  and  bracing 1118 

rates  on— 

cherries 99 

china-clay 100 

reconsignment 235 

Ready,  Marie  M.: 

physical  education  in  Amer.  colleges,  etc...    28 
valor   del   campamento   de    verano   para 

niflos 314 

Real  estate: 

farm  situation,  1926-27 204 

in  District  of  Columbia,  purchase,  etc 830 

in  Hawaii,  purchase  by  War  Dept 583, 

690,  933, 1003 

surplus  War  Dept.  property,  sale 825, 

Reappraisement  circulars,  index,  Jan.-Dec.  1927.  637 
Reappraisements   of   merchandise,    see    Com- 
mercial products. 

Reber,  John  M.,  naval  record 827 

Receipts  (commercial) : 

filing  receipts  for  insured  parcels 126 

ordinary  mail,  to  authorize  receipts 976 

Receipts  (cookery),  set  Cookery. 
Receipts    and    expenditures,"  .see    Budget- 
Receivers  (in  bankruptcy): 

powers  under  Federal  farm  loan  act...  944 

Receivers  (land  offices) : 

in  Alaska,  Interior  Dept.  clerks,  etc 722 


Recipes,  see  Cookery. 

Reclamation,  Pan  Pacific  Conference  on,  see 
Pan  Pacific  Conference  on  Educa- 
tion, Rehabilitation,  Reclamation, 
and  Recreation. 

Reclamation  Bureau 29,  96, 162, 229, 

294,  363,  464,  605,  730,  866,  1023,  1115 

estimate,  1929... 510 

manual 294 

report,  1927 363 

Reclamation  Conference,  see  Southern  Recla- 
mation Conference. 
Reclamation  of  land: 

aided  and  directed  settlement- 
hearings 561 

report 686 

furtlier  development  of  Government  land..  561 
organized  communities  in  the  South — 

hearings 561,  590 

report 819 

see    also    Drainage    districts— Irrigation- 
Public  lands— aZso    New  reclama- 
tion era — also  names  of  reclamation 
Reclamation  projects,  see  Reclamation  of  land. 

Cargill  Commission  Co 615 

Cohen,  Louis,  &  Son. 109 

Danzer,  William,  &  Co 1035 

E-Z  Opener  Bag  Co.. 742 

Powers,  L.,  Fruit  Co 1122 

Russell,  the  Coal  Man,  Inc 301 

Sofranscy,  H.,  Co 235 

Sfanlev,  H.  F.,  Lumber  Co 742 

Thames,  J.  R 109 

Reconstruction  (pliysical),  see  Rehabilitation 
of  the  disabled. 

Record  book  of  business  statistics 81, 338, 658 

Recording-machine  ribbons,  specification 87 


airplane  maintenance  inspection  record —  199 

cardiac  findings  for  rating  purposes 135 

family  expenditures 332 

health,  study  of  entries  for  syphilis  (2) 247 

railroad  inventory,  I.  C.  C.  order,  etc 1038 

see   also   Archives — Military   record^ — also 
names  of  Departments,   bm-eaus, 
etc.,  to  which  records  belong. 

activities  of  labor  organizations 1044,1045 

indoor,  for  industrial  employees.. --  178 

industrial  establishments,  1926 884 

same,    summary    in    monthly    labor 

review .-  884 

outdoor,  for  industrial  employees 46 

Recreation,  Pan  Pacific  Conference  on,  see 
Pan  Pacific  Conference  on  Edu- 
cation, Reliabilitation,  Reclama- 
tion, and  Recreation. 

Recreational  act  extended  to  lands  in  Greg 698, 


Recreational  sites,  laws  and  regulations 28 

Recruiting  and  enlistment: 
Coast  Guard^ 

extension  of  enlistment 1068 

instructions 1068 

original  enlistments 261 

United  States  Armv  recruiting  news 66, 

136, 199,  265, 325, 393,  516, 641, 775, 908, 

Recruiting  Bureau,  Navy  Dept 54, 123, 

184,  251, 377,  500,  627, 760,  892, 1134 

posters 54, 123, 

184,  2.51. 377,  500,  627,  760,  892, 1134 

Red  bread  mold,  life  histories  of  fungi 4,76 

Red  Cross,  see  American  National  Red  Cross. 

Red  gum,  control  of  seasoning  defects 145 

Red    Lake   band   of    Chippewa   Indians,    see 

Chippewa  Indians. 
Red  Lodge,  Mont.,  highway  to  Cooke  City   ..  855 
Red  River  (La.  and  .\rk.): 
bridges  at  or  near— 

Coushatta,  La 348,454,544 

Fulton,  .\rk 348,454,544,817,1102 

Garland,  Ark 559,583,710,1102 

Moncla,  La 428,584,671 

Red  River  (N.  Alex.),  see  Canadian  River. 

Red  River  &  Gulf  R.  R.,  rates  on  lumber 475 



Eed  River  of  the  North: 
bridges  at  or  near — 

Fargo,  N.  Dak 685,844,936 

Grand  Forks,  X.  Dak 428,584,671 

Red  salmon,  see  Salmon. 
Red  Sea: 

chart 499 

pilot,  supplement __■ 757 

Red  snappers,  two  species  of  Atlantic  Coast. ._    16 

Red  M'ing  Linseed  Co.  r.  David  H.  Blair 1042 

Reddington,    Patrick,    inelui'.ed   within   clas- 
sified civil  service 505 

Reddy,  C.  S.: 

dent  corn,  chemical-dust  seed  treatments..  531 

sweet-corn  diseases,  seed  treatments...  783,919 

Redtop,  adulteration  and  misbranding  of  seed.    76 

Reduction  studies 906 

Redwood  Creek,  report  on  survey 643 

Reeb,  Earl  L.,  rocks 4S0 

Reece,  B.  Carroll  (Representative  from  Teun): 
reports  made  by- 
Military  Allairs  Com 349. 

350, 351, 434. 435, 436, 437. 438, 439, 
440. 441,  563,  5(>4.  565, 690,  692,  821, 
822.  823,  824,  825, 967, 968, 969, 971, 

Reed,  C.  O.,  calcification  of  pericardium frlO 

Reed,  Charles  D.,  corn  maturity  in  Iowa 534 

Reed.  Daniel  A.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.J: 
reports  made  bv — 

Education  Com 552,679,811,950 

Reed,  David  A.  (Senator  from  Pa.): 
minoritv  views — 

Military  .Vlfairs  Com 852 

Tariff  Commission,  Select  Committee 

on  Investigation  of. 1110 

reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com 674 

Finance  Com. 997 

Immigration  Com 587,714 

Military  Affairs  Com 591, 

592,  593.  594,  595, 718,  719,  852,  853, 
1002, 1003, 1004, 1005. 1006, 1007. 
Propaganda  or  Money  Alleged  to 
Have  Been  Used  by  Foreign 
Governments  to  Influence  United 
States  Senators,  Special  Com- 
mittee to  Investigate 458 

Reed,  E.  O.,  address  before  Washington  Club 

of  Printing  House  Craftsmen 92 

Reed,  F.  Ellis,  relief 420,706,799 

Reed,  Harold,  William  L.  Peak  » 224,291 

Reed,  J.  O.,  dust  control  in  grain  elevators 650 

Reed,  Jam^es  A.  (Senator  from  Mo.): 
papers  presented  by — 

Judge  Story  on  general  welfare  clause.  353 

qualifications  of  Senate  members 353 

report  made  by— 

E.xpenditiu-es   in    Senatorial    Primary 
and     General     Elections,     Special 

Committee  Investigating 455 

Reed,  Thomas  R.,  rain-bearing  winds 77 

Reed,  "W.  "W.: 

solar  radiation,  etc.,  in  Chile 147 

v.eather  at  Brussels 147 

Reed,  Walter,  to  recognize  service 971 

Reed,    Walter,   Army    General  Hospital,   see 
Walter  Reed  Army  General  Hos- 
Reeder,  Edwin  H.,  o  espirito  do  ensino  da  geo- 

gxaphia  moaerna 124 

Reeder,   George,   notable  tornadoes  of  May, 

1927 77 

Rees,  P.  T.,  arsenic-free  zinc,  etc 120 

Reese,  H.  H.: 

breeds  of  light  horses 649 

how  to  select  a  sound  horse 1080 

Reese,  Madge  J.,  home-management  extension.  331 
Reeside,  John  B.,  jr.: 

c-ephalopods    from    Cody    shale,    Oregon 

Basin -..  227 

cephalopods  of  Eagle  sandstone,  etc 227 

scaphites 228 

sedimentary  rocks  of  San  Rafael  Swell 728 

Reeves,  Frank,  Cat  Creek,  etc.,  oil  fields ■    94 

Reeves,  George  I.,  control  of  alfalfa  weevil 7 

Reeves,  Maysie  L.,  reinstatement 188 


Reeves  Ferry,  bridge 685,937,995 

Referendum,  documents  and  deV'ates 159 

Refineries,  petroleum,  in  foreign  countries 18 


metals,  nonferrous 14,  214 

petroleimi,  c«nsus  report,  1925 14 

Reforestation,  see  Forests  and  forestry. 

Reformatory,  D.  C,  working  capital 771 

Reformed  Church  in  America,  census,  1926...  1087 
Reformed  Church  in  United  States,  census, 

1926 923 

Reformed  Episcopal  Church,  census,  1926 1088 

Refractometer,  analysis  of  sugar-beets 647, 789 


census,  1926,  nonclay  refractories 337 

fire-clay,  for  marine  service 415 

cases — 

Allen,  William  F.,  &  Co 615 

Baldwin.  Gage,  Co 1035 

Di  Gioryio  Fruit  Co 10' 

Gamble-Robinson  Co 874 

Mississippi  Farm  Bureau  Truck  Assoc.  742 

Simpson,  Charles  S.,  Co 171 

Stein,  L.  K.,  Co 1035 

offish 151 

see  also  Cold  storage. 

case  of  T.  N.  &  B.  B.  Sample 742 

fresh  meat,  etc.,  in  peddler  cars 301 

Regal  lily 275 

Regan,  Jeremiah,  included     within     classified 

civil  service 505 

Regan,  Rita  C,  appointment 1141 

Regan  Safety  Devices  Co.  device  on  Chicago, 

Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Ry 302 

Reger,  R.  V.,  Bridge  Co.,  bridge  across  Ohio  R.  582 
Regional  Bureau  of  United  States,  International 
Catalogue  of  Scientific  Literature, 

report,  1927 38 

Regional  Information  Division,   Foreign  and 

Domestic  Commerce  Bur 17, 

151,    152,   280,   281,   409,   661,   924,    1089 

Register  of  debates  for  sale... 603 

Registered  mail: 

indemnity  for  loss,  rifling,  or  damage 1139 

uniform  system  of  registration 696, 936 

Registered  package  jackets,  proposal,  etc 762 


Army,  1928 641 

Coast  Guard,  1928 637 

Justice  Dept.  and  courts  of  U.  S.,  1927 242 

money-order  post  offices,  1927 254 

National  Guard,  1927 520 

Naval  Academy,  1927-28 313 

Navy,  1928 756 

oflBcial  register  of  U.  S.,  1927 149 

United  States  commissioners,  1928 618 

see  also  Directories — Rosters. 
Registers  (land  offices): 

compensation 597,698,936 

in  Alaska,  Interior  Dept.  clerks,  etc.- 722 

Registration  of  American  citizens ..-  1140 

Regression,  see  Psychic  regression. 
Regulations,  see  names  of  Departments,  bu- 
reaus, etc.,  issuing  regulations — also 
special  subject. 
Rehabilitation,  Pan  Pacific  Conference  on,  see 
Pan  Pacific  Conference  on  Educa- 
tion, Rehabilitation,  Reclamation, 
and  Recreation. 
Rehabilitation  of  the  disabled: 

civilian  vocational  rehabilitation  series.  158, 725 

in  United  States,  evolution,  scope,  etc 158 

in  United  States  .■Vrmy  during  V/orld  War.  779 
residents  of  District  of  Columbia — 

hearing 811 

report 950 

workmen's  compensation  law-s,  relation 725 

Rehabilitation  of  the  Disabled  Civilian,  Na- 
tional Conference  on,  see  National 
Conference   on    Vocational    Reha- 
bilitation of  the  Disabled  Civilian. 
Reichelderfer,  F.  W.,  meteorological  problems.  1085 
Reid,  Elliott  G.: 

pressure  distribution  over  airfoils 179 

Roots  type  aircraft  engine  supercharger 47 


Index,  1927-1928 

Keid,  Frank  R.  (Representative  from  ni.): 
reports  made  by— 

Conference  Com ;-;;;-;;::  „tV 

Flood  Control  Com 553,679,811,951 

Reid,  William  A.: 

Asuncion,  mterestmg  capital 1^4 

Mexico  City,  city  of  palaces 125 

Rcidesel,  Frederick  C,  funeral  expenses,  etC-.-  417 

Keidi'scl,  Regina,  funeral  expenses,  etc 417 

Reilly,  Charles  F.,  relief 565 

Reillv,  Ursula  S.,  v.  V.  S 25,44,489 

Reily  Lake,  111.,  railroad  accident 614 

Reindeer  in  Alaska J3 

Reineke,  L.  II.,  timber-yield  tables 399,403 

Reinhart  &  Newton  Co 602 

Reinstatements,  see  CivO  service— a?so  names 

of  persons  reinstated  in  office. 
Reinsuring  companies,  see  Insurance  companies. 
Rcistle,  C.  E.,  jr.,  paraffin  troubles  in  producing 

crude  oU,„ 662 

Reiter,  Fred,  bridge -  425,579,669 

Relatives  of  patients,  contact  with 65, 198 

Reliance  Brick  Co.  of  Texas,  hollow  tiles 473 

Relief  stations,  see  Hospitals. 

in  Szechuan  Province,  China 633 

Indian 229 

Library  of  Congress  classification 492 

Religious  bodies: 
census.  1926— 

Catholic  Apostolic  Church, __ 79 

Christian  and  Missionary  Alliance 922 

Christian  Reformed  Church 535 

Christian  Union _ 1087 

Church  of  God  and  Saints  of  Christ  _ ..  922 

Church  of  the  Nazarene 1087 

Evangelical  Synod  of  North  America.  1087 
Free    Magvar    Reformed    Church    in 

America 922 

Friends 922 

General  Eldership  of  Churches  of  God 

in  America -  922 

German  Baptist  Brethren  (Dunkers).  1087 

Pilgrim  Holiness  Church --.  922 

Reformed  Church  in  America 1087 

Reformed  Church  in  United  States 923 

Reformed  Episcopal  Church 1088 

River  Brethren 1088 

Swedish  Evangelical   Free   Church  of 

United  States  of  America 1088 

Swedish     Evangelical    Mission  Cove- 
nant of  America 535 

Unitarians 408 

Volunteers  of  America 1088 

Rcmick,  Frederick  N.,  v.  V.  S 90,  880, 1041 

Remington   Arms   Union   Metallic   Cartridge 

Co.,  Inc.,  V.  United  States 621 

Remission  of  duties,  see  Tariff. 

Renmoy  quadrangle,  Calif 95 

Remsen,  Ira,  memoir  of  Harmon  N.  Morse 494 

Remy  Electric  Co.  v.  U.  S 223,306,489,723 

Renf,  J.  A.,  nephritis  in  tuberculosis 1149 

Reno,  Nev.: 

air  navigation  map 777 

Extension  Conference,  July,  1927,  report...  206 

Renong  Anchorage,  chart 122 

Rent,  Veterans'  Hospital  no.  90,  payment 982 

see  also  names  of  Departments,   bureaus, 
etc.,  renting  buildings. 
Renunciation  of  war,  see  Peace. 
Reorganization  Joint  Conmiission,  Insular,  see 
Insular  Reorganization  Joint  Com- 

Repair  body,  M 1918,  changes  1 1152 

Repair  Bureau,  see  Construction  and  Repair 

Repair  shops,  automobile  exhaust  gas. .     .         773 

see  also  Railroad  repair  shops. 
Reply  cards,  see  Post  cards— Postal  cards. 

to  be  made  to  70th  Congress.. 346 

to  discontinue  certain  reporcs 951,996, 1102 

see  also  subjects  of  reports— cfso  names  of 
Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  issuing 
Representatives,  see  House  of  Representatives 
—also  names  of  Representatives. 


Reproducibility  of  spray  penetration,  etc 1046 


fossil  reptile  from  Triassic  of  N.  J 767 

pterosaiirian,  from  Cretaceous  of  Oreg 1143 

Republic,  steamship,  officers  and  crew,  heroic 

conduct,  etc 821.844,941,1096 

Republic  branch,  see  Duluth,  South  Shore  & 
Atlantic  Ry. 

Republic  Creosoting  Co.,  creosote  oil 101 


college  laboratories,  directory 415 

facilities,  etc.,  of  Library  of  Congress 1045 

nee  also  special  subject. 

Research  Bureau,  Shipping  Board 128, 

189, 319, 383,  505, 766, 1058 

Reseda  quadrangle.  Calif 864 

Reservations,  see  Bird  refuges  and  reservations 
— G  a  m  e  —  Indian  reservations — 
Jvlilitary   reservations— Naval    pe- 
troleum reserves— o/so  names  of  res- 
Reserve  banks,  etc.,  see  certain  headings  begin- 
ning Federal  Reserve. 
Reserve  Board,  see  Federal  Reserve  Board. 
Reserve  Corps,  see  Marine   Corps  Reserve — 
Naval  Reserve  Officers'   Training 
Corps— Officers'     Reserve     Corps. 
Army — Reserve  Officers'  Training 
Corps,  .\rmy. 
Reserve  Division,  War  Dept.: 
to  create— 

hearings 852 

reports 852,971 

Reserve  Force,  sec  Naval  Reserve  Force. 
Reserve  Officers'  Association  of  United  States, 

to  incorporate 687 

Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps,  Army: 

regulations 135 

to  resume  course 438,936,1006 

Reserve  Officers'  Training  Corps,  Navy,  see 
Naval  Reserve  Officers'  Training 

Reservoirs,  sites  on  Indian  reservations 458 

historv — 

69th  Cong.  2d  sess 23 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess 345, 

416,  543,  666,  799,  928, 1094 
printed  in  slip  form — 

70th  Cong.  1st  sess.__ .  345.  M4.  672.  673.  800, 
804,  805, 931,  937,  938, 1097, 1104, 1105 

statutes  at  largt,,  Dec.  1925-]\Iar.  1927 155 

Resources,  see  Natural  resources. 

artificial,  by  prone  pressure  method _._  513,  906 

physiology  of,  pt.  1  (2  entries) 497 

same,  pt.  1,  continued,  and  pt.  2,.  887, 1048 
Respiratory  diseases,  industrial  workers..  773, 1070 
see  aha  names  of  diseases, 

Respiratory  organs,  protection 251 

Resser,  Charles  E.,  Cambrian  geology 898 

Restraint  of  trade,  see  Monopolies. 

Resurrection  Bay,  exaniination  and  survey 778 

Retail  business,  see  names  of  articles  retailed. 
Retail  prices,  see  Prices. 

Retinitis  pigmentosa... 48,  49 

Retired  list.  Army: 
militarv  aviators — 

H.  R.  11273,  hearings 822 

H.  R.  11273,  report 822 

S.  4235.  report 966 

officers  of  Air  Corps 824 

officers  of  ?kledical  Corps,  rights.  823, 1004, 1100 

pay  and  allowances 824, 1006, 1102 

to  increase  efficiency  of  Army — 

hearings 457,  719 

reports 862 

war-time  rank  for  certain  officers 594 

Retired  list.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey: 

pay  and  allowances 824, 1006, 1102 

Relired  list.  Coast  Guard: 

medical  and  hospital  relief 6S5.  844,936 

pay  and  allowances 824, 1006, 1102 

.to  credit  officers  with  active  duty..  685,  803,  844 
Retired  list.  Marine  Corps: 

pay  and  allowances 824, 1006, 1102 



Retired  list,  Navy: 

appointment  in  diplomatic  service 720 

pay  and  allowances 824,1006,1102 

to  amend  Revised  statutes 828 

Retired  list,  Public  Health  Service: 

pay  and  allowances 824, 1006. 1102 

Retirement,  see  Army  Transport  Ser\  ice — Civil 
service  pensions^Emergency  offi- 
cers' retired  list— Federal  Reserve 
Retirement  Fimd — Foreign  ser- 
vice—Teachers— c/.so  certain  head- 
ings beginning  Retired  list. 

Retrievers  for  Air  Corps 966, 1002, 1098 

Return  cards,  post  office  box  number 56 

Returns  Office,  transfer  to  General  Accounting 

Office 552 

Revenue,  see  Finance — Internal  revenue — Tar- 
iff—Taxation— a/so  names  of  arti- 
cles, etc.,  from  which  revenue  is 
Revenue  cutters,  see  Coast  Guard  cutters. 
Revised  statutes,  see  special  subject,  e.  g.,  LL-n- 

itations  (law). 
Revision  of  Laws  Committee,  House,  see  Laws, 
Committee  on  Revision  of,  House. 
Revista  de  economia  Argentina,  reprint  from..  892 
Revolver  ammtmition,  standard  nomenclature.  911 
Reweighing  of  freight,  Fullerton  Lamber  Co..  1035 

Rexroad,  L.  W.,  &  Co.,  sand  1122 

Reynolds,  T>.  A.: 

carbon  monoxide  self-rescuer 19 

spontaneous  heating  of  coal 925 

Reynolds,  Paul  E.,  neuropsychiatric  disease...  514 

Reynolds,   Robert,  agricultural  statistics 142 

Reynolds,  Walter  F..  triangiilation 793 

Reynoldson.  L.  A.: 

combined  harvester-tliresner  in  Gt.  Plains.  648 

shall  I  buy  a  combine? 916 

shall  I  buy  a  tractor  for  corn-belt  farm? ...  204 

tractors  on  corn-belt  farms 080 

Reynoldsville  &  Falls  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation.  109 
Rhode  Island: 

geodetic  pubs.,  triangulation,  etc . 793 

post  rotite  map 630 

V.  United  States 223,306,859 

Rhode  Island,  Battle  of,  1778,  150th  anniver- 
sary observance 965 

Rhode  Island  reds,  see  Poultry. 

Rhodes,  Eugene,  medal 1009 

Rhodes  scholarships,  memorandum,  IT.  S.,  1928.  728 
Rhododendrons,  eilect  of  aluminum  sulphate.  189 
Rhyacionia  frustrana,  see  Pine  tip  mioth. 

Ribbon,  case  of  F.  Victor  &  Achelis. 290 

Ribbons,  see  Computing-machine  riobons — 

Hectograph  ribbons  —  Recording- 
machine  ribbons — Typewriter  rib- 

Ribeira  Bay,  chart 251 

Rice,  George  S.: 

fifty-nine  coal  mine  fires 411 

potash  mining  in  Germany  and  France 412 

safety  in  coal  mining,  handbook 539 

Rice,  Roger  C,  surface  water  supply 29 


cleaning  and  pohshing,  census,  1925 213 

educational  illustrations 528 

imported  broken  rice,  meaning 448 

insects  injurious  to  rice  crop 530 

prairie  rice  culture  in  United  States 655 

rates  on 742 

soy-bean  rotation  increases  rice  yields 210 

standards,  milled,  brown,  and  rough  rice..  271, 


straightheadandits  control 146 

Rices  Point,  Minn.,  bridge 428,584,671 

Rich,  Wilhs  H.: 

biological  inquiries,  1925 151 

red-salmon  runs  to  Karluk  River,  Alaska..    17 
salmon  tagging  experiments  in  Alaska— 

1923 16 

1924-25 16 

1926 17 

Richards,  Brayton  G.,  patent  appeal 219 

Richards,  Chfton  L.,  U.  S.  i'. 489 

Richards,  David,  aUas,  see  Richards,  David  F. 

Richards,  David  E.,  son  v.  Mexico 130 

Richards,  David  F.,  relief... 971 

Richards,  George  D.,  v.  Mexico... 130 


Richards,  Nellie,  grave,  permit  for  opening 679, 

846,  930 
Richardson,   Charles  H.,  petroleum-oil  emul- 
sions  6 

Richardson,  Frank  H.,  breast-feeding 371 

Richardson,  G.  B.: 

oil  and  gas  fields  of  Oklahoma,  map 161 

oil  and  gas  fields  of  Texas,  map 161 

Richardson,  Gardner,  trade  financing,  etc 84 

Richardson,  Myrtle  E.,  occupational  therapy..  264 

Richardson,  Samuel,  claim  for  death 386 

Richardson,  Simon  A.,  relief.. 975 

Richardson,  Thomas  M.,  relief 693 

Richardson,  William  K.,  v.  United  States.  723, 1042 

Richey,  Fridcrick  D.,  corn  breeding 209,404 

Richmers  Khcderei  Actien  Gesellschaft 657 

Richmond,  Paul,  jr.: 

Kahn  and  Kolmer  reactions 48,49 

leukocytosis  in  cerebrospinal  fever 497 

Richmond,  Calif.,  port 643 

Richmond,  Fredericksburg  &  Potomac  R.  R.: 
rates  on^ 

paper 170 

tallow 482 

Richmond  Screw  Anchor  Co.,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 370 

Richter,  Ella  Q.,  relief 439,594,1096 

Richter,  Henry  W.,  relief  of  daughter.  439,  594, 1096 
Richweed,  sec  White  snakeroot. 

Rickards,  R.,  jr..  Dredging  Co.,  relief 707 

Ridgely,  Frank  E.,  relief 695,930,1009 

Ridlev,  C.  S.,  San  Francisco,  Calif.,  district 643 

Rieck,  Edward  E.,  r.  D.  B.  Heiner 242, 1128 

Riegel,  Benjamin,  r.  United  States 25 

Riegel,  Benjamin  D.,  e.xr.,  ;>.  United  States 25 

Riegel,  Howard,  exr.,  v.  United  States 25 

Rillenburg,  H.  B.,  water  of  Pecos  River 161 

Rifle  company,  Nat.  Guard  training  manual..  394 
Rifle  practice,  see  Target  practice. 
Rifle  Practice  Promotion  Board,  see  National 
Board     for     Promotion    of    Rifle 
Rifle  ranges,  see  Target  ranges. 

Rifles,  caliber  .30,  parts,  etc 1075 

see    aho  Machine-rifle. 

Rigby,  William  C,  statement 825 

Rigen,  see  lion  Road. 

Rigging,  Army  training  regulations 775 

Higgles,  Richard,  relief 452 

Rights  of  women,  see  Women. 
Rigid  airships,  see  Airships. 

Riley,  .\lbert  I.,  relief 824 

Rincon  band  of  Luisefio  Indians,  see  Luiseno 

Rinder,  H.  A.,  bridge 958,992,1101 

Rinehart  &  Dennis  Co.,  rails.. 109 

Ringgold  road,  to  pave 693,825, 1006, 1068, 1102 

Ringk,  A.  H.,  &  Co.,  United  States  v 860 

Rinks,  Ella  M.,  relief 947 

Rio  Chepo,  chart  of  mouth 313 

Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil: 

Conferencia    Parlamentaria    Internacional 

de  Comercio 501 

Pan  -Vmerican  Conference  on  Highways..  386, 
422,  630, 804 

Rio  Deseado,  chart 251 

Rio  Grande: 

bridges  at  or  near- 
Brownsville,  Tex 818,993,1102 

El  Paso,  Tex 348,454,544 

Langtry,  Tex 959.1102 

Presidio,  Tex 428,584,671 

Tornillo,  Tex 818,993,1102 

Weslaco,  Tex 685, 818, 844, 936, 994, 1102 

Ysleta,  Tex 959 

Zapata,  Tex 560,710,803 

waters,  consent  to  compacts 961 

waters,  equitable  use.  State  Dept.  rp 1143 

Rio  Grande  irrigation  project: 
construction  payments- 
hearing 1000 

law 1102 

reports 961, 1000 

Rio  Grande  Oil  Co.,  fuel-oil 1029 

Rio  Grande  Valley: 

Pueblo  Indian  lands,  conservation,  etc. — 

hearings... 456,588 

law 669 

reports _ _ 422,455 


Index,  1927-1928 


Rio  Negro,  chart .....------- -'51 

Rios,  Salvatlorc,  v.  Benjamin  M.  Day        -_^-^  |04J 

lUpl.^y,  Ohio,  bridge.     - -  958,99.3,  HOI 

Ri  ,lev  Bridge  Co.,  bridge.. 958,993,1101 

RipiHTton,  J.  C,  edible  eanna ---.---  918 

Ritch.Tdsna,  Joseph  F.,  rehef....— -.  351,594,667 

Rittor    \ndrew  B.,  military  record 439,  543,  594 

Rittcr!  PaniL-l,  is.  United  States 749 

Rittcr  Hilt  Spring,  Oreg.,  zeohtes... 1143 

Ritual  bullfight 190 

Rivas,  Jose  F.,  relief on 

River  Bn-thren,  census,  1926 ---  i^o* 

Rivera,  Padre  Juan  A.,  diary,  1676-96 -..  oOl 

Riverdale  Quadrangle,  Calif 16^ 

Risers:                                , ,.         ,  ,^^^ 

construction,  etc.,  of  public  works 9<9 

daily  stages,  1920 11 

Hood  cimtrol  of  sundry  streams 9ol 

forest  and  stream-flow  experiment 920, 1085 

pollution  of  streams,  hearings 674 

power  development,  cost  of  examination...  350 
protection  of  navigable  streams,  estimate..  510 
protection  of  watersheds — 

hearings. 448,674 

law 933 

reports 448,674,805 

rights  of  Alabama  in  its  streams... 350 

stream-gaging  stations 29, 94, 95, 1022 

*ee  also  Navigable  waters— a/so  names  of 

Rivers  and  Harbors  Board 67, 200, 394,  &43, 1152 

hydraulic  mining  in  Calif 1073 

River's  and  Harbors  Committee,  House: 

hearings 698,831,832,1108 

reports 832,979 

Riverside  Indian  School,  dormitory...  555,715,803 

Rivet  steels,  air-hardening - .  344 

Roaches,  see  Cockroaches. 

Road  Commissioners  Board,  see  Alaska  Road 

Commissioners  Board. 
Road    Congresses,    Permanent    International 
-Association     of,     see     Permanent 
International  Association  of  Road 

Road-rollers,  rates  on 38 


aid  for  roads  leading  to  toll  bridge,  etc 1108 

bridge  surveys 789 

from  Atlantic  to  Pacific  Coast- 
hearing 855 

report 1011 

general  authorization  bills,  etc 699,832 

how  Mass.  is  improving  her  roadsides 1084 

in  national  parks,  draft  of  legislation 1066 

inter-American  highway,  construction.  812,  937 

naming  certain  highways 449 

oil  and  tar  for  roads,  Govt,  supplies 62,638 

public  roads  (periodical) „.._ 10,76, 

146,  211, 276, 334, 405, 533, 655, 789, 920 
through  Indian  reservations,  etc. — 

H.  R.  7343,  report 832 

S.  1145,  law.. 1100 

S.  1145,  reports 715,814 

S.  3674,  report 855 

S.  3674,  veto 1057 

to  amend  act  for  U.  S.  aid  to  States 596, 


trees  for  roadside  planting 655 

see  also  Public  Roads  Bureau— aZ«o  names 
of  towns,  counties,  etc.,  where  roads 
are  located — also  names  of  roads. 
Roads  Committee,  House: 

hearings 699,832,1108 

minority  views 832 

„    reports 698,699,832 

Roane  (  ounty,  Tenn.: 

bridge  across  Kmery  River 816,841,932 

bridge  across  Tennessee  River.  560, 585, 672, 711 
Roanoke  River,  examination,  etc  1073 

Robbins,  A.   bridge i25,'5S0,6S9 

Robbins,  J.  H.,  malaria  at  Oloiigapo,  P.  I    88  1047 

Roberts,  A.  L.,  therapeutic  occupation 1149 

Roberts,  Albert  S.,  examination  for  postmaster    632 

Roberts,  Daniel  F.,  relief 565  594  799 

Roberts,  Frank  U.  H.,  jr..  Basket  Maker'vil-' 

lagC ggg 

Roberts,  John,  farm  animals.."    " 149 

Roberts,  John  W.,  apple  scab "I  788 


Roberts,  Seth  L.,  relief 1109 

Roberts,  T.  Gaines,  relief 976 

Roberts,  Virgil  W.,  relief 693 

Roberts  Cotton  Oil  Mills,  Inc.,  cotton-seed 734 

Robertson,  Charles,  military  record 439 

Robertson,  George  A.,  relief 452,947,1096 

Robertson,  H.  McG.,  alcoholism  and  drug  ad- 
diction  905,1147 

Robertson,  Robert  S.,  jr.,  relief 720,828,930 

Robinson,  Arthur  R.  (Senator  from  Ind.):  d 

reports  made  by—  I 

Judiciary  Com 590      " 

Military  Affairs  Com....  591,  592, 1002, 1004 

Pensions  Com 457,  595,  596, 720, 854 

Robinson,  B.  L.,  memoir  of  George  Lincoln 

Goodale 494 

Robinson,  Dwight  P.,  &  Co.,  Inc 427,583,670 

Robinson,  Joseph  T.  (Senator  from  Ark.): 
report  made  by — 

Tariff  Commission,  Select  Committee 

on  Investigation  of 1110 

Robinson,    Leland    R.,    British    investment 

trusts 538 

Robinson,  Orla  W.,  relief 825 

Robinson,  T.  J.  B.  (Representative  from  Iowa): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Com.  425, 
426,  558, 684,  6S5, 817, 956, 958 

Robinson,  T.  Ralph,  citrus  fruit  culture 76,919 

Robinson,  William  M.,  preparation  of  teachers.  728 
Robsion,  John  M.  (Representative  from  Ky.): 
reports  made  by — 

Roads  Com 698,699 

Rochester,  Pa.,  bridge 427,583,670 

Rochester  mining  district,  Nev 729 

Rock  Hall,  Md.,  bridge 556 

Rock  Island,  111.: 

Chamber  of  Commerce — 

sand 1123 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

Rock  Island-Frisco  Terminal  Ry.,  bonds 109 

Rock    Island    Railway,    see    Chicago,    Rock 

Island  and  Pacific  Ry. 
Rock  Island  rapids,  see  Mississippi  River  and 

Rock    River: 

bridge  at  Dixon,  111 428,544,584 

bridge  at  Palmyra,  111 428,454,584,671 

Rockport,  Ind.,  bridges 559,671,684,843,935 

Rockport  Landing,  Calif.,  chart 279 


ground  water  in  Ordovician  rocks 161 

of  Italian  Mountain  vicinity,  Colo 192 

of  San  Rafael  Swell,  sedimentary  rocks 728 

rates  on 480 

tectonic  conditions,  igneous  rocks 494 

Rocksprings,  Tex.,  tornado,  Apr.  12,  1927 11 

Rocky  Ford  National  Bank,  relief 947 

Rocky  Hill  quadrangle,  Calif 228 

Rocky  Mount  quadrangle,  Va 362 

Rocky  Mountain  National  Park: 

rates  to  be  charged  by  public  utilities 865 

rules  and,  regulations 865 

Rocky  Mountains: 

Cambrian  geology S98 

timber  growing  and  logging  practice.. 274 

vegetation  of  Alpine  region 494 

Rodd,  II.  C,  medal 1009 

Rodenbough,  Elizabeth  M.,  v.  U.  S.. 370 

Rodenbough,  Elmer  E.,  exr.,  v.  U.  S 370 

Rodents,  of  genus  Plagiodontia. 192 

see  also  names  of  rodents. 

Rodes,  May  G.,  heir,  relief 840,981,1096 

Rodes,  Sara  L.,  heir,  relieL.. 840,981,1096 

Rodes,  Tyree,  relief  of  heirs.. 840,981,1096 

Rodey,  Pearce  C,  Middle  Rio  Grande  Conserv-  ^ 

ancy  project 727    ^ 

Rodgers-Wade  Furniture  Co.,  furniture 33     V 

Rodman  Chemical  Co. !).  United  States 370, 

621, 1042 

Rods,  rates  on 171 

Roe,  G.  C: 

coy otillo ,  poisonous  plant 649 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock -poisoning  plants 527 

Roebken,  Esther  M.,  relief 988 

Roebken,  Mary  L.,  relief 988 

Rontgen  rays,  see  X-rays. 
Rontgenograms,  see  X-rays. 




Roessler,  Samuel,  trustee,  v.  U.  S 400, 1017 

RotT,  Thomas  J.,  relief _- -  840 

Roger  &  Gallet,  United  States  v. 25 

Rogers,  Edith  N.  (Representative  from  Mass.:) 

report  made  by — 

World  War  Veterans' Legislation  Com.  835 

Rogers,  George  W.,  relief 452,550,800 

Rogers,  James  F.,  esta  su  nino  preparado  para 

ir  a  la  escuela? 501 

Rogers,  John  W.,  comptroller  general  vs 861 

Rogers,  L.  A.,  dairy  by-products 74 

Rogers,  L.  M.: 

blacktongiie-preventive  action  of  foods —  1148 

hlacktongue  preventive  in  yeast 773, 1147 

Rogers  Brothers   Co.,  bridge. .-.  558,582,670 

Rogers  Ilarbor,  Mich.,  chart 1074 

Rolette  County.  N.  Dak.,  relief 8-i9 

Roll,  Jennie,  relief 420,706,800 

Rolla  Road,  see  Preguifa,  Porto  da. 

Rolle,  August  n.  O.,  census  of  manufactures.  .1087 

Roller  bearings,  elimination  of  waste 928 

Rollers,  see  Road-rollers. 

Rolling  mills,  see  Mills  and  millwork. 

Rolls  (iron  mills) : 

rates  on.. 109 

Rolph,  Inez  K.: 

market  research  agencies 216 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

trade  association  activities,  bibl 411 

Roma,  Tex.,  port  of  entry  in  customs  dist 764 

Roman  dentistry 640 

Romania,  see  Rumania. 

Romann  &  Bush  Pig  Iron  &  Coke  Co.,  coal...  164 

Rome,  Italy: 

International  Conference  on  Literary  and 

Artistic  Property 812,900 

International  Juridical  Congress  on  Wire- 
less Telegraphy 951,1061 

Rommel,  George  M.,  animal  breeding 143 

Rompers,  children's 208 

Ronan,  K.  M.,  twin-float  seaplane 119 


case  of  Continental  Roofing  and  Manufac- 
turing Co 59 

rates  on 171,480,615,1035,1122 

Rooks,  John,  relief 420,706,800 

Roos,  Sol,  V.  United  States 223 

Roosevelt,  Theodore,  statue 689 

Roosevelt  County,  Mont. .bridge 347,453,670 

Roosevelt,  President,  steamship,  see  President 

Roosevelt,  steamship. 
Root,  Clarence  J.,  Illinois  tornado,  Apr.,  1927..    11 

Root-beer  syrup,  rates  on 301 

Root-nodule  bacteria  of  pea  group 525, 647 

Root  rot: 

of  Lucretia  dewberry 269,270 

of  tobacco,  timothy  infusions 783,915 

vanilla  root  rot 647,915 

Roots  type  aircraft  engine  supercharger 47, 104G 


manila  and  bolt,  report  of  Tarifl  Comn 131 

packings,  specification 22 

Roquemore  Gravel  Co.,  sand 38 

Rose,  Dean  H.,  diseases  of  strawberries 76 

Rose,  J.  N.,  search  for  rubber  in  Texas 898 


causes  and  control  of  rose  diseases 655 

roses  for  the  home 210 

Roseau  County,  Minn.,  lands 381,1056 

Rosebud  County,  Mont.,  geology 94 

Rosebud  Reservation: 

per  capita  payment  to  Indians 815,  849,936 

sale  of  cattle,  cancel  balance  due...  682,  715,  803 

Rosen,  Joseph,  to  reimburse  for  losses 566 

Rosenbaum,  J.,  ginseng  diseases 333 

Rosenberg  Brothers  &  Co 319,383 

Rosenthal,  A.  S.,  Co.  v.  United  States 290.489 

Rosenthal  Woodworking  Co.,  roofing... 1035 

Roses,  see  Rose. 

Rosin,  rates  on 171 

see  also  Naval  stores. 

Rosin  dross,  rates  on 109 

Rosin  size,  rates  on 874 

Ross,  Andrew  N.,  relief 550,576 

Ross,  n.  A.,  demand  for  milk,  etc.,  in  New 

York 1080 

Ross,  Thomas  M.,  relief 439,543,594 


Rossby,  C.  G.,  mass  exchange  in  free  air 11 

Rossite,  new  vanadate  from  Colorado 385 

Rosskam,  Lester  G.,  esr.,  v.  United  States 44 

Rosskam,  S.  Leon,  v.  United  States 44 

Rosskam,  William  B.,  exr.,  v.  United  States...    44 

Rosiers,  Indian  service  ofTicers,  1927 229 

see  also  Directories— Registers. 

Ros'.vell,  N.  Mex.,  land  office 1014 


corn  varieties  resistant  to  rot 275 

gladiolus  corms  caused  by  Penicillium.  783,919 
see  also  name  of  rot. 

Rotarians,  welcome  to  national  forests. 918 

Rotation  of  crops: 

irrigated  crops  in  western  Nebraska  _ , 9 

sov-bean  rotation  increases  rice  yields. 210 

Roth,"W.  A.,  cases 242,881 

Rotharmel,  Kenneth  A.,  relieL. 700 

Rothgeb,  Benton  E.: 

heat-damaged  wheat -      5 

how  to  use  sorghum  grain 275 

Rothman,  S.,  &  Sons,  burlap  bags 867 

Rothstein,  William  R.,  v.  United  States 114 

Rotoava  Anchorage,  chart 890 

Roughages,  in  rations  for  calves 650 

Roumania,  see  Rumania. 

Round  Rock  quadrangle,  Tex 865 

Rouse,  John  G.,  exr..  v.  United  States 460,882 

Rouse,  William  C.  (O,  p.  882,  incorrect): 

V.  United  States 460,882 

Rouses  Point,  N.  Y.,  bridge.-  682,841,931,955,990 


Cottrell,  Joseph  W.,  Lumber  Co 615 

Spokane,    Coeur   D'Alene   &   Palouse 

Ry 1122 

cotton 164 

livestock  from  Texas 480 

lumber  and  forest  products 168 

soda  ash  from  Cartago,  Calif.,  etc 38 

wood-pulp  board 1035 

Rowan,  J.  L.,  bridge 427,843,935 

Rowbottom,,  Hairy  E.   (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com... 419,548,549,677,808 

Labor  Com 688 

Rowe,  L.  S.,  archaeological  work,  foreword 184 

Rowland,  George  A.,  occupational  therapy 392 

Rowlesburg  &  Southern  R.  R.,  valuation 301 

Roxas,  Baldomero,  v.  Phihppine  Islands...  370,882 
Roy,  J.  L.,  duty  with  Provisional  Regiment...  887 

Royal  Center,  ind.,  aerological  soundings 212 

Royal  Distributing  Co.,  Inc.,  baking-powder..  295 

Royal  Knitting  Mills  v.  United  States 460, 1017 

Royal  Medico-Chirm-gical  Society  of  Glasgow.  197 
Royalties  on  minerals  from  Indian  lands...  422,  715 

density,  etc.,  of  system,  rubber-sulphm* 1.55 

Hevea  rubber  trees  at  Bayeux,  tapping 789 

marketing  of  crude  rubber 410 

publications  of  For.  and  Dom.  Com.  Bur..  410 

search  for  rubber  in  Texas... 898 

services  for  rubber  industry 410 

tensile  properties  of  rubber  compounds 665 

see  also  Guayule— Rubber  goods. 
Rubber  Division,  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce Bur 410 

Rubber  goods: 


___^ 22 

testing 286 

see  also  names  of  special  articles. 

Rubber  mills,  see  Mills  and  millwork. 

Rubber  Section,  see  National  Safety  Council. 

Rubino,  Anthonv  P.,  rat-bite  fever 134 

Rubio,  Paul,  v.  United  States.. 489 

Ruchhoft,  C.  C,  pollution,  etc.,  of  Illinois  R..  196 

Rucker,  William  C: 

common  colds 513 

maritime     quarantine     policy,     Panama 

Canal 502 

Rudaux,  Lucien,  excursions  on  planets 190 

Rudders,  DH-4B  model,  wind  tunnel  tests 642 

Rude,  O.  T.: 

instructions  for  tide  observations 536 

mean  sea-level  determination 15 

Rudnick,  Philip,  laundering  of  blankets 87 


Index,  1927-1928 


Rudolfs,  Willem:  ont;  nis 

effect  of  salt  on  sludge.    XXMJ!o 

trade  waste  effect  on  sludge 905, 1148 

RuelT.  Georgo  W.,  Inc.,  United  States  v 461 

Kulf,  William  A.,  census  of  manufactures 10»7 

Ruger,  Fori:  „        ..  ,  ,  „ 

land  restored  to  Hawau  for  road... -    57 

portion  for  lighthouse  reservation 57 

"  case  of  William  A.  Bird 600 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 -  214 

rag  rugs,  increasing  U.  S.  duty 632 

specifications 285 

Rule,  set  forward,  parts laS 

Rules,  see  names  of  commissions,  courts,  etc., 
issuing  rules— aZso  special  subjects. 
Rules  Committee,  House: 

hearings 570,699,832,979 

reports   . 445, 570, 699, 832,  833, 979, 980 

Rulo,  Nebr.,  bridge 558,709,802 

Rumania,  copyright  benefits 1055 

Rumford  Chemical  Works,  bone  products 1025 

Run-off,  see  Rain. 

Runnerstrom,  George  E.,  diabetes 392 

Runyon,  Charles,  steam  tug,  see  Charles  Run- 
yon,  steam  tug. 

of  bladder,  scrotal  fistulae  following 247 

of  spleen,  traumatic 247,887 

Rural  communities,  see  Farm  colonies. 
Ruriil  credit,  see  Agricultural  credit. 
Rural  education,  see  Education. 

Rural  Education  Division 160,1113 

Rural  life,  see  Country  life. 
Rural  mail  delivery,  see  Mail  delivery. 
Rural  mail  matter,  see  Mail  matter. 
Rural  school  leadet,  see  Country  schools. 
Rural  schools,  see  Country  schools. 

Rural  Valley  R.  R.,  deficit  status ... . 481 

Ruscus,  customs  charges 356 

Russell,  A.  J.,  bridge... 817,992,1100 

Russell,  Aaron,  funeral  expenses,  etc 540 

Russell,  Albert  E.,  health  of  workers 1069 

Russell,  Benjamin,  v.  United  States.. 749 

Russell,  D.  A.,  Fort,  water  supply 58 

Russell,  E.  Z.: 

Ardmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station 209 

breeds  of  swine 650 

practical  hog  houses 916 

swine  production.. 650 

Russell,  Erma,  to  pav 546 

Russell,  Frank  C,  relief 971 

Russell,  H.  A.,  relief 947 

Russell,  Henry  N.,  spectra  of  scandium.. 221 

Russell,  Paul,  Japanese  flowering  cherries 654 

Russell,  Thomas,  compass  in  Lake  region 910 

Russell,  the  Coal  Man,  Inc.,  reconsignment...  301 

Russell  &  Tucker,  relief... 452,809 

Russell  County,  Ky.,  bridge 932,956,991 

Russell  Whi'ol  tt  Foundry  Co.  vs.  U.  S 1142 

Russian  Gulch  Landing,  chart 408 

Russian  Volunteer  Fleet  v.  U.  S 306 

Russom,  V.  M.,  soil  of  Burt  County,  Nebr 10 

Rusts,  see  names  of  rusts. 

Rutabaga  turnip,  pellagra-preventive 63 

Ruth  Iron  Co _.  489 

Rutland  Railroad,  valuation "'  235 

Rutland,  Toluca  &  Northern  R.  R.,  valuation      99 

Ruwart  Manuiacturing  Co.,  saddletrees 615 

Ryan,  Mabel  C,  physiotherapy ..  .  1071 


oflSclal  grain  standards  handbook 649 

smut  control 404 

see  also  F\ouT.  

Rynoarson,  Oren  W.,  to  order  before  retiring 

board 971 

S-4,  U.  S.  submarine  : 

payments  1 0  dependents  of  oflicers,  etc  974 

smkmg,  commission  to  investigate— 

letter  of  Navy  Department  .  496 
reports  of  committees...                     445  457 
Sabal  causiarum,  host  of  coconut  bud-rot            3  75 
babath,  Adol|)h  J.  (Representative  from  ill  )■     ' 
report  made  by- 
Claims  Com 410 

Sabine,  Wallace  C.  W.,  biographical" memoir.'.' .494 

Sabine,  Lake,  bridge 818,936,994 

Sabine  River: 

bridges  at  or  near- 
Burr's  Ferry 959,1103 

Merrvville,  La 560,710,803 

Pendleton's  Ferry 818,936,994 

Starks,  La 818,994,1103 

Saboga  Anchorage,  chart 313 

Sabula,  Iowa,  bridge 557,  580,  670 

Sacajawea,  tablet  to  memory  of 689 

Sacculinidae,  see  Crustaceans. 
Sackett,  Frederic  M.  (Senator  Troni  Ky.) 
reports  made  by — 

Banking  and  Currency  Com ....  837 

Commerce  Com 992 

District  of  Columbia  Com 586,996 

Expenditures  in  Executive  Depart- 
ments Com 996 

Sackley,  James  A.,  Co.  v.  U.  S 355,600,621 

Sacks,  see  Cement  sacks. 
Sackville,  Fort: 

memorial  on  site — 

estimate  for  commission 1065 

law.... 1104 

reports 590,  821,938,9.39 

Sacramento  Northern  Ry.,  construction 742 

Sacramento  River  and  Valley: 
flood  control — 

hearings 421 

law 934 

reports 553,811,940 

floods  of  Mar.  1928 920 

Saddletrees,  rates  on 615 

Safe  Deposit  &  Trust  Co.  of  Baltimore,  exr.,  v. 

United  States 487 

Safety  appliances: 

report  of  Safety  Bureau,  1927 366 

submarines,  commission  to  investigate — 

letter  of  Navy  Department 496 

reports  of  committees 445,  457 

submarines,  experimental  work,  estimates-771, 

see  also  Safety  of  life — Train-control  de- 
vices— also  names  of  special  appli- 
ances, e.  g.  Car-couplings. 
Safety  Bureau,  I.  C.  C: 

annual  report,  1927 366 

carriers  hours  of  service  reports 480 

investigation  of  railroad  accidents — 

at  Reily  Lake,  111 614 

near  Victoria,  Miss 234 

summary  of  investigation  reports 108, 

479, 1034 
Safety  codes,  see  Safety  of  life. 
Safety  Council,  see  National  Safety  Council. 
Safety  division,  see  Labor  Statistics  Bureau. 
Safety  in  Mines  Research  Board  of  Great  Brit- 

flame  propagation  of  natural  gas  in  air 662 

limits  of  inflammability  of  gases,  etc 539 

Safety  of  life: 

a  importancia  de  uma  consciencia  de  segur- 

an^a  no  trabalhador 761 

coal  mining  handbook 539 

forging  and  hot  metal  stamping 245 

industrial-accident  prevention,  etc 492 

industrial  safety,  outline  of  material  on 178 

mining  on  leased  public  lands 29 

national  electrical  safety  code 542 

navy  yards  and  naval  stations 251 

oil  derricks,  safe  practices 282 

pipe-tool  accident  prevention 662 

rubber  mills  and  calenders 117 

safety  code  series 117,245 

ships,  equipment  and  methods  for  safety...    22 
see  also  Safety  appliances. 
Safety  of  Life  at  Sea,  International  Maritime 
Conference   for,   see   International 
Maritime    Conference    for    Safety 
of  Life  at  Sea. 
Safford,  Robert  E.,  exr.,  v.  United  States.  460, 1043 
SafEord,  W.  E.,  heritage  from  Amer.  Indians..  190 
Saginaw,  Mich.: 

chart 520 

Second  National  Bank  v.  United  States...  1125 
Saginaw  River: 

chart 520 

examination  and  survey. 778 

Sai  Ko,  chart 122 




Saigo  Ko,  chart - 182 

Sailing  vessels,  claims  of  operators 820 


able  seamen 148 

consular  regulations- 
discharge -.. 320,900 

transportation 900, 1061 

wages,  extra  wages,  and  effects.- 900 

deportation  of  alien  seamen.. 998 

manual  of  paints  and  painting 180 

payment  of  seamen  on  foreign  vessels 844 

seamen's  act  and  other  lavrs,  com.pilation . .    24 

settlement  for  accidents 1129 

see  also  Navy — Veterans,  and    references — 
also  Notice  to  mariners. 

St.  Albans,  W.Va.,  bridge 683,842,933 

St.  Albans  Nitro  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 683,842,933 

St.  Augustine,  Fla.,  aviation  chart. 248 

St.  Charles,  111.,  bridge 557,708,801 

St.  Clair,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

St.  Clair  Flats  Canal,  commerce,  1927 910 

St.  Clair  River,  bridee 818.844,936 

St.  Clair  Terminal  R.  R.,  valuation... 481 

St.  Croix,  see  Virgin  Islands. 

St.  Croix  Interstate  Bridge  Co 818,844.1103 

St.  Croix  River; 

bridge,  Grantsburg,  Wis 818,844,1103 

bridge,  Stillwater,  Minn . 959 

St.  Dennis,  .\lfred,  relief 351 

St.  Dominso,  see  Dominican  Republic. 

St.  Ehzabeths  Hospital 30,229,363 

report,  1927 363 

training  school  for  nurses 30,229 

St.  Francis  de  Sales  Church,  reinterment  of 

bodies  in  grounds 810, 845, 1095 

St.  Francis  Levee  Dist.,  assessments 836,979 

St.  Francis  River,  bridge 560,710,936 

St.  Georges  Harbor,  Bermuda,  chart 758 

St.  Joe  National  Forest 75 

St.  John  Harbor,  New  Brunswick,  chart. 500 

St.  John  River: 

works  in  and  adjacent  to  channel 60 

St.  John  River  Power  Co. 60 

St.  Johns  River: 

chart 16 

light  station,  radiobeacon 1090 

St.  Johns  River  Development  Co.: 

bridge  across  Choctawhatchee  River 707 

bridge  across  Suwannee  River 710,819 

St.  Johnsbury  &  Lake  Champlain  R.  R.,  notes    615 

St.  Joseph,  Mich.,  abolishing  port  of  entry 255 

St.  Joseph,  Mo.: 

bridge 347,454,544,581 

tornado  of  May  24,  1927 77 

St.  Joseph  Belt  Ry.,  valuation 481 

St.  Joseph  Sound,  chart 1089 

St.  Joseph  Terminal  R.  R.,  valuation 874 

St.  Joseph  Union  Depot  Co.,  valuation 481 

St.  Joseph's  Church,  land  in  Baton  Rouge,  La.  '30, 

1012, 1098 

St.  Kitts,  money-order  post  offices 254 

St.  Lawrence,  Gulf  of,  natural  history  of  north 

shore.. 898 

St.  Lawrence  River: 

bridge 959,  994 

charts 53 

pilot,  supplement 1050 

survey  betv\-een  Ogdensburg  and  Lake  On- 
tario  1151 

surveys,  preparation  of  plans,  etc 642 

St.  Louis,  Mo.: 

air  navigation  maps 776,  777 

American  Historical  .\ssociation 320 

Chamber  of  Commerce — 

cotton  goods 469 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

tornado  of  Sept.  29,  1927 335 

trade  in  fisherv  products 409 

St.  Louis  &  O'Falion  Ry.: 
excess  income — 

Interstate  Commerce  Comn.  orders...     38 
481, 615 
St.     Louis     &     O'Falion     v.     United 

States.. 301,307,346,1042 

United  States  e.  St.  Louis  &  O'Falion.  1042 

valuation 171 

St.  Louis,  Belleville  &  Southern  Ry.,  valuation.  364 


St.  Louis,  Brownsville  &  Mexico  Ry 615 

St.  Louis  Cooperage  Co.,  barrels 731 

St.   Louis,   Council   Bluffs  &   Omaha  R    R., 

valuation 877 

St.  Louis  County.  Mo.,  bridge. ..  558,958,992, 1101 
St.  Louis,  Kenuett  &  Southeastern  R.  R.: 

control  by  St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Ry 172 

valuation 481 

St.  Louis  River,  bridge 428,584,671 

St.  Ijouis,  San  Francisco  &  Texas  Ry.: 

acquisition   of   Paris    &    Great    Northern 

R.  R 613 

V.  United  States 621 

St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Railway: 

accident  near  Victoria,  Miss 234 

assumption  of  obligation  and  liabOity 874 

bonds 742 

control  of  St.   Louis,  Kennett  &  South- 
eastern R.  R 172 

equipment  trust 1122 

misrouting __ 476 

rates  on — 

aluminum  sulphate 1024 

fuel-oil 1029 

glass 472 

horses 104 

lead 167,872 

mine  timbers 476 

peanuts 613 

railroad  ties 741 

stone 111 

readjustment 1122 

securities 235 

train-stop  device 483 

St.  Louis  Southwestern  Ry.: 

valuation 38 

St.  Louis  Southwestern  Ry.  of  Texas: 

control  of  Stephenville  N.  &  S.  Texas  Ry..  236 

valuation 38 

St.  Louis,  Troy  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  valuation..  1035 
St.  Louis  Union  Trust  Co.,  exr.,  v.  comnr.  of 

internal  revenue 243,490 

St.  Lucia,  money-order  i)ost  offices 254 

St.  Lucie  Canal,  improvement 1108 

St.  Lucie  River,  improvement 1108 

St.  Marks,  Fla.,  sale  of  lots _  569,597,671 

St.  Mary  Bay,  chart : 183 

St.  Marys  Falls  Canal,  lake  commerce,  1927...  910 

St.  Marys  quadrangle,  W.  Va.-Ohio 362 

St.  Michael,  Fort,  lands  withdrawn 380 

St.  Nicholas  Harbor,  Canada,  chart 53 

St.  Nicholas  Island,  see  Sao  Nicolao  Island. 
St.  Paul.  Minn.: 

bridge. 426,580,581,669 

land,  grant  to  St.  Paul 971,1006,1103 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district _ 519 

St.  Paul  Abstract  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair 1043 

St.  Paul  Union  Depot  Co.,  valuation.. 172 

St.  Petersburg,  Fla.,  chart 659 

St.  Tammany  Parish,  La.,  bridge 841,955,1098 

St.  Vincent,  money-order  post  offices 254 

St.  Vincent's  Orphan  Asylum,  to  change  name 

to  St.  Vincent's  Home  and  School  712, 
810, 1103 

Sakai  Ko,  chart 250 

Sal  Island,  chart 249 


assistants    to    engineer    commissioner    of 

D.  C 845,949 

commissioners  of  D.  C... 845,949 

employees  at  naval  hospitals 375 

garnishment 686 

Government  employees,  classification  laws.    23 
Government  employees,  to  amend  rates- 
hearings 807 

law. 1099 

minority  views.. 807 

reports.. 807,939,944,985 


in  Territories,  etc.,  hearing 687 

in  Territories,  etc.,  law 1100 

in  Territories,  etc.,  reports 687, 1001 

of  Porto  Rico.. 682 

report  to  American  Bar  Association...  835 
minister  to  Liberia,  to  increase  salary — 

recommendation 768 

report 813 


Index,  1927-1928 


Balaries-Continued.        ^  ,      , 
officials  in  Pliilippme  Islands- 

hearings 598,815 

minor^y  views  --.--.------082 

park7olice"i«"D:  C....-.- 586,679,803 

police  and  firemen  m  D.  C --  OJ^ 

postal  employees,  hearings. r8fi'iin9 

postal  service,  differential  in  pay 696, 11U2 

postmasters,  1st  class "^jy 

postmasters,  4th  class.     .  iids 

registers  of  local  land  offices 597, 698,  938 

telchers  in  D.  C ...  950,996 

see  also  Wages— aiso  headings  beginning 
Vay— also  names  of  Departments, 
bureaus,  etc. 

Salealua  Bay,  chart... '°» 

Salebabu  Anchorage,  chart... ^i 

Salem  Harbor,  Mass.,  examination  and  survey    778 

Sales  territories  in  China 4U9,  9^4 

Salesmen,  laundry,  educational  program 91 

Sah,  Morocco,  chart.. _.  — ..-— -    S^ 

Salina  Canyon  dist.,  Utah,  geology  and  coal.  464,863 
Salisbury,  F.  S.,  abuse  of  diagnosis  of  neuro- 

syphilis---.  392 

Salley,  Charles  H.,  relief 948 

Salmon,  S.  C,  wheat... 399,526 

Salmon:  .    .  ■■,  r.  ,  ,o 

new  ameba  parasitic  m  salmonid  fishes 16 

red-salmon  runs  to  Karluk  River,  Alaska..    17 

tagging  experiments  in  Alaska 16, 17 

Salonika,  Gulf  of,  chart 889 


case  of  Schenker's,  Inc ^9U 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

effect  on  sludge  digestion 905, 1148 

iodized,  loss  of  iodine 71,  203 

paclcages,  elimination  of  waste 665 

production  in  1926... 153 

rates  on 109,616,1035,1122 

use  in  range  management-.. 8 

see  also  Salts. 
Salt  Lake  Basin  irrigation  project: 

high  pressure  emergency  gates 730 

specifications  for  Echo  Dam,  etc... .-  162 

Salt  Lake  Desert,  see  Great  Salt  Lake  Desert. 

Salt  Lake  Pressed  Brick  Co.,  bricks 1116 

Saltpeter,  Chile: 

cost  of  Chilean  nitrate 288 

imports  of  Chilean  nitrate,  1831-1925 288 

rates  on 481 


lead  and  zinc,  1926.... 3i0 

soluble,  electrolytic  bridge  to  determine 211 

Salud  publica  y  puericultura  serie,  see  Hygiene 

Salupo,  Nicola,  v.  United  States 371 

Salvage,  guide  for  reporting 128 

Samales  Islands,  anchorage  chart 214 

Samanco,  Port,  chart 376 

Samoa,  see  also  American  Samoa. 

Sample,    Gertrude,    pottery    for    tuberculous 

patient 135 

Sample,  S.  G.,  Co.,  Ltd 490 

Sample,  T.  N.  &  B.  B.,  refrigerator-cars 742 

Samples,  see  Commercial  products— Metals. 

Sampsell,  T.  L.,  dental  diagnosis 887,1047 

Sampson,  George  W.,  relief 693 

Samuels,  L.  T.: 

results  of  sounding  balloon  ascensions 212 

Washington,  D.  C,  tornado  of  May  14, 

1927 77 

Sanak  Harbor,  Alaska,  chart 215 

Sanak  Island,  harbors  and  anchorages 215 

Sanana  Bay,  chart 51 

San  Antonio,  Tex.: 

air  navigation  map 776 

American  Legion  convention,  equipment-  690, 

718, 800 
San  Antonio  &  Aransas  Pass  Ry.: 

construction  of  extension 38, 109 

rates  on  fuel-oil 1029 

San  Antonio  Battery  Service  v.  U.  S 157,  242 

San  Antonio  Belt  &  Terminal  Ry.,  valuation      613 
San  Antonio,  Uvalde  &  Gulf  R.  R.: 

o|)eration  of  terminal  tracks 1122 

valuation... 1035 


San  Benito  &  Rio  Grande  Valley  Ry.: 

construction  of  branch  lines 38 

construction  of  extension 110 

San  Bernardino  National  Forest,  land  restored-  187 
San  Carlos  Reservation: 

compensation  of  Apache  Indians 1018 

disposition  of  2  bridges 954, 999, 1 103 

Sanchez,  Enrique  V.,  United  States  v 158 

Sand,  Bertina,  relief-. 809 


production  in  1926 539 

rates  on 33, 110,  301,  366,  481,  616, 

742,  868,  874,  875,    10:S5,  1122,  1123 
with  paris  green  to  destroy  mosquito -.  323,  513 

Sand  Island,  light  to  be  changed 281 

Sand-lime  brick: 

census  of  manufactures,  1926 337 

master  specification 220 

Sanders,  Archie  D.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
report  made  by- 
Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 976 

Sanders,  W.  H.,  relief 550,989,1097 

Sandidge,  R.  P.,  radium  used  for  nasal  lesions 

of  leprosy 63 

San  Diego,  Calif.,  air  navigation  maps  (2) 777 

see  also  Naval  Training  Station,  San  Diego. 
San  Diego  &  Arizona  Ry.: 

notes 172,481 

rates  on  cotton-seed 1117 

San  Diego  Oil  Products  Corporation 1117 

San  Domingo,  see  Dominican  Republic. 

Sandoz  Chemical  Works,  United  States  a 1017 

Sandusky  Cement  Co.,  cement 1026 

San  Filippe  Anchorage,  chart 249 

Sanford,     Raymond    L.,    permanent-magnet 

steels 415 

San  Francisco,  Calif: 

air  navigation  map 777 

bridges 818,844 

chart  of  entrance 150 

examination,  etc.,  of  harbor 1073 

Naval  Radio  Station,  weather  reports 656 

port  of  San  Francisco... 643 

recreation  pier 565,594,803 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519,643 

see   also    Federal    Reserve    Bank   of   San 
Francisco— Presidio  of  San  Fran- 
San  Francisco  Bay: 

bridges .♦. 818,844 

chart 923 

harbor  lines 832 

port 643 

San  Francisco,  Napa  &  Calistoga  Ry 809 

San  Francisco  River,  consent  to  compact 960 

Sanganoseki,  Kyushu,  chart 50 

Sanger,  Maude  A.,  relief 700 

San  Geronimo  reservation,  statements 825 

Sanghove,  Clifford  J.,  relief 442,930,988 

Sanitarium  Co., relief. 420,800,840 

Sanitary  Conference  of  American  Republics, 
see  Pan  American  Sanitary  Con- 
Sanitary  District  of  Chicago: 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  v. 

42 196 

W'isconsin  et  al.  v 768 


livestock  admission,  State  requirements —  784 

Marine  barracks,  Quantico,  Va 49 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 27,  727 

shellfish  sanitation 196,323 

swine  sanitation  in  McLean  Co.,  Ill 401 

see  also  Hygiene  (public). 

San  Joaquin  River,  flood  control 421 

San  Jose,  Calif.,  weather  types 335 

San  Jose  scale,  control 1082 

San  Juan,  P.  R.: 

chart  of  harbor 793 

hearing  relative  to  San  Geronimo 825 

rainfall,  diurnal  variation 1085 

rat-flea  survey  of  port 773, 1069 

site  for  Naval  Communication  Service 58 

San  Juan  County,  Wash.,  land  for  park 979 

San  Juan  River,  consent  to  compacts 960,961 

San  Rafael  Swell,  Utah,  sedimentary  rocks 728 




Santa  Barbara  Islands,  chart 16 

Santa  Barbara  Xational  Forest 403 

Santa  Branco  Island,  chart 249 

Santa  Cruz,  Calif.,  port  -._ 643 

Santa  Cruz  Island,  chait  of  east  end 16 

Santa  Cruz  Road,  see  Agadir  Road. 

Santa  Elena.  Port,  chart 758 

Santa  Fe  Countv,  N.  Mex.,  reimbursement. ..  698, 

722, 1101 

Santa  Fe  National  Forest 568,703,801,856 

Santa  Fe  Railway,  see  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Ry. 

Santa  Luzia  Island,  chart 249 

Santa  Maria  Valley  R.  R.,  valuation 301 

Santa  Monica,  Calif.,  see  National  Home  for 
Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers. 

Santa  Razo  Island,  chart 249 

Santa  Rosa  County,  Fla.,  bridge 959,994, 1103 

Santa  Rosa  Island,  public  purposes..  971, 1006, 1103 

Santa  Rosa  Pueblo,  .Vriz.,  v.  Sec.  of  Interior 242 

Santa  Rosa  Sound,  bridge 959,994,1103 

Santee  Indians,  I).  United  States 177,490 

Santiago,  Manuel,  v.  United  States 242 

Santmyers,  R.  M.: 

barite  and  barium  products  in  1926 217 

gypsimi  in  1926 281 

Santo  Domingo,  see  Dominican  Republic. 

Santonin,  anthelmintic  properties 3,73 

Sanzone-Palmisano  Co.,  switching  charges 111 

Sao  Nicolao  Island,  chart 249 

Sao  Thiago,  Port,  chart 249 

Sao  Vicente  Island,  chart 249 


a  borracha  de  guajnile 314 

Saparua  Bay,  chart 182 

Sapromyzidae,  American  2-winged  flies 1143 

Saratoga  &  Encampment  Ry.,  valuation 110 

Saratoga  County,  N.  Y.,  fur  farm 73,  785 

Saratoga  irrigation  project 590,961,1000 

Sarcoma,  see  Tumors. 

Sardines,  preparation  for  canning 17 

Sargent,  John  O.,  statement 687 

see  also  Justice  Department. 

Sargent,  W.  S.,  tonsillectomy 887, 1048 

Sariano,  Juan,  misprint,  see  Soriano,  Juan. 
Sarle,  C.  F.: 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Sartoris,  George  B.,  black  rot  fungus 269, 404 

Sashes,  rates  on 235 

Sasscer,  E.  R.: 

insects  injurious  to  ornamental  plants 78S 

oyster-shell  scale  and  scurfy  scale. ._ 530 

Satin  moth  quarantine 270 

Satterlee,  R.  C.  lymphoblastic  leukemia.  887,1047 

Satupaitea  Road,  chart 759 

Saturday  evening  post,  article  from 634 

Saturday  half  holiday  in  postal  service 1011 

Saude  publica  e  bem-estar  tnfantil  serie,  see 

Hygiene  (public). 
Sauerkraut,  temperature  and  fermentation.  525, 647 

Saugatuck  Harbor,  Mich.,  chart 200 

Sauk  and  Fox  sacred  pack 191 

Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.: 

canal  commerce,  1927 910 

hourly  rainfall  probabilities _.  212 

Saunders,  Ethel  L.,  patents 698,930,1014 

Saunders,  Wendell  M.,  relief 828 

Saunders  System  Washington  Co 859, 1128 

Savaii  Island,  chart 759 

Savanna,  111.,  bridge 557,550,670 

Savannah,  Oa.,  rivers,  etc.,  in  district... 519 

Savannah  River: 

bridge 959,994,1103 

examination  and  survey 778 

improvement  below  Augusta,  Ga.. 698 

Savery,  John  M.,  relief 550,930 

Saville,  Marshall  H.,  S.  Amer.  archaeology 184 

Saving  and  thrift: 

el  ahorro  escolar 761 

same  (in  Portuguese). 893 

Savings  certificates,  see  Postal  savings  certifi- 
cates—War-savings  certificates. 

Sawai  Bay,  chart _ 51 


and  wood  flour,  report 148 

Government  supplies ,„.,.,,.  62,638 


Sawfly  injurious  to  young  pines 530 

Sawmill  machinery,  rates  on no 

Sawtooth  National  Forest,  lands 568,801,856 

Sawyer,  William  W.,  census  of  manufactures.  1087 

Sawyer  Motor  Co.,  relief _ 809 

Saxman  Harbor,  Alaska,  examination 518 

Saxton,  Harry  C,  relief 840 

Sayers,  R.  R.,  carbon  mono.xide  in  blood,  etc..    19 

Sayres,  John  H.,  receiver,  v.  U.  S 355 

Scab,  see  Apple  scab— Cattle  scab. 

Scale  insects,  subfamily  Asterolecaniinae 129 

see  also  Date  palm  scale — Oyster-shell 
scale— Scurfy  scale. 
Scales  (weighing  instruments) : 

railroad  track  scales,  specifications 89,665 


motion-picture  market 925 

pilot,  supplements. 889,1050 

Scandium,  arc  and  spark  spectra 221 

Scapa  Flow,  charts 376 

Scaphites,  Upper  Cretaceous  ammonite  group.  228 
Scarlet  fever; 

at    Naval    Training    Station,    Hampton 

Roads 49 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War. 779 

prevalence,  Oct.-Dec.  1927 639 

prevention  and  control 513, 639 

streptococcus  antitoxin  unit 1148 

Scenery,  Government  publications 727 

Schade,  Wilfred,  &  Co.,  United  States  v 860 

Schafer,  John  C.  (Representative  from  Wis.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 676,678 

Schall,  Thomas  D.  (Senator  from  Minn.): 
reports  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  C  om 587,  714, 998 

Naval  Afiairs  Com 1009 

Schanck,    Martin    G.,    alias,    see    Schenck, 
Martin  G. 

Schardinger  reaction 263 

Scharrenberg,  Paul,  see  Harbor  Commissioners 

Board  of  California. 
Schaus,  William,  moths  of  family  Ceruridae..  1143 

Schee,  Frank,  bridge 9.56,991,1099 

Scheffer,  Theophilus  H.,  American  moles 917 

Schenck,  Martin  G.,  relief 971 

Schenectady,    N.    Y.,    convention    of    Amer. 

Legion 822 

Schenker's,  Inc.,  United  States  v 290 

Schereschewsky,  J.  W.: 

high-frequency  currents  and  sarcoma 905 

scarlet  fever,  prevention  and  control...  513,639 

Schermann,  John  M.,  bridge 453 

Schetky,  Laurence  O.,  promotion 695 

Scheuren,  Leo,  relief 948 

Schey,  Oscar  W.: 

aviation  engine,  comparative  performance.  495 

supercharging  air-cooled  engine 752 

Schick  test  and  diphtheria  carriers 63 

Schied,  William  F.,  rp.,  etc.,  of  Fed.  Trade 

Comn 601 

Schizamceba  salmonis 16 

Schizoid  mechanisms  with  manic-like  symp- 
toms  392 

Schizophrenia,  acute  phase 1148 

Schlage  Lock  Co 1119 

Schlesinger,  Frank,  parallaxes  of  57  stars 494 

Schley,  J.  L.,  Galveston,  Tex.,  district 517 

Schlomer,  W.  B.,  tornado  at  Cincinnati,  Ohio.  656 

Schmidt,  Peter,  cottoid  fishes 60 

Schmidt,  Wilhelm,  mass  exchange  in  free  air. .    11 

Schmitt,  Waldo  L.,  crustaceans 898 

Schneider,    George    J.    (Representative   from 
report  made  by — 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com.  952 
Schneiders,  R.  A.,  thrombo-angiitis  obliterans.  49 
Schnitman,  L.  Seth,  record  book  of  business 

statistics 81,338,658 

Schnitzer,  J.: 

American  leather  in  foreign  markets 795 

hides  and  skins,  world  production,  etc —    18 
leather  production  and  trade  of  Canada..  410 
Schoenfeld,  William  A.: 

credit  in  accounts 547 

marketing  of  milk  and  cream 205 

Schoening,  Harry  W.: 

dourine  of  horses 527 

foot-and-mouth  disease lOgO 


Index,  1927-1928 

Schofield,  Thomas,  transferring  patients  (2) . ..  49 
^'^  nnrli- mnrfers  563. 718,  802 

puJci^ioCdV.::::: ...690,933,1003 

Schonthal,  Joseph,  Co.,  iron -- - 'A' 


"  ^Anchorage,  Alaska,  hearing 446 

Anchorage,  Alaska,  law. 8U0 

Anchorage,  Alaska,  reports  ....  --  445,  722 
Fort  Bid  well  Indian  School...  554,  a&,801 

Seward,  Alaska,  hearing 446 

Seward,  Alaska,  law... «04 

Seward,  Alaska,  reports 446,722 

School  children,  see  Children. 

School  day,  length ^ 

School  health,  see  Hygiene. 

School-houses,  see  School-buildmgs. 

School  improvement  associations ..--  ^ 

School  life  (periodical) 160,  227, 

scnooi        KV'^        293, 359, 463, 604, 728, 863, 1021, 1113 

reprint  from 314 

title-page  and  index  to  v.  12 28 

School  lunches 209 

Schoolhouses,  see  School-buildings. 

Schools:  ,^    , 

approved  by  Secretary  of  Labor 244 

city  schools- 
certain  practices  in  administration 359 

citv  school  leaflet 27,28,226,359 

statistics,  1925-26.. 604 

el  ahorro  escolar 761 

same  (in  Portuguese) 893 

for  adults,  public  evening  schools 93 

forest  fire  prevention  handbook 787 

in  D.  C,  free  textbooks,  etc 950,996 

in  D.  C,  report  of  public  school  survey 725 

la  inspeccion  escolar 55 

movimiento  de  amistad  internacional  en 

las  escuelas  de  California 628 

progressive  schools  in  Latin  America 1136 

school  health  studies 27,94 

State  school  systems,  statistics 160,463 

statistics  for  public-school  systems 1021 

statistics  of  nurse  training  schools 1021 

see  also  Colleges  and  universities — Country 
schools — Education,  and  refer- 
ences—High schools— Kindergar- 
ten— Normal  schools —  Platoon 
schools— Professional  schools — Ra- 
dio Farm  School— a?so  headings 
beginning  School. 
Schopmeyer,  C.  H.,  corn-growing  enterprise...    26 

Schopper  folding  tester 286 

Schrijver,  Louis,  v.  Alien  Property  Custodian.  147 

Schroeder,  Sea  ton,  azimuths  of  the  sun.. _  180 

Schroeder,  William  C,  fishes  of  Chesapeake 

Bay 660 

Schroth,  Frank  D.,  receiver,  v.  United  States..  238 
Schulte,  J.  L,  income,  etc.,  of  e.xperiment  sta- 
tions, 1926 144 

Schulte,  O.  F.,  Missouri  River  bridge 453 

Schultz,  E .  S . ,  why  potatoes  nm  out 532 

Schulz,  E.  n.,  Chicago,  111.,  district 642 

Schulz,  John  W.  N.,  San  Francisco,  Calif., 

district 519 

Schumann,  Adam,  v.  United  States....         290,  600 

Schureman,  Paul,  Boston  Harbor  tides,  etc 923 

Schwartz,  Benjamin: 

Ancylosloma  pluridentatum,  hookworm...  258 
tumor  in  primate  caused  by  tapeworm.  269,  330 
two  nematodes  of  family  Strongylidae. .        767 

Schwartz,  Louis,  posture.. 63 

Schwartzenberger,  Anthony,  relief  "  351 
Schwarz,  Leonard  J.,  cocoa  in  West  Africa         1089 
Schwarz,   Theodore  E.,  tuberculosis  in  chil- 
dren  1071 

Schwarzenbach  Huber  Co.,  spools ^.11."."."  1123 


catalogue  of  scientific  literature  384 

distinguished  work  of  Govt,  employees  964 

high-school  laboratory  lavouts.  160 

science  and  the  worker  (2  entries)  623 

same  (in  Spanish)..  1136 

Sciences,  National  Academy  of,  see"  National 

Academy  of  Sciences. 


Scientific  apparatus  and  instruments,  see  Elec- 
tric apparatus  and  appliances — 
Measuring  instruments—  Meteoro- 
logical instruments— Surgical  in- 
struments—Surveying instru- 
ments—ri?so  names  of  instruments. 
Scientific  expeditions,  see  Explorations— aZso 
names  of  expeditions. 

Scientific  papers,  Standards  Bur 21, 

22,  87,  89,  154,  155,  221,  286,  343,  344, 
415,  541,  542,  665,  798. 

V.  21,  index,  etc _ 344 

Scientific  temperance  journal,  reprint  from 1052 

Scofleld,  Carl  S.: 

absorption  by  plants,  effect  on  soil  solu- 
tion  270,-404 

alkali  in  irrigated  districts 209 

irrigated  crop  rotations  in  Nebraska 9 

permanence  of  differences  in  experimental 

field 647,787 

Scoops,  elimination  of  waste 542 

Scorpions  of  western  U.  S.  and  Mexico 1143 

Scotch  boilers,  see  Boilers. 

Scotland,  chart  of  east  coast 183 

see  also  Great  Britain. 

Scott,  A.  H.,  rubber-sulphur  compounds 155 

Scott,  Dennis  W.,  relief 439,800,852 

Scott,  F.  W.,  rare  skin  disease 264 

Scott,  George  A.: 

feeding  grain  sorghums  to  livestock 1081 

pit  silos 527 

Scott,  Gertrude,  physiotherapy 514 

Scott,  Harry,  relief  of  widow 452 

Scott,  James,  relief 693 

Scott,  James  E.,  Wichita  National  Forest  and 

Game  Preserve 918 

Scott,  Josephine  M.,  relief 452 

Scott,  Winfield,  bridge 956,991,1099 

Scott,  Winfield,  relief 443,720,800 

see  also  Pension  Bureau. 

Scott  Field,  construction  at,  to  authorize 565 

Scott-GrafY  Lumber  Co.,  doors 470 

Scotts  Bluff  Field  Station,  work 275 

Scotts  Creek,  examination  and  survey 910 

Scottsboro,  Ala.,  bridge 429,585,672 

Scouring  compounds: 

Government  supplies 511 

specifications 773 

Screen  wagons,  carrying  mails,  advertisement.  315 

Screws,  wood,  specification 286 

Scribner,  B.  W.,  copper  number  of  paper 220 

Scrotal  fistulae  with  stricture  of  urethra 247 

Scrugham,  J.  G.,  see  Colorado  River. 

Scruton,  Alexander,  appointment 382 

Scurfy  scale,  and  oyster-shell  scale 530 

Sea,  see  Ocean — also  name  of  sea. 
Sea-coast  defense,  see  Coast  defense. 
Sea-island  cotton,  see  Cotton. 

Sea  Island  Thread  Co.,  Inc 225 

Sea  level: 

determination  by  tide  observations 15 

mean,  variation  from  level  surface.. _ 15 

Sea  lions,  protection  in  Ala.ska 921 

Sea  Post  Service,  railway  postal  clerks  as  sub- 
stitutes  976 

Sea  Reach,  chart 891 

Sea-urchins,  collected  by  steamer  Albatross 192 

Seaboard  Air  Line  Ry.: 

abandonment  of  branch 38 

acquisition  of  control 616, 1123 

assumption  of  obligation  and  liability 302 

bonds 236,616,875 

control  of  Naples,  Seaboard  &  Gulf  Ry 613 

demurrage 734 

equipment  trusts 172,875 

rates  on — 

bananas 606 

lumber 1120 

rice 742 

sand 1123 

store  fixtures 111 

watermelons 617 

securities 743 

valuation 875 

Seaboard -All  Florida  Ry.: 

bonds... 743 

construction  of  east  coast  lines. 110 



Seabury,  Howard,  dam  to  retain  tidal  waters.  _   81fi, 

Seacoast  defense,  see  Coast  defense. 
Seal  and  seal  fisheries: 

Alaska  fur-seal  industry,  1925 151 

Alaska  fur-seal  industry,  1926 .' 16 

Pribilof  Islands,  census,  1925 151 

Pribilof  Islands,  computation  for  1926 16 

Sealing  machines,  Government  supplies 511 

Seals,  see  Seal  and  seal  fisheries. 

Sealy,  Havert  S.,  relief 809,988, 1097 

Sealy,  John,  estate  tax,  to  remit 847 

Seamanship,  see  Navigation. 

Seamen,  see  Navy,  enlisted  men — Sailors. 

Seaplanes,  twin-float,  during  take-off 119 

see  also  Aircraft. 
Seaports,  see  Harbors. 

Searchlights,  operation,  care,  and  repair 755,  756 

Searl,  Clinton  M.,  i;.  comnr.  of  patents 115 

Searls,  Ed.  M.,  root-feeding  arthropods 1081 

Sears,  H.  M.,  Natural  Bridge  National  Forest.  403 
Sears,  William  J.  (Representative  from  Fla.): 
report  made  bv — 

Roads  Com 699 

Sears,  Willis  G.  (Representative  from  Nebr.): 
reports  made  bv— 

Claims  Com 677,808,809 

Seasoning  of  wood,  see  Wood  seasoning. 
Seasons,  see  names  of  seasons. 
Seattle,  Wash.: 

air  navigation  map 777 

fishery  products — 

calendar  year  1927 537 

monthly  statement 16, 

17,  83,  150,  215,  339,  409,  537,  660,  924 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

see  also  National  City  Bank  of  Seattle. 

Sechrist,  E.  L.,  grades  for  honey 530 

Second  National  Steamship  Co.  v.  U.  S 307 

Secondary  education: 

bibliography  of  studies 227 

list  of  reierences 28 

trends  in  development 160 

Secondary  metals  in  1926 539 

Secretary,  see,  for  Departmental   Secretaries, 

names  of  Departments. 
Secretarj'  of  Senate,  see  Senate. 
Securities,«ff  Bonds— Bonds  of  United  States^ 
Government    securities— Stocks — 
also  names  of  companies,  railroads, 
etc.,  issuing  securities. 

Security  Mills  &  Feed  Co.,  molasses 739 

Security  National  Bank,  benefit - 706 

Seed  Analysts  of  North  America,  Association  of, 
see    Association    of    Official    Seed 
Analysts  of  North  America. 

cotton,  mortality  problem.. 1084 

cotton,  stand  problem 1084 

hardwood,  growing  on  farm 274 

wheat,  hydrogen-ion  concentration  effect.  204, 


Seeds,  K.  B.,  handbook  of  hay  standards 5,  784 


Government  supplies 261,772 

grain  for  pest  stricken  areas 547 

imported  Apr. -June,  1925 210 

marketing  hints  for  farmer.. 72 

oil  content,  method  for  determining 916 

phospholipins  and  other  constituents..  526,647 

publications  for  sale 159, 1020 

testing  in  the  home  and  rural  school 655 

testing  rules.- 1084 

vegetable  seeds  for  home,  etc.,  garden 210 

see  also  Cotton-seed — also  names  of  special 

Segurola,  Augustin,  v.  United  States.. 242 

Seibert,  F.  M.,  treatment  of  amebiasis 64 

Seismology,  see  Earthquakes. 

Seiwell,  H.  R.,  new  species  of  copepods 1060 

Selby,  R.  Wilson,  relief 988 

Seldomridge  Grain  Co.,  switching  charges 616 

Select  committees,  see  names  of  committees. 

Selenium  in  1926.. __ 153 


carbon  monoxide  self-rescuer 19 

use  of  miners'  self-rescuer... 663 

Selfridge,  E.  A.,  American  lumber  in  Japan 661 

Selfrldge  Field,  purchase  of  land 693,9.i6, 1006 


Selig  Co.  of  Texas,  ash-cans 465 

Selkrege,  E.  R.,  codling  moth  in  Delaware 529 

Sell,  Oliver  C,  relief 594,971. 1097 

Seller,  M.,  &  Co.,  relief 988 

Sellers,  John  P.,  coal-__ 101 

Selma  Chamber  of  Commerce,  freight  rates filO 

Selvicultura    panamericana,    see    Forests    and 

Selvig,  C.  G.  (Rei)resentative  from  Minn.): 

contested  election 346 

Seminal  vesicle,  disease  of 1070 

Semolina,  standard  of  weights,  etc 551,  704 

Semple,  .Arthur  T.,  feeding  grain  sorghums_-_  1081 

Senate. .- 222,  353,  447, 572,  702, 835, 982, 1 108 

calendar  of  business 353, 


committee  hearings  in  library,  index 447 

contingent  expenses,  estimates __  982 

expenses  o(  inquries,  etc.,  estimate __  702 

manual 222 

Members — 

alleged  payments  by  Mexico,  hearings.  458, 

alleged  payments  by  Mexico,  report. .  458 

campaign  expenditures,  hearings 455 

campaign  expenses,  reports 455,712 

corrupt  practices  in  election,  etc 8.50 

qualifications.  Senate  to  determine 353 

term  of  office,  commencement,   hear- 
ings...  _  421 

termof  office,  commencement,  reports.  354. 
421,  570,  699 
term  of  office,  commencement,  testi- 
mony  421 

proceedings,  broadcasting  by  radio 374 

report  of  secretary 353 

report  of  sergeant  at  arms 447 

sale  of  condemned  property 353 

receipts,  etc.,  July,  1926-June,  1927 353 

secretary — 

property  report,  Dec.  5,  1927 353 

receipts,  etc.,  July,  1926-June,  1927 353 

sergeant  at  arms — 

condemned  property  report 353 

property  report 447 

supplemental  estimates,  1928  and  1920 835 

see  also  Capitol— Congress  of  United  States 
— also   names   of  committees — also 
names  of  Senators. 
Senate  manual,  see  Senate,  manual. 
Senatorial    Campaign    Expenditures    Special 
Committee,   Senate,  see  Expendi- 
tures in   Senatorial   Primary   and 
General   Elections,    Special    Com- 
mittee Investigating,  Senate. 
Senators,  see  Senate — also  names  of  Senators. 

Send,  Charles  H.,  relief 445,459,543 

Seneca  Oil  Spring  Association,  Inc 815,  999, 1096 

Seneca  Township,  Mich.,  meteoric  irons 192 

Sentinel,  schooner,  relief  of  owner 420,  543, 576 

Sequoia  National  Forest: 

map 1083 

proclamation _ 187 

Sequoia  National  Park: 

circular  of  general  information 1115 

forests 730 

publications  on,  for  sale 730 

secret  of  big  trees 865 

topographic  map 95 

Serbs,  Croats,  and  Slovenes,  Kingdom  of,  see 

Sergeant  at  arms,  see  Senate. 
Serial  documents,  see  Congressional  documents. 

copyrighted ...  118, 179, 309,  373,  493,  623,  752, 885 

copyrighted,  index,  etc.,  1926 245 

Serpent  Harbor,  Ontario,  chart 1074 

Serpents  Mouth,  chart  of  channels 250 


anti-hog-cholera  serum 205 

lipase  in  blood  serum  of  lepers 63 

serologic  diagnosis  of  syphilis 64 

see  also  Biological  products. 
Servants,  immigration  restriction  and  scarcity.    45 
Servera,  Joaquin: 

trading  under  laws  of  Colombia 215 

trading  under  laws  of  Porto  Rico 410 

Service,  Jerry  H.,  seismological  reports 150 


Index,  1927-1928 


Service  and  regulatory  announcements: 

Aericultural  Economics  Bureau o,  n, 

AgriCUilurai  ^y.  ^^^^  ^yj^  33O,  4OI,  649 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 73, 143 

Animai  ^n""  ''^os,  271, 330, 401,  527.  784, 916, 1081 

index.  1927....    •- 527 

Biolopical  Survey  Bureau t),.;05,33U 

Chemistry  Bureau -Ob 

Federal  Horticultural  Board...  144,  208,  2(3,  787 
Food    PruK,  and  Insecticide  Administra- 

tion   - 75,208,332,530,787 

Insecticide  and  Fungicide  Board 9 

plant  Industry  Bureau. _. .- "6 

SesQui-Centennial  of  American  Independence 
and  Thomas  Jefferson  Centennial 

Commission. 765 


Setchell,  wiriiam  A.,  memoir  of  W.  G.  Farlow.  493 

Sette,  Oscar  E.:     ,       ,  rr  ■.  j  c*  <  i^i  ^no 

fishery  industries  of  United  States 151,408 

statistics  of  catch  of  cod  to  1926 924 

Sette  Cama,  chart 50 

Sevier,  Rebecca  R.,  relief 351 

Seville,  Spain: 

Ihero-American  Exposition- 
amendment  of  pub.  res.  65 634, 680, 805 

general  regulations 386 

chlorination 134 

polluted  waters  source  of  water  supply. . .  1148 

sludge,  effect  of  salt 905, 1148 

sludge,  effect  of  trade  wastes 905, 1148 

Sewall  Paint  &  Glass  Co.,  talc 111 

Seward,  Andrew  J.,  jr.,  relief 975 

Seward,  Alaska: 

bonds  for  school  building 446, 722,  804 

harbor  of  refuge,  examination,  etc 778 

lands  near,  for  Jesse  Lee  Home 570, 800, 858 

Seward  Peninsula,  overland  communications..  446 
Sewell  Valley  R.  R.: 

control 743 

!'.  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Ry 31 

Sewerage,  «ce  Sewage. 

Sewing,  home,  present  trends 145 


chickens,  effect  on  heat  production  (2) 4 

pig  litters,  herdbook  as  source  of  data 6 

ratio  of  sexes 196 

when  and  how  does  sex  arise? 275 

Sexton,  Francis  L.,  relief 693 

Seymour,  Henrietta,  relief 972 

Seymour,  Joseph  H.,  relief  of  widow 972 

Shaar,  C.  M.,  stenosis  of  esophagus,  dilata- 
tion  887,1047 

Shacklette,  William  S.,  relief 975 

Shade  cloth,  rates  on 302 

Shade  Shop,  Hooper  &  Klesner" 92,601 

Shades,  stt  Window  shades. 

Shafer,  L.  N.,  bridge 818, 993, 1102 

Shaffer,  B.  E.,  grapes,  preparation  for  market..  648 

couplings  for  propeller  shafting 285 

details  of  propeller  shaft 344 

operation,  care,  and  repair 753,755 

Shafton  Co.,  watermelons 484 

Shafts  for  locomotives,  etc.,  specifications 340 

Shakotan  Ko,  chart _ ' 53 

Shale  oil,  ut  Petroleum. 

Shallberg,  G.  A.,  bridge 817,992,1100 

Shallcross  Brothers,  relief 707 

Shallenberger,  Ashton  C.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by- 
Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com _.  684,958 

Shamel,  A.  D.,  Valencia  orange  bud  selection.  210 
Phand,  Richings  J.,  credit  accounts..  972, 1006, 1097 

Shanghai,  China,  anticholera  vaccination 888 

Shanklin,  S.  M.,  Wichita  National  Forest  and 

Game  Preserve 918 

Shannon,  Earl  V.: 

geology,  etc.,  Italian  Mountain  vicinity 192 

oxidation  of  meteoric  irons,. _ 258 

zeolites  from  Ritter  Hot  Spring ."  1143 

Shannon,  John,  relief _ 565 

Shantz,  H.  L.,  water  requirement  of  plants..  4, 10 
Shapovalov,  Michael: 

two    most    common    decays    of    cotton 

boll 204,275 

yellows,  serious  disease  of  tomatoes.  655 


Sharp  Point,  bridge 959,994,1103 

Shavings,  rates  on 172 

Shaw,  Edward  L.,  milk  goats 527 

Shaw,  Merle  B.,  caroa  fiber 21 

Shaw,  Sir  Napier,  on  unit  of  radiation 534 

Shawneetown,  111.,  bridge 427,843,935 

Shea,  Francis  L.,  relief 975 

Shear,  C.  L.,  red  bread-mold  fungi 4,76 

Shearer,  David  M.,  relief 452 

Sheboygan,  WMs.,  chart 1074 

Sheboygan  Beverage  Co.,  bottles __.  1025 

Shedding,   inheritance  of  rate  in  cotton  hy- 
brid  3,76 


breeds  for  farm 784 

judging  sheep 271 

lice,  control  and  eradication 527 

parasites  and  parasitic  diseases 650 

raising,  equipment  for  farm 784 

raising,  for  beginners 1081 

rates  on 172 

sheep-killing  dogs 1080 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle — 

hearings 674 

law 1104 

reports 675,703 

see  also  Cattle. 

Sheep  tick,  eradication  by  dipping 650 

Sheffield,  Ala.: 

power  plant,  claim  of  Alabama 447 

synthetic-ammonia  plant 288 

Sheffield  &  Tionesta  Ry.,  deficit  status 110 

Shelby  County,  Ala.,  bridge 424,578,668 

Sheldon,  L.,  jr.,  editor,  naval  medical  bulletin.     48, 

247, 497, 887 

Shelikof  Strait,  chart 215 

Shell-fish,  see  Shellfish. 

Shell  Knob  quadrangle.  Mo 361 

Shelley,  Blanche  F.,  heir,  relief 419,543,575 


publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 358 

sanitation 196,323 

see  also  names  of  shellfish. 
Shells   (conchology),   see   Mollusks— Mollusks 

(fossil)— Oyster  shells. 
Shells  (ordnance): 

shotgun  shells,  standard  nomenclature 911 

Shelter  Bay,  chart 53 


demonstrations  on  northern  Great  Plains..  211 

location  and  preparation  of  land 789 

Shelton,  Berenice  B.,  appointment 765 

Shelton,  Alaska,  overland  communication 446 

Shelvin-Hixon  Co.,  shocks 110 

Shenandoah-Cumberland  region,  apples 329 

Shenandoah  National  Forest 652 

Shenandoah  National  Park 544,569,597 

Shepard,  Ward,  forests  and  floods _ 402 

Shepherd,  J.  B.: 

Ardmore  Dry- Land  Field  Station 209 

care  of  dairy  calf 785 

care  of  dairy  cow  at  calving  time 529 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

raising  dairy  heifer 529 

Shepherd,  Martin: 

burette  for  measurement  of  gas  volumes...  154 
burette  for  micromeasurement  of  liquids...    87 
Sheppard,  Morris  (Senator  from  Tex.): 
reports  made  by — 

Commerce  Com 708, 

710,  990, 991, 992, 993, 994 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 1000 

Military  Aflfairs  Com.  591,  592,  594,  718, 719, 
851, 852,  853, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1007 

Sherburne  County,  Minn.,  bridge 347,453,669 

Sherman,  Edward  A.,  forestry  as  profession. ..  274 
Sherman,  F.  S.,  world's  inorganic  nitrogen  in- 
dustry  350 

Sherman,  Russell  S.,  Inc.,  automobiles 765 

Sherman,  William  M.,  relief 853,972,1097 

Sherman,  Camp,  transfer  of  portion 825, 

1006, 1103 

Sherman  Paper  &  Box  Co.,  Inc.,  paper 478 

Sherrard,  G.  C: 

tests  for  nCN  in  ship  fumigation 905 

Zyklon-B  residue  following  fumigation.  391,640 

Sherwood,  Sidney  F.: 

disease-resistant  sugar  canes 9 

maple  sirup  and  sugar  production.. -  785 



Sherwood,  Sidney  F. — Continued. 

maple  sugar  composition,  etc 651 

sorgo-sirup  manufactiu'e 272 

sugar-beets,  use  of  refractometer 04",  789 

Stiields,  Daniel  J.,  v.  United  States 860 

Shields,  John  K.,  water  power  act  opinion 350 

Shields,  Peter,  r.  United  States 400,749 

Shikotan  Jima,  charts 53,313 

Shilling,  A.  W.,  tornadoes  of  May,  1927 77 

Shillinger,  Jacob  E . ,  santonin 3,  73 

Shinchan  Bay,  chart 620 

Shingles:  • 

census,  1926. 407 

customs  on  asbestos  shingles 224 

Shinn,  H.  L.,  creeping  eruption 49 

Ship-building,  census,  1925... 81 

Ship  fittings  for  decks  and  rigging 89 

Ship  Harbor,  Newfoundland,  chart 183 

Ship  Island,  lighthouse  reservation 594 

Ship  Supply  Co.,  iron 737 

Shipfitters,  Navy  training  coui'ses 121,  248, 1132 

Shipman,  Truman  G.: 

observing  a  tornado's  life 11 

report  of  floods,  1927 335 

Shipments,  see  Imports  and  exports. 

bills  of  lading,  unification  convention 587 

cheap  water  transportation  for  Fla 1108 

farmer  and  American  merchant  marine 897 

farmer  and  Shipping  Board 189 

inquiry,  sec.  15  of  shipping  act,  1916 257 

intercoastal  traffic — 

1926,  calendar  year 319 

1927,  fiscal  year : 505,1058 

1927,  quarterly 128,  383,  766, 1058 

rate  investigation 128 

Italian  ship-subsidy  system 410 

marine  insurance  and  general  average 62 

same  (in  Spanish) 195 

on  Ohio  River  system 67 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

service  with  Virgin  Islands 128 

supplies  at  Panama  Canal,  rates 315 

transportation  act  extended  to  carriers  not 
controlled  by  railroad — 

hearing 955 

report  __ 849 

see  also  Carriers— Commerce — Export  dec- 
larations —  Merchant  marine — 
Navigation — Ships — Steamboats  — 
Transportation  —  also  Merchant 
Fleet  news. 
Shipping  blocks,  see  Wood  shipping  blocks. 

Shipping  Board 59,128,189,257, 

319,  383,  505,  032,  765,  897, 1058, 1141 
claims,  see  names  of  persons,  firms,  etc. 

construction  loan  fund 1067 

report,  1927 383 

sale  of  Pacific  Coast  lines,  liearings 584 

schedule  of  sailings 59, 129, 189,  257, 

319,  383,  506,  632,  766, 898, 1059, 1142 

trade  routes  &  shipping  services 128 

Shipping  Board  Merchant  Fleet  Corporation 59, 

128,  189,  257,  319,  383,  506,  632,  766, 
898, 1059, 1142. 

claims,  see  names  of    persons,  firms,  etc. 
report,  1927 383 

Shipping  Conference,  see  International  Ship- 
ping Conference. 


American  marine  standards 21,  22,  87, 

88,  89,  285,  286,  344,  414,  415,  665,  927 

forfeiture  under  customs,  etc 962 

fouling  of  bottoms,  nature  and  extent 794 

fumigation,  qualitative  tests  for  HCN 905 

fumigation,  Zyklon-B  residue 391,640 

load  lines  for  American  vessels 842 

rat-proofing  for  bubonic  plague  control 134 

sale  of  Pacific  Coast  lines,  hearings 584 

schedule  of  sailings,  Shipping  Bd.  vessels..   59, 

129,  189,  257,  319,  383,  506,  632,  766, 
898, 1059, 1142. 

see  also  Boats — Coast  Guard  cutters — 
Sailing  vessels — Steamboats — Sub- 
marine boats— War-ships— aZso  Col- 
lisions at  sea — Merchant  marine — 
Ship-buUding — Shipping. 

Shipstead,  Henrik  (Senator  from  Minn.): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 572 

Foreign  Relations  Com 847 

Shivers,  Jesse  R.,  relief 677,930,988 

Shoals,  doubtful,  of  Pacific  Ocean 52,53 

see  also  names  of  shoals. 
Shock  (electrical): 

acute  endarteritis  from 247 

Shock  absorbing  units,  design 777 

Shoddy,  see  Wool. 

Shoe  and  Leather  Manufactures  Division 924, 


Shoe  last  blocks,  rates  on 110 

Shoemaker,  D.  N.: 

Jerusalem  artichoke  as  crop  plant 210 

vegetable  seeds 210 

Shoemaker,  F.  Glen: 

aircraft  ignition,  recent  developments 909 

fire  hazard  tests  of  ignition  equipment 642 

Shoemaker,  James  M.,  Sperry  Messenger  model  118 
Shoes,  see  Boots  and  shoes. 

Shofstall  Hay  &  Grain  Co.  v.  U.  S 157,290,490 

Shollenberger,  J.  H.: 

flour  for  pretzels 329 

kernel  texture,  etc.,  of  spring  wheat 647,  784 

Shook,  James,  military  record 439 

Shocks,  rates  on 110, 1123 

Shooting,  see  Target  practice. 
Shore  lands,  see  Coasts. 
Shorebirds,  see  Birds. 

Shorey,  Edmund  C,  liming  of  soils 785 

Short,  Mac,  column  ellect,  airplane  wing  spars   119 

Short-time  test  of  dairy  cows 203,  211 

Shorten,  D.  George,  relief 677,930,988 

Shortleaf  pine,  see  Pine. 
Shortridge,  Samuel  M.  (Senator  from  Calif.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Finance  Com 713,997 

Naval  Affairs  Com 457,720,1009 

Shoshone  National  Forest,  homestead 569, 

936, 1014 
Shoshone  Reservation,  see  Wind  River  Reser- 
Shoshoni  Indians: 

claims  of  northwestern  bands,  to  hear 682, 

716, 941 

lands  adjacent  to  Summit  Lake 423,  588,  671 

per  capita  payment — 

hearings 815 

law 936 

reports 815,849 

Shot  firing,  see  Blasting. 

Shotgun  shells,  standard  nomenclature. 911 

Shotguns,  standard  nomenclature __ 1075 

Shotwell  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  V.  S 1016 

Shoup,  G.  Stanley,  wireless  communication 925 

Shovels,  elimination  of  waste 542 

Shreve,  Milton  W.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com 418 

Conference  Com 545 

Shreveport  Bridge  &  Terminal  Co 38 

Shropshire,  Thomas  J.,  relief 439 

Shulgin,  W.  M.,  water-flow  pyrheliometer 212 

Shull,  Henry,  relief 439 

Shulof,  Herman,  relief 576 

Shults,  Frank  E.,  relief 550,988,1097 

Shuyak  Strait,  chart. 536 


natural  history  collecting 898 

subjects  to  be  instructed  at  West  Point 439, 

1007, 1105 

Siam,  Gulf  of,  chart 251 

Sias,  Randolph,  relief 420,543,576 

Siberia,  fisheries 151 

Sibley,  Henry  H.,  relief  of  estate 700 

Sibley,  Lake  Bisteneau  &  Southern  Ry.,  valu- 
ation  1036 

Sibson,  Walter  W.,  patent  appeal 663 

Sick  leave,  in  postal  service 696,936 


Hagerstown,  Md.,  morbidity  studies — 

age  curve  of  illness 64 

causes  of  illness,  diflerent  ages. ..  1070, 1148 

incidence  of  illness  and  death 196 

rate  among  males  and  females 63, 262 


Index,  1927-1928 



in  public  utility  occupations °^^'^no 

trade-union  provision  (2  entries) 492 

see  also  Diseases. 
Sickness  insurance,  Kee  Health  insurance. 

Sieeel,  A.  J.,  v.  David  H.  Blair 243,490 

Siegel,  Annie  L.,  exr.,  v.  David  H.  Blair...  243,490 
Siegler,  E.  H.: 

apjtle  insects °^i 

codling  moth  in  Delaware,  life  history 529 

insecticides,  spraying  apparatus,  etc, 786 

lime-sulphur  concentrate.- 651 

Sieglinger,  John  B.,  broomcorn  e.xperiments...  654 

Sienfeng  Rocks,  chart 890 

Sierra  Leone  Kiver,  chart 251 

Sies,  Charles  R.,  relief --.  695,720,1097 

Sievers,  .Vrthur  F.,  extracting  volatile  oils 655 

Sigma  .\'u  Phi,  article  reprinted  from  Owl 1108 

Signal  Corps,  Army  regulations 65, 393, 1150 

Signal  Office 138,200,521,644,780,911 

circular 780 

orders 138,200,521,644,780,911 


international  code,  revision 259 

merchant  vessels  of  U.  S.,  signal  letters 218 

see  also  Block-signals— Fog  signals— Time 
signals— Traffic  signals— a/«o  Mili- 
tary communication. 

Signals  and  Train  Control  Devices  Bureau 163 


corn,  net-energy  value 3 

kafir,  etc.,  grain  utilization  by  cows —  203, 204 

sorgo,  roughage  in  rations  for  calves 650 

Siler,  Joseph  F.: 

smallpox 779 

typhoid  and  paratyphoid  fevers 779 


production  in  1926 282 

rates  on 1123 

Silicomangauese,  rates  on 1036 


caseof  Iwai  &  Co.,  Ltd 724 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 81 

rates  on 482,743 

Sill,  Anna  E.,  appointment 1141 

Silos,  pit 527 

Silsbee,  F.  B.: 

current  distribution  in  supraconductors 87 

spark  generators 119 

Silt,  in  Colorado  River,  rel.  to  irrigation 655 

see  also  Leonardtown  silt  loam  soil. 

Silurian  period,  new  molluscan  genus 129 

Silver,  Gray,  production  of  nitrates 350 

Silver,  James: 

rat  control 6,528 

woodchuck  control  in  Eastern  States 650 


alloys,  tarnish  resisting 155 

cyanide  extraction  of  silver  in  ores 1090 

in — 

California... 539 

Central  States 412 

Colorado 217 

Eastern  States 217 

Montana... 85, 1090 

Nevada 85 

Oregon 539 

production    and    consumption,    1925    and 

1926 512 

production  in  1925 217 

see  also  Silverware. 
Silver  City,  N.  Mex.,  reimbursement..  ..  698, 

o-,  .  722, 1101 

bilver  nitrate,  ammoniacal,  in   treatment   of 

chancroids 48,49 

Silverblatt,  Lee,  alias,  see  Eagles,  Nicholas  L. 

Silvers,  Ernest  L.,  relief 972 


belonging  to  Coast  Guard,  price  list 132 

from  battleship  Alabama 973,1098 

kinds  and  sizes  for  ship  equipment 89 

work  of  South  American  silversmith         _    893 
Silviculture,  see  Forests  and  forestry. 
Simeonof  Island,  transfer  to  Interior  Dept  763 

Simkins,  T.  D.,  Seattle,  Wash.,  district..  519 

Simmonds,  Herman,  jr.,  bridge 685,711,804 

Simmons,  Furnifold  M.  (Senator  from  N.  C): 
report  made  by- 
Commerce  Com 991 

Simmons,  James  C,  relief 351 

Simmons,  James  S.,  cerebrospinal  meningitis..  779 
Simmons,    Robert    G.    (Representative   from 

fiscal  relations  between  U.  S.  and  D.  C 1105 

reports  made  by — 

Appropriations  Com 547 

Conference  Com 939 

Simmons  Company,  wood  shipping  blocks 174 

Simon,  Carroll  E.,  oral  prophylaxis 392 

Simons,  Henry,  relief 439 

Simple  resolutions,  see  Resolutions. 

Simplified  practice  recomiftendation  series 21, 

284,  343,  344,  414,  415,  542,  664,  665, 
666,  798, 928. 

Simpson,  Charles  S.,  Co.,  refrigeration 171 

Simpson,  E.  D.,  prostatitis  focus  of  infection...  514 

Simpson,  Frank  W.,  reinstatement 972 

Simpson,  G.  C,  world  weather  records 129 

Simpson,  George,  relief 550 

Simpson,  Harry,  employees'  compensation.  452,  677 

Sims,  C.  E.,  electric-furnace  cast  iron 538 

Sims  Milling  Co 159 

Sinaiko  Brothers  Co.,  paper 1033 

Sinclair,  Emma  J.,  v.  United  States 882 

Sinclair,  Harry  F.,  v.  United  States 1018 

Sinclair,  James  H.   (Representative  from  N. 
reports  made  by- 
War  Claims  Com 699, 833, 834, 980,  981 

Sinclair  Coal  Co.  v.  United  States 460,749 

Sinclair  Oil  &  Gas  Co.,  oil-well  machinery 170 

Sinclair  Pipe  Line  Co.,  wire 173 

Sinclair  Refining  Co.,  gasoline 298,472,736 

Sinclair  W'yoming  Oil  Co.,  iron 871 

Sink,  J.  L.," bankrupt,  application 1  432,  590, 667 

Sinking  funds,  cumulative,  report.  1927 388 

Sinnott,    Nicholas    J.    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by — 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com..  686,961 

Public  Lands  Com : 444, 

569,  697,  698,  830,  831, 978, 979 
Sinuses,  nontuberculous  pulmonary  infections.  135 
Sioux  Falls,  S.  Dak.,  see  Minnehaha  National 

Bank  of  Sioux  Falls. 
Sioux  Indians,  see  Dakota  Indians — Santee  In- 
dians— Yankton  Indians. 
Siphonina,  see  Foraminifera. 

Siple,  John  W.,  military  record 439 

Sippy  treatment  for  peptic  ulcer  (2) 247 

Siracusa,  .\nthony  J.,  bridge 991 

Sires,  see  Bulls. 
Sirups,  see  Syrups. 
Siskiyou  National  Forest: 

improvement  of  caves ...  704,979 

land  for  ranger  station 896 

map 787 

Sisseton  Indians,  see  Santee  Indians. 

Sistersville,  W.  Va..  bridge 559,583,670 

Sistersville  Ohio  River  Bridge  Co 559,583,670 

Sitgreaves  National  Forest,  boundaries 187 

Siuslaw  Inlet,  chart 279 

Siuslaw  National  Forest,  lookout  station 127 

Sivuch  Bav,  chart 626 

Sizer,  John  A.,  exr.,  v.  United  States 223,  620 

Sizing  (textiles): 

census  report,  1925...  14 

Skagen  Harbor,  Denmark,  chart 499 

Skagit  River,  report  on  examination 1151 

Skavlem,  John  H.,  lung  infections 135, 197 

Skelly  Oil  Co.,  gas  oil.. 1029 

Skidmore,  D.  I.,  anti-hog-cholera  serum 205 

Skim  milk,  see  Milk. 

as  a  defense  organ 324 

diagnostic  work,  dermatological 197,264 

diseases  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

rare  disease,  case  report 264 

sunburn,  protection  by  textile  fibers...  203,  270 

therapy  in  dermatology 496,497 

Skinner  Manufacturing  Co.,  macaroni 299,872 

Skins,  see  Leather,  hides,  and  skins. 

Skipanon  channel,  examination  and  survey...  1151 


human  crania  in  National  Museum 767 

Sky,  see  Blue-sky  mesisurements. 

Government  supplies 62,638 

rates  on._ 743 





highway  slash  and  western  pine  beetle 7 

relation  of  insects  to  slash  disposal 1 44 

Slate,  F.  A.,  relief -  550,989.1097 


production  in  1926 218 

rates  on _. 743 

Slate  Belt  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Co 236 

Slater,  Samuel,  and  oldest  cotton  machinery  in 

America 191 


beef  on  farm 330 

census  report,  1925 14 

hours  and  earnings,  1927 884 

Sleds,  census  of  manufactures,  1925.  __• 12, 13 

Sleeping-car  porters,  see  Brotherhood  of  Sleep- 
ing Car  Porters. 
Sleeping  sickness,  see  Encephalitis  lethargica. 

Sleighs,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 12 

Slick,  Sherman  S.,  census  of  agriculture,  1925.  337, 

407,  5:35 

Sligh,  Sidney  B.,  v.  United  States 1126 

Sligh,  W.  H.,  properties  of  limestones 155 

Sligo  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  rates  on  railroad  ties...      37 
Slip  laws,  see  Laws. 
Slippers,  see  Boots  and  shoes. 

Sloan,  Howard  v.,  relief 420,  543.  .^70 

Slocum,  Rob  R.: 

capons  and  caponizing 649 

marketing  eggs 5 

marketing  poultry 5,  526 

Slovenes,  see  Yugoslavia. 

Sludge,  see  Sewage. 

Small,  W.  D.,  mercurochrome-220  soluble .. .  48,49 


immunological   relationship  to   alastrim..  640 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

potency  of  vaccine,  method  of  estimating..  640 

prevalence 513, 639 

treated  in  .\ncon  Hospital,  review 502 

see  also  Vaccination. 

nonferrous  metals,  census  report,  1925—  14,  214 

smelting-in-transit  arrangement 110 

Smelts 16 

Smiler,  David  A.,  v.  United  States 1128 

Smith,     Addison    T.     (Representative    from 
Idaho):   . 
reports  made  by — 

Civil  Service  Com 944 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 685, 

686, 961 

Public  Lands  Com 568,569,830,978 

Smith,  Albert  F.,  relief  to  widow 693 

Smith,  Alexander,  biographical  memoir 494 

Smith,  Alexander,  &  Sons  Carpet  Co.: 

machinery 475 

wool 484 

Smith,  .\nna  P.,  dietetics 247 

Smith,  Bradford  B.,  price  of  cotton 648 

Smith,  C.  N.,  methods  of  instruction 121 

Smith,  Charles,  relief 972 

Smith,  Clarence  P.,  relief 948 

Smith,  E.  H.,  oceanography  of  Gulf  of  Maine..  339 
Smith,  Earl  M.,  labor  legislation,  Uruguay.  244,  245 

Smith,  Ella  H.,  relief 452,677 

Smith,  Ellison  D.  (Senator  from  S.  C): 
report  made  by — 

Privileges  and  Elections  Com 1011 

Smith,  Erwin  F.,  tumors,  etc.,  in  Helianthus..  494 
Smith,  Frank  L.: 

campaign  expenditures  in  Illinois — 

hearings . 455 

reports 455,712 

not  entitled  to  membership  in  Senate...^..  455 

Smith,  Fred,  v.  United  States 44 

Smith,  H.  D.,  Hessian  fly  parasites 648,  786 

Smith,  H.  R.,  focal  infection  in  keratitis.  1070, 1071 
Smith,  Henrv  A.,  regional  office  medical  dept.  514 

Smith,  Herbert  W.,  relief 834 

Smith,  Hugh  M.,  natural  history  in  Siam 898 

Smith,  J.  A.,  claim 1020 

Smith,  James  P.,  Triassic  marine  faunas 294 

Smith,  James  W.,  relief 972 

Smith,  Jesse  A.  B.,  patent  appeals 927, 1092 

Smith,  Joel  T.,  relief 420,  543,  576 


Smith,  John  R.,  v.  United  States 1111 

Smith,  Julian  D.,  Peru  as  lumber  market 661 

Smith,  Julian  S.,  trustee,  v.  United  States 723, 

Smith,  M.  I.,  sulphur  in  pituitary  extracts...  1148 
Smith,  MabeU  S.  C,  Navv  nurse  in  the  Near 

East 247 

Smith,  Marjorie  F.  Lloyd-,  see  Lloyd-Smith, 
Marjorie  F. 

Smith,  Mary  E.,  v.  United  States 24,368 

Smith,  N.  A.  C,  crude  petroleums  of  U.  S 796 

Smith,  O.  \.,  multiple  osteomata 247 

Smith,  Philip  S.: 

geologic  investigations,  northern  Alaska 94, 

mineral  industry,  Alaska,   1926,   and   ad- 
ministrative report 360 

Smith,  R.  H.: 

air  force  and  moment  for  N-20  wing 47 

lift,  drag,  and  elevator  hinge  moments 310 

Smith,  R.  W.,  tuberculosis  of  spine 392 

Smith,  Ralph  W.,  weights  and  measures  ad- 
ministration     89 

Smith,  Ralph  Waldo,  grains 275 

Smith,  Ray  E.,  relief 834 

Smith,  Rea,  gall-bladder  surgery 496,497 

Smith,  Robert  H.,  v.  United  States 723, 1043 

Smith,  Sybil  L.,  home  economics  research.  144, 207 

Smith,  W.  D.,  official  standards  for  rice 526 

Smith,  W.  H.,  aging  of  soft  rubber  goods 22 

Smith,  Willard  C,  venereal  disease 773,906 

Smith,  William,  relief 439 

Smith,  William  M.,  exr.,  v.  United  States 460, 


Smith  Creek,  examination  and  survey 778 

Smith,  Richardson  &  Conroy,  Inc. 736 

Smith  Tablet  Co.,  relief 550,930,988 

Smith-Wilson  &  Co.,  cotton 101 

Smitherman  &  McDonald,  Inc 1033 

Smithey,  Charles  H.,  bricks 867 

Smithland,  Ky.,  bridges 424,578, 

668, 816,  841, 932 

Smithson  Valley  quadrangle,  Tex 361 

Smithsonian  expeditions: 

explorations  and  field  work,  1927 898 

Smithsonian-Chrysler  African  expedition.  1143 

Smithsonian  Institution 59, 129, 189.  2,i8,  320, 

383.  506, 032,  766, 898, 105S,  1142 
board  of  regents — 

appointment  of  Charles  E.  Hughes 345 

appointment  of  John  C.  Merriam 345 

executive  committee,  report,  1927 384 

proceedings,  1927 384 

report,  1926 191 

distinguished  service  of  Govt,  employees..  964 
ethnological  research  on  Indians — 

estimate 903 

hearing 688 

law 802 

reports 688,715 

available  for  distribution 191 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 226 

secretary — 

report,  1926 191 

-      report,  1927 384 

see  also  Walcott,  Charles  D. 

Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections 59, 129, 

384,  506,  633,  766,  767,  898, 1059 

v.  78,  title-page  and  contents 191 

v.  79,  title-page  and  contents 191 

v.  80,  title-page  and  contents 1142 

Smokes,  gas  mask  for  protection  against 539 

Smoky  Mountain  Railroad,  acquisition  of  line.    38 
Smoky  Mountains  National  Park,  see  Great 
Smoky  Mountains  National  Park. 
Smoot,  Reed  (Senator  from  Utah): 
paper  pre.sented  by — 

Poindexter  plan  for  farm  relief 353 

report  of  Public  Buildings  Comn._ 1108 

reports  made  by- 
Appropriations  Com 573 

Conference  Com 545 

Finance  Com 586,712,713,997 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 458, 

1013, 1015 




Index,  1927-1928 


Smuggling:  . 

diamonds,  hearings ---:-- tn? 

intoxicating  liquors  from  Belgium.... 507 

intoxicating  liquors  from  Greece 1144 

barley  seed,  dehulling  to  induce  smut.  399,  531 

control  Uy  disinfectants... ...        210 

corn,  susceptibility  when  inoculated...  648,  .S9 

oats,  lornialdehyde  seed  treatment G5i 

oats,  inheritance  of  reaction  (2) 1079 

rye  smuts  and  their  control 404 

sorghum  kernel  smuts 3,76 

variants  iu  UstOago  nuda %  <b 


flag  smut- - 'D 

highly  resistant  to  loose  smut 146 

smuts  and  their  control 404 

Smythe,  C.  V.,  cattle  metabolism  (2  entries)...  399 

Snably,  Edna  E.,  relief 948 

Snake  River: 

bridges  at  or  near— 

Heyburu,  Idaho 428,584,671 

Idaho  Falls,  Idaho.. 428,584,671 

Indian  Cove 428,584,671 

Swan  Valley,  Idaho 428,584,671 

surface  water  supply  of  basin 1022 

wheat  in  basin,  dry  farming  methods 271 

Snakeroot,  see  White  snakeroot. 
Snakes,  see  Reptiles. 

Snapp,  Charles  E.,  father;).  Mexico 130 

Snapp,  Oliver  I.,  paradichlorobenzene 651 

Snapp,  T.  J.,  V.  Mexico 130 

Snell,    Bertrand    H.     (Representative    from 
N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by — 

Rules  Com ... .  445,  570, 699, 832, 833, 979, 980 

Snelling,  Walter  O.,  stemming  explosives 796 

Snickersville  Telephone  Co 1036 

Snoqualmie  National  Forest,  map 787 

Snow,  Chester,  indeterminateness  of  electrical 

charge 343 

Snow,  W.  A.,  Wilmington,  N.  C,  district 519 


snow  and  ice  bulletin 335, 405,  534,  656,  790 

some  recent  treasures  of  snow 212 

see  also  Precipitation. 
Snow  and  ice  bulletin,  see  Snow. 

taxes,  regulations 1147 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  use  of  U.  S...  638 

Snyder,  Carl  F.,  blackstrap  molasses 22 

Snyder,  D.  E.  L.,  hypodermic  injection 120 

Snyder,  E.  F.,  hvdrogen-ion  concentration  of 

soils..'. 399,404 

Snyder,  Ed.,  relief 420 

Snyder,  L.  W.,  Schopper  folding  tester 286 

Snyder,  N.  H.: 

analyses  of  delivered  coal- 
Arkansas  539 

Indiana 411 

Oklahoma ._  539 

Snyder,  Thomas  E.,  insect  defects  in  timber...  144 
Snyder,    William,    alias,    see    Vander    Cook, 


and  soap  powder,  rates  on '.  172 

census  report,  1925. 14 

duty  on 1111 

Government  supplies 511 

speciftcitions,  soap  scouring  compound..      773 

Soap-bark,  R.  Hillier's  Son  Co.,  Inc 600 

Soap  dispensers,  Government  supplies 511 

Soap  vine  poisoning,  report  of  case 247 

Soapstone  in  1926... 341 

Social  service,  see  Welfare  work. 

Social  service  review,  preprint  from 177 

Social  work,  sff  Welfare  work. 

Societies,  see   Benefit  associations— Historical 

societies— o?so  names  of  societies. 
Socks,  see  Hosiery. 

Sod  webworms,  see  Larger  sod  webworm. 
Soda,  see  Sodium. 

Soda  ash,  routing  from  Cartago,  Calif.,  etc 38 

Soda-lime  glass 154 


to  amend  leasing  act... 698,858 

Sodium  chlorate  as  herbicide 270, 399 


Sodium  dichromate,  rates  on 1123 

Sodium  nitroprusside,  case  of  Merck  &  Co 224 

Sodium  thiosulphate: 

in  treatment  of  syphilis 887,1048 

with  arsphenamine  for  syphilis 63 

Sofranscy,  H.,  Co.: 

iron 1119 

reconsignment 235 

Softwood  lumber  and  its  uses 12 

Soil,  see  Soils. 

Soil  moisture,  influence  on  stem-rot 10 

Soil  surveys: 

clasificacion  y  reconocimiento  de  suelos 501 

publications  available  for  distribution 9 

see  also  names  of  States,  counties,  etc. 

Soil  temperature: 

comparison  of  air  and  soil  temperatures...  1085 
influence  on  stem-rot  of  sweet  potatoes 10 


acetic  acid  as  soil  disinfectant 783,  915 

aluminum  sulphate  on  acid-soil  plants 189 

clasificacion  y  reconocimiento  de  suelos 501 

corrosion.  Bureau  of  Standards  studies 1093 

erosion,  a  national  menace 785 

experiment  stations  promote  betterment...  273 

fertility  building,  coastal  plain  section 271 

grouping  on  basis  of  mechanical  analysis...    10 

hydrogen-ion  concentration 399,404 

influence  on  mosaic  disease  in  wheat 269, 

404,  647,  648,  919 

Leonardtown  silt  loam 1079, 1081 

liming  principles 785 

management  ot  Lawrence  County  soils 1085 

management  of  Monroe  County  soils 1085 

Phylloxera  infestation  in  Calif 652 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 1021 

solution,  effect  of  absorption  by  plants.  270, 404 

Soils  Bureau...  10, 146'  211,  276, 405"  533,  656,  789, 1085 

field  operations,  1921 146 

report,  1927 276 

see  also  Chemistry  and  Soils  Bureau. 

Solanaceous  plants,  virus  diseases 270, 400 

Solar  radiation: 

and  rainfall  in  southern  ChOe 147 

in  Africa,  Chile,  and  California 898 

measurements  of  intensity,  etc 11 

observations  at  Apia,  Samoa 147 

on  unit  of  radiation ^ _  534 

see  also  Sun. 

Solarinieters,  testing 534 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

rates  on . 38 


training  regulations 515,641 

troop  transportation,  Nat.  Guard  regula- 
tions      67 

see  also  .\rmy — Veterans,  and  references. 

Soldiers'  Home.  National,  see  National  Home 
for  Disabled  Volunteer  Soldiers. 

Solenacea  from  Florida 1114 

Solenberger,  Paul,  Naval  Observatory  time 15 

Solicitor  for  Department  of  Commerce,  to  act 

as  Secretary 504 

Solium,  Bay  of  El,  chart 312 

Sololo  Bay  and  approaches,  chart 51 

Solomon,  Jacob,  v.  United  States 860 

Soluble  salts,  see  Salts. 

Somervell,  Brehon: 

Anacostia  Park,  etc 642 

Norfolk,  Va.,  district 518 

Washington,  D.  C,  district 517 

Somerville  Iron  Works,  pipe 1034 

Sommers,  T.  A.,  grains... 142 

Sons  of  Union  Veterans  of  Civil  War 806 

Sorensen,  Harry,  Iceland,  economic  survey 661 


grain  sorghums — 

feeding  to  livestock 1081 

how  to  use 275 

official  standards,  handbook 649 

publications  of  Agriculture  Dept 275 

kernel  smuts 3,  76 

silage,  etc.,  roughage  in  rations  of  calves..  650 
sorgo-sirup  manufacture -  272 

Soriano,  Juan,  claim  for  death 386,813,937 

Sornborger,  Charles  B.,  register  of  Justice  De- 
partment andvcourts  of  U.  S 242 




Sotola,  Jerry,  alfalfa 204,269 

Soudan,  see  Sudan. 

Soule,  S.  B.,  surface  water  supply 1114 

Soule  Steel  Co.,  United  States  t 486 


transmission  through  building  materials...    22 
Sound     (channel     between     Denmark     and 

lights,  etc 121 

Sounding  balloons,  see  Balloons. 

Soundings,  international  aerological 212 

Souris  River,  fJood  control 347 

South  (T.  S.): 

birds  in  relation  to  agriculture 330 

census  of  agriculture,  1925 535 

same,  descriptive  circular 10S7 

commercial  survey  of  the  Southeast 340 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

corn  growing 333 

dairying  and  livestock  station — 

hearings 1105 

law 1099 

reports 943,983 

farming,  factors  that  make  for  success 204 

haystackers,  how  to  use  to  save  labor 049 

malaria  transmission  by  .A.nopheles 263,  391 

organized  rural  communities — 

hearings 561.590 

report 819 

paradichlorobenzene  experiments 651 

South  Africa,  see  Union  of  South  Africa. 
South  African  Bushmen,  see  Bushmen. 

South  Alabama  Grocery  Co.,  misrouting 169 

South  America: 

archaeological  work,  1925 184 

archaelogical  work,  1926 124 

same  (in  Spanish) 377 

chart  of  south  extreme  of  America 251 

crustaceans 898 

lights,  etc  on  coasts 757 

migrant  shorebirds  in  south _..  330 

pilot 626 

pilot,  supplements 758, 1050 

routes  from  Gulf  of  Mexico 250 

silversmith  work 893 

trade  with  Pacific  Coast  States 409 

see  also  Latin  America — also  certain  head- 
dings  beginning   Pan   American — 
also    names    of    South    .American 
South  Atlantic  Ocean,  see  .-Vtlantic  Ocean. 
South  Atlantic  States,  see  Atlantic  States. 
South  Bend,  Ind.,  statue  of  Schuyler  Colfax...  562 

South  Buffalo  Ry.,  valuation 236 

South  Carolina: 

archeology  of  Piedmont  region 898 

bridge  across  Savannah  River 959,994,1103 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 14 

C retaceous  invertebrate  fauna _.  258 

district  judge.. 963 

mail  contracts 315 

map,  post  route 631 

migratory  bird  refuge 943 

relief 550,989 

South  Carolina  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
annual  appropriation- 
hearings. 346 

law _ 544 

report 346 

soft-pork  investigations 650 

South  Central  States,  see  Central  States. 
South  Charleston,  W.  Va.,  see  Xaval  Ordnance 
Plant,  South  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

South  Chester  Tube  Co.,  pipe.. 1034 

South  Chicago,  111  : 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan  in  vicinity...  133 
same,  summary,  in  public  health 

reports 196 

South  Chicago  Railroad,  valuation 364 

South  Dakota: 

bridge  across  Missouri  River 581,  684,  803 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 14 

district  judge,  additional 687 

grains  for  western  South  Dakota 275 

land  offices,  establishing 721,978 

lands  within  Custer  State  Park. ..  722,  831,  936 
ores,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold,  etc. 1C90 

South  Dakota— Continued, 
postal  service — • 

mailing  Chinese  ring-necked  pheasants.  254 

post  route  map 631 

postal  service  scheme. 504 

South  Dakota  .Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

ranch  organization,  etc 648 

soil  surveys — 

Douglas  County 146 

Grant  County 276 

South  Dakota  State  College  of  Agriculture  and 
Mechanic  Arts: 

address  of  President  Coolidge 186 

South  East  .Anchorage,  Calif.,  chart 16 

South  Fork  of  Cumberland  River,  see  Cum- 
berland River. 

South  Haven  Harbor,  Mich.,  chart 200 

South  Indian  Ocean,  see  Indian  Ocean. 

South  Omaha  Terminal  Ry.,  acquisition  of  line.  110 

South  Pacific  Ocean,  see  Pacific  Ocean. 

South  Pass  of  the  Mississippi,  see  Mississippi 

River  South  Pass. 
South  Sea  Isles,  see  Pacific  islands. 
Southeast,  see  South  (U.  S.). 
Southeastern  States,  Conference  of  Supervisors 
of,  see  Conference  of  Supervisors  of 
Southeastern  States. 
Southerland,  W.  H.  H.,  azimuths  of  the  sun...  180 

Southern  Bell  Telephone  &  Telegraph  Co 231, 

744, 871, 872, 1033 

Southern  Clay  Manufacturing  Co.,  bricks 732 

Southern  Cotton  &  Paper  Co.,  cotton 165 

Southern  fever,  see  Texas  fever. 

Southern  Iron  &  Metal  Co.,  metals 475 

Southern    Kansas    Grain    &    Grain    Products 

.Association,  grain 870 

Southern  Kansas  Millers  Club 236 

Southern  Pacific  Company: 

abandonment  of  line 296 

acquisition  of  control 875 

acquisition  of  lines 107,616 

bonds 107,875 

caz-couplings 99,732 

equipment  trust 172 

rates,  4th  section  applications...'. 103 

rates  on — 

caterpillar  tractors 99 

desks 470 

fruit... 102,103,472 

grapes 298 

linseed-oil 105 

livestock 1028 

lumber 738 

mah-jong  sets 105 

matches 1032 

peaches 1121 

plaster 1034 

poles 108 

printed  paper  articles 741 

watermelons 484 

restriction  of  routes  on  livestock 1028 

V.  United  States 25,44,749,859,1128 

Southern  Pacific  Railroad: 

abandonment  of  branch  lines 38,  366,  616 

V.  United  States 1043 

Southern  Railway: 

abandonment  of  Morristown-C  orry  ton  line.  236 

equipment  trust 875 

misrouting.. 106 

rates  on- 
canned  food 1026 

coal... 869 

cotton.. 101 

cucumbers 297 

eggs; 1028 

fleshings 32 

furniture 1119 

leather. 611 

lime 872, 1031 

lumber 475 

marble 475 

mattresses 106 

molasses 739 

sand  and  gravel... 481 

springs 743 

varnish 237 

reconsignment 109, 1035 

valuation 875 


Index,  1927-1928 


Southern  Reclamation  Conference 572 

Southern  Roads  Co.,  demurrage i^f 

Southern  Scraj)  Material  (^c,  Ltd.,  iron       --  1030 

Southern  Shipyard  Corporation 840,948,1097 

Southern  States,  see  South  (L.  S.). 

Southern  Steamship  Co.,  rates  on  salt lUrfo 

Southern  TrafTic  &  Audit  Association: 

broom-corn ^1^.^^ 

cotton  t!Oods. .-- ^^^ 

Southern  Ite  Indians,  relief..-    r"-"iri-inofi 

Southern  Wood  Products  Co.,  charcoal...  868, 1026 

Southport  Mill,  Ltd ^°^ 

Southwest,  see  West  (U.  S.). 

Southwest  .Mis.souri  R.  R.,  drayage  charges.   102, 

Southwestern  Bell  Telephone  Co 1116, 1121 

Southwestern  Horse  &  Mule  Dealers  Associa- 

tion 298 

Southwestern  Sheet  Glass  Co 472 

Southwestern  States,  see  West  (U.  S.). 
Souvenir,  Wichita  National  Forest  and  Game 

Preserve 403 

Soybean:  . 

culture  and  varieties d56 

mottling,  hereditary  and  environmental...      4 

net-energy  value  of  soy-bean  hay 3 

rates  on  soy  beans 172 

rotation  increases  rice  yields 210 

selection  of  beans  for  quality  of  oil 71,  204 

striped  blister  beetle  on  soy  beans 530 

Soy-bean  oil 71,204 

Spadefoot  toad  tadpole  enemy  of  mosauito    391. 773 

Spades,  elimination  of  waste 542 

Spain  •• 

chart  of  northwest  coast 53 

commercial  agreement  with  U.  S 901 

motion-picture  market 84 

Spalding,  G.  R.,  Louisville,  Ky.,  district 518 

Spalding,  0.  B.,  pineal  shadow 887,1048 

Spanish  America,  see  Latin  America. 
Spanish  language: 

reading  after  graduation 160 

summer  course 701 

Spanish  War  organizations,  memorials 434 

Spanish  War  Veterans,  see  United  Spanish  War 

Sparhawk,    William    N.,    America    and    the 

world's  woodpile 402 

Spark  generators  for  automotive  ignition 119 

Spark  spectrum,  see  Spectra.   . 

Sparks,  Frederick,  relief 439 

Sparks,  J.  E.,  review  of  pellagra 392 

Sparrow,  S.  W.,  friction  of  aviation  engines 47 

Sparrow  as  pest 916 


column  effect  in  airplane  wing  spars 119 

e.xperimental  metal  spars,  progress  rps 325 

wing  spar  stress  charts. 1131 

Spates,  Benjamin  F.,  relief 452 

Speaks,  John  C.  (Representative  from  Ohio): 
reports  made  by — 

Military  Affairs  Com .      348, 

349,  350, 351,  352, 434, 435,  436,  437,  438, 
439, 440, 690, 691,  692,  693,  823, 824,  968, 

Spear,  Raymond,  tourniquet  splint 887 

Spearin,  George  B.,  relief  of  estate 452 

Spearmint  cultivation 788 

Special-delivery  stamps,  new  denomination..  1138 

Special-handling  stamps,  issuance  delaved 1138 

Special  publication  series.  Coast  and  Geodetic 

Survey 15,214,279,338,536,793,923 

Special-request    envelopes,    see    Envelopes. 

Specialists,  Army  training  regulations 515 

Specialties  Division 151,  339,  795, 925, 1090 

Specifications,  see  Federal  Specifications  Board 
—Government    supplies— Naval 
stores— also  special  subject. 
Specifications  Board,  see  Federal  Specifications 

Speck,  Peter  A.,  see  Speek,  Peter  A. 

absorption  spectra  of  iron,  cobalt,  etc  22 

scandium,  arc  and  spark  spectra 221 

Spectrophotometric  study  of  meriquinones         906 
Spectrum,  see  Spectra. 



loans  by  Federal  reserve  banks- 
hearings 837 

report 984 

Speed  of  airplanes,  see  Airplanes. 

Speed  of  vehicles,  see  Vehicles. 

Speek,  Peter  A.,  unemployment  in  Europe  (2).  884 

Speelman,  S.  R.,  breeds  of  dogs 916 

Speer,  A.  J.,  groimd  water  pollution 64 

Speir,  George  C,  &  Co.,  Inc 101 

Spelter,  rates  on__ 743, 1123 

Spence,  D.,  guayule  rubber 221 

Spencer,  D.  A.: 

breeds  of  sheep  for  farm 784 

farm  sheep  raising  for  beginners 1081 

Spencer,  .Tames,  alias,  see  Neal,  James. 

Spencer,  W.  M.,  Co.,  gravel 104 

Sperry,  Lawrence  B.,  Willis  J.  Perkins  v 177 

Sperry,  William  J.,  duplicate  Medal  of  Honor. 439, 

719, 800 

Sperry  Gyroscope  Co.  v.  United  States 243, 

307,  621 

Sperry  Messenger  airplane,  see  Airplanes. 

Sperstad,  Englehard,  homestead  entry 445, 

930, 1014 

Sphacelotheca,  see  Smuts. 

Sphygmomanometers,  use  and  testing 221 

Spicer,  Asbury  F.,  alias,  see  Porter,  William. 

Spiegel,  J.  B.: 

surface  water  supply — 

Hudson    Bay    and     Mississippi    R. 

basins 1114 

Missouri  R.  basin 94 

Spiegel  Grove  State  Park,  gates. . .  443.  444,  721, 804 

Spieker,  Edmund  M.,  Salina  Canyon  dist.  464,863 

Spillways  on  lower  Mississippi  R 394 

Spilonota  ocellana,  see  Bud  moth. 

Spinal  anesthesia,  physiology  and  technic 502 

Spinal  fluids,  see  Cerebrospinal  fluids. 

Spinal  tuberculosis,  early  diagnosis 392 

Spinning  characteristics  of  airplane 1151 

Spirou,  George  A.,  v.  United  States 1043 

Spithead,  chart 758 


lesions  caused  by  Actinomyces 399,  527 

malaria  measurement 391, 639 

malaria  prevalence  and  spleen  rate 197 

traumatic  rupture _-. 247,  887 

Splenetic  fever,  see  Texas  fever. 

Splint,  tourniquet,  for  fractures  of  elbow. 887 

Spokan  Indians: 
hearings  555 

reports 682,849,954 

veto  message 1057 

Spokane,  Wash.,  Exchange  National  Bank  v. 

U.  S 114 

Spokane  &  Eastern  Ry.  &  Power  Co.,  deficit 

status 875 

Spokane,  Coeur  D'Alenc  &  Palouse  Ry 1122 

Spokane,  Portland  &  Seattle  Ry.: 

misrouting ' 612 

valuation 110 


case  of  American  Sponge  &  Chamois  Co...    26 
Government  publications 358 

Spontaneous  combustion: 

coal,  spontaneous  heating 925 

stable  manure,  spontaneous  ignition 1079 


for  textile  machinery,  rates  on 1123 

metal  for  annealing,  handling,  etc.,  wire...  542 

Sports,  classification.  Library  of  Congress 885 

Spot  disease,  see  Halo  spot. 

Sprague,  Richard  L.,  reimbursement 508 

Spray  irrigation  in  Eastern  States 146 

Spraying  (agriculture): 

apparatus,  for  fruit  growers 786 

citrus  trees,  for  control  of  insects,  etc 273 

see  also  names  of  spraying  mixtures. 

Spraying  (fuels) : 

fuel  and  cylinder  gas  densities 495 

fuel  injection  nozzle,  spray  penetration 47 

photographic  apparatus  for  fuel  sprays 495 

reproducibility  of  penetration,  etc 1046 

Spring,  John  C,  admr.,  v.  United  States 882 




Spring  grain-aphis,  see  Grain-aphis. 

Spring  temperatures,  relation  to  apple  yields. .  405 

Spring  wheat,  see  Wheat. 

Springdale,  Utah,  relief.. 831, 1015, 1103 

Springer,  Milton  E.,  v.  Philippine  Islands.  370,882 

Springfield-Lamar  Telephone  Co _..  482 


rates  on  bed-springs.  _ 97 

rates  on  springs 743 

Sproul,  Elliott  W.  (Representative  from  111.): 
report  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 443 

Sproul,  W.  H.  (Representative  from  Kans.): 
minority  views — 

Mines  and  Mining  Com... 825 

report  made  by — 

Indian  Affairs  Com 953 

Sprunt,  Alexander,  &  Son,  Inc.: 

cotton 29(3 

('.  United  States,  etc. 307 

Spurrier,  Thomas,  military  record 439 

Sputum,  clinical  laboratory  work 392,  514 

Squab  raising 6,  784 

Squalls,  see  Storms. 

Stable  fly,  hosv  to  prevent  Its  annoyance,  etc..  786 

Stable  manure,  spontaneous  ignition 1079 

Staebner,  Frederic  E.,  spray  irrigation 146 

Staff  Corps,  General,  see  General  Staff  Corps. 

Stafford,  John  P.,  relief 677,989,1097 

Stahmann,  W.  J.,  bridge 818,993,1102 

Stainless  iron,  see  Iron. 
Stakman,  E.  C: 

barberry  and  black  stem  rust 333 

stem  rust  in  many  varieties  attacks  grain..  210 

Staley.  A.  E.,  Manufacturing  Co.,  starch 743 

Stalk-borers,  see  Larger  corn  stalk-borer. 
Stalker,  Gale  H.  (Representative  from  N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by- 
District  of  Columbia  Com 810 

Indian  Affairs  Com 815 

Stalter,  George  R.,  neuro-psychiatric  problem.  197 
Stamped  envelopes,  see  Envelopes. 
Stamps,  see  Postage-stamps. 

Standard  Electric  Co.  v.  U.  S 157,243 

Standard  Gvpsum  Co.,  plaster 1034 

Standard  Nut  &  Bolt  Co.,  steel 38 

Standard  Oil  Co.: 

Secretary  of  Interior  v 621,  635 

Standard  Oil  Co.  of  Indiana: 

petroleum 740 

United  States  r 1043 

Standard  Oil  Co.  of  Kentucky: 

complaint,    report,    etc.,    of    Fed.    Trade 

Comn 462 

Standard  Oil  Co.  of  New  Jersey: 

relief 420,989 

Standard  Paint  Co.,  roofing 1122 

Standard  Refractories  Co 882 

Standard  Steel  Car  Co.  ».  U.  S.. 355,490,749 

Standard  time,  see  Time. 

bibliography __ 1093 

geodetic,  at  Bureau  of  Standards 15 

Standardization  Conference,    Pan    American, 
see  Pan  American  Standardization 

yearbook,  1928 1093 

same,  descriptive  circular 1093 

see  also  Weights  and  measures— ai«o  names 
of  commodities,  etc. 
Standards  (military) : 

Army  regulations 198 

Standards  Bureau 21,87, 154,220, 

284,  343,  414,  541,  664,  798,  927,  1093 

geodetic  standardization 15 

handbook  series 89,  542 

publications — 

new  publications 22,89, 

155,  221,  286,  344,  415,  542,  665,  798 

supplementary  list 542 

supplementary  list,  additions 89, 

155,  221, 344, 415,  665, 1093 

testing,  list  of  pamphlets 415 

report,  1927 286 

technical  news  bulletin 23, 89, 155,  221, 

286,  344,  415,  542,  666,  798,  928,  1093 
see  also  Burgess,  George  K. 


Standing  committees,  see  names  of  committees. 
Standing  Rock  Reservation,  homestead  pur- 
chase monev 697,721,801 

Standlev,  Paul  C,  flora  of  Canal  Zone 506 

Stang,  A.  H.: 

apparatus  for  transverse  tests  of  brick 21 

strength  of  interlocking-rib  tile  walls.. 666 

Stanislaus  National  Forest,  proclamation 256 

Stanlev,  H.  F.,  Lumber  Co.: 

lumber 738 

reconsignment 742 

Stanley  County,  S.  Dak.,  lease  of  land 978, 

1014, 1096 
Stanley,  Merrill  &  Phillips  Ry.,  deficit  status.  1123 

Stanton,  James,  Construction  Co... 1034 

Stanton,  T.  R.,  fall  sown  oats 654 

Stanton,  N.  Dak.,  bridge.. 684,843,934 

Stanton  &  Jones  v.  LTnited  States 460,859 

Stapleford,  Sallie,  relief 840,948,1097 

Staples,  bills  of  exchange  covering 574,944, 1099 

Star  Company,  storage 744 

Star  routes: 

•    supplies  for  Govt,  operated  star  service 763 

temporary  or  emergency  service 696 


census  report,  1925 14 

rates  on 743 

Starfish 1142 

Starks,  La.,  bridge 818,994,1103 

Starnes,  Charlie  J.,  director  of  Veterans'  Bur. 

vs.  committee  of  estate,  etc 601,  724 

Starnes,  J.  H.,  director  of  Veterans'  Bur.  vs.  601, 724 

evolution.. 191 

parallaxes  of  57  stars 494 

see  also  Celestial  bodies. 
State  and  Territorial  Health  Officers,  etc.. 
Conference  of,  see  Conference  of 
State  and  Territorial  Health 
Officers  with  United  States  Public 
Health  Service. 
State  Bank  &  Trust  Co.,  Fayetteville,  Tenn., 

relief 419,986 

State  banks.  Government  depositories.  547, 936, 984 

State  Belt  R.  R.  of  California. 164 

State  boards  and  departments  of  health,  see 

Health  boards  and  departments. 
State  colleges,  see  Colleges  and  universities — 
also  names  of  colleges. 

State  Department 60, 129, 192,  258, 

320,  385,  506,  633,  767,  899,  1060,  1143 
appropriations — 

1927,  estimate 903 

1928,  estimates 903,1067 

1929,  estimates 510,  903, 1067 

1929,  hearings 418,449 

1929,  law 544 

1929,  reports 418,449,545 

circulars 60,192, 

258,  320,  385,  506,  633,  767,  899,  1143 

immigration  quotas,  national  origin 634 

register,  Jan.  1,  192S 901 

telephone  directory 321 

useless  papers,  disposition 599,1016 

see  also  Kellogg,  Frank  B. 

State  parks,  playgrounds  of  the  Nation.. 227 

State  universities,  see  Colleges  and  universities 

—also  names  of  universities. 
Statement  of  public  debt  of  United  States,  see 

Public  debts. 
Staten  Island  Shipbuilding  Co.. 452,948,1097 


apportionment  of  appointments,  disparity.  791 

employment  services,  activities 45, 116, 

244,  308,  491,  622,  750,  883,  1044,  1129 

financial  statistics,  1926 149 

health  authorities,  1927 323,513 

hospitals  in  study  of  mental  diseases 134 

industries,  census  report,  1925 149,  338 

laws — 

index,  estimate  for  preparation 623 

index,  subject  headings,  etc 245 

publications  for  sale .--  727 

livestock  admission,  sanitary  requirements.  784 

mortality  statistics 773,905 

notifiable  diseases,  1926 391 

post  offices,  list 56 


Index,  1927-1928 


States-Continued.      ,,,,,.,  ,7,10 

Dublications,  monthly  check-list. 47, 118, 

^  179,  309,  373,  493,  624,  752,  885,  1046 

right  to  sue  United  States 708 

school  improvement  associations ^>i 

school  systems,  statistics ---  160,463 

trachoma  in  health  program 6.59,906 

see  also  certain  heailinRS  begmning  State— 
also  names  of  States. 

Static,  correlation  with  atmosphere,  etc 52, 123 

Stationery  supplies  for  Government Ml 

Statistical  abstract  of  U.  S.,  1926 216 

Statistical  Association,  see  American  Statistical 

Statistical  bulletins,  see  names  of  Departments, 
bureaus,  etc.,  issuing  bulletins— 
also  subjects. 
Statistical  circulars,  see  names  of  Depart- 
ments, bureaus,  etc.,  issuing  cir- 
culars—a^so  subjects. 

Stati-sticalDivi.sion,  Education  Bur. 160, 

3.59, 463,  COS,  604, 863, 1021 
Statistical  Division,  Shipping  Board  Merchant     • 

Fleet  Corporation 128 

Statistical    Research    Division,    Foreign    and 

Domestic  Commerce  Bur 151,660 

Statistical  Section,  Income  Tax  Unit 390 

Statistics,  see  subject  on  which  statistics  are 

Statistics  Bureau,  I.  C.  C 33, 

37, 103, 108,  109, 165, 166, 171, 232,  235, 
297,  300,  301,  363,  365,  471,  472,  479, 
480,  filO,  614,  615,  735,  741,  742,  870, 
874,  1028,  1029,1034,1035,1119,1121, 

Statistics  Bureau  of  Canada 925 

Statistics  Division,  Foreign  and  Domestic  Com- 
merce Bur 216 

Statuary  Hall,  see  Capitol. 

Statues,  Hawaii  and  Alaska  to  place  in  Statuary 

Hall 598,850 

see  also  names  of  persons  in  whose  honor 
statues  are  erected. 

Statures  and  weight  of  children  under  6 116 

Statute  of  limitations,  see  Limitations  (law). 
Statutes,  see  Laws,  and  references. 
Statutes  at  large,  see  Laws— a/so  special  sub- 
ject, e.  g.  Timber. 

Stauber,  C.  J.,  dairv  work 529 

Stauflfer  Chemical  Co.  of  Texas 1124 

Stauffer,  Eshleman  &  Co.,  Ltd 223,1043 

Staunton  Brick  Co.,  relief __ 700 

Steacy-Schmidt  Manufacturing  Co 90,243 


function  in  limekiln,. 152 

Steam-boilers,  see  Boilers. 
Steam  cars,  see  Railroad-cars. 

Steam  engineering,  destroyer,  syllabus 121 

Steam  fittings,  census  report,  1925 14 

Steam  railroads,  see  Railroads. 

Steamboat  Inspection  Service 23,  90, 155,  221, 

287,  344,  415,  542,  666,  798,  928,  1093 

bulletin 23,90, 155,221, 

287,  344,  415,  542,  666,  798,  928,  1093 
examinations  for  entrance,  information.  11,  1086 

local  inspectors 821,992,1100 

report,  1927 ._  287 

rules  and  regulations,  supplements 221, 666 


lights  on  Great  Lakes 934,965 

lines  through  Panama  Canal,  etc 502,628 

mail  for  foreign  countries 126, 

186,  254,  316,  503,  630,  763,  1054",  1139 
see  also  Passenger  traffic— Steamboat  In- 
spection Service. 

Stearin,  rates  on 616  1036 

Stearn,  George  W.,  0.  United  States '...    '   116 

Stearns,  Norah  D.: 

geology  and  ground-water  hydrologv 64 

water-bearing  materials "  294 

Stack,  Daniel  F.  (Senator  from  Iowa): 
reports  made  by- 
Military  Afl'airs  Com 1002, 

1003, 1004,  i005, 1007 

Pensions  Com 596,854,1010 

bteece,  Henry  M.,  food  crop  improvement  273 

Steedman,  Carrie  H.,  exr.,  v.  U.  S  176 



air-hardening  rivet  steels 344 

barrels  or  drums,  rates  on 731 

bars — 

case  of  Henry  L.  Exstein  Co.,  Inc 1018 

concrete  reinforcement,  billet-steel 344 

rates  on 482 

cargo  booms  for  ships 414 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

corrosion,  effect  of  location 886 

creep  at  different  temperatures 665 

density,  hot-rolled,  etc.,  carbon  steels 286 

deterioration  in  synthesis  of  ammonia 344 

endurance,  etc.,  of  rail  steel 665 

hulls,  care  and  maintenance :    88 

mooring  bitts,  cast-steel,  standard 22 

permanent-magnet  steels 415 

plate  material  for  galvanizing  tanks 886 

production  in  1926 217 

rates  on  steel 38, 

110,  111,  482,  743, 875, 1036, 1123 

rates  on  steel  articles 167,473,610 

specifications — 

axles,  etc.,  for  locomotives  and  cars 340 

boiler  and  fire-box  steel _•_ 281 

carbon  steel  and  alloy  steel  forgings 340 

carbon  steel  forgings  for  locomotives. ..  340 

castings 216 

girder  rails,  open-hearth  steel 661 

structural  steel  for  bridges 18 

structural  steel  for  buildings 216 

structural  steel  for  cars 410 

structural  steel  for  locomotives 410 

tubes,  lap-welded  and  seamless.  __  410, 1090 

wrought  solid  carbon-steel  wheels 216 

windows,  elimination  of  waste 666 

Steel  works: 

accidents  in  steel  industry 372 

census  of  manufactures,  1925. 214 

wages  and  hours  of  labor 116 

Steele,  Leslie  J.  (Representative  from  Ga.): 
minority  views- 
Claims  Com 808 

reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 418,  549,  550,  676, 809,  948 

Steers,  fattening  on  dry-land  crops 271 

Steese,  J.  G.,  Juneau,  Alaska,  district 518 

Steidle,  Harry  S.,  sawdust  and  wood  flour 148 

Stein,  L.  K.,  Co.,  refrigeration. 1035 

Steinberg,  John  C.,  reinstatement 1141 

Steiner,  G.: 

Tylenchus  pratensis  and  other  nemas..  532, 647 

when  and  how  does  sex  arise? 275 

Stciwer,  Frederick  (Senator  from  Greg.) : 
reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 451,575,704,705,706, 

838,  839,  840, 985, 987, 988. 989, 1109 

Indian  Affairs  Com 716,847,848 

Judiciary  Com 590,850,1000 

Stejneger,  Leonhard,  green  pit  viper. 384 

Stem  rot  of  sweet  potatoes.. 3, 10, 76 

Stem  rust: 

black,  in  common  barberry 333 

many  varieties  attack  grain 210 

oats,  inheritance  of  reaction  (2) 1079 

Stemming  explosives,  efi'ect  on  efficiency 796 


in  courts  of  U.  S.,  appointment 432, 1001 

to  be  present  before  grand  juries 432 

Stenosis,  cicatricial,  of  esophagus 887,1047 

Stepanov  Bay,  chart 626 

Stephens,  Bowman,  v.  Mexico 130 

Stephens,  Charles  S.,  v.  Mexico 130 

Stephens,  Edward  C,  brothers  v.  Mexico 130 

Stephens,  H.  M.,  trustee,  v.  D.  B.  Heiner 1043 

Stephens,  Hubert  D.  (Senator  from  INIiss.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com..  449,  450, 451, 452, 453,  575,  576, 
705,  706,  707,  838, 840,  985,  987,  988, 989 

Stephenson,  Harry  W.,  to  reappoint 439 

Stephenson,    Lloyd    W.,    Upper    Cretaceous 

invertebrate  faunas. 258 

Stephenson,  W.  O.,  thoracotomy  for  empyema.  392 

Stephen ville  North  &  South  Texas  Ry 236 

Stereotype  plates,  rates  on 39 

Sterility  and  fertility  in  strawberry... 9 

Sterilizer,  economical  and  practical 49 




Sterilizing  farm  milk  utensils 'J17 

Sterling,  E.  Blanche,  infant  and  maternal  mor- 
tality in  U.  S-.. 773,905 

Stern,  Boris,  productivity  in  glass  industry 308 

Stern,  Cordelia  H.,  social  worlc  in  Veterans' 

Bur.  hospitals- _.- 514 

Stevens,  Charles  R.,  relief . 440 

Stevens,  Doris,  igualdad  de  derechos  para  la 

jnujer 1138 

Stevens,  F.  W.,  gaseous  explosive  reaction 624 

Stevens,  W.  Mackenzie,  citrus-fruit  marketing.      5 
Stevens,  William  O.,  American  naval  history,  1132 

Stevenson,  F.  J.,  smuts,  etc.,  in  oats  (2) 1079 

Stewart,  Edwin  C,  v.  United  States 290,307 

Stewart,  Estelle  M.,  apprenticeship  in  build- 
ing construction  (2entries) 1129 

Stewart,  Ethelbert: 

blast  furnace  productivity 1129 

index  of  wholesale  prices  (2  entries). 372 

industrial-accident  prevention,  etc 492 

wage  adjustments,  cost-of-living  figures 751 

see  also  Labor  Statistics  Bureau. 
Stewart,  F.  W.,  Manufacturing  Corporation..  460 
Stewart,  Frank  H.,  Electric  Co.  v.V.S...  490,600 

Stewart,  John,  relief  of  estate 452 

Stewart,  Margaret  W.,  State  law  index 245 

Stewart,  Norman  H.,  white  sucker 16 

Stewart,  Robert  W.: 

to  be  taken  into  custody  (S.  Res.  132) 597 

vacating  order  under  S.  Res.  132 858 

Stewart  County,  Tenn.: 

bridge  across  Cumberland  River 556, 

578, 673,  707, 801 

bridge  across  Tennessee  River 560, 

585, 673, 711, 804 
Stickel,  Paul  W.: 

forest-fire  weather  in  central  Mass 1085 

replacement  of  blight-killed  chestnut 8 

Stilaguamish  River,  examination  and  survey..  1151 
Stiles,  C.  W.: 

ground  water  pollution 64 

insects  of  importance  in  public  health 906 

Stillbirth  statistics 337 

Stills  exported,  drawback  of  tax 1147 

Stillwater,  Minn.,  bridge... 959 

Stillwell,  W.  n.,  relief 097,830 

Stimson,  Henry  L.,  la  politica  de  los  Estados 

Unidos  en  Nicaragua 634 

Stimson,   Julia    C,    Army    Nurse    Corps   in 

World  War 779 

Stinchcomb,  Frank,  relief 442,595,667 

Stinking  smut: 

wheat,  copper-carbonate  treatment 788 

wheat,  varieties  resistant 276 

Stock,  see  Stocks— oiso  Cattle. 

Stock-cars,  furnishing 482 

Stock  companies,  see  Corporations. 
Stock  ranges: 

development  in  Montana 444,  597, 803 

production  of  range-cattle  in  Gt.  Plains 648 

use  of  salt  in  range  management 8 

Stockberger,  W.  W^,  growing  and  curing  hops.  788 
Stockdale,  Doris,  Agriculture  Dept.  publica- 
tions       9 

Stockett,  John  W'.,  relief 706,981 

Stockings,  see  Hosiery. 

employee  stock  ownership  in  U.  S.,  bibl...  117 

report  on  stock  dividends 462 

taxes  on  bank  shares 704 

see  also  names   of  railroads,   etc.,  issuing 

Stockyards  act,  to  amend,  hearings 704 

Stockyards  Administration,  see  Packers  and 

Stockyards  Administration. 
Stoddard,  B.  H.: 

asbestos  in  1926 281 

mica  in  1926 341 

talc  and  soapstone  in  1926. 341 

Stoddard,  Cora  F.,  la  lucha  contra  el  alcohol- 

ismo 1052 

Stokes,  George  W.,  appointment 505 

Stokes-Adams  syndrome  with  heart  block 1148 

StoU,  Amy: 

barite  and  barium  products  in  1926 217 

lead  and  zinc  pigments  and  salts,  1926 340 

lead  in  1926,  smelter  report 539 

zinc  in  1926,  smelter  report 341 


Stolte,  H.  L.,  bridge  across  Missouri  River 453 

Stolts,  J.  &  J.  W.,  Association  v.  U.  S 25,307 

Stone,  Edna  L.,  absenteeism  in  industry 46 

Stone,  Elmer  F.,  medal 1009 


Government  supplies 62,  638 

production  in  1926 ._ 412 

rates  on  fluxing  stone 32, 232 

rates  on  stone 39,  111,  172.  473,  482, 1036, 1123 

Stone  &  Downer  Co.,  United  States  p _.  44,224 

Stone  Coal  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties...  743 

Stone  setting,  cut-stone  trim  in  brick  bldgs 291 

Stoneberg,    Hugo   F.,   corn   as   influenced  by 

mosaic  disease _ 209 

Stones  River  National  Park,  estimate 510 

Stonestreet,  Clarence  G.,  relief. -.  440 

Stonington,  Me.,  pier  and  wharf 818,1103 

Stony  Gorge  Dam: 

balanced  needle  valves 363 

high-pressure  gates  and  outlet  pipes 96 

Stony  Island  bridge 932,956,991 

Stoppage  of  goods  in  transit 743 


case  of  Star  Co 744 

charges  at  Atlantic  and  Gulf  ports 112 


ammunition,  Navy  facilities 943,973 

ammunition,  War  Dept.,  etc.,  survey..  907 

butter  for  winter  use 206 

dusting  mixtures,  chemical  changes...  648, 

evaporated  apples,  deterioration...  399,531 

potato,  and  storage  houses 532 

vegetables,  home  storage 76 

see  also  Cold  storage. 

Storage  batteries,  rates  on 39 

Store  fixtures,  rates  on 111 

Storekeepers,  Navy  training  course 49 

Stories,  see  Children's  literature. 

articles  on  storms — 

on  Isthmus  of  Panama 656 

tropical  storms  of  north  Pacific 123, 

1051, 1134 
cyclonic  storms 52, 1051 

inundations,  tropical  cyclones 405 

northeastward-moving  cyclone,  growth  534 

of  Sept.  9-10,  1922 1051,1134 

line-squalls 656 

tornadoes — 

at  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  Jan.  19,  1928 656 

at  Rocksprings,  Tex.,  Apr.  12,  1927 11 

at  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  May  24,  1927 77 

at  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Sept.  29,  1927.. 335 

at  Washington,  D.  C,  May  14,  1927...    77 

in  Arkansas,  1879-1926 11 

in  Illinois,  iVpr.  19,  1927 11 

in  Kansas,  July  16,  1927 212 

in  Virginia,  1814-1925 : 11 

in  Virginia-District  of  Columbia-Mary- 
land  534 

notable  tornadoes  of  May,  1927 77 

observing  a  tornado's  life 11 

typhoons  in  the  Far  East 335,405 

warnings,  radio  aids  to  navigation 121, 1132 

Story,    Joseph,    position    on    general    welfare 

clause 353 

Stovarsol  treatment  of  amebiasis 64 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 14 

rates  on 482 

Stowell,  Ellery  C,  v.  civil  service  comnrs 44 

Stoxal  larvicide,  some  tests 134,263 

Straight  Line  Engine  Co.,  Inc.,  coke 1027 

Straighthead  of  rice  and  its  control 146 

Straits,  see  Belts  (straits)— aZso  names  of  straits. 

Straughn,  M.  N.,  maple  sugar 651 


inspection,  rules  and  regulations 649 

rates  on 302 

Straw  braid,  case  of  R.  H.  Comey  Brooklyn  Co.  461 

culture .---  919,920 

disease  of  strawberries  on  market 76 

everbearing  strawberries 9 

physiological  anatomy,  studies 269,276 

preparation  of  strawberries  for  market..  72, 649 


Index,  1927-1928 


Stxawberry— Continued.  .,..•„  0,9 

protection  from  frost  througli  heating      .--  212 

rates  on  strawberries ----- i^,  iii.  »'^ 

sterility  and  fertility  in  strawberry--------      » 

varieties  in  United  States.-      -1%^^^ 

xanthosis,  new  insect-borne  disease.--  64/, /83 

Strawberry  pickers  wanted,  poster »»d 

Strawboard,  rates  on - ^^^ 

Stream-llow,  see  Rivers. 
Streams,  see  Rivers. 

Streator  quadrangle.  111 ■'"^^ 

Street  railways,  see  names  of  railways. 
Streeter  II.  W.i 

sewage-polluted  source  of  water  supply---  1148 

water  purification,  B.  coli  results ^^'lol 

water  purification,  efficiency 323 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  rps., 

V.  42 263 


automobile  exhaust  gas  in  streets 773 

el  alumbrado  de  las  calles— - 1136 

trees  for  town  and  city  streets 10 

see  also  names  of  streets. 
Streill,  Abraham,  estimating  run-off,  notes--  920 
Strempel,  Rudolf,  syphilis,  aerologic  diagnosis.    64 

Streptococcus,  scarlet  fever  antitoxin,- 1148 

Stress  charts,  wing  spar,  etc 1131 

Stresses  in  landing  gears,  determination 777 

Stretcliers  for  transferring  patients  from  ships 

(2  entries) 49 

Strew,  John,  relief 440 

Strike,  Ed.,  relief 420 

Strike,  W.  W.,  Appanoose  County,  Iowa 656 

Strikes  and  lockouts: 

injunctions  in  labor  disputes 717,850 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 603 

see  also  Industrial  arbitration. 

Stripe  blight  of  oats 399,532 

Striped  blister  beetle,  on  soy  beans 530 

Strong,  James  G.  (Representative  from  Kans.): 
report  made  by — 

Conference  Com 941 

Strongylidae,  see  Nematode  worms. 

Strother,  D.  H.,  superheat  meter  for  airships-.  344 

Strother,  Russell,  v.  Mexico. 130 

Strott,  G.  G.,  elementary  laboratory  procedure  887 
Strowbridge,  J.  W.,  commercial  potato  crop-  72,  784 
Stuart,  Duncan: 

Ardmore  Dry-Land  Field  Station 209 

dairv  work  at  Woodward  Field  Station 529 

Stuart,  M.  A.: 

amoebic  dysentery  and  endamoebic  carriers.  888 

prevention  and  control  of  malaria 246,  247 

Stuart,  William: 

how  to  grow  acre  of  potatoes 532 

potato  storage  and  storage  houses 532 

production  of  late  or  main-crop  potatoes..-  654 

seed  potatoes  and  how  to  produce  them 404 

source,  character,  etc.,  of  potato  sets 532 

Stuekert,  Mrs.  J.  C,  relief 840,948,1097 


at  German  universities,  health  conditions  -  196 

health  as  related  to  tonsillectomy 773, 1070 

Sturchler,  Tiieophile,  admr.,  v.  Alien  Property 

Custodian,  etc -  .  336 

Styer,  W.  D.,  New  York  City  district 518 

Subject  headings: 

catalogues  of  Library  of  Congress 885 

additions  and  changes 1045, 1130 

local  subdivision 1130 

State  law  index,  tentative  list 245 

Submarine  boats: 

accidents,  double  pensions 567,596,854,935 

habitability  of  submarines  (2  entries) 497 

increase  in  limit  of  cost _  975, 1009,1103 

pay  of  personnel 595.695,803 

payments  to  dependents  of  those  on  S-4--.  974 
safety  appliances- 
experimental  work,  estimates 771, 1066 

letter  of  Navy  Department 496 

reports  of  committees. 445  457 

Submarine  cablets,  see  Gables  (submarine) 
Subscribers  Service  Teleiihone  Co.,  Inc  482 

Subscription  charges  for  newspapers,  etc  687 

Subsidies,  shi]),  Italian  svstem 410 

Suburbanites,  see  Country  life. 

Success,  Ark.,  bridge.-..: .._  556,668,708 

Sucker,  see  White  sucker. 



commercial     handbook,     Anglo-Egj'ptian 

Sudan 17 

date  culture 9 

International  Office  of  Public  Health 196 

Sudan  grass 146,1084 

Suddaths  Ferry,  bridge 816,841,932 

Sudzhuk  Bay,  see  Novorossisk  Bay. 

Suffrage,  national  representation  for  D.  C 820 

see  also  Woman  suffrage. 


blood  sugar  in  the  tropics 502 

in  treatment  of  gonococcus  infection 48,49 

industries,  census  report,  1925 14 

rates  on.  _  39,  HI.  236,  302,  482,  616, 876, 1036, 1123 
see  also  Maple  sugar. 

Sugar  beets: 

costs  of  producing — 

in  Idaho -  1144 

in  Nebraska 769 

in  Ohio,  etc.,  errata 635 

summary  and  economic  analysis 635 

educational  ilhistrations 529 

growing  under  humid  conditions 655 

over-wintered  in  field,  seed  production 532 

refractometer,  use  in  analysis 647,  789 


black  rot  fungus,  cytological  study 269,  404 

educational  illustrations 529 

yield  tests  of  disease-resistant 9 

Sugar-cane  moth  borer,  in  United  States 786 

Sugar  Land  Ry.: 

deficit  status Ill 

freight  rates 32 

Sugar  pine,  see  Pine. 

Sugg,  J.  D.,  comnr.  of  internal  revenue  vs 1128 

Suisun  Bay,  chart 659 

Suits  at  law,  see  Actions  at  law. 

Sullivan,  B.,    history    taking    in    pulmonary 

tuberculosis 514 

Sullivan,  John  D.,  thermodynamic  properties 

of  oxygen,  etc 1091 

Sullivan,  M.  Loretta,  women  in  Del.  canneries.  117 

Sullivan,  M.  X.: 

oxidation-reduction  studies 263,906 

sulphur  in  pituitary  extracts 1148 

Sullivan,  Michael  P.,  relief 351 

Sullivan,  Philip  V.,  relief 975 

Sullivan,  Scuddy  W.,  United  States  t' 490 

Sullivan  Telephone  Co.,  Inc.: 

control  by  New  York  Telephone  Co 39 

purchase  of  properties 482 

Sulphate-sulphuric  acid  process,  see  Ferric  sul- 
phate-sulphuric acid  process. 

Sulphate  water,  action  on  concrete 405 

Sulphates,  see  Aluminum  sulphate — Ammon- 
ium sulphate— Copper  sulphate. 

Sulphonates,  indigo,  electrode  potentials 906 


density,  etc.,  of  system,  rubber-sulphur 155 

dusting  mixtures,  chemical  changes 648,  786 

loosely  bound,  in  pituitary  extracts 1148 

production,  1926 663 

rates  on 1036,1124 

see  also  Lime-sulphur  concentrate. 

Sulphur  dioxide: 

commercial  liquid,  analyses 22 

determination  of  sulphur  trioxide  in 22 

Sulphur    trio-xide,    determination   in   sulphur 

dioxide 22 

Sulphuric  acid: 

arsenic-free,  preparation 120 

as  weed  spray 4,  72 

barley  seed  dehulling  to  induce  smut-.  399, 531 

census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

rates  on 366,  744 

see  also  Acetic  anhydride-sulphuric  acid 
test— Ferric  sulphate-sulphuric  acid 

Sulu  Anchorage,  chart 82 

3ulu  Archipelago,  coast  pilot,  supplement 659 

Bulu  Island,  charts. --  82, 1088 


chart 500 

fast-disappearing  flora 898 

Summer  camps: 

valor  del  campamento  de  verano  para  nifios.  314 

Summer  courses  in  Spanish  and  Portuguese..  761 




Summers,  abnormal,  in  United  States.. 212 

Sunmerville  Telephone  Co.,  properties 302 

Summit  Lake,  lands  adjacent 423,588,671 

Sammy.  Clayton  F.,  Co 462 

Sumners,    Hatton    W.    (Representative   from 
reports  made  bv — 

Judiciary  Com 820,962 

Sumter,    Fort,    flagstaff   commemorating    de- 
fense  565,938,1007 


azimuths  of  the  sun.. 180 

child's  need  of  sunshine 750 

ephemeris,  1927 227 

ephemeris,  1928 293 

rays,  influences  on  plants  and  animals 191 

soiar  activity,  rel.  to  radio  reception 77 

sunrise  tables,  Panama  (Balboa),  1928 502 

see  also  Celestial  bodies— Solar  radiation. 

Sun  Juichin.  compensation 386,714,813,938 

Sun  Oil  Co.,  petroleum 740 

Sun  River  irrigation  project 866 

Sun  suits  for  children 787 

Sunburn  protection  by  textile  fibers 203.  270 

Sunburv,  Pa.,  bridge 429,584,671 

Sunbury  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 429.584,671 

Sunbury  Converting  Works,  hydrogen  peroxid.  298 

Sunderland.  Louis  P.,  relief 420,543,576 

Sunflower  &  Eastern  Ry.,  valuation 364 

Sunflowers,  tumors,  cysts,  etc 494 

Sunmoimt,  X.  Y.,  Yeterans'  Hospital,  to  reim- 
burse patients 702 

Sunny  Brook  Distillery  Co..  relief 713 

Sunnvside  quadrangle,  Utah,   economic  geol- 
ogy   1022 

Sunset  Ry.,  valuation 302 

Sunshine,  see  Sun. 

Suomela,  Arnie  J.,  salmon-tagging  experiments.    17 

Superchargers,  see  Engines. 

Superheat  meter,  for  airships 344 

Superintendent  of  Documents,  see  Documents 

Superior,  Wis.,  marine  commerce  report 642 

Superior  &  Southeastern  Ry.: 

deficit  status 616 

operation  of  lines 1036 

Superior,  Lake,  charts 520,1051 

Superior  National  Forest: 

protection,  etc..  of  lands 1108,1109 

rotarians.  welcome  to  national  forests 918 

Supervising   Architect,   see   Architect,    Super- 
Supervisors  of  Southeastern  States.  Conference 
of,  see  Conference  of  Supervisors  of 
Southeastern  States. 

American  Historical  Assoc,  report,  1924 _..  1142 
coast  pilots- 
Alaska 6,59,792 

Atlantic  Coast 15,659,1088 

Hawaiian  Islands 150 

Key  West  to  Rio  Grande,  inside  route.  338 

Mexico,  Gulf  of 214 

New  York  to  Kev  West,  inside  route..  150 

Pacific  Coast 408 

Philippine  Islands 659 

West  Indies.  Porto  Rico,  etc 1088 

code  of  laws  of  D.  C,  to  print 964. 1098 

code  of  laws  of  U.  S.,  to  authorize.  964. 1098. 1107 
Commerce  Department  publications  __.  20,86, 
1.54,  220,  284.  343,  414,  541,  664,  797.  927 
corporate  names  of  common  carriers,  list..  296 
Federal  Horticultural  Board  announce- 
ments   208 

general  schedule  of  supplies.  1928 390 

Government  supplies,  specifications,  etc.-  322 
Great  Lakes  charts- 
bulletin  36 67,137,200,266,326 

bulletin  37 1074, 1152 

hvdrographic  bulletin,  ice  supplement 51, 

52,  122,  1S2,  758,  890,  1051, 1133 

Library  of  Congress  publications,  list 309 

monthly  weather  review 335. 1085 

naval  medical  bulletin 120,496,887 

index,  v.  11 120 

Panama  Canal,  Executive  orders 379,893 

Supplements— Continued . 
pilot  guides — 

Aden,  Gulf  of 757 

Africa _ 756 

Asia -.  756,888,1048 

Atlantic  Ocean 1049 

Australia 756,7,57,1049 

Baltic  Sea 888, 1049 

Bengal,  Bav  of 757 

Biscav,  Bay  of 1049 

Black  Sea 888 

British  Columbia 757,1049 

Central  .\merica,  east  coast 888 

East  Indies "5^' ^2^? 

Great  Brit ain.V." ^ [[[\[[\[[[V 757," 888,"  1049 
India 757 

Mediterranean  Sea 757, 888, 889, 1049 

Mexico,  east  coast 888 

New  Zealand 1049 

Newfoundland 625 

North  Sea 889 

Norway 757 

Nova  Scotia 1050 

Pacific  Ocean 889 

Persian  Gulf 757 

Red  Sea 757 

St.  Lawrence  River 1050 

Scandinavia 889, 1050 

South  .America 758,1050 

West  Indies 758 

postal  guide,  official 126, 186,  254, 

316,  380,  503,  630,  762.  894.  1054,  1138 
proposals  for  International  Radiotelegraph 

Conference 130,193,259 

public  health  reports 133, 

262,  263,  391,  513, 1147 

salary  tables,  naval  hospital  employees 375 

Standards  Bureau  publications- 
list 542 

list,  additions 89.155. 

221,  344, 415, 665, 1093 

steamboat  inspection  rules,  etc 221,666 

survey  of  current  business — 

record  book  of  statistics _..  81,338,658 

weeklv  supplement 12,  79, 148,  213, 

278,  337,  407,  535,  658,  792,  922,  1087 

survey  of  public  lands,  manual 227, 293 

tariff  series,  Panama  Canal 315 

valuation  order  7,  suppl,  instructions 877 

Supplies,  see  Army  supplies— Government  sup- 
plies— ^Medical  supplies— Military 
supplies — Naval  supplies — Oil-well 
supplies  —  Postal  supplies  —  also 
names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
etc. — also  special  supplies. 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau,  Navv  Dept 54, 

123,  184,  251,  313,  377,  500,  627,  760, 
892,  1052,1135. 

estimate,  1929 1067 

manual  for  accounting  officers,  change 251 

report,  1927 377,753 

Supplies  Division,  Labor  Dept.,  see  Publica- 
tions and  Supplies  Division,  Labor 
Supplies    Division,    Post    Office    Dept.,    see 
Equipment  and  Supplies  Division, 
Post  Office  Dept. 
Supply  Committee,  see  General  Supply  Com- 
Supplv  Corps.  Navv: 

manual,  1922,  changes 313,627 

officers,  memorandum  for 54, 123, 184, 

251.  313,  500,  627,  760,  892,  1052,  1135 
Supply  Department  of  the  Panama  Canal,  see 
Panama  Canal  (zone). 

Supply  Division,  Treasury  Dept 773,907 

Supreme  Court  of  District  of  Columbia: 
additional  justice — 

hearing 963 

reports 963. 1001 

fees  to  be  charged  bv  clerk 431,  717,801 

Supreme  Court  of  United  States 131, 193,  259, 

321,  387,  508,  634,  768,  901,  1062,  1144 
appeals  from  Ct.  of  Cls.,  decisions 722 


Index,  1927-1928 

Supreme  Court  of  United  States-Continued, 
building,  plans,  etc.,  to  be  submitted— 

liearings - ^i"' 

report ----- rr"" 

cases  adjudged  (United  States  reports)- 

Oct.  term,  1926  (bound  vols.)-  259, 63d,  901 

''^■'reS")^'''    ^""'""°193;2t"8t635 

^^^'retortsb--''-.-"-"""'-  '^'gW 

to  furnish  to  Customs  Court 432, 1001 

cases  decided,  title-page  and  index 1/7 

cases  pending,  title-page  and  index l9.^ 

copyright  law,  rules,  etc ii» 

^""'"^ 32Y,"387V568r63'577'58V96i,'lb62^  1144 

law  library  of  Elbridge  T.  Gerry 933 

marshal,  salary - —  432, 590,  8C4, 805 

official  reports,  see,  above,  cases  adjudged. 

rules  in  common-law  actions 590,850 

see  also  subjects  of  decisions.    For  cases 
printed  by  Supreme  Court  or  by 
Justice  Department  see  names  of 
claimants,  etc. 
Surcshot  ranger  station,  Madison  Nat.  Forest.  1140 
Sureties,  see  Guaranties  and  sureties. 
Surface  water  supply,  see  Water-supply. 
Surgeon  General,  Army,  see  Medical  Depart- 
ment, Army. 
Surgeon   General,   Navy,   see   Medicine   and 

Surgery  Bureau. 
Surgeon  General,  "Public  Health  Service,  see 
Public  Ilealth  Service. 

Surgeons,  examining.  Pension  Bur 1115 

»ee  also   Medical   Corps,  Army— Medical 
Corps,  Navy— Physicians. 


debt  of  surgical  diagnosis  to  X  ray  (2) 49 

relation  of  oral  prophylaxis 392 

surgical  case 887, 1048 

»e<  also  names  of  organs,  regions  of  the  body, 
etc.— fl?so  names  of  special  opera- 
Surgery  Bureau,  see  Medicine  and   Surgery 

Surgical  instruments: 

Government  supplies 511 

trade  in  .\ustralia  and  New  Zealand 1090 

Suriani,  Phili]),  to  reimburse 700 

Surry,  &  Southampton  Ry.  v.  U.  S 44 

The  Survey  (periodical): 

reprint  from  graphic  number 501 

Survey  duty  in  the  tropics 496 

Survey  of  current  business 12, 79, 148,  213, 

278,  337,  407,  535,  658,  792,  922,  1087 

supplement,  record  book 81, 338,  658 

supplement,  weekly _.  12,79, 148,213, 

278,  337,  407,  535,  658,  792,  922,  1087 

Army  training  manual 136,775,908,1072 

Army  training  regulations 136,641 

for  military  maps,  Govt,  agencies  to  assist    437, 


leveling,  geodetic  publications 793 

leveling,  instructions 161 

public  lands,  instructions,  supplement.  227,  293 
topographic  instructions,  Geol.  Survev...  161, 
228, 60'4,  728 
topographic  mapping  of  Mississippi  Valley.  811 
traverse — 

manual  of  Ist-order  traverse 338 

publications  relating  to  traverse 338 

transit  traverse  instructions  228 

triangulat  ion- 
computation  and  adjustment  manual..  793 

digests  of  geodetic 793 

instructions  of  Qeol.  Survev 161 

readjustment  of  ist-order  net..  15 

Surveying  instruments.  Government  supplies     511 
Surveys,  see  Surveying— a^so  names  of  counties, 

States,  etc. 
Su.squehanna  &  New  York  R.  R.,  valuation       482 
Susquehanna  River: 

bridge  at  Sunbury,  Pa 429  584  671 

bridge  between  Wrightsville  and  Columbia,' 

Pa 348,454,671 

Susquehanna  Silk  Mills,  silk  .  743 

Sutcliffe,  Walter  D.,  Ist-order  traverse  338 


Sutherland,  Dan  A.  (Delegate  from  Alaska): 
reports  made  by — 

Mines  and  Mining  Com 693 

Territories  Com 445,  446 

Sutton,  Mrs.  Dawn  J.,  appointment 897 

Sutton,  H.  A.,  airplane    spinning    characteris- 
tics  1151 

Sutton,  Richard  L.,  dermatology. 496,497 

Suwangi,  chart  of  channel 182 

Suwannee  River,  bridge.. 710,819 

Svendborg  Harbor,  chart 249 

Svendborg  Sund,  chart 249 

Sverdrup,  II.  U.,  scientific  work  of  Maud  expe- 
dition  190 

Sveshnikofi",  W.  W.,  deterioration  of  steels 344 

Swackhamer,  W.  B.,  early  diagnosis 1148 

Swain,  George  H.,  relief 840,948,1097 

Swallen,  Jason  R.,  grasses  of  California 898 

Swan,  Raymond  D.,  v.  United  States 1043 

Swan-Finch  Oil  Corporation,  fish-oil 1028 

Swan  Valley,  Idaho,  bridge 428,584,671 

Swank,  Frederick  D.,  relief... 989 

Swanson,  Arthur  F.,  cereal  experiments 333 

Swanson,  Claude  A.  (Senator  from  Va.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 720,1008,1009,1010 

Swanson,  p.  B.,  fuel  oil  distribution 340 

Swarm  control 206,917 

Swearingen,  Nannie,  relief 678 

Sw-eden,  forestry 339 

Swedish  Evangelical  Free  Church  of  United 

States  of  -America,  census,  1926. . .  1088 
Swedish    Evangelical    Mission    Covenant    of 

America,  census,  1926 535 

Swedish   Foot-and-Mouth   Disease    Commis- 
sion  ■- 1080 

Swedish  Lutheran  Church,  Providence,  R.  I., 

carillon 997 

Sweenev,  Francis,  relief 420,930,989 

Sweeney,  W.  T.: 

thermal  expansion,  beryllium,  etc 343 

thermal  expansion,  stainless  iron  alloys 542 

Sweet,  Louise,  reading  predilections  of  patients.  135 
Sweet  &  Piper  Horse  &  Mule  Commission  Co.  223 

Sweet  Brothers,  dredging  machinery 102 

Sweet  clover,  see  Clover. 
Sweet  potato: 

educational  illustrations 529 

mottle  necrosis 3, 76 

stem  rot 3,10,76 

Swenarton,  J.  H.,  relief 826 

Swenson,  R.  L.,  carbon  disulphide  vaporiza- 
tion apparatus 207 

Swift,  A.  H.: 

chemical  exports  to  neighboring  countries . .  151 

importance  of  U.  S.  chemical  industry 339 

Swift,  George  M.,  bill  of  review  application. . .  160 
Swift,  Lionel  V.,  importance  of  adjunct  dental 

treatment 514 

Swift,  R.  ^V.: 

cattle,  rate  of  metabolism  (2  entries) 399 

net-energy  values  of  corn  silage,  etc 3 

Swift  &  Co.: 

freight  rates 165,490 

meat 738 

V.  United  States 243,490 

Swift  Specific  Co.,  bottles 732 

Swimming  pools,  see  Bathing  pools. 

apple  curculio  and  its  control 783,915 

breeds  of  swine .--  650 

castration  of  hogs 143 

diseases,  ailments,  etc 73 

farming  system  of  hogging  down  crops 649 

feeding  garbage  to  hogs 73 

herdbook,  data  rel.  to  sex  In  pig  litters 6 

lesions  caused  by  Actinomyces 399,527 

metabolism,  proteins  of  corn,  etc 399, 400 

price  of  hogs,  factors  affecting 204 

production 650 

rates  on 39,111,482,876 

results  of  soft-pork  investigations 650 

sanitation  system 401 

transport,  etc.,  of  export  cattle — 

hearings 674 

law 1104 

reports 675, 703 

see  also  headings  beginning  Hog.  For  swine 
in  conection  with  other  animals  see 



Swing,  Philip  D.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
reports  made  by — 

Public  Lauds  Com 444,667 

Swingle,  IT.  S,,  dustiug  mixtures 648,786 

Swingle,  Walter  T.: 

date  growing 145 

orientalia  added  to  Library  of  Congress 492 

Swinson,  Carl  R.,  apples 329 

Swiss  cheofe,  see  Cheese. 

Swiss  National  Park 191 


Carnes,  Marion  M. 172 

Carv,  II.  H.,  Co 366 

Chicago  &  Erie  R.  R 616 

Port   Arthur   Chamber   of   Commerce   & 

Shipping.. 744 

Switching  charges: 

Kansas  City,  Mo.-Kans 876 

Little  Rock,  Ark 1036 

between  Lake  Charles  and  West  Lake,  La.  1036 
cases — 

.\cme  Brick  Co 744 

Boston  Wool  Trade  .Association 765 

Federal  Match  Corporation 111,744 

Jamestown  Forwarding  Co 876 

Mitchell  Chamber  of  Commerce 172 

New  England  Brick  Co 236 

Quincy  Market  Cold  Storage  &  Ware- 
house Co --  765 

Sanzone-Palmisano  Co... Ill 

Seldomridge  Grain  Co 616 

Southern  Kansas  Millers  Club 236 


cheese,  cost  of  production 260 

national  park 191 

Sydenstricker,  Edgar: 

Hagerstown,  Md.,  morbidity  studies — 

age  curve  of  illness 64 

causes  of  illness,  different  ages__.  1070, 1148 

incidence  of  illness  and  death 196 

males  and  females,  Olness  rate 63.  262 

sex  differences  at  different  ages 1070 

various  diseases  according  to  age 1070 

mortality  among  negroes  in  U.  S 513 

same,  summary  in  public  health  re- 
ports   513 

peUasrra  in  Mississippi  flood  area 323,513 

tonsillitis,  epidemiological,  etc.,  study 773 

same,  summary  in  public  health  re- 
ports   639 

Sydney  Harbor,  .\ustralia,  chart. 891 

Sykes,  Frank,  see  Harbor  Commissioners  Board 
of  California. 

Sylvania,  Cambridge 959,  994, 1103 

Synaptomys,  see  Lemmings. 

Synoptic  Weather  Informations  Committee.  _.  259 

Synthetic  Patents  Co.,  Inc 78,657 


and  heart  disease 392 

arsphenamine-sodium  thiosulphate  use 63 

aspects  in  special  and  general  practice..*..  197 

eye  tragedies  and  their  prevention 514 

health  records,  study  (2  entries) 247 

immunity,  present-day  conceptions 263 

in  New  York  State,  one-day  incidence 907 

neurosypliilis — 

abuse  of  diagnosis 392 

treatment  v.ith  malaria 514 

use  of  tryparsamid 907 

of  circulatory  system 263 

serologic  diagnosis 64 

sodimn  thiosulphate  in  treatment 887, 1048 

transmission  to  2d  and  3d  generation 907 

Veterans'  Bureau  diagnostic  center 197,264 

see  also  Kahn  test — Wassermann  test. 

Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  post  office,  distribution 1054 


rates  on  malt  syrup 738 

sorgo-sirup  manufacture _.  272 

see  also  Corn  sirup— Maple  syrup— Molas- 
ses—Root-beer  syrup. 
Szechuan  Province,  China,  religion 633 


T.  S.  F.,  International  Juridical  Congress  of, 
see  International  Juridical  Cong- 
ress on  Wireless  Telegraphy. 

Tabanus,  see  Horse-flies. 


Tabarka,  Tunis,  chart... 1050 

Tabas,  Abraham,  Shipping  Board  Emergency 

Fleet  Corporations 257 

Tabas,   Morris,    Shipping   Board    Emergency 

Fleet  Corporation!; 257 

Tabas,  Samuel,  Shipping  Board   Emergency 

Fleet  Corporations 257 

Tabes  diabetica,  report  of  case 497 

Tablecloths,  cotton,  specification. 285 

Tablets,  see  Monuments  and  memorials — also 
names  of  persons  in  whose  honor 
tablets  are  placed. 
Tacoma,    Wash.,   cemetery   of   Puyallup   In- 
dians   555,71.5,803 

Tadpole,  enemy  of  mosquito  larvse 391,773 

Taft,  Elizabeth  C.,v.  Frank  K.  Bowers...  243,882 
Tagg  Brothers  &  Moorehead  ».  United  States.  490 

Tai  Oa  Bay,  chart 249 

Taio  Hae,  chart 249 

Taipi,  see  Comptroller  Bav. 

Tait,  Samuel  F.,  relief 948 


botanical  trip  to  Formosa 898 

charts 183, 1050 

Take-off  characteristics: 

of  airplanes,  comparison  with  landing 119 

of  seaplanes 119 

Talbert,  W.  IL,  reimbursement 840,948,1097 

Talbird  &  Jenkins,  to  compensate 834 

Talbot,  Bertell  L.,  physical  and  X-ray  examin- 
ations and  autopsy  findings 264 

Talbot,  IM.  W.,  use  of  salt  in  range  manage- 
ment  8 


production,  1926 341 

rates  on 111 

Talcott,  Cvnthia  R.,  exrx.,  v.  United  States..  1128 

Talcott,  Jonathyn  R.,  v.  United  States 1128 

Talien  Wan,  see  Dairen  Wan. 

Talisei  Road,  chart 51 

Talladega  County,  Ala.: 

bridge 424,578,668 

gray  hematite,  magnetic  concentration 281 

Tallow,  rates  on 482 

Tallulah  Cotton  Oil  Co.,  cotton-seed...  32,469,1027 
Tampa,  Fla.: 

bridge 424,453,544 

chart 659 

examination  of  harbor 519 

Tampa  Bay: 

bridge -. 685,711,804 

charts 659,793,1089 

preliminary  examination 519 

Tampico  Alarine  Iron  Works,  relief 452 

Tananarive,  ^Madagascar,  foreign  service 317 

Tanganyika  Territory,  new  species  of  gecko 767 

Tank  agitators,  rates  on 1037 

Tank-cars,  Phillips  Petroleum  Co.. 483 

Tankage,  protein,  metabolism  of  swine 399,400 

Tanks,  rates  on 617 

see  also  Galvanizing  tanks. 

Tanksley-Drumright  Cut  Stone  Co.,  relief 697, 

830, 1012, 1097 
Tannehill,  I.  R.: 

inundations  attending  tropical  cyclones 405 

severe  cold  waves  on  Texas  coast 790 

Tanners  Products  Co.,  Inited  States  r. 243 

Tannin,  carbon  monoxide  determination 19 

Tanning  and  tanning  materials: 

census  report,  1925 14 

home  tannint;,  leather  and  small  fur  skins.  917 

rates  on  tanning  extract 111 

Tantalum  in  1926 411 

Taos  Pueblo,  N.  Mes.,  protection  of  water. .-  554, 

714, 801 

Taper  curve.s,  form-class,  and  volume  tables 270, 


Tapeteuea,  chart _ 183 

Tapeworms,  larvae  in  primate  cause  of  tu- 
mor  269,330 

Tapke,  V.  F.: 

control  of  wheat  and  rye  smuts 404 

copper-carbonate  seed  treatment  of  wheat.  788 

formaldehyde  treatment  for  oat  smuts 654 

wheats  highly  resistant  to  loose  smut 146 

Tapp,  Jesse  W.,  corn-borer  conditions 400 

Tappalang  Road,  chart 312 

Tapul  Island,  chart 1088 


Index,  1927-1928 



net  also  Water-gas  tar. 
Target  practice: 

annual  rifle  competitions— 

hearings. ^94 

law         --- 11""* 

reports 440,853,972,1007 

veto  messace ;;;-;;;  ?;I 

Arinv  training  regulations .--  136,515,516 

National  Guard  manual 326 

jiistol  marksmanship,  dismounted 265 

Target  ranges:  . 

Army  technical  regulations ''o 

at  Auburn,  Me.,  to  amend  act.  851, 966, 1098 

for  use  of  Arizona  National  Guard 504 

for  use  of  Idaho  National  Guard 57,318 

National  Guard  regulations 520 

Targets  and  target  accessories 640 


articles  from  P.  I.,  tax  moneys 598 

cases  relating  to  remission  of  duties- 
Dow,    Frank    P.,    Co.,    Inc.    (Pacific 

Chemical  Co.) 461 

Messimy,  Vincent  de 724,1018 

customs  regulations,  1923,  amendment 636 

decisions  under  customs  laws — 

Jan.-June,  1927 -  194 

Jan.-June,  1927,  inde.x 132 

July-Dec.  1927 770 

Julv-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

weekly 61, 132, 194, 

261,  321,  388,  509,  636,  770,  902, 1063, 1145 

export  duties  of  the  world.. 216 

foreign  tariff  series . 216 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

shipments  to  Latin  Amer.,  regulations 795 

tariff  information  series 260 

tariff  information  surveys 260,387 

see  also  Smuggling — also  names  of  articles 

Tariff  Commission. 131, 

193,  260,  387,  508,  635,  768,  901, 1144 
index  to  hearings 1015 

minority  views... 1110 

report 1110 

notices. _. 61, 

261, 388,  509,  770,  902, 1063, 1145 

report,  1927 508 

reports  on — 

cherries,  sulphured,  or  in  brine 768 

cresylic  acid  costs 193 

magnesite. 508 

manila  and  bolt  rope  importation,  etc.  131 

phenol 508 

sugar  beets 635,769, 1144 

Swiss  cheese 260 

subjects  investigated,  etc.,  list 901 

Tariff  Commission,  Select  Committee  on  In- 
vestigation of.  Senate: 

hearings,  index 1015 

minority  views 1110 

report mo 

Tariff  .series,  Panama  Canal...  315 

Tariffs  Section,  I.  C.  C.._ 296 

Tarnish  resisting  silver  alloys..  _  155 

Tarr,  George  J.,  Co.,  United  States  v 860 

Tarrafal  Hay,  Santo  Antao  Island,  chart  249 

Tarrafal  Day,  SiSo  Thiago  Island,  chart 249 

Tartar  emetic  in  treatment  of  chancroid  887 

Taruna  Bay,  chart 51 

Tarver,    Malcolm    C.    (Representative"  from 
Qa.)  : 
minority  views — 

Education  Com 552 

statement  rel.  to  Howard  tl'niversity  552 

Tasker,  Arthur  N.: 

diseases  of  skin. 779 

infectious  jaundice,  typhus  feverVetc  779 

Ta.sker,  Harry  C,  relief 948 

Tasinanians,  crania  in  National  Museum 767 

Tastet,  David  W.,  tympanic  membrane  198 

Tauh,  Louis,  Inc.,  grapes...  34 

Taunton-New  Bedford  Copper  Co.,  copper"""  609 

Tavoy  River,  chart ""'    53 

Tawas  Harbor,  Mich.,  chart  IO74 


Tax  Appeals  Board 60, 132,  194  200, 

321,  387,  509,  635,  769,  901, 1062,  1144 

appeals  to  4th  circuit  court  of  appeals 878 


v3,  index 260 

V.  4 321 

V.  4,  index 260 

V.  5 636 

v.  5,  index 387 

V.  6,  index 769 

in  pamphlet  form 60,  132,  194, 

260,  321,  387,  509,  635,  709,  901,  1062,  1144 

rules  of  practice 1062 

Tax  collector  of  District  of  Columbia: 

report,  1927 356 


assessments  upon  James  Couzens 1000, 1062 

bank  shares 704 

collection,  etc.,  of  taxes  in  D.  C 712,  996 

double  taxation  relief 410 

European  tax  and  corporation  law 538 

homestead  lands... 568,721,857,933 

land  assessed  for  benefits,  notice 810, 

950,  996, 1099 

of  business  in  Great  Britain 538 

payment  of  taxes  to  Okanogan  Co.,  Wash.   555, 

848, 935 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs. 463 

refund  of  taxes  during  1927 636 

strange  case  of  Florida  v.  Mellon 982 

see  also  Internal  revenue— Tariff— aZ.?o  Ex- 
cess-profits   tax — Income    tax — In- 
heritance  and   transfer   tax — War- 
profits  tax — ilso  names  of  articles, 
etc.,  subject  to  tax. 
Taxation  Joint  Committee,  see  Internal  Rev- 
enue Taxation  Joint  Committee. 
Taxes,  see  Taxation,  and  references. 

deciduous-fruit  Paratetranychus 648,917 

mutillid  wasps 899 

Taylor,  Albert  II.,  patent  appeal 621,927 

Taylor,  Arthur  E.: 
soil  surveys — 

Clermont  County,  Ohio 650 

Fulton  County,  Ohio 1081 

Taylor,  C.  II.,  occupational  therapy 264 

Taylor,  D.  W.,  model  and  full-scale  tests 1131 

Taylor,  George  E.,  relief  of  heirs 452 

Taylor,  Harden  F.,  refrigeration  of  fish. 151 

Taylor,  I.  H.,  automotive  products 17 

Taylor,  J.  Alfred: 

contested  election — 

arguments 679 

letter  from  clerk  of  House 346 

report 811 

Taylor,  J.  N.,  crude-drug  industry  of  U.  S 661 

Taylor,  J.  W.: 

wheat,  natural  hybridization 399,533 

wijeat,  seeding  and  seed-bed  preparation..  405 
Taylor,  James  S.: 

trade  association  activities 411 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

Taylor,  N.  R.,  floods  in  Sacramento  Valley 920 

Taylor,  S.  V.,  bridge 426,580,669 

Taylor,  Thomas  R.: 

measuring  rank  of  U.  S.  ports : 410 

ports  important  in  trade  of  U.  S 410 

Taylor  National  Cemetery,  see  Zachary  Taylor 

National  Cemetery. 

enforcement  of  act,  regulations 787 

standards .--    787 


agricultural,  in  Mississippi _  1018 

immigration — 

college  professors,  etc.,  hearings 1106 

college  professors,  etc.,  report 587 

in  Porto  Rico,  hearings 952 

la  lucha  contra  el  alcoholismo 1052 

pension  for  public-school  teachers 227 

salaries  in  District  of  Columbia 950,996 

training — 

colleges,  per  capita  costs,  1925-26 160 

colleges,  statistics,  1925-26 359 

farm  shop  work  course 1018 

preparation  of  teachers 728 




Teachers — Continued, 
training — Continued. 

rural  school,  preparation 1113 

vocational  agriculture,  study 224 

see  also  Parent-teacher  associations. 

Teachers' certificates,  State  laws 463 

Teaching,  methods  for  use  of  officers,  etc 121 

see  aiso  special  subject  taught. 

Teachout,  Stanley  R.,  relief 948 

Team-track  charges,  Cincinnati  Coal  Co 302 

Tecate,  Calif.,  port  of  entry. __  381 

Technical  bulletins,  see  names  oT  Departments, 
bureaus,    etc.,    issuing    bulletins — 
also  subjects. 
Technical  education: 

escuelas  de  la  industria  Ford. 184 

industrial  education,  1924-26 226 

trade  and  industrial  series 291,  725, 861, 1018 

see  also  special  subject  taught. 
Technical  investigations  made  bv  Division  of 

Tests  and  Technical  Control 92 

Technical  news  bulletin,  Standards  Bur 23, 

89,  155,  221,  286,  344, 415,  542, 666,  798, 
928, 1093. 

Technical  paper.  Mines  Bur 19, 

85, 152,  217,  281,  282.  341,  411,  538,  539, 

Technologic  papers,  Standards  Bur. _ 21 , 

22,  87, 155,  220,  221,  285,  286,  343,  344, 
542,  665,  666, 798, 1093. 

V.  21,  index,  etc 542 

Tectonic  conditions,  igneous  rocks 494 

Teele,  Mary  H.,  appointment 382 

Teesdale,  L.  V.,  red  gum,  control  of  stain,  etc.  145 

child's  teeth 750 

focal  infection  of  dental  origin 264 

focal  infection  of  tooth  in  keratitis.  _.  1070, 1071 

impaction,  etc.,  in  psychoneurosis 1070 

rontgenograms,  interpretation 392 

unerupted,  etc,,  cuspid  and  bicuspid 49 

unusual  dental  anomaly 1149 

see  also  Dentistry — Oral  prophylaxis. 

Tehoru  Anchorage,  chart 182 

Telanjang,  see  Engano  Island. 

chart  of  the  world 1134 

laws  relating  to  commerce 674 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

rates  of  pay  for  communications 56 

train  order  transmission,  statistics 163 

Telegraph  codes,  international  regulations 900 

see  also  International  Morse  code. 
Telegraph  Hill-Goat  Island  Bridge  Corporation, 

bridge 818 

Telegraph  operators,  students  manual 136 


assistant  floor  manager  for  majority 417 

Navy  Department 180 

Panama  Canal 628 

State  Department.. 321 

Treasury  Department 1145 

laws  relating  to  commerce 674 

line  from  Flagstaff  to  Kayenta,  Ariz...  848,954 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

train  order  transmission,  statistics 163 

Telfair  County,  Ga.,  bridge 684,843,935 

Tellinacea  from  Florida 1114 

Tellurium  in  1926 153 

Teluti  Bay,  see  Awa  Anchorage. 

aviation  engine  inlet  air  temperatures 495 

comparison  of  air  and  soil  temperature 1085 

estimates  of  planet  Mars,  1926 21 

influence  on— 

apple  yields 405 

chemical  composition  of  apple 783, 1083 

chicken,  critical  temperature 4 

fungi  in  citrus  fruit  decay 399,  525 

potato,  wound  periderm  formation  532, 647 

sauerkraut  fermentation,  etc 525,647 

winter  wheat,  low  temperatures 399,  526 

tolerance  by  fishes  and  amphibians 660 

see  also  Animal  heat — Climate. 
Temple,  Henry  W.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Foreign  Affairs  Com 553,813,951 


Temple,  Larry  M.,  relief 948,989, 1097 

Templin,  Ellis  W.,  patent  appeal 219 

Tener,  R.  F.: 

aging  of  soft  rubber  goods.. 22 

tensile  properties  of  rubber  compounds 665 


Dover-Clarksville  road 556, 

578, 673,  707,  804 

Knox  County 560,585,673,711,804 

Lafavette-Celina  road 556,  578,  668,  707 

Lebanon-Hartsville  road  _ . .  556,  673,  707,  801 

Marion  County 560,585,073,711,804 

Newport-Asheville  road _  816,  842, 933 

Pari,s-Dover  road 560,  585,  673,  71 1, 804 

Perry-Decatur  counties 348, 354, 455,  544 

Roane  County 560,585,672,711 

Sneedville-Rogersville  road 556, 

577,  667,  707 

brown  iron  ores.. 227, 1114 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 81 

district  court,  rules 114 

district  court,  standing  orders 114 

Geological  Survey — 

brown  iron  ores. 227 

Indian  village  sites  and  quarries 898 

pellagra  in  Mississippi  flood  area 323,513 

phosphate  rock 89 

postal  service — 

mail  contracts 315 

post  route  map 631 

relief  map 604 

Tennessee  Central  Ry.: 

bonds 302,1037 

rates  on  doors 609 

securities 617 

valuation 483 

Tennessee  Egg  Co.,  eggs 1028 

Tennessee  E xtract  C orporation 111 

Tennessee  Furniture  Corporation 102 

Tennessee  Railroad: 

bonds 1037 

deficit  status 1124 

Tennessee  River: 

bridges,  construction  bv — 

Alabama 429,  585,  672,  960, 994, 1103 

Hassell,  T.  S 959,1103 

Kentucky 819,844,936 

Midland  Bridge  Co.,  Inc 429,585,671 

Tennessee 348, 

354,  455,  544,  560,  585,  672, 673,  711, 804 

Valley  Bridge  Co.,  Inc.. 429,585,072 

examination,  survey,  etc. — 

hearings,  6Sth  Cong.  1st  sess... 350 

letters  from  Secretary  of  War 350 

report  of  Engineer  Dept.,  Army 910 

light  list 217 

see  also  Muscle  Shoals. 
Tenny,  Lloyd  S.,  standards  for  farm  products.  270 
see  also  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau. 

Tensas  River,  bridge 819,994,1103 

Tensile  properties  of  rubber  compounds 665 

Tercero,  Jose: 

chicle  industry  in  Peten,  Guatemala 252 

same  (in  Portuguese).. 501 

Terminal  Railroad  Association  of  St.  Louis 734 

Terminal  tracks,  see  Railroad  tracks. 
Terneplate,  see  Tin-plate. 

conservacion  de  terrenos  montaflosos 378 

farm  lands,  terracing 1084 

Terrestrial  isopods,  see  Isopods. 
Terrestrial  magnetism: 

in  Lake  region 910 

magnetic  declination  in  Calif,  and  Nev 278 

publications.  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey..  279 

results  of  magnetic  observations,  1926 82 


judges'  salaries- 
hearing 687 

law 1100 

reports 687, 1001 

papers,  collection,  etc.,  to  amend  act. .  596,  977 
see  also  names  of  Territories.     For  mat- 
ters relating  equally  to  States  and 
Territories,  see  States. 


Index,  1927-1928 


Territories  and  Insular  Possessions  Committee, 

calendar,  legislative aIo  kal 

hearings  45y,  uyo 

reports.."'!^^-----^-  459, 598,  599,  722, 1015, 1016 
Territories  Committee,  House: 

hearings.... ^'*^' !f?' ^:;2 

reports.- 445,446 

Tertian  malaria,  see  Malaria. 

Testimony,  judge  not  to  express  opinion 457 

Testing:  .       ,.      , 

commercial  laboratories,  directory 415 

pamphlets  of  Bureau  of  Standards,  list 415 

see  also  names  of  substances  or  objects 
Testing  Materials,  American  Society  for,  see 
American  Society  for  Testing 
Tests  and  Technical  Control  Division,  Gov- 
ernment Printing  Office: 

report,  1927  (2  entries) 862 

technical  investigations  made 92 

Tetanus,  following  smallpox  vaccination...  391,  773 

Teton  National  Park,  to  establish 1015 

Tetraethyl  lead,  exposure  and  neuropsyehiatric 

disease 514 

Texarkana  &  Fort  Smith  Ry.,  switching 744 

Texarkana  Cotton  Oil  Co.,  cotton-seed 734 

Texarkana  Union  Station,  trust  certificates 876 


bridge.  Burr  Ferrv 959,1103 

bridge,  Pendleton's  Ferry 818,936,994 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  0-8. 150 

chart 536 

compact  with  N.  Mex.,  consent  of  Congress.  961 

cotton-gin  operation 72 

crabs  from  Eocene 767 

di.strict  court,  new  division 962, 1099 

district  court,  rules 746 

geodetic  pubs.,  triangulation,  etc 793 

marine  fisheries,  preliminary  report 151 

oil  and  gas  fields,  map 161 

Oklahoma!' 620 

Iiost  route  map 631 

search  for  rubber 898 

severe  cold  waves  on  coast 790 

Texas  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

combined  harvester-thresher 648,649 

silage  as  roughage  for  calves 650 

Texas  &  Gulf  Ry.,  control 617 

Texas  &  New  Orleans  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  branch  line 172 

as  lessee — 

train-stop  device 876 

rates  on- 
cotton... _  296 

paper 478 

r.  United  States,  etc _    307 

Texas  &  Pacific  Ry.: 

bonds 4g3 

control  of  Pecos  Valley  Southern  Ry . . .  _ .    170 

equipment  trusts 744, 1124 

misrouting 'll20 

rates  on  roofing __  480 

c  United  States 882 

Te.vas  Central  R.  R.,  valuation....  "  613 

Texas  fever: 

article  by  John  R.  Mohler 205 

quarantine  to  prevent  spread .       269 

Texas  Livestock  Shippers  Protective  League   "  736 
Texas  Oil  Co.,  gasoline.  611 

Texas  Refining  Co.,  lard  substitutes  '"'  105 

Texas  Southeastern  R.  R.,  valuation..  '  236 

Texidor,  Jacinto,  temporary  judge.  765 


free  books  for  D.  C.  children 950,996 

""'  '236 

Textile     Division,     Foreign     and     Domestic 

Commerce  Bur 18  84  924 

Te.\tile  machinery:  '     ' 

and  parts,  census  of  manufactures,  1925         214 
German  business  sought  by  Great  Britain    409 

rates  on '  -.. 

Textiles:  '*^ 

census,  1925— 

dyeing  and  finishing  textiles  148 

miscellaneous  te-xtile  products  ""'  148 

uovernment  publications  relating  to  "    84 

Textiles— Continued. 

painting  fabric 392 

protection  of  skin  against  sunburn 203, 270 

record  book  of  business  statistics 81,338 

see  also  names  of  textiles. 

Thackrey,  William  E.,  relief 716,815, 1097 

Thames,  J.  R.,  reconsignment 109 

Thames  River,  charts 498,1134 

Thane,  Henry,  bridge 557,708,802 

Thanksgiving  day,  1927,  proclamation 256 

Tharp,  W.  E.,  soil  survey  of  Lawrence  Co., 

Ind 1085 

Thayer-West     Point    Hotel    Corporation    v. 

U.  S 1043 

The  Downs,  see  Downs,  The. 
The  Monks,  see  Monks,  The. 

Theorems  of  Dines  and  Walker 405 

Therapeutics,  practice  of  healing  art  in  D.  C .  810, 

see  also  Chemotherapy — Occupational  ther- 
apy—Physiotherapy— also     names 
of  diseases,  etc.,  treated. 
Theriault,  Emery  J.: 

oxygen  demand  of  polluted  waters... 514 

same,   summary   in  public  health  re- 
ports    513 

Thermal  expansion: 

alloys  of  -Stainless  iron  type 542 

beryllium  and  aluminum-beryllium  alloys.  343 
Thermal  insulation,  see  Insulation  (heat). 
Thermodynamic  properties  of  oxygen  and  nitro- 
gen  1091 


clinical  thermometers .  496 

differential  thermometer  for  airships 344 

Government  publications  relating  to 226, 


new^  base  point  on  therm ometric  scale 89 

Thersites  bipartita,  see  Mollusks. 
Theses,  see  Dissertations  (academic). 

Thibodeaux,  Josephine,  relief 420,543,576 

Thiosulphate,  see  Sodium  thiosulphate. 

Third  National  Steamship  Co.  v.  V.  S 307 

Thorn,  Charles,  rot  of  gladiolus  corms 783,919 

Thom,  D.  A: 

child  managem.ent 307, 1129 

enuresis 308 

Thom,  W.  T.,  jr.: 

mineral  fuels,  1926 94 

mineral  fuels,  1927 863 

Minturn  district,  etc 161,863 

Thomas,  A.  M.,  relief 989 

Thomas,  C.  C: 

Chinese  elm  in  American  horticulture 145 

Chinese  jujube  in  southwestern  U.  S 145 

Thomas,  Edith  .M.,  home  economics  clfisses 725 

Thomas,  Elmer  (Senator  from  Okla.): 
reports  made  by — 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Com 836,984 

Finance  Com 713,847 

Indian  Affairs  Com __  588,715,848,999 

Thomas,  G.  C,  rabies  in  Haiti 887,1048 

Thomas,  H.  B.,  &  Co.,  United  States  r 25 

Thomas,  Jacob  M.,  relief  of  heirs 421,  667,  706 

Thomas,  James  M.,  relief 975 

Thomas,  Stanley,  smallpox  vaccination 134 

Thomas,  W.  A.,  Porto  Rican  mole  cricket 918 

Thomas,  Fort,  improvement  of  Fort  Thomas 

ave 972 

Thomas  Jefferson  Centennial  Commission,  see 
Sesqui-Centennial  of  American 
Independence  and  Thomas  Jeffer- 
son Centennial  Commission. 
Thompson,  A.  Crenshaw,  principal  tool  mar- 
kets of  Latin  America 340 

Thompson,  E.  H.,  judging  beef  cattle 271 

Thompson,  H.  C,  asparagus 654 

Thompson,  J.  G.,  deterioration  of  steels 344 

Thompson,  L.  R.,  health  of  workers 1069 

Thompson,  Laura  A.: 

employee  stock  ownership  in  U.  S.,  bibl...  117 
union-management  cooperation,  bibl..  244,245 
Thompson,  Lila: 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains 142 

Thompson,  Margaret  E.,  relief 706,  947, 1096 



Thompson,  W.  P.,  relief 421 

Thompson,   W.   R.,   European  corn  borer  in 

Europe 917 

Thompson,  Willard,  military  record 440 

Thompsons  Point,  N.  J.,  port  of  entry  abol- 
ished  381 

Thomson,  Andrew,  solar  radiation  observa- 
tions  147 

Thomson,  E.  H.,  selecting  a  farm 648 

Thomson.  Gordon  E.,  ground  water  pollution.    64 

Thoracotomy  for  empyema 392 

Thorne,  M.  A.,  friction  of  aviation  engines 47 

Thornton  &  Alexandria  Rv 1037,1124 

Thorp  &  Bond  r.  United  States 44,307 

Thorpe,  Joseph  F.,  relief 989 

Thread,  tariff  information  survey 387 

Three  Forks  Portland  Cement  Co.: 

cement- 99 

plaster 873 

Three  Forks- Yellowstone  Park  region,  Mont.  464, 


Thrift  Building  Co.  r.  United  States 355,621 


local  anesthesia  in  throat  work 246,  247 

tonsillitis,  related  throat  conditions 773 

same,  summarv  in  public  health  re- 
ports   639 

Thrombo-angiitis  obliterans 49 

Thrombo-phlebiiis  in  tuberculosis 1071 

Thunder  Bay,  chart 1051 

Thurberia  weevil,  quarantine 72 

Thurin,  Rose,  relief 452 

Thyroid  gland: 

article  on  goiter 246,  247 

endemic  goiter  among  school  children..  391, 639 

endemic  goiter  in  Oregon 323,513 

endemic  thvroid  enlargement,  Cincinnati.  513, 


iodization  of  water  to  prevent  goiter 63 

Tibbott,  Glenn  L.,  index  to  proceedings  of 
International  Association  of  Indus- 
trial Accident  Boards  and  Commis- 
sions, 1025-27 751 

Tiber  River,  chart  of  mouth 52 

Tick  fever,  see  Te:ias  fever. 
Ticks,  see  Cattle  tick— Fowl  tick— Sheep  tick- 
Wood  tick. 

Tidal  Osage  Oil  Co.  v.  Sec.  of  Interior 727 

Tidal  Refining  Co.,  chlorin 1026 

Tidal  Western  Oil  Corporation,  gasoline 472 


benchmarks,  California 793 

benchmarks,  Connecticut 279 

calendar  for  Baltimore  and  Cape  Henry..  50, 
121, 181,  248,  312,  375,  498,  626,  758, 
1050, 1132. 
calendar  for  Norfolk  and  Newport  News..  50, 
121, 181,  248, 312. 375, 498,  626, 758, 
889, 1050, 1132, 

datum  planes 214 

in  Boston  Harbor 923 

mean  sea-level  determination 15 

observations,  instructions 536 

publications  on  tides. 923 

catalogues,  1927-28 82,214,059 

for  Atlantic  Coast,  1929 659 

for  New  York  Harbor,  1928 279 

for  Panama  (Balboa),  1928 502 

Tidewater  Coal  Exchange,  Inc.,  v.  U.  S 116,370 

Tidewater  Southern  Ry.,  rates  on  grapes 1030 

Tiefenthaler,  Mary  E.,  admr.,  relief 705 

Ties,  see  Railroad  ties. 

Tigh,  Edward,  relief 352 

Tiguor,  Claude  J.,  ».  United  States 25,44 

Tilden,  C.  L.,  see  Harbor  Commissioners 
Board  of  California. 

Tile-trenching  machinery 533 

TUes,  white  glazed,  elimination  of  waste 344 

.see  also  Drain-tOes — Hollow  tile. 

Tilford-Hunt  Lumber  Co.,  mine  timbers 476 

Tilghman,  Mary  M.,  relief 695, 1009, 1097 

Tillamook  Bay,    chart 536 

TOley,  N.  N.,  engine-cleaning  fluids 137 

Tillman,  John  N.  (Representative  from  Ark.): 

minority  views — 

Judiciary  Com 4.32 

reports  made  bv — 

Judiciarv  Com 431,432 


Tillotson,  C.  R.: 

coniferous  trees  on  farm 8 

farm  woods 403 

hardwood  seedlings  on  farm. 274 

timber  growing  and  logging  practice 8 

Tilson,  William  J.,  payment 820, 1097 

TOton,  L.  W.,  glass,  cause  of  heterogeneities...  798 

beetle  infestations  rel.  to  highway  slash...      7 

concentration  of  ownership 918 

depletion,  report 918 

form-class  taper  curves,  etc 270,531 

growing — 

in  central  hardwood  region 8 

in  Douglas  fir  region 8 

in  Lake  States 652 

on  abandoned  fields,  etc... 145 

pine,  etc.,  in  northern  Rocky  Mts 274 

in  .\Iaska,  reserve  no  1  reduced 1055 

insects  cause  of  defects... 144 

inspection,  specifications 48 

lands,  in  Klamath  Reservation 588 

lands,  withholding  from  sale 858 

measuring,  etc.,  farm  timber 274 

on  Oreg.  &  Calif.  R.  R.,  etc.,  lands.  569,  936, 1015 

products,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 13 

scaling  and  measurement 652 

yield,  method  of  preparing  tablas 399,403 

see    also    Lumber    and    lumbering — Mine 

Naval  Observatory  time  service 15 

standard  time  zone  investigation.  172, 1037, 1124 

uniform   time  system 121,311,757,1049 

Time  signals,  radio  aids  to  navigation 121, 1132 

Time-tables,  Yellowstone  Park  tours 1115 

Timepieces,  see  Clocks— Watches— a/^o  Tuning 

Timothy  infusions,  growth  of  tobacco,  etc.  783, 915 

Tin  in  1926 153 


and  terneplate,  census,  1925 214 

rates  on J12, 1037 

Tindle,  James  R.,  exr.,  cases 43,508,747 

Tinicum  Township,  Pa.,  cases 189,766 

Tinker,  Alvin  H.,  relief 352 

Tinne  Indians,  lower  Yukon  River  Valley 898 

Tinslcy,  John  F.,  a  importancia  de  imia  con- 

sciencia  de  seguranga 761 

Tionesta  Valley  Ry.,  valuation 483 

Tipping  svstem.  opposition  of  organized  labor.  244 

Tiptonville,  Tenn.,  bridge 817,842,934 


Government  supplies,  automobile  tires 638 

pneumatic  and  solid  rubber,  specification.    23  and  care  of  automobile  tires 287 

Tisdale,  W.  H.: 

control  of  wheat  and  rye  smuts 404 

flag  smut  of  wheat 76 

kernel  smuts  of  sorghum 3,76 

smut  control  by  disinfectants 210 

straighthead  of  rice  and  its  control 146 

variants  in  Ustilago  nuda 4,76 

Tisdall,  C,  Company,  relief 834 

Tisdel,  Alton  P.,  see  Documents  Ofl5ce. 

Tissue  cells  and  high-frequency  currents 905 

Titanium  in  1926 411 

Titus,  Harry  W.: 

growth  of  chickens 1079 

growth  of  Rhode  Island  reds... 1079 

Titzel,  L.  B.,  eye-testing  apparatus 887 

Tizenko  Bav,  chart 626 

Tlevak  Strait,  chart 923 

Toad,  spadefoot,  enemy  of  mosqtiito  larvae.  391,773 

drawback  on  exports  to  P.  R.  or  P.  I 1147 

educational  illustrations... 529 

exportation  without  payment  of  tax 1147 

factories  mundiaes  na  industria  do  fumo  na 

America  Latina 761 

fertilizer  tests 276 

growth  affected  by  timothy  infusions..  783,915 

held  by  manufacturers 15,214,535,923 

purchase  and  sale 1147 

stocks,  imports,  etc.,  1926 81 

statistics,  collection  and  publication — 

hearings 417,674,984 

reports 675,1109 


Index,  1927-1928 


Tobacco— Continued. 

taxes,  regulations ..--.- •'^*' 

wild  tobaccos  as  stock-poisonmg  plants  5lJ 

withdrawal  from  factories  for  use  of  U.  b._.  b38 

Tobacco  bud  worm  control  in  Ga.  and  Fla 7 

Tobago,  money-order  post  offices jF,} 

Tobey,  James  A.,  decisions  on  pasteurization,  bi, 

Tobruk,  Mersa,  chart 312 

Toilet  paper,  specifications '  ^^ 

Toilet  preparations,  census  report,  1925 '« 

Toklat-Tonzona  region,  Alaska '7^ 

Tolchester  Beach,  Md.,  bridge-.-- n™ 

Toledo  &  Cincinnati  R.  R.,  extensions 2^0 

Toledo,  Peoria  &  Western  Ry.: 

acquisition  and  operation ii^ 

rates  on  stone JVo5 

Toledo,  St.  Louis  &  Western  R.  R.,  valuation.  1124 

Toledo  Terminal  R.  R.,  valuation -  "44 

Tolerton,  Charles  E.: 

V.  Mexico  (United  States  incorrect) 130 

same,  correction  of  entry 140 

Tolitoli  Bay,  chart. - 312 

Tolley,  H.  R.:  ^  ,^  ,       „         „., 

shall  I  buy  a  tractor  for  corn-belt  farm?....  204 

tractors  on  corn-belt  farms. 1080 

Tom  Luey  v.  United  States 1043 


as  truck  crop... - -j" 

bacterial  canker yjJ 

greenhouse  tomatoes — 210 

inheritance  of  shapes 4,72 

pellagra-preventive  action 63 

rates  on  tomatoes 173, 236, 876, 1037, 1124 

yellows,  serious  disease 655 

Tombigbee  River: 
bridges — 

Aberdeen,  Miss 429,544,585 

Alabama  State  Bridge  Corporation...   960, 
994, 1103 

.Miceville,  Ala 560,672,711 

Epes,  Ala.,  highway  bridge 429,  672, 711 

Epes,  Ala.,  railroad  bridge 429, 

455, 585, 672 

Gainesville,  Ala 429,672,711 

Tomkins-Summer  Co.,  hoofs 473 

Tomlinson,  Edward,  relief... 693 

Tomhnson,  William  G.,  v.  United  States 1111 

Tompkins,   William  F.,  Savannah,   Ga.,  dis- 
trict  519 

Ton  Sandungun  Channel,  chart 214 

Tong  Ihian  Yah,  claim  for  death 506,812,937  National  Forest: 

lands  at  Cape  Fanshaw  to  remain  part 256 

lands  excluded 187,256,318,896 

Tonopah  &  Qoldfield  R.  R.: 

abandonment  of  part  of  line 483 

valuation 483 


article  on 887, 1048 

dangers 907 

relation  to  health  of  univ.  students. ..  773, 1070 

epidemiological,  etc.,  study 773 

same,     summary,    in     public     health 

reports 639 

Tonsils,  tuberculous  infection 502 

Tonzona-Toklat  region,  Alaska 94,360 

Tool,  A.  Q.,  glass,  cause  of  heterogeneities 798 


forged,  elimination  of  waste 415 

hand  tools,  British  markets 18 

hand  tools,  in  Europe 538 

of  Latin  America 340 

nee  also  Machine  tools. 
Toombs,  Butler,  birth  stati-stics,  1925...  337 

Tooth,  see  Teeth. 

Topanga  Canyon  quadrangle,  Calif 864 

Topographic  maps 95 

161,  228,  294,  ;360,  604,  729,  864Vlll4 
Topography,  see  Surveying. 

Topography  Division,  Post  OfTice  Dept  56 

!27,  186,  255,  317,  380,  504,  630,  763, 
895,  10.54,1139. 

Topping,  Frank,  relief 452,678,1097 

Toquothty,  Robert,  payment  of  royalties  588 

Torgerson,  E.  F.,  soil  of  Polk  County,  Oreg        533 


Tornadoes,  see  Storms. 

Tornillo,  Tex.,  bridge 818,993,1102 

Torres  Strait,  chart 53 

Tortoise-shell,  further  consideration 767 

Tour,  R.  S.,  synthetic-ammonia  plants 288 

Tourniquet  splint  for  fractures  of  elbow 887 

Tower,  Olin  F.,  bibliography  of  E.  W.  Morley.  494 

Towers,    Irving    L.,    fishes   near    Greenwood, 

Miss 409 

Towle,  Mary  P.,  appointment 765 

Town  sites,  see  Cities  and  towns. 

Towne,  Harriet  N.,  v.  United  States 460,1043 

Townend,  H.  C.  11.,  tests  of  3  airplane  models.  624 

Towns,  see  Cities  and  towns. 

Towns  Bluff  Ferry,  bridge 955,990,1098 

Townsend,  G.  O.,  sugar  beet  growing 655 

Townsend,  J.  G.,    health    program    in    Miss. 

Valley 1070 

Townsend,  Vern  E.,  relief 550,840,930 

Toxins,  see  Biological  products — Poisons. 

Toys,  case  of  John  Wanamaker 26 

Trachoma  in  State's  health  program 639,906 

Track  scales,  see  Railroad  track  scales. 


Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R 731 

Lemon  Cove-Woodlake  Growers  &  Ship- 
pers Association 876 

Tracks,  see  Railroad  tracks. 


changes  on  corn-belt  farms  effected  by 1080 

for  corn-belt  farm,  shall  I  buy? 204 

foreign  markets ..       84 

rates  on 99,483 

Tracy,  W.  W.,  sr.,  vegetable  seeds 210 

Trade,  see  Boards  of  trade,  etc.— Commerce. 

Trade  agreements,  1926 178 

Trade  and  industrial  series 291,  725,  861, 1018 

Trade  associations: 

activities 411 

same,  descriptive  circular 538 

see  also  Boards  of  trade,  etc. — also  names  of 

Trade  Commission,  see  Federal  Trade  Commis- 

Trade  information  bulletin,  see  Commerce. 


decisions,  1927. 796 

decisions  (separates  from  Official  gazette) ..  20, 
85, 86, 153.  218,  282,  283,  342, 412, 413, 
540,  663,  796,  797, 926, 1091 

general  information 797 

index  of  trade-marks  issued,  1927 413 

lists  (in  OflTicial  gazette) 20,86,153,219, 

283,  342, 413,  540,  663,  797, 926, 1092 

lists  (separates) 20,86,154,219,220,284, 

342,  414,  541,  664,  797, 927, 1092 

protection,  etc 829 

registrants,  weekly  list 20, 86, 153,  219,  283, 

342, 413,  541,  664,  797, 926,  927, 1092 

Trade  practice  conferences..  292,862 

Trade  reports,  see  Commerce. 

Trade-unions,  see  Labor-unions. 

Trade  wastes,  see  Waste  materials. 

Trade  winds,  see  Winds. 

Trades,  see  names  of  trades. 

Trading  with  the  enemy  act: 

act,  with  amendments 834 

proceedings  under  act,  1927 -  921 

property  releases  by  U.  S.  and  Gt.  Brit...  1143 
taxes,  computing,  collecting,  and  paying..  1146 


laws  and  regulations  in  Canal  Zone 185,761 

operators'  permits.  Govt,  vehicles 586,810 

regulations  for  District  of  Columbia 91 

see  also  Passenger  traffic — Shipping. 

Traffic  Association  of  South  Atlantic  Ports, 

coal 869 

Traffic  Department,  Shipping  Board  Merchant 

Fleet  Corporation 59,129,189,257, 

319,  .383,  506,  632,  766,  898, 1059, 1142 

Traffic  director,  D.  C,  report,  1927 356 

Traffic  signals,  furnished  for  D.  C 156 

Trails  in  nat.  parks,  draft  of  legislation 1066 

Train-control  devices: 
installation  on — 

Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 1037 

Atlantic  Coast  Line  R.R 236 

Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.R 1124 



Page   I 
Train-control  devices— Continued, 
installation  on— Continued. 

Boston  &  Albany  R.R 173 

Chicago  &  Eastern  Illinois  Ry 483 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacific  Ey 302 

Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St. 

Louis  Ry... 483 

Galveston,  ilarrisburg  &  San  Antonio 

Ry -  S76 

Louisville  &  Nashville  R.  R 483 

Michigan  Central  R.R 302,366 

New  York  Central  R.R 112, 173 

Norfolk  &  ■Western  Ry 1037 

Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie  R.R 112 

St.  Louis-San  Francisco  Ry 483 

statistics,  tabulation 163 

Train  order  transmission  by  telegraph,  etc 163 

Train  service: 

Baltimore  &  Ohio  R.  R 744 

Puget  Sound-Portland  passenger  service..    39 

Twin  Cities  and  head  ol  lakes 484 

Train-stop  devices,  see  Train-control  devices. 

Training  Division,  Navigation  Bur 120, 

Training  manuals,  see  Army. 
Training  regulations,  see  Army. 

Trainor ,  A .  J . ,  dental  rontgenograms 392 

Trammel,  G.  C,  bridge  across  Ohio  R 427. 

582,  670 
Trammell,  Park  (Senator  from  Fla.): 
reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 449,450,451,452,453,574 

Naval  Affairs  Com 457 

Trandum,  Holger  M.,  relief 445,800,858 

Trans-Florida  Central  R.  R: 

acquisition 173 

stock 112 

Transcontinental  OH  Co.: 

naphtha 1032 

oil-well  supplies 739 

Transfer    lax,    see    Inheritance    and    transfer 

Transit  circle,  observations,  1909-18 500 

Transoceanic  Corporation 1059 

Transport     Service,    see     Army     Transport 


in  United  States.  1926 84 


beans,  deterioration  in  transit 654 

cantaloupes 648 

cattle,  bedding  charges 30 

cattle,  export,  hearings 674 

cattle,  export,  law IIM 

cattle,  export,  reports 675,703 

explosives,  etc.,  I. C.C.  regulations 102 

fishery  products,  to  fix  rates 716 

foreign  mail,  estimate 1066 

foreign  mails,  schedule  of  steamers 126, 

186,  254,  316,  503,  630,  763,  1054,  1139 

mails,  advertisement 315 

oysters,  regulatory  control 785 

seamen,  consular  regulations 900,1061 

on  State  highways- 
New  Hampshire 655 

Ohio 276 

Yermont 533 

publications  for  sale- 
Government 463 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 225 

transporte  de  carga  por  autocamiones 761 

see  also  Shipping. 
Transportation  Division,  Foreign  and  Domes- 
tic Commerce  Bur 84,339,410,925 

Transportation  request  forms 770 

Trattner,  Rosa  K.,  patent  appeal 414 

Traum,  Jacob,  foot-and-mouth  disease 1080 

Travel  routes  and  costs  in  Mexico 281 

Traveling  expenses: 

battlefield  investigation 565,594,672 

candidates  for  military  instruction.  440,  694,  672 
officers  attending  National  Guard  conven- 
tions.  594,693,804 

persons  using  private  conveyances 594, 

972, 1103 
see  also  names  of  Departments,  bureaus, 
Travelogue,  Mt.  McKinley  National  Park...  1021 

Traver  quadrangle,  Calif 162 

Traverse,  see  Surveying. 

Travis,  Edgar,  sr.,  relief 972, 1007, 1097 

Treadwell,  John  C,  conservacion  de  terrenos 

montanosos 373 

Treasure  County,  Mont.,  Ingomar  anticline...    94 

Treasurer  of  United  States 64, 134, 197  263 

324,  392,  cl4,  640,  774,  907,  1070,  1148 

report,  1927 392 


daily  statdnent 61,132,194,261, 

321,  387,  509,  636,  769,  902,  1063,  1145 

Jan.-June,  1927 194 

Jan. -June,  1927,  index 132 

July-Dec.  1927.- 770 

July-Dec.  1927  index 636 

Jan.  -Dec.  1927 772 

Jan.-Dec.  1927,  index 636 

weekly 61.132,194,261, 

321,  388,  509,  636,  770,  902,  1063,  1145 
Treasury  certificates,  see  Certificates  of  indebt- 

Treasury  Department 61,132,194,260, 

321,  387,  509,  636,  769,  901,  1063,  1144 
appropriations,  1928 — 

estimates 903 

appropriations,  1929— 

estimates 510,  903, 1067 

hearings... 547,573 

law 672 

reports 545,547,573 

duties  of  various  offices  and  bureaus 769 

judgments  against  (3  entries) 1039 

periodical  publications 769 

recognition  of  attorneys,  etc 61 


1914-27,  tabular  material,  summary 769 

1927 388,770 

1927,  extracts 769,770 

telephone  directory 1145 

useless  papers 1016 

Treasurv  notes: 

31    per  cent,  series  B-1930-32 194 

3}  2  per  cent,  series  C-1930-32 509 

see  also  Pap^  money. 

recent,  69th  Congress 155 

treaty  series 192, 320, 507, 768, 900, 901, 1143 

see  also  subjects,  and  names  of  countries. 
Tree  planting: 

coniferous  trees,  growing  and  planting 8 

hardwood  seedlings  on  farm 274 

instructions  for  planting  trees 920 

on  reclamation  projects 866 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 463 

shelter-belt  location,  etc. 789 

shelter-belts  on  northern  Great  Plains 211 

trees  for  roadside  planting 655 

see  also  Forests  and  forestry. 

big  trees  of  Yosemite,  etc.,  nat.  parks 865 

cottontail  rabbits  in  relation  to  trees. 528 

for  town  and  city  streets... 10 

forest  trees,  list  of  100 652 

see  also  Conifers— Forests  and  forestry — 
Timber— Tree  planting— a?«o  names 
of  trees. 

Trematode  parasites  of  birds 767 

Trench  fever  in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

Trenching      machinery,      see      Tile-trenching 

Trenton,  N.  J.: 

bridge 683,841,932 

Chamber  of  Commerce — 

excavating  machinery 735 

limestone... 1031 

Trester,  Herault  A.,  patent  appeal 664 

Tri-City  Telephone  Co.,  sale  of  properties 876 

Triangulation,  see  Surveying. 
Triassic  period: 

fossil  reptile  from  New  Jersey 767 

fossils,  description 464 

marine  invertebrate  faunas,  N.  America...  294 

Tribond  Sales  Corp.  r.  Postmaster  General 177 

Tribou,  R.  E.,  roadside  improvement  in  Mass.  1084 
Trimeresurus  gramineus,  see  Green  pit  viper. 




Index,  1927-1928 



money-order  post  oiEces - •'^4 

Trinidad  Harbor,  Calif.,  chart - 793 

Trinity  College,  conduit —  712,810,1099 

Trinity  River,  bridge,  to  pay  half  of  cost...  --554, 

Trioxide,  see  Sulphur  trioxide. 

Tripartite  Claims  Commission,  U.  S.,  Austria, 

and  Hungary 259,387 

see  also  names  of  claimants. 
Triplanes,  we  Airplanes. 
Tripp,  Frances  V.,  coastal  sea  temperatures.--  -slJ 

Triticum  vulgare,  see  Wheat. 

Trona  Ry.,  rates  on  lumber 1031 

Troops,  see  Soldiers. 

Tropical  cyclones,  see  Storms. 

Tropical  Plant  Research  Foundation: 

Dotacion  para  el  Estudio  de  Plantas  Tropi- 

cales - 253 


abonos  verdes  para  la  Amfinca  tropical 628 

blood  sugar  in  the  tropics 502 

enfermedades  de  las  legumbres  en  la  Amer- 
ica tropical 1135 

infant  feeding  in  the  tropics-- 497 

markets  for  electric  fans 681 

mejores  patatas  para  la  Amfirica  tropical--  1053 

New  Year  of  American  indigenes 1052 

nuevas  plantas  alimenticias 378 

propagacao  de  plantas  tropicaes 761 

survey  duty 496 

Trousdale  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 556, 

673,  707, 801 

Trouser  presses,  rates  on 39 

Trout,  parasitic  flagellate  of 16 

Troy  quadrangle,  N.  Y - -- 1115 

Troy  Union  R.  R.,  valuation 484 

Truax,  H.  E.,  strawberries  for  market 72 

Truck  farming,  see  Market  gardening. 

Trucks,  see  Motor-trucks. 

Truesdell,  Leon  E.: 

census  of  agriculture,  1925 337, 407,  535 

deaf-mute  population  of  U.  S.,  1920 792 

marriage  and  divorce,  1926 922 

Trujillo  Bay,  chart 123 

TruUinger,  R.  W,  soil  betterment 273 

Trumbull  County,  Ohio: 

bridge. --  557,669,708 

viaduct 957, 1100 

Trumbull-Vanderpoel  Electric  Manufacturing 

Co.,  Inc 319 

Truss,  wing,  proportions 1131 

Trussell,  James  E.,  relief. ._ 719,972,1097 

Trust  companies: 

investment  trusts,  British 538 

veteran's  insurance  payments 997 

see  also  Indian  trust  estates — also  names  of 

Trust  powers  of  national  banks 461 

Trusts,  see  Monopolies. 

Try  on,  F.  Q.: 

anthracite  in  1926 411 

coal  in  1925.- 411 

coke  and  by-products  in  1925 411 

Tryparsamid,  use  in  neurosyphilis 907 

Tso,  S.  K.  Sheldon: 

present  labor  conditions  in  China 884 

unionization  of  labor  in  China 309 

Tsugaru  Strait,  charts _ 889 

Tubercle  bacillus,  method  for  staining.. 640 

Tuberculin,  see  Tuberculosis  in  animals. 


actinotherapy,  use  in  bone  tuberculosis 197 

actinotherapy,  use  in  lupus  vulgaris 65 

anterior  mediastinal  lymph  nodes 264 

basal  lesions  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis...  1148 

bronchial  asthma  and  tuberculosis 640 

exercise  in  pulmonary  tuberculosis 514 

general  considerations 264 

head  of  humerus,  bilateral ..."  514 

history  taking,  importance .,',  514 

hospital,  value  of  library  service 1070 

hospitals,  educational  program 392 

in  children,  health  lecture  "l071 

in  United  Stales  Army  in  World  War./"    779 
intercurrent  diseases  and  hospitalization       197 

intestinal,  diagnosis 640 

intestinal,  studies 907 

la  enfermaen  la  lucha  "familiar  126 


Tuberculosis— Continued. 

laryngeal,  heliotherapy  treatment 198 

nephritis  in  far  advanced  tuberculosis 1149 

nurse  in  admitting  ward  of  hospital 640 

pericarditis  complicating 64 

physical  signs,  interpretation 1070 

pleurisies,  significance  in  relation 1070 

pneumothorax,  artificial,  in  treatment 197 

pneumothorax,  spontaneous  tuberculous. ..1149 

pottery  for  tuberculous  patient 135 

social  work  in  Veterans'  Bur.  hospitals 514 

spinal,  importance  of  early  diagnosis 392 

surgery  of  chest,  etc., in  tuberculosis 197 

thrombo-phlebitis  as  complication 1071 

tonsils  and  adenoids,  infection 502 

trade-union  homes  for  tubercular 623 

ulcer  of  duodenum,  tuberculous 135 

with  concurrent  neoplasm 497 

Tuberculosis  in  animals: 

treatment  of  breeders  in  elimination S3.3 

tuberculin  testing  of  livestock 785 


condenser  tube  ferrules  and  tube  sheets 87 

pressure  measurement  through  tubes 246 

s,teel  and  iron  boiler  tubes... 410, 1090 

see  also  Cigarette  tubes. 

Tubes  (inner): 

Government  supplies 638 

specification 23 

Tubs,  see  Bath-tubs — Wash-tubs. 

Tuck  Inlet,  chart 891 

Tuck  Narrows,  chart 891 

Tucker,  Albert  C,  relief. 440 

Tucker,  CM.: 

enfermedades  de  las  legumbres 1135 

Sabal  causiarum 3,  7.5 

vanilla  root  rot 647,915 

Tucker,  Edwin,  claim  for  death 386,813,938 

Tucker,  Frank  W.,  relief 571 

Tucker,    Henry    St.    George    (Representative 
from  Va.) : 
Judge  Story  on  general  welfare  clause 353 

Tucker,  K.  H.,  radio  markets  in  Asia 216 

Tucker,  Ruth  O.: 

fruit  and  vegetable  statistics 142 

vegetable  statistics 526 

Tucker,  W.  C,  v.  .\cel  C.  Alexander 243,490 

Tucson,  Ariz.: 

air  navigation  maps 776,909 

donation  of  buildings 719,  825. 936 

Tucumcari  Field  Station,  fattening  steers 271 

Tuffli  Brothers  Pig  Iron  &  Coke  Co.,  coal 31 

Tug  Fork: 

bridges,  construction  by- 
Big  Sand  &  Cumberland  R.  R 429 

Knox  Creek  Ry 586,672 

Norfolk  &  Western  Ry .586,672 

Tugs,  lights  on  Great  Lakes 934,965 


article  by  A.  J.  Campbell 640 

article  by  H.  C.  Watts 1149 

meadow  mice  in  California 639,906 

seasonal  incidence  and  infection 391,639 

tick  and  bedbug,  microscopic  changes 323 

Tulare  quadrangle.  Calif 162 

Tule  River  Reservation,  to  change  boundaries.   716, 

815, 9.36 

Tulip  tree,  destruction  by  lightning 147 

Tulip-tree  region,  beekeeping 651 

Tullis,  Helen  M.,  appointment 188 

Tulsa,  Okla.,  Internat.  Petroleum  Exposition.  952, 


Tulsa  Paper  Co.,  paper 188 

Tulsa  Rig,  Reel  &  Manufacturing  Co__ 476 


carcinoma  of  descending  colon 392 

cure  for  cancer,  to  investigate 847 

el  cancer  en  las  razas  humanas 760 

high-frequency  currents  and  sarcoma 905 

metastatic  carcinoma  of  heart 65 

primary  carcinoma  of  lung 640 

reporting  of  cancer  in  Massachusetts 196 

sarcoma  of  femur  (2  entries) 497 

tuberculosis  with  concurrent  neoplasm 497 

tumors — 

caused  by  tapeworm  larvae 269,  330 

cerebral  and  cerebellar  tumors 197,  264 

of  maxilla 1071 

Tumors  in  sunflower 494 




Tungsten  in  1926 .-. 411 

Tuning  fork,  as  timepiece -..    15 

Tunis,  chart 1050 

Tunnels,  gases  from  blasting 411 

see  also  Wind  tunnels. 

Tupelo,  Miss.,  inspection  of  battle  field 434 

Tupper,  Iva  C.  D.,  reinstatement 632 

Turbines,  operation,  care,  and  repair.  180,886,887 

Turkey,  trade  financing  and  exchange 84 

Turkevs,  raising _ 650 

Turlej,  Wladyslaw,  r.  United  States 882 

Turlev,  Walter,  alias,  see  Turlej,  Wladyslaw. 

Turner,  Augustus  C,  relief 440,595,667 

Turner.  Clifford  J.,  relief 445,800,858 

Turner,  Edward,  widow  r.  Mexico 130 

Turner,  Horace,  and  associates,  relief.  S38,<)80. 1094 
Turner,  Howard  A.,  farm  lease  contract..  204. 1080 

Turner,  J.  E.,  bridge oiS,  710,803 

Turner,  Mary  A.,  r.  Mexico 130 

Turner,  William  A.,  assimilation  of  rations  by 

dairy  cows 269,270.401 

Turner-.Vltus  Co.,  potatoes 741 

Turner   Lumber  &   Investment   Co.,   demur- 
rage  101 

Turnips,  feeding,  effect  on  milk 401 

see  also  Rutabaga  turnip. 

Turpentine,  dual  purpose  trees 274 

see  also  Naval  stores. 

Turpentine  cup=,  rates  on... 876 

Turtle    Mountain    band    of    Chippewas,    see 

Chippewa  Indians. 
Turtle  Mountain  Reservation: 

boardin?  school  at  Belcourt 849 

correction  of  entry 914 


constitution  of  armor 767 

fossil,  from  Pleistocene  of  Florida 129 

Tuskegee  Xegro  Conference 639 

Tuskegee  Railroad: 

securities 39 

valuation 40 

Tuttle.  Howard  K.,  intestinal  obstruction 502 


light  list. 538 

mone v-order  post  offices 2.54 

Twin  Citv  Separator  Co... 1029 

Twin  Citv  Tile  &  Marble  Co 1043 

Twin  Falls  Co.,  Idaho,  land  for  rifle  range 318 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 148 

rates  on 1124 

Tydings,  Millard  E.  (Senator  from  Md.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Aflairs  Com 457,  595,853, 1008 

Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 

Com 1015 

Tylenchus  pratensis  and  other  nemas .i32,  647 

TjTiipanic    membrane    and    impairment    of 

hearing 198 

TjTies,  William  V.,  relief... 809,930,989 

Typewriter  ribbons,  specification 89 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

Government  supplies 511 

Typhoid  fever: 

antityphoid  vaccination  in  Navy  (2) 497 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

prevalence,  Oct.-Dec.  1927 639 

situation  in  Montreal 63 

Typhoons,  see  Storms. 
Typhus  fever: 

epidemiology  in  Ireland 263,391 

in  U.  S.  .\rmyin  World  War 779 

Typographical  Union,  see  International  Typo- 
graphical Union. 
Typothetae  of  America,  see  United  Typothetae 

of  America. 
Ty.son,  Lawrence  D.  (Senator  from  Tenn.): 
reports  made  by — 

Military  Affairs  Com 457,592, 

594,  718, 851,  1002, 1003, 1005. 1007 


Uccle,  Belgium,  see  Brussels,  Belgium. 

Udder  diseases  of  dairy  cows 527 

Uintah  Indians,  relief 999 

Uintah  Railway,  valuation 1037 

Uki  Road,  chart 182 


gastric  and  duodenal 197 

of  duodenum,  tuberculous 135 

of  penis,  tartar  emetic  in  treatment 887 

Sippy  treatment  for  peptic  ulcer  (2) 247 

Ulerv,  Clarence,  appointing  warrant  officer 972 

Ulster  &  Delaware  R.  R 1033 

Umatilla  Field  Station 10 

Umatilla  National  Forest 58 

Umatilla  Rapids: 

protection  and  development — 

hearings 430,456 

report 961 

Umatilla  Reservation,  grazing  lands..  716,954,1103 

Umpqua  National  Forest,  road.. 979 

Umpqua  River: 

chart 536 

examination 1151 

Uncompahgre  Indians,  relief. 999 

Underground  communication,  see  Communica- 
Underbill,    Charles   L.    (Representative   from 
minoritv  views — 

Claims  Com.. SOS 

reports  made  by — 

Claims  Com 418, 419,  420. 421,  548,  549. 

550. 676,  677,  807,  SOS,  945, 946, 947. 948 

District  of  Columbia  Com 551,811,950 


British  market 84 

industry,  wages  and  hours  of  labor 308 

Underwood,  .Tehu.  relief  of  estate 575 

Underwood,  M.  L.,  spinal  fluid  in  psychotic. .  640 
Underwood,    Mell    G.    (Representative    from 
report  made  by — 

Invalid  Pensions  Com 560 

Underwood  Lumber  Corporation 475 

UnemplojTnent,    see    Employment    and    un- 


National  Guard,  regulations 394 

Navy,  regulations,  changes 624, 1131 

Navy  Nurse  Corps,  regulations 756 

Unimak  Pass, chart 659 

Union,  Nebr.,  bridge 958 

Union  Belt  of  Detroit,  operation 302 

Union  County.  .\rk..  bridge 95S 

Union  Gas  &  Electric  Co..  demurrage     32.609 

Union  Iron  Works  Co.,  cases 223,2.57.355 

Union  Land  and  Timber  Co.  r.  U.  S 290.490 

Union    League    of    Philadelphia,    address    of 

President  Coolidge 317 

Union  of  South  .\frica,  veterans,  treatment  by 

U.  S.  Veterans'  Bur     65 

Union  Pacific  R.  R.: 

bonds       112 

construction  of  extension        40 

construction  of  line  617 

misrouting         612 

rates,  4th  section  applications 103 

rates  on — 

coal 164 

oil-well  supplies 613 

shooks... 1123 

relocated  around  Echo  reservoir 162 

r.  United  States.. 882 

Union  Railroad,  deficit  status 302 

Union  Railroad  of  Oregon,  oi^eration  of  line 1124 

Union  Railway,  bonds 484 

Union  Smelting  &  Refining  Co.,  brass 30 

Union  Switch  &  Signal  Co.: 

train-control  or  train-stop  devices  on— 

.\tchison.  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe  Ry 1037 

LouisvOle  &  Nashville  R.  R 483 

Norfolk  &  Western  Ry ia37 

Pittsburgh  &  Lake  Erie  R.  R.. 112 

Union  Terminal  Company,  valuation 237 

Union  Terminal  Railway,  valuation 173 

Union  Transponaiion  Co.,  valuation... 484 

Union  Trust  Co.  of  Pittsburgh,  exr.,  cases 43, 

508.  747 
Union   Trust   Co.  of  Providence,   indemnity 

agreement 571,713.800 

Union  Veterans  of  Civil  War.  Sons  of.  see  Sons 
of  Union  Veterans  of  Civil  War 


Index,  1927-1928 


Unions,  sa  Labor-unions. 

Uniontown,  Pa.,  air  navigation  maps  (2)  7/6 

Unitarians,  census  report,  1926 .  .  408 

United  American  Mechanics.  Junior  Order  of, 
see  Junior  Order  of  United  Ameri 
can  .\fcchanic.«. 
United  Confederate  Veterans: 

loan  of  camp  equipment.. 440,544 

Marine  Band  to  attend  reunion 827,934 

United  Dredging  Co.  r.  Mexico 130 

United  Iron,  Metal  &  Supply  Co -  611 

United  Kingdom,  see  Great  Britain. 

United  Mine  Workers  in  West  Virginia 999 

United  Pai.)erboard  Co.,  Inc.: 

paper 36 

strawhoard -- ^li 

I'nited  Power  &.  Light  Corporation,  coke 734 

T'niled  Piofit-.^haring  Corporation  v.  U.  S.  461,882 
United  ^^panish  War  \'eterans; 

leave  to  attend  Havana  convention 418.804 

proceedings,  29th  encampment 674 

United  States: 

Note.— For  all  other  subjects  pertain- 
ing to  the  United  States  s(r  such  subjects. 
For  all  Departments,  bureaus,  etc.,  of  the 
Government  of  the  United  States  see  the 
names  of  such  Departments,  bureaus, 

airway  map  792 

OS  Estados  Unidos  como  nafao  credora 55 

statistical  abstract,  1926 216 

set  also  -Vmerica. 
United  States  .\rmy  training  manual,  .^ff  Army. 

United  States  Automatic  Co.  v.  U.  S 223, 

307, 490 

United  States  Can  Co.,  cans.. 466 

Uniteii  Stales  Cast  Iron  Pipe  &  Foundry  Co...    611 
United  Slates  code,  see  Code  of  U.  S. 

United  States  Cold  Storage  Co.,  apples. 866 

UniU'd  States  Conservation  Co.  r.  V.  S....  461,621 
United   States   Court  for   China,   see   China, 

United  States  Court  for. 
United  States  Fidelity  &  Guaranty  Co.,  cases.  174, 
321, 367,  618,  749.  877 

United  States  Finishing  Co.,  fuel-oil.. 1119- 

United  States  Oil  Co.,  Inc 602 

United  States  park  police,  sff  Police. 

United  States  Potters'  Association 100 

United  States  Protection  &  Indemnity  .\gency. 

Inc.,  rules 897 

United  States  reports,  see  Supreme  Court  of 
United  States,  cases  adjudged. 

United  Theaters  Co.  v.  United  States 1017 

United  Typothetae  of  America,  paper  tests 862 

United  Verde  Copper  Co.: 

fluxing  ores 610 

wheels _  1125 

United  Zinc  Smelting  Corporation: 

coke _ 31 

sul  phuric  acid 744 

zinc _ 40 

Universal  Battery  Co.  v.  U.  S 307  600 

Universal  Rubber  Products  Co 1043 


new  outlook  in  cosmogony 190 

see  also  World. 
Universities,   see    Colleges   and   universities— 

also  names  of  imiversities. 
I  niversity  extension,  see  E.xtension  work 
I  nlading  and  lading,  Fall  River  Chamber  of 

Commerce _  io37 

s.e  also  Load  lines. 
UntertHMg,  I.,  &  Co.,  Inc.,  r.  United  States         290 
I  ntermyer.  Kdward  D.,  exr.,  v.  C.  W.   Ander- 
son   4QQ 

Untermyer,  Fannie  E.,  exrx.,  r.  C.  W.  AndeV- 

Son Ann 

L ntermyer.  Isaac  r.  C.  W.  AndersonV/.::::"""  490 
Updike,   Ralph  E.,  sr.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by— 

I  p.and  cotton,  set  Cotton 

IJrx.hi  .\irplane  Landing  Field,  land  187 

IplKT  Khmialh  Wild  Life  Refuge     soy 

I  PlH'r  Mcriun  .V  Plymouth  R  R  ■ 

deficit  status  ...  ,,,, 

valuation ;J^~ 

Upper  Mississippi  River  W'ild  Life  and  Fish 

administration  regulations 6 

amount  paid  for  land,  etc.,  to  increase — 

hearings .674 

law 938 

reports 675. 837 

gift  of  lands  in  Clayton  County,  Iowa — 

hearings 674 

law 804 

reports 674,703 

Upton,  King,  Thomas  W.  White  i' 490 

Upton.  Camp,  land  restored ,58 

Upton  National  Forest,  order  revoked... .58 

Uraga  Ko.  chart 123 

Uranin  test  for  well  pollution 64 

Uranium  in  1926 411 

Urasan  Ko,  chart 891 

LTreter  and  kidney,  anomolies 392 

Urethra,  stricture,  with  scrotal  fistula 247 

Urethritis,  chronic 392 

Urinalysis,  clinical  laboratory  work  (2) 392 

Urn  presented  to  l^.  S.  bv  Cuba,  to  accept 820, 


Urological  study,  indications  for 135 


budget 17 

chart  of  coast.. 375 

commerce  for  1926 55 

labor  legislation 244,  245 

mollusks  of  genus  Corbicula,  new  species...  192 
Lossless  Executive  Papers,  Joint  Select  Com- 
mittee on  Disposition  of: 

reports 354,459,599,858, 1016 

Useless  papers,  disposition... 4.59 

see  also  names   of  Departments,   etc.,   to 
which  useless  papers  belong. 

Usilton,  Lida  J.,  neuropsychiatric  patients 197 

Ustilago  nuda,  see  Smuts. 

Usury,  in  District  of  Columbia 810 


census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 15 

compact  with  Colo.,  consent  of  Congress..  960 

crystalline  carnotite 320 

grains  for  dry  lands 275 

land  offices,  establishing 978 

lands  withdrawn... 128, 

postal  service- 
alphabetical  scheme  for  publishers 255- 

post  route  map 631 

sedimentary  rocks  in  eastern  Utah... 728 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing,  errata G35 

Utah  Idaho  Central  R.  R.,  condensed  milk...  469 
Utah-Idaho  Sugar  Co.  v.  Federal  Trade  Cpmn.    92 
Utah  National  Park,  see  Bryce  Canyon  Na- 
tional Park. 

Utah  Railway,  valuation 1124 

Ute  Indians: 

land  for  Koosharem  band 422,588,669 

relief ..  999 

to  Day  for  lands 698, 1014. 1101 


heating  and  lighting.  National  Museum..  633 

milk,  washing  and  sterilizing 917 

sterilizer,  economical  and  practical 49 

Utility  commissions,  see  name  of  State  or  name 

of  place. 
Utility  companies,  see  Public  utility  companies. 

Uvalda  Booster  Club,  bridge 990, 1098 

Uyak  Bay,  chart 215- 


antieholera,  of  marines  at  Shanghai 888 

antityphoid,  in  Navy  (2  entries) 497 

smallpox,  by  pressure  method 134 

smallpox,  tetanus  from  use  of  shields..  391,  773 

Vaccine,  smallpox,  estimating  potency 640 

see  also  Bacterins. 

metal  fusion,  nitrogen  determination 344 

Vacuum  gages,  for  ships,  standard 89 

Vadis  quadrangle,  W.  Va 229 

Vagrancy,  to  define,  etc.,  in  D.  C 950 

Val  Blatz  Brewing  Co..  bottles 867 

Val  Verde  Bridge  Co.,  bridge 959, 1102. 




Vale  irrigation  project 730, 1023 

Valencia  County,  N.  Max.,  lands 681,847, 1098 

Valencia  orange,  see  Orange. 

Valentine-Clark  Co.,  poles 740 

Valle,  J.  A.  Lopez  del.  see  Lopez  del  Valle,  J.  A. 

Valletta,  Maltese  Islands,  chart  of  harbors 251 

Valley  Bridge  Co.,  Inc.: 
Canton,  Ky 424,-578,668 

Eggners  Ferry 429,585,672 

luka,  Ky 424,578,668 

Valley  County,  Mont.,  bridge 427, 

454,  582, 670,  684,  843, 934 

Valley  Forge  commemorative  stamp 1054 

Valuation  Bureau,  I.  C.  C 303,877, 1038 

Valuation  order _. ___  877, 1038 

supplemental  instructions 877 

Valves,  see  Engines. 

Vanadates,  rossite  and  metarossite 385 

Vanadium  in  1926 411 

Vancouver,  Wash.: 

air  navigation  maps 776,  777 

charts 150,279 

Vancouver  Barracks,  highway 440,  544,  -395 

Vandegrift,  F.  B.,  &  Co 724 

Vanderbilt,  Reginald  C,  r.  David  H.  Blair.-__  224 

Vander  Cook,  Vanrenslear,  relief 565 

Vanderlingen,  E.,  weather  at  Brussels 147 

Van  der  Meulen.  P.  A.,  spray  mixtures...  204,  273 

Vandiver,  Annie  C,  v.  United  States 724,882 

Vandiver,  Dorothy  C,  v.  United  States. ..  724,882 

•Vandiver,  Robert  M.,  v.  United  States 724,882 

Vandiver,  Ala.,  geologic  atlas 294 

Van  Dorn  Iron  Works  Co.,  relief 453 

Van  Dvke,  I.  A.,  Telephone  Service 617 

Van  Fleet,  Walter: 

goldenseal  under  cultivation 532 

peppermint  and  spearmint  cultivation 788 

Van    Home,    Homer,    intrathoracic    pressure, 

etc 1149 

Van  Home,  James  E.,  relief 453 

Vanick,  J.  S.,  steel  deterioration 344 

Vanilla  root  rot 647,915 

Van  Leeuwen,  Adrian,  place  on  retired  list 972 

Van  Leeuwen,  E.  R.: 

Japanese  beetle,  lead  arsenate  toxicity 4,  74 

lead  arsenate  and  lime  spray  mixtures..  204, 273 
Van  Royen,  W.: 

climatic  regions  of  North  America 212 

outline  of  article 335 

Vansandt,  Stephen,  relief  of  estate 575 

Vaporizing  device  for  carbon  disulphide 207 


gas  mask  for  protection  against 539 

inflammability  limits 539 

Varney,  B.  M.,  forecasting  precipitation 77 


census  of  manufactiu'es,  1925 149 

rates  on 237 

Vary,  Alton,  occupational  therapy 198 

Vaughn,  W.  E.,  sauerkraut 525,647 

Veal,  statistics,  1925 5 

Vedder,  George  D.,  relief 440 

Vegetable  caimeries,   Del.,   women's  employ- 
ment  ".  117 

Vegetable  fibers,  rates  on 237 

^'egetable  oils,  see  Oils — also  names  of  oils. 

dealers  in  fresh  vegetables,  rules,  etc 1105 

dehydration,  commercial 6 

diseases,  etc.,  of  garden  vegetables 76 

farm  garden  in  the  North 334 

grown  outside  of  U.  S.,  labeling 957 

home  storage 76 

publications  for  sale 159, 1020 

rates  on 166,234,876, 1037 

seeds  for  home  and  market  garden 210 

standard  hampers,  etc.—. 

estimate  for  enforcement  of  act 1063 

hearings 678 

law 931 

reports 572,809 

statistics,  1926  and  earlier  years 526 

statistics,  from  Agric.  Dept.  yearbook,  1926.  142 
see  also  names  of  vegetables. 
Vegetation,  see  Plants. 


Agriculture  Dept.  purchase,  etc 770 

forfeited,  transfer  to  Labor  Dept 701 

forfeiture  under  customs,  etc 962 

hire  from  letter  carriers... 976 

laws  and  regulations  in  Canal  Zone 185,761 

speed,  etc.,  in  Canal  Zone,  rule  modified..  250 
see  also   Motor-vehicles,   and   references— 
also  names  of  vehicles. 

arterio-venous  aneurysm 49 

Veitch,  F.  P.,  home  tanning  of  leather,  etc 917 

Vejle  Harbor,  chart 249 

Veldee,  .M.  V.: 

pollution  of  Lake  Michigan 133 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  t. 

42 196 


case  of  Wm.  E.  Wiener,  Inc.. 26 

Velvet  bean 533 

Velvet  carpets,  specification 285 

Velveteen,  case  of  Wecker  &  Co 1018 

Venable,  H.  G.,  r.  Mexico. 130 

Venereal  diseases: 

among  Coast  Guard  personnel 514 

educational  material  of  V.  D.  Division 197 

hospitals,  etc.,  for  treatment 64,197 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779,910 

mixed  venereal  infections 49 

prevalence  in— 

Detroit,  Mich.. 197 

same,  abstract  in  pub.  health  rps.    63 

fourteen  communities 773,906 

twenty-two  counties... 1070, 1148 

problems,  views  of  medical  officers 49 

V.  D.  bulletin 197 

venereal  disease  information 64, 

134, 197,  263,  324,  514,  773, 907, 1070 

descriptive  announcement 134 

index  to  v.  8 514 

see  also  names  of  diseases. 

Venereal  Diseases  Division 64, 134, 

197,  263.  324,  514,  773,  906, 1070, 1148 
see  also  .\dvisory  Committee  to  Division 
of  Venereal  Diseases. 

budget 409 

chart 376 

citizen  to  be  instructed  at  West  Point.  968, 1104 

electrical  equipment,  marketing 151 

foreign  trade  for  1925 185 

Venezuela,  Gulf  of,  see  Maracaibo,  Gulf  of. 
Ventilation,    Senate    Chamber    and    Hall    of 

House 534 

Vera  Cruz,  Mexico: 

chart  of  port 376 

occupation  in  1914,  claims 507 

Verde  River  Irrigation  and  Power  District...  226 

bridge  across  Lake  Champlain 423, 

430,  543, 544,  577 

bridge  across  Lake  Memphremagog 579, 

669, 683 

flood  relief 699,770 

Highway  Department- 
transportation  survey,  report 533 

post  route  map 630 

transportation  on  highways,  survey 533 

Vermont  International  Telegraph  Co.,  valu- 
ation  40 

Vermont  Snath  Co.,  cast-iron 1117 

Verner,  William  R.,  exr.,  (■.  United  States 43 

Vernon,  J.  J.,  yield  of  apples 329 

Verse,  see  Poetry. 

Vertebrates,  Smithsonian-Chrysler  expedition.  1143 
Vessels,  see  Boats — Coast  Guard  cutters — Light- 
ships— Quarantine  vessels— Sailing 
vessels  —  Ships  —  Steamboats  — 
War-ships— a?«o  Merchant  marine. 

Vesta  Battery  Corporation 223,307,600 

Vestal,  .\lbert  H.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Patents  Com... 442,695,828,829,975 

Vesuvius  Shoal,  chart 50 

Vetch,  corn  earworm  as  enemy 207 


Index,  1927-1928 


Veterans:  ,  „„_ 

burial  and  funeral  expenses .---  yy/ 

of  Canada,  etc-.,  treatment  by  U.  S.  \  et- 

erans'  Bur..- "^ 

preference  in  appointments,  etc.— 

advisory  committee  created IHI 

hearings ^'^^'oii 

report ----- ^ff 

rules  of  Civil  Service  Comn ---    n 

i(e  also  Homestead— Life  insurance— Pen- 
sions —  Veterans'  Bureau  —  "R  orld 
War  adjusted  compensation  act- 
World  ^^'ar  veterans'  act— a/«o 
names  of  certain  military  societies, 
e.  g.  American  Legion. 

Veterans'  Bureau -  64,134,197,264, 

324, 392, 514,  640,  774, 907, 1070. 1148 

court  decisions,  1925-26 198 

diagnostic  center,  dermatological  work.  197,  264 

estimate,  1928 - - 1067 

hospitals,  see  Hospitals— aZso  names  of 
places  where  located. 

laws  governing  organization,  etc 134 

laws  relating  to 155, 156 

legal  opinions,  digests 198 

medical  bulletin 64,135,197, 

264, 392, 514, 640, 907, 1070, 1148, 1149 

index  to  v.  3 392 

medical  department  of  regional  office 514 

opinions  of  general  counsel,  1925-26 198 

orders,  general 65,264 

report,  1927 392 

useless  papers,  disposition 459 

see  also  Hines,  Frank  T. 
Veterans'  Headquarters,  National  War  Memo- 
rial Museum  and,  see  National  War 
Memorial  Museum  and  Veterans' 
Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States: 
Minnesota  Department- 
bell  of  cruiser  Minneapolis 975, 1009 

proceedings  of  28th  encampment,. 546 

Veterinary  Corps,  Army,  appointment... 65 

Veto  messages: 

President  of  United  States- 
agricultural  surplus  control 1056 

claimsofCowlitz  Indians 1055 

claims  of  Spokan  Indians 1057 

commissioning  of  Army  bandmasters.  1055 

public  health  activities 1057 

relief  of  George  R.  Armstrong 1055 

relief  of  Edmund  F.  Hubbard 1056 

retirement  of  emergency  oflBcers 1055 

roads  through  public,  etc.,  lands 1057 

Vibratory  sensibility,  ascertaining,  etc...  1070, 1071 
Vice  President  of  United  States: 

appointment  of  midshipmen 853, 974, 1101 

automobile  and  maintenance,  estimate 702 

election  and  term  of  office- 
hearings 421,552 

reports 354,421,570,699 

statement  and  testimony  of  C.  F.  Lea.  421, 

testimony  of  F.   H.   LaGuardia  and 

E.  E.  Browne 421 

meeting  and  certificates..  552, 950, 1011, 1102 

publishing  ascertainment 510 

Vickers  Petroleum  Co.,  gasoline....  "  103 

Vicksburg,  Miss.,  rivers,  etc,,  in  district  519 

Vicksburg  Bridge  &  Terminal  Co. . . .    566,"672  719 
Jl'CKsburg  group,  see  Oligocene  period. 
Vicksburg  National  Park..  566, 672, 693,  719, 804, 853 
Vicksburg,  Shreveport  &  Pacific  Rv.,  lumber    1120 
Victoria,  British  Columbia,  chart   "  "    891 

Victoria,  Miss.,  railroad  accident  "  234 

Victoria  Point  Harbor,  chart  " 192 

\enna  Natural  History  Museum,  flies"." 384 

yietor,  F.,  &  AchelLs,  United  States  v  ""  290 
view'ing  stand  and  radio  for  operating  room ""'  497 
Vigna  sinensis,  see  Cow-peas.  ' 

Vi  age  Bay,  chart 400 

V    ages,  see  Cities  and  towns. 

\  Here,  Paul,  trustee,  v.  United  States  115 

viisack,  Anne  L.,  admx.,  v.  United  States.".'  25, 

vn!o°b''  -il:!?^"^''.-^-  "■  United  States. . .  25,  it  491 
vnS'  P^'-Y'^,'''  "■  United  States....  25  44  49 
Viisack,  Joseph  G.,  v.  United  States  25  44  491 

Vinall,  H.  N.: 

Sudan  grass 146,1084 

winter  field  peas 334 

Vincennes.  Ind.,  bridge 560,586,1103 

Vincent,  Bird  J.  (Representative  from  Mich.): 
minority  views — 

World  War  Veterans'  Legislation  Com.  446 
reports  made  by — 

Elections  Com.  No.  2 67 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com..  347 

Vincent  Aero-Real  Transportation,  Inc 370 

Vincent's  disease; 

in  U.  S.  Army  in  World  War 779 

study  of  Vincent's  angina 264 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 213 

making  in  the  home  and  on  farm 143 

Viner,  Charles,  and  our  common  law 1108 

Vinson,  Carl  (Representative  from  Oa.); 
reports  made  by- 
Naval  Affairs  Com 442, 

566,  694, 826, 827, 828, 973,  975 

Vinson,  Carl  G.,  corn  pollen 203,204 

Vipers,  see  Green  pit  viper. 

Virgin  Islands: 

appeals  from  district  court 430,800,850 

coast  pilot,  supplement 1088 

expenses  of  government,  sum  to  meet 1141 

hookworm  as  health  problem,  St.  Croix...  887, 


light  list 538 

mortality  statistics,  1925 658* 

postal  service— 

money-order  post  offices 254 

post  route  map 631 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs 862 

shipping  service,  etc 128 

Virgin  Islands  (British): 

money-order  post  offices.. 254 

Virgin  Islands  Agricultural  Experiment  Sta- 
tion  918 

report,  1927 918 


apples  in  Cumberland-Shenandoah  region..  329 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 82 

chart - 1089 

Corporation  Commission — 

freight  rates 471 

district  court,  bankruptcy  rules... 619 

district  court,  rules 619 

fisheries,  list  of  publications 408 

Hessian  fly,  status  of  parasites 648, 786 

Pleistocene  faunas 728 

postal  service — 

mail  trains,  schedule. .  127,  254, 380, 895, 1139 

post  route  map 631 

topographic  map,  vicinity  of  D.  C 294 

tornado,  Nov.  17,  1927 534 

tornadoes,  1814-1925 11 

Virginia  Agricultural  and  Mechanical  College 
and  Polytechnic  Institute: 
apples  in  Cumberland-Shenandoah  region.  329 

Virginia  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

tobacco 276 

Virginia  Cellulose  Co.,  Inc 172 

Virginia  Department  of  American  Legion 822 

Virginia  Pig  Iron  Association _.    99 

Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute,  see  Virginia 
Agricultural  and  Mechanical  Col- 
lege and  Polytechnic  Institute. 

Virginia  Shipbuilding  Corporation. 621 

Virginian  Gasoline  &  Oil  Co 106 

Virginian  Power  Co.,  apparatus 566,853,932 

Virginian  Railway: 

bonds 876 

rates  on  coal.. 1027 

Virginian  Terminal  Railway,  bonds 877 


diseases  of  solanaceous  plants 270,  400 

factors  affecting  mosaic  virus 71,210 

quantitative  and  purification  studies 71,  210 

see  also  Biological  products. 

Visas,  see  Passports. 

Visayan  Islands: 

coast  pilot 408 

coast  pilot,  supplement 659 

Vises,  see  Passports. 

Visscher,  J.  Paul,  fouling  of  ships'  bottoms 794 

Vissering,  Harry,  patent  appeal 220 




Vital     statistics,  see  Births— Death— Sickness. 
Vitamin  B  in  feed  and  in  milk  produced  (2).  204 
Vocational    Agricultural    Students,    National 
Congress  of,  see  National  Congress 
of    Vocational    Agricultural    Stu- 
Vocational  education: 

for  farm  children 117 

foreman  conference  leaders 725 

foreman  training,  bibliography 1018 

foreman  training,  progress 861 

see  also   Kehabilitation  of  the   disabled — 
Technical   education — also   special 
subject,  e.  g.  Agriculture. 
Vocational    Educational    Board,    see    Federal 
Board  for  Vocational  Education. 

Vocational  guidance,  list  of  references 28 

Vocational  Rehabilitation  of  the  Disabled 
CiA'ilian,  National  Conference  on, 
see  National  Conference  on  Voca- 
tional Rehabilitation  of  the  Dis- 
abled Civilian. 
Voegtlin,  Carl: 

arsphenamine-sodium  thiosulphate -.-    63 

chemotherapy  of  organic  arsenicals 324 

electrical  potential  in  living  cells 639, 905 

Volatile  oils,  see  Essential  oils. 

Volkert,  WilUam,  relief --  706 

Vollbehr  collection: 

incunabula,  exhibit 884 

printers'  and  publishers'  marks,  exhibit —  885 

Volunteers  of  America,  census,  1926 1088 

Von,  see  for  names  preceded  by  "von, "  the  name 

following  the  prefix. 
Vosburv,  E.  D.: 

citrus  fruit  culture  in  Gulf  States 76,919 

pineapple  culture  in  Florida 334 

Vulcanite  Portland  Cement  Co 749 

Vulcanization  tests  of  guayule  rubber 221 


\V.  S.  Holbrook,  steam  tug,  relief 453, 809, 1097 

\V.  AV.  R.,  see  Reed,  W.  W. 

Wabash  Bridge  Co.,  Inc.,  bridge 819 

AVabash  Railway: 

bonds -- 484,1124 

rates  on — 

heaters,  automobile 736 

hoops 611,1119 

starch 743 

steel 482 

wheat -  484 

Valuation 877 

VTSUS  United  States -.-  491 

Wabash  River: 

McOregors  Forrv.  Ill 685,845,936,994 

Mount  Carmel,  ill 560,711,804 

New  Harmony,  Ind 819,994 

Vincennes,  Ind 560,586,1103 

Wabasha,  Minn.,  bridge 426,581,669 

Wabasha  Bridge  Committee,  bridge...  426,581,669 
Waccamaw  River: 

bridge 685,937,995 

report  on  survey — 519 

AVaco.  Beaumont,  Trinity  &  Sabine  Ry 173 

AA'aco  Chamber  of  Commerce,  barrels 606 

Waddington  Harbor,  N.  Y.,  examination 1151 

vVade,  J.    S.,    European    corn    borer,    biblio- 
graphy   1082 

AA'ade,  Marion  F.,  relief 566 

AVadley,  F.  M.,  seedling  stand  in  cotton 1084 

AVadsworth,  George  H.,  natent  appeal 664 

AVadsworth,  Fort,  construction 693,853,937 

AA'age  earners,  see  Labor. 

adjustments,  cost-of-living  figures 751 

bituminous  coal  mining,  1922,  etc 491 

boot  and  shoe  industry,  1907-26 308 

cotton-goods  manufacturing,  1910-26...  116 

foundries  and  machine  shops,  1927 883 

hosiery  and  underwear  industries 308 

iron  and  steel  industry,  1907-26 116 

motor  vehicle  industry,  1925 46 

slaughtering  and  meat  packing,  1927...  884 
woolen,  etc.,  goods  manufacturing 117 


AVages — Continued. 

index  numbers,  1S40-192(! 623 

low  earnings  of  unskilled  labor  in  V.  S 117 

uonpavment ,  exploitation  of  labor 46 


railroad  employees,  statistics 37, 

lOg,  171,  235, 300,  365, 480,614,  741, 874, 
1034, 1121. 

seamen,  consular  regulations 900 

.seamen,  on  foreign  vessels.. 844 

working  women,  minimum  wage 492 

payment,  etlorts  to  enforce 46 

postal  service,  differential  in  pay 696, 1102 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs. 603 

rates  in  U.  S.  and  foreign  countries 178 

union  rates,  increase  in  1927 309,492 

union  scales,  1913-27... 178 

union  scales,  May  15,  1927 ._  884 

wages  and  hours  of  labor  series. 4P, 

see  also  Salaries. 

Wagner,  A.  L.,  Manufacturing  Co 1112 

AA'agner,  Robert  F.  (Senator  from  N.  Y.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 999 

Military  .'Affairs  Com 593, 

594, 1003, 1006, 1007. 

AA'agner-Jauregg,  J.,  malaria  inoculation .    263 

AA'agon  AVheel  Gap,  Colo.,  forest  and  stream- 
flow  experiment . 920,1085 

Wagoner,  AA'illiam  H.,  relief 440 

\A'ag' ns,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 12 

AVahai  Bay,  chart 51 

AA'ahluke,  AA'ash..  pit  house  village  site 1060 

AVahn,  Archibald  H.,  v.  Green  Star  S.  S.  Corp.  746 
AVahpeton  Indians,  see  Santee  Indians. 

AA'ai  Pelau  Anchorage,  chart 182 

AA'ailua,  Hawaii,  land  restored 127 

Waimanalo,  Hawaii,  lands  set  aside 631 

Waimea,  Hawaii: 

chart 794 

edible  canna 918 

electric  light  and  power 445.598,668 

Waimea  Garage  and  Electric  Co.,  Ltd.  445,  598.  668 
AA'ainwright,  J.  Mavhew  (Representative  from 
N.  Y.): 
minority  views — 

MOitary  Afiairs  Com 970 

reports  made  bv — 

Military  .\ffairs  Com 350, 

351, 440,  693, 823, 967, 970, 971, 972 

Wairoa  River,  chart 249 

Wakefield,  Roberta  P.: 

export  duties  of  the  world 216 

shipment  of  samples  to  British  Empire...  1090 

AA'akefield,  A'a.,  monument  and  wharf 642 

AVakefiekl  Memorial  Bridge,  see  George  AVash- 
ington-AA'akefleld  Memorial  Bridge. 

Walapai  Reservation,  meteoric  irons 384 

AValbach,  James  de  B.,  v.  U.  S 724 

Walcott,  Charles  D.: 

memorial  meeting.  Jan.  24,  1928 1059 

published  writings 1059 

see  also  Smithsonian  Institution. 

AA'aldenmeyer,  Arthur,  militcry  record 595 

AA'aldheim.John,  patent  appeal 927 

Wales,  F..  ground  water  pollution 64 

Wales,  H.,  coal-tar  food  dyes 530 


electrical  machinery,  etc.,  market 409 

occupational  mortality  among  males 1148 

public  health.  1926 323 

see  also  Great  Britain. 

AA'alker,  Ernest  P.,  blue-fox  farming 785 

AA'alker,  F.  AA'.,  acute  lymphoblastic  leukemia.  887, 

Walker,  Sir  Gilbert  T.: 

on  m.easure  of  correlation 405,920 

records  of  world  weather 129 

theorems  of,  note  on 405 

Walker,  Harry  AA  .,  appointment 1141 

AValker,  J.  C: 

cabbage  resistant  to  yellows .  _ 399, 654 

onion  diseases  and  their  control. 788 

Walker,  John  B.,  fractures  of  long  bones 67 

AValker,  John  F.,  relief 1007 

AA'alker,  Queen  E.,  land  in  Mississippi- 831, 

930, 1015 


Index,  1927-1928 


Walker,  Ruth  T.,  land  in  Mississippi 831, 

930,  lOlo 
Wiilker.  \V.  H..  land  in  Mississippi.-.  831,930,1015 
Walker  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States...  622 
Walker  River  Reservation,  lands  for  Indians..  423, 

588,  672 

Wall,  Benjamin,  r.  United  States... 600,622 

Wall,  Edward  E.,  v.  United  States 749 

Wall  board,  case  of  O.  M.  Baxter,  Inc 461,  724 

Wall-<'leaning  compounds,  rates  on. 103^ 

Wall  hangings,  new  occupational  therapy 907 

Wall  paper,  rates  on 173 

Wall  Rope  Works,  vegetable  fibers... ---  237 

Walla  Walla  Countv.  Wash.,  bird  refuge 703 

Wallace,  .\rthur  W.,  United  States  r.. 1128 

Wallace,  Charles  L.,  receiver.  '■.  U.  S 882 

Wallace,   Errett,  commercial   Bordeaux  mix- 
tures....  919 

Wallace,  F.  C.  relief -.  809,989.1097 

Wallapai  Reservation,  sfc  Walapai  Reservation. 

Wallfn,  Axel,  forecasting  of  precipitation 77 

Waller,  C.  P.,  intestinal  tuberculosis 907 

Waller,  Franklin  P.,  French  market  for  Indus-  _ 

trial  machinery 795 

Wallowa  National  Forest,  proclamation 1140 


in  closed  type  wind  tunnels 310 

rammed  earth  walls  for  buildings 533 

strength  of  iuterlocking-rib  tile  walls 666 

Walnuts,  rates  on 1037 

Walrus  protection  in  .\laska 921 

Walsh,  David  I.  (Senator  from  Mass.): 
reports  made  by — 

Finance  Com 713 

Naval  Affairs  Com 595,1008 

Walsh,  Thomas  J.  (Senator  from  Mont.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Judiciary  Com 3.54,590,850,1001 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Com 458, 

597,  721, 857. 858, 1013, 1014 

Walsh  Fire  Clay  Products  Co.,  fuel-oil 870 

Walter  Reed  .^rmy  General  Hospital: 

chapel  at  .\rmy  medical  center 440, 595, 672 

construction  at — 

estimates 637, 1067 

report... 440 

to  vacate  certain  streets,  etc.- 996 

Walters,  F.  M.,  jr.,  absorption  spectra  of  iron.     22 
Walton,  Izaak,  League  of  .\merica,  see  Izaak 

Walton  League  of  .\merica. 
Walton,  W.  R.: 

grasshopper  control 7 

green-bug,  how  to  prevent 402 

Wanamaker,  John,  United  States  v 26 


chemical  warfare  and  medical  officer..  887, 1047 
E.xecutive     assumption     of     war-making 

power 447 

renunciation  of  war — 

multilateral  treaty,  notes 901 

text  of  M.  Briand's  pact 901 

war  prevention  policy  of  U.  S.,  address.  768 
see  also  certain  headings   beginning  Mili- 
tary— War — also  name  of  war. 
War  claims,  see  Enemy  property— aiso  names 

of  claimants. 
War  Claims  Committee,  House: 

hearings _ 700,833,834 

reports ....  ,570,  571,  699,  700, 833, 834, 980,  981,  982 
\\  ar  College,  Newport,  see  Naval  War  College, 

War  Department 65, 135, 193,  264 

324,  393,  514, 6^0,  774, 907, 1071, 1149 

acquisition  of  Canadian  properties  571 

706",  8"3"4, 937 

ammunition  storage  conditions,  survev         907 


im  estimates .-. 903, 1067, 1068 

\?3  estimates 510,637,903, 1068 

1929,  hearings.... 574  075 

1929,  law '804 

1929,  reports '""5i7".574  673 

assistant  Secretary,  regulations.  '193 

K„i  I-         .         ,  264,  324, 393,  514,  7"74",  1071 

DUildings,  transferring  care,  etc  903 

civil  service  rules  amended-  "" 

Army  hospital  positions..  319 

cable  engineers,  electricians,  etc  ISS 

messengers  of  Washington-Alaska  Mil- 
itary Cable  and  Telegraph  System    705 


W'ar  Department— Continued. 

civilian  employees.  Army  regulations-.,...  136 

claims  allowed  against 389, 1 068 

contracts  to  be  made  in  writing .      941, 

972,1007,  1103 

duty  in  bureaus,  to  prohibit  certain 440 

judgments  against 1039 

report,  1927 :^93 

sales  by  utilities,  to  regulate 4-1 

surplus  real  property,  sale-  825,  853, 968,  973, 1 103 
useless  papers,  disposition 599, 1016 

War  Finance  Corporation 521 

administration,  etc.,  investigation--  574 

report,  Nov.  30, 1927 .'•>21 

to  extend  for  1  year 675,  804,  837 

War  in  Europe,  1914-18,  see  European  War, 

War  Memorial  Museum  and  Veterans'  Head- 
quarters, .see  National  War  Memo- 
rial Museum  and  Veterans'  Head- 

War  of  1812: 

claims  of  North  Carolina 603 

expenditures  made  by  Connecticut- 603 

War  of  1917,  see  European  War,  1914-18. 

War-profits  tax,  trading  with  the  enemy  act.--  1146 

War  risk  insurance,  laws 155, 156 

see  also  Life  insurance. 

War  Risk  Insurance  Bureau,  organization 134 

see  also  Veterans'  Bureau. 

War-savings  certificates,  registration  records..  763 


alterations  and  repairs 695, 1010 

construction  of  certain  vessels — 

hearings 101 0 

minority  views 695 

reports 695,699, 1010 

destroyer  steam  engineering,  syllabus 121 

discontinuance  of  C.  O.  D.  parcel  post 316 

drills,  ship  and  gunnery 756 

see  also  Submarine  boats — also  names  of 

War  with  Germany,  see  European  War,  1914-18. 

W'ar  with  Spain,  1898,  encampments,  memo- 
rials  434 

Warburton,  C.  W.: 

fall  sown  oats 654 

spring  oat  production 788 

see   also   Extension    Service,    Agriculture 

Ward,  -Vrtemus,  monument  in  D.  C 821,938 

Ward,  Charlotte  M.: 

agricultural  statistics 142 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products 142 

fruits  and  vegetables 142 

grains - 142 

Ward  Baking  Company,  paper.. 107 

Ward  Baking  Corporation  v.  United  States.  223, 882 

Ware,  Ed.,  v.  United  States 622 

Ware.  Marsden: 

Roots  type  aircraft  engine  supercharger..  1046 

supercharging  air-cooled  engine 752 

universal  test  engine,  N.  A.  C.  A 119 

Ware,  Orie  S.  (Representative  from  Ky.): 
reports  made  by- 
Claims  Com 419, 

420, 421,  548,  676, 807, 945, 946, 948 
War  Claims  Com 980 

Ware  Radio,  Inc.,  v.  United  States 1128 

Wareham,  Charles  R.  relief 421,930,989 


case  of  Williams-Thompson  Co 40 

for  storage  of  Government  supplies 830 

Warfare,  see  War. 

Warner,  DeVer  H.,  trustee,  v.  David  H.  Blair.  882 

Warner,  Edward  P.: 

column  effect  in  airplane  wing  spars. 119 

wing  spar  stress  charts,  etc 1131 

Warner,  Ira  F.,  v.  comnr.  of  internal  revenue..  882 

Warner-Patterson  Co.  v.  United  States 1017 

Warrant  officers,  see  Army — Marine  Corps — 

Warrants,  issuance,  etc.,  in  criminal  cases 687 

Warrants  Division,  see  Bookkeeping  and 
Warrants  Division. 

Warren,  Francis  E.  (Senator  from  Wyo.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Appropriations  Com__354,449,  573,837,984 



■\Varren,    Lindsay    C.    (Representative    from 
N.  C): 
minority  views — 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Com,  952 

Warren,  R.  W.,  r.  United  States 116 

Warren,  Ohio,  bridge 557,669,708 

Warren  County,  Miss.,  right  of  way._  693,804,853 
Warrington.    Ralph    K.,    alias,    see    Francke, 
George  A. 

Warrior  River,  bridge 960,994. 1103 

Wars,  see  War— o/.«o  certain  headings  begin- 
ning War— a?so  names  of  wars. 
Wars  other  than  Civil  War: 
pensions — 

H.  R.  10141 _.  .067,854,930.941 

H.  R.  12381 695,8.54,841,1096 

H.  R.  13563 975, 1010,  1096 

Wash-tubs,  rates  on 40 

Washakie  National  Forest .531 

Washam,  R.  P.,  relief 550,989,1097 

Washing  machines,  world  markets 794 

Washington,  George.  Commission  for  Cele- 
bration   of   200th    Anniversarv    of 

Birth  of " 977 

Washington,  D.  C  s(c  District  of  Columbia. 

W'ashington.  Mo.,  bridge 426, 453,  581,  670 

Washington-Alaska  Military  Cable  and  Tele- 
graph System,  messenger  boys 765 

Washington  &  Choctaw  Ry 112 

Washington  <fc  Lincolnton  R.  R. 169 

Washington  Aqueduct  and  filtration  plant 642 

Washington  Asvlum  &  Jail,  supt.  v.  Harold 

Reed 224,291 

Washington  Building  Lime  Co.._ 33 

Washington  Club  of  Printing  House  Crafts- 
men, address  by  E.  O.  Reed 92 

Washington  Coal  Producers  Association,  coaL  164 

Washington  County,  Nebr.,  bridge 426, 

454,  582,  670 
Washington     Missouri     River     Bridge     Co., 

bridge 426,581,670 

Washington     Monument: 

dedication  of  New  Mexico  stone 380,447 

improvement  of  base  and  grounds 964 

W'ashington  Parish  Burial  Ground,  see  Con- 
gressional Cemetery. 

Washington  Publishers'  Association,  paper 170 

W'ashington  Railway  &  Electric  Co.: 

merger  of  street  railway  corporations- 
agreement  between  corporations 861 

hearings 950,996 

report 950 

Washington  Rapid  Transit  Co.: 

merger  of  street  railway  corporations — 

agreement  between  corporations 861 

hearings . 950,996 

report _  _  950 

Washington  Run  R.  R.,  valuation 40 

Washington  State: 

bridge  across  Columbia  River 347,416 

buoy  list 84 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  .5-8 15 

coast  pilot,  supplement 408 

fisheries  experiment  station 842 

grasses 898 

Indians,  claims 999 

lands  excluded  from  Colville  Nat.  Forest..  2.56 

lands  withdrawn  from  settlement,  etc 2.57 

low  relative  humidity,  frequency,  etc 1085 

post  route  map 631 

publications  on.  for  sale 293,1020 

secietary  of  state — 

Takuji  Yamashila,  etc.,  t' 884 

timber  lands,  withholding  from  sale 858 

Washington   State   Department   of  American 

Legion,  equipment  for  convention.  821 

Washington  Terminal  Co.,  valuation 366 

W'ashington  University: 
College  of  Mines — 

electric-furnace  cast  iron 538 

Washington-Wakefield  Memorial  Bridge,  see 
George  Washington-Wakefield  Me- 
morial Bridge. 

Washington  Western  Ry.,  deficit  status 1124 

Wason,     Edward    H.     (Representative    from 
N.  H.): 
reports  made  by- 
Useless  Executive  Papers,  Joint  Select 

Committee  on  Disposition  of 354, 

459,  599, 858, 1016 


Wasps,  mutillid,  investigations 899 

Wassermann  test,  comparison  with  Kahn  test.  514 
Waste  materials: 

effect  on  sludge  digestion 905,1148 

rates  on .._ ^17 

Waste  papers,  see  Useless  papers— a;.so  names  of 
Departments,     bureaus,     etc.,     to 
which  useless  papers  belong. 
Waste  products,  see  By-products. 

Watauga  Telephone  d."  Telegraph  Co 744 

Watch  crystals,  Hammel,  Riglander  &  Co 290 


and  parts,  census  report,  1925 12 

customs  case  of  Wm.  Hengerer  Co 91 


boiler  feed  water 119, 120,753,754 

chemical  charactei  of  waters  of  Florida 604 

drinking  water  coolers  on  carriers 196 

forests  and  water  in  light  of  science 208 

irrigation,  delivery  of  water 6.55 

lake  water,  organic  content 16 

of  Pecos  River,  quality 161 

phenolic  tastes  after  chlorination,  test 905 

plants,  relation  of  water  and  potash 399, 525 

plants,  water  requirement 4, 10 

practical  water  analysis,  notes.. 728 

rights  in  connection  with  Boise  project 685 

surface  water  of  New  Jersey 228 

see  also  certain  headings  beginning  Water. 
Water  (underground): 

in  Ordovician  rocks  near  Woodstock,  Va..  161 

plants  as  indicators 604 

pollution  of  wells  via  ground  water 64 

properties  of  water-bearing  materials 294 

Water-bugs,  see  Cockroaches. 

Water-gas  tar,  rates  on 1038 

Water  levels,  long-range  forecasting 77 

Water  pollution: 

Illinois  River,  study 134, 196 

Lake  Michigan,  rp.  of  investigation 133 

same,  summary,  in  public  health 

rps 196 

Mississippi  River,  upper 537 

oxygen  demand  of  polluted  waters.. 514 

same,  summary,  in  public  health  rps...  513 

pollution  of  streams,  hearings 674 

sewage-polluted  source  of  water  supply. ..  1148 

wells  polluted  via  ground  water 64 


a  politica  Federal  de  forca  hydraulica 501 

developed  and  potential  in  V.  8 728 

development  in  U.  S.,  growth 728 

examination,  etc.,  of  streams,  cost 350 

hydroelectric  energy  at  Great  Falls- 
hearings 712 

report 846 

hydroelectric  power  at  Coolidge  Dam 1018 

publications  for  sale  by  supt.  of  docs...  93, 1020 
sites  on  Indian  reservations,  patents,  etc...  458 
Water-power  act,  see  Federal  Power  Commis- 
Water  purification: 

efficiency  of  processes 323 

same,  summary,  in  pub.  health  reports.  263 

experimental  studies .. 63, 197 

natural  purification  of  Illinois  R 134, 196 

Water  resources,  see  Water-supply. 

iodization  for  prevention  of  goiter 63 

publications — 

of  Geological  Survey 159 

relating  to  water  resources.. .  29,  94, 95, 1022 

sewage-polluted  source  of  water  supply 1148 

surface  water  supply — 

Colorado  River  basin 29 

Columbia  River  basin 29 

Great  Basin 94 

Hudson  Bay  basin 1114 

Mississippi  River  basins 1022,1114 

Missouri  River  basin 94 

Pacific  slope  basins 29 

Snake  River  basin 1022 

water-supplv  paper 29. 

94,  161,  228,  2i)4,  604,  728,  1022,  1114 

index,  etc.,  to  paper  5^.6 728 

see  also  names  of  cities,  towns,  etc. 
Water-tube  boilers,  see  Boilers. 

Water  wheels,  census  of  manufactures,  1925 SO 

Waterfowl,  guide  for  taking  censuses 73 


Index,  1927-1928 


Waterman,  Alma  M.,  rose  diseases.----.------  655 

Waterman,  Charles  W.  (Senator  from  Colo.): 
reports  made  by—  _      . 

Claims  (  om 0'4,  0/6,  i05,/0b,  Hdif, 

839,  840,  985,  986,  987,  989 

Judiciary  Com.-- 590,  717  1001 

Naval  .Affairs  Com-. - 595,85^ 

Patents  Com -- 854 

Waterman,  Jason,  diphtheria  in  United  States.  263 

Watermelons,  rates  on 40. 173, 484, 617 

Waterproofing  material  for  use  with  mortar.-.  1093 

Waters.  John  J.,  relief a----v-  ^^^ 

Waters  between  United  States  and  Canada, 
International  Joint  Commission  on, 
see  International  Joint  Commission 
on  Boundary  Waters  between 
United  States" and  Canada. 
Watersheds,  see  Forests  and  forestry— Rivers. 
Watertown,    Mass.,    widening,    etc.,    Arsenal 

street 9/3 

Watertown  &  Sioux  Fails  Ry.,  valuation 173 

Waterways,  see  Inland  waterways— Rivers. 
Waterways  Corporation,  see  Inland  Waterways 

Watkins,  Lewis  H.: 

Chattanooga,  Tenn..  district-. 517 

Nashville.  Tenn.,  district - 518 

Watkins,  W.  I.: 
soil  survevs— 

Douglas  County,  S.  Dak 146 

Grant  County,  S.  Dak -  276 

Watres,    Laurence   H.    (Representative   from 
reports  made  by — 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Com 567 

Watson,  Arthur  G.,  payment  of  daughter 825 

Watson,  Charles  P.,  v.  John  H.  Woodberry--.  370 
Watson,  E.  B.: 
soil  surveys— 

GOrovarea,  Calif 405 

Hollister  area,  Calif 656 

Watson,  James  E.  (Senator  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  by — 

Interstate  Commerce  Com 589 

Watson,  Marjory  v.,  payment -  825 

Watts,  C.  B.,  oiiservations  with  6-inch  transit 

circle 500 

Watts,  H.  C,  tularemia 1149 

Way,  E.  I.,  markets  for  motion  pictures  abroad.  339 

Way,  H.  E.,  world  radio  markets 152 

Wayne,  Anthony,  memorial  museum 562, 

Wayne  County  Medical  Society: 

venereal  disease  prevalence  in  Detroit 197 

same,  abstract,  in  pub.  health  rps.,  v. 

42 63 

W  ays  and  Means  Committee,  House: 

calendar 288,700 

hearings 352,353,446,571,701,834 

hearings  on  revenue  act,  calendar 288 

minority  views 701 

reports 352,571,701,834 

«ayson,  N.  E.,  clonorchiasis  investigations    -  391, 
„.  638 


.\rmy  technical  regtilations 775 

National  Guard  training  manual 326 

Weare,  Lillian,  y.  United  States 622 

Wearing  apparel,  see  Clothing. 

abnormal  summers  in  United  States 212 

at  Brussels  during  ."Vpr.  and  May,  1927-.      147 

bulletins,  radio  aids  to  navigation 121, 1132 

daily  weather  map n,  77, 147,  212,  277,335, 

406,  534,  656,  657,  760.  920,  921,  10S6 
forest-fire,  in  central  Massachusetts-  i085 

ice  forecasting  by  means  of  weather  335 

influence  on— 

corn  maturity  in  Iowa 534 

crop  yields,  statistical  correlations."""  790 
cutworm  outbreaks  in  Mont.,  etc  920 

monthly  weather  review-.  10,77  147  211  212 
.  277,  335,  405,  533,  656,  790,  920,' 1085 
mdex,  etc.,  v.  55 790 

„,,o^"''^''ei?pnt.---— ....::::::"335,"io85 

of  192(,  m  Lnited  States 656 

reports,  etc.,  broadcasted  in  iiorse  code"534, 656 
sea  temperatures  at  Cape  Cod  and  weather.  212 

Weather— Continued. 

severe  cold  waves  on  Te.xas  coast 790 

types  at  San  Jose,  Calif.,  frequencies 335 

weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin 11, 

77,  147,  212,  277,  335,  406,  534,  656, 
790, 920, 1085. 

whence  come  cold  waves? 1085 

world  weather  records 129 

see   also    Climate — Meteorology— W^eather 
forecasts — also  Weather  outlook. 

Weather  Bureau 10,77,146,211, 

276,  334,  405,  533,  656,  790,  920,  1085 

report,  1926-27 534 

stafi  meetings,  1926-27 77 

Weather  forecasts: 

basis  for  seasonal  forecasting 11 

distribution  by  radio. ..  11, 147, 183, 534, 656,  790 

east  monsoon  forecasting  for  Java 335 

long-range  performance 335 

Weather  outlook,  weekly  publication 11 , 

77,  147,  212,  277,  335,  406,  534,  657 
790,  921, 1080. 

Weatherford  MOling  Co.  v.  United  States 307 

Weaver,  E.  R.,  burette  for  measurement  of  gas 

volumes 154 

Weaver,  F.  P.,  jield  of  apples 329 

Weaver,  Zebulon  (Representative  from  N.  C): 
reports  made  by- 
Judiciary  Com _ 686,962 

W^ebb,  Charles  J.,  Sons  Co.,  Inc.,  U.  S.  v 26 

Webb,  Edward  C.  F.,  relief. 707 

Webb,  Frank  E.,  bridge 818 

Webb,  Jacob  F.,  relief 352,719,800 

Webb,  Robert  W.,  mosaic  disease  in  wheat _..  269, 
404, 647, 648,  919 

W^ebb,  Ulys  R.,  relief 828 

Webber,  John,  drawings  of  natives  of  America, 

1778 767 

Weber,  Henry  C,  relief 720,828,931 

Weber  River  division,  see  Salt   Lake   Basin 

irrigation  project. 
Webworms,  see  Larger  sod  webworm. 

Wechsler,  Jack,  v.  United  States 88:2 

Wecker  &  Co.,  United  States  v 1018 

Weed,    Walter    H.,    gevsers    of    Yellowstone 

National  Park 1115 

W'eed  &  Kennedy  v.  United  States 223,491 


how  to  control  them. 146, 1084 

sulphuric  acid  as  spray 4,72 

see  also  names  of  weeds. 

Weehawken  Dry  Dock  Co.  v.  U.  S 25,  749,  859 

Weekly  cotton  region  bulletin,  see  Cotton. 
Weekly  survey  of  foreign  trade,  see  Commerce. 
Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  see  Weather. 
Weevils,  see  narq^s  of  w-eevils. 

Wefald,  Knud,  contested  election 346 

Wegener,  E.  H.,  bridge 426,581,669 

Weiant,  Andrew  S.,  guinea  fowl.. 401 

Weiber,  F.,  &  Son,  meat 475 

Weifenbach  Marble  &  TOe  Co. ia31 

Weigel,  C.  A.: 

carbon  disulphide  vaporization  apparatus.  207 

insect  enemies  of  flower  garden 74,651 

insects  injurious  to  ornamental  plants 786 

Weights  and  measures: 

administration 89 

Federal  and  State  laws 23 

same,  descriptive  circular 23 

mailing  articles  abroad,  weight  limits 1138 

regulatory  control 678 

.standards.  Government  publications..  226,1113 

testing  of  line  standards  of  length 23 

see  also  Measuring  instruments — Scales 
(weighing  instruments)  —  also 
names  of  articles,  etc.,  weighed  and 
Weights  and  Measures,  Conference  on,  see 
National  Conference  on  Weights 
and  ^Measures. 
Weights,  Measures,  and  Markets  Dept.,  D.  C.  357 

Weimer,  J.  L.,  alfalfa  root  troubles.. 209 

Weinhandler,  Joseph  J.,  v.  United  States 243 

Weirs,  construction  and  use 10 

Weisenfreind,    I.,    rp.,    etc.,    of    Fed.    Trade 

Comn 1112 

Weiskittel,  A.,  &  Sons  Co.. 479' 

Weiskopf,  Edward  F.,  relief 441 




Weiss,  Bertrand,  r.  United  States 368,879 

Weiss,  Freeman: 

Fusarium  rot  in  stored  potatoes 1084 

potato  wart,  spread  and  repression 789 

Weissbaum,  G.,  &  Co.  v.  United  States 882 

Welch,  Horace  H.,  patent  appeal.. 342 

Welch,  Jack  F.,  director  of  Veterans'  Bureau  v.  224, 


Welch,  James  K.  P.,  relief 352, 1007, 1097 

Welch.  Richard  J.  (Representative  from  Calif.): 
report  made  by- 
Pensions  Com 976 

Welch,    Windon    C,    Chinese-American    cal- 
endar  883 

Weicn  &  Welch,  peaches 1121 

Welfare  work: 

among  German  university  students 196 

com  paes  solteiros  e  sens  filhos 125 

industrial  establishments 46, 178,  884 

prisoners'  families  in  Kentucky 1129 

psychiatric  social  worker,  master-key 907 

social  welfare  series 761 

Veterans'  Bur.  tuberculosis  hospitals 514 

Wellington  quadrangle,  Utah 1022 

AVeUman,  F.  L.,  cabbage  resistant  to  yellows..  399, 


WeUs,  Edwin  A.,  claim 570 

Wells,  Roy  T.,  transporte  de  carga  por  auto- 

camiones 761 


pollution  via  ground  water. 64 

pumping  for  irrigation .533 

Wells  Fargo  Bank  &  Union  Trust  Co.,  exr 600 

Wells  Manufacturing  Co.  v.  United  States 724, 


Wellsburg,  W.  Va..  bridge 559,583,935 

WeUston  &  Jackson  Belt  Rv.,  valuation 298 

Welsh,  James  J.,  relief 707 

Welton,  Park  E.,  patent  appeal 664 

Welty,  John  \.,  water  from  White  River 573 

Wenatchee  National  Forest,  proclamation 318 

Wenstrand.  C.  A.,  v.  United  States.. 370 

Wenstrand,  D.  A.,  v.  United  States 370 

Weser  River,  chart 184 

Wesermunde,  Germanv,  chart 184 

Weslaco,  Tex.,  bridge 685,818,844,936,994,1102 

Wesley,  Elias,  W.  A.  Ledbetter  !'.. 747 

West,  Edgar  G.,  father  v.  Mexico 131 

West,  F.  R.,  V.  Mexico 131 

West,  John  J.,  relief 418 

West  (U.  S.): 

census  of  agriculture,  1925 407 

same,  descriptive  circular 1087 

cephalopods  of  Eagle  sandstone,  etc 227 

Chinese  jujube  in  southwestern  U.  S 145 

cotton  boll  decay 204,275 

date  growing,  new  industry  for  Southwest.  145 

evaporation  in  Southwest." 212 

fact  organization  and  extension  program...  206 

first-order  triangulation  net 15 

flies  of  western  mountains 898 

late  Basket  Maker  village  of  Southwest 898 

rain-bearing  winds,  far  western  States 77 

scorpions  of  western  United  States 1143 

'soO  erosion  on  grazing  lands 785 

sorgo  silage,  etc.,  for  fattening  calves 650 

steers,  fattening  on  dry-land  crops 271 

strawberry  culture...." 920 

weather  and  probable  cutworm  outbreaks .  920 

wheat  varieties 146 

see    also    Northwest    (U.    S.) — Northwest 
West  Africa,  see  Africa. 
West  Coast  Lumbermen's  Association,  lumber.  168 

West  Dundee,  111.,  bridge. 957 

West  End  Chemical  Co.,  colemanite 469 

West  Florida  Lumber  Co.,  sawmill  machinery.  110 
West  Indies: 

Apterygota,  insects  of  subclass 3S4 

chart 376 

crustaceans,  two  common  species 1060 

light?,  etc.,  on  coasts 757 

natural  history  studies 898 

pilots — 

United  States  coast  pilot,  supplement-  1088 

West  Indies  pilot 50 

West  Indies  pilot,  supplements 758 

telegraph  chart... 1134 

West  Kentucky  Bridge  &  Transportation  Co.  817, 


West  Lake,  La.,  switching  charges 1036 

West  of  England  Steamship  Owners'  Protec- 
tion and  Indemnity    Association, 

Ltd.,  relief 713,812,929 

West  Pittston-Exeter  R.  R.,  stock 173 

West  Point,   N.   Y.,  see  Military  Academy, 
West  Point. 

West  Point  Wholesale  Grocery  Co 700,989,1097 

West  Side  Belt  R.  R.: 

guaranty  status 1125 

valuation... 478 

West  Texas  Chamber  of  Commerce,  granite. ..  232 

West  Te-xas  Utilities  Co.,  wash-tubs 40 

West  Virginia: 

apples  in  Cumberland-Shenandoah  region.  329 

bridge  near  Paw  Paw 959 

case  of  Mack  B.  LDly 747 

coal  fields,  investigation^ 

hearings 589,716,849,999 

statement,  etc.,  of  W.  H.  Coolidge 999 

contested  election,  Taylor  v.  England 346, 

679, 811 

mail  trains,  schedule 127,  254, 380, 895, 1139 

post  route  map 631 

West  Virginia  Midland  Ry.,  stock 366 

West  Virginia  Rail  Co.: 

iron 611 

rails 37 

West  Virginia  University: 
College  of  Agricultiu'e — 

apples     in     Cumberland-Shenandoah 

region 32& 

Westclox  Co.,  V.  United  States 1017 

Westcott,  James  E.,  relief 441 

Wester,  P.  J.,  propaga^ao  de  plantas  tropicaes.  761 

Western  Asphalt  Paving  Corporation 1118 

Western  Brick  Co.,  bricks 98 

Western  Bridge  &  Construction  Co 738 

Western  Carolina  Shippers  Association 1030 

Western  cedar  pole  borer,  or  powder  worm 530 

Western  Clock  Co.,  see  Westclox  Co. 

Western  Grain  and  Sugar  Products  Co.  v.  U.  S.  177 

Western  Hemisphere,  marketing  radios 216 

Western  Industries  Co.  v.  I'nited  States 177 

Western  Knitting  Mills  v.  United  States 1043 

Western  Maryland  Ry.: 

acquisition  of  control 484, 1125 

bonds... 112,173 

control  of  Greenbrier,  Cheat  &  Elk  R.  R..  473 
rates  on — 

coal-- 31 

spelter 743 

stone 172 

Western  New  York  &  Pennsylvania  Ry.: 

abandonment  of  portion  of  branch  line 617 

readjustment 877 

Western  Newspaper  Union,  stereotype  plates.    39 

Western  Pacific  R.  R.: 

bonds 237,617 

construction  of  branch 40, 112 

rates  on  wood  shipping  blocks 174 

V.  United  States 370 

Western  Paper  Makers  Chemical  Co 109 

Western  Petroleum  Refiners  .\ssociation 1029 

Western  pine  beetle,  timber  infestations 7 

Western  Public  Market  in  D.  C,  improve- 
ment  810 

Western  Shade  Cloth  Co.,  shade  cloth o02 

Western  States,  see  West  (U.  S.). 

Western  States  Extension  Conference 206 

Western  Transportation  Co.,  rates  on  paper...  107 

Western  Union  Telegraph  Co.: 

Shipping  Bd.  Emergency  Fleet  Corp.  v.  319,  371 
V.  United  States 355,749 

Western  white  pine,  see  Pine. 

Western  Woolen  Mills  Co 1020 

Westover,  H.  L.: 

commercial  varieties  of  alfalfa 209 

how  to  grow  alfalfa 404 

utilization  of  alfalfa 274 

Westport  National  Park: 
to  establish — 

hearing 973 

report 825 

statements  of  G.  H.  Combs,  jr.,  etc..  973 


Index,  1927-1928 


Wet  more,  Alexander: 

canaries,  care  and  nianagemen  .._.- twu 

shorebirds  in  soulliern  South  America ^^<) 

zoological  exploration  in  Hispaniola »«» 

.vf<  alsn  National  Museum. 
Wetumpka,  Ala.,  bridge-        -,-----  424,  .5,8,  66/ 
Wetzel,  George  B.,  census  of  agriculture.-.  --^;i', 

40/,  ."^00 
Whales,  publications  for  sale  by  supt  of  docs  358 
Whalin,  C.  V.,  market  classes  and  grades  of  beef.  5 
Wharfage  charges  at  Atlantic  and  Gulf  ports...  1 1^ 
Wharton  &  Northern  R.  R.: 

valuation ^-* 

versus  United  States »»'5 


absorption,  effect  of  hydrogen-ion  concen- 

tration ----  204,206 

barberry  eradication  in  wheat  areas 209 

club  wheats 3o4 

common  white  wheats 2oo 

copper-carbonate  seed  treatment '88 

dry  farming,  Columbia  and  Snake  R.  ba- 

.•^ins... 271 

durum  wheats 789 

embrvoless  wheat  seeds 1080 

grasses,  seeds  and  quack  grass  seeds.. .  269,  334 

harvest  hands  in  wheat  belt,  poster 1044 

harve.sting  in  big  wheat  belt,  1928 1044 

heat-damaged  wheat 5 

inheritance  in  crosses  of  wheats 20.3,  211,  .533 

kernel  texture,  etc.,  of  spring  wheat —  647,  784 

leaf  rust  on  MalakolT  wheat 9 

leaf  rust  resistance 146 

market  ing 18 

mosaic  control  through  immune  strains 211 

natural  hybridisation,  studies 399,  533 

protein  content,  grain  standards. 984,1106 

protein  content,  relation  of  nitrogen 71, 141 

Puccinia  glumarum  on  Triticum  vulgare.  1079 

rates  on —  484 


and  their  control... 404 

studies  on  flag  smut 76 

varieties  resistant  to  stinking  smut 276 

wheats  resistant  to  loose  smut 146 

standards,  handbook  for  wheat,  etc 649 

varieties  for  Western  United  States 146 

winter  wheat — 

hardiness,  comparative  studies 269, 404 

hardiness,  inheritance  in  crosses. ..  203,  211 

mosaic  disease 269, 404,  647,  648,  919 

resistance  to  low  temperatures 399,  526 

seeding  and  seed-bed  preparation 405 

varieties  adapted  to  eastern  U.  S 1084 

see  also  Flour. 

Wheat  Director,  transfer  of  records,  etc 504 

Wheal  germ,  pellagra-preventive  action 196,323 

W'heaton,  T.  C,  Co.,  sand 874 

AVhedon,  William  E.,  overcompressed  engine..  495 

Wheelbarrows,  rates  on 484 

Wheeler,  Burton  K.  (Senator  nomMont.): 
reports  made  by- 
Indian  Affairs  Com... 587,715,848 

Wheeler,  G.  A.: 

blacktongue  of  dogs,  rel.  to  pellagra 513, 905 

blacktongue  preventive  action  of  foods 1148 

blacktongue  preventive  in  yeast 773, 1147 

cowpea,  etc.,  as  pellagra-preventives...  196,  323 

tomato,  etc.,  as  pellagra-preventives 63 

Wheeler,  II.  M.: 

bridge  across  Black  River. .    .955 

bridge  across  Ouachita  River...  958 

Wheeler,  William  F.,  relief 441  719  931 

A\  heeler  Lumber,  Bridge  &  Supply  Co.  v.  U.  S.  223, 


Wheeler  Publishing  Co.,  text-books 236 

\V  heeling,  W.  Va.,  air  navigation  map..  776 

Wheeling  &  Lake  Erie  Ry.: 

bonds 744 

rates  on  black  powder  '  731 

Wheeling  quadrangle,  111 1114 

Wheeling  Tile  Co.  v.  David  H.  Blair  .      '""    491 

carbon-steel,  specifications  216 

Materiel  Division  32  by  6  disk  wheel  777 

rates  on _ 2^)^25 

TVK*."  fi°  ^^''■'"ding  wheels— Water  wheels"." 

vvnetzel,  H.  II.,  gmseng  diseases 333 

Whiddon.  John  P.,  lands.  IO15 

Whipple,  O.  .T.,  bridge 955 

AVhisky,  case  of  Peter  McQuade 1111 

Whistleriana  in  Freer  Gallery,  list 767 

Whitaker,  I.  W.,  bronchial  asthma 1149 

Whitaker  Paper  Co.,  envelopes 471 

Whitbeck.  Ernest  C,  receiver,  v.  V.  S 369 

Whitcomb,  Emeline  S.: 

child  care  and  parenthood  education 93 

home  economics  education 604 

Whitcomb,  Marguerite  T.,  v.  David  H.  Blair..  291 

White,  Alexander  P.,  patent  appeal 664 

White,  E.  C,  premature  contractions  of  heart 

(2  entries) 48 

White,  Edward  B.,  census  of  manufactures 1087 

White.  Hays  B.  (Representative  from  Kans.): 
contested  election  case- 
letter  from  clerk  of  House 346 

report 552 

reports  made  by— 

Election  of  President,  Vice  President, 

and  Representatives  Com 421 

White,  John  F.,  relief 453,550,800 

White,  Mary  L.,  relief 453,5.50,800 

White,  P.  O.,  treatment  of  chancroids 48,49 

White,  Philip  R.,  anatomy  of  strawberry..  269,276 

White,  Robert  M.,  relief 977,1108 

White,    S.    Harrison      (Representative    from 
reports  made  by — 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com..  960,961 

Public  Lands  Com 444, 

568,  697,  698,  830, 831,  978 

White,  T.  P.,  swine  diseases 73 

White,  Wallace  H..  jr.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by- 
Conference  Com. 673,939,941 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Com.  562, 
689, 821,  965 

White,  William: 

making  and  storing  farm  butter 206 

making  butter  on  farm 651 

White  Bear,  Russell,  relief 954 

White  Eagle  Oil  &  Refining  Co.: 

lubricating-oils 35 

petroleum 170 

White  fly  attacking  citrus  in  Porto  Rico 3.72 

White  Mountain  Reservation,  power  permits.  848 

White  pine,  .see  Pine. 

White-pine  blister  rust,  see  Blister  rust. 

White  Provision  Co.,  cattle 1026 

White  River  (Ark.): 
bridges  at  or  near — 

Augusta 960,995,1104 

Clarendon 960,995,1104 

Cotter 685,711,845,937 

Newport 960,1104 

flood  protection,  emergency  appropriation.  938 
withdrawal  of  water. 573 

White  River  (.Colo.-Utah): 

waters,  consent  to  compact 960 

White  River  Ute  Indians,  relief. 999 

White  snakeroot,  toxic  constituent 269,330 

White  sucker,  development,  growth,  etc.. 16 

Whitehead,  Joseph  (Representative  from  Va.): 
report  made  by- 
War  Claims  Com 700 

Whiteroy,  Grace  A.,  see  Witherow,  Grace  A. 

Whitesburg  Ferrv,  bridge.. 429,585,672 

Whiting,  S.  E.,  v.  United  States 881 

Whitlock,  James  C,  alias,  see  Simmons,  James  C. 

Whitman  National  Forest: 

map . 653 

proclamation.  318 

Whitmore,  W.  H.,  multiple  osteomata 247 

Whitney,  Anice  L.: 

health,  etc.,  in  industrial  establishments..  884 
same,    summary,  in    monthly    labor 
review 884 

Whitney,  Milton,  field  operations,  Soils  Bur..  146 

Whitney,  S.  M.,  &  Co.,  cotton... 869 

Whitney,  ^\.  A.: 

mottle  necrosis  of  sweet  potatoes 3,76 

stem  rot  of  sweet  potatoes..  •... 10 

sweet-potato  susceptibility  to  stem  rot 3, 76 

Whitson,  Kenneth,  soil  of  Green  Lake  Co.,  Wis.  789 

Whittaker,  H.  A.,  milk  and  foam  during  pas- 
teurization   - 206 



Whittam,  William  C,  importancia  do  sehisto 

bituminoso 1136 

Whitted,  Levi  R.,  relief 576 

Whittemore.  Parker  W.,  admr.,  r.  V.  S 882 

Who'esale  Granite  Co.,  granite 1030 

Wholesale  prices,  see  Prices. 
Whorled  milkweed,  see  Milkweed. 
Wiancko,  A.  T.: 

soil    management    of    Lawrence    County, 

Ind 1085 

soil  management  of  Monroe  County,  Ind.  1085 
Wichita  Falls  &  Northwestern  Ry.: 

valuation 613 

Wichita  Falls  &  Northwestern  Ry.  of  Texas: 

valuation 612 

Wichita  Falls  i  Southern  R.  R.: 

acquisition  of  control 173 

securities 1125 

valuation 612,613 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  613 646 

Wichita   Falls   &    Wellington    Ry.   of  Te.xas, 

valuation 612 

Wichita  Falls  Broom   Manufacturing   Co.  r. 

U.  S__ 622 

Wichita  Falls  Railway: 

valuation.- 612,613 

correction  of  entry  on  p.  613 646 

Wichita  National  Forest  and  Game  Preserve: 

article  on 918 

souvenir 403 

Wichita  Vnion  Terminal  Ry.,  valuation 112 

Wickersham,  Price,  qualifications  of  members 

of  Senate 353 

Wickwire,  Edward  L.,  v.  Mabel  G.  Reinecke..    45 

Wickwire,  Jessie  L.,  v.  Mabel  G.  Reinecke 45 

Wickwire  Spencer  Steel  Co.,  iron 737 

Wide  Bay,  chart 82 

Widows,  to  visit  European  cemeteries. 564, 

692, 1005 
see  also  Pensions. 
Wiebe,  A.  H.,  Miss.  River,  biological  survey..  537 
Wiecking.  E.  H.,  farm  real  estate  situation...  204 
Wiener,  J.  H.,  v.  H.  H.  Weiss  and  C.  F.  Rout- 

zahn 371 

Wiener,  William  E.,  Inc.,  United  States  v 26 

Wight,  Isle  of,  chart 758 

Wilbur,  Curtis  D.,  see  Navy  Department. 
Wilcox,   C.   R.,   tuberculosis  with  concurrent 

neoplasm.. 497 

Wilcox,  R.  B.,  diseases  of  raspberries,  etc 655 

Wilcox,  R.  H.: 

costs,  etc.,  of  fattening  beef  cattle 400 

ranch  organization,  etc.,  in  Great  Plains..  648 

Wilcox.  Uthai  V.,  a  borracha  de  guayule 314 

Wild  life,  see  Animals— Birds— n?so  names  of 
animals,  etc. 

Wilder,  James  H.  B.,  relief 830,977, 1097 

Wildwood  &  Delaware  Bay  Short  Line  R.  R., 

valuation. 877 

Wilhelm,  Henry,  Co.,  D.  B.  Heiner  ?' 243 

Wilhite,  Hugh,  trustee,  v.  United  States..  860, 1128 

Wilkes-Barre  &  Eastern  R.  R.,  valuation 735 

Willamette  River: 

examination  and  survey 909 

improvement  below  Portland,  Oreg 831 

Willapa  Bay,  chart 536 

Willapa  River,  chart 536 

Willard,  C.  E.,  gastroenteroptosis  and  physio- 
therapy       65 

Willard,  H.  F.,  pink  bollworm  parasites 273 

William  Melbourne,  schooner 121,989. 1097 

William  Schluderberg-T.  J.  Kurdle  Co.,  nieat_  1032 
Williams,  Arthur  P.: 

agricultural  project  planning 26 

corn-growing  enterprise 26 

Williams,  B.  IT.,  soil  of  Douglas  Co.,  S.  Dak. .  146 

Williams,  C.  C,  statement. 973 

Williams,  C.  E.,  electric-furnace  cast  iron .=;38 

Williams,  Clyde  (Representative  from  Mo.): 
reports  made  bv — 

Naval  All'airs  Com 694, 826, 828, 974,  975 

Williams,  Clyde  D.,  mortality  statistics 058 

Williams,  David  J.,  relief 678,840,931 

Williams,  E.  L.,  surface  water  supply 94 

Williams,  Finas  .M.,  relief 441,543.595 

Williams,  Florence  E.,  cases SS3 

Williams,  Fred  M.,  demurrage 4  70 


Williams,  O.  P.,  Angora  goat 401 

Williams,  Harry,  alias,  sec  Reilly,  Charles  F." 

Williams,  Harry  P-.,  intestinal  tuberculosis 640 

\\illiams,  Ira  J.,  cases 243,  622 

Williams,  J.  11.,  <t  Co.  vs.  United  States  1111 

Williams,  J.  O.: 
breeds  of— 

dogs 916 

draft  horses C49 

light  horses 649 

cost  of  using  horses  on  corn-belt  farms 329 

farm  horseshoeing 73 

feeding  horses 143 

mule  production 734 

^^■illiams,  James,  alias,  see  Young,  Ferdinand. 

Williams,  James  O.,  relief 678 

Williams,    James    P.,    Nicaraguan    campaign 

badge 441,1010 

AA  illlams,  Joseph  S.,  v.  United  States 116 

Williams,  Joseph  W..  relief .598,698,931 

Willian^s,  L,  G.,  pollution,  etc.,  of  Illinois  R.     196 
Williams,  L.  H.: 

mercurochrome-220  soluble 48, 49 

multiple  scrotal  fistulae 247 

\Mlliams,  Paul  F.,  patent  appeal 927 

Williams,  R.  C: 

Rock  Island,  111.,  district 519 

St.  Paul,  Minn.,  district 519 

Williams-Thompson  Co.,  waiehouses... 40 

Williamson,  H.  T.,  international  trade  in  con- 
centrated milk 661 

Williamson,    William     (Representative    from 
S.  Da':.): 
reports  made  by — 

Expenditures    in    Executive    Depart- 
ments Com 552 

Indian  AfTairs  Com.  555,  681.  6S2,  814, 815, 954 
Williamson  &  Pond  Creek  R.  R.,  valuation...  484 
Williamsport  Wire  Rope  Co.  /;.  U.  S. .  177,  622, 8&3 

Willier,  J.  G.,  pop  corn 209,404 

Willis,  Allie  D.,  to  pay.. .        835 

Willis,  Frank  B.  (Senator  from  Ohio) 
reports  made  by — 

Commerce  Com 454 

Territories    and    Insular    Possessions 

.      Com 598,599,722 

to  pay  widow 835 

Willis,  M.  L.,  relief 948 

Willis,  Olo  C,  patent  appeal 220 

\\  ilmeth,  James  L.,  r.  United  States 243 

Wilmington,  Del.: 

bridge 991 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

Wilniington,  N.  C: 

lighthouse  reservation 956,991 

rivers,  etc.,  in  district 519 

Wilmington  &  Northern  R.  R.,  bonds 237 

AA  ilmington,   Brunswick   &   Southern  R.   R., 

valuation 40 

■V\ilson,  A.,  feeding  garbage  to  hogs 73 

Wilson,  Edith  B.,  pen.sion 1010 

Wilson,  Ernest  E.,  Roots  type  aircraft  engine 

supercharger 1046 

Wilson,   Ilarley   P.,   merger  of  street  rys.   in 

D.  C 861 

Wilson,  J.  L.,  sphygmomanometers 221 

Wilson,  John  L.,  grains 142 

Wilson,  Lois,  relief 678,931,989 

Wilson.  M.  L.,  ranch  organization 648 

Wilson,  P.  \V.: 

atrophy  of  liver  after  neosalvarsan 887 

malaria  survey  at  Port  de  Paix,  Haiti.  887, 1047 
Wilson,    T.     Webber    (Representative    from 
minority  views — 

Elections  Com  No.  2 679 

Wilson  &  Co.,  bones. 732 

Wilson  County,  Tenn.,  bridge 556,673,707,801 

Wilson  Dam: 

claim  of  .\labama 447 

completion  of  dam  no.  2  at  Muscle  Shoals- 
hearings. 573 

report 573 

\Vin;:ns,  C.  S.,  relief. 554,800 

Wind,  see  Winds. 

\\  ind-brealcs,  see  Shelter-belts. 

Wind  Cave  National  Park 7.i0 


Index,  1927-1928 


Wind  River  Reservation: 

agreement  with  Indians,  to  ratify "^°%Vc 

allotaients  to  unallotted  Indians....--- .^.^7^i^ 

mad,  reconstruction  and  improvement 849 

Wind  tunnels: 

closed  type,  etTect  of  walls --- >>i" 

autorotation  and  flat  spin 495 

British  airplane  models *;24 

l)ll-4B  model,  with  various  fins.  etc..  642 
Imuclas  0-2K-1  airplnne  wins  cellule.  778 

nipht  observation  airplane  model 909 

propellers,  comparison  with  flight.  119,  516 

wing  flutter  on  Brady's  model 778 

wing  model - ^^^^ 

Windes,  Eustace  E.: 

secondary  education,  bibliography ^-^i 

secondary  education,  development 160 

Windham  Bay,  chart - 92o 

Windmills,  foreign  markets -  •340 

Window,  James  J.: 

crops  other  than  grains 142 

farm  animals  and  animal  products.— 142 

grains - - 142 

statistics  of  cattle,  etc - - -      o 

Window  envelopes,  see  Envelopes. 

Window  shades,  supplies  for  Government 511 

Windows,  steel,  waste  elimination -  666 


anticyclone,  winter,  of  Great  Basin 1085 

anticyclones  and  seasonal  forecasting 11 

east  monsoon  forecasting  for  Java -  335 

free-air  winds  over  Honolulu  and  Guam. .    77 
frequency-resultant  winds  in  U.  S.,  charts.  212 

northers  of  Central  American  region _.  313 

rain  winds  in  far  western  States 77 

storms,  etc.,  on  Isthmus  of  Panama _.  656 

trade  winds  of  the  north  Pacific _.    77 

Windsor  Broom  Co.,  misrouting 233 

Winfield,  W.  Va.,  bridge 992 

Wing  spars,  see  Spars. 
Wing  truss,  see  Truss. 
Wings,  see  .\irfoils. 
Winnebago  Indians: 

claims 815 

music : 898 

Winnemucca,  Nev.,  land  for  Indian  colony...  715, 

814, 933 

Winona  Bridge  Ry.,  valuation 1038 

Winship,  North,  Anglo-Egyptian  Sudan 17 

Winslow,  George  .\.,  relief... 441,719,800 

Winslow,  Sidney  W.,  v.  John  F.  Malley 243 

Winston,  J.  R.,  pineapple  culture  in  Florida...  334 

Winston,  James  M.,  relief 352 

Winston,  R.  A.,  soil  of  Fulton  Co.,  Ohio 1081 

Winter.    Charles    E.    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by- 
Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Com 686, 

819  961 

Mines  and  Mining  Com 694, 825' 973 

Public  Lands  Com.  445,  568, 569,  570, 698, 978 
Winter  wheat,  see  Wheat. 
Wintermeyer,  W.  E.: 

proved  dairy  sires 144 

purebred  dairy  sires 331,651 


census  of  manufactures,  1925 214 

metal  spools  for  annealing,  etc.,  wire.  .         542 

rates  on 112, 173,744, 1125 

tee  also  Electric  wire. 
Wire  control,  see  Government  control. 
Wireless  communication,  see  Radio  communi- 
Wireless  telegraphy,  see  Radio  communication. 
Wireless   Telegraphy,   International  Juridical 
Congress     on,     see     International 
Juridical    Congress    on    Wireless 
Wireless  telephony,  see  Radio  communication. 
\\  irework,  census  of  manufactures,  1925.  214 

Wireworins  destructive  to  cereal,  etc.,  crops        207 

bridge  across  Menominee  River 557, 

562,  579,  669, 672, 708 
census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8  15 
Geological  and  Natural  Ilistorv  Survey- 
Green  Lake  County,  soil  survey..! 789 

Wisconsin— Continued. 

industrial  accidents  to  women 117 

intrastate  fares  of  C,  N.  S.  &  M.  R.  R 478 

lands  for  State  park 693,804,858 

post  route  map 631 

Railroad  Commission — 

locomotives 1120 

V.  Illinois,  etc 768 

Wisconsin  Agricultural  Experiment  Station: 

ginseng  diseases  and  their  control 333 

mosaic  disease  in  wheat,  soil  factors 404,919 

Wisconsin  University: 

College  of  Agriculture- 
soil  survey  of  Green  Lake  County 789 

see  also  Wisconsin  Agricultural  Experiment 

Wise,  Curtis  P.,  military  record 352, 1007, 1097 

Wise,  J.  S.,  tomatoes 1124 

Wiseman,  William: 

compensation 813, 938 

services  in  behalf  of  U.  S 386 

Witherow,  Grace  A.: 

foreign  trade,  calendar  year  1927 660 

foreign  trade,  fiscal  year  1926-27 151 

same,    Spanish,    with    slight   changes 

( Whiteroy  incorrect) 378 

Witnesses,   credibility,  judge   not   to   express 

opinion 457 

Wittenburg,  Albert,  claim 385,587,800,811 

Wohlstatter,  William  H.,  v.  A.  W.  Brough 240 

Woitte,  Jacob,  v.  United  States 177 

Wolcott,  George  N.,  como  combatir  las  plagas 

de  insectos.. 760 

Wolf,  Frederick  A.,  pomegranate  blotch...  269,334 

Wolf  Point,  Mont.,  bridge 347,453,670 

Wolfanger,  Louis  A.,  soil  of  Burt  Co.,  Nebr. ..    10 

Wolfeboro  quadrangle,  N.  H 865 

Wolters,  August,  retirement --  566 

Wolverton,  Charles  A.  (Representative  from 
N.  J.): 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  Affairs  Com 442,694,826,827,973 

Womack,  J.  P.,  &  Sons,  Inc.,  furniture 1119 

Woman,  see  Women. 
Woman  suffrage: 

documents  and  debates  relating  to 159 

in  Porto  Rico,  to  amend  organic  act- 
hearings 1106 

report --- 954 

Woman's  Bureau,   District  of  Columbia,   to 

establish  in  Police  Dept 679,846 

Woman's  Home  Missionarv  Society  of  Metho- 
dist Episcopal  Church 570,800,858 


admission  to  Soldiers'  Home—  438, 718,  719, 803 

daughters  of  America  at  work,  poster 884 

igualdad  de  derechos  para  la  mujer 1136 

illness  rate  among  females 63, 262 

in  vegetable  canneries  in  Delaware 117 

industrial  accidents  in  New  Jersey,  etc 117 

jury  service  in  Hawaii  (H.  R.  5575)— 

hearings --- --  446 

report -.  446 

memorial  to  women  of  World  War- 
estimate 718 

law 673 

report 433 

publications  for  sale  by  supt,  of  docs 603 

State  laws  affecting  working  women 492 

see  also  Mothers— Woman  suffrage. 
Women,  Federal  Industrial  Institution  for,  see 
Federal  Industrial  Institution  for 

Women's  Bureau,  Labor  Dept H", 

178, 373, 492, 884 

poster 884 

report,  1927 178 

what  it  is,  what  it  does,  etc 373 

Wong  Cheu  Dong  v.  John  P.  Johnson 883 

Wong  Gar  Wah  r.  Walter  E.  Carr 45 

Wong  Wey  ;.  John  P.Johnson 883 

Wood,  Albert,  relief 453,948.1097 

Wood,  Lorin  F.,  psychotic  patients,  occupa- 
tional therapy 114'- 

Wood,  Louise  A.,  increase  of  pension 457 

Wood,  R.  \.,  motion  picture  films 41i 

Wood,  W.  J.,  mortgage  foreclosure 962 

Wood,  William  M.,  v.  David  H.  Blair....  833. 1144 

July- June 


Wood,  William  R.  (Representative  from  Ind.): 
reports  made  by- 
Appropriations  Com 417,944 

Conference  Com 545,673,938 


aboriginal  wooden  objects  from  Florida...  766 

aircraft,  inspection  manual  for  Navy 753 

rates  on.. _ 40, 1038 

standards,  etc.,  in  wood-using  industries...  287 

tests,  Government  publications 463 

sec  also  Hardwoods— Lumber  and  lum- 
bering— also  name  of  wood,  e.  g.  Red 

Wood  distillation,  census  of  manufactures 150 

Wood  flour 148 


care,  etc.,  of  farm  woods 403 

forestry  on  home  woodlands... 652 


production,  census  report,  1925 14 

production,  census  report,  1926 15 

rates  on.. 40, 113 

routing 1035 

Wood  screws,  see  Screws. 
Wood  seasoning: 

lumber,  seasoning,  handling  and  care 791 

red  gum,  control  of  stain,  decay,  etc 145 

Wood  shipping  blocks,  rates  on._ 174 

Wood  tick,  tularaemia  in 323 

Wood  Utilization  National  Committee,  see 
National  Committee  on  Wood  Uti- 

Woodard,  Ichabod  J.,  relief 693 

Woodberry,  John  H.,  Charles  P.  Watson  v 370 

Woodbury,  Robert  M.,  statures  of  children 116 

Woodchuck  control  in  Eastern  States 650 

Woodcock,  O.  P.,  Co.,  demurrage 609 

Woodhouse,  Chase  G.,  family  expenditures 332 

Woodlands,  see  Wood-lots. 

Woodpulp,  see  Wood-pulp. 

Woodroof,  J.  C,  development  of  pecan  nut..  4, 141 

Woodroof,  Naomi  C,  development  of  pecan 

nut 4,141 

Woodruff,     Roy     O.     (Representative     from 
reports  made  by — 

Naval  A  flfairs  Com 442,  566,  694,  826, 828 

Woodruff,  William  W.,  relief... 441 

Woodnim,    Clifton   A.    (Representative   from 
report  made  by — 

War  Claims  Com.. 700 

Woods,  A.  R.,  pneumorachi-ventriculographv  1149 

Woods,  William  S.,  v.  United  States 860, 1128 

Woods  fires,  see  Forest  fires. 

Woods  Hole,  Mass.,  copepods 1060 

Woods,  Lake  of  the,  see  Lake  of  the  Woods. 

Woodstock,  Va.,  ground  water  near.. 161 

Woodstock  Lumber  Co.,  lumber 105 

Woodward  .\uto  Co.,  automobiles 230 

Woodward  Field  Station: 

broomcom  experiments 654 

dairy  work,  1921-26 529 

Woodworth,  C.  M.,  oil  in  soy  beans 71,204 

Woodworth,  Fred  L.,  cases... 620,  747, 1041 


and  shoddy,  census  of  manufactures,  1925..  214 

case  of  F.  B.  Vandegrift  &  Co 724 

case  of  Chas.  J.  Webb  Sons  Co.,  Inc 26 

educational  Illustrations 529 

rates  on... _..  113,237,484,744,1038,1125 

standards,  appropriation  of  funds- 
estimate  to  carry  act  into  effect 1063 

hearings 417 

law 937 

reports 417,984 

see  also  Woolen  goods. 
Wool-felt  hats,  see  Hats. 
Woolard,  Edgar  W.: 

theorems  of  Dines  and  Walker 405 

Weather  Bureau  staff  meetings,  1926-27 77 

Woolen  goods: 

bunting,  master  specification 284 

census,  1925 214 

manufacturing,  wages  and  hours  of  labor...  117 

ship  equipment,  woolen  articles 88 

tariff  information  survey,  woven  fabrics 260 

Woolf,  Jesse  A.,  cyanide  extraction  of  gold  and 

silver 1090 

Wooten,  Charles  T.,  see  Wootten,  Charles  T. 

Wooton,  E.  C,  dry-land  farming 329 

Wootten,  Charles  T.,  relief 720,828, 1097 

Worcester  County,  Mass.,  soil  survey 276 

Worcester  Lawn  Mower  Co.,  lawn-niowers...  1031 
Work,  Hubert,  see  Interior  Department. 
Workers,   see   Labor — also   names   of   Depart- 
ments,  bureaus,   etc.,   where   em- 

Workhouse,  D.  C,  working  capital 771 

Working  day,  see  Hours  of  labor. 
Working  women,  see  Women. 
Workmen,  see  Labor. 

Workmen's  compensation,  see  Employers'  lia- 
bility   and    workmen's    "compen- 
Workmen's  insurance  and  compensation  series    751 

America  and  the  world's  woodpile 402 

electric  fan  markets 661 

electric  washing  machine  markets 794 

export  duties 216 

factores  mundiaes  na  industria  do  fumo  na 

America  Latina. 761 

maps  and  charts — 

great  circle  distances  and  azimuths...   1050, 


international  map,  Hudson  River  sheet  161 

outline  chart  of  the  world 3i2 

telegraph  chart 1 134 

motor  vehicles- 
automobile  consumption  in  1926 83 

extent  of  world  motorization,  Jan.  1927.    17 

one  automobile  for  every  66  persons 17 

radio  broadcasting  service 152 

radio  markets 152 

weather  records 129 

World  friendship: 

movimiento  de  amistad  internacional  en 

las  escuelas  de  California 628 

World  Publishing  Co.,  paper 188 

World  War,  see  European  War,  1914-18. 
World  War  adjusted  compensation  act: 

administration  by  War  Department 391 

to  amend 571. 1103 

World  War  emergency  officers'  retired  list,  see 
Emergency  officers'  retired  list. 

World  War  veterans'  act,  to  amend 835, 


World  ^Var  veterans'  legislation,  hearings 982 

World  ■V\'ar  Veterans'  Legislation  Committee, 

hearings 571,a35,9S2 

minority  views 446,701,834,835,982 

reports 446,  701,  702,  834,  835,  982 

World's    Dairy    Congress,    see    International 
Dairy  Congress. 

World's  health,  article  reprinted  from 760 

Worms,  sec  names  of  worms. 

Worsham,  L.  D.,  Portland,  Oreg.,  district 643 

Worship,  Hopi,  Katcina  altars 190 

Worsted  goods: 

census,  1925 214 

manufacturing,  wages  and  hours  of  labor..  117 
Worthington  Pump  &.  Machinerv  Corporation 

V.  U.  S 724, 1044 

Worthley,  L.  H.: 

European  corn  borer,  control 207 

European  corn  borer,  scouting,  etc 331 

Worumbo  Manufacturing  Co.,  wool.. 103s 

Wound  periderm  formation  in  potato .532,  647 

Wounds,  see  Injuries. 

Wouters,  Frans  J.,  relief 828 

Wrangell  Narrows,  chart.. 924 

Wrappers,  see  Fruit  wrappers. 

Wrecks,  see  Railroad  accidents. 

Wrenn,  H.  T.,  bactericidal  properties  in  vitro  of 

oils 135 

Wrenshall,  Richard,  iododihydrochaulmoogric 

acid 63 

Wright,    Angle    W.,    daughters    of   America, 

poster 884 

Wright,  David  A.,  relief 834,981 

Wright,  K.  E.,  etiect  of  inanition  upon  cows' 

milk 270,400 

Wright,  Kate,  relief 840,948,1097 

Wright,  R.  C: 

freezing  injury  to  potatoes 210 

some  effects  of  freezing  on  onions 9 


Index,  1927-1928 


Wripbt.  Ralph  O..  relief 828,1010,1097 

\Vrit:ht,  T.  11..  lumber - 1"^ 

WriKhl,  Thoma..  G.,  relief  of  heirs.  — --------    981 

Writht.  Vanna  B.,  relief 828,  lOlO,  1(19/ 

Wright,    Wilhelmine   O.,   muscle   training   in 

infantile  paralysis 391,  6ci9 

Wright.    William    C    (Representative    from 
reports  made  by— 

Military  .-Vflairs  Com 349,562,503, 

■5fi4,  505,  500,  822,  907,  908,  970,  972 

Wright  County,  Minn.,  bridge -.  347,453,009 

Wright  Field,  transfer  of  testing  plant.-  441,  0/2,  a9 

Wrightsville.  Pa.,  bridge -  348,454,6/1 

Wringers,  scf  Clothes  wringers. 

act  in  reference  to  writs  of  error- 
law  (Public  10) - 544 

report  to  accompany  .S.  1801--. ---  432 

to  amend  Public  10.. 088 

siime  (Public  322) 937 


bars,  specifications - 411 

rates  on --- -  H^ 

Wrought  Washer  .Manufacturing  Co.,  iron 737 

Wurzbach,   Harry   M.   f Representative  from 

land  near  Camp  Bullis 1107 

reports  made  by — 

Militarv  AflTairs  Com 433,436,438, 

440.  503,  564,  565,  091,  823,  824,  825 
Wyandotte  Terminal  R.  R.  v.  United  States...  750 
Wyant.  Adam  M.  (Representative  from  Pa.): 
"  reports  made  by- 
Interstate    and     Foreign     Commerce 

Com - .347,348, 

423, 427, 429, 556, 558, 083,  810,  955 

Wyant,  Jennie,  relief.... 571,931,989 

Wyatt,  Walter,  v.  United  States.. 883 

V\  yoming: 

census  of  agriculture,  1925,  tables  5-8 15 

eonipp.ct  with  Colo.,  consent  of  Congress...  900 

geologic  formations... 28,29 

land  olFiCes.  establishing 978 

lands  opened  to  homestead  entry 58. 188, 

2.57,  319,  382,  505,  897,  1057, 1058.  1141 

lands  withdrawn... 59.257,032,1058,1141 

livestock  on  irrigated  lands 598,979 

oil  and  ga.«  prospecting  permits .570 

post  route  map _    031 

Public  Service  Commission- 
wool  744 

sugar  beets,  costs  of  producing,  errata 635 

Wyoming  Agricultural  E.xperiment  Station...    648 
Wyoming  A-   Mis^^ouri   River   Ry.,  abandon- 
ment  _ 174 

Wyoming  Massacre,  1778,  sesquicentennial 965 



examination  and  autopsy  findings 264 

e.\aniination  in  suspected  appendicitis  (2)..    48 

interpretation  of  dental  rontgenograms 392 

intestinal  tuberculosis  diagnosis 640 

surgical  diagnosis  (2) _._ 49 

Xanthosis,      strawberry,      new      insect-borne 

disease _ _ 647, 733 


\.    M.    C.    A.,   see   Young   Men's   Christian 

Yadkin  County,  N.  C,  soil  survey. 1081 

^'akimn  irrigation  project,  specifications 295, 

.  ,    ,  465,730.1115 

1  aksiu-;.  article  by  A.  K.  Coumaraswamv,  .  10.59 
■S  ale  &  Towne  -Manufacturing  Co.  v.  V .  S  177. 1017 
^  anuushita,  Takuji.c.  secretary  of  state  of  Wash 

..  „.   ^'^tate sSi 

inmpa  River,  waters,  consent  to  compact  900 

J  angtze  River,  charts 53.891,1052 

^  ankee  Kxport  &  Trading  Co.  v.  U.  S  7.50 

1  ankton  Indians: 

title  to  lands 954  999 

V     ';■  \,"'L'''*  ^^?'^'' --lei.liti,' 000, 1128 

1  ant,  W  .  P.,  carbon  mono.xide  in  blood  and  air      19 

Ya/iuina  River,  chart '  279 

Yard,  Roberts.,  our  national  parks       162 

Yardley  &  Co.,  Ltd.,  United  States  i'..."".".".""iill 



poultry  keeping  in  back  yards 527 

Yards  and  Docks  Bureau _ 123,377 

manual,  changes... 123 

manual,  index 123 

report,  1927 377,753 

Yarnell,  D.  L.,  tile-trenching  machinery- 533 

Yavan  glue,  case  of  Alex.  Murphy  &  Co_ 224 

Yawls  for  War  Department 909,1005,1101 

Yazoo  &  Mississippi  Valley  R.  R.: 

reconsignment 742 

valuation 364 

Ye  River,  chart  of  approaches. 54 

Yeaman,  Robert  F.,  compensation  for  tools...   421. 

543, 576 

Year  in  agriculture. _. _ .  1080 

Yearbook  separates,  see  special  subject. 

Agriculture  Department — 

1926 142 

1927. -. 1080 

for  sale  by  supt.  of  documents 159,  862 

commerce  yearbook,  1926 83,409 

same,  descriptive  circular 537 

standards  yearbook,  1928 1093 

same,  descriptive  circular 1093 

Yearsley.  Edward,  relief 707 

Yearsley.  McCoy,  relief 707 

Yeast,  ijlacktongue  preventive 773,1147 

Yeatman,  Fanny  W.: 

beef  cooking 274 

homemade  pectin  extracts 208 

lamb  as  you  like  it...: 1083 

Yellow    fever,    recognize    services    of    certain 

citizens 971 

Yellow  rust  of  raspberry 3,72 


cabbage  resistant  to  Fusarium 399,654 

tomatoes,  serious  disease 655 

see  also  Xanthosis. 
Yellowstone     irrigation     project,     see     Lower 

Yellowstone  irrigation  project. 
Yellowstone    National    Forest,    see    Shoshone 

National  Forest. 
Yellowstone  National  Park: 

additions 697,931,1012 

circular  of  general  information 866, 1023 

fossil  forests. 1023 

geological  history 1023 

geysers 1115 

Government  publications,  lists 1115 

manual  for  railroad  visitors 1115 

Yellowstone  Park-Three  Forks  region,  Mont .  464. 


Yeomans,  C.  D.,  soil-corrosion  studies 1093 

Yerkes.  Guy  E.,  bridge  grafting 9 

Yesashi  Byochi,  chart  of  north  coast 1051 

Yezo  Island,  see  Hokushu. 

Yohe.  H.  S.,  drainage  districts 211 

Yokkaichi  Road,  chart 54 

Yon,  Tom  A.  (Representative  from  Fla.): 
reports  made  by — 

Public  Lands  Com 445, 568,  569, 697, 698 

Yonguzei  Bay,  see  Tizenko  Bay. 

York,  Blower  V.,  civil  aeronautics  in  United 

Kingdom 339 

York-Antvv-erp  rules,  marine  insurance 02 

same  (in  Spanish). 195 

York  County,  Pa.,  bridge 348,454,671 

York,  Hanover  &  Frederick  Ry.,  stock 617 

Yorke,  Louis  A.,  relief.. 975 

Yorktown  Sesquicentennial  Commission 965 

Yorkview  Finance  Corporation  f.  17.  S 1111 

Yosemite  National  Park: 

acquisition  of  land 831,1015,1104 

circular  of  general  information 1023 

estimate,  1929 510 

forests J30 

publications  on,  for  sale 730 

secret  of  big  trees 865 

sketch 1023 

Yosemite  Valley,  account  of  origin 1023 

Yosemite  Valley  Railroad, valuation 1038 

Yothers,  M.  A.,  control  of  European  red  mite.  402 
Yothers.  W.  W.,  spraying  citrus  trees  in  Fla...  273 

Young,  F.  L.,  local  anesthesia 246,247 

Young,  Fer/linand,  relief 973 

Young,  Francis  J.,  relief "0" 

July- June 


Young,  Frank  L.,  Co.: 

fish-oil - 1028 

wool 744 

Young,  H.  D.,  carbon  disulphide  vaporization 

apparatus 207 

Young,  R.  A.,  las  araceas  economicas 378 

Young,  Robert  L., ».  United  States 1128 

Young,  Roger  H.,  relief 982 

Young  Men's  Christian  Association,  land 831, 

858, 1096 

Youngberg,  Gilbert  A.: 

cheap  water  transportation  for  Fla.. 1108 

why  buy  Florida  East  Coast  Canal? 1108 

Younger,  J.  E.,  wing  flutter  investigation 778 

Youngstown,  Ohio,  bridges 347,425,544,579,669 

see  also  Dollar  Savings  and  Trust  Co. 

Ysleta,  Tex.,  bridge. 959 


commercial  and  industrial  handbook 925 

indebtedness  to  U.  S.,  settlement..  571, 713, 804 

Yukon  River  Valley,  Tinne  Indians.. 898 

Yuma  County,  Ariz.,  aviation  field 459,  570, 672 

Yuma  irrigation  project: 

amending  acts  rel.  to  auxiliary  project 1000 

estimate,  1929.. , 510 


Zachary  Taylor  Xational  Cemetery 689, 937 

Zahm,  A.  F.: 

flow  and  drag  formulas  for  quadrics 119 

pressure  of  air  on  coming  to  rest 119 

Zahnley,  J.  TS'.,  sodium  chlorate  for  bindweed.  270, 


Zapata,  Tex.,  bridge 560,710,803 

Zaring,  C.  W.,  &  Co.,  apple  pomace 1024 

Zea  mays,  see  Corn. 

Zedtwitz,  Waldemar  C.  von,  sale  of  property.  1055 

Zeiler,  Joe,  anomalies  of  kidney  and  ureter 392 

Zeller,  J.  H.,  soft-pork  investigations.. 650 

Zeiler,  S.  M.,  yellow  rust  of  raspberry 3.72 

Zellers,  D.  H.,  underground  communication...  796 

Zelzah  quadrangle,  Calif.. 729 

Zemurray,  Samuel,  v.  United  States 25,355,491 

Zeolites  from  Ritter  Hot  Spring,  Oreg 1143 

Zephyr  quadrangle,  Tex 865 

Ziegler  Brothers,  stone Ill 

Zilhman,  Frederick  X.  (Representative  from 
reports  made  by — 

District  of  Columbia  Com 551, 

679, 809, 810, 949, 950 


Zillah  State  Park,  bridge 1000 

Zimmerman,  Harvey  J.: 

cotton  production,  etc.,  1926-27 337 

stocks  of  leaf  tobacco,  etc.,  1926 81 

Zimmerman,  Paul  G.,  Carl  B.  Harper  i 239 


arsenic-free,  preparation 120 

drayage  charges  on  zinc  ore.. 102, 1028 

in — 

CaHfornia 539 

Central  States 412 

Colorado -... 217 

Eastern  States 2ir 

Montana 85, 1090' 

Nevada 85 

Oregon 539 

pigments  and  salts,  production  in  1926 340" 

production  iu  1926,  smelter  report 341 

rates  on 40,167,303 

Zingarell,  M.,  relief 453,571,800 

Zingarell,  Mary  A.,  relief 453,  571, 800' 

Zink,  Albert  A.,  p.  Black  Star  Line,  Inc 45 

Zink,  Robert,  to  amend  military  record 441 

Zion  Institutions  &  Industries,  figs 870 

Zion  National  Park: 

circular  of  general  information.. 866 

lands  in  Utah  withdrawn.. 1141 

Zon,  Raphael: 

America  and  the  world's  woodpile.. 402 

forests  and  water  in  light  of  science 208 

timber  growing  and  logging  practice 652' 

Zones,  see  Free  zones — Time. 

Zoning  publications  of  Commerce  Dept 541 

Zoological  Park,  see  National  Zoological  Park. 

exploration  in  Hispaniola 898 

nomenclature,  amdts.  to  internat.  rules.  263, 392. 
see  a/.'-o  Animals — Animals  (fossil). 

Zornes,  ,T.  W.,  relief , 550 

Zottarelli,  Joseph  V.,  v.  United  States 371 

Zuider  Zee,  chart 759 

Zuni  Reservation  road,  appropriation.  589, 815,  937 
Zunser,    Charles,    tribunaes    de   relagoes    do- 

mesticas 378 

Zur   Lippe,    Carohne.    Countess,   see   Lippe, 
Caroline,  Countess  Zur. 

Zurlinden,  W.,  moths 496 


stock-poisoning  death  camas 916 

Zyklon-B  residue  after  fumigation.. 391,640 

Zyvolski,  Albert  J.,  relief 446,543,576- 



UNIVEHSrrv  of  illinois-urbana 
