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This Volume is for 






Seasoned life of man preserved and stored up in books." 


MY DIARIES 1888-1914 
by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt 

by Emma Goldman 

by William Gerhardi 


by Francis Toys 

by E. A. Rheinhardt 


by M. E. Ravage 
These are Borzoi Books published by Alfred A. Knopf 


Mrs. Lincoln in her wedding dress. 




ranam o^/mcom 





Copyright 1932 by Alfred A. Knopf y Inc. 

All rights reserved no part of this book may be reprinted 

in any form without permission in writing from the publisher 

First Edition 

Manufactured in the United States of America 


public man or woman, one can expect to find some- 
thing of a printed record. If the study is based on the sub- 
ject's connection with high lights of history, the sources of 
information are easily accessible. Nor is there a dearth of 
material when one delves somewhat more into the private 
life of a person who is very much under public observation. 
Free access to a few good libraries generally suffices to make 
available as much material as can be used. But when one 
undertakes a study of a wife and mother who lived over 
fifty years ago, even though her husband was President of 
the United States, the task is not so easy. If the undertaking 
includes an investigation of her behavior private as well 
as public the difficulties are greater. To attempt to ex- 
plain that behavior in the light of more modern views of 
personality adds to the difficulties. 

There are many Abraham Lincoln collectors and a large 
Lincoln literature, but there are no Mrs. Lincoln collectors, 
and no collection of Mrs. Lincoln literature. It is true that 
much has been written about the wife of the first president 
to be assassinated, but it is not assembled. The material 
must be sought for in many places. 

It is a pleasure for me to acknowledge the help I have 
had, and to express my appreciation thereof and gratitude 
therefor to : 

Mrs. J. O. Wynn, my sister, who visited Lexington, Ken- 
tucky, three times and there interviewed Mrs. Emilie Todd 
Helm, her three children, and others relatives of Mrs. 
Lincoln and descendants of friends of her family. Mrs. 
Wynn read the files of the Lexington papers from 1817 to 
1 840 and other documents in the Lexington Public Library 


and in the library of Transylvania College. She read the 
Draper Collection in the State Historical Society of Wis- 
consin, and the Durrett Collection in the University of 

Mrs. I. D. Rawlings, wife of my long-time associate in 
the Chicago and the Illinois Departments of Health, who 
read the files of the Springfield papers, and other documents 
and books, in the Illinois State Historical Society, Spring- 

The following libraries for access to their Lincoln mate- 
rial and newspaper files given either to me personally or 
to someone helping with the investigation : those of the Chi- 
cago Tribune, the Chicago Historical Society, and the Il- 
linois State Historical Society, the Newberry Library, the 
library of the University of Chicago, the Chicago Public 
Library, the library of the State Historical Society of Wis- 
consin, that of Transylvania College, the Lexington Public 
Library, the John Hay Library of Brown University, the 
Congressional Library, the New York Public Library, the 
Huntington Library, the library of the Union League Club 
of Chicago, and that of the Lincoln Historical Research 
Foundation; to the librarians and their assistants for in- 
telligent guidance and help, especially Mildred Burke, of the 
Chicago Tribune Library, Mrs. Harriet Taylor, of the 
Newberry Library, and Mrs. Charles F. Norton, of Tran- 
sylvania College Library. 

Dr. B. J. Cigrand, of Batavia, Illinois, who undertook to 
find what medical record the Bellevue Place Sanatorium had 
of Mrs. Lincoln. When he found that the sanatorium had 
not saved any of Dr. R. J. Patterson's notes or the history 
sheets of Mrs. Lincoln's mental illness, Dr. Cigrand put 
at my disposal his collection of newspaper references to 
Mrs. Lincoln, consisting principally of items appearing in 
the Fox River Valley papers, and those of Chicago in 1875. 

Oliver R. Barrett and Judge Henry Horner of Chicago, 
who gave me access to their Lincoln material, permitted me 



to use part of their collections, and helped me to get court 

William H. Townsend, of Lexington, Kentucky, who also 
helped me to get court records, and assisted in many other 

John G. Oglesby and David Davis, of Illinois, for their 
kindness; and Dean Harry E. Pratt, of Blackburn College, 
Illinois, who made known to me some sources. 

Dr. Louis A. Warren, of the Lincoln Historical Research 
Foundation, Fort Wayne, Indiana; and Paul M. Angle, 
of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, Illinois; 
M. L. Houser, Peoria, Illinois; and George F. Harnbrecht, 
Madison, Wisconsin. 

All those who permitted the use of their material, and to 
whom I hope I have given credit in each instance. 

The relatives of Mrs. Lincoln wherever they have helped. 
Much of the material of interest is not of a nature that eas- 
ily gets into print. An extensive correspondence with de- 
scendants of Mrs. Lincoln's nearer relatives was undertaken. 
Several were visited and interviewed. The courtesy and for- 
bearance of these ladies and gentlemen, in spite of the fact 
that they were asked direct and often intimate questions, 
some of which were not pleasant to either party, is gratefully 

A group of physicians who specialize in mental diseases 
Drs. C. A. Neymann, Charles F. Read, David B. Rot- 
man, Meyer Solomon, W. G. Stearns. It would not have 
been possible for me to interpret Mrs. Lincoln's behavior, 
to understand her personality, or to form opinions as to her 
responsibility in different relations and at different times, 
had it not been for their help. In a few instances I submitted 
statements of facts to them for their explanation. More fre- 
quently the points in question were the subject of extended 
discussions in person. Neither individually nor collectively 
are they responsible for what I have written, but I hope they 
will accept my acknowledgment of their guidance. 




ROBERT S. TODD Facing page 34 

From a portrait owned by Mrs. Emitie Helm 


From a fhotografh in the Frederick H. Meserve collection 


From a fhotografh in the Frederick H. Meserve collection 


From a fhotografh in the Frederick H. Meserve collection 












From a drawing 



From a photograph taken in Princeton^ Illinois ; July 4, 2856 


From a photograph owned by Oliver R. Barrett 



From a photograph owned by S. R. Cameron 


From a f holograph in the Frederick H. Meserve collection 


From a picture owned by the Chicago Historical Society 





From a portrait, now owned by William H. Townsend, fainted 
by Katherine Helm 


From a photograph owned by S. R. Cameron 





From a photograph owned by Oliver R. Barrett 

T TxrrrfcT XT 


Truth is generally tfie best vindication against slander. 


So very difficult a matter is it to trace and "find out the truth of anything 
by history. 



and I were discussing Abraham Lincoln, particularly the 
quality of his mind. The subject was intriguing, for Lin- 
coln's mind presents more than one phase that is not under- 
stood. Many of his moods cannot be measured by ordinary 

To explain him requires considerable knowledge of the 
laws of inheritance; no small understanding of biology, 
physiology, and anatomy, and of psychology and psycho- 
analysis, and behavior in relation to these sciences. To 
know the politics, the customs, and the habits of his period, 
and the episodes and incidents of his life, is not enough. 

Presently the influence of Mrs. Lincoln on her husband 
became the theme of discussion. In his short autobiographi- 
cal sketch x written in December 1859, Lincoln said in sub- 
stance that when he came of age (which was about when 
he arrived in Illinois), he could read and write, and cipher 
to the rule of three, and that was about all. It is given to 
few men to grow as much as Lincoln did between 1830 and 
1865, or even as much as he did between 1840 and 1865. 
How much of the transformation was due to the influence 
of Mrs. Lincoln? We had no answer. We were compelled 
to admit that however little one really knew about Lincoln's 
mind, our knowledge of Mrs. Lincoln's was less. It was not 
possible to discuss intelligently the influence of the wife on 
the husband without a better understanding than we had 
of her. 

Dr. Barton said (rather than asked) : " Why don't you 
make a study of Mrs. Lincoln? " He had in mind a study 

1 Bibliography, No. 57. 


of her personality rather than one dealing with the inci- 
dents of her life. 

The primary reason for this present study lay in a wish 
to comply with Dr. Barton's suggestion, principally because 
he had made it. The intent did not carry beyond a wish to 
gather some information and to mature some opinions that 
he might make use of should he write a book on the mind 
of Lincoln. I knew he was contemplating a book on this 
subject, to be one of his group dealing with different aspects 
of the life of Abraham Lincoln. 

Other interests, as well as other Lincoln books, engaged 
the time of Dr. Barton, and he died before he had set down 
his opinions of Lincoln's mentality. Meanwhile I was be- 
coming more interested in the subject assigned me. I found 
myself asking how much Mrs. Lincoln's mind influenced 
that of her husband. In how far was she responsible for de- 
cisions he made and positions he held that shaped the 
history of the country in crucial times? Gradually the wish 
to find an answer to these questions for myself was added to 
the wish to help Dr. Barton in fact, was overshadowing 
that primary purpose if not eclipsing it. 

At about this time a third reason for this work came into 
existence. One day I went to a library and asked the at- 
tendant to give me what she had dealing with Mrs. Lincoln. 
When the material was produced, it dealt principally with 
Mr. Lincoln; there was little about his wife. I turned most 
of it back, saying: "I am not looking for material on 
Mr. Lincoln now. I am making a study of Mrs. Lincoln*" 
The librarian's comment was : " The poor woman lived 
a life of trouble. She was censured bitterly. She had many 
enemies. Her reputation is an unhappy one. She died in 
trouble. She was buried in peace. Why dig her up? Why 
not let the world forget?" Since then I have heard the 
same statements made by a number of other people. 

Very few people think of Mrs. Lincoln at all, or have 
any real opinion about her. This does not prevent many 



of them from repeating, somewhat superficially, what they 
have read or heard about her. Ay, and sometimes with 
some show of emotion. If such expressions can be called a 
prevailing opinion, then one may say that it is generally 
accepted that Mrs. Lincoln was and is not deserving of the 
goodwill of her fellow-countrymen. 

I gave thought to the question whether I should stop or 
go on. There were a few relatives, including some de- 
scendants. If Mrs. Lincoln deserved the reputation that 
most people said she bore, it would be considerate of the 
feelings of these relatives to stop, as I was advised to do. 
But perhaps she did not deserve her reputation. Shakspere 
wrote : " The evil that men do lives after them ; the good 
is oft interred with their bones." The possibility that Mrs. 
Lincoln's good had been interred with her bones was suf- 
ficient to warrant study. 

I learned that one of the White House staff, W. O. 
Stoddard, suspected that something was wrong with her, 
soon after he commenced having opportunities to observe 
her. He was nonplussed, whereupon wise beyond the 
times he consulted a medical man who also wise be- 
yond the times explained it to him. In the light of that 
explanation he saw that she was irresponsible. He had told 
this in a book that was widely read in the latter part of the 
last century. 1 I found abundant evidence that Mrs. Lincoln 
was not responsible for many things she did and said, 
and that in addition she was the victim of much slander and 
libel. Many false charges were made against her, first and 
last. If she was condemned unfairly, held responsible when 
she was not, and lied about as well, was it fair to leave her 
reputation as it stood? Desire to uncover the truth and, by 
telling it, to secure justice for her became a third reason for 
the study. 

At this stage of the investigation it was plain that a 
simple recital of facts was not enough. Conclusions as to 

1 Bibliography, No. 167. 


search was in some measure a branching off from the main 
stem of the inquiry. But how often men suffer because of 
things beyond their control I And is the effect less real ? 

And, finally, there is a reason that will appeal to others 
more than it did to me, though it was one that actuated me 
somewhat. The reference is to the truth or falsity of charges 
that were made against Mrs. Lincoln. If a charge is proved 
false, our major interest is transferred to the personality 
of the accuser. And yet, in a study of personality, we must 
consider false charges as well as true, for the false ones 
also hurt. How much of what was said against Mrs. Lin- 
coln was true; how much untrue? How much was her per- 
sonality injured by this gossip, true or untrue? 


It is said that more has been written about Abraham 
Lincoln than about any other man in history, Jesus Christ 
alone excepted. The number of books and magazine articles 
dealing with Napoleon does not equal those devoted to 
the martyred President. In comparison with her husband, 
Mrs. Lincoln appears to have been neglected; not so when 
she is compared with the wives of other presidents, 

While people condemned her and jeered at her, she was 
an enigma to them. Curiosity, and interest in the mysterious 
and unexplainable, have made people anxious to read of 
Mrs. Lincoln, and writers, sensing the demand, have at- 
tempted to respond as they have not done in the case of 
other White House ladies at least, not to the same de- 
gree. What was written has been reasonably adequate in 
so far as it has supplied biographical facts and details. But 
all the while there has been a craving for the reason why, 
and that has not been satisfied. 

The biographies of Abraham Lincoln are uneven In their 
treatment of Mrs. Lincoln. Some do not mention her and 



others barely do; while, at the other extreme, the biogra- 
phies of Herndon and those based on Herndon furnish 
the corner-stone on which rests the present-day opinion of 
Mrs. Lincoln. 


Dr. Barton's paper before the Illinois Historical Society 
in I929 1 is a valuable analysis of Lincoln biographies. It 
should be read as a part of every study of Lincoln literature. 

When Lincoln entered Congress, he wrote that famous 
and often quoted biographical sketch for the Congressional 
Directory, which is so revealing as to the character of its 
author, but is thoroughly unsatisfactory as a source of 
biographical data. In this statement he did not mention his 
wife. The next biographical sketch of any importance was 
that written for Jesse Fell, 2 to be used in a Pennsylvania 
newspaper. This was a factual document, written by Lin- 
coln himself, after the Lincoln-Douglas debates and before 
the ensuing presidential election. It was written for political 
purposes, and no mention is made of Mrs. Lincoln. This is 
the earliest genuine source of first-hand Lincoln biographi- 
cal material. It was the only source on which the general 
run of campaign political writers drew in 1860. 

Among the campaign lives which appeared in 1860, there 
was one, the John L. Scripps Life,* of which M. L. Houser, 
in a foreword in the 1931 edition, writes: ". . . is the 
only biography of himself that Mr. Lincoln ever author- 
ized, revised, and endorsed. . . . Lincoln insisted that 
every statement, however unimportant, should be meticu- 
lously accurate. To insure that, he requested that the manu- 
script be submitted to him before publication." In this 
Scripps Life there is one paragraph about Mrs. Lincoln, 
in which this is found: " Mrs. Lincoln is a lady of charming 
presence, of superior intelligence, of accomplished manners, 

* Bibliography, No. 12, p. 58. Bibliography, No. 156, pp. 55 and 36. 

a Bibliography, No. 57. 


and in every respect well fitted to adorn the position in 
which the election of her husband to the presidency will 
place her. The courtesies of the White House have never 
been more appropriately and gracefully dispensed than 
they will be during the administration of Mr. Lincoln." 
This statement has the flavor of a campaign document, but 
it has the merit of having been scrutinized by the man who 
knew the facts better than anyone else in the world. 

After the election of 1860, there were no Lincoln biogra- 
phies until 1864, and those of that year had no merit except 
from the political standpoint. 

Following the assassination of the President there came 
a flood of studies of the man, his career, and his personality. 
The first biography of this type and group to appear was 
that of Holland. 1 On May 23, 1865 the Chicago Tribune 
published a telegram from Springfield which read : " Dr. 
J. G. Holland is in the city collecting statistics and items 
for his forthcoming life of Abraham Lincoln." This work 
was finished in the autumn of 1865 and appeared the fol- 
lowing year. It was one of the considerable group of Lin- 
coln biographies which supply almost no information about 
the President's wife or his domestic affairs. If he heard of 
Ann Rutledge while in Springfield, or central Illinois, Hol- 
land was not impressed by what he heard. 

The defect of these biographies if omission of refer- 
ences to the martyred President's wife, his domestic affairs, 
and even his personality is to be so considered was soon 
to be remedied. 

Dr. Holland's visit stirred into activity a long-cherished 
ambition of William H. Herndon. On June 3 another tele- 
gram from Springfield to the Chicago Tribune announced: 
" Mr. W. H. Herndon, his old law partner, is preparing 
to write a life of Abraham Lincoln." " Mr. Herndon," the 
telegram added, " is well qualified for the task, having been 
a partner of Mr. Lincoln since soon after His coming to 

1 Bibliography, No. 79. 


Springfield. The partnership had not terminated when Mr. 
Lincoln became President. It continued, at least nominally, 
while Mr. Lincoln was in the White House, and did not end 
until Mr. Lincoln died." 

This statement as to Herndon's opportunities for know- 
ing Lincoln intimately was well within the facts. From 1841 
to 1 86 1 no other man saw so much of Lincoln or was so 
intimately associated with him. It is said that Herndon at- 
tracted Lincoln's interest because of his outspoken opposi- 
tion to slavery, when he was a student at Illinois College. 
Since his father was said to be in favor of slavery, young 
Herndon was expected to take sides with the pro-slavery 
group. It was at a time when the feeling between two Jack- 
sonville factions those from New England and those 
from Southern antecedents was hottest. At a meeting 
discussing the support given Lovejoy by President Beecher 
of Illinois College, young Herndon made a telling speech 
against slavery. This brought down on him the wrath of the 
stronger local faction, as well as the violent anger of his 

In 1842 Mr. Lincoln had served two legal apprentice- 
ships as a junior partner in law firms. The first was with 
Judge John T. Stuart. The second was with an even abler 
lawyer, Judge Stephen T. Logan. Feeling that the need of 
apprenticeship had been met, he was planning to organize 
a firm in which he would be the senior member. It was 
commonly accepted that office detail was not to his liking. 
He needed a junior partner who would relieve him of some 
of the burden that both Stuart and Logan had expected 
him to carry. 

Mrs. Lincoln wrote Judge David Davis that her hus- 
band regarded Herndon merely " as an office drudge," and 
intimated that he was not regarded as an equal, or even as 
a meritorious subordinate. But this she wrote in the white 
heat of her resentment of the Herndon stories about Lin- 
coln and Ann Rutledge and herself. She knew better. 



However, there are three outstanding exceptions: W. O. 
Stoddard, I. N. Arnold, and H. B. Rankin. 

Stoddard * writes of the Washington life in the present 
tense, making his statements appear to have been written 
before 1865. His book was not published, however, until 
1884 and he doubtless read Lamon's work and some of 
the lectures and newspaper articles by Herndon before he 
finished writing. Nevertheless, he writes of what he saw 
and heard, and gives little or no evidence of having been 
influenced by Herndon. 

Arnold began gathering material for his biography prior 
to the assassination of the President. In 1867 he finished 
his History of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation of 
the Slaves. 2 E. B. Washburne tells us that Arnold was not 
satisfied with this as a life of Lincoln, and in 1882 he began 
writing the Life, which he finished in i884. 8 This work tells 
of Lincoln's personality, his domestic affairs, and his wife, 
making less use of the Herndon material than did any of 
the biographers writing of the more personal side of the 

Rankin, 4 who wrote many years later, was well aware of 
what Herndon had written as well as said about Mrs. Lin- 
coln, but, far from following him, he undertook to refute 

These are about the only Lincoln biographers dealing 
with Mrs. Lincoln that do not follow the Herndon material. 
However, Barton, Carl Sandburg, and, in her later writ- 
ings, Ida M. Tarbell often disagree with Herndon. When 
Tarbell began, she followed the Herndon material and 
did not question his story of the projected wedding and all 
its embroidery, the Ann Rutledge myth, and the opinions 
he expressed of Mrs. Lincoln. Some twenty-five years later, 
as the result of independent investigation consisting largely 
in interviews with Mrs. Lincoln's family and others having 

1 Bibliography, No. 167. Bibliography, No. 4. 

1 Bibliography, No. 3. Bibliography, No. 149. 


intimate knowledge of the subject, she changed her opinion, 
coming to the conclusion that the story of the planned mar- 
riage was " the work of a morbid imagination building on 
flimsy, indirect evidence." * 

Herndon loved Lincoln, even though he chastened him; 
but he had no liking for Lincoln's wife. This is his own 
story of how the cruel war began: It was in 1839. Miss 
Todd had but recently arrived in Springfield. She was at a 
dance and had just finished waltzing with Herndon. " A few 
moments later, as we were promenading through the hall, 
I thought to compliment her graceful dancing by telling her 
that while I was conscious of my own awkward movements, 
she seemed to glide through the waltz with the ease of a 
serpent. Her eyes flashed as she replied : c Mr. Herndon, 
comparison to a serpent is rather severe irony, especially 
to a newcomer.' " 2 Since the garden of Eden the Eves have 
resented reptilian comparisons. 

The ill will between Mrs. Lincoln and Herndon smol- 
dered through all the Springfield years. It burned high 
when Herndon lectured and when he wrote the Lincoln 

He conceived the theory that Mrs. Lincoln married for 
revenge. In his discussion of Mrs. Lincoln he first mentions 
her antecedents, family connections, and education and 
training. Then he tells of her Springfield history and covers 
the failure of Lincoln to marry Mary Todd in January 
1841. To this theme he devotes several pages. After that 
he considers the events that led up to the wedding, and the 
wedding itself. This is the background for an exposition of 
Mrs. Lincoln's attitude toward Mr. Lincoln. He says: 8 
" Miss Todd first loved Abraham Lincoln but the failure to 
marry her, in January 1 841, changed that emotion to the one 
which animated her until 1865 But the disappointment 

i Bibliography, No. 170, p. 237. 

Bibliography, No. 7a, Vol. II, p. 209. 

Bibliography, No. 758, Vol. II, pp. 230, 433, 434. 



had crushed her proud, womanly spirit. She felt degraded in 
the eyes of the world. Love fled at the approach of re- 
venge. . . . Whether Mrs. Lincoln really was moved by 
the spirit of revenge or not, she acted along the lines of 
human conduct. She led her husband a wild and merry 
dance. If, in time, she became soured at the world, it was 
not without provocation; and if, in her later years, she 
unchained the bitterness of a disappointed and outraged 
nature, it followed as logically as an effect does the cause." 
Later he wrote: " Besides, who knows but she may have 
acted out in her conduct toward her husband the laws of 
human revenge?" 

Herndon conveys the impression that revenge, or its 
equivalent, was the key to those acts of Mrs. Lincoln that 
puzzled so many people. In order to support the thesis he 
exaggerates what happened or did not happen in January 
1841. In furtherance of his thesis, too, he made use of 
things he knew and things he learned from Springfield 
gossip ; and doubtless he again exaggerated. 

Commenting on this theory, Newton 1 said: "While 
Herndon was right as to his facts, his inference from them 
was nothing short of absurd. That the proud, high-spirited 
Mary Todd held fast to so forlorn a lover for revenge is 
hardly less believable than the legend that she foresaw his 
future distinction." 

Doubtless a considerable part of Mrs. Lincoln's reputa- 
tion is due to the myth for which Herndon was responsible. 


In constructing a story that would give him his revenge 
against Mrs. Lincoln, Herndon developed the Ann Rutledge 
romance. Since the public needed a romance to round out the 
Lincoln they wanted to believe in, they accepted this story 
even though they did not care for the author's work as a 

1 Bibliography, No. 127, p. 322. 


whole. When Herndon went to New Salem to talk with the 
old Lincoln friends, he heard something of a possible love- 
affair with Miss Rutledge, the daughter of the hotel-keeper 
with whom Lincoln had once boarded. Out of the little 
neighborhood gossip drawn from dim memories, he devel- 
oped the Ann Rutledge myth. 

Herndon returned to Springfield and began work on the 
lectures out of which he was to build a book. He wrote to 
Mrs. Lincoln and asked for an interview. On September 
6, 1866 she went to Springfield to visit her husband's grave, 
and on that occasion she met Herndon and they had a long 
and intimate conversation about Mr. Lincoln. She gave 
him much information that he wanted, but he made no refer- 
ence to the marriage for revenge, the disappointed bride, 
the Ann Rutledge story, or to his intention to give lectures 
on the domestic life of the Lincolns. 

Newton x wrote : " The lecture on the domestic affairs 
of the Lincoln family, on Mrs. Lincoln, and in which he 
brought out the Ann Rutledge affair, was delivered in 1866. 
Parts of it appeared in the papers at the time and created 
a flurry of comment." It came to the attention of Mrs. 
Lincoln and Robert, and it also doubtless came to that of 
many persons who were to write Lincoln biographies within 
the next quarter-century. 

At the time Herndon created the Ann Rutledge myth, 
Ann had been dead thirty years. Decades after that lec- 
ture Barton found a letter to Ann, written by her brother 
in school at Jacksonville and received after she was attacked 
with her fatal illness. This letter was inferentially sup- 
portive of the statement that Ann had some plans for col- 
lege. A part of the story is that Lincoln had persuaded her 
to try to get an education at Jacksonville. Barton also heard 
from some of the young woman's relatives that there was 
a family rumor that Ann and Abraham Lincoln had been 

1 Bibliography, No. 127, p. 295. 


sweethearts. When Barton heard of this family tradition, 
it was more than eighty years after Ann Rutledge's death, 
and more than fifty years after Herndon had started the 
ball rolling, and it is not certain whether these relatives had 
heard the legend from without or from within the family 
circle. It may have been that they heard it directly or in- 
directly from Herndon. Since not even Herndon found as 
much basis for the story as did Barton, it is important that 
the latter was firm in his conviction that the story was a 

I have run across two letters from Mrs. Lincoln, and 
one from Robert, in which they gave their reaction to it. 
These letters were written in protest against the Herndon 
lecture and particularly against the alleged early romance 
and the attack on Mrs. Lincoln. 1 Mrs. Lincoln wrote that 
Mr. Lincoln regarded Herndon " as an office drudge," and 
as such treated him. His habits made him impossible. In 
what he wrote about Ann Rutledge he was untruthful and 
worse. One who reads these letters understands that the 
members of the Lincoln family resented the attacks on 
Mrs. Lincoln and rejected in all of its essentials the roman- 
tic phases of the Ann Rutledge story. 

I am convinced that there was no adequate basis for 
the story. The theory that this love-affair was a major fac- 
tor in shaping Abraham Lincoln's life is founded on emo- 
tion and is without logic, sense, or foundation in fact. But, 
however much of a myth it was, it served Herndon's pur- 
pose well. Having demolished Mrs. Lincoln's reputation, he 
was left under the necessity of finding a romance for Abra- 
ham Lincoln. 2 

1 These letters are in a privately owned collection. Robert Lincoln's letter indi- 
cates that Herndon gave his lecture more than once. He was emphatic in his con- 
demnation of Herndon, and Mrs. Lincoln was even more so. 

* After the above had been written, Dr. G. Koehler called my attention to the 
Editor's Preface by P. M. Angle, in a recent printing of the Herndon-Weik Abraham 
Lincoln, issued by A. & C. Boni (Bibliography, No. 750, pp. aodx, xli, xliii, xliv). 
I am in accord with Mr. Angle's opinions of Herndon as a biographer. His distinc- 



^r^r^^r^r^j- j- j- ^- j-u^^x*- J-U-L^-^- ***-^-ffr*r-*-r- f r- 1- - ^^^ ~> ~ . ^ ^ ^ ^ . 

After the Herndon lectures and his writings covering 
Mrs. Lincoln and Ann Rutledge, that vague something 
public opinion had no great difficulty in loving and laud- 
ing Lincoln and at the same time berating and condemning 
his wife, particularly as Mrs. Lincoln's acts made it so easy 
to blame her. 


There is but one Mary Lincoln biographer in a real sense, 
and that is Katherine Helm, though Honore Willsie Mor- 
row's fiction is based on quite comprehensive investigation 
and use of factual material. Miss Helm had her mother's 
magazine article about Mrs. Lincoln in her possession, as 
well as a great deal of family data obtained by her mother. 
This included the Elizabeth Humphreys Norris letter. 

Other stories dealing with Mrs. Lincoln in certain periods 
are valuable sources of information. These several sources, 
supplying biographical data about Mrs. Lincoln, are best 
discussed by periods. 

tion between Herndon as a reporter of what he saw and as a psychologist and 
analyzer is interesting and valuable. 

I am sure that Herndon always intended to tell the truth, the whole truth, and 
nothing but the truth; and when he is telling what he knew, his record should not 
be questioned. His explanations and interpretations are not so dependable, since 
they contain too much of what the newspapers call editorial view-point. Especially 
was this true in those fields in which there was controversy about his statements. 
The reader will see that my interpretation of the value of Herndon's report of the 
Ann Rutledge story and the proposed wedding of January 1841 are almost identical 
with those of Angle. 

The following are some of his views as to the Ann Rutledge affair: "The possi- 
bility of error must be reckoned with. ... It is difficult to accept at face value 
Herndon's account of the cataclysmic effect of Ann's death on Lincoln. . . . The 
enduring effect is, of course, pure inference. No better example can be found of the 
absurdities to which Herndon's propensity for drawing inferences led him." (The 
last sentence refers to the revenge theory.) Angle quotes the Chicago Tribune 
as terming the Ann Rutledge episode "an idle tale." 



The best source of information is a genealogy of the 
Todd-Parker-Porter family, written by Emilie Todd Helm, 
for the Kittdchtinny Magazine. 1 Mrs. Helm also covered 
the story in her magazine article on Mrs. Lincoln, 2 as did 
Miss Helm 8 and William H. Townsend * in their books. 
Some additional facts are found in publications of the Penn- 
sylvania, Kentucky, and Illinois Historical Societies. The 
Columbia, Missouri, branch of the Todd family wrote some 
informing letters that are found in the Draper Collection, 
Wisconsin Historical Society. 

1818 TO 1826 

There is no source of information for this period. The 
biographers of Mrs. Lincoln dismiss it with a few chance 

1826 TO 1839 

What we really know about Mary Todd after 1826 and 
until she reached Springfield is nearly limited to what is 
found in the letter written to Mrs. Helm by her cousin 
Mrs. Norris, years after the occurrence of the events re- 
corded. Mrs. Norris was a Miss Humphreys, a niece of 
Mrs. Betsy Humphreys Todd, who lived with her aunt in 
the Lexington home for several years and roomed with 
Mary Todd during some of this time. Both went to the 
Ward School and were in the same classes. After 1832, 
when Mary was in Mentelle's, Miss Humphreys continued 
to live in the Todd home for a few years and saw Mary on 
week-ends and at school parties. During vacations they 
visited Frankfort and went together to parties and other 
social affairs. 

1 Bibliography, No. 7. Bibliography, No. 73. 

* Bi bliography, No. 72. * Bibliography, No. 176. 


SOURCES, 1826 TO 1851 

The text of this long letter indicates that after Mrs. Lin- 
coln had come into public notice, Mrs. Helm, remembering 
her cousin's companionship with her half-sister, asked Mrs. 
Norris for her opinions and observations. This letter came 
in reply. In writing of Mary Todd's Lexington life Mrs. 
Helm 1 did not have much printed or written material ex- 
cept Mrs. Morris's letter. Miss Helm 2 made extensive use 
of it also. Both mother and daughter drew on family recol- 
lection and tradition to supplement this letter. 

The sources of information about the social and political 
life of Lexington were found in the Transylvania Library 
and the City Library of Lexington, and in those of the Uni- 
versity of Chicago and the Wisconsin Historical Society. 

1839 TO 1851 

A valuable source of information about Mrs. Lincoln in 
the forties is what may be termed the " Springfield tradi- 
tion." This consists principally in what is commonly called 
" back-fence gossip." Some of it has found its way into 
books ; part of it one hears by talking with old residents of 
Springfield. As a source it needs to be carefully weighed. 
Much of it has the usual faults of ordinary gossip. Much of 
it has been flavored by political considerations, by the back- 
wash of the myths, by personal animosities, and by the natu- 
ral tendency of all gossip to grow. 

Mrs. Lincoln wrote few letters during this period. She 
was too busy with her babies and her household cares. 
A few that she did write have been preserved and are 
available. Among them are the Peoria letters, and corre- 
spondence between Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln while he was in 
Congress. These tell us something about her. 

The expressions of her sisters Mrs. N. W. Edwards and 
Mrs. William Wallace, while written years later and being 
general estimates, are of great value, but they are far too 

1 Bibliography, No. 72. Bibliography, No. 73. 


SOURCES, 1851 TO 1861 

brief. Mrs. Helm's article, Miss Helm's book, and Town- 
send's books give incidents that are helpful sources of 

For Springfield lore the files of the Springfield Register 
and the Illinois State Journal, J. C. Power's History of 
Springfield, Illinois* Joseph Wallace's Past and Present of 
the City of Springfield and Sangamon County, 2 and C. M. 
Eames's Historic Morgan and Classic Jacksonville 8 supply 
material. Data about Springfield are also found in Knox's* 
and in Williams's 6 Springfield city directories; in the library 
of the Illinois Historical Society, Springfield; and in the 
Newberry Library and the library of the Chicago Histori- 
cal Society in Chicago. 

1851 TO 1861 

In the second half of Mrs. Lincoln's life in Springfield 
more of the family history was going into the record books 
than in the immediately preceding years. Lincoln was becom- 
ing a success and in some degree a national character, and 
there was a little more notice of his wife. Mrs. Helm visited 
Springfield, and she told and wrote of the life there. Miss 
Helm used several letters written to her mother by her aunt. 
Arnold was visiting the Lincoln home and later wrote of 
his visits ; and the same was true of O. H. Browning. Rankin 
was gaining the impressions which he was later to record. 
There was that same neighborhood gossip which later 
mingled with the Herndon lecture material to make the 
" Springfield tradition." The Lincoln statement to Fell, and 
the Lincoln-censored Scripps biography appeared in these 
years. What Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Wallace wrote of 
their sister was based on what they saw of her in this decade, 
as well as before and after it. Some of Mrs. Lincoln's letters 
written in the fifties have been preserved. 

* Bibliography, No. 144- * Bibliography, No. 95. 

! Biography, No. 180. Bibliography, No. 192. 

8 Bibliography, No. 51. 

SOURCES, 1861 TO 1865 

1861 TO 1865 

The sources of information about the Washington period 
are ample. Mrs. Lincoln wrote numerous letters, and many 
were kept. The lure of the White House stationery is 
great; few people destroy letters with the imprint of the 
White House, however trivial they may be and however un- 
important the subject. Mrs Lincoln's letters written in this 
period throw light on her qualities as well as on her activi- 
ties. A preponderance of her letters related to politics and 
particularly to political appointments. Members of her 
family were recipients of a goodly number of the letters, and 
a few went to old Springfield friends. 

A valuable source is the story of the White House life 
written by Mrs. Elizabeth Keckley, 1 Mrs. Lincoln's seam- 
stress, who had an opportunity to see " behind the scenes " 
in the Lincoln life during the White House period and for 
several years thereafter. Mrs. Helm spent a week or more 
with her half-sister after General Helm's death, and she 
kept a diary. Her story is of value. 2 Miss Helm used some 
of her mother's recollections and experiences in her book, 8 
and therefore it can be regarded as source material. 

Another valuable source is an article written by Mrs. 
Lincoln's first cousin Mrs. Elizabeth Todd Grimsley.* Mrs. 
Grimsley was one of the several members of the Springfield 
Todd family who attended the inaugural. She lived in the 
White House family circle for several months. 

For a view of social life in Washington, with some refer- 
ence to Mrs. Lincoln and her day, we get information from 
Ben Perley Poore, 5 Mrs. E. F. Ellett," Mary Ames Clem- 
mer, 7 Esther Singleton, 8 Genevieve Forbes Herrick, 9 Laura 
C. Holloway, 10 Edna M. Colman. 11 

1 Bibliography, No. 85. * Bibliography, No. 141. 9 Bibliography, No. 77. 

* Bibliography, No. 72. Bibliography, No. 53. 10 Bibliography, No. 80. 

* Bibliography, No. 73. 7 Bibliography, No. 41. ll Bibliography, No. 44- 

* Bibliography, No. 67. 8 Bibliography, No. 160. 


SOURCES, 1861 TO 1875 

Of those who wrote about the Lincoln family in the White 
House, Stoddard 1 was the clearest-headed and had the 
deepest insight. He was almost the only one who knew the 
reason for the vagaries of Mrs. Lincoln's conduct. Those 
who would understand Mrs. Lincoln would do well to begin 
their reading with Stoddard's book. How unfortunate that 
Herndon did not include a talk with him in his work of 
investigation ! 

For the first year of the Washington life Julia Taft 
Bayne 2 supplies valuable factual material about the Lin- 
coln family. 

The majority of the newspaper stories and political ac- 
counts that mention Mrs. Lincoln lose some value because 
of their partisan bias. This was an era of great political 
emotion, and Washington was the storm-center. That vague 
mass of mixed information and misinformation, of likes 
and dislikes, that elsewhere has been referred to as the 
" Lexington tradition " or the " Springfield tradition" was 
in operation in Washington as it was in the other places. 
More of the " Washington tradition," however, ultimately 
found its way into public print. 

1865 TO 1875 

Mrs. Keckley's narrative covers the time between 1861 
and 1870 and is our best source of information on one of 
the three outstanding episodes in the life of Mrs. Lincoln in 
these years. 

Mrs. Lincoln was a busy letter-writer. We do not know 
whether she was always so, but that she was when her bill 
for a pension was pending before Congress is proved by the 
number of letters written by her then that are still in ex- 
istence. That many of these were from Europe is one reason 
for their preservation; their coming from the widow of 
President Lincoln is another. I have read, and in some 

1 Bibliography, No. 168. * Bibliography, No. 17. 


SOURCES, 1865 TO 1875 

measure studied, many of them. I have been permitted to 
see one considerable collection written by Mrs. Lincoln and 
her son Robert. 

The Congressional Globe (Record) is a valuable source, 
as we should expect when we recall that Mrs. Lincoln's 
pension bill was hotly contested in two Congresses. 

The newspapers supply much source material. The con- 
troversy over the proposed sale of Mrs. Lincoln's ward- 
robe was almost exclusively newspaper agitation, and Mrs. 
Lincoln and her affairs came in for notice during the pension 
fight. Again, the newspapers gave space to Tad's death. 

The court records are valuable sources of information. 
When President Lincoln died, his estate went into court 
and remained there until after the death of Tad, a minor. 
Judge David Davis, the administrator, made periodic re- 
ports. Some of these referred to Mrs. Lincoln and the 
whereabouts and expenditures of both mother and son. 
The court records of the trial of Mrs. Lincoln for sanity 
supply information. In his testimony at Mrs. Lincoln's trial 
Dr. Willis Danf orth told of his patient's mental and physical 
health subsequent to the death of Tad. 

We may say that there is none of the vague collection of 
opinions and data that we call local tradition about Mrs. 
Lincoln in this period. She lived in Chicago most of the time, 
and that city paid very little attention to her. She went to 
Europe, but there she was almost unknown. She traveled 
elsewhere, but she did not remain long in any place visited. 
Her restlessness and mania for travel, manifested between 
1865 and 1875, were in part responsible for the lack of a 
tradition then. However, they were responsible for many 
letters now found in Mrs. Lincoln collections. 

The paucity of any record or source material for the 
years 1872 to 1874, inclusive, is remarkable. To a degree 
it was evidence that her aloofness had become pathologic. 

SOURCES, 1875 TO 1882 

1875 TO 1882 

The most impersonal, least biased, and, therefore, most 
dependable sources of information for the last period are 
the court records. Abraham Lincoln's estate was in court 
for several years after 1865 ; that of Tad from the date of 
his father's death until his own death in 1871. When Mrs. 
Lincoln was declared insane, in 1875, her estate went under 
the control of the court and there remained until late in 
1876. Upon her death, in 1882, the court again took charge. 

Neither Lincoln nor his wife made a will. In fact, will- 
making was never a habit in the Lincoln family. The Ken- 
tucky Abraham left no will, and the estate was settled by 
Kentucky law, greatly to the disadvantage of Thomas, a 
younger son. Thomas left no will. Robert T. Lincoln's will, 
filed a few years ago, was the first will of one of his 
Lincoln succession in certainly more than a hundred years. 
There may never have been a Lincoln will in this line prior 
to his. 

Since Tad Lincoln's estate was in charge of the court, 
it was the duty of Judge Davis, the administrator and Tad's 
guardian, to know where he was and what was happening to 
him. When Mrs. Lincoln was in charge of the court, it had a 
right to know, through the administrator and Dr. R. J. 
Patterson, the physician in charge of the sanatorium to 
which she was committed, what was happening to her. 

The next best sources of information are the files of 
the newspapers. The Chicago dailies carried comprehensive 
accounts of her two sanity trials. The comment was digni- 
fied and kindly, in marked contrast with that given the 
wardrobe and the pension episodes. At the time of her death 
the papers gave place to humane news stories and editorials. 

A search of the records of Bellevue Place Sanatorium dis- 
closes almost nothing relative to Mrs. Lincoln, but a mod- 
erate amount of information can be gleaned from letters 
and newspaper files. The principal sources of newspaper 


SOURCES, 1875 TO 1882 

information for this time are the files of the Aurora News- 

When the letters between Mrs. Lincoln and her friends 
Judge and Mrs. J. B. Bradwell were being exchanged, some 
of the reverberation reached the newspapers. At least one 
Chicago paper sent a reporter to Aurora, to write an article 
about Mrs. Lincoln and the sanatorium and provide a set- 
ting for it by telling of the attractions of the Fox River 

There has been access to a letter written by Dr. Patterson 
to a newspaper a letter stimulated by the Bradwell cor- 
respondence. Much about Mrs. Lincoln, published princi- 
pally at the time of her death, was found in the files of the 
Journal and the Register of Springfield, and in those of the 
Chicago papers. 

It is to be regretted that we have nothing of the Bradwell 
correspondence except the tradition. It was said that Mrs. 
Lincoln, writing from the sanatorium, charged her son with 
putting her there which was true and for improper 
motives which was not true. The world accepts these 
untrue charges as the natural attitude of a mentally dis- 
turbed person, particularly if the bent of the patient tends 
to be paranoid, 2 as was Mrs. Lincoln's. Insane people are 
generally obsessed with the urge to write letters, and in 
doing so they frequently make accusations. Well-informed 
people recognize this and are able to evaluate such charges. 

There is a dearth of letters written by Mrs. Lincoln in 
the latter part of this period. Her aloofness was increasingly 

Several members of Mrs. Lincoln's family who knew her 
in Springfield during her last years are alive. Mrs. Edward 

1 Dr. B. J. Cigrand of Batavia, an industrious Lincoln student, has gathered 
all of the available information as to Mrs. Lincoln's stay in Batavia. He wrote 
several of the articles which appeared in the Aurora News-Beacon. This material 
he kindly made available for the purposes of this study. 

* Paranoia is " a form of insanity characterized by systematized delusions; in- 
sanity with delusions of persecution." Bibliography, No. 48. 


SOURCES, 1875 TO 1882 

D. Keys, her niece, was married and living in Springfield at 
the time of Mrs. Lincoln's death and for several years 
before. Mrs. Mary Edwards Brown, her grand-niece, was a 
young woman when her grand-aunt died. They have been 
kind enough to tell their impressions of their aunt, her mode 
of life, her habits, and some of her conversation. A few 
friends, some of them friends of her children, are still living 
in Springfield, and they have told what they remember. 

The only contacts of others were in the stores or on the 
street. The " Springfield tradition " of this period, if it may 
be called such, relates principally to Mrs. Lincoln's life of 
seclusion, her miserliness, and her shopping practices. 



The Gifts 
of the Ancestors 

How can I call my life my own 

When the scheming dead try to live through me? 

How can I know what I really am 

With their wishes hounding me greedily? 

ESTHER PINCH: "Heredity," 

Century Magazine, Sfring 1930 


The Gifts 
of the Ancestors 


jfjLmade by the combination of many stones. Some of these 
are contributed by heredity, the constitutions of ancestors 

the experiences of their lives as well as their inheritances 

being passed on to succeeding links of the chain of which 
they are a part. 

When Mrs. Lincoln was fifty-six years old, a jury of her 
peers, adjudging her insane, gave it as their opinion that 
" the disease is not with her hereditary." This statement 
was technically true, at least in the sense in which it was 
made. No such statement is ever true in the scientific sense, 
provided the word " disease " is changed to " personality," 
or " constitution," or whatever we choose to call it. Inher- 
itance contributed to Mrs. Lincoln's constitution physi- 
cal, mental, and moral. In the stream which flowed from her 
ancestors into Mrs. Lincoln and, through her, into her de- 
scendants, there was much of superiority, and something of 
that which is not admirable. 

In her family tree were many superior men and women 

superior intellectually, some of them; others, physically. 
Many occupied commanding positions. From them she must 
have inherited some degree of intellectual ability. Some of 
them were dominating persons. They must have transmitted 
drive and desire to dominate, as well as ambition. And 
then among them we find some difficult, if not diseased, 


personalities. Some of the waters were crystal-clear; some 
were muddy. 'Tis always so. 



The Todds were people of substance in Scotland and 
Ireland before they migrated to America. As a stock they 
were superior to most of the immigrants. They settled in 
Pennsylvania and were good citizens, remaining there for 
several generations. Some of them were men of authority 
in that state. In Pennsylvania there was begun a close asso- 
ciation between the Todds, the Porters, and the Parkers, 
with an occasional marriage between young people of the 
three families. They held together in migrating from Penn- 
sylvania to central Kentucky, and in their new home con- 
tinued the old neighborly relations. 

One of the Pennsylvania Todds, David, sent three of his 
four sons to his brother, Rev. John Todd of Louisa, Vir- 
ginia, to be educated. This brother was a man of great abil- 
ity, an outstanding educator and a forceful preacher. The 
three boys, Levi, John, and Robert Todd, never returned to 
live in Pennsylvania, for their uncle had political influence, 
and this he used with his friend Governor Patrick Henry to 
secure jobs for his nephews. We can well understand Gov- 
ernor Henry soliloquizing: "These boys are made of the 
right stuff. They have been educated and trained by my 
friend the Rev. John Todd. I know that their training has 
been good. Virginia cannot afford to lose the services of 
these boys. I will make John Lieutenant Commander of 
Illinois County, Virginia ; I will commission Levi and Robert 
as officers in the army of George Rogers Clark, Commander 
of Illinois County." And so he did. 

John, Levi, and Robert Todd began their life-work as 
officers in the army of Clark, serving Virginia in its Illinois 
country. In the wars which held the Illinois territory for 



Virginia and later for the new states carved out of it, two of 
these Todd boys won their spurs as fighters ; the other dis- 
charged the civil duties of administration and was generally 
known as Governor Todd. After peace and security had 
been attained for the territory north of the Ohio and east 
of the Mississippi, the three Todds transferred their activi- 
ties to the still insecure Kentucky region. They fought the 
Indians in Kentucky, and each rose to the rank of general 
in the Kentucky militia. John was killed in the Battle of 
the Blue Licks. 

In Kentucky the Todds matched their usefulness as de- 
fenders in war by their service as citizens. They were among 
the founders of Lexington, and in the early days no citizens 
of that city were more influential than they. To them came 
a shipment of books from their uncle and preceptor in 
Virginia. It was to be a gift to their city, and as such they 
accepted it. It became the nucleus of the library of Tran- 
sylvania University. For more than one hundred years this 
library has been held to be good in most particulars and in 
some without an equal on the continent. It was the Todds 
and their relatives, associates, and friends who laid the 
foundation of the first university " in the wilderness that 
lay beyond the mountains." There were few of the cata- 
logues of Transylvania in its earlier years that did not carry 
the name of one or more of the Todds or the near-Todd 
relatives in some list of trustees, faculties, or students. 

This statement, found in the Shane collection, 1 shows how 
extensive were the landholdings of this family in Kentucky 
after the country began to fill up with settlers : " The Todds 
at one time owned from Lexington all the way to and beyond 
Walnut Hills, on each side of the road, except the Overton 
place. Robert Todd, uncle of Robert S. Todd, lived off to 
the right of the road." 

Levi Todd, one of the three brothers, was Mrs. Lin- 
coln's grandfather. The following statements, written by 

1 Bibliography, No. 157, p. 83. 



one of his sons, David Todd, not only supply a pen picture 
of Levi Todd, but give a reason for his leaving Virginia 
that differs from the one usually given : x 

" In 1775, Levi Todd was defeated in an election in Vir- 
ginia for ensign, as lieutenant of a company; then concluded 
to go to Kentucky and went, in early 1776, with his brother, 
Robert Todd." 

" I am aware my father was not in the Virginia line. He 
was not of the standing corps, but he ranked as lieutenant, 
being the aid of Clark. Clark sent him as a spy from Kas- 
kaskia to Louisiana to examine the Spanish force and dispo- 
sition to the American cause." 

" Gen. Levi Todd was five feet eight inches high, well 
proportioned, inclined to corpulence at forty and after. 
Received when with his father a good education. Was 
brought up on a farm. Had opportunity in reading and in 
science with General Robert Porter, with whom he stayed 
occasionally. He visited Col. Preston in Fincastle County, 
then embracing the wilds of Kentucky, deriving from him 
some information of the county. Set out and in March 1776 
reached Boonesboro. Shortly after, located at Harrodsburg 
and appointed Clerk through influence of his older brother. 
Upon division of the counties he removed to Fayette, about 
1780. He married Jane Briggs, daughter of [Capt.] Samuel 
Briggs, Logan's Fort, she being niece of the Logan family. 
He left a handsome estate and bestowed liberal education 
on his children. He rose to the station of major general. 
Was a patron of young men. His general deportment was 
polite and agreeable. Had a fund of information which was 
interesting; of good mind. Had most general acquaintance, 
commanding the respect of all." 

Mrs. Lincoln's father, Robert S. Todd, was of the second 
Lexington generation. He was a member of the legislature, 
and holder of some other offices, and was several times 
considered for higher offices than those he held. He was a 

1 Bibliography, No. 49, November 15, 1851. 



Robert S. Todd. 
From a portrait owned by Mrs. Emilie Helm. 


banker, a manufacturer, a farmer, a merchant of financial 
worth, and one of the local political group, in close personal 
contact with Henry Clay, which strove ever and always, for 
more than two decades, to elevate that great statesman to 
the presidency. It scarcely need be added that he and his 
family stood high in the social circles of Lexington. 

While all this is true, it must be said that the Todds of 
the second and the third Lexington generations were not so 
outstanding in Lexington affairs as were their parents and 
grandparents. They were men and women of ability, but 
they did not have the capacity for leadership that their for- 
bears had. In the newer generations the Breckinridges and 
their contemporaries were forging ahead of the Todds, as 
the earlier Todds had forged ahead of rivals in theirs. 

There are two statements about Robert S. Todd which 
should be borne in mind in a discussion of Mrs. Lincoln's 
inheritance. One is that he was " impetuous, high-strung, 
and nervous." 1 So were Mrs. Lincoln and her sons Robert 
and Tad. Another 2 is that Mrs. Lincoln inherited from him 
her love of fine dress, jewelry, and personal adornment. 8 


Among Mrs. Lincoln's Todd ancestors who achieved dis- 
tinction were her father, Robert S. ; her grandfather, Gen- 
eral Levi, and his two brothers, known as General Robert 
and Governor John; and her great-grand-uncle, Reverend 
John. This was a goodly company and one of which any 
" best family " might be proud. 

But the record of the Porters, another of Mrs. Lincoln's 
lines, was even better. 

i Bibliography, No. 176, p. 46. 

* Bibliography, No. 121, p. 60. 

*At the time Levi, Robert, and John Todd (Pennsylvania Todds), and their 
descendants to the third generation, were living in the blue-grass region, a branch 
of the Virginia Todds lived in Lexington and Frankfort. Some of them occupied 
positions of prominence. Occasionally these Virginia Todds have been confused 
with the Todd family to which Mrs. Lincoln belonged. 



General Andrew Porter, of the second American genera- 
tion of Porters, was the first of his family to achieve dis- 
tinction. He was a general in the Revolutionary Army, and 
for a time was in command of all Pennsylvania troops. He 
was one of General Washington's supporters and coun- 
selors. His first wife was a McDowell, and it was from her 
that Mrs. Lincoln descended directly. This made her a kins- 
woman of another distinguished American family. Andrew 
Porter married as a second wife Eliza Parker, a mem- 
ber of the Pennsylvania Parker-Todd family to which Mrs. 
Lincoln belonged. 

The records of one hundred years ago ignored the women 
of the family almost without exception. Every now and then 
there was a woman so capable in some way that not even 
the most orthodox of historians dared fail to mention her. 
Eliza Parker Porter, wife of Andrew and a relative of Mrs. 
Lincoln's, was one of these exceptions. W. A. Porter, the 
family historian, devoted several lines to extolling the good 
qualities of this mother of the tribe of Porter. 1 

Three sons of Andrew and Eliza Parker Porter were men 
of great prominence: Governor G. B. Porter, of Michigan; 
Governor David Rittenhouse Porter, of Pennsylvania; 
James Madison Porter, a great lawyer who was appointed 
Secretary of War by President Tyler. While Lincoln was 
struggling to get on politically in Springfield, his young wife 
had two cousins in a President's cabinet. When her husband 
was President of the United States, he signed the commis- 
sions of two Porter cousins to high positions in the Army of 
the Potomac under General McClellan. 

Among the children of the Andrew Porter-Parker family, 
in addition to those mentioned, there was another son, John 
Ewing Porter. This son was a man of education and capacity, 
but he appears to have been hard to get along with. He 
was a promising young lawyer in Pennsylvania when he mar- 
ried a young woman of whom his father did not approve. 

1 Bibliography, No. 143. 


Father and son quarreled. The quarrel was so violent that 
John Ewing Porter became embittered against his father. 
The breach was never healed. The son changed his name to 
John Ewing Parker, changed his profession to medicine, and 
went to South Carolina to live. 

The career of this Dr. John Ewing Porter, or Parker, 
bears some resemblance to that of Mrs. Lincoln's full 
brother, Dr. George Rogers Clark Todd, of whom the 
reader will learn later. His personality is suggestive of that 
of Mrs. Lincoln, a type which came to her from the Parker- 
Porter inheritance more than from the Todds. Lest we over- 
stress this family relationship, let us recall that Mrs. Lin- 
coln and her full brothers and sisters descended from the 
McDowell wife of Andrew Porter, and while there was 
kinship to the Parker wife, it was not close. 


The family tree shows that the last of Mrs. Lincoln's 
Todd forbears to live in Europe married a Miss Parker. 
It is not known that this woman was of the Parker fam- 
ily that in later years was frequently intertwined with the 
Todds and the Porters in Pennsylvania and Kentucky. There 
is some likelihood that she was, since the two families were 
so closely associated and for so many years. 

The Parker family must have been an excellent one. The 
family historians never fail to say so. At the same time, 
we do not find among them many men or women who were 
of great prominence. It was the cross between a Parker and 
a Porter, or a Parker and a Todd, or both, that seemed to 
produce a superior individual. 

The Robert Parker who was Mrs. Lincoln's maternal 
grandfather was a man of wealth and social position, but 
the member of his family of whom we read most is his 
widow, Eliza Parker, and she was born a Porter the 
daughter of Andrew. The day after her marriage she and 



her husband left Pennsylvania and rode horseback through 
the wilderness to Kentucky. It was she, as the " Widow " 
Parker, who dominated her grandchildren and did so much 
to make them dissatisfied with their stepmother. The ac- 
counts agree that the " Widow " Parker lived in a fine 
house, had a high social position, and was esteemed a 
superior woman. However, it was her grandchildren who 
quarreled amongst themselves and engaged in family law- 
suits something new in the Todd-Porter-Parker family. 
We know nothing of the Eliza Parker who married 
Robert S. Todd in 1812, except it be such statements as 
these by William H. Townsend: * "Eliza was a sprightly, 
attractive girl with a placid, sunny disposition"; and: 
" Plucky Eliza Parker was willing that he should go " (re- 
ferring to her husband's going to war in i8i2). 2 

1 Bibliography, No. 176, pp. 46, 48. 

8 No picture of Eliza Parker Todd has ever been found. There is no letter written 
by her that anyone knows of. The following is part of a letter written by one Eliza 
Todd, and found in the Kentucky Manuscript, Shane Collection, Wisconsin His. 
torical Society. It was hoped that this letter might prove to have been written by 
Eliza Parker Todd, but that theory had to be abandoned. In the futile search for 
an author it was found that twenty-five women bore the name "Eliza Todd," 
through either birth or marriage, in this family connection in the first half of the 
nineteenth century. 

Lexington, Kentucky, Feb. 9, 1804. 
"Dear Nancy 9 

You wished me] to glue a description of Mr* Todd myself. That I dont think 
I can do but shall only say that he is . . . clever fellow and one that will make me 
happy the remainder of my days. I have been housekeeping about four months, 
and find it a very troublesome business, but the pleasure and satisfaction of an 
affectionate husband makes up for all other difficulties. We are now living in 
Lexington, which is not altogether agreeable to me, but Mr. Todd*s business is 
such I must submit to it for a few years. My acquaintance in this place is not ex- 
tensive, owing to its being selected off in large parties, which is the case more or 
less in every large place. 

Your ever off ectionate friend, 

Eliza Todd 

My love to your mama and papa. I shall expect a letter from you by post. Direct 
them to Mr. Todd. 

E. T. 



In addition to these, there were several other families 
that married into the connection and made their contribu- 
tion to the stock. Among them were the Briggs, the Owens, 
the Smith, and the Hamilton families; and through them, 
in one way or another, the Todds were also related to the 
Bodleys, the McFarlands, the Findleys, and the Majors, 
and, less closely, to the Wickliffes. 

When Mrs. Lincoln died, Mayor Crooks of Springfield 
issued a proclamation in which he officially did honor to the 
widow of Abraham Lincoln. 1 He asked Springfield to sus- 
pend business out of respect to her. The citizens of Spring- 
field, said their Mayor, should honor Mrs. Lincoln because 
of her husband and on her own account. And, recalling her 
ancestry, he adds : " It will be seen that Mrs. Lincoln sprang 
from no humble origin. She traces her ancestry beyond the 
Revolution. Her family assisted in the growth and develop- 
ment of the nation from its incipiency, and her immediate 
ancestry was closely identified with the early history of 


Relatives of Mrs. Lincoln participated in both the Revo- 
lutionary War and that of 1812. One of the heroes of the 
Revolution was General Andrew Porter. Major Robert 
Parker was an officer in that war, with a record for distin- 
guished gallantry. In the Indian wars of Illinois and Ken- 
tucky, Generals Levi, John, and Robert Todd won reputa- 
tions, and John was killed. In August 1812 Robert S. Todd 
joined the Fifth Kentucky Regiment, and served until the 
latter part of 1813, in the campaigns against Indians allied 
with the British. He fought in the bloody River Raisin 
battle, in which his brothers, Sarn and John, were captured 

1 Bibliography, No. 32, July 19, 1882* 



by the Indians. It was one of these brothers who lived among 
the Indians for many years and finally went back to the 
whites and settled in Columbia, Missouri, where he became 
a judge. 1 

Robert S. Todd went home on furlough during the War 
of 1812, was married, and went back to his regiment imme- 
diately. Perhaps that was the reason he came home two 
years before the war ended, instead of staying through and 
possibly winning his father's rank of general 2 

So far as we know, Colonel John J. Hardin, a distant 
cousin, was the only Todd kinsman who fought in the Mexi- 
can War. Levi may have considered himself a little too old 
at the time, and George, a little too young. The prowess of 
families in war oftentimes hinges on the ages of their men- 
folk and whether or not they were married at the time of 
the wars. In the Civil War Mrs. Lincoln had a fine array of 
kinsmen fighting, some on one side, some on the other. 

There are several American patriotic societies in which 
one test for membership is proved descent from a soldier 
in an American war. Mrs. Lincoln would have been eligible 
for membership in every such society for which a woman of 
her day could have qualified. 


The members of Mrs. Lincoln's family were not profes- 
sionally minded. 

In her entire accumulation of ancestors the only physi- 
cians were the quite remote Porter relative who quarreled 
with his father, Andrew ; and her father's brother, Dr. John 
Todd of Springfield. Her youngest full brother, George, 

1 The Draper Collection contains contributions from the Columbia branch of 
the Todd family that are especially valuable sources of information. 
* Bibliography, No. 176, p. 48. 









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took up medicine, but that was not the only manifestation 
of his lack of harmony with the rest of the family. 

Likewise, it is necessary to go some distance up the family 
tree or down and then up other limbs to find any law- 
yers among Mrs. Lincoln's forbears. One of the sons of 
Andrew Porter was a great lawyer, but that was a long way 
off and out on another limb. The grand-uncle John, known 
as Governor Todd, might be claimed by the lawyers, but 
the claim could not be conclusively proved. Her father, 
Robert S. Todd, studied law and even arranged to practice 
with a relative, an ex-cabinet member; but he never 
went beyond the stage of preparation. There were several 
lawyers among the Parkers, but they were in collateral lines. 
The Lexington papers, 1800 to 1840, contain several ref- 
erences to Parkers who were lawyers. 

Nor were there any clergymen. Her Grandfather Levi 
Todd's Uncle John was the Rev. John Todd of Vir- 
ginia who had the reputation of being a great preacher. 
And that exhausts the list. The stepmother, Betsy Hum- 
phreys Todd, came of a clerical family, and her Grand- 
father Brown was a great minister in Rhode Island. But the 
only way this could have borne on Mrs. Lincoln's life was 
that it may have caused the family to be more regular in 
attendance at church and Sunday school when Mary was a 
child, a girl, and a budding woman. 

The only teacher among her ancestors was that same 
distant relative the great-grand-uncle, Rev. John Todd 
of Virginia who educated her grandfather and his two 

The Kentucky Todds seem to have remained under the in- 
fluence of the Reverend John. Two of the nephews had to 
do with the founding of Transylvania University and its 
library. The family saw to it that the young people were well 
educated. Among the connections were several teachers in 
Transylvania. Of these was Dr. Samuel Brown, a physician, 
one of the professors who left their mark on Transylvania. 


But Dr. Brown was Betsy Humphreys Todd's uncle, not a 
blood relative of Mrs. Lincoln. 

As it happened, the Todd family atmosphere in Spring- 
field, Illinois, was distinctly professional but that is be- 
side the case. There was her uncle Dr. John Todd, the 
physician; her cousins Judges John T. Stuart and Stephen 
T. Logan were lawyers; and of the brothers-in-law only 
one was in business. 

Nevertheless, the Todd type of mind and personality 
fitted the male members of the family for business. Levi O. 
Todd, Mrs. Lincoln's full brother, was a business man. 
Robert S. Todd, her father, studied law, but quit it for 
merchandising, manufacturing, banking, farming, and poli- 
tics. Levi and Robert, grandfather and grand-uncle, began 
as soldiers, but when they were ready to settle down, they 
became pioneers, farmers, and dealers in real estate; the 
third brother, John, who was killed in one of the battles 
against the Indians, had started, in the new country, as 
Governor and judge and owned the land on which Lexington 
was located. David Todd, another son of Levi, was a farmer 
and merchant. Most of the Parkers and Porters of Mrs. 
Lincoln's close ancestry were also merchants and farmers. 

These facts bear on Mrs. Lincoln's mental make-up. In 
their light we should expect her mind to run to business and 
business matters, to finance and affairs of barter and trade, 
to salesmanship, to the making and saving of money, to ac- 
quiring, to competition. For this reason we should not ex- 
pect her thoughts to follow the channels that the minds of 
clergymen and physicians run in. That such expectations are 
not always realized is true; but, according to the laws of 
averages and of heredity, people with Mrs. Lincoln's in- 
heritance can be expected to succeed best and be most satis- 
fied when they follow business careers. 



Robert S. Todd was married twice. His first wife, Eliza 
Parker, bore six children who reached maturity. There were 
four girls Mary (Mrs. Abraham Lincoln), Elizabeth 
(Mrs. N. W. Edwards), Frances (Mrs. William Wallace) , 
Ann (Mrs. C. M. Smith) ; and two boys Levi O., and 
George R. C. 


Mrs. Lincoln wrote of Mrs. Edwards from the White 
House, September 29, I86I: 1 

11 1 received a letter from Elizabeth E. [Mrs. Edwards] 
the other day. Very kind and affectionate, yet very character- 
istic. Said if rents and means permitted, she would like to 
make us a visit, I believe for a season. I am weary of 
intrigue. When she is by herself she can be very agreeable, 
especially when her mind is not dwelling on the merits of 
[her] fair daughters and a talented son-in-law. Such person- 
ages always speak for themselves. I often regret E. P. E.'s 
little weaknesses. After all, since the election she is the 
only one of my sisters who has appeared to be pleased with 
our advancement. You know this to be so." 

We can readily believe that Mrs. Edwards was a match- 
maker for her daughters and for many others besides. 
Match-making was the chief indoor sport of matrons in that 
day, and Elizabeth Edwards had early begun the game. She 
was little more than a child when she met and married 
Ninian Wirt Edwards and left the brood of Parker-Todd 
children she had been mothering to preside over a home in 
Illinois. As soon as she felt sure of her ground, she sent for 
her sister Frances to come to her home in Springfield and 
" make it her home." Well did both of them understand that 

1 Bibliography, No. 108. 



the Edwards home was to be her home until she and her 
able, intriguing sister could make a suitable match for her. 
Soon Frances married the most eligible physician in town, 
Dr. William Wallace. 

This meant that Elizabeth Edwards was now ready to 
undertake match-making for another sister. As soon as 
Mary arrived, in 1837, Mrs. Edwards gathered around her 
Stephen A. Douglas and all other eligibles available. Some- 
what tardily, because of more than one consideration, 
Abraham Lincoln was added to the number. In the course 
of a little time Mary was married in her sister's parlor, as 
Frances had been. She married a promising lawyer and 
politician and a future president. 

Whereupon Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards sent for her young- 
est sister Ann. She again exercised her great talent as a 
match-maker, and " landed " C. M. Smith, the most prom- 
ising eligible merchant in the city of Springfield, as the hus- 
band of Ann, though Ann failed to follow the example of 
her sisters and marry in the Edwards parlor ; she returned 
to Lexington for that function. Mrs. Edwards's mind dwelt 
on the merits of fair daughters and fair sisters as well, and 
on brothers-in-law, in addition to sons-in-law. 

Ninian W. Edwards was the son of a governor who was 
a man of wealth and political power, and Elizabeth Edwards 
presided over the home of her widowed father-in-law. 1 Her 
husband was a lawyer and a politician of no mean ability. 
For him she was ambitious. She gave parties, entertained, 
and did whatever she could to promote her husband's in- 
terests. Had he been as ambitious and aggressive for himself 
as she was for him, two of the Todd sisters might have 
gone down in history as the wives of great leaders. It is 

1 This is the commonly accepted statement, but it may not be correct. Ninian 
Edwards's term as Governor terminated one year before the marriage of Ninian W. 
Edwards. The son took his bride to Illinois in the spring of 1 833, and the father died 
in Belleville in the July following. If the bride went to Belleville to preside over the 
home of her father-in-law, she did not remain there long. A few months later 
Ninian W. Edwards and his wife were living in Springfield. 



altogether possible that she was somewhat envious of her 
sister in the White House, when she thought of the start 
her husband had had and the short distance he had traveled. 
We could forgive her some envy. But Mrs. Lincoln wrote 
that she " appeared to be pleased with our advancement." 
And she was. 

Mrs. Edwards was a worthy woman with a great heart. 
She mothered her sisters and her brothers, her husband and 
children. No one who knew her said unkind things about 
Mrs. Edwards. I am sure she was normal, and so are her 
descendants so far as I could learn. Whatever blight there 
was in the family, Mrs. Edwards and her children and their 
children escaped it. 


Of the second sister, Frances (Mrs. Wallace), Mrs. Lin- 
coln wrote: 1 "Notwithstanding Dr. Wallace has received 
his portion in life from the Administration, yet Frances al- 
ways remains quiet. E. [Mrs. Edwards] in her letter said 
Frances often spoke of Mr. L's. [Lincoln's] kindness in 
giving him his place. She little knew what a hard battle I had 
for it, and how near he came getting nothing." 

Except this sentence in Mrs. Lincoln's letter, there is 
nothing in the record that reflects on Mrs. Wallace or any 
members of her family. Nor was there anything abnormal 
in her personality. 


Of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lincoln wrote : 2 

" Poor, unfortunate Ann, inasmuch as she possesses such 
a miserable disposition and so false a tongue. How far, dear 
Lizzie, are we removed from such a person. Even if Smith 
succeeds in being a rich man, what advantage will it be to 

1 Bibliography, No. 108. * Ibid. 



him who has gained it in some cases most unjustly, and with 
such a woman, whom no one respects, whose tongue for so 
many years has been considered ' no slander,' and who, as 
a child and young girl, could not be outdone in falsehood. 
* Truly the leopard cannot change his spots.' She is so sel- 
dom in my thoughts. I have so much more that is attractive, 
both in bodily presence and my mind's eye, to interest me. 
I grieve for those who have to come in contact with her 
malice, yet even that is so well understood the object of her 
wrath generally rises, with good people, in proportion to 
her vindictiveness. 

" What will you name the hill on which I must be placed? 
Her putting it on that ground with Mrs. Brown was only to 
hide her envious feeling toward you. Tell Ann for me 
to quote her own expression she is becoming still farther 
removed from * Queen Victoria's Court. ' 

" How foolish between us to be discussing such a person. 
Yet really it is amusing in how many forms human nature 
can appear before us." 

It is easy to surmise that Mrs. Elizabeth Todd Grims- 
ley, her first cousin, had written Mrs. Lincoln some of the 
Springfield gossip. She had repeated something unkind that 
Mrs. Ann Smith had said of her sister and her White House 
pretensions. Mrs. Lincoln flared up in anger and wrote back 
in kind, or worse. 

When one makes inquiry in Springfield, one hears much to 
confirm Mrs. Lincoln's opinion of her sister Ann. If we 
strip from this characterization so much as may be attributed 
to Mrs. Lincoln's anger, we are left with a description that 
can be matched in the Springfield gossip. Jessie Palmer 
Weber wrote Senator A. J. Beveridge : 1 " I remember her 
[Ann Smith] well. She was the most quick tempered and 
vituperative woman (if I can use such a word) of all the 


1 Bibliography, No. 18, p. 307 (Letter from Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber, dated 
March 23, 1925). 


After all proper allowances have been made, we must 
conclude that Mrs. Smith had a difficult personality; one of 
a type that did not differ much from that of Mrs. Lincoln 
herself. In fact, one very old resident of a town in which 
Mrs. Lincoln lived with rather good opportunities of 
forming a correct opinion when shown this statement of 
Mrs. Lincoln's about her sister, flashed back: " Mary was 
writing about herself." 

Mrs. Smith left a considerable family. There is very good 
evidence that part of her difficult and peculiar personality 
was inherited by some of her descendants. Though the evi- 
dence consists in nothing more than gossip and " clothes- 
line stories," there is enough to justify the conclusion. 


In this first group of Todd children the Parker group 
there were two boys who grew to maturity. Levi was 
less than two years older than Mrs. Lincoln. There is no 
question that he had an abnormal personality. He became 
City Treasurer of Lexington and manager of some of his 
father's businesses and seemed to fit in fairly well for a 
while ; but after his father's death his abnormality became 
more apparent. 

In 1852 he backed his brother, George R. C. Todd, in 
objecting to their father's will. In 1853 he had Oldham and 
Hemingway, in which his father's estate held partnership, 
sue Abraham Lincoln. 1 In this suit allegations reflecting on 
Lincoln's honor were made. Townsend says: 2 " Evidently 
Lincoln was aware that his brother-in-law, Levi Todd, was 
responsible for this suit against him." Levi never was on 
good terms thereafter with Abraham Lincoln or with many 
of the family. In a suit for divorce filed against Levi O. 
Todd by his wife, Louisa Todd, in 1859, these allegations 

1 Bibliography, No. 175. 
a Bibliography, No. 176. 

8 Louisa Todd, Plaintiff, against Levi O. Todd, Defendant, Fayette County 
(Kentucky) Circuit Court, 1859. Secured through the kindness of W. H. Townsend. 



are made: "He has a confirmed habit of drunkenness. 
. . . Wasting of his estate. . . . No suitable provision 
for the maintenance of his wife and children. . . . 
Cruel and inhuman manner. . . . Wholly unfit to have the 
charge of any of these children, he has no estate and for 
some time past has made little or no provision for the main- 
tenance of his family." The divorce was granted. In 1860 
Levi was a Union man, but he did not vote for his brother- 
in-law Abraham Lincoln. The probability is that he voted 
for BelL He was too infirm to enter either army during the 
Civil War, and there is no reason for thinking he cared to 
do so. 

He seems to have fallen out with everyone. He used 
whisky to excess, and possibly other drugs. Abandoned 
by his former friends, at enmity with his stepmother, he 
moved away from Lexington and died, in 1865, in Franklin 
County; whereupon his stepmother claimed the remains of 
the almost friendless man, brought them to Lexington, and 
had them buried by the side of his father. Townsend says : x 
" Years later, when her eldest stepson, Levi a victim of 
unfortunate habits had become estranged from his wife 
and children, it was Betsy Todd who vainly sought to re- 
claim him, and when he died brought his body back to the 
old home and buried him by the side of his father and her 
own children in the Lexington cemetery." 2 

1 Bibliography, No. 176, p. 74. 

* In the Todd family lot in Lexington, there are stones which mark the graves 
of Robert S. Todd, Eliza Parker Todd, Betsy Humphreys Todd, Mrs. Kellogg, 
Mrs. White, Mrs. Herr, and Mrs. Helm; and several unmarked graves, one of which 
is that of Levi O. Todd. The others may be the graves of those who died in child- 
hood. Betsy Humphreys Todd's tombstone bears this inscription on one side: 
"In memory of my boys, Samuel B. Todd, David H. Todd, Alex. H. Todd, all 
Confederate soldiers." It is not presumed that these three sons are buried on this 
lot. David H. was not. The inscription gives evidence of the loyalty to the Con- 
federacy of Mrs. Lincoln's stepmother. 

G. R. C. TODD 

G. R. C. TODD 

The story of George Rogers Clark Todd is equally un- 
happy. 1 He was a baby in arms when his mother died, and 
he was too young to know when the new mother came into 
the household. He grew up in association with the second 
group of children and knew almost nothing of his own 
sisters except Ann. 

When he attained his majority, he moved away from 
Lexington and the family, took up his residence in Ver- 
sailles, Kentucky, and thereafter evinced no fondness for 
any of his relatives. In 1852 he objected to the probating of 
his father's will and had it rejected on a technicality. He 
most certainly did not vote for his brother-in-law for presi- 
dent in 1 860. In 1 86 1 he entered the Confederate Army, and 
served through the Civil War as a surgeon with a good 
record. After the war he settled in Barnwell, South Carolina, 
and there practiced medicine until his death. 

Dr. A. B. Patterson has written me a letter about his 
former fellow-practitioner of medicine in Barnwell, from 
which I quote the following : 2 

" Met Dr. Todd quite often, and knew him very well. 
He said his family regarded him unfavorably. Used the 
word ' black sheep.' As to the doctor's personality : Would 
seem very pleasant when he wished to be, but generally not 
agreeable. Did not get along with people. Was very bright 
and well informed, very egotistical, and extremely jealous 
of his professional reputation. Very peculiar and eccentric. 
Drank whisky to excess. Not on friendly terms with his 
son. Deeded his property to a friend in town, Joe Porter. 
Mr. Porter deeded it to George (the son). 

" Impression was that he was not on friendly terms 
with his family in Kentucky. It is said he died from an 

i Bibliography, Nos. 175, 176, 177. 

* Personal letter from Dr. A. B. Patterson of Barnwell, South Carolina; dated 
July i, 1930. 


G. R. C. TODD 

overdose of chloroform taken himself alone in his house. 
He was buried by the side of his second wife in Camden, 
South Carolina. 

" He was a surgeon in the Confederate Army. I have 
often said the State ought to erect a monument to his 
memory because he resisted such temptation from his 
brother-in-law, preferring to be faithful to his section. He 
performed, while surgeon in the Confederate Army, the 
first successful amputation at hip joint, a matter of record 
in the government archives at Washington, D. C." 

H. L. O'Bannon, his attorney, said of Dr. G. R. C. 
Todd: 1 

" He was of small build, florid of countenance, and in- 
clined to stutter when he talked. He had his peculiarities 
but was highly esteemed and honored. He was inclined to 
be abrupt almost to brusqueness in his manner to those 
whom he did not like. He took no pains to conceal his dis- 
like for those who had incurred his displeasure and he had 
even been known to withdraw himself from a company 
when one whom he disliked appeared. The old doctor re- 
fused to consort with his own contemporaries to any great 
extent. After the death of his wife he lived alone and was 
given to moods of deep melancholy. 

" Doctor Todd's only child, a son, was a disappointment 
to him. This son, evidently afflicted with c wanderlust,' left 
Barnwell and went out west. After his father died he re- 
turned to Barnwell and recovered the property which his 
father had willed to others, but who gave it to the lawful 
heir as his right. He sold this property and again went 
away, never to be heard of again. Some of his father's old 
friends think he is still alive." 

The evidence is conclusive that Dr. G. R. C. Todd had 
an abnormal personality. 

1 Bibliography, No. 66, July 5, 1931. 




Having developed the fact that four of the children of 
Eliza Parker Todd and Robert S. Todd had abnormal per- 
sonalities, we turn to the family born to Robert S. Todd 
and his second wife, Betsy Humphreys Todd. There were 
nine children in this family, of whom eight reached ma- 
turity: Margaret, Martha K., Emilie P., Elodie, and Kath- 
erine B. five daughters; and three sons Samuel B., 
David H., and Alexander H. 

Margaret married C. H. Kellogg and went to live in 
Cincinnati, several years before the outbreak of the Civil 
War. She and her husband were visited by the Lincolns and 
corresponded with them. The Kelloggs were Union sym- 
pathizers, and Mrs. Kellogg visited at the White House. 
Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg were the parents of four children. 
Of these, one, Franklin Pierce Kellogg, born in 1853, 
is living. He writes me 1 that the few peculiarities and 
idiosyncrasies he has are of no importance. For instance, 
he will not lick stamps, but moistens the envelope instead 
(not a bad practice). 

Of the children of the Humphreys group, other than Mar- 
garet (Mrs. Kellogg), Samuel B. was not married; David 
H. married a Mrs. Williamson (there was one child born 
to this couple) ; Martha K. married Clement White (they 
had no children) ; Emilie P. married General B. H. Helm 
(they had three children) ; Alexander H. was not married; 
Elodie married General N. H. R. Dawson (they had two 
children) ; Katherine B. married W. W. Herr (they had 
four children). 

With the exception of Mrs. Kellogg, all of the Hum- 
phreys group of Todd children, as well as Betsy Humphreys 
Todd herself, were staunch sympathizers with the Con- 
federacy. Of the three sons, two were killed outright, and 

1 Personal letter from F. P. Kellogg, April 4, 1931. 


one died as a result of wounds received in battle. General 
Helm was serving as a Confederate officer when he was 
killed on the field. Mr. White and General Dawson were 
ardent supporters of the South. Yet so honorable and cir- 
cumspect were they that Mrs. Helm and Mrs. White visited 
the Lincolns in the White House. Mrs. White violated the 
hospitality of her host once, the degree of offense being 
a matter of some dispute. Mrs. Helm was never charged 
with any violation of good sense or good taste. 

I have been at some trouble to find what I could about 
this family of children and their descendants. I have in- 
quired as to insanity among them; their use of drugs, in- 
cluding alcohol; whether they were ever in disfavor in the 
communities in which they lived. Did they fit in ? Had they 
abnormal personalities ? What idiosyncrasies did they have ? 
I have not found facts or opinions that reflect on any of 

One letter says that David H. was somewhat impractical 
and eccentric. One son of Mrs. Dawson, while regarded as 
a man of outstanding character and a high sense of duty, 
was somewhat over-sensitive. These were minor blemishes 
in very good characters. The general reputation of this 
division of the family as good neighbors ranks well above 
the average. 

The trend toward abnormal personality was far greater 
in the Todd-Parker group than in the Todd-Humphreys 
group of children. Some of this difference in the two groups 
may have resulted from nicking of the Todd and Parker 
qualities. Some of it was a Parker-Porter inheritance. 


There is confirmation of the theory of hereditary trans- 
mission, in that some of Mrs. Lincoln's peculiar traits were 
found in the personalities of two of her children. 



Robert Todd Lincoln was well educated. The outbreak 
of the Civil War found him in the final stretch of his college 
career, and he did not go into the army at first. For this 
both he and his mother came in for more abuse than the 
circumstances warranted. After he was graduated, however, 
his parents found a place on the staff of General Grant for 
him. This again caused some adverse criticism, as shown by 
the contemptuous designation " The Prince of Rails." Ad- 
mitted to the bar in Chicago, February 26, 1867, in a few 
years he had become a member of one of the strongest law 
firms in the city. He rose to be a cabinet member, an ambas- 
sador to England, a president of the Pullman Car Company, 
and a rich man. 

Measured by the ordinary standards, his life was a suc- 
cess. He fitted into society, he got on with people, and he 
won position and money. These methods of measurement, 
however, are too crude for our purposes. Let us look some- 
what behind the record of offices held and honors achieved. 

In the letters written by Mrs. Lincoln after 1865, there 
first appears a note of discontent about Robert. We find 
her complaining of his neglect of her, and of his attitude 
in general. In at least one letter she compares him with the 
other children greatly to his disadvantage. After the 
sanity trial in 1875, she never forgave Robert for his 
part therein. Once Robert went to Springfield and asked 
for her forgiveness and love. He took with him his daugh- 
ter, Mary, and used her in this appeal. His mother said she 
would forget and forgive but she did not. On the other 
hand, there are many letters written by Robert Lincoln, 1 
after his father's death in 1865 and before his mother's 
breakdown in 1875, which portray him as a young man 
doing his best to meet difficult situations in a manner 
worthy of his name. These letters show a fine sense of 

1 Privately owned letters seen by me. 



responsibility, and a poise and decision unusual in a man of 
his years. 

An article in an encyclopedia l contains the following 
statements: " He was peculiarly sensitive in the matter of 
gaining reputation or position on account of the name he 
bore, and this sensitiveness, planted on a nature which in its 
youth was curiously remarkable for stubbornness and a 
phlegmatic temperament, made him perhaps more marked 
than would have otherwise been the case. . . . He was 
a man of sound sense, good judgment, and integrity of 
character." At his death, the Chicago Tribune said : 2 " He 
was taciturn and retiring, but to those who knew him well 
he was a charming conversationalist and a good story teller." 

His reaction toward his father's memory was somewhat 
abnormal. To steer between Scylla and Charybdis was not 
an easy matter, and in doing so he did not display the same 
qualities of judgment with which he made other decisions. 
His peculiarities of personality caused him to steer too 
far from the rocks on the one side and to hit those on the 

I had no acquaintance with him. From such evidence as 
I have found, I hold the opinion that Robert Lincoln was 
sensitive in fact, supersensitive ; that he was emotional 
quite over-emotional under certain influences ; and that 
most of his attitudes on personal and family matters were 
defense reactions. There was much in life that gave him 
pain. In his personality he inherited from his mother much 
more than from his father. He lacked his father's humor, 
wisdom, and poise. On the other hand, he had some of the 
good qualities of both President and Mrs. Lincoln. While 
his personality was somewhat abnormal, the trials to which 
he was subjected never even threatened to push him beyond 
the limits of his endurance. 

l Bibliography, No. i, pp. 243-4. * July 27, 1926. 




The second son, Edward, died in early childhood and 
before the Lincoln family was much in the public eye. We 
know nothing of his personality. 


Julia Taft Bayne said of him: 1 "Willie was the most 
lovable boy I ever knew, bright, sensible, sweet-tempered 
and gentle-mannered." 

Mrs. Grimsley wrote : 2 " Willie, a noble, beautiful boy 
of nine years, of great mental activity, unusual intelligence, 
wonderful memory, methodical, frank, and loving, a counter- 
part of his father save that he was handsome." 

N. P. Willis wrote: 8 " His leading trait was a fearless 
and kindly frankness. He was willing that everything should 
be as different as it pleased . . . but resting unmoved in 
his own conscious single-heartedness." Elizabeth Keckley 
said that Mrs. Lincoln cut from a newspaper this quotation 
from Willis and pasted it in a book where it met her eyes 
daily: " It is an accepted fact that Lincoln's admiration and 
love for Willie was extraordinary, so much so that he more 
than once broke down and cried when someone, moved by 
sympathy, would tell of some incident in Willie's life." 

The following letter, 4 written by Willie Lincoln to a 
playmate of his own age, is typical not only of the letter- 
writing but of the thinking of a child between eight and 
nine years old : 

Chicago, III June the 18, 59 

This town is a very beautiful place. Me and father went to 
two theatres the other night. Me and father have a nice room 

i Bibliography, No. 17, p. 8. 
Bibliography, No. 67, pp. 48-9. 
Bibliography, No. 85, p. 106. 

* The original, written by Willie Lincoln to his playmate, Henry Remann, is in 
the possession of Mrs. Mary Edwards Brown of Springfield, Illinois. 



to ourselves. We have two little pitchers on a washstand. The 
smallest one for me the largest one for father. We have two 
little towels on top of both pitchers. The smallest one for me, 
the largest one for father. 

We have two little beds in the room. The smallest one for 
me, the largest one for father. 

We have two little wash basins. The smallest one for me, 
the largest one for father. The weather is very fine hire, in 
this town. Was through exhibition on Wednesday before last. 
Your Truly 


Notice that " me " comes first. There is no circumlocu- 
tion and no pretense. The boy writes about what interests 
him and about nothing else. He does not dissemble. His 
mother would have sent the same kind of letter, had she 
written some child of her age at the time her aunt turned 
the Todd home over to the new Mrs. Todd. 

A second letter * to the same playmate, Henry Remann, 
was written by Willie when he was practically ten years and 
nine months old : 

Washington, D.C., September 30, 1861 
Executive Mansion 

The last letter you sent to me arrived in due time, which 
was on Saturday. My companions and I are raising a bat- 
talion. When I came here, I waited until the beginning of 
June, and then joined another boy in trying to get up a regi- 
ment. We failed, however, and I then attempted to muster a 
Company. That soon broke up. Thereafter a boy stated he 
commanded a battalion, and my Company and I at once 
joined, believing that he spoke the truth, but we found out 
that was not the case. Disappointed in every way we set to 
work and raised one, which is in a high state of efficiency and 

I am 

Dear Henry 

Yours sincerely 


1 The original is in the possession of Mrs. Mary Edwards Brown. 



In the intervening two years and three months Willie 
had extended his vocabulary and acquired a letter-writing 
style. When this letter is compared with that of June 1859, 
it will be noted that Willie not only had been studying in 
school, but was being educated by experience and by con- 
tacts. One can note the influence of his elders in his choice 
of words and in his style. The letter is still the product of 
a child's mind, however. He puts his own interests above 
all else, and he tells of what happened to himself; what is 
said of others is incidental. His mother might well have 
written a similar letter toward the latter part of 1829, or 
just about the beginning of the period in her life concerning 
which Elizabeth Norris wrote. 

Of the three Lincoln children Willie was the most in- 
telligent and the best poised. All the accessible evidence 
confirms the opinion that his personality was thoroughly 
wholesome, that he did not inherit any peculiarities. 


While many writers refer to Tad as very lovable, they 
all agree that he was given to great eccentricity. In fact, 
though the stories about Tad are amusing and diverting, 
they almost without exception refer to conduct that indi- 
cates abnormality of personality. This he had to a marked 
degree. Had he lived to assume the responsibilities of man- 
hood, he would have broken under a strain much less than 
that required to break his mother; and had the strain been 
great, the degree of disaster would have exceeded that 
which befell her. While he was frequently referred to by 
his mother and others as a very loving and lovable child, he 
was highly emotional and most unstable. 

Lulu Boone Carpenter described Tad, then sixteen to 
eighteen years old and living in Chicago, as follows : " He 
was devoted to his mother, who was quite ill. He neither 
smoked, drank, nor danced. The imperfection in his speech 



was slight. . . . People said Tad looked much like the 
dead President." Lloyd Lewis, who quotes Mrs. Carpenter, 
says of his speech impediment : x " Tad's defective speech 
either a cleft palate or a tied tongue served to endear 
him all the more to his father." The Chicago Tribune, when 
Tad died, said: 2 "After the death of the late President 
... he accompanied his mother to this city, and studied 
at the Northwestern University [which seems improbable]. 
. . . In 1869, he went to Europe, and attended school for 
six months in Frankfort-on-Main, Germany. He was next 
in school at Brixton, near London. . . . He was tall and 
thin and resembled his father in many mental traits and 

Mrs. Grimsley wrote : 8 ". . . Taddie, a gay, gladsome, 
merry, spontaneous fellow, bubbling over with innocent 
fun, whose laugh rang through the house, when not moved 
to tears. Quick in mind and impulse, like his mother, with 
her naturally sunny temperament, he was the life, as also 
the worry, of the household." Speaking of the two little 
boys when they went to the White House, she called them 
" irrepressible Tad and observant Willie." 

But there are other reports that are not so complimen- 
tary. A recent correspondent, writing in the Chicago Trib- 
une, said that Tad attended the Elizabeth Street school 
(now the Tilden), in 1867; that he was very nervous; that 
he stuttered and was called " Stuttering Tad " by the chil- 
dren. His mother, a woman in black, brought him to school 
daily. Another correspondent wrote : " Tad did not stutter 
. . . but had a slight deficiency in speech. . . . The 
writer . . . sometimes protected him from pests who 
teased him because of his manner of speech and his timidity. 
He was a bright boy, slight, and delicate in health too 
advanced to have attended a primary school." 

These writers differ but slightly, so far as concerns es- 

1 Bibliography, No. 102. Bibliography, No. 67, pp. 47-8. 

* July 16, 1871. 



sentials. Tad was more than twelve years old when he came 
to Chicago. He was sixteen, or nearly so, when he and his 
mother went to Europe to continue his education. He was 
in schools in different parts of Chicago for four sessions, 
and, since he lived near Elizabeth Street, on Washington 
Street, in 1866 and part of 1867, he was probably attend- 
ing the school named above. He was fourteen years old 
then. It is also quite possible, as Lewis says on the authority 
of Mrs. Carpenter, that he had a sweetheart. Before he 
left for Europe, he is very likely to have had a youthful 

Mrs. Bayne wrote of him: 1 "Tad had a quick, fiery 
temper, very affectionate when he chose, but implacable in 
his dislikes. A slight impediment in his speech made it dif- 
ficult for strangers to understand him." 

There is ample evidence that Tad was painfully back- 
ward in his studies. When his father died, Tad was twelve 
years old. Today a normal child of that age is in the sixth 
or seventh grade. Mrs. Keckley wrote 2 that Tad did not 
know how to read in the spring of 1865. She tells of his 
difficulty in learning to spell words of one syllable and 
three letters, such as " ape." She quotes Mrs. Lincoln as 
chiding Tad in her efforts to get him to study, saying: " You 
would not like to go to school without knowing how to 
read." In the summer of 1865 Mrs. Lincoln wrote to Judge 
David Davis, telling him of her plans to put Tad in a school 
in Racine, Wisconsin, that fall. She was uneasy because he 
could not read. In letters written later, she expressed pleas- 
ure at the progress he was making in school. 

That Abraham Lincoln recognized that Tad was back- 
ward is apparent from this statement about him, made to 
N. Brooks : 8 " Let him run. There's time enough yet for 
him to learn his letters and get poky. Bob was just such a 
little rascal, and now he is a very decent boy." To this, 

1 Bibliography, No. 17, p. 8. * Bibliography, No. 25, p. 281. 

2 Bibliography, No. 85, pp. 216, 217. 



Brooks adds his own comments : " Even when he could 
scarcely read, he knew much about the cost of things, the 
details of trade, and the habits of animals, all of which 
showed the activity of his mind and the turn of his 

In January 1868 Robert made an effort to have Tad's 
difficulties of speech corrected. He and his mother, with 
the approval of Tad's guardian, Judge Davis, had Tad 
take lessons to overcome his speech defects from Dr. 
McCoy, a man of some reputation. About the same time 
the need to have Tad's teeth straightened was recognized. 
He was taken to one dentist, who put springs on his teeth. 
Wearing them was very uncomfortable and made Tad's 
speech defect worse. He was much harder to under- 
stand. A second dentist was consulted, who did not think 
much of prosthetic dentistry. He advised that the springs 
be removed and that the teeth be left to take care of 
themselves. The family acted on the advice of the second 

Dr. William E. Barton wrote : * " Tad, the little tongue- 
tied lad with the cleft palate and the slow intellectual 
development, was a lovable, spoiled, undisciplined boy." 
Elsewhere, he wrote of Tad: 2 " He was a sweet and lov- 
able boy, but with defective speech and retarded develop- 
ment. He grew to be a big tall lad, with a frame that might 
have become as gigantic as his father's. He was a very 
religious child, extremely affectionate, but given to out- 
bursts of temper like his mother." 

There is not one letter written by Tad in any Lin- 

That Tad was either backward or worse is established 
by the word of his mother and of Mrs. Keckley, and sup- 
ported by the opinions of Lincoln himself, Barton, and 
others. His early actions raise the question: Was it back- 
wardness or f eeble-mindedness ? The evidence is quite con- 

1 Bibliography, No. 10, p. 49. a Bibliography, No. ix. 



elusive that backwardness resulting from lack of application 
and discipline was the cause. 

Mrs. Bayne tells us that her brothers shared the services 
of a half -day tutor employed by the Lincoln family in 1861. 
Under this tutelage Willie made rapid progress, but to 
Tad the proceedings were not a matter of serious concern. 
Brooks, who knew the Lincoln household intimately, 
wrote : * " Tutors came and went like changes of the moon. 
None stayed long enough to learn much about the boy. He 
abhorred books and study." 

But after his father had died, and his mother had set 
her mind on Tad's schooling, and Tad had had a chance to 
see where he stood with other boys, the story was different. 
He applied himself, and when he did, he learned satisfac- 
torily; before long he was abreast of his comrades. 

In May 1871 he was back from Europe and eighteen 
years of age. Although he was then suffering from the illness 
which resulted fatally two months later, he talked over with 
Robert his plans for the future. Robert wrote to Judge 
Davis of this interview, giving his opinion that Tad was a 
good boy, and that his progress in education and develop- 
ment was sufficient to make his interest in a life-work natu- 
ral and about as was to be expected of a boy of eighteen. 
This indicates that Tad's backwardness in his earlier years 
was the result of lack of training. 

No small part of Mrs. Lincoln's traits of personality 
were the result of inheritance some good and some bad. 
She had ancestors who gave her the right to be dominating 
and ambitious, to have drive, to be Interested in politics, 
business, and finance, to have no aversion to war. On the 
other hand, a certain pattern of personality disturbance is 
noted weaving in and out. She was a link in a chain. At one 
end she connected with the links of some of her ancestors; 
at the other, with those of her children; laterally with those 

1 Bibliography, No. 25, p. 281. 



of some of her fraternity. Many links were cut from the 
same pattern. 

C. R. Stockard says: * " The heroes of history were bio- 
logically superior individuals long before they were born." 
The Cornell professor continues : " It is evident from his- 
torical record and the present state of human affairs that 
the struggle for existence and supremacy in artificial so- 
cieties does not divide persons into qualitatively different 
groups, but separates them into definite classes of graded 
successfulness, in accordance with their degrees of ability 
in the competitions concerned." It is contended that the 
unusually large number of outstanding individuals in Mrs. 
Lincoln's lineage is proof that they were possessed of high 
" degrees of ability in the competitions " they engaged in, 
and this gave to Mrs. Lincoln an exceptionally good 
genetic background. The distinguished biologist further 
says : " Neither the genetic background nor the developmen- 
tal environment is sufficient without the other. . . . The in- 
fluences of the surrounding elements are important factors 
in determining the nature and success of the final per- 

1 Bibliography, No. 166, pp. 291, 303. 



Train uf a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not 
depart -from it. 

PROVERBS xxii, 6 

A mother once asked a clergyman when she should begin the education 
of her child, which she told him was then four years old. The reply was, 
" Madam, you have lost three years already." 



1806 to 1826 

1806 June 12, Thomas Lincoln married Nancy Hanks. 

1807 February 10, Sarah Lincoln born. 

1808 Thomas Lincoln and family moved from Elizabeth- 
town to near Hodgenville, Kentucky. 

1809 February 12 } Abraham Lincoln born. 

1812 November 26, Robert S. Todd married Eliza Parker, 
Lexington, Kentucky. 

Robert S. Todd in the War of 1812. 

1813 November, Elizabeth P. Todd (Mrs. N. W. Ed- 
wards) born, Lexington, Kentucky. 

1815 Frances Todd (Mrs. William Wallace) born. 

1816 Thomas Lincoln and family, including Abraham, 
moved from Kentucky to Indiana. 

1817 June 25, Levi 0. Todd born. 

1818 October 5, Nancy Hanks Lincoln died. 
December 13, Mary Todd (Mrs. Abraham Lincoln) 

1819 December 2 } Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush 

1820 Robert Parker Todd born. 

1824 Ann Todd (Mrs. C. M. Smith) born. 

1825 July 4, George Rogers Clark Todd born. 
July $, Eliza Parker Todd died. 

Lafayette, in America, visited Lexington; was visited 
by Porters in Pennsylvania, and Todds in Lexington. 



life or her personality during the lifetime of her 
mother. There are the bare dates of births and deaths, and 
that is all. Neither Emilie Todd Helm nor her daughter 
gives any data other than these. William H. Townsend has 
found a single item, relating to the deaths of Eliza Parker 
Todd and her infant son, Robert P. Todd. Such opinions as 
can be formed of the life of the child Mary Todd prior to 
1826 are based on the few facts that we know of Robert S. 
Todd and his household and the very little that is known 
of his wife Eliza. The remainder is conclusion based on 

Mary Todd was born in Lexington, Kentucky, Decem- 
ber 13, 1818, the third daughter and the fourth child o 
her parents. Her eldest sister was five years old; her next, 
three ; her brother, a year and a half, when Mary was added 
to the family circle. 1 Two years later a son was born, but he 
died when less than two years old. When Mary was in her 
sixth year, another sister joined the flock of young children. 
On July 4, 1825 still another son was born, and on the next 
day the mother, Eliza Parker Todd, died. 

1 After this was written, I visited the cemetery at Springfield, and read the 
inscriptions on the tombstones of Mrs. Lincoln's sisters. These indicate that Mrs. 
Wallace was born only twenty-one months before Mrs. Lincoln. If this is correct, 
Levi O. could have been the next child following Mary, and not her immediate 
predecessor. This is in accordance with the entry in the Levi O. Todd family Bible 
owned by Mrs. Edward D. Keys. 



At Mrs. Todd's death the ages of her living children 
were, approximately, n years, 10 years, 8 years, 6y 2 years, 
iy 2 years, and i day. Mary was the 6 J^ -year-old. 

The homes of well-to-do Kentuckians of that day were 
plentifully supplied with efficient servants. Such was the 
Todd home. With five children, the eldest only eleven years 
old, Mrs. Todd could not have managed had there been 
any lack of trustworthy helpers. When Mary came, there 
were already three small children, the eldest not old enough 
to dress herself. 

During the first seven years of life a child is egocentric 
an individualist. Starting with a world in which there is 
but one person and that person himself, with supreme 
rights he slowly learns. The experiences of the day 
gradually teach him that there are others in the world, and 
that they have rights to be considered. 

In this Todd household there were six babies or children 
of tender age, each being gradually and slowly educated 
out of selfish individuality and learning to become socially 

Mary, doubtless, was the beneficiary of her mother's 
placid, sunny disposition, even though she did not inherit 
it. That influence may have thrown a long ray down her life 
and assisted her to restrain herself at times when she was 
sorely tempted to yield to emotional storm. It may have 
helped her to maintain the calm and poise which became 
the major objective of her life in the period between 1876 
and 1882. On the other hand, the influence of her " im- 
petuous, high-strung, sensitive " father probably pulled 
her in the opposite direction during times of stress and 

The impressions made on the soul of a young child by 
the conduct of the parents are lasting, and persist through- 
out life. In these early years Mary was in the home school. 
She learned from her parents. She learned even more from 
her Negro mammy and the other household servants. But 


she was indebted most of all to Elizabeth, Frances, Levi, 
and Ann. Doubtless the children of this Parker-Todd family 
visited their cousins, as well as the children of neighbors. 
When children are so young, however, visits are infrequent 
and contacts are casual. When Mary met the children of 
other homes, she told them about her own family and her 
own home. She played with them, but the games had a solo 
quality. Children of this age play individualistically, even 
though they are in a group. No child and no adult outside 
the family group had any particular influence on her. We 
except from this statement Grandmother Parker and, pos- 
sibly, Aunt Eliza Todd Carr. 

Next followed a little more than a year of a motherless 
home presided over by the aunt, Mrs. Charles M. Carr, 
the father's sister. Robert S. Todd's marriage to Elizabeth 
Humphreys took place when Mary was practically eight 
years old. The eighth year is a very important one in the 
socialization of a child. Mary passed through it without a 
mother's help. What we know of Elizabeth (Mrs. N. W. 
Edwards) leads us to think that she must have been the 
best teacher Mary had in this year and for several years 

A saying that is frequently heard in religious circles is : 
11 Give me a child until he is seven and you may have him 
thereafter." The general interpretation of this is that unless 
a child is well grounded morally and ethically in childhood, 
it will be difficult to hold him to good morals, ethics, or 
religion in later life. 

Mary Todd's mother was living during the first six and 
a half years of Mary's childhood. We have no knowledge 
of Eliza Parker Todd's character that would throw any 
light upon her ability or disposition to train her large fam- 
ily of children in morals, ethics, and religion. We may as- 
sume that she was a good woman, and even that she went 
to church as regularly as her domestic duties would allow; 
and that she sent the children to Sunday school when they 


reached the proper age. But whether she was of a type that 
undertook definite moral and ethical training of her children 
we do not know. It is reasonably certain that Mary Todd 
was taught the Ten Commandments and was made to un- 
derstand the meaning of about four of them. The Sunday 
school would have attended to that had the mother failed 
to find time. 

There are four Commandments that deal with the prin- 
ciples of organized religion. These the Todd children were 
taught to repeat, but practically all they understood about 
them was that they were not to use bad language, they were 
to go to church and Sunday school, and they were to deport 
themselves sedately on the Sabbath day. 

Two deal with the establishment of a family and some 
rules therefor. The Todd children learned these, but they 
did not understand them. 

Three relate to the security of property and life. Not only 
were the Todd children taught these by rote, but their con- 
notations were explained and emphasized. These were made 
to register. One prohibits murder, and a second interdicts 
stealing. A third relates to lying, or dishonesty on another 
level. Stealing and lying have to do with fairness between 
individuals. These two are fundamental social laws, as is 
that relating to security of life. Children in well-ordered 
homes learn these Commandments both in form and in 
principle; and Sunday schools are of great service in teach- 
ing them. 

The Tenth Commandment opens up an entirely different 
field. It is built around covetousness, a development of wish- 
ful thinking plus something else. This Commandment leads 
into the field of envy, jealousy, and the various emotional 
reactions which develop in " those who have not " and who 
are in contact with " those who have." It brings mental 
hygiene and immediate personal qualities, as distinguished 
from social and religious, into the purview of religion and 
ethics. All children of that day learned the Tenth Com- 



mandment, but none of them understood its meaning or had 
any thought of its connotations. 

Mary Todd unquestionably knew the Ten Command- 
ments when she acquired a stepmother. Her life indicates 
that the principles of nine of them had been taught her 
directly, and indirectly by epigram, precept, and example. 

She may not have leaned on religion in her time of trial 
as much as she should have done for her own good. But 
never until after 1865 did she fail in her church attendance 
and affiliations. 

Her life also indicates that she not only learned, but took 
to heart those two Commandments which deal with the 
family. She was always and ever a family woman. As a 
young girl that was the aim of her planning. As a wife and 
mother she was faithful. When her son Robert married, she 
was most cordial to his wife, writing her many letters and 
putting in them such pleas for domesticity as this : x " Mrs. 
R. said housekeeping and babies were an uncomfortable 
state of existence for a young married lady. I think her expe- 
rience was different from most mothers who consider that 
in the outset in life a nice home, a loving husband, and a 
precious child are the happiest stages of life." 

The exception to all of this is the Tenth Commandment. 
Probably she learned the words but not the meaning. It is 
quite likely that her mother, her Sunday school teacher, and 
even her preacher did not fully comprehend this Command- 
ment. How, then, could Mary learn it? To the fact that 
Mary never understood the significance of the Tenth Com- 
mandment and never built conformity to it into her per- 
sonality was due some of the trouble which came to her in 
later years, particularly between 1842 and 1865. 

Julia Taft Bayne, who, as a sixteen-year-old girl, saw 
much of the Lincoln family in 1861 and the early part of 
1862, wrote of the household: 2 "If there was any motto 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 282. * Bibliography, No. 17, p. 107. 

6 9 


or slogan of the White House during the early days of the 
Lincolns' occupancy it was this : * Let the children have a 
good time.' " She heard Mrs. Lincoln say this on many occa- 
sions. It typified her notion of the way to bring up children : 
that is, let them grow up naturally with the least possible 
amount of restraint, instruction, or guidance; and with the 
greatest possible liberty to enjoy life in their own way. 
Mr. Lincoln followed the same policy and took much pleas- 
ure in doing so. Mrs. Bayne cites many illustrations of the 
educational and training influence of Willie, the elder, on 
Tad, the younger; but she says little of what the mother 
did in this respect. She remarks : 1 " They [the children] 
were never accustomed to restraint." This testimony is con- 
firmed by others who were close to the family in either 
Springfield or Washington. In the absence of better light on 
the subject we surmise that Mary Todd the child was reared 
much as were her own children, Willie and Tad. 

Mrs. Bayne observes : 2 " Mrs. Lincoln wanted what she 
wanted when she wanted it." This quality goes by the name 
of " immediacy." It is an infantile quality. It is most easily 
recognized in babies, but sometimes carries over into adult 
life. When it does, it constitutes a flaw in the personality. 
In Mrs. Lincoln the defect was one of the points at which 
her personality fractured. 

The tendency for infantile characteristics to persist at 
older age periods is quite marked in particular types of men- 
tal abnormality. It is especially prominent in feeble-minded- 
ness, and also in the adolescent-minded. It is an outstanding 
feature of certain insanities. It is also present in special types 
of adult mind; and in these, in proper circumstances, im- 
proves the quality of the mind. Comparative success in do- 
ing specific things is sometimes achieved by people because 
they have this peculiarity. 

C. R. Stockard 8 is of the opinion that a prolonged infan- 
tilism is partly responsible for the superiority of man over 

1 Bibliography, No. 17, p. 8. * Ibid., p. 49. Bibliography, No. 166. 



the lower animals. Thus a persisting infantilism has certain 
advantages. For the average situation, however, the Bibli- 
cal saying: " When I was a child, I spake as a child, I under- 
stood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a 
man, I put away childish things " 1 represents the normal. 

The probability is that Mary Todd inherited this at- 
tribute of immediacy, because we find it in some of her full 
brothers and sisters. But a proper training might have over- 
come it. This training is usually supplied by association in 
the family with several older children. In Mary Todd's 
family there were three such, but wherever the fault lay 
she was not cured. 

There is every reason for thinking that Mary Todd as a 
young child was impatient under restraint. Mrs. Bayne and 
scores of other witnesses say Tad was, and he inherited it 
from his mother. " When Tad came in and saw me he threw 
himself down in the midst of the ladies and kicked and 
screamed and had to be taken out by the servants." 2 

The foundation for this characteristic begins in the first 
few days of life. If the nurse pinions the arms of a newly 
born baby or holds his legs, the restraint is resented, and 
the resentment is shown by screaming, a red face, and 
other manifestations. If the quality persists in a somewhat 
older child, it shows itself as temper tantrums. If years of 
adolescence have been reached, it appears as hysteria, and 
often as major hysteria. 

In Mrs. Lincoln it took the form of excessive mourning 
and convulsions of grief; and, in the earlier years of her 
married life, of unreasonable outbursts of anger. These we 
read of at Springfield and on a few occasions in the White 
House, but never with the same violence after that. 

It is a pretty good guess that Mary Todd as a child was 
subject to temper tantrums, and she may have had night- 
terrors. The children who are fortunate in having broth- 
ers and sisters may be cured of these traits through the 

1 1 Corinthians xiii, n. * Bibliography, No. 17, p. 201. 



education administered in the nursery and home by those 
most valuable childhood educators. Mrs. Lincoln's success in 
controlling her temper during the last half of her adult life 
shows what little more of educational training in her child- 
hood would have sufficed for the control of this weakness. 

The relation between the urge that most children feel to 
collect things, and a certain outstanding peculiarity devel- 
oped by Mrs. Lincoln in later life, will be given some atten- 
tion elsewhere. 

Since we have no information from anyone not even 
from the Helms as to Mary Todd's disposition in her 
first eight years, we can be guided only by her disposition in 
later years, and by the inference that her youth was some- 
what akin to that of her children. All adult qualities have 
their roots in childhood years, certain of them more than 

We can be reasonably sure that Mary Todd, with her 
inherited introvert personality and her drive and force, was 
much in need of training suited to such a personality, espe- 
cially in the first eight years. She needed to learn restraint, 
patience, passivity, and relaxation. Above all, she needed to 
learn the Tenth Commandment in all its connotations. What 
we know of her adult life indicates that as a young child 
she did not receive the training her nature required. 


Youth Builds Her Up 

Youth is the time of enterprise and hope; having yet no occasion of com- 
paring our force with any opposing power y we naturally form presumptions 
in our favor and imagine that obstruction and impediment will give way 
before us. 



182 6 to Autumn 

1826 August 2, Sarah, Abraham Lincoln's sister, married 
Aaron Grigsby. 

November i, Robert S. Todd, Mary's father, married 
Betsy Humphreys, Frankfort, Kentucky. 
Mary Todd started school at Ward's. 

1827 Robert S. Todd born; died in infancy. 

1828 January 28, Sarah Lincoln Grigsby died. 
December 14, Margaret Todd (Mrs. Charles H. 
Kellogg) born. 

1830 February, Abraham Lincoln moved from Indiana to 

March 25, Samuel B. Todd born. 

1831 Lincoln, living in New Salem, cast his first vote. 

1832 February 29, marriage of Elizabeth Todd to Ninian 
W. Edwards. 

March g } Lincoln announced his candidacy for the 
Illinois legislature. 
March 20, David H. Todd born. 
April to July, Lincoln in Black Hawk War. 
July 10, Lincoln mustered out, Whitewater, Wis- 

August 7, Lincoln defeated for the legislature. 
Lincoln piloted steamboat to Springfield. 
Mary Todd entered Mentelle's. 

1833 Mrs. Ninian W. Edwards moved to Illinois. 

June 9, Martha Todd (Mrs. Clement White) born. 
1836 Frances Todd (Mrs. William Wallace) went to 
Springfield to live. 

November H, Emilie Todd (Mrs. B. H. Helm) 

1837 March, Lincoln moved to Springfield and studied 


April, Lincoln became partner of Judge John T. 

Stuart (Mary Todd' s first cousin). 

Abraham Lincoln broke with Mary Owens. 

Mary Todd visited Springfield for three months. 

Autumn, Mary Todd in Ward's school again. 
1839 February 18, Alexander H. Todd born. 

Mary Todd finished at Ward's and went to Spring- 
field to live. 


Youth Builds Her Up 

1825, and until his remarriage in the autumn of the 
next year, Robert S. Todd managed his household as well 
as he could. He had help from his sister, Eliza (Mrs. 
Charles M. Carr), but that lady had her own children to 
look after. His mother-in-law, Eliza Parker, lived near by, 
and she helped. 

In the autumn of 1826, when Mary was almost eight 
years old, Robert S. Todd married Elizabeth (or Betsy) 
Humphreys. This marriage met with the outspoken disap- 
proval of Mrs. Parker. The grandmother did much to fos- 
ter the somewhat natural or at least often manifested dislike 
of the Todd children for their stepmother. "The children 
visited in the home of their grandmother, and no doubt 
when they did, their dislike of the new Mrs. Todd was 

Mrs. John C. Lanphier, a grand-daughter of Mrs. Carr, 
and Mrs. Mary Edwards Brown, a grand-daughter of Mrs. 
Edwards, both think they have heard that Mrs. Carr was 
rather sympathetic with the antagonism of the first family 
to the stepmother. Members of the family are authority for 
the statement that during this period the children lived in 
the home of this aunt, and that after the second marriage of 
Mr. Todd the children lived there more than half the time. 1 
1 Personal communications. 



I have not been able to verify these statements. It is more 
likely that such time as the first set of children lived away 
from the Robert Todd home was spent in the home of 
Grandmother Parker. 

Between 1826 and 1 832 Mary Todd lived in her father's 
home with her stepmother, her three sisters and two broth- 
ers, and an increasing number of children of the second 
family. She was attending the preparatory department of 
Ward's Academy. 

The year 1832 is given some emphasis because it was in 
that year that two events of some moment occurred. One of 
these was the marriage of Elizabeth Todd to Ninian W. 
Edwards. 1 This marriage was destined to influence pro- 
foundly the life of Mary Todd. The second event of im- 
portance to her in this year was her entering the boarding- 
school for girls kept by Madame Mentelle. Thereafter she 
lived for five days a week of the school year away from her 
stepmother. In 1833 Mrs. Edwards moved from Lexington 
to Springfield, probably by way of Belleville; and in 1836 
she began her policy of inviting her sisters to Springfield. 

In June 1837 Mary Todd was graduated from Madame 
Mentelle's and went almost at once to Springfield to spend 
the summer with Elizabeth. At the end of her visit she re- 
turned to Lexington and again became a student. This time 
she lived in her father's home and went to school in the 
academic department of Ward's Academy. In 1839 she 
finished her studies at Ward's, whereupon she took leave of 
her father's home and of Lexington and joined her sister's 
family in Springfield. Once settled in Springfield, she en- 
tered society, finding her friends among the members of the 
Edwards circle. 

That autumn she met Abraham Lincoln. In 1840 she was 
engaged to marry him. In January 1841 the engagement 

l Mrs. Lanphier and Mrs. Brown think Elizabeth Todd married at Mrs. Carr's 
home instead of her own. They think Elizabeth's dislike of her stepmother was so 
great that she had left home and was living with her aunt when she was married. 
There is some basis for accepting this as true, but there is no way of establishing it. 



was broken under circumstances which led to the generally 
accepted story of the bride waiting at the altar while the 
groom hung back in a state of distraction. This story is not 
true, but the engagement was broken. Later in the year the 
friendship was renewed. In November 1842 they married. 


In spite of its charm, the home of Robert S. Todd could 
not have been a wholesome place for a child during the thir- 
teen years following 1826. Not even a beautifully appointed 
house, with servants, conveniences, and all else that money 
can buy and the town can supply was enough to make 
it so. 

For one thing, there were too many children. When Mrs. 
Betsy Humphreys Todd took charge, there were six chil- 
dren, ranging in age from one year to twelve. In 1827 her 
own brood commenced arriving, and thereafter new mem- 
bers appeared with regularity until nine had been born. By 
1832 the second Mrs. Todd had added four to the original 
Todd group of children. As one of these had died, the num- 
ber of children in the home was nine. In this year Elizabeth 
married, but the subtraction was offset by the addition of 
Elizabeth Humphreys, Mrs. Todd's niece, who came to 
live with her aunt and go to school. It is from this Elizabeth 
Humphreys, later Mrs. Norris, that we get our first authen- 
tic pen picture of Mary Todd and her home life. 

Between 1832 and 1839 Frances had been the only mem- 
ber of the family to leave, and every year or so there was 
an addition. In the last months that Mary was in the Robert 
S. Todd home, that home school and kindergarten had a 
daily attendance of four children of the first family and six 
of the second. They ranged in age from Levi O., who 
was twenty-two years of age, to Alexander H., who was 
less than six months. The house was commodious and 



comfortable. There were plenty of competent servants, 
many of them faithful slaves of the house-servant class. 

Mrs. Norris, whose long and helpful letter was quoted 
at length by both Emilie Todd Helm and Katherine Helm, 
describes the home as a most desirable one, presided over 
by the father and his wife, each a worthy head of the house- 
hold. She tells us of a tutor, or private teacher, who added 
to the family educational equipment as well as to its person- 
nel. This tutor gave Mary, who did not like him, an oppor- 
tunity to practice her wit and to exhibit some of the per- 
sonality traits which, grown out of proportion, made trouble 
for her in later life. 1 Probably there were other tutors at 
other times; and special nurses and care-takers for the nu- 
merous progeny doubtless served to swell the crowd. 

In this home Mary Todd could not have received much 
parental training. With ten children around the fireside 
always one baby in arms and another crawling out of moth- 
er's lap to play on the floor with a third the mother had 
no energy or time for child-training. However intelligent, 
conscientious, and willing she may have been, it was inevi- 
table that she should fail in this. 


To this overcrowding and inevitable neglect of training 
at least, parental training there was added an element 
of family discord of far greater consequence in the harm it 
did. The second marriage of Robert S. Todd was bitterly 
resented by the mother of the first wife. 

It is possible that the interference of Mrs. Parker in her 
son-in-law's family affairs may not have been as pernicious 
as it appears, since it is not easy to arrive at a just conclu- 
sion of the facts in family quarrels where there are no rec- 
ords and where the truth must be winnowed out of old gos- 
sip. This, however, stands out: the first group of children 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 55. 


had a persisting ill-feeling for their stepmother, and there 
is much reason for thinking their grandmother contributed 
to it. They took part in the quarrel from its beginning and 
participated in it with various degrees of activity and rancor 
until well toward Civil War times. 

There is some contradiction in the scanty evidence as to 
the family discord between 1826 and 1832. Elizabeth may 
or may not have left her father's home ; and her marriage 
may have occurred there or elsewhere. The Kentucky Re- 
porter, February 29, 1832, carried this brief notice: " Mar- 
ried in this city, Ninian W. Edwards, of Illinois, to Miss 
Elizabeth Todd, daughter of Robert S. Todd, Esqr." There 
is no statement as to who was there or where the wed- 
ding occurred. From some source there comes the infor- 
mation that the wedding was performed by Dr. Robert 
Stuart, a professor in Transylvania University, and the 
husband of one of Robert S. Todd's sisters, as well as 
the father of Abraham Lincoln's first law partner in 

When Elizabeth Todd married young Ninian W. Ed- 
wards, the latter was a student at Transylvania. After he 
was graduated, in 1833, it is said that he took his wife to his 
father's home to be the mistress thereof. This Ninian Ed- 
wards had been the Territorial Governor of Illinois, and 
then Governor of the state by election. He was much the 
most influential man in Illinois at the time. 

When Abraham Lincoln ran for the legislature the year 
Ninian W. Edwards married his future sister-in-law, the 
political parties in the new state to the north were not so 
much Whig and Democratic as they were " Edwards " and 
" Anti-Edwards." Governor Edwards was a former Ken- 
tuckian, the owner of thousands of broad, fertile, Kentucky 
acres, and had been a judge in that state. 

Mrs. Edwards soon offered a sanctuary, or alternative 
home, to her sisters. Beginning in 1836, there came succes- 
sively to Elizabeth's home, at her warm invitation, Frances, 



Mary, and Ann, all of whom married and settled down near 
their hospitable sister and away from the parental home. 

It is significant of the depth and fixedness of the ill- 
feeling between Mrs. Todd and her stepdaughters that all 
of them left their home when they were old enough to do 
so ; that the younger ones went to live in their sister's home 
in another state, where they entered society and married; 
that neither Robert S. Todd nor his wife attended these wed- 
dings ; that the father rarely visited his married daughters ; 
that the daughters rarely visited Lexington after going to 
Springfield. These facts stand as barriers hard to explain 
away when we try to lend a willing ear to the Helm view 
that Betsy Todd and her stepchildren were on reasonably 
pleasant terms. 

In May 1848 Mrs. Lincoln, visiting in her father's home, 
wrote to her husband about her stepmother: " She is very 
obliging and accommodating, but if she thought any of us 
were on her hands again, she would be worse than ever." 1 
Lincoln's correspondence with his wife, especially when she 
was in Lexington, contains references to the need of caution 
in view of strained family relations. 

In the litigation over the Todd estate, there is evidence 
in the record of the unfriendly relations existing, especially 
between Levi O. and George, on the one hand, and the 
stepmother, on the other. 

But there is something of a brighter side to this picture. 
In 1844 Mrs. Lincoln and her stepmother were in friendly 
correspondence. Miss Helm's narrative shows that the fam- 
ily did not look on the relations as being so unpleasant as is 
generally thought. In 1865 and before, Mrs. Todd, the step- 
mother, showed her kindliness toward Levi O., and her will- 
ingness to forgive, by several gracious acts. 

1 Original owned by Oliver R. Barrett, Chicago, Illinois. 



Mary Todd's formal or school education began at 
Ward's, where she studied in what would now be called the 
" grades," When she reached almost the level of what might 
now be called the high school, she went to Mentelle's. She 
finished there in 1837, an d then decided to go to Spring- 
field to visit her sisters and have a try at society. In the fall, 
however, she was back in Lexington and, what is more, back 
in school. 

Abraham Lincoln once had a peek at a law court in Cin- 
cinnati, where he saw big corporation lawyers in action and 
where he was well snubbed. Someone asked him what he 
intended doing about the insult. Lincoln's reply was that he 
was going back home and study law. Somewhat similarly, 
Mary spent two years in doing what might be termed " post- 
graduate work." She wanted to be exceptionally well quali- 
fied for life, and she was willing to give the necessary time 
and work to preparation. 

Thus when Mary Todd ventured forth for conquest on 
the high seas of society in 1839, she had had about seven 
years of high-school and college work and, almost as cer- 
tainly, another six years of lower, or what might be termed 
" grade," education. This makes a total of thirteen years 
of formal schooling. Practically no women and very few 
men of that period received so much formal education. 

An incidental result of these years at school was that 
Mary was removed largely from close contact with her step- 
mother for at least five of the thirteen years elapsing be- 
tween her father's second marriage and her departure for 

What was the character of the education she received in 
these schools? It was both basic and cultural. 

The building occupied by Ward's school is still standing, 
near the business center of Lexington and in close proximity 



to Transylvania College. When Mary Todd went there to 
school, she had to carry her books only a few blocks. The 
present building has the appearance of being able to house 
both boarders and day pupils, and of having been well suited 
for school purposes in that day. 

The impression one gets from reading of the Ward school 
is that it specialized in the fundamentals reading, writ- 
ing, and arithmetic and in discipline that was puritanical. 

William H. Townsend writes of Doctor Ward: 1 
" Kindly, scholarly, benevolent, he was, nevertheless, a strict 
disciplinarian. Far in advance of his time, he believed in co- 
education, and his school numbered about one hundred boys 
and girls from the best families in Lexington." G. W. 
Ranck 2 says of Doctor Ward that he was an Episcopal rec- 
tor (the second in Lexington), an educator, and the founder 
of a girls' school. 

The Mentelles were natives of France who fled to Amer- 
ica to escape persecution. Mr. Mentelle was of some im- 
portance in the affairs and politics of Louis XVI ; and when 
his monarch fell, it was necessary for the subject to sur- 
render his property and leave the country. He became a man 
of affairs and of high standing in Lexington. 

In Mentelle's school Mary Todd acquired a proficiency 
in speaking and reading French that stood her in good stead 
when she met the representatives of foreign governments 
in Washington. Whoever wrote of her always had some- 
thing to say about her fluent use of French. Her reading 
knowledge of this language made possible a range of litera- 
ture to which few had access. To be well-read in the polite 
French literature of 1 840 was enough to give a woman social 
status. Mary was equipping herself to win a husband and 
to shine in society; this study of French helped her in her 
second objective and did not harm her in her first. 

Madame Mentelle taught the girls society manners; and 
Mary was an apt pupil. Dancing, singing, conversation, 

* Bibliography, No. 176, p. 57. * Bibliography, No. 146. 

8 4 


letter-writing all the social graces were in the curricu- 
lum and made a part of the daily habit, as is the way of 
finishing-schools today. But this does not convey a proper 
impression of the character of the Mentelle instruction. In 
fact, Townsend 1 says that Beveridge was misled into the 
belief that little else than dancing and French was taught 
there. The Lexington Intelligencer, March 6, 1838, carries 
an announcement of Mentelle's, stating that it gives ". . . a 
truly useful and solid English education in all its branches." 
The school was located on a tract of ground donated for the 
purpose by Mary Todd's cousin. 

Here, then, were two periods of schooling, having two 
differing objectives and pursuing different methods. Men- 
telle's had as its objective preparing young women for polite 
society, teaching them social graces, synchronously with 
English, French, and other cultural subjects. We are quite 
prepared to read the statement from her schoolmate Kath- 
erine Bodley (Mrs. Owsley) : 2 "Of course, we girls at 
Madame Mentelle's used to discuss our future husbands." 

On the other hand, the instruction at Ward's was hard 
and puritanical. It trained in obedience, dependability, 
regularity, and duty, while it taught grammar, geography, 
and arithmetic. The keynote of Ward's was discipline. And 
that was good for Mary Todd. She had not had much op- 
portunity to learn this in her own home, presided over first 
by busy Eliza Parker Todd and later by even busier Betsy 
Humphreys Todd. 

We know little about Mary's schooling from 1837 to 
1839. She took up additional studies in Ward's, but what 
they were we do not know. Although there were primary 
day students, there were also boarders at Ward's, and prob- 
ably instruction was given to advanced pupils. 

Mrs. Elizabeth Edward's statement about Mrs. Lincoln 8 

1 Bibliography, No. 176, p. 61, n. 

2 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 119. 

By courtesy of the Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Pasadena, Cal- 
ifornia, Lamon MS. 



includes the following : ". . . well educated . . . taught at 

private school in Lexington, Mrs. keeping it." When 

I read this, I interpreted it as meaning that Mary went back 
to Lexington and undertook to teach. Had this been so, it 
would have been highly significant of something what, 
we can only speculate. But Dr. William E. Barton 1 cleared 
up the matter by reference to Herndon's notes of his inter- 
view with Mrs. Lincoln in the St. Nicholas Hotel, Spring- 
field, Illinois, September 6, 1866, from which he quoted: 
"Came to Illinois in 1837; was ' m Illinois three months; 
went to school two years after I came to Illinois ; returned 
to Illinois in 1839 or 1840." Barton commented: "This, 
from Herndon's notes, omits her return to Lexington, which 
followed the first three months' visit. In another part of the 
interview she says that her schooling, after Madame Men- 
telle's, was in c Mr. Ward's Academy,' where she c finished.' 
This would seem to preclude her teaching." Mrs. Edwards 
probably meant that she was taught. 

It appears settled that those last two years were spent 
in Ward's. But we have no information as to the studies or 
the discipline during this period, or even whether she 
boarded in the school. We are probably safe in concluding 
that she pursued cultural subjects. 


Quite as important as the formal education, and even 
more so in preparation for life as housewives in the middle 
of the last century, were the social experiences and contacts 
of the young women. 

The Todds were welcome in the best social circles in Lex- 
ington and in Frankfort. Mrs, Norris writes of a visit which 
she and Mary paid to Mrs. Betsy Humphreys Todd's 
mother in Frankfort. This Mrs. Humphreys was the widow 
of Dr. Alexander Humphreys and a sister of the famous 

1 Personal letter to me, dated March 28, 1929. 


One of the buildings occupied by Transylvania University 
when Mary Todd lived in Lexington. 

Morrison Hall, Transylvania 


Brown brothers, two of whom were United States Senators 
and two, outstanding physicians. No professor in Transyl- 
vania University Medical School, not even the renowned 
Dr. B. W. Dudley, was a better servant of his school than 
was Dr. Samuel Brown, one of these brothers. When Mrs. 
Humphreys's daughter married Robert S. Todd, the grooms- 
man was John J. Crittenden, later United States Senator. 

Miss Mary Todd had access to the best society in the 
Blue-Grass. Her intimate associates were girls such as the 
Misses Wickliffe, Preston, Bodley, Stuart, and Trotter and 
the Breckinridges and Clays. But never once in any list of 
her friends is there given the name of an eligible bachelor 
or outstanding beau. Why is it that there is no record of a 
Kentucky sweetheart for Mary Todd? Why is there no 
legend of young men whom she might have married, similar 
to the stories of Lincoln and Ann Rutledge, or Lincoln and 
Mary Owens, or to that of Mary Todd and Stephen A. 
Douglas in Springfield? 

The answer, I think, is that Mary Todd never had much 
general social experience in Lexington. She was always a 
schoolgirl in her home town. Mary went out in company 
with girls and boys during the week-ends and the summer 
vacations, but she never molted her girl feathers nor ac- 
quired the plumage of a society belle. When in the company 
of young men, she probably talked and danced with them, 
but she was never more than a " sub-deb." When the time 
came to launch her real social career, she headed for 

It is true that the Lexington papers did not have society 
columns, and it was not regarded as good form to have 
notices of social affairs appear in the papers. Mary Day 
Winn refers x to " the old rule that a lady's name should ap- 
pear only twice in the paper first, at her marriage, and, 
second, at her death . . . and the accompanying feeling 
that if it appeared at any other time her nearest male relative 

1 Bibliography, No. 193. 


was under a moral obligation to shoot the editor. . . ." 
This was the rule in Lexington when Mary Todd lived 
there. Since she neither married nor died in that city, she 
escaped newspaper notice. However, that is only a part of 
the reason that we find so little Kentucky record of Miss 
Mary Todd's social career. 

Though there is such scant evidence of her participation in 
the social activities of Lexington, and nothing at all to be 
found in the Lexington papers, the page is not wholly blank. 
Gustav Koerner attended the Alton Lincoln-Douglas de- 
bate. When Lincoln met him in the hotel, he invited him to 
go to their room to see Mary. Koerner wrote: 1 " I had not 
seen Mrs. Lincoln, that I recollected, since meeting her at 
the Lexington parties when she was Miss Todd." In 
another place he wrote of Lexington society between 
1825 and 1840: "Most of the parties were very elegant 
. . . splendid supper at midnight. ... At one party 
at the Todds I met Mary Todd, who became Lincoln's 


Lexington was the home of Henry Clay 2 during his entire 
political life. This is equivalent to saying that it was a politi- 
cal storm-center for the greater part of fifty years. Clay was 
in several cabinets, was a United States Senator and a mem- 
ber of the House, and was more than once, if not at all 
times, a candidate for president. Many of his political sup- 
porters, including Robert S. Todd, were always engaged 
in political strategy to promote the presidential candidacy 
of their friend, one of America's greatest statesmen. No 
one disputes the fact that Henry Clay was Lexington's 

1 Bibliography, No. 97, Vol. I, p. 361, and Vol. II, p. 66. 

2 Henry Clay was a member of die Kentucky Constitutional Convention in 
1799; Kentucky legislature, 1803 and 1809; U. S. Senate, 1806-7, 1810-11, 1831-42, 
1849 to rime f death; member of the House and sometimes Speaker, 1811-30; 
Secretary of State, 1825-9; candidate for president, 1824, 1832, 1840, 1844, 1848. 



political sun, or the further fact that during his reign Lex- 
ington was the political Mecca for Clay followers. 

But Henry Clay was not the only presidential timber that 
Lexington knew. His bitter political enemy Andrew Jackson 
rode that way when he was campaigning for re-election in 
1832. In 1836 neither Clay, of Kentucky, nor Jackson, 
of Tennessee, was a candidate for the presidency, but one of 
the group of candidates selected by the Clay forces to 
help beat Jackson's candidate was Hugh M. White, a man 
from the mountains just to the east of Lexington. 

Among Lexingtonians of that day there were always some 
cabinet members, governors or ex-governors, senators or 
ex-senators. A man walking down the street would greet 
some neighbor by a high-sounding title before he had gone 
five blocks, and nearly every rising, ambitious young man 
looked on himself as a future statesman or, at least, office- 
holder. One young man of the Lexington days, Breckinridge, 
was to be a serious contender for the presidency against 
Lincoln. Napoleon is credited with saying that every sol- 
dier of France might carry a marshal's baton in his knap- 
sack. Change a few words, and the epigrammatic statement 
might have been applied to the youth of Lexington during 
that period which began with the ending of the Virginia- 
Massachusetts political era, and itself did not end until the 
issues of Civil War were joined. 

Lexington began to be a political caldron early in its day. 
Clay made it so when, just as the century began, he, with 
Webster and Calhoun, shifted the political scene. Lafa- 
yette's visit there brought together a group of men who pro- 
ceeded to brew some political medicine. 

Its proximity to Frankfort, the state capital, was another 
reason for the perpetual heat of politics in Lexington. Not 
only was Frankfort near; it was the terminus of highways 
that went through Lexington. People journeyed there to 
take the boat as well as to make politics. Any place within 
commuting range of a capital is a place of political intrigue. 


One who reads the Lexington papers published between 
1 830 and 1850 finds no need to speculate. The proof is there 
that Lexington was a training-school for politicians. 

Did this concern Mary Todd, schoolgirl? It did. Her fa- 
ther was a politician, several times an office-holder, and 
frequently a candidate. He was one of the Clay " guards." 
He read law in the office of a former cabinet member. He 
was either an advocate or an opponent in politics of nearly 
every one of his neighbors and friends. Mrs. Betsy Hum- 
phreys Todd also came of a political family, two uncles 
having been United States Senators. She could have been 
expected to talk politics with her husband in the home circle. 
Mrs. Norris supplies some information about her room- 
mate's fondness for politics, her partisanship, and her 
forthrightness, and Miss Helm supports this story with in- 
cidents drawn doubtless from the family tradition. These 
incidents relate to Mary Todd's contacts with Henry Clay 
and Andrew Jackson, among others. 1 

Miss Mary Todd was politically minded. There is some 
proof that she was so in Lexington, and there is much evi- 
dence of the effect of that Lexington political training in her 
history in the Springfield and Washington days. 


U. B. Phillips quotes 2 Timothy Flint as saying in Boston: 
"A full century ago they were saying in the Blue-Grass 
that Heaven could only be another Kentucky." 

H. B. Fearon wrote of Lexington in 1815 : 8 " It is with 
delight we notice the great prosperity and rapidly rising 
importance of the future metropolis of the west; where 
town lots sell nearly as high as in Boston, New York, Phila- 
delphia, or Baltimore." 

E. P. Fordham, writing of Kentucky people in 1818, 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. i. Bibliography, No. <6b, p. 245. 

2 Bibliography, No. 140, p. 12. 


One of the first daguerreotype cameras 
brought to America, imported by 

Transylvania University; 
now in Sayre Institute, Lexington. 


said : * " The homes have a cleanliness which contrasts 
strongly with the dirty Ohio homes and the Indiana and 
Illinois pigsties in which men, women, and children wallow 
in promiscuous filth. But the Kentuckians have servants and, 
whatever may be the future consequences of slavery, the 
present effects are in these respects most agreeable and bene- 
ficial. A Kentucky farmer has the manners of a gentleman; 
he is more or less refined according to his education, but 
there is generally a grave, severe dignity of deportment in 
the men of middle age, which prepossesses and commands 

Phillips 2 also quotes a writer in the Cultivator, testify- 
ing as to conditions on farms in the Blue-Grass region in 
1845: "In point of comforts, of luxuries, and even ele- 
gancies the Kentucky farmer compares well with the Eng- 
lish, Irish, and Scotch gentlemen farmers in every respect. 
Their houses, generally speaking, are of brick, well and 
tastefully planned, large and roomy, and if any fault is to 
be found at all, they are too magnificently furnished for a 
farmer's residence." 

An excellent account of society in that section was written 
by Governor Gustav Koerner, 8 of Belleville, Illinois, who 
studied law in Lexington: "Lexington is a lively, hand- 
some city, built on wavelike hills surrounded by beautiful 
villas. No wonder that the inhabitants are very proud of 
it. My American guidebook calls it perhaps the finest spot 
on the globe. Of course, I cannot subscribe to this panegyric, 
but I am quite pleased with the place. It is the richest city 
in Kentucky and hence there is much show and luxury here. 
I have been in several homes and must confess that with 
us in Frankfort-on-the-Main the wealthiest do not 
live as elegantly and comfortably." 

Koerner boarded with a Mrs. Boggs, the widow of a 
Kentucky politician, and the mother of a governor of 

1 Bibliography, No. fga, p. 216. 8 Bibliography, No. 97, Chapter xv, p. 346. 
> Bibliography, No. 140. 


Missouri. He gives us this glimpse of society in Lexington, 
as he observed it in Mrs. Boggs's home and among her 
friends : cf Mrs. Boswell, a rich widow, a daughter of 
Mrs. Boggs, usually had a large company of young ladies in 
the drawing-room. Most of the ladies were highly accom- 
plished according to the fashion of the country. Some of 
them played very well on the piano, and some sang remark- 
ably well. They played for me German melodies and songs 
translated from the German. ... I may say that towards 
the end of the season, when parties followed upon parties 
and I had to attend a good many the waltz mania 
had spread, and while of course quadrilles were the rule, 
we generally had two or three round dances every time. 
Yet, with the exception of one grand ball given on the oc- 
casion of the Legislature visiting Lexington in a body, to 
which the law students were invited, and one concert, there 
were no other public amusements, for not only did all the 
fashionable and respectable world go to church twice every 
Sunday in grand toilet, but there were frequent sermons." 

We can get no truer and more graphic picture of the 
social life of Mary Todd in Lexington than by imagining 
her as a member of the group about which Koerner wrote. 
Her family was the oldest in town and had always been 
prominent. The group of girls and beaux with whom she 
associated was the highest socially in Lexington, and they 
occupied their time quite as Koerner describes. So much for 
Miss Todd's social environment. 

Ranck says : x " The literary culture and educational ad- 
vantages of Lexington had become such by 1824 that the 
city was spoken of far and wide as the ' Athens of the 
West.' . . . The society of Lexington was noted for its 
intelligence, its appreciation of literature, its good taste, 
and eloquence. . . . The city library was the largest in 
the West and has never been more liberally patronized. 
[The period is that of Miss Todd's residence there.] A 

1 Bibliography, No. 146. 


botanical garden had just been established, the pencil of 
Jouett had made him famous, and scholars and distinguished 
men from all over the country visited Lexington. . . . The 
Lyceum was the successor to the debating society called the 
* Lexington Junto,' in which Henry Clay distinguished him- 
self by the first speech he made in Lexington, in the year 
1798." (Many of the professors of Transylvania Univer- 
sity and many distinguished men from different parts of 
the world spoke before this Lyceum. Dr. B. W. Dudley, 
Dr. Samuel Brown, and Dr. Dan Drake were among these.) 

One of the powerful cultural influences of Lexington was 
Transylvania University. There were other institutions of 
learning there ; but none ranked in age, in reputation, or in 
influence with Transylvania. The period in which we are 
interested is that of Dr. Holly; and the golden age of 
Transylvania was that in which he was its president. 

Audubon lived for a while in Kentucky, and his influence 
lay on Lexington as well as elsewhere. A love of birds, of 
nature, and of beauty flourished by the side of more lettered 

In Lexington, one hears much of Rafinesque, a Transyl- 
vania professor and the " Lexington Audubon." Professor 
John Torrey wrote of Rafinesque : * " He is the best natu- 
ralist I am acquainted with"; David Starr Jordan: "No 
more remarkable figure has ever appeared in the annals 
of science." 

James Whaler, who wrote Green River* round some 
incidents in the career of Rafinesque, says of him : " Today 
his name is not wholly forgotten on the campus of Transyl- 
vania College, where for years he lectured on natural 
science and where his bones now lie buried. They still 
speak of him as their eccentric genius." The current col- 
lege catalogue so refers to him. Open any manual of 
botany or ichthyology, and here and there * Raf ' still 

1 Bibliography, No. 187, Introduction. a Bibliography, No. 187. 



stands beside some genus or species which he first found or 

Another of the Transylvania professors was Mary's 
uncle by marriage, Professor Robert Stuart, the father of 
Judge John T. Stuart of Springfield. Among the great men 
in the medical department were : Professor Samuel Brown, 
uncle of the second Mrs. Todd; Dr. Dan Drake, the best- 
known physician of his day in the Mississippi Valley, and 
the only physician Abraham Lincoln is known to have con- 
sulted; Dr. B. W. Dudley, the greatest surgeon the Blue- 
Grass ever produced; and Dr. Ephraim McDowell, re- 
nowned for having done the first ovariotomy. Among the 
students of the period in the university was Jefferson Davis. 

In Miss R. Peter's History of the Medical Department 
of Transylvania University* there is this statement about 
the botanical garden : " A project inaugurated by Rafinesque, 
while a professor at Transylvania, was called the Botanical 
Garden of Transylvania University. It was chartered Janu- 
ary 7, 1824 a charming resort for the elite who were 
expected to stroll at evening perchance through sylvan bor- 
ders. . . . To benefit farmers by supplying new fruits and 
flowers and grains. . . . Lectures and practical demon- 
strations to be given to the students. . . ." 

Transylvania sent men to Europe at frequent intervals 
to gather books and manuscripts for the library and objects 
of interest for the museum. Among the museum pieces 
brought back and curiously inspected, even today, is one 
of the first daguerreotype machines brought to America, if 
not the very first. This was in Transylvania by 1839. Since 
Mary Todd did not leave Lexington until the summer of 
that year, it is quite possible that the daguerreotype from 
which Miss Helm painted the portraits (a part of one of 
which is reproduced facing page 277) was taken by this 
machine while the young lady was preparing to leave her 
Lexington home. 

1 Bibliography, No. 139. 



It is certain that Transylvania University contributed to 
the cultural training of Miss Todd. It was part of the at- 
mosphere in which she budded. 

Among the great men in Lexington referred to by Ranck x 
is Richard H. Menefee, "one of the most wonderful men 
Kentucky ever produced." Among the artists he mentions 
Jouett, Oliver Frazier, and Joel T. Hart. Among the law- 
yers were Thomas A. Marshall, H. Marshall, John Brown, 
and B. W. Dudley. The politicians and statesmen cited by 
Ranck had national and, in some instances, international 

One section of Ranck's history is devoted to the inven- 
tions made by men of Lexington. Of these, one of the most 
noted was a planetarium invented by Thomas Harris Bar- 
low in 1825. This planetarium was copied in all parts of 
the world and finally found its way into the museum of 
Transylvania University. 

Ranck says 2 the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington 
Railroad, incorporated January 27, 1830, was the first rail- 
road built in the West. " It is believed that the first loco- 
motive made in the States ran over this road. It was in- 
vented by Thomas Barlow, of Lexington, as early as 1827, 
and was also built in Lexington." 

A Lexington paper carried an advertisement of a hemp- 
breaking machine invented by Cyrus McCormick. He did 
not ofier to sell the machines, but to license the building of 
them by local people on a royalty basis. 

Ranck also says : 8 " The Phoenix Hotel has continued 
to exist since the year 1800. It was here that Aaron 
Burr lodged in 1806, and was met and welcomed by 
Harman Blennerhassett, the cultured but unfortunate 
Irishman he had so completely fascinated. It dates from 
Jefferson's administration. It was the scene of the 
sumptuous dinner to Lafayette and, later, was the 

l Bibliography, No. 146. * Bibliography, No. 145, p. 28. Ibid., p. 60. 



" Gentlemen who wish to attend the Lafayette ball . . ." 

"Lafayette cockades just received at the bookstore of 
Henry H. Hunt, Main Street." 

" Cockades like those mounted by the Republicans dur- 
ing the Revolutionary War . . ." 

" Officers of the Grand Lodge . . . R. S. Todd, of Lex- 
ington, steward of the charity fund." 

(1825, May 25) "A sumptuous dinner was served 
Henry Clay at Maysville, at which Lafayette was toasted." 

(1825, July n) " Commencement ball at the Masonic 
Hall. Tickets for men may be obtained at the bar of 
the Phoenix Inn. Tickets for ladies on application to the 

(1825, July) " The Literary Festival will be celebrated 
in the Episcopal church on Wednesday next. . . ." 

(1825, October 24) "The match race, to be run on the 
Lexington course ..." 

"The theatre . . ." 

"The circus, lately erected in our town by Mr. 
Pepin . . ." 

" Mr. Palen's wax figures on Short Street . . ." 

" Philosophical experiments . . . Galvanic battery an 
excellent one." 

" This evening, nitrous oxide will be administered. Ladies 
will be accommodated in boxes recently erected in the sun 


(1826) "The Institute will meet . . ." 

" Lexington artillery cadets will assemble for the purpose 
of making arrangements for the celebration of Washing- 
ton's birthday." 

(1826, July) " Mr. Jouett's portrait of Lafayette is now 
finished and can be seen at his rooms from 9 to 12 every 

(1826, July 4) " Celebration at Sanders 1 Garden." 

(1826, July 1 6) "The Institute will meet at the home 
of Mr. Jouett." 



(1827) " The subscribers inform the public that the Rev. 
John Todd will commence a female seminary on April first, 
in Fayette County, eight miles east of Lexington, and within 
one mile of Walnut Hill. ... A complete system of female 
education . . . The substantial branches taught in the best 
seminaries of the kind ... A critical knowledge of the 
Latin and Greek languages." 

" B. O. Peers advertises a Pestallozian school." 

( 1 827, July) " Barbecue by citizens of Lafayette County 

in honor of General Jackson and the people's rights." 
(1827, December 24) " Ninian Edwards offers to sell 

or exchange 10,000 acres of improved Kentucky land. 

Willing to take whisky, flour, hemp, and tobacco." 

(1828) Robert S. Todd, and others, subscribe to a card 
defending Henry Clay against a charge of having been con- 
nected with Aaron Burr. 

(1829, July 4) Dinner to Henry Clay "by citizens of 
Lexington and old friends." 

(1829) " Lexington branch of the American Coloniza- 
tion Society. Object: The colonization of the west coast of 
Africa, with their own consent, of the free people of color. 
R. Wickliffe, President." 

(1830, January 30) " Subscriptions opened for Lexing- 
ton and Ohio Railroad." 

(1831, May n) " R. S. Todd advertises to rent his 
house on Short Street." 

(1831, October 28) "At a literary meeting held at the 
Court House, sixty gentlemen signed their names for the 
purpose of establishing a museum for the diffusion of useful 
information. Lecture by Professor Caldwell, on the Moral 
and Incidental Influence of Railroads." 

(1831, November 9) Oldham, Todd and Company pur- 
chase Fayette Cotton Factory. 

(1831) " Madame Blaigue, late of Paris, opens Danc- 
ing Academy." 

(1832, February 29) "Married in this city, Ninian W. 



Edwards, of Illinois, to Miss Elizabeth Todd, daughter of 
Robert Todd, Esqr." 

(1832, March) " A lecture on the use of cold water in 
fevers, delivered by Professor Cooke before the Lyceum." 

(1833, May 2) "May Ball. Mr. Xampis' first cotillion 

(1833) A long list of persons who had died of cholera. 
Mr. Xampis's name headed the list. 

(1833, July 18) "The First Presbyterian Church 1 of 
this city has appointed next Friday as a day of Thanks- 
giving to Almighty God for His great mercy in removing 
the cholera from our city and its vicinity, and also of 
humiliation on account of our sins, and prayer to God for 
forgiveness of them." 

(1833, October 22) Mr. V. Ferron opens a fencing- 

(1833, November 7) Exhibition of paintings by Pro- 
fessor Cordelia. 

(1834, November) "Dr. Dan Drake, professor at 
Transylvania, endorses Stagner's Patent Truss." 

(1835, January 7) "Advertisement: The railroad car 
leaves Lexington every morning at six o'clock. Passengers 
will purchase tickets. No money accepted on the car." 

(1835, March 31)" Northern Bank of Kentucky, J. W. 
Hunt, Chairman; Robert Wickliffe and Robert S. Todd, 

( l8 35i J u ty 2 6) "Funeral honors for General La- 

(1837, June 2) "Died in this county, on Sunday night, 
at an advanced age, John Parker. 2 The deceased was an 
old and highly respected resident of Fayette County, was 
amongst the earliest settlers of Kentucky and, at the time 
of his death, the presiding Justice of the County Court. In 

1 This was the church to which the Todd family belonged. 

a This is one of the many references to the Parkers, kinsfolk of Mary Todd. The 
notices in the newspapers would indicate that in this period of Lexington life the 
Parkers were more prominent than the Todds. 



all the relations of life he sustained an unblemished charac- 
ter for integrity and probity." 

(1837) " Dr. B. W. Dudley did three lithotomies last 
Wednesday. Under his surgical care right recently there 
have been patients from nine different states." 

(1837, August 2.6) "Mr. T. Vincent announces that he 
will teach French. Recently he has been a tutor in Mr. 
Thomas Jefferson Randolph's family." 

(1837, October 1 1 ) " Marriage of Thomas H. Clay to 
Miss Mary Mentelle." 

(1837, December 23) "Mr. Richardson's New Year's 
Ball is in preparation." 

(1838, February 22) "Anniversary exercises. The day 
was closed with a ball at M. Giron's, prepared in his usual 
style of elegance and taste. After the parade the Lexington 
Light Infantry Company marched to the residence of Capt. 
R. B. Parker, to present him with a special cane as a testi- 
monial of their regard for him as a gentleman and as an 

(1838, June 12) "Mr. Richardson will give a dancing 
party at M. Giron's. In the course of the evening the beauti- 
ful dance La Bayadere will be performed by twelve young 

These quotations from Lexington and north-central Ken- 
tucky papers issued between 1817 and 1839 give a general 
idea of those matters that may have influenced the life 
of Mary Todd, directly and not-too-indirectly. Stories of 
fights, tragedies, and controversies, heated legal battles, and 
political campaigns, in which a young woman of 1830 would 
have had no great interest, have not been included. 

In the Draper Collection, 1 there is a letter written by 
Mary's father, which gives more direct light on the Todd 
affairs. In beautiful handwriting, Robert S. Todd writes 
Walker Reed the following : 

1 Bibliography, No. 49, Kentucky MSS., Vol. XXXI, p. 101. 



October 31 y 1831 

From everything that I have heard, considerable opposi- 
tion will no doubt be made to me in the ensuing election, par- 
ticularly in that section of the country called Green River, 
who, as usual, have their favorites. Judging of their zeal in 
this case by that heretofore discovered in carrying their 
scheme into effect, I have no doubt Mr. Town's friends will 
use great exertion. I have thought it necessary to be prepared 
to meet them armed at all points and, for that purpose, have 
requested several of my friends to attend a day or such a 
matter earlier than usual, to counteract any scheme that 
may be attempted, or defeat their plans should any be at- 

If you should find it convenient, permit me to request that 
you would do me the favor and drive here on Friday evening 
preceding the meeting of the Legislature and go down with me 
on Saturday. I have heard from some counties in the Green 
River country and my prospect of success is good, but more of 
this when I see you. Endeavor to get all the members to at- 
tend punctually. Write to me whether you can be here at the 
time I should wish, and should you not arrive at the exact 
time I will wait a while. 


The first report of her disposition is that made by Mrs. 
Norris to Mrs. Helm, relating to Mary Todd in her years 
of adolescence eleven to eighteen years of age. She says : * 

"My first recollection of your sister Mary runs back to 
the time when your father lived on Short Street. . . . Mary 
Todd was then about ten years old. [This was in 1829.] 
She was a pupil of the celebrated Mr. Ward. He was a 
splendid educator; his requirements and rules were very 
strict; and woe to her who did not conform to the letter. 
Mary accepted the condition of things and never came under 
his censure. . . . Mary was bright, talkative, and warm- 

1 Bibliography, No. 72, p. 476. 


hearted. She was far advanced over other girls of her age 
in education. We occupied the same room, and I can see 
her now as she sat on the side of a table, poring over her 
books, and I on the other side, with a candle between. She 
was very studious, with a retentive memory and a mind 
that enabled her to grasp and thoroughly understand the 
lessons she was required to learn. ... I have nothing but 
the most pleasant memories of her at that time. I never 
heard any display of temper, or heard her reprimanded 
during the months I was an inmate of your father's home. 
Sixty-six years ago children had few privileges. We had no 
amusements, no parties, nor books with charming little 
stories to stimulate us to acts of courtesy and kindness. Our 
standard library was the Bible, and the shorter Catechism, 
which we always carried to Sunday school." 

The next record * relates to the early part of 1832, when 
Mary Todd was about thirteen years old. It was written 
by Miss Helm and is probably an interpretation of a family 
legend which her mother had often heard. In this story 
Mary is represented as rather willful and out of control. 
When riding near Mr. Clay's home, she stopped, and 
pushed her way past obstructing servants to him. She is 
quoted as saying: "My father says you will be the next 
president of the United States. I wish I could go to Wash- 
ington and live in the White House. My father is a very 
peculiar man, Mr. Clay. I don't think he really wants to be 
president. ... If you were not already married I would 
wait for you." 

To the account Miss Helm adds this comment : * " Per- 
haps a psychoanalyst might discover in this adventure of 
Mary's the seed of ambition, planted in her unconscious 
mind, to grow into a wish to be mistress in the White 
House." Perhaps so. A psychoanalyst might also connect 
Mary's impatience of opposition and restraint with some 
of her later difficulties. 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 27. J Ibid., p. 4. 



In another reference she is represented as stopping the 
carriage in which she was riding, to speak to an old derelict. 
" * Howdy, Miss Mary. You ain't never too proud to speak 
to me,' said old Sol. ' Too proud to speak to you ! ' cried 
Mary. * I am proud when you speak to me.' . . . Her eyes 
were brimming with tears. * You were not afraid I You are 
a hero I ' " This last reference was to the courage which old 
Sol showed in the epidemic of cholera that had swept Lex- 
ington the previous summer. Miss Helm goes into this 
epidemic at some length, dwelling on Mary Todd's emo- 
tional reactions thereto. 

Fear is generally instilled in a child very early in life. 
It is likely to start with the stories told by nurse-maids. It 
may be grounded in procedures used in training. It is very 
infiltrating. It penetrates a long distance from the starting- 
point, and as it spreads, it acquires new phases. We call these 
panic, worry, anxiety, or other names. 

Mary Todd was as free from fear as most people get to 
be. Miss Helm 1 tells of one instance of the young girl's 
becoming panicky, but this narrative has many ear-marks 
of pose. Then we read that when her children were ill, her 
anxiety was out of the ordinary. On the other hand, her 
usual attitude was one of fearlessness a fearlessness that 
approached the abnormal. She was not afraid to plan mar- 
riage or to undertake building up a home on slim prospects. 
She was not afraid to have her husband neglect his law 
business for politics, or to make his various political plunges. 
She was not afraid of crises in war, or in government; or 
of men, or measures. She was not afraid for the safety of 
her husband. Just once did fear play a major part in shaping 
her personality. That was the long anxiety about the debts 
of which we shall hear. That prolonged strain had much to 
do with breaking her down. 

Julia Taft Bayne 2 said of Mrs. Lincoln in 1861 some- 
thing that was probably equally true of her in her youth. 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 120. Bibliography, No. 17. 



It was : " She wanted what she wanted." She meant that 
Mary Lincoln was selfish and inconsiderate. This is also 
the opinion of a member of the family with whom I have 
talked. Selfishness was not a major in her make-up, how- 
ever. Socialization, the educational process of late child- 
hood and adolescence, is a process of development in the 
superficialities of unselfishness. Mary Todd, when she left 
Lexington, easily met the accepted social standards as to 

Somewhere about seven or eight years of age socialization 
begins. While part of the instructors who teach this subject 
are the brothers and sisters, a larger part is the school and 
play companions. It is in this period that socialization some- 
times goes wrong in such a way as to make the person a 
kleptomaniac or a pathologic liar. A thorough grounding 
in three of the Commandments, plus social training, is the 
preventive for these bad qualities. The training of Mary 
Todd was ample to protect her against them. 

Children approaching adolescence usually pass through 
one or more " collecting " phases. This is an obsession. 
Were it not so regular in its development, so on-schedule, 
and so self -limited, there would be temptation to call it 
pathologic. As it is, we regard it as an experience through 
which the child naturally grows and out of which nearly all 
children come. 

We have no proof that Mary Todd was ever a " col- 
lector." But when her mind began to break in later life, 
miserliness was one of the traits of her mental disturbance. 
We regard the several "money " characteristics which Mrs. 
Lincoln developed as a peculiarity of her mental disturb- 
ance and not as a major cause. But there is nothing to con- 
nect this with any tendency toward " collecting " in her 
childhood or school years. It was not an element of her 

Adolescence is the age of emotionalism. In this period 
Miss Todd was somewhat aggressive, somewhat impatient, 


somewhat imperious. " She wanted what she wanted when 
she wanted it." But we read nowhere of fits of hysteria, or 
great outbursts of emotionalism. For the development of 
these the element of strain was necessary. 

Miss Helm quotes Mrs. Norris : * " Mary was like that 
always her mood changing with every new thought. . . . 
Her face expressed her varying moods. . . . She had the 
demure shyness of a little Quakeress. . . . But presto! 
They now gleamed with mischief, and before you could be 
sure of that, her dimple was gone and her eyes were brimful 
of tears." 

The picture is one of a person dominated by emotionalism. 
Some would call it temperamental, and others mercurial. 
We see it forming the background for the hysteria and 
wild emotion in which Mrs. Lincoln indulged following the 
deaths of her husband and three of her children. 

Emotionalism became a dominant influence in shaping 
Mrs. Lincoln's personality. No other was more potent in 
changing it from the grade termed " abnormal " to that 
termed "pathologic," and in changing her mentality from 
balanced to unbalanced. And yet, when it came to the 
method of her madness as distinguished from its causation, 
emotionalism played a minor role. This is more fully dis- 
cussed later. 

One other quality of her emotionalism is the variation in 
its manifestations at different periods. In her youth her emo- 
tionalism took the form of self-assertive domineering; in 
her maturity, of fits of temper and hysterical mourning; 
after 1871 it faded from the picture almost entirely. 

It must remain an unsettled question whether or not any- 
one could have cured Mary Todd of this fault of emotional- 
ism. Certainly neither father nor stepmother did so, and 
the influence of her grandmother was worse than unavailing. 

Mary Todd was reasonably attractive in society. She was 
a little too liable to do and say things that were rooted in 

1 Bibliography 3 No. 73, p. 52. 



self-gratification, but her charm was much more than enough 
to balance. She was aggressive, determined, persistent. 
These qualities were a part of her constitution. There is no 
reason to think home, family, or society training either in- 
creased or decreased them materially. 

Speaking of her social life in 1837, Mrs. Norris wrote: 

" Among them [the men associates of Mary Todd and 
herself] were many scholarly, intellectual men, but Mary 
never, at any time, showed the least partiality for any one 
of them. Indeed, at times her face indicated a decided lack 
of interest, and she accepted their attentions without en- 
thusiasm. Without meaning to wound, she now and then 
could not restrain a witty, sarcastic speech that cut deeper 
than she intended, for there was no malice in her heart. 
She was impulsive and made no attempt to conceal her 
feelings." 1 

"At different times French gentlemen came to the Uni- 
versity to study English, and when one was fortunate enough 
to meet Mary he was surprised and delighted to find her a 
fluent conversationalist in his own language." 2 

Miss Helm quotes the Louisville Courier- Journal:* 
" There is still living in Louisville an old lady who, for four 
years, was a fellow pupil of Mary Todd's at Madame 
Mentelle's. * Mary Todd I * said the old lady. c She was one 
of the brightest girls in Madame Mentelle's school; always 
had the highest marks and took the biggest prizes. She was 
a merry, companionable girl, with a smile for everybody. 
She was really the life of the school, always ready for a 
good time, and to contribute even more than her own share 
in promoting it.' " 

Albert Shaw writes : * " Mrs. Lincoln belonged to a type 
of Kentucky womanhood that has not been unduly praised 
for grace, charm, quick wit, social adaptability, and fine 
loyalty in all the relations of life." 

1 Ibid., p. 55. Ibid., p. 52. 

2 Ibid., p. 53. * Bibliography, No. 158, Vol. II, p. 238. 


James Whaler, in Green River, speaks of 

"... Kentucky 

Women who adjective their love with loyal . . ." l 

These varied opinions give an excellent resume of Mary 
Todd as she was when she left her Lexington home to live 
in Springfield. She had trained for that forum called by 
some " polite society," and she was now to launch her pur- 
suit of a husband and a home. For twenty years her inherited 
personality had been molded, beneficially in the main, by the 
association with sisters and brothers, the guardianship of 
parents, the teaching of schools, and the comradeship of 
pupils; and by the social, political, and other contacts of her 
Lexington life. She had had few conflicts and almost no 
responsibilities. Her life may be said to have been without 
strain. The family quarrel was the most harmful influence 
and, in fact, the only one of consequence to which she had 
been subjected. 

While Miss Todd was well trained for society, it was 
largely what might be termed a theoretic training. She had 
not had beaux, nor been an active participant in balls and 
parties. Although she was socially alert, she was not socially 
minded. This was partly because of her introvert per- 
sonality, and partly because of the conflicts of her home. 
Persons of this personality are in dire need of extrovert 
training, and this Mary had not had. 

And this was Miss Mary Todd when she became Mrs. 
Abraham Lincoln. 

1 Bibliography, No. 187, p. 89. 



The Training of Maturity 

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and HI together-, our 
virtues would be fraud if our faults whiffed them not; and our crimes 
would desfair if they were not cherished by our virtues. 



Autumn 1839 to 

1839 Autumn, Mary Todd, living with Mrs. Edwards in 
Springfield, met Abraham Lincoln. 

1840 Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois legislature; during 
the year, defeated for Whig elector. 

April /, Elodie Todd (Mrs. N. H. R. Dawson) born. 
Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd engaged to 

1841 January, engagement of Mary Todd and Abraham 
Lincoln broken. 

April 14, Stuart and Lincoln dissolved partnership; 
Logan and Lincoln in partnership. 
September, Lincoln and Joshua Speed visited Lex- 
ington and Louisville. 

October 7, Katherine Bodley Todd (Mrs. W. W. 
Herr) born. 

1842 November 4, Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd mar- 
ried at the Edwards home. 

The Lincolns lived at the Globe Tavern. 
Illinois Whigs adopted the convention system. 

1843 August 7, Robert T. Lincoln born. 
Visit from Robert S. Todd. 
Lincoln defeated for Congress. 

September 20, Logan and Lincoln partnership dis- 
solved; Lincoln and Herndon partnership begun. 

1 844 Lincoln defeated for elector for Henry Clay. 
The Lincolns lived on Monroe Street. 

The Lincolns bought the " Lincoln home." 

1 845 Abraham Lincoln laying plans for race for Congress ; 
practicing law actively. 

1846 March 10, Edward Baker Lincoln born. 
Lincoln elected to Congress. 

1847 Lincoln attended River and Harbor Convention, 
Chicago; his first considerable political contact with 
northern Illinois. 

October, the Lincolns visited Lexington en route to 

1848 Spring, Mrs. Lincoln in Lexington; Lincoln in Wash- 

Lincoln attended Whig National Convention, Phila- 

Lincoln spoke in New England and other places, as 
member of the Whig National Committee. 

1849 ? u h ib* Robert S. Todd died. 

October, the Lincolns in Lexington in connection with 

1850 January, Mrs. Eliza Parker, grandmother of Mrs. 
Lincoln, died. 

February I, Edward Baker Lincoln died. 
Spring, the Lincolns in Lexington. 
December 21, William Wallace Lincoln born. 


The Training of Maturity 

Springfield in 1837, she planned to enter society, 
and in the back of her head was the thought that she 
might marry and settle in Illinois. While there, she met 
several important people and went to many social func- 
tions. She sustained herself well enough, but, for some un- 
explained reason, she decided to quit society for the time 
and gc back to school. 

When she returned to Springfield in 1839, she may have 
been more confident of herself; at any rate, her plans were 
more definite. She bade her family good-by, took the train 
to the river at Frankfort, and traveled by boat down the 
rivers to Cairo, then up the Mississippi to St. Louis, and 
thence by stage to Springfield. She took her sister Frances's 
place in Mrs. Edwards's home. Elizabeth Edwards wrote : x 
" We had a vacancy in our family wrote to Mary to come 
and make our home her home ; she had a stepmother with 
whom she did not agree." 

Miss Mary Todd was now out to make a successful mar- 
riage, and she pursued her objective with intelligence, good 
sense, and good taste. She met Stephen A. Douglas and all 
the other eligible bachelors of Springfield. The Lexington 
record deals solely with the girls and women who were 
her associates and friends. The Springfield record is equally 

1 Bibliography, No. 52. 


partial, but this time it is the young men who receive the 
attention. The young women are only secondary. 

Mary Todd did not meet Abraham Lincoln when she was 
in Springfield in 1837. He had been living there but a few 
months. He was associated in the law with her cousin, Judge 
John T. Stuart, and he had been an important member of 
the legislature in bringing the capital to Springfield. For 
these reasons it might be expected that he would have met 
her. In spite of them, however, Abraham Lincoln was not 
good society material then. He was poor, unlearned, and 
just acquiring a profession ; he was ugly and awkward, and 
his clothes did not appeal to society ladies. He had no 
family backing. It is easy to understand why he was not 
invited by Mrs. Edwards to meet her sister, and why he did 
not meet her elsewhere, at social functions. 

By 1839 the story was different. Lincoln was now the 
partner of Judge Stephen T. Logan, another of Mary 
Todd's cousins. He was establishing himself in his profes- 
sion. He had lived two years in Springfield and had partici- 
pated actively in politics. He was dressing better, acquiring 
some social grace, meeting people, and attending parties 
occasionally, at least. It would have been logical for him to 
meet her in 1839. Had he not, it might have been of some 
significance. Nevertheless, Mrs. Edwards wrote of him 
at that period: 1 "Lincoln could not hold a lengthy con- 
versation with a lady; was not sufficiently educated and in- 
telligent in the female line to do so." 

Miss Todd's method of campaigning was excellent, on 
the whole. She attended all sorts of social affairs ; she met 
many people. She conversed wittily and, generally, in an 
engaging way. She danced well. She attracted men and had 
ample opportunities for gauging them. 

Before long, she decided that of the many young men in 
Springfield she preferred Lincoln, a decision that did not 
meet with the unanimous approval of her family and friends. 

1 Bibliography, No. 52. 


In fact, on more than one occasion she was called on to de- 
fend her choice, and her customary way of doing so was to 
say that he was to be president of the United States. There 
were people who argued that when she said this, she was 
mentally unbalanced, and her saying it was proof. 

That she made the remark, not once, but several times, 
can be accepted, for there are many reliable people who 
bear witness. Very early in their acquaintance Mrs. Lincoln 
told W. H. Lamon that Mr. Lincoln would be president of 
the United States, and " from that day to the day of the in- 
auguration she never wavered in her faith that her hopes 
would be fulfilled." * The only question is what the signifi- 
cance of it was. To start with, the prediction came true. 
That throws the burden of proof on the opposition. If any- 
body has to do any explaining, it is they. Presumably they 
would say : " Oh, it was nothing but wishful thinking on her 
part, and that kind of thinking is not only poor judgment, 
but it often indicates a judgment which does not work true. 
Furthermore, that kind of thinking is destructive mentally, 
or at least harmful. That it came true was due to Lincoln's 
ability, plus the opportunity and the setting. Her thinking 
and saying it had nothing to do with the case, nor did it 
indicate vision, foresight, or exceptional judgment." So 
much for them and what they say. Now let us see the logic 
of the other side. 

All her life Mary Todd had heard the story of Andrew 
Jackson, the plain man who had made his play for the sup- 
port of the plain people. She was at an impressionable age, 
in 1824, when this homely "man of the people " defeated, 
in the popular vote, the oligarchy which had been in control 
of the government since its beginning. In 1828, when Mary 
was ten years old, Jackson won the presidency and forever 
ended the power of the men who had previously controlled 
it. He was still the dominant power in national politics when 
Mary went to Springfield. She did not like him, but that 

1 Bibliography, No. 100, p. 221. 



made no difference. All her life she had heard of what 
Jackson had done, in spite of a popular conception as to 
the qualifications required of a president, and in the face 
of the most powerful opposition of aristocratic leaders in 
Massachusetts and Virginia. 

She had known Henry Clay all her life. He, too, had won 
his way in spite of tradition, for he had started as the 
" Millboy of the Slashes." Since early childhood she had 
listened to talk about making Henry Clay president. Doubt- 
less she had often said that Mr. Clay would be president. 
In fact, we can easily understand that talk about making 
somebody president was rather customary with Mary Todd. 

Nor was there anything radically wrong with predicting 
that Lincoln would be president. He also was a plain man 
whose youth had been spent in poverty. As a legislator he 
had shown wisdom and political ability. He had been con- 
sidered for speaker, and he had recently been a presi- 
dential elector. Everyone recognized that he knew how to 
win people. Everyone could see that he was growing men- 
tally. His mind showed no tendency to set, to harden, and to 
stop. His geographic location was right. He came from 
Kentucky, had lived in Indiana, and was now active in poli- 
tics in Illinois, a state typical of the territory that clearly 
was soon to become good political hunting-ground. The 
people in this North-west were wilderness-blazing folk, just 
the kind that Lincoln would appeal to. 

That Mary Todd said what she did about Abraham 
Lincoln showed astuteness and vision, as the record proves. 
It showed self-confidence and indicated that she chose ob- 
jectives, and then drove for them with far-sightedness and 
determination. We are not justified, however, in fully con- 
cluding that Miss Mary meant it when she declared that 
Lincoln would be president. What she said had several in- 
spirations : it was compounded of banter, repartee, a spirit 
of aggressive defiance, love, faith, hope, foresight, and 


After Miss Todd and Lincoln became interested in each 
other, courtship followed the fashion of that day. She was 
innocently flirtatious. She played one male acquaintance 
against another in a way that all women understand and 
most women approve. As the courtship progressed, we read 
less and less of Lincoln's rivals being attentive to Mary 


IN 1841 

In 1840 Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd were in love, 
were engaged, and planned to marry. The belief is common 
that the marriage was set for a given date, in January 1841, 
and that Lincoln failed to appear. A part of the story is 
true, but the details of a projected wedding; the gathering 
of the company, the bride, the preacher; the awful wait for 
the groom, who did not appear all that is embroidery and 
without foundation in fact. 

There was an engagement and there were plans for a 
wedding. The engagement was broken and both parties suf- 
fered in many ways therefrom. But there was never a license, 
nor an assembly of preacher and guests. Frances Wallace 
wrote r 1 " No, it was as I tell you. There never was but one 
wedding arranged between Mary and Mr. Lincoln, and that 
was the time they were married." 


Lincoln was of the pituitary type. His life has been 
studied in every detail, and he has been charged with much ; 
but never, in the days of bitterest calumny, has Lincoln been 
charged with misconduct with women. William H. Hern- 
don, who sometimes made ambiguous statements about 

1 Bibliography, No. 181. 


Lincoln's fondness for the ladies, would conclude such 
references by saying that he was honorable, loyal, and 
faithful to his wife. At Springfield social gatherings he 
spent most of his time talking to the men. In riding the cir- 
cuit he passed his spare time, including week-ends, with 
male companions. His mental processes were masculine in 

He had two affairs with women that pointed toward 
matrimony: one with Mary Owens, and the other with 
Mary Todd. 

He promised to marry Mary Owens, and not until August 
1837 did he know whether he had been taken seriously. Nor 
was he certain as to how seriously he should take himself. 

The following letter which he wrote to Mary Owens 
is a good answer to the question as to why Mary Todd 
and Lincoln broke their engagement in 1841; it has been 
printed many times, but it is needed at this point : * 

Springfield, Aug. i6 y 1837 

You will no doubt think it strange that I should write you a 
letter on the same day on which we parted, and I can only 
account for it by supposing that seeing you lately makes me 
think of you more than usual; while at our last meeting we had 
but few expressions of thoughts. You must know that I cannot 
see you or think of you with entire indifference; and yet it 
may be that you are mistaken in regard to what my real 
feelings towards you are. If I knew you were not, I should not 
trouble you with this letter. Perhaps any other man would 
know enough without further information; but I consider it 
my peculiar right to plead ignorance, and your bounden duty 
to allow the plea. I want in all cases to do right, and more par- 
ticularly so in all cases with women. I want at this particular 
time, more than anything else, to do right with you; and if I 
knew it would be doing right, as I rather suspect it would, to 
let you alone, I would do it. And for the purpose of making 
the matter as plain as possible, I now say you can now drop 
the subject, dismiss your thoughts (if you ever had any) from 

1 Bibliography, No. 9, Vol. I, p. 234. W. H. Townsend informs me that this 
letter is owned by Mrs. H. C. Cunningham, Weston, Missouri. 



me forever, and leave this unanswered, without calling forth 
one accusing murmur from me. And I will go even further, 
and say that if it will add anything to your comfort or peace of 
mind to do so, it is my sincere wish that you should. Do not 
understand by this that I wish to cut your acquaintance. I 
mean no such thing. What 1 do wish is that our further ac- 
quaintance shall depend upon yourself. If such further ac- 
quaintance would contribute nothing to your happiness, I 
am sure it would not to mine. If you should feel yourself in 
any degree bound to me, I am now willing to release you, pro- 
vided you wish it; while, on the other hand, I am willing and 
even anxious to bind you faster, if I can be convinced that it 
will, in any considerable degree, add to your happiness. This, 
indeed, is the whole question with me. Nothing would make 
me more miserable than to believe you miserable nothing 
more happy than to know you were so. 

In what I have now said, I think I cannot be misunder- 
stood, and to make myself understood is the only object of 
this letter. 

If it suits you best to not answer this, farewell. A long life 
and a merry one attend you. But if you conclude to write 
back, speak as plainly as I do. There can be neither harm nor 
danger in saying to me anything you think, just in the manner 
you think it. 

My respects to your sister. 

Your friend, 


A recital of some of the circumstances is required if Lin- 
coln is not to be misunderstood : 

Lincoln had been interested in Mary Owens. He had 
told her sister that if she would bring her back to New 
Salem, he would marry her. This he said in pleasantry, but 
a half-wish was father to what he said. He knew she knew 
what he had said, and for a while he was anxious to con- 
sider his pleasantry as a promise. Then rose up his timidity 
about marrying, his fear that he could not make a wife 
happy and that he could not care for her properly. This was 
his frame of mind when he wrote the letter. 

Some time after the termination of the Owens affair the 
second sister moved into Mrs. Edwards's home, and 



presently Lincoln became interested in her the witty, 
sprightly Mary Todd. He sought her out, but with no serious 
intent. Almost before he knew it, he had asked her to marry 
him. Scarcely had he done so when he developed the typical 
Lincoln reaction to prospective matrimony that is shown in 
the Mary Owens letter. On the one hand, he was captivated 
by the pretty, intelligent, cultured, and socially prominent 
Miss Todd, and this urged him toward marriage. But, on the 
other hand, he had no physical or social urge to undertake 
matrimony. He was poor and in debt, and with only a small 
earning capacity. He thought it inadvisable for him to 
marry, and that Mary would make a mistake in marrying 
him. He probably talked to her much in the vein in which he 
had written to Miss Owens a little more than three years 
before. Mary Todd reacted somewhat as Mary Owens had 
done. And thus ended the engagement. 

Proof that this interpretation of the essentials of what 
happened to break the first engagement between Lincoln 
and Miss Todd is correct is supplied by Herndon * and 
others. Lincoln at the time called on J. F. Speed and asked 
him to read a letter which he had written Mary Todd. This 
letter was substantially the same as his letter to Mary 
Owens quoted above. Speed read it and told him he was a 
chump for writing such a letter and would be worse if he 
sent it. Lincoln accepted Speed's advice and destroyed the 
letter. But when he next called on his sweetheart, he frankly 
told her of his misgivings as to her happiness should she 
marry him : he was poor and could not provide her with the 
refinements she had always enjoyed ; he questioned his ability 
to make any woman happy. Mary doubtless replied that 
she loved him and was willing to marry him in spite of 
what he had told her. She forgave him, and they cried, 
kissed, and made up. She did not forget, however, and the 
chances are that when Lincoln at a later date again talked 
in like manner, Miss Todd flared up and terminated the en- 

1 Bibliography, No. 753, Vol. II, pp. 212 ff. 


gagement. This is about the way it happened, in January 

There is no evidence that Mary Todd was seriously dis- 
turbed by this break or that she changed her purpose, how- 
ever much she changed her plans. In a letter written to a 
friend many months later, she shows that her interest 
in Lincoln continued. Their common friends the Francis 
family brought the young people together and provided 
opportunities for them to meet. In November 1842 
they again became engaged, and marriage followed at 

Mary Todd had achieved her purpose. She had prepared 
and trained for marriage all through her young woman- 
hood. At its peak her plans were extended so as to include 
marrying Abraham Lincoln. She had accomplished her ends. 


Sangamon County was organized in 1821, three years 
after Illinois entered the Union. The location of the county 
seat was a matter of debate, since there was no suitable vil- 
lage situated near the center of the county, not to mention 
the absence of cities and even towns. In a region within the 
limits of the present Springfield a village had been laid out 
by the surveyor, Calhoun, to which he had given his own 
name. Adjoining this village was a level piece of ground, 
known as " Kelly's field." It was located on a small tribu- 
tary of the Sangamon, called Spring Creek or Branch. This 
field was agreed on as the location of the county seat, partly 
because of its level surface and natural drainage, and partly 
because it was in a neighborhood in which there were some 
homes where attendants on court could be accommodated. 
It did not become known as Springfield until 1828, in which 
year the post office was first so designated. 

The court-house was a small log building, costing less than 
one hundred dollars. In 1832 the village of Springfield was 



incorporated as a town. It was just one of the small prairie 
villages of that pioneer period, with little organization, no 
improvements, and almost no school facilities. 

Heinl, speaking of Springfield in these years, quotes sev- 
eral writers. 1 One of these, B. F. Harris, referred to the 
town in 1835 as follows: "Springfield is a small village of 
about one hundred people and twenty or thirty shanties, 
a hotel a hard-looking place." However, Heinl writes : 
" Jacksonville and Springfield were the two most important 
towns in the Lincoln-and-Douglas country in 1832. In fact, 
no town in America north or west of St. Louis approached 
them in size or activity." (It was customary for those who 
wrote of central Illinois in that decade to couple Springfield 
and Jacksonville, and always to the disparagement of the 
former. ) Another writer, Patrick Sheriff, observed, also of 
J 835: "Jacksonville contains about the same number of 
souls as Springfield but is superior in buildings, arrange- 
ments, and civilization. Many of the houses consist of brick, 
and the hotels are large and commodious." John Mason 
Peck said: " In 1834, the business and professional interests 
of Springfield were less than those of Jacksonville." William 
Cullen Bryant supplemented this by writing, with special 
reference to the cultural side : " Jacksonville is a better and 
more attractive town than Springfield." 

Ninian Edwards was a judge of the Supreme Court of 
Kentucky and a wealthy citizen of that state before he came 
to Illinois. When he crossed the Ohio River, it was to serve 
as Territorial Governor. Later he was elected Governor of 
the state. His home was in the southern end. 

When his son, Ninian W. Edwards, moved to Spring- 
field, in 1833, he associated the Edwards name and prestige 
with the crude but ambitious prairie village, and in doing 
so laid some part of the foundation for its aspirations to be- 
come a center of political influence. At that time the village 
could not have had more than three hundred inhabitants, its 

1 Bibliography, No. 71. 


j_r j- j- j j r r rr --.---^^^^ 

buildings were primitive, and there were no public im- 

Soon there began a contest for a new location for the 
state capital. A state-wide referendum vote was held on 
August 4, 1834, with the following result: Alton, 8,157; 
Vandalia, 7,730; Springfield, 7,075; Geographic Center, 
790; Peoria, 424; Jacksonville, 273. 

Considering that Springfield was a village of less than 
five hundred people, without railroad or boat transporta- 
tion, and without improvements or commodious buildings, 
and that it was far away from the center of population, the 
wonder is that it got so many votes. Of the 24,750 votes 
cast, 28 per cent were for Springfield, 64 per cent for the 
two locations considerably south of Springfield and only 
a little more than I per cent for Peoria, the only city to 
the north. 

This contest advertised the town, and it waged through 
several legislatures. Votes for Springfield were swapped for 
votes for local improvements at state expense, further ad- 
vertising the ambitious town. People began to move in, that 
they might have ringside seats when the circus started. 
Among them were families with names that have since 
loomed large in Illinois history. 

Shrewd political management was required to win the 
capital, in the face of the manifest wish of the people that 
it should be located farther to the south. After several years 
of preliminary agitation, and much logrolling by Abraham 
Lincoln and his associates, the capital came. Incidentally, 
its coming made the elongated legislator from New Salem 
a very popular man in Springfield. 

In 1840 the estimated population of Springfield was 
i, 600. In 1850 the census gave it as 4,533; and in 1860, 
9,320. (The city directory issued in 1857 gave the popula- 
tion in 1850 as 5,106.) In the first ten years that Mrs. Lin- 
coln lived there, the population nearly trebled. By the end of 
the second ten-year period the number of inhabitants was 



almost six times as great as when she first arrived in town. 
In 1850, to Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen the Lincolns 
were old settlers. The new people judged the Lincolns as 
they found them. Many knew little and cared less about the 
earlier history of either the husband or the wife. 

The era was one of commercial, industrial, and transpor- 
tational development. The east-and-west division of the 
Northern Cross Railroad started at the Illinois River in 
1836 and reached Springfield in 1842. It was soon to push 
on to Decatur and, later, to the Indiana line. The present 
Chicago & Alton Railroad, then known as the Alton & 
Sangamon, was commenced in 1850 and opened for traffic 
between Springfield and Alton on September 10, 1852. It 
reached Bloomington not long afterwards and was in Joliet 
by August 1854. Then followed the Illinois Central and 
the Baltimore & Ohio, in the order named, but not close on 
the heels of the other roads. When Abraham Lincoln left 
for Washington and his inaugural, he had a choice of routes, 
between the Wabash, leading east; and the Alton, leading 
north to connections with the east, and also leading south 
to St. Louis and the eastern connections there. Transpor- 
tation facilities had developed in ten years I 

The building of these railroads added much to Spring- 
field. To the west lay Jacksonville, the " Athens of Illinois," 
filled with professors, learned men, and cultured citizens. 
Some of these, like Douglas, were very much at home in 
Springfield. There had been many exchanges of social courte- 
sies between these two neighbor cities, in spite of the in- 
conveniences of stage and coach travel over prairie roads. 
The east-and-west railroad made it convenient for Jackson- 
ville and Springfield to say "Howdy I" Then the railroad 
brought Decatur into the family. By 1854 Bloomington was 
reached, and it was easy for Judge David Davis to visit his 
Springfield friends. 

When Lincoln campaigned against Cartwright for Con- 
gress, in 1846, he was able to get across two counties in the 



south end of his congressional district on the railroad, but 
in all the other counties he had to depend on stages and 
private conveyances. When he engaged with Douglas in 
their celebrated series of debates, twelve years later, they 
traveled by train to each of the battle-grounds. 

When Lincoln, Judge Davis, and other members of the 
bar traveled the circuit prior to 1850, they made a few 
county seats by railroad, but more often they had to travel 
by stage or by private conveyance. Between 1850 and 1860 
traveling by private conveyance was rarely necessary. 

While Springfield was rapidly developing commer- 
cially and industrially the school of political training 
was also working overtime. The legislature was a testing- 
ground for the younger, aspiring politicians. The adminis- 
trative offices caused prominent people to make their homes 
in Springfield for terms of years, and the courts drew the 
leading lawyers. The State Medical Society had been or- 
ganized, and many of its meetings were being held in the 
capital city. The lyceum and lecture hall ranked with news- 
papers and ahead of books as means of adult education, 
and Springfield was making use of this machinery of culture. 
The social atmosphere of this decade was an improvement 
over that of the preceding one. 

The Springfield to which Mary Todd came in 1839 was 
an incorporated town. While it had been the designated 
capital for two years, the seat of state government, the 
officials had actually been in residence only a few months 
and were still housed in makeshift quarters. The streets 
were unpaved and in winter, and after rains at all seasons, 
were difficult to negotiate. There was no sewage system, 
and no public water-supply. There were churches and 
schools, but not many. The Edwards family had a fine 
house, which stood out because there were so few in its 
class, or even near it. A superabundance of politics, and 
enough of business, Springfield had in 1840, but its supply 
of the something called " culture " was short. 



Mrs. Lincoln stayed in Springfield during this period of 
more than ten years, with the exception of the time spent 
with her husband when he was in Congress; her two visits 
to Lexington (one on the way to Washington, and the other 
returning therefrom) ; and two visits to Lexington in con- 
nection with family lawsuits. Between 1840 and 1857 she 
bore three children : Robert, Edward, and Willie ; and suf- 
fered the death of one, Edward. Bearing children, rearing 
them, and caring for her husband and home kept her occu- 
pied. I. N. Arnold wrote : * " The mother was too busily 
engaged with family cares and maternal duties to leave 
home for any considerable time." 

Toward the end of the decade her father died, and his 
death was followed by a group of family lawsuits which 
caused considerable bitterness. 2 In one of these her full 
brother Levi O. Todd sued Lincoln, alleging breach of trust. 
The family frictions, which had caused some unhappiness 
in the Lexington days, were not quieted by the death of Mrs. 
Parker, Mrs. Lincoln's grandmother. Litigation over her 
estate helped to keep these irritations alive. 

There is tradition that Mrs. Lincoln mourned extrava- 
gantly when Edward died. The shift in attendance from the 
Episcopal to the Presbyterian church was the result of 
emotionalism stirred by his death. We have no history 
of Mrs. Lincoln's being unduly depressed by her father's 
death. Nor is there any knowledge as to what was her re- 
action to her grandmother's death. This strong-minded old 
lady had taken considerable part in the conflict that arose 
out of the second marriage of Robert S. Todd, and Mary 
had been on her side. When Mrs. Lincoln visited Lexing- 
ton in 1847 an d ^48, she spent much of her time with her 
grandmother. All in all, grief consequent upon deaths was 
a minor factor in Mrs. Lincoln's life in this period. At 
least, it appears minor when contrasted with the personality 

1 Bibliography, No. 4, p. 82. 

* Bibliography, No. 176, p. 246; and No. 186. 


POLITICS, 1840 TO 1851 

deterioration which followed the hysterical mourning for 
members of her family in later years. 


Mrs. Lincoln may not have considered it an objective, 
but through these years she doubtless held close to her heart 
the political future of her husband. Discount as much as 
we choose the statements she is quoted as making about 
her husband's attaining the presidency, we still must know 
that his political advancement was a basis, if not the basis, 
of Mrs. Lincoln's hopes and plans for a successful life 
successful for herself as well as for her husband. 

Between 1842 and 1851 Lincoln's political career was 
on the rocks most of the time. In 1840 he helped to elect 
Harrison and Tyler, but by the time the Lincoln family 
bark was launched, Harrison had died, and Tyler had 
shifted the administration from the Whig to the Demo- 
cratic fold or that is what the Whigs said. In 1 843 Lin- 
coln was defeated for Congress. He wrote to his old friend 
M. M. Morris, of Menard County, saying that his being 
classed as an aristocrat had helped to make Sangamon 
County reject him, but that Menard, the part of old San- 
gamon in which New Salem now was, had stood by him. 
In 1844 he ran as a Henry Clay elector and was defeated. 
In 1846 he was elected to Congress, but he was limited 
in his political ambitions by an agreement on a rotation in 
this office. The agreement that got him the nomination in 
1846 prevented him from being a serious candidate in 1848. 
In 1847 an< 3 1848 he was in Congress, but his record did 
not indicate that he had a political future. That record, 
such as it was, hurt him in Illinois even more than it 
helped him. 

In 1 848 he made campaign speeches in New England and 
elsewhere. This, and the Washington contacts, laid some 
foundations for his future career. In March 1849 Taylor, 


FINANCES, ig42 TO 1851 

the Whig, was inaugurated President, but he was soon suc- 
ceeded by Fillmore, and the latter did not fulfill the partisan 
expectations of the Whigs. It was at the end of this period 
that Abraham Lincoln was offered the secretaryship and the 
governorship of Oregon Territory, of which offer it has been 
written * that it " embodied the Washington estimate of the 
Lincoln political stature." 

Mrs. Lincoln found it no easy matter from 1842 to 1851 
to maintain her faith in her husband's political future. She 
knew him, his wisdom and sagacity, his power to win men. 
She had hopes. But the record was against her. The political 
disappointments of this period were among those forces 
that injured Mrs. Lincoln's personality, though not to a 
great extent. 


These were lean years financially the leanest that 
Mrs. Lincoln ever knew and that Lincoln knew after the 
first Springfield days. John G. Nicolay says : 2 " He was so 
poor that he and his bride could not make the contemplated 
visit to Kentucky they would both have so much enjoyed." 

That these were years in which the Lincolns lived 
sparingly, financially speaking, is amply supported by the 
" Springfield tradition." That there was sometimes a serv- 
ant in this household of wife, husband, two children, and 
an occasional visiting relative is established, but that at 
other times there was none is also true. It is said that 
Lincoln took few friends home with him to meals, because 
his table was not very bountiful; that he milked the cows, 
did the necessary work around the barn and yard, and 
chopped the wood; that Mrs. Lincoln made much of the 
clothing for the two children, her husband, and herself and 
did most of the cooking and housework. Mrs. Wallace 8 

1 Bibliography, No. 18, pp. 494-552. Bibliography, No. 181. 

1 Bibliography, No. 133, p. 69. 


Globe Tavern, Springfield, where the Lincolns went to 
live when they were married. Robert was born here. 

FINANCES, 1842 TO 1851 

said her sister was a fine seamstress and made all the chil- 
dren's clothes, most of her own, and many of her husband's. 

Herndon x tells of Abraham Lincoln and Robert eating 
cheese and crackers at the office because of short rations 
and short temper at home. The probability is that Lincoln 
was indulging in a habit which he had formed when he lived 
at New Salem. And boys of Robert's age are always ready 
for an extra meal I 

One unfriendly critic said that Mrs. Lincoln saved on 
table supplies and household expense, but he poured a little 
sauce into the statement by saying she did this to spend on 
herself, particularly on her dresses. The " Springfield tra- 
dition " does not show, however, that she wore fine, showy 
clothes in this decade, nor do the bills at Smith's store 
such as are now available show extravagant purchases. 

It is not probable that the Lincolns were ever hard 
pressed for money, at least after 1 844. Lincoln was a thrifty 
man (as will appear later), and during this, the poorest 
decade of his married life, he was paying off some New 
Salem debts, helping his parents, supporting his own family, 
and getting ahead financially. And his wife was helping him. 

But such close saving did not help her socially. Spiritually 
she suffered in several ways from it. It hurt her social stand- 
ing, and, heavens, how that hurt her soul I It was not easy 
for one reared as she had been, in a roomy house with a 
large family and servants. Edgar Lee Masters, 2 describing 
one of her Springfield homes as shabby, added : " And here 
the daughter of the Kentucky banker abode for some time 
to come, with Lincoln." 

To add to all this was that atmosphere of hostility or 
" back-fence gossip " about intimate household conditions 
which enters so largely into the " Springfield tradition." 
If so much of this has found its way into books, some must 
have come to Mrs. Lincoln's notice. And it was just the 
kind of unfriendly gossip that was most liable to encourage 

1 Bibliography, No. 75*, p. 432. * Bibliography, No. 115. 



her to strike back. It was tongue work, and in a battle of 
tongues she was equal to the occasion. 


It is not in accord with social practice for people to 
maintain a society status when, for financial and other 
reasons, they cannot keep up their end. To receive invita- 
tions, one must invite. To be entertained, one must enter- 
tain. There must be something approaching parity between 
scales of living on the part of those who meet on the same 
level. This was true in Springfield in 1845 as it is now. 

When the Lincolns moved from the large Edwards house 
to live at the Globe Hotel; next, to a modest, rented house 
on Monroe Street; and, later, to the twelve-hundred-dollar 
home of their own it was too much to expect the small 
city aristocrats to continue to have an acute interest in them. 
Her sisters did, and by this time Ann had married C. M. 
Smith and joined Elizabeth, Frances, and Mary in Spring- 
field. So did the Edwardses, the Todds, and the Stuarts; 
but not the general run of the society element. Charles 
Arnold is quoted by B. F. Stoneberger * as saying: " Mrs. 
Edwards was the social leader of Springfield and she gave 
fine parties. Mrs. Lincoln was poor and she resented the way 
people passed her by. She was hurt and envious." If Mrs. 
Lincoln went to any parties or participated in any social 
affair or public function in Springfield in this period, there 
is no record of the fact. She must have done so to some 
extent, but I have not been able to find proof that she did. 

It almost summarizes her social activities during this 
period to say that Mrs. Lincoln lived quietly in her home 
economizing, doing without luxuries, bearing and rear- 
ing children, attending to domestic duties, paying some 
attention to politics, but otherwise letting the world go by. 

1 Personal communication to me. 



A casting-up of the record of this decade shows that 
Mrs. Lincoln came through it reasonably well. Her train- 
ing had been for a position in a fairly idle, rather glamor- 
ous, social world. She had had no training for motherhood 
except what little she had absorbed in her father's home. 
She had had no training in the conduct of a home where 
there were no slaves, rarely more than one servant, and 
often none a home run on very thrifty lines and sup- 
ported by a slender income. Her training for society had 
not equipped her for the kind of social intercourse to which 
she was then limited. There was a social isolation which 
she did not understand and which her type of mind re- 
sented. She had been compelled to live simply and to do 
without things, but that had not hurt her character. She 
had known some political disappointments, but there had 
been a few successes. The greatest influences of her life just 
then were wif ehood and motherhood home. 


Rounding Out 

Life is a quaint puzzle. Bits the most incongruous join with each other an& 
the scheme thus becomes symmetrical and clear. 



January 1851 to March 1861 

1851 January 17, Thomas Lincoln (Abraham's father) 

Lincoln practicing law. 

1852 Henry Clay and Daniel Webster died. 
Pierce elected President. 

Lincoln, candidate for Whig elector, defeated. 
Lincoln practicing law. 

1853 April 4, Thomas Lincoln (Tad) born. 
Lincoln practicing law. 

December, Emilie Todd visited in Springfield. 

1854 Abraham Lincoln candidate for Senate; beaten by 
Lyman Trumbull. 

Todd estate settled. 

February 10, the suit of Oldham, Todd, and Com- 
pany vs. A. Lincoln dismissed. 
Whig party dying. 
October 4, speech on Nebraska question. 

1855 Abraham Lincoln in Cincinnati on McCormick 
Reaper case. 

Republican party organizing. 

1856 February, the Lincolns gave a large party. 

May 2g, " Lost " speech delivered at Bloomington. 
Lincoln joined the Republican party. 
Lincoln defeated for nomination for vice-president. 
Lincoln began to have faint hopes of being a presi- 
dential possibility. 

November, Buchanan elected; Fremont defeated. 
November 23, Lincoln went to Chicago for three 

1857 Summer, Mrs. Lincoln traveled to Niagara Falls and 
New York. 

Mrs. Lincoln laughingly told Mr. Lincoln that her 

next husband would be a rich man. " I sigh when I 

think poverty is my portion," she wrote. 

September 8, Abraham Lincoln in Chicago on Rock 

Island Bridge case. 

September 5-50, second story added to Lincoln 


B. H. Helm visited Springfield. 

Lincoln began to take politics more seriously and to 

dress better. 

1858 Lincoln candidate for Senate; beaten by Douglas. 
June 16, " House Divided " speech. 

August to October, Lincoln-Douglas debates. 

1859 Lincoln wrote autobiographical sketch for Jesse Fell. 
Fell wrote the first Lincoln biography. 

1860 February 27, Cooper Union speech. 
May 18, Lincoln nominated for president. 
November 7, elected President. 

November 21, Lincoln went to Chicago to consult 

Hannibal Hamlin, I. N. Arnold, and Ebenezer Peck, 

about cabinet positions; Mrs. Lincoln accompanied 


December 20, South Carolina seceded. 

1 86 1 January 10, Mrs. Lincoln in New York shopping. 
January 24, Mrs. Lincoln back in Springfield. 
February u, Lincoln and his family left Springfield 
for Washington. 

February 18, Jefferson Davis inaugurated as Presi- 
dent of the Confederate States of America. 
February 23, Lincoln arrived in Washington. 
Mrs. Lincoln in New York, Metropolitan Hotel. 
March 2, Mrs. Lincoln arrived in Washington. 


Rounding Out 

living quietly with their two children in their own home. 
At the start of it, she was a little over thirty-two years old; 
at the close she was more than forty-two. Lincoln was nine 
years and ten months her senior. In 1851 Robert was over 
seven years old and was going to school (a private academy 
in Springfield), and Willie was a baby in arms. It was a 
period in which one more son was added to the family. There 
was no death of any close relative of Mrs. Lincoln's; in that 
respect the decade was a serene one. When they moved to 
the White House, Robert was past seventeen and in col- 
lege; Willie was in his eleventh year; and Tad lacked one 
month of being eight years old. Willie had been attending 
school in Springfield and was regarded as a good student, 
well up in his studies and abreast of the best of his class. On 
the other hand, there is no record that Tad had been in 
school up to this time. 

Mrs. Lincoln bore four boys. This alone as her contribu- 
tion to society entitles her to commendation. In that era four 
children to the family was the requirement for continuance 
of the family stock, since the death-rate was high. She 
and her husband brought the requisite number of children 
into the world, and at intervals that prevented the home 
from being overcrowded, thus affording the parents oppor- 
tunity to give attention to each. Had it not been for the 


death of Edward at four years, the children would have 
been close enough in age to have made effective the educa- 
tional and social value of fraternal contacts and influences, 
without being so close as to overtax the mother's time and 
energy. As it was, Robert was too old to exercise much in- 
fluence on the lives of Willie and Tad, nor did they help 
him much. In the grouping of the children in their activities, 
we find Willie and Tad in close and constant association, 
while Robert stood apart. Those men with whom I have 
talked of their Lincoln associations have referred to them- 
selves as playmates of Robert or playmates of Willie and 
Tad, but never as playmates of Robert and the younger 
boys. Had Edward lived, he would have bridged this gap. 

Bearing these children was a wholesome influence on Mrs. 
Lincoln's character. In the childbearing of itself she was 
lucky or efficient; she had no mishaps, and her children were 
good physical specimens. Her own mother died in childbirth, 
as did her half-sister Mrs. Herr, and Lincoln's sister Mrs. 
Grigsby. The maternal death-rate in that day was high. 
There were many widowers, and stepmothers were not 

As the mother of babies Mrs. Lincoln was a success. She 
carried all four of her children through the vicissitudes of 
babyhood, and that was then no mean accomplishment. Her 
mother and her stepmother were not so lucky or so capable, 
since each lost one baby. Her own sisters and sisters-in-law 
were likewise less successful than she. It is a pretty good 
guess that in Springfield about 1850 at least one fourth of 
the babies failed to survive babyhood, and on Mrs. Lincoln's 
level probably the expectation was a survival rate of, say, 
less than five sixths. Mrs. Lincoln landed all of hers safely 
in the two-to-six-year period. She and her husband both are 
to be credited with sparing these babies inheritable and con- 
genital diseases and with carrying them safely through baby- 
hood. It is not of record that Lincoln was fond of feeding 
and milking the family cow, but this was a part of his con- 





tribution to the health of the babies. Mrs. Lincoln scores 
high as a mother care-taker of babies. This experience was 
also a wholesome influence on her personality. 

In the last half of the Springfield score of years Mrs. 
Lincoln as the mother of older children had many problems 
to meet. Much has been said of her mother relationship in 
these years, and much of that written about the next five 
years applies to the Springfield experiences as well as to 
those of Washington. Her record as the mother and trainer 
of children two to twelve years of age is not so good as for 
the earlier period. In the home phases of child education, as 
distinguished from those of the school, the " Springfield 
tradition " is that the Lincoln boys were not well trained. 
At times the mother punished them, even whipped them ; at 
other times she permitted them unrestrained liberty; and 
at still other times her method lay between these extremes. 
She did not maintain uniformity in either her attitude or her 
method. The Springfield and the Washington " traditions," 
and even some part of the record, show that Lincoln's pa- 
rental attitude was one of license rather than of liberty. He 
was " a kid with the kids." Julia Taft Bayne's recital of 
what she and her brothers saw and even participated in es- 
tablishes that, and there is ample corroborative evidence. 
This as a parental attitude has very serious shortcomings, 
but it has the virtue of consistency. Mrs. Lincoln's was 
neither consistent nor uniform. It is probable that in the 
training of her children she was guided by her remembrance 
of her father's household partly when her mother di- 
rected five, partly when her grandmother and aunt managed 
the household, and principally when her stepmother was 
doing what she could for her own large brood and the half- 
dozen stepchildren. 

She was not able to keep contagion out of her home. 
Lincoln's correspondence with the Kellogg family in Cin- 
cinnati, in which scarlet fever is mentioned, refers to the 
same disease in the Springfield Todd families. Edward 


Lincoln died of diphtheria. Years later Tad died of a pleurisy 
that was possibly tubercular. Willie is said to have died from 
an acute malarial infection. Katherine Helm quotes x from 
a Washington paper as follows: "The White House levee 
on Tuesday will be omitted on account of the illness of the 
second son of the President, an interesting lad of about 
8 years of age, who has been lying dangerously ill of bilious 
fever for the last three days. Mrs. Lincoln has not left his 
bedside since Wednesday night, and fears are entertained 
for her health." This account was wrong by nearly four 
years as to Willie's age, but it was probably right in other 
particulars. Acute " bilious fever " is malaria, and acute 
bilious fever fatal in one week is pernicious malaria. Willie 
died in February, and malaria in Washington in that month 
is due to relapses, which are often pernicious. Mrs. Lincoln's 
letters contain references to attacks of malaria, and Eliza- 
beth Keckley's statement that Willie rather suddenly took a 
turn for the worse and died, fits malaria fairly well. Perni- 
cious malaria is recognized as a preventable disease. If 
Willie did not have pernicious malaria, he had some other 
form of preventable disease at least, as we now know 
preventable disease. 

It is somewhat apropos to say that Lincoln had smallpox. 
This occurred while he was in the White House. In fact, 
when he wrote and when he delivered the Gettysburg ad- 
dress, he was in that three-day febrile period of smallpox 
which precedes the eruption. The speech was written, as 
Dr. William E. Barton 2 has shown, in greatest part within 
twenty-four hours of its delivery. Soon after the exercises the 
President went to a room in his host's house to rest. On the 
way back to Washington he complained of headache and lay 
down much of the time. Before the next cabinet meeting he 
was broken out, and the diagnosis was made. We find Lincoln 
saying of the office-seekers : " Let them come. I now have 
something I can give them." The Stoddard account of Lin- 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 197. * Bibliography, No. 10, p. 97. 



coin's attack of smallpox goes into much detail, both from 
the clinical standpoint and as to the measures of control 
which were undertaken. All contacts, including the family, 
were vaccinated. Mrs. Lincoln deserves credit for the fact 
that, though her husband had smallpox and while ill was 
cared for in the home, she and Tad escaped the disease. 

These incidents are cited to add to the showing that the 
I incoln household was at least unfortunate with respect to 
preventable diseases. Present-day careful mothers prevent 
their families from having diphtheria, scarlet fever, small- 
pox, tuberculosis, pleurisy, and bilious fever. 1 

Barton 2 has this to say of Mrs. Lincoln as the mother 
of children older than babies : " She was not a model mother. 
She was too nervous, too impetuous; her chidings and her 
caresses depended too much upon her own moods. In times 
of sickness she was too anxious and too excitable to be a 
good nurse. But she loved her children passionately." 


In the second decade of the Springfield life Mrs. Lin- 
coln's social position was better than in the first. We find 
the Lincolns entertaining their friends and political associ- 
ates more frequently, and they are known to have attended 
some dinners and more formal affairs. 

Mrs. Lincoln's sister Elizabeth Edwards was ambitious 
for her very capable, though not very aggressive, husband. 
She hoped to see him in the "seat of the mighty" once 
occupied and adorned by his father, Governor Ninian Ed- 
wards. When the legislature was in session, Mrs. Edwards 
was accustomed to entertain some of the politically powerful. 

1 While it has no direct bearing, it is of some interest that Mrs. Lincoln's father 
died of cholera, and Lincoln's mother of milk-sickness. Mrs. Lincoln did not keep 
contagion out of her home, it is true; at the same time she was not less successful 
than were other mothers of the period. Measured by present-day standards, her 
record in this particular would be called a poor one; but using the standards of her 
day, it was good enough. 

2 Bibliography, No. 9, Vol. I, p. 326. 


At times she gave large and elaborate receptions. Mr 
and Mrs. Lincoln were usually present. Incidentally, theri 
eventually grew up some rivalry in husband-promotion be- 
tween these ambitious sisters. 

On one occasion the Lincolns gave a reception to which 
they invited five hundred people. Most of them came, though 
a conflicting reception held in Jacksonville caused some of 
the invited guests to absent themselves. 

The society people of Springfield had more time for Mrs. 
Lincoln in this second decade. It is also certain that the 
Lincolns were spending more money on entertaining. It fol- 
lows that the social neglect from which Mrs. Lincoln suf- 
fered, and which did much to strain her personality, was less 
in evidence. 

The following letter * written by Mrs. Lincoln to her half- 
sister Emilie Todd Helm, February 16, 1856, shows that 
there were many parties in Springfield, which the Lincolns 
were attending and of which, at least on one occasion, they 
were hosts : 

" Within the last three weeks there has been a party al- 
most every night, and some two or three grand fetes are 
coming off this week. I may surprise you when I mention 
that I am recovering from the slight fatigue of a very large, 
and I really believe a very handsome, entertainment at 
least, our friends flatter us by saying so. About five hundred 
were invited, yet owing to an unlucky rain three hundred 
only favored us by their presence. And the same evening in 
Jacksonville Col. Warren gave a bridal party to his son who 
married Miss Birchall of this place, which occasion robbed 
us of some of our friends. You will think we have enlarged 
our borders since you were here. Three evenings since, Gov- 
ernor Bissell gave a very large party. I thought of you fre- 
quently when I saw so many of your acquaintances beauti- 
fully dressed and dancing very happily. . . . The first part 
of the winter was so quiet." 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 121. 



In November 1856 Mrs. Lincoln wrote to Mrs. Helm of 
the improvements in Springfield : l u You can scarcely im- 
agine a place improving more rapidly than ours. Almost 
palaces of homes have been reared since you were here. 
Hundreds of houses have been going up this season, and 
some of them very elegant. Governor Matteson's house is 
just completed. The whole place has cost him, he says, 
$100,000, but he is now worth a million." 

Between 1851 and 1861 Mrs. Lincoln stayed very closely 
in Springfield, as behooved the mother of three boys, one an 
infant. The cottage on Eighth Street was their home during 
the entire period. In fact, the Lincolns called this house 
home for about seventeen years of the somewhat more than 
eighteen years of their joint Springfield life. The house was 
a one-story-and-attic frame cottage during thirteen of the 
years that the Lincoln family occupied it. Nevertheless, 
it was ample for the mother, father, and three boys. Be- 
sides the main house there was an ell, together providing 
a bedroom for the parents, a children's room, parlor, dining- 
room, kitchen, and some space besides a great luxury of 
room and accommodation according to the standards of 
Lincoln's youth, and with less crowding than even his wife 
had been accustomed to when she was of her children's age. 
The second story was not added to the house until Septem- 
ber 1857. O n tne authority of a statement by Bunn to Conk- 
ling, and a letter by Gurley, A. J. Beveridge says: 2 " While 
Lincoln was in Chicago on the Rock Island Bridge case 
(September 826, 1857), Mrs. Lincoln had the half story 
of their house made into a full second story, the whole house 
painted, and the rooms papered." 

There was a stable, a large yard, and room for a garden, 
though relatives say that the family did not make use of the 
space for either flowers or vegetables. Help was scarce and 
hard to keep, and Lincoln was now a busy lawyer and 
an active politician, while Mrs. Lincoln was occupied with 

1 Ibid., p. 123. * Bibliography, No. 18, p. 605. 



nursing and caring for the baby born in 1853, besides look- 
ing after two older boys, as to both home care and prepara- 
tion of lessons for school. 

I. N. Arnold is authority for the statement that there 
were some dinner parties, for which the food was outstand- 
ingly good. Doubtless Mrs. Lincoln exchanged visits with 
her three sisters and her many Springfield cousins. She was 
visited by Emilie Todd, later Mrs. Helm, who probably 
divided her Springfield stay between the homes of her three 
Springfield half-sisters. No other member of the Lexington 
family ever came to visit Mrs. Lincoln. 1 If Levi's daughter 
got there before Mrs. Lincoln went to Washington, she 
stayed with Mrs. Smith. It is not known that Mrs. Lincoln 
left Springfield in this period except to go to Niagara Falls 
and the East in 1857. How could she? There was no one to 
care for the baby, not to mention the older boys. She went 
to Alton for a day to attend one of the Lincoln-Douglas de- 
bates, but there is no record of her hearing any other of 
these epoch-marking discussions. She was in Chicago at least 
once, in November 1860. There must have been a few other 
trips that we do not know about. St. Louis is within one hun- 
dred miles of Springfield, yet we have no proof that she was 
there. Perhaps the bitterness of factional strife, and the 
blind, irrational distrust and hatred of Lincoln that was 
so manifest in the South after 1856, kept her from visit- 
ing some of the Kentucky friends of her youth. Whatever 
the reason may have been, no one accused Mrs. Lincoln of 
being a gadabout while she lived in Springfield. On the con- 
trary, during these years she was a " home body." Her life 
may have been very humdrum and everyday and exception- 
ally free from all external causes of emotional reaction. 

1 Robert S. Todd visited Mrs. Lincoln and the other Springfield daughters when 
Robert Todd Lincoln was a few weeks old. 




Between 1851 and 1861 Lincoln ran for the Senate twice 
and was defeated both times. 

The first of these defeats, that by Lyman Tnimbull, he 
and Mrs. Lincoln are said to have been very bitter about, 
Beveridge says : * " Mrs. Lincoln was determined her hus- 
band should win, and when she saw the triumph of Trum- 
bull her anger was so fierce, unreasoning, and permanent 
that she refused then and ever afterward to speak to the 
wife of the victor, Julia Jayne, the intimate of her young 
womanhood and until now her closest friend." There is con- 
firmation of the fact that Lincoln's failure in this contest 
was a source of disappointment and caused him to lose faith 
in some of his friends; it is also true that Mrs. Lincoln 
was even more disappointed, but I am assured by descend- 
ants of Senator Trumbull that, according to the family 
tradition, the statement exaggerates the facts. The night 
of the Trumbull nomination the Lincolns attended some- 
thing of a reception given by Mrs. Edwards at her home, 
and there met the Trumbulls. The meeting was a friendly 
one, and no bitterness or unpleasantness is intimated by any 
of the several biographers who tell of this event. Miss 
Julia Jayne was one of the few who were in attendance when 
Mrs. Lincoln was married, and if there were bridesmaids, 
Miss Jayne was one of them. It is true that in later life, as 
Mrs. Trumbull, and especially in the Washington years, she 
and Mrs. Lincoln did not see much of each other. The 
Trumbull success in the senatorial campaign may have been 
in part responsible, but it is probable that political differ- 
ences between Lincoln and Senator Trumbull were the prin- 
cipal reason for any coolness there may have been. Senator 
Trumbull and Lincoln were usually in opposing political 
parties, or in opposing factions of the same party. The 

1 Bibliography, No. 18, p. 286. 


statement that Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Trumbull never spoke 
afterwards is not true. It has some bearing on this question 
that, when President Johnson adopted and advocated the 
Lincoln reunion policy making it the Johnson reconstruc- 
tion policy, which was the real reason for his impeachment 
by the opposition Trumbull committed political suicide by 
voting against Johnson's removal. Trumbull went down to 
his political death in support of the policies of Abraham 
Lincoln. It is even more to the point that when Mrs. Lin- 
coln's pension bill was before the Senate, and she was being 
abused openly and covertly, Senator Trumbull was her 
staunch defender. 

The second contest for senator was likewise lost, but, in 
spite of that fact, strategically this was the greatest political 
success in Lincoln's life, the presidency alone excepted. The 
Lincoln-Douglas debates did three things of supreme tactical 
advantage for Lincoln. First, they tied him closely to, and 
coupled him in the public mind with, the new party to which 
he had given his allegiance two years before. Lincoln had 
to win a right of leadership in this new party the party 
that was soon to choose him as its presidential candidate; 
that was to carry the political burden of winning a civil war; 
and that was to remain dominant in American politics for 
many years. Second, they made Lincoln nationally known. 
When a Congressman, he had stumped for Taylor in New 
England. He had made a few other speeches outside of his 
own state. But until the reports of the Lincoln-Douglas de- 
bates were read, the country at large had heard very little 
of Abraham Lincoln of Illinois. Barton 1 attributes the 
great rush to write campaign biographies in Illinois in 1860, 
and Fell's urge to write the sketch for a Pennsylvania paper 
in 1859, to the abysmal ignorance of the general public about 
the party candidate. In 1856, after the Republican conven- 
tion had nominated Fremont for president, a certain number 
of delegates voted for Abraham Lincoln as nominee for vice- 

1 Bibliography, No. 12. 

The youthful Lincoln. 
From a photograph taken in Princeton, Illinois, July ./, 1856. 


president. When he was given this information as news, 
Lincoln said these delegates must have been voting for 
the then better-known Abraham Lincoln of Massachusetts. 
The third advantageous result of the Lincoln-Douglas de- 
bates was the setting up of questions which were certain to 
eliminate Douglas from Illinois, and national, politics. In 
1860, Douglas was one of the four candidates for president, 
but the position which Lincoln had forced him into on the 
slavery question, in these debates, made it impossible for 
the Democratic party to unite on him as its candidate. In 
the election the Democrats split their vote between the 
Douglas ticket and that headed by Breckinridge. The vote 
for these two tickets, when added, surpassed the vote for 
the Lincoln ticket, but under the electoral law Lincoln was 
elected President. Had there been no division in the Demo- 
cratic party in 1860, it would have won. That the Demo- 
crats split their vote and failed was a result of the Lincoln 
strategy in 1858. 

Barton * says that Abraham Lincoln kept rather well out 
of politics from 1849 to 1854. General Winfield Scott was 
his party candidate in 1852, and Lincoln was a candidate 
for elector from Illinois. Both were defeated. In the latter 
part of 1854 the Republican party in Illinois was launched, 
but Lincoln did not join at that time. Not until 1856 did he 
take the plunge from the dying, or dead, Whig party to the 
new one. Lincoln participated in the campaign of 1856, but 
not in a conspicuous way. 

In 1860 Lincoln was the nominee of the state Republican 
convention for president. He received the nomination in 
Chicago a few weeks later, and his electors triumphed at the 
general election in November. In March 1861 he was inau- 
gurated as President. 

Thus in this decade he was defeated as a candidate for 
elector, and twice as a candidate for senator; and he wit- 
nessed the death of the political party to which he belonged. 

i Bibliography, No. 9, VoL I, p. 287. 


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He held no office and received no salary from any division 
of the government. 

The effect of these several failures on Mrs. Lincoln could 
not have been other than bad. Of this there is some con- 
firmatory evidence as to the first of the senatorial contests. 
Mrs. Lincoln was buoyed through many a disappointment, 
however, by the faith she had in her husband's political acu- 
men and personal popularity. Those who think Mrs. Lincoln 
was shrewder and a better politician than her husband 
and there are many who are on record to that effect cite 
as one bit of proof the fact that in this decade she prevented 
her husband from re-entering the Illinois legislature. He had 
been a candidate for United States senator and as such had 
achieved an enviable reputation, in spite of defeat. Never- 
theless, he was anxious to accept election to the legislature. 
She recognized that this would not be good politics and 
finally so convinced him, causing him to forgo his yearnings 
and decline the position. 

There was little in the record of the first half or three 
fourths of their married life to sustain her faith in her 
husband's political future. But in 1858 came the Lincoln- 
Douglas debates, and with them a recognition of her hus- 
band's political possibilities. In November 1860 the coun- 
try decided that she had been right when she said Abraham 
Lincoln would be president. On March 4, 1861 her second 
great objective was achieved. In this decade the combined 
influence of political events, of Lincoln's political successes 
and failures, on Mrs. Lincoln's personality was good, or, at 
least, more wholesome than not. 


Financial worries for the Lincolns were less acute in the 
fifties than in the forties. This is of importance, because 
when Mrs. Lincoln later became unbalanced, money was the 
thread which ran through the fabric of her aberrations. The 



Freudian school says that when such is the character of a 
disturbed mentality, the source may be found in a scar- 
city of money in the earlier years of life, or in an unsatisfied 
yearning for money at some time. Many would say that the 
Todds must have had a money mania, and that Mary in- 
herited a money-madness streak. They might add : Was not 
her father a banker ? 

In the second decade of the Springfield life Lincoln's in- 
come was rising. He was an attorney for the Illinois Central 
Railroad, and that corporation was his best client from the 
financial standpoint. In this period he was engaged in the 
McCormick reaper litigation and in the Rock Island Bridge 
case. William H. Herndon, referring to Lincoln in this sec- 
ond decade, wrote : " And now he began to make up for time 
lost in politics, by studying law in earnest." Milton Hay and 
Herndon both wrote of Lincoln's waste of time from his 
studies in telling stories and in making contacts, so neces- 
sary for a good trial lawyer; but they also show that there 
were periods, especially after Lincoln returned from Con- 
gress, when he was a rather studious lawyer, attending 
closely to the business of the law and collecting moderately 

"Many lawyers and judges in Illinois became rich men 
during the period before the Civil War; but their wealth 
was not acquired by practicing law or administering justice. 
It was obtained through wise and far-seeing investments, 
for professional earnings were moderate." l 

Thus Beveridge opens the second of two chapters which 
deal more closely than others of his biography with the per- 
sonal characteristics and affairs of the future President. 
He drew on such reliable witnesses as Whitney, Swett, 
Herndon, Davis, and Arnold, for evidence that Lincoln 
in this period was never without cases and clients. In lower 
courts he excelled as a pleader before juries. But, in spite 
of his reputation as a jury pleader, Beveridge acclaims him 

1 Bibliography, No. 18, p. 552. 



as best before the state Supreme Court. Commenting on 
the aspects of Lincoln's character suggested by the opening 
paragraph quoted above, Beveridge says that Lincoln was 
not an investor, but that he collected his fees and held 
on to them. This writer then describes at length several 
of Lincoln's more important cases, some of which brought 
in good fees. In one the Illinois Central case he 
charged a fee so high that the railroad would not pay it 
without suit. It was compelled to pay, and, paying, retained 
Lincoln as one of its lawyers up to the time he became Presi- 
dent. He plunged into the Rock Island Bridge case and 
earned back some of the money spent as he traveled round 
in his senatorial campaigns. In August 1859 Lincoln wrote 
to Governor J. W. Grimes of Iowa : 1 " I lost nearly all the 
working part of last year giving my time to the canvass, and 
I am altogether too poor to lose two years together." 

In this decade Mrs. Lincoln was a beneficiary of two wills. 
Robert Parker had left his estate to his wife for her use 
during her lifetime, but it was entailed for the benefit of the 
grandchildren, of whom Mrs. Lincoln was one. The settle- 
ment of this estate resulted in a lawsuit which took Abra- 
ham Lincoln, with his wife, to Lexington for his fifth, and 
what proved to be his last, visit. The estate was consider- 
able, but the division was into many parts. 2 Mrs. Lincoln 
was also a beneficiary by reason of the death of her father, 
Robert S. Todd. His estate, too, was a considerable one, 
but again there were many heirs, and Mrs. Lincoln's share 
was not large. However, the sums received from these 
estates in the first half of the decade contributed somewhat 
to the financial ease of the Lincolns. 

The truth is that in the second decade of the Springfield 
experience the Lincolns were not spending much money, 
but they were living tolerably well and were not having to 
worry about means to meet expenses. In Arnold's narrative 
of their life in Springfield there is evidence of progressive 

1 Letter dated August 1859. * Bibliography, No. 176, pp. 242 ff. 



improvement in financial status as the years passed. He 
says: 1 " Lincoln lived simply, comfortably, and respectably, 
with neither expensive tastes nor habits. His wants were 
few and simple. He occupied a small, modest, comfortable, 
wooden cottage such as is found everywhere in the villages 
of our country. In the later Springfield years this cottage 
had been enlarged and made more pretentious. . . . He 
was in the habit of entertaining in a very simple way. Mrs. 
Lincoln often entertained small numbers of friends at din- 
ner, and somewhat larger groups at evening parties." 

There is no reason for thinking the Lincolns had financial 
worries in this decade. They were living on a scale that 
suited Mrs. Lincoln reasonably well. The financial experi- 
ence of this period did not contribute to her breakdown. 


Mrs. Helm visited her half-sister in Springfield in the 
first half of this range of years. She based the following 
statement 2 partly on what she then saw and partly on her 
observations during her stay in the White House : 

"It has also been said that Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were 
not happy. Mrs. Wallace denies this emphatically, and the 
present writer's knowledge bears out Mrs. Wallace's as- 
sertion. They understood each other thoroughly, and Mr. 
Lincoln looked beyond the impulsive word and manner, and 
knew that his wife was devoted to him and to his interests. 
They lived in a quiet, unostentatious manner. She was very 
fond of reading, and interested herself greatly in her hus- 
band's political views and aspirations. She was fond of home 
and made nearly all her children's clothes. She was a cheer- 
ful woman, a delightful conversationalist, and well-informed 
on all the subjects of the day. The present writer saw Mr. 
and Mrs. Lincoln together for some part of every day for 

1 Bibliography, No. 4, p. 82. * Bibliography, No. 72, and No. 73, p. 116. 


six months at one time, but saw nothing of the unhappiness 
which is so often referred to. Many of Mr. Lincoln's ways, 
such as going to answer his own doorbell, annoyed her, and 
upon one occasion a member of her family said: ' Mary, if 
I had a husband with a mind such as yours has I wouldn't 
care what he did/ This pleased her very much and she 
replied : ' It is very foolish it is a small thing to com- 
plain of.' " 

Frances Wallace's statement to which Mrs. Helm refers 
was as follows i 1 " They did not lead an unhappy life at all. 
She was devoted to him and her children, and he was cer- 
tainly all to her that any husband could have been. . . . 
And they say that Mrs. Lincoln was an ambitious woman. 
But she was not an ambitious woman at all. She was devoted 
to her home." 

One of the men who knew the Lincolns in this period was 
Arnold. He was the friend of Mrs. Lincoln then, and he 
stood by her loyally in her Gethsemane. He wrote : 2 
"I must not omit to mention the old-fashioned, generous 
hospitality of Springfield, proverbial to this day throughout 
the state. Among others I recall the dinner parties given 
by Mrs. Lincoln in her modest and simple home. There was 
always, on the part of both host and hostess, a cordial and 
hearty western welcome which put every guest perfectly at 
home. Mrs. Lincoln's table was famed for the excellence of 
many Kentucky dishes. . . . Yet it was her genial manners 
and ever kindly welcome, and Mr. Lincoln's wit, humor, 
anecdote, and unrivaled conversation, which formed the 
chief attraction." 

Henry B. Rankin first met Abraham Lincoln in the 
forties, but it was not until the fifties that he moved to 
Springfield and entered the Lincoln-Herndon office in a 
minor capacity. I have discussed Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln 
with Rankin, and what he told of them is in accord with 
what he said in the two books he has written. In the In- 

1 Bibliography, No. x8x. * Bibliography, No. 4, p. 82. 

The youthful Mrs. Lincoln. 
From a photograph owned by Oliver R. Barrett. 


troduction to the second of these books * Ida M. Tarbell 
wrote: "They are a precious contribution." 

Rankin writes : " I was a verdant youth of nineteen when 
I was calling on her at her home sixteen years after she be- 
came Mrs. Lincoln, and I had the temerity to ask her how 
and when she made her first acquaintance with Mr. Lincoln." 
Mr. Rankin, when a boy in the law office, took a copy of 
the Southern Literary Messenger to the Lincoln home, and 
there met Mrs. Lincoln. He was charmed by her grace and 
good manners, and her kindness to a country boy newly 
come to town. Her evidence of culture and education won 
his admiration. He has written the kindliest description of 
her of which I know. From it the following quotations are 
made : 2 

" She thought quickly, spoke rapidly. Without intending 
to wound, she sometimes hurt in sarcastic or witty remarks. 
... It was remarked to me by one who had known Mrs. 
Lincoln long and very intimately that her frank and spirited 
manner, her candor of speech and independence of thought, 
often gave offense where none was meant. . . . She was 
never ungracious toward strangers, nor did she ever inten- 
tionally wound a friend. . . . Always and everywhere she 
showed her refinement and dignity of character. ... I 
shall not in this writing seek for, or endeavor to set forth, 
all the sources or motives, nor follow the trail, of either the 
personality or the criticism of Mrs. Lincoln's foes much 
less try to account for their animosity. . . . The writers 
who have exhausted the resources of both gossip and fiction 
to write Mr. Lincoln's early life down in a way calculated 
to cheapen and coarsen those years with as much vulgarity 
as possible are the same writers from whom have come the 
attacks on Mrs. Lincoln in even worse caricatures. ... I 
ask you to hear something about her life as I know it. ... 
In none of these situations [the text recites a great many] 
did I ever detect in Mrs. Lincoln aught but the most wifely 

1 Bibliography, No. 148, p. 13. * Bibliography, No. 149, Chapter ix. 



and matronly proprieties and respect toward her husband 
and her friends. She adapted herself cheerfully to all those 
exacting functions required of Lincoln in his public life. . . . 
I beg pardon of any reader for trailing my pen through such 
trivial scandals. I have done it in the briefest possible way. 
It is done to show the injustice and cruelty of much of the 
false insinuations against Mrs. Lincoln that have found 
their way into history. . . . The few I have mentioned 
show how distorted many simple acts and incidents may be 
made to appear when taken apart from their relation to 
other facts with which they were connected." 

What we find in the Lincoln biographies that follow 
Herndon about Mrs. Lincoln's personality from 1842 to 
1851 is not favorable to her. Beveridge's opinion is summed 
up in the title which he uses for the chapter dealing with this 
period. It is: "Years of Discipline." The title bears evi- 
dence of having been chosen from the following paragraph, 
in which he indicates his opinion of the effect on Lincoln of 
his wife's behavior: 1 

"Thus began his continuous and lifelong tutelage in hu- 
mility, his instruction in patience, and the practice of that 
supreme virtue which was to continue without ceasing, year 
after year, decade after decade, as long as he lived. . . . 
For his wife soon unchained that temper which grew more 
savage through the years, and was exhibited in the sight and 
hearing of many. She speedily became a c she-wolf, 1 as Hern- 
don long afterward described her to Weik without knowing 
that John Hay, as secretary to the President, had used a 
similar but stronger and even more picturesque phrase about 
Mrs. Lincoln." 

That part of the Browning diary available is creditable 
to Mrs. Lincoln, though little is said, and one hears much, 
about what is in the suppressed part. Until that is known we 
cannot weigh this diary. 2 

1 Bibliography, No. 18, p. 356. 

1 A foot-note in the chapter on Mrs. Lincoln in Barton's Life of Abraham Lincoln^ 
Vol. II, p. 416, reads as follows: "If any future biographer of Lincoln shall present 



Lloyd Lewis wrote of the " Springfield tradition " : 1 
11 Springfield knew Mrs. Lincoln of old; her erratic nerves, 
her wild, sudden rages of temper." 

B. F. Stoneberger, whose father rented the Lincoln house 
and whose family lived there for several years, has told 
me of conversations with Lincoln neighbors. 2 Charles 
Arnold, who lived across the street, gave him the following 
estimates of Mrs. Lincoln: "She was an educated woman, 
and very ambitious for her husband. She was a very set 
woman. She kept Mr. Lincoln from making several mistakes 
that would have been fatal politically. She kept nagging her 
husband on. Mr. Lincoln called her ' Puss,' and so did we. 
We didn't think Puss Lincoln got a square deal." 

Herndon wrote: 3 " In her domestic troubles I always 
sympathized with Mrs. Lincoln. The world does not know 
what she bore or how ill adapted she was to bear it." 


Miss Mary Todd beginning her Springfield career was a 
brilliant society girl with a boundless ambition and great de- 
termination. Mrs. Mary Lincoln ending her Springfield life, 
in 1860, was a sedate woman, but still with a boundless am- 
bition and great determination. Her twenty years of Spring- 
field life had added much without spoiling much. She had 
failed to achieve several of her wishes, and these disappoint- 
ments had sharpened her temper and made her irritable. 
As to her irascible disposition within the family circle, the 
evidence is reasonably conclusive, even though it bears the 

other evidence, taken from an important document whose use is now forbidden for 
any purpose derogatory to the character of Mrs. Lincoln, I suppose myself to be 
familiar with that document; and while observing, as I am bound in honor to do so, 
the conditions under which it is permitted to be read, I have taken its content fully 
into account in my estimate of Mary Lincoln." This evidence follows a discussion 
by Barton in which he reviews such of the charges as can be quoted. 

1 Bibliography, No. 101, p. 133. 

a Personal communication. 

1 Bibliography, No. 75a, p. 230. 


marks of exaggeration. When it comes to personality de- 
terioration manifested beyond this range, the evidence is 
not convincing. She went through twenty years of experi- 
ences for which she had been poorly trained except in two 
or three fields. Many of these experiences were trying, espe- 
cially to an ambitious, aggressive woman with small capacity 
for accepting disappointments. Her trials had not over- 
reached her power of resistance, however; her fiber was 
tough enough to withstand what came to her. Her person- 
ality had changed somewhat in its non-essentials, but it had 
built up in some directions while it was being torn down 
in others. Balancing the account, I think Mary Lincoln of 
1860 was, in many respects, an improvement over Mary 
Todd of 1840. However, she was approaching the limits 
of her capacity to withstand. It will be shown shortly that 
before she reached the White House, she gave one mani- 
festation that she was in trouble, or was nearing it. 

1860 AND 1861 

After Mr* Lincoln was endorsed for president by the 
Illinois state convention, he remained at home almost con- 
tinuously until he started for Washington, in February 1 86 1. 
Perhaps at no time before in his adult life did he remain so 
long in one city as he did between his trip to New York for 
the Cooper Union speech and his departure for the inaugu- 
ration in Washington. Perhaps never before or after did he 
make so few speeches. He did not practice law. None of 
this, nor all of it, meant that time hung heavy on his hands, 
or that he was without occupation. His family did not see 
a great deal of him that year, in spite of his being tied to 

The business of getting nominated was arduous, and that 
of being elected was still more so. In receiving the numer- 
ous delegations, Mrs. Lincoln had an opportunity to meet 


a great many national characters, and usually she did the 
right thing, although once she came near showing her new- 
ness to like situations by proposing to serve refreshments 
when to do so was not proper socially and would have been 
hazardous politically. The husband candidate threaded the 
maze of political expediency with skill, and the wife met the 
bands of visitors and pilgrims adroitly, saying the appro- 
priate thing always. 

In this campaign the political attacks were uncommonly 
harsh and raw. The question of slavery excited bitterness. 
The cartoons were vile, and the charges made in newspaper 
columns and political speeches were exceptionally rapacious. 
The Lincolns had been through several campaigns since their 
marriage, and there is no evidence that the shafts directed 
against her husband hurt Mrs. Lincoln particularly. There 
were no attacks on her. Things were " coming her way," 
and in such times her personality was not likely to suffer ; it 
was restraint and disappointment that tended to curdle the 
milk of her composition. 

It was not difficult to foresee that Springfield and Sanga- 
mon County were not to support Lincoln. On election night 
he stayed up receiving returns until he learned that he had 
carried his own ward. Knowing that his city and county had 
gone against him, he soothed his soul with the local returns 
the vote of his nearest neighbors and went to bed and 
to sleep. The loss of the home town must have hurt Mrs. 
Lincoln somewhat, but the returns showed that her husband 
was to be president, and that recompensed for the loss of 
Springfield. She could foresee that Lincoln would lose Lex- 
ington. She knew that her own family was not supporting 
him. Many old friends everywhere were deserting, and that 
also hurt. But again success was more than an offset. 

Following the election the press of the South was very 
bitter toward Lincoln. In December the threats of secession 
were made a reality by the action of South Carolina. In the 
first months of the next year other states followed suit. Then 



the Confederate government was organized. Civil War was 
begun. This sequence of events was very disturbing to 
Lincoln as he awaited his opportunity. He was constantly 
busy writing letters, reading papers, advising and being ad- 
vised, listening, thinking, planning, and perhaps worrying. 
All of this must have registered on his wife, but her person- 
ality seems to have been equal to the strain. 

In January 1861 there occurred the first act of Mrs. 
Lincoln indicating that she might not be mentally " right " 
the first suspiciously false note. This developed in con- 
nection with a trip she took to New York to make purchases, 
some of which, according to the papers, were for the White 
House. The details as well as the significance of this visit 
will be set forth more fully in the following chapter. 


The Peak and a Decline 

Men in great flace are thrice servants. 


March 4, 1861 to April 14., 1865 

1 86 1 March 4, Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as President 
of the United States. 

April 75, President Lincoln called for 75,000 vol- 

May 10, President Lincoln proclaimed martial law; 
Civil War on. 

May 23, Colonel E. E. Ellsworth lulled; his body lay 
in state in the White House. 
June 3, Stephen A. Douglas died. 
Spring, it was becoming evident that there was to 
be a friction between the White House and Wash- 
ington " high society." 

Summer, Mrs. Lincoln visited Saratoga, New York, 
and Long Branch, New Jersey. 
September I, Mrs. Lincoln visited Niagara Falls. 
October 30, Willie Lincoln wrote a poem eulogizing 
Colonel Edward Baker. 

November, Mrs. Lincoln had returned to the White 
House from her several trips. 

1862 February 20, William W. (Willie) Lincoln died. 
March g y Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac. 
April 6-7, Battle of Shiloh. Samuel B. Todd killed. 
June, Pekin, Illinois, a Council of the Union League 

Summer, President and Mrs. Lincoln spent most of 

the season in the Anderson cottage, Soldiers 1 Home, 


September 16-17, Battle of Antietam. 

September 22, Emancipation Proclamation issued. 

September, Mrs. Lincoln visited New York City, 

at the Metropolitan Hotel. 

November, in the Illinois congressional elections, the 
vote indicated that the people were not behind the 

November 2g y Mrs. Lincoln returned from a visit to 
New England. 

December 21, Mrs. Lincoln in Philadelphia, Con- 
tinental Hotel. 

1863 January I, slaves declared free. 

January 12, Richardson, Democrat, elected Senator 
from Illinois. 

April, President and Mrs. Lincoln and Tad visited 
the Army of the Potomac. 
June, Yates prorogued the Illinois legislature. 
July 1-3, Battle of Gettysburg. 
July 4, surrender of Vicksburg. David H. Todd seri- 
ously wounded at Vicksburg. 

July, Mrs. Lincoln thrown from carriage, and her 
head badly hurt. 

August, Alexander H. Todd killed at Baton 

September, Mrs. Lincoln at Fifth Avenue Hotel, 
New York City. 

September 20, General B. H. Helm killed at Chicka- 

October, Mrs. Helm visited Mrs. Lincoln in the 
White House for one week. 
November 19, Gettysburg address. 
November, creditors of Mrs. Lincoln threatened to 
sue her. 

December 3-7, Mrs. Lincoln in New York City, Fifth 
Avenue Hotel. 

1864 February 22, General Grant appointed Commander- 

Spring, bitter feeling shown by General Fremont. 
April 28, Mrs. Lincoln in New York City, Metro- 
politan Hotel. 

June 7, Lincoln nominated for president the second 
time by Union, or Republican, party. 
June 24, Mrs. Lincoln in Boston. 
August 29, McClellan nominated for president by 
the Democrats. 

August 31, Mrs. Lincoln in Manchester, Vermont. 
August, Battle of Mobile Bay. 
September 3, Atlanta fell. 
November, President Lincoln re-elected. 
December, Robert T. Lincoln in the army on the 
staff of General Grant. 

1865 January 5, Yates elected Senator from Illinois. 
January 17, Levi O. Todd died. 
March 4, Abraham Lincoln inaugurated as President 
for the second term. 

March 22, President and Mrs. Lincoln visited City 

April 3, Richmond fell. 

April 4, President and Mrs. Lincoln visited Rich- 

April 9, General Lee surrendered. 
April 14, President Lincoln assassinated. 


The Peak and a Decline 

ington she had gained everything in life that she had 
set out to accomplish. Matrimony had been the goal of her 
young womanhood, as was meet and proper; it was the 
goal of every girl she grew up with. She and they accepted 
that as true, gloried in it, and talked about it no small part 
of their time. Well, she had married; and, more than that, 
she had outmarried any of them. Her husband was the 
President elect. She had outmarried her three sisters. Lin- 
coln had proved a better catch than Edwards, the promis- 
ing son of a rich father the grand chief of Illinois public 
life for years. Ninian W. Edwards was a prominent man 
in Springfield and in Illinois, but his success did not com- 
pare with that of Abraham Lincoln. Dr. William Wallace 
was an important man and well-to-do, a physician in Spring- 
field; but Frances's husband could not match position with 
Mary's. And, however successful C. M. Smith was as a 
business man, as a matrimonial catch Ann's husband was 
rated below that of her sister. No other Springfield girl 
had done so well as Mary. Julia Jayne's husband was Sena- 
tor Lyman Trumbull, but a president outranks a senator. 
None of the Lexington girls had made a match which corn- 
pared with Mary's, seen by the light of 1861. She had 
boasted that Lincoln would be president; helping to make 
him so had been one of her aims. Well, he had been elected I 



Motherhood had been one of her plans, also as was 
both customary and proper. She had borne four sons. 
Three of them were going with her to the White House. 
She and her husband had wanted economic security. That, 
too, they had. They owed no one; they had a home and 
several other pieces of real estate; there were a fair num- 
ber of good loans and some ready money to their credit. It 
is easy to understand that Mrs. Lincoln went away from 
Springfield feeling that her life had been a success, and she 
had very good reasons for being both satisfied and happy. 

Now a new vista was opening. What were to be her aims 
for the future? She was -of a nature that did not wait for 
Fortune to lay things in her lap. When Opportunity came 
her way, intent upon knocking at her door, it was in her 
make-up to be at the gate waiting. If, perchance, she got a 
late start, she would at least be ready to open the door 
while the knocking was still going on. 

Undoubtedly her first endeavor would be to make her hus- 
band's administration a success, in so far as she could. To 
effect this, the social life of the administration must 
be successful. Diplomats must be impressed; the wives of 
senators and congressmen must be kept friendly; the Wash- 
ington resident society must be so pleased that they would 
help to establish a background for her husband's efforts. 
Perhaps she could help to make friends for the adminis- 
tration among foreign governments. She could talk about 
their literature with their representatives, and with those 
from France in their own language. A war was on, and 
the friendship of foreign representatives was unusually im- 
portant. She was ambitious, and few deny it. She had social 
ambitions, and in Washington social ambitions may be- 
come political. 

To discharge the duties of a wife and mother continued 
to be a major objective. It is customary for the outgoing 
Mistress of the White House to invite the incoming Lady 
to visit her. On the occasion of this visit, the one explains 



to the other just how the domestic affairs are conducted 
and introduces her to what may be called " the manage- 
ment." The incoming Lady accepts the invitation and ab- 
sorbs as much information as she can. All of this is by way 
of training for the job in hand. Actually, none of the details 
of the housekeeping are attended to by the President's wife. 
Mrs. Lincoln, however, interfered with household manage- 
ment rather more than others had done before her, thus 
showing her lack of training in organization and administra- 
tion. Had she left more of this routine to others, she would 
have escaped some of the censure that was poured on her 

The duties of his office are so strenuous that the Presi- 
dent has little time for his family, and the First Lady has 
few opportunities to minister to her husband's comforts. 
There is authority for the statement that Mrs. Lincoln 
improved such opportunities as she had. She was criticized 
for leaving the President too much alone while she shopped 
in New York, but these criticisms even from her enemies 
died down. Contradicting the charges that she neglected 
her husband is the evidence that she laughed with him and 
even joked at rare intervals, bossed him, made him take 
rest and indulge in diversion, and dispelled his gloom 
when he was in the depression sector of his cyclic per- 
sonality. Doubtless she did some things that added to 
his worries all mates do. But she also helped her hus- 
band over some rough places. Lincoln stole away to play 
with the children when he could. Julia Taft Bayne * tells 
of his doing so in 1 86 1, and many others have confirmed it. 
More than one man was shocked and some were outraged 
and they told the world so over the play of the Presi- 
dent with his boys. 

Mrs. Lincoln's mother care continued. Willie was in his 
eleventh and twelfth years. Great is the need of wisdom in 
the mother of a child of that age. Tad was eight years old 

1 Bibliography, No. 17, p. 109. 



when he went to Washington, and twelve when he left. 
He, too, greatly needed a mother's care. In the White 
House period Robert was in college and did not come in for 
much of his mother's attention. 

For the discharge of her duties in this epoch, Mrs. Lin- 
coln's training rated from good to superior. She and her 
husband had been married eighteen years, and therefore 
she had been trained for her duties as his wife. She had had 
seventeen years of training as a mother. For the social, 
political, and diplomatic duties she had also had an unusual 
training. Very few First Ladies have had such thorough 

If she analyzed the situation in 1861 as she probably 
did she must have felt that she would be equal to her 
new responsibilities. She had met problems before and 
had found solutions for them. Her training for life had 
proved good enough, and what she had not learned in her 
youth she had been able to acquire. Her training for the 
new field had been exceptionally good; she was prepared 
for most that she could foresee. Whatever new problems 
arose, she would find a way to meet them. 

Dr. William E. Barton says of her that she was naturally 
timid, and her courage was that of will-power; she drove 
herself to be courageous, in spite of her timidity. I dis- 
agree with Barton as to this characteristic of Mrs. Lincoln; 
I think that she was fearless almost needlessly, blindly, 
so. She entered life in Washington in high spirits, with no 
signs of trepidation or fear. She was confident, happy, and 

She little knew that an unkind fate was just round every 
bend in the road lying in wait for her, ready to strike 
when and where the blow would hurt worst. 

In 1 86 1 Mrs. Lincoln traveled a good deal. She went to 
New York City and to the seashore. There was a moderate 
number of formal parties and dinners. By the summer of 


The Anderson Building, United States Soldiers' Home, 

Washington, D. C., where the Lincolns lived during 

the summer, 1861 to 1864. 

SOCIETY, 1861 TO 1864 

1861 the attitude of society toward the Lincolns became 
noticeably hostile perhaps no more than in March, but 
more openly so. The progress of the war was a source of 
uneasiness and unhappiness. Ellsworth, the dashing young 
leader of the Zouaves, was killed, and the Lincolns had his 
body carried to the White House. The Battle of Bull Run 
had a profound effect on Washington psychology. 

Early in 1862 Willie died, and there followed a pro- 
longed period of grief. (While Judge David Davis de- 
plored the death of Willie, he thought it might serve to 
prevent Mrs. Lincoln from doing things for which she was 
being criticized and which were reflecting on her husband.) 
Thereafter the social atmosphere of the White House was 
of another kind. Mrs. Lincoln wore mourning clothes and 
mourning jewelry and she wrote on mourning stationery. 
There were no more public receptions or balls, and very 
few dinners. The Lady of the White House devoted her 
energies to visiting hospitals, convalescent stations, and 

The purely social efforts of Mrs. Lincoln and the admin- 
istration were not soon renewed after the death of Willie. 
The social historians generally give two years as the length 
of the social eclipse attributed to the period of mourning. 
When there was some suggestion of awakening, in 1864, 
the color was more military and political than social. 

In 1863 the horrors of war and the perplexities that 
arose out of it were many, but the spirits of the presidential 
family were on the mend. In the latter part of the year it 
was plain that the war was being won. The statesmanship 
and major war strategy of the President were gaining for 
him the confidence of thinking people, and this hopeful con- 
dition was being reflected in the family circle. 

In 1864 there was a political battle, and political excite- 
ment always stimulated Mrs. Lincoln. To her this election 
meant as much as did that of 1860. It offered the only solu- 
tion she could see for her financial problem. It meant 


FINANCES, 1861 TO 1864 

indorsement of the Lincoln policies, and four more years of 
power and position. 

The Lincolns were greatly encouraged in November 
1864. The President's own state had voted for him. Those 
new friends in the north end had proved staunch; some of 
the old central Illinois supporters who had wandered off 
politically were now friendly. The victory of arms was in 
sight; the critics had been silenced. The Lincoln sagacity 
and wisdom were recognized. 

In the spring of 1865 Mrs. Lincoln's spirits were again 
buoyant. She emerged from the introvert state of insularity, 
separateness, and resentment in which she had been most 
of the time since Willie's death. She regained some of that 
ambition and drive termed by some aggressiveness, and 
by others audacity which characterized her personality 
and which was so much in evidence in 1861. The war was 
drawing to a close, and Lincoln was laying his plans for 
the aftermath. There was work to be done, and he was 
giving his wife a chance to help. 

Came the second inaugural. 

And then April the fourteenth I 


There should have been no financial worries for the Lin- 
coln family during their years in the White House. For 
Lincoln there were none. He went there owning a moderate 
amount of real estate and having a fair accumulation of 
liquid assets. He received a salary of twenty-five thousand 
dollars yearly, which was much beyond his simple needs, 
considering that the government bore most of the expense 
of the presidential household. He was not only a man of 
plain tastes and few wants, but thrifty and careful and a 
good enough business man. He had told William H. Hern- 
don to keep the old law sign up. When he was through in 
Washington, he expected to take up his old work and his old 



partnership, and he never doubted his ability to make the 
best living he had ever made. For Mrs. Lincoln, however, 
the White House years were a financial nightmare. 

In the latter part of January 1861 she and a party, of 
which her merchant brother-in-law, C. M. Smith, was one, 
went to New York City to do some shopping. Mrs. Lincoln 
had sewed to some extent for herself and family, and she 
had employed the best dressmakers in Springfield; but she 
was now about to enter Washington social life and wanted 
a wardrobe befitting the occasion. A. T. Stewart and the 
other great New York merchants extended credit and 
courtesy to her as the President's wife. At this point is 
recorded her first evidence of poor judgment in money mat- 
ters ; the peculiar direction and bent of this error were later 
to become a quality of her insanity. She bought dress-goods, 
particularly silks, and ornaments, and jewelry for her neck 
and ears, and used this newly acquired credit to the breaking- 
point. Her purchase of lace curtains for the White House is 
not easily understood. 

During four years Mrs. Lincoln continued to use her 
credit. Her husband had no knowledge of all this. The best 
information we have of the harrowing experience comes 
from Mrs. Keckley. 1 Mrs. Lincoln began negotiations for 
dresses with Elizabeth Keckley on March 5. The dress- 
maker used the material bought in New York in making 
fifteen or sixteen dresses in the spring and early summer 
of 1 86 1. Dressmaking was somewhat halted by the death 
of Willie, in 1862. Thereafter Mrs. Lincoln wore mourn- 
ing, but in time her black garments became of an expensive 
kind, and mourning jewelry was costly. 

Mrs. Keckley says: " In endeavoring to make a display 
becoming her exalted position, she had to incur many ex- 
penses. Mr. Lincoln's salary was inadequate to meet them, 
and she was forced to run in debt. She bought the most 
expensive goods on credit, and, in 1864, enormous unpaid 

1 Bibliography, No. 85, pp. 15-28. 



bills stared her in the face." Mrs. Lincoln is quoted as 
saying: 1 " I have contracted large debts of which he knows 
nothing and which he will be unable to pay if he is de- 
feated." Mrs. Lincoln was strong in her counsel to Lincoln 
to run for a second term, and one of her reasons was that 
she hoped to be able in the second term to save enough to 
pay these bills. Mrs. Keckley wrote : " The debts consisted 
chiefly of store bills. . . . Altogether the amount was 
$27,000. The principal part of this was owed to Stewart. 
. . . She owed at the time of the President's death 
$70,000." The debts had gradually piled up year by year, 
but if the high figure given by Mrs. Keckley is correct, it 
was not so until 1865. Mrs. Morrow wrote: 2 "When 
Mrs. Lincoln entered the White House she plunged into an 
orgy of spending that lasted four years. In 1863, Mrs. Lin- 
coln owed $27,000, and New York creditors threatened to 
sue her." At times threats were made to ask Mr. Lincoln 
to pay the bills, and at other times suggestions were made 
of the unpleasantness of publicity. Mrs. Keckley wrote 
that sometimes Mrs. Lincoln was hysterical over financial 
worries and fears. 8 

Ben Perley Poore 4 grouped the several forces responsible 
for the undoing of Mrs. Lincoln as her social-political- 
personal enemies. His grouping is comprehensive, but it 
leaves out two factors for which Mrs. Lincoln, rather than 
her enemies, was responsible, and both are too important to 
be overlooked : one was her emotional mourning; the other, 
her anxiety due to the debt. 

1 Bibliography, No. 85, pp. 149, 204. 

2 Bibliography, No. 121, p. 145. 

8 I have seen a bill for more than $3,000, rendered by Gait and Company in 
1865. This bill represented jewelry, silverware, and ornaments purchased by Mrs. 
Lincoln during two months prior to April 14, 1865. 

* Bibliography, No. 141, p. 115. 


By permission of Mr. Cameron 

Abraham Lincoln while President. 

From a photograph owned by S. R. Cameron, 



To be a successful politician one must have a certain 
mental and emotional make-up, either inherited or acquired 
by experience. One must know practical psychology: how 
the individual thinks and, what is more important, how the 
mob thinks or, is it not better to say, feels. One must 
be a strategist in human emotions and conduct, or an op- 
portunist. One must have a certain quality of detachment, 
known by some as being " hard-boiled." 

The politics of the Lincoln period were the most dif- 
ficult that any president has ever known. To the ordinary 
difficulties were added those peculiar features which war 
develops and this was a civil war. The political intricacies 
were again doubled. Lincoln's war politics were based upon 
a concept of the Constitution, under which he proposed to 
reconstruct the Union. Many who gave him full support 
in his war policies were bitterly opposed to his foundations 
for reconstruction. This added to the difficulties of his war 
politics. Ranking well up in the list of difficulties were 
those which pertain to the first national success of a political 
party. In this instance the new party was an admixture of 
old-line Abolitionists and their new political affiliates, and 
between the two groups was an unbridgeable chasm. 
Abraham Lincoln was a master politician and handled the 
situations that arose as no other man could have done. 
Nevertheless, all well-inf orrned persons know of the bitter- 
ness with which Lincoln was attacked by his antagonists in 
the North, and even in his own state, during the war period. 

Mrs. Lincoln was also a politician of no mean ability 
and with much desire to indulge. Indulge she did. Her 
activities were bitterly resented for two reasons, for only 
one of which was she responsible. Her mind was so con- 
stituted that she could not play politics with detachment. 
She thought of politics in terms of offices to be filled. Her 



letters show that she was often engaged in seeking jobs for 
relatives or personal friends. The many letters she wrote 
in which she was not advocating relatives or friends for 
office generally showed a tendency to punish or reward for 
old political scores. She was alert in her efforts to protect 
her husband from those who, she thought, intended to use 
him. She threw her influence, by correspondence and other- 
wise, against those who had injured him or had tried to do 
so. Could she have had her way, the President's Cabinet 
would have been limited to men who met one standard, and 
that: Had they been fair to Mr. Lincoln? Would they be 
loyal to him? Politicians resented the very personal way in 
which she played politics. 

In this period Mrs. Lincoln began to show conspicuously 
a quality which grew out of a personality trait of an earlier 
period. In her young womanhood she was gossipy, interested 
in talking and writing about people and events, and some- 
what indifferent as to the consequences. In the Washington 
period she began to make, or she showed an increased habit 
of making, direct, sharp, personal references to politicians 
and others whom she did not like or distrusted. This quality 
was much more in evidence after 1865; in fact, it was a 
characteristic of her deteriorated personality in the later 
period. 1 

The other group of antagonisms above referred to, and 
for which she was not responsible, was her Southern an- 
tecedents and affiliations. 

For the light they shed on the Washington popular mind 
in the spring of 1 86 1, let us read some comments by Albert 
Shaw: 2 

" Prejudice and slander now [1860 i] found fresh op- 
portunity. Some vestiges of these prevailing misunderstand- 
ings lingered in the popular mind for more than half a 
century. . . . When Abraham Lincoln came to the center 

1 See letter to James Gordon Bennett, October 4, 1862, in the Brown University 
Lincoln Collection, and many others. 
* Bibliography, No. 158, Vol. II, p. 232. 



of the stage he was encompassed by invisible walls of preju- 
dice and animosity. . . . Few people could overcome the 
feeling that Lincoln was merely the glorified rail-splitter. 
. . . There were unfounded rumors that Lincoln was part 
Negro. . . ." 

This is a mild statement of the bitter antagonism to 
Lincoln and the resultant vilification of him which was the 
order of the day in 1860 and '61 and continued in part until 
1865. Following his assassination, the country at large tried 
to make amends, and Washington kept step. All has been 
done that could have been to correct the false statements 
that were made about him. 

Some of the charges against Mrs. Lincoln, quoted by 
Shaw, were as follows: 

" The extreme antislavery elements, and these became 
increasingly large, grew deeply suspicious because Mrs. Lin- 
coln had come from Kentucky. It was enough for the cen- 
sorious fanatics that her own brothers and other relatives 
were living in the South and were serving in the Confederate 
Army. Some people have believed until this day that 
Mrs. Lincoln was a Southern spy in the White House. The 
extreme elements in the South, on the other hand, hated 
Mrs. Lincoln because, in point of fact, she was intensely 
loyal to her husband and to the Union cause, although of 
Southern origin. People in the back districts of all the 
Southern states were told that Mrs. Lincoln had Negro 
blood in her veins and was profligate in her personal life. 
. . . Mary Todd, Lincoln's wife, had been more unpleas- 
antly criticized from various standpoints private and public 
than any other woman in the long succession of Mistresses 
of the White House. . . . Far more intense and more 
penetrating, however, was the sectional prejudice due to 
the cleavage between North and South. The nation's capital 
city always a hotbed of malicious gossip was domi- 
nated in the social sense by Southern sympathizers. The 
District of Columbia, wedged in between Virginia and 


Maryland, was sullenly hostile to the idea of having the 
Lincoln family in the White House." 

Mrs. Lincoln's case differs from that of Mr. Lincoln. 
There has been no great effort to refute the lies that were 
told of her, and, as Shaw says, " Some vestiges of these . . . 
misunderstandings lingered in the popular mind for more 
than half a century." So great were the walls of prejudice 
and animosity against her, and so few were the defenders, 
that Shaw's designation, " vestiges of misunderstandings," 
is not strong or broad enough. 

Laura C. Holloway, one of the most widely read of the 
historians who have dealt with the social side of official 
Washington, expresses the following estimates and opinions 
of Mrs. Lincoln: 1 

" Mrs. Lincoln did not rightly estimate the importance 
of conciliatory address with friend and foe alike, and seemed 
not conscious of the immense assistance which as the wife 
of a public man she had it in her power to give her hus- 
band. . . . She was very ambitious. . . . Mrs. Lincoln 
was a fortunate woman, in that she secured the measure 
of her ambition, but it was the impartial judgment of her 
friends that she was not a happy person. . . . She was 
fond of society and pleased with excitement. She would 
have made the White House socially what it was under 
other administrations, but that was impossible. She found 
herself surrounded on every side by people who were ready 
to exaggerate her shortcomings, find fault with her deport- 
ment on all occasions, and criticize her performance of all 
her official duties. . . . Mrs. Lincoln was a lone woman 
during much of the time she spent in the White House. 
. . . The New Year's reception of 1865 was the most 
brilliant entertainment given by the administration." 

Edna M. Colman assayed her as follows : 2 

" She was willful, impulsive, and quick-tempered. . . . 
In her the social graces were highly developed. . . . High- 

1 Bibliography, No. 80, pp. 528-44. * Bibliography, No. 44, pp. 287-3x8. 


spirited, independent, and with a frankness that was often 
offensive and a wit that could be caustic, she failed to win 
the hearts of the people. . . . From the very beginning, 
criticism and prejudice made her path a difficult one. She 
was accused of disloyalty and, in later days, of actually 
supplying information to the South." 

On one occasion Mrs. Lincoln talked to Mrs. Keek- 
ley about a charge that she was a Southern sympathizer 
which appeared in the Chicago Tribune, telling her: 
" The Tribune, instead of saying three of my brothers are 
in the Southern army, might have said, my half-broth- 
ers." And she added : Cfc I have not seen them since they 
were infants. . . . My early home was truly a boarding- 

Instead of multiplying citations, let us see what are the 
facts about Mrs. Lincoln's relatives in the armies. 

She had several relatives in the Confederate Army; three 
were killed in battle, and two died subsequent to the war 
from wounds. Her full brother George R. C. Todd was a 
surgeon in that army. Doctor Todd had been estranged 
from the family, however, long before 1861. Two of those 
killed in battle were her half-brothers, and a third half- 
brother was severely wounded. General B. H. Helm, the 
husband of a half-sister, was a Confederate officer and was 
killed. General Helm had married into the family fifteen 
years after Mrs. Lincoln left home. Another brother-in- 
law to be, W. W. Herr, was a Confederate soldier, but the 
war was over when he married her half-sister; Mrs. Lin- 
coln never saw him. 

But she was not without relatives in the Union Army. 
Mrs. Wallace's son-in-law was in that army. Two cousins, 
Porter by name, had the title of general in McClellan's 
army. Several of the Todd relatives and connections in Illi- 
nois fought under the Stars and Stripes. Her full brother 
Levi O. was Union in his sentiments, but his age and 
the condition of his health prevented his taking part in 


hostilities; he died in 1865. In all probability Mrs. Lincoln 
had more relatives in the Northern army than in the South- 
ern. And, finally, the Kentucky Todds were a branch of the 
Pennsylvania stem. 


Washington society was well organized in 1860. The 
first aristocracy had been carried down with the fall of 
John Quincy Adams in 1828; Jackson had sacked the town 
socially in his day; but gradually the social nobility had 
come back into their own, and they had had almost thirty 
years in which to cc dig in." It was a Democratic regime, 
with a big D, but when it came to setting up the word with 
a lower-case letter, the thing did not go. There was an in- 
terruption with the Whigs and Harrison in 1840. That 
was not much of a change because Harrison was cut from 
the same pattern as they; but, more important, he was 
shortly replaced by Tyler. There was a slight interim with 
Taylor and Fillmore, but on the whole the social flow from 
Jackson to Buchanan was wonderfully even, as politics go 
in a capital city. 

Genevieve Forbes Herrick, 1 writing of the present-day 
organization of society in Washington, illustrates her story 
schematically. Her illustration zones society, and the zones 
and their occupants, from within outwards, are these: 

In the center are the " cave-dwellers." Next in social 
influence are the " money-bags." Third in rank are the 
" residential highbrows," including the " Georgetown high- 
brows." Then come fourth, the " diplomatic corps "; fifth, 
the " army-and-navy circle"; and, last, the "political 

She assigns the Civil. War as the birth period of present- 
day Washington society with its system of zoning. It is 
true that the present personnel inherited the organization 

1 Bibliography, No. 77. 


from a crew which began operating in Civil War time, but 
beyond that her statement misleads. 

Society is not creative. It does not originate; it merely 
co-ordinates existing forces, organizes them, and lays down 
rules for them. It is a machine, and not a genetic force. The 
Civil War organization took over an older order. There 
were " cave-dwellers " in Washington when the Lincolns 
arrived, and they were intrenched. Mr. Poore, Mrs. Ellett, 
Mrs. Clemmer, Miss Colman and Miss Holloway tell who 
they were and what were their credentials. We read such 
names as Mrs. Alexander Slidell, Mrs. Rose Greenhow, 
Mrs. Givin, Mrs. Jeffry, Mrs. Sallie Ward Hunt, Mrs. 
Charles Eames, Mrs. Woodbury, Mrs. Pickens, Mrs. Par- 
ker, Mrs. Hoover, the Misses Green, and the Tayloes. 
Mrs. Ellett records at least a score more of ladies each of 
whom belonged to what are now known as the " cave- 
dwellers," the " army-and-navy circle," or the ** money- 
bags." Most of them were Southern Democrats, with for- 
tunes dependent on slavery. Many of them were from New 
England and the industrial East, with fortunes founded on 
industry and commerce. The combination of the business 
East and the slave-holding South was on a satisfactory 
basis in the drawing-room. For thirty years these " cave- 
dwellers " had reigned with but little to disturb their 

Then came the rise of a new party without antecedents. 
That was horrible to contemplate ! There were zealots and 
Abolitionists among its adherents. But the big " X " quan- 
tity was those who were coming from beyond the moun- 
tains, from the lands whence Indians had been expelled but 
recently. They were the " great unwashed." The " cave- 
dwellers " viewed them with alarm, just as their social for- 
bears had viewed Andrew Jackson when he burst in at the 
head of his ruffians in March 1829. (At least, that is the 
way Washington society regarded it.) Was there to be 
another Polly Eaton? The Abolitionists were " poison," but 



most of them had education and culture. These Westerners 
were likely to scalp one ! 

Of the Lincolns they knew almost nothing. Mr. Lincoln 
was very ugly and awkward; he could not possibly have 
good manners. Some of them may have remembered him 
when he was in the House, but probably not; he had been 
just one more congressman living in a second-rate boarding- 
house. A few could report on Mrs. Lincoln. Mrs. Sallie 
Ward Hunt had known the Todds in Lexington, but that 
was many years ago; so had the Breckinridges, and the 
Clays of the second generation, and Benjamin Gratz and 
his family. Mrs. Jacob Thompson may have remembered 
her from the old congressional boarding-house, but she did 
not know much about her and she probably had left Wash- 
ington before the inauguration. 

The "cave-dwellers " are a very shrewd lot; they have 
considerable power of adaptability. They decided to attend 
the first reception. Mrs. Ellett wrote : * " At Mrs. Lincoln's 
first drawing-room reception the elite of the metropolis 
was in attendance. . . . Not only was the elite of Wash- 
ington society represented, but the wealthy and fashionable 
circles of nearly every state from Maine to Louisiana, and 
from the Atlantic to the Pacific." She commented on the 
success of Mrs. Lincoln at this reception: " Mrs. Lincoln 
seemed to have impressed foreigners most favorably. . . . 
Her spirit was equal to any emergency." Of Mrs. Lincoln 
at the inaugural ball she said: "All eyes were turned on 
Mrs. Lincoln, whose exquisite toilet and admirable ease 
and grace won compliments from thousands." 

But presently there came a change. Mrs. Lincoln was 
not treated as she had expected to be for one reason by 
one, for another by another. She resented this. She un- 
leashed her vitriolic tongue. What she said was carried to 
the^" cave-dwellers." They did not talk back, for that is not 
their way; they turned " thumbs down," and the technique 

1 Bibliography, No. 53, pp. 521-60. 


The White House during Lincoln's administration. 
From a photograph in the Frederick H. Meserx collection. 


consisted in ignoring the President's wife. They felt that 
they were strong enough to do that. And they were, so 
far as the present was concerned. Poore, writing of the 
presidential New Year's reception in 1862, said: 1 t% The 
crowd, indeed, as looked upon by old residents, appeared to 
present new faces almost entirely." Poore said of another 
function: "Washington society refused to be comforted. 
Those within its charmed circle would not visit the White 
House nor have any intercourse with the members of the 

Mrs. Herrick in her sprightly story states : ~ " The 
things that are written and the things that are said 
above all, the things that are whispered." The gossip about 
Mrs. Lincoln began with whisperings, but ended otherwise 
when it ended at all ; it found its way into the newspapers 
and thus to the eyes of the person most concerned. 

Here are some of the charges, culled from books in most 
instances, and special newspaper stories in others : 

From Mary Ames Clemmer: 3 

" It was the misfortune of Mrs. Lincoln to be the only 
woman personally assailed who ever presided in the White 
House. . . . Yet in reviewing the character of the Presi- 
dents' wives we shall see that there was never one who en- 
tered the White House with such a feeling of self-satisfac- 
tion, which amounted to personal exaltation, as did Mary 
Lincoln. To her it was the fulfillment of a lifelong ambi- 
tion. . . . 

"Mrs. Lincoln, presuming to abolish the time-honored 
but costly state dinners of the White House, increased her 
personal unpopularity to an intense degree. . . . 

" The newspapers teemed with gossip concerning the new 
Lady of the White House. While her sister-women sewed, 
scraped lint, made bandages, and gave their all to country 
and to death, the wife of its President spent her time in 

1 Bibliography, No. 141, p. 115. 3 Bibliography, No. 41. 

* Bibliography, No. 77. 



rolling to and fro between Washington and New York, in- 
tent on extravagant purchases for herself and the White 
House. Mrs. Lincoln seemed to have nothing to do but to 
shop, and the reports of her lavish bargains in the news- 
papers were vulgar and sensational in the extreme. 

" Letters of rebuke, of expostulation, of anathema even, 
addressed to her personally, came in from every direction. 
Not a day did not bring her many such communications de- 
nouncing her mode of life, her conduct; calling upon her to 
fulfill the obligations and meet the opportunities of her high 
station. . . . 

" Thus, while disgracing the state by her own example, 
she still sought to meddle in its affairs. . . . Prodigal in 
her personal expenditures, she brought shame upon the 
President's House by petty economies which had never dis- 
graced it before. . . . From the moment Mrs. Lincoln 
began to receive recriminating letters, she considered herself 
an injured individual, the honored object of every jealousy 
and spite, and a martyr to her high position. . . . 

" It was not strange that Mrs. Lincoln was not able to 
leave the White House for five weeks after her husband's 
death. ... It was her misfortune that she had so armed 
public sympathy against her, by years of indifference to the 
sorrows of others, that when her own hour of supreme an- 
guish came there were few to comfort and many to assail 
. . . led to the accusation which so aroused public sympathy 
against her : that she was robbing the nation's House, and 
carrying the national property with her into retirement. This 
accusation, which clings to her to this day, was probably 

" The public also did Mrs. Lincoln injustice in consider- 
ing her an illiterate, ignorant woman. She was well born, 
gently reared, and her education above the average given 
to girls in her youth. She had quick perceptions and an al- 
most unrivaled power of mimicry. ... Can write a more 
graceful letter than one educated woman in fifty. . . . 



" The career of Mrs. Lincoln had chilled the people to 
expect little from the feminine administrator of the White 
House, but from Martha Patterson they received much. 
. . . From the nation's Home which they had redeemed 
and honored, the Johnsons went back. . . ." 

Poore wrote of the ball given in February 1 862 : T " Most 
of the Senate was present, but not many from the House. 
. . . There was no dancing, nor was it generally known 
that Mrs. Lincoln had been up the two nights previous 
watching at the bedside of her two sick children. Both the 
President and Mrs. Lincoln left the gay throng several 
times to go up to see their darling Willie. . . . The Aboli- 
tionists throughout the country were merciless in their 
criticism of the President and Mrs. Lincoln for giving this 
reception when the soldiers were in cheerless bivouacs or 
comfortless hospitals, and a Philadelphia poet wrote a scan- 
dalous ode on the occasion, entitled, The Queen Must 

Mrs. Keckley wrote : 2 " I do not forget, before the pub- 
lic journals vilified Mrs. Lincoln, that ladies who moved in 
the Washington circle freely canvassed her character among 
themselves. They gloated over many a tale of scandal that 
grew out of gossip in their own circle." 

W. O. Stoddard, writing out of his experiences while resi- 
dent in the White House, said : s 

" People in great need of something spry to write about 
or talk about are picking up all sorts of stray gossip related 
to assorted occurrences under this roof, and they are mak- 
ing strange work of it. It is a work they will not cease from. 

" The fact that she [Mrs. Lincoln] has so many enemies 
strikes you as one of the curiosities of this venomous time, 
for she never in any way has harmed one of the men or 
women who are so recklessly assailing her. She says she is 
willing to do her duty and to sit through the evening while 

1 Bibliography, No. 141, p. 121. l Bibliography, No. 168, p. 52. 

* Bibliography, No. 85, Preface, p. 15. 



her guests are pulling her to pieces. . . . Every woman 
who has yet arrived has come as a critic, and not one of them 
will be capable of doing her kindly justice. They will show 
no mercy. . . . 

" She was well educated, of good family, and was noted 
for her keenness of wit. She was well prepared for her 
duties in Washington. But that she should make a success 
here, under such circumstances, under the focalized bitter- 
ness of all possible adverse criticisms, was simply out of the 
question. . . . She has done vastly better than ill-natured 
critics are willing to admit. They are a jury impaneled to 
convict on every count of every indictment which any slan- 
derous tongue may bring against her, and they have already 
succeeded in so poisoning the popular mind that it will never 
be able to judge her fairly. . . . 

" She is accused of being a traitor. . . .* 

"Mr. Lincoln's vilest foes are writing direct to Mrs. 
Lincoln. They are willing to vent their infernal malice upon 
his unoffending wife. . . . 2 

" Society women call socially in pretended exchange of 
social courtesies, but really in order to gather ammunition 
with which to attack her. . . , 8 

" She has no lack of visitors, but the old-time society of 
the city of Washington has been shattered to its foundations 
and the social structure of the new takes form slowly." 

Stoddard depicted the charm of this old-time society 
which he calls antediluvian its grace and its beauty; but 
he states that it was an aristocracy founded on slavery; it 
sensed that its day was at an end, and it used all its powers 
to checkmate the forces that were destroying its position. 
Such is human nature and always has been, and on all social 

Charles Francis Adams tells of a visit to Mrs. Eames's 
salon, saying: "If the President caught it at Sumner's din- 
ner, his wife caught it at Mrs. Eames's reception. All man- 

* Bibliography, No. 168, p. 35. Ibid., p. 36. Ibid., p. 176. 



ner of stories about her were flying around. She wanted to 
do the right thing but, not knowing how, was too weak and 
proud to ask. Servants are leaving because they must live 
with gentlefolks." 

W. H. Russell wrote in the London Times: 1 "I was 
agreeably disappointed in Mrs. Lincoln, as the " secesh ' 
ladies in Washington had been amusing themselves by anec- 
dotes which could scarcely have been founded on facts." He 
went to a reception at the White House, March 30, 1861, 
and wrote : " Only two or three ladies were in the drawing- 
room. The Washington ladies have not yet made up their 
minds that Mrs. Lincoln is the fashion." 

Barton 2 gives some of the abusive things that were said 
of Mrs. Lincoln, among them: that she did not love her 
husband and was planning to elope with a Russian count; 
that she was a Confederate spy in touch with the Confed- 
erate Army through her relatives, some of whom visited 
at the White House in ribald songs around campfires 
her name was joined with that of Jefferson Davis; that 
she was heartless and vain, giving balls and dinners when 
the nation was in distress, and war was levying its toll ; that 
she discontinued state balls and dinners to save her money; 
that she neglected her husband to travel. These stories 
Barton pronounced " as false as they were foul." He says 
of her that she was loyal to the country and to her husband. 

Among other charges against Mrs. Lincoln, found cited 
in Honore Willsie Morrow's book and in other places, were 
these : 3 

A cabinet member accused her of falsifying the White 
House accounts in 1862. Lincoln beat his wife while 
drunk. Lincoln forbade Sumner the house because of in- 
discretions with Mrs. Lincoln. "There are spies in the 
White House." " Mrs. Lincoln is a spy." 

So far as her Washington social aims were concerned, 

1 Bibliography, No. 121. Bibliography, No. 121, No. 122, and No. xz. 

8 Bibliography, No. 9; No. zi; No. 15, p. 334. 



Mrs. Lincoln was a failure. For this undertaking she had 
considered herself highly qualified. She had embarrassed 
herself financially in securing an equipment of clothes and 
jewelry. She had taken the job seriously and had set about 
it with her accustomed energy and aggressiveness. The op- 
position had been too strong for her. The hostility of the 
social atmosphere in March 1861 she had failed to change. 
She heard many of the charges against her. They hurt her; 
they seared 1 


Within these four years Mrs. Lincoln suffered two of the 
three major tragedies of her life. Her emotional reactions 
to these two deaths left her a wreck. Her recovery from the 
first was incomplete when the second blow fell. Her financial 
worries after June 1865 were so great that she appeared 
to recover from the second loss with a rapidity that was 
not expected. She sought support for her pension bill rather 
than listeners for the story of her sorrows. The recupera- 
tion was superficial, however the marks were on her soul 
to the end of her journey. 


In February 1862 the Lincolns lost Willie, their third 
son. Elizabeth Grimsley wrote of Mrs. Lincoln: 1 ". . . 
and with it [Willie's death] had gone part of the doting 
mother's heart also, which was never more to find peace and 
comfort, mourning and refusing to be comforted, as only 
such impassioned natures yield to grief." 

Mrs. Lincoln did not attend the funeral of this son. Nor 
did she ever attend the funeral of any of her immediate 

Mrs. Keckley,' writing of March 1862, said 2 that so 

l Bibliography, No. 67. * Bibliography, No. 85. 



prolonged and profound was her depression that Mr. Lin- 
coln once put his arm around her and, pointing toward a 
hospital for the insane which lay within view, made the re- 
mark: " Mary, if you do not control yourself we will have 
to put you over there." 

Emilie Todd Helm is the authority for the statement 
that, subsequent to the death of Willie, Mrs. Lincoln had 
hallucinations. An entry in her diary, made while she was 
a guest in the White House in October 1863, reads: 1 
" After I had said good-night and gone to my room last 
night, there was a gentle knock at the door and Sister 
Mary's voice said, * Emilie, may I come in? ' " 

Mrs. Lincoln then attempted to console Mrs. Helm on 
the recent death of her husband by telling her the dead still 
lived and could visit their loved ones. Quoting Mrs. Lincoln 
from the diary: " '. . . When my noble little Willie was 
first taken from me there was not a ray of light. ... If 
Willie did not come to comfort me I would still be drowned 
in tears, and while I long inexpressibly to touch him, to hold 
him in my arms, and still grieve that he has no future in 
this world that I might watch with a mother's heart he 
lives, Emilie. He comes to me every night and stands at 
the foot of my bed with the same sweet, adorable srnile he 
has always had; he does not always come alone; little Eddie 
is sometimes with him, and twice he has come with our 
brother, Alex. 1 " 

And Mrs. Helm continues: ec . . . It is unnatural and 
abnormal, it frightens me. It does not seem like Sister Mary 
to be so wrought up. She is on a terrible strain and her 
smiles seem forced." 


The death of the President came to Mrs. Lincoln with- 
out preparation. In August 1866 she said to William H. 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 226 S. 



Herndon: x " I often told Mr. Lincoln that God would not 
let any harm come to him. He had passed through four 
long years terrible and bloody years unscathed." In 
his account of Lincoln's death W. J. Ferguson says: 2 
11 Mrs. Lincoln was the first person to realize what had 
happened. She sprang to the front of the box and called 
for someone to stop the escaping murderer. Then she sank 
back in a chair, apparently in a daze. The account which 
pictures Mrs. Lincoln's dress as covered with blood is in- 
correct, since no blood flowed from the wound until the 
bearers started with the wounded man to the house across 
the street." The general contemporary reports picture Mrs. 
Lincoln as following crying loudly, almost yelling, in her 
grief. Poore wrote: " Mrs. Lincoln in a frantic condition 
was assisted in crossing the street, uttering heart-rending 
shrieks." The descriptions of her mourning subsequent to 
the night of his death use such terms as " convulsions," 
" spasms of grief," " convulsive sobbing," as was the case 
when Willie died. She remained in bed for several weeks, 
her violent emotional outbreaks painful to hear and very 
distressing to all. She did not attend her husband's funeral, 
but she did insist that Willie's body be carried home with 
that of his father. 

For several weeks President Johnson was not able to 
function from the White House, because Mrs. Lincoln's 
sorrow had so undermined her health that she could not 
assume the task of moving. 

These two violent emotional disturbances, occurring 
within about three years of each other, were important 
causes of Mrs. Lincoln's personality disintegration. After 
the death of Willie her conduct was very plainly toward 
the introvert type, and so it ran for two years. The reac- 
tion of 1864, followed by the greater normalcy of 1865, 
was of great assistance; but before she was well estab- 
lished in it, the calamity of 1865 befell her. 

1 Bibliography, No. 750, p. 514. * Bibliography, No. 58. 



Taking Toll 

Pomfey bad* Sulla recollect that more worshiped the rising than the set- 
ting sun. 

Life cf Pom fey 


May 1865 to May 20, 1875 

1865 May 4, President Lincoln buried in Springfield, 

May 22, Mrs. Lincoln and family left Washington 
for Chicago; they arrived May 24 and went to the 
Tremont House. 

May 31, Mrs. Lincoln moved to a Hyde Park 

June II, Mrs. Lincoln wrote to Governor R. J. 
Oglesby, laying down conditions as to the Lincoln 

December 22, Mrs. Lincoln and Robert in Spring- 
field; Mr. Lincoln's body transferred to tomb. 

1866 Mrs. Lincoln in Chicago. 

Robert T. Lincoln, in Chicago, was studying law in the 

office of Scammon, McCagg, and Fuller (afterwards 

Chief Justice Fuller). 1 

May 22, Mrs. Lincoln bought and occupied the house 

on West Washington Street. 

September 6, Mrs. Lincoln interviewed by Herndon, 

St. Nicholas Hotel, Springfield. 

November, Herndon delivered his lecture on Ann 

Rutledge and Mrs. Lincoln; Robert bitter against 

Herndon for the Ann Rutledge myth and other 


1867 Mrs. Lincoln in Chicago. 

February 26, Robert Lincoln admitted to the bar. 
Robert Lincoln in the firm, Scammon and Lincoln; 
lived with his mother at 375 West Washington 
Street (old number). 2 

1 Edwards's Chicago Directory. * Bailey's Chicago Directory. 

March, Mrs. Lincoln first wrote Mrs. Keckley about 
selling her jewelry. 

March, Mrs. Lincoln expressed bitterness against 
Herndon for the Ann Rutledge lecture. 
April 14, President Andrew Johnson in Chicago; 
Mrs. Lincoln in Springfield to visit the Lincoln tomb. 
May i (about}, Mrs. Lincoln rented her West 
Washington Street house and moved to the Clifton 

July, Mrs. Lincoln in Racine, Wisconsin. 
September 19, Mrs. Lincoln in New York. The pro- 
posed auction episode. 

October 13, Mrs. Lincoln was boarding with D. Cole, 
at 460 West Washington Street, Chicago (old 

November, Mrs. Lincoln's brother-in-law, Dr. Wil- 
liam Wallace, died. 

1868 Mrs. Lincoln traveled in New England, Pennsyl- 
vania, and elsewhere. In Chicago much of the time, 
at the Clifton House. 

Robert Lincoln was practicing law alone ; living at the 
Tremont House. 1 

May 1 6, Senate failed by one vote to depose President 
Johnson on impeachment. 
June, Mrs. Lincoln in Chicago. 

July to September, Mrs. Lincoln in Cresson, Pennsyl- 

September I, Mrs. Lincoln expected to sail for Eu- 
rope, but did not. 

September 24, Robert T. Lincoln married Mary 

Later in the autumn, Mrs. Lincoln with Tad went 
to Europe. 
November, U. S. Grant elected President. 

1869 January 25, Mrs. Lincoln's letter written from 

1 Edwards's Chicago Directory. 

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, was read to the Senate. 

February, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in Frankfurt am 


October 12, Robert's daughter, Mary, born. 

December 3, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in London. 

December 29, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in Frankfurt 

am Main ; Tad in school. 

1870 February 12, Mrs. Lincoln in Florence, Italy. 
March 22, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in Frankfurt am 
Main; Tad in school. 

May to August, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in Germany; 

Tad in school 

May 2, Mrs. Lincoln's pension bill passed the House, 

May ig, Mrs. Lincoln visited Tad in school at Ober 

Ursel, near Frankfurt. 

June 29, Mrs. Lincoln in Frankfurt am Main. 

July 14, The pension bill passed the Senate. 

August /7, Mrs. Lincoln in Frankfurt am Main. 

September I to December, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in 


1871 January and February, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad in 
London ; Tad in school. 

March, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad sailed for home ; Tad 

May, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad were staying with 
Robert Lincoln and family on Wabash Avenue in 
Chicago ; Tad's illness continued. 
June, Mrs. Lincoln and Tad at the Clifton House; 
Tad seriously ill. 

July 15, Tad died at the Clifton House; funeral from 
Robert's home on Wabash Avenue ; burial in Spring- 

1872 and 1873 Mrs. Lincoln's name not in Chicago or 
Springfield directories. 1 

1 1 have found nothing which tells definitely where Mrs. Lincoln was between 
the autumn of 1871 and the spring of 1874. There is no record on the subject, and 

1874 ^ rs - Lincoln's name reappeared in the Lakeside Di- 
rectory of Chicago; address, Grand Central Hotel. 
April 6, Mrs. Lincoln sold the Washington Street 

Summer, Mrs. Lincoln in Waukesha, Wisconsin, 
drinking the waters for her health. 
Winter, Mrs. Lincoln in Florida. 

1875 Until March 12, Mrs. Lincoln in Florida. 

April, Mrs. Lincoln at the Grand Pacific Hotel, 


May ig, Mrs. Lincoln tried for sanity. 

no letters written by her during this period have come to light. She was in Chicago 
at times, for Dr. Willis Danforth testified that he treated her after Tad died and 
prior to 1875; she was living in Hyde Park when he treated her. She probably was 
in Chicago'in April 1874, when she sold her house. Mrs. Fitzgerald, who was her 
companion nurse, says that Mrs. Lincoln was often in Springfield and traveled 
considerably. These are about the only known facts for these years. 


Taking Toll 

jfTLfined her to bed, and the length of which irked many 
people, Mrs. Lincoln left the White House, May 22, 1865, 
and went with her family to Chicago. There she lived rather 
obscurely, simply, and inexpensively for several years. She 
spent most of the time in boarding-houses, though she lived 
at the Clifton House for a while, and for another period in 
the house she purchased on West Washington Street. 

She devoted her attention to Tad. She dabbled somewhat 
in spiritualism, and she visited her husband's tomb from 
time to time. She traveled a good deal, sometimes to the 
mountains and other resorts because this was the period in 
which she gave most evidence of ill health. Other trips were 
for the purpose of attempting to sell her wardrobe and of 
promoting her pension bill. There was one long European 
trip, the ostensible purpose of which was to educate Tad. 
The underlying purpose unquestionably, however, was to 
escape the bitter debate when the pension bill should come 
up in Congress. By that time the auction episode had taught 
her what politicians and newspapers could do in this line, 
and doubtless Senator Sumner had warned her what to 
expect. Possibly another reason for this trip was her poor 
health; this she gave when discussing her proposed journey. 
She had planned to go to Europe earlier than she did, and 
had even engaged passage. She assigned her poor health 


and her poverty as reasons for waiting. Probably the mar- 
riage of her son Robert was also a factor. 

Within one week of Mrs. Lincoln's arrival in Chicago 
from Washington (May 24, 1865), she was in a quarrel 
with Governor Oglesby and the Lincoln Monument Commis- 
sion, but this disagreement was not serious. In it she was op- 
posed editorially by the Springfield Journal; but she was 
supported by the Chicago Tribune. She won most of her con- 
tentions, and, having been victorious, she appeared to be 
satisfied. When Lincoln's body was moved to its permanent 
resting-place, on December 22, 1865, Mrs. Lincoln and 
Robert went to Springfield to witness the transfer. Tad, 
being in Racine at school, did not go. Elizabeth Keckley mis- 
takenly writes x that Mrs. Lincoln did not visit her husband's 
grave until April 14, 1866. 

Robert knew that his mother was mentally unbalanced, 
for he had written his fiancee to that effect as early as 1 867- 2 
When Mrs. Lincoln was in Europe in 1870, she wrote her 
daughter-in-law affectionate letters in which there is no sug- 
gestion of bitterness against Robert; but after 1871 and 
until 1875 there are no letters to be found, to Mrs. Robert 
Lincoln or to anyone else at least, none that I have been 
able to locate. Mrs. Fitzgerald was with her as an attend- 
ant, and from Eddie Foy (the actor), her son, 8 we learn 
that in this period the family thought it advisable to have 
Mrs. Lincoln guarded. That she was in Chicago part of the 
time is shown by the testimony of Dr. Willis Danforth. Un- 
doubtedly she traveled a great deal Eddie Foy's state- 
ment indicates that. Significance lies in her restlessness, and 
also in the fact that she avoided her family and friends. 

The re-election of Lincoln in 1 864 had meant a great deal 
to Mrs. Lincoln. It was gratifying to know that his policy 
had won, his wisdom been vindicated. And, then, the 

1 Bibliography, No. 85, p. 226. Bibliography, No. 60. 

2 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 267. 


The Clifton House, Chicago. 
picture owed by The Chicago Historical * octet j 


war was drawing to a close. Success in battle had helped to 
win the election, and winning the election had speeded the 
end of the war. Beyond all this the early spring of 1865 
was a harbinger of hope for her. She saw a possibility of pay- 
ing the bills owed the New York City and the Washington 
merchants a possibility that she could not have seen if 
the election had gone against her husband. It is likely that 
Mrs. Lincoln intended to renew her struggle for social 
recognition. She was now in a strategic position, and the 
old group that had opposed her so effectively in 1861 had 
lost slaves, property, and caste, and were no longer able to 
turn u thumbs down." That she and her husband hoped to 
see their son Robert married to Mary Harlan, the daughter 
of their close friends, Senator and Mrs. James Harlan, is 
undoubtedly true. They hoped to see him finish his formal 
education and launch himself in his chosen profession. They 
hoped for a family of grandchildren. They would see Tad, 
also, finish his education and take a place in the world. 

Certain it is that she had political aims. President Lincoln 
was contriving to present his idea of reconstruction to the 
country, and his wife was being given certain tasks. We 
can readily understand that Mrs. Lincoln in March 1865 was 
well out of her " Slough of Despond " and again felt herself 
headed for success. 

When she left the White House at the end of May 1865, 
the picture was different. She had lost her husband, her 
position as First Lady of the Land, her ambitions, her hopes, 
and her opportunities. All was ashes. Nothing for which she 
had planned and striven remained to her. She had her two 
boys, and that was all. 

After she had begun to emerge from her hysterical emo- 
tionalism, she did as it was her nature to do: she set a 
new goal financial independence. The explanation of this 
as her objective is easily understood. Her debts were unpaid 
Mrs. Keckley said they totaled $70,000 when Lincoln 
died. Since he left no will, his estate was to be distributed 



by law. The inventory showed that it amounted to over 
$100,000 in good securities, not counting the value of the 
real estate. Under the Illinois law, Mrs. Lincoln would 
eventually receive one third of the personal property, 
amounting to something less than $40,000. She needed 
nearly twice that amount to pay her debts. If she paid them, 
she would be penniless. Her creditors were not patient and 
could be expected to become more insistent. Even if she es- 
caped the debts, the earnings of her widow's portion would 
be inadequate to meet her needs. She must get additional 
revenue. This became her great purpose and about her only 
one, beyond that of mothering her sons. 

For the first time in her adult life she found herself un- 
trained for the pursuit of her major objective. She had 
helped her husband to make money by saving in the Spring- 
field days, but that experience was not adequate for the need 
which now confronted her. How was she to get the debts 
paid and to find money for her living? The story of her 
plans and schemes, some of them far-seeing and wise, and 
some foolish, will be next discussed. We cannot understand 
Mrs. Lincoln unless we keep in mind the mess she had got 
herself into, her desperate need, the objective for which 
she was striving, and her eventual achievement of that aim. 

Before the end of June 1865 t* 16 necessity of paying the 
old debts became a source of trouble. In that month and 
for the remainder of the year Mr. Williamson and B. F. 
Davis were writing letters on this subject. It was proposed 
in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and perhaps other cities 
that funds be raised by public subscription to pay the finan- 
cial obligations of the widow of the martyred President. 
Several newspapers took up the suggestion. Mr. Williamson 
had a scheme for collecting money to pay them, and this 
met with some enthusiasm from Mrs. Lincoln at first. There 
are several letters to him in which she was very cordial and 
from which one can readily infer that she thought he was 



her friend and would be able to raise a substantial sum to 
apply on her obligations to her creditors. Later in the year 
the tone of the correspondence indicated that Mrs. Lincoln 
thought him more interested in A. T. Stewart, Lord and 
Taylor, and Gait and Company, than he was in the Presi- 
dent's widow. That Williamson was quite active is shown 
by a letter from Secretary of the Interior James Harlan, 
later Robert Lincoln's father-in-law, saying that William- 
son was pressing for payment of Mrs. Lincoln's debt. That 
he spoke from the standpoint of the creditors was evident. 
Mrs. Lincoln closed his relation to the matter by the follow- 
ing letter : 1 

Chicago^ Xos. loth, 


Your note is received and you will allow me to say, that I 
have not the least intention of going to Europe. If I should 
ever do so, with my present means, it would be with the hope, 
that I might live more comfortably there on my small income, 
than here. You men have the advantage of us women, in being 
able to go out in the world and earning a living. There need be 
no more correspondence on the subject of sending your daugh- 
ter one of my dresses. When they are returned to me I shall do 
so. I am having chills, every other day, therefore I am un- 
able to keep up a correspondence with any one therefore 
my silence, with this explanation, and with your good sense 
and feeling, will not be attributed to any want of friendship. 
I am greatly indisposed and my physician orders quiet as 
little writing and reading as possible. This climate is very 
trying to me in the winter season. When, my dresses are re- 
turned to me, I will remember my promise, I cannot do so 
before. My health is too poor, for me to be disturbed by idle 
rumors. I would gladly keep up a correspondence with your- 
self and other friends, if I could do so without injury to myself. 
At the proper time, my promise, regarding your daughter, will 
be kept so there will be no more writing on the subject 
I have given up housekeeping and am boarding in the plainest 

1 Original Letter in the Lincoln Collection, Brown University, Providence. 
Rhode Island. 



manner, so I can appreciate your expression, about high 
prices I wish we, all, could be unmindful of our daily neces- 
sities, by having sufficient to live upon. There is no more 
expensive place than Chicago. I am writing, with a fever on 
me after a chill and against a positive promise given my 
physician. So, in the future, my silence by all friends, I hope, 
will be understood. 

I remain, truly your friend 

MRS. L. 

From the summer of 1865 and until 1870 the urge to get 
money was an obsession with her. I have read many of her 
letters written between 1865 and 1871, and in most of them 
she complains of poverty, of the poor way in which she, 
Robert, and Tad are compelled to live ; and always coupled 
with this theme is the subject of money-getting. She wrote 
often of people to whom Lincoln had loaned money before 
he went to Washington, and of measures for making them 
pay the estate. In one collection of her letters, there are 
ten written in 1866 dealing with her poverty and the humilia- 
tion and discomfort it occasioned her, and with efforts to get 
more money; there are eleven written in 1867 and one in 
1868, dealing with these two themes. 

In the later months of 1867 Mrs. Lincoln shifted her 
efforts to get money from the plan for a national subscrip- 
tion to the proposed auction. 


Mrs. Keckley says that Mrs. Lincoln discussed selling 
some of her clothing and jewelry, in order to raise money 
to pay her debts, as early as 1863. In 1864 she again men- 
tioned the subject. In 1865 she told Mrs. Keckley: " We 
will leave the White House poorer than when we came. 
. . . Lizzie, I may see the day when I shall be obliged to 
sell a part of my wardrobe." 

When she went to Chicago in May 1865, she remained 
there for a year or two. She and Tad boarded in the 



Tremont House, the Hyde Park Hotel, the Clifton House, 
and in one or more boarding-houses and lived for one year 
in the Washington Street house. Together they had a yearly 
income, from Abraham Lincoln's estate, of about $3,400. 

In March 1867 Mrs. Lincoln wrote Mrs. Keckley for 
the first time about selling her wardrobe, saying: " I can- 
not live on $1,700 a year. 7 ' She would have to give up her 
house, and board. In August she wrote Mrs. Keckley to meet 
her in New York to arrange for the sale of her clothes. 
After one or two postponements they met there, September 
17, 1867. 

A New York firm had been in negotiation with Mrs. Lin- 
coln for the sale of her wardrobe and jewelry and had con- 
vinced her that enough would be realized to pay off the debts 
and to add something to her store of bonds. The scheme 
was visionary and reflected discredit on the judgment of 
those who proposed it; it was in poor taste; it was bad 
political policy. Further discussion of its shortcomings is not 
necessary. In so far as Mrs. Lincoln was responsible for her 
participation, she was censurable. 

But the storm which broke when the scheme was pub- 
lished was far beyond the limits of justice. The papers 
boiled with condemnation. Mrs. Kecklev says : " The news- 
paper denunciations which particularly hurt her were those 
in the New York Evening Express, and New York tforld, 
and Chicago Times. . . . But above all, she complained of 
Thurlow Weed and the Albany Evening Journal." On Janu- 
ary 13, 1868 Mrs. Lincoln wrote to Mrs. Orne: * " I under- 
stand the New York World is visiting its spleen and spite 
against the government by attacking poor me. Broken down 
as I am with my agonizing sorrow it might at least have 
spared me this cruelty." 

The Albany Journal said editorially: " Mrs. Lincoln has 
dishonored herself, her country, and the memory of her 
lamented husband." Thurlow Weed wrote further in his 

1 Letter in the Lincoln Collection, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 



paper: "The Republicans, through Congress, would have 
made proper arrangements for the maintenance of Mrs. 
Lincoln had she so deported herself as to inspire respect. 
No president's wife ever before accumulated such valuable 
effects. Those accumulations are suggestive of fat contracts 
and corrupt disposal of patronage." 

The Pittsburgh Commercial said: " Mrs. Lincoln, whose 
judgment and taste have never been rated high . . ." The 
Cleveland Herald commented : " It has been believed that 
charity and oblivion were the cloaks that should cover Mrs. 
Lincoln's career as Mistress of the White House. It took 
$100,000 to make good the spoliation at the White House, 
and let it be proved who had the benefit of such plundering." 
The Philadelphia Evening Telegraph asked how had Mrs. 
Lincoln managed to squander $25,000 in less than two years. 
The Norwich (Connecticut) Advertiser said: "There is a 
nasty history connected with this Lincoln woman's occu- 
pancy of the White House that will come out some day." 
The Hartford Evening Press wrote : " The exhibition she 
has recently made of herself surprises no one." 

Some of the papers, and particularly the Springfield 
(Illinois) Journal, took a kindlier view, alleging that she 
was insane and that this proposed wardrobe sale was an- 
other proof of the fact. On October 9 the New York 
Tribune printed a letter, signed B, which said: " No doubt 
Mrs. Lincoln is deranged has been for years past, and 
will end her life in a lunatic asylum." 

The Ohio Statesman wrote in a different vein. It was 
Democratic and found here an opportunity to discredit its 
opponents. It said: "The bitterness and ferocity of the 
Republican press in their attack on Mrs. Lincoln is without 
a parallel in the history of newspaper warfare. Blackguards 
and slanderers join in the effort to traduce the wife of a man 
whom they profess to be without a peer. Such things are dis- 

Mrs. Lincoln read these abusive articles and was dumb- 


The house, on Washington Street ' now Boulevard-, Chicago, 

owned by Mrs. Lincoln, in -jzhich she lived in iSM and iS6~ 
(indicated by the crosses : . 


founded. She complained of Weed, ascribed his bitterness 
to an old quarrel ; complained of the New York World and 
of the Chicago Republican, a paper owned by Bunn and other 
Springfield men who had fattened on patronage given them 
by her husband. She gained nothing by striking back; she 
only made matters worse. 

After shifting the plan several times Mrs. Lincoln dis- 
playing great indecision, unsound judgment, and bad taste at 
every turn the matter was dropped, with some financial 
loss and more loss of prestige. The fight had continued for 
about three months when she returned to Chicago in utter 
rout. On January 28, 1868 she wrote to Mrs. Keckley: " I 
am so miserable I feel like taking my own life " ; and : u The 
probability is I shall need few more clothes. My rest is near 
at hand." ' 

In the course of time the debts were cleared up. It is said 
that the merchants scaled their bills somewhat. Some of the 
congressional appropriation of the President's salary to 
Mrs. Lincoln was used to pay a part; Mrs. Lincoln is said 
to have paid a part; and the Republican campaign commit- 
tee, still another. With this the incident closed. 

Soon after the passing of this auction episode, in the 
autumn of 1867, Mrs. Lincoln sold her household furniture 
to John Alston, in whose house in Hyde Park, Chicago, 
she was then living. She received $2,094.50, paid in two 
notes " given by John Alston to Mar)- Lincoln." 

It is worth noting that this transaction, unlike the ward- 
robe episode, did not lead to newspaper notice or to abuse. 
The papers made no comment on this sale, and the politi- 
cians raised no row. Probably no one heard of it until 
the story appeared in the Chicago Tribune many years 
later. 1 

The household goods thus sold were doubtless some she 
had used when she lived on Washington Street though 

1 March 20, 1927. 



not all, for in March 1870 she wrote her daughter-in-law 
about things in that house: 1 "... Anything and every- 
thing is yours. . . . My mind was so distracted with my 
grief in that house, 375 [West Washington Street], I can- 
not remember where anything was put. It will be such a relief 
to me to know that articles can be used and enjoyed by 
you. . . ." 

The knowledge of this sale to Mr. Alston is of some serv- 
ice in disclosing one source of Mrs. Lincoln's money. She 
continued to make sales of furniture, clothing, books, jew- 
elry, and miscellaneous articles whenever that was possible. 
All of this is of importance, in that it shows the fixedness of 
her purpose to convert her personal property, such as clothes 
and furniture, into cash and bonds to get all the money 
she could. 


A much better illustration of Mrs. Lincoln's money ob- 
session is shown by her persistent, pushing effort to get a 
pension. This effort was finally successful, and the victory 
solved her economic problem, thus offsetting some of the 
harm done her peace of mind as well as her personality by 
the rancor of the fight. 

In 1868 and until 1870 she concentrated her plans and 
expended her energy in this cause, but ever and anon her 
mind would hark back to the possibilities of a national sub- 
scription. In a letter, undated, but written probably some 
time in the autumn of 1869, Mrs. Lincoln compared the 
gratitude of the country to Mrs. Rawlins with its ingrati- 
tude toward her, saying : 2 

" We have so recently seen an exhibition of the extent 
of the influence in the case of Mrs. Rawlins in whose case 
almost a hundred thousand dollars was raised whilst I, 
the beloved wife of the great and good man whose life was 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 281. 

Letter in the Lincoln Collection, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. 


sacrificed in his country's cause, have often to endure priva- 
tions which I would not venture to whisper to anyone. I 
mention all this by way of showing you what General Grant 
can do if he so desires. With my knowledge of Mr. Sumner's 
great and noble nature, rely upon it he will highly appreciate 
your communication to him and depend upon it he will be 
heard from regarding it. One word from General Grant 
could do everything he cannot possibly withhold it. But 
there is one thing, my dear Mrs. Orne, I earnestly request 
it is this that whatever views your friends write you re- 
garding the probable result of the action in Congress do 
not withhold them from me even if they are not flattering to 
the cause. I would prefer not to deceive myself with vain 
hopes and yet when I think of failure I tremble much. 
My situation mortifies me very much now without a recog- 
nition either in shape of a pension or a generous allowance 
I can only see still greater future discomfort." 

(The purpose of this letter was to secure the aid of Mrs. 
Orne in obtaining the pension. She especially wanted Mrs. 
Orne to use her influence directly and indirectly on President 

In 1927 the Springfield (Massachusetts) News carried 
the following news items : 1 

"Washington, Sept. 16 Letters of Mrs. Mary Todd 
Lincoln, widow of the Great Emancipator, indicate very bit- 
ter days after her husband's decease. The country was not 
so grateful as it should have been. It had other heroes whom 
it was rewarding on a more generous scale. The letters are 
more than 50 years old and were recently disposed of at auc- 
tion sale here. 

" They were written when Mrs. Lincoln, broken in cour- 
age and health by financial and other worries that came 
upon her after the assassination of her husband, wrote 
appeals to friends in power asking them to use their 

1 September 16, 1927. Copies of these quotations were sent me by George F. 
Hambrecht, Madison, Wisconsin. 



influence to have Congress pass an appropriation for her 
assistance. . . . 

" Mrs. Lincoln . . . wrote to Mrs. Orne, wife of Rep- 
resentative Orne of Chicago, saying : c Gen. Grant, whose 
services to his country were certainly " not superior " to my 
husband's, within the last 1 8 months has had three elegant 
mansions presented to him, a salary of $13,000 which he 
now enjoys. On New Year's day he is to be presented with 
$100,000, an elegant library in Boston, and the prospect of 
his being made president with his salary increased to $25,000 
a year. Life is certainly " couleur de rose " for him, if it is 
all darkness and gloom to the unhappy family of the fallen 

" The following letter was written from Marienbad, 
where Mrs. Lincoln had been ordered to go by her physi- 
cian : c How strangely surprising are the events that are 
hourly occurring in our lives I I went into F. only 20 min- 
utes away by rail to get Taddie some school books see 
my physician about a new medicine he had given me and 
see the papers. An English paper said that Senator Conn had 
decided against me on the ground that I had property to the 
amount of $65,000. A fearful and wicked invention of the 
enemy, which infamous falsehood will consign me to a most 
painful state of existence all my days Will your country 
with all its noble hearted men allow this ? Neither you or I 
believe it I became very sick I was assisted into a cab 
went to the house of this good friend My physician 
was sent for and after seeing me he declared another attack 
of sickness such as I had in the winter would follow if I 
were hurried away and he said that I must not leave this 
place. 1 

"There were 12 letters in all and in one on January 13, 
1870 ... she said: '. . . But do you tell me that already 
this Congress has given an appropriation to Grant to refur- 
nish the White House ? Whilst the wife of the great chief- 
tain whose life was sacrificed for his country living in an 



uncarpeted apartment ill in bed without a menial to hand 
her a cup of cold water. It appears strange that God in His 
mysterious providence permits such terrible changes and con- 
trasts. My only prayer now is that my life will soon be 
passed. My health has completely broken down by priva- 
tion I have been called upon to pass through. . . .' 

" It is surprising to learn that the nation at the time was 
so cold to lend any aid to the widow of the martyred Presi- 
dent. But it is regarded as apparent that in those days the 
country had an eye only for the living heroes of the time 
and was very generous to Grant. Lincoln, it is recalled, has 
become great only in recent times. They used to say bad 
things of him in his lifetime. Now he is apotheosized to the 
skies and most deservedly so. If the nation did not provide 
the widow with a decent home to live in and a decent in- 
come, it has erected in Washington a Greek temple to the 
memory of Lincoln, costing more than $3,000,000. . . . 

" The country has since been more generous to the widows 
of the Presidents and has been disposed to appropriate 
$5,000 a year for them. . . ." 

The pension bill was drawn by Senator Sumner, or at his 
instigation, though he did not introduce it. It went into the 
Senate of the Fortieth Congress on January 17, 1869. On 
January 25 the Honorable Benjamin Wade of Ohio, 
president of the Senate, had the following letter read in the 
Senate chamber : * 


I herewith most respectfully present to the Honorable 
Senate of the United States an application for a pension. 
I am a widow of a President of the United States, whose life 
was sacrificed in his country's service. That sad calamity has 
greatly impaired my health, and by advice of my physicians 
I have come over to Germany to try the mineral water, and 
during the winter to go to Italy. But my financial means do 

1 Bibliography, No. 38, January 26, 1869. 



not permit me to take advantage of the urgent advice given 
me, nor can I live in a style becoming the widow of the chief 
magistrate of a great nation, although I live as economically 
as I can. In consideration of the great services which my 
deeply lamented husband has rendered to the United States, 
and of the fearful loss I have sustained by his untimely death 
his martyrdom, I may say I respectfully submit to your 
honorable body this petition, hoping that a yearly pension 
may be granted me that I may have less pecuniary cares. 
I remain 

Most respectfully, 


The letter was written from Frankfurt am Main, Ger- 
many, but as reproduced in the Globe (Record) bears no 
date and no postmark. It was referred to the Committee 
on Pensions, where the bill had already gone. This bill did 
not pass the Fortieth Congress. When General Grant was 
inaugurated as President, March 4, 1869, an extra session of 
the Forty-first Congress was called. The pension bill was 
reintroduced in the Senate, 1 becoming Senate Bill No. 19, 
and in the House, becoming House Bill No. 1950. In the 
Senate it was referred to the Committee on Pensions, con- 
sisting of Senators Edmunds of Vermont, Tipton of Ne- 
braska, Spencer, Pratt, Brownlow, Schurz, and McCreery. 
The Senate bill never got beyond this committee, though 
when House Bill No. 1950 had passed the House and came 
into the Senate, the Senate committee report was read into 
the record. It was charged by Senator Sumner that the com- 
mittee tried to smother the bill, and there are indications that 
the charge was true. For instance, one of the obstructing 
measures that was voted down was a motion to postpone 

After the bill had been in the Senate for much more than 
a year, it was finally forced onto the floor for general debate. 
Many parliamentary devices were tried to defeat it without 
a direct vote and without open debate. There were several 

1 Bibliography, No. 45, Senate Proceedings, Forty-first Congress. 


other motions that appear to have been made with intent 
to kill it without having a record made. Finally the issue was 
joined. It began with the reading of the adverse Senate 
committee report, which was said to have been unanimously 
indorsed by the committee. Senator Edmunds did not par- 
ticipate in the debate after his opening statement (it was 
said he had been ill for some time), and the burden of the 
opposition was carried by the second on the committee, Sena- 
tor Tipton. This gentleman and several others insisted that 
the Senate accept the committee report as a conclusion based 
on deep study, and that the Senate vote be in accordance 
with it. 

The report was drawn on legal and parliamentary lines, 
in the main. It opposed the bill because ( I ) President Lin- 
coln was not a military officer; (2) there was no precedent 
for such a pension; (3) the proposal was not in line with 
the policy of the government; (4) Mrs. Lincoln was not 

Congress had voted her $22,000 of Mr. Lincoln's salary, 
and the report of her husband's estate showed that it had 
inventoried $110,000 in bonds and stocks, of which Mrs. 
Lincoln's portion was $36,765.60 a total of $58,765.60, 
not including her part of the real estate. 1 

So far the report was worthy of careful consideration, at 
least. But it proceeded to insinuate that Mrs. Lincoln had 
appropriated public property for her own use in " no incon- 
siderable amount"; that she had been the beneficiary 
of public subscriptions; that approximately $60,000 was 
enough for any American widow, though it might not be for 
royalty; and it closed as follows: " Other facts bearing on 
this subject which it is probably not needful to refer to, but 
which are generally known, and evidence in respect to which 
is in the possession of the committee," etc. 

The debate was long and at times bitter. The earlier 
speeches in opposition, delivered by Senators Edmunds, 

1 Mrs. Lincoln did not share in the real estate. 



Morrill, and Howell, were confined to the legal and pre- 
cedent parts of the report. Senator McCreery said Lincoln 
was a frugal man and had left his wife provided for. He 
began the personal trend of the later discussion by criticiz- 
ing Mrs. Lincoln for traveling in Europe. Senator Thurman 
was opposed to the bill for legal reasons ; so was Senator 
Saulsbury. Then Senator Yates of Illinois broke into the dis- 
cussion with a bitter speech, from which the following is 
taken : " There are recollections and memories, sad and 
silent and deep, that I will not recall publicly, which induce 
me to vote against this bill. ... A woman should be true 
to her husband. ... I will not go into details. . . . My 
tongue is sealed. ... I believe that, could Mr. Lincoln 
speak from the abodes of heaven, he would say as I do. . . 
This is not a case to which we should extend charity. ... I 
happen to know that she and her family all through the war 
sympathized with the Rebellion." 

This bitter personal tirade against Mrs. Lincoln helped 
to pass the bill. Senator Howell rose to say: " I utterly re- 
fuse to take cognizance of slanders against the lady." Sena- 
tor Saulsbury said: " I protest here against any imputations 
against the character of Mrs. Lincoln." Senator Trumbull 
said: " She is a lady known to the country, and of her per- 
sonally I need not speak. . . . The widow of Abraham Lin- 
coln, she was his companion in the most trying period of this 
country's history. . . . She shall not suffer." Senator Cor- 
bett explained that Mrs. Lincoln was in Europe to educate 
her son. This evoked a storm of protests against education 
of boys in Europe and of criticisms of royalty and those who 
aped it. Senator Fenton said: " Mrs. Lincoln may be indis- 
creet, she may have forfeited a measure of the respect natu- 
rally given to one in her position ; yet she is the widow of 
Abraham Lincoln." 

Then Senator Tipton attempted to bring the discussion 
back to a personal basis. He referred to the wardrobe-selling 
episode and the consequent condemnation of Mrs. Lincoln. 



Senator Cameron told of his association with Lincoln in his 
Cabinet: " He often talked with me about his finances. He 
once told me he was worth ten thousand dollars. . . . He 
may have saved a little while President. . . . He was a 
frugal man. ... A great deal of the opposition to this bill 
is due to prejudice political prejudice and social prejudice 
got up in this city. . . . When Mr. Lincoln and his fam- 
ily came here, the society of Washington was very adverse 
to him or to any other Republican family that might come 
here, and they were in a great measure ostracized. The 
ladies and even the gentlemen the gossips of the town 
did all they could to make a bad reputation for Mrs. Lincoln, 
and they tried to do so for the President. They failed as to 
the President, but they did carry their venom so far as to 
destroy the social position of his wife." Senator Morrill 
said : " She has abundant stores. Anyone who knows her 
character knows that she does not spend her money for 
nothing. If she ever had it, she has it now. She should come 
home and educate her boy here. She should not be encour- 
aged to go abroad." 

This is what was said on the floor in open session. It found 
its way into the newspapers and was read by Mrs. Lincoln. 
What was said in open meeting was tame compared with 
what was said in other surroundings. Said the Committee 
Report: "Other facts . . . not needful to refer to, but 
which are generally known . . ." ; those other facts which 
Senator Yates " will not recall publicly. . . , My tongue is 

On July 14, 1870 the bill passed the Senate by a vote of 
28 to 24. Twenty senators did not vote, among them Sena- 
tor Harlan. Of the seven members who, Senator Tipton 
said, voted against the bill in committee, Senator Schurz. 
voted for it on the floor; Senators Tipton, Pratt, and Mc- 
Creery voted against it on the floor; Senator Edmunds was 
paired against it ; and Senators Spencer and Brownlow were 
absent without tie. 



The bill had passed the House on May 2, 1870 with the 
following vote: " yeas, 85, nays, 77; not voting, 77." 


The first European trip, that of 1868 to 1871, did not 
meet with the full approval of Judge David Davis, Tad's 
guardian, but, on the other hand, he offered no great objec- 
tion. The record shows that the trip caused him trouble in 
keeping the estate accounts straight, and he said more on 
that score than he did in opposition to the trip itself. 

The reason Mrs. Lincoln usually gave for the trip was 
to secure the best educational advantages for Tad. On July 
18, 1868, however, she wrote Mrs. White from Cresson, 
Pennsylvania, that she expected to sail from Baltimore on 
August i, that her address until October i would be Edin- 
burgh, and that she was going because of her own health, 
saying: 1 "In my very feeble health I am endeavoring to 
catch every mountain breeze in hopes that strength may be 
given rne for the sea voyage before me. In my hours of 
great bodily suffering which now occur quite frequently . . . 
I am suffering so much. I am scarcely able to sit up. ... I 
have brooded so much over my great loss that, with others, 
I now feel assured the change that I am now about making 
is the only thing left me to prolong my life." 

Mrs. Lincoln delayed starting for Europe several months. 
After she got there, she wandered very little, living incon- 
spicuously and quietly. General Adam Badeau wrote : 2 
" While I was Consul-General in London, I learned of her 
living in an obscure quarter, greatly neglected. I went to 
see her and invited her to my house. She declined in fine 
style, her note of thanks betraying how rare such courtesies 
had become to her." He added: " She went abroad doing 

1 Original Letter owned by Oliver R. Barrett, Chicago, Illinois. 

* Bibliography, No. 73, p. 272. General Badeau wrote in the New York World; 
his letter was quoted and commented on by P. L. Shipman, Louisville Courier- 



strange things and carrying the honored name of Abraham 
Lincoln into strange and sometimes unfit company, for she 
was greatly neglected and felt the neglect." This statement 
is true, provided the term " unfit company " is interpreted 
as meaning company entirely proper, but not on Mrs. Lin- 
coln's former social level; otherwise, it is not. 

Her letters indicate that she was interested above all else 
in promoting the passage of her pension bill. She was resent- 
ful and bitter when she learned of supposed friends who had 
failed her and enemies who had abused her. Her money urge 
dominated her letters from Europe, but they were gracious 
and kindly toward the correspondents and their families. 
They are the letters of an intelligent and a courteous, but 
not a well-poised, woman. Incidentally, I do not recall a let- 
ter written by Mrs. Lincoln in this period that does not 
contain some reference to her poor health. Such allusions are 
more numerous in this period than in any other. 

Almost immediately upon their arrival in Germany, Tad 
went into a boarding-school, and his mother located herself 
where she could see him frequently. This two years was a 
very profitable season for emotional and backward Tad. He 
progressed satisfactorily in his studies, for one thing. Ger- 
man discipline supplied just his need. There is no wonder 
that his brother, Robert, was well pleased with him when 
they met again in March 1871. He traveled with his mother 
somewhat, but not enough to interfere with his studies. The 
latter part of his foreign schooling was in England. 

In the winter of 1870-1 his mother had a severe cough, 
and her physician advised her to go to Italy. In March, Tad 
and his mother started home. He may have been ill when 
they left Europe, for he was ill when they landed. Mother 
and son went on to Chicago. There Tad was ill during the 
entire spring, and until death took him. 




The Chicago Tribune published the following : x 

" At 7.30 on yesterday [Saturday] morning Tad Lincoln 
died at the Clifton House on Wabash Avenue, where he had 
been staying since his return from Europe. The cause of his 
death was dropsy of the chest. The first symptoms showed 
themselves while he was abroad, but it was not until his re- 
turn, the middle of May, that his condition became alarm- 
ing. The disease made its appearance in the left chest, after- 
wards attacking the right chest, and soon after it caused 
death by compression of the heart. He was convalescent at 
one time, but he got up one night slightly clad and swooned. 
This was followed by a relapse, after which he grew steadily 
worse. He was attended by Dr. Charles Oilman Smith." 

The administrator's report to the Sangamon County 
Court shows that Drs. H. A. Johnson and N. S. Davis were 
called in consultation. 

The Chicago Tribune 2 said that Tad's body was removed 
from the Clifton House to the home of his brother, Robert, 
on Wabash Avenue, Chicago, where there were brief funeral 
exercises and a sermon by a Baptist minister, after which the 
body was taken to the Edwards home in Springfield. The 
funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church, 
Springfield. The Tribune story also states that " Mrs. Lin- 
coln was not able to accompany the body of her son to 
Springfield, owing to her complete prostration caused by her 
intense grief and her continued watching at the bedside." 

A fatal pleurisy developing in an eighteen-year-old boy 
and lasting six months was probably tubercular in origin. It 
may have been due to infection with some microbe other than 
the tubercle bacillus, but the chances are against that. 

About one week after Tad's death Robert wrote Judge 
Davis that his mother was doing as well as could be ex- 

1 July 1 6, 1871. July 18, 1871. 


MRS. LINCOLN, 1871 TO 1875 

pected. In writing this he measured what was to be expected 
by his recollection of her hysterical outbreaks on the occa- 
sion of other deaths in their immediate family. The meager 
information we have from other sources is that Mrs. Lin- 
coln mourned in 1871 as she had done in 1862 and in 1865, 
after the deaths of her son and her husband. 

Mrs. Lincoln was now a woman fifty-three years old. The 
physiology of a woman of that age may be such that the 
maintenance of emotional calm is not easy. She was passing 
out of the stage of life in which headaches may be promi- 
nent. After the beginning of 1 865 we find but two references 
to her having violent headaches : one, May 22, 1 865, as she 
left the White House; and the other, November 23, 1867, 
during the auction episode. She was now approaching the 
age when migraine and most other forms of sick headache 
are not a source of much trouble, but she was not quite in 
this zone of equanimity at the time of Tad's death. 

Between 1871 and 1875 Mrs. Lincoln must have been in 
a very abnormal frame of mind. There is almost no record. 
She wrote no letters which have remained behind, talked 
with no people who later grew reminiscent, and created no 
scenes that found place in the newspapers. What we know of 
her life in these years is limited to what Dr. Willis Dan- 
f orth testified as to her health ; the reports of what her com- 
panion nurse (Eddie Foy's mother) observed; the gossip 
about her presence in Waukesha, Wisconsin, drinking the 
waters ; and a stay in the mild winter climate of Florida. 
Mrs. Lincoln's wanderings in Europe took her several times 
to resorts having reputations as " cures," and more than 
once she reported that her physicians had advised her to go 
to Italy, where the breezes were balmy, or to some other 
place where her physical well-being would be promoted. 




Mrs. Lincoln was in Florida in the winter of 1874-5. 
Robert, a man of prominence, married and the father of 
three children, was living with his family in Chicago. On 
March 12, 1875 Mrs. Lincoln telegraphed Dr. R. N. Isham 
that her son was very ill; to go to see him and to take care 
of him until she could get there. Doctor Isham, greatly sur- 
prised, called on Robert and found him well and at work 
in his office. They telegraphed Mrs. Lincoln that there 
was no cause for worry, and that she should remain in 
Florida. Persisting in her delusion, however, she started for 
Chicago. When she reached Chicago, Robert met her at 
the train and took her to the Grand Pacific Hotel, where 
she remained until May 20. 

Her conduct was so abnormal that Robert Lincoln ad- 
vised with his friends and those of his father and mother as 
to what should be done. Confinement in an institution seemed 
to be unavoidable. That could be brought about only by hav- 
ing an insanity investigation and trial, legal procedures which 
required the filing of charges. These charges, signed by 
Robert T. Lincoln, were duly filed. 

The case was heard, May 19, 1875, by Judge M. R. M. 
Wallace. 1 The jury chosen to hear the evidence was : Dr. S. 
C. Blake, Charles B. Farwell, J. McGregor Adams, S. B. 
Parkhurst, Lyman J. Gage, C. M. Henderson, James A. 
Mason, D. R. Cameron, William Stewart, S. M. Moore, 
H. C. Durand, and Thomas Cogswell. Dr. S. C. Blake was 
city physician, and the others were the leading wholesale 
merchants and bankers in Chicago. The lawyers were, B. F. 
Ayer, Leonard Swett, and L N. Arnold the ablest in the 
city, and old friends of Mrs. Lincoln and her husband. Mrs. 
Lincoln was present. 

1 Bibliography, No. 46, May 19, 1875, p. 596. 


The testimony against the defendant falls under three 
heads : 

A number of people who had had opportunity to observe 
her behavior in the Grand Pacific Hotel during the month or 
more she had lived there preceding the trial related what 
they had seen her do and heard her say; actions that differed 
from ordinary, normal behavior. 

A second array of witnesses, representatives of retail busi- 
ness houses at which Mrs. Lincoln traded, told of the reck- 
less way in which she purchased goods particularly dress- 
goods, toilet articles, jewelry, and household goods. She 
would buy cloth by the bolt; would purchase a store's entire 
stock of something. Her detailed bill at Gossage's, the prin- 
cipal retail dry-goods house of the time, was put in evidence. 

Five physicians, Drs. Willis Danforth, R. N. Isham, N. S. 
Davis, H. A. Johnson, and C. G. Smith, testified. The last 
four gave opinion evidence. In substance, it was that Mrs. 
Lincoln was of unsound mind and not in mental condition to 
manage her property. 

Dr. Danforth testified more in detail, to the effect that 
she was of unsound mind and incapable of managing her 
property : 

" In 1873 I treated Mrs. Lincoln several weeks for fever 
and nervous derangement of the head, and observed at that 
time indications of mental disturbance. She had strange im- 
aginings; thought that someone was at work on her head, 
and that an Indian was removing the bones from her face 
and pulling wires out of her eyes. I visited her again in 1874 
when she was suffering from debility of the nervous system. 
She complained that someone was taking steel springs from 
her head and would not let her rest ; that she was going to 
die within a few days, and that she had been admonished to 
that effect by her husband. She imagined that she heard raps 
on a table conveying the time of her death, and would sit and 
ask questions and repeat the supposed answer the table would 
give. . . ." 



He continued: "Her derangement is not dependent on 
the condition of her body, or arising from physical disease. 
I called upon her a week ago . . . when she spoke of her 
stay in Florida, of the pleasant time she had there, of the 
scenery, and of the manners and customs of the Southern 
people. She appeared ... to be in excellent health, and her 
former hallucinations appeared to have passed away. She 
said her reason for returning from Florida was that she was 
not well. She startled me somewhat by saying that an attempt 
had been made to poison her on her journey back. She had 
been very thirsty, and at a wayside station not far from 
Jacksonville she took a cup of coffee in which she discovered 
poison. ... I ... am of opinion that she is insane. On 
general topics her conversation was rational." 

Robert Lincoln's testimony, in part, was as follows: 

" I do not know why mother thought I was sick. ... I 
have not been sick in ten years. ... I met her in the car 
upon her arrival from the South, and upon meeting me she 
was startled. She had the appearance of good health, and 
did not seem fatigued by the trip. I asked her to come to my 
house, but she declined, and went to the hotel. . . . She 
told me that at the first breakfast she took after leaving 
Jacksonville an attempt was made to poison her. I occupied 
a room adjoining hers that night [the night after her ar- 
rival in Chicago] . She slept well that night, but subsequently 
was restless, and would come to rny door in her night-dress 
and rap. Twice in one night she aroused me, and asked to 
sleep in my room. I admitted her, gave her my bed, and slept 
on the lounge. . . . About April i she ceased tapping at 
my door, as I had told her that if she persisted I would leave 
the hotel. 

" I went to her room April i and found her but slightly 
dressed. She left the room in that condition under some pre- 
text, and the next I knew of her she was going down in the 
elevator to the office. I had the elevator stopped, and tried 
to induce her to return to her room. She regarded my inter- 



ference as impertinent, and declined to leave the elevator, 
but I put my arms about her and gently forced her. She 
screamed, * You are going to murder me.' After a while she 
said that the man who took her pocketbook had promised 
to return it at a certain hour. She said the man was a wander- 
ing Jew she had met in Florida. She then took a seat next the 
wall, and professed to be repeating what the man was saying 
to her through the wall. . . . 

" I called on her the first week in April, and she told me 
that all Chicago was going to be destroyed by fire, and that 
she was going to send her valuables to some country town. 
She said Milwaukee was too near Oshkosh, where there had 
been a terrible fire the night before. She told me that my 
house would be the only one saved, and I suggested to her to 
leave her trunks with me. The following Sunday she showed 
me securities for $57,000 which she carried in her pocket. 
She has spent large sums of money recently. She has bought 
$600 worth of lace curtains; three watches, costing $450; 
$700 worth of other jewelry; $200 worth of soaps and per- 
fumes ; and a whole piece of silk. 

" I have had a conference with her cousin and Mayor 
Stuart, of Springfield, and Judge Davis, of the Supreme 
Court, all of whom advised me in the course I have taken. I 
do not regard it safe to allow her to remain longer unre- 
strained. She has long been a source of great anxiety. . . . 
She has no home, and does not visit my house because of a 
misunderstanding with my wife. She has always been kind 
to me. She has been of unsound mind since the death of her 
husband, and has been irresponsible for the last ten years. 
I regard her as eccentric and unmanageable. There was no 
cause for her recent purchases, as her trunks are filled with 
dresses she never wears. She never wears jewelry." 

The jury brought in a verdict " that the said Mary Lin- 
coln is insane, and is a fit person to be sent to the State Hos- 
pital for the Insane; that she is a resident . . . ; that her 
age is 56 years; that her disease is of unknown duration; 



that the cause is unknown ; that the disease is not with her 
hereditary; that she is not subject to epilepsy; that she does 
not manifest homicidal or suicidal tendencies; and that she is 
not a pauper." This verdict was signed by each of the jurors 
above mentioned. 

11 Whereupon, upon the verdict aforesaid, it is considered 
and adjudged by the Court that the said Mary Lincoln is an 
insane person. And it is ordered . . . that a summons be is- 
sued to the said Mary Lincoln commanding her to appear be- 
fore this Court and show cause, if any she has or can show, 
why a conservator should not be appointed to manage and 
control her estate." 

In accordance with the findings, Mrs. Lincoln was com- 
mitted to a private sanatorium, and her son, Robert T. 
Lincoln, was appointed conservator. 

The trial was quietly conducted, and the crowd which 
filled the court-room was awed and kindly. The newspapers 
handled the story in a very sympathetic way, both in their 
news columns and editorially. 

In this part of Mrs. Lincoln's life there were few influ- 
ences that made for the good of her personality, and many 
that worked against it. Among those that were most harmful 
were : the death of Tad and her emotional breakdown there- 
after; the quarrels with the politicians and the press about 
the debts, including the notoriety over the auction episode; 
the battle in Congress over her pension ; and the minor dis- 
agreement over the location of President Lincoln's tomb. 
She was hurt by the Herndon lectures, and this added 
slightly to the aggregation of woes that broke her down. 



Mending Her Fences 

Hott, many women are born too highly organized in sense and soul for the 
highway they 'must walk with feet unshod. 


May 20, 1875 to July 16, 1882 

1875 May 20-September 10, in Bellevue Place Sanatorium, 
Batavia, Illinois; thereafter with Mrs. N. W. Ed- 
wards, Springfield. 

1876 In Springfield with Mrs. Edwards. 
June 15, in Chicago for her second trial. 

October I (about) , left Springfield for Pau, France. 
December I, ". . , had been in Pau six weeks*" 

1877 April 12, in Pau. 

Went to Marseilles and Naples. 
April 22, in Sorrento. 

1878 July 4, in Pau. 

1879 December, in Europe, mostly in Pau. 
Injured by fall. 

1880 October, reached America. 

1 88 1 In Springfield. 

Autumn, went to New York to be treated by Dr. 
Lewis A. Sayre. 

1882 January 16, pension increased to $5,000 a year by 
Congress, which also voted her $15,000 in addition. 
March, returned to Springfield. 

Summer, suffered from boils ; refused to go to the sea- 

July 1 6, died in Springfield. 
Buried in the Lincoln tomb. 


Mending Her Fences 

to the tragic episode of her trial, the testimony she 
heard, and the verdict of the jury is indicated by the follow- 
ing extracts from the Chicago Tribune: a 

" During the absence of the jury, Robert T. Lincoln ap- 
proached his mother and extended his hand. She grasped 
it fondly, remarking with a degree of emphasis, ' Robert, 
I did not think you would do this. 1 . . The verdict was 
received by Mrs. Lincoln without any visible emotions. She 
was stolid and unmoved. . . . Subsequently she was . . . 
taken to the Grand Pacific Hotel to remain over night under 
proper guards. . . . About 11.30 o'clock last night it was 
found necessary to send for an officer to watch over 
Mrs. Lincoln, whose lunatic symptoms became quite vio- 
lent. ..." 


When the jury at Mrs. Lincoln's first trial returned their 
verdict, they used a form, the blanks of which they filled in. 
Some findings not suggested by the form were written in. 
One of these written-in statements was that Mrs. Lincoln 
". . . had no homicidal or suicidal tendencies." The first 

1 May 20, 1875. 



needs no comment, but certain events and some things Mrs. 
Lincoln said about suicide call for notice. 

Elizabeth Keckley 1 wrote that Mrs. Lincoln once dis- 
cussed suicide with her, about 1863. In January 1867 she 
wrote Mrs. Keckley that she was tempted to commit suicide. 
The danger that Mrs. Lincoln would take her own life was 
one possibility that was talked of at the meeting of physi- 
cians and friends held on the Saturday before May 19, 1 875. 

On May 21 the Chicago dailies carried a story relating 
an attempt at suicide made by Mrs. Lincoln the previous 
day. In some way she had eluded her attendants, left the 
hotel, gone to a drug-store in the Grand Pacific Hotel, and 
asked for some laudanum and camphor for neuralgia of her 
arm. Knowing her mental condition, the druggist told her 
to call again in half an hour, at which time it would be ready. 
When she left, he trailed her to Rogers and Smith's drug- 
store, Adams and Clark streets, where he heard her order 
the same drugs. Slipping into the prescription department, 
he told the clerk the circumstances, whereupon the clerk 
declined to sell laudanum to Mrs. Lincoln. She then went 
to Dale's drug-store and repeated the order, and again the 
sleuthing druggist was able to prevent the sale. After this 
she returned to the Grand Pacific drug-store and was given 
a bottle of colored camphor water, labeled " Laudanum and 
Camphor.*' She left the drug-store and, while under observa- 
tion, drank the mixture. In ten minutes she returned for 
more of the same medicine. She was given a bottle of the 
same placebo, and this she swallowed. 2 Meanwhile her son, 
who had been summoned, arrived and took his mother in 

There is no reason to disbelieve this story because of the 
jury verdict, or for any other reason. Many people have 
momentary urges to self-destruction many thoroughly 
sane people. If such people yield, it is done promptly and 
under impulse. There is no evidence that these urges with 

1 Bibliography, No. 85, p. 364. 2 Bibliography, No. 38, May 21, 1875. 



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Mrs. Lincoln were more than momentary, or that she ever 
had any trouble in resisting them. The nature of her mental 
malady was such that efforts at suicide were not to be 

Prior to 1875 she never had long periods of deep melan- 
cholia, if she ever had at any time. In 1879 and 1880 she 
was alone in Europe. If she had wanted to commit suicide, 
she had ample opportunity then, not to mention the chances 
she had while in Springfield and New York. Experience 
proved this part of the verdict right. 


As Mrs. Lincoln rode to the sanatorium in the private 
car of a railroad president, she was under the charge of the 
court and in the immediate care of physicians. If her eye 
images could have registered on her brain, she would have 
seen the beautiful Fox River valley in its spring robes of 
flowers, trees in new life, and pastures of green grass where 
dairy cows were grazing. It was a beautiful panorama, but 
it could not register. The highways into Mrs. Lincoln's 
brain were closed. Could her ears have registered, she 
would have known that birds were singing. But her mind 
lay covered by the ashes of her hopes, and nothing could 
penetrate from the outside world. Her husband and three 
of her children were dead; her ambitions were blasted; she 
had no future; her friends had deserted her; her son had 
more than failed her his had been the blow that started 
her to Batavia ; a court had decreed her insane ; her property 
had been taken from her. 

She did not long remain hopeless. Within a few days she 
had decided on a policy. Her first desire was to get away 
from the sanatorium. She set to work on this with some of 
her old-time energy. Again she took up her pen, not used 
to any great extent since her battle for a pension. When 
this objective was reached and she was in her sister's home, 



she began a drive to have the court declare her sane. Fol- 
lowing this, she resolved to disprove the statements made 
by Dr. R. J. Patterson in his letter, and by witnesses at 
the first trial. In the summer of 1875 she had read Dr. Pat- 
terson's letter saying that she could not restrain herself; 
if released, she would wander continually and widely, and 
no one could stay her. She knew that much of the testimony 
at her trial related to her inability to manage her property 
and to her uncontrollable urge to spend money lavishly. 

She made a great resolve, which dominated her conduct 
up to the moment of her death. She would show the world 
that she could restrain herself; that she could master her 
urge to buy like a spendthrift; that, far from being a slave 
to " wanderlust," she could live quietly in one place. 


Mrs. Lincoln reached Batavia after nightfall on May 20. 
She remained there until the following September 10. Dur- 
ing these several months she wrote many letters in her effort 
to be released; this desire was the theme of the Bradwell 
correspondence. She complained of the attendant's being 
with her constantly, of the windows' being barred, and of 
the loss of her property. She was considerably disturbed 
about nine trunks of dress-goods and curtains which had 
been removed to Milwaukee and were held in storage there. 
The agitation led the newspapers to send reporters to investi- 
gate. They found that the institution was an attractive build- 
ing, in which one could recognize a little resemblance to the 
White House. Mrs. Lincoln had a very pleasant room. An 
attendant was with her. There were bars on the window. 
The patient was allowed much liberty, however; she and 
her attendant drove frequently in a carriage; she was al- 
lowed to shop in Aurora. She did not appear to be unhappy 
in her surroundings. 



The reporters said she talked as though the sanatorium 
was the White House, and Mr. Lincoln was within. During 
much of the time when in her room, she kept the curtains 
drawn, and lighted the room with candles. She had great 
quantities of dress-goods and lace curtains, mostly in closets 
in unopened packages. A great deal of such merchandise had 
been returned to the stores that sold it to her. Some mer- 
chants made a practice of accepting her orders, delivering 
the goods, and then sending for them within a day or two. 

The continued " battering," public and private, through 
newspapers and other channels, finally caused Dr. Patterson 
to write a letter to the press. In this he said that Mrs. 
Lincoln could not restrain herself, and that no one else, 
outside of an institution, could. If she were released, she 
would wander over the country, dissipating her estate. If 
he ever became convinced to the contrary, he would gladly 
recommend that she be released. 

Accepting this as an honest statement, Mrs. Lincoln be- 
gan a campaign, direct and indirect, to have her sister Mrs. 
Edwards ask that she be sent to the Edwards home in 
Springfield. Finally Dr. Patterson and, presumably, Robert 
Lincoln and Judge Wallace gave consent. On September 10, 
1875 N. W. Edwards escorted Mrs. Lincoln from Batavia 
to his home. She remained there quietly enough until about 
October I, 1876. 

In June 1876 Mrs. Lincoln and Mr. Edwards asked 
Judge Wallace to reopen the case. The request was granted. 
The jury impaneled for this hearing consisted of Dr. R. M. 
Paddock, D. J. Weatherhead, S. F. Knowles, Cyrus Glea- 
son, W. J. Drew, D. Kimball, R. F. Wild, W. G. Lyon, 
C. A. Chapin, H. Dahl, W. S. Dunham, and William Rob- 
erts. The attorney was Leonard Swett. Robert Lincoln did 
not appear, but he was represented as offering no oppo- 
sition and waiving all technicalities. Dr. Patterson did not 
appear. The only witness was N. W. Edwards. He is 
quoted as swearing: " They say she is of sound mind. . . . 



Her friends all say she is capable of managing her prop- 
erty. ..." And, finally : " We think she is sane and capable 
of managing her property." * 

This jury found that Mary Lincoln was sane. The con- 
servator was ordered to make a report to the court, to 
restore Mrs. Lincoln's property to her, and then to be 

The Chicago Tribune of June 16, 1876 said: "Mrs. 
Lincoln was adjudged sane and her property was restored 
to her control. The proceedings were of an amicable na- 
ture. . . . The whole proceedings occupied but a few 
minutes. . . ." 

The action was based on a petition of Mary Lincoln in 
which she averred : " She is a proper person to have 
the care and management of her estate." Every point in the 
petition relates to property. The newspaper report reads 
that the jury verdict was: "Mary Lincoln is restored to 
reason, and is capable to manage her estate." 

The proceedings and the outcome of this trial indicate 
that there had been an agreement to declare Mrs. Lincoln 
sane without giving much attention to the facts. The only 
testimony given the jury was opinion evidence, and that, 
hearsay. It is a reasonable conclusion that Robert Lin- 
coln, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Edwards, Mrs. William Wallace, 
Judge John T. Stuart, and other members of the family, 
Mr. I. N. Arnold and other friends had agreed to let Mrs. 
Lincoln have her way, and believed that in doing so she 
would not harm herself or her estate. Events justified this 
agreement. After 1876 Mrs. Lincoln's mind undoubtedly 
was just as much disorganized as it had been in 1875, and 
in 1 882 it was more so. But in spite of that, she so conducted 
herself as to justify the course her friends had taken. 
She carried out her resolution in spite of her personality 

1 Proceedings, June term, County Court, 1876, Hon. M. R. M. Wallace, Judge. 




Mrs. Lincoln remained in Mrs. Edwards's home until 
October I, 1876 not much more than three and a half 
months after this verdict, and thirteen months after her re- 
turn there from Batavia. On December i, 1876 she was in 
Pau, France. A letter shows that she was there on April 1 2, 
1877, and she probably remained until the spring of 1878, 
when she went to Italy. 

A letter from Robert Lincoln, written to Rev. Henry 
Darling of New York, dated November 17, 1877, said: 1 
" My mother is now somewhere in Europe but she has, for 
unfortunate reasons, ceased to communicate with me, and 
I do not know her present address although, of course, I 
can by writing to some of her friends obtain it in case 
of need." 

By July 1878 she was back in Pau and suffering great pain 
from boils. By August her weight was down to a hundred 
and ten pounds. So far as we can discover, Mrs. Lincoln 
stayed closely in Pau, going nowhere except for one short 
trip, first to Marseilles and then to Italy. She seems to have 
taken an apartment and to have lived quietly and very much 
alone. She wrote few letters ; in fact, I do not know of one. 
She was now sixty years old and considered herself in feeble 

In December 1879 she was on a step-ladder fixing the 
curtains in her simple home, in which she appears to have 
done her own work, when she fell and hurt her back seri- 
ously, she thought. This was in Pau. When she was able 
to travel, she returned to America, arriving in October 1880. 

She went to Springfield, to stay in Mrs. Edwards's home. 
After about a year there, still troubled by the effects of 
her fall, she went to New York City, to be under the care 
of Dr. Lewis A. Sayre, the leading orthopedic surgeon of 

1 Letter in the Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Illinois. 


MRS. LINCOLN, 1875 TO 1882 

America in his day. (Mrs. Lincoln may have chosen him 
because relatives of his were prominent in the life of 
Lexington. They were the founders of Sayre Institute, one 
of the several colleges in Lexington during her residence 

She" spent much of the winter of 1881-2 in New York 
City, living in a quiet, inexpensive boarding-house. In inter- 
views, given after her death, Dr. Sayre said he did not have 
a very vivid mental picture of Mrs. Lincoln; she seemed to 
be very poor, and complained frequently of her inadequate 

While she was under Dr. Sayre's care, Congress increased 
her pension to five thousand dollars a year. President Gar- 
field had been assassinated recently, and the bill to increase 
this pension accompanied one for Mrs. Garfield's relief. 
Congress also voted her another sum of money. On this oc- 
casion Senator John A. Logan's pension and bonus bill 
stirred no controversy, and it went through without inter- 

In March 1882 Mrs. Lincoln returned to Mrs. Ed- 
wards's home, and there remained until July 16, 1882. 
In the early summer she was again afflicted with boils, 
and was very ill and uncomfortable. Her family tried 
to persuade her to go to the seashore, but she would 

Between the date when Mrs. Lincoln left Chicago for 
Batavia and July 1882, seven years and two months elapsed. 
Nearly four of these years were spent in Europe, and more 
than three in Mrs. Edwards's home, the remainder being 
divided between the sanatorium at Batavia and Dr. Sayre's 
in New York. 

The record of Mrs. Lincoln's life at Pau is most incom- 
plete. But she must have deported herself in a seemly fash- 
ion. She was alone, but she got into no difficulties. She is 
entitled to credit for self-restraint. 



Laura C. Holloway writes: 1 "In the autumn of 1880 
she [Mrs. Lincoln] returned to the United States. She was 
no better from her long journeyings. Her mind was as un- 
settled as it was in 1875. - She was, from the time of 
Mr. Lincoln's death, a mental and physical wreck; and it 
was patent to her family that she would never recover from 
the catastrophe which had overwhelmed her." 

As to her conduct in Springfield, we have some testimony 
from her two sisters Elizabeth Edwards and Frances Wal- 
lace and from Dr. T. W. Dresser; that of various of her 
relatives given in personal communications, and of several 
friends, likewise given. This is substantially what they all 
agree on: 

She lived very quietly in her sister's home. Her room 
was on the second floor, where she remained nearly all the 
time. Frequently during the day she would have the cur- 
tains drawn and candles lighted, as she had done in the 
sanator'um. She would see no one in her room except rela- 
tives and close friends. There were times when she refused 
to see even her sisters. 

Her rooms were cluttered with silks and other dress- 
goods and lace curtain material. One relative said there 
were sixty trunks and boxes. There was an excess of jewelry. 

At intervals her conversation showed that her mind was 
quite disordered, but most of the time she talked very sensi- 
bly. She did not have storms or tantrums ; was not demon- 
strably emotional; had no " spells "; spoke much about her 
dead; had many spiritualistic trends; cherished some ani- 
mosities; liked to discuss people and to gossip. Most of her 
gossip was about people she once knew well and events of 
the past. 

Callers on Mrs. Edwards sometimes saw her pass through 
the halls. She did not speak, as a rule. She was likely to be 
dressed in black, and sometimes overdressed. Occasionally 
she would chat of the old days with some visiting friend 

1 Bibliography, No. 80, p. 544. 


thus encountered. The children of the town, going to school, 
would pass the Edwards home in some awe because of 
stories they had heard. 

When Mrs. Edwards drove out, she was sometimes ac- 
companied by Mrs. Lincoln. On these occasions Mrs. Lin- 
coln sat in a rear corner of a closed carriage. Stopping in 
front of the stores, Mrs. Edwards would go inside to shop 
while Mrs. Lincoln remained in the vehicle. At times old 
friends would go to the conveyance to hand in bundles or 
to assist Mrs. Edwards, and Mrs. Lincoln would speak to 
them quietly. 

B. F. Stoneberger x describes her in this period as a frail, 
small woman who would go into a dry-goods store, purchase 
some dress-goods by the yard, throw her purchases across 
her arm, and go away. Those who saw her making pur- 
chases would repeat stories of her trunks of unused dress- 

Summing it up, her behavior in Springfield, before going 
to Europe and afterwards, was that of a calm, quiet woman, 
sixty years old, indulging in memories, nursing her dislikes, 
occasionally rebelling against her immediate family and 
friends, but usually quiet and inoffensive; hoarding her pos- 
sessions, but with no interest in them. 

She had a mild, emotional insanity which caused her to 
act as does a case of schizophrenia 2 living alone, apart, 
and letting the world take care of itself. 

1 Personal narrative. 

2 "Bleuler's term for dementia precox, representing split personality." Bibli- 
ography, No. 48. 



Financial Security and 

The horse doth with the horseman run away. 


Financial Security and 

the jury wrote into the verdict the following : x ". . . 
to show cause, if any she has or can show, why a conservator 
should not be appointed to manage and control her estate." 
Her son, Robert T. Lincoln, was appointed conservator, 
and shortly thereafter the estate was turned over to hinu 
Much of the testimony in this first trial had been to the 
effect that Mrs. Lincoln was not mentally in condition to 
manage her business affairs. 

The result of the 1876 trial was a verdict 2 which read in 
part: "Mary Lincoln is restored to reason and is capable 
to manage her estate." This decision was responsive to testi- 
mony the jurors had heard from Ninian W. Edwards, the 
only witness who testified. In accordance with it Robert T. 
Lincoln filed his report, which was approved, and the con- 
servator was discharged. 

That these sanity trials should have revolved round mat- 
ters of money was natural, since aberrations on this subject 
were an outstanding quality of Mrs. Lincoln's thinking at 
the time of her court appearances and for many years prior 
thereto. Worry about finances was not the fundamental 
cause of her mental disturbance, but financial worries largely 
contributed to the process of change through which her 
mind and personality went. Many of her great difficulties 

1 Bibliography, No. 46, 1875. 2 Ibid., 1876. 



j. j- j-j-j j- j- j- j- <-_-_!- _r j- J~ -m- f f_f-j-j~j~j~J--f~J- J--T-T J" J~ J" J~_r j~ J~ j~ J~ _r~ j~ J~ j~_i~ J~_r^^_^_ 

arose out of controversies over money and property. When 
her intellectual processes had become disordered, money 
and property dominated her talk, her letters, and her acts. 
Though they did not originate her trouble, they contributed 
to it and finally characterized it. 

Levi, her grandfather, and Robert S. Todd, her father, 
appear to have had property acquisitive qualities of mind 
of no small order, but these functioned easily and always 
within the limits of normalcy. Levi, having returned from 
war, acquired fine farming properties in the Blue-Grass 
region of Kentucky and owned a good home property 
adjoining that of Henry Clay, in the close vicinity of 
Lexington. Robert S. Todd was a banker, a merchant, a 
manufacturer, a farmer, and a politician. He was a good 
illustration of the " business man in politics." He frequently 
held offices of profit, and there was never a charge that he 
did not know and did not always respect the laws of " meum 
et tuum " in his business relations. He wanted what was 
coming to him, but he respected the rights of others. 

Mrs. Lincoln's grandfather on her mother's side willed 
his considerable property to his widow, but entailed it to 
his descendants. The widow handled the property well. At 
her death the heirs fell into dispute, and litigation over the 
estate followed. And about this time the Robert S. Todd 
heirs some of them also Parker heirs were quarreling 
and litigating over their father's estate. This somewhat dif- 
ferent behavior or mental quality, as well as the financial 
happenings themselves, is significant in a study of the per- 
sonality and mentality of Mrs. Lincoln. 

We know nothing positive about Mary Todd's finances 
when she lived in Lexington, and such consideration as is 
given them must be based on inference. Robert S. Todd, her 
father, was a business man of standing, who lived in a good 
house and moved in the best circles. He certainly earned 
enough to keep his family well and to accumulate property. 



The children of the first wife spent some of their time in 
the very fine home of their mother's mother, the " Widow " 
Parker. Her grandmother was fond of Mary and doubtless 
gave her much. However, the Todd family was a large one ; 
there were fourteen children who were reared, supported, 
educated, and established by their father. The scale of living 
in Lexington, in the social group in which the Todds moved, 
was high for that time, though it would not be now; society 
was not then on a basis of competitive expenditure. 

We can infer that Mary Todd the child and Mary Todd 
the young woman never suffered for the comforts of life ; 
always had plenty of food and good clothing, and the privi- 
lege of buying what she needed. She should never have had 
any of those money longings that corrode the characters of 
some people, both rich and poor. It is also a reasonable in- 
ference that Mary Todd was never able to be lavish in the 
expenditure of money or to be extravagant, had she cared 
to be. Probably she did not care to be. The best conclusion 
is that the money hunger which Mrs. Lincoln later showed 
was not present when she was in Lexington. 

There is no information as to how Elizabeth Edwards's 
sisters were financed when they lived with her. Her state- 
ments show that she wrote to Frances and Mary in Lexing- 
ton, offering them a home with her. This may have meant 
that when they lived in her home, they were at no expense 
for board, lodging, and laundry ; but it does not mean that 
the hostess sister paid for their clothes, their travel, or their 
incidental expenses. We may infer that Mr. Todd must 
have given his daughters money to pay the expense of travel 
and incidentals when they left home. They went away with 
clothing, and no doubt he sent money to them from time 
to time afterwards, though not a great deal. The home ties 
were strained; not many letters were exchanged; Frances 
and Mary both married in Springfield with none of the 
family from Lexington in attendance. It is not likely that 



there was a monthly allowance, for such was not customary. 
Money was more probably sent at irregular intervals, and 
on request. 

The accounts of Mary Todd's life in Springfield do not 
show that she dressed extravagantly. Her clothing was ap- 
propriate, but it was not indicative of " money to burn." 
In one of Frances Wallace's statements 1 about the Lincoln- 
Todd wedding and the white silk dress someone said her 
sister wore are these sentences : " Mrs. Lincoln never had 
a white silk dress in her life till she went to Washington 
to live. After I was married I gave her my white satin dress 
and told her to wear it until it got soiled, but then to give it 
back to me. She was not married in it. It was too soiled. 
She may have married in a white Swiss muslin, but I think 
not. I think it was delaine or something of that kind." 

After their wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln boarded at the 
Globe Tavern, for four dollars a week; next they moved 
into a rented house on Monroe Street; and after that they 
bought a simple, inexpensive house. During the first decade 
of married life there were financial worries. Lincoln helped 
his father's family with some contributions, and he paid off 
the New Salem debts. He supported his own family. He 
was playing the political game, and that was, and is, expen- 
sive for an honest man with high standards. His earnings 
at the bar were not large, and he held a paying office only 
once, and that for but two years. I. N. Arnold 2 estimated 
Lincoln's income from his law practice at from two thousand 
to three thousand dollars a year, saying that he had a very 
large, and it might have been a very lucrative, practice, but 
that his fees were ridiculously small. Two to three thousand 
dollars a year was the annual income according to William 
H. Herndon, 8 who knew better than anyone else. It is also 
the figure given by J. F. Newton. 4 

Lincoln was a frugal, thrifty man; he met his obligations 

2 ur 7 ' 2- X8l- ' Bibliography, No. 75 a, p. 44?- 

8 Bibhography, No. 4, p. 83. 4 Bibliography, No. 127, p. 43. 


and in addition put away some money. There are records 
that show him lending money comparatively early in his 
married life. The account which he ran at Smith's store, and 
which can still be seen in Springfield, includes such items as 
cloth, buttons, and thread and indicates that Mrs. Lincoln 
made the children's clothes as well as some of her own and 
Mr. Lincoln's, and that they lived modestly and sensibly. 
That she had a reputation in Springfield for being careful 
is shown in the letter written by her cousin Mrs. Grimsley, 
from Washington, in which Mrs. Lincoln is said to be living 
frugally there, as she did in Springfield. Newton says : l 
" During the first four years after he left Congress he was 
often hard pressed for money." Oliver R. Barrett does not 
think that Mrs. Lincoln suffered any privation in this period. 
I agree with him, at least to this extent: the deprivations 
of the period were not considerable enough to have left any 
harmful effects on her personality. They probably did Mrs. 
Lincoln more good than harm. There must be some more 
plausible origin of her money hunger than this. 

In the decade between 1851 and 1 86 1 the Lincoln finances 
improved considerably. Dr. William E. Barton says that 
" the financial pressure eased up.' 1 This is reflected in the 
family expenditures. The Lincolns were entertaining and 
giving even elaborate parties. They could not keep up with 
the Edwardses in such matters, but they were somewhat in 
the game. This called for more money to be spent on the 
household, and also for finer clothes and more of them. 
A second story was build on the house, and other additions 
were made; some town real estate was purchased. Except 
the Bloomington property, all of this real estate was still 
included in the Lincoln estate in 1865. There was more 
money to loan. In this period there were good fees and re- 
tainers. The Parker and the Todd estates were settled and 
they added something, though it was not a great amount. 
There are reasons for thinking that Lincoln made a little 

ilbid. " 

FINANCES, 1851 TO 1861 

more than he spent during each year of the period. His 
friends Arnold and Whitney say that when he went to 
Washington he had accumulated ten thousand dollars. This 
estimate was conservative, at least. Herndon, however, 
quotes Lincoln as saying, in 1858 : x " I am absolutely with- 
out money now even for household expenses." 

Just as in the previous decade, we fail to find in the ex- 
periences of these ten years any adequate explanation of the 
money hunger which characterizes Mrs. Lincoln's conduct 
between 1865 and 1875. ^ * s natural to suppose that Mrs. 
Lincoln had desires for the finery she saw other women wear, 
and to spend as they spent, and in the " Springfield tradi- 
tion " there are statements that she spent a good deal on 
clothes and personal adornment. All of this has some weight, 
but it does not give enough basis for a quality that became 
so dominant. 

As Mrs. Lincoln laid her plans for Washington, she knew 
that her husband was to have one uphill fight and she was to 
have another. His party was new to Washington, and there 
was prejudice against it there. She must not hamper him by 
letting Washington regard her as uncouth or, worse still, 
as a frump. On the other hand, if she could win Washington 
society, she would be able to help him win his battles. This 
story needs no chart for women readers, nor is it new matter 
for husbands. She had the society manner; she knew form 
and ceremonial; she knew polite conversation. She needed 
clothes and jewelry, and with those she felt that she could 
hold her own or better. They must be good clothes and of 
the latest style. 

In January 1861 she went to New York, and there began 
the foundation for her major trouble. She bought what was 
necessary for her campaign, as she saw it. Her brother-in- 
law the Springfield merchant was there to advise her and 
otherwise to help. She had the advice of New York mer- 
chants who knew the Washington game better than she 

1 Bibliography, No. 75a, p. 447. 
2 3 8 

By permission of Jl/r. Sweet 

Ear-rings owned by Mrs. Lincoln; 

now in the possession of Homer Sweet, Battle Creek, 



did. When she finished buying, her bill called for a larger 
sum of money than she had and more than she felt she could 
ask her husband for or even tell him of. Just here she made 
her second crucial mistake, in keeping from her husband all 
knowledge of her debt. Her first error was one of judg- 
ment; her second was that and something more. 

Mrs. Keckley * was quoting Mrs. Lincoln's arguments in 
explaining why she piled up her enormous debt. She wrote 
that Mrs. Lincoln was very much aware of the dignity of 
her position as Mistress of the White House, and of the 
need that she should make a proper display of dresses and 
jewelry. Soon after she arrived at the White House, she 
sent for Elizabeth Keckley, who, she had heard, was an 
excellent dressmaker and reasonable in her prices. After 
driving some close bargains Mrs. Lincoln engaged Mrs. 
Keckley to make sixteen dresses. Subsequently, she kept her 
busy working overtime, trying to make dresses as fast as she 
bought material. Work as hard as she would, Mrs. Keckley 
never could catch up ; the supply came in too fast. After the 
President's death Mrs. Lincoln said the Republican poli- 
ticians must pay those bills. She had contracted them be- 
cause, as the wife of the first Republican President, she had 
to make a proper showing. 

In spite of her efforts, the social battle went against her. 
She decided that one way to improve her chances was to buy 
more clothes and jewelry another error in judgment. By 
now the bills had reached a figure that made it difficult for 
her to see a way out. Very good business men have gradu- 
ally become mired financially, with no recognition of finan- 
cial danger until suddenly they have discovered themselves 
trapped with no hope of escape. Now she had genuine finan- 
cial worries, and there was that most trying complication 
her husband did not know, and a confession might have to 
come. The foundation of a money urge was appearing. 
Many a good business man has known the experience of 

1 Bibliography, No. 85, pp. 28, 144, 147- 



having one exhibition of bad business judgment lead to 
another and then to a succession of them. Finally Mrs. Lin- 
coln's debts mounted, Mrs. Keckley says, to seventy thou- 
sand dollars, nearly as much as her husband's salary as 
President for three years. Mrs. Lincoln's thinking was fast 
getting to the point where " bad judgment " is not the term 
that best fits it. Worry over the debts, and anxiety about her 
husband's reaction, were being piled on top of disappoint- 
ments in social recognition, the bitterness of political ani- 
mosities, and the emotions due to loss of relatives and 
friends in the Civil War. 

Then came the plan for a second term. She saw in that 
her salvation. Certainly it gave her a breathing-spell, a ray 
of hope ; and, in so far as it did, her decision to help bring 
it about was good judgment. How it was going to save her, 
one cannot easily see. Viewed from this standpoint, her judg- 
ment was still poor. Every business man, however, has seen 
cases in which luck or inventiveness or originality or some- 
thing opens a way out of situations that seemed hopeless. 
We think of business men who have accepted such chances 
and won as being " brave," " courageous," " willing to take 
a chance," and as having both rare judgment and keen fore- 
sight. If they take the chance and lose, opinion does not deal 
so pleasantly with them. 

With the assassination of Lincoln, down went his wife's 
house of cards. 

On September 12, 1865 Mrs. Lincoln wrote Judge David 
Davis, relating a conversation she had had with her husband 
in March, at City Point. The war was being won, peace 
was in sight, and four more years of position and power 
were to be their lot. He apparently relaxed and became 
domestic, confiding, and forthright, as he had been before 
the pressure of the presidency had made it well-nigh impos- 
sible for him to be Lincoln the husband. He told his wife of 
his yearning for peace and quiet, of his desire, finally, to be 
buried in a silent, country churchyard; then he spoke of his 



finances. She wrote of what Lincoln had told her : he had 
saved his money until he had enough capital so that the 
expense of living could be borne by the interest from his 
investments ; he hoped to save all of his salary for the four 
years between 1865 and 1869. 

Upon his death Lincoln's estate went into court, and 
Judge Davis was appointed the administrator. Since there 
was no will, and Tad was a minor, we can follow the family 
finances quite well during the next seven years. Judge Davis's 
reports were made periodically. They are official and public 
records, copies of which are in the Illinois State Historical 
Society Library, where I have studied them. Illinois law pro- 
vides that the children receive the real estate, and Mrs. Lin- 
coln's share was limited to one third of the stocks, bonds, and 
other personal property of her husband's estate. The real 
estate consisted of the homestead in Springfield, one town 
lot in Lincoln, one hundred and twenty acres of farmland 
in Crawford County, Iowa, and forty acres in Tama County, 
Iowa. The report of the Committee on Pensions, United 
States Senate, Fortieth and Forty-first Congresses, reads: 
"The report of her husband's estate shows that it inven- 
toried $110,000 in bonds and stocks, and Mrs. Lincoln's 
portion was $36,765.60. Her yearly income from the estate 
was given at $1,700." The usual figures given elsewhere 
range from $1,700 to $2,000 a year. 

Here was the situation that confronted her: She owed 
somewhere between $27,000 and $70,000, and she had 
$36,765.60 with which to pay the debt; or, not paying the 
debt, she had a yearly income of $1,700, the interest on her 
bonds. Outright payment of the debt by her was impossible. 
Her $1,700 a year income was not enough for her to live 
on and make any payment on the debt. She could not expect 
much help from her sons ; Tad, the minor with his property 
in the hands of the court, had the same annual income as she, 
and Robert was not established in a profession or in business. 
Congress gave her $22,000 of her husband's salary for the 



year. She used some to pay on the debt and a part to live on, 
but most of it went to buy the house in Chicago, which cost 
her $18,000. Let us say that all of this should have gone to 
paying her debts ; at least, she should not have used any of it 
to buy a house. But would it have been wisdom to throw all 
of the money into a hole that it would not nearly fill ? 

Buying the house proved to be poor judgment. She sold 
it for $20,000, it is true, making $2,000 on the investment; 
but she found its upkeep so expensive that she could not 
afford to live in it, and during the eight years she owned it, 
the rent received did not much more than pay taxes, upkeep, 
and interest on investment. This purchase might be called 
something worse than poor judgment, but many a business 
man, lawyer, or even court has viewed leniently a widow's 
efforts to acquire a home. 

Mrs. Lincoln's dilemma was great. She tried to get the 
merchants to take back most of the material they had sold 
her, it is said ; but they could not see the business advantage 
of doing so. In the last half of 1865 an effort was made to 
collect money to pay Mrs. Lincoln's debts. The several let- 
ters from Mrs. Lincoln to Mr. Williamson and others show 
her very anxious to have this movement succeed. There is 
no record that any money was collected in this particular 
drive, though it is generally thought that political associates 
of her husband helped in the final settlement of the debts. 
Meanwhile she offered some of her dresses and jewelry at 
private sale, but few came forward to buy. 

Then came the awful mistake of the attempted auction. 
Most of the responsibility for this mistake should be borne 
by others, but Mrs. Lincoln was a willing party to it, abetted 
it,^ and schemed and planned to make it go. Mrs. Keckley 
said that in money matters in the White House days Mrs. 
Lincoln was " penny wise and pound foolish." Even stronger 
terms must be used to designate the blunder of the proposed 
auction. This episode probably increased rather than di- 
minished the debts, though not to any considerable extent. 



Not long after that, and before her petition to Congress for 
a pension, the debts had been settled somehow and they no 
longer harassed Mrs. Lincoln. 

The settlement of the debts left her with $1,700 a year 
income for herself, and a like amount for Tad. Judge 
Davis's accounts show that she pooled her income and his, 
but in spite of this they found it difficult to pay household 
expenses, bills for clothing, and tuition and educational ex- 
penses for the boy. The correspondence shows that the 
administrator worked diligently, but without entire suc- 
cess, to keep the accounts within the technicalities of legal 

About a year after the end of the auction fiasco, the ques- 
tion of a pension for Mrs. Lincoln was raised. When the 
Committee on Pensions made its report, it claimed to think 
that Mrs. Lincoln had an estate of $60,000. The members 
knew all about the debts; they knew she had been con- 
fronted with a debt said to be $70,000, and that some of her 
money had gone for that. Men on that Committee had 
probably contributed to the fund that helped finally to pay 
off the debt one of the senators referred to a subscrip- 
tion for her. Senator Tipton, who was conducting the oppo- 
sition, alluded to the proposed auction as having contributed 
to her assets. He knew it had not, and he should have known 
that it actually added a little to her liabilities. They charged 
her with bad faith, but, while her course is not wholly de- 
fensible, it was fully as above-board as theirs. She finally 
received a pension of $3,000, and that, with her $1,700 in- 
come from the estate, put her in a very comfortable finan- 
cial position. 

Judged by the result, this strife for a pension showed wis- 
dom on Mrs. Lincoln's part. But her efforts to accomplish 
the end and especially the letters she wrote the method 
she employed subjected her to criticism. Her correspond- 
ence in pushing her claim was voluminous, and many of her 
letters dealing with the matter are available now. In these 


FINANCES, 1870 TO 1876 

letters she often showed bad taste. She was persistent, in- 
trusive, and often unfair. Her urge for money had become 

In 1870 Mrs. Lincoln's pension of $250 a month was be- 
gun. Tad was of college age, the hostile comment on Mrs. 
Lincoln quieted, and early in the next year they came home 
from Europe. One year after payments of the pension began, 
Tad died. 

When Tad Lincoln died, he was still a minor, and con- 
sequently his estate was under the control of the San- 
gamon County courts and Judge Davis as guardian and ad- 
ministrator. The reports of the administrator, as shown by 
the court record, set forth that Tad owned liquid assets 
worth, at face value, $37,065.16, principally in United 
States gold bonds. Judge Davis reported that the estate 
also owned a half-interest in three pieces of real estate, which 
were under the management of Robert T. Lincoln. The 
latter filed a sworn statement that the real estate was rented 
for very small annual rentals, that at Lincoln bringing in 
only forty dollars a year. Mrs. Lincoln appears to have re- 
ceived one half the bonds, or $18,532.58; she "made no 
claim to interest in the real estate." 1 

From 1872 to 1875 Mrs. Lincoln had enough income to 
free her from financial worries. In 1874 she is said to have 
written a will, but later to have destroyed or lost it. In 1875 
her estate went into court, and from that time until the fall 
of 1876 we again learn of her finances from the court 
records. 2 

In December 1875 Robert Lincoln asked the approval of 
the court in giving Mrs. Lincoln at Springfield the many 
trunks and boxes of clothing once stored at Milwaukee and 
Chicago. A similar petition related to a box of jewelry. 
One box is said to have been filled with keys. 

In June 1876 Robert Lincoln reported her estate as worth 
$68,750. Her income for the year was $11,140.35. Some 

l Bibliography, No. 153. * Records, Cook County, Illinois, Court. 



of this income, $4,264.38, was used to buy bonds to be 
added to the principal. Some of it was used to pay bills for 
lace curtains and other merchandise purchased before the 
first trial. The merchants had taken back part of the goods 
and credited the account with $549.83, and probably 
there were other credits of which there is no record. If the 
congressional appropriation of $22,000 be added to the 
amount Mrs. Lincoln received from her husband's estate, 
the sum practically equals the amount of the estate when it 
was placed in charge of Robert Lincoln in 1875. In this ten 
years she had spent her income from all sources, or most 
of it, but she had not used any of the principal. She had 
been extravagant at times and somewhat unwise in money 
matters, but she had been clear enough mentally not to spend 
any part of her principal. 

When N. W. Edwards testified that she had lived within 
her means in 1875 and 1876, he told the truth. From 1865 
to 1875 she had bought insanely and lavishly, and she had 
had a mad urge for money; but she had kept within her 
means. If Mrs. Lincoln's mentality were to be measured by 
that standard alone, then the only period in which she was 
unbalanced would be between 1861 and 1865. 

"Mary Lincoln, financier," date 1865, was bankrupt; 
" Mary Lincoln, financier," date 1875, was solvent good 
enough for a heavy loan at any bank. 

In 1882 Congress increased Mrs. Lincoln's pension to 
$5,000 a year, and gave her $15,000 in addition with which 
to meet her pressing obligations, of which, incidentally, she 
then had none. In explaining the increase in Mrs. Lincoln's 
estate between 1876, when Robert Lincoln relinquished his 
control as conservator, and 1882, when he became adminis- 
trator, the addition of this flat sum of money and the greater 
monthly pension payments for about half a year must be 
taken into account. 1 

Upon the death of Mrs. Lincoln her financial affairs again 

l Bibliography, No. 128, July 18, 1882 (New York City Library). 



became a matter of court record. 1 On October 4, 1882 Rob- 
ert T. Lincoln filed an inventory of his mother's estate show- 
ing a value of $77,555. The final and complete inventory, 
settlement, and report were filed on November 6, 1884, 
showing an inventory of $84,035. Robert Lincoln swore 
". . . that the personal estate of Mary Lincoln will proba- 
bly amount to the sum of $90,000." Between 1 876 and 1882 
the estate had increased from about $70,000 to about 
$90,000. It is true that during this time she had the help 
and wise counsel of Mr. Edwards, Judge Davis, and other 
friends, but not all of the virtue of the performance should 
pass to them. She was alone in Europe for four years, for 
one thing. In 1875 they thought she could not manage her 
property. The answer is the bankruptcy of 1865, set against 
the inventories of 1865, 1875, and 1882. 

" Mary Lincoln, financier," 1882, was a solid, substantial 
enterprise on a splendid financial basis and entitled to an 
A-i rating by Dun or Bradstreet. 

This statement is something more than fair to Mrs. Lin- 
coln, in that it implies great business acumen. To make it 
square with the facts, certain exceptional sources of income 
must be taken into consideration. 

Congress gave her two sums of money $22,000 at one 
time, and $15,000 at another. She received a pension of 
$3,000 for several years, and of $5,000 for several months. 
And the heavy debt was somehow satisfied without great 
reduction of Mrs. Lincoln's capital; the portion she paid 
was far short of the amount of the debt. To have a correct 
estimate of her financial ability we should count among her 
liabilities only so much of the debt as she paid. 

Mrs. Lincoln's investments were practically all gilt-edged. 
Her husband owned some of dubious value when he lived 
in Springfield, but his savings as President went into govern- 
ment bonds. Mrs. Lincoln's share of her husband's estate 

1 Book 9 of Inventories, p. 418; Probate Record, No. 24, p. 572; County Court, 
Sangamon County, Illinois. 



was in securities of this type, and whatever she added to it 
was of the same kind. In 1866 she wrote to N. Brooks 1 
asking him if he could sell " some Nevada claims and also a 
petroleum claim " which she then owned. Brooks says that 
among her holdings were certain wildcat stocks sent to her in 
her days of prosperity. She knew the breed and she tried to 
get them out of her strong-box. 

Finally, the period 1865 to 1882 taken as a whole was 
one in which investments increased in value. This was espe- 
cially true of the government bonds and other high-grade 
securities such as she owned. The great panic of 1873 and 
several lesser panics wiped out a multitude of fortunes ; many 
rich men were impoverished. These were passing episodes, 
however, the recession of waves. The period was really one 
of great growth in fortunes, in national wealth, in industry 
and commerce, and, most of all, in the power of money. 
Mrs. Lincoln had inherited the best of all securities, and she 
had retained and added to them. The inventory value of a 
given security was greater in 1882 than in 1865. Her invest- 
ments were in her country's future, and she sat by and saw 
them increase in value. 

It all sums up thus : Mrs. Lincoln at times spent money 
lavishly and prodigally, but she never spent enough to dis- 
turb or endanger her principal or to hazard her financial 

Worry about finances was an outstanding factor in the 
breakdown of her personality and mentality. Thought of 
money shaped many of her mental vagaries and peculiar 
activities after 1861, and especially between 1865 and 1871. 
She showed very poor financial judgment between 1861 and 
1865, when her relations with the New York merchants are 
viewed solely in that light; but in 1865 her financial judg- 
ment was good. It was also good after 1875, a period of 
legally established insanity. 

1 Bibliography, No. 25, p. 124. 



The Help and Harm 
of Politics 

He that leadeth into caftivity shall go into caftmty; he that Mlleth with 
the sword must be killed with the sword. 

REVELATION xiii, 10 

It were good, therefore, that men in their innovations wotdd follow the 
examfte of time itself, which indeed innooateth greatly, but quietly and 
by degrees scarcely to be ferceived* 



The Help and Harm 
of Politics 

climbed to the summit of her ambition, and they were 
one of the agencies that precipitated her downfall. Lin- 
coln's politics, and the relation of his wife to them, are a 
theme worthy of more space than can be given here. The 
only aspects considered at any length are the effects on Mrs. 
Lincoln of certain political battles. 

Elizabeth Norris x gives several illustrations of Mary 
Todd's Whig partisanship in her youth. When she went to 
Springfield, she merely transferred herself from one politi- 
cal atmosphere into another. 

When Abraham Lincoln married into the influential Todd 
family in Springfield, his friends thought he had strength- 
ened himself politically. Superficially considered, this did 
not prove to be correct. In the early forties he wrote some 
of his friends in New Salem that, while the people in Sanga- 
mon County had rejected him, he was happy in thinking that 
those who had known him longest and best the people of 
New Salem and Menard County were loyal to him. This 
was written twelve years after he had arrived in New Salem. 
Twelve years later still, he was to learn that his old sec- 
tion had deserted him politically, never to return not 
even when he needed them so badly in 1862 and i864- a 

1 Bibliography, Nos. 72 and 73. 

2 The facts as to the results of the several elections in Illinois in which Lincoln 



^f^f^f ^.r^r-f J~ J~ *->-*- r *~ f * < ~ ^-~-~- ^ ^^^..^^.^^.^.^.^.^^ .. _ ^.^ 

Considered more carefully, this charge of aristocracy which 
cut Abraham Lincoln so deeply as we know because he 
wrote of it more than once was of service to him politi- 
cally. It meant that his old Democratic and southern Illinois 
affiliations were breaking. Had these persisted, he would 
never have been President ; as they dissolved, he made new 
ties and found new supporters in the north end of the state. 
These were the foundations on which his political fortune 
after 1856 was built. 

Lincoln's political experiences between 1842 and 1860 
tried his mettle continuously. A man with less wisdom, 
shrewdness, and patience would have been eliminated very 
early. In the first half of the period he won but one con- 
test, and that only by an agreement between a group of 
three men, that each would have a try at one term in Con- 
gress. It is true that his other contests were hopeless be- 
cause he was running as a Whig in a state that always voted 
the Democratic ticket. Neither his successes nor his failures 
had particular significance for either him or his wife. In 
the second decade of the Springfield period Lincoln con- 
tinued to lose his political battles, the state being still con- 
sistently Democratic. The great event of supreme political 
importance to him was the death of the Whig party and his 
transfer to the Republican party. 

Mrs. Lincoln was a better Whig, with more Whig back- 
ground, than her husband. Her Lexington connections of 
one kind and another helped to convert him from a Whig 
on Illinois issues to a nationally minded Whig. In this period 
her political acumen prevented her husband from making 
two tactical mistakes of great moment. More than one 
biographer, basing his opinion on the events of this period, 
has said that Mrs. Lincoln had more political wisdom, fore- 
had SL political and personal interest were found in the following sources: T. C. Pease 
(Bibliography, No. 146); A. C. Cole (Bibliography, No. 43); the Daffy News Alma- 
nac; the New York Tribune Almanac. These sources supply some facts that are not 
matters of general information. My conclusions are based on these facts. 


ELECTIONS, 1856 TO 1864 

sight, and intuitive knowledge of men than her husband. 
She is credited by William H. Townsend * with having 
contributed indirectly to most of Lincoln's interest in and 
knowledge of slavery, at any rate. Mrs. Lincoln went with 
her husband into the Republican party whole-heartedly and 
without reservation. Dr. William E. Barton wrote : 2 " Mrs. 
Lincoln declared truthfully that when her husband left the 
old Whig party and joined a new party opposed to the exten- 
sion of slavery she encouraged him to make no half-way 
matter of it." 

After the election of 1856 Mrs. Lincoln wrote her half- 
sister Emilie Todd Helm: 8 "The election resulted very 
much as I expected, not hoped. Although Mr. Lincoln is, 
or was, a Fremont man, you must not include him with so 
many of those who belong to that party, as Abolitionist. In 
principle he is far from it. All he desires is that slavery 
should not be extended. . . . The Democrats in our state 
have been defeated in their governor so there is a crumb of 
comfort for each and all. What day is so dark that there is 
no ray of sunshine to penetrate the gloom ? " 

The election of 1 860 meant a great deal to Mrs. Lincoln. 
It demonstrated Lincoln's foresight in cutting away from 
his old southern Illinois supporters and taking up with the 
people of the north end of the state. In this election he car- 
ried Illinois because of that northern support, despite the 
disaffection of southern Illinois, including his old coun- 
ties, Sangamon and Menard. His views carried the north 
end of the state again in 1862 and also in 1864, the south 
end still being in the opposition. Mrs. Lincoln shared in the 
satisfaction which this confirmation of his judgment brought, 
but this was no more than a minor in its effect on her per- 
sonality. The exultation at the realization of her hopes was 
a powerful stimulus to that part of her make-up which we 
designate as drive. 

1 Bibliography, No. 176, p. 136. 3 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 124. 

* Bibliography, No. n. 


POLITICS, 1861 TO 1865 

The events of the presidential period had a different 
effect. The politics were more bitter than any she had ever 
known. To the ordinary animosities were added those of war 
politics. The politics of the period, while very harassing to 
Lincoln, were highly educational and even wholesome to 
him. Both his intellectuality and his personality were bene- 
fited by them. On the other hand, they were baneful to his 
wife. Senator Cameron linked politics with society as the 
leading agencies in tearing her down. 

Two of the many political battles of 1861 to 1865 espe- 
cially concerned Mrs. Lincoln. 

In 1864 she was intensely interested in Lincoln's re- 
election. If he failed, she saw no way out of her financial 
difficulties, for one thing. For another, re-election would 
vindicate her husband. The war would be over, and life in 
Washington should be more pleasant for both of them. The 
re-election of Lincoln may be considered one of the molding 
forces in her life, as had been the success of 1860. The vic- 
tory revived Mrs. Lincoln's interest in life. Under its stimu- 
lus her personality recovered from its period of introversion, 
isolation, and resentment. She regained her normal drive. 

Mrs. Lincoln was the victim of some political battles, 
largely within her husband's party and many of them not 
fought until after his death. For these there were many 
causes, but none approximated in importance the issue of re- 
union or reconstruction. That issue Lincoln foresaw in the 
very beginning, and he laid his plans early. He could not 
foresee how long it was to continue, how far-reaching it was 
to be, or how the animosities it engendered were to operate 
to the hurt of his family. 

Lincoln had an unusual capacity for seeing into the future. 
It was not supernatural, as some have said, but the result of 
a capacity to learn; of open-mindedness, clear reasoning, 
vision, and common sense. When he was debating with 
Douglas, he saw beyond the senatorial contest to the presi- 
dential election of 1860. Had those debates been covered 



by a present-day reporter rather than by a man of the 
Joseph Medill type, and in 1932 instead of seventy-odd 
years before, the headlines might have been: " Lincoln Puts 
Douglas on the Spot." When it came to making a new Mason 
and Dixon's line, Lincoln was far-seeing enough to move it 
from Pennsylvania to Tennessee. When it came to writing 
an Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln knew how to do it 
even to dividing Louisiana into three parts, like all Gaul, 
and Virginia into two. 

And Lincoln knew more about reconstruction in March 
1 86 1 than we know seventy years later. He never asked 
Congress to declare war. He started with the theory that the 
objective was to reconstruct the Union. He launched his war 
on that theory ; on that he fought and won it. 

When the question was fighting the war and providing 
machinery and money for it, " Old Thad " Stevens behaved 
like a wheel-horse; not even Stanton or Seward pulled better 
than he. But whenever the question of reconstruction bobbed 
up, " Old Thad " was at once fighting against, not with, Lin- 
coln, and he was able to draw in with him more than one 
prominent war statesman. By the end of 1864 the time had 
come to plan the reconstruction campaign. By February 
1865 the campaign was under way. Stevens had the House, 
and that was hopeless. Sumner must be captured; in him lay 
Lincoln's hope for the Senate. Sumner was assigned to Mrs. 
Lincoln. She was to get him for the trip to City Point. On 
that trip Lincoln hoped to win him over. Grant was to have 
a part in the program; he was to handle the old soldiers, per- 
haps with some help from Sherman. Alexander H. Stephens 
was to be the arm for the South. 

Toward the end the Cabinet knew about it and, so far as 
is known, all approved at that stage, though they had re- 
jected it cold when Lincoln had first asked them to con- 
sider it. 

It was not until Andrew Johnson was President and had 
met a few times with his Cabinet that he learned the plan 



and became a convert to it. In a short while the Lincoln re- 
union policy was known as the Johnson reconstruction pol- 
icy. The old Thad Stevens army of opposition to the Lincoln 
reunion policy was still aligned in hostility to it under its new 
name. Johnson lacked the political sagacity of his predeces- 
sor and permitted the interjection of new issues. What was 
even more vital, he failed to capitalize Lincoln's responsibil- 
ity for the plan. The bitter impeachment battle resulted. 

Allan Nevins * has written convincingly in proof of the 
similarity in essentials of the Lincoln reunion policy, as he 
terms it, and what is more commonly known as the Johnson 
reconstruction policy ; and the dissimilarity of both to the re- 
construction policy of Thad Stevens and his associates. 

C. H. McCarthy 2 understood the Lincoln plan to be es- 
sentially that of Johnson or, rather, the Johnson plan 
was essentially that of Lincoln and diametrically opposite 
to that of Stevens. But in his opinion the Lincoln plan was 
not complete in detail at the time of the assassination. 

However crude we may now consider Lincoln's plan, it 
should not be forgotten that with him the paramount con- 
sideration was the overthrow of the Confederacy. It was not 
without its advantages: it aimed to restore with as little 
technicality and innovation as possible the Union of the 
Fathers ; with some exceptions, the natural leaders of South- 
ern society were to participate in the work of reorganiza- 
tion ; and the author of this simple plan approached his diffi- 
cult task in a generous and enlightened spirit. 

McCarthy analyzed not only the Lincoln plan, but the 
reaction to it of several of the states, and expressed his con- 
fidence in Lincoln's ability to make it succeed, saying: 8 
" His uniform success in dealing with other embarrassing 
questions appears to justify the opinion that he would not 
have failed altogether in solving the greater problem pre- 
sented by the return of peace." 


1 Bibliography, No. 126, p. 51. s Ibid., p. 406. 

2 Bibliography, No. 116, pp. 496-7. 


It is a reasonable inference that A. C. Cole agrees with 
the Nevins and McCarthy opinion, that the Johnson policy 
of reconstruction was in principle the Lincoln policy of re- 
union; for he wrote: 1 "It seemed that Johnson inherited 
the elephant " a characterization which indicates the au- 
thor's opinion that the question might have been destruc- 
tive to Lincoln, as it proved to be to Johnson. However, says 
Nevins : 2 " The secret rejoicing of the radicals when Lincoln 
fell was the rejoicing of men who knew that he would almost 
certainly have been too strong for them." 

The impeachment proceedings against President John- 
son had their political foundation in the battle over recon- 
struction, although the contest itself was over secondary de- 
velopments. The animosities that these proceedings, as such, 
engendered were largely within the Republican party. 

Mrs. Lincoln was caught in the aftermath, at least twice. 
In 1867, when the proposed auction episode was attracting 
so much newspaper notice, the politicians were " in a frame 
of mind." Bitterness and hatred were in the air. Just when 
the politicians' nerves were at their rawest, Mrs. Lincoln 
made her mistake. When the vitriolic anger of Thurlow 
Weed and other politicians and political editors was poured 
out, it fell on her head and there was no protection 
for her. 

Next came the congressional battle over the pension. This 
lasted eighteen months, from first to last mostly latent, 
but flaring up periodically. It occupied space in the news- 
papers, as well as time in the Senate. In the debate everyone 
who mentioned Abraham Lincoln did so with praise, but 
many of those who spoke of Mrs. Lincoln spoke with dis- 
paragement. There were whisperings and innuendoes. 

This debate began in the Fortieth Congress, before the 
same Senate that had tried the impeachment case. In the 
action finally taken in the Forty-first Congress, there were 
twenty-seven senators voting who had also voted on the 

1 Bibliography, No. 43, p. 138. * Bibliography, No. 126. 



charges for removal on the impeachment; there were thir- 
teen senators still in the Senate who had sat on the impeach- 
ment trial, but who did not vote in the pension matter, being 
recorded as absent. Of the senators who voted to sustain 
the President, only one voted for Mrs. Lincoln, and six 
against her. Of those who voted to depose the President, 
fourteen voted for Mrs. Lincoln, and six against her ; four- 
teen others who voted in the impeachment proceedings had 
dropped out of the Senate. Of the senators new to the Forty- 
first Congress, fourteen voted for Mrs. Lincoln, and eight 
against her. During the debate the charge was made that the 
Democrats would vote for Mrs. Lincoln. The outcome 
showed that they had voted against her; they had voted for 
Johnson. They were for President Lincoln's policy of re- 
construction, but against his widow. Seven tenths of those 
who had voted against Lincoln's policy voted for his widow, 
and three tenths against her. 

This evidence seems to show that there was not much di- 
rect relation between the votes on these two matters. I do not 
claim that the partisanship for or against the one carried 
over into the consideration of the other, as such, to any de- 
termining extent. It is my contention that the bitter personal 
feeling, the hatred, and the partisanship developed in the im- 
peachment proceedings and trial determined the votes of 
many among both those for the pension bill and those 
against it. 1 

Certain dates given in juxtaposition will help in the under- 
standing of these relationships. The fight between President 
Johnson and Thad Stevens and his allies began in the 
spring of 1865. The wardrobe-auction episode occurred in 
September 1867. President Johnson was tried by the Senate 
in May 1868. Mrs. Lincoln's application for a pension was 

1 My conclusions as to the relations between the Lincoln reunion policy, the 
Johnson reconstruction policy, the debates and votes on the impeachment of Presi- 
dent Johnson, and the bill to pension Mrs. Lincoln are based on: Allan Nevins 
(Bibliography, No. 135); C. H. McCarthy (Bibliography, No. 125); and the daily 
reports of congressional proceedings as found in the Congressional Globe (Record), 



filed in January 1869, and the pension was voted in July 

Of the forces that dethroned Mrs. Lincoln's reason, none 
except the death of her husband and children outranked the 
two political conflicts between 1866 and 1870: the projected 
auction episode, and the pension fight. 



Was Religion A Help? 

// we are told a man Is religious, we still ask: What are his morals* But If 
we hear at -first that he has honest morals and is a man of natural justice^ 
we seldom think of the other question whether he is religious or devout. 



Was Religion A Help? 

household, but not puritanical or devoutly following 
church forms and exercises. Among the forbears of Betsy 
Humphreys Todd were ministers some of them of the 
New England variety but the home was not run as a New 
England preacher ancestor might have exacted. In Lexing- 
ton the family was Presbyterian. The adults attended that 
church with the customary regularity, and the children went 
both to Sunday school and to church. 

In Springfield Mary Todd was an Episcopalian. She was 
married by an Episcopal rector. After the death of Edward 
the family transferred its allegiance to the Presbyterian 
church, and Mrs. Lincoln attended this church until the 
family left for Washington. In Washington, also, the Lin- 
coins attended the Presbyterian church. The funeral exer- 
cises for Lincoln, both in Washington and in Springfield, 
were under Presbyterian direction. 

After leaving Washington, Mrs. Lincoln did not engage 
in any church activities or manifest any great interest in 
church affairs. The funeral exercises for Tad in Chicago 
were conducted by a Baptist clergyman, but those in Spring- 
field by a Presbyterian. Mrs. Lincoln's funeral sermon was 
preached by Dr. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church 
in Springfield. 

This easy transference of allegiance from one church to 



another might indicate that Mrs. Lincoln had not studied the 
creed of any church closely or had not accepted any one as 
superior to the others. She probably knew little about church 
tenets and changed from one to the other in accordance with 
the preferences of the household in which she happened to 
be living. It is generally accepted that her change of member- 
ship from the Episcopal to the Presbyterian church was be- 
cause of Lincoln's appreciation of the sermon preached by 
the Presbyterian minister at Edward's funeral. 

Nor is there evidence that Mrs. Lincoln studied, or even 
read, her Bible, as Mr. Lincoln did so frequently. She did 
not quote it in her letters, nor did she make reference to 
Biblical history or characters. 

But Mrs. Lincoln was religious, in spite of these para- 
doxes in her observances. Her conversation and writing gave 
evidence of a fundamental belief in God. She frequently re- 
ferred to God and His influence on the lives of men. Such 
statements as that God had protected her husband from 
harm showed her belief that God participated in the affairs 
of individual men. 

While her character and behavior were influenced to only 
a slight extent by the organized church, her religious ideals 
were responsible to a far greater extent for her acts and her 

The religious influence, if it may Be called such, which 
dominated her later life more than any other was spiritual- 
ism. She and Lincoln were somewhat under the influence 
of spiritualists before they went to Washington. In that city 
the contacts were more frequent and the influence was 

In the last century and a half there have been several re- 
vivals of spiritualism and, naturally enough, these have 
tended to come in times of war. The great waves of emotion 
which characterize war, the deaths of loved ones, the transi- 
tion from one world to another without that preparation 
of the emotions of those left behind which a death from 



disease gives opportunity for, recognition of forces beyond 
the control of men all this creates a soil in which spiritual- 
ism flowers. 

In 1 86 1 public circles in Washington were very much 
under the influence of the spiritualist cult. Many men of 
prominence were convinced or half-way persuaded. It was 
into such an atmosphere that the Lincolns came. There was a 
something in Lincoln's make-up which made him listen with 
a good deal of sympathy to what the members of this sect 
said. In Mrs. Lincoln an unwillingness to surrender her chil- 
dren to death supplied a strong urge to take up spiritualism. 
Her acceptance of enough of it to keep her in supposed 
touch with Willie after his death is evidenced by Mrs. 
Helm's diary. She again indulged in " spiritualistic visita- 
tions " after her husband's death and, somewhat, after 
Tad's. It appears to be true, however, that she was less 
in touch with spiritualists, and had fewer " visitations " 
after the last of the three deaths than after the other 
two, though Dr. Danforth told of some seances she partici- 
pated in. 

Just how close Mrs. Lincoln and, for that matter, Presi- 
dent Lincoln were to the spiritualists' organization is not 
easy to ascertain. There are books, pamphlets, and news- 
paper articles on the subject, but they leave one very much 
in the dark. There are no records signed by them and no 
written documents proving that they ever had any connection 
with the organization. We have no difficulty, however, in 
finding notices of visits by spiritualists in Chicago, Batavia, 
Springfield, and Washington. That these people were re- 
ceived and conversed with, there can be no doubt. But about 
it all there was always mystery. Names are seldom given, 
and addresses never. The allusions are to " mysterious visi- 
tors " and " unknown men." 

N. Brooks x credited Elizabeth Keckley with putting Mrs. 
Lincoln in the hands of a fraudulent spiritualist, who in 

1 Bibliography, No. 25, p. 64. 



1862 served as a medium through whom Mrs. Lincoln sup- 
posedly held converse with Willie. 

To sum up the effect of religion on Mrs. Lincoln's per- 
sonality : Her youthful grounding in religion contributed to 
her character, as well as to her behavior, and influenced her 
personality favorably. In the periods of storm and stress in 
her adult life, religion was not of great service to her. It was 
not a haven in which she took refuge, nor a rock on which 
she stood. It was not an instrument which she used, either 
as a shield or as a spear. The only religion, or near religion, 
which affected her emotionally in her great trials was spir- 
itualism, and that did her more harm than good. 



The Influence of Society 

f is an old saying A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with 



The Influence of Society 


JLI am referring to that which the society editor deals with, 
and not to the " society " of the sociologist. The possibility 
of being misunderstood has caused some society editors to 
seek to avoid trouble by calling the social group with which 
they deal " polite society." The connotations have prevented 
this term from finding acceptance. Some have tried " aris- 
tocracy " and other terms which imply exclusiveness, but in 
a democracy it is dangerous to use such words in connection 
with the name of anyone who depends on the people for 
support. In 1845 * Lincoln was writing letters and showing 
other signs of anxiety because the adjective " aristocratic " 
was being applied to him. 

Society did much for Mrs. Lincoln when she was in the 
constructive phases of her evolution. Then came the period 
of destruction, wherein it did its best to annihilate her. 

Mary Todd was born into no mean social atmosphere. 
She inherited the position in Kentucky of two generations 
of Todds, Parkers, and Porters. She knew the homes, the 
parents, and the young women of the best social circles in 
the Blue-Grass country. She spent years training for society 
and worked zealously to perfect herself in its arts. She was 
like a racehorse that was being prepared and pointed. For 
some reason, doubtless a good one, she did not make a social 

1 Bibliography, No. 9, p. 275. 



debut in Lexington, though she probably went to such parties 
as it was customary for a " sub-deb " to attend. 

It was in Springfield that Miss Todd had her social career. 
She made her debut under the powerful auspices of the 
Edwards-Todd clan, and she participated in all the social 
and socio-political functions of the vigorous new state capi- 
tal. She crowded into three years all of her social experiences 
as a matrimonially inclined young woman. 

Society was her friend in these years. If we accept the 
theory that she had an introvert personality, no part of the 
education of Mary Tofld was of greater benefit to her than 
that of these three years of young womanhood, because they 
required association with others. 

During the first part of Mrs. Lincoln's married life in 
Springfield, society neglected her in a way that caused those 
who knew her when she first came to Springfield to wonder. 
But she was a busy woman occupied with her babies, her 
husband, and her home; and she did not have much time to 
mope. Had there been fewer duties, the harm done by the 
social neglect would have registered more. 

In the later years of her married life in Springfield, soci- 
ety was more of a factor. Emilie Todd, afterwards Mrs. 
Helm, made her a long visit, and this helped the renewal 
of social relations with the acquaintances of the old days, 
and the making of new friends. After that, the Lincolns 
themselves gave some large parties, and participated in the 
social functions of the Executive Mansion. Springfield was 
doing its part in the education of Mrs. Lincoln for the posi- 
tion of Mistress of the White House. 

The first heavy debit against society in Mrs. Lincoln's 
account-book is that found among the Washington entries. 
Several of her biographers, and those who knew her best, 
gave her social ambitions as in the van among her great 
hopes and aspirations. She went to Washington giving evi- 
dence that she knew her social opportunity had come, and 
that she was ready to throw her great capacity for drive 



into achieving success. The drubbing Washington society 
gave her the social ostracism was part of her great 
frustration the greatest that had ever come to her. 

A careful reader of W. O. Stoddard's 1 story concludes 
that he placed this disappointment in the front rank of those 
forces which broke down Mrs. Lincoln's personality. Sena- 
tor Cameron, addressing the United States Senate, 2 charged 
Washington society with a full measure of responsibility. 

Between her arrival in Chicago in 1 865 and her departure 
for Europe in 1868, society ignored Mrs. Lincoln, but that 
did not harm her. In Washington she had had hopes, cher- 
ished ambitions, and dreamed dreams; social pre-eminence 
was among her desires. In Chicago she dreamed nothing; 
hope had been abandoned ; society now had neither rewards 
nor punishments for her. Her mind was running to plans for 
financial security, and she was indifferent as to the rest of 
the world. In Europe, from 1868 to 1871, she wrote letters 
to old society friends and occasionally referred to them 
in her letters, but what was in her mind, as her letters reveal, 
was the possibility of their helping her to get a pension. 
Adam Badeau 8 wrote that he pitied her because of her loneli- 
ness in London, but there is no acceptable evidence that she 
cared what people did or thought, except as this bore on 
the pension bill or as it related to Tad. In this period she 
was very much introvert and restless, and social interests 
would have been of great help to her personality. 

Chicago society continued to ignore Mrs. Lincoln after 
1871, and she returned a typical introvert response. She 
lived among strangers almost altogether between 1871 and 
1875. She wrote to no one. She lived in hotels and alone ex- 
cept for companion nurses. 

She was in Waukesha in 1874, in search of health; and 
the accounts tell us of trips to the spring and long, lonely 
walks, but not a word of social intercourse or of friendli- 
ness toward her. She was in Florida in the winter of 1874, 

1 Bibliography, No. 168. 2 Bibliography, No. 45. * Bibliography, No. 6. 



at least, and she must have looked in on society a little be- 
cause she wrote her impressions of Southern social life 
in a very detached way, almost as though she were among 
some foreign people, observing them and writing of them. 

She was still more of an introvert, or schizoid, 1 in Spring- 
field after 1875, and in France in the same period. Society 
was quite willing to pay no heed to her, and she was more 
than willing to be left alone. She saw almost no one except 
the members of her family and a few old friends, and if she 
wrote letters, I know of none that has been found. 

To the tragedy of Mary Lincoln society made just one 
major contribution the Washington experiences. But that 
was enough. 

1 "Resembling schizophrenia, a term applied by Bleuler to the shut-in, unsocial, 
introspective type of personality." Bibliography, No. 48. 



The Physical Phases of Her 

Mental and physical perfection are fundamentally connected and 
when the present causes of incongruity hove worked, themselves out, be 
ever found united. 



The Physical Phases of Her 

appearance her facial lines and angles, expression, 
size, stature, shape, and posture, all combined to make what 
is called, colloquially, " looks" are of two sorts : pictures 
of her, and written descriptions by a number of writers. 

The only pictures of Mary Todd prior to her marriage 
are the two or more portraits painted by Katherine Helm, 
based on a daguerreotype which may have been taken in 
1839 or possibly earlier. There are no other pictures for 
twenty years, so far as I have discovered. Some photo- 
graphs must have been taken between 1850 and 1860, but 
I have not been able to identify them. Between 1861 and 
1865 many were taken, and a letter to Brady shows that 
Mrs. Lincoln exercised critical control over the taking of 
these and over their promulgation. 

The group pictures of the Lincoln family were generally 
fabricated, but the individual pictures assembled to make the 
combinations were genuine. After 1865 the supply of pic- 
tures diminishes almost to the vanishing-point. I have found 
none taken later than 1871. 

There are several descriptions of Mrs. Lincoln's looks 
and carriage. Elizabeth Norris wrote of Mary Todd as she 
was at about the age of thirteen to sixteen. Miss Helm's 
description 1 of Miss Todd, and her paintings of her at 

1 Bibliography, No. 73. 



eighteen to twenty years, were doubtless criticized by mem- 
bers of the family who knew Mary in her younger years. 

There are several descriptions of her appearance as a 
young woman in Springfield society, and during the years of 
married life in Springfield. The society writers of Washing- 
ton tell of her appearance, and also of her dress and jew- 
elry, in 1 86 1 to 1865. Between 1865 and 1882 what is 
written relates more to her appearance as to health than to 
her looks. 


Mrs. Norris wrote of her appearance: 1 "She had clear, 
blue eyes, long lashes, light brown hair with a glint of 
bronze, and a lovely complexion. Her figure was beautiful, 
and no old master ever modeled a more perfect arm and 
hand. Even as a schoolgirl in her gingham dress she was cer- 
tainly very beautiful." 


Miss Helm's description of Mrs. Lincoln as she was in 
1840 is entitled to some consideration. It came from one 
of her family, on whose knowledge it was based. Besides, 
Miss Helm is a painter of portraits, and her best-known 
works are the portraits of her aunt. "Mary," said Miss 
Helm, 2 " although not strictly beautiful, was more than 
pretty. She had a broad, white forehead, eyebrows sharply 
but delicately marked, a straight nose, short upper lip, and 
an expressive mouth curling into an adorable, slow-coming 
smile that brought dimples into her cheeks and glinted long- 
lashed, blue eyes. . . . Spirited carriage of her head. . . . 
Plump round figure . . . intelligent bright face . . . 
lovely complexion . . . soft brown hair." 

Reproductions of two of the three portraits of Mary 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 52. * Ibid., p. 73, and Bibliography, No. 72. 

Mary Todd when about twenty years old. 

From a portrait painted from a daguerreotype, by Katherine Helm. 
The portrait is now owned by William H. Townsend. 


Todd painted by Miss Helm are found in her biography of 
her aunt, 1 and one in Townsend's Lincoln and His Wife's 
Home Town. These pictures show a good-looking, whole- 
some, healthy girl with fine features and an excellent car- 
riage ; a good neck, shoulders, and arms. The eyes are quite 
light in color, and the amount of the white ball showing is 
about right. The individual features are good. At the same 
time the combination is not one that would entitle her to 
the distinction of being called beautiful, without the use of 
a qualifying word. In no account of Miss Todd's appear- 
ance do we find her described simply as "beautiful." 


E. B. Washburne informs us 2 that I. N. Arnold was a 
friend of Abraham Lincoln's from 1840 to 1865, an d he was 
acquainted with Mrs. Lincoln until 1875, at least. Arnold 
describes her as : " Of medium height, and form rather full 
and round; a dark brunette with a rosy tinge to her cheeks, 
eyes gray-blue, hair abundant, and dark brown in color." 
This description probably applied to Mrs. Lincoln as Arnold 
saw her when he was being entertained in the Lincoln home 
in Springfield. This was principally about 1855. 

H. B. Rankin wrote of Mrs. Lincoln, as she impressed 
him in 1856 or thereabouts: 8 "In personal appearance 
Mrs. Lincoln was not strikingly commanding, nor was she 
considered handsome. . . . Her features, not of a strictly 
regular or beautiful type, were yet pretty when viewed in 
connection with her complexion, her soft brown hair, and 
her clear blue eyes. She was not of a conventional type. She 
had a plump, rounded figure and was rather short in stature. 
Physically, mentally, emotionally she was the extreme oppo- 
site of Mr. Lincoln." 

In what was written of Miss Todd in her young 

1 Bibliography, No. 73. 8 Bibliography, No. 149, p. 160. 

Bibliography, No. 4, p. 69. 



womanhood, we find no reference to shortness or plumpness. 
Most women expect to get stout after the age of thirty, and 
Mrs. Lincoln lived up to this expectation. The descriptions of 
her written after 1850 all include some reference to shortness 
and plumpness. This impression, which most people had of 
her, was partly due to contrast with her long, lean husband 
and partly to the styles. In 1860 dresses made the wearers 
appear latitudinous. But a part of Mrs. Lincoln's apparent 
dumpiness was due to the individual and not to the height of 
her husband nor to her clothes. She was stout, and her fea- 
tures carried a definite impression of fatness. And, as she 
became stouter, the descriptions of her became progressively 
less appealing to the vanity of a woman. 

One writer described Mrs. Lincoln when she entered 
Washington life as "ugly." Ben Perley Poore limited his 
criticism of her at her first reception to a statement that she 
wore a wreath of flowers " which did not become her." l 
Genevieve Forbes Herrick wrote: 2 "Abraham Lincoln and 
a short lady at his side, in blue and white checked silk, held 
their first reception." Dr. William E. Barton, though he 
doubted its accuracy, gave a story 8 to the effect that, as they 
started for the reception room, Lincoln announced: " Ladies 
and gentlemen, here is the long and the short of the Presi- 
dency." " The long," said Barton, " was six feet four. The 
short, five feet nothing. . . . But Mary Todd Lincoln 
walked proudly beside the tall man whom she always said 
she married in full faith that he would one day be President, 
c because, you know, he really isn't handsome.' " 

I have been able to find only one report which spoke of 
Mrs. Lincoln in this period as being pretty, or even hand- 
some. Most of the reports describe her clothes, her man- 
ners, or the way she carried herself anything but her 

Elizabeth Keckley described Mrs. Lincoln as follows : * " I 

1 Bibliography, No. 141, p. 116. * Bibliography, No. u. 

2 Bibliography, No. 77. Bibliography, No. 85, p. 28. 



saw a lady inclined to stoutness. She was about forty years 
of age. . . . She had a beautiful neck and arms, and low 
dresses were becoming to her." 

Stoddard said she was " a pleasant looking woman, well 
educated, and with a renown for keen wit." 

Senator James Harlan, the father of Mrs. Robert T. 
Lincoln, described Mrs. Lincoln at the first inauguration as 
being : " Fair, of about medium height, but, standing near 
her husband, by comparison seemed short." T 

Miss Helm, writing of the same period, 2 said she was still 
strikingly youthful and attractive in appearance. She was 
" fair and forty," but not fat, as she weighed only a hun- 
dred and thirty pounds. " Her hair, a lovely chestnut, with 
glints of bronze, had as yet not a gray thread. Her beautiful 
shoulders and arms gleamed like pearls. She held her head 
high, slightly tilted back, possibly because she had so tall a 
husband to look up to. She was not tall, but seemed shorter 
than she really was by the side of her towering husband. 
More than merely pretty, she was both brilliant and fas- 
cinating." Miss Helm's is much the most flattering descrip- 
tion of her aunt's appearance in 1861 to 1865 that has come 
from any source. Julia Taf t Bayne, 3 however, described Mrs. 
Lincoln in 1861 as being " nearly beautiful." 

Some time after 1876 Mrs. Lincoln lost flesh. Her rela- 
tives in Springfield describe her as being thin as well as short. 
They give her weight in that period as a hundred and ten 
pounds or even less. B. F. Stoneberger describes her as small 
and thin, almost wizened. The New York description of her 
as she returned from Europe in 1880 would indicate that 
she was senile in appearance. At that time she was " little 
and thin, wrinkled and gray, and she looked like an old 


1 Bibliography, No. 73, p. 167. * Bibliography, No. 17, p. 8. 

1 Ibid. p. 175. 



An analysis of Mrs. Lincoln's size, weight, posture, 
and features throws some light on her mentality and her 

Her head was large and broad. The cranium was so large 
that it indicated a brain of extra size and weight for the 
size and weight of its owner. Her method of combing her 
hair parted in the middle, carried laterally to expose the 
brow, and then downward to cover the upper two thirds of 
the ears accentuated the height and size of the brow and 
the size of the face. The dark color of the hair threw her 
prominent white forehead into further contrast. The com- 
bination of head and upper part of the face marks Mrs. 
Lincoln as of an intellectual type. This does not mean that 
all intellectuals have heads and upper faces of this type, but 
it does indicate a probability that she was an intellectual 

There are none of those prominences of the face which, 
when present, indicate enlarged sinuses, but which are usually 
credited to something else such as overhanging brows. 
The space between Mrs. Lincoln's eyes and between her 
eyebrows was broad. The eyebrows make one think there 
might have been " tricks of the trade " even in that day. 

Mrs. Lincoln's mid face tells us less about her type, espe- 
cially if we limit this region to the features between the 
brows and the upper lips. Her eyes were blue. Miss Helm's 
portrait gives the eyes an expression of directness and frank- 
ness, the keynote of the picture. In photographs taken in 
later years there is not the same domination of the whole by 
the expression of the eyes. While some of this difference in 
appearance is due to other causes, a part of it results from 
the pose, and a larger part from the relative size of the 
aperture of the lids. In the three portraits that Miss Helm 
painted, the eyes are never looking toward the spectator; 

By permission of il/r. Camtron 

Mrs. Lincoln. 
From a photograph owned by S. R. Cameron, Chicago. 


in the photographs the tendency was to take the face even 
more in profile. Mrs. Lincoln's later pictures do not indicate 
that her eyes were prominent. They appear to be somewhat 
small and inconspicuous features in a broad, fat face. What- 
ever the cause may have been, the effect was that her face 
lost one of its best features the expression of her youth- 
ful eyes as she acquired age. 

Mrs. Lincoln's nose was her poorest feature. A glance at 
her profile and near-profile pictures gives an impression of 
pug-nose. A closer look shows that the pug-nose effect was 
due to poor development of the bony part of the nose in the 
eye-and-bridge region rather than to an upturning of the 
tip. The lower part of the nose is better developed. When 
her features began to be changed by the deposition of fat, 
this lower segment of the nose received more than its quota, 
and no other change did more to rob her of her good looks. 
She ultimately became fat-nosed. 

Her cheek-bones were not high. In this region, as in the 
lower forehead, there was no indication of large sinuses. 
But if the mid section of the face, especially its bony frame- 
work, did not cause the mid face to push as far forward as 
the forehead and chin, it was broad enough in fact, too 
broad. Most of the suggestion of breadth of face, however, 
is found only in the later pictures, and resulted from the 
fattening process. 

Just as Mrs. Lincoln's "brain-box," forehead, and upper 
face proclaimed her an intelligent woman, the lower part of 
it stamped her as aggressive and determined. The configu- 
ration of the upper part of the face is determined by bony 
formations, the pattern being dependent on the need of 
space for brains. That of the lower part is determined by 
muscles and fat, as well as by the development of the upper 
and lower jaw-bones. Except in her youthful portraits, it is 
her mouth that dominates Mrs. Lincoln's features. Her lips 
were not broad and sensuous; in fact, they were not quite 
heavy enough without being thin-lipped. Had they shown 



a little more vermilion, she would have been better-looking. 
The distinguishing feature of her mouth was that it formed 
a straight line, curving neither upward nor downward, and 
her lips closed firmly. The upper lip was a trifle too broad 
because her nose was a little too short. Her lower jaw and 
chin were well developed. Her teeth met well, neither jaw 
protruding. She was not iron-jawed, nor was her chin square. 

If the face above the tip of the nose be covered by the 
hand, the part remaining in view appears to be rather over- 
developed. Much of that appearance was due to fat. But 
after allowing for that, the well-developed bones and the 
firm, strong muscles indicate that the possessor of that face 
knew what she wanted when she wanted it, and intended to 
get it if she could. 

Every picture shows a broad, sweeping curve or wrinkle 
extending from the nose region outward, passing below the 
eminence of the cheek, skirting round the corners of the 
mouth, and losing itself on the upper part of the lower jaw. 
The angles of the mouth are pulled downward ever so 
slightly, and the muscles, skin, and tissues are set in that 
position. This is the only suggestion of wrinkles that the 
pictures show. Wrinkles of the face, at least those which 
precede the criss-cross wrinkles of very old age, are the re- 
sult of persistent muscle-pulling. Had Mrs. Lincoln been 
a chronic laugher, that broad face-curve would have been 
more pronounced, and it would have pulled upward toward 
the top of the curve. Secondary upward curves would have 
developed around the corners of the mouth. As it was, this 
large curved wrinkle was of the type so frequently found in 
rather serious men whose features are a little too heavy. 
Had Mrs. Lincoln been more fun-making, the corners of 
her mouth would have had a different slant. Had she had a 
sense of humor, or better enjoyed a good joke, she would 
have had a rather different squint around her eye regions, 
and radiating wrinkles across the temples would have 



In her entire face there was not one bad feature. Nor 
were her features out of level or out of harmony and bal- 
ance. When she was young, she came very near being pretty, 
even strikingly so. Probably at every period of her life she 
was prettier than she was regarded. Her features were not 
of the type that give more than a fair break to their pos- 
sessors. There was a little too much face, and her brow was 
rather too prominent. The eyes showed not quite enough of 
the " clinging " type to prejudice in her favor. But it was, 
above all, the firm mouth and strong under jaw, the expres- 
sion of the face from the nose down, that would make her 
appear inferior to others in good looks. 

The change in Mrs. Lincoln's face that robbed it of its 
beauty was largely the result of the fattening process. As 
time passed and she stored up fat, it was her lot to have an 
undue amount deposited in her face. This coarsened her 
features and emphasized the effects of maturity. 

It is unfortunate that there is no photograph of Mrs. Lin- 
coln taken after her weight had fallen to a hundred and 
ten pounds, and her trials had caused muscle wrinkles to de- 
velop here and there. The chances are that she then regained 
something of her youthful good looks. At least her features 
were less heavy and coarse. 

When fat is absorbed in the neck region, longitudinal 
wrinkles appear. Probably in her time of emaciation her neck 
lost its beauty. But the face may have become more attrac- 
tive. It is the expressions of emotions, determination, joy, 
and sorrow that register on the face as wrinkles; the absorp- 
tion of face fat is of secondary importance. As the wrinkles 
came out around her eyes and mouth, and as certain features 
became less large, the likelihood is that she gained more in 
looks than she lost. 

Mrs. Lincoln's neck was always good. It was not even bad 
when she was stoutest. Her dresses usually showed her neck 

Her arms were also good. The Springfield Journal said 



she was a woman of great strength, meaning resistance, en- 
durance, persistence, and determination, rather than muscle 
strength. There are pictures of her, however, which show 
arms that might have had strong muscles. 

Her hands were small and very shapely. This indicates 
that her feet, as nature made them, were of the same type. 
The hands and feet are composed predominantly of bone, 
and the general type of the one is followed by the other. 
But talking of her feet is pure speculation. In that age 
women's feet were used to stand on. 

I have found no very definite statement as to Mrs. Lin- 
coln's height. We read that she was not short as compared 
with other women. She stood erect. Her posture was good. 
The probability is that she was taller than she gave the im- 
pression of being. No weight over a hundred and thirty is 
recorded, but she must have weighed more than that part 
of the time. The impression she gave was of an under- 
height, overweight woman at least, after 1855 and until 
about 1876. 

Her movements were quick and suggestive of aggressive- 
ness. She spoke a little rapidly. 

Students of Mary Lincoln's personality should not over- 
look the lessons which a close study of her face, head, and 
physical characteristics convey. 



Her Mental and Personality 

The mind is its own flace y and in itself 
Can make a heaven of hell) a hell of heaven. 

MILTON, Paradise Lost 


Her Mental and Personality 

intellectual ability. She wrote no books, and no state 
documents are attributed to her. She was not a professional 
woman, nor a leading light in anything. She was no Queen 
Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Cleopatra, Madame de Stael, 
nor even a Dolly Madison. She did not engage in intrigue, 
and she made no impression on public affairs. Her name 
will go down in history as that of a wife. 

There would be no popular interest in her as a wife except 
that she was the wife of Abraham Lincoln, the most studied 
and the most frequently portrayed man in American 
public affairs, at least. Even though she was the wife of 
Lincoln, she might have escaped exceptional public interest 
but for certain things that were said about her. Those of 
her qualities that are discussed relate to her personality 
rather than to her intellectuality. The peculiarities of her 
behavior resulted from her emotions rather than from her 

Popular interest in her continued to the end of her career, 
even in those years after her husband had died and she was 
living a private life in retirement, where her behavior was 
interesting because it was peculiar. Here, again, the interest 
was in the personality rather than in the intellect, because 
her conduct was determined by an insanity of her emotions, 
rather than of her mind. 



To make the distinction between thinking and feeling, 
between emotional acts and those dominated by intellect, 
between intelligence and personality, and to hold these dis- 
tinctions always clearly in mind, is not an easy matter. 

The distinction that Webster makes is as follows : * 
"Personality. That which constitutes distinction of person; 
distinctive personal character; individuality. Personality 
implies complex being or character having distinctive and 
persistent traits, among which reason, self-consciousness, 
and self -activity are usually reckoned as essential." 

"Mentality. Mental endowment or acumen; mental 
power; mind considered as a characteristic." 

The definition of " mentality " given by the Oxford Dic- 
tionary is: 2 " Intellectual quality, intellectuality." 

The term " personality " is used here in a broad sense. 
It includes intellectuality (which, in turn, includes intelli- 
gence and mentality). It also includes emotional reactions, 
personal appearance, facial expression, carriage. Its major 
heads are physical, intellectual, and emotional. There are 
many minor heads, such as character, taste, likability, 
energy, aggressiveness, habits, graciousness, and many 
others. In Mrs. Lincoln the greatest interest attaches to 
her emotional reactions. That which set her apart all 
through the years of her adult life was her personality, 
and particularly that part of it which related to her emo- 
tional reactions. From the reputed contact of the child 
Mary with Henry Clay, to the end of Mrs. Lincoln's days, 
the impressions she made on people related principally to 
the emotional. She had likes and dislikes, and these begot 
likes and dislikes in others. She had animosities, and these 
were paid back in the same medium. 

1 Bibliography, No. 185. * Bibliography, No. 124. 




Mary Todd at about eight years of age is described by 
William H. Townsend x as : u A sprightly but curiously 
complex little creature, high-strung, headstrong, precocious, 
warm-hearted, sympathetic, and generous; fond of birds, 
flowers, party dresses." We do not know where this very 
careful investigator found the basis for this estimate. If she 
was fond of flowers and birds at the age of eight, she lost 
that fondness before she reached twenty-eight. Neither she 
nor Mr. Lincoln showed a fondness for flowers in Spring- 
field or in Washington. 

Frances Wallace wrote: 2 " Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Lin- 
coln loved the beautiful. I have planted flowers in their 
front yard myself to hide nakedness, ugliness, etc. . . . 
have done it often and often. Mrs. Lincoln never planted 
trees, roses . . . never made a garden ; at least, not more 
than once or twice." 

Katherine Helm, who did not know her aunt, but who 
knew of her from her own mother and other members of 
the family who did, uses these descriptive terms about 
Mary Todd : 3 " Very studious. . . . Far in advance of 
other girls of her age in education. ... A mind that en- 
abled her to grasp and thoroughly understand [this is 
Mrs. Norris's statement]. . . . The life of the school . . . 
companionable . . . vivacious. ... In this Kentucky period 
she was imperious, impatient, and tending to revolt." 


Emilie Todd Helm, who was at home when Mrs. Lincoln 
visited Lexington in 1847 and 1848, who visited Mrs. Lin- 
coln in Springfield in 1856 and in Washington in 1862, and 

1 Bibliography, No. 176, p. 51. * Bibliography, No. 73. 

2 Bibliography, No. 182, p. 289. 



who had the further advantage of discussing her half-sister 
with their close relatives, gave this estimate of her: l " She 
was singularly sensitive. She was also impulsive and made 
no attempt to conceal her feelings; indeed, it would have 
been an impossibility had she desired to do so, for her face 
was an index to every passing emotion. . . . Without de- 
siring to wound she occasionally indulged in sarcastic, witty 
remarks that cut like a Damascus blade; but there was no 
malice behind them. She was full of humor, but never un- 
refined. Perfectly frank and extremely spirited, her candor 
of speech and independence of thought often gave offense 
where none was meant." 

J. F. Newton wrote of her : 2 " Mary Todd, a Kentucky 
girl of distinguished lineage, highly cultured, compact of 
brilliance, coquetry, and wit. . . . Lincoln had not met 
such a woman before, and he was captivated by her clever- 
ness, vivacity, and beauty." 

Some of the qualifying statements about her as a young 
woman are: "... as spirited, accomplished, and self- 
confident a young woman as Springfield had ever seen " ; 8 
"... brilliant, witty, highly educated, ambitious, spirited, 
with a touch of audacity." * 

Of the exhibit material awaiting analysis none surpasses 
some letters which she .wrote to friends and social acquaint- 
ances. These reveal a young woman of education and a 
good letter-writer. She was vivacious and witty. Her letters 
were filled with gossip, mostly very kindly, but some of it 
critical. Plainly, her mind ran to people and social events. 
She was interested in what was happening and what was 
being said. These letters, when compared with those written 
to friends in later years, are seen to lack some of the grace, 
form, and ceremonial of the later products, but they show 
that the interest she had in people was just as character- 
istic in 1840 as it was in 1870 and in the years between. 

1 Bibliography, No. 72. Bibliography, No. 170, p. 043. 

* Bibliography, No. 127. Bibliography, No. 172, Vol. I, p. 173. 



We can accept that, then, as an ingrained quality of her 
mind. 1 

Extracts from three letters written to Emilie Todd, later 
Mrs. Helm, in 1856, illustrate well this quality of Mrs. Lin- 
coln's mind her interest in personalities and events. She 
wrote : 2 " Colonel Warren gave a bridal party to his son, 
who married Miss Birchall. . . . Miss Dunlap is spend- 
ing the winter with her sister, Mrs. Me, looking very 
pretty, but the beaux do not appear so numerous as the 
winter you passed here. . . . Dr. and Mrs. Brown, also 
Mr. Dwight Brown and his wife, are residing here. . . . 
I saw Elizabeth this afternoon. . . . Julia and Mrs. Baker 
are in Peoria at the fair, from thence go to St. Louis. . . . 
Julia has nothing but her dear husband and silk quilts to 
occupy her mind. How different the daily routine of some 
of our lives I . . . Nothing pleases me better than to re- 
ceive a letter from an absent friend, so remember, dear 
Emilie, when you desire to be particularly acceptable, write 
me one of your agreeable missives and do not wait for a 
return of each from a staid matron and, moreover, the 
mother of three noisy boys. . . . Reminds me of your ques- 
tion relative to Lydia M. The hour of her patient lover's 
deliverance is at hand. They are to be married privately, I 
expect. . . . Some of us who had a very handsome dress 
for the season thought it would be in good taste for 
Mrs. Matteson, in consideration of their being about to 
leave their present habitation, to give a general reception. 
. . . This fall, in visiting Mrs. M., I met a sister of 
Mrs. Maginnis, a very pretty, well-bred woman from 
Joliet. . . . Frances Wallace returned two or three days 
ago from her visit to Pennsylvania. . . . Mr. Edwards's 
family are well. . . . Mr. Baker and Julia are still with 
them. Miss lies was married some three weeks ago. . . . 
Mr. Scott is frequently here playing the devoted to Julia. 

1 The Peoria letters owned by Oliver R. Barrett and Logan Hay are also good 
illustrations of Mrs. Lincoln's gossipy tendencies. 

2 Owned by Miss Helm. Bibliography, No. 73, p. 120 ff. 



... I suspect the family would not be averse to him. . . . 
Charley R. was on a visit to him in Lexington. . . . He, 
it is said, is to be married this winter to Jennie Barrett, a 
lovely girl. Mr. R. took tea with us an evening or two since 
and made particular inquiries about Mother. Still as rough 
and uncultivated as ever, although some years since mar- 
ried an accomplished Georgia belle with the advantage of 
some years in Washington." 

In the writings about her social life she is described as 
having been talkative, bright, and an excellent conversa- 
tionalist, so long as she was allowed to pick her own ground. 
Her talk was almost altogether about people and events 
personalities and gossip. She was not especially good at the 
exchange of social chatter, but when it came to saying clever 
things or reciting some event in which she could imitate 
someone, she was a source of great merriment. She had 
plenty of wit, but she was without humor. She could make 
others laugh, and was very fond of doing so, but she was 
not a good laugher. No one has ever pictured her with a 
twinkle in her eye, and her pictures never show the crow's- 
feet at the outer corner of the eye, nor the upturned corners 
of the mouth, which comedians know mean mirth. 

Her wit was cutting at times, and sometimes what she 
said hurt. Her mimicry also made some enemies for her. 
A fair estimate is that she was admired more than she was 

She did not " mother " her beaux nor flatter them by 
simulating an interest in them. She dazzled rather than 
warmed them. Her conversation was not flattering nor 
soothing to those on whose ears it fell. She was not a " cling- 
ing vine." No sap-headed boy left her presence certain that 
he was a Daniel Webster, or a " mute, inglorious Milton." 
No boy loved her from the same impulse that made him 
love his mother. The reaction to her in society was com- 
posed far more of admiration and even wonder than 
it was of sympathy, friendliness, and affection. 



Ward H. Larnon describes Mrs. Lincoln as ". . . high- 
bred, proud, brilliant, witty, and with a will that bent every- 
one else to her purpose. Her tongue and her pen were 
equally sharp." x 

J. W. Weik, following Herndon, as he nearly always 
did, wrote: 2 " She was an excellent judge of human nature; 
a better reader of men's motives than her husband. . . . 
A shrewd observer. . . . She coveted place and power 
. . . wanted to be a leader in society, and her ambition 
knew no bounds. . . . She was devoid of patience, toler- 
ance, and self-control." 

Dr. William E. Barton uses the following terms : 3 " Pas- 
sionate, high-strung, extremely temperamental, ardent, quick 
to fly into a passion, and as ready to get over it. ... She 
never did anything by halves. She either loved or hated, 
and she did it with intensity." 


Emotionalism is a part of the picture of Mrs. Lincoln, 
from the earliest record we have. Until her marriage there 
were few limitations and fewer restraints. When exacting 
interests, such as those of wifehood, motherhood, and the 
cares of the household, began to limit Mrs. Lincoln, and 
life started to multiply restraints, certain peculiarities of 
her personality began to come to the fore. They had been 
present all the time, but hitherto they had not been dis- 
cordant or out of harmony. Now they commenced to be 
sources of disharmony. The spirit which so many admired 
in the girl grew to be in the woman the temper which made 
enemies. The gossip which in the girl was harmless enough 
now aroused unpleasant gossip in return. The tendency to 
criticize, to mimic, to make fun of people while it made 
her no friends, but was even admired in her schoolgirl days 

1 Bibliography, No. 99, p. 238. 

1 Bibliography, No. 186, pp. 94-7. 

1 Bibliography, No. u. Also No. 9, Vol. II, p. 410. 



now was provocative of enmities. The out-of-the-ordi- 
nariness which in the young girl caused laughter, entertained, 
and was esteemed brilliant, now became proof of abnormal 
personality. The quality in the young person was the same 
as that in the older, except that it had grown stronger or, 
coming back to the harmony simile, louder. But the setting 
was not the same. Dissimilarity in setting and in degree 
caused the quality to be looked on differently. 


Charles F. Gunther, who began collecting Lincoln relics 
while Mrs. Lincoln was still alive, bought objects of interest 
to Chicago and to her during the years when she was resi- 
dent in that city. Mr. Barrett says that some of these were 
brought to Mr. Gunther by Mrs. Lincoln herself, and others 
she sent by messenger. Among the articles purchased by 
Mr. Gunther and later sold to Mr. Barrett was a book, 
The Elements of Character, by Mary G. Chandler, 1 on the 
title-page of which was written: " Mary A. Lincoln." The 
handwriting is Mr. Lincoln's, and the supposition is that 
he wrote " A. Lincoln n in the book, and subsequently pre- 
fixed " Mary " to it. Marks were found on the margin of 
various pages. On the fly-leaf Mr. Gunther had indicated 
the location of these marginal lines and had written that 
they were made by Mr. Lincoln, which information he, pre- 
sumably, received from Mrs. Lincoln. 

It is reasonable to infer that Lincoln saw that his wife 
was not getting along as well as she might. He had been 
somewhat disturbed over the way she had taken Edward's 
death. He had other reasons for thinking that all was not 
going well with her. He may have sensed that some of the 
trouble lay in her personality, although in that day psy- 
chologists knew but little on that subject. He was a politi- 

1 Bibliography, No. 31. 

No. i 

No. 2 

No. 3 

No. I. Signature from a copy of a 
book on character written by 

Miss Chandler, 
owned by Oliver R. Barrett. 

By permission of -YTr. Barrett 

No. 2. Signature from the back of 

a photograph of Mrs. Lincoln, 

owned by Oliver R. Barrett. The writing 

is probably that of Mrs. Lincoln. 

By permission of Mr. Barrett 

No. 3. Mrs. Lincoln's signature, 
from one of her letters in the possession of 
the John Hay Library, Brown University. 
By permission of the John Hay Library 


cian, and a skillful one, and every politician is a good prac- 
tical psychologist, whether he knows it or not. Lincoln knew 
as much about applied psychology as the professors did. 
As he read this book, he probably decided that his wife 
could read it with advantage. It had something that she 
needed. Let us examine it analytically, looking for light 
on what Lincoln thought of his wife's personality, of her 
qualities that might be bettered, and of suggestions as to 
how to better them. 

There is a chapter on character, most of which is given 
over to statements of the author's opinions on what is not 
character. She held that character is a spiritual develop- 
ment, for which in the end one will receive the rewards and 
the punishments to which it is entitled. " But if we do not 
succeed in attaining true health, wealth, and power, the re- 
sponsibility is all our own." 

On page 10, in the same chapter, this is marked: "A 
wisely trained character never stops to ask, What will 
society think of me if I do this thing or leave it undone? " 
The spirit of the passage and its setting is: " Hew to the 
line, let the chips fall where they may." 

Another marked passage in this chapter (though not 
listed by Mr. Gunther) reads: " If we would train char- 
acter into genuine goodness, we should observe whether 
evil in ourselves or in others offends us because it is opposed 
to the will of God. If the former be the case we shall find 
ourselves angry; if the latter, we shall be sorrowful. Anger 
is, in its very nature, egotistic and selfish." 

A marked paragraph on page 36 refers to children who 
are governed by their affections. (Preceding chapters had 
been concerned with children governed by imagination, and 
with others governed by thought.) "There is still a third 
class of a calmer aspect. Its members may not shine so 
brightly, but there is more warmth in their rays. They will 
not learn so much nor so rapidly as some, but their whole 
being is permeated by what they know. They are constantly 



out. This was very embarrassing to Mrs. Grant. " She was 
absolutely jealous of poor ugly Abraham Lincoln," wrote 
General Badeau. 1 

General Horace Porter, who was also in the hack, wrote 
a story 2 about Mrs. Lincoln's outbreak, but he attributed 
it to the jolting she got from the team trotting over a 
corduroy road. 

Other instances of Mrs. Lincoln's jealousy were given by 
Badeau. " She was jealous of Mrs. Orne for riding horse- 
back with Lincoln. . . . She became frenzied. . . . She 
called Mrs. Orne bad names . . . tried to have General 
Orne removed. . . . During all this visit similar scenes 
were occurring. Mrs. Lincoln repeatedly attacked her hus- 
band in the presence of officers, and I never suffered greater 
humiliation and pain. . . . General Sherman was a wit- 
ness of some of these episodes and mentioned them in his 


General W. T. Sherman does mention at least one of 
these episodes. 3 He tells of discussing it with Captain 
Barnes, who was also a witness. However, he does not 
give jealousy as the reason for Mrs. Lincoln's outbreak. 

General Badeau quotes Mrs. Stanton as saying that she 
did not visit Mrs. Lincoln. She refused to go to Ford's 
Theater with President and Mrs. Lincoln the night of the 
assassination unless General and Mrs. Grant would go. 
" I will not sit without you in the box with Mrs. Lincoln," 
Mrs. Stanton is quoted as having said to Mrs. Grant. The 
context of this quotation indicates that General Badeau 
thought Mrs. Stanton was actuated by fear of Mrs. Lin- 
coln's jealousy of her husband. 

This is all the evidence I know of that jealousy of her 
husband was one of the bad qualities of Mrs. Lincoln's 

1 Bibliography, No. 6. (This letter is in the New York Library, and is marked 
"Ford Collection." It is from General Adam Badeau, dated January 8, but with 
no year. It may have been 1875.) 

2 Bibliography, No. 142, pp. 412, 414. 
* Bibliography, No. 159. 



personality. I do not think there is enough proof to sustain 
the charge. Too many frank people, eager to find unkind 
things to say, made no reference to Mrs. Lincoln as jealous 
even what might be termed normally so. 

In the main, the influences which operated on Mrs. Lin- 
coln's personality prior to 1861 were constructive, while 
those of the succeeding years were destructive. In each pe- 
riod there were subordinate forces as well as those that 
dominated, and in between there was a border zone in which 
the groups were nearly of equal importance. 

We may say, roughly, that after she went to Washing- 
ton, the destructive forces were in the ascendancy. In that 
life the strain on her personality became immeasurably 
greater. It was her twilight zone. Most of the analyses of 
her personality written by those who knew her then dealt 
with her shortcomings ; though some who wrote were close 
enough to see and to write of qualities that the herd knew 
little of. Of these W. O. Stoddard was the only one with 
good opportunities for observation, coupled with a back- 
ground of understanding. An old Illinois friend and politi- 
cal supporter of her husband, he was serving as a private 
secretary to the President, in charge of personal as distin- 
guished from political relations, and in daily contact with 
Mrs. Lincoln for almost four years. He wrote of her good 
mind and her other good qualities, and he also told of 
her personality and the difficulties it raised for herself and 
others. This he did in a frank, straightforward way un- 
derstandingly and kindly. 

It is difficult to say just when Stoddard got the opinions 
and matured his own views, as expressed in the next state- 
ment quoted. 1 His book did not appear until 1884, but it 
deals with the 1861-4 period and is written in the pres- 
ent tense. It seems probable that he set down his views 
at the time he was writing of, but that he made additions 

1 Bibliography, No. 168, p. 62. 



and subtractions before publishing them, twenty years 

" At first it was not easy to understand why a lady who 
could be one day so kindly, so considerate, so generous, so 
thoughtful, and so hopeful could upon another day appear 
so unreasonable, so irritable, so despondent, even so nig- 
gardly, and so prone to see the wrong side of men, women, 
and events. It is easier to understand it all and to deal with 
it after a few words from an eminent medical practitioner." 

This can only mean that some time prior to 1864 a physi- 
cian recognized Mrs. Lincoln's trouble and told Stoddard 
what it was, and that thereafter he was able to recognize 
the limits of her responsibility. Could others have known as 
much as Stoddard did, history would have been kinder to 
Mary Lincoln. 

F. B. Carpenter has very little to say about Mrs. Lincoln. 
He gives one story 1 of an exchange of repartee with Secre- 
tary of War Stanton, which serves to show her spirit and 
her quickness of wit. What, for our purposes, is more im- 
portant, this sally is an illustration of the type of witticism 
which made Mrs. Lincoln so many enemies. 

Mrs. Keckley made several statements of her opinion of 
Mrs. Lincoln's mentality; 2 among these: " She was shrewd 
and far-seeing." 

The impression which Julia Taft Bayne 8 got of Mrs. 
Lincoln was that of a kindly, loving, and very considerate 
woman, although she gives at least two minor instances in 
which Mrs. Lincoln took advantage of her position as First 
Lady to get for herself dresses, ribbons, and other articles 
of adornment that belonged to other people. At one time, 
seeing on the hat of Mrs. Bayne's mother, Mrs. Taft, some 
ribbon which she fancied, she connived to get it off. The re- 
quest quite flabbergasted Mrs. Taft and she was disposed 
to refuse and resist, even to the extent of sitting on her hat. 

1 Bibliography, No. 28, p. 201 * Bibliography, No. 17, p. 43. 

9 Bibliography, No. 85, pp. 136, 204. 


Mrs. Lincoln, 
from a photograph owned by Oliver R. Barrett. 


In her indignation, she told Mr. Taft of the astounding re- 
quest. He recognized that women in good society do not pull 
ribbons out of other women's hats, but this case was differ- 
ent. Mrs. Lincoln lived in the White House. Mrs. Taft did 
not sit on her hat, and Mrs. Lincoln got the ribbon. This, 
and other similar incidents, caused Mrs. Bayne to write: 
11 Mrs. Lincoln wants what she wants when she wants it, 
and she accepts no substitute." 

Mrs. Bayne gives another occurrence which tells us some- 
thing else of Mrs. Lincoln. On this occasion she told young 
Julia of Edward, her son who had died more than ten years 
before. She grew very emotional in her recital of Edward's 
good qualities and of the circumstances of his death. Soon 
she was crying hysterically, just as though his death had but 
recently occurred. 

Mrs. Lincoln had a mind far above the average quality 
as regards capacity for observation, for ability to read and 
in other ways acquire information, and for analysis. Her 
mind was of the introvert type, but with great determina- 
tion, force, and drive. She had a good memory and an ade- 
quate use of words. Her judgment was about as good as 
that of the average person, and she was not without wisdom. 
She had more than the usual insight into motives what 
is called " intuition." She could foresee, but otherwise her 
imagination was not above the average. 

Her rating on other qualities which, added to mentality, 
went to make up her personality, is as follows: 

Her society manners were exceptionally good. Her per- 
sonal appearance, features, facial expression, stature, build, 
and posture were in her favor. She had physical as well as 
social grace. She was emotional, with the qualities of a per- 
son given to obeying the emotions. She responded unhappily 
to restraint. She evoked admiration, envy, and jealousy 
more than she did friendliness, fraternal spirit, sympathy, 
and love. She liked to shine ; she did not care to warm, or, if 



she did, she did not know how. She had character and the 
idealism and basic religious feeling of the people of breed- 
ing and character from whom she sprang, but she was not 
consistent in observing religious forms. She was a virtuous, 
domestic woman, with the principles of such women. 

The weak points of her mind were : too great seriousness 
and an inability to laugh at herself; capacity to ridicule 
others, but not herself ; lack of hurnor. Except for her hus- 
band and children, her family affections were not strong. 
She did not have an artistic sense, nor love of beauty for 
beauty's sake, in either color, form, or sound. " She wanted 
what she wanted when she wanted it," and she could not 
stand failure to get it. 

Great weaknesses of her personality, in addition to those 
indicated in their contrast relations, were : inability to with- 
stand restraint; a tendency to hysteria; and a disposition 
to disregard the point of view and feelings of others, to give 
offense, to resent criticism, to give way to anger, to remem- 
ber hurts, to be revengeful. Jealousy was a minor in her 
make-up, but envy was a major. 

No psychologist nor psychiatrist has ever stated the mat- 
ter better than did Samuel Butler, nor could anyone sum- 
marize Mrs. Lincoln better than did that wise philosopher 
when he wrote : x " All our lives long we are engaged in the 
process of accommodating ourselves to our surroundings; 
living is nothing else than this process of accommodation. 
When we fail a little we are stupid. When we flagrantly fail 
we are mad. A life will be successful or not, according as the 
power of accommodation is equal to or unequal to the strain 
of fusing and adjusting internal and external chances." 

1 Bibliography, No. 27. 



On the Rocks 

With curious art the brain too -finely wrought 
Preys on itself and is destroyed by thought. 


Woe! woe! to all who plunder from the immortal mind 
Its bright and glorious crown. 



On the Rocks 

begins. For our purposes we class Mrs. Lincoln's mind 
as insane after 1865, and what follows in this chapter bears 
particularly on its disturbed qualities. 


None of the physicians * who testified when Mrs. Lincoln 
was on trial were specialists in mental disorders. In conse- 
quence, they made no effort to diagnose the type of their 

1 The physicians who attended Mrs. Lincoln were all men of standing. Dr. N. S. 
Davis was born in New York in 1817, graduated in medicine in 1834, and came to 
Chicago to become a professor in Rush Medical College in 1849. He is commonly 
known as " the father of the American Medical Association." In 1875 he was the 
most prominent medical man in Chicago. Dr. H. A. Johnson, born in 1822, was 
graduated from the University of Michigan in 1849, an d ^ rom ^ us * 1 Medical College 
in 1852. He and Dr. Davis were among the founders of the Chicago Medical 
College. For many years he was a member of the Chicago Board of Health. Dr. R. N. 
Isham was also a prominent physician. He was born in 1831, and was graduated 
from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1854. He was in charge of the Marine 
Hospital for several years and, in addition, was an associate of Drs. Davis and John- 
son on the Chicago Medical College faculty. Dr. S. C. Blake was city physician of 
Chicago from 1865 to 1867. Dr. R. M. Paddock lived in the south-western corner of 
Cook County, in the direction of Joliet. Dr. T. W. Dresser was born in 1 837. He was 
graduated from the Medical University of New York City in 1864. Dr. R. J. Patter- 
son, born in Massachusetts in 1816, was graduated in medicine in 1842. He founded 
the Bellevue Place Sanatorium at Batavia, Illinois, in 1867, but before that he had 
been connected with hospitals for the insane such as the Ohio Insane Hospital, 
Indiana Insane Hospital, and Iowa Insane Asylum. He was an associate of Drs. 
Davis, Johnson, and Isham on the faculty of the Chicago Medical College. Dr. Willis 
Danforth was born in 1826 and was graduated at the Rock Island Medical College 
in 1849. For several years he was Professor of Surgery and Gynecology at the 



patient's insanity. They swore briefly that she was insane, 
irresponsible, and unable to manage her property. 

Dr. T. W. Dresser, her family physician for years and 
the son of the minister who married her and Mr. Lincoln, 
wrote: 1 " While the whole world was finding fault with her 
temper and disposition, it was clear to me that her trouble 
was a cerebral disease." He meant that he knew her to be 
insane, but beyond that he did not go in his diagnosis. 

One of the physicians who testified, Dr. Willis Danforth, 
gave a description of her behavior in some detail, but made 
no attempt to interpret the meaning of her symptoms. He 
described hallucinations of sight and hearing, and various 
others, including delusions of persecution. 

After her death, the Chicago Times 2 had a story of her 
mental disturbance which contained the following informa- 

" She became possessed of some peculiar whims. One was 
that she would suddenly come to poverty and want. She 
could not be shaken out of this belief even though she ad- 
mitted that she owned $60,000 in bonds and she had no 
debts. Another queer fancy she had was for accumulating 
window curtains. While staying at a hotel in Chicago, with 
no prospect of ever again keeping house, she had piled up 
in her room over sixty pairs of lace curtains. When her mind 
was instable she rarely bought articles singly. When she 
purchased dress-goods, it was by the bolt, lace curtains in 

Chicago Homeopathic College. At the time he attended Mrs. Lincoln, in 1872 and 
thereabouts, his office was at 1224 Wabash Avenue (old number), Chicago. About 
1880 he moved to Milwaukee. Dr. Charles Oilman Smith was born in Exeter, New 
Hampshire, in 1828; was graduated from Harvard University in 1847, went to 
Philadelphia for his medical education, and was graduated from the University 
of Pennsylvania in 1851. He settled in Chicago in 1853. Drs. Davis, Johnson, 
Isham, Danforth, and Smith testified in the 1875 trial. Dr. Blake was on the jury. 
Dr. Paddock was on the jury in the 1876 trial. Dr. Smith also attended Tad in his 
last illness, and Drs. Davis and Johnson were consultants. Dr. Danforth attended 
Mrs. Lincoln at times between 1872 and 1875. Dr. Patterson was in charge of 
Mrs. Lincoln at Batavia. Dr. Dresser attended her in Springfield. 

i Bibliography, No. 75c, p. 351. 

8 July 17, 1882. 



pairs, watches in threes. On one occasion it was the entire 
stock of one article." This is confirmed by accounts from 
other sources. 

In Eddie Foy's narrative of his life, 1 there appears some 
evidence from his mother as to Mrs. Lincoln's symptoms, 
after 1871 and before 1875. He wrote: " Mother was em- 
ployed as a sort of nurse, guard, and companion to Mrs. 
Lincoln." He fixed the period as beginning in February 
1872 by relating the period of employment to the date of 
Jim Fiske's death. Continuing, he said: " Mrs. Lincoln had 
always been a woman of rather unusual disposition. After 
her husband's assassination she fell into deep melancholy 
and after her son Tad died, she suffered from periods of 
mild insanity. She had many strange delusions. At these 
times she thought gas was an invention of the devil and 
would have nothing but candles in her room. At other times, 
she insisted on the shades being drawn and the room kept 
perfectly dark. Mother was with her at Springfield most of 
the time but made one or two Southern trips with her in 
winter. The position was a trying one and Mother gave it 
up twice, but each time the kinsmen induced her to come back 
after she had had a short rest. She remained with Mrs. Lin- 
coln until toward the close of the latter's life, when that un- 
fortunate lady became so much unbalanced that the family 
thought it best to place her in a private sanatorium." 

On August 28, 1875 Dr. Patterson wrote a letter, 2 ad- 
dressed to the editor of the Chicago Tribune, giving an 
account of Mrs. Lincoln while in the sanatorium. " She is 
certainly much improved, both mentally and physically, but 
I have not at any time regarded her as a person of a sound 
mind. ... I heard all the testimony at the trial and saw 
no reason to doubt the correctness of the verdict. I believe 
her now to be insane. . . . The question of her removal 
has received careful consideration. . . . The proposition 
having been made that she should go and live with her sister, 

1 Bibliography, No. 60. * Bibliography, No, 83, September I, 1875. 



*^-^*^"^'^'^'^'^'^'^ n -*^-* n -*^-*' J '~*' -r-*-~*~-*~-n-*^*^-*~~*~^*~-*~-n-*--*--^^'^'^>^'^^>^^^^ i^i^^i^ ^ i*i^ 

I at once said if she should do this in good faith I should 
favor it. ... In accordance with this, Mr. Lincoln [Rob- 
ert] made efforts to transfer her to Springfield. ... It is 
well known that there are certain insane persons who need 
what, in medico-legal science, is termed c interdiction,' which 
does not necessarily imply restraint. If time should show 
that Mrs. Lincoln needs only the former, all will rejoice to 
see any possible enlargement of her privileges. ... I am 
still unwilling to throw any obstacles in the way of giving 
her an opportunity to have a home with her sister. But I am 
willing to record the opinion that, such is the character of 
her malady, she will not be content to do this, and that the 
experiment, if made, will result only in giving the coveted 
opportunity to make extended rambles, to renew the indul- 
gence of her purchasing mania, and other morbid mental 
manifestations. . . ." Returning to her behavior more di- 
rectly, he said: "She will not remain indoors except by her 
own choice more than two or three waking hours of any day. 
She receives calls from ladies of her acquaintance in Bata- 
via and may return them. She has been called on by General 
Farnsworth and by some of her relatives from Springfield." 

On July 2, 1875 the Illinois State Journal copied a story 
from the New York Tribune, which was written by a special 
correspondent and gives evidence of stating Dr. Patterson's 
opinions, as follows : " No restraint other than a prudent 
supervision is necessary. At present her derangement ex- 
hibits itself mainly in a general mental feebleness and inca- 
pacity. No encouragement is held out that Mrs. Lincoln 
will ever become permanently well." 

Dr. E. Swain, a dentist and Civil War veteran who lived 
near by, called on Mrs. Lincoln at the sanatorium. He re- 
ported that she was under the delusion that she was still in 
the White House. 

A reporter who visited the sanatorium, because of re- 
ports that had grown out of the Bradwell correspondence, 
also wrote that Mrs. Lincoln was under the delusion that 



she was still in the White House, and that Mr. Lincoln was 
with her. At times they were alone together, she thought, and 
over him she exercised a motherly care. At other times pub- 
lic receptions were being held, or important visitors were 
being entertained. She complained of rappings on the wall, 
and of people talking in the next room. She had many hal- 
lucinations and not a few fixed delusions. She showed irre- 
sponsibility in her purchases made in Aurora. She was al- 
lowed to drive through the beautiful surrounding country, 
and she called on some of the neighbors and was visited by 
them in turn. 

After Mrs. Lincoln's release from Batavia and until her 
death she behaved differently. A change had come over her 
and she was quite unlike her former self. She was no longer 
aggressive or offensive; she fought no battles, indulged in 
no hysteria. She did not purchase goods wildly nor show 
other evidences of prodigality. She traveled but twice, and 
both trips showed judgment. Her long, quiet stay in Pau, 
away from emotions and people who excited them, was wise 
in its conception and in its execution. Her trip to New York 
was for a purpose. But these incidents, occurrences, and at- 
titudes do not mean that mental soundness had been at- 
tained; they mean that Mrs. Lincoln had acquired the 
ability to yield to restraint self-restraint and restraint by 
others. She continued to have hallucinations and delusions, 
to be at once a miser and a spendthrift (though both quali- 
ties were restrained), to cherish grudges against her family 
and friends, to keep in a dark room, and to avoid life. Even 
more significant, they confirm the opinion that her person- 
ality was of the introvert type. 

This introvert type of personality disturbance Mrs. Lin- 
coln manifested in a striking way from the time she was re- 
leased from the sanatorium until her death, in 1882. It is 
true that the European record is most fragmentary, but such 
information as there is indicates that Mrs. Lincoln lived the 
life of a hermit. What is said of her in Springfield goes to 



prove that she lived away from everybody and everything 
after she returned from Europe. 

In 1882 there was some evidence of slowly developing 
dementia. Laura C. Holloway says : x " During the last few 
months of her life she was most of the time little cognizant 
of what was taking place about her." 


When Mrs. Lincoln's sanity was passed on legally, the 
feature of her mental disturbance which her son and his 
lawyers had largely in mind was unsound judgment in 
financial matters. In the ten years preceding this trial Robert 
had felt some responsibility for his mother and her affairs, 
and it was this phase of her behavior that had occasioned 
him most worry. He knew that it had been the cause of 
the auction and the pension episodes; and the bitter experi- 
ences of these had greatly impressed his young mind. Much 
of the evidence presented at the first trial, and practically 
all of that brought out in the second, related to Mrs. Lin- 
coln's ability to manage her property. 

Nothing in Mrs. Lincoln's history prior to the middle or 
latter part of her Springfield residence throws any direct 
light on this quality. As to the Springfield days, there are a 
few references to frugality, combined with a tendency to 
spend money somewhat extravagantly on dress. 

About a month before the family was ready to leave 
Springfield, Mrs. Lincoln did something that has been in- 
terpreted as being the first indication of mental disturbance. 
This was going to New York " to make purchases for the 
White House." Katherine Helm says 2 she went, and for 
the purpose indicated. The Cleveland Herald carried a 
news item that Mrs. Lincoln and party had passed through 
that city en route to New York. On January 17 Mrs. Lincoln 
wrote to Judge David Davis from New York. On Janu- 

* Bibliography, No. 80, p. 544. 2 Bibliography, No. 73. 



ary 24 she was back in Springfield. Beyond doubt the pur- 
pose of the trip was to shop, but it is not certain that she 
bought anything for the White House except, possibly, 
some curtains. Probably " the purchases for the White 
House " might better have read: " purchase of dresses to 
be worn in the White House." 

Much more significant are those financial tangles in which 
Mrs. Lincoln was involved after she got to Washington, 
coupled with the reports of coexistent parsimoniousness and 

Elizabeth Keckley's narrative is supplemented by evi- 
dence from other sources. After due allowance has been 
made for carping, there remains enough proof to estab- 
lish the fact that Mrs. Lincoln, between 1861 and 1865, 
was most foolishly extravagant and at the same time de- 
cidedly near, close, or frugal. 

Between 1865 and 1871 the mania for getting money 
drove her into embarrassing situations. It caused her to write 
letters in which she fawned and pleaded for help and in 
which she was also very uncomplimentary and unfair to 
those who failed to meet her exactions. In this period she 
indulged in some extravagances. Occasionally the character 
of these indicated insanity, as was testified at the trial. After 
1871 the mania for money-getting was not particularly 
manifested, and after 1875 the extravagance in buying and 
other spending was less in evidence. Frugality now de- 
veloped into miserliness and dominated the mind of Mrs. 
Lincoln on its financial side. 

An illustration of the nature of her imbalance is sup- 
plied by a controversy which she precipitated in 1881. Mrs. 
Lincoln was advised by Dr. Lewis A. Sayre to get a maid or 
nurse, because of her crippled condition caused by the Pau 
accident. She replied that she could not afford one ; her means 
were limited to her pension of $3,000; she formerly had had 
an income of $1,400 from her husband's estate, but she 
had lost that. 



This interview started an unfortunate discussion. The 
Springfield (Illinois) Journal* quoted Jacob Bunn as say- 
ing his bank ". . . held in trust for her bonds worth 
$60,000, the interest on which is $2,120 yearly. This is in 
addition to her pension. While she was in Europe she spent 
all her income, frequently drawing it in advance. But since 
then she has saved $5,000. She now has a capital of $65,- 
ooo and her yearly income is $5,300." Mr. Bunn's state- 
ments were more than conservative. 

The three-cornered fight in her mental make-up between 
the desire to get, the desire to spend, and the desire to 
hoard had lasted for nearly forty years. Sometimes one 
combatant was on top, sometimes another. In the final 
stretch miserliness held the field of battle. 

Mrs. Lincoln inherited her financial type of mind. In her 
childhood she and her teachers must have failed to catch 
the meaning of the Tenth Commandment, and thus she 
missed something she greatly needed. Her financial mental 
qualities had no opportunity to show themselves prior to 
her marriage. The influence of her husband's prudence 
helped to develop the frugality feature of her complex. 
Anticipated social demands of the White House caused her 
to remove the restraints from her desire-to-spend quality. 
Her urgent need of money between 1865 and the beginning 
of her pension was responsible in that period for the com- 
plete dominance of the mania for getting money. When 
she received her pension in 1871, acquisitiveness, extrava- 
gance, and frugality resumed their interrupted contest. The 
testimony given at the trial made her aware of the error 
of her extravagance, as well as its futility, and after that 
miserliness had no difficulty in dominating this field of her 

This complex of mania for money, extravagance, and 
miserliness paradoxical as it appears to laymen is 
well known to psychiatrists. It is present in many people 

* July 1 8, 1882. 


who are accepted as normal. In Mrs. Lincoln I think the 
majority of psychiatrists would hold that it was developed 
to the point where it did not prove actual insanity; that, 
at most, it made of her not more than a border-line case. 
All would agree as to the disintegrating effects of her 
worries over financial insecurity. 


Mrs. Lincoln inherited a considerable degree of emo- 
tionalism, though in her forbears it was generally under 
control and was not developed beyond the capacities of 
the individual. Elizabeth Norris's account 1 indicates that 
emotionalism was so prominent in Mary Todd as to be 

The first account of a manifestation which was serious 
in itself was that which followed the death of Eddie. 
(Dr. William E. Barton did not think it was of great im- 
port at that time.) The deaths of Willie, Tad, and Mr. 
Lincoln were responsible for outbreaks that were of great 
influence. These prolonged hysterical outbreaks were not 
manifestations of a diseased mentality, and it is not as such 
that they are given prominence in the portrayal of Mrs. 
Lincoln's behavior. 

When she mourned as she did, she was influenced partly 
by the customs of her day and partly by her upbringing. 
We must judge her by the customs of her times, and not by 
those of ours. 

Lyle Saxon quotes 2 from the diary of Lestant, who de- 
scribed life in Louisiana in 1850. In a part of the diary he 
deals with mourning customs and emotional exhibitions of 
women, as follows : " The painful tale was told my aunt, 
who immediately fainted, and during the day had many 
fainting fits, which followed each other in rapid succession. 
Her grief was great, and her cries and lamentations so 

1 Bibliography, No. 72. * Bibliography, No. 155, pp. 234-6. 



painful that everyone present could not but sympathize 
with her, and in the whole house the whites and blacks were 
bathed in tears. . . . Her grief continued. For the next 
week she went from collapse into collapse." 

The tragedies in Mrs. Lincoln's life occurred only twelve 
and fifteen years after the period of which Lestant wrote, 
and Mrs. Lincoln followed a method of mourning gen- 
erally in vogue during her youth. She wore deep-mourning 
clothes and mourning jewelry, wrote on black-bordered 
paper, and talked and wrote of her dead from 1865 until 
she died. She followed almost the same method for three 
years prior to 1865. This was not greatly out of line with 
the customs of the time. 

Nor is our boasted twentieth century civilization above 
the influence of environment on mourning methods. There 
are circles in which wild and hysterical mourning is the rule, 
and quiet acceptance of death raises questions. We have 
seen the poor impoverish themselves by extravagant ex- 
penditures on funerals; and recent history is replete with 
stories of barbaric splendor at the grave-side of murderers, 
racketeers, and other social outcasts. 

The significance of Mrs. Lincoln's mourning was twofold. 
It tended to wear down such emotional stability as she pos- 
sessed ; it was a cause of her trouble, and not a manifesta- 
tion. And it demonstrated a lack of equilibrium, stability, 
and poise. This lack was shown in the tantrums of her child- 
hood. There were other outbreaks of temper at other times. 
It was this quality, becoming more and more evident, that 
caused Lincoln to tell his wife in Washington that she was 
letting her prejudices and her dislikes spoil her political 
judgment. The crowning manifestations of her resentment 
of frustration were her emotional outbreaks upon the deaths 
of her husband and two children. 

Yet while Mrs. Lincoln had temporary periods of great 
emotionalism during her years of insanity, this quality was 
not a continuing or characteristic symptom. 




Since hallucinations were so prominent in the composition 
of Mrs. Lincoln's disturbed mind, and since these were not 
due to the use of drugs, we must look for an explanation to 
two causes: one, her type of mind; two, the experiences of 
her life. 

Hallucinations are almost normal with a considerable 
percentage of children. The psychiatrists recognize what 
they term the eidetic type of mind. Stedman's Medical Die- 
tionary defines " eidetic " as : " Relating to the power of 
visualization of objects previously seen or imagined. An 
eidetic person is one possessing this power to a high degree." 
Children of this type are given to realistic day-dreams in 
which they see people and scenes with great particularity 
and detail. They are credited with lying about these visions 
with a coolness and assurance that cause parents and courts 
great apprehension. It is, to a degree, a phenomenon of 
childhood. Not much training is required to bring these 
eidetic children out of the danger zone and to land them in 
a state of assured normalcy. The specialists in children's 
behavior say, however, that this eidetic type continues to 
manifest itself throughout adult life, though not in vagaries 
of vision. Persons of the type have photographic memories, 
remember poetry well, can reproduce what they see or hear 
in art or music. Some of them become spiritualists, and 
some develop hallucinations. 

No one tells of any ancestor from whom Mrs. Lincoln 
might have inherited eidetic qualities, nor is there any story 
of her youth or childhood that shows her to have an eidetic 
constitution. Emilie Todd Helm's diary 1 contains the first 
reference to Mrs. Lincoln's hallucinations. This related to 
manifestations in 1863. 

It was certain that Mrs. Lincoln was very much under the 
influence of spiritualists and spiritualism. Her words, as 

1 Bibliography, No. 72. 



Mrs. Helm quotes them, 1 were evidently based on spir- 
itualist dogma and creed. They were not the creations of a 
disordered brain, and, not being so, they lose much of their 
significance. An ability to agree with an unsound belief, or 
to accept it as a religious creed, may indicate a lack of well- 
balanced judgment, but it is not proof of mental unsound- 
ness. In Mrs. Lincoln, as is so often the case with spiritual- 
ists, wishful thinking was the chief reason for acceptance. 

At the time of Mrs. Lincoln's trial the significance of 
spiritualism and its possible relation to insanity was under 
discussion in medical circles. It was in this period that 
Dr. W. A. Hammond, 2 the leading psychiatrist of the times, 
wrote a book entitled Spiritualism and Allied Causes and 
Conditions of Nervous Derangement. Dr. Patterson was 
certainly acquainted with Dr. Hammond's views, and Dr. 
Danforth, who also said much about Mrs. Lincoln's visions, 
may have known of it. Dr. Hammond was of the opinion 
that spiritualism was both a cause of insanity, and a mani- 
festation of mental unsoundness that at least bordered on 
the pathologic. The rather general acceptance of the Ham- 
mond view in 1875, and for several years thereafter, mili- 
tated against Mrs. Lincoln. 


Dr. Patterson based his opinion that Mrs. Lincoln was 
irresponsible partly on her " wanderlust." 

Prior to 1861 Mrs. Lincoln traveled very little, when all 
things are considered. She went to Springfield and back to 
Lexington in 1837. In 1839 she returned to Springfield and 
stayed there steadily for twenty-two years, with the excep- 
tion of one trip to Niagara, one to Washington, two or 
three visits to her family in Lexington, and one or two 
short trips. Between 1861 and 1865 she developed some- 
thing of a mania for travel her foot " itched for the 

1 Bibliography, No. 72. * Bibliography, No. 68. 



road," in the parlance of the hobo. She indulged this " foot- 
itch " enough to bring harsh criticism. 

Between 1865 an ^ I 8?i she went to New York on busi- 
ness once, and she visited her husband's grave in Springfield. 
She went to health resorts several times. Most of the time 
she had no home and stayed in hotels at resorts nearly as 
much as she stayed in them in Chicago. On the first trip to 
Europe she kept Tad in school, but she moved about some- 
what extensively and frequently. 

After 1871 and until 1875 she appears to have wandered 
most of the time. In several instances, however, her visits 
were in search of health. Between September 1875 and 
October 1876 she stayed closely in her sister's home in 
Springfield. Then came the second trip to Europe. She 
appears not to have traveled much during those four years in 
Europe. Her two visits to New York after 1880 were for 
the purpose of securing expert orthopedic advice. 

The conclusion is that Dr. Patterson over-emphasized 
Mrs. Lincoln's desire to travel in his diagnosis and prog- 

Mrs. Lincoln's personality was the basis of her trouble, 
and part of this was the result of inheritance. A larger part 
was due to her education formal and informal, youthful 
and adult, school and life. Her undoing was the reaction 
between her personality and the experiences of her life. 
C. L. McCollister says : x " There appears to be a limit to 
the amount of mental stress and physical strain that every 
individual is capable of bearing, determined not only by the 
inherent qualities of the individual, but also by the envi- 
ronmental conditions during the formation period of early 

Mrs. Lincoln's insanity was an emotional disturbance. It 
was not until she was approaching the end that she devel- 
oped any considerable degree of dementia. Hallucinations 

1 Bibliography, No. 117. 



and delusions, over-emotionalism, lack of poise and stabil- 
ity, poor judgment proceeding from prejudices and dislikes, 
a paradoxical combination of miserliness and extravagance, 
and an urge to travel were symtoms of her disorder. More 
important than these symptoms, in ascertaining the type 
of her insanity, was her habit of shutting herself in and 
excluding the world, particularly when she failed to ac- 
complish what she wanted. This was the more significant 
because, mixed with this quality, were aggressiveness and 
determination, both very prominent in her behavior 
at times. She had an introvert personality, and she devel- 
oped an insanity which was of the emotions, now called 
" involutional." 


There is no accepted definition of insanity. Courts have 
one definition, physicians a second, and lay people a third. 
Not infrequently one court will decide that a person is 
insane, while a second court will come to a contrary decision. 
Physicians show the same lack of agreement. It is not to be 
wondered at that persons who wrote of Mrs. Lincoln dif- 
fered as to when she became irresponsible. 

W. O. Stoddard saw that something was wrong soon 
after 1861. The Chicago Times wrote of her: 1 " She had 
always been of a nervous temperament. After her husband's 
assassination she appeared always to be weighed down with 
woe, and after the shock of Tad's death was added, she 
showed marked symptoms of insanity. Many of her old- 
time friends say she showed signs of insanity as far back 
as 1860." 

It is true, as the Times said, that it had been suggested 
that she was insane before she went to Washington. Some 
of the " Springfield tradition " said she was mentally un- 
balanced in the second decade of the Springfield era. These, 

1 July 17, 1882. 



however, were just gossipy stories and were never seriously 

Jane Gray Swissheim wrote : * " I think she was never en- 
tirely sane after the shock of her husband's murder ; but on 
most subjects she was entirely clear." 

Lloyd Lewis says 2 that Abraham Lincoln gave Mrs. Lin- 
coln's mental state as one reason for having Robert con- 
tinue in college rather than go to war. His words are: 
" Since her sanity was always a matter of tender concern 
to her husband, he had feared that her reason would topple 
over if he [Robert] had been exposed to the dangers of 
war." This implies a fear of insanity in 1861. 

The Chicago Tribune states: 3 "This death [Tad's] 
following that of her husband and, more remotely, that of 
two other children, has been a fearful blow to Mrs. Lincoln. 
Her physician [Dr. C. G. Smith] dreads that it may produce 
insanity, though he is hopeful of averting so sad a calamity." 
The Chicago Tribune* the day after the first trial, traced 
her insanity to the death of her husband, saying the death 
of Tad was a contributing cause. 

Robert T. Lincoln 5 regarded his mother as unbalanced 
as early as October 16, 1867. O n that date he wrote Mary 
Harlan, who later became his wife: " My mother is 
on one subject [money] not mentally responsible. . . . 
It is hard to deal with one who is sane on all subjects but 

Eddie Foy, basing what he wrote on what his mother 
told him, set the date of onset as 1871.' His mother, in 
turn, was repeating what she had heard from Mrs. Lin- 
coln's physicians, family, and friends. 

Laura C. Holloway sets the date of onset as 1865, say- 
ing : 7 ". . . from the time of Mr. Lincoln's death ... a 
mental wreck . . . would never recover." 

1 Bibliography, No. 169, July 18, 1882. * Bibliography, No. 73, p. 267. 

2 Bibliography, No. 101, p. 29. Bibliography, No. 60. 

* July 1 8, i 871. 7 Bibliography, No. p 80, pp. 539 ff. 

4 May 20, 1875. 



H. C. Whitney * was of the opinion that Mrs. Lincoln 
was not responsible for her acts after April 1 865. 

F. F. Brown quotes the Hon. A. G. Riddle as agreeing 
with this, in these words: 2 ". . . the national calamity 
which unsettled her mind, as I always thought." 

I. N. Arnold fixes the date of Mrs. Lincoln's mental aber- 
ration as i87i: 8 "After 1871 Mrs. Lincoln, in the judg- 
ment of her most intimate friends, was never entirely re- 
sponsible for her conduct. She was peculiar and eccentric 
and had various hallucinations." He describes her mental 
attitude and conversation in the summer of 1865, however, 
as being quite normal. 

If called upon to decide between these several opinions, 
I would say that Mrs. Lincoln was irresponsible after April 
1865, and that between 1861 and 1865 she should not be 
held accountable for some of her actions. 

1 Bibliography, No. 190. Bibliography, No. 4, p. 433. 

2 Bibliography, No. 26. 



Mutual Influence 

Tew great men have flourished who, were they candid, tcould not ac- 
knowledge the vast advantage they have experienced in the earlier years 
of their careers from the sfirit and sympathy of woman. 


A fearl becomes red by the nearness of a rose. 



Mutual Influence 

over twenty years old, and he was over thirty. When 
they were married, she was nearly twenty-four years old, 
and he was well on towards thirty-four. In the interval 
of more than three years there was a period of about 
eighteen months in which he saw very little of her. Their 
married life lasted nearly twenty-two and a half years, dur- 
ing which time they became the parents of four boys. To- 
gether they bore the sorrow caused by the death of two of 
them. They enjoyed together the training and upbringing 
of these children, one to four years, two to twelve, one to 

Abraham Lincoln gave his wife opportunity. Through 
him she came to be Mistress of the White House. He was 
responsible for her acquaintance with many great men and 
women. He was a politician with great acumen, and she, 
too, was politically minded. Together they met defeats and 
celebrated victories. Discussing this theme, one might be 
justified in an excursion into these fields and many others, 
but that would raise more questions than can be settled. 

Several of their objectives were held in common. That 
he influenced her through his intellect and his personality 
needs no argument. It can be accepted as a fact, and the 
only question to argue is as to the limits and bounds of that 
influence. That she influenced him can also be accepted. The 



questions to be discussed, then, are: How? In what quali- 
ties? Within what limits? 

When two such different, even divergent, types of mind 
as those of this husband and wife are mated for more than 
twenty years, there must be adjustments. 

Dr. William E. Barton wrote : x " Abraham Lincoln and 
Mary Todd were divinely constituted to make each other 
uncomfortable, and it is fortunate that they were made so. 
. . . She helped him to become a great man by not making 
him too comfortable. Some men do not know how much 
they have to be thankful for in this regard. . . . Mr. and 
Mrs. Lincoln were not always happy together, but their 
lives supplemented and enlarged each other. . . . They 
took each other for better or for worse and they, and the 
world, were better for it." 

Mrs. Lincoln's mind crystallized early; Mr. Lincoln's, 
late. Lincoln could learn from almost anyone ; Mrs. Lincoln, 
after maturity, could not learn much from anyone. His was 
a type of mind that offers large possibilities for adult edu- 
cation ; hers was of the opposite type. 

Lincoln's mind did not have great influence in shaping 
that of Mrs. Lincoln. This is not saying she did not learn 
from him, for she did. She was never a patient, forbearing, 
forgiving woman that she could not be as long as she re- 
tained confidence in herself. She did acquire, however, a 
little of these qualities, as perhaps the following incidents 
may show. 

She disliked Jacob Bunn and wrote about him in anger to 
Elizabeth Keckley, but she restrained her irritation and met 
him graciously. She had some tiffs with the Mathers and, 
remembering that they had fought her husband politically 
more bitterly than she thought they should have done, she 
refused to allow Lincoln's body to be buried in the ground 
bought for the purpose from the Mathers. And yet when she 
returned to Springfield, she went one day to the Mather 

1 Bibliography, No. xi. 


home, wearing her deep widow's weeds, to show the family 
that she was willing to forget and be friends. She did not 
like William H. Herndon, but in 1866 she wrote him an ap- 
pealing, kindly letter, in response to a letter asking for an 
interview, and she saw him when she went to visit her hus- 
band's grave, greeting him in friendly fashion. 

She learned something of Lincoln's patience and forbear- 
ance, but not much. Whatever business capacity she had she 
must have learned from him, because previously she had 
had no business experience, and between 1865 anc * 1882 she 
showed considerable business ability. Certainly she learned 
politics and a measure of statecraft from her husband. How- 
ever, summing up all we know, and applying what is known 
of psychology, the conclusion is that Lincoln did not succeed 
in greatly changing his wife's personality or her mental 
type. He tried when he gave her Mary G. Chandler's book. 
Doubtless he tried all his married life, but Mrs. Lincoln was 
of a type not easily changed. 




The time has not come to write an adequate thesis on the 
mind of Lincoln. What is written now cannot be final or con- 
vincing; we need more information, but above all we need 
closer analysis of that we have. Dr. Barton was at least 
investigating this aspect of Lincoln, but either he did not 
mature his opinions or he had not found time to record 

An investigation would necessarily include a study of 
Lincoln's anatomy and physiology, his body type, features, 
beard; his ways of thinking and talking, his ability as a 
lawyer, his position on political questions ; a close analysis of 
all speeches (similar to that Barton made of the Gettysburg 
address), messages, and writings. It is to be hoped that 



someone will conduct to a conclusion some such comprehen- 
sive study of the mind of Abraham Lincoln. 

Meanwhile the purpose in writing these pages, which do 
not logically belong in a study of Mrs. Lincoln's personality, 
is to put on record as much of an answer as I have found to 
one of the questions with which the study began. 

A study of the influence of Mrs. Lincoln on her husband's 
personality should begin with some understanding of his in- 
herited qualities. 

The members of his family, and even Lincoln himself, had 
the habit of aligning themselves with the wife's clan not a 
matriarchy, but a habit having some suggestions of that. 
Let us start the story with Thomas Lincoln. 

By the time Tom Lincoln had settled down in Elizabeth- 
town, Kentucky, he had cut away from the Lincolns, and 
only a few times thereafter did he encounter any of his own 
blood except his children. When he met Nancy Hanks, she 
was living with her aunt. After he married, his family affilia- 
tions were with the Hanks family. When they moved from 
Kentucky to Indiana, Nancy's uncle, aunt, and cousin went 
with them. All of these Hankses, except Dennis, died and 
were buried in Indiana by the side of Nancy and her daugh- 
ter. When Tom and his household, including Dennis Hanks, 
moved to Illinois, they went to the home of John Hanks, in 
Macon County. 

After Abraham moved to Sangamon County, he had no 
family life until he married Mary Todd. After that he rarely 
saw any of the Hankses, and he never saw any of the Lin- 
colns, except for a few visits to his parents, an occasional 
contact with Dennis, and a few brief visits with some of his 
own very distant cousins. Is it to be wondered at that almost 
no one knew of any Lincoln kin he had, and that few of the 
Lincolns knew that the Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, nomi- 
nated for president in 1860, was of the Kentucky family of 
that name, not to mention that he was one of the Virginia 
and Massachusetts Lincolns? 



When Lincoln married, he followed the example of his 
father and joined his wife's clan. There were many Todds in 
Illinois. Among those in Springfield were Mary Todd's three 
sisters; her uncle, Dr. John Todd, and his family; her 
cousins, Judge John T. Stuart, Judge Stephen T. Logan, 
and Congressman John J. Hardin. There were the hus- 
bands, wives, and children of all of these and, possibly, a 
number of other less prominent relations. This was a large 
clan and a powerful one. It did much to promote the fortune 
of Lincoln, one way or another and it also hampered him. 
Certainly his wife's people, if not his wife, modified Lincoln 
by the unconscious influences of family association. 

Lewis M. Terman, of Stanford University, is quoted as 
saying: 1 " Extensive tests over years indicate husbands are 
prone, after marriage, to take on certain of the charac- 
teristics of their wives and to surrender certain of their 
attributes." Mary Day Winn writes : 2 " Psychologists tell 
us that marriages in which woman is the dominating half 
show a higher percentage of success than those which are 
the other way round. . . . The higher the husband rises in 
the scale of achievement, the more power he will probably 
let his wife assume in the family. Compare the relative stand- 
ing of the wife in the ditch-digger's home with her position 
in that of the corporation president's." And then Miss Winn 
quotes James L. Clark : 8 " The rear-seat status in the family 
is an indication of strength rather than weakness." 

The acceptance of this doctrine would make it possible to 
hold that Mrs. Lincoln was the dominating member of the 
firm of Abraham and Mary Lincoln, without committing 
lese-majeste. But the facts will not justify the conclusion. 

If we set side by side the Lincoln of 1 839 and the Lincoln 
of 1865 and compare them point by point, detail by detail, 
we realize that potent influences were at work in this twenty- 
six-year period. I doubt if in all history there is an illustra- 
tion of greater change in personality, mentality, and culture 

1 Bibliography, No. 193. 2 Ibid. Ibid. 



where the person under comparison was thirty years old at 
the beginning of the observation. No single agency was re- 
sponsible for the change in Abraham Lincoln, and certainly 
I would not undertake to show that Mrs. Lincoln was 
entitled to a great deal of the credit. There were certain 
turning-points in Abraham Lincoln's life, and whoever or 
whatever was exerting much influence during these episodes 
can be said to be in a measure responsible for the changes 
that resulted. 

Albert J. Beveridge 1 regards the Shields duel episode as 
one of these turning-points, if he does not think it of even 
greater importance than this designation implies. He says : 
" Thus ended the most lurid personal incident in Lincoln's 
entire life, the significance of which in his development is 
vital." Ida Tarbell 2 agrees with Beveridge as to the im- 
portance of this affair; at least, in great measure. If Bever- 
idge's view be accepted, Mary Todd deeply influenced Lin- 
coln, because she was the cause of that incident. I am of the 
opinion that, while the Shields duel episode changed Lin- 
coln's political methods, it had no profound influence on his 
mentality. Early in his life he was a good deal of a country 
bumpkin, and not infrequently he wrote anonymous letters 
that contained buffoonery. The Shields duel episode was 
the somewhat dramatic and embarrassing event which ended 
Lincoln's indulgence in clowning. 

There is one suggestion that surpasses that of Beveridge 
in its implications. It is that when Lincoln married Mary 
Todd, there was an end to his periodic melancholia; or, 
better, a mastery over it a mastery which pulled its teeth 
and made it harmless. The suggestion comes from John G. 
Nicolay, who wrote: 3 "His marriage to Miss Todd ended 
all those mental perplexities and periods of despondency 
from which he had suffered more or less during his several 
love-affairs, extending over nearly a decade. Out of the keen 

1 Bibliography, No. 18, p. 353. Bibliography, No. 133, p. 69. 

* Bibliography, No. 170, p. 243. 



anguish he had endured he finally gained that complete mas- 
tery over his own spirit which Scripture declares to denote a 
greatness superior to that of him who takes a city. Few men 
have ever attained that complete domination of the will over 
the emotions, of reason over passion, by which he was able, 
in the years to come, to meet and solve the tremendous ques- 
tions destiny had in store for him." 

In connection with these statements Nicolay discussed the 
Ann Rutledge and the Shields duel affairs. Evidently he 
thought the peculiar melancholia was a temporary phase of 
the Lincoln make-up and was one of the by-products of his 
urge for mating. It was impersonal, as far as the woman was 
concerned, and manifested itself during the Ann Rutledge, 
Mary Owens, and Mary Todd affairs and other Lincoln as- 
sociations with women. He regarded it as biological. 

The " Lincoln blues " have been the subject of much dis- 
cussion. Dr. Barton, who investigated the subject more in- 
sistently than anyone else, was of the opinion that periodic 
melancholia was an inherited trait of the Lincoln family, and 
was known among them as the " Lincoln blues." He inter- 
viewed cousins of Abraham Lincoln, who told him they had 
the same personality fault as did other Lincolns, and that it 
was something of a family peculiarity. They did not say 
that it was peculiar to any period of life, or that it was 
related to the mating urge. Barton certainly had read Nico- 
lay at the time he interviewed the Lincoln cousins, but he 
seems to have missed the suggestion that the melancholy 
was related to the mating urge. 

Dr. J. H. Kellogg, accepting the opinion of Judge Stuart, 
attributed the periods of depression from which Lincoln suf- 
fered to obstinate constipation and the frequent use of large 
doses of calomel. Others have ascribed the attacks to ma- 
laria then endemic in the Illinois country, as well as in 
Kentucky and Indiana from which Lincoln is known to 
have suffered. Others have attributed it to bad teeth ; and 
still others, to bad feet. 



Karl Menninger 1 classes Lincoln as a cyclic personality, 
the melancholia being the depression stage of this type of 
personality. It is not true that Lincoln had no return of these 
attacks after his marriage, as might be inferred from what 
Nicolay said. Menninger probably thinks the attacks were 
finally overcome, because he takes the position that the Lin- 
coln cyclic personality was trained into a greater " evenness." 

J. F. Newton 2 quotes Nicolay and John Hay as ascribing 
these fits of depression to the general mental depression of 
pioneers fighting battles against privation and disease. He 
quotes William H. Herndon as thinking three causes were 
operating simultaneously: heredity, mourning for the lost 
Ann Rutledge, and the unhappiness of his home. And then 
he gives his own opinion, which was : " His sadness was 
largely due to his temperament." Most Lincoln biographers 
say Lincoln's blues were far from ending with his marriage. 

Beveridge says 8 that melancholia was Lincoln's most 
striking personality characteristic when he was practicing 
law on the circuit between 1 840 and 1 860, basing his opinion 
on incidents and opinions supplied by such intimate associates 
as Leonard Swett, Judge David Davis, H. C. Whitney, 
Herndon, and Matheny. In fact, he quotes Matheny as say- 
ing that, when Lincoln " first came amongst us," he was any- 
thing but melancholy, and the characteristic was later ac- 
quired. This we know is also a mistake. 

F. F. Brown 4 gives attacks of melancholy as having been 
frequently observed in Washington after 1861. 

Marriage did not cure Lincoln of his melancholia, and no 
one can claim such a cure as a result of the influence of his 
wife. On the other hand, there is so much evidence that Lin- 
coln was subject to these attacks prior to his marriage that 
we need not pay attention to the charge made by more than 
one person that Mrs. Lincoln was the cause of them. It 
is true that after his marriage he never fled when in bad 

1 Bibliography, No. 119. Bibliography, No. 18, p. 521. 

2 Bibliography, No. 127, pp. 316, 328, 329. 4 Bibliography, No. 26, p. 543. 



" spells," as Herndon says he did after Ann Rutledge's death 
and after the break with Mary Todd. But if, in time, there 
was a difference in his reaction to the melancholy tendency 
as the years rolled by, it was because with age, and perhaps 
marriage, he had more responsibilities and he gained poise 
and self-control. Much as we should like to think that mar- 
riage cured Lincoln of his blues and, therefore, to his wife is 
due some part of the credit, there are too many facts and 
opinions that interpose. 


Herndon wrote: 1 "Mrs. Lincoln's fearless, witty, and 
austere nature shrank instinctively from association with the 
calm, imperturbable, and simple ways of her thoughtful and 
absent-minded husband." He makes the statement that Lin- 
coln's home life was unhappy, and he says it in more ways 
than one. It was his opinion that the irascibility of Mrs. Lin- 
coln caused her to quarrel with her husband, to tongue-lash 
him considerably; and, at times, caused him to leave the 
house to secure peace. He tells of Lincoln's staying week- 
ends in circuit towns, absenting himself from home, eating 
cheese and crackers in the office; and he retails gossip of 

J. W. Weik's opinion 2 on the domestic discord of the 
Lincoln family is a combination of that of Herndon, Davis, 
Milton Hay, and Matheny all of them intimate friends 
of Lincoln, who doubtless talked over the question with each 
other more than once, particularly after Herndon's lectures 
had become the occasion of forensic battles on the streets, 
in the homes, and elsewhere in Springfield. This combined or 
consensus opinion was then somewhat modified by Weik, 
who had done much investigation on his own account. It was, 
in substance, that domestic discord and a lack of peace and 

1 Bibliography, No. 750. Bibliography, No. 186, pp. 89-93. 



harmony in his home caused Lincoln to cultivate people 
wherever they could be found; to stay in his office and study; 
to work rather than follow a natural inclination to loaf com- 
fortably and happily at home. 

Oliver R. Barrett 1 holds about the same opinion. In 
elaboration of the theme, he says that Mrs. Lincoln taught 
her husband patience ; how to accept what he could not alter. 
Had it not been for her and what she taught him, he could 
never have invited Stanton and Chase into his Cabinet, or 
stood them after they got there. Had his home been quieter 
and more comfortable spiritually, he would have visited 
less, made fewer acquaintances, read less. 

Lloyd Lewis accepts this opinion also, saying: 2 "The 
woman Lincoln loved, and who loved him, had a fiery, scold- 
ing way that could be managed only with tolerant persua- 
sion. . . . Instances like this seem typical of Lincoln's 
genius for management. He guided the electorate as he 
handled his wife." 

These opinions as to the domestic relations of the Lin- 
coins mean that Mrs. Lincoln's influence worked to Mr. 
Lincoln's advantage, though working contrary to his com- 
fort and peace of mind. 

The following may be stated as general laws : Too much 
comfort and satisfaction in the home tends to contentment 
and stagnation. The man who is very popular, who fits in 
very well, whose personality wins for him without effort, is 
liable to accept his winnings and to become inactive and un- 
progressive. Conversely, misfit conditions, within limits, pro- 
mote that preparation and industry through which growth is 
at its best. 

That Mrs. Lincoln had more ambition than her husband, 
as well as more drive and aggressiveness, is rather generally 
accepted. Newton wrote: 8 ". . . guided also by his ambi- 
tious little wife, who had been most unhappy during his 

i Personal statement. * Bibliography, No. 127, p. 58. 

* Bibliography, No. 101. 



subsidence." Whitney's opinion was : * " The nation is largely 
indebted to her for its autonomy, I do not doubt. As to the 
full measure thereof God only knows." 

In support of the view that Mrs. Lincoln influenced her 
husband to be ambitious, Henry B. Rankin wrote: 2 "Above 
all, she had the most constant and enduring faith in Lin- 
coln's political future, and tried by every means in the range 
of her unusually inspiring and vigorous personality to assist 
her husband in season and some of her friends thought 
out of season, when she saw Lincoln's ambition begin- 
ning to fail." Ward H. Lamon wrote : 3 " From that day to 
the day of the inauguration she never wavered in her faith 
that her hopes would be realized." And, again, Newton 
said: 4 "While not lazy, he was disposed to loaf and he 
needed the prodding of his gifted and aspiring wife. Had 
he married Ann Rutledge, or some other gentle country girl, 
he would not now be known to fame." 

We can accept the view that Mrs. Lincoln had more ambi- 
tion and aggressiveness than her husband, since it is fully 
in accord with what we know of the psychology of each. The 
combination of her superior possession of these two quali- 
ties, with her husband's foresight, wisdom, and genius for 
influencing and winning men, was a great one and in the 
end proved irresistible. 

What information have we as to Mrs. Lincoln's influence 
over her husband during his incumbency of the presidency? 
How much of the Lincoln statesmanship, the Lincoln na- 
tional policies, was the result of his wife's arguments, opin- 
ions, and influence? Elizabeth Keckley 5 leads us to think 
that her influence in this period was trivial. Lincoln was so 
impressed by his wife's emotionalism that he had lost con- 
fidence in her ability to weigh men fairly. His time was too 
fully occupied, and his attention too much engaged for him 

1 Bibliography, No. 190. 4 Bibliography, No. 127, p. 322. 

8 Bibliography, No. 149, p- 122. * Bibliography, No. 85, p. 104. 

* Bibliography, No. 99, p. 221. 



to talk seriously and at length with his wife, even if he had 
not found out that her emotionalism was ruining her judg- 
ment. The Lincoln policies, plans, and methods of the presi- 
dential period were Lincolnesque. They give no evidence 
of his wife's influence. 

One of Herndon's estimates of Lincoln's mind was: 1 
" Such was Lincoln's will. Because on one line of questions 
the non-essentials he was pliable, and on the other he 
was as immovable as the rocks, have arisen the contradic- 
tory notions prevalent regarding him. It only remains to say 
that he was inflexible and unbending when it was necessary 
to be so, and not otherwise. At one moment he was pliable 
and expansive as gentle air; at the next, as tenacious and 
unyielding as gravity itself." 

As a politician Lincoln's mind was Fabian. Politicians 
have a Fabian psychology. They rise or fall, survive or per- 
ish, according to how accurately they diagnose time, place, 
and people, and act in accordance with the diagnosis. The 
Lincoln mind, in certain of the exigencies to which it was 
subjected, was as hard as rock. On some occasions it was 
resilient, soft, yielding; on others, it was granite-like. When 
a mind of this type is long in contact with a mind of Mrs. 
Lincoln's type, it is the more resilient and pliant one that best 
stands the friction. 

Lincoln's outstanding mental characteristic was wisdom. 
His judgment was clear and cold. The decisions of Mrs. Lin- 
coln were too much swayed by her likes and dislikes, preju- 
dices, and other emotions to be designated as wise, or based 
on good judgment. 

Summing it up, I cannot think that on matters of im- 
portance or, in the long run, on many of lesser impor- 
tance Mrs. Lincoln's mind influenced that of her hus- 
band to any great extent. 

1 Bibliography, No. 758, p. 609. 




Till 9 like a clock worn out with eating time. 
The wheels of weary life at last stood still. 




prior to the time she met Lincoln. The story of her Lex- 
ington life indicates, in a general way, that she was in excel- 
lent health, well nourished, and bubbling over with vitality. 
She may have had her share of childhood infections, because 
she was immune to scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, and 
smallpox when these diseases invaded her own household. 
The Lincoln family infections 1 were in the persons of her 
children and husband. She lived to be sixty-three years of 
age and appears to have been sound in all her organs to the 
day of her death, unless diabetes was an exception. To a 
limited degree this may have meant that she had not suffered 
severely from diphtheria, scarlet fever, rheumatism, and 
some other diseases that often leave their marks on the vital 
organs. Also, to a limited degree, this argues that she may 
have acquired her immunities by the exposures of life 
those that slowly confer protection rather than precipitate 
into disease. 

1 Abraham Lincoln, writing in the late fifties to his Kellogg kin, spoke of the 
Springfield family as well as the Cincinnati family having scarlet fever. The Kellogg 
child that was supposed to have the disease was Franklin Pierce Kellogg, born in 
1852, who wrote me (April 4, 1931): "I do not remember any scarlet infection ex- 
cept hives when about age seven (1860). School epidemic gave me holiday from a 
schoolmarm, but my cousin Ed Smith (son of my half-aunt, of Springfield, 11L) 
about that date had the scarlets." 




The first reference to any ill health that Mrs. Lincoln had 
related to headaches. On April 16, 1848 Lincoln wrote his 
wife a letter 1 from which the following is quoted: "And 
you are entirely free from headache? This is good con- 
sidering it is the first Spring you have been free from it since 
we were acquainted. I am afraid you will get so well and 
fat . . ." trailing off into a jest. The letter was written 
from Washington, where Lincoln was serving in Con- 
gress, to Lexington, where his wife and two children were 

What does this quotation mean? Plainly, he was replying 
to a letter in which his wife had written that she had suf- 
fered no headaches. He said that she had had the disorder 
" since we were acquainted," which means 1840. " It is the 
first Spring you have been free from it. . . ." " Free from 
it " means that she had the headache habit at least, that 
she had frequent attacks. They must have been limited to the 
springtime, or else they were much less violent and disabling 
at other seasons. Evidently he is doubtful about this being 
an end to the trouble, as she must have written in her letter 
she thought or hoped. He knew too much about the course 
of the headache habit, and about the nature of his wife's, to 
agree quickly that there were to be no more. 

Mrs. Lincoln's further history confirmed her husband's 
doubt in the matter. From that time forward, the records 
that refer to the more intimate details of Mrs. Lincoln's 
affairs contain references to repeated headaches. This con- 
tinues to be true until 1867. 

If we can accept the negative evidence on the headache 
habit as meaning that there were no headaches prior to 
1839, we have this habit developing in a woman about 
twenty-one years of age, becoming more disabling after 

1 Collection of Oliver R. Barrett. 



marriage, and persisting until she is a little beyond fifty years 
of age. About all the evidence there is indicates that Mrs. 
Lincoln had some form of sick headache, or migraine, and 
probably a form that is more frequently encountered among 
women than men. It is in some way related to the sex organs 
and, many times, to sex life. It becomes less disabling after 
the menopause, the headaches recur less often, and the af- 
fliction eventually discontinues. 


Mrs. Lincoln's letters from 1850 until her death at 
least all that have been found are filled with allusions to 
her poor health. She seems not to have been very ill, or ever 
to have had any definite disease, but she was usually com- 
plaining of some symptom or other or some sickness. She 
appears to have had the habit which many women and some 
men have of writing and talking about their symptoms and 
their illnesses. 

In her letters written from Washington, Chicago, and 
various other places many of which are in the North 
she complains of chills and fevers. Because some of these 
places are not malarial now, we cannot say that they were 
not malarial then. 

The references to poor health were a prominent theme 
in Mrs. Lincoln's letters written between 1861 and 1865, 
and almost a major in those written between 1865 an< 3 I 8?5- 
Dr. Willis Danforth's testimony relates to physical as well 
as mental illness, particularly about 1873. The two groups 
of disorders were traveling hand in hand. When she was in 
St. Augustine, Florida, in January 1875, she was sick in bed 
for three weeks. Her illness was severe enough to make the 
services of a nurse necessary. 

In 1869 Mrs. Lincoln developed a persistent cough and 
evidently considered that she had " weak lungs." Her physi- 
cians may have agreed with her. In September 1870 she 



wrote to Mrs. Robert Lincoln from Leamington, England: 1 
" I am coughing so badly I can scarcely write. In Liverpool 
I was so ' completely sick.' . . . This is the first day I have 
sat up. ... My physician says I must go to a drier climate. 
. . . My health is again beginning to fail, as it did last 
winter." On January 13, 1871 she wrote from London to 
Mrs. Shipman : 2 " I get myself coughing most disagree- 
ably." This may have been a transient bronchitis of no great 
importance. However, Tad's last illness may have been an 
effect of it. In the early spring of 1871 he developed a pleu- 
risy that may have been tubercular. 

One of the findings of the jury at the first trial was that 
Mrs. Lincoln was " not subject to epilepsy." I have found 
no evidence to the contrary. Mrs. Lincoln never had any 
symptoms of major epilepsy, nor any suggestion of minor 
epileptic manifestations. Her mind did not have the char- 
acteristics accepted as those of the epileptic mind. Nor is 
there any evidence of epilepsy in her family tree. The allu- 
sion to this disease may have been required by law, or in re- 
sponse to a suggestion found in the printed form supplied 
by the court. 


In her youth Mrs. Lincoln was sometimes overactive. 
This might have been the result of hyperthyroidism. In her 
later life before the loss of weight which occurred as her 
final years approached she appeared short and fat. After 
1876 she did not often leave her room; her life was very 

Photographs are, commonly, well touched up before being 
given out, and therefore may be misleading. In medical 
clinics specializing in thyroid troubles, the photographs of 
the patients kept in the files are " untouched." Some of Mrs. 
Lincoln's pictures those taken toward the evening of her 

1 Bibliography, No. 73, pp. 271-98. a Ibid., p. 289. 


Mrs. Lincoln. 
The puffiness of the face indicates a possible myxoedema. 


life are indicative of myxoedema. (Note the picture facing 
page 341.) This possibility is increased by the symptoms 
and attitudes recorded above. Myxoedema is a thyroid- 
minus condition, or hypothyroidism, which develops rather 
frequently in middle-aged women. It causes obesity, physi- 
cal torpor, and mental slowness. 

Beyond these indications there is no evidence that Mrs. 
Lincoln had any thyroid trouble, and such evidence as is 
cited is not of much value. 



Mrs. Lincoln's mental illness was characterized by hal- 
lucinations. She saw persons who had no existence, and she 
heard sounds that were not. This quality of mind mani- 
fested first in 1862, frequently shown in 1865, an d very 
much in evidence in 1875 and thereafter raises the ques- 
tion whether she used drugs, since bromides and other sleep- 
producing drugs, opiates, and whisky tend to promote hal- 
lucinations. No proof is forthcoming. No part of the record 
shows that she used drugs, and inquiry among those who 
might have known has not revealed anything. 

The disposition which Mrs. Lincoln is known to have 
developed is suggestive of the long-continued use of seda- 
tives of the bromide family. A woman of today, with her 
symptoms, probably would have tried bromides and more 
than one other sedative of that group. Here, too, proof is 
lacking that Mrs. Lincoln used any bromides or barbituric 
group drugs, and no one says that she did. Proof that Mrs. 
Lincoln used opiates is entirely lacking. 

The members of the Lincoln household were abstemious 
in the purchase and use of liquors. Some have charged that 
Lincoln was a drinking man, citing as proof purchases for 
the household. Students of Abraham Lincoln have investi- 
gated these charges and report them without foundation. 



Such infrequent purchases of alcoholics as were made for the 
household were for domestic purposes, and neither wife nor 
husband was ever a drinker. 


There are many reasons for thinking that Mrs. Lincoln 
had diabetes during the later years of her life, perhaps after 
1875. Symptoms of diabetes may have caused her to leave 
for France in October 1876. Pau was then a noted health 
resort, though not especially renowned for the treatment of 
diabetes. While in Pau, she drank Vichy water, and that has 
enjoyed some reputation in connection with this disorder. 
She drank these waters, but they did her no good. " How- 
ever, I was not very much in need of them save for the con- 
tinual running waters, so disagreeable and inconvenient," 
she is quoted as saying. The recurrent attacks of boils, the 
reference to " continual running waters," and the use of 
Vichy are suggestive of diabetes. Though hitherto a fat 
woman, her weight fell to a hundred and ten pounds also 
suggestive of diabetes. 


Mrs. Lincoln's fall from a step-ladder, in Pau, caused her 
to return to America and to her sister's home. It kept her 
in bed for a number of weeks and no doubt occasioned con- 
siderable pain. After returning to Springfield she went to 
New York twice for treatment. 

The New York Graphic l carried the following story of 
her illness : " The chief injuries she sustained by this fall 
manifested themselves in an inflammation of the spinal cord 
and a partial paralysis of the lower part of her body. For 
these injuries she twice consulted Dr. Lewis A. Sayre of this 
city. In October 1881, she came to New York to see Doctor 

ijuly 1 8, 1882. 


Sayre for the second time, taking rooms at the Clarendon 
Hotel. About January, I, 1882, Doctor Sayre said : ' I found 
she could not walk safely without the aid of a chair and even 
then she was liable to fall at times.' Later, Mrs. Lincoln 
moved to a water-cure establishment on 26th Street, where 
she remained under Doctor Sayre's care until March, when 
she returned to Springfield, but little improved in health." 

Dr. Sayre's diagnosis indicated a severe injury. Yet none 
of the stories relative to Mrs. Lincoln's life between March 
and July 1882 make reference to any after-effects of this 


In 1882 Mrs. Lincoln was again suffering from boils, and 
all the witnesses agree that she was very much underweight. 
She remained in seclusion most of the time, in an artificially 
lighted room. There is testimony that her mind showed evi- 
dence of loss of quality. The summer of that year was in- 
tensely hot and dry, and this added greatly to Mrs. Lin- 
coln's discomfort. 

That she was a sick woman her relatives could see, but 
they had no suspicion that death was near. It is true that 
she often talked of dying, but the family had heard similar 
expressions from her more than once and had come to disre- 
gard them. 

On Friday, two days before the final issue, she became 
distinctly worse. Some of the accounts indicate that on that 
day she was in less pain from her boils at least she com- 
plained less and at times she was heavy mentally prob- 
ably no more than semi-conscious. As to what happened in 
the sick-room on the next day there is not entire agreement. 

The following is the account of her last illness and death 
as given in the Illinois State Journal: * " Within the past few 
days Mrs. Lincoln has been suffering from an attack of boils 

i Monday, July 17, 1882. 



which caused her great pain and, no doubt, greatly increased 
her nervousness. On Friday, last, she was up and walked 
across the room. Again, on Saturday, she walked across the 
room with a little assistance; but she grew worse later in 
the day and about nine o'clock in the evening experienced 
a paralysis which seemed to involve her whole system, so 
that she was unable to articulate, to move any part of her 
body, or to take food. She soon afterward passed into a 
comatose state and so continued, breathing stertorously up 
to 8.15 P.M., Sunday, when she died." 

This was substantially the story telegraphed over the 
United States and carried in a majority of the newspapers 
which took notice of the passing of Mrs. Lincoln. 

Dr. T. W. Dresser's death certificate read that she died 
from "paralysis." Generally speaking, the word "paraly- 
sis " is very loosely used. It might refer to any one of several 
kinds of apoplexy, to diabetic coma, to unconsciousness due 
to drugs or poisons, or to general paralysis of the insane, 
called paresis. Dr. Dresser clarified the certificate with the 
statement, given to William H. Herndon, 1 that he meant 
apoplexy. There was no necropsy. 

Mrs. Lincoln did not have general paresis, and her uncon- 
sciousness was not due to drugs or poisons. The description 
of her death, as given in the newspapers, is confirmatory of 
Dr. Dresser's opinion that the immediate cause of death 
was apoplexy, probably due to the rupture of a blood vessel 
in the brain. 

There is considerable suspicion of diabetic coma, in some 
degree, during the last week of her life. Nor do the news- 
paper accounts of her last three days preclude the possibility 
that this was the immediate cause of her death. Apoplexy 
merely seems to be the better explanation. However, there 
is no contradiction between diabetes, and even diabetic coma, 
and apoplexy. 

Mrs. Lincoln was in her sixty-fourth year, and that is just 

1 Bibliography, No. 7fa, p. 434. 



in the middle of the apoplexy period. She may have had, and 
probably did have, diabetes. That disease damages the blood 
vessel walls in a way that no other disease surpasses. Proof 
of that is the frequency of diabetic gangrene. It is prob- 
able that if Mrs. Lincoln had diabetes her disease had dam- 
aged the walls of the blood vessels of her brain. 

Mrs. Lincoln died on Sunday night, July 16, 1882, in the 
home of her sister Mrs. Edwards. The funeral was delayed 
until her son, Robert, then Secretary of War, could reach 
Springfield from Washington. The funeral services were 
held in the parlor in which she had been married. 

Governor Cullom issued a proclamation in which he or- 
dered all public activities suspended during the funeral exer- 
cises, and asked all business houses and all citizens to unite 
reverently in honoring Mary Lincoln for her own virtues 
and out of respect to the memory of her husband. The 
Mayor of Springfield proclaimed a suspension of business 
and commended her virtues. Her body was borne from the 
Edwards home to Oak Ridge Cemetery by Governor Cullom 
and other leading citizens, while Springfield did her honor. 
At last she was at rest by the side of her husband and her 

The newspaper comment of the Springfield papers ap- 
pears kindly and even reverent. The Chicago papers were 
equally considerate. The Chicago Times, so often bitter in 
its attacks on Lincoln, joined in the tributes to his widow. 
The newspapers everywhere seemed willing to cover her 
memory with a mantle of charity. In Springfield gossip ap- 
peared to be stilled and dislikes forgotten ; envy and enmity 
were at an end; old enemies and old friends joined in re- 
spectful tribute. 

The years have passed. Those who knew her friend 
and foe have died. But tradition lives. And tradition has 
not been kind, or even just. 




He hath shewed thee y O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord re- 
quire of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly 
with thy God? 

MICAH vi, 8 


eloquence upon the part of Burke, when speaking of the 
Queen of France. c Little did I dream that I should live to see 
such disasters fall upon her in a nation of gallant men; a na- 
tion of honor; cavaliers. I thought ten thousand swords 
would have left their scabbards to avenge even a look that 
threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry has gone.' 
May I also remind you of the words of the Earl of Oxford 
to the Duke of Burgundy, when the latter spoke coarsely of 
Margaret of Anjou. ' My lord, whatever may have been the 
defects of my mistress, she is in distress and almost in 
desolation.' " 

W. O. Stoddard had the gift of prophecy when he gave 
utterance to the following : 1 " People are picking up all sorts 
of stray gossip relating to asserted occurrences under this 
roof [the White House], and they are making strange work 
out of some of it. It is a work they will not cease from. They 
will do it to the very end so effectively that a host of excel- 
lent people will one day close their eyes to the wife's robe 
with her husband's blood. There will be in that day a strange 
blindness and brutality concerning the awful shock produced 
by an infernal murder. Then charity and chivalry alike will 
be forgotten in the sneering comments which will follow the 
remaining days of a disturbed rnind and a shattered nervous 
system. Even the shadow of the tomb itself will, at last, not 
be regarded as a sufficient curtain to prevent an unjust judg- 
ment from peering and looking back to this time, and read- 
ing in it nothing but the prurient scandals of this feverish 
war time." 

Howard Glyndon wrote : 2 " I think her extravagances of 
behavior, her hallucinations, her sufferings of mind and body 
have not met with that respect, that respectful silence and 
sympathy from the American Press and people, which the 
distinguished services of her husband to his country gave 
them a right to command. Her erratic behavior has been 
commented upon in a spirit which will not show well when all 

1 Bibliography, No. 168, p. 63. 2 Bibliography, No. 61. 



the events connected with her life have become history. I 
feel satisfied that in a few years Mrs. Lincoln will be 
thought of with the sincerest pity and that there will be a 
prevailing regret that the foibles and weaknesses of an un- 
offending woman, whose mind was shaken, as well it might 
be, by the sudden calamity which unhinged the whole nation, 
have not been less offensively dealt with." 

At some time in 1875 General Adam Badeau wrote: 1 
" The verdict that her mind was diseased relieved Mrs. 
Lincoln from the charge of heartlessness, of mercenary be- 
havior, and of indifference to her husband's happiness. The 
pitiful story of Miramar casts no slur on Maximilian's Em- 
press, and the shadow of insanity thrown across the intel- 
ligence of Mrs. Lincoln relieves her from reproach and 

J. F. Newton wrote: 2 "She was never popular as the 
First Lady of the Land, but that is no reason why her unfor- 
tunate traits should be emphasized to the neglect of others 
which were not only more numerous, but more lovely and 
winning. Pitiful was her grief after the last great tragedy 
which so shattered her mind that she was never herself 
again. Yet to the end she was pursued by a prying press in 
a manner so unmanly, so unchivalric, that one can find no 
words severe enough for rebuke." 

Dr. William E. Barton said: 8 " But if we are uninten- 
tionally cruel to our Presidents, what shall be said of the 
manner in which we treat their wives. Who among them has 
escaped idle curiosity and even spiteful slander? . . . No 
woman who has occupied the White House, unless pos- 
sibly the wife of Andrew Jackson, has suffered such merci- 
less slander. The time has come when it should be possible 
to tell the truth concerning Mary Todd Lincoln." 

If Abraham Lincoln had been able to foresee the harsh- 
ness of the world toward his widow in the years of her 

1 Bibliography, No. 6. Bibliography, No. 9, p. 409. 

1 Bibliography, No. 127, p. 323. 



tribulations and sorrows, the following words by Mary G. 
Chandler * would have precipitated an attack of melancholy: 
"A few generations ago there was a spirit which armed it- 
self with fagot and axe in order to destroy those who held 
opinions in opposition to the dominant power. The axe and 
fagot have disappeared but, alas for human nature! The 
spirit that delighted in their use has not wholly passed away; 
the flame and the sword it uses now are those of malignity 
and hatred ; it does not scorch nor wound the body, but only 
burns and sears the reputations of those whom it assails." 

The science of behavior has developed far enough now 
for a sense of fair play to support a demand for less con- 
demnation of Mrs. Lincoln between 1861 and 1871; you 
and I should be as understanding and sympathetic as Stod- 
dard was after he had received the physician's opinion. Who 
today would condemn Mrs. Lincoln for her behavior in the 
last seventeen years of her life? If anyone does, he marks 
himself as uninformed and unfair. 

1 Bibliography, No. 31, p. 23. 




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81 . HOMER, HENRY, Address, Springfield, 1928. Privately printed. 


82. Illinois State Historical Society^ Journal of the, September 


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85. KECKLEY, ELIZABETH: Behind the Scenes. New York: 

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88. Kentucky Gazette. Lexington, Kentucky. 

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107. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM: Letter to Mrs. Lincoln, April 16, 1846, 



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145. RANCK, G. W.: Guide Book to Lexington. 

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156. SCRIPPS, JOHN LOCKE: Life of Abraham Lincoln, 1860 

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162. Spirit of the Times. Draper Collection, Wisconsin Historical 


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.- ~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~* 

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Adams, Charles Francis, 182-3 
Adams, J. McGregor, 214 
Adams, John Quincy, 176 
Alston, John, 201, 202 
Angle, P. M., 18-19 
Arnold, Charles, 130, IJ5 
Arnold, I. N., 14, 22, 126, 144, 
149, ISO- 1 * J 52, 214, 226, 
236, 238, 277, 320, 349 
Audubon, 93 
Ayer, B. F., 214 

Badeau, Adam, 210-11, 271, 
297, 298, 351 

Baker, Julia, 291 

Barlow, Thomas Harris, 95 

Barnes, Captain, 298 

Barrett, Jennie, 292 

Barrett, Oliver R., 82, 210, 237, 
291, 294, 332 

Barton, William E., 3-4, 9, 14, 
18, 60, 86, 140, 146, 147, 
154-5, 166, 183, 237, 253, 
278, 293, 313, 324* S^S, 

329, 351 
Bayne, Julia Taft, 24, 55, 59, 

61, 69-70, 71, 104-5, 139, 

165, 279, 300, 301 
Beecher, Edward, II 
Bell, John, 48 

Bennett, James Gordon, 172 
Beveridge, A. J., 46, 85, 143, 

145, 149-50, 154, 328, 330 
Birchall, Miss, 142, 291 
Bissell, William H., 142 
Black, 13 

Blaigue, Mme, 99 

Blake, S. C., 214, 305 

Blennerhassett, Harman, 95 

Bleuler, 230, 272 

Boggs, Mrs., 912 

Boswell, Mrs., 92 

Bradwell, J. B., 27, 224, 308 

Brady, 275 

Breckinridge, John C., 89, 147 

Briggs, Jane, 34 

Briggs, Samuel, 34 

Brooks, N., 59, 60, 61, 247, 265 

Brown, Dwight, 291 

Brown, F. F., 320, 330 

Brown, John, 95 

Brown, Mary Edwards, 28, 46, 

77, 78 
Brown, Samuel, 41-2, 87, 93, 


Browning, O. H., 22 
Browning diary, 154 
Brownlow, Senator, 206, 209 
Bryant, William Cullen, 122 
Buchanan, James, 176 
Bunn, Jacob, 143, 201, 312, 


Burgundy, Duke of, 350 
Burke, Edmund, 350 
Burr, Aaron, 95, 99 
Butler, Samuel, 302 

Caldwell, Professor, 99 
Calhoun, John, 121 
Calhoun, John C., 89 
Cameron, D. R., 214 

Cameron, Simon, 209, 254, 271 



Carpenter, F. B., 300 
Carpenter, Lulu Boone, 578, 

Carr, Eliza Todd (Mrs. Charles 

M.), S6, 67, 77, 78 
Cartwright, 124 
Chandler, Mary G., 294, 325, 


Chapin, C. A., 225 
Chase, Salmon P., 332 
Cigrand, B. J., 27 
Clark, George Rogers, 32, 34, 


Clark, James L., 327 
Clay, Henry, 35, 88-9, 90, 93, 

96, 98, 99, 103, 116, 127, 

234, 288 

Clay, Thomas H., 101 
Clemmer, Mary Ames, 23, 177, 


Cogswell, Thomas, 214 
Cole, A. C., 252, 257 
Colman, Edna M., 23, 174-5, 

Conkling, 143 

Conn, Senator, 204 
Cooke, Professor, 100 
Corbett, Senator, 208 
Cordelia, Professor, 100 
Crittenden, John J., 87 
Crooks, Mayor, of Springfield, 


Cullom, Shelby M., 345 
Cunningham, Mrs. H. C., 118 

Dahl, H., 225 

Danforth, Willis, 25, 194, 213, 
215-16, 265, 305-6, 316, 


Darling, Henry, 227 
Davis, B. F., 196 
Davis, David, n, 25, 26, 59, 60, 

61, 124, 125, 167, 210, 213, 

217, 240, 241, 243, 244, 

246, 310, 330, 33i 
Davis, Jefferson, 94, 183 
Davis, N. S., 212, 215, 305, 306 
Dawson, Elodie Todd, 51 
Dawson, N. H. R., 51, 52 
Douglas, Stephen A., 9, 44, 87, 

88, 113, 122, 124, 125, 144, 

146, 147, 148, 254, 255 
Drake, Dan, 93, 96, 97, 100 
Dresser, T. W., 229, 305, 306, 


Drew, W. J., 225 
Dudley, B. W., 87, 93, 94, 95, 


Dunham, W. S., 225 
Dunlap, Miss, 291 
Durand, H. C., 214 

Eames, C. M., 22 

Eames, Mrs. Charles, 177, 182 

Eaton, Polly, 177 

Edmunds, Senator, 206, 207, 

Edwards, Elizabeth (Mrs. N. 

W.), 2 1-2, 43-5, 65, 66, 67, 

77, 78, 79, 8 1, 85-6, 100, 
113, 114, 119, 130, 145, 
163, 225, 226, 227, 228, 

317, 345 
Edwards, Ninian, 44, 81, 99, 

122, 163 
Edwards, Ninian Wirt, 43, 44, 

78, 8 1, 99-100, 122, 163, 
225-6, 233, 245, 246, 291 

Ellett, Mrs. E. F., 23, 177, 178 
Ellsworth, Ephraim E., 167 

Farwell, Charles B., 214 
Fearon, H. B., 90 
Fell, Jesse, 9, 22, 146 
Fenton, Senator, 208 


Ferguson, W. J., 186 

Ferron, V., 100 

Fillmore, Millard, 128, 176 

Fiske, Jim, 307 

Fitzgerald, Mrs., 194, 213, 307, 


Flint, Timothy, 90 
Fordham, E. P., 90-1 
Foy, Eddie, 194, 213, 307, 319 
Frazier, Oliver, 95 
Fremont, John Charles, 146, 

Gage, Lyman J., 214 
Garfield, James A., 228 
Garfield, Lucretia Randolph, 


Giron, M., 101 
Givin, Mrs., 177 
Gleason, Cyrus, 225 
Glyndon, Howard, 350-1 
Grant, Julia Dent, 297, 298 
Grant, Ulysses S., 53, 203, 204, 

205, 206, 255, 298 
Gratz, Benjamin, 178 
Greenhow, Mrs. Rose, 177 
Griffin, Mrs., 297 
Grigsby, Mrs., 138 
Grimes, J. W., 150 
Grimsley, Elizabeth Todd, 23, 

46, 55, 58 184, 237 
Gunther, Charles F., 294, 295 
Gurley, 143 

Hambrecht, George F., 203 

Hammond, W. A., 316 

Hanks, Dennis, 326 

Hanks, John, 326 

Hanks, Nancy, see Lincoln, 

Nancy Hanks 
Hardin, John J., 40, 327 
Harlan, James, 195, 197, 209, 


Harlan, Mary, see Lincoln, 
Mary Harlan 

Harris, B. F., 122 

Harrison, William Henry, 127, 

Hart, Joel T., 95 

Hay, John, 154, 330 

Hay, Logan, 291 

Hay, Milton, 149, 331 

Heinl, Frank J., 122 

Helm, B. H., 23, 51, 52, 175 

Helm, Emilie Todd, 20, 21, 22, 
23, 48, Si, 52, 65, 80, 102, 
103, 143, 144, 151-2, 185, 
253, 265, 270, 289-90, 291, 
315, 3i6 

Helm, Katherine, 19, 20, 21, 22, 
65, 80, 82, 90, 94, 103, 104, 
106, 107, 140, 275-6, 277, 
279, 280, 289,291, 310 

Henry, Patrick, 32 

Hemingway, 47 

Henderson, C. M., 214 

Herndon, William H., 9, 10-13, 
14, 15-17, 18-19, 22, 24, 
86, 117-18, 120, 129, 149, 
152, 154, 155, 168, 185-6, 
218, 236, 238, 293, 297, 

325, 330, 33i, 342 
Herr, Katherine Todd, 48, 138 

Herr,W.W., 51, i?S 

Herrick, Genevieve Forbes, 23, 

176, 278 

Holland, J. G., 10 
Holloway, Laura C., 23, 174, 

177, 229, 310, 319 
Holly, Dr., 93 
Hoover, Mrs., 177 
Houser, M. L., 9 
Howell, Senator, 208 
Humphreys, Alexander, 86 
Humphreys, Mrs. Alexander, 



Humphreys, Charles, 97 

Humphreys, Elizabeth, see 
Todd, Elizabeth Hum- 

Humphreys, Elizabeth (niece of 
Betsy Humphreys Todd), 
see Norris, Elizabeth 

Hunt, Henry H., 98 

Hunt, J. W., loo 

Hunt, Sallie Ward, 177, 178 

lies, Miss, 291 

Isham, R. N., 214, 215, 305, 

Jackson, Andrew, 89, 90, 99, 

115-16, 176 

Jackson, Mrs. Andrew, 351 
Jayne, Julia, see Trumbull, 

Julia Jayne 
Jefferson, Thomas, 95 
Jeffry, Mrs., 177 
Johnson, Andrew, 146, 181, 186, 

255-6, 257, 258 
Johnson, H. A., 212, 215, 305, 


Jordan, David Starr, 93 
Jouett, 93, 95, 98 

Keckley, Elizabeth, 23, 24, 55, 
59, 60, 140, 169-70, 175, 
181, 194, 195, 198, 199, 
201, 222, 239, 240, 242, 
265, 278-9, 297, 300, 311, 

324, 333 

Kellogg, C. H., 51 
Kellogg, Franklin Pierce, 51, 


Kellogg, J. H., 329 
Kellogg, Margaret Todd, 51 
Keys, Mrs. Edward D., 28, 65 
Kimball, D., 225 


Knowles, S. F., 225 
Knox, 22 
Koehler, G., 18 
Koerner, Gustav, 88, 91-2 

Lafayette, 89, 95, 97, 98, 100 
Lamon, Ward H., 13, 14, 293, 


Lanphier, Mrs. John C., 77, 78 

Lestant, 313-14 

Lewis, Lloyd, 58, 59, 155, 319, 

Lincoln, Abraham, 3; and his 
sons, 55-6, 58, 59, 165; and 
his wife's family, 48, 49; 
characteristics, 117-20; fi- 
nances, 148-51, 168-9, 
195-6, 209, 236-8, 241; 
illness with smallpox, 
140-1; influence of Mrs. 
Lincoln on, 3, 4, 323-5, 
influence on Mrs. Lincoln, 
3235; melancholia, 328 
31; mentality, 324, 325-8, 
334; opinion of his wife, 
294-6, 314, 319, 333; po- 
litical career: (1842-51) 
127-8, 251-2; (1851-61) 
145-8, 156, 157-8, 252-3, 
254-5; (1861-5) 171-4, 
195, 254-5; reunion plans, 
2557; sources of informa- 
tion about, 8-9, 10-19 

Lincoln, Abraham (grandfather 
of the President), 26 

Lincoln, Abraham (of Mass.), 

Lincoln, Edward Baker, 55, 

126, 130, 139-40, 185, 263, 

264, 301, 313, 319 
Lincoln, Mary (daughter of 

Robert T.), 53 


Lincoln, Mary Harlan (Mrs. 

Robert T.), 69, 194, 195, 

202, 217, 319, 340 
Lincoln, Mary Todd (Mrs. 

Abraham) : 
achievement of objectives, 


ancestry, 31-43, 61 
and her sons, 52, 54, 56, 57, 

60, 61, 126 
and Lincoln's candidacy for 

the Senate, 145, 148 
and Lincoln's death, 180, 

185-6, 240, 265, 313, 318, 

and Lincoln's election to the 

presidency, 115-16, 128, 

and preventable diseases in 
her family, 139-41 

and slavery, 253 

and society, 87, 92, 107, 108, 
113, 114, 129, 130, 131, 
141-2, 164, 167, 174, 178- 
84, 195, 238, 239, 269-71, 

and spiritualism, 193, 264-6, 

appearance, 275; as a child, 

2 75, 2 ?6; as a young 
woman, 275-7; as a wife, 

276, 277-9; in later years, 

artistic sense, 289, 302 

as hostess, 142, 144, 151, 152, 

156-7, 166, 270 
as Mistress of the White 

House, 164-5, 166, 173-4, 

178-84, 239, 312 
as mother, 70, 131, I37~4i, 

143-4, 164, 165-6 
as wife, 151-2, 153-4, 155, 

165, 166, 287; and see 

home life, and influence on 

at Niagara Falls, 144 

at the Batavia Sanatorium, 

at the Lincoln-Douglas de- 
bate in Alton, 144 

birth, 65 

childhood, 65-9, 71, 72, 77-8, 
83, 102-3, 235, 315 

courtship, 117 

death, 343-5 

delusions, 216, 217, 225, 306, 
307, 308-9, 318 

dementia, 310, 317 

diabetes, 337, 342, 344 

discontent with Robert, 27, 

53, 194 

drugs, use of, 315, 341, 344 

education, 78, 83-6, 107, 

emotionalism, 71, 106, 126-7, 
184, 186,193, 195,213,218, 
287, 293-4, 301, 313, 314, 
317,318, 333, 334 

engagement to marry Lin- 
coln, 78-9, 117, 1 20-1 

ethical training, 67-9 

extravagance, 238-9, 247, 
309, 310, 311, 318; and see 
irresponsible purchases 

fall, at Pau, and its conse- 
quences, 227-8, 311, 342 

fearlessness, 104, 166 

features, 280-4 

final illness, 343-5 

finances, 128-9, 148-51, 164, 
167, 168-70, 195-210, 211, 

217, 233-4,3i-i3, 319 
hallucinations, 185, 215, 306, 

309, 315, 3I7-I8, 320, 341, 

headaches, 213, 338-9 



health, 193-4, 211, 213, 229, 

home life, 66-7, 79-81, 82, 

130, 137, 139,151-2,331-2 
house on Eighth Street, 

Springfield, 143 
immediacy, 70, 71, 104-5 
in Chicago, 25, 58, 144, 193, 

194, 198-9, 211, 214, 216- 

17, 222, 271, 306-7 

in Europe, 25, 210-11, 213, 
227, 228, 246, 271, 272, 

309, 317, 342 
in Florida, 213, 214, 216, 

influence of Lincoln upon, 

influences upon, 138, 148, 

157, 158, 299 ^ 
influence upon Lincoln, 3, 4, 

323-5, 326, 327-31, 332, 

inherited and transmitted 

traits, 31-62, 66, 71, 234 
in Lexington, 20, 21, 65-9, 

77-8, 79-81, 83-7, 90, 92, 

94-5, 101, 102-4, 107, 113, 

126, 150, 234, 235, 263 
in London, 271 
in New York, 158, 166, 180, 


311, 317, 342-3 
insanity, 194, 200, 214, 215- 

18, 221, 229, 230; begin- 
ning of, 158, 310, 318-20; 
type of, 305-18 

in Springfield, 21, 22, 71, 
78-9, 83, 113-17, 120-1, 
126-7, 128-31, 137-40, 
141-6, 147-9, 150-8, 225, 
227, 228, 236-8, 263, 270, 
271, 309-10, 318-19 

in Washington, 23, 71, 126, 


167-70, 171-5, 178-86, 


in Waukesha, 271 

irresponsible purchases, 158, 
169-70, 184, 217, 230, 238- 
40, 245, 247, 306-7, 309, 

jealousy, 297-9, 302 

love of adornment, 35 

marriage, 15, 79, 121, 145, 

mentality, 245, 247, 277, 287, 
289, 290, 301, 324 

objectives: (1842-51) 127; 
(1861) 164; (1865) 195-6, 
198, 202; (1875) 223-4 

pension bill, 25, 146, 193, 
202-10, 218, 243-4, 257-9, 
271, 312 

personality, 70, 218, 266, 287, 
288; in youth, 71, 
72, 80, 102-7, J o8, 288-9; 
in womanhood, 151-2, 
153-6, 166, 172, 174-5, 
182, 233, 247, 289-302, 

309, 317 
pictures of, 94, 275, 276-7, 

280-1, 283, 340-1 
political aims, 195 
political influences on person- 

ality, 90, 128, 148, 157, 158, 

political judgment, 115, 116, 

148, 155, 157, 171-2, 251, 
public opinion of, 4-5, 19, 

345, 349-52 

quoted, 43, 45-6, 69, 82, 142, 
143, 170, 185, 186, 197-8, 

201, 202-3, 204, 205-6, 
210, 253, 291-2, 340 

religion, 69, 126, 263-6 
sanity trials, 25, 26, 31, 53, 


214-18, 221, 22S-6, 233, 

36, 307, 3i6 
sources of information about, 

8-10, 14, 15-16, 1 8, 19-28 
suicide, attempt at, 221-3 
thyroid trouble, 340-1 
travel, 193, 194, 316-17 
"wanderlust," 224, 316-17 
wardrobe sale, 25, 193, 198- 

201, 208, 218, 242-3, 257, 

youth, 78-9, 83, 84, 85-7, 90, 

92, 94-5, 107, "3 
Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, 326 
Lincoln, Robert Todd, 17, 18, 

25, ^6, 27, 35, 53-4, 59, 60, 
61, 69, 126, 129, 137, 138, 
144, 165, 194, 195, 197, 
198, 211, 212-13, 214, 216- 

17, 2l8, 221, 222, 225, 226, 
227, 233, 241, 244, 245, 

246, 308, 310, 319, 345 
Lincoln, Thomas (father of 

Abraham), 26, 326 
Lincoln, Thomas (Tad), 12, 25, 

26, 35, 57-6i, 70, 71, 137, 
138, 140, 141, 144, 165-6, 
193, 194, 195, 198-9, 204, 

210, 211, 213, 218, 241, 

243, 244, 263, 265, 271, 

306, 307, 313, 317, 318, 
319, 340 

Lincoln, William Wallace, 55-7, 
58, 61, 70, 126, 137, 138, 
140, 144, 165, 167, 168, 
169, 181, 184, 185, 186, 
213, 265,266, 313,319 

Logan, John A., 228 

Logan, Stephen T., u, 42, 114, 

Louis XIV, 84 

Lovejoy, n 

Lyon, W. G., 225 

Maginnis, Mrs., 291 
Margaret of Anjou, 350 
Marshall, H., 95 
Marshall, Thomas A., 95 
Mason, James A., 214 
Masters, Edgar Lee, 129 
Matheny, 330, 331 
Mather family, 324-5 
Matteson, Joel A., 143 
Matteson, Mrs., 291 
Maximilian, 351 
McCarthy, C. H., 256, 257, 


McClellan, George B., 36 
McCollister, C L., 317 
McCormick, Cyrus, 95 
McCoy, Dr., 60 
McCreery, Senator, 206, 208, 


McDowell, Ephraim, 94 
Medill, Joseph, 255 
Menefee, Richard H., 95 
Menninger, Karl, 330 
Mentelle, 84 
Mentelle, Mme, 78, 84, 85, 86, 


Mentelle, Mary, 101 
Moore, S. M., 214 
Morrill, Senator, 208, 209 
Morris, M. M., 127 
Morrow, Honor6 Willsie, 19, 

170, 183 

Napoleon, 8, 89 

Nevins, Allan, 256, 257, 258 

Newton, J. F., 12-13, 16, 236, 

237, 290, 330, 332-3, 351 
Nicolay, John G., 128, 3*8-9, 


Norris, Elizabeth Humphreys, 
19, 20, 21, 57, 79, 80, 86, 90, 
102-3, 106, 107, 251, 275, 
276, 289 



O'Bannon, H. L., 50 
Oglesby, Richard J*, 194 
Oldham, William, 47, 97, 99 
Orne, General, 204, 298 
One, Mrs., 199, 203, 204, 

Owens, Mary, 87, 118-19, 120, 

Owsley, Katherine Bodley, 85, 

Oxford, Earl of, 350 

Paddock, R. M., 225, 35> 


Palen, 98 
Parker, Eliza (mother of Mrs. 

Lincoln), see Todd, Eliza 

Parker, Eliza Porter, 37-8, 67, 

77, 78, 80, 81, 126, 150, 

234, 235 

Parker, John, 100-01 
Parker, R. B., 101 
Parker, Robert, 37, 39, 150, 


Parkhurst, S. B., 214 
Patterson, A. B., 49-50 
Patterson, Martha, 181 
Patterson, R. J., 26, 27, 224, 

225, 30S, 3o6, 307-8, 316, 


Pease, T. C., 252 
Peck, John Mason, 122 
Peers, B. 0., 99 
Pepin, 98 
Peter, R., 94 
Phillips, U. B., 90, 91 
Pickens, Mrs., 177 
Pinch, Esther, 29 
Poore, Ben Perley, 23, 170, 177, 

179, 186, 278 
Porter, Andrew, 36-7, 39, 40, 


Porter, David Rittenhouse, 36 

Porter, Eliza Parker, 36, 37 

Porter, G. B., 36 

Porter, Horace, 298 

Porter, James Madison, 36 

Porter, Joe, 49 

Porter, John Ewing, 36-7, 40 

Porter, Robert, 34 

Porter, W. A., 36 

Power, J. C, 22 

Pratt, Senator, 206, 209 

Preston, Colonel, 34 

Rafinesque, 93-4 

Ranck, G. W., 84, 92-3, 95 

Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 

Rankin, Henry B., 14, 22, 

152-4, 277, 333 
Rawlins, Mrs., 202 
Reed, Rev. Dr., 263 
Reed, Walker, 101 
Remann, Henry, 55, 56 
Richardson, 101 
Riddle, A. G., 320 
Roberts, William, 225 
Russell, W. H., 183 
Rutledge, Ann, 10, n, 14, 16, 



Sandburg, Carl, 14 

Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez, 


Saulsbury, Senator, 208 
Saxon, Lyle, 313 
Sayre, Lewis A., 227-8, 311, 


Schaffer, 96 
Schurz, Carl, 206, 209 
Scott, , 291-2 
Scott, Winfield, 147 
Scripps, John L., 9, 23 


Seward, William Henry, 255 

Shakspere, 5 

Shaw, Albert, 107, 172-4 

Sheriff, Patrick, 122 

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 

255, 298 

Shields duel episode, 328, 329 
Shipman, Mrs., 340 
Shipman, P. L., 210 
Singleton, Esther, 23 
Slidell, Mrs. Alexander, 177 
Smith, Ann Todd (Mrs. C. M.), 

43, 44, 45-7, 49, 65, 66, 82, 

130, 144, 163 
Smith, Byrd, 96 
Smith, C. M., 44, 45-6, 130, 

163, 169, 238 
Smith, Charles Oilman, 212, 

215, 306, 319 
Smith, Ed, 337 
Speed, J. F., 120 
Spencer, Senator, 206, 209 
Stanton, Edwin M., 255, 300, 


Stanton, Mrs., 298 
Stedman, 315 

Stephens, Alexander H., 255 
Stevens, Thaddeus, 255, 256, 


Stewart, A. T., 169, 197 
Stewart, William, 214 
Stockard, C. R., 62, 70-1 
Stoddard, W. O., 5, 14, 24, 

140-1, 181-2, 271, 279, 

299-300, 318, 350, 352 
Stoneberger, B. F., 130, 155, 

230, 279 
Stuart, John T., n, 42, 94, 114, 

226, 327, 329 
Stuart, Robert, 81, 94 
Sumner, Charles, 183, 193, 203, 

205, 206, 255 
Swain, E., 308 

Swett, Leonard, 149, 214, 225, 

. 33 . 
Swissheim, Jane Gray, 319 

Taft, Mrs., 300-1 

Tarbell, Ida M., 14-15, 153, 

Taylor, Zachary, 127-8, 146, 


Terman, Lewis M., 327 
Thompson, Mrs. Jacob, 178 
Thurman, Senator, 208 
Tipton, Senator, 206, 207, 208, 

209, 243 
Todd, Alexander H., 48, 51, 79, 

Todd, Ann, see Smith, Ann 

Todd, Betsy Humphreys, see 

Todd, Elizabeth Hum- 

Todd, David, 32 
Todd, David (son of Levi), 34, 

Todd, David H. (half-brother 

of Mrs. Lincoln), 48, 51, 


Todd, Eliza, 38 

Todd, Eliza (aunt of Mrs. Lin- 
coln), see Carr, Eliza Todd 

Todd, Elizabeth (sister of Mrs. 
Lincoln), see Edwards, 
Elizabeth Todd 

Todd, Elizabeth Humphreys, 
20, 38, 41, 42, 48, 49, 51, 
56, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 
82, 83, 85, 86, 90, 94, 106, 
113, 263 

Todd, Eliza Parker, 38, 43, 48, 
49, 51, 65-6, 67-8, 69, 77, 
85, 138, 235 

Todd, Elodie, see Dawson, 
Elodie Todd 


Todd, Emilie P., see Helm, 

Emilie Todd 
Todd, Frances, see Wallace, 

Frances Todd 
Todd, George (son of G. R. C.), 

Todd, George Rogers Clark, 

37, 40-1, 43, 47, 49-50, 82, 


Todd, John (great-uncle of 

Mrs. Lincoln), 32, 33, 35, 

39, 40, 41, 42, 327 
Todd, Rev. John, 32, 35, 41 
Todd, Katherine B., see Herr, 

Katherine Todd 
Todd, Levi (grandfather of 

Mrs. Lincoln), 32, 33, 34, 

35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 234 
Todd, Levi O., 42, 43, 47-8, 65, 

66, 79, 82, 126, 144, 175-6 
Todd, Louisa, 47, 48 
Todd, Margaret, see Kellogg, 

Margaret Todd 
Todd, Martha K., see White, 

Martha Todd 
Todd, Mary, see Lincoln, Mary 

Todd, Robert (great-uncle of 

Mrs. Lincoln), 32, 33, 34, 


Todd, Robert P., 65 

Todd, Robert S., 33, 34~5, 38, 
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 
51, 65, 66, 77, 78, 79, 80, 
81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 90, 96-7, 
98, 99, 100, 101-2, 103, 
106, 126, 130, 144, 149, 
150, 234, 235 

Todd, Sam (uncle of Mrs. Lin- 
coln), 39-40 

Todd, Samuel B., 48, 51 

Torrey, John, 93 

Town, 102 


Townsend, William H., 20, 22, 

38, 47, 48, 65, 84, 85, 118, 

253, 277, 289 
Trumbull, Julia Jayne, 145, 

146, 163 
Trumbull, Lyman, 145, 163, 

Tyler, John, 36, 127, 176 

Vincent, T., 101 

Wade, Benjamin, 205 
Wallace, Frances Todd (Mrs. 
William), 21-2, 43, 44, 45, 
65, 66, 79, 81-2, 113, 117, 
128-9, 130, 151, 152, 163, 
175, 226, 229, 235, 236, 
289, 291 

Wallace, Joseph, 22 
Wallace, M. R. M., 214, 225, 


Wallace, William, 44, 45, 163 
Ward, Dr., 84, 86, 102 
Warren, Colonel, 142, 291 
Washburne, E. B., 14, 277 
Washington, George, 12, 36 
Weatherhead, D. J., 225 
Weber, Jessie Palmer, 46 
Webster, Daniel, 89 
Weed, Thurlow, 199-200, 201 
Weems, Mason Locke, 12 
Weik, J. W., 13, 18, 154, 293, 


Whaler, James, 93-4, 108 
White, Clement, 51, 52 
White, Horace, 12 
White, Hugh M., 89 
White, Martha Todd, 48, 51, 52, 

Whitney, H. C., 149, 238, 320, 

330, 333 

Wickliffe, Robert, 97, 99, 100 
Wild, R. F., 225 


Williams, 22 
Williamson, 196-7? 2 4 2 
Williamson, Mrs., 51 
Willis, N. P., 55 
Winn, Mary Day, 87-8, 327 

Woodbury, Mrs., 177 

Xarnpis, 100 

Yates, Senator, 208, 209 



JL HIS book has been set in a modern adapta- 
tion of a type designed by William Caslon, 
the first (1692-1766), who, it is generally con- 
ceded, brought the old-style letter to its 
highest perfection. 

An artistic, easily-read type, Caslon has 
had two centuries of ever-increasing popu- 
larity in our own country it is of interest to 
note that the first copies of the Declaration of 
Independence and the first paper currency 
distributed to the citizens of the new-born 
nation were printed in this type face.