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Full text of "Mosses and lichens : a popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner mosses and lichens, their uses, and methods of preserving"

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Nature  Books  With  Colour  Plates 


Witmer  Stone  and  Wm  Everitt  Cram 


David  Starr  Jordan  and  Barton  W  Evermann 


A.  R  Dugmore 
Neltje  Blanchan 
Neltje  Blanchan 
Nina  L.  Marshall 
Neltje  Blanchan 
Dr.  W.  J.  Holland 
MaryC  Dickerson 
Dr.  Leland  O.  Howard 
Dr.W.  J  Holland 
Nina  L.  Marshall 
Raymond  L.  Ditmars 
Julia  E.  Rogers 




Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Page  &  Company 
OLD  MAN'S  BEARD,   Usnea  barbata,  (L.)  Fr. 
"  The  murmuring  pines  and  the  hemlocks,  bearded  with  moss  " 





Author  of  "The  Mushroom  Book" 







MOSSES  AND  LICHENS  has  been  written  with  the  hope  that  it 
may  meet  a  need  often  expressed,  for  a  book  with  pictures 
which  will  help  to  identify  some  of  the  many  beautiful  growths 
which,  winter  and  summer,  in  wood  and  open,  excite  the 
admiration  and  arouse  the  curiosity  of  all  nature  lovers. 

It  is  the  result  of  the  author's  desire  to  know  something  of 
the  dainty  plants  which  are  so  lavishly  employed  by  nature  in 
beautifying  the  trails  and  brooks  of  the  North  woods.  The 
more  striking  mosses  and  lichens  were  collected  and  carried 
about  until  by  the  kindness  of  one  friend  and  another  "learned 
in  mosses,"  names  were  secured  for  them. 

No  book  was  found  which  offered  an  easy  path  to  the 
knowledge  desired.  In  truth,  no  book  was  found  which  could 
be  used  at  all  until  many  months  of  patient  labor  in  a  botankal 
laboratory  gave  the  necessary  foundation. 

Then  the  author,  urged  on  by  friends  who  would  have  an 
easy  path  or  none,  set  to  work  to  make  pen-and-ink  sketches  of 
bits  of  moss  and  details  of  structure.  After  a  number  had  been 
made  with  some  degree  of  success,  a  new  plan  was  suggested 
by  experience.  An  accurate  detail  was  made  with  the  aid  of 
a  microscope  or  was  procured  from  a  rare  work,  Bryologia 
Europce ;  and  with  this  detail  a  tuft  or  cushion  on  a  large  scale 
was  built  up  and  then  reduced  to  natural  size  with  a  camera. 
Later,  with  the  success  crowning  persistent  attempts,  Mr.  J.  A. 
Anderson  and  Miss  H.  C.  Anderson  succeeded  in  photographing 
specimens  not  too  small,  direct  from  nature.  The  plates  in  the 
book  are  the  measure  of  their  success. 

Thanks  are  due  to  Dr.  Lucien  M.  Underwood,  of  Columbia 
University,  for  his  never-failing  readiness  to  give  encouragement 
and  valuable  assistance;  also  Mrs.  E.  G.  Britton,  who  has  named 
most  of  the  mosses  collected  by  the  author  and  has  been  ever 
ready  to  suggest  works  for  reference  and  to  render  assistance  in 
other  ways.  Thanks  also  are  due  to  Dr.  Howe,  of  the  New 


:   I 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

York  Botanical  Gardens,  and  to  Dr.  Curtis,  of  Columbia,  for 
assistance  with  certain  subjects;  and  especially  to  Mr.  Williams, 
a  moss  and  lichen  specialist  of  the  New  York  Botanical  Gardens, 
who  named  the  lichens  pictured  in  the  book  and  undertook  the 
laborious  task  of  reading  the  copy  before  it  was  submitted  to 
the  publishers. 

The  pen-and-ink  drawings  were  made  by  the  author  direct 
from  nature  or  were  redrawn  from  the  works  mentioned  in  the 
''Authorities  consulted." 







General  comparison  of  Mosses  and  Lichens      .  8 

Poets'  conception  of  Mosses  and  Lichens  .       .  9 

Scientists'  conception  of  Mosses  and  Lichens   .  1 1 

Soil  makers 12 

corroding  rock 12 

decomposing  vegetable  matter    .       .       .  12 

reclaiming  marshes 15 

Marsh-building  on  Mt.  Marcy     .       .       .       .  17 

Mosses  which  build  up  limestone       .       .       .  17 


Mention  by  early  Greek  philosophers        .       .  19 

Use  in  dye  industry 19 

Use  as  drugs 20 

Use  as  food 20 


Spontaneous  generation 22 

Dual  nature 22 

The  fungus  partner 22 

The  alga  partner 23 

Experiments  in  artificial  production  of  lichens .  24 

How  a  lichen  is  made 24 

Free  fungus  spore  with  free  algal  cell .       .  24 

Classification  of  algae  associated  .       .       .  25 

Classification  of  fungi  associated        .       .  25 

Interest  to  the  collector       .....  26 

External  beauty  and  form  .       .       .       .  26 

Absorbing  power  of  water   .       .  •    .       .  27 


Mosses  and  Lichens 



Sporophy tes  in  general 30 

Sporophyte  of  Hairy-cap  in  detail     .       .       -35 

How  spores  escape  from  a  spore-case .       .       ,  37 

How  a  spore  becomes  a  leafy-moss    ...  38 

How  a  spore-case  is  formed         ....  39 
How  a  Hairy-cap  procures  a  maximum  amount 

of  light 42 

How  a  Hairy-cap  avoids  too  strong  light         .  43 

Gametophyte 43 

Leaves  in  general 43 

Leaves  of  Hairy-caps 44 

Stem 45 

Antheridia 46 

Archegonia 47 

Development  of  a  sporogonium  ....  49 

Veil  or  calyptra 50 

Spore-case 51 

Lid  or  operculum 51 

Teeth  or  peristome 53 

Teeth  of  Polytrichum  Mosses      .       .       .  55 

Pedicel  or  seta 57 

Asexual  reproduction.  Protonema  from  spores, 
rhizoids,  cellular  bodies,  sporogonium,  leaves, 

stems,  gemmae 59 


HOMOLOGOUS  PARTS     .       .       .       .       .       .       .  61 


How  to  collect  Hepatics,  Mosses  and  Lichens  .  73 

How  to  preserve  Hepatics,  Mosses  and  Lichens .  73 

How  to  study  Hepatics,  Mosses  and  Lichens  .  73 

with  the  naked  eye 73 

with  a  lens 74 

How  to  dissect  Hepatics,  Mosses  and  Lichens .  74 

with  a  compound  microscope      ...  74 

NOMENCLATURE . v    .       .75 

ABBREVIATIONS  OF  AUTHORITIES      .       . v    .  -.    .      .  v    .  75 





Genus  Cetraria 79 

Cetraria  lacunosa 79 

Cetraria  Islandica 79 

Genus  Usnea 80 

Usnea  barbata 80 

Usnea  tricbodea 81 

Genus  Thelochistes 81 

X author ia  parietina 81 

Genus  Parmelia 81 

Parmelia  conspersa  .              82 

pbysodes 82 

saxatilis 83 

"      perlata 83 

"      caperata 83 

Genus  Physcia 84 

Pbyscia  leucomela 84 

Genus  Umbilicaria 84 

Umbilicaria  pustulata 84 

vellea 85 

Dillenii 85 

Mublenbergii 85 

Genus  Peltigera 85 

Peliigera  canina 86 

apbtbosa 86 

"       polydactyla 86 

Genus  Sticta 86 

Sticta  pulmonaria 87 

"    amplissima 87 

Genus  Stereocaulon 88 

Stereocaulon  pascbale 88 

"          tomentosum 88 

Genus  Cladonia .88 

Cladonia  pyxidata     .....  89 

jimbriata 89 

cristatella 89 

"      rangiferina  (typical)        ....  90 

"      cornucopioides 90 


Mosses  and  Lichens 




Ribbon-like  or  Thalloid  Hepatics         .       .       .       •  93 

Marcloantia  polymorpha 93 

Names  of  parts 95 

Description  of  development 95 

Leafy  Hepatics,  Scale  Mosses  and  Foliose  Hepatics  99 

Porella  platypbylla 99 

Names  of  parts 99 

Genus  Porella 100 

Porella  platypbylla 101 

Genus  Frullania 102 

Frullania  eboracensis 103 

Genus  Ptilidium 104 

Ptilidium  ciliare 104 

Genus  Bazzania 150 

Bahama  irildbaia 106 



Genus  Sphagnum 109 

The  method  by  which    Peat-mosses  encroach 

upon  water  to  form  land 109 

The  pale  tint  of  Peat-mosses 116 

The  method  by  which  Peat-mosses  absorb  water  1 16 

The  development  of  organs 119 

Synopsis  of  Genus  Sphagnum 1 22 

Sphagnum  acuti folium 123 

"         molle 123 

"         subsecundum 124 

rubellum .       .       .       .       .       .       .125 

cuspidatum 126 

squarrosum 128 

cymbifolium 128 

Genus  Andreaea 130 

Andrecea  petropbila 132 

"       rupestris 133 

Genus  Sphaerangium 133 

Spbarangium  muticum 134 

Genus  Phascum 135 

Pbascum  cuspidatum 136 



LEAFY-MOSSES  (Continued) 

Genus  Pleuridium     .       .     ' 137 

Pleuridium  subulatum 138 

Genus  Bruchia 139 

Brucbia  ftexuosa       .       .       .       .       .       .       .139 

Genus  Archidium 140 

Arcbidium  Obiense 140 

Genus  Astomum       .........  141 

A  sternum  Sullivantii 142 

Genus  Gymnostomum 143 

Gymnostomum  calcareum 143 

curvirostrum 144 

Genus  Weisia 145 

Weisia  viridula 146 

Genus  Trematodon 147 

Trematodon  ambiguum 149 

longicottis 150 

Genus  Dicranella 150 

Dicranella  beteromalla 151 

Genus  Dicranum 152 

Dicranum  flagellare          .       .       .       .       .       .154 

scoparium 155 

Genus  Fissidens 157 

Fissidens  adiantoides 160 

Genus  Leucobryum ,       .161 

Leucobryum  vulgare 163 

Genus  Octoblepharum 165 

Octoblepbarum  albidum 165 

Genus  Ceratodon 166 

Ceratodon  purpureum 167 

"  "          var.  xantbopous        .       .169 

"  "         aristatus     .       .       .       .169 

"                 "          minor 169 

Genus  Pottia 169 

Pottia  truncate 170 

Genus  Ditrichum  or  Leptotrichum        .       .       .       .171 

Ditricbum  pallidum 171 

Genus  Barbula 172 

Barbula  unguiculaia         .       .       .       ...       .  1/3 

"       ccespitosa 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

LEAFY- MOSSES  (Continued)  PAOE 

Genus  Tortula .  .  .  1 76 

Tortula  princeps 1 77 

"  ruralis 178 

Genus  Grimmia  . 178 

Grimmia  apocarpa 1 79 

Genus  Racomitrium 180 

Racomitrium  lanuginosum  .  .  .  .  .181 

Genus  Hedwigia 182 

Hedwigia  ciliata 183 

Genus  Ulota 184 

Ulota  crispa 186 

"  pbyllantba 187 

"  Hutclinsice 188 

Genus  Orthotrichum 1 88 

Oribotrichum  strangulatum 189 

Genus  Encalypta 190 

Encalypta  ciliata 192 

Genus  Georgia 193 

Georgia  pellucida 195 

"  geniculata 197 

Genus  Tetradontium 198 

Tetradontium  repandum 198 

Genus  Schistotega 199 

Scbistotega  osmundacea 201 

Genus  Tetraplodon 202 

Tetraplodon  mnioides 203 

Genus  Splachnum  . 204 

Splacbnum  rubrum  .  , 206 

luteum 207 

Genus  Physcomitrium 207 

Pbyscomilrium  turbinatum 208 

Genus  Funaria 209 

Funaria  flaricans 210 

bygrometrica 210 

Genus  Bartramia 214 

Bartramia  pomiformis  .  .  .  .  .1  .  215 

Genus  Leptobryum 216 

Leptobryum  pyrijorme      .       .       .       .       .       .217 



LEAFY-MOSSES  (Continued)  PAGK 

Genus  Webera 218 

Webera  nutans  .       .       . 219 

albicans 220 

Genus  Bryum 221 

Bryum  argenteum 222 

"      roseum 224 

Genus  Mnium 225 

Mnium  cuspidatum 228 

a/fine 229 

bornum 231 

punctatum 232 

var.  elaium      ....  234 

Genus  Aulacomnium 234 

Aulacomnium  androgynum 235 

palustre 236 

beterosticbum 237 


Key  to  Genera 239 

Genus  Catharinea 240 

Caibarinea  angustata 241 

undulata 242 

Genus  Pogonatum 242 

Pogonatum  brevicaule 243 

bracbypbyllum 245 

capillare 245 

urnigerum 246 

Alpinum 247 

Genus  Polytrichum,  with  key  to  species        .       .       .  248 

Polytricbum  gracile 251 

Obiense 252 

formosum 252 

piltferum 253 

juniperinum 254 

commune 256 

Genus  Diphyscium 258 

Dipbyscium  foliosum 259 

Genus  Buxbaumia 260 

Buxbaumta  apbylla 261 

Genus  Fontinalis 262 

Fontinalis  antipyretica,  var.  gigantca    .       .       .  263 

Mosses  and  Lichens 


Genus  Neckera 265 

Neckera  pennala 265 

Genus  Anomodon 266 

Anomodon  rostratus 267 

attenuatus 268 

"        apiculatus 269 

Genus  Climacium 271 

Climacium  dendroides      ......  272 

"         Americanum 273 

Genus  Hypnum  with  synopsis  of  sub-genera    .       .  274 

Sub-genus  Thuidium 280 

Tbuidium  minutulum  .       .       .  282 

"                                 delicatulum  .       .       .  282 

Brachythecium 284 

"                 Bracbytbecium  rivulare        .       .  285 

Starkii  ...  286 

Nava-Anglice       .  287 

"          Eurhynchium 289 

Eurbyncbium  Boscii     .       .       .  290 

"          Plagiothecium 291 

"                  Plagiotbecium  Muetterianum       .  291 

Amblystegium 292 

Amblystegium  varium  .       .       .  293 

Harpidium 294 

Harpidium  uncinatum         .       .  295 

"         Ctenium 296 

Ctinium  crista-castrensis      .       .  297 

Euhypnum 298 

Eubypnum  reptile         ...  299 

imponens    .       .       .301 

"                         "          curvifolium         .       .  303 

Calliergon 305 

Calliergon  Scbreberi      .       .       .  306 

Pleurozium 307 

Pleurofium  splendens    .       .       .  307 

Hylocomnium 309 

Hylocomnium  triquetrum     .       .  310 


INDEX 317 




I.    Old  Man's  Beard,  Usnea  barbaia,  (L.)  Fr          Frontispiece 


1 1 .    Yellow  Wall-lichen, Tbelocbistes  parietinus, (L.)  Norm.        4 

III.  Hypnum  uncinatum  Hedw 24 

Golden  Cord  Moss 24 

Georgia  pellucida,  Rabenh 24 

Neckera  pennata,  Hedw. 24 

Sphagnum  cymbifolium,  Ehrh 24 

IV.  Ceratodon  purpureum,  Brid 42 

Catbarinea  angustata,  Brid.    .       .       .       .       .       .42 

Climacium  dendroides,  Web.  &  Mohr   ....       42 

Pogonatum  brevicaule,  Beauv 42 

V.    Parmelia  conspersa,  (Ehrh.)  Ach.         .       .       .       .       58 

VI.    A  Forest  Boulder .  70 

[VII.    Iceland  Moss,  Cetr aria  Islandica,  (L.)  Ach.        .       .     no 

Sticta  pulmonaria,  Ach no 

Sticta  amplissima,  (Scop.)  Mass no 

The  Dog  Peltigera,  Peltigera  canina,  (L.)  Hoffm.      .     no 

VIII.    Reindeer  Lichen  and  variety        .       .       .       .       .130 

Reindeer  Lichen,  variety  Alpestris      .       .       .       .130 

Reindeer  Lichen,  Cladonia  rangiferina,  (L.)  Hoffm.  .     130 

Pbyscia  leucomela,  (L.)  Michx 130 

IX.    Wood  Path 152 

X.    Hairy-cap  Moss,  Polytrichum  commune,  L.  .       .       .162 

XI.    Umbilicaria  vellea,  (L.)  Nyl. 174 

Rock     Tripe,     Umbilicaria     Mublenbergii,    (Ach.) 

Tuckerm 174 

XII.    Scarlet-crested  Cladonia,  Cladonia  cristatella,  Tuckerm.  1 84 
Brown-fruited    Cup    Cladonia,    Cladonia   pyxidata, 

(L.)Fr. 184 

XIII.    A  Thalloid  Hepatic,  Marcbantia  polymorpba,  L.        .     204 

Mosses  and  Lichens 


XIV.  Hepatic,  Dry,  Frullania  eboracensis,  Gottsche  .  .  228 

Hepatic,  Porella  platyphyUa 228 

Hepatic,  Moist,  Frullania  eboracensis,  Gottsche  .  228 

Hepatic,  Ptilidium  ciliare,  Nees 228 

XV.  Climacium  dendroides,  Web.  &  Mohr  .  .  .  .250 

Climadum  Americanum,  Brid 250 

XVI.   Hypnum  curvifolium,  Hedw.         .       .       .       .       .  276 

xv  I 



I.  The  ruby-throated  humming-birds  know  these 
lichens  and  so  use  them  in  decorating  their 
nests  as  to  make  it  difficult  to  distinguish  them 

from  lichen-covered  knot-holes      ....  34 

II.   The  Pitted  Cetraria,  Cetraria  lacunosa,  Ach.        .  80 

III.  Old  Man's  Beard,  Usnea  barbaia,  variety  Florida  82 

IV.  Old  Man's  Beard,  Usnea  longissima       ...  84 
V.    Parmelia  pbysodes,  (L.)  Ach.,  variety  vittata.        .  86 

VI.    Parmelia  perlaia,  (L.)  Ach 90 

VII.    Spotted  Lungwort,  Sticta  pulmonaria,  (L.)  Ach.    .  96 

VIII.    StereocaulonPascbale,  L 98 

IX.    The  Fringed  Cladonia,  Cladonia  fimbriaia,  (L.)  Fr.  102 

X.    Batfania  trilobata,  L. 106 

XI.    Acute-leaved    Peat-moss,    Sphagnum   acutifolium, 

Ehrh.          124 

XII.   The  Spread-leaved   Peat-moss,   Sphagnum  squar- 

rosum,  (Pers.)            128 

XIII.  The  Broom-moss,  Dicranum scoparium,  Hedw.        .  154 

X I V.  Whip-fork  Moss — young,  Dicranum  flagellare,  Hedw.  1 70 
Whip-fork  Moss — old,  Dicranum  flagellare,  Hedw.  170 

Ditricbum  pallidum 170 

Ortbotricbum 170 

XV.   The  Curly-leaved  Ulota,  Ulota  crispa,  Mohr,  and  186 

Lichen,  Parmelia  saxatilis,  (L.)  Fr.         .       .       .186 

XVI.    Top  Moss,  Pbyscomitrium  turbinatum,  Muell.  ined.  210 

The  Pale  Funaria,  Funaria  flavicans,  Michx.       .  210 

The  Water-measuring  Cord-moss,  Funaria  bygro- 

metrica,  Sibth 210 

XVII.    Weber  a  nutans,  Hedw 218 

Weber  a  albicans,  Schimp.  L  c 218 

XVIII.    The  Rose  Bryum,  Bryum  roseum,  Schreb.    .        .  224 
XIX.    Mnium     punctatum,    variety    elatum,    Bruch    & 

Schimp 232 

Mosses  and  Lichens 


XX.    Buxbaumia  apbylla,  L 

Aulacomnium  heterostichum,  Bruch  &  Schimp. 
XXI.    Juniper  Hair-cap, Polytricbum  juniperinum,Wi\\d. 
XXII.    Anomodon  apiculatus,  Bruch  &  Schimp.   . 

XXIII.  The  Dainty  Cedar-moss,  Tbuidium  delicatulum, 


XXIV.  BracTjyihedum  rivulare,  Bruch,  Ms. 

XXV.    Bracbytbecium     Navce-Anglice,    (Sull.   &   Lesq.) 

Jaeger  &  Sauer 

Bracbytbecium  Starkii,  (Brid.)  Br.  &  Sc.     . 

XXVI.   Hypnum  Boscii,  Schwaegr 

XXVII.    Hypnum  reptile,  Michx 

Amblystegium  varium,  (Hedw.)  Lindb. 
XXVIII.   The     Knight's-plume     Moss,    Hypnum    crista- 

castrensis,  L 

XXIX.   Hypnum  imponens,  Hedw 

XXX.   Hypnum  Scbreberl,  Willd 

XXXI.   The  Glittering  Feather-moss,  Hypnum  splendens, 







XXXII.   The  Triangular  Wood-reveller,  Hypnum  triquei- 

rum.L 310 




"  Children  of  lowly  birth, 
Pitifully  weak ; 

Humblest  creatures  of  the  wood 
To  your  peaceful  brotherhood 
Sweet  the  promise  that  was  given 
Like  the  dew  from  heaven : 
1  Blessed  are  the  meek, 
They  shall  inherit  the  earth* ; 
Thus  are  the  words  fulfilled : 
Over  all  the  earth 
Mosses  find  a  home  secure. 
On  the  desolate  mountain  crest, 
Avalanche-ploughed  and  tempest-tilled, 
The  sweet  mosses  rest ; 
On  shadowy  banks  of  streamlets  pure, 
Kissed  by  the  cataracts  shifting  spray, 
For  the  bird's  small  foot  a  soft  highway 
For  the  many  and  one  distressed . 

Little  sermon  of  peace." 

Willis  Boyd  Allen. 

No  FREQUENTER  of  the  woods  can  be  unfamiliar  with  the 
more  conspicuous  lichens  and  mosses.  It  is  with  them  that 
nature  adorns  her  bare  unsightly  children.  She  drapes  the  time- 
worn  evergreens  with  gray  fringes  (see  Frontispiece)  and  decks 
the  old  tree-stumps  with  red  or  yellow  corals.  Soft  lichens 
spread  over  the  ground  in  the  deep  shade  of  the  pine  trees,  while 
pale  green  or  yellow  rosettes  creep  over  the  fence-rails  and  the 
big  rocks  in  the  pasture  lot.  (See  Colour  Plate  II.) 

"  Far  above  among  the  mountains  the  silver  lichen  spots  rest,  starlike, 
on  the  stone ;  and  the  gathering  orange  stain  upon  the  edge  of  yonder 
western  peak  reflects  the  sunsets  of  a  thousand  years." — Ruskin. 

Lichens  and  mosses  are  met  with  all  over  the  world,  in  the 
cold  North  and  in  the  sunny  South,  in  the  East  and  in  the  West, 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

by  the  seashore  and  on  the  highest  mountain  peaks.  They  are 
the  first  growths  to  appear  on  the  rocks  and  in  the  places  which 
give  no  foothold  to  other  plants.  When  the  side  of  a  mountain 
is  torn  away  by  frosts  and  floods,  and  the  bared  rocks,  shorn  of 
their  forest  trees  and  shrubs,  are  left  unsightly  with  nothing  to 
tempt  other  plants  to  make  a  home  on  their  ledges,  then  the 
lichens  come  and  cover  the  bared  cliffs  with  delicate  traceries  and 
mantles  of  exquisite  grays  and  greens.  They  need  no  soil,  a 
polished  rock  will  meet  their  need. 

"Meek  creatures;  the  first  mercy  of  the  earth,  veiling  with  hushed 
softness  its  dustless  rocks ;  creatures  full  of  pity,  covering  with  strange 
and  tender  honour  the  scarred  disgrace  of  time." — Ruskin. 

The  foothold  of  the  lichens  is  often  so  insecure  that  one  must 
exclaim  as  he  sees  them,  "  How  do  you  grow  in  such  unfavour- 
able places?  On  what  do  you  subsist  ?  No  soil!  No  water! 
Dry  as  tinder!  Crumbling  at  any  rude  touch!"  If  the  plant 
could  answer,  no  doubt  it  would  say,  "There  must  be  pioneers 
to  open  up  new  territory  for  higher  plants,  so  from  the  earliest 
times  nature  has  employed  us  to  do  this  work.  We  travel  swift 
as  the  wind  for  we  travel  with  the  wind.  We  are  fed  by  the 
rains  and  the  dews,  the  hard  rocks  soften  at  our  touch  and  give 
us  food." 

"  The  chapel  and  bridge  are  of  stone  alike, 
Blackish-gray  and  mostly  wet ; 
Cut  hemp-stalks  steep  in  the  narrow  dyke, 
See  here  again,  how  the  lichens  fret 
And  the  roots  of  the  ivy  strike." 

Browning — By  the  Fireside. 

It  is  true  that  these  little  plants  as  they  lie  upon  the  rocks, 
secrete  an  acid  which  dissolves  the  hard  minerals.  It  is  true  that 
they  have  the  power  to  condense  moisture  from  the  air,  however 
little  it  may  be,  for  they  must  have  water  as  an  item  of  food  and 
as  a  medium  by  which  mineral-salts  dissolved  from  the  rocks  may 
enter  the  interior  of  the  plant  and  may  pass  from  cell  to  cell  to 
those  parts  where  they  are  to  be  worked  up  into  plant  food. 

The  lichens  are  often  the  forerunners  of  rock-loving  mosses 
as  without  the  scanty  soil  prepared  by  their  chemical  action  and, 
without  the  slight  foothold  which  their  debris  afford,  many 
mosses  would  be  unable  to  get  a  start  upon  the  forbidding  rock. 


Mosses  and  Lichens  at  Home 

With  the  mosses  nature  first  clothes  naked  sides  of  ditches  and 
clay  banks  and  spaces  between  stubble  of  hay  and  corn.  These 
otherwise  unsightly  spots  she  covers  and  makes  attractive  with  a 
bright  green  carpet.  Even  the  hard  soil  along  the  city  pavement 
or  in  the  tiny  city  yard  she  covers  with  a  velvety  coat  of  young 
moss  plants,  although  they  rarely  develop  further  than  this 
velvet  stage. 

"  All  green  was  vanished  save  of  pine  and  yew, 
That  still  displayed  their  melancholy  hue ; 
Save  the  green  holly  with  its  berries  red, 
And  the  green  moss  that  o'er  the  gravel  spread." 

Crabbe — Tales  of  the  Hall. 

The  blackened  embers  of  the  picnic  fire  are  hidden  with  Golden 
Cord-mosses  (Colour  Plate  III)  and  the  roadsides  in  the  woods 
and  the  slopes  to  the  lake  are  carpeted  with  sturdy  Hairy-caps 
(Colour  Plate  X).  The  crumbling  roofs  of  deserted  cottages 
and  the  unused  well-sweep  and  old  oaken  bucket  are  decorated 
with  soft  tufts  of  green.  Indeed  the  mosses  are  lodged  in  the 
crevices  of  the  stones  which  line  the  well  itself  and  late  in  the 
winter  when  all  the  world  is  asleep  under  its  blanket  of  soft 
white  snow,  these  little  mosses  grow  and  flourish  unaffected  by 
the  cold  above. 

Nature  distributes  the  mosses  lavishly  in  all  humid  climates, 
regardless  of  altitude,  cold  or  heat.  They  are  found  on  trees 
living  or  dead,  on  earth  or  on  rock,  in  streams  and  on  the  land. 

"  The  orange  stain,  which  is  time's  finger  mark  on  the  gray  wall,  and 
the  cups  with  scarlet  edges  spread  for  fairy  banquets — the  soft  green 
beds  into  which  our  feet  sink,  and  all  the  loveliness  which  we  think  of 
when  we  think  of — mosses." — Ruskin. 

Who  has  not  loved  the  mossy  banks  and  the  little  velvet 
cushions  which  cling  to  the  plaster  of  the  old  wall  (Colour  Plate 
IV)  or  spring  up  in  the  crevices  of  the  pavement,  giving  restful 
spots  of  green  to  the  dreary  monotony  of  brick  and  stone? 
Children  play  with  mosses  and  lichens.  Poets  sing  their  charms. 
Artists  endeavour  to  reproduce  their  wonderful  colours  traced  on 
bark  and  rock. 

Aside  from  their  artistic  charm,  mosses  and  lichens  have 
other  charms  for  all  who  will  pause  awhile  to  study  their  habits, 
and  for  all  who  will  linger  long  enough  to  make  out  what  the 
plants  are  doing  in  their  humble  way.  They  have  wonderful 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

mechanical  contrivances  for  the  physicist,  curious  processes  of 
interest  to  the  chemist,  and  many  suggestions  for  the  philosopher. 
Go  into  the  woods  and  pastures  after  a  rain.  You  will  find 
a  beauty  and  loveliness  on  rocks  and  trees  and  fallen  logs  which 
were  not  even  suggested  on  a  dry  sunshiny  day.  The  wood  is 
in  her  glory  at  such  times,  and  everyone  who  once  sees  her  in 
her  splendour  will  visit  her  again. 

"  Here  are  cool  mosses  deep, 
And  thro'  the  moss  the  ivies  creep.'' 

Tennyson — The  Lotos  Eaters:    Choric  song. 

The  habit  the  mosses  and  lichens  have  of  changing  form  and 
colour  is  one  full  of  interest.  The  crisp  gray  moss  cushions, 
which  quickly  turn  green  in  the  rain,  must  excite  curiosity 
(Colour  Plate  IV).  Pause  awhile  by  a  fresh  green  bank  of  Hairy- 
caps  (Colour  Plate  X)  wet  with  dew,  and  as  the  sun  comes 
out  and  shines  upon  the  little  plants,  watch  them  shrink  away, 
changing  the  fresh  bank  into  one  brown  and  bare.  Watch  them 
again  in  a  rain  or  when  the  evening  dew  is  falling,  to  see  every 
apparently  dead  brown  plant  revive  and  become  green  as  before. 
The  cause  of  the  change  is  easily  seen  by  one  looking  closely. 
The  plant  does  not  die  when  the  sun  shines,  it  simply  folds  the 
edges  of  its  leaves  together  and  turns  them  up  against  the  stem 
so  that  their  horny  tips,  instead  of  their  delicate  leaf  surfaces,  are 
presented  to  the  sun. 

The  cause  of  the  upturning  of  the  leaves  of  the  Hairy-caps, 
the  change  of  colour  of  many  mosses  and  lichens  from  gray  to 
green,  the  methods  by  which  they  subsist  on  bare  and  barren 
rocks  and  soils,  and  endure  extreme  and  sudden  changes  in  the 
dryness  and  humidity  of  the  air,  are  all  interesting  questions  to 
be  answered  by  the  microscope,  together  with  careful  observa- 
tions in  the  field. 

Gray  or  crimson  Bog-mosses  (see  Colour  Plate  III),  steadily 
working  their  way  over  swamps  and  ponds,  preparing  a  foothold 
for  larger  plants,  illustrate  to  us  how  the  great  peat-bogs  of 
Ireland  and  of  other  parts  of  world  were  made. 

Whether  one  study  the  mosses  and  lichens  for  their  natural 
beauty,  for  their  habits,  or  from  a  botanical  standpoint,  they 
are  interesting.  They  are  true  lovers  of  fresh  air  and  clear 
running  water,  beautiful  creatures  in  beautiful  homes.  They  are 


Mosses  and  Lichens  at  Home 

beautiful  even  when  dried  and  pressed  for  the  herbarium,  so  that 
one  with  a  taste  for  collecting  may  regard  the  artistic  as  well  as 
the  useful. 

The  wide  distribution  of  the  mosses  and  lichens  and  their 
power  of  enduring  great  cold  renders  them  available  for  study  at 
all  times  of  the  year.  They  are  reported  to  have  been  found  in 
all  parts  of  the  globe. 

Dr.  Isaac  I.  Hayes  who  in  1854  discovered  Grinnell  Land,  tells 
of  finding  "moss"  as  far  north  as  Booth  Bay  in  Greenland,  in 
Latitude  76°  30'.  The  uses  to  which  the  moss  was  put  in  their 
distress  were  varied.  After  improvising  a  hut  from  a  crevice  in 
the  rock  by  filling  open  places  with  loose  stones  pried  from  the 
frozen  ground,  they  made  a  roof  of  sails  and  thatched  it  a  foot 
thick  with  "moss"  dug  with  their  tin  dinner  plates  from  under 
two  feet  of  snow.  All  cracks  were  closed  with  the  moss,  and 
tapers  of  "moss"  dipped  in  oil  were  depended  upon  to  light 
their  dismal  quarters. 

The  habit  of  using  moss  for  filling  in  chinks  and  cracks  is  a 
common  one  among  all  pioneers,  as  one  may  see  by  observing 
the  log  huts  in  newly  opened  districts,  for  mixed  with  clay  it 
forms  a  useful  cement.  This  art  is  not  known  alone  to  man. 

"  Within  a  thick  and  spreading  hawthorn  bush 
That  overhung  a  molehill  large  and  round, 
I  heard  from  morn  to  morn  a  merry  thrush 
Sing  hymns  of  rapture,  while  I  drank  the 
Sound  with  joy — and  oft  an  unintruding  guest, 
I  watched  her  secret  toils  from  day  to  day; 
How  true  she  warped  the  moss  to  form  her  nest, 
And  modell'd  it  within  with  wood  and  clay." 

Claire— The  Thrush's  Nest. 



Under  the  name  of  moss,  in  the  popular  mind,  are  included 
all  small  flowerless  plants  which  grow  in  cushion-like  tufts  on 
stone  or  wood  or  bark.  The  name  "moss"  is  made  to  do  duty 
for  the  lichens,  the  mosses  and  their  near  relatives,  the  Hepatics, 
plants  which  differ  widely  in  structure  and  appearance, 
as  those  will  see  who  give  more  than  a  passing  glance. 


If  a  small  plant,   rootless,  of  almost  any  colour 
except  bright  green,  grows  as  a  dainty  mat — a  ibal~ 
lus— Hat  (Colour  Plate  V)  or  ruffled  (Plate  II)  on 
its  support,  one  may  suspect  that  it  is  a  lichen. 
If  in  addition  to  this  habit  of  growth,  it  bears  its 
fruits  in  flattened  coloured  disks  (Colour  Plate 
VII)  one  may  know  it  is  a  lichen,  also  if  the 
plants  branch  like  corals  (Colour  Plate  XI),  or 
hang  in  fringes  (Colour  Plate  I)  from  the  trees, 
and  are  without  leaves,  one  may  suspect 
that  they  are  lichens  and  may  be  pretty 
sure  of  it  if  the  fruits  are  little  coloured 
disks  or  cushions  on  the  tips  of  the 
branches.     The  "Florida  Moss,"  which 
grows  in  long  gray  fringes  from  the 
trees  in  the  South,  is  neither  a  lichen 
nor  a  moss,  but  is  a  true  flowering 
plant  with  stamens  and  pistils,  the 
old    seed   capsules   are   often 
found  still  clinging  to  this 
moss-appearing  plant, 
in  the  season  when  it 

Aulacomnium  Heterostichvm. 


How  to  Know  the  Lichens  and  Mosses 

Hepatic.  Hepatic.  Hepatic. 

is  not  in  flower.     It  was  probably  to  this  plant  Gannet  referred 
when  he  wrote: 

"A  cloister  dim,  where  the  gray  moss  waves, 
And  the  live-oaks  lock  their  arms  at  will." 


If  plants  are  small  and  green, 
with  leafy  stems,  and  have  the 
habit    of  living   in    such    close 
proximity    as    to    form 

without  lid. 



velvety  cushions,  (Cera-   with  lid  re- 

.  .,  :  \  moved     to 

todon   purpiireum)    one 

with  lid. 

Bryum  argenieum. 

show     teeth 

Hedwigia  ciliata 

may  suspect  them  of  be- 
ing mosses,  but  if  they 
have  this  habit  of  growth,  or  grow  in  clusters  resembling  tiny 
ferns  or  miniature  trees  and  bear  their  spores  in  little  cases 
opening  by  lids,  one  may  feel  confident  that  they  are  the  true 
mosses  as  distinguished  from  hepatics. 

Hepatic.  Spore-case  split  into 
four  symmetrical  valves. 

Ceratodon  purpureum,  Velvety  Cushion. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 


If  the  plants  are  green,  growing  flat  and  ribbon-like  or  as 
prostrate  stems  with  paired,  veinless  leaves  and  with  fruits 
umbrella-like  or  cups  which  do  not  open  by  lids  but  split 
irregularly  into  symmetrical  valves  in  order  to  permit  their 
spores  to  escape,  one  may  know  them  to  be  hepatics. 

The  beauty  which  mosses  lend  to  the  surfaces  upon  which 
they  live  is  pretty  generally  conceded.  One  has  but  to  recall  the 
frequent  reference  which  our  poets  make  to  them  to  feel  that 
they  have  always  appealed  to  the  poetic  eye. 

Mnium  ajfine.    Moss. 

"  On  our  other  side  is  the  straight-up  rock  ; 

And  a  path  is  kept  'twixt  the  gorge  and  it, 
By  boulder-stones  where  lichens  mock 

The  marks  on  a  moth,  and  small  ferns  fit 
Their  teeth  to  the  polished  block. 

These  early  November  hours, 

That  crimson  the  creeper's  leaf  across 
Like  a  splash  of  blood,  intense,  abrupt, 

O'er  a  shield  else  gold  from  rim  to  base, 
And  lay  it  for  show  on  the  fairy-cupped 

Elf -needled  mat  of  moss." 

Browning — By  the  Fireside. 

Ruskin  says:  "To them,  slow-fingered,  constant-hearted,  is 
entrusted  the  weaving  of  the  dark,  eternal  tapestries  of  the  hills." 


How  to  Know  the  Lichens  and  Mosse 

Whittier  in  "  The  Bridal  of  Pennacook,"  to  the  query  of  "Why 
turns  the  bride's  fond  eye  on  him,  in  whose  cold  look  is  naught 
beside  the  triumph  of  a  sullen  pride  ?"  replies: 

"  Ask  why  the  graceful  grape  entwines 
The  rough  oak  with  her  arm  of  vines  ; 
And  why  the  gray  rock's  rugged  cheek 
The  soft  lips  of  the  mosses  seek  : 
Why  with  wise  instinct,  Nature  seems 
To  harmonise  her  wide  extremes, 
Linking  the  stronger  with  the  weak, 
The  haughty  with  the  soft  and  meek  !  " 

Shakespeare  calls  the  mosses  "idle": 

"  It  is  dross,  usurping  ivy,  brier, 
or  idle  moss." 

Comedy  of  Errors,  Act  II,  Sc.  a. 

Scientists  of  to-day  tell  us  that  the  rock-loving  mosses  and 
lichens  are  at  work  upon  the  "everlasting  hills"  to  convert  them 
into  new  soil ;  that  the  saprophytic  mosses  on  dead  logs  in  the 
forest  are  at  work  returning  to  Mother  Earth  the  materials  which 
her  tree-children  took  from  her  many  years  ago.  They  tell  us 
that  bog-mosses  are  reclaiming  the  marshes  for  higher  plants, 
and  that  the  water-loving  mosses  are  receiving  from  the  brooks 
lime-solutions  which  were  brought  up  from  depths  below,  and 
are  laying  them  down  in  places  where  they  are  useful  to  man. 
As  our  knowledge  of  their  practical  value  increases  we  shall  not 
lose  sight  of  their  beauty,  a  new  wonder  will  be  added  to  our 
knowledge  and  many  new  interests  to  our  trips  "among  the 
nodding  ferns  and  mosses  cool." 

Their  association  with  aged  castles  and  trees  is  so  familiar  to 
everyone  that  the  poet  has  but  to  mention  mosses  and  lichens  to 
picture  lonely  places  and  peaceful  decay.  "Moss-muffled  for- 
ests dim"  and  "the  rocks  where  the  brown  lichen  whitens  " 
give  to  us  a  feeling  of  loneliness,  while  the  picture  of  Oliver — 

"  A  wretched,  ragged  man  o'ergrown  with  hair  " 

is  complete    when   Orlando  finds   him  sleeping   on    his   back 
"  under  an  oak,  whose  boughs  are  mossed  with  age." 

As  You  Like  It.    Act.  IV,  Sc.  3. 

Wordsworth  tells  us: 

' '  There  is  a  thorn — it  looks  so  old, 
In  truth,  you'll  find  it  hard  to  say 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

How  it  could  ever  have  been  young, 

It  stands  erect  and  like  a  stone 
With  lichens  it  is  overgrown." 

Spenser  expresses  another  idea  when  he  saysof  the  ancient  oak : 

"But  now  the  gray  moss  marred  his  rine  ;" 

and  Shakespeare  also  when  he  introduces  Tamora,  Queen  of  the 
Goths,  to 

"  A  barren,  detested  vale     .     .     . 
The  trees,  though  summer,  yet  forlorn 
O'ercome  with  moss,  and  baleful  mistletoe." 

Titus  Andronicus,  Act  II,  Sc,  3- 

Mosses  and  Lichens  are  both  soil-makers.  They  work  by 
two  methods.  The  one  chemical,  the  other  mechanical.  By 
chemical  action  they  either  construct  plant  tissue  of  gases  taken 
directly  from  the  air  or  they  first  free  from  rock  or  wood  or  earth- 
mould,  the  minerals  needed  and  then  construct  them  into  plant 
tissue.  By  mechanical  action  they  pry  off  bits  of  soil  from  hard 
rock,  arrest  dust  and  debris  brought  to  them  by  the  wind,  and 
constantly  add  to  the  mass,  such  plant  tissue  as  they  themselves 
are  continually  shedding. 

"  Upon  this  herbless  rock  a  small  gray  lichen 
Did  fix  her  home.     She  came  with  meek  intent, 
To  bless  her  stern  and  sterile  place  of  rest ; 
And  presently  her  gentle  sisters  followed, 
Some  vestal  white ,  and  some  in  robes  of  brown, 
And  some  in  yellow  vestures,  labouring  all 
At  the  same  work,  with  tiny  cups  held  out 
To  catch  the  raindrops,  and  with  mattocks  small 
To  pierce  the  rock.     And  well  did  they  effect 
Their  destined  purpose." 

One  of  the  most  important  sources  of  the  nourishment  of 
plants  is  carbon  dioxide  (C  O2).  It  is  the  gas  which  bubbles  up 
from  "soda  water"  and  it  is  the  gas  breathed  out  by  animals. 
It  is  formed  wherever  a  candle,  lamp,  or  wood  is  burning  or 
wherever  vegetable  or  animal  matter  is  decomposing.  The  gas 
is  itself  a  compound  of  an  elementary  gas,  oxygen  (O)  united 
with  an  elementary  solid,  carbon  (C)  known  by  the  common 
names  of  charcoal  and  graphite.  Stated  in  a  general  way,  the 
carbon  dioxide  passes  through  the  walls  of  the  plant  cells  into 
the  cell-contents  and  there  by  the  leaf-green  (chlorophyll)  the 


How  to  Know  the  Lichens  and  Mosses 

oxygen  gas  (O)  is  set  free  to  return  to  the  atmosphere,  and  the 
solid  carbon  (C)  is  worked  up  with  water  into  plant  foods  called 
carbohydrates,  compounds  of  carbon  and  water,  of  which  starch, 
sugar,  and  plant  tissues  are  examples. 

"  A  small  sisterhood  of  plodding  lichens 
Wrought  on  the  rock  ;  the  sun,  the  wind  and  rain, 
Helping  then  gladly,  till  each  fissure  filled 
And  fit  for  planting,  mosses  came  in  haste 
And  strewed  small  seeds  (spores)  among  them,  destined  they 
To  clothe  the  stern  old  rock  with  softest  verdure 
With  ferns  and  flowers,  where  yet  the  labouring  bee 
May  find  pasture." 

Certain  lichens  carried  by  the  winds  to  places  unsuitable  for 
other  plants,  begin  their  work  of  dissolving  the  inhospitable  rock 
to  obtain  mineral  salts  which  the  leaf-green  may,  together  with 
water,  manufacture  into  plant  food;  the  delicate  threads  of  the 
lichen  work  their  way  in  and  out  among  the  particles  of  rock  too 
small  to  be  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  and  as  they  swell  with 
water  absorbed  from  the  atmosphere,  they  pry  off  tiny  particles 
of  rock,  thus  slowly  but  surely  preparing  soil  for  higher  forms. 

The  mosses  also  can  take  their  start  in  life  on  bare  and  rugged 
rock,  although  not  so  generally  as  the  lichens. 

If  a  tuft  of  Grimmia  apocarpa  is  lifted  away  from  the  lime- 
stone upon  which  it  is  growing,  one  may  see  corroded  depressions 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  place  where  the  stemlets  of  the  moss 
colony  meet,  and  one  may  see  the  rhizoids  of  the  moss  imbedded 
in  loose  particles  of  limestone  which  have  been  separated  from 
the  main  rock  by  a  dissolving  fluid  which  the  rhizoids  secreted 
upon  the  rock.  In  this  way  the  moss  obtains  mineral  salts  which 
are  necessary  for  its  growth.  The  solid  rock  is  crumbled  to  a 
dust  which  may  be  blown  by  the  wind  to  other  localities,  or 
which  may  remain  on  the  spot  and  furnish  soil  for  higher  plants. 
In  addition  to  the  chemical  action  which  the  moss  exerts  in 
dissolving  the  rock,  it,  as  well  as  the  lichen,  exerts  a  purely 
mechanical  influence,  for  a  growing  rhizoid  penetrates  wherever 
the  merest  particle  of  limestone  has  been  dissolved  and  by 
mechanical  pressure  separates  the  particles  of  limestone  which 

The  mosses  and  lichens  are  truly  efficient  agents  in  rendering 
rocks  available  for  plant  life  by  retaining  minute  particles  of  soil 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

but  their  work  does  not  stop  here,  for  as  the  older  plants  die  and 
crumble  and  mingle  with  the  disintegrated  rock,  an  incredible 
amount  of  earth-mould  is  formed  which  is  a  favourable  site  for 
higher  forms  of  mosses,  ferns,  and  other  spore-bearing  plants. 

That  the  leafy  parts  above  arrest  to  a  remarkable  degree  the 
dust  which  pervades  the  atmosphere,  not  only  along  dusty  road- 
sides and  open  plains,  but  also  in  remote  mountain 
valleys,  in  Arctic  ice  fields,  and  in  most  of  the 
elevated  parts  of  the  earth's  crust,  will  be  evident 
to  one  who  detaches  and  examines  a  small  tuft  of 
Barbula,  which  everywhere  occurs  on  roadside 
walls.  He  will  be  surprised  to  learn  the  extent  to 
which  the  road  dust  has  been  lodged  in  the  older 
dead  parts  of  the  plants,  and  he  will  be  equally  sur- 
prised to  learn  with  what  tenacity  the  dust  is  held. 
The  power  the  older  parts  of  the  plants  have  of 
holding  the  dust  is  due  to  certain  alterations  which 
take  place  in  the  lifeless  cell-tissue.  To  be  con- 
vinced that  fine  dust  is  also  carried  to  the  more 
remote  and  elevated  regions,  one  must  examine  the 
lichens  and  dark  Grimmias,  Andr&as  and  other  rock 
mosses  which  grow  in  small  cushion-like  tufts  on 
weather-beaten  mountain  crags,  when  he  will  find 
that  not  much  less  dust  has  been  arrested  by  them 
than  by  the  Barbula  living  near  the  dusty  roadside. 
Old  crumbled  lichens,  together  with  dust  blown 

Andraa  rupestnt      ,.,....  ,          ,          , 

Plant  with  spore-  thither  by  the  wind,  accumulate  under  the  thallus, 
case-  or  leaf-like  expansion  of  the  lichen,  and  soon  form 

a  suitable  home  in  which  moss  spores  may  grow.  The  mosses 
in  turn  add  their  share  to  the  accumulation  of  humus  preparatory 
to  the  coming  of  the  ferns,  and  the  ferns  in  turn  prepare  for  the 
trees  with  winged  seeds,  the  evergreens  and  birches,  which 
require  no  very  great  depth  of  soil,  sturdy  pioneers  of  mountain 

It  is  true  that  all  green  plants  do  a  similar  work,  but  they  do 
not  work  under  such  primitive  conditions  as  do  the  mosses  and 

Aquatic  mosses  possess,  perhaps  to  a  greater  degree,  the  power 
of  arresting  and  retaining  mud  and  fine  sand  hurried  along  by  a 
violent  rush  of  water.  The  plants  of  Hypnum  rusciforme  and 


How  to  Know  the  Lichens  and  Mosses 

Atnblystegiwn  riparium,  which  cling  to  rocks  in  streams,  are  so 
conglomerated  by  mud  and  sand  that  they  cannot  be  freed  from 
it  until  the  plants  have  become  dried  and  shrivelled.  Limnobium 
molle,  which  grows  in  the  turbid  waters  from  glaciers,  has  such 
an  abundance  of  earthly  particles  adhering  to  it  that  only  the 
green  tips  of  the  leaf-bearing  stems  are  visible  above  the  gray- 
coloured  cushions  imbedded  in  the  mud.  It  is  the  dead  parts 
alone  which  retain  in  their  thick  felt  of  interwoven  filaments,  the 
firmly  divided  mud  and  sand.  That  they  are  able  to  do  this  is 
due  to  the  fact  that  the  cell-membranes  swell  up  and  become 
slightly  mucilaginous.  This  mechanical  retention  and  storage  of 
dust  by  rock-plants,  and  of  mud  by  aquatic  plants,  is  of  the 
greatest  importance  in  determining  the  development  of  the  earth's 
covering  of  vegetation.  The  first  settlers  are  crustaceous  lichens, 
minute  mosses,  and  algae.  Larger  lichens  and  mosses  are  able 
to  gain  a  footing  on  the  substratum  prepared  by  them. 

"  Tis  spring-time  on  the  eastern  hills! 
Like  torrents  gush  the  summer  rills, 
Through  winter's  moss  and  dry  dead  leaves 
The  bladed  grass  revives  and  lives, 
Pushes  the  mouldering  waste  away, 
And  glimpses  to  the  April  day." 

Whittier — Mogg  Megone,  Pt.  HI. 

The  dead  filaments,  stems,  and  leaves  of  this  second  genera- 
tion arrest  dust  in  the  air  and  mud  in  the  water,  and  thus  prepare 
a  soft  bed  for  the  germs  of  a  third  generation,  which  on  rocks 
consists  of  grasses,  composites,  pinks,  and  other  small  herbs, 
and  in  the  water  of  pond- weeds,  water-crowfoots,  hornwort,  and 
related  plants.  The  second  generation  is  produced  in  greater 
abundance  than  the  first,  and  the  third  develops  more  luxuriantly 
than  the  second.  The  third  may  be  followed  by  a  fourth,  fifth, 
and  sixth,  each  successive  generation  crushing  out  and  supplant- 
ing the  one  preceding  it. 

Another  marked  and  important  change  results  from  these 
small  beginnings.  Streams  on  rather  flat  lands  are  turned  from 
their  courses  by  the  accumulation  of  debris  made  possible  by  the 
arrested  sand  and  mud,  ponds  have  their  outlets  choked  so  that 
often  new  outlets  must  be  cut,  and  small  lakes  are  often  cut  in  two 
by  a  natural  divide  which  is  due  to  the  accumulation  of  sand  and  silt 
bound  together,  first  by  water  plants  and  later  by  shrubs  and  trees. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  fact  that  at  the  present  time  the  lichens  and  mosses  are 
the  first  plants  to  appear  on  the  soil,  leads  one  to  think  that  in 
ages  gone  by  these  little  plants  may  have  been  the  first  to  appear 
on  the  earth,  and  that  they  may  have  reigned  supreme  for  a  time 
in  the  plant  world.  This  view  is  not  sustained  by  positive  tes- 
timony from  the  rocks,  as  there  is  no  fossil  evidence  that  mosses 
existed  in  Paleozoic  times,  nor  has  any  certain  trace  of  a  moss 
been  found  in  the  coal-measures.  Fossil  mosses  have  been 
obtained  almost  entirely  from  tertiary  and  quaternary  deposits. 

Notwithstanding  that  there  is  no  fossil  evidence  that  mosses 
did  exist,  there  is  no  evidence  that  they  did  not  exist,  as  their 
absence  from  the  plant  records  written  in  the  older  formations  is 
probably  to  be  accounted  for  by  reason  of  their  insignificant  size 
and  the  difficulty  of  their  preservation. 

Another  use  the  lichens  and  mosses  subserve  in  the  economy 
of  Nature  is  illustrated  by  their  habit  of  retaining  great  quantities 
of  water  in  their  spongy  mass  both  on  lofty  mountain  heights  and 
in  the  forests  of  the  valleys. 

In  many  parts  of  the  world  it  is  principally  the  moss-covered 
soil  of  the  forests  which,  by  collecting  the  rainfall,  prevents  the 
pouring  down  from  mountains  of  violent  and  excessive  torrents 
of  water. 

Above  the  tree-line,  in  slight  depressions  on  the  sloping, 
rocky  mountain  sides,  one  may  often  find  extensive  patches  of 
Sphagnum-moss  and  Reindeer-lichens  which  are  crisp  and  dry 
on  the  surface,  and  yet  retain  so  much  water  in  their  matted 
bases  as  to  render  it  possible  for  one  to  obtain  a  supply  of  clear 
water.  From  areas  of  moss  more  extensive  and  of  greater  depth, 
tiny  rills  often  trickle  on  their  way  to  join  other  rills  of  similar 
origin.  The  sources  of  many  a  babbling  brook  or  purling  spring 
in  the  valley  may  be  traced  to  the  supersaturated  moss-bed  of  a 
mountain  forest. 

"  Desolate  ledges,  frost-riven  and  bare, 
A  tiny  rivulet  bore  on  their  breast ; 
Cloud-gray  mosses  and  lichens  fair 
Mutely  besought  her  to  slumber  and  rest.'' 

Willis  Boyd  Allen. 

"Thou  hastenest  down  between  the  hills  to  meet  me  at  the  road, 
The  secret  scarcely  lisping  of  thy  beautiful  abode 
Among  the  pines  and  mosses  ot  yonder  shadowy  height, 
Where  thou  dost  sparkle  into  song,  and  fill  the  woods  with  light." 

Lucy  Larcom. 


How  to  Know  the  Lichens  and  Mosses 


Upon  the  open  summit  of  Mount  Marcy,  5,344  feet  above  sea 
level,  there  are  two  small  marshy  areas.  One  is  a  decided 
depression  in  the  northeast  slope;  the  other  is  on  the  eastern 
slope  and  nearer  the  summit.  The  water  necessary  to  maintain 
the  character  of  these  marshes  is  probably  supplied  in  part  by 
rainfall,  and  in  part  by  melting  of  snows  which  have  accumulated 
in  the  crevices  of  the  rocks  above.  The  two  marshes  are  cold 
botanical  gardens  of  natural  formation,  unique  indeed,  as  there  is 
no  evidence  that  the  soil  for  them  could  have  been  brought  from 
other  sources,  while  everything  suggests  that  the  mosses  and 
lichens  at  the  present  time  growing  on  the  bare  surfaces  of  the 
rocks  are  active  soil-makers.  The  boulders  of  the  summit  are 
variegated  by  the  different  colours  of  the  lichens  growing  on 
their  hard  and  almost  naked  surface.  The  rock  beneath  the 
lichens  is  more  soft  and  scaly  than  elsewhere,  and  the  moss  tufts 
have  the  spaces  between  their  lower  stems  and  leaves  filled  with 
dirt  and  sand.  The  soil  in  most  places  is  but  a  few  inches  deep, 
and  largely  composed  of  dead  vegetable  matter.  Only  plants  of 
the  most  hardy  nature  are  found  here,  and  these  are  small  and 
imperfect  representations  of  similar  plants  growing  at  lower  alti- 
tudes. The  total  number  of  species  found  on  the  summit  is  206, 
of  which  103 — just  half  of  the  total  number — are  dependent  for 
their  existence  on  the  other  half,  the  Lichens,  Liverworts,  and 


In  trickling  springs  of  mountainous  regions,  and  on  the  lime- 
stone rocks  of  Niagara  Falls,  and  in  other  localities  are  found 
mosses  which  obtain  part  of  the  carbon  dioxide  (C  O2)  they 
require  by  the  decomposition  of  the  bicarbonate  of  lime 
[HaCa  (  CO3)2]  dissolved  in  the  surrounding  water.  The  mono- 
carbonate  of  lime  (CaC  O3),  which  is  insoluble  in  ordinary  water, 
is  then  precipitated  in  the  form  of  incrustations  upon  the  leaves 
and  stems  of  the  plants.  Gymnostomum  curvirostre,  Trichosto- 
mum  tophaceum,  Hypnum  falcatum,  and  others  which  regularly 
occur  in  streams  arising  from  springs  loaded  with  bicarbonate  of 
lime  [HaCa(CO3)2]  in  solution  become  completely  incrusted  with 
lime,  but  go  on  growing  at  the  tips  as  the  older  and  lower  parts 
imbedded  in  lime  die  off.  In  consequence,  the  bed  of  the  stream 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

itself  becomes  calcified  and  elevated,  and,  in  the  course  of  time, 
banks  of  calcareous  tufa  are  formed,  which  may  attain  to  consider- 
able dimensions.  Banks  raised  in  this  manner  are  known  which 
are  not  less  than  forty-eight  feet  in  height.  To  construct  them, 
it  is  estimated  that  mosses  must  have  been  at  work  on  them  for 
more  than  2,000  years. 



Somewhat  authentic  reference  to  lichens  is  found  in  the 
writings  of  the  Greek  philosopher  Theophrastus  (382-287  B.  C.), 
a  pupil  of  Aristotle.  He  gives  us  imperfect  descriptions  of  Old 
Man's  Beard  (Usnea  barbata)  and  Roccella  tinctoria.  Dioscorides, 
a  Greek  physician,  and  the  founder  of  botany,  who  flourished  in 
the  first  and  second  centuries,  and  also  Gaius  Plinius,  a  Roman 
naturalist  (23-79),  wno  perished  in  the  eruption  which  destroyed 
Pompeii,  both  wrote  of  lichens  which  may  have  been  those 
described  by  Theophrastus.  It  is  not  improbable,  however,  that 
they  were  speaking  of  Marchantia  or  some  other  liverwort. 
The  fact  that  lichens  had  few  qualities  which  rendered  them 
particularly  conspicuous,  caused  them  to  be  largely  neglected  by 
the  early  botanists.  They  are  not  as  a  rule  striking  in  colour, 
size,  or  form  and  they  have  no  marked  useful  or  harmful  properties. 
The  incentive  which  led  to  the  early  study  of  plants  was  a  desire 
to  find  properties  which  would  be  of  use  in  medicine  or  in  the 
household,  therefore  the  early  herbalists  gave  their  attention  to 
plants  with  real  or  imaginary  medicinal  properties. 

The  lichens  which  could  yield  a  dye  were  among  the  first  to 
receive  attention.  Roccella  tinctoria  is  supposed  to  have  yielded 
the  blue  and  purple  dye  of  the  Old  Testament  (Ex.  XXV:  4). 
The  dye  called  oricello,  was  certainly  in  use  before  the  first 
century  of  our  era.  The  knowledge  of  the  dye  was  lost  after  the 
fall  of  the  Roman  Empire,  but  in  1300,  Federigo,  a  Florentine  of 
German  parentage,  accidentally  rediscovered  the  method  of 
preparing  and  using  it.  He  is  said  to  have  achieved  great  success, 
and  to  have  become  the  head  of  a  distinguished  family,  the 
Oricellari,  Roccellari,  and  Rucellai.  From  which  we  have  orseille, 
the  name  of  the  dye  material,  and  Roccella,  the  name  of  the  genus 
of  which  Roccella  tinctoria  is  a  member.  A  blue  litmus  solution 
is  produced  by  fermenting  this  lichen.  It  may  be  turned  red  by 
adding  an  acid  and  then  turned  blue  again  by  adding  an  alkali  as 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

ammonia  or  limewater.     For  this  reason  it  serves  as  a  test  for 
acid  and  alkaline  substances. 


Since  many  lichens  had  a  fancied  resemblance  to  certain  parts 
of  the  human  body,  they  were  supposed  to  be  a  cure  for  the 
disease  of  that  part  of  the  body  which  they  resembled.  Old 
Man's  Beard  (Usnea  barbata,  Colour  Plate  I)  was  used  to 
promote  the  growth  of  hair.  Yellow  wall  lichen  (Xanthoria 
parietina,  Colour  Plate  II)  was  given  for  jaundice. 

Peltigera  canina  dried  and  finely  powdered  and  mixed  with  red 
pepper  formed  an  anti-hydrophobia  powder  (Pulvis  antilyssus) 
of  the  London  Pharmacopoeia.  In  the  history  of  the  Royal 
Society  it  is  recorded  that  several  mad  dogs  belonging  to  the 
Duke  of  York  were  saved  by  this  powder. 

A  prescription  of  Dr.  Mead  reads:  "Patient  is  bled  and 
ordered  to  take  a  dose  ofpeltt'gera  in  warm  milk  for  four  conse- 
cutive mornings  thereafter.  He  must  take  a  cold  bath  every 
morning  for  a  month,  and  for  two  weeks  subsequent,  a  bath 
three  times  a  week." 


"  Iceland  moss"  (Ceiraria  Islandica,  Colour  Plate  VII)  is  even 
now  used  as  an  article  of  food,  as  it  contains  a  high  per  cent,  of 

The  Spotted  Lungwort  (Sticta  pulmonaria,  Colour  Plate  VII) 
was  considered  a  sure  cure  for  lung  trouble  and  was  used  in  a 
Siberian  monastery  for  a  beer  which  was  noted  for  its  peculiar 

The  manna  of  the  Israelites  is  supposed  to  have  been  a  species 
of  Lecanora  (Lecanora  esculenta).  This  lichen  is  plentiful  in 
Algeria  and  Tartary,  as  well  as  in  mountainous  districts  of  other 
countries.  It  is  its  habit  to  grow  and  spread  rapidly  and,  as  it  is 
loosely  attached,  it  is  often  carried  by  the  wind  down  the  sides 
of  mountains  into  the  valley,  where  it  is  spoken  of  as  "  Rains  of 
manna."  Kirghiz  Tartars  eat  it  as  "earth  bread." 

It  first  forms  thick-wrinkled  and  warted  grayish-yellow  crusts 
on  the  stones.  Within,  they  are  as  white  as  parched  corn. 


Lichens  in  History 

As  the  plant  grows  older  the  crust  is  rent  and  loosened  from 
the  substratum,  while  the  edges  curl  over  until  the  loosened  piece 
forms  an  elliptical  warted  body  about  the  size  of  a  hazel-nut. 
The  Manna  Lichen  is  sometimes  brought  down  in  such  quantities 
by  the  rain  that  it  accumulates  to  a  depth  of  several  inches,  and 
in  the  Steppe  region,  and  in  the  high  lands  of  southwest  Asia  is 
used  as  a  substitute  lor  corn. 

From  the  time  of  Dioscorides  in  the  first  century,  A.  D.,  until 
1825,  advance  in  exact  knowledge  of  lichens  was  practically 
nothing.  Between  1825  and  1868  considerable  progress  was 
made  in  the  chemical  study  of  lichens,  the  investigations  still 
being  primarily  made  with  a  view  to  improving  the  dye  industry. 

France  took  the  lead  in  improved  methods  of  extracting  dye 
as  well  as  of  applying  it. 


"  Little  lichen,  fondly  clinging 
In  the  wild  wood  to  the  tree, 
Covering  all  unseemly  places, 
Hiding  all  thy  tender  graces, 
Ever  dwelling  in  the  shade, 
Never  seeing  sunny  glade." 

R.  M.  E..  Lichens. 


STRANGE  opinions  were  entertained  in  regard  to  the  origin  of 
lichens.  The  belief  was  general  that  they  were  spontaneously 
generated.  In  them  the  philosopher  found  the  origin  of  plant 
life.  "Spontaneously,  inorganic  stone  became  living  plant!" 
Dr.  Hornschuch  wrote  in  1819,  "Algae,  lichens,  and  mosses  may 
develop  without  seed  from  decomposing  water.  The  decom- 
position of  water  induced  by  warmth  and  sunlight  gives  rise 
to  the  common  ancestral  type  of  algae,  lichens,  and  mosses. 
This  ancestral  type  is  a  vegetable  infusorium  known  as 
monas  lens  which,  when  acted  upon  by  light  and  air,  under- 
goes an  evolutionary  transformation  into  algae,  lichens,  and 

Nees  Von  Esenbeck,  in  1820,  was  wont  to  lead  his  pupils  to 
an  old  castle  in  order  to  demonstrate  ad  oculos,  how  the  green 
substance  when  occurring  on  rocks  will  develop  into  lichens. 

De  Bary  was  the  first  author  to  hint  at  the  true  nature  of 
lichens  (1866).  His  conception  of  the  lichen  as  a  dual  organism 
composed  of  a  fungus  and  an  alga,  was  upheld  by  the  researches 
of  Schwendener  and  Bornet  in  1868. 

Further  investigation  seems  to  prove  that  the  lichen  is  not  an 
individual  plant,  but  that  it  is  the  result  of  an  alliance  perhaps  for 
mutual  benefit  between  two  forms  of  plant  life,  an  alga  and  a 
fungus.  The  alga  gives  the  green  colour  to  the  lichen  and  is  a 
relative  of  the  simple  plants  which  make  damp  stone  or  wood- 
work green  on  the  shady  sides  of  streets  and  houses  and  trees. 
The  fungus  is  a  relative  of  the  toadstools  and  moulds.  If  one 
look  at  a  piece  of  white  mouldy  bread,  or  in  the  ground  at  the  base 
of  a  toadstool,  one  can  see  a  true  fungus  plant  which  is  simply  a 
network  of  fine  white  treads  (hyphce)  stealing  their  food  instead  of 
manufacturing  it  for  themselves.  They  have  lost  their  leaf-green 
granules,  the  tools  with  which  plant-food  is  manufactured  from 
air  and  water  and  mineral  salts,  but  they  have  acquired  the 


The  Origin  and  Nature  of  Lichens 

An  Alga-fungus  company.  The  cut  shows  a 
magnified  portion  of  a  lichen,  Stereocaulon  ramu- 
losum,  (Sw.),  (h)  colourless  hyphae  of  a  fungus  en- 
veloping, (g)  filaments  of  a  blue-green  alga 

power  of  absorbing  great  quantities  of  water  and  of  resisting 
alternate  drying  and  wetting. 

The  alga  will  perish  if  exposed  to  dry  air,  but  when  kept 
moist  is  capable  of  taking  elements  from  the  air  and  01  manufac- 
turing them  into  plant-food 
by  means  of  little  granules 
of  leaf-green  it  has  in  its 

In  the  alliance  the  fungus 
is  entirely  dependent  upon 
the  food  manufactured  by 
the  green  alga  and  in  return 
keeps  the  sun's  rays  from 
the  alga  and  absorbs  water 
for  its  work. 

The  Alga-fungus  com- 
pany, or  lichen,  is  perhaps 
one  of  the  earliest  instances 
of  division  of  labour,  a 
little  community  in  which 
one  party  manufactures  and  supplies  food  to  the  other  which 
serves  as  protector. 

The  gray-green  of  a  lichen  is  then  due  to  the  fact  that  a  bright- 
green  plant  is  covered  over  by  a  translucent  white  plant,  and  the 
brighter  green  of  the  wet  lichen  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  wet 
strands  of  the  fungus  are  rendered  transparent  by  the  absorbed 
moisture,  and  permit  the  colour  of  the  imbedded  green  to  be  seen. 

A  magnified  portion  of  a  dissected  lichen  very  much  resembles 
a  tangle  of  fine  white  threads  in  which  are  scattered  bits  of  green. 
The  white  threads  of  the  fungus  creep  around  in  search  of 
moisture  and  as  a  rule  determine  the  shape  the  lichen  is  to  be, 
while  the  green  cells  or  threads  of  the  alga  follow  their  protecting 
fungus.  However  little  moisture  there  may  be  in  the  surrounding 
air,  the  fungus  threads  absorb  it  for  their  working  companion, 
and  so  the  lichen  can  live  in  places  too  dry  and  parched  for 
other  plants. 

"Strong  in  loveliness,  they  neither  blanch  in  heat  nor  pine  in 

On  account  of  this  dual  nature  it  has  been  difficult  to  decide 
where  to  place  the  lichens  in  the  plant  kingdom ;  to  decide 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

whether  they  belong  with  the  algae,  with  the  fungi  or  have  a 
place  as  individual  plants. 

It  is  claimed  that  with  the  microscope  one  may  often  deter- 
mine the  species  of  the  associated  fungus,  as  well  as  that  of  the 
associated  alga  and  that  this  alga  freed  from  the  lichen-fungus 
pursues  its  normal  mode  of  life  and  can  then  be  identified. 

It  is  also  claimed  that  lichens  have  been  formed  from  the 
spores  of  a  fungus  partner  allowed  to  germinate  on  free-growing 
algae,  and  that  a  variety  of  lichens  have  thus  been  developed  and 
that  the  same  alga  will  produce  different  kinds  of  lichens  if 
associated  with  different  fungi,  and  that  spores  of  the  fungus- 
partner  have  been  grown  on  nutrient  solutions  and  have  pro- 
duced a  fungus.  One  instance  is  known  of  a  fungus- partner 
(Cora  pavonia)  which  can  lead  an  existence  independent  of  the 


According  to  this  theory,  if  a  wandering  fungus  spore  meets 
a  group  of  algal  cells  with  which  it  can  live  in  harmony,  a  lichen- 
fungus-company  may  be  founded  on  the  spot.  This  lichen  may 

grow  and  flourish  and  may  from  time 
to  time  send  forth  representatives  to 
found  new  colonies. 

By  another  method,  which  is  some- 
what analogous  to  the  budding  of 
higher  plants,  the  partners  for  the  new 
colonies  arise  within  the  parent  lichen 
company.  Certain  groups  of  cells  (So- 
redia)  separate  from  the  rest, each  group 
consisting  of  one  or  more  algal  cells 
enmeshed  in  a  dense  weft  of  fungus 
hyphae.  At  the  proper  time  the  surface 
of  the  parent  lichen  ruptures,  and  the 
numerous  social  groups  appear,  giving 
to  the  old  lichen  that  attractive  hoary 
or  frosted  appearance  they  so  often 
have.  With  the  aid  of  the  wind  these 
easily  travel,  to  form  new  companies. 
The  fungus  spores  (ascospores)  which  enter  into  partnership 
with  groups  of  alga  cells  are  produced  in  sacs  (asci,  singular 


Coccocarpia  molybdia.  A  section 
of  the  thallus  showing  the  green 
cells  of  the  alga  covered  by  the 
colourless  cells  of  the  fungus.  When 
the  lichen  is  damp  the  colourless 
cells  are  more  translucent  and  the 
green  cells  show  more  and  the 
lichen  is  greener  than  when  dry. 




Funaria  hygrometrica,  Sibth. 


A  moss  creeping  around  the  tree  trunk    .     .     . 


Copyright,  1907,  by  Doublcday,  Page  &  Company 

.    ,    .     Crimson  bog-mosses     .     .     .     illustrate  how  the  peat-bogs     .     .     .     were  made     .     .     . 

The  Origin  and  Nature  of  Lichens 

ascus)  in  organs  of  various  shapes,  knobs,  or  flat  disks  (apothe- 
cia),  or  cup  and  flask-like  cavities  (perithecia).  In  addition  to 
these  large  spores  (ascosporcs)  of  the  knobs  and  cups  there  are 
smaller  spores  (conidia) 
produced  in  smaller  cavi- 
ties scattered  over  the  thai-  ' 
lus.  There  is  much  conjee- 
ture  as  to  what  may  be  the 
function  of  these  spores. 

In  tropical  countries  there 
is  found  a  very  beautiful 
fanlike,  greenish  -  yellow 
lichen  (Cora  pavonia)  hav- 
ing a  thallus  marked  with 
concentric  ridges.  This 
lichen  bears  its  spores  on 
the  under  surface  on  tiny 
clubs  (basidia)  instead  of 
in  sacs.  The  algal  partner 
is  one  of  the  unicellular 
blue-green  algae  (Chrodcoc- 
cus)  often  found  in  muci- 

Usnea  barbata.  {Ft.)  (A)  A  vertical  section 
through  a  strand  of  the  lichen. 

(B)  A  cross  section  of  a  strand  at  a  point  where 
a  radiating  strand  was  cut  in  vertical  section. 
(*)  Apex  of  strand,  (r)  cortex,  (g)  algae,  (m)  pith 
layer,  (*)  a  central  card,  (ja)  section  of  a  radiating 
branch  with  its  central  cord,  (*•)• 

laginous  masses  in  damp 
places.  Another  tropical 
form  (Dictyonema)  grows 
as  delicate  blue-green,  felt- 
like  plates  standing  out 
from  the  tree-branches  to 

to  which  they  are  attached.  The  algal  partner  in  this  case  is  a 
blue-green,  branching,  and  thread-like  species  (Scytonema)  found 
enveloped  in  a  mucilaginous  mass  in  fresh  water.  The  fungus- 
partner  in  both  the  Cora  pavonia  and  the  Dictyonema  is  one  of 
the  group  which  forms  leathery  crusts  on  twigs  and  tree  trunks. 

Another  lichen,  Laudatea,  has  the  same  partners  as  the  Dic- 
tyonema. It  is  a  crustaceous  form  and  in  it  we  find  the  exception 
to  the  rule,  that  the  fungus  is  the  leading  member  of  the  lichen 
firm.  In  it  the  alga  has  the  upper  hand  and  determines  the 
direction  of  the  growth. 

One  lichen  (Emericella  -variecolour),  which  resembles  a 
tiny  puff-ball,  is  known  to  be  due  to  the  confederacy  of  a 

Mosses  and  Lichen* 

member  of  the   pouch-fungi  group    (G aster omycetes)  with   an  . 
alga  (Palmella). 

In  the  majority  of  lichens  the  algae  are  arranged  in  definite 
layers,  sometimes — as  in  the  gelatinous  lichens — they  are  distri-  \ 
buted  through  the  whole  thickness  of  the  thallus.  The  fungus 
partner  which,  with  but  few  exceptions,  directs  the  growth  of 
the  lichen,  determines  whether  it  shall  encrust  the  surface  so 
that  it  cannot  be  removed  without  injury,  or  whether  it  shall 
form  shields  and  ribbons  lightly  attached,  or  corals  and  fringes 
fastened  at  one  point. 

Although  it  is  impossible  without  microscopic  examination 
to  determine  the  exact  relations  of  one  lichen  to  another,  much 
pleasure  may  be  derived  from  an  acquaintance  with  their  external 
form  alone.  No  plants  are  more  readily  preserved  and  none  will 

so  satisfactorily  respond 
to  one's  effort  to  revive 
them.  Even  after  they 
have  been  dry  for  years 
they  will  become  as  beau- 
tiful as  ever  if  placed  in  a 
.moist  atmosphere.  One 
may  find  them  every- 
where and  at  all  times  of 
the  year.  Their  power  of 
absorbing  moisture  is  tru- 
ly wonderful.  It  is  stated 
that  if  living  lichens  which 
have  become  dry  in  the 
air,  are  left  in  a  place 
saturated  with  moisture, 
they  take  up  35  per  cent, 
of  water  in  two  days  and 
as  much  as  56  per  cent,  in 
six  days.  Certain  lichens 
after  a  long  continuance 
of  dry  weather  will  absorb 
one-half  their  own  weight 
of  water  in  ten  minutes  and  will  lose  it  as  quickly  when  exposed 
to  dry  air.  It  is  an  interesting  experiment  to  put  a  mass  of 
Reindeer-lichen  in  a  glass  of  clear  water,  and  note  how  quickly 


Stictima  ]vliginosa.  (Dicks.)  Nyl.  A  section 
showing  (o)  the  upper  cortex,  (u)  the  under  cortex, 
with  (r)  rhizoids:  (m)  Pith  layer  showing  hyphae 
in  side  and  end  views,  (g)  gonidial  zone,  with  the 
blue-green  alga  chroococcus. 

The  Origin  and  Nature  of  Lichens 

it  will  expand  into  a  beautiful  fresh 
plant.  One  may  appreciate  their 
wonderful  absorbing  power  by 
comparing  the  dry  forest  trail  with 
a  wet  one.  The  old  tree  stumps 
are  decked,  as  for  a  banquet,  with 
branching,  coral-like  Cladonia,  a 
lavish  display  of  fairy  candelabra! 
The  red  tips  of  Cladonia  cristatella  and  the  brown  tips  of  Cla- 
donia mitrula  are  in  rich  contrast  with  their  frosted  green 
branches.  The  gray  goblets  of  Cladonia  pyxidata  and  Cladonia 

A  magnified  portion  of  Cladonia  fur- 
cola  (Huds.)  Fr.  (g.)  The  alga  protococcus 
enveloped  by  colourless  strands  (h)  of  a 


An  ideal  section  through  the  thallus  of  a  lichen  at  a  point  where  an  apolhecium  is  situated. 

gracilis  are  suggestive  of  many  a  wood-sprite  revel.  In  cedar 
woods  and  on  sunny  mountain  slopes,  Reindeer-lichen  (Cla- 
donia rangiferind),  covers  the  ground  with  a  carpet  of  loveli- 
est grays,  crisp 
and  crumbling 
when  dry  but 
soft  as  a  sponge 
when  moist,  and 

"O'er  yon  bare 
knoll  the  pointed 
cedar  shadows 
drowse  on  the 
crisp,  gray  moss." 
J.  R.  Lowell — An 
Indian  Summer 

Gyrophora  cylindrica,  (L)  Ach.  (A.)  A  magnified  section  of  a  lichen 
thallus  at  a  point  where  a  perithecium  (Pycnidium)  is  situated: 
showing  (o)  the  upper  surface.  («)  the  under  surface,  (m)the  pithy 
layer,  (b)  the  interior  and  (c)  the  opering  of  the  perithecium. 

(B)  A  highly  magnified  bit  from  the  interior  of  A;  (j)  sterig- 
mata — the  tiny  stalks  upon  which  the  spores  are  borne,  (w)  Wall 
of  the  pycnidium.  (m)  Side  and  end  views  of  hyphae  from  the 

in  Lapland  feed  Pittv  laver- 

.  ...  (v)   Sterigmata  with  spores   from  the  lichen  Cladonia  Novae 

almost    entirely 

The    reindeer 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

upon  this  lichen,  and  in  times  when  food  has  been  scarce,  even 

man  has  been  glad  to  avail  himself  of  it. 

In    Sweden    at    one    time    the    people    made    their    bread 
from  this  lowly  plant. 

In  moist  places,  velvety  green  ruffles 
(Pdtigera,  Colour  Plate  VII)  spread  on 
the  ground  or  on  stones  and  stumps, 
the  edges  of  the  ruffles  set  with  fruit- 
disks  curled  in  such  a  way  as  to  resem- 
ble brown  finger  nails,  or  dogs'  teeth. 
In  the  days  when  drugs  were  selected 
because  of  a  fancied  resemblance  to  the 
part  of  the  body  in  need  of  cure,  Pelti- 
gera  canina  was  considered  a  cure  for 
Section  hydrophobia  and  received  its  specific 

ot  thaiius  toshow  aig*  and  hyp-  name  canina  because  of  the  resemblance 

hae  in  definite  layers. 

of  its  fruit-disks  to  a  dog's  teeth.     When 

dry  the  surface  of  the  ruffles  is  a  light  quaker-drab,  which  quickly 
changes  to  a  bright  green  when  the  lichen  is  damp. 

It  is  on  the  bark  of  trees  that  one  finds  the  richest  har- 
vest of  lichens.  They  are  found  in  the  greatest  profusion 
on  the  north  sides  of  -^ 

the  trees  and  for  this 
reason  serve  the  wood- 
man as  a  guide  through 
the  forest.  Emerson  in 
"Wood  Notes"  refers 
to  this,  when  he  says: 

"  The  moss  upon  the  for- 
est bark 
Was  pole-star  when  the 

night  was  dark." 
(Colour  Plate  IX) 

The  encrusted  lichens, 
Parmelia  (Colour  Plate 
V),  and  Stic  fa  (Colour 
Plate  VII)  which  grow  flat  on  rocks  and  trees,  cling  so  closeiy 
that  they  can  with  difficulty  be  separated.  Their  pretty  gray  or 
green  mats  dotted  with  shining  brown  fruits  grow  from  the 
centre  outward  in  an  ever-widening  circle,  covering  old  fence 


Epkebe  Kerneri.     A  gelatinous  lichen  with  the  alga 
distributed  throughout  the  thallus. 

The  Origin  and  Natuie  of  Lichens 

rails,  unpainted  cabins,  and  all  other  hard  unsightly  things  which 
Nature  wishes  to  render  soft  and  beautiful. 

"O'er  yon  low  wall,  .  .  .  whose  rough,  discordant 


Is  massed  to  one  soft  gray  by  lichens  fine 
The  tangled  blackberry,  crossed  and  recrossed, 

A  prickly  network  of  ensanguined  leaves." 

J .  R.  Lowell — An  Indian  Summer  Reverie. 

Coliema  pulposum  (nat. 
size).  A  gelatinous  lichen 
with  Nostoc  as  alga. 

The  ruby-throated  hummingbirds  know 
these  lichens  and  so  use  them  in  decorating 
their  nests  (Plate  I)  as  to  make  it  difficult  to  distinguish  them 
from  lichen-covered  knot  holes.  The  Lungwort  (Sticta  ptilmo- 
naria,  Colour  Plate  VII),  so  called  from  the  resemblance  of  the 
pitted  surface  to  the  surface  of  a  lung,  does  not  encrust  the  bark 
on  which  it  grows,  but  clings  lightly  to  its  support  when  moist 
and  curls  up  its  under  white  surface  when  dry,  to  protect  its 
green  surface.  On  the  same  tree  with 
the  Lungwort  one  often  finds  an  hepatic 
(Porella  platyphylla,  Colour  Plate  XIV), 
with  braided  strands,  and  a  moss  (Neck- 
era  pennata,  Colour  Plate  III)  creeping 
around  the  tree  trunk  its  strands  in 
parallel  rows. 

On  overhanging  cliffs  by  lake  or 
stream,  or  on  huge  rocks  in  the  forest, 
one  finds  the  oddest  lichen  of  all,  the 
Rock  Tripe  (Colour  Plate  XI).  When  wet, 
the  velvety  green  shields  lie  flat,  held  by 
a  stout  cord  at  their  centres.  As  the  air 
around  them  becomes  dry,  the  edges 
begin  to  curl,  bringing  the  soot-black 
under  surfaces  to  the  light  to  form  black  tubes  here  and  there 
over  the  rocks.  With  every  change  in  the  moisture  of  the  air 
the  Rock  Tripe  curls  and  uncurls,  writhes,  and  twists;  at 
one  time  presenting  its  gray  or  green  surface,  at  another  its 
black.  This  lichen  is  also  used  for  food  and  is  said  to  have 
saved  the  life  of  Sir  John  Franklin  in  the  Arctic  seas,  when  he 
was  reduced  to  starvation. 


Section  of  CV/Vma  pulposvmto 
show  uniform  distribution  of 
the  alga  throughout  the  whole 
thickness  of  the  thallus. 



The  tiny  moss,  whose  silken  verdure  clothes 

The  time-worn  rock,  and  whose  bright  capsules  rise, 

Like  fairy  urns,  on  stalks  of  golden  sheen, 

Demand  our  admiration  and  our  praise, 

As  much  as  cedar,  kissing  the  blue  sky, 

Or  Krubul's  giant  flower.     God  made  them  all, 

And  what  He  deigns  to  make  should  ne'er  be  deemed 

Unworthy  of  our  study  and  our  love." 

All  true  mosses  produce  their 
spores  in  a  spore-case  of  one  shape 
or  another  which  opens,  with  few 
exceptions,  by  a  lid.  The  spore- 
case  may  be  situated  at  the  summit 
of  the  stem  of  the  moss-plant  or  on 
one  side  of  the  stem.  It  may  or 
may  not  be  supported  upon  a 
pedicel  (seta). 

Many  species  of  moss  have  two 
rows  of  teeth  about  the  rim  of  the 
spore-case,  while  some  have  one 
row  and  some  have  none.  The 

Spore -case 
Plant  with  closed     opening  with- 
spore-case.  out  a  lid. 

Andrea  rupeslris.  An  exception 
to  the  rule  that  a  moss  spore-case 
opens  by  a  lid. 

Pottia  trun- 
cata;  spore  - 
case  opening 
by  a  lid. 


Plant    with 
spore-case  im- 
Spore-case  open      mersed  by  the 
and  spores  falling.      leaves. 

Archidium  Ohiense.  An  excep- 
tion to  the  rule  that  a  spore-case 
opens  by  a  lid. 

Leafy  Mosses 

with  lid  re- 
mo  ved  to  show 
single  row  of 

Neckera  pennata. 

Gymnostomum  ca2- 
careum.  Spore-case 
without  teeth. 

Hypnum  uncinalum.  Por- 

teeth  may  vary  greatly  in  shape  and  num-    tion  of  penstome  to  show 
her;  as  a  rule,  there  are  four,  sixteen,  thirty-    ciUa fnd  teeth °f  the inner 

'  membrane  and  one  tooth 

tWO,   Or  SiXty-four.  of  outer   membrane   with 

The  spore-case  when  immature  is  often    annuius  at  the  base. 
covered  by  a  cap  or  veil  (calyptra).     The  veils  vary  in  shape 
and  in  size,  sometimes  persisting  a  long  time,  sometimes  falling 
away  in  the  early  stages. 

All  leafy  mosses  have 
leaves  which  may  vary 
in  size,  in  shape,  in 

Funaria  hygrometrica.  Spore- 
cases  borne  on  pedicels  grow- 
ing at  the  summit  of  stem. 

Spore  -  case 
sho wi  ng 
two  rows 
of  teeth. 

Brachythecium  rivulare.  Spore-case  borne  on  a 
pedicel  growing  from  the  side  of  the  stem. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

texture,  in  colour,  and  in  the  nature  of  the  margin,  this  being 
sometimes  entire,  and  sometimes  toothed,  sometimes  with  a 
thickened  margin  or  with  one  made  up  of  cells  very  different 
from  those  within. 

The  species  of  mosses  are  based  on  the  characters  of  the 
plant,  the  spore-case,  the  pedicel,  and  the  leaves,  together  with 
their  habit  of  growth. 

Everything  about  the  moss-plants  indicates  that  their  purpose 
in  living  is  to  reproduce  their  kind.  Each  part  is  designed  and 
perfected  with  this  end  in  view.  In  the  struggle  for  existence 
they  have  come  to  adapt  themselves  to  the  most  varied  condi- 
tions, but  a  certain  amount  of  water  is  as  necessary  to  them  as  to 
all  other  forms  of  life.  Without  water  the  male  cells  can  never 
reach  the  egg-cells  and  the  leaf-green  (chlorophyll)  cannot  manu- 
facture plant  food.  It  is  true  that  there  are  species  which  have 
ceased  to  attempt  the  formation  of  spores  in  localities  where  the 
rainy  season  is  never  long  enough  to  permit  their  reaching 
maturity.  In  such  species  the  plants  become  very  dry,  the  leaves 

Funaria  hy- 
trometrica.  With 
an  immature 
spore-case  cov- 
ered by  its  veil. ' 

Spore-case  with 
hairy  veil 

Fissidens  adi- 
antoides.  Spore- 
case  with  one 
row  of  teeth. 

Dicrantlla  heteromdla.    Spore-case 
with  and  without  a  veil. 

um  pilifer- 
um.  Leaf 
with  apex 
into  an 


Spore  -case 
with  four 

Leafy  Mosses 

and  branches  break  off  and  are  blown  hither  and  thither  by 
the  wind,  each  piece  being  capable  of  growing  into  a  new  plant, 
if  it  has  moisture  long  enough  to  permit  it  to  get  well  started. 
It  can  then  endure  long  periods  of  drought  and  can  avail  itself 
of  small  quantities  of  moisture  which  may  be  condensed  from 
the  air. 

It  must  be  remembered  that  normally  all  plant  food  is  manu- 
factured by  the  green  colouring  matter  in  the  leaves  and  stems  of 
plants,  nnd  that  these  little  agents  can  work  only  in  the  light. 
The  light  must  not  be  too  weak,  or  the  leaf-green  becomes  yellow 
and  cannot  work;  again  the  light  must  not  be  too  strong  or  the 
leaf-green  is  destroyed  and  the  water  in  the  plant  is  too  rapidly 

evaporated,  with  the  result  that 

the  plant  dies. 

In    order  that   moss   plants 

may  avail  themselves  of  small 

quantities  of  water  and    may 

Polytrichum  commune.  Summit  of  spore- 
case  showing  membrane  surrounded  with 
sixty-four  teeth. 

Apex  of  leaf  to  show 
entire  margin. 

Catharinea  undttlaia. 
Tip  of  spore-case  with 
thirty-two  teeth  at- 
tached by  their  tips  to 
a  membrane. 

albidum.  Spore- 
case  with  eight 

Spore-case.  Part  of  peristome. 

Ulota  Hutchinsue. 

Aulacomnium  heterostichum.     Leaf  apex 
to  show  serrate  margin. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

withstand  the  fierce  heat  of  the  sun,  they  have  various  interesting 
contrivances  for  folding  their  leaves  so  as  to  retain  what  moisture 
they  have  absorbed,  and  they  have  methods  of  trans- 
ferring their  delicate  leaf-green  from  one  part  of  the 
plant,  too  much  exposed  to  the  sun,  to  a  part  less 
exposed,  or  of  surrounding  the  leaf-green-bearing  cells 

Stem  with 

Portion  of  leaves, 

leaf  to  show 
marginal  cells 
different  from 
body  cells. 

Mnium  punctatum. 

Mnium  cuspidatum. 
Stem  with  leaves. 

Alpinum.  Apex 
prolonged  into 
an  awn.  Margin 
serrate-  Surface 
covered  with 
delicate  cells. 

in  a  wall  of  large  colourless  cells.  This  arrange- 
ment accounts  for  the  fact  that  some  mosses,  as 
the  peat-mosses  (Sphagnum,  Plate  XI),  white- 
mosses  (Leucobryum,  Colour  Plate  IV),  and  others 
appear  light  gray  when  dry  and  green  when  wet. 
The  luminous  moss  has  given  up-  the  struggle 
for  a  place  in  the  outer  world 
and  has  retreated  to  caves  where 
but  a  few  rays  of  light  enter.  It 
has  adapted  itself  to  the  semi- 
darkness  by 
devising  a 
method  where- 
by it  can  con- 
verge the  sev- 
eral feeble  rays 
which  fall  upon 
it  so  that  they 
form  one  beam 


Sphagnum  cymbifolium.  Surface  view  of  leaf- 

Bryum  argenteum. 
Leal  with  open  cell  - 



The  ruby-throated  hummingbirds  know  these  lichens  and  so  use  them  in  decorating  their  nests  as  to 
make  it  difficult  to  distinguish  them  from  lichen-covered  knot-holes.     .    . 

Leafy  Mosses 

sufficiently  strong  to  permit  their  leaf-green  to  manufacture  plant 


Among  the  best  subjects  for  a  beginner  are  the 
Hairy-caps,  the  most  common  mosses,  which  every- 
one who  frequents  the  woods  will  find  bordering 
trails  and  wood-roads,  or  covering  the  ground  in 


tcn-wtyxij   UO.J- 

Leucobryum  vulgare.    Cross-section  of  open  leaf. 

Pogonalum  ur- 
nigerum.  Leaf 
open  to  expose 
the  delicate 

almost  all  open  places.  They  are  so  large  that  with 
a  hand-glass  many  of  the  principal  parts  may  be  made 
out  and  will  thus  serve  as  a  foundation  for  a  study  of 
other  mosses. 


The  most  striking  part  of  the  plant  (Gametophyte)  is 
the  fruiting  portion  (sporophyte)  with  its  parts.  The 
spore-case  is  a  thin-walled  cylindrical  box  with 
four  or  six  sharp  edges  running  lengthwise.  The 
spore-case  is  borne  on  a 
flexible  pedicel  (seta),  the 
two  together  resembling  a 
tiny  Turkish  pipe.  In  cer- 
tain stages  of  this  moss  the 
spore-case  is  entirely 

Folytrichutn  ,  ,  .     ' 

juniperinum.    COVered  With  3  COniCal 

Leaf  closed  to  \\a\\\.  -  bro  wn,   hairy 

cover  the  del-  .  .      ,  , 

icate  surface,  veil  fringed  about  the 

o.po/»h«j«i«     : 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

base.  When  this  veil  falls,  the  case  is  tightly  shut  by  a  round 
lid,  resembling  in  some  species  a  tiny  Tam-o-Shanter,  and  in 
others  a  tiny  dunce-cap. 

The  lid  has  a  point  in  the  centre  and  its  edges  fit  closely 
about  the  rim  of  the  spore-case. 

When  the  lid  is  thrown  off,  sixty-four  blunt  teeth  are  seen 
to  border  the  rim  of  the  case.    They  are  bent  inward,  and  bear 

at  their  extremities  a  thin  mem- 
branous disk  (epipkragm)  which 
now  closes  the  case. 

Spore -case 
without     veil 

and     with    a      Spore-case 
short-pointed       with  veil- 
Polytrichum  juniperinum. 

gracile.  Spore- 
case  with 

Polytrichum  piliferum. 
Moss  Gametophyte. 

Polytrichum  commune.  Summit  of 
spore-case  with  sixty-four  teeth 
surrounding  a  membrane. 

Within  the  spore-case  are 
myriads  of  green,  dust-like 
spores,  which,  when  scattered 


Leafy  Mosses 

by  the  wind,  will  grow  into  new  plants, 
if  they  fall  in  favourable  places. 


When  the  weather  is  damp,  although 
the  spores  are  ripe,  the  teeth  of  the  Poly- 
trichum  mosses  hold  the  membranous 
disk  so  that  the  spores  cannot  escape. 
When  the  weather  is  dry  the  teeth  are  so 
modified  as  to  make  a  ring  of  holes  be- 
tween the  teeth  and  the  edge  of  the  disk, 
through  which  the  spores  may  pass. 

There  are  mosses  with  their  teeth  trian- 
gular in  shape.  These  have  the  bases  of  the 
triangles  fastened  at  the  rim  and  the  points 

Tetraplodon  mnioides. 
Spore-case  with  eight 
pairs  of  teeth  turned 

Leucobryum  vulgare.  Portion 
of  single  peristome  showing 
four  teeth  split  half  way  to  the 

.Jh.  emir  a  HE. 


Polytrichum  juni- 
per inum.  An  old 
sporophyte  with 
lid  removed. 

Georgia  pellucida. 
Top  of  spore -case 
with  four  teeth. 

meeting  at  the  centre.    In  some  species  the  teeth  simply  arch  up, 
remaining  fastened  at  the  points,  and  let  the  pores  escape,  while 
in  other  species  they  turn  back  like 
the  ray  flowers  of  a  daisy. 

Some  species  have  at  the  base 
of  the  teeth  a  single  or  double  row 
of  short  bead-like  cells  (annulus) 
which  swell  up  at  the  proper  time 
to  push  off  the  spore-case  lid. 





Funaria  hygrometrica.     Summit  of 
spore -case. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

When  the  spores  of  the  Hairy-cap  are  mature,  the  pedicel 
bends  to  bring  the  spore-case  into  a  horizontal  position,  and  the 
sides  of  the  spore-case  wrinkle  up,  and  by  so  doing  oust  the 


The  spores  which  the  wind  carries  from  the  spore-case  to 
favourable  places  germinate.     The  spore  first  swells  and  sends 
forth  a  delicate  tube  which  divides  into  a  net-work  of  cells 
(protonema).     Some  cells  (rhi^oids)  of  the  pro- 
tonema    contain    leaf-green    (chlorophyll)    and 
extend  over  earth  or  wood  or  stone  as  a  Tine 
green  web.    Upon  this  green  web  little  bud-like 
structures    appear    which   develop    into    leafy 


Widely  branching  protonema.  Spore  germinating. 
w.    Rhizoid  of  the  moss-plant  starting  at  K.  v>.  Rhizoid;    .».  Outside  wall 
h.     A  main  filament  of  protonema  from  which  branch-  of  spore;   v.  Vacuole;    p.  Pro- 
ing  protonema  h  has  grown.  tomena. 

Funaria  hygrometrica 

moss-shoots.     The  leafy  structure  is  the  part  one  ordinarily  sees 
and  knows  as  "moss." 

As  a  rule,  when  the  Hairy-caps  and  other  mosses  are  well 
grown,  the  protonema  disappears.  In  a  few  species,  as  in  the 
Beard  Moss  (Pogonatum  brevicaule),  it  persists,  being  visible  as  a 
soft  green  covering  on  the  ground,  with  small  plants  on  its 
surface  and  conspicuous  spore-cases  erect  upon  the  plants. 


Leafy  Mosses 


Upon  the  leafy  part  which  is  known  as  the  moss-plant  there 
soon  appear  little  organs  which  together  are  to  produce  the 
sporophyte,  spore-case,  pedicel  and  foot. 

Plant   stripped  of 
leaves  to  show  male 
t    and  female  9 
Fertile   branch.       branches. 

Tetraplodon  mnioides. — Monoicous 

in  florescence.  Fvnaria  hygromelrica. — Monoicous  inflorescence. 

One  organ  contains  an  egg-cell  and  is  known  as  the  arche- 
gonium;  the  other  organ  contains  the  fertilising  cells  (sperm- 
cells)  and  is  known  as  the  antheridium. 

The   archegonia  and  antheridia  of  the   Hairy-caps  are  on 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

different  plants   (dioicous,   two    households).      This 
plan  is  common  to  many  species  of  mosses,  while 
other    species     have     the    antheridia 
and  archegonia  on  the    same    plant 
(monoicous,  one  household). 

JftauU.  ctttJtcr  of 

ale  cluster 
of  first  jj 

Terminal  male 
Female  plant.  Male  plant.        flower-cluster. 

Polytrichum. — Dioicous  inflorescence. 

Sperm  cell. 

Antheridium  bursting  and  sending 
forth  sperm  cells.  (See  page  46.) 

Phascum  cuspidatunt. — Paroicous  inflores- 
cence. Vertical  section  through  stem  to 
show  (an)  male  and  (ar)  female  flowers  side 
by  side  on  the  same  plant.  (6)  Leaf 
blades,  (p)  Paraphyses. 

Trematodon  ambiguum.  Examples  of 
autoicous  inflorescence.  Two  male 
clusters  and  one  female  cluster. 


Leafy  Mosses 

The  sperm-cells  which  develop  in  the  antheridia  are  tailed  and 
swim  in  water  to  an  archegonium  which  contains  an  egg-cell. 

The  sperm-cells  pass  down  the  necks  of  the 
archegonia,  unite   with  the  egg-cells,  and  after 

Cut  leaf  Vetx 

Funaria  hygromelrica. 
Moss  stem  cut  vertically 
to  show  (a)  archej?onia 
alone,  (b)  leaf  blades. 

Bryum  binum.    Stem  cut  vertically. 

the  union,  each  egg-cell  be- 
gins to  divide,  forming   new 
cells  until  a  spor- 
ogonium  is  com- 

As  the  spor- 
ogonium,  still 
within  the 
wall,  grows  up- 
ward, the  wall 
of  the  archego- 
nium  is  torn 
away  at  the 
base  and  is 
carried  up  as 
a  veil  on  the 

Summit  of  a  stem 
with  two  perfect 
sporogonia  and  five 
withered  antheri- 
dia. One  sporogo- 
nium  i  s  entirely 
within  the  arche- 
gonium wall,  the 
other  is  raising  the 
archegonium  wall 
as  a  calyptra. 

Phascum  cuspidatunt.  Stem  cut  ver- 
tically to  show ,  (ar )  archegonia  on  one 
branch  and  (on)  antheridia  nearby  on 
another  branch;  (p)  paraphyses  and 
(b)  leaf  blades. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

growing  sporogonium,  thus  the  veil  of  the  spore-case  is  the  old 
archegonium  wall. 

Anomodon  apicu- 
latus.  Leaf  with 
vein  extending  to 
the  apex. 



The  leaves  of  a  Polyirichum  have  many  points  of  interest. 
It  is  a  recognised  law  in  nature  that  the  position  of  the  leaves 
of  a  tree  or  plant  is  such  as  to  admit  the  greatest  amount  of 
light  and  air  possible  to  the  great- 
est number  of  leaves.  Since  it 
is  the  habit  of  these  mosses  to 
grow  perpendicularly  with  little 
or  no  branching  and  to  have  the 
leaves  long  and  slender,  the  leaves 
are  so  placed  on  the  stem  as  to 
form  a  spiral  of  leaves,  every 
eighth  leaf  lying  directly  above 
the  first  one  counted.  If  a  line 
be  started  atone  leaf,  and  wound 
about  the  stem  joining  all  eight 
leaves,  it  will  be  found  that  it 
has  coiled  three  times  about  the 
stem.  The  leaves  joined  form 
"one  story."  If  a  plant  with 
several  stories  of  eight  leaves 
each  has  straight  perpendicular 
lines  drawn  joining  leaves  which 
lie  one  directly  above  another, 
it  will  be  found  that  the  dis- 
tance between  each  line  is  %  of 
the  circumference  of  the  stem. 
The  fraction  which  represents 
distance  will  always  have  for  a  numerator  the 
number  of  spirals  in  a  story  and  will  always  have  for  the  denomi- 
nator the  number  of  leaves  in  a  story.  In  some  Polytrichum 
mosses  every  thirteenth  leaf  is  directly  over  the  first  one  counted, 
so  that  it  would  require  a  spiral  of  five  coils  to  connect  all 
thirteen  and  would  require  the  circumference  to  be  divided  by 
thirteen  perpendicular  lines,  each  line  •£%  of  the  circumference 

Pogonatwm  Alpinum. 
Upper  view  showing 
transparent  base 
and  lamelias  cover- 
ing the  surface  ex- 
cepting along  the 
serrate  margin. 

Ceratodon  purfur- 
eum.  Cross  section 
of  leaf  showing 
blade  one  cell 
thick,  and  vein 
several  cells  thick. 

the   horizontal 


Leafy  Mosses 

from  the  next  line.  If  the  two  fractions  are  reduced  to  the  same 
denominators  ^°T  and  •&$  and  compared,  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
leaves  were  but  little  more  crowded.  The  extra  crowding  is 
compensated  for  by  the  greater  distance  between  two  succeeding 
leaves  in  the  same  line  and  by  the  fact  that  the  leaves  in  the 
second  instance  are  narrower  than  the  first. 


The  devices  for  avoiding  the  extreme  heat  of  the  sun  are  per- 
haps still  more  wonderful  than  those  for  obtaining  a  sufficient 
amount.  It  is  a  fact  that  in  the  leaves  of  the  Hairy-caps  only  the 
upper  surface  of  the  leaves  is  so  constructed  as  to  be  injured  by 
too  dry  heat.  The  cell  walls  of  the  lower  surfaces  are  on  the 
contrary  thick  and  impervious  to  water,  so  that  they  cannot  give 

Bryvm  argenteum.  Leaf 
with  open  cell  -  structure 
and  midvein  extending 
only  part  way  to  the  apex. 

Catharinea  ttndtilata.  Cross 
section  of  leaf  to  show  the  leaf- 
blade  one  cell  thick,  and  the 
lamellae  rising  from  a  thickened 

Dicranwm  flagellate.  Part 
of  leaf  to  show  open  cell- 
structure  of  base.  Solid  vein 
on  the  right  of  cut. 

up  moisture  to  the  air  when  it  is  dry,  a  character  which  insures 
against  loss  by  evaporation,  for  when  the  air  is  dry  the  mosses 
simply  turn  the  awn-pointed  leaves  upwards  with  the  points  and 
the  impervious  under-surfaces  to  the  sun  and  the  delicate  cells 
toward  the  stem. 


The  structure  of  the  leafy-mosses  is  mostly  very  simple.  The 
leaves  are  generally  but  one  cell  thick  from  surface  to  surface, 
except  along  a  line  from  apex  to  base  where  they  form  a 
mid-vein  (costa). 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  leaves  have  no  epidermis'  and  no  breathing  pores  as  do 
the  leaves  of  higher  plants. 


The  leaves  of  a  Polytrichum  represent  about  the  highest  stage 
in  the  development  of  mosses.  The  mid-vein  is  broad,  and  only 
at  the  extreme  margins  is  the  leaf-blade  one-layered. 

The  central  tissue  of  the  mid-ribs  of  the  leaves 
continue  so  as  to  unite  with  the  central  axis  of 
the  stem  in  a  manner  quite  analogous  to  that  found 
in  stems  of  higher  plants.  A  cross  section  of  a 
leaf  shows  that  the  marginal  cells  and  a 
line  of  cells  running  through  the  central 
part  are  comparatively  thin- walled  and  are 

Pogonatum  Al- 
pinum.  Upper  face 
of  leaf  to  show  deli- 
cate lamellae. 

Catharinea  angustata.  Cross 
section  of  leaf  to  show  the  thin 
blade  and  two  lamellae  rising 
from  the  vein. 

Catharinea  undulata.  Upper 
surface  of  the  apex  of  a  leaf 
showing  lamellae  with  thin 
leaf-blade  on  either  side. 

empty  water-conducting  cells  similar  to  the  wood-ducts 
(tracheae)  of  a  fibro-vascular  bundle  in  a  higher  plant.  The  next 
layer  is  composed  of  similar  but  smaller  cells  containing  starch. 
The  rest  are  thick-walled  cells  (sclerenchyma) .  The  outer  cells 
contain  more  or  less  leaf-green  (chlorophyll).  When  breathing 
pores  occur  they  are  on  the  spore-case  walls. 

The  cells  of  the  upper  surfaces,  have  their  walls  exceedingly 
delicate,  so  that  they  can  absorb  gases  and  permit  gases  or  water 
to  leave  them.  The  thin  blades  (lamella)  are  undoubtedly  the 


Leafy  Mosses 

result  of  an  effort  on  the  part  of  the  plant  to  increase  to  the  high- 
est degree  its  absorbing  surface  without  widening  the  leaf-blade 
itself.  By  directing  the  growth  of  the  delicate  cells  upward  in 
thin  blades,  this  end  is  accomplished. 

Polytrichum.    Cross  section  of  a  portion  of  a  leaf  to  show:    Co)  lamellae,  (s)  sclerenchyma. 
Thickened  cells  of  vein.     The  leaf -blade  one  cell  thick  shows  on  the  left. 

Polytrichum  slrtctum.     Cross  section  of  leaf  through  the  mid  vein  to  show  bead-like  lamell» 
on  the  upper  surface  and  thick-walled  cells  on  the  under-surface. 


The  stems  of  most  mosses  are  simple  in  structure,  they  have 
no  vascular  bundles  for  strengthening  the  stem  and  for  the  pur- 
pose of  carrying  liquids  from  one  part  to  another.  The  cells  of 
one  part  differ  but  little  from  the  cells  of  another  part ;  those  on 
the  exterior  may  have  thicker  walls  so  as  to  form  a  firmer  rind- 
layer,  and  those  of  the  interior  may  be  elongated  and  serve  for 
the  storage  and  transmission  of  albumen  and  hydrocarbons. 

The  stem  of  the  Hairy-cap  is  perhaps  the  most  highly  devel- 
oped of  all  moss  stems. 

A  cross  section  shows  a  central  portion  of  thick- walled  cells 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

with  here  and  there  cells  whose  walls  have  remained  thin  and 
yellowish.  Immediately  without  the  central  portion  is  a 
zone  of  several  layers  of  thin-walled  narrow  cells,  bounded 

_,.        .          .     ,     ..  Mnium    undulatum.       Cross 

Macomnium  faluitre.    Cross        Chmacium    dendrotdes       ^.^  Q{   stem  ^  ^^  ^ 

•ection  of  central  part  of  stem.     Cross  f  >f  central      structure  without  fibro-vascu- 

part  of  stem. 

lar  bundles. 

on  the  outside    by  from    one    to   three   layers   of  cells   with 
thin,  mostly  dark-brown,   walls.      These   as  well  as  the  cells 

lying  immediately  within  are  char- 
acterised by  the  starch  contained  in 
them  as  are  the  narrow  cells  of  the 

The   "roots"  are  very  simple  in 
structure,  being  either  hair-like  tubes 
or  simply  chains   of  cells.      To   dis- 
tinguish them  from  the  roots  of  higher 
commune.  plants  they  are  called  rhizoids. 

Cross  section  of  stem. 


Antheridia,  or  the  male  organs  of  the  Bryophytes,  are  spheri- 
cal, oval,  or  club-shaped  bodies,  with  long  or  short  stalks.  They 
consist  of  an  outer  wall  of  a  uniform  layer  of  cells,  and  an  interior 
tissue  formed  of  numerous  small  cells,  in  each  one  of  which  a 
sperm-cell  has  its  origin.  (See  diagram  on  page  40). 

The  sperm-cell  is  a  spirally  coiled  filament,  thickened  at  the 
rear  and  pointed  at  the  forward  end  with  two  long  fine  cilia 
projecting  from  the  point. 

When  mature,  the  antheridia  walls  rupture,  and  the  sperm- 
cells,  in  virtue  of  their  coils,  spring  from  the  antheridia  and  by 
means  of  their  cilia  swim  in  water  to  the  archegonia. 


Leafy  Mosses 


An  archegonium  is  produced  by  a  multiplication  of  cells  which 
form   a  flask-shaped  body.     The  lower  or  swollen  part  of  the 

flask  contains  an 
egg-cell  (ovum) 
and  the  upper 
portion  is  drawn 
out  to  form  the 

IMUa^yein    neck  which  in 

-711  the  early  stages 
is  filled  with  a 
layer  of  cells. 
Later  the  chain  of 
cells  becomes 
a  mucilaginous 
jelly,  w  h 
swelling  with 
water,  bursts 
neck,  and  lying 
on  the  summit 
arrests  the  sperm 
cells  which  pass 

that  way  in  the  water,  and  directs  their  course  down  the  neck 
of  the  flask  to  the  egg-cell  (ovum)  with  which  they  are  to  blend. 


ivrc  h,  e  o  o  n  lu>n 

Cut  leaf 


Bryunt  binum.    Vertical  section  of  stem. 


___..£  m  b  T  4  o  OV, 

Sections  of  archegonia,  Sphagnum  cuspidatum. 


Mosset  and  Lichens 

The  archegonia  and  antheridia  are  developed  among  the 
leaves  of  the  moss-plant.  As  has  been  stated  before,  they  may 
be  on  separate  plants  (dioicous,  of  two  households),  or  they  may 


Climaciunt  dendroidet.    Sporogo- 
nium.      (a)    Spore-case   with    lid. 

(b)  Columella    attached   to   lid. 

(c)  Spore-case  with  lid  lifted  to 
show  teeth,     (d)    Spore-case  with 
veil.    (See  page  49.) 

Fun  aria  hygrometrica. 
Autoicous  inflorescence. 

both  be  separated  on  different  parts  of  one  plant  (autoicous),  or 
side  by  side  on  the  same  plant  (paroicous)  or  on  the  same  part 
of  the  same  plant  (synoicous) — Monoicous — one  household — is  a 
general  term  including  the  last  three  forms. 


Leafy  Mosses 



After  the  union  of  the  sperm-cell  of  the  antheridia,  with  the 
egg-cell  of  the  archegonium,  a  division  of  the  egg-cell  takes  place, 

Vertical  section  through  male  flower-cluster,  (a)  Young  Vertical    section    through 

•ntheridium.    (6)   Mature  antheridium.    (c)  Paraphysis.        female  flower-cluster,  (a)  Ar- 

(d)  Leaf -vein,    (e)  Leaf -blade.  chegonium.   (6)  Leaf-blade.  " 

Funaria  hygrometrica. — Dioicous  inflorescence.    (See  page  48). 

which  brings  about  a  multiplication  of  cells,  the  ultimate  result  of 
which  is  a  mass  of  tissue  called  a  sporogonium,  which  is  the 

Sphterangtum  muticum.  Sporogonium 
•with  wall  partly  removed  to  show  colum- 
ella  with  spores  attached. 

Funaria  kygrometrica.  Summit  of  spore* 
gonium  to  show  the  annulus  rolling  back 
from  the  teeth. 

fruit  of  the  moss  made  up  of  the  lid,  spore-case,  teeth,  annulus, 
spores,  and  columella.     (See  diagrams  on  pages  48  and  53.) 


Mosses  and  Lichens 


The  calyptra  or  veil  is  the  dry  remains  of  the  outer  wall  of 
the  archegonium  in  which  first  the  egg-cell  and  then 
the  embryo  moss-plant  were  developed,  for  as  the  em- 
bryo within  enlarges,  the  wall  of  the  archegonium  sooner 

Funaria  hygrometrica, 
Young  sporogonium  still 
covered  with  its  veil. 

Encalypta  ciliata.  Old 
sporogonium  with  fringed 
and  transparent  veil. 

Two  developing  sporogonia 
with  five  shrivelled  arche- 
gonia  at  their  base.  The 
figure  on  the  left  shows  the 
archegonium  wall  severed 
from  its  base  thus  disclosing 
the  pedicel  of  the  spore-case 

Pogonatum  brachy- 
pkyllum.  Spore-case 
with  hairy  veil. 

or  later  ruptures  near  the  base, 
and  is  carried  up  by  the  grow- 
ing spore-case.  This  severed 
archegonium  wall  may  be  thin 
and  smooth  and  often  split  up 
one  side,  or  it  may  be  as  in  the 
Hairy-caps  rough  with  hairs, 
caused  by  the  stretching  and 
ultimate  rupturing  of  the  fibres 
which  composed  the  tissue  of 
the  walls. 

repandum.  Spore- 
case  with  conical 

Leafy  Mosses 


In  the  early  stages  of  a  developing  spore-case  the  cells  may 
be  distinguished  as  forming  two  groups,  first  an  outer  wall  con- 
sisting of  a  number  of  layers  of  cells  and  second  an  inner  mass 
of  cells;  the  outer  wall  is  separated  from  the  inner  mass  by  a 

Veil  split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case  borne  on    a   short 
pedicel,  lid  wanting. 

Astomum  Sullwantii.      (See  page  50). 

Spore-case  with  veil. 

space  filled  with  air.  The  centre  portion  of  the  inner  mass  will 
become  the  columella  and  the  enclosing  stratum  of  cells  (arche- 
sporium — beginning  of  spores),  will  be  the  "mother-cells"  of 
the  spores.  Just  outside  the  mother-cells  between  them  and  the 
air-space  will  be  a  layer  of  cells  (the  endothecium). 

UJ  ... 
.tu.rt  tilth. 

2Tbn  t  of  ttUt 
IfutUTt  anx 

i»VieH  will** 
Co»vt  (listen 
13.  loVth  tvatt*  f-r  ic  tkt. 
Cdlt    al>ov  t  to 
form   *UL. 

Funaria  hygrometrica.  Portion  of 
a  vertical  section  through  a  young 

Sphagnum  acutifolium.  Ehrh.  Vertical 
section  through  an  early  stage  of  a 


The  upper  part  of  the  spore-case  is  in  the  leaf-bearing  mosses 
usually  thrown  off  as  a  lid  (operculum).  In  order  that  the  upper 
portion  of  the  spore-case  may  be  separated  from  the  lower,  either 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

one  of  two  things  happens :  The  walls  of  a  zone  of  cells  of  the 
spore-case  wall,  in  the  exterior  layer,  separates  from  the  adjoining 
walls  when  the  spore-case  is  mature,  or  a  zone  of  cells  consisting 
of  one  or  more  rows  has  the  cell-walls  modified  so  that  when 
they  are  distended  by  absorbed  moisture,  the  zone  of  cells  is  dis- 
placed as  a  ring  or  annulus  and  so  frees  the  outer  layer  of  cells 
in  the  upper  part  of  the  spore-case  to  form  a  lid. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

Mnium  af/ 


Spore-case  without  lid, 

Polytrichwn  commune. 


with  lid. 


without  lid. 

Bryum  argenteum. 


Trtmalodon  ambiguum.   Vertical  section  of 
a  single  peristome.      (See  page  53). 


Ulota  crispa .    Double  row  of  teeth. 
(See  page  53). 

Spore-case  with  lid.  Spore-case  without  lid, 
Polytrickum  sexangvlare. 

Leafy  Mosses 


When  the  lid  falls,  as  a  rule,  one  or  two  rows  of  teeth  are 
discovered.  They  are  the  remains  of  the  cell-walls  lying  just 
within  the  layer  which  separated  as  a  lid.  (See  diagrams  on 
page  52.) 

If  the  outer  walls  of  this  layer  of  cells  become  thickened  and 
split  from  the  summit  downward,  but  one  row  of  teeth  will  be 
formed;  if  the  inner  walls  as  well,  become  thickened,  and  only 


tcal  I  eaves. 

Sphagnum  acuttfolium.  Ehrh.    Vertical  section  from  &  young  sporogonium, 
(See  page  49). 

Funaria  hygrometrica. 


Fissidens  adianioides. 
Old  spore-case. 


Tetraplodon  mnioidtt, 
Tip  of  spore-case. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

the  side  walls  break  down,  then  an  inner  row  of  teeth  or  cilia 
will  be  formed.  All  the  varied  forms  of  teeth  are  determined  by 
the  portions  of  the  cell-walls  which  remain. 

Upper  part  of 
epore-case  with 
four  teeth. 

Cross-section  of  the  four  teeth 
to  show  their  solid  nature. 

Georgia  pellucida. 

Tayloria  splachnoidts.  Colum- 
ella  attached  to  the  base  of  the 

In  the  genus  Georgia,  after  the  outer  layer  of  the  upper  part 
of  the  spore-case  has  fallen  away  as  a  lid,  the  whole  inner  layer 
splits  into  four  triangular  valves  which  form  the  teeth. 

Portion  of    peristome  to  show 
Summit  of  Spore-case        Spore-case  a  singie  row  of    teeth, 

spore-case.  without  lid.         with  lid. 

Tetraplodon  mnioides.   To  show  a  single  row  of  teeth  in  pairs. 

In  Fontinalis  antipyreiica  the  inner  peristome  forms  a  lattice 
work  due  to  the  breaking  down  of  the  inner  cell-wall  faces  and 
the  retention  of  the  side  walls. 

The  columella  of  many  mosses  shrivels  up  and  disappears 


Leafy  Mosses 

when  the  spores  are  ripe;  in  some  cases  it  remains  attached  to 
the  base  of  the  spore-case  when  the  lid  falls;  in  some  cases  it  is 
severed  from  the  base  and  remains  attached  to  the  lid. 

Spore-case     with        Spore-case   with 
columella  attached    short    pedicel  and 
to  the   base   and    conical  veil, 

Sph&rangiitm  muticum. 


with  lid. 

Snore-case  Climacium  dendroidet. 

......  (a)  Spore-case  with  lid 

with    shnv-        Lid  with  colum-  hfted   to   show    teeth, 

elled  lid.                ella  attached.  (b)  Columella  attached 

Gymnostomitm  curvvostrum.  to  the  lid. 

In  Polytrichum  mosses  it  remains  standing  in  the  spore-case 
and  retains  at  its  summit  a  plate  of  cells  (epiphragm)  in  the  form 
of  a  thin  membrane  to  the  rim  of  which  are  attached  the  tips  of 
the  teeth. 



Thuidium  minuiulum. 
Vertical  section  o  f 
double  peristome. 

The  structure 
entirely  different 
posed  of  bundles 
form.  The  ends 

Splachnum  rubrum. 
Columella  attached  to 
the  base  of  the  spore- 
case  ;  teeth  turned 

Pogonatum  brevicavle.  Up- 
per part  of  spore-case  with 
thirty-two  teeth  surround- 
"ing  the  epiphragm. 

of  the  peristome  in  the  Polytrichum  mosses  is 
from  that  of  other  mosses.     The  teeth  are  com- 
of thickened  fibrous  cells  arranged  in  crescent 
of  the  crescent  point  upward  and  are  united 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

with  the  adjacent  ends  of  the  bundle  next  to  it.  On  the  inner 
face  of  each  tooth  is  a  growth  of  cells  extending  inward  as  a  thin 
blade;  the  tip  of  each  tooth  is  connected  with  a  thin,  papery 
membrane  which  covers  the  opening  of  the  spore-case.  From 
the  under  surface  of  this  membrane,  processes  like  little  curtains 

with  lid. 

Spore-case  with 
lid  removed  to  show 

Polytrichum  commune. 

Fontinalis  antipyretics.  Sum- 
mit of  spore-case  with  inner 
teeth  forming  a  cone;  outer 
teeth  curled  in. 

Three  teeth  showing  bundles 
of  fibres. 

hang  down  and  in  the  young  stages  of  the  spore-case  reach  the 
basal  membranes,  so  that  the  case  is  completely  closed.      Later, 
when  the  spores  are  mature,  the  "curtains"  shrink  away  from  the 
basal   membranes  and   leave   little 
holes  between  the  teeth  for  the  exit 
of  the  spores. 

In  the  species  of  Catharinea  the  epi- 
phragm is  not  attached  to  the  apices 
of  the  teeth,  but  hangs  from  them 
by  processes  which  at  first  exactly 
line  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  upper 
parts  of  the  teeth.  As  the  spores 
within  the  spore-case  mature  they 
exert  a  pressure  upon  the  under 
surface  of  the  epiphragm  which 
causes  it  to  rise  and  at  the  same 
time  to  peel  upward  the  lining  of 
each  tooth.  As  the  linings  of  the 
teeth  are  torn  away,  they  curve 
upward  and  inward  until  they  lie 
against  the  under  surface  of  the 
epiphragm,  which  then  appears  to 
rest  upon  the  tips  of  the  teeth.  ^^SKSSSSJ" 
When  in  this  position,  the  tiny  Potytrichum  commw*. 

Leafy  Mosses 

spaces  between  the  teeth  open  into  the  spore-case  and  through 
them  spores  may  escape. 


The  seta  has  undoubtedly  been  developed  for  the  purpose  of 
raising  the  spore-case  to  a  height  where  the  spores  may  be  most 
advantageously  scattered.  In  many  mosses  the  seta  becomes 



Catharine  a  undulata. 
Summit    o  f    spore-cast 
with    thirty-two    teetj. 
attached  to    the    epi 

Buxbaumia    aphylla. 

Ulota  crispa. 

Fuaariahygrontetrica.  Cross-section 
of  seta. 

abruptly  larger  just  below  th» 
spore-case  to  form  an  apophysis. 
This  may  be  long  and  cylindrical, 
or  of  many  other  forms.  In  the 
Polytrichum  mosses  it  is  a  more 
or  less  flattened  disk. 

The  seta  is  surrounded  at  the 
base  by  a  sheath  which  is  the 
vaginule  and  may  be  the  remains 
of  the  base  of  the  archegonium. 

The  pedicels  (setce)  have  vari- 
ous methods  of  twisting  or  turn- 
ing while  growing  so  as  to  bring 
the  developing  spore-case  into 
positions  most  favourable  with 
reference  to  light  and  moisture. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Lfucobryitm  vulgare. 
(a)  Young  plant.  (6)  Terminal 
leaves  with  root-hairs,  each 
capable  of  growing  into  a  new 

Bryum  erythrocarpum.  Gemmae 
in  the  axis  formed  by  leaf  and 

Georgia  pellucida.     Vertical  section  of 
gemmae  cluster. 

Ulola  phyllantha. 
Portion  of  a  leaf 
with  gemmae  on  the 

Gemmse  cluster 

Aulacomnium  andiagynum. 



Copyright,  1907,  uy  DouLiieday,  Page  &  Company 

Where  lichens  mock  the  marks  of  a  moth     .     .     .     Elf-needled  mat  of  moss  " 


a.  PedU«t. 

Splachnutn  rubrwn. 

Splachnum  luteum. 


The  ultimate  aim  of  the  plant  in  developing  all  these  complex 
parts  is  to  produce  tiny  dust-like  spores  which  are  found  in  a 
ripened  spore-case,  to  insure  their  safe  keeping  until  all  conditions 
are  favourable  for  their  dispersal,  and  then  to  disperse  them  in 
the  most  effectual  way.  Why  it  has  been 
favourable  for  the  perpetuation  of  the  mosses 
to  evolve  these  complicated  methods,  is  a 
marvel  and  past  the  mind  of  man  to  reveal, 
for  the  plants  have  other  and  simpler  methods 
of  reproducing  their  kind  which  are,  as  far  as 
man  can  see,  just  as  effectual  as  the  com- 
plicated method. 

Almost  any   part   of   the    moss    plant   is 
able  to  develop  protonema   cells  from  which  new  plants  may 

Every  one  of  the  hair-like  roots  (rhi%pids)  from  any  part  of 
the  plant  has  the  power  of  developing  protonema. 

The  protonema  of  Phascum  and   Ephemerum  lives  on  from 
year  to  year,  reproducing  new  plants  which  live  but  one  year. 

In  the  species  Barbula,  little  cellular  bodies  covered  with  a  dark 


Phascum.  cuspidatum. 
Spore-case  with  veil 
and  short  pedicel. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

membrane  and  with  their  cells  filled  with  food  material  appear  in 
abundance  on  the  protonema.  Each  one  of  these  is  capable  of 
growing  directly  into  a  moss-plant  or  of  producing  protonema 
upon  which  moss-plants  may  grow. 

Portions  of  a  growing  sporogonium,  or  of  leaves,  or  of  stems, 
may  produce  protonema. 

Special  buds  or  gemmae  are  also  formed  on  many  species. 
Georgia  pellucidd  produces  cellular  bodies  with  stalks  in  clusters 
at  the  extremities  of  special  stems,  the  clusters  surrounded  with 
a  rosette  of  leaves.  That  all  gemmae  are  modified  leaves  is  an 
accepted  theory. 

Plant   with 

two  gemmae        Gemmse  cluster 
clusters.  enlarged. 

Georgia  pellucida. 

Barbula  unguicu- 
lata.  Sporophyte 
with  twisted  seta. 

Tetraplodon  mnioides.  Plant 
with  slender  pedicel  and  apo- 
physis  larger  than  the  spore- 




"  Quorsum,  inquient  multi,  tantum  laboris  in  rebus  adeo  tenuibus 
insumtum  ? — cui  bono  haec  omnia  ?  Primo  ;  ut  cognoscamus  sapientiam 
creatoris,  quas  in  minimis  non  minus  elucet,  quam  in  magnis  plantis." 

Dillenius  in  prczfatione  ad  Hist.  Muse. 

"  Wherefore,  many  ask,  is  so  much  labour  spent  on  such  small  things? 
— for  what  good  are  all  these  things  ?  Primarily ;  that  we  may  know  the 
wisdom  of  the  Creator,  which  shows  itself  not  less  in  the  smallest  plants 
than  in  the  great  ones. 

Dillenius,  in  the  preface  to  The  History  of  Mosses. 

"  If  by  the  microscopic  glass 
Survey 'd,  you'll  see  how  far  surpass 
The  works  of  nature,  in  design, 
And  texture  delicately  fine, 
And  perfectness  of  every  part, 
Each  effort  of  mimetic  art ; 
And  as  the  gardener's  watchful  care, 
The  ground,  of  native  clothing  bare, 
Indues  with  vegetable  soil ; 
And  with  the  waste's  collected  spoil 
The  tender  plants  exposed  defends  ; 
So  the  Great  Gardener,  mindful,  sends 
The  mossy  tribes  wherewith  to  shun 
The  pinching  frost,  the  scorching  sun." 

AFTER  one  has  become  familiar  with  the  conspicuous  parts  of 
a  thalloid  and  leafy  hepatic,  and  a  leafy  moss,  it  is  interesting  to 
study  the  homologies  or  origin  of  the  parts,  and  to  determine  the 
position  of  the  plants  in  the  plant  kingdom. 

To  quote  Dr.  L.  M.  Underwood  :  * 

"The  group  known  since  the  time  of  Adanson  as  the 
Hepaticce  stands  in  a  unique  position  on  the  boundary  line  of 

*L.  M.  Underwood,  Bot.  Gazette  Vol.  xix,  1894,  p.  347. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

thallose  plants,  and  its  position  is  not  only  intermediate  from  a 
structural  standpoint,  but  in  its  relation  to  the  evolution  of  the 
higher  plants  it  stands  as  a  key  or  link  between  the  lower  or 
simpler,  and  the  higher  or  more  complex. 

"The  hepatics  possess  almost  no  utilitarian  aspect.  Beyond 
the  doubtful  use  of  one  or  two  for  medicine,  and  the  occasional 
occurrence  of  one  or  more  tropical  species  as  weeds,  they  are,  so 
far  as  the  physical  condition  of  the  human  race  is  concerned,  an 
entirely  useless  group  of  plants  .  .  .  and  yet  from  the  higher 
standpoint  of  genetic  relationship,  there  is  probably  no  single 
group  of  plants  that  occupies  such  a  unique  position  in  the  plant 
world.  What  the  group  'Vermes'  is  to  the  animal  kingdom, 
the  Hepaticce  are  to  plants,  with  this  difference,  that  we  have  here 
a  much  less  complicated  group  of  organisms  with  which  to  deal." 


To  understand  the  relation  of  this  plant  group  it  is  necessary 
to  have  some  knowledge  of  the  microscopic  structure  of  a 
developing  moss  plant,  both  liverwort  and  leafy-moss,  and  a 
knowledge  of  plants  less  and  more  complicated  in  structure  than 
the  mosses.  This  knowledge  can  to  a  certain  degree  be  acquired 
by  a  study  of  somewhat  diagrammatic  drawings  of  magnified 
sections  of  algae,  mosses  and  ferns.  If  after  this  preliminary 
knowledge  has  been  acquired,  an  opportunity  occurs  to  see  the 
sections  themselves  under  a  compound  microscope,  the  interest 
will  be  intensified. 


As  was  stated,  a  germinating  moss  or  hepatic  spore  results 
in  a  single  cell  or  a  group  of  cells  (protonema.}  A  part  of  the  cells 


Sphagnum  cymbifolium.    First  or  sexual  generation. 

of  the  more  elaborate  protonema  are  without  leaf-green  (chloro- 
phyll) and  seek  the  darkness  afforded  by  the  structure  of  the 


The  Position  of  Hepatics  and  Mosses 

substratum  in  which  they  serve  to  anchor  the  protonema,  while 
they  assist  in  procuring  food-materials.    Another  part  of  the 

Point  wntrt  plant  will  orcur. 

Sphagnum  cymbifoliwm.  Protonema. 
The  protonema  resembles  a  leaf-like  thallophyte. 

protonema  remains  above  ground, 
each  cell  containing  leaf-green  and 
in  the  light  doing  its  work  of  con- 
verting mineral  matter,  gases,  and 
liquids  into  plant  foods. 

Upon  this  protonema  appear 
plants  which  are  to  produce  male 
and  female  organisms. 

These  plants,  together  with  the 
protonema  are  known  as  the  first 
or  sexual  generation  in  the  life- 
history  of  mosses  and  hepatics,  in 
distinction  from  the  spore-cases 
which,  in  connection  with  their 
pedicels  and  "foot"  constitute  the 
second  generation. 

The  protonema  resembles  some 
of  the  Thallophytes,  examples  of  Branch  stripped  of 

...  ,  .  .  -  leaves  to  show  S  male 

which  are  bacteria,  algae,  and  fungi,  ^d  ?  feraale  clusters. 
The   Thallophytes    are   so    called  Tttrapiodo* 



Mosses  and  Lichens 

because  their  vegetative  body  is  a  "thallus,"  that  is  to  say,  is 
not  divided  into  stem  and  leaf,  like  that  of  higher  plants,  but 
grows  in  water  or  over  a  substratum  in  the  form  of  single  cells, 

(b)    Protonema  branching  from  (h)  a  primary 

filament  of  protonema. 

(*)     A  bud  from  which  a  new  plan  t  will  grow, 
(if)    ARhizoid. 

Funaria  hygrometrica. 

Germinating  spore 
(i)    Spore  wall. 
(w)  Rhizoid. 

(v)    Vacuole  in  protonema 

chains  of  cells,  or  ribbon-like  patterns  of  varying  designs.  The 
Bryophytes  or  moss-plants  agree  in  many  of  their  stages  of 
development  with  the  Thallophytes.  Many  of  the  liverworts 
(Hepaticce),o\\e  division  of  the  Bryophytes,  have  never  developed 

Under  side  showing  stipules. 

Upper  side. 

Ptttidivm  ciliart.    A  leafy-hepatic.    The  magnified  stipule  shows 
the  simple  cell-structure. 

further  in  form  than  the  ribbon-stage  or  thallus,  while  others 
show  transitional  stages  from  this  ribbon-like  form  to  a  leafy 
stem  such  as  all  leafy-mosses  possess. 


The  Position  of  Hepatics  and  Mosses 


Porella  plalyphylla.  The 
leaf  and  stipule  show 
the  simple  cell  structure; 

Asexual  generation. 

Asexual  generation  on  the 
sexual  generation. 

Viola  crispa. 

A  bit  of  the  lichen 
Cladonia  furcala,showing 
an  alga  of  one  cell  (Pro- 
tococcus  )  1  i  ving  with  a  fun- 
gus consisting  of  chains 
of  cells. 




A  germinating 
spore  produces  an 
insignificant  proto- 

A  germinating 
spore  produces  a 
well-defined  proto- 

A  germinating 
spore  produces  a 
plate  of  cells  (pro- 

Protonema  pro- 
duces ordinarily,  an 
hepatic  plant  (ga- 

Protonema  pro- 
duces a  moss  plant 

Gamelophyte  bears 
antheridia  and  arche- 

Gametophyte  bears 
antheridia  and  arche- 

Prothallium  bears 
antheridia  and  arche- 



gonia.  Therefore, 
prothallium  is  game- 

All  ferns  develop  from  spores,  the  spores  germinate  to  form — 
generally  a  flat  plate  of  cells  (prothallium}  large  enough  to  be 
seen  well  with  the  naked  eye.  The  prothallia  are  heart-shaped 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

and  green.  They  are  common  around  the  bases  of  ferns  in  the 
woods  and  may  be  found  in  green-houses  where  ferns  are  propa- 
gated. The  prothalJium  is  the  sexual  or  first  generation  in  the 

life-history  of  a  fern,  for  on  it 
are  produced  the  antheridia 
and  archegonia  necessary  for 
the  production  of  the  embryo 
which  shall  grow  into  a  fern 

It  is  not  an  easy  matter  to 
keep  clearly  in  mind  the  rela- 
tion of  the  fern  parts  and  the 
leafy-moss  parts.  It  will  help 
to  do  this,  if  one  remember 

The  alga  scytonema  growing  with  a  fungus  that  the  Criterion  by  which 
to  form  the  lichen  Stereocaulon  ramulosum.  ^  decision  k  to  he  madf  U 
Both  alga  and  fungus  consist  of  chains  lfle  aecisic 

of  cells  and  belong  to  the  group  of  Thaiio-     one  of  origin  of  parts  rather 

than  of  function  and  appear- 
ance.   A  glance  at  the  parallel  columns  will  show  that  if  one 

.2rotKa.lliu.wx  cell. 

A  vertical  section  of  an 
•fche ;;oa:u»a  >r  female  organ 
t  a  torn* 

Hepatics  with  leafy  stems. 

The  leaves  have  no  veins  and  are  but  on*  cell  thick. 


The  Position  of  Hepatics  and  Mosses 

employ  the  origin  and  position  of  antheridia  and  archegonia  as  a 
criterion,  then  the  vegetative  part  of  hepatic  plants  and  moss 
plants  is  an  homologous  stage  with  a  fern  prothallium. 


The  sexual  or  first  generation. 
Under  side  of  a  mature  fern-pro- 
thallium  on  which  are  borne  an- 
theridia— male  organs,  and  arche- 
gonia— female  organs. 

A  young  fern  prothallium. 

Again,  if  one  employ  as  a  criterion  that  which  originates 
from  a  fertilised  archegonium,  then  the  spore-case,  foot,  and 
pedicel  (sporophyte)  of  an  hepatic  and  moss  are  homologous 


Sperm  cells  coiled  in  little 
vesicles  in  an  antheridium. 

..Sperm- tell. 

Sperm-cells  escaping  from  an  antheridium. 
Vertical  sections  of  Antheridia. 

with  the  spore-cases,  fronds,  stems,  and  roots  of  a  "fern-plant" 
(sporophyte).  The  sporophyte  is  known  as  the  asexual  gen- 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Fern  sporophyte.    The  asexual  generation. 

Moss  gametophyte  —  Sexual  generation  supporting 
a  sporophyte. 

Moss  sporophyte. 
The  asexual  generation. 

Torn  Rametophyte — The  sexual  generation 
supporting  a  sporophyte. 


Hepatic  gametophyte 
supporting  a  sporo* 


The  Position  of  Hepatics  and  Mosses 




Archegonia   pro- 

Archegonia pro- 

Archegonia pro- 

duce foot,  and  pedi- 

duce foot,  and  pedi- 

duce fern-  "plants," 

cel,  and  spore-cases 

cel,  and  spore-cases 

—  roots,  stems, 

containing  spores 

containing  spores 

fronds,    and   spore- 



cases    containing 

spores  (sporophyte). 


One  pinnule  from  a  leaf  of 

Fern-prothallium — (sexual  generation)  with 
young  sporophyte  (asexual  generation), 

In  comparing  hepat- 
ics,  mosses,  and  ferns 
with  a  view  to  deter- 
mining their  relative 
positions  in  the  plant 
kingdom  one  must  be 
careful  to  compare 
homologous  parts,  gam- 
etophyte  with  gameto- 
phyte,  sporophyte  with 

A  study  of  the  asexual  generation,  the  sporophyte,  (spore- 
case,  foot,  and  pedicel)  of  leafy-mosses,  will  show  that  they 
have  suggestions  of  the  more  complex  structure  found  in  the 
asexual  stage,  (sporophyte),  of  the  pteridophytes,  a  group 
including  ferns  (filices),  horse-tails  (equisetums),  and  Christmas- 
greens  (lycopodiums),  which  possess  tissue  composed  of  tubular 
cells  (vascular  bundles),  set  apart  for  the  purpose  of  strengthening 
the  plant  and  of  carrying  liquids  from  one  part  to  another.  The 
Pteridophytes  have  also  true  roots  or  underground  organs  with 
a  vascular  tissue. 



Complete  sporophyte — Asplenium  Ruta-muraria. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Equisetum  arvense.  Nat. 
size  Vernal  spore-bearing 
shoot  with  whorls  of  scale- 
like  leaves.  Asexual  gen- 

Eguisetnm  arvense.  Natural  size  Summer  sterile 
shoot  with  whorls  of  branches  bearing  scale-like 

Single  spore- 
bearing  scale, 
from  3. 

Spore  with  ela- 
ters  coiled. 

Spore  with  elaters 


.  i,  ; 

,  v . t^^^^fn 


Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Page  &  Conipanj 


A  huge  boulder  showing  all  stages  in  Nature's  preparations  for  plant  growth.  The  lower  sides  are  now 
covered  with  lichens  alone,  while  the  parts  above  are  covered  with  leafy-mosses  which  made  their  start  in  lichen 
debris.  Ferns  nestle  in  the  mosses  and  a  spruce  tree  sits  astride  the  rock  .  .  . 

The  Position  of  Hepatics  and  Mosses 

The    hepatics  and  mosses  are  therefore    classified    between 
the  lowest  group  of  plant  life  (Thallophytes),   bacteria,  algae, 

fungi,   etc.,   without  stem, 

(Sport-Case     leaves' h  and    roots     and   the 
m  i  mir.  man  spore-bearing    plants    which 

Vttl    I  ]  H  ft/  have    well-developed    stems, 

leaves  and  roots,  such  as  ferns, 
horse-tails,  and  lycopodiums, 

The  genus  Riccia  has  no 
foot  and  no  pedicel,  simply  a 
spore  case. 



Hepatic  sporophyte.  The  asexual  generation. 

Fvnaria  hygrometrica.  A  cross-section 
from  the  pedicel  of  the  sporophyte.  The 
cells  through  the  centre  of  the  pedicel  are 
modified  to  form  rudimentary  fibro-vascular 
bundles,  which  one  may  interpret  as  fore- 
shadowing the  true  fibro-vascular  bundles 
found  in  the  sporophyte  of  ferns,  etc. 

Equisetum  sylvaticum  with  fertile 
cone  and  whorls  of  branches. 

Male  prothallium   of   a  horse-tail   with 
antheridia.    Sexual  generation. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Pores  (stomata)  for  the  inlet  and  outlet  of  gases  which  serve 
for  food  and  respiration  are  found  on  certain  parts  of  the 
sporophyte  of  leafy  mosses  and  not  on  the  gametophyte  ;  they 
are  found  on  the  sporophyte  of  ferns  and  not  on  the  gametophyte 
(prothallium).  They  are  on  the  gametophyte  and  not  on  the 
sporophyte  of  hepatics,  (except  in  the  Anthocerotacece). 

Fvnaria  hygrometrica.  A 
pore  from  the  spore-case 
of  the  sporophyte. 

Hypnum  Boxii.  Sur- 
face view  of  pore  from 
the  sporophyte. 

Polytrichum  juniperinum.  Sur- 
face view  of  a  pore  from  the 
spore-case  of  the  sporophyte. 

Polytrichunt  piliferum.    Vertical 
section  through  a  pore. 

M.  polymer pha, 
Surface  view  of 

ct U«. 

Marchantia  polymorpha.    Vertical  section  of  a  "plant"  (gametophyte)  through 
a  pore  which  leads  into  an  air  chamber. 





Search  for  them  in  damp  places  at  all  times  of  the  year.  They 
are  so  much  more  beautiful  when  in  a  moist  atmosphere  that 
you  will  feel  inspired  to  learn  as  much  as  possible  about  them. 
Collect  the  finest  specimens  you  find,  selecting  some  in  fruit, 
if  possible. 

Place  your  specimens  in  a  convenient  receptacle,  box,  bag  or 
basket;  in  such  a  way  as  to  keep  them  separate,  each  specimen 
with  a  few  notes  in  pencil  telling  its  habitat  and  the  date  and 
place  of  finding. 

Clasp-envelopes,  such  as  are  used  by  dry-goods  merchants  for 
samples,  will  be  found  particularly  desirable  as  the  mosses  may 
be  dried  in  them  and  may  be  kept  indefinitely  before  being  per- 
manently mounted. 


The  specimens  to  be  preserved  should  be  laid  between  ab- 
sorbent paper,  under  a  moderate  pressure  until  dry,  then  they 
may  be  placed  in  envelopes  which  come  for  the  purpose  and 
these  may  be  glued  to  regular  herbarium  sheets  or  the  specimens 
themselves  may  be  mounted  directly  upon  sheets  of  paper. 

Several  specimens  of  the  same  species  from  different  localities 
may  be  mounted  on  one  sheet;  but  it  is  undesirable  to  put 
different  species  on  a  sheet  as  this  interferes  with  a  proper 
classification  of  material. 


Have  both  fresh  and  dry  material  before  you  for  comparison. 
If  you  have  only  dry  material  to  start  with,  freshen  part  of  it  by 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

soaking  in  clean  hot  water  and  learn  what  you  can  with  the 
unaided  eye  about  the  colour,  texture,  manner  of  branching,  and 
character  of  pedicel  and  spore-case.  Many  of  these  pretty  plants 
can  be  easily  recognised  with  the  naked  eye.  If  necessary,  use 
a  hand  lens  to  determine  the  shape  of  the  leaves  and  the  character 
of  the  spore-case  rim. 

To  study  the  specimens  more  in  detail  have  a  lens  so  mounted 
that  it  will  be  possible  to  dissect  the  parts  with  needles  while 
watching  the  process  through  the  lens. 


To  remove  leaves  from  stems,  grasp  them  near  their  bases 
with  a  pair  of  forceps  and  strip  them  downward. 

To  obtain  cross  sections  of  leaves,  grasp  a  bunch  between  the 
thumb  and  forefinger  and  slice  it  across  from  apex  to  base  with 
a  sharp  knife.  Among  the  sections  there  should  be  found  some 
which  will  show  the  structure. 

To  study  the  spore-case,  cut  off  the  upper  portion  with  a  pair 
of  scissors  and  then  holding  this  on  a  slide  with  a  needle,  split  it 
lengthwise  and  lay  the  two  parts  flat  on  the  glass  so  that  a  view 
is  given  of  the  inner  and  outer  surfaces. 

Cross  sections  of  stems  and  rhizoids  may  be  made  while 
holding  them  between  two  pieces  of  pith  or  candle-wax. 


To  study  any  part  still  more  in  detail,  place  it  in  a  drop  of 
water  or  dilute  glycerine  between  two  pieces  of  mica  or  glass 
and  view  it  through  a  compound  microscope. 

If  it  seems  desirable  to  preserve  the  detail,  let  the  glycerine 
mica-mount  remain  without-  a  cover-glass  in  a  place  free  from 
dust  until  the  water  has  entirely  evaporated,  then  slightly  warm 
the  slide  and  place  a  drop  of  warm  glycerine-jelly  on  a  mica 
cover  and  invert  this  over  the  mount. 

Glycerine  jelly  and  mica  may  be  procured  of  any  dealer  in 
microscope  supplies.  Small  bits  of  mica  may  also  be  procured 
at  slight  cost  from  wall-paper  factories  or  from  factories  where 
mica  is  used  in  the  manufacture  of  electrical  supplies. 


The  Herbarium 


When  anyone  for  the  first  time  refers  a  newly  discovered 
species  to  a  genus,  he  gives  the  species  a  specific  name  and 
appends  his  own  name  or  an  abbreviation  of  it  as  the  authority, 
thus,  Bryum  argenteum,  L.  means  that  Linnaeus  referred  a  species 
to  Bryum  and  gave  it  the  specific  name  argenteum  and  that  his 
classification  has  not  been  changed. 

If  a  plant  has  been  referred  by  one  man  to  a  certain  genus 
that  later  is  proved  by  another  man  to  belong  to  a  different  genus, 
the  name  or  abbreviation  of  the  first  author  is  placed  in  paren- 
thesis and  followed  by  that  of  the  second  author  thus: — Ramalina 
ceruchis  (Ach.)  De  Not.,  means  that  De  Notaris  placed  the  species 
ceruchis  in  its  proper  genus  Ramalina  after  Acharius  had  placed 
it  in  another  genus  (Borrera). 


Ach. — Acharius,  Erik,  1757-1819. 

Beauv. — Beauvois,  Palisot  de,  A.  M.  F.  J.,  1752-1820. 

Bosc,  Louis  Augustin  Guillaume,  1759-1828. 

Brid. — Bridel,  Samuel  Elisee,  1761-1828. 

Bruch,  Philipp,  1781-1847. 

Bruch.  ms. — A  name  in  manuscript  never  printed  by  Bruch. 

Bruch  &  Schimper. 

Delise,  Dominic  Frangois,  1780-1841. 

De  Not. — De  Notaris,  Giuseppe,  1805-1877. 

Dicks. — Dickson,  James,  1738-1822. 

Dill. — Dillenius,  Johan  Jacob,  1687-1747. 

Ehrh. — Ehrhart,  Friedrich,  1742-1795. 

emend. — emended,  corrected. 

Fee,  Antoine  Laurent  Apollinaire,  1789-1874. 

f. — fils,  son. 

Fr. — Fries,  Elias  Magnus,  1794-1878. 

Fuern. — Dr.  August  Emanuel  Furnrohr. 

Girgens. — Girgensohn,  Gustav  Karl. 

Gottsche,  Carl  Moritz,  1808-1892. 

Gr.  &  Benn  or  B.  Gr. — Gray,  Samuel  Frederick.  B.  or  Benn. 
— Bennett,  either  Edward  or  John;  two  London  surgeons  who 
devoted  their  leisure  time  to  botany  in  the  first  part  of  XIX  century. 

Hall. — Haller,  Albrecht  von,  1708-1777. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Hampe,  Ernst. 
Hampe,  I.e.,  locus  citatus. 
Hedw.— Hedwig,  Joannis  G.,  1730-1799. 
Hoffm. — Hoffman,  Georg  Franz. 
Hook. — Hooker,  William  Jackson,  1785-1865. 
Hornsch. — Hornschuch,  Christian  Friedrich,  1793-1850. 
Huds. — Hudson,  William,  1730-1793. 
Hueben. — Huebener,  J.  W.  P.,        -1847. 
Jaeger  &  Sauer. — Jaeger  and  Sauerbach. 
Lindb. — Lindberg,  Sextus  Otto,  1835- 
Lindle. — Lindley,  John,  1799-1865. 

Linn,  or  L. — Linnaeus,  Carolus,  1707-1778,  or  Linne,  Carl  von. 
Linn.  1.  c. — 1.  c.,  locus  citatus,  previously  cited. 
Marchant,  Nicholas,        -1678. 
Michx. — Michaux,  Andre,  1746-1802. 
Michx.,  f. — Michaux,  Francois  Andre,  1770-1855. 
Mohr,  Dr.  Charles,  1824-1901. 
Muell.  ined.— Karl  Mailer  (Halle),  1818-1899. 
Note : — ined.  means  unedited  manuscript. 

Muell. — Mueller,  Jean  (ofAargau),  1849-1851. 

Neck. — Necker,  Noel  Joseph  de,  1729-1793. 

Nees  von  Esenbeck,  Christian  Gottfried,  1776-1858. 

Norm. — Norman,  Johannes  Musaeus., 

Nyl. — Ny lander,  William,  1822-1899. 

Pers. — Persoon,  Christian  Henrik,  1755-1837. 

Rabenh. — Rabenhorst,  Ludwig  Christian  Gottloeb,  1806-1881, 

Raddi,  Giuseppe,  1770-1829. 

Roehl. — Roehling,  Johann  Christoph.,  1757-1813. 

Schimp.— Shimper,  Wilhelm  Philipp,  1808-1880. 

Schreb. — Schreber,  Johann  C.  D. 

Schwaegr.— Schwaegrichen,  Christian  Friedrich,  1775-1853. 

Scop. — Scopoli,  Giovanni  Antonio,  1723-1788. 

Sw. — Swartz,  Olaf,  1760-1818. 

Tayl. — Taylor,  Thomas. 

Timm,  C.  T. 

Tuckerm. — Tuckerman,  Edward,  1817-1886. 

Turner,  Dawson,  1775-1853. 

Web.— Weber,  Friedrich,  1781-1823. 

Weis. — Weiss,  Frederigo  Wilhelm,  1744- 

Willd. — Willdenow,  Carl  Ludwig,  1765-1812. 



The  Genus  CETRARIA,  (Ach.)  Fries 

The  Spanish-shield  Lichens. — The  members  of  this  genus 
are  generally  found  on  trees,  although  sometimes  they  are  found 
on  rocks  or  even  earth.  The  colour  on  the  upper  surface  is  bright 
yellow,  greenish-yellow,  straw,  olive,  or  brown. 

The  thallus  is  expanded  and  leaf-like  or  shrubby  (fruiiculose 
or  fruticose)  with  branches  compressed  or  channelled;  the  lobes 
are  flattened  and  broad;  root-like  growths  on  the  under  surface 
(rhi^oids)  are  few  or  wanting. 

Fine  hairs  (cilia)  are  frequently  present  and  sometimes  are 

Soredia  are  rare. 

The  fruiting  disks  (apothecia)  are  medium  in  size  or  large;  they 
are  attached  on  or  near  the  margin  of  the  lobes;  the  disk  itself  is 
shield-shaped,  light  chestnut  to  dark  reddish-brown.  The  shape 
of  the  disk  suggested  the  name  Cetraria,  from  ceira,  a  Spanish 

The  Pitted  Cetraria,  Cetraria  lacunosa,  Ach. — See  Plate  II. 

Habitat. — On  trees  and  old  fence-rails,  easily  detached. 

Vegetative  organ  (thallus). — Leaf-like  (foliaceous)  the  lobes 
rounded,  the  surface  pitted  (lacunose) ;  pearl  to  slate  colour  above, 
white  to  darker  below,  margins  scalloped. 

Fruiting  disks  (apothecia). — Abundant  on  the  lobes,  some- 
what elevated,  the  disk  light  chestnut,  growing  darker,  the 
margin  entire. 

Name. — The  specific  name  lacunosa  is  from  the  Latin  lacus, 
a  saucer,  referring  to  the  pitted  surface  of  the  thallus. 

Iceland  Moss,  Cetraria  Islandica,  (L.)  Ach. — See  Colour 
PJate  VII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  earth. 

Vegetative  organ  (thallus).  — Cartilaginous  and  shrubby 
(fruticulose);  usually  brown  above,  lighter  toward  the  base 
where  there  is  sometimes  a  red  stain. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Fruiting  disks  (apothecia). — Not  numerous,  shield-like  and 
dark  chestnut. 

Branches. — Flattened,  not  hollow,  rolled  in  on  the  margin 
which  is  beset  with  a  fringe  of  dark-coloured  hairs  0.3  to  0.5 
mm.  long. 

Name. — The  specific  name  (hlandica)  refers  to  the  fact  that 
this  lichen  is  very  abundant  in  Iceland. 

Genus  USNEA  (Dill.)  Ach. 

Thallus  shrub-like  (fruticulose)  or  pendulous,  in  cross-section 
round  or  angular,  grayish-green,  to  greenish-white,  sometimes 
straw-coloured ;  the  interior  consisting  of  a  central  tough  cord 

surrounded  by  a 
cottony  layer. 

The  fruits  (apo- 
thecia) shield- 
shaped  (scutellce- 
form),  pale,  with  a 
fibrillous  margin, 
spores  more  or  less 
ellipsoid,  undivi- 
ded, colourless. 

The  name  is  de- 
rived from  achneh, 
the  Arabic  for 

The  Bearded 
Lichen,  Usnea  bar- 
bata,  (L.)  Fr. — See 
Colour  Plate  I,  fron- 
tispiece, also  Plate 

Habitat.— On 
trees,  both  living, 
and  dead. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Shrubby  (fruticulose)  often 
pendulous,  greenish,  covered  with  numerous  radiating  fibrils  of 
the  same  colour;  the  interior  tissue  (medulla)  consisting  of  a 
central  cord  surrounded  by  a  cottony  layer.  The  branches  are 
circular  (terete)  in  cross-section  and  are  rough  with  papillae. 


Cross  section  through  Vertical  section  through 

the  thallus.  the  thallus. 

Usnea  barbata.  Fr.  (*)  central  tough  cord;  (*)  central  tough 
cord  of  radiating  fibre;  (w)  cottony  layer;  (g)  algae;  (so)  radi- 
ating fibre;  (r)  cortical  layer;  (s)  apex  of  thallus. 

<    • 
«  "S 


u    • 

Lichens,  Genera  and  Species 

Fruiting  organ  (apothecia)  —  Shield-like  (scutellceform)  with 
a  pale  disk. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  barbata  is  the  Latin  for  "bearded." 

The  Hair-like  Usnea,  Usnea  trichodea,  Ach. 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  On  trees  in  long  waving  tufts. 

Vegetative  organ  (thallus).  —  Pendulous,  greatly  elongated. 
The  few  secondary  branches  are  smooth,  bearing  numerous  lax 
fibrils  of  variable  lengtli,  cross-section  circular  (terete). 

Fruiting  organ  (apothecia).  —  Small,  disk  pale  flesh-colour 
with  margin  bearing  very  few  fibrils. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  trichodea  is  derived  from  the 
Greek  rplxoeiS^,  resembling  hair,  and  refers  to  the  thallus. 

Genus  THELOCHISTES,  Norm.,  emend. 

The  thallus  is  leaf-like  (foliaceous)  or  scale-like  ;  usually  yellow, 
appressed  or  sometimes  ascending  and  scrub-like;  the  fruits 
{apothecia)  are  yellow  and  shield-like  (scutellceform).  The  spores 
are  colourless,  ellipsoid,  simple,  or  with  the  ends  divided  off  by 
partitions  (polar-bilocular)  the  end  spaces  sometimes  united  by 
a  tube  running  through  the  middle  space. 

The  Yellow  Wall-lichen,  Thelochistes  parietinus  (L.) 
Norm.  (Xanthoria  parietina)  —  See  Colour  Plate  II. 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  On  trees  and  rocks  usually  near  bodies  of 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus).  —  Leaf-like,  pale  yellow  to  orange 
above,  white  below;  loosely  appressed  to  the  surface  on  which 
it  grows,  the  margins  sometimes  ascendant,  not  gelatinous 
when  moist. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia).  —  The  disk  orange,  the  margin 
(thalline  exciple)  entire. 

Spores.  —  Colourless,  ellipsoid,  polar-bilocular. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  parietina,  is  from  the  Latin  parie 
(/-)  5,  a  wall,  referring  to  its  habit  of  growing  on  stone  walls. 

Genus  PARMELIA,  (Ach.)  De.  Not. 

Parmelias  usually  grow  as  horizontal  mats,  gray,  blue-green, 
dark  brown,  or  brown  tinged  with  green.  They  are  closely 
attached  by  black  rhizoids  to  rocks  and  trees  and  are  distinctly 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

branched  and  lobed.  If  the  thallus  is  torn  across  and  viewed 
with  a  hand  lens,  the  torn  edge  shows  that  the  thallus  is  com- 
posed of  a  layer  of  long,  loose,  white  fibres  (the  medullary  layer) 
between  thin  but  more  substantial  surface  tissues  (cortical  layers). 
Over  the  surface  of  the  mat  are  scattered  flat  or  saucer-shaped 
disks  (apothecia)  generally  brown  with  a  thin  margin.  These 
are  numerous  toward  the  centre.  The  apothecia  have  suggested 
the  generic  name  Parmelia  from  parma,  a  small  round  shield. 
Many  species  have  also  a  powdery  appearance  due  to  the  bursting 
of  the  surface  to  emit  little  bodies  (soredia)  which  may  grow 
into  lichens. 

Parmelia  conspersa,  (Ehrh.)  Ach. — See  Colour  Plate  V. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks  and  stones;  degenerate  on  dead 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Leaf-like,  not  gelatinous  when 
moist.  Pale  green  or  straw-coloured  above,  blackening  below, 
appressed,  the  margin  sometimes  ascendant;  cartilaginous,  mem- 
branaceous,  the  lobes  mostly  rather  narrow  sub-linear  and  much 
divided,  smooth,  not  wrinkled,  the  centre  often  bearing  little 
stalked  bodies  with  knobs  (isidiophorous) . 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Disks  chestnut;  margin  (thai- 
line  exciple)  entire. 

Spores. — Ellipsoid,  simple,  colourless. 

Name. — The  specific  name  conspersa,  besprinkled,  refers  to  its 
surface  which  looks  as  if  sprinkled  with  little  grains. 

Parmelia  physodes,  (L.)  Ach. — See  Plate  V. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  on  dead  limbs  of  pines  and 
hemlocks,  lightly  attached  to  its  support.  When  it  completely 
encircles  the  smaller  twigs  the  tree  has  a  particularly  attractive 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Gray-green  above  with  finely 
cut,  inflated  lobes,  usually  overlapping;  black  beneath  except  at 
the  margins  where  it  is  smooth  and  brown. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Large  shallow  cups;  reddish- 
brown  with  entire  margins. 

Name. — The  specific  name  physodes  is  from  the  Greek  <f>vo-a, 
bellows,  and  olB,  like,  and  refers  to  the  inflated  character  of  the 

NOTE :  The  illustration  shows  a  variety  (vittata)  with  the  thallus 
more  narrowly  dissected  than  in  the  species. 




OLD  MAN'S  BEARD,   Usnea  barbata,  variety  Florida 

Lichens,  Genera  and  Species 

Parmelia  saxatilis,  (L.)  Fr.— See  Plate  XV. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Greenish  or  ashen-gray  above 
(sometimes  reddish)  somewhat  ornamented  with  a  fine  network 
and  with  shallow  depressions;  black  beneath  with  dense  hairs 
(rhi^oids)  reaching  the  margin,  much  cleft  with  narrow  lobes, 
with  margins  wavy  and  bordered  with  a  fine  white  beading 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia).  -Chestnut  border  (thalline  ex- 
ciple),  rather  thick,  somewhat  evenly  notched. 

Spores. — Simple,  ellipsoid,  colourless. 

Name. — The  specific  name  saxatilis,  the  Latin  for  "rock," 
refers  to  the  habitat. 

Parmelia  perlata,  (L.)  Ach. — See  Plate  VI. 

Habit  and  habitat. — The  lichen  is  found  on  both  rocks  and 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Greenish-yellow,  gray  green, 
slate  colour  and  even  light  brown  above;  black  beneath  with  a 
reddish-brown  border  which  rolls  up  so  as  to  bring  the  brown 
lobes  in  rich  contrast  to  the  surface  colours.  The  lobes  have  no 
fine  hairs  on  their  margins  and  are  frequently  covered  with  a 
white  powder  (soredia). 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Large,  greenish-brown,  entire 
margins  which  split  down  to  the  centre  when  the  disk  is  mature. 

Name. — The  specific  name  perlata  is  the  Latin  for  "widely 

The  Wrinkled  Parmelia, Parmelia  caperata,  (L.)  Ach. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Grows  on  trees  and  rocks  to  form  light 
pea-green,  wrinkled  and  wavy  mats. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus).  —  Leaf-like,  appressed,  hori- 
zontal, cartilaginous;  lobes  usually  broad  and  rounded  with 
entire  margins;  the  upper  surface  usually  covered  with  a 
very  light  green  powder  (soredia)]  the  under  surface,  black 
with  a  reddish-brown  margin  and  scattered  thread-like  bodies 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia).  —  Cup-shaped,  with  wavy 
margins  often  grainy  (sorediferous). 

Spores. — Ellipsoid. 

Name. — The  specific  name  caperata,  the  Latin  for  "wrinkled," 
describes  the  habit  of  growth. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Genus  PHYSCIA,  Fries. 

The  vegetative  portion  (thallus)  of  the  Genus  Physcia  is  leaf 
like,  star-like,  or  sometimes  with  narrowly  linear  divisions, 
beneath  it  has  usual  fibres  of  varying  length;  the  generic  name 
is  from  the  Greek  <j>v<rtcr),  a  blister,  evidently  referring  to  the 
inflated  appearance  of  the  thallus  in  some  species. 

The  fruiting  portion  (apothecia)  are  shield-shaped,  with  the 
surface  often  covered  with  a  whitish  powder: 

The  spores  are  elliptical,  brown,  two-celled  in  our  species. 

Physcia   leucomela,    (L.)  Michx. — See  Colour  Plate  VIII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  trees,  most  common  southward. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Ascendant  and  elongated, 
mostly  smooth,  often  narrowly  linear,  the  densely  entangled 
lobes  irregularly  divided;  beneath  white,  the  margins  beset  with 
strong,  branched  blackish  fibrils. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Medium-sized,  on  short  pedi- 
cels, the  disk  white,  powdery,  the  border  lobed;  the  spores  are 

Name. — From  the  Greek  \eu/co<?,  white,  and  /*A,a?,  black, 
referring  to  the  strong  contrast  between  fibrils  and  surface. 

Genus  UMBILICARIA,  Hoffm. 

Thallus  horizontal,  leaf-like  (foliaceous),  scarcely  divided, 
leathery;  either  smooth  or  fibrillose  beneath,  attached  to  its 
support  by  a  single  point. 

Fruits  (apothecia)  black,  round,  convex  or  sometimes  irregular 
in  outline. 

Spores  somewhat  coloured,  ellipsoid,  either  without  cross- 
walls  or  with  both  horizontal  and  vertical  walls. 

The  generic  name  is  from  the  Latin  umbilicus,  a  navel,  referring 
to  the  single  point  at  which  the  thallus  is  attached  to  its  support. 

The  Blistered  Umbilicaria,  Umbilicaria  pustulata,  (L.) 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks  in  dry  localities. 

Vegetative,  organs  (thallus). — Horizontal  and  leaf-like,  carti- 
laginous; ash-coloured  above,  whitish  toward  the  centre, 
pale  brownish  or  ash-  coloured  below ;  smooth  on  both  surfaces, 




OLD  MAX'S  BEARD,  Usnea  longissima 

Used  to  promote  the  growth  of  hair.     A  member  of  the  genus  Ramalina  is  seen  on  the  lower  end  of  the 
twig,  and  a  member  of  the  genus  Parmelia  is  seen  on  the  upper  end 

Lichens,  Genera  and  Species 

often  covered  with  a  white  powder  (pruinose),  with  numerous 
pustular  prolusions  above  and  corresponding  indentations  below. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Somewhat  shield-like. 

Name. — The  specific  name  pustulata  is  the  Latin  for  "blistered" 
and  refers  to  the  protusions  on  the  thallus. 

Rock  Tripe,  Umbilicaria  vellea,  (L.)  Nyl. — See  Colour  Plate 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks  in  high  mountains. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Large,  one-leaved,  leathery  and 
somewhat  smooth,  ash-coloured  with  a  bloom  above;  brownish 
to  black,  and  hairy,  below. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia) — Small,  appressed,  orbicular  and 
plaited,  becoming  convex. 

Name. — From  the  Latin  vellus,  fleece,  referring  to  the  hairy 
nature  of  the  under  surface. 

Umbilicaria  Dillenii,  Tuckerm. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Leaf-like,  leathery,  the  largest 
species  known;  brownish-green  above,  smooth  and  even;  in- 
tensely black  below  with  crowded,  short  fibrils,  attached  only  at 
one  point. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Orbicular,  convex,  attached  only 
at  the  centre,  the  disk  ridged  concentrically. 

Name. — Named  in  honour  of  the  great  botanist  Dillenius. 

Umbilicaria  Muhlenbergii,  (Ach.)  Tuckerm. — See  Colour 
Plate  XI. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  rocks. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Large,  leathery  to  rigid,  irregu- 
larly pitted ;  olive-brown  above,  darker  below. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Oblong  and  appressed,  passing 
into  irregular,  often  star-like  plaited  clusters  without  a  common 

Name. — The  specific  name  was  given  in  honour  of  a  Henry 
H.  Muhlenberg. 

Genus  PELTIGERA,  (Willd.)  Fee. 

The  Crescent-shield  Lichen.  The  vegetative  portion 
(thallus)  of  the  Genus  Peltigera  is  leafy  and  often  large;  it  is 
veiny  and  rough,  hairy  beneath;  the  algal  layer  is  blue-green, 
excepting  in  two  species  (venosa  and  aphthosa). 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  generic  name  Peltigera  from  the  Latin  pelta,  a  shield,  and 
gerere,  to  carry,  refers  to  the  fruits  which  are  shield-shaped  with 
a  more  or  less  scalloped  border;  they  are  borne  close  to  the  upper 
surface  of  the  thallus,  usually  some  distance  back  from  the  margin 
but  occasionally  on  the  margin. 

The  spores  are  long  and  narrow,  four-  to  many-celled,  at 
length  colourless.  It  is  a  small  genus  of  mostly  cooler  regions. 

The  Dog  Peltigera,  Peltigera  canina,  (L.)  Hoffm. — See 
Colour  Plate  VII. 

Habit  and  habitat.  This  lichen  grows  in  extensive  patches 
on  logs  or  on  the  ground. 

Vegetative  organ  (thallus). — Large  greenish-gray,  ashy,  or 
brownish:  membranaceous,  round-lobed;  furrowed  and  downy 
on  the  upper  surface:  whitish  beneath  with  light-coloured  veins 
and  hairs,  sometimes  becoming  dark. 

Fruiting  disks  (apothecia). — Reddish-brown;  of  large  size; 
rounded,  becoming  semi-revolute  and  vertical.  Supposed  to 
resemble  dogs'  teeth  and  for  this  reason,  on  the  supposition  that 
"Like  cures  like,"  used  as  a  remedy  for  hydrophobia. 

Name. — The  specific  name  canina  from  the  Latin  canis,  a  dog. 

Spores. — Somewhat  needle-shaped;  four-  to  eight-celled. 

Peltigera  aphthosa,  (L.)  Hoffm.  and  P.  polydactyla,  (Neck.) 
Hoffm.,  are  quite  similar  in  general  appearance  to  P.  canina,  (L.) 
Hoffm.  P.  aphthosa  however,  has  the  thallus  smooth  above, 
more  or  less  sprinkled  over  with  brown  warts,  and  contains  green 
algae,  not  blue-green  as  in  the  two  following  species.  P.  poly- 
dactyla differs  from  canina  in  being  smooth  above  and  nearly 
naked  beneath  and  conspicuously  reticulated  with  brown  veins. 

Genus  STICTA  (Schreb.)  Fr. 

The  thallus  is  leaf-like,  variously  lobed  but  with  the  lobes 
usually  wide,  rounded,  or  elongated.  The  under  surface  is  some- 
times smooth  but  is  commonly  covered  with  short,  soft  hairs 
(vtllous),  and  dotted  with  little  cups  or  rounded  heaps  (cyphels). 
A  cross-section  of  this  lichen  shows  that  the  irregular,  coloured 
zone  (gonimous  layer)  is  composed  of  either  green  cells  (gonidia) 
or  bluish-green  cells  (gonimia). 

The  fruiting  organs  (apothecia)  are  shield-like  (scutcllceform), 
elevated,  and  near  the  margin  of  the  thallus. 




PARMELIA  PHYSODES,  (L.)  Ach.,  variety  w«a<a 
Lightly  attached  to  its  host — reddish-brown  fruiting  disks,  large  and  shield-shaped  with  entire  margins 

Lichens,  Genera  and  Species 

The  generic  name  Sticta  from  the  Greek  CTTJ/CTOS,  dappled, 
refers  to  the  strikingly  spotted  appearance  of  some  species. 

The  spores  are  spindle  or  needle-shaped  with  2  to  4  cross- 
walls;  they  are  reddish  or  colourless;  they  vary  but  slightly  in 
the  different  species. 

Sticta  pulmonaria  (L.), 
Ach.— See  Colour  Plate  VII ; ' 
also  Plate  VII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  g/ffiAsr^ 
rocks  and  trees.  &$*&* 

Vegetative  organs  (thal- 
lus) .  —  Leaf-like,  leathery ; 
tawny  or  olive,  loosely 
attached  to  the  surface  on 
which  it  grows,  lobes 
large,  entire,  with 
rounded  sinuses;  upper 
surface  netted  and  deeply 
pitted;  under  surface  pale 
to  white  with  rounded 
prominences  outlined  with 
slender  hairs.  Often  bor- 
dered with  little  white 
grains  (soredia). 

Fruiting  organs  (apothe- 
cia).— Not  very  common  sessile  on  the  margin  of  the  lobes. 

Name. — The  specific  name  pulmonaria,  lung,  refers  to  the 
resemblance  the  under  surface  has  to  the  surface  of  a  lung. 

Sticta  amplissima,  (Scop.)  Mass. — See  Colour  Plate  VII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  fallen  trunks  and  trees. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus).  Extending  over  quite  large  areas, 
in  an  ever-widening  circle  appressed  to  the  surface  on  which  it 
grows;  leathery,  smooth,  becoming  wrinkled  with  age;  ashen- 
green  above;  tawny,  and  covered  with  short,  soft  hairs  (villous) 
beneath;  the  lobes  elongated,  wide,  usually  compacted,  or  narrow 
and  repeatedly  lobed. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Scattered,  sometimes  quite 
large,  the  disk  chestnut;  the  margin  entire  and  inflexed. 

Name. — The  specific  name  amplissima,  the  Latin  for  "very 
extensive,"  refers  to  its  habit  of  growth. 


Stictina  fuliginosa.  (o)  Upper  cortex;  (u)  lower 
cortex;  (r)  rhizoids;  (m)  pith  layer;  (g)  gonidial 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Genus  STEREOCAULON,  Schreb. 

The  vegetative  organ  or  thallus  is  two-fold,  consisting  01  a 
scale-like  (squamulose)  or  granulose,  horizontal  growth  which 
usually  disappears,  and  a  vertical  growth  which  becomes  shrub- 
like,  with  fruit-bearing  branches  (podetia}.  The  podetia  are 
solid  and  clothed  more  or  less  with  a  white  powder  (soredia) 
and  with  granules  (phyllocladia)  which  become  scale-like  or  pass 
into  coral-like  branchlets. 

The  fruiting  organs  (apothecia)  are  at  first  little  disks  soon 
becoming  convex;  solid,  terminal,  or  lateral;  dark-brown,  or 

The  generic  name  Stereocaulon  is  compounded  of  the  Greek 
<rre/?eo9,  solid,  and  tcav\b<j,  a  stalk. 

When  dry  these  lichens  are  very  brittle,  but  when  moist  they 
may  be  handled  freely. 

Stereocaulon  paschale,  (L.) — See  Plate  VIII. 

Habitat. — On  rocks. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Primary,  usually  wanting. 
Secondary,  growing  in  round  thick  mats;  podetia  long  and 
slender,  much  branched  and  covered  with  scale-like  (squamulose), 
crenate,  dark-gray  granules  and  inconspicuous  cottony  fibres. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — At  or  near  the  apicus  of  the 
podetia,  small,  with  disk  convex  dark-brown. 

Name. — The  specific  name  paschale  is  the  Latin  for  "Pass- 
over." Its  significance  is  not  evident. 

NOTE :— 5.  paschale  is  closely  related  to  S.  tomentosum  which  is  as  its 
name  implies  conspicuously  covered  with  cottony  fibres. 

Genus  CLADONIA,  Hoffm. 

The  horizontal  thallus  of  the  Genus  Cladonia  is  scale-like, 
rarely  granulose;  and  may  or  may  not  persist. 

The  fruiting  branches  (podetia)  are  hollow,  sometimes  opening 
to  the  exterior;  leathery,  cup-shaped,  or  funnel-shaped;  some- 
times shrub-like, and  very  much  branched;  rarely  club-shaped. 

The  fruiting  organs  (apothecia)  are  usually  little  heads  (cepha- 
loid)  hollow  within,  they  are  variously  coloured,  but  never  black. 
The  spores  are  ovoid-oblong;  simple;  colourless. 

The  generic  name  Cladonia  from  the  Greek,  /t\a8o9,  a  branch, 


Lichens,  Genera  and  Species 

was  given  by  Georg  Franz  Hoffman  to  describe  the  characteristic 
habit  of  growth. 

Brown-fruited  Cup  Cladonia,  Cladonia  pyxidata  (L.)  Fr. — 
See  Colour  Plate  XII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  stumps  and  on  the  earth. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Primary,  thallus  scale-like  and 
variously  lobed.  Fruit-bearing  branches  (podetia)  hollow,  5  to 
25  mm.  tall,  top-shaped,  short-stalked,  granulose,  warty  or 
scurfy;  margin  spreading,  bearing  sessile  or  stalked  apothecia. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Brown. 

Name. — The  specific  name  pyxidata,  suggested  by  the  pode- 
tia, is  derived  from  the  Greek  trv^ 1?,  a  small  box. 

The  Fringed  Cladonia,  Cladonia  fimbriata,  (L.)  Fr. — See 
Plate  IX. 

Habitat. — Earth,  stumps,  etc. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — The  primary  commonly  per- 
sistent as  little  scales  variously  incised  on  the  margin,  sea-green 
above,  olive  to  white  or  dusky  below;  often  powdery  (sorediate). 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Brown,  sometimes  on  tooth-like 
projections  of  the  goblet-shaped  podetia. 

Fruit-bearing  branches  (podetia). — Hollow,  i  to  3  cm.  tall, 
goblet-shaped,  rather  long-stalked  and  slender;  the  margin  erect, 
often  with  tooth-like  projections  sometimes  bearing  fruits  (apo- 
thecia) ;  surface  (cortex)  disintegrating  into  a  fine  white  powder. 

Name. — The  specific  namejimbriata,  the  Latin  for  "fringed," 
refers  to  the  margin  of  the  goblet-shaped  branches.  The  forms 
of  Cladonia  fimbriata  are  extremely  varied  and  difficult  to  deter- 
mine. Dr.  Wainio  recognises  sixteen  varieties  and  a  large 
number  of  sub- varieties,  twelve  varieties  are  well  known  in 
North  America. 

The  Scarlet-crested  Cladonia,  Cladonia  cristatella, 
Tuckerm. — See  Colour  Plate  XII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Dead  wood,  etc. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Coral-like  (cladoniceform);  fruit- 
ing branches  (podetia)  hollow,  cylindrical,  sometimes  branched, 
2  to  4  mm.  tall;  smooth  or  with  the  surface  wrinkled. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Scarlet  knobs  at  the  tips  of  the 
fruiting  branches. 

Name. — The  specific  name  cristatella,  suggested  by  the  bright 
fruits,  is  derived  from  the  Latin  crista,  a  crest. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Reindeer  Lichen,  Cladonia  rangiferina,  (L.)  Hoffm. — See 
Colour  Plate  VIII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  earth  often  covering  extensive  areas. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus). — Shrubby  (fruticulose).  Fruit- 
ing branches  (podetid)  4  to  10  cm.  tall,  branches  cylindrical  and 
hollow,  5  to  1.5  mm.  thick,  the  divisions  mostly  wide-spreading; 
the  sterile  tips  curved  and  drooping;  without  a  distinct  outer 
layer  (ecorticate) ,  the  surface  fibrous  sometimes  mealy  or  warty; 
ashy-white  or  tinged  with  greenish  straw-colour. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Tiny  brown  knobs  on  the  tips 
of  the  fruiting  branches. 

Name. — "Reindeer  lichen"  because  reindeer  feed  upon  it  in 

The  Cornucopia  Cladonia,  Red-fruited  Cup  Cladonia, 
Cladonia  cornucopioides,  (L.)  Fr. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  the  earth. 

Vegetative  organs  (thallus,). — Branching  like  coral  cladonia- 
form) ;  fruiting  branches  Codetta)  hollow,  elongated-top-shaped, 
about  15  to  35  mm.  tall;  smooth,  becoming  warty. 

Fruiting  organs  (apothecia). — Scarlet  knobs  on  the  tips  of  the 
fruiting  branches. 

Name. — The  specific  name  cornucopioides, ^suggested  by  the 
podetia,  is  compounded  of  three  Latin  words:  cornu,  a  horn, 
copia,  plenty,  and  aid,  like. 







Liverworts  are  as  a  rule  found  only  in  damp  shady  places, 
and  it  is  not  their  habit  to  occupy  very  large  areas  of  ground. 
With  but  few  exceptions  the  plant  lies  close  to  the  object  upon 
which  it  grows  holding  to  it  by  short  hair-like  cells  (rhiqoids). 

Excepting  the  fruiting  portion,  the  liverwort  plant  (the  vege- 
tative body)  is  either  ribbon-like  (thalloid),  or  a  stem  with  scale- 
like  leaves  (f otiose)]  the  greater  number  of  liverworts  are 
therefore  distinguished  as  thalloid  and  foliose. 

Genus   MARCHANTIA,   (L.) 

Marchantia  polymorpha  (See  Colour  Plate  XIII)  is  a  good 
example  of  a  thalloid  form,  and  from  it  one  may  learn,  without 
a  microscope,  the  principal  parts. 

Vertical  section  through 


showing  pore. 

a  pore.  Gemma.  _     , 

Surface  view 

Marchantia  polymorpha 

The  plant  itself  lies  flat  upon  the  earth  and  has  a  distinct 
upper  and  lower  tissue. 

The  lower  tissue  develops  short  root-like  hairs  which  serve 
to  anchor  the  plant. 

The  upper  tissue  appears  as  if  marked  off  into  small  rhom- 
boidal  spaces  in  tfc*  centre  of  each  of  which  a  pore  may  be  seen. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Little  cups  are  often  present  on  the  upper  surface,  with  green 
disks  (gemmae)  in  them. 

Upright  umbrella-like  growths  on  which  are  borne  the  male 
and  female  organs  are  found  also  on  the  upper  surface. 



Marchantia  polymorpha.    Vertical  section  of  female  receptacle. 

The  male  peduncle  is  capped  with  a  flat,  slightly  lobed 
receptacle.  The  female  peduncle  is  capped  with  a  receptacle 
bordered  with  deep  finger-like  lobes. 

The  male  organs  (antheridia)  are  developed  in  the  upper 
surface  of  the  scalloped  receptacle. 

.7*a*«etc        Elater. 

Under-surface  view  of  female  receptacle. 
Marchantia  polymorpha. 

A  spore- case  shedding  its  spores. 
See  page  95. 

The  female  organs  (archegonia)  are  developed  on  the  under 
surface  of  the  receptacle  bearing  the  finger-like  lobes. 

Spore-cases  filled  with  spores  and  spirally  twisted  threads 
(daiers)  later  occupy  the  place  of  the  archegonia  between  the 
long  lobes. 


Liverworts  or  Hepatics 

A  veil  (calyptra)  surrounds  the  spore-case. 

A  false  perianth  surrounds  the  veil. 

A  fringed  covering  (involucre]  encloses  all  the  spore-cases 
between  two  lobes.  When  the  spore-case  is  mature,  it  bursts 
irregularly  for  the  scattering  of  the  spores. 

The  spore  germinates  to  form  one  cell  or  a  small  group  of 
cells  (protonema)  from  which  later  will  be  developed  the  plant 
already  described. 

Marchantia  polymorpha.    Vertical  sec- 
tion of  male  receptacle.  See  pags  94. 

Marchantia  polymorpha.  Vertical  section  of 
Antheridium  from  male  receptacle,  Sperm 
cells  at  the  right. 

Marchantia  polymorpha,  (L.) 

habit  and  habitat. — Along  wet  banks,  in  bogs,  beside 
streams,  about  green-houses,  and  on  damp  ashes  on  the  shady 
side  of  houses. 

Name. — The  generic  name  Marchantia  was  given  by  the  son 
in  honour  of  his  father,  Nicholas  Marchant,  a  French  botanist 
who  died  in  1678.  The  specific  name  polymorpha  is  com- 
pounded of  the  Greek,  TroXu?,  many,  and  popfyri,  form. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — Peculiar  dull-green,  with  broad  ribbon- 
shaped  thallus  generally  once  or  twice  forked.  Costa  or  mid- 
vein  broad.  Upper  surface  divided  off  into  rhomboidal  spaces 
(areolce).  One  stoma  or  pore  in  the  centre  of  each  rhomboidal 
space.  Gemmae  cups,  saucer-shaped  with  toothed  margins, 
are  often  present. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Section  of  plant. — (i)  Shows  well-marked  epidermis. 

(2)  Shows  that  each  pore  leads  into  an  air-chamber. 

(5)  That  the  side  walls  of  each  air-chamber  support  the 
epidermis  as  a  roof. 

(4)  That  cells  containing  chlorophyll  spring  up  from  the  floor 
of  each  chamber.  These  cells  assimilate  gases  which  enter  the 
air-chamber  through  the  pores,  they  also  take  in  oxygen  gas  and 
give  out  carbon-dioxide  gas.  The  floor-cells  transmit  or  store 
up  food. 

Marchantia  polymorpha.    Vertical  section  through  the  thallus  at  a  point 
where  a  pore  occurs. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Antheridia  or  male  organs  are  imbedded 
in  the  upper  surface  of  a  shield-shaped,  radially  lobed  disk  sup- 
ported by  a  peduncle  and  bearing  scales  on  the 
under  surface.  This  male  receptacle  (androecium) 
grows  from  the  upper  surface  of  the  thallus. 
Archegonia  or  female  organs  are  borne  on  the 
under  side  of  a  radially  lobed  disk  supported 
upon  a  peduncle  on  the  upper  surface  of  the 
thallus.  The  lobes  are  finger-like,  8  to  n,  usually 
curved  downward. 

Section  of  male  disk. — Shows  antheridia  con- 
cealed in  depressions  in  the  surface  of  the  disk. 

Male  flowers  (antheridia). — Oval  upon  a  pedi- 
cel    (seta}.     Section   shows  a  wall  and  numerous 
tdopmenthofdan    cells    containing    spermatozoids,    each    with  two 

antheridium.  fine  Cilia. 

Section  of  female  disk. — Shows  archegonia   on  the  under 
side  of  the  disk. 


polymorpha.  In 
ascending  order 
the  cuts  show 



SPOTTED  LUNGWORT,  Slicta  pulmonaria,  (L.)  Ach. 
.    .    "  a  sure  cure  for  lung  trouble  " 

Liverworts  or  Hepatics 

Female  flowers  (archegonia). — Flask-shaped.  Cuts  i,  2,  }, 
4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  show  stages  in  development.  Section  in  early 
stage,  3,  shows  a  wall  of  cells ;  an  egg-cell  and  canal-cell  in  the 

The  false  peri- 
anth is  growing 
down  to  en- 
velope the  old 


The  false 
perianth  en- 
velopes the 

enlarged  base  of  the  flask  ;  a  canal  in  the  neck  of  the  flask  and 
the  summit  of  the  neck  closed.  Section  in  a  later  stage,  6,  shows 
a  wall  of  cells:  the  egg-cell  rounded  up;  the  canal-cell  shrivelled; 
the  canal  open  at  the  summit  of  the  neck. 

..._TcU»t  perianth. 


— -Peiicel, 

—Spore -case. 

_.!. Maters. 


Spore-case  discharging  spores. 

Marchantia  polymorpha. 

Development  of  sporophyte. — A  section,  7,  of  the  archegonium 
after  the  spermatozoids  have  entered  and  fertilised  the  egg-cell 
shows  the  wall  of  the  enlarged  portion  of  the  flask  surrounded 
by  an  involucre,  made  up  of  segments,  awl-pointed  and  finely 
cut,  into  an  irregular  fringe  often  reddish  in  colour;  the  egg-cell 
is  divided  into  eight  cells;  the  summit  of  the  neck  is  shrivelled. 
Section  later,  8,  shows  the  eight  cells  multiplied  to  form  an  upper 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

portion,  the  future  spore-case  and  a  lower  portion,  the  future 
foot  and  pedicel. 

Spore-case. — At  maturity  is  exserted,  when  it  bursts  some- 
what irregularly  to  discharge  its  spores. 

Spores. — Yellow,  nearly  smooth,  mingled  with  twice-spiral 

M.   polymorpha. 

Gemmce. — Receptacles  bowl-shaped,  on  the  upper-surface  of 
the  thallus,  and  open  at  the  top.  Gemmae  flat,  upright  cellular 
bodies  with  two  indentations  at  the  sides,  the  growing  points. 
When  gemmae  germinate,  the  side  toward  the  light  develops 
pores  (stomata)  for  the  admission  of  gases  and  for  the  egress 
of  gases  and  water  vapour.  If  germination  takes  place  on  land, 
the  stomata  are  on  the  upper  surface,  but  if  in  water  lighted  from 
below,  then  they  are  on  the  under  surface.  Gemmae  are  a  means 
of  reproducing  plants. 




A  gray  lichen  with  black  fruits 

Liverworts  or  Hepatics 


Porella  platyphylla  (See  Colour  Plate  XIV),  is  a  good  ex- 
ample of  the  foliose  or  leafy  hepatics  and  from  a  study  of  it 
one  may  become  familiar  with  the  conspicuous  parts  of  this  class 
of  mosses. 

Margins  irregular. 

Margin  inrolled. 
Leafy  hepatics. 

Margin  toothed. 

The  plants  grow  flat  upon  the  bark  of  living  trees.  Each 
plant  consists  of  a  creeping  stem,  with  side  branches  which  may 
in  turn  bear  branches. 

The  principal  leaves  are  set  at  right  angles  to  the  stem  and 
their  sides  overlap  so  as  to  conceal  the  stems. 

They  are  two-lobed  with  one  lobe  above  the  stem  and  one 

A  third  row  of  leaves  grows  on  the  underside  of  the  stem. 

Creeping  stem  and  branch. 

Two  leaves  showing  lobe 
and  lobule. 

Under  view  of  stem  showing 

third  row  of  leaves. 
Porella  platyphylla. 

In  some  leafy  hepatics,  the  tips  of  the  leaves  overlap  the  base 
of  the  leaf  in  front;  in  others  the  tips  of  the  leaves  are  under- 
neath the  bases  of  the  leaves  in  front. 

The  margins  of  the  leaves  of  different  species  vary,  they  are 
recurved,  toothed,  fringed,  inrolled,  or  entire. 

The  apex  may  be  blunt  or  pointed  or  of  many  other  designs. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  male  organs  (antkeridia)  are  borne  in  the  axils  of  the 
leaves  of  modified  branches. 

The  female  organs  (archegonia)  are  on  the  terminal  branches. 

...TcUtt  perianth. 

.— -Telitti. 

.._£»(>•?$ -C9U, 

!  UtirS. 

Marchantia  polymorpha. 

One  leaf  magnified  to 
show  cell  structure. 

Porella  platyphylla. 
Male  branch. 

The  spore-cases  with  their  enveloping  parts  are  terminal  on 
the  branches;  although  they  appear  often  to  be  on  the  sides 
because  a  side  branch  has  grown  in  the  same  direction  and 
beyond  the  main  stem. 




Female  branch.  Young  Sporophyte.       Sporophy te. 

Porella  platyphylla. 

Beginning  with  the  spore-case  as  a  centre,  and  observing  the 
parts  in  order  outward,  a  veil  (calyptrd)  may  be  found,  and  then 
a  perianth,  and  outside  of  all,  several  slightly  modified  leaves. 

Genus  PORELLA,  (L.) 

The  Genus  Porella  is  composed  of  large  plants,  dark-green 
to  yellowish-brown,  usually  2  to  3  times  feather-branched. 

The  lobes  of  the  leaves  are  very  deeply  two-parted;  the  dorsal 
large,  and  roundish  egg-shaped,  usually  entire,  the  ventral  lobes 
smaller,  sometimes  nearly  separate  from  the  dorsal,  varying  in 
different  species  from  ovate  to  lanceolate;  underleaves  large, 
entire  or  toothed. 


Liverworts  or  Hepatics 

The  antheridia  are  spherical,  in  the  axils  of  overlapping  leaves 
which  form  short  rigid  branches. 

The  perianth  is  oval  to  obovate,  flattened  at  the  mouth,  which 
is  fringed,  toothed  or  entire.  The  spore-case  is  spherical  to 
ovoid-oblong  on  a  short  stalk  (seta)  splitting  nearly  to  the  base 
into  four  parts.  The  spores  are  covered  with  spines.  The  elaters 
are  once  to  thrice  spiral. 

The  generic  name  is  a  diminutive  of  the  Latin  porus,  a  pore. 
Its  significance  is  not  evident. 

Porella  platyphylla,  (L.)  Lindle.  Plant  (gametophyte). — 
Stems  2  or  3  inches  long,  prostrate,  rigid  with  the  tips  bent 
upward;  i  to  3  times  regularly  or  irregularly  pinnate;  root-hairs 
in  tufts  at  the  base  of  the  under-leaves. 

View  of  upper  surface  of 
•tern  with  two  leaves. 

Two  leaves  showing  lobe 
and  lobule 

Under  view  of  stem. 
Porella  platyphylla. 

Leaves. — Deeply  two-parted,  dorsal  lobes  overlapping  in  two 
rows  so  as  to  conceal  the  stem,  obliquely  placed  relatively  to  the 
stem,  oval  to  oblong,  apex  obtuse,  toothed  or  entire.  Ventral 
lobes  oval  to  oblong  obtuse,  diagonally  pressed  to  the  surface  of 
the  upper  lobes;  margins  recurved  and  entire  or  with  a  single 
tooth  at  the  base;  under  leaves  tongue-shaped,  parallel  with  the 
stem,  margins  recurved,  decurrent,  entire,  or  sparingly  toothed 
at  the  base. 

Name. — The  specific  name  platyphylla  from  the  Greek  TrXctrw, 
flat,  and  <f>v\\ov,  a  leaf,  describes  the  prostrate  habit  of  the  plant. 

Perianth. — Ovate,  inflated,  narrowed  above,  margin  toothed 
with  a  notch  on  one  side. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Persistent,  globose,  splitting  above. 

Spore-case. — Pale  yellow-brown  on  a  short  pedicel,  splitting 
into  four,  often  irregular  valves ;  elaters  bi-spiral. 

Spores. — More  or  less  spiny. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  flowers  (antheridid)  and  female 
flowers  (archegonia)  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Antheridia. — Spherical,  short-stalked,  single  in  the  axils  of 
two-lobed,  pouch-shaped  leaves  which  lie  opposite  on  the  stem. 
These  antheridial  leaves  are  united  by  their  margins  to  the  under 
leaves,  and  with  them  form  short  oval  branchlets  on  the  sides  of 
the  main  branches. 

Archegonia.  —  Numerous,  terminal  on  very  short  lateral 

Genus  FRULLANIA,  Raddi 

The  plants  are  usually  in  shades  of  red  or  brown  or  even 
black,  although  sometimes  green.  They  grow  in  delicate  tra- 
ceries over  the  bark  of  trees  or  rocks. 

F.  ecklonii.  A  lobule 
separated  from  its  lobe. 
A  tiny  stylus  is  present 
at  the  point  where  the 
lobule  is  attached  to 
the  main  stem. 

F.  ecklonii  Under  view  of  a 
portion  of  the  stem ;  with  eight 
inflated  lobules,  each  on  its 
lobe,  the  amphigastra  have 
been  removed. 

F.complanata,  Under 

view  of  stem  showing  3 
cup-like  lobules  each 
lying  on  its  lobe:  two 
notched  amphigastra 
are  on  the  stem. 

The  stems  are  opaque  and  branched,  each  branch  arising  from 
the  axil  of  a  stem-leaf  from  which  it  is  always  free. 

The  upper  leaves  are  alternate  and  are  inserted  somewhat 
obliquely.  They  are  two-lobed,  one  lobe  folded  to  lie  over  the 
other.  The  upper  and  larger  is  known  as  the  lobe  and  the  lower 
and  smaller  as  the  lobule. 

The  lobule,  is  an  inflated  water-sac,  in  shape  resembling  a 
helmet  or  hood  or  cylinder  and  often  has  at  the  base  a  tiny  pro- 
cess (stylus). 


Liverwort!  or  Hepatic* 

The  under  leaves  or  stipules  (amphigastrd)  are  strongly  two- 
cleft  and  have  often  tufts  of  rootlets  at  their  bases. 

The  male  flowers  (antheridia)  are  found  on  short  branches 
either  on  the  same  plant  with  the  female  flowers  (archegonia)  or 
on  separate  plants. 

The  envelope  of  the  flower  (perianth')  is  free  and  exserted 
from  the  leaves.  It  is  3-  to  4-angled  and  tipped  with  a  short 
tubular  beak  (mucronate).  The  veil  (calyptra}  is  free  and  included 

The  involucre  opened 


Perianth  with  beak.  Amphigastra  with 

F.  tcklonii.  rootlets. 

in  the  perianth.  The  spore-case  is  somewhat  spherical  on  a 
stout  pedicel  2  to  3  times  longer  than  the  perianth.  It  opens  by 
four  valves  to  eject  its  spores.  There  are  about  150  species  in  all, 
which  are  well  represented  in  both  temperate  and  tropical  zones; 
about  twenty  are  found  in  North  America. 

The  generic  name  Frullania  was  given  in  honour  of  Signer 
Leonardo  Frullani,  an  Italian  minister  of  state. 

Frullania  Eboracensis,  Gottsche. —  See  Colour  Plate  XIV. 

Transverse  Upper  view  of 

section  of  the  stem  with  two 

perianth.  leaves. 

F.  eboracencts, 

This  dainty  hepatic  is  usually  found  in  some  shade  of  green 
or  red,  forming  delicate  traceries  on  the  bark  of  trees.  It  is  par- 
ticularly beautiful  on  the  smooth  bark  of  the  yellow  birches  in 
the  North  woods. 

The  leaves  lap  as  shingles  (imbricate).  The  lobule  is  hood- 
like  (galeate),  bluntly  terminating  at  the  base.  The  perianth  is 
somewhat  compressed  with  a  short,  broad  beak. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Genus  PTILIDIUM,  Nees 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Ptilidium  grow  usually  in  dense 
and  brownish  mats,  the  stems  prostrate  or  ascending,  i  to  2 
pinnate  or  irregularly  and  sparingly  branched,  without  whip-like 
branches,  the  branches  are  lateral;  root-hairs  are  few  and  short. 

The  leaves  are  obliquely  inserted,  variously  cut  or  fringed,  a 
character  which  suggested  the  name  Ptilidium,  derived  from  the 
Greek  TTT(\OV,  down,  the  dorsal  segment  larger  and  with  its  tip 
lying  over  the  base  of  the  leaf  next  above  it  (incubus),  under- 
leaves  (ampbigastra)  similar  but  much  smaller. 

Male  flowers  (antberidia)  short-stalked  in  the  axils  of  more 
closely  imbricate  leaves. 

Female  flowers  (arcbegontd)  terminal,  sometimes  apparently 
lateral  because  a  side  branch  has  grown  on  beyond  the  stem 
which  bears  it.  Bracts  commonly  two  pairs,  similar  to  the  leaves. 

Perianth  free,  several  times  longer  than  the  bracts,  cylindrical 
egg-shaped  with  constricted  mouth. 

Veil  (calyptrd)  free. 

Spore-case  egg-shaped  on  a  moderately  long  stalk  (seta)  de- 
hiscing to  the  base  by  four  rather  rigid  valves;  spores  dotted. 

Elaters  two  to  three  spiral. 

There  are  about  eight  species. 

Ptilidium  ciliare,  Nees. — See  Colour  Plate  XIV. 

Habit  and  Habitat. — On  fallen  logs  growing  in  loosely  entan- 
gled purple,  brown,  or  dark-green  tufts. 

Upper  view  of  Under  view  of  stem  to  show  Lobule   enlarged    to 

stem.  show  cell-structure. 

P.  Ciliart. 

Name. — The  specific  name  ciliare,  from  the  Latin  cilia,  lash, 
refers  to  the  fine  hairs  on  the  margins  of  the  leaves. 

Plants  (gametopytbe). — The  plants  have  stems  I  to  i£  inches 
long,  mostly  erect;  root  hairs  few  at  the  base.  Branches  short, 
once  or  twice  pinnate. 


Liverworts  or  Hepatics 

Leaves. — Crowded,  hiding  the  stem,  roundish;  lobes  lance- 
shaped,  folded  toward  each  other,  the  front  lobe  convex  and 
parted  half-way  down,  the  back  lobe  similar,  but  much  smaller; 
the  margins  all  divided  into  numerous  long  hair-like  teeth.  Under 
leaves  (ampbigastra)  pressed  to  the  stem,  rectangular,  nearly  as 
large  as  the  upper,  four-  to  five-lobed  with  marginal  teeth.  Leaf- 
cells  small,  roundish,  with  thick  walls. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants,  dioicous. 

Perianth. — Pear-shaped,  pale,  dull  yellow,  mouth  narrow,  and 
margined  with  small  short  teeth.  The  bracts  at  the  base  un- 
equally four-lobed  with  teeth  like  the  leaves. 

Spore-case. — Nearly  spherical. 

Genus  BAZZANIA,  Gr.  and  Benn. 

The  vegetative  part  of  these  plants  grows  in  large  mats, 
bright  or  dark  green;  the  branching  stems  are  2  to 4  inches  long, 
mostly  creeping  and  bearing  many  long  whip-like  shoots  with 
minute  leaves  and  few  whitish  root-hairs. 


Leaf -apex  3-toothed. 

Leaves  from  the  base  of 
the  perianth. 

Battania  trilobata. 

Leaves  from  male  branch. 

The  leaves  are  egg-shaped,  over-lapping  and  embracing  the 
stem  half-way  around,  they  are  narrowed  to  the  apex  which  is 
bluntly  three-to  five-toothed.  The  leaf-cells  are  six-sided  and 
opaque.  The  male  and  female  flowers  are  on  separate  plants 
(dioicous).  The  perianth  is  white  and  tubular  with  slight  folds  in 
the  wall  and  splits  open  at  one  side,  the  leaves  at  the  base  (bracts) 
are  very  small,  scale-like  and  slightly  toothed. 

The  genus  Bahama  may  be  easily  distinguished  from  all  other 
genera  by  the  leaves  which  are  dark  green,  three-toothed  and 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

have  the  anterior  margin  of  each  leaf  lapping  the  posterior  margin 
of  the  leaf  in  front. 

The  genus  was  named  for  M.  Bazzani,  an  Italian  professor  of 

Bazzania  trilobata,  L.  —  See  Plate  X. 
Habit  and  habitat.  —  On  damp  shady  banks,  forming  extensive 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  trilobata  is  com- 
pounded of  Ires  (Iff-),  three,  and  lobatus,  lobed, 
referring  to  the  apex  of  the  leaf. 

Plants  (gdmetopbyte).  —  Shining  olive-green; 
stems  simple  or  once-  or  twice-forked,  3  to  5 
inches  long;  procumbent  or  creeping,  rootlets 
few,  beset  on  the  under  side  with  minute  leafy 
scales;  and  numerous  thread-like  whips  (flagella) 
about  an  inch  long. 

Stem  with  sporo-  Under 

phyte,    the    long       View  of  under  side  of       Stem   with   leaf         leaf. 
slender  pedicel  ris-    stem  to  show  the  third   enlarged   to    show 
ing  from  the  per-    row  of  leaves.  cell-structure. 


Bazzania  trilobata 

The  tip 
of  the  per- 

Leaves—  Olive-green,  the  upper  about  i*  times  longer  than 
broad  and  placed  at  right  angles  to  the  stem  in  two  rows,  the 
sides  of  the  leaves  overlapping  like  shingles,  the  anterior  margin 
of  one  leaf  overlapping  the  posterior  margin  of  the  leaf  in  front, 
apex  with  three  acute  teeth,  texture  firm;  the  under  leaves 
(ampbigastra)  broad,  four-sided,  apex  three-  to  five-toothed. 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Female  flowers  on  short  branches  on 
separate  plants.  Male  flower-clusters  minute  aments,  with  folded 
and  toothed  bracts,  antheridia  solitary. 

Pmanto.—  Highly  exserted,  nearly  white,  oblong,  narrower 
upwards;  mouth  slit  on  one  side  and  with  a  few  teeth.  Bracts 
at  the  base  oval,  fringed  at  the  apex  and  delicate  in  texture. 

Spore-case.—  Dark  shining-brown,  ovate,  on  a  long,  slender, 
white  pedicel,  the  valves  slit  to  the  base  to  form  a  Roman  cross; 
elaters  twice  spiral. 




Genus  SPHAGNUM,  Dill. 

THE  peat-  or  bog-mosses  are  usually  of  large  size,  green  or 
gray,  dark-red,  yellow,  or  purple,  growing  over  extensive  areas 
in  the  wet  places  of  lowlands  or  mountain  summits.  They  are 
attractive  both  to  travellers  and  to  botanists  and  are  always  a 
source  of  wonder  on  account  of  their  habit  of  changing  colour 
with  every  change  in  the  humidity  of  the  air.  The  individual 
plants  are  so  perfectly  preserved  when  carefully  pressed  that  they 
are  attractive  to  the  collector,  whether  artist  or  botanist.  Nature 
employs  these  mosses  to  redeem  shallow  waters  for  the  use  of 
higher  plants.  The  geologist  solves  many  problems  by  reading 
their  life-history.  The  economist  uses  them  for  fuel  in  localities 
where  other  vegetation  is  scanty,  and  finds  them  useful  packing 
for  plants  on  account  of  their  ability  to  hold  moisture. 

The  great  Linnaeus  calls  them  "flowers  of  Lapland  "  and  tells 
us  that  the  Lapland  mothers  use  them  for  their  children's  cradles. 


The  bog-moss  plays  an  important  part  in  the  formation  of 
peat.  In  a  peat-moor  the  plants  on  the  surface  are  the  tips  and 
branches  of  the  very  same  plants  whose  under  parts  long  ago 
died  away. 

When  a  peat-moss  spore  germinates  in  water,  a  meshwork 
of  fine  thread-like  strands  is  formed,  called  the  protonema;  upon 
this  protonema  bud-like  growths  occur  which  in  later  stages  are 
known  as  the  peat-moss  plants.  These  plants  very  soon  lose 
any  root-like  growth  which  they  may  have  possessed,  and  con- 
tinue to  grow,  year  after  year,  from  the  apex  of  the  stem  or  from 
lateral  branches  just  below  the  apex  of  the  stem. 


Mosses  and  LIcbens 

As  the  floating  plants  multiply  along  the  borders  of  a  body  of 
water,  extending  outward  over  the  water  as  an  anchored  raft, 
the  immersed  dead  parts  of  the  moss  are  continually  dropping 
disintegrated  plant-tissue  and  so  build  soil  from  the  bottom  up- 
ward. The  accumulation  of  vegetable  matter  attached  to  the 
living  and  floating  plants  on  the  under  side  causes  the  raft  to 
sink  gradually  ;  so  gradually  that  the  new  growth  always  rests 
just  at  the  surface  of  the  water  until  the  depth  of  the  moss-raft  is 
sufficient  to  permit  it  to  reach  the  bottom.  In  time,  the  weight 
of  the  superimposed  mass,  together  with  chemical  changes  which 
take  place  in  the  dead  plant-tissue,  convert  the  moss  plants  into 
more  or  less  compact  peat. 

Ideal  section  of  pond  showing  bog-moss  growing  outward  from  the  shore. 

Ideal  section  of  old  pond  showing  bog-moss  growing  on  the  surface  of  the  water 
and  forming  a  "  quaking-bog." 

Thus  a  border  of  peat-moss  soil  is  built  around  the  shore; 
and  as  new  plants  are  continually  growing  on  the  water-line, 
forming  new  rafts  which  in  turn  sink  and  make  new  moss-soil, 
the  body  of  water  becomes  gradually  less  until  finally  it  dis- 
appears altogether.  During  this  process  of  marsh  building  a 
"quaking  bog"  occurs,  when  the  moss  covers  the  whole  surface 
of  the  water  but  has  not  yet  filled  up  the  underlying  water. 
Both  men  and  animals,  while  endeavouring  to  cross  a  "quaking 
bog,"  have  sunk  through  the  overlying  moss  to  be  entombed  in 
the  underlying  peat;  and,  owing  to  the  antiseptic  quality  of  the 
peat,  the  bodies  have  been  kept  in  a  state  of  preservation  for 
hundreds  of  vears, 




ICELAND  MOSS,  Cetraria  Islandica,  (L.)  Ach. 

"  A  cure  for  lung  trouble  " 

STICTA  AMPLISSIMA,  (Scop.)  Mass. 
Fruits  in  flattened  coloured  disks 

Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Pa; 


Peltigera  canina,  (L.)  HofTm. 
"  A  cure  for  hydrophobia" 


The  building  of  bog-mosses  is  not  confined  to  depressions 
filled  with  water.  Strange  as  it  may  seem,  it  is  true,  that  they 
can  climb  the  slopes  of  the  surrounding  shore  and  extend  the 
marsh  up  a  hill.  The  hill-climbing  character  of  the  moss  is  due 
to  its  habit  of  absorbing  water  like  a  sponge.  If  one  recall  the 
moss  habit  of  making  the  new  growth  upon  the  dead  and  water- 
soaked  remains  of  the  old  plants,  he  will  readily  understand 
that  it  is  as  simple  for  the  moss  plants  to  grow  up  a  slope,  if  it  is 
not  too  steep,  as  it  is  for  .them  to  grow  on  a  level. 

The  value  of  the  bog-mosses  as  peat  producers  in  the  belt 
over  which  the  great  continental  glacier  swept  is  greater  than 
that  of  any  water-loving  plant.  It  will  be  remembered  that  the 
great  glacier  of  the  Ice  Age  moved  in  North  America  from  the 
northwest  in  a  southeasterly  direction  as  far  down  as  the  northern 
part  of  New  Jersey,  and  as  the  climate  changed  and  the  great  ice 
sheet  receded  by  melting  backwards  to  its  source,  it  left  in  its 
wake  numerous  small  lakes,  ranging  from  a  few  feet  to  several 
miles  in  diameter.  It  is  in  these  lakes,  when  not  over  a  mile  in 
width,  that  the  peat-mosses  have  found  most  favourable  quarters 
for  their  work,  for  the  smaller  sheets  of  water  are  less  liable  to  be 
lashed  into  waves  by  the  wind. 

Examples  of  this  method  of  marsh  building  are  found  all  over 
the  world.  Professor  H.  W.  Brewer  reports  finding  peat-mosses 
building  marshes  on  Lassen's  Peak,  California,  at  an  altitude  of 
5,000  feet.  He  found  Sphagnum  fimbriatum  on  the  Sierra  Nevada 
Chain,  California,  at  an  altitude  of  11,000  feet;  and  Sphagnum 
mendocinum  forming  swamps  near  King  River,  California,  at  an 
altitude  of  from  800  to  900  feet.  Examples  may  be  found  on  the 
Palisades  of  the  Hudson  and  on  the  summits  of  Mount  Marcy  and 
the  Shawangunk  Mountains  in  New  York,  or  on  the  Pocono 
Mountains,  Pennsylvania. 

In  the  pass  between  Mount  Marcy  and  the  highest  point  in 
New  York  State,  and  Mount  Skylight,  near  the  camp  and  about 
half  a  mile  from  the  summits  of  the  mountains,  lies  "Lake  Tear 
of  the  Clouds."  To-day  it  is  a  mere  bog-hole,  neither  large  nor 
deep,  but  when  named  by  Verplanck  Colvin  not  very  many  years 
ago,  its  clear  waters  nestling  in  a  rocky  basin  suggested  to  him 
the  pretty  name.  At  that  time  a  fringe  of  peat-moss  wreathed 
its  shores  and  was  reflected  from  it  as  from  a  mirror.  To-day  it 
is  surrounded  by  boggy  shores  and  is  dotted  with  little  islands  of 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

similar  character;  its  bottom  is  soft  mud  made  of  decayed  vege- 
table matter.  There  is  no  visible  inlet  that  could  bring  in  sedi- 
ment; it  is  fed  only  by  the  slight  drainage  of  rain  and  melting  ice 
under  the  rocks  on  the  adjacent  mountain  sides,  and  yet  it  is 
never  dry. 

There  are  many  places  all  through  the  Adirondacks  which 
illustrate  the  same  thing  in  different  stages  of  completion — 
Connery  Pond,  Mud  Pond,  Calamity  Pond,  Hidden  Swamp  and 
Averyville  Swamp  are  examples,  all  within  walking  distance  of 
Lake  Placid,  New  York. 

Mr.  Charles  H.  Peck  tells  of  an  example  within  fifteen  miles 
of  Albany.  He  says: 

"A  marsh  covered  with  Sphagnum,  in  my  boyhood  days, 
was  so  soft  and  yielding  that  it  seemed  dangerous  to  go  over 
some  places.  It  was  then  productive  of  cranberries  in  nearly 
all  parts.  Now  it  is  firm  in  nearly  all  parts.  The  cranberry 
vines  have  almost  disappeared  and  shrubs  and  young  trees 
have  come  up.  It  is  greatly  changed.  The  same  sluggish  stream 
flows  through  the  centre;  nothing  has  been  done  to  ward  draining 
it,  but  the  mosses,  growing  at  their  summits  and  decaying  at 
their  base,  have  gradually  made  more  dense  the  soft  ooze  beneath, 
till  now  there  is  sufficient  soil  to  support  sedges,  marsh-shrubs 
and  even  young  trees  of  tamarack,  balsam,  and  spruce." 

The  climbing  bogs  may  be  found  on  the  east  shores  of  Maine, 
near  the  Bay  of  Fundy,  in  New  Hampshire,  Michigan,  and  Min- 
nesota. They  are  rare  in  the  United  States  on  account  of  the 
short  hot  summers,  and  for  the  same  reason,  when  they  do  occur, 
they  do  not  climb  declivities  of  more  than  2°.  In  northern 
Europe,  on  the  other  hand,  they  climb  declivities  of  5°  and  a  bog 
often  rises  a  score  of  feet  above  the  water  in  which  it  stands. 

Peat  bogs  represent  the  accumulated  remains  of  thousands  of 
generations  of  plants,  among  which  were  the  Sphagnum  mosses. 
There  is  conclusive  evidence  that  the  Sphagnum  mosses  are  an 
important  constituent  of  peat-bogs  now  forming;  and  there  is 
every  reason  to  believe  that  in  ages  gone  by  they  served  as  soil- 
makers  for  more  complex  peat-producing  plants.  Extensive 
peat-bogs  occur  in  the  northern  parts  of  the  world,  New  England, 
Ireland,  India,  and  northern  Europe,  where  the  peat  is  used  as 
fuel  to  a  limited  extent. 

Owing  to  a  peculiar  odour  given  off  from  burning  peat,  as 
well  as  to  other  contingencies,  it  is  not  popular  as  a  fuel.  Its 
great  value  lies  in  the  fact  that,  when  bogs  are  properly  drained, 



they  afford  the  most  desirable  land  for  farming  purposes.  One- 
fifth  of  the  most  fertile  fields  in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  have 
been  won  from  bog  districts  by  draining.  During  the  time  of 
the  Saxon  kingdoms,  England  was  to  a  grea;  extent  occupied  by 
morasses  which  have  since  been  cleared  away.  Sites  of  ancient 
bogs  in  northern  Germany  and  in  the  valley  of  the  River  Po, 
Italy,  are  indicated  by  the  great  and  persistent  fertility  of  the  soil. 
Probably  not  far  from  ore-twentieth  of  :he  tillable  land  in  Europe 
was  inundated  and  unfit  for  agri- 
culture in  the  eighth  century. 

Sphagnum  acutifolium,  var.  rubellum. 
A  bit  of  stem  with  three  stem-leaves 
and  a  fascicle  of  three  branches,  one 
appressed  and  two  spreading. 

A  bit  of  stem  with  one  stem-leaf  and  a 
fascicle  of  five  branches,  two  appressed 
and  three  spreading. 

Sphagnum  cytnbifolittm. 

(Genus  SPHAGNUM) 

Peat-mosses  are  common,  growing  in  more  or  less  compact 
green  or  purple  patches  on  the  surface  of  bogs,  or  along  mountain 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

springs  and  rivulets,  or  even  floating  on  water.  The  genus  is  an 
easy  one  to  recognise  and  the  plants  form  an  attractive  feature 
of  one's  walk  through  woods  or  over  fen-land. 

The  name  Sphagnum  (Greek  o-^cryvo?)  was  used  by  the  an- 
cient botanists  Theophrastus,  Dioscorides,  and  Pliny  to  indicate 
certain  non-flowering  plants.  The  name  was  restricted  to  a 
more  limited  use  in  1719  by  Johann  Dillenius,  a  German,  who 
was  the  first  professor  of  botany 
at  Oxford. 


Leaf  magnified  to  show  large  cells  with 
perforations  and  spiral  thickenings  and 
small  cells  with  leaf-green  grains. 

Sphagnum  cymbifotium. 

Surface  view  of  leaf  cells. 

The  plants  are  soft  and  weak-stemmed  mosses,  generally  of 
large  size,  white  or  yellow,  light  green  or  sometimes  red.  The 
stems  appear  almost  simple  with  clusters  of  branches  at  the 
summit  and  on  the  sides  ;  the  branches  at  the  summit  are 
grouped  to  form  a  dense  rosette  (capitulum),  while  each  side 
cluster  (fascicle)  consists  of  from  2  to  7  or  more  branches,  some 
spreading  and  some  appressed  to  the  stem.  A  cross  section  of 
the  stem  shows  three  zones  of  cells — the  outer  (cortex)  of  large 
loose  cells,  the  central  of  pithy  cells  and  the  intermediate  of 
woody  cells. 

The  leaves  are  translucent,  without  veins,  and  consist  of  a 
single  layer  of  two  kinds  of  cells  :  (i)  Large  colourless  and 
transparent  cells  (utricles),  generally  perforated  and  lined  with 



spiral  or  circular  thickenings  (fibrils)  to  secure  them  against 
collapse.  They  have  lost  the  cell-contents  which  were  present 
in  a  younger  stage  and  are,  when  dry,  filled  with  air.  (2) 
Smaller  cells  (ducts),  containing  active  cell-contents  and  leaf-green. 
They  are  narrowly  linear  and  form  a  net  of  rhomboidal  or  hexa- 
gonal meshes  around  the  large  cells.  The  stem-leaves  are  distant, 
obliquely  inserted,  erect  or  bent  downward,  flat  or 
concave,  tongue-shaped,  oval,  inserted  at  the  small 


Leaf  from  branch.  Stem  leaf. 

Leaf  from  base  of 

Male  branch 

Sphagnum  cymbtfolium. 

or  large  end  generally  obtuse.  The  "branch-leaves  are  smaller, 
round,  oval  or  lance-like,  concave  or  rolled-up  lengthwise.  Each 
leaf  apex  overlaps  the  base  of 
the  next  leaf  above  and  every 
fifth  leaf  lies  in  a  perpendicular 
line  on  the  stem,  directly  over 
the  first  leaf  counted,  that  is  they 
are  five  ranked. 

The  veil  (calyptra)  is  a  ragged 
membrane  left    at  the  base  of 

5.  acuiifolium,  var.  rubellum.  Cross-sec- 
tion of  leaf  showing  cells  with  cell  contents 
and  empty  cells  with  perforations. 


as    the    latter 


The  spore-cases  are  chestnut  brown,  globular,  without  teeth. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Normally  they  are  in  the  crown  (capihiluni)  of  the  plant,  but 
by  an  elongation  of  an  erect  branch  near  the  apex  of  the  stem 
they  are  often  left  behind  so  as  to  appear  to  have 
grown  from  the  side. 

The  pedicels  are  thick  and  stocky.  [The  Sphag- 
num pedicel  (pseudopodium)  does  not  have  the  same 
origin  as  the  pedicel  of  other  mosses]. 

The  lids  (opercula)  are  flattened  in  the  form  of 
an  inverted  saucer.  These  are  normally  cast  off 
by  the  contraction  of  the  spore-case  wall.  Some- 
times a  lid  remains  attached  at  one  point  and  opens 
to  permit  spores  to  escape  or  closes  to  protect 
them.  Sometimes,  if  wet,  a  lid  does  not  fall,  then 
the  spores  germinate  within  the  spore-case  and 
the  growing  embryos  burst  the  spore-case  and 

The  spores  are  of  two  kinds — large  four-angled 
spores  (tetrahedral  macrospores)  and  small  many- 
angled  spores  (polyhedral  microspores).  The  small 
spores  are  supposed  to  be  the  spores  of  a  parasitic 
fungus  which  lives  upon  the  developing  spores  of 
the  moss.  Two  hundred  and  fifty-eight  species  in 
all  are  known,  seventy-four  being  found  in  North 

tguarrosum.  A 
plant  with  a 
rising  from  the 
leaves  at  its 
summit ;  the 
slender  pedicel 
bears  a  globu- 
lar spore-case 
closed  with  a 
saucer-like  lid 
and  having  a 
ragged  veil  at 
its  base. 


The  pale  tint  of  peat-mosses  is  due  to  the  struc- 
ture of  the  leaves.  When  the  moss  is  wet,  the  large  cells  are 
rendered  more  transparent  and  the  colour  of  the  small  cells  can 
be  seen  through  them.  When  the  moss  is  dry  and  the  green 
cells  are  less  evident,  then  it  is  paler  green  or  even  white. 


The  tiny  openings  of  the  large  cells  communicate  with  similar 
openings  in  adjoining  cells.  When  the  atmosphere  is  dry,  as 
has  already  been  said,  the  large  cells  are  filled  with  air;  but  as 
soon  as  the  atmosphere  is  moist,  the  surrounding  water  rushes 
through  the  holes  on  one  side  of  the  large  cells  and  the  air  is 



forced  out  through  the  holes  on  the  opposite  sides.  When  all 
the  large  cells  are  filled  with  water,  the  contents  of  the  small 
cells  can  absorb  through  their  thin  walls  the  water  from  the 
adjoining  large  cells. 

It  may  help  one  to  comprehend  the  structure  to  imagine  a 
number  of  thin,  transparent-glass  capsules  of  irregular  shape, 
with  spiral  or  circular  thickenings  of  glass  in  their  walls  and  tiny 
openings  here  and  there.  Imagine  the  capsules  piled  up  with 
the  openings  of  each  capsule  contiguous  to  the  openings  of 
adjoining  capsules  and  all  the  spaces  between  filled  with  very 
small  capsules  containing  a  colourless  jelly  and  green  granules. 

Diagram  to  show  plan  of  cell-structure. 

If  the  base  of  this  imaginary  pile  be  immersed  in  water,  immedi- 
ately the  water  will  creep  up  through  the  whole  system.  This 
is  in  accordance  with  nature's  law  that  water  rises  in  fine  hair- 
like  tubes  or  crevices.  To  understand  the  process  by  which  the 
water  passes  from  a  large  cell  to  a  small  cell  one  must  recall 
another  of  nature's  laws,  that  whenever  a  non-crystallisable 
substance,  as  the  cell-contents  of  the  small  cells,  is  separated  by 
a  membranous  partition  from  a  crystallisable  liquid,  as  the  water 
in  the  large  cells,  the  crystallisable  liquid  will  pass  through  the 
membranous  wall  into  the  non-crystallisable  substance. 

It  is  evident  that  one  function  of  the  large  cells  is  to  procure 
water  for  the  small  cells  to  work  with  ;  but  since  this  same 
function  would  be  performed  as  well  if  all  the  cells  were  filled 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Point  whtrt. 
Proton  tmo,.*,  «,. 

Protonema  of  Sphagnum  cymbifolium.    (See  page  119.) 

Sphagnum  acutifolium.  Stem  of  moss-plant  with 
leafy  branches  ;  (ch)  involucral  leaves  of  the  female 
flower ;  (a)  involucral  leaves  of  the  male  flowers; 
(fc)  stem  leaves.  (See  pages  120  and  121.) 


Sphagnum  acutifolium.  (A)  Male 
flower-cluster  with  involucral  leaves 
stripped  off  to  show  male  flowers  (a) 
antheridia.  (B)  Antheridium  burst- 
ing and  emitting  antherozoids.  (0 
Coiled  antherozoid  with  two  lashes. 
(See  pages  120  and  lai.) 


with  non-crystallisable  cell-contents  as  in  other  mosses,  one  must 
conclude  that  the  large  cells  serve  other  purposes  beside  that  of 
water  carriers.  Perhaps  they  are,  when  filled  with  air,  a  protec- 
tion to  the  cells  containing  leaf-green,  serving  both  as  shields 
against  excessive  heat  and  light  and  as  a  barrier  to  excessive 


Protonema. — The  large  spores  germinate  in  water  to  form  a 
thread-like  protonema ;  or,  on  land,  to  form  a  flat  plate  of  cells, 
from  which  the  moss-plant  develops.  Several  stages  from  spore 
to  adult  plant  are  shown  in  diagrams  i,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6  and  7. 
(See  also  diagrams  on  pages  118  and  120.) 

Sphagnum  acutifolium.  Vertica 
section  to  show:  (or)  archegon- 
ium;  (ch)  cut  edges  of  perichaetial 
leaves;  (y)  involucral  leaf. 
(Seepage  120.) 

Sphagnum  acutifolium. 

Plant  (gametopbyte).—The  cells  of  the  protonema  by  division 
at  one  point  form  the  plant — stem,  leaves  and  rhizoids — then  the 
protonema  disappears.  Upon  the  moss  plant  are  developed  the 
male  flowers  (antberidta)  and  the  female  flowers  (archegonia) . 
In  Sphagnum  acutifolium  the  male  and  female  flowers  mature 
in  late  autumn  and  in  winter  and  may  often  be  found  by  digging 
under  the  snow. 

Antberidium.—An  antheridium  has  its  origin  in  a  cell  of  the 
outer  wall  of  a  branch.  This  cell  divides  to  make  two,  one  of 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

which  divides  to  form  a  stem  or  pedicel,  while  the  second  divides 
to  form  the  globular  part  of  the  antheridium.  The  mature 
antheridium  bursts  at  the  apex,  the  margins  roll  back  and  a  cloud 


Sphagnum  acutifolium. 
Male  flower-cluster  with 
sterile  branch  at  base. 

Moss  plant  on  protonema  of  Sphagnum  acutifolium. 

of  flattened  membranous  sacs  (vesicles),  each  containing  one 
spirally  coiled  antherosoid,  are  thrown  out.  The  antherosoids 
are  soon  set  free  by  the  breaking  down  of  the  vesicle  wall. 
Each  antherosoid  is  a  spirally  coiled  cell,  club-shaped,  with  two 

vibratile  lashes   at    the 
attenuated  end. 


Young  arche- 

Vertical  sec- 
tion of  a  de- 
v  e  1  o  p  i  n  g 

Sphagnum  cuspidatum.     Vertical 
section  to  show  young  embryo. 

Sphagnum  cuspida- 
tum.  Vertical  section 
of  a  ripe  archegonium 
to  show  egg-cell. 

Archegonium. — The  archegonium  is  developed  by  cell-division; 
it  is  similar  to  a  tiny  flask,  at  the  base  of  which  is  an  egg-cell 
(ovum)  which,  after  fertilisation,  is  to  become  a  spore-case  (i,  2,  3). 



Fertilisation  occurs  early  in  the  spring,  that  is,  sperm-cells 
(antherosoids)  from  antheridia,  swim  over  in  water  to  a  mature 
egg-cell  of  an  archegonium,  coalesce  with  it  and  make  possible 
the  development  of  an  embryo  spore-case  (4). 

The  Spore-case. — The  first  embryos  may  be  found  late  in 
February.  A  study  of  their  development  shows  that  the  fertilised 
egg-cell  divides  into  four  cells  and  then  by  repeated  division  of 
cells  takes  the  form  of  the  several  diagrams  in  order,  A,  B,  C,  and 
D.  The  embryo  which  has  been  formed  as  a  result  of  fertilisation 
is  divided  into  two  regions,  the 
three  upper  segments  with  the 

Okttr  luxlX. 

Inner  >nas« 

Vertical  section  of  developing  embryo. 
Sphagnum  acutifolium. 

apical  cell  give  rise  to  spores,  while  the  lower  segments  with  the 
basal  cell  form  a  "foot."  The  rudimentary  spore-case  is  at  first 
sessile,  but  later  is  raised  by  the  lengthening  of  the  apex  of  the 
branch  upon  which  it  is  borne. 

Veil  (calyptrd). — The  veil  is  the  fragmentary  remains  of  the 
old  archegonium  wall  which  was  burst  by  the  enlarging  spore- 
case  within  and  left  at  the  base,  or  carried  up  on  the  lid. 

Pedicel  (seta). — The  "foot"  of  the  Sphagnum*  is  homologous 
with  the  pedicel  of  other  mosses,  as  it  is  due  to  a  development 
of  the  base  of  the  archegonium.  The  so-called  pedicel  (pseudo- 
podium]  is  the  result  of  a  lengthening  upward  of  the  apex  of  the 
branch  which  bears  the  archegonium.  This  branch  so  enlarges 
just  below  the  developing  spore-case  as  to  completely  envelop 
the  "foot." 

Lid  (operculum). — When  the  spore-case  is  mature  enough  to 
open,  the  upper  portion  separates  from  the  lower  by  the  breaking 
down  of  the  walls  of  a  zone  of  cells.  This  zone  of  weak  cells  is 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

first  noticeable  in  a  young  spore-case  as  a  groove.  This  groove 
is  due  to  one  zone  of  cells  growing  less  rapidly  than  the  zones  of 
cells  on  either  side.  The  breaking  along  the  groove  is  due  to 
the  thinner  walls  of  the  groove  cells.  One  zone  of  thicker- 
walled  cells  forms  a  rim  to  the  spore-case  and  the  other  zone  of 
thicker-walled  cells  forms  the  rim  of  the  lid. 


Vertical  section  of  a  young  sporogonium. 

The  character  of  the  leaves  and  the  manner  of  branching, 
both  of  which  are  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  enable  one  to  separate 
the  species  with  some  accuracy  into  eight  groups,  which  are 
helpful  to  a  beginner,  in  that  they  gave  him  some  definite  points 
of  difference  to  look  for  in  a  genus  of  which  to  the  novice  all 
species  appear  alike. 


i.  Acuta.  —  With  branch-leaves  erect  and  stem  leaves  large. 
Examples:   Sphagnum  acutifolium  and  Sphagnum  rubellum.     (See 
diagram  on  page  123.) 



2.  Cuspidata. — With  branch-leaves  longer  and  narrower  than 
the  Acuta  group,  erect,  spreading  and  wavy  on  the  margins 
when  dry;  stem-leaves  small.  Example:  Sphagnum  cuspidaium. 

Stem  leaves. 

Branch  leaves. 
Sphagnum  acutifolium. 

3.  Squarrosa. — Plants   stout,   branch-leaves    spreading    open 
widely  and  abruptly  from  the  middle  of  the  branch.      Example: 
Sphagnum  squarrosum.     (See  diagram  below.) 

4.  Mollia. — Plants  short,  densely  crowded,   very  soft  when 

Stem  leaves.  Branch  leaf. 

Sphagnum  mollt. 

Branch  leaves. 
Sphagnum  cuspidaium. 


Branch  leaf. 
Sphagnum  squarrosum. 

Branch  leaf.         Stem  leaf. 
Sphagnum  subsecundum. 


Stem  leaf.          Branch  leaf. 
Sphagnum  cymbifolium. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

wet,  brittle  when  dry,  branch  leaves  short.     Example:   Sphag- 
num molle.     (See  diagram,  page  12^.) 

5.  Subsecunda. — Branch-leaves  more  or  less  turned  to  one 
side  or  strongly  curved  and  more  or  less  folded. 
Example:  Sphagnum  subsecundum.  (See  diagram, 
page  123.) 

6.  Cymbijormia. — Plants  robust;  stem-leaves 
large,  tongue  or  boat-shaped,  branch-leaves   very 
concave.     Example:    Sphagnum 
cymbifolium.  (See  diagram,  page 

7.  Cyclophylla. — Plants  not 
crowded,  stems  short,  usually 
without  short  hanging  branches; 
leaves  loosely  overlapping, 
roundish  or  oval,  with  a  broad 
blunt  apex. 

Acute-leaved   Peat-moss 
(Sphagnum  acutifolium) ,  E  h  rh .  — 
See  Colour  Plate  XI. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Green  or  purple  or  red,  common  in  open, 
shaded  bogs,  in  valleys  or  on   mountains;    many  varieties  are 
noted;  the  variations  due  to  their  special  habitat. 

Name. — The  specific  name  acutifolium  is  compounded  of  two 
Latin  words  acutus,  sharp,  and  folium,  a  leaf,  referring  to  the 
apex  of  the  leaf. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Stem  without  pores  in  the  triple  layer 
of  cells  which  form  the  outer  covering  ]  cluster  branches  spreading, 
3  to  5,  one  to  two  pendent. 

Branch.  Leaf. 

Sphagnum  cyckphylla. 

Transverse  section  of  leaf. 

Part  of   cross  section  of  stem 
showing  triple  layer  of  cells. 

Sphagnum  acutifolium. 

Leaves.— Stem-leaves  large,  erect,  oval  or  tongue-shaped ;  apex 
irregularly  notched ;  with  the  large  cells  lined  with  a  few  or  no 



spiral  thickenings;  branch-leaves  deeply  concave,  erect,  oval 
lance-shaped  and  awl-shaped,  apex  toothed;  margin  in-rolled. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous)  or  on  separate  plants  (dioicous) ;  male  branches 
usually  red. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case  (perichatial  leaves). — Ob- 
long, gradually  narrowed  to  a  point,  apex  sinuous,  toothed, 

Sphagnum-  acutifolittm.  Stem  of  moss  plant  with  leafy 
branches;  (d)  involucral  leaves  of  the  female  flower;  (a) 
involucral  leaves  of  the  male  flowers. 

Male  branch, 

Sphagnum  acuttfolium. 

Spore-case. — Numerous,  on  long  false  pedicels. 
Spores. — Rust-colour,  mature  in  July. 
Distribution. — Universal. 

The  Reddish  Peat-moss  (Sphagnum  rubellum),  Weis. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Common  in  the  Adirondack  Mountains. 
The  plants  cover  sunny  bogs  with  a  deep  red  carpet. 

Name. — The  specific  name  is  the  Latin  rubellum,  somewhat  red. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Stem  with  three  leaves 
and  three  branches,  two 
spreading  and  one  pen- 

Female  branch. 

Sphagnum  rubellum. 

Branch  leaf. 

Plant  (gametophyte).  —  Resembling  Sphagnum  acutifolium, 
stems  softer  and  more  slender. 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves  broad,  obtuse,  sometimes  with  fibrils  in 
the  cells ;  branch-leaves  shorter,  oval  oblong,  apex  obtuse,  three- 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate  plants 

The  Pointed  Peat-moss  (Sphagnum  cuspidatum),  Ehrh. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Green  or  brown,  floating  in  loose  tufts  in 
ponds  and  on  the  borders  of  streams  flowing  from  bogs. 


Leaves  of  divergent 

Stem  leaves. 

Sphagmim  rubellum , 

Peat- Mosses 

Male  branch 

Sphagnum  rubellum. 


Sphagnum  rubellum.    Portion 
of  cross  section  of  stem. 

Branch  leaves. 
Sphagnum  cuspidatum. 

Name. — The  specific  name  is  the  Latin  cuspidatum,  sharpened 
at  the  end,  referring  to  the  cluster-branches. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Long  and  slender,  6  to  18  inches  or  even 
several  feet;  cluster-branches  (fascicles),  spreading  or  hanging, 
not  closely  appressed  to  the  stem,  3  to  5,  tapering  to  a  stout  point 
owing  to  the  fact  that  the  terminal  leaves  are  rolled  lengthwise. 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves  small,  triangular,  apex  2-  to  jj-toothed ; 
branch-leaves  loose,  erect  spreading,  wavy  on  the  margins  when  dry, 
lance-like  and  taper-pointed,  deeply  concave,  apex  with  several 
small  teeth;  awl-shaped  at  the  ends  of  the  branches. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case. — Distant,  broadly  ovate, 
apex  cut  square  or  obtuse;  large  cells  lined  with  fibrils. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Spore-case. — Scattered  down  the  stem,  small,  the  false  pedicel 
often  half  an  inch  long. 

Spores. — Light  brown,  mature  in  July. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

Sphagnum  squarrosum.     Transverse 
section  of  leaf. 


Leaves  from  divergent  branch. 
Sphagnum  squarrosum. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  Spread-leaved  Sphagnum  (Sphagnum  squarrosum), 
Pers.— See  Plate  XII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Bluish-green,  stout,  loosely  crowded,  the 
summits  appearing  like  edelweiss,  almost  white  when  dry;  com- 
mon in  boggy  places. 

Name. — The  specific  name  is  the  Latin  squarrosum,  scurfy, 
applied  to  describe  the  scale-like  leaves  of  the  stem. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Stems  solid,  simple  or 
forking,  red;  cluster-branches 
4  to  5,  2  to  3  divergent,  the 
others  pendent  and  appressed. 

Stem  leaves: 

Leaf  at  base  of 


Sphagnum  squarrosum. 

Leaves. — Stem  leaves  soft,  spreading  or  turned  backward  from 
the  stem,  tongue-shaped;  apex  rounded  and  ragged;  branch-leaves 
spreading  widely  and  abruptly  from  the  middle  of  the  branch 
oblong  lance-shaped,  apex  four-toothed. 

Leaves  at  tbe  base  of  tbe  spore-case  (perichcetial  leaves). — Very 
broad,  thin  apex  rounded  and  notched. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  generally  on  the 
same  plants  (monoicous). 

Spore-case. —  Large,  nearly  spherical,  shining  dark  brown, 
numerous  at  and  near  the  summit  of  the  plant. 

Spores. — Yellow,  mature  in  August  and  September. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia,  Africa. 

The  Boat-leaved  Moss  (Sphagnum  cymbi folium),  Ehrh. — 
See  Plate  III. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  in  bogs,  robust,  yellow-green 
or  red,  densely  crowded  when  growing  out  of  water,  rarely 
floating,  male  plants  slender  with  thick  flower-clusters. 




Name. — The  specific  name  cymbifolium  is  compounded  of  two 
Latin  words,  cymba,  a  small  boat,  and  folium,  a  leaf,  referring  to 
the  branch-leaves.  Stem  solid,  simple  or  two-parted;  cortical 
cells  in  3  to  4  layers;  cluster-branches  (fascicles),  swollen,  4  to  5, 
2  to  3  hanging,  the  rest  curved. 

Leaves. — Stem  leaves  large,  tongue-shaped  or  spatulate,  gener- 
ally turned  back  from  the  stem ;  apex  rounded   and  irregularly 
notched;  branch-leaves  broadly  oval  and 
boat-shaped,  apex  finely  serrate  and 
rough,    densely  overlapping;  translucent 


Bit  of  stem  with  one  leaf 
and  fascicle  of  four  branches, 
two  appressed  and  three 

Cross  section  of  stem 

Female          Bract  of 
branch,     male  branch. 

Perichsetial  Apex  of  Male 

leaf.  leaf-  flower-cluster. 

Sphagnum  cymbifolium. 

cells  (utricles)  large,  with  spiral  thickenings  (fibrillose)  and  few 
pores,  green  cells  (ducts)  narrowly  oval. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case  (pericbcetial  leaves). — Small, 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous),  male  branches  rather  thick,  yellow-brown,  red, 
or  olive-green. 

Veil  (calypird). — As  in  genus. 

Spore-case. — Large,  almost  spherical,  dark  brown. 

Stem  leaf. 

Branch  leaves. 
Sphagnum  cytnbifoliutn. 

Pedicel. — As  in  genus. 

Lid  (operculum). — Saucer-like. 

Teeth  (peristome). — None. 

Spores. — Rust-colour,  mature  in  July. 

Distribution. — Universal. 


Genus   ANDRE^A,    Ehrh. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Andreaea  are  found  in  small,  brown 
or  black,  fragile  tufts  on  granite  or  slate  rocks  in  high  altitudes. 
They  are  among  the  first  mosses  to  grow  on  rock  and  are 

Andreato  Hartmanii.    Leaves. 

Andrecea  «- 
pes-tris.  Spore- 
case  open  ins 
by  four  valves. 

efficient  agents  in  preparing  soil  for  higher  forms  of  plant  life. 
The  plants  are  small  with  forked  branches  which  start  from  just 
below  the  flower-bearing  apex.  The  leaves  are  thick,  open  or 







Cladonia  rangijerina,  (L.)  Hoffm. 
Reindeer  feed  upon  it     ... 

Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Page  &  Company 


Peat- Mosses 

spreading,  ovate  to  lance-shaped  and  usually  have  their  surface 

covered  with  projecting  points. 

The  terminal  oval  spore-cases  are  immersed  among  the  leaves 

before  maturity,  but  later  are  protruded  by  the  elongation  of  the 

cellular  sheath  (vaginule)  surrounding  the  base  of  the  spore-case. 
This  is  known  as  a  false  pedicel  (pseudo- 
podium).  There  is  no  lid,  as  the  case 
opens  by  splitting  perpendicularly  into 
four  or  rarely  six  equal  segments 
which  cohere  at  the  apex.  There  are, 


Fertile  plant. 

A  sporophyte 
separated  from 
the  cellular 
Andrecea  Hartmanii. 

Sterile  plant. 

of  course,  no  teeth  when  there  is  no  lid.  The  small  spores  are 
at  first  coherent  in  fours,  later,  when  the  case  splits  into  valves, 
they  are  disseminated  by  the  wind,  if  the  weather  is  dry;  if  it  is 
damp,  the  valves  draw  together  to  protect  the  spores. 

There  are  about  one  hundred  species  known  at  present,  six 
or  more  of  them  occurring  in  North  America.  The  specific  char- 
acters are  drawn  mainly  from  the  leaves. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

By  the  early  writers  these  mosses  were  classed  with  the  leafy 
hepatics  (Jungermania)  on  account  of  their  manner  of  opening 
the  spore-case  by  valves  instead  of  by  a  lid.  They  agree  in 
structure  with  the  true  mosses.  Their  proper  place  seems  to  lie 
between  the  peat-mosses  and  leafy-mosses.  They  agree  with 
the  peat-mosses  because  the  spore-case  is  first  enclosed  in  a  sac- 
like  vail  and  then  elongated  on  a  false  pedicel.  They  agree  with 
the  genus  Grimmia  in  habitat,  manner  of  growth  and  in  structure 
of  their  leaves,  differing  chiefly  in  the  opening  of  the  spore-case. 

The  name  was  given  by  Fredrich  Ehrhart,  in  honour  of  his 
friend  J.  G.  R.  Andreae,  a  Hanoverian  naturalist. 

The  Stone-loving  Andresea  (Andrecea  petrophila),  Ehrh. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Found  in  small  olive  or  dark  brown  tufts 
on  wet  rocks  of  high  mountains. 

Name. — From  irerpa,  a  rock,  and  <f>i\eiv, 
to  love,  referring  to  its  choice  of  habitat. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Stems  slender,  $ 
to  i  inch  long,  leafless  below. 

A .  petrophila.   Vertica 
section  of  spore-case. 

A.  petrophila.    Leaves. 

Leaves. — Spreading  or  turned  to  one  side,  lance-shaped,  rough 
on  the  back  with  projecting  points;  apex  sometimes  oblique, 
transparent;  vein  none,  margin  incurved,  entire. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  one  plant 
(monoicous) . 

Veil  (calypird). — Thin,  closely  fitting  the  spore-case. 

Spore- case. — Egg-shaped,  immersed  in  the  leaves  at  its  base 
until  maturity  and  then  protruded  by  the  elongation  of  the  cel- 
lular sheath  (vaginule)  surrounding  its  base. 

Pedicel  (seta). — None. 

Lid  (operculum).—None. 

Teeth  (peristome) .— None. 


Peat- M  os  sea 

Spores. — Small,  mature  in  June- August. 

Distribution.— Widely  distributed  in  cooler  regions. 

The  Rock  Andreaea  (Andrecea  rupestris),  Turner. 

Andreaea  rupestris   has  lance-shaped  leaves,    smooth 
with  a  vein  extending  beyond  the  apex. 

This  moss  is  common 
in  the  mountains  of 
Georgia  and  North  Caro- 
lina, descending  to  the 
plains  northward. 

The  specific  name 
from  the  Latin  rupes,  a 
rock,  refers  to  its  habitat,  spore-case 




Fertile  plant,  spore- 
case  immersed. 

still  carrying  its 
veil,  one  peri- 
chaetial  leaf  at 
the  base  of  the 

A.  ruptstris. 

Genus   SPH^iRANGIUM,   Schimp. 

The  Species  of  the  Genus  Sphasrangium  are  minute  bud-like 
plants  with  spore-case  immersed,  without  stems,  growing  on  the 
ground  in  clusters,  but  with  no  protonema  at  the  base.  The  lower 
leaves  are  small,  while  the  upper  are  large,  somewhat  twisted  and 
overlapping  as  shingles.  They  are  concave  or  keeled  and  covered 
with  minute  protuberances  on  the  back  or  on  both  surfaces.  The 
spore-cases  are  spherical  and  for  this  reason  Wilhelm  Philipp 
Schimper  gave  them  their  generic  name  Spbarangium,  from  the 
Greek  <r<f>aipa,  a  ball,  and  ayyeiov,  a  vessel.  The  cases  with  their 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

tiny  erect  veils  are  borne  on  pedicels  and  are  enclosed  in  the 
leaves  at  their  base;  when  mature  they  split  irregularly  and 
transversely  for  the  emission  of  the  spores,  which  are  small, 
somewhat  globular,  minutely  granulous  and  brown. 

There  are  fourteen  species  known  in  all,  four  of  them  in  North 


Spore -case. 

split  open  to 
show  columella 
of  spores. 


S.  muticuin. 

Leaf -cells. 

Sphaerangium   muticum,    Schimp.     Individual   plants  are 
more  or  less  separated. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  bare  clay  or  sandy  soil. 

Name. — The  specific  name  muti- 
cum, blunt,  refers  to  the  apex  of 
the  spore-case. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Like 
yellow-brown  buds  j  of  an  inch 

Leaves. — The  lower  and  middle 
oval  and  long  taper-pointed;  apex 
recurved,  with  a  short  sharp  point; 
vein  passing  beyond  the  apex ;  the 
upper  two  or  three,  twice  as  large 
as  the  lower;  apex  irregularly  toothed. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male   and  female  flowers   on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Very  small,  erect,  conical,  with  a  long  beak. 

Spore-case. — Orange,  spherical,  immersed. 

Pedicel. — Very  short. 

Lid  (operculum). — None. 

Teeth  (peristome). — None. 

Spores.— Mature  in  winter  and  early  spring. 

Distribution.— Europe,  Africa,  and  North  America. 


Spore-case  split- 
ting irregularl  y  and 
emitting  spores. 

Sfheerangium  Schimferanum. 


Male  and  female 
branches  at  the  left 
and  (a)  rhizoids. 

Lower  leaf. 

Upper  leaves. 


Spharangium  muticum 

Genus  PHASCUM,   Linn. 

The  plants  of  the  Genus  Phascum  are  very  small  with 
simple  distinct  stems.  They  grow  in  loose  clusters  on  bare 
ground  under  old  willows  and  along  brooks  and  garden  paths. 
The  protonema  is  not  persistent. 

The  leaves  are  crowded,  forming  small 
heads  and  are  lance-shaped  with  taper-pointed 
apex  and  a  broad  base  with  a 
vein  extending  as  an  awn  be- 
yond the  apex.  The  cells  are 
distinct  and  pale  below,  smaller 
and  green  above,  sometimes 
with  minute  projecting  points 
on  one  or  both  faces. 

The  spore-cases  are  spherical 
or  egg-shaped  with  a  short  point 
or  a  blunt  beak.  They  are  raised 
on  a  short,  erect  or  curved 
pedicel  and  break  irregularly  and  transversely  for  the  emission  of 
the  large,  rough  spores,  which  are  borne  on  a  thick,  central 
column  (columella) . 

There  are  ten  species  known  in  all,  three  of  them  in  North 
America.  By  some  they  are  believed  to  be  mosses  in  a  primitive 
condition ;  by  others  they  are  believed  to  be  degenerate  forms  of 
higher  mosses. 



Spore  -  case 
with  veil. 
Pedicel  short, 
with  the  vag- 
inule  a  t  the 

split  open  to 
show  colu- 

Phascum  cuspidalum. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  generic  name  Pbascum  is  derived  from  the  Greek  <j>do-/covt 
an  ancient  name  for  a  moss.  It  was  originally  applied  by  Theo- 
phrastus  to  a  lichen,  Usnea  barbata,  and  first  used  as  a  generic 
name  for  these  mosses  by  Linnaeus  in  1753.  He  enumerated 
three  species,  all  founded  on  figures  made  by  Dillenius  and  pub- 
lished in  1741.  Schreber  limited  the  name  more  closely  to  its 
modern  sense.  In  a  quaint  little  pamphlet  printed  in  1770,  he 
praises  the  invention  of  lenses  which  make  it  possible  to  see  the 
tiny  mosses  as  if  they  were  of  greater  stature,  and  says  that  the 
ancients  spoke  well  and  wisely  when  they  said  "Nature  is  never 
more  perfect  than  in  small  things." 

Plant  with  immersed 
spore-case  and  new 

Plant  with  nodding 

Male  flower. 
Phase-urn  cuspidatum. 

Phascum  cuspidatum,  Schreb. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  loose  yellow-green  tufts  in  old  fields. 

Name. — The  specific  name  cuspidatum,  pointed,  refers  to  the 
apex  of  the  leaves. 

Plants  (gametopbyte). — Stems  simple  or  branched,  ITT  to  TTF  of 
an  inch  high,  often  bushy  with  numerous  fertile  stems,  dividing 
from  the  base  or  branching  above,  occasionally  whip-like. 

Leaves. — Small  and  few  below,  much  larger  and  crowded 
above,  broadly  lance-like,  twisted  when  dry:  apex  awl-like; 
margins  recurved,  entire  \vein  thick  and  extending  beyond  the 



apex;  basal  cells  large,  clear;  upper  cells  small,  green,  with 
tiny  projecting  points. 

Habit  of  flowering, — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous) ;  male  flowers  sessile  in  the  axils  of  the  upper 

Veil  (calyptra).— Split  on  one  side. 

Spore-case.— One  or  several  on  a  plant,  erect  or  nodding, 
spherical  with  a  sharp  point  at  the  top,  -£$  °f  an  incn  in  diameter. 

Pedicel. — Short  and  curved,  immersed  or  slightly  emergent. 

Spores. — Brown,  rough,  mature  in  March  and  April. 

Distribution. — North  and  South  America,  Europe,  Asia,  Africa. 

P.  nenosum.  Vertical 
section  of  spore-case  to 
show  columella  and 

P.  tubulatum.    Plants. 

P.  tubulatum.     Leaves. 

P.  subulatum.    Spore- 
case  split  open  to  show 


Genus   PLEURIDIUM,  Brid. 

The  plants  of  the  Genus  Pleuridium  are  minute  and  erect 
with  simple  or  branching  stems  clustered  to  form  dense  cushions 
on  the  ground. 

The  leaves  are  small  and  few  below,  but  longer  and  crowded 
above;  they  are  oval  at  the  base,  tapering  to  a  long  awl-like 
point  with  a  broad  vein  forming  most  of  the  apex. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  spore-cases  are  solitary  and  terminal,  immersed  on  a 
short  pedicel.  They  are  almost  spherical  with  a  point  on  the 
summit  and  a  persistent  columella. 

There  are  thirty-six  species  known  in  all,  five  in  the  United 

The  generic  name  Pleuridium  is  derived  from  the  Greek 
7r\€vpiSiov,  at  the  side.  The  name  is  suggestive  of  the  position  of 
the  spore-cases,  which  in  some  species  appear  to  be  on  the  sides 
of  the  stems  instead  of  on  the  summits,  because  a  side  branch  has 
grown  from  near  the  base  of  the  spore-case — but  in  the  same 
direction  as  the  main  stem — leaving  the  spore-case  behind. 
Pleuridium  subulatum,  (Huds.),  Rabenh. 

Habit  and  'habitat. — In  loose  bright-green  and 
silky  tufts  on  earth  and  clay,  along  woods,  banks 
and  heaths. 

Name. — The  specific  name  subulatum,  from  the 
Latin  subula,  an  awl,  refers  to  the  shape  of  the 
upper  leaves. 


Spore-case  Veil. 

Leaves.  with  veiL 

P.  subulatum. 

Plants  (gametopbyte).  —  Minute,  ^  to  -nrof  an  inch  high,  simple 
or  branching. 

Leaves.  —  The  lower  distant,  short,  oval  and  taper-pointed;  the 
upper  longer,  more  crowded,  spreading;  apex  an  awn  minutely 
toothed  and  rough  on  the  back;  vein  broad,  forming  most  of  the 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male  and  female  flowers  close  together 
on  the  same  plant  (paroicous)  ;  male  flowers  naked  in  the  axils  of 
the  leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case. 

Veil  (calyptra).  —  Split  on  one  side. 

Spore-case.  —  Immersed  in  the  leaves  at  the  base,  egg-shaped 
with  a  tiny  point  at  the  apex  (apiculate). 

Pedicel  (seta).  —  Short,  immersed. 

Lid  (operculum).  —  None. 


Peat- Mosses 

Teeth  (peristome). — None. 

Spores.—  Rough,  mature  from  March  to  June. 

Distribution. — Quite  universal. 

Genus  BRUCHIA,  Schwaegr. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Bruchia  are  minute,  with  simple 
or  two-forked  stems.  They  are  found  growing  in  loose  clusters 
on  the  ground. 

The  stem-leaves  are 
small  and  distant,  those 
toward  the  apex  being  long- 
er and  crowded  to  form  a 
rosette.  The  vein  of  all 
leaves  is  distinct  to  the  apex. 

The  spore-cases  are 
emergent,  oval  and  beaked, 
with  a  base  which  tapers 
into  a  long  solid  neck 
(collum).  They  open  irregu- 
larly for  the  emission  of  the 
spores  as  they  have  no  lid. 

There  are  eighteen 
species  in  all,  two  in  Europe 
and  eleven  in  North 

The  generic  name 
Bruchia  was  applied  by  D.  Fridericus  Schwaegrichen  in  1824, 
in  honour  of  the  distinguished  bryologist  Ph.  Bruch,  one  of 
the  authors  of  "  The  Bryologia  Europaea." 

Bruchia  flexuosa,  Muell. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Found  on  clay  or  OR  fcase  soil  in  fields  or 
under  old  willows  and  along  brooks. 

Name. — The  specific  name  flexuosa,  the  Latin  for  "crooked," 
refers  to  the  curving  of  the  stems  near  the  bases. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — In  loose  tufts,  stems  comparatively 
long,  curved  downward  at  the  base. 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves  distant,  very  small,  nearly  smooth, 
narrowly  lance-shaped  and  prolonged  into  an  awn;  apex  ob- 
scurely serrate. 

Habit  of  flowering.— Male  and  female  flowers  close  together  on 



Leaf,  side  view 
Plant.  showing  vein. 

Bruchia  flexuosa. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Bruchia  flex- 


the  same  plant  (paroicous)  or  in  separate  buds  on  the  same  plant. 
Veil  (calyptrd). — Resembling  a  bishop's  mitre,  thin,  lobed,  or 
torn  at  the  base. 

.  Spore-case. — Not  immersed  in  the  leaves  at  the 

0         base,  egg-shaped  with  a  neck  (collum)  shorter  or  equal 
to  the  spore-sac,   long-beaked. 

Pedicel. — One-tenth  to  two-tenths  of  an  inch  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — None. 
Teeth  (peristome). — None. 
Spores. — Mature  in  the  fall. 
Distribution. — Found  in  the  central  part  of  North  America. 


Genus  ARCHIDIUM,  Brid. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Archidium  are  minute  terrestrial 
plants  having  stems  with  branches  short  and  erect  or  long  and 

The  leaves  are  narrowly  or  broadly  lance- 
shaped  ;  with  a  vein ;  the  cells  are  loose  and  contain 
but  little  leaf-green. 

The  spore-cases  are  terminal,  sessile  and 
globular,  opening  irregularly  and 
transversely  for  the  exit  of  the 
spores,  which  are  few,  smooth 
and  larger  than  those  of  any  other 

There  are  thirty-five  species  in 
all,  five  of  them  in  North  America. 
Their   structure  is   more   simple 
than  that  of  most  mosses;   and 
for  this  reason  Bridel  gave  it  the  generic  name  Archidium  from 
the  Greek  apxt&on,  a  beginning. 
Archidium  Ohiense,  Schimp. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Moist  meadows  and  waste  fields. 
Name.—  The  specific  name  Ohiense  refers  to  the  fact  that  this 
moss  was  first  found  in  Ohio. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Minute;  stems  slender. 
Leaves. — Narrowly  lance-shaped,   spreading;  apex  awl-like, 
finely  toothed;  vein  extending  into  the  apex  of  the  leaf-blade. 


ense.  Vertical 
section  through 
sporophyte  to 
show  large  spores, 
foot  immersed  in 
the  upper  part 
(vaginule)  of  the 

Archidium  Ohiense. 
Exit  of  spores. 

The  Primitive  Mosses 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case  (pericljcetical  leaves). — 
Broader  and  longer. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  in  separate  clus- 
ters on  the  same  plant  (autoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Very  thin,  irregularly  torn  below. 

Spore-case. — Spherical,  on  short  side  branch. 

Pedicel. — Very  short. 

Lid  (operculum). — Wanting. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Wanting, 

Spores. — Sixteen  to  twenty,  angular,  smooth,  mature  in  fall 
and  winter. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Ohio  and  southward. 


Archidium  Ohienst. 

Sporophyte.  Spore- 
case  with  veil. 

Plant  with  spore-case 
Leaf.  immersed  in  leaves. 

Astomum  Stdlivantii. 

Genus  ASTOMUM,  Hampe 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Astomum  are  minute,   simple  or 
branching  plants,  living  in  matted  tufts  on  the  ground. 

The  leaves  are  lance-shaped,  tufted  and  curling  toward  the 
apex  of  the  stems. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  spore-cases  are  erect  and  symmetrical  on  a  short  pedicel 
and  are  immersed  in  the  leaves.  They  have  distinctly  formed, 
beaked  lids,  which  are  not  easily  detached.  There  are  no  teeth. 

The  generic  name  Astomum,  from  a,  privative,  without,  and 
a-rofj.a,  a  mouth,  was  given  because  when  first  known  this  moss 
was  supposed  to  have  no  lid. 

There  are  seventeen  species  in  all. 



Upper  leaves. 

Papillose  leaf.       Veil. 


Astomum  Suilivantii. 

Astomum  Suilivantii,  Schimp. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  fields  and  gardens,  living  from  year  to 

Name. — The  specific  name  Suilivantii  was  applied  to  this 
moss  by  Wilhelm  Philipp  Schimper,  in  honour  of  William  S. 
Sullivant,  a  noted  bryologist. 
;      Plant  (gametophyte). — Minute,  simple,  or  branched. 

Leaves. — The  lower  leaves  small,  narrowly  oval;  the  upper 
narrowly  lance-shaped,  densely  tufted,  covered  on  the  back  with 
tiny  projections  papillosa;  curled  in  various  directions  when  dry; 
apex  pointed ;  margins  rolled  in ;  vein  round,  extending  beyond 
the  apex  of  the  leaf-blade  (percurrenf). 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 


The  Primitive  Mosses 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Bright  orange,  symmetrical. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Shorter  than  the  spore-case. 

Lid  (operculum}. — Short,  conical. 

Teetb  (peristome). — None. 

Spores. — Bright,  rusty  brown,  mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — North  America. 

Genus  GYMNOSTOMUM,  Hedw. 

The  species  of  the  Genus   Gymnostomum   are  found  in 
matted  tufts  on  the  ground  and  on  limestone  walls  and  rocks. 

The  plants  have  slender  stems  branching 
twice  or  many  times  to  form  clusters,  with 
terminal  erect  spore-cases,  cylindrical  or  globose, 
exserted  on  erect  pedicels. 

The  leaves  are  small,  generally  larger  upwards 
and  tufted  at  the  apex  of  the  stem  ;  they  are 
lance-shaped  with  a  solid  vein  prominent  on 
the  back. 

The  lid  is  long-beaked  and  falls  to  permit  the 
escape  of  the  spores.     There  are  no  teeth,   a 
character  which  suggests  the  generic 
name,  from  the  Greek  71/^1/0?,  naked, 
and  (TTOfj,a,  a  mouth. 

There  are  fifty-five  species  in  all, 
eight  of  them  known  in  North  America. 

Gymnostomum  calcareum, 
Nees  &  Hornsch. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Densely  tufted, 
bright-green  above,  rusty  below  ;  on 
shaded  limestone  rocks. 

Name. — From  calcarius,  pertaining 
to  lime,  a  name  suggested  by  the 
plant's  habit  of  depositing  lime. 

Plants  (gametophyte) . — Stems  1  to 
|  of  an  inch  long,  covered  with  root- 

.  Leaf    and 

IclS.  cross  -section 

Leaves. — The    lower    very   small,      t  °  show 

•       11  .  .  prominent 

gradually  or  abruptly  larger  upward  ;     vein. 

slender   lance-shaped  ;    apex  blunt ;         Gymnostomum  cakargum. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

vein  extending  to  near  the  apex  ;  margin  minutely  blunt-toothed. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case.— Exserted,  oblong,  yellow-brown,  slightly  con- 
stricted under  the  mouth  when  dry. 


with  veil. 
Gymnostomum  cakareum 


Pedicel. — £  to  f  of  an  inch  long. 

Lid  (operculum). — Base  conical ;  beak  awl-like. 

Teeth  (peristome). — None. 

Annulus. — Short  and  persistent. 

Spores. — Rare,  mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

Gymnostomum  curvirostrum,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  habitat. — This  moss  is  found  on  limestone  rocks 
and  on  deposits  of  carbonate  of  lime  about  springs 
and  streams.  The  plants  obtain  the  carbonic  acid 
gas  (CO2)  which  they  need,  from  bicarbonate  of 
lime  which  is  dissolved  in  the  surrounding  water. 
By  decomposition  of  the  bicarbonate  of  lime  [Ha 
Ca  (CO3)a],  which  is  soluble  in  water,  the  mono- 
carbonate  of  lime  (Ca  CO3),  which  is  insoluble  in 
water  is  precipitated  in  the  form  of  incrustations 
upon  the  leaves  and  stems  of  the  moss,  so  that 
in  time  a  very  appreciable  deposit  of  limestone 
is  made.* 

Name. — From  the  Latin  curvus,  curved,  and  rostrum,  a  beak. 

G.  curvirostrum. 
with  long  beak. 

*See  page  17. 


The  Primitive  Mosses 

Plants  (gametopbyte) . — Dark  red  or  brown,  matted,  stems  %  to 
5  inches  long  ;  branches  of  equal  height,  in  close  clusters,  covered 
with  a  felt  of  red  radicles. 

Leaves. — Spreading,  slightly  incurved  when  dry,  pointed, 
lance-shaped,  keeled,  smooth,  or  with  tiny  projections  ;  base 
transparent ;  margin  entire  or  slightly  serrate  and  recurved  above 
the  base  ;  vein  vanishing  below  the  apex. 

Habit  of   flowering. — Male    and   female 
flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case .  —  E  gg- 
shaped,  oblong,  or  nearly 
spherical,  thick-walled, 
chestnut  colour,  shining, 
top-shaped  when  dry  and 

Pedicel — I  to  f  of  an 
inch  long. 

!  Lid  (operculum). — With 
a  long  oblique  beak,  at  base  attached  to  a  central  column  (coin- 
melld)  in  the  spore-case,  by  which  it  is  held  long  after  it  has 
split  away  from  the  rim. 

Annulus. — Two  rows  of  persistent  cells. 

Spores. — Mature  in  late  summer. 

Distribution. — Common  in  North  America,  Europe,  and  Asia. 
Very  abundant  in  Niagara  Falls. 

Genus  WEISIA,   Hedw. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  small  and 
slender,  growing  in  tufts  or  cushions  on  the 
ground.  The  leaves  are  lance-shaped  and 
twisted  when  dry,  the  apex  is  awl-like  and 
the  vein  single. 


Spore-case        with  lid  lif- 
with  lid.          ted. 
G.  curvirostrum. 


Portion  of  peristome. 
Weisia  viridula. 



Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  spore-case  is  erect,  oval-oblong,  symmetrical  or  rarely 
incurved  on  an  erect  exserted  pedicel.  There  is  but  one  row  of 
sixteen  teeth,  often  imperfect  or  wanting,  granular  and  trans- 
versely barred. 

The  generic  name  Weisia  was  given  in  honour  of  Frederigo 
Wilhelm  Weiss,  a  German  professor  of  botany. 
About  twenty-four  species  are  known  in  all. 

Weisia  viridula,  Brid. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Common, 
forming  more  or  less  compact  cush- 
ions on  the  ground  in  meadows, 
broken  fields,  borders  of  ditches 
and  grassy  roadsides,  where  it  is 
conspicuous  for  its  bright  green 
colour.  Very  variable. 

Name. — The  specific  name  viri- 
dula is  the  Latin  diminutive  of 
viridis,  green. 

Plants  (gametopbyte). — Stems 
about  \  of  an  inch  long,  simple  or 

Lid  in  veil. 
Weisia  viridula. 

with  veil. 

Leaves. — The  lower  minute  ;  the  upper  much  larger,  narrowly 
lance-shaped  and  curled  when  dry;  base  enlarged,  pale,  concave; 
vein  (costa)  stout  and  extending  beyond  the  apex  into  a  short 
sharp  point ;  margin  inrolled  in  the  upper  part  to  form  a  tube, 
flat  toward  the  base  ;  cells  opaque,  dot-like,  with  tiny  pro- 
jecting points. 


The  Primitive  Mosses 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Smooth,  split  on  one  side  and  reaching  to 
the  middle  of  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case.  —  Light-brown,  oval, 
oblong,  of  thick  texture,  slightly  con- 
stricted under  the  mouth,  wrinkled 
lengthwise  when  dry. 

Dry  spore-case. 

Top  of  spore-case 
with  peristome. 

Portion  of  peristome. 

Weisia  viridula. 

Pedicel  (seta).-^  to  £  of  an  inch  long  and  twisted  to  the  right. 

Lid  (operculum).  —  Beak,  long,  straight  or  bent  obliquely. 

Teeth  (peristome).  —  Orange-red,  variable,  slender  or  broad, 
often  ending  abruptly  (truncate)  or  split  into  two  parts  with 
2  to  5  cross  bars,  sometimes  rudimentary. 

Annulus.  —  Narrow,  persistent. 

Spores.  —  Mature  from  March  to  May. 

Distribution.  —  Universal. 

Genus  TREMATODON,  Michx. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Tremato- 
don  are  short  plants,  sparingly  branched 
and  forming  pale-green  or  dusky-brown 
tufts  on  the  ground.  The  leaves  are 
lance-shaped,  tapering  toward  the  apex; 
a  vein  is  present,  and  the  cells  are  large 
and  long-hexagonal.  The  spore-cases 
are  oblong,  slightly  arched  with  a  long 
neck  (coUum)  once  or  twice  as  long  as 
the  spore-case.  They  have  long-beaked 
lids  with  conical  bases  and  are  raised  on 
slender  pedicels  %  to  i£  inches  long.  A 
simple  or  compound  annulus  is  present  and  a  single  row  of 
sixteen  red-brown  narrowly  lance-shaped  teeth  cleft  to  near  the 
base  into  two  unequal  forks. 


r  ambiguum    Portionof 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  generic  name,  compounded  of  two  Greek  words: 
a  perforation,  and  6So>v,  a  tooth,  was  suggested  by  the  character 
of  the  teeth  of  one  species,  Trematodon  ambiguum,  which  often 
have  a  cleft  or  perforation  running  lengthwise  of  each  tooth. 


T.  ambiguum. 


The  Primitive  Mosses 

There  are  sixty-four  species  in  all,  two  in  the  United  States. 

Trematodon  ambiguum,  Hornsch. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Wet  sandy  places  on  hills  ;  in  peat-bogs, 
ditches,  etc.,  of  Alpine  regions. 

Name. — The  specific  name  ambiguum,  doubtful,  was  given  to 
this  species  at  the  time  it  was  classified  in  the  genus  Dicranum 
(1792)  and  expressed  the  doubt  as  to  its  rightful  position,  which 
was  determined  in  1803. 

Plants  (gametophyte) . — Short,  |  to  I  inch  long. 

Leaves. — Open,  lance-shaped,  channelled  ;  apex  long  and 
slender  ;  base  concave,  oval-oblong  ;  margins  entire,  inrolled ; 
vein  extending  beyond  the  leaf-blade  (excurrent). 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. — Large,  oblong, 
with  a  short  tapering  point.    Perichaetial  leaves. 

Plant  stripped  of 
leaves  to  show  two 
male  and  one  fe- 
male cluster. 


Spore-case  with 

veil.  Lid. 

T.  anibiguum. 

Vertical  section  of  peristome 
showing  two  cells  of  the  annulus 
at  the  base  of  a  single  tooth. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  in  different  places 
on  the  same  plant  (autoicous) ;  male  flowers  terminal  on  a  basal 
branch,  bracts  small,  taper-pointed. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Translucent,  slit  on  one  side  (cucullate). 

Spore-case. — Oblong,  straw-coloured  or  orange-brown  ;  in 
length  equal  to  or  shorter  than  the  slightly  arched  neck  (collum) 
which  is  swollen  on  one  side  at  the  base. 

Pedicel  (seta) .—Long,  twisted,  £  to  i£  inches  long,  straw- 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical  at  the  base;  beak,  long  and  oblique. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Teeth  (peristome}. — Cleft  to  near  the  base  or  in  the  middle 
only;  segments  sometimes  irregularly  torn. 

Annulus.  —  Large,  rolling 
back  when  mature. 

Spores. — Mature  in  July  and 

Trematodon  longicollis, 

Trematodon  longicollis,  the 
long-necked  Trematodon,  may  be 
distinguished  from  Trematodon 
ambiguum  by  the  neck,  which  is 
twice  as  long  as  the  spore-case, 
by  the  shorter  plants,  and  by 
the  slender  character  of  the  teeth 
and  the  leaves  at  the  base  of 
the  pedicel.  The  specific  name 
longicollis  is  compounded  of  two 
Latin  roots,  longum,  long,  and 
collum,  a  neck. 

T.  ambiguum.  (a)  and  (b)  old  spore- 
cases;  (c)  mature  spore-case;  (d)  young 

Genus  DICRANELLA,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  generally  small  with  slightly 
branching  stems.  The  leaves  are  very  long  and  narrow  from  a 
broader  often  clasping  base  and  are  never  curled,  but  spread  on 
all  sides  or  turn  in  one  direction.  Usually  they  are  smooth  with 
the  margins  plane  and  the  vein  broad. 

The  spore-cases  are  erect  or  inclined,  symmetrical  or  un- 
equal on  yellow  or  red  pedicels.  They  have  lids  with  long 
awl-like  points. 

The  peristome  consists  of  sixteen  large  teeth,  two-cleft  to 
about  the  middle,  closely  cross-barred  and  marked  with  fine 
parallel  bars  running  lengthwise. 

There  are  one  hundred  and  twelve  species  in  all,  thirty-two 
known  in  North  America. 

The  generic  name  Dicranella,  is  the  diminutive  of  Dicranum, 
from  Sfapavos,  a  fork. 



Dicranella  heteromalla,  Schimp. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Forming  silky,  green 
tufts  of  moderate  size  on  rocks,  clay  banks,  naked 
soil  and  roots  of  trees. 

Name. — The  specific  name  heteromalla  is  de- 
rived from  the  Greek  ere/ao'/iaXXo?,  having  hair 
only  on  one  side,  referring  to  the  habit  the 
leaves  have  of  turning  to  one  side. 

Plants  (gametophyte) . — Stems  simple  or  fork- 
ing, %  to  2  inches  high. 

Leaves. — Glossy,  crowded,  turned  to  one 
side,  lance-shaped  from  the  base;  apex  slender, 
awl-shaped,  toothed  or  entire. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perich&tial 
leaves). — Abruptly  and  narrowly  awl-shaped  from 
a  half-clasping  base. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers 
on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Egg-shaped  or  oblong  with  the 
summit  inclined.  The  base  tapers  to  form  a 
short  neck  (collum)  and  is  slightly  constricted 
under  the  mouth.  Plaited  when  dry. 

Pedicel. — Slender  and  pale  yellow, 
to  i  inch  long. 

D.  htteromaUa.    Leaves. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Lid  (operculum). — Long-beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Showy,  red,  two-  or  three-forked  to  the 

Annulus. — Simple,  very  narrow. 

Spares. — Mature  from  November  to  February. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Europe  and  Asia. 

a  e  d  e  f 

D.heteromalla.    (a)  Spore-case  with  veil;  (b)  veil;  (c)  and  (d)  spore-cases  with  lid;  («)  spore- 
case  with  peristome;  (f)  portion  of  peristome. 

Genus  DICRANUM,  Hedw. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  universally  distributed,   and 
include  some  of  our  most  easily   recognised   mosses.      They 

usually  grow  in  dense  tufts  or 
cushions  on  the  ground  or  on 
old  decaying  logs  or  even  on 
rocks.  About  two  hundred  and 
thirty-four  species  are  known  in 
all ;  about  sixty-three  are  found 
in  North  America,  six  of  these 
within  the  limits  of  New  York 
City.  Their  showy  dark-green 
or  glossy  yellow-green  cushions 
are  often  conspicuous  in  damp 
shady  places  and  consist  of 
numerous  more  or  less  erect  and 
forking  stems,  often  crowded 
together  and  covered  with  a  felt  of  reddish  hairs  at  least  below, 
with  lance-shaped  often  curved  leaves  above  that  spread  all 
about  the  stem  or  turn  to  one  side. 


Tuft  of  Dicranum  scoparium 



Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Page  &  Company 


"  The  moss  upon  the  forest  bark 
Was  polestar  when  the  night  was  dark  " 


The  leaves  have  a  slender  apex  with  a  vein  usually  broad  and 
extending  into  the  apex.  The  character  of  the  vein  and  the  cell- 
structure  are  relied  upon  for  perfect  classification  of  the  species. 
The  cells  vary  from  short  to  linear  oblong  in  the  upper  part  of  the 
leaf,  to  long  and  narrow  in  the  lower  part ;  four-sided,  inflated, 
orange  or  brown,  in  the  angles  of  the  base.  The  leaves  at  the 
base  of  the  pedicel  are  sheathing  and  abruptly  pointed.  The 
spore-cases  are  erect  or  turned  to  one  side,  the  base,  which  is 
often  swollen  so  as  to  be  unsymmetrical,  tapers  to  an  erect 
pedicel,  long  and  smooth.  An  annulus 
is  generally  present.  The  lid  is  conical 
with  a  long  beak.  The  perisiome  is  sin- 
gle, of  sixteen  teeth,  two-cleft  to  the 
middle  and  red-brown  at  the  base. 

D.  scoparium. 
Perichaet  ial 

D.  subidatum. 

D.  congestum. 

D.scoparium.  Leaf. 

The  name  of  the  genus  is  derived  from  a  Greek  word. 
o?,  a  flesh-hook  or  fork,  from  a  supposed  resemblance  of 
its  teeth  to  that  instrument.  The  American  Indians  call  Fork- 
mosses  "Women's  heads,"  "because  when  you  trample  them 
under  foot  they  spring  right  up  again." 

Although  at  first  glance  the  Dicranums  appear  to  have  their 
spore-cases  on  the  sides  of  the  plants,  they  truly  belong  to  the 
group  of  mosses  which  bears  them  on  the  summits  of  the 
stems  (acrocarpi)  and  not  to  the  group  which  bears  them  on 
the  sides  of  the  stems  (pleurocarpi),  for  a  closer  examination 
shows  that  a  side  stem  grows  on  after  the  spore-case  has 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

begun  to  develop,  leaving  the  spore-case  and  pedicel  behind 
on  the  apex  of  the  main  stem.  The  felt  of  hairs  on  the 
stems  serves  as  a  sponge  through  which  water  may  creep  to 
the  upper  parts  of  the  plants. 

"  How  glorious  are  the  summer  woods, 
Where  the  bright  Broom  Fork-moss  grows, 
With  their  gush  of  love-born  melody, 
And  their  world  of  verdant  boughs." 

Perforated       Portion  of  leaf  to  show 
leaf -cells.  basal  leaf -cells. 

D.  scopariutn. 

D.  undulatum. 

Whip  Fork-Moss,  Dicranum  flagellare,  Hedw. — See  Plate 

Habit  and  habitat. — Growing  in  bright  green,  dense  tufts 
producing  fragile,  small-leaved  branches  (flagelke)  in  the  axils  of 
the  upper  leaves.  Common  on  decayed  trunks  in  deep  woods. 

Name. — The  specific  name  flagellum,  the  Latin  for  "whip," 
refers  to  the  young  branches,  which  are  so  small  as  to  be  easily 
overlooked.  They  fall  away  as  the  plant  dries. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Repeatedly  branching  ;  stems  I  to  2 
inches  high  ;  covered  with  a  thick  felt  of  hairs. 

Leaves. — Forming  little  clusters  on  the  summits  of  the  stems  ; 
lance-shaped,  convolute  ;  apex  toothed,  turned  back  from  the 
stem,  the  upper  twisted  when  dry ;  margin  below  entire, 
incurved ;  vein  broad,  compressed,  extending  to  the  apex ; 
cells  inflated  at  the  basal  angles,  yellow-brown,  four-sided.  The 
leaves  of  the  "whips"  have  no  vein. 

Leaves  at  tie  base  of  the  pedicel  (pericbcetial  leaves). — Rolled 
about  the  pedicel. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 



Veil  (calyptra). — Split  on  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Erect    symmetrical,   long,   cylindrical,   grouped 
lengthwise  when  dry. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Pale,  twisted  to  the  left  when  dry. 

Lid    (operculum). — Conical,    with   long 
oblique  beak. 

Annulus. — Narrow. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Sixteen,  narrow,  cleft 
nearly  to  the  base. 

Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Asia, 
Africa  ;  rare  in  Great  Britain. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

Old  spore-case 
Basal  leaf -cells.  with  teeth. 

D.  flagellare. 


The  Broom-moss,  Dicranum  scoparium,  Hedw. — See  Plate 

Habit  and  habitat. — The  Broom-moss,  Dicranum  scoparium, 
is  a  conspicuous  species.  It  commonly  grows  in  the  woods 
forming  large  and  symmetrical  cushions  on  the  ground,  although 
it  may  extend  in  large  patches  over  decaying  stumps  and  logs  or 
on  the  ground  where  there  is  a  rich  vegetable  mould.  The  long- 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

beaked  spore-cases,  tilted  on  one  side,  commonly  point  one  way, 
and  the  leaves  also  are  all  turned  to  one  side  pointing  in  the 
same  direction  as  the  beaks.  Children  fancy  they  resemble  duck 
heads  and  see  in  them  flocks  travelling  toward  the  water.  Some 
call  them  soldiers  and  sing  "The  troops  of  Dicranum  are  tilting 
their  lances." 

Name. — The  specific  name  scoparium,  the  Latin  for  "broom," 
is  suggested  by  the  resemblance  of  the  plants  to  small  counter- 

D.  scoparium.     Leaves. 

D.  scoparium.     Sections  of  vein  toward 
apex  of  leaf. 

Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Large  ;  stems  2  to  5  inches  high  in 
loose  yellow,  rarely  green,  tufts,  covered  with  rootlets  to  the 
newest  growth,  forking  once  or  twice. 

Leaves. — Glossy,  turned  to  one  side,  or  scythe-shaped,  rarely 
erect,  crowded  at  the  tops  of  the  stems  ;  apex  awl-shaped  ;  base 
lance-shaped  ;  vein  compressed,  with  four-toothed  ridges  on  the 
back  toward  the  apex  ;  margin  sharply  serrate  and  wavy  toward 
the  apex  ;  cells  perforated,  elongated  in  the  upper  part,  narrow 
and  worm-like  toward  the  base,  large,  four-sided  and  orange- 
coloured  at  the  angles. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (periclcelial  leaves) . — Sheathing 
at  the  base. 



Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  different 
plants  (dioicous}. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  smooth,  beaked  and  split 
up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Long,  with  summit  somewhat  in- 
clined, rarely  erect,  cylindrical,  somewhat  incurved, 
arched  and  grooved  when  dry. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Solitary,  golden-yellow. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical  at  the  base,  gradually 
narrowed  into  a  strong  beak,  reddish,  and  as  long 
as  the  spore-case. 

Teeth  (peristome) . — Sixteen,  dark-red,  cleft  to  the 

Annulus. — None. 

Spores. — Mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia. 



leaf  cells 

Tuft  of  D.  scoparium. 

Basal  leaf -cells. 
D.  scoparium. 

Genus  FISSIDENS,  Hedw. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  metallic  green,  plume-like, 
simple  or  sparingly  branched,  growing  in  mats  upon  shady 
wet  banks  and  rocks  ;  sometimes  on  tree-trunks,  and  sometimes 
floating  in  water. 

The  leaves  grow  in  two  opposite  rows  (distichous),  and  are 
double  below  as  if  folded  together,  they  are  winged  along  the 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

back  and  expanded  toward  the  apex  into  a  vertical  simple  blade; 
the  vein  extends  to  or  beyond  the  apex  ;  the  cells  are  small  and 
filled  with  leaf-green. 

The  spore-cases  are  erect,  horizontal  or  pendent,  always 
smooth  and  terminal,  unless  they  have  been  thrust  to  one  side 
by  the  growth  of  a  branch  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. 

Leaf  with  double- 
base  lid. 

Portion  of  peristome. 

The  apex  of  the  main  stem  is 
at  the  base  of  the  pedicel ;  a  side 
branch  on  the  right  has  grown 
on  beyond  the  main  stem. 

Cross  sections 

of  leaf. 
F.  adiantoides. 

Spore-case  with  veil. 

The  peristome  is  single  with  sixteen  teeth,  red  at  the  base  and 
cleft  at  the  apex,  a  character  which  has  suggested  the  generic 
name  from  the  Latin  fissus,  split,  and  dens,  a  tooth.  When  dry 
the  teeth  are  incurved.  The  annulus  consists  of  from  one  to 
four  rows  of  large  cells. 


Fork- Mosses 

Five  hundred  and  seventy-eight  species  are  known  in  'all, 
seventy-four  in  North  America.  The  genus  is  represented 
throughout  all  the  tropical  and  temperate  regions  of  the  world. 
It  is  probably  to  this  pretty  moss  that  Mungo  Park,  the  African 
traveller,  referred  when  he  wrote  the  lines  : 

"  Sad,  faint  and  weary,  on  the  sand 
Our  traveller  sat  him  down  ;  his  hand 
Oover'd  his  burning  head. 
Above,  beneath,  behind,  around, 
No  resting  for  the  eye  he  found  ; 
All  nature  seemed  as  dead. 
One  tiny  tuft  of  moss  alone, 
Mantling  with  freshest  green  a  stone, 
Fix'd  his  delighted  gaze  ; 
Through  bursting  tears  of  joy  he  smiled, 
And  while  he  raised  the  tendril  wild, 
His  lips  o'erflowed  with  praise. 
Oh  !  shall  not  He  who  keeps  thee  green, 
Here  in  the  waste,  unknown,  unseen, 
Thy  fellow-exile  save  ? 
He  who  commands  the  dew  to  feed 
Thy  gentle  flower,  can  surely  lead 
Me  from  a  scorching  grave. 
Thy  tender  stalks,  and  fibres  fine, 
Here  find  a  shelter  from  the  storm ; 
Perhaps  no  human  eye  but  mine 
Ere  gazed  upon  thy  lovely  form. 
He  that  form'd  thee,  little  plant, 
And  bade  thee  flourish  in  this  place, 
Who  sees  and  knows  my  every  want, 
Can  still  support  me  with  His  grace.' 


Cross  section  of 

Stem  to  show  distichous 

F.  taxifolium. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Fissidens  adiantoides,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  bright  or  dark-green  mats  on  moist 
shady  ground,  wet  rocks  and  roots  of  trees.  Varying  according 
to  locality. 

Name. — The  specific  name  is  compounded  of  aSiavros,  maiden- 
hair, and  the  suffix  olB,  like,  referring  to  the  habit  the  leaves  of  the 
maidenhair  have  of  shedding  water,  aSiairo?,  being  compounded 
of  a,  without,  and  Statvw,  wet. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — Stems  I   to  5  inches  long  ;    branches 
growing  from  the  apex  or  base  of 
the    stem,   with    root-like    fibres    at 
their  base. 

Portion  of  peristome. 

Empty  spore-case. 
F.  adiantoides. 

Stem  with  male  flower- 
cluster  at  the  base  and 
female  cluster  above  on 
the  right. 

Leaves. — Numerous,  close,  overlapping  like  shingles,  linear- 
oblong,  clasping  at  the  base  ;  apex  taper-pointed  and  tipped  with 
a  short  point  continuous  with  the  vein,  the  wing  long  and  con- 
tinuous ;  margins  transparent,  irregularly  and  minutely  serrate. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  different  parts 
of  the  same  plants  (autoicous)]  male  flower-clusters  small, 
axillary,  bud-like. 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  on  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Oval,  red-brown,  much  constricted  under  the 
orifice  when  empty. 

Pedice. — Red,  %  to  I  inch  long,  appearing  as  if  attached  to  the 
side- of  the  stem. 


White  Mosses 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  with  a  long  beak. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Red,  sixteen,  each  cleft  into  two  slender 
segments  with  numerous  cross-bars;   inclined  when  dry. 
Annulus. — One  or  two  rows  of  large  cells. 
Spores. — Mature  in  December. 
Distribution. — Universal. 


Genus  LEUCOBRYUM,  Hampe 

The  white  mosses  are  found  in  conspicuous  greenish-white 
cushions  about  the  roots  of  trees,  in  woods  and  on  the  borders 

of  swamps.  The  moist 
cushions  are  soft  and 
spongy  and  decidedly 
greener  than  the  dry,  which 
are  so  brittle  that  they  can 
be  readily  crumbled  to 
dust;  and  so  colourless  that 
they  lead  one  to  think  they 
are  parasitic  or  sapro- 
phytic  plants.  The  change 
from  brittle  to  soft  is  due 
to  large  cells  in  the  leaves 
being  filled  alternately  with  water  and  air. 

The  pale  colour  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  cells  which  contain 
leaf-green  and  active  cell-contents  are  relatively  small  and  are 
hidden  between  transparent  cells  many  times  as  great.  This 
arrangement  of  the  cells  is  a  contrivance  for  protecting  the 

Leucobryum  vulgare.    Cross-section  of  leaf. 

•      161 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

delicate  leaf-green  bearing  cells  from  the  fierce  heat  of  the  sun, 
and  for  providing  a  means  by  which  water  may  be  quickly  trans- 
ferred to  all  parts  of  the  plants. 



Leucobryum  vulgare.    Model  to  show  structure. 

The  walls  of  these  large  colourless  cells  are  very  thin  and  are 
punctured  with  small  holes  which  communicate  with  the  holes 
of  adjacent  cells,  so  that  the  moment  the  plants  are  moistened, 
the  cells  fill  with  water  by  capillary  attraction.  The  large  cells 
when  filled  with  water  serve  as  reservoirs  to  the  adjacent  small 
cells,  making  it  possible  for  the  leaf-green  to  do  its  work  of 
assimilating  plant  food.  The  greater  transparency  of  the  water- 
filled  cells  makes  the  leaf-green  of  the  small 
cells  more  apparent  from  the  exterior  and  gives 
the  plants  their  deeper  hue,  when  wet. 

Dry  spore- 
Empty         case  to  show 
spore-case,     swollen  base. 


Leucobryum  vulgare. 



White  Mosses 

The  name  Leucobryum,  from  the  Greek  Xev*o<?,  white,  and 
fipvov,  a  moss,  was  suggested  by  the  pallid  colour. 

The  leaves  are  lance-shaped  with 
an  awl-like  apex  and  a  vein  occupy- 
ing the  width  of  the  leaf  with  the 
exception  of  a  few  rows  of  cells  on 
each  side. 

The  spore-cases  are  exserted  on 
long  pedicels,  they  are  erect  or  have 
the  summit  somewhat  inclined,  and 
the  base  more  or  less  swollen  on 
one  side.  When  dry  the  wall  is 
grooved  lengthwise. 

The  lids  have  an  awl-like  beak 
and  the  teeth  are  two-parted  and 
purple  at  the  base. 

The  genus  is  universal,  with 
seventy-four  species  in  all,  nine 
of  them  being  known  in  North 

America  L.  glaucttm.    Portion  of  peristome. 

Common  White  Moss,  Leucobryum  vulgare,  Hampe. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Conspicuous  in  white  cushions  about  the 
roots  of  trees  in  woods  and  on  the  borders  of  swamps.  It  is 
not  uncommon  to  find  on  the  terminal  leaves  of  female  plants 

a  b 

(a)  Young  plant.  (6)  Terminal 

Leucobryum  vulgare. 

minute  tufts  of  root-like  hairs  developing  a  cluster  of  young 
plants,  which  may  fall  to  the  ground  and  form  a  new  colony. 
Name. — From  the  Latin,  vulgaris,  common. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Whitish  ;  stems  2  to  8  inches  high, 
two-forked  with  the  primary  branches  of  equal  height  and  the 
secondary  in  clusters  (fastigiate). 

Leaves. — Half-clasping  at  the  base,  lance-shaped,  and  tubular 
from  the  middle  upward  ;  vein  occupying  most  of  the  leaf  blade  ; 
apex  acute  or  obtuse  with  a  short,  sharp  point. 

Female  pknt. 

Male  plant. 
Leucobryum  vulgare. 


Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate  plants 
(diofcous).  The  male  plants  in  distinct  tufts,  and  more  slender, 
with  the  flower-clusters  terminal,  in  a  rosette  of  six  oval  bracts. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Large,  white. 

Spore-case. — Oblong-egg-shaped,  chestnut  colour,  black  when 
old,  slightly  wrinkled  lengthwise  when  dry.  The  base  (collum) 
distinctly  swollen  on  one  side. 


White  Mosses 

Pedicel  (seta). — Dark-brown,  twisted  to  the  left  when  dry  ; 
i  to  |  of  an  inch  long. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  long-beaked,  oblique. 

Annulus. — None. 

Teeth   (peristome'). — Sixteen,   lance-shaped,   red  at  the  base, 
cleft  to  below  the  middle  into  two  unequal  forks. 

Spores.— Mature  in  winter  or  early  spring. 

Distribution.— Common  all  over  the 
world,  except  in  Asia. 



Leucobryum  vulgore. 

Portion  of  peristome. 


The  Genus  Octoblepharum  very  much  resembles  the  genus 
Leucdbryum,  the  principal  difference  being  that  the  genus  Octoble- 
pharum has  but  eight  teeth  instead  of  sixteen.  This  characteristic 
gives  it  its  name  from  the  Greek  OKTW,  eight,  and  fi\e<j>dpov,  eye- 

There  are  fifteen  species  in  all,  eight  of  them  in  North  America. 

The  Eight-toothed  White  Moss,  Octoblepharum  albidum, 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  small  white  cushions  on  bark  and  on 
shady  rocks. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Name. — The  specific  name  albidum,  white,  refers  to  the 
colour  of  the  leaves. 

Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Spongy,  soft  when  wet,  brittle  and 
white  when  dry. 

Leaves. — Close,  thick,  composed,  except  on  the  borders,  of 
two  or  three  superimposed  layers  of  large  porous  cells  without 
leaf-green,  these  separated  by  a  layer  of  simple,  narrow  cells 
containing  leaf-green. 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Large,  split  on  one  side. 

Spare-case. — Erect. 

Pedicel  (seta) .—Short. 

Ltd   (operculum). — Plane  at  the    base    with 
an  oblique  and  awl-shaped  beak. 

Natural  size. 

Spore-case  with 
eight  teeth. 


O.  albidum. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Eight,  short,  broadly  lance-shaped,  pale- 
yellow  and  transparent. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Common  in  the  warmer  parts  of  the  world 
except  Europe. 

Genus  CERATODON,  Brid. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  small  erect  plants  growing  in 
bright  or  dark-green  cushions  on  soil  or  in  the  crevices  of  rocks. 

The  leaves  are  lance-shaped  and  keeled,  with  entire  or  toothed 
margins,  and  a  vein  extending  to  or  beyond  the  apex. 

1 66 

The  Horn-tooth  Mosses 

The  mature  spore-cases  are  long-egg-shaped,  erect  or  slightly 
arched,  with  a  short  neck.  They  are  dark  or  pale-red  with  wine- 
red  or  yellow  pedicels,  and  short-beaked,  conical  lids,  becoming 
deeply  furrowed,  inclined,  and  contracted  below  the  mouth 
when  old. 



C.  purpureum. 

There  is  but  one  row  of  teeth,  each  tooth  being  cleft  into  two 
equal  and  strongly  jointed  segments,  which  suggest  the  generic 
name  Ceratodon,  a  compound  of  two  Greek  words,  fcepa<;,  Keparo?, 
a  horn,  and  6Sa>v,  a  tooth.  The  two  characteristics  by  which  one 
may  feel  sure  that  his 
moss  is  a  horn-tooth, 
are  the  cleft  teeth  and 
the  shape  and  groov- 
ing of  the  spore-cases. 

There  are  eighteen 
species  in  all,  one 
common  in  North 

The  Purple 
Horn-tooth  Moss, 
Ceratodon  purpureum, 
Brid.  —  See  Colour 
Plate  IV. 

Habit  and  "habitat.  —  Look  for  the  Purple  Horn-tooth  Moss  on 
rocky  ledges  in  open  sunny  places  of  the  woods,  in  pastures  and 
along  roadsides,  and  in  vacant  city  lots.  Bright-green  cushions 
of  this  moss  may  be  found  in  depressions  of  the  rocks  during 



Mosses  and  Lichens 

February  and  March.  At  this  time  the  pedicels  are  often  numer- 
ous and  well-grown  and  their  wine-red  colour  makes  the  moss 
conspicuous  even  while  the  spore-cases  themselves  thus  early  in 
the  season  are  but  little  larger  in  diameter  than  the  pedicels  and 
are  concealed  by  their  veils.  With  the 
approach  of  warmer  weather  they  mature 
rapidly  still  carrying  their  transparent  veils. 
These  are  discarded  before  a  great  while 
and  then  the  spore-cases  and  their  conical 
short-beaked  lids  are  glossy  and  wine-red. 
Later  the  lids  fall,  exposing  a  fringe  of  horn- 
like teeth  about  the  rim.  The  spore- 
cases  finally  become  deeply  furrowed, 
inclined,  and  contracted  below  the 
mouth  and  in  this  condition  may  be 
found  during  most  of  the  year. 

Name. — The  specific  name  pur- 
pureum  is  the  Latin  for  "purple,"  It 
refers  to  the  colour  of  the  spore-cases 
and  pedicels. 

Plant  (gametophyte). 
— Slender,  erect,  branch- 
ing from  the  base  of  the 
pedicels ;  stems  £  to  3 
inches  long. 

Leaves.  —  Lance- 
shaped,  keeled ;  vein  ex- 
tending to  or  beyond  the 
apex  ;  margin  somewhat 
irregularly  toothed  re- 
flexed,  opaque  ;  surface 
with  slight  protuber- 
ances; cells  distinct. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on 
separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Smooth,  transparent,  split  on 
one  side. 

Spore-case. — Long,  egg-shaped  with  a  short  neck,  dark-red, 
erect,  somewhat  arched  ;  four-  or  five-angled  and  deeply 
furrowed  when  dry. 


C.  purpureum. 

C.  purpureum. 

The  Horn-tooth  Mosses 

Pedicel. — Slender,  wine-red,  erect. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  short-beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Purple,  each  split  into  two  equal,  strongly 
cross-barred  segments,  with  tiny  projections  toward  the  apex. 

Annulus. — Large,  rolling  back  as  the  lid  falls. 

Spores. — Mature  in  early  spring,  when  they  are  ousted  by  the 
shrinking  of  the  wall  tissue. 



Spore-case  with 

Spore-case.  Annulus. 

C.  purpure-um. 

Distribution. — Almost  universal. 

Variety  Xanthopous. — Greek  fayflo's,  yellow,  and  77-01)9,  a  foot; 
has  a  pale-yellow  pedicel. 

Variety  Aristatus. — Latin  "awned";  has  the  spore-case  and 
pedicel  pale  and  the  mid-vein  of  the  leaf  extending  beyond  the 
apex  of  the  leaf  blade. 

Variety  Minor. — Latin  "smaller";  is  said  to  have  narrower 
teeth  jointed  only  from  the  middle  downward. 

Genus  POTTIA,  Ehrh. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  small  and  grow  in  tufts  or 
cushions  on  the  ground  or  in  crevices  of  rocks.     The  stems  are 
simple  or  sparingly   branched  from   the   base.     The 
leaves  are  oval  to  oblong  and  obovate,  soft,  opaque, 
smooth  or  covered  with  tiny  projections; 
the  apex  is   usually    taper-pointed,    or 
hair-pointed  ;   the  base  transparent ;   the 
vein  round  in  section. 

The  cylindrical  to  obovate  spore-case 
nas  sometimes  a  very  short  pedicel  and 


P.  truncate.    Leaves. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

sometimes  a  long  one.    The  peristome  may  have  imperfect 
teeth  or  none  or  sixteen  tiny  flat  ones. 

There  are  about  eighty-three  species  in  all,  fourteen  in  North 

The  genus  was  named  for  Professor  D.  F.  Pott, 
a  German  botanist. 

Pottia  truncata,  Fuern.,  1.  c. 
Habit  and  babitat. — Common  in  loose  brighb-green 
tufts  in  fields  and  gardens  and  along  hedge-rows. 
Name. — The  specific  name  is  the  Latin  truncata, 
cut  off  squarely,  and  refers  to  the  abrupt 
summit  of  the  spore-case  which  appears  as 
if  it  had  been  sliced  off. 

Plant  (gametopbyte'). — Small,  J  of  an  inch 
high  and  simple,  or  longer  and  branching. 

Leaves. — Long-oval  with  the  narrow  end 
attached  to  the  stem,    concave,   smooth  ; 
apex  taper-pointed,    tipped   with   a  sharp 
point ;  margin  flat ;  vein  extending  below 
or  beyond  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  on  one  side,  smooth. 
Spore-case. — Egg-shaped,  broad  end  up  (truncate). 
Pedicel. — Short,  red. 

P.  truncata. 

Spore-cases  with 



Spore -cases. 
P.  truncata. 

with  Jifted 

Lid  (operculum). — Plano-convex  with  an  oblique  beak,  falling 
with  the  columella  attached. 
Teeth  (peristome). — None. 
Spores. — Brown,  mature  in  fall  and  winter. 
Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia. 


The  Ditrichum  Mosses 

Ditrichum  pallidum.  (a)  cells 
from  annulus  ;  (6)  annulus  ;  (c) 
portion  of  peristome. 

Genus  DITRICHUM,  Timm,  (1788) 

LEPTOTRICHUM,  Hampe,  (1842) 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  smooth  and  glossy  plants 
growing  in  pale  yellow-green  tufts  on  soil  or  on  rocks.  The 

plants  are  dwarf,  or  tall  and  slender 
with  lance-shaped,  long- pointed 
leaves,  and  oval  or  cylindrical,  erect 
spore-cases  on  long  and  straight, 
rarely  flexuous,  pedicels. 

The  peristome  has  a  compound 
annulus,  and  a  single  row  of  purple 
teeth  cleft  to  the  base  into  two  slender, 
cross-barred  segments,  which  have 
suggested  the  name  of  the  genus. 

The  generic  name  Leptotricbum, 
used  by  some  for  the  genus,  from 
Xe7TT09,  narrow,  and  0plg,  T/J^W,  a 
hair,  has  been  shown  by  Hampe  to  be 
untenable,  having  previously  been 
given  to  a  genus  of  fungi.  It  has  been 
replaced  by  Ditrichum,  from  845,  two,  and  6pl%,  T/W^W,  a  hair. 
This  name  has  also  the  right  of  priority, 

There  are  seventy-two  species  in  all,  seventeen  in  North 

Ditrichum  pallidum,  Leptotricbum  pdllidum,  Hampe,  1.  c. — 
See  Colour  Plate  XIV. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  in  loose  tufts,  pale  or  yellow- 
green,  on  bare  sandy  or  clay-soil,  in  fields  or  by  roadsides. 
Name. — The  specific  name  pallidum,  pale,  refers  to  the  colour. 
Plant  (gametopbyte). — Slender,  erect. 

Leaves. — Open,  erect,  spreading  or  curved  to  one  side,  lance- 
shaped  at  base  and  prolonged  to  an  awl-shaped  apex  ;  vein 
extending  beyond  the  apex  and  distinctly  toothed. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same  plant 
(monoicous) ;  the  male  flower-clusters  bud-like  at  the  apex  of 
the  stem. 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  up  one  side. 
Spore-case. — Long,  egg-shaped,  brown. 
Pedicel. — Bright  yellow,  I  to  2  inches  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  short-beaked. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Teeth  (peristome) . — Dark-red,    each  tooth   divided  into  two 
unequal  forks,  free  or  united  by  the  cross-bars. 
Annulus. — Double. 

Spores. — Very  small,  smooth,  mature  in  early  spring. 
Distribution. — Nearly  universal,  but  not  found  in  Great  Britain. 


Vein  at       Spore-case    Spore-case 
apex.          with  veil,      with  lid. 
D.  pallidum. 



and  the 

Genus  BARBULA,  Hedw. 

species  of  this  genus  are  found  in  tufts  or  cushions 

with  rusty-brown,  on  stone  walls,   rocks,   tree-trunks 


leaves  usually  much  curled  and  twisted  when  dry  are 

small,  and  gradually 
lance-shaped  from  an 
oval  base,  with  a 
round  vein  vanishing 
below  or  rarely  ex- 
tending beyond  the 
apex  ;  the  basal  cells 
are  small  rectangular 
and  transparent  ;  the 
upper  are  small,  round 
or  four-sided,  often 

B.  caspiiosa.    Leaves. 


The  Little-beard  Mosses 


B.  coespitosa. 
Tip  of  spore- 
case  to  show 
twisted  teeth. 

The  spore-cases  are  egg-shaped  or  cylindrical  on  long  pedi- 
cels,   and   have  lids   with   either   long   or   short   beaks.     The 
peristome    consists    of    a    very 
short    membrane    with   sixteen 
short,   straight,  imperfect  teeth, 
or  of  sixteen  long  teeth  each  cleft 
to  the  base  into  two  long  slender 
forks  very  much  twisted. 

The  generic  name  from  barba, 
a  beard,  refers  to  the  long  twisted 
teeth  of  some  species. 

There  are  in  all  three  hundred 
and  ninety-four  species,  nineteen  being  found 
in  North  America. 

The  Claw-leaved 
Barbula,  Barbula  ungui- 
culata,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  habitat.  — Com- 
mon and   variable  in  soft 
bright  or  dirty-green  tufts 
on  damp  black  soil,  along 
fences,  on  rocks,  stones,  etc. 
Name. — The   specific 
name  unguiculata  from  the 
Latin  unguis,  a  claw,  refers 
to  the  sharp-pointed  leaves. 
Plant    (gametophyte). — 
Variable,  J  to  i  inch  high. 
Leaves. — Narrowly   ob- 
long, apex  obtuse  with  an 
abrupt  sharp   point ;    vein 
rough  with  tiny  points  and  passing  beyond  the 
apex ;  margin  rolled  back  from  the  middle  down- 
ward ;  cells,  the  upper  obscure,  nearly  square, 
the  basal  longer,  small,  narrow,  transparent. 
Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case  (perichatial 
leaves). — Transparent  to  near  the  apex. 
Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate  plants 
(dioicous)  ;    male  plants   more  slender,  flower-clusters  terminal 
and  bud-like,  bracts  broadly  egg-shaped. 


B.  caespitosa. 
Fertile  plant. 

Barbula  unguiculata. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Veil  (calyptra). — Narrow,  long-beaked. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Brown-red  or  purple,  variable  in  length. 

Spore-case. — Oblong-elliptical  or  sub-cylindrical,  regular  or 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  beak  long,  straight,  or  curved. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Long  and  slender,  deep-red  and  twisted 
two  or  three  times. 

Annulus. — None. 

Spores. — Mature  in  winter  or  spring. 

tion of  leaf  to 
show  round 



with  twisted 
teeth  and 
twisted  pedi- 

Spore-case  with  veil. 

B.  unguiculata. 


Spore  -case 
with  veiL 

with  lid. 





ROCK  TRIPE,  Umbilicaria  Muhlenbergii,  (Ach.)  Tuckerm 

The  Little -beard  Mosses 

The  Tufted  Barbula,  Barbula  ccespitosa,  Schwaegr. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  and  variable,  roots  of  trees  in 
grassy  places. 

Name. — The  specific  name  ccespitosa,  from  the  Latin  ccespes, 
turf,  refers  to  the  tufted  manner  of  growth. 

B.  ctespitosa.    Leaves. 

B.  ceespitosa. 

B.  caspitosa.        Spore-cases. 

Plant  (gameiopkyte) . — Loosely  tufted,  soft,  variable  in  size. 

Leaves. — Long  and  narrow,  more  or  less  wavy,  curled  or  bent 
in  various  directions  and  with  a  very  narrow  wavy  point  when 
dry;  apex  bearing  a  short  sharp  point;  vein  strong,  yellow, 
prolonged  beyond  the  leaf-blade;  cells,  the  basal  loose  and 
transparent,  the  upper  green  and  indistinct. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

plant  (monoicous) ;  male  flowers  in  axillary  buds,  with  short  pedi- 
cels and  two  or  three  leaves. 

Veil  (calypira). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Red,  thin,  long,  egg-shaped,  more 
or  less  incurved. 

Pedicel. — Long  and  slender,  twisted  when  dry. 
Lid  (operculum) . — Conic,  taper-pointed. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Basilar  membrane  none  or 
scarcely  visible;  teeth  very  long,  purple,  twice  or 
three  times  twisted. 
Annulus. — None. 

Spores. — Minute,  greenish,  translucent,  smooth; 
mature  in  May  and  June  and  late  summer. 
Distribution. — Hills  of  the  Southeastern  States;  also  in  Europe, 
Asia,  Africa,  South  America 

B.  unguicu- 
lata.  Tip  of 
spore-case  with 
twisted  teeth. 

Genus  TORTULA,   Hedw. 

The  plants  of  this  genus  are  variable  in  size  with  simple  stems 
forming  yellow-green  tufts  on  walls,  rocks,  or  rarely  on  trees. 

The  leaves  are  oblong  or  spatulate  and  are  covered  with 
tiny  protuberances.  The  apex  is  obtuse  with  the  vein  extending 

T.  princeps.    (a)   Leaf,     (b)  Apex  of  leaf 
tip  with  transparent  awn. 

beyond  as  a  point  or  as  a  long  transpar- 
ent hair.      Toward  the  apex  the  cells  are 
six-sided,  opaque  and  filled  with  chloro- 
toward  the  base  they  are  transparent 
and  elongated. 

The  spore-cases  are  erect,  oblong  or  cylindrical  and 
somewhat  incurved  on  usually  long  pedicels.     The 


T.  princeps. 
Portion  of 

phyll  grains: 

T.  ruralis. 
Tip  of  spore- 
case,  (a)  Bas- 
i  lar  m  em  - 
b  r  a  n  e  .  (b) 

The  Tortula  Mosses 

peristome  is  sometimes  absent;  when  present,  it  consists  of  thirty- 
two  thread-like  teeth  remotely  cross-barred  and  covered  with  tiny 
protuberances.  The  teeth  are  either  straight,  incurved,  or  spirally 
twisted,  all  united  at  the  base  into  a  distinct  tubular  more  or  less 
elongated  basal  membrane.  The  spores  are  small  and  nearly 

The  generic  name  Tortula,  the  diminutive  of  the  Latin  tortus, 
twisted,  refers  to  the  teeth. 
Tortula  princeps,  De  Not. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  tall,  loose,  red-brown  tufts  on  rocks, 
walls,  and  sometimes  trunks  of  trees.    A  fine  moss,  easily  known 
by  its  interrupted  stems  and  dense, 
broad,  rust-coloured  leaves. 

Name. — The  specific  name  prin- 
ceps, the  Latin  for  "chief"  refers  to 
the  striking  character  of  the  moss. 
It  is  described  under  the  name  of 
Barbula  Muelleri,  Bruch  and 
Schimp.,  in  Lesquereux  &  James 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — Stems  re- 
peatedly interupted  by  new  growths 
with  root-like  fibres  at  their  bases. 
Leaves. — Soft,  dense,  broad  and 
rust-coloured  in  interrupted  rosettes 
along  the  stem  and  at  the  summits 
of  the  branches ;  apex  obtuse ;  margin 
rolled  back  to  below  the  middle; 
vein  red,  extending  beyond  the  apex 
in    a   slender  transparent,     faintly 
spiny   hair-point;  cells  at  the  base 
loose,  rectangular  and  transparent. 
Habit  of  flowering. — Male    and 
female  organs  in  the  same  flower  (synoicous). 
Veil  (calyptra). — Split  on  the  side. 
Spore  case. — Cylindrical,  brown,  arched  like  a  bow. 
Pedicel—  Red. 

Lid  (operculum). — Long  and  conical. 

Teeth   (peristome}. — The   lower  half  tubular   and    pale,    the 
teeth  red. 


T,  prince  ps. 
with  veiL 

T.  princeps. 

T.  princeps. 

Tip  of 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Annulus. — Double. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Headquarters    in    the    Mediterranean     basin; 
rare  in  England,  common  in  the  western  states  of 
North  America. 

Tortula   ruralis. 

Tortula  ruralis  is  much  like  the 
preceeding,  but  smaller,  with  flowers 
dioicous.  It  grows  on  thatched 
roofs  or  stony  ground,  in  tall 
cushions  I  to  3  inches  deep;  bright 
green  above  and  bright  red- 
brown  below.  The  awn  at  the  apex  of 
the  leaf  is  strongly  spiny,  transparent 
above  and  often  red  at  the  base,  some- 
times equalling  the  rest  of  the  leaf. 
The  spore  cases  are  narrowly  cylin- 
drical with  a  lid  half  as  long  and  a 

T.  ruralis.   Tip  ,          ,.  •       , 

of  spore-case,  (a)   StOUt  red  pedicel  about    3tt   inch    long, 
basilar  mem-  T.  ruralis. 

brane ,  (6)  twisted  Awn  at  the  apex 

teeth.  of  the  leaf. 

Genus  GRIMMIA,  Ehrh. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Grimmia  sometimes  form  con- 
spicuous gray  tufts,  often  hoary  from  the  white  hair-points  which 
terminate  the  leaves;  sometimes  they  form  soft  fragile  patches  on 
exposed  rocks  of  higher  mountain  regions.  The  tufts  vary  in 
size  from  little  dense  cushions  one-third  of  an  inch  high,  to  the 
mats  of  Gr.  bypnoides,  whose  stems  attain  a  length  of  eight  inches. 

The  dingy  colour  of  their  leaves,  tipped  with  long  or  short 
white  hairs  is  their  most  striking  character.  The  chlorophyll  is 
not  only  absent  from  the  hair-point  but  often  from  the  apex  of  the 
leaf-blade  as  well,  thus  adding  to  the  grayish-white  appear- 
ance of  the  tufts.  The  plants  are  usually  short,  with  forked 
stems,  crowded  with  lance-shaped  leaves,  frequently  thick- 
ened along  the  margin,  which  is  mostly  entire;  the  vein  is 
percurrent  or  extends  into  the  transparent  hair;  the  cells 
of  the  lower  part  are  rectangular,  of  the  upper  part  small, 
often  obscure. 


The  Grimmia  Mosses 

The  generic  name  was  given  in  honour  of  J.  F.  C.  Grimm,  a 
German  botanist,  who  was  a  physician  of  Gotha. 

The  spore-cases  are  oval  «nd  smooth,  borne  on  arched  or 
straight  pedicels.     The  peristome  consists  of  sixteen  red,  lance- 
shaped  teeth,  entire  or  cleft  at  the  apex  and  often  perforated  below. 
There  are  about  two  hundred  and  forty  species  known  at 
present,  fifteen  of  them  in  North  America. 
Grimmia  apocarpa,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  Loosely  tufted  to  form  olive-green  or 
black  tufts  on  rocks  or  stone  walls  or  even  on  roofs.  There  are 
varieties  which  grow  in  streams. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  apocarpa  from  airo,  without  and 
tcapTros,  a  fruit,  was  given  by  J.  G.  Hedwig,  in  1787,  to  describe 
the  hidden  spore-case. 

Plant  (gametophyte).  —  Robust,  the  stems  one  inch 
long,  branching  in  pairs,  free  from  root-like  fibres. 

Leaves.  —  Lance-shaped,  open  when  moist,  erect 
when  dry;  apex  sometimes  slightly  toothed,  the  upper 
leaves  usually  prolonged  into  a  short,  rough  hair  about 
one-quarter  as  long  as  the  leaf;  the  base  is  concave, 
becoming  keeled  upward;  margin  recurved;  the  vein 
continued  into  the  transparent  hair,  or  vanishing  below 
the  apex  ;  cells,  the  basal  rectangular,  then  narrow,  the 
upper  rounded. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  iloe  -pedicel  (pericbcetial  leaves').  — 
Broader,  thinner;  vein  narrow;  apex  with  or  without  short 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate  part 
of  the  same  plant  (autoicous);  male  flower-clusters  bud-like. 

Veil  (calyptra).—Very  small,  not  reaching 
below  the  lid,  lobed  at  the  base. 

Spore-case.  —  Egg-shaped,  almost  concealed 
in  the  leaves  at  the  base,  red. 
Pedicel.  —  Very  short. 

G.apocarpa.  ^id    (o^fCM/WW).—  Bdght-red,  tipped  With 

Spore  -  case  . 

with  lid.      a  sharp  point  ;  columella  attached  to  the  lid 
and  falling  with  it. 

Annulus.  —  None. 

Teeth  (peristome').—  Arising  below  the  mouth,   large,  purple- 
red,  entire  or  perforated,  spreading  when  dry. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 
Distribution. — Universal. 

R.  lanugino- 


Genus  RACOMITRIUM,  Brid. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Racomitrium  are  usually  of  large 
size,  with  stems  branching  in  pairs,  the  branches  simple  and  all 

reaching  the  same  height, 
or  unequal,  in  lateral  clus- 
ters. They  are  widely  and 
loosely  tufted  on  rocks  in 
mountainous  regions. 
Many  of  the  species  resem- 
ble the  Hypnum  mosses  on 
account  of  their  long  pros-  num.  veil, 
trate  stems,  their  numerous  short 
branches,  and  their  apparently  lateral 
spore-cases.  . 

The  name  is  from  the 
Greek  pd/cos,  a  shred,  and 
fiirptov,  a  veil,  referring  to 
the  torn  base  of  the  veil. 

The  leaves  are  not  tufted 

Racomitrium  lanuginosum.  at  the  tOp  Of  the  Stems  but 

are  close,  nearly  equal,  long,  lance-shaped,  concave 
and  channelled,  with  an  apex  blunt  or  ending  in  a  fine 
point  or  hair;  the  margin  is  recurved; 
the  cells  are  usually  obscure,  rounded 
or  four-sided  in  the  upper  part,  and 
long  and  narrow  in  the  lower  part. 

The  spore-cases  are  oblong  cylin- 
drical,   narrowed   at  the  orifice  and 
usually  erect  on  erect  pedicels.     The  R.\ 
lids  are  small  and  more  or  less  beaked  v*rticalsef ion 

o  i     penstome 

and  the  peristome  consists  of  a  single  with  two  ceils 
row  of  sixteen  long  teeth  cleft  two  or  °( ^  *nnulu* 

Portion  ot  peris-  ,  ....  at  the  base  of 

tome.  three  times  to  below  the  middle,  or     one  tooth. 

divided  into  two  thread-like,   knotty,   nearly  equal  segments, 


The  Torn-veil  Mosses 

erect  when  dry,  rarely  spreading.  The  annulus  is  compound, 
rolling  back  when  the  lid  falls. 

Eighty-one  species  are  known  at  present,  twenty  in  North 
America.  They  are  mostly  distinguished  from  the  species 
of  the  genus  Grimmia  by  the  peculiar  narrow  and  wavy  cell- 
structure  of  the  leaf-base  in  conjunction  with  their  habit  of 

The  Woolly  Torn-veil  Moss,  Racomitrium  lanuginosum, 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  on  the  tops  of  walls  and  on 
rocks  in  mountainous  regions.  The  thick  grayish-white  tufts 
extending  in  wide  patches. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

with  veil. 

R.  lanuginosum. 

R.  lanuginosum. 
Apex  of  leaf. 

R,  lanuginosum.    Leaf. 

Name. — The  specific  name  lanuginosum,  woolly,  was  applied 
by  Bridel  to  describe  the  white  appearance  due  to  the  transparent 
tips  of  the  leaves. 

Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Long  and  slender,  stems  I  to  12 
inches  long,  prostrate,  branches  in  pairs,  the  side  branches 

Leaves. — Close,  long-spreading,  erect  or  recurved  narrowly 
lance-shaped,  bent  to  one  side  toward  the  apex;  apex  tapering  to 
a  white  transparent  hair-point  often  longer  than  the  leaf-blade; 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

vein  narrow ;  margin  from  the  middle  upward  a  pellucid  mem- 
brane bearing  tiny  protuberances,  and  bordered  with  hair-like 
teeth,  wavy  when  dry;  cells,  those  of  the 
margin  very  small,  dot-like;  those  of  the 
leaf-blade  narrow. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male    and    female 
flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil. — Resembling    a    bishop's    mitre, 
long-beaked,  rough  at  the  apex  only. 

Spore-cases. — Oblong,  egg-shaped,  pale- 
brown,  finally  darker. 

Pedicel. — Short,  £  to  ^  of  an  inch  long 
on  a  lateral  branchlet. 

Lid  (operculum). — Tapering  from  a  con- 
ical base. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Long,  cleft  into  two 
forks ;  orange-red. 

Annulus.  — Broad. 

Spores.—  Mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

Vertical  section  of  peristome 
showing  two  cells  of  the  an- 
nul us  at  the  base  of  one  tooth 
R.  laMuginosum. 


Genus  HEDWIGIA,  Ehrh. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Hedwigia  have  two-forked  stems 
with  roots  at  the  base.    They  are  usually 
found  in  hoary  fragile  patches 
on  rocks. 

The  leaves  are  broad,  oval, 
veinless,  and  coarsely  toothed 
or  fringed  on  the  margins. 

The  spore-cases  are  globu- 
lar, immersed  with  almost  no 
pedicel  and  no  peristome. 

There  are  ten  species  in 
all,  three  in  North  America. 

The    generic    name    was 
given  in  honour  of  J.  G.  Hed- 
piant  stripped  of  wig,  a  distinguished  German 

leaves  to  show  two  male  flower-     ,  .  ...        ,   .  n 

clusters  on  the  stem  and  one     botanist,   who  llVCd  in    1782. 

spore-case    surrounded    with 
three  fringed  leaves. 



Hcdwig's  Moss 

Hedwig's  Fringe-leaf  Moss,  Hedwigia  ciliata,  Ehrh. 
Habit  and  "habitat. — In  small  or  wide  patches,  loosely  tufted, 

and  hoary-green ;  common  on  rocks. 
Name. — The  specific  name  ciliata, 

H.  ciliata.    Apex  of  perichaetiai  leaf. 

H.  ciliata.    Sterile  plant. 

Vefl.  Veil. 

H.  ciliata. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

referring  to  the  fringed  perichaetial  leaves,  is  derived  from  the 
Latin  cihum,  an  eyelash. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Pale-green,  stems  slender,  I  to  4  inches 
long,  at  first  erect,  then  procumbent,  repeatedly  twice-forked. 

Leaves. — Spreading  all  round  when  moist,  crowded  and  over- 
lapping like  shingles  when  dry,  broadly  lance-shaped;  apex  re- 
curved, translucent  by  the  absence  of  leaf-green ;  margins  wavy, 
base  growing  down  the  stem  and  yellow  at  the  point  of  attach- 
ment; cells  with  tiny  projections. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  spore-case  (perichcetial  leaves). — Thin 
and  transparent,  taper-pointed,  fringed  on  the  margins. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  one  plant 
(monoicous) . 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Small,  covering  the    lid,    conical,  with   or 

without  hairs. 

Spore-case. — Immersed,  globular,  light- 
brown,  red  at  the  mouth. 

Pedicel. — Almost  none. 

Lid(operculum). — Convex,  with  or  with- 
out an  obtuse  point  in  the  centre. 

Annulus. — None. 

Teeth  (peristome}. — None. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

H.  ciliata.  Plant  stripped 
of  leaves  to  show  spore- 
case  surrounded  with  three 
fringed  leaves;  two  male 
flower-clusters  on  the  stem. 


H.  ciliata. 

Genus  ULOTA,  Mohr 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Ulota  usually  grow  in  small 
rounded  cushions,  which  live  year  after  year  on  trees  but  never 
on  soil.  They  are  common  on  the  trunks  and  small  stems  of 
mountain  trees. 




SCARLET-CRESTED  CLADONIA,  Cladonia  cristatetta,  Tuckerm. 

Copyright,  1907,  hy  Doubleday.Page  &  Company 
BROWN-FRUITED  CUP  CLADONIA,  Cladonia  pyxidata,  (L.)  Fr. 

The  Curled-leaf  Mosses 

The  leaves  are  narrowly  lance-shaped  from  a  broad  oval  base 
and  are  usually  curled  when  dry.  It  is  this  character  which 
gives  them  their  generic  name  from  6v\oTr)<;t  curled. 

The  cells  are  very  narrow,  coloured  and  thickened  along  the 
median  line  while  the  marginal  cells  below  are  transparent  in 
several  rows. 

Fresh  spore-case  with  vaginule 
at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. 

Plant  with  exserted 

Perigonial  leaf. 


Dry  spore-case. 

Male  flower- 

The  veils  are  conical  bell-shaped,  usually  covered  with  erect, 
yellow  hairs;  they  are  lobed  at  the  base  and  folded  lengthwise 
in  plaits. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  spore-cases  are  exserted  on  straight  pedicels;  they  are 
pear-shaped,  narrowed  at  the  base  into  a  long  neck,  8-striate 
and  twisted  to  the  left  when  dry. 

The  peristome  is  single  or  double,  the  outer  of  the  sixteen 
white  teeth  usually  united  in  pairs;  the  inner  of  8  to  16  narrow 
processes  alternate  with  the  teeth  or  wanting. 

There  are  fifty-seven  species  in  all,  sixteen  in  North  America. 
The  Curly-leaved  Ulota,  Ulota  crispa,  Brid.— See  Plate  XV. 
Habit  and  habitat. — In  small  dense  round  cushions,  yellow- 
green   on  the  surface   and    rust-colour  within.      Common   in 
mountain   woods  on   trunks  and   branches  of  trees,  especially 
beeches,  firs  and  birches. 

Name.— The  specific  name  from   the   Latin   crispus,  curled, 
refers  to  the  special  curling  of  the  dry  leaves. 
Plant  (gametophyte). — Small,  erect. 

Leaves. — Linear,  lance-shaped  from  an  enlarged  oval  concave 
base ;  apex  narrow  or 
hair-like,  curled  when 
dry ;  cells  at  base  long 
and  narrow,  worm- 
like,  thick-walled,  on 
the  margin  enlarged 
and  4-sided. 

Habit  of  flowering. — 
Male  and  female  flow- 
ers on  same  plant  (mo- 
noicous) ;  male  flower- 
clusters  bud-like. 

Veil    (calyptra). — 
Yellow,    bell-shaped, 
split    at    the    base, 
plaited  lengthwise  and  covered  with  soft  hairs. 

Spore-case. — Pale-green  or  light-brown,  thin-walled,  pear- 
shaped,  narrowed  end  extending  almost  to  the  base  of  the 
pedicel,  constricted  under  the  mouth  and  deeply  grooved  when 
dry  and  empty. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Short  and  erect. 
Lid  (operculum) . — With  a  comparatively  short  beak. 
Teeth  (peristome). — The  outer  of  eight  pairs,  at  first  spreading, 
then  recurved,  the  inner  eight,  rarely  sixteen. 


U.  crispa. 

U.  crispa.  Sporophyte 
spore-case  with  a  long 
neck  and  tooth,  pedicel 
short  with  vaginule. 



THE  CURLY-LEAVED  ULOTA,  filota  crispa,  Mohr. 
The  lichen  is  Parmelia  saxatilis,  (L.)  Fr. 

The  Curled-leaf  Mosses 

Spores. — Mature  in  August. 
Distribution. — Universal. 

The  Bud-leaved  Ulota,  Ulota  pbyllantba,  Brid. 
Ulota  pbyllantba  grows  in  dense  cushions  ^  to   i^  inches 
high,  green  or  yellow  above  and  rich  red  or  brown  below. 

U.  Hulchinsite. 
Dry  spore-case. 

U.  fhyllantha. 
Leaf  apex  with  gemmae. 

Ulota  Hutchinsia. 

Ulota  Hutchinsia. 

U.  Hutchinsice.  Leaves. 

The  leaves  are  acutely  pointed  with  percurrent  vein,  upon 
the  apex  of  which  are  abundant  red-brown,  club-shaped  and 
jointed  gemmae  which  have  suggested  the  specific  name  from 
the  Greek  <f>v\\ov,  a  leaf,  and  avOos,  a  flower  or  young  bud. 

This  moss  has  been  found  on  the  highest  plant-line  of  Chim- 
borazo  as  well  as  close  to  sea-level,  and  is  widely  distributed 
over  the  world. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Hutchins's  Ulota;  Ulota  Hutclinsice,  Schimp. 
Habit  and  habitat. — The  plant  grows  in  dark  red-brown  tufts, 
rigid  and  fragile.     They  are  common  on   granite  rocks  in  the 

Name. — The  specific  name  was  given  by  Wilhelm  Philipp 
Schimper  in  honour  of  Miss  Hutchins,  who  first  collected  the 
plants  on  the  lake  shore  near  Bantry,  Ireland. 

Leaves. — Close  and  overlapping  like  shingles,  rigid  and 
appressed  when  dry;  erect  or  slightly  spreading  when  moist; 
oblong,  lance-shaped;  apex  obtuse;  base  oval  or  oblong;  margins 
turned  back;  vein  strong;  cells,  the  basal  linear  or  worm-like,  the 
marginal  somewhat  4-sided,  the  upper  small. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous) ;  the  male  flower- 
clusters  bud-like. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Very  hairy. 
Spore-case. — Oval,   narrowed  to  a 
very  long  neck  8-furrowed  the  whole 
length,  hardly  contracted  at  the  mouth. 
Pedicel  (seta). — Long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical,    taper- 

U.  Hutchinsicc.     Portion  nointed 

of  peristome  with  four  cilia  * 

and  six  teeth  in  pairs.  Teeth  (peristome). — Eight;  long, 

lance-shaped,  in  pairs,  entire  or  split  at  the  apex,  reflexed  when 
dry ;  the  inner  segments  eight,  a  little  shorter  than  the  teeth. 

Spores. — Mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — Common  in  mountainous  regions 

Genus  ORTHOTRICHUM,  Hedw.      (See  Plate  XIV.) 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Orthotrichum  grow  in  round 
cushions  on  rocks,  trees  and  walls.  The  plants  are  usually  erect, 
with  branching  stems  having  radicles  at  the  bases. 

The  leaves  are  lance-shaped,  lapping  like  shingles,  rarely 
twisted  when  dry,  the  surface  is  covered  with  minute  protuber- 
ances, or  is  rarely  smooth  in  the  upper  part;  the  margin  is 
recurved;  the  cells  toward  the  apex  of  the  leaf  are  dot-like  and 
contain  chlorophyll,  toward  the  lower  part  they  are  longer  and 

1 88 

Mosses  with  Straight-haired  Veils 

transparent;  the  veil  is  bell-shaped,  more  or  less  split  at  the  base 
and  keeled  or  deeply  grooved  throughout,  it  may  be  naked  or  may 
have  a  few  straight  hairs,  a  character  which  suggested  the  name 
Orthotrichum,  from  o/30oV,  straight,  and  Opll;,  r/at^o'?,  hair.  The 
spore-cases  are  immersed  or  exserted  on  a  short  pedicel  and  have 
usually,  when  dry,  8  to  16  grooves  running  lengthwise,  but  they 
may  be  smooth.  The  pedicels  are  gen- 
erally short  with  an  enlarged  base  (vagi- 
nule]  crowned  with  a  minute  cup-like 
sheath.  The  peristome  is  simple  or 
double,  the  outer  consisting  of  16  single 
teeth  or  8  pairs,  with  either  no  annulus 
or  a  very  narrow  one. 

In  all  there  are  two  hundred  and 
thirty-five  species,  fifty-seven  being 
found  in  North  America. 

Orthotrichum  strangulatum,  Beauv. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  small,  loose 
dirty-green  tufts  ^  of  an  inch  deep;  on 
trees,  rarely  on  rocks. 

Name. — The  specific  name  strangula- 
tum, strangled,  refers  to  the  constriction 
under  the  mouth  of  the  spore-case. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — One-quarter  of 
an  inch  long. 

Leaves. — Linear  lance-shaped  from  an 
oblong  base,  keeled;  apex  pointed  or 
blunt;  margins  rolled  back;  cells,  the 
upper,  round,  small,  close,  with  slight 
protuberances;  the  basal,  long  and  quad- 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  -pedicel  (peri- 
chcetial  leaves'). — Longer,  erect,  some- 
what sheathing. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers  on  the  same  plant  (monoicous} . 

Veil  (calyptra). — Resembling  a  bish- 
op's mitre  (mitriform)  furrowed  and 
nearly  naked. 

Spore-case. — Oblong  egg-shaped, 


Portion  of  peristome,  w  ith 

two  cilia  and  four  teeth. 

0.  strangulatum. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

half-emergent,  dirty-brown  when  old,  strongly  constricted  under 
the  mouth. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  obtusely  short-pointed. 
f     Teeth  (peristome) . — The   outer  eight  double  teeth,  dirty-yel- 
low, granulose,  reflexed  when  dry;  the  inner,  of  eight  filiform 
strong  segments. 

Spores. — Mature  in  May  and  June. 
Distribution. — North  America  only. 

With  veil.       Without  veil 

Mature  sporophyte. 

O.  rtipestris. 

O.  strangulatum 
Dry  spore-case. 

O.  strangulatum. 

O.  rupestris. 
Dry    sporo- 
phyte with- 
out lid. 

Mature  sporo- 
phyte with 

O.  strOKguiatum. 

O.  strangulatum. 
Spore-case  without  lid. 

O.  ruptstris.  Plant. 

Genus  ENCALYPTA,  Schreb. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Encalypta  grow  on  bright-green 
cushions  on  rocks  or  on  the  ground. 

The  leaves  are  linear,  spatulate  or  tongue-shaped  and  are 


The  Extinguisher  Mosses 

covered  with  tiny  double-pointed  projections.  The  cells  toward 
the  base  are  thin  and  transparent,  while  those  toward  the  apex 
are  small  and  opaque  with  leaf-green. 

The  spore-cases  are  borne  on  long  solid  pedicels ;  they  are 
regular,  erect  and  ribbed  or  twisted 
when  dry  with  conic  and  long-beaked 

E.ciliato,  Leaf. 

E,  ciliata.  Veil 

E.  ciliata. 
Plant  with  spore-case  still  in  the  veil. 



E.  ciliata. 

E.  ciliata.  Lid. 

The  veils  are  large,  cylindrical  and  bell-shaped,  longer  than 
the  spore-cases,  tapering  at  the  apex  and  sometimes  fringed  at 
the  base.  This  character  suggested  the  generic  name,  from  the 
Greek  eweaXvTrro?,  veiled.  The  peristome  is  variable,  having 
no  teeth  or  a  single  or  double  row.  The  spores  are  large  and 
beset  with  small  projections. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

In  all  there  are  thirty-nine  species,  sixteen  being  found  in 
North  America. 

The  Extinguisher  Mosses  with  Fringed  Veils,  Encalypia 
ciliata,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  'habitat. — In  loose  bright  or  pale-green  tufts  on 
shaded  rocks  and  soil;  not  rare. 

Name. — The  specific  name  ciliata,  from  the  Latin  cilium,  an 
eyelash,  refers  to  the  fringed  base  of  the  veil. 


E.  ciliata.     Portion  of  peristome. 


E.  ciliata.  Spore-case 
(a)  with  lid,  (fc)  with- 
out  lid. 

E.  ciliata.     Spore-cases  in  their  veils. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Stems  ^  to  2  inches  high,  thick,  cov- 
ered with  rooting  filaments,  simple  or  sparingly  branched. 

Leaves. — Soft,  large,  crowded,  recurved-spreading,  oblong, 
egg-shaped  or  tongue-shaped,  slightly  concave;  apex  short,  taper- 
pointed  with  a  tiny  sharp  point;  margin  wavy;  vein  pale-yellow, 


Pour-toothed   Mosses 

vanishing  below  the  apex  or  passing  into  it;  cells,  toward  the 
base  loose,  red,  the  marginal  of  several  rows  narrower  and  paler. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  one  plant 

Veil  (calyptra). — Straw-colour,  descending  far  below  the 
base  of  the  spore-case,  bordered  at  the  base  by  lance-shaped 
solid  white  or  orange  segments. 

Pedicel. — Long;  yellow  or  pale- red. 

Spore-case. — Cylindrical,  smooth,  slightly  constricted  under 
the  mouth  when  dry,  the  neck  short  and  indistinct. 

Lid  (operculuni). — Conic,  with  a  long  slender  beak. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Rarely  absent,  single,  of  16  narrowly 
lance-shaped  red  teeth,  sometimes  divided  into  two  irregular  seg- 
ments, connivent  when  dry,  incurved  when  moist. 

Distribution. — Mountain  regions  of  New  England,  the  Rocky 
Mountains  and  the  Pacific  slope,  Europe  and  Africa. 

Genus   GEORGIA,  Ehrh. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Georgia  are  erect,  growing  in  clus- 
ters but  not  matted,  on  the  ground,  on  rotten  wood  and  sandstone. 

The  lower  leaves  are  small,  distant  and  scale-like;  the  upper 
leaves  are  longer,  broadly  lance-shaped,  close  and  tufted  at  the 
apex  of  the  stems;  the  vein  reaches  to  below  the  apex;  the  cells 
are  somewhat  six-sided,  less  crowded  and  linear  rectangular  at 
the  base.  Linear  root-leaves  (frondiform)  or  whip-like  leafy 
branches  are  often  present.  These  frondiform  leaves  appear  in 
some  species  only  in  the  protonemal  stage,  while  in  other  species 
they  persist  at  the  base. 

The  spore-cases  are  cylindrical  or  oval  on  long  slender,  smooth, 
brown  pedicels  which  are  straight  or  abruptly  bent.  The  lids 
are  conical  with  mitre-like  veils.  The  four  teeth  arising  from 
just  below  the  rim  of  the  box  are  a  conspicuous  character  of  the 
genus.  They  are  formed  by  the  splitting  of  a  solid  mass  of  pithy 
tissue  within  the  lid  into  four  slender  triangular  segments,  red 
and  slightly  furrowed  on  the  back.  A  cross  section  of  a  tooth 
shows  it  to  be  triangular  and  composed  externally  of  large  trans- 
parent cells  and  internally  of  small  thick-walled  pointed  cells. 
There  is  no  annulus. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

G.  pellucida.  Cross  section 
of  four  teeth  to  show  that 
they  were  formed  by  the 
splitting  of  a  solid  mass. 

With  veil.    With  lid. 
G.  pellucida.    Spore-case. 

G.  Brovmii. 
Prondiform  leaves 

G.  pellucida. 
Branch    with 
gemmae  cluster. 

G.  pellucida. 

G.  pellucida. 
Side  view  of  gemma  cup. 

G.  pellucida. 
Bract  from  gemma  cup. 


•  Tip  of  spore-case,     with  teeth. 
G.  pellucida.  Lid.    G.  pellucida.  Veil.     G.  pellucida.  Tooth.  G,  pellucida. 


Four-toothed  Mosses 

There  are  but  two  spe- 
cies known  and  both  of 
these  are  found  in  North 

The  genus  was   named 
by    Friedrich    Ehrhart,    in 
honour  of  King  George  III. 
of  England,  whom  he  con- 
St  sidered  one  of  the  greatest 

'   patrons  of  botany. 

Georgia  pellucida, 
Rabenh. — See  Colour 
Plate  III. 

Habit  and  "habitat.— Erect, 
rather    densely     crowded, 
bright-green     above,     red 
damp  places, 

G.  pettwcida.  Vertical  section  of  gemma  cup 
showing  gemmae  with  slender  stems  and  cut 
edges  of  leaves  on  either  side. 

below.      On   decayed    wood    in 

Name. — The  specific  name  pellucida  from  the 
Latin  per,  through,  and  lucida,  transparent,  refers 
to  the  texture  of  the  leaves,  which  are  very 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Stems  of  two  kinds,  ( i ) 
the  fertile  ^  to  I  inch  long,  pale  red,  simple  or 
branching  in  pairs,  fibrous  at  the  base  with 
crowded  leaves  tufted  at  the  summit  of  the  stem; 
(2)  gemmae-bearing,  the  gemmae  disk-like  with 
short  stalks,  greenish,  transparent,  inclosed  in  a 
rosette  of  4  to  5  bracts. 

Leaves. — The  lower  leaves 
are  small,  remote,  erect,  ap- 
pressed,  broadly  lance-shaped 

G.  pcttucidd. 
Lower  leaves  of  fertile  plant. 

G.  pellucida. 
Upper  leaf  of   gem- 
mae plant. 


G.  pellucida. 
Pericluetial  leaf. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

and  red ;  the  upper  leaves  are  larger,  broader,  not  lying  against 
the  stem;  margin  entire;  vein  vanishing  below  the  apex;  cells 
round-hexagonal  above,  elongated  and 
rectangular  at  the  base.  It  is  not  an 
uncommon  thing  to  find  gemmae  which 
have  fallen  from  the  cups,  entangled  and 
growing  among  the  leaves. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (peri- 
cbcetial  leaves'). — Lance-shaped,  sheath- 
ing elongated,  rather  obtuse. 

H obit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers  on  the  same  plant  (monoicous) ; 
male  flower-clusters  bud-like  at  the 
apex  of  the  shoots  which  arise  in 

Veil  (calyptra). — White  below,  more 
solid  and  red  above,  mitreform,  reach- 
ing to  the  middle  of  the  spore-case, 
irregularly  folded  lengthwise  into  8 
or  9  ridges,  somewhat  ragged  at  the 

Spore-case.  —  Erect,  elongated, 
cylindric,  pale-brown  with  the  mouth 

Pedicel  (seta).  —  Straight,  smooth, 
purple;  when  dry  twisted  to  the  left  in 
the  lower  part,  to  the  right  above,  }4  to 
Y^  of  an  inch  long. 

Lid  (operculuni) . —  Thin,  conical, 
straight  or  oblique, 

Annulus. — None. 

Teeib  (peristome). — Four,  erect,  brown, 
pyramidal,  grooved  lengthwise  on  the 
back,  arising  from  below  the  rim  of  the 

Columella. — Slender,  cylindrical. 

Spores. — Small,  smooth,  green,  ma- 
ture from  July  to  September. 

Distribution. — Widely  in  America, 
Europe  and  Asia. 

G.  pettucida.  Fertile 
plant,  with  male  branch 
at  the  left. 


Four-toothed  Mosses 

Georgia  geniculata,  Girgens. 

Georgia  geniculata  may  be  distin- 
guished from  G.  pellucida  in  having  the 
pedicel  suddenly  bent  near  the  middle,  a 
character  which  suggested  the  specific 
name  geniculata  from  the  Latin  geniculum, 
a  little  knee. 

It  is  found  in  Japan  and  in  North 

Gemmae  -bearing 

G.  pellucida. 

G.   geniculata. 
Sporophyte  with 
four  teeth   and   a 
twisted  spiny  pedi- 

G.  geniculata.  Plant  with  two  spore-cases  on 
bent  pedicels;  male  branch  on  the  right. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 


•with  veil. 


Genus  TJETRADONTIUM,  Schwaegr. 

This  genus  was  established  by  Schwaegrichen,  but 
differs  so  little  from  the  genus  Georgia  that  many  think 
it  should  not  be  considered  a  separate  genus. 
There  are  two  species  in  all,  one  in  North 

It  differs  from  Georgia  in  having  both 
teeth  and  stems   shorter,   in   having   the 
spore-case  oval  instead  of  cylindrical  and 
in  having  the  veil  cover  the  spore-case. 
The  name  is  derived  from  the  Greek 

Tetradontium    TCTpa,  four,   and  68a>V,  3.  tOOth. 

repandum          Tetradontium   repan- 


with  veil.         dum,  Schwaegr. 

Habit  and    habitat. 

small,   growing 
shaded  rocks. 

in   loose 

clusters    on 

Name. — The  specific  name  repan- 
dum,  the  Latin  for  "curved,"  refers  to  the 
margin  of  the  mouth  of  the  spore-case. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — Stems  very 
short,  bearing  little  gemmae  at  the  base 
of  thread-like  leafy  branches. 

Leaves. — Ovate-lance-shaped,  rigid, 
red-brown,  closely  overlapping  like 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (peri- 
chcetial  leaves). — Ovate  and  oblong,  very 
concave,  vein  obscure;  scales  about  the 
male  flowers  (perigonium)  smaller, 
thinner,  vein  absent. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers  on  the  same  plant  (monoicous).  with  male  branch 

Veil(calybird).— Conical,  resembling  °ntheri«htattl>e 

x        *  *•  &  unci  tnrcso- 

a  bishop's  mitre  and  covering  the  spore-  like  branch  on 
case  to  the  base. 
Spore-case. — Thick,  oval,  the  margin  of  the  orifice  somewhat 
notched  between  the  teeth. 

T.  rcpandum. 
Female     branch 

male  plant  with 
thread-  like 
branch  at  the 

Four-toothed  Mosses 



Two  teeth  and  curved  spore-case  Perigonium  and 

margin.  perigonial  leaves. 

Tetradontium  repandnm. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Thick  and  rigid. 
Lid  (operculum) . — Conical,  erect,  short. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Simple,  of  four  short,  triangular  teeth. 
Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — Near  Glen  House  and  at  Dixville  Notch,  White 
Mountains.  Very  rare. 

Genus  SCHISTOSTEGA,   Mohr 

The  Genus  Schistostega  contains  but  one  species;  this  is 
found  growing  in  bright-green  patches  on  the  ground  in  caverns 
and  grottoes  and  under  the  shade  of  rocks.  The  protonema  is 
persistent,  and  shines  with  a  weird  light  in  the  semi-darkness 
where  it  grows.  The  most  striking  character  of  the  moss  is  the 
highly  refractive  power  of  the  protonema  cells.  These  are  able 
to  converge  the  feeble  rays  of  light  which  enter  the  caves  and 

Vertical  section  of  a  protonema  to  show  paths  of  refracted 
and  reflected  light  rays;    (5)  an  incident  ray  refracted  to  t, 
then  reflected  from  *  to  t  and  again  reflected  and  refracted 
T.  repandum.     Thread-     from  *  to  5';  (v)  clear  cell  contents;  (c)  chlorophyll  grains; 
like  branch.  (P)  plasma. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

grottoes  so  that  they  fall  upon  the  chlorophyll  grains  and  enable 
them  by  light-energy  to  build  up  plant  foods  from  gases  and 
water.  When  searching  for  this  moss  one  must  be  careful  not 
to  intercept  the  rays  of  light  which  enter  the  cave  and  then  one 
may  be  fortunate  enough  to  get  the  feebly  reflected  rays  which 


Protonema  in  natural  position,  very  highly  magni- 
fied.     Illumination  from  above. 

with  lid. 

Three  cells  of  protonema  from  L  to  show  position 
of  chlorophyll  grains  when  the  light  rays  enter  per- 
pendicular to  the  surface. 

Three  cells  of  protonema  to  show  position  of  chloro- 
phyll grains  when  light  rays  enter  obliquely. 
Schistostega  osmundacea 

Spore-case  with 
lid  raised  show- 
ing spores. 

5.  osmundacea. 

emerge  from  it.  The  four  diagrams  if  taken  in  Older  with  their 
legends,  will  give  one  a  clear  idea  of  how  the  light  rays  are 
refracted  and  reflected  by  the  cell-contents  and  of  how  the  chlo- 
rophyll grains  move  to  that  part  of  the  cell  which  is  illuminated. 


The  Luminous  Moss 

Schistostega  osmundacea,  Web.  &  Mohr. 
Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Living  but  one  year,  produced  from  a 
persistent,  thread-like  growth  (protonema);  stems  tender  and  deli- 
cate, usually  simple,  ^  of  an  inch  high  with  root-like  filaments 

at  the  base.     Two 

forms    are    found, 

the  barren    which 

are    naked    below 

and  have  two  rows 

of  vertically  placed 

leaves   above, 

the    fertile    which 

resemble  the   bar- 
ren   or  are  naked 

except  for  a  small 

tuft     of     terminal 


Name .  —  The 

specific    name    os- 

mundacea  suggests 

a    resemblance    to 

the    ferns    of    the 

same  name. 

Leaves. — Ob- 
long-pointed, con- 
fluent at  the  base; 
cells  large,  rhom- 
boidal,  containing 

Habit  of  flower- 
ing. —  Male  and  fe- 
male    On     Separate        S.  osmundacea.   Barren 
.....  plant  with  male  branch  at 

plants     (dlOlCOUS)    the  left. 

male  flower -clus- 
ters bud-like. 

Veil    (calyptra).—  Minute,     narrow, 
resembling  a  bishop's  hat,  covering  the  lid  only. 
Spore-case. — Small,  almost  spherical,  soft. 
Spore-sac  (sporangium). — Distinct. 
Columella. — Present,  thick. 

S.  osmundacea.  Fertile  plant. 

2O I 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Pedicel. — Long  and  soft. 

Lid  (operculum). — Small,  convex,  with  a  red  border. 
Teeilo  (peristome). — None. 
Spores. — Minute,  maturing  in  the  spring. 
Species. — But  one  known. 

Distribution. — It  has  been  found  in  northern  and  central  Europe 
and  in  New  York  and  the  White  Mountains. 

Genus  TETRAPLODON,  Bruch  &  Schimp. 

The  plants  of  the  Genus  Tetraplodon  are  perennial,  growing 
in  densely  crowded  cushions.     They  closely  resemble  the  plants 

T.  mnioides.     Growing  on  porcupine  bones. 

T.  mnioides.      Leaf  apex. 


T.  mnioides. 

of  the  genus  Splacbnum,  but  differ 
principally  in  that  the  enlarged  part 
(apopbysis)  of  the  pedicel  under 
the  spore-case  is  not  inflated  and 
is  of  the  same  colour  and  consis- 
tency as  the  spore-case.  The  plants 
are  peculiar  in  their  choice  of  hab- 
itat, being  invariably  found  on  ani- 
mal substances.  Tetraplodon  an- 


spore-     gustdtus  JS  Said  tO  have   been    found       T. mnioides.  Per- 
case.  .  .....  istome    of   sixteen 

growing  on  an  old  stocking  near  double  teeth. 


The  Quartette  Moss 


T.   mnioides. 

7*.  mnioides 

the  summit  of  Ingles- 
borough,  Yorkshire, 
and  also  on  an  old  hat 
on  Mt.  St.  Bernard, 
Switzerland.  The 
stems  are  branching 
and  bear  root-like 
filaments.  The  leaves 
are  lance -shaped  or 
oval-oblong,  and  are 
prolonged  into  an 
awl-like  point. 

The  spore-cases  are  small  and  erect 
with  conical-convex,  obtuse  lids.  They 
are  borne  on  pedicels  which  are  enlarged 
just  under  the  spore-case  to  form  a  club- 
shaped  apophysis.  The  apophysis  is  of 
importance  as  an  assimilating  and  trans- 
piring organ  and  is  the  only  part  of  the 
moss  which  bears  pores  (siomata). 

The  peristome  is  single  with  sixteen 
dark-purple  double  teeth 
r  e  fl  e  x  e  d    when    dry. 
These  are  at  first  in 
T.  mnioides.  groups  of  four,   and  af- 

terward in  pairs,  a  character  which 
has  suggested  the  generic  name 
Tetraplodon  from  the  Greek 
T6T/3a7rXo'o9,  four-fold,  and  oSovs, 
oSoVro?,  a  tooth. 

Nine  species  are  known  in 
all,  four  being  found  in  North 

Tetraplodon  mnioides,  Bruch 
&  Schimp. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Growing  in 
dense  tufts   on    decaying    animal 
matter    in    mountainous    regions. 
The  specimen    illustrated    was 
Leaf.  found    on  porcupine   bones   in 

T.  mnioides.  Plant 
stripped  of  leaves  to 
show  ( t )  male  and 
(?)  female  flower- 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Vermont.      The  specific  name  mnioides  is  derived  from 
moss,  and  the  suffix  olS,  like. 

Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Robust,  pale-green,  J4  to  3  inches  high, 
stems  branched,  covered  with  matted  root-like  filaments  below. 

Leaves. — Crowded,  ovate-lance-shaped  or  narrowly  obovate- 
lance-shaped ;  apex  pointed,  suddenly  narrowed  into  a  flexuous  yel- 
low awn ;  vein  prolonged  to  form  the  awn ;  margin  yellow,  entire. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  one  plant 
(monoicous) . 

Veil  (calyptra}. — Small,  conical,  usually  split 
up  one  side. 

T.  mnioides.     Portion  of  peristome 
to  show  teeth. 

T.  mnioides.  Tip  of  spore- 
case  to  show  position  of 
teeth  when  closed. 

T.  mniodes.  Per- 
istome with  reflect- 
ed teeth. 

Spore-case. — Short-cylindrical,  fawn-colour,  with  a  cylindrical 
green  apophysis,  both  become  dark-red,  and  the  spore-case  is 
contracted  below  the  mouth  when  empty. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Stout,  orange  to  red,  variable  in  length,  £  to 
2  inches  long.  Enlarged  under  the  spore-case. 

Lid  (operculum). — Obtusely  conic. 

Teeib  (peristome). — Reflexed  when  dry,  orange-red. 

Spores. — Small,  mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — Universal. 


Genus  SPLACHNUM,  Linn. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Splachnum  are  easily  recognised 
by  the  extraordinary  enlargement  of  the  pedicel  at  the  base  of  the 
spore-cases.  They  are  perennial  and  grow  in  tufts,  invariably 
on  the  dung  of  animals.  The  branches  are  soft  and  slender 
with  broadly  lance-shaped  leaves,  the  lower  distant  and  open; 
the  upper  tufted ;  all  with  a  vein. 


Collar  Mosses 

The  name  is  the  Greek  <nr\dyxvov,  used  by  Dioscorides  for 
some  lichen  or  non-flowering  plant. 

The  spore-cases  are  small,  oval  or  short-cylindrical  with  con- 
vex mammillate  lids,  and  a  central  column  (columella)  capped 
and  generally  exserted  after  the  falling  of  the  lid. 


5.  lutewm. 

S.  rubrutn.  Sporophyte  with  spore- 
case  open  showing  the  exserted  colu- 
mella  and  bell-shaped  apophysis. 

rubrutn.     Fertile  plant,  all  but  the 
lower  part  of  the  pedicel  removed. 

S.  rubrum. 

The  pedicels  are  long  and 
very  much  enlarged  under  the 
spore-case,  the  enlarged  portion  (apophysis)  increasing  after 
maturity  and  becoming  pear-shaped,  round  or  umbrella-like  and 
diversely  coloured.  There  are  sixteen  linear  teeth  in  pairs 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

5.  rubr-unt.  Leaf. 

(geminate),  orange-coloured  and  formed  ol  two  layers,  the  outer 
thicker  and  covered  with  tiny  protuberances.  The  spores  are 

Eight  species  are 
known  in  all,  five  of 
them  in  North  America. 

The  Red  Collar- 
moss,  Splacbnum  ru 
brum,  Linn.,  1.  c. 

Habit  and  habitat. — 
Chiefly  on  dung  in  peat- 

Name. — The  specific 
name,  Latin  rubrum,  red, 
refers  to  the  colour. 

Plant  (gametopbyte) .  — 
Living  but  one  year, 
small,  the  male  plants 

Leaves.— Large,  open; 
apex  recurved ;  base  nar- 
rowed from  an  enlarged 
middle,    above   more 
s.  rubrum.  Tip  of  spore-  abruptly  narrowed  to  a 

case  with  columella  exert- 
ed and  teeth  reflexed.         long    taper-point;    mar- 
gin distinctly  serrate  from  below  the  middle; 
leaves  of  the  male  plant  smaller. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Small,  conical,  slightly  split  or  mostly  en- 
tire at  the  base,  soft  and  falling  early. 

Spore-case. — Small,  oval  and  ending  abruptly  at  the  summit  as 
if  cut  off,  thin,  membranous  and  dirty-yellow. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Very  long  and  red,  enlarged  just  below  the 
spore-case  to  form  a  purple,  bell-shaped  or  umbrella-like  portion 

Lid. — Highly  convex. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Sixteen,  large,  densely  cross-barred,  joined 
in  pairs  at  the  base  and  sometimes  at  the  apex. 

Spores. — Small,  mature  in  summer. 


5.  rubrum.  Veil. 

The  Bladder-cap  Mos« 

Distribution. — In  the  Rockies  and  in  Maine,  also  in  Europe. 

The  Yellow  Collar-moss,  Splachnum  luteum,  Linn.,  1.  c. 

The  Yellow  Collar-moss  differs  from  the  Red  Collar-moss  in 
having  the  margins  of  the  leaves  not  so  coarsely  toothed  and  in 
having  the  enlarged  portion  of  the  pedicel  under  the  spore-case 
convex,  umbrella-like,  bright-yellow,  and  £  an  inch  in  diameter. 
The  pedicel  is  often  six  inches  long. 

The  name  is  from  the  Latin  luteum,  a  weed,  probably  a  yellow 
one  as  the  derivatives  all  signify  "yellow."  This  moss  is  also 
found  on  dung  in  bogs.  The  spores  are  mature  in  autumn. 



The  species  of  the  Genus  Physcomitrium  rarely  live  more 
than  one  year.  They  have  a  delicate  texture  and  grow  in  loose 
tufts.  The  plants  are  sparingly  branched,  and  bear  compara- 
tively large,  soft,  obovate  or  spatula-shaped,  taper-pointed  leaves 


P.  twrbinatwm. 


with  large  transparent  cells.  The  spore-cases  are  ovate  or  spher- 
ical, and  erect  upon  immersed  or  exserted  pedicels.  They  have 
convex  lids  but  no  teeth,  and  the  spore-sac  (sporangium)  is  free 
from  the  spore-case  wall,  adhering  to  it  only  by  thread-like 
strands.  The  veils  are  lobed  at  the  base  and  scarcely  descend 
to  the  middle  of  the  spore-case. 

The  generic  name  Physcomitrium  is  a  combination   of  two 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Greek  words,  fyixricwv,  a  fat  paunch,  and  jurpiov,  a  conical  cap. 
The  two  words  together  describe  the  veil  (calyptra)  as  a  conical 
cap  with  an  inflated  base. 

L. Top-moss,    Physcomitrium   turbmatum,    Muell.     ined. — See 
Plate  XVI. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Top-moss  is  everywhere  common  in 
old  fields  and  grassy  open  places  in  gardens.  It  is  conspicuous 
both  with  and  without  spore-cases,  and  maybe  easily  recognised 
from  its  picture.  In  September  and  October  the  bright-green 
rosettes  of  both  male  and  female  plants  may  be  found  in  loose 

Young  plant 
with  spore-case 

Spore-case  with 

Physcomitrium  pyriforme,  Brid.  Ideal 
vertical  section  through  a  green  spore- 


Spore-cas*  with  lid. 
P.  turbinatum. 

clusters  growing  on  the  ground  in  protected  spots,  and  if  exam- 
ined with  a  compound  microscope,  may  reveal  the  archegonia 
and  antheridia.  About  the  middle  of  May  the  same  locality 
should  show  colonies  of  plants  with  their  perfect  spore-cases  on 
slender  pedicels  (setae).  One  is  almost  sure  of  finding  this  moss 
about  flower-pots  in  green-houses  where  the  ground  has  not 
been  too  recently  worked  over.  The  shape  of  the  spore-cases, 
the  contraction  below  the  mouth  of  the  dry  spore-case  and  the 
amount  of  thickening  of  the  elongated  cells  about  the  mouth, 
and  the  degree  of  roughness  of  the  spores,  all  depend  upon  the 
stage  reached  in  their  development  before  they  become  dry  and 
shrivelled;  and  again  the  stage  in  their  development  depends 
upon  the  amount  of  rain  and  heat  in  their  environment. 


Cord  Mostei 

The  differences  resulting  from  changes  in  environment  were 
shown  in  an  interesting  manner  by  plants  examined  from  pots 
which  were  under  steam-pipes  in  comparative  darkness  in  the 
New  York  Botanical  gardens.  In  September  the  plants  were 
small  with  pedicels  only  about  half  an  inch  long.  In  January  the 
pots  were  removed  to  benches  with  bottom  heat  and  more  light 
and  then  plants  were  developed  with  pedicels  twice  as  long,  paler 
of  colour,  and  with  spore-cases  more  top-shaped  and  smaller. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  turbinatum,  the  Latin  for  "pointed 
like  a  top,"  refers  to  the  top-shaped  spore-case. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Light-green,  stems  short  and  simple,  or 
taller  and  branching,  -fa  to  I  inch  long. 

Leaves. — Broadly-lance-shaped  or  egg-shaped  with  the  broad 
end  tapering  toward  the  stem  (obovate) ;  margin  serrate  above  the 
middle;  vein  vanishing  below  the  apex  or  extending  beyond  to 
form  a  tapering  point.  Cells,  the  lower  oblong,  the  upper  rhom- 
boidal  or  hexagonal,  the  marginal  longer  and  narrower,  often 
yellow  and  inflated  at  their  upper  ends. 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Conical,  oblique,  and  cleft  unequally  5-  to 
8-lobed  and  beaked,  covering  about  half  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case. — Erect,  green  and  round  pear-shaped  when  fresh; 
becoming  dark-brown,  and  urn-shaped,  often  contracted  below 
the  rim,  when  dry  and  empty. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Erect  or  twisted,  sometimes  arched,  %  to  ^ 
of  an  inch  long. 

Lid  (operculum). — Convex  or  tipped  with  a  small  nipple 
(mammillate)  occasionally  with  an  acute  point  (apiculate). 

Teeih  (peristome). — None;  the  rim  is  bordered  by  8  to  12  rows 
of  transversely,  elongated  cells,  the  uppermost  very  narrow  and 

Annulus. — Persistent,  of  transparent,  bladder-like  cells 
incurved  after  the  falling  of  the  lid. 

Spores. — Rough,  maturing  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Ontario  to  Florida,  west  to  the  Rocky  Moun- 

Genus  FUNARIA,  Schreb. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Funaria  are  short,  simple,  or 
branching,  growing  in  clusters  on  the  ground.  The  leaves  are 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

variable;  with  loose  transparent  cells.  The  spore-cases  are  pear- 
shaped,  erect  and  symmetrical,  or  oblique  and  curved  on  long 
pedicels,  straight  or  arched  above.  The  pedicels  twist  one  about 
another  when  dry,  a  habit  suggesting  the  generic  name  Funaria, 
from  the  Latin  funis,  a  cord.  The  lids  are  plano-convex.  Some- 
times there  is  a  compound  annulus  which  rolls  back  as  the  lid  falls. 
The  teeth  are  sometimes  rudimentary  but  more  generally  they 
are  double,  the  outer  sixteen  obliquely 
curving  to  the  right  and  connected  at 
the  apex  by  a  small  mesh-like  disk. 
The  outer  surface  of  the  teeth  is  pale 
and  granulose  and  the  inner  face  is 
marked  with  prominent  purple  cross- 
bars. The  inner  membrane  is  divided 
into  sixteen  more  or  less  rudimentary 
segments  opposite  to  the  outer  teeth 
and  adhering  at  the  base.  They  are 
yellow  and  lance-shaped  with  longi- 
tudinal median  line. 

The  spore-sac  is  much  smaller  than 
the  spore-case  and  is  attached  to  it  by 
loosely  entangled  filaments.  The 
spores  are  often  very  large. 

Seventy-nine  species  are  known  in 
all,  fourteen  being  found  in  North 

The  Pale  Funaria,  Funaria  flari- 
cans,  Michx. — See  Plate  XVI. 

This  species  is  found  in  the  Middle 
and  Southern  States.  It  differs  from 
Funaria  hygrometrica  in  being  paler  in 
colour.  The  leaves  are  more  abruptly 
narrowed  into  a  long  flexuous  point, 
the  mouth  of  the  spore-case  is  more  enlarged  and  less  oblique. 

The  Water-measuring  Cord-moss,  Funaria  hygrometrica, 
Sibth.—  See  Colour  Plates  III  and  XVI. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Like  Cinderella,  the  Cord-moss  is  to  be 
found  among  the  ashes.  One  may  look  for  it  where  picnic  fires 
have  been,  or  in  wood-lots  which  have  been  swept  by  flames. 
One  may  also  expect  to  find  it  in  vacant  lots  used  as  dump 


F.  hygrometrica.  Portion  of 
peristome  with  two  inner  teeth 
and  with  two  outer  teeth  attached 
to  a  terminal  disk. 



Physcomitrium  turbinatum,  Muell.  ined. 


Funaria  flaricans,  Michx. 

THE  WATER-MEASURING  CORD-MOSS.  Funaria  hygrometrica,  Sibth. 

Cord  Mosses 

grounds,  or  even  on  the  crumbling  mortar  of  old 
stone  houses  and  neglected  walls. 

Name. — The  specific  name  hygrometrica  is  a  com- 
pound of  two  Greek  words,  £7/009,    water,    and 
measuring,  and  refers  to  the  habit  the 


(fc)  Branching  protonema  with  a  moss  plant  starting  at  (k); 
(w)  rhizoid;  (A)  a  primary  filament  of  protonema. 

Ftinaria  hygrometrica. 

Germinating  spores. 
(v)   Vacuole;    (if)  rhizoid 
)  spore  wall. 

F.  hygrometrica. 

F.  hygrometrica.  Fe- 
male flower  in  vertical 
section,  (a)  archegon- 
ium;  (b)  leaf. 


F.  hygrometrica. 
Plant  with  imma- 
ture spore -case  still 
in  its  veil. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

plants  have  of  twisting  and  untwisting  their  pedicels  as  they 
are  alternately  moistened  or  dried. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — The  young  plants 
are  found  in  the  fall.  They  are  yellow-green 
with  simple  or  branching  stems,  living  but 
one  year,  or  continuing  by  new  growths. 

Leaves. — Variable;  tufted  at  the  apex  of  the 
stem,  usually  erect  and  pressed  together;  ob- 
long egg-shaped;  apex  short-pointed;  margin 
entire ;  vein  reaching  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flow- 
ers on  the  same  plant  (monoicous) ;  terminal; 
the  male  on  prirflary  stems,  the  female  on  sec- 

F.  hygrometrica.    Leaf. 

L  pyrtforme. 
(See  page  2 1 7.) 

F.  hygrometrica.    Cross  section  of  young 

Veil  (calyptra).— Conical,  shining,  inflated  at  the  base,  split 
up  one  side,  composed  of  bladder-like  cells. 

Spore-case. — When  immature,  erect,  nearly  symmetrical; 
when  mature,  pear-shaped,  with  the  small  end  narrowed  to  an 
elongated  and  curved  neck  (collum).  One  side  is  more  swollen 
than  the  other  (gibbous) ;  leathery,  reddish,  and  deeply  furrowed 
when  old. 

Spore-sac. — Much  smaller  than  the  spore-case,  attached  to  it 
by  loosely  tangled  threads. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Straight  or  arched  above, 
i  to  "2\  inches  high,  twisting  and  untwisting 
with  the  changes  in  the  humidity  of  the  air. 

Lid  (operculwri). — Small  like  a  flat  saucer.  F.  hygrometrica. 


Cord  Mosses 

F.  hygrometrica.    Plant  with  two 

/Innulus. — Com- 
pound, rolling  back 
as  the  lid  falls. 

Teeth  (peris- 
tome).  —  The  outer 
teeth  sixteen,  ob- 
liquely curving  to 
the  right,  with  hor- 
izontal prominent 
purple  cross  -  bars 
on  the  inner  face 
(trabeculate) :  pale  and  granular  on  the 
outer  face,  connected  at  the  apex  by 
a  small  disk  with  mesh-like  veins 
(reticulated);  the  inner  teeth  sixteen, 
lance-like  or  more  or  less  rudimentary, 
opposite  to  the  outer  teeth  and  adher- 
ing at  the  base,  yellowish  with  a  line 

F.  hygrometrica.  Breath- 
ing pore  from  the  spore- 

Tip  of  female  shoot  with 
archegonia,  two  containing 
sporogoniums  half -grown.  The 
one  on  the  left  has  severed  F.  hygrometrica.  Vertical  section  through  a  male 
the  upper  part  of  the  arche-  flower:  (o)  young  antheridium  in  vertical  section .  (6)  old 
gonium  wall,  calyptra,  from  antheridium  in  vertical  section;  (c)  paraphysis;  (d)  vein 
the  base.  of  leaf  in  section;  (<?)  blade  of  leaf  in  section. 


Mosses  and  Lichen* 

running  from  apex  to  base,  distinctly  beset  with  minute  points 

Spores. — Of    medium 
size,  maturing  all  summer. 
Distribution. — U  n  i  v  e  r  - 

•CoUunt.  \      sal. 

F .  hygrometrica.  Portion 
of  peristome  with  two  outer 
teeth  attached  at  their  tips 
to  a  reticulated  disk;  and  two 
innner  teeth  free. 

F.  hygrometrica.  A  plant  with  a  female  branch 
supporting  a  sporophyte  on  the  left;  a  male  branch 
with  male  flower-cluster  on  the  right. 

Genus  BARTRAMIA,  Hedw. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Bartramia  live  from  year  to  year, 
their  erect,  two-forked  stems  with  soft  felted  hairs  toward  the 


Bartram's  Moss 

base  forming  extensive  tufts  on  soil  and  rock,  or  occasionally  on 

The  leaves  are  long  and  narrow,  opaque  and  yellowish-green ; 
with  a  round  vein  which  vanishes  in  the  serrated  apex  or  passes 
beyond  to  form  a  rough  point. 

The  spherical  spore-cases  marked  with  parallel  ridges  are 
erect,  or  nodding,  on  long  erect  pedicels.  The  lids  are  small, 
convex  or  obtusely  pointed. 

Teeth  are  rarely  absent  or  simple,  usually  double,  the  outer 
attached  to  basilar  membrane.  There  is  no  annulus. 

The  genus  contains  one  hundred  and  three  species  in  all,  thir- 
teen of  them  being  known  in  North  America.     The   name  was 
given  by  J.  G.  Hedwig  in  hon- 
our of  John  Bartram,  one  of 
the  earliest  American  botanists. 

The  Apple-moss,  Bartra- 
mia  pomiformis,  Hedw. — See 
cut  on  page  216. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  soft 
bright  or  yellow-green  tufts 
on  shady  banks  and  in  clefts 
of  rocks. 

Name. — From  the  Latin  po- 
mum,  apple,  and  forma,  form, 
referring  to  the  spore-cases. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — 
Stems  i  to  3  inches  high  with 
densely  felted  hairs  below. 

Leaves. — Long,  open,  and 
somewhat  twisted  when 
moist,  more  erect  and  crisped 
when  dry.  Narrowly  linear 
and  awl-like  from  a  paler  base; 
vein  extending  beyond  the 
apex  to  form  a  spiny  awn; 
margin  sharply  serrate  above, 
rolled  back  from  the  middle 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

B.  pomiformis.  Plant  stripped  of  leaves 
toshowantheridia.archegonia,  and  paraphy- 
ses  on  the  left  branch;  the  base  of  an  old 
pedicel  lies  between  the  two  branches. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Veil  (calyptra).— Conical,  split  up  one  side,  falling  early. 
Spore-case. — Spherical,  grooved  longitudinally. 

Pedicel  (seta}. — Slender,  £an  inch  high. 

Teeth  (peristome}. — Outer  teeth  regular, 
densely  cross-barred,  inner  segments 
shorter  than  the  teeth  and  cleft,  cilia  imper- 
fect or  none. 

Annulus. — None. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

B.  pomiformis. 

Bartramia  pomiformis. 

B.  pomiformis.  Leaves. 

Genus  LEPTOBRYUM,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Leptobryum  live  but  one  year,  the 
plants  are  unbranched  above,  new  growths  coming  only  from 
the  base.  The  generic  name  from  the  Greek  XeTrro?,  slender,  and 
fipvov,  a  moss,  refers  to  the  slender  character  of  the  plants. 

The  leaves  are  narrow,  glossy,  and  turn  in  different  directions. 
The  apex  is  like  an  awl  and  the  cells  are  narrowly  rhomboidal 
above,  looser  toward  the  base  and  rectangular-six-sided. 

The  spore-cases  are  inclined  or  pendent,  long-necked  and 
thin-coated  with  convex  lids  tipped  with  a  small  point.  The 
teeth  are  double,  the  intermediate  hair-like  segments  having  cross- 
bars projecting  beyond  the  edge. 

There  are  but  few  species  known  at  present,  one  of  these  is 
found  in  North  America. 



The  Pear-shaped  Thread-moss,  Leptobryum  pyriforme, 
Schimp. — See  cuts  on  page  218. 

Habit  and  habitat.— In  dense  silky  green  patches  on  shady 
rocks  and  walls,  and  sandy  or  turfy  soil,  also  on  burnt  and  decay- 
ing trees.  Common. 

W.  nutans.    Leaves.     (See  page  219.) 

L.  pyriforme.  Por- 
tion of  peristome. 

L.  pyriforme.      Spore-case  with   lid  and 
long  neck. 

W.  nutans. 

(See  page  219.) 

Name. — The  specific  name  pyriforme  is  from  the  Latin  pyrum, 
a  pear,  and  forma,  form,  referring  to  the  spore-case. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Slender,  simple,  stem  short.  One- 
half  to  one  inch  high. 

Leaves. — The  lower  distant,  narrowly  lance-shaped,  the  upper 
tufted  and  longer;  apex  awl-like,  flexuose,  serrate;  cells  above, 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

narrow  and  long,  below,  broader.     Vein  dilated  at  the  base,  ex- 
tending below  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  together,  (syn- 

Spore-case. — Pear-shaped  or  oval,  yellow-brown,  glossy,  sym- 
metrical, neck  long. 

Pedicel. — Red,  slender,  i  to  2  inches  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Convex,  with  a  tiny  nipple. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Pale  yel- 
low, lance-shaped,  segments  of 
the  inner   membrane    keeled 
and    perforated;   the    thread- 
like  segments    bearing    little 
knots  on  the  edges. 

Annulus.  —  Broad,     rolling 
back  as  the  lid  falls. 

Spores.  —  Mature  in   May 
and  June. 

Distribution. — Universal. 

L.  pyriforme.      Plant 
with  pyriforme. 
(See  page  217.) 

L.  pyriforme. 
Apex  of  leaf. 

Genus   WEBERA,  Hedw. 

The  members  of  this  genus 
are  similar  to  those  of  the 
genus  Bryum,  the  essential 
characters  which  separate  the 
two  are  that  Webera  has  rhom- 
boidal-hexagonal,  narrow,  and 
more  or  less  linear  leaf-cells 
with  a 

Bryum  has  rhomboidal-hexa- 
gonal,  smooth,  usually  broad 
and  loose  cells,  with  a  solid, 
round  vein  generally  passing 
beyond  the  apex  of  the  leaf. 

The  name  was  given  by 
J.  G.  Hedwig,  a  German  bot- 
anist, in  honour  of  G.  H. 


W.  albicans.  Stem. 

slender    vein,  while     (See  page  2j0). 

L.  pyriforme 

W.  nuians.    Spore- 




WEBERA  ALB1CANS,  Schimp,  1.  c. 


Webera  nutans,   Hedw. — See   Plate  XVII.     Also  see  cuts 
on  page  217. 

Habit  and  habitat. — This  pretty  moss  is  common,  growing  in 
soft  cushions  on  moist  ground,   in  peat 
bogs  and  swamps  and  in  fissures  of  rocks. 



W.  nutans. 

Inner  membrane. 

Name.— The  specific  name  nutans,  the  Latin  for  "nodding," 
describes  the  spore-case. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Yellow-green ;  stem  slender  and  flexible, 
\  to  2,  inches  high. 

Leaves. — The  lower  ovate-lanceolate,  margin  entire ;  the  upper 
linear-lanceolate,  serrate  at  the  apex;  vein  thick,  reddish,  glossy, 
vanishing  below  the  apex. 


Tip  of  spore-case  with 
two  rows  of  teeth. 

Empty    spore-cases 

without  lids. 
W.  albicans.    (See  page  220.) 

Spore-cases  with  lids. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

Spore-case. — Oblong-ovate  with  a  broad  opening,  yellow- 
brown,  short-necked,  inclined  or  pendent. 

Pedicel. — Glossy  red,  often  two  inches  high. 

Lid  (operculum). — Highly  convex,  with  a  tiny  nipple. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Dark  orange,  pale  and  thread-like  at  the 
apex,  the  segments  of  the  inner  membrane  pale-yellow,  split, 
slender  segments  (cilia)  2  to  3  strongly  jointed,  as  long  as  the 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Annulus.—  Large,  rolling  back  as  the  lid  falls. 
Spores. — Mature  in  summer. 
Distribution. — Almost  universal. 
Webera    albicans,    Schimp. —  See    Plate 

Habit  and  habitat. —  This  pretty  moss 
grows  in  soft  tufts  of  a  light-green  colour  in 
wet  sand  on  the  borders  of  streams,  and  in 
swampy  land  along  wheel  ruts. 

Name. — The  specific  name  albicans,  whitish, 
has  reference  to  its  peculiar  pale-green  colour. 
Plant    (gametopbyte). —  Simple,    erect    or 
inclined;    i  to  4  inches  long;  stem  reddish  or 

Leaves. — The  lower  ovate,  oblong  and  taper-pointed,  the  upper 
oblong-lanceolate,  soft,  yellowish  or  pale-green;  vein  vanishing 
below  the  apex;  margin  serrate  near  apex;  leaves  around  the  male 
flowers  broad  and  concave  at  the  base,  open  and  lanceolate  above. 

W.  albicans. 
Male  plant. 

W.  albicans.     Leaves. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on    separate 
plants,  male  flowers  in  a  disk-like  head. 

Spore-case. — Inclined  or  pendent,  short-pear-shaped,  inflated 



at  the  neck  (collum) ;  green  with  a  bloom,   becoming  brown ; 
somewhat  round  and  wide-mouthed  when  empty. 

Pedicel. — Long,  generally  reddish  and  bent  at  the  base. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical  with  a  nipple  (mammittaie) . 

Teeth  (peristome). — Large,  orange-coloured. 

Annulus. — None. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring  and  early  summer. 

Distribution. — Almost  universal. 

Genus  BRYUM,  Dill. 

The  plants  of  the  Genus  Bryum  live  on  from  year  to  year  on 
the  ground  or  on  rocks,  seldom  on  trees.  The  stems  are  covered 
with  small  red-brown  filaments. 

The  generic  name  is  an  ancient  word  for  moss  used  both  by 
Gaius  Plinius,  "The  Elder,"  a  Roman  naturalist,  who  perished  in 
the  eruption  that  destroyed  Pompeii, 
and  by  Pedanius  Dioscorides,  a  Greek 
physician,  who  was  the  founder  of 

Spore-case  Spore-case 

with  lid.  without  lid. 

B.  roseum. 

B.  argenteum.     Portion 
of  peristome. 

B.  argenteum.    Leaf. 

botany  and  flourished  in  the  first  and  second  century.  The  name 
Bryum  was  restricted  to  the  present  genus  by  Johann  Dillenius, 
a  German,  who  was  the  first  professor  of  botany  at  Oxford. 

The  leaves  are  smooth  with  a  solid  round  vein  generally 
extending  beyond  the  apex;  the  cells  are  smooth,  six-sided  and 
more  or  less  elongated. 

The  spore-cases  are  leathery,  pear-shaped,  narrowing  down 
to  a  solid  neck  (collum)  with  breathing  pores  (stomata)  on  the 
surface;  they  are  regular  or  rarely  recurved.  They  have  convex 
lids  with  a  tiny  blunt  point  at  the  centre  and  are  borne  on  long 
and  stout  pedicels. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  peristome  is  double,  the  outer  teeth  are  long  and  linear  or 
lance-shaped,  marked  with  many  cross-bars  internally,  prominent 
below;  the  inner  membrane  is  divided  above  into  keeled  seg- 
ments adherent  to  or  free  from  the  teeth,  and  separated  by  usually 
two  to  five  hair-like  divisions  (cilia)  mostly  with  spurs  attached 
at  intervals  to  the  margin. 

The  annulus  is  large,  compound,  and  rolls  back  as  the  lid  falls. 

There  are  800  or  more  described  species,  one  hundred  and 
thirty-two  in  North  America. 


Plant  with  sporo- 


B.  argenteum. 

With  lid.    Without  lid. 
Spore -cases. 

The  Silvery  Bryum,  Bryum  argenteum,  Linn. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  green  or  silvery-white  irregular  cushions, 
on  exposed  ground,  roofs,  pavements,  burnt  places  and  almost 
everywhere  except  on  trees.  Very  common. 

Name. — The  specific  name  refers  to  the  colour.  Latin  argen- 
teum, silvery.  Johann  Dillenius,  a  German  botanist,  called  this 
moss  "Catkin-stemmed  Silver  Moss"  from  its  resemblance  to  the 
catkins  of  a  poplar  tree. 



Plant  (gametopbyte) . — Stems  short,  |  to  i  inch  high  covered 
with  root-like  filaments;  there  are  numerous  shining  catkin-like 
branches,  each  tipped  with  a  brush  of  hairs. 

Leaves. — At  the  apex  of  the  stem,  oblong-lance-shaped,  taper- 
pointed,  silvery-gray;  stem  and  branch  leaves  broadly  oval,  or 
inverted  oval,  deeply  concave;  apex  abruptly  pointed;  margin 
entire,  flat;  vein  (cosla)  vanishing  above  the  middle;  cells  loose. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  on  separate  plants 
(dioicous).  Male  flowers  terminal. 

V'il  (calyptra). — Narrowly  hood-like,  falling  before  the 
spore-case  ripens. 


Young  spore- 
case  with  veil. 


With  lid.  Empty. 


Portion  of  peristome  with  two  outer 
teeth,  two  inner  and  five  cilia. 

B.  argenteum. 


Spore-case. — Abruptly  pendulous,  oblong,  deep  purple  when 
ripe,  constricted  under  the  mouth  when  old. 

Pedicel. — Long  and  curved  at  the  summit,  £  inch  high,  dark 
red  when  mature. 

Lid  (operculum). — Convex,  slightly  pointed,  dark-orange. 

Teeth  (peristome'). — As  in  the  genus.  Inner  membrane  yellow. 

Annulus. — Present. 

Spores. — Mature  in  fall  and  winter.  Rarely  fruiting  in  Great 

Distribution. — Found  in  America,  Europe  and  Asia.  This  is 
one  of  the  five  mosses  which  Sir  Wm.  Jackson  Hooker  found  in 
the  early  part  of  the  igth  Century  at  "Ultima  Thule"  of  Antarctic 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  Rose  Bryum,  Bryum  roseum,  Schreb. — See  Plate  XVIII. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Bryum  roseum  is  one  of  the  largest  and 
showiest  of  the  Bryums  known  outside  the  tropics.     It  is  found 
in  shaded  woods  at  the  bases  of  trees  and 
decayed  logs.      Under  favourable  circum- 
stances this  species  forms  tufts,  but  usually 
the  plants  are  scattered  among  other  mosses. 
Name. — The  specific  name  refers  to  the 
rose-like  arrangement  of  the  crown  leaves, 
Latin  roseus,  a  rose. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Fine  and  large, 

Plant  with  stolons. 


B.  roseum. 

stems  i  to  2  inches  long,   with  few  branches;  creeping  stems 
(stolons)  present,  from  which  new  plants  arise. 

Leaves. — At  the  apex  crowded  to  form  a  rosette,  each  leaf  spat- 
ulate;  apex  taper-pointed;  margin  acutely  toothed  from  the  middle 
upward,  reflexed  to  the  base,  wavy  when 
dry ;  -vein  (costa)  broad  and  reddish  at  the 
base,  narrowed  upward  and  produced  be- 
yond the  apex ;  cells  loose  and  filled  with 
chlorophyll.  Stem-leaves  lying  close  to  the 
stem,  oblong-lance-shaped,  small  and  thin. 

Apex  of  leaf. 

Male  flower  and  bracts. 
Bryum  roseum. 


Male  plant. 


Mnium  Mosses 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  flowers  in  separate  tufts  from  the 
female  flowers  (dioicous),  arranged  at  the  apex  of  the  stems  and 
surrounded  with  radiating  leaves. 

Veil  (calyptra).  —  Split  up 
one  side. 

Spore-case. — Single  or  in  clus- 
ters, oblong-conical,  pendent, 
and  slightly  incurved,  solid  and 
not  constricted  under  the  mouth 
when  dry. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Dark  purple, 

With  lid.    Without  lid. 

long  and  solid.       I  to  i£  inches 

B.  roseum.    Portion 
of  peristome. 


Lid  (operculum). — Slightly  convex  with  a  tiny  nip- 
ple in  the  centre,  dark-purple. 

Teeth   (peristome}. —  Very  long,   inner  segments 
orange-coloured,  perforated  along  the  keel. 
Annulus. — Compound,  rolling  back  as  the  lid  falls. 
Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — On  the  Eastern  and  Western  slopes  of  North 
America,  also  in  Europe,  Asia  and  Africa. 

Genus  MNIUM,  Linn. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Mnium  are  handsome  mosses,  usu- 
ally tall  and  robust,  with  large,  translucent  leaves.  They  may 
be  looked  for  about  the  bases  of  trees,  on  lawns,  along  roadsides, 
and  in  damp  woods.  They  are  especially  attractive  on  the  banks 
of  mountain  brooks  or  in  the  cool  water  of  bubbling  springs. 
The  beginner  may  recognise  some  members  of  the  genus 
by  the  dainty  rosettes  on  the  summits  of  the  male  plants, 

M .  pttnctatum.     Var.  elatum. 

M.  affine.    Apex  of  leaf- 
spiny  border,  single. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

each  rosette  made  of  pale-green  leaves  with  a  beaded  centre  of 
darker  green.  Some  species  have  the  fertile  stems  erect  with 
branches  growing  from  near  their  bases  or  from  creeping  stems. 
The  branches  are  often  different  from  the  main  stems,  being  fern- 
like,  prostrate,  or  curved  with  rooting  tips  so  as  to  form  succes- 
sions of  miniature  arches. 

The  great  Swedish   botanist,  Carolus  Linnaeus,  named  the 
group  from  the  Greek  pvfov,  an  ancient  word  for  "moss." 

M.  cuspidatum.     Spiny  border,  single. 

M.  hornum.    Spiny 
border,  double. 

M.  punctatum. 
Border  entire. 

Af .  punctatum.     Apex  of  leaf 

M .  cuspidatum. 
Spiny  border, 

Af.  hornum.     Apex  of  leaf. 

f  The  leaves  of  all  the  Mniums  are  dainty  and  fresh  and  their 
cell-structure  and  their  colour  are  so  delicate  that  it  will  repay  one 
to  examine  them  with  a  hand  lens  or  the  low  power  of  a  com- 
pound microscope.  The  leaves  are  usually  large,  rounded,  more 
or  less  elliptic  or  tongue-shaped ;  the  margin  usually  has  a  dis- 
tinct border  and  is  frequently  spiny  toothed;  the  vein  either  van- 
ishes below  or  extends  beyond  the  apex;  the  cells  are  smooth, 
rounded-hexagonal  or  rarely  elongated. 


Mniutn  Mosses 

'M.cuspidatwr..  Plant  with 
fertile  branch  on  the  right 
and  sterile  branch  on  the  left. 

The  spore-cases  are  more  or 
less  pendulous,  on  long  and 
slender,  often  clustered  pedicels. 
They  are  oblong-cylindrical  or 
oval,  never  pear-shaped.  The 
lids  are  convex,  long-beaked, 
taper-pointed,  or  tipped  with  a 
tiny  blunt  point.  The  annulus 
is  usually  conspicuous,  rolling 
back  as  the  lid  falls. 

The  peristome  is  double,  the 
outer  teeth  being  long  and  nar- 
row or  lance-shaped,  closely 
cross-barred  below,  with  the 
bars  evident  on  the  inner  surface; 
the  inner  membrane  is  keeled 
and  reaches  to  the  middle  of 
the  outer  teeth,  where  it  divides 
into  large  segments  alternating 
with  two  or  three  thread-like 

M.  affine.    Portion  of 

M .  cuspidal-urn. 
Inner  membrane. 

M.  cuspidatum. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

segments  (cilia).  Sometimes  the  cilia  have  spurs  attached  at 
intervals  to  the  margins. 

There  are  ninety-nine  species  in  all,  thirty-three  in  North 
America.  Of  the  fifteen  species  which  appear  in  the  Eastern 
States,  five  will  be  found  with  entire  borders  to  the  leaves,  five 
with  a  single  row  of  teeth,  and  five  with  a  double  row. 

The  Pointed  Mnium,  Mnium  cuspidatum,  Hedw. 

Habit  and  habitat.—  The  Pointed  Mnium  (Mnium  cuspidatum) 
is  one  of  the  prettiest  of  the  genus  and  is  to  be  found  in  shaded 
places  on  the  ground  in  almost  every  state  and  territory  in  the 

Name. — J.  G.  Hedwig,  a  German  botanist,  named  this  species 
from  the  Latin  cuspidatum,  a  point,  on  account  of  the  apex  of 
the  leaves. 


M,  cuspidatum. 

Branch  leaf. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Simple,  the  young  shoots  bright  pale- 
green,  the  older  stems  dark-green,  the  sterile  shoots  prostrate 
or  somewhat  erect. 

Leaves.—  All  with  a  short  sharp  point  at  the  apex,  vein 
extending  beyond  the  apex  to  form  the  point.  Stem-leaves 
with  the  base  growing  downward  on  the  stem  (decurrent) 
oval-oblong  or  obovate-spatulate ;  branch-leaves  smaller, 
rounded-oval;  all  much  crisped  when  dry;  margin  with  3  to  5 
rows  of  yellow  cells,  and  a  single  row  of  spiny  teeth  in  the 
upper  half. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichatial  leaves).— Spat- 





Frullania  Eboracensis,  Gottsche 


Frullania  Eboracensis,  Gottsche 


Porella  platyphylla 

Copyright,  1907,  by  Doubleday,  Page  &  Company 

Plilidium  ciliare,  Nees 


Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  in  the  same 
cluster  (synoicous). 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Solitary,  somewhat  pendulous,  oval-oblong. 

Pedicel. — Solitary,  pale. 

Lid  (pperculum). — Conical,  obtuse. 

Annulus. — Narrow,  rolling  back  as  the  lid  is  pushed  off. 

Teeth  (peristome). — The  outer  yellow,  the  inner  orange,  solid, 
the  segments  open  on  the  keel,  thread-like  and  sharp-pointed  at 
the  apex ;  cilia  usually  three  between  each  tooth. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — In  almost  every  state  of  the  Union,  also  in 

Mnium  affine,  Bland. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  on  shaded  banks  and  roots  of 
trees.  Bright,  pale-green,  loosely  tufted  with  long  sterile  shoots 
arched  or  prostrate. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  affine,  from  the 
Latin  affinis,  related,  refers  to  the  resemblance  of 
this  species  to  Mnium  cuspidatum  with  which  it 
has  often  been  confused. 

Plant  (gametophyte}. — One  to  two  inches 
high  with  brown  filaments  at  the  base. 

Leaves. — Spreading,  recurved  and  crisped  on 
the  borders  when  dry;  the  lower  stem-leaves 
round  egg-shaped  with  the  narrow  end  next  to 
the  stem;  the  middle  stem-leaves  oblong  egg- 
shaped,  growing  more  or  less  down  the  stem;  the  upper 

Stem  with  leaves. 

Apex  with  vein  and  marginal  cells. 
M.  cuspidatum. 

Spore -case 
without  lid. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

stem-leaves  inverted  egg-shaped  and  long  spatulate  crowded 
into  a  rosette;  margins  acutely  toothed  all  round;  vein  extending 
beyond  the  apex  to  form  a  sharp  point. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male   and  female  flowers  on   separate 
plants  (dioicous) ;  male  plants  terminating  in  disks. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one 

Spore-case. — Clustered,  i  to 
3,  rarely  5  to  6;  pendent,  oblong; 
green  until  fully  ripe,  then  yel- 

Pedicel  (seta). — Slender,  i  to 
inches  long. 

Jl.  cMspidatum.      Spore-cases  with  lids. 


M .  affine. 


Lid  (operculum). — Convex,  short,  sharp-pointed. 
Teeth  (peristome). — As  in  the  genus.     The  outer  yellow,  the 
inner  orange. 

Annulus. — Narrow,  rolling  back  as  the  lid  falls. 
Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 
Distribution. — Universal. 



Portion  of  peristome 
with  three  outer  teeth, 
four  inner  and  groups 
of  cilia. 

Inner  peri- 
gonial  leaf 

with  an- 
ther idi  a 
and  para* 


M.  afflnt. 

with  lid. 

Mnium  hornum,  Linn. 
Habit  and  habitat. — Robust  in  dense  tufts,  on  damp  earth  in 
woods,  about  the  roots  of  trees,  and  on  rocks. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  hornum,  probably  refers  to  the 
horny  border. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — The  young  plants  are  bright-green,  the 
older  are  dark-green ;  stems,  \  to  2  inches  high,  simple  erect; 
sterile  shoots,  erect  from  the  base. 

Leaves. — The  lowest  minute,  the  upper  gradually   increasing 
in  size,  the  terminal  forming  a  rosette,  all  oblong-lance-shaped, 

apex  more  or  less  acute  with  a 
sharp  little  point;  base  growing 
slightly  down  the  stem ;  margin 
with  a  strong  red  border,  spiny 
toothed  from  below  the  middle, 
the  teeth  in  a  double  row ;  vein 

Plant  with 

Spiny  margin; 
the  spines  in  a 
double  row. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

vanishing  below  the  apex,  spiny  above  at  the  back ;  cells  thick- 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous).  Male  flowers  surrounded  with  a  rosette  of 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Narrowly  oval  with  a  narrow  tapering  neck 
somewhat  pendulous,  finally  horizontal,  somewhat  inflated  when 
empty,  pale-yellow  with  a  red  rim. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Solitary,  I  to  i£  inches  long,    arched  above. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  tipped  with  a  short,  sharp  point. 
Annulus. — Narrow. 
Teeth  (peristome). — As  in  the  genus. 
Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Africa,  and  North  America. 
The  Dotted  Mnium,  Mnium  punctatum,  Hedw. 
Habit  and  habitat. — The  Dotted  Mnium  may  be   looked  for 
about  cold  springs  and  along  the  borders  of  mountain  brooks. 

It  grows  in  loose  dark  or  yellowish 
green  tufts,  each  plant  standing  stiff  and 
erect  with  rusty-brown  hairs. 

The  leaves  are  large,  not  very  close 
together  on  the  stem  and  of  a  delicate 
translucent  green.  A  hand  lens  will 
show  them  to  have  a  hard,  brown,  entire 
margin  notched  at  the  rounded  apex, 
and  a  tiny  little  point  in  the  notch. 
The  fruits  are  not  often  found,  but  when  present  are  oval,  green 
cylinders  with  sharp-pointed  lids,  hori- 
zontal or  inclined  on  slender  pedicels. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  the  Latin 
punctatum,  dotted,  was  given  by  J.  G. 
Hedwig,  on  account  of  the  cell  structure. 
Plant  (gametophyte).— Tall,  robust,  j 
to  6  inches  high,  the  dark-green  sterile 
shoots  erect;  all  covered  the  whole  length 
with  brown  filaments. 

Leaves. — Remote  on  branches  and 
stems,  open,  turned  back  from  the  stem, 
large,  the  lower  round,  oval,  inserted  onl 


M.hornum.  Spore-case  with 
lid  and  with  a  bract  on  the 

M .  hornum.    Apex  of  leaf 
to  show  spiny  margin. 






by  the  enlarged  vein ;  the  upper  4  to  6 
in  a  rosette,  each  leaf  broadly  oval, 
tapering  toward  the  base;  apex  slightly 
notched,  with  a  sharp  point  in  the  notch; 
margin  entire,  brown,  thick  and  hard; 
vein  purplish,  abruptly  vanishing  near 
apex,  extending  down  the  stem. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers   on  separate    plants  (dioicous); 
male  plants  more  slender  than  the  female, 
with  but  few  stem  leaves,  and  the  leaves  at  the  summit  arranged 
as  a  rosette  about  the  male  flowers  (antheridia). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side,  remaining  on  the  spore- 
case  all  winter  but  falling  early  in  the  spring. 

Spore-case. — Oval,  green  when  mature,  brown  when  older, 
ovate-oblong,  somewhat  pendulous,  finally  horizontal. 

Stem  with 

M.  punctatutn. 

Var.  elatum. 

M.  punctatum. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Aulacomnium  palustre,  Schwaegr. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  loose  or  dense  tufts  i  to  5  inches 
deep,  yellow  or  dirty-green  above,  red-brown  within.  Found  on 
borders  of  swamps,  on  plains,  or  on  mountains. 

Name. — The  specific  name  palustre,  Latin,  palus,  a  swamp, 
refers  to  the  habit  of  the  moss. 

Female  plant  with  sporophyte  and  two 
Whip-like"branch          sterile   branches    with  rhizoids  at  their  Stem  with  whip- 

with  gemmae,  base.  like  branch. 

A.  palustre. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Robust,  closely  covered  with  red- 
brown  felted  filaments,  often  producing  whip-like  branches  with 
clusters  of  bud-like  growths  at  the  apex. 

Leaves. — Usually  crowded,  more  or  less  crisped  and  twisted 
when  dry,  narrowly  lance-shaped;  apex  obtuse  or  pointed; 
margin  finely  toothed  toward  the  apex,  rolled  back  below;  vein 
vanishing  below  the  apex;  cells  with  tiny  projections  on  both 








Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on   separate 
plants  (dioicous).    Male  flower-clusters  bud-like. 
Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 
Spore-case. — Oblong,  unsymmetrical. 
Pedicel. — i  to  2  inches  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical. 
Annulus. — Large,  compound,  rolling 
back  as  the  lid  falls. 

Teeth  (peristome}. — Long,  acute,  the  seg- 
ments of  the  inner  membrane  about  as  long, 
with  3  to  4  cilia  intermediate. 

Spores. — Maturing  in  early  summer. 
Distribution. — Universal. 
Aulacomnium    heterostichum,     Bruch    & 
Schimp.— See   Plate  XX. 

Habit  and  habitat. —  In  wide  pale- 
green  tufts  on  shady  banks  and  slopes  in 
the  woods. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  hetero- 
stichum, is  a  compound  of  two  Greek 
words,  ere/905,  other,  and  ort^o?,  rank, 
referring  to  two  kinds  of  leaves. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Stems  densely 
covered  with  red-brown  filaments  (to- 

Leaves.  —  Inclined  to  one  side;  lower 
obovate,  upper  gradually  longer  and  ob- 
ovate-oblong,  incurved  on  one  side ;  apex 
nearly  flat,  obtusely  pointed  (apiculate) ; 

A.  androzynum. 
Old  spore-case. 
(Seepage  235.) 

Cross  section  of  central 
strand  of  stem. 
A,  falustre 

Cross  section  of  leaf.  Spore-case  with  veil. 

A.  heterostichum. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

A.  hetetoftichum. 

margin  saw-toothed  from  the  middle  up- 
ward; vein  (costa)  yellow-brown,  vanishing 
below  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — 
Male  and  female  flowers  on 
one  plant  (monoicous). 
The  male  flower-clusters, 
sessile  along  the  stems, 
and  with  rootlets  at  the 
base.  The  inner  leaves  of 
the  clusters  broadly  ovate- 
concave,  abruptly  pointed 
and  veined. 

Veil  (calyptra).—  Split 
up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Oblong,  slightly  incurved 
and  inclined. 

Pedicel  (seta), — Short,  erect. 

Lid  (operculuni). — Con- 
vex, obtusely  short-beaked. 
Annulus. — Large,    roll- 
ing back  as  the  lid  falls*. 

Teeth    ( peristome ) .  — 
Large,  the  inner  segments 
open,  but  not  disjoined, 
cilia  2  to  3. 

Spores. — Mature 
in  June. 

Distribution.  — 
Asia,  Japan,  North 

Old  spore-case.         . 

A.  heterostichum.     America. 

Antheridia  and 


A.  heterostichttm.     Leaves. 



The  Polytrichaceae  form  a  large  family  which  has  been 
divided  into  some  three  tribes,  nine  genera,  and  about  two 
hundred  species,  if  the  plants  of  the  whole  world  are  considered. 

The  species  are  often  of  large  size  and  are  probably  the  most 
highly  developed  of  all  the  mosses.  One  may  look  for  the  Amer- 
ican species  by  roadside  banks,  in  fields  and  open  woods.  They 
grow  in  conspicuous  patches  and  may  be  easily  recognised  by 
their  mitrate  or  hood-like  veils,  their  long  wiry  pedicels,  their 
regularly  cylindrical  or  angular  spore-cases  with  mouths  covered 
by  a  thin  membrane  bordered  with  32  or  64  blunt  teeth,  and  by 
their  firm  and  rigid  leaves  with  delicate  vertical  blades  of  cells 
(lamella?)  on  the  upper  surface. 


Veil. — Hood-like,  spore-case  symmetrical  or  nearly  so;  leaves 
wavy  and  crisp  when  dry,  lamellae  few  (2  to  8), 
straight,  teeth  32 Catharinea. 

Lamellae  (two). 
Cross  sections  of  leaves. 

P.  brachyphylltMn. 
Spore  -case  with 
hairy  veiL 

tenue.  Spore- 
case,  not  angu- 


Tip  of  spore-case;  teeth 

C.  undulata. 

Veil. — Mitrate,  densely  hairy. 

Spore-case  not  angular,  teeth  often  32 
Spore-case  4-  to  6-angled,  teeth  64  .  . 

P.   pili]crv.m. 



.  Pogonatum. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 


Genus  CATHARINEA,  Ehrh. 

The  members  of  this  genus  will  always  attract  attention  from 
their  habit  of  growing  in  extensive  patches  in  partly  shaded 
places.  The  leafy  part  of  the  plant  is  erect  and  large  enough  to 

form  soft  and  luxuriantly 
green  areas  very  conspicuous 
when  beset  with  slender  ped- 
icels bearing  either  pale  im- 
mature spore-cases  or  shining 
rich-coloured  mature  ones. 
The  genus  was  founded  by 
Friedrich  Ehrhart  in  honour  of 
Catharine  II,  Empress  of  Rus- 
sia. The  leaves  are  strap- 

P,  commune.     Teeth  sixty-four,  summit  ,        . 

of  spore-case.    (See  page  239.)  shaped  Or  OVal-Oblong,   rich  111 

leaf-green  and  wavy  when  fresh,  and  curled 
or  twisted  in  various  directions  when  dry; 
the  apex  is  acute  or  obtuse  and  the  base  is 
not  sheathing;  the  vein  bears  a  few  lamellae 
toward  the  apex. 

The   veils   are   split  up  one  side  and  are 
sometimes  rough. 

Pogonatum.     Teeth 
thirty-two.  (See p.  239.) 

The  spore-cases  are  oval  cylindrical,  nodding,  or  arched,  with 
long-beaked  lids  and  are  borne  on  long  exserted  pedicels. 

The  little  column  (columella)  within  the  spore-case  is  termin- 
ated by  a  disk-like  mem- 
brane (epiphragm). 

The  peristome  is 
simple,  of  32  tongue- 
like  teeth  united  at  the 
base;  the  tips  are  united 
by  their  inner  faces  to 
processes  on  the  edge  of 
the  epiphragm  so  that 
the  epiphragm  hangs 
down  irom  them  by 
the  length  of  the  pro- 

C.  undulata.     Apex  of  leaf 
with  lamellae. 

With  lid.       With  veil 
C.  angustata.    Spore- 


Catharine   Mosses 

Apex  of  leaf. 

C ,  angustata. 

There  are  about  forty-eight  species   known  in  all,   nineteen 
being  found  in  North  America. 

The  Slender  Catharinea,  Catharinea  angustata,  Brid. — See 
Plate  IV. 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  Very  com- 
mon in  conspicuous  patches  on  the 
ground  at  the  bases  of  trees,  along 
roadsides,  and  in 
woods.  The  fruits 
and  the  bright  red 
rosettes  of  the  male 
plants  may  be  found 
in  winter.  In  cold 
or  dry  weather  this 
moss  curls  up  its 
leaves  so  as  to  protect  the  upper  deli- 
cate surface  from  frost  and  too 
rapid  evaporation. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name 
angustata,  the  Latin  for  "narrow- 
ed," refers  to  the  slender  habit  of 
the  plant. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Simple  or 
forked,  erect,  bearing  one  to  three 

Leaves. — Long,  narrowly  strap- 
Male  plant  shaped,  wavy  on  the  borders.  Apex 
serrate;   base  not  sheathing;   mar- 
gin serrate  only  in  the   upper  half.      Lamellae  5  to  7. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Dioicous,  male  flower  on    one   plant, 
female  flowers  on  another. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Membranous,  split  up  one  side,  hairy  at  the 

Spore-case. — Nearly  erect,  narrowly  cylindrical,  green  or  dark- 
purple,  shining. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Red,  about  one  inch  high. 
Lid  (operculum). — Dome-like,  abruptly  long-beaked. 
Teeth    (peristome) . — Thirty-two,    blunt,    connected    at    the 
base,  attached  by  the  tips  to  the  disk  at  the  summit  of  the 


Female  plant. 

C.  angustata. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia. 

The    Wavy-leaved    Catharinea,    Catharinea 
undulata,  Web,  &  Mohr. 

Catharinea  undulata  differs  from  C.  angustata 
in  the  leaves  being  more  acute  and  with  margins 
toothed  throughout.  Also  it  is  a  rather  larger  plant 
with  less-prominent  lamellae  and 
with  a  monoicous  inflorescence. 

Apex  of  leaf. 

Top  of  spore-case  with 

Spore-case          the  teeth   united   near     Cross  section  of  a  leaf  to  show 
with  veiL  their  tips  to  an  epiphragm.     lamellae  erect  from  the  vein.  Leaf. 

C.  undulata. 


Genus  POGONATUM,  Beauv. 

The  Pogonatum  mosses  grow  in  tufts  on  the  ground,  often 
with  a  green  felt  of  thread-like  cells  (protonema)  at  the  base.  The 
plants  are  short  and  simple,  or  long  and  robust;  with  branches 
starting  below  the  leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel,  or  half-way 
up  to  the  stem.  The  male  plants  continue  to  grow  from  the  cen- 
tre of  a  terminal  rosette  of  bracts. 

The  leaves  are  erect  or  spreading,  the  upper-half  lance-shaped 
or  strap-shaped;  the  base  is  clasping,  with  large  pale  cells; 
the  margins  are  entire  or  serrate;  the  vein  is  broad,  with  numer- 
ous lamellae  occupying  almost  the  entire  width  of  the  leaf-blade, 
and  with  their  terminal  cells  smooth  or  bearing  tiny  projections 

The  generic  name  Pogonatum,  from  the  Greek  Tr&xy&n/,  a  beard, 
refers  to  the  veil,  which  is  hairy  and  almost  covers  the  spore-case. 

The  spore-cases  are  cylindrical,  but  not  angular.  They  are 


Hair-cap  Mosses 

P.  brevicaule.     Top  of  spore-case  with  33  teeth 
united  by  their  tips  to  a  membrane. 

P.  Alpinum  Leaf 
with  serrate  mar- 
gin and  numerous 

P.  brevicaule. 
Stem  with  peri- 
chaetial  leaves. 

P.  breviccuk. 
Spore-case  with 

P.  urnigerum. 
Spore-case  with 

nearly    symmetrical,    erect,    or 

turned  to   one    side,   with    flat 

lids  having  a  central  point.  They 

are  borne  on  erect  pedicels. 
The  peristome  is  simple,  of 

32  blunt  teeth,   orange   in    the 

middle,  united  at  the  base  and 

appearing  as  if  attached  at  the 

apices    to  a  membranous   disk 

(epiphragni) . 

There  are  one  hundred  and 

fifty-six  species   known   in   all, 

nine  in  North  America. 

The  Short-stemmed  Hair- 
cap    Moss,    Pogonatum   brevi- 

caule,  Beauv. — See  Colour  Plate 


Habit  and  habitat. — The  short- 
stemmed  Pogonatum  is  remarkable 
because  of  its  habit  of  retaining  the 
protonema,  which  persists  as  a 
bright-green  felt  covering  the 
ground  at  the  base  of  the  plants. 
It  binds  the  crumbling  earth  so  that 
one  may  gather  it  in  sheets.  As 
the  moss  commonly  grows  in  clay- 
banks,  in  ditches,  and  in  places 
rather  insecure,  it  may  be  that  the 
habit  of  retaining  the  protonema 
has  been  evolved  in  the  struggle  for 
existence  to  enable  it  to  live  in  situ- 
ations too  insecure  to  be  occupied  by  other  mosses. 


P.  brevicavle. 
Spore-case  with 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Name. — The  specific  name  brevicaule,  from  the  Latin  brevis, 
short,  and  caulis,  stem,  refers  to  the  height  of  the  plant. 

Plant  (game topbyte) . — Short,  sim- 
ple; J  to  i  of  an  inch  high.  The 
male  plants  are  minute  and  bud- 

Leaves. — Five  or  six,  erect,  lance- 
shaped;  apex  awned;  base  broad, 
transparent;  margin  serrate,  with 
appressed  teeth ;  lamella  few,  5  to  6 
cells  deep,  the  terminal  one  smooth 

Blunt  teeth. 


P.  brevicaule. 


P.  brevicaule.  Plant 
with  a  sporophyte. 

and  elliptic  in  section.  Male-duster 
leaves  erect,  curved  back  from  the 
middle,  lapping  as  shingles,broadly 
obcordate;  vein  passing  beyond  the 
apex  to  form  a  sharp  point. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. — 
Sheathing,  long,  membranous,  ab-  Section  of  lameAe. 
ruptly  narrowed  to  a  long,  erect,      P.  brevicaule. 
obtusely  serrate  point. 
Habit  of   flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous).    Male  plants  bud-like. 

Veil  (calyptra). — Hairy,  reaching  to  the  base  of  the 

Spore-case. — Cylindrical,   broadest  at  the  mouth, 
below    the    mouth   when    dry,    rough    with    tiny 

Pedicel  (seta}. — Twisted,   i  to  2  inches  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Flat,  with  a  point  at  the  centre. 
Teetb  (peristome). — White,  simple,  of  32  blunt  teeth. 
Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 



Hair-cap  Mosses 

Distribution. — North  America ;  Eastern  States,  north  to  New- 
foundland, west  to  Ontario. 

The  Short-leaved  Hair-cap  Moss,  Pogonatum  brachyphyl- 
lum,  (Michx.)  Beauv. 

Habit  and  habitat. — The  short-leaved  Pogonatum  is  found  on 
sandy  or  loamy  soil.  The  plants  do  not  grow  close  together, 
but  scattered  somewhat,  on  a  persistent  green  felt  of  slender  alga- 
like  threads. 

Name. — The  specific  name  brachyphyllum  is  compounded  of 
the  Greek  fipaxu,  short,  and  <j>v\\ov,  a  leaf. 

Plants  (gametopbyte) . — Olive-green  or  dark-brown  when  old; 
stems  rigid,  short,  £  to  f  of  an  inch  long. 

Leaves. — In  rosettes  at  the 
summit  of  the  stems,  curved, 
appressed  and  brown  when 
dry,  very  short,  strap-shaped; 
apex  blunt;  margin  entire; 
•vein  broad;  lamellce  numer- 
ous, 6  to  7  cells  deep,  irregu- 
lar, the  terminal  cell  smooth, 
elliptic  in  section;  base  clear 
with  large  cells. 

Habit  of   flowering. — Male 
and  female  flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Hairy,  dirty-brown,  reaching  to  the  middle 
of  the  spore-case. 

Sport -case. — Yellow-brown,  erect  or  curved,  broadest  at  the 
mouth,  rough  with  tiny  projections. 

Pedicel  (seta).— Erect,  short  i  to  i£  inches  long,  twisted. 
Lid  (operculum). — Flat,  beak  short,  blunt-pointed. 
Teeth  (perislome).— Simple  and  blunt.    Thirty-two  in  num- 

Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 

Distribution. — Pine  barrens  of  New  Jersey,  south  to  Florida 
and  Louisiana. 

The  Hair-like  Hair-cap,  Pogonatum  capillare,  (Michx.)  Brid. 
Habit  and  habitat.— Pale-green  plants  growing  rather  close 

Name. — The  specific  name  capillare  is  the  Latin  for  "hair- 
like,"  referring  to  the  slender  character  of  the  stem,  leaves  and  teeth. 


P.  brachyphyllum. 
Spore-case  with  veil. 

P.  brachyphyllum. 
Spore-case  with  lid. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Simple,  or  increasing  by  shoots  from 
the  summit  of  the  main  stem,  I  to  }  inches  high,  naked  below, 
loosely  leafy  above. 

Leaves. — Curled  when  dry,  spreading  when  moist,  \  to  f  of  an 
inch  long,  broadly  lance-shaped;  base  transparent;  margin  ser- 
rate, with  many-celled,  triangular  teeth;  lamellae,  numerous,  30 to 
35,  cells  of  the  lamellae  5  to  7  deep,  the  terminal  broadest  in  sec- 
tion with  tiny  projections  on  the  flat  surface. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Hairy,  covering  the  spore-case  to  the  base. 

Spore-case. — Erect,  egg-shaped,  -^  of  an  inch  long,  with  tiny 
projections  on  the  surface,  not  contracted  below  the  mouth  when 

Pedicel  (seta). — One-half  to  one  and  a  half  inches  long, 
slender,  flexuous,  erect. 

Lid  (operculum). — Hemispherical  at  the  enlarged  base,  abruptly 

Teeth  (peristome) . — Thirty-two  in  number,  long  and  narrow. 

Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 

Distribution. — Rare  in  the  mountains  of  New  York,  common 
in  the  mountains  of  New  England;  also  along  the  Gaspe  Coast  to 
Newfoundland,  west  to  the  Rocky  Mountains. 

The  Urn-bearing  Hair-cap  Moss,  Pogonatum  urnigerum, 
(L.)  Beauv. 

Habit  and  babitat. — Pale-green  or  with  a  bloom,  growing  in 
wide  mats  but  not  crowded.  On  the  banks  and  by  streams. 

Name. — The  specific  name  urnigerum,  urn-bearer,  refers  to 
the  spore-case. 

Plants  (gametopbyte). — Erect,  i  to  3  inches  high,  the  branches 
reaching  the  same  height  and  densely  leafy,  each  branch  of  the 
female  plant  bearing  a  spore-case.  Male  plants  continue  to  grow 
from  the  centre  of  the  terminal  rosette. 

Leaves. — Pale-green  or  brown,  lance-shaped,  erect  when 
dry,  spreading  when  wet;  apex  acute;  base  short,  clasping;  vein 
extending  slightly  beyond  the  apex  of  the  leaf  as  an  awn;  lamel- 
lae numerous,  40  to  50;  6  cells  high,  the  terminal  oval,  with  tiny 
projections  (papillose},  lower  leaves  scale-like. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  summits 
of  separate  plants  (dioicous). 


Hair-cap  Mosse 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Yellow-brown,  covering  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case. — Erect,  red-brown, 
cylindrical  or  egg-shaped,  con- 
tracted below  the  mouth  when 
dry,  the  surface  rough  with  tiny 
projections  (papillose),  the  neck 

nearly  SmOOth.  r^'w^of^ameUas 

Pedicel. — Red-yellow,     slender,  ceils,  the  terminal 
i  to  i£  inches  long. 

Lid  (operculwri) . — Broad,  coni- 
cal, beak  short  and  straight,  sur- 
face rough  with  tiny  projections. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Thirty-two, 
symmetrical,  short  and  broad. 

cell  papillose. 

Spores.  —  Mature 
and  winter. 

in    autumn 

.  Leaf. 

p-  w*iger™:., 

The  Alpine   Hair-cap    Moss,   Pogonatum  Alpinum,    (L.) 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  Growing  in  wide  mats  on  rough  stony 
and  grassy  places  on  all  mountains.  This  is  a 
pretty  moss,  larger  than  most  Hair-cap  mosses 
and  may  be  readily  distinguished  from  the  others 
by  its  smooth  spore-case,  narrower  at  the  mouth 
than  below,  obliquely  inclined  to  the  red  pedi- 
cel, and  by  its  veil  which  does  not  reach  to  the 
base  of  the  spore-case. 

Name.  —  The  name  refers  to  its  habit  of  grow- 
^  ing  in  mountain  regions. 

Plant  (gametopbyte).  —  Erect,  2$ 
to  7  inches  high,  the  branches  at- 
taining an  equal  height,  and  densely 
leafy;  stems  naked  and  subterra- 
nean at  the  base.  Male  plants  i  to  2^ 
inches  high. 

Leaves.  —  Erect,  or  recurved, 
narrowiy  lance-shaped  ;  apex  awl- 

tical  row  of  cells  J 

from  lamellae,  shaped,  spiny  on  the  back;  base 
white'  sheathing,  margins  incurved, 
red,  serrate;  lamellae  numerous  p-Al&»«m-  Leaf. 



Mosses  and  Lichens 

20  to  30,  covering  most  of  the  upper  half  of  the  blade,  6  to  7 
cells  deep,  the  terminal  cell  oval  in  section  with  tiny  projection 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  -pedicel  (pericbcetial  leaves). — Sheath- 
ing, longer,  without  lamellae. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  summits 
of  separate  plants,  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Hairy,  not  covering  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case. — Nearly  cylindrical  to  egg-shaped,  smooth,  light- 
green,  inclined  or  horizontal,  somewhat  curved. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Flexuose,  i  to  2  inches  long. 

Lid  (operculum). — Small  with  a  slender  beak. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Thirty-two  in  number,  blunt. 

Spores. — Mature  in  late  summer. 

Distribution. — In  mountainous  regions. 


Genus  POLYTRICHUM,  Linn. 

sJioot       Found    in    extensive   patches    by 

roadsides  and  in  °Pen  woods- 

Brown  and  unattractive  when  dry, 

fresh    and    luxuriantly    green    when 

moist,  owing 

to  the  habit  of 

inrolling    the 

ale  cluster  thin    margins 

of  Jt-rst  year,  of  the  leaves 

and  folding 
them  against  the  stem 
in  dry  air  and  of  un- 
rolling and  turning 
them  at  right  angles  to 
the  stem  in  damp  air. 
The  Genus  Poly- 
trichum  contains 
plants  which  were 
the  first  to  be  recog- 


P.  j-uniperinum.  .        .  . 

Male  plant.  niSCd  3S      plants  With- 

P.  juniperinum.    Leaves  with 
inrolled  margins. 


Hairy-cap  Mosses 

out  flowers."  Pliny  called  them  "golden  maiden-hair."  They 
were  dedicated  to  Venus  and  afterward  to  the  Virgin  Mary. 
Because  of  this  fancied  resemblance  of  the  veils  to  a  maiden's 
tresses,  they  were  used  to  make  a  wash  which  was  supposed  to 
strengthen  the  hair. 

Polytrichum  commune.     Crc  ss- 
section  of  stem. 

With  lid.  Without  lid.  With  veil 

P.  commune.    Spore-cases. 

The  plants  are  very  tall,  i  to  18  inches  high,  and  live  on  year 
after  year,  growing  perpendicularly  from  the  centre  of  the  male 
(aniberidial)  flower-heads  or  from  horizontal  underground  stems, 
or  from  the  side  of  main  stems.  The  stems  (see 
page  45)  are  stout,  with  almost  woody  fibres  run- 
ning up  through  them. 

The  leaves  are  long  and  slender,  with  a  lance- 
shaped,  awned  apex  and  a  membranous  sheathing 
base;  the  vein  is  broad  and  covered  by  numerous 
thin  green  blades  (lamella,  see  page  44),  and  the 
margins  are  entire  or  serrate,  often  inrolled. 

The  generic  name  Polytrichum  is  composed  of 
two  Greek  words,  TTO\W,  many,  and  0pl%,  a  hair, 
and  refers  to  the  large  mitrate,  hairy  veil  which 
may  partially  or  entirely  cover  the  spore-case. 

The  spore-cases  are  erect  or  horizontal  with  4  to 
6  angles,  a  distinct  basal  portion  (apophysis,  see 
page  57),  and  lids  conical  or  flattened-convex  with 
a  point  at  the  centre. 

The  peristome  is  single,  of  64  short,  rigid  teeth 
united  at  the  base  and  joined  above  to  a  thin  circular 
disk  (epiphragm)  which  terminates  a  central  column. 


M.  juniperin- 
um.  Leaf  with 
unrolled  mar- 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  spores  small  and  smooth. 

There  are  ninety-nine  species  in  all,  about  fifteen  of  them 
known  in  North  America. 



I. — Leaves  entire,  margins  inflexed, 
apex  obtuse,  P.  sexangulare. 

Apex  rough-awned. 

Awn  coloured  brown  or  red, 
short.  Leaves  spreading 
when  moist,  somewhat  re- 
curved .  .  P.  funiperinum. 

Awn      whitish,      transparent, 

long P.  piliferum. 

II. — Leaves  serrate. 

Marginal  cells  of  lamellae  not 
enlarged  in  section,  higher 
than  broad. 

Spore-case  egg-shaped,  ob- 
scurely angled. 

Lid  beaked P.  gracile. 

Spore-case  oblong,  4-  to  6- 

Lid  acutely  conic,  P.  formosum. 

Marginal  cells  of  lamellae  en- 
larged, broader  than  high, 
2  to  i P.  Ohiense. 

Marginal  cells  of  lamellae  semi- 
lunar,  with  two  prominent 
horns  at  corners,  P.  commune. 

P. in  nipsrinum. 

P.  piliferum. 

P.  Ohiense. 

Vertical  rows  of  cells  from  lamella. 
(a)  Terminal  cell  broader  than 
high;  (6)  terminal  cell  semilunar. 


P.  gracile. 

Hairy-cap  Mosses 

Slender  Hairy-cap,  Polytrichum  gracile,  Dicks. 

Habit  and  habitat. — The  slender  Polytrichum  is  not  common. 
It  may  be  found  densely  tufted — on  the  ground  in  woods,  or  on 

Name. — The  specific  name  gracile  is  from  the  Latin  gracilis, 

Plant  (gametopbyte).— Light  green,  erect,  I  to  4  inches  high, 
simple  above,  divided  at  the  base  and  covered  with  soft  matted  hairs. 

Leaves. —  Spreading  or  erect  when 
dry,  broadly  lance-shaped  ;  apex  sharply 
taper- pointed  ;  base  sheathing  ;  vein 
broad ;  margins  serrate  ;  lamellae  50  to  40, 
not  covering  all  of  the  leaf  blade,  4  to  6 
cells  deep,  the  terminal  cell  elliptic  in 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (peri" 
cbcetial  leaves}. — Sheathing,  £  an  inch  long. 

Habit  of  flowering. —  Male  and  female 
flowers  on  separate  plants,  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Orange,  not  quite 
covering  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case.  —  Erect  or  horizontal, 
broadly  egg-shaped;  indistinctly  six- 
angled,  mouth  small ;  apophysis  obscure. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Slender,  orange, 
2  inches  long. 

Lid(operculum). — Conic,  beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome). — With  64  teeth  often  confluent  and  unequal. 

Spores. — Mature  in  summer. 


P.  gracile. 

Portion  of  peristome. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

P.  gracile. 

Distribution. — From  the  mountains  of  Virginia  to  .Newfound- 
land and  west  to  the  Rocky  Mountains.  Also  in  Europe,  Asia 
and  the  Pacific  Isles. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Ohio  Hairy-cap,  Polytrichum  Ohiense,  Ren.  and  Card. 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  Found  on  the  ground  growing  loosely  in 
patches.  Distinguished  from  P.  formosum*  by  the  form  of  the 
spore-case,  which  is  more  or  less  narrowed  toward  the  base  and 
has  an  indistinct  apophysis,  but  chiefly  distinguished  by  the  form 
of  the  marginal  cells  of  the  lamellae,  a  character  which  separates 
it  from  all  our  other  species  of  Polytrichum. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  Ohiense  refers  to  the  fact  that  the 
type  specimen  came  from  Ohio. 

Plant  (gametophyte).  —  Erect,  simple  or  divided,  i£  to  3  inches 
high,  woolly  below. 



Vertical  sections  of  lamellae  to  show  terminal  cells. 
P.  Ohiense. 

Leaves.  —  Spreading  when  moist,  erect  and  slightly  twisted 
when  dry;  apex  narrowly  taper-pointed,  the  awn  spiny;  base 
white,  sheathing;  margin  serrate;  lamella  30  to  40;  cells  5  to  7 
deep,  the  marginal  cell  much  larger,  broader  than  high,  stirrup- 
shaped  in  section. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichatial  leaves).  —  Resembling 
the  stem-leaves,  longer  and  with  a  longer  transparent  base. 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra).  —  Pale,  small,  ragged,  not  concealing  the 

Spore-case.  —  Erect,  finally  horizontal,  with  4  to  6  acute  angles, 
the  base  tapering  into  an  indistinct  apophysis. 

Pedicel  (seta).  —  Red  below,  paler  above,  2  to  4  inches  long. 

Lid  (operculum).  —  Conic  and  taper-pointed,  bordered  with 

Teeth  (peristome)  .  —  Si  xty-four. 

*  NOTE. — Polytrichum  formosum  seems  to  be  rare  in  America,  having 
been  reported  only  from  Miquelon  Island,  near  Newfoundland. 


Hairy-cap  Mosses 

Spores. — Rust  colour,  ripe  in  summer. 
Distribution. — North       Carolina       to       Prince 
Edward's   Island,    and   west    to    Minnesota    and 
British  Columbia.      Also  in  Norway  and  Sweden. 
The    Awned    Hairy-cap,    Polytricbum    pili- 
ferum, Schreb. 

Habit  and  babitat. — Found  in  sandy  fields,  on 
rocks  or  on  old   roofs,    conspicuous   on  account  of  the  white 

hair-like  tips  and  the  bluish- 
white  bloom  of  the  leaves; 
the  plants  in  clusters  but  not 
matted  together.  The  male 
flower-clusters  surrounded  with 
red  bracts.  The  specific  name 
piliferum  is  compounded  of  two 
Greek  words,  mXc?,  hair,  and 
<£e/3&),  to  bear,  referring  to  the 
numerous  white  hairs  of  the 

Plants  (gametopbyte) . —  Short, 
I  to  i finches  high,  simple  from 
subterranean  creeping  shoots, 
wiry  and  naked  below,  densely 
leafy  above. 

Leaves.  —  The  upper  long 
lance-shaped,  the  lower  oval, 
appressed  to  the  stem  when  dry, 
spreading  when  moist ;  apex 
smooth  on  the  back,  prolonged 
iectylifr  into  a  rough,  hair-like  awn; 
margin  entire,  inflexed  upon  the 
upper  surface  of  the  leaf-blade; 
vein  red,  becoming  suddenly 

I YoUnj  Shoot'    transparent  at  the  apex;  lamella 

about  30,  4  to  7  cells  deep,  the 
upper  cell  pointed  in  section. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  seta 
(pericbcetial  leaves).  —  Narrowly 
tongue-shaped,  erect,  concave, 


P.  piltferum.    Plant  with  sporophyte  and 
with  creeping  shoots  at  the  base. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

without  lamellae;  base  sheathing,  transparent,  shorter  than  the 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male   and   female  flowers    on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Mitrate,  covering  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case.  —  Erect,  finally 
horizontal,  egg-shaped, 
4-angled.  Apophysis  distinct, 
constricted  above  where  it 
passes  into  the  spore-case. 
\  /N  Pedicel  (seta). — Erect,  I  to 

\         \ii          l^  mcnes  l°ng- 

Lid  (operculum). — With  a 

short  stout  beak,  red  or  orange. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Sym- 
metrical, sixty-four  in  number. 

Spores. — Smooth,  ripe  in 

Distribution.  —  America, 
Europe  and  Asia. 

P.  filiferum. 
Perichaetial  leaves. 

P.  piliierum. 


Perigonial  leaves. 
P.  piliferum. 

Vertical  section 
of  lamellate  show 
pointed  terminal 

Juniper  Hairy-cap,  Polytrichum  juniperinum,  Willd. — See 
Plate  XXI. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Common  by  damp  sandy  roadsides,  or  in 
peat-bogs.  This  is  one  of  the  Hairy-caps  which  in  dry  air  turns 
its  leaves  up  against  the  sun  in  order  to  protect  the  delicate 
lamellae  from  his  rays.  It  as  well  as  P.  piliferum,  is  conspicuous 
for  its  bluish-white  bloom,  but  differs  from  P.  piliferum  in  that 
the  leaves  are  tipped  with  a  short  red  awn  instead  of  with  one 
long,  white,  and  hair-like. 

Name.  —  Carl  Ludwig  Willdenow  named  this  pretty  moss 
juniperinum  from  its  resemblance  to  tiny  Juniper  trees. 


Hairy-cap  Mosses 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Simple  or  forked,  erect,   i  to  4  inches 
high  from  subterranean  shoots. 

Leaves. — Erect,  when  dry,  spreading  when 
moist,  lance-like ;  apex  a  rough  red  awn ;  base 
enlarged  and  sheathing;  vein  rough;  margins 
entire,  indexed  lamella  40  to  50,  5  to  6  cells  deep ; 
cells  square  in  section,  the  terminal  ^-toothed. 
Bracts  of  male  flower-cluster  short  and  abruptly 

P.  p&ifentm. 
Subterranean  shoot. 

P.  juniperinutn.  Vertical 
sections  of  lamellae  to  show 
papillose  terminal  cell. 

Spore-case    Spore-case 
with  veil.      with  lid, 
Cluster-  P.  juniperinum. 

P.  juniperinum. 

JITS*  ije,an 

two  years  growth   marked  by   the 
bracts  of  a  terminal  rosette. 

Leaves  at  He  base  of  the  pedicel 
(perichatial  leaves). — Sheathing,  with- 
out lamellae. 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male  and 
female  flowers  on  separate  plants 

Veil  (calyptra). —  Large,  covering 
the  spore-case. 

Spore-case.  —  Erect,  finally  hori- 
Male  plant  with  zontal,  4~angled  ]  apophysis  small, 
red,  shield-like. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Pedicel  (seta).  —  Red-orange,  becoming  brown,  stout,  glossy, 
to  2\  inches  high. 

Lid  (operculum). — Red,  flattened-convex  with  a  short  beak. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Pale,  symmetrical, 
rather  short,  sixty-four  in  number. 
Spores. — Ripe  in  summer. 
Distribution. — From  Florida  to  Alaska, 
also  in  Europe. 

The    Common     Hairy-cap,    Poly- 
tricbum  commune,  L. — See  Colour  Plate  X. 
Habit    and    habitat. — This    moss    is 
widely  distributed  and  attains  its  largest 
size  in  peat-bogs  where  it  may  usually 
be  recognised  by  the  long  stems  covered 
below  by  the  silvery  bases  of  the  leaves 
and   by   the    angular 
spore -case     which 
bears  a  flat  disk  at  the 
base.     It  has  the  dis- 
tinction of  being  one 
of     a     few     mosses 
which  have  served  in 
the  economy  of  the 
household.       In     the 

P.  juniperinum.     Spore-cases. 

north  of  England  the  plants  are  made  into  small  dust- 
ing brooms  and  mats.  Withering  states  that  the 
plants  are  used  for  bedding  by  bears,  and  Carolus 
Linnaeus,  the  renowned  Swedish  botanist,  is  said, 


f  .  conttnttnt, 


P.  juttiperinum.  Cross  section  of  leaf  to  show  (a)  lamellae  growing  from  the  inner 
surface  of  the  vein,  (s)  The  vein.  On  the  left,  the  blade  is  shown  one  cell  thiok 
and  seven  cells  wide. 

Hairy-cap  Mosses 

while  on  a  trip  in  the  North,  to  have  used  the  dry 
plants  as  stuffing  for  his  pillow  and  mattress  and  to 
have  recommended  it  as  not  harbouring  fleas  and 
infectious  diseases. 

Name. — The  specific    name    commune,  common, 
describes  the  general  distribution  of  this  moss. 

Plant    (gametopbyte} . — Tall,  6  to  18  inches   high; 
dark-green  or  red-brown.     The  male  plants  often  with 
the  flower-heads  in  an  ascending  series  of  five  to  six, 
marking  the  age  of  the  plant;  stems  simple, 
rarely  forking;   below,   leafless,   with  the 
basal    portions    of    old    leaves    adhering; 
growth  erect  from  the  centre  of  the  male 
heads  or  directly  from  the  ground. 

Leaves. — Crowded  above,  about  ^  of 
an  inch  long;  apex  spreading  and  recurved, 
lance-shaped  and  pointed,  base  enlarged, 
white,  glossy,  sheathing;  vein  rough  on  the 
back  2nd  bearing  from  50-60  lamellae  on  the 
upper  surface;  margin  inrolled  when  dry, 
serrate ;  lamella  5  to  6  cells  deep,  the  ter- 
minal the  largest,  semilunar  or  concave  in 

Leaves  at  tbe  base  of  the  pedicel  (pericbcetial  leaves). — White,  "$. 
of  an  inch  long,  without  lamellae;  awn  long  and  horny. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on    separate 
plants,   (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Covered  with  long  silky  hairs, 
concealing  the  spore-case. 

Spore-case. — Erect,  finally  horizontal, 
4-angled;  apophysis  distinct,  disk-like. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Stout, 
2\  to  4  inches  long. 

Apex  of  leaf.  Leaf. 

P.  commune. 

Polytrichum  lamella  seen 
from  the  side. 

P.  commune. 


Veil  on  spc  re- 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Lid  (operculum). — Flattened  with  an  acute  point  at  the  centre. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Sixty-four,  blunt  at  the  apex,  continuous 
at  the  base.    United  at  the  tips  with  a  thin  disk  (epiphragm). 
Spores. — Red-brown,  ripe  in  summer. 
Distribution. — Universal. 



Portion  of  peristome. 

P.  commune. 

Summit  of  spore-case  with  64 
teeth  around  the  thin  disk. 

Genus  DIPHYSCIUM,  Mohr 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Diphyscium  are  minute  stemless 
plants  growing  scattered  on  the  ground  and  on  rocks.   The  leaves 
are  strap-shaped  or  lance- 
shaped  with  a  vein.  The 
cells  are  a  to  3   layers 
deep.    The  leaves  at  the 
base  of  the  spore-cases 
are    large,    saw-toothed 
or   cut   into    a    ragged 

fri  n  ere  ®'  i°l*°SMm-  Growing  on  the  ground. 

The  spore-cases  are  immersed  or  exserted  on  an 
inconspicuous  pedicel,  they  are  oval  and  taper-pointed, 
oblique  and  swollen  on  one  side,  with  a  conical  lid. 
The  outer  teeth  are  none,  or  rudimentary  and  the 
inner  membrane  forms  a  pale  blunt  cone  of  16 
twisted  folds. 

The  name,  from  Sk,  twice,  and  <f>vatctov,  a  vesicle, 
refers  to  the  double  wall  of  the  spore  case,  which  is 
due  to  the  spore-sac  being  widely  separated  from  the  outer  wall. 
There  are  eleven  species   known  in  all,  one  of  them  being 
found  in  North  America. 


D.  folum, 

The  Genus  Diphyscium 

The  Leafy  Diphyscium,  Diphyscium  foliosum,  Mohr. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Dark-green,  widely  tufted;  growing  on 
clay  soil  and  shady  banks  along  roads,  also  on  rocks. 

Name. — From  the  Latin  foliosus,  leafy. 

Plant  ( gametophyte} . — Simple  with  short  stems. 

Leaves. — Strap-shaped,  thick,  or  curled  in  various  directions 
when  dry,  vein  (costa)  present ;  margin  roughened  with  minute 
projections  above  and  sometimes  with  a  few  distinct  teeth,  cells 
small  and  containing  leaf-green. 

Top  of  spore-case 
with  inner  teeth. 

D.  foliosum. 

Top  of  spore 
case  with  outer 



Leaves  at  the  "base  of  ike  spore-case. — Ovate  lance-shaped,  mem- 
branous, and  without  leaf-green;  vein  excurrent,  forming  a 
bristle  point  almost  as  long  as  the  blade  of  the  leaf. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants,  (dioicous). 

Veil. — Acute,  conical,  covering  the  lid. 

Spore-case.  —  Immersed  in  colourless 
leaves;  swollen  on  oneside,  ovate,  lance- 
shaped,  yellowish-green. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Very  short. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  acute. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Double,  the  outer  short,  triangular,  grainy, 
and  with  transverse  bars,  often  perforated  in  the  middle,  pale- 
yellow,  purple  at  the  apex;  the  inner  membranaceous,  and  form- 
ing a  blunt  cone  of  twisted  folds. 

Spores. — Small,  mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — Europe,  Asia  and  North  America. 


Male  plant.  Veil. 

D.  foliosum. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Genus  BUXBAUMIA,  Hall. 

The  species  of  the   Genus   Buxbaumia  are  tiny  stemless 
plants  growing  scattered  over  decayed  wood  or  on  the  ground. 
The  leaves  are  extremely  minute,  some  broadly 
oval  or  oblong  terminating  in  broad,  spread- 
ing cilia. 

The  spore-cases  are  the  conspicuous  part 
of  the  plant,  they  are  egg-shaped  with  a  con- 
ical cap,  depressed  above,  swollen  on  the 
lower  side,  and  are  borne  obliquely  on  a  thick 
pedicel  covered  with  wart-like  protuberances. 
The  outer  skin  at  the  margin  of  the  mouth  is 
split  into  irregular  fragments  which  roll  back 
from  the  thickened  rim  which  is  formed  of 
several  layers  of  cells  (the  pseudo-annulus).  The  teeth  are  in 
several  rows,  the  outer  short  and  rudimentary;  the  inner  mem- 
brane (endostome)  is  conical  tubular,  of  32  fan-like  plaits,  slight- 
ly twisted  to  the  right. 

There  are  five  species  known  at  present,  three   of  them   in 
North  America. 

Albrecht   von   Haller,    the  founder  of  the  genus,  named  it 
Buxbaumia  in  honour  of  its  discoverer,  J.  C.  Buxbaum. 

B.  aphylla.  Young 
plant  with  spore-case 
with  a  veil  and  sur- 
rounded by  leaves. 

B.  aphylla.  Sporophyte 
with  depressed  spore-case ;  and 
hairy  vaginule  at  the  base  of  a 
rough  pedicel. 

B.  aphylla.     Inner  membrane. 

The  Genus  Buxbaumia 

Buxbaumia  aphylla,  L. — See  Plate  XX. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Small  stemless  plants  growing  on  earth 
and  decayed  wood.  Coloured  patches  of  a  peculiar  green-black 
felt  appear  at  first,  and  on  this  felt,  which  under  the  microscope 
is  shown  to  be  a  web  of  minute-branched  threads  (protonema), 
young  plants,  minute  and  spherical,  appear.  The  moss  has  an 
annoying  habit  of  disappearing  from  a  station  so  that  one  can- 
not rely  upon  finding  it  the  second  time  in  the  same  locality. 
This  sporadic  habit  and  the  scanty  numbers  of  this  moss  invest 
its  discovery  with  a  charm  known  only  to 
one  who  has  collected  it.  The  young  spore- 
cases  appear  early  in  September.  During 
the  winter  they  remain  green  and  with  the 
warm  days  of  early  spring  begin  growth 
again  and  the  colour  changes  from  green  to 
brown.  By  the  middle  of  March  the  plants 
are  ready  to  disperse  their  spores. 

Name.— The  specific  name  aphylla  is  a          B.aphyOa.   Leaf, 
compound  of  a,  privative,  without,  and  <f>v\\ov,  a  leaf. 

History. — In  1712,  J.  C.  Buxbaum,  a  German  botanist,  dis- 
covered the  curious  plant  on  which  the  genus  was  founded.  He 
collected  it  near  Astrakhan,  on  the  banks  of  the  Volga,  and  says, 
"I  wished  to  make  it  into  a  new  genus  and  name  it  after  my 
father,  but  called  to  mind  the  fox,  who  was  derided  by  the  others, 
because  he  begged  the  grapes,  not  for  himself,  but  for  his  sick 
mother."  It  was  for  a  time  regarded  as  a  fungus;  but  in  1741 
Johann  Dillenius  correctly  referred  it  to  the  mosses.  Schimdel 
made  a  careful  study  of  it  in  1758,  and  Linnaeus  also  wrote  of  it. 

Plant  (gametophyte) . — Stemless,  the  male  plants  solitary  in 
red-brown  felt  at  the  base  of  the  female  plant. 

Leaves. — Extremely  minute,  oval  or  palm-shaped,  soon  disap- 
pearing; margin  in  shreds,  or  coarsely  saw-toothed;  cells,  loose, 
colourless,  long  six-sided;  leaves  of  the  plant  only  two  and  with- 
out a  shredded  margin. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on 
separate  plants  (dioicous). 
Veil  (calyptra). — Conical. 

Spore -case.  —  Inclined,      boat-shaped,      and 
depressed  above,  swollen  below,  smooth,  greenish- 

B.  aphylla.          ,  _  ,  ,     ...    ,  , 

Veil.  brown;  coat,  firm,  glossy,  and  thickened  on  the 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

margin,  rolling  back  at  the  mouth  irregularly  to  form  a  crown-like 

Pedicel  (seta). — Rigid,  erect, 
straight,  i  inch  high,  deep  pur- 
ple, rough;  the  base  (vaginule) 
thick,  covered  with  rusty  hairs. 

Lid  (operculum) .  —  Short, 
conic,  obtuse,  remaining  for 
a  time  attached  to  the  columella 
after  separating  at  its  margin. 

Teeth  (peristome). — The  outer 
of  short  irregular  teeth;  the  inner, 
a  deeply  plicate,  funnel-shaped 

Spores. — Very  small,  mature 
from  April  to  September.  *. <*Wfa. 

_  .   \   .,     , .         r  . .      A,        .  .          phyte      with    de- 

DlStnbUtlOn—  North      Amen-        pressed  spore-case 

ica,   Europe  and  Asia.  and  hairy  vaginule 

at  the  base  of  rough 

B.  aphylla.  Top 
of  spore-case  show- 
ing the  peristome 
with  cone  of  inner 
membrane  rising 
from  a  cone  of 
outer  teeth. 


The  species  as  the  name  suggests  grow  either  submerged  or 
floating  in  streams  and  ponds. 

Peristome  with  latticed  cone 
protruding  from  outer  teeth. 


F.  antipyretica. 

Female  branch  with 
immersed  spore-case 
at  the  summit. 

The  plants  are  branched,  often  naked  at  the  base.  Every 
third  leaf  is  directly  over  the  first  one  counted ;  usually  concave 
or  keeled,  with  a  base  often  auricled  and  growing  slightly  down 


The  Fountain  Mosses 

the  stem.     They  have  no  vein.     The  cells  are  linear,  those  of  the 
basal  angles  more  or  less  enlarged. 

The  spore-cases  are  oval  or  cylindrical  with  conical  lids  and 
are  immersed  in  the  leaves  at  the  base. 

The  peristome  is  double,  the 
outer  of  sixteen  lance-shaped 
teeth,  the  inner  of  sixteen  slender 
cilia  united  into  a  latticed  cone. 

There  are  about  forty  species 
in  all,  over  twenty-five  being 
known  in  the  United  States. 

Fontinalis  antipyretica, 
var.  gigantea,  Sulliv. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Glossy, 
yellow-green  or  bronzed  plants 
growing  in  fresh  water. 

Name. — The  specific  name 
antipyretica  is  a  compound  of 
the  Greek  avrl,  against,  and 
irvpeicTuccK,  fever,  given  because 
of  a  belief  in  its  efficacy  in  fevers. 
The  varietal  name  gigantea  re- 
fers to  its  size. 

Fontinalis  antipyretica  with  tiny  female 

Plants.  —  One  to  two  feet 
long,  rooting  only  at  the  base 
and  growing  attached  to  stones, 
and  roots  of  trees  in  streams. 

Leaves. — Keeled  and  overlap- 
ping; vein  none;  apex  finely 
toothed;  cells  of  the  basal  angles 


F.  antipyretica.     Leaves. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  ibe  pedicel  (pericbcetial  leaves). —  Over- 
lapping, broad  and  blunt. 

Perichaetial  leaves. 

F.  antipyretica. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Fruiting  branch  £  an  inch  long,  male  and 
female  flowers  on  separate  plants. 
Veil  (calyptra). — Beaked. 
Spore-case. — Cylindrical. 

Top  of  spore -case  with 
the  inner  teeth  forming  a 
latticed  cone  in  the  centre 
of  the  outer  teeth. 


Portion  of  peristome  show- 
ing one  outer  tooth  on  the 
left  and  a  portion  of  the  inner 
membrane  on  the  right. 

F.  antipyretica. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical. 
Teeth  (peristome}. — As  in  the  genus. 
Spores. — Mature  in  summer. 

Distribution. — In  temperate  regions  of  both  continents. 


The  Genus  Neckera 

Genus  NECKERA,  Hedw. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Neckera  grow  in  extensive  mats 
on  tree-trunks  or  rocks.  The  primary  stems  are  creeping,  and 
the  secondary  are  once  or  twice  feather-branched,  erect  or  pen- 
.LU.  dent,  often  whip-like,  and  covered  at  the 
base  with  red-brown  filaments. 

The  leaves  are  glossy,  translucent,  often 
flat  and  generally  wavy.  The  cells  are 
minute  rhomboidal,  oblong  in  the  upper 
part,  linear  in  the  middle  and  quadrate 
on  the  borders. 

N.  pennata.  Sporophyte          The  spore-cases  are  immersed  or  ex- 
with  paraphyses  at  the     serted,  with  a  short  or  somewhat  elongated 
pedicel.     They  are  erect  and  symmetrical 
with  conical  beaked  lids. 

The  peristome  is  double,  without  an  annulus,  the  outer 
teeth  being  long,  linear,  lance-shaped,  and  closely  cross-barred. 
The  inner  membrane  consisting  of  a  basal  por- 
tion with  1 6,  often  short,  processes  without 
intermediate  cilia. 

The  genus  was  named  by  J.  G.  Hedwig  in 
honour  of  J.  N.  Necker,  a  distinguished  botanist. 
158  species  are  known  at  present,  8  being  found 
in  North  America. 

The  Feathered  Neckera,  Neckera  pennata, 

Hedw. See  Colour  Plate  III.  N.  pennata.  Por- 

u    7  .,  777  M   j  r-  •  •  •  j    t  tion   of   peristome 

Habit  and  habitat.  —  Growing  in  widely  -withf  our  long  outer 
spreading  pale-green  matted  tufts  (cespitose)  on  teeth  and  three 

.  short  inner. 

tree  trunks.     It  is  a  conspicuous  moss  on  trees 
of  the  Adirondack  woods.     The  older  parts  of  the  plants  are 
shabby,  while  the  newer  parts  are  pale  yellow-green  and  grow 
horizontally  around  the  tree. 

Name. — The  specific  name  pennata,  from  the  Latin  penna,  a 
feather,  was  suggested  by  the  arrangement  of  the  branches. 

Plant,  (gametophyte). — The  primary  stems  are  long,  the 
secondary  2  to  4  inches  long  in  opposite  rows  (distichous),  close 
or  distant,  erect. 

Leaves. — In  the  same  plane  with  the  branches,  spreading, 
glossy,  broadly  lance-shaped,  transversely  wrinkled  ;  apex 
acute  ;  margin  entire  or  slightly  saw-toothed  from  the  middle 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

upward  ;  vein  faint  and  short,  single,  or  two-forked,  or  want- 
ing ;  base  slightly  unequal ;  cells  very  small,  rhomboidal-oblong, 
4-sided  at  the  basal  angles. 

Leaves  at  tie  base  of  the 
•pedicel  (perichcetial  leaves). — 
Long  and  sheathing,  taper- 
pointed,  surpassing  the  spore- 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male 
and  female  flowers  on  the 
plant  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Small, 
white,  covering  the  lid  only, 
oval-oblong,     dirty-yellow,    brown 

N.  pennata.    Leaves. 

Spore-case. — Immersed, 
when  old,  thin-walled. 

Pedicel.  — None,  the 
cellular  sheath  at  the  base 
of  the  spore-case  hairy. 

Lid  (operculum.) — 
Conical,  beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome). — 
Pale-yellow,  the  outer  of 
linear  awl-shaped  teeth 
from  a  narrowly  lance- 
shaped  base,  cohering  at 
the  apex,  densely  cross- 
barred,  irregularly 
divided,  the  inner  segments  rudimentary. 

Spores. — Mature  in  spring. 

Distribution. — Common  in  North  America 

Perichaetial  leaves. 

N.  pennata. 

Old  spore-  (  9  )  Female 
case  with-  branch.  (  4  ) 
out  lid.  Male  branch. 


Genus  ANOMODON,  Hook  &  Tayl. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Anomodon  are  found  on  the  roots 
of  trees  in  woods,  on  rocks  and  on  decayed  logs. 

The  primary  stems  are  prostrate,  with  horizontal  shoots  from 
the  base  and  erect  secondary  stems  irregularly  branched.  The 
stem-leaves  are  distant  and  minute,  while  the  leaves  of  the  branch- 
lets  are  crowded,  spreading,  or  turned  to  one  side,  and  have 
minute  cells,  usually  with  tiny  protuberances  on  both  faces. 


The  Genus  Anomodon 

The  spore-cases  are  erect,  cylindrical,  regular,  chestnut- 
coloured  with  conical  beaked  lids,  and  are  borne  on  more  or 
less  elongated  pedicels.  Annulus  narrow  or  wanting. 

The  peristome  is  pale,  with  narrowly  lance-shaped 
teeth,  and  the  segments  of  the  inner  membrane  short, 
narrow  and  more  or  less  irregular  from  a  narrow  base. 
The  character  of  the  teeth  was  not  very  well  understood 
at  first  and  so  the  genus  was  named  Anomodon,  from 
ai>o/zo9,  irregular,  and  6Swv,  tooth,  from  the  supposed 
unusual  construction. 

There  are  forty-nine  species  known  in  all,  eleven 
being  found  in  North  America. 

Anomodon  apiculat«s. 


Anomodon  rostratus,  Schimp. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Densely  tufted,  bright  green  at  the  sur- 
face, yellow-brown  within.  Growing  on  trees,  roots,  and 
limestone  rocks.  v 

Perichaetial  leaves. 


A.  rostratus. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Spore -case. 
A.  rostratus. 


Name. — The  specific  name  rostratus,  beaked,  refers  to  the  lid. 
Plant    (gametopbyte) . — Primary    stems    brittle    and    bearing 
numerous  thread-like  branches,  forming  dense  tufts. 

Leaves. — Dense,  overlapping  as  shingles,  lance- 
shaped  ;  apex  long-pointed  ;  vein  solid,  vanishing 
below  the  apex  ;  base  oval. 

Leaves  at  tie  base  of  the  pedicel  (peri- 
cbcetial  leaves).  —  Long,    white  and  thin; 
apex  of  the  inner  leaves  narrowed  into  a 
thread-like,    reflexed    point    as 
long  as  the  leaf-blade. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  ;tnd 
female  flowers  on  separate  plants 

Veil  (calyptrd). — Split  up  one 

Spore-case.  —  Red-brown, 

Pedicel  (seta). — Short. 
Lid  (operculum). — Long-beaked. 

Teeth   (peristome). — The  segments   of  the  inner  membrane 
about  as  long  as  the  teeth,    keeled,    dirty-yellow,    with   cilia 
between,  solitary,  rudimentary  or  none. 
Spores. — Mature  in  Fall. 

Distribution. — North  America,  Europe  and  Asia. 
Anomodon  attenuatus,  Hueben. 

Habit  and  babitat. — In  loose  wide  tufts  on  roots  of  trees  and 
on  rocks  along  streams  ;  common. 

Name. — The  specific  name 
attenuatus,  slender,  refers  to 
the  branches. 

Plants  (gametopbyte). — 
Irregularly  branched  and  intri- 
cate, the  branches  short  and 
rather  obtuse;  i  to  2  inches 
high,  or  elongated  and  whip- 
like  with  minute  leaves. 

Leaves. — Spreading    or 
turned  to  one  side  ;   oblong  lance-shaped  from  a  widely  oval 
base  ;  apex  acute  with  a  tiny  sharp  point ;   base  narrow  at  the 


A.  attenuatus.    Perichastial  leaves. 

The  Genus  Anomodon 

point  of  attachment  and  growing  slightly  down  the  stem; 
margin  plane,  minutely  wavy,  with  papillae  ;  vein  translucent, 
vanishing  below  the  apex  ;  surfaces  densely  covered  with  tiny 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male   and  female  flowers   on 
separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Pedicel  (seta}. — Twisted,  f  of  an  inch  long. 

Spore-case. — Red-brown,  shining,  cylindrical,  straight 
or  slightly  curved. 

Lid  (operculuni). — Conic  and  beaked. 

Teeth  (perislome}. — Narrowly  lance-shaped ;  segments 
of  the  inner  membrane,  thread-like,  fragile  and  irregular. 

Annulus. — Narrow. 

Spores. — Mature  in  autumn,  not  found  in  Britain. 

Distribution, — North  America,  Europe  and  Asia. 


Spore -case. 



A.  attenuates. 


Anomodon  apiculatus,  Bruch  &  Schimp. — See  Plate  XXII. 

Habit  and  Habitat. — Loosely  and  widely  tufted  on  trees  and 
rocks  in  mountains. 

Name. — The  specific  name  apiculatus  from  the  Latin  apex, 
apicis,  refers  to  the  short-pointed  leaves. 

Plants  (gametophyte). — Green,  with  a  bloom,  dirty-red  when 
old.  Primary  stems  prostrate  and  whip-like  ;  secondary  stems 
straight,  simple  or  divided  at  the  base. 

Leaves. — Two-ranked,  tongue-shaped,  thick,  opaque  ;  apex 
pointed;  margin  wavy;  vein  transparent,  vanishing  below  the 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

apex ;  surface  covered  with  tiny  protuberances ;  base  oblong-oval 

with  ear-like  and  fringed  appendages;  cells  dense,  minute,  round. 

Leaves   at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichcetial  leaves}. — 

Long  and  sheathing,  tongue- 
shaped  toward  the  apex. 


A.  apiculatus. 


A.  apiculatus. 
Male  flower-cluster. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male 
and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants,  (dioicous}. 
Veil  (calypira). — Split  up  one  side. 
Spore-case. — Egg-shaped  or  elliptical. 
Pedicel  (seta}. — Short. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conic,  beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome).— Narrowly  lance-shaped  and  awl-shaped, 
cross-barred  and  knotty.  Segments  of  the  inner  membrane  very 
short  from  a  very  narrow  base,  sometimes  wanting. 



Female  branch. 

.    Lid. 

leaf.  Spore-case. 

A,  apiculatus. 


Annulus. — None. 
Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 
Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia. 


Tree  Mosses 

Genus  CLIMACIUM,  Web.  &  Mohr 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Climacium  are  large,  resembling 
miniature  evergreen  trees.  They  are  common  in  shady  woods, 
in  damp  places  on  decayed  logs,  on  roots  of  trees  and  on 
hummocks  in  swamps,  and  will  be  easily  recognised  from  the 

The  primary  stem  is  creeping,  and  the  secondary 
erect  and  robust,  with  stout  branches.     The  stem- 
leaves  are  scale-like  ;  the  branch-leaves  oblong  lance- 
shaped  with  a  thin  vein,  and 
the  leaves  at  the  base  of  the 
pedicel  are  long  and  sheath- 

The  spore-cases  are  clus- 
tered on  long,  erect 
pedicels  ;  they  are 
cylindrical  with  a 
beaked  lid  and  a  long 
calyptra  split  up  one 
side  and  embracing  the  base. 

The  peristome  is  double,  the  outer  teeth  large 
and  united  at  the  base  ;  the  inner  keeled  and 



Branch  leaves 

leaf  (base  of 
pedicel) . 

Spore-case  with 

Top  of  spore-case 
with  columella  ex- 
tending above  the 
inner  teeth. 

C.  dendroides. 


Portion  of  peristome. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

The  generic  name  Climacium  is  derived  from  the  Greek 
K\ifjidKiov,  a  little  ladder,  referring  to  the  appearance  of  the 
inner  teeth. 

Six  species  are  known  at  present,  two  in  North  America. 
Climacium  dendroides,  Web.  &  Mohr. — See  Colour  Plate 
IV  ;  also  Colour  Plate  XV. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Bright  green,  tree-like,found  in  wet  places. 

Name. — The  specific  name 
is  from  the  Greek  SevSpov,  a 
tree,  and  eiSo?,  like. 

Plant  (gametophyte}. — 
Primary  stem  creep- 
ing, secondarysimple, 
erect,  often  sharp- 
pointed  at  the  apex, 
2  to  4  inches  high; 
branches  clustered  at 
the  summit. 

Leaves.  — Stem- 
leaves  broad,  clasp- 
ing ;  branch  leaves  nar- 
rower, oblong,  folded 
lengthwise;  base  only 

a  c  d  e 

(a)  Spore-case  with  lid  ;    (J>)  lid  with  columella  ; 

(c)  spore-case  with  lid  lifted ;  (d)  spore-case  with 
veil ;  (e)  veil. 

Cross-section  of    stem    to 
show  central  strand. 

Top  of  spore-case 

with  columella  ex-    Portion  of  peristome  with    five  outef 
tending  above  the  and  five  inner  teeth- 

inner  teeth. 

C.  dendroides. 

Tree  Mosses 

slightly  growing  down  on  the  stem  at  the  hollow  basal  angles; 
apex  sharply  serrate;  vein  vanishing  below  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

yeil  (catyptrd). — Thin,  smooth,  extending  below  the  spore- 

Spore-case. — Erect,  cylindrical,  red-brown. 

Pedicel  (seta). — An  inch  long  or  more, 

Lid  (operculum). — Straight,  acutely 
beaked,  remaining  for  some  time  attached 
to  the  central  column  of  the  spore-case. 

Teeth  (peristome). — As  in  the  genus. 

Annulus.  — None. 

Spores. — Olive-green,  small,  mature  in 
the  autumn  and  winter. 

Distribution. — Common  in  North  Amer- 
ica, Europe,  Asia  and  Africa. 

Climacium  Americanum,  Brid. — See 
Colour  Plate  XV. 

This  species  closely  resembles  the  last, 
but  may  be  distinguishedby  the  long  de- 
current  stem-leaves  broadly  eared  at  the 
base  and  coarsely  serrate  at  the  apex,  as  well 
as  by  the  longer  and  more  narrowly  cylindrical  spore-cases  with 
more  abruptly,  longer  beaked  lids. 

with  lid. 


C.  Americanum. 


"  Where,  through  some  meadows,  soft  and  green, 
Gemm'd  with  the  daisy's  silver  bloom, 
A  gentle  stream  is  wandering  seen, 
'Mid  flowering  banks  of  rare  perfume  ; 
There  you  may  look  beneath  the  waters 
Sweetly  gliding  on  serene, 
For  one  of  Beauty's  lovely  daughters — 
Lovely  though  of  humble  mien  ; 
And  where  the  stream,  in  childish  glee, 
Leaps  o'er  the  rocks  with  infant  pride, 
This  little  moss,  in  eddying  swirl 
Of  foaming  waves,  its  head  doth  hide." 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Genus  HYPNUM,  Dill. 

The  species  of  the  Genus  Hypnum  in  its  wider  sense  all 
agree  in  having  the  peristome  double  and  perfect,  the  outer  of 
sixteen,  strong,  lance-shaped,  taper-pointed  and  densely  cross- 
barred  teeth;  the  inner  a  broad  membrane 
divided  to  the  middle,  or  about,  into 
sixteen,  keeled,  yellow  segments,  dis- 
tantly cross-barred,  entire,  or  cleft  more 
or  less  along  the  keel,  the  segments 
generally  separated  by  i  to  3  filiform 
divisions  (cilia)  cross-barred  and  often 
bearing  tiny  spurs  on  the  margin. 

The  difference  in  the  species  will 
perhaps  better  be  understood  by  refer- 
ence to  the  following  synopsis  of  the 
sub-genera  represented  by  the  species 
which  follow. 

Dr.  Johnston  in  speaking  of  the 
genus  Hypnum  said  that  perhaps  it 
formed  one-fourth  of  the  vegetable  cloth- 
ing of  Great  Britain. 

The  word  bypnum  is  the  Greek 
VTTVOV,  an  ancient  name  for  some  sort  of 
moss  supposed  to  promote  sleep. 

Hyfmum  triquetrunt.  Por- 
tion of  peristome  showing  one 
outer  tooth  on  the  left  with 
annulus  cells  at  its  base,  two 
keeled  inner  teeth  on  the 
right  with  three  spurred  cilia 


Thuidtum. — Primary  stems  prostrate 
and  irregularly  divided;  leaves  with  tiny 
protuberances  (papillose} ;  paraphyllia 
more  or  less  numerous. 



Thuidium  delicatuhim. 


of  leaf  to  show 


Spore -case 
with  lid. 

i  The  Genus  Hypnum 

Secondary  stems  regularly  feather-branched  ;  stem-leaves 
differing  decidedly  from  the  branch-leaves  ;  vein  translucent; 
spore-case  curved  ;  lid  conic,  beaked. 

Brachythecium.  —  Plants  often  large,  prostrate,  irregularly 
divided,  the  branches  erect;  leaves  usually  smooth  with  folds 

Brachythecium  Starkii. 

Brachythecium  rivulare.  Plant 
with  sporophyte. 

Brachythecium  Starkii.  Base  of 
leaf  to  show  cells  enlarged  at  the 

extending  lengthwise  of  the  leaf  and  veined  to  the  middle  or 
above;  cells  loose,  elongated,  rhomboidal,  enlarged  at  the  base 
and  angles  ;  lid  conical,  obtuse,  or  short-pointed. 

Eurhynchium. — Plants  somewhat  feather-branched  ;    leaves 
heart-shaped,   growing  down  the  stem  at   the  basal  angles, 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

serrate  ;   cells  narrowly  rhomboidal;    spore-case  oval,  nodding 
or  horizontal,  inflated  and  with  long  sharp  beak. 

Lid.  Leaf. 

Eurhynchium;  Hypnutn  Boscii. 

Plagiothecium. — Stems  irregularly  branching, 
not  pinnate  ;  leaves  usually  flattened  out  in 
the  same  plane  or  all  turned  in  one  direction, 
ovate  or  oblong  lanceolate,  often  somewhat 
oblique  at  base,  two-veined  or  veinless.  Leaf- 
cells  elongated  hexagonal  to  linear;  seta  smooth, 

spore-case  oblong  to  cylindrical,    curved.     Lid    from   conical 

to  short-beaked. 

Hypnum  Boscii. 


Leaf -cells. 
Plagiothecium  Muellerianum. 


Amblystegium. — Plants  usually  small  or  medium  size  with 
numerous  irregular  entangled  branches,  often  forming  broad 
soft  mats  over  the  ground.  Leaves  mostly  small,  ovate  acute, 
spreading  regularly  around  the  stem,  straight  or  sometimes 


The  Genus  Hypnum 

slightly  curved.  Leaf-cells  comparatively  broad,  short  six-sided, 
usually  not  abruptly  enlarged  in  the  angles.  Pedicel  tall  and 
smooth.  Spore-case  more  or  less 
cylindrical  and  curved,  with  conical 
lid  obtuse  or  acute. 


Leaf -cells. 


Amblystegittm  varium. 

Harpidium.  —  Stems  usually  tall,  more  or  less  feather- 
branched  ;  leaves  scythe-shaped  and  turned  to  one  side,  very 
acutely  pointed ;  win  simple,  often  reaching  the  apex ;  cells 

Portion  of  leaf  to  show 
Leaf.  enlarged  alar  cells. 

Harpidium  -uncinatum. 

narrow,   linear,  the  alar  much  inflated.     Plants  often  growing 
in  water. 

Ctenium. — Plants  in  compact  tufts  of  a  pale  yellow-green, 
the  branches  and  branchlets  regularly  and  closely  placed  feather- 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

like,  giving  the  plant  a  beautiful  plume-like  appearance.     Leaves 
hooked  and  turned  to  one  side,  with  short  double  veins  or 


Spore-case  without 

Ctenium:  Hypnum  crista-castrensis. 

none,   somewhat  serrate  at  apex.      Spore-case  large,   curved 

Euhypnum. — Plants  variously  divided  ;    branches  more  or 
less   densely  feather-branched  ;    leaves    obscurely   two-veined, 

Leaf-cells.  Leaf.  Spore-case. 

Euhypnum:  Hypnum  curuiiolium. 

Spore-case.  Leaf. 

Euhypnum:  Hypnum  imponens. 

membranous,  shining,  usually  curved ;  cells  compact,  narrowly 
linear,  distinctly  four-sided  at  the  angles  ;  spore-case  oblong 
cylindrical,  curved,  usually  somewhat  inclined  or  horizontal. 


The  Genus  Hypnum 

Calliergon.— Large  plants  with  stem  erect  or  inclined  and 
with  few  cylindrical  branches ;  leaves  very  concave,  mem- 
branous, round  to  oblong  or  heart-shaped  ;  cells  very  com- 
pact, narrow,  alar  sells  inflated  ;  spore-case  oblong,  horizontally 


Calliergon:  Hypnum  Schreberi. 

Pkurofium. — Plants  feather-like,   branches  twice  to   three 
times  divided  ;  leaves  membranous,  shining  ;  veins  short,  single 
or   double;    paraphyllia    numerous;    cells 
linear,    uniform  ;    spore-case    short,    egg- 
shaped  ;   lid  beaked. 

Hylocomnium. — Plants  of  large  size  with 
few  irregular  branches,  or  sometimes  more 
or  less  feather-branched.  Leaves  widely 


Spore -case. 
Pleiurosium:  Hypnum  splendens. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

spreading  or  recurved  ;   -veins  two,  and  short ;   cells  long  and 
narrow  ;  spore-case  short,  broadly  ovate,  horizontal. 


Hylocomnium:  Hypnum  triquetrum. 


HYPNUM:  Sub-genus  THUIDIUM,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  this  sub-genus  are  fern-like  and  grow  in 
dense  flat  mats  on  decaying  wood. 

The  generic  name  is  derived  from  the  Greek  Ova,  or  0via,  an 
ancient  name  for  some  resinous-bearing  evergreen.  The  moss 
was  so  called  by  Wm.  Philipp  Schimper,  from  its  resemblance 

to  a  tiny  cedar  tree. 

The  primary  stems  are  densely 
covered  with  rootlets,  and  the  sec- 
ondary are  i  to  3  times  pinnately 
branching.  The  leaves 
on  the  stem  are  tri- 
angular heart-shaped 
with  a  strong  vein,  a 
more  or  less  long- 
pointed  apex,  and  a 
base  extending  down- 
ward on  the  stem  ; 
papillae  are  found  on 
one  or  both  faces  ; 
leaf-'ike  organs  (para- 

Vertical  section 
of  peristome  show- 
ing three  cells  of 
the  annulus  and  an 
Inner  and  outer  Spore-case 
tooth.  without  lid. 

Spore-cases  with 

Thuidium  delicatulum. 


The  Cedar  Mosses 

phyllia)  on  the  stem  between  the  true  leaves  are  numerous 
and  of  many  forms.  The  leaves  on  the  branches  are  smaller, 
ovate,  lance-shaped,  concave 
and  overlapping;  the  cells  are 
small,  round,  six-sided,  some- 
times long,  linear  at  the  base 
and  four-sided  on  the  borders. 
The  leaves  at  the  base  of  the 
pedicel  are  long,  and  over-  stem-leaf. 

The  spore-cases  are  nar- 
rowly ovate  or  cylindrical  and 
arched,  with  conical  or  more 
or  less  long-beaked  lids  and 
long  pedicels.  The  teeth  are 
as  in  the  genus  Hypnum. 

Two  hundred  and  forty- 
four  species  are  known  at 
present,  fifteen  of  them  in 
North  America. 

of  leaf  to  show 


Leaf  at  base 
of  pedicel. 

Thuidium  delicatulum. 


Vertical  section  of  peristome  showing 
three  cells  of  the  annulus  on  the  right  and 
an  outer  and  an  inner  tooth. 

(a)  and  (6)  Spore-cases  with 
lids ;  (c)  spore-case  without  lid , 
(J)  spore-case  with  lid. 

Portion  of  peristome  showing 
four  outer  teeth  on  the  left  with 
the  inner  membrane  on  the  right, 
annulus  at  the  base  of  the  tooth 
on  the  extreme  left. 
Tkuidittm  minutulitm. 



Mosses  and  Lichens 


Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Oblong-egg-shaped,  nodding  or  horizontal,  dark 
yellow-brown  when  old. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Smooth  and  f  to  I  inch  long. 
Lid  (operculuni). — With  a  long  awl-shaped  beak. 
Annulus. — Large,  of  three  rows  of  cells. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Double,  as  in  genus  Hypnum. 
Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 
Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Africa. 
The  Tiny  Cedar  Moss,  Hypnum  ( Thuidimn)  minutulum, 

Habit  and  habitat. — Tiny  fern-like  mosses  growing  in  woods 
on  decaying  trees  and  stumps. 

Name. — Hedwig,  a  great  German  botanist, 
gave  this  dainty  moss  its  specific  Latin  name, 
minutuium,  tiny,  on  account  of  its  small  size. 
Plant  (gametophyte) . — Minute,  twice  pin- 
nate; stem  irregularly  divided,  densely  covered 
with  soft  matted  hairs  ;  branches  pinnately 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves  triangular,  opaque  ; 
apex  taper-pointed  or  with  an  abrupt  short 
point ;  margins  somewhat  rolled  back  ;  vein 
stout,  vanishing  near  the  apex  ;  branch-leaves 
oval,  with  taper  point,  concave  ;  vein  shorter; 
leaves  covered  with  tiny  protuberances. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. — Thin, 
nearly  smooth,  the  inner  lance-shaped  with 
a  taper  point. 

Leaf-like  organs  (paraphyllia). — Numer- 
ous, and  of  various  shapes  covered  with  tiny 

Habit    of    flowering. — Male    and    female 
flowers  on  the  same  plant ;  monoicous. 
The  Dainty  Cedar  Moss,  Hypnum  (Thuidium)  delicatulum, 
Linn.— See  Plate  XXIII. 

Habit  and  "habitat. — Creeping  fern-like  plants  on  ground, 
roots  of  trees,  and  rocks.  Common  and  exceedingly  beautiful. 
The  specimen  photographed  grew  on  a  stone  in  a  babbling 


Leaf  at  base  Ot 

T.  minutultttn. 

The  Cedar  Mosses 

Name. — The  Dainty  Cedar  Moss  is  most  attractive  ;  it  was 
well  known  to  the  great  Swedish  botanist,  Carolus  Linnaeus, 
who  gave  it  the  specific  name  delicatulum,  dainty. 

Plant  (gametophyte). —  Three  times  feather-branched,  the 
primary  stems  densely  rooting. 

Leaves. — The  stem-leaves  densely  crowded,  enlarged  at  the 
base  ;  branch-leaves  broadly  oval  ;  apex  long-pointed  ;  base 
concave  ;  "vein  strong  ;  margin  serrate  ;  cells  small,  the  apical 
truncate  and  crowned  with  2  to  3  acute  papillae  ;  paraphyllia  of 
varied  forms. 

Vertical  section 
of  peristome  show- 
ing three  cells  of 
the  annulus  on  the 
left  and  an  inner 
and  outer  tooth. 

Stem -leaf  with 

Stem -leaf. 

with  peris- 
tome.  Spore-cases  with  lids. 

Thuidium  delicatulum. 


Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. — Long-ciliate. 
Habit  of  flowering.— Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 
Spore-case. — Cylindrical,  arched. 
Pedicel  (seta).— One  to  one-and-a-half  inches  long. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical. 
Annulus. — Double. 

Teeth  (peristome).— Double  as  in  Hypnum. 
Spores. — Mature  in  winter. 
Distribution.— Europe,  North  and  South  America. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

HYPNUM:     Sub-genus    BRACHYTHECIUM,    Schimp. 

The  plants  of  this  sub-genus  are  generally  large,  prostrate 
or  creeping,  forming  loosely  matted  tufts  ;  the  stems  branch 
irregularly,  the  branchlets  somewhat  regularly  branching  again, 
and  covered  densely  with  leaves. 

The  leaves  are  broadly  oval  and  oblong-lance-shaped,  usually 
with  folds  lengthwise;  the  apex  is  acutely  pointed,  either  broadly 
or  narrowly  so  ;  the  base  is  heart-shaped  (cordate)]  the  vein  is 
single,  continuous  or  vanishing  half-way  ;  the  cells  are  usually 
smooth  and  much  elongated,  the  alar  enlarged.  There  are  no 
small  leaf-like  organs  (paraphyllia). 

Spore -cases. 


Portion  of  the  base  of  leaf  to  show 
enlarged  cells  at  the  angle . 

Brachythecium  Starkii. 

The  spore-cases  are  oval  or  oblong,  short,  nodding,  usually 
arched  with  a  convex-conical,  obtuse,  or  short-pointed  lid  ;  they 
are  borne  on  smooth  or  rough  pedicels. 

The  generic  name  Brachythecium  is  derived  from  two  Greek 
words,  @pa%v<;,  short,  and  #77/07,  a  case,  relating  to  the  short 

The  peristome  is  double,  the  outer  teeth  being  united  at  the 
base,  slender,  lance-shaped,  closely  and  regularly  cross-barred, 
with  a  distinct  median  line  ;  the  inner  teeth  are  lance-shaped 
with  2  to  3  well-developed  cilia  all  attached  to  a  wide  basal 

There  are  one  hundred  and  sixty-three  species  known  at 
present,  about  forty  being  found  in  North  America. 


The  Sub-genus  Brachythecium 

Brachythecium  rivulare,  Bruch,  Ms.— See  Plate  XXIV. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Growing  in  dark  or  yellow-green  mats 
on  rocks  and  stones  about  springs  and  in  swamps  of  moun- 
tainous woods. 

Namt. — The  specific  name  rivulare  refers  to  the  habit  of 
growing  in  wet  places 

Portion  of  peristome  with  one  outer  tooth 
on  the  right  with  annulus  cells  at  its  base, 
two  keeled  and  perforated  inner  teeth  are 
seen  on  the  left  with  cilia  between. 

(a)  Spore-case 
with  lid  showing 
point;  (6)  spore- 
case  without  lid. 


Brachythecium  rivulare. 

Plants  (gamefophyte). — Woody,  prostrate,  naked,  or  with 
rooting  filaments,  secondary  stems  ascending  from  old  stems, 
arched  £  to  3  inches  long,  nearly  free  from  branches  below, 
irregularly  branching  above. 

Leaves. — Branch  leaves  erect  spreading,  oval  to  oval  lance- 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

shape,  concave  or  somewhat  grooved ;  apex  acute  to  short  taper- 
pointed  ;  margin  with  small  sharp-pointed  teeth  above ;  base  grow- 
ing somewhat  down  the  stem;  -vein  extending  Z/T,  of  the  length 
of  the  leaf;  cells,  median,  linear;  basal,  broader;  alar,  enlarged. 
Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  different 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Large,    oblong    or    egg-shaped,    horizontal    or 

Pedicel  (seta). — Thick  and  rough,  red-brown,  I  to  i£  inches 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  with  an  abrupt  slender  point. 
Teeth  (per is tome} . — As  in  the  genus. 
Annulus. — Large. 

Spores. — Chestnut  colour,  mature  in 

Distribution. — Universal  in  mountainous 

Brachythecium  Starkii,  (Brid.)  Br. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  dark-green,  loose 
mats  on  fallen  logs  and  old  tree-trunks  in 
moist  mountain  regions. 

Name. — The  specific  name  was  given 
in  honour  of  Robert  M.  Starke. 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Prostrate,  branch- 
ing, the  branches  ascending,  arched,  %  to  i 
inch  long. 

Leaves. — Branch-leaves  distant,  spread- 
ing, oval,  lance-shaped,  narrowly  acute  or 
taper-pointed;  apex  usually  half  twisted; 
base  somewhat  decurrent;  margin 
serrate;  vein  extending  beyond  the 
middle;  cells,  the  middle  linear,  the 
basal  shorter  and  broader;  the  alar 
starku.  plant.  few>  rhomboidal  to  quadrate;  stem- 
leaves  broadly  oval  and  long  taper-pointed,  less  strongly  serrate, 
cells  looser. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichatial  leaves'). — Longer 
and  narrower. 


The  Sub-genus  Brachythecium 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  one  plant 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Abruptly  horizontal,  short  egg-shaped,  dark  red- 
brown,  black  when  old. 

Pedicel  (seta). —  Rough,  red-brown, 
1  to  iX  inches  high. 


Portion  of  peristome  show- 
ing two  outer  teeth  on  the  left 
with  annulus  cells  at  the  base, 
two  keeled  and  perforated  cells 
with  cilia  are  seen  at  the  right. 

Spore-case  Plant  w  ith  female  branch 
with  peri-  on  the  left  and  male  branch 
stome.  on  the  right. 

Brachythecium  Starkii. 


Lid  (operculum). — Convex,  conical,  tipped  with  a  short,  sharp 

Annulus. — Large,  of  about  two  rows  of  cells. 
Teeth  (peristome'). — As  in  the  genus. 
Spores. — Chestnut,  maturing  in  autumn  and  winter. 
Distribution. — In   the  northern   United    States  and   Canada, 
across  the  continent,  south  to  New  Jersey;  Europe. 

Brachythecium   Novae- Angliae,  (Sull.  &  Lesq.)  Jaeger  & 
Sauer.— See  Plate  XXV. 

Habit  and  habitat. — On  earth  and 

Name. — The  specific  name  is  the 
Latin  for  "New  England." 

Plant  (gametophyte). — Forming 
loosely  entangled  mats;  stem  i£  to  2 
inches  long,  irregular;  branches  cylin- 
drical, with  rather  short,  overlapping, 
slightly  spreading  leaves. 

Leaves. — Erect,   spreading,    some- 
times    very    concave,    not    plaited, 
not  glossy,  incurved,  broadly  ovate, 

Female  plant.        Male  plant. 
B.  Novce-Anglice. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

narrowly  taper-pointed;  base  growing  down  the  stem;   decur- 
rent;  vein  reaching  the  middle:  margin  finely  saw-toothed  all 

around;  cells  narrowly  oblong- 
hexagonal,  shorter  and  broader 
at  the  basilar  angles. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedi- 
cel.— Ovate,  long,  taper-pointed, 
recurved  from  the  middle;  vein 
not  easily  distinguishable. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and 
female  flowers  on  separate  plants. 
P erichaiial  leaves  (dioicous). 
Veil   (calyptra). — Thin,    split 

B.  Novce-Anglice.    Spore-cases.  uo    one    side 

Spore-case. — Oblong,  erect,  slightly  curved. 
Pedicel  (seta). —Rough,  purple. 
Lid  (operculum). — Long,  conical,  taper-pointed. 
Annulus. — Double,  large. 


Leaves  at  base  of  pedicel. 
B.  Novce-Anglice. 

Teetb  (peristome). — Teeth  denseiy  articulate,  segments  of  the 
inner  membrane  as  long  as  the  teeth.  Cilia  well  developed  but 
without  transverse  spurs  attached  at  intervals  to  the  margin. 




BRACHYTHECIUM  NOV.E-ANGLLE,  (Sull.  &  Lesq.)  Jaeger  &  Sauer 

BRACHYTHECIUM  STARKII,  (Brid.)  Br.  &  Sc. 

The  Sub-genus  Eurhynchium 

Spores. — Mature  in  late  fall  and  early  spring. 
Distribution. — Northeastern  United  States  and  Canada. 



B.  Novae-Anglice. 

HYPNUM:  Sub-genus  EURHYNCHIUM,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  robust,  glossy  plants,  more  or 
less  feather-branched,  prostrate  or  creeping. 

The  leaves  are  open,    overlapping  as 
shingles  ;    they   resemble   the  bowl  of  a 
spoon,  with  the  apex  abruptly  drawn  out 
into  a  slender  point  and  the  margin  serrate 
all  around  ;  a  vein  extends  to 
the   middle  or  beyond  ;   the 
cells  are   smooth   or  slightly 
covered  in  a  few  species  with 
tiny   protuberances,  they  are 
narrowly  rhomboidal,    some- 
what worm-like  and  enlarged 
at  the   basal   angles.     The 
leaves    at    the    base    of   the 
pedicel  have  root-like  filaments. 

The  spore-cases  are  oval-oblong  nodding  or  horizontal,  on  a 
smooth  or  rough  pedicel,  with  lids  more  or  less  long-beaked. 
This  character  suggested  the  generic  name  from  the  Greek  eu,  well, 
and  pvyx0*'  a  beak.  The  annulus  is  compound  or  rarely  none. 



H.  Boscit. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Seventy-four  species  are  known  in  all,    nineteen  in  North 

Hypnum    (Eurhynchium)    Boscii,   Schwaegr. — See   Plate 

Habit  and  habitat. — A  very  beautiful  and  easily  identified 
moss,   growing  in  thick  soft-golden  cushions  or  in  loose  thin 
mats  on  the  ground  among  grass  or  on 
the  ground  and  on  rocks  in  shady  places 
and  open  fields. 

Name.  —  The  specific  name  Boscii 
was  given  by  D.  Fridericus  Schwae- 
grichen,  in  honour  of  Louis  Augustin 
Guillaume  Bosc,  a  distinguished  natur- 

Plants. — Stems  prostrate,  somewhat 
pinnately  branching  ;  branches  mostly 
simple,  inflated,  blunt,  and  cylindrical 
by  the  arrangement  of  the  leaves. 

Leaves. — Thin,  dry  and  shining, 
closely   overlapping,    oblong-oval,   very 
concave  ;  apex  narrowed  to  a  twisted 
slender  point ;    base  clasping  ;    margin 
finely  serrate  to  the  base  ;  cells  narrowly 
linear,   those  of  the  base  shorter,  thick 
and  yellow-brown. 
Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel. — Narrowly  long  taper- 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Brown,   oblong,   erect-incurved,  gradually  nar- 
rowed into  the  pedicel,  strongly  arched  under 
the  mouth  when  dry. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Smooth,  red  to  red-brown, 
slightly  twisted  to  the  right. 

Lid  (operculuni). — Conic,  the  beak  about 
£  the  length  of  the  urn. 

Teeth   (peristome). — As  in  the  genus 

Annulus. — Compound. 


H.  Boscii. 

H.  Boscii. 
Breathing  pore. 




HYPNUM  BOSCH,  Schwaegr. 

The  Sub-genus  Plagiothecium 

Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — Vermont  to  Florida  and  Louisiana,  west  to 
Missouri  and  Illinois. 

HYPNUM:  Sub-genus  PLAGIOTHECIUM,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  this  genus  are  partly  prostrate,  irregularly 
branching  plants  with  rooting  stems.  They  are  soft  and  vari- 
able in  size. 

The  leaves  are  thin,   glossy   and   mostly   entire  ;   a  vein  is 
wanting  or  double  ;  very  short  and  thin  ;  the 
cells    are    long    and    narrowly    rhomboidal- 
hexagonal;     larger    at    the    base. 
Male  and  female  flowers  are  usually 
found  on  the  same  plant. 

The  veil  is   narrow   and    falls 
early.   The  spore-case  is  somewhat 
erect,  oblique  or  almost  horizontal, 
oval-oblong  to  cylindri- 
cal,  somewhat    arched, 
short-necked,   thin, 
smooth  or  rarely  wrin- 
kled when  dry. 

The  teeth  are  whitish. 
The  name  is  derived 

from  the  Greek  TrXayio?,  oblique,  and  dqictov,  a  little 
chest,  referring  to  the  spore-case. 

Plagiothecium  Muel- 
lerianum,  Schimp. 

Habit  and  habitat. — 
This  moss  is  found  in  rocky 
ravines  ;  it  grows  in  loose, 
bright  and  shining  green 

Name. — The  specific 
name,  Muellerianum, 
was  given  by  William 
Schimper  in  honour  of 
Baron  Ferdinand  Mueller, 
Government  botanist  of 



P.  Muellerianum. 

with  lid. 

Leaves  at  base  of  pedicel. 
P.  Muellerianum. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Portion  of  peris- 
tome  showing  one 
outer  tooth  on  the 
right  with  annulus 
cells  at  its  base,  one 
keeled  inner  tooth 
and  two  cilia  on  the 

spore -case. 

Plant  (gametophyte). —  Very  small;  stems  with  runners, 
creeping,  with  branches  erect,  rooting  at  the  base  and  some- 
times at  the  apex. 

Leaves. — In  two  rows,  spreading,  concave, 
ovate-lance-shaped  at  the  base,  taper-pointed, 
with  an  abrupt,  short,  acute  point ;  margin 
entire  ;  •vein  wanting ;  base  not  growing  down 
the  stem  ;  cells  narrow,  uniform. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichcetial 
leaves). — Half-clasping  at  the  base,  oblong-ovate, 
taper-pointed,  entire. 

Habit  of  flowering. 
— Male  and  female 
flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — 

Spore-case.  — 
Somewhat    nodding, 
tapering  from  the  en- 
larged mouth  toward 
the  pedicel,   long- 
necked,  enlarged  at  the  mouth  and  bell-shaped  when  dry. 
Pedicel  (seta}. — Short,  purple. 
Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  short-beaked. 
Teeth    (peristome). — Distantly    jointed,    cilia    short,    robust, 

Annulus. — Narrow,  simple. 

Spores. — The  fruit  is  very  rare. 

Distribution. — Found  in  Europe  and  eastern  North  America. 


The  species  of  the  Sub-genus  Amblystegium  vary  in  size 
from  minute  to  large  and  robust  and  vary  in  colour  from  bright 
yellow-green  to  dark  dull-green.  The  stems  are  prostrate,  creep- 
ing, decumbent,  ascending,  or  erect.  The  male  and  female 
flowers  are  usually  on  separate  plants. 

The  stems  are  usually  tender  and  soft,  but  are  occasionally 
rii>id.  They  are  repeatedly  branched,  commonly  irregularly  so, 
\vith  the  branches  more  or  less  erect. 


Spore-cases  with 

P.  Muellerianum. 




AMBLYSTEGIUM  VARIUM,  (Hedw.),  Lindh. 

A.  varium.    Leaves. 

The  Sub-genus  Amblystegium 

The  leaves  spread  in  all  directions.    They  are  narrowly  lance- 
shaped  to  broadly  egg-shaped,  concave,  or  flat,  never  eared  at 
the  base  and   never  with  the  cells 
narrowly    linear.     The    base   may 
or  may  not  grow  downward  on  the 
stem.      Vein   absent   or    prominent, 
margins  entire  or  serrate. 

The  spore-cases  are  oval  to  cylin- 
drical, symmetrical  or  unsymmetrical, 
erect  to  horizontal  and  usually  con- 
stricted under  the  mouth  when  dry. 
The  base  tapers  into  a  large  or  small 
collum.  The  colour  varies  from 
uniformly  purple  or  brown  through 
two  shades  to  pale  throughout.  The 
peristome  is  normal,  with  usually  2  to 
4  cilia,  although  in  a  few  cases  they 
are  absent  or  rudimentary.  The 
generic  name  from  the  Greek 

a/*/3\t"?,  blunt,  and  trr^yo?,  a  cover,  refers  to  the  character  of  the 
lid,  which  is  convex  or  conic,  usually  bluntly  pointed,  rarely 
sharply  pointed.  The  annulus  consists  of  from  i  to  3  rows  of 
cells.  The  calyptra  is  small  and  falls  early.  Sixteen  species  are 
known  in  North  America,  ten  of  them  being  found  in  both 

America  and  Europe. 

Amblystegium  varium,  (Hedw.) 
Lindb.— See  Plate  XXVII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — This  species  is 
found  growing  in  extensive  loose  or 
crowded  tufts,  bright  green,  dull  dark- 
green  or  pale  yellow-green,  on  ground, 
decayed  wood,  bases  of  trees  and 
rocks  in  moist,  wet  or  shady  places. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  varium, 
refers  to  the  variable  character  of  the 

Plant  (gametoplyte) . — The  plants  are  of  small  or  medium  size, 
the  stems  obscurely  angled,  prostrate  and  branched,  the  branches 
slender,  irregular,  erect  or  ascending,  never  plume-like,  straight 
or  with  tips  incurved. 


Base.         Apex. 

A.  varium.    Leaf -cells. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Leaves. — Leaf-cells  spreading  or  appressed,  flat  or  concave; 
variable  in  size  and  shape,  lance-shaped  to  ovate-lance-shaped  or 
broadly  ovate;  apex  usually  slender,  straight  or  slightly  curved; 
margin  entire  to  toothed  above;  vein  extending  to  the  apex  or 
well  into  the  point;  cells  broad  and  applied  end  to  end  (parencby- 
matous)  toward  the  base,  and  narrow,  with  the  ends  overlapping 
(prosenchymatous)  toward  the  apex. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 

Veil  (calyptra). — Small  and  falling  early,  equal  to  or  shorter 
than  the  spore-case,  split  half  the  length. 

Spore-case. — Cylindrical,  unsymmetrical,  upright  to  horizontal, 
pale  yellow-green  when  young,  chestnut  when  mature;  con- 
stricted under  the  mouth  when  dry;  neck  i  to  i  the  length  of  the 

Pedicel  (seta). — One-half  inch  to  2  inches  long,  stout,  reddish 
at  the  base,  pale-yellow  or  dark  throughout. 

Lid  (operculum) . — Obliquely  pointed  from  a  high  convex  or 
conical  base. 

Annulus. — With  two  to  three  rows  of  cells. 

Teeth  (peristome) . — Cinnamon  brown  or  yellow,  paler  above, 
lance-shaped;  cilia  2  to  4. 

Spores. — Mature  in  late  spring. 

Distribution. — Common  and  widely  distributed. 

HYPNUM:  Sub-genus  HARPIDIUM,  Sulliv. 

The  species  of  the  Sub-genus  Harpidium  are  found  usually 
in  marshes.  They  have  stems  divided  irregularly  into  long 
ascending  rootless  branches  sometimes  plume-like  with  short 
branchlets  which  are  all  more  or  less 
curved  at  the  apex  like  a  boat-hook. 

The  leaves  are  firm  and  membranous 
with  the  apex  prolonged  into  a  slender 
point  and  turned  to  one  side  as  a  scythe- 
blade  ;  a  single  vein  extends  to  above 
the  middle  or  to  the  apex  ;  the  cells  are 
narrow,  enlarged  and  inflated  at  the 
basal  angles. 

H.  uneinatum.    Leaf. 

The  Sub-genus  Harpidiurc 

The  name  Harpidium,  the  Latin  for  "hook,"  describes  the 
hooked  leaves,  the  important  character  of  the  sub-genus. 

The  spore-cases  are  borne  on  long  smooth  pedicels,  they 
are  oblong-cylindrical,  often  arched,  with  short  and  conical 
lids.  The  teeth  are  as  in 
the  genus  Hypnum. 

H.  uncinatum.  (a)  and  (6)  Spore-cases  with 
Kds  ;  (c)  spore-case  without  lid. 

H.  uncinatum.  (a)  Vertical  section 
of  peristome  showing  three  annulus 
cells  on  the  right  at  the  base  of  an 
outer  tooth,  inner  tooth  on  the  left ; 
(b)  portion  of  peristome  showing  on 
the  right  one  outer  tooth,  on  the  left 
two  keeled  inner  teeth  and  four  cilia 
below  three  rows  of  annulus  cells. 

There  are  numerous  species. 
In  the  "Kryptogamen  Flora,"  of 
1898,  K.  Gustav  von  Limpricht, 
a  prominent  bryologist,  devotes 
about  seven  pages  to  a  most  intricate  classification  of  the 
sub-genus  Harpidium. 

The   Hooked    Boat-hook   Mosses,   Hypnum  (Harpidium) 
uncinatum,  Hedw. — See  Colour  Plate  III. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  pale  yellow- 
green  tufts,  erect  or  drooping,  on  stones 
bordering  streams,  or  on  shaded  ground, 
rarely  on  decayed  wood,  common  and 
variable  in  mountain  regions. 

Name. — The  specific  name,  Latin  un- 
cinatum, hooked,  refers  to  the  character 
of  the  leaves. 

Leaves. — Long,  lance-shaped,  grooved 
lengthwise,  the  taper-point  spreading, 
scythe-shaped  or  hooked ;  apex  minutely 
serrate;  vein  thin;  cells  narrow,  more  en- 
larged at  the  base,  broader  and  rectangu- 
lar at  the  angles,  which  are  slightly  hollow. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichaztial  leaves).— Very  long, 


H.  uncinatum.  Right  side 
from  base  of  a  leaf  to  show  en- 
larged cells  in  the  angle. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

the  outer  recurved  from  the  middle,  the  inner  soft,  long,  with  a 
slender  thread-like  point;  apex  sharply  serrate;  vein  present. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male   and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
plant  (monoicous) . 

Veil  (calyptra).—  Split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Nodding,  cylindrical,  incurved,  constricted  under 
the  mouth  when  dry,  brown-orange,  darker  when  old. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Variable  in  length,  smooth. 
Lid  (operculum). — Orange,  highly  convex,  conical, 

Teeth. — Orange  at  the  base,  yellowish  above;  seg- 
ments of  the  inner  membrane  slightly  cleft;  cilia  two, 
as  long  as  the  outer  teeth. 

Annulus. — Broad,  of  three  rows  of  cells. 
Spores. — Mature  in  summer  and  autumn. 
Distribution. — Universal. 


HYPNUM:     Sub-genus   CTENIUM 

The  species  of  the  Sub-genus  Ctenium  are  large 
and  grow  in  loose  tufts  with  stems  erect  or  prostrate, 
rigid  and  compressed,  simple  and  two-forked,  closely 

H .  uncinatum.  (a)  Leaf  from 
base  of  pedicel ;  (b)  perigonial 
leaf ;  (c)  an  antheridium 
and  a  paraphysis. 

C.crista-castrensis.    Stem -leaves. 

and  regularly  feather-branched;  the  branches  are  fern-like  and  the 
branchlets  close,  resembling  the  teeth  of  a  comb,  a  characteristic 
which  has  suggested  the  generic  name  from  the  Greek,  /cret? 
a  comb. 


Sub-genus  Ctenium 

The  leaves  have  longitudinal  folds  with  the  apex  turned  to 
one  side. 

The  spore-cases  are  raised  on  long  pedicels;  they  are  cylin- 
drical-oblong, arched,  and  with  broadly  conical  lids 
tipped  with  a  point. 


Cells  at  base  of  leaf. 
C.  crista-castrensis. 

Female  plant. 

The  Knight's  Plume  Moss,  Hypnum  (Ctenium)  crista- 
castrensis,  L.— See  Plate  XXVIII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  loose,  rigid,  yellow-green  tufts  on 
decaying  logs,  in  mountainous  regions. 

Spore-case  with  lid. 

Leaf  at  base 
Spore-case  without  lid.  of  pedicel. 

C.  crista-castrensis. 


Name.— The  great  Linnaeus  named  this  pretty  moss  crista- 
castrensis  from  its  resemblance  to  a  military  plume  or  crest— Latin 
crista,  a  crest,  and  castrensis,  military. 

Plant  (gametopbyte).—The  stems  prostrate,  3  to  5  inches  long, 
the  tips  upright ;  simple  or  twice-branched,  closely  and 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

regularly  feather-branched,  the  branches  resembling  a  fern  frond ; 
branchlets  close,  diverging  horizontally  and  curved  back  at  the 
apex  like  a  plume. 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves  broad,   gradually  long  lance-like  and 
taper-pointed,  thin,  turned  to  one  side  as  a  scythe  blade,  with 
longitudinal  folds  ;  vein  double  or  none  ;  margin  sharply  serrate 
from  the  middle  upward. 

Leaf -like  organs  (paraphyllia). — 
Numerous,  long,  narrowly  lance-shaped. 
Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (peri- 
chcetial  leaves'). — Long,  sheathing,  white, 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  smooth, 
pointed  and  split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case.  —  Cylindrical-oblong, 
arched,  green-brown  when  ripe,  dirty- 
yellow  when  empty. 

Pedicel  (seta). — One-and-a-half  to  two 
inches  long. 

Lid  (operculum) . — Broadly  conical, 

Teeth    (peristome). — The   outer  teeth   orange   below,    pale, 
serrate,  and  awl-pointed  above  ;    the  inner  teeth   long-pointed 
and  cleft ;  cilia  three  or  four,  thick  and  as  long  as  the  teeth. 
Annulus. — Simple  and  narrow. 
Spores. — Mature  in  summer  and  autumn. 
Distribution. — North  America,  Europe,  Asia. 


The  plants  of  this  group  generally 
have  creeping  stems  which  are  more  or 
less  regularly  feather-branched.  The 
leaves  are  usually  scythe-shaped  and 
turned  to  one  side,  ovate  lanceolate  be- 
low and  narrowly  taper-pointed.  The 
vein  (costa)  is  short  and  double  or  none. 
The  cells  are  linear  and  narrow,  4-sided 


C.  crista-castrensis.  Portion 
of  peristome  showing  on  the 
left  two  outer  teeth;  on  the 
right  two  keeled  teeth  of  the 
inner  membrane  and  six  cilia. 

H.  curvifolium. 
Branch -leaf. 

H.  imponens, 
with  lids. 

The  Sub-genus  Euhypnum 

at  the  angles  ;  the  inner  leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  are 
deeply  folded;  small  leaf-like  organs  (paraphyllia)  on  the  stem 
are  few.  The  spore-cases  are  cylindrical-oblong  on  smooth 


Spore-case  with  lid. 

H ,  curvifolium. 


Leaf  at  base*  of 


H.  imponens. 

pedicels ;  the  lids  are  large,  from  very  acutely  pointed  to 
convex-conical.  The  prefix  ev,  proper,  indicates  that  this 
sub-genus  is  the  most  typical  among  the  different  groups  of 

Hypnum  (Euhypnum)  reptile,  Michx.— See  Plate  XXVII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — Found  in  pale-  or  dusky-green,  wide 
and  loose  tufts  on  the  bark  of  living  or  decayed  trees.  Com- 
mon and  variable  in  sub-alpine  regions,  rare  in  the  plains  except 

Name. — From  the  Latin  rcptilio,  creeping. 

Plant  (gametophyte). —  Drooping,  stems  branching,  the 
branches  feather-branched,  the  branchlets  erect  and  incurved. 

Leaves. — Crowded,  concave,  long  taper-pointed  from  an  ob- 
long base ;  margin  sharply  serrate  above,  flat  or  recurved  below ; 
vein  double,  short,  yellowish;  leaf -like  organs  (paraphyllia)  on 
the  stem,  few  and  very  small,  lance-shaped  or  palm-like. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichcetial  leaves}. — The 
inner  long,  taper-pointed,  longitudinally  grooved  with  double 
vein  and  toothed  apex. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  the  same 
stems,  (monoicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Somewhat  erect,  cylindrical,  yellowish,  curved 
when  dry. 

H.  reptile.    Stem-leaves. 

Pedicel. — Smooth. 

Lid  (operculum). — Large,  yel- 
low, shortly  beaked  from  a  highly 
convex  base. 

Teeth  (peristome}. — Long  taper- 
pointed,  orange  at  the  base,  seg- 
ments of  the  inner  membrane  cleft 
between  the  cross  bars ;  cilia  shorter 
than  the  segments. 

Annulus. — Large,  compound. 

H.  reptile.    Plant. 

Spore-cases  with  lids. 

Portion  of  the  peris- 
tome  showing  on  the 
left  two  outer  teeth ;  on 
the  right  two  inner 
teeth  and  four  cilia. 

H.  reptile. 


Spore-cases  with- 
out lids. 

The  Sub-genus  Euhypnum 

Spores. — Mature  in  August. 
Distribution, — North   America    and 

Perigonial  leaves. 

Male  and  female 

H.  reptile. 

Leaves  at  base  of  pedicel. 

Hypnum  imponens,  Hedw. — See  Plate  XXIX. 

Habit  and  habitat. — This  moss  is  exceedingly  handsome, 
growing    in    flat    yellowish-green 
tufts  on  decayed  trunks  and  about 
the  bases  of  trees. 


Stem  leaves. 

H.  imponens. 

Plant  )gametophyte). —  Prostrate,  stems  feather-branched. 

Leaves. — The  stem-leaves  overlapping,  lying  in  two  rows  on 
the  lower  side,  base  broadly  ovate,  orange,  at  the  angles  minutely 
ear-like  ;  apex  thread-like,  and  turned  to  one  side  ;  borders 
reflexed  below,  minutely  toothed  all  around  or  almost  entire  ; 
vein  double  or  none  ;  cells  very  narrow,  linear,  somewhat 


Mosses  and  Lichen* 

worm-like,  enlarged,  and  4-sided  at  tne  basilar  angles,  the 
branch-leaves  narrower,  hooked,  and  rolled  together  at  the  apex 
of  the  branches  ;  the  leaf-like  appendages  (paraphyllia)  attached 
to  the  stem,  large,  palm-like  or  lance-like. 


Leaf  at  base  of 

H.  imponens. 

Apex  of  leaf. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  -pedicel  (perichcetial  leaves). — Without 
a  vein, gradually  narrowed  to  a  long  thread-like  flexuous  and 
finely  toothed  point. 

Habit  of  flowering.  —  Male  and   female 
flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  split  up  one  side- 

Female  plant 

Perigonial  leaf. 
H.  imponens. 

with  lids. 

Spore-case. — Cylindrical,    pale-brown,    somewhat    erect    or 
slightly  incurved. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Long  and  slender. 

The  Sub-genus  Euhypnum 

Lid  (operculum). — Convex,  with  an  oblique  point,  orange 
at  the  apex. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Inner  segments  slightly  cleft  and  as  long 
as  the  cilia;  outer,  normal,  cilia  single,  with  small  transverse 
spurs  attached  to  the  margin. 

Annulm. — Large,  compound,  adherent  to  the  mouth. 
Spores. — Mature  in  the  autumn. 

Distribution. — Common  in  sub-alpine  America, 
rare  in  Europe. 

with  peristome. 

Spore -case 
with  lid. 
H.  imponens. 

Portion  of  peristom* 
showing  on  the  left  two 
outer  teeth ;  on  the  right 
two  inner  teeth  and  two 

Hypnum  curvifolium,  Hedw. — See  Colour  Plate  XVI. 

Habit  and  habitat.— This  attractive  moss  grows  in  intricate 
tufts,  yellowish-green  and  glossy.  It  is  very  common  on 
decayed  logs  in  shady  woods. 


H .  curvifolium- 



Mosses  and  Lichens 

Name. — The  specific  name,  is  from  the  Latin  curvum,  bent, 
and  folium,  a  leaf. 

Plant   (gametophyte). — Large,    stems,    3  to  4   inches  long, 

prostrate  with  but  few 

branches,  these  feather- 

branchlets    compressed, 

unequal,  and  short 

Spore-case,  dry. 

fc>pore-case  with  lid. 

H.  curvijolium. 



Leaves. — Crowded,  in  two  rows,  each  leaf  overlapping 
one  in  front,  scythe-shaped  concave  and  turned  to 
one  side;  base,  eared;  apex  gradually  long  taper- 
pointed;  margin  slightly  serrate;  vein  absent  or 
slightly  evident  at  the  base,  cells  above  pale,  narrow, 
linear  and  worm-like;  cells  of  the  base  and  angles, 
shorter,  broader,  and  golden-yellow. 



Leaves  at  base  of  pedicel. 

H.  curvifoltttm 

Sub-genus  Calliergoa 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (pericb&tial  leaves). — Numerous, 
whitish,  erect  ;  and  close,  the  cells  loose. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separate 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin  and  split  up  one  side. 

Spore-case. — Large,  oblong,  swollen,  and  arched,  when  young; 
thin  and  distinctly  ribbed,  when  dry. 

Pedicel. — Long  and  slender. 

Lid  (operculum). — Conical,  with  a  short  abrupt  point. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Yellow  with  small  blade-like  projections 
on  the  inside  ;  segments  of  the  inner  membrane  slightly  cleft ; 
cilia  2  to  3,  nearly  as  long  as  the  segments. 

Annulus. — With  three  rows  of  cells,  rolling  back  as  the 
lid  falls. 

Spores. — Mature  in  fall. 

Distribution. — North  America. 


The  species  of  the  Sub-genus  Calliergon  are  large,  erect,  or 
prostrate  plants  growing  in  wide  mats  on  the  ground,  or  on 
rocks;  the  branches  are  simple  or  compound  and  have  but  a  few 
rooting  filaments. 

The  sub-generic  name  is  the  Greek  word  Ka\\tepyov,  beauti- 
fully made. 

Stem-leaves.  Spore-cases  with  lids. 

H.  Schreberi. 

The  leaves  are  heart-shaped,  oval  or  oval-oblong,  deeply  con- 
cave, spreading  or  overlapping,  rarely  turned  to  one  side;  the 
apex  is  obtuse,  the  vein  variable,  and  the  cells  linear  above  and 
four-sided  at  the  basal  angles. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Spore-cases  with  lids 

H .  Schreberi. 

Spore -case 
without  lid. 

The  spore-cases  are  borne  on  variable  pedicels;  they  are  oblong 
and  incurved  with  convex-conical  lids.  An  annulus  is  sometimes 
present,  and  the  teeth  are  as  in  the  genus  Hypnum. 

The  Red-stemmed  Feather-moss,  Hypnum  (Collier gon) 
Schreberi,  Willd.— See  Plate  XXX. 

Habit  and  habi  tat . — On 
shaded  ground  of  hills  and 
mountains.  The  specimen 
photographed  grew  on  the 
dry  knolls  of  a  swamp  in  Lake 

Name. — The  specific  name 
was  given  by  Karl  Ludwig 
Willd  enow  in  honour  of 
D.  J.  C.  Schreber. 

Plant  (gametopbyte). — Stems  rigid,  dark-red,  branching,  the 
branches  with  somewhat  regularly  arranged  branchlets;  branches 
and  branchlets  obtuse  at  the  apex. 

Leaves, — Pale-green  or  yellow,  loosely  overlapping,  broadly 
oval-oblong,  slightly  concave;  apex  ©btuse  or  obtusely 
pointed,  incurved;  base  recurved  on  the  borders;  vein  double, 
short;  margin  entire;  base  extending  down  the  stem;  cells 
narrow,  four-sided,  orange  at  the  base  and  the  basal  angles. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel 
(pericbcetial  leaves'). — The  inner 
sheathing,  erect,  not  plaited;  apex 
short-pointed;  vein  none. 

Leaf -like  organs  among  the  leaves  (para- 
pbyllia). — None. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female 
flowers  on  separate  plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  split  up  one 

Spore-case. — Oblong,  dark-coloured, 

Pedicel   (seta).  —  Dark-red,    long, 
twisted  above. 
-Red,  conical,  with  a  sharp  point. 

H.  Schreberi. 
Leaves  at  base  of  pedicel. 

Lid  (operculum) .- 
Annulus. — None. 
Teeth  (peristome). — Long,  with  lamellae  on  the  inside,  inner 

The  Sub-genus  Pleurozium 

segments  split  nearly  the  whole  length ;  hair-like  segments  three, 
slightly  shorter. 

Spores. — Mature  in  autumn. 

Distribution. — North  and  South  America,  Europe  and  Asia. 



The  species  of  this  sub-genus  increase  yearly  by  arched 
branches  or  by  rigid  erect  growths,  the  branches  are  short, 
unequal,  and  grow  outward  from  the  main  stem,  a  character 
which  suggested  the  name  Pleurozium,  a  compound  of  the 
Greek  m-\evpbv,  a  side,  and  of  09,  a  branch. 

The  leaves  on  the  stem  are  larger  than  those  on  the  branches, 
and  are  different  in  shape.  Besides  these  leaves  there  are  numer- 
ous large  and  many-parted  leaf-like  organs  (parapbyllid). 

The  other  characters  of  this  sub-genus  are  similar  to  those  of 
the  genus  Hypnum. 

HYPNUM  (PLEUROZIUM)  splendens,  Hedw. 

(See  Plate  XXXI.) 

Habit  and  babitat. — The  Glittering  Feather-moss  is  one  of  the 
most  beautiful  species.  It  is  common  on  rocks  in  deep  woods, 
in  swampy  places,  on  stumps,  and  on  fallen  trees. 

"  Glittering  with  yellow,  red  and  green, 
As  o'er  the  moss,  with  playful  glide, 
The  sunbeams  dance  from  side  to  side." 

Female  plant. 

Male  plant. 
H.  splendens. 


Mosses  and  Lichens 

Name, — J.  G.  Hedwig  showed  his  appreciation  of  its  beauty 
when  he  called  it  splendent. 

Plant  (gametophyte).—ln  loose  tufts,  rigid,  pale  olive-green; 
stems  glitterjng,  4  to  8  inches  high,  increasing  by  annual  arched 
branches,    or    by    rigid,    upright    branches; 
branches  once  or  twice  feather-branched. 

Leaves. — Stem-leaves,  at  the  base,  distant, 
small  and  scale-like;  above,  loosely  overlap- 
ping, slightly  concave,  broadly  oval-long,  often 
narrowed  into  a  long  wavy  point;  vein  (costa) 



Perigonial  leaf 
with  paraphysis 
and  antheridium. 
H.  splendens. 


faintly  double;    margin  finely  toothed;  branch-leaves   smaller, 
oval-oblong,  shorter  pointed. 

Leaves  at  the  base  of  the  pedicel  (perichcetial  leaves). — Narrowly 
pointed,  sub-erect  or  recurved  at  the  apex. 

Leaf-like  organs  (paraphyllia) . — Numerous,   large,  varied  in 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male    and  female  flowers  on   different 
plants,  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra). — Thin,  transparent,  pointed,  split  on  one  side, 
large  and  persistent. 

Spore-case. — Egg-shaped,  horizontal  by  a  curve  of  the  pedicel 
under  the  base. 

Pedicel  (seta). — Curved  under  the  spore-case,  about  one  inch 
high,  smooth. 

Lid  (operculum). — Large  and  beaked. 

Teeth  (peristome). — Double,  as  in  the  genus  Hypnum. 


Sub -genus  Hyloc  omnium 

Annulus. — Single. 

Spores. — Fruit  not  common,  mature  in  spring. 
Distribution. — Common  in  mountains  or  northward,  America, 
Europe,  northern  Asia  and  Africa. 

Portion  of  peristome  showing  on  the 
left  four  outer  teeth  ;   on  the   right 

two  cilia,  two  inner  teeth  split  along  Spore-case  Leaves  at  base  of 

their  length.  with  peristome.  pedicel. 

H.  splendcns. 

HYPNUM:  Sub-genus  HYLOCOMNIUM,  Schimp. 

The  species  of  the  Sub-genus  Hylocomnium  are  large  and 
robust,  two  or  three  times  irregularly  feather-branched.      The 
stems  grow  from  the  apex  only,  or  produce  lateral 

The  generic  name  Hylocomnium  is  derived  from 
the  Greek  v\r),  wood,  and  *o//,t>5,  a  reveller;  it  was 
given  to  these  mosses  by  William  Philipp  Schimper, 
to  describe  their  habit  of  growing  on  wood. 

The  leaves  spread  abruptly  from  the  base,  or 
spread  and  turn  to  one  side.  There  are  no  leaf-like 
organs  (paraphyllia)  among  the  leaves. 

The  spore-cases  are  red-brown,  swollen  egg- 
shaped  or  nearly  globular,  abruptly  horizontal,  inclined  when  dry  on 
pedicels  twisted  to  the  right.  The  lids  are  convex,  or  conic,  with 
no  annulus,  or  a  double  one.  The  teeth  are  as  the  genus  Hypnum. 


H.  triquetrum. 
Spore-case  with- 
out lid. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Twenty-one  species  are  known  in  all,  five  in  America. 

The  Triangular  Wood-reveller,  Hypnum  (Hylocomnium) 
triquetrum,  Linn. — See  plate  XXXII. 

Habit  and  habitat. — In  large  yellow  or  light-green  mats  4  to 
8  inches  deep,  on  decayed  wood  in  plains  and  mountains. 

H.  triquetrum.    Female  plant. 

Name. — The  specific  name  triquetrum  was  given  to  the  moss 
by  Linnaeus  to  describe  its  habit  of  pointing  its  branches  in  three 
directions,  the  Latin  triquetrum  meaning  "having  three  angles." 

Plants  (gametopbyte) . — Stems  stout  and  rigid,  erect,  simple 
or  slightly  divided,  branched  unequally  and  irregularly  or  with 
feather  branches  not  all  in  the  same  plane. 

H.  triquetrum.     Branch  leaves. 

Leaves. — Very  large,  horizontally  spreading  both  when  wet  or 
dry,  stiff  and  membranous,  glossy,  triangular;  apex  acute;  vein 


The  Sub-genus  Hylocomnium 

double  to  the  middle;  margin  closely  toothed;  base  auriculate; 
cells  of  the  basal  angles  wide,  transparent,  oblong  six-sided. 
Branch-leaves  narrower,  and  gradually  smaller  upward. 

Habit  of  flowering. — Male  and  female  flowers  on  separata 
plants  (dioicous). 

Veil  (calyptra*). — Split  up  one  side. 

Leaf  at  base  of 


Stem  leaves. 
H.  triqtutrum. 

Apex  of  leaf. 

Spore-case. — Oblong,  horizontal  or  inclined  by  a  curve  of  its 
pedicel  under  the  base,  narrowed  at  the  mouth  when  dry. 

Pedicel  (seta).— Curved  below  the  spore-case,  i  to  i£  inches 

Base  of  leaf. 

(a)  Spore-case   with   veil; 
(6)  Spore-case  with  lid. 

H.  trigtutrvm. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

Lid  (operculum). — Convex  with  a  tiny  point  in  the  centre. 
Annulus. — Simple. 

Teeth  (peristome) . — As  in  the  genus  Hypnum. 
Spores. — Mature  in  autumn  and  winter. 
Distribution. — Common  in  Europe;  widely  spread  in  America; 
common  in  the  Adirondacks. 

H.  triquetrum.  Portion  of 
peristome  showing  on  the  left 
one  outer  tooth  with  annulus 
cells  at  its  base  ;  on  the  right 
two  keeled  and  perforated  in- 
ner teeth  with  three  spurred 
cilia  between. 


BRAITHWAITE.     The  Sphagnaceae  of  Europe  and  North  America. 

London,  1880. 

BAUER.     Mosses  Collected  in  California,  in  Linnea.     1859. 
BRIDEL.     Bryologia  Universa.     Leipsic,  1826-1827. 
BRITTON.     How  to  Study  the  Mosses.     The  Observer,  1894-1897. 

Contributions  to  American  Bryology.   Bull.  Torr.  Bot.  Club, 


BRUCH  AND  SCHIMPER.     Bryologia  Europaea.    Stuttgard,  1836-1855. 
CHENEY.    North  American  Species  of  Amblystegium.     Botanical 

Gazette,  1897. 
CORRENS.     Unterauchungen  tiber    die    Vermerung    der    Laub- 

moose.     Jena,  1899. 

CROMBIE.    British  Lichens.     London,  1894. 
ENGLER  AND  PRANTL.    Die  naturlichen  Pflanzenfamilien.    Leipzig, 


EKHART.    Synopsis  Jungermaniarum.   Coburg,  1832. 
EVANS.     Hepatics.  Trans,  of  the  Conn.  Ac.,  Vol.  III.     1892. 
GOEBEL.     (Dr.  K..,  Professor  in  University  of  Rostock,  Germany). 

Outlines  of  Classification  and  Special  Morphology  of  Plants. 

Polytrichum  commune.     Translated  by  H.  E.  F.  Garnsey, 

M.  A.,  Revised  by  I.  B.  Balfour,  M.  A.,  Oxford,  1887. 
GROUT.     Revision  of  North  American  Isotheciacea  and  Brachy- 

thecia.     Memoirs  Torr.  Bot.  Club,  1897. 
GROUT  AND  SMITH.    The  Bryologist.    Brooklyn,  1898. 
HAMPE.     Mosses  Collected  in  Southern  United  States  by  Beyrich, 

in  Linnea.     1839. 
HEDWIG.    Species  Muscorum  Frondosorum.    Edited  by  Schwaeg- 

richen.     Species  Muscorum.      Leipsic,    1801-1842.     Musci 

Frondosi.     Leipsic,  1787-1792. 

HOOKER.    WM.  JACKSON.    British  Flora.     London,  1830. 
HOOKER  AND  TAYLOR.     Muscologia  Britannica.     1827. 
HOWE.     Hepaticae  and  Anthocerotes  of  California.   Memoirs  Torr. 

Bot.  Club,  New  York,  1899. 
JAGER  AND  SAUERBACH.    Adumbratio  Florae  Muscorum.  1870-1878. 

Mosses  and  Lichens 

KINDBERG.     European  and  North  American  Bryineae.     1897. 
LESQUEREUX  AND  JAMES.     Manual  of  the  Mosses  of  North  America. 

Boston,  1884. 

LIMPRECHT.     Die  Laubmoose.    1895. 
MICHAUX.     Flora  Boreali  Americana. 
MUELLER.     Synopsis  Muscorum  Frondosorum. 
PARIS.     Index  Bryologicus.     1894-1898. 
PIERCE.     The  Nature  of  the  Association  of  Algae  and  Fungi  in 

Lichens.     Proceedings  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.     1899. 
SCHIMPER.     Synopsis  Muscorum  Europaeorum.      Stuttgard,  1860. 
SCHNEIDER.    General  Lichenology. 
SULLIVANT  AND  LESQUEREUX.    Icones  Muscorum.     Musci  Alleghani- 

ensis.    Columbus,  O.,  1846. 
SULLIVANT.     Mosses  and  Hepatics  of  the  United  States.     New 

York,  1856. 
TUCKERMAN.     North  American  Lichens.  Boston,  Parti,  1882;  and 

New  Bedford,  Part  II,  1888. 
UNDERWOOD.     North  American  Hepaticae.     1883. 
WILSON.    Bryologia  Britannica.    London. 


Abbreviations,  75 
Achneh,  80 
Acrocarpi,  153 
Adanson,  61 
Air  chamber,  7  a 
Albumen,  45 
Alga,  chain-celled,  66 

determination  of,   24 

green  colour  of  lichen,  a  a 

one-celled,  65 

producing  different  lichens,    24 

scytonema,  66 

thallophyte,   66 
Algae,  71,  80 
Amblystegittm  riparittm,  conglomerated  with 

mud,    i  s 

Amphigastra,  102  (cut) 
Amphigastrum,   100  (cut) 
Andreae,  J.  G.  R.,  132 
Andre  cea,  genus,  130-133 

pelrophila,   132  (cuts) 

rupestris,  133  (cuts) 

exception  to  rule  that  spore-case 

opens  by  lid,  30 
plant  with  spore-case,  14 
Andreaeas,  retainers  of  dust,  14 
Androecium,  96 
Annulus,    52,    55    (cuts) 

defined,   37 

function  of,  51  (cut) 

origin  of,  49 

rolling  away,  49  (cut) 
Anomodon,  genus,  266-270 

apiculatus,    269 
leaf,  42 

attenuates,  268  (cuts),  269 

rostratus,    267    (cut) 
Antheridia,  41  (cut),  65 

defined,  46 

stages  in  development  of,   96  (cut) 

where  developed,   48 
Antheridium,  bursting,    118  (cut) 

criterion  for  classification,  67 

development    of,    119    (cuts) 

immature,  49 

mature,  ^49,  49  (cut) 

of    Equisetum,    71    (cut) 

on  prothallium,  67 

position  of,  39,  40,   118  (cut) 

sending  forth  sperm-cells,  40,  46  (cuts) 

sperm-cells  coiled  in,  67 
escaping  from,    67 

vertical  section  of,  67 
Antherozoid,  118,  120,  121 
Apiculate,  237 
Apophysis,  35  (cut),  37,  52,  (cuts),  205 

bell-shaped,   59 

defined,    57 

in  Polytrichum  mosses,  57 

larger  than  spore-case,  6 

umbrella-shaped,    59 

varieties  of,  57 
Apothecia,   25 
Apothecium,    27   (cut) 
Apple-moss,    215 
Archepronia,  6.s 

criterion  for  classification,  67  (cut) 

Archegonia,  origin  of,  47 

section  of  archegonia,  47  (cut) 
where  developed,  48 
Archegonium,  49  (cut),  50 
character  of  wall,  50 
development  of,  120  (cuts) 
position  of,  39,  40,  119  (cuts) 
stages  in  development  of,   96  (cut) 
wall  in  Marchantia,  98  (cut) 

severed  from  base,  50  (cut) 
Archesporium,  defined,  51 
Archidium,  genus,  140,  141 

Ohiense,    spore-case    not    opening    by 

lid,  30  (cut),  140,  141 
Aristotle,   19 
Asci,    24 

Ascospores,  24,  25 
Ascus,  24 

Asexual,  generation,  65,  68,  69,  (cuts) 
Equisetum,    70   (cut) 
fern,   68,   69  (cut) 
Hepatic,  71,  (cut) 
moss,   68  (cut) 
reproduction,  aim  of,  59 
Asplenium  Ruta-muraria,   69   (cut) 
Astonrnm,  genus,   141—143 

Sullivantii,    51    (cut),    141    (cut),    14* 

Aulacomnium,  genus,  234-239 

androgynum,  235  (cut),  237  (cut) 

gemmae  cluster  enlarged,  58  (cut) 
plant,  58  (cut) 
heterostichum,  237  (cut),  238  (cuts) 

leaf  apex  to  show  margin,  33  (cut) 
plant,   8  (cut) 
palustre,  236  (cuts),  237 
annulus,     237    (cut) 
branch,  236  (cut) 
cross-section  of  stem,  237  (cut) 
lid,  237  (cut) 
plant,   236  (cut) 
stem,  46  (cut) 

with    whip-like    branch,    236 


veil,   237  (cut) 

whip-like   branch,    236    (cut) 
Authorities,    75 
Autoicous,  40,  48 
Awned  Hairy-cap,    253   (cut) 

Bacteria,  63,  71 
Barbula,  genus,  172-175 

ccespii-osa,  173  (cut),  175  (cuts) 
protonema  of,  59 
retainer  of  dust,  14 
unguiculata,    173,    174,    176   (cut) 

sporophyte     with    twisted    seta, 

60  (cut) 

Bartram,  John,  215 
Basidia,   25 
Bazzania,  genus,  150 

trilobata,   106 
Bazzani,  M.,   106 
Beard  Moss,  protonema  of,  38 
Bicarbonate  of  lime,  17,  144 
Bladder-cap  Moss,  207 
Boat-leaved  Moss,  plate  III.,  128  * 


Bog-mosses,    colour    plate    III. 
crimson,  6 

forming  peat-bogs,  no,  iia 
gray,   6 

reclaiming  marshes,  n 
see  Sphagnum  (under  Mosses),  109 
Booth  Bay,  7 
Bornet,   22 

Brachythecium  rivulare,  31  (cut) 
Branch,  fertile,   58 

sterile,  58 
Breathing  pores,  44 
Brewer,  H.  W.,  in 
Broom-moss,   155 
Browning,   4,    10 
Bryum,  genus,  221-225 

argenteum,  leaf,  34  (cut),  222  (cuts),  223 
leaf  of,  43  (cut) 

spore-case  without  lid,  lid  of,  9,  52 
stem  cut  vertically,  41,  (cut) 
binum,  stem  cut  vertically,  41  (cut) 

vertical  section  of  stem,  47 
erythrocarpum,  gemmae  in  axis  of  leaf 

and   stem,    58   (cut) 
roseum,    224  (cuts),    225   (cuts) 
Bryophytes,  compared  with  thallophytes,  64 
Bud-leaved  Ulota,   187 
Buxbaum,  J.  C.,  260,  261 
Bttxbaumia,  genus,  260-262 

aphylla,  plate  XX.,  57,  261,  262 
collum  of,    57   (cut) 
inner  membrane,  260  (cut) 
leaf,   261  (cut) 

sporophyte  of,  57  (cut),  260,  262 
top  of  spore-case,  262  (cut) 
vaginule  of,  57 
veil,   261  (cut) 
young   plant,    260    (cut) 

Calyptra,   122 

denned,   50 

Hepatic,   95   (cut) 

origin  of,  41  (cut) 

Sphagnum,  115  (cut) 

variation  of,  31 
Canal-cell,  97  (cut) 
Carbohydrates,  13 
Carbon,   i  2 

dioxide,    12,    17 
Carbonate  of  lime,  17,  144 
Caiherinea,  genus,  240—242 

angustata  cross  section  of  leaf,  44,  (cut) 
epiphragm  of,  56 

undulata;  cross  section  of  leaf,  43  (cut), 
242  (cuts) 

summit  of  spore-case,  57  (cut) 
surface  of  leaf,  44  (cut) 
tip   of   spore-case,    242   (cut) 
Catkin-stemmed  Silver  Moss,  222 
Cells,  134  (cut) 

chains  of  23,  46,  65,  66 

contents,  12,  99  (cut) 

floor-cells,  72  (cut) 

large  loose,  114 

mother,  51 

open  at  base,  43 

pithy,  114 

single  27 

structure  open,  43 

tubular,  69 

without  leaf -green,  62 

woody,  114 

zone  which  forms  lid,  53 
Cellular  bodies  of  Barbula,  59 

sheath,  131,  132  (cuts) 
Central  cord,  80 
Cephaloid,  88 
Ceratodon  purpureum,  9 

cross  section  of  leaf,  42 
Cetraria  Islaiidica  as  food,  ao 


Chimborazo,  187 

Chlorophyll,  12,  32,  38,  44,  62,  67,  199  (cut) 

Christmas-greens,  see  Lycopodiums,  69 

Chroococcus,  25,  26 

Cilia,  origin  of,  54 

Cinderella,  210 

Cladonia,  genus,  88 

coral-like,  colour  plate  XII.,  27 

cornucopioides,  90 

cristatella,  colour  plate  XII.,  27,  89 

fimbriata,  plate  X.,  89 

furcate,  27  (cut) 

bit  showing  alga  and  fungus,  27  (cut) 

tnitrula,  27 

Novce-Anglicc,  27 

pyxidata,  colour  plate  XII.,  89 

rangiferina,  colour  plate  VIII.,  27 
Cladoniaeform,  89 
Claw-leaved  Barbula,  173 
Climacium,  genus,  271-273 

Americanum,  273 

dendroides,  271,  272 

lid  with  columella  attached,  55  (cut) 
spore-case  with  lid  lifted  to  show 

teeth,  55  (cut) 
sporogonium,  48  (cut) 
Coccocarpia  molybdcea,  24,  28  (cuts) 
Collar  Mosses,  204 
Collema  pulposum,  29  (cut) 

section  of,  29 
Collum,  39,  147,  149 

in  Buxbauwia,  57 

Leptobryum   pynforme,    58    (cut) 

Ulola  crispa,  57  (cut) 
Columella,  31,  49,  59,  122,  135,  205  (cuts) 

attached  to  base  and  summit,  55  (cut) 

development  of,  53  (cut) 

lid,  35  (cut) 

origin  of,  49,  51 

varieties  of  55, 
Colvin,  Verplanck,  in 
Common  Hairy-cap,  256 
Continental  glacier,   in 
Cora  pavonia,  24 
Cord-moss,  209 

mosses  on  blackened  embers,  5,  colour 

plate  III. 

Cornucopia  Cladonia,  The,  90 
Cortex,  87 

Cortical  layer,  80,  82 
Costa  denned,  43 
Cottony  layer,  80 
Crabbe,   5 
Criterion    for    relation    between    ferns    and 

mosses,  66 
Cucullate,  149 
Cups  with  scarlet  edges,  5 
Curled-leaf  Mosses,  184 
Curtains     in      peristome      of     Polytrichum 

mosses,  55 
Cyphels,  86 

De  Bary,  22 

Development    of    organs,    119 

Dicranella  heteromalla,  spore-cases,   32  (cut) 

Dicranum  ftagellare,   leaf  for  cell-structure, 

43  (cut) 
Dictyonema,  25 

Dillenius,  Johann,  61,  114,  136,  221,  222,    261 
Dioicous,  40,  48 
Dioscorides,  19,  21,  205,  221 
Diphysctum,  genus,  258 

ioliosum,  259 

leaf,  258  (cut) 

lid  lifted  to  show  teeth,  259  (cut) 

male  plant,  259  (cut) 

perigonial  leaf,  259  (cut) 

peristome,  259  (cut) 

plant,  (250  (cut) 

spore-case,  259  (cut) 


Diphyscium,  veil,  259  (cut) 
Distichous,  157 
Dotted  Mnium,  232 
Ducts,  115,  129 

Duke  of  York,  dogs  belonging  to,  20 
Dust  of  open  plains  in  mountain  valleys  ot 
Arctic  ice  fields,  14 

Earth  bread,  20 

Ecorticate,  90 

Egg-cell,   39,  41,  47,  49,   120  (cut) 

division  of,  49 

Ehrhart,  Friedrich,  132,  195 
Eight-toothed  White  Moss,  165 
Elater,  70,  94 
Embryo,  50 

of  ferns,  66 

Emericella  variecolour,  25 
Emerson,    28 
Endothecium,  51 
Ephebe  Kerneri,  28  (cut) 
Ephemerunt,  protonema  of,  59 
Epidermis,  72  (cut) 
Epiphragm,  36  55,  56  (cut), 

of  Catharinea,  56 
Equisetum,  69 

arvense,    70  (cut) 

asexual  generation  of,  70  (cut) 
fertile  cone,   70  (cut) 
plant  with  fertile  cone,   71  (cut) 
sexual  generation  of,   71  (cut) 
spore  bearing  scale,  70  (cut) 

shoot,  70  (cut) 
spore  with  elaters  coiled,  70  (cut) 

expanded,  70  (cut) 
sterile,  shoot  70  (cut) 
sylvaticum,  71  (cut) 
Excurrent,  149 
Extinguisher  Mosses,  190 

False  pedicel,  122 

defined,  S3  (cut) 
Fascicle,  113,  114 
Female    flower-cluster,    vertical    section   of, 

49  (cut) 
Fern,  antheridium  of,  67 

archegonium  of,  67 

gametophyte,  69 

life  history,  66 

pinule,  68,  69 

prothallium  of,  65,  66,  67 

relative  position  of  in  plant  kingdom,  69 

Ruta-muraria,  69 

sporophyte  of,  67 

stem,  69 
Fibrillose,  129 
Fibrils,  115 
Filices,  see  ferns,  69 
Fissidens,  genus,  157-161 

adiantoides,  32  (cut),  158  (cuts),  160 
old  spore-case,  53 

taxifolium,  139  (cut) 
Flagellae,  106  (cut) 
Florida  Moss,  8 

Flower-cluster,  vertical  section,  49  (cut) 
Flowers  of  Lapland,  no 
Foliaceous,  80 
Foliose,  93 

Hepatics,  see  Hepatics,  leafy,  99 
Fontinalis,  genus,  262-264 

antipyretica,  262  (cuts),  263 

formation  of  peristome,  54,  56  (cuts), 
Foot,  S3  (cut),  67,  122  (cut),  140 

in  Marchantia,  98  (cut) 

origin  of,  39 
Forests,  moss-muffled,  11 
Four-toothed  Mosses,  193-198 
Franklin,  J.,  29 
Frondiform,  193,  194  (cut) 

Frullani,  Signor  Leonardo,  103 
Fruticulose,  79 
Futtaria,  genus,  209-214 

flavicans,  plate  XVI.,  210 
hygrontetrtca,  colour  plates  III.  and  XVI., 

annulus,  S3  (cut) 

archegonia  of,  41   (cut) 

bud  from  which  new  plant  will  grow. 

64  (cut) 

cross  section  of  seta,  57  (cut) 
of  stem,  71  (cut) 
dioicous  inflorescence,  49  (cut) 
germinating  spore,  64  (cut) 
immature  plant,   32  (cut) 
infloresence,  48  (cut) 
mature  plant,   31   (cut) 
plant  to  show  parts  and  monoicous 

inflorescence,  39  (cut) 
protonema,    64    (cut) 
spore  germinating,  38  (cut) 
summit  of  spore-case,  37,  49  (cuts) 
surface  view  of  pore,  72 
vertical     section     through     young 

sporogonium,  51  (cut) 
widely    branching    protonema,    38 


young  sporogonium,    50   (cut) 
Fungi,  63,  71 
Fungus,  chain-celled,  66 
determination  of,  24 
partner  in  lichen,  23 
stealing  food,  22 
Fungus-partner,  independent  of,  34 

Gaius  Plinius,  221 
Galeate,   103 
Gannet,  9 

Gametophyte,  35,  36,  43 
fern,  68  (cut) 
Hepatic,  68  (cut),  69 
Marchantia  showing  pore,  72  (cut) 
moss,  68  (cut) 
without  pores,  72 
Gasteromycetes,  26 
Gemma,  58 
Gemmae,  58  (cut) 

cluster  of  Georgia  pellucida,  60  (cut) 
homology  of,  60 

in  axis  formed  by  leaf  and  stem,  58 
producing  protonema,  59,  60 
terminal  cluster,  58  (cut) 
terminal  head,  58  (cut) 
tip  of  leaf,  58  (cut) 
Gemmate,  206 

Generations,  succession  of,  15 
Georgia,  genus,  i93-iQ7< 

character  of  teeth  in  genus,  54 
Brownii,  frondiform  leaves,  194  (cut) 
geniculata,  197 

spore-case,  32  (cut) 
pellucida,  195 

cluster  enlarged,   60  (cut) 

cross-section  of  four  teeth,  54  (cut) 

gemmae  cluster,  58  (cut) 

plant  with  gemmae  cups,   60  (cut) 

produces  cellular  bodies,  60 

spore-case,    198   (cut) 

tip  of  spore-case,  37,  S4(cuts) 

vertical  section  of  gemmae  cluster, 

.  58  (cut) 

Glycerine  ielly,  74 
Gonidja,  27  (cut) 
Gonidial  layer,  87 

zone,  26 
Gonimia,  86 
Gonimous  layer,  86 
Gray  fringes,  i,  8 
Grimm,  J.  F.  C.,  179 



Grimmia,  genus,  178,  179 
apocarpa,  179 

corroding  work  of,  13 
Gritnmias,  retainers  of  dust,  14 
Hair-like  Hair-cap,  245 
Hairy-cap  Mosses,  242,  248 
short-stemmed,  243 
subjects  for  beginners,  35 
Hairy-caps,  plate  X.,  5 
hairy  veils  due  to,  50 
how  to  avoid  too  strong  light,  43 

to   procure  maximum   amount   of 

light,  42 

leaves  proof  against  dryness,  43 
stem  most  highly  developed,  45 
upturning  of  leaves,  6 
Haller,  Albrecht  von,  260 
Hayes,  Dr.  Isaac  I.,  7 
Hedwig,  J.  Q.,  182,  215,  228 
Hedvrigia  ciliata,  183,  184 

spore-case  with  lid  removed,  9  (cut) 
Hepatics,  9,  91,  93 

Bazzania,  leaf  apex,  105  (cut) 

leaves  from  base  of  perianth.   105 

male  branch,  105  (cut) 
perianth,   105  (cut) 
stem  with  leaf,   106  (cut) 

sporophyte,    105    (cut) 
tip  of  perianth,  106  (cut) 
trtolobata,  plate  X.,   106  (cut) 
under  leaf,   106  (cut) 
view  of  underside  of  stem,  106  (cut) 
classified  between,    71    (cut) 
compared  with  leafy  moss  and  fern,  65 
genetic  relationships,  62 
foliose,  93 
Frullania,  genus,  102 

amphigastra  with  rootlets,  103 

complanata,  102  (cut) 

cross  section  of  perianth,  103 

eboracensis,  103 

transverse  section  of  perianth 

103  (cut) 

upper  view  of  stem,  103  (cut) 
ecklomt,  102  (cut) 

lobule  of,  102  (cut) 
stylus    of,    102    (cut) 
under  view  of  stem,  102  (cut) 
gametophyte,  65 
how  to  collect,  73 
to  dissect,  73 
to  know  them,  10 
to  preserve,  73 
to  study,  73 

involucre  opened  out,  103  (cut) 
leafy,  inrolled,  99  (cut) 
irregular,  99  (cut) 
stipule  of,  64  (cut) 
third  row  of  leaves,  99  (cut) 
toothed,  99  (cut) 
with  lobe  and  lobule,  99  (cut) 
Marchantia  polymorpha,  air-chamber,  96 
androecium  of,  96 
antheridia,  stages  in  development  of, 

96  (cut) 

archegonia  of,  96 
areolae  of,  95 
canal-cell,   97   (cut) 
egg-cell  of,  07  (cut) 
elater,  94  (cut),   98  (cut) 
epidermis  of,  96  (cut) 
false-perianth,  94,  97,  98 
floor-cells  of,  96  (cut) 
foot  of,  98  (cut) 
fringed  involucre  of,  94 
gemmae  of,  93,  94,  97,  98  (cut) 
peduncle  of,  94,  97,  98 


Marchantia  polymorpha, 
pores  of,  96  (cut) 
protonema  of,  95 
ray,  94 

sperm-cells  of,  95  (cut) 
spore-case  of,  94  (cut) 
sporophyte  developing,  97,  98  (cut) 
stages  in  a  developing  archegonium, 

96  (cut) 

surface  of  pore,  93  (cut) 
under  surface  of  female  receptacle, 

95  (cut) 

vertical    section    of    antheridium, 
95  (cut) 

female  receptacle,  94  (cut) 
male  receptacle,  95  (cut) 
through  pore,  93  (cut),  96 
no  utilitarian  aspect,  62 
perianth,  103  (cut) 

Porella  platyphylla,  colour  plate  XIV.. 
29,  99 

amphigastrum,    100    (cut) 
antheridia  of,  100 
archegonia  of,  100 
calyptra,  100  (cut) 
creeping  stem,  99  (cut) 
female  branch,    100   (cut) 
leaf  magnified  to  show  cell  structure 

100  (cut) 

lobes  and  lobules,  99  (cut),  100 
lobule,  100  (cut) 
male  branch,   100  (cut) 
pedicel,  100  (cut) 
perianth,  100  (cut) 
spore-case,  100  (cut) 
sporophyte,  100  (cut) 
under  view  of  stem,  99,  100  (cuts) 
upper  surface  of  stem,  101 
veil,  100  (cut) 

position  in  plant  kingdom,  61 
Ptilidiwn    ciliare,    colour    plate    XIV., 
104  (cut) 

lobule  of,  104  (cut) 
under  view  of  stem,  104 
upper  view  of  stem,  104  (cut) 
relative  position  in  plant  kingdom,   69 
ribbon-like,  93 
spore-case,  71  (cut) 

cut  into  four  symmetrical  valves,  9 
sporophyte,  71  (cut) 
veil,  71 

Hepaticce,  analogous  to  Vermes,  62 
degree  of  development,  64 
unique  position  of,  in  plant  kingdom,  61 
Herbarium,  the,  73 
Hermaphrodite,  235 
Hoffman,  G.  F.,  89 
Homologies,  study  of,  61 
of  fern  parts,  61 
of  Hepatic,  61 
of  moss,  6 1 
Homologous  parts,  61 
Hooker,  Sir  Wm.  J.,  223 
Horn-tooth  Mosses,  166 
Hornschuch,  Dr.  Christian  Friedrich,  22 
Horse-tails,  69,  71 
Humming-bird,  29 
Hutchins,  Miss,  188 

Ulota,  1 88 
Hypnunt,  180 

Boscii,  surface  view  of  pore,  72  (cut) 
falcatum,  17 

rusciforme,  conglomerated  with  mud,  14 
•uncinatum,    to    show    cilia,    teeth    and 

annulus,  31  (cut) 
Hyphae,  22,  24,  26,  28 

Ice  Age,  in 
Iceland  Moss,  20 



Inflorescence,  39,  40 

autoicous,  48 

dioicous,  48,  49 

monpicous,  48 

paroicous,  48 

synoicous,  48 
Involucre,  94  (cut),  95 
Isidiophorous,  82 

Jaundice,  20 
Jungermania,  132 
Juniper  Hairy-cap,  254 
Jumper inum,  249 

Key  to  genera  of  Polytrichaceaet*3Q 

to  species  of  Genus  Polytrichum,  250 
King  George  III.,  195 

Lake  Tear  of  the  Clouds,  1 1 1 

Lamellae,  35,  43  (cut),  44  (cut),  45  (cut),  239 

(cut),  240  (cut) 
Lapland,  27 
Larcom,  Lucy,  16 

Leaf  apex  prolonged  into  an  awn,  32, 34  (cuts) 

cell-structure  in  hepatic,  100  (cut) 

cross  section  of,  1 24 

mf  ~sin  entire,  33  (cut) 
serrate,  33  ,  34  (cut) 

structure  of,  43 

•with  antheridium,  125 
Leaf -green,  12,  32,  62,  67 

transparence  of,  34 

variation  of,  3 1 

work  of,  33 

Leafy  Diphyscium,  259 
Leafy  Hepatics,  99 

mosses,  30 
Leaves  defined,  36  (cut) 

frondiform,  194  (cut) 

modified  to  form  gemmae,  60 

producing  protonema,  60 

scale-like,  of  Equisetums,  70 

variation  of,  31 

with  root  hairs,  58 
Lecanora,  earth  bread,  20 

esculenta,  20 

manna  of  Israelites,  20 
Leptobryum  pyriforme,  217 

collum,  58 

spore-case,  58 
Leptotrichum,  171 
Leucobryum,  genus,  34,  161 

colour  due  to,  161 

vulgar  e,  163 

portion   of   peristome,    37    (cut) 
section  of  open  leaf,  35  (cut) 

closed  leaf,  35  (cut) 
terminal  leaves  with  root-hairs,  58 


young  plant,  58  (cut) 
Lichens,  absorbing  power  of,  26 

advance  in  exact  knowledge  of,  21 

algae  distributed,  26 

in  definite  layers,  26 

alliance  for  mutual  benefit,  22 

as  drugs,  20 

bearded,  80 

Blistered  UmbiUcaria,  The,  84 

blue-green  felt-like  plates,  25 

branching  like  corals,  8 

Brown-fruited  Cup  Cladonia,  colour  plate 
XII.,  89 

cause  of  neglect  of,  by  early  botanists,  19 

Cetraria  Iskmdica,  colour  plate  VII.,  79 
Jacunosa,  79 

check  against  torrents,  16 

chemical  action  of,  13 
work  of,  12 


Cladonia  carnucopioides,  90 

cristatella,  colour  plate  XII.,  89 
fimbriata,  plate  IX.,  89 
pyxidata.   colour  plate  XII.,   89 
rangiferina,  colour  plate  VIII.,  90 
colour  due  to,  23 
common  ancestral  type  of,  22 
condense  moisture,  4 
constant  hearted,  10 
Cornucopia  Cladonia,  The,  90 
cortical   layer   of,    80    (cut) 
cortex  of,  87 
cottony,   80  (cut) 
debris  of,  a  source  of  humus,  14 
delicate  threads  prying  rock,  13 
dissolving  rock,  13 
distribution,  i,  7 

Dog  Peltigera,  The.  colour  plate  VII.,  86 
dual  organism,  22 
dye  industry,  21 
encrusted,  28 
endurance  of  cold,  7 
exact  relation  of  one  to  another,  26 
fancied  resemblance  to  injured  parts,  20 
fan-like  greenish-yellow,  24 
first  growths,  4 

first  plants  to  appear  on  soil,  16 
forerunners  of  rock-loving  mosses,  4 
fossil  evidence  of,  16 
from  spores  of  fungus,  24 
fruits  of  fungus,  24 
fruits  in  flattened  coloured  disks,  8 
gelatinous,  26,  28  (cut) 
genera  and  species,  77 
gonidial  layer  of,  87 
growing  flat  or  ruffled,  8 
Hair-like  Usnea,  The,  81 
how  they  are  made,  24 
how  to  collect,  73 

to  dissect,  73 

to  know  them,  8 

to  preserve,  73 

to  study,  73 

Iceland  Moss,  colour  plate  VIII.,  79 
ideal  section  to  show  apothecium,  27 
in  history,  14 
in  moist  atmosphere,  26 
isidiophorous,  82 
magnified  portion  of,  23 
manufacturing  plant  food,  13 
mechanical  action  of,  13 

work  of,  12 
meek  creatures,  4 
"mock  the  marks  on  a  moth,"  10 
not  an  individual  plant,  22 
origin  and  nature  of,  22 
Parmelia,  genus.  Si 

caperata,  83 

conspersa,  colour  plate  V.,  82 

perlata,  plate  VI.,  83 

physodes,  var.  vittata,  plate  V.,  82 

saxatilis,  plate  XV.,  83 
Peltigera,  genus,  85 

apthpsa,  85,  86 

canina,  colour  plate  VII.,  86 

polydactyla,  86 

venosa,  85 

Physcia  leucomela,  colour  plate  VIII.,  84 
pioneers,  17 

among  plants,  17 
pith,  layer  of,  87 

Pitted  Cetraria,  The,  plate  II.,   79 
place  in  plant  kingdom,  23 
"plodding,"  13 
poem  to  R.  M.  E.,  21 
Red-fruited  Cup  Cladonia,  The,  90 
Reindeer,  The,  colour  plate  VIII.,  90 

used  for  bread,  27 
resembling  puff-ball,  25 



Lichens,  retainers  of  rainfall,  16 
of  soil,   13 
of  water,  16 

Rock  Tripe,  colour  plate  XI.,  85 
ruffled  on  support,  8 
Scarlet-crested    Cladonia,    The,    colour 

plate  XII.,  89 
scutellseform,  80 
secrete  acid,  4 
sections  of  thallus,  80  (cut) 
"silver  spots" — Ruskin,  3 
"slow  fingered,"  10 
soredia,  82 

sought  for  medicinal  properties,  19,  20 
source  of  brooks,  16 
spontaneous  generation  of,  22 
starch,   20 
Stereocaulon,  genus,  88 

paschale,  plate  VIII.,  88 
tomentosum,  88 
Sticta,  genus,  86,  87 

amplissima,   colour  plate   VII.,    87 
pulmonaria,  colour  plate,  VII.,   87 
Stictina  fuliginosa,  87  (cut) 
surface,  hoary,  25 
flat  disks,   25 
ruptured,  24 
with  knobs,   25 
Thelochistes,  genus,  81 

parietinus,  colour  plate  II.,  81 
true  nature  of,  22 
Umbilicaria,  genus,  84,  85 
Dillenii,  85 

Muhlenbergii,  colour  plate  XI.,  85 
pustulata,  84 

veiled,  colour  plate  XI.,  85 
uniform  distribution  of  alga,   29 
Usnea,  genus,  80 
barbata,    80 

cross  sections  of  thallus,  80  (cut) 
trichodea,  81 

vertical  section  of  thallus,  80  (cut) 
what  they  are  doing  on  rocks  and  trees,  8 
which  yield  a  dye,  19 
with  coloured  disks  or  cushioned,  8 

concentric  edges,  25 

work  done  under  primitive  conditions,  14. 
Wrinkled  Parmelia,  The,  83 
Xanthoria  parietina,  colour  plate  II.,8i 
Yellow  Wall-lichen,  The,    colour  plate 

II..  So 

yielding  litmus,  19 
Lid,  35 

defined,  36 
development  of,  51 
origin  of,  49 

with  columella  attached,  55 
Limestone,  17,  144 
Limnobium  molle,  in  turbid  water  of  glaciers, 


Linnaeus,  Carolus,   109,  136,  261 
Little -beard  Moss,  172 
Little  Fork-Mosses,  150 
Litmus,  how  obtained,  a  test  for  acid    and 

alkalies,  19 
Liverworts,    93 

pioneers,  17 
Lobe,  99  (cut) 
Lobule,   99  (cut),    102  (cut) 
Lowell,  James  Russell,  27,  29 
Luminous  moss,  34 

power  of  conveying  light,  34 
Lungwort,  29 
Lycopodiums,  69,  71 

Male    flowers-cluster,    vertical    section,     49 


Male  flowers,   125 
Mammillatc,  221 
Manna,  lichen,  20 

Manna  of  Israelites,   20 
Marchantia,  genus,  19,  93,  98 
polymorplia,  93-98  (cuts) 

surface  view  of  pore,  72    (cut) 

vertical  section  of  pore,  72  (cut) 
Marsh  building  on  Mt.  Marcy,  17 
Medulla,   80 
Medullary  layer,  82 
Membrane,  33    (cut),  56 
Mica,  74 
Minute  structure,  how  to  gain   a   knowledge 

of,  62 

Mnium,  genus,  225-234 
affine,  10,  229 

anmilus,   231,  (cut) 

apex  of  leaf.  225,  231  (cut) 

leaves,  230 

lid,  231  (cut),  52 

male  plant,  230  (cut) 

perigonial  leaf,    231    (cut) 

peristome,    227    (cut),    231    (cut) 

spore-case  with  lid,  52  (cut) 

spore-cases,   231   (cut) 

stem,   230  (cut) 

tuft,  230  (cut) 
cuspidatum,  226-230 

annulus,    228    (cut) 

apex  of  leaf,  226  (cut) 
of  leaves,   229  (cut) 

border  of  leaf,   226  (cut) 

inner   membrane,    226    (cut),    339 

leaves,     228     (cut) 

plant,  226  (cut) 

spore-case,  229  (cut),  236  (cut) 

stem  with  leaves,  34  (cut),  229  (cut) 

tuft  226,  (cut) 
hornum,  231 

apex  of  leaf,  226  (cut) 

leaves,  231  (cut) 

plant,  231  (cut) 

spiny  leaf  border,  226  (cut) 

spore-case,  232 
futtctaium  var.  elatum,  225,  234,  plate 

apex  of  leaf,  226  (cut),  233  (cut) 

leaf  border,  226  (cut),  235 

leaves,  233  (cut) 

marginal  cell  of  leaf,  226  (cut) 

spore-case,    233    (cut) 

stem,    233    (cut) 

with  hairs,  233  (cut) 
with  leaves,  34  (cut) 
undulatum,  stem,  46 
Monocarbonate  of  lime,  144 
Monoicous,  40,  48 
Mosses,  107,  109 

and    Lichens,    poem    by    Willis    Boyd 

Allen,  3 
as  a  cement,  7 

at  work  on  the  everlasting  hills,  u 
change  of  colour,  6 
check  against  torrents,  16 
chemical  work  of,  n 
classified  between,  71 
distinguishing  character,  30 
distribution,  5,  7 
"elf-needled  mat,"  10 
endurance  of  cold,  7 
first  plants  to  appear  on  soil,  16 
fossil  evidence,  16 
fruiting  portion,  35 
gametophyte,  65 
how  to  collect,  73 

to  dissect,  73 

to  know  them,  8 

to  preserve,  73 

to  study,  73 
idle,  10 
in  rock  crevices,  5 



Mosses,  mechanical  work  of,  1 2 
method  of  obtaining  water,  34 
necessity  for  light,  33 
pioneers,   15,  17 
plants   wrongly   so   called,    8 
pores  of,  72 

position  in  plant  kingdom,  61 
produced  without  spores,  33 
relative  position  in  plant  kingdom,  69 
reproduction  of,  32 
resembling  miniature  trees,  9 

tiny  ferns,  9 
retainers  of  rainfall,  16 
of  soil,  13 
of  water,  16 

retention  of  mud  by  aquatic,  14 
rock-loving,  5 
saprophytic,  n 
"soft  lips  of,"  10 
soil  makers,  12,  17 
source  of  brooks,  16 
species  based  on,  32 
start  in  life  not  general  on  rocks,  13 
velvet  stage,  5 
velvety  coat  of  young,  5 

cushions,  5 

what  they  are  doing  on  rocks  and  trees,  8 
which  build  up  limestone,  17 

do  not  produce  spores,  32 
with  straight-haired  veils,  188 
work  done  under  primitive  conditions ,  1 4 
Andrecea,  genus,  130-^133 

Hartmanii,  fertile  plant,   131   (cut) 
leaves,    130  (cut) 
sporophyte,  131  (cut) 
sterile  plant,  131  (cut) 
petrophila,  132 

leaves,  132  (cut) 

vertical  section  of  spore-case, 

132  (cut) 

rupestris,  fertile  plant,  133  (cut) 
leaves,   133  (cut) 
spore-case  open,  133  (cut) 
sporophyte,     133     (cut) 
with  four  valves,  130  (cuts) 
Archidium,  genus,  140,  141 
Ohiense,  140,  141 

exit  of  spores,  140  (cut) 
plant,  141  (cut) 
sporophyte  with  veil,  141  (cut) 
vertical  section  of  sporophyte, 

140  (cut) 
Astomum,  genus,  141 

Sttliivantii,  bract,   142  (cut) 
leaves,     142,     (cut) 
plant,  141  (cut) 
spore-case  with  veil,  142  (cut) 
sporophyte,  142  (cut) 
upper  leaves,   142  (cut) 
veil,   142  (cut) 
Attlacomnium,  genus,  234 
androgynum,  235 

head  of  gemmae,  234  (cut) 
plant,    234    (cut) 
spore  case,  234  (cut),  235,  237 
heterostichunt,  plate  XX.,  237 
annuhis,    238   (cut) 
cross  section  of  leaf,  237  (cut) 
lid,  237  (cut) 
male   flower,    230   (cut) 
spore  cases,  237,  (cut),  238  (cut) 
palustre,   236 

antheridia  and  paraphyses,  238 


leaves,  238  (cut) 
plant,  238  (cut)- 
stem,    238    (cut) 
Barbula,  genus,  172-176 
caspitosa,  175 

fertile  plant,   173   (cut) 

Mosses,  Barbula, 

caspitosa,  leaves,  172,  175  (cuts) 
male  flower-cluster,    175   (cut) 
plant,  173,  175  (cuts) 
spore-case,    175   (cut) 
tip  _ of  spore-case,   173  (cut) 

Muellcri,  177  (cut) 

unguiculata,    173 

cross-section  of  leaf,   174  (cut) 
leaves,   174  (cut) 
plant,  173  (cut) 
spore-cases,     174     (cut) 
sporophyte,  174  (cut) 
_tip  of  spore-case,  174  (cut) 
Bartramia  porni]onnis,  214,  215 

leaves,  216  (cut) 

plant,  216  (cut) 

stripped,   215  (cut) 

tuft,  216  (cut) 
Bruchia  flexuosa,  139 

leaves,   139  (cut) 

plant,   130  (cut) 

sporophyte,   140  (cut) 
Bryum,  genus,  221-225 

argenteum,  222 

annulus,  223  (cut) 

leaf,  221  (cut) 

lids,  222  (cut) 

peristome,  221,  222  (cuts) 

plants,  222  (cut) 

spore-case,  221,  222,  223  (cut) 

veil,  223  (cut) 

roseum,  plate  XVIII.,  224 
annulus,   225  (cuts) 
apex  of  leaf,   224  (cut) 
leaves,  224  (cut) 
peristome,   225  (cut) 
plants,  225 

spore-case,    225    (cut) 
Ceratodon,  genus,  166-169 

ptirpureum,  colour  plate  IV.,  167 
annulus,  169  (cut) 
leaf,  167,  1 68  (cuts) 
lid,  169  (cut) 
peristome,   167,   169  (cut) 
plant,  1 68  (cut) 
spore-cases,    167,    169  (cuts) 
tuft,    167    (cut) 
variety  aristatus,  169 
minor,  169 
xanthopous,   169 
veil,  169  (cut) 
Dicranella,  genus,  150—152 

heteromalla,  151 

leaves,   151   (cut) 
peristome,     152    (cut) 
plant,    151   (cut) 
spore-cases,  152  (cut) 
Dicranunt,  genus,  152 

congestum,    153   (cut) 

flagellare,  plate  XIV.,  154 

basal  leaf -cells,   155  (cut) 
leaves,  155  (cut) 
spore-cases,  155  (cut) 

xopariunt,  plate  XIII.,  152,155 
base  of  leaf,  154,  157  (cuts) 
leaf -cells,    154,    157   (cuts) 
leaves,   153,   156,   157  (cuts) 
sections  of  vein,  156  (cut) 
tuft,    152,    157   (cuts) 

subulatum,  153  um.   154 
Ditrichum  pallidunt,  genus,  colour  plate 

XIV,   171-172 

annulus,    171    (cut) 
leaves,  172  (cut) 
peristome,   171  (cut) 
plant,    171  (cut) 
spore-cases,     172     (cut) 
vein,     173    (cut) 



Mosses,  Encalypta,  genus,  190-193 
ciliata,  192 

leaf,   191  (cut) 
perigonial  leaves,  191  (cut) 
perigonium,     191     (cut) 
peristome,    192    (cut) 
plant,    191   (cut) 
spore-cases,     192     (cut) 
veil,  191  (cut) 
Fissidens,  genus,  157-161 
adiantoides,  158,  160 

cross  section  of  leaf,  158  (cut) 
flower-clusters,     160    (cut) 
leaves,   138  (cut) 
peristome,  158,  160  (cuts) 
plant,    158    (cut) 
_  spore-cases,   158,   160  (cuts) 
taxifoUum,  159  (cuts) 

cross  section  of  leaf,  159  (cut) 
leaf,  159  (cut) 
spore-case,    159   (cut) 
stem,   159  (cut) 
Funaria,  genus,  209-214 

hygrometrica,     colour    plates    III. 
XVI.,  210 

annulus,  212  (cut) 
breathing  pore,   213  (cut) 
cross-section  of  young  pedicel 

212  (cut) 

female  flower,  211  (cut) 
leaf,  212  (cut) 
peristome,   210,   214  (cut) 
plant  immature,  211,  214  (-.%ut) 
plants,   211,    213   (cuts) 
protonema,    211,    213   (cuts) 
spores,  21 1  (cut) 
tip  of  female  shoot,  213  (cut) 

spore-case,    211    (cut) 
vertical  section  of  female  flower, 
211   (cut) 

through  male  flower,   213 
.  (cut) 

Georgia,  genus,  193-197 

Braumii,  frondiform  leaves,    194 
geniculata,    gemmae-bearing  branch 
197  (cut) 
plant,  197   (cut) 
sjxwophyte,  197  (cut) 
pellttcida,  colour  plate  III.,  195 

bract   from  gemma   cup,    194 

branch  with  gemmae  clusters, 

1 94  (cut) 

cross  section  of  four  teeth,  194 


gemma,  194  (cut) 
leaves,  195  (cut) 
lid,  194  (cut) 
plant,  196  (cut) 
side  view  of  gemma  cup,  ip4(cut) 
spore-cases,   194  (cut) 
tip  of  spore-case,   194  (cut) 
tooth,  194  (cut) 
veil,  194  (cut) 
vertical  section  of  gemma  cup 

195  (cut) 
Grtmmta,  genus,  178,  181 

hypnotdes,  178 

apocarpa,  179 

plant,  179  (cut) 
spore-cases,     179     (cut) 
Gymnostomum,  genus,  143-145 

calcareum,  143 

leaf  and  cross  section,  143  (cut) 
leaves,   144  (cut) 
plant,   143,  (cut) 
spore-cases,  144  (cut) 

dtrvirostrum,  144,  145 
lid,    145    (cut) 
spore-case,  145  (cuts) 

Mosses,  Hedwigia,  genus,  182-184 

ciliata,  183 

apex  of  leaf,  183  (cuts) 
leaves,  182,  183  (cuts) 
plant  sterile,  183  (cut) 

stripped,    183,    184    (cuts) 
spore-cases,   184  (cut) 
Leptobryum,  genus,  216-218 

pyriforme,  216,  217 

annulus,    218   (cut) 
apex  of  leaf,  218  (cut) 
leaves,   217  (cut) 
peristome,     217    (cut) 
plant,  218  (cut) 
spore-case,    217    (cut) 
Leitcobryutn,  genus,  161-165 

glaucum,  163 

portion  of  peristome,  163  (cut) 

vulgare,  163 

cell  structure,  162  (cut) 
cross  section  of  leaf,  161  (cut) 
leaves,  162,  164  (cuts) 
peristome,    1 65    (cut) 
plants,  164  (cut) 
spore-cases,  162,  163,  165  (cuts) 
terminal  leaves,   163  (cut) 
young  plant,    163  (cut) 
Octobiepharum,  genus,  165,  166 

aloidum,  165 

leaf,    1 66  (cut) 
plants,   1 66  (cut) 
spore-case,    166   (cut) 
Ortitotrichum,  genus,  plate  XIV.,  188-194 

rupestris,  190 

plant,  190  (cut) 
sporophytes,  190  (cut) 

strangulatum,  189 
leaf,  190  (cut) 
peristome,    189    (cut) 
plant,  189  (cut) 
spore-cases,     100     (cut) 
sporophyte,     190    (cut) 
Phascum,  cenus,  135-137 

cuspidatum,  136 
leaf,   135  (cut) 
male  flower,  136  (cut) 
plants,     136     (cut) 
spore-case  split  to  show  colum- 

ella,    135    (cut) 
with  veil,   135 
veil,    136   (cut) 
Physcomitrium,  genus,  207-209 

pyrifortne,    ideal   section  of  young 
spore-case,    208   (cut) 

tttrbinatum,  plate  XVI.,  208 
leaf,  207  (cut) 
plants,  207 
fid,  208  (cut) 
spore-cases,  208  (cut) 
young  plant,   208  (cut) 
Pleuridium,  genus,  137,  138 

subidalum,  138 

leaves,  137,  138  (cut) 
plants,   137 
spores,  138  (cut) 
spore-case  split,  137  (cut) 

with   veil,    138    (cut) 
veil,  138  (cut) 

nervosunt,  spore-case  split  to  show 

columella,  137 
Pottia,  genus,  169,  170 

truncata,  169,  170  (cut) 
leaves,   169  (cut) 
lid,  170  (cut) 
plants,   170  (cut) 
spore-cases,  170  (cut) 
veil,  170  (cut) 
Racomitrium,  genus,   180-182 

lanuginosum,  181 

apex  of  leaf,   iSi   (cut) 



Mosses,  Racomitrium, 

fanuginosum,  leaves,  181  (cut) 
peristome,    180,    182   (cut) 
spore-cases,   181  (cut) 
veil,  1 80  (cut) 
vertical   section   of  peristome 

1 80,  182  (cuts) 
Schistostega,  genus,  199-30* 
osmundacaa,  201 

barren  plant,   201  (cut) 
fertile  plant,  201  (cut) 
protonema  in  natural  position, 
201    (cut) 

cells   light,    perpendicular, 
200  (cut) 

oblique,    200    (cut) 
veil,   200  (cut) 
vertical  section  of  protonema, 

200  (cut) 

Sphaerangium,  genus,  133-135 
muticum,  134 

branches,  male  and  female,  135 


leaves,   135   (cut) 

Schimperanum,  leaf  cells,  134  (cut) 
spore-case  emitting  spores,  134 


Sphagnum,  genus,  colour  plate  XI.,  113- 
130  (cuts) 

absorbing  quality  of,   in,   116 
acutq,  122 
acutifolium,   124 

antheridia,    118    (cut) 
antheridium  bursting,  nS(cut) 
development,  119,  120 
mature,  119 

antherozoid,  n8(cut),  120 
archegonia  mature  when,    119 
branch  leaves,  123 
development  of  spore-case,  121 

female  branch,   123  (cut),   126 


gametophyte,  126 
male  flower-cluster,   118  (cut) 

120  (cut),  125  (cut) 
moss  plant  on  protonema,  120 


penchastial  leaf,   125  (cut) 
perigonial  branch,  125  (cut) 

leaf,  125  (cut) 
protonema,  119  (cut) 
section  of  leaf,  124  (cut) 

stem,  1 24  (cut) 
stem  leaves,  123 

of  moss  plant,   118  (cut) 

120,  121,  125 
vertical  section  to  show  arche- 

gpnium,  119  (cut) 
antiseptic  quality  of,  no 
cell,  structure  of,  113,  114,  115, 

117,  (cuts) 

change  of  colour,  109 
climbing  habit  of,  in,  112 
euspidata,  123,  126 

branch  leaves,  127 

stem  leaves,  127 

vertical  section  of  ripe  arche- 

gonium,    1 20    (cut) 
young  embryo,    120  (cut) 
cyclophylla,  124 

branch,     1 24    (cut) 
leaf,  124  (cut) 

cymbifoliutn,  1 23,  plate  III.,  124, 128 
antheridium,   130 
apex  of  leaf,  115  (cut),  127 
bit  of  stem,  113  (cut),  129 
bract,  115  (cut),  129 
branch  leaves,  130 

Mosses,  Sphagnum, 

cymbifolium,  cross  section  of  leaf, 
115  (cut) 

stem,  113  (cut),  129 
female  branch,   115  (cut),   129 
leaf  from  branch,   115  (cut) 
from  base  of  pedicel,  115 


magnified,    114    (cut) 
male  branch,    115   (cut) 
perichastial  leaf,   129 
protonema  of,  118  (cut) 
stem  leaf,  113  (cut),  130 
surface  view  of  leaf  cells,   114. 

zones  of  cells  in  stem,  115  (cut) 

foot  of,  121 

formation  of  peat  by,  109,  no 
quaking  bog  by,  no  (cut) 
raft  by,  no 

germination  of  spore  in  water,  ioj> 

growth  from  apex,  109 

outward  from  shore,  no  (cut) 

lid  of,  121 

loss  of  root-like  growth,  109 

marsh  building  by,  in 
at  Albany,  112 
in  Averyville  swamp,  na 
in  Connery  Park,  112 
in  Hidden  Swamp,  iia 
in  King  River,  Cal.,  in 
at  Mt.  Marcy,  in 
at    Mt.    Pocono,    in 
at  Mud  Pond,  112 
near  Palisades  of  Hudson,  in 
in  Shawangunk  Mts.,   111 

tnendocinum,   1 1 1 

methods  by  which  they  encroach 
upon  water,  109 

molle,  124 

branch  leaves,  124  (cut) 
stem  leaves,    124   (cut) 

tnollia,  123 

pale  tint  of,  due,  116 

papillosum,  vertical  section  of 
developing  archegonium,  120 

pedicel  of,  121 

problem  solved  by  geologists,   109 

protonema  of,  109 

pseudopodium,  121 

rubellum,  122,   123 

apex  of  leaf,   126  (cut) 
branch    leaf,     126    (cut) 
female  branch,    126   (cut) 
leaves    of    divergent    branch, 

126  (cut) 

male  branch,  127  (cut) 
perigonial    leaf,    127    (cut) 
section  of  leaf,  115  (cut) 

stem,     127     (cut) 
stem,  113  (cut),  126  (cut) 

squarrosa,  123 

squarrosum,  plate  XII.,  128 
branch  leaf,  123  (cut) 
female  branch,    128   (cut) 
leaf  at  base  of  pedicel,  1 28  (cut) 
leaves  of  branch,  127  (cut) 
sporophyte,  116  (cut) 
stem  leaves,  128  (cut) 
transverse  section  of  leaf,  127 

subsecundum,  124 

leaves,   123  (cut) 

young  archegonium,   120  (cut) 

synopsis   of,    123 

use  to  economist,  109 

veil  of,  121 

vertical  section  of  young  sporo» 
gonium,  122 



Moses,  Splachnum,  genus,  204-207 

iwteum,  207 

sporophyte,  205  (cut) 

rubrum,  206 

capsule,    205    (cut) 
fertile  plant,    205   (cut) 
leaf,   206  (cut) 
male    plant,    206    (cut) 
sporophyte,     205     (cut) 
tip  of  spore-case,   206  (cut) 
veil,  206  (cut) 
Tetradontium,  genus,  198,  199 

repandum,  198 

leaves,  199  (cut) 
perigonial  leaves,    199  (cut) 
perigonium,     199     (cut) 
plants.    198  (cut) 
teeth,    199  (cut) 
thread-like  branch,  199  (cut) 
Tetraplodon,   genus,    202 

mnioides,  203 

leaf,  203  (cut) 

leaf  apex,  202  (cut) 

peris  tome,  202,  204  (cuts) 

plant,      203     (cut) 

plant   with   male   and  female 

flower-clusters,  203  (cut) 
tuft,  202  (cut) 
veil,  203  (cut) 
Tortula,  genus,  176-178 

princeps,  177 

leaves,  176  (cut) 
peristome,     176    (cut) 
plant,   177  (cut) 
spore-case,    177    (cut) 
tip  of  spore-case,  177  (cut) 

ruralis,  178 

awn  of  leaf,  178  (cut) 
tip  of  spore-case,  1 76, 1 78  (cuts) 
Trematodpn,  genus,  147-150 

ambtguum,  149 

annulus,  148  (cut) 
leaves,  148  (cut) 
ltd,    149   (cut) 
peristome,  147,  149  (cuts) 
plants,    148,    149   (cuts) 
spore-cases,  148,  149,  150  (cuts) 

longicottis,  150 
Ulota,  genus,   184-188 

congesium,  spore-cases,   153  (cut) 

crispa,  plate  XV.,  186 

leaves,  185,  186  (cuts) 
peristome,    185    (cut) 
plant,  185  (cut) 
male  flower-cluster,  185  (cut) 
spore-case,    185    (cut) 
sporophyte,    185,  186  (cuts) 

Hutchinsice,  188 

leaves,   187  (cut) 
peristome,    188    (cut) 
plant,  187  (cut) 
spore-case,    187    (cut) 
sporophyte,  187  (cut) 
veil,   187  (cut) 

phyllantha,  187 

leaf    apex    with    gemmae,    187 

subulatum,  spore-cases,  153  (cut) 

undulatum,  spore-cases,  154 
Webera,  genus,  218-221 

albicans,  220 

leaves,  220  (cut) 

lid,  219  (cut) 

male  plant,  220  (cut) 

peristome,    220    (cut) 

spore-cases,     219     (cut) 

stem,  218  (cut) 

tip  of  spore-case,   219  (cut) 

nittans,  218 

annulus,    219   (cut) 

Mosses,  Webera, 

•nutans,  apex  of  leaf,   217  (cut) 
inner  membrane,  219  (cut) 
leaves,  217  (cut) 
lids,  219  (cut) 
plant,    217    (cut) 
spore-case,  218,  219  (cuts) 
Weisia,  genus,  143-147 
viridula,  146 

leaves,    145  (cut) 
lid  with  veil,   146  (cut) 
peristome,   145,   157  (cuts) 
plant,    146  (cut) 
spore-cases,    146,    147   (cuts) 
Mother  cells,  51,  53  (cut),  121  (cut),  122  (cut) 
Mucronate,  103 
Mungo  Park,  159 
Mount  Marcy,  height  of,  17 
marsh  building  on,   17 
variety  of  flora  on,  17 

Nomenclature,  75 

Oak,  "moss  marred,"  12 
Octoblepharunt,  genus,  165 
albidum,  33  (cut),  165 

spore-case,  33  (cut) 
Ohio  Hairy-cap,  252 
Old  Man's  Beard,  19,  20 
Oliver,  picture  of,  n 
Operculum,  development  of,  51 
Orange  stain,   3 
Orlando,   1 1 
Ovum,  47,  120  (cut) 
Oxygen,    1 2 

Palmella,    26 

Papillate,  214 

Paraphyllia,  279 

Paraphyses,  40  (cut) 

Paraphysis,  49  (cut),  213 

Parma,  82 

Parmelia,    28 

Paroicous,  48 

Pear-shaped  Thread -moss,  217 

Peat  bogs,  6 

Peat-moss,  126 

Peat-mosses  (see  Spliagnwm  under  Mosses) ,  34, 


Peck,  Chas.  H.,  112 
Pedicel,  30,  35  (cut) 

cross  section  of,  57 

defined,  36  (cut) 

function  of,  37 

origin  of,  39 

purpose  of,  57 

change  in  position  of,  57 

to  show  rudimentary  bundles,  71  (cut) 

twisted,  60  (cut) 
Peltigera,  genus,   8s,    86 

apthpsa,  86 

canina,  20 

a  cure  for  hydrophobia,  28 
for  hydrophobia,  20 

polydactyla,  86 
Perichaetial  leaves,   53  (cut) 
Percurrent,  142 
Perigonium,  115  (cut),  125 
Peristome,  character  in  genus  Catharinea,  56 

opening  of,  in  Catherinea,  56 

structure  of,  in  Polytrichum  mosses,  55 
56    (cut) 

vertical  section  of  double,  55 

of  single,  52 
Perithecia,  25 
Perithecium,  27  (cut) 



Phascum,  genus,  135-13? 

cttspidatum,  59  (cut),  135,  136 

paroicous  inflorescence,  40,  41 
protonema  of,   59  (cut) 
Pinnule,  68,  69  (cuts) 
Pith  layer,   26,  87 
Plants,  nourishment  of,   12 
Plasma,  199 
Pleurocarpi,  153 
Pliny,  249 
Porella,  genus,  100—102 

platyphylla,  99  (cuts),  100,  ica 
cell  structure  of,  65  (cut) 
Podetia,  88 
Pogonatum,  genus,  242-248 

Alpinum,  34  (out),  42,  247 
lamellae,  247  (cut) 
leaf,  242  (cut) 
brachyphyllum,  245  (cut) 

spore  case,  32,  50  (cuts) 
brevicaule,  colour  plate  IV.,  243  (cut) 
leaf,  244  (cut) 
lid,  244  (cut) 
plant,  244  (cut) 
protonema  of,  38 
section  of  lamellae,  244  (cut) 
spore-cases,  243 
stem,  243  (cut) 
teeth,  244  (cut) 
tip  of  spore  case,  243 
capHlare,  245  (cut) 
tenue,  spore-case,   239  (cut) 
urnigerum,  246,  247  (cuts) 
lamellae,  247  (cut) 
leaf,  35  (cut),  247  (cut) 
spore-case,  47  (cut) 
Pointed  Mnium,  The,  228 
Pompeii,  221 
Polytrichacece,  239 

Catherinea,  genus,  239,  240 
angustata,  241 

apex  of  leaf,   241   (cut) 
female  plant,   241   (cut) 
leaf,  241  (cut) 
male  plant,  241  (cut) 
spore-cases,  240  (cut) 
•undulata,  242 

apex  of  leaf,  240  (cut),  242  (cut) 
cross  section  of  239 
leaves,   239  (cut),   240  (cut) 
spore-case,    242   (cut) 
tip    of    spore-case,    239    (cut), 
242  (cut) 

Polytrichwn,  genus,  239,  248,  250 
arrangement  of  leaves,  42 
commune,  256 

apex  of  leaf,   257  (cut) 
cross  section  of  stem,  46  (cut), 

249  (cut) 

lamella  see  from  side,  257  (cut) 
leaf,   250  (cut),   257  (cut) 
lid,  258  (cut) 

row  of  lamellae  cells,  350  (cut) 

spore-cases,  249,  256,  237  (cuts) 

with  lid,  5-  (cut),  56 

without   lie!,    52,  56  (cuts) 

summit  of  spore-case,   33,    36, 

240  (cuts), 
teeth   around   membrane,    258 


veil,  257  (cut) 
cross  section  of  leaf,  45  (cut) 
dioicous  inflorescence,   40   (cut) 
female   plant,    40    (cut) 
forntosum,   252 
gracile,  251 

leaves,  257  (cut) 
peristome,  251  (cut) 
spore-case,  231  (cut),  250  (cut) 
with  pointed  lid,  36  (cut) 


juniperinum,  cross  section  of  leaf. 
257  (cut) 

leaves,  248  (cut) 
leaves,  44 

chlorophyll,  44 
mid-vein,  44 
sclerenchyma,  44,  45 
male   plant,    40,    255,    248  (cuts) 
Ohiense,   spore-case,    252   (cut) 
old  sporophyte,    37    (cut) 
piliferum,  250  (cut) 
leaf,  32  (cut) 
leaves,  254  (cut) 
perichaetial  leaves,  254  (cut) 
perigonial  leaves,     254  (cut) 
plant,  253  (cut) 
spore-case,  239,  254  (cuts) 
subterranean  shoot,    255   (cut) 
vertical    cells   of   lamella,    254 

sexangulare,  leaves,    250   (cut) 

spore-case    with    lid,    without 

lid,  52  (cuts) 

spore-case,  35,  355,  356  (cuts) 
strictum,  45 

structure  of  peristome,  55 
surface  view  of  spore,  72  (cut) 
vertical  cells  of  lamellae,  255  (cut) 
Pores,  72,  203 
Primitive  Mosses,  140 
Protococcus,  27,  65  (cuts) 
Protonema,  defined,  62 

development  of,  120  (cut),  118 
of  Barbula,  59 
of  Ephemerum,  59 
of  fern,   65 
of  Hepatic,  65 
of  leafy  moss,  6  5 
of  Phascum,  59 
origin  of,  38 

permanent  in  Beard-moss,  38 
persistence,  38 
Prothallia,  of  ferns,  66 
Prothallium,  defined,  65 
mature,  of  fern,  67 
young,  of  fern,  67 
Pseudopodium,  122,  131  (cust) 
Pteridpphytes,  69,  71 
Ptilidium,  genus,  104,  105 
ciliare,    64  (cut) 
stipule,  64 
under  side,  64 
upper  side,  64 
Pycnidium,  27  (cut) 

Quartette-moss,  The,  203 

Rays  of  light,  199 
Red  Collar-moss.  206 
ReddHi  Feat-moss,   125 
Reindeer-lichen,   27 

as  food,  28 

Reproduction,  asexual,  by  cellular  bodies  o« 
protonema,  59 

gemmae,  60 

portions  of  leaves,  60 
sporogonium,  60 
stems,  60 

rhizoids,  59 
Rhizoids,  26,  64  (cut) 

defined,  36  (cut) 

dissolving  fluid  from,  18 

imbedded  in  limestone,  18 

mechanical  action  of,  13 

origin  of,  38 
Ribbon  stage,  64 
Roccella,  a  source  of  Etmus,  19 

tinctoria,  19 



Rock  Andreaea,  The,  133 

Rock  tripe,  The,  colour  plate  XI.,  99 

Root-hairs,  terminal,  58 

Roots,  69 

definition  of,  46 
Ruskin,  4 

Scale-mosses,  see  Hepatics,  leafy,  99 

Schimper,  Wilhelm  Philipp,  142,  188 

Schimdel,  261 

Schreber,  Johann  C.  D.,  76,  136 

Scutellaeform,   80 

Schwaegrichen,  Christian  Friedrich,   76,   198 

Schwendener,   22 

Scytonema,  23,  25 

Seta,  30 

cross-section  of,  57 

enlargement  under  spore-case,  57 

purpose  of,  57 

change  in  position  of,  57 
sheath  at  base,  57 
Sexual  generation,  65 

of  ferns,  66 
Shakespeare,   n,   12 
Short-leaved  Hair-cap,  245 
Silvery  Bryum,   222 
"Silver  lichen  spots,"  3 
Slender  Catherinea,  plate  IV.,  241 

Hairy-cap,  251 
Soreciia,  24,  82 

Spanish-shield  Lichens,  see  Cetraria,  79 
Spenser,   12 
Sperm-cells,  39,  40  (cut),  41,  49 

defined,   46 
Sphccrangif.'m,  genus,  133-133 

muticum,  49  (cut),    134  (cuts) 

sperm-case  of,    55   (cut) 
Schimperanum,  134  (cuts) 
Sphagnum,  genus,  34,  109-130 

acutifolium,  51  (cut),  118,  119,  121,  123, 
124  (cuts) 

vertical  section  of  young  sporogon- 
ium,  51  (cut) 
to  show  development  of  young 

spore-case,  53  (cut) 
cuspidatutn,  120  (cuts),  123,  126 

sections  of  archegonia,   47   (cut) 
cymbifolium,     n      (cut),    114,    115,    118 
(cuts),  128,  129 

first  or  sexual  generation,  62  (cut) 
protonema,  63  (cut) 
resemblance  to  thallophyte,  63  (cut) 
surface  view  of  leaf,  34  (cut) 
rubellutn,  125 
squarrosum,  128 
SpJachnum,  genus,  204-207 
luieunt,  207 

apophysis,  59  (cut) 
columella,    59  (cut) 
rubrum,  31  (cut),  206 
Sporangium,  207 

of  fern,  69 
Spores,  30,  38  (cut) 
defined,  36 
ellipsoid,  80 
exit  of,  in  genus  Catharinea,  56,  57 

in  Polytrichum  mosses,  55 
germination  of,  38  (cut) 
fern,  germinating,  65 
Hepatic,  germinating,  65 
how    they    escape    from    Polytrichum 

mosses,  37 

leafy-moss,  germinating,  65 
origin  of,  51  (cut) 
polar-bilocular,  81 
Soreciia,  82 


Spore-case,  borne  on  side  of  stem,  3 1  (cut) 
borne  on  summit  of  pedicel,  31  (cut) 
cell  structure  of,  51 
closed,  s  (cut), 
columella  exposed,  55  (cut) 
defined,   35   (cut),   36 
developing  in  Marchantia,  97  (cut) 
development  of,  49 

illustrated     by     Sphagnum     acuti- 

folium,   53  (cut) 

favourable  positionsfor  obtaining  light,  5  7 
formation  of,  39 
homologies  of,  67 
immature,  31 
immersed,  30  (cut) 
of  fern,  68 

opening  by  a  lid,  30  (cut) 
opening  without  lid,  30  (cut) 
rim,  origin  of,  53 
situation,  30 
split  in  four  valves,  9 
spores  falling,  30 
teeth  four,   37 
teeth  in  one  row,  30 
in  two  rows,  30 
of,  in  Catharinea,   56 
wanting,  9 
thirty-two    teeth    surrounding   an   ept- 

phragm,   55  (cut) 
to  show  columella,  54  (cut) 
twisted,  60  (cut) 
two  rows  of  teeth,  31  (cut) 
wall,  origin  of,   53  (cut) 
with  anmilus  rolling  away,  37 
conical  veil,  50  (cut) 
eight  teeth  in  pairs,   37  (cut) 
four  teeth,  32,  54,  (cuts) 
hairy  veil,  32,  50,  (cuts) 
lid,  9,  48  (cut),  52 
lifted,  48  (cut) 
short  pedicel,  51 
thirty-two  teeth,  57,  123  (cut) 
veil,  48   (cut),  51 
without  lid,  52,  57 

teeth,  30 

wrinkling  of  wall  to  oust  spores,  38 
Spore-sac,   207,  53 
Sporogonia,  41 
Sporogonium,  48,  49 
defined,  49 

producing  protonema,  60 
wall  removed,  49  (cut) 
Sporophyte,  35 
fern,  68  (cut) 
Hepatic,  68,  69,  (cuts) 
homologies  of,  67 
moss  68,  69,  (cuts) 
origin  of,   39 
with  pores,  72 

Spotted  Lungwort,  a  cure  for  lung  trouble,  30 
Spread-leaved  Sphagnum,  plate  VII.,  128 
Squamulose,  88 
Starch,  44 
Stem,  The,  45 

cross  section  of,  46  (cut),    124 
producing  protonema,  60 
Stereocaulon  ramulosum,   23,  66 
Sterigmata,  27  (cut) 
Sticta,  genus,  28,  86,  87 
amplissima,  87 
pulmonaria,  colour  plate  XIV.  39,  87 

used  for  beer,  20 

Stictina  fuliginosa,   26,  87,  (cuts) 
Stipule,  64  (cut) 
Stolons,  224  (cut) 
Stomata,  203 

function  of,  73 
of  Funaria,  72  (cut) 
of  Hypnum.  72  (cut) 
of  Marchantia,  72  (cut) 


Stomata,  of  Polytrichum,   72  (cut) 

vertical  section  of,  72  (cut) 
Stone-loving  Andreaea,  132 
Stylus,  102  (cut) 
Sugar,   13 

Sulliyant,  William  S.,  142 
Synoicous,  48 

Tayloria  splachnoides,  54  (cut) 

columella  attached  to  base  of  spore-case, 

54  (cut) 
Thuidium,  sub-genus,  280,  281 

delicatulunt,    31,    282,    283    (cuts) 
minutulum,   55,   282,    (cuts) 

vertical  section  of  double  peristome. 

55  (cut) 

Teeth,  attached  by  tips,   33  (cut) 
cross-section  of  four,   54  (cut) 
development  of,  53 
eight,  33.  37,  (cuts) 
four,  37  ,  54  (cut) 
function  of,  37 
in  pairs,  54  (cut) 

lattice  work,  character  of,  54,  56  (cut) 
methods  of  opening,  37 
opening  of,  in  Catharinea,  56 
origin  of  varied  forms,  54 
sixty-four,   33   (cut) 
split  half-way  to  base,  37 
thirty-two,  33  (cut) 
varieties  of,  37 
with  crescent-shaped  fibres,  56 
Tennyson,  6. 
Terete,  80 

Tetraplodon,  genus,  202—204 
angustatus,  202 
mnioides,  203,  204  (cuts) 

branch     with     male     and     female 

clusters,  39  (cuts) 
female  branch,  63 
monoicous    inflorescence   fertile 

branch,  39  (cut) 
peristome  with  single  row  of  teeth 

in  pairs,  54 
plant    sho  wing    male    and    female 

branches,    39   (cut) 
spore-case   without   lid,    54  (cut) 
summit  of  spore-case,  54  (cut) 
with  lid  54  (cut) 
with   teeth,    37    (cut) 
tip  of  spore-case,  53  (cut) 
with  apophysis  larger  than   spore- 
case,   60  (cut) 
Tetradontium,  genus,  198 

repandum,  198  (cuts),  199 

spore-case  with  conical  veil,  50  (cut) 
Thalline  exciple,  27 
Thalloid,  93 
Thallophytes,  66,  71 
algae,  63 
bacteria,   63 

compared  with  bryophytes,  63 
fungi,  63 
why  so  called,  63 
Thallus,  8,  64 

cross  section  of,  80  (cut) 
denned,   64 

vertical  section  of,  80  (cut) 
Theophrastus,  19 

"Thorn  with  lichens  overgrown,"  12 
Thread  -moss,   216 
Tooth,  52  (cut) 
Top-moss,  208 
Torn-veil  Mosses,  180 
Trabecvdate,  213 
Tracheae,  44 

"Trees  o'ercome  with  moss,"  12 
Trematodon,  genus,  147-150 
ambiguum,  149  (cuts) 

autoicous  inflorescence,  40 


ambiguum,    vertical   sections   of    single 
peristome,  52  (cut) 

longicollis,  150 
Trichostomum  tophaceum,  17 
True  mosses,  distinguishing  characters,  9 

Ulota,  genus,  184-188 

asexual  generation,  65 
crispa,  186 

collum  of,  57,  65 
double  row  of  teeth,  52 
lid,  65 
pedicel,  65 
spore-case,  65 
vaginule,    57,   65 
veil,    65    (cut) 

Hutchinsia,  187  (cuts),  188  (cut) 
part  of  peristome,  33  (cut) 
spore-case,  33  (cut) 
phyllantha,  187 

portion  of  leaf  with  gemmae  on  the 

apex,  58 

Ultima  Thule,  223 
Underwood,  Dr.  L.  M.,  61 
Usnea,  genus,  80,  81, 

barbata,  19,  25  (cut),  80  (cuts),  136 

promotes  growth  of  hair,  20 
trichodea,  81 
Utricles,  114,  129 

Vacuole,  38  (cut),  64  (cut) 
Vaginule,  57  (cut),  122  (cut) 

defined,  53  (cut) 

homology  of,  57 

of  Ulota  crispa,   57  (cut) 
Vascular  bundles  defined,  69 

rudimentary,  71 
Vegetative  part,  43 

homologies  of,  67 
Veil,    31 

conical,  50,  55  (cuts) 

covering  young  sporogonium,  50  (cut) 

defined,  35 

hairy,  32,  50  (cuts) 
due  to,  50 

of  Hepatic,  71  (cut),  94  (cut),  95 

split  up  on  one  side,  51  (cut) 
Vein  defined,  43 

extending  part  way  to  apex,  43  (cut) 
to  apex,  42 

solid,  43  (cut) 

thickened  cells  of,  45  (cut) 
Venus,  249 

Vermes  compared  with  Hepaticce,  62 
Vesicle,  67 
Villous,  86 
Virgin  Mary,   249 

Wainio,  Dr.,  86 

Water,  necessity  of,  32 

Water-measuring  Cord-moss,  210 

Wavy-leaved  Catharinea,  242 

Weiss,  Frederigo  Wilhelm,  146 

Whip  Fork-nioss,  1 54 

White  mosses,  34,   161 

Whittier.  n,  15 

Wildenow,  Carl  Ludwig,  254 

Wood-ducts,  44 

Woolly  Torn- veil  Moss,  181 

Wordsworth,  n 

Xanthoria  parictina,  colour  plate  II.,  20,  81 
a  cure  for  jaundice,  20 

Yellow  Collar-moss,  207 
rosettes,  3 
Wall-lichen,  20.  81 


GARDEN   CITY,  N.  7. 


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