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JUNE, 1918. 

} “ae NEWS 

&k Medical 
or Vol. XZeEX. No. G. 


Benjamin Dann Walsh 

PHILIP P. CALVERT, Ph.D., Editor. 
EX. T. CRESSON, jr., Associate Editor. 

HENRY SKINNER, M.D., Sc.D., Editor Emeritus. 

Apvisory COMMITTEE: 


Entered at the Philadelphia Post-Office as Second-Class Matter. 


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Ent. NEws, VOL. XXIX. Plate XII. 






Vor. XXX, JUNE, 1918. No. 6. 

Alexander—A new Interpretation of Brimley—Records of North Carolina 
the Wing-venation of the Pediciine Odonata from 1908 to 1917......... 227 
Crane-flies (Tipulidae, Diptera)... 201 | Malloch—A New Species of Johann- 

Weiss and Dickerson—The early sta- senomyia (Ceratopogonidae, Dip.) 229 
ges of Corythucha pergandei Heid. Wilson—A New Species of Macrosi- 
(ikem) ELomi:))\<cj- sissies istsie cisieiaist= ctele 205 phum (Aphididae. Hom.).... ..... 230 

Knight—Old and New Species of Lo- | Ireland—Coenonympha brenda (Lep. : 
pidea from the United States ( He- } Satynidae) i aesss-) me ocietetecsasene 231 
PAUP s 9) WUIGIGAES)) s/aeicie erections <l=scfe 06 210 | Editorial—Making the Editorial of 

Marchand—The Larval Stages of Ar- Greater Use to Entomology........ 232 
gyra albicans Lw. (Diptera, Doli- | Yuasa—An Extra Molt in the Nym- 
BHOPOGIGAeNy. cite oeceieeee nies cielo 216 phal Stages of the Chinch Bug 

McAtee—Psyllidae of the vicinity of (Elem. ebliets) es ances eee 233 
Washington, D. C., with descrip- Emergency Entomological Service.... 
tion of a New Species of Aphalara | Entomological Literature.............. 
(CHOMP) Siem oot Sets sancti eines 220 | Obituary—Ottomar Reinecke.........- 

Goe—Life History and Habits of Gas- Dr. Emile Frey-Gessner.... 
troidea caesia Rog. (Col ).......... 224 William Henry Harwood... 240 

Richard S. Standen......... 240 

A new Interpretation of the Wing-venation of the 
Pediciine Crane-flies (Tipulidae, Diptera). 
By Cuas. P. ALEXANDER, University of Kansas, Lawrence, 
(Plate XII.) 

Since the appearance of Needham’s exhaustive work on the 
wing-venation of crane-flies* there has been a tremendous in- 
crease in our knowledge of the group, the number of new 
species described in the past decade being far more than half 
of all those discovered in the preceding century and a half. 
These novelties have included many interesting new types 
that give us additional and suggestive data on some of the 
critical poits of venation. In other papers I have shown the 
probable true interpretation of the Cylindrotominae and in 

* Needham; James George. ‘eration of the wings of ipalidae. 
23rd Report of the State Entomologist of New York for 1907, pp, 217- 
248, pl. 11-30; 1908. 


202 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. [ June, 718 

this article I wish to take up a similar problem in the Pediciini. 

The tribe Pediciini is one of the smaller groups of Tipulidae, 
in North America being made up as follows: Pedicia (4); 
Tricyphena (22); Ornithodes (1), constituting the Pediciae ; 
Rhaphidolabis (9) ; Dicranota (5) and Polyangaeus (1), con- 
stituting the Dicranctae. The figures in parentheses are the 
numbers of apparently valid species at the present writing. 
The species described by Williston as Rhaphidolabis debilis is 
not included; the type is a mere fragment and the species, to 
my knowledge, has not been rediscovered, the Alaskan speci- 
mens so considered by Coquillett being a Tricyphona that was 
later described as T. glacialis. 

It seems advisable to discuss at this time the reasons for 
interpreting the venation of members of this tribe as has been 
done in recent papers by the writer since the nomenclature 
of the radial field that was used is very different from that 
hitherto accepted. Stated briefly, it may be said that the author 
believes from the data that are now available that the vein 
that has been called R1 is, in reality, R1 + 2, the short, oblique 
branch of R2 having: been hitherto called the radial cross-vein. 
It has long been a striking character of this generalized group 
that the so-called radial cross-vein was situated far out at the 
tip of R1, in some (as Polyangaeus Doane. to judge from the 
author’s figure) being beyond the tip of Ri and appearing as 
a free branch of R2; in others (as Tricyphona vitripennis, 
Rhaphidolabis flaveola, etc.) it is oblique and not unlike the 
branch R2. Recently I have seen a remarkable crane-fly from 
the north-western United States (7. protea) that proves that 
the above interpretation is the correct one, the free portion 
of R2 being long, oblique and fused with R1 only near the 
wing-margin (see diagram 2). 

This interpretation readily disposes. of almost all the 
Pediciine genera, fitting the condition in Pedicia and in most 
Tricyphona. It does not fit Ula because, as shown elsewhere, 
this genus is a Limnophiline type?. The apparent exceptions 

+ Alexander, Chas. P. Biology of the North American Crane-flies, 
part 3. The Genus Ula Haliday, Pomona Journal of Entomology ang 
Zoology, vol. 7, pp. 1-8, plate; 1915. 


to the above interpretation occur in the commonest [astern 
Tricyphona (inconstans O. S.), where veins R2 + 3 are fused 
basally with #4 for a short distance (see Pl. XII, diagram 6) 
and the r-m cross-vein connects directly with the sector just 
before its fork, or just beyond the fork on vein 5: some 
Dicranotae (see diagrams 7 and 10) are quite as in the above. 
It seems to me that this is due to the fusion of veins R2 + 3 
with R4. Thus in Rhaphidolabis we get forms (modesia, fig. 
8, rubescens, cayuga, etc.) where the cell R2 is sessile; in 
R. major (fig. g) it is very short-petiolate, an intermediate 
condition to that found in R. tenuipes (fig. 7). Even in the 
last named species alone there is considerable variation in the 
length of this fusion in a series of specimens. This length of 
the petiole of cell R3, 7. e., vein R2 + 3+ 4 (according to the 
present interpretation) is one of the most variable features of 
venation in the Dicranotae. 

This interpretation of the venation would give the Pediciini 
a much more generalized venation than the earlier interpreta- 
tion, and other features of the adult and larval organization 
certainly confirm this belief. All four branches of the radial 
sector are present, the first, R2, being fused with Ai for a 
varying distance back from the wing-margin. It will be seen 
that the Tanyderidae (diagram 1), the only crane-flies known 
where the full complement of branches of the sector is pres- 
ent and attain the wing-margin unfused, lack the radial 
cross-vein and this certainly seems to me to be suggestive. 
If its anterior branch, R2, is swung slightly cephalad to fuse 
with R1, then we have the apparent radial cross-vein formed. 
We must await more evidence before we can finally and accu- 
rately interpret the radial field of the wing in all crane-flies 
since it is by all means the most plastic field of the wing. 

In Dicranota (diagram 10) and Polyangaeus alone of this 
tribe the true radial cross-vein is present and here is located 
far before the tip of Ri, proximad of the upward deflection 
of R2. 

The diagrams herein shown (Plate XII) illustrate the fol- 
lowing points: 

204 ENTOMOL OGICAL NEWS. [ June, 18 

No. 1 shows a typical Tanyderine (Protoplasa), the radial field not 
unlike the supposed ancestral Pediciine type. 

No. 2. Tricyphona protea Alex.; note the long, oblique free 
portion of R2, fused with Ri near the margin only (compare these two 
branches, Ri and R2, with the corresponding figure 1). 

No. 3. TJ. diaphana and allies; including diaphana (Doane), 
exoloma (Doane) and frigida Alex.; here the posterior branch of the 
sector, R4, and R5 are separate (compare this field of the wing with 
the corresponding one in fig. I). 

Brunetti (1912) erected the genus 4malopina for a small 
species from India that agrees somewhat in venation with this 
group of species. Later, Bergroth (1913) was: inclined to 
admit this name as valid, but included with it the group of 
species just discussed. I do not believe that these three Ne- 
arctic species belong to the same group as Brunetti’s species 
which has cell 1st M2 open by the atrophy of m and other 
venational differences. Brunetti describes this group as hav- 
ing the r-m cross-vein connecting with “the 2nd and ard longi- 
tudinal veins.” By this I suppose he means the 3rd and 4th 
longitudinal veins since I know of no crane-fly where the r-m 
cross-vein is not connected posteriorly with the median vein 
(4th longitudinal). Or, it may be that Brunetti mistook the 
basal deflection of R5 for the r-m cross-vein since this sim- 
ulates a cross-vein and apparently connects the veins he de- 
scribes. If we recognize Brunetti’s group Amalopina surely 
we must have other names for the many other groups, such as 
T. kuwanai (fig. 5), T. aperta Cog. etc. 

No. 4. The common Tricyphona type with the branch R2 short and 
simulating a cross-vein and with veins R4 and Rs fused for a varying 
distance to form a petiole for cell R4, this fusion being longest in T. 

brevifurcata, hannai and katahdin. The following Nearctic species 
come in this group: 

T. ampla (Doane), T. auripennis (O. S.), T. calcar (O. S.) and T. 
atumnalis Alex. T. brevifurcata Alex.; T. hannat Alex. T. aperta 
Coq.; T. degenerata Alex. T. hyperborea (O.§.). T. glacialis Alex. ; 
T. vitripennis (Doane). T. septentrionalis Bergr.; T. cervina Alex. T. 
vernalis (O. S.), T. katahdin Alex. and T. paludicola Alex. 

No. 5. 7. kuwanai Alex. (Japan) has the r-m cross-vein connect- 
ing directly with the sector and the branches R2+3, R4 and R35 all 
arising from a single point. 


No. 6. The inconstans type. Often the r-m cross-vein connects di- 
rectly with the sector before its fork, as shown; cell R3 is usually 
short-petiolate, veins R2+3 being fused with R4 for a short distance. 
Species included: 

Tricyphona inconstans (O. S.), T. constans (Doane). 

No. 7. The type of Rhaphidolabis tenuipes; the condition of the 
radial field not unlike the last. Species included: 

R. (Rhaphidolabina) flaveola O. S. R. polymeroides Alex. R. 
tenuipes O. S., R. neomexicana Alex. 

No. 8. R. modesta types; cell R3 sessile. Species included: 

R. (Plectromyia) modesta O. S. R. sessilis Alex. R 
Alex.; R. cayuga Alex. 

No. 9. R. major Alex.; cell R3 very short-petiolate. 

No. 10. Dicranota pallida type; radial field of the type of No. 7 
but the true radial cross-vein present. Species included: 

D. pallida Alex. D. argentea Doane; D. noveboracensis Alex. D. 
rivularis O. S.; D. eucera O. S. Polyangaeus maculatus Doane. 

. rubesceis 

If the above interpretation of a backward fusion of R1 
with 2 is the correct one, as certainly appears from the data 
now available, it is the first case of such a fusion in the Tipu- 
lidae, the apparent fusion in the Cylindrotominae being no fu- 
sion at all but an atrophy of the tips of veins Ri and of Ra, 
so that the remaining vein, #3, simulates a long fusion of Ri + 
2+ 3 back from the wing-margin. 

The early Stages of Corythucha pergandei Heid. 
(Hem., Hom.). 

By Harry B. Wetss and Epcar L. DicKerson,* New Bruns- 
wick, New Jersey. 

This species is rather widely distributed in New Jersey, 
having been found by the writers on alder (Alnus glutinosa) 
at Trenton, Morris Plains, Lakehurst, Jamesburg and Plain- 
field and in nurseries on birch (Betula nigra, B. lutea, B. popu- 
lifolia) at Springfield, Elizabeth and Princeton. White birch 
(B. alba) was examined at numerous localities with negative 
results. In Smith’s List of the Insects of New Jersey it is 
further recorded from Roselle Park by Barber and from 

- The arrangement of the eahoss. names has no Siemiaeanee and in- 
dicates neither seniority nor precedence. 


Lakehurst by Torre Bueno. This list also includes a Staten 
Island record by Davis. Miss Patch, in Bull. 134 of the Maine 
Agric. Exp. Sta., records it as occurring on willow and alder 
between Bangor and Orono, Maine, and it also occurs in Ohio, 
according to Osborn and Drake, in Bull. 8 of the Ohio Biol. 
Survey. Heidemann, in the Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. viii, 
Nos. 1-2, cites records from Pennsylvania, District of Colum- 
bia, Virginia, Massachusetts, Illinois and Kansas and states 
that the National Museum contains specimens labeled as found 
on elm, crab apple and hazel. Van Duzee in his check list of 
the Hemiptera of America North of Mexico gives the general 
distribution as Eastern States and Canada. 

It was described by Heidemann in Vol. viii, Nos. 1-2, of the 
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., in which brief mention is also made of 
the larval forms and eggs. The adult overwinters, having 
been found by Barber while sitting under alder during Novem- 
ber. Heidemann states “under fallen leaves and in crevices of 
the bark.” In New Jersey the insects appear during the latter 
part of May or first of June, according to the weather, and 
eggs are deposited on the under sides of the leaves in the 
pubescent tissue found in the axils formed by the main rib 
and its side branches. From one to five eggs were found 
in each axil, each egg usually being inserted at right angles 
to the leaf surface and all being completely hidden. Eggs 
were found similarly placed in the leaves of birch. Heide- 
mann records finding the eggs on black alder (probably Al- 
nus vulgaris). Considerable feeding takes place during egg 
deposition. The nymphs after hatching feed in colonies 
on the under sides of the leaves causing a discoloration of the 
upper surfaces, which, however, is not as pronounced on alder 
as the discoloration following the feeding of other species 
on other plants. On birch, however, the effects of the feed- 
ing were much more evident. 

By the middle of July adults of the first brood are present 
and copulation takes place followed by egg-laying during the 
last of this month. From five to six weeks are required for 
a complete life cycle and during the last of August or first of 

Vol. xxix | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. 207 

September, adults of a second brood appear and later go into 
hibernation. On account of the extended oviposition period, 
it is possible at times to find all nymphal stages feeding to- 
gether. Colonies of early stage nymphs move around very 
little. Colonies of fourth and fifth stage nymphs move around 
more than the younger ones, probably because the leaf tissue 
at one spot is more quickly exhausted by the larger nymphs. 

Egg. Length 0.5 mm., greatest width 0.11 mm. Shape elliptical, 
broadest one-fourth from basal end. Base rounded forming an ob- 
tuse angle. Viewed from side one surface is slightly concave, the 
other side gradually rounded. Tip about one-half width of egg at 
basal fourth, with a conical cap, just below which is a constriction. 
Subtranslucent except for apical half, which is brown. 

Ist Stage Nymph. Length o.51 mm., greatest width exclusive of 
spines 0.16 mm. General shape elliptical, sides marginate. General 
color of dorsal surface brown. Fine median dorsal line on head and 
prothorax broadening out into a spot covering most of the dorsal 
surface of the meso- and metathorax and first two abdominal seg- 
ments. Posterior abdominal segments lighter at lateral margins. Pro- 
and mesothorax and each abdominal segment beginning with the sec- 
ond bears a spine on lateral margin. A pair of spines on vertex of 
head, a pair on front and a double pair on either side of a median 
line on top of head. A median pair on dorsum of mesothorax and on 
second abdominal segment. Four median spines in a transverse row 
arising from tubercles on fifth, sixth and eighth abdominal segments. 
Each spine tipped with a secreting hair. Eyes red, not prominent. 
Antennae white, one-third length of body bearing several compara- 
tively long hairs. Rostrum white, one-half length of body, extending 
beyond third pair of legs. Legs white, tinged with brown at apical 
ends of femora. 

2nd Stage Nymph. Length 0.70 mm., greatest width exclusive of 
spines 0.3 mm. Shape broadly elliptical, head brown. Light median 
dorsal streak beginning on head and extending into prothorax. Outer 
thirds of thorax brown, median third white heginning with posterior 
half of prothorax. This light median band extends through the first and 
second abdominal segments, which are also lighter at sides. Remainder 
of abdomen light brown, somewhat lighter at median posterior por- 
tion. Spines on head similar to those of preceding stage, save that 
the pair anterior to posterior margin of head rest on tubercles which 
also bear a few hairs. Spines on lateral margins of segments similar 
to those of preceding stage but more pronounced. A pair of tuber- 
cles on dorsal surface of mesothorax and fifth, sixth and eighth ab- 
dominal segments each bearing a spine and a few hairs. A pair of 


spines on dorsal surface of second abdominal segment. Eyes not 
prominent, consisting of four distinct, red ommatidia. Antennae, one- 
fourth of length of body. Legs and rostrum similar to those of pre- 
ceding stage. 

ard Stage Nymph. Length 0.88 mm., greatest width exclusive of 
spines 0.43 mm. Shape oval, somewhat pointed at both ends. Slightly 
narrow at anterior end. General color brown. Fine median line on 
dorsal surface of head and prothorax widening on meso- and meta- 
thorax and extending across the first three abdominal segments. Light 
median dorsal spot on 7th and 8th abdominal segments. Spines on 
lateral margins of segments similar to those of preceding stages save 
those on pro- and mesothorax which rest on tubercles bearing two or 
three smaller spines. Spines on remainder of dorsum similar to those 
of preceding stage, but more pronounced. Antennae slightly longer 
than those of preceding stage. Eyes, legs, rostrum similar to those 
of preceding stage. 

4th Stage Nymph. Length 1.2 mm., greatest width exclusive of 
tubercles 0.67 mm. Shape oval, sides distinctly marginate. Brownish 
markings on dorsal surface variable. Lateral and posterior margins 
of head brown, dorsal suriace light at centre. Prothorax brown on 
either side of centre, lobes light. Median portion of mesothorax 
light, lobes dark. Metathorax, first, second and third abdominal seg- 
ments all light in some specimens and a brown band on either side of 
centre in others. Remaining abdominal segments brown, save for 
lateral margins and median posterior portion of abdomen which are 
light. Head bears a pair of separated spines on front, a pair to- 
gether on vertex, a pair of separated tubercles bearing several spines 
and hairs on top anterior to posterior margin. Prothorax lobed at 
sides bearing a pair of spines on outer angle of lobe and two anterior 
to these. Mesothoracic lobes bearing a pair of spines at outer angle 
and a single one anterior to it. Spines on lateral margins of abdomen 
beginning with the second segment. Beginning with the fourth ab- 
dominal segment each lateral spine has an additional smaller spine 
ventral to it. Tubercles and spines on abdomen somewhat similar to 
those of preceding stage. Dorsal surface of lateral margin of each 
segment bears a brown hair. Eyes reddish. Antennae white, one- 
third length of body. Legs similar to those of preceding stage, ex- 
cept that outer extremities of tibiae and tarsi are tinged with brown. 
Rostrum extending to bases of third pair of legs. 

sth Stage Nymph. Length 1.6 mm., greatest width exclusive of 
tubercles 0.92 mm. Shape broadly oval. Posterior extremity of ab- 
domen forms an obtuse angle. Head light, tinged with brown. Pro- 
thorax with a brown band either side of centre, lobes light. Meso- 
thorax light at centre, anterior portion and apex of lobes brown. 


Metathorax, Ist, 2nd and 3rd abdominal segments light. Remaining 
abdominal segments brown, save for margins and dorsal spines which 
are white. A pair of separated spines on front of head, a pair with 
united base on vertex. Tubercles on dorsal surface of head near 
lateral margins prominent, separated, each bearing three spines and 

Corythucha pergandet, Heid., 5th stage nymph and adult (after Heidemann). 

two hairs. Prothoracic lobes with tubercles at outer angles, each 
bearing four spines and a hair. Anterior to these tubercles are two 
large spines with a smaller spine between them and one on either side. 
Wing-pads of mesothorax with tubercle on lateral margin, this tubercle 
bearing four spines and a hair; anterior to it are two smaller and two 
larger spines. Lateral margin of each abdominal segment beginning 
with the second bears a tubercle with three spines and a hair. A 
pair of small median spines on prothorax, a pair of smaller ones on 
mesothorax posterior to these. A pair of median tubercles on pos- 
terior margin of prothorax, each tubercle bearing two spines and two 
hairs. A pair of separated median spines on 2nd, 5th and 8th ab- 
dominal segments. Two or three hairs anterior to these spines on 
5th, 6th and 8th abdominal segments. Eyes reddish. Antennae, one- 
third length of body, light, tinged with brown, bearing several long 
hairs. Legs, light; tip of tibia and tarsus tinged with brown. Rostrum 
reaching bases of third pair of legs. 

210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. [ June, °18 

Old and New Species of Lopidea from the United 
States (Hemip., Miridae).* 
By Harry H. Knieut, Ithaca, New York. 
(Plate XIII.) 

Lopidea media (Say). Heterop. Hemip. N. Amer., p. 22, 1831. 
(Plate shire s8) 

The various workers on Hemiptera have generally agreed 
on the species that represents Say’s media, type of the genus 
Lopidea, there being only one form east of the Mississippi 
that will fit the original description. Farther west, however, 
beginning with Colorado, and Texas to the southwest, media 
overlaps with two species, lepidii and intermedia, forms which 
could never be distinguished with certainty except by the gen- 
ital characters. The writer has figured the male genital clasp- 
ers (Pl. XIII, fig. 1) of a specimen from Missouri which is 
the same as the generally accepted media Say. Males of this 
species have been examined coming from several States, rang- 
ing from Maine to Colorado with two specimens from farther 

The writer found media breeding on Solidago rugosa at 
Four Mile, New York, in company with J//nacora malina 
Uhler, but judging from the distribution of the species, he is 
of the opinion that it breeds on other plants also. 

Records: 69, Aug. 16, Ashland Junction, Maine, ¢2, July 3, 
Hanover, NEw Hampsuire (C. W. Johnson). ¢ 2, July 13, Swamp- 
scott, MAssacHusetTts (H. M. Parshley). ¢9, July 4, Four: Mile, 
$9, July 12, Batavia (H. H. Knight); $9, July 3, White Plains 
(Torre Bueno); ¢2@, July, Staten Island (‘Vm. T. Davis), New 
York). -¢, July 2, Jamesburg, New Jersrty, (W. T. Davis). 4, 
June 17, Brightwood, District oF CotumBIA; 92, Aug. 7, 1907, 
Hyattsville, Maryranp (O. Heidemann). ¢ 92, May 30 to June 23, 
Plummer’s Island, ¢ 2, June 4-15, Beltsville) MaryLanp; ¢ 9, June 
6, Mount Vernon, ¢@, June 23, Glen Carlyn, Vireinta (W. L. Me- 
Atee). ¢, Ames, Jowa. 62, July 15, Springfield, Mrssourr 
(H. H. Knight). ¢, Aug. 15, Bozeman. MonraANa. a2; June = 
26, July 17, Fort Collins, CotorApo. ¢, July 3, 1891, Ogden, UTAH. 
Lopidea intermedia new species. (PI. XIII, fig. 11). 

Similar in coloration to media and lepidii, to which species 

* Contribution from the Department of Entomology of Cornell Uni- 


it is very closely related; differs in being shorter and more 
compact and in the structure of the male genital claspers. 

6. Length 4.9 mm., width 1.7 mm. Bright red with fuscous and 
blackish as exhibited. in media, shorter and more compact, the an- 
tennae shorter also; second antennal segment linear, in length (1.31 
mm.) less than the width of the pronotum (1.48 mm.) at the base. 

Q@. Similar to the male in size and coloration. 

This species was found breeding on a purple flowering weed 
that grew in clumps along the small stream that flows by He- 
lotes. Few adults were out at the time of collecting, but the 
nymphs were found rather plentiful. 

Holotype: ¢, July 1, 1917, Helotes, Bexar Co., Texas (H. 
H. Knight) ; Cornell University Collection. 

Allotype: Taken with the type. 

Paratypes: 4 6,5 9, taken with the types. 

Lopidea. robiniae (Uhler). Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. 1:24, 1861. 
(Pl. XIII, fig. 2). 

This is a common and well-known species in the Eastern 
States, breeding on locust (Robina pseudo-acacia) from which 
its name is taken. The writer has examined specimens from 
Georgia, North Carolina, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, 
New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts. 

This species has in the past frequently been confused with 
confluens and even Uhler was willing to place his robiniae as 
a variety of media Say (Proc. Boston Soc: Nat. Hist., 19: 406, 
1878). The species is easily distinguished by the male genital 
claspers (Pl. XIII, fig. 2) which are very characteristic; the 
number of teeth on the basal part of the right clasper and 
fine spines at the tip of the curved part may vary slightly in 
number but the general form of the clasper is distinctive. 

Lopidea confluens (Say). Heterop. Hemip. N. Amer., p. 23, 1831. 
GE S1IT,, dig: 3): 

This species is slightly more ovate and robust than robiniae, 
is frequently very similar in coloration bui usually more orange 
or reddish. It has frequently been labeled robiniae in collec- 
tions and the only certain way of determining the yellow forms 
is by examining the male genital claspers. 

212 ENTOMOLOGICAI, NEWS. [ Tune, 718 

The writer found confluens breeding on Polymnia uvedalia 
in Missouri and the species doubtless lives also on P. cana- 
densis. There appears to be little doubt but that the species 
here figured is the form described by Say, since this is the only 
common form in the Middle States, and the only one from 
Missouri that will fit the original description. 

Records: 24, July 29-30, ¢, Aug. 13, Batavia, New York (H. 
H. Knight). @ 92. Aug. 28, Honesdale, Penn. (C. E. Olsen). ¢ 2, 
July 19 to Sept. 5, Plummer’s Island, Maryland (W. L. McAtee). 
69, Aug. 11, Springfield, Ohio (W. S. Adkins). 22, 59, June to, 
Flatwood, Alabama; 42¢ 9, July 15-18, Springfield, Missouri (H. H. 

Lopidea sayi new species. (Pl. XITI, fig. 5). 

é. Length 6.1 mm., width 2.1 mm. Slightly smaller than staphyleae 
but very similar in coloration, the antennae being more nearly linear; 
bright yellow to light orange, the scutellum and more or less on each 
side of the commissure, fuscous; base of the head and each side of 
the median line of the front, tylus, rostrum, antennae, membrane, 
femora and tibiae, black. Sternum and sometimes part of the venter, 
fuscous; genital claspers distinctive of the species. 

Q. Very similar to the male but with more fuscous and less orange 
in the yellow. 

Holotype: ¢&, June 6, 1917, Brown’s Ferry on Savannah 
River, South Carolina (H. H. Knight) ; Cornell University 

Allotype: Taken with the type. 

Paratypes: 3, taken with the types. ¢, June 15, 1902, 
Plummer’s Island, Maryland (©. Heidemann). 

Lopidea caesar (Reuter). Caps. Amer. Bor., p. 67, 1876. (PI. 
on eee. 4): 

This species was described by Reuter (1876) under the new 
generic name, Lomatopleura, with the type locality given as 
Pennsylvania. It was later found that Uhler’s Lopidea (1872) 
was very similar to Lomatopleura and the only points of dit- 
ference between the type species that could be fixed upon in 
classification was in the linear and incrassate form of the an- 
tennae. The writer has shown in a previous paper that the 
thickness of the antennae varies in the different species, and 


that the incrassate form cannot be taken as a basis for generic 
distinction. Reuter (1909, Bemerk. u. neark. Caps., p. 72) 
refers to caesar, having before him a male specimen from 
Texas sent by Mr. Heidemann, and a female specimen which 
may or may not have been caesar (1876). In the same note 
the author remarks that the second antennal segment of the 
male is “thirfner” than in the female, again showing that he 
had two species under consideration. The male considered 
above, being the same as major n. sp. from Texas, does have 
more slender antennae than either caesar or reuteri. The 
writer finds that the sexes of a given species of Lopidea do 
not differ in the antennal characters. 

The writer has seen the more important collections of Miri- 
dae from the United States and, after a careful survey of the 
Lopidea material, he feels quite safe in saying that if the type 
of Lomatopleura caesar came from Pennsylvania, as stated in 
the original description, then it can be only one of two species, 
that which the writer figures as caesar (Pl. XIII, fig. 4) or 
the species reutert. These two species are indeed very similar 
in general appearance, having prominent incrassate antennae, 
and are the only forms coming from Pennsylvania that could 
be taken for caesar. Reuter (1909) determined at least two 
species as caesar and it is not to be wondered at when one sees 
how closely together certain species run, the only apparent 
difference being found in the male genitalia. After a careful 
study of considerable material with reference to the color 
characters and distribution of the species, the writer has fig- 
ured what he believes must be caesar Reuter (1876). 
Lopidea minor new species. (Pl. XIII, tig. 6). 

Smaller and more reddish than nigridea but larger than 

é. Length 4.5 mm., width 1.66 mm. Fuscous, the exterior half of 
the corium, the cuneus, sides of the body and head, reddish, the em- 
bolium paler; prominent dark brownish pubescence; genital claspers 

distinctive of the species, showing a close relationship to davisi which 
species is much larger. 

Holotype: 8, “Colorado”; Cornell University Collection. 


Paratypes: $, topotypic; ¢, Dickinson, North Dakota (H. 

This species stood in the Cornell Collection as Lopidea 
nigridea, being received in an exchange lot from C. F. Baker 
in 1896. It differs from nigridea in its small size, coloration, 

and genital claspers. 

Lopidea picta new species. (Pl. XIII, fig. 7). 
Dark fuscous with black and white, differing from most 
species of Lopidea in the absence of any reddish coloration. 

é. Length 5.5 mm., width 1.78 mm. Dark fuscous, calli, base of ‘the 
head, tylus and each side of the median line of the front, rostrum 
and antennae, black; anterior part of the pronotum and the head 
ivory white, excluding the parts given as black; scutellum except the 
margins, embolium and cuneus, pale. Side of the pronotum, pleurae 
and venter, white; sternum, sutures oi the pleurae and marks on the 
sides of the venter and genital segment, fuscous. Legs fuscous to 
black, coxae except base, lower edge of the femora and apices, pale. 
Second antennal segment nearly linear. Genital claspers distinctive 
of the species. 

2. Very similar to the male in coloration, certain forms shorter 
and more robust with membrane abbreviated. 

Holotype: &, June 15, 1900, Pueblo, Colorado (E. D. 
Ball) ; Cornell University Collection. 

Allotype : topotypic. 

Paratypes: 4 6,2 2, topotypic; $, 3 2, July 24, 1900, Sal- 
ida, Colorado. 

Lopidea incurva new species. (Pl. XIII, fig. 8). 

Slightly larger than minor and smaller than davisi, reddish 
with the fuscous on the dorsum much as in minor; male genital 
claspers distinctive of the species. 

é. Length 5 mm., width 1.6 mm. Second antennal segment slightly 
thicker at the middle and tapering toward base and apex. Dorsum 
fuscous with only the exterior margins of the corium, pronotum and 
cuneus, reddish; membrane, antennae, eyes, rostrum and most of the 
face, fuscous. Legs pale fuscous, coxae and basal half of the femora 
pale to yellowish and pink, tarsi fuscous to black. 

Holotype: 3, July 17, Langdon, Missouri; Cornell Uni- 
versity Collection. 



Allotype: July 17, 1892, Galesburg, Illinois (Heidemann 
collection. ) 
Paratype: ¢, same data as the allotype. 

Lopidea major new species. (Pl. XIII, fig. 9). 

Very large, slightly more robust than either caesar or 
reuteri, carmine red and only narrowly fuscous along the 
commissure; male genital claspers distinctive of the species. 

3. Length 7.3 mm., width 2.57 mm. Second antennal segment 
scarcely incrassated, tapering slightly from near the base toward the 
apex. Carmine red, the scutellum lightly infuscated and very narrowly 
along the commissure of the hemelytra; calli, antennae, rostrum, head 
excepting the juga and bordering the eyes, legs, sternum, genital 
segment, and membrane, dark fuscous to black. 

2. Length 7.5 mm., width 2.74 mm.; slightly more robust but very 
similar to the male in coloration. 

Holotype: ¢, May 5, 1896, San Antonio, Texas (Marlatt) ; 
Cornell University Collection. 

Allotype: topotypic. 

Paratypes: ¢ 62, topotypic. 

This is the same species and some of the same material 
that Reuter (1909) had before him and took to be caesar 
when he stated: “the structure of the male genitalia is very 
characteristic, the tip of the left (sinistra) forcep being 
divided into three rather short’ prongs of equal length, and in 
addition is armed with a strong tooth nearer the base.” It is 
to be noted that he should have said right clasper instead of 
left (sinistra) ; also the female that had ‘‘thicker’’ antennae 
was a different species, and possibly caesar. The material was 
sent to Reuter for determination by Mr. Heidemann when 
that worker was preparing his paper “Bemerkungen uber 
nearktische Capsiden nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten.” 

Lopidea texana new species. (Pl. XIII, fig. 10). 

Very similar to major in size and general structure, but in 
color more orange red than carmine; male genital claspers 
distinctive of the species. 

é. Length 7.3 mm., width 2.45 mm. To be distinguished from 
major with certainty only by the male genital claspers, these struc- 
tures showing a close relationship between the species, 

216 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. [ June, ’18 

Q. Length 7.5 mm., width 2.7 mm. Very similar to the male; the 
more yellowish or orange red coloration serves to distinguish the 
females from those of major in the small series studied. 

Holotype: ¢, Austin, Texas (C. T. Brues) ; Cornell Uni- 
versity Collection. 

Allotype: topotypic. 

Paratypes: 5 2, topotypic; 2, May, 1896, Texas (Marlatt). 


Male genital claspers of Lopidea. 

A. left clasper, dorsal aspect. B. right clasper, dorsal aspect. C. 
right clasper, posterior aspect. D. left clasper, posterior aspect. E. 
right clasper, internal lateral aspect. FF. right clasper, external lateral 


The Larval Stages of Argyra albicans Lw. (Diptera, 

By WERNER MARCHAND, Princeton. New Jersey. 

(From the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Department 
of Animal Pathology). 

While collecting Tabanid larvae by sifting the mud of the 
edge of a pond, some unknown dipterous larvae were found, 
which, it was thought at first, might be those of Chrysops. 
However, when bred, they gave flies of the family Dolichopo- 
didae. For the determination of the flies I am indebted to 
Mr. E. T. Cresson, Jr., in Philadelphia, who identified them 
as Argyra albicans Loew. The species has been recorded for 
Princeton in Smith’s “Insects of New Jersey.” 

In the present condition of entomological literature it is 
practically impossible for anyone who makes occasional ob- 
servations on a subject, not directly falling within one’s own 
field of research, to ascertain whether such observations are 
new or not. I publish the following fragmentary notes on the 
flies in question, in the hope of a future closer co-operation 
between students of Dipterous life-histories.* 

* According to Malloch’s recent paper (1917) a great majority of 
Dolichopodid larvae are aquatic. Malloch makes no mention of the 
genus Argyra, but points out the meagerness of our knowledge on 
early stages of this family. 

Ent. NEws, VoL. XXIX. Plate XIII. 


\Lminor Lpicla Lincurva 



Larval stages of a considerable number of, chiefly Euro- 
pean, Dolichopodid species, as enumerated by Fr. Brauer 
(1883), are known; the majority appear to be terrestrial in 
habit, being found in damp soil, under decaying leaves, in rot- 
ten wood, etc. The larva of a species of Argyra (A. vestita 
Wiedemann) has been described by Th. Beling in 1882, who 
found them in the sandy mud of a small brook, the limicolous 
habit apparently being characteristic for the genus. 

The larvae of Argyra albicans were much less active than 
Tabanid larvae; they do not float at the surface as do the 
larvae of Tabanus lineola, which were found in the same lo- 
calities, and can apparently stay much longer under water 
thar these. They were taken as early as March 24 (4 speci- 
mens) and April 1 (one specimen), at the edge of a small 
pond on the premises of Princeton University, and were kept 
in a jelly-glass with some wet sand and plant-debris. Two 
of them, which were seen climbing out of the jar, were 
transferred on April 7 into a crystallizing-dish with some wet 
mud, and burrowed into it immediately. On April 17 two 
oblong cocoons were discovered in*the mud, one of which was 
opened and contained a freshly-formed pupa, bearing two 
long, horn-like breathing tubes at the anterior end. The pupae 
were kept in a damp atmosphere, in the crystallizing dish, 
having a glass cover. On April 20 the eyes had turned yel- 
lowish brown, on April 21 dark-brown; on April 22 all parts 
had become black except the abdomen, which was pale with 
black hairs visible through the cuticle, and the respiratory 
tubes, which also were pale. On April 23 at 1.30 p. m. two 
female imagos of the fly were found. The duration of the 
pupal period, consequently, was six days. The cocoon of the 
one specimen which had been left undisturbed was found to 
have opened by means of a circularly-cut cover, the pupal shell 
protruding from the opening in its entire length (fig. Id). 
Of the two flies one was killed, the other one kept alive in a 
test tube with a piece of apple rind, but had died on the fol- 
lowing morning. 

Description ; 


Larva. (Fig. I a). 6-9 mm. in length, I mm. in diameter, 12-seg- 
mented, elongate-cylindrical, narrowed anteriorly, the first segment 
being small, the second and third larger, the following segments of 
about equal length, 11th and 12th segments slightly enlarged. Head 
small, two chitinous rods supporting the mandibles extending into the 
third segment, head and these rods brownish-black. Remaining body 
semi-transparently yellowish-white. Respiration metapneustic, two 
slender tracheal trunks extending all along the body, giving off 
branches to each segment, their openings near together in a groove 
at the dorsal side of the 12th segment; two shorter tracheae, which 
extend through segments 11 and 12, likewise opening into this groove. 
Dorsally, on the 12th segment, on both sides of the respiratory 
groove, two triangular lobes formed by the integument; two similar 
lobes placed somewhat behind the latter and lower on the same segment. 
On the anterior border of segments 3-8 a narrow row of minute 

Figure 1. Early stages of Avgyra albicans Lw. a. larva; 6. pupa, ventral view; 
c, pupa, lateral view; d, earthen cocoon with empty pupal shell projecting from it. 

spines. Similar rows of minute spines on ventral side. Otherwise 
the cuticle smooth, glassy, shining, not striated. Edges of segments 
5-10 somewhat prominent, reminding of vestigial prolegs. 

Pupa. (Fig. 1 b and c). 3-3.5 mm. in length (with breathing-tubes 
4 mm.). Length of the breathing-tubes 1 mm. Dorsoventral diame- 
ter of thorax 1.5 mm. Conical; thorax considerably thicker than ab- 
domen, the latter narrowing down towards the tip. Head large, two 
black tubercles at the front, placed narrowly together, two small ones 


in front of these; a bristle on each side of this tubercle; two dark 
narrow lines extending from here downwards to the face. Above the 
region of the mouthparts two appressed bristles slightly converging 
with their tips. On anterior edge of prothorax two slender respira- 
tory tubes of equal length, projecting beyond the head, flattened and 
pale at base, pointed and shining black at the tip. General color of 
fresh pupa white, head more yellowish. Abdomen 9-segmented, white. 
on dorsal side reddish. Dorsally on each abdominal segment near 
its posterior border, a transverse row of very small, short, brownish 
spines. Lateral abdominal spiracles present but not very distinct. The 
spiracular areas with minute punctuation. On the ventral side of 
8th abdominal segment a fleshy prominence corresponding to the 
larval anus. Last segment (of female pupa) short, with low wart- 
like prominences. Wing-cases rounded, smooth; leg-cases free, con- 
siderably longer than wing-cases. Pupation in the mud, in oval-shaped, 
earthen cocoon, 5 mm. in length, with smooth inner walls. 

I notice that Beling, in his description of the larva of Argyra 
vestita, mentions not four but five integumental lobes on the 
12th segment, counting three upper ones, the middle one of 
these, however, often being much smaller than the two lateral 

In the pupa of Argyra vestita Beling mentions on the front 
four, short stiff bristles; he did not observe the cocoon formed 
for pupation. 

The habit of opening the pupal cocoon by means of a “cyc- 
lorrhaphous” cover, is of some interest and may throw light 
on the evolution of cyclorrhaphous from orthorrhaphous Dip- 
tera. While, as seen in this case, some orthorrhaphous Dip- 
tera form cocoons, which they open after the fashion de- 
scribed, it is quite possible that in cases where pupation takes 
place within the larval skin, the instinct to detach the cover 
from a surrounding cocoon is transferred to the larval skin 
surrounding the pupa, and as this closely adheres to the pupal 
surface, the pupa opens it by the same means. If this is so, 
then all flies which became cyclorrhaphous originally made 
cocoons, a habit which would serve to explain the barrel-like 
shape of the puparia and also, to some extent. the fact that 
the last larval skin is not shed; in some cases the skin may 
adhere to the inner side of the cocoon, especially if the latter 

220 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. | June, "18 

is made of hardened earth or clay, and the final molt may 
become mechanically dependent on this factor and impossible 
without it. In a later stage, when the insects have adapted 
themselves to a new environment, no cocoon is formed, but 
pupation takes place as if there were a cocoon surrounding 
the pupating larva; the larval skin cannot be successfully shed, 
and the result is a puparium, but the latter, consisting of both 
larval and pupal skin, is opened after the fashion of a cocoon. 


Braver, F., 1883. Die Zweifluegler des K. K. Hofmuseums zu Wien, 
Denkschriften der Wiener Akademie der Wissenchaften. 
3ERLING, TH., 1882. Beitrag zur Metamorphose zweifluegeliger Insek- 
ten. Archiv fuer Naturgeschichte, Jahrg. 48, Heft 2, pp. 225- 


Mattocu, Joun R., 1917. A Preliminary Classification of Diptera, 
Exclusive of Pupipara, Based upon larval and pupal characters, 
with keys to imagines in certain families. Part I., Bull. IIL, Lab. 
of Nat. Hist., Vol. XII, Article II], pp. 403-407 (Dolichopodidae). 

Psyllidae of the vicinity of Washington, D. C., with 
description of a New Species of Aphalara (Hom.) 
3y W. L. McATEE, Washington, D. C. 

The list of species herein presented comprises the psyllids 
recorded from the District of Columbia region in the papers 
cited in the bibliography plus those obtained by the writer 
and other collectors whose names are mentioned in connection 
with their captures. The list totals 23 species, and may be 
compared with those for the vicinity of Ames, Iowa,’ 15 spe- 
cies, of which 4 were described as new; for New Jersey,’ 
18 species, of which one is cited merely as n. sp. and 3 are 
recorded on hypothetical grounds; and for Colorado, 18 spe- 

cies, 14 of them cited under manuscript names.* 

Of the 23 species here listed 5 were originally described 
from material obtained wholly or in part from the vicinity of 

1Mally, C. W. Proc. Iowa Ac. Sci. 1894 (1805), pp. 152-171. 

2Smith, J. B. Rep. N. J. State Mus. 1909 (1910) pp. 108-110. 
3Gillette, C. P. and Baker, C. F. Bul. 31, Colo. Agr. Exp. Sta., 1895, 
pp. 113-115. 


Washington. For the benefit of those interested in the fauna 

of Plummers Island, Maryland, it may be said that 10 of the 

species have been collected on the island and 3 others nearby. 
Livia Latreille. 

L. maculipennis Fitch—Obtained by sweeping in marshy situations 
in May and June and by beating pine foliage January to June, also 
in October. Abundant. 

L. marginata Patch—The only specimens seen were collected at 
Falls Church, Virginia, July 24, by Nathan Banks. These were 
living in tufts of sedge, the upper leaves of which were entirely 

L. vernalis Fitch—Swept in marshy places in May and beaten 

from pine from January to September; has been taken also in 
October. Abundant. 

Aphalara Forster. 

A. calthae Linnaeus.——A very abundant species; propagates here 
apparently exclusively upon Polygonum, commonly on P. lapathi- 
folium. Has been collected on the food plant from June to Oc- 
tober and upon pine from January to April. 

A. eas new species. (Text figs.) 

Named in honor of Mr. E. A. Schwarz, who has done much 
careful study of Psyllidae, and published some excellent pa- 
pers on the family. 

A species of Aphalara, recognizable at a glance by its 
chunky appearance, and broad milky fore wings with some 
of the veins darkened distally. This species belongs to the 
section of Aphalara that has the clypeus rounded truncate and 
projecting but little beyond plane of face, and from compari- 
son with descriptions in Crawford’s monograph and with speci- 
mens in the U. S. National Museum appears to be undescribed. 

Length of body, 1.74 to 2.31 mm.; of 
wing, 2.24 to 2.64 mm. Width of head, .69 
to .76 mm.; of thorax, .82 to I mm. 

General color of the body yellowish- 
green to yellow-brown, with following 
brown to blackish markings: last 2-3 joints 
of antenna, underside basal two joints; im- 

pressions of vertex and pronotum; a divid- 

ed semicircular spot on front of praescu- 

tum; 4 vittae on scutum, those of inner 

Aphalara easn.sp. Upper pair curved and pointed anteriorly; distal 

figure, forewing. Lower figure, cat ane 7 
ealemenitalia. ends of tibial and tarsal joints; most of 


the thoracic sutures; ventral segments largely; and tips of- geni- 
talia. : 

Fore wings milky hyaline, veins thick; veins near apical margin and 
especially those bounding marginal cells, dark and bordered by nar- 
row brownish clouds. 

Male forceps almost boot-shaped in profile, the “toe” directed pos- 
teriorly. Whole genitalia of about the same shape as in A. picta 

Type male and allotype (in my collection) from Plummers 
Island, Maryland, May 1, 1914, W. L. McAtee. Paratypes 
include specimens from Plummers Island, April 23, 1916, L. 
O. Jackson; Maryland near Plummers Island, April 28, 1915; 
May 9, 1913; May 18, 1913, W. L. McAtee, and Great Falls, 
Maryland, May 6, H. S. Barber. Five specimens with the last 
data are in the National Museum Collection. 

My specimens were obtained by sweeping low vegetation, 
the particular food plant unfortunately not being determined. 

A. picta Zetterstedt—Specimens labelled Washington, D. C., are 
dated from May 19 to October 15, and simply Virginia, from May 
23 to September 7. Other specimens have been taken at Belts- 
ville, Maryland, June 15, 1913, Mount Vernon, Virginia, June 6, 
1915, McAtee; and Dyke, Virginia, May 28, 1915, L. O. Jackson. 
Specimens in the National Museum collection bearing the cabinet 
name A. asteris Riley belong to this species. 

A. veaziei Patch.—Abundant; extreme dates of collection May 11 
to September 23. A cabinet name A. solidaginis Riley indicates 
a food plant, though probably not the sole one. The species has 
been beaten from pine in June. In general appearance this spe- 
cies and the last seem almost to grade into each other, but the 
male genitalia are distinct. The form A. veaziet metzaria Craw- 
ford apparently has not been taken about Washington, but I have 
swept it from salt marshes at Wallops Island, Virginia, (May 
25 TOES) 

Calophya Loew. 

C. flavida Schwarz.—Originally described from District of Colum- 
bia material. Occurs only upon Rhus glabra where it has been 
collected from May 1 to August 4. Usually rather scarce. 

C. nigripennis Riley— Abundant on Rhus copallina, May 4 to June 
29. Mr. E. A. Schwarz says: *“Our eastern species hibernate as 
full grown larvae or pupae on the stems of their food plants and 
there is but one generation each year.” 

of Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 6, 1904, p. 240. 






Trioza Forster. 
aylmeriae Patch—Mt. Vernon, Virginia, February 28, L. O. 
Jackson; and March 21, 1915, McAtee. 
diospyri Ashmead.— Abundant on persimmon (Diopyros vir- 
giniana) ; March 26 to August 14. 
obtusa Patch.—Washington, D. C., April 6 and 27, 1885; Mary- 
land, February 22, 1884, A. Koebele; Dead Run, Virginia, in 
flowers of Amelanchier, April 23, 1916, L. O. Jackson. Cabinet 
name, 7. amelanchieris Riley. 
salicis Mally—Common on willow from June to August, 
though nymphs have been collected as late as October; found on 
pine foliage from November to April. 
tripunctata Fitch—Probably the most abundant species of 
Psyllid in this region. Plants of the genus Rubus are said to be 
the true hosts, but it would seem hardly enough specimens are seen 
upon Rubus (May-July) to account for the great abundance of 
the species on pine (October-June). 

Neotriozella Crawford. 

. immaculata Crawford—wWashington, D. C., October, 1883, E. 

A. Schwarz; Mt. Rainier, Maryland, November 14, 1915, L. O. 
Jackson; Eastern Branch, near Bennings, D. C., on Pinus vir- 
giniana, December 30, 1915, McAtee. 

Hemitrioza Crawford. 
sonchi Crawford—wWashington, D. C., June 13, 19, 22, 26; 
Virginia, October 9, 1881, E. A. Schwarz; Four-mile Run, Vir- 
ginia, June 29, 1913, A. Wetmore. All of this material except last 
lot, was used in connection with the original description of the 
species (and genus). 
Pachypsylla Riley. 

. celtidis-gemma Riley—Common on hackberry, May 8 to June 7. 
. celtidis-mamma Riley —Not very common; found on hackberry 

May 13 to August 15, and on red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) 
and other conifers from October to February. Specimens labelled 
P. c.-minuta seem, to be only small individuals of this species. 

. venusta Osten Sacken—Department of Agriculture grounds, 

Washington, D. C., September, 1892. Miss M. Sullivan. Originally 
described from Washington, D. C. 

Psyllopsis Loew. 

. fraxinicola Forster—Washington, D. C., May 18 to August 10, 

Hubbard and Schwarz. 
Psylla Geoffroy. 

_ annulata Fitch.—Beltsville, Maryland, May 28, 1916; August 14, 

1914, McAtee. 


P. carpinicola Crawford— Common on Carpinus caroliniana, May 15 
to October It. 
P. cephalica Crawford.——Washington, D. C., July 1, August 17, 

E. A. Schwarz. 

Crawrorp, D. L.—1014. A monograph of the jumping plart-lice or 
Psyllidae of the New World. Bul. 85, U. 5S. Nat. Mus., 186 pp., 
541 figs. [Records 15 species from the District of Columbia. 
Among them Hemitrioza sonchi, new genus and species and 
Psylla cephalica new species are described from District ma- 
terial in part.] 

McAteE, W. L—1o915._ Psyllidae wintering on conifers about Wash- 
ington, D. C. Science, N. S., 41, June 25, p. 940. [Five species 
discussed. | 

Osten SACKEN, C. R—1861. Ueber die Gallen und andere durch 
Insecten hervorgebrachte Pflanzendeformationen in Nord-Am- 
erica. Ent. Zeit. Stettin. 22, Nos. 10-12, Oct.-Dec. pp. 450- 
423. [Describes Celtis gall and gall maker, Psylla (now 
Pachypsylla) venusta from Washington, D. C.] 

ScHwarz, E. A—1904. Notes on North American Psyllidae, Part I. 
Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., 6, No. 4, Nov., pp. 234-245, figs. 6-12. 
[Describes Calophya flavida new species and records C. nigri- 
pennis Riley, from the vicinity of Washington, D. C.] 

Life History and Habits of Gastroidea caesia 
Rog. (Col.) 
By Mitten T. Gor, Portland, Oregon. 

These beautiful, little, dark-green beetles are to be found in 
countless numbers in and around Portland, Oregon, from the 
latter part of March until late in autumn. Plants of the Dock 
species, Rumex crispus and Rumex obtusifolius, are their fa- 
vorite hosts, and on bright, warm days both adult and larva 
may be found feeding upon the leaves of these plants; but 
during cold or rainy days they take shelter in the ground near 
where they are feeding. From my observations, I find of the 
two Rumex species, they prefer obtusifolius. The adult beetle 
and the larva both feed greedily upon the leaves of these 
plants ; the larvae eat the parenchyma off the upper and under 
surface of the leaves, but are more often found on the under 
side. The adults are even more devastating than the larvae, 


Viol: xxix, | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. 225 

frequently destgoying the whole of the leaf except the midrib. 
The Gastroideas are so fond of these plants, and confine them- 
selves so closely to them, that they might well be given the 
common name of Dock Beetles. 

During my investigation of these Chrysomelids in their nat- 
ural surroundings and in captivity, rhubarb was the only culti- 
vated plant upon which I found that they would feed, though 
I tested them with lettuce, radish, beet and other plant leaves. 
They ate sparingly of the rhubarb leaves and readily left them 
when given access to dock. 

Although they have well developed wings they never fly and 
their protection from enemies is their color and habit of feign- 
ing death. 

The female deposits her eggs, which are elongated and 
of a dark-yellow color, in irregular masses on the under 
side of the leaves. The number of eggs in these masses varies, 
but is usually from thirty to forty. The eggs are always de- 
posited during the day, the individual laying later each day 
until the laying is quite late in the afternoon, then she begins in 
the early morning once more. One especially productive fe- 
male deposited a batch of thirty-four eggs in the early morning 
and thirty late in the afternoon of the same day, but this was 
an exception and the only instance in which I have known of 
more than one batch of eggs being deposited during the same 
day. Occasionally there are days of rest when no eggs are laid. 
One female deposited thirty-three eggs on the fifth day after 
reaching maturity, which shows how closely one generation 
may follow another. The first generation of females, which 
mature from pupae that have passed the winter in the ground, 
is the most productive generation of the year. While the aver- 
age number of eggs produced each day is less than the average 
number produced by later generations, the adult life period, 
and therefore the productive period, is longer than that of la- 
ter generations. During the height of the season of oviposit- 
ing, the abdomen of the female is so dilated that the elytra 
stand at almost right angles to the body, the female at this time 
being much larger than the male. At the end of the laying sea- 
son the abdomen returns to its normal size. There are four or 


five generations of this beetle each year, the number of gener- 
ations depending upon the length of the warm season. The 
life of the male is much shorter than that of the female; from 
my observations I found the life of the female to be about 
three times the length of that of the male. 

Following are the dates and number of eggs laid by a female 
beetle of the first generation, the period of incubation, larval 
period and the time required for pupation: 

March 31 29 eggs April 14 32 eggs April 28 38 eggs 
April I 36 eggs April 15 None April 29 33 eggs 
April 2 31 eggs April 16 31 eggs April 30 None 
April 3 30 eggs April 17 32 eggs May I 34 eggs 
April 4 32 eggs April 18 None May 2 33 eggs 
April 5 37 eggs April 19 38 eggs May 3. 36 eggs 
April 6 None April 20 32 eggs May 4 _. 30 eggs 
April 7 21 eggs April 21 37 eggs May 5 36 eggs 
April 8 37 eggs April 22 32 eggs May 6 None 
April 9 32 eggs April 2 32 eggs May 7 =None 
April I0 32 eggs April 24 33 eggs May 8 33 eggs 
April 11 Q eggs April 25 35 eggs May 9 None 
April I2 24 eggs April 26 34 eggs May to None 
April 13 36 eggs April 27. None May 11 None 

May 12 22 eggs 
Total, 1049 eggs. 

This female laid no more eggs after May 12th and on May 
18th we found her dead on a leaf of dock; most of these bee- 
tles go into the soil to die. 

April oth, fifteen larvae hatched from the batch of twenty- 
nine eggs laid on March 31st. These tiny, black, worm-like 
larvae were kept in a jar containing about two inches of soil, 
and provided with fresh dock leaves daily. The larvae of 
these beetles do not seem to moult, but simply grow larger until 
they enter the soil for pupation. 

April 26th all of the larvae living at that time, ten in all, 
entered the soil to pupate. Nothing more was seen of them 
until May roth, when five fully developed beetles emerged 
from the soil, five having died during the pupal period. 

During the process of transformation these insects change 
in color from black to yellow, and from yellow to green. 

From notes taken at different times I find that the time for 
incubation is from six to ten days; the larval period is from 
ten to sixteen days, and the pupal period is from fourteen to 
sixteen days. 


Records of North Carolina Odonata from 1908 
ton 197. 
By C. S. Brimiey, Raleigh, North Carolina. 

These records include those of species not hitherto taken in 
North Carolina, as well as any other records which materially 
extend the range of other species. ‘The species new to North 
Carolina are marked with a star (*). 

Calopteryx dimidiata Burm. Wakefield, Wake County, eleven 
taken on Buffalo Creek, five miles from here, July 4, 1908, 
Cys. B: 

Lestes vigilax Hagen. Pine Bluff, Moore County, twenty-one 
taken in July, 1914, by J. D. Ives. 

*Amphiagrion saucium Burm. \Raleigh, May 18, 1909, one female. 
Sunburst, Haywood County, three in May, 1912, one in May, 
SDR UC mS 8h 

Argia fumipennis Burm. Raleigh, one, July 14, 1914. Pine Bluff, 
July, 1914, seventeen, J. D. I. 

Argia putrida Hagen. Pine Bluff, six in July, 1914, J. D. I. 

Argia tibialis Rambur. Pine Bluff, July, 1914, J. D. I. 

Argia violacea Hagen. Wakefield, Durham and Fuquay Springs 
(in Wake County) are three new localities. 

*Enallagma geminatum Kellicott. Pine Bluff, a pair taken by 
Prof. Ives in June, 1914. 

*Ischnura prognatha Hagen. Raleigh, twenty-seven taken along 
pools in marshy stream running into Walnut Creek, August 1 
i) BOS aGaile (Ox Se 1332 

Telagrion daeckii Calvert. Southern Pines, June 23, 1909 (1), C. S. 
Beene Siete Waly: Ona: (5) an), Disk 

Gomphus brimleyi Muttkowski. ‘Lumberton (as G. parvulus in 
Ent. News, March, 1904; identification changed to G. abbrevi- 
atus in Ent. News, March, 1906), also from Southern Pines, 
April 29, 1908; White Lake, Bladen County, May, 1910 (F. S.), 
and Raleigh, May 15, 1915, C. S. B. 

*Gomphus plagiatus Selys. Lake Waccamaw, September 20, 1915, 
R. W. Leiby. 

*Gomphus vastus Walsh. Black Mt., late May, 1910, F. Sherman. 

*Hagenius brevistylus Selys. Raleigh, one male, August 22, 1914; 
also one seen mounted in collection of Mr. A. H. Manee. at 
Southern Pines, and said to have been taken by him there. 

*Lanthus parvulus Selys. Andrews, Cherokee County, tenerals 
common in mid-May, 1908, C. S. B. Sunburst, rather common 
in late May, 1913, but none seen at same season in previous 
year, C. S. B. Black Mt., late May, 1910, two, F. S. 

228 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. | June, 718 

Progomphus obscurus Rambur. Pine Bluff, July, 1914; Soutkern 
Pines, June’ 22, 23, 1909, C. S. B. Fuquay Springs, June 22, 
1911, (CUS-CB: 

Tachopteryx thoreyi Hagen. Raleigh, two taken by H. Spencer, 
May 14, 1916, near Lake Raleigh. 

Aeshna umbrosa E. M. Walker. The specimens previously listed 
by me from Raleigh, Linville and Highlands as A. constricta 
should be referred here. Blowing Rock, September 4, 1915, 
one male. 

Epiaeschna heros Fabr. Southern Pines, May 15, 1909, A. H. 

Cordulegaster diastatops Selys. Andrews, late May, 1908. Sun- 
burst, a few in late May, 1912, and 1913, C. S. B.; three in mid- 
June, 1911, F. S. Southern Pines, April 8, 1910, A. BH. M- 
Aquone, Franklin County, mid-May, 1911, F. S. 

Cordulegaster fasciatus Rambur. Ridgecrest, mid-July, 1916, taken 
by some boys and brought to Mr. Sherman’s office. 

Didymops transversa Say. Greensboro, early May, 1913, C. S. B. 

Helocordulia selysii Hagen. Raleigh, March 18, 1908, and April 17, 
19144 SOB. 

Macromia georgina Selys. Our Raleigh Macromias seem to be- 
long here, including those formerly listed as M. taeniolata and 
M. illinoensis (Ent. News, May, 1903, and March, 1906). Rather 
uncommon at Raleigh, flying both over streams, and in open 
places in dry upland woods, from late June to mid-September, 
also Southern Pines, September 6, 1909. 

*Macromia australensis Williamson. Raleigh. July 26, 1916, one 
female lacking the antehumeral stripes, may belong here, if 
not merely a variation from M. georgina, which it otherwise 
resembles (C. S. B.). 

Neurocordulia obsoleta Say. Southern Pines, June 5, 1909, A. 
H. M. 

Tetragoneuria cynosura Say. Southern Pines, April 4, 1910, A. 
H. M. 

Tetragoneuria cynosura simulans Muttkowski. Here belong my 
“semiaquea”’ records from Lumberton and Raleigh. 

Tetragoneuria semiaquea Burm. Here belong all my comblanata 
records, also the semiaquea records from Lake Ellis. Other 
localities are Southern Pines, late March and April, Manee; 
White Lake, May, 1910, F. S. 

Celithemis elisa Hagen. Southern Pines, August 11, 1909, three, 
A. H. M. Pine Bluff, ‘Jane, July; 1914;-J..D! 1. “Ralewoin 
August 29, 1914, August 8, 1916. 

Celithemis fasciata Kirby. Southern Pines; June 23, 1909, C. S. B. 
Lakeview, June 11, 1912, C. S. B. Pine Bluff, June, July, 1914, 


J. D. I. Raleigh, six in July and August, 1914 to 1916, C. S. B. 

Celithemis ornata Rambur. Pine Bluff, June, July, 1914, J. D. I. 
White Lake, early June, 1915, F. S. 

Erythrodiplax minuscula Rambur. Raleigh, June 18, 1908, August 
Sis wees bs Limerbiutt, June; July,1914) jo Da: 

Ladona deplanata Rambur. Raleigh, April 21, 1916. 

Libellula auripennis Burm. Cape Hatteras, July, August, 1909. 

Libellula axillena Westwood. Raleigh, August 4, 1908, July 16, 
26, 1917; Wakefield, July 1, 1908, C. S. B. Southern Pines, 
August 11, 1909, A. H. M. 

Libellula favida Rambur. Fuquay Springs, June 20, 1911, two; 
Pine Bluff, three in June and July, 1914, J. D. I. 

Libellula pulchella Drury. Sunburst, late May, 1913, C. S. B. 

Libellula semifasciata Burm. Sunburst, late May, 1913, at 4000 
feet elevation, C. S. B. 

Libellula vibrans Fabr. Southern Pines, June 23, 1909, A. H: M. 
Nannothemis bella Uhler. Southern Pines, June 23, 1909, abun- 
dant. Pine Bluff, twenty-six in June and July, 1914, J. D. I. 
*Pantala hymenaea Say. Raleigh, August 11, 1915, one female. ° 

These records are based on my own collecting, on collecting 
done by Mr. F. Sherman, Entomologist to the State Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, and his assistants, on specimens received 
from Mr. A. H. Manee, of Southern Pines, and on collections 
made by Professor J. D. Ives, formerly of Wake Forest Col- 
lege, at Pine Bluff, Moore County, in June and July, 1914. 

The total number of forms of Odonata which I now have 
on record from North Carolina is 104, of which 36 are ZY Zop- 
tera, and the remaining 68 Anisoptera. 

A New Species of Johannsenomyia (Ceratopogonidae, 
By J. R. Mattocu, Urbana, Illinois. 

In describing the present species I take the opportunity to 
correct an error in my synopsis of this genus.* 

The species stigmalis Coquillett should be placed among 
those with unspined fifth tarsal joint, and should run down 
to section 7 in the key. The characters cited under the first 
subsection of 12 should be transferred to 7 as an additional 

“* Bull, Ill. State Lab, Nat. Hist, vol. X, art. 6, p. 332 (1915) 


To include the present species, Section 12 should be 
changed to read as follows: 

12. Tarsal claws exceedingly long, those of each hind pair very 
unequal, the inner about 4 times as long as the outer, 
ios SH SUSE n oct a:b 0, 3 RE annulicornis n. sp. 
Se aoek Tarsal claws short, subequal on all legs 3 
Johannsenomyia annulicornis sp. n. 

2. Black, slightly shining. Back of head and vertex brown, re- 
mainder of head and its appendages yellow, apices of the short 
flagellar joints, and all of the long joints except the bases of the first 
two fuscous. Thorax, except prothorax, and abdomen black. Legs 
yellow, mid and hind coxae, hind femora except bases, hind tibia 
on basal half, the extreme apices of basal four joints and all of apical 
joints on all legs fuscous. Wings clear, region of cross-vein in- 
fuscated. Halteres dark brown. 

Antennae very slender, longer than head and thorax combined. 
Thorax densely short-haired; mesopleurae with similar short hairs 
on the greater portion of its surface. Legs very long, fore and 
hind femora thickened apically; tibiae not setulose; basal joint of 
hind tarsi but little shorter than hind tibiae: apical tarsal joint on 
all legs with a double series of long bristles on basal half; claws each 
with a short tooth at base, inner claw on hind tarsi about four times 
as long as outer. Third vein ending about one-eighth from apex of 
wing, first at about one-fifth of distance from cross-vein to apex of 
third; media and cubitus forking before cross-vein. Length, 4 mm. 

Type.  @, Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. 
Type locality, Lake Villa, Illinois, July 21, 1916 (C. A. 


A New Species of Macrosiphum (Aphididae, Hom.). 
H. F. Witson, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. 

This insect occurs commonly on the leaves of Rhododen- 
dron californicum Hook. along the coast region of Oregon. 
The description was made from specimens collected at New 
Port, Oregon, June 15, 1915. Apterous, alate and _ pupal 
forms were present in great numbers. 

Types mounted in balsam on slides, in my collection. 
Macrosiphum rhododendri, n. sp. 

Apterous viviparous female. General color pale green, a few pinkish 
forms were also taken. The distal end of the fifth and the entire 


sixth segment with unguis dusky. Distal ends of tibiae and tarsi 
also dusky. Hairs on antennae, legs and body short and heavy, 
spinelike, capitate at the tip. Antennae slightly longer than the 
body. Unguis slightly longer than the third antennal segment. Third 
segment with two or three small circular sensoria. Antennal tubercle 
prominent and gibbous. Nectaries more or less cylindrical, but with 
a slight taper and slightly curved toward the center. This latter 
character produces a slightly swollen effect which is accentuated by 
the constricted tip. 

Measurements. Body length, 2 mm. Length of antennae: total 
length 2.26 mm. Antennal segments III. 0.58 mm.; IV. 0.38 mm.; 
V. 0.38 mm.; VI. 0.13 mm.; Unguis 0.56 mm. Length of nectaries 
inside 0.55 mm. Cauda 0.22 mm. 

Pupae. Dark grey to chocolate brown. 

Alate viviparous female. General color pale green, head and 
thorax dusky to black. Antennae with outer two-thirds dusky. 
Tibiae at distal end, and tarsi dusky. Antennae a little longer than 
the body. Fourth segment a trifle longer than the unguis. Third 
segment with 30 to 40 irregularly sized circular sensoria. Antennal 

Macrosiphum rhododendri n. sp.—A, Nectary. B, Third antennal segment. 

tubercles large and gibbous. Nectaries as in the apterous form. 
Cauda turned upward and constricted toward the middle, as in 

Measurements. Body length, 2.22 mm. Length of antennae, 2.25 
mm. Antennal segments. III. 0.578 mm.; IV. 0.4 mm.; V. 0.41 mm.; 
VI. 0.09 mm.; Unguis, 0.53 mm. Nectaries, 0.445 mm. Cauda, 0.24 

Coenonympha brenda (Lep.: Satyridae). 

I spent the last of August, 1917. in the Greenhorns above Glenville, 
California. Noticing a pallid little Satyrid, I took half a dozen, more 
for purposes of identification than anything else. Because of limited 
opportunity to collect and miserable facilities for preserving a collec- 
tion in the oil-country, I usually foolishly disregard the insignificant 
sorts. Imagine my chagrin, on reaching home, to find my Satyrid 
to be Coenonympha brenda! While not gregarious, three or four were 
fluttering languidly over every high, grassy knoll, and a day’s collecting 
would have yielded a hundred specimens. I wonder if C. brenda is 
a late-fall species, coming after we have about given up collecting, 
and thus has escaped notice?—W, H, IReLanp, 



Making the Editorial of Greater Use To Entomology. 

In a recent (December, 1917) number of the Sigma Xi 
Quarterly, the literary editor of The Independent has some 
amusing remarks “From the other side of the Barricade,” 
the obstacle in question being that which separates editors 
from non-editors. Many topics are touched upon but for our 
present purpose we wish merely to quote the following: 

And there are others, graduate students, assistants, teachers, men 
who stand at the very frontier of human knowledge, familiar with 
sources, knowing real science from fake science, eager and able to 
write, but when they come to me or I get after them they ask helpless- 
ly: “What do you want me to write about?” 

What do they take an editor for anyway? If I knew what they 
know I should not ask them to write. I should do it myself. Do they 
think that our correspondent somewhere in France cables to us: “Come 
over and tell me what there is here to write about’? Do they think 
that our\ musical critic drops in to ask: “Have I heard any new coim- 
posers lately whom you think I ought to write about and, if so, what 
should I say about them?” Did Columbus go to King Ferdinand and 
inquire: “Has Your Majesty anything in the sea-faring line that 
you would like to have me do?” 

To these extracts we should like to add the last sentence 
from the First Report of Committee on Zoology of the Na- 
tional Research Council: “The Committee . . . . invites from 
every zoological investigator in the country q4 statement of the 
things most urgently needed for the promotion of his own 
research work.” 

The needs and problems of The Independent are not those 
of the News or of other entomological journals, at the pres- 
ent time at least. Whatever opinions may be held as to the 
value of the articles published in the periodicals of our sci- 
ence, there is now no lack of material to occupy the available 
monthly or quarterly space. These articles are almost wholly 
technical, often narrowly so. But in the prosecution of such 
special and limited researches, difficulties, errors and hind- 



rances of various kinds continually appear. Many of these 
could be overcome, avoided, or removed by pointing them out 
and discussing them in a general and impersonal manner. 
Here the editorial page offers an opportunity and the News 
will be glad to have suggestions, from those enumerated in 
the first sentence quoted above from the Quarterly, as to just 
what some of their problems are so that the editors may 
discuss them. Many of the editorials which have appeared 
in this journal have been based on such conscious or uncon- 
scious criticisms, contained in letters, manuscripts received for 
publication and other sources. But we should like to have 
more of them, for the editors of the News do not know all 
that its readers and contributors know. By such co-operation 
our editorials can surely be made of greater use and assistance 
to the progress of entomology. 

Notes and News. 

An Extra Molt in the Nymphal Stages of the Chinch Bug 
(Hem., Het.). 

In 1875 Riley in his Seventh Missouri Report published an 
original description of the four nymphal stages of the chinch bug 
accompanied by figures of the different life history stages. His cte- 
scriptions and figures have been accepted as authentic and have been 
copied repeatedly by various writers. Professor Forbes improved 
the original figures immensely by publishing in the Twenty-third 
Illinois Report, 1905, an excellent colored plate illustrating “The 
Chinch-bug: five stages of development and the eggs.” In the 
descriptions, however, he stated that “the chinch-bug molts four 
times after hatching.” A careful examination of available literature 
on the subject failed to bring to light a single exception to the 
original four-stage notion of Riley. 

In the spring of 1916, I had an opportunity, at the Kansas Experi- 
ment Station to raise the insect under conditions which permitted 
close observations and obtained invariably five molts instead of 
four, as is generally believed. The extra molt or stage exists 
between either the first and second stages or second and third stages 
of Riley. The exact sequence of this extra stage is difficult to state 
because of the inadequacy of the original description. The five 
nymphal stages, as I found them, are distinct and can be distinguished 


from one another on a definite structural basis. They can be readily 
distinguished by the degree of the development of the mesothoracic 
wing pads as follows: First stage, no wing pads discernible, no 
dusky bands on the mesothorax; second stage, no wing pads visible 
but a dusky band on each side of the meson of the mesothorax, the 
caudal margin of the dusky areas straight; third stage, rudimentary 
wing pads visible as a slight projection from the caudal margin of 
each dusky band on the mesothorax, the tip of the wing pads not 
reaching the caudal margin of the mesothorax; fourth stage, the 
wing pads distinct, extend on to but not beyond the first abdominal 
segment; fifth stage, wing pads very distinct, extend on to and some- 
times beyond the second abdominal segment. These five stages 
were found in the fields, indicating that the extra molt occurs in 
nature and was not an abnormality produced under artificial condi- 
tions. Detailed descriptions of different stages will be published later. 
—Hacuiro Yuasa, University of I[llinois, Urbana, IIL. 

Emergency Entomological Service. 

Publication of the reports issued under this heading by the United 
States Department of Agriculture reporting co-operation between 
Federal, State and Station Entomologists and other agencies, sus- 
pended since early January (see the News for February, 1918, pp. 
72-74), has been resumed with No. 11 for May 1, 1918, consisting of 
40 mimeographed pages. 

As in the earlier issues, this number contains notes on many dif- 
ferent entomological topics, so that it is difficult to give a summary 
of its most important contents in a small space. The data given are 
not only of direct economic value, but also of much ecological in- 

The foreword says, “The general tenor of all the reports is that 
there has been considerable climatic control of insects during the past 
winter. It will be of great interest to watch the conditions this year 
with a view to determining, if possible, what that control has been 
compared with other years.’ Thus, winter-killing, in large per- 
centages, of Coleopterous and Lepidopterous larvae is reported from 
Connecticut, of bag-worms in West Virginia, of scale insects in Michi- 
gan, Rhode Island and District of Columbia, of the Argentine ant 
at New Orleans, of codling moth larvae in parts (but not all) of the 
Arkansas valley and in Illinois, of aphids in Virginia and Indiana; 
boring larvae in dead trees, however, are exceptions to this statement. 
Winter losses were unusually heavy among bees that were not properly 
protected in the clover region. In California, where the climatic con- 
ditions were less severe, aphids appeared in injurious numbers in 
January, and the cotton leaf-perforator (Bucculatrix thurberiella) 
has appeared “much earlier than ever before observed,’ as a “quite 
alarming” outbreak in the Imperial Valley. In southern Arizona “ex- 

Vol. xxiss] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. 235 

ceptionally cold nights” by interfering with the development of 
parasites has resulted in a very serious infestation of aphids in 
April. The citrus white fly (Dialeurodes citri) has been checked in 
its development but not killed “to any material degree” by cold spells 
in Louisiana. The entomological department of the Florida Plant 
Board is preparing for distribution cultures of the. Red and Yellow 
Aschersonia fungi which are specific enemies of this insect. 

Among insect enemies of special importance are noted the Sweet 
Potato Weevil (Cyclas formicarius) which has been found on an ad- 
ditional plant (Calonyotion bona-nox) in Florida; certain varieties 
of the morning glory, especially [pomoea pes-capraec, are considered 
to be the preferred host plants of this weevil and hence may serve as 
successful “catch crops.” Heavy losses from this insect have been 
suffered in Texas. 

The acreage in Irish potatoes in Louisiana is unusually large with 
complaints of injury by the Colorado beetle. 

The Hessian fly began emergence in southern Illinois on April 1, 
a week earlier than in 1917, and was in flight in southeastern Missouri 
on March 18; little damage from this insect to the winter wheat 
crop of 1918 is expected, however. An interesting relation between 
this fly and joint worms is brought out, but is too lengthy for in- 
clusion here. The worst injury to wheat in Kansas has been caused 
by the false wire worm, Eleodes opaca. 

Abundant rains in parts of Texas in the first half of April are cred- 
ited with having killed nearly all the chinch bugs there. Outbreaks are 
possible in southern Illinois and parts of Missouri and Kansas. 

A European corn stalk borer (Pyrausta nubilalis Hubn.) is very 
abundant in eastern Massachusettts, causing serious anxiety. It may 
be made a subject of quarantine by the Federal Horticultural Board. 

A warning of probable destructive outbreaks of white grubs in many 
sections north of a line from Philadelphia to Des Moines is sounded. 

Heavy infestations of canker worms are noted in Mississippi, the 
eastern part of Kansas and northeastern Ohio. 

The plum curculio is expected in large numbers in Georgia and in 

The pear thrips has been more abundant than usual in the San Fran- 
cisco Bay region of California. 

Both the cottony cushion scale (Jcerya purchasi) and its enemy, the 
Vedalia lady-bird, overwintered successfully at New Orleans, the for- 
mer only being killed when its host plant was destroyed; “the present 
status of Icerya control at New Orleans looks very encouraging.” In 
Tulare County, California, spraying orchards with a proprietary com- 
bined insecticide and fungicide containing arsenicals destroyed the 
Vedalia, resulting in a “very striking and most interesting’ outbreak 
of the cottony cushon scale on citrus. /’edalia is being furnished by 
hundreds to growers in Florida by the State Plant Board. 


“The destruction and cleaning up of cotton in and surrounding the 
districts in Texas invaded by the pink boll worm is now practically 
completed for the crop of 1917 . . . . A total of 8794 acres of cotton 
land has been cleared of standing and scattered cotton at an average 
cost of $9.94 per acre. The cotton fields cleaned represent 657 owners 
or tenants . . . . Proclamations have been issued by the Governor 
of Texas quarantining the known infested districts in Texas 
Within these areas the growing of cotton is designated a public menace 
and is prohibited for a term of three years, or so long as such condi- 
tion of menace to the cotton industry shall be deemed to exist.’ The 
boll weevil and the pink boll worm are stil! found in Arizona. 

Indications are favorable for outbreaks of grasshoppers in the west- 
ern half of Kansas and in Montana, and of plant lice in Wisconsin. 

“The general situation in regard to insecticides over the country is 
favorable as regards the amount of materials on hand or apparently 
available. A considerable increase in cost of certain classes of insecti- 
cides, however, is to be noted, especially arsenical insecticides, lime- 
sulphur preparations and fish-oil soaps.” Prof. A. L. Lovett, of Ore- 
gon, expresses the belief that a more thoroughly organized effort 
among entomologists for making tests of insecticides is desirable. 

Several entomologists who have entered the Sanitary Corps of the 
Army having expressed a desire to keep in touch with problems which 
are being met by other entomologists, contributions from entomologists 
at the training camps will be welcome and will be given a separate 
heading in future numbers of these Reports. Screw-worm flies ap- 
peared in unusual numbers in April in certain parts of Texas, which 
is partly ascribed to the large number of carcasses of animals which 
died as a result of the extreme drought in southwest Texas and were 
not properly cared for. In the absence of Prof. W. B. Herms, now a 
Captain in the Sanitary Service, the mosquito survey of California will 
be continued this year by Prof. S. B. Freeborn and the State Board of 
Health, and it is hoped to complete it this year. A malarial mosquito 
survey of Missouri is under way. 

“The exports of 1917 honey to Europe, especially to the United King- 
dom, have exceeded by far any previous year. During the winter it 
was common for more honey to leave for Europe in ten days than in 
any year previous to 1914. Imports have been very heavy, but honey 
is now included in the list of articles of which the imports are restricte.] 
é ., Requests for help in the work [of Apiculture]. . . . . espe- 
cially for the service of extension men, are far greater than can be 
filled because of a lack of both money and available men.” 

The State Entomologist of Connecticut writes: “Here we are short- 
handed and it is hard to get help. Our funds are somewhat limited, and 
this probably is the case at many of the state institutions.” 


Entomological Literature. 

Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the 
Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- 
tomology of the Americas (North end South),: including Arachnida and 
Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; 
but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, how- 
ever, whether relating to American or exotic species. will be recorded. 

The numbers in Heavy-Faced Type refer to the journals, as numbered 
in the following list, in which the papers are published. 

All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their 
first installments. 

The records of papers containing new species are all grouped at the 
end of each Order of which they treat. Unless mentioned in the title, 
the number of the new species occurring north of Mexico is given at 
end of title, within brackets. 

For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, 
Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Fn- 
tomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- 
mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. 

4—The Canadian Entomologist. 5—Psyche. 11—Annals and 
Magazine of Natural History, 9th series, London. 12—Comptes 
Rendus, Academie des Sciences, Paris. 50—Proceedings, U. S. 
National Museum. 68—Science, New York. 86—Annales, Societe 
Entomologique de France, Paris. 87—Bulletin, Societe Entomolo- 
gique de France, Paris. 179—Journal of Economic Entomology. 
180—Annals, Entomological Society of America. 184—Journal of 
Experimental Zoology, Philadelphia. 189—Journal of Entomology 
and Zoology, Claremont, Calif. 198—Biological Bulletin, Marine 
Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. 235—Memorie, R. Ac- 
cademia dei Lincei, 5th series, Roma. 240—Maine Agricultural 
Experiment Station, Orono. 272—Memorias, Real Academia de 
Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona. 306—Journal, College of Agricul- 
ture, Imperial University of Tokyo. 411—Bulletin, The Brooklyn 
Entomological Society. 420—Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 
Washington. 447—Journal of Agricultural Research, Washing- 
ton. 490—The Journal of Parasitology, Urbana, Illinois. 548— 

Physis. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Ciencias Naturales. 

GENERAL SUBJECT. Campos, F.—Algunos cases teratolo- 
gicos observados en los artropodos, 180, xi, 97-8. Needham, J. G. 
—Aquatic insects (in Ward & Whipple. Fresh-water biology, pp. 
876-946). Brittain, W. H.—The insect collections of the Maritime 
Provinces [Canada], 4, 1, 117-22. Bruch, C.—Nuevas capturas de 
insectos mirmecofilos, 548, i11, 458-66. 

matogenesis of an orthopteron, Atractomorpha bedeli, 306, vi, 

MEDICAL. Felt, E. P—Insects and camp sanitation, 179, x1, 

ARACHNIDA, ETC. Emerton, J. H.—Studies of Canadian spi- 


ders in summer of 1917, 4, 1, 128-9. Ewing & Hartzell—The chig- 
ger-mites affecting man and domestic animals, 179, x1, 256-64. 
Frers, A. G—Nota sobre ‘““Apembolephaenus jorgei,” 548, iii, 405-6. 
Wolcott, R. H.—The water-mites (Hydracarina) (in Ward & Whip- 
ple. Fresh-water biology, pp. 851-875). 

Chamberlin, R. V.—Myriapods from Nashville, Tennessee, 5, xxv, 
23-30. Hodgkiss, H. E.—Eriophyes ramosus n. sp., 179, xi, 149. 

Abie os ETC. Bruch, C.—Desarrollo de Chrysopa la- 
nata, 548, iii, 361-9. Grassi, B—Flagellati viventi nei termiti, 235, 
xii, 331- ve anaes Navas, R. P.—N. nuevos o poco jie 
272, xiii, No. 26, 16 pp: 

ORTHOPTERA. Caudell, A. N.—On a collection of O., made 
in Central Peru (exclusive of the Locustidae), 420, vi, 1-70. Glaser, 
R. W.—A systematic study of the organisms distributed under the 
name of Coccobacillus acridiorum, 180, xi, 19-42. Pantel, J—A 
proposito de un Anisolabis. Contribucion al estudio de los or- 
ganos voladores y de los asclerites toracicos en los Dermapteros, 
272, xiv, No. 1, 160 pp. Sanford, E W.—Experiments on the physi- 
ology of digestion in the Blattidae, 184, xxv, 355-412. 

HEMIPTERA. Becker, G. G.—Notes on the woolly aphis, 179, 
xi, 245-55. Bruch, C.—(See General Subjects). Fulton, B. B— 
Observations on the life-history and habits of Pilophorus walshii, 
180, xi, 93-6. Johnson & Ledig—Teiutative list of Hemiptera from 
the Claremont-Laguna region, 189, x, 3-8. Lathrop, F. H.—Notes 
on three species of apple leaf hoppers, 179, xi, 144-8. Paddock, F. 
B.—Texas aphid notes, 179, xi, 29-32. Smulyan, M. T.——-Key and 
descriptions for the separation and determination of . . . stem 
mothers of three species of aphids . . ., 5, xxv, 19-23. 

Knight, H. H—Additional data on the distribution and food 
plants of Lygus, with descriptions of a n. sp. and var., 411, xiu, 

LEPIDOPTERA. Ainslie, G. G—Contributions to a knowledge 
of the Crambinae of N. A. I., 180, xi, 51-62. Benedict, R. C—The 
yellow clothes moth, 68, xlvii, 392. Brethes, J—Description d’une 
ealle et du papillon qui la produit, 548, ii1, 449-51. Dyar, H. G— 
Descriptions of new L. from Mexico, 50, liv, 335-72. Giacomelli, E. 
—Nuevos estudios y observaciones sobre Pieridas argentinas. No- 
tas lepidopterologicas, 548, 111, 370-85; 406-9. King, J. L—Notes on 
the biology of the angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella, 179, 
xi, 87-93. Peterson, A.—Some experiments on the adults and eggs 
of the peach tree borer, Sanninoidea exitiosa, and other notes, 179, 
xi, 46-55. Prout, L. B—New Heterocera in the Joicey collection, 
11, i, 312-18. Turner, C. H.—The locoriotions of surface-feeding 

Vol. xxix | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. 239 

caterpillars are not tropisms, 198, xxxiv, 37-148. Webster, R. L.— 
Notes on a spirea leaf-roller, 179, xi, 269. 

DIPTERA. Aldrich, J. M.—Notes on D., 5, xxv, 30-5. Seasonal 
and climatic variations in Cerodonta, 180, xi, 63-6. Barber, G. W. 
—On the life history of Sarcophaga eleodis, 179, xi, 268. Brethes, 
J—— Description d’une cecidie et de sa Cecidomyie d’une “Lippia”’ 
d’Entre Rios, 548, iii, 411-13. Bruch, C.—Observaciones sobre 
“Hirmoneura exotica,” 548, iii, 427-30. Cameron, A. E.—Life history 
of the leaf-eating crane-fly (Cylindrotoma splendens), 180, xi, 67-89. 
Claassen, P. W.—Observations on the life history and biology of 
Agromyza laterella, 180, xi, 9-18. Cockerell, T. D. A—The mos- 
quitoes of Colorado, 179, xi, 195-200. Dunn, L. H.—Studies on the 
screw worm fly, Chrysomyia macellaria, in Panama, 490, iv, 111-121. 
Hutchison, R. H.—Overwintering of the house fly, 447, xiii, 149-70. 
Malloch, J. R—Key for the specific identification of the females of 
the dipterous genus Hydrotaea found in N. A., 411, xiii, 30-3. 

Dyar, H. G.—The male genitalia of Aedes as indicative of nat- 
ural affinities. A revision of the American species of Culex on the 
male genitalia. A note on the American species of Mansonia, 
420, vi, 71-86; 86-111; 112-115. Malloch, J. R—A partial key to 
species of Agromyza, Paper 2, 4, 1, 130-2. An. sp. of Orthocladius 
(Chironomidae), 411, xiii, 42. Parker, R. R—A new sp. of Sarco- 
phaga from Br. Columbia, 4, 1, 122-4. 

COLEOPTERA. Bruch, C.—(See General Subjects). Burke, 
H. E.—Notes on some southwestern Buprestidae, 179, xi, 209-11. 
Desbordes, H.—Contribution a la connaissance des Histerides, 3 
Mem., 86, Ixxxvi, 165-92. Garnett, R. T.—Notes on the genus Bu- 
prestis, in California, 180, x1, 90-2. Hayes, W. P.—Studies on the 
life-history of two Kansas Scarabaeidae, 179, xi, 136-44. Pic, M. 
—Especes nouvelles du genre Statira, et notes synonymiques, 87, 
1918, 95-6. Tremoleras, J— Description d’un carabique nouveau 
appartenant au genre “Ega,” 548, iii, 436-7. Woods, W. C.—The 
biology of the alder flea-beetle (Altica bimarginata), 240, Bul. 265. 

Barber, H. G.—A n. sp. of Leptoglossus: a new Blissus and vari- 
eties, 411, xiii, 35-9. Davis, W. T—A new tiger-beetle from Texas, 
411, xili, 33-4. Ferris, G. F.—An apparently n. sp. of Leptinillus 
(Leptinidae), 4, 1, 125-8. Fisher, W. S—A new Hoplia from Flor- 
ole, Ch 1G alee. 

HYMENOPTERA. Cockerell, T. D. A—-Some South American 
bees, 4, 1, 137-140. Brethes, J——Description d’un Chalcidien galli- 
cole de la Republique Argentine, 87, 1918, 82-4. Bruch, C—Hormi- 
gas de Catamarca (see also General Subjects), 548, iii, 430-3. Fri- 
son, T. H.—Additional notes on the life history of Bombus auri- 


comus, 180, xi, 43-50. Lecaillon, A—Sur la maniere dont l’Ammo- 
phile herissee (Psammophila hirsuta) capture et transporte sa 
proie, et sur l’explication rationnelle de l’instinct de cet hymenop- 
tere, 12, 1918, 530-2. Nelson, J. A——-The segmentation of the ab- 
domen of the honey bee, 180, xi, 1-8. Whiting, P. W.—Sex-deter- 
mination and biology of a parasitic wasp, Hadrobracon brevicornis, 
198, xxxiv, 250-6. Wolcott, G. N.—An emergence response of Tri- 
chogramma minutum to light, 179, xi, 205-9. 


The March, 1918, issue of The Odlogist, of Lacon, Illinois, 
contains an obituary notice and portrait of Orromar ReEI- 
NECKE, who, in cooperation with Frank H. Zesch, published a 
“List of the Coleoptera Observed and Collected in the Vicinity 
of Buffalo” (Bulletin, Buff. Soc. Nat. Sct., iv, pp. 2-15, July, 
1881). This list gives the names of species only, collected 
“within a radius not exceeding fifteen miles [during] .. . 
a period of nearly fourteen years.” An “Additional List of 
Coleoptera collected by Ottomar Reinecke,’ likewise of 
names only, appeared in January, 1882, on page 55 of the 
same volume. According to The Odlogisi, Reinecke was born 
at Sondershaven, Germany, November 26, 1840, settled in 
Buffalo at the age of twelve years, and died there, November 
26, 1917. He was a printer, editor and a proprietor of the 
Freie Presse, park commissioner and business man, and a stu- 
dent of birds as well as of beetles. 

The death of Dr. EmIre Frey-Gessner, of Geneva, Swit- 
zerland, an honorary fellow of the Entomological Society of 
London since 1912, was announced at the meeting of that 
Society held October 3, 1917, but without further particu- 

The English journals print obituaries of WiLti1aMm HENRY 
Harwoop, English Lepidopterist and Hymenopterist, born 
February 25, 1840; died December 24, 1917, (Ent. Mo. Mag., 
Feby., 1918), and of RricHarp S. STANDEN, English Lepidop- 
terist and artist, born October 11, 1835; died July 29, 1917 
(Entomologist, Nov., 1917; Ent. Mo. Mag., Dec., 1917.) 


This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for 
advertisements of goods for sale. Notices not exceed- 
ing three lines free to subscribers. 

4g These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new 
ones are added at the end of the column, and only when necessary those at the top 
(being longest in) are discontinued. 

Wanted—North American Coleoptera for exchange. Please send 
lists to V. Harnach, 1759 W. 2oth St., Chicago, Illinois. 

South American Erycinidae and Lycaenidae are offered in exchange 
for North American moths (Noctuids, Geometers, etc.) —G. Chagnon, 
P. O. Box 521, Montreal, Canada. 

Wanted—Monog. des Buprestides—Kerremans, Vol. II, Pt. 1; 
Bibliog. Econ. Ent., Pt. IV; Mo. Bul. Cal. Com. Hort., Vol. I, No. 9, 
and Vol. II, Nos. 3 and 4—E. A. Klages, Crafton, Pa: 

Wanted—Friendly correspondence and exchange of Lepidoptera. 
Send your address and offerta. Will reply promptly—F. E. Pot- 
ter, 267 So. Main St., New Britain, Conn. 

For Exchange—A few specimens, mostly Sphingidae and Satur- 
niidae common to this region, for species from some other part of 
the country.—Dr. Elmer T. Learned, Fall River, Mass. 

Lepidoptera—I have for exchange first class specimens of 
Papilio floridensis, palamedes, Pholus fasciatus, tersa, hylaes, undulosa, 
Apatela tritona, Leucania pilipalpis, extincta, subpunctata, Gortyna 
n-album, Syneda graphica, and hundreds of others from Pa. and Fla 
Send lists, or address F. W. Friday, 82 Jacob St., Fair Haven, Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. 

Catocalae—For exchange perfect specimens of C. pura, C. aspasia 
and yar. sura, C. faustina var. lydia, C. praeclare. Desire other 
Catocalae. Some of the common species wanted—John H. West, 
BOs baVonke ots ehila,, Pa. 

Wanted to Exchange—I wish to exchange Rhopalocera from 
eastern United States for those of the western and southern part. 
Correspondence desired. Paul N. Musgrave, Pennsboro, W. Va. 

Wanted in series for cash or exchange beetles of the genus 
Serica (Scarabaeidae) from all parts of North America. Cicindela 
lincolmiana Casey among the exchanges offered. R. W. Dawson, De- 
partment of Entomology, University Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. 

Prof. Dr. Carlos E. Porter, Directeur des “Anales de Zoologia 
Aplicada,” Casilla 2974, Santiago, Chile, is anxious to secure sys- 
tematic papers on entomology, especially on the Thysanoptera, 
Coccidae, Aleyrodidae, Acarina, Chalcididae, Agromyzidae, Syr- 
phidae and Longicornia. He will be glad to exchange specimens 
and publications. 

Change of Address.—E. G. Titus from Logan, Utah, to Box 453, Idaho 
Falls Idaho. 

Wanted for Cash.—Lowest insects of all families, preserved in fluid, 
for phylogenetic study. G. C. Crampton, Amherst, Mas’. 

Wanted—South American and Indian macrolepidoptera in ex- 
change for Australian specimens in any order. (Rev.) ‘H. S. 
* Bodley, The Vicarage, Birchip, Victoria, Australia. 

Wanted—A series of volumes of the Candian Entomologist in- 
cluding vols. 29, 30 and 31; also Ontario Entomological Society Re- 
ports, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9. State condition and price wanted. M. 
H. Ruhmann, Vernon, British Columbia. 



PRICE $1.00 


ferrugineus Zi. 

aureus Mull. 

pilicornis Fabr. 

baldense Putz. 

fasciolatum Duft. 

articulatum Gy/l/. 

lateralis Sam. 

longicornis Sturm. 

discus Fadr. 
hirtus Sturm. 
v. rostratus Mots. 
lepidus Leske. 
cupreus Linn. 

Vol. |, No. 3 

infuscatus De7. 
puncticollis De. 
crenatus De7. 
barbarus De7. 
carbonicolor So/s. 
macer Marsh. 
aterrimus Aybst. 
elongatus Du/t. 

oblongopunctatus Fabr. 

angustatus Dzuft. 
melanoscelis Chand. 
niger Schall. 
vulgaris Linn. 
nigritus Faér. 
minor GyZ/. 
interstinctus Sturm. 
negligens Sturm. 
subsinuatus De. 
brevis Duft. 
easpius Jen. 
cognatus De. 
aethiops Paz. 


PRICE $1.00 

globosus Fadr. 
cylindricus Hrést. 
melas Creutz. 

ater Vid/, 
ovalis Du/ft. 
schuppelii Pa/Z. 
v. rendschmidtii Germ. 
corsicus De. 

chalybaeus Fadl. 

ingenua Du/t. 

chalceus Fald. 
heros Fald. 
seidlitzii Schaum. 
graecus De. 
blapoides Creutz. 

binotatus De. 
signatus Panz. 

Accurate Enlarged Pen Drawings, Uniform in Size, 

One to a Page, Svo. 

Coleoptera Illustrata will be mailed upon receipt of price. 
Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2, $1 each. 


136 Jeralemon St., Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A. 

“CEPI DG Rae gas a 

is a monthly bulletin devoted exclusively to moths and butterflies. 

ial Bulletin of the Boston 
Entomological Club 

It contains much infor- 

mation of value to all collecters, and subscribers may participate in the Club Mail Auction 

of specimens. 

SUBSCRIPTION, 50 cts. PER YEAR. Address 

N. STOWERS, Editor, 52 Patten St., Forest Hills, Mass. 

c The Celebrated Original Dust and Pest-Proof 


These cabinets have a specially constructed groove or trough around the front, 
lined with a material of our own design, which is adjustable to the pressure of the front 
cover. The cover, when in place, is made fast by spring wire locks or clasps, causing a 
constant pressure on the lining in the groove. The cabinet, in addition to being abso- 

_lutely dust, moth and dermestes proof, is impervious to fire, smoke, water and atmos- 
-pheric changes. Obviously, these cabinets are far superior to any constructed ot non- 
_ metallic material. s 
ee The interior is made of metal, with upright partition in center. On the sides 
___ are metal supports to hold 28 boxes. The regular size is 424 in. high, 13 in. deep, 18? 
in. wide, inside dimensions; usually enameled green outside. For details of Dr. Skin- 
__ ner’s construction of this cabinet, see Entomological News, Vol. XV, page 177. 
¢ METAL INSECT BOX has all the essential merits of the cabinet, having a 
groove, clasps, etc. Bottom inside lined with cork; the outside enameled any color 
desired. The regular dimensions, outside, are 9x 13x 2} in. deep, but can be furnished 
any size. 
a WOOD INSECT BOX.—We do not assert that this wooden box has all the quali- 
___ties of the metal box, especially in regard to safety from smoke, fire, water and damp-. 
ness, but the chemically prepared material fastened to the under edge of the lid makes 
a box, we think, superior to any other wood insect box. The bottom is cork lined. 
Outside varnished. For catalogue and prices inquire of 

BROCK BROS., Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass. 




es Please check the items you desire of this list and return it 
3 with your remittance. 


3¥ 2089.—Blaisdell (F. E.).—Studies in the Tenebrionid tribe 
o Eleodiini. No. 3. [0:6]. (Ent. News, 29, 162-168, 18) .15 

re 776.—Dietz (W. G.).—A revision of the North American spe- 
ae cies of the Tipulid genus Pachyrhina, with descrip- 
1 - tions of new species. ._[0:25]. (Tr., 44, 105-140, 4 
BUSS ALSO) ie een e i, SUR Eek aa Steal eee phy RN oe ee 65 
778.—Marchand (W.).—The evolution of the abdominal pat- 
tenfivin-babaridaes (Fr, 442 171-179" 1 ply 18)h. 8 20 
2091—Townsend (C. H. T.)--A new muscoid genus from 
the Chiricahua mountains, Arizona. [1:1]. (Ent. News, 

TES PA act, eis ee CEE oo, ee ae 10 
2090.—Cockerell (T. D. A.).—Some bees of the genus Panur- 
einuse! $064. Gasat.zNews: 29; 169-171-718) eo bys. 10 
& , 777.—Hebard (M.).—New genera and species of Melanopli 
n found within the United States. [2:10]. (Tr., 44, 
AAGETCOR epee UN Yes cies <n es os on ha 50 

779—Rehn (J. A. G.)—On Demaptera and Orthoptera from 
southwestern Brazil. [0:9]. (Tr., 44, 181-222, 1 pl., °18) .75 

™ When Writing Please Mention “‘ Entomological News.” 


From Columbia, So. America: 


Morpho cypris Morpho ama 

“  sulkowskyi Caligo spp. 
From Cuba: p25 


Papilio columbus Urania boisduvali 

“  andraemon Erinyis guttalaris © 

“¢ _celadon Protoparce brontes, 

“«  devilliersi 

From Venezuela : From New Guinea: ; 
Over 5000 Lepidoptera -- 2000 Coleoptera 
200 Dynastes hercules 200 Orthoptera 

From Assam, India: 
Papilio arcturus Kallimainachis =~ 
«  philoxenus Brahmaea wallachi 
And Many Other Showy Species eee 

From Tibet (Bhutan) a te 
Armandia lidderdalii Parnassius hardwicki an 


Department of Natural Science Wéw Yodan 
G. Lagai, Ph.D.