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Full text of "na9aid jarir wa alfarazda9"

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LOBD almoner's header in ABABIO. 

VOL. in. 


Latb a. .1. I'.IULI, 


LEIDKN 11108- I'J. 




Soon 'after the publication of the last part of vol, II, I received a letter 
from the Rev. Anastase Marie de St. Elie, of the Carmelite Mission at Baghdad, 
Informing me that he possessed a manuscript copy of the Xabi'i,/, dated A- H. 
925. Through his kindness I have been able to obtain a transcript of this copy, 
which I here denote by the letter B (= Baghdad). The following facts con- 
cerning it may be of interest. 

B consists of 402 pages, most of which contain 10 lines of writins'. As 
I shall henceforth refer to the numbers of the pages, it is necessary to explain 
that the page which follows p. 75 is wrongly numbered 78, the next 79, and 
so on to the end. If at any future time this error is rectified by the possessor 
of the manuscript, the numbers which I give below must be rectifled in 
like manner. 

It is obvious at a glance that the text of B is derived from the Strass- 
burg MS (S), which 1 have described in my lutroductmn, but whetiier B was 
copied directly from S, or is a copy of a copy, 1 do not venture to determine. 
As has been mentioned in the Introduction, many of the original leaves of S 
are now lost; these missing passages are all, so tar as we can judge, found 
in B — namely, the latter part of the introductory section (pp. li'—O'-" of 
the printed text), and the following Poems or parts of Poems 

1 (beginning) 
7 (end) 
















51 (verses 9-26) 

52 (end) 

68 171-179 

64 180- 1S7 

65 187-194 

66 194-199 

71 199-202 

72 203-206 

73 206, 207 

74 207-209 
93 (verses 58 seq.) 377—379 

On the other hand, tbe end of Poem 47 and the firet 11 verses of Poem 
48, which correspond to S fol. 55, are not found in B. This is possibly due 
to the loss of a ieaf of B, but in that case we must suppose that the heading 
of Poem 48, 'i.'^' j^' j^ ii, which stands at the top of p. 109, immediately 
before verse 12, was added by a later scribe. It is also to be noticed that in 
Poem 47 B transposes S fols. 53 and 54, that is to say, the passage which 
begins at the top of fol. 54a in 3 b^ns at the fifth line of p. 105 in B, and 
the beginning of S fol. 53o corresponds to the third line of p. 107 in B. 

From what has been said it is evident that any value which B pcssesses 
is limited 10 those passage which are lost in ,S. Whether these portions of B 
accurately represent the original text of S is a question about which I cannot 
speak with ab.solute confidence, since my knowledge of B is based on a tran- 
script. But a comparison of the transcript with S seems to show that B con- 
tains many errors from which S is free. Thus 8 short poems which are found 
in S i.Sm ly, 55 and S6) are apparently omitted in B; similarly two whole 
verses and two half verses are omitted by B on p. 2S5. Hence I am inclined 
to think that where S fails us the testimony of B must be accepted with 
some reserve. 


In publishing this third and last volume of my work, I desire once more 
to express my gratitude to those Orientalists, in particular to Professor Noldeke 
and Professor Wellhausen, who have so kindly furnished me with suggestions 
on a great number of difficult passages. My cordial thanks are due also to 
Professor August Fischer, from whom I have derived much valuable help in 
revising the latter part of the Glossary. 

Cambridge, June ]912. 


INDEX I, I'oems and poetical fragments arranged according to rhyme 

and metre 1 

INDEX II, Parallel and illustrative passages from other works .... 21 

INDEX III, Names of persons, tribes etc 49 

INDEX lA'', Names of places 251 


APPENDIX, Persian words and phrases 612 




This List does not take account of short quotations from Poems of which a 
completer text occurs elsewhere in the book, but when the same piece occurs twice 
both passages have been indicated. If two passages are separated by a comma, it 
is to be understood that each passage contains some verse, or verses, not contained 
in the other passage, whereas passages placed in brackets contain no additional 
verses. Pieces which exhibit the metrical peculiarity known as iljws are indicated 
by a repetition of the rhyming letter with a different vowel ( e. g. ^ f*r^^ )• 

B = Basit 
K = Kamil 
Kh = Khaflf 
Md = Madid 

=; Munsarih 
^ Mutaljarib 
= Rajaz 
= Raraal 

S = Sarf 
T = Tawll 

T 1 

W 8 

(LsvaJI, 12 notes ' 

i-iS 555" 

iljJUjI 598« 

iU, 882' 

tUpl 351" 

<l^l 466" 

Cil 583" 

ZJ^\ 10701S (iW) 

1^. 2999 

Z/fi^ 456" 

ij^jX, 288i> 

vJu' -lOSi" 

bjl 41"' 

UcaiJt 208' 

B 3 
K 2 

UJi 929" 

Uliiij 473"(703M) 

bl •)(, 741" 

Ujj, 9391" 

b3 tijJij 798' 

LLa=. 406« 

Ll# 4291S 

LUxilj 432M 

UU 451« 

LUe 675* 

LLSJI, 1061* 

L^LiJt 20615 

1.;, ,. ■■^uJI 208* (209") 

J^pSj 1044" 
V^ 242" 
vUl^j 552" 

W 10 

. 2 

iliy 1025" 
^.J^iiJI 582" 

V_r=-! 256« 

^Asu 3931 

vl*iy 6121 
Cviilj, 945" 
i^^ij 946i> 
■IZJ^l 1086" 
^IjUpi 217" 
VJLS' 267 notes* 
4*iij 807" i 

J J^tj, 920' 
^AJIjlil 1023» 
J^^ 2208 
il-wj^ 36812 

C\ 22* 
.ll^ljl, 840* t 

w^piji 5S4« 
V>J 685" (iee 

1069" seq.) 

B 3 i^^'-^l ISO* 

J 3 v>4i' 8075 

. 2 
Kh 13 

m 1 

vLfS-ai 300', 535« ( 536" 

vkf *"*' 

vUi 89515 
vLJ 1076" (45618) 

vyJi 88I» 
vU^Jb 1086" 

wjiil 142= 

S-JlJI 579 notes' 

ZJ>^ 758>'' 
vLii§l 6811' 
viU-i! 1097* 

_Jii 701" 
V^ 6808 

L^U 220« 

vlyli! 455K (10768) 

jiyi 804* 

^^U_ 10278 
^[^l 10312 

E 2 

»4: 1131, 73020 

. 2 

iLklil 1080" 

1 4 

Ilii' 735'" 

. 2 

lU^'l 214« 

» 1 

L'uJj 150' 

T 3 

lljst 79« 

. 5 

Ljiil 80" (768») 

. 2 

Ll^ 418" 

. 16 

IJ/ 608« 

K 4 

L^Ui, 606" 


lJ"" 316' 

L^l^ 381-. 
Li4lj-ft 666' 

^5*= 984' 

9^1^ 13" 

ciJi 338>» 








4561 ( 







T 2 

l;>Ui- 646»> 

B 2 

^UO 416»<i 

T 2 

^_, 68» 

> 64 

&? '^^ 

• ' 

^ili 501" 


W 9 

^L^! 69" 

. 6 

^Uro 338* 

T 1 

l.sus\i\sis 694 notes ■ 

. 2 

r>J' 1051' 

T 4 

^-^i 362» 

W 3 

^U-4i), 2071S 

R 1 

libV' 244" 


B 2 

U=.j*i 5» 

IJi4^ 142" 

iOiuUi 209» 

b_^ 736> 


Ij^f 100" 

Ijjxli 735" 

Ux^l 58" 


kxi 478'' 


IJ^I 491» 

I iojllj! [p^ij 648» 

B 6 

T 5 

bl_P^I 805« 
bljj! 10258 
Aid 734' 

i^- 674B 

i^ 299" 

(ji^sxi 642" 

J^fj 101" 

'JIj 107" 

jJsJiiLl 315» 

ijjj 328" 

J.^- 4128 

iLstyiJI 444 » 

liElji 813' 

obj 6211 

OuAiJ! 1071' 

ijjjjt 215' 

Ojjjl 316' (583«) 

0^\ 460" 

JvjAiJt 460" 

iLju 491« 

^ Ou^4 619" 

j^^ 798" 

oAiffJ! 1087" 

Jyl 509 

A^^ 231S 

jKiU 2182 

jjl^l 240'» 

jL^Ji 489* 

jtj 228' 

^>'JotJI 628" 

J^5 498" 

!) J>j^lj 738' 

oj4< '87» 

Oviiu 798« 

(_5Jc4> 1064- 

Ai^vl*il 737* 

,_cJj, 416i« 

^sjJu 1059" 

OJiili! 270" 

jCJb 671« (409') 
J^ij 73' 
AJ13. 241" 
wV^U a84" 
Oo-y> 610" 

JJU. 806« 

OJL 981« 

^^Xtk 985« 

Ju:L. 1039» 

iM>t, 1040^ 

jUI 595' 

j4»^b 365" 

Juilj! 1083' 

4 ^1 52' 

1 lib?- 1086« 

1 ^jjxiJ! 65»« 

2 tp! 38»» 

1 l^f, 1050>» 

2 I^Ujo 1052S 
7 ijUll 102' 

1 ijQs 765" 

1 1^ 428' 

3 ^^ [!;J?*] «8' 

1 ^J7t 

■ ^J 

90" (408*) 



ijUi 457" 




tyU 165= 





iJ^JI 203» 




r,yeiU 735' 




lyl: 1091 










f.lii^ 215» 

Aj 313» 
3jI 66I'« 


l/JcJ 673" 

l^.^! 944" (1096«) 

T 114 

\-^. 9921 

i^ii 1090« 

!^ 245= 

I^tjjJi 8318 

lyU. [Ij^UJ 1078* (459«) 

ir^ 369» 

. 25 

S^i 617" 

W 3 

!,Ui 236« 

. 37 

i^bJJI 249« 

> 43 

IjUjJt 255* 

. 9 

y^ 309W 

» 1 

!^UJ 769« 

. 1 

! UsJI 805' 

IjjjJji 72" 

\jiOl 436» 

!;>% 647» 

'fji 3853 

^1 423' 

^ 488* 

'^ 488ii! 

^iiiJlj 489' 

_Jli.iJI 494» 

-yd 758" 

^1 242'6 (1066") 

'^4 311" 

jLJi£.! 847' »! 

JLiAl 8662 9j 

^jjlI 846' 94 

l>^ilii 846" 9] 

tjJAi 459ii 
jU 38« 
Xkl 236» 
^^^! 643" ( see note ) 

'fi\ 673^ 

/4^j J89' 

^■l> 155« 

_^i. 156« 

^yit 3001 

joll 384>s 

^UJ 392* 

^t 491' 

^i 219« 
y^ 368» 

jXl 329 notes' 

jl^'! 4231" 

JU^I 522« 

y^l 803" 

jbfCiii 917' 

y,3 9508 

jULil 10288 

jt, 1038™ 

^l_s\i 316* 

jllij 324« 

jU 435i» 

jUli^ 615' 

^LLI 646" 

jS (oi 646'« 

/ ^o 647" 

_,ly^Ur 1052* 

^^^! 162" 

yli 623 not 



y^ 195' 

^Las 324« 


> 333" 

-. <M 

^LfJ^I 617« 

t5^i5 479* 
^^ii- 664" 

^i 1043< 

jUi 157« 
jUCii 646» 
jij^il 352" 
^! 3S9» 
^._;^ 4I8» 
pJu, 670* 
j^i: 942* 
^yioj 955' 


^^ 10229 

_y^t 19612 

^Uj 401« 

_P>^ 216' 

.jiJiiJ 897= 

^ J>1 381^ 

_^L 76112 (1068") 

^_,L^ 653» (1084«) 

?Jl^j 654" 

i^UiJt 749'» 

>^Ls\^ol 861" 

tJUj 1086' 

i^^JU 7341 

1J5IJ 316i» 

V^i 398^ (763" 105110) 

/-J al 924" 

^ % 984' 

_,IL 4091 «, 672* 

(_s^ 456" 

ji«^ 5201''' 

yli, 10161 { soo a 

jUil 231« 

^«,tfot 2451-' 

_^UjiJI 645" 

L*,.^i HBs 3271; 

UJj^I 960' 
0^p\ 512* 

UiJ 6*2" 

Mt 1 
T 3 
E 2 

UiJi^i *6S,6a42(l087») 

L4,| 741 » 

— iij-i 180> 

. 3 



^ mv 

Em 1 



iiJ-j 665' 


T 13 



I.:.'., 209= 

K 3 



yi- 601» 

Kh 3 



^c^> 665> 

T 1 



^'j ^^®"' 



i^Ji 337" 


314» (762») 

r^r" ^*^' 


62 1« 

^^b- 25« 




y,.l;i 26" 


. 17 





LxAiLi) 1064" 




M^P'i 1846 
itlji 674« 



btj^ 10981 



ii'^^i 180"' 



Uu> 1099" 








J^ J\ij 643« 



i^5> 961"- 



Jliui 664K 



j-iU^5 513» 


Jdklj 361* 



£/' >"" 


J.<^ 663« 





uL? 18 


£|t 1021T 


lii 115" 


^.j 1022' 





^jUAi 351" 



Jlii- 259' 


^U 6853 




JjJLi- 54B« 


S0 '''' 
^'b^l 1044^ 




Jisii 577' 
^Uxji 83' 


e e^^ '»""' 



JJL^ 1121^ 




jLr.-^. 101" 
jLsxii: 380" 


JuLi'Ji 639'' 
^JoHii 98'' 



g^UjI 94» 




c<-'^- 310' 



JjUi 641 '» 



^^Oi' 386 notes » 




UlS, 84 is 



5-*u^ 364« 



^) y 8iy 

^jc^i 584'^ 

,Af-JI 52 lis 
aUU 498« 




^J Jl 





























0>1*JI^ 498« 






































































^ 664S 














14615 (32813) 








bUc 5865 : W 2 S^ 461" 

bUif 658" i . 4 j....aJJ! 77= (315i») 

iUi>i 691 notes 2 : » 1 j^i' 119- 

^^ 2296 ; , 1 j^^l J 3310 

■JlJe^ 8520 i , 10 i~!^^ 192' (235'') 

^Iji 229>5 (408i» 668") | . 2 J, ,.,.. .J, 412- 

■SLiLi 6198 j , 2 jj^ii! 843» 

!^ 253« [ B 3 JjO^--w 1071 

Jyiii 6» ' K 63 JJL^' 211" 

i^ 281" *' ! • 2 jlii 388' 

ip^'j 1821 39 I . 2 J.i4-i 661* 

jisU 3551= ■ ; » 3 sjj>si ioi4'8 

l4^ 495' (see 656") ' . 3 JiwJL. 1045= 

jJL. 656« . . 2 JJUwU 1045>" 

jl^l 59» ' . 1 Jliijt 84« 

S-^pl 353' I » 100 JLi5i' 275= 

ip-UU' 662" ! . 73 J'ji. 295= 

j^l3 401"(8ee508i»8eq.) . 1 jC-kJ 8I3<' 

jjli 819' |.Mt 1 j4-j* 159" <935») 

jjuij 1024>«, [K 1 J^^ii ie4» (597*) 

JJ'Ui 22" ! » 2 ,U-v1JI 198''^ 

j^fei 322'* I « ■-' Si->^'' '^•^^>'* 

Jjlj fi45'» I . 1 J.-i> 758' 





^)ll 8943 


jiii 308" 

jIliJi m* . 

J^iU^ 487» 

JbUJi 1097» 

jJiiJI 575' 

jJii! 45= 

. ililf 61112 

J4I. 187" (S241S) 


j-^ 11» 

Jip> 329" 

itjiit 96' 

J™U 3885 

j! 96>= 

Ji^ 627« 

J!^3 2301 

jiii 706' 


JUlj! 2658 

jli^ 710' 


JUlil 382» 

Jjlli 1098" 

iljill 5891, 1080" 

i JiU 54" 

JU^ 680- 

J Jo^l 869" 

Jjjijl^ 142'' 

JJ!^ 472» 

Jj^i S10» 

J-SbUJt 508« 

J-liii 352" 

iJli 612' 

J^ 76013 (10B7U) 

JJIj 614" 


IL^ 6631 

JJii= 1097« 

Ll;^. 683» 

JUi 1049" 

li^ 663» 

,J^ 216" 

Sj 527" 

J^k^JI 127" 

31 j 

ijif [i*!?] SlO'i 

jJ^ji! 133> 

32 ! 

tj^i 454» (1075=) 

jiji 158- 



;S^b 284« 

T 2 Jl^LsTw. 2ni« , B 12 Ui^i 1081 

13 liilS 221' ^ , 3 ULiilo 76« (315") 

2 LijLs?! 239* j K 12 uU 389 g 

■ 1 »JjL^ 435« I . 1 UUii 41« 

94 IjjUi 600* 63 I . i UUiIa 385"', 1069>» 

97 Liil 629« «4 i Mn 3 uli 453" ( 1074' ) 

2 IL.'^ 714" : Mt 6 Ua4-! lOl" 
1 LUU 930= I . 4 UJii 1067"' 

3 ILL:> 1043" I R 2 U''^1 141>'' 

Mt 1 Lji ^^' 423" j S 4 UJ^^Ii 588' (932" 1081- 

T 1 Lj]^ 8" T 16 UL, 42' a 

. 9 l^j^ 80411 , 23 UjS=- 51" {785») 

p » 53 uXii 59'- a 

Mt 7 li, 310" » 3 Ui&l 103* 

Uyij 585' 
UyLXj 693' 

^1 664« 
^t 191« 

page N°. 



L«lji£jl 1085'" 

B 7 

_r^i 4711S 

jLlJLo 67510 

» 2 

fiiiJI 485' 

lUiii 10681 

» • 2 

f>M\, 596« 

U/ 229» 

. 2 

^'^\ 621" 

'r^l 497' 

. 3 

fhi 7611 

;^i 678^ 

» 7 

_^t^% 155" 

^lAi! 91" 

. 5 

f/h 806i» 

^ ;t 92» 

K 1 

p! 2879 

rV- 291 IS 

. -1 

fH "' 

ysi 736" 

. \ ^ (<L 

ic leg.) 241 

, ^ 761^ 

. 9 


pLif 1089" 

. 5 

|.^L^•i! 181 

|Ul: 1121^ (see 7271S) 

. 1 

_^U% 85« 

,. ^ 402* 

. 24 

,L.1i 262= 

^ 20'" 

. 32 

_rlo_ 2690 

^* 308" 

• 1 

^Ucj 531 notes 

^ 310« 

• 6 

|.Ui 644" 

;^ 750' 

Kh I 

i^ agB!! 

;^jj 1044= 

Mn 1 

fj^b 333= 

^ 50« (784=) 

T 1 


(Jicl S82» 

T 6 

f..~M 458<>, 887'- 

. 4 

^b 6S9'' ( 1080' 

» 4 

Sf *^^" 

<. 2 

^ 807>= 

. 1 

^ 1053« 

. 3 

_^l^! 2371 

1 2 

i.yo 8119 

. 159 

Hl^ B48^ 


. 3 

^Lb 359» 

. 3 

^jl&l 3901" 

. 84 

j^ 596' 


. 9 

^liil 615" 

. 5 
» 1 

^;L^I 620= 
_^l^ 718« 

» 46 

_^t^l 718' 


, 1 

|.oli 727i''(seealso 


• 67 

p^Qi 753« 


. 2 

I^UxJI 803" 

« 2 

» 8 

t^ 9001 

iv:,-UiUi 919'' 

. 3 

_^yi3 1046' 

^^= 180« 

^-o 300' (68") 

pUL». 2181" 

-UIJI 702' 

|.X<Jl 717" 

^^'^L'i 759" 

i.l,J^:'i 933" 

|.U^Ji 1004= 

j.u*ji 10141=: 

»^! 205" 

j,_iyj! 667* 

^j^ 906-- (soe uo 

.U^ 406« 



>^J^ 6106 


ll^lli 74S» 



Ulji-Sb 425' (670«) 



UiuJ 30» 



Ljl^ 108" 

T 9 U:=>i 

j;^.^ 129* 

JA^PI 15111= 

yliysUI 802", 339" 

'^^SJi ibS'" {1074") 

^■vS-L-i' 291' 

(tjjdi 50 1« 

ljSU= 363» 


LyyU, 115" (735«) 

Uj^ 196S 

LuiJ! 2055 

bj.^^f 312' 

byil 387' 

Ij^^ 5641' 

LL>iji5[Usj<Jb] 7969 

U^'l 8868 

LoJuiy! 887« 

;^ 907^ 

^^jill 7625 (see also 387 

^jjL-Jj' 1052" 

Ju^f 311« 

,.,tj3J 4941" 

^Uli=J! 880' •« 

o'-=^> 888' •» 

^^- 62l« 

...LLj 30' 9» 

jyljikiJ! 280' 

^ 364» 

jyU_„ 615" 

,_cJU=jl5 460S 

!j ^^j^'i 1078" 

ljJip\ 39» 

..I^AxJI 125* 

^^UU 1796 

^b-o!ji 248" 

^^U 282" 

^Ay *04» 

^yliu 436" 
..J^!l 67U" 

i i^l'" (98'° 1072») 

b^^ 944* 
LjWI 1043« 

B 3 
R 4 

W 2 

a i E 1 

-j: 408" 
Jl, 514" 

^^*Jt 208' 

cjjjlj 24415 

L-Ij 67" 

IlLi 1050" 

LjjjJ 1025" 



[ 'll' 


III 61™ 


. 122S» seq. 

1089' seq 

IV ISl"* seq. 

716» soq 

. 132" 


. 140« seq. 

906» seq. 

. U019 seq. 

905» seq. 

VI 162" seq. 


VII 38« seq. 

18 seq. 

. 43« seq. 

6" seq. 

» 43^8 seq. 

8" seq. 

. *45" 


. • 45» 






17 7« EC 



176' seq. 275» seq. (= 1052»seq.) 

I.'J9' seq. 

VIII 19is=> seq. 
1921 geq. 
1925 eeq. 
192' seq. 
196'' seq. 
196" seq. 

2^ aeq. 

815 seq. 
151" ggq 
15=5 seq. 

43-^ seq. 
44" seq. 
59" seq. 
eO« seq. 




85» seq. 
8^8 seq. 
861 seq, 
86" seq. 
170" seq. 

176" seq. 
73»— 76»» 

384" seq. 

1060"— 1064' 
228* seq. 
654»— 678« 
495" (=6561") 
409' seq. (= 6718 seq.) 
4091" seq. (= 6725 geq.) 
40l« seq. 
402* seq. 
452»-457", 107215-1079' 
144» seq., 

3261 seq. 

XVI 24» 
XVIII 68-5 



















210« seq. | 
21225 seq. \ 
3S seq. 

18« seq. 

9505 aeq. 
I. (= 6255 seq.) 
80411 seq. 
S95' seq. 
803" seq. 
804« seq. 
806" seq. 
807" seq. 

815» saq. 
819? seq. 

XIX 18=5 seq. 
19" seq. 


20-' seq. 
219 seq. 
21" seq. 


22* seq. 
28" seq. 
30»» seq 

S112 seq 
31 1« seq 
31" seq. 
32' seq. 
36'» seq 
37a seq 
3818 seq 
39»i eeq, 


4280 seq 
431 8oq. 
43" seq 
45" seq 
45«8 seq 
60^ seq. 
50'" seq. 

61* soq. 
127a soq. 
129« seq. 

10441 ,eq. 




139" seq. 

644" seq 

6 193 seq. 

139» seq. 

6441= seq 

398* (= 76315 


*152W seq. 






XXI nsi seq. 

7418 note 

4888 seq. 



621* seq. 


1965 seq. 

6198 seq. 

6108 seq. 





20718 seq. 

129* seq. 

612' seq. 
618" seq. 



61918 seq. 


10 vv. 1, 5 

6541 seq. 

6211 seq. 


10 V. 5 seq. 

468 seq. 

3818 seq. 
60818 seq. 



5461 seq. 



6808 seq. 

6488 seq. 


10118 seq 



15 V. 1 


990« seq. 

26 • 98 

"soq., 42118 

214" seq. 


6151= ,eq. 
1046« seq. 


IO4518 seq. 



10788 soq. ( 

1046" seq. 



4599 seq. 

3818 seq_ 
984' seq. 
108 1 8 seq. 
653" seq. 


J!». 1 T. 15 

815" ' 

. *3 V. 4 

946'* ; 

. 3 T. 8 


• 15 V. IS 

499' note 

. m V. 13 

695= ' 

. 20 T. 26 


. 22 

103» seq. 

. SO V. 9 

179« 1 


TAB. 1 

m U V. 2 seq. 

419* ' 

. 3 71l^ 




288' seq, 

460» seq. 
497' seq. 
496" seq. 
208* seq. 
J619 seq. 
497'* seq. 

1053S seq. 
646« seq. 

493» eeq. 
495* seq. 
494'5 seq. 
S82" seq. 
46015 geq. 


31S seq. 

46l» seq. 


90" seq. 

460>» seq. 

401IS (= 508>«) 

939 seq. 

461« seq. 




61' note 

154* seq. 

498» seq. 

402" note 

1T0» seq. 

142" seq. 

15» seq. 
26«— 4S« 


481=3 seq. 
♦485=' seq. 

4489 s 

I 328^:= 




II 33' 


535"- seq. 


. *352-^ 


3568 note 


536S seq. 

5851 s 

S». 17 v. 





. *17 T. 





, 21 

386 notes » 








, 28 

71« seq. 

*727» seq. 


. *31 V. 





. 39 

588», 932" 







10956 seq. 

•141* 92 



•384« 1. 



422"' seq. 3S 

132« seq. 

654' seq. 

426' Boq. 34 



•457" 91 

153" seq. 

436" seq. 


211' seq. 

1025« seq. 

2i-' seq. 8 



4« seq. 8 



5' seq. 8 


SOS'" aeq. 

8I41' seq. 


25i» seq. 






43* seq. 

80- seq. (= 

W seq. 


S64-« seq. 

229« eeq. 
230« seq. 

104313 seq. 
1043' aeq. 





138= seq. 

21 5» seq. 


52» seq. 


' 75» 


748' seq. 

90< seq. 

667* seq. 

132 notes' 






12615 ggq. 



620= seq. 

210- seq. 

96" seq. 

6I51- seq. 

241" seq. 

104« seq. 

621" seq. 



1027» seq. 

255s seq. 

9461 seq. 

608M seq. 

256' seq. 

944« seq. 

751>= seq. 

256' seq. 

9448 seq. 




214" seq. 



1034? (see 1098') 



59y seq. 

282" seq. 

236S seq. 

520= seq. 

420^ seq. 

905» seq. 

98 1« seq. 







447" «eq. 

89" seq. 

4571* seq. 

192> seq. 

•475« seq. 




6355 ,eq. 

10833 seq. 



6359 seq. 

10818 seq. 

645* seq. 

1083? seq. 

729« seq. 

71313 seq. 

759" seq. 

10811* seq. 


24 (p. 16* seq.) 10831"^ seq. 





(p. 116' seq.) 10441* 


595« seq. 

I 382' 


10931- seq. 

1004» Boq. 

. 384-' 


905s seq. 

806« seq. 

. 380^! 


806" Boq. 

. 404' 


8Sli« soq. 

38411 seq. 

, 406' 


4ri2* seq. 

385-^ seq. 

. 4091 


652" Boq. 

380" »oq. 

. 41 r' 


10851" seq. 

(Ibn al-Athlr) 



I 420" Beq 

838 seq. 



. 426« 

8.»* seq. 



. 427" seq 

93* seq. 



. 437" seq 

666« seq. 



. •444' 




. 44513 seq 

587= seq. 




, 4469 ,eq. 

19» seq. 



» 447" seq 

751 seq., 313' 




. 44912 seq 

6801= se,. 



, 45S^>seq 




. 456" seq 

144" seq., 326i 




. 457" seq 

SSO'" seq. 


373s seq. 

. 459" seq 

190« seq., 233"! 




810* seq. 

. 462» seq 

238« seq. 



653» seq. 

. 46483 seq 

1495 ,eq. 



, 470* seq 

305" seq. 



» ■ •472« 




. 472« seq 

311» seq. 



» 4731 seq. 

3U« seq. 




. 473« seq. 

70= seq. 



. 474>2 seq 

469= seq. 

•819 note r 


» 477" seq 

47= seq., 781" 



402« (= 

. 478=« seq 

679-' seq. 



. 483=* seq 
. 486« seq 

1931" eeq. 
66« seq. 



. 487i'> seq 

1023" seq. 

41' seq. 

348™ seq 

, 490" soq 

10201" geq. 



III U6-°- seq 

213" seq. 








SO" seq. 





218* {= 845 





II 33= 


«62* 764« 

•249*1 7409 

320" 66= 

= 104") 

12" (= 
95>3 Beq. 
1951" seq. 
202i» seq. 

315^ seq. 
371" seq. 
428' soq. 
447= seq. 

248"" seq. 
219* seq. 

1050= seq. 
1083K seq. 
487"! seq. 
663« seq 


HI 78« seq. 
VJII •149" seq. 

II 1503" seq. 
HI 51" seq. 

SO'* seq. 


55" seq, 

ea" soq, 
64i» seq, 
65i« seq 
6613 ,oq 
66"' 88q 

3548 seq. 
676' seq. 
83" seq. 
96" seq. 
4209 seq, 
679= seq. 
70' seq. 
305* seq. 
1023" seq. 
47- soq., 781" soq, 

680'" seq. 

75' acq., 313' soq 

III 69« 


72* s 
74= 8 

76"i seq. 

, 326' 

81'- seq. 
81-' seq. 
82"' seq. 
90=» seq. 

32" BOq. 
40- snq. 

190" seq., 233'" seq. 

1020" seq. 
OOo" seq. 

149= seq. 
66« seq. 
469= seq. 
1025« seq. 
638'- soq. 
645'9 seq. 




939" seq. 
1031= seq. 
803" seq. 

806 '9 soq. 
807" seq. 

839" soq. 

91" seq. 
106» seq. 
1 18-" seq 


I 136' seq. 

?« seq. 

51015 seq. 

. 141= seq. 

1041- seq. 

7879 seq. 

. 1451= seq. 

647» seq. 

798« seq. 

, 145M 



. ISQio seq. 

601' seq. 

1039» seq. 

. 152« seq. 

25« seq. 

1040-2 seq. 

■ 1535 seq. 

26" seq. 

3165 (= 583«) 

. 155" 



» 1658 seq. 

823' seq. 


. 165" seq. 

824™ seq. 

981'. seq. 

. logo seq. 

95715 seq. 

9856 seq. 

. 159« seq. 

961= seq. 


, 1691 


882' seq. 

. 17116 seq. 

10982 seq. 

231'^ aeq. 

11 2' seq. 

548« seq. 

24515 Beq_ 

. 8" seq. 

5771 seq. 

846» seq. 

, 18" seq. 

818- seq. 

846'* seq. 

» 23" seq. 

841' seq. 

9095 seq. 

. 2415 seq. 

843i> seq. 

9355 seq. 

» 841 seq. 

1044» seq. 

847' seq. 

. 385 ,eq. 

I080» seq 

866= seq. 

, 38T 



' 38^ 

3028, 589S 

3211 seq. 
331- seq. 

24911! seq. 
255' seq. 

721 seq. 

2891' seq. 

72"' .eq. 

285-' seq. 

73'» seq. 

275= seq. 





75" seq. 

2947 seq. 

T51» seq. 

2952 seq. 

83" seq. 

181 seq. 

84. seq. 

4» seq. 

891= ,,q. 

101412 seq 

106« seq. 

291 seq. 

113» seq. 

104!)* seq. 

117« seq. 

38" seq. 

117" seq. 

42' seq. 

118" seq. 

5913 seq. 

12311 seq. 


140" seq. 

144* seq. 
145" seq. 

15818 seq. 
1631- seq. 

|. 1721= g^^ 


1050^ seq. 

9331 ' 

132" seq. 


13313 seq. 


135« soq. 


138» seq. 


138« soq. 




189« seq. 


. flIJO'' soq. 
IV 80» seq. 












1131 seq. 


112K 72 


289', 693 







1131 aeq., 









434"> seq. 

3" 8 













4561S seq. 


,77^ , 
209» 1 















54 1» 



II 32V 






























850« (a 

e note) 





2 1 3' 




27 1» 



. 280« 


. 165» 


. 280K 


, 172= 


. 283' 


. 192" 


. 288= 


. 202" 


. 2908 

543" 1 

, 206" 


. 29010 

827* ! 

. *216i» seq. 

946» se 

. 293i« 

91610 ; 

. 22815 


, 300" 


. 2291* 


. 306» 


. 2385 


, *316« 


. •2432 seq. 


, 347' 


, 243« 


> 347W 


, 247" 


. 848* 


. 2508 


. 349" 


. 2565 


. 361» 


, 283» 


. 363= 


. 284" 


, 364» 


. 2963 


. 36421 


. 3041 


, 365" 


. 319= 


, 365M 


. 331" 


, 369' 


, •340SO 


. 382» 


• 3471 


, 386« 


. 347* seq. 


. 403" 


. 347' 


. 439=1 


, 3495= 


. 455" 

789' (=49811) 

. 358' 


, i7a^ 


. 381i» 


, 485W 


. 381" 


V 27>= 1 

402» {= 9001) 

. 397' 
. 400" 


, 95» 


. 405> 


. •96' 


, 407« 


, 110' 


1 . 422' 


, 145'-3 


1 . 426« eeq. 









25i» seq. 

456« seq. 









• 10433 





658» seq. 


VII *32>» 


1058" (= 197i») 




89« seq. 




165» seq. 




174' seq. 


198' seq. 

205« aeq. 





264« seq. 







1921 (=2351') 

892« ' 



246" seq. 


384« seq. 

f55« seq. 


937« (= 779«) 






405i« seq. 666' seq. (= 940< seq.j 


226« (= 684ii 


979» 1 


548^ i 


695^ j 


311» i 








IX 457* 





























770'* ^ 





148" «eq. 


157« mq. 

67"> 80 




{= 7041-) 





60 1» 


937« ( 

= 7791S) 

83«>' (= 299>") 


523" (= 908i«) 






























XI 339« ieq. 

205" seq. 

. 350' 


. 360« 


. 3522 


. 357« 


. 386« 


. •420^ 


. 425= 


01 18=» 


• 51" seq. 

887" (= 

. 75" seq. 

840* seq. 

„ 75I8 


. 76» seq. 

52* seq. 

121 ^i" 





















440" (=1053") 



















XII 376' 


xra 15B 

♦ lOQSO 






310* aeq. 






192* (= 2352») 



1649 (= 5976) 















691 notes - 



XIII 3771s 







seq. (=495') 

164« (= 











= 8411) 







606" (= 884») 


195' seq. 





XV 2861 
3128 g 




758« seq 








933M seq. 



, 93=0 


. HI.. 


» 1252' 


, 150« 


. ISG-" 


, 176» 



STI 248» 

138" (=567'0 

, 2502 


, 250" 


. 252" seq 

291« Beq. 

. 2586 


. 2T3=2 

1921 (= 235") 



759 notes 



151i« seq. 

621= seq. 



1653 seq. 






192' (=236*) 


9378 (= 77,ji3) 




1009 (= 

251« (= 3971- 1054«) 

♦ 123-s 


62« (= 


285' (= 

3711 (= 








: 8668) 

•201 !« 


30 1^ 


XX 19=5 
*40i' m 


192« (=236-) 


7451' (= 7749) 
774s seq. 
572" (= 774") 
182« {= 774» 1049») 




82" aeq. 







KX 95» 

285' (= 8660) 

. 9^-^ 


. 129« 


. *1337 


. 161» 


. 168* 


. 180SO 


. 184» 


. 234" 


, 235« 


. 2477 

9695, 86111 

. 265« seq. 

909i» seq. 

. 26416 


. 269^"' 


. 27313 


. *290S 


. 303" 


. 321" 


. 360* 


» 369' 


« 37721 

1131 (= 73o») 

. 384* 







I 7' 


. )18» eeq. 


. 139» 


. 195» 


. 281» 


II 31» 8oq. 


. 43« seq. 

09" a 

|. 10331 



i. 880* se 

65a''> (= 6241") 

428» seq. 
567" seq. 

723* seq. 

upplement 25? 886" 



458' seq. (= 





-1037J8 638»_646' 



196*2 geq. 

715" seq. 

*19898 seq. 


S171» seq. 

S0» seq. 

*3«0 noted 


•3452* seq. 


97' seq. 

6081S seq. 

99» seq. 

610S seq. 

1015 seq. 

61 1« seq. 

lOlw seq. 

612' seq. 

101" seq. 

6163 seij. 

103" seq. 

6176 seq. 

104=^ seq. 

617" seq. 

107« seq. 

619« seq. 

108' seq. 

^ 6205 seq. 

158" seq. 

620" seq. 

160" seq. 

621' seq. 

2S2» seq. | 
269" seq. \ 

246" seq. 

433" seq. 

722' seq. 

435" seq. 

112" seq., 72 

1. seq. 







750-» seq. 




372'' 1 







(= 385«) 







II 17" 


I 315" 


. 38" seq. 

667* seq. 

. 315" 86q. 

548« seq. 

. 41= seq. 

325» seq 

» 317" 


. 7P8eq. 

211= ,eq. 

. ssr- 


. 91» 


. »3ir> 


. 91" 


. 36018 8eq. 

102» seq. 

. 97' seq. 

217" seq 

. *3965 


. 104» 


. 398« 


. 156" 


. iW 


. 20010 


. 4149 


. 215* 


r 424* 


. 217* 


. 431" 


. 227" seq. 

155" seq. 

» 454=1 


. 246" 


. 498» 8eq. 

658i» seq. 

. 261? 


. 516" 


. 2618 


. •522" 


. 264== 

27 1« 

. ♦582« 


. •2841= 


, 665M 


. 293s 


. 70O'i= 


» *294='> 


. 711" 


» *2»55 


. *1U" 


. 301" seq. 

7601= ,eq. 

« 736' 


. 304« 


. 736« 


. 3298 


. 768= 


• 346=8 geq. 

866= seq. 

. nes" 


. 381» 


. 795' 


» •4021 


. 795" 


. 4321» seq. 

1095' seq. 

. 795'" 


. •4611» seq. 


. 820" 


. 467« 


. 868« 


. 476= seq. 

10985 seq. 

. 922» 


, 475=1 


, 941« 


. 532' 


. 941'6 


. 532« seq. 

2501' seq. 

. 941" 


> 533" seq. 

388' seq. 

. 942- 8„q. 

I024» seq. 

. 533=1 



569» seq. 54« 

III 223" 





758°.^ seq. 

436" seq. 



767a seq. 


779« seq. 

93* seq. 

785' seq. 

1010»- seq 





811" seq. 

130i» seq. 





862« seq. 

994" seq. 



879* seq. 

1721S seq. 

9559 seq. 

343" seq. 




. 250« 





3801 seq. 

68" seq. (= c 
1067" seq. 

1281* g(,q. 

433 notes^ 
433» seq. 

196' \ 
2231" so 
22S-» so 


III .gioB 
IT !28 





18* (= 2741) j 



126» 8eq. 

654" seq. 



50o'<' seq. 482" seq. 


386' seq. 



7151' mq. 

62H seq 

779s seq. 

1067" seq 

790" seq. 

91» seq. 

898« seq. 

330 notes 



93T" soq. 

310» seq. 



UT-o seq. 

961" seq. 

1009" seq. 

147^ seq. 





This list does not inelade persons who appear only in genealogies, unless 
they bear unusnal names. In the case of names which occur very frequently, e.g. 
JaflTf al-Farazdakj Tatntm etc., only the more imporEant passages are indicated. 

Q'^ o* 

.,bl clan 187" 

ai O'^ O^ 

of Medina 5462 

(&-«Uil v^i^ 0^ o*^' fa'lier-xn-!aw of Umayya iba "Abd-Sliams the Elder lOW 1018- 

,JLs^? i*?^ ry^ -jW- cy^ r^' brother-in-law of ^\rami ibn Tsrik 17^ seq. (= 781^* ^_ 

8eq.): called sU~l ^jjl after his mother 52i'> (= 785"): was defeated by the Sa'd 
ibn Zaid-Manat near Jadnd 144" seq. 148': gained a victory over the Darira at 
al-Wato 307' seq. 3111'^: commanded the Lahazim at Dha Tulnh 47» seq. (=782* 
seq.), where he was captured 50* seq. (=^ 783^' seq.): see also 54^'" 57^^ 59^ 66*' 
T80« 802" 1019" 

(,^■41 y^ see eUU ^ ^iiiil^ ^ ty^^- 

^^^■^1 tXii»I iji «Py| see ;jtl._j yl 

ytiS ^^ ^y! wont on an embassy to 'Abdallixh ihn az-Zubair 1089':> 

Jjj^ ^ f^^l an official in the reign of Abd-al-Malik 4H8"' 

(jiitii J,i ^ «A«~. j..^ >xi:sf ^yj f^^' friend of al-Farnzdiik, cited by al-Yarbn 1 
546' seq SlS-i 

jjj! J'muiz, Hasilnian king 298i , <alled iKo ^J ^,j ^ i .j la'l' 

jL«I% struck down li) Malik ibn Ilimiir (s„) ai Jabala (.TJi 


JcaLI^J! S&f magician, son-in-law of Jam- 840" seq. (sea 842*) 845«: called JiLS' 

8432, and ,ji^i ^4;l 841' 842"'' 
jUI^! certain clans belonging to the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat lie* 150" 

J^'l a 6lave(?) J51« 

jj^ii SjLa ^y J^i slew the Ghassanid king Ibn Taiba lOV 


oF a family 187^ 

^Jl=^^Ji(^) 913 notcs= 

5-i:Ls^ qj ^<^-^^H see k^'-^su ^ ^xs^a 

^ii-ii _Jt? .^ Ls-i j_:l lived at the time of the First Battle of al-Kulsb 455" 

(= 107t;>) 
w,L>^! certain clans belonging to the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 969>« I023K 

Jj'uil ia-~.o ^ j-b-'i'! took part in the feud between the Dibab and the Jatar 
ibn Kitab in fhe reign of 'A bd-al-Malik : his verses on the occasion 929" seq.: his 
death 930' seq. (see 923 notes') 

^LjL>^i i. e. the tribes of Ghatafitn, Asad and. Tayyi' 238" seq. 242": also ealled 

o5b>»i 240"' — see ^.,UAiJ! 
J^.L.=.^il i. e. the family of al-.-ihwas ibn 'Arar al-Kalbr 8081" [see Hell K° 403, gloss 

on the last verso] 
'Lst>^i three families belonging to the Nahshal iba Darira 187^ 748-' 772'- 

JU^'iSt certain clans belonging to the Yarbn" 804'"' 
Jj=-i a coTOmentator frequently cited in L 11= 12 

iX^yj^ Q— J A*:>! a conimentafcor who liTed in the third certury of the Hiira 465'* 
613»2 583" 586" 687" SBB's 881" 884>-' 8!I2'5 Slo'" 1134' •J44' !J87' : called i«i j^' 
G8V> [called also 5A-^-^it _^!, gee the IrKhnd-al-Anh of Yakut ed. D. S. Margo- 
liouth 1 pp. 221 seq.] 

, ^-^jSlj ^ ^\+:>l the well-known philologist of al-Knfa [ uj>iialiy called _vijti]: cited 
by al-Yazidl as an authority for statements of Ibn-al-ATSbi am'' 515" 9i)7-': see 
also 504" 557' 5881 

iXj'l y\ see ^Xlil JIc 

^*=-1 ^^! i.e. JiifUJi 1^1 ^ ^^■. hi-, verses cited 213- 763i« S21''' 

Ijliil clan of the Bajlla 140« " 

I ^3A*>*Ji sJ«^-^j5 qJ oi*^^^' i- e. ij^ ^^ .^^^ 72B^" 737^": called _*;\j ^' 731'"' 738'^ 
\ 740i»: his genealogy 723": his conduct during the disturbances at al-Ba»ia 731'- 

seq. (see 113'- seq.) 7371* Yggis g^^^ 740111. j.^^ ^^^^ gQi.-, gygo 122? 730' seq. 

751" lOOO' 

jj^t U^! see jji-i ^^ J^^> 

V^' (^ /i=- qJ i>3fj.5l i. e. fx^ ^_ iiLf^^ 226": commander of the '.\niir ibn 
Sa'ja'a at the Battle of Rahrahan 226" seq. (see 1060" seq.), and at the Battle 
of Jabala 65o» seq.; see also 75'" 426" 

*Ll3-«o j^ Ot-J; Q-J ijoj-:^>3l brother of HadriT 806'' (but see 811) notes'', whore he 
is her father) 

i ■(_jJi^l ilLti ^ 5^ ^yj (_wj..»^l maternal grandfather of UistHin ibn lyai.s ash- 
ShaibEnl 76" lOO'^ -178' cf. SOO'"' 

^5=>l>yi U~^ qJ Jj*'^ qJ u^jf-^-'^H i.e. jj,= ^^ Ajj 300' 91!)': a poet who lived in 
the reign of 'Uthmau (see 018"' seq.): his versos cited 300" soq. (but see parallel 
passage 68'") 418" 9I'J" seq. 

JjU^liJi ^J.^ ^ ■o^)^'>V see c.yu~^ ^y ^»yi ^.^ ,f,= 

J:.UjJ>5I vX-Ui* 1^^ v>3^i'i*l I'Outi s«o Aghani 1¥ 10 acq,: eiitcrtainml ul-Kara/.dak 




-' 20' 684') i 

,.e. ^ 


■ ^; 


i Q-; ^^ 






315'<>: at 


Battle of ^usbs^ 

ra 19* 





' seq. 

: at al- 



u 582M at 


see also 18" 



,..=.^1 (Tar. ij-^J>y:) took part in the War of Dsshis 101', see 108" 

^Jri^i ifr^ (^ y.iii-'S! lived in the reign of Mu'awiya 79* 

^U. ^ j^lii i. 0. .►^j Hell N" .'SSS: brother of al-Farazdak 382» (see ^ddi- 
frOMS a»(/ Corri^rfions) 

Jjliiil oLi ^y jiJ.^i i. e. oli Qt 'i^ 879": called S^^< *01- 506" 897» 
900" 901» aae""' 966'", ^.-P i^' *60'*, elC-.'_>ji 402* 509' lOil^ seq. 1042-, Ui^i ^S 
897? (= 496*), --ii- ji 801", iliUdj ^< 1048" (alluding to the fact that he 
was a Christian cf. 1041'): his relations with Jarir and al-Farazdak 494' seq. (cf. 
879'* seq.): his encounter with al-Jahhaf ibn Hiikaim at the court of 'Abd-al- 
Malik 401^ seq.: his escape from the massacre at al-6i&hr 401^®: Terseg oa his 
death by Jarlr 1041^ seq., and by al-Farazdak 1042^ seq.: opinions concerning him 
10486 -1 1053-: his Terses cited 142" seq. 208* seq. 324K saO'" seq. 40lS « (cf. 
508" seq.) 460'-> seq. 494" seq. 496'S seq. 497" seq. 498' seq. 5491' 646» seq. 
1028* seq, 1053' seq.: see also 202' 213" 900« seq. 901« 

^_sJyJt^' *-?o' related by marriage to Ibn al-Kalbt and cited as an aathority by Aba 
'Ubaida 497'*' 

s_iji j-u term applied by Jartr to the family of Ghagsan ibn Dhahail as-SallW 18' 

j^L'i' certain clnvis of the Taghlib 266' seq. 373' seq.: the victory of the Taghlib 
over the l.vaisites at Sinjar (see 373") in the reign of 'Abd-al-Malik is called 


j^L"i! '^°yj 3731 394" 400", of. 378': the term »-ii,^' -I-J is likewise applied by 
Janr to the battle between the Taghlib and the Tarbu- at Irsb in pre-Islamic 
times 760" cf. 76118: see also 459* 61515 gggi 

JjUXJ! »^ ^ u-»i ^y-J Ju^ at the Battle of Faif-ar-Rlh 471«: see also 412" 
(ef. Additions and Corrections) 

J^laJ! J^I ^^ ij^ ^jj .kbj at the Battle of Nalja-1-Hasan igi'" seq. 

,j£jj-Ol Sy^yj rj? *-S;l at the Battle of al-Marrat 71^ seq- 
jljl a pre-historic tribe 4631* (= 1074") ' 

^w***.** ^^j 'r^.;' mentioned by Jarlr 8311* 

■kijpl i. e. the followers of J^ii^J! Cijp' ^^ jiU 896i 

oj^i (or ^xJhl 734" cf. 11410) tribe: their settlemont at al-Basra 729« seq.: their 
alliance with the RabT'a and their conduct during the disturbances in the city after 
the death of Yazid ibn Mu'awiya 729' 730^ soq. 731" 737i (= XIS") seq. 738' 
seq. 74011 ^gq, 74114 geq.: supported the Umayyad party on the occasion of the 
Yaum-al-Jufra 749" (see 10921): denounced by Kutaiba ibn Muslim 3541" seq.; 
see also 3581" a^q. 3602 ^^^ 35^7 35211 36311 jgq 30716 sgg" seq. 369i' 7511" 

O-i ^^-^ 0-? rt' 

family of the Yarbn' 54'' 8415 58,1s sggii 

585« 589" 7590 (cf. notes') 810» 
oLw] deity 141' 
f^^ ^ ^L-"! an ancestor of Khalid ibn Arjltt al-Kalbi 139i' 

tip O^ ^l-l «" 

J^yi ^ ^ L.L.I at the Battle of an-NisBr 242' 

oi-S3*-| Ismc, claimed by Jartr as his kinsniun 994i'', and ropicsontod as the ancestor 
of the PorsiftUB 996" soq. 

j^jlLxJI lX_!j-« ^ OLjSw| called iX_».s^' _^t 741"; prosinit at al-Bajra dnring lh« 

disturbance-^ 113^ tited by 

.W--" ^ _«-5=~ ntphe 

-^ ^ A~ tnlit mari^hed to Jibila as thi I'lies of the Dlinbyan 99" 656= 660>» 
661' seq but rjtrtited b. fort thi battle 6ol 666": fought at the Battle of an- 
>i ir a= the tUits ot the GhattUn, the J nil' and the Eibsb 238" seq. 239»s 
240' wq cf 100b their apo!,tas\ in iht time of Abu Bakr 71315; claimed as 
allies In Jarlr 901", and also by dl Farazdak 914=': the poet 'Abid ibn al-Atras 
is called J>w. .— ^>^ MV see als, . j"* ' .f 120' 128' 190i' 234'' 238' 240=!<> 
243" 4i4 Oo2 seq 075 7iO 7WI notes 7bl' 1065'" 

=..~s>.> A ^\^ ^] J^ brother of kh-Jhd alKjsH 991* ^ see Hell S" 266 

; „j uCi tribe 7875 

gVsw-'i ..X— >S! see is'jZ- ^ ^^^i ^ 
JsJ'^ _*ij lei^end coneerning them lOT 

Jutwl son of the Lakhmite king 'Amr ibn al-Mundiiir. slain while dwelling 
: the Banli Dsrim 653' seq. 977' (but compare the ilirergent account 1084' seq.) 

Ju.~s (or A«~^'i 312«) ancestor of a familj- of the Sbaibao a(fl'' (= T84-'') 

^^_^i ^i ^ »L" Aac ^ tj^'i' negotiated in the course of the Wai 
»3*: see also 977 notes" 

[,y= ^^1 y^M see e,-^ ^.^ ,^^= ^^ .^^<= 

>^-«^^ ^ «-I«>M his verses on the slaying of lySs ibu 'Abia, eoi«j>ost>d 
the death of the Caliph ^tlthmsn *J20'' seq. (see 918») 

(f)^f^ ^y ^ _^ grandson of Hukaim ibn Mtiayya, cited by Abn =Ubai<ia 5 notes" 
(as to hll fathpFk name, cl h ) 

(1) iULl a «omin mentionpd m i verse of 'Amir ibn at-Tufaii 284'-= 

(2) iU~i a woman et lebrat( i hy Jarlr 500"> acq. 

Jsj:> j_^l ^_A^ c*~i mother of Aljtr ibn Jabir 47' 

(^jijiJ! X^^'.=- u-j .*~ (it(d bi \n informant of al-Mufad<lal ad-DabbI 75=: was a 
boy at tht time of the Lattlt ol al-Ghablt 75" seq. 

^Lsisil jy ^jj: _^ L*»S cilled -li-i, wife of al-HidWik ibn Eabra: her inter- 
view with the father of al-Farazdak 4] 4^" seq. 

ijuillJ! i-J^^ .i*^ sUJ.' wife of Hishsm ibn al-Shighlra and mother of Abu Jahl 

j_,ot*l| Ishmad 99112 

Ojl^t at the Battle of Jabala 6741' 

i_^U»~-t dU^-» ^^ o^^M at tht Batth oi ilUhibll (oi ol al hid ) IIK 

KilBb m the iei„n of \lid al Malik 427 

^^U^^JI J_j~.i capl 

ted at Dha luluh 7St" (te^ 

[Jj^^JJ!] jL.\«.l ^.^ Oj-»Hi biolhoi ot an Nu in in I in„ ot il Ulra .M0< «iq uilltnl 

^ji^^l _^ ^^ .-au ^^ j.», « »ei/ul Me Inn on behnll ot Ibu u/ /nbiiii ItS" 
')72< [ior hi» ),.Hualo„v, wo A(,linnl \l\ HI ' | 

a^"SI j-yjl see J^^i ^^ all' A^i 

^yij^^! see j!,Ull 

^jjpi StU^ jyj »A-J of the clan SallS (760*): called i-'J=. ^i 339»5: at the 
Battle of al-GhabIt 313« seq.i at as-Sara'im 337=: at al-Iyad 581>= 5821 seq. 584" 
seq. 5869 

3_^ ^ jJll clan of the Tamim 29^ 139^ seq. 311" 431" 452'' seq. (= 10738 seq.) 
4578 (= 10779) S40" 8428 843- 

aI^! _Uj i. e. the descendants of Fsayyid ibn Jadhlma al-'AbsI {see 95") 101» 

(1) L.\l«; a clan of the ■Abs(?) 338» 

(2) SAl-i mother of Malik ibn 'Amir al-Kushain 6d2« seq. 895* 10036 

3-*j= ci^ "^A*-.! ancestress of certain elans of the Darim and the Taghlib 452^^ seq. 
{= 1073" seq.) 

^j^ii-i Syrian king 885' (= ^„Ja^i 2991, ^^r. oJjP^') 

JjUil 5jUi ^^ jdiS! author of a verse on the "War of Harsmit 930= 

Xm see 

Ai^' ^ see c,'/^' c-^ C7^ ,o^^ 
Jjtixli! jll:> (^ L-j^l » supporter of the Caliph "Atd-al-Malik at al-Knfa 1091^ 

vi»-jtiiS! j-yj! see ^ioti'ii ^^^ jjs^ ^^ o*^'"' '■''^ 

^yUii^S i. e. al-Ash'alh ibn gais and his brother 46' 

l^JJiliS^ jJl»j qJ w^ii^si poot: his verses against al-Farazdalj 814' seq. 702* seq. 
[see AghanT VIII 159' seq.] 

jyUji'il two men belonging to the Dibitb, slain by the Bana Ja'far 928" 

Jr»..a.lj! jl_3 ^ oM-i Q-J ►li' chief of the Bakr ibn W»*il at al-Bajra 723*: 

was aaperseded by Slfflik ibn Misma', but re-instated by order of the Caliph Yazld 
ibn Mu=awiya 72812 g^q,. ^ee also 731» Tii' seq. 7W' seq. 

^=^-S]i Uu^ ^i! ^ fj^^' " contemporary of al-Akra ibn Habis UQi' 

p^l ^^i mentioned in a poem by 'Amira ibn Tarik 54' 

JJl»Ui jLi^t or idsL, '^1 see sL'i oli ^^j ^Lt^J' ^^.j ^^ Jyl 

[lyW^I] 1-^"*' see J>x~-. ^ ^»^ j^ j^^ 

p^l ^I see i^ ^i:^:. 

Jji^^l i.e. v4p Q-J lAi*-' Jk-lc: cites Abu ^Amr ibn al-Al.^ 182= 334' 1047": 
cites Jahm ibn Hassan 584': cites al-Yarbir 747": cites Ja far ibn Snlaimsn ibn 
'All 775«: cites 'Jm ibn 'Umar 1004=; cites the HaclUh 992»: is said to have 
written an account of the Battle of Dhn Kar 639-: is cited by Sa'dan ibn al- 
Mubarak as one of his authorities for the story of MasHd ibn 'Anir 744^: is cited 
for the text of the Xaka'kl 839»: see also 11' 32" 42" notes- 59''' 137" ISS'S 
215" 218 notes* 2346 244" 2771S 320- 323' 339-^ 344" 352' •' 382^ 4241' 427^ 
430* 434" 445- 450> 502" ol4» 5191" 53711 5506 554 notes' 555'' 565* 568i» 578» 
5881- 58017 5941 59711 59912 80ol» 623*" seq. 630" 635' 680« 700" 744« 768" 767'= 
768" 7691 7721- 776' seq. 7861 7396 79513 796^ 797'' 811' 813'' 814'- 823^ 830' 
831» 8341* 840" 850'' 8642 878- 879" 881* 883'-' 887= 891i 892' 896'-' 907" 914" 
923* 925i« 932" 933^ 954' 960" seq. 962-' "^ 967" 1010^ lOU'-' 10471' 

jJUo^! see ;_ju4i^! eCIi 

(^^Jue*Jt c-jJi Q_J .I-i.^' ^ ^i one of the pre-Islaraic judges 438': made a raid against 
San'K 4451* 

iVL.:o,SI »iu='St slain by the Bakr ibn Wff'il shortly before the Battle of Dhu Kitr 
648' seq. 

jZlJl 49" (= 783«) 

J_:l^% j^l i.e. ^Jf>i^ qJ Jbj lyJ -W-': called .4,'! wW jj' -'22' seq. 424" .556 

notes': cited by al-YazIdJ 539' 622", on the authority of Ahmad ibn Yahyn (i.e. 
Thtt'lab) 515' seq. 997», and on the authority of Abu-l- Ablins (i.e. «1-Mubarradl 
407" 504=: cited for the text of the Xaka'M 371'' 379'- 465'" seq. 468> SSO'-': 
see also 83 notes' 92« 106 notes" US" 131" 176' 291' 424" seq. 4(14" 701« 755' 858" 

»I*b ^^d poet 200'" [a coniemporary of Bashchar ibn Burd, see Aghaiil III o2S] 

xi^jj J ^Jili i.e. ^J^.^1a:< i.^jJ> ^ »' >V, see AghanI XVI 160 seq.: his 
verses on the Battle of Dim Kiir 646-^ seq. 

^^•SI i.e. [,j~^ j^J ^,y^ 6441": called ^~Ii ^/_j ^^:^L^ 200I'"', and ^r_j ^^ill 
■iXd ^ ^j^ 644": his verses cited 62" 64' 478»» 644'- seq. 645« seq. 654' seq. 
749'-' 796« 960": see also 328« 888= 

JwO ^fiii i.e. iA'< -V ,^^ o*^/' '^^^- '""■^'' '^''°'' *^®' 

i^.jLi.i^l i. e. ^Jil^' and some other poet ZOO's 

^t tribal ancestor 902 notes', see 23» 30" 

1^1 a horse which gave its name to a breed 30" 84' 292" 303* (=84'') 

[y^i i.e. AnUchrist, mentioned bj' Jarlr 323" 

jp:^I see xiUj ^ ._.wi'J 

^yUli ^^ JL3 31'" cf. 35» seq., or Jj-tt^' j^^i'l 32* 1016-': called ^JjC' SI'" or 
^Lii 371 seq.: aoc. to SI'" his real name was dUji ^ ^, but see Ibn Duraid 
236" (with foot-note), Lisan XVII 215=' seq.: composed three verses against Jarlr 
(K° 23), who replied to him (N° 24, 25) 

Uo'w^'SI (pi. of u.=_>jiJi) i.e. the family of Umayya ibn 'Abd-Shams 427' 1017'^ — 

x.^^'uii iLx^y^ ^y^ o~- father of an-^'awar the wife of al-Farazdaij: ; slain at 
al-Basra soon after the Battle of the Camel 125' seq. 163' 181* 251'' 318'* 439» 
seq. 594"' 894' 

.^.JzJI j^l a resident at al-Basra 908' 

t2 ^ ^i grandson of al-Farazdalj: cited by Aba 'Obaida 414* (=6255) 594" 
617" 819' 941': see also 416" 417' ■' eil" 790'* 821' 941"> 

(1) ^Si cited by Abn "Ubaida 957 

*'j (2) /^' 

borse which belon«eil to JIalik ibn Himar e'lV 
^^ ^ ^H'l clan 891 notes * 
JJlSUiJ! l^ikii author of a verse cited 259* 

i_cj>Ail JaJiJ ^ jlif called 'i^ _^l: cited by Abu 'Ubaida 473" {= JOS'"') 
jUif ^ Jill ancestor of the tribe called I«ii. 46'= 

jjU^^Ji i.e. al-Akra' ibn Habis and his brother Flras 257" 264" 694' 697' 770'' 77513 
J^LfuJ! JUtt ^ ,j~Ji^ ^~^ 'p'JSy., called t_,~j'^ ^^I (503* ()y4'' 747": apparently 
identical with yUi~ ^^ J._^^H 945' (see foot-note, and cf. 943" soq.), called also 
yUL. ^^ Jw<a 943" (= 945"): a descendant of SufyEn ibn Mujilshi' 46'"' 139" 
794^ seq. : acted as judge in pre-Islamic times, and hence was called w-x!l *_v> 
139" seq. 265'« seq. 438'- 700": said to have been the first to prohibit games of 
chance (,Uiijl) 700'": made a raid upon Najran 46" seq. 445" 600* seq. 698 notes' 
6991; was captured at the Battle of Zubala (i81' seq. cf. 680'' seq.: negotiated 
with the Prophet 696'. 747'=': see also 172^ 257'= 2C4' seq. 706= 771'' 789'- 794-' 
959" 969" 

[^^AjL-JI] |«-s-«-i 0-? J_/^' his verses on the victory fjained by his grandfather 
al-Harith ibn Yazrd over the Bakr ibn Wa'il 336'' seq. 

^ylx^^l (=£jUiNSf see above) 489" 680'- 789"' 

^ji.i;L^\»i! ,kXnt,ir ^ jj*oei^' brother of Hubaiia ibn Dunidam so ^eq 76S' seq. 

j^L~jiSl i.e. nl-Atc-as ibn Damjam and his biothnr lluhnira so IJi' 

jjb'^l name given to certain dans of thi tube lannallnh llaimalli;t| ibn Thalaba 
19e« seq. (= 1058' seq ) 

J.,JcS\«JI «UI J^.** ^yJ ,,L^ ^_r-' J-^' l"<«l '" '''" '"»» »' "'" '"'"' »' Uhitl Kir 
648" I020I" 

^c^u^ ry^ *^^ of the clan Ueayyid ibn 'Amr: acted as judge in pre-lslaroic times 
139™: was consulted by the Sa'd and the Ribstb before the Second Battle of al- 
Kulab 1491' agq. 

j^l JJ'f see i^^SjS^\ 3y= ^ ^^-^ 

^Jlf (sic leg.) a clan of the Khath'am 469", 472' (text doubtful) 

oii 7612 1413 10 

(1) jOsUl a woman mentioned in a poem by Shuyaim(?) ibn Khuwailid 106- 

(2) :CaUI a woman mentioned in a poem by Dabi' ibn al-Hsrith 219 notes'^ (var. 'SJU^) 

(3) i;iu! mother, or ancestress, of the poet Kais ibn Jirwa 1083' 

,. i \ ~ - Q-; oySJt i.;;.-Lj iiU of the Eibabi called »4^ ■^>-*? ^-'-'^ 9'3»: wife of 
al-Mundhir ibn al-Mondhir king of al-Hira and mother of his son al-Aswad 240" 
[in Aghanl H 22" she is called w^L.] 

xl^jljjl iuLi captured by al-Ma'mur al-Hsrithi 600'- 939'= seq. 

slAxJl ^;>Uj jCsUI captured at an-NisSr 242* 

A*-^.*lXji f'j-^ ^^ sr-^ o^ ^^wi wife of Jarlr: her genealogy and her children 
203" seq.: see also 500* 573" 577» 630" 7752 823' 843* 

{j^AijC' y^i^ rj.J u*r^^ 'V' ^^^ poet: mentioned in a poem by al-Farazda^ lOOa^^, 
who elsewhere calls him -~if-'t ^^ 200*: his mother Fafima 905*: opinion of Jarlr 
concerning him 1048': his Tersos cited 85" 280' 459' seq. (= 1078' seq.) 1005" 
1074' seq. (but see 453>») 

w»Jj' O^ O^' '■^^ ''•*^' of the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a: wife of Ifmayya ibn 'Abd-Shams 1017" 

-Sv=;-^' ijl^ O^ ^j ci~^ i^l nieoe of 'Amr ibn 'Amr ibn 'Odos 671'" seq. 

[ LfJ^^'' 1 ^"^ o^ *1J' J*<* er? 'M*^ governor of KhurrtsSn in the reign of 'Abd-«1- 
Malik 3551" 

^■■§\ ,j»*i lVu: ^y W 224" 427= 9352 1017» 

„UJu^i a Persian (?) elan 737" 

[^^iXii] j2«^ rjJ lVJU> ^^ LT^^ nicknamed Q^-^-ji, 1060^^ seq. 

jybAit (^ g»jl his two daughters captured by al-Akra' ibn Habis 600" 

^_^-*^f ob: ^ o^^ called {_rj|jA-^ u^'j ^^^^ 'Amr ibn =Arar ibn 'Udus at Akrua 
679' 977" (=679"): see also 193' 

^yiljJt ^- ^ jj_^! his vei-ses on the marriages of Mus'ab ibn az-Zubair 1089' seq. 

^^J' U"W^ Q-^ Lr^^ nicknamed ^"^^ was dwelling among the Kilsb when they ^ 
were attacked by the Yarbn' (Battle of ar-EaghSni ) 4:0* seq.: see also 302" 
392 notes" 

[^^(j'liLXJI] j-= ^ ij*o! stood surety for 'Auf ibn al-Ahwas 53ft" 

f^s-jj:^!] lii^JLfl ^~j ^^! appointed by 'Abdallah ibn az-Zubair as his deputy at 
al-Bapa 742i'' 

i^Jtii'JI djO^ 0j ^J~S at the Battle of Falf-ar-Rih 469"' seq. 

.Ual^l 859» 


>-?>-= cH 5*/ o-^ , 

al-Mukhabbal 200« 

of the tribes Khath'am and BajiUi 4«''', represented as a son of Niznr 
142*, and as included in Ma'add 142" seq. 

uajiJ j^ jUil a clan of the Ghatafan 90» 

(4i^ 0? jUil a clan of the 'Amr ibn Tamiro 097" 

^^'^yiyi Sasffnian king: appointed al-Mundhir ibn Ma-as-Saniff as king of al-l.hra 207" 

j_ec^^! SiJ& ^ ejjrsJ! ^^ U>-s-il captured Ya?.ul ibn Amr ilin n5(-Sa'il.4 at the 
Battle of Dhn Najab 702', cf. 887i« 933'" 

^^^i ..jL~=» ^Ji ^Ji^' sent by Wakf ibn HassSn to the Caliph Sulaiman 36S'- 

t~fJ~t^ ^ vi-^i a subdivision of tho Riyah ibn Yarbu' lOSS^ cf. 298 notes^ 88 

(Tar. w>^l 68* 298') 
^Ls'^i i.e. the family of al-Ahtam 371» (= 366S) 399" » 

J_^l ^^1 see ^.,U- ^ J,^ ^ ^yU« 
|U*il (^1 see i^'Si ^ ii!l Jy.= j^ jJJI Juj= 
Ij*'^! see u_Ii o^ o^^ O* S/j 
^,.:yi5^l see ov-^y*^ yJ vL*i 

LlJ- ,.,1-il i-tJ r-i»^' slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 152" 



wl*l ^^ L^jl 898*, var. ^.^1 ^^ ^J^f 298' 

jji-ywiil! ,_*^. ^-_j jj^^i his verses on the slaying of his father at al-MarrHt 72" seq. 

ij^ t ' . ' ■ * " ' " 'n — ^^^— ^ ^7-J u"^' mentioned in a poem by a1-Fa*-azdak 201^: his Terses 
cited TP' seq. 74'- 1561- ggg notes" seq. (=9333 ^^q.) 588'' seq. (= 932" seq. 
1081* seq.) 

Jj^Isii' '^ a! u-7^ •'■s Terses on the Battle of Dhn Najab 983» seq. 

dJU ^^ ^ p_; ^4^ a subdivision of the BHhila 363" [ Ibn Doraid 165" n has 

Oji instead of (_-..! ] 

^J:^^JLwJ! f!.jua ^ ^j! author of a verse cited 387=' 

U-^ O* '^J^ *"*' U~^ C7^ u-^i' 

(jjW-i^i jij^ 0-e ^A') called yj-l..^ Q-i! 822": served as guide to al-FaraEda^i 
820" seq. of. 819 notes' seq. 

^^Liiill y~*ji ^ ^^^i, called eUU _jjl 389 notes •* seq.: slain by the Hila! at al- 
Watida 389 notes' seq. 

,_aAi~Ji XjIj^ i~ji j_^j! a pro-Islamic hero 7411^ seq.: his genealogy 741>'' 

Jul tribe: at the Battle of Buzakha 196': at Dhu Kar «42'644i: see also 386 notes' 10i3- 
i^^iisaJI y«l)| slain by the Dibab at Tikhfa (in the territory of the Kilab ) 925" 
[^ji^l] Juj ^ji ^;Js^a=■ qJ i_rhl at al-Kufa in the time of al-Hajjaj 896" seq. 

^iSJ^l ^yLIi ^y ^j jy u~b| an adherent of Kataiba ibn Muslim 357' (of. 357'=) 36] » 

[j^yjLiUfuii ] JUe ^ £Ji ^ u«b! son of a first cousin of al-Farazdak ( cf. 907»); 
cited by informants of Abn 'Ubaida 414» ( = 625> ) iW^' lie" 417« 

l^/2\] iili j^ ij.b| of the clan Taim-allilh [ Taim-aliat ] ibn Tha'laba: called 
iili. 1^1 918' 9191* seq.: slew Mas-nd ibn al-Kisat at the time of the murder of 
the Caliph 'O.thman 425» t var. itfili ^ ^LJ 425i") 918»i seq. 

f JyisUtJ jjȣ j^ (j~Ij! wounded at the time of the murder of Kutaiba ibn Aluslim 303- 

(_5*lLiI aUoAAi Q-j jj«b2 appointed by the Persian king [ Khusrau Parwez | as governor 
of al-Hira 4638 e39i« seq.: at the Battle of Dhu Kar 64*1 

i_j;4.^^l 3jUi ^ ijJ^l nicknamed (_cjUi^J! j-l—f-j] 743''': his genealogy 741» seq.: 
helped to restore peace at al-Basra 116^ seq. 741'' seq.: his verses on the occa- 
sion 743> seq. 

[Jjpl S^' ^yJ Sj^ ^^ Lrb) judge at al-Ba-^ra 369' seq. [iu the reign of "Umar 
ibn -Abd-al-'AzIz, see Tabarl II 1347'] 

^^UliJI 8jJL> ^^ iJUyi yj ,j.\>l j^\ slain at the Hattlo of Jabala 6C6« 

jMuj i^i a man of the Taira, whoso father was celebrated for his wealth 996 notes" 

[^[^§1] |4/^ o-J ^} a foet of the first century of the Ilijra, see Aglmnl XXI 
7 seq.: verso cited 74" 

^.jCjjjlJt f^l slain by the Shaibtin at tho Hattlo of Hauiruil 54" 73" acq. 74' seq. 

^.J^!i"4! two friends of the poet 'Abd-Yaghuth ibn Wnl.ikn» Ifia'" 

ljlj*=> ^ ^jjj client of 'Ubaidailali ibn Kijnd 721'^ seq, 

[ |_c)-y*-" ] v4-»^ qJ v.>j' grandson of Jarir: cited by Abn 'Ubiiidtt 1045": see also 428''' 

SjL a olan of the Azd: called also ,_=Ai: ^ An-,, genealogy 659*; fought at Jabala 
as the allies of the Namair 659» 6T5>- 

Jj^Uil or L?f^l-Ji ^^! see ^Uf ^ iji-- 

^}^Iiij! Jj^ ^^ ^Jo slain by the Yarbn' at al-Marrnt 386> (of. IV- seq. ) 

J««Li mentioned in a poem by Jarlr 3^ 

lil. a Jew 464* 

ylci ^^ iiJ>L. tribe 23»: nicknamed j^LiJ ^^i 365' ( cf. 10281 saj. and Ijisan XVII 
7' seq.): at the Battle of Jabala 659": satirised by a!-¥arazdak 1028« 1029'*: see 
also 363= 400" seq. 432» 10521 

J^Ut see all! Oyi ^ _Lii.:s\Jt ^ »l!l O^ 
'£^ see Ji^ a^ ^f'^^ O'- *"' ^-^ 
jbF. a elan of the 'Abs 194" cf. 105" 

j^^Ul^l oy> — » 0-1 o~-^ 0-? ^'•?V brother of Bisfam ibn Kaia: at the Battle of 
al-Ghabit 314" seq.: captured at ash-Shalfllfa (= Nalja-1-Hasan ) 235>': see also 806* 

j-r^lji CiyS'Jt ^j JJI A»c jyj linj at the Battle of Knshswa 19' seq., slain by 

Lnkaim ibn Aus 20' seq. 23", or, according to another account, by Bistsm ibn 
Kais 751= seq. 314« aio'" 583' (text doubtful) 

idjc^ tribe, represented as a son of AnmBr and a brother of Khath'am 46" cf. 142' 
seq.: fought at Jabala in conjunction with the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a 660> seq. (where 
the various clans of BajYla are enumerated): see also 6" 139»' U2>' 659' 988" 

(1) ^o y} see y~^ j^ wiis-^l 

(2) r^^ .>?' see S/J li' o^ o*=9' '■*^ 

--o^\j 583*' probably a mistake for yf;S\i (see above) 

eUU ^ ^'^ ^i j^-o of the clan Ja'far ibn Kilsb 524'^ (cf. 524« 909' 926-), father 

of Hnmai4a, whose two sons are called —^^ l—^! 524^ (=908") m well as 

^cjliJjif ysic fj-i «MI tX*c ^J-i p^ his genealogy 'and history 70'' aeq. : glain at the 
Battle of al-Marrat 71* eeq.: see also 388- 393- 482- seij. 709W 760" 835" (=482') 
932* 933" 10189 

^Jj-~s2l i.e. Bahir ibn 'Abdallah and his brother Firas 70- 482» 80216 

A—j.L^lJi or ^^liaX^J! aL-)jljSU i. e. the soldiers from Bukhara quartered at ai-Basra 
724« seq. [ see Tabarl Ohss. p. CXXVII ] 

i^liji s!jl=. (yj jtXj of the clan Sabaih ibn Dhuhl ibn Malik 10o8» (cf. 196i' ): 
protected certain members of the Taimalliit ibn Thaiaba who had been driven 
from their homes by famine 197- seq. (= 1058> seq. J : his versos on the occasion 
197" seq. ( = 1058« seq.) 

j^A-lb3S X«Lm q_j .<_\j great-grandfather of Jarlr ( see 1" ) : his mother ^Ji and his 
maternal grandmother iLJU^, through whom Jarlr claimed relationship with the 
Bann Minkar 893« seq. 

jji_j ^f-L^ i. e. the descendants of Badr ibn 'Amr (see 85'"), one of the principal 
famUies of the FazHra 101« 407* 599' 761" ( = 1068") 1068« 

%vAj see %Ai 

JkXj ji\ see AM^ ^Ji yio 

eyiit qJ l/4s qJ -Ipi leader of the Kinda at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 149': 

^^^laJUJi wft**« qJ iuUi' ^ ^ij _jj5 a contemporary of Jarlr 3U'' 

^U ^ £^ _^l see /.^ ^^ eUU ^y /^ 

I^LaJI certain clans of the Tamlm, described sometimos as descendants of Mn:lik ibn 
9aazala ( 538 1085" seq. ) „j somotimes of l.lanzala ibn Malik (18B"8eq.): origin 
of their name 187', of. ^!jji ^ lui-y 66'": soo also 218" 219" suq. 311" 427" 
459» 460' 654* seq. ( = lOSS'" seq. ) 785" ( = 53" ) 


the Berbers 673'' 995'^ 

Jt^l ji-«s J.J „fAj\ commuted suicide by drinking wine 199 notes ^ 

JyjtlJj! ii,i^ yJ 'Jy a' the Battle of Dhn Kar 643i'> seq. ( Tariants Ju^ and J^^ 

6iSi5 seq.) 
sjy mother of 'Umar ibn Laja' 488>» [see Lisin VII 174«] 

^3^ a she-camel 447« 934' 

J^^ see il,'L:> ^ Oy 

^^^liiji -b^ yj eCj slain by the Tarbu' at al-Msrrnt 71" 386i 

ybd^! i. 6- Buraik ibn Kurt and his brother Barik 7215 385W 

[j^i^i] ilhj ^ Zl (properly Sij^l jjt j^ ^) sent by the Caliph Mu-Bwiya on 
a punitive expedition into Arabia 715^ 716^^ seq. 

JXil^l ^^j! ^ y~;S ^ji j.Ui~j father-in-law of Jansb ibn ShaHk : his genealogy 941- 

JjUl^l oyJv. j^ jj-Is 0J fliilj , called Uij^ _5jl 585" ( = 1069« ) 809» ( = 77>2 ), 
aL^iil jjl 192"- ( = 235") 23415 314» 478= 582^ 585' 686I" 806», Jill ^(4782, 
j;jIxs\JI 3J 1019', and j^isiJi (_»j ^^t 7415 637s ; professed Christianity 31 4«: 
his genealogy IS^ 586" SOBi; at the Battle of Kuahawa 19* seq.: at Hanmal 73» 
seq.: captnred by Utaiba ibn al-Harith al-Yarbm at the Battle of «1-Ghabl| 75» 
seq. ( = 313« seq. 1068»8 seq.): at al-Iysd 581» seq.: at Jfa^a-l-gasao ( = ash- 
Shaklka) 190S seq. ( = 2341 seq.), where he was slain by 'Asim ibn Khalifa «4- 
Pabbl 191'* seq. { = 235" seq.) 267« 4783 g^q.: see also I8»( = 2W) 18'' 54" 
48211 64J16 esja ^eq. 806"' 809" 8I0« 812= seq. 813'* 828' 8361 

^cjjjtl! |.lii~a jji a contemporary of al-FarajdaJt, cited by Abu "Ubaida 1047' 

(.Iklj J wife of Mas'nd ibn «Amr 726* 

^UJt fX^ a^J. 

Uij brother of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 362" 


ai 7^ 

K^Uxj mentioned in a verse by Bahir ibn 'Abdallsh al-Kusliairl 70^<^ 

J,Ii..., X^ ^ ^ &l the Battle of al-Iyad 583i- » 

,_5iX*«^l |.;L=. 3I ^ yiij poet: mentioned by al-Farazdalf 201»: verses ascribed to 
him 240' 2411 ^eq. " 2431' seq. 245^ 917' 

^yuiLsvJI vij^i ^^ OuU. j^ yL father of the poet al-Balth 63>» {cf. 3715) 

^^L-A-SJ! eWi pT^ j-^ brother of al-Haufazan 647* 

,^lLi4iil rfijj^ o? j^) "a'led J'JiJ _jjl 513" (genealogy) 1098*: slain by Zabsb ibn 
Enmaila 1098= 

j_^^XI! cy>^ ryi ^^ s-^^*^ cyi j**? citod as an authority on the events which preceded 
the Battle of Jabala 655" 

[^5JWl] yij ^^ jy A*c ^ yij his genealogy 637" 10191^; slain by Snwaid ibn 
SMhsb al-Yarbni 637« seq. 1019i» seq., of. 316* (= 583«): called JvS^ ^ IIj 802'- 

J^lfjjl y-Is al= ^ J^ i« tlis time of the Caliph 'All 254' 

[^^jljjl }jf (jj jy: j^] ^-iJt mentioned in a verso by his great-nephew Misktn 
ibn 'Amir 6211": elsewhere called ^ 5V 73' 

»tj^t ^ ^^ see ^-i ^ ^ 

iii>yi^l V--JU ^yj ^ a follower of Wakf ibn llubsan 3B1- 

j_^L.^]l Ojx«»x ^ ,_pj y_j yij brother of liistam ibn ICais: called J-J-Jl 234' 
806" 809", and ^3J'XsJI ^j ^^l 810': at thii Uattlc of a»h-Slmkllja (= Na^a- 
l-IIasau) 234»: captured by Kais ibn [ Ubuyy ibu | Damra an-Nah»hah at Jauf Dar 
8091" seq.; see also 20" and Jjbi. ^ u~*s ^^ oyJLa ^ ^ 

O^ /? ^1 O^ -r^ erf ;^ 243"' 

jjXiJt iji jyj j-ia of the TaimallBt ibn Tha'laha: called also 'UJ6\ ^ yij 307' 
seq.: at the Battle of al-Waktt 307' 425" 

[(^■Sl fSi'Si ,y^] jTjij^i ^ j_io goyernor of al-Knfa 491": see also 8791- 888 
notes" 897' {= 496i) 1053" seq. 

JJLi. ^^ fj^ ^ jjjtwvs ^ yij [probably identical with Jjx~ji ^y u>^ ^^ yij, 
see aboTe] leader of the Bakr ibn Wa'il at the Battle of ash-Shayyitan 1021» 

^^l^t ^ ^ Jajl ^ _j^ see Juj] ^^ obc^JI 

yio _^! a commentator frequently cited in L 53 notes^ 108 notes* 109 notes ^ 111 
notes" 1125 n7 notes^ 119 notes^ et passim 

.^ J a woman addressed in a poera by Jarlr 245^' 

'^ o^ r^ a^ r^ ^'' ('""'• j^ ^ notes?) 

[^sjiiijl] jy= ^^ oi*^*" O^ jii~*i called >-3Jji! j-ji SSI'': put to death by 5utaiba 
ibn Muslim 849" seq. 35015 jeq. 

[J^iiiJI] i'll ^it j^ M jji j^ _j.^ an associate of Kutaiba ibn Moslim 367M: 
cited as an authority 36 1" 3625 

c:^XU! ^ p^ satirised Nah ibn Jarlr 205^^ (0 (i>Xj ^ A^j see Additions and 
Corrections ) 

ajtoaj mentioned in a poem by al-FarazdaI> 712^5 

^^,LkJI see jajt:& ^ i>Jl=» j^j y-jl 

tLsiJ a family of the Kilab{?) 3625 

J^jLi-Ji ij%jjj! (L (jj4^t) 896 notes* seq. 899 notes- [see Juh&n II 881 >] 

_;otj father of Dhu-s-sunaina 455^ 

e--s«-JI i.e. JjtiLsuil _ri^ (^ u^U^ 37^ 1S2" (genealogy): called ii"; ^t 40« 
{after his mother who was a Persian slave), and qL?i»3I 'K» "> q-;' 118" 121* 


125* 1621 163' 167* 169* seq. 718i»: origin of the name al-Ba'Ith 37i« seq.: com- 
posed poems against Jarlr and the Kulaib, N° 27, 29, 32: also S° 36—38: Torses 
ascribed to him 125' seq.: attacked by Jarir 39* seq. 63"' seq. lis™ seq. 161" 
seq. 179^! 213* 218" seq. 2468 2521" seq. 273'. 3341" seq. 340* 689" 692^ SOli* 
8631 geq. 10151": see also 73' 124" seq. 127" 297' 892 notes ^ 901' I052i« 

Lib, i. e. jf^^f Ub, transported a number of Arab captives to ar-Rayy 557' 

yjb a foreign slaYe(?) mentioned in a poem by Jarir 864' 

^^^^-Jo t-y4 ij^^"^^ (dimin. jia^ob 99®} group of tribes, including the Dhubyan, the 
Anmar and the 'Abs lOl* (full name given), 107'8 19413 

»LJ2I yj a family of the "Amir ibn Eabi'a 101= 47is (see 471") 

oJt^ ^i Jl> a. clan of the Dabba 197" (= 10581") — see 196" 233i» 

^\JL ^ ojiu j^ _jil see j^^jUl 

J-jlj Q_j jXj group of tribes: became subject to al-Harith ibn 'Amr al-Kindi 267» 
1073*: fought in support of his son Shurahbil (First Battle of al-Kuteb) 452S seq. 
(= 10738 seq_): defeated the Tamlm at Zubala 680" seq.: defeated the SaliJ at 
al-5idab U" seq.: raided by Jaz' ibn Sa'd ar-Biyahr 474"> seq. 88210 seq.: raided 
by Kais ibn "Asim al-Minlfarl at an-Nibsj and Thaital 1023" seq.: defeated the 
Persians and their Arab allies at Dhu Kar 039'^ seq.: defeated the Tamim at 
ash-ShayyitJIn 10201" jeq.: their fend at al-Basra with the Muijar 727-' soq.: their 
alliance with the Azd in that city 728°" seq. : eulogised by al-Farazdak, who had 
taken refuge in their territory 612" seq. (cf. 614" 635'") 615" seq,: recognised as 
arbiters by Jarir 764', and eulogised by him 897" seq.: see also 47'5 79» 145* 
166i» 19015 235' 258= 266i' seq. 304i» 326" seq. 335'- 336* 300" 393» 450" 460's 
472" 5812 59513 70412 7J08 81910 3352 gggis 8371 looo' 

#;»■ ^ -^ _jjI see the following 

l3_,Ui?l! ^ji [j^j jy=J ^yJ JG ^1 his interview with al-Farazdalj 547"' (cf. 546' 
with foot-note) 

tjyiiS\ jSj _yA see i^jixJI j4«aiit 

[isiUai Jj\ ^] ^<j'_>jl the Caliph 118'" 71513 goq, 

V^ Q? j-U ^1 (also oallod ya 673") elan: ihoir alliimeu with the Abs 408'^: 
their war with the Jatar ibn KilKb 682' acq. (see 1178" acq,): at the Haitio of 

Jabala 660« seq. 673>: see also 241' « 243» seq. 588= 679i 924" 975« 102T notes' 

ijofL) ^;;aaj sX wife of Tamlui ibn 'Ulatha M-Salltl 1" 

i'J^ ^t ^! i.e. %sl jJ yj alii Jv>-»s: insulted by Maf'ab ibn az-Zubair 751* 

[J-.45JI] ^, called oUi ^^j liyijl ,eU; ^1: bis verses on the Battle of Dhn 
Kaar 644" seq. 

Jj»5 ^^ jl<j 372 notes' [ = J_Sj ^^ ^Isj, see TabaM, inifei] 
^- ^ U^ t i^N ■ tt ^j_,| poet: his romantic history 434^1 seq.: his verses describing his 
eneonnter with the ghnl 438U seq. 

l^J. ^] JUj cited for an interpretation of a verse of Jarlr 2139 ^rf. 205«) 

^ iilJi ^3^lJ the father of two men who witnessed the death of Hndhaifa ibn Badr 
96» (cf. 95»=) 

[jj^uaj!] ^^ ^ S^ mentioned by Janr 322'^: patron of TnnBB [ibn Habib] the 

Jib _^l see iuo! ^ u-by 
jiLii see i^ fji ;*i^^— 1^' 

«UJu a horse 20« seq, 

i^jkit see iiijJc! 
^-^ see i_j« ^ _^i 

[3^ j^ ] ^]jj a tribe of the Ku^ra 668" 
^jjys^j'i 5v-UJ client of Kataiba ibn Moslim 367* 
,.— i2i J wife of Mslik ibn Ja'far ibn KilBb 535* 

wJtS' ^yJ LJjE Q-J idi^ ancestor of a distingttished family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid- 
Manst, and maternal grandfather of Sufyan ibn Mujashi' 452^ 46 1^^ 107' (JoXl- 
ta rhyme for HJ^) T13" 714"8 715» 717" 958" 

[j^ j^] i!j5 a tribe of the Knda'a eiS"^ 1094* seq. 

j^y> ^tj|j Bahram GhTShln, usurper of the Persian throne 639'= 

liji^l see iiWi. (^ ^j-^ 

^^^lXxaJI (?) _^ ^^! at al-Basra on the occasion of the Yaum-al-Jufra 1092- 

c :y a woman mentioned in a poem by Jarir 963^^ 

lytiiL^wJI Jjji (1^ SU^ so ancestor of the poet al-BaTth 39* ( in the next line read 

jki for sjc-, cf. 37« 132") 137": slain at the First Battle of al-Kulab 45318; 
see also 698i°- ( = 289') 762" 854" 

sll4 j^t see i;!^ ^^ Cjfi\ 

jljlil (S y>^') » slave of the Bann Jarwal [ibn Nahshal ] 863" 

iLs3l*it a mare belonging to Ka^nab ibn al-Harith 70* seq.: another mare belonging 
to Ea<nab ibn 'Israa 5838 

[ J,i,.,i,y!l] ^Lui ^ v«^l^ cr? u-^' of ">« Bauu-l-'Ujaif ibn Rabia 366=: his verses 
in praise of Wakl= ibn gassm 365« seq. 

£B i. 0. j_c^' j^ cr* -^^ '• 

also 436 notes' 

%^ appointed al-HErith ibn 'Amr al-Kind! as king over the Bakr ibn Wn'il 265 
see also 21" 973» 1022" 

ai^l 413" 573" 778* 

wtwj mentioned in a poem by Janr 710' 

4*jii' tribe: called Jwjl^ LaJiJ 880" ( = 49fli-) 880'», mid JJI, ;LLil wOii' 8S 
(=1096'») of. Lislln V 31i»: fought on bohulf of Salimiu ibu iil-l.lBrilh ( Fi 

Battle of al-Kulab) 452i« seq. ( = 1073io jeq.): sent an embassy to the 
during the "War of Dshis lOS'- seq.; defeated by 'Uraair ibn al-Hubab i 
1038' seq., whom they afterwards slew at Sinjif 373>" 400": massacred by al- 
Jahhaf ibn Hukaim as-SuiamX at ai-Bishr 40P^ seq. 508^-: eulogised by al-Farazdak 
880" seq. of. 506': satirised by Jarir 900*" seq. (cf. 9031- geq.): see also 148" 
. 1952 266" 47416 475615 5070 508W 526" 748" 936' 1041' 

j^Ui' a woman mentioned in a poem by JarTr 500** 

iU*Lj! Ju-ijI iii~»j yaUi mother of Kais ibn Zahair al-*Absi 98i 

Oj-i ^ sUic c^-? yi:Uj' wife of Sufysm ibn Mojashi' 772" 

;j^ ui»^ 'falJi an ancestress of the Bann Nahshal 772i- 10785 

j-A-JijI J^: ^~j j»-^" commander of the army in Sind during the administration of 
Khalid ibn 'Abdallah al-KasrI 381= seq. (cf. 380K) 

, ,-L*Uwl Xj^U; ^|-_j |V^' a contemporary of Jarlr's father: had a quarrel with his 
wife's kinsmen, the Bann Kulaib 2^ seq. 

^ ^ j^ (246« 529'° of. 1050"), dimin. ^^ 1023-, group of tribes: defeated by 

the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a at Jabala 657* seq. 669™ 678': defeated by the Dabba at 
an-Nissr 2391' a^q.: defeated by the Bakr ibn Wa'il at Zubala 68OI' seq., and at 
ash-Shayyitan 1020" seq.: pardoned by the Prophet 696«: made an alliance with 
the Kalb after the death of 'ythmsn 25«: their feud with the Bakr ibn Wa'il and 
the Azd at al-Bajra 728' seq. 729« 731* seq. 734' 737' 7401^ seq. 742*: formed 
the majority of the Khawm-iJ in the time of Ibn ax-Zubair lISi^*: fought on behalf 
of Ibn az-Zubair 749'": were the most numerous party among the Arabs in Khu- 
rasan in the time of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 358« seq. cf. 349'* 359" 360" 366* seq. 
368« 3711; see also 56» 112« 117' S76» seq. 459* seq. (= 1077* seq.) 570« geq. 
6151= 647* seq. 1050* 1085'* seq. et passim 

X.j.j.J-;) the party of the Tamlm 372 notes' 733'- 

jj.yj' group of tribes 787* 

jyUijiii! or f^\jXl' nickname of certain families belonging to the Bann Nahshal 748^ seq. 

iuy jj! \erses cited on his authority 12' 41": cites al-Kiaa"! 556 notes' 

Sx^- ^^1 see -Axyj ^ j4i 

o'j^i jLo see A*jw ^^ cUixM55 

eVjU ^ 'ijLJ ^ j^' ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 456" seq. (see 456^) 

klijil ^ ^i-<.-.'J« 1^ (4^! a elan of the Bakr ibn Wi'il 820-" 

[sUL^ j4= o-J] f3' » ola° incladed among the Bibab 152" 153« 154> 7609 seq. 
(=1067» seq.) 1068" seq., also called ,Lli 153" seq. 154= al58(?) 594= 656'5 
780" ( = 10681) 761M ( = io68i8) 1064' 1068^ seq., ^I'p '^ 236" 399« 973=, 
and i^Ae I^ 240" 488' 

i'y^ ^ f^ i clan of the Kuraish 764" ( cf. 90'» ), also called ^i-j^ ^ 1* 

ii^ iji oii! ^' a claii of the Bakr ibn Ws'll, included among the Lahmim 47» 
1569 197* ,eq. ( = 10583) 307» seq. 355« 364i» 425'= 616" i28« 764» 1023« also 
called slil J^ 196" (cf. 1058') 305* 681' 9I8>* seq. 919» 1091=, and ^' j-b 919™ 

^j<X3iif sJjfli c^'j his verses on the death of Kutaiba iba Muslim 364' 
4-3! yj a Bubdiirision of the tribe 'Abdallah ibn Ghalafsn 669= 

j^alji cAjtXi ^ 


of 'Amr ibn al-Mundhir king of al-Htra 10S3> 

\jydl a woman mentioned in a poem by JarYr ibn 'Aiilda 369'< 

i_a]1*jJ! i. e, several elans each of which was called xJljlj 313" — see oUU^ 

kxJi a eliont, or slave, of Nuliaih ibn 'Abdallsh ibn MujHshi' 223'^ 4425 ( = 
97Si» seq., but, ace. to 973 notes', a nickname of Tha'laba ibn Mujnshi" 

[j_j4X yj] jj^ a clan of the Tayyi' 34« 730» 

wJxj see |_jlii; ^ J>*ii 

'i^ ^ A«** ^ S^ ^ K-I*j 234® — see 'iU*o ^ Ax** ^ KJ*S 

Jjiul^"! ii^ii ^ Ojiji jyj inii, called xlii- ^^ iliii 693>f TSS^ 854>', and 
wiiU _^' 119" seq. 313>« seq.: his genealogy 119'- 24115 1080- : had a quarrel 
with as-Simma 119'- seq., whom he afterwards slew laO'" 693'" 7631 854'5: at 
the Battle of Dhu Sajab 241'- 1080* (but cf. the parallel passage 587»): glaiu 
at al-GhabIt 314" 

J^J .^ ^ iiiji." 0J K-J-riS at the Battle of Dhn Najab 1080' 

il^ Qi S^ see ii*.^ j^ iystl ^ ilii- 

yUli ^^ Ai~ jyi iJis clan To^ (=313'«) 86k"< SS'O'S 94* 96" 103= lOS' 10I« 
seq. 112» 777- 10813 

ill, ^ Out- ^ kais clan 75» (=31S») 189- 190'" 191' seq. 1^ 233" 234» 
[see Additiom and Corrections] 235* 478' 1058= 

i^tj ^ t}Ai ^ £l^ clan 755 (=813'») 

il'jd ^ siii a snbdivision of the Bakr ibn Ws'il 47i« { = 305'«) 613-, also called 

^^j,l:sC! yj 457>* 613' 

,^ j^ Lui 973 notes' 

[iij«i ^] K-iii a clan of the Bajlla 660" 

? ijjj 1^ xiLti a clan included among the Ahmnl (see 305'): their mythical ancestor 
represented as one of the pre-Islamic judges 438" : see also 14'* 25" 27" 47» 49" 
seq. ( = 7885 seq.) 60 notes" 84' seq. 313' 410" seq. 434" 484 notra' 581«> SSS*- 
721»5 1088» seq. 

^^J^j^Ji ijjtS jj! cited as an authority on the Battle of ar-Eahrahaa 22?" (rar. 

wfi*-«J tribe 717^ 1092'*; wa*aj Jk^ a term applied contemptuously to al-^ajja] iba 
¥nsnf 497'* 

J-»j apparontlv a n^iativc nt JiirTr, mentioned in a verse bv -Umar ibn Laja* 489'^ 

^Iv-A—J' _i-w .^ .^-.»i .ill li'UL^ior o! Ilu- pout Ghas-ssn ibn Dhuhail 3' (cf. 2"31*) 

jJUi^Ajf 9djS> ^^yi aJJf lAxft ^ji 3UUj had a quarrel with the poet Dabi' ibn ; 
219i» (var. iwU) 2211— for hia genealogy cf. 219^^ 

iCA=.lj ^ A-*lw of the elan =Adl ar-Ribab: an associate of Wakl^ ibn Hassan 3601^ geq. 

jCxU^ j^\ see iXd^ ^Ji cUxiiil ^ <-)^:^' 

*i^- 2556 45313 (= 10749) 4612 52912 yggi? Tggis 799^ 1022« 

c^fL^I see 3 notes - 

sUi j4= o^ jj^ clan 156«, also called J-i^Ll jli 1067>» 

^.s^l Q_j ^b> son of Mariya bint Hanzala, who was present at the Battle of Dhn 
Sar 6i38 

^jJLswJ! JijjA ^ {sic leg.) ^j ^ jb» father-in-law of 'Aralra ibn Tari^ 47' 

JjJ^JI i^°i ^y yb- at the Battle of al-Wakit 309* 

[^^^.Jlixil] J_i» cr^ yW- of the clan Mu'swiya ibn Balir: hia versos on the First 
Battle of al-Kulab 458« seq., 887>- soq. 

J.^ ^ ijiis ^^ yU> ancestor of a family 949^ 

J..4*!! — >*S C3^ /^ "f ">« o'™ 'Audh ibn Ghiilib: slain by the Ynrba' at DhBt- 
al-Jurf (= a?-Sara'im) 337' seq. 

^^j4JI 8^ J,l ^ Ojjl^! oiled indirectly by Aba 'Ubaida 724> seq. 

^lyt^ 0i J-JjL=» see i^olj^t Jiji jjI 

[ J^Iil] iLrfj erf i5;L=- called jl^j jjl, see 200 notes' 

JaJl j^ xlb- ancestor of a family of the Yorbu' 51" (= 784") — of, 2" soq, 457>" 

{^* «. i!] i_«!A-s ^ iU!.u> of the clan Eabl'a ibn Ka'b ibn Sa'd: went on an 
embassy, to the Caliph Mu'iiwiya 608" 

^l> see aii ^ ^ 

^_cj|..n8'l iXji ^jj id^i=. ^ U:pJI his genealogy 1093== 

.U> yj a family of the Dabba, present at the Battle of Buzskha 195* 

J_i^ Gahrld 695' 

jj_^ ^i^^ij iLi daughter of the poet 203" 

^Jtx^\ j=s-i ^ *Xa:> a leader in the rebellion of Ibn al-Ash^th 412 notes ^ seq. 

j^=.yl A*i ^ 'dL^- owner of a house at al-Basra 738" 

-wo- (once treated as diptote 5981) g\„g gf Sa'sa'a ibn Najiya 77i" 83 notes' 398" 
765>3 858* 9763 seq. 1001» seq. 102615 ]087": represented by Jarlr as the real 
father of Ohalib, the father of al-Farazdak 683^ seq. 799" (= 781 398M) 8321- gggi 

[^^yi^!] t5-X£ ^ jjiiw ^y^ ^j^.^ cited as an authority on the genealogy of the 
Lakhmite kings 299- 

J!Aj ^11 ci~^ Sj*..rt> mentioned in a poem by al-Farazdak 513" 

X ,.v.,-; „il (misprint) see X. ;_;i.l 

^lL. see the following 

Jj^Jj- L'is-, called ^'ii- H8'«: captured at the Battle of Jadud !«'=: captured at 
an-Kibaj 1024" 

j_c*i-^^ ;^> Q-? *-i'wr>^sTj! , called 4_^.-^ ^l^\>- 1041^: massacred a number of the 
Taghlib at al-Bishr in the reign of =Abd-al-Malik 401- seq. 507i« 508" saq. 899>= seq. 

[^c=■l■y'] ^i qJ )-V^>=- brother of Suhaim ibn Wathll 999« 

defeated the Sulaim at ad-Daf tna ( = ad-DathIo» ) 392' notes' 

(jS^jSti mentioned in a verse by al-Parazdalf 535" — the explanations given (o36- 
679^) are 

i_ykjL»JI liy i^J iji-fii^ mentioned by Jarlr 10'" IP 1213 

of a family of the Saitt 2'i seq. 

^■^\^^ a female slave, represented by Jarlr as an ancestress of the Bana Mujashi' 
1027* (var. .^i^-i- notes^ 694") 

*«*> qJ *^jfi (^ iCcfiXi- , called ?^^^-> 8361": ancestor of a family of the Hawazin 
8551 _ see ^ ^^ iUjX/« ^^ ^uii. 

iLxi- elan 37* 1087i«, called ^ xLjo- 37' 

ctA-^^l name given to certain families of the SaM [ ibn Zaid-ManEt J 305^ 

flj4- tribe 717" 

t^.i lir.^t j^lX:^ had an encounter with the Lahazim immediately after the Battle of 
al-Waii{ 312" 

Kx^j ^^ ^^Ij) cyi **^^-M^ ancestor of a family of the 'Abs who were defeated by 
the Tarbr at as-Sars'im ( = BhBt-al-Jurf ) 247i» seq. { cf. 337S): see also 194" 

J^l^l i.e. the Syrians (Sing. ^^Ui-)?-) 346' 

t^l _jjl cited for the text of a verse of al-Faraadalj 374" 

[Jyi^pl] iykjl ^ .SJ] ^ otji at the Battlo of Dhtt Tilnh -19" ( = 7836) 

e,yijl qJ j-«l^l a family of the Azd 358" [ called O^Li ^^ jycyi- j-J-) in Ibn 
Duraid 293" ] 

*y> a elan of the I^u(]a'a, hence called KcUas ^j> IhV^i see also 52'^ 155^ seq, ^O.'Ji^ 
601« 603" — for their genealogy, cf. 726" 

^^J^^\ jyy> ^ 3^ 

jy> a clan of the Sa'd 135 notes i 

s;^ C^ ii^ 313» (var. 4}=>) 

j.y>> ^ i>i4i ,-jJ Jj^ ancestor of a family included in tlie A^nr mV 220i« 772^2 863« 

(1) »5j^ a mare which belonged to Shaddsd ibn Ma^wiya al-'AbsI 93^^ 9T^^ 

(2) bViy> a clan of the Bana-l-]Sain ibn Jasr 135= 

u\;w«S ^ Sjys- of the 'Amr ibn Tamlm: one of the pre-lslamic Judgfis 438^flui4l^'^^ 

Sdil ^ SjLj^ ^ i'iyi- ancestor of a family of the Dabba 1961 

i^jliistii sljyj. 1^ ^y> his verses addressed to al-Akhtal 460^" seq. 

^b ^^ -jj j> ancestor of a clan 187^ 752'^: represented in one passage as identical 
with Fttkaim 758» (cf. 7481), but elsewhere as the father of Fnkaim 185" 682^ 

j_5JiiuJl yL?. ^ M A^ ^ ^.y^ his genealogy 1391^: had a boasting-match {»iB«a- 

fara) with Khalid ibn Artat al-Kalbl, the arbiter being al-Alfra' ibn Habis 139" 
seq. 265": see also 6" 

SotjE 0j ^,y> author of a poem alluding to the death of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 369" seq. 

i^.;_ji3i ^j&3i& ^ iliii jyj jyi, of the Bann 'Auf ibn Kulaib 14'»: called j_:! 
i^]i 29« 42819 10451', ^J&^& '^\ 840" 984K 991" (see 1045* »), xiyJ! ^1 17* 
noif 171« 1721 iggis 20210 20512 23212 255' et pmsim: his mother 0mm 5ais 
bint Mu^id 7* etc. : his maternal grandmother tJmra ^UthroSfn 206^ : his brother 
■Amr ibn 'Aflya 41>": his wives Umama bint "Amr 2031-, and Khalida bint Sa'd 
847*: his sons ■Ikrima 203» Mnss ibid., Nnfe. 205» seq., and faura 847*: his 
daughters Zaida li«, Mnfiya 203" Jabala ibid., Ju>Sda ibid., Umm Ghailsn 754» 
and Zaiuab 843 notes': his rmviya Hnsain (or al-Husain ) 430» seq., and another 
named Wa^ivaa (or Marba') al-Kilsbl 9751: the beginning of his career 2" seq. : 
his sayings relating to his parents 1047" seq.: his interview with al-A«war an- 
Nabhani 31" seq.: his attempt to conciliate al-Farazda^ 12610 gj^. \^ ^jgit ^ 
'Umar ibn 'Abd-al-'AxIz at Medina 3971* geq_. ],ig relations with ar-Bri ('Obaid 
ibn Hujain) 428" seq.: with Mathghnr and 'Umar ibn Laja' 487* «eq. : his interview 
with an-Nawar, wife of al-FarazdaJf 807» seq.: purchased a concobins who never 
ceased to regret her former master 837' seq. (N°. 83-86): gave his daughter 
in marriage to a magician who had cured him 840io seq.: obtained the release 
of al-Faraadalj: from prison 8841* seq. cf. 991' seq.: his utterances on the death 

of al-Farazdalj: 10451* geq. : his remarks on various poetg 1047^^ seq. : his death 
1047^: opinions concerning him 1048^* seq. 1040^^ seq. 1052-^': his satires against 
the Sallt and their poet Ghassan ibn Dhuhail 3' seq. (N". 1—5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 
16—21): against Fadala and his kinsmen the Bann Arm 31* seq. ( N». 22): 
against the Nabhan 33" seq. (S". 24, 25): against al-BaTth and his kinsmen the 
Mojsshi' 38' seq. OS" seq. Ill" seq. et passim: against al-Farazdak 165" 213" 
seq. 2181'' g^q. gt passim: against al-Akhtal and the Taghlib 506^ seq. 897" seq. 
936« seq. 1041" seq.: against the Dabba 322' seq.: against the Sumair 443- seq. 
446' seq. 775' seq.: against Zlk ibn Bistam 809' seq. 818" seq. 829' seq.: against 
Muhammad ibn 'Umair ad-Darimi 892is seq. 8951 seq.; his eulogies of his own 
tribe the Tarbn' 65^ seq. 111^ seq. 1631^ seq. et passim: of the tribes of Kais 
'Ailan 538' seq. 938» seq. 1002i» seq. 1037» seq : of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 6895 
seq. 9806 g^q. : of the Nahshal 9558 seq. : of Khalid ibn 'Abdallah al-Kasrl 986» 
seq.: of Hilal ibn Ahwaz al-MazinI 992" seq. 

^x=- ^^ (Alii- ^ ip. at the Battle of Jabala 664>s 

^j^'/ J^ yJ »j4-, called Jut» ^^i 254=: at the Battle of al-GhablJ 313»: leader 

of the YarbH' at the time of the Battle of Irab 4741" seq. 882": was a captive in 

the hands of the Bakr ibn Wa'il at the time of the Battle of Dhn Kar 6471" seq. 

, (cf. 638 notesS): see also 772 (=315") 258» seq. Slo" 473« ( = 703' 1088' seq.) 583> 

[(^JoK-wJi] .J ._ >^ "gjf ^J^ AJ«Aa Q-? ^j-;> took part in the negotiations after the 
disturbances at al-Basra 741^ (his genealogy) 

^)=. see SI318 

.sSXi fji fjXJL^ slain by Malik ibn Himar at Busyan 761' 

j^l j^^UliJt J.*j Cr* 'y Cr* L>»l-~-=- t"ok part in the slaying of his sister's husband 
I Knlaib ibn Rabl'a at-TaghlibI 905' seq. 

^_.A*.*S!- ^^ Ju Q.J j*-^ a clan of tho Taghlib, included among the Amkim, hence 
called ^l^ll ^^ 266«: 3733 45211 ( = 1073") 453'- (=10748) 435i» ( = 107B>i ) 
476" 1038''' seq. — see also tiXiU qJ fJ^ 

tii^l] Sis- ^ ^d ^^ J^, called J^UJ> ^I 1094': wont on an embassy to one 
of the ancient Ifenienite kings, shortly before the Battle of Khazaztt 1094- 

oJiL ^y^ ji-iii a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Munat, iiieludod among the Alma lie» 
872 notes' 1035" 

I family of tho Bujllu 141" 

jl^iXi 1^ jwi=- 425" 918" _ probably a mistake for ^^J^* ^j f^^''^ ~ '*^ |»JicsJl 
aUU ^y j.-io. 452" — probably a mistake for jij ^ fj^ q.T. 
^' ^ Xjjjw ^^ fli^ a clan of the Hawazin 112* 760« 761* 

jjjS- iii*-b 8^>lje4* daughter of the poet 203^** 

[j^U-iJf ^^'\ jioljt> see Ajt^i 

^UsUI see sjilS' ^^ _^ 

A^ i^' see JU^ ^y sl^ 

^yjjJI ,^ iiiii ancestor of al-Hsrith ibn Eaml 924" 

wJU vi^-ij ^!jii=. sister of al-Farazda^ 217' 222» seq., and wife of Shabba ibn 'I^l 
855*; said by Jarir to hate been outraged by the BanO Minkar 592^ seq. 682" 
778' 800' 845" seq. 855" seq. 1001= seq.: see also 251" seq. 318" seq. 341« seq. 
398* seq. 439» seq. 482" seq. 709' 831" 854' 893»» 978* seq. lOlJ* 1036» seq. 

1040' [in L the name appears as Q-5jt=., and in S as ^yJc>- — the latter form 
occurs also in Bencher's MS fols. 7, 8 = Boucher 7" 8' ] 

j.Uijl ^ jJLs^! of the clan ^udayy ibn Malik ibn Hanzala 763': called also BiUi 
7635 836* (= 120") 836": captured as-Simma and was afterwards slain by Mm 
119' seq. 

kjLo, ^~jj wJiS' ^|y Si\j<=- a clan of the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a 717''^: see also 404 notes' 
471* 717' 718= 906* 

JUS jyj ^ a subdivision of the clan Tha'laba ibn Yarbn' 22" 31" 314« 
326' seq. 410» 757« 998K 1039« 1040»"> 

(^^L|Ji) ^Jic ^ji o*^ CH r*-«-?- owns'' of a house at al-Bajra 4281': cilad by 
al-Ajmal 775" [ soo Ibn l^ataiba M. 1901-= seq.] 

V^ 0J /«?■ (-"^ treated as diptote 531', called iijcsut 67o«) clan 5121-: their 
feud with their kinsmen, the Abu Bakr ibn Kilab 532"' seq, (cf. GTSW seq. ) : 
their feud with the Mu'awiya ibn Kilsb ( = ad-Dibub ) in the time of Ibn az- 
Zubair (War of Haramlt) 927« seq. (cf. 52T« 916«); satirised by al-Farazdak 
5251' seq. 526" 528' seq. 915' 9208; eulogised by Jarlr 540» seq : see also 75i« 
10015 241* 300S (cf. 53515 678i«) 302" SIS' seq. 47T» 513" Slo^ 537' BSS'S seq. 
6789 6862 907' seq. 923» seq. 924' seq. 1027 notes' 

(1) /^ J.! see jI;! ^ J^l 

(2) ^ _^l see ^.,i^ ^ ^ 
<JM^^ see xioj ^^ Jv-J 

^ Joum ^ 1 fi**^ ^ ^^^^ "' *^^ Madhhjj SSS'*- 469^ 

jjts. _jj! of the clan 'Amr ibn Hanzala: captured at the Battle of Zubila 680i« seq. 
(yliiUI i.e. the tribal groups of Tamim and Bakr ibn Wa'il 720» 
'if.^\ i.e. the partisans of 'Abd-al-Malik at al-Basra 1092" 

I jlc j~j jj»c ^ iilic 0j iUfc. the ancestor of the Ghassanid kings 195'", hence 
^ used as the name of the dynasty igS'" 

iljui. '^\ i.e. the Ghassanid king 1083'' 

\^JLs\JI _^! nickname of the clan MujHshi' 867'- 

,^_gIL> a mare which belonged to l^irwffish ibn 'Auf 83'" seq. 

i^ix^l Oujui |~j .i^^iLilil had a quarrel with al-Aswad ibn Shakllj atj-pibsbl, in 
the time of Ibn az-Zubair 927" seq. 

liysCi ^ 'i;*'*!?- a clan of the Taimallfit ibn Tha'laba, included among the Aknhir 

196i« 197" 1058' 
_jU_suil i.e. the clans of fuhayya and al-'Adawtya (subdivisions of the Mnlik ibn 

IJanzala) 826= of. LisSn V 218«: also used m = a^^i^'<, i.e. the tribes of Pabbii, 

al-J^Erith and Numair 946« 

[ J^U!] liUJ' J^i qJ ilw.^ his verses on the death of ^^ataiba ibn MBSlim 363>* «eq. 

oUi^l 946" seq. _ see ,U#u! 

[JjtiLswJi] -u* (^ liU^ ^ ^Li^s- a contemporary of al-Farazdak: his genealogy 

941- : slaaghtered a number of his camels at La^afi, after a dispute with the BanH 

Nahshal 941* seq. 952» seq. 9578 

_Ui a horse which belonged to al-HaufazIn 646» 

I [ ",-li;i kiii qJ ] t'-^ of the clan 'Olaim ibn Janab 25' seq. : called 'iBj ^^' 25'" : 
was robbed of hia camels by the poet Ghassan ibn Bhnhail • 25® 

jJ4^ ^ ^Sl4- see 952»(?) 

^^ISl t\ll^ cr> J-^' ''^"'"' '^-' cy?' 911' 918'^= s"" °f *e poet ar-Eal 428" 
seq. 44€S 9093 guJ 9226 

Jijjili ;_,iiii ^y i5aL> his rajaz-verms cited 288" 963» 

J. ij -^ Ji4^ jMfi JaIs- ancestor of a family included in the A^ur 7721^ 943" 9*9- 
jiii _^i see ^^yi 

J..S1 *^' ci-;-j Lvxii ancestress of the tribe of Yarbn' 224i': also called aJjj^ 
eUU ^ > ^^ 225 notes' 

■i-^-fJ^ see 94 notes - 

X^-JcsftJi (sic Ug.) a she-camel which belonged to 'Amira ibn J'arik 48<> ( = 782") 

I [ J--4-«-!!] ^^5^-^ one of *•>« Bann Rawstha: took part in the War of Dahis 9S- 
I seq. 951" 96- 

.^ ^ vj4i> see 94= (text doubtful) . 

1^-:jsCI a family of the Azd, descendants of Jahijam ibn Jadhima (724*') 725»' 

r4r- J^^ see ->4ji oJ o^ Cy ■^^ 
j4i jt' see s^' ^ f'-iJ> ^ j_^ 
Vli-JwlJ! ;_li , ^ 94 ii; cited as an authority by Abo 'Ubaida 313« 414* 


(^6255) 4161 9411, and by al-Asma'I 384=: see also 358> i* 3591 seq. 36715 4141- 
416" 626- 

J^^! f-'y (^ ^ 363* called y=.j ^i^ 362'": took part in slaying Kutaiba ibn 
"iSim 362' seq.: see also 3o8i5 

JLuCI f>^^^ y^ author of a verse addressed to Mus ab ibn az-Zubair 109111 

-1 1^7- of the clan ^ais ibn ThaMaba: broiher of Huraira, a woman celebrated by 
al-A%ha 328* 

|.xjsJt ^1^! see ;4*i^' o^' 

X Xi'i^ tribe (?) 436" (text doubtful) 

^^^ a female slave, represented by Jarir as an ancestress of the Bana Mujashi' 
1027*: soo also 6372 looQi' 

[ l^\iSS\ ^^ ^j ] Qji-' according to 407^ 656'i a nickname of Mu'itwiya ibn Hujr 
(Ifujr = ikil al-murilrl, cf. 32915 ( = 4O8I" 668») 410' 878^: possibly identical 
with Q^siJI who was king of Hajar at the time of the Battle of al-Panik 4201* 
[see Ibn al-Athir I 433* eeq.] 

^_,5*iMj^l iUtAi 1^ o^^' *""' "" "" "■"'""^y '" "i" Caliph Miritwiya eOS'i' 
i bj^l t^ Kindito princes, descendants of al-Jaun ibn Hujr, who wore captured by 
the Banu Ja'far ibn Kilab at the Battlo of Jahalii 4ll7i seq. 4I0» (hero the com- 
mentary in L understands ^.^Lj^"\j! as the name of a pUico. see Yakut II 1(>0-"' 
seq.) 899": the namo of tho one was Mu'awiyu 407- seq. 410' tiS'i"' «67i" 676" 
899^, and the name of the other 'Amr 407- soq, 410' or HassjTn 407 notes'- 656'' 
6671- seq. 67611 899'' — seo J-;=>yi jm^j xjjjtc, J^=.'yi ^^> ,^ and ^^1 ^.,Uvo- 

^j^jlAil ^iXj 1^ '^./■fr a descendant of Ubaid ibn Ziirnra : oapturoil at (lu< Battlo 
of al-Wal^cr^ SOS'i seq.: his versos composed in captivity liOH'" seq. 

^yeALsuJI -JUe qj (j~jL=> father of Laila the grandmother of al-Farazdak 172*: Bee 
also 48915 7717 

u~jL=. ,^! see JlSc ^ y^ls- ^^ ^yi^l 

[ ^_^lilIt ailt t\*£ ^j ] *jl:> Tisited 'Amr ibn al-Mundhir ( = ^Amr ibn Hind ) king of 

al-Hira 1083«: his verses cited 398 1394 2599 io83« seq : see also 3T- 
[J^Ui y*^! ^] ^1=» mentioned in a Terse by al-Aljhtal 1028< 
licf:i-^n i-i^ O-^ v^b. 5248 9091 9222' 9308 - ^ee /. ^ y^^. ^ 'i^Z;^ 
JjjjUil qLJj j^ v_a^^ •''s Teraes on the Battle of ad-Daflna 393' seq. 
J^jlJjt (j^ 1^ s^tj ^^ v^='^, called ilj^ _jjl 23913 g^q. (= 790"), and (j4*^i ^j 

462>, because he left his bow with the Persian king as a pledge 462< seq.: his 
genealogy 265*: at the court of al-Mundhir ibn Ms-as-sama king of al-Hira 66» 
67^ seq.: was captured at the Battle of Jabala and ransomed himself at great 
cost 379« seq. 657* 669" seq., cf. 383= 425" 6529 577; 678- 10038; was leader of 
the Tamim at the Battle of an-Nisar 240-i seq., cf. 7909; see also 69i ( = 30012) 
2398 seq. 265' 300* 3161= 409i 4891= 497* 653" 694i 697" 771* 794« 808" 895» 959» 

j^ ( = >ijL=.) 898 


id^L^J! see 48919(f) 

i>^j*^' 0:-==* 0j j^ 0J XjjL> his verses on the disturbances at al-Ba|r« 729* seq. 

fi ^ kijU> ancestor of a family of the Tayyi' 919'» 920' seq. 5t«i^, isi". 

,LsJ! see , _AL«i]i 

Uul at al-Basra 723ii 

O^ J*^ erf rj'^ >i' a? f}^ "^ *''® i'"" A^mas: a contemporary of iJ-Akra' 

ibn Sabis 14019 


[J,JLi4ii] sjli (ji f>'^ captured at the Battle of a!-"Waklt 309« 

i^aX^-iS ^1=. _^! see u-j^ ^ i>y= 

w-U=. y< see w^L:> ^;JJ ii.^Ji 

wU*:iij Qji see ^^^U-^? ^L^Ji ^ j*ȣ 

ijl-!J=iJ! yj i. e. the family of 'Umair ibn al-Hubab 1038- 

LsUs- a black slave who belonged to "Utaiba ibn al-Harith 3161" 47419 

ja^l see ^ ^ i^ ^ ci^Ji 

[j^yJlij^'] S^ ^ ff^ cj^ v>*-<^ (""■■ V*-?=")> nicknamed y. .;. , v".J! j J : slain by 
Shura^bll ibn al-Harith at the First Battle of al-Kulab 455= seq. ( = 1075" seq. ) 

[^rfiUll ] ii4i=- qJ VS-^ 524' 9091 922' _ see f^ ^ ^z ^ kc^ 
V^»=- o^ '^ crt ^^^^ 1°''^'° ~ '^^ '^ O^ g^ erf "^•^^^ 
^j*c ^^ v^^*=^ see 373* 

^ilkJ! K^>> ..^ ,j£»*.>j> gent on an expedition to Medina by the Caliph Marwan 
[ ibn al-gakam ) and slain by Hantaf ibn as-Sijf 6991" g^q. — see Tabari II 5781= g^q. 

foXj^) ^^i> ^ L^-nV*^ fe'8 genealogy 198i'; was leader of the Dabba at the Battle 
of ehaul 390»i5: eaptttred the Ghassanid prince Amr ibn al-Harith 1991, ^^i 
another Ghassanid at the Battle of Buzttkha 195*: see also 198i» 

idll=" 9*' — "=<* foot-note 

,0,^^ a clan of the Einda 59S*> 

JsijJ o-J oUilSt (or oUi 9749 ) i. ». J^Ls-oii y^t ^ iajl ^^ ji^ 770" seq. 
(genealogy): called JjUJ! jjI 60B1» or JjUJ ^' 608": father of Sukaina 3221; 
a partisan of 'UthniBn ibn 'Affsn 8081": wont on an embassy to MuKwiya and 
died, whereupon the Caliph oonfisoated the present which al-lhitEt had received 
from him 608" seq. (verses by al-F»razdak on the snbjooth sue also 2M* 341" 
417" 770" 775" 969" 997" 

^._i_J' jCLi- ^ -h'^ ^ --?^-' a friend of al-Farazdak 609>J 

^^^_ii£)! -i— ^»-J Q-J ^LiJ^J', called OL^csaJ! by al-Farazdak giS"": his interTiew 
with the latter 819" seq.: rebuilt the Ka'ba *86«: agreed in excioding Salaiman 
from the throne 353«: eulogiied by Jarlr 486* seq. cf. 497»: see also 12'(?) 118* 
358»5 seq. 360'- 412 notes* seq. 4181 t^_ sggn ggji gSl^ 896« seq. 930» 972» 

[jcliii;!] JiLj ^ J^ ci-^ 5^^^=*-' f" ""'""'r of the Caliph al-Walld II 939* 

/jL^j<:i yjj- ^ Li-o' j^ _^lsui 316S 

,l^c> ^ a term applied by Jarlr to the MujSshi' 340^^ ( Tar. ,'»j^S^' ) 

^-.LsTls^J' brother of Darraj ibn Zar% ad-Dibabi 931^ 

^^^ J^ 103*(?) 

[;]jAk;n .^ ^ c:>J=J! ^^ yki lOlS^ called -^ J ^' lOW' ( = 588») 

JjJjCJ! [5_Ii ^^] ysii, called ^UJ! JT452? 693« 714- 884» 1073», ancestor of 
the Kiiidite kings: hence the royal family is called .yJ' jsi _jij 887^ or j^^ js? 
88(4: see also 10795 (the text of 28S5 IMS'- is doubtful) 

"5i^ri:> (var. 5i^^:>) a man mentioned by Jarlr 1017" — according to Leid. a son of 
Ji'thin, sister of al-Farazdak 

J^^(?) mentioned in a Terse ascribed to an-Nabigha adh-DhabyRnI 99' 

^n_.J»M'' ^^T*«*« ^ j^rf^^ ^*s robbed of his camels by Bistam ibn ^is ash-Shaibanl 
before the Battle of Kushswa 19= 23' 

[ j^^_«.*)tJi j X:>".\j> a man proverbial for his swiftness [ see Maidsnl I 235^ seq. ] : sent 
to th« court of an-Nu"man ibn al-Mundhir 879 notes' 

'^-^:V^' l^^-'^ i^] ^^j -^y^ *N^^^> her genealogy 806^ seq. (ef. 819 notes ^ where 

she seems to bo described as the granddaughter of Zik): called ■-•..J.ili o'J 808'», 
alluding to the fact that she was a Christian ; cf. 819*)- married to al-Far«da|: 

SO«i seq., who mentions her 548«" 814" 81,i>» 822": her death 821- »eq. (of. 819 
notes"): see also 812' 829* 830- '>• 862" 956" 

XjA:> 40«, or X_»A=. 41", mother of GhassBn ibn Dhuhail as-Salip 40' 

-LS'Xi:- mother of Ditbi' ibn al-^arith 219'» 

^J^f iO- ^ ^>Aj ^ ijja=- see ^j:^Z' 

I t_^jM^ -ST*"*^ 0~^ ;^ Cr^ '^.^^^i called ^^-^^ _jji 85^*': his genealogy Bb^'*: had a 
' quarrel with Kais ibn Zuhair al^Absf, which resulted in the War of Bahis 85^^* 

seq.: caused Mslik, the hrother of Kais, to be murdered 88^^' seq. : made an uo- 
:, socoessful attempt to murder ar-Rabi' ibn Ziyad al-'Absi 90- seq.; murdered the 
;) hoBtageB who had been placed in the hands of Subai' ibn "Amr 93^^ seq.: was 

! Bla'n by the 'Abs at the well of al-Haba'a 9.5i' seq., cf. 238'' seq. 420" 656» 

[^^.«**3tiS '^•sjOs^ ^ji] *jA:> mentioned as a famous warrior in a verse of an-Nabigha 
adh-Dhnbyani 108» [see Ibn Daraid 169"] 

^S see 203= 

u.*jo ^^ f'r^' * *^1^" '^^ ^^^ ^^'^ i^^ Zaid-Manat, included among the Ajnrih 970- 

^jj_jj ^jj |"'j*^' (<"■ f'f **') " "•'"• "''" "^ "»■'' '0 derive their name from their 
ancestress al-HarSm bint al-'Aubar ibn 'Amr ibn Tamlm "196' 824" (cf. 43™): 
they are identified with the 'Amr ibn Yarbu' 43"', but elsewhere they are des- 
cribed as descendants of Yazld ibn Tarbn' 496' 824»: see also 489" 877" 

[j^^Ji3!] jLwoi ^ yp- was wont to entertain distinguished persons at *Ukaz 119'^ 
seq.: see also 6081' 1017« 

[» kl;i ^j] J^ j^l 1018^ 

j^^XJijtJi Xjt-^j ^^ t>3jj^f ^^ cj-^! his genealogy 666'-^: at the Battle of Jabala 
ihid. 671" seq. ( cf. 409» seq.) 

'(^■isiX Cjpkjl (var. \^% cjjJ^UI) of the Bann J.lubai'a ibn Kabi'a ibn Niziir: 
mentioned in a verso by Kais ibn Zuhair al-'Absi 92' 

ijjijiii j^ ^ Cjjiul slain by the 'Abs in the War of Bnl.iis 94« 

wui-*» yj j^ qJ ejjiiil a olan of the Tagblib, included ttmong the ANilfim 26t>'* 37^' 

(^.-atvil:*^! i^^nv? iV ^j.^^' , called K--*j ^-j! 836": an ancestor of the poet al-Hii*Uh 

37^^ (genealogy, cf, 693^^): was proposed for the office of ridf under al-Mandhir 
ibn Ma-as-sama 66" seq. (cf. 298'^): captured as-Simma, who was slain while 
under his protection 120^ seq. (cf. 693'" 763- 836' seq.) 

SJixl ^jJ oil ^ ^ viysjl ancestor of the clans called al-Akubir 1058' 
ikvJ,^! qIj**^ o^ *]* ci^ liysJ' at the Battle of an-Nisar 2425 
'fji^ ^ eijji ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 452" ( = 1073'») 
^^*_i3L_=> ,.--j ^ij.:^!, called w^L> ^j_j! 79": collector of the poor-tax nnd^ Ziyad 
ibn AblEi 78« 

J^_^!lj! pji ^ »li=. j^ liJ^ji^Jt his genealogy 119'= 1080=: at the Battle of DhU 
Najab 587" (but see the parallel passage 1080'^) 

[j^^l] 'i^ ^ ^7*^' '■'* "'^^^^^ "'*'> 12 y>oi^^ 555" 

[ '_**I«il?] \Ji^i^ ryi viJ_:s^Ji negotiated on behalf of the 'Abs before the Battle of 

Jabala 6551 
i^L^i qJ i^^ o^ Oy^J! 906», see B^ ^ ^US ^^ o^! 
XjLoJ ^It ^ (ii^J) see a«s-Jj ^JI ^ iJil J-i qJ '^j^'^' 
eUyi Q-i i2e<,_j qJ ey«JI, also called gJ! i«iii. ^yj jX^ ^ C<^Ji 92410: his 

verses on the feud between the pibab and the Ja'far ibn Kilab 924" seq. 

[ ^^ssijtil] j-1^3 Q-? ^^^^ took part in the slaying of Hudhaifa ibn Badr and his 
brother Haraal 95» 96= seq. 

^-iU. I . ?.i l jjjj; jy eUyi j^ vi)_jS^JI see ^ii^i^ 

[ ^JJ^'i } j\f ^ y^ ^ si>y5.-Ui slew Zabysn ibn Ziyad at the Battle of al-Watida 
[ = al-Watidat ] 389 notes' 

^;p| jJLb ^ viyia! , called ^Ui ,^1 SO? ( = 768') 413« ( = 385«): slew KhBlid 
ibn Ja'far and was himself slain by Ibn al-Khims at the court of an-Nu'man ibn 
al-Mundhir, king of al-Hir» 103« seq. 385^ 1060" seq.: see also 226» seq. 790" 

[ Jyc^pt] f^c ^ lijysUI 581" — for his genealogy see 18» 

^ liiysU! ancestor of a family of the Kais ibn Tha'laba 595- 64415 _ gee 

du ^ 


^J<>,ji^i Xxfrij ^Jl jy) jUI Ouii j^ e.jsi3l, called 'ij^j j.1 ^ li^Jt 167° 683", 

Ojls. _^l 167* seq., and d-ljt 607' 608' 683'- 1 his family 607* seq.: goternor of 

al-Basra under =AbdallBli ibn az-Zubair 626'« seq., of. 167' 606" 607': his piety 
. 883'*S ordered the houses of Jarlr and al-Farazdalj to be demolished 683» seq., 
of. 167* seq. 607- 

,1 J, I 'i ^~j ^ , ♦ r Q_j c;j-5^i, nicknamod Jaj-^5, ancestor of a clan 749' 

(^^tXlXJt j^-^ ryi ^j*c ^ cUjis^! his genealogy 1081": became king over the Bakr 

ibn Wa'il 267= seq. 1073=' seq.: expelled al-Mundhir ibn Ma-as-Sama from al-Hlra, 
but afterwards made peace with him and gave him his daughter in marriage 267^ 
seq.: see also 4481* 452? seq. ( = 1073' seq.) 

'/•= Oi Sf^ a^ >iy^' see «UsI^ ^ clj^JI 

[^Ulxil] jiijL> Ji'i ^ o>i Q-; ^^1 took part in restoring peace after the L- Siakinn^!*: 
War of Dl^is 104" seq. 

[(^3^!] qL*§^ ryi ^j^ qJ ciys^if his genealogy 721'^ seq.: befriended 'Ubaidallah 
ibn Ziysd ibid. 

'iJUfjj ^ i_*« ^ Cjjili! a elan of the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a ( ? ) 386 notes ' ' 
bLu iXj: ^ JuL- ^ wJu ^.jj ^j^l wounded at the Battle of Tiyas, and hence 
nicknamed j^^'^l 1025* seq.: both names are applied to his descendants, who were 
, included among the Jjnrib 970^ seq. 1023>' 

jj-4-c ^j-i i_Jj* ^ '^j^K """od T*»^' cH "^f^-^ '^2's 53'"; a tribe originally 
Included among the Jamarm, but afterwards among the Mudhlnj 940' seq. ( = Li- 
8Bn V 216" seq.] see 600" seq. 601>: thoir mythical ancestor slain by l>blm ibn 
Udd 651«: were led by al-Ma'mUr against tho Darira 600'" seq., see G02' 939": 
were defeated by the "Amir ibn Ha'sa'a at Faif-ar-Rlh 469' seq.: Ihoir alliance 
with the Ja'far ibn Killtb 241* 534" seq. 678" soq. : soe also 179' 229» 261' 445» 538- 

J^Lliil AJ:^ j^ ci-^U) i.e. ^t ^yJ 5^ ^yj lii^JI 18»"', oullod 'Ubj* j-h' 
189" I951' 198«: slain by 'Amir ibn Pamir a()-l,)abbt at tho Battle of Ii|am I95i' seq. 

i_yjLxI^t «!« ^ |.LI* ^ vijjisJ! ancestor of Bistam ibn 5ais 18°: proteetQr of Abg 
Bu'ad al-lyjsAr 91}} seq. (but see the parallel passage 408° seq.); bis descendants 
73« 236" 237" 3098 10698 ( 906i text doubtful ) 

[JjiUlljl] -a^ ^ vii^l of the Bann Ealjashi, 526" '-?ifl« 

[i^gLxilJ!?] JvjjJ ^yj liysijl raided the Bakr ibn Wa'il at Mujazzal-al-Amfar 3351' 

[i^^JlS^IJI?] t!\ .. i •' 0-1 ca^! ^1 310« f text doubtful) 

ib^ apparently a subdivision of the clan Nahshal ibn Dsrim 216^ seq. — see Ad- 
ditions and Corrections 

[aI=4jJI] k\x^ ^ -;:> ^:>Ij il^y^l captured and released by al-Hudhail ibn Habaira 
at Irab 1088' seq. 

iJLsxxJt Jc>- ^ klai^ brother of Abjar ibn Jabir 47" seq. ( = 782* seq. ) 

j^L«J;sJ! cited by Sa'dan ibn al-Mubarak 395><': cited for the text of the Mak!fi4 
880'^: see also 631" 820« 

&lQy> mentioned in a verse by J^ais ibn Zuhair 100^ — see Additions and Corrections 

A^Jc> ^ 'id>»j:> see 24 notes ^ 

i^jKit ■iUf' slain at the Battle of Jabala 674* seq. 

Z^i ey c>/ a? ^^ '»'' *^*' ( = 703") 

ij^5^l at al-Basra in the time of 'Ubaidallah ibn Ziyad 113« 725' 

[ij.i^l] 8^»*o ^ji (_5j=» had a feud with the Bann Mujashi' and was disowned by 
his kinsmen 9431 w j^q ( _. ^^ 1096' seq. ) 

^^cjjpi ejj^JI ^Jl M Oui ^ e»jy> see j4*=»"^l 

[_»-iLi' y-i] Ji.^<}\ a clan of the 'Amir ibn Sa-sa-a [see Ibn Duraid 181*] 99* 
I00« 243' of. 655'2 

uS~.^a.Aji jyl see ^ ^ ^ ^ S^j 

^y> ^ji iyf- son of the poet 488' 847* 

( 1 ) hf" J see L^i^Jt ^ iliu: ^ f.f^ 

(2) ijji ^i see wl** o^ »i>i^l o^ '^^n^ 

»jjs- ^! see jj-j! ^ Jot- ^»«*j soJU- 

hXb-I^ ^ JLU ^ ^p> ascestor of a family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Man3t 7361^ 

['^y^i\\ -jiJi ^ qUs-, called xii^JI ^^Ji by al-Farazdak 201'': his verses cited 
546" Beq. (see 546»): see also 1048" 

^t^JJ ^ ^^S^^^ see the following 

^sJOJ^I Qj^J! (^ i^ (^ o'"~^' "*"*<• o?^"'' O-^ o'^^ 667", and ^yi-' qj' 
667": 407 notes' 656« 667" seq. 676" 899' - see ^iykC'> 

xiJ" yj ^,Ui see ij,^ ^ j^Lls- 

j|^*Mil qLIs- captured by the Tarbn' at the Battle of Tikhfa 68' ( cf. 835« ) : ac- 
cording to 68* and 404 notes '* he was the brother of al-Mundhir ibn Ma-as-saraa 
king of al-Hlra, but aocording to 184W 1019« I033i» (cf. 973') he was the king's 
son — 67^ and 448^' are ambiguoas. 

i^JOJCSI '4.^ ^ ^Ll^ (973» 1018" 1079»), called k£s ^^ ^.,'^1^ 302» 587«, and 
i£lf ^1 302* ( = 689') 587" seq. 759'3 835* 973' 999' 1018'- ( = 588") 1079» 
(after his mother Kabsha): slain by Hushaish ibn NimrHn ar-Kiyahl at the Battle 
of Dhn Najab 587" 1080- ( but compare the parallel passage 302'' seq. which gives 
a very different account) — see also 973' 

, ^lLs> _^! see »^> j^ ^Ki^^il 

^yU*^ jJ^ apparently a family belonging to iho Jushara ibn Bakr ibn 1-Iubaib 466*'" 
[var. yULi» yj in Orienlaiische Studien I 142'] 

u-L#u»s> ^1 see v*% o^ ^J~y'•~^ ^jj ,^ 

V^ y. i;.^ ^^ J_l^ 916" 

[^^JalJ\] i^y^„SpJI jjl j^ j^jlwiUI cited by Knsaib al-°AnbarI ( = Abn-1-Ehansa ) 
73415 („f. lun 5eq_) ^nd by Sallsm ibn Abl Khaira 734" 

J^tpi dit a;^ ^^ ^;,»iJt see ^^Ij^i J^ ^! 

i_yij!AiJ! ,y*cS\]! ^! i. e. Jili" j^ ^^ : cited by Sa'dan ibn al-Mubarak, who heard 
him 749* 750': cites Muhammad ibn ■Ubaldallah al-^uraahl 1048": see also 350* 
351= 353» 724' lOn" 

vilS" ^y-i ijyw 0-J ijli (^ j4-=> slain at the Battle of Faif-ar-Elh 470»« seq.: 
represented as a son of Mu'awiya ibn Eilsb 916" 

j^jlli 430», or j^jl.^! 430'^', rmniya of Janr, cited by Abo 'Utarid 

[wJli ^i j^) j^^ ^y orU^Ji 721S seq., or ^,1^ 721" 

jdbds> ^ tiUU qJ ^Ji-fc.;iJ> ancestor of a family which is sometimes included among 
the Bann T"liayya 183« 958* — but see 463^ (Tar. Jil^, in Ibn ^utaiba M. 
37-1 Ibn Dnraid 142=i Jili^) 

J=>bjll ijtj^ ^ ijil^ his genealogy lOSOi; distinguished himself at the Battle 
of Dhn Najab 302" seq. ( var. Ji^Iii) 5871' (gee 1080') 589^ ( = 302« lOSO") 

589" 1018" 

,u\j ^ 0*=*=* see the following 

^Jjil\ jS^ ^y kilA=" 0-? O^' "*"«'' J'^ Cr? CT^ ^**' (=2*0'), xLjOl! ^1 
101", and JwliiE tOl" 107": marched to Jabala at the head of the Dhubysn and 
their allies in order to avenge his father's death 656*: at the Battle of an-Nisarr 
2391 seq. 240': took part in restoring peace after the War of Dtthis 104" seq.: 
the statement 238" seq. is difficult to reconcile with the fact that Subai- died 
before Hudhaifa (see 93") 

urf-y^' Hy^ ui >-J^ o* O"^ ^"'^ '''' """"^ '" * *"" '" ""* f*"''>' "f al-Marrat 

IS'" seq. 

^^y»a> _jAj a family who gaTe their name to a cemetery at al-Basra 624? (^650^^); 
see also 1099* (?) 

j^yLs^J! _^ see juUj: ^ aIUj 

i^IlSI jjj (^ ^;^ see ^JJ ^ ^i^f, 

JaJuJI ^Ju*** ^^ fcoU^ ^ o**^*^ * contemporary of Jarir 3U^ 
[j^Ul^!] ^yv•i^» present at the horse-race which resulted in the War of Dahis 86" 
^^ji^i ,;jliij! (or olii 392 notes '» 393') slain by the Banu Mazin at ad-Daflna 392- 
j^Lii! J^j' ^(^-LLsU!, called J^j' j!^i 188«; son of Zaid-al-Fawaris 188« (see 359») 
^^jLLJ! jtye ^ o*^ ^*"' O^i^"') f*"'^'' of Zaid-al-Fawiris 189* (cf. 188«) 
i_aj»J! j.ini.-n ^ o*''^^ ^'°" Kabl'a ibn Wahb al-'AbsI at the close of the War of 
Dshis 105» seq. 

JJiiJ! ail! ix4_i ^y^ o^^ "' """ Tha'laba ibn Yarbn': at the Battle of al-Iysd 
581" 584* 

[ ^UaJt j^ ^ ] (;js<^i=- his verses on the death of his brother Zuhair at the Battle 
of Jabala 668" seq. 

tj^IaJ!] 1^ ^ CT*^ * ''^™ °^ "■* ^'""' ^"^ '''° ^*''' '''^^' 
[j^jUJi] iXJiA ^ ^Uxiiif ^^ ^ A .,^,. :^ Ji his verses against al-Akra' ibn Habis and 
Abn Ju'al e81« seq. 

J^jLa^! j!Jvi ^ Jujj ^yj o^-^' (or t.i^ ■""''), called X^l ,J 261'* 469»; 
his genealogy 261^ seq.: marched at the head of certain South- Arabian tribes 
against the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a and attacked them at F«if-»r-Rih 469" seq. 4T1'* 

yCi-ijI jXi a family of the IJais ibn Tha'laba(P) 847'* 1069' 

t^^>xJ^l -»c ^y^ ^^.*a^Jf (or Js}lp> yi ^^^y^ij>0^ 991*): his gtmoalogy 991*'; cap- 
tured by Aslj ibn I,IinnK'a al-Y»rbn'T 760'' soq. 

[ j^^JlPAjt ] jA-i*Jf Q-j (-;y£t^J! consulted by the Yemenites before the reroU against 
Kutaiba ibn Muslim 358^ seq.: his verses on the death of ^ataiba 3621° ggq. 

^yt£. ^ V}^ o^ ^*li^ a roan who gave his name to a kind of cuirass {'-'.■. i^*^) 486^ 

K_lL*3jl i.e. (j-j! j^ Jjji 200* 707": mentioned by al-Farazdalf 200*, and by Jam- 
7071°: met al-Farazdak at Medina (.W-. his verees cited 244>5 4661' 561>S: see 
also 104821 

(1) L>as=- y\ see wLkiJ! qJ f^ 

(2) ijaas. _jj! see LiJ ^^ ^ 

(3) ,_vaa=. y\ see (vtia ,^ itj^y^ 

^^liijl see ^y*Dl 0j ^jliisJ! 

iLL> a woman addressed by al-Parazda^ 202° 204" seq. 205« 3301 _ according to 
some, a member of the Bann Ghudana 202* 330 notes i seq., according to others, 
the mother of Jarlr 202' 20518 ^eq. 

X**j^ O^ r*^ see iUjJ^ ^ f^ 

^y^jlJt liUy): ^ *S^J! (or jj^) verse on his death by his brother ash-Shamardal 
282" [as to his father's name, see Additions and Corrections] 

i^jLLjaJI ^^jI ^jJ yiivjl ^ fXiiit see 941 notes ^ 

ii^wl ^ fXiil one of the leaders of the 'Abd-al-gais 4t al-Basra 737i» 1092' 

i_^_«^l £u_jj ^ ^i^yi j^ j.£i\!l (or |Jj> 991»); his genealogy 337": slew Malik 
ibn Subai" at al-Khathira, in the War of Dahis 94= 1018; was oaptnred by Asid 
ibn Hinna'a al-YarbnT at as-Sara'im 337^ 339" is 

jjjUi j^ jSlj\ (jj fX^S of the 'Abd-al-Kais : at al-Ba;ra on the occasion of the 
Taum-al-Jufra 1092* 

v:^J \Jsji ^^ <*r^^ ene of the Bann Maiths: was slain by Mauri]^ ibn ^is in the 
time of Ziyad ibn Ablhi 798 ggq. 

Ji1|IjI [i*jJo. ^] j4<=' (or fS=> 3111) jigia ^^ the Battle of al-W«krt 309" 310* seq. 

jJLi^l ^! ry^ -i^^^l ^^ f^f^^ * contemporary of al-Farazdak: had a dispute 
with Janab ibn Shank at Lasafi 9415 9531 957s 

Mt* (™_j **-^ one of the Baau-I-Mujirr : a composer of rq/as-verses who lived in 
the time of Jartr 518 seq. P 9' 

w^i> a horse which gave its name to a breed called i_j^^L> oL*-! 461*^ (=475^*), 

or vi=- 0^1 oUl 74812; sea also 4758 
[iUJiiiJl] |JU> ia~o JUiU! ancestress of the clans 'Abdallah and Mujashi', sons of 

Dsrim: her genealogy 880^ seq. 

i^^pt vij^l ^ illi= cT* u-i^f at the Battle of al-Ghablj 313": at the Battle 
of al-Iyad 6822" 

pUftLiJI i. e. the tribes of Asad and Dhubyan 656" — see ,_juJl=-^l 

le^y^^ ^/^ O^ '^'^ "f the Bann 'Asim ibn 'Ubaid: the protector of Janbs ibn 
Nathia al-Kalbl 26' 27" 

f^U> ^ jlli- ropPBsentative of ^utaiba ibn Muslim at Marw 353" 357' 366' 

J^ ^t see ^t^Si^t 

yXj^l a clan of the Banu-l-Harith ibn Ka'b 150"': i,>U^JI y>< see J^-Lsu;' 

^Q> a elan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat, included among the Ajnrih 970- 1023>-: 
l^immmi is identified with °Abd-al-<Uz2a ibn Ka b 970^, but is also represented 
as a son of "Abd-al-'UzzR 492": see also 14i 682"' 

[Kji.^^1] jjl^- ^yJ !L**to ci*A_j <\y*^^ burnt alive b> Amr ibn al-Mundbir king of 
al-^Tra 1086» 

•IjIiUI j^l see u^ ^^ 'iyj^ ^y JaoJ 

pl^ client of 'Ubaidaltah ibn Ziyad 721" aoq. 

qLi! ^ o!;*^ insulted by Mu§'ab ibn az-Zubair 751'' 

rj o-i >f^ j^H= 0-? o';^ 

nder of the liakr ibn Wa'il at the liiittle of 

Jadnd 326", where he was captured 327', cf. 146i« US" 328' aeq. : was captured 
also at the Battle of an-Niblj 1021U 

'^\^ _wt see y~i'^ ^ ojl ^^ Sj^ 

^jll ^ M A»i ^ji 5j«s. his relations with al-Parazdai: at Mecca 805' scq.i made 
governor of al-Ba|ra by his father lOSS" seq. 

( wlLil 'Xlc ^ ] spi at the Battle of tJhud liV seq. 

[^Jyil\ jj*x; jyj] jtXj ^yj j>*s- half-brother of ^u^toifa ibn Badr 92i*: see also 
88-» 90" 95" seq. 

i^ pi the familiar spirit of 'Utaiba ibn al-Hsrith 76i 

JJiLjJI ^ ^ iW^ his Terses quoted 322" 813' 

Jil* ^ Lxl^i cited by Abu Na'Bma ( = =Amr ibn <lsa) 732= 

jU^yS SiXm^ wife of Ma'bad as-SalljI: stoned for adultery at al-Basra in the time 
of al-Hajjaj 830" seq. 10371 

^ll=. 46' seq. 994» 

jlji^i ^^\ at the Battle of Tikhfa, where the Pibab defeated the Bann Ja'far 925" 

|.UJ! ^y^ OjiiJ! (^ c-ji*^ ancestor of a family belonging to the clan Eiysh ibn 
Yarbo' 473» (=703'): called aUo _^j ^ ^Sy^ 337 notes * 438- 459" seq. 
7605 7628 10706 1088"' 

'ij:a^zs- addressed in a verse by Nuhaika ibn al-H^rith 101 ^^ — apparently a nickname 
of the ^Abs or of a portion of them 

[J^UjCI] y<= ^ p^. ^ L;^*=.'', father of two sons who slew al-Ajlah ibn 
Kasit, in the reign of Abd-al-Malik 930' seq., and were associated with the poet 
Dhu-1-Ahdam 909' cf 324' i = 908>''): they are satirised by al-Farazdal: 922> seq. 
923" ( = 526^), who calls them also ^ Lol after their grandfather 524i ( = 908'*): 
as to their names the accounts vary — Ilajib and ^ablb 524« seq 909' 922', gsflib 
and Hsfi' 922", 'Amir and Mundhir 524" 

^aX~h\ f^J^S ^} author of a verse cited 39B' ( var. ^*iS. ^^) 

^-jLl^! (i. e, descendants of Hantam ibn 'Adt ibn al-Hsrith ) a family of the Taim- 
allat ibn Tha'laba 4251" 919", see 425 notes* seq. 918 notes' and ,\i:^n .J-'.^.L 

:}MJl^' see sU-fl Ou: ^^~i dJJU ^ a:i.til=> 

8«U=- of the clan Abn Bakr ibn Kilab 532^ ( = 67810 ) 

asUs- ^1 see seU^ ^ ^\^' 

^Uii! ijalLsJi (or i_)ii*i=> 100') had a dispute with Kais ibn Zuhair al-'AbsI 99'« seq. 

(jiili apparently one of the leaders of the Tarbn' at the Battle of Dhn Najab 589« 

OiiuLjl ^ ,j£l^I (or Jiiii 699« 8985) according to 186' 699'^ of the clan 
Kabl'a ibn Malik ibn Hanzala, but according to 898= of the Tha'laba [ibn Yarbn']: 
slew Pubaish ibn Dulja in the reign of Marwln [ibn al-Hakam] 699'* seq. — in 
Tabarl II 578" seq. the name is written >_!LycSiJi (see foot-note) 

i_yliiit ijiLsUt had a dispute with the ^ushair which resulted in the Battle of an- 
NisEr 1065^ seq. 

^^U-IL..;, ■■qJI mentioned by Jarlr among the heroes of the Yarba' 298" S39" 897": 
according to one view they are two sons of t_v^i ^ji (j-jl 298', or i_iL*l ^ fj^< 
898'', of the Bans Himyarl ibn Riyah, but according to another they are Hantaf 
ibn as.Siff and his brother 898^ 

ii.^t ^ J^ ^ |Ja=. see 425 notes' 

^blXJI laLa'SI ^j-i ^il=. was captured by Khalid ibn Nadia al-Asadt at the Battle 
of an-NisBr 241" seq. 

(^Jbil i*=- mentioned by Jarlr 1002" 

[ J.j..Uil] slS^I ^ .,jJi at the Battle of Bahrahiin 1062" 

^^L,JjJl s-c ^y.J iji.l> of the elan Tha'laba ibn Sa'd (96"); was present at the 
death of ^udhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazitrl 95' ' 96* : his yorses composed after the event 
96'- seq. 

[J^JlLxJI] lAiU ^ JiJi- according to 26(>i» of the clan Tha'laba ibn Bakr, but 
according to 373» of the 'Amr ibn Tha'laba 

[^^Jj^]] (>;=> _^l i.e. o"-**^' o^ r^ *54>5, Tar. ,^ ^ j^ai: 1075" and ^ 
jyUjtJt j^ 1075 notes*, called ^_<JI j^i 455" ( = 1076«): his genealogy 454« 
(=1075"): slew Shurahbll ibn at-Harith al-Kindl at the First Battle of al-Eoteb 
ibid. 455« seq. ( = 1075» seq. ) 458» ( = 887" ) — whether ^ 453" ( = 1074? ) 
and j^ ^ j^ 456" refer to Abn ^anash is doubtful 

iiiL- (MS «il=> var. i4iiii>) niece of Zarara ibn '0dna 106115 

J.£Is> see aUi Aj; ^ eU-e ^^ xiK;„~> 

^jx.ljjf ^~c 0j yi^ ^^ KJk^is. his genealogy 73^ 285": took part in capturing al- 
HaufazSn at the Battle of Dhn Tulnh 51' seq. ( = 784« seq. ) 268" 

ji^beB il^ ^ kiis ^ iLili at the Battle of Dhn 5sr 640" 6415 ggq. 6435 seq. 

J^jC^X'! ^i^ ^ liysji ^^ iiili brother of "Utaiba ibn al-Harith: at the Battle 
of al-Jaunan ( = ar-Eaghsm ) 410^* seq. 

.JLjii! ^yiij! ,._j sln!,'>. see ...L^wlai^ _jjf 

(^^boS liUU ^^J ^~fM3 ^ Ki^Ls- a contemporary of the poet Labid 535« 

^^^Ai^l J.ILb _j ^jLitL=> was a captive in the hands of the Bana.l-'Anbar at the 
time of the Battle of al-Wa^It 306' seq. 

J^iLsuiJI jLU ^ ii^ of the Bann Shuraib ibn Eabl'a: at the Battle of al-Wa^Jt 308" 

[j^jGJi] .y: ^ jy= 1^ 'iihis- was slain, according to some, by the =Ab8 at the 
Battle of Ajjrun 679» seq. 

iU.a JU: ^ liUU ^ ilfci, called jjili 4591-, and J.KiiUI 466'*: group of tribes 
(Tarbn', Dsrim and others) included in the Tamlm: their mythical ancestor re- 
presented as one of the pre-Islamic judges 438': see also 70i' 78"' 99" 119" 120» 
156" seq. 186" 188' 225 notes" 258« seq. 307« 351* 411« 414^ seq. ( = 625«8eq. 
1070* seq. ) 428* 448^ 452* { = 10738 ) 459' ( = 1078= ) 459'* 504' 587» seq. ( = 1079" 
seq.) 636" 656' 663' seq. 738* SOS'" 807" 901» 911* 919' 1050« 1078" seq. 

[JV«;iJOi] J,Lli ^^ ^ysQl yj xii^ captured at the Battle of al-Wa^| 308* seq. 

iUi^^Ji a mare which belonged to Hudhaifa ibn Badr al-FasKrl 86'" seq. 

*jb ^^ J*'*^* "^i^ *-^ grandmother (or great-grandmother) of ^^ais ibn Hasssn 

ibn 'Amr 943« of. 10962 
^UiiJI Jilj^ of the clan Taimallat ibn Tha'laba: a man proverbial for his skill 

in tending camels 355* 356" 

>_as^»JI ^ ^alLsj! see >_«iu»Jt ^jj ^JOJ^-S 

kLj^ a tribe of the Bakr ibn Wa'il 98" 26615 72317 8371 846" (cf. 846') 
£t^ Eve 629i» (=1050") 
^Ijijl a ram or he-goat 259' 
i'^' see /^\ ^ ^}II 

[^biXII] ;_cf?- f-ri LT^ cri «Ti?^'^^ Captured and slain at the Battle of al-Jaunan 
( = ar-Ragham) 4111 seq. 

J^jJill v>^^ at the Battle of Jabala 66713 

tXyj i~yi v'-iijs- prefect of police at al-Klfa under al-Hajjsj 8961- seq. 

of the stallion Dhu-l-'Ulflssl, 

yU» ^ Jj^ seduced Humaida wife of Ma'bad as-Sallti 830" 831> 10371 

I3j*lit Jjji _jj! , called JUiiJ! Jy> ^1 , maternal grandfather of Abjar ibn Jabir 47 ' 

ylji>iJl i. e. J^Ulijl j^ ^ eU^i ^^ eyij 471^ ( = 7B2») 144" ( = 3261) 
313« 585»(?) 7101" 883": called jU^ ^1 54i«; his genealogy 32Bi: his two sons 
651: the reaion of his being called al-Haufaznn 47'" seq. 145" 3271'; at tho 
Battle of al-Ghabit 313» 1019" 106810 geq.: at the Battle of Jadnd, where he was 

, defeated by tho Bann Minljar ibn 'Ubaid 144'* seq. ( = 32«i seq.) of. 326": at 
the Battle of Dhn liulnh 47» «oq. ( = 782' soq. ), where ho was ciipturod 51i 
( t= 784» ) of. a9« 73» 268'' : whether he was at the Battle of Dh« l.vnr is a matter of 
dispute 646i« seq.; see also 511 notes ' 5I2» 58li 710» seq. 802" SW SSSi-" seq. 998"' 

^U*!t ^> 





'^ a^ 

>i<? u4'. 






Da^is 8311 

' seq 

5-iU^ 0_j Q-t^-s*" i^ ^5* Q-J i.5y^ ancestor of a family 1251*', 

Jf^ O* O*^ O^ i-55=- 

439« 608" 695" 77225 — see also 125« 

^-mnIjiJ! t^^-yo^" ^^ 0^""=^ ^^* verses on the murder of Babl% ibn Wahb al-^Ab»I 
105" seq. 

^JsLJ! [m^^ commander of the foreign troops under ^ataiba ibn Mnslim 362- 369^ seq. 

j_^*=- ^\ see 797 notes ' 


y»»s ^ JjU. an ancestor of Pabi' ibn al-5ffrilh 2191" 

[^jl^l] ,^yl=. 1^ ito-jU> at the Battle of Jiz' Zilal 10671- 

[ i_=pl ] ^yLu, jjj itr-jLS- took part in restoring peace after the War of Da^is 105' 

|.jU. ^] see sU-l j^ f,jii> (^ idll J^ 

V^ -j^ fj^ p (var. |.^U=. P) captured at the Battle of an-Nislr 242' 

LcfJ^' o*"^^ O^ '■'^j' O^ '^'^ '''' g^o^^'ogy 139": had a boaating-match (muni!- 
/ara) with Jarlr ibn "Abdallah al-Bajall 139" seq. 

JkLs- ^yj v\JL=» cited by Abn 'Ubaida as an authoritj on the text of the Xaka'tif 
758': see also 200^ 248> 

[Jjj^UJI] v^ o-> J^ 0-? '^^ (<"■ ^^•^>^' 1060''') slew Znhair ibn Jadhlma 
al-'Absi and was himself slain by al-Harith ibn Zalim al-Uurrl at the court of 
an-Nn'msn ibn al-Mundhir, king of al-Hlra 103" 1060''' i,eq : see also 226" seq. 
384'"- seq. 53Bis 

[J-Jilii] Jjb> an ancestor of isB ibn Khujaila 611' cf. 609"' 

^y>-i\ jJU> ^ SI ^ ^Ji Ods. his genealogy 749' 766': was sent by the Caliph 
■Abd-al-Malik as his agent to 8l-Ba|ra 749* seq. (=1091" seq.): see also 748"' 
750" seq. 766« 

,j>M.^\ M Ovic ^ jJB. cited by Abn 'Abdallah ( = al-YazIdl ) 755«: see also 403>* 

i_jjUl-iJ! j,^ ^ M tX»e ^ jJli» an ancestor of Biatsm ibn ^ais ibn Mas'ud ( see 
185 586W 8063) 829^ 858^: hU descendants are called J^Li- jT 806", and _,_:_> 
OOU. 211 7945 

!^^^\ [JtJjJ jyj] M jJc jyj Jjli>, called 4III jl= i^i 983" 987': eulogised by 
al-Parazdat 981" seq., and by Jarlr 986" aeq.: satirised by al-Farazdalf 984' scq.: 
see also 380" seq. 

J^Sl i\i-c ^ iyj= ^ JJI=. liyed at the time of the Battle of an-Nisar 1065» 

[(3iXx«JI] fXi. ^ OiU. of the clan Jusham ibn Sa'd: an ancestor of Jarlr 1035" 

f^ ^ Jjls- cited for the text of a verse of the Nahfiil 556 notes " 

liUU 1^ iAJL!> 74917 — see Additions and Corrections 

^JJ^\ ^j ^ dUU ^ 0JU> his genealogy 389' ( = 588^ 1080™): at the Battle 
of Dhn Najab 302"' 588" seq. 

[j^^jJLlit] ^LL ^ JJL> an ancestor of Jartr 1035" 1040* 

^^^xL-it aii ^ oJLi- at the Battle of an-Nissr 240' 241i* seq. 

^^bbCJ) jJiJ \^ Jjb> at the Battle of Ra^rahan 1062" 

[^,yiQ\] Jt-vJ^I ^^ aJL=> sent by the Caliph Abn Bakr against the tribes of 
Aead and Ghataftn 71515 

t\iii> jj\ see JutA-i, ,3' rjj M Jwx ^ Oy^i' 

JJU> _>iJ see jy: (y aUt iXsc ^ k\JU> 

^yljJLSiil i.e. Khalid ibn Minljar and KhBlid ibn Qhanm 1035" 

^JlkS! y4' o^ '^ va-4 «0iJli>, called s]}i ,11 433" 849' 860» 851' 873"' 876«: 
wife of Jarlr — her genealogy 847^ seq. : see also 548^- 685''-* 

yUJLLsaJI '•«• 'Abdallsh ibn az-Zubair and his brother Mujab 486" — see Mubarrad 
Sa* soq. 

XJyiJI Jjj c:^ xl-i' ancestress of the Bann Ja'far ibn Killb 1061» 

^Jlii\ j^l see |.^li«il ^ 5p= 

P^ jfl wife of 'Amlra ibn "Jvirik 51" ( = 7855) 

'fjHi. tribe, descended from Aftal ibn Anmai 46« seq.: see also 46= 53» 469' 471»> 4721^ 

ffii- J mentioned in an anonymous verse 799' 

(i,A#ij» see ,|;\it*'^ 

i_j«iLsuil yij ^^ uiii\=> see uiAAxJI 

jl^i J. J tji.lJc> author of a verse cited 531 notes ^ 

JjJ^^t ob; j^ ijiltXi- an adherent of Mus'ab ibn az-Zubair 7501» 

[jy^IJIJ 4^,1 (-jj ^_.,jti 0j |.!A=. mentioned in a verse by 'Utaiba ibn al-Hsrith 
473« ( = 703i«) — see 474- ( = 703") 

[ j-scUl| ,ji ] ijitji- cited by Aba 'Ubaida as one of his principal authorities on the 
First Battle of al-KuIsb 452« — see also 637" and OrietUalische Sludien I 1281 
seq. 133= 

i3,Ui~^l v^r^' maternal grandfather of ar-Rabr ibn Ziyffd 90« 193' 

J^l £_^! 154M 240" 

iU^J! see Aj^tall ^o ujj£ ci^ ^U— ! 

ijjyisJI a celebrated horse which was in the possession of the Taghlib 454' ( = 1075' ) 

eUU ^^ yiU ^y (_5^'j=" ancestor of a family of the 'Amr ibn Tamlm 392 notes* 

xliji- ancestor of the tribal groups Asad and Kinana 434* 

vt^^'it a group of clans descended from Uslik ibn Hanzala 434' : called also ^U^Sl 

223>- and oUiiUI 223" 
O^-^^ _yu see ylli yj 
Ji.fAs> see xJiii=> ^ liUU ^y uii--i^ 

(1) Lf'siJ! see J^" o^ **^ 

(2) J;«iilJI a horse 49" ( = 783is) 
4^-ua*UI see ijujj ^ji 1^ jy: ^^ ^ 

^ I J£i^wia:> ^^ see fili^ ^^ ^_gih>. , . r 

vjUai represented by Jarlr as the ancestress of the Banu lIujHshi' 224" 32P 858* 
8935 ( = 856«) 968* 1027« 

^Uai- ^jjl see jilJ! A*£ ^Ji j?"^' 
V jUii- a clan of the Tamlm 29' [see Tabarl I 1909=] 

wL^:^! _^1 i.e. t\*^\*il A*c Q^ Jk**:S^! ^xl^, known as y/S^'i ,ji.i3*^5t; his opinion 
respecting the Bedonins as interpreters of poetry 1026^ 

jU^\ a horse 86W 

•IkiaJI a clan of the Bajila 660' 

j^iiiiJI (or ULli. 4891", ^ji&lAl! 489» of. 1") i. e. m^ ^j-i jJU j^ xi^i-. 
^jaJJl^I 1^ seq. 489^*^: grandfather of JarTr, whose family is called .-ilajAJi _j-o 
2" seq. 1312 j^q. 41« seq. 43» 382" 489" 498"' 651": see also 15' 205" 342- 
573* 7015 10140 10391» 

JL^) j!^! see ^JL^] ^ i2^ ^ ^,^ 

fjia&i) see Jrli<»St S^ ^^ j^uiji 

(nki^JI _yo a family of the Pibab 924'> (Yar. ,4^^' »»•' /4^0 «?• 928" seq. 

I KjiXj jy usUi one of the ^jti! ju^l 3720 

[^^.liXSI] |.y«UJI 1^ >_iuii\J! (»ar. wA/ijSJI 312i"' seq.) captured at the Battle of 
al-Walnt 309» 

jjli- see under iXSLi- 

•ilDiMt a deity 141' 

uSi- yj a family of the Ja'far ibn Kiteb(?) 925'6 

JvILL see 426 notes s» 

Jf^^! j>lJt j4^ Qj wSL^i- slain by the Bann Kahshal at the Battle of Dha Najab 
T021 seq. 1080» 

J^A^I jut ^ tjjii jjjl ^^ oilii> at the Battle of Faif-ar-Rlh 471' seq. 

j^^Jlijd! U~*:«it ^^1 [i. e. ^J«,*i^t ^^ j^, see Ibn Duraid 203«] slew al-Harith ibn 
ZHlim at the court of an-Nu=m5n king of al-^ira, and was himself slain by ^is 
ibn Zuhair al-'AbsI 103" seq. 

'6y^ a mare which belonged to Shai(an ibn Mudlg 761® seq. 

^jAf^ see 934 notes ® 

ki**sJ! of the Banu-l-5arith ibn 'Ubsd; mother of Buhaima, a wife of al-Farazdafc 
595' seq. 

i^jjUi. or QJ^Ui- Persian general at the Battle of Dhn Jsr 640« 64S" 644" 

uiAJLi*- said to be a nickname of LailS bint ^Imr^ ibn al-H^fi ibn ^nds'a, the wife 
of al-Tas ibn Mudar 178»: group of tribes (including the Tamlm, Pabba, Asad, 
guraish and others) 147i' 1483 178« 240' 363» 393« 402« seq. 449^ (see 449" 
450») 506'-2 seq. 539" 666» 714' 743' 789* 903' seq. 912" 913" 915« 960" 994' 

1013' 1050" 

^ji^ ^^! see ^jli- ^ J$ 

iU*L> a woman mentioned in a poem by al-Ba'Tth 135^- 

<L-IiJ! the poetess: verse cited 423" 

^U«U;s^Jf ^! see i=j**a1' v***^ 

yllli. mentioned in a verse by al-Farazdak 381« seq. 
' ijcul 118'= seq. 896" 1092" 

,y>5=- Bee 637 notes s 

jjJjJI 297« 

'L'^\ iJjk> ^t ^ ^yU* viA^ kp. 6748 

iJ^ ,a«ij ijji. aunt of 'Otaiba ibn al-Hsrith ibn Shihab 75i= 

jUi. ^ '4k^ c;~^ K^i" wife of 'Adl ibn Artat 993" 

3j*c qJ t>Jyy> see the following 

[j^iUil] ijts ^ji J-lj ^ ^.j=', called 5j*E jy) ^y>, and w«»i.", because he 
was killed by a thunderbolt 759" seq. (of. 387" 761" 933S): his genealogy 387^': 
at the Battle of Rahrahsn 1062" 

^^ ^! see Jd!^ y. j,y= ,y joji 

JJ^ jT(?) 1099« 

kjbyi a clan of the 'AbsC?) 3381' 

^yiiisuJI Bj.;-.. ^ j(-i^' governor of 'Umin, slain in the rebellion of Yaztd ibn 
sl-Uuhallab 974^ seq. 993? 

8^ _^l see -tuiO ^ jlil 

[i^^jiisUtPJ »-iiJLi- slain in the War of Haramlt 929' seq. 

U£u=-, |.«L,.,-<^I see ^iLs'J' 

[i_^MJ u=>-SI (^ Lj> ^^ vli 533» seq. 

y«s-b a horse which gave its name to the War between the tribes of 'Ala and 

Dhubysn 83* seq.: see also 63'" ( = 82") 108'- 419« ( = 1071'') 
ilMi jy) tfUU ^ |.,b (J,o treated once a» diptoto 1086") one of the principal 

tribes of the Taralm: their genealogy 127': their division into six olnns, 'Abdaltah, 
MujHsW, Nahshal, Abttn, Jarlr and Mannf 187": their oonneotion with the Taghlib 

452" seq. ( = 1073» seq.) 879" seq.: see also 73' 1728 seq. 308= 310« 390" 
42o> 489" 539" 572" 600" seq. 654^ ( = 1085') 666* 758i» 765" 8218 93512 93913 
1047" 1078« 1086" et passim 

^b a slaye of the Bann MujS8M'(?) 765« 

Icb a stallion camel which gave its name to a breed (X^jclXi!) 559" — see also nates' 

wSib see 4)) ^7? s,!^ 

( 1 ) 4''"^ Dacid 986« 1032" — see also 995^ 

(2) jjib a descendant of the poet Dhn'aib ibn Ka'b, cited by Abn 'Ubaida 1026* 
Sjli ^ jji< ^ JjJb author of a verse cited 316™ 

JSi see 242> 

O^^ i^> see /^' o^ iH 

^ylio i4l i.e. the tribes of Bshila and GhanI 10281 sgq. 

[iLi.lAJI] JaJ] va~^ ^^.^^iil-j wife of 'Amr ibn =Amr ibn 'Udus 665' 9401; eut off 
her hair on the death of her father at the Battle of Jabala 939«: her Tersea on 
the occasion 665" seq. 666* seq.: satirised an-Nn'mitn ibn Kahwas 6561^ seq. (of. 
495?): see also 665' ( = 940*) 

^l^li! see jJ'h ^ ^y 

^ULJI ^ j^ £c°j ^ j]3 took part in the War of Harsmlt 927*, and was pot 
to death by the Caliph 'Abd-al-Malik 930<° seq. : his rerses composed in prison ibid, 

[ JyCyjJI] jLill! ^ jj^ at the Battle of al-Iyad 582" — apparently identical with 

JjO^U one of the BanH Tha'laba 313>» 
yJti..j.I'l sbjj i^l at the Battle of al-IyKd 883- 

[ Jsjlii J i^i ,J grandfather of Rohaima, who was married to al-Farazda)^ 594' 595" >' 
ifj-^ ^! see ^y ^ ^ 
( var. JIs? ] J^ ^ Lr-ijy 227«, a descendant of Ma'bad ibn ZurWa ad-Darimi 653" 

679»: cited by Aba Ubaida ihid.: see also 227" 239' 


(i^^^lj lijjiui ^ iJ[is j^ iaIJj at the Battle of Dhn Najab 588= ( = 1080') 

[JjC^^!] kLi=- (^j ^Julif ^^ Ju^o at the Battle of Dhn Najab 3029 seq. 

Ju^J _^l see iiaJI . 

[ijLA-LiJI] iLc3J! mentioned in a poem by 'AmTra ibn Tarife: 56i*; present at the 
Battle of al-Iysd 583W 586" 

,_5i\Ii3i J-<yi ij£)^*s^ a mythicAl person: his adventures at Wabsr 330 notes* 

V I idiEL> ^^ J^^ a genealogist, mentioned by al-Farazdal^ 189^ 

jyiALsui! ejL|i«JI ^ fji father-in-law of al-Farazdak: 1044' 

^^^Jjl^l u-^J«JI a friend of al-Parazdak 869" 

j4*'i ^' author of a verse cited 861« 

iUitXJI a mare which belonged to Ma'kil ibn 'Amir ibn Mau'ala 667* 

^U*i >J a family of the clan Na?p ibn Mu'awiya 8959 ( = 49513) 

|4*iJJI a she-camel proverbial for ill-luck 526'" 76F 862'* 

[ ^3Jy■SI ] JIjJ ^1 i. e. qU=" ^^ *Jo'^ ^"1*^ • mentioned in a verse by JJais ibn Zuhair 
al-=Ab8l 91"" ( = 408*), and in a verse by al-Farazdalj: 201': his verses cited 91" 
408» seq. 

j^l]^l oiji ^1 hU verses on the Battle of Faif-ar-Klh 471" seq.: see also 534»(?) 

pljjj family (P) 1099« 

[^UlCI] OJ'iJ- ^^ ^bji captured at the Battle of an-Nissr 241'» 

Xi^jjjjl ;!^l see ^ ^ it/l 

i_jkJUJ! 0t-.i- 0J j-aJ son of the poet Ghnssitn ibn Dhuhail 25' acq. 

8j* ,^ j^o ij>ij iu»jj ancoBtroBs of the pibnb and the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilrtb 927" 

il^ ^ JjJji [Tar. Jjjjf] 420B 458« - ct 846' 

,yUAii 161", a Biokoame of one of the persons mentioned 150' seq. 

^cEjj J! fjiji ^ i*<a=> ^jj oL»jj grandfether of 'Amlra ibn T^rik 47' 
25' 266 27» 281 

jy~J! oU a mare which belonged to Biatsm ibn Jais ibn Mas'nd 584' 

lAjUJ! see iuL, ^^ jiiii Axe (^ S/sfJj 

ija**I ^ ,yUl] a tribe incladed in the gronp GhatafSn 82" 94" 239" 654", caUed 
also liii ^j^ 67815; their genealogy 85": their fend with the 'Abs (the War 
of Dahis] 91" seq.: fought at Jabala as the allies of the Asad, the Kinda, the 
Tamim and the Ribab 656* seq.: vere allied with the Asad at the time of the 
Battle of an-Niear 239": see also 93» 103* 242M o39S 9031 

iiUi ^ o'*^ ancestor of a familj of the Bshila 1027' 

^^■J. g^iji (var. jjb) 156" 

j^^liiJI iy^-1^ 0-1 jyly J is said to haye caused the death of Ghalib, the father of 
al-Parazdat: 2161' seq. 682- ( = 217") 845= 

jTjijlJ ^ a family of the Taim [ibn 'Abd-Manat?] 363>' 

(1) tUiJJi a woman mentioned by Janr 775* (Tar. *Ulil) 

(2) t'liiJji see JL^ |Il 

wlKc 0j 'p^k i 0i J.P3 a tribe included in the Bakr ibn WaHl: their genealogy 1S9^: 
see also 326" 611« 6! 2' 728M 730* 764» I023« 

^JJI ^ jJj a clan of the ^anlfa 846' 


^Uli, ^ jli clan: were defeated by the Taghlib at the First Battle of al-KulJb 
457«: distinguished theniBelves at the Battle of Dhn Ksr 64412; gg^ jjgo 3533 
(cf. 806*) 

liUL. ^^ jAi ancestor of a family of the Pabba 196" 

(^blpJOt certain elans of the Bakr ibn Wa'!! 461' 728i« 764' [see also Aghani X US"] 

(^lXjw^! w;^a!I ^! captured Mu'ayya ibn as-Simma 120^ seq. 

j4*j yj a family of the [Salit ibn] Tarbn' 3V* (see 2i3 38") 

^yljJjJI .tli'^l jj author of a Terse cited 762« 

*Il\^^1 ^j a poet who satirised the Mujashi^ and other clans, for which reason he 
was himself satirised by al-1'arazdak 513' seq. 523" ( = 908'=) 907": according 
to some his name was Mutawakkil ibn "Iyit4 SIS' 523^" (genealogy), according 
to others NaB' ibn Sawada 523" 907« 922« cf. 917': he is sometimes called a 
Pibabi 5231' 907", and sometimes represented as belonging to the Ja'far ibn 
Kilab 513' 523i» seq. 909S 922« seq. 

gjp^I jO see ilj^ ^ ^\ ^ ^ 

( 1 ) ^.fcX^AJI yi see ^>yL*^ ^^ \J*^ i-ri ]*^^a-*^ 

(2) ^^ii^! iJ see fa ^ e.yi3t ^ ^^ ^ JII J^ 

(1) jy.J^I ^ ^'i see oyi~-. ^^ ^ ^ fa~) 

(2) ^^AanJt ^ ^^l see J,«-«x ^ ^_^ ^y J^X-Ji 

^ys\ii j«i leader of the Pibab at the time of the War between the Bana Abl Bakr 
ibn Kilab and the Bann Jatar 534' 

(^tgfiSI iJiyiJI jj i.e. ij ^^ S^ ly T»~' WO' I seq.: his versos on the mii'akara 
between flhalib ibn Ha-ja'a and 8ul.iaim ibn Wathil 418" seq. ( = 1070'* seq. ) 

^jUi-li! iO a horse which belonged to Mftlik ibn Nuwaira 247'" 2»8» 
Jc>jJ! 56 a horse which belonged to Malik ibn Ivuhafu 532'" 
0^\ ,i see j^yi ^ :^ 

iL^yi ,6 see -ijL ^ ^"^ ^ iUU 

■£/ iJ i.e. kJt (^ yilli: his verses cited S's 1826 270" S29 notes* 388s 501» 
789* 830*: opinion of Jarlr concerning him 1018* seq. 

.JlXx*« ^S see Q^AjM* ^ wSJj^ 
oELil jj see ii)i ,~jJ >£>=-'SI 

Jl_ii_!<JI jj a horse which belonged to Haat ibn Abl Jabir ibn Aub 
303* ( = 846) — see 303« 

■iZAS\ p see oIJU ^ Jujj ^ o*»i*>il 

(1) ^^1 jO ^iea:a»der iAe (?mo< llQi 5761 

(2) (i^Jiit jj one of the Lakhmite kings, by some identified with 'Amr ibn al- 
Mundhir, by others with al-Mundhir ibn Ma-as-Sama lOlS" { = 588«) 1073' — 
see Tabarl I 900' seq. 

^,p jj see ^ ^ u4s-'' 'p 

^\ ij see gJi ^^ S,l_,] ^ ^^ 

jiaJ i j ( or j/slc ^jj JkLsjJI J J ) of the clan Abn Bakr ibn Kilab : lived at the time 

of the Battle of an-NisKr 242" seq. 
^^,ji!l 30 a sword which belonged to MElifc ibn Zuhair al-<AbsI 88» 96' (of. 96') 
£^;j! jj, ^d^jS jj see ^ytJ^• ^ Jujj 

i^jj ij gave his name to a kind of lance (,jjij' or ^j^}) 565* 
J,^i o!J5 (var. olj^), called 4,3 ^!: cited by Abu ■Dbaida 735= 

wJtS" j^ v^jj of the clan 'Amr ibn Tamlm: one of the pre-Islamio jadges 438*: 
was present at the Battle of TiyBs 1025'' 

JoAxlji 3Q 82= (or Jllxil 180^ 318") an ancestor of 'Amr ibn Jarmns 

JUJ ^! see jy.}i ^ j_^ 

JUJCI ji\ an authority cited by Abn 'Ubaida 2401" 
f^ ^ wt-!j a elan of the ?:n4ra 726" ( genealogy ) 

^y:!y! i.e. i3^!-[,;, ^] iV-_= 428* 446* 447' 493i«, called also J^-S! ^^! 
430« 448K 9112, j,^ j_j! 4232 seq. 431> 432i, yj ^^! 428is 429* 431" 442« 
(cf. 934* ), and ^y\^ j=>! 202': his quarrel with Jarlr 427» seq., who afterwards 
satirised him and his son Jandal 446^ seq. ( cf. 493" ) ; his verses cited 428' 430' 
seq. 52 1« 825^ 934i»: his death 918* 

[^^Jiiixi! yb- ^yj] ^f>4 (^ ;o!j born about the time of the Battle of Dhu falih 
483 ( = 7826) 

Ui »a»ij iiijt^l loved by Yassr al-Kawa'ib 1093* 

uJjJ^ a voman mentioned in a verse by Imru'u-l-I^ais 85'^ 

Jujj qJ o^>^^^ vi>-»J V^' * woman of the Mujashi', mentioned contemptuously by 
Jarlr 439« 894' 938» lOSS'^ ( = 440') — see 1036 notes *, where she is called a ''LytL 

jU jyj £*^p' ^■i'^ vl^r^' wife of Ifaia 'to Zuhair al-'Absi 1071": see also 104* 

[iSjLiiJLjl] ±iyi ciwLj vi^j-*' a contemporary of the Caliph 'Uthmitn 220is, aMei 
wJU ^1 220" 

vQl (or U>ij j-i-J 681= aeq. ) plural of jcj^j 916", or £jIjj 912": a group of clans, 

including the I>bba, the Taim, the 'AdI and the Auf (or 'Ukl ) 1064": «ra some- 
times reckoned as belonging to the Tamtm 361"* cf. 360^: fought ut the First 
Battle of »I-Kn!sb aa the allies of the Bakr ibn Wii'il 452» ( = 1073» ) 453* seq. 
457"; fought at Jabala as tho allies of tho Bann Hanzala ibn Malik 65M' soq. 
676": fought at an-NisKr as the allies of tho Aaail 239" 240' soil., cf. tho diver- 
gent accounts 258' seq. 1065- seq.: fought at tho Second Itattlo of »1-Kul«b iw 
the allies of tho Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manllt 14»is 150» 151' acq. (cf. 448'- (iOl>); «8o 
also 146» ( = 327") 148'- 208' 238" SOI'" 365"' 3901" 448' 457'' (= lO??") 466'* 
487"* 737-" 804* 908* 812' 1034'' 1087'' 1097* 

vys ^^! see jS^'i ^^ J^^I 

^!jii j^ ^Gj see 726 notes ^ [of. Ibn gutaiba M. 51»] 

^Sjp' i- e- the three elans called Eabra ibn Malik ibn Zaid-ManBt, Babl'a ibn Hanzala 
ibn Mslik and Eabfa ibn Malik ibn Hanzala 186S " 6998 

y^ c>~^ «tJu^ see _jjyi- ui^ «!lVJ 
f_e^ iji ijJU; mentioned by al-Farazdak 948" 

j2«^j!a11 3yU (^ i^ 0j i^t^j slain hy 'he 'Abs at Aljrun 679 notes ^ 
j^lijiJI jjj! ^ yi-SiiJi ^yj i_«-*i; ^ contemporary of al-Farazdak: had a dispute 
with Janab ibn Shank ibn Eammsm 941° 957^ 

js^pi captured at the Battle of Jadnd 148" seq. 

^j*i 1^ viyij! pj Mj a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat, included in the group 
Mnkris 222» (see Additions and Comctions) 717» 741* 979' 1023": raided by 
the Shaibsn at Jadnd U6' cf. 326« seq. 710»: satirised by al-Parazdat 124««eii.: 
see also 328' 

J^....IirJl «1I! ijJi j-^ jl)j ^^ j^^l ( or jftjj 92" 655i ) of the clan 'Andh ibn Ghalib 
ibn Ifutai'a 88« (see Additions and Corrections): called >L_CJ! 104" 193': his 
genealogy 88^^: his relations with bis wife's brother, Hudhaifa ibn Badr al-FazSrl 
88^^ seq.: his verses on the murder of Mslik ibn Zuhair 89^ fteq.: see also 90^ 
seq. 104* seq. 654'' seq. 679 notes i^ seq. 1071" seq. 

^yU'i j^j mentioned by Jarlr 1002» (see 1002") 

J^jj^i ^y^il ^ 'illir ^ jIjj at the Battle of al-Shablt 31Si": see also 647'" seq. 

^^,lii!(?) JGl ^ ik^j at the Battle of an-NisIr 1066" 

/ii o^ i^ see yuc^ ^ ;>=Ji* 

g^jiUI ik^j see 8'-u ^- ^ eUU ^ Sjuj, 

^j4^^ yi^\ 0-? liiyii^' 0-; ijt*-?; maternal grandfather of the poet Imrn'u-l-Kais 
ibn Hujr 905* 

'^ O* '^r' 0> "^^J '"^ ^^® notes 8 ' 

^U ^ E&Is- j^ iijjj a clan of the Tamlm 186' 413- 699", called ^JiL^^ LLjJ 
1865 699" 

_^JI iiiu-ij see idU- j^ Jj^ (^ ijtoj 

i.Jd' ,^"~yiJt iJ<A-), of the clan Abn Bakr ibn Kilab: maltreated bj- the Bann Ja'far 
ibn Kilab 532" seq. 

_*»$' ^ JXi; (M^ M'-J^ of the clan Ka'b ibn Eabfa: called jijysJ! ^^1 after his 
great-grandfather 655»^: negotiated with the 'Abs before the Battle of Jabala 
6551 seq. 

fjjuai\ 'ixi-jj see SJiil^ qJ liUU j^j 'iju^^j 

[(^^Ilil] 1^' ^jj i_iu^ ^ xLoj his Terses on the Battle of an-Nibaj and Thaital 

'iJuaxja ^^ ^Jc ^ ii-Jt-ft-Jj group of clans 666» (cf. 70') — see |.-*J ,^i~J-i Ji^su 

alJI jJx ^ si^J of the clan Abn Bakr ibn Kilab: at the Battle of Kahra^an 1062' 

jj^ qJ i»!i-Jj a clan of the Bakr ibn Ws'il 307'" 308* » 309* 

J,*iic ^ siftjj at the Battle of Eahrahan 1062'- 

[^.5jA,^l] K+Lw ^ -^-^ o^ ^^*:V^sj called yfi^' ^^Wi ^^^^ seq., _by> ^! 92', and 
JiL* _^l 91" ( = 408") 408=: made a treaty with the 'Abs 408- : eulogised by 
5aiB ibn Zuhair (jl-'AbsI 91" seq. 

j4t j^ 1j^ yJ 'ii^j of the clan Aba Bakr ibn Kilitb: at the Battle of Rahrahttn 1062» 
ijft^^ ik**-); »oe BUi Ouj ^ji lAJU ^^ ioujj 

Juil, ^^ wsi? j^ ki»j^ a subdivision of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manltt 399'" (cf. 970») 
608« 1023" 

. j^ _^ yj ^^X^j Bee _^ ^ y-., iJ^j 

^ eUU j^ KjLjJ a elan of the Taraim 188' 2231= 336i= seq. 338B 434' 452>< 
1073") 699'=, called ^.^i^l iJuJ^ 186? 699>= 

^ Ai'- tj^ i^j see ^^p jlJ^i 

"^j O^ ^^ 

clan of the Tamlm 5>' 186* 699' 1049" 10971, called 

^a^i ijtoj 186* 6999, anij ^^J| ^^ gi 98 igg* 699" 1048" 

^_i;lj?-< ^ "t,^, of the elan ITsayyid ibn 'Amr: acted as judge in pre-Ialamic times 139* 

&Jls^) iuL- ^ .W' ci^ **:^, mother of the poet Abu-n-Najm 61 1^^ 

-«iiJt J.3JU ^ AJL^, his verses on the death of al-Harith ibn Muzailsiy^ 196^ seq. : 
on the Battle of an-Nissr 1067' seq. 

,l;_i ^J-i X**j, (see 47i** 92^) great group of tribes: their conduct daring the dis- 
turbances at al-Basra after the death of Yazld ibn Mu'awiya 112" 113^ 727-1 gg^ . 
on the occasion of the Yaum al-Jufra 749i" 1092» (cf. 7666): see also 98"' 142> 
2259 571 notes* 727-« 748W 811" 815« 90H 903« 912' 1073' seq. 1093« 109*" seq. 

J^^', -i^j see iULc ^ id^ ^ 'ix^j 

j]_~Iit iiyS'Ji 0j _^3 qJ iij-ij slain by Husain ibn Pamdam al-Murrl si the close 
of the War of Dffhis 105" seq. 

^iSi ^^ iioj ^1 a clan of the Shaiban 305« 583" 644" 846= 762* ( = 1018™) 9061 

jj:^_owVji Jw^.AJ'., called v^r^ J—?'} ^^ *^® tribe Asad ibn Khuzaima: cited as an 
authority by Abn 'Ubaida 238" cf. 240^ seq. 

•il—i: J^'^ }~fr^^ bis relations with 'Abd-ar-Rahmsn ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash%th 
4131 seq. 

^j^i ''^ _»_j! at al-Basra in the time of "Ubaidalliih ibn Ziysd 72915; his gnure 
1265 [Jai^! according to the Mmhtahih of adh-Dhahabi ed. De Jong 379»] 

^ji^ a. man of the Bakr ibn Wa'il(?): at the Battle of al-Wakit 3123 15 

^^^l ^SjS^ 1963 [^SySt according to Ibn Duraid 120J, Lisan XV 128»], or ^jj 
188" 233»: originally named ^^ 188"! xggs^ ^on of Mitlik ibn Zaid 233= (genea- 
logy), and great-grandfather of Zaid al-Fawaris 188i«: called ,',^ j_j' and ^..i 
^Ul« 196' seq.: slain at the Battle of Idam ibid. 

XJjCij said to be a woman who gave her name to a kind of laace (.^J.) 811- 

,_jJLjj^i _j_;i author of a verse satirising 'Umara ibn 'Akrl the great-grandson of 
Jarlr 206" 

ii&Ii j^ eUU ^ |.l^j a elan of the Tamim 223'-= 434» SSO's 

^ii*i! ijoj^j Q-J ^^^-^3 tis verses satirising the son of al-Muhill ibn Kudama al- 
¥arbn1 2071= seq.: his verses on the Battle of ash-Shayyitan 1021' seq. 

i_il|-ii ^ ^l^>^ ^i>-Lj A--^j captured by al-Hudhail ibn Hubaira at Irjib 1088" 

^j deity 141* 

Jk j.1 (var. JUj |.!) a term applied to the mother of Jarrr 281" 

Jwc, a clan of the Sulaim 392" (see also notes') -llO' seq. 

JU, a female slave 6571 

JU^ 'ffl see Jk^ p 

qI^j nickname of the clan Mujitshi', or of some member of it 78* 217'- 997" 

^\jij jj i.e. Mujashi' 4131° ( = 385«) 

aO^j the owner of a house at al-Basra 738'' 

[ JlijI jlyB ^ jjvljl ^^ ] J3j\ at the Battle of Buzakha 1951" • 

(1) uilsj wife of Harrl ibn ]>rara 943' (see notos ■ ) 

(2) ^tSj a clan of the Shaibnn 528'> | aoo Ibn Duraid 210"i ] 

U-Is Q-J S^I4^ v,:nij Jittj ancestress of certain clans of the Tamim ( viz, Fu^iaini, 
Nahshal, Kulaib and Ohudltna) 74S" 752'' 758" 

oUsyi ,^! see cAlsyi ,j-*s qJ M Aac 

ic5, j^ a name given to the Dependents of the Kindite kings 452i« ( = 1OT3" ) 

rfwwyiJ ci*-4 aJ-«) captured at the Battle of an-J^isar 242=^ 

l^°j ^ f^ ii~Li illsj vfife of al-Farazdak 594i» seq. 

[ iLj' ,y ] fc.!,^ ancestor of a family of the 'Aba 93- ( cf. 84" 420« ) 

jC 735 notes ' — see ,_y*«^l ^b^i 

„Li\x3l jyj X-jjj cited by Abn "Obaida as an authority for events in the reign of 
Solaiman 383« 

^S^yt i.e. the Taghlibite clans Jusham and Mslik 2661- 3736 

|.i^l 141" 383« (see also notes?) 

= yjJ!J ^ -Ij clan: at the Battle of Dho fuluh 49* seq. ( = 783* seq.): at the 
Battle of al-Marrnt 72= seq. (cf. 835"): defeated by al-Hndhail ibn Hnbaira at- 
TaghlibT at Irab 473' seq. (cf. 7031 seq. 1088" seq.): see also 14" 221* 3lS » 
6912 84>'' seq. JW' 298" 3031- 338« 416-" 417-0 4347 4333 g^fio 7531 9576 (of. 
1040W) 998>3 10388 1039U ]070« 

^jli, jjl [ i. e. J--Ii)l iaL>I ^ r^s^l ' "'"' *'** A, H. 349 — see Eien "Supplement 
to the Catalogue of Arabic MSS" p. 653 col. 1 ] cited as an authority in L 42' 
44 notes' 

^^ij jtif iUl^u. _5-^i cited by Zubair ibu Hunaid, an informant of Aba 'Ubaida 733" 

yijySvi! ci^ SiuJ ancestress of a family of the Kilab 243' 

[^^^ii^^i jyi ^^] >_/U, called also i£j>. ^ vb *^'®'' *''^ mother 1098': an enemy 
of al-Farazdak 1034': slew Aba Badhdhal 1098' 1099" [in the AghsnJ the name 
appears as Uuj VIII 159' seq., Uti^i X 26», and v^j XVIII 71* — the correct 
form is giren in Boucher 195' aeq. 199' seq.] 

^Ju ^ pbj at the Battle of Jabala 99" 

o'y^ a> o'o <'"■ ok!' ^^'^'' 

J^illj! ^ij, called ujXl _jjI 4173" 6«« seq. 9415; cited by Abu 'Ubaida 3138 41720 

[i_yjU_LiJ' ij^f^- o*] o -j ('"■ oy' PO's^'*""' of '•'e she-camel called ad-Duhaim 
526» [see Ibn Duraid 21 1^] 

Ju^l a horse which belonged to al-Haufajsn 145"' ( = 327') 

iiy; said to have been the name of a female slave of al-Ahnaf ibn Kais 114^^ seq. 
( = 7331 seq.) 

^ax~Ji ylsy}^' i- e. u~lill s^l qJ j^ q-j qt^»=^ 752" seq. ( genealogy ) : husband 
of Hunaida the paternal aunt of al-Farazdak 127' 264" 706^: supported the Caliph 
Abu Bakr at the time of the liidda 715" seq.: his verses on the subject 715" 
seq.: other verses ascribed to him 714" seq.: see also 264'° 705'" seq. 7081 713s 
714" seq. 752* 7751 7791 

g^^J' o^' »«" j'^ o* o^i?' oi 1-*^ 

Ki_(jj a negress, mother of the poet 'Antara ibn Shaddad 372" 

[eyiji qJ] iaIj) a «lan of the Madhhij 469» 

JaJU. yj iA*j: ancestor of a family lOi" 581' seq. 

J^\ y^ a family of the 'Absharas Ibn Sa'd 713^ 

i_50j^l lilj 1^ ^yl bought a robe of 'USitrid ibn Hitjib ibn Zurara 464< 

tXLjs- ^^ |.tytil (jj _j!i-Jpl, called |.lj£ ^^\ 1040", iUixa ^^1 81", tW A-.C jjt 81' seq., 
and t^JyjS^Si (gee Glossary a. r. ,5-^): his genealogy 399" of. 274^: his mother 
Saflya bint 'Abd-al-Mu({alib 9681': betrayed by an-Na'ir ibn az-Znmmiim iil-Mu- 
jashiT and slain by 'Amr ibn a!-Jurranz as-Hanlr 80''^ soq. 179'' seq. 222" 223" 
254" 274- 3181' seq. 399" ( = 426i» ) 439''' 544"' seq. 591"' 694" 708' 775" 770" 
802" 838- 834" 844' 864^ aoq. 860'' 892" " 893i« 937'' 9(i8i- 969' soq. 997'" seq. 
1017* 1018' soq. 1035" soq. 

[ij ■'■^•••'n 3?^^^ ey f^^^ * leader of the Khawunj in the time of the Caliph Ibn 
az-Zubair 118" [see Taban II SI?']: slain at Isbahan by 'Attiib ibn Warlca 896> 

j^'jJi ^! see ^yl ,^ Jjl Jw= 

i^Jvl^i ^^1 ,^1 [i.e. jfS^\ ^j-i aUI L>4=, see Taban II 269"]: his Yerses on the 
death of Hani' ibn 'Urwa and Muslim ibn 'Akil 2461' seq. 

'^Uiii (^; lived at the time of the War of Haramlt 928° 

J^iljsUi jj^ ^^ y>-j served under Mus'ab ibn az-Zubair 1092* 

f-j ^> ««« f6 Oi (^ 

J^ IJvJ! O^j jy-i L-J^ cH '»jl;j' '^^"^'^ '^^ J-J' 788«: his genealogy 45« 139» 
1821": acted as judge in pre-lslamic times 139«: his relations with 'Amr ibn al- 
Mnndhir king of al-Hira 652« seq. ( cf. 1081" seq.): protected al-Harith ibn 
Zalim 1060" seq.: his conversation with his niece before the Battle of KahrahBn 
10811» seq.: his dying injunctions respecting 'Amr ibn Milkat at-Ts'r 451' ggq_ 
(=1087i» seq.); see also 18215 ( = 774is 1049") 219* 227? 266 notes' 800= 462" 
497' 60012 6211" 7723 788" 958" 959« 1063" 

JajJilJ! jilil JUi. ^^ Oj jil at al-Basra at the time of the murder of Mas-ud ibn =Amr 7338 

JjJiUJi Sj**; ^ 'Ss-jj grandson of Zabysn ibn Ziysd 389° 

J^bUJI tUlji ^^ .^ ^ icjj at the Battle of Rahratan 1062'" 

iji! 1151' 444s 738» 

LjJiS^ ^ i)^ a clan nearly related to the Banu-1-Harith ibn Ka'b 152* [ see Aghanl 
IX 19-1 _ Wiistenfeld, Register, wrongly has "Zogeil"] 

..,!.icJ! a horse which belonged to Bistam ibn 5ais ash-Shaibsnl 235- 

ijajjl ^ c)!;*'? " *'°"° which belonged to IJais ibn <Asim al-Minkart 1451" (cf. 327') 

Jjy 392 notes' — see jJc^ 

^j^yf^^ d^ji^ ( = 53* qJ jip' ) , called also Jei=j! 3701 ; jjjj verses on the death 
of 'Abdallah ibn Khazim and IS^utaiba ibn Muslim 3691= „ ^^^ AMitims md 

K»i; a he-ass 3' " 

j^UiC^ ei»j:S^Ji ^^ i ; a contemporary of the Caliph 'Abd-al-ilalik 749^ 

OJOjit ^! »eo iy= j^ ^y!y»3 ^^ ^ 

LT»i*^t ^bj ^^ G/j _^l see JlX'! 

X5} yj a family of the clan Eabl'a ibn =Ijl 307""' 

JCuU: see Glossary s. r. ^; 

[Jkslliij iJji ^ ^f ^3^ ji4 772« 

"V Qi 

1019 (gee 337-') 

i_^y! e<j^JI 0j ^Uy at the Battle of Dha Najab 1080' 

^-*«I*j! ,■,t^^^ rjJ *X:s^J5 qJ fMi' called ?Ujj j^^ after his great-grandfather 337 
captured by the Tarbn" at the Battle of as-Sarit'im 837- and notes ' 

jUi; ^~fjl see the foregoing 

jljLsJjl 425- — see yUAPJJi 

J-4»^l v^j ^-^ (^,]=. ^y ^J at the Battle of Jabala «69" seq. 677^ seq. 

ytJiiijl i.e. Zahdam ibn Hazn and his brother I.Cais 379'' 425' seq. fi69" seq. 
[^ 1^] ^j a man who lived at the time of the Second Battle of al-Kul«b 15 
seq. [see Aghffnt XV 74» J 

^y^f ''^^!j o^ i^j^ yJ j^j 'lis genealogy 84'^: slain by Kli«lid ibn Jaf 
ibn Kilttb SSi" seq. cf. 103" 

'fjj> ^ _^j ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 452'' { = 1073"! cf. 89!)'^ 

J^^LJL^I jsjiiS ^ ^j slain at tho Battle of al-ly«d 584' 

[(-3;*i!] (fiJ-* ^^ Q-J jA^; the poet; mentioned by a!-Farazdak 201^: verses cited 
239* seq. 

JjJ^b3l iC,,^ ^ jli ^ ^j slain at the Battle of Jabala 668>= seq. 

(_^y j^ jJiff jyj ^J 114* 727M 72915 73110 7321^ or 0^1 ^ ^j 351» 3572 
3581: cited by Abn 'Ubaida 354' 727"« 72915 73110 7331 733!; see also 357= 358« 
3601* 86110 362? 366«: for his genealogy, see 357^ 

iLjj: a woman mentioned in a verse by 'Umar ibn Laja' 487* 

i^^iXj^l i^}j ancestor of 'Utba ibn Salma 471' 

,lya ^ liyki! iXfi q) rfJ^; at the Battle of Ghaul 387" 

<-*jt ^ 4n 791*= 112<', called also jT^il ^i! ^ obj 1251= 60718 63510 7901', and 

>_j^ ^ dij 620': fled from aI-Ba§ra in the time of the Caliph 'All, after having 

been appointed governor by =Abdallah ibn 'Abbas 1251- aeq. : his persecution of 
al-Farazdak 607« ( = 6848) 607i« seq. (of. 635io seq.) 6091= seq. 616- seq.: was 
appointed governor of the Hijaz by Hu'swiya 62011 seq.: his death and the verses 
composed on the subject 620" seq.: see also 7241^ 725" 790" 

[i^Jkiiiii] Jji ^ v'^^' o^ 4?j at the court of MuHwiya 716" 

j,jS\I^I obj [ i. e. qUIII- jyj oly , see Aghani XIV 1028 ] ; satirised by al-Mughira 

ibn Habns 736^ 

^r" oi ^ly *«<= "^1 o^ '^xj 

cj^J^I Q-J Jlf) see cj^i pj 0^^ 

^^jjlliii ir<-E ^ iiJ-S\i! Q-1 4y, called ^i-^f u"j' ^^^°- slain by the pabba at 
Buzakha, together with his brother Muljarrik 1951 geq. (cf. I891' 193- ) 

t}iAl"SI [jIJJ] ^j ^ 4>j at the Battle of an-Nisitr 241* 

o^ li' o^ ■% »"« ^^^ o^ "^iy 

^,UaL ^ Jjj see i.iix'SI 4y 

[i^lS:^!] q*=»";3! iXfj: (^ ob: said to have slain SalHj the brother of i^utaiba ibn 

i_,j+U^' iibU ^^ jbj cited by al-Kalbr on the authority of al-Mufaddal ibn Mu- 
752 [see Tabarl I 108612] 

j^iiiJI ijyi~ii fji ijt^ ^ olj), called ^^J^yOl ^l lol": his genealogy 737": became 
leader of the Yemenite party at al-Basra after the murder of Mas'nd ibn 'Amr ibid. 
seq.: supported the Umayyads on the occasion of the Yaum al-Jufra 1091' 1092^ 

jyyt* ^Ji ^y*s. ^yi ob; see ^^^UjAi' iiijUJ! 

-jj* Q-J oU leader of the Taghlib in their war with the Kaisites in the reign of 
■Abd-al-Malik 1038' 

Jilj _^l see ^^1 jU3 

oU ^ i. e. the descendants of Ziyad ibn 'Abdallah ibn Sufyan al-'AbsI ( see SS's ) 
"901"' 956 1941s 

j4&' i\!j [i-e- 1.?''^' W*" ly '^jt '60 AghiinlXVI47 seq.]: verses cited 752" seq. 

_4j. ^^ tXj; ancestor of a family of the Yarbil' 150^ 

[^l.*^.i:J!] dVjy^ ^^ ^v" rr? ^i captured at the Battle of al-Ghablt. (or of al- 
lyHdf) 1069" 

*BI jJi ^ jCJ ancestor of a family of the DKrim 498" 939'» (see 4oi« 73") 

^^UkJI Ju) qJ i3^>^ 0J ^0 "' ""• "'""■'' "^ '''^ Persian king ( Parwez ) «3i)'> 

[^1 ^ ^] 3^ ^^ J^j an ancestor of 'Asim ibn Khallfa(P) 192' (=230^) 

i_^j|3JI (j»Ae 1^1 jjtc 1^ cVij slain at the Battle of Jabaia OiiU'-" 67 1'" soq. 

jl^l ^j) ej^l ^^ Ju] clan 140* seq. 

,j.^l^l JJ|] i. 0. '^1 JyU ^^ j.^^ ^.yj S.Jj 188''' seq. -■- for his genealogy, soo 

that of his grandfather Pirsr 233" : distinguished himself at the Battle of Bnzskha 
189W (cf. 192") 195' seq. 

^J~J 1^ lXj^ 412* — read y--i ^i AJy (see Additions and Corrections) 

Kl^I=>- ,.ji iiUU ,.-j Ou; a clan of the Tanilm, incloded in the Bana-l-*'Adawlya ISS*^ 

f^ ^ sLu JJj a group of tribes 32515, called also ^' ,^1 jZ^ 452» 9018, and 
oJj j^ 599 notes ° ( var. ^Jo ^^i ) 1078* 

J4«^ O^ ^j see jl^l ^3 

jLs^! ^^ ^5> called iCaUJJI Jo: 839*: a client of the Hanlfa aijd a contemporary 
of Jarlr 837» seq. 838»= seq. 839" seq. 840* 

J^ ^ o4j a clan of the Darim 18T« 459* 
iwcUJj! Ju; see ;1-?^I qJ <>^a 
jjj ^1 see o4] (^ e?^' 

iXj: ^t i. e. i^jUiJ^! v:i;oS ^^ ,j»jl j^ ^Xji*., a contemporary of al-Asmal and Abtt 
■Ubaida: cited 1361* 

'^j yj see ^' ^ sUi Ajj 

^^ o>-lJ *Ij4> daughter of the poet 203" cf. 1« 647" 1045": cited by her son, 
Mishal ibn Kusaib 32« 126» [ the name is sometimes incorrectly written iIJuj 647 
notes 1 1045 notes* Jarlr I 26=, or ilju^i Aghsnl VII 42-6] 

^^Uli^l y-Is o? fli^ ^ oMj 585" 806* 808" (?) 809' seq. ( = 17" seq.) 81 1» 
816«(?) 853W [this Zllf is usually represented as the father of Hadrs, but since 
HadrE was a young woman in the time of al-Hajjaij ibn Ttlsuf ( 819^ seq. ) she 
can scarcely have been a granddaughter of the pre-Islamtc hero Bist^m] 

[fUiIu j^] oiJj ^ -Jf^j 8UM (cf. 8110), a Christian 821«, and father of 9»drS 
who was married to "al-Farazdalj 548* 806' 818? seq. 819- 821' 829»: see also 853»» 
oijj qj5 811'' — see the foregoing 
OiJj _^! see Oj*.*«9 ^ ij^ qJ ^Ua^-J 
l^j a woman mentioned by Jarlr 96is 963' 

y:UJI ^.f> ,a^ LjAy 843 nolos' 

[*«=-yt] <-^Jt- Q-J »j-^ vii~-U u^-ijj captured by al-Hudhail ibn Hubaira at Irab 
1088' (but see 7036) 

S*=.Lyi li^t ^ i3,s*=> i-ii^ v^j captured at Irab 4731" seq. ( = 703=) 474'« seq. 

[xltjtJjl] Jj!i) captured by al-Ma'mnr al-HarithI eOO'- 939" seq. 

Ulj; (?) perhaps the name of a camel 534- 

i>jU« Sarah, mentioned by Jarlr 994^* 

[Jjjiil] c^jiji ,^ iioj j^ ^U. 905* 

^yUliJI 3^ Qi v**^ o^ i*^'— a' ""» F'^s' Battle of al-Kutab 453" ( = 10741- ) 

|JU« -t a woman mentioned by Jarlr 394^- 

^^iZ£ the maker of the Golden Calf 165" 331« 

J4*" » mate 30" 

j^*1aJI j*,fcksi j^ ^r*-^^ a contemporary of ^Uyaina ibn Tlisn 1068^ 

[j^U-rt^' ^,ft--Ul O^"^] ^J^-* 10691'' — ijyt; see the parallel passage 5851" 

3y*c ^Ji 5^i-*-" of the clan Tha'laba ibn 8a'd ibn Bhubyiln : lived at the time of the 
War of Dahis 93i» seq. ]01«: see also a38"(P) 

j^t-f*. _yo a family of the Tamlm: according to 1097- they wore a subdivision of the 
BanH Tuhayya, but this does not agroo with 415'-' 

iUjSU, a clon of the Bajila 660" 
l»ft«u. a slave of Ghlllib ibn Sa'sa'a 

jy>l;jt J-a, ^ f^f^i called J^j '^\ 8261'': competed with Ghalib ibn Sa-sa'a in 
the slaughtering of camels at Sau'ar in the reign of '0thman 414^ seq. { = 625ii 
seq. 1070" seq.) cf. 179* 580* 953« 999» seq.: his verses cited 337« 485« seq. 
589' seq. (=1080' seq.): see also 4846 seq. 

[j^^Iliiil] ri ^^ -Ut^Si^ ^i at the Battle of Kstrat Ahwa ( = al-:5nwaira ) 405» 

[j_5^l] Xjju ^j-j o^'^ Cr? urJ^ "'"' 0° "" einbassy to tie King of Yemen 
shortly before the Battle of Khazazst 1094' seq. 

-*.^l A_sij-« one of the Banu-1-Mu'tamm ibn J^LU^ai^a: said to haTe been concerned 
in bringing about the War of Dahis Se'^ 

[ u-b^ ^ ] ii!;! [ see Ibn Dnraid 282" seq. ] , called Ji}4^ 966", and JSjUl ^^i 
1015": a poet and an enemy of Jarlr 967' 1014" IOI516 

J~^°y~ or ^j~:=--~ 820'!', called ^^Jtf ^1 819^ 820" seq.: an official under al-Hajjaj 

ibn Ylisuf ibid. 
J~=^^ J- I e. Smnt Se>i;ms 904"" 

j^^^IAji Aj, ^y ^~A£ ^y ^j^ a brother of Zarara ibn 'tJdus 958 '^ 
_uj*« f>^ a woman mentioned m a poem bj Darraj ibn Zar'a 931^ 

^J^^"^^ „wj™a« of the BanQ Sla'rid xbn 'Amr. ga^e hia name to a kind of sword 
(^Lpj*,) 561- 6511 

J.jJt«Ju! .rfj; ^_j-j J>j-", called ili'JUl _^i 458-, uf the clan Tha"laba ibn Bakr ibn 
Hubaib. hi8 lertes on the First Battle of al-Kulab 458* seq. 

.X. ^^ ^Vx~ a tribe included in the HawSiin 6601 

»_J- y uVjt- ancestor of a familj of the Taghlib 452« (=10731*) 

^,L-oj ^j^ iXjt— a group oi clans, of whom the Tha'laba ibu Sa'd were the most 
import mt 101' hoq (see 75» ) 

sLu Aj\ ^^ Jjt« ooe of tbe principal tribes of the Tamim: full name mentioned 
by Jarlr 980% and by al-Farazdak 1028'-: called also Jo- .^ oJ^ 326«. 741', 
Ooj^ ^ oJL 615-, oytljl jJil 9U% and j^ii." U&i' 636«: their mythical an- 
cestor represented as one of the pre-Ielamic judges 438\ and as an ancestor of 
the "Amir ibn SaWa 657' seq. 1064» seq.: fought at the First Battle of al-Kulab 
as the allies of the Taghlib in support of Salama ibn al-Harith 452'" (= 1073">) 
453« of. 1034': refused to take part in the Battle of Jabala 657' seq.: defeated 
the Shaiban at Jadnd 145- seq. (cf. .?26'° seq.) 325'" 710" soq.: fought as the 
allies of the Ribab against the Madhhij (Second Battle of al-Kulitb ) 149'^ 150' seq. 
161' seq. 153'' cf. 448' 601': sided with the Eibab against the Hanzala ibn Malik 
and the 'Amr ibn Tamim 258' seq.: supported Air ibn Abr Talib 717": their feud 
with the Hanzala ibn Malik in the time of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 3515 cf. SCo's seq.: 
eulogised by Jarlr 225- 247"' 448'' 483" 599' seu. 689' seq. 980" seq. 1036'-, and 
by al-Para^dak 571' 872" 911° seq. 1028'- soq. (cf. 398' seq. 544- 593 notes-' 
5968 690'« 7081" 77717 1036'): see also 26"> 98" US'" 116'" 144"' 305= 312^ 323'^?) 
336' 3865 419U seq. 458"* (=1077'=) 466" 483" 575" ( cf. 599'") 576" 591'-' 
699' 615' 661« 707= 751'!' 860* 883'* soq. 893:' 90111 95911 ggo' 1016'" seq. 1021'- 
1025' seq.- 10345 ,0402 io68i 1088' 

^^^JL*»g-«J! rf^^-w£^ ryi Ak*. siain by Mirba' ibn Wa-wa'a in the time of 'Umar ibn al- 
Khattab 1098* seq. (cf. 1099'") - for his genealogy, see 513" 

;_5A»."il LmB ^J2 tX*^, called Uo ^^I 532^ seq. (text doubtful): placed himself under 
the protection of the Bano Ja'far ibn Kilab aad was slain by the Banii Abl Bakr ibid. 

xwto qJ a*— a group of clans, including the Bakr ibn Sa'd and the Tha'laba ibn 
Sa'd US-" 2431s ;4QH 9019 

(_5Jtf qJ O^xm see o,Ij 

SjftiioiJl A««. group of clans, a subdivision of the Madhhij 151" 150" 4(i9" 

°' ^ iaII, called ,j^'ii ^il 54"; one of tho Band Asud ibn Ham- 
at tho Battlo of Dhix Tulnh 51" (but see notes" and the parallel 

sUi Osij ly •^'^ {ji <->^ "Ian 901" (var. iUJp- ^^r 

JsJj'il Jkjai ^ji J^ 358": took purl in slaying Kutaiba ibn Muslim 362^ 3ti3'» 

,,jA? Ajk^ ancestor of certaia cIebs incladed in the ^uda'a 75^ 

iXiis ^ji tXju* see jiUx ^; ^ iXjt*. 

(1) 0«i. ^^! see J^«i. ^^ ip- 

(2) J«~ j^' 362"> — see foot-note 

yUilJi i. e. the tribes of Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat and Sa'd ibn Malik (?) 901> — cf. 148' 

dJUJl ^ j!,'aL1 {see Introduction p. XI ), called ^iJ^L j^J 372" 811* 901i e« posMm ; 
cited for the text of the XaWi4 296'" 37812 556II 7441s 3711 92111 9935 ; oj^ 
Abu 'Ubaida 157" 353" 3651» 396" 4036 404" 407" 414- seq. 419* 421»» 422" 
427f" 434»> 450» 462» 47is* 482^ 494* 556" 561' 565' seq. 580" seq. 587' 594" 
623' seq. 638'' 639' 713« 740» seq. 743» 744' » 750" seq. 7531 7908 gflss 807" 
811* seq. 879" 905' 907* 918" 9411 gjo^: cites al-Asmal 11' 1822 215» seq. 323= 
384' 352"' 3825 4277 430* 434" 445- 450" 5508 5657 geq. 584> 623' seq. 630" 
744s 15 747W 77512 87911 8925 9(;o3: cites al-Kisa*I 21515 geq. 6238; cites Abu 'Amr 
ash-Shaibani 372» 554' seq.(?): cites al-HirmazI 3951": cites Abn-l-Wathik 408>' : 
cites the Kit&h'al-Mif-ukarwt 4141; cites Hnsain, the ruwiya of Jarlr, on the antho- 
rity of Abn 0|srid 430': cites '0mara ibn 'Akil 430«: cites Dmm Sobaih al- 
Kilablya 641": cites Abs-1-Hasan al-Mada'iui 749* 750': see also 451" 598« 809" 
8221 85212 8924 9976 

^U5' ^ jLw prevented the Sa'd and the Ribsb from making war on the Hanzala 
ibn Malik and the 'Amr ibn Tamlm 258* seq. 

^jj^-i) ^i ^ ^ (^ JU«_ see J^^ jji 

^_w..s- p_j Oyju. took part in the rebellion of Ibn al-Ash'ath 412 notes* 

J^J Ju-i. ^ AftjJ. cited by Abn 'Ubaida 417-'<' 753-; cites gatada [ibn Di^amaJ 
403": see also 369* 

[^s*.*^'] Js^a— (^ i^ljtii ^ tXuK-* governor of Medina in the time of Ziyad ibn 
Ablhi 619" seq. cf. 607 notes* 

[i^.-*"^)!] ^^3 ^^ ;jix}^ A-£ ^ ^■\^*^ njade governor of Khurasan after the death 
of Tajid ibn al-Mnh«llab 363' 

(2) iX*x- _^! see i_5j^~J! 

^l^_*_«*Jf A / .. T .M< j_i! i.e. aUI ^\x£ ^^ ^^^.-**jsij) ; his copy of the Xaka^id cited 17= 
[perhaps ^LywJI is here a mistake for (j:JC*Jf] 

^^iiJLJt 0*i- (^ ^Jt~ was robbed of his camels by Bistam ibn Kais ash-Shaibam 
before the Battle of ^ushawa 19' 23« 

Oillj! see Ail!! 

i^J^jJ! — LiwJi see AJ'^i* ^ XJLw 

xIlsUJI ^ c>-u JLni-Jl of the Bann Kotaiba ibn Ma'n: ancestress of certain clans 
of the Tarbn' 305^ 

[i>/^i sii ^] ^ WW 

J^_>jpt [var. i4,U-] kijb. ^y ^l^ at the First Battle of al-KulKb 45715 

i]^j^l [lX^ jy] j^^ 740» [died A. H. 161, see Ibn Kutaiba M. 250=] 

fjh ^ !CJi)L:> '\j-i ,^j*«" an ancestor of al-Parazdak 127', and of al-Batth 132": 

his mother Sharafl bint Babdala 452° 461": his wife Turaiidir bint llba and her 
children 772^'^ seq. : made peace between al-Mundhir ibn Mii-aa-Sam«, king of al- 
5lra, and al-Harith ibn 'Amr al-Kindl 267' seq.: fought on the side of the Taghlib 
at the First Battle of al-Kulitb, where six of his sons were slain 453'* soq. (= 1074"> 
seq.) cf. 2895 45113 452s s^q.: see also 137'- seq. 187' 265'= 438'" 76!F 1096« 

[>/Jt il.! ^^J ^ ^! 1018= 

iLJ^Jb^ mother of al-Alj'as ibn Parndam al-Mujashi'i and his brother Hubaira SO" 

,^jL«Jt i.e. ^l-liSVJI yj ^j^^\ 1' IO54S: called Jyju. ^,jt 272-, probably also 186' 
192 notes' 233' 294" 301 notes'J 322" 332' 376" 5I8« 581" BO71S 638'": see 39" 
576 notes '^ and Introduction p. XI 

viyiji ^ Qi!^ putative father of IJufaira, mother of Sa'sa'n ibn Nnjiyn 219" 

0^.j_j 1^^ oUijI ci^iJ ii:^, oiillcfl oU*-v3l ^;^ 322' 937'-' (with variants): a 
relative of al- Farazdal.c, montionod contomptuonsly liy iIurTr 322' seq. (of. 1053^) 

- srjl ;;^ iC^C. (granddaughter of the Caliph 'All) originally called 'iJ^I 1089«: 

married to Mug'ab ibn az-Zubair ibid. 

ji- ji j_) f.'iL cited by Abn 'Ubaida 734»: cites al-Haaan [ibn Abi-l-Hasan al- 
Basn] 784'" seq. 

;^cAjt*J! j3J^ ^^ iL<^ his poen 

the Battle of Jadnd 147' 

JlIs^J! ^ (^ vr' o^ jiiLi joined with Kais ibn 'Asim al-Minkarl in making 
raid against the Bakr ibn Wa'il (Battle of an-Nibsj and Thaital) 102312 geq. 

of a family of the clan 'Abdallah ibn Darim 30y 

negrijss, mother of the poet Sulaik 372' 


his encounter with "Abdallah ibn Khazim at Abrashahr S72 

notes ^ [Wustenfeld, Register, has "Salam", but see Tabart II 391"] 
oULlil (sic leg.) certain clans of the tribe of gushair 10661 [ gee Mubarrad 95^ 98- ] 

JaA-J! ^-»:y* cyi ^^ s^ *^^ ^ contemporary of Jarlr 31i^ 

(^jJsj! ,^ ^ o^J! ^yJ iil, called tUii! 'ijS^it) 448"; made war upon his 
brother Shurahbll and overthrew him at the First Battle of al-Kulsb 452W> seq. 
(= 1073» seq.) 

J.J>ii! OCLi- ^ iju., called ^iLlii [see Ibn Duraid 203>«] 266>- 454? ( = 1075') 
467>- seq. 460'» 1094" seq.: his genealogy 454' (with variants 1075' 1094"): was 
leader of the Taghlib at the First Battle of al-Kulsb ibid.: at the Battle of 
Khazitza 1094": his Terses cited 454» (= 1075') 457<=' seq. 457" seq. 1095« seq. 

,2-_,Ui"i! _.uiji:JI ^ iuLv author of a verse cited 514° 

, ^jy' nB wW qj ~r^.^^ rr? 'i.d^ his genealogy 723' : urged the people of al-Ba^ra 
to submit to Ilm az-Zubair 723' seq.: see also 113" ( = 7SlK seq ) 118' 
( =972') 738^ 

[lii .j) suil clan 406>- (cf. 404") 

^"."i ■■. a woman celebrated by Janr (said to be his wife oOO") 7* acq. 60 notes i 
500« 501* 706' 754» — see ^,3^ 

,^Ji^ ^ iP^ IJ-! J^, <=a'I«d ji-?^' *62i 69817 9481 949= (see 918' seq. ): con- 
nected with the Majashi^ through his mother Ehunis^ 'MS'': a contemporary of 
al-Farazdak's great-grandmother 5nfaira, who is said to have been a slave of 
Salms 42710 ( = 767») 767': see also 3901= 402= 7711" 948" (?) 955i<> 

[ K,„jfc g ^ H j te*^ » woman mentioned by JarTr 4341": of her history there are two 
couflieting accoonts 434" seq. 437* seq. (cf. 434 notes 2 seq.) 

K*jljd! X- . t. .. }j ^ fj'^^ ci«Ji-J ,_5^ mother of Abn Haoash and Dhu-s-sunaina 
455' (=1075i») 

(^L-a ,^y-s *1 *w of the Banll Ja'far ibn Kilab 2261- : ^ contemporary of the poet 
Labid 535' seq.: present at the Battle of Jabala 668- seq. 669' 

'sJ^ai^ cy'^ \:i^ ic*^ *if^ *^^ Abjar ibn Jabir 471* seq. ( ^=^ 782^ seq. ) 

vjLsuJ! ^..^Lj ^JJ^ captured at the Battle of aa-Kisar 241": her verses on the 

242« seq. 
ilcjjpi |_^i» wife of Aba Suwaj 1059* cf. 209- 

(1) ^ ^1 455M ( = 10761"-) - see J^ y\ 

(2) ^^ ^;^t 1078« - see 3^ ^ e,>JI ^ J^>i 

^jjiL. _^l of the Bann HarmI ibn Eiyah: at the First Battle of al-Kulab 457» 

^^.iil ;lil \I>\ i.e. the poet Zuhair ibn Abl Sulma and liia son Kn'b 20is 1048- 

*^Lw ( var. ^„g i,M. ) name of two clans, one of which wa.^ inchuiod in the Khath'i 
and the other in the Madhhij 53» [as to the vocalisation, see Yitkttt V 47-^ (nc 
on I 398"), Ibn Daraid 242i', Listtn XV 194i» | 

J.1*J ^ JaJL* brother of the poet Ghassiin ibn Dhuhail 25^ 

^!A»w ^ lX*m. 0j ^^lA-^ ^ deseoiuiant of 'Amlra ibn '|'siril,i 7841^*; cited us a h 
torical authority by Abu 'Ubaida 813" 316'" 581'" S83'i' 644' 647' 781" 

^^Ji^^l _ajs ^ -t!;>JL~ slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 154" seq. 

5 ^_j ._j t^;_i-. (so called 47® 326*) a clan said to be descended from Ka'b ibn 
al-^Harith ibn Tarbn' 2^: included in the Ahmal 305i: raided by the 5a>s-'Ailan 
at Safa 13^^: made a treaty with al-Haufazan who afterwards planned an attack 
upon them 326* seq.: satirised by Mslik ibn Nuwaira 22* seq., and by JaHr 3i 
seq. 4* seq. 8" 9'- seq. 15>" 29» seq.: see also 7' 19» seq. 25'<> 27" 30' aeq. 31i 
32" 1591 681" 

-IsUl ^! cited by Abn 'Ubaida 473i», see 703' 

iSJuJI ^ <!Uii poet, one of the Jfi\ iiil 372» [see Ibn gjitaiba 8h. 213 seq., 
Aghani XVIII 133 seq. ] 

}jJ~}i see jj»~* ^ji ^J~^ ^jj -Sa 

^yoii ^ fX^ (so called 392 notes ^ 903- 9071 cf. 403') tribe: defeated by Jalish 
ibn "UthmEn al-MazinI at ad-Daflna ( ^ ad-Dathlna ) 391" seq.: see also 129'1 
278" 303" 401>' 403« seq. 419" 446" 522«639i* 6091? 6111 ' 670" 673" 716« 725^ 903> 

yUi~ Solomon, mentioned by Janr 994'= 

'jliJi I ;J- wounded Salih, brother of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 361" 

lij^ijl ^ [Ji jJi o?] ■>15! ^4= o* o*i^ ^26™ 

eUii OcLc ^~j CT*^^ *® Caliph: the attempt of his brother al-Talld to depriye 
him of the throne 3511' 353": the date of his accession 353«: his oration at 'Araftt 
against the Taralm and the intervention of al-Farazdafe 366^ seq. 371*; his slaughter 
of the Byzantine prisoners at Medina 383' seq. cf. 690" 9679: see also 342 notes* 
343* 363" 376" 400' seq. 939- 

(1) ^JlxL a woman celebrated by Jarlr 174« 250« 500' « 1031'— see ^^ 

(2) (jr5^ a woman mentioned by al-Ma'a^ljir ibn Aus 676' 

^.iJjiJt 5.*t j^ j^ ■ r j^ iiU~ slew his maternal nacle, of the tribe of 'Abs, in 
vengeance for his father, 'Amr ibn ^Amr ibn 'Udus 670^ seq. 

Jul. a family of the Salaim 278*, descendants of u~>ii!! »yal 0-; ijyc 0J JUJi an 
ancestor of "Abdallah ibn KbHzim 399" 

5_«-w a slave whose name became proverbial 10^ seq. 

,_5;*Iil -h^ 0_j 3-»-^ ij-) S^»A., called Hp*j^ by Jarlr 484' seq.: an official under 
•Uthman ibn =Affan, who had a quarrel with the Yarbn' 484" seq. (var. xilli notes") 

j^Jti^JI liS^ jy Jljj j^ J^ slain at the Battle of al-Watida ( = al-Watidat) 389"' 

V toj'* O^J i-f*" * family of the Fazara 101<> (see lOl' seq.) 
■i^ see !>} ^ i^ ^ k'^ 

i^^cbliJI j^'ii (^ yi .i... went on an embassy to 'Umar ibn al-Khattsb, and was after- 
wards slain fighting for Mu'^awiya at Siflfrn 46^ seq. 

fji^^f tJA^' a contemporary of ^ais ibn Zuhair al-'AbsI 99' seq. 

X-iftM ^^' i. e. Salm ibn Ziyad ibn Abihi 372 notes *, Sumayya being his paternal 

after the Battle of Jabala 674» seq. 675' Req. 

i^^jkl*!! Jjli. ^ ^yli-,, called 5jA\ 324* 855'- 856« 893' ( = 856") 937": grand- 
father of Sinsn ibn Snmayy ( see below ) 752' 855" 

^jLmJI qU« 0j J^ (^ yti", called |Iil"iI 152'" seq. 153= seq. 2586 32630 34915 
371' 1024' seq. 10655 s^q., and J^^l ^1 after his grandfather 856= 10239: his 
g«neaIogy 371'-': at the Battle of Jadad 145* seq. ( = 326=" seq.): at the Second 
Battle of al-Kulab 162«i seq.: at the Battle of an-Nibfij and Thaital 1024> seq. 

^jttAJ! i^-ti ^yj yUw of the Bann Salama ibn Kinda: captured at the Battle of 
al-Wa^It 309' 

iX>U jjj |_.jUw of the clan Taim-ar-Kibab : was regarded by some us the author of 
certain verses reproaching the Shaiban with their ungrateful conduct after the 
Battle of Nalfa-1-Hasan 236" 

4_5l\*».'!^! j^jw an Islamic poet, to whom are ascribed two verses relating to the Battle 
of en-NisHr 241» 245* 

Jy~ jji i. e. ^rf»aJi wali f^ jUe 105»» : had a quarrel wth Surad ibn Jamrs al- 
Yarbul and played a trick upon him which became proTerbial 206« seq. (cf. 1059* 
seq.), see also 166 notes i 622": his verses cited 206» seq. 208? seq. 209^ seq. 1059" 

iijj,.^, mentioned in a verse by al-Parazdak 535", and said to be a nephew of Jawwab 
(I.e. Malik ibn Ka'b of the Bann Abl Bakr ibn Kilsb) 536i 678» 

J]i|ajiJ! [ Tar. JuJ ] Ju^ ^ Sji^ a cousin of Abjar [ ibn Jsbir ] 784i» : captured 
at the Battle of Dhn Tulnh 51" ( = 784'=): verses by 'Amira ibn Tarik reproach- 
ing him with ingratitude 57'' seq. 

f^3j^\ O^"^ O^ ;'^^ ^'^ verses on the death of MasHd ibn ^Amr 117* seq.: bis 
verses boasting of victories gained over the Bakr ibn Wa'il 1461= seq. ( = $281= seq.) 

• ^y^\ c\*au» ^ Jy^ cited by an informant of Aba 'Ubaida as to what ocearred 
at al-Basra after the flight of '0baidallah ibn Ziyad 726" 

ii^ii=» ^j (iUU ^ Oy*4 _jj! ancestor of a family included among the Banu Tuhayya 
183»8 ( = 4348 483) 9538) 71111 9193 

wJJul jy~ of the clan Malik ibn Sa'd [ibn Zaid-Manat]: his verses on the death 
of Maslld ibn 'Amr 737* seq. 

^U-*^S ii^r" CT^ D^j^>^'^^ 0~^ "-N^V- captured at the Battle of al-0faabt^ ( or of 
al-Iysd?) 1069=, and again at Dhn Tulnh U^"^ (var. S^,^ 784") cf. 58" 

Oj^ ^^ iJts-J; o^ '^.y of *hG clan 'Abdallah ibn Dwim: slew a son of the king 
of al-Htra, "Amr ibn al-Mundhir 6632 g^q. (;„ jho parallel passage 108*1 seq. the 
king is al-Mundhir ibn Ma:-as-Sams) 

vi>jy> ^ jAJ?; ^->j ^v«, called . c*^' <,n ^t 462^* seq.: showed hospitality to 
Hajib ilui Zurira at a time of famine 463= seq. cf. 97S» [462» implies that 
Suwaid belonged to the Bakr ibn Wa'il, but 462*^ seq. represents him as a des- 
cendant of Malik ibn llanzala ) 

^L*_l^l ^;^ Q^ ^v^ brother of al-Haufazan : retreated, with 300 horsemen, before 
the Battle of al-GhablS (or of al-Iyadf) 1069*" seq. 

i^j^^i |j~»S Ouj; jj_j v^— o-^ '^^~ uncle of '0taiba ibn al-l^Brith: slew Biahr 
ibn "Abd 'Amr 637" 1019>-: see also 73» (text doubtful) 

[^c-HA^^ S^ 3I ,jJ 'XJy^ his verses cited 557^ 6431* [for his genealogy, see 
Aghanl XI 171' seq.] 

V (<A^5 p'/^ Q^ ^.y^ asked the motber of Jarir ia marriage 205i-^ 

, ^jiAJ^J! (.Jjj^lU qJ i.V)y« a supporter of tiie Unjayyads at al-Basra on the occasion 
of the roMtii al-Jufra 1091' 1092= 

»iAjir*« see iyt*£uw) ^^ '^^^^^ 

1l^ see 189^ 238* 145" 

iCSbL«-Ji a tribe of Indian origin, identified with the ZuH llo'*, but elsewhere dis- 
tinguished from them TSS'' 

[ijljiJl] yb. ty3^_gfjj^l08» cf. lOP ' - 

XfMi ..^f see aJuu ..ji Ali'r7,»i'> ..-J i-\jjj 

^lli ^! mentioned in a verse by al-Parazdak, apparently as an enemy of the poet 
331™ — see 331'* and notes » 

,U*« _jaj apparently a subdivision of the Bana Subai' 1097^ 

ijC^ _^) see Jji-Sl ^ soImi 

eUU j^ JtJjl ancestor of a family of the Pabba, relatives of al-Farazdak through 
his mother 188» 233* 824* 1040*, of. 198" 924>- 

^yljyljl see J^tfv^! ^\i*" ^' 

pj^jt^l see Qi/j*"' 

,_5iX»,^l i^^Jb ^\ ^ y«Ui poet: called jjw: _>j' 6(il": present iit the liattlo of Ja 
661" seq.: verso cited 664« 

'liUi a stallion camel 284" 

,p-yi j^,»«iSj! jyj ^jXij ^y^ e*^-i his genealogy 399" 466^: hU interyiew with 
Ziyad ibn Ablhi 617": see also 399« ( = 426«) 4662 896> 

i^^LsuJI j>.,.a.««^ ^jj JUc ^ S»i, called by Jartr X^UJ! #Ju« 323>*: his genea- 
logy 907» seq. : married Ji'thin, the sister of al-Farazdal; 855* seq. ; was celebrated 
for his eloquence 324' cf. 696'": appealed to al-Farazda^ for help against the 
Bann Ja'far ibn Kiteb 907" seq.: see also 855» 858" seq. 937* 

kli ^\ see ^{M ^ -ili, ^ S^ 

w^jjliiiii illi (^ .-.^ 342 notes w cf. SSO^ 

^..A„.;„w _^f see aiii Jw= qJ y -»-. A .''" 

J^IjC! jlii yj AJb> ^ lii slain by the Pabba at the Battle of (Jhaol 387« S888 

sLjLi apparently identical with the foregoing 193 notes ^ 

/jaJiIJi ou- (^ i-«Uj (^ jW=^ a contemporary of Jartr 31'* 

_Li=iiit a he-ass S* 

,[^jj ^jj s J j^ i-*^'^ •"• ancestor of 'Utba ibn Salma an-Nahdl 471' 

iijjii ^ Os^ o^ '^''^ ancestor of a family of the Yarbn' 759 notes - 

_-..4*^' H*^ [rj^ 5t*^J CT^ ^'cX-w for his genealogy^ see 419'^ 421'*: .present at 
the death of Hudhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazarl 95' seq. : his verses on the occasion 97" seq. 

^_y^i ^\OJ^ _^! ( Tar. OulkX.::^! _^t 434 notes ^ ) said to have slain a woman named 
Salral who had satirised him 437* 

^^_j!A]l oJj ^^ uJi yj J-5>iyi 772i« 958" 

i^aLO! ^^! ^ i^ ^ Ju^l^ 4073 

[XjAjuJI] ujji. qJ i33^ c;/.ij vjIjA (also called i_J>= o~>J csjjii 772") mother of 
Sufyan ibn Mujashi' 452^ 461" gSS'*" 

j^l^f Jk^i Q-j oU>j-i of the clan ''A'idha ibn Malik: slew *l)msra ibn Ziyad al- 
•Absl 193*" 194" seq. 

(_5JaXJ! j^ ^^ cijySui (-pi J>;i-?=-^ made war upon his brother Salama and was 
slain at the First Battle of al-Kulab 452» mq. ( = 107S8- seq.) cf. 448" se<i. 693''' 
887» seq. — in one passage he appears to be called , ,jjL j^l 10781- ( tg^t doubtful ) 

Y j^lij^l 0J Lrr*/^' ['■ »• o*^^' O^ L5-»li^l c^ ^^^y'. Tabarl II 13899]; „ited by 
1 al-Tarbnl as an authority for a statement of al-Kalbl 747": see also 139 notes' 

j^-LlI jXi a family of the Bana-l-]Jain 670* 

ikj-)j ^ ^'Ji ancestor cf a family of the Ijl 308" 312» 

g.j^ cited as an authority by al-Tarbnl 426" ( text doubtful ) 

J^^XSl (jo^^I ^ ^Z'Ji at the Battle of Rahrahm loei* seq. 1063': at the Battle 
of Jabala 662" seq. 667" seq.: his verses addressed to Lakit ibn Zurara 1064- seq. 

-*^ ^ rf*iy« of the clan Tha'laba ibn Sa'd ibn Dhubyan: his verses on the events 
which followed the War of Dshis 107" seq. 

[,_5lUXJI cxiUI ,jj] «.V.y" judge under Ziysd ibn Abihi 620" seq. 

^yBjj-lJI i^^'l\ ^^ ^,Ji* his verses in praise of his tribe 68'" seq. (but see the 
parallel passage 300? seq.) 

[ j_j.<jt>iJI ] j^ ^^ 3^ ^ jsjy» slain by the "Abs at Akrun 679 notes'' 

' ^aj**tjil' liULa ^ **J^ was, according to one account, loader of the 'Amir ibn Sft'.sa'a 
at the Battle of an-Nisar, where he was slain 241'' seq. 

^ ^ .wiijr J I w^j i^ ^r* ^^ ^^ Banu ^Audh ibn Ghalib; slaiu by the YarbK' at the ' 
Battle of as-SarB'ira .337> 338": see also 337" 

(1) gH^ ^1 see tjJJ. ^ ip j^ j^ 

(2) g>jyi y\ see ^^^ ^y ijiiljjS 

J^Ullil o'r&^' O^ '^■J^ captured at the Battle of Dhn Tulnl.i 78*" ( Ih" pa- 
rallel passage 61''' has i-JI t\jy>") 

J^jJjLxJI 4^.^ had an onoountor with tho liahn^.im immudiatoly after tho Battle of 
al-WaVit 812i» 

[ujjii]} xiJo ^^ liUU j^ eUyi at the Battle of Jiz> ZilKl 1067" 

i_^U£i3t |,ili3t j^ aL^jA slain by the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab in the time of Ibn az- 
Zubair ("War of Haramlt) 928' 

iiUi a family of the Taim ar-Bibsb 611 notes' 

[/f.'t^?] ji*-= {j-i X.?J^ his Terses on the father of al-Parazda^ 418" seq. (see 
Additions and Corrections) 

^xjtJ^) i. e. Juo-S-ii ^ ys^c: took part in the rebellion of Ibn al-Ash'^ath 412 notes ** 

(1) ili«i a woman mentioned by Jarlr 175° 632'= 

(2) ^I'^y-w a woman mentioned by al-Mu^akkir ibn Aus 676^ 

j^ijtii ^yt mentioned in a verso of Suhaim ibn "Wathil as having been present at the 
Battle of Dhn Najab 589S 

,..Uijt*i;Jf 1. e. ShaHhara ibn Mu'awiya and his brother 'Abd Shams, two heroes of the 
tribe of Dhuhl ibn Tha'laba ibn =Ukaba 612* 720" 

B_jt^ apparently a name common among women of the lower classes 691^*': hence 

slii [^c^] cr*' '* "^o"* ^^ * t^™ of '''>"^'' 223" 341* 505« 590' 892" 898' 
935" 1016" 1037" 

J,>Ii.»il liUL. yj ,Ui his encounter with al-Parazdak at al-Kubaiba 216' seq. 

^.mJaSS ^_>^iiiJi _>jl his verses on the murder of al-Walfd ibn aI-^%5* at the tomb 
of the Caliph Hisham 380" seq. 

^yti)! •^\ see ilfLW^! J(£-S! 

lUiJ! a woman mentioned by al-Farazdak 869'' (see notes*) 

^yUi! tUxi ^! cited by Abn -Ubaida 239" 

.LSi apparently a foreign slave, mentioned by Jarlr 252" 8641 _ explained 253* as 
a nickname of the poet al-Balth 

'L.k.iLl\ name of two mares, one of which belonged to Astd ibn !^inns'a 582^ seq., 
and the other to al-U!jaimir ibn 'Abdallah 5S3" 

1 family of the Dabba 196' 

kLaij) mother of the Lakhmite king an-Nu'maii 10732 [g^g Tabari 1 SdO" and G. 
Kothstein Die Dynmtie tier Lahmiden (Berlin 1899) p. 65] 

[ fjiji^l ^ woo ^ ] Jiiii a elan of the 'Amir ibn Sa^sa'a 99^ « _ see 655- 

,)Ji2iJ! nickname of Jsbir ibn Mslik, an ancestor of Jarir ibn 'Abdalteh al-Bajall 1391- 

[^UlJjl y^B qj] yC-iJ! poet [see Agham VIII 101 seq.]: verse cited 1051= — 
see Additions and Oorrectiom. 

(j;»ghn [ J^^I ^ ] (j-U-;i poet [ see Hamasa 255^ ] : his verses addressed to HarrI ibn 
Pamra 945" seq., and the reply of the latter 946'- seq. 

^ o*' ^"^ of- o^ 'J^ o^ "^^ 

Jj/ j^ J^^S> ^ _^ see ls0^\ o>0! ^J 

jjjCyjj-Jl dXjj.ii f-ji JoJ.^? a poet contemporary with al-Farazdak 375-': his verse on 
the death of his brother al-Hakam 282^ [as to his father's name, see Additions 
and Corrections] 

^^S^ilil of the Banu-1-Wahid: a leader of the Taghlib 402': took part in burning 
the corpses of his fellow-tribesmen after the Battle of al-Bishr 899'2 of. 402" 
( = 900») I038>«: called by Jarlr ill=- csj^'' 899«; his death 899« 

y»*i the Sun-goddess 141* 

[ ^5^S ] a^^ qJ Jai-'ii ijj jdxii. his verses on the Battle of Naka-1-Hasnn 236» seq. 

^s4iJ' ii»psO! ^ji cLj: ^ c>**4.ii his verses on the defeat of the 'Abs at a.s-8arli'ini 

(^Ls_^!] ^Ijxl! j^ Uuli. captured by the Yarbu- at the Battle of al-Iyttd 584' 
S85» seq. (cf. 1069« seq.') 

[JjJ^I] u-Ui ^ I^J ^ vM «»'<"' by Abtl -Ubaida 3US» 

^jJto- ^yJ wLji (more correctly ^oivi ^ tii ^yj SZi: ^^ jLiJli 749" 7661*") 
of the ¥ai8 ibn Tha'laba: called jjij^^i ^^! U7»; slain at <ho Battle of Jadad 


j^EjjJjl u«J tUc ^ v^- grandfather of 'Utaiba ibn al-5arith Ta'": was at the 
court of al-Mundhlr ibn Ma-as-Sama, king of al-Hira, at the time of the Battle 
of Tikhfa 6P seq.: see also 601 ( = 3001=) 300* 316" 466- lOSo' 

eViU q4 ^j~!i 0j 'y.i"' ancestor, throagh his daughter BalfHshi. of several elans of. 
the Tamlm 7521" 7538 

^i^ a clan of the Khath'am 469' 472= » 

^ ^ ^3^ grandfather of al-Jad ibn ash-fthammskh 763^ 

[ V • 1 ■ ' ,-«JJ -y..,; ,., .•>. one of the principal tribi"* included in the Bakr ibn 'Wa'il; 
their victory over the Yarbl at liaumal 73' beq. defeated by 'Utaiba ibn al- 
Hsrith al-Tarbul near Sahrs Kalj ( Batcle of al-GhabI{) 75* seq. e£ E13S Beq. 
1019* 1068'" seq.: defeated by the Sad ibn Zaid-Man3t at Jadod 326* aeq. (cf. 
144« seq.) 710": defeated b% iho ].)abba at Xaka-I-Hasan ( = Falafc al-Amll, or 
ash-Shaklka ) 1 90=^ seq. ( = 233'' seq. ) 233'- : made an nnsocecssfol attack upon 
the Tarbu' at Dhu Tuluh 47'- seq. ( = 782* aeq.) 73=: defeated by the Namair 
and the Kushair at Karat AhwS ( ^^ al-^uwaira ) 405^ seq. : distinguished them- 
selves at the Battle of Dhu Jar 642i5 6438 seq. 644" seq.: see also 20» seq. 54' 
76»« 147" 148* 494!' 6S12 686" 728« 764" seq. 811» 818' seq. 829« 89TK> ( = 496=) 
905« 956' 1000' 1020'- 102418 

^..^J' ^.^ - p y....'. a clan of the Taim-allat ibn Thalaba, included among the Aksbir 
196"' 197;'- lOobi 

r !■'' .bJ> .^ i-}'-'^-^ ^'^ verses in praise of az-Zibrikan ibn Badr 714** seq. 

oUc ^^ — ^ (-r^ t•^-^r^" grandfather of Malik ibn Misma- 749--: mentioned in a 
verse by al-A'sha 749'* 

[ -Cj^aII] »,L; ^ji a .«iM. r ^ q L ; „ . . . . „ . ;) ; a contemporary of M^lik ibn Hnwaira 25S^ aeq.: 
see also 307'« 308* 

i^iilji jM j4= o-^ K^i called v>t^r-S j-4 350": slain by l^ataibti ibn Haalim 
350" seq. (cf. 342 notes'*) 

JkJj! 'J ^yi/i' ii*4 y>' eitsi by »i-Yarbm egs" 

jj..^ Shimye, Swanian king 1020" 

*xL» ^ QlilA brother of Jasssts ibn Mudlg 761= seq. 

J^Uiai ^Uli, 125" 

^JjiS lAliyi. 0-;(?) f^:iA Ws verses on the murder of Eabi'a ibn Wahb al-'AbsI 
at the close of the War of Dahis 106^ seq. 

^X*a see ^\Lo 

j^^pkJuJI lXjUi mentioned by Jarir lO'^ 

_LJ> j^ a family of the Pabba 191" (cf. 235') 

^^iALm.^! (j~jyi ^^ »/j^) called ya'j> _^t: at al-Basra in the time of Ibn az-Zubair 
T49" 7518 seq. 10923 

^Sjukif qUIa ^ ijM lived in the reign of the Caliph 'All 125" 

^^^i&jlj! sj<i ^ Jojt ^ ^^-^ father of Sa'd and Bishr ( = Abn Badhdhsl ) lOSSis 

isU* ^^ J^J (jj g-^^« ancestor of a family of the Dabba 1058* 

iljtilXJi g44^ ft, called eUiLil: cited by Sa'dKn ibn al-Mublrak, who com 
with her 611' seq. 

^-M a clan of the Tarba', included in the Ahml 305' 

(j~*jjp see J-aJ 

^jiU*il k*^ ^ Jy^ ^ ^LsUfl accused of having outraged Ji'thin 855'^ 

,_5.>4*^l (iyu Juc yj Uil (^ jjsua at the Battle of Faif-ar-lilh 470'* seq, 

i_5J«««JI A*^ ^jj jiwU ^^ j-*^ * maternal ancestor of Jarlr lOSS'" 1040' — soi 
fj!j i^ J-S^ ^ r^^ ftnoeslor of a family included in the Ahjur 187' 772 


iljJ) a clan inclnded in the Madhhjj 538 4699 9948 

u»XJt (Tar. ijtLlit) olan 361* seq. 

ki&Ii ^^ aUU ^ i^J^ a clan of the Tamim 119* 18613 gsgi ( = 120") 

j^jxjj-^t jiJiii j^ i>i ^j Jya had a quarrel with Abn Suwsj ad-PabbI 206'" seq. 
(=1059« seq.) cf. 622"': see also 5822» 

j^ (^ ciajiUI jyj 1^.^ a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat, inclnded in the gronp 
Mulja'is 222" [read ^>3 ^ ij^xUi-aj, see Additions and Cometiom] 3400 717» 
741* 9791 983" 1023's 

J,4*il ^iii yj ^^, called ^!,yl! 886«: his verses cited 886'8 seq. 

^Uiil i. e. the family of Hiliil ibn 8a=sa'a al-KulaibI 2* : the family of Sa-sa-a ibn 
Najiya al-Mujashi'I 322* 695" 

JJI, ^^ ^ ^ ^Js^ ^yi ^.^Ajun represented by Jarlr as an ancestor, or relative, of 
Khalld ibn 'AbdallKh al-^asrl 9898 ^f. 47" 

KxA2XA? ancestor of the tribal group 'Amir ibn Ba'sa^: said to have been a son oi 
Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 10649 g^ij. 

[ (_cAje*J! ] 8^Lc ^ Ajy" qJ 3JK«utA3 took part in the negotiations after the distur- 
bances at al-Basra 741' (genealogy): his verses ridiculing lyaa ibn ^atada 743'^ 
seq.: insulted by Mua'ab ibn az-Zubair 751® 

^jjLiiLaJI JUc ^ su=-!j ^yj ijt.aiu3 grandfather of al-Farazdak: called ^ xiia«« 
j^^ui 2671-' (but see Additions and Corrections ), and s^\xJ»P j_jl 264* : his genea- 
logy 127^ seq.: prevented the killing of female infants in pre-lslamio times 697* 
seq. cf. 264" seq. 771* 789' 94912 95010 ^^^^ }^g^^g eaiiej Ju^pl iiJ^Juo 498": 
Vfas alive in the reign of 'Uthmsn 417» cf. 414^ 417*: see also 257" 264i» ( = 706= ) 
693" 609' 6831 seq. 691' seq. 767« 832>2 833" 858' 941» 959» 975' 1026" seq. 

Ju.iJI see ^jU*3! ^^ ^ ^ ^ Jjb^ 

>_S«^I ^\ see ^y^ ^ ,^ ^ >Xj,^, 

kXiAoil ( var. «A^«J! ) i. e. the Sogdian troops who accompanied !^!utatba ibn Muslim 3561^ 

jj»^! yj (^tjii insulted by Mas'ab ibn az-Zubair 15P 

i_9Ai~Jt [OyiJI (^] iU^^i; j^ o'j*^ " Pfs-Islamic chieftain 4506 (fo, yg genea- 
logy cf, 107715); eulogised by Imru'u-l-iKais 1078^ 

'ifsuo a woman mentioned in a veree by al-Asla" ibn al-^isaf 921^ 
iii»ldl ^ji^i ii^A-i A*als her yerses on the death of an-Nu'mEn ibn Jisas 154'- 
wJlii*J! t\AE .2^ 'i-Jus mother of az-Zubair ibn al-'Awwim 968'» 
&i ^! see ^5il ^ _^)t 
C^' see J-^I^ ^^ u45 cy j/i 

^Jauf^^ jL> ^ ^ii*Jf> f^J ^iiJUaJ! at al-Basi-a in the time of 'Ubaidallah ibn Ziyfid 
72918 |,eq. 

i^^AliSI ^!,L»LiJI [i. e. ^j^\ jli cr ^^Vt^ cH r^' "*" I**" Sntoib" Sh. 314"]: 
acted as umpire between Jarlr and al-Farazda)^ 1050- : his verses on the occasion 
10503 seq. 

^JSLS\ filL ^ rfJua brother of JJutaiba ibn Muslim 3601': his death 361" seq. 362i« 

^~iSU=u qJ i_)«j! ^ JoJua one of the pre-Islamic judges 4»8* { genealogy )^J.J*"il■f 

sLuIi ^! a client of 'Abdallah ibn 'Amir ibn Kuraiz 1641" 

^LVn«.,*a,Ji two brothers belonging to the clan Jusham ibn Mu'ltwiya ibn Bakr, and 
named respectively Malik and MuSwiya (see below) 119' seq, 836»» 804": their 
father's name is given variously as Mslik ibn 119«, al-Harith 693" 763', 
and Judra ibn Ghazlya 855' 

^^1 iCIaJI, named tiUU 763 

iUAoJI, named Juyw 119", and lXj.^ _j-ji 763': was captured at 'AJfil by al-Ja*d ibn 
aah-Shararaffkh, whom he afterwards slow 119^ seq.: was Hgain captured by al- 
Ilttrith ibn Baiba al-Mujitshil and slain in cold blood by Tha'laba ibn al-Hitrith 
al-Yarbni 120" soq., honce a?-fjimina is called K-^-I-j j\->- 693''^ ( = 289' ) 762'" 
[the date of as-Simma is shown by the fact that his sou Dnraid was a very old 
man in A. H. 8 — see Ibn Ilisham 840" acq.] 

0^4^! qjI see J^UJI rj3 oj.*-^;! ^ aj**^ 

^iUai j^jIe ^ jj2si ^^ jlilaJI slain at the Battle of Paif-ar-Efh 470' seq. 

*U^-alf _jj! see ^yi^M^ ^j (./^ rjJ *ili«u 

yJii ^Jf iJiiH) (^ o'"*^ captured by the Yarbn' at al-Marrnt 71» seq. 393- 

Xjjjia i. e. the descendants of al-Ghauth ibn Murr 450^^ 

j_jXxI! Jy^ slain by Yazld ibn al-Muballab 368® seq. 

siiXuiJI jjLi a clan of the Asad [ibn Khuzaima] 1096* 

[^j^-'^l] nihj 1^ eysJI Q-j ^cjle a poet who liTed in the reign of 'Uthman: 
his history 219' seq. 

j/aUs qj! see y^Us ^j -e(c 

4^ see i j^ £;i 

V^ ^ i;ijil j^ J.^ 916B 

Ua3 ^^! see Ua3 ^ Axm 

vjUisil a clan supposed to be descended from Mu^wiya ibn Kilsb 470'' 668" 916" 
927"': their victories over the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab at al-Hu^aibat (abo called 
I'ikhfa, ar-fiayyra, or «Arja) 526"^ 923" seq. 924» seq., and at Haramit 916« seq. 

927* seq. cf. 527<> seq.: see also 99i» 285» 5B4=> 540" 

jCJa a dog 765" 

sJUo ( var. 'i]\Ja) clan (?) 864» 

XJG«3 ^ 1^^*= qJ i-?!^ ancestor of a family of the TarUn' 4U', see 769 notes' 

J! ^ Lya tribe 195- 728= 946« 1064' {full name given), called also v-B 1022", 


iijjtjsji 648": legend about their ancestor 651": were originally 
included in the Jamarut 946^ but afterwards in the lUbnb 946' cf. 737-" 1064': 
slew al-Harith ibn Muzaikiya at Idam 1951' seq. cf. 189" seq.: defeated and slew 
Muharrik al-Ghaasitnl at BuzStkha 195^ seq. of. 192'- seq.: fought at an-NisSr as 
the allies of the Asad and the Dhnbyan 2391" ggq, . ^j (|,g Battle of Darat Ma'sal 
388': at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 150" 152»: slew Bistam ibn Kais ash- 
Shaibsnl at Naka-l-^asan 190* seq. ( = 234- seq.): fought as the allies of the 
Sa^d ibn Zaid-Manat during the disturbances at al-Basra 737^^: were the maternal 
relatives of al-Parazdak 188' seq. 225" 273' 377- 616', who eulogises them 188'' 
seq. 237" seq., but see 1049.": satirised by Jarir 249^ seq. 322' seq. 833'" 104013: 
see also 30» 45* 79» 1481' 1591 1945 seq. 196» 513' 648* seq. 728" 789- 790™ 
851i» 10211" X0684 

^ ^ -il^ se^ ^ ^ [M j4i a?] i^ 

IJ-.S--S3 see ^j^ 

2L^ ^^ *«*-;*> ancestor of a family (of the Dabba ? ] 3231 

jljj ^^ -ZuJj ^ 'i^LuJo tribe 928 728M 73715 7049 

LL-»/B a clan of the Ghanl 300" ( = 5351''' 536" 678i«) 536' 

^Lc^WaJt flee (^j.*i31 u\a«, ^^j y«lc 

LS*^' '^J O-J a*^^ Cr^ }f (""■• VS^f"^ cr? jf" ^^^'^ appointed chief of the 
Tamlm by ^u'aiba ibn Muslim 351i' 354* 

, ,ji:^ut!I JCflU.^ ^ Sja his verses on the slaying of al-AdJam a4-iHrari 6481*' ggq^ 

^jLalt qUw (^ ^^ employed as a spy by his relative l.)irilr ibn Hisn 359" 

i^Iil JuJ ^ j^ ^ J^, called kiiyji _^l by al-Farazdak 188" (see 152"): a 
pre-Islaraio chief of the clan Thalaba ibn Sa'd 189i seq.: slew Shutair ibn Khslid 
»1-Kilttbl at the Battle of Ghaul 887* (?) 

i^Iijt 4X> qJ tr^'^j] ij*= a^ Jf' Sfidfa"""' of Zaid ul-Pawttria 188''' 189" 195' i»: 
his genealogy 233" seq , which represents him as belonging to the elan liakr ibn 
Sa'd: see also 196" 233'' 249' 

^^^UJI jCjIi ^ jUiislI ^ jlyB captured at the Battle of al-W»lj:it 307"' soq. !i09i" 
4251'' 865'» ( = 808"); see also 362"' 81Ci''(?) 

i_^LJI Jl«>« (yj Iji brother of IJataiba ibn Muslim 362": called sLc ^yj. after 
his mother 365' ( = S63i) 

jlyB _^! see ^^i ^S^l 

oL*iii! j5-j. sj-JyB mentioned by Jarlr 3tli5 — apparently a friend of NawBr, wife 

of al- 




al-Iyad 583" 

^! j4i 

■ cr^ vjs 


see 759 no 

(var. jU^juo) of the clan 'Abdallah ibn Ghatafao 
f the family =Asim ibn =Ubaid ibn Tha'laba 759^ 

^lIL yj J^ see ^^UuSi ,„~jI=. ^ '^'f^: 

|WBU-iJ' i. e. the family of Hubaira ibn Dam^am al-Mnjsahi'i 427' ( sic leg. ) 767>' 
(see 7B8") 

^.jljlij! ( var. ol*«ail ) i. e. the family of the following 772= 

i_JLiiJI jh>- yj 'iy^io j^ 0^4*2 his genealogy 462= 601' seq.: was one of the pre- 
Islamic judges 139': slew the sons of al-'Uzayyil al-Hsrithi at Najrsn 601" — his 
verses on the occasion BOl* seq.; his verses on the Battle of Dhn Hajab lOSQi" 
seq.: see also 462> 955" 1086' 

Jj*.U»]t v\*J ^jj j^ a kiihin, slain at the Second Battle of al-Knlab 150'» I52« 

Jliic ^ j«-ci#ad see the following 

i_,jii;l^u3l q!^X*w ^ i^ ^ j.'.n.a father of Hubaira and al-Ak'as 82« 695* »> ( here 
the Oomm. in has JUc ^ ^-nt/O) but see notes ^) 

r^^ o^' «»<» V erf r^^^ erf ^j^ 

SjiAi ^ yf^ ^^ sW Aae i^ aU-a clan 759 notes* 

js<^ O^ [*"' '-Vj= 0^1 '^^-^-^ clan 446'" seq. (see Adiilims and Carratism) 

'^y*^ 997^, or (_5_b^ 892'^, nickname of some member of the clan Mttjsshi' (ac- 
cording to 892 notes *\ the poet al-Balth ) — see OloA/tar^ s. r. jla& 

. I 'jdM j-j-J u-Uif Q-J ii^.Lb tribal ancestor, said to have ■been originally named j-^t^ ^«.k^^ I6S'1 
\ 178'': origin of the nickname 178': see also 156K 

j^ ^^ L=-Lt a clan of the Azd 360' 

y-'n'^ f-ji 0]li^ see the following 

j^^p! ilii iji oi-lji (^ ijji-t 68-, called also klis- j^ ^_jjLii 587» 694» T62» 

898' 10801": his genealogy 694i" 7621*: captured Ksbns ibn al-Mundhir at the 

Battle of Tikhfa 68= seq. (cf. 694i» 762" ): see also 26i- 28= 

^jih ^t see >JUai ^ ^}h ^ S^ 

Ouii fj! XJ^ the poet : called u»-S ^ ji-', (i.e. of the tribe IJaia ibn Tha'Iaba ) 
by al-Farazdafc 2001^: half-Terse cited 16« 

[^]^4lll! |.-Oi> (jj] r*^^' satirised al-Farazdak 654ii; his Terses cited 7" 1087" 

seq.: see also 10831' 
i^^iXil i^lOkft- (^ wiyjt (var. ,_ajyb ^^jJ iAjjj), called by al-Parazdalj ^^jIvX^w ^j j^! 

(var. qIJ^s- o^') 3871»: slain at the Battle of Ghaul 387« seq. 

xi*3 (^ i;-^ Q-J '-«h/' ancestor of a family of the Tayyi' lOS?!'-" ( = 653-o), 
called also >_iu^l 46!" ( = 6543 i087=») 

aUL-« ^^ ^.^ ancestor of a family of the 'fayyi' ^53™ (^lOS?'"), called also 
aUU ^ iju^t 46" ( = 6542 108730 ) 

^yUJ^I 663*", see the two foregoing 

J^ijiiJt oji j^ jl»i at the Battle of al-Watidat 389«: his verses cited 6^ 389' seq. 
534": see also 534* 

J^jbWI ^ ^ ^U ^yJ J^aL (or j4*i^I 2271 so,. 242"), 

* See Aus ibn IJajar N". 17 v. 7, where wo should road j.-Jt ^jj J^ ,,U ^! Ojj, 
cf. Ibn WallKd, od. BrSnnlo p. lOli''. 

his mother Umm al-Bantn, and hU brothers 'Amir, 'Ubaida and Ha'swiya 535': 
at the Battle of Eahra^an 227> aeq. 1062^ 1063«: at the Battle of Jabala 40T» 
seq. 6671* g^q. 669' seq.: fled at the Battles of Dhn Najab 587" (ef. 931" seq. 
932' seq. 10811 seq.), of an-NisEr 242= seq., of Molzik 386^ aeq., and of as-Sa'bsn 
386 notes' seq. 933^ seq.: verse cited 773' ( = 623 notes*): see also 10796 

jj£i! _^t see Jj^ ^ iXili- ^Jl j_j*c 

[i^^iliJ!] f^'c ^yJ u-Ii ^yj ilij, called y-^ ^! Tl?": a leader of the BanB 
MuljB'is ibn 'Amr in the time of Mu'Kwiya 7171*': see also 222i» 

^.-.iJMj! cAIj^ ^ L^Ili the false prophet 7151" 

^jUs.iL)! j-il i. e. J-^iJI (_/j^^ 0-* '^^^^'^^ 670'': called JciLas ji4 by al-Farazda|: 
200": his verses cited 670* seq. 

•■•"_"; <^ certain families ( 'Anf , Aba Sad and, according to some, Hi^baish ) inclnded 
in the TamTm and supposed to be descended from ^fnhayya bint *Abd-Shams 
[■Abshams] ibn Sa'd, wife of Malik ibu Hanzala ibn Malik 183« cf. 434« 462" 
seq. 7111- 9588; ti,gy are mentioned by al-Parazdalf with respect 183" 325' 759* 
958? and by Jarlr with contempt 224« 434' 7751 jjgjs g^q. 991" 1002': see 
also 40" 47" ( = 781" ) m" seq. 229* seq. 415i' 919» 920« 1097- 

j^^i iOjyii! ^^l see ,Ao^ ^ ^j ^ J^ 

xI)Livit:i ^. .:^ sll& mother of 'Amira ibn fsri^ 780" 

'i^^ 0jl a Ghassanid king who was slain by the Bann Nahshal 701" seq. 

J-^wJa 307", probably identical with the following 

jjj ^ iL-li (s« leg.) of the clan Kabl*a ibn 'Ijl: at the Battle of al-Wa^ 308* 
4251S (Yar. X-JLIj) 

^^ tribe, called S\ ^ ^j^ 730* acq. [see fabarl II 450"]: their alliance with 

the Asad and the Qhatatan 238" seq. (see UiJu^ii): attacked by 'Amr ibn al- 
Mundhir, king of al-Hlra, at the suggestion of Zursra ibn 'Odns 653* seq. of. 
1081'" seq. 1083'-: attacked by "Amr ibn *Amr ibn 'Ddus 45" seq.: see also 35' 

37" 283" (ef. 296'') 386 notes" 

r", ^1 Bee ^pi fSh ^ C-^i 

^^JiLjJI j1)j ^^ ^\J^ slain at the Battle of al-Watida [ = al-Watidat ] 389», see 
notes ^ seq. 

JJU. ,-j_j sjU ^^ oW^ li" interview witli 'Ubaida ibn Malik at the time of the 
Battle of Jabala 669* seq. 

liij^I fj>, |Jj ci»*J Kft-ti' a woman whom al-Farazdak married in his old age 10441 seq. 

[JyliudlJ jL_y y_j ^^Lj^ one of the Bann Shuraib ibn Rabl'a: at the Battle of 
alrWakit 312*. 

j^JJiit a elan included in the Barujim 53" ISe'" 
iljjlfc a woman mentioned by Jam ITS* 

^JlIJF gM^ ^ xllb ^:^Uj ^L^S a friend of Ji^thin and an object of the admiration 
of al-Farazdat 222" seq. 482" 617« seq. 682>» 

J .■ i p name borne by two men of the Bana Tntayyi '" 'he time of Ziyad ibn 
Ablhi 791 seq. 

kIJuJI k1« qJ ijaSj^t lii^Aj iSlifc an ancestress of the Prophet 4031" 

•kt.jL»JI LJUs- (yJ(?) ».i*.*= ui-iJ i^^« see 403 notes* 

LjUil ^\^S ^^ gJlj i:>wLi iiljlt; an ancestress of the Prophet 403" ( see Aihiitk 

and Corrections) 

yliL J I Jiff ^jj 8^ c>ij ifcit an ancestress of the Prophet 403" 

Jc mentioned by al-Farazdalf 375'> 

oltXi ^jj ^t ^^ kjot a clan of the Bajlla ISg" a6D> 

UB,L_t a man of uncertain origin, slain by the Tarbn' at the Battle of al-LiwB 
( = WBridat?) 112= 777' 

ijijc see ijjf 0j ij~(3 

,^I.ail iJuJS j-jj f^s, one of the Bann Subah 191'5 c£ 235»: slew Bistsm ibn Kais 

ash-ShaibanI at Naka-l-Pasan ( = ash-Sha^llfS ) 1906 igis geq. 2SS« 235» seq. 2681 

478' 8125 

JLilji jyU*. ^^ ^t father of gais ibn «Asim (see 762=) 803" seq. 

Xjj«^ ^ i\i~i= ^ji f^c ancestor of one of the principal families of the larbn' IV 
seq. 26»« I20i«-411« 581" 759" (see notes S) 998" lOSS" 

^3j*Jjtj' *j^ a guide who misled al-Parazdak 165^* seq. 

jyUii!! j~jj |.>iji: see iJiSs- _jj! 

yU^aljtJi i. e. 'Ajim and Aznam, sons of 'Ubaid ibn Tha'laba 998'^ 

^ ^ ^'^\ ^ ^\xi\ 427^ 1017« 

^^^utJI jj brother of the foregoing, and grandfather of the Caliph Marwin ibn al- 
Hakam 349= 4275^ 1017" 

iUiLsiil a she-camel 306" 

y.t{?) at the Battle of Jabala 674" 

i^lXjuJ! id\jj ijj j.jw>! ^ ^t, called i;j!>>j^' i^ 7141- i\a*: at the court of al- 
Mundhir ibn Ms-as-Sama 714"* seq. 

^,js ^ j.^ ,^ -.-s 949', called also ,J^ ^,i ytc 772': ancestor of a family of 
the lianu Nahshal 

L~.- ^..j ^i aiuestor o) a family of the Taghlib 452« ( = 1073») — see AJU ^^ ,L4i 

[Jju-jtji tiSjo ^j y>i, called 'Ulii «u 195" «59s [for his genealogy, see Aghttl 
VIH 278 geq. XIII 2* seq.] 

tiJjSj! ^j^ jjc a ckn of the Taimallst ibn Tha'laba, included among the Aktihir- 
I96» 197W 10581 

\jaa=> ^^ j-*^j called f^^ and ^Caa-J^ j— ?^= cited, apparently by Muhammad ibn 
^ablb, as to an incident in the life of Janr 188>* seq. 

yL yj "'^j CJ^ /^ * "'*" of ""^ =Amir ibn Sa'sa'a 6591" s^q. 7776 go3» 

[tjjiiii Ojtw Q_i] ^^, called j^UsuaiJI: ancestor of a family 109-1- seq. [for his 
genealogy, see LisEn XIX 215-^] 

J-»U ^^ yJc see ,^*iiJ! 

ji> ,» an ,« a j^ j^ a group of clans included in the Hawszin 365*; claimed as kinsmen 
by the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 657* cf. 1064* seq. : fought against the Darim at 
Rahrahffn 226" seq. (cf. 1061" seq.) 893": defeated the Tamlm and the Dhubysn 
at Jabala 657i» seq. 659" seq. cf. 426^: were defeated by the Yarbn' at Dhn 
Najab 301" 302^' seq. 687' seq. ( = 1079' seq. ), and at al-Marrnt 71i' seq. : fought 
at an-Nisar as the allies of the Tamlm against the Dabba and other tribes 240-^ 
seq. cf. the divergent account 1064^^ seq. : defeated a number of South- Arabian 
tribes at Faif-ar-Rlh 469« seq.: were defeated by. the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat at Mulzik 
386-' seq. 387': see also 99= seq. 100" 1031- 156- 1682 230= 238" 239» 29918 38510 
389* 392» 401' 419" 4681-2 50711 5398 6541s g^q. 8942 9933 9111 9121 9335(^336 
notes") 934« 938" 940" 1003« 

j^^^ycaJl -«Uo Q_j yfllc one of the Bann ^ais ibn 'A'idba 196^ seq.: called yjUa ^^^ 
196»: slew al-IJlrith ibn MuzaiJjiyK al-GhassanI at the Battle of Icjam (see Wo'") 
189» 196« seq. * 

[i^iUGI iiULs 1^1 Aliij! ^ j^U (or CiL ^ >.U 535»), called J^ y^< 471": 
born about the time of the lUttle of Jabala 229" 6591- soq. 7U0>- aeq. : offered 
protection to Bistam ibn l.(ais ush-Sliaibttni after the Battle of al-Ghabif 75'' soq. 
3I5» 316" seq.: commanded the .^inir ibn Sa'saa at the Battle of Faif-ar-Klh 
469'- soq. 471'-': his treachery towards his undo 'Amir ibn MElik and the Mus- 
lims at Bi'r Ma'nna 199 notes': was 80 yaars old whon he visited the Prophet 
in the year of the latter's death 876' seq. : his verses cited 229>" ( = lOS'" ) 284'=^ 
472» seq. 661« seq. 950^1: see also 198 notes'' 242' soq. 

[ j_yi!jjui!! ] vjilt ^ ysU ono of the pre-Ialamio judges 138' 


jUI Jkls cy /«l^ see viyiU! ^ 0*-^ ^^ ^^U 

J^«il»!! liUi! jji jy /U 6488: cited by Ab4 «Ubaida 494* 64618 6483 74318 seq. 

eiJaJt j^ j44= 0J •'■^ ancestor of a family of the 8a=d ibn Zaid-Manat 732' (?ar. 
aill jLji ^ ^U IW, but see foot-note) 7418 

ijLjJy ^^il qJ j-ii 0j yiU, called i_»jL<aiJt, an ancestor of Htmi' ibn Mas'nd ash- 
Shaibani 639'' seq. 

i_*«f ~j yic of the clan Abn Bakr ibn Eilab: called ^i."";!! 241" etc.: captured 
at the Battle of Dhn Najab 2411= 588* ( = 1080i»): slain at the Battle of an- 
Niasr 241": see also 533' 1078» 

^'ii ^ ^U clan 6591' 9252 

J^'ibCI_jiii ^^ aUL. ^^ ^U, called »l^ _|>jI 199 notes' 386 notes" 652« 668=, and 

xlJjt L^'iA 386 notes" 922^ 10790: his mother Umm al-Banln and his brothers 

Tufail, 'Ubaida and Mu'awiya 535* : at the Battle of Eahra^an 227' seq. ices' 
1063' seq.: at the Battle of as-Su'ban 386 notes" seq.: committed suicide by 
drinking wine in the time of the Prophet 199 notes': see also 75" 316' 317' 
5341°- seq. 652» 668=" 6696 

Pjb ^^ ^\J- ^ y«U at the [First] Battle of al-Kulsb 292^ 

O^J ^ 'ii^ ^ ^U a clan of the Bajlla 6605 

'f^ a-> u-y 0-* f}^ "*® u"'^' cH ^"^ 
A o*' '"^ i/ oi /^ o^ '^ "^ 

jylj^Uii i. e. the clans of 'Amir ibn §a'ja'ia and 'Amir ibn Eabl'a 903' : used also for 
•Arair and 'Amr, sons of Jabir ibn IJatan ibn Nahshal 949' 

i£\ JjLe [i. e. JCiyi:i] M J^ ^ y-j^j] _^l, see T«l)«n « 205"]: cited (appa- 
rently by Abu 'Obaida) 647» 

eUL-a ^ VXX-c a subdivision of the clan Bakr ibn Sa'd ibn ^abba I89i' 198* 
195" seq. 233" 

yo J.t j;iUj jlAJU 1989 seq. 48612 5158 

ilJI JuJ^ ^ xiCLb liiUj KAjLe married to Mufab ihn az-Zubair 

JyJjliJ' iXyi (^ O**^ CT? '^'^ ("'■ o*^"*' a? '^^ **'^'° *'''' ^^*'' ^"1- '*8"' 
750"), called (J^^ ^^ 606" ( = 68*8) 624= ( = 650') es**: his genealogy lii": 
was prelect of police at al-Basra uoder al-Harith ibn 'Abdallah ( = al-ljuba') 626", 
and under Mus'ab ibn az-Zubair 749= seq.: see also IH" ( = 732'-') 626" 738* 

^jflali ,Jdi- ^^ jUc see _ly~ _jjt 

[liUU ^y] JuL _y4 a family of the gais ibn Tha'laba 595> [var. jU; ^^ cyy=- in 
Aghsnl VIII 19625] _ gee oUl ^^ eykjt 

^^Jt ikjj ^ (j.Lli his verses on the Battle of ad-Dathlna ( = ad-Daflna) 392* 
seq. — rar. yU ^^ (j.Ui notes", and (j-Ui ^ ^l notes" 

[j^l^JLlj! yiU iijl (^] u-jJ^ ^ji u>W»JI {or u-Q 409*): his verses against 'Utaiba 
ibn al-Ilitrith 411" seq.: his verses against Kulaib ibn 'Ahma (var. Aiha) 907» seq. 

(J.UC ^ijjl see L-dhJI A*£: ^Jl (j»Wi ^ aJI! L.W. 

U^Iil ji\ see ^^ ^ lAii* 

^pi] lj£il\ _^1 cited by Abn 'Ubaida 511*", see also 49B« 

^U«Jt (variants iJUil and Lii) a mare 943^ 

ji&> ^ Jkȣ ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 1074"* (var. ^Ji^ ^^j O-fr^ 454*) 

JjjJijJt Sy~i''i\ ^yj alll a_>.i at al-Bajra during the disturbances 727' seq.: called 

ojL'^l j^l 727* 
i^Lji^j^it sJill t\*i a man who gave his name to a gate at al-Basra 727" 

^^t jy 4)1 o4i see ^^1 ^ S 0^ ^ 4S\ i,\l^ 

i^aJjJ! BAj ^3' ..yj fillt tXlc supported the Umayyad party at a!-Baijra on the occa- 
sion of the Yaum al-Jufm 1092' 

I ^_5~aii 3j->-= 0-; o^"'^^ Cr^ *''■ '■^'^ hoiight some camels of 5ais ibn Zuhair al- 
I ' Absr 90' i: afforded hospitality to al-Hlrith ibn Zalim al-Miim 10816 

^j«ljiii ..j^oti' j^ iJ-jL^- ^ ^) tA*x captured al-Mutajarrida, wife of an-Ku^aa ibn 
al-Mnndhir of al-Hrra 404 notes* (see Additions and Corrections): see also 6551^ 
10635 gBq_ 

i_Jl*LJi Si lW ^^ _^:SLiJi j>jj sUi Aȣ a poet satirised by al-Farazdak 1027' seq.: 
called sls'wj 'Jl\ 38(f> 1027' 10395, i^L-J! iJil 1039<, and i^isUil 807* 1027» 
10311 1039": his verses cited 380* seq. 807' seq. 

1 j^.-£j_j_»JJ *^_c ^j-i \ij^£^l ^^ £^) iXl-£ father of Bujair, Mulail and al-Uhaimir 

'I ( = Huraith) 19? seq.: called j4i^ >-«' 18'- oC^ 51* 75« 112" 258« 3159, and 

yji) 302" ( = 339") 898" seq. (but see foot-notes): his genealogy IS^^ 247" 

896": captured at the Battle of ^nshawa 20« seq.: present at the Battle of al- 

lyad 584«: at Dhu Tnluh 51- seq. ( = 78410 sgq.j gf. 2688: see also 258'5 315" 

( = 7e«) 

^ ^yi Cjf^'t qJ iiJ' j4^ ancestor of a family 4051- 

j^^U^i J$ qJ Cy5ij! qJ ali! J>Ii, nicknamed i-LJ 112" seq. (see 727i») 726-<' 
727" 780^" seq.: his genealogy 7261': assumed the post of governor at al-Bajra 
after it had been vacated by 'Dbaidallah ibn Ziyad 112"' 727" seq. (date men- 
tioned 72712), „f. 1135 ( = 73016) 742W 

[j_^».iL^!j ,-, — s^Ji Q-J 0~^-' Q-? aili A.?-c at Medina with the Caliph Sulaimsn 
383' seq. (see notes') 

^f^:>- Q-J «!!' Jyi of the clan Tha'laba ibn TarbH' 721 '»: at al-Basra in the time 
of 'Ubaidallah ibn 5!iyad ibid. 

^^iLsuJi ^<=- ^ di jCi, called ^^^l 790K seq. cf. *40« ( = 937») «97i 740> 
892«: his genealogy 720i'> seq. 740' (variants 696" 790" 892^ seq.): assisted in 
restoring peace at al-Basra ( A. H. 64 ) 7401 seq. 790'" 

•:3- ..J >s< 

>ll, called ^;L=> ,.'ji 360= SSS" 872' 374' 399» 


( = 42ei«) 731=, and ur-'-?^ q-*' {after his mother) 3W' 372=: his genealogy 
399'!^: became governor of Khurasan after the death of YaMd ibn Mu'swiya, and 
was slain ( in A. H. 72 ) by Waki= ibn 'Umair al-Kurai'I 3723 B|,q_ a^j ^Qjes - 
seq.: see also 278" 355M 369" 727» 

iXJii. qj aJJt uW see Jjiu^xJ! ^! 

|.^b ^ si!! iJui clan: connected with the Taghlib through their ancestress al-Halsl 
bint Zalim 880' seq.: identified with the Mujashi= 790" (but cf. 187*): see also 
79SO 200i» 308« 653= seq. 1W<> 731" 

y'S^ 0j M 0^ of the clan 'idl ar-Ribab: called ^^'i^j ^^ 360' seq.: an adherent 
of Sutaiba ibn Muslim 360* 361" [ fabarl II 11881^, and elsewhere, has Jl.-_c 

Jjj ^ iiX Jux see J-i^^ 

^jlj^l j^ jUt J^i the Caliph: called ^^1 ^^t 2" US' seq. 308S 507» 606" 805- 
Beq. 827* 930": his oonduct during the siege of Mecca in the time of Yaztd ibn 
Mu'awij-a 118" seq.: rebuilt the Ka'ba 486'" seq.: received notice of the sub- 
mission of the inhabitants of al-Basra 742^^ seq.: verses addressed to him by Anas 
ibn Znnaim al-LaithI 1089^ seq. : appointed his son Hamza to govern al-Basra in 
place of Muj'ab 1089" seq.: re-appointed Mufab 1090" seq.: his intervention in 
the quarrel between al-Farazdak and an-Nawar 803*^ seq.: a verse which he com- 
posed on the occasion 805": see also 372 notes' 627i 723* 

i^OsmI rXtP' ryi jfP\ ryi ^' ^\^ accompanied Kutaiba ibn Muslim 357'* 361'- 

4y ^^ «1!! Jsli brother of '0baidallith 724" 726' 729* 

[^5L>juJl] ft^,j^ (^ ^A qJ aUI A>x took part in the negotiations after tho distur- 
bances at al-Basra 741" (genealogy) 

«jk_fA« j3jI ^^ JJI ^xLc (var. ^! A-i_ac) of the clan Kabila ibn ihuizala ibn Malik; 
was bribed by al-HajjlIj to seize Ibn al-Ash'atli at the court of Kutbil king uf 
Ksbnl 413' seq. 

Jy..^IiiUI yJc qJ »l!t jl-i expelled Ziyad ibn Ablhi from nl-Bnarji in tlm ruign of 
'All I25i» seq. 

^fA jj^' j^ yii jyj jlil Jui:, called Jc ^i I23«: his genealogy 123«: see alio 
164" 727» 

_jt;iLs^'s wclc ^ ^f ^-V^) aicknaraed ,UlI) 751^: insalted by Mo|^b ibn az-Zubcur ibid. 

wJiLj! iX»i ^ tr-MJ' cr? '^' ^^' o'>"8d |_Juc ^t 515- 586'^: appointed Ziysd 
ibn Abifai as his representative at al-Basra in the reign of 'All 125^^ seq.: cited 
by Ahmad ibn 'Ubaid 586>' 

(2^jil«Ji ^S ^ dl .J^ ^ M O^, caUed Js>h\ ^ jffl Jui 366" 367^, and 
*JL^'^! j^! 342 notes ^^ seq. 367*: was appointed by Kntaiba ibn Muslim as his 
representative in Khnr^ssn 349'^, bat intrigued against him and fled to Mukrsa 
3501^ seq.: his wanderings in disguise 350" seq.: at the coart of the Caliph So- 
laiman 366" seq. 

_-;iji3i ^Ic j^ aMI Jv^ ^ aili iX*c, nicknamed i^sj 115^: endeaToured to restore 
peace at al-Basra 116* 

^1. ^ ij'ii Ali ^ M j4« ancestor of a family of the Hanrfa 458« ( = 1078> ) 

i^y^s ^t3u> ^ alii lVa4.£ jj_j iJJi iX*i goTernor of al-Basra under Mus-ab ibn az- 
Znbair 1091« 1092" seq. 

wlLi^J) ^ ytJi ry^ M A^ji induced the inhabitants of the Hijsz to inyoke curs^ 
upon Ziyad ibn Ablhi 620« 

^^j«Se jyj ^ ^y^ sill iXf= eulogised by al-Farastdak at -Medina in the reign of al- 
Walld ibn 'Abd-al-Malik 396 notes" 

3^ j^ JJi jCk of the Taimallit [ibn Tha'laba]: cited as a historical authority 364" 

j]jiLl^' c:)^i qJ J'^ j^ 5^! OsI= an ancestor of Bistam ibn 5ais 18' 5871 gogs. 
called |.LI^ ^ aUi Ji^ after his great-grandfather fiS7« seq., and ^^^liL^J! yj 234' 
236>" 637' seq. eiO"" (see Additims and Corrections) 809" 

,-«:2ii JUic ^ ail' A*c, called JiUic qj! 235^^ 784^'' soq.: lived among his mother's 
tribe, the Shaibsn 191": his elegy on Bistitm ibn gais 192> seq. ( = 2.35>' seq.): 
was captured at the Battle of Dhtl fuWh and released by Mutammim ibn Nnwaira 

51^' seq. (^^784^"): his verses on the occasion 58^^ seq. (cf. 785^ seq.) 

jyj= ^ slil O^ Bee yy: ^' 

s^li ^^ JJ! ixl; see i^ ^ Sj*U ^ cC^ 

ylsli j^ ji!l j4= cl™ 85>8 9915 seq. 669= 759' 

JljpliS xJl i-n f ^^ *Mf A>^ supported the Umayyad party on the occasion of the 
Yaum al-Jufra 10921 

[^IejjIJIJ iJLai ^jj al!l Oy^ a contemporary of Jarlr 31' 

olJ^I ij"** o^ '*' "-^^ [ ttsf'l'y known as ^j^ ^^ J.'' Ju— c ] , called o'-Sy ,^' 
B98«: verse cited 598^ 

wJo (^ ^5 Jyi a Yemenite who slew an-Ku'man ibn Jisas at the Second Battle 
of al-Kulab 151* 

V^ i^j »ilt lx1« «lan 5341 (see 241") 

^^iS<_^l (JLli ^ iW oil brother of :^utaiba ibn Muslim 359« seq. Sei' 362», 

aieknamod liiJ! 359« 362" 

,»lif Jw: 977 notes n — see 

^ iU, c^ ^ ^ 

^ j^ iili Jui nephew of Ziysd ibn Ablhi 721>' 

fUS> ^ »Bi tXjr; see eyffi! ^Ji ^^ ^ *!]! cUj: 

JjjS- ^ iij^ ^^ ^I A-.C ancestor of a family of the Banii Kahshal 219 

'^4l ^ M oli. see y-«j ^ ,ii\ oil 

M tX*c ^S see ^jj^^-Jiii aUf A*c ^ AiU> 

(1) »li! Jyij^i see ^^l^^^l ^1 

(2) rill Ju£ _jj! see Abji- j^ j.!yti! j^ _ja-;J' 
(S) *l!i S:^ J see ^ojuj^! ^.M^ o* -W 

(t) »)3t 


^^p^^j-p- A-J-* ancestor of a family belonging 
MKlik] 206S 


Oi CT^y 


J«^ ,.j ,..^JI 

5JG ^It ^^ o*^/ '^i "*"'"' 7*.>*' ^2*"- ^' al-Basra in the time cf 'Ubaidallah 
ibn Ziyad 723' aeq. 

t^yr- Q-J Q*>y^ iX.^-c his account of the events which he witnessed at al-Basri 
lida 72S1 seq. 

cited by an informant of Aba 'Ubai 

[see Taban II 1069»'2] 

£ governor of al-Knfa under al-HajjBJ 972- 

ki-jtii A , . - ;, . r ^yJ cj*^r ^^ governor of al-Knfa under Ziyad ibn Ablhi 616*: 
prefect of police at al-Basra under al-Hajjaj 831^ 

and cioLi':^! ^!j_jl 118» «3> seq.: his rebellion, flight and death 412" seq., 

also foot-note 

Ja-UJi ^JL~« j^ o**/ "^ brother of Kntaiba ibn Muslim 361» 362« 

i_5jj^! |.jj<j yj o*^^' '■'^ *•'' interview with Yazid ibn alMuhallab 368' seq. 

J%*J^ ^\i-c, called L>L*:>! _jj!; cited as an authority for the text of 

^^ y~»ii Aac, or ^;»*iJt A*i, see tXiu. ^^ u~*.i^ 

i^ u*^ "-V^ [ ^ ^Ux A*£ ^ji y*s*xi O^ ] called also 
clan of the ^uraish SIS' 375« 391" 609" 747- 764* 

[^^LoOJI] jlAs- J3_j t=jjtJ! A^E of the clan Tha'laba ibn Sa'd: slain by the 'Abs 
in the War of Dnhis 94« 1078 

wJii" ^^ ^j^jiil o4^ a cliin of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manitt 970=" ■— see j!,U> 

^5J>i~J! ^ j^ jjjij! ^Vj; grandfather of Numaila ibn Murra: supported the Umayyad 
party at al-Basra on iho occasion of the raiim al-Jufia 7*9« 751» 1092^ 

KxiU. ^yJ Jlj=- Q-J y?.-^^ '^•^ Us 
Nahshall at Najrsn 601''^ seq. 

liUit iX*c j^ J^ftJpl (jJ jJj*^' i-V^ lie attempt of his father to secure for him the 
to the throne 35V' seq. 

jjjil ^ ^y! see j.^! J^ ^;^ ^ 

^^Ii*UJt xLtj ^^ j^U*. ^^ ^^jji l\^ took part in capturing al-Haufazsn at the 
Battle of Dhu Tulnh 51'' seq. ( = 7841" seq.) 268": see also 25" 

O^^'if ^ goyi (yi i^ Aah of the clan Ja'far ibn Kilsb: distinguished himself 
at the Battle of Faif-ar-Kih i^V<^ 

[,_jiLi4iJ!] Sjva ^y jjtc tV, called Jysui j.j!: brother of Ham ibn Damra 1096" 

vijy^i ^^ 0^4^ o^ Jt*^ ^^'^^ ancestor of a family of the Ba'd ibn Zaid-Manat 741^ 

y«.*S!! Ouj: a tribe included in the group Rabi'a ibn Nizar 115" 1441" 354" 737" 
7383 1092* 

^j«-aJs ^X-*-fi apparently a friend of al-Farazdalj, who mentions him in a poem 49P 
seq. — see also 4801" 481s 

(_5.1j^t isy^" ^ [j««cs iXjx, called sUUx; ^^i: his verses on the War of Dirhis 107^ seq. 

[var. ^jtLSJl] (j-LxS q-j (j-^ vAxc ancestor of a family of the Yarbn^ 31^ 254'' 
for his genealogy, see 67' 751" 254'" 

>jli! ali 403» 10215" (geu Addiiiom and CorrutioHs) 

wo/ ^ isUiil 

^Ijyo ^ iiU+i! iA*c the Galiph, called ^•^i^ ^^^ 507'" 550'": his campai«:fn against 
Mu?'ab 7491 seq. (cf. 1090" seq.): his interview with al-AkhJal 401 '• soq.: his 
inquiries about the Battle of an-Nistcr 240" seq.: see also a72 notes'' 480'" !I27'' 9;i0»' 

^La ^ lAjQl Jui brother of Mnlilt ibn Misma' 9!>3» 

tiUJt wW yi see *XicUf 0j ch^ 

[ 'ci-M Ic^ rr?] ^'^ -^ ancestor of the clans 'Abd-Shams and Haahim 2241*: 
called also oLu 348' 391" 

of ,.yj ^Ui Ov^ a group of clans inelnding the Thaur, the Taira, the 'Adi and the 
■Okl ( = 'Auf) 156>5 239" 1064' 1067W — see also 787 notes - 

J]jiii! i_4j ^^ ijyi. "-V=^ at the First Battle of al-Kulab 454 notes' ( = 1075 notes-) 

j^At^JI '»=^ O* ^^'^^ O^ "^-J^ '^ [according to Ibn Duraid 239» ^^ lW- 
ijoU^ j^ e<jLs^JI Q->] leader of the Madhhij at the Second Battle of al-Kulsb 
1491= 151' seq.: his capture and death 152' seq.: his -verses on the occasion 153" 

J^Oklii (probably identical with i_cA*xJ! oj*^'!) author of a yerse cited 631» 

yi2*3b ^ ij-lc tribe 82" cf. 99" : their feud with their kinsmen, the Dhubyitn ( War 
) of Dshis) 92'» seq.: their Tictory over the Ka!b at 'tJra'ir 98- seq.: their sojoor- 
i nings in Hajar and al-lamsma 98' seq. cf. 4191' seq. 1071» seq.: their settlement 
among the "Amir ibn Sa'sa'a and their part in the Battle ofjabala 99» seq. cf. 
'■ 654'" seq. 658" 677-: their negotiation with the Taghlib 103'=' seq.: their return 
to their own territory and their reconciliation with the DhuhySn 104" seq.: de- 
feated by the Babba at an-Makl'a 194« seq. ( cf. 194"): defeated by the Yarba= 
at Dhat-al-Jnrf { = as-Sara'ini ) 336'» seq.: slew 'Amr ibn 'Amr ibn "Udus at 
! Akrun 678« 679* seq.: see also 60- 85'* 86" 87'= seq. 88» 90" 193'= 229'5 (= 408>S) 
i 238" 384* 386 notes' seq. 407" seq. 419" seq. 539* 

li J^Ji ^^ aJi. ^ u~I= a clan of the Sulaim 659" 

"^jjiil Li-^j rj-J oilEj ^-J-; ij~^ one of the leaders of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manst 
during the disturbances at si-Basra 114" (=732'* genealogy) 738' seq. 739* 

..lili clan 116' seq. 152« 434* 713' 107 

. Jv*£ 183'», and 

SdLt mother of Kawaha ibn Kabl'a al-'AbsI 420'' 

8.j*s concubine of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 363" [see Taban II 1303"] 

( 1 ) Julc at the Battle of Dhn Kar 642" ( text doubtful ) 

(2) jlli. a mwiya of al-Farazdak 1049" aeij. 

,_5tVw5! jvi^> Q-; u>=j-;^l i3-J i-^-jJ: the poet: mentioned by al-Fara2dak 2011; his 
rerses on the Battle of an-Nisir 245« seq. 

e ^_i ^^ 3L*-L«j ^^ ^^-^^ clan; distinguished themselves at the Battle of al-Iy^d 
( = Mulaiha) 581' seq. 582' 585' ct. fOig": see also 21'- 22« 23"'' 27" 31'i 
751? 7ei» 314" seq. 410" 466- 757» 759 notes' 10401" 

i»-i<^ ^ iA_. ;, r see ,t^iu:^ ^j Ax£ 

|.LsUI ^yj iX.^ mentioned by al-Farazdak 824* — apparently a relative of Umama 
the wife of Jarlr 

3j*c ^^ v^-:s\il ^ i.\^-j^ a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat, included in the group 
Mu^ris 222« (see Additions and Correclims) 340^ 717'' 74is 979' !023's 

woo ^^ c^jj^Ji (^ ^.Vr^= 741**, see the foregoing 
i^^! Qii*^ Oi '-Vh^ see ^_^!y! 

i_y*,!AJI 5,!,j j^ iUrfj* (^ 1.^*.^ slew '.\mr ibn Shakal at the Battle of as-Su'bsn 
386 notes'" 

tiUU ijj Jiit^j qJ '■>f~^ ancestor of a family of the Tamlm 200 notes - 

•".Ijj ^ Jsi4^ *i ancestor of Juwairiya ibn Badr ad-Darinii 30S''' ( possibly identical 

with SjiJ ^ idlji. ^ J^;!] 

i^_;llijl 5J^ ijj SycU ^ aIL: (var. aJJI V.W 488'"), nicknamed jui* 484* ( = 48S'"-') 
484* 485' seq. 487'': assaulted by Suhaim ibn Watl.ll in the roigu of 'Utlnngn 
484'° soq.: sided with 'Umnr ibn Laja' iu liis dispute with Jarlr 488'"' seq., and 
was consequently satirised by the latter 478'" 484" soq, 

jUs ^ ^fr^ of tho tribe of Bahra: was cai>tured and released by a Ytmicnitc king 
shortly before the Battle of Khnzazn 1094': bis verses composed on tho oeoasiou 
1094' soq. 

the Battle of an-Nisar 241» 

•JJul ,'X^ rji -^\ rr? *^' ^-Vi-?^ accompanied Kutaiba iba MusUm 357® 36U- 
J .j_j -Jj-. ^ »i'i Ji-i-i^i called jb; 1^1 7351-, and iiJ'i^yc yji alter his mother 
721' soq. 722" 725": put to death Muslim ibn 'Akil 247-, and al-Husain ibn 'Ah 
72P: his relations with Tazrd ibn Mu^wiya 721* seq.: his oration at al-Ba|rs on 
hearing of Yazld's death 722' seq.: a second oration 723'- seq,: abandoned his 
post of goTernor and took refnge first with al-Hsrith ibn Jais ibn SuhbBn 724" 
seq., afterwards with Mas'ud ibn 'Amr 726^ seq.; brought about the renewal of 
the alliance between the Azd and the Eabi'a 729' seq.: fled to Syria after the 
murder of MasTId 7351 g^^. ^f. 11710 726" seq. [for a dlTergent account, see 
Tabarl II 456'* seq. 461' seq.]: see also 1126 9725 

.^ ^ Jjj ^ iJii L\l*i of the tribe Taimallah ibn Tha'laba: a partisan of the 
Caliph 'Abd-al-Malifc at al-Basra 1091»« 

^i? ^ 3JJI ^^^^ see *^k-fc*« t3' o^ ^^ ^^^^ 

J^E ,.^ , fi^ ,.^ iiil lX-_(£ 717- 

JoaIC! t^-Uii ^yi S.0 Jv4^ an enemy of Jarlr lOH" 1016' 

"^iiil ojjtji J.i ^ ^;j»i£ qJ »Ui Of^ supported the Pmayyad party at al-l 
on the occasion of the Taum al-Jufra 1092' 

Jj^U! jJU ^ iUi Jv— c brother of ^ntaiba ibn Muslim 362" 

t^iiSS^ J'jt>- ..^ 4iUU -*j sa1...j- his mother (Jmm al-Banln and his brothers 'Amir, 
Tufail and Mu'awiya 535*: wounded at the Battle of Jabala 6693 seq.: said to 
have been slain at Dhn Hajab 587" ( = 1080") 5893 ( = 1080'), but cf. IS** 
which apparently refers to the same occasion: see also 1079' [rocalised ^A.,.-; r 
Ibn Kutaiba M. 43* 1 

a-> r" 

client of the clan Taim ibn Murra 1< 10a I', 1 

Intnductien p. XI: is cited as an autboritj for tlio text of the .Vat-.i"ii/ H'' 
110- 165" 168" 333"> 344* 8761' 4775 51^!.- 6,^8' 753': cites the following 


sons— Abn Aslam 5 notes' Aba Mam' al-KulaibI 30'«: Mishal ibn Kusaib 126" 
647«: Abn 'Amr ibn al-'Ala 197- 10513; Abu-1-Wathik 229": Kais ibn Ghalib al- 
Fazan 2381" 240* eeq.: Eatbll ad-Dubairl ( = Abn Murhib ) 238" 240» seq. (see 
Additions and Corrections): Ibn Shite al-Manafi 239": Abu-l-6harraf acj-pabbi 
2W; Aba Na'ama ( = 'Amr ibn 'Im) al-"AdawI 240'^: Abu-dh-Dhayjal 240": 
Shihab ibn Ubayy ibn 'Abbss SOS": Tiras ibn Khandak 3059 639': Sallt ibn Sa'd 
ibn Ma'dan 313» 583" 647* 781i«: Zabban as-Subairi 3]3« 417-": Jahm ibn Hassan 
as-Salitl 313» 414* ( = 6255) 4161 9411. ^bn Malik SoS'": Zahair ibn Hunaid (or 
al-Hunaid) 3548 73718 72915 73110 7321 7337. Abn Hisbam (= Muhammad ibn 
as-Sa'ib al-Kalbl) 365" 366-: Ru'ba ibn a!-'Ajjsj 383«: A-yan ibn Labata 414' 
( = 625*) 5941* 617" 819' 941^: Sa'ld ibn Khalid ar-Rijahi 417™ 753-: Misma- 
ibn 'Abd-al-Malik 4271* 6j25 u&i»; Khirash [ibn Isms'Il] 452«: Hishara ibn Mu- 
hammad al-Kalbl 452«: Ibn "Ann 462<i: Yanus ibn Haljib 468>' 519'' 721- 724« 
729": Affar ibn Laljlt al-=AdawI 473" ( = 708'): Ibn Sallt 473'"' (of. 703^): al- 
Muntaji" ibn Nabhan a!-'AdawI 487*: "Amir ibn 'Abd-al-Malik al-Misma'I 494* 646": 
Adham al-'Abdl 497": Abu-l-'Abbas a!-Ahwal 511i- (see 4960): the rawiija of 
al-Farazdalf 556": al-Pa41 ibn MnsS ibn Khuaaila 60^: 'Umar(?) 639i»: Dirwas 
ibn Hunayy 679': 'Umair ibn Ma'n 721ii>: Qhailan ibn Muhammad 722"i': Maslaraa 
ibn Muliarib 726- seq. 730' 734i-'>i Yazld ibn Sumair al-JarmI 726": Muhammad 
ibn 5afs 729" 739": Hubaira ibn Hudair 729' 740'^ 741i: Sallam ibn Abl Khaira 
734": Kusaib al-'Anbarl ( = Abu-l-Khansa ) 734": Dhawwad ( var. Rawwad) al- 
Ka'bl 735«; Khillid ibn Jabala 753i: Mukatil al-Ahwal al-Marthadi 905"': al-Agharr 
957^: Da'Hd 1026'^: Ayyab ibn Kusaib 10451-': Aba Bisjara al-'Adaivi 1047': see 
also 348 12413 125" 126« 157" 166™ *« 167» I8II- 190= seq. 214" 223" >•• 228''' 
2331' seq. 238" seq. 239« 244» 2673 277''' 279" 285« seq. 288i« 302- 303' 350" 
398" 4036 4041" 407" 414' 4161« 419* 4201" 422"! 427' 434" 448'' 450^ 4.521 ^gO" 
462B 4631" 46510 47115 473s 4759 bo(j. 4b23 i". 494" 495" 496'3 seq. 504'! 521' 556- 
5571 659" 56P 565« 568" seq. 580''i 586i» 587'' 623» seq. 624' ( = 650") 637" 
638" 652W seq. 700" 703' 71815 723a 7441s 75011 77018 777s i,„q. 78112 785,8 jg^s 
796" 803' 805' 8071* 811* seq. 813' 8303 '•' 834' 837' 846" 879" 88313 891'' 896" 
900« 907" seq. 918" 9241" 93213 933:1 9341 94(j(i 954B 9603 964" 967' 9703 972<. 
985" 999" 1020" soq. 1023" 1026' 1042'3 1044' 1045'3 seq. 10461" 10471.14 loism 
10491" soq. 10931 

xl. yj Uii. see vl^ o^ '^f^'i o^ i^--^ 

g^jjy' j^ Jjj ^yJ '^c^'^ jjj ,_.Lxi (v^E diptoto 1039") hold the office of i-idf at 

the court of al-Mundhir ibn Ma-as-Samn 66' soq. (.see 66") 68''' '247" 254" 29811 

3001" (y„. £jj°^ 68") 339'" 781' 8093 gas' 

^^^yji s'i,3 ^j \Jcis. a general in the reign of 'Abd-al-Malik 895'°' soq. 

,3^4^' &i^ ^V= i^ ijr^ C3^ *+^ *'"'" '•y *'"*' '^*'"' 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a at Faif-ar- 
Elh 471« (genealogy) 

Jjj»Ji' ^l yJ o»sS qJ i*^ slain by Hudhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazarl 94^ 

[ j^bC! ] Jjt^ ,-yi eC-0 ,.yi i^^Cc J called also Jix:> ^ X*xe 532^, lived at the time 
of the feud between the Banu Abi Bakr ibn Kilab and the Bana Ja'far 532^ 

['^^y'^l] Syji yj 'f^J ^J^ i>^ i9": at the Battle of Dhn fulillj 5lM> ( = 784«) 57' 

jyijjH^i Ui^ ^yi ^jS£ ^ 'i-^-f^! called also iU^ ^j-i wlic 315', Sjj:> _j_!i 76* 
3141° 33915^ and eoiU 23": his genealogy 75"' 247« 3021 gogi io3o«: was present 
at the Battle of Jahala 657», where he was captured 6721": captured Bistsm ibn 
5ais ash-ShaibanI at al-GhabIt 75« seq. ( = 313>* seq.) 809" seq. 1019« (cf. the 
doubtful passage 1069S): was leader of the Tarbil" at the time of the Battle of 
Dhn Tuluh 491' seq.; defeated the Kilab at al-Jaunan (or ar-Kagham) 410' seq.: 
his conduct at the time of the Battle of Irsb 473" ( = 703') 474« seq. 1088", 
and his verses on the occasion 47S16 seq. (=7031° seq.): slew al-Hirmss and Kais^ 
sons of Hujaima, at Ghaul ( = Kinhil ) 865* 1000" 10191; aied before the Battle 
of al-IjEd 681« (see o81«): see also 221- 247>s 254- 3021 ( y^r. sil*!) 326« seq. 
6275 83715 64717 goS" 8S7" 939" 1039' 1067» 

ij»b% ^ sl^, called b>Ii ^1 352", author of a verse cited 352" 

[J>^lJJl] yi^ cy rr^' O^ i>^ (""'■ ^^ ^^^ notes'): his genealogy 425" 
86511: was captured at the Battle of al-Waklt 3071" seq. 309« 425" 865"' ( = 308') 

JjCac see the foregoing 

i^^l yUic a contemporary of Abn "llbaida 733' 

[IjU42'i ^] ^yiJuL;. ^ ^Ui^, called also J,t\i_ ^^! 425" « 440« 455* 456* 457" 
463- 583': his copy of the Nalfa'id cited 3131' 4-2310 92517 

JjS-ii;! LS>U;; Jj ^j ^^Uic gave his name to s gate at al-Basra 808« 

J^a! iii-1 ^ .4|i jCk ^ |l,Uli an agent of al-Hajjirj ibn Ynsuf 9W> seq. 

j.jUe ^ '^^^ the Caliph: his treatment of the poet Pitbi' ibn al-Hitrith 220* seq.: 
SCO also 25« 118" 345" 414» ( = 625') 417* seq, 484' seq. SOS" 918" 

JiiaiJI ^ o^-*^ •■'' interview with al-Farazdalj at al-Knfa 369" 

(1) i^Uic j>j! see tfiJUi! ^ (!,!A«_ 

(2) jyUsi _>.l 8^6 ^^jUi 

qU^ J maternal grandmother of JarTr 206-^ 

JcIiUi^! i. e. the party of the Caliph 'Uthman 125" 

rj*j^ see under rX*^ 

iju^j ^ (.xic ancestor of Shabath ibn Eib'I 399" 466» 

_lj;jiit i.e. JjJjtiJi iJuxi. ^ i^j jyj ill! Jsic [see Aghani XXI 84" seq.]: his 
verses cited 312* seq. 486» SUi" e94 notes* 736" 758' 

^ys-b^t jySU; a contemporary of Ghalib ibn Sa'sa'a 418' seq. 

i>ys=V£ _jj! Bee »-f*3 ^ ^j*c Aac 

f^JJs^ lyj i)»*^^ a tribe of the Bakr ibn Wa'il, included among the Lahazim 47' 
'SOS'O Te*'" 1023'5 (see Additions and Cornetions): their genealogy 47": distin 
guished themselves at the Battle of Dhn IJar 641» seq.: see also 47' ( = 78P5 ; 
53' ( = 786") 56« 581" 148* ISe" 460'" 4618 gi4S 728'" 1019" 

'i.jJil^] ur'^i^ mother of 'Abdalteh ibn Khazim 372' 

|,jSV«J! represented as descendants of Isaac 995": see also 40" 358" 640" 

k«.>,j^ ^ '-A^i^l ancestor of a family of the Mitlik ibn Uanzala 366' 

«UI lXac ^ Ju; qJ (j*^-^j or y*A£, ancestor of a family of the Dftrim ; vocalisation 
of the name 182" 587" seq.: names of his children 772"' 958i» soq.: see alsi 
187' 229' 230' 451" ( = 454=' 1074'') 459'' 498" 958'' 

XjjiXxit i.e. Jo> ^ tiULs ui~^ i^^i wife "f Mftlik ibn Hanzala and ancestress ol 
the clans Sudayy, Zaid and Yorbll' 186" acq., who uro called XJ5w.Vj,'i wo ;ta5- 
731' ( = 7.32») 750' 882», or ^JjOiij US" 1047'; boo also 186'" 

'f'~A ^ JaAt a clan of the 'I'ayyi' 1083'- seq. 

iji.ljiji sUpjI ^^ ,_siAc governor of al-Basra under 'Umar ibn 'Abd-al-'AzIz 974': his 
death 993>2: see also 36810 3690 

ylliJ! ^yj V'J'^ eH i-S'^* * ''''"' ''^ ""^ Tamlm: their genealogy 484^: see alao 
■ 312« 484I 491'" 493" 

[ JjsL&il] »jL=. ^ i^lVe lived in the time of the Caliph Abn Bakr 715"; see also 551>» 

vQ' l5^ see »'-^ ■^ o* i-S^^ 

JJuUj! eisJ 0j tjsAj: a poet contemporary with Jarlr [see Aghsni Till 179* seq.], 

called clsJ 5J 967-: see also 601- 
^Jux}} Jo; ryi i^Ac slain by an-Nu'mEn ibn al-Mundhir king of al-Hira 639® seq. : 

verse cited 119^ 

sLu J^-o-c ..--J [^gJu: a clan Included in the Ribab, and hence called v^i-^^ 4_»^-* 
360»": see also 737" (?) 738" 803'= aeq. 908' seq. 1064' 1067" 1068"- 

ijtji ^ J^Ai ancestor of a family of the Dhubyan 95>» ( see 75' 85" 88» ) 

L^' ^ ^Ji a clan of the IJnraish 930" 

jV=jjpl tisOi slain by the Shaibsn at the Battle of Mnlaiha 54« ( = 74' ) 

ijii\«J! A/it fji ik^iit his verses on the Battle of Dhn IJar 646« seq.: his eulogy 
of Msilik ibn Misma' 1090« seq. (see Additions and Corrections, note on 1090=) 

i^Iilji SoU a friend of al-Farazdalf 427'* aeq, and rHwiya of ar-RsI 443*: satirised 
by Jarir 443' seq. (see 432'») 

,!.£ a cow whose name became proverbial 107^* seq. 


20'« 30'" 46"> 63'« 67= 82» 84'» 87»« 92-0 98'" 456»: ondetermined 645- — observe 

the phrase w-j^c iAa^ i_j*^'^ ^^*^ 
.tLiJI |_cJy^' cited, apparently by Abn 'Ubaida, as an authority 
the life of Jarlr 81" 

y~^ (jj iiffl Jl»i! ijJ fSj^ Mb Tersea on the .murder of Mas'nd ibn 'Amr 115" seq. 
( = 7351s seq.): his verses addressed to Malik ibn Misma' 750^ seq. 

Xjo! j^ 8jjE [ = ^ji\=- ^y y^, see Mubarrad 588'" seq.] \W' ( = 6991-) 

[J>NIXJt] f^ ^ '{;}. 533's 535K 

j.!j> ^ sjy: mentioned by Jarlr 274^ 

J^LiC^t iial (^ lAJli- ^^ %^ at the Battle of an-Nisar 241™ (see 241") 

u.'. w .i w ^^ Hjj£ a member of the clan Jadila, mentioned by Jarir 37- 

,_j^wiiit iNjyi ^^ 85^: one of the Bann 'Abdallah ibn al-Harith, present at the Battle 
of Sarat Ahwii 405" seq. 

juAC 0j »5^, one of the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab, called Jliji 659" 6741*: maternal 
grandfather of 'Amir ibn at-Tufail 659": his encounter with Sinan ibn Abl Haritha 
immediately after the Battle of Jabala, and his verses on the subject 674"* seq. 

^^,,^4*^1 ^j4^ ^, 0,^1 ^ iif, called ^\^ y\ 338'-': was defeated by the Bana 
Hiyalj at Dhat al-Jarf ( = as-8ara'im ) 336 notes" seq. 

^5 O? ^ <a> o^.f- "l™ 31" 120" 
Lil^ a clan of the Bajila 31' ISU'' 659' 660' 

JAJ! 8^ a woman of al-Basra H4» ( = 732«) — var. 'i-ir^'y^^ ^Ji ^^.J^ ij_c in 
Tabarl II 453' 

ij^] deity 761" 141» '<> 668" - see J^\ j4= 

'ii>'^ a woman of the Dhuhl ibn Thalaba, who befriended iil-Faraxdalj 61 1'" soq. 

i^^jbsJI jjjiil father of three men who were slain by Uanira ibn Damra an-Nahshalt 
SOI' seq. ' 

iU=>l(p! JJt" qJ 'fi- ui^ 'IjJliJI wife of Ka'nab ibn Araab 474' ( = 703i') 

il-ikjl _^ a family of tho Fazitra 86"' 97" 101' 

|.Uic cited as an authority for an incident in the life of al-Fnrnzdnl.c Oil'' 

^j^/ jULtJ' ai f>^^ mentioned by Jarlr 1018« 

t_rj;'-iil _OJj |-jj tiii ijj |.uiE his inlerTiew with the poet Abo-l-Bilad 436^ seq. 
iU^xii i. e. the family of al-'Asi ibn Umayya 1017'- 
i^ O* r^' o"*^' O? ^^, see j_c^l (>^ j#f 

^^.IxJI — V-?' o~^ "<»*^r took part in slaying ^Abd-YaghBth ibn Wakka? after the 
Second Battle of al-Kulab 1538 ^^q. 

^JM'.x^ u~^ cr* 'f^^ o-J ■^*'^ ( called ^^ ^ X*i=c 336 notes ■ ) distinguished 
himself at the Battle of Dhat al-Jorf ( = ^-Sara'im) 337* seq.; his verses on 
the occasion 337" seq. 

[J=jJl1J!J Jul-, jjj ^yU.» ^ -uL^ at the Battle of al-Watidst 389' «eq.: called 

j^^Ji^l j*<— cr^ T^ cH ^**^ *' *''® Battle of al-Ghabit 314' (gee 581'5, and 
foot-note ) 

[ J,-lSiJ jL*;i;i ^^ kic, called jLili! ,1^! 73" seq.: slain at the Battle of Mulaiha 
( = Haumal) 73" 583is seq. 

^*x«J^ ^-A% ^ X tor, called x l / i r _j-iJ: took part in capturing Ma 'bad ibn Z&i^ra 
at the Battle of Eahrahan 1063« 

!sA**i£. 843^, son-in-law of Jarlr, according to 843 notes ^ seq., which does not agree 
with 843" 

»w\_>/iT _^I gee Aa_<c ^^ A^.^"! 

^,Jli*J! ^ I'JsE see ^J'^^^' 0J iUiiE 

^.-x.'A^f &,',; j^^ ^r^'"^ r?^ Ojliac received a crown from the Persian king 265* seq.: 

his visit to the Pepsian court 463-'' seq.: his conversion to Islam and his interview 
with the Prophet 464' seq.: see also 182" 489" 495'' 498» 696 notes' 897" 
( = 496") 9599 

JiJdiL yl cited by Sa'dsn ibn al-Mubarak. i30'^ 

oliiJI one of the Bann 'Abdallah ibn Kilsb: lived at the time of the feud between 
the Bann Abl Bakr ibn Kilab and the Bann Ja'far 534- 

^t; Jt J^-. ^ \_i^>l3xl] a contemporary of aI-YarI)TI'I 810^' 

b^ cited for the text of a verse of al-Farazdak 374" 

^ ^ JU;> ^ iUkc, called JU=- ^\ 297^, cf. JL«:> Lul 814=: one of the Bann 
Ghudana ibn Yarbn', and a friend of al-Parazdak 275" seq. ( = 1052' seq.): see 
also SB'S 297» 

Jrt^iSjl jJu j^ (_,ikiJI ^ iilii, called also ■iliai 157" (and apparently 41" 42' 
seq. 1046^^ cf. 1^), father of Jartr: his ancestry 1" seq.: his versos threa- 
tening Tamlm ibn 'Ulatha 2^ seq. ; anecdotes concerning him 1047'-'' seq. : see 
also 108" 202" 280" 26818 seq. 29S"> seq. 473' 49S" 573" 626' 627' 712'" seq. 
' 759 notes' 769* ( = 1047") 7911" 816« 817'= 842i» 1014« seq. 

(j»UxJI a she-carael 447'= seq. 934™ 

[^_^pt C)^l ;^] M ^ ^ oUc (var. JJd. 581 notes', Lism Xll 126'), 
called also jJj^ J,! p-> UiUt 582" 683'": at the Battle of al-Xyitd 581"', where 
he was slain 583'" 

[^^^]!l] ^jJli ^ >jUiJ! ^y^ ^U«JI murdorod by Shuraih ibn Wahb al-'Absi and 
his brother Jilbir 337' seq., cf. 330 notes » seq. 

yljiji:^! ^ jsixil 55' 

,(Ju^! ^^"r^ r^ S^ threatened by un-Nrtbigha al-Ja'dr 906' seq. 

^^^LsuJI JUe j^ ili ^ JUiE, called ili ^1^1 ',>84i-', iiopbow of al-Farazdalj: 
at the court of the Oaliph Ilishiim 984": oitod liy al-YiirbH'i 697" 984" 

J^LsaJI j^J^ ^ A^ ^ JUtt an ancestor of al-Farazdak (see 127*) 826 1651s 
172' 276' 296" 441i 489'5 497« 771« 822^ 83P 949" 9538 (^ar. J-,_i) 997": 
JUi= _>_i_; as a designation of the family 180" 247=' 25412 33718 43313 4391 49x5 
778' seq. 862" 974* 977' 1039' seq. 

^'■p^ U~j-ii ^V^ qJ ">a-;j a^ '^^ ^ contemporary of al-Akra' ibn Habis 140'" 

^^^jJitJ) i_>3lJ^ ly ^-?^) called ='a.J' yi^: his verses replying to Jarir 14^*^ seq. 

.Jjsjic nickname of al-Farazda!j: q. v. 

i^„cjj!2i liijS^J! ^^ o'^ "" ancestor of lyss ibn Husain ibn Ziyad 896" ( = 495») 
see 496' 

jit ^ J-fcC?) at the Battle of Jabala 663' 

J-si ^\ see J,^ ^^ ^^ 

J-xitt ^1 see Jib ^^ J-si ^y s,Uc 

yl'jir a woman mentioned by Jarlr 1781^ (var. iC^iJCw) 

^^aU-X]I jC-i'j/ ^^ w-^ Qi w^ ancestor of a distingaished family 456*^ seq. 

^yi yj iij^ son of the poet 203" 

ij._*i ^yj iL<yCi ( = ^j^ ^yj y j-.3.-^ ^yj A/SjSi ) a group of tribes including the 
HawEzin and the Sulaim 408'^ 

J^Xi: a clan included in the Miimb 1064' seq., and said to be descended from \J%£ 
J ,. ^ A.^ .^ 13JI 1j(i'' (gcneiloj^ ) ^ee also 131' l"*- 206' 660" 1067" 10S8>- 

-^ i.- 

^ut. maternil uncle of .il-Far,izdak 172 »93- 

father of two men who were ^laiu at the liattlo of Ilannut 927" 

x .r- oue ot the Banu-1-JUiith tlui iramm.lni ihn Mum J3$'~: Ms 
uliins, his Kin-min with their treatment ot haib ibn Mat nd 237' seq. 

^yu^i [_LL1J!] _U-. jyj iuiic slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulsb 152^ 
bb verges on the occasion 154^^ seq. 

[jy«yjj| j4- a>] »^'»^. called ^c^'^U 200'" [see Ibn Duraid 134'] 

StXic j^ iisL the poet, of the clan Rabl'a ibn Mslik ibn Zaid-Manst 186" (=699™), 

called J-iiJI by al-Farazdak 200*: his verses on the expedition of 'Amr ibn 'Amr 

ibn "Ddus against the Tayyi' 16' seq. 654' seq. 1087=" 

J^blXll idiU ^jj iiili grandson of 'Auf ibn al-Ahwas SSS" 

^yljjijiS! see p«ifc ^ ej^itil ^-^ aU! iA*c — according to 896 notes * lyUiii was the 
horse ridden by 'Abdallah, and this agrees with the reading of the MSS in 896^ 

^j ^^ J^, one of the Bann Maa'ala ibn Fukaim, sent by Zijad ibn Ablhi to 
arrest al-Farazdak 611»: called |Ji*j ^^t 611" 

«_JLb ^it y-j ^Jsi the Culiph: his remarks on the death of az-Zubair 81» seq.: on 
the practice called mu'akara 625-" seq. ( = 999" seq.): see also 125' seq. ( = 439") 
24715 ( = 2548 8966) 308" 3585" 716I3 

oZ^ ^^ JyJic see |_^lAiJI ^y^St _yjt 

(1) j^lP-c 3_j!(i>) cited in Boucher's MS for the text of a verse of al-Farazdalj 
983 notes' 

(2) ,>i ^1 see jliilt ^ ^t 

(3) ^J^ jS\ see ^.,Uw ^ ^ ^^ ^J^ 
w^Jl£ a celebrated maker of bows 947' 

i-iU^ ^y f^ a clan of the Kalb 25- seq. 98» 

isl=4)yl Sjc4i ».i~b xJi a woman of al-Bajra 732' ( = 114") 

wUib ^y^ "fJ^Hf) captured at the Battle of al-Waktt 309" 

^1 jM me iiki ^^ aUU ^^ B^ 

(1) jl*c a man whose deseondanta are satirised iu <in anonymous vorso IfiT* 


(2) jUis mentioned in a verse by Jarir 427** 

^^-4»^i [iUi j4= o?] ^ly o^ ^j'-^' '"■''""" "f ar-Eabi= ibn Ziyad 193' 655': called 
wfcb 193' 194» and v^-^yi 193': his relations with al-Uothallam ibn al-MasbaUi- 
khara ad-Dabbl 193i- seq.: slain by Shirhlf ibn al-Muthallam at an-Salp'a 19S' 
1945 seq. 

J^ji^tii lifjSaJi ^yj i^Jlii ^ ijUi at the Battle of al-ShablS 313": at the Battle 
of al-Iyad 582", where he was slain 58S» 

^^-_li53^ S^ iji J^ ^ ij Uc great-grandson of Jarlr 205": called J,^ yj 166' 
[see AghanI XX 183"]: verses ascribed to him ll'' seq.: satirised by Ab»-r- 
Rndainl 2051": cites his father 1047": cited by Muhammad ibn Habib 488«: cited 
by Abn Said ( = as-Sukkarl ) 272=: cited by Sa'dsn ibn al-Mnbsrak 4301*: cited 
for the text of the XaJfU'id 166' 492W 511« 855« 938 notes' SSO^ 9961 ^t. 574': 
see also 38" 219' 847' 891' 975' 

^Ui i.e. the tribes of 'Uman 115»6 ( = 7371) 720« ( = 74*) 

l*r:(?) cited by Abn 'Dbaida 63918 (MS ^^ ^) 

^UiS^Ji ^ ^ the Caliph : called ,jas=» Ji 1089" : his interview with Samaifa" ibn 
Nsknr 469 jeq.: his remark abont the people of al-Knfa 312" seq.: banished the 
Christians from Najran 600^ seq.: see also 118" 729" 10891- 10991" ggq. 

'^^^} >i' o* f^ ^^ '^'^j a' o^ ■>'^' ^4= o* ^ 

5Xj ;i! j^j lUI Jyi ^^ ^ cites Bashir ibn 'Abdallah 36!i« 

^^jj*wl JJt^Jj iSji ^^ [iUl J^ jj] _ȣ the poet 607* 

^jf^sji:^'' CijSsji j^ o*^y^ '^'^-^ 0"* f^ ""^ "' ""^ negotiators at al-Basra after 
the disturbances 738" 739» 

ji^< uW ^yj ^ the Caliph: called jJjJt-'! ^ ^1 798" ( = 397»): entertained 
al-Farazdak at Medina in the reign of al-Waild ibn 'Abd-al-MaUk 396« seq., and 
afterwards banished him 397' seq. cf. 396 notes* seq. 798" seq-: entertained Jartr 
397" seq.: his opinion of the two poets 397" seq.: see also 974" 

Jit wW= 0J j*^^^i "'^"^ *' * historical authority S67i» 

^^»IiJ! jtn^ ^ aU! Ou>4c ^ y^ one of the negotiators at al-Basra after the distur- 
bances 7381" 73915: appointed governor of al-Basra by "Abdallsh ihn az-Zubair 
(in A. H. 64) 742K seq.: see also 749« 750" 109K> - 

j]^t ^.^ ,j_; Liu (^ '^, called also l^ ^^ 3^ 161' 2095 3886, 1^ ^t 
208' 594' 908', and y^ii j-it 908": his mother Barza 4881": his interview with 
Lu^m^n al-Khuzal 487' seq. : his poetical controversy with Jarir 487i* seq. : received 
a visit from al-Farazdak at al-Basra, and supplied him with information respecting 
the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab 907i' seq.: verses ascribed to him 209" seq. 388' seq. 
487" seq. 48T" 488« seq. 489= seq. 491' seq.: see also 901= 

[(_^A*v^f] Ajjj ^2jj y*x satirised by al-Farazdak 1052ii seq. 

(1) qI^UJI i. e. the Caliphs Abn Bakr and 'Omar ibn al-Khattab 789" 1013" 

(2) Qtj*»3t i.e. 'Umar ibn 'Ubaidallah and "Umar ibn 'Abd-ar-Rahman 738'- 739* 

iilai ^ oLS. ^ ^tjlc tribal ancestor 178' 

(_gji*il Juaj^ qJ oIt*^ acted as arbiter between Malik ibn Misraa' and Ashyani ibn 
Shaljl^ in the reign of Yazld ibn Mu=awiya 72819 

i_yjLev^l ^o ^Ji if ^ ^J^; called also a^ ^ y ^^ ^1^^; 68I1, and y ^' 
681W: his genealogy 680": at the Battle of Zubala 681' seq. cf. 68O1-: slain by 
Siurra ibn Hubaira at the Battle of Karat Ahws ( = al-Kuwaira ) 404" 405' seq. 

J^jiljt B^ ^ ^}^, called S^ ^1 819" 779» 9370 (==77918) 9791^ ^^d Jui% 
8451^: represented by Jarlr as having taken part in outraging Ji'thin 2221* 223' 
682" 7091 800» 10019 

jyUiJ' i. e. 'Amr and 'Amir, sons of Jllbir ibn IJatan ibn Nahshal 772' (see notes^) 949" 

(1) i^ 338=' i. e. the family of 'Amr ibn Hammnra ibn Kiystl.i (see 337'> ) 

(2) i^ 372 notes 1", a man slain by Ibn al-Hubftb at the Battle of ath-Tharthnr 

(3) jyi 387 notes', a man addressed in « vorso by Dhu-1-Islia' al-'AdwnnT (soo 
782* seq.) 

(4) j^ 6693, a member of the olon 'Abdallnh ibn Gl»i|i>lira 

(5) jjli 838", a friend of al-Farazdnl.c (P) 

^Ut ^1 ^ ,^ see ^t ^! 

j^^ibai ji-«-i Q-; u4=-^' cH Jj^ *'*'■> ""y Khalid ibn Malik an-Nahshali at the 

Battle of Dhn Najab 3021= 388" ( = 589») 588' ( = 1080") 1079' 
[ J^,_»Iil] jil^! ^ j^ took part in slaying Hndhaifa ibn Badr al-FazM 959 96i aeq. 

[^^USI] ji^l ^ ,^ afforded hospitality to Khslid ibn 'Abdalteh ibn Khalid at 
al-Bajra (in A. H. 71 ) 749" [ cf. Tabarl II 798' ] : see also 7519 

ij ^ji jM a elao of the Taghlib inclnded among the Ar 


f^ ~j jyji tribe: fought at al-MarrOt 70i» seq.: allied themselves with the Bakr 
ibn Wa'il 156» seq. cf. 258^': see also 2610 143* 156« 163" 225- 258' seq. 306" 
312» 315^' 392 notes* 448" 4529 g^^, ( = 1073' seq.) 466« 5991 seq. 636K 713" (?) 
738* seq. 901' 911* 10211= 10402 

Xjii- ^^ jjii clan 3732 ( var. yCj ^ ijju 266« ) 

JjltJI JfliL ^yj iliii ^^ i^ (1087"), called also v^ o^ 'M^ 0^ 3j^ lO^*'. 
and JoMj, ^~Ji j^c 45" 46' 653' i' 1085' : urged 'Amr ibn al-Mundhir, king of 
a!-Hlra, to slay Zurara ibn 'Udus 653' seq. ( =1084* seq. ) cf. 451* : commanded 
the vanguard of the king's army when he marched against the Bann Darim ( Second 
Day of Uwara) 1085« 1087" 

[i^^jiJI jlsc ^] yb» ^ j^, called «UyJI(P): mentioned in a verse by 'Antara 
ibn Shaddad lOl" — for his genealogy, see lOli 

;\1^ J^ ^ ^[:> ^ ,^ 949' Of. 772' 

JjLvilJI iUlJ ijJ jiy^jL- jjj j^ (var. ^ S2^) one of the Bann Rabl'o ibn Ka*b 
3991" 970': called ■jyjp- ^t Hl^ seq. 708" 8333 860«, and JLJi ^S (after his 
great-grandfather) 82i 180* 592* 833': his genealogy 82-: slew az-Zubair ibn aJ- 
'Awwam after the Battle of the Came! 80" seq. UPO 318« 

l^^is- p_j 5^ ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 452" ( = 1073"), perhaps also 

453" ( = 1074') 

^c,ii#UI i^ slain by the pibsb at T'khfa ( = *Arja, or al-Hu^aibBt) 526" 925" 

^\^\ iXiiUi ^ ^^ a kuhin, slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulsb 152' 154'= 
seq. 155" 

>r«-Xt> jiyj j^-fE a Bubdiyision of the Bann-l-=Anbar ibn 'Amr ibn Tamtm 315^ 317* 
696' ( = 747«) 

i^^y' oJy> ^^ syt^ captured Hassan al-Lakhmi at the Battle of Tikhfa 68* 
Sjt^ ^ yf^ yf if*^! "^"^'L.iJ!'"**^' ' ""^ "'' *''* Kindite kings 452" ( = 1081') 
i_,Xi4»^! ^^*U pj ^lis- j^ jj*£ made a raid upon NajrKn 60P '•- 698"'' 
^jrH^I -fc>=' qJ c^f' ^3J j-»i father of UmSma the wife of Jarlr 203'» 500* 

jii ^y liiySiJ! ^ i^ see ^Q ^^ liyej! ^^ _5_jli 

[,yUJjt] j-ki ^\ ^ ejyS-JI jyi i_j*c captured by Hubaish _^ibn Dulaf ad-PabbI 
199' (genealogy) 

jtjii ^^ liysiJ! ^^ j^jx; ancestor of a family 405" 

i_jjU^^! [,.U* ^^] ciijSiJI j^ i^-»E took part in the slaying of Kiilaib ibu Rabl'a 
at-Taghlibi 905" seq. — for his genealogy, see 18' 

(.jA-.':^! v^j (^ |j.Usv~=» j^ j^j-tE, called l„Usu,>^ ,^1 667*: at tho Battle of 
Jabala 6672 

[^ji*UJ! ii-s-jj Q-; ylAi:ajl ^^] ^_jii grandfather of IJutniba ibn Muslim 364' 
(see 3420) 

liUU ^ idiils. ^ j^ a clan of the Tamim, included among the Bartijim 188'*: 
«ee also 2063 36517 680" 

,_^yi j^t^ qJ -b>=» 0J s^ his versos alluding to the Battle of T'lthfa 69" soq. 

kXiL=> y_j j^ a chieftain of tho Sa'd ibn Zaid-ManKt (?) 741" 

[iJ?;^'] -^j*^ qJ ^^ qJ i^ (var. A.^' ^^ Jjb> ^y jft*^), oilllod ^Uiiit _»jI : 
his verses on the Bultio of al-WalaJ 311" acq. 

{ Jj^l] -jlli'J! Q-j ^r*^, called -^UMlf ^! 142^: was present at the boasting- 
match between Jarir ibn 'Abdallah al-Bajall and KhBlid ibn Artst al-Kalbl 141" seq. 

O-^l o^ i^ «ee if^^ u-l^J' ^I 

J^^UJi jlii qJ 0Jjji> jyj jp=, called «.»i-it (^ i^J-i 72* : at the Battle of 
Eahrahan 1062" 

O'^ O^ ^. 

.^ 10731= - see foot-note 

iy*k y-J ijli; ^J-> iy»E 1073", called ^j~jiji ij.*' jyj ^U ^^ ^^ 452", father of 
Uaaida bint 'Amr q. v. 

J^J ._j wfcwj. ^! Q_j ^-♦^ an ancestor of Hsni' ibn Kabisa 587-: called ^jj^f 
639': origin of the nickname 810* seq. 

^_ajJjC) Jsx=»Ui ^^J 5j*£ 407^, called also Qy^^ ^^ ^j*= after his great-grandfather 
407« (cf. 410-') - see ^Ij^l 

[i^^Uii] ji-i ^^ 3^Ii slain at the Battle of as-Su'ban 386 notes' 
Jks^Iii M Jilc ijj .sl^ ^y i^ at the Battle of Paif-ar-Rlh 470><' seq. 
v-w^' o* ijr^ see jlii ^;JJ OOj^ ^^ j^ 

[^^^bai] .,yljh\ ^yj i^ brother of 'Amir ibn at-Tnfail: captured at the Battle of 
as-Su'ban 386 notes i" 

Oiyj ^ i^ a hero of the Band Bahdala(?) 715* 

[a^',U> ^^ I r^^ i;j-^ ir*^! called fl-uijj-o, an ancestor of the Ghass^id kings 
189i» 195" 

[JjLaJi wto ^] yic ^ jfy^ mentioned in a irerse by al-B«1th 148-0 

[ (j:-«t«-^ ] s^Xx:> ^ ^! (A-ji qJ 5 j*i: suggested the plan whereby his fellow- 
gained their victory at Jabala 658^ seq. 

^^jIiAi! iXj : ^ w^>^ qJ 3j^ his parentage and the names of his brothers 772>« ! 

^jLs^l 3^atif qJ ^j*j= slain by Damra ibn Darara an-NahshalT at Najrsn 601" 

^_JijC^f iULc qj j-*c brother of Jarlr 4V^ 

[oli jyj |_^ ^yj] jjli ancestor of the tribe al-Hsrith ibn Ka'b ibn 'Amr, who 
are therefore called j^ yj 156' (Tar. ^^) 

^J^) 8,U= ^ jj*= see 8,Ue ^ ^-^ 

^jO*.^! ^Ij*c (^ jjli, one of the Bann-s-Saida 1096^, hence called ^j'Jkllli 944^ 
seq.: lived among the Banu Nahshal as the client of ^arri ibn Damra 943' seq. 
( = 10968 seq.) 

iX^ ^ jj*i: qJ j^ see the following 

^Jo^f u^^ o^ 3j*= o* Jp' "*"'"' *■=" "M) o^ ip cH Jj*^ «9*'. t>i}* J-J' 
771", and jJLI'^JI 977" ( = 679»): his genealogy 409=: married Dukhtanus bint 
Lakit 6659 9401 ; raided the Tayyi' at the request of his uncle Zurara ibn Udus 
45" seq. ( = 1087" seq.) 653" seq.: at the Battle of Jabala 409' seq. 657* 670M 
seq.: his adrice to his fellow-tribesmen before the Battle of Dha Najab 587^' 
(=1079") 5888 ( = 1081'): slain by Anas ibn Ziyad al-'Absi at the Battle of 
Akrun 679= seq.: verses ascribed to him 940* seq. (but of. 665' seq.): see also 
62110 694' 697= 698 notes' 

j^ jj ^ jjlc cited for the text of the Xa^u'id 17« 346- 

[^,!jOt cUxii]! ^J o^ Q-J 5-fcc slain by Habaira ibn Damdam in the reign of 
Mu'Swiya 79« 80' 

iiiil j_,^ ^ 3^ see LUi yi 

CJ^ O* 3.^ ^™ O^ erf y^ O^ ip 

Ls«i ^ j^ verso ascribed to him 6Bi« [see AghHnI XVI 163" seq. | 

J^xs-Ui ^ U*^ t-ri ii*^i nicknamed wJuJ', grandfather of al-Haufaxan 326- ( = 7!0''*> 

J,Jlsv«JI u»li ^ 3j!ii, one of the Bann Kabl'n ibn Ijl: at the Battlo of al-Wa)jit 

J^uLiJI o_>5t«i ^ ^J~ii ^ 1^, called ^ ^^ 645^, ^-S! 259», and i>=^'S! 
806*: brother of Bistsm ibn IJ^ais 806»: distinguished himself at the Battle of 
Dhn JLUT 645* 

[(]kjJ)CH] iil^ fji ijtii (80 called after his mother) brother of Hassan ibn Ma'B- 

wiya: slain at the Battle of Dhn Najab 302* seq. cf. 1000» 
Jou« ^ ^-Jif ^ ^yti- a subdiTision of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 741- 
uSii rji i^ «•'"• ^^*' ^^"3 seq. cf. 924": said to bo descended from al- Wahid 924i» 
^^.rfjiiijl f^ ^ i-li. the poet, of the clan Jusham ibn Bakr ibn Hnbaib 266" 373=: 

slew Amr ibn Hind ( = "Amr ibn al-Mundhir ) king of al-Hira 885' acq. : his 

Terses cited 564« 886» seq. 

Lii] ^ i_j°.E see y.^ ^ \Sfi ^ ^ 

O^^ ^ Ail, ^ 3y£ see ,^^1 ^y! 

[;tiiLsu ^] .j^, nicknamed -Sjxiil, ancestor of a family of the Darim 772« 

A3^ ^i ,^ ancestor of a family of the Sais ibn Tha'laba fil3'- 10348 cf. 943' 94e« 

/"j^Lit Jiwi ^j> jj«i governor of al-Jazajan and brother of JE^ntaiba ibn Muslim 3621' 

\ i^Jy-j Ji ^S ijAxi 1^ J jx his interview with MujHshi' ibn Mas*ad as-SulamI at 
al-Basra 129'^ seq.; verses asoribed to him 39" 52^' 

j4) ^ ijy" o^ i;*i a clan of the Bajlla 660' 
[vj'JlS' ^i iiyl^ ^i] ijU clan 928" 929^ 931* 
iSU ^ i^*£ see iiU ^ 'iA^ ^ ^^ 

^e*^^^ jiaIJI jyJ ^jtx- king of al-Hira, called also tXi^ ^, ij*E after his mother 

' 405» 714- 884«'' seq. 977* 1083', jJ* ^^! 884*» 1082* seq., Sf=-^ 714« seq. (see 

Oyi»s), s'Usvi JjliM 46'*' 267" 1081', and ^M jj (according to one view) 

10181- ( = 588">): his parentage 884i« seq.: reigned 16 years 885': raided the 
fayyi' 653* soq. cf. lOSl'" seq.: a second raid 1083>- seq.: his relations with 
Znrara ibn 'Udus 653' seq. cf. 1084'* seq.: his slaughter of the Dsrim at DwKra 
6o4» seq. cf. 45" seq. 977* ( = 654>») seq. 1085' seq.: was slain by 'Amr ibn 
Kulthnm at a banquet 885"* seq. cf. 884"': see also 6B2« 977» 

^jjii^St S^j^JcJI qJ ^'~ii^ qJ j^, nicknamed J^s- _jj', 607' 

,y>lj^l iXS!, 0j s^ slain by al-Musaffa al-JJushairt 72'*: called Jui. jl^! 73' 

sjj^ ^^ ijtc a elan included in the Ahmal SOoh they are said to be designated 
by the name fl^ 43« (see g^jj^ ^^ i-Jyiv-l): see also 29" 120' 

(1) ip^ C^' '*® "^ erf ijl*^ a? •^■>^ 
{2)'j_^ ijjjl Bee Jdl^ ^ ,^ ^ Ouy. 

^/^ o* ip o^' '"'^ i;*= erf o^~=- oi u-5 

3^ _^l see [fi ^i! yj u-U 

jjU-uiiJf jj*x: ^^f i.e. Jj* ^^j ^JL^u.] [see Ibn Khallikan I IIS^ seq. ] : cited by 
Sa'dan ibn al-Mubarak 372": see also 562W 

»^l ^ 3^ ^t cites Abn Mikhnaf 402': cited by al-Asmal 182= 33-4' 1047", by 
Abn 'Dbaida IS?"* 1051', and by Sa'dan ibn al-Mubarak 554S: cited for the text 
of the Naka'i4 34S 44i« 168« 282«' 283" 325" 3712 47519 sigi 52510 55g» ^^2* 
606' 746B 788« 8231 880« 92613 927!' y^'p. see also 25' 316" 513» 645" 678'" 
790" [some of these passages may perhaps refer to Abn "Amr ash-Shaibant ] 

(1) J^ J^ see '^ tV t5^ erf ij^ 

(2)\j;*i ^ see v^ o^ ''^■f^ o* Jj^ 

BjUi qJ a«£ ( ij*s^ in the parallel passage 885" ) an ancestor of the Lakhniito kings 
298" [see Ibn Duraid 226") 

jilii! ^i i. B. JiULi ,.j aW Out: cited 564'- 776 

jrr- cy j*^ »"«' "^■'^ erf jrr- o^ 'jr^ 

called ^^J! ^J 372 notes >» 378» 3T8" 3U4«; 
leader of the tribes of Ivais-'Ailsn when they dofoated 

the Taghlib 1038': was slain by the TJighlib at the Battle of Sinjsr (A. H. 70) 

373» seq. 400« 

jj^ ^ AJL~. ^ ^ see ij^A ^ JJL=> ^ j^ 

"^.iijjl v^l^ (J-- '^1'-'"= cH !^ father of Muhammad ibn 'Umair ( J. c. ) 4951* 
seq. 895" 

' JoJ! ijjc ^j-i ^ (var. Sj*^ and ^ytr., see 30815) his verses on the Battle of 
al-Wa^it 309» seq. 

..jw ..-J _**£ cited as a historical authority by Aba *Ubaida ItV^ 

aUbcoJ ..j_j ,-t^, nicknamed ^-«L>: was present at the horse-race which caused the 

War of Dahis 87«i 
^iSjJI ^ lii slain at the Battle of al-Iyad 5841" 
'jjU-L^' >Ji^^' cr-^ SjV*^ captured at the Battle of al-lyad and afterwards slain 

J^pl ouli ^ ^S)h ^^ S^, called Ojlb i^i 78418: his genealogy 47^ 780" 

781": was connected with the tribe of 'Ijl through his mother Taiba bint Bujair 
780M (cf. 47* seq.) and his wife Murayya bint Jiibir il^ ( = 781»): was dwelling 
among the "Ijl when they, together with other tribes of Bakr ibn WE'il, planned 
an attack upon the Tarbn' 47» seq. ( = 782- seq.): succeeded in escaping and 
warning the Yarbu' 48' seq. ( = 7821' seq. ) : his conduct during the battle ( at 
Dhn Tulnh) 50« seq. ( = 783" seq.): rerses ascribed to him SI" seq. ( = 785« 
seq.) 54i« seq. 57« seq.: see also 58* seq. 66' 5831' 

5jUt |.jj Sj*»t see a^Ul: ^ jjM* 

Jjc^l ^j-j Jii-1^, called gjUl. j-ih had the privilege of yteo at the annual pilgri- 
mage 450'" 

XUrf jj| see w^3 ^ iUAii: 

wUt, wUxi! see qU-j .J^ ,fc£' 

^- ^ 3jli j^ jaIxj! clan 541 70» seq. 243* 806^ 44oS 709" 1045*: called also 
jjiiju 315^, and 'Jt:*-! _jij 307>: for their genealogy, see 498^ 824' 

£jjjj O^ j^^' see g}^;:! o^ ^.ji 

(^yUati! veraes cited on his authority 840'^^ eeq. 

[i3j»'^i] J*:^!*. 1^ S—^-ic an ofiBcial under al-Hajjsj ibn Yusiif SIS'" 

^^...I«J olJLi ^^ Sji^ the poet: called tLjSjli;! 108-: his genealogy 419'" 421": 
his mother Zablba 372': his conduct on the occasion of the Battle of al-ParnJj 
«»!' seq. 10725 seq.: his Teraes cited 98* lOli' seq. 421" seq. (cf. 9S» seq. 10721' 
seq.) 6808 ^eq. 

aLI ^> 'i^ a tribe included among the Lahmim 47'" 305'" 764™ 1023"' (see Ad- 
ditions and Corrections): their genealogy ibid.: see also 130" 728'^ 737'^ 

y«*E a clan of the Madhhij 471-° 

^Q# a^ iUli) of the Bann Abl Bakr ibn Kilab: captured at the Battle of an- 
NisBf 241" 

sUUi j^l see i^. ^ |j~Ji iA*E 

•UlLkJ! _}-a_j i. 6. the descendants of Tha'laba ibn 'Anir ibn 'Amir al-Ghassani 547' 
[see Ibn Dnraid 259*, Ibn ^ntaiba M. 54'] 

M-^c ^! see ,x*^ ^ ^^ A>j:: 

Xtic _^ apparently the family to which 'Iraran ibn Murra ash-Shaibanl belonged 406^ 

eUtjit (pi. of iWit) certain ancestresses of the Prophet 403'' seq., see also 939 notes ' 

iAjbw ^ AJ!^ a clan of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manst, included among the Ahnn 113^ 

^yL_LiJI i^iyi. (^] fljil, or |.!>c 586'' seq.: his verses on the battles of al-QhabIt 
and «1-Iyad 535' seq. 585" soq. ( = 1069'" seq.) SS.")" seq. {= 1069" seq.) 10U9'" 
seq.: see also 584' lOeg* [and Lisan XI 287"'] 

|.5i ^t see j4^ o^ S^'' ai ^? 

-!^! ^ i. e. the family of ax-Zubair ibn al-^Awwam 274- 

Oyt-, 0j Jj£ a clan of the Aad 720" [ jjx according to the Mushlahih of adli-Dliuhabt 
ad. De Jong 379"'] 

i;!^ ^ ^U ^ Jji. SL family of the 'Abs 88« [read j^ for oj^] 3372 338K - 

for their genealogy, see also 93^ 
[ '»ihj^:> 0j liUU ^ ] j^ see 463 notes ^ 
kls-lTj! «I,UJI her verses on the Battle of al-Marrnt, composed in reply to Yazld ibn 

'Amr ibn as Sa'ik 72' seq. 

i^jj^sbCi! /ii ^ u4=-^' a^ ^^> nioknao'ed jlj!s\JI 668': at the Battle of Eahrahsn 
106218.. at the Battle of Jabala 407» seq. 655« aoq. 667" seq.: see also 388" 
( = 589») 533* seq. 

[i^.liiSI jjli ^~-i] ,Ju (^ usyi brother of Hudhaifa ibn Badr: slain by ^aia ibn 
Znhair al-'AbsI 88« seq. 92'* seq. 

iSiAL. ^] XJjU> ^ ^y^ ancestor of a family of the Tarbn' 25" cf. 5is 784" 
^^^ Jl* qJ ♦.is- ^ ^^ maternal grandfather of al-Mandhir ibn Ma-as-Sama, 

king of al-Hira 713« 
[^^LoOJI] iiijLa- ij! ^ i_s^ 107" seq. cf. 104" 
l^^S ^t^ ^ oji 107>" seq. cf. 107" 

Ji; ^ Juti ^ »j>£ ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 399'* 
[sLu Joj ^^ I Axl ^ oji a clan ineloded among the Alma 116': see also 1078" 
..Uiw -jj o^ see 945 notes ^ 
-elc .J JlJI A*c ^ o>c said to have been the leader of the Asad [ibn Rhnzaima] 

at the Battle of an-Nisar 240* 
sUi -X^ ^ >_jjx: see Ji>£ 

"^Ql ^j^ 0-> v'-^ Q-? <-J>= sacoeeded his father as ridf at the court of «1- 
Mundhir ibn Mn-as-SamB e6i» seq. 68» 2981- 809* 898' 

^^^^i f ji^' ^ ii^ o- '-h^ ^"^^ *' ""* *'"* "^ ""* *"**"** "f Eahrahsn 228«, 
an-NisEr i065<- seq., and Jiz" ZilKl 10688; his verses cited 228* seq. 240» «eq. 
10661 Beq. 

[i_5j**"] f~^ o^ i/^ o^ ^Jj^ went OD an embassy to the king of Yemen shortly 
before the Battle of Khazaza 1094' seq. 

^jSii tvljw (^ ^UuiJi ^^ i_jji, called ^ajjc 309'» seq., and u«4^ j_ii SO"' 

( = 768^) 1000«: his genealogy 1000": fled at the Battle of al-Wakit 309« seq.: 
had a feud with the Banu Tuhayya, who had slain his son Kais, in the time of 
Ziyad ibn Ablhi 79'' seq. (see 79i'): murdered Mazsd ibn al-Ak'as al-Mujsshil 
soon after the death of the Caliph Mu'swiya 80* (see 79-»): was wounded, in 
vengeance, by the father, or uncle, of Mazad 80^ seq. ( = 7B8* seq. ) ; see also 
78ii' 81" seq. 254« 318« 426" 427" seq. 439» 6958 9741s looo" 1040 notes' 

V^ ^ 'Jy^ a clan of the SaM ibn Zaid-Manjtt 459» 461'« 714' 717" « 718' seq.: 
o>fi oUj i. e. certain women of this clan from whom some families of the Darim 
were descended 772^^ seq. 

%J^ ^ ^j-E ancestor of the family to which Jarlr belonged 14'* (cf, 7») 

KiLals* rj-J ^i^to qJ l_!j-c ancestor of a family included among the Banu 1'uhayya 
183« 4631 71111 7158 9588 10973 

[^Lj_1aJI] J^i ^^ ^li* ^^ i_j^ went on an embassy to the king of Yemen 
shortly before the Battle of Khazazii ]094> seq. 

j^Juij^l Oiii-iJ! ^ oji at the Battle of Jabala 664»> seq. 

^j*c qj ^4?^ ^ ancestor of a family of tho Kilab 387'- 

Li>£ oL*J see u-^ kj> ^-?>^ 

^yd ^\ [i.e. y^ ^, sill A-f^, 800 Ibn liutaiba M. 245'» seq.] cited by .\bn 
'Ubaida 462» 

J^lxJLLJI ciy«JI qJ iiiui ^ ^^ (or ^Ijii 1078"') protected the family of Shurnhbil 
ibn ttl-ljErith al-Kindr after tho First Battle of al-Kulab 4581' (= 107711) 4597 

(jjJtaJI jlXj yj o'V? Kyi fJ^' °''"'"' I'l^yP o-j' '^'■'^ 
al-Paraadalf 7051' 7793. satirised by Jarir 707'' soq. 

j.yli ..-i ijaUc his verses on the death of ^Imrun ibn Marra ash-ShaibanI 406^^ seq. 
iUjc grandmother of the poet Ghasssn ibn Dhuhail 10" 11' 

^,^iLii ^i.^ j^ ixl^ (^ t5~*=' ™*'*'' ^'^s^ ->*' ^°'" *ij*3' ('•*• °f "** 

clan Bahz, see Ibn Duraid 187* seq.] 609" 6108, ^nd J^ ^S 6113 (jeg 609«): 
assisted al-Farazdak to escape from Ziyad ibn Ablhi 609^8 seq. 

-♦£ .yi , <*-^ reported to al-Asma^ a saying of Abu-n-Najm 1004® 

'Sf ry) 1?--!^ Christ: his date 347>': mentioned by Jarlr 9951; see also 83' 867" 

[^e*i;LjJI] ^c~^ ui ,_ff~*^ kept an official register of cripples 129i> 

l^^'p] ilii ^ L>=^' <273 lOlJM 

[J^^t] kI;.! j^ ^J^^ jJ 4273 10171* cf. 749* 

..Xlc used in poetry as a name for the group of tribes usually called ^^Hv^ sj-^ 
1476 37710 spq. 390M 

xOl an ancestor of Hizim ibn Abl Hszim al-AhmasI 140" 

JjjtjiJI Lilxi j^ j^j.^ ^y y jl jr , called ^;yl=. ^^i 760* ( = 882«): his genealogy 
soil" seq.: raided the Taim ( = Taim ar-Eibsbl and carried off a number of cap- 
tives, who were subsequently rescued by the Tarbn' at Hakil 301'* seq. 760' seq. 
loe?' seq. (cf. the divergent account 302" seq.): made a second raid upon the 
Taim 1068* seq. 

oiiU tribe 787< 

_JU a elan of the Tamlm, included among the Bamjii 

J^L#w!i %^ qJ kixaxi ^ wJLe father of al-Faraidak : called ^j2 ^jil (after 
his mother) 381'- 418", iili! j^j! 417=, ^ m9>', jU^JI J4=" ^^^^ ^^^^ '9*' 
gllir. 844'=' seq. 975», of which .U-wJI >Jjji is apparently a variant 799* 799" 
812" 975« 996'" ( the term seems to bo once applied to al-Farasdalf himself 1044«) — 


see also y*^ ' ^is genealogy 414^ seq.: is represented by Jarir as a blacksmith 
543' 826'- 851W seq., aod as a son of the slave Jubair 597'"' seq. 683i 789i' seq. 
83B'': was celebrated for his generosity 608-: competed with Sohaira ibn Wathll 
ia the slaoghtering of camels at Saa'ar in the reign of 'Uthmsn 414^ seq. ( = 625^^ 
seq. 1070* seq.) cf. 580=! 771" 953« 999" seq.: was assaulted by Dhakwan ibn 
'Amr al-Fukaimi 217i seq., and is said to have died in consequence 217' esa' 
(bat see 217 notes ^); his tomb at Kszima ( = al-Mikarr) a place of refuge 380' 
seq. 789" seq. 910i» (cf. 913*): see also 11^" 172* 215'" 22210 ag^s g^^, 267i- 
37910 41314 4832 5259 5929 g09' 697' 711" 712" 778^ Sla" 949' seq. 10018 seq. 1017» 

xilla ^ _JU a clan of the =Abs 337 notes ' 338" 666> — for their genealogy, 
see 88' 93» 

^U y, see jjjj/Ji 

wJU j.1 see -bji ^^^^ v^' 

JwU see Juli 

^ a elan of the Bakr ibn Ws'il 8969 [gee Ibn Daraid 205- ] 

iLfcii! a mare which belonged to 5^ais ibn Zuhair al-'Absi 86" seq. 

£jjj ^ iiiji clan 381' (cf. 814*) 202' seq. 204" 275« ( = lOSa"') 331'- 349" 752'" 
( = 758i») 8165 ( = 10931) gggis 

[£j«y3JI] gUisi! 1^ Ji^ ^^^ Ji^t (orj^ 3653) mother of Diriir ibn Muslim 

,^i vjl^ 439" 440' 1036 notes* or wljil 937'- ( = 440-^) 1037- ( = 440*): one 
of the BanU Murra ibn ^A.uf, employed by Ibrahim ibn 'Arabi to collect the poor- 
tax ii^^^ seq,: had an intrigue with some woman, as to which the aooonnts differ 
4401 10373 

ijl_ji ^jj v!;= ancestor of a family of the Dhubyain 88" 

JjlaJ! iJiliJ! ^ cited by Abn 'Bbaida as nu authority on the Battle of au-Nisnr 
240", see also 240- 

dli wife of Shabib ilra Yazld 741" I see Tabari U 892'" 961" 963'" !l«7" 

jlji wife of Shabib ibn Yazld 741" [ 

j^^JjiClJ! ■il\^\ ^\ lived at the time of the Battle of Dhu Tulo^ 50" ( = 783") 

iQiji;; _jJo see 783>» 

j^Lli tribe IBS" 546>- 701»5 865* ( = 1000^ ) — see also ^p\ ^ ^j^ 

'-:}-^^ =fj*J^ Q-j j4^3 ^ c)^"*^ ^*^ genealogy 2^^; satirised the Banu-l-KhatafSj 
and became involved in a poetical controversy with Jarlr 2" seq. (N". 1— li): 
his feud with Janbs ibn Sathla al-Kalbl in the reign of Mu-Bwiya 25' seq. (N». 15): 
see also 30> 81> 32" 38» 42' 161^ 

(1) ^ili. ^! see j*~» ^ eV^ 

(2) ^lli ^! an authority cited 2651' 26616 

v_jj>:2c a woman slain by the Banu Subai', whom she had satirised 10971 seq. 

A_j;_j Q-j w«*-ii ^-y~i r}^^ of the BanS Ka'b ibn =Amr ibn Tamlm: fonght at al- 
Basra during the disturbances 7331' : his verses on the occasion 7341 seq. 735' seq. 

Jut— ^^ O*"*^ gi"**!!? of tribes: for their genealogy, see SSH; their alliance with 
the Asad ibn Khnxaima and the Tayyi' at the time of the Battle of an-SisBr 238« 
240-: their apostasy in the reign of .4htt Bakr 7151': see also 9S« 238* 240» 243" 
365* 420» seq. 655' 938" 10381 

, ^**2l!' , i.^.Iai!t a robber, mentioned in a verse 45^ 

^Ji^^i or iJiUi Qjt of the Bann Thalaba ibn Sa'd [ibn Dhubysn], a contemporary 
of Hndhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazsrl 86' seq. 

ml see ii; ^ ^^< ^ v/ ^=J^ 
fUixJi see j5j4x ^ ^/^'■^ o^ S^tX^ 

;v«e^lwVJt cWc ^ Jw^^ c>-u jU^ wife of Juwairiya ibn Badr 308^^: captured at 
the Battle of al-Wakit 312" seq. 865» ( = 308^) 938* 

y^ -yi ^^ tribe: their genealogy 30^*: tteir coimeetion with the BasQ Ja^ar iba 

Kjlab 927J«: fought at the Battle of Jabala 659«: see also 21115 227" 285» 286* 
533" seij. 668« 678" 899« 950» 1028- 1060« 10G1=> 1063" 

i_^l ,^1 at the Battle of Jabala 674" [ text doubtful, var. jj^ Uj! in Aghanl X 45S' ] 

j[^^l fj-jj ^ j^ father-in-law of al-Parazdak 595' «; called ^jj ^t 594" 

kijji [ = v:i-j (^ vijjiJ!? Ibn Kntaiba M. 53»] an ancestor of the Azd 752* 

vi>Ji3! a snbdiTision of the Tayyi' 34' 

*UJ*JI see 101 notes" 

i^jjfi ^^ ^W^ see Cj^ qJ J»Li=>'i! 


Ji*i a subdivision of the Murra ibn "Anf ibn Sa'd 105" 76!" (=: 

iiUU_ (^ O^^ (Tocat. J4i 10251') of the 'Amr ibn Tamim: slain bj- the Sa'd ibn 
Zaid-Manat at Tiyas 10258 soq. 

JuiS^ ^ i^iLi cited by Aba "Ubaida 722" 

^•£1 Jl daughter of Jarlr 75412 83911 g^p g^q. 843- 

w>4a£ a stallion camel 198 notes ^ 

y«,B the Persians 581- 648** — see ij~fi^ 

xi^^Iiij! xJj_«^ ci^ iijUil her versos on the Battle of an-NisHr 2-12<'' seq. (si 
1066" seq.) 

K*bl3 a woman mentioned by Jam 249>'' ( = 1048") 

iljiiil ii^ i;^ iuli'j mother of Mirdits ibn Abt 'Amir «69>« 

sijU-41 wvSliJt «>^ i«L'i mother of ar-RabV ibn ZiyBd al-'Abal 90» 193« 

[ iljjtiji ] li jJiil ^y^ 'i*^j ~:i^ **i« mother of the poet Imru'n-HKaia 905' seq. 

ry'^^ t-T? -^'^ ancestor of a family of the 'Amr ibn Tamim, settled among the Solaim 
392', see notes' 

JjlIjS Jv3 ^ ^y'Ji at the Battle of an-lfibsj 1024" 

i^Jtli! J^iSii' ( var. JSIm ) an ancestor of the poet al-Akhtal 9615 

ii^l i. e. J^^a;! wVj ^^ Gij _>j!: cited by al-¥azidl 518« 

L~i J a man mentioned with contempt in a Terse by Dabi' ibn al-5srith 22li* 

J^Ls^i J'ji£ ^ ^-J^ ^ L,"i= brother of al-Akra= 257^ ct 264" 694' 6973 789B: 
captnred at the Battle of Zubala &8P 

J,— l^i jjAli- jyj (_.ijj, called jUj^*;! _^! 6391; cited by Abn 'tJbaida 305» 6391 
of. 643* 644'' 

(_g y . v ..- a ^i — <s (-yJ iL'i A-;-E jyJ (j->jS brother of Bahir 70* 482': captured by the 

^rtiC! i_v=;^"3i j^ 'i^'^t maternal nncle of Bistsm ibn T^ah ash-ShaibanI 190" 

Ujj a woman mentioned in a Terse by Imra'u-l-Jaig 85": the word is also nscd 
as an appellative, see Glossary s. r. oi 

ljU>ji' (Persian q^J) defeated by 'Attab ibn Warks 896- seq. 

oGj^il i. e. ^^Ly.*:! ijuiLo ^i _CLi ^^ .U# 127» 215' 619», dimin. j4** <l*': 
called i^.ij _fj! 547" 1034 notes* 104413 10511?, ^.JU ,^1 522» 1046* »« seq., and 
^J^ O^' (after his paternal grandmother) 259" 489' 628" 949» 1046« cf. S15K: 
nicknamed ^.Jj^ 543»" 827% and j'.*^JI Jji(?) 1044'*: his genealogy 1273: his 
mother Lina bint Karaza, throngh whom he was connected -with the Pabba 188' 
217' 1027- ; his brother al-Akhtal 3S2™: his sister Ji'thin 217» el passim: his 
wives an-Nawar bint A'van 803S et passim, Euhaima bint Ohimaim 594>' seq., 
Hadra bint Zrk 806> seq., and Zabya bint Dalam 1044> seq.: his son Labaja 369« 


617^^; his rutciija Ibn Mattawaihi 908^ seq., possibly identical with one of the 
two mentioned 1049'<i seq.: his quarrel with the Fukaim 21S- seq.: his Terses 
addressed to Mu'swiya on the death of al-HuCat ibn Yazid 608'* seq,: was per- 
secuted by Ziyad ibn Ablhi 6091' geq.: beginning of his relations with Jarlr 1269 
seq.: was challenged at Medina- to compose poetry equal to that of Hassan ibn 
Thsbit 5i6i seq.: was banished from Medina by 'Umar ibn 'Abd-al-'AzIz in the 
reign of al-Walld ibn 'Abd-al-Malik 3961^ seq. : his unsuccessful attempt to slay one 
of the Byzantine prisoners 384'' seq.: his visit to 'Omar ibn Laja', who dictated 
to him the scandals ( maUmlib ) connected with the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilsb 908- 
seq.: intervened on behalf of a woman who wished to have her son recalled from 
Sind 380" seq.: was cast into prison by Khiilid al-KasrI, whom he had satirised', 
and was set free at the request of Jarlr 984^^ seq. 991" seq.: his encounter with 
a woman of the Bana Nahshal 1042^^ seq.: his death and the verses of Jarlr on 
the occasion 1045^" seq.: his opinion of himself and of Jarlr 1048''' seq.: opinion 
of Jarlr concerning him 1048': opinion of Abu 'Ubaida 1048-' seq.: arbitrament 
of as-Salatsn al-'Abdl between al-Farazdak and Jarlr 1050- seq.: admired by the 
Tamlm 1050* seq.: his satires against Jarlr and the Kulaib 170'" seq. 202' seq. 
23212 geq. 255* seq. 2628 g^q. g< passim: against the tribes of Kais 'Ailsln 374« 
seq.: against the Ja'far ibn Kiiab 5251^ seq. Olo' seq.: against the Biibila and 
their poet 'Abdallah ibn al-Hajjfij 1027^ seq.: his eulogies of his own tribe the 
Darim and in particular of the Mujsshi' 182' seq. 264" soq. e( passim: of the 
Pabba 188? seq. 237" seq.: of the Bakr ibn Wa'il, in whose territory he took 
refuge 612* seq. 6151° seq.: of the Taghlib. 880" seq.: of the Caliph Sulaimsn 
8471" seq.: of the Caliph Hisham 10091» seq.: of Khalid al-Kasrl 981i» seq.: his 
enumeration of the poets whom he regarded as his models 200» seq. 

(_,»^t the Persians 6401* - see i^ji 

i_j*IiJI Oi^ yl author of a verse cited 307" 

jj,>«Ltil ^ljy« ^^ ^CiJI j^ iji captured by the YarbB' at the Battle of as-Sarn'im 
( = Dhat al-Jurf) 337-, see notes' 

pL^'^ 0-; Sjlji B\m 82" 86" seq. 92'-' 97'" lOO"' 105'' soq. 107' soq. 128' 1016= 
1061'' 1007'' soq.: for their genealogy, soo 85'" soq. 

jjjjl tribe, BOO sU« t\n ^ A«.» 

j^JUl^l ^yi ^^ o^Nll ^ j]i!! at the Hattk. of ul-\V.iki! 30T» acq. 

jii,>^ [var. K-.L,..-'' Lisan Till 223='* seq. ] said to be a nickname of the Tamlm 
311" seq. 

xJUai ooe of the Banii 'Arm ibn Thalaba ibn Yarba': a contemporary of Jarlr 31- seq. 

^_cJut*J! ij-oU> rj-} A^Lia pursued az-Zubair ibn al-'Aww5m after the Battle of the 
Camel 80" seq. 

'i^tiXi ^^ J.^i see *>"J-i _»jt 

iCiL^ ^ ,^j^ rj? J-'^'i called ^tf-^ _jjf: cited by Aba 'Ubaida 609^^ 

5_ci-u]! jl.^!, called .>u^t; an official under al-HajJsj and a friend of al-Farazdak 
819' seq. 

^IflLii iSJiZSi ^ jJ^li slain at the Battle of al-Iysd 583', see 584' 

,_jtiii a elan of the Asad ibn Khozaima 39" 

^^b ^ ^.f> ^ j.^ clan 185'» 682»: called ^JJ ^ ^ 311' 748' 758i" (see 
j.^b ^y-> jJji-): their feud with al-Farazdalt and his family 214» seq. of. 609>« 
6823 7481 seq. 35211 ( = 2181): see also 185" 4151- 513* 620= seq. 

Ji. ^ eU- ^j~i^ iil<i 18611 — see il.wxii 

j]jLiIl3l ^.il ^ jS11j\ (^ jyUUii slain at the Battle of Jabala 666": see also 
38a notes" 

^L|_5_iJl ^-iSUJ one of the Bana As'ad ibn Hammam: captured at the Battle of 
Dhn Tulnh 784» (but cf. the parallel passage ol'^ notes') 

ij-^^Ji ^f see ^-.-^i^ qJ ^Ax— 

Jjj deity 141* 

_,4j see Ji^f 

iUyil see jlis ^ /■:> ^^.^ j_-.i 

i^^Uii! »Ulji *U (^ jJsIIJI ^ i^_^S, callod usI^J. Jj-il 6948 ( = 762i5) of. 267 
notes*, and OiUJI XJ-j 267", son of the king of al-Hira: his mother Hind bint 
al-gjtrith ibn 'Amr 267": captured by the Yarba' at the Battle of Tikhfa 67- 
68= seq. 69«" of. 18416 448'6 6941" ( = 762") 8358 gggs gggs loigs i033« 

J._^l! _^l see »U.l!! .U ^ jXili\ 

^^1 j^ JaJi an anoestor of the Taghlib 506", construed as fern. 1094" 

j^mJJs^I see under ^^.wiiJF 

j^laJ! i_«jUJI 1^1 one of the Bann Mu'Swiya ibn Ka'b: liis verses o"n the Battle of 
Bnzakha 195' seq. 

oUi Kawadk, Sasanian king 1072i« 1073' 

gUi-it see iki^j J(l j^ M Jk*c ^ iiij.3aJI 

, <;A*£Ji .St*^ o^ ^i^r> ^ **^-!^j called .isU^i: was leader of the Pabba at aUBasra, 
and died of the plague in A. H. 69 TS?-" seq. 

^_5LaJt jj»c ^ jjo ^~yJ »U3A->i at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 1521* 
iuav^ _^l see ^^1 O^^i ^ i^ ^ jjo 

[u*«5jjljt »UL) qj] SuJbi cited as a historical authority by Su'id [ibn Khalid | 403" 
IjdiiS siUj 1^ ioUi chief of the Hanlfa at the tirao of the War of Dghis 98" 
420» seq.: called Jy»Iiili! 147" 

. ,-LJuJ! \,-a--»' iV a*Uj ^^ v'-y^ a contemporary of Jarlr 31'^ 

i_ylpUJI jj*c ^^ ^JlLi jjj »-«-s^i called ^jJ-x ^^^1 364' '" 400", and ^yik> _>j! 3(i3"'' 
seq.: his genealogy 342" seq.: his conduct while ho was govornor of Khurasltii 
in the reign of al-Walld ibn 'Abd-al-Malik 349'" soq. : concurred iu the project to 
exclude Hulainifln from the throne 353" ; his letters to Hulainian when the latter 
had become Caliph ( A. H. 96) 353" soq.: his iiillaninialory spoecluw 353"' acq.: 

his preparations for rebellion 356^" seq.: the conspiracy against him 358^ seq.: 
was assassinated in his tent 361^*' seq.: verses by various poets on the subject 
362M seq.: see also llSi" 3J4« seq. 394« 400' seq. ISB-i 899^ 909' 972^ 

iOsb j^ pju» ^^ iy-^ ancestor of a family 238", see also 305^ 360" 
j^^^JisJI an anonymous informant of Abn 'Ubaida 240>, see 238" 
fls. Jyi -.zyJ^i xliii mother of Kais ibn Hanzala ibn an-Nafif 25" 

[J^UJ!] ij'CiS (^ ^ eulogised by Huh ibn Jarlr 497« 

J^lli! jl»=- (jj wi^^l his versos on the death of Mas"nd ibn 'Amr 735" seq. 73J1 

Jjyi iUU ^^' Si at the Battle of an-Nisar 241': verse cited 205"* 

iJiJi see ^l;p-» qJ j^.*e 
oJLw jyj jiJii, called 3>*i ^Jili 5291- J991. gjid to be the name of the man to 
whom reference is made in the igur'sn XCI 12 — 529« 799= 

^lii ^yj 'iCI- jyJ ki'Ai slain at the Battle of Dhu Kajab 1079' 1080": see also 
425s ( = 670") 

{_fi^*^i;jil! sUlw qJ ni^l t-Vff ^j ^USJcs (apparently a nephew of the foregoing), called 
J^L\i!: slain by the Dabba at the Battle of an-Nisar 388" seq. IO66I' seq. 

iJ.L\3 '-i a woman of the Banu-l-'Anbar(?) 306* 

-iAiJI a female slave 1027* 

j;^^;ji ^ ^ ;^ ^ ;j} 4u^ (=703«) 

-0 J.I see ^J ^ ^l ^ ^ 
piji jXi see Index IT s. v. y! j 
ji^ 1075 notes ^ ( var. j^^ ) 

' b-ts a dog 219« " 

(1) J: J a horse which belonged to Hadhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazsn 86" 

(2) JjjJ a horse which was gWen by Kais ibn Zuhair aU'Absi to Tofail ibn Malik 
al-Ki!sbI 407«: see also 386S seq. 58I» 588' ( = 932» 108P') 93VJ 932" seq. 9336 
( = 386 notes") 

[J^^Pl] i^I ^ -b>' see 581» 

jisu ^jj oft»~ of -%* an ancestor of the poet al-Balth 170" 2S2is 296'^ 772i=: 
was slain at the First Battle of al-Kulsb 4531* 

[^ ^ 'ijS~ ^] -hi 4258 ( = 670") — for his genealogy, see 91" 

-b/ s^l see iX. j^j iji j^ Sx^j 

Jj^ _jj| a notorious miser mentioned in a verse by •Amlra ibn Tarik 51» ( = 785« ) 

*_LJ! ^^\ a man addressed in a verse by Jarir — apparently a companion of the 
poet 687" 

f^^lM Jc ^ sJ4* 0-j Sjj his genealogy 66]*' cf. 1065° seq.: slew 'Imrsn ibn 
Marra at the Battle of garat Ahws ( = al-ljuwaira ) 405* seq.: see also 1065'= 
10661 seq. 

33s apparently a relative of Jarir, mentioned in a verse by 'Uraar ibn Laja' 489^^ 

i_jjEji^i f>tic ^ji o^ ^ i>'j/ owner of the maro Jahvit, which gave birth to the 
celebrated Dshis 83" seq. 

^gmlliS vXu-i Q-; ^jiS> ^ (Jiljyi, called -VjA _y-4 H'i': hia genealogy 95": sleiv 
^udhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazarl 96> seq.: was captured and slain by tho Bann Badr 
100" seq. 

LJJ (var. iljjS) ancestress of the Banii Aznain ibn 'Obaid ibn Tha'laba 759': as 
to her genealogy the authorities diifer cf. 759'' and notes" 

jji«-^Js tribe, called also js 716^": their dialect 2^8": soo also V' 224-' ;S52- 1*99'"' seq. 
( = 426" seq.) 401" 486" soq. 638" 54ti» 59 1'' OaH-' 724'- "«4--< S59' 901 notes- 
(var. XJUS') 937* 939' 909"' 997" acq. 1018' » 103(1' UMil' soq. 

/jiUJI II Ji ^ i^i LX-i ^y -tyji slain by the Darim some time before the Battle 
of Eahrahan lOBO' 

^J^' 'i)jl qJ OvJ" Qi -i/ slain at the Battle of Jabala 666" 
J^ ~i iiysUi ^~-i jkli ancestor of a family 446" (see Aiditions and Corrections, 
note on 446W) 

Ljji ^y «j/ ancestor of a family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-ManBt 714" 779« 

^/!l see ^.^ ^ ^( ^ 

xliUl^' o^/J' *;>»*J "* ""* Battle of Dhn Ksr 643' 

yUuiJ! i. e. 'AbdallKh ibn Hakim and a friend of his 790", see also 740' 

ili ^ ^ a clan of the Bajlla 1408 seq. 6601 9348 _ f^j t^eir genealogy, see 139" 

[J^,JlS\1JI] jjax: j^ (W~iiJi a contemporary of Jarlr ibn 'Abdallah 140- seq. 

^ jfil his interview with the Caliph 'Abd-al-Malik 240i» seq. 

iL^j ^yj wod' ^yJ JSi {dimin. ^I!ii IO661?) a dan of the 'Amir ibn Sa'iia'a — 
for their genealogy, see 70** seq. : joined with the Kumair in defeating the ShaibKn 
at Karat Ahwa 40o« seq.: see also 71* 7218 241M 242'* 244« seq. 250> 386-5355 

[c;:""] i^f" u-^ u~5 *Jm-= cr^ uJUaiiJl father of Mas-nd 9191, and of al-Asla' 
920': see also 919" seq. 921* 

oUaiiJt y^\ see lJu^' ^^ oyu^-o ^ 5^3 

jjjiai i.e. w^' (^ ly^: » subdivision of the ^uraish 6O911 

'iAfiii group of tribes ; represented as a son of Ma'add 142* seq. : fought at Khazsza 
on the side of al-Mnndhir ibn Ma-as-Sams and the Taghlib 887*, of. the different 
account 10931^: their alliance with the tribes of Kabl'a 90S' seq.: claimed by 
Jarir as his supporters 994« seq.: see also 149^ 261* 422" 767' 

KcUiaS _^i*' see ...lisulij! ^i 

^ILiJI [i. e. ;^Ji^l c^ Q-? j*-i-= the poet] of the clan Malik ibn Bakr 266" 
seq. : verBO cited 83^ 

^J^^ ip^ ^ jW o^ i*^ took part in the War of Bahis 101\ see 1081" 

[,y^pl] jjJI 0j jlII. j^ i*Li his verses on tlie Battle of al-Iyad 5868 seq. 

^ iJi gtUsiijI jji li^y, one of the Bann Mazin, called iiUi _jjl 283" aeq. 

j-jtiiCJ! liJjJLfl ^^ ^^j^ eulogised by al-Farazdalj: 691 notes ' seq. " 

fjj (^ J^ ^ ^ ancestor of a family 1ST 4S9* 517* 772^ 941* 945" 

(1) vvM!' a torse which belonged to Surad ibn Jamra ibn Shaddad 2061- seq. (var. 
v_»A»aiiJI 1059» seq.) 

(2) v^IiSil a horse which was ridden by Aba lyas ibn 5armala at the Battle of 
Jabala 666" (vocat. •l^, var. j^^JaS) 

|i xJuii a clan of the Bajlla 6605 

^jtjJI S,!_,j i^ Ju^ (^ ^LsxiSI (or ^Liix5 258«), called ol^l juf on account of 
his generosity 771*: see also 40' ( = 63") 63" 229* 2588 

^ ^i see jJli- oJ ^Uiiii j^ jJ^t 

gUi^l _^t see u-Ju= j^ bjl^j ^3:? o4=" 

v_«L«5 a man of the Barsjim, mentioned in a verse by 'Amlra ibn Tarik 53' 

[^jj^lll] CJ) ^ v^> Mlled -4' O-?' *^''' (='031') cf. 4745 ( = 703"): 
captured at Irixb by al-Hudhail ibn Hubaira at-Taghlibi and released by the in- 
tervention of 'Utaibtt ibn al-IJarith 473" seq. ( = 703« seq. ) — see ^^-j >- ^v« n 

j^JuBl ^ j^ v^iii the father of Ma'dim and 'Ijimi 314> (of. 581" and foot-note) 
— see also 583' 

cr>l)/ ^f^^ cH ^1-^° o-i v-^' 

337" 482« 898' 

j^ ^ 70', and ujlic qJ j^ q-j v'ixi 298': ha is sometimes represented as 
a descendant of Hammam ibn EiyaK 70= 337^ 482° seq. 8981 (ef. Ibn Duraid 
136^'), and sometimes as a descendant of HarmI ibn Kiysh 298» 388' 898^ seq.: 
at the Battle of ag-Sara'im { = DhEt al-Jurf ) , wliere he acquired the nickname 
. . I U 3376 jeq.: had a quarrel with Bahlr ibn 'AbdallBh al-5a»hain 70» seq., 
and afterwards slew him at the Battle of al-Marrnt 71" seq. cf. 388' 4826: see 
also 254» 298» 302" ( = 389") 6471= 897" 939" 1039>» — if the statement 4751 
be correct, this IKa-nab is identical with Ka'nab ibn Arnab 

|Wi4 ^ -Lias j^ viS 7 IS 89 8«, called also y-I^ ^ i^ ^ _J^ 25*9, of the 
clan *Dbaid ibn Tha'laba ibn Tarbn' ibid.: at the Battle of al-Iyad 583-16 (ij^t 
the text of 581" 5B2i8 is doubtful): at the Battle of al-Marrnt 71»: see also IDSS" 

yLjiaJI i. e. Ka'nab ibn 'Attsb and ga'nab ibn 'I^ma 254' 8985 

.-Axis an ancestor of 'Auf ibn 'Abdallah ibn 'Amir 240^ 

B^,-^ wife of Najiya ibn 'Ikal and great-grandmother of al-Farazdak: her parentage 
219!' seq.: said to have been a slaTe of Salms ibn Jandal 427ii> ( = 761') 767': 
see also 218" 223" 230i» seq. 246« seq. 301' 304« 3211 340" 3«ii 440" 483« 
58915 5969 69110 707I8 seq. 7678 776117 799M 828" 844* 858' 935 notes* 975i» 
seq. 996" seq. and notes = 998= 10271 j^q. loae" 

j*aj see ^t (jj xDt i.\*c ^^ sli! \X^ 

ijUi ^ jy5=" o^ r^' "^ *^^ ^*'"i ?*''" i'"' ^^"i" I'll "Dbaid 736": his rerses 
' on the disturbances at al-Basra 736i« 737' 741i» seq. 

iLsnisJt apparently a nickname of the tribe of Darim 540' 1003" 

jiA^o- ^y jJlj an ancestor of Malik ibn Misma' 7491' 7661^ 

^yjUil ^ sent by Maslama ibn 'Abd-al-Malik to slay Wahb ibn Abjar 997i« 

JaLUJI a he-ass 3» 

XJLs apparently a relative of Jarlr, mentioned in a verse by 'Umar ibn Lsja' 4891" 

^<Ail o\y see iU.^ ^ JUui! 

jCi mentioned in a verse by Pnbi' ibn al-^arlth 220* (see the gloss) 

iX*s a celebrated stallion which belonged to the Taghiib 475^ 

j^^Lifljl g^ ^ ^\ ^ y«J, called also yb- ^^ sl^^a. j^j ^_J^ 809'": captured 
as-Salll, brother of Bistam ibn 5ais ash-Shaiblnl ibid.: for his genealogy, see Sil' 

SjIXc ^jJ ili«3 iji ^j^ a tribe of the Bakr ibn Wa'il, included among the LaMzim 
47" ( = 305») cf. 728" 764'" 1023": see also 54' 130" 145'? 148' 306s 307' 328«'» 
6111" 639' 644" 645« 781' 761== 1034' 1095'* 

^^da^S jO^SiCf y_j ^J«^ of the Bano 'Adi ibn Akhzam, captured by 'Amr ibn al- 
Mandhir king of al-Hira and released through the interyention of Ilatim at-Ts'r 

i_5L>'SI 8jy> ^ ij~^> nicknamed ^jc 1082'* 1083''": his verses addressed to 'Amr 
ibn al-Mondhir lOSl" seq.: see also lOSS'' seq. 

[^bUat] JJL=. ^ [(1=}?-] »y=- o? u-4= at the Battle of ar-Eagham 412': for his 
genealogy, see 412^ 471'^ 

^gM>^\ wsJfj ^ yji ^ u-J at the Battle of Jabala 669" 

j^Ji_c jyj oL~-=" o-J 0-5 (of Uie tribe IJais ibn Tha'laba 1095"), called also 
tXSji yj j^ j^l 946'; lived among his mother's kinsmen, the Bann Mujashi', 
and had a feud with Harrr ibn Pamra an-Nahshall 943' seq. ( = 1095" seq. ) 

tjUU ^ 'i^^^o qJ ^j^ a clan of the Taraim, included among the Barujim (q. v. ) 
186» cf. 53' 

^,k-A-i"J^ wftlaJt rji 'e^hijc^ qJ j«.*s a contemporary of the poet Ghasaan ibn Dhuhail 
25'" seq. 

i^UliJ! «!!! Juc ^ JC^ ^^ ^J~,^s an ancestor of Bistam ilm l.vaia 794', see IS' 

[J^uIIJI] Slhil ^ t_fZi at the Battle of al-WaljU 312" 

j_y«»I)til SU-iAi ^j-i yLij ^ u«wJ leader of thu 'Aba at the time of the War of 
DstiiB 84'8 seq.: his mother Tummlir 98'; slow 'Auf ibn Badr al-l.'a»itrt SS^: his 
quarrel with ar-Enbl' ibn Ziyfid 90' «eq.: vorses asoribod (o him 90" seq. 92' 

seq. 96" seq. lOQi seq. 102' seq. 419' ( = 767«) 425' seq.: see also 94>5 Beq. 
98'2 Beq. 99= seq. (cf. 420" seq.) 99" seq. 102» seq. 103" seq. 407" 425' 655'^ 
seq. 667" 6701 jeq. 10718 ^eq. 

[^^L..r.!'..!l] y«ji a man mentioned in a verse by 'Amira ibn TsrH 56" 

^ ^i'^ ^_ ^ see 'i^ ^ ^\ ^ ^ 

(3jLl»Ji |yU» ^ ^tJc ^ tj~J a leader of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat: called ^^Jlc ^! 
10245; hia genealogy 752': at the Battle of Jadnd 1453 s^q. (cf. 47i» 327' seq.): 
at the Second Battle of al-Kulsb 150' seq. 1559: at the Battle of an-Nibsj 1023" 
seq.: see also 258* 400is 752* 803"i seq. 8321 (|_^ ^l = |_^ ^ ^tp) 1049* 

b3& ^ U-Ii ancestor of a family of the Pabba 196' — for his genealogy, see 189" 

JyjLliJI u-lli ^ u«Ii 63715, called also xllil* j^ y~i (after his mother?) 10191; 
slain, together with his brother al-Hirmas, by 'Utaiba ibn al-]^arith at the Battle 
of Kinhil ( = 6hanl) 865* 1000' seq. 

Ji^ ^ u-^ at the Battle of an-Nisar 242* 

>9' (>/ O^ VL^ o^ u4s 49« 898» 
^JA 3_jli ^y i-Ii see ^^i:su3! 

^^^lilxJI J ,, r. jyj u~ii>, nicknamed sLaiJI vXii": his rerses on the Battle of ash- 
Shayyitsn 1023' seq. 

i^.ljJ! gjiiill 0_j uj>£ 0-j u->ii5 murdered by the Bann I'nhayya in the time of 
Ziyad ibn Ablhi 78" 

^^ J^Is 13" 107' 117' 2388 362" 363» 370« 375" 390W 738^ or ytilc ^^ y-li 
3731 (cf. 30" 8511 3438)^ group of tribes: their raid against the Sallt IS" seq.: 
their war against the Taghlib in the reign of "Abd-al-Malifc 373> seq. 508MI 899i» 
902" 1038' 10419 ggq_. supported Sutaiba ibn Muslim 361" 362" 366" 370" 374« 
seq. 375" seq. 9092; eulogised by Janr 506» " seq. 900" SOli" 938* 939» 994» 
1002" soq. 10S7» cf. 428' 512' 536" 545* 1050^; satirised by al-Faraada^ 390" 
391» seq. 915" cf. 538* seq.: see also 90M 238" 373« 400" seq. 410* 413" «8i 
6911 7i6« 7386 743J §93" 902» 903' 1002" seq. 1037' 10739(f') 

J^,Iji3t ^U£ ^ wJU ^ y.^ his genealogy 2381°: cited by Aba 'Vbaida as an 
authority on the Battle of an-NisBr ibid. 240* 

ilj u~S a clan of the Bajila 660* 674W 

Sliiis- ^ liUU ^y ij~<J 53' — see i<UU j-^ j;lSi:^ ^ |_^ 

[sLu lA^ qj] aUU yj y-Is a clan of the Tamlm 748i 

i_jjUlijJI |j»-i5 j^ jjx-^ (^ ,j»-j his genealogy mentioned in a Terse hy al-A'sha 
64519 cf. 18': the names of his children 806^ seq.: made governor of a district 
by the Persian kmg 640" seq. : fled from the Battle of Dhn Ear 644" seq. : was 
left by his relatives as a hostage in the hands of the Persians and died in con- 
finement 236" seq.: see also 76" ( = 80»") 806" 829- 

j^^Jj^' "JJ^ Cr? O^ '''^ verses on the occasion of the Battle of Jadnd 326" seq. 

i_yL£»3l yU ^ oia-ii-iuJ) ^ y-J captured 'Amr ibn 'Amr ibn =Udus at the Battle 
of Jabala and released him 409^^ seq. 671^^ seq.: visited him, in company with 
al-Harith ibn al-Abras, in order to demand a ransom 4091° g^q, 57117 g^q. 

I_^*LJI fjH^ ^ ^ili ]\ ,j-i u~a3 played a prominent part at al-Basra during the 
726" seq. 7388: see also 723« 

^Ql yJS a friend of the poet 'Abd Yaghnth ibn WaljljaB 153i« 

(2) u~a3 qjI see o^x«^ ,^ ^ ^ ,^ 

(S) u4s 1^1 see ^jZi ^ Jjiii 

{ 1 ) ywci _>jl mentioned in a poem by Jarlr 3^ 

(2) u»vv5 _>jl see tXlw ^^j jU«iJt ^ i_j>£ 

(S) y~Ji _>jl see vXJLs- |^ ^^ ^^i cijjim^ 

KlLli^l jJuM cj^ |j4^ p! mother of Janr 7' 206a, caH^a ixl^i 263' 281" 394^ 
and J(cj f\ (var. JLcj ^1) 281" — see also iLfc> 

'y^ ^1 888» 

141" 621» 995»; 


^li ^ (^i (or ,J^ 135') a clan of the ?n4a'a 135^ 67o' 

^ly^t k$ see .'u^l ^- ^ jOJjl ^ L,-^S 
(j-lli ^t see AU=. ^;JJ ^^ ^ JajJ 

Aj'i" said to be a Yemenite tribe 983" {983 notes « JwU as a conjecture) 
■Zpi>'/ O^ ^j-i '-yk ^>-^ 'i4^ captured by al-Hndhail ibn Hubaira at Irsb TOS^ 
(see 47 3« 1088') 

J^'JCJ! see alJi iX»E ijj aly ^^ B^x' 
"^i a horse which belonged to ar-Eukad ad-Dabbl 195" 
Z^ Oju. ^ i\A£ qJ J^^ a clan included in the !Eudra 75' 
IjpJ'^'. /ii 0-; u-L/ grandfather of Shihsb ibn 'Abd jjais 67^ 75" 247i», caUed 
also L,JiJj! 25410 466* 103511 

sUi^Ji iX*/ see (jji^?^' ifi^ qJ u--* 

Lil? mother of Hassan ibn Mn'Kwiya al-Kindl 302» 1018" 

%,^ j-y) _Li\iO! ,:iUj kil? at the Battle of Jabala 667' seq. 

iL^isCJI i^ C!^ s.'^ ^a-o iilJ" mother of 'imir ibo at-Tufail 659" seq. 790M 

'iJ^ ^ see ^_cAi5Gi Sjfcjw Qi o^-^^^ 

^uiiji [ Lisan j!,Uj£i ] a horse which belonged to Mslifc ibn Badr al-Faian 93' 

i}=aX<J! ciiiJi ^_ yf£ at the court of the Caliph Hishim 934'* seq. 

si ZiS i. e. Q*=-j5 J^ Q-i lif the poot: consorted with al-Farazda^ at Hedini 

i^LJl fS^ qJ iW^ o^ ^ slain with his father 362'" 

^'^ an ox whose same became proverbial 107^ seq. 

i>!(AxiI an ass who gave bis name to a breed 794'^ 

,'_h1£J' r'>>-^ ill-treated a man of the Taimallilt ibn Tha'laba who 

protection 197^ seq. 197^^ — in the parallel passage 1058^* seq. Kidam is described 
as belonging to the Bana Thalaba iba Sa^d ibn Dabba 

jJiUJi jdl^ ^^ JJJ' at the Battle of al-Marrnt 71'' seq.: see also 72 notes- 

sfjJ" a slave of the Bann Minkar 381 notes' 

(^kXjtMj! iLL^ui ^y^ ol>*^ CT^ '~^/ ^^^ genealogy 660^^ seq. : employed a trick to 
warn the Bann 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a before the Battle of Jabala ibid.: see also 450" 

^jj? _^i a friend of the poet "Abd Yaghath ibn Wakkas 153» 

jyUjjyat i. e. the clans of ^iais ibn Mitlik and Mu'awiya ibn Malik 748- 

i_yjUliJi [v_ijjpl] JJ.C ^ iUi/ his genealogy 810*: slain at the Battle of al-IyKd 
584' 585" ( = 54"): see also 810" 

^^i j!yj! see LJ/;^! ^^ j^Ii ^ J>1^ 
[^^ut^\] u-l'^f slain in the War of Haramlt 929" 
^jjj^^f i. e. the descendants of Kuraiz ibn Kabfa al-Knrasbl 1641- 
lyUjCJI i.e. sUI jjj^ ^ ip> ^^ jj. the philologist: cited by Sa'diin ibn al-Mubttrak, 
who had heard hira 215^** 623^: see also 556 notes *^ 

i^mS 141" 1498 208* 219^ 236" 265' aoq. 462= 46ii« seq. 

^^-JbOI q'j*^ qJ v^tV*^ married Zaida daughter of Jarlr, 

615>s 621' 639 

i^jIIkJI 44»*^i called »U»iiJ! _^t 114i' 361> 73411; cited by Abu "Ubaida, who hoard 
him reporting to Yonus ibn Habib a story related by al-Hasan al-Ba^rt 734" cf. 114" 

jli> ^yi w»ii' met al-Farazdat at Medina in tho time of Ziyitd ibn Ablhi 619'" 

ejiT* CJ^ "^J^^ ^ -^ Bee £j.y: ^y i^J-, 

^|kx^^l Kjr,.,,i^ (^ w**? cited as an authoritj on the Battle of an-Nisar 2tl» 

j«!= ~j Xt..,j" j— j wJt? a tribe of the 'Amir ibn Sa'ja'a: their geoealogf 10271- : 

see also 2iV 243= ( = 1066") 299'' 446' { = 429» 430" 432«) 446»« 468" 655' 

seq. 666= seq. 1027" 1037" 

[j^]Ii!] ^ ^ v^ 'he poet 201* 

^ ^ jJil ^ wJt? ancestor of a family of the TagUib 899'' 

sUi Ouj o^ '^ o^ -*»? <=!'">= ">«'' genealogy 102313; see also ISl" 714' 

^ ^ j^ yj .Ji? ancestor of a family 733i«: at the Battle of Tiyls 102512 

I'dk ^] i^ ^^ _^ a elan included in the Madhhij ISl" 

liil! ^yj ..Jt? a sabdisision of the clan 'Amr ibn Tamlm: their quarrel with the 
Bans Fn^aim in the reign of Mu'awiya 2141- geq, 

(j«jtji]i ^-iJiS' see SjUr ^ Juyta ^-^ ^.^Jii' 

H^ili ^ eULs qJ wsif a clan of the Tamim 223'- 408' 6331 _ fof f^gii genealogy, 
see 408^ seq. 

l^AxM] s3Uc 0_j iOjJt-s Q-J >r*"> called lt;'?^' — »«S': slain at the Battle of 
Faif-ar-Rih 4712 

LJU/C?) see 258* 

SJt*jj lyj v^ a '"be of the 'Amir ibn Sa%a'a 10271^: at the Battle of Jabala 
655' seq. 666= seq.: verses by al-Harith ibn Rnmi reproaching them with their 
treatment of the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab 924" seq.: were raided by "Dtaiba ibn 
al-5arith al-Yarbnl (Battle of ar-Ragham) 410* seq.: see also 72" S00i'( = 535« 
678«) 446' ( = 429" 430" 4328) 446» i^ 46Sis« 490«' 5341 eTg": .Jtl Uljlj 
1027" 1037" i. e. the two clans, Jafar and Abn Bafcr 

isj_i3 ^y-j ^-4S tribe 414^ ( = 625'): their conneotion with the group Ki«» 994': 

were defeated by the ^Abs at 'TJril^ip 98- seq. : their alliaBCe with the Tamlm 
after the death of the Caliph 'Uthmsn 25" seq.: see also 27" 139^5 seq. 265" 
386 notes = 625* 806'? 1070* 

S-LL? _j_j! a man of the Bann Kais ibn Tha'laba: his yerses addressed to the two 
poets named al-A'shs 645? seq. 

^j^'- see Jv^s-' ^ *UiP and |.LiP _^l 

^1 ^;^! see cC^ ^ ^U^_ 

Jjiil ^hk ^ |.y5i' 8858 8866 

ASit qJ 'iiSls- jjj jiib' a clan included in the Barajim 186^', called also ^^ 'ijh 
iffili ^^ tfJJU 1085' cf. 53« 

j^^xiijd! Cy^l qj X't .^ j j ^ v*^) called also JJI. 885" 907*: his genealogy 905*: 
was eommander at the Battle of Khazaza 1084^* seq.: his quarrel with his wife's 
tribe, the Bana Shaibsn, and his consequent assassination 905*' seq. : see also 455'* 
( = 1075") 897»2 ( = 496?) 

j^JLvJI [^^^:»fi] A * I r ^y^ ^-f<4^ verses addressed to him by al-'Abbas ibn Mirdss 
807» seq. 

eyj ^ v*.*^ (so called 326'^) the clan to which Jartr belonged: their ancestress 
Eaksshi bint Shahbara 758=>: their refusal to help the Bann Kubai' against tho 
Shaiban (Battle of Jadad) 326'*: satirised by Ghassan ibn Dhuhail B" seq. lo" 
16" 17'- seq., by al-Balth 43" seq. 109'-> seq. 156'* saq., by al-Akhtal 4941' acq., 
and by al-Farazdak 232" seq. 276'* 278'* seq. 329" seq. et passim: tho name 
Knlaib is rarely used by Jarlr 9» 898'" ( var. .^■) 

ilSil a name given to the sons of Ziysd ibn 'Abdaltah al-'AbsI 193* seq. 

J^Ju.'SI Juj ^ iii4^' his verses cited 7' 132'-' 142" soq. 352" 353' 541':' ;,)fia 

ilif mentioned in a verse by az-Zibriljnn ibn Badr 71B* ( teit doubtful) — perhaps 
identical with Kannaz ibn l;li?n al-GhanawI | Ibn Hishnm 322' | 

K*-)j-=» Q_j xJUr group of tribes; their genealogy 901'^: see also 434'' 716^" 901'^ 
(var. ji:^) 


sJJi' tribe, called also J^^ 407*: their kingdom 10T3' seq.: fought at Jabala as the 
allies of the Dhnbyan and the Tamlm 656? 6671- : fought at the Second Battle of 
al-Kulab as the allies of the Madhhij and the Hamdan 1491- : gee also 6> 303» 
603" 730' 887* 

^ji ^> jJjUlf Canaan 348 notes* 

iiiyi jUi ci~o 'i-^ wife of Thumsraa ibn Saif ibn Jsriya 31" 

^^yil ikf-!j ^ oii£j ^J^-? u~^' brother of 'Abs ibn Talk 114" 738' [see Ibn 
Duraid 151", Mubarrad 586» seq.] 

w«-«-5' ^ iji" ancestor of a family of the Pabba: his genealogy 322'": see also 
322» 10*4'° seq. 

jyl^l ^ gX^^ (^ar. i^i^i) 1501 

j^ apparently a relative of al-Parazdak 996™ — according to the Kamws s. r. ^, 
a nickname of Ghslib ibn Sa'ja'a 

j_,j^-JI iuL. ^ji fi, one of the Bann pibKra ibn 'Ubaid ibn Tha'laba 411^ seq.: at 
the Battle of ar-Eaghara ibid. : at the Battle of al-Iysd 5831^ seq. 

[i^ ^] J.^ a dan of the Tayyi' 9211 (^ee 919« 920S) 

fciUJi oiil 0J t5^ a descendant of Kurai' ibn 'Auf 714" 715' 

o3j^l ^ siJ with his father at al-Knfa 369* : cited, on the authority of his son 
A'yan, by Abti "Ubaida 6171' 

bli yj mentioned in a verse by Imra'a-l-ljais 1078' 

^"iJui eUU ^ "«i-ij qJ 'Xf-J the poet, called ^Ja^\ by al-Parasda^ 201^: his 
genealogy 6681": was present at the Battle of Jabala in his boyhood ibid.: emi- 
grated with his clan, the Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab, at the time of their feud with 
the Bann Abi Bakr 585!: his verses cited 8" 51» 134» 229* aeq. 299^' seq. SuO' 
300» seq. (of. 678i«) 339" 423< 535» seq. 678= seq.: see also 387* 

i^y*,LxJt _«.=-u> ^ OjLic 1^ Jt,-^ his interview with the poet Ghasssn ibn Dhuhail 
252; mentioned by al-Akhtal 498" 

JL»-J _^! apparently a name given by al-Farazdak to his familiar spirit 547^- 

LiJ (^1 see ^i- ^ ikS ^ '^ 

^Jlc q-j wot-o ^^ j*-*?^ ancestor of the Bakrite tribes 'Ijl and Hanlfa, who are 

called ,4?^ 1-4' 1*8>: see also 57" 780« 
^_y4^iil see kJ~» ^ sjUj 
^i4i\ jii see j^ ^^ -^.y. 
i^ ^^ l~>^(?) an ancestor of al-Asla' ibn 'Abdallah ibn Nashib al-'Abst 93» 

ojc^l 0-1 jwJiiiJ! ^^ iLy _^! leader of the Dibab in the War of Harimiit 928* 
seq.: slain by the Bann Jatar ibn Kitab 928™ seq. 

^xlj:5^i o'^ caused a quarrel between Jartr and 'Umar ibn Laja' 487" seq, 

dc ^ qLjIO gme his name to a well 130'-: mentioned by al-Farazdak 467' 

^J3J\ (j-aI ^ S^lJ (^ J^, called J^' j_jl 2279 2391- ( = 790"), and ^^< 
*i^j«ij| 1063": his fruitless negotiations about the ransom of his half-brother Mn'bad 
ibn Zurara after the Battle of Kahrahsn 227* seq. (= 1063' seq.) cf. 426!^: was 
the leader of his tribe at the Battle of Jabala 656' seq. 661"' seq. 662> seq. 6e3':> 
S8q., where he was slain 664" seq. 6781 looB? seq.: verses of his daughter Dukh- 
tanns on his death 665" seq.: his verses addressed to the Baim Malik ibn Hanzala 
and the EibHb reproaching them for their subservience to the king of al-Htra 
1086" seq.: see also 2391" ( = 7901") 4091 seq. 44r-> 7723 816"' 940" 

^L_aAJI (jw^! ^^ *^ at the Battle of Ivushffwa 20^ seq. : his verses on the ocea- 
sioD 231^ seq. 

^«il ^ji ^ a subdivision of the tribe 'Abd-al-Kais 738" cf. 486^ 

(1) ^j«N*J a woman mentioned in a verse by luiru'u-1-I.vais 85^^ 

(2) u~ftj a woman mentioned by 8t-'('iriramnh 7" 


(3) J^ a woman mentioned by Jarlr 8433 (yar. ^J..f^^ and ,j~;w^ notes') 
l;l^! a confederation of tribes ( each of which is called X<jjj 728" ) inclnding ^ms 
ibn Thalaba, Taimaltet ibn Tha'laba, 'Ijl ibn Lujaim, and 'Anaza ibn Asad 47" 
(ef. 782S) 3059 7549 10231^ (see Additions and Corrections) — 728" seq. adds 
several others: see also 312« 317» 326* 4263 54559 764' 

i^ Lot, mentioned by Jarlr 443? 
,1m^ ._j -bJ, called k_jjL^vs _j_i!; cited as a historical authority by Aba ^Amr ibn 

al-'Alil 402' 
_J^ ^ ^ the principal branch of the Knraish 82* 136" 804' 1003' 

(1) £ mother of a man who was murdered by MuTid al-KulaibI 4911 

(2) 'i2 s. woman mentioned in a verse by Mird^ ibn Abl 'Amir 673" 

(3) jl; a woman mentioned by Jarlr SSS"- 685" 

iLlL" i-*i cy ^^J^-'' -^^ £ mother of Bis{iim ibn Kais ash-ShaibanI 76" 190'3 

478* 809» 
Jjis ^ u--;''^ >i^ li^ wife of Safa'a ibn Najiya and grandmother of al-Farazda^ 

172* 252' seq. 2571= 267*= (read jlij xLili?) 545* 593" 6835 gjif 776* S15« 

829S 8321= seq. 858=! 949i» 976* 1001" seq. 1026" 
.»l>i ^ cUi; ci^ j^.J wife of «Udu5 ibn Zaid and ancestress of a family of the 

Darim 772i» 
il=>u.j! oLvii .i/Jj jlj mother of Snhaim ibn Wathll: her interview with Shslib 

ibn Sa^a'a 416": with Samura ibn "Amr 484' 

jLLjiJi!! iW^^ ^i>*^ j^ mother of the poet 'Amr ibn Kolthttra 885' seq. 

(1) i>S O^' *» -y-*^ C3i U~** O^ f"^ 

(2) S^ y '"« ^-^ o' ^^""^ ai '^'"^ 

(3) (j5 i^' seo J^-^p 

(1) Si^ M' ss"! /»^ o^ 'i'J^ o^ J4^ 

(2) jlJ _jj! see i^^A^iii! killjf 

JjtiUsui! ij3 ^' aoe 1046 notes* 

^ see i^ ^ ii:=^ ^ wJU 

Kllii! xIj^ vi.iJ itlJ of the Banu-s-Sld ibn Malik 188s seq.: mother of al-Farazdak 
ibid. 217«: called by Jarlr sib'jl 10271 

iLij L=> j^ •L»«Jt sU see ^^^UMiJi iCj^lj^ ^^ jlc 

jUi?- qJ u5j£ v:iUj sU-J! iU mother of al-Mundhir ibn an-Nu'man king of al-Hli 
885> (genealogy) 

4„ ,i,. m it sU >-i-J a name given to the family of Ma'bad ibn Zumra ibn 'Udus 229*"' 
606" (?) 

ypl »U j^I see pUiljl (^ jjJjl 

jj^UJi _jij a family of the Tamira 118'' — see j)=»Uji ^y ^op 

ij^jw jU see u»^^ 

sLjJ ^jJ ij,to{?) see 200 notes' 

idjLlljl i3»i Q? sJlili ovJj SJ to at tho Battle of Dim Knr 643" 

[j]% ^jj] yjU (treated as diptote) i.o. tljo tvibo of Ghassmi 152" [soo Urn I.vutni 

M. Sa" Boq. ] 
ijiji ^y |^,jU a elan of tho Dbubyitn 87" 101-' 
jj4X ryi ij\.iU ^^ ,.,\U a elan of the Tanitni: thuir j^onoalogy 48 notes * 71^ soq. ; thv 

ancestor represented as one of the pre-Islamic judges 438^: their victory oTer the 
Sulaim at ad-Daftna (= ad-Dathina) 392i seq.: see also 243^ 283B 494' (?) 595" (?) 
810" (?) 993* 998= seq. 

JjiUi [i. e. yUii ^ Jws^ ^yJ ^So, called J^ ^!, see Ibn Khalllten II 12, 
N°. 117]: cited as an authority for a Terse 557S 

X^ see ^Iti. ^ ej^J! (^ i^:^ 

^yp,jj'u commander of the Persian cavalry at al-Bafra 113" ( = 731-0) seq. 
/Uliiiit ji>yi ^-y) eUU son of the poet 494» seq. 

[J^.ljiJI 3j*c ^^] ,Ju ^^ liUU brother of Hudhaifa: slain by Junaidib al-'AbsI 93- 
seq.: see also 1021' 

fi ^ ij)JU -e. clan of the Taghlib, included among the Ar&kim 266" 

4.tiJi ^ ^L. see J^ ^ yL^ ^ aUU 

j^ ^ eUU ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 452« ( = 1073") 1075 notes' 

^■Sf ^j) ^^ ^ eUU at the Battle of Rahrahsn 1062« of. 227^ 

^y^-ji i_jjc 1^ C)'"^ cr* '^''"' """^^ "''<' »^/?^' (^ '^^ 18' *«<!■= Ws genea- 
logy 75^^: at the Battle of Eushawa 19^ seq., where he received a wound of which 
he died a year later 20': his verses on the battle 22*' seq.: according to 751' 
seq. he was slain by Bistsm ibn ^ais cf. SH'" 315» 583« 

^.,°ji ^ jUs. ^^ ttUU, called ali ',^1 760'= ( = 10671"): his genealogy 760": he 
is described as ^J^^ 67*', but this is incompatible with 760»5 761* : his exploits 
at the Battle of Jabala 674^ seq. ( read )U.> for jU> ) : his verses on the occasion 
6741- ggq_ ■ accompanied 'IFyaina ibn Hisu on his raid against the Taim ( = Taim 
ar-RibBb) 1067» seq.: his verses on the Battle of Busyan, where he slew Jassss 
ibn Mudlij 7611 s^q. 

iUU ^j^ xiil=. ^ eUU, called also eUU ^ dUU (see 606i») and o/3i or oji 
628i~ seq., a branch of the Tamlm including several tribes of which the DiErira 
were the most important: their genealogy 138' 143': their ancestor represented 

as the husband of Tuhayya 183« (ef. 43*' 4G3i 958') and of Fukaiha al-'Adawrva 
181)12 (cf. 325'): at the Battle of Dhl Najab, where they failed to help their 
allies, the Tarba' bSf- seq. ( = 1079is seq.) 088' ( = 1081') 637i ( = 588"): 
attacked by Bistain ibn Kais ash-Shaibani (Battle of al-Ohabit) 75* seq. ( = 313'2 
seq.): defeated by the Lahszim at al-Wakit 307' 312': at the Battle of al-Marmt 
70^^ seq.: defeated by the 'Abs at Akrun 679^: verses by LakTt ibn Zurara directed 
against them I086'» seq. cf. 1087": see also 51- 53= 78"^ 120>» 121' 138= 143^ 165' 
214" 273' 28615 2878 (,ar. ^Jc) 296« 301" 365" 414' ( = 62o») 418»418i! (=1070") 
452» 49818 505U siflit 512»"571i 580" 593' 615i ' Ii28^' 636" 690> 699if' 767W 799" 
8111" 8265 84^12 8659 9911 looQis 

[jJu&ti!] A>Ui» ^ liUU husband of Kabsha bint al-Hajjsj ibn Mu'awiya 6671^ 

.Ujp ^ liVilo was at al-Basra during the disturbances 731" 

^^yUjijI jyu^ qJ liUU slain at the Battle of Jabala 3021- _ f„ his genealogy, see 389' 

J^Uiait f*Jp' o"! <i^^ slain by the Banu Ja'far ibn Kilsb in the time of Ibn az- 
Zubair ( War of Haramlt ) 928' 

JT^\ y_j liUU author of a verse cited 133» 

j*5*: 0-j dUU brother of I^ais ibn Zuhair ibn Jadhrma a!-=AbsT: murdered by order 
of Hndhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazarl 88i» seq., see also 89" 92" 96= seq. 1021= 

j^ ^-i s'uU Juj ^^) liUU (I8311), called also oVy ^yj iCU 202", group of tribes 
26i» 163i» 483" (see 483") 5991 71310(9) i021ia UHO- 1098- (see 10971) 

5j*c ^Ji ^p.M^ ryi '^^ 0^ ^^6 ^'^^ii Thalaba ibn Sa'd ibn Dhubyan 93" seq.; slain 
ill tho War of Dahis by al-Hakam ibn MarwEn al-'AbsI 94= lOl" 107* 

[iUi JuJ ^] iXxl j^ iUu a clan included among the Abna IW: me also 737" 

yjj ^ JiiZ, ^ eUU an ancestor of Jarlr ibn 'Abdullah al-BiijalT H0» (see 139") 

>uIm ^ ii)Jla see the following 

^^Jik^ 'iJ^ ^^ ^ ^ji dJU, called also "iuL. ^ eUU 609" 1065», and iU_S"jl! ,i 
ibid, 8791* seq. 425''' 6520 1003": his genealogy 425'": took part in capturing Hnjih 
ibn Zurara at tho Battle of Jabala 669" soil. 


/^i^CJ! iii ^ eUU (Tar. klit |jJ dUU) one of the Bano 'Adiya ibn 'Amir ibn 

gudad, who was captured by the Kalb and brought to '0isz, where Janr ibn 

'Abdallsh rescued him 140^ seq. 

jijA J^jit ^ siUU slain by Pamra ibn Damra an-Nahshall at Najran 601' 

Xjji ^ LLLi ^ tiUU 119' — see jyU^aJt 

,„,.,! •; jyj J . ( r ^^ eUU ancestor of a group of clans: said to have outraged and 
subsequently married Jandala, the wife of Hanzala ibn Malik 225 notes' seq. 

£L: fji tiXc see xlic 1^ iUU 

j^^pJjl oji 0_j aUU the leader of the Hawazin at the Battle of Hunain: said to 
have made a raid, in the time of the Prophet, and to haTe captnred the wife of 
•Utarid ibn Hajib ad-DsrimI 49515 

tlijij! qJ iiisii ^ eUU of the elan Abu Bakr ibn Kilab: was living among the 
Bann Ja'far ibn Kilab when the feud broke out between them and his own clan 
532" seq. 

,j43 cr? ^^ ^"^ *' ""' B*"lo of al-Watirt 309» " 

lXh^ ^yj V^ Cr* '^'-» » subdivision of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat, included among 
the Ajm-ih 970> 1023» 

vj^ ^^ ^i ,ji liUU 242", called also jJit o^ v^ c^ '^'^ 533", and nick- 
named viyf 242' (of. 241' 242"" 533" 5350 seq. 678" seq.), a prominent member 
of the clan Aba Bakr ibn Kilab at the time of their feud with tho Ja^far iba 
Kilab 5331* seq. : settled the conditions of peace between them 535"^ seq. 678" seq. : 
was, according to one account, commander of the 'Amir ibn Sa%a'a at the Battle 
of an-Nisar 241*, whence he escaped by flight 242' seq. 

eUU ^^ iiUU gee tiUU ^^ iCLjIi* ^ eUU 

'iAsLi ^ aUU ^-i dUL) ancestor of a family of the Asad ibn Khuzaima 760 notes * 
J,j>l]^l iJ^j^ lyJ SJl> at the Battle of Jadad 145" seq. 

jI,Ulii jy^ J*!.. ^ eUU, called j^ '^ ^^1 742«, ^Ui jjI 460« 750« 1090* 
seq., and (C.A^^J! ,._jl 750", one of the chief men of the Bakr ibn Ws'll at 


al-Basra; his genealogy 749'- 766'^: bis house 727''' seq.: his rivalry with Ashyam 
ibn ShaljiTli in the reign of Yazid ibn Mu'awiya 728^- seq.: took part in renewing 
the alliance between the tribes of Rabra and the Azd ut the time of the distur- 
bances 728^^ seq. 730' seq.: supported the party of the Umayyads on the occasion 
of the Yaum al-Jufra 7i9i» seq. 750^! seq. 75P seq. 1090^ seq. 10911; took refuge 
with Najda al-Harnn 1092" seq.: his interview with al-Akhtal 460": verses in 
his praise by al-"Udail ibn al-Farkh (sic leg.) 1090* seq.: an allusion to his death 
in a poem of Jarlr 993™: see also 113" IIS^ 7319 7366 lo lu* seq. 766" 

OLiillil (^ liUU chief of the Dabba at the time of the Battle of Naka-1-Hasan 
( = ash-Shakllf a ) 190S 191* of 234' seq. 

.JJIJI ^ liiJU son of the Lakhmite king al-Mundhir ibn Ms-as-SamH, slain while 
dwelling among the Bann Darim 1084^ seq. ( bat compare the divergent account 
6531 goq. 977») 

jy^^l 'iy^ ^ a^jj ^yj AJU, called ^U*JI ,_sj ^J,ji UV- 298'': his genealogy 
247" seq. 298«: at the Battle of al-GhabrJ 314*: at the Battle of al-Iyad 582»: 
his verses against the Sallt 22* seq.: his verses on the dispute with the Eibab 
and the Sa^d ibn Zaid-Manat 258^" seq.: other verses ascribed to him 315^seq. (?) 
4128 aeq.: see also 206" 258" 896' 

(1) tfUU jjt see e<^ ^ Jiii-^l 

(2). .^L. yJ see ij~Is ^ ^$l\ 

(3) iiUL. _jj) a grandson of Waki' ibn ^tassan (see 354°), cited by Abu 'Ubaida as 
an authority on the history of Kutaiba ibn Muslim 353": see also 3581 360= « 
881" seq. 366» 

qU3U! i. e. the tribal groups Malik ibn Zaid-Maniit and Malik ibn Hanznla, of which 
the former included the latter 606" 609>- 700" ( = 774") 791= 1030'" 

^yjLsJI ,j-«U!t a soothsayer who warned the Madhhu against attacking the Taniini 
(Second Battle of al-Kulab) 149<': raided the Damn at the head ol his tribo, the 
Banu-1-l.tarith ibn Ka'b ibn 'Amr eoo"" 930" 

[ J^jljJI] 'iS^ ^ yUli ^^ |.j.«UI (800 308') wounded at the Batllw of iil-Walflt 
307" 308'" sen. 309": see also 760 notes' 

Q^^'S' s^j cj^'^i/ '*^ ^®^ ^^** notes ^ 

(1) K-j^Lc a0eestress of certain families belonging to the elan Ifabshal ibn Darim 
459* { text doubtful ), see also 310' 

(2) sj^Lo a woman mentioned by Jam 479' 

ii(L> lii^ xJiLc captured by al-Hndhail ibn Hubaira at Irsb 1088' 

L.,g.» ^ j[cy> o^ iJjU mother (or grandmother) of ^ais Ibn Hasssn ibn 'Amr 

943s cf. 1096' — see also the following 
j.,b ^ J-ie^ ci-u SJjU 945^ — apparently due to a confnsion between Msslya bint 

Huwayy ibn Sufyan and her mother Hanna bint Nahshal ibn Darim ( 943' 10963 j 

Oijj-^ ^ '\^ 0-; SjL^ (brother of Sufyan ath-Thanrl) cited by an informant 
of Abu -Ubaida 7409 

S^i see OujJ eT? "^^ 

;^i see Oyij! ^ ^<^ ^ ^ 

SjyfiiiJ! wife of an-Nu'mSn ibn al-Mundhir, king of al-Hira: captured and released 

by 'Abdallih ibn Ja'da ibn Ka'b (sic kg.) 404 notes' 
^^\ ^l his Torses quoted by fsri^ ibn Daisak after the Battle of Tikhfa 68" seq. 

j^j^p! i'^ pj i_jly ^ jjii, called J-ijI jjI 59' ( = 785*): for his genealogy, 

see that of his brother Malik 24 7^* seq.: released the poet "AbdallSlh ibn 'Anama 
after the Battle of Dhn ^ulnh 51^ ( = 784»'), and was eulogised by him 58" 
seq. (=7851 seq.): his -verses on the death of Bnjair ibn 'Abdallah 20* seq.: 
other verses ascribed to Mm 59= seq. 698 seq. 314^ ( = 762" ) 315» seq. (?) 584" 
seq.: see also 206" 5896 

y-~l^ ^ J<^ see ^i^5,(, ^3 

juyU ,.yil ( var. &Jfci« rji^ ) rmeiya of al-Farazdal^ : his account of the Tisit paid by 
al-Farazdalf to "Omar ibn Laja' 9081 geq. 

J^^l ^1 a friend of 'Amlra ibn fmiic 53^ seq. (=785» seq.) 66'' ( = ?80«) 

i_^^*^l Jjyi ^ jjiji at the Battle of al-Marrut 71* » 

j^^Iiji sjJuil 1^ |Jii', one of the Bann 'A'idha ibn Malik (see 193'), left his 
son Shlrhaf as a hostage ia the hands of 'UniKra ibn Ziyad al-^Absl 193^- seq. : 
his verses cited 194^^ seq. 

[JjUliJI ii^b> ^] ,_yliil mentioned by Jarlr 818« [see Ibn al-Athir 1 485=- seq.] 

iu^ ^i see JujXi ^^! 

*-il:^ the clan to which al-Farazdak and al-Ba^th belonged: represented as one of 
the six sons of Darim 187«: called q^j'^I j-;i 78 notes!*, and nicknamed qUJ^ 
938* of. 225" 247« 340' 4341 7759 936II; „hy Mujlshi' was called ^^j^j IS': 
legend about Mojsshi' and his brother Nahshal 78" soq.: Mujstshi' identified with 
'Abdalllh ibn Darim 790": connected with the Taghlib through his mother al- 
galal bint Zalim 880': his mother called Khadafi by Jarir 858": satirised by Jarir 
77« 801= 8115 821 seq. Uin 132* 123i- seq. 223" soq. ec passim: see also 39i» 
41« 421 seq. es" UQi 126i» 137« 182« ( = 7741') seq. 277i» 311" 494i» 513» 
626« 699' 752" 943" seq. 

^jJmS\ d>yXMji iji ^i^ his interview with 'Amr ibn Ma'dl-Karib at al-Basra 129*' soq. 

j^i^UJI see jJi^i ^ jiJi (^ j_^ 

^It'JuX e);.==\jl ^ iy-iuJi of the Bann Abl Rabi'a: slain by al-Minhal ibn 'Isma 
at 'Ain-at-Tarar 762' seq. 1018» 

^Ic (^ f;^^' &^ '■i^ ^^^ ancestress of the tribal group Rabi'a ibn 'Amir ibn 
§a%a'a [see Ibn IJutaiba M. 42"], who are called ^ yj after her lOOS" soq. 

g>^ see S^ll* ai jin^l 

jSU)! jJb a subdivision of the Rabi'a ibn Malik ibn Zaid-Manat 5" 

J^ILAjIit sltij ^ J^l ^ yLsuJI father of Kaklm and Kibi 941", to one of whom 

»1-Farazdal.c applies tho term yii.^uJl ^.^' 952' ' soq. (cf. 418i'): his genealogy 

810«: see also 941» 9661 9576 

J^jJIsiJ' ]..iu^>^l one of tho Bann Mul.callad: mentioned by Jarir H' 

fAwSvJI ^jjt see «_jva ^j ^^jI ^j yl^uil 

t^ yj apparently a subdiTision of the Bann Subai' 1097' 

jyjiiuJI ^ a family of the Bann Abl Bakr ibn Kilsb 243« { = 106T») 243» 

L,»j.suJ! see the Glossary s. r. y.~s^ 

[ilid- ^jj] Vil^ » "'»" included in the group gais-'Ailaa 817* 1039- 

^^^t j^p a friend of =Amira ibn Tarifc 535 jeq. ( = 785« seq. ) 66» ( = 780«) 

',1^\ liSj! ^~^ j^ his verses on the Second Battle of al-Kulib 155" seq.: other 
verses ascribed to him 23615 Beq.(?) 1022= seq. 

i^~^ an obscure term applied to the Lakhmite kings of al-Htra, who are called 
o'^iJi ji 681' ( = 300" ) 27715, and in particular to "Amr ibn al-Mnndhir ( see 
714'' seq.): for d'^ q?I see »UlJl iU ^ jSl^\ ^^ wji'^- ^j^ '^' nientioned 
by Jarlr 404" (see 405'), and by Hassan ibn Thabit 547i: osji* Jj^ mentioned 
by al-Farazdak 71315, ajgo ^^ U-^ 78615; [gee Noldeke Die Uhassdnischen 
Filrstm (Berlin 1887) p. 7, and G. Eothstein Die Dynastie der Lalfmiden (Berlin 
1899) p. 46 seq.] 

jULiJi ki)r*^l ry^ Sp captured and slain by the Dabba at BuzBkha, together 

with his brother Ziyad ISg" 192is 1951 seq. 
[ Jsii! ] aULc (^ lW ^ Sf^ lived at the time of the First Battle of al-KnIsb 

4581' ( genealogy ) 
j^Ju=»p! i^ ^ ^ present at the death of ?;utsiba ibn Muslim 362^ [the name 

is doubtful, see Tabarl II 12241 and foot-note] 
[ "jj^iiUI] v!J^ a-i V"^^***^' Msei at the time of the feud between the Bann Abl 

Bakr ibn Kilab and the Bann Ja'far 533« 
J^^pl 'Sp< ^ iitji jyJ jl*u!! 897" 107015: his genealogy 207" and, with va- 

riations, 897« 
J^JuiJil i_^i? ^^ 3-^' author of a verse cited 957' 
jjEuli rJi mentioned in a verse by Eushaid ibn Rnmai4 207'' 

Jio ^ fi^ ancestor of a family of the Shaibsn 64418 906' 

J^laJt isj^ yj JLs^, called Jj^t y~*jy! by al-Farazdak 188>«: took part in a raid 
against San'a 445": see also 189^ 238* 

V'-t-ii- ^ Jiii* 1* (read ^..^-i for vv^-fi.) 4886 10548; called also _**^ ,^! 
18' 3712 46« 9815, and /:t> _jj! l* 22 notes' 37 notes ^ 44 notes' 56" 57'== 157" 
182'" 372" 378'« 381» 390'= 488« 5076 5x011 sjg ^^^^^ e 58413 639M 809" '* 825'= 
8462 95612 93713 (some of these passages may possibly refer to Ahmad ibn 'Ubaid, 
cf. 687«) — see also Introduction p. XI 

Ijali ^^ oZ^ cited as a historical authority by Aba 'Ubaida 729" 739" 

ill! Ju* iji '^^ a- "^^ "''^'* ^^ Muhammad ibn 'IsS al-Wasitl 403i» 

^\^-i\ ^ oly ^ Ali^ see ^J/i\ ^l 

^^Jb3l wvjUJi ^ 'X^ see -Ui^ _^t 

^iJ' ^ o-*^ cH '^^ *" ancestor of al-Parazdalj 265« 489« (cf. 127'): his 
mother and his brothers 7721' seq.: was one of the pre-lslamic judges 438" 

i^^jji ijjliSi y_j jji^, called 411 j4^ ^-i^ 1' lO^*' (aid i" all the other pas- 
sages): cites the following persons, Ahmad ibn Yahyit { = Tha'lab) 3828 504" 
515' 557* 587" seq. 997", Muhammad ibn 'Jm al-Witsitr 403", al-Farrs 518'b, Ibn 
al-A'TBbl 539", Muhammad ibn Yazld ( = al-Mubarrad ) 750" seq., Khitlid ibn 'Ab- 
dallah as-§arifrni 755": see also 169" 1891- 211™ 242' soq. 246' 247« 259i» 260"' 
27017 271" 280« 288' 301'' 302^ SIS" 3228 3408 344' 347= 356" 358» 361» SGS'* 
373* 376'' 407215 42917 445» 446' 447' 451" 466" '» 489i« 504^ 608" 516? 522i» 
587' 540' 5412 642'" 5521= 668" 582i» 586« 687" 622' 631)2 (;5iio (jgejs (jgijiv 
890' 694' 713" 724' 728" 755-'' 792' 793' 795' seq. 796i» 804" 808=12 8IO1 " 
8122 8211' 833" 835» 840"" 847' 857i 873" 880" 891i» 907« 909' i« 9349 939S 
944' 9482 950« 959' 962" 965" 966' 969» 970is ^ and Introduction p. XI 

*jJ! lW (O iXls^ the Prophet : pronounced a ourso on the tribes of Mudar 462'i soq. : 
his intention to rebuild the Ka'ba 486'2 soq.: tlio relation in which ho stood to 
the An^ar 548' seq.: his uttoranoo on the Huttlo of Dhli Ivnr 640"': roloasod 
those of the Tamlm who had boon captured 096'' soq. 747"' soq.: his roinark an 
the poet al-Mukhabba! 10482": see also 174^' 220" 345"' 347" SOS'" 448" B29=< 
624* 700<' 904» 913'" 1017" 

J^^l aW o4*i j^ >W cited by Abu-l-I.Insan ul-Madtt'int 1048" 

, ^.ijj! OjUac qJ e*= qJ Jv*^ persuaded al-AkhtaJ *o side with al-Fara^dak against 
Jarlr 4941' s^q, (genealogy) 879'^: was satirised by Jam (who calls him q-jI 
sjli 892") 895' seq. cf. 495" 888' 901' 

^Ja~^ji\ j_,-^^ ^^ jdii', called jJJ! Jui ^I: cited hy al-YazIdl 4031^ 

^jJtfUl ,.— Jili ^^ aIs* cited as an authority for a verse 162« 

JjlsUil jjbli 1^ iX^ brother of Jutaiba ibn Muslim 362" 

J^loCiJl J^ a partisan of 'Abd-al-Malifc at al-Knfa 1091» 

(i_^i^! qU^ jy-j] js^j Q-J lAli" received the news of the murder of l^ntaiba 
ibn Muslim while on his way from Marw 366^ seq. 

[o^l] JojL ^ kX^ 750', called ^^031 _^l leg'* 271» 319« 407« 504' 521" 568" 
970'^ [ some of these "passages perhaps refer to Ahmad ibn Yahya i. e. Tha'lab ] 

f^^Xxll lA*^ jil see (Ajy« ^ oi^v*«i 

^.»,Tg,gii A^^ jj! verse ascribed to him 72" 

jyu'Jji jli?>j! i. e. of the Banll Kurai' ibn «Anf : called tXjjj j-jt by al-Farazdalj 
200*: mentioned by Jarlr as a satirist 707": his verses cited 276" 1064": a 
saying of the Prophet concerning him 1048'* — as to his real name the autho- 
rities differ, Xxjj, ^ ^l, ^ iju^j 200<i (cf. 707"), Sx-j^ ^ ^j 707 notes ^ 
[see also AghanI XII 40* seq.] 

"8,i.ijl A.> Ir. ;tt ^ji jUi^l slain by Mufab ibn az-Zabair lOSS'iS: called JJj .Liu, 
by the poet Jarlr ibn 'Arsda 370* 

jjii^^t jf see j3>A.i=» ,^ ^jJf 

jjiji ^ JAii qJ Sj^^ maternal grandfather of al-Hsrith ibn 'Abdallffh ibn Abl 
Eabfa al-Makhznml 607« 

|.US ^ ^'Ji ^~yi ^^"', of the Bann Dhuhl ibn ad-Dnl, a friend of Jarlr 846' seq. 
nJ'^ a clan of the Kuraish 739'* 

wJfJi rj~i '■^.rri rH ^-^^ ^^^^ ^y ^^ father on a mission to Waki' ibn Hasssn 
36T* seq.: see also 3681 

»-»^ Ji^ see ^,,^. ^ J=jJ 

iicSjt 1^1 (?) chief of the 'Adi ibn ■Abd-Manat and a contemporary of 'irTaina 
ibri Bim ibn. Hudhaifa 1068* 

j^ qJ !^U ,^ s^yi ryi -il,^X« ancestor of a family of the Azd 361" 

yioA ^j-j jj«U]S ^^ aJ\j»-* tribal ancestor, said to have been originally called •-♦5; ^ikLk i6S ''— 

{j*faA*J) a horse — (_«,ck>-»Ji j_^w,6 is said to denote al-Akra^ ibn SufyHn 943^ ^\ and 
Nawwsa ibn 'Amir 109619 

iuiXj! mother of 5>ifaira and ancestress of al-Farazdak 219* 

^^>0<ja ( or ,is:>vX* 469*, said to have been originally the name of a district ) group 
of tribes: their alliance with the Banu-l-Hsrith [ibn Ka'b ibn 'Anir] 9^6': their 
expedition against the tribes of RabT=a (Battle of Khazsza) I09ii^ seq. ; against 
the Tamlm (Second Battle of al-Kulsb) 149" seq. of. 155" 448" 601": against 
the 'Amir ibn Sa^a'a (Battle of Faif-ar-Klh ) 469S seq.: see also 53" 3ti2" 

^t see ^yi 

jy, called also yl^. 472», a tribe included in the group Madhhij 39W 469» 471" 603" 

[l^^^jl Jk*x^ ^] jpt verses ascribed to him 133'» 75S« [ see Aghnni IX 158-* soq. ] 

^Jk^AxJf &«Lm qJ ,!y*J! maternal grandfather of the poet .\bu-n-Najm Gll^'' 

J-8 ti^s-u!, or J^^ ^^'j ** woman of the Kais ibn Tha'laba who aiibrded protection 
to al-Farazdalf 611i» seq. (for a different account of her, soo Oil'') 

diXl, ^j-i SjljJi, of the Bann 'Amr ibn Yarba', was with his maternal uoclo, Ibn 
adh-Dhahab al-AsadI, when the latter captured Mu'ayya ibn «»-Simma 120'' seq. 

iUipi «eo j4i-^ ,^^ ^ p 

Xilp! ^^1 see JLi'dl ^ ij^ ^ ^,^ 

iilj^i yj nickname of the family of Janr 256' 279» 325- 4971 

^j, (var. ,ij_«) mentioned io a verse of Jarlr as a man whom al-Farazda^: threa- 
tened with death 974^^: according to 9751 ggq^ |ie was a ruwiya of Jarlr, Ms 
name was originally y rj ■-- , and he belonged to the clan Abu Bakr ibn Kijsb : 
another account represents him as the murderer of a woman named 0hadub who 
had satirised the Bann Snbai' 10978 seq.: a third account calls him Mirba' ibo 
Wa'wa'a, and states that he slew Sa'd ibn Snbaih an-Nahshall 1098^ seq. 

Cj^^S ^^ L>ij-« (read lA-jj-*"^ '*^' ^r*" Q-? ^-3 ) ^^i"^®*^ * danghter of YathribI 
ibn 'Udus 2195 

dUU ^ olZ, ^ Jt^,"^ a snbdiTision of the Kaia ibn Tha'laba 794?, see also 4591 
7945 8021- 

[J^^l] ^ ^ i^ oCi ^ ^y. at the Battle of al-Wakit 307' 
[tiLs^ 1^] A3^, called tjofSM, ancestor of a family of the Darim 772" seq. 
Xj'usji concubine of Ziyad ibn Ablhi 7241^ 
jLil^^ j^f see »^ji ^ oU; ^ M iAa_*£ 

JkJb>jJl their conduct at Mecca in the time of Ibn az-Znbair US" 
_»iy _^! see ilii ^ ^ij_yiU! ^ jLJUi BlkiA Si 'S: 

iljl ^ t^Jjy. [=^Ai i-jJ o-'-yi s*" Mubarrad 530«] called J'ii _^t, I86«( = 699i2) 
^.JLLli ^t J.I jyj (j-b^ his mother Patima bint Jalhama 659": at the Battle of 
Jabala 409* seq. 6591" seq. 6711 seq. 672" seq.: see also 907' 

OjJys a horse ridden by Ziyad ibn al-Hsrith ibn ^Amr al-0haas^ul 195^ 

Jd'^l 65", or Jii^ 20015 218«, the poet [commonly called y/iS ysijij!, see Ibn 
IJutaiba Sh. 103 seq.]: verse cited 65^ 

yU=. ^ 8^ ancestor of a family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 1*1 

^Lli j^ jii ^ s^ ancestor of a family 764" 806» 9061 

^)Jf ^_ ^JjlLl ^JJ y, called i*.jjl; ^1 68s 6931- ( = 289^): slain at 

the First Battle of al-Kulab 289" 453" seq. ( = 1074" seq. ) 69315, but according 
to 68* at the Battle of Tikhfa: see also 771i« and notes = 77215 

eiysaJI ^ OU-ji j^ s^ ancestor of a family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 7413 

Juu» ,j_j i_jyE Q-J Sj-s a clan of the Dhubyan, called ^USi j^ b-< 1036 notes': 
their genealogy 760' seq. lOei^: see also 94* IDS'" seq. 107^ seq. 439« 1068" and 

jI,U£i 1^ S^ see the foregoing 

»*SJ ^ Syi ancestor of a family of the Darim 2161* 

i^J 1^ v»-»-^ 0-; »-« ancestor of the principal Meccan clans, by some identified 
with Murra ibn 'Auf ibn Sa'd 1061* 

y i' Pi ' ~- ^^ tdUU rj-J oyi a clan included in the Barajim ( q. v. ) 53^ : called also 

JUJI >j 360" 
[^^jOJLIJI] ^\J^ fji 8yi of the Bann Eubai' ibn al-Harith ibn 'Amr 741= 
|.ll» ^ y an ancestor of al-Haufazan SI" ( = 784") cf. 3263 
^U;ijl i'J. ^\ see vJ o^ 8^ c^ o*;*' 

j;s/i*5i s;;^ ^i see ^ ^ ^t^ 

w«*y. _>jl see ,^^3JI J-i-oj 

,»KiJ! (yj ^Ij^ the Caliph, called liUiJI Jvli _>j1 619"': governor of Medina in the 

reign of Mu'awiya 214", seq.: met al-Farazdalf 619»: sent l.lubaish ibn Dulja on 

a punitive expedition to Medina 699": see also 994' 

Jj^^ill jLI lyi Q^,"^, called -i/Jt ^!,li^' [Ibn Duraid 169» ) 679 notoa' 760 notes'h y^, 
oaptnrod by the Yarbu' at the Battle of as-Suro'im ( = Dhitt al-Jurf) 248* 7605 

ob/i ^^ see jT,!,^ ^ aUlil ol^ 

kljtjpl 1092", or yjI-J'/pl 10901" 1091", i. o. the supporters of the Onliph 'Abd- 

iULs^l /^ uiUj ■Zl'J, wife of •Amira ibn Tsrik 47' ( = 781" seq. ) 48* 
^ij*!! a camel 2o9» (yar. ^1^1 notes') 

/^jJiivil l=-lii a man who was accused of aiding Busr ibn Artat against the Bann 
■Auf ibn Ka'b 718' seq. 

"jfciiL^uJ! ,»jiaJo ,-o 4j*sj6'i! ry^ o!j^ was placed as a hostage in the hands of 'Auf 
ibn al-5a<ka', who caused him to be murdered 80-2 seq., cf. 78» 81i"7 254" 318» 
426" 439M 695» notes* 7682 97412 iool> 

vjJ^Pt see jii ^ ix^j Js'i ^y s^ 

ascribed to him 759^1 

"jjjjllJi Xjj-ii Q-;''') "^ *''^ BuoJi =Asim ibn 'Obaid: at the Battle of ar-KaghSm 
411' seq. 

jjjjpl a horse 407 '» 

^^5jjt see S/4 i! ^ v^' 

JsJiJI ^ j~,) dSjit lived at the time of the War of Harsmit 927" 

iUjUifl see JC.i\U* ^ ~Jc ^ ^^ 

KjwU».iJS 145^^, see it4«-vfl _^ 

'^»IiJI u~Uc> ^^ o'^ O^ jjU»JI acted dishonoarably towards a man of the Taim- 
allat ibn Tha'laba who was under his protection 197' seq. 197^^ — in the parallel 
passage 1058*^ aeq. al-Musawir is described as belonging to the clan an-Kamir ibn 
'Abd-Manat ibn KinKna. 

__.^*^>j«i! ij^ ^-Ji AaP qj .^tw^+jl a poet mentioned by al-Farazdak 202^ 

^jjllxjl ;^ ^yj ^jJJil^) 161* (var. s^ ^jj ^j,^ii»Jl notes'), or .jj ^ y . J v..,,!! 
siiJb 967' ( var. iutiU ^ ^^ ^ j*ii»,JI ) , a poet and an enemy of Jam, 
who calls him isLJi 966" (ef. 16l*)i his verses cited 2081 g^_ 

(_5)Sr^' <>,^i*l#JI slaiu in the reign of 'All 254^ 

after his mother, who was a daughter of Jarir l'" 32' 126*: cited by Abn ■Hbaida 
I26» 647«: see also 31" 

[^^JJi^li^ :>yi^ ^ ^if^! eallctl J-Sj" j-jI 948': a descendant of Salma ibn 
Jandal 948' 

[aUac ^J oyt**-a brother of the poet Dhu-r-Rumma 797 notes** 

^_ff^^ ^j_j 3yi ^^ oyt-vji chief of the Azd at al-Basra in the reign of Tazld ibn 
Mu'awiya 730=: called jj*£ ^^1 742', nicknamed (jj^'-ll yii 113», and described 
as J^jCiill tbid. IW or as (V-^-iiJI 730»: Ms genealogy 720" 7251-; afforded a 
refuge to 'Ubaidallah ibn Ziyad 724^ 726-' seq. : took part in renewing the alliance 
between the Azd and the Rabi'a 729^ seq.; marched to the mosque at the head 
of the allied tribes 730» seq. ( cf. 113* soq. ): was dragged from the pulpit and 
slain by the TamTm and the Persian horsemen 733'* seq. ( cf. 114^ seq.), or, 
according to another account, by the Jiaruriya 113'' seq. ( cf. 743'^); the com- 
pensation paid for his death in* 738-" soq.: see also 115"* seq. ( = 735'"' seq.) 
lie' 117* seq. 73418 73510 73619 7375 79010 9721 

[^***aJI] oUaii! ^ oyi-*^ his genealogy 425" seq. 919' seq.: slain by lyas ibn 
'Abla at the time of the murder of the Caliph 'Uthman 918>- seq. of. 426'" 

Kais (see IS') 829^ 

Jji^l jU;. ^ OytZjt slain by the 'Aba at the Battle of 'Urrir 98^ 

i^^iJLJI ylc ^J-l ,jfJiL> (or i;j,jCljt *C80') a poet and a rival of al-Farazda 
genealogy 620" soq.: his versos cited 2(15" soq. 267 notes* soq. 621' 621* sot 

^lUj a client of Malik ibn Misma' lOgO* 

^^^J^LJI J^yJjl ^^ |»Uw« met Hayyitn an-MabajI at nl-Busra 36i)5 

4^y*i! aUJic qJ J.**^ his expedition against Medina 699'* 

[J^LjJ! wJLt ^Jl ^] .}^ jy-i A-~^y called J^Jit ^^l 246": slain by order of 
■Obaidallah ibn Ziyad 247^ 

[Ji*LJi j_^ ^] ,01^ father of ^utaiba 359» 362« seq. 

^ ^1 see j^ ^ ^ ^ Ju-iLi 

[t^^ji^l ^ytj^ ^^ eVJjJ! Oyi qj] iiUi OTerthrew Tazld ibn al-Muhallab 363* 

jJ_L jyj Vj'^ o-^ ^^'^ 'ito'' »* » historical authority by Abo 'Ubaida J262» 
TSO'! 734IB [ in three of these passages the MS has SjL, ] 

,U««4 a horse ridden by ,_^**ia^f s*^.^y^ 1®^* 

ii>JUJI L^J-i o-^ J*~^ ei'ed as a historical authority by Abn 'tJbaida 427" 612' 
6461* 743" 

jlL 1^1 see j^Uli j^ ^^ ^ aSX. 

«l»w: >JL^ i. e. the family to which Uslik ibn Misma' belonged 1090' seq., called 

also iL.U.JI 14518 
^Lxllj! i. e. MMik and 'Abd-al-Malik sons of Uisma* 993'' 

Jyj'ibCJ! ikjJj ^^ y~Ii oil ^y^ j^ lived at the time of the Battle of an-Nisir 
242" seq. 

^ Jji cyyu 0<lc ^Ji Oujj ^ jf"*^ was outlawed by his tribe and foogbt at Faif- 
ar-Rlh on the side of the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a 471' seq. 

jJ-~^ jj! see }j4£ ^ j\! ^ iiiitXs- t 

^]Iii v4~i' 322« 

tf.^.M.t. 1 ! see the Glossary 

Jj=4,Jl jLiil lived at the time of the Battle of Dha fulohi 49» { = 783« ) 

.'.JAxI! s'Jliil 193>'^ 194» 

_.yi^ leader of the Hamdan at the Second Battle of al-Knlab 149" 

,^^^1 jLflj ^^ ,^i,ZJi^, or lii-jlijt, lived at the time of - the Second Battle of al- 
Kulab 1505 eeq. 

(]^j4&3l jiiil (var. jlilit) mentioned in a verse of Jarlr 1002", see 1002' 

[j_^«Ix!I] jUw an ancestor of the poet 'Umar ibn Laja' 487^^ perhaps also 428i" 

V^ Oi'3/^ ai '-'J* cy '^'^■" *'*'" ''y ""^ Pabba at gadim ( = GhauI) 3905 

[^ySl] JUii an ancestor of Janba ibn Nathla 253 cf. 98* 

^yjjlJ\ ^jjilSI ^Jl 0-j i_»*"^ of ti^ Banu "Arm ibn Tha'laba: prevented a feud 
between the Bann MElik ibn Hanzala and the Yarbn^ after the murder of as- 
§imma 120" seq. 

*|ytJt ^™j poyt (j-r? wotAa/9 brother of 'Abdallah (see ...L^i-Ls^' ) ■ ^'^^ al-Mukhtar 
1089^: his marriages ihid.: hia three journeys to Mecca 1089^- seq.: deposed from 
his governorship and replaced by his nephew Hamza 1089^*; re-instated as governor 
of the 'Ira^ 1090« seq.: his contest against the Caliph 'Abd-al-Malik 749* seq. 
( = 1091' seq.): his return to al-Basra 7501* s^q. 

;^_jliij| j_5iilir slain at the Battle of al-Marrat 72" 

w.Ua^ his conversation with al-Farazdal^ 1047' seq. 

>J±i' ^ xIjjU ^ Z^ 916i« 

yaw great group of tribes: cursed by the Prophet 462'' seq.; their rivalry with the 
tribes of Eabl'a at al-Ba^ra 727^1 seq. cf. 113": see also 142' seq. 2259 227W 
315' 358W 369» 377^ 428* 4318 488O 5468 571 notes* 714' J46» 809- 897 notes' 
912* 984*« 1047» 10688" i064« 1093« 

1.5*0 O* U"/" ^'' ^iwses cited 161* seq. 

KjL^^j^t Jsyiw see j\>l^^ ry> sy*^ 

^ >jA,'dt XJ^A.ox« a woman addressed in a verso of Huraim ibn Ma%har 886^* soq, 

j_^ypi ili^li ^ ^ tooli possession of al-Kufa on behalf of Ibn al-Ash'ath ( A. 11. 
82) 118» ( = 972'^): see also 7S2« 


df^\ ^! see ^-^ ^ o'.-~:> ^ ^3 

[J^^^jjtl-il] il^! ^y _Uil;t at the Battle of Dhn Tnlnh 49» { = 78SS) 

[ J^y^'! ] ijilj J qJ _jii*)! his conversation with Bistam Ibn 5ais before the Battle 
of al-Iyad SSI" seq. 

£ JiiJ! ,3u ci~^ »iL»^ sister of Hudhaifa ibn Badr and wife of ar-Eabi' ibn Zlysd 

Jy^jljui l^aI jy) s^ij u-j jjjiti half-brother of Laljit ibn Zurara 1063": called 
cLsia ^_jl 22V» 4261° ( = 22918): captured at the Battle of Rahrahan 226« seq. 
(=10635 seq.) cf 8931= 94013 ( = 10531) i003i>: the negotiations for his ransom 
2278 seq. (=1063? seq.): died in captivity from starvation 2281 seq. 229« 2291" 
(=408") 2301: see also 239" ( = 648" 679») olO" 6565 ( ef. 239") 799" ( = 78i 

jiaJ-wJI lXax>5 husband of Humaida ( q. v. ) 830ii seq. 

oJx-s _^! see iXij ^y i_r.Ac j^ Sjjy 

[Jc^iiiiJI] '^(f) slain in the "War of Haramlt 929" seq. 

,j»>j: ^ 'i"^ (^ (JjpuJi ancestor of a family 86i^ 

Jijw, called qIj^ q-? Ax.« and represented as an ancestor of the Lakhmite kings 
2993: represented as the father of gu4a% 1423, ^nd as an ancestor of Anmltr 142« 
seq.: used to include the Kinda 267»: used to denote a portion of the Arabs 

7141 : j;_,^ i^Lji i.e. the tribes of Tamlm and Bakr ibn Wa'il 720» ( = 740»): 
J>_iJa !_!=- apparently used to denote the whole Arab nation 988'": see also 15' 
4616 69» ( = 3001-) 8915 1395 iji* 2151- 249^ 253i« 300 notes* 425« ( = 670") 
442? 4511- 4eiJ 54(ji2 64816 673s 713IS 715a 71911 g^q. ( = 740^ seq.) 942* 992" 
994» (see 994') 10S6« 1090^ 10941" 

wy IAjw see icLq* ^ v/ u?-***^ 

ki^ ^ yfoJU at the Battle of al-Iyad SSI" 582" (text doubtful) 

j_.jJL*iijf .**** ^ —--Ui Q-J qIJuw at the Battle of al-Gbabrt 313^^ — perhaps iden- 
tical with the foregoing, see 581 notes ^ seq. 

,>uX.'i M^ ^ 

iXiSJi i_j*£ j^ ejyS'Ji ^ v/' 1.5-^. <"*"!«) ''^ ^58'" ( = 1076W) 8873 10739 : 
brother of Sharahbil and Salama 455" {= 1076^) 107315: his poem on the death 
of Shurahbll 456" seq. (=1076" seq.): was slain at UwSra 887'" 


v/ t>>ow 456« 

3^ ^ ijojtA ancestor of a family of the Asad ibn Kbuzaima 65^^ 

,_jj*ItlCJi i>y^ " relative of Jarrr's mother, noted for his stupidity 489" seq. (accor- 
ding to 868 notes 1 he was a paternal uncle of JarTr): see also 7^ 15^ 489^ 868^ 

jyLe^Iil 1. e. Mu'rid al-Kulaibi and his brother 489"5 

[i_^I^I] jUiiM slain by 'Umira ibn Ziyiid al-'AbsI 194» seq. 

j^jUJ! jU=> ^ (j.j! ^ fx^ (or ^^ijl 676^) present at the Battle of Jabala 6o9» 
seq.: his verses on the occasion 659^ 6751* g^f, g^g? ggq^ 

^Ul iueyi ^ y,!, ^ JJuu (of the Asad ibn Khuzainia, see 760 notes') at the 
Battle of Jabala 661": his verses cited 663" soq. 667* seq. 

U~ftS •>^ o^ i^ see ij-jS ^ JJiL 

^.rtlSf j^>-f-. j^ oji Q-J JJi>" (of the Tha=laba ibn Sa-d ibn Dhubyaa, see 107« 
seq. ) his verses on the conclusion of the War of Dahis 107^- seq. 

J^pi u4s ,~r-> J^i oa'le'l al"" u-5 ^V= cr^ ^>^ 254^, and ^~Ji ^'< 2iT'-: 
prefect of police tinder the Caliph 'All 247'' 896': his death 254* 

JJifc« _jjl see Jjx — » ^ >Ji)j>~^ 

...iyitJI i. e. Ma'ljil ibu IJais and his brother Bishr 2a4<' 

i^i^' u-ji o^ cy" 

author of a verse cited 

j45=i ^ Q«i brother of tb(» poet GhassHn ibn Dhuhail 25* 

^_yjuj! ^~i=-^I j^ Jujj Q-J i^jsw at the court of the Caliph Mo'awiya 716": eee 
also 278* 

^Jjidl jJo ^ Xjot* slain at the Battle of Jabala 667» seq. 

^_^lli ^ _jLj ^~j kj>xx a clan of the Taghlib, incladed in the Arukim 266^ 

( = 373*) 887" 
ly-ij; ^ Si ^ Xjyts ancestor of a family 10641* geq, 
^Jj^ ^ ijJJ, ancestor of a family of the Taghlib 4521* (=1073«) 

JcJUsCi (M«-?^Ji Q-J iJ-J" was asked by the 'Amir ibn SaWa to help them against 
tho Tamlm a year after the Battle of Jabala 302^ (text doubtful) — see also 

J^.LS. '£t.M slain at the Second Battle of al-Kulab 152" 

.>k;i >i O^ iiyU see _^ O? ^! 

[ 'jliiii] siUi ^ iiJJ. at the Battle of Jabala eBTi" 

yp- cr* c?^ 1^' cr-^ "^y" *^^ Caliph, called j^j*!- jll ^^! 618«: 

of al-Hutat ibn Yazid, and the verses of al-Farazda^ on the subject 608" seq. 
appointed Ziyad ibn Ablhi as governor of the Hijaz 6201" ggq.. sent Bosr ibn 
Artist on a punitive expedition into Arabia 716" seq.: see also 25' 46" 79» 214" 

721" 729« 

JojJxJl S-ip-'Ji (j^ iiiy" 407^, called also iU-f=yi o"^ Sjj« 656«, qj#31 qJ i^^ 
after his great-grandfather (see 4078) 407>- seq. 410« 667" 678", and ^^^iJ! ^i 
6618 — see q'jIs^' 

Ou/i qJ Xjrfj one of the pre-Islamic judges 438' 

^^ii:Oi J^bC! ^yj oj*^' ^yJ siv", called o^i ^1 674", and ^iiuJI olS 
674*: slain at the Battle of Jabala 674- seq. 

,Uii£ .r" iJ^ .-rf S'Jw li^ed at the time of the Battle of Jabaia 661" 

\.^ ^ iiyJ a subdiTision of the Tha'laba ibn Sa'd ibn Dabba 195« 
w^ ^^ *:)5** see wU*^5 

[(-jtilXJt S3L>- ^ (iUU ^^] iuyM his mother Umm al-Banin and his brothers ^Amir, 
fufail and "Obaida 635* 

[iUi Juj (^] dUU j^ xlyj a clan of the Tamlm 7481 

iiU ^ liUU 0j Xjyw 119''', see j^b:^! 

^^Jd^I llii (or Juijt 489«) maternal grandfather of Jarlr i^ 15-' 4898 i* lOU': 
his genealogy appears in two divergent forms 7' and 206- 

slil ^ ili^, called |Li% ^\ 854«: captured by Ibn adh-Dhahnb al-AsadI 120« 
seq.: for his genealogy, see QU,»aJ! 

jiSiUa ,y»»-}it 0*1= 0J u~Jii nephew of liutaiba ibn Muslim 3621' 

^^Jljl _fil ^^ ii*^;i grandfather of 'Isa ibn Khusaila 611' cf. 6091* 

gl.,i„;,.r> ^|—j 8. _«y,*!t his verses on the murder of Mas^ad ibn 'Amr 736' seq. : other 
verses ascribed to him 7981 seq.: see also 186' ( = 699") 

[J^ji^J^t sJJI O^-J-c Q-;l ti-^l an ancestor of al-Hurith ibn -AbdallKh ibn Abl 
Eabl'a 607" 

^ylJ^I 'i^ a partisan of the Caliph -Abd-al-Malik at al-Kaf» 10918 

jy^^jiUil 764« — see AdditioHS and Correctium 

xixl.'lit ^bjj ^ ijS2i .jiUj »LLii (or sljuuJl) nncoalross of tho tribes of Mnlik 
ibn Zaid-Manat and Sa'd ibn Zaid-Mannt 4831" ggq. 

J^L-Jjl ^j4^ lyj 3^ ^yj o^^ his gonualogy 587:': at the Battle of al-GhabTt 
818»: at the Battle of »1-Iyltd 581i 582i ."iS.^, whero ho was slain SSS"' of. 585i-': 
see also 818" 

[JllaJt] o^ j^ iJ^l cited by Muhammad ibn ilabrb 37", and by al-Knlbr 75i 

J^ipi Jy=.Si JO'liw cited by Abn 'Ubaiaa 905= 

JuLxJt jj»E ^ (« (var. y»j.Uu), named originally ^f — » 1022': was an ally of 
the Shaiban at the time of the Battle of ash-Shayyitsn 10201^: M» verses on the 
10229 seq. 

g»j:LJL< a man of the Taimallat ibn Tha'Iaba who served as guide to al-Farazdalj, 
when the latter was being parsued by ZiyKd ibn Ablhi 616^* seq. 

*jjA3 .y ^j-.j:Uw 222^* — see Additions and Corrections 

^_Axi' j^j j-^ ry^ ^J«^Ulfl a group of clans ( Sarim, ^Ubaid and Eubai') descended 
from al-Harith ibn 'Amr ibn Ka'b and included in the tribe Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manst 
717* seq. 741' seq. 979' 102313 seq.: origin of the name Mukiris 340» seq. : see 
also U6« seq. ISH^ ISo' 222" seq. 326» 340* 71718 856- 978i» 98313 io653 seq. 
1072" seq. 

JT^ ai u-^" 


,yJu ^^1 i. e. t5,<iL»JI J..*i» (jj ^! j^ j^', the poet: verse addressed to him by 
an-Najashi 187" ( = 3241=) 

^!jil/i a descendant of 'Ddus ibn Zaid [ad-DarimI]: verse cited 229* 

lis* a relative of the mother of al-Balth 64^ 

j^\ see ,j:^ ^ y^ ^ ,^ 

«Lk«j! mentioned by Jarlr as an associate of al-Farazdalj 8301* 

U-USjl ^! see (_,„ULJI ^ uSl^Jl 

^lif ^^ JOil ancestor of a family of the Yarbn' 1« 13i» 14i», cf. 326« 

-wX*JS ( var. y^S^l ) see bJSm^ ^^ aXIa^^^ ^ iXajj 

J,lil ^lx>>i;' 15a'- 23C." 1022- 

;<.^\^ yj' mentioned in a vorso of al-Farazdak 1050'' — according to ,\gh.1nl XIX 
20-' seq. and Boucher's M8 fol. 251 a desiguution of al-Farazda^ himself. 

^J*,Si^ _y«-j a family of the 'Abshams ibn Sa^d ibn Zaid-Manat 1072^ seq. [s 
Doraid 160' seq.] 

K-lw^t s-AcH-« see JaL:^' ^^ liUU ^ -at 

isiUII i.e. the family of 'Amr ibn Tha'laba ibn Milkat (q. v.) 653-" 65t- (=46' 1087™) 

[(^Ulijl u»i> qJ] iJyt— » t^ ■Ali*5! at the Battle of Kushilwa 20' seq. 23" seq. 

Wi i A ^I see JaiiLa ^ kJju" qJ j^ 

JXa see liUU 

lyLd* a subdivision of the clan. 'AdI ibn 'Abd-Manat 804- 

j_^**iLsJI ijoA^ cited as a historical authority 217' 

(_5tXiii*i! ^JaJXA 1^*" (see Additions and Corrections) ef. 14'' 

XJijtjiJ! xijb. 0..0 x£iU lived at the time of the War of Dahis 88'° 

j_yCjjji3l lii^svll ^yj jilJI i^_^ u_j jJIL went to summon help before the Battle of 
i^ushswa 19' seq.: said to have been slain by Bistam ibn iiais 314'^ 

jIU _>j| see (.^Ic 1^ e<yixil ^ ilJI i>^ 

li^Ii! Oj}i!jt [i. 0. jLfJ j^ (j»U, Ibn Daraid 199-']: verso cited e34«: see also 

JjUil ji\, or JjUi ^t, see Juy. ^^ oUijI 

LJU* see |_yAaS j^ ujUi Olxc 

|.jb ^ usLli clan 187' 289" 

«Uu deity 141* 

(jijiAjtJl ^.jLjlj ^ji ^jf^LUi^ cited as a historical authority by Abu 'Ubaida 487" 

^^^LJI Ja«.b' ^ yisic^' reckoned among the Vj*^' ^r^^ 372'^ 

,^lil i_M-iliJI 190« 191' seq, 234« seq. 


jLsil. (J^! a horse 606» 

i_iysui _jjt cited for the text of the Xaka'id 28b' 

K«jLXii ^! Bee j^Lsu ^ ^^^i- j^ iy. 

j^^^J^ii ^J~^'i i_=j--'i j^ ,J-^' 266 notes" 885 notes •, i. e. ^yUjt-Lii ^j .jiij!, 
see 29815 

/•' c^ J**- CF? j^ "2*"' ^"0 /' a? >-*^- o? ^-^^^ 

[j^jliliJIJ jiii j^ i^c*^ o^ jJ«II-! lived at the time of the Battle of al-Watid« 
( = al-Watidat) 389 notes' — probablj identical with jjj^ 948" 

[^,Iii Jyii ^] ^jii 195« (see 79*) 

^ U .-"..i-' ^-* ^ ,iXUji see ... i « T ' ' t ^ iXU-i 

^^^lit jXjJ^l j^ jjJii king of al-Hlra 1073- seq. (text donbtfiil), called also 

4^**^! iXiP ^ 1^-*^^ 2671^: for his genealogy, see 298^^ 

J^^ii QUiii j~^ jjJ^'i king of al-pra, see 762", 1073' seq. (cf. 298"): osoaUy 
called »UlJI *-i ^-pJ ^jkili! after his mother (?) 8851 cf. 66« 267* 713l« 887* 
J 0731 10841, also ^j^ 3356 ggin 9737^ ^Jlji .^ ^! 267 notes*, J_^ j_jl 66s 
68» { = 300") 786" seq. 999-, and (j-l^^' ^J 10181= (?) 10731 : sent an army 
against the Yarha' (Battle of Tikhfa) 66" seq. cf. 298" *04 notes' 1019' lOSS": 
was expelled from his kingdom by al-Harith iba 'Amr al-Kindl, who afterwards 
made peace with him and gate him his daughter in marriage 267* seq. (cf. the 
diTergent narrative 10731 j^q). jjjj interview with 'Amir iba Ohaimir ibn Bahdala 
7131= seq.: his victory over the Kindite king at Kharaza 887' seq.: asS also 
661" — and ^^~lk'l ^^> ^ ^jvlif 

^^! w\l^ ^ ,Aa*)s see ,>\i«Jf ^ ,j^"*' 

*...^w-w» a name ( usually said to be that of a woman ) which oceora in a proverbial 
saying of unknown origin 267^ 

'&Ju^ ^ ArfjCc Q^ J''*^^ * group of tribes included in ^ais-'Ailsn 93811 

jjIii/> i. e. X-fS^ ^yj jj^^ ' <"'"«d *'*" ^lX.~3" Od.< pj j^-» [ Khizanat, Index ] . 
verses cited 579 notes ^ 

'ijjjiii ybj ^y ^jiili i:i»^ wife of the Calipli Iba az-Zubair 805' seq. 

iXj^ 1^ yi-u a snbdivisioa of the clan "Obaid ibn al-Harith ibn 'Amr 741': distin- 
guished themselves at the Battle of Jadud 326^^ seq. : accused by Jarlr of having 
outraged Ji'thin, the sister of al-Farazdak 592' 682" 815^' 855' seq. lOOl^ seq.; 
see also IIS* 124« 144* seq. 362" 427» 459" (=10785) 544^ seq. 593= seq. 654' 
801S 831'2 846» 937^ 978» 979« 1049' 

Jj/Ij! 381", see j!/ 

jii^ a son or descendant of Nadla ibn Bahdala, of the Bann Rabfa ibn Malik ibn 
Zaid'ManEt, an enemy of Jarlr 9' 

[i^_^pl] i^ j^ Jl^l of the Bann Himyan ibn Eiysh: called by Jarlr jl^ 
wuUiJI 2542; at the Battle of al-Ghabit 314> seq.: at the Battle of 'Ain at-Tarar 762'* 

kaJU a son or descendant of Khslid ibn Ja'far [ ibn Kilab | : took part in ihe War 
between the Banu Ja'far and the Bann Abi Bakr ibn Kilsb 533'- 

j^aJJl^! k^ _jj! cited as a historical authority by Abu 'Ubaida 30^*' 

1^-S:f3\ sli! lxI^ (^ ^LfJI (or ^l^ 934«), called ^iU=i. ^t by al-Farazdal^ 
934": governor of al-Yamama and al-Bahrain in the reign of Hishitra 539" 935' 
seq. 1044" 1045S 

o3!^ a woman mentioned by al-Farazdak 787" of. 800" [soo Lisiin IV IW] 

Hj^ (less correctly Sj^) a tribe who gave their name to a breed of camels ( xj-i-fl 
pi. j[f or Jji^) 755" 

Y-fr^\ Q-i u^.l Q— ? v*J^' paternal undo of Zubair ibn al-H«naid, who cites him 
857- seq. 

[4_^:'^1] HJua ^1 ^~j i_-J^i, called ^Xot.w _^t 35G', and .c^5j^' 372 n.ttcs^: made 
deputy-governor of KhurltsEn by Salm ibn Ziyad ( A. II. B5) 372 uotcsS seq.: 
suoeeeded Uraayya ibn 'Abdallnh ibn Khitlid as governor of Khurnsau ( A. H. 78 ) 
8561, ef. a67>S: his family 309' 974^" U93'" 

trfi*^l Cj^-^J! (^ ijuSj ^ jjk^ {or J^UJt 905»), originally named y«Is5l j/«5 
200 notes \ or J^JlI 905^ seq. — bat see 456« ( = 1075" ) where 'Adi is repre- 
sented as the brother of Muhalhil [cf. Aghsnl IV 149' seq.]: brother of Knlaib 
ibn Babl'a and maternal grandfather of the poet 'Arar ibs KalthEm 885^: his 
genealogy 200": verse ascribed to him 906": called by al-Farazdalj sytill jji» 
2001-: see also 218" 266" ( = 373=) 886» seq. 

5j-^ ^ aU! i^AC qj J-^i^' ^ nian of the Banu-l-'AdawIya, mentioned by Jarlr and 
al-Parazdak 862" seq. 

J,.«.i:«iil -bji ^ 'ix^j qJ d^.fi" >j' '•'^ satirical Tersea on the Battle of al-Wakit 
311' seq. 311" seq. 312»: other verses directed against the Tamlm 10851^ seq. 


ancestor of a family of the Darim 611^ 


!t=^i a man of the Banu Ihib(?) ibn Himyarl ibn Eiyah, captured by al-Hndhai! 
ibn Hubaira at-Taghlibi 1088" seq. 

P^^^ a horse ridden by Harim ibn Pamdam 94^ 

[j^jwji .li ^] _%I cited for the text of a verse_ofjil-Akh|al 508>' 

j^.lAjt i_!>i ^ ,j~xi ^ ojy» avenged his father's death by slaying Hataim ibn 
Baraka-Kahruhu in the time of Ziyad ibn Ablhi 79' 

j^*«y« Moses, mentioned by Janr 775^ 995^ 

L^j-- ^' see alii ^ j^J. ^ S^l 

jji ci»i? X«Jr« daughter of the poet 203" 

^UJt i3«^ grandfather of Ma'kil ibn 'Amir ( q. v. ) 6681 667S 

»lil« ^ a family included in the Bana fuhayya 79' seq. 

iiyiiU! Qy~l< mother of Hinaa'a al-KilBbI 532' 678W 

(1) *!-• mother of "Utaiba ibn al-Harith ibn Shiliab 315' seq. 

(2) xli a woman who owned a home at al-Basra 731- 

(3) wi a woman mentioned in a verse of Dhu-r-Kumma 501'" 
&;w.«nJI Xa^ a woman to whom al-Farazdak vainly applied for help 611^^ 

,_5JutsU! KjbUJi 808' 10171", i, e. ^j^ ^^ qU~^, called ^sXnjf^t 200^ 248" 333> 
404 notes' 405™ SIS" 881' 906", sjUi ,j^ LLU 229= 404" 497K eSS'^ 717'2 
906«, and Jilj j_il 497": his verses cited 2293 248i'> soq. 3335 404" seq. 406' 
seq. 406» seq. 658" seq. 7171' seq. 808* 813" SSI" 906' seq. 1018' seq. 

^^Uliil xilili 100" 179» 5085 815", i. e. kjjJ" ^yJ jjli ^^j-J Joj [ Ibn HishHm 
233«], called ^\^i J^ LLU 99' 103' 200*: his verses cited 99' seq. 100" seq. 
10S« seq. 179« 508« 815" 

^Ull ^^ ijb'j poet 200= 

[^^Uw ^] 'f.^^ a clan of the ^uraish who gave their name to a quarter in the 
oily of al-Basra 725' seq. [ see Taknt IV 726>s seq. ) 

^ytiiL-SUJ! 'ijuax^ 0-) 'i-^J paternal unelo of al-Farazdalj : his interview with al- 
BaHth and the verses addressed to him by the latter 18 b^ seq. 

JLiili=uJl vA*^ qJ JUc j^ ^^r^^J great-grandfather of al Faray-dak: marriod l.vufaira 
219«: had a familiar spirit 790": see also 172' 257" 258' soq. 683' 771' 7891" 
■949" 959« 

aU:>ij J a woman mentioned by Jartr 212" 

(^-Jxll iUtia ^y wUiij, called j'^'^^'- was a captive in the hands of the Hanii 8a'd 
ibn Malik ibn pnbai'a at tlie time of the Battle of al-\Vnljit and contrived to 
warn his fellow-tribesmen of the intended iittaok 305" seq. 30(i'' seq. 

(j*Ls:^*-c^Jf ^J^ i_-Ui'j cited as a historical authority by Abn Na'ama ( = ibn 
'iss) 732- (cf. 114*) 

jil; (or ^ii 525*) a poet satirised by al-Farazdafe 524' seq. 525': he is identified 
by some with ^iiLs'J ^i jilj 5249, anfl by others with Sj|j~ ^ jslj 524>» 

ki;^ O^ S^ 'oo f^ O^ y^- Oi ^"^ 

j^bbGi *>L5^I ^Ji yS^jL^i ^ «&ij said to be the author of a verse which is else- 
where ascribed to 'Amir ibn at-Tufail 668': see also 524« 

sSi^ ^ Jib see |.IAP-:S! ji and jsl; 

vii ^^ jj'j chief of the Bann Juhayya: visited by the poet Abu-1-BiIad 436' 

( 1 ) jjli _^! see j^ljji ^ JujJ 

(2) jili ^i 9171 i.e. the father of Nafi' ibn SawBda ( = Dhu-1-Ahdam ) 
j^^^iSat ^^ry father of ^lil ( q. v. ) 46« 

J^j a clan of the Khath'am 469» 

idjb deity 141* 

jilJ slave of Abn Suwsj 206« 207" seq. (of. 1059^ seq.) 231« 

1^ i. e. Aramaeans 368", ^J^< ili 29", i3! ^il? 690" — see also i*-] 

^U>i a clan of the T^yyi' 3U*, said to have been originally called ^,!.3j*.f(?) 34^: 
satirised by Jarlr 34* seq. 37* seq. 

l1 i. . 

il^ a slave of 'Auf ibn al-Ka'ka« 80* 695» (wrongly explained 695«, see notes*) 

idLi ^jil see slJLi ^^ ^W^ 

,liuJ! _^ a clan of the Khazraj 546' 

^^LpJjl 1. e. jj-»-c Q-J jj~iJ the poet, called by al-ParazdaJj u-UJJ- jj>l ^J^J^ 
20V: his Verses cited 187" ( = 324") 329»* 

i_^iIsU! y^c ^ otXSJ a leader of the Khawarij in the time of Ibn az-Zubair 118": 
afforded protection to Malik ibn Misma' 1092^^ seq. 

|,^l jjI i.e. (^^ii^l ii''^ Q-; J-i^' the poet 307": his mother Rubai'a 611>>: 
met 'Isa ibn 'Umar lOOi^: his verses cited 164' ( = 5975) 3081 5331!! 5459 „gq_ 

jeJib^ ^^ Jil lAxi ^ ^yi"' 973", called also j^Ls^ qj .ili" 223i", ancestor of a 
family of the Darim: legend concerning him 223^^ seq.: see also 973^- 

.l^ialil 340M (Tar. ^lixi), or jtyiuJI 8588, apparently a nickname of some ancestress 
of the MujHshi' 

XLAi father of KaddEm al-MszinI 72* (see 71«) 

xIjG a Degress, mother of Khufaf 372" 

85OU a mare which belonged to Abn Suwaj 206'' seq. (var. %oJ 1059" seq.) 

Jjj ancestor of the tribal groups Eabra and Mudar, who are called !jj Lol 141'» 
7201 (--,74o«); represented as the father of Anniar 142': the connection of Nizsr 
with the Kalb 9948; see also 142- 2«1* 340i= 611> 714« 853- 873" 988'- 9916 

ys!e ^^ v^f:*^ iji jM ancestor of a family of the Kuraish 716'^ 

(A-uAC f-yi 'iyf ^J^ JSjJ ancestor of a distinguished family of the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manat 
■ 741", called also Jl]ljl 324* cf. 741' soq. 

jmJ deity 141* 

jjLw.aJ1 *I jjj a family of the ^AdT ibn 'Abd-Manfft, who befriended NawSr when she 
had a qnarrel with al-Farazdak 804'" (see foot-note) 804« 

i_SjLJj| 83« 3789 506» 595" 600" 620' 705» 808" 93(i' 1041' 

[iXlls- ^^] joi an ancestor of 'IsH ibn Khusoilii Bll' (soo 609"' soq.) cf 6H^ 

ijLOj (^ yai 298" ( var. j.j5jijLJI ^^^ ^ 299' ) «ui ancestor of tho kings of ul-l.llra 

JUyM j^ jai a clan of the Hawazin 895i» ( = 495") 

ill! jJc jy _vu>ai a clan of the Bajila GBO" 

iJj^J iji Xl^ a subdivision of the clan Rabl'a ibn Malik ibn Zaid-Manat 9' 

J= Ijit ^r,'j^ ^J3 xJIs. j^ iLaJ maternal grandfather of Hudhaifa ibn Badr 88' 

^J2.JJLJ! Jj^.^4-*Ji y_j oi^l father-in-law of 'Amlra ibn Tarik 47= ( = T81i»), 

JULiJ 1! a mare which belonged to Khalid ibn Na^Ia 2411*': another which belonged 
to al-Harith ibn >Ubad 595' 

J^jiXif iicUj j_jl i. e. L?"~!!-' 0-; Sj->-^ 7271"; a historical authority cited by Abn 
•Ubaida 240'', by Zuhair ibn Hunaid 727» 732i, and by Hubaira [ibn Hndair] 
741": see also 2271= 740" [and Tabarl I 2378"] 

^;U-! jusbu yil see ssL^^! ^ i_?r^ 

^xi;L5\*il j-UJ! ^^ jXaJJ (or -U; ^Ji je*jf 222^) failed to protect az-Zubair ibn al- 
■Awwam 80i3 seq. 833 notes > 

...U*-w!(?) his sons addressed in a verse by al-'Abdl 631* 

j_j^JJt u~liilf s^.«l qJ o'"^' '''"S of al-Hlra, called also X.£>iiJI ^ ij*»*^' (after 
his mother ) 1073- and j^'^l ^j^xJ^Jl to distinguish him from his great-grandson 
694™ 1073 notes 1: for his genealogy, see 298ie 

j^j^I^I (jX~:> ^ yUilii for ^Uii 197^) leader of the EibBb at the Second Battle 
of al-Kulab 150^ seq. 1521-, where he was slain 151^ aeq. : verses on his death 
154« seq.: see also 1068= 

J^.;jiiji k^jj ,^y.i o'>->«^! (or j^Uij 646'> 818») at the court of Khusrau Parwez 
639"" seq.: fought on the side of the Persians at Dhn ^Sr 646« 818" 

^^.«*.!yt qU^ q-j qI*«J ( or jyUxUl J27' seq. ) one of the negotiators at al-Basra 
72617 seq. 

/^*1*-^' iiijls- ^~J-) j4/ jyJ qUIj { Tar. Q*»i'! 1074M ) at the First Battle of al- 
Eulsb iU' 

j_j<13' uj s^ 0-J n'-^' ""^ "^ ""^ leaders of the Ritab at the Battle of Jabala 
656W, called ^^ |!^t lio6^!' 

,_y^^f jlS lyj qUxj slain by the Shaibsn at Mulaiha 51' ( = 74") 74> — jli 
73* is apparently used for jli j^i 

g^Ls^ ^^ o*-^' ancestor of a family of the Darim 772" 

Jj*Mil jOJil ^j-j jJvIiJI jyj ijUilil king of al-Hira, called ^'j t |'.;UitI] ! to <li- 
stingnish him from his ^reat-grandfather 2981* ( genealogy ) ; was defeated by the 
'Arair ibn Sa'sa'a at Safawan 404^ seq, : slew 'Adi ibn Zaid al-^Ib adt and was 
himself slain by order of the Persian king 6393 g^_. ^^^ ajgo logis 14111 240i» 
seq. 385" 388* 679 notes* seq. 713« (var. jlliJI) 884i»{?) 897" ( = 4968) 1060i» 

^yiuJI JbL* jyj qU^IJI, called ffli^il, one of the BanB Shuraib ibn Kabl'a: at 
the Battle of al-Wa^It 312' seq. 

lyUiljt ^1 see jAUs^ 

Q.4AAjf see under qUxJI 

^j*l3! ii^j.2»u> ^ *^ met Jarlr ibn ^Abdallah al-BajalT 141'- 

j^s^jjl iiij^f rjJ v^ cy (*^' '^**"**^ JUilyl 18^^ 71 notes': his genealogy 18^**: 
at the Battle of al-Marrut 71*'=' 72'": his voraos on the occaaiou 73' soq. 

[J^^IOJI] tWi ^^ jUu^l j^ ^' captured at the Battle of al-Wu^It 309" 

[J^^pl] :Jj ^ wviis j^ f^ iW- (=70;i"), milled ^l/^i ^^1 473''' ( = 475' 
70B'») 474' ( = 708«); husband of Ziiinab biut llimyarl ilml. 


[ JLijS!] ijJ^ ^ jJjJ, called alao ^Uil, at the Battle of al-Watida S89 notes '» seq. 

wJtf ^ vW^' i>-^ >'■■.•.'' captured by al-Aljra' Jbn Habis eOO'^ 

^li 5254— see ob 

[J^jLsuJt] X_^ ,j_j .^ — - ,j_i jla-i his' verses on the defeat of the Taghlib at 
Mskisin 1038" seq [in BakH 583i» this poet is called jIZi ^ jJU ^ jlii, 
cf. Ta^nt U 341 "I 

(^cA**Ji .^».r. ^ woti ^j_) ^Afl_j parsaed az Zubair ibn al-^AwwEm after the Battle 
of the Camel 80'' seq 

V^ qJ i^ !_/ J"Sj ancestor of a familT »0T see also 241" 1038 notes' 

^_aA— .^i i>^_x_a_) a diviner who accompanied Bistscm ibn Kais to Naka-1-Hasan bat 
deserted him before the battle 190" seq. ( = 234^ seq.) 

^Ji i~^ ^1 author of a verse cited 63^= 

iUUi" ^ji slju Oyi qj ^*i]i clan 1058" (text doubtful, see foot-note and the parallel 
passage 197' seq.) 

-a«j ^J^ j*j.5 (or ,*-_. 901'') tribe were among the supporters of Salama ibn a!- 
Hirilh al Rmdi 4i2i» ( = 1073™), and fought for him at the First Battle of 
al-kuhb 453' ( = 1074») see also 595» 7371" 

j^ ^L*=> ^j3 ^y. ^ .^.^ took part in a raid against San E 445^* 

tj:-M- (var ^j.-***j t cited as an authority for a verse 162^ 

[ ^ 3 ^ J^a y .* J ^j— ] ws£ __j _mj a tribe included among the Jamarut 946^ seq. : fought 
at Jabala 6o1* 6(3", lud at Faif-ar-Klh 469f 470'^ seq : ware raided by 'Imraa 
ibn Murra ash shaibani and defeated him at karat AhwB ( = al-JIuwaira ) 405' 
seq -^alinsed b} Jarir 44^'' seq 775*^ seq cf 772'" eulogised by al-Farazdak 
468'" seq.: see also 428'* seq. 443= 782' 

LS^^ XU*: see Jy ^ 3^ ^y Sj»« 

J^ixilSi s^ ^ -A^ 749'« 751"" 1092» [an adherent of the pretender Ibrshlm ibn 
■Abdallah in the reign of al-MansUr, Tabarl III 290'= 301« etc.] 

^♦IaI! jucw^' ^ jUi [of the Taimallsh ibn Thalaba, see Hamasa 431^ seq.], called 

"trH cH' 

359" 3641": his lerses addressed to Kutaiba ibn Musli 

other .Terses ascribed to him 364S seq. 364" 364"* 368i- seq. 

S^ a clan of the ^a^VA 52" 15419 1557 4699 471'' 801= 

^J^ii^^ ijtja ^ ^y> ^ J-^ author of a verse cited 810' 

-Jj ^^ J.;Sg i clan: their ancestor, his parentage, the names of his brothers and 
his six sons (Jandal, Sakhr, Jarwal, J^tan, Zaid and Manilf) 187' seq.: his 
mother Ealjashi bint Shahbara 752" 7581": legend concerning him 786 g^q . tj^gij 
alliance with the Tarbn' in pre-lslamic times 699' 752": the assistance which 
•they gave to the Baou Minkar against the 'Abd-al-I^iiis 144^^ : their victory over 
the Hilsl at al-Watida ( = al-Watidat ) 389* notes i seq.: their dispute with Janab 
ibn Shank and the verses of al-Parazdak on the subject 941' aeq.: see also 182"' 
( = 774" 1049») 214' 216i seq. SIO* 459* 494« 513^ 609i« 653" 699' seq. 711»« 
748" 752« 771" 934' 944" seq. 946' seq. ( = 1096« seq.) 955" 956" seq. 957« 
975" 1020" 1042" 1049» seq. 1080» 10863 1099' » seq. 

(1) J-iJ ^' see ^JM^^ ^Ji ijjj ^^ iiJiJ 

(2) J-i^ _^! see i'^ ^ iy^^ ^ fZ^ 

[^^!lJI] sUI J^i ^y ds# at the Battle of al-Iyad 582" 

[^^^ii^iJl] >A^, called jJlli'>3!, 3101" {text doubtful, see 309 notes') 

i^jtiiJI liiysOt ^ iXLiJ Ilia verses on the War of Dahis 101' seq. 

gljll! (pi. of iijLDi q. V.) mentioned by al-Farazdak 200' 

iixiSLsuJI iis4>» qJ jjj»*l ovu jl^l (or jly' 162<" 163- 232- el passimA was mar- 
ried to al-ITarazdak by means of a trick on his part 803" seq.: her unsuccessful 
attempt to escape from him 8031** seq. : her interview with Jartr S07^ seq. ; was 
imprisoned together with Jurtr I66I' seq.: see also 125^ riO** seq. 137- 231^"' 252'' 
2671 3411S seq. 59415 5950 10 684» 80l« 804' seq. 820i» 822' 8305 g^q, sois sfj.jis 
8941 97613 1084 notes » 1044- 

^JJ^ ^ji ^ u>*J jlyiJI an aucostresa of al-l'arazdiil;; 803'" seq. 

?tJ^^ ci*-4 ,'5^' a-n ancestress of the poet Ghassau ibn Dhuliuil 38* seq. 

-jt_i;L$=uJI ^c ,-j_j (_^|ji took a chief part in maltreating =Abd 'Amr ibn Damra 
1096", see 946i 
jjyi 1^ _y son of the poet 20518 geij. 49717 

(1) „^ .__j| (i.e. Canaan the son of Koah, according to .the commentators on 
^ar'an XI 44) mentioned by al-Farazdak S48« 

(2) .^J ^! an associate of 'Amir ibn ■Abd-al-MalUc 744* 
i_jU« jL-i (-^ jijj ancestor of a family of the Knraish 1084« 

i-iy^ i-i-i^ , i.e. Malik ibn Nawaira and his brother Mutammim, mentioned in con- 
nection with the Battle of Faihan 945" [see BakrI 722>» seq.] 

lUl^i a elan of the Juraish 224» 3481 3759 39111 4271 747! 764* 

^£jdi j^'^ii Peraian generaj, slain at the Battle of Dhn ?sr 640" 643" seq. 644» 

[,}:j!^i 5/^ o^l CJ^ pa* to death by 'Dbaidallah ibn Ziyad (A. H. 60) 2461' 

J^^L-yijI ^^Uf ^ k,o....;? ^ j_^l# his genealogy 687* (cf. .639^): captured at the 

Battle of al-GhabIt 810*i ( = 77"): at the Battle of al-lysd 5811 5321^ where he 

was again captured 5831' 5351-: his refusal to obey an order of the Persian king 

(Khnsran Parwez ) 63916 seq. (see 639"): was leader of the Bakr ibn Ws'il at 

the Battle of Dhu ¥» 6411 seq. 642': see also 316s (=58315 cf. IOI910) 835' 

,jUliJ' L'^L* ^ jf«-~« ^ ^ji[$ grandfather of the foregoing 639* seq.: for his 

genealogy cf. 587- 
iii>, -AJlLJI see yS^j ^ ^jj 
iyli' a horse which belonged to 'Amr ibn al-Jn'aid 152» 155" 

y.liJ> 1^ S^Ili cited as a historical authority by AbH 'Dbaida 729« 730« 740» 
7411": see also OSIOC?) 731» 

y qJ j..-fi»v^ qJ Sj-i_>S, called |».ii.^ ^^1 79": slew 'Amr ibn "Auf ibn 
al-!Ka%r at the command of Ziyild ibn Abihi 79i^ seq. 80' seq.: see also 123' 
767« 768' seq. 

[i_ciyv^I] iUU. jjj y>lc 1^ S^jlls> made a raid against an-Nu'msn ibn al-Mundhir, 
king of al-Hira 404" ( but see foot-note ) 

*li:? LljI of the dan 'Amr ibn Kilsb: two men who were slain by the Dabba at 
the Battle of Darat Ma'sal 388^ seq. 

,4i4^l yj a family of the DibEb 916" 918^: see also 924 notes = 

y . I. . . ^ mother (?) of Tiais and al-Hirmss, sons of 'Abbas al-Ghasssnl 637» 865' 
1000= 10191 geq. 

olJ»* olan 595« [see Ibn Duraid 284"] 

fjj j^ jj* see 93« 

j^^c^jaJI Kj-*xc q_j Kj(aJj q_j o>-!a^! a contemporary of the father of al-Faraxda]^ 
41418 4153 seq. 

[J^^lljjl] ijJji'St |-^ JJtikS' lived at the time of the Battle of al-Wakit 306* « seq. 

J^iWI e<yk!l ^ ^j ^ j4M'i ""« of '•><» B™1 Nufail ibn 'Amr 507»: took a 
prominent part in the war against the Taghlib in the reign of 'Abd-al-Malik 
507* 902" 1041» seq. 

[l^^OiilJt] |.jya ^^ J^^l leader of the Bana Muka'is at the Battle of al-Farnlj 1072'- 

[i?jJLI (^] jjjji tribe 717" (text and allusion doubtful) 

i^^JlIllf 8j^^_j;j-£_j4>4^l, called ^yUi _^l 473« ( = 703') 475", and ^As-^ 473'- 
( = 703«), of the olan Tha'laba ibn Bakr [ibn Hubaib] 266is 1088- ( var. -Amr 
ibn Tha'laba 373=): defeated the Yarbn' at Irsb 473= seq. cf. 702" seq. 882'" 
seq. 1088' seq.; joined with al-HaufaziXn in attacking the Ba'd ibn ijaid-Manat 
88S's seq.; see also WS'" 324' 704" 880"' 882'' 883'" 

A^J^ see «J^^ ;>^u« 

(^j^l see |4;«il 

^ a woman mentioned in a verse by Imru'u-l-^ais 85^^ 

j^pl xijU> j^l ^_ yLu, ^ ff at the Battle of Jabala 675^ 

;^pl |.i^ ^ |.^ skin at al-KhEthira in the War of Dshis 94= seq.: see also 105M 

J^LliJl ijili ^ u-l^'-fii 637»5, called also iulixP j^ u-l'}iSi (after his mother?) 
1019^: slain, together with his brother ]iais, by "Utaiba ibn al-Harith at the 
Battle of Kinhil ( = Ghaul) 865< 1000': see also 60" 77« 835' (cf. 999') 1018« 

(_^Uj{J! _^! ( var. ^j^y^jfi^ jjI) i. e. jyUiJI ^^ 702*, slain by the Bann Nahshal 701" 

Jf/«il one of the Persian generals at the Battle of al-Kadisiya 995« 

gyy. ^ ^j ^ ^f ancestor of a family 49* ( = 783''), see also 66? 

'i°0> a woman celebrated by al-A-sha 478" cf. 328« 

[ |_5jax:sUi ] j>j^l { var. j»J jcJI ) mentioned in connection with the fend between the 
pibHb and the Ja'far ibn Kilsb 925« 

i_^Uii! oyi^i (^ (.T^ltsJI ^j^ p!^, brother of Abu La^Ifa, took part in the War 
of Haramlt 929^, see also 527" e 

'iujsh jl! Q-j fkJ^ i. e. ^^-»iLs\jI Jt»:Si£>' Jj! ^ tcAc ^^ i^T*' *'' associate of 
Waki' ibn Hassan 351i 361« [in the Indem to Tabarl p. 611 Hnraim ibn Abl 
Tahma is treated as distinct from Huraim ibn 'Adt, but see Mubarrad 687^**] 

dJUi! eXfi ^^ i-Ui* the Caliph: eulogised by al-Farazda^ 1004^ lOOgi* seq.: satirised 
by the same poet 984*: his interview with Janr on receiving the news of the 
imprisonment of al-Farazda^ 984^^ seq.: his grave regarded as a sanctnary 380^: 
see also 539« 934" 

^^^JiXJf [^-oUJl ^] A*^ ^ *Ui.P cited as a historical authority by Abn ^Ubaida 
452«: cited by Muhammad ibn Habib 4615; called Jj^( ,^1 46" 47 notes* 452« 
497>«, and also JJ-isol 75- (whore ho cites al-Mufa44al ibn Muhammad): in the 
following passages the term |^y<i>3t may refer either to him or to his father 48 
notes* 77" 83* seq. 140> 432» 10931; see also 1081' 

j_«5jiwi! oposj! j^ fji^ father of Abn Jahl ( = 'Amr ibn Hisham ) e07''- 1017>- 1018' 

^LAjP _^I, i. e. wuUJI p_j Ai^, cited by Abn 'Ubaida 365" 3G6=: called ^^Cl 
747^*, where he is cited by ash-Sharl;^ ibn al-i^utaml: see also A^ ^^ *.,^ 

...Lo^i see w\3d .-^ ^£ 

,'^jUI 3^1 i^J Jil* 99113, called ]jii ^^1 992>' 993": eulogised by Jarlr for basing 
taken part in the extermination of the family of al-Muhallab ibid. 

JjJj[*3i ki-iii ^ JUP a contemporary of the father of Jarlr 2=9 

iju^ ^^ yclc ^y J^^S tribe 30'-': defeated by the Nahshal ibn Ditrini at al-Watida 
( = al-Watidat) 389= seq. cf. 9343(?) 956i(?): see also 84' 303" 470? 659'5 1018- 

[JyiUllji -iSi^ pj] S^ mentioned in a Terse by al-Akhtal 461" 

^^^j4JiJi]l AJU ^ wJis" j^ Jib the protector of Abo Du'ad al-Iyadi 408' seq. ( but 
cf. the divergent account dV^ seq. ) 

Sif_ ^1 see iX (^ i/ ^ i^j 

[i^^jlLtil] iULii 1^ ^.US lived at the time of the Battio of al-WaljIt 306* 

^yif. ^J-> J^j 0-; fU* ancestor of a family 18" (according to one interpretation 
1817), cf. ^j ^ fUi 1080' and jy^ ^y pU* 70s ^eq. 

ai T^^ o^ r^ o^o o-^j/" 

j^^U-^! J^j O^ "/* CJ^ f^ ancestor of a distinguished family: his genealogy 18*' 
Oil- 5871; his mother Haila bint Munkidh 905' seq.: took a prominent part in 
the war against the Taghlib and was slain by thorn at al-luisaibiit ( = lyii)a ) 
2661' seq.: his descendants mentioned I8i' (according to one interpretation) 260" 
644" 806" 

^!JlJ^li> tribe: fought as the allies of the Miidhhij and the Kinda ut the Socoiul Battio 
of ftl-Kuteb 14912; g^g j|gc yoji (jogis 7171 smj. 

gi^f see i^ ^ .-^^f. ^ X^i-i 

J^jjjjt l^xk ^_ ^^,Li? prefect of police at al-Basra in A. H. 64 727« 

j^ a clan of the 'Anaza 7282» 

( 1 ) Ai? ( cir -W ) a woman mentioned by al-Hutai'a 244i» 

(2) JOLP mentionRd hy Jarlr 27= 60^ seq. Bl« seq. 110"> seq. 174' 825« seq. 

(3) jJp mentioned by al-Farazdak 169* 

(4) •XiS- authoress of a Terse cited 575' 

lijsaJ' ,u~^ -'^* daughter of the Kindite king al-Hsrith ibn 'Amr and wife of al- 
Mundhir ibn Ma-as-Sama king of al-Hira 267» seq. {et 266 notes*) 714^ 884J5 
seq., or, according to 1073', of his son al-Mundhir: see also 1018" 1081» 1083« 

ilLJiIJt i_)ii;J5 ^ J3>i u;^ Aiff mother of Fadala al-YarbM 31' (genealogy) 

wy> Q-i Jj-.t i3sl c>-^ J>^i* mother of Babba ( = 'Abdallsh ibn al-^arith ibn 

Naufal) 726" 727i» 7311 

M oli o^ J^ see (.^sS ^ M Oili i^i^ iJ^iff 

xjo% c^-ij aI* captured at the Battle of an-Kism 242* 

iXi* ^\ see ^iXuJt qJ j_j«i 

^^y-Ii]t i^#Jo- pj oil! ^ [^ father of Jirwssh 95» 96« 100" 101* 

^j ^ lj4>| Q-? ^>^ (or ol^^i) father of Zuhair (q. v.), who cites him 357" 
seq.: for his genealogy, see 357^ 

jyjU.I.t.SI s>xip daughter of a man who was captured at the Battle of Dhn faloh 

50» ( = 7845) 

kl=4j ,.T> ii«iii. o~iJ S^ii, called also jJ* 264' seq., and ,U^r o" 70S" (cf. 

264" seq.), paternal aunt of al-Farazdalj and wife of az-Zibriksn ibn Badr 127" 
{Tar. SjJ^) 167" 1681 7033 

'ifjtALsuSl fj^^ |-jJ »1J1 A^ c^ »«-^s^) called also AiP 440': said to be identical 

with the woman satirised by Jam 440^ (of. 937'-) 440- ( = 938-) 440? (ef. 
103615) _ the text of all these passages is doubtful 

olXuU* _jjI see JUic ^ jO^'j ^ iuuijuj 

^^^ a group of tribes, included in Kais-'Ailin: eulogised by Jarir 1031": treated 
by al-Farazdak sometimes with respect 329^ 468'^, and sometimes with contempt 
8939 91^6 916S; for the phrase ^t '^y^ see 365', and for '^^tyS> j-A 202>: see 
also 228S 229s 243" 5351 io283 1065' 

^ see 150^ 

ijj^i ^ji Jjy^ 1^ sjji ancestor of a family of the Ditrim and a contemporary of 
the Lakhmite king 'Amr ibn al-Mundhir 1086'-: his descendants mentioned 220'? 
(see 219") 771« 

J^iliUI ^yi ^y ii^i at the Battle of Jadnd 147" 

i_5xJsi!! jj^^l ^ •iii^' sen' by Mu'awiya to Ziyad ibn Ablhi 620": was one of 
the supporters of the Caliph 'Abd-al-Malik at al-Knfa 1091' 

i^LwuiJI 'ixuixM ^ (_A*jSi a descendant of al-Harith ibn Hammam: at the Battle 
of al-Wa^It 309» 312i« 

(jJUIaJ! (j-ULJI ^ iji-ftfil, called u-UiJi ^\ 583", a descendant of al-llitrith ibn 
Hammitm, slow 'Isma ibn an-Nahhar at the Battle of Mulaiha ( = Ilaunwl ) and 
was afterwards siain, in vengeance, by the Yarbn' at al-Iynd IS'" 583" seq. 584" 

»UliJI a woman mentioned by Jarlr 775' (var. lUlxJ!) 

it«AxwJl qUL» ^^ lXJLU i^i^ij ii^ mother of Hammiilm and Jassiis, sons of Murra 
ibn Dhuhl, and sister of al-Baaos 905** 

jU_kiJI iLiojIj a doscondant of As'ad ibn Ilnmnmra: at tho Battle of Dhn '['uUlh 
784» (cf. 50") 

«Ji i_«xJ:> ^^ Jsil. one of the hostages slaia by Hiidhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazafl 94' 

^ '!i~kA^ ^ iXil; ( var. J^[} ) a descendant of Sakhr ibn Minkar: his Yerses 
1 the flight of ■Ubaidallsh ibn Ziyad from al-Basra 7351' seq. 

ii^yi me ^^£ ^ ^\^ ^ ^ 

ilsb Jjb see ^ ^ JJ!, 

ii-jj o^ ^'j see ejj^Ji ^^ X»^j j^ 

[ _UJi ^^ ] Jwj^j the ancestor of the tribes of Bakr and Taghlib, who are called 
J^!j l4i *5*" ( = 10755): construed as fem. 148* 457« ( = 1077') 595" 645": 
see also 327> 5S5'" ( -1069") 710" 711^ 786" 882" 905" 

'^^ ^ ^C^ ^y ^ ^ jjij clan 906"=, called also iJb^ ]4!j 993'^ 

jujiji ^Ljw ^yi ^^*' ^ ^5 verses of an-Kabigha al-Jadi directed against him 717^* 
soq.: verse ascribed to him 718= 

i^ibJ! oiAjjJi _j-i' a descendant of Salmi ibn Mllik ( q. v. ) 226'-: conversed with 
Aba 'Ubaida 22Si> seq.: cited by Sa'din ibn al-Mubirak 408>": see also 228' 

,.,vkyJi cl^-iJ Sjs-^ sister of Aba Latlfa { q. v. ) 928H seq. 

<\^y^ apparently a nickname of Sa'd ibn Zuhair ibn Jusham ibn Bakr [at-TagWibl] 
89 9M 

jj (or J; ) deity 141 ' 

^yy^\ C^jA ^ ^wj! ^ '<*j^3 SSS'-*, a descendant of Aznam ibn 'Ubaid ibn Thalaba 
8109 <.f_ 381K, 1019": called also t_,»S' q^ '=^.-'1 6S1« and jd^ ^ iii.>j 810« 
1019": at the Battle of al-Iyad 581" 532'» soq. 

jl^y! ^^ jl^jJt (var. jlj'^l) 308' aeq., called also Jc-^' j'^, SW- seq., i.e. of th. 
Taimaltat ibn Tha'Iaba: at the Battle of al-Wakit; ibid. 310'' 3I2'"': at al-Knf: 
in the time of 'Ah ibn Abi Tslib 308" soq. 

J^,«4xli u~jU> ^y^ J'p (or OjjJI see 336 notes' 338'« ) slow Harim ibn Damdain a 
al-EhEthira in the War of Dahis 94': see also 105'- 194'" (and Hamasa 200-' soq. 

sjjj mother of the poet al-Balth: brought as a captive from Isfahan 40^ e3'' 

Jib jjj JlSjj a descendant of 'AdI ibn B'azara (q. v.): was present at the death o 
Hudhaifa ibn Badr al-Fazarl 95'° 

^^^-*^A3tit K^jo- ^ ^\ ^ ilsjj made an unsuccessful attempt to slay Khalid ibi 
Ja'far ibn Kilab 384'= seq. { cf. 384'°): his verses on the occasion 384'* soq. 

^^LfJ! ^ 1^ -;Bj5 prefect of police under Kutaiba ibn Muslim 360" 

4^j!t y} see yaXo ^y 'iM 

(j;j-(-JjtJf ■ ,; J had an encounter with the,Lahiizim immediately after the Battle o 
al-WakiJ 812»: his verses on the occasion 313" soq. 

„U3^! a Berber who commanded a body of troops called after him ( :<_^^>Li3^'! ) ii 
the reign of Yazid ibn =Abd-al-Malik 995>- 

'iLtJ^ fji 5^5-^' "f "lo "I™ 'Abdallah ibn Dilrim: cited as a historical authority bj 
Zuhair ibn Hunaid 731^° 

J^^t idl! iaI^ ^ iil^ fled from the Second Battle of al-Kulah 1,51'" 154" soq. 
his verses on his escape 155^ seq. 

"y=J »eo JJy. 

...Lij see ■e^LsA.o 

q!Jc>5 y^ apparently a subdivision of the Band ^ 

^^(j!L\jtJt y*^ ^J-J o''^^^ Cy~^ ^-5 ' called also 
grandfather 368=" 072', i_5^j!aljl _,-jI 3B1", ami 
seq.: his quarrel with Kutaiba ibn Muslim ,15(1"' 
him 359'' ao(|.: the unsuccossful nttorant of Ku 

the chief part in the mnrder of gu'aiba and his supporters 360'» seq.: his snb- 
seqoent conduct 363^ seq.: the intrigues of Yazid ibn al-Muhallab against him 
366« seq.: his imprisonment 367' seq.; see also 118" 349" 3698 gg^. 39917 g^q. 
432' 898" 9748 

Jj4/il ^ o-J &^' '■'" "J**' CH ^i 372 notes'), called XJ^jJJ! ,^t, slew 
■AbdallHh ibn Khszim (in A. H. 72) 3725 geq. 

vjUaiii! ^^ Ojjtj~a ^ 5^' ""l'^* ^l*" '-J^*»J' qJ J^ 919', and vjUaSil ji»! 918*: 
for his genealogy, see 918'' 919': imprisoned by the Taimallsh ibn Tha'laba soon 
after the death of the Caliph 'UthmSn 919- seq. cf. 918 notes' seq. 

[kl-Iit] spi j^ u-UiS' c;^ ii'ii wife of the Caliph 'Abd-al-Malik and mother 
of al-Walid and Sulaiman 939' 

ij)JUit cX*-£ ^J-i vXJ^f the Caliph: his attempt to secure the succession for his son 
'Abd-al-'AzIz 351" seq.; see also 350" 397' 939= seq. 

.,...-^*aJt .^ ^Uaai! ..^ '.^^f see ^^t^' 

^c^~lii\ t>jJ> ^ j_U^t ^ Jupl, called siui _^! 3808, jmj ^j^ ^1 380": took 
refuge at the grave of the Caliph HishEm and was slain there by order of Yazld 
ibn Hubaira 3808 geq_ 

eVJUil oli ^ OujI ^ iAJ^I the Caliph 93418 939.1 

vl^SJ! see Jii jJU ^y oly ^^ S^Ui 

i_,Jii»Ji yU^ j^ ySbl ^ u.^% took part in the rebellion of Yazld ibn al-Mnhallab 
and was slain by order of Maslama ibn «Abd-al-Malik 9971= seq. 

^^!Ai' J>-^ ^^ u*^^ Q-S us^r^ brother of ZarEra ibn 'Udus (q. v.): slain 
raid against the 'Amir ibn Sa-sa'a 1060? seq. cf. 656*: see also 219* 807«(? 
Ji^, see Lslwfl 
^lj*]l a subdivision of the tribe an-Namir ibn l^Bsit 595' i' 

[liUU jyi SJL£I:> ^] p^ji one of ihe principal tribes of the Tamlm: nicknamed 
(jsJ'Sl _^ 588' ( = 10815): their victory oTer the army sent by a!-Mandhir ibn 
Ml-as-SamE, king of al-Hira (Battle of Tikhta) 66'- seq. cf. 298" seq.: raided 
by JEais ibn Zuhair al-'AbsI 84^^ seq.: their yietory over the 'Abs at Dhat-al-Jarf 
(= as-Sars'im ) 336'' seq.: their Tictory over the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a and the Kinda 
at Dhn Najab 587" seq. ( = 1079" seq.): raided by Bistam ibn Kais (Battle of 
^uahuvst) 19* seq.: defeated by the ShaibJtn at Hauraal 73'^ seq.: raided by al- 
Hudhail ibn Hnbaira at-TaghlibI (Battle of Irsb ) 473' seq. of. 70B» seq. 882'o 
seq.: their victory over the Shaiban at al-Iyad .Wl' seq.: their victory over the 
Lahlzim and the Shaibsn at Dhn Tuluh 47' seq. cf. 73" 781'- seq.: their victory 
over the 'Amir ibn Sa^sa^a at al-Marrut 71^ seq.: their alliance with the Bans 
Nahshal 6999 752«: their rivalry with Ghalib ibn Sa'sa'a (Day of Sau'ar) 414' 
seq. 625' seq.: eulogised by Jarlr 65= 111" 163»5 247'" seq. et passim: see also 
498« 610« 6iP 648* 702'=' SIO^' 888* 1021i« seq. 1069' seq. 

[iJ^ ^^] j^jjy. a subdivision of the Qhaiz ibn Murra 105'* 107' 

iiMi> ^jj lAlo 1^ j^jjjj a clan included in the Banu-l-'Adawiya ISe's^ 

(1) ly^pi author of a verso cited 741'^ 

(2) j-£jjjlii a historical authority cited by al-Asmat 747'*: was acquainted with 
'H;sl ibn Shabba 697" (of. 984"): is cited for the te-tt of the Xaka'id 34': see 
also 268' 3261 398= 426" 448" 474' 546' 548s 600' 698"> 810"> 816" 919- 984^ 991' 

vXjj.j(?) mentioned in a verse of Jarlr as having distinguished himself in a battle 
at fl;alab»n 894' 

,^«.*iJI ^^1^ Q-j iXjjJ a man proverbial for his stupidity 354^ 842*, called also 
y,"^ ^\ cj^i yS 8i2\ jslj _>jl 355'", iii-(i S51", i-a.!-;!'! 842' (LiiIU;i iu rhyme 
842»), and oti^l jj SSS'" 

i_eLsuJl akLsU! ijj Oujj his versos on the Battle of al-Wakit 308" 310> seq. 

^y=» iXyj ISl", one of the four persona niontionod 150' noq. 
j^^y^l Jus- 0j OvJjJ at the Battle of Dha l.lffr (il2^ soq. CU" 

^Jiiu." xliiS jyj SJLils- ^yj Jkjjj, called UX ^^i 643', and JLl*,'i ( var. Jlil»!i) 
6431 6486: his TOraes uttered at the Battle of DhH Ear 643^ seq. 

^jbJl Juy 15P^, one of the foar persons mentioned 150^ seq. 

^y^f -***« Q-? *^iJ reported to Aba 'Ubaida information derired from SawwSr 
ibn Sa'ld 726" 

^j_jj! Ki,b> jii j^ j.,'a- ^^ Ojjj at the Battle of Jabala 675'; was leader of the 
Murra ibn ^Auf when they made a raid upon the Taim [Ibn =Abd-Manat] 106S^~ 

^^.-jj ^ Oo;j 387 notes ^ — see q^'A**- j^ \-^-£> 

y'Aii A*E ^ JujI at the Second Battle of al-Kuiab loOi, see 151» seq. 

^_<-ij'Jl J>jjx^' ^^ Jvjjj slain by Pamra ibn Damra an-Nahshali at Sajran 601" 

i_^^\. AL^ ^_ .jt£ ^^ tX._i 7611"' (genealogy), uaually called outwu ^ AjjJ 
179" 087'' b7o «pq 93;!^ lUi9 lOSOi", also JJtijJ. ^ 387» (cf. 7611") 55,9. 
i^lObO") 932", oi*:^ ^^ 10S5" .^^ Jj. 72>, and ^^-l-J _^ 72V befriended 
^tirdss ibn Abi Amir «ho had been robbed of his eamek soon after the Battle 
of Jabala bTS acq \»a» wounded on the head at the Battle of Dhn Sajab 5»i«^ 
cf 10-(U ^eq . a Terse ascribed to him, and a reply by the poetess at- Anrs i2« 
seq see aUo 75'J^ 

[ cJ—- — ) ».^-»- ^J--' '^7-' captured by the Tarbn' at the Battle of al-Iyad 584" 
oteo^ seq (ef 1069" seq, where Subai= appears m the place of Yazld i 

[ ^e^-'y --^^ (J- 1 Oj^ j-J Aj J -ittcceoded his father as t idf at the court of al- 
Jlundhir ilm Ma-as-Sama 29S'- 

5-V-: ^j^ w\j-j a pre-Iblamie warnor, descended from Ka'b ibn Amr iba Tamrm 733^* 

jr*"*" ^'' *~-^ c^ -^f ( ■^'"' ■»— -^ ijf -^/ > «' *!"> Second Battle of al-Kulsb 
150', see 151" -tq 

(.yfeuJI 0i >J^yJ, called also pj*-' 151'', and go^ ^ j.ySw 151": at the Second 
Battle of al-Kulab ISO^ 

[j^LLjiJI] Jjjt-.^ ^ tVijj a descendant of Salms ibn Jandal 948" 
^uliJI ji^ o^ 'J^ji at '•'<' Battle of Dhu Ifar 642" 643'" - • 
Kjyw qJ lXjjj the Caliph; his sentiments respecting the death of al-Husain ibn '^Alt 
721* seq.: see also 112» 118" 3T2 notes' 48S» 721" 728" 729« 972' 

5 ja*o (^S ^ w^if*]! Q^ Oujj , called 'jU.^ Jf qj! 356-'' (see note ) , and joy-*>jLif ^^! 
367'': was a favourite at the court of the Caliph Sniaimsn 353" seq.: mentioned 
with contempt by Kutaiba ibn Muslim 356': his intrigue against ATakI' ibn Hassan 
366" seq.: his administration 367' seq.: his death 363^ seq.; see also 9745 98410 99714 

Bjie* o^ i^jJ, i.e. Hulls' ^ ^ j^ Juji, governor of Kinnasrin 380' 

^^ yj JujI at the Second Battle of al-KuIab 150-, see ISl'^ 

£yj ^ Jujii, called also |.iysj! 496' 824«, and ^Jil 824?: ancestor of a clan — 

•i^-ji ^' see ,_5«JjSJi iSi^uJ! 
^ytjujit 151'fi, see 130' seq. 
i^Oupl see L^CiJI ijJ SLs^ 

(1) jL»j a herdsman or shepherd 64' 332" 

(2) )U*o, called w^|j->CJt ,L**-i, a slave who became proverbial on account of the 
misfortunes which he brought upon himself 816-' soq. ( = 1093' seq.) 

'Ji&jt. a tribe included in the Bakr ibn Wll'il 61' 148' 728'"f' 764" (see 764'-) 

wjiJxi Jacob, mentioned by Jarlr 994'" 

ytxj; |.l a woman mentioned by Jarlr 992' 

^yu deity 141' 

^UiiiJt y\ me Q^iSi^ ^ yt'c 


L1jU_JI the Temenite tribes 358», called also ,1^) 112" 113^ seq. 1559 UB' 5T1 
notes* 701" 738-" 903^ 988'»: ^^l J^f the genealogists of the Yemenite school 
298" ( = 8858) 

0^1 6201 10153 

^Jl-jj Joseph 462' 

i_v,jj^ (^ U*4H the philologist, a maula of Bilal ibn Harml 323': cited by Abn 
'Dbaida 468" 519" 721= 7246 7291S: see also 734" 




^b!jl at Meeea 1028i» 

JU 30413 (var. jLj) 

JJ 4953 7151 895* {as var.) 

jfiijjl 372 notes* 

,yL>^l JiyI see 888 notes '= 

^Us/B isyl 977« (var. ^Ujaij and Jl^) 

jylSy^l 965" 

^^1 450" 

i^y' 813" 

Gil 34« 1083», or U-l 632" 
vLt»-^l 300" ( = 535« 536» 678") 
^^^1 964« 979i» 
_,l4-^I(P) 612» 
'Jihl 127" 

^;ci:>^i 906 1« 
psAl 334* 
J.^^t 588« ( = 932i« lOBP) - see Glos- 

^yUil-^l 912" 

Jl=o-j! see Jb.]^! 

^1 6449 

^^3^1 or Ui^l 212« 599? 

yLsvJ^iT 895« 

oi^3l 433« 

uj).! site of a battle in wliich a!-Hudhai! 
ibn Hubaira at-Taghlibi defeated the 
Yarbu' 473° seq. 476' 494- 702" seq. 
761i« 882" 883> 1088' seq. 

L'J'j^W lOfi-t" (see Balsn 88"i seq.) 

JU>7^! 305« ( var. Ji;>o^K ) 

iiJaJI fjl 70" 

^!,USJl {.= iLi;l) 39" 

iU-;"l Ja-khu 451' 

^{^l 63" 896>, or j^UioJ 40' 
^jJsL^] 995'" 

^Ui 2151 9457 ( = 1096") 945« 

JUjI 106* 195» 196» 

j.iiK 156*15 

JjSf 10S8 

j*%! 211" 891 notes 3 

y^ji^l 8916 

jm2 751 5481= 580" 648 notes' — see 

Jaif and iiv^l 

^lIi 193" 635« — see iiJilJ! 

^a ( = i:j!o"SI) 584» cf. 583 notes 1 

Jij'o§! 299"580i'581«58B«585i» ( = 10691*) 
seq. — see cki^\ 

olilj^>5'ii 531' (see foot-note) 

...Jj! site of a battle in which Anas ibn 
Ziyld al-'AbsI defeated and slew 'Amr 
ibn 'Amr ad-DitrimI 678» 679= seq. 977" 
( = 679") I 

^i 7611 

JuSi 293i» (Tar. JU-^i) - I 

J^-i\ 102' 335»- - see ^01 j]iu 

...UsJi^l 6" 1!« 

JU.:ji see Jli.-S! 

J*«^^! 1901 _ see J--.%t JOi 

jlSil 121" 

^% 238' — see _,UlS 

j!j% 113* 297" 

Jj^\ 406" — see i_5^1 'ijS 

iXi site of 

of the Dsrim by 
'Amr ibn al-Mundhir king of al-Hxra 
45" 427 notes' 6521= seq. 977* lOSl* 
seq.: see also 810" 887", which refer 
•to an earlier OTent [Ibn al-Athip I 408» 

jy 283" 2908 3041 [usually TOcalUed dij, 
but see Bakri 131i] 

Oji 538 66* 268« 7811- — see ^jlb jj 

(j.ii4l 24411 

JSi^ site of a battle {called also ^is'Sl ^,, 

ijiLi^^ ^yjj SCisr^Ju *^ and ^lliadl j^, 

see (Glossary s. r. ^^) In which the 
Yarbii' defeated the Shaibsn 5801* jeq._ 
cf. IO691 seq. where this battle is con- 
fused with that of al-Ghablt: see alto 
483' ' 

JoL 55^ 370* 543" 

^_^f^> 299- ( = 885=) 

!jl^ 749s { = 1091* seq. ) 1092' 

UiiL 616" 

J^. 658=, or jjff. jj 658" 

^LsuJ! 674' 

^yIp:uL]) 61 notes' 646 giia 53912 811= 

917'!» 1059' 8oq. 1085' 1092is 
a-fc^ull see aif~s^\ 
jjJ 182" 3659 37613 
^^\i^\ UOB 889* 

( = ii^ 1'i.s^) 41718 g53is 

oU-S! 'Ji; see oW! 

^ O^ see _^ 


^c ^ see Jji 
Osj: ^jlaj see oy 
^Jj ^yjj see .:;Jl5 
^1^1 ^ 49'5 
ya ^^Jij see yj 
jJ^J ^!^ 932«^ 

iC=.tjj site of a battle in which the l>bba 
captured and slew Muharrik ibn al-l^ii- 
rith al-Ghas8Sni 192"> 195' seq. 1067": I J,^ 

jljxJI id]l-J 1099-' 
y^^ site of a massi 

al-Jalj^Ef as-Salanii in the reign of 
■Abd-al-Malik 401» seq. 508" seq. 899'- 

ASjjb' .txjij 71 


->a>Jl 48' 62' 81' 115" 118" 125'" seq. 
167' ass'" 369" soq. 380" soq. 438' 607' -LaL 
720" — 742" 749s goq. 908' seq. 942" 
972' 1045" 1089'' soq. et passim .:.U,J 

X^ 848' 873" 875^ 
Lijjw ij 199 notes* 

(^L/UJ! 3818 

elljlj- 4451 

ii^I 1271s 

.iw^ Jji see Glossary s, r. ,,j, 

ylli- 9951" 

yPiil 940? 

JXi 1028 

^UJu- 19715 (=10589) 234I8 445s 1058" 

^,p 267' 

xiii- 12" 3957 

^<sUljt 7181 

iULp 510'= 528'" 617« 687- 770' 902' 947> 
S78* 1028W IO9418 

gLs 1301= 75013 17 (=io92«) 
y^ 796= scq. 9221= 9371 
jip 372 notes" 
ilju°i 395" 

^!^iU 188* 

•X^ 6861 J0645 

" 'ii 620" 1082^! 

JjL^' site of a battle in which ^is tba 
'Asim al-Minkan defeated the Bakr ibn 

Wb'U 147s ( = 328") 828* 1023» seq.: 

Lo site of a battle between the Sa'd ibn 

Zaid-Man^t and the 'Amr ibn Tamlm 
1025"^ seq. 

»■-' 638" 641's 6421 _ see Ji 3J 
iu: at al-Basra 7201" 731^ seq., or 

,^^ Xf^ 798- 
,.,iUiUI Media 895" 

site of a battle (ca 

i^\ and LslmsJI ^yji ) 

'Amir ibn Sa'ja'a and the 'Abs defeated 
the Tamim and the Dhubyan 99" 229" 
238« aeq. 241" 302* '« 379" i07* 409^ 
seq. 426« 441" 587' seq. ( = 1079= seq. ) 
65418—678', for the date cf. 230^ 676= 
seq. 790ii' seq.: see also 285i» 286' 

b>I?J! 490" 

idisiji 798' 

jjiXi site of a battle in which the Bann 
Min^ar ibn "Ubaid defeated the Bakr 
ibn Ws'Il 144' seq. 325i» 326' seq. 710' 

Qi^ff 368' seq." seq. 

wRJyail ^lcj> see \_aj-tajf 

oysvjl see uJyiU! oU 

= _jiJI 158 notes 8 

(jtiLb t j> site of a raid made by 'Uyaina 

ibn IJijn al-Fazarl against the Taim 
301" seq. (cf. 3021" geq.) 1067" — see 

s'^j;^! 886* 1091" 

„t,^ ^1 i^^ 354i» 

^^1 ^IjsJ! at al-Bflsra 1090» 

j\ms\\^ 790» 

jltjl Jui 1731- (vnr. ijUi), or JiUi 

also 1^ I iX-Li- 3_i_i. at al-Basra 749" 
which the s^jIiC! 1089> 10911' 

J;>^l4- 8501- 

jSU 2825 

Ji^Uiui 32' 

AxL> see 441'^ seq. 

j4^ "ee J-iii ijo 

Oui> 483'= 

jJU--J! lOiyio — see -las-f*^' 

U^i Jli 6299 

>_jU3^:i 433" 1031= 1086'" 

...liU-sJi seo 579" 

^ 68" 

bl^ 147-' ( = 328") 328-' 

^Jjb-jjiC! 3621* 

tj^:> 135', or ...Lw^ 135'' 

t_jji.JI ( = «Juyi ^>>) 6031- 779111 

^b Jiy=- 809" (var. Jb, >J]i 810' 

fij^\j! 12" 490' seq. 

,.,by^]l 410'"' seq. — aoo Index HI i 

iCj^:> 857'' ( vac. }LxX:> and x^wV^ ) 

Sb> 4725 
^{& 88" 


JJL=- 1315 seq. 615> 

jliUI 158" 934° — see olAJ^i! 

b^ 60315 

jbs\aAjl 450" 620" seq. 673" 798« 916' 

ys\i 14713 2611 9981 104515 

s^iiijt 120' seq. 

ji^ 911' 

v_i!jicsijl 14« or vlJ^ L5y 4''' 

KjlX=> see xi«f:2* 

icJje> 1561 — see also jjy> 

S^Jl 598» 6991= 
I^Ll ^ ■if' 717-- 

^y}iJI ( = £5^'^ o!p) 32= 217' 4265(?) 

Jyi jjp 675" 

i^jI..iJI ( = j^ji-iJi lii q. V. ) 190" « seq. j ,j^ 403' >" 495« 

1921 { = 23517) 234S, or Jj,...^! 236* 

JLkS 299= (=885*) 

^^JL^ 15318 981" 

^y^ 5711 6058 (cf. 651i») 

xiLkiJI 48i« ( = 7831) 

^J! ( = jJil J^ '^) 8a2S 

^LsJI ( = ^,i^ j,l ^) 516i» 

^t^XxA«J! jss- see ^I^Xw-JI 

ysi> 33» 252W 918' 935" 

^^Jl 610" 

J-Jii 760» seq. ( = 1067" seq.) 

1^ 4725 

^J,Ui 894« 

^.,0*=- see 959 notes' 

^,r^^ 931- 

J^ 6101" 866-' 

^yJ^Si ( = / ^'^^1>, see ^15 iJ) 638" 

j-iiJ! ( = v.bLs3l q. ».) 457«, ot 426' (?) 

y;^ 61- 

ijjai KJUji 826- 

J^,„^iiir> Bite of a battle (called also *^, 

xilJw ) in which Bistam ibn IJais ash- 
Shaibanl defeated the Tarbn' 54« ( = 74* ) 
731" aeq. 58318; geo also 10993 

S.. 2,1 

(_sy=- see i_5j=- 

rJa^I 267« 18 404" 885" 956M 1019« 1060" 

vJilivJI 4681 ( 39 vgr. ) — see Glossary 

■ijilM 94* 

i^_yt*ai 642', see 643" 

jjj^^ ^cj ii at al-Basra 727" 

j*^! ^Ui- see _^I \_iU:i- 

|!,Ui. 4871 

klii. 666' 9975 

JAi. 4281" (cf. 4311S) 

^i«XiJl 6595 seq. 663" 

5j^ 229* [80 also in Bakri SST", but 
t^ in Yakut II 373'" 725"] 

JaJI 467" ( var. olJ^J! and jxS. ] 
JU^Jt 579" (as far.) 

jyUlji. 118" soq. 351" 3551 seq. 3723 33010 
8991 ( = 9721) 

tb.^1 18« 

144^1 847= 

jl^ or (^'j> site of a battle of which 
there are two conflicting accounts 887^ 
seq. and 1093i" soq.: in ono passago 

tho term jiji- ^jj is applied to the vic- 
tory of the Yarbn' at 'I'ikhfa 448" 

(jL>Uci. 832' 856' 97913 

,e*iiKjl 681' seq. 

^UxJI jh at al-Basra 115-' 
jjsii '<^J'^ 1005" seq. 
jJii s^b 2501" 
J^U 'ijj 3883 aeq. 
,.'j,b 64' 132' 1007" 

lilO'3 9S'.)'' 1092' 

i-uiXjl site of a battle in which the Mazin jU~J) o!J 56'- 
ibn Malik defeated the Sulaim 891" 

(var. iLl.fX>Jl and 
seq. 393» 

jjl, *lJilj f^., and Jk*«ai! |.}J) in which , iUl^ 'ilV\ or (.^JCal 23115 t 

the Yarbu' defeated the Lahazim and 

the Shaiban led by Abjar ibn Jabir and b>j! 482" 682» (sic leg. ) 

Haufazan respectively 49^^' seq. 
73« 781" seq.: see also 961* ^b.J 71 

iWyi!! J J 787' ( see foot-note ) 

Ui3! ,j 160* j^.pyju 

site of a battle (called also pj-j '^•^'f'j site of a battle (or of two battlei . 
sL^iLJI, otUiU! |.jj, _jI^J! ~j, olj |.v ■ '^"^ 540") between the Darim and the 
~~ Amir ibn Sa^sa'a 2268 geq. 426S >- 442' 

J93'» 94013 (= 10531) lOCS^ 1060? seq. 

r;?^'' o'j"^^' fr*' *"■* /'/ rr^' '" 

which the Bakr ibn Ws'll defeated the 
Persians and their Arabian allies CIS" 
6S8i= — 648": see also 7619 ( = 3152") 

w^/ J J 4818 ( = 7831 ) 
^'f ii 630= 

5jUi jj 441" 

V^ jj Bite of a battle ( called also ^.^j 
xIsuJI) in which the YarbH" defeated 
the 'Amir ibn Sa-ga'a 241» 301" 375'= 
3891 39116 43813 53013 5975 ggq. 6371 
6471' 702- 7622 jggi 777s 9328 9732 
1000' 1018" 10341 1079<seq.: see also 

w^yi 5081'' 899'-, or ^^^fi 508» 

^.jliu ^jij 436" 

j4=./ 985I-. 

i.Nliy! 448i» — see iiJ-^lj 

u-/ 93' 

idU^i lOlOB 101618 

^U^ 145» 147" 

|.l_i^l site of a battle ( called also *»_! 
,^j-ljj_k!l ) in which the Tha'laba ibn 
Yarb«', lod by 'Utaiba ibn al-Hiirith, 
defeated the Kilitb 410» 

,_,u=.yi 6i6» 

Kis^lji 644» 
0^1 Ji; 24( 

,'. tjL^; 598' 


siUj! 21412 1034 nc 
^; 172« 173" 
sllj I47« 
ibsTjt 6125 

Lii;i i>4', 6321" 

^^4-, 454» (=1075') 964« 

ou^i 80» 6961, or ,.,A^ 

JUJ! 524> ( = 908«), or jyi^i mt^ (see 
foot-note ) 

'jf> ^,J 


A^Si -i^lj 



% 6101' 


k;;i) 81 


or ^. 


^i 368i» 5578 


nQ' 528= 

■ 530' 

3 924» _ 

l_;_t 33'= 

' ' iy i. 25013 ( 1^1^ in rhyme ) 
\AiI, 249» ( = 1048«) 

^. ijlsL 48" (=782-») 50« 

; »Il:i 79" 285' 286* 1086» 

, q'«Aw site of a battle in whidi as-Ho^sn 

O-;' I ibn al-Mu&dhlr king of al'Hira was de- 

iiJii lo'" i feated by the 'Amir ibn Sa^a-a 4041- 

! - ' seq. notes ^ sea. : see also 1901®, gg^ 
K_U; site of a battle in which the Bakr \ , 

\ '.}JL .J^ 640« 

ibn Wa'il defeated the Tamlm led by ^^^ 

al-Akra' ibn Hsbis 6801" aeq. 865 notes ' Slp> sL. see Ajj*;l 
Jjjj 127'' 231" 250« 892" '<:p-^' 'O**'" 

^]ij 1014' ^P'l^ («r. pl-i.J-1) 5915 5J7«, «, 

,/^, jj,3g, . J^'-i- 825' [se« Ysknt III 121^ seq., 

Mubarrad 391"] 
py- 481- ( = 782") 53» 

^_^ 34* seq. 570»^ 676» I01«« 
JC-oJu;^ '-^jj 34a' seq. 

Jj_ 329« 

^jl~i\ 8441 (see foot-note) 

xUlil 433" 

Sls^ 356' 3571 

,.«Il 44" 

^|JU» 1011 notes' 1017" 

jlsd^ 373« 400" 508» 

jJli! 115>* SSO" 

^\yL 405" 

^i^l 47'" 5106 691" 102012 

^lylif 33915 (gio leg.) 3865 notes 3 933* 

— see ^jL ' 
ki^ 13« 

L£^ 167" 998« (as var.), or „UiJy^ 

(.jAii!! iibjl 733« (var. |^ASJ! Siu^) 

^yUl 174s 

,!,Ujjl 222" 4821* 5446 59115 5931 682» 

^iA 516" 

i-L^LiJI 214" ( = ^^]^JW< Y(il.rat III 
aai*" Bsq. ) 

|.1_Lj| 29" 46" 1171° 118" !« :)64' sue]. 
355« 36+« 368" 374" 523" ( = 908'») 
626* 659" 7221? 7351 928" 

9188 91912 920" 

e^^*i 906" 
ysr,ijl 330 no 

jj^l 76i« ( = 3161) 931s 315 

j^J! 896- seq. 

i^-iiJ! 6581^ seq. 


^^! 665", or J/i(?) 666' 

vjl^t 6581" 

(1) ^AJI 407* 4I0« 9391s It 


292' — see v^i>^' 

JuukiJI 19011 233 

368' — soo UJ 

,U^ 262" 670'^, or .U-ii 912* 

,LLli^' »it« or IV battlo in whioh tlio Biikr 
ibn Wa'il, lod by Bishr ibn Mnsitii, 
ilnlcatiHl the Tanitni Irt20>' ma. 

aJj=-U> see A^-'i^ Sjij 

^^ 'Aj^^^ see ^J* and „ b '. ;*H 

^l^_^l site of a battle ( called also ^.y-j 
kS^S oi^) in which the Yarbn' de- 
feated the -Abs 248' 336" seq. 760» 

ouylii 6879 (^ar. Uu^l) 892? 

jJLa 61012 

J^^l 22812 458* 

(1) ULJ! at Mecca 996^ 

(2) LiJj! in Najd 4263 539" 939i» 940' 
10033 _ see iii 

;=il 591 73= 78H= 8666 (rf. 285?) 1019", 
ar oVmm3 66* — see ^4^ ^J and l^._ .*!! 

X_.^ 237" seq. 258» 1= 286' 448» 6541 

Jiy:3 1070», or j-yM 4131' seq. 580» 6251 
seq. 7081S 77110 9534 ( = 418») 9551 
( = 9578) 999"' 

JLsi 285' ( = 866«) 286^ 

K_L$to site of a battle (called also ^y^, 
j-f>, i%A="jJI fjJ, and i_ajJ' olj fjj) 
in which the Yarbn^ defeated an army 
sent against them bj al-Mundhir ibn 
Ms-as-SamsE king of al-5lra 66" seq. 
25315 300" ( = 692) 3167 448» geq. 
694" 7771= 835' 8651 973' 999^ 1019= 
10S3W1S: site of a battle (called also 

pM^i ff., 'i^f 1^., and ci-^lniil f»j) 

in which the pibsb defeated the Jafar 
ibn Kilab 526" 528^ 630« seq. 924» 
seq. : in the three following passages the 
allusion is doubtful 237is 7411- io67': 
see also 155S 285" 2868 302" 777« 
931= 10955 

siyiii 2931 

'^,Jal^\ see ^.^,j*2ji 
j^Iji- ^iij see 0lji- 
JtiL see S^ 

Jjail&i) 50' ( = 783i«) 

j,j£j! 706' 

fL^ 214is^ 7802 _ see v_s>?Jt 

jUS 814" 

S^ 301" ( var. S^ ) 30213 _ see S^^ ^"y 

f^ 202" 

i4*& (var. 'iljj) 487" 

^fc 419« 

Jit 23» 57* 119' 267" 109713 loggs 

gJt 515>i 

islJUJ! 101'» 

kit IW" 

V^Uc 54' 

y^i B84>« 

il^ 53" 

Oiftiil 81 6'" 
pi 598' 
JAil 1037' 
itIjAijI 882" 

ot^l jiAc 267< 
wyJ^i 12" . 
^tc 9H" seq. 

^Ij»]| 29" 390 46" 364' 367i n jeq. 412" 
487* 4945 539" o51>3 671™ 9251 ggg" 
lOlS'" 1020» 10221' 1073-- !079i 1089" 
109013 seq. 

U-Jj^l 26« 25819 

iy: 668« 591', or oiy^ 3663 451)9 5491 
568" 5912 

^j^ (s.e leg.) 992 
>«il 1017" 

Mosopotiunia U)3S« 

438" 1060' 10641- 

106915 - 



^fii L^ 6821' _ ,ee u43>3! 

mry s. v. ^^bi 

s}j^! li^ ( = i^!) 3138 « 3144 

^ili(?) 303M 

^Lkwiil 77» 810» 

^1 . r 104* 296' 350" 354" 



o'i'^' 63815 _ see / iJ 

{ = 62>2) 903« Sir 

9746 8 - 



in 8. T. ^ui 

V/ 9770 

yUi 348' 

J>iJiSI at Medina 798» 

k:Ui 108= 201 « 26215, or ^ulL^ 262" 

oa> see ^^ 


ybjiii 610" 

vUijI 4821 ,eq, or ^buil 8351 

( = 


>_i^ 1» (see Additions and Corrections) 

- see ^;p^ 

;^< 544. 

SiM* 3331" (aa yar.) 334* 9649 9559 
JCI^ 339", or JCJI. 3331» 
0*»^' see ^l L^!^ 
_jl£ii j^ 581S 751« 7629 

I . • i * ' i site of a battle (called also pjj 

iji-U:^!, Jk*^'! j.y., ,jjs sly-^Ur j«fcj, and 

lX-^-cJI **_3 ) in which the Malik ibn 
^anzala, aided by 'Utaiba ibn al-5lrith 
al-Tarbnt, defeated the Shaibsn 299" 
3001 305« 313' seq. 580" (as var.) 
5851 MM ( = 106913) 8021- 1019M, ct 
lOeSi*" seq. whero thia battle is confused 
with that of al-lynd 

3ji site of a battle (called also ^5 ^,) 

between the Dabba and the Kilab 387 « " 

388S 3908 xs. jitg ^f a battle ( called also 

J-j-Ls' j.j_j) in which 'Utaiba ibn al- 

Harith al-Yarbnl slew al-Hirmra ibn 
'Abbas al-Gfaasssnl and his brother lEais 

U-jB 141" 10721= - see Index III 
al/j! 771* 775* 777« 885" 1070is 
si^ 630« 

D-S^fil 1069" — see u^i/i' ias-i 
^htj 364» — seo the following 
aJUj 3505 353» 35^112 gg^i 

yfejiJI 4213 (as »ar.) 

^35_iJI Bite of a battle (called 

.i^a:s'jj 762 notes 1 

'Abs defeated the Sa'd ibn Zaid-Manst 
98' seq. 420» 421« seq. 1072* seq.: see 
also 159" 

ji ^/ 1071» - see Ob/i' 

^J^i 419" 4209 

|ji 54' 751 * 146» 293'2 3101 313" " 3439 
419« 4859 (cf. 49317) 51610 giQU 6I51 

tfiiJI 717' [for the vocalisation, see Ta^nt 
m 909»] 

yl^ 1077" ( = 45818) 1077 
4^1 21 4» 
j_=^°^ 3959 
L^f 7499 

J^'Si aUi 190' seq. 2 
' Lsui 946" 

! ^jliJi Uu 

[usually jU^ YalfOt IV 68I 

rfoJI »_%>-» site of a battle in which the 
'Amir ibn Sa'§a'a defeated several South- 
Arabian tribes led by al-Husain ibn 
Yazld al-5arithl 469= seq. 

f^ 3908 12 

ijfi \ijs site of a battle (c 

Bj^t) in which the Nuraair and the 
l^ushair defeated the Shaibun 405' "• 

I qUj/J! 198 notes ' 6290 
iG^! 9073 

,_~i 39413 48710 [also L~j Bakri 7521' 
' seq.] 

jlii site of a battle in which the Shai- 
bffUj lod by BistHm ibn l.{ais, defeated 
the Yarbn' 18* ( = 2741) 191 seq. 314'" 

llOi 46« 

' 699', also ^■,!yaS 30 noi 
[see Yffljnt 1¥ 124*'] 

or oU-*-^t 2(iU*'' 

5jt 10678 

iSJ! 83612 (, 

iliaJi and JiUUi) 

iUliiJiiiiiJ! 6401S 

^ili 437W 

j_^ 107«" 

yUi 3910 (text doubtfal), 

^^jlii 380» 10918 

3^ ilili at al-Basra TSS" 

_^JI illi 448» 

jJ 110= 250* 478" 633' 6f 
— see _ji ^^^ 

s^l 405= 

- ^ee ^>1 s> 


xitf 964« 

iUi'/ 217' 

343" 404 note 

852> — 

see ^l^i 

iJ^' 947- 

[construed as 

465'* :i 

iJua" 147' (O sJca") 

J-c^oCif see _ jjl 

(!,U°/ 483S, or ^U/ 

iUi/ 323" (see 297") 

_.^a1j| site of a battle ( called also ^^. 

i*JoLiJ!) in which Salama ibn al-Ha- 

rith al-Kindl overthrew his brother Shu- 
rahbll 289*9 292- 448>3 451i» 452* soq. 
( = 10721S seq. ) 69315 gg,. is ( ^ ^sg. j 
888', for the locality see 453' (=10742) 
and Orientalische Studim I 130 : site of 
a battle in which the Sa'd ibn Zaid-ManBt 
and the Eibab defeated the Madhhij and 
their allies 149= seq. 448* seq. 6OII seq. 
1025s 10341, for the locality see tS* 
seq., and for the date 4481'*: see also 

»j!^l 47i« ( = 782«) 

siiS' 2862 (as ,ar.) 286" 

Ij^UsCi! 211" 

iL:.lJai 9991s, or iUyai i~U5' 625» 

jcli' 6010 7913 M 780 notes" 865» 1000* - 

Bakn I ,^!^l { = 'iJ>i ) 343» 379" 400' 

LJ^'UI 12" 481 ii8» ( = 97.23 J 308" 358i« 
369' 43411 49411 87913 gggis 91913 94110 
999" seq. 1089* » 1090'* 1091' 

-j' 1095" 

O^ 577« 

s]Uu:t 226t ■ 


j]iuJ! 336='', or ^y^i jjiu 385 

Jj 1038=, or JJ '^ 1038M 

o!j-^ 1S5W 

LiUJ 214W 220" 3101 9415 

cjO^C?) 925» 

^ 836" 1020« 1021' 

^Ai^\ 371" 572' 937* 989^ 

ilil 126W 

'^ 673" 

^L^I see illiiiJI 

^i^ 6308 

x£lijt 88" 

|jii^ 917" 

iiLjiill 214" 1= 

b^ -e ^^1 i^ 

^3jiJI Bite of a battle (identified by Abn 
'Ubaida with that of Witridat 777' cf. 
112') in which the Tarbn' slew a man 
named ■Ari4 112=: see also 26" 269" 

UAJI 80" 118« ( = 9723) 3435 seq. 349» 
( = 365") 3651- 3835 3961215 notes s 
seq. 3971" 48412 529- 5461 5921 gigs 
699" 715'3 7171 seq. 7981"" 8113 930' 

270» 620' 

970« 1048» seq. — see w/i 

Vl^ J^^ see ^\0^] 

1^^>^ 4693 (,ar. _-,:iiLi) — sec Index 

Iff- c^ «™ i'f- 

III 8. V. 

^! ^9 57« 



^ 136« 

1-U 39» 

g^'P' 578» 8101. 

^»S-U 1088«> 

'Jf 544" 

«i;u;jl( = djMj^I)989« 

Aj^I at al-Basra U66 166" 320« soq. (of. 
624' B(Mj. ttSO"' 683" 844") 428i" '" 

fJUi 1096« 

607" 737'" 738' 790', oallu.l also iLs.-. 

vJil« 920" (see 865 notes*) 

JV/Jl 113" soq- 115'' 720>'' 730« 731" 

^ytJ^^_yJI 720" 

'^\ 5078, or jIi\XJI '^ 507» 

j^ (or \'f) 3531" 356« 366i» 3691= 

02~-4»^! site of a battle (called also «4-j 

^LLxJI) in which the Yarbn' defeated 

and slew Baljlr ibn =Abdallah al-JEua- 
hairl 70*" 72" 386^ 388i» 482' seq. 
709« 835": see also 13>5 seq. 108" 
746' seq. 8121" 891' 

Kibsilit o,^ ( = 05p!) 492^ 

(^llj^I at Mecca 996" 

xiJi}I 4501" 

yijjl 1151^5 (see 1178) segi* 99311 

..iUff— J 829 notes' (as yar. ) 

jj-.l*j LiLs^X*^ see (j*UJi 
kiUi 1025" of. 1034 notes = 
jX-LJi see Glossary 
^LUSI 149« 

^ 341= 774" ( = 62'S ) 903» 9261 
i>ijl at Medina 344i» 39618 i^^vi 

^^LWI 172« 

jyoUJI(?) 930" 

pi^ 3901 59311 

u; I * .». li !■ e. the halting-plac< 
5683 5911 

05/ii 92711 

Jj*5uil 631= 
oUQl 145* 

yi-J! 217 notes' 851i« 852i» 953i» 10IT«, 
or ..J'iji 3821 953s looiM 

yl^ 3501" 

kli 801* 90« 118« 366S 607" 653' seq. 
(of. 1084«) 76818 7838 gos" 806" 

bUJ! 637" 6741 io827 io86» 

ijjj_/s site of a battle (called also j^. 
uby«JI) in which the Sa'd ibn Zaid- 
Manat defeated the 'Amir ibn Sa'aa^ 
3865 goq. [ ,af. ^jj, Bakrl 539', OijU 
or OjL Tslfnt IT 6321'] 

^ 60»s 

■i^s^AA 64' seq. 78>» 74S ( = 548) 285' 286* 
580" 5815 5825 ggg? _ see Ml and 

U» see j_jjU 

(Jiljl 6338 

^^ (or ll. 284* seq. 958" 1082") 222' 
371" 393* 449s 450'» seq. 572' 691" 
913' 92215 9371 9801 96915 

J.*spt 2992 ( = 885') 1091' 

;&> 895" 

Jjil 997« 

J-Jj* 102' (MSSy«jy.) 

,'.,Ul; 367" 574i'> 621« 

ijiJa 601 

Ajs- 10115 4271 432" 44513 450" 5101- 
544» 6872 688' 77515 795i» 93is 1014" 
1020" 1032' 1078' 

^ylj^p in South Arabia: raided by al-Akra' 
ibn Habis al-Mujaghil 46' seq. 445" 
600* seq. 603" egs'" seq.: see also 150^ 
153" 469* 688' 1079' 

ylyS^ near al-Klfa 600' 

Sj^^^suJI 579» (var. s_I*ili!) 850 notes' 
(as var.) 

jjjjj! 1365 

^^UJ^ 591' 

jL~sS'i site of a battle in which the Ribsb 
and the Asad ibn Khuzaiwa defeated the 
Tamlm and the 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'a 238i> 
seq. 3881^ seq. 492* 790' seq. (cf. the 
divergent account 1064« seq.): see also 
237" (?) 25715 seq. 2581 seq. 

JU=i 921 5241 ( = 90818) 540* 

cLiai U50« 

which belonged to two dis- "^ 20°-» 

tinct localities, one of which was occu- 
pied by the descendants of Kuraiz ibn 
Babl'a [see Yaljut IV 736" seq.] and 
the other by the Bakr ibn Wa'il I64I- 
seq.: the latter place was the site of 
a battle in which .^ais ibn 'Ajim al- 
Minlfarl defeated the Bakrites 147^ ( = 
328") 328* 1023" " seq.: see also 70" 
128* 8oq. 1641"" 205"' 687I" 

L<J(?) 873" 

iuJ! 1080" — BOO ^^' .j 

( = 23711) 4783 812' — soo the 

».«jl LSJ (or ^^^«c!iJ! UU 812^) 
of a battle ( ottllcd also ..^■<-\J\ .. 

^^SI, and Li-^i ..^ ) 

Dabba defeated the Shaiban and slew i ibn Kilsb in the time of Ibn az-Znbatr 

Bistam ibn gais I90» seq. 2341 geq. 812' j 52T« 916» 923 notes' 927^ ■ieq. 929'=: 

\ Bee also 469 notes' (apparently a scri- 

*JijJi site of a battle ( called also ^»^ j bal error ) 

'ulVj in which the Dabba defeated the I ..- 

i~ ' ■ • Sf m^ nv — see 684« 

«Abs and slew ■Dmara ibn Zijad 1981- ^ ^ _ 

, oL^I^i 52515 — see iiiia 
194'=: sec also 158" i • - . 

iiil 844 notes 1 (as 7ar.) 

jOUiii 3833 (=384iS) 

iJu jj 3551- 357' (see JMitions and Cor- j 
rections) 3571^ I 

Ui 639" 

. ^^^ 936« 

il 47" 

5241 ( = 90818) 540* 

objS, (or obj'y!? 1125) ggis igois ^gjs 

717^ — see ^JSii 
Lj-. 367* 3801« 
iiii, 168' 
^!j ( = ^'3 i}^, at Medina) 314» 396" 

j^LJ 330" and notes* seq. 341' 
s I ' 

j JU. 304" (as Tar.) 473» ( = 703") 
pLiJi the well at which Hiidhaifa ibn Badr \ 

and his companions were slain by the ' '"S-S' 93* notes' 956 notes =, or iij>Jl 
■Abs 951* 96" 1' 2391 420" j 389 notes 1 seq. — see the following 

jj* 428» 431» ' =.Uo9> site of a battle (called also ry^. 

' - - uli^Jf) in whieh the Nahshal defeftled 

_su; 25' 41 10 98« 419« 4201' 526« 542 j " ' ' ^ " "° '°^ aansnai ciBie.«a 

' , „ the Hilsl ST512 ffi9* aSO' 

notes- 737» 810' 917" : 

^ .- , ,. , . i^,^' 158= 850 notes* (as Tar.) 1021-' 

ci-^i.P a place which gave its name to a j >-^ 
war between the Pibab and the Ja*r j 1«22« 

l^jll 395» 
iul 286S 

Jj 445" 1012 
3m 214-> 713' 


iaV^! site of a battle in which the La- \ A^yJ! SCo' 

hszim defeated the Darim SOS'' seq. 30?' ' « . . 

^ : _,.»j 1088« s 

8105 seq. 425H s^q. 426" 442^ 865i»/ 

( = 808") 938* 1020" ]^^l£^J^^- 

(yllu^i ( = i-j;^l) 311' 836 

^^%1, 6181 


559" 575" 5766 59911 

^ 921 

iuU^i 21 » 61 > 98^ 
539'- 839' 9341 

244" 355" 4201- 

H-Ji 46'" 182" 44513 53416 7j 
~ see also Index III 3. v. S- 

491* ( = 78313) 


Geminate roots are here treated as triliteral; thus j*i and its derivatives 
are placed between J^l and ^ 



24 period of time 1S3* 

Juy (pi. of SjJf) »t-M animals, hence oric/ino; poems 325" 651' 


°L| (masd. of y1 i.) (Ae fertilising of palm-trees 3541* 


t;».:i i. (0 compel Sii" 314« '• ' "" 

J4l (?) »ee 583'> 

U»jfe to be seized by violence (f) 27" 


SiL.1 see 450= 


yUiJu the inner sides of the knees 845? 


Jbl i. to run away 41i» 283' 


J^l ( = H) 91" *«^ «8= 

JU (pi. of 3^1) 3W 

Jj' Bee 2101 

K^ coll. A«-rfs o/- f«mrfs 2441S 


v' ( = v^U>) 192", 880 notes" soq. : »Ujt I 194i 

II. (0 render a thing impossible for a porson, with J of tho pora. 
and aco. of tho thing 585'", with J and ^,! ISB'" 4Bl»', wHh_^ 
22ll-Mi'!' *'"• J ''"' witl">"' "I'j' '•'^S" ('»''' doubtful): 'di\ .^J 
exolam. God forbid that it should he otherwise! 147' 947'i 

^} (4* coBJ. ) trans, to disgust a pereon ( ace. ) 6561' ( ? ) : intrans. to 
fail 6« 75815 

^ to dissent from (with ,J.c) 729' 738" 

wy (pi. of XajI) camels that do not conceim 613' 

j^' i>r<,ad, ^«r« 668" 

^t on ossemii^y of mourners 53» 282' 5858 989", pi. 'fLi> 391" 

^_Jf ( 3""! eonj. > to nisi* 1082' 

ijj'l (riiuie 66^ 299" 

j2i u. to mark the foot of a camel (aec.) 4475: pass, to he marked 
with dishonoar 73^ 

^i achievemmtg 355": renown 954" 

Jl - U/l ( = L«'/I d) 515" 

5^1 selfishness 99' 

jliiili »<J. 875« 

S^iL. pres%e 214', pi. o'/ti 774', or ^U 263- 264" 792« 

^yL* transmitted (of a speech) 96*: streaked (epith. of a sword) 924^ 
926«, coll. s^j3U 565» 

:y!jjU.«s>i exclusive privileges 391^ 

wiif to de propped with stones (of a cauldron) 5678 

jSa to surround an enemy (aoc.) 313>» 

jit to plant, establish 611- 

^>l! coll. tamarisk-trees 158» 542* 

sist roof, metaph. 616" 

^1 — ,_=u^ ^U- p my «o(& »■« not uttered in mi» 54« ( = 74') 

g>o.l scorching heat 246- 765i» 

S^j!) fastened (said of an ass) 794»: firm,-soUd 617' 

^1. ^iujt { = CJ~i>l) with ace. 282' seq. 

J.=>!. J.=-I (J (roop of antelopes 1356, pj. jt^ 275- 

3W (pi. of ]4-'') <*«««* 283' 

l»a.l . |.^I to he weary of & thing ( aco. ) 724^ 

^^f . ^^! dirty water 55^^ 


I ifl!. 1001 

iCi=.i wells full of dirlii water 1011'" 

tfs=»l . _1=>I gasping ( subst. ) 70' 

tX=-1. li! — ^l\=>I eac/i owe £!/• Mem ( = (^J^ A^b js') lOSl"': for '^^ 

c>c>l see under j*-*^: pi. imIAs-' single individuals 673^ 

^1. Li=>| ;jo/«d 382» 

Oij.1. 33-1 n. (0 occMpy territory (with v) 506» 700" 896": ^Jr^' »^ '3^' 

194', metaph. illlii J aUJ Ai-Lj i^ 359": LS03-L« oOsJ-t « 

(i. e. war) has pursued its course 1026' 
oy>U punished 344' 

yi-l. ^ — ^ ( = ^^|) <!'« /Ac end of ... 411", of. ^jjl 'j^i Akh\a\ 128" 

^_5^l ( = j^ ji-I ij^) 0(/aeM 30811; spiritual advantage (as opp. to UJo ) 
428''' (ia the parallel passage is^I 431^); the rear-guard of an 
army 602' 1021i<>, pi. ib/-l hinder part 73" 191'=^ 235-' 1069' 
'fAi\ (pi. of Syil) the hinder part of a saddle 329'^ 496" 883>» 
yii!£l^ refuge 169* 
>>!. 3 ( = il^^'^) 192« Boq. 269», ef. -U^l ^.,lji.| 933'' (=386 iiotos"): 

pi. ljji>t o«»' brethren (from a form ^-jv^', liiie ^-iv^) 921^ 

,j5 . ,i>f hernia 18- 

°i (pi. of ly!) td. 248» 

jjT one wio suffers from hernia 248' seq. 

jjt. sjlji equipment for fighting 10981' 

jji aell-armei 642i» 

j1. U 3j ( = U iii) 228«(?) S6o« 

...3! . ^3^ — Vt^*^^ o"^^ '^^ receive a declaration of war 640^ 

yjf ( 411' cooj. ) to threaten, with ace. 60< 338", with aoc. and ij 1015», 
^_>v J.J.3' io declare tear against {with ace.) 640^* 

i^il the act of listening 963° 

^i. ^liT coll. wares 390^ 391' 651«, pi. Jkiy 418" { = 1070i») 506» 79I« 

vy. vy *£"3_^i 249» 

J I (pi. of i_s]) pieces of bone or ;?esi 434" 

k!lo^1 crafhj 503° 

jLij rte pioee wAere a fire is lighted 42H 
u*j- • u^ J compensation for a wound 927^'' 

i J. |_^ 1 coll. a kind of shrub 111" 

^ J . t^L^ coll. o sferii^ of which tooth-Bticlfs are made 1005^ 

|.,i. |.^| head, summit 914 notes- seq.: cairn placed over a gram 1097", 

pi. -IJ cairns 268^: for the forms -J, , .-*,!, *KU and cj^v^ see 

iw^.l, or '^ij in the dialect of the Tamlm 771^, stem^ hence ncAU origin 
278« 622* 684" 746' 7711 8345, coll. Ij 289> 

woj . >14^! dimin. of ZS) 57" 

, ^J- CsJ '^ i"'"" ■"*"■« ^''"'s are (fed up 26" 712', pi. iV,!j1 395" 788- 799* 

^I. jjLS to put on a waist-wmpper (Jjl), metaph. 993» 997" 

jj! — o.y Ai to gird the waist, i. e. (o i/row up 719' 
ol|]ji «!;«» ( of teeth ) 1008'« 
ojt. Ji-)j> battle-field 401- 460» 746« 757' 764'» 

Jjl. Jj! narrowness, difficulty 163" 

JjjU narrow space, i. e. hattle-field 2531= 

0' '• 

Ute 115' 1094" 

p;! prone to bite 310», pi. -jl 16' 
pjt. (^1)'' ""■ ils^tS' " ^*'"* "^ '""" (""^ '''i^'''' ^^^t 348") 118' 5655 
[^S id. 6653 note 
[/0 id. 565S 
w«.1. 4^1 see 705" 

yj. ^Ult to give oneself up as a captive 191'* 314'" 

^1 coll. joints of the body 38- 
«^t kinsfolk 73= 6096 794= 
, JL-I (ioMjr for binding captives 873" 

OU.1. »_i*.Li sorrow, rei/ret 674' 
^1. iii-,| ( = aLl!l see 311", du. 845' 1017" 
iJ. jj aoe 185' 

oXi! spear-hmds 69" 1853 8871a 1)343 
Q^l. ^Q' (pi. of ^^l) habits 222» 

^^-.1 (3"' conj.) to help 933» ( = 386 notes") 

j-«wu! to console oneself by citing some similar example (5^-*w|) of mk- 
foPtnne, with i_, 384' 

^j.!,! ( = ^^Sjl , pi. of J^ or xl»J) pillars 538" aeq. 

J-li patience, self-control (?) 409» 

(j*i physician 109^, pi. q**-' 1311 

SLii coll. smaii palm-trees 5141* c« . i , ' 

JJj (?) see 583« 

il^\ thickly wooded 898" 

tliUil o mixed multitude 450* 

i^Lil (d. 424? 

iLLiXi! confusion 449" 

4^ui MKCcd, confused 268M 

._»ijj^ mode o/' mrad metal, epith. of a sword 4361'' 

jUls see 852* pi. y3Ui soioa, metaph. «Ae dows of beetles 2b6" 

SUil see under Uil 

XijI c/oscd i. e. withheld 59^ ( = 785^ ) 

iyS hay, fodder 971S: pi. ^Ij! ties of kinshif 155' 

°U=T (pi. of ^1) burdens 1013» 

^1 dry Aoy used as fuel lOOli^ 

^\. l^\ evening 1929 ( = 235"), pi. JoU.1 22 1» 370«, applied to a single 

evening 603" 6325 

ill in the evening 206i» 932« 

^^1 . Jusl s«r/aM of water 154", coll. ul 6081 1032", pL -JUjI 508» 

if. ^£^ benl 6731S 

Jiif. JUJ (pi. of jij or jib!) flanks of horses '288=, see Hamasa 16" 

JJA' (pi. of |£j) jii. 102", see Ahlwardt Nab. N". 2 y. 7 

fcXs! . «Asf io draw weor, Jecome imminent 213- 

_^1. °!l jMicJr, nimble 876W 

oisl. J^l (pi. of Jil) i. e. oi; mankind 743" 

ji. jlj] (pi. of J.AJI) ^o««ff caniefo 26^' 560i'' 

Jil. j/f n. metaph. to ilUreat 239" 1058« 

J'li to itch 206* 

jil ( = Jl pi. of xifl) royai jrante o/' iiwd 156" 

)3jJI (Ao< wWcA «■« Uaile to be devoured 947' 

/j1. 'iZi\ hillock 6' 

^. gs^f a ii«d of <ra 191" ( = 235i' ) 1928 (^236*) 

i_j! . JJ! to »ctfe mmiiy_ %30°- •■ 

^5JJt. IjJl for ^ylJOJt or ^^,JdJI 460» 

jiJl. ^t — Jdli or ^iiij (= JijE) 548», see foot-note 

^li to treat as a friend (with ace.) 1092i«: part. pass, trained (epitli. 
of a falcon) 555" ( var. v_iJU.), paeified (said of an onoiny) 572'- 

^JS^ ? 557' 

ciii> ? lOfiS 

•JiJI. ij]fe to ^osft 6941' 

^i . <y ( fern. ) message 675' 

kit. »rf. 76" ( = 315'») 

JJI. si short spear 406", coll. j1 lOBS' 

fSs. 'J - ^- or iLi- (=pLi-) 53« 

iJI. i] — ^yl ii.1 jjG *e assured that... 144" 

_>J! . jT feeSie SB's, pi. fem. jy 286" 

^Jil to cease, desist (absol.) 230» 112^: to cease from (wiUi ace.) 690" 

iJ- Ji ( = i5 or <J>^) 256»: »b addition to... 9861; descmded from ( = 

^Jl iy-I:.) 2661 61512 758* 

^^^'^1 ( = ^^!) 818" 

i-Sjl, ai'il, iU-^y, eU^! see 288« seq. 

Si sow 4589 ( = 887i!>) 754^ 

U1. U] if 1531" 2106 9841 (?) 

j^L >if a£)u»f2a»/ 52^ 

-^I adviser 7* 964^ 

^^j-s sharpened (said of lanoes) 1003 notes 2 

^^U 3^1 du. jyiU! iJ i.e. in a state of hesitation 675is 

j^l ( pi. of J.^1 ) belts of sand 286" 704» 

1^1. ^1 u. to wound on the skull 2' 20' 338" (?) 762- 1C80« 1084^ 

■X ? - C-P' r' *^° ^*^'= Kj u^;^'^! r* { = o»j5! pUi) <>te« /«>• the 
earth! 1921 (2351'): sUui jji U 943™ 

isi suitable, seemly 106* 645i« 

pi - ^1 ^ ( = fUl) 821" 

kJf a tmimd on the skull 2* 20' 

'iJi one whose skull is wounded 109i 121« 3US" 818>» 

I^Ul (pi. of ^i? see Lissn XIV 299" seq.) missiles for breaking the 
skull 370" 

xiy.U ( = £rf) 84615 

^1. ^li^i to think oneself safe 977« 

^! — j^'S! Sti i. 6. Mecca 80# 

^^^_y6 enjoying quiet 988^ 

^1. pr (pi. of id) 476« 9678 1027' 

^y1. y"! because, foil, by a pert. f,V' ( = 785«) 93* 170" 8195, by an im- 

perf. subj. iS> 97= 503": rjodtm^ia afterQ o7>» 581 

pi if, foil, by the energ, mood loS" (text doubtful) 

,iJ. vLuL see 8711" 

^! , — y! one wfto ^anfs under a burden 745* 

^j«jl . (j-o! or y«J| pleasantness 631" 

j^^l coll. moiiKnii 100* 

JJj construed as sing., J.LIJ! IJ^j? 393" (see Ibn Hishsm 355", Ibu 
Sa-d I 69" and Tabarl Gloss, b. r. l,->') 

U«jli jfisw mm 728* 

^J»jlJ <Ae condition of being inhabited 295- 

J^U inhabited 172» 

^. Julill — v.iLiI,1 U what I shall do in the future 4801* 

Jf] lip of the ear 2«: boundanj of a ploce 48'^ (=782") 

,_*jl proKd 278* 

iJjl fresh 668" 

Uii adv. jmt now 80" 

^,JuJi^ begun afresh, i. e, variable ( epith. of fortane ) 461^ 

vjji tiiUure 5451 

oLSj-fl agreeable, charming 889^^ 

fij§i 789* 1009" 

^^^i I. a is time that... foU. by ^ 38", by J 796» 

^Lilt to awaii (wiih ace.) 443^ 

siJ subst. Aop*?, expectation 245^^: adj. slow in moving (epith. of a 
woman) 136» 5U« 

sir (pi. of j^l or Ji) Mmes, iours 1078« 

^^f where? 457S ( = 10779, read ^^f for ^i?): icAeresoeeer 117i«: 
howsoever 257^* 

vW sHn 225 

J.^f a» inhabited place 165^** 
Vji-i' '0 «»»6 Jaci from war 147'': to re(iir» to (with ace.) 487* 
j;li to iend oneself in walking 706'- 

JU! id. 106^'- 

^L-o 7wi>/br/«»es 611^ (see onder Jul ) 
Jjlill to tofte fri>»« 926™ 

yj! the glow of &e 857» Ji- ■"^-'. -■ " ' 
5Li - ^! gL: ytf 744« 

iiil State, con<ft*to» 2io^ 

JiT see 813' 

Jjl coll. ancestors 18T« 7105 7159 

^yjl vanguard of an army 1021"' 

^ijl violent thirst 10071" 1012 notes* (read ^%-i\ 

(tjljl age, period of life 89012 

y. ^jLi! used to emphasise the possessive suffix 319* 

Jul. Juj power of God 552« 

jb! (*e tower stopes of a mountain etc. 8845 : metaph. support, stay i 
oOuys misfortunes 311' (see under o^!) 
-li. jjj — L^I -lU a curse upon her! 985* 

u4- JJf aopeiess 27' 

is)u1. ■ X*j1 j/roue 676« 890" 

W- 5^1 JJI or Jjt mountain-goat \W ( = 597=) 230« 709' 

ajI. |»f I. io de bereaved (especially of a husband or wife) 925^ 

^J. ^J /a^ae 543 557» 

jI^I with ^ 683= 

lut. iuj to be summoned by cries (said of beasts) 954' 

oLj!' far off 69' ( = oL^ 300« ) 489'" seq. fi32S 812" 

V V »» tho equivalent of j, 913? (of. 913') 

^L. °U sort, kind 806" 

JjL. jjLJ (pi. of x3oLJ) flesh of the breast 221" 

jj»lj — ^ 1 g « . ■ . 1 5*^W |> ' « '. ■ ;(>! ! ^Ott Aape pitted them one at/ainst the other 359* 
i_^_fi evil ( sabst ) 46" 
(j--fcAj disastrous 314^^ 

jt ijrirfe 338' 
xiba BabyloHian wine 543« 
v^^ (o articulate 359" 
jil u. to cut off 816" 
j1j sAarp (epith. of a sword) 491^ 
i^ care, trouble 503« 632' ''- - ~ 

jLs: a Hnd of cloth used for wrapping up skin-bottles 10861 
iJ-^Cs to burst jKt 804" 

jL>y (pi. of J^'t) eeids of (*« iWjft 446* 648" 
j^iui honoured 712^ 
JC=>j^ <A« interior of a place 665ii> 

>L~>1. to 6e fro»i, sincere 43* 
ii>^s^! to scoop up 14^^ 
A^. AoorsCTiess S' 

^ { = jL.^)-^-Ji lA* ^^ u»d,r the ■.helUr of this ferUte land 
462": pl.jji *eas, metaph. chiefiams i'o' 699* 743' 764* 

i:^.^. coll. iiocfnon camefo 483^ 
JL^. (pi. of ^ya.?) a. 361« 
,L^. see 244" 

^.. f:. odour 1715 

ijoA. (jk* tU fksh near the hoof (in camels) 558'= 

J^. j^l to find a person stingy 129'- 565' 

Uu. Iju a. to start on a journey 557" 

itju beginning 96" 

JtXj. Ou£ll to oc< independently 642'» 

Jljj si»<;Ze combat 472" 

jljJ adv. j« o sfofe 0/; dispersion igi" 228'^' - ^ 

,i\j. ,ilj to o6(osn a thing before some one else (with 2 ace's) 447"' 

JJu. JjL, to substitute (with aec. and ^) 712'= 

^Ou . yju « siort coa* o/' mail 1 92' ( = 235» ) , pi. ^kXJ 883' 898" : ^^'Ju 3 J 

a ;SyA< at close quarters 677': _bL^I ^fJ^Zi panoply 585? [see 
Mubarrad 692" — Noldeke I'Beitrage" p. 136 translates "Waffen- 

|!,oL full (said of a bucket) 234S 

^. IJu n. — »J^ IJu (=_j^":SI ^j *! !jj) Ae chamjed his mind 1070" (nee 

Dozy "SuppMment" s. v., faba" H 1190?] 

Xjk>L ooll. nomads ( opp. to 8yi3L> ) 984'" 

iju. IJu a. to e»a« o»ese/f 187' 8898 

Iju pride 927"' 

Ijl opith. of a mountain 759", pi. oL3oU 700>-^ 771'« (var. ^■i^-l), 
applied to speech 777^, j-jl^ lofty achievemmts 777" 

Jju epilh. of a poet 1046" 

^ intorj. 700» 


Ju n. to outstrip 505= (as var. ) 605" 
jv3u n. ( = 0^5) with ij 968* 
jiXlj '0 Ae scattered, routed 7S6' 
iJiX-j o _p«WB ( in chess ) , metaph. insignificant 18V 845i>, pi. jjJUj T87' 
JoJj to 6e ie/i without protection 301^ ( text dottbtful ) 
oLi foul-mouthed 309- 

} J . ) J ! see tj;j-i5 

^y. ^y (pi. of ^^Sy) £ffl»i;T' 617' 

„ J. .--*j' to sftoie oneself in gala dress 264^- 

^^- see 186i« 

iU-9 (P'- of i^^t see 66«) finger-joints 1871 
i_y*3y o memtei- of o»e of the clans called |»_>!^_tJ! (see Index III) 
108618 seq. 


scorch, hence /ormewf ( with w ) 500^ 

j-iy desert UV 
' Ijj (pi. of Ijl) unlucky omens 502= 
'yl more painful 500* 506" 
oy metaph. teeth 1005» 
jy carrying hail (epith. of a cloud) 290" 
jfy (pi. of SJy) garments of coloured wool 814* 
S^ — tSjyi jU to march in the cool part of the day 1079" 
iy^ a means of cooliim oneself 382« 
giijj (pi. of MJy) saddle-cloths, metaph. conmUms lOi* 

J jj . ji\ to be victorious ( with J^ ) 85^^ seq. 

yU (pi. of BjJj?) berries of the tree called ^i,! 1078^ 
,5-yi treated with filial affection 355® 
^^^. iU\^ see 134^! 

B J, e j>i to art spontaneously 489" 

^j*us_j . u*^';^ ( pl- of (j"^;J ) adj. o/" (food breed 26'' 

LJjj? . OsjJ u. ^0 sA/«e ( said of the dawn ) 50^ 

Ji.l epith. of a sword 310* 

ikjjj the flash of a weapon 417': pi. OjIjj thunder-clouds 780" 
vjsjj a she-camel that drives away the male 78^^ 

JjJJ (pi. of SfX see 965'») <rarts o^sand and stones 57" seq. 761> 1082' 
^ji. jiijjj ( pi. of ji^ ) jffomen's »ci7s 691" 705'*' 

ijjj. ily to i»«ei down in great numbers 14'' 

liijj eoU. kneeling camels 946"*, pi. i)jj^ '•531^: 6r«as« of a camel 31 1« 
oKy (pi. of xiy, see Tabarl Gloss.) the lower parts of a tunic 369» 
«l^tjj hattk-field 666«: stedfasiness in battle 4231" 
<!)t^' (Ae «ci of kneelinij 778' 
liKL-a (pi. of tiijA^) metaph. position, status 751 1" 
i^ylx/o continuous (said of rain) 1009^'' 


loss for a thing (with w), 

m,v wtte' end S89« of. 48» 

Ly cooking-pot (espooially of stoiio) 216» 852" (see 7083), p,^ '^^ 
287= 1089", or ^ty 215' 

j^y string, waist-band 120" 

(.Ul (pi. of j.y) mm who refuse U> join in games of c*a«ce_ 952* 

^y. l^ji a sort of date 32* 

l~iy. u:^!2 to wear a ^jS^i 277^ { = 29#) 

J^!y (pi. of JJy) hooded cloaks 209S 903" 

{L-^ see 134- 

OUjj. J^j!;; see 162' 

^sji. i_5y I. to wear awag (trans.) 134" 788* 

Jja to keep pace with, rival in speed 138' 1761 58610 609" 

^/ ( = 0) to cure 842' (as Tar.) 

i_jJLi- to race with one another 610" 

(_=^l to confront, present oneself to a person (with J) 62is 685'- 

ijjij to cut the tendon of a camel 957': pass, to ie vom avsay 788' 

^=^ (pi. of S^) metal nose-rings for camels 271» 344» 846« 1010!^: 
anklets for women 986^ 

^ji. ^iji a woman who bends her hack in 243' seq. ( = 10671 jgq. ) 

jjj. jjU4 (pi. of ijjt:^) Mck sticks 3411 

yjj. yi a. to strip a fallen enemjr 3018 gj^. ^_45q15 43!" ), pass. <o be 

siript off (said of clothes) 4575 

}4' '0 strip 481i» 594» 
}I WMjjOMs 28> 693» 735" 
Sjs. ^jl t^ front tmth of a camel 604" 649" 

jjl (pi. of <^J) times of famine 610K 

*jj. ^jj| the ring with which a horse's girth {**::>) is fastened 751^^ 

J5 y ■ t^^^ ^0 overcome (with ace.) 819^ seq. 842^ 

^ . ^f^ ( pK of is^ ) frowning 586^ 

ia*^. Jalj u- fo stretch out the armjabsol. ) 295^**: to ease, bring relief 

person (ace.) 197S ( = 1058S) 

Kjo— J generosity 300*^ 

Ot-^. ^3-4^ infiated 8575 

Jk^. J.-%MJU.«a rushing headlong (epith. of a warrior) 37P' 

-wj. *io a. ( = yio) with ace. of the person 12^: see also 365*^ 

^ see 36^6 

Jiui to receive impregnation (said of camels) 36^^ seq. 

yi.AA**I (0 behave cordially^ partic. 908^ 

yio cordiality in welcoming a person 908" 

-io (after a negative) any one 313^ 

^*^ (=^^) 12« 498^ 

^j£^. £^U^ brightness, gloss of new armour 458": gaiety of youth 844^ 

j^. fiUij coll. a iree of which tooth-sticks mr made 1005^ 

*A^L-« ( pi. of *UiJ-« ) persons sufferifiij from imlitjesiion 692^ 

jAaj . yoj denom. from B-ciAii 729^^ 

ij^**aj a s^reafe of blood 483', coll. ^,-*.2^ "iW"^ 

qkwoj. j^ i. 860 4231"^ 

tcaj . !<:-tob ( = /^W* ) *>^-'' 

i^I4 (===^U>) 1089»« 

•ijLaj a piece of flesh 713* 

^^ flesh 656" 

^lu . i>klj' to stretch oneself on the ground 355» 382' 

j^JiJ thrown down on his face 394' (as Tar.) 

i£l the bottom of a valley olQi^ 

iL^ id. 60" 700IS 1082", pi. ^Liu - ^liiJI jT i. d. the Kuraish 763" 

Ojtu. ijj/i; 3839 

iatu. Ill ooll. *«4^s 230' • . - 

^^. j^ji^ to «a« OKe's fill 4» 146« 859" 

jTy&Ixll tojnarch along the course of a river (ace.) 1092»: o4~JI o^4^ 
concealing a sword about his person 538^"* 

jllu — », ; hi »_L£u; used of the attitude of a man who allows himself 
to roll down-hill 234i» (of. 190"): pi. ^^ concuUnes 704= 

qLL low-lying ground 780^ 

X, ;,^gi) peiMiance 17' 

..Xj (pi. of ,.)^) straps for fastening saddles 641* 

^l^LLa (pi. of ^yt^) full-fed 30^ 226' 893« 

j^jILJ! name of a constellation 520° 

^UaL i/iM^ou 314' ( = 762"), applied to a woman 8951 

^.iaUi/a harbouring, meditating a design ( with v_j ) 100^ 

Joi. tjihl see 3988 

'.^xi. ^sl'M donom. from ^iy.xjtJS 37^® 

i!/jLIi' to go forth ( said of poetry, eto. ) 38> 

li-jtol to break forth into an utterance 1084S (read ^ioe^'i ) — see Ibn 
Hisham 2759 300» 

,^»ju. ,^£sxj to he stabbed, metapb. 855^ 

Oou. v3jtj with J^ of the pers. 58218 

iXju adv. ye/ (after a_negatise) 10241- 

yu . S^l pi. of ^ 6843 

" y:U »d. 676' 

yaju. ^ u^aju (= t>=3u &^) 191^ 1026^1 — cf iiL«^ t*^^*^ ^5*^^"^^ Mufa44ai^yst 
N». 14 v^ 10 

OutJ . ^!j4 streaming ( epith. of a rain-cloud ) 520' 1009" 

3juL, id. 26115 

/Ju. fLii moan of a she-camel 1012> 

^. ^i to seek 688>' 

^ briskness, high spirits ( in a camel ) 578*'' 

Jjil femoie hireling 495' ( = 656") 

Slil seorcA 697" 

Jb. j*ib a young camel extracted from the womb by slitting it open 523^ 

tiij. i^i black and white (epith. of a lamb) 974i- 

>_»&. Jb coll._mosjM(toea 756* 

^iu . ■ oUi4^ horses still capable of running, i.e. not yet exhausted 762' 

yCj. ^1 to send early 1090" 

^ applied to wine 549": pi. "j^\ first-fruits 549" 

^1 (pi. of fi) young camels 2» 

°L>:!l lU 832" 

s,bG id. 3323 

jLSo! (pi. of iXi) mornings 325" 

"^ early rain 1090' 

JbClj a wind that blows in the early morning 866" : epith. of a battle 872" 

JjCI£-! t.o he moved to tears 418" ( = 9521') 

U^b$ ( = UibcIi') 310" 

JuL tumult 2983, pi. jj-£ goS"- 

JJj i. to s;eai iric^y (absol.) 9638 

iiii- «o simc 406- 

iJlt p.-OM^ 26^ 27" 3678 SOe" 

ijj (0 iecome inert, helpless 4121" 

JJjI see 797" 

Jjj helpless 974 notes" (as var.) 

Jjil^ w/aoa^ o floor ( said of a hoase ) 797" 

jja to suffice for a journey ( with ace. of the pers. ) 74- seq. 

3i^ a small tent 322 g^q. _ ^ee Lisan XI 307" 

•jil (pi. of ijjb!) j)»e5oW. horses 1021« 

JUiU (pi. of ii>E) descrfc 520» 

jib deser< 964i-, pi. jjili B85-, journeys through the desert 704* 

J4 i- see 111» 

j.;l intrans. to recover from sickness 111", from a wound 166» 

Jiii to reeocec from fright, masd. 1098'3 

3^ a drink of water idV 

J^U id. 279M 

JJilo swollen { said of a bucket whea full ) -2345 

jh. |_^l to rendu a seivici, to » £6r80n (aec) 7251 « gggi, ( = 120M): i 

mate known, divulge 160^ (?) 

J^. Ji to wem out (absol ) 60* 

Jb — j^ ( = JUJ) 343'=, J-!i' ( = J'^') 283= 54315 
J!) to efface tSS'^ 
OUj. JiSUj (pi. of i-L4) '*« front (?) of a shirt 369' 
Jb . |_jL I. L^ilj c>^ said of the wife, with Jji of the husband 59515, ,_^j^_^ 

( = a.tu Jj4) "'"« ort married, with ^ of the husband 853" (a 
var.) of. 1971' ^jjii ^^r. lOSS'S 

_,-b ^0 marry one's daughter ^o a man (with 2 ace's) 639^: io en/rwi 
one's son to a man (with 2 ace.'s) 65215 

Ui^t ( = li^i) 529 ( = 785») 5471 

■jL4' applied to a tribe, gjjj jUj* 681" (yar. v^^i fUll SOOi") 

J^ (dirain. of yj!) 2231" ^„„^ J^i^ 341 j §933 934s 93511 

y-Jl, ^^-^ji (dimin. of_ji, ^^i) 306' seq. 

Ji%. jo4+i' to *e descended from Bahdala 7131" 

j«- ^ o?)™ 


_jj^ wearied (said of a horse) !)38'' 

pjj ooll. kids 259' 370'' 
'^Lu (pi. of yj) 'rf. 17113 2481' 2G'.l 
°^ (pi. of iiJI) Aeraos 25U' 310"' 

^.^ a simpleton 1006' {text dotibtful)' 

^f (pi. of p^]) 3749 

Oilie striding 914' 

jjil. to boast 791 notes > (as var.) 

j^ open spoce 618M 

sb u. ^0 acknowledge the Justice of a claim *>i^. Sw-i ..,' liJjJ 535^: 
to reckon as equivalent, with ^^ 1179, 5,ith -ace. and ,_j 53815 

fu to pot'ni a spear at a man ( with ^ of the spear and J of the 
man) 80-: to cohabit with (ace.) 447" (as tar.) 

sbl to execute vengeance on (ace.) someone for (wj) someone else 76" 
( = 315») 371': to reckon as equivalent 120» 

Sji' to torf(;« in a place (with J.) 121* : to cohahit with (ace) 476= 

% bloid-wit 66518 9299 

•iUi aiorfe 278i» 

gjj. r'-^' '" deprive a people of their territory (with 2 ace.'s) 341" 

toi court-yard, metaph. 689' (see 3418 636") 

jij. .1 n. to 6g stagnant (said of the market, with wj of the pers. ) 818^ 

JU to destroy 387^ 529is 

jUjI to <es(, masd. 354« 

jty n«n 341S 

j^y. il4j so/"* ««»-;*, mmM 1025« 

OJJi- ^y trumpet (such as was used in the ChristiMi cult) 1041" 

Sfi, tiib D. (^ilj I.) 573 notes- (as Tar.) 

eUG (pi. of i£Sb) well-fed camels 418" (1=1071') 

JL n. to beget (with v) 912* 

315 ( = 3y 812* 

% the stuffed skin of a young camel 21« 32H 343' 86(5 

olj I. to he spent without sleep (said of the night, see *j) lOOl^ 

Oj^' water that has stood all night 25'", anxiety that torments one all 
niijht ITSW 

oUjF families 87 « 

Ja I. to perish 98'- 406' 934': (0 icaste awoj; (said of a camel's 
hump) 558S 

Ju-j (pi. of *!aIj) rfeserte 76" 687" 1009' 
jjaUj coll. white patches on the skin of an animal "92^^ 
lji4^( epith. of a king 45', of a noble 138» 266' 301>", pi. ^k-j nobles 
, 460', ladies 685- 761'^= 788" 926"' 1004'*: ij=-^^i apparently the 
title of a book SSI' 

^ I. with 2 ace's 583" seq. 

^ <o se/; 25» 

jjL »rf. with 2 aee.'s 15': with aoo. of the pers. and ^ of the thing 164'" 

tiUj to engage mutually to do a thing ( with Joi ) 358- 

cUj! to take in exchange ( with ace. and s_j ) 944'" 

^Aj 1. io become apparent 64^ 

^^ id. 248* 6911» 767' 996": to ;)«wiiv 1061': to consider, reltect 957'- 

yU to c»?, .««•!■ 863'" 

'^ followed by J.! (instead of ,) UV 150= 3il' 848' 470'; 559" 649' 

9251 * : lorn from jU^"; iju»=' j-j--j 325', also in speaking of two 
male ancestors 475^ 6U^, and even of an ancestor and his brotlier 
806» — see also 806" 815" 948" 

iiJLi itide ( epith. of a well ) 024', pi. ^ij 881" 

the faculty of expUimni) 9941' (ggg 4453) 

^Lj1 to fix the eye (with aco. and ^) SbP 

^JJji spirited ( said of a horse ) 304» 

^0 (pi. of ^y) douile 3915 ( = 41") 392* 

'fj\0 (another pi. of the same) Iwim 276" 746- 752"' 

V^^L^^t to he incurred (said of blame, with Jv= of the pers.) 453" (= 1074') 

Z^ixZl a ieaten track 106' 

j*j! to send a thing after a person (with >_• of the thing and ace. of 
the pets.) 985° 

^jd to be slain one after another 456* 

5-ywC*-^ to ask someone to folhw 140'' 

j«j' coll. hangers-on 323", applied also to things 641' 

&J6JJ a familiar spirit 76* 

J.Ii.- enmiHj, feud US' 879' (?) 

q^Uj (pi. of f^^) swimming-drawers 354*® 377*^ 

for the phrase ^l!l lAp -L^, see _j=? 

^'•f ( pi. of iU-iy ) the upper parts of the breast 814" 


be distressed 503" 

distressed iS9' 

^y, ite.^- see 504' seq. 
U-/. Xl^- (pl. of lJ"/) 7283 

y«yu ( = jL^ui ) a wooden door-bar 44- 
j^y. ^yl <o A" "26, ^^ ^Mii 968« 972«, 'il)^ wells 

i_y. ijji* proKd 137' 367» 

t^jj. aO' propert^^teftjn^ trust with some ooe 639^'* 

Xij^' o pool left by a torrent 554^ 1007' 
^^. by a term of abuse applied to a female slave 411 

U««j. ijltt miserable 25» 27" 

».Aij. wM.3 <o soy lii- 32' 

Jaj. J^ expectoration 84 1^ 

^. ^ ( = ^) 295' 

JOlS. jjiblL' (pl. of lUi) misfortunes «14« 638' 107815 

Jjj-. viilj- inhmted^malth 6U= 93l« 982", metaph. 986* 

hs id. 814" 

iSjlii id. 499': also as adj. ancestral 456» 461* 
Jjil ancestral 797* 
jlj'. ^' coll. torrent-beds 1082' 

oLxii' (pl. of KxE') td. 957" 
^ (another pl. of the same) id. 13' 108» " 

sjj raising the neck (epith. of a horse) 304^ 

._iJlj . 4_iLl to render destructive, or to find to be destructive 564^^: to destroy 663^^ 

JJJ. Jji the neck of a horse 674" 

JiLs an instrument for striking down 656^- 

jij. oLyS Bfars <*o< appear (os* 992" 

J|jj (pi. of aaIj) legs and hind- quarters of a earael 134^* 

jU^a (pi. of SjJ> ) explained to mean, cameh some of which have brought 
forth young while others have not 88^: camels near the time of 
bringing forth 92" 154* 9531= 

,Uj. ,Ui1 to be extended, swollen 527* 

^■. 'ji' to produce dates 934" 

liUS. e'^-sj 6Mi% (epith. of a camel's hump) 560» 

^■. 'fj i. to »««■» (with i!) 138M: to 6c ftillg qualified 71S" 

pL^- — ^ui) jll (Ae fonjes* ««jrA( 717" 

'fJ'\J (pi. of li-^J) amulets 37613 394i<> 4071 8471'', ^.^"i _yj^ ;. e. rte 
nec/t 3835 (^f. 38418) 

JUl o woman near the time of her delieen/ 48» ( = 782^ ) 

JUli dwarf 28012, pj, j^^d 614« 

I-ii to adopt a settled mode of life 7291" _ see Tabarl (floss, s. ¥. 

^j-*Uj applied to lightning 245i'% to a kind of mange 7171^ 

7d ( = 1^') 59" 

I-yJi to 4c destined, ordained 443" 1070- 

lUu a busg-body 101 a", pi. 8an. 505* 


id. 501 notes s 505^ 

^J*wJ . w:^^ ( P^' of u"*^ ^ he-goatSy as a term of" abuse 445^ 

^- . g.Ui (0 riisA headlong into evil, masd. 453» ( = 1074' ) — see Hamasa 20715 

1^'. 'p - iUl J^- see 59« 

«UlS- see 69" 

*-0U distraughtj or enslaved 59^- seq. 

j^-. Li- — obUI Li' 194" 

iSj' win, conceited 9088 losg's 


OtUi- to yaim 800" 


^!^ Bee 999' 


^lLi=/i'l "'."*''!'' O'"'*"^/' *23* 

°,^ (pi. ofjli) 526" 

yS id. 929i» 993" 

ol/i - cytli ol^ts b 920= 


Jlh damage 418i« ( = 953') 5648 7581 io469 


ujuli to put in writing BaSif' soq. 820' seq.: 

vi/Mji;o»! to seek to prolong 8" 

^' subst. (=oUi) 137": adj. (= X^'i) ^.,ui\JI 

^v.^. g.^ tfii! middle, the main part of a thing 1(>6> 

f»j. B^ (I /loie in the ground iili" 409' 

,vo injury, dimster 544" 939i^ 

^ a place iqjiere blood is shed 592"': pi. yLU womb 832« 

.jlirf unwearied 677* 

g^-. ^1 to cause to flow 565' 

^jiTo. ^^3 J^^ffjj'fffi f}*^' i3 cr*^' ^^'*"' P***- '^7?" a^' ^^^'- '^ '"fyMS 

(with aoc.) 40" 

^^. jl3^ hahbhr, see 860' 

^jj . Ejjj having large orifices ( Bald of the teats of a camel ) 393^, gaping 

(epith. of a woand) 7I6i» 

jy. t^J? to omass iceaWA 468'^ 

,3^ moisture, freshness 370i« 375^, metaph. generosity 562' 609' 994«, 
^^Jjl viAj-fi- ij'tioife 8001 

Sli o6«ndonw, loeoiii 4661' 

s]^' id. 994' 

i^^' pi. san. 1033 466i» 

LJ^f the Pleiades, for the myth on the sul^ject see 520' soq.: the time 
of the rising of the Fleides 1006" 

woti, wUi adj. streaming (epith. of a rain-cloud) 261^^ 

Jjti. Jjis (pi. of '^l) jagged, UBecen (said of the teeth) 131' 

JJtS- see 131^ 

jts . ijii ae pit of the breast, in a horse 73', in a man 155* 470" 

jjiS ( pi. of "Jd ) raetaph. points of defence OlOW 

..jLi , JjLi coll. a kind of plant, hence as adj. white, hoary 3821^ 

^jki . ^yijl to bestow a sheep upon some one ( sec. ) 32" 

jlii bleating (subst.) 259' 

'jd\ to fasten with the crupper 794", pass. 157'- (=1052») 

jS-i crupper 


JLji — wdxj^ jS_> (jj' as a term of abuse 378^* 

Jjj. %iJi adj. stoic (said of a eamel) 361' 

wJij. w*aji u. (0 6fi /awoHS(*) liT^*^ — the Terse appears to mean that th 

women of the Bans Sa^d recognised Jaththama as one of the famou 
warriors of the Shaiban 

il-ij! to make a fire burn brightly 493'' 

1^ the hole in a pulley 1002* 

waiij . uitaj an instrutmnt for straighttninq lances 23-, see 565* seq. 

JJiJ. jij to become grievously ill 93'' 

jif «o wound severely 120i» 361' 

JiLxJ to weigh heavily XilO^^ (var. jiii) 

3^- fem. of J^^iti- 318" (MSS JLiii' ) 

jjiUi (?) costly things 56'° 

J.LiX«w« weighed down by sleep 981* 

^^■. yi (pi. of LiS) (roop», herds 814^ 

wsXS . wJj broken, damaged 24^ 

w*iU-9 (pi. of 'iA^A or iULLfl) subjects of reproach, scandals 907'''' 90S'"- 
aeq. 104»'» 

ii>Jli-. eJj 'raJ^f, i_=?^l ■^^^ 2-1' (as var. ) 

iJLS. _ JjH ( = ^) 818« 

ixlS camels^ dung, as a term of abuse 31»'^ 781" 

■m a small flock of sheep 3t» 269' 279^ 294^ 370' 512^ 604* 627» 

(as rar.) 773" 

33 a small pool 279" 646', pi. Juil 794» 
,ij to be dyed (said of the hair) 60 1» 
J>*£j to become covered with a scum (kJUj) 210': pass, to be drunk up 
2109 (as Tar.) 
j3' a place suitable for lodging in 6588 
jUi prop, support 2871** ( as Tar. ) 
Jill (?) see 261^ notes i 
.^ ( = Ii) 53« 685" 
^^ a kind of grass, used as thatch etc. 173- 836" ( = 299«), ilju 

|.Uiii wretched (said of a year of famine) 1012' 
^^ I. to strike a second time (with J)' 458" (=88715) 
^gjJi da. layers of a helmet 955- 
5?U_i da. cort^5 for tying camels 617^ 
,yi a full-grown camel 243'« (as tar.) 
^^*jU adv. in ^irs 581^ 

Ji n. to come <oj8<A«r (especially for battle) 360" 3611 46615 gggs 
( = 386 notes «) 

Oji to call repeatedly 485", ^ij^ »«« »Ao mJfa for *dj« 288" 

yj:jl intrans. io regain strength 644^* 

jliiwl (0 f/e< back one's senses (ace.) oes"" 

IJ^ coll. 144": du. a suit of clothes 457" 546» 997" 

y. i" n. to hurst out afresh (said of a wound) 84:6^'- 

,^i to he repeated (said of a story) 25P^ 

^Uill to rouse, stir up 255' 

^*j a p?rtce where water collects 514^ 

sj^ trouhle, disturbance 568' 569* (in both cases as var. ) 

°^ raised in the air (said of dust) 949" 

jjlf half-witted 211» 
i3j3. ijjj tt stiei in which cattle pass the night 611>=' (test doubtful) 

j^. ^- (=j:;^i/3) 708^ 

w£=>. vt >-ed ochre 360' 

y=-. t-Li to call oaraels to the water (with v and J,l) 208', masd. sb-'U- ibid. 

^yJi- (pi. of _>4:^) hreasts of camels 134" 
ps.. yU- suffocation 155=, pi. ylji- 586» 

°lji 5r»-oa» 865» 872" 
JL>. Si!li %«»«> 228", pi. jjUi 1038" 
jl>. tIjLi (Jari icowB (said of an army) (i4B' 

L=.. sj^ see 182» 

sUi see 55" 162" 
VM5>. ilUi u. to overtoil, surpass 113*: (u aistrale 10113'" 


^y^ hard soil 320' 9291^ 

^. '^ i. to heal (intrans. of a limb) 953* ( = 418"), masd. °jJ. 5405 

'^ to save from ruin 462* 

yLi sec 5538 geq. 

yUi (pi. of jUi) T7712 971« SyUi (d. 1019» 

_A^OU haughty (epitb. of a warrior) 955^ 

^j*fc,j:s*. ij"^-*^ coward 73118 

J.^. jI^J (Pl- of !fe) 2252 

jljli (0 he a coward 895" 

^1^1 to find a man cowardly 129''' 

XJLi see Index IV s. v. qIIsJI 

j^yli I. to collect water in a trough 24' 416=, masd. Lo. 249: pass, to 
be contributed ( with aec. of the person who contributes ) 146'- 

( = 3281) 

_-o» to crouch 9911 

vl-=- metaph. benefactor 972", pl. iUi ibid. 
iLb. (roM^* 216-, pl. v!*^ 1'2« 
^^*:> tea/gr collected in a trough 551^(?) 
j_^ id. 460M 563M 
jji. i. or u. to nestle, crouch (properly applied to y0Bng_bird8) 131", 

'^^ 123« (see 762«) 

fS]y>- (pl. of X*jb.) epith. of nestlings (see fif), hence applied to the 
, lobes of the human brain — (^tj_ij! ^.t the skull, or the brain 

761K ^!^! JfSi ,.! id. 387" 

,.,Ui=- bodtj 42' 3441' 3481', jU^Ji ^^L.,,J^. (vocative) as a term of 
abuso 586« 

ys>. ij^^ '" '''ouch opposite a person (ace.) 425' 

i3ji> a pile of stones, i. e. a (/rave 874^ 

.<^s\^. g^Uai (pi. of iiiii) chieftains 9248 

Jcs'. JiJte- a. (0 f-efiise a thing to a person (with 2 ace's) 907i 

jLst- miserly, ungrateful 348'™ 370* 

JlX^. 3-^^ *o <:oUeei 205^ 

jJ^ksG to draw oneself together 205^ 

/S. ;jili a. (0 c«fer (with ace.) 1836 

'.^\^\ intrans. (?) to retreat into holes 914' (var. o_^..i.i): trans, lo 
force people to hide themselves ^Xj^jSV^u 585=, pass. ^*\5S^ 674" 

^iiul, ^J;«i?-t see 183' seq. 

f>'j> one who lags behind in a race 505^^ : pi. fern, p»|yr" peering out 
( said of the eyes ) 676>' 

ya:su the hole of a jerboa 1022is 
KjiS^ . Ji:«i. a. to seize food 968" 

i_Aib» to imade (with noo.) 620" 

^_Liii. (pi. of i:ii4-) mofse's of food 85-1" 893» 'J(18>i- 
oLsn:> applied to rain 520^ 
Jj:S^. jisai adj. vast, numerous (epith. of an army) 181'- 224^ 710", noble, 
illustrious (opith. of a man) (>(i4^; subst. an urmg (especially of 
horsemen) 293' 311' 882" 958» 

iluii lip (of an animal) Ii8», pi. joL>\i- 3" 3"0» 497" (i()4'" ( = a2ti»), 
applied to the lips of a human being 969^ 


f^. °fM^ Haze of a fire 1087" 

UiS^. ,JJ\>- 968" (as yar.) — see'i. 

^SAL 854" (as var.) — see ^jiito- 

v_fti=liix« behaving proudly 594' 

jS' . ^^1 see ,^i>J>l s. r. _,^i=. 

>_jiA> . ^_ajA> barren 57^^ 

Sjjj4- ireajA* 4628 

, cyAs-. l>Ai- a jrace 8481= 1046", pi. C-Ij^-* 37913 (as var.) 382" - see ^JJki 

w\>t\>. 0>^>O^ hardj level ground 795" 

j^A>. -^^.^ a., jr^^i ^0 stir vp a beverage 511^ 

oAq. . Jvit intrans. to pass over hard ground 63" 584' 648" 

oJ^^' to cmse to j'/pe m?7A 480i 

L^i- — ^iAJ! 3^ ( = IJu!) 311 

3J>- a well 215* (see 33 notes"), pi. oljiil 33 notes ^ 

3S^ hard ground 49' 87^ 

»A:> freshness, i. e. j^ow^A 1015*' 

^Jc>. jjli dwarfish 953' 

gA=>. IJLi to Aacc one's nose cut of 966« 

^Jiii-! trans, to c«/ o;f the nose 795" 

^Xs-l mutilated (said of the nose) 374^: having the nose cut o#917i* 966' 

oA:^. Ja?- « jrraiie 873" (see 848") 1018', pi. Jtoi* 379" 3821* (as var.) 

oJb. talking with short steps (epith. of a dog) 801^, pi. fem. o^Jyi 
applied to vromen 890* 

JA:>. JJo-, JJ^SG- see 1003" 

jjki coll. twisted cords 1431- 

JJo-l icM< 9305 

JoL>I (pi. of JJ^-O /"afcoMs 649« 

JOkiu thrown to the ground 10991 

VjAiili «ii. 406»;^ 

jj^soi id. 736< 

5lX> . t_5iA*:>' (0 seek to obtain what one wants from a perBOD, i. e. to aven</e 
oneself on him (with ace.) 102^ 

iS^^ 9^f^> f^i'our 8^, hence copious rain 964^ 
VJ^- V'^Ls- <o pull along 10031% („ p„;; away from (with 2 ace's) 475* 

w.) jl:> (iwd wp ( said of an udJer ) 4801 : J^^aj-Jf *-J j^ a woman who 
severs her connection with a man 1351- 
jjc>. A=. a. to extirpate lOSS^: pass, to be severed 1013" 1014= 

iXi a cut 246" 
,t\=- . jj J^ ( pl. of .Jo- or ,l\s- ) roots, bases 527i 

g.X=. . £.1^^ see Index III s. y. clAs^I 

Jjw;.. ji.3. s«n» 311" (see 2941^'), pl. JU=.I thick sticks 294" 

(Jo-. IJ^y to fiee 104" 

^Ju> stem 311" (as var.): slinnp of a tooth 17S, pl. jilAs-l 16'' 
^Ij4- P 1007" 
ij^s-. I jo- n. see 745 notes' 

ob- a horso having a certain mnlformation of the foot 745* (soo notes-) 
BjJc> see 2941' 

Jluilil i. e. the sky 468' 

l.ty> (pi. of Ijji) mangy camels 4468 io29« 
JCL,^ ? 709* (as Tar.) 

..Gyi- the opening at the neck of a coat of mail 930^ seq. 
ujj^-« one who has mangy camels 39* 

L^^ a heap of sand, hence a large mass 1S61«, pi. ^I^i 404« (= 7661), 
or J^tji 770" 

'^"^ to give to drink, to drench (with 2 aeo.'s) 832' 
°b»°=. a kind of plant 876= (as var.) 


herd of camels 913« 

f^j> ■ L?JU4y> see Index III s. t. f>-^^'i 
Oy>. o)>\ hare (said of a palm-atem) 304', {em. ih^ having short hair (saiA 

of a horse) 1069", pi. j}> id. 237" 338' 37I» 686>» 603" 8101= 

Oj=.], iy>! a kind of tree 162'' (see Additions and Corrections) 

L>,b-I (pi. of »L>j=-) iacc places 134° 

^iji (pi. of ^'■i}?-) 573M 

8j>5_^^ a ian(2 devoured by locusts (.iL:>) 157' 

Sliu (Aose parte o/' ?*e body which are not covered 7781* 

Bjisu coll. unsieaiAed swords 237'* 

iy>. S^ ^cW-i-af du. 279" 

y>. y>! <o spl(( the tongue of a young camel, hence to reduce a man (o 

a . . 

s/ience 52« ( = 785"): for yFU, see below 
,b>, R^-iai^ ,i^ epith, of rain 520^ seq. 

jlji a leader of a thousand horsemen 9815 ( = 14712) 264«: an army 336^ 
jj^ one who seizes food 36": a deep well 704" 9247; p], y_l, restive 
( said of horses ) 288', see 287 notes * 

rope with which a cameVs nose is bound 146^ ( =^ 327^^ ) 
3jj^ crime 437'* 

'^C> the process of dragging 222»398» 89315: that which is dragged 1018« 
5Ji;it the Milky Way 1729 3305 
^■SU — yl—j'^1 5^ /»•««, i.e. circulated broadcast (said of satires) 9011 


c/mJ 36911 

j!j=. adj. siai-p 69» 
^r?-* **-'rr- "^ 6«/Ari/ she-camel 1011 notes ^ 

U»7?- LP^ 

&e choked 

^joi.ff choked 54" ( = 585") 1012" 

|U5y>.' f^ir?" (P'- "' f^fi" •"■ |**°J^) i^rfedy 237' 

^^. g^l sand-hill 821", pi. j^b-l 687» 

*t^ td. 992' 

xi!^ see 54" 

Oj^. ujti o river-bank undermined by water W- ( = 5831'-) 6631s seq. 100311 

otj=- o glutton 969i, applied to rain 520', o'jS^JI epitli. of tlie Plague 7381 

oy^ sw«pi oMJay (applied to wealth) 5561** 

Ojl-?u (pi. of iki^-ii-« shovel) nietaph. demurers 318i', with tha object 
in the BOO. 8931" 
J^. l\p (pi. of 3j> Of lifr) pMles H4« 303" 

31j)=- prop, red dye, hence t(ii;« 277" 320i« 

^j=- pi. p^l see 40'* seq. 

^Iji (pi. of iUJ^) penalties 6W 

xij_su coll. lopped palm-lrees, metaph. the necks of horses 2911 

^^J complete (said of a period of time) 54« ( = U') 7i^'' 

^^ff a natire of ^J>fi^ 299' ( = 885*) 

y!^ — qIsu vi'^ settling down, taking his place 8831- 

^j^ (pi. of y^) threshing-floors 990- 

^y^ whelp of a lion 822* 

bjy> courage, resolution 617* 

kjj^ coll. comcJs belonging to the Banu Jirwa 1S5- 

i^jji I. (0 6c toose (said of a camel's girth) 544": <o manage to do 
a thing (with v_.) 27": to render uncertain, unsteady (with vj) 
868": to ride a beaat i» a race, hence to found a 
on something (with i_i) 767' 

^^ intrans. to pass (said of the wind) 133« 

,_5^! (0 Mcye on one's riding-beast 933" 938" 

(j:j> a^eHf, representative 803*" 

illjS. Me o/)?ce of aocKi ibid. 


water-course 449" 

,^jb-l (pi. of t^]) Wnis 0/- ruBiiiwj 589? ( = 1080S) 

ij>-f to satisfy the requirements of a situation, absol. 357^, with ace. 

j'^\ to give a oamel ( aoo. ) for food 415i, metaph. with 2 ace's 45T" 
478« 830= 


accept a camel (aec.) for food •4151 

slain in iattle SSO^ 

j^ (pi. o!j,^) 925' 

j,j=-. j#-a a ^toce where the grass has been cut 10621* 

£ j=. . £ji to pine after a thing { with j,! ) 16218 684« 772" 

sj^ (0 6« broken (said of spears) 319" 

sf>- ooll. onyxes (used for necklaces) Sl^i* 

^}> sfope 480", pi. "^p 4791 483« 

5ji\,a recourse (in time of troable) 974* 

<ij>- 3j4- ool'- '»?« fof f"«l 1391 seq. 

3}4- (Pl- of ip) numerous (!) 130" 

|.j=.. fj'-^S'-' (pl. of i"x?i'") sMn-ioUles 22" 

i^j>^ fSTr" ^* ^^recompmse some one /or a thing (with U 

389^: io pay bach a debt (ace.) 6851* 

^j.5. (pl. of £ij^) 402» 

U*v;> . U*^ a. ^0 become stiff 87 notes ® ( as var. ) 

iA*wi-. jL*.:> orange dye (made of saffron) 557*^ 

y^. j»"i-S\J' '0 advance to the attack 449'' 

j^**^ the act of crossimj, tracersimj 743i'' 

J..MM3-. J»i "• '" ^««' «"''* "« ''«''<^ IO291" 

f^.^. ^Uli ( = jjjUii) soo 42" 344" 

L*c>. L^4" *■ ^0 '^*^ stirred, excited 34:ii^ 468' (as var.) 

o'«Uii belckintjs 6958 

Ji^i roarimj ( epith. of a thunder-cloud ) 818>= 849' 

'fjic^ to undertake a tast (ace.) 61 0' 

li>:j.i to impose a task upon some one (with two ace's) 54> 

'fj^ ( = |Ui.) 219" 1011* 

^>i ^rrasi 28*, pi. ^Sji 9»^ 111' i69 256" 

Jii:^ gypsum (used for mating faraaces) 845' 

^ot^J to he thrown to the ground 191^ 

p,jSbo. narrow space 101' 380'^ 

jJti curly-haired I0a%^% pi. jU:> 265* 

yiLsU see 11' 

yXf (pi. of jx?-) dung 11", yt=-! <d. 99T" 

^y'/.cL> see 37^, pi. yd^ the lower parts of the thigh ST' 926" 

Ui- epith. of the hyaena 932», see 307" 

ibti, jLf^ id. 307* seq. 

ij-jL^. J-^'jii (pl. of J:>— i>) excrements, metaph. outeasts 455»8 ( = 1076") 
531* (as var.) Ffarji: 

Ajt;> . iV*4" ®" ^ ff*"^ away one thing for another ( with ace. and ^ ) 85* 

s;U=. fee paid for permission to water camels 614', pl. jjliti gifts 606" 
^■Sl> (pl. of ]i>) dung-beelUs 256" 2591= 
wAinii.. ,Jii<i^' see 550« 594 notes - 

.fc.. ■jL> D. (0 alstain from a thing (with ^) 197" ( = I058») 

.i:^ a well ( especially one without interior masonry, see 830* ) 95** 
96" >■ 648" 8575 gsgi* 1099», pl. !U:> 858»*: metaph. a» imhteilt 830« 

^ a quiver 6« 542" 10621- 
«,.M>-. *.-ftR> tii he covered with embroidery 6631^ seq. 

J.a:>, i}*ii^! to sweep away 467^ 

Jjb. swift (epith. of the ostrich) 6368, pj. jjt^ said of quadrupeds 
272« 8581 

jijU4- y^ool shorn from a sheep 104415 

JLfo-f see 321" 

Jui* hurricane 295= 

,^^. j;!^ coll. nines 554=: pi. |^Liil scabbards 894- 

iiii a kr^e milk-pail W% pi. yU:=- 1083« 

jks- . Ui n . to disturb a person ( with uj ) 347" 

^^b- »d. (with ace.) 168 

H&kr-i- (^^ ^^ ^ clisturbed, uneasy masd. 4501^ (;= 10761'): to yield over a 
thin^ to a person (with ^ and J) 116' 

SUi- rouijhness, lad manners 351' 

i_Jc». i.lJ'^'l '0 threaten (with jjj;) 584« 

wJL:> aubst. provocation ('i) 21711; aA\. ju$t dry (said of a wound that 
is healing) 1023', pi. •l^>js- 815», motaph. applied to hearts 920ii 

V>i=- (no singular P) .wars 162i 

vJlS^ shrunk and dry (said of a loathorn thong) 474'' ( = 703") 

J.*Jb.. Ji^ majd. ilSLsOi. <o /Aram down 490': raasd. i-LivJb- to shake (as 
one shakos a boll) 6", J^jaIc>' rinijiny (opith. of a thundor-eloud ) 
2691" 8479 

d^f^ a^tell 2221S, pi. J^^ 2468 248* 6069 6508 (=g24io) gsgs^ 
metapt. objects which dangle in the air 3^* ( = 6* ) 
gi;.. ili to rush (said of horses) 268" 943* 

iL>l bald, in front 68" 
tXii.. oJb?'' Jo «j«feH(2 365« 

Ci'ib- (pi. of OJb.) roMjA pieces 194M: (pi. of sJi>) she-camels that 
have neither young nor milk, or, according to others, she-eameU 
that yield much milk (see LisSn IT lOCP) 647" 921« 

S^^>f (pi, of Jii) see 508': (pi. of IL.) skim i. e. carcass 634i» 
Jjiii roK^A jrrouHd 479«, pi. oJb.! 134 notes' (as Tar.) 989" 
i\Jb.i ( pi. of Jii ) rough places 508' 
*>1^ . '^ji^? ^0 journey quickly 6531^ 

U-i>. ul^ (pi. of Jjb.) 5462 

UJc.. wit to flay 44012 (as ^ar_j. ^°|^ j„re o58K 593S(?), metaph. da- 

maged 556 notes* (as rar.) 
^_ii:> SoZ/owJ, metaph. a coward 768'*^ 

Ji:>. ji i. to he swollen with pride 716' (text donbtfal); o. to gather 

dung ( denom. from jd:^ ) 444'! 657" 

I jli ^o^??""- (with 2 ace.'s) 207= 256" 4U» hence to smite a person 
J uiilh a weapon (with 2 ace's) 23« lOgg*: jl=i? ros*, «)Bipr«*««- 

siec 58" 715»«: Jli^-ii j-iSji used with reference to the Battle 

of the Camel J98«" 

xL- a large camel 944" ( = 1096») 
aIs- basket ( for carrying food ) 436^ 
Jt» o jr«(!« enterprise 691- 809'- 1025" 

J^l=. (pl^^J^) saddle-chths 1097i» 

Shli old age 444" 

jj^ o great calamity ( = Ji>) 1929 ( = 2363) <,f_ jiabarrad 7451" 

J"5li.! (pi. of J^) saifa of a ship 2951^ — see Lisan XIII 128= seq. 

fia-. IE. shears 106" 

Ojb-. iX^ib- (pi. of JjJi) '-oci-s 5271 618» 

jh-. "i^ S. to depart, move away 1020^ 

,J^ to remote, disperse (viith aco.) 1018': to uncemr (with ^) i, e. 
«o ^iarfien 3711 ( = 366S) 

^jh~l to strip a fallen enemy (with ^) 10991; £o 6o»iis», Xji^ v!=- 
a war Ma« fesw/fe m banishment 535": for slii^ 894', see "Ad- 
ditions and Corrections" 

. Jtiut to depart 1020" 

j^iJ^f to uneover (with ace.) 5491\ absol. 709^5 

•Jib> eye-sahe 1002>« 

Sjib. (?) 27415 (as w.) 

JLs? (pi. of ^.J.^) <»« unmlimi of a bride 14«: those parts of the 
body which are displayed 631ii 

*.S^*>, Xfc:su:> see ilSi^*: pi. *.:?«-«.^ raetaph. chiefiaim 393ii 

rf-*.>. ~"^*^ a- '« ^« obstinate, restive SBP: to earnj away impefuousiy (with 

V) 926« 

^b» res<ii>e 218" 979', applied to a famale 805>" 839*, pi. l-^>j>- 887»: 

U> a headless arrow 724'' 
_,«i. (^^W^) applied to a female a" 
jU^ (pi. of -xli) ruyged planes 537- — sen 233" (read Jt,^ and 

^ to con/Stte an army to the camp 356« 

'.*:si;i, oLfcS-Ji see Index HI 

o'l^ see 1091" 

j**^\xJ! iAe ceremony of throwing pebbles^ performed in the ¥aUey of 
Mins 912" 

Zi- J. to stride 91>« 

^*5-*:> (pi. of s.^^^l^) congeaUd 563^^ 

ijiM.^ sAaEOT, smooth 841^ 

.«*> a. io ^rm^ Zopgrs together (said of a place) 821*^, cf. x,ir, ,gL.-> 
i^fciJ' 270^: ;o be the common ancestor of two persons or tribes 
( with ace. or cy^r-^ ) 994^^ seq. : to do both one thing and also 
another 6461 9g0» pa,, 5351 

**.^Ax«.^ to become submissive 966^ 

■t.^ ~ «^ -irSP^ pilgrims assembled 450^ 

«.»:> — <..^. ^.;i^"-e s^e </i>rf prs^jtmnt 1043^^ 

a ra//ar worn % eo^lires 383 notes ^ seq,; a ^r^e cauMran 504^^ 

.a penW 0;' agreement (opp. to £l£j) 365" 366>s 729"i 1090" 

see 209" 

entire, i. e. uninjured 833^ 

j*s^ — ,«*?-»Ji the annual assembly of pilgrims 958'« 96915; pi. .^-^ 
crowds 696", crowded places 699', SuUi ^'cs? /lis ica/s^ BSo's 

J^i (= J^l J.^) 80" 7892 (cf. 1989 geq. ) 

3^ iiored of affection 159» 499* 

jw«L:> coll. camels 6321»)i^-,m: 

kIJUs- o strong she-camel i7d^'> 

l^ joUeM,jomj>leU^W\'^ 

fjf i., |.b., ^i see 566' seq. 

jliuill to SM;fer (o rest (with ace.) 566* 

*:=. Bubst. a great mass 296**, pi. j.L.*-j> masses of water 346®: adj. 
TOSi, MMfierais 153 3091 311' 603'= 6O41- eOS" 

iii mater collected in a reservoir 214'= 1098'- 

^U:> (pi. of lii) heads of hair 1005' 

j.w^ untiring ( epith. of a mare ) 667' 

^1^ i-icA herbage 108" 

,^^.«j> multitude^ army 938^ 

^jli?= ««tnn-o«s 994» 

Ui a. (0 <«,-« (mtrans.) 586« 

wJs- to fco(i alongside «/■ something ( with 2 ucc.'s ) 654' 1064", oUls^ 
mares led hy the side of eamiis &'fi\ of. 95' ; soo also 108", aiirt 

ch alongside of , 
rch &S' 

^U> the hank of a river 449" 467": region 876" 

iUs- — ^^1 ii^ see 43s (var. vl-^) 

SjU^ — An. (_pjU=> o» eacA side of me 1007' 

^,;Ji> southern 285", see 2868 

A,*_y:> a camel led by the side of another, hence 
479? 540" 

^Uil (pi. of woi.) strangers 681« 

i_^Is^ a »io»i »Aose camels yield no milk 102V-- 

JLk:> or f^J*-^ a kind of iron used for making swords 69* 

,^ a. (masd. ^^ii 9'") to Jend down (intrans.) 9i5 767i« 8778; _*o 
dcdtM (said of the day) 192- ( = 235iS) 194=<' 

^^ (pi. of .^1=*-) leaning to one side (said of camels) 502^ 
°y4- »■<*• (said of ra™) 663« 

^]yi. (pi. of si-'b.) subst. rite of a man 837= (cf. 839>): adj. crou- 
ching (said of birds) 443« 

„U^ edge of a spear-head, du. 638^ 

JoUi short and thickly built 430- 859", fem. LkjUi 132* 

3^1=. coll. stones used as missiles 201", pi. ^^Lto- id. 370" 10371 

ihUi- — ^.li3*.i.]l sjU^ a corpse Aanded oper to Satan 904^ 

wiu:> to act tyrannically 570^ 

otA^ injustice 494* 

,Ji=.'l ft™^ to one side 590i« 

iTj:> JiMd as a type of fierceness 188' (cf. 584"), ^JySUI v'^ '• »■ 
wild beasts 914', ,r_s. jj-^ said of the darts of Lots lOSl" 

— , r ■' ^.yS> the vehemence of passion 629^ cf. ^. r .' Q-:>f as an 
exclamation 992' (see Lisan XTI 2M>= seq.) 
Ll^ ( = ^) 584" 

^U=- mm(2 n8» 436i« 903« 

qLI^ (pi. of qL;>) demons V- 

^jS^ demonic^ applied to a beautiful womaa 631 ^^ 

il:;.! (pi. of q:^^) embryos 279- 

Si? madness 138" ( = 5671"): o p/«ce wAere someone has been buried 

^L^ (pi. of xJ^) tall palm-trees 291« 

jwi> I. construed with 2 aec.'s 162^*: e^Jc ^c-s?. q^ ^Wj^=* ^^ wrongs 
thee that brings guilt upon thee 1026^ 

0<f>- a. to take much of a thing ( ace. ) , wy-i:J! J 
/o 6e starved, exhausted 20*' seq. 336 notes ^' 

Jkib. with 2 aco.'i, Sjijutl! J-VisUs 96>= 

J^L^' io become a matter of imparlance 870^^ 

J4i starvation 20": lAj^^ adv. (i( Ais u<>H(is< s/wt 
far us thou canst 397' 

J^ or Ai^ distresstd 800* 

.j#=- ""jjf?^ applied 


jLf2. — s^Lji i ^y^L he died 608" cf. 853' 

ui^i.. i>i="! <o *e seized with fright 875', cf. J] ,_c~iJ c>.-ii>l 617* 

(_)i3g:s- . i>a^ , oa^f see 524 notes * seq. 

J.^. i-i^ to act wildly, fiemly I88S 

j.^JajiL! to he incited to violence 97' (see Qoldziher "Muhamm. Stud." I 222) 

3^L> wild, fierce 22*8 284', pi. 34?" 2248, „r ji^ igiii 284S 

J^i fierceness (in men) lei"; liveliness, briskness (in camels) 558* 

iiJi»L=- (undetermined) « s(a(e of barbarism, or paganism 380' 609^, 
xil*!j- 264S 563" 

j.#L:^ (pi. of j4^) flac0 where there are no way-marks 55', metaph. 
mysteries 604» 

rt^. 'iLji see 1007'' 

^Lf:> (pi. of^) <A«4, (aegc 1007= 

tj^. Cjb- n. <o deaue (with ace.) 311', to cleaee open (with ^) 91«: to 

di> wells (aec.) 242' 

Vjl^' to answer one another 515" 

Ol^l to he removed, dissipated (said of the darkness) 464" 

'J"^ shield 96" 

jj>. ob- n. to water abundantly (with ace.) 637», 6871' 1064', pass. 615> 

ib.1 see 803^ 

Oj5^' to choose with care 947' 

i^ copious rain (me 520'), applied to the sweat of a horse 673" 

j=.. 'b- n. to turn aside (intrans. ) 331', to take a person aside (with ^ 

of the pers. ) 489" 
,^' to fall, collapse (from weakness) 877' 
•yC^! to hecome neighbours 2^1 
'°^ adj. oMi of the way ( said of a place ) 38" 

1^. x!j>! io 5'iwe to drink (with ace. of the pers.) 216i-: to ^(Ve ^^e signal 

of departure to the pilgrims ( ace. ) 4508, B^b-'^l the right of giving 
the signal 450^ 
jjLs? to |)ass hy ( with aec. ) 687is 906« 
s'jiU- see 21613 

]lji. «7.f arf oiT jwmj, to drmi 216" 10346 
il^^JI the constellation Gemini 502« 950"> 1008" 1012 notes* 
yjf\ (pi. of j'J^) ae miofdie <)/■ Wie body 176' 
y*^ . fLwjjsxii Bee *L«^:^I 8. r. t_>^^ 

g^ya. . teyi — ii^ ^^lo Aeraiiif o/' destruction ( ? ) 1023^ 

Jjs.. JM - XJb.] see 289i: JjL^ 4io-' •* /las i-ee» se«teo! 435^ 

3j=- side of a well 5981", pi. jl^l 279« 
>>'!>»■ ( = j_jl^) «ee 435» 

JUs? 288", pi. JjLs? see 8. t. JL=-* 
3l^ whirling (epilh. of a dust-cloud) 289» 
^a.. |.b- (Persian) goblet 364" 

^yjs.. ^yj=- any dark-coloured object a. g. dried urino 164', the sweat of a 

camel 687', a dark oloud 159", the gloom of night 634'; fom. 
JCJys- a sand-grouse 56", iiJys."tJI the setting sun 929" > 

Q*^ (pi, of ^jy^l) epith. of camels, said 
black 134" 



5^5-. 5b» (Persian) dignity, claim to respect 618'* 

j^. >^ ;ow (/romd 12215 3178 479* 618", dn. 1331; middk(?) 167" 

ii>=- iow ycoK«rf 8493 

i_5^. ,_5ji- said of the stomaeh 395' 

t^yit <o detest (with aoc.) 100' ( = 419= 7671- ) 

(^ys- joa/a j« tke^stomach 395- : metaph. passionate desire 160», (AjVs^ 
/or vengeance 9921' 

iX.s-. J^=- majd. JiI/=- see 7691' 

-CS-. j*> certainly 4591* 

;i!wo-. ,_aU- I. to Skcs* forth,aa.ii of a wound 1095, of warriors 146i» ( = 3285), 

to boil oner (like a cauldron) 547W with uj 586" (of. 987i«) 

(_^Ls^X-«l to ash for troops (with ace, of the pers. ) 1079^ 

tjui epith. of a horse 588« ( = 932" 1081*), ^Ji^h j£!^ id. 589' 
( = 1080*): fem. X -ihl-I. ? a blow which makes the blood spurt 
forth 987= 

jA»=. . ZS> as an exclamation ( with uj ) 630* 8251 

xli — J|_jIiiJS ilia! ( = ^!) the fruit of the terebinth 7091 

vUi coll. 6iiiy«s 429" 438« *49i« 456", .^L.^1 Lol pooh with o 
rippling surface 1032" 
^.. ^ o ifoiJi 42", pi. j!_)J-l 850», jl_,_=.'S! 'i.yl, mentioned by Jarrr 

340' (see Knr'Bn T 48, 68) 

otjUi. (pi. of ^Ji^) bustards, metaph. cowards 1020" 

jA-*^' texture, properly of a fabric, hence applied to poetry 914^ 985^ 

°^ wM treated 610» 

g*^A:> i. to detain people on a journey 697^-^^: intrans. to halt 7773 

ij^U> intrans. cooped up 324* 

J^ a sheet for a bed Q3P- ( = 440^ ) 

ill^ confined (said of camels) 456'* 
Jy-i4=-' see 1761 (text douhtful ) 

(_p>j> — (ja*J 5? t>=*^^ a«i/ scrap or vestige 907^^ (see 53-) 

J£s> i. maad. ^.Li» ( = 1^^) 2%'- iV' 

^)wfc-A=> closely woven, hence coll. helmets 676^^, t>ifc-*ii lAt^-p- ^'f^- 677 ' 

3^ — Ui!l i^j^ epith. of the penis 683' 1002» 

jJil to be caught in a net (2U^) 681" 
JoL> o»e who lays nets for wild animals 682^=* 

^ metaph. protection 591» 913" 936" 1013', pi. JW^ W- 198" ( = 
1058"): da. kindred on the father's and mother's 8ide(P) 543'«: 
pi. 3U^ l<>^!jl stretches of sand 687^^ 
^jili - L<^U=s\^i applied to Jailr 622» 623"': pi. ^jLp. 705" 
JjUi (no singular?) cords 604' li05i« 
Jili sAor( of stature SW- 

Li n. tojrawl So"' 523' (P) 544": to lie near, appear in view 345>i 
6S2" 687": to bestow a ijift 450> ( ■-= 10761'), with wi of tho gift 
and ace. of the pors. 197" ( = 1058">) 467» ( = 1077") 987^ 

^^U> to benefit a person (aoc. ) 455" ( = 1076"') 

,-xi::>! io sit with the skirt of one^s garment rolUd up against otters hack, ■• 
hence to sit at ease 183' seq. 204» 778- 802<i«', to wait for (with J) 
574^-: ^^^-X:s^^! ^:i^^ a name giTen by a!-Farazda^ to a verse of 
his 774' (see 1821"), ^^^r^ a place where one sits at ease 712* 

\^[s> dose, near together e .,i.--i ' f l5^*-> 978^*: said of an arrow which 
nearly hits the target, pi, wSj^ 795' seq. 

sUi (pi. of wb.) mert who sit at ease 778- 

i^ o sAjW roi^rf up 2041 g^q. 222« 3931', pj, ^^ jgi* 95411^ Sj3j; 

j_^J! srt at Mse/ 708* 854' cf. 802' 
•I'l*^ 6estoK>a; 4561 (=1076»): gift 198» 


y^ haded with gifts 589" 1046» 

\iifj^ . uis> u. to shake down fruit 291^ 

AX:>. Ji^ /meoje 79I« 

yi-. °Ui see 249« 

jLi> «Ae part round the anus 249»3 


^y^ even, followed by nomin. 394« ( = 699'): 
thou wast compelled to eulogise him 4971^ 

sJUi see 97» 

U^ a. to seatter m&neg (absol. ) 4171* 

iC»3.-\:=> du. see 37* 


_,c>l:> the edge of the sun's disk 929" 

^Lsu> — ijUtcsU! _yl epith. of princes 1030M 

Z^ u. to visit a shrine, or any other sacred object (with ace.) 936^ 

iiviyj route 427* 

^£^:s^^:f\:^ to retreat 694 notes ^ 

^Jinis.! see IBS' (var.) 

..^i^Ji the space on the north-western side of the Ka'ba 486^' seq. 

S.SV=. a compartment of a tent 360": pi. o"-?-:- or ol..5^.=> catlh-pens 
192W ( = 2366), atoies i„ general 5401! 696' ( = 747«) 

X-ij.s:\:> a &0W matie at Hajr 313*^ 

'l.s\i^l { pi. of yili ) (Ac stones of the Ka'ba 870": see also Index III s. v. 

^vS? or ^i\i' 'ili"""* ™™<i' '*« '^y* ***' ( = *41') 509", pi. 'f>-'^' 
2791 330S (as rar.) 44F (see 444^) 

'ji'^\ see 183' (var.) 

j:^\a>! to occupy a safe position(?) bSV^ — see also 183' (var.) 

ffi^ a ridge of high ground 780', pi. j.,'j.:?l=» 780*: pi. j>|^> barriers 
( in a moral sense ) 9481 
JLsiB. fortress (metaph. ) 612" 
i^svs? hound with a cord (jbst>) 33- 
j.i\r> to he coeered up 520" 

IjS^ fetter for tlie foot 127" l«(i'» 890', du. 894', pi. JL-SUs-' 277=: 
ankle-ring (worn by ii woman) lOSl'", dn. 1044": pi. J».>Ti> ir/iito 
feel of horses 607", J^i=- j3 coiispifuoiis (said of an aotion) 992" 

J.i.=. (pi. of J^L>) hopping ( opitli. of ravens) 213* 

S^f'^ (pi. of &X^<^>) bed-curtains 550^^ (constroed as sing.), 831" 

J^:^-a a horso with white feet 10241^, hence conspicuous^ illustrious (said 
of a Tictory ) 939« 

J^i^ (no singular?) hoppings of ravens 629" 

|,:SV=>. (•-?^=-' to turn away (intrans. ) 19* 27 51^ 

,yp^. er'"'"*^ '!"'■ "f cr?^) crooked sticks 135- — for the phrase ^-yS-Lss*]! ^.^^ 
see under \jc^, 

_.3^.>. ic^^^ sagacity 544- 

1jk;>. ?Jc=. coll. iites 9118 

V^X=-. 'rJ^ *» s*"'* /■«<"'«»■ to a person (with ^) 402« 404' 921- 

vJki"' id. 766" 901" 

J)^ — v^ V '''i'swy (epith. of a sea) 758« 791- 

wA=> desirous, eager 855'^ 

vlA> (pi. of i^3S) low hills 1036- 

c>X:> . CjA=- — x.*^jJ CjAj> ^0 6e i?am, concei7e(^ 1090", to intend to do a 
thing (with w) 366" 

ejA=-i to do a thing afresh ( with ace. ) 707" 

^Sj^[^> recent (opp. to *ju\s) 21" 

cyA:> skilled in speech and narration 25' 

yteJo. misfortune 448? 451» 892>s 

pSil=. prep, soon after 1046= 

li«Ai adv. recently 370" 737« 773« 1079i« 

cii!i\=>! (pi. of viJiXi) — Sj<ljt e)lA=>I Jx (.,tf he was appointed to sup- 
press the distiirtances at al-Basra 6840 ( see Baladhurl, Gloss, s. v. ) 


ii)L\3^ new-fangled (f), i. e. badly made (said of a sword) 413'« ( = 385') 
Ia=. a woman's litter 76'2 seq. 495' ( = 6561''), pi. Itvil 868'" 869'" 
ivXi <o ie incensed against a pers. (with J) 116" 
oUi ;i?'^'' 983W 
sJtiJii (Ac scale of a balance 497": pi. AJt-xi c/ioiK,?, /i«ccs 982' 9906 
OjA=? ^^fi'^tum U 306* 314" 5835 
'l\=» b. or i. to cast forth, expel 45": to wash down 177': to drim 

down 662» 

°oL=. s(0!<i 697", v^VLuJ! syL=. epith. of a 


lijj^ coll. (wisfed whip-cords 6188 


J.JU. conjecture 220" 


JAi (pi. of JAit) lop-sided 370" 



^ojii?' to maie /•(»•, oiteci- (with ace.) 6431 

lX^! having a scanty tail (said of a camel) 661": melaph. rapid, im- 
possible to arrest 105'** 

'^Ji\^ a certain kind of sheep, or (joat, having a small body 801'^ (as var. ) 

»^IJiS^. ( = > 215" 

(i>ii i. to cut off 927S, il^As? mutilated 927'- 

|lljct.| 8691, see Additions and Corrections 

JjJc*! to be shod (paid of cainols) 578'- 

V^ u. to |);«H(ier a person 47' ( = 782') 1024" (text doubtful), with 
i_. of the thing 154''' 

w-=> construed as masc. 15^^ 

lj~> ruin 41813 (,„, J-^ 1071*) 
^^f> . ■l^'f> a kind of plant 208" 

ej_p- . ejp. i. to devote oneself to a thing { ace. ) 947« 

cJy> parentage 203 notes ^ ( as var. ) 

-r-f>' — j==* '0 forbid (with J^c of the pers. ) 417^ 

oL=»j- — ob-'-iJ! mj see Index IV s. v. ol=-jiu! 

ii^i smoJ! iAicW 470" 

^iy^i (pj. of "°p.?) ostriches' eggs 456* (as Tar.) 

^>o.!j=. (pi. of i-y?5=») 'a'' camefe 559=* 

L^^. 'S^ to anger 677''' 

jkIs" to yield little^ he niggardly 610^" 

jjb> funoKS ( epith. of a lion ) 22" 9901-, pi. i^Sji 987« 




03y=- a« oc< of fleeing 666" 

>L_p- soJrtary 5811' 649* 

i\^y> gee Index III s. v. 

jj:>l an animal having an injured fore-foot 216is 483' 800', pi. o_=- 
693>», or yby^ 2168 (jg ^^r.) 

y=.l to (4(rs( /or vengeance 526" 

y> rte wi'rfdfe of a thing ( = \f> ) , f^Si^ y> 393', oJv^t 'f> 845>s, 

j^i ^ 1«" (cf. 5745), pi. s^^l o)^ applied to the faces 
of women 89'^, to the faces of camels" 5598: pi. Jj-^'^i^ the free, 
i. e. the Persian nobles 645', Jf=-^' _y^ id. 645^ " 
Jf' see 1007 >* 

l^ff. Mrsty metaph. 1046«, pi. °!y> 233" 253" 
J>f' i^-l'"^."''"!f ^^^ ^^^" '^^' 

»J,}^ abstract from j> 623': see also Index III 8. y. ij.j^JI 

jly>! see above, s. v. y> 

8 .» , 

ysu»^ Dioicn* (said of a battle) 349= 

jj^- 'if- *" ''■»^'-' 6"" 

'^pt to seize, appropriate to oneself (with ace.) 163" 191'" SOo'S: <o 

preserve 313« 423» 7256 836" 877^ 

j^ fffMjfe 1781 65810 

;^y> one wAo seeks refuge 649^ 

(j4^. yip- i., ^fij>- see 946 notes ^i 

Jiyit to *«»« lizards (ace.) 447S 

\jL^y>. s_Aiij=> a iroo^ of men on foot 572"^ 

(jMjS-. uap- a At«rf of plant (called also ^.jLi^l) 318' 

OJ>. ^j*' '" '«'■" "■■*"'« (intrans. ) 561<, with ^^ 49' 

Sf> !iJf2!Lf*£±"J!!i' *'®"' '''®'"' *■■*" *"'"■ f*''™""! formuki 796*, pi. 
oii^! i-i5/> prepositions Oia" 916» 

uijS^ distorted in fii/iireif) 978" 

^,b> (?) 893" (as var.) 

jjiiij^ . ^JijiJ)j>^ to raise the crest, metaph. to boast ( with >_j ) 5^ 

jj=.. ot>'^ '"" ■''™™* •" "■* '*'^* 9'*" l""" not™" (as var. ) 

ija]Sj=>, tjiiKiiy> (pi. of i^^j>) small beetles 157^ 

_aj|j=> (pi. of *-a-S;=>) (Ac hip-joints (called also ytjljiJI ) 71" 
i3i.i see BS^ seq. 

'ff' i. to withhold, deprive (with 2 ace.'a) 585* 
k,'^ - jJJI oU^ 1058« (see l^ur'sn XXII 31) 
f^J^ unsuccessful (said of implements) 632« 
'fjj^ (pi. of '^'^) bonds of kinship 900* 
J^^. lXf> coll. w 5145 708* 

j=-j=-. }=>}=. see 440M 
y=.. .y> u. to Jwome so«r (said of milk) 6611 

"jji^ sour milk 615": adj. sour 676" 
i\jj^ sour milk 929" 
jlf' a full-grown youth 864> 
j^. sji nwraeftijjjccoswM SOW 

Ij^i rough ground 271" 63i» 1003« 1023^, pi. sjs-i' 61i« 673' 
liyji |)oriyf, 371« 776' 
Oj^. i%/ (?) see 709* 
I.j=.. ^]i a stony hill 998', pi. pji 1758 

ii]i ^^ iuwdfe of firewood 930»= 

Ijf- — silji P a ieacy iiow(?) «9>« (of. 672', also ^Lwlf p! kick, 
Mubarrad 637=>) 

*j:*^ breast 4\ du. prominent parts 618^^, pi. j^^^-^ 502^, or 
3431- 754' 

(.ji>f rough ground 1081- (text doubtful) 

|.^i girth of a camel 479" 

Oii=- (P'- of oJ^) ""»* P^""' 1*8" 

xijji id. 162* 288" 301 « 

iLyL> a /emaZe soothsayer 373* 

«lp- (pi. of ;l:>) soothsayers 661^^ 

wA-w.> a. used parenthetically, w*-*-^' «JS / ^/r/jifc, i. e. if I he . 
taken 1095» 

w««*.>'' ^tf ascer/at'n &y inquiry (?) 428^ 

w^*w:^i /o recfeoK the death of a person as a claim to reward { v, 
of the pera.) 282' 

^_jU*.=>! (pi. of wv*..=>) celebrated persons ( = w^*w> ^^3 ) 147'** 

l^iJ' — JUiS vl-»L^ epith. of God 2S3i' 

-*-^i=\A«*l to become weary 196* 

!a~=. weariness (lit. weary jonn!) SIS" 

(j-.^ a. to shrivel (said of fire) 74^-: i. fo fee/ tenderness for i 
(with J) 83* 

J.=. a /-erfiiiy of tenderness m'-<: a swift »mre(P) 67S>': 
AghUiiI X 4.'>» 

W..S.S- fra.jnm 

fUo. epith. of a sword 9471 1012" 1016»: da. sward-edges 625> 

(•y^*^ or Q-*=>5 followed by U 41^ seq. 

^y~i- coll. a kind of ehrub 190" 192^ ( = 2351') 

^.J-i to give to drink (with ace. of the pars.) 52» ( = 785') 

^J:^' to drink (with ace.) 406" 

oJi^ i. to come together for battle 146™ 656*: to Join in supporting a 
person (with J) 4581' ( = 107716) 10731 

A.i|^ ( pi. of !k\Msi- ) massed together, epith. of waves or streams 9821 
yi=- ( = fii^ ? ) slender, t apering, epith. of Kit 406" 

S^Ui see 97« 

^Jij> u. to fill, stuff, used of feeding horses ( with 2 acc.'s ) lOT", pass. 
iLi^ JiJ> ji-^i |r,& as if the saddle wer,- filled with (i. e. borne 
on the back of) a sand-grouse 56^: to supply a fire tcitk fuel 
(with ace. of the fire and ^ of the fuel), applied to war 481' 
567« 1032", pass. 3661, used also of a literal fire 900- — for 
iji.^<i 1061^, see « Additions and Corrections" 

ijiLii=> ( pi. of iJiU> ) those who gather fodder 108' 

l.iUii o last breath, gasp 3441= 51 gw 3^^ ^^^ 5413 

Ui.=» n. to wound in the intestines 328' 

ij^ dregs of a tribe 323" 877« 

bUi^ (pi. of aa--"^* ) courses 347^ 

J^^ i. to scatter pebbbs 617- 
^.»«>b> a t>(oi«n< K>ind 810'^ 

uV^ flrmly twisted, said of a rope 801" 

iX^ajA-x firm, said of the muscles 6055 

j*a^ stinginess 459^^ 

,y^:=- stingy 324^^ 

ija;> 11. {?), raasd. ^>dU3:>, see 41^ 

(j^as^f hairless 681^*, fem. ^U£i:> 5^ 

J-^i^ summed up, 713^^ 

i-«»b? (pi. of IS^^) results 604" 714" 

j**2S> i. see 41^ 

i^'jUas. a thorough-hred horse 880«, pi, ^^L-. 354'' 814 notes' (as Tar.), 
or j!^ 937» 

(^Iji. (pi. of ^^L^) c&asfe wom« 911i- 939' 

^J;as■ (or Ua=. 913- 1099") number, especially the sum total of a tribe 
187" 568^1' 571* 572' 870" 1037" 

sUi=- intelligence (?) 1086" [see Ilamasa 632-*] 

^^1 to run 1541s 

ynb^ coll. those who settle in a place, honco men slain in battle 391" 392° 

SySiU* coll. settled tribes, op families (as opposed to XjjIj) 984'" 

^Ua=- tfie ac< of racing, honco i-.-i'dicy 43i= 247» 253» 859" (text doubtful ) 

,y^a:> ( pl- of yab^) poi'sons present 140'^ 305'* 

'J-ai see SSli" 

S^bsJ' (=jU3=>, 800 ahovo) OOUi'- 

-*:aAi*^ ^i/*»&' in H plaeo ( ace. ) 478^ 

..^^=^ KH ift ( epith of a horse ) 9231- 

;ii>.2=. Iht foot of a hill 213" «9» 

jj.a=> metaph depth of darkness, da. 618" 

w*.3:> Mi ac( of gathering fire-wood, heoce ,.; 1 ;"-» J. j_c^^3> My aiding 

them 428' 
j.^ o ;Kiacc icAfre fire itood is gathered (?) 2U^' 

_=. n to pres': iovn (with w.) SOO': to redBce an amount (aec.) 
19^" seq 

^a-:>' to drag dawn (mth ace.) 68' 309>« 

_blli=> coll. pustules 5^ 

^ii crushed 900' 

xl^ a Jtixd of cimVoss 485« 623« ( = 320» B50») 

JJi^ iratai »» pieces 1026 notes' 

t;/^<'j 1. e. the semicircalar wall on the north-western side of the Ka^ 

1185 7988 

'Ji^ crumbled (said of hail-stones) 42>> 

V^:p> an enclosure (for cattle, etc. ) 361^ 

i^.'^-^ endowed with, possessed of (with ws) 1025^ 

.-l2> to ohtain favour 798^: ?o gain the victory 419*^ 

slii, ijis- — 3^ Sjii=- poorf luck 9891- 

iliii favourite wife (with »_. of th« husband) 874>» 

c>U:> a Aarm^ species of snake 5^ seq. (read c^jUj^i!) 96# 

'jii o ircj; Slew 5931^ pi. Jjt^. 3439 

j*2=> earth dug out to make a well 13'^ 
l'^ ( = »/=■, see above) 9109 
"Ui* spade 8478 ( jf. 875°) 

j»=.. jto- i. (0 (ArMS( with a spear 47" 146>5 ( = 328'-) 327'=, pass. 710': 

to urge on SIZ'' 

Jiisa.. iiL=> to display zeal 708* 922'!=, raasd. JjU=. 295"> 777» 

Jiii^! to provoke^ anger a person (ace.) 127^ 488'', .-.I % o -<^ provoca- 

ihJc^jeal, arrfourJO' 131** 4B1"' COS*, pi. j^ .11, t ^ (Amys (Aa< eKite 
zeai 22'" 

JiaiiS' fOMsed <o aMjret- 1030* 

_«=■. ^_i=> i. to rusiU 968«, masd. 242" 339" 968«: u. to stirromut 

(with ace.) 1087= 

^.iiul! to sent (with ace ) 302" 647i«, pass. 312* 

lii* a kmd ofhtte, 657» 

J.i=.. J.i!» 1 to (arc about (with ace.) 66613 goS" 832" 920W 

,}Xx=»! to rM^ft, see 15'' seq. 

i3.ii> (pi. of J*iU>) ready to he milked (said of sheep) 11', olj^iaiE J.i^ 
with full udders 370" 

icili torrent 15" 

Klib^ e/fol-i, stnigfilei?) 257» 
u-UJ:>. wJis^X*«f to commj a niossago (aec. ) 1083^ 
vluip- a woman's girdle 1«0'» 433'- 1029 

iC»-J!^ a cushion placed behind the saddle 192* {=235»), pi. wUli=. 
317" 883 notes* (as var.) 9215 

vUi^l ( pi. of 1^ )Jnnd-<iirths of camels 347»: ( pi. of 1^ or C^) 
times, years 411^^ 

V-Jts^ made to ride behind another on the same beast liV^ 

yi>. i'^ contempt 1068" 

„«*=■ . o"fc»l slender in the girth ( epUh. of a gazelle ) 59Si 

JfiJiS' . \_A*=*' to dispute, wrUngle 307" 

,Ji- a TOiaiti 6oa: 1045' [see Dinawan & = fabarl I 824'] 

xji^ a she-camel of mature age 205^" 

Oi'^ centre 235» 

£iji=- '*oi! which one is bound to defend 692« 702« pi. viiliii 781* 

J.i:>. Jji^ (pi. of 5%i) c^d ««« 3* 

3l2>' (pi. of Sii^) a disease which attacks camels in the belly 321® 

Jj^ decrepit 1044" 

Q^^- cy*^ "■ ^^ P^^serve milk in a skin-bottle for churning 948* seq. 

jifc.. ^^ waist, du. LjilJ !^ 985*, pi. oii' 752" 

ii.bC:=» . eVi> u. — ^-^r-^ «;^-N-^ she knelt down with her full weight on her 

breast (applied primarily to a she-camel) 811" — of. HamSBa 145'", 
where wo should road ?o'j 

AS^' to rub oneself against a thing, hence lo remain in a place ( with 
w) 1037* 

^. '^ u. to reach the utmost point, i.e. (o n«ai« to old agt 65« [see 

Ibn Kutaiba Sh. 104"] 

^ to restrain (absol.) 65= 

Isil to be tightened (said of a rope) 5888 (= 1081") 

^&i judge, du. ^_jS U^ i. e. 'Abd-Manaf and Hitshim 224" 

(h^^ (pi- of A*ils>) curbs for horses, hence restraint, tyranny 645^' 

oUKi cirfs 503 (see 65') 

|U=»1 mos( resolute 988i 

l^lXxil arbitration 1019* 

Si^ a »«rse o/- (Ac Kur'm 1029" 

|jciiiIJ» ^rm, staunch 986» 

;^. U:> io d^'/we away, repel 87^*^ 174® 659^, o^^Li* camels feepi Oit^aj/ from 

the water 1008= 

vJis-. CJi'l to Mpjwith ace.) 574", I-lb^ helper 39< 297» 646'— see also 
'•Additions and Corrections" note on 894" 

,lii fresh milk 924i, metaph. benefit 98212 (as var.): c?X-^3 lc4=- 
i. e. all my powers 145'* ( as var. ) 

3ii- a plant on which antelopes feed 280' 

Kli:> a iroo/} o/" race-horses 4P~, pi. oUi^ 488^^ 

yULS. </ie «wo »a»is o/' the thigh 36^ 480': for 673" see '^ 

wJ^L^ (regarded by some as an irregular plural of iC*Jj>) troops of cavalnj 
who come to assist some one 190» 197>- 582" 609' [»oo Lisiln I 
322* ) 

Z^ fresh milk 929" 

liJL=.| (pi. of ii^tl-i) drauyhts of milk sent home from the pastiu-f- 
yrounds 8361' ( = 299i«) 

J.<4:>.«r' to move away (intrans.) 129" 188* 

^j-io. ij^ a doth placed under the saddle, hence a she-ass is called ^~X=- f\ 

466S, pi. i^bb-l 62" 

ylii? furnished with a u~L> — o^i/ o!— li^ said of marea 458« 

,_a)j>. ^Jli i. followed by ,^ ,}s=. 922" 

JJL:> metaph. to remain in a place (ace.) 1000" 

._AJii «ie oc( »/■ swearing 52' 

iiL> as an exclamation i = 'iAs- .:iJi=-3 21i- 

v_SJb> . iJJb- (0 soai- tn spirals ( said of an eagle ) 946* 984W, ^sta« remlting 

(said of a star) 1046" 

Lsli a coa« o/' mail 639* 
v3JU> a 6ore mountain 680', pi. jJ!j=- 1015'' 
isil> hairs shaven off 705" 
(.Si^uJ! /Aa( wAicA is marked with a circle, a name applied to the camels 
of the Bann ZnrBra 228'= 

fji:^. |liiLi (pi. of ^yii) throats SToW 

JJb> . j^ i. to he accomplished ( said of a tow2_540» : u. -to be situated { said 

of an abode) 758^ 

jii?' to iccome quit of an oath (absol.) 1025", with ij 1086^ 

JU-" to alight together 48* ( = 782«) 

jis-l to be situated (said of an abode) 1064': to dwell 1082* 

aLa]! coll. (as opposed to ^j*,t^Z\) 666'^ 

xli a suit of clothes 416'^ 464=^ seq., pi. jii 187" 223» 

3-i=- /itisiand 834', Jui wife 876» 

JJis-l orifice 855», pi. J^U>I 5271 

Jiliu a p/oce SMito6;« for duelling in 278'» 780^ 

jjb.. Joil (0 tecome »na(«re (said of a youth) 9268, masd. 636'* 

pLi coll. (icils Id a skin 9351^ 

^ adj. suffering from licks 294^ 

ili a 4i«d <)/■ s4r!«6 490' 

-U^f ( pi. of Jl=» ) minds, hence persons ( used contemptuously ) SOi^i 

jh>. il=- u. (o^6e sweel 421-'' ( yar. ;_^jiil 422^) 

'iili sof«»css 267" 

8 . 
Js>. J^ see 542 

.ss^frS-. ^s.*=> ^0 ^row /fflH, tcos/e awag 858^ (read _;>*^'?) 

J«.*.:>. A«.>' (0 ;?wrf praiseworthy 565^ 

_*>. ^♦j> (0 «;)««& iAe language of Himyar %Xi^^ 

ti-fc=> ergsipehs SiG^^ seq. 

o!jU» (pi. of jU=-) 232" 280" 

'jt=- violent ( epith. of rain ) ,520'^ 

^1*:> epith. of a hurricane ( so called beeauae the air is red with 
dust) 560S 

f-U^ applied to a woman 128' ( as var. ) 

^-.♦J*. ij*'-*.^ io become furious (said of a battle) 585' 

J-IiUI 800 66B>S(?) 666" (f) 

''„,^\ see 176* (as var.) 

i_ji,*=.i to am/a- 927'= : pass, to be stirred up (said of war) 224" 

(j^i*s>! to feed camels with salt herbage, applied metaph. to women (with 
2 ace's) 925": to communicate a salt taste (said of a skin-bottle) 
921", hence v_jLb^! X."ni-?u, said of camels, 921"' (text doubtful) 

X,*ai-^ salt herbage 674^ 

&*i=wb> a camel that eats salt herbage 39^^ 

xl«i=> id. -JOi 

J?U:> , coll. certain desert shrubs ( eKplained by {J£''l*s> sorrel ) 490^ — see 
also 855 notes ^ seq. 

^i*=. s(M£Jd 846" 

humbled, abased 10251° 

J..*^ i. to attribute a thing to some cause (with ace. and ^^) 350^ 

jji=.t trans, to mount a person (ace.) on a beast i8' (=782«>): to 
carry off captives (ace.) 1088'; intrans. to be stirred up against 
some one (with J>e) 927" 

j,^tji (pi. of iUU-) troops leho attack (f) 622* 

lyL (pi. of 3.i>) ioads, i. e. women borne on cam^s 271« 676' 869^ 

^iUi a beast, or 5eas(s, /br ridiMj 6108 _ ^^ Tabari Gloss, s. t. 

jjUi ( pi. of 3j»i ) ieoste of burden 630^ 

3-H*=- (dimin. of >b.) 116" seq. 

j^w. Jnrrfisn, hence weight 819= 

J^U?U ( pi. of S~*^^^ ) sword-belts 995^ 

_^U=. goldsmiths' bellows 2W 

JiJiJ. (pi. of Jul=.) (»e interior of the ege-lids 131> 838« 

f,^=. to blacken 320": ^-tix* blackened 83', hen 
a st»»(A's forge 776' 

|1^ blackness 818' ( var. ^) 

^ charcoal 3391- 377W 801™ Ge"" 

^T Skci (with soot, ete.) 853»: sunburnt 17 

r^ ^•'''""' ""' 6675 

'.Uli coll. <i>/ts 902" 

I. to 6e a defender (absol.) 89815: to «»der a place 


to some one (with 2 ace's) 25513 

to 6e a defender (absol.) 194" 10161' 

to rfe/i«'i, render inaccessible (with aoc.) 493" 997« 


and J^ 509* 90.3» 

^^■^ to avoid, keep aloof from an object ( ace ) 8031* 304 notes 
pass. 514^ 

U.=> (in rhyme for ^j;*^ ) 631» 

i^cii heal iW- 

fL> hot 8' 502": subst. a hat day 1008= 

iJyob» defender (raasc.) 335" IO66IS: line of defence 674': pi. ,1, 
painful effects VlV: slopes of a mountain 274i« 1015'* 

jlli short of stature 758' 

^u>U:> ( pi, of ijMXX:> ) tjlooi 
J3L>! to embalm mutaph. li 

>_aisf to perform religious exercises 5951* 
^lii a twist in the foot of a horse 95" 
.Jli (pi. of Jil^!) 95" 

Ju^ a ieoaere (in the month of a Christian) 31415; metaph. ( = ^^) 

~Si^\ to grow lean 84!" (as var.) 842» 

j_^U:> (pi. of OUi or v.i^?) oiiyry Tie" 

OiL;^ angered 10461* 

JloLs=^ (pi. of ^Uiu?) ;eo«(?), said of camels 716- 

jiii explained as s*ort of stature, swarthy, or oid 878", fem. iU£i=> 
878«, pi. jslii 28* 

^y> coll. o species of demons 129^ 

LL> wife du. 4101 ( = 672') 

jylli moaning (adj.), gj^l XjUi opith. of a storm 5961* 

Lls- n. intrans. to turn towards some one for protection ( with ^1 ) 
I971' ( = 1058' ) , said of a gazelle turning towards its fawn 
(with J) 631" 

'J^ a bend in a mllei/ 638": the bone above the eye UP: pi. iU=.i 
the sides of a well 10221": the coils of a serpent 1039': metaph. 
difficulties, complications 216i^ 

^1^ (pi. of o_^L=-) 684i» 

sliiJt a betid in a valley 50« ( = 784« ) 447» 

Jjb> n. to transgress against something (with kj) 101* 

i_i.i> wickedness 57" 

3J*i> tenderness, affection 381^ (see Lisan I 326-^ ^eq. ) 

o>=- . o^^i the name of a constellation 520' 

-f>. Js> (pi. of S=-L=") 427" 

jj^. ib> XL. to overcome (with aoc.) 10991 (text doubtful) 

jjs-. L=> H. (0 come iaci 41 notes* (as Tar.) 

'jj, to swallow 9= 519? 522* 

ajb. — oj^i bjL=> battle-field 116>, Ujj! S^L:> rt. 987' [see Tabarl 
Gloss. s.T. j^] 

J^ or jtjs- answer 257' 586': speecA in general 645" 
yji yoMMi? camel 816' ( = 1093«) 846^ 863' 
^yji a*fe /Jojir 867" ( = 8906) 
^.L^l iAs Apostle, a title applied to az-Zubair ibn al-'Awwam 591' seq. 
6951 8eq. 751" 997', Jj^^i ^'j^ '<'■ 8331; pi. ^J^'r*^' ^o" 
867" ( = 890«) 

y^ see 257« 

jLs^ ceterM 89" 

if liu «A« pin of a pulloy, metaph. 1002' 

Sjjrsu answer 435' seq. 

B^jL^ utterance 10341» 

jU> n. (0 Jw victorious (absol. ) 10231, metaph. applied to tho darkness 
which takes possession of the sky 10001; to bring together (with 
aco.) 658" (text doubtful) 

*U-^\JI (var. ^L«j:pJt) a name given by Jarlr to a poom 84?" 

ij-y>. ijii-'i-=- o grove of palm-trees 573" 
;j^y>. ij^i^ ^0 blink 588^ 
ij^j^ . U^y> i'> provide a place (aec. ) with cisterns 514^ 

Jc^ metaph. power, resources W' SIS'" 958'- 980": for jUs^i! Joy> 
see Index III s. Y- AjKxgjtAg ^ wJLc 

ij^. ib. n. 10 guard, defend (with aco.) 64" (as var.) 598" 649» 

ialls. a moveable screen made of reeds 616M seq. 

Jj!^ ( pi. of -LJL=. ) guardians 589'= 
t_^^, Kib> du. a*^l=> as prep. 6i/ (Afi side of it 858'* 

Oij=.. oi>=- ( = S^_^i 3^ U) 592'": for jU-^JI Ji^ see Index III 8. t. 

siJj:^. t!U=» applied to the weaping of poetry 985' 

4y>. . Jb. n. <o cease to shed rain (said of clouds) 1033«: iJ^ ^ j. JL=. 
he leapt upon the back of his horse 5SP^ 

S;y> to attack (with aoo. ) 221": to be on the point of doing something 
(with °,') 478" 

jL=>l to attack (with J-c) 957^: to last for a year 537», partic. J-jaa* 
537* eag'!* — see also below 

'S^ to move from one place to another, said of a tribe 307« 408' 587", 
said of a rider who changes his mount 366'*': to he metamorphosed 
into something (aco.) 260" 277' ( = 2946) 

Jl^.**-! to gaze at a distant object (ace.) in order to see whether it bo 
moving 805* 

j-jb- barren (said of a she-earael ) 1045"", pi. J*> applied to she-asses 
3" ( = 6») - see also 480S 

J^ crafty 59" 

Jyi year 74« 1738 302* 831* 


that has lasted a 

iJ]y=> P^sp- found 348- 

jLcs- barrenness (in a she-camel), metaph, 437'- 

JU^ prep, opposite 235'- 653*, JU^, id. 653" 

3l^r^ coll. i'erieirae 505^ 

jJl^ a pM//e|/ for drawing water, metaph. 1002*: s^L^^i ^ ( = k3Li^w« ^ 
inevitably?) 149^^ cf. the Kitub-al-Mu'aramarln ei3. Goldziher p. 12\ 
where the MS likewise has idl^^I 

J^^ refuge, means of escape 202^3 7071^, ji^ 3y^^ fW. 6941" 

Js^wo changing ( intrans. ) 61'^ 

"^^ ft i^rea^ mass ( of water, etc, ) 758^ 763^ 

£o^ jrf. 2643 4071 467=5 95711 937 notes* (aa var. ), pi. oU^ 375^^ 
46715 74316 7521 

fJ^y=> (pi. of Ji*jL>) hovering, applied primarily to birds 763*, hence to 
camels pressing towards the water 61 S^*', to lances thirsting for 
blood 3905, to hearts pining for love 395^ 96218 _ i^j the phrase 
*j!^^I oUiUxJI ^^^ 371^ the first two words seem to refer to 
uj>**« (verso 45) and tho last to u-^^a^^ (verse 46) 
^\J^i> stony ground 8901, „(,„,. unit. jliU^ 826^, du. 394" 
*!j.*=0" the act of wandering, hovering round an object 39' 

^_ci*=>i dark-coloured (applied to luxuriant horhago) lOS'*, pi ■>=> applied 
to borseB 154^ 456"^ 

^!^ a camp of nomads 82P 

'<j}^ (pi. of Ajy>) cushions on which women ride 658* 

ii»s=-- ii4=- "*«» 366": e4^. wftcre 192> ( = 235") 

A^. jL=. 1^(0 Moii (with^i^) 4365 

j*^-. -^^s^' ^0 ^f' whirled about by the wind 516^: to wander about 1095^ 

'bsu~l to remain stationary ( said of a elond ) 849', .xsjL-.* stiil water 3" 

yl:> (1 poo; 779, pi. yiji 292»: oUL^ wandering (?) epith. of ostriches 

^;^ - ^Jji ^^ (='^i) sp 

ylij:>. ^U> ( = ui=>jiat 1^) 476" 

>.Ju;>. ^-A*=* injustice 57^' 

ois=>. uil^! «Ae circuit, 1.6. the mountains of Ksf 468' (as var. ) 
^;J^. yU- I. (0 j)«r>sA 35" 776" 940" — see ^L:> below 

^Jjli-i to watch for the time of a thing { ace. ) 187" 
j!^ ajool (see Tabarl, Gloss.) 879 notes^ seq. (as var.), pi. J,yui:> 29" 
^ folly 170" 240» 3238 538= 914 j^aUs^ (as yar.) 949' 9901^ 
yp.. ^^\ to ham a fertile season 462" 463'- '» 

^,^jjj to spare a person some pain (with ace. of the pere. and ^^,1) 177* 
j^^ — Zp. J-^IiJI, while the sun is in the skif 595" 
Ui that which mines, refreshes 845« 711" (as var.), ^^ id. 5S9i<> 
llsU face 622« 



i. to hide (tra.rm^) 70915 

u. to skip about (said of the young of wild animals) 108211 

to trot (said of a wolf) SlQi' 

ambling gait ot a mare 585i' ( = 1069"), applied also to the gait 

wvs-ci- id. 58'- 
e»li- the dross of iron 443" 

^sj> u. ( = i^) 418 

°Li> soft, crumbling ground 491= ( = 783ii) 247' 404^ (=7661) 49715 
( see Additions and Corrections ) 

iljli a grove of lots-trees (JL.) 73" "■' 159> 214ii 4821, pi. ^c^Ui- 73» 

jjAi> ( pi. of _*3- or !i^*3» ) camels of noble breed, or camels which yield 
much milk 921i» 
AjjA-p- a /ewer o/" Khaibar ( which is noted for malaria, see Yafeut 11 
505» Boq.) 620« 

jAi=u character ( as opposed to J^ external appearance ) 10421^ 

ilUi. 6oo«y 517 ( = 78415), pi. oL~U=. SP 

u.-^ i. ^y trample on something (ace.) Gli^ 737', with aeo. of the 
horse's hoof 20611; to grope one's wag, travel by night through a 
place (ace.) 7»5i» 

^>li. delirium ISS" (==567'') 166' 

JjU. aubst, a demon 472", niotiiph. the passion of looe 688«; as mlj. 
JjLi- '^ utter ruin »», joLiUI juiji M. 1044"*' 

JjL=-! (pi. of J-fi-l) demons (that eaose madness) 633= 

_^Ad>. Li- n. see 627 notes*, and Additions and Corrections 

Ja=>. yij> to attach by stealth 6221' 

^ . ^SU> — |Wl^J! ^ epith. of the Prophet 349' 

,J^. ^^■!>i" (pi- of ii-jU.) women who circumcise others 230" 

^UJ.! (pi. of y^) relatives by marriage 793" 829« 

oU-i*^ applied to women 773* 

Jci. . ii- u. or iii- to be, or become, thick ( said of liquids ) 209", partic. 209" 

Jji> . iiii. the lower part of the belly 799« seq. 

^. jUi- pitness of the nose 973^5 

lii-! ^a« 1051= 

y^. i_ci>^' Z"^' »/■ «>ofer(?) 375 — read ^^^o-W? 

^Jvi-. ^S^ n. see 14718 

vJvi- strong (?) 855i» (as rar.) 

oU-Vi. (pi. of £ji.) woMMrfs 1305 (yar. oUJvi- iJoira ) 

vjJ^ s/iwp (said of a sword) 147" 

_Ai> . -.Ai^ distorted, malformed 437- 

JA=.. ' ii. u. to (iijr a pit, pass. 1085' [cf. Dinawarl 63'= J 

JAii-' to become lean 485'* 

JA=. (pi. of SAi») Aofes in the ground 288" OSl" 1087" 

OjAi-I p.-« 10858; pi. J^ijiji4 hoof-prints 80216 

jJKi.. jSj>- to be concealed in a Utter C^Sa) 9311*, jS^ eocend omr (epith. 

of a litter) gss? (of. 957"), I'aJ? sec/Mrfeii (epith. of a woman) 69« 


jOL=> crouching in a lair (epith. of a lion) 2o5>», metaph, 198* ( = 1058'-) 
i_CjlA=. dark- coloured, said of the night nS'-, ij^ivVi- epith. of an eagle 155° 
°ii\i (pi. ot jJ^) women's litters 93 iV, yjj-l id. 868" 
JjJ^' (=JoLi- q. V.) 4871 10351^ pj. oi^jj^ 25»« 
gA=». ^X^(=£'A=.) treachery 91° 

jCaAi. ( or MAi ) ifte act of retreating into a hole ( applied to lizards ) 

c3d>\ the artery of the neck 975', pi. poU-l 692» 701™ 84413 9131 

^ii^, or ^J^, closet, small chamber 6849 9811 

*c\i». -Jc>l ^0 present a slave to a person (with 2 acc.'s ) 1901^ 

-lX3> coll. thontjs tied round the pastern of a camel for fastening the 
shoe 272" (var. |.l\=- and ^j^) 

filiXs- (pi. of iLiii.) id. 62» 1012": aiU-tes worn by women 1021'' 224" 
285!* (as rar.) 598^1 1008" 10201 

'^3^ fastened ei" 

Oj<Ai-. ^JujSd> (pi. of uJ^jL>3-) fragments, splinters 5071^ 

LJA=-. uJAi- i. ( = 3Ai) 293" 

LiJi^sio dritien ai««y tvith stones ( ? ) 598' 

^3lX:>. Ji^^ «» animal that leaves the herd, metaph. a wife, du. .Sya ^jjc> 821 1'* 

mS^ . puX^-'' /o be cut to pieces 45" 

fiii. liberali/tj, bounty 873i» 

*vX9^ cMi OM^ 61 notes'* (as viir. ) 

L=». jtLj,L> io-^ a term of oontumpt applied to a man 242ii 

•-jf>. ^f- a male bustard {as an emblem of helplessness) 218", pi ^ifji> 

9'! 5282 530* 767i« 894" 

af>. ojji-l (pi. of o°j.) the holes in axe-heads 419' 767" 

_y>. 1^ tribute 64815 ( = 299«) 

t"^ saddle-bag da. 417« seq. 892' 

^}i- a feet horse 673" [see 5amasa 188" seq.] 

_- ,!.ji?J' see Index III 

_5^ penetrating i. e. current ( said of a poem ) 62i» ( = 430" ) 

„ys^ variegated in black and white ( epith. of a plain ) 272^ 

^y>. y^'j^ 8*^ 832 notes' seq. (as var.) 

J_^. Jyl (pi. of >L/> or Iaj^) modes; wome» 788' 

Ojjji- fd. ibid. 

,y=> . y^ i. to make a rustling noise ( with the wings ) 673'- 

jj>. £i> a string of stones or shells used as an amulet 360« 1013«, pi. 

o!j/> shells worn by kings in their crowns 2378 438" 712- 

u~f'. ^•^f- (pi. of J-^il) making no noise 680'^ 

^.i> . J^'^ i. to sting ( said of a scorpion ) 946^ 

^y> . i*-*"^^ ( P^* ®^ -v^r^ ) *'oc^s 375" 

ij^;>. o^j> s^etir 154" 

J33.. -^/-^' '•' *" unsheathed (said of swords) 184" 

»Iij^ iay 342 notes'" 394", dimin. xLu^ lOOB^ 

^ j:> . ? p^' ^0 ^e weak 967'^ 


ty>, iilji-, jjy> nee 968> and notes i 

? 3j> coll. castot'-oil plants ( as an emblem of weakness ) 542^ 596^^ 
834» 9686 

_,»£j=>. w*£lj=> (pi. of 'i^r^) tender, delicate (epith. of women) 788"" (as var. ) 
^ji.. ^.l:> a fruit-gatherer, hence a violent wind is called ~*J'u^! ^,U> 

^^. ^'^ to engulf, swallow up (with v) 846' 

^Jyi. a desert plain 272" 633'3 

wjsj=> (pi. of 'i~if>'i strips of cloth, hence ^jl^l'^ ^r^ ionners 184'5; 
sworms of locusts 328" 

iliys- (fem. of \J5 -J=*l ) insensible, apathetic (?), epith. of a mourning 


SjLfcCs (pi. of ijiysu) deserts 787' 

Or;i^U^ — ;!-W^' ^r^^^*^ Aavmy wifie ravines (epith, of a valley) 915** 

|.^=.. y^ i. (0 om»( 68' 

-j^ ^0 i!*!? CM* io pieces 45"^ ( as var. ) 

'f^\ — U^^l 588" ( = 932'", var. Up-MI 1081") variously o-tplainod 
as shoulder, precipice, rough grouitd, tmi dust (1081^); aeoording 
to Bakri 79' it is the name of a place 

^yiu ravine 53i», pi. jl^L-su 3460 373" 375i« 39l» 403' B10'> 618'" 620" 
755' 759* 798", motaph. nwmis of escape from an oath 754" 

^yftu — ^liljl fff one who rends travellers (said of a wild beast) BH'* 

pji.. )i}i. seo 440'^ (as var.) 

y-.. y~. (pi. of jji-I) small-eyed 897« ( = 496') 

jji- o iitid of porridge ( apparently such as was eaten by the lower 
classes ) 82' 122« 223>* 226" 3181= 3219 4398 5419 5428 6372 692s 
695J' 8457 85411 gsgu §62' 865» 893" 968" seq. 9761= g^q., nom. 
unit. Sjjji- a dish of porridge 9761' (as var.) 
^p>. iw!;=> a nose-ring for a camel, usually made_pf hair 7771, p|_ j»>Jij_=» 

3441" 3931" 404» 7208 ( = 740») 7568, metaph. ^^j^^^ *i i>-iJ* 
(*ey submitted to him 348', ,4!^Jli i^js^axj "i »« will not submit 
to them 757s [of. Liaan XV 65» seq.] 

^^!ji> lavender 136= 7071 
iC«5j*w a she-camel having a nose-rtng 14715 
y~-. ^^ u. to deposit (for safe custody) 639« 

ji>. ij> u. ^0 overcome (^with^qg^ 9461 

^^^. |l,b]i. disgraced 918'', pi. b!^ 828 

jjs^-fl — ^j^^ j*-!^ « humiliating peace 535ii 
^w.£>. j^fjywi* (or ^|.-.*s=-) ro^a^ (epith. of a kind of cloth) 551 1^ 

J =.. ^J^~i^ a. or i. to become scanty 122' (yar. ^^■-i> »d.) 

J^i to dishonour (with >_j) eos" 
ijl..>....,^ cheap 9041 

X..".-^....r. obscurity, ignoble origin 1050' (text doubtful) 
_,Jxi-. Syi^u coll. polished{?) swords 615" (Tar. "jjSl-*; in Boucher US') 
Ji^^^i^ . yil^i> coll. ftiVe^s that are not birds of prey 701^ 

'i!jj:^l ( pi. of ^jiiLiii*, see 344ii ) nose-rings for camels, usually Euade of 
wood 1011 notes" 
^U;.i;si> the bone which projects behind the ear 975^ (read iijLi-iiji^) 


Ku*^-ic^-« coil, camels with rings in their noses 344^^ 

jii.. y^lfi- (pl. of siiLi.) low-lying (said of plains) 687" 

wA-i^ . ^A-is=>^ having a parched skin ( epith. of a mangy camel ) 554^^ 

■Ji^Li^ a hold, active man 1» 552' 

fjis> .- fji^ to break the nose of a man (ace.) 620" 

I^Ui (pl. of j.yil:i) the cartilage of the nose 377'-, lySL*i. id. 8298 

^^^S.5-. ^yii- <o 4mo»(?) 370" 

^jujiii'. J3U16- coll. fissures, crenices 952^ 

J.,i~.. j.,v>ai> coll. pieces of flesh 109915 

JJUi. id. 3" 

iva=». |wali;.;J! |.vi i.e. the Day of Judgment 343i' 

j_^Aa=.. ^J^ used in a frequentative sense 966" 

w«a=». J-^ (pl. of 4~*=L=.) MnYi red thighs (epith. of ostriches) 665" 

V"-a*\j dyed (with hinns) 891' 

^ji2^^*:a=>. fja^Kics^ to shake up a liquid 210'*' 

Joi-^ to tremble 226> eSE" 

^ms-. yii=>l epith. of a tooth-stick 548" : fora. il^ai- dork, foul 444>, epith. 

of an army 472- 675', i<y^ Aj o beiif/it rmntlii conferred 462" 

*" . rf^^ ^^^ 744*'' aeq. 763'", pl. eP-^^ «'«^^ ( applied to seas ) 375^ 377^ 
403'^ 744>- 763*, pl. S^j'ulji- chiefs, nobles 257' 

)t*n^. n^^a:^ a. ^o /j(^»d down (trims.) 443' 451'^ (read ^^,»ajU3L3. ) , a_jujL> 

lowering the head (said of a sho-cauiel on the march) 1012'^, 

pl. j<i>!ji» 212'=' 271" ef, j-al>i JA^' ^Utl, 686' 

^Jua=>. x^juisi- i. see 41^ 

j^Lai- a sort of snake 2871' ( ^g y^r. ) 
ijLai. (see Index III) explained as = Xjyi 968^ 
4y^ sai'", and S^ 5978 ,-^. 
J-ai.. J-^!=- moisi 342* 

*/i2i*. (V^^a^ properly vast, hence generous, munificent 959^ 

Lk> . L?^^^ "'^i^ impersonally, U<.=.L«j ^ i_?^^ '• ^- ^^ escaped alive 1066' 

i-.. J^xs- 1. (o^jKi'cer (said of spears) 45" 902': to shake the tail (as a 

stallion camel does, when angry ) metapb applied to warriors 325- 
494" 599» 7581 9036 9995^ masd. %i- 618" or ^,\^ 3642 

,l)Li- to risk, expose to danger (with v) '^J-^^ J^ '-i o^Li- 518', 
hence to use as a means of defence { with ^ ) 488' cf. 4881- 

jbi"! to expose to danger ( with 2 acc.'a ) 424^ 

'^iif to threaten one another 186" 872* 901^ 

^ki- wajrcr 87", (j-jsljt ^LS. i. e. the battle 195", pi. jLkl-i great re- 
putations 865' 8711^ 

,Lk> ;Ae ac/ of threatening, hence contest 899* 

jtlii- epith. of a stallion camel 872* 

''.hL^ threatening 480' 

5^1^ (=°Lki-) 2305 912': S^U=' a( a« rait of one's life 865' 

J^^ . ^JaJ^' to stride, march quickhj 5741" ^ ^g y^j.^ j 

.^aliS. JaLi. <o mark with streaks ISOi^ 

.y. street 727" 

Willi" ■ oLiii. see 856" 

wjLil^ adj. sicift V* (var. Uiii>): pi. ^ibUi. subat. ahymes 6093 

jjii. . jjii- i. (0 brand the nose of a camel, metaph. 146* ( = 327i' ) 33 1" 

^ILi «fc nose of a camel 61013, of a man 690^ 

|.lit> a brand on a camel'B nose 933": pi. ,. 'n ■> halters (i.e. cords 

fastened to the noses of camels) 69i ( = 300>2) 

^^l3=* marsh-mallow 514^ 

^L*J« ( pi. of fUii'ii ) peaks of a mountain 610»- 

^JiS- to jro teyond (with ace.) 595« 

J=L=> compact, firm ( said of flesh ) 656" 

oUi starvation 779* 

wA^s^is^ grunting ( epith, of the swine ) 905^ 

jK>t - to deal treacherously with a person ( ace. ) 342 notes ^^, masd. 
"jUi-l 341", partic. pass, ^u 950" 

'p> betrayal 946* 

oljii> modes* women 1021'" 

jUi. (pl. of sjai.) id. 867 1» 

yUi- (pl. of'^^i*-) id. 521 >» 

a.Ui* property left in charge with some one 039^^ 

IjajbJ. dmllinij, abiding pl. I8» 1082" 

Afli* *o /ami MJii/i hunger 977' 

\„ft:> i, *o be stirred up to war 729' 

Jiiull to «<(•)• «^ (with aoo. ) 728'"' 

■iJd> relief, allmation ( of a malady ) 1098» 
Jjpslli swift (?) 527" 

v.Sii-1 to be unsuccessful in a raid 653*, or in liunting 1084' 
yUjiJ i. 0. the East and the West 436« 
olSjLi. banners 692« 700« ( = 774W), hence this last verse is called 

oliiilii by al-Farazda^ IW 
JiJiyi- id. 780« 786« — see J^ 

oU^ shimmerintf with mirage ( epith. of a plain ) 755^ 
xilii. ;eo«(?), epith. of a mare 794', Li^i i;jLii> lank-bellied (said 
of a woman) 1044= 

A-Jii.^^ shimmering (see ^Ui-) 176^'' 

j_^iJil.| to rfijf 0M( wells (ace.) 2141=, see SIS' seq. 

ol^ see 4006 

•i[ii. a woman's veil 487" 

3^ i. see 70515 

Oslj-. ( = otj^ pi. of XJiLi- ) applied to women 476" — cf. ^^b- for ^i>- 
Mubarrad 532>» 

_ii. n. to beguile, or to drive mad 962* 

Z'^ji- guile 488« 

^Jd> i. to rfray 1001*, masd. Ili ibid. 319": (o Miist trouble (absol.) 
jjjij I-Jl^l, 406* 

_1jJ.U (?) explained by v^^ 858^ 

:ii^J< confusion, turmoil 154" 

|.sdi-. fsfi~> wide, or long Si6\ pi. ^^^M- Sli* 

JjJ>. Jdi-I to cause to incUne{?) 129» 

M^- — f3Z\ JJi. long life bV' 

^jJli-. ij-Ji-i. to take something from some ona hy stealth (with 2 ace's) 100' 

^ *^U3-! iAe act of escaping, slipping away 70^^ 

JljL=. 0/ too coJoiw-s 138 

^jjjj^^ — ^^\ ^jJUjS^ deprived of reason 131^ 

jjdii-. ijoL> to intermne between combatants (with^^^) 927' (of. Ibn Hishsm 


JsJus.. li^ jmW. companions 295' 851- 9612 

1^'^ — f&i\ 2£ii^l> at night-fall 279^ 

k\£> . MEi>- the ehoieest part of a herd, etc. 15*: moveable property i. e. ca- 

mels 765 

<Jji- panic 967^^ 

jJLi^^ a gambler, one who stakes his most mtuable property (itk^) 686= 


^,JiSS-l to compensate a person for the loss of a thing ( with ace. of the 
thing nntl Jj: or J of the pcrs. ) 417" mq.: to violate an enga- 
gement (ace.) 890'", uj'Lii-j! Aic ^.:^jis-'i she deceived the expeeta- I 
tions of llie young camels ■ISO': to fail to appear 859'* 

^jii^ posterity 273': worii-oitt objects, rubbish 216'^^ 
Jili- perfidy 985''' 
Ji>l=. coll. willows 833' 

. v_!bli> prep, after ( used of time ) 10461 

i4>i=- coll. men ahsmt from their abodes 84" 14012 1452 ( = S28") 

4741" 8821" seq. 

jlL1=- deputy 8321'', deputy-general 355i' 357' 

^^il lit. ptece 0/ AoJdinp bach, hence «/"«.?«! io Aei!p 5691* 

oUii^ canine teeth of a camel 868I' 

olU>. ;_SJLI.I to he worn out 844= 

^IM- ( = yUXl.]) 2101' 

°,Lili> (pi. of Jii=-) Kom-mt 10711° 

^)J.5>. ji^' lit. ^0 6c confined to a particular place, hence to have a special 

^ application ( opp. to j*^ ) 2031^ ( as var. ) 

ji^S to feed upon sweet herbage 9251* 

ji- o path through the sand 226« 

oii- (pi. of ili) interstices 406« 

i^ jfwnrfsW£^88;j: swee* herbage 57", see 402 925" 

iCJk3- coll. camels that feed on sweet herbage 40^ 

Siji- friendship 96' 

2i.I (pi. of S^) uiooden pins 218« seq. 

|JU>. pi=> to join oneself to a person (ace.) 3I2ii, masd. ^'ii- ibid. 

rfJLb>. -;Jl> a Ainrf o/" wood of which goblets were made 1051^ 

_j^ . ij^' ^^ leave a thing ai the free disposal of some one ( with aoc. of 

the thing and J of the pers. ) 905" 

i_jIio' to withdraw (intrans., with ^^a) 3751' 

_5i=- free, disengaged 322* (as var.) 

Sjii- — oyijsUI j, in private 926« 

ilii" a she-camel deprived of her young Sll* — see Index III s. v. 

,_ji=.. ^Ji- I. io Hjow, hence to iop o/f limbs 65'" 

Jul-I lU 23lW 

bUJj^ o sack for holding fodder 375' 

^t=». yiL=. to ii'rfe oneself 179" 

^J to pij< OH a veil 993" 

^ (pi. of^Ui.) 761'" 

^«3- (pi. of s^^) ointments for beautifying the complexion 350'- 

_*d^ covered, wrapped up 996^ 

ij.~»=> . (j-.*=» see 56«, u~*isJ So^lj a she-camel that comes to the water after four 

days of thirst 601i» 

^j-ti- — (_,-»*=- Jj! the most contemptible set of men 367" 

,_^U:> coll. camels that ham not drunk for four days 56^ 

J^Ui- a child five spans high 131" 

^ J~i;J' a large artm/^ 184'^ 224^ 3115 sgjs 340H 605'« 777' 835" ( = 482?) 
882= 1082» 

{j*._j.#J^i^ made of five strips of leather IOCS'" 

^Ji.^ . xj^-*^ «• or i. to scratch (with ilcc, ) 89'*-^, ^o scratch the face in mour- 

ning (abiol.) 410', tniiml. eU'l ^ji.i:i ( = eUl jl, ) 448» 

a-iiUi- o slight wound 5;{5'- 

iM.i-. Jail-! see 921" 

iiLso- to_l>e fraud, fierce 111" 185» 323» 748* 1002", metaph. to become 
formidable IT^^ 

ili- sour 921": fierce 872* (here the comm. takes the word a« a 
subst. "fierceness") 

J^*i>, J-al> o&scwrfi, despised 55^ 366^^ 

idli- « iiBd o/ woollen cloak 670" 

J-vki. !rf. 1002' 

iLJ> sand-hill 706' 

!«£-. j3- i. to become putrid 5611"^ 

l^Ci- see 97" 

^^o;^;-.. IJii- see no* 

^jiLii- (pi. of J^) 834' 

LJAi=- . ui^Xxi' to walk with a swinging gait 1 78^'' : to use the war-cry ^_KXi3- Jy 
9137, hence Jjliw a descendant of Khindif 572' 

^iAl<I id 2401 

j_^>jJ^ descended fiom Khindif 6893 99*5, metaph. 759S 

Mi>. wXjA-.=. a slMion (horse) 917», pi. liUi. 947>!' or JuiUj. U8" 505", 
metaph summits of mountains 34^ 

jjii-. /;i^-^=" '"■"•Si as occupants of a himn 5061- (text doubtful) 

y-i=.. (j~>^ u. or 1 to shrink back (with ^) 120' 

^j->*=-' ('I we 176' 

t>"j". ^_>xoUi> (pi. of ^\3^j3') sucking-pigs 510^ (as var. ) 

^j~Ju^. J-iUi (pi. of lUili.) blaek-h-etks 37» 878" 

^Jii^. Osy^ strangling (adj.) 573^^ 

Juii throat 498" 8871 

^^-i> . ri'^ snorting ( epith. of the swine ) 905^ 

j.j=.. ii-^ o sma« window 397" 721" 

^y>. Oji» (0 stride 135' 

^>j;> maiden 691^ 

j^. jL=. n. to iow^, bdhw (said of hyaenas) 317": to he weak 400' 

( = 365") 539I' 862' (?) 

jjUaJ to ieiiow at one another 341 '» 

,l5=> weak, soft 859', qU^' ,'»=■ a horse »-jWe« lOjYA o slack rein 13a''', 
pi. °ji. 530* 10056 (as var.): cowardh/ 73", pi. 17i- 63'"' 72' iSli^: 
stinking, foul 84912 pi_ 239? ^ j|jg following passages are ambiguoas 
340« 488« 697» 708* 8306, pj. ggiB ggc 3408 4419 533;, 832" 834* 
858* 11 97612 9779): pi. ^5^- yielding much milk (applied to camels) 
5151" 6471" 894^ 9361- 

y^ softness 459i»: cowardice W 488':' (?) 
,jy> id. 861" (var. S^jji-) 

jiji- bellowing ( subst. ) 8541* 858" 865" ( text doubtful ) 

.ijeys>. (jobi> a. to wade through, traverse (with aec. ) 507** 6IBI-, ma§d. j:^y^ 

559«: pass, to he stirred up (said of a liquid) 207 '3: ^ i>;>*i 
UX-o K?« Will j)luni/t (ouj hand->) into their blood IQIV 

(jj5U:> the act of plunging into hatlU 187 

\j^^ one uho adeintuW' him^lf >^2" 

U^Ui:^ a place of wading, 1. 0. a country rich in herbage 514'' 

ui>>. OjL^ (pi. of iLsU>*) dangerous places 10121^ 

Jy>. jySc to claim as a relative on the mother's side (with Al) ISSi!* 

JL=>, Jiljfc see 8133, pi. JI^^ herdsmen 818" 

Jp? Moi/j/ iior» on the mother's side 188' 2258 

^^^. j!,lj=. (Persian) ta6ie 357" 

^.fifci- . oW=^ lending down ( intrans. , said of women ) 773^** 

_«-i>. ^13- I. to he disappointed (said of persons) 220'° SOB': to he fruitless 

(said of tilings) 804« 

wv*> #0 disappoint 51*, partic. pass. 1086^* 

i- i. fruitlessness 829" 

^^ . jUi.i pass, witli aoc. jb. Jt j^iXi-! he was chosen from among men 696» 

,_5,y> (fem. of ^) 501* soq.: pi. olj*=> (applied to women) 772" 

!s-c> owe to whom the preference is given 726'^ 

jfJ^ power of choice, freedom 943' 

/*-fP> . u^^i^ a camel trained for being ridden 868'* 

_su=>. _^i^ direUing at the foot (Uili-) of a mountain 1078'' (read iLs^) 

J-j.. JjlisJ <o be pleasant, enjoyable 632= ( var. i^jS'): masd. j^l^' pride 55" 

jUi- scare-crow (to frighten away wolves from the sheep) 461' 

J-c>! prouder 794"' 

j4=>' (or J4="') « *:»'"'^ o/" ''"'''i regarded as ill-omened 691 notes*, pi. 
JoU.! 652' 1038 notes' (as var.) 

J^'^ a horse that races with another 614- 

'iLjf sijin, symptom 85913, p|. Jj^^-i 6296 

^. '^ (Persian) character, disposition 121' 603* 

^ (pi. of JU-=-)_te«te 173- 3959 
"fLp- id. 333" seq. IOO4:' 

iJb . iih a. to exert oneself on behalf of person (wit J ) oP 

jjlol perseverance in marching 1341* 1012' 

bb. SlJjj ( = sbb) a kind of quick pace ISl" 

Jb. Jjji a mare (Aa< marches with short quick s/e/is 192* ( = 236=") 

^IJG to roocr (in a literal sense, with Jx) 906% metaph. (with ace.) 

^^b coll. mrtebrae 5581=, ^y^ ggaii ( var. oUjut) 

t_)iXfl a place marked by the tracks of insects 1099* 

.^o. *soo ^0 fcenf? (iowM (intrans. ) 1043^ 

jj . jjo? io &e^m to heal ( ? ) , said of a wound 8461- 

yt\j' to consider, reflect upon a thing (ace.) 743": pass, to Je back- 
bitten (,f) 944" (but of. 1096'): masd. UAi adv. «< the last, i. e. 
when it is loo late 1000" 

*o (. = '^^') 51" 

yo eoU. sores on a camel's back 447i"(?) 1010'* 

yiji ( pi. of Sjjb ) </<e /iijirfo- pill-; of the hoof 290' 

j!jl^l name of a constollation 520" 

^Lij! (pi. of JO) //(e outer ratiks of an armt/ (which are exposed to 
attack) 865» 872"i — see T"'""-! Gloss. 
jjUj mutual avoidance, hoslilitij 155' 

W^- u-^ (.=jlfi^) 51'" 

Jjo. »JUJJ an abdominal tumour 222' 

j^. Uj a sworm of ants 1099* — that "ants", not « locusts", are here- 

meant may be inferred from Ahlwardt Imr. W. 45 t. 8 sXSa ^ 

jjo. ^-JO" io c«WrA oneself (1) 1096« (but of. 944") 

Jj abundant 51'5 ( = 785«) 
,yO heavy, sluffffish ( said of a man ) 559^^ 
gwo. g^>J^ f«"y «»■«<* 'SB' 
y>j. ^ see 2443 

Jo^. JLi^i! We Antichrist 323« 
Q>J. iV>^ cloudy weather 508^ 

Si>j a. 464" 
jjso. b-o n. io envelop, include 500^ 

_b darife (said of the hait) 963" 

LJo or i^io (said to bo a pi. of K-I^' SW) <jfar<;M8« 499" 538'" 
6465 707' 1009> 

.4N=»J. Z^\ to be swelled out U« 

,_A=o. vjij a. see 318« 

J.i»j. j.=o a eamty in the ground 130« 166«, pi. ^^iij ISO'* 

j^j-:>.>. (5^^^^ ( P^' of jeJ>of) ostriches ^ nests 26^ 

J^.> . j^3J to be sent to <ie drinking-plaee between two other camtk ( said of 
a she-oamel) 65'' (read ji>!jji) 

^Ui=-J or ...JUbso intruders 459^ 

jw>!jJi (pi. of J-^JJt) behmiour 798>- 

^yii ill-feeling, resentment 2» i" 

isi>^^ incense (used by women for famigation ) 2203 

0=-^iJ (pi. of qL=o) iraces Ze/"( bij smoke 852™ 

j^bi WmmJ (said of a sword) 384" 

qJoJ morfe 0^ acting 584^- 

iJav <£f ocercome (with J.^) 758" seq. 

570" 6055 758», hence proteetic 
defender 512M ( = 285«) 684": pi. '1,^0 barriers 

Sjji defence, protectinn 758'" 

wj.J. w,.i <o accustom oneself to a thing (with J) 227'*, set 

we must supply SJS^ or the like ) 

t-iij^ (pi. of Vj'^) passages (in a house) 552' 

vjo^ «ro>n«rf (epith. of a falcon) 932' 

^.^ . i^ 3^ ^0 croiicA on all fours 99'^ 

«.jO. — jOiXwl (0 carry om((!') a purpose ( aec. ) 408'^* 

I°i cosW (for holding unguents, etc.) 137-', du. 162' 

„Jji — Jjyl oL=-jIJ sweeping wimls 788'' 

yj^^ljj m<!» f«*o waa- 4931- (as var. ) 

_l,j! (pi. of y-j^) ;«»'*s of the stars 345' 

J.jj the march of a cumo! 347" 

oy! loothkss 800" 

^_53y coll. children 1046'', p!. vJW',.^ the young of wild animah 1082" 

fi milk, i. e. property 906" 

°jy flow of tears 5171 5301 5«'(?), of mUk 5_22M 

JjS^ epith. of a cloud 847«, of rain 848« 866' 

(j*,'>> decrepit ( aaid of a camel ) 938^ 

|t,L.y (pi. of J-J^S) worn-out garments 379» 

J.!5jO thick-necked { epith. of a lion ) 736>« 

£ji! metaph. 1^ |,jC3uJ \jr.jXi '^1 i. e. morcA all night 10721 

^jiJU (pi. of KijJ^) tenfcs 705' 

Oy (pi. of iiy) sWeMs 552« 

3,b to continue uninterruptedly ( with ace. ) 624i' 

5y! to come to the rescue 2231 

SjX to overtake (with ace.) «> 148" 1901 19420 23419 241" 268« 28615 
336»: to come to the help of some one (ace.) 39« 153« 223- (as 
var.) 338" 389" 610i»: to provide some one with something (with 
ace. and v) I027« 
i^ijj <Ae reparation of a mistake Hi\^- 
Is'iji cajn-ice(?) 670» 
,y i. see 180" 

,.y (pi, of fjO'i) smooth (epith. of armour) 339' 
flj^ one who takes short steps in walking 180" (as var. ), pi. Qy«0 

jyjj . ob'^ ''"''^ * **'*' "' * woman ) 883* 

^jj>. i_sjJG- <o toeiVe (with aec. ) 100» 
_ij, _jj.J ( = Persian sjjo) blackish 362"^ 

«w^. -wJo9 (?i6ti which thrusts, hence, as au epithet, warlike 993^' 

(_**^J. j_*J u. to siip an object into a person's hand, to palm it off on him 

(with aoo. and J,!) 3846 ef. 333 notes i" 

y*w^^ intrigue, plot 350^^ 
t««j. ^^ a. (0 wm«( Mp (with w) 180", see 298' seq. 

XjLw3 yi'ft io»»(y 298" (as var.) 330«, pi. ^Uo 298* 700' 
*-w.>. ,**«L> (pi. of ^i.*«J) ra^s used for stopping up wounds 472-' 

jAcJ . Jix^S^ laid waste, ruined 998 notes "~ 
gAcj. ^>^ to drim aheep or goats (absol.) 276« 822>^, with wj 276" 378' 
jfi^>. j£^.> (pi. of jfe>5) diseased 681^^ (text doubtful) 

£j j^lJxJ! coll. name of a brood of camels 559'" 
^j-j^ J»li see 592« 

;j-xIl\/« (pi. of u«cJv/«) piercing (epith. of lances) 26'" ."(«».. J 2M. 
ijico . oixij a, masd. oicJ soo 339" 

^^j] /Ae act of urging on 339-' 
fX^. f^o to be propped up (with ^) 771' 

*.cjw refuge 311- ^ 

^^. t,«^^ '" c/««''» (with aec.) 328'" 

^_5.cjl <o i;««, »«m)*i! (with iicc. ) 9U8'-: to shout lu our another 711=' 
759« 938» ( = 386 notes'"): to claim afjinitij with a ti-ibo (with 
J) 766» 

jjj — yjbi ^b the remainder of milk in the udder 1042" seq. 

Sj£0 a false claim to afgniti/ 178' 

Sjtj claim 936' 

iijeji id. said to be a less correct form 936^ 

j_^l more Jj'ieit/ to attract guests 954^ { sic leg. ) 

j_^ij« ( = S^ ) 585" ( = 1069W ) 

^J. tj^ (var. rii 737=) ady. w disorder, plh-mUe ll5« ( = 7371) 

J.=j. JUo! (pi. of 5^) thickets 611" 

*£.> . *io! having dark lips 362^- 

,tij. ^b to onswer a cry for help (with ace.) 791" 

^!JG to straggle together 246" 299^' 872": to disclaim a thing (ace), 
each one ascribing it to some one else Sll^^ 

wijb torrent, cataract 870" 

^lii id. 1868 

g!J (pi. of Jutsj) splashes of blood 872" 

^Ai masd. 931«: torrent-bed 870«, applied to the sources of tears 931' 

^il- defender 980» 

v_M J . ^j i. raaad. ;_jo to crawl along 116' 

ijj (Ae side of a man's bodj 590>*, pi. \JijiJ the flanks of camels 

502" 891» 
vjj tambourine 380" 606», pi. uijso 676i« 

^«-> (pi. of ijb) skimming opfr the ground (said of birds) 591" 
(as var.) 

oiiJ. ...Laii adj. full to onerfloieing 209 notes' (as \sx.) 

concealed ( said of a malady ) 1295 

u. ( = ^UJ! ^^) to knock at iki- door, hence ) 
by mentioning a name ( with wj ) 699' 

Ujio coll. small pebbles 4796 
vj-ii flour 316l» 
dJkS'o. Jjl^i (pi. of SwXJ'j or ioJ'j) tracts of sand 493= 

j^j , cV'^^ dark-coloured ( said of water ) 555* ( as var. ) 

gjj. ijS to iraiiei att night, masd. 316' 6191 loogi, partlc. 4351S 926* 

t~jii see 346« 
U^. J^'io polished (epith. of a cuirass) 699 14312 579U 

i_ab . v_*i>^ i. to walk slowhj { as one who carries a burden ) 593", ^b 645* 

pi. Ji3j 569": to approocA (with J) 91», with ^i 7331- 

oiij. ijjjj epith. of a sword, see 566"' seq. 

oiiX-» see oiiJ^ 

>_kj!jwi (pi. of OJ'iJwi?) horses Wm( iiisi /ortA 566" 

aUj. Akxi or iJJjw (=/iJ) 170' 

JJy>. ijA^ swoopimj down (said of a falcon) 4431*^; bold, presumptuous 662^ 

942« 986«' 
*Jj. ic*^ epith. of a spear-head 638''' 

^_^a*Jj. ^;.3.«*Jo see 143" 

jjj . ili to distract, render unrouseiuus ( with aco. and ^^^ ) 553' 

)h, fi to send down 198- (=l058>i) n»^ 

^j3j to use as a bucket (with w) 779» 
j'Jj! the constellation Aquarius 520' 950" (as var.) 
h3 (=JJJ) T79«: du. ^yi'SoJI (ie fesKcfes 483= 
liA-o. e«-o (or >i^j) smoott ground 136^, metapt. 707', pi. liUol 33' 

liUji 1(2. 614« 7071 
^j. ^Lsi destruction 255" 

jj«^^ , ij-^^ — U*^J u«-«^ («>!3 *' became dark 725* 

JA3. c^ shedding tears (epith. of a serpent, which is supposed to shed 

tears when angry) 942* 

.•LsJlXc (pi. of jijw) floods of tears 10041" 

,i-«j. iij a. or u. to aound the brain (with ace. of the pers.) 199M, partic. 

1046", pi. fem. LljJ applied to satires 524" 

iiuj that which wounds the brain 377- ( = 746i»), XjctUiJi a name 
given by Jarlr to one of his satires 430" 

J-o. j-^J a boil, pustule 203» 2231 

J'-oi duni) (used as manure) 830^ 

^J^J. JoJUi see 143» 
eU*.>. iVlLxii round, circular, 1043' 

^^.- ^^ 

55'^ 3468 

Li^j mud in a dried-up well 324' 
^!A.a continual, constant 44ii 

J.J — aLLait ^ i. 6. eeiiom 61' ef. 986 notes*: pi. 4Uj I«m 59» 

( = 785*) 

^AJji wioce grievous (said of a malady) 5671* 

wAJOw grievously sick, pi. SoO^i 

^yj . ^y!x> ( pi. of ^yO ) wine-jars 904» 

^il AoCTiip a curvature of the hack 7998 

^Ju. Ui.> ( undetermined ) worldly prosperity 518^ 726^ 

,_jj^0. ijjJ'i to ro« liown (trans.) 662" 

i^ii^- intrans. -190" ( = 2341S j 

sIlvIj see 13*1 

£SjuJJ a taii of dung 260» 

^J . jJi customjjiabit 7848 ( ,ar. ^^ 50" ) 

ijl^o. (JJ.ij stupefaction (from terror) 323" ( = 1016') 

^^•i. i-ilS^JJ! a name given by Jarlr to one of his satires 4301" 

^J>. j^J a. or '^3 see 6491 

pi crowd, army 638" 648"' 6938 gsgio jo21» 

l^o! dark'Coloured (said of a camping-ground recently abandoned) 42': 
fem, iUjJj epith. of a maro SSO": du. ^.,L,-sSl a pair of fetters 
9833 (as var.): pi. pS epith. of camels 456": IsJbl /liffa-s 426i» 
( = 22918) 618« 7471'- 7433 s^q. 7669 

_-^o to waii; with small steps ( said of an ass ) 79415 

i^L*j] deceit, treaehejj 148" 

^^j a. to outwit, beguile ( with ace. ) 50' 

^J-^ ^f^'JlJi'-ll"!?) ''•"'"" •""'"'»■' 265" 

^bl to humble 258« 

8bjO a swing ( used by children ) 8421" 

JCi^jjIj ooU. cuirasses named after David I032i-'> 

to endeavour to induce a person to do a thing ( with ace. and 

^) 727»: to discuss ^^i^j ^pF f^jli 1071>» 

to become dizzy 236' 260", also with the place m the subject and 
with t_j of the person o^i Uj jjAX^o' 979^; to be metamorphosed 

;3,b a native of Durln (a place noted for its trade in perfumes) 132^, 
hence perfunw 1007' 

\^ or °ljj> dizziness 862": «/ie act of marching round an idol or a 
sacred place 950^, hence the idol or sacred place itself 342< 874' 

jljj ( pi. of sib ) changes of fortune 831' 

°3jU an idol, a sacred place 9508 

S^JA^ coll. (=°t^1) 1007- 

^jO . g-^ls^ ( pl- of a^**jb ) following one another ( said of cavalry ) 95* 

LJjO. i_JjA^ mingled with water 557' 

jCijJw medicine 519' 

(^jj . Jj^? ^0 obtain the victory over some one ( with ^ ) 497^^ : to he used 

by a number of persons in succession 592' {as tar.) 

«0) . *bl to quiet a boiling cauldron by adding cold water 119* 

*!Aa*v1 to do a thing slowly (with ace.) 97^: ta await, expect 121^^ 

^b see 119= 

^,3 coll. a kind of palm-tree 664» 868'" 

jl'jJLs see 119« 

^jj. ^^v dimin. of ^i^ 159' ( = 9351) 

^I^j — v^S! ^\^,^ a treatise by IsliEk ibn Ibrahim al-Farabl (f A. H. 
350), raentioned 509^^ 

^3 desert 676" 

ijJ or (^cjJ adj. sick 169* 

^jiop to he treated as base, to he oppressed 600* 

(job T. to move up and down (intrans. ) 878^ 

j^b to deal on credit with a person ( ace, ) 2*^ 

..-jfo submissive, unresisting 1082^ 

wtJ. ^_AjJ the upper parts of the curved pieces of wood ('^'U^') in a camel's 

saddle 170^*^: pi. ,-.LijJ> wolves metaph. 227-" 731^^ 

iCJl^i 5ietaph. the noblest portion of a tribe 947*= 1090^; pi. ^I^J top- 
knots 8131 1023- 

oU . ob see tinder ^j 

!l> . -J J to be indignant ( with J ) 245" 

Ijj see under ^jj 

o'j. U5f^ a. ma^d. wi'3 io jMa^-<s an end of a person (with J^) 116^ 

...IsJJ seo under s^.j 

Jj. ]ji /jWs/.-, nlmUe 29:-Vi 294« notes ^ (in both oases as var.) 

Jj. ^Tj (pi. of ^y^J) a^A./«f/ of fnmjus 162« soq. 710^^ 

w^j6, v4^ '« (/(?/■«((/ (with ^^) 1080'^ 

wbj erff/f?, or pointy of a sword 1 12' 652', metaph. (J<o/fcVi«, fierceness 165^ 

ujji mo/'{; capable of defmdinij tiU'^' 

V^ a defender 758« 

_jAjJ. ^iXiXi to dangle (intrans.) 375i 

rihiO . ^L> a. to stifle with sobs 501^* eeq. 

^j coll. victims {applied to human beings) 682" 

Joj. juJ tortoise-shell 164= 

JjIjO (pi. of iLlj) tapering lances 662« 902' 

y>j . y>liAi (pi. of yixs ) intestines 726" 

^jjO . Ljj^ ^0 ie sftarpenet^ ( said of arrows ) 947^ 

-ji. Tj'j^ (?'• °f rl)"^^ poisonous flies 839' 

jjO . 'jO u. to r<s« ( said of the sun ) 662? 

c ,j. s .j a. /o ^rayprse a country (ace.) 559^^ 

^i^j — pi. in the phrase Lcjjl ^il* 829* 

iiljj { = ii!ip) a smalt cubit, du. 869" 

^y^ ( = JjU- q. T.) 12" 

ujjj. OjiAX^I to ie coMseii to shid tears 517- (as var.) 

.JJj (pi. of LijiJ) streaming (said of the eyes) 1'=! 558' 579^ 

J-ijd'j (Ae shedding of tears 515i» 

vJSjO . 0\ J i. or u. to void excrement ( ace. ) 888* ( read ^jxXj ) 

y,S. 1,6 TJ. to fte broken (said of the point of a tooth) 17^ 

(ji or JJi (pi. of %ji) tops of palm-trees 869«, of heads of hair 
10053, points of the teeth 1005", humps of camels 418' (=10?1>) 
522" 558' 

4=o. 'io a. to /■)•(>*(«» 1062> 

^ fright 323« ( = 10161) 

Ws^. Jti poison ioV' (= 10772 ) 

vSJiEJ. J^fS't^ see 162' 

^j. ^j stinking, metaph. disastrous 196'> 

t_5J3 the bone behind the ear ( in a camel) 687^, pi. .ij or i^,£S 5021^ 

a J3 « she-camel having a large ^jo 5601" ( as var. ) 

j' j . ji'ijw io converse about a person ( aec. ) 547*' 

/i hard (said of metal) 248", pi. ySS 121= 6231 704" 92#: "J^J 
heavff showers of rain 52&\ metaph. floods of tears 5151* 

ay o remembrance 501^ 

y'A.* calamitous (said of a day) 953' ( = 41818) 95511) 95710 j^s var.) 
999': fom. S,ij\A a she-camel shaped like a male 55' 

Mj^ epith. of an ancestress 871^, of war 854' 

^j. ^i to become full-grown 260", A\-> a full-grown man 2", oLJa/» 

full-grown mares 871 

i_/'jt ~ Oy^' c;Ai'JI the tribe sent forth their scouts 927'ii 

IS'i me 26011 gg^. 

»LS'i maturity nV, see 260'' 

tiJU strong-scented, i^)-v*^.*if , p ' J 786'^ 

^/J epith. of musk, 554-, of wine 1007': ills' j a portion of musk 879^ 

Jjjj. SJlii (pi. of jAji or jJJj) .v*;«-fa 9S3'<, Lij>-ij J^jJ / wokW hme 

humbled him 1048' 

jOj. JJJlVs rfrwen oii< (said of a lizard which is furood to loavo its hole) 
848* ( = 218"), var. oUjU 845 110(08=1 

jyj an easy, gentle pace (in a camel) 804>=: a camel easy to ride 
1022' ( = 70412) 

^ u. to incite, urge on 642* 810' 

yjj to feel the neck of an unborn camel in order to ascertain its sex 
(with ace. of the camel) 329«, see 352^ seq. 

'^IJG to incite one another 644* 

ystXi the neck of a camel 8521* 

jj.3 a kind of pace 134™, see 1010= seq. 
JyJ marching at the pace called ,^i 192* ( = 235") 1010* 
J.^3 ( = iW) 1010= 

SUa see 54^^ 

^o to retreat, walking backwards 7971- (^g yar. ) 

vliJ {pl. of v>-J'^) *«*«» 465", hence portions, shares 4511 4J7S 
(as var.) 

Lljj or Jj'jj Me Ainder part of the wing 400= ( = 765*), the rump 
of a man 8261" 

^Ij^f (pl. of v^^) consequences, results 743^ 

vl^-i (pl. of iusj) showers of rain 22» 

jj ( = 1^1) 1082": Hill"; ,3 <*« confenfe of A»s 4«% 888*: oU 
(j.yi a blow on the head 933" 

00 a. /o (l/-*i'e off an enemy 65- 

jjj a small herd of camels 52-, pl. jijji Tlo" 10811^ 

S^i ( pl. of Ou!o ) 802" 

JoS — JuJU! obj Me driving of camels by night 8211* 


OjuVo manger 84^' 788 notes - ( as var. ) — the meaning " saceus pabu 
latorius", given by Freytag, is not supported by Lissn IV 147^ 
cf. XI 1623 

^jjj. ^\i n. to taste (with v) 900^' 

i_cjj. 3IJ withered herbage bW- 894" 

iV.->- iv.'i <» •»<''« hyaena 317" 863* 

yj. jjj to smear the teats of a she-camel with fresh dung ( ;ji or ,jj 


^_ijj. o^-"^ ^^ O^^ poison 543^'- 827^ 

Joj. jjjl to 6e treated with contempt 592" (as var.), J!j^-j used for meat 

work ( said of a horse ) 304" 

Jjjj (ph of 3^3) applied to winds 537" 
^^ clad in a flowing robe 891- 

wf . . vS '^* "^* ^/^ mending, repairing 564^, w;L UPA-n*..*^ wAefi lY needed 

mending 1026- 

^^Iji (pi. of vi/») menders, repairers 953' ( = 4181*) 

jl,. JU^ see JW^;; -""ier ^^ 

oTj. j7y (pi. of jfj' or OjJ) «K extremities of tho jaw-bone 7,53» 

y»l^. i^»lj a. to ,«/0e bij the head lOlO" 

(^.1^ — u-Uil y^ij J.£ (;i the presence of the people iHl", soo '{'abort 
Gloss. 8. V. 

U-^'j ( = u~^j) chieftain 972>": (//f «i/ra»w of a yalloy 513«, pi. 

L~Ijj sword-hilt 611' 

J-J'j - & 'j-J}'^ S"" 18815 445" 

*j. to treat affectionately (with w) 910^, *-)?. epith. of a she-camel 

which has given birth 343* 380^ 393<5, pi. Ij!.j 8673 cf. U^ |»5C3 

909', applied also to women 765- 

'^f (pi. of Ilj) antehpes 271" 

^=!, ^0 ma^-e a public display ( with wj of the olyeet displayed ) 831^^ 

JiO «o comuU together 10S8« 

"iii., appearance 164' (as yar.) 

sjj places that are within siyht of one another 286" 

^Jj a familiar spirit 67»- 316" 790»s 

j^i^ — «_«-«wS5 (_5f.-/« s%Af and hearing, i. e. rfa% interci)urse_S2o\ 
hence familiar objects 834^5 

health, to refresh (said of a place) 824»: /o season a skin-bottle 
W.W fruit-juice (vj) t022» 

_4J «<> '■«"'■ children 776», i^-I reorerf ki/A core ( epith. of a mare ) - 
192* ( = 235=") 

^jj to stick closely to a person or thing (with ^) 683=, partie. 9T6= — 
see also ^y» below 

-r^f fo he brought together 912*, properly of arrows placed in a case 

'Lj close contact (see Zij above) 1002«: see also 946* 
wJU) coll. cJoMiis suspended bemalh other cloads 138' aecj. 636' 933= 8e<j. 

w^j-jj nursling 687^^, pi. fem. v^Ij, wvmm delicately rearedi?) HT^*- 

£y (pi. of v^j) confederacies 156» (text doubtful) 

«_»-« a she-camel that has heen covered by the male 1045" 

ow, . e^j to delude, outwit 739™ 

lXjj. i3J^' to iecome rfori (said of the face) 351', to scowl 49216 

o4, (pi. of O^J) epith. of ostriches 5145 

Juyo a p/ace wAere camels are tied 688^^ for Ajj^ji see Index IV 

iju,. JuJ mmJJe, ocWfe 4988 

\jnij. ij^y to wait for an opportuniltj (absol.) 360" 715'- 

[jBJ. . (jajj to crowcA ( said of dogs about to spring ) 325- ( var. u:^.*:^, ) — 

for this use of the active form cf. liJj 

^J^J to act as steward to a king (with J) 809* cf. 7815 

tjaij a lodging, home(?) 512^ 

ill, . -tifjy metaph. to reduce to subjection ( with ace. ) !)3i" 

t::jU2jL« troops stationed on a frontier 354- 

&■ h.b "■ '" ''""' remain in a place 21''' (\Ja: = ^,cSU Jj:): to restrain 

oneself, refrain (absol.) gaO" 964=*: to take the fourth part of the 
spoil 835" ( = 482'') 836" (=29»i:): pass, to be watered with 
rain during the season called %^j ( said of a place ) 964" 

Mjj a kind of quick pace 184" 

dj' OM animal which has shed the tooth called i^L 1082-, pi. i 382' 

^*j eaj^ly, primeval 947^; fcsm. 'VHHj '* she-camel ^Aai brings forth 
young early in the season 36'" 

y^Sj (pi. of 'i«jl^) showers that fail ill the j^j 6871' 

,«J3> « disease which attacks young camels 976- 
i^i — tiUjy thy four feet 1010' 
,«jy» ( = v^J, ) rainy season 328> 386 notes '" 
'ix^fa a square court (?) 732' 
oUj^ c/oKds (*«< ir««(; rain in the j^j 1033« 

— ^^ ^ ^^ a bow-siring twisted of four strands 947- 

the fourth part of the spoil 92'(?) 192" ( = 236-) 299" 470? 63 
land which produces herhacie in the %^, 956' 

u. or i. to tie, fasten ( with ace. ) 797*, to fasten lamls, kids • 
with a cord 667- (obj. understood) 

Jiuj cord 171" seq. 572« 712" 792'-> 868 notesi (as Tar.), du. 268»s 
604* seq., pi. Jy 2692 293i» 325" 60516 773i' 786= 797*:metaph. 
task, enterprise 91' (Aghsnl XVI 29'> explains ^JOJiij U objJ!) 

jJJ-, y^'^ see 283- 622'" 

JUjj searching for prey (epith. of a lion) 2831 622«, pi. j-Ji^' (as 
if from a sing. JUl,) 451* (as var. ) 

^^J to surpass (with J*) 499' 

jj, the pantintj of a horse 206'* 

^' projectinij (epith. of the _i) 573" 

iilji^ hill, metaph. a suhdirision of a tribe ^"^ li^lj 1027" Ui37» : 
pi. vSj A'*'"' 382', metaph. ckirftains 37- 1035» 

_Ai' I pi. of ;4i\) .<<.'jis, foot-holds on » mountain 450* ( = 429') 

Jiij . oiH, o«« wio mends a rent 1U46', oil''—' J^ *•"-•' ^^ ^iixiJI ae 

mischief was irreparable 723" 

liSuj. ij' a kind of pace, Ui' adv. at a trot 259' 

fij. 'fij i. to crush 292" 

jlsj coll. o kind ofjhruh 106- 

;j; see p; 

hj. liiy to dcmiS; X-o^ (with ^) 2091" 210= 

iljj a mixture of fresh and sour milk 206' seq. 207'* 

i*ij. Ji^jf to pick up a wounded man (ace.) 126' 678«, pass. 665' 

vij adj. tattered, ragged 76" 

xi'lj. tattered condition 315' 

l^j . |Is^ ( pi. of |.3°l ) irofcu so as to bleed ( said of horse-hoofs ) 292" " 

(as var., with van f^j) 

-Li. (pi. of f^y) i'i' applied to the hoofs of camels 1011^ 
L>j. Xi=-^! see Index III 
Ai^, . _»i, to respect, venerate 820'' 

3^i^ see 1063* scq. 
ic>j. ^Sj to fall heaeily (said of the snow) I09|i-: Jjy trembling, quiv- 

ering, o^y' ?^V ^--^'''i ^^^\^^i '^y^ ^^^^ 
\:>j. ^xij a. to outweigh (ubsol. ) 506', with Jj: 904"': to cofifetirf against 

some one (with v) 5B"'" 

_\;^, (pi. of — 1:>3 ) heavilg laden 229", metaph. sedate, impertttrhable 
•iW 868" 

f^f (pi. of Ji^f^) sedate 143« 
i>-j . ^3^1 ** thunder-cloud 787 notes ^ seq. ( aB Tar, ) 

^y: tltuniermg (epith. of a clond) 1009" \f>li^, kJJ^\ '.-f'f said of 
a storm 935% so also ^Ui^ W?li 1018' 

j-^j. u~<-) dtflement 396'- 

illi^ a thuMkr-dmid 787'- 

J._^^ confusion, disorder {?) 13V 

f^ »^j i. (0 rfo a thing repeatedly (with ace.) 967i»: U'iL ^^ to return 

a salutation 38» 

,iij to repeat (with vj) 9143 

5^j. (0 Anfe a paroxysm (after being bitten by a serpent) 695- 

^J to retract a promise (?) 681'* 

gi.°jcli (0 utter the formula .aJ! jL" U] 965' 

j4-j o «*««' of water 183'» 

^A^, (fear^ (epith. of a she-camel) 176^: pi. «>., r«(ttrnm^ from an 
expedition, j^jiji ,i=-j 289" 

cy>-« anstcer 353'^ 

Ucf-.. wiij "• (0 tremble 578*'(f) 963" 

^,,fi:>, ( pi. of w^'j ) trembling 1'- 

O^j — {tf***^^ 'J^s *"*^ '*^^o wanders about in the erening 36^ ( text 
doubtful ) 

>JjV) swV. ^'' ^J^j *?'"•■ "' » shfi-oamel 1012» 

J.i.j. >s-y (0 obliye some one to go on foot (absol.) o86« 

"LL„ X3b-' etc., see 143" 

j^^ - J^^ J^ in a state of alarm (f) 160* 

idL:>, strong of foot ( epith. of a she-camel ) 55'', of a mare 154*, pi. 
jub-J metaph. distresses (?) 627' (text doubtful) 

j4- J' — u~<-iJI d^f si' before the sun was high in the heavens 665* 
j4-t/» cauldron (usually of iron, see 708^) 230« 547" 708» 767W 8o2« 
1033*, du. 5428, pi. J-^Uo 684': metaph. impetmsity, anger .S 
j4-/J', S!*-*'. pl- bursts of anger li^'^ Jc jii 606" ( = 684" ) 
^ij ( pl. of L>j ) piles of stones 296' ( as var. ) 
j.'b.j o ca»V« placed over a grave 23's I006» I008> 

j^tjj (pl. of ^U^r-K) camels that scatter stones as they run 374 notes'^ 
(as var.) 

-*=*, pelting, i.e. hurling invectives towards an object (ace), epith. of 
a SuVy^ 620* 

^j^^ (pl. of ^j) reproaches 110>=' 

j»i.yi a horse <Aa( smifes the ground vioknlty us it runs iS^'' 63'" 589' 
( = 10808 J _ ijenee applied to a poet 29« 

^'y> conjectured, i. e. doubtful fig' ( =■■ 785'- ) 

^lyi combatant 31¥ 403-, hence .s-o«iVis( 718'- 746" 757'^ 1046< 



to become bad (said of food) 




n. to expect help from a. pors 

on (ace.) 610>, to found one's hopes 

on something (ace.) 645'": i 

hope for victory over an enemy 

(MO.) nV 709« 740- 777' 


the side of a pit or well 482 

'" 8oq, [«eo Index IV s. v. b-",^! 1 , 

du. yl^j ibid. 904" (tbo „,, 

jlaphiir is here taken from n bm-kot 

which is being lowered into i 

. well), id. .^j! 1012', applied to 

the sidcD of a cauldron 505" 


j^l^°l purple cloth 5221 670" 

i_jL=-. epith. of a woman 476» 

Z^'j ( = 3^; 1)) 8755 

w^^,! a cry addressed to horses 664^ 

iL^J a she-camel of a certain breed 610' » 

Ij! w!d« (said of a hoof) 79S» 

J^_j. Sb.^ o raiBei's sadiife 617' 928", pi. JJ^j 662» 

J^y« a man employed in saddling beasts 2041* 

3^^ embroidered (after the fashion of a saddle) 706' 

^j . ^b-y ( pi. of ^j ) used for the singular 525' 841" 

^^j. ^J'j the middle of a cloud 270" 

i_jai-j. 02=", soft, tender 8911 

SAa==-^ indulgence, gentle treatment XIV 

^j . ij^^j coll. a kind of shrub 63410 

y> . L<^^J ^^ slacken a rein (ace.) 5861*: to remove, carry away (with ace.) 


i^j-j ( = sUi- , ) ea5(?, tranquillity 586- 
^^^j>, tranquil 531^ 

'.13-jl smooth pace of a horse 24Iii seq. 

i^^i — wUjLiiJ! ili-^ epith. of a mare 5851' ^ = io69" ) 

.iU { pi. of ilj.^ ) horses thai move at a smooth pace 292' 

J . Ij^ ( pi. of JoJ ) heavily laden 229 notes » (. as var. ) 

oj. . ^->jj' ^0 ^0 backwards and forwards 492^, .t.^^ jj>y irf. 260* 

JJ^I to recover stolen property (ace.) 679» cf. 841" 

^1^ spmkledjmtl^^ (said of garmentB) lOSS' 

CiS. to act as ehamberlain (absol.) 298", nee 809^ seq. 

Ji!>, to /'oiiow (with ace.) 4421^: see also oji^ below 

Jil to ad as chamberlain to a king (aec.) 836" ( = 2991-), var 

ijil^- to be amassed on a thing (ace.) SS'^ ( = 41"), var. ^Oy 
S>j chamberlain, steward ( at the court of the kings of al-llira ) 298- 
8oq. 339>5 781- 809*, du. 808" 897", pi. ijby 299" 800' 5891= 
pi. ijby buttocks (of a woman) olo' 

^JuOy (^^=OJ, ) chamberlain 1039^1 

lijr, the hinder part of a saddle 455i« ( = 1076-): pi. ^JJiJ buttocks 

^U. coll. persons followini/ one another 593** (of. 1001 notes 5} 1037": 
as adv. sitting one behind another (on a beast) 792« 

o'ojji camels ridden by two or more persons alternalehj (with ace. ot 
the riders?) 101211 

^of> id. pi. fern. 1012' (applied to camels): motapli. applied to a man 
overtaken by a series of niit^fortnnes 568 (var. ^o^.:;.^'), to an 
obligation incurred hj several persons in suecesaion ma' 

'^j i. or u. ( = i^) 291 4|s, n,,,,,!. "^Jj 29- 40" 

"^,Sj adj. ( = I.jy^) 1041' (as var.) 


fthe Barrier mb"\ mo l.vur'nn XVllI 94 

J^j, o kind of lance said to derive its name from a woman called 
Lijj 810", coll. ll^Jj 390" 924"< 
iji' I. to pelt 719=, hanca to use as a means nf defence (withv) *03" 
^^\J to combat 901" (yap. j,Ul,), see 7198 
^J to put on a garment ( with w ) 997^^, masd. with aec. (_&>— J' 


(_5J..« a block of stone amd as a missile, vij-^" i^^ '^'^ "^ * '"*'' 
719': pi. oU punt-poles 354" 

Ib^ o Jioci of stone 564", see 7194 

jj, . 3t3, drizzling rain 965^ 

^j . ^335, (Persian ajj, ) lamb 845i<> — the interpretation "skin stript off" 

does not suit the context 

i_5 J . i^ai. adj. wasting away from sickness 668", pi. fem. Ujj 549* (m Tar.) 

.,•,,. .I-.i, exhausted {said of a camel) 944is, pi. ' ■! 504* 
C>.^ C-J-^ - ..^ c^-^ 

^iy« lit. vine-prop, hence a /Srm support {applied to a man) 612» 

( = 285«) 

6j- riy '" """"' ^^^" ®^^* 

LijJ jrrow; of a wild beast 406'» 
0)j- Ob ^""'-'^"9 ground 823»' (as var.) 

t,.^. . oU— I, penetrating ( epith. of swords ) 390" 

J*„!5j soiid { epith. of mountains ) 1044"' 
JU.-J. 3^j district 299= 

-.--J. l^\j dry, iurii (said of pitch) 909K (as ■rar.) 

i^«,, . . ^Jt.. u. to discuss, negotiate about a thing ( aeo. ) 750^* 

Lr,l id. 738« 

J-Iji' id. 729' 738" (as var.) 

..JtM.. \Ju^. u. to walk with short steps 590^, masd. cjla*-, 277^ 

^j (pi. of ^r,) 558K 

i)-~_> ■ J-""; '" S'"*^ messages to a person ( ace. ) , said of a woman seeking a 

husband 650" 

Ji-j see 2639 

jJ«j SM^pJy of mji* 619 504": UXLj ^ easily, without effort 738^ 
(see 160 notes = ) 

J-*«Lc joints (?)y see 629 notes ^ 

S^^\yi ( pi. of Jl—j* ) swift camels 34' ( as var. ) 

I.-.I5J ( pi. of i^Ij ) SMu/f (;ame!s 33i' 345» 374" 427" 10466 

,,,V"_) " quick pace 1", see 34' 

-U« J i^g ac^ of driving camels at a quick pace 806'* 

^^ ( pi. of |.L,^ ) sMi>/« camels 34' ( as var. ) 

(ILxl. a pteM wiio/* deserves notice (?) 906'» 

0>«j . o'^^)' ^^^' ^'^ 0*"J^ bridles of horses 881'" 

jj-j. j_^jl to tether a horse (aec. ) 673'- (text douhtful ) 

iXi,. vXwji io fit the arrow to the bow-string (with 2 acc.'s) 570^ 

yiyi.. U^^j^j adj. tender (said of meat) 1048'-'^ 

(jSj.~,. iJiLii, outflow of tears 931' 

JiUi°,| »d. 396' 

wA^j u. or ^ft-i, to such 553^*^ 
olAiiya long-mcked (epith. of gazellea and women) 423^^ SSS^** 

^I hmiiy a blotchy ampkxion or, according to others, gluttonous 44» 
jyiilj see 661 
i^^^J to receive as a bribe ( with ace. ) 3771^ 

SUi, cord 418" { = 1070") 752' 763« 916', pi. lijf 1171 
Ji^j i. see 755* 

i_jU?j saliva, metaph. hail-stones 42i^ 
.*^ a. to dreofc, crusiii (stones etc.) 618" 
i^ijj a crushing meight(f) 1037' 
ieyaj ;)e?)Wy ground 618" TOS'i lOll* 
,«j metaph. to beg of a person (ace.) 682* 
^hj (pl- ot ^Ij?) women <?.-<!.>ij siicA 704" (var. ^sp!) 
j^yu~a a child put out tn nurse 977^ 
U^j. kJ^j the bones near the knee 593* 709" 

J^j. juij (pl. of iilj) (a«ers 635^ 

e^j. olinj (pl. of SJij) properly ear-rings, hence appendages 2811 

Ac^. A£j! to ««m6fe 412' 674M (read ai^) 

SJujJj a_«)wa»-rf 388l« 
^fy- tf'f '" ^''''"' "^ ^**'* "' * ''"y) *^^' *^^' (** ™''-) 

j^j- ^'f^f ^"fl f'"' '*" (from the Aramaic HiJI IJg, see Dozy «iSapplS- 

(ji^j adj. tremhUng lOS^** 

i_«e,. ^ii^ a. or u. io drip 5661 58013 

was, (pi. of wAC-L) bleeding 558-^ 578^- 

oUcyC*—* rushing forward in advance of others (said of cavalry) 647^^ 

Jj:^. Ji:_j (pi. of xilp troops of cavalry 292- (as var. ) SOP 

'bSh. looseness, hence stupidity 184i^ (see Maidsnl I 217^* aeq. ) 

J.a£:, a iroo/i of ostriches 272^ 

ji I swinging ( epith. of a blow) 184", hanging loosely 231' 

^j. ^j mountain-crag 605', pi. ^,c^ 559" 632" 10839 

aJ^, imbecility 491- 

^^°l MMMi™'!.!''?''''- "f ™ '»™'y) '*^'' 1925 ( = 236') 4()gs goo" 1021« 

^j. ^J^ij s. to give heed to a thing (aco.) 306' 780«, with J SSO'^ (text 

doubtful ) 

^J shepherd 221'^ 

iL^yi, jUcyf or sUc J ( sic leg. ) id. 2" soq. 

i_»x w«s4) »<»•''. a»»J)fc (said of wealth) 57", pi. ^Uj applied to tribes 1097', 

to chieftains 465", to heads 1047"' (var. UUic), to minds 1039-, 
to gifts 1033« 1036'2 

e«J=j. 0_^j o suckling ( i. 0. the foal of a camel i") 675" — the meaning " a 

female that gives suck" does not suit the context 

Ac,. Jki, adj. lining at ease 977' (sing, form uaod for the pi.) 

iJ^j. jsl'l ( = j/l) mcircumeised 23l» (as var.) 

^j. "fUj coarse sand 259'- 260' 2cil'=' 10T4' 

f^f abasement, hmniliation 1041^ 
yi^. U, n. to bellow ( said of a camel ) 32« 796" 8631, „om. vie. 8^^ TSS's 

.^.\ to present a camel to a person ( with ace. or J of the pen. ) 32" seq. 
^^t^- to bellou! at one another 1799 (see 5«i3 997") 
Lir, bellow 924" (_^l is here = i^i ^, see 796" seq.) 
Li.. Uy to approach {with ^1) 10881* 

>^>j, . c>j, u. to break, crush 467^, masd. '^^ij, ibid. 

oljj see 467= 
(As . jl, drinking-bowl 222^, metaph. Sif*, ftounii/ 5961^ 

Jcljj ( pi. of BJjIj ) benefits 98112 
ili^ drinking-bowl 493^ 791" 
0;^j . 3/j <Ae flap of a cnirasB 579" 

tjsiy [jij i. or u. to abandon 354" 

L^,t to be poured forth (said of tears) 4331 6851": to ie dispelled, to 
vanish 83' 

53.. Kj, a. to ea:toi a person (ace.) 331i": to make haste 296^ (as var. ) 

426« ( = 22917) 961=: towiMMC (with^y:) 10208; pass^to oppeor, 
become visible to a person ( with J ) 781* 697' : to ie Mcyrf »« at 
full speed ( said of camels ) 295" 

'^j to urge on a beast (ace.) 891" 

jiiy to oppcai to a legal authoritj (with ^1) 214» 

jcajy remoml of a burden eto. 1006' 

,« , . ^ ^> f P^" *i^ & ) '^^'^^^^^ 1" t^^ ^^'s» especially on the inner side of 

the thigh, 279" (var. ^^t) 378» 


UiJy to handk a thing skilfuUij ( ivith ^ ) 590' 

illj a company of travellers 805' 925", pi. vJlJ; 37113 

jLfij deft, skilful 4191; ffentle 4551- ( = io765 ) 

vjiy more skilful 842" 

ji, u. to trail one's garment, i. e. to behave arroijantly 355= 

\ij a. (0 cease to shed tears (said of the eyes) 694*, to cease 
(said of tears) 837= cf. 1004» 


childless 57« 

v^j iitoce, position (?) 58? 
OSjS; ■ ^l*) *^ ^*^* tears rise io the eyes ( with ace. of the tears ) 711 

ij// to glimmer 694 notes ^ (as var.); to rise to the eyes (said of tears) 
8378; to trickle MV^' 

(jaliy a cause of dancing 1008" 

jij to patch up, mend (with aeo. ) 853i 864i«, metaph. to concoct, 
invent 57" 

«iy;>) a place of patching, i. o. an opportunity for satire 181 n 
ijjjl to <aA:e captives ( absol. ) 584i^ 
3i] soft soil with stones under it 303" 
3d'^ a thin cake 840* 

fH, a kind of varieyated cloth 823ii 

iUi. — du. two marks which woro branded on the rurap of assoa, .J 
ylii^l 280", ^;^Jt oij 82»»: pi. oUi, pools in a mlley 1036- 
fSj tarn. ilSj a kind of snake 373' seq., pi. jjU 620« lOlQi'' 

^j. 'ifij magic 800" 

kJi. magician 841* 

'Sj id. 843- 

wJ' . LS — Ljloy u^y they ( i. e. the horses ) follow their fore-locks, i. e. 

they march they know not whither 461^^ 

w-^ , to ride a borrowed horse ( with ace. of the horse ) 50® 

ZSj see 10291" 1044« 1097« 

lIJ, (pi. of sis' ) — »ltXsUi v^^ knees of kids, as a term of reproach 

•-Jjij easy to traverse (said of a place) 929'- 

L/j ( pi. of iJ'j or of Zs^j ) 2as 328« 

LSJ id. 681« 

xliU?j see 56" 

i^ 6wA orign 884S 806" 

oSj. JO'j u. to remain quiet 793', j.Ukjl SAS"!^ standing motionless 1014' 

iji^ fi4/ (said of a cauldron) 505S 

U^j. Cs^'j a. trans, to make to run WV: |^Ls»J! ^'^. ^-^i *% (i.e. 

the camels ) continued to kick the crooked sticks, i. e. to march 
quickly 1099', see LiaBn XVI 262" seq. 

,:i~if ,1 applied to a pregnant woman, with ^ of the child 790>* 

eUj. A^'j insignificant, yUl"^l iJiSj 904 notes > (as rar.) 

^j. $j the act of kicking 1621 

Jjiyi (pi. of yp:) the flanks of a horse 674" 

f^'y adj. piled up (epith. of a cloud) 10091' 10141- 

^y the central part of a sand-hill 934« 

j^. . 1^^ the main stock of a tribe B36i': pi. ^^j^J? iie sides of a mountain 

5701- 900*, the wings of an array 882s 

j^. . ^, a well, construed as masc. 1022^'^ as Um. To^s 535*^ 

■Zi'^ id. 4901 seq. 

Jvx, . oA^, or i.>A/=, apparently used as a synonym of ^U, «sAs6' 796i^ — see 

Tabarl 1 234" 2381" 

yij. '^\ to move the eye-brows (ace.) 863» 

j>oJ' ^0 make signs 3191, j^j- jt^orewftif 1611' 

,j^j . J~.!,_J ( pi. of xl^l^ ) tmnds rarn/iii,/ dust 2691- 4790 gSO' 

J.^^ iuWerf 822«, nietaph. (said of tidings) 6657 ( = 940" ) 

l^. . ^LiM. stonij ground B1(P 

^.. J-Jsjl to compose verses in the raiiutt metre 104811: ^^ bereaved; destitutt 

pi. masc. 1002" 

^pji stained with blood 3081 

^j. 'fj to become silent (followed by 6jjd.) 36B' 

jU, coll. decaying l:ones 4221^ soq., pi. ^Lo, 101 51*1 

'^Itj decay, rottenness lOlS''' 
*^. eoll. mouldering remnants 110" 9i0i^ 

rS' (pi. of o)"'- ■'«" '-'2" 

i_^j. ^_.J«j I. with 2 aoe.'s 331'", with »j and J.I 5r>l)»: puss, /o be turn,; 

away ^'•^^' ^^ (*M?-^5 i.'^J^ *^^'' "*'" ^^^''^ 

^^i^ to cast away (with o) 983^: to drive backwards and forwards 

(with v") 1009* 
j_(*iy ( = ^yj ) with ace. and w lOai'" : to throw a thing about ( with 

v) 3780, said of a river rolling its waves 9821 

xl«. victim 166" 

Jya ( pi. of »Uyi ) missiles 6^^ 

j;>j . iij to stun 690*, iJ^ 505", applied to intoxication 8908 

iJy- Bee 6909 

|Jj. py- to hum, chant 628 ( = 63^) 3421 

_^ , . U, , U, see 60 notes ^ seq. 

^*^. 2i>j fear 54= 

.iJij . l»j cloud of dust 247" 268^ 335» 873i<> 1018= 10331= 

.jj^j . '^J^j ( pi. of ^^33>j ) sparrows lOOi" 

;P. . ^, a. to move about ( intrans. ) 3'^, masd. j^ ibid. 

lifj . Jaity ( pi. of 15J) 46* 

v_iS> ,3^.1 (0 sharpen a sword 56ii, ._ai'^ epith. of a sword 590', »-i-*j-« 

coll. 694" 

oiS\. ^Jl to opertafe (with aco.) 1019', partic. pass. 693» (as var. ) 843 

notes *• ( as var. ) 

^j. ]ij plumpness 967« 

j5^ plump 19= 

^. . ^. a. to j/iee a hostage or pledge to some one ( with 2 aoo.'s ) 93^ 


^^°I to make a thing permanent ( with ace. ) 253* 


O^'j V"-"' 

continual 253* 

Ijj . Vj coll. a kind of shrub 107" 

to be churned (said of milk) 542- 

z^j- t) "■ z.: 

betake oneself eagerly to a thing (with J.!) 1031' 


trans, to bring in the ecenimj 94712 (see 291>- 
in the evening ( said of a wind ) 596^- 

j^^L to do a thing uUernately with something else ( with ace. and ._j ) 
1036*: to place an object alternately on two others (with 2 aec.'s ) 
iUXc U^'c _j!jj' carrying a milk-pail first on one shoulder and 

tlien on the other .^336 

bring home in the evening 536', „t.x camels brought home ( opp. 
, 1,-i) 815M 

^jLj' to visit alternately (with ace.) 992^ 1060' seq. 

'jy^! to smell a thing (ace.) Tei» 807', pass. 460> 

iSlj a» etioKBi^ cicmrf 290'-< 

i^. a free, open space 147' 1023^*' 

lljj ease, >•«!«/' 7168 871" 

lij^l more agreeable 500'»: /mc/m^^ « wid.! .s/Mce AdHiceil the feel (said of 
a camel) 500^', pi. ™», turning the toes outwards (said of men) iV' 

i^L^.l feelings of delight 633^^ 

tf^jj' — ~\^5j^' ["^T? J^ battle in which tho Ghassanid prince Ibn 'faibu 
was defeated and slain by tho Banu Nahshal 701''', oallod xlij: 
-Hip^ 702= 

5^ (pi. of j^ or fc.,^) /.. 

jjj . tXSij one who is sent in search of forage 990", pi. o,^ 492', or ol^j 614>8 

jlj' (said to bo for iC 963') a woman mho gads about 963', iC 
jlLl 1026" 

JOjj as an exolam. 87= (see Hamasa 56«): as an adj. liJ^j tilii. 

oS^ ojoew pasture-land 207^ 

Ojils a piece of iron to which a beast is tethered 7SS- 799* 

■•,. :i. n. to poisCj weigh in the hand 41* 

xjc^y. aLOjl^i negotiation 738'- 

tj,. cJ'J ^o 6e scared, i.e. shocked 1089" 

c^ys disturbed (applied to sleep) 825*' 

i J . ^L u. (0 jre( om« of the way 598' 6145 

c! .f to seek to grasp an object ( ace. ) 669'^ 

who turns aside 614" 
to strike with wonder 

^j,. the prime of youth 43'; as an adj. flourishing, in its priim 899 
(^497»): du. the curtains of a tent 806» 

ij'j, u tent occupied by a ebioftain 356'- 

ou^ iiiguur ( m fighting ) 084'*, sea also 43* 

ryiy i<^^5)' disastrous (said of a battle) 404'^ 

^j^. %ij rhapsodist, see lO's fiS* seq., pi. aij^ 6215 774s. „ |.n„,j j„j„ 

wii/i woter 191", pi. Ujj 10"': bljj umier-skins 1024' 

bJ, or Aj, a place abounding in water 01" 

^C>. plump, covered with flesh 7'", fem. Uj 43312 : i„toxicaUd 8U« 

=;, copious (said of a skin-bottle) 154^ 

j°1 (pi. o{%) cords 117' 

■Jj I. to be delayed 22" ilP^ ( = 475'), masd. 

jiy to delay (trans.) 411' 

^r, I., ^.ilj see 317>» 

jU thin ( said of marrow ) 862i 877'- 

Jj I. to strut Hl-'> 
luj. J4, o kind of textile fabric 354"' 1083" 

jcj. . o^; ^^'^ foremost part of a swarm of locusts 572- 


ted land B469 

otj. /o s^ii OM^ 841'' 

I^K, I. (0 ^mw ( with aco. ) 889' 

Pj stair-case (said to l)o a Yemenite word) 182" 


SOjjpo frii/htened ( opith. of a ahe-cuniol ) 10(i= 

v] (=/3) 1061« 

V^J) luxuriauce of the hair .'59'" 

ilij a specics of mouse 1027', coll, wLj 443' 

w.^j applied to /'nwA grapes, _v-j'p ^JO' 457'" (=1077"1 

wjl fta/Vj/ 321» 85611' 938", f«m. ■•J; 781", pi. ,Lj 878' 

J>jj //-oWi, U:!! Ou] us a torin of hIiuko 940" 95i»'» 9(!8''= 9!)7" 

j.y aUaijftlar, entitely 21512, gjgo .j^.^ 215" 

Jjj. >_i^ « iaiiif, hence an object handled lightly 846« 

^y. Qjj 1. (0 (ArMs<, to ktck (with ace), properly said of a ahe-camel, 

hence of war 614', masd. '^j 1041" 

^; . (J; T. to drag, bring 761^ 

j_^!^l (pi. of ^^jt or ii-o^l) liveliness, high spirits (in a camel) 578" 

^j . yij u. ^i '^j to drain omens from birds 190« 

-^_ id. 718.0 , 

^^■, . Jw*; loud ( epith. of a thunder-cloud ) 849* 

i^ly see 2I5» 

Jl-°-°' to strain the sight (ace.) 515" 


j=-j . p-j a. or i. to groan, hence <o em;( with a noise ( with i_i of the 

object emitted ) 210', masd. ^j 624" 917^, Ip^j ^tf itilii si^bR 
( = s>li£ Xjjb> c»Jv5 ) 624* 

_^j. j-j^-ji^ «/«</« 509* 

^a^j. wA^v' intrans. /o remain still 599^, oU==.j.fl camels that stop short (from 

exhaustion) 821* ( = 818*) 

^A=-j ( pi. of wis-lj ) crawUtu/,jnarching slowly ( said of horses ) 566' 

ijl^j — »l_i:>JtJi ^Lij a man who crawls to the earning meal 36" 
(m var.) 

Jo-^i (ra«, morfc 592" 

J,=.j, ji-j a. /o ffdre, turn aside (intrans.) 187" 223i'> (text doubtfnl) 

J-s-j-- a place of withdrawal, i. e. an opportunity of seceding 401" 

wRi:>; . ^si=>: to roll, push, hence to hand oner a thing to a person ( with ace. 

and i!) 3525 

JiLi J to he driven off Sm" 

f^-^. !»=-; a. to thrust, push {with ace.) 4311": to press in (absol. ) 215" 

f^j to press against a jerson ( ace. ) 164=, roetaph. 215' 

*J-oy to press in 215^ ( as var, ) 

fLz-j throng 595' 1017*, hence contest, batik 187" 263' 586>, metaph. 
distress 10061" (as var.) 

• Vjj' Vjj «» enclosure for smalt cattle 183" 493' Ii28», pi. ^j.j 262", v'j> 

468» or iLy 493» 

w.jA^ owe M'Ao hides himself 288i' 

•>,J • Ojj adj. applied to a horse 'A^H" = Persian w\: ijellow, unless it be a 

mistake for b,^ 
j_,j. jy (pi. o( jj) buttons of a cuirass 2358 sjgis 935s 

£jj. oy_,j ror«-ta«ds 623» ( = 908«) 541' 

(Jyj • ^.y "• '" ''"''' * "P*'"' "' " person ( with ace. of the pers. and vj 

the spoar) 145" 

V*j_jj . V^jj ^^^ ^*^'^^ 7791* ( these explanations are contradictory ) 

^J'y 14)3' loj^^^redit, disgrace (with >_j ) 1(>3"' 203= 226' 459» 

wkc;. iiji-iil; coll. epith. of lancoa 472'' 

ffr fff 'iJ: 

liver (said of lances) 834-' 058' 970" 

^jcj (pi. of jji=j) violmt (epith. of winds) (>9C'' 
Pj^^ shaken, said of lanoos 386 notes ^'; of a banner 8351* 

wACi^ mortally wounded 565^^ 

^3 repr 

eh loeii 

)7nmand, authorUy 102 

<^c\ (pi. of K-a-Lc; ) appendages, hence, applied to pereoas, riff-raff 
31" 291", iLtJ «d- 1042' 

lXc; /jw/^er pressed out of a shm-boUle, hence l^Xwi Ac: as a term of 
abuse 830>» 

.Jl'j a coat of mail woven of small rings 133»» 143'- 

^j i. to groan, gasp 9768 

j; a burden 692^, pi. .Is;! baggage 1041^ 

sl; .9i-oa» 595', pi. ci'fy 2311' 

^^jij a hand of helpers 112« 

ji'yi growl, murmur of rage 9891-'' 

uJ^J). ^Hj violent (said of a wind) 563^: S7naU feathers, or, aeeordil 

olhers, ^/i(^ flapping of wings 579'^ 

was;. ^^: i ^0 rww (said of camels and ostriches) 5(!0^3 1010*^, ma§d. 

426S ( = 229") 521» 560" (as var.) 1010" 

Jj small feathers (of the ostrich) 636S 

wii-, ( pi. of \Ji\-. ) running 560*^ 

J-j^. LJi^Li altogether, entirehj 352% i5]i (rf. (303- seq. 

_.ij. ioj'] see 157' 

jiy. ^.^ ( = ^/j) pure 1049" 

8/j offspring 16T» 

^1 . ^jA $canty, insignificant 406^ 

^_i:s>!j. JiiilJ- see 569» 

• jij. jjj baggage 234« 

JjJj. jj'i] hardships, troubles 612" 6361° 

>_i!:. o3ijl <»__'W^a(;/< 810= 

iCii; proximity 798", pi. ^Jui; in the phrase ^Ji-^-J\ j.^1 principal per- 
sonages {"i) 14^ 

J.ilj- ( = Ji^L^q.v.) 12" 



smooth horse-hoofs 929" 



'» ■"-"' " ""« (--) ««'>' 


a flaw in a pedigree 449" 


Unk, lean in the thighs 656« 


a slippery place 137» lii^ id. 234* 



see 215" 



reed-pipe (?) 1041' 



o noi'se made by camels when they ai 
the MagiansVf) aiiP 

•e grazing 355": pi. J.jU]jl 



to resolve upon ii thing (aoc.) 370W 


the basest pari of anything, ^jbbJ! jj; 

«A« Wfoiies/ o^(%s 1097' 

^j. jijl' /o i«-o^ oneself up 730'" 

i.,al,j (pi. of iiUlj) iwrarfo- «sfj /be bearing loath 1111 

idijj eoU. id. 663^ seq. 

j^j. jlj o.(?) to discuss, talk about a thing (ace.) 737" 

iliUi a woman of the clan Zimman ibn Taimallsh ( a sabdiviaion of the 
Bakr ibn Ws'il ) 9218 

M\. jjiij (fem.) a cold wind 52V 

joj . LSy^j "■ ^"^S' '*'? 2^*" 

Ou-. SSj metaph. a trifle, an object of no value 120" 763* (cf. Hassan p. 

383 J . pi, ^j fire-sticks SOfli 

*j; . o^^J '"'^ fleshy appendages on the neck of a goat, hence applied to 
two clans 4671* 

^:. ■^3ji to be on one's guard 690» 

i\\ dazzling (said of a woman's complexion) 992*, metaph. illustrious, 
of a person 994*, of a day 992"> 

oi^^. ^!) /a* (epith. of a horse) 781' 

*^; . *^3 grease 510^ 

_j*j. ItfJ n. to rejiiier light-hearted 6333 

^O;! <o carry along (with ace.) 810^- 

■ilSj — sl>j ,j HMiMrous 458'- 

o.j. Si^ coll. water-skins 10» 235' 1025' 

jjj-t a 6a7 fo) ranging food 794K pi. Oj'j^ 969" 

^j. Jj o oiiito), cHitors 38» seq. 3056: see also 823«(9) 

Z.^ ,1 ,am,l ««rf a^ o rallging-point in battle 258", da. 259' — see 
Ibn-al-AthIr I 452^8, where ^J^^ is explained as = ^^L^l 

jij\ a wide plain (?) 633is, fern, il^y id. 618»: pi. ^^j applied to 
lances, striking obliquely (?) 236' 

dsj- 3s[) '0 >«0»e aiout (trans.) 683'' (=10025) 

JfjJi to separate onettelf^ secede 239^^ 

3_sj . ij — j4^^ i\ ^^f i^^**"^ "/ death 59^ -' ^ 

1.1;/^. ui^Jj^ flavoured with olive-oil 526'* 

iXjj- 0I5 I. _^l ^ iij reeeim him with more than usual cordialittj 908?: 

to surpass in number (with ^) 912* 

tXjijj (pi. of iiijlp appendages, i. 0. eamp-followers 710'* 

— iij . ujj) I. to_ sfa'«<, u>alk proudhj_ 480* 

>_ajj counterfeit coin 990', pi. ui>j; 378" 

J.JJ. jj) St- ^ Jjj rL*!-"*"^ ""* ''""*''' '" ""'" **'"' ^''*^" ''f- *°5" ' 

Jol^ to separate (with ^^) 575* 

J.!!^' (0 /?y os«nder 198« 210", to be dispelled (said of a dust-cloud) 

O^y 0*i lo^ encourage a person (with J) 42S-, with J and L'' SI" 

V*-"- ^-jIjv- shepherd 813' 

t.>U* , --^^i lite act of journeying unintemtpttdly 503^ 

jL... .Uw OHe M'Ao leaves something at the bottom of his cup 324^'^ 

BjfcA* remains of strength 813" 

LL. LL 800 27610 

L«,U» (» cry addressed tu sheep or usses 276" 

JLw a. construed with ^ 284" 8848 

3}i. that which one demands 1090' 

^lyM the condition of a beffffar 1071* 

vl*« u. to cut the tendon of a camel 418« ( = 1070" ) 

^.j.**. head-covering 227^ 

IL. ( = ^ij 68111 

4*s-^~ fore-lock of a horse 304« 

>LjU~ (pi. of il^^) streaks of blood 702' 

oW** drowsiness 775^ 

ijUjl» ioW ( epith. of a she-came! ) 7" 

rf-f*. to make to swim, hence to publish poetry (ace.) 1048» 

I-jU. swi/;< (epith. of a horse) 486=^ 621" 674" 929" 

ir^^ to res* on a journey 635° ( as »ar. ) 

flLiAA*« a land containing salt springs 3671^, pi. A.m>. ibid. 

Jvlw coll. cattle 155 notes • ( as var. ) 

^jjU. closely woven ( said of garments ) 3561^ 

jU«~o a praJe for wounds 856" 

^jl~ ( = Oi^) 434>s 

.,1x1*. ( undetorm. ) i. e. the seven heavens and the seven earths 374^ 

t*.*..^ a child abandoned by his parents, an outcast 8281*, 975^, pi. 31^ 

vJUm. money, or other property, deposited as a wager 86^ seq. 

v_jijl^ ( pi. of X , . .p" .... j l— .V ) horses that win a race 5901*, hence esphils, 
acftievemcnts 942* 

oiA-^a defeated in a race, pi. raasc. 324^ 

i^J-fc*-. S^ — eC-w A-U- an obligatory practice 227^* 

J.|.~. j^ eii^e, border {?) 635» 

silL (ie «yp<!r part of the breast ( in a camel ) 4I41», in a falcon 775»' 
moustache 1062M, pi. JU~ 444* 9051 

iLL- coll. travellers 1038" 

JU-wJ downfiow of tears 286'' 

liuJ-.. Jows ramiMi/ arrows 98" ( = 422^ 107213 — text uncertain ) 

J-y*^ properly overflowed, *USj' xL.*^ covered with darkness 10141 

>i>A>-M. . 8UJ*.M- 8ee under ^i:ax*« 

,j-~- ^.5^' (=till) to My wine (ace.) 761" 

iUjL« ac membrane of the foetus 541" 996» 

j^^lJ (pi. of ilxll or tulj) s<»-eoi-s of blood 364- 

jX*^ . jbo^i ( Persian j^.^ ) a set of four objects, a party of four person 

334" 8631^ 
&Xw. ii:^*..' — ui'-wU exclam. shame tipoH...A 4111' (ggg Mubarrad 223*) 

,4X«. ^^ seo 719" 

iX^su.. JcSllii i.e. Medina 798" ( = 397<'), Jil lAi-%li i.e. Mecca and Modim 


iho Biurdor of Mas'nd ibn 'Arar 

the mocque at al- Basra 7;!7' 
^Ay moan 22' ( var. ^.<^\^, soo foot-note ) 
'\^-C. (fem. of li^l) reddish 132' 21Ui» 

^fi:^u.vo draten doMlp ( said of curtains ) 550^^ 
»js^. ^LsL» subst. downftow {of tears) 1004», of rain 1010=: adj. abundant 

( epith. of Uaiji benefits ) 1012>'' 
_*:su.. Juw — ^-j^^ (£^'^— having fixed eyes (epith. of the gwiBe) 904*M^»« 

w.^-». C^^^ see 278" 

>ii^.^yw . o-sjf^'^vc destroyed, consumed ( said of wealth ) 556^^ 
.ajsu.. 1.^?™ (pi. of #-3;a») scofs, abrasions of the sKn 823" 

i^L~« {pi. of ii^^) id. 592« 709" 
jsv^^ . .i— downpour { of rain ) 965' : adj. co«<>niiows 52" 

I%~,- a sMj/^ Aorse 677" 
_i^w« . ,sa-w ?«»(/, regarded as a seat of the emotions 5S2^j see 22 notes ' seq. 

.fcj^-w a meal taken at dawn 924^ 

_irv«-« ~ -J-:?;— ^ c^jje:=-j (Aey sent her back at dawn 592* 
lii-Ju (*e iime of the early meal (ironically) 1001* 
Ul^.~, . U^^ a. to carry away 290" ( as var. ) 
^^. 'iLS-w! to speak at great length 324- 
vjl*--. v^ii- a. (0 dtspei (a cloud) 290" 

J»is\l (pi. of ^j*'-") 2oK (said of paim-trees) 2911 seq. 
vj.^su, (pi. of xJi^L) worn-OKt, threadbare 377'" 
oi*:s^w pounded, pttiverised 78S" 
J^I- iai; { opith. of a mare ) 943* 

j>is^. '^L^ whisker (of a man) !6i»: the end of a horses hit 218" "08", 
pi. ^i.:»w-Js 336": a braying ass, pi. jj-L-j 3' 6S5» 

j*^sw. . ^•.:^u« ( pi. of ^^) ) black ( epith. of spoar-points ) 105^^ 

Jaj^ . -bi^w to he angry at a thing ( ace. ) 8.04^'' 

JmjSUw. J..:^>am coU. lambs or At^'ds 317^^, foaU of horses 603^ 

jUa™ (pi. of sLs-L) iamis or kids 293i« 

*:^W. X(.x.:^u- sp^■^e, malice 1083^ 

(jiUi . »j;i.»»/» a means of warming oneself 382« 

_jjSu.. ilyiu, a pJaire with a soft soil 411" 

~\\Mt , -..5LXv*^-4 iAroMJw rfoMJW 39# ( as var. ) 

oA«.. iA~! to ac< jMsiiy, hence to contend on equal terms against some one 

(with ^) 74« 

^iX^ . ijA**.t to grow dark 1'^^ 

Jd« see 1" 

~,JufXm, pi. oulA.w see 567" 

OtX*^ CMi into pieces ( said of a camel's hump ) 567^1 

dOk*,. aJJw see 29' 301^ 

jwXw . -lA*«i ( pU of *>A.v- or j.lVw ) springs of water smothered in sand 602^^ 

t_^X>*< . t_cAA« to stretch out threads for weaving, hence to undertake atfairs 1.5^ 

J ,_5l\*«j to mount upon an object, hunco /o overpower an opponent ( aoo. ) I ^ 

tjiiXw (/le Kfi of a fabnc 522' 

iy. lj-» a. aoe 179" aeq. 

yjj-w. Vj*^ ''^ y^' rtftoMi /rt a place (aco. ) 44^^ (as var.) 

^^ or ijfw .-■- .v-„ ji. (=,a^^« Ji.) a07''' 317'' 

Vj». trickling water 4331 

Ly~ adj. trickling 282» 10321 
w,L«-o ( pi. of vr*^ ) P<'thSy tracks ( of serpents ) 441^ 
^-w . 34/^ '^ P^^ ^^ * garment (ace.) IST^^ 

jb^ a roa( of mail 458', construed as fem. 92=, pi. j-jl^l 988* 995* 

_ — . _'Jw1 to .'soA/fr a horse (ace.) 235', with 2 acc'a 613« 

JLvSlf" coll. swords which are said to he called after a man named SuraiJ 
66" 6510 

__^. '^^ a. to smd (with v and i') 153' 

„y« io comb the head ( ace. ) 905" : to leave^ abandon ( ? ) 1085" 

''y^ to be removed (said of a'want) 500« ( var. -y^) 

^^ ease, relief (?) e24« 

'^b>j~ a wolf 677", pi. J.ij.i. 338" 

^-jijM coll. properly «fte straps wherebif camels^ shoes are fastened to the 
hoof, hence used for the shoes themselves 61^^ 2721® 

A^3--«<i a shou(r of arrows 5651*^ 

Ui=y-. ^y- see 260" (as yar ) 

CiOj-. ooy. a^royaltent 451" 78P (cf 786"-) 885>2 seq. 898», used also of 
the abode of Mslik ibn Misma- 1090S, pi. "^"j^^ff^f;^ *86» 

5». ^' to eommutucate a th<ng_«n «errrt (with ace. of the thing) 1021" 

^^~i»! to hide oneself 523" ( = 908"), masd. 859 notes' (as var.) 

-— conjugal relationship 765^, pi. ,U^' iV. 650^ 851* 

?.L r/ii! mWs( of a country 1021«: see also 915^ 

jlj~ ( = SjU~«) secret eomersation 868* 

y^ the bottom of a valley 228^ 

-w! a camel suffering from sores ( ,-w) o» the breast 456^* (^ 10761^) 

,5_w*^ an infant wAose umbilkal cord ( ,*—) 'ias Seen seiJere<^ 915^ 

J:j*« . Jr^f fo cause to swatlow, hence ^o mye a person io commit an act 

(with 2 ace's) 10591 

^jA-.! (0 swallow metaph. ibid. 

iljl sAafp (said of a sword) 63i 

jjby». ^^1^ voraeioits iW (as var. ) 

G y*« . otj«*>i sudden, impetuous acts ( of generosity etc. ) 942" 

\Ji£jm, wRcffw {pi. of o>c-w) «?ea&, ^««;j/ 260** 

iJi-«,. l3^ adv. stealthily Sll'* 

ijy:l.i sAori(?) 4371 

iy«. ^Ijli ( = »Ul!) 936 notes' (as var.) 

i_a*j««. k_A*j~, %_i*j»!, ^_i*lj~ see 260' acq. 

^yw. cjljj-v (pi. of s'y-') the bocks of camels 561^^ 

l^j.w. ^jl I. (0 craiJ, said of bodily sensations 20U» 620", said of oaros 269<' 


^ 't\j^ a kind of wood used for making bows .565'" v 

'ii^ a troop of riders 324' (as vnr.), pi. W^ 91a (=.5421') 680^ 

^M. jjiiL (pi. ofya..». or jIlw) Urns i.e. traces of an unoampmont 51(!>', 

^Lk-S (another pi. of the same) tines of writing 866- 

<iiw. ^ a. to rise into /he air (said of dost) 97", partic. 6921» 701" I0# 

765!, ^'lii! xiiiU. epith. of a dnst-cloud 291' 

J^. liul u. io rush (with Jj;) 84' 

JjE_. Juul^ to ieijj (absol. ) 1078'"; to take fart with others (aoc. ) in mour- 

ning the dead 53" 
1^ (pi. of jLLI) lucky amens 9806 (^is!, a p]ay on the name tW, 

of. jjjt-Ji JJi-1 9315) 

JvilT W. 4821" 4868 492» 789'' 989" 

Ju:I»-. (pi. of JkiU) — Jiclj^i ji>ii long-armed (epith. of nobles) 988" 

.JOur— a ^^a«i ir/iif^fe *5 eaten by camels and causes their milk to become 
thick 208« 

jtw. jti* a. to kindle fire, hence (o stfr up war (ace.) 118* 

-IsLw scorchinf/ heat 335^ 

!^ snbst. o ilaie of fire 735« 743»: adj. fiery ''^^ d^ 1048" 
U'^ (pi. of jLli?) (*c ?>•<!•».« of camels 554™ 8298 

.sU^ (pi. of jt*M8) pofers, i. e. warriors who stir np the fiames of war 

S9« 676'- ' - ■' '•' 
L^w-^ (pi; of °Utl-) «. 56H2 
;t*ut*«. «^*«jt*. see 276^^ 

«L^>.«.,: i fo waste away, perish 878- , 

v_^x*w . ^..Ak— ^0 approach ( with ai'C. i 6!f5-' 829''' ^ a-s var. ) 

^jili intrans, to be mar 577': pas? to oi.lain help (from Ood) 55S* 

J>*~. Jl*. (pi. of HbUu.) 


to meddle with a thing ( with w 1 

reduce a fomale slave 219^ 

j iL3i~~5 e/fort 90313: achievement 626", pi. pL-w-a 404' (=765*) 745" 
' ' 83613 93512 

V^i.". vljb» (pi. of j^Ui-.) famished 4i2* 476« (as var. ) 477- 

JJu^ . ^XiwJ <o mount a horse ( ace. ) 582'^ 

f^. 'JiL I. to uncover one's face (with ^) 60', absol. 765": see also 9" 

seq. 5421" seq. 691 notes* seq. 

^1 intrans. tojttncocer one's face 691" (Tar. o-s—): to be radiant 
with pleasure 992", partic. 404= ( = 765«) 

jfcw, ajL^w, fiju^^ see 9^ seq. 542'"- 

jAft*« a mediator, one who negotiates between tribes 9' ( :^= 542^ ) 7431'*, 
pi. Jljil 929» 

ji*.. fL» a. to scorcA (absol.) 74>- 966'», niasd. 'iZ, 749 

M«i scorched 82711; ^^^4 iraion (epith. of a falcon) 970i 

Jto. Jjtj*, (pi. of SiU) (Ae butt-ends of lancoa (opp. to J[^) 290" 

(^j-k«. a^UJt t;t^**L3ve;0araels 101211 

iitjj.. oUl» /■()% 1097" 

^Jt>^. U-« eoll. //fc prickles of barky-grass (j^^_^), which are blown away 

by the wind 1» 5Ui« 

^U, intrans. scattered, bhum about (said of dust) 381' 

_*&-,. 4^« /on! of a camol 1025"', pi. v^ ■'80' 

iaii*-. ia^U. to /h// upon an object (tioc.) 10121; to emjatie in oonvorsatiou 

(aoo.) 54911 

ia., a mistake, a fault (in a contest) 922' 
iU« see 631 
iUlw ( = ii^) 17* 
_aiu.. ,_4al,/i pu( into splinters (wiuU^), said of a broken limb 553' 
*iLw . ^^^ sick, metaph. engaged in a feud 72" 

^^ . (_5^*-^^ ^0 draw a supply of water ( before a battle ) 641^^ 

^ly~ (pi. of iiL.) Streams 449': (Ae roo(s of a mountain 759», hence 
ancient practice 759ii 

^>I^ masd. of ^^ I. 702* 

alJU^o or iiU-wa a p^ace /or watering cattle 958^^ 

V«^. *UI ii'U. epith. of a cloud 787'= 

ciXw. JLI^ tte Z«s< horse in a race 505" .590" 

^. J'L-i to pt-f(e»d to ie drwMt 359«, with ^ of the beholders 3591- 

JJ-^ a place where men are drunk 674^ 

^a3C1-9 a drunkard 65" 

<i)^.,«. JkJrP' *J^ post-station 367" 

jyC. ^^ n. to Mttse to fear a person (with w) 838« 

lijC» calmness of demeanour 849" 

^!y:-l. — |.LfJi ^^l.; <Ae 6ase of the skull 155« (cf. f.y! .^aSU 645=) 

(^~«j' see under j^C-^s 

iL». -il. cion/ierf hutter 712« 

w^Iaw. wJk«v.« _y « company of mourning women stripped of their oniammts 
eSO'O 928" '' '' ■" '- •■• 

^X«. a^s^Lm^; u. commander of armed police 640^^, see TabarT Gloss, s. v. 

j_-Ju,. .JJ!2 more likely to afford relief 739» 

J-Jyw. J— ^UJI olj flashing (epith. of a thundor-cloud ) 686>7 

J— J — • marked with streaks {epith. of a .5word) 1098" 

JoLm . JaJLw sharp, i. e. foul-mouthed ( ? ) 29^** 

«JLw. tiw a kind of wood which has a hitter taste 256^ 

wM-. >_i£~ ancestry 664? 98P, liu. ancestrtj on the father's and mother' i 

183" 901": coll. (/>ose who march in the front of a carava, 
(=7828) 280", pi. ijx!.! 600' ( var. sjil) 

iilU the side of the neck 191" (see 769=), pi. ^'y. 271" 768> 

xiiL, Me ^»-.?< outflow of juice from the grapo 554-, hence the ch 
kind of wine 277" 555' 

«iJU . tiL. ill-tempered ( said of a sho-carael ) 829*, of a woman 963' 

oDi».. ._i)Lw <o 4e sfrMci: 778'' 

JJL* , ^L« a/j unexpected attack 648* 

Jtil (said to be a pi. of j™ 1008') phthisis 549« 1007'« 

J-Ju. offspring (i) 352i« 

Jlw. -X*" metaph. a means wherehtj a person's favour is gained 1045- 

'lULw a kind of thorny shrub 355', see under ws*.ic 

'fi^ (pi. of iOw) grave-slonrs 1008' (an var.) 

JX-i e/i<"-e, /( 807'" 

,^,^. il^ (cji( (epith. of a luavo) 585" ( == 10(i»" ) 

jL. . Jji- to fo/^rf cares ote. ( with aoc. ) 823», majd. ,!u 889' 

jU-,! to be swollen 52P (as Tar.) 

i^ to run (said of a mare) 943 notes- (as var. ) 

is^**. generous ( said of a mas ) 686% K^.*«, willing, suhmissire ( said 
of a woman ) 839* 

%J:!tL tall ( epith. of a mare ) 943 notes » ( as Tar. 1 

^ the wood of a species of acacia 52^ 
,1*.^ a dealer in horses or asses 856^^ 
(..—^ oil of sesame 44" (Tar. U~*». poison 44i=) 

K- necklace, in. 4S3'- 

^ to defame a person (with v) 222i«, coupled with ^Ij SSlis lOSS^ 

je^tjj to sing or rca'^e poetrg to a person (ace.) 57^** 619^: to call to 
battle 5841? g^q. , 

j*-i- to listen to a reciter (with J) 788is ( Tar. i! ^y«i»i notes*) 

■Lllicll (d. 718'^ 9231 

jlw a hyaena-wolf 656>s (for the phrase cf. Hamssa S83«) 

j;U.L report, sto»-y 978* 

«.»-«-« see Jya under ;_cK 

^^ car 2» 8159 ggo* du. 812*, pi. j*L~« 695i 879» 980* 

JaUw. 3JlL1! to be swollen o2V (as Tar.), Jut*Ii 2091 

iiV*w. ^^.♦-« u. to raise a building etc. (ace.) 1821; intrans. to ascend (with J.) 


JjE^I ^U-it the star Spica nrginis lSb% 0»U-^I Spica 
tis and Arcturus 711" 791" 

in that falls when as-Simsk appears 6361 

jj',*--. pillar 182*, du. 182« 
oJl**v unmixed, hence fierce (?) 1046^^ 
Iw or jL« du. nostrih leg^" 

^UJ, coll. a kind of liird, metaph, swift camels 1012*: us adj. smfl, 

active (?) 488» 
^U~. poison 6208 9861 9328 gse" 
_,-. io« WMifZ 502», pi. IiU~ 377'7 754" 75oi" 
J;i^ a Icind of^ lance 101", as coll. lances 696-, pi. o'^-i^ o-tO" 

Ul n. to attack (with ace.) 956"', with J UV> (=326") 507>5 600* 
940": to aspire after a thing (with J) 988", with j.1 758* 801": 
to prepare to do a thing (with J^) 831'^: to raise into tfte air 
(with v_j of the object raised) 8fi9», metaph. to urge oh 1010* 
1023": to rise to honour 873" 

^y* (pi. of w>Lw) raisinf/ their heads (said of camels) STli** 1012^5 
(see the gloss) 10171 

SU- (fom. ) a period of rain 197« 386 notes* 905": on the use of 
S'Ul. as masc, see 1030' and foot-note 

s^Um* rushj onset 521^ 

ioU- (pi. of JJLL) the front of the hoof (in horses) 45' 292'- 701" 
751" 893>' 998" 

assign a task to a person ( with 
tni/er-oti, one. who attaches himself 

suj)port one another^ tu act 
two military loaders) 114'*, 

(jmXw*. ^^J^ made of fine silk brocade 831^^ 

Araber" p. 327 

with ace. 1043= 

see Schwarzlose "Die Waffen der alien 

..yL« . cy^' ^^ P^^^ (said of dust-clouds ) 537* : to prance^ to leap about qJ^s 

iL;jLl>*Ji i": j;jJC-~j (pass.) a place u-here something flows 3W 
520^, a place where a wind passes 756^ 

.^AAA- sharpened, furbished 115^** ( = 735^'*) 

'i.J^\ ( pi. of ^U~ = ^jMjt ) whetstones, to which the cheeks of horses 
are compared 290' 

iJjL-~a (pi. of ^J^) full-grown (said of horses) 88>- 

)a~. Li«- a yeair of famine 197» ( = 1058-) 414' (=625«) 462^ p!. yyU. 


;_Ai». J14~ « ''««'"■' ?'<"'" *36«, pi. j!jL4- 557' 

i.Xi.«. JI4I sleeplessness 109o« 

^i^*«. d^.w (?) violent (said of a wind) 521^^ 

J^^. J.^i trans, io cause to flow freely 50 P'; intrans. to reach level ground 

87' 234" seq., ^.^I-i ^ marching over uneven ground 1099« 

J4-^ to »»'* »■« «e plain 188« 450" 
jlll (Ac star Canopus 799» ( = 78^ 398") 
l»i». j»i-i io distribute by lot 421' (read ,»^~Jj): j,.^.~-s half-bred, of mixed 

race (said of a horse) 807i» — see Lisitn XV 201" 
,..^-~« striped (said of a garment) 906'<' 
w 'i-w . ab"?*-^ U Qxclani. 415- 

_U ( = ^.jUUb) muffler 723-: teak-waod 845" 

oiji. a iidct o6/«c<, a dark mass 48": a driitie of camels 11611 

^*- wolf^ see under A**« 

ijUl (pi. of o^l) black ser^Knts 9828 986" 1040« 

J>,y.l (dimin. of Oj—! ) applied to a man 116"-, ol-i id. 1006" 

jU n. to ieajj 255"': to attack (absol.) 622", l*jy~j ( = ";?" JT^-^ 

jjL» to a«ac«: (with ace.) 316i" 

Ji" "HSlf^'*^^^' construed as fem. 9698: wall of a building 989'" 

"vl (pi. otJy~) iraceUts 7« 

t'^ attack, assault 528« 569' 

°jj.l id. 5181S 

jll one wAo rushes 727" 

jiyll « Persian horseman 646", pi. sJ,U.I 113i« (=731*) ?37>s 750* 

.t*«^ wearinff a bracelet ( epith. of a Persian grandee ) 995*, see 643 

Ly. to alloii) a person to retain possession of an object ( with 2 i 

ijL- II. to sni/f (absol.) 22', with ace. 26' 317'' 692'- (« 
793" 1002* 1020" 

o^*wo sniffed, i. e. used as a perfume 554^ 

siL. ( pi. of >_SJl~ ) drivers of animals 296* 526' 

•^yL metaph. — ^ly^i ijr- '• "■ '"WJe 74«, cf. vjr* vi>^ 895" 

iJ^I (pi. of tiU.) siems of shrubs lOO' {=.419= 167^) 

o^*- nuptial gift 845 notes ^ ( as Tar. ) 

JiLy- id. 9961=, or KiU- 812!" 

^_^I^ ( = viiL~) followed by the aoc, \'pc ,^$- ^ ,J; 526» 

Siyl o sm4>c< ( as opposed to a ting ) 240« 455' ( = 1076- ) 8T3» 
895« 10471 

0^5v- — yUwi 05V* <^f>nveying death \AV^ 
•Jij^ ( = o"U.) 329= 

J^m a. to offer, present (with 2 acc.'s) US' 85411; to de mand a thin g 
from a person (with 2 aec's ) 207^: to preeede{f), absol. and 

jl^ to wear a badge in battle 70- (see notes 2) 649=, partic, 289»: to 
mark horses with badges, LlijJi ^^ 286" ( = 325"), Ls^-li 
coll. Aorscs mro-l-eii with badges 475" 585» (see Additions and Cor- 
rections ) 7611, pi, oUj.*^ 458** 

^ P^U- io bargain with a person about a thing ( with ace. and v ) ^^^ 
*L*-I ^0 marA; i^?*;^ a badge 1171" 
^U dfo«/. 982 notes' (as var. ) 
'P^ coll. ammals that are grazing 25« (read fl^Ij!) 51' 506' 584-" 

5861 1009S 1020*. ( = 588'" ) 
2Ua-. price 5201 
*L*^ or ^U*^ pasture-ground 1021^ 

^5^1 to cover, bury (with ^i^) 576» 

■s!^*- the middle, interior ( of a tomb) TST^ 

i*-!^ (used a» the pi. of '^c~ or "y.) equal, all alike 157' 

\^- m«4 (*a< fiows forth of itself 207>7 ( nsed ironioallv ) 618* (text 
doubtful), pi. olll 595" 

^"uij.-. (pi. of jLi^oLw) travdling about (said of poems) 342^ 

.i4~-« striped (said of a garment) SOS" 

A«. molf 4865 giQM, pi. ^!Js™ 1941S 

,L« T. — pass. eU -y- As ?/jon hast been deceived, overreached 415^ 

^*— Intrans. (o ^raye^ aZ/oe^i 1030^: -*-«.^ driven from place to place 998^ 

^*-. a strip of skin (from a human body) 207' seq., pi. ,^!>~ leathern 
thongs ( attached to spears ) 72i" ( text doubtful ) , metaph. 935'* 

OL^« coast 343^ 400^, the border of a tract of sand 557^^ 
..a*— JCy« carrying a sword 580^ ( var. ^Jt*>-«:«J! slain with the steord) 
jL. I. to he full of people (said of a place, with ^) 1082? 

xil- a torrent 21" 

J-L«we watered bp torrents 707' 
...■SUJ! see 8701 

jU. v>!y* " '""'«"' "f '■"'" S*^"' P'- v^'-* •'26>'' 8101- 984" 
iUi, XjU; see under ^^J:. 

;u. pU - ^^ilJi iuIJ! '/!.■ ■%i-;«» i-tH» i. e. (*.■ Caliph iwy-. 'LJui. 

(sic log.) north wind 521 •» 

J.UI unlucky 585-, pi. ^Li! 375" T18«, as sabst. unlucky 

yjyi (pi. of ^^) the tsutures of the skull 12» 185B 193' 1988 385>« 

tu a course, a run (jrimarily of a horse) 16K 106* (?) 787* 

JL-i u. to kindle fire 735% pass. 480"; v>i-^' ***»! «"?«'" (applied to 
men ) 638% ij^J^Ji a blazing fire 35« 

^Ui ymdhful fally 1031": coll. yoioij tnen 359s 731" 

'iLf-Ji ijouth 1711 8997 ( = 4971!) 

^^ a. to stretch out the hands in praver 850- ( E^ Tar. ) 

^^ OB oy«« seen from a distance 881* (as Tar.) 

^ u. or i. to measure by the span 1041^ 

^ wiVtt, cx<eB« (of an army) 676« 

dC-ii i. to cross one another (said of the teeth of a fish) 181^ 

iCil;it to become interlaced ( said of relationships between families ) 534^^ 

SSli a district abounding in springs 490', pi. aUi 49U-' — see also 
X.<^i and juiii in Index lY 

•S^J^ui lionesses imth whelps, metaph. warriors 422- ( test donbtfol ) 

ili to resemble ( with ace. ) 486' 

jy.^ one who mistakes a thing for something else that resembhs U 1035^* 

U£ coll. the sharp edges of the teeth 709* 712-, hence the teeth them^ 
selves 53 P 

^;>^* iatrans. to become separated 685^ 

^iii- id. 4531 ( = 10731') 

■UA. f^f^ fierce-looking 622'2 

>Cii. ^pi£ to suffice for the winter (with aee. of the person) 1090' 

(j:.i:J to spend the mnter in a place ( aec. ) 581* 

Sjii winter (as the time of Jearth i US' 

^yi^. rf-^ hard, strong^ tr*''^'' ly^ epiTh of a hon 17^ 617'' 

y^Ul. j?^ t^e joint of the /an-bone 1S'>' , pi *_z»l_i the space between th 

jaws 53 1^ 

,U=uil see 325^ seq. 

%^^ . ?^-?^ or pl-^>.« o A•^■«fi of snake tt62-5 687 ^^ 

,4illl id. 968', pi. ji-'u«l 6871' ( according to the gloss a pi. of JijLsvA! 
which is a pi. of cLs^-i); pi. ,t>Lal lite back of the hand 18'- 
198« 27.^> 692" 698i» 

tUAi — oj^l iUiiu opith. of a she-camel 634' 

i^\^ accounted brave 831" 
_ysui. ,j7^?^ '» *"• sW^«ii, i.e. buried 7""' 
^t2 yrie/' 58« 931^' 
-^ obstrnetedy encmnhered 37 V^ 
.i^sui . oW*^^i-i^ eroakinf/ ravens 213', braijing mulea 374" 

^^tj^ I'rf. (applied to ravens) 961" 
Ai^v.^ . ^Xr>J^ a. ;o /«<;//(;, f^«/ on 19^' 927'- 

,ysui. (Ui'wi; feud W 351' 731'> 
_>:s;,A. L<Ul a. to o/»;i one's mouth 969': to force open the mouth of another 


w^^. vL^iiii to flow (said of veins) 5911- 

O'-^^Ui . ^li-Jiui lean^ slender ( said of a man ) 546^ 

^yzi:-ui,. eijLai^U; applied to arrows, see 795' seq. 

l^l^ui (pi. of Jaiii) objects seen through a mirage 176>- 6861-^ 

^AA. ijJi a. (0 crMsA 287" 490« 860' 918^ 1017=, partic. pass. 394' 490« 

^jtjA (pi. of '!is>Jji.) extended (said of the white marks on the fore- 
heads of horses) 1429 

oLiOuLa things that crush 287'^ 

oJ^ . oJtii to exert oneself 457' 

JJAi . .iijiwi (pi. of fi^ ) vide-mouthed ( epith. of camels ? ) 719' 

j%&Ai ( = ^Ii) 578M 

^j^ii. ^AA coll. scattered fragments 333^^ 

^—fj^ — Os?-*^^ V-^ feam«^ prominent veins 319^- 

w-A^ ^eaB, ^esA/fSsJMd. ; c^iA-^f iUi-N-i:-* having their stems pruned 
(said of palm-trees) 291' 

jj^. t_,-LlJI islii outlaws 452" ( var. u«'ujl j^jiji, 1073«) 

jAi. djjj! fierceness 776>s 

^yi. vr^' '» «^''»'* (^i* «««■) **" (te''* doubtful) 

V/i a share of drink 58" 

Vi/i (pl- of VjLi) drinkers 57"> 884' 1068" ( var. S<y. 761") 

VjUii (pl. of Vj-~«) beverages 920" 

^^..i;. ^Ji*i..i: hidmus (epith. of a wound) 131^' 

„ ^ . ^^l to close the interstice of a tunic 406^ 

^-i coll. teeth 1008W, pi. ^^yi ibid.: see also 157? 

o^j^ spread abroad^ current (said of a poem) 63^ 125* 

tXjyi coll. survivors (after a battle) 391>6 .565'^ 

o^f wore prone to flee 1020' 

jyi^ dispersed (said of fugitives) 4811" 

jUi io quarrel with a person ( ace. ) 805^^ 

^ill to pMiKsA airoaci 702" ( as var. ) 


coll. sparks 852i» 

^5^ (pi. of ^^) mischiefs 1013"' 
jyi. j,^ (pi. of jlii) roKi^Tt jfCoiMrf 33" 1076" 

_i-yi. v_aj^l^ (pi. of o>~yi) <Ae aiiis ()/■ (Ac ribs 384" 6181" ggl* 
yyJ. yiji (0 ruf, woimd 321= 

ijyl . iyi rubbish, the worst part of a flock etc. 34i» ( as var. ) , see 97" : 

Jj-iiit or ^^.^Uj^^! name of a constellation 520* seq., pi. J35.ui>i? 520^ 
j^j^. ^yil (0 be caused to enter, to penetrate (said of a blow) 929" 

^^ the neclc of a camel (P) GIO'-' 

jjlyi (pi. of KcjLl) wallomnij (said of wild beasts that have slain a 
victim) 87fi" 

the water 80» ( = 768* ) 

standinij on a height, henou 

12» ,507" B'JO'' 711' 767' 


ajath by 

which animals 


_to «SM«rf ( 

with ace.) 



o fortress 

538 >' 900' 

( = 

4y«» ) 


an old she 

i-camel 804' 


opith. of « 

I fortress 51 



.l_AlMrf »/■ 

.worrf 590' 


■I, coll. 

vjyiiwj a horse that raises Ms neck 303" 

i_i Uii dislrkla which lie helween the cultivated land and the desert 12» 

j!^ to travel eastwards 841^ 

^'^1 to be lighted up by the dawn (said of a mountain) 796« seq. 

o^ — OJr^Li in the early morning 665^ 

^^ red (applied to Wood) 267« ( = 237«) 

xJsJ: a place open to the sun 382^ 

SJi the main track in a road 1011' 

^li jo(M( ownership of a place 907°, for j^jLuJ! liyi see under ^y'Ji£ 

Ki^-^ association, companionship 821^ 
^jiivo — ^ii^l Sj-ii^ one whose wealth is shared hij others 177', cf. 71'^ 
^°ji, strong (said of a man) 148" 511" 
ijr^yii equivalent 1065^^ 

(3-i to fccome serious (said of a quarrel) 207* 

^^J^^\ — *XiiL^ 0;'^^'**'^ your ulcer is inflamed^ i. e. your feelings are 
hurt 740« 

:pl. of ou-U) lean (said of eamels) 559* 596« 

i. (0 become dry, i. e. to yield no milk (said of oamels) 221" 

u^_j^ see 221" 

iii. 'jdji, with 2 ace's 1067*, i^LijJi ,j^ lOeB'" 

ilk- . iil to exceed the bounds of justice { absol. ) 101', to treat tmjustlt/ 

(with ^) 8116 

j^jki ( = Qjiii distant ) — »^!JJI j^^kii rf«ep ( epith. of a well ) 846* 

pliil (pi. of i^r-i^) bucket-ropes 311' 704>' 881!^ 902' 924', metaph. 
means of attaining an object 986^- 

^ylilii pride, fierceness 1046" (text doubtful): pi. ^^,..H.,iv detfe (classed 
with serpents) 451' 
Jii^. JiLki a wooden peg 228^ 
*^.ii . .t^*£i tall, active ( said of a man ) 485^^ 

fja^' l5^ ^^ break to pieces 637- 

i_,Jii coll. splinters of wood etc., hence a rabble, a mixed multitude (?) 

(Jxii coll. splinters of reeds 504^ 

blki; ( pi. of KjJi^ ) masses of rock 659^ 

wotA. JotS a. trans, to remO!)e (said of Death) 735«: intrans. to peraA 59» 

wJL^ separation, i^iyo t,-ut.i; removal by death 735^', LjL;i «.»:> to w^mVe' 

«/iose w/io iuce been severed n4-'' of. xli ^J^ J*iv= 685" {in 

these two passages tho commentary explains w^xu; as = ^ 

w^U; a repairer of utensils 81P'^: pi. fem. ^_*-x!^ things that cause 

trouble, disorder 9201*^ 
iUx^ branch of a shrub 8*^: portion, frapnent 173^*; du. the sides of 

a valloy 1069»: pi. Isii streamlets 261- 

ViJ^ (pi. of wotii or JU«i) entramm 433": waUr-ehanneh 449* 465" 
(as w.) 

Jjyti (diptote) Death bS\ op' 4->»^ »'<'• 237" 

jL^-ri. a water-botlU made nf two skins 10321 

illii streamlet 280" 

,,,A£U:«e (pi. of woui^) dr(7fe i. e. instrumenta for piercing 800^ 

eJLi io demolish 683" 

jti! ^0 fee covered^ plastered over with sometMng (ace.) 508^: te he 
seized with a malady (ace.) partic. 620« 

aii ( = _Jy! JiA) 8o6'6: for sii j!jji see Index III 
Jjtii shirt, metaph. 799 (ef. the Dlwan of Mnslim ed. De Goeje p. IS!'") 
ol.'jti war-eries 1063' 
i^bjxiiJi «Ae two stars called ^Usawtiti ^yti.'! and ,j-«-' l5j*--^' 1*8" 
jLil hairy ^epith. of a skin-bottle) 1001»: pi. yti 313^, AeI^IJI jui, 
epith. of warriors 1040™, IrSl.'! jJt-iJ! 1061" is a mixture of two 

Jtii.« (Ao( part of the body where the hair grows 1097«, pi. jsUi.« 1017' 
(var. 'tSjcUi!): pi. y^U-i 3A«Vte(?) 551K 

jui.* ( = -» .M., ^ ) a pia«e wA^re victims are marked for sacrifice 993^^ 

ii i., ^I see 117" seq. 

ixi coll. scattered fragments 1171- 19415 

,_M^ a. (=:^iuL:i) to inspire with passion 577^ 890', uJj*-^ ^r«-stclr 

Ailf to WMdie are (ace.) 930»-, UUll ( = C.^'i Jii') 359": JUi] 
/Ae burning of the skin by smearing tar oTer it («» a oure for 

mange) 124=, JjiJiji smeared (said of tar) 183" (v 
3JU^ or KibL^ dispersed ( said of horsemen ) 292^ 

to strive with a person ( ace. ) 464'', masd. wUti; ( u 
valent to the partie. ) ibid. 

L^Ji contentious 8156 

_jii. HjjtXi a woman who kicks 3S2" 

Jjii distant, i. e. deep (epith. of a well) 846': see also 841i» 

_iytii , iC-oji^Lii adv. with one leg raised 709^ 

.MXi. JdA a. { = J>iji q. T.) 650" (var. Jiiiii) 

jiA. ^ (*e edge of the eye-lid, du. 51 1' 

SjS^ sword-edge, du. 1014- 

A'H^i.^ . v_A.c^^A.^ consumed with passion 550^ ( var. w*^.^-»i^ ) 

mA. KAi; ;o accept the intercession of a person in favour of some one else 

(with ace. and v) lOSa"!^, pass. 805'- 

^!>ii, (pi. of iiiU) oiOMiie, in ^o«Vs 6861!^ 69413 

._Aiil. >_«.;; u, to wear away, consume (with aec. ) lll^ 629* 756* 848" (as 

var.) 8891 93113; ; („ exceed, go beyond (with J^) 807", pass. 
impera. [*^*J^ wA* a profit was made against them, i. e. thet/ were 
wot sled M thiir bargain 9B6» 

O^i mfirmrilg 807ii '«, see 9«6«': miperioritg 807" 808* 

Uiil 808 807" 

satisfy the desire of ( 

680® 887^^, to execute vengeance for one pereon upon another (with 
ace, and ^) 8998, („ expiate bloodshed (ace.) 793" 

oUsU (epith. of swords) 37F 

iUi (pi. of ijU) 10701' 

I Slii '•PPjhiJU^JISSi'' *6' ( = 654^ 1087S0) 338', fjJJjS iUi id. 

Jiii, jLi:! ruddy (applied to men) du. 668^: pi. Jixi reddish (said of horses) 


iiiiii . uiiUi ( pi- of iiiii ) (4c /aMcia; Joys of the stallion eamel 449« 769? 
9591, metaph. eloquence IIV- 785" 

^jiJLi . oi-^ u. to appear (said of a tooth) 649**; Uajtif sJL;i io setter oneself 

from a eommunity 7' 

oiJii (0 interlard (with ace. and v) *50^ 

y..B..'.'. or aUlii a s«rj|) of cloth 125^ 335^*: distance, length of a journey 
1951- 21 9« 65319 

i'JLi; having a wide space between tlie hind legs ( epith. of a msre ) 58^ 
2411 4581" ( = 887") 

Ji^ firm ground between belts of sand 49' 127" : i^ii idJ28^_970' 
(see Index IV s. t. xi-iijl), pi. JuJii 236* 970« 1082S 

^. Jjii. (0 6« miserable 531' 892» 

UA M(«e(j 5241 ( = 9081") 528' 531» 

byLi id. 3941 5291- 9221 

i_^f — OjJ ^_^! 529" 7991 

^ . ^vi ( = ^u.?- ) 9801 

rtXw dowttf short hairs 444*: youmj shoots that grow round a tree 1037^^ 
(text doubtful) 

.i)jCi. SJi n. to pierce with a lance 236« 646» pass. 977" 

ILi. weapons 194" 675i» 

JX*. SirU sMe, fcordet- 286% pi. Jj"!^ 634«, in a metaph. sense 622- 630 '« 


JIXS a forii WiVA which a camel's legs are bound 293'^ 

Jx^l red (epith. of blood) 328>- (= 146"), used of other liquids 209" 

ftSji, , f*t^^ fierceness^ ardour 123^^ 831'*, i>^X: Jj: possessed of ardour like 

his 643' 

ii^ a horse's bit 1035* (see 708"), pi. J^llCi; 371" 404' 864" 998»: 
fierceness 165', pi. 748' 

jiii. u^ '0 ««#'«'' /»■'"» " 'Wng (aec.) 942', with ^y, 248'» 

^^Scll «. (with aco.) 708'* 709": to prepare skin-liotlks 306*, masd. 307" 

■iljUi (pi. of ijXA) skin-bottles SOV- 

sXli. Hi; see 157' 

JJjJLi . Jwiiii (0 cause to (rtcWe 321' ( as var. ) 

jUii drippings 604", pi. J^ilXii ibid. 

^).^^U; adj. moist 3" 

JlA. Jii u. to drive away camoln etc. (uco.) 191' 2420 521', without obj. 

495' (but 800 tho pavallol paasafjo 6.16"), pass. 190' 477" 606S 
540>3 (as var.) B64«, m J~ij he is carried off 57"*, majd. Ji; 191' 
245'-' 339", 01- jli; 339»: j-* 'o become drg, sliff (said of tho 
arm ) 384'^ — in this houho Jui a. is moro usual 

j,Lil (0 he driven away 196" 

JJUi a small coat of mail 77' 

Jillj' the act of driving away catmls 291" 

^. ^Li o mangled body SiTfl, pi. iXi! p««s of flmh, tones etc. 555' 

seq. 1013» 

^Jji,. Jli to call sheep etc. 259' seq., camels 9341" 

JUi. JUi see 1336 

JJ.^ {pi. of 2Ci, Lissm XIII 394* seq.) huts, booths 1061* 

-,»i. i%^ a. see 7721, ^Jjn^ lofty (epith. of mountains) 7779, i^l^ «. 


^. ^ to urge on, cause to hasten (with ^ of the pers. ) 6181^ 

(y«.».i.. ij«.-i; n. or i. fo be restive (said of horses) 245^* (Tar. y .•.•* >' ) 

J~lij to aax /ferc« ( said of persons ) 688" ( == 75712 ) jggi^ ggjj „f ^„ 
854', yliiJu a miser 683= 

l^^j*.i rsstfue (said of a horse) 505* (see also 2451^ 6881= seq.), pL 
;j«^ modest (said of women) 8671^ 

J3*A . ^,i> to have grey hair 773', to turn grey ( said of the hair ) 8781 ii 

ja^l grey-haired 310" 

jg.H I :i (pi. of iliili, JjjiuJi or W, . /r . ■•> .) scattered lands of 
71-: to«ers of a garment 6355 

J.»i. j^ north wind 133* 

J.ii i»e Xorth 133» 

3U^ (sing, or pl.^) character, natural qualities of a man 1531= 

Jj^ (perhaps a pi. of the foregoing) id. 222» *59is 630*— see 

Jj*A north wind 133i» 
Jili see 2868 
J^ see 133' 

iLii a swift she-eamel 62* 273i 480>i 754" 

S^ id. 298", applied to a woman 1031' 

J^Ui (pi. of ^ylZ-A) properly fruit-stalks of the date-palm, henco 
scattered bands of travellers 478^* 

M.W . *.i a. or u. to smelt, hence to endure a thing ( ace. ) 107^ 

j.j^ — l»*A j^ from a short distance 472° 

|J*i mn^Mo! coresses 1005' 

*-i;! lofttf (epith. of fame) 971", pi. f^ (said of persons) 988^* 

Ui. |_yii io concede a right (with ace. and J) 809- 728i» 

SeLii enMfty, ieUljl j!,Ui-J 829», S?Ui ^i 9645 

aJJi . ^kxA to contract, draw together ( with aco. ) 692' 

I~al contracted ( said of a limb ) 649" 

„LUbot contraction 8441" 

^. Jul disgrace 256" 1028* 10391 

jii. jJU:o to prepare to do evil ( absol. ) 688' (as var. ) 828', with ^ or J 

823»: to go fast (said of horses) 781', see 823» 

^UA ( fom. ) swift { epith. of an antelope ) 823» 

iUli o severe blow 887 '» 

»iUI:^» Bee 688 notes ^ 

jLLA. Uiii Jo«^ 819" (as var.) 

^yi u. to pour 780« 

^Ui (pi. of xii) skin-bottles 34,5^' 437- 

'j^i ™(*«i- /a« (said of a horse) 781' 

vlfii see 294" 

tUli ( ^ iu«l JtJ-yiJ') OK ormy gleaminy with weapons 243" 301* 736^: 
brightness of the sun 393= 

Jui; with personal object 23^ 457* (=1077*) 

S^ (pi. of liJ>Ui) 299" 

Jw-i.* <j place of concourse 802»: demeanour, manners 798>- 

Sjjji-i a cowspicMOKS object, i. e. an iron collar worn by a captive 148" 

jli! greenish 209i« (as var.) 

rti iee» (epith. of a warrior) 668" 

vLi n. to mingle, pass. 42« 

,Ui a. masd. ,jA see 861* 

^yo to raise oJof* ( with v ) *91': to display, exhibit (withMO.JJ0O" 

jl^i beauty 4091": the trappings of a beast 730"> 

.t^i^ a horsC'Show 861^ 

g^UU ,U 861« 

(j,^ . (^\!i! one who raises his head 716«, fem. tL^jJi 837^ 

Jw..Uii disdainful 26? 27" 

^yi. iili a scout (syn. IjulL) 10241 

.iJ^. Sl^ s. to become /on^ and pointed (said of the teeth of a camel) 863^* 

iSyi a kind of eruption 360* seq. 

Jui n. to raise the tail (said of a camel) 719" (=740*, see also 78 
notes" 621' seq. ), hence the proverb j_j5^i oh^ iiUU~b J^' 
78"! eeq.: to rise in the balance, to he outweighed 495' 497= 9041", 
see also 521': to mount, i.e. (o get into the saddle 461i=: ^Li 
I^Ui they were thrown into confusion 457", J^Ljt] ciJLi 494>" — 
a phrase of obscure origin 

3ji said of she-camels 560" 

JU! to raise the legs (said of beetles) 256" 

JJLi a she-camel that raises her tail, in order to indicate that she is 
pregnant 521* 560" 597», pi. jji 560w 597* — see also j^ below 

iSlA a she-camel that yields little millc o60« 597% coll. J^ I'o 3211 
5211 56013 596« 921", pi. jjiji 22115, or 3;^.^' 19210 (^236«) 

3^ (pi. of JJUP) raised (said of the tails of camels) 1643 (=5975) 

jUli a camel that raises the tail 2971 

j,yi ( =^ Ji.i. ) to be considered unlucky 5851 

sUA (pi. of sli) sheep 463" 

i^jA id. 2441* seq. 

^J^k\ to wound sliglUltj (with ace. of the pors.) 7685, ge„ goo" 

|^_cv.i coll. the extremities of the limbs, ospecially the feet 24" 900^, see 
17815 788(1 

^yi. me above s. r. »>i 

ij:*^! less danfjeroiis (said of 11 weapon) 178i* 

f^yi,^ a place of roastin//, i. e. the hottest part of a fire 1087'i 

_UI to be clever, capable 69"'', partio. 802" 

„\aA « A;?«ti «/■ wormwood 354^", tiHCii as fuel 480'"' 

gjUu cautious (?) 838^ (read ^^i^!) 
i-ii tor the pi. forms, see 172» scq. 
iX^ (o raise on high^ so 772^ according to the better reading ^J^ 

o^^.^^^-^ ( = i^j^^^^ oLW^ ) I tX-*-i— « cemented with gypsum 

(O^) 479" 
c,**. coll. boisls made of ^ ( walnut-wood ? ) 563^ 
_ijw' to destroy 45" 

«.*« to caii, summon ^ with k_^) 170-: to encourage (with ace. and J.C) 

2165, ^11^ coB.apeoaa 895" 
ilii h) ieiace ioidiy 6882 (yar. ^^jjtLij) 

Ajt*.i a partisan of =All 125^^: as coll. applied to the partisans of ^Abd- 
al-Malik in Babylonia 1090" 1091*: pi. L^t adherents 906>- 

-Li I. to watch the lightning ova- a place (with ace. of the place) 188' 
*Uioi to enter into the midst of a crowd (with 5) 414'^ 
oi*!-i streaks on the ground 1271" 
li;^ the womb(?) 44 1' 
...Ui T. to disgrace iV ( but see the parallel passage 782^ ) 

.,b»^ (pi. of iut»A3) the eggs of lice 85^ 

^^A^ s. to squeak 9X4^^ 

,,,*-o (0 swoop down 311^^ (read w**3s) 446* 
l4^' to stream with blood 147« ef. 393- 

_»Aiii ( = _.»*3) 2181«, masd. 443™ 

w^Li^fll to pour outj empty out ( with aec. ) 660^^ 

iuUo the remainder of a hfuid in a Teasel 135', pi. oLL-o 510" 

j^wo. -p.^ a. to present the morning-draught to a person, metaph. in a hostile 

sense (with 2 ace's) US'" (=73o«) 603" 637>s 676'<i 618* 761^ 
81015, with ace. and ^ 102112 1023= 

i^^^ to arrive at a place in the morninii (with ace. ) 49- ( = 783^ ) : 
to attack in the morning 1095- 

.s-IkoI to drink the morning-drauijht (_y^) 490^ 

^Ui a mor ning raid^^^^iJali Jj^ 258i", .,.^i i>,^ 388", l'.^Ui L, 
as a cry of warning 23418 470", similarly »L:>L.^ ej_w b 582" 
[cf. °.b>Lj= Ij Ibn Hishsm 7201] 

^Ajo. jw3 i. to constrain some one io endure something (with ace. and ^kc) 

646-»: u. to guarantee (with ^) 5339 ^ j^j j ^|) 

j*L*al (0 endure patiently^ ( ytith J) 688i 

rf/i iiiter atoes 52*, pi. ,y^ 016'=' 

s^Lao stone, i.e. that which has no feeling 653" ( = 1084'): coll. agents, 
representatives (i) 92* 

.i^AAa-fl hound for execution 913* 

i^ , ^Aj«3 to plunge ( trans. ) 643^^ 

kxiA«3, Aa^*a3 (more correctly Aa^^as) leader of an army 9951 

j^^. lla love-making 63is 085- 754" 775» 844*, also spelt ^^^ 43» 633" 869" 

k_«S?. vl^s*^ (P'- if C*^'-*^) 'M' 1033" 


y3P . 3 j^*? sysu> adv. unexpectedli/ 52^^ 

.^^>^< coming out into the open plain 942^ 

g->a^. Jj^^^ a desert plain 43612 480" 622'- 989" 

i^j^. ly^^ low-lying country 1022' 

_^iSP . Ij-\a2^ a ^/ace where men are sober 674' 

_cS'».a. _Ai:ual see 1063' and foot-note 

wL^^as one wAo shouts ibid. 

y >AXa. iu^ II. to turn aside (intrans.) 436'" seq. T16« 

.J^>3. .A*3 u. to emerge from a valley eiC" 

' J»^I (0 yo forward 996'' ( var. jJLo ) 

JA^ pi. of jJLo — ^i;., /. ,; „ ] ! .!j^>ij iAosc M?^o are returning from the 
sanctuary, i. e. pilgrims 49' ( ^ 783^ ) 

SjOUa 1012 notes*, see a. v. |ly 

jJui^ large-breasted (epith. of a horse) 673'^: eminent, distinguished 994i« 

jj^ affording water to drink (said of a lake, etc.) 263" 

g>^. fjiy:i (pi. of ijioLo) cleaving a wag 688' 

gA*i* epith. of a sword 973* 

uiA*3. ^.jA*aj /o pZace oneself b-tdeways 559^ 

OA.a . ^Jv^ u to fight well 67'° 589^ masd. olw 147^ ( = 328i» ) 

V ^lLo to behrie m a person ( with ^ ) 904« 

^A*3' ?o present the nupttal gift to a woman ( with 2 ace's ) 1089^ 

vjA*s nuptial aift 8218 

i_jj^ gtnuim (said of things) 560», Jxiui iijLo that fails mt to kilt 144' 


Jjuli battle-field 4021^ 844=: mgom- in fighting 584" 763= 955» 

-olo to exchange blows 615^*, see also 419'^ (as var. ) 

^Jui struck, smitten 121 notes' (as var.) 

^_CL>U^ <o cajole a person ^with ^) 712^- 

^aJ^ to go <o meet (with ace.) 52^, wilh J 487* 

iJoUa iAiVs*!^ 253" 10071' lOlli^, pi, Jk^oU 395- 962" or jiyi 174' 

^5^ thirst 808«: p*osi, »raiM 80>» 82" 828' 847» 848" (see the gloss) 
862« 878" 10179, pi. SlAyi! 828': see also 813* 

_Lsa unmixed ( said of beverages ) 637^^ 

^y>lj^ id. (in a raetaph. sense) 956' 

f~>.f ooll- genuine offspring, hence <Ae mam stoci of a tribe 154' 1098'' 

^pl to come to the help o/'some one (aoo.) 240' 

ff^^^ to summon help 19" 

jja a erg for help 584" 

i-oyi one who calls for help 19'- seq. 145S 235' 239" 835" 

ipi a kind of bird (regarded as ill-omened) 961" 

ify^ coll. cold clouds which shed no rain 610" 

Jya* scanty { said of drink ) SS"" 

ya i. to shriek ( said of falcons ) 9^-'' 

jAa! ^0 raise the ears, partio. 293" 

'm cold wind 207'-, pi. jlp'l 864' 

8^1 (pi. of jl^) strings which are tied ovor a she-camol's udder 
8211 «78 

'it^nA — 0J/LS- 'i'lusji a she-asa with narrow hoofs 793' 
(^,f.*fl boatman^ sailor lOOi* (read ^}-^\) 
-rfyo . j*^T*^ ^'^ howl { said of the wiad ) 673* 

s jO . £/■" *«ocA:ed doien ( said of branches ) BBS', to»d low 'is^^ jiij^893" 

uJyJ. ui^ i. to make a grating sound (said of the teeth) 570S 604»', <o 

(jrind tte Ueth (absol.) 599' 
-yj. 1'^ i. U> sever one's connection with a person (ace.) 503", absol. 60* 

'f^ or 'fy^ to cease (said of bloodshed) 3371= : ILiw. cut off L e. 
branded (said primarily of the teats of a she-camel) 81^^ 

^ya a whtary encampment 697", pi. I^Ual 393»' or ^^'-ai 517* 
'jJU o smo/l herd of cameh 50i' 7061 

liSa adj. rnterrapfei 22', see foot-note: subst night {?) 983 notes" 
(cf ?;nr'sn LXVIII 20) — see also the following 

coll. (liyi eoS*, pL 4!ji 


a« feolaW patch of mnd 618=» 



one who possesses a small herd 



milk left in the udder 393« 


stagnant wafer 37M 230' 705* 

.•itailioii camel, metaph. 872*, pi. 

.^'uJ. 711' 

Oat*3. Aaua — ^y^») ^■J'JtAa to scrutinise, examine a thing (with Ji) 547^^, the 

object being 5..A2J1 or -iJaJ understood (cf. Aghaoi I 131^-); see 
also s. T. lXcIcw 

iAx*3f intrans. to escape 58^^ 

i-Njuoj to rise (said of the day) 551^ 

iSjuD a straight stem 77», hence a spear IP 

C>jx^ a steep ascent, metaph. obstacle 770^3. gg^ ^Iso 911 notes ^ seq. 

i\>Xx^ the swell of the sea 467'' : the prominent part of a camel's breast, 
or the panting of a camel 479^* 

(AcUw — jLiAJI lAjiUa^ travellers that journey to and fro 282^ ( var. 
iA*Ai*i , ,^«A3t*3*J and (__o_\jui»J ) 

yLw>. ^iSJ> yt*fl he twisted his cheek, I e. he behaved arrogantly 70P* of. 693* 

^t*a3i*a. ^tMJua to scatter, disuse (trans.) 970*^ 

f^^^ to call oneself after Sa'sa'a 975^5 
uS**fl. ^J.T,A.^ stunned (?) 1047^ 
^,,M^, ^^ ( = J^ q-"*^-) ^1^^^ 

jM>o. li*£> iAe tossing back of the bead 231i'^ 

gA*a. iLkLi du. /Ag siWes of a man 907- pi. Jjt^ in „U-IJL Jj^i one i^Ao 
presents a wider surface, i. e. mort; vulnerable 980'* 

^^ coU. 5^a6s o/" sioftfi 493^ 

^\jUu3 (pi. of iLs^^-Ao) grave stones 837^^ 

pi^A*:2>9 applied flat (i.e. not odgdwiso, said of a sword) 507* 

OJm? . Aft*o i. to hind a captive 192'- 

Jslo ((^. 2531^, partio. pass. 887** 

jUo an iron fetter 192is 228" 241" 

-ao , Ju3 empty 6^^, pi. lius^ applied to minds 878* 

Jus or Ji>s a fit of madness (which recurs at regular intervals) 235^ 

i!^ gold UP: wine 879* 

^yJt^ whistling (subsi.) 926* 

jU>o! (pi. oi Jua) jaundice 879^: see also under j^a 

iiuJuo. ijiili a plain 116' 559" 

.,Jikta . ._fli-j (pi. of A-flAO ) cushions placed on saddles 894^ 

^_a,^ coll. slices of meat 510 notes ^ (as var. ) 

,_SaAa. o>i<a io open (7) the eyes 8411^ 

XJiAo Me aci of closing^ K a ^, -n i! -»_3 the day when a number of the 

Bann Tamim were shut up in the castle called al-Mushakl^ar and 

massacred by the Persian governor 149^ (see Ibn al-A.thlr I 
464 seq.) 

^Ujo the conclusion, ratification of a sale or bargain, hence traffic 56^^ 

^. ^Ui.1 (pi. of '^ scrotum) 3" ( = 6*) 

jSi^. ^JJs to reserve, set apart 424'" 

^o! to bestow a favour on a person ( with aec. of tho pers. and ^ of 
the favour) 1079= 

Slii roeh, metaph. power 615" 770« 778>* 860>» coll. lii id. 965" 

\lstjo (pi. of AAa*3) portions of spoil, chosen by a chieftain for himself 
192« ( = 2369) 

wJ!»i! . Z^ a tenl-pok, hence as adj. tall du. 182«, pi. CjjsL letit-potes 206» 

»jiuj. ,iii a. to strike (especially on the head) 887", ma|d. isiii 487'^ 

jjiya ( = v_iLcya) flashes of lightning eso" 

iUSo having a white spot on the head ( epith. of an eagle ) 155^ 

i^is hoar-frost 5611S 

aJLSyO see iijtAyS 

j^6»2^ one wSo strikes on the head 835*, inetaph. eloquent 959> 
a)X«. ;ii «. (0 sfriie 967=, inasd. liLi 9« 99010 „, Jj^ 50510 jgjs. ,„ (,„,.ry 

headlong (with w) 1070'=; (o cfcse the eyes (ace.) 841'- 
1:^^3*3! to dash one against the other 996i-^ 
JiLi o tottering motion 71" 
(AasE knock'kneed (said of a horao) 923- 
wJjo. ZMi subst. offspring 36218: Anrrf soiZ 3"* 635" pi. LjL= 635": adj. 

hard pi. v^2^ 1037^ 
^.j-^JUa a Awrfi s(OHe ( of which whetstones were made ) 290^ 
%iila strength, hardness 914'= 

w^A*o hack-h&ne., hence prop, support 8.59*': w^xUaJt ^Ae Cross 402^ 510' 
seq. 900" 903'8 904" '=, -yJuJI jj i. e. al-Akhtal 801'*, v^^Zj! oU 
i. e. IJadra 808" 
c^Jwfl, ' c:Jio adj. smooth 836'" 

, drawing the sword 886'' 887', pi. 646' 
li^JLiM (pi. of o'i^*) *:«», «i^n' (said of persons) 65'" 806'" 

tXJus. ALi) i. to he hard, dry 108'': to rt:fusf to ignite (said of a fire-stick) 


jd.^ (pi. of JjU) /iii.-d, drg 493- 

I^Xiw. '^jia hard-hoofed (epith. of a horao) lOg' ( var. ^l_ij (i71'') 458"' 

( = 887i«) 675'", pi. 'fSi^ 419" oil" ( = 2«5">) 748'» 7l!2' 

l>bti hard (said of a head) 419'^ 
J.o)uo. JjiLo tQ Jingh, rattle (intrans.) 1024", partie. 712», maad. xL^ 1020» 
j-iiii- .U 8941 
jU. ^! ioM, ^%l Juyiil i. e. al-Farazdak 9673 

^_iL3. vjjui see 271' ( = 594») 

wAi^! «o «e dis/iied 694' 
Jti^ dislike 848M, see 270i« seq. ( = 594») 
,JjLi use/m 270« 
JjUsI, Jlii see 5941" seq. 
vJiiUo. UuiUj (pi. of y,i.J,.o ) Mn cakes 839" 
JLo. ^ 1. to j-o«ie (intrans.) 8' 

J-ia! (0 siinfc (properly applied to raw Sesh) oU" 544^^ 
QJ^ a plant on which camels feed 355= 490' 928= 
^. joCl see 3765 829» 

yjai cut off ( said of the nose ) 829* 

^Uai (pi. of |Juai?) the roots of the nose, ears etc. 376' 

^i-o . Iao haunch ( of a human being or a quadruped ) 406" 1037', Su. Qlji-i 

58', pi. SU^I 2268 
j^ ( = ^_j^) 574«>: the second horse in a race 87' seq. 
j_^. Jii to heat a stick over a fire 97» 

^ iAe heat of a fire 561> 909« iiJ W. 561" 
>j^io a stone used for bruising perfumes 841' 
o'.4.*5. Oj.*-^ sile»i, Jk^V::SLli py « ■■ "' a «)Oinan wAose ankh-rings make no mfise 
(on account of her fatness) 1031 "> 

c^«w ( = o>«a) pi. fem. 7" 

rf,.^ . o^tMi a. to scorch ( said of the sun ) o02» 

»#W*a. js^»s^>jjo strong, short of stature, hald{t) 1050" 

»*o. ^Uo ( = ^XU') (Ae Aoiiow of the ear du. 2369 

iX»A3. i\i*= u. to wafe for an object (with^^) 1075'' ( »ar. Juai 454"') 

Ok*i a low hill covered with stones 49' ( = 788' ) , see also Index IV 

l»«3*«a. iUiA^xt^ sword 385* 

«*A3 . 'iJuayo the top of a tent 362^ ( var. KxJs^ ) 

gJi»»3. g-JUi (pi. of ^tsUo) 235'!' — see ^Uo 

!»*«. pKO to CM< throuifh (absol.) 62'^ (see also 386'- seq. ), ^. . .t a ten 

(epith. of a sword) 926'^ epith. of a horso 194", x". l,."o,^ coll. 
sharp swords 385l« 1030« 

j»-eUaj to behave as though one were deaf 36 1'^ 

«*^ 'J!t-'"B" »'""* "f » '■'''"> 323" 599' 

,,! *i^l (Ae Deaf i. B. the month of Rajab lOOSS; fem. iC-^ a calamity 

1219 : pi. jwi said of serpents, J^U-^I JUj I040« 

_U«3. IXija a dish made of raisins and mustard 839" 

tf-Ua. gjSo (Persian i3Cl^ ) Aai-p SSO's 684'" 

JC>Umj a female harper 684'^ 

JtXiAS. Jtiio aandal-wood (used for modioiual purposes) 3600 

jA«o . jjlUaJI Wie Dependents of Ibo ICindite kings 462'" (= 1073") 458' ( = 1074*) 
469' 587'» 688« 884" seq. 

fjlx^ an opporlumty of dispUnjing skill 828« 981- (soo LisKn X 79") 

^^yUa. ^^ the urine of the hyrax 375^ 444^ 

yU^a stench 1002* (see 4') 

iLLil a woman with a fetid odour 4« 

^J^. iiUu. - disLi see 215" 

_;4*ij. ,14ao (pi. of w4;oI) Wo»d (said of the beards of the Greeks ) 552«, 
yellow (said of camels) 5579 

j^. -^I (o Aare sons-in-law or daughters-in-law 211"^, .1 ,, r ^j relationship 

by marriage 874^^ 

°i^ ? 557' 

'p^ melted fat 510« 

UUaj*s. oU*i^ (masc. and fem. ) loMd 52* 

J.^. J^lfi (pi. of iisio) neighings 239% buzzings of flies 636» 

_^j.o. s^ (Ae cresi of o *«'« 1082* 

^_j^ . s-!r^ ^^^ uoder Ax>o 

ijUal io attom Ode's ol^ecl ( absol. 1 586^ 

^y^ to descend (said of birds) %iffi^, ^jy^aij step 680' 

sj-o coll. colocynths 595" 

iJUai misfortune 868' 

o>«3. oUai to ftccome /omoas 77» ( = 315") 

oU> famous 243* ( = 1067=) 

d^li see 243' 

jjvs. ^U> n. to bend (with ace.) 161' (read l-*)^'^'. and seo Additions and 

Corrections) 6I41' 

j^o (pi. of jj*oi) bending the neck 161> 

iijfcAO desife of vengeance 887'^ 
jlyo or J!vi a herd of antdopes 821« 8483 get* 
j^ilSI as an epith. of God 853" 
Jyo. 'Si^ la attack 651* 

JjUaj (0 ai(!acfc o»« another Til* 
ii^ power of attacking 1047^, iJ^xs ^3 epitb. of a Hon 8271 
Jjyo epith. of a warrior 712- 
%^ onslaught 1017> 
j.ya. |.U) a. to reach the hour of noon, l^Iil ^U) Iji 618" 

^La standing still (said of a horse) 756> 
flUo Me act of standing lOU' 
(^ys . ^'^ coll. /rac(s o/' flinty ground 883', ^f^"*-' o'j^ S^^S" 

jya. iiy= hillock, land-mark {'i) du. 147' 

ri^Axs . „lo I. to invade, encroach upon a thing (with ^) 870^ 

rfJ^ to he split 155" 
llii- id. 502« 
i\*AO. JvJj raasd. Jili or oUo, «oo 769'- 902' 

Jkl^l one i«Ao holds his head proudly 266- (as var. ) 332' 451"i 483'" 
712' 791" SOSS!, pi. l-fuo 498-" 613'- 757" 764* 769' 794' 806" 
901'* 1040* 
_Mv3 . j.**arf « halting-ptaee near the water 33''" 

U^tyo. iji»a;v>^ see 502' 813*, pi. LpU*^ «i« 'locns of untelopes 502" 
wiwJ . oLo T. ^0 turn aside ( inirane. ) 530- (as var.): to spend the stttntner 

^jbyo summer rain 5783 -nga 

ou»^ « p'o« •'» wWcA <o sppnd !Ae summer 654" 

oi(^ a dust-cloud li8' (see Additions and Corrections) 

JsLb to make to appear small (with ace.) 627* 

J-fci-iJ see 627^, i*mJtJi oX**^ camels wAose humps have wasted awatf 

. (from hanger and fatigue) 596« 

JoU=^ appearing small, insignificant 8831^ 

^j^ (pi. of y^B) 317« see 244" 

w*^ u. or i. to press with the fingers ( with J.C of the object pressed ) 

332" seq.: i. to be moist (said of the gums) 423" 

LLm tnist, ?»£!"'■ 2243; dust-cloud 1033'-, 'ilJo id. 708'> ^; 

^iUuB i. (0 % *oW of a person ( with ^ ) 369« 

^ i. to jump ( said of a horse ) 84>«, raa§d. ^ ibid. 812* 899» 


247= 498' 9221S 

SjLoa| o bundle of books etc. 914" 

jMjaw firmly built, muscular 8*, 914' „ ^ " 

li^. ^jIm strong (said of an army) 882' 

|.j*ja . 'IjIaIj strong ( epith. of a lion ) 736" 766», see 882" 

w^. t»^' to beham like a hi/ama 10421° ^^^^{^ reading appears also in the 

AghanI loc. cit.) 

C^ the upper part of the arm, do. 361'- 

^£,^\a>. r.j^'tol to make to groan lO^** 


wrong-doing, misconduct 2071 

» 41 



w«te*rf 72" 



Sacfn^ a trooieti nose or mo 




shallow water SOS' 



see 848M seq. 



manifest, apparent 1371- 


oonstmed as fern. 632- 


^^^ ( = ^^.a) 584^0 
j^UjSUiaJI see Index HI s. v. Ajlw ^ ycc 
^yL:S\»o] or ^yUs»-a! — ^^Ui^*] sij a moonlight night 582' 

^_jj*3. vy^ i* ^^ P"' * covering over an object (with w and Jji) ISS^i: /o 

a«ocA: suddenly (with Jj;) 340», see Tabarl Gloss, p. CCCXXXII 
line 14 seq. : pass, to be related to a family etc. (with w) 905^ 
k_jyto coinage 990^, metaph. resemblance 597^^ 
Xj.-i3 — f^ ijy» relationship 3B* 
yLyB see 70« 1068^ 
L^yB Me milk of several camels mixed together 92 1^* 

iUjy^s Mo/ wAecft is exacted from a slave, the produce of labour 64"*: an 
object that is struck with a sword etc. 9471 

^.Ua/c (pi. of wJ-«:2>«) relationships by marriage 1035^ 

j.y». ^^ to Impatter with blood 72"' 589' ( = 1080'), pass. 906» 

_ya. -ya a. (o <*»■«,«( owiii; ."iOS': (« scaito- stones with tho foot 579S 

j^e. ^! to approach (with w) 192' ( = 235") 345' ( = 240') 1015'= (P): 

J, to tiyure, im;)«i»- (with v) ''IS* f'»l" V 

ifO du. two wives 242", pi. ylijc 677": pL oi^ udders (of sheep 
or goats) 370« 

f^ marriage with two or more wives 252^-, marriage with a husband 
who has another wife or other wives 853*^ 

'jijo adj. diseased 36^: subst. constancy, fortitude 906" (text donbtfal) 

^.ya. tn/° P™"* '» '* ('*'* °f " she-camel after partnrifion) 243i» (cf. 658>»j 

Js^. -Lj,/:^ adj. 64^1 

g.U^Ls^f j3,<oM i. e. one who inspires even inanimate objects with fear 45^^ 
267" lOSli* (see Index III s. v. ^jJi! ^ j^) 

^ya. J^yi 4418 (35 var.) 

g^yB. ^^ OM infant 2", fem. ii^ 205" 

cya abased^ abject 681^^ 

|_jUj i(i(. 6911 

^yL' more aftosei 826" 1099" 

5 -af (pi. of cj.a) breasts, i.e. swellings 833^ 

j^yB. ^U^_aJwB 17', pi. lilji 376" 718', metaph. 3711' 

-ja . *j*aj (o &Mr», i. e to be tormented by hunger B5V^ 

^^ see 294« 

-yto flaming, . hence swift, ^^S Jf -j^a epith. of a horse 303" 

Jj*a blazing heat 10081^: small pieces of fire-wood 139* -^-'^- — '' - 

jya. .La accmtomed to the chase (epith. of a lion) 195", hJ^ "oil- trained 

dogs 552», pi. jljis 329* 

'if-yn (pi. of i^) ia. 988' 

4lj^ 11 «*««( 248* ( = 10671) 243" 

^. %yD 892» 997', ^c^y' 83;!" 892», ^-2.^ 892*", ^^Z^la 892", or 

^Ua-A-Xo ibid., a term ot abu^e explained to mean a man with 
distended sides 892* 1», pi -j'u^ b92 , or slLLyi 8921^ — see also 
Index in s. T. 

«^ca*^. **i3x*D — %<^ax^:aA overthrowing , hielhng with the ground i^^'^^y^t, ^usxxsa 
shaken i. e. shimmering m the mirage 

'^M^ to tremble 226* 836" to smk doun (said of earth) 8226 

>_AJua. v_«<ijl to double one's numbtn 575". o»*>iw see 321" 

oIj^I ( pi. of ■Uut^ ) tte folds ( i. e. Me interior ) of the belly 624>6 

uiyt^ia^ /l^f?ft/e ( epith. of a young camel born prematurely ) 634^° 

u^jUj . wLi^ i^e squeak of a hare, metaph. 476^* 

^;«s*i<a. (j*^IjU5 (pi. of tj*._yAaU3) weaklings 528** 531^ 

JaibB. iaciyi (pi. of iiUj) masses of fat on the loins 833' 

jjua. *jbto a. to bite 186^^ 

P^ biter (epith. of a lion) !?» 6229 

..♦i*^ id. 255' 

ji/B. Uii n. to scream 213" 218" 62-1" 708" 766" 826" 951^ 990" 1015", 

ma§d, S^ 624» 
^cUiaJ' /o scream to one another 531^ 
gAia . givLa ( = gil or i^ ) 976i'- 

^a^;? . Juo a strap made of plaited goats' hair to put round a camel's girth 

618i» pi. "j^ 544" 
l'^ a ridge of sand 18' 73'- 
jfcj . ^ a. ( = iJi-» ) 832'" 

jii id. 976>' (as var. ) 

^.Jisuo . A.R«3 a troop of horsemen 835 notes ^ ( as yar. ) 

^. ^, or ^, a fat man 892", fern, ilia 27*8 807' 895» 

j!,^ilii iicfad /irom behind, pi. masc. 709» 

jiB. kjta ampfe, abundant (applied to hair) 304^ 

kX>». 5JU3 a. to turn aside^ act wrongfully 980^^, masd. *_L*i3 partiality in 

favour of somebody (with sx) 846^, kJUo inclining towards some- 
body (with J^) 689>2 

jlki' to be filled with drink (so that the ribs are forced outwards) 
834»= 931» 

y wLbI more prone to turn aside ( i. e. to inflict injnry ) 980^^ 

aUW calamities 346 notes' (as far.) 

*JlL« ( = jtlktsw ) — ^V^^ ^~^ capable of contending in a race 899^ 
( = 497") 

JXa. Lij i. (o miss, lose sight of a person (arc ) 330", see 331 notes' 

\.^'' to bury, conceal (with <^) 311- 

J.^^*;B. Ji^i to disappear 37o'« 

j*«=. ^ to tram horses, metaph. 1014', pavs. 192» ( = 236') 

^ (pi. of ^^) lean (epith. ot horses) 998" 

,1*0 uncerlamty, hence ,o> jUo a inar/ir dependent on the weather T42' 

i_,J!*3 a kind of shrub on which camels feed 635" 903i« 

.^<-.:s.« tilt time of tiaining for a horse 86^. hence rivalry, eompeiition 
,!34'f' 8701' 

^. J.AJ 1 to h,p tho cud in (Ai- >iioh(* (with ^ of the end) 522S,J|ienoe 

to tn ■.ihnt 905", see J22« 


jj*a {pi. of j*Ua) said of camels, Ui'l-?» ,J^ I;»*^ 522* - 

f,*a> . 'fja u. to afford hospitality to a person ( ace. ) 10736, x^j i\ M3 1098" 

A**3 a troop of horsemen 835*: pi. oL.*.^^ embraceSj i. e. cobabitation 
8111= (see 840=) 

|.U<B a horse-race lOW — see Hell loc. oit., where |.U<aJJ is explained 
as =o4^ 
(►^.cLa! (pi. of iJaUe|) (jwps of horses etc. 163" cf. 9961^ 

Q+A3. o*^ ^'* become responsible (for the death of a person) absol. 192^ 

(^=^236*): to be accountable for a thing (ace.) to a person (with 
J) 694*= 910": to protect a person (ace.) against something 
(with ^) 275«, ^UJ! absol. the protector 128is 

^^^♦va to be made responsible for a thing (aec. ) 998^ 

,^y*^^ to find a person to be weak 128*^ 

^^yiki to pledge oneself to do a thing (ace.) 779*, with v ^581 

f-y*^ tveakj crippled 129* 

Lu3. tc^*^ ^"^ ^^ prolific 52~ 

yja offspring 52* 

t^uwto. ii)U>i3 /^t'sAj/ (epith. of a woman) 807 ~ 

j^uB . illul ( pi. of ',^jijja ) 208"' 

iUUa* — iLAAi2.« ^jiic a precious thing 848^, iLUi^^ jj precious 1025^* 

._»^ . ,^ BOO 8771" 

J^. J4^ a. to eollncl { intrans., said of a liquid) 203' 683', raetaph. applied 

to tidintrs to become ktiotcn 8"^ 

J»^ the remhingi?) of a shadow 8" (see the Lisao loo. cit. ) 

sUaL*! to seek light 979^^, .. i ; iUaJL— .*Ji (Aose from w^am guidance is 
sought 806" 

^^- to writhe 195« 

^^j^ see under ouao 

Ui (Mai mixed with water 208^ 

^1 to_foa to per;Porm one's dut^ (absol.) 498" 988*, ci-^f U iAo< 
wAic* (*0M *osi failed to do 779* 

siji occupation, means of subsistence 746'': a cause of ruin 631' 830'" 
(the gloss explains otherwise) 

Icl*^ adv. unminded, uncared-for 744^ 
JU= r. to ic (Ac gxtest of some one (ace.) 998' 
■,jLfSa\ to he received as a guest 1084^';£jJa one who seeks hospitality 562^ 
^j^ (fem. of i_iyi!() 50'8 
juUaix the narrowest part of a ravine 67" 
_J3 'ikilled, versed in a thing (with ^) U2~ 
wJj rH.stom^Ao»i( 50" (var. i_c^S in the parallel passage 784') 

i^ (Af piece of hnther at the base of a wattr-skm 4331 1032': Ji^kJI 
the Mdhj Wag 468' 

_^I more skilled 842" 

V-3 to 6g stomec^, i, e. dishonoured 716^ 

^ foul 68111 

ouij. Jilt said of a sword 6210 385« 

\,.S^! io place a thing as a covering over something else ( with ace. and 
(ji) 490*: to^ojrree together about something (with J^n) 727' 

Oi^i^ the tightening of a rein 16- 
JwJj. j^ a K«d of doth 133": see also 1331" ^gq. 

yA,. ^ see 134' 

^^Jd a kind of game that is played by children 129^ ( var. ^ ; ^^ 's in 
the LisHn loc. cit., but perhaps we should read ^^*Mt, pi. of xjlh ) 
^Lt> intelligent 100* 
j_^. 'sUIjI (pi. of J^IL) (Ae <pa(s of a bitch 356" 

^•irSlij. i.k:siii to if; crushed 391' 
j^j2Si>. oj'*'^ crushing ( epith. of an army) 646* 
Jj_L. Jbjlj a pile of stones or masonrg 3191^ 

vi)^. li^^ pi. Ji^ljJi see 162i» (sie leg.) 
_ jb . _ X a. (0 leave behind^ outstrip 87^ 

xily:.| see 278i« 
f^ja- |»=>l;&l ^s**^ 348" (the reading is confirmed by Ibn Hisham loc. cit.) 
e^iplained as meaning angry, or arrogant, in which case *:>t_yi 
would bo the plural of an abstract noun ^Uj=*j-L: see, however, 
the remarks of M. Clfiraent Huart in tho Junrnal Asiatiijue for 
Jan.— Febr. 1908 p. 168, "Jo soupconne que co mot est lo pluriol 
d*un singulier *3%I> form(5 par mt^tath^so do ^yalj =^ grec m^dit^val 
rwuipx'" ( do turma ) qui, duns I'organlBation railituiro byzantino, 
dt^signe lo g(Sn<5ral do brigade ( Do Gooje, Hibl. (ieogr. Jr. IV 
290, ot VI 213; 01. Huart, Liere de la Creation IV M note 1)" 

j>Jj . ^>X!di to quiver ( said of lances ) 810*^ 

Jjl^ (pi. of ijih) epith. of dogs 988^ 

JJ!^ (pi. of SJa^) animals that are being hunted 984' 

i. ^ u. to sprout (said of the hair) 6091^ 

i"^ adv. all of them 4 55" (=10761") 

,3y3 o /VeaA growth of hair 524-* 

°j^ sharpened Ila" ( = 735") 940" 

^^. v^£jo <""« sheep etc. 259' 

^/.iyb. t>i^! see 1121 

ijy=. ui^ to^thrust back, repel 98" ( = 4223 1072«) 41912: to attack the 

flank of an army 644' (obj. understood): see also v-ijiw below 

^IsS to turn away (intrans. ) 422' 

- >Sfi — q!=^I the father's and mother's side 960S 

usjij one who goes from pasture to pasture 630', hence changeable, in- 
constant 93511; see also 271* 

olb (pi. of KJjb) dessert, sweetmeats 8851* seq. 

^ Lb newly acquired property 4991 

ii^ coll. tamarisk trees 1024« >'i,.;:.. ji . 

^^ K«wiy a cquired propert y 91" ( = 408») 611= 931« 982", applied 
to love 986*: pi. Jsh new, fresh 27is -• se« also 960* (?) 

^ijlil ( pi. of 3^ ) nobUs, chieftains 9601 

<S^, or iJ^, robe iOV 548" e08> 

■^^Lw stained at the tips (said of the Sngers) 5521* 

Oj/^ — i ^ \ ^ ^ A-Jjj-Ii-a a^woman who darts passionate glances 27-, 
^j;U*xJf Xijiw a woman with languishing' eyes 837^*^-" 

^jjyij. c^^T^ she gave birth easily 541^ (but see notes" seq. ), with w of the 
offspring 832', Sf^ said of a woman 541» 

ijji>7 <o casi the eyes down, hence (o endure an injury j'n sifence (with 

^) 30' 
Oi^Eji' to pass by (with J.^) 1038'= — see Dozy "Supplement" s. v. 
iSJs imbecility 235'' 
ijsjli, pi, fem. in the phrase J^JJt uijljl^ Jontis o/" nightly visitors 725" 

lij^__adT. ^iLSV^SSO' 
Lk.^ see 846> 

o^l /ceJZe ( said of a young camel ) 846' 
,33^ helpless (said of a man) 55* 
,^. p£. sense 52« ( = 785") 

|lyiL ( pi. of ^U& or |lit ) articles of food 820" 
|.jiLI more generous in prodding food 51" ( = 785' ) 
fisLt one who provides food 192'° ( = 236"), pi. 'f^iL^ 460' 

(^y<Jb. o*^ "■ ^'^''i of a horse, masd. ^yuj and .-j^-l*^ 16^ seq. : to raise an 

objection against something (with ^ ) 79^ : for the phrases '-jth 
"jUk" (J ""d »iuJ j- o*^' *'"' ""'^o'' jW^ and -i4j 
KJjELb plague-boil 620" 
lykti. |_,ji£) B. or II. to lead a person into i:nxsses (with ..j of the pers.) 348"> 

Otiah. ^UL (pi. of Xiiiil) or Liliib) tttiiis 987 "• 

Job. J-jIIm (pi. of JhikI) /•<!M«;<! antelopes aceompanied by their young «3«» 

yih . Lib B. to float 390^*^ 429^^, uil^ having some object ftoating an the 

surface (said of water, with w of the object) 1761' 

wJwb . uJis u. io /ttfte vengeance on some one (aec.) for soraethicg (with wj) 


4-I& coll.^parsuera 679' 735' 

v-j^iia an attempt to reach a thing 448^ 

jjUic v^!>ii (!ajfes pursuing their prey 56' 

.,iJi>. %^'ih coll. «ame/s («a« feeiJ on acacias 40°- 

^bliil (pi. of X-lb) M-eary (said of camels) 346« 

^Sh. ^Lij, pi. fem. cjU^Lb applied to arrows 795*: 5-^[^ making their ap- 

pearance everywhere ( epith. of poems ) 4771** 

jlk;c<i vanquished^ 834' 

cJiUa see under sJUs 

_S11j. ^Jit c*eerf«i m /'ace 459K 

^3ib ( used as fem. ) free, disengaged 322' 

^NLfa — ^.sitJtj ^iHisil (.f^ Sj>^ i. e. Ae maiie them swear that if they 
did not fulfil their promise they would divorce their unnes and set 
their slaves free 359" 

\Ji^ released from prison 991^ seq., pi. iUlb 647** 

iUlLs a woman enjoying a respite from pain after being bitten by a 
serpent 695^ 

JJlL. Jii a. to be unavenged (said of blood) 741" 

ilh see 333" 

Jiii watching from a height (with J.E of the object) 775' (yar. JJvlil 

g.^. <s-.U lofty 483'": icanlon (said of a woman) 837^, ^,. ■;,■.,...■:' iL*:^Lij 

id. 27- 

lUii haughtiness 803' 

_j»i3 high-spirited (epith. of a mare) 6771' 

^. ^ oJaH and swift mare 677» {text doubtful), t^ «. 880« 

jUi> (^, or jUS ^^, from on high 246" seq. 

j*b. ^ i. or u. to go away 113': (o hasten (intrans ) 126': to onerwhelm 

(■with ace.) 117', with jic 391', with ^ 4671^ 

*-3 see 744^^ 

i_j*i3. jj^ n. or I. to rise, 390 notes* (as var.) cf. 176 notes*: ^ vast 

(said of a mass of water) 5181", pi. fem. ,1^^ full (said of wells) 

Ui3. (jr*--* suspicion^ ^j^^' ^^ «« acc«se(i person 215^: a suspicious act i. e. 

a crime 552» 

v^. 4*^1^3 to he a near neighbour to some one (aoc.) 908i« 

iiULj core, e/fort 430» 

(jda. j^^! to rut off a limb 4635 (=i075's) 

^ a bundle of reeds 644" 

^ . "^ "J'""" "f 1>""'<J ( '» women ) 332'-, pi. °L^! 89" 

,y^ water for washing 527": purificution 396" 914* 936* 

_43. l^ to he thrown 2461* sou' 


wander round 505'': to ?'# thrown d^wn 506' 

_^Lk) to wander aimlessly { said of the eyes ) 868^^ ( as var. ) 

^^jL to he obeyed 258i> 

^iai— !, ^^^ ~~ =U-*J! * ^^a^**^ ^:>— J thou canst not reach to the sky 147^ 
( = 328«), pass. ^, ^ 1, ,^ ^ 1(^18 not wiVAm reac* (i. e. open to 
attack ) 61917, ^i£lil ^/ powerful 219* 

o>i> to caKse o deluge 575^® 

^lii <o frequent a perBon (with v) 93'^ 

^yij^ (feiuffc 4951° , metaph. rua*, impetus 5861^ 

3li> u. to surpass in length (with aec. ) 445'^, masd. jji iwri*, sa- 
periority OTer some one else (with Jj:) 906*^ 

sJLHij compensation for murder 742^- 

3^ijoJiJ86ivJrag_OiiiUilji o'SJjij 769' 

J^ ioMiid wjiA o rope (J^) 706" 

(_5vi> I. to jf( pos( a person (ace.) 350*: to wwd something round 
something else (with aco. and t_i) 891": lo conceaH?) 920'* 
(the sabj. of the verb is apparently lyas ibn *Abla) 

^ masonry 347*: pi. ti^f hollows (?) 674- 

ilh departure 685» 

,_ai> o weH mtfA o coating of masonry 881" 

^Lj I. to perisA l?? 1015": to be defeated in a race 3S4» 466^ 690": 
to de fefi imosenjei 921« 

i^h to become infamous 106^^ 

.Ua I. to lose one's senses 351^: to tydiVa/^ a thing by flying (said of 
the i&ieB, with ,_, of the thing) 930'« se^. 

"J^'vc to regard a thing as a (jood omen (with ^)) 361-^, see T'abarl 
Gloss. S. T. 
'liaL-l trans, to cause to fly asunder 12»: intrans. to fly asunder 250- 
(=1048«), to spread itself (said of a cloud) 261" 
^ an omen 1912 
X " ^ coll. omens 486« 
jLkli ^»« to flight 309" 
(jili I. to be disturbed, perplexed 123i«, partic. 195'" 

}h. ,i-h a shecamel that fosters the young of another 116* 

yjb (pi. of*^) foster-mothers 858*:^! id. (said ot she-camels) 867" 
yt^. oL^ (pl. of S^) sword-edges aOT" of. Bui 391is 

vJa- V;^ <» iwifcC?) ^^^", P'- v'/' s'wp »•'"'«« *56»' ( = 1076") ■V.^^ -'■- 

o'^.J^ g polecat ( fr. putois), see the proverb cited 744i», pl. ^^^ 259" 
4651 4937 7i4i2, ^|^ 493« (as var.), or '^J^ 157' 512' 

,.je^. o^ ''"^ ^^^ ** always travelling 630^ 

LL«Ij see 808" seq., pl. ^ytii 637-=", or ^Ui> 891^: pl. qUS comeis 
onjchich womm are riding 150'* ( perhaps also 891« ) 

A^ . p j^i Kj.Ub onyxes from Zafnr 814'* 

^! (pl. of ylb) finger-nails 677'" 
tlb. ill; a. (0 J« crowded (said of a place) lOil", see Lisnn X 116" 

jto lame, halting C90«, pl. Jili 821" ( = 818*) 829" 
^jJi^ . Jiib du. a cloven hoof 904» 

Uib adv. gratis i. o. unavenged 728^ 

JJJi . I Jli to place something under the shade of something else ( with two 
(I aeo.'s) 836" ( = 299'=) 

J&t to impend, be imminent 121'° 

J'itii ( pi. of Hit ) things that cast a shadow i. e. banners 780' ( here 
the gloss explains S^ as "swords", which does not suit the 
context): jUb 786« must be taken as a pi. of ~}h 

Jj the inside of the hoof 8' 272" 578B, du. 634» 

Sblij' (pi. of ^) shadows 8': tents 234- 

jOb i. with 2 aoc.'s Uii LdjJ^! ^ 5345 
Liili a thing of which one has been defrauded 425« ( = 670" ) : an ac t 
of injustice 987= 1090«, £ibli adv. wrongfully 4«42 

pl&i^ one 10*0 acts wrongfully 887'« 906" 
j^^ to contain little water (said of a bucket) 614« 
UIj to cause to thirst 460i», pass. 6619 
'sJih coll. suspected persons 722' 
y^ see 163M 
jlLs o suspected person 722'* 

^Ai to j)«< o» (Jouiie fetters 984', ^Ui-s doubled i.e. consisting of two 
lagers 384" 
jS — _j£u jyb' to 6c rejected, ignored 381»: ^ ; S It J.£ oi» the backs 
of beasts i. e. by land (opp. to 0-«--^> i) 1092': pi. jj^ hel- 
pers (?) 22" 

.U^l noonday march 869^ 


'i4M= burden 623", pi. SUii 348" 428>* 448' bm« 

iU^ cloak 346^, SeU^ «. 657i*: for ssUif ^j see Index III 

vW»= Me 8<geH of water etc. 449" (as var.) 467" notes i 1U37" 

lijjtj swift ( said of a horse ) 929" 

i3-**-» io treat wantonly (with w) 1058' 

j4^ — oJj^t familiarly (Ae fellow, the rascal 30« 122' 429-: pi. 
Juil 279^: Oi4-»i dimin. 804' 

,_5kVE a member of the clan 'Abdallah ibn Ghatafan 86-: o member of 
the tribe 'Abd-al-Kais 634' 

Sl\*«x colL camels smeared with resin (as a care for mango) 143- 1029* 

J^^^xXa angry pi. 253^ 



^ — i_sj~JI ^ /(( (0 journey by niyht (epith. of a she-camel) 621" 
yt weeping, Jc liUt as an exclam. woe to thee! 155' 586" (as var.) 
1^^ a kind of tree 514« 

jj*iii (fem. ) the star Sirius 522', jyJtS ijf^^ id. 561'- 
jUjtx«,I weeping { subst. ) 847' 
J4i dnrf urine of oamels 164" ( = 597« ) 

iUj!c formidable in appearance (opith. of horaas) 144^ 646" 87215, p|, j 
J.ul^ 291" 998>" 

-tuji />•«»* »i««l! 567^, honoo of a man slain in his prime 519* 

l>jj^ freshly flowinij (snid of awout) 379-': the flesh uf an animal slain 
in good condition 563' 

iuijw fresh meat 567" 
Aj:-. L^y^ " **"'^ ^f embroidery 60^ 
J-f£. J^i AMje, massive 138« 

J^l (I *»"» couered with light-coloured stones 103», fem. iilli id. 1097" 
iiu«^ o broad-headed arrow 66S» 
J^^Ai: . J^U^ (no singular) camels feeding at large 741^^ (read J-^Li;) 

w.»jj. w.»i£l <o ptDe satisfaction, make amends for a wrong partio. 990*, pass. 

to rcwree satisfaction 245" (see Lisan II 67") 

WA.A3U /o craMJ? ( said of a captive loaded with chains ) or, according to 
others, to remain near the threshold 474* ( = 703") 

wvic lameness of one leg (in a camel) 953*: ^JiijLjl _*;l=: roughness 
in the path 18 7" 

oi*E . oiXcS metapb. to be freed from sickness 842** 

oi>^, for the phrase oi^lj o^^^ see under >J0x> 

Jm}^ (pi. of Jij1=) birds that are not fully fledged 894" 

>;; K wi^M* ■— oui»Ji vi^.^' i. e. the Ka-ha 375'', ou*= o-/ 650", pL Oiii= 
appl. to horses 756'', to camel.< 75(>i', jjUnJi — ijjl 4431*, J.i;-Li! 
vjUxJi 603S 

^. ^ i. or u. lo^ driecj urge on 107 S" tread Qjiiiii), pass. 202" 865" 

( = 3085) 

♦AC. *^c i. or u., *Jict appl. to camels 36^' 

l^'i o sA<!-com«; (Ao^ is milktd late in th( mening 36^^: coll. stars that 
appear late BIO", pi. f^'yc 345' 391 notes* (cf. Additions and 
Corrections ) : see also o-c below 

Uc s. to become insolent 348^*' 

o« (explained a8 = »j"i:) wry dark (said of the night) 778' 

ij-ilfi — U-^J »3*= J^' "^ i- ®' "*«^ ^1*^ /«^^ irrstrievablyf 25^^, pi. o^.-^ 
mischances (of war) 453' (=1074°) 

.lie tmlmky 877'- 

.fcit 2?ro?ie to stumble 923^ 

tlL o Ausl-cloud 648" 766 notes = (as var.) 998" 

^ (Ae condition of a limb that has been broken and badly set 418" 
(var. ^ii 953*) 

^^y^ to make to smoke 220^ 

|!,Uc ( = ^l=.o) 220* 

j^lic (pi. of Q}»-i=) beards, i. o. (ra/k of /!y»ny d«s< 291" 

i)ysi hairy ( epith. of the hyaena ) 668^*, pi. j ''■' " ( appl. to hnmaa 
beings) 951" 

with j.i 629' 916* 

■L:P£- — vLsiii sLi^iS 4411* l^ I, or j_,-;lsvi li 394* (=699') 447^ 

•-iyS\c (pi. of v>':SIe) iwWacis 245" 

l>iv£l more pleasimj ( with Jt ) 642- 

rfj; i. ma^d. -ih*.^^ to ijroan 51 5^^' 

t'-?^ SliaiL^}^ ^^'' ^■"•"i iil-SXt a dust-cloud 291' 720'*, du. too 
i.'tics (of battle) where the dust rises 189" 

_^\X=.! to wi^ar a thing as a turhan (with w of the thing) partic. 191^^ 

^\ see 1001 notes ' 

^JU turUn 114" ( = 732«) 

Of#. ^'y?^ ( = »^j-?*=) uHsteadi/ motion, friskiness (in a camel) 557'^ 

^y^. ^jLi^ ( = lji/'J) 378" 398" 

^. s]s^ or BJii the last offspring 653" of. jjf s^iii (^! 1084" 

"^Lsill (pi. of jii) the iuit-ends of spears SS?" 391" 

^iji:^ . z^^'^^^ " s'^'"™"""' •• ^- " coward 481 ^^ 

^a#. >_iiic u. see 566' seq. 

^Jijf^ to be lean ( said of horses ) 566^ 

OiiuT lean, fleshless 551' 573», fem. ilisii 877'^= 

^. 3^ to anticipate (with aoc. or jl^) 204" 

Jj^ to soMse a person to anticipate a thing (with 2 acc.'s) 372': «o 
bring milk early from the pastures partic. 321^ 

JcSAi! to take some one by surprise ( with ace. ) 1007^, with ace. and w 

I 1098i», Ls^jjii LjiLs\l! i. e. she miscarried 524", (o (aie by sur- 

^\ prise so as to prevent an act- (with 2 aec's) 1022'^ .>4.i-J^*- E 2«i-l to be taken by surprise 993^' 

iiu: (pi. of sLi>E) skin-bottles 30T- 

^jhf^ (pi. of ^^is^) 3391 

3ys\£ a_jhe-camel bereft ofjher ymn;/ M3^ 

^L^l milk brought early from the pastures 2^® 

i^. s'jliu: strong (epith. of a mare) 667' 

f^ . ^i^iill (0 he mute 60' 

Li4t miHtelUgtbk 43» 

^^. yls\£ (see 1638 s^q.) 7T3i 845» 856i 8575 gggr 90413, ^.,Lsu;! sU^ a 
term of abuse applied to the mother of the poet al-Balth IW 
121* 123>s 125* 161" 1621 1637 5678 1598 g^q. 718» 

oJkc. Ok£ u. to outnumber (?) 392* 

ot to ripal in number 326» 

iA£ multitude, abundance G^G^'': see also ^>iAc and olAtl 

ilJki enumeration 7021': a tiumier of objects 731*: pi. of Ju; oid welts eW 

iljxi owe wAo enumerates 628" ( var. o!jU pi. of 3c ) 

JvjAe host, multitude 994" 

^ijkc iirnc, period 2" 62 1^^ 

iljiil (pi. of lie) oi(i weJis 168« 

l^lXc , ^_jiAc see a-s^^ 

Ji\e. Joi i. to cMe wiYA a person or thing (aec.) on opposite sides of a 

beast 5301 cf. s-i-Lj iJt> 604", hence to maintain in a state of 
equilibrium 576*, to equa l in mlu e 808'* 834^(?); to compare one 
object with another ( with ace. and v ) *65» 467« 670« 6921* 8936 
( = 8568), p«B. 87Ii«, with ace. and A! 1037", with v <">'y 
(!_lii being understood) 249'': to turn to one side (trans.) 449" 
497', to remove 6O51 8435; to hesitate 612 notes' (=63513 1034i»): 
to desist (absol.) 198i: to assign, apportiou, pass, with J 293" 294* 

3o^ to balance objects (aee. ) on each side of a beast 215'* 

^Jc to ride with a person or thing (floe.) on opposite sidi^s of a beast 
604", partio. 126«, to balance B23'«, to equal 628" 871" 

j3v»il to withdraw, desist ( »ni<l of a stallion ) 843<' 

3>xii to sit up 345«: tojecomejuen 8085 
JJu. half a load {on a beast) SOI"", oite who rides as counterpoise to 
another U5« 1461, du. 923", pi. JiAcI 526" 

kLae a woman who rides as counterpoise 217^ 
Jjklf (pi. of jJiP) iWnys assigned to a person 294' 3181* (?) 
t.oJU a place where a thing is kept 287"': pi. Q'>i-»-« origins, i.e. illustrious 
genealogies IW^ (see Additions and Corrections) of. 3281'-—'^ 
ijki. a. iJL^/^t LgJLc (jijsT ,.J Outj *i i. e. theg have only Just been shar- 
pened 6633' 
^i (0 let pass, ignore a fanlt 2201* 
ijjc to attack 824= 
j3a3 to »»/■(!(:( w.'(A a maladij 524i« 1026', metaph. 13515; to aid (with 

ace.) 920» 
^sjjtj to act unjustly (with J*) 534" 

^_gjU!i to race tvith one another (said of horses) 312' 5791* 
^^lXXc! to go beyond the mark (in shooting arrows) 7951 

ot immoderate, excessive 91*: xjot as subst. damage, harm 362^, pi. 
ol^ in the phrase jt^ ^^ birds of prey 228": £tic as coll., 
see ju^;>£ below 

83 JU see 281* 

^j:ji.Xe contagion 141" 

i;IjL.V£ coll. rai««fa (Aa« fe«(i on sweet herbage 40- (syn. Xj^ and si>) 

SIJve! (pi. of i^^Jkc) tte 5«es of a Talley 280" 415i» 

.I.L\E adj. sweet, used as sing. 548i», as pi. 1087' 

^iA*;J? ^L?^ '^ i^/my iotty, kntd iu 


^jAi sfaie, coKdition IP 39' seq [cf Wcllhau>.en i Lieder der Hndhai- 
liten" p. or line 20 _^ .!=. ^-Ai. _A= iLj Jj Jj — the 
paesages cited by Welihau^en "Muhammed m Medina" p 211 
note 1 admit of the same interpretation ] 

°ijJU one who suffers from mflummation (s^Aj:) of th, Ihtuat 931' 
( = 779") 


ijj^ Bee 2791- seq. 


XijAi a morseZ 0/^ food 89'» 


B^lvXi a s(ro«s; she-camel 192' ( = 


JJi, Jilt see 478>° seq. 


jJxii Jio.Bed i.e. amorous 271« 


^ i. to bite with the side of t 

^Syk (pi. of -lUJlc) epith. of ladies 765= 

^Ar ( = uajUic) 1015 notes' (as var.) 

pAi /jrane to iiVe 93" 

wjC. ^jxf to s^eaft plainly, metaph. 147^: vy" *>"^ ^^^ keeps Arabian ho 

(hf) 881 1« 

^^^ a j«as.^ of waier & seq. 

vLo^y (pi. of Lij2) 557" 807" 

Ou j£ . AjjC ( or Aj jc ) a hind of sualce, said to bo identical with the c^U:: 

r^ ( pi. of '-f\ ) iimfiii/.; ( said of hyaenas ) 180> 378" 

_j y; ( pi. of -f. ) iloeks of sheep 103* 

jll (pi. of '^) vaUeys(f) 106* 

t'^ a bend, a corniaiot^ a valley 678« 

jji. 3!i io /?ee 23'' 481" iSP 509« 540': to iecome strong 169'3 

o^ see 169": pi. ^^f. (.=ly}) 527 notes- {as var.) 

S^ tttci, stone (epith. of a bow-string) 64212, s^e also 9161' 

Jjlc jU (epith. of the ^) 542" 

i,'^ see 91612 

"^ mawge 124' 524" 5438 55410 

^ see 124' 5251 55411 

S^ jBSnje 39*: harm 274": see also 5253 

ii.Lc supremacy, lordship 4961^ 

sjii Aonu SeO!" 

|.j^, J.ji^ stout, strong pi. fem. 402' ( = 9001) 

(j.^. JLc to Jecome difficult (syn. j»>xi) 358" 

J.^ to rnaie o AaZ<, to lodge 32« 1221', see 558i» ( read yW) 756» 

J.^i to co*a6« (with i_j) partio. 1979 

U«jLi (pi. of (j~5^) brides, metaph. applied to hyaenas over a corpse I8OI 

t>jE. Jif^ (pi. of Ji^) 6<io(As, huts 1232 (as var.) 

ijo^ a kind of litter for women 955' (of. 957") 1026 notes' 

l_fOjE. yis^, Jol_j= see 13312 seq. 

oU>Ji (pi of ii^f-) oge» spacss in an enoampment 133" 908» 1004^ 

ooM see 13313 geq. 

U^j: i. to review, inspect 22P: to come to ^jjti (i.e. the region in 
which Mecca and Medina are sitnated, see Lissn IX 35' soq. ) 
153" 219« 

^rf to make indistinct (applied to writing) 42 notes* seq. (as var. ) 
l^'t to walk by the side of some one (ace.) 64' 235»- 294' 1070», 
metaph. 43^ 

JoM-i 'o_222£5'' '-*^'' Ui/^i 10701" 

l_Pj*A*«l to enter a place a^ random (with ace.) 6341*, masj. 618^: to attack 
indiscriminately 930'^, masd. 731^ 

U^.£ adv. ?■» kind (said of a payment, as oppoaed to LLI-= er 1 «^ _■/- 

"in ready money", see Aghanl VH 187--) 633' 
J^jC the odour of the body 8491- (see IS?" seq.) 

K-toj£ an object of attack 7571^, hence capable of enduring a thing (gen.) 

^^^ a kind of cloth ass's, j^e Lissn IX 47" 

^y^jC restive (said of a camel) 184" 

Jajs cloud, meteph. armt/ 481' 646' 971= 1021»: pi. Jajyn the surface 

of a cloud 499« 
'ijajc a rafter, i. e. a piece of wood which forms part of the roof of 

a litter (Ijjp) 2,35i° 
{Jo\^ adv. obliquely, i. e. without marriaye 996i- 
^iljlw o iiniJ of featherless arrow 933« 
^^ coll. cypresses G74- 
Sj:^ */ie summit of a mountain 213*', pi. ^fif^c metaph. distinyuishcd 

Cif to smell of something (ace.) 6» of. 17« and liisSn XI 145M seq. 

uiyc to cause some one to experience something ( with ace. and i^j ) 
274', pass. 542'': to go to 'Arafut o51« 572? 

ijjii to recognise (with ace.) 923" 

\^^ to submit patiently {?) 361^ 

LJy:: f a ir treatm e nt (as oppos ed to ^S^ ) 409", ^_-^L Jji one who 
utters what is just 564* 

ujjt enduring patiently (with J) 752^' 

1^5^ .'d. (with aoc.) 6] 3' 

L_?j=5 crest ed (epit h. of a camel's homp ) 560^ : fem. i'i^c ( epith. of the 
hyaena) 3313 

^Lcl (pi. of ujj-c or uij.^) crests^ maneSj applied to dtist-cloads 537*, 
to the streaks of the dawn 634« lo the ridges of hills 6879 

OjJw friendship, intimacy 1058^ 

'sJiM a trace of an encampment 866 ' '-, pi. o ij« 2691- 

iSfl:\ see Index IV 

^jC a kind of shrub used for fuel 435^* 996 notes ^, nom, imit 

isi]^ 435M 

vjsy; coll. birds sitting in a line lOlPi; J^iirJ ^jsi o gift bestowed in 
friendship 96» 

^f fee"", lineag e 589» 7675 800» 1027>, pi. ^f. 800> 806», or ^-ul 
611', Up\ Jjl^f i. o. Adam 628»5 

^Le (pi. of i^^) the pieces of wood which connect the f&re-paris of 
a cameVs saddle 170^: the cross-pieces of a bucket, *3j-JI .ep^r^ 
the cross-pieces to which the cords are fastmed 1094» 

f the 'Imk 645» 
jC. wji** ci'aft, cunning 9P 

another IMS'" 


1^^ strangle, contest 5861 

^1^ Me pressing. Jostling of a crowd 263'' 
i*)J!jC (pi. of &xjj«) *Ai; &ases of a camel's hump 596^^ 
Sfii halting-place 49" 
Jyiii battle-field 45' 143" 242' 50?i- 589- s 77713 1033= 107< 

^jLc see 6881* pi. fem. ^^ harmful 276« 39313 


harm 274»= 688" 


r£f — « «»'^ 


J»^tc a rock, metaph. a strong she-can 

<tel 57812 


l/f a nose, metaph. a chieftain UZ", 
'^;'m see no" 



l£ u. to come upon some one ( aco. 
^ «, 823» 

) 354^ or I 

^Jf. (pi. of Sj^e) Jooijs of indies 314"' 101 0", loops for binding cap- 
tinea 6011' 835- 

^5j£il to leave bare, abandon a plaoo (aco.) 51 S" 

^j^^l (0 ride a beast (ace.) icitfioii/ a saddle 184« 

,U i«rt? i. e. fleshtess 181*, pi. fom. ,'kC H«A*t'!f (said of swords) 237i' 

(3 j; a /»«««£ ridden bare-backed 57^, pi. '^'Le' naked ( said of woraoa ) 
477=> (800 476») 

j_5yw the exposed parts of the body Hi' 

Ljji:. wjc a man who drives camels to pasture 221>': an unmarried man 1097' 

Vji^ coll. camels that spend the night on the pasture-grounds ( opposed 
«o lU) 815«i camels that have been pasturing(?) 813" 

waw driving camels to pasture, pi. with ace. 154* 

jj£. ]i u. to overcome ( with aec. ) M' 450*", without obj. 450" ( = 623')-. 

to render victorious {1) 622« 

l^ "y^l how painful it was to me! 585" (rar. Jii ji 1069W) 

Ojfc . ^jc i- *o detach oneself y to perform an act of renunciation 548^ : to 

whistle, howl { said of desolate places ) 5991" ( = 5751^ ) 

Jj£. jjl (pi. of y^ or of ip) unarmed 709", ^^3^ id. 892'- 

Jj^Ui (pi. of JljL) cowards, helpless men 95616, j^ij^ f^. sgu 

,jE. j.jiii to act deliberately (absol.) 922», masd. 1015", jW^lB fj^^ "»« 

wio ma«*es steadily over unsafe ground 247' 

l»jj£ determination, resolve 38' 719« 

3jE. !jc u. ^ irace a man's descent firom some one (with ace. and ^X!) 379^ 

(j:jj>ji! to c^am descent from some one (with J) 328'**, to claim kinship 
with a tribe 766 notes s (as irar.), jiii ^f ^ ( = jiil ^ia! j!ji?) 
379" (text doubtful) 

^jE. Si^ patience, fortitude 962' geS* 

,;.*-«£. vvr— ^ ^^« sto^fe 0/ the p apyrus 61^ 
gv-,1: . ,^-1^ a fo'nd of piont 306* 307' 
j**£ . -*.JCc! to reduce to straits ( with ace, of the person ) 324^ KL— JiLa^ adT. 

by force 263" 
^-Msl left-handed 661'" aeq. 

^~fil (dimin. of^.~j:I) II6I2 

U =. Jj, gobkt 2071- 209' IO6OI seq. 

>_a«>c. wi-Jti' to wander about a place (ace. j 832': _a«jCL< trackless (said of 
a desert) 556^ 

,.i*~i a menial servant 223", fem. iL_£ 495' 

^su*Jow a trackless desert 134^ 

oi-«c. vJ~i see 29' 

Jji_£. JjiU-i (pi. of jili) a sort 0/ (rii/'^es 162« seq. 

.dL«.x. A-i (0 elinff to an object (with ^) 29» 30» 101 1« 

yC~E. ^Lli (0 (Afow the arm (ace.) round a person 493» (text doubtful) 

^yfjLli;! see 284- 

J-*. X^ see 813* 

jM«:, ^Ijl (pi. of i^Lc) Aord- (said of spears) 387" 748 notes' (in both 

j*^^. U^J= a. to become hard (said of a bone) 604^^; ^-wLr thick, coarse 

(epith. of the ^) 170', ^jji' ^c->^ id. (?) 544' 

_,i.£. yij; on interval of ten (i.e. jtme^ days 458^, pi. .U;^' periods of ten 

days{9) 102^: a broken fragment, .-^^ A.«.i a shattered cooking- 
pot 8&2<' 

-ike ( pi. of s -i^x ) a kind of tree 542^ 

jvi^ (pi. of J:^£) tenth parts, i.e. « .fj^ia// proportion 539^' 

s! Ji.c a she-camel that is pretjuani durintj ten months 88', du. ^.,I.Ui.£ 
697', pi.'^Uij: 2S notes' (as var.) 332', or ^^J^ (sic log.) 227» 

''jfJis- companion (applied to a liu«bund) 847» 84fl': the haul of the 
hyaena, hence lamentation 92Ci»: I'splainod by ^-j>(?) 932^ 

s^^iXE see 73* 

"^^ijii' the howl of the hyaena 932" (as var.), see 926» 

yijw a man ichose camels have had young and yield milk 1022^ 

Uijw see 540^ 

_£ijii' (^^.iii) with aee. 1093* 

^ji-^ to provide with a supper, to feed (with ace.) 72'" 

^j2i3 to blind (with ace.) 6068 (ef. 650^) 

jj-iv*j to sup on a thing (ace.) 695-, to graze in a place (ace.) 57^^ 

[ji|*£ (pi. of s^isi) camels that graze in the evening 864* 

%:^ adv. in the evening 189^ 

J^ i. iui-li! C^ iXlL^-i 355s seq., see Lisan II 93' sea. — t 

synonymous phrase is iC*L*4! *p* ^S^^"^ Mubarrad 49^^ 216' seq. 

sl^ a haze in the sky 522 notes ^ (as var.): a kind of cloth 995» 

^Uifi a bandage pat on the nose of a she-camel 434^ 

juU^r o bandage worn on a helmet 583^, or round the forehead 657*% 
pi. J'JUsi turbans 814»: a^rowd, an army 585" ( = 1089"), pi. 
troops of pilgrims 954^, ^ocArs of birds 680^ 

V^M^ see 437" 

bl..-;.:.;ri adv. perforce 437" (var. bUiii!) 
w>.«.;iA^ &ot4»^ with a diadem 184^^ 
wi**ic . w*A2A*ac disastrous 245^ 
iXiic. olA<oU see 795' 
ya£. ^ i. «o cfos* the eyes 93" 
o./^ said of a woman 1001" 

jA2;a:l — -*a>jtj' ..,!^X-jtJS ijf when the pieces of wood are pressed^ i. e. 

when the qualities of men are tested 260=, see the foot-note and 

cf. 931», Ibn Hishlm 799>8, Mubarrad 534=: liiJt*J= '^b i. e. 
wine 141« seq. 

5,Ui character, inherited qualities 044" 9M^o 

yAjLA (pi. of -»3*/o?) garments of striped cloth 1078^ 

.Uik* a wine-press 342^ 

jR*ac . jAJ'u^I a certain breed of camels ( so called on account of their swiftness 
3885 661« 

J.iaE. Jm^I hardest 855": crooked 661" 904», pi. j-s-c 135-' 914 notes^ seq. 

(as yar.) lUacI to be hound with a cord ( pL .^ r ) , said of a skin-bottle 531«, 

partic. 194" 

J^!^ (pi. of i*^U) fortresses 394" 

^Uic a cord (for fastening a skin-bottle) 627", pi. jIAi U7i 
^^i^ scar 124», .nari, l!™« 893' 
*ja^t a mouniain-ffoat 81=^ 
iUiUi (pi. of ^.iix) lerisfe 507'3 720" 753>5 
yax.. U=i n. to sfrite with a sword (with v) 'H'' 

1^^ id. (absol.) 196», with V 2266 ( = 684>5 ) 762» 957» 
^jjaic! to KS« a thing (ace.) for sIrikiiKj 111'* 

Uic mataph. power '3& «eq. : UoJiJI oi.a he caused a separation "*: 
l^Utc ,i.Ji]l sAt! settled down 670^: pi. ^k^-*^ applied to swords 65=^' 

xioi (dimin. of Uic) 355» 
.y«ac, .JjUac (pi. of -ULs^) sharp ( opith. of swords) 1030" 

w*.^2£^ broken (said of a horn) 147^ 
Juai. 3J^ da. two portions (?) 6818 _ i„ ,te foot-note (;jsaCi> is = (^jlificj 

jUiJ (pi. of SJa^} the fore-Uga of camels 557»: for (he phr^e J ^ 

^^Uajif see under ;^ 

J^^^aw a bracelet worn on the upper arm { syn. ^sXea ) 800^^, pi. tXi^Uw 

J=-ac. J;^ ( = ^U\£) 1017' 
[J^j-^ id. 441* 
i.^ o camp-follower il6' 704*, pi. iijj-^ 9" 245^ (text doobtful) 
e05« 704=, hence cowards, weaklings 833^ 1042': pi. fem. oIojUse 

niacsi: . n^^ ** njetaph. to wear away, consume 74^*, masd. ^jiss oSB^'^ : eonstraed 

with wj of the object 316» ( = dSS'* ) 507" 

Jiii cansat. with 2 ace's 835', with aoc. and v 803» 

Jsy^ coll. a kind of daU 611" 612- 

Jm:££ . 3..C2S £o become too narrow, to become unendurable to some one ( said 

of a place, with ^^ of the pera.; li*24''. J*saw narrow i. e. crotrdtd 
6021S: to give birth with difficuitii 303-, >.I».< said of a woman 

jjacf io caKse difficulty to a person f with wi of the pers. I 303^ iJujJw 
_UiJi said of a she-camel 339«, hence .v i" . - « a mnfurtune 302" 
646W, pi. a'i^ SW 

^JajLi to become sinewy (said of the limbs) !!•" 

3-c5el most sinewy 855^^ ( as Tar. ) 

wit . wii; fatigue, exhaustion ( in a camel ) 953' ( as Tar. ) 

>_aii£ i. to begin afresh, renew a contest (ace.) oTS'" d98» 871*: to 
attack afresh (with J of the pert. ) 871« 

■^ff,ar (pi. of s_5>i2c) generous^ munificent 664^*' 

wAtLc bending the neck ( epith. of a gazelle) 618', pi. ^.ilii^ 8": recBj-- 
ring, beginning afresh ^al^^c wj-^t .J 871* 

v^aLjM one w/io returns to the attack 575^^ 

\JihxA bent, curved 565^*^ 

jilc lofty 186" 224" 

JJjIjw (no singular) those parts of the liodg which are uncovered 630^* 

qLc! to be allowed to remain at the watering-place or to return to it 
(said of camels) 55i« 

l^ n. to stretch out the neck (with lj) 13615, partic. pi. fern, i!^' 
stretching the neck 423^^ 

i_jLci with v of the object 839', with ace. of the person and i_i of the 
thing 757' (see s. v. ;Oilji>) 809% f^Ajb ^iViiii' j_^ till theg 
surrender to you X088i^: applied to a wife (with ace. of the 
husband) 65018, ^f. 691» 

Slioi ( = i[!a'kl) eiS": du. double pay (given to soldiers) 109U1'' 

ji>L«i to cling to one another (said of dogs) 797', partio. pi. foni. 7731S: 
metaph. to compete with one another 580 

jUiE ( = ^L«.i) 279»: for JOic ol^ see 179M 

j^yiUic (pi. of jiU) ~ ^^.JLI!-«-i! fy?, 'Iii> nnmo of a well-known battle 
580" seq., also 74' 586' 588» 

'fMxii to compete with one another 11'' 997'": to appear daiigerom 498="' 

Jac the greater part 405* 

liia a difficult enterprise 54» 765» 

cLsw see under y^ 

^f (pi. of ^Ie) intestines 6923 734s 

^ i. to stmn with dust 241= 24230 79511 103J5 

^ intrans. to roll oneself in the dust 1000^ 

tii see 795W 10009 

.Ue a H»rf of wooii of which fire-stieks were made 64^* 

Xl reddish-brown (epith. of an antelope) 621«, pi. fr. loh^o 
°aij o iind of antelope 92B- 
^Jls. L to keep aloof from a person (with ^"t 986i- 

J,S — _4i1 U *w unselfish conduct 58" ( = 785!), cf. Lissn V 11 1» 

jli ( = ^l.Ste) 22118 

xkc 261' (as var.), see foot-note 

m^ a woma n suffering from hernia (liii) 524* 
^ii^ ( = 5~!j ^/) »ee 261 notes = 

^^_ac to become rotten 672^' 

^^ to efface the memorg of a thing (with ^) 1042« 

. Jtd to spare, deal gentlg with a beast ( aeo. ) 306' 

Jl^Is to seek food (said of wild animals) 196"', to demur (with ace) 
1018»6, partic. applied to men 563" 

tli the first run of a horse 43« 41 8>" 

LJU sahing food, ^^1 ^yU 195«, p], o-^i-c 603^ 763* 

o|>a£ (pi. of a^ ) choicest portions of water 496-*^ 

SLiii (pi. of_>ic or_^) yoKMy asses 62P<^ 112' 

w^si: to do somethinf] a seoond time 20^^ : to bind a lance with sinews 
(4«ii) 235« 

w-iiiii (0 a«oi« a person to take his turn in doing something (with ace. 
of the pera. ) 66^-* : to yive something to a person as a compen- 
sation for something else (with 2 aco.'s and j^,) 411' 
_Je the second run of a horse 4315 2473 ^ . - 
lijL a banner 4378 6661S(?) 972™ 1024" (?) 1037», pi. j!,UL US" 
wvibCU owe itf Ao searches carefully (?) 947- 
4*ssUj. (?) 691 notes' — far. ^^Ijiii in Hell loc. cit. 

jjU^ ( =f^>!^^Jf^ said *o be « P'- of iy^ "r ^4^ ) **« after-effects 
of a malady 632* 

L\ftc i. io fix one^s mind on a thing (?), with ace. 544^ 

Jiic( to obtain an assurance from some one (with ^) 727= 

^M£. the use of the fingers to express numbers 199'' 

Sm a twist (in the veins) 844>* 

l3^ ( = S^ q. y.) 7315 

BiAilx — ,Jlj-»JI oliAiU fixed resolutions 344?: Jul>i ( = ^_ibl^ q. v.) 

epith. of gazelles 8'* 
^Vjifi a« «^% 410^* 

m3 a dog (Aa( «ia(A-.i with his tail over hit back 801- 
AiiL« «;ia( ()oi-( of the neck where a urekldce is fastened 630'" (aoo 433"), 

pi. Ov3U^ 8883 (tt« var.) 

ST.. Jic i. to stop, arrest the progress of some one (with w) 216= 

lU to compete with some one ( ace. ) in slaughtering camels 626* 941' 
999", masd. S^Lii il3" seq. ( = 1070?) 94112 99915^ oJ^Ull! 4^^^ 
mentioned by Sa'dsn ibn al-Mubarak 414- 

^ rape S411S 593^ 596^ TOS" 778- 845' 936": a compensation paid 
for a rape 251' 3988 593» 1001 = 

°Ui — jlsiji jU see Index IV 

.Jic one who is wounded 15^ 

5^ victim 93* 196" 5963; the lOice of a singer 308« 8842(?) 

Jix^ mangled, grievously wounded 997^ (var. Ijiiji) 

IjUi (pi. of jLsi*) men who slaughter camels 9533 ( = 41818) 

JJic. jJiE i. trans, io he up the lei) of a eamel (aec.) 88- 6611": intrana. 

to shrink ( said of the shade at noon ) 8", to seek refuge ( with 
j.!) 921, pi^s. nged impersonally I8811 

j.ijC£l to tie up an animal 10471-, partic. used metaphorically 2961* 

5U£ a cord for tying an animal 88^, worn by a man round his waist 
1043», du. 6611", pi. ji^ 662' 

iLsi the noblest woman of a tribe 473" (=703*) 598^ 806W, pi. 

jjix* refuge, means of escape ( applied both to persons and to things ) 
lOS 224" 6O31* 638" 1024", pi Vi'jJ 196' 274" 27810 603" 622« 
636" 6495 97018 

JjiUi (pi. of 'SS^ua) camels given as a compeni-ation for murder 613^ 

^jw.A>Cc. ^j«ubCc see 511' 

^. yCili (0 be filled with tumult (said of a battle-field) 666« 

fk retreat, mtMrawal 1043" 
^ numerous (said of camels) I079» 
U,jCc. (j~l->ij= a certain mode of tying camels, see 756' seq. 

'i^jiju: camels tied up 756* 
Ms^. J^UCi JIj^ 316" 
Aiji. i^ see 712 notes ^ 

31^ Aaro! (said of the ground) Stt" 
JjCc. ,>Xe (0 be tied up (said of camels) 1901 

|,jCi:. |ȣill to had camels (absol.) 1059' 

*^ toad, du. j*c (C*^ ^^'^^ ^^0 bundles borne by an asi 
U.««Xe. u~»^ see 61" (read ^riLitj u-^LsCc, ,__f»*Sj:5) 
yUX^ ibid. 
Ci <o scor 122' 

lii o scar 122* (as var.) 933", pi. v>^ 826« 
§lli a milk-pail 333« 447», pi. v^U 10" 447* 10208 
w^ a tnari branded on an animal 451" 
jjljix a sword bound with a tendon ('UL) 80' ( = 768') 

^JLc to expose oneself to a thing ( aco. ) 950'^ 

°0i£ (pi. of X^) foreign women 322* 1068' 

.;Jlijw thick, strong 682" 

l'lii!« OM accumulation of sand-hills 166' 


Jdc. Jjiu huge (epith. of a mountain) 609', see also 916 noies* 

S^ Bee 9161^ seq. 

t^aXiiji a kind of shrub (which when burnt produces much smoke) 102^ 

JOlc. 3jL ( = jiL) 916» 

Msi. M^ ( = jiil) bare (said of a beast without a saddle) 184^ 

oiJic. ^ic u. to allow one's camels to eat the learns of trees (with ace. of 

the trees) 4818 ( = 7831) 

^.iic to be encumbered with a thing ( ace. ) 838^^ : to be suspended from 
a^thing^aec^ 101015 

^Le to be responsible for a thing, sfilbJ ^iil 10825 (text doubtful) 

wile! to effect a capture (said of one who lays a trap) 6821' 

>_HiE — iLji*a< ^jL; see under ^yua 

(..^ic fastened to something (with w) 3041 

vJjUi (pi. of Lsili) do«(Js of affection 61i» 

^Ui ( pi. of i^i" ) sma" milk-pails 786« 

v_S,JLjw (pi. of vJi^i") ^it'nys iia( *oBy upon a beast of burden 21T* 

tiUc. Jli n. (0 ynaw, chew BW 

Jit. J.£ ( = 3jJ) 322" 3341" 

J ^Ic. to offer a thing repeatedly to a person (with ace. of the pere. 
and V of the thing) 775', pass, (with v) 619" 

■ii%i the remainder of a thing 25": the second run of a horse 163' 
3871 93es 9428^ p]. o^:^ 943' 

Jic. ^f to wear a badge ( especially in battle) 647^- seq., partic. 43^2 

601* 7478 938^* 993^ 

jlU mountain country (opp. to J4") ^"^^^^ P*- f^^ mountains 262^ 
*ijw o place where there are way-marks 55', a well-known place 63* 64^-: 
pi. jJLjw (races o/^ encampments 866^^ 

♦JLiei* well-known^ familiar to a number of persons -LLJ! JL-k-L/s 879' 
(8ie leg.) 

^. i^jliill to become manifest 70= 
iJU. j!,4ii /»•««<><: 896» 

^. Ic n. with ace. and v ■?10=, with 2 ace.'s 193= 274i« 700i« 

j^i — vi-dc ^ as an imprecation 544" 
^^ji to 6e raised, lifted (said of a saddle) 756" 
jil intrans. to os«/>ii(f) 657'" 

Jii' to recover from sickness 1046', see also 338 notes ^ 
JUi to rise (said of the dawn) 49" ( = 783i«) 551» (as var.): to 
mount a horse (with Jj:) 50": to come 1978 700' 763" 

^_^! to asM«(i (with ace.) 699« 
1 JT >) ,t. ■ Ji eminence, nohiUty 692" 757' 806"' 

xlJU, pi. oUlU high grotmd 1043': pi. Jjyl lance-heads 45" 944"> 1019?, 
tops of trees 902' ( as var. ) 

Btsli arisii 7081 767«> 801>- 1033", metaph. a strong she-camel 65» 
^.1i ei»«Henc« 699* (var. s«'^l) 
BiU. .U 758*, pi. JUi 758' ( «oo 758^) 
^As. . ma under l^JLs 

^. ^ to the exclusion of.... 466« tOO's 871" 

iX*s:. uX*c i. to cause pain to a person, partic. 985^ 

Jui, masd. Jui, see 985' 
oUc pillar, constrned as fem. 3521 

Oj*i]' the dawn lOOt' 

>L^ metaph. the chief of a tribe 572^: eoll. supporters (?) 836" 

jtE. ^ u. (0 frequent a place (aoc.) 995", metaph. (o (J«m«« oneself 

a thing 988« 

Jul (pi. of J<iU) pilgrim s 855> 

bJUi: a iorje cdm 326' 6151^ 

jjtc (pi. of ^) duration 539« 

°U^! ( pi. of the same ) vital powers 878' 

^^. o^ far-stretching (said of a plain) 480": swift (said of a wolf) 48( 

u-^. J.Ux dart, yioomjf (epith. of a day of battle) 955i» 

i.A»c. v.A*i dMp 2266 (as Tar.) 

J^ id. 228" 

JlX' id. 1046« 

ouxi^ id. 915 notes 3 (as vaK) 

Js*c . xiUc wages 434'^ 

jj»ii trodden, frequented (said of a path) 205« 222" 

o'^tJtVw^. fl hard-worked camels 427" 

oU^j «rf: 345' 

!•.*£ . >-»£ fo invest with a turban, metaph. to strike on the Mod with 

sword (with 2 ace's) 364" 

f,^xj to behave as a kinsman (?) 595" 

j.iEl to put a thing on as a turban, masd. used metaphorically 1008" 

iiU (='J) 428" 

*;^4£ full-grown (said of herbage) 514^ 


^ noi% i/orn on <Ae father's side 188' 225» 

_j*c, ,-*£ io become unrecognisable (with Jj:) 697^*, hence <o become doubt- 

ful 660« 

i_y4£ blindness, ignorance 18' 913" 

j»i 6(iH(i, i.e. regardless (with ^yi) 906'= 

SUi a (Aiw e/owi 629« 

SjUc /o% 127" 

£llc )<i. 980" 

^. ^ - AUa ^ j^ OB my left side n8i«, wJiJ* ^^ so as (o omid 

(desceni from) Kulaib 383* ( = 753* 774»): l^Ii ^^li / iaWed 
o« o little distance from her 436" 

wUe. vUc Bee 170» 

J,^. XII4 ( = ^) 2811 2611, see also 170" 

o>»i£. ,^Ji injurg 953« (as var. ) 

iXit . jJc u. see 987''' : AiU flowing (said of a vein out open ) , AiUjJ ol J 

ca«smj a t-ein to flow (opith. of a lance-thrust) 987», pi. aJ^ 
^oic»»y veins 493' (? as var.) 494>, Ajl^ M. 691» 

oUc opposition, contest 492^'^ 

-Jkic . |AIe a ceii dye ( to which blood is compared ) 686'* 

i-U;. jijjw yomy aside, marching apart from others 227^ 

^J*'^ o strong she-camel 134 noies- (as var.) 503* 754^'' 
y-Jlc an elderly unmarried woman 2P 
"■-■■' coll. kinsmen 998* 
> _ill fo ie rttde 577« 
^iJLc ia &e treated rudely 564* 
.J^ unskilful, clumsy 4191, pi. ^^ igf 
^iiif 1(2. 5903 

'''<■"■■'- the hair of the lower lip 440" ( = 1058" 
._Sic o Wnd of quick pace (in^speaking of eamels and horses) 1" 49i* 

( = 783«) 
^Uil (pi. of >_s-Le) nects, metaph. verses carried from place to pUee 

( as the necks of camels are tamed by the riders ) 795" 880' 

^ - id; ^ see 52i» 

'Uc — lyLiJi-il Sj-A limited partnership 10181: pi. 'i-Jsl rudders of 

ships 354« 
jyi to ie troubled about a thing ( with ^ ) 499*, m^d. «Ui 666< 
^Jl2. to make much of a person (?) 5158 

^yH to exert oneself 7451' 774s ( = 62"), (o toil along (said of a 
traveller) 746^, to strive after a thing (ace.) 827^, with ^1 1014* 

^.,U a sUve(i) 170", a pruemr 652« 843« 943«, pi. sUl 18" 771* 
ilic o ittnii of paste for smearing mangy camels 330- 406^ 

^1^ the address^ a Jlettor_976> 

, ^*jw jjreoccttpiVfl, anrious 501* 

^ «. 672" ( = 774») 

^_ix*i! a name yiven hy al-Farazdak to one of his couplets 774^ 

j*4c. j_^^_^ o long-necked camel 804' 

>X^. lA^' to inspect (with ace.) 47 1» 

JsiUi' to pay attention to a thing ( ace. ) , masd. 498* 

i>4»^' to make a person responsible for something ( with aoc. of the 
pers. and ^ of the thing) 350": to impose a condition in the 
case of a person (with ^ of the pers.) 817* 

Sl\^ bond of marriage 804' 

f^. i^Ui {pi. of j4ft^) s'''!'"'; camels lb&' 

_j£, _U j'tion/ 164^: coll. bracelets of ivory or tortoise-shell 62* 7551' 

°^ (pi. of ' jcl) bending, liUii _.jJ! 822' ; variable, inconstant 9213 

j^=-^l coll. iorses descended from the stallion A'waJ 30*^ 329*, pl.oLc^ycl 16* 

jjc. iU n. to recur (said of maladies, etc.) 632* (cf. JUU 981=), with 

ace. of the patient 847': to confer a favour (with v) 2201" 
(as Tar.) 

ijjtj to adopt a thing (ace.) as a custom 310« 485" 

o^Ul' — ^UJlJ! l^jijUl' eacA party seized their arms afresh 739* 

oUjil (0 PMiY a place (aoc.) frequently OSl^, jLxjw ever recurring 981** 

^i^ subst. return, sjAj J»c «^>^ ^>-j he returned as he came 85'^, the 
conferring of a famur{'i) 90»: adj. old, o,_c J_i^ 661" (also 
without '^ 217'»), oji ^w> 622' 

J^ wood, metaph. character, inherited qualities 9311', pi. qIA*e 260^ 
(seo under ^*i;:i:l): pi. jlyti pulpits lOlS" 

i_^jlx oiic/en* 64'S', of muMmt race 376"' (text duubtfiil), «« (inrwwi! 
6Kii(/»n» 402" 408" 757" 

XjjU ancient renown 1858 74513 103615, „„ uncimt JmiUing 289' 689'= 

Jul^ ( pi. of SJuU) women who tisit the siek 44t», used ironically 196"> 

j,j3u used impersonally 725" 

juL= a femah that has recsnih/^iven birth (said of an animal) 706i«, 
pi. Iji (said of women) 275- 7652 87213 

"U s. to become Hind (said of an eye) 7691': n. to render blind of 
one eye 7691? 

j^ to be driven awag, repuhed 940» ( read jjxi and jjy^i ) , jy*-* 
1002K: j^ii s<qpped_«p^(said_of a wen) 957« 10221* 

^jUi- (0 s(t-»fe aUernately (with ace.) 362i» 457' ( = 1077') 

aJlc — ^— Jujtji sjW a large number of camels 3151 

yp snbat. <ii(s( in the eyes (syn. ^=M) 869=: adj. cowardly 1951" 

ifj^ injury 944^, disgrace, scandal 963^ 

^yw suffering injury 95(F 

^ISU see 813* 

djw o»e loAo Meters (i« cry U or _»= ( in driTing sheep ) 786is, masd. 
sUUi 786" 

ij^ state, condition 39M 

i_jjLc see under oi^c 
^_^U; n. «o imifer 1082« 
oiSJjc (pi. of iLiUU) accidents, mischances 779" 

J^ to ask a person for something ( with ^ of the pers. and ^ of 

the thing) 415" ^ o o^ f«^_'>^ip *01'* (=f- 508» seq.) 
j)jU Jy: » Joad cry 1045' 

JJb see 813* 

|.jc. fSjn (pi. of xuU) swimming (said of the etars) 391", see "Additions 

and Corrections" 

Qj£ . qIc! (0 enahle_a. person to acquire something ( with ace. of the pers. 

and Jj; of the thing) 466" 

jyUi~l to seek to acquire ( with ^ ) 645' i. e. " may they never seek 
to acquire hearing and sight ! " 

^!ji applied to a woman 483' 925» (opp. to j^), to a want (to4:=-) 
618', pi. |?,ji (opp. to jl4!) 836' 

ijU a herd of asses 4658 627" 712« (on the meaning of this word, 
see Noldeke in the Z.D.M.G. XL 168) 

i-?5=- tS£_Lil*22L^^" (=''"*'') ^2' 2798 523»( = 908") 5241 (=908"), 

majd. St^ 523" 524is, partic. jU 62= lOlS'" du. 9223 

,_5JUi' to howl to one another (said of dogs) 1071" 10723 

,_^iLll to summon (with aoc.) 240^ 

Oufc© . O^*^ to act unjustly, ^^yXJJCLt!^ 253^ ( as var. ) 

j^lJkli coll. tall palm-trees 890' 

jajs . j*c an ass ( as the bearer of a bunion ) 20-, motaph. 842^, pi. jL_*-e! 

325" 874- 1042" 

^j.^. tL^i a light-coloured she-camel 30«'', pi. ij~^c 134* 272" 1012" 1042' 

^yifSi. L^iAE a thicket, motaph. a race, a tribe 64" 115>*, 898'", pi. ^.,L»i.,».x 

898>»: ilislreas, aihersilij(t) 672" 

Ja^\ high (said of a mountain ) 278^«, of a camel lQb% tern. 4,%»r 
ibid., pi. h, » '- lordly f majestic (said of men) 29^*", ^ ■_ r ; w««fe 
outstretched necks (=:Ja*i: .Jit-^Lj) '^05'^ 

^U I. io aw^^wr 502^, ^^jU an augur 19(fl'^ 502- 

3^ intrans, to becotne poor 586^ 

jJLc see under Jy= 

o^Uc (pi. of jUc) women and children 420* 

Jojw one m:^ has a large family to support 314^^ 

*Ld a. or X. — J-cj *f as an imprecation 925* 

*Lci (0 deprive of milk ( object understood ) 586^ 

™^ (0 discover the apertures in a skin-bottle (^ith ace.) 433^: q-jw 
speckled (said of a garment) 734^^ 

^IXcf ^0 aci as a spy i^jf^) 405^, io spy out a place (ace.) 148® 

^ — j!jliii ae epil eye 190^ (cf. 234^^): ^ ^<-C«^ ^ ""G"^ ^*>« 
my eyes for... 825^ (variants Jj^Lj and ^^.^ii , ^ ) : pi. qL^^^ in 
the phrase Lg "A, .». rl„ i (^emse/res i. e. (Ae very same camels 92^* 
( = Lj4L 931) 

UUe adT. lit reody monm/ (said of a payment) 742=, cf. LIIc Aghanl 
VII 187=5 
, ^^JJ3^i /resA (said of water) 646" 
yj^ unlucki) 907' 

^-£ imperf. U^-stj ^o be ambiguous ( with Jx of the person ) 381^ — 
the gloss in Hell loc. cit. explains U ^J "J >_.>i. ^^il*'' ^ i5' 

^*c' ^0 he more than a match for a person (with J^) 471^: t& be out 
of reach (with J*) 824' 


C^ end, result 16" 541« 7435; Zju\ s!a1 on the morning of the second 
day(?) 765^: pi. ^l-*i5 in the phrase bUil jU. to perform Jour- 
neys of two days 149^ 

£lii_TOaft 4539 (=10745) 

-Ai' io fte covered with dust 138^ 810^, to ie darkened by dust-clouds 
5608 698' 

^U left childless ( said of a woman ) 586" ( var. yU ) : coll. 
the last remnant of a tribe 58?^ 

Lx! (pi. of j*e) reiMamiJa' of milk loft in the uiider of a she-camel 

""ytr^ » dust-cloud 4988 

ot;*«-« years of drought 347"" 

-Lie i. to think a. person fortunate ( with ace. ) 65" 

ialc (pi. of ,h_* at) water- courtii'S 314** 

y*i deception, disappointment 818", Lild adv. eaiii;;/ 1026- 

^Ui (pi. of i^j-Jw) groins, of human beings 35* 444", of camels 246' 

'^^ stupid 305" 

iLli « s/iower of rain 290", pi. oU-(i 868' 

•i{jk scum carried by a torrent 170" 613" 626", niotaph. eamp-foltouvrs, 
myabonds 657^ 

jiAc. OJu a camel seized with pestilence (SAc) 416" SeS" 

jXi.. jOJCi to lag behind 994" 

.iSi a stretch of land abounding in holes (f) 338* 
^Jui ( pi. of ,jLe ) treacherous 4631^ 
S^A£ a plaited tress of hair, da. 547', pi. jSSAi 10621' 
, ^Jij. JiJ^ a. see 293" 

uiJ^i* one who covers himself with a veil(?) 593^* 
JjiAi. jjAc adj. hanging loosely 231' 
^Jvi. OJiji (pi. of iLijLi) streaming rain-clouds 780' 

31AE. ^jjU (0 attack in the morning, with 2 ace.s jLjLSji ^^^soUj 470" of. 

412 notes " 
£oLc coll. birds that fly forth in the morning 618" 
j^^A£ see (^f^ii^ 
jAc. juw marching quickly 1092^ 

3 jsi . fi's^ ( ""^ *4h ^r-*-:^ t^AJ! ) epith. of a he-ass or a male antelope 
280* seq. 
1^5 J>i /oeiMS ( of an animal ) 2801^ ( var. J»,Ai ) 

•-j-i. vy= — W;^ J*-" '" i™"'^ westward 841»: pi. vjj^e *4e sharp edges of 

the teeth 499= 551*: buckets i. e. showers of rain 6361, ^oods of 
tears 979" 

>_i'j£ rte mud round a cistern 234*: a Imthern bucket (V), ^^1 ^»A«i> 
1070'* (var. >_p^l o^ ^IS") 

wji o distant journey 134'°: di'sta«M 825* 

4j,!ji (pi. of V;L_e) crests of wacM 467» (as rar.) 777": <*« par* 

between the hump and the neck (in a camel) 814^^: travellers^ 
i. e. poems carried from place to place 477" 

w!j£ du. the two lower extremities of the haunches ( in a camel ) 325^, 
see 37^ 71^^; pi. i^j^' ravens, ^fu\ 'i^M Arabs with neg_ro blood 
in their veins 372' seq. 

&*jjC an original poem ( i. e. a poem composed for the occasion ) 62' 
63', pi. LiY ^^' ^*'" ("' "■'■) 
Jj^. jatii vile, contemptible 715* 

Ci^. ^J"^ (fern, of Jj}i) famished ( epith. of a lioness) 822* 

els 228« 



• of o'¥) 


of cam 


<() . 

-.00 4791 



temm«<, of flie, 

i 636' 



iLjlii, see 



^ u. io induce some one <o attack something ( with ace. and w ^ 
261" 8271 

'j^ 333^ — read L*j_j£ q. t. 

I£il fo take by surprise (with aco. ) 227", to cimimeent 10911!^ 

jlji lack of milk 252»» 

jijE shngje-tninded, guileless 538^, b^^ »jj ( = i^.yi .^^^ fjj ) i. e 
there are some days when she seems guileless 822* 

~ji bright, epith. of the teeth 27(1*, of an illustrious person 696™ 798" 
{ =397») 991» 995«, of a victory 939», pi. ^ of poems 477'», and 
y^ of faces 1078K' 
^l^i (pi. of "ji) aimple-mimled 867"' 

j^ to abstain from milking ,1 sho-cumnl (ace.) &3V' — road U-Ji and 
aeo "Additions and Corrections": pass, to be stitched, fastciH'd tiHM 

jyLci to put the foot into the stirrup 735^ 

ijcjL to he weary, disgusted 103* 

ijaj:. see 6* 

^j^ (pi. of Jd^) the fore-girths of camels 2725 347*5 

[^yhoj^ the cartilage of the nose 917^* 

Oji^-ci to draw water 465^^ 

■Zi"^ a kind of skin-bottle 5318 

ijjJe-X*-! to overwhelm 643^^ 


ojjji' to brim with tears (said of Ihe oyes) 


oij^ jw tearful eyes 


i_oJui rubbish that has fallen into the voter ITS'- (text 
doubtful ) 

ji^ a plant which was used as fuel «0»s 787' 

J:/ see 100« 

J/! uncircumcised 231S (as ?ar.) 6691" 828W, pi. ^^^ 892= (as Tar.) 

|l!j£ disaster iV 933", yrie/; passion 1005" 

^jU a &6<or 345» 382" 390" 426is 789" 

I'X' id- 1046" 


J^^ used in speaking of a won 

lan 9n« 


^> see 100" 


Jioiji epith. of heroes 818" 


U:i see 29* 


]jl1 to proiare m«A (said of a poet) 1048W 

Jji (pi. of lii) animals that produce much milk 816" 876* 
Jji. 3j*^ " female antelope accompanied by her fawn 212* 617i« 631" 

if. JjSill to raid (with ace.) 53* (=785'=) 

^yk (pi. of jU) raiders, JjjAJt jij 289" 
).A»c. J-li washing -mixttm 132« 1372 xg2l6 1636 3974 

Jy-^ M?aier /or washing 132^ 
i.^^. (ji;.£ ^«tie 622^ 

^Ui.c subst. Aas^e, a ^Amir done hastily 160^"; adj. scanty (said of 
sleep) 825" 

1^1 most guileful 946" 

fji^. ^Iji (pi. of lU-iLc) rfo»M(jr violence ( epith. of spears) 748'- — variants 
^iJ;jtJI and A^fytJl 

^yi£ violmt, high-handed 978 742" 74815 1046": disastrous 1067' 

^►.iic. j»/i.ij' to act unjustly 744* 

jAc. jtilii Aai-sA, iJ(oten( 355* 

^Ac. ^^ii (0 ca.rt onese//' u^on an object (ace.) 355* 823", to attack 1075W 
1094", to mount hills (ace.) 868" 

ijltji (pi. of il-iLi) opith. of bows or spears 98" ( = 422" 1072'"): 
misfortunes 122« 

j^ji^. ll^i adv. perforce 425= G52" 1017» 1033'!> 

UUiiil W. 437 notes « (as var. ) 

j*ia£ . S.Uiai. luxury 724'^ 

tj.yiic a /i,-i«ri of coarse grass 10li2^^ 

fr--^^ jjijjc moist (said of herbage) 5!4' 

Xcsc abasementj humiliation 1083^ 

i2i*nc. jja T ^ y V see 6^ 

_jui2£ . »Ji.ii-i' io siow /bcoKr { absol. ) 5381? : jg tulge out ( said of the coating 
of a mined well) 857^ 

yu^. ^ilii massive (epith. of a lion) 736" 

^,:s£. tii coll. a kind of shrub, UaiJI ,U> a term applied to al-Ablat son- 

in-law of Jam 8413, UaiJl ^ id. 842" 

^i:a3w cowering under an object (with ^) 1028^^ 

jj=c. o Jair '•; to seek the preeminence bli^ 

vj LLii (pi. of >_L^ 57415) chieltains 859* 

Jme. -ki u. to plunge into the water (trans.) 408? 

JsULj to plunge all together ibid. 

J^lloc ^Ae act of plunging ibid. 

Jii. jisUi (pi. of xiO) f^ni-teess 210» 634', thickets 602* 618« 

JofcLic . ^If-f* " <o surf^e up ( said of the sea ) 626* 

La^ or L,\hk a mass of water 390" 

Jt£. JlJlj to become crusted over (said of wounds) 948^ 

Ji£ . Jii — LjJ «-!^ jii *e eonceaJed his identity from her 222" ef. 1024* 

jiii to o«acit unawares (absol.) 2115, ^ith ace. 411' 

juil (pi. of jli) unbranded camels 323" 

^. .c^' to dose (on hoi^eback) 81* 

_Jic. ^ i. (0 y»rc one's «a»t« to some one else (with Jji) 755 jsj! jgais 

186" (cf. U.*-.! ^ eUJ _Ji Ibn Hisham 103"): pass, io he 
hindered from doing a tiling (with ,}^ of the thing) 862^- 

wii! thick-necked 1861^, epith. of a lion 255' 990'-, fem. iLU^ used 
metaphorically oTl*, pi. _Ux <A/ci- 959^ 

iiJi i. <o mfe 9171S. (var. Uii, see the Mu'allaka of Labid v. 32) 

iJiii-i unsuccessful in striking fire 91' (var. eJi«*) 

I«ujU£ (pi. of K . ."-• 1 r ) throats 375 notes 5 (as var.), metaph. (Ae i«os( 
distinguished families in a tribe 377" (as var.) 731" 766" 

?L»...aLTx ( explained as ^Ui'^! 5jA.i;wi ) apparently an epith. of war-horses 
501« (of. the parallel passage 784^, which has ,^L.di^) 

\J^l to deposit a wager { ace. ) 80^ 
Jilll (pi. of 3ii) fastminijs 1007' 

jic a pooi 0^ water under trees 890'' 
Jiili ( pi. of XJili ) pins for fastening coats of mail 508« 
JCjilci an irregular dimin. of iuic ( pi. of -^U ) 93^- 
"fALu applied to a woman 692", pi. ^jU 4^* 

^ a. (0 surpass some one (ace.) (» shooting arrows 295'" 
^^j3U to compete with some ono, hence to endeavour to (rai'ersf ( P ) a 
country (ace.) 480": partic. JJU a competitor in a shooting-match 
295>» 1080" 
^\ to ask a high price IU"> 
^jjtj see 338" and foot-note 

gjlxj' to hid against otw another for n thing ( aeo. ) 520' 
jli the act of shooting arrows 295i>' 108y'«; a horse-race 589" (as var.) 
vNli high price 852- 533" 747" (»io log.) 


Silil (pi. of Jlx) costly 555" 
J^. Jii! to Uil (trans.) 857" 

^ a mass of water, hence a generous m««(?) 79«, x4jiX 
promjj* 218" 334«: pi. ^Ui masses of water 237" 872' 

J^ iMMjieHenced 645*, pi. °Uif 6i7« 878" 
^ (=^) used in a plural sense 879' 
8^d a mass of water, hence cai-e, sorrow 174'*^pl jiij_kj 
;poK5rs(f) 9181 

°Ui eas< 872» (as irar.) 

j**c £rross which after withering is refreshed with rain 13' 
ljL*ii tte process of rubbing the skin with a cosmetic called a. 


notes ^ (as yar. ) 
^*jui inexperienced 943= 
U^i. ylviUi to rMsA together (said of floods, etc.) 872' (as var. 

(j^yt^ one who rushes 719^ 
lja*£, ij^*^ to shut the eyes 89^ 

ga>f! to overlook an offence (with J-c) 905^* 
J.JUC. 'fUj. (pi. of xZiS) confused, inarticulate noises 345' 3776 4131? 

Oui. Jui mois( 226* (var. vji^i) 

^. |ii u. to cowr, oBcrwMm 170» 301' 651« 870« (see the gloss 871') 

8729, pass, impers. i%i 'fi 736" 

1^ suffocation 490' 
ill distress 736" (as var.) 
iQ. id. 81' 

see 318" 

a thunder-cloud liV^ (as Tar.) 

(pi. of iwUx) pieces of cloth which are stuffed into tha nostrils 
of a she-camel to prevent her from smelling 318^ (see 871^), rags 
for stopping up wounds mT>, ^UiJt ^ ( = k^L^I the skull) 387 

to sing to a person, applied to the rattling of chains (with ace. 
of the pers.) 7618 ( = 3i6i) es?" 

spare a person the sight of i 

thing (with ^ of the pers. and aco. of the thing) 1004', to rid 
a person of some one else 373 notes" 410«: Luf j^Uii ^ as a 
curse 373 notes' 

^1 i S to sing about a person, hence to satirise (with i_j) 13' 628"(?) 
jy!^ (pi. of iiiLc) see 136'' seq. 
lijji. liUI see under vi^«i 

liiUili to seek refuge (with v) 95" 1010" (f), with il 62115 
iL^ — 'nbji i. as an exclam. 669" 
_*i . — fcC broad-breasted (epith. of a camol) 1011 notes' 

.tJi. ,Lc a. /o descend into the low-tying country (absol.) 7951', ^j^ij ^co. 

528"' 514» 
.^ io rest at noon (said of camels) 558* (as var. — read 0,5-^5), 

raajd. ^}ii 76612: on 940" soo "Additions and Corrections" 
'Ut to hasten homewards (?) 798' acq.: sob ^-ow and Jj^ bolow 
'J^ to set ( said of tho stars ) 926' 
,U an army(f), du. jji.^ IjL_e i. 0. tho tribos of Tamlm and Bakr 
720" ( = 740' ) 

JVC low-lying country I07S': pi. ,ji setting (said of the stare) 992" 
isjlc low-lying country 450^^ 
^_c,.i setting J ^.ix ^i>-ja^ said of the stars 8483 

yy= int!(K>o» 330' 873' 

*IjU We$t 232M 

5^Ui <A« Ao;« of a hyaena 918^ 

»ow one who descends into the hic-lying co««ir^ (opp. to A^U-«) 913^: 
9.^^ coll, invaders blV^ 

Li-» twisted ( said of a cord ) 236W 255' : o piace io*er« an incaswn is 
made 864" 

_j^yu (pi. of -^•A') iMPOf^rs 485^1 

Jj^. JjU n. to sink into a thing (with 3) 146' ( = 327") 

J»x. (3l^ 2. to lei the water (ace.) escape (said of a cistern) 915^' 

JjU (0 Aosfen towards an object (aec. ) no* 

3v«-J ^ cawse a person to wander ( with ^ of the pers. ) 175^ ( Tar. 


jIe (Se extent of a inarch 88 P* 

Jy= niolence, ill temper 8O41*: JCJyU J^ o iwy /femi (said of a woman) 

8O7S: JjiJ! p ( = xlla!) 10019 (var. j-ij! jLl ) 

jdjL* «»/«''<^ 53513, pi. jj(^ (iinys <Aa( iiyure a person 57' 613", atlaeks 
607= ( = 683'«) 849', crevices in a cistern 916» 

^aj.. ^jji infatuated (said of a lover) 60* 

._»^ . wU "o"- **'C*«'*S) metaph. multitudes of men 465', forests of spears 748^' 

4*i^ (pi. of iyii) i«is« yeiierafisM 77^ ( = 315>») 

iU-ow a woman whose husband is absent from home 340^*^ 

e^ . liUl to procure refreshment for some one ( aoc. ) 10091» 

eJi pasture produced bt/ rain 1065': jJJI eJ-i 1010" (Hell. loe. cit. 
has ua3l J-»J, a change probably due to religious scruple ) 

Juc. J»^l one MiAo bends the head (in dozing) 618", pi. A»i: AaotBj suppie 

joints (epith. of young men) 3461« 

^. jU s. to become jealous 8658 loggs 

jlii- «. 50110 loni 

y _^ cAoMje o/' fortune, i^_e^ illjuck 758'" '< 

^^Li (pi. of jylyii ) >ai0HS 7115 

.Li* one who is jealotts 501"i 

\ja*x. . yi3,.,.«.'i ' io yoMr /br^A ( with »j ) 687-^ 

vJu= . JU coll. a kind of tree ( = li^ ) 354» 

^>^ a thicket 997^ 1038>: for J^^oUl ^ soo under Jjl 

I^E. (.,»iU' cioM% weather 287"* 

j^. (!pui (pi. of ^^lI) luxuriant shrubs 997^ 1052"(f) 

Sii. S^ to be roasted 108" 

Juli see lOS^ 

yti . i^li (Ae toH(/<« o^ (ran which forms part of ii horse's bit 310« 708"', 

BOO 2192 

jlj. jli a vallnj 613' 

Jli. Ji H. to spit* o/i«» (trans.) 385"' 

^li id. 493» (as var.) 

Jii intrans. 493^ (var. ^«Ui) 

v».JLi . siJ u. <o crush, fS>J^U£^ J. liUJ vi^ this was a cause of weakness to 

them 1092" 

aOLj . li^ii ( tem. of ili! ) icwii!, epith of an eagle 58612 677" J-^^ il^iLi 
id. 98410 pi ^^ 59710 ( as var ) 

sj. SjXi o pet-eod wiiri elapses between two divine feueiod'ons 347" 

°L;J (pi. of yJ) siM^yis* 879' 
jij ( pi. of JJCii ) hatmgthe legs far apart 134" 
^1 ( = ^) 9863 (yaf. ^^) 987 notes' (as Tar.) 
SbJ (pi. of ^?) 707 notes 1 (as var.) 
tii a. (0 quiet, allay 206» 567« 
iij see 6* 

-S^ in the phrase Jo'SL 'S! (j!4_lS! Lssii jj i. e. iA« corneis came upon 
them suddenly 662H> 

^. '^'i to scatter dust 336i» 

J^:S\li cracked, burst (said of a cistern) 915« 
«ci. oUiii (pi. of ijt^sii) mjsfw-fMws 694* — see Dozy i^Sappl^ment aux 
diet, arabes" s. v. 

,i^. .liii one idio (MJ-MS Ms toes in 104712, pi. tjLsijsi 5* 

'^^\ dimin. of ^^1 U6» 

J.js^. ol^i! sAe received the male (said of a she-eamolj with ace. of the male) 

J^ii! (0 cAooss a man (aeo.) as a son-in-lam 843* 


SiL#i (pi. of J^sa) stallion horses T125 914* 

ilfS-il the quality of a stallion 872* 

j^ii! to find a person mute, i. e. incapable of composing poetry I29i*, 
'j^i^T^JOS", pi. 2" 

-L^ embarrassment, distress 1017" — the gloss in seems ti 

ii i, to smre, snort 411" 


a pi(, well (80 ace to the gloss, bat ace. to Lisan IV 11= 
dirty) 5978; L&i stout, Iroad (said of a woman) 832* (text 



an earthen vessel 8459 


see 137" 



( = IJJ*) 315= 317= 



o woman who has a distortion in her hands and feet 332' 



(Persian pandmn) the sacred muffler used by the Zoroastrians, 

who are called plAaJI yj 645-, raetaph. 1069" 

i^ii with impersonal obj. 943» 1026'= 

(jsjls to negotiate about a ransom 315^, partic. 747^^, with ace. of the 
prisoner 3U8' 314" of. 473" ( = 703?) 

i^JjLA to seek mutual protection 420*' 42P^ 422***; to keep aloof from a 
thing (with ^) 619« 

*i!j ( pi. of Ij-i ) wild asses, applied contemptuously to camels 52^ 

( = 785» ) 
Ui'i a term of abuse applied to a female slavo 40" 6S" seq. 689", 

Uj'j ^! of a man 121" 122'- 690'= — see also Index III s. v. 
_/ to /fee(f) 858» 

I'i to drive away, put to flight 716": to force open 682", pass. SW 

Z'^ (pi. of ^_jli) fleeing 857" (as Tar.) 

Z.i ( pi. of ° 3 ) paths 232' 755' 

.^. ^"^ du. ac lobes of the brain 955^ (as var.), pi. ^I^i ii 12» 131" 

615", J^l ^! tte sitKii, or the brain 933" cf. 387", pi. also ^^J, 

in the same sense 767": ^j^ offspring (said of human beings) 81» 

jj. i^ tore, i. e. unadorned (2) , epith. of a camel's saddle 479™ 

j/- / "• 1° 

nmc a beast 856« 

"ji-, (pi. of jj^) iamis 657' 8421 
°5^ « /-Kyto-oe 918' 
{*i . ifi^i^ * Pcrstaw coat of mail 995" 

l.Ci£_£l^_?! lJ!M*^^J??»i-??'^^•J-*^/ id. 619" 
^y.^. ^!^ (pi. of ^-.^) (*e ioofs ()/■ camels 9» 279' 1017= 

ijij. Ji^I (0 poiisft, sharpen (with ,^) 663' 

i>/i t.Aj/^ applied to the formation of a horse's foot 745» seq. 
J,!^ coll moths (as_an emblem of stupidity) ISQs seq. 226> 354" 6*0^ 
seq.: the thin portions of the skull 1988, ,ee 131" 
fjo^. JaStji (pi. of i^^) the veins of the neck 674« 

jjBJ. i>>'i i. to assign a pension (with ^ of the pension) 897^, see 897* 

ijni coll. mercenary troops 358'" 

iiii a came! forming part of the tithe 820^: iUaj^i egM>% 76*1' 
_bj. ii to avert an evil omen 234' 

i.Ui' to scefc to outrun one another 972" 
Jj'i see 972^^: see also the following 

Jbjls one who is sent on before a carman 614'- 1070": ^1—=-^! Ja.i 
antecedents 121" (var. gJl IiJ) 
^^ . '^'ji a. to overtop ( with ace. ) 465* 621™, partic. 6898, p). fe„_ '^j^ 

yji to strive to surpass ( absol. ) 690" ( as var. ) 

'yja to ascend (with ace.) 59': to he eminent 46116 

c ji the^hairj)f Jhe^ head 514'*' (as var.), metaph. the noblest portion 
of a tribe 954", pi. ^,^ mountain-tops 763* 

p J j — f>y*^'^ c 5^! nam© of a constoUatioa 520^ 

jjl long-haired 822'5 963i« 

i ^ai OM e»K'«e«« position 689" ( as var. ) 

c J. c^j u. or cji ^0 6e /ree, ^o be able to devote one^s attention to an 

object (with ^1) leS'" 

ijj (pi. of cj) /Ae spaces between the cross-bars of a bucket 916^ 

tjs J . O J u. ^0 part the hair of a person ( ace. ) with a comb 1080'^ ( var. 

sJili 589*) 

Sf a flock of kids 7.181 

xii a state of dissension, anarchy ( opp. to i^U^) 35511 7221^ 

OjiJ a ihi-camel that leaves the herd 781*' du. 697"*, applied to a 
woman OSO" 

lXJjS. JvSjiJI the name of two stars in Ursa Minor 791" 799" ( = 78^ 3981?), 

called also j.,lAj^l 6()7«, luid ^Xilyiil 185* 989" 

tdjS . iliJ'ji ,i»c hated her husband ( hoc. ) 837' 840*, jjLi said of a woman 

27', 'ti,fA of tho husband 838' ( toxt doubtful), a),^(f) 279« 

^i. ^fS to treat a woman with the medicine called ff, partie. aet. 204" 

;), ;B see 204^^ 
Joj. Slj a kind of cloth 551" 

3J. 81 j (pi. of i j) furs 437% metaph. 465i, the season when furs are 

worn, cold weather 355' 

1^. i_5^ I. to cut 736«, pass. T7« 

^[si to Je amased, perplexed 196' (text doubtful) 
;ji. lLJ.i to frighten 755^' 

i li . p ii to be disturbed, alarmed 974", to iace recourse to a thing ( with 

j,i) 1098", to repel an attack 6« 1181, 603« 9748 

^yu a place of refuge 689* 
Lsvj? malformed 799^ (the explanation in the Lexicons '< having a pro- 
tuberant chest " does not agree with this passage ) 

i-ii a. to stretch (trans.) 474* ( = 703") 

;.>!-i a small tent 126" 

J^ u. to emit, belch up 6372 6956 

^^s puffing (snbst. ), i.e. the noise produced by bellows 10S7'' (« 

Ilili (=^Xji ijjh) 1052", coll. J-i-ls 223" 855 notes i (as tar. 
1001", pi. .j-SLi 926' 

li hosier 904> 

Jcli (/le bleeding of a camel (for food) 1083" 

P^was. ij£)y^ (pi. of fjas) joints 875* 

Jsjoj. J^ (0 6e placed alternately with something else (^ 

strung gems 265^*^ 

(3-i^ sentence, decision 199^^^, decisive 225^: J»*3*sji a name gi 
poem of al-Farazdak 200^ 

ijiaaJi io be routed 241*^ 

(jrUias ample, 'sj^d'Ju^ *^^ 154^- 

J-i=3 u, to he too much for some one (ace.)? said of a p 
food, 912* 

J^ that which is of ample size, du. 638", iOaU^ J^ ibid. 
iLLi « yordon of wine 90* seq., du. 5555, pi. ^-^J^ 884'=: 

appendages 542" 
3l^ ( = 5"^U^) 2988 
Juiali* clad in a single garment, i.e. without a cloak (?) 728^ 

Ui see 261" 

iUi an open plain 261" 611'-', •'Uaiil ;>5°^i id. 602« 
I%i.i (/le ac< of ftattenimj out metal 706» 
iiil ii-oaii ( said of the back ) 50K» 

"^ see 333* 
BJlLi 8 woman alio milks with three fingers onltj 332" 

jjLs ^At! blossoming of a troo 540" 

*^ i. motapb, 25^ 

JjB. j.«,v.ji to forge documents 401" 

J-Ei! exploits 921' 930" 
fja . jl«i stoi<( { said of the arm ) 24^ — read »k 

_jtj. ^I (pi. of i_5«0 certain veins in the thigh 36- 

Ui. i^ a valley 799» 

.jSilii o name jrjwn 6y aUFarazdalf to one of his couplets 774': X-liLis 
coll. so!«>es which put out tlu eyes (of their Tictima), or, ace. 
to another Tiew, winding valleys 465^ 
gJii. "lii (pi. of £iii = ^^i) 443« 79T» 1029«(?), metaph. 171" 

iXSj. j^Jujs-i as an imprecation 41 2^* 
Jii. ij to liitJirfe iM^o clans, enumerate by clans, or, ace. to another Tiew, 

to cut the nosn i. e. to satirne 459'' ( = 10788 ) 
jii' to knd a ridmg-boast to some one (with 2 ace."s) 612- 
Sji (pi- of ■jAj.-') camels lent for riding 227^'' 
5^ ( = jJU-J) 459' 
SJ'i a 5ZoM» that cuti, the spme 33V^ 
,Ui — o o ! ^^ epith of a sword 79* 
%si ( pi. of ^ ) uants 503« 
«j. ill a luAife truffle (as an emblem of baseness] 13« 162* 224' 300^ 

(but see the parallel passage 69=) 333' 947" (as yar.) 1000" 

xili id. see 162= 

0^ bright yellow 681" 

^jii . ^ to become proud 758' : to become seriotis, alarming 1024^* 

^JU id. 453-- ( = 1073»), partic. 388" 400* ( = 365») 7201 ( = 740«) 

QUftj the two sides of the lower jaw 228^ 
JjCs. Jj'Ui (pi. of jiii) trembling motions 41 

^i^^is. ci-^' ^'> escape (absol. ) 896^, to escape from a person (ace.) 46-, fol- 

lowed by Oji with gen. 165^ 
ciJii' to assail (with J,!) 2>« 
^. .aJU o two-humped camel 483-' 800', pi. .^J!^ 632" 

gjia. .3, ^ii see 108^ soq. 

^Ls^Ii having a split lip ( applied to a man ) 108- 
JOi. oili? (pi. of sJOs?) liners 523' (as var. ) 

(jjii . J^ du. a smai^ sum of money 904^- 

iJi. \ijii adv. see 52i8 

JiJb. jili pepper-plant 706' 

y.^. 3Is an_objeet of terror (said of an army) 646* 

LsJi see 1849 
.JM ( = Jli c|. y. ) 736' 
OiJUi (no singular?) slices WOT' 
liUs. ^iUii.-^* rounded 352^** 
JJb. Ji see 709" 

jii to 4« iico/seu (said of tooth) 709" 

_yb. ^ a co« 84' 788'!, ;ji3L_i-uJ! j_Li (said of a man) 826', pi. -t^ij, 

712" 799" 

„14. ^^Jii I. to cJcaii the head of a porson (aoo.) 802>' ( = 589», var. ^i^ 

lOSQin, J!^ <«.».!« «./«. .■;«.« //..■ h,mts of others ibid. 161" (»«o 
Additions and CorrmitioiiB ) 424" 


ylXiOLi see 733W and c£ 1142 

Oi,^ o stallion camel 6181' 995' 
,.,lj«j long'haired 889^^ 
jluii eA« prime of youth 886" 
S'jji (said to be a pi. of_jij)' the suiditisions of a tribal group lil' 
40i' 615" 707M022? ( = 704»- cf. 10251) 

^ySii coll. a kind of shruh 89i^ 

J^^ ( pi. of ^ ) stones for bruising perfumes 864" 

oi n. to deprive a person of something (with ace. and >_j) 192' 
( = 236=) 

cp iAiwjs (ia« are out of reach 1082* — of the Tarions interpretations 
of this passage the most plausible is "he who thinks that he has 
escaped from his (i. e. the king's) power is not really beyond 
his reach" 

i.ii! said of human beings 317' 624- ( = 320"), of hyaenas 926»» 

:a to_ travel througk_a desert 108" 829": to carrg off, make aKojf 
with a person ( with w ) 387^^ 

:jU an arrow used in playing the game called j— *^ 504^^ 

v.Ui (pi. of ijUi) deserts 773" 

^uii ( pi. of \Jsjs ) a kind of variegated cloth 547~ 

^"^ a garment of variegated cloth 55P^ 
3-! «. to have a rattling in the throat (said of a dying man) 5671* jggii 
3^ i». to have the notch {^^ or Kijj) ftrotwi (said of an arrow) 58" 

xijj notch 80S ( = 768i«) 
^_i!^l ( pi. of vJJ ) 570' 
9j5. s^ji (fem. of ^1) gafing (said of a wound) 193^ 

^. j_^ m the person of... 548- 725i » - cf. AghanI XIX 138 g^^^ iJJ; 

jjj! ^ |»jC^ (sic leg.) jL^'iJi, *J'y:'-i oii 
Us. 5U' io &n«^ 6acfc as booty 647^^ 

sUill to otem booty (with L_i) 356- : <o confiscate 948° 
S^^ji sAflrfow 521" 666'- 
rf^. ^iwsif spacious (said of territory) 506'~ 

^x^ .^ aee under .;,»3 

fji.^. (JtU I. to /joasi (absol. ) 167^ 

^JiJJ> id. 968^ 972^, to /was/ against a person (ace.) 862\ with ,j.£ of 
the thing 165*, .jifi vain boastimj 1653 226' 441" 692^ 

iili ( = >i^) 855» 

yi3-j . u^^i^' ^0 J30»r /"oc^fc ( with ..^ ) 687^ ( as var. ) 

i_pUjL-! /(> abound^ produce in abundance i with ace. ) 480^^ 

^U» shuffled (said of an arrow) 791'^ 

'iilii ampfc (epith. of a coat of mail) B20= 338« 579" (read 5U.-li^ ) 
638" 708», pi. oU=U.i 508' 
w«^. iU*s c/*?S(!?*£ 581 '8 

J-o. Jiil (pi. of J-J) 296» 





v**»- v^ (pi. of Lil) lank-bellied (epith. of horses) 8736 

!Ii1 (pi. of ^) 993" 

u~!i- JoS ( = J.^) ^919 

jja.*j> . u^^ explained by iL^ wages 723^^ 

(jiui computation 378^* 9461- 

lji2j. ui=?i-Si «o jrasp (absol. ) 606i 

Jo:^ see 1341 

oUi*-ui see under j:ii**Js 

JaAJJ. ^j^^ coll. linen garments 995^ 

j*i. jli, ^j»j see 6921 

^Li big 7915 6078 

*j[ji (pi, of '^S) grunting 6911* 

fi>i a sort of cap made of palm-leaf 9751- 

v^. v^ '0 make a noise SiV 979', masd. 'iJli 830» 

vlA^i making a noise 378' 1097" 

S-ii- J-i — iJijLi JJU (Aon receivest what thou deservest(?) 62*1' (text 

doubtful ) 

j4s' (0 cause to meet (with 2 acc.'s) 424*: to ucyj on a beast (ace.) 
masd. 100815 

J^ i/Jrtier poured into a cistern while the camels are drinking from it 416* 
J-Jt the front of a house or tent 386': = „i, in speaking of a woman 
8381': the beginning of a period 1041° 

iLs — jJJI xLs i. e. the Ka'ba 994« 

Jjis next year 322", Jjj ^ W. 140"; pi. jjl^i «4e vanguard ('i ) of 
an army 6021' 

ijUi sandal-strap 284" 

5-wi cian 732 539" 7165, aa. 700* 711* 

J4^ sdv. a sAori ij'me 0^0 919^" 

J4^l one who squints 223« 

•JjUJu ( = liUiu) 68P 

,_OL5. Z.ii » sadJie (for a camel) SOi'- 

oOii. ^ii o it»H(i of plant II8I 

JOJs. »l>Uj o thorn-busk 95^^ 

-Xs . jJCJ aloes-wood ( used for fumigation ) 460^ 

alls 860 458 

sycj ^^t a kind of venomous snake 61D>3 _ gee Lisan VI 381" soq. 

'Ui odour 199 notes" 878« 1038": see also 331" ( var. JlSJ) 

-^X3 hoariness 922^ 

jUil (pi. of yii?) sides of horsos 2921^, of valloys 345", uietaph. 719" 
( = 740') 

3JLs u. raetaph. to cause a thing to cease 558* 

j^'Lai (?) 22" 

JJ'Uii a» opportunity of fic/htinij CB9' 

■^ «0Q 45>» (read iuxijt) 345 '» 

^S dark grey ( epith. of a dust-cloud) 388" ( = o89K>) T65», pi. ^!yS 
applied to valleys 345", to years of drought 347'" 

^Ui dust (in the air) 103» 755' 10098 lois^ 

^1 ( = ^-b') IS' 398" ( = 1051») 

#-:s\i . ^ see 832 notes * 

^Ji^i. ^JiS3i aj:racked_skull 420'"' (in the parallel passage 'i2l qI~j! **?w=> 

*^js. fr^^ ^ ^^9^ * beast towards an object C^itiL.2_H£!!il™^l^l^ 

1^ decrepit ( said of a man ) 645*, of a horse 497" 
f^ssi (pi. of iisji) attacks 871° 
Uj^jiJ adv. hastily, eagerly 855^ 
^i^ «rj% <m (camels) 821« ( = 818*) 

*j>Uw ( pi. of ^jsviu ) young camels who change their teeth too often 426^ 
iXi . ^'iXs ii i> enough for you 416- 

_l\j. _(Ai a. to draw water 6061 

°JJl (pi. of ^JOi) 686= 
^Aiifl o ^d^ hence a portion, share 511^, du. i6id. 

oAs. AS ajeathern iioHyJfor binding captives) 74i= U(fi 228" SIS* 473" 

( = 703") 474» ( = 703»3) 481", as a coll. 601" 1003'* 

jAi. jMJi (pi. of ijjli) i)rai!»By 586" 

^5. ^ (0 6e held back, restrained (said of horses) 336* 8681 931* . f„ 

be repulsed 980" 

^. |.i\5l — imperat. |^y*\s! (used as a subst. ) a 

in battle 276" 

du. the front udders of a she-camel 613«, pi. -jiji id. 332'' 411 
'f«>!jj> the^ front feathers of the wing 400' ( = 765*) 621«: i 

|.Us (pi. of fLSi) 597'" (as var. ) 
fi"-^ _««_a» 801« 103513 
^J^ eoll^7io£_a««8torj 276' 404^ ( = 765«) 4S9i 643* 787' 872' 8848 

8885 ( = 496" J 9013 loSO": used of time, U^Ai in her ancient 

days 748' 

^AttJ ( = iii4^) 296« 

i^sLiii (pi. of ^d>Jii) foreheads 375> (var. |^ljiJ') 400" 

J*"*^' L?^*-*^ peakj summit ild^^, metapb. the noblest part of a tribe 615'-, pi. 
J»^!ai nobles 148" 

liAJJ. 0»jw ;^e jp«r( behind the ear 166'* 

oOis. --iAi i. to png, i. e. to (jite birth (said of mares, with v_i of the 

offspring) 89'": pass, to be pelted with stones (abaol.) 5548 

uiJUi' to drive from place to place ( with •_. of the obj. ) 829" : i_;jUi.> 
rushing headlong { epith. of a horse ) 304' 

JjJ!^ ( pi. of ilSi ) i. e. satires 804= ( var. ijl^ ) 

\Jy>ii that which removes people to a distance (said of « journey) 134'", 
see 829 'S 

-iXS, j^ i. 860 597' seq. 

j.'jvi having a wide mouth (epilh. of a pit or well) 597* 

i_ffi^. ^^Xi vexation, annoijance 461"'; for o^ ^sM »oo «. v. uSJ 

t J . Iji a. to recite ( with w ) 340* 

1^1 to read to oneself ( with aco. ) 358" seq. 

^! J « passage of the Kur'm 2206 

ZiU the sheath of a sword 312" — in 10351^ we should probably read 

^C^ nearly full 209' 

yl^ — W-U3I ^L^ i. e. the Eucharist 510*, cf. 936' 
^^J a kind of heetle 7921= 

iluf (pi. of v}i) thejanks of horses 288^ 292" (as Tar.) 
io/-i' ?2!?^. *8'" **^" (=1069") 

^ jU o galloping horse 923*^ 
i,UU middling in quality 812? cf. 816" 

^"£« ^X^i *^T^ " mare ifeep^ near her owner^s dwelling during the 

winter Sl^'' 
Z'^ epith. of ahorse 7361*, 5j^ 880«, pi. oU^ 748M 1032» 
,j^^. (^^/ the front of a saddle 584", pi. J~ri!/ 15« (text doubtful) 
^ji. ° jS full-grown (said of a horse) 3278, xjLsuil ^^S 643* (see Tabarl 

Gloss. 8. v.), pi. ^)i 3S6« 505" 511" ( = 28515) 

to-'i preeminence, xi-^t JJ>! 36731 

5 > 9 ,, 

5=>tj a villager (opp. to i^jOu) 400': MMOitxed 956 notes ^ (as Tar.) 

i£''^ ooll. comcfe with ulcerated lips 149' 

OjS. S'is (0 iccome jmei, moWonfess 763' 7931' 

S!i a»_a£e (as an emblem of lust) 396= seq., S^jsJ! ^^J 598», pi. 

S,/ 773« 

j^ coU. scraps of wool 1006* 

o)i (pi. of jl^) (icfa 5435 

^b°j id. 744i» 
JUji ( dimin. of Jji ) 967' 
JjS rte spi«c (of an ass) 792S: San?, roc% ground 80216 



^JLX.*^ one who seeks to quiet an animal 793^^ (text doubtful) 
,j». J i. j*^;':* J* '^^y settled down 656^ seq. 

yii to leave undisturbed ( with aec. ) 640», i~ii Uli! ju J 4nas coK2d 
Moi rest iW: to be submissive ISI'", tojubmit to a person (with J) 
ibid. 650", to^a thing (with ^) 99* (cf. 420"), with ,j£ 485' 
596» 9251: to show signs of pregnancy 466' 573', yL^ said of a 
female 203" 

jJLXwi — ^jS^ aSjJ she rested 54^, see also s. v. i_cy 

Jf "^'''».i/-pfag«^ 8^1'i ?_?'<»«£ wAcre water stagnates 2513 3337 g70i6 
( = 157») 

s^l^ id. 162* 194W 489' 870" 

jjji see above a. v. yi;;»<t 

8^ o 8»>o« pitcher (?) 166' (as var. ); resting-plaee 203" 

2. _ . , - i.. . , 

JiJC*.^ — ^^jxis^ul JiJO**.* i. e. the belly 1041^ 

Jj^. Jj^i a certain mode 0/' arranging the hair 407" of. 688': see also 

Index III 8. T. 

Of- ry/ »"" ^^' 

U.J. J.jl5 mM 25" 

X-M-U 6///, strong^ properly appliotl to a oamol, henoo to a hero 185®, or 
to a thing L>.lj3 jc 980» ef. 604", pi. oUwI^S Awoeji 769* (= 1047") 

(j:a j . tjfflj 1. to recite jioetry to oneself lOio*** 

jj:;: ji! to display a quality towards a person { with 2 acc.'s ) 982^^ 
j-iy . (j-stiijS ( pi. of ij~Lby ) applied to the books of monks 537» 

I c J. Si J Si. to announce oneself by mentioning one's ancestry (with i^) 

68" ( = 300»), see Jji; to ynas* the teeth (ace.) 400": pass. 
UTUiE iJj^Sjds i. e. ye shall receive warning 9231 

^^'o to fight (absol.) 6881= 690i', to fight against some one for the 
possession of something (with ace. and ^) 704', x-L_e ^_^,UJi 
o^i i. e. we will have a life-and-death struggle for the possession 
of him 76': masd. ikj\S^ applied to a game of chance 198", ^^Ui* 
epith. of a falcon 701= 

'^p to be assigned by lot 659= 

i^S a weapon for striking 62«, pi. ^ Jj3 690=, a public highway 851i«, 
mAt" oij^t ic,6 id. 428", Ju^l sl,!- (*e upper part of the Mirbad 72P 

li^ a stallion camel 480' 511" 560« 596'% hence a hero ISe'" 

^Z ( = y q. V. ) 945" ( = 943") - see Index III s. t. ^^U- ^ ^p 

c ,sw a young camel subjected to the treatment called s-jyJLj" ( which 
consists in rolling the animal upon a soil impregnated with sail), 
as a cure for pustules i^f) 1021" 

i_jjS to /«■ subjected to ill-treatment (with ^) 944* 

Ojiij to shed its crust ( said of an ulcer ) 592", see also oyii« below 

oJLsi see 554''' 

tJlyi contact (in speaking of an infectious malady) 124' 624'^ 554i« 

^Jsl a half-caste 575=^ (as var. ) 

^Ul the producing of a half-caste 575^ 

kj/i flayed 592" (as var.) 

i_Jyi-« a half-caste, usually one who is base-born on the father's 
(applied both to men and to animals) 40' 575* SSO'i 792>= ! 
9381' 996", pi. y^ji 23», feni. "klXi 846% pi. oo^ 10331: 
applied to things s_jA» vjy= " strain of base blood (in this i 
on the mother's side) 58915; loathsome, ^jLfLl 'i-iX^ 44 P cf. '. 

jyiXs scarred by ulcers 572" (var. i_jj5jj): suspected, surmised (?) i 
( var. jjii*]! and ^ytxj! ) 

^/ 'il£:??™£ 1!!2!!^^'''''° (™'^- ¥-^ ^^^) ''''^" 1000" 

jjiyj properly a larye ship, hence applied to a carnal tXjj*^' jVy 521'', 
pi. in s^liJr !^lji 756" 

vjijyi. ^;}i, 5i£s see 555' 

v_iiJsJs a draught (of wine or water) 555^: a cold shiver (produced by 
a fever) 692= (as var.) 

*jS. •J properly a stallion camel, hence « A(?ro 871* 914^, pi. ^3_s 1!1"5 

700" 709" 759» 764= 769' 872' 959' 

Pyi a thin red veil 702'' 1006> 1015' 

yi see 204« 

^jS.i ( = ^/) 17' 700", '-iA^ m coll. 10171 

iX>^. 3S^ to walk with short steps 492», pnrtio. 293" 

oa-y. o^t^^f (pl- of u^^*/) holes dug in the ground 512' seq. 

lyw see zua": Jaxiyw 

J^ys. jL.j3 o kind of shrub 225^ 894«, nom. unit. Xicji 226« c£ 894« 

^3. ^jS (Ae conclusion of a period(?)j -L«-JI ^^JJs J* 587^, cf. jj^L J* 

Ibn Hisham 381^ 415« 

...J» a came/ which is tied to another 32^': o cord 6y which camels 
are tied together 901^ 2'- a'/' "''^•' ™o'»P''- ^0" (as Tar.) 1083*: 
see also 6i' 

ijji coll. <Ai«»s s,««<.r m ««., s*oj>c el 

tc. 9473, see Lissn XVII 21815 

^j£ associate, applied to a woman 848': 

for ^il^ see Index IUb-t. 

^ ^>iS'. ^ 

xJL^ .U applied to a man 297', as coll. 296H 
IjX^ a kind of shrub 490' (sic leg.) 
^Iji? (pi. of ^)i) explained as = (^Ij3 22" (text doubtfol) 

L^j. t^s' *®* under ijyi 
^)jJJ5. jiJ^ iAe clove-plant 707« 

J/- .5/ 

(Ac 6ac7c of a camel 8* 480= : the blade .of a sword 621* 

^Iji (pi. of jB) following, i.e. confirming a statement (witln^) 335* 

sljy long-backed (epith. of a mare) 585" 

^^i I. «o afford protection to some one (aco.) 9101=, said of the tomb 
of Ghalib ibn ^a-ja'a 


-rat 132*: water collected in a cistm^n 

915i»: entertainment, metaph. slaughter in battle 564" seq. 
*jjil ( pi. of t3-s ) water-caurses 482^ 
JjC) (pi. of i^yw) bowls for serring guests with food 1033* 

^jj . ^°ji ( = /3 ) 440'» ( «r. ^j;ls5l ) 

c jji coll. small clouds 355^ 

gjju having small feathers (said of an arrow) 9; 

fji rubiish, hence (he teorst part of a flock 341= 

°Lli ( = /-3) 876> 8788 (», „,.) 

lij^ see 1]=^ 


iord 1001 

y-j>. ,y-«i epith. of a lion 997^, hence a Aero 791', pi. ,j-~i ibid. 

,^_j^ id. 572= 

JJ o Christian priest, 8^ t^^J 956i«, ^.j-JiSI Ji 1041= 

ils i. to requite justli) (with ^^.c of the pers.) 69" 881i» cf. 897 notes ^ 

**IxJ5 a piece of wood used for straightening lances 506^, see notes ^ 

i>i>«ji. S^ <'««' " «*« <"■'" 189" 336* 

*-JiJ' io Aayfi one's property/ divvied, i. e. to be plundered 198* ( read 
]yJJai as in 1058'", and see gamasa 187-«) 

|,— ii! to plunder (with aoo. of the pers. ) 1063" 

. lliti«.l to divine with arrows 389 notes' ^ 

*-wj (pi. of iU*.^s ) (trroies used for divination 389 notes ^ 

oUli or oU~5 <*e »PP«' poi'fs »/■ the cheek 1030» 

X^LmS see 21^ seq. 

*x--j aubst. a portion, share 122^: adj. beautiful 21' 

^-iLi oa<* 21= 

.v^. jV^t l5)*'*^ ***^ under -*j 

yi^. ^Uls (=jyi-ii /■j) 8787 

iJiJi, ij^y^ see 112^ 
,iiiii to be dissipated, reduced to nothing 491' 
^Ui (pi. of ^iii) huge (epilh. of hyaenas) 3T8', of Toltores 389> 

^«/.*sJi L io blame, reprimand, masd. sU] Oujj v *''"^ ^ ^2^* 

sl^ii coll. large bones 7« 8775; todies 530* 9861 (?) 

il«ai o measuring-rod 861', ,jLj~J! oUuis roiis which mjrk thejoal^ {is I 
a race) 489* 

J«JUi (pi. of iLfj^) lacks of hair 814 notes- (as Tar.) 

SLiiii o reed-bed, metaph. Jos(, multitude {?) 445'— see foot-note 

3Cai \. to act with moderation 593-, to treat jmtly ( with \-j ) %%1^ 

3SM to slay outright 9051= lOlo", aill ^ 793" 

sJi.*2i a fragment of a weapon 667", pi. 3^ 96' 
A<^ well-shaped (epith. of a lance) 101« 
Jv-^iXJifl moderate, reasonable 91* 

I-is u. to renounce an attempt (absol.) 903^= (as tar.): to hold back I 
a horse (with ^j.,) 667^: to reserve, employ exclusively for a par- 
ticular purpose, ^^j-;_ljli> sJls cjyiS i. e. i ham employed ttim men 
to milk for him alone 673" (AghanI X 45" explains (;j-.^Ls=i;i 
by criri^y'* 
^1 to abandon a practice (with ^) 1015' 
jaUij' — aJ 3L*.^sUf cjjj-^Iaj in comparison with which the mountains 
appeared small 4671^ '^f ^0 consider that a thing is ^oo s^r^, ^ scanty ( with ace. ) 
486" seq. 

Syaj see 55': o^ai necks of camels 293«, of other animals 467> 

j*oB — usj^' •^^^ tt>Uh down-cast eyes 82T^*: .::jf.*sj applied to arrows, 
see 7955 

"jll^ a fuller 341i 

jU'i ■< necklace 878", see also 445' 

^J*2isS ;o receive impregnation (said of a mare) 83^*: to allow retaliation 
for an injury (ace.) 1025^; pass, to he in danger of a thing 
(aoc.) n%^ 

Ja,>.aS a kind of tree 162" 

^JaMAA one whose forelock has been cut off, i. e. a protected foreigner 342^ 

ktdi to enter its hole (said of the jerboa 1 2881' 

g^- id. 960" (see the gloss), with v 1021i» 

^lJ (?) 5577 

iUols a ierjtfs's Ao^e 263°- 711" 87li« 960", see also 288' seq. 

K*iiL*^ place of entry (into a hole) 102U^ 

i_iii' to be broken (said of lances) Sfigi", of masonry SSS'", cjjjjjl 
Ji,lsji! 596" 

wa*a"s feebleness 354^^ 

JuaS OTSiVy 6rofc» 859» 

J-ols sAarp 370« 

3-itL »d. 185i» 231'« 

lis i. to split (trans.) 9I« 908*, jfiJ! iUj^ a ((tow thai hrmks the 
back 9261", partio. pass. 932' 

i;i*»a3 a tract of sand covered with shrubs 47", 677", du. 863"* 

(.yaj a kind of plant 35418 
y^. ^^^ — <ij& i.^^ at a distance of 8 days' march 960' 
^^»aii distant 1428 

4»^i (pi. of L^i) slender swords 663^ seq. 

i-i^ o sie-camei that has not been iroken in 327" (rar. ^jJiJI 1468) 

uliL sAarp 69* 

t_.*-ii3iu cMi into strips (said of leather) 9468 

yiiia . t_^t (0 swoop down 398S ( = 1051" ) 67?» 

^.odj. (c*^ ^' '** /iwi'sA (absol. ) 647^: to pay a debt (with ace. of the cre- 

ditor) 633' (read ij>jyajj, and ef. Hamssa 200* ) 

ijicia^ to exact & payment from some one (with 2 aoc.'a) 1001', metaph. 
Jss. i^jjJiS it is enough for me 41312 (5,0 Jeg. j^ cf. Uesa IX 237i«, XVII 

223» Ibn Hieham 7158 

iai. iis to throw a man <i) the ground 317*, see 10031" seq. j^,,, .,"., j£ fi 

'^ tojall to the ground 736^ 10038 

jm a string of camels 2488 

,■^lja resin, used for smearing c amels 902* 

im. M a. to cut 384» 418» ( = 1081°-) 

iuU^ (pi. of X^ Lisao IX 259') small bands of horsemen 6541 

jki. i£i a. to cross the sea 751': to s«i>er one's connection with a pereon 

(ace.) 9868 

j£iS metaph. <o teeary 7881' 902', vjjJUli iitLiw ahausUng Mr pursuers 
(said of a hare) 57" 

%^S to sever one^s connection with a person 1013^ 

yM (=M»^ y^s) 8368 

oLxiiLi yormenfe made of several pieces 984", see Tabarl 01o8s, 
%^aSLA impotent^ decrepit 826^-^ 
ju feiaJi-U one wAo is hindered from advancing 109^^ 
>_*to . >_»: { pi. of ojiii ) marching with a steady gait ( said of horses ) 663" 

|j!i. iLi see 185» 

|Iiii /wn'OMS ( primarily of a stallion camel ) 185« 323" 
^, (^ (*e (ower part of the back 799" 

oLis co^^ow 561^^ 
j^jjiis coll. those who attach themselves to a tribe 813" 
Jai. U^ — gLM! i.LjjLi' i. e. .fAor* (said of a day) 631* 

u-oe. wsis (0 Afli^e a round shape 929^^ 

J^. J-J^J^ see 162« seq. 

Jut3. Jvii u. (0 r«Brf«r helpless (with >_; of the person) 2301" 903" 

%X«iI — j*jS Ji' uyAxJjf *7 caused general amazement 349^^ 
Ouiill io «se a camel for riding ( with ace. ) 306i» 
JveS » woman who has ceased to bear children 813': pi. Jkc!ji see 270'" 
SJa — iSjH 800 168» 

sJuti a camel used for riding 330 notes" (and so also in the next 

line), pi. olJuii 461'^ 
^yii a camel ridden bg one who is lending cattle 170^ seq. 231' 864' 

976", metaph. ^^1^1 iyti « victim of satires 826* 

Jk*ju — liXJ" as aB adjuration 72* >\ tik\ou 168', Ml USiA*" 168* 

At^If 3yji 82*: pi. JkSUi see 170' 
sJu«i the mistress of a household 8751- . for 330 notes '", see abore 8. t. 

oJixi or oAnj igtiohh 7921^ 802™ (of. also 960») — for the contrary 
meaning, see 793' 

Jsiil low-lying (said of a place) 4891": see also 793* 

Jma^ g cripple 682" 797", ^L-=S^ JuisI (rar. ^uill JutiS) of mean 
repute 10911 

.ye deep 3P 


id. 9159 

bent in (said of the back) 439' 

U^iLai to Jcnd the back in B'- 892': to turn back (intrana.) 167*, to 
desist from a thing (with ^) 151", to stand aloof (with ^^ j 
340", absol. 360": to lag behind 439' cf. 294", to absent oneself 
from bittU partic. 28* cf. 263" (as var.) 

jj«--Ujtsi to be strong^ to last long 204' aeq. 

t_^ (pi. of J-iSi) bending the back in W' 1001' 

jLJ^ id. (epith. of a she-ass) 604is T92' 813" 842' 874« 1014': i«ac- 
cessible 571' (as yar.) 

Jn^l to Strike dead 72" 393' 

ij>ili see 7555 

,iiis to clash (with vj) 67« 

^ixii to make a rattling sound 662" 8351 9737 

jSjii (pi. of iiaS) rattling sounds 705i 1011", o(y«c<<» <*a« ro«fa 691* 

yii. jytit to squat (properly of a dog) 699" 9U« partic. 773* 

yH a kind of water-wheel 856» 

(A-fl-s. lAh-Ls see under lXs-Ls 

jii. jii u. (0 follow tracks (ace.) 801- 

AJs! to become desolate (said of a place) 1086^^; to eat food without 
seasoning/ 199 notes ^ — see AdditioBs and Corrections, and Lisaa 
VI 423= 

j^ (=j^\i) camphor 937is ( = 440*) 

jAi, jJLi i. to rise (said of the scale of a balance) 497" 

,_a » 'i ■ ^ hiyh ground 798^ 821 « 

.ftJiiJj . * ^.ftJiiJs a cold shiver ( produced by a fever ) 592* 

^JLS. Jjls one who is journeying homewards 221^ 

j!ia« fastened with a bolt 146« ( = 328'* ) , pi. fern. 982» ( see 990 notes * ) 

yH. lis — liiil ^1 778', perhaps equivalent to Liill 'iiy^ (see s. r. tiUi>) 

X*fljs cAoi'ce morsels of food 924* 

wjB. ..lili a »oo*« saddle (^) 147>'' 

_^. S^is a,sro««( 406« ( var. |yi6) 

u^Ji. >1K (8ing^)_cro/;iy S9« seq. 

^_Jli-U a momeBi of confusion 1007^^ 

^aJlJi. oils (pi. of 1^) the hollows of the eyes 346'" 

tUS. ixIiS said of a horse that wins a race 505l«: jCij^l sJiXLa coll. (%» 

iffj7A cords round their necks 30* 

jJsi jwcit 248* 671'" 

y^is . g~Ii i. to »!>« forth ( with nco. ) motnph. 947* 

^. JjS to start afresh on a journey 634'': to wear a garment that is loo 

short (with v) 638», hence ^pSl <aM (said of a horse) 1021" r 
310= 1019', pi. fem. 784« (but see foot-note) 

JoiLi (diptote) name of a constellation 5201" 

JiS. iljl to go away 15': to leave a thing in this or that state (with ^ 

of the thing) 826": to cease (said of rain) 965' 

%Xi a man who has not a firm seat on a horse 5821' 

wis. ijiiiis! to be shrivelled up, hence to Je terror-stricken US'* 

jOs. ^ i. to remote a burden etc. 568" 

>Jii]| to be swolleni?) 861* 

Jii (pi. of xili) 643' 

jas. uiii to Je toose, unsteadt/ 846" 1010", masd. v^ >-«s«ess«css 662* 

sJji — ^Ij^t v^ icii* hose girth i.e. iean (said of a horse) 1019' 

vjjil more restless 662' 

>jili . 3^*5^ o hind of plant 354" 

Jlils rapid motion 134* 

*JJi5. jif to carry (with ^co.) 10441= 

jiil! to rise (said of stars) 522i 561i=: to depart{?) 338" 

Wi hill-top 3055 5818^ pi. JiU 6378 

^ . ^ii o kind of salt plant 39" 

^. ^jii! to ium^ 753? 

jUii «i«<Boi dish'fe 295» 

JLsi ( pi. of ^J^ ) frying-pans 322* ( for another interpretation, see 
notes ' ) 

^. _Ui (pi. of i^j?) camels which refuse to drink 69" 

^. ^ i. or u. to onercome in a game etc. n- 19313 

^UU- 193» 

P { pi. of ^i ) light grey 370' 
y!j^ i. e. Sun and Moon 700" 

^Ui said to have been first prohibited by al-Akra' ibn Habis 700™ 
^j^. g-^ i. or u. to drown (trans.) 91^^ 

yJUi. ijiuis to help(}), with J of the person 606' 

lja*5 . fj^ a. to jump ( said of a horse ) 3621 

Joj^ti a coat of mail 336is 35612 
ii«S. iiij i. or u. to bind a captive 5363 (^679=) 

Ja**5 complete ( said of a period of time ) 741' 
j^. '^ Si. to overcome (with aoc.) 72i= 

fM. ^la^ oreo« 17? 263", pi. J^Ui 752' 761« 

'^d^ see 348^ (form doubtful) 

'f&Ji adj. MS( 3751' 378I* henoe noble, distinguished 348'' 615" 758s 
^ . jii- to pick off the lice from one's person 199> 

J..*5 coil, small grasshoppers 183^ 
(^ a contemptible person 606" (^BSl') 
*+s. ,*Us coll. sweepings, rubbish 1006^ 

luUi see 1801= io06' 
^Cs a sweeper (as a (orm of abuse) I8OI" 
iLii. ^JS deep red, ^jUnisJ! iija lOSli" 

_^ ( = /^f ^-i^) 242= seq. 

3-xA-s see under -J 

jUia*.^ «JO»ie» ip^o are short of stature 550^= 

KUli a troop of horsemen 619', pi. J^UJ 648" 6521* 97210 108S' 

j^jjUi (pi. of Jjjli) 956" 

^Ui (pi. of XiJIi?) tufts of hair(f) 249^, Tar. gjUj 

jiXi see under jyJi 

i;Is (0 drise to (fcspotr 534" (text doubtful) 

iUi ( pi. of siij ) large buildings 347* 


(with 2 ace.'s) 415», -bj^-JL h-jlJJs he struck him 

his whip 197': %XSj> covered with armour 833" 9315 9731 
iliii to wear a woman's veil (jUJi) 822i» 974^ 
tij low-lying ground 4811 (as var. ) 
iii; a source of satisfaction 822' 829' 897", juDl tUaftll 970« (T»r. 

filiji having teeth which are turned inwards 9731^, see Lissn X 176' aeq. 
. _jtiJ . JLLxIj strong, U.Lstl5 L|j i. e. in bearing them 741", pi. y -j-Uii 27" 
^Jua. iUli ( = S^) 838« 

jiAii. oJili the part behind the ear (in a .camel) 687^: a sand-hill 826«, pi. 

JcU^ ibid. 
^. (^ o«e Miio IS of servile birth 63i«, as coll. 3is 46i« 641 4271" ( = 767»), 

pi. ill 4« 

'■ili hill-top 305" (m rar.) 659" 

yiJi . o'y^ ' P'' "^ ->^ ^ clusters of dates 869« 

^^1 hook-beaked (epith. of a falcon) 499", or uJ 67f3 
jjiji. ^yjs stir%, churlish 9511* 

(_^* . ^,-JLs ( pi. of ijLLi ) lances 4701* ^ Freytag wrongly has JJi ] 

i_«^. w»4J (pi. of vH-^') yroyish 618" (Taban and Boucher loc. cit. have 

o^. ob' u. lojead (with v) 5*'" 682« 1064", masd, !>UJ> (U>jL-JL! = 

jl^t Ijji Ijl) 291" 

L>Sf io execute vengeance on some one for some one else ( with ace. 
of the former pers. and ^ "^ ""^ latter) 367^ 927", with ace. 
only 6955 92013 

OjUij to guide one another, i. e. to grope about 9001'* 

jUil to execute vengeance on some one ( with ^^ ) 533^ 

ijs ( = ui,li) 936 notes' (as var. ) 

i.>ij.s — s.^jUi4JI J>\ji see Index III s. v. :<».,^r ^ (3^4^^ 

jjil eosj/ (0 guide, obedient 479': long-necked 614", pi. Jji 26^ 

o]jftJ the guiding of camels 8O6I* 

SoUi — ioLii^l L«i^' '"^ allowed himself to be guided les", siUi j_^JicI 
?£i. ( with aco. of the guide ) 355i^, ^.^iJ! — v^fiU! sjlJLc wX-«-J i. e. 
we send forth armies IO191" 

^. > U. to cut out, case 542'. 

IjS a low hill covered with stones 4W% pi, °ji He" 516S, or ol^S 985" 

"Q - yb B^^^(P) BBl* 

yjyjil misfortunes «5», see LisBn VI 487" mq. VII 267* 

L-yi. J^ intrans. to he bent double 164- of. 692^ 

J.)5 - i_4^! v see Index UI a. v. ^Ji ^ i^lj ^y ^U 

yijjS. (jsji to 6e faiien down (said of a tent) 76- 

(jisjAj <o descend (said of birds) 530 notes ^ (as var.) 

^ijS. ijyij '0 yBrsae (absol.) 5771° 

Jjs. j^i <Ae n>A( opinion 1050» (syn. i^fjjl, see Ibn Hisham 439«) 

ijiS ta/ife i. e. mockery 87" 

3!>sf (pi. of ^) Yemenite kings 277>^ (Tar. J-fll) 

5/* ( = 5) 201^: pi. Jjlii prinm 277is 451" 600» 

1^. *jij3 (pi. of *jc) sword-hilts 615^^ 

il«ji strength 2821= 

jIUUll i. e. |1^^| ^Ui at Mecca 1014« 

(_5^. j_cyil to irope^ through the desert 1085^^: ^ g <i om« li'^ae camels ore 

strong 321*^ 

iljS waste, deserted & 

l^ id. 42S 

Syi cord 1751, pi. t=ji applied to ;A« strands of a single cord 177" 
56oi», ,_j3i yiiidli ^ 693S (see |J=iLiII) 

Aas , -X*s du. a j»a»V of chains for a single eaptiTe 983^ 

^w-JS. j_^' I. to probe a wound 109^, to measure bij comparison G8Z\ with 

aco. and v 262« 

ij-ji to riuai, compete lU", with 2 acc.'s aA»JI jJUl— JS 140" (see 

spend the summer in a place (gee.) T6« 

vjlfci . ^U* ( pi. of !sul»5 ) tracts of hard soil 1 75^ 

J-J. j-Jii — ^^J! Jusi iAe Sose of «A« sii<« 64o> (cf. ^S' ,!^iJ~j, 155'=) 

^^ . ^^ du. /Ae thinnest part of the let/ 492^, see 63 notes ^ : an^rtisan 

especially a blacksmith 25^^, as a term of abuse 5903 65111 
682» 683' 688' 690" 702= 707* 765= 766* seq. 7761" g^q, gjp; 
seq. 8185 828" 829= 832" seq. 8ol>-, du. 590» 6881 76513 828>, 
pi. '^yf3 6828 883s 691" 8271 829» 862i» 857'- seq., or j^ljl 54313 
545* 592= 596^ 652« 900": ^^^i ^f i. e. al-Farazdak 538« 650^ 
65H» 765" 767« SIS'* 908* 99S» 1000" lOOl* 1043", similarly 
yy^l j^l 226« ( = 68415) 80212 859* 860« 865" 938": ^^.wLj 
yjJi! i. 6. Ji'thin 800": glsli yj i. e. the family of al-Farazda^ 
687« 708" 757= 

iSfi — ^Ijjtii iLJLfi, see Index III s. v. «L»~Ji aU ^ juj! ^ ^J^s 

LiUs the trade of a hlaeksmith 976" 

Ui. 4*il/ (pi. of lu^) sad (said of faces) 920« 

J^ . o^yi a steep incline 24''^ 

ilJi see 24" 

ww/. ^_\St ^o boip down (intrans. ) 201'' g^jq_ 

wUi'^ a ^rea< «Hm6er of camels ote. 457'^ ( ^^ IO771" ) 
f^ ^ ..ffJi" a. to push away 775i^ 

jtjj*. ilji^' iarje iii (Ae miVW/.' of the hottij (Dpilh. of a mara) 586" 

y' o^ V- 

330" 108(i< 

jA.*/ — Ar»f ^-S (after a negative) scarcely any one 95', JLiJs 5*-*^ 
scarcely any fighting 10201" [in this 8cnBe jj^ is also used, see 
Tabarl Gloss, s. v. Jvii and "y-J ] 

^!i%l see Index III 

^^. AJ4 (fern, of 1.^1) protuberant 1052M 

J.^. '^^ to he fettered 670" 

j4i^ fettered 481ii 

k.Ai'. Uf u. to fall face downwards 497^5 

V^ dari ( epith. of a dust-clond ) 589» ^^1 ^^ id. 945^ : producing 
no fire (said of a fire-stick) oSp,] '^Ji 8001 cf. Ui 589i«: v>i^ ^ 
o«c who does not lose his breath (in a race) 1035- 

■iyis' an unsuccessful effort (properly in producing fire) 767^ 

;_^. %^ see 485" 

JOS'. jLa1 (pi. of aa'=^i^) 628« (as var.) 

ja-. j^^l ( = ^^^^1) 646« 

^_ji_:^ . w6-^ (pi* of A-ftjV } raising the shoulders alternately, hence marching 
( said of horses ) 5661" 

J^yt id. 289« 

LLx? o ^a< j)icce of iron 83' (see 690* ), coll. J^ 800= Sills 852* 
8649, pi. Ju'US- 2301S: JuU? enmities 83» 

vjji*:* — (^Jvi! ^j£ia having the hands hound behind the back 565" 

,_ii5C« fastened together irilh iron clamys 590" 

JjsT. JJX. o 6osfert 434" 4359 

'1 ^. "fj'i (="rr^) *3' 

w^. S^ a small quantity of milk 8768 

Cj'Si o feotherless arrow 734" 

^. jUj to overpower bij superior numbers (with Jx ) 510^= ( var. jLXj 

and 'pi ) 5712 ( v„. ^^^L<i' ) 
°lif {=!/?) 872!= (as ^„.) 
^LiS' rinoiry between tribes 872' 
.fci^ surpassed in number 913^ 
^'lXa (no singular?) armies 1078^^ 
J.rsy. jii'^ '<"' (fo'' smearing mangy camels) 183" 216* 687^ 
^. y>S a. to exert oneself {?) 505is 

.Jxi to mark with scars (said of the effects of a journey) 704*, of 
wounds 750" 

'^•J' (pi. of -i^i) cutting (epith. of axes) 838" 

OJ^. jOlAS' grease which remains in a cooking-pot 493'' 

,J>i'. sjjtf a dust-cloud 227^! (read i^ii, and see LisBn VI 449i») 

l]ls see 459 

jljOj" 860 56» 

^j»A^ . JJ>i3 a leaping gait 289" 

"j^aT dregs of olive-oil 808« 
^ja'. vJ^' '" *<-' disbelieved (said of a atatoraont ) 359" 
Jjj'^s' ( = 4-^..ii' Pl. of ii?s Jj'"' ) »« 1" 
>_//. v/ " «'"''' ''•*' '" **"-■ A"'""'' "/' « '"«■*>•' "tW" (but see 10701* ) 

^^ nearly full 209" (as var.) 

Ci/ ploughed land, glebe (from the Aramaic KajS) 354" 

oLtj^^ solid horse-hoofs 929 notes ^ 

o/. ^.^ whole, entire, U./ %i> 831", see 74" 

/. ly a kind of doll (see ako J)*) 246' 650» ( = 320" 624M) 936« 

ij.Ojj'. u«V/ « ''"■J" *""« ^^^'i f" o^i'^J^' '®° ^"''^^ ^''■'■" pl- u~*>|/ «''»"P» 
o/ horsemen 4851S 601* 1024>8 

^ . ay dung { used for polishing armour ) 608« 

^!/! (pi. of / = Hebr. 13) 857" 

~Ji> a battle-field 1038" 

^j/. y/ (pi. of fj/" or °j)^) ams w!<;. kr<?e heads 419^ 767W 

jj._S'. u~/^ *" construct booths (aco.) 123= (as var.) 

ijjSjS'. JoljS' (pi. of xi^) r«n<?s fastened to the hind-quartera of camels 7" 

e J". iy* a. to drink (said of horses, wilh i) 86>9 

£^y (pi. of s ,1^) drinking (metaph. of spears) 1051" 

°^y coll. Aofses 493 : pi. ^^ legs (i. e. the skin taken from the legs 
of an animal) 7021==, fji'i\ o!J a name given to a poem of al- 
Farazdak 513" 679* 

SS . 'S3 to drive back, repulse 663' 1 

I'/y the breast of a camel 456i« ( = 1076is): see also 786» seq. 

j.^' . ^/ a necklace 248, pi. "^^ 12215 

iily' — iut^ ^j (after another negative) by any means 908* 

aU^y that which one values most 627^ 

sy". »^l to drive a spear into a man (with aco. and j. ) 1541" 540": pass. 

to be compelled to bear a burden (with Jj:) 692% K*^ o aoman 
forced to labour 430^ 

»jbo (0 yrOMJ /aiM( onii uieari/ (said of the eye-sight) 868" 

»_JXill to /brce 84=: to exto»-( a thing (with vj) 366' 

.y . lS/' ' '" provide a person wi/A a lodging { with ace. of the pers. ) 803'» 

^^S drowsiness 618" seq.: slumber 1017' 

oijS' (pi. of S^') balls (used by the Turlis in their games) 778* 

,bU marching with a leaping gait(?) 176' 

jf. jf dry, ^^I sjf ion-en (said of a woman) 392* 

f^. |.jf distressed, reduced to straits 471" 

^jjf an old she-camel 179- 580' 681'= 

f^ ■ a^^\ to carry off camels 13'^ 313'*: to plunder persons 30' 

iC2S\*^i a clear space, a camping -ground 32*^ 

y^. '^ the lower edge of a tent-curtain 41&' 435'= 611", pi. °y-i' 536* 560' 

"y^i epith. of an eagle or falcon 155* aOG'» 586'= 677'=", probably closing 
the wings in the act of swooping down, ef. 398S ( =- 1051'»), 
pi. y^SyS 311" 882-': j-l1e ,,-a epith. of Ziyad ibn Ablhi 60715 
(:~684^), explained as referring to a "squint" in his eye 607 
notes s, but of. 4^ U^^i •'' /-^J Tabarl II 1956«' and Gloss, 
s. r. ^ , whence it appears that it means glancing sidewags 
,L»JI (pi. of ^) broken pieces, jL-Ji Ui j. (=s^x.s Ui J^) 195" 
-«*Xye downcast, lP,L*ajl »_«X4 said of tho eyes 671'^ 
' it^' . ^..^oij" to be perplexed, to lose one's wag 331^* 

j^i . Ui' n. to strike aith a s word (with 2 ace's) 79« 4848 g48ii) 

sU./ (pi. of ijii) richly dressed 55' 

aJi^ . Liii enemy 577i» 618«, pi. ^J/ 5011= 

.^ . j!}i grinning, showing the teeth, wLaJ' ^c y^^ said of a camel 661^^, 

pi. °Lii' 8761* 

^J^J^^ . [^^^ i. to grunt { properly of a young camel ) 999^ 

Uui-S". S^ i. to afflict (with ace.) 920=0 

..Li/! hairless 5731', dimin. >_ii^.^s'l 11613, pi_ _iJLj' metaph. cowardly 
3661, ^Ji/ i^. 4247 

JiiiS'. JjUiS' struggle, contest 622' 

iJaS". ^L^ (pi. of 'fM) wind-pipes, throats 1015'= 

woii'. v^ C™-^^-^) womuK with swelling breasts 3! 2" 1097' 

iUi? id.(?) 10976 

^..ixS'. ,1^ (, — lS'j) 1045' 

iWnS". ^ a. to m«S2!.te 179" 

tif. U? a. «o upset a vessel 415' 1070« 

SUS" (ie eije o/' a tent-curtain 89^ seo" 

ji-aS'. li^ i. to shut up, confine a parson 1061" 

^yli a small cooking-pot, metaph. 909" 

,^ . L:>Ui' adv. unexpectedly 52'^ 

^^^ a guest who arrives unexpectedly 52® ( = 785* ) 

jfti". i«(a^ treated ungratefully 355^ 

^ ;o(i<<eti wtM cAains ( said of a captive ) 949" 

vjiCif. Jiilf to restrain one's tears 1004", see 550* 

..Jisi . >_ai' u. to draw back the sleeves of a garment (with ^^ in a partitive 

sense) 48518 

J^ . jXxJ"! to use as a cushion (with i_j ) , partic. 823" 

jis' a kind of cushion used by riders I64-, see 823": pi. jull metaph. 
cowards 956i« 

ji? the haunches (of a vf oman ) 99» of a mare 206" 

^jaj". ji^ nasi, gloomy (epith. of an array) 192^ (=236') 

woes'. ^^ metaph. the lustrS of weapons and armour 971 = : pi. Ls\d (?) 245^ 

Sls". fc/l to remain awake at night Z&' 

tjii sleepless 345i« 

■iilS't (pi. of SLT) fodder (i) QH^ 

jJJC^U^/o having abundant fodder, pi. 30^ 

wOS". lis metaph. a sa^i>»s( 428i-, du. 428', pi. v^ 10*^'* 

_Ji" hydrophobia 132" 1070", metaph. fierceness 7351" 

i_^' ( pi. of ^Jj' ) suffering from hydrophobia 567", honco loorf 338- 

^yU-i? to»?s (used by blacksmiths) 83' 682» SOl'" 847i 852S 938" 

ZiiS' an iron bar (used for driviiu? boasts) 430-, pi. _»JiLf 1621 

ZaJ] (dimin. of, pi. of IM ) 773i" 

tfjj' . '^ii ( pi. of Z-Ji ) scowlimj 507* 

illl irf. 501'" 

jK. jbii see 46' soq. 

»is' assembly, confederation ( apimrentty a Yomonilo word ) 4(?^ 

a^. Jjo" blackness 909" 

JjClf. ^ilf the breast (primarily of a camel, who uses his breast _for._llie 

purpose of crushing an opponent) 708" 1001', pi. ji^L^ sometimes 
in the sense of the sing. 494« 622» 682", applied to the breasts 
of birds 4481* 
JJii". Jlf to charge, attack (said of wild beasts and war-horses) 291" seq. 

Ji infirm (said of a woman) 57" 
'ids' a mosquito-curtain 502^ 
JS . iUir — ^gVil^ ci^jSJ' discord arfise among them 453^ 

^iLS" (pi. of ^) «>o««ds 1018», ^yi" id. 1028* 
.JIj^ (pi. of iUli^ ) piercing (epith. of wounds ) 347^~ 
^ wounded 229is, pi. ^^ SIS" 
pXS (=°L*6) 821 
pkl woKMded 2944 58510 

J/. j_^ (pi. of ill/) patches sewn on a skin-bottle 10321 (see Ahlwardt 

Imr. N". 65 V. 4) 

US' . SU? coll. truffles 1061", as an emblem of baseness or helplessness 13^ 


i*y . j*)Cj to become coagulated 441^ 

yi^^ , u**^ ^** ^* raisefi, ^»V« u/) (said of the skirts of a garment) 9S3^ 

j^f. |ui (pi. of ^) s;opM 781- 8010 

i^. iUiCJ! see Index HI 

^. '^Uf (pi. of ~fi) sleeves 102611 

*jU5' ( pi. of iC_^L*/ ) coverings placed oyer ^A« »>9«^A of an ass { ia 
order to ward off insects) 753» 

^. ijr*^ '<* ^'^ covered^ overwhelmed 736 ^^ 

;-Li . iJ.3Sl to become compact (said of Sesb ) ll^^ 

^«^ . ^/^^ « beast crouching in its lair 8^^ 

JvUf iaiV 7551" 

JUi id. 8" 

^. ,iiSi mutilated, or distorted 833* 

wAii'. ^i-w^i ! io /ai-e a person MMc^^r oHe'.* protection (with ace.) 1073** 

^iKirfi encompassed 561" 5671* (?) 
(^ . SJUi" a quiver 657" «eq., sJliSCil ^^Oi see 128- seq. 

^!>f (pi. of |!,jjtf) 6rMKrs 592» 
j!,SiIi hkUen 129' 1023'' 
•^ s-iS'. 11/ limit, extejUjoi' H''- 

Jk^. J>4^! (0 overdrive a beast 792* (as var. ), partic. 792« 

J)^^ weary 1^2^^ 
^ . "J a. to itltreat 792' (as var.) 

_ifi'. ^'' i-e/'Kje, *«;;» (said of persons) 402" (as var.) 403- seq. 611* 

^ . j-^'i shoulder, inetaph. a hero 982 notes * 

_^. -j'lXj to become fierce (said of strife) 496" 

jyT . J^ a. used absolutely 221": with a neg. Lij«J' oAi" U Mo« couldst 

scarcely tear thijself aimij 648" 
OyS'. Sii' du. </i« haunches of an uss 823'', oiji' I'li. 628' 

jj)- . jjs' a eamd's saddle 14«' ( = 327"), pi, ^yi"! 8S)it 329^ ,'i36» 75B« 

776" (?) 1042* 

«5 a. to walk on three legs (said of a wounded camel) 32^5 522^, 
masd. ij.^ 332: applied to the motion of a snalce 33- 

^^3/ see under ^J^ 

°..LsiI swollen (said of flesh) 28« 

J J' Krts( 16*5 

-^ a. ( = I\S) 123* 573* (as var.) 

Is du. ile organs of generation ( of a he-ass ) 79i" 

4-c3' having a large hump ( epith. of a she-camel) 414^® ( = 625^*^) 
653', pi. Is iW (=10711) 

I. Ui employ a stratagem against some one (with J) 927^^ (text 

to plot, scheme 58^* 

a blacksmith's bellows 682* 776S 8OI12 8294 3471 864>5 999S 10371- 
(as Tar.), du. in the same sense 398" 590» 689« 326* 1039«, pi. 
jLJ'T 684» 801" 853»: the fire-place in a blacksmith's Jorge So' 
(see the gloss), also 298' 399- 857-: in the following passages 
either meaning is admissible 83^ 274« 320"! 543<i 545* 690" 799»* 
(=78' 398") 826« 828" gsS" " 1016", among the donbtfol eases 
mnst be reckoned those in which ^ is governed by ;£^ (with 
or without w) namely d.^ u>^.^i 214^ (here the commentator 
seems to have understood ^' as ''bellows"), .-Ai"^' .is^i 342-, 
,^ _-j!j ]^ 'j 709«, ^ l-jj S28« (as var.), ^' -ii-Jd l^ 
590«, ij^S^ .i^U 297» ( = 323'"), S-Ju :.-iJLj ci-^ 399S, 
5_^ ;iAii jyl 690" — see the Zeilschr. fur Ass^rioiagie wl. 
XXV p. 295, where Prof. Schulthess expresses the opinion that 
^ construed with :^-sJ always means i^fire-place" 

^-s*i'. ij^ inidli^ence, good sense 813^ 

^.,L~Is' (diptote) treochenj 354", see al-Mufasml ( ed. Broch ) 61* 

.^J' craft, cunning 50" ( = 7848) 

J.lJl (pi. of LT^) crof^ 4355 
^^ . (J^ see 483' 682" 860' 9378 ( = 77913 j _ tjjg explanations given 483** 

and 7791* are contradictory. 


J. J ( = J !r4^') 181' seq. 707-> 

^. ^i ^' for a moment 160", see 825>* 

^^. >i)t>La see ;^Xa under i^Jw 

f,'^. |.jj <o Secome infamous 829': (0 6e Jase-^wra 843> 

^^li to pM« 0)1 a coat of mail (X.«^]) 317-, partio. 7618 

'filL\ id. 735» 872" 

■Ui see 3172 

^fi. i^f^^L^^''^''! ""^ "Additions and Corrections" 

_^ . 44ii' '0 gi'-'i oneself 49« ( = 78313) lOjjgi, partic. 330» — sea Hamitsa 265i 

^ /iettr^ i. e. mind 53i^ 

JOJ the upper part of the bosom (in a man) 930», pi. oL3 (of women ) 

v_jLJ adj. choice 4681^ 

,J^. cLili to AoJrf one's beast Imck(t) B831", cf. Ibn [liahilm 6791 

AJ . Axj to ham the hair </hted to the head ( as is the custom of pilgrims, 

Listtn IV aOli'^ soq. ) partic. 850' 

oCJt to become coated ( with dung ) iSO' : pass, (o he provided with a 
saddle-cloth (said of a beast) 792» 

^j^. J^ construed with ill 1006" 

jj^' io come in contact with some one {with v) 6*0" 

^piiJ! id. 585S 

^^J. ^ comeJs paid as a blood-wit, ^'1 ^ ^1 _*=■! |<A]' 194', of. 4555 

( = 10761) 

lUi^fa Jrcosi (of a man) 56 P 

_al. CiJ u. (0 ste6 (with J,) 414i» 

ciOj . ^yia iiea(«M «p, pounded 13" 

iiCt! . liJ? (0 fall continuously ( said of rain ) 614", partic. 866" 

oiil. uSiS! to moisten 833« 857' 

ji3. UJ, ej^ see under lij^ 

UsJ. LsaJ ( = Liu3!) 691^ 

_csnj. 14^ »«se (of an army) 7025 1023= 

l^jfi noisy 2931 882« 958" 1019« 

„-,;S\S. U a. to iecome serious (of a quarrel) 418-, applied to separation 

( with V of ""« POfB. ) 548' 

i>J^ to k««cA B sAip ( abaol. ) 544" 

liLs' to dispute, wrangle 1024" 

^iJ! id. 805* 

ij du. masses of water (on the right and the left) 508» 

.i,iu (pi. of ii^) nietaph. crowds of warriors 237" 91 1^ 

oi:*\i. ^iiui p«cce4 miJA »oiM(f) 59S notes' (as var.) 

gJbi. gli^ to turn a thing over in the mouth 92 

*.^ . wo?J (0 6e gashed, wounded 69® (text doubtful) 

Z^i gash 122= 

^-^^"^ see 122* 

*£^ . rfJ! ^0 hurt the back of an animal ( said of a saddle, with J»£ of the 

animal ) 321' 

^ near relationship, btj oiLJ! ^i! ,^ o«-o 434'"^ 

0>i. Jii^ll 01- iXJaL a (;rat>e(?) 8OII8 (as var.) 

wii. vJii-V] a. to chthe with a mantle (absol.) 567= 

. oiiuJi to take under one's protection ( with J^ of the pers. ) 2261- 

vjLs^ see 290i'> 

^iiJbs a mantle ( worn by a man ) 554", see also 290'° 

itiiiU id. 9281°, applied to a garment of mail 356'- 

Oti. ,_A<U used absolutely 191« 

-.iio! see 841» 

x jj.^ a»i, Marrow , Jb&l 'iU^':^ epith. of a desert at midday 8', Lfc.N) 

QjiiJl of swords 924^ 
^L:*^ the power of overtakini/ (? ) 292^^ 
*_^Ui denom. from &*>^j, hence .Uj^ ^'^ is woven i 
jU=li~l to be surrounded (in battlo) 667- W«> 
LiJ ««o/-, see 15» 
•r«L aw o6y'ec( to Se devoured 916" 
iuiio battle-field 4531" (=1074"), pi. 'j..^Uji iiiWc-i 

Is.'Slil fitted close together UT^ 39013 486", crowded iOi- 746" IhV 764" 

^~i to qiiorrd, v^A.^1 sLsU jy=-^'' q'' <4a< I should quarrel with a 

friend 258« seq., masd. also 2' 
, ^w1 to do what is blameworthy (see Lisan XX lOi,^ seq.) 578' (text 
doubtful ) 

^^0 ( not ^^iu as in Freytag'a Lexicon ) du. the jaws of a man 917', 
of an animal 753» ( cf. Tabarl II 1015), p], J[ lonii see also 

J.. ^J o large sea-fish I8II 

ji . iijAJ a woman who has a swelling on one side of her belly 857' 

^JO . 3JUj to turn from side to side 315^, Q-jJJsJuoa 5j-:?-j-^ theg wandered 

hither and thither 654" 

Siw an o6s«oc!c IjAi '>£L 1 sought to bur his wag 6H^ 
JuA; the side of a valley 300* 

Jj! enduring, unwearied {epith. of a war-horse) 6421* '/,..- / •; 
pX. 'p3>l a. to bite (said of a snake) 456* 

j.,AJ. ^Si supple (epith. of a lanoe) 54" ( = 585") 

°oJ ( = J>-»), S5J.-E ^ytXj 244', ^.J yvXj (with pert) as long as- .. 

9475, °,1 yJU jJyC SIMM 826^ 

ijj. Jvjjj easy to /laniJie (epith. of a lance) 23- 

j^aJ. [^"2 eloquent 668" 

j.w\:. iJC see 29* 

^\il or .'aL passionately fond of a thing i with ^) 29' 

VjJ- ^j'i fixed firmly, ^p Ji". 809" ( = 77") 

— i^. ~'^ stickiness 210^ 

;;i. i^ u. to join together 115^", pass. 901- 

j!j-' properly a door-bar 44-, hence one m'*o persists in doing a thing 
(genj 4315 

CjJ . ^pi — f.j'S jjya o (fti«3 /'rom K*if A one cannot free oneself, an incubus 

231- 398'-\ see also 809* 

^^. ^"^ narrow, incommodious (said of a drinking-place ) 418" 952^ 

■^joAsl. '&^ a female robber 1097^^ 

xloyl: see 623" 

Ouai . oi*3^? intrans. to clint/ 843^ : o^-clU one who attaches himself to a tribe 

8441- (var. OijC'!) 

<^jU3^i construed with «x 7871 

ai! . ia-LJJ a *(««, smudge 3621= 

^>kl. wS-^if (0 «rwf^ courteously (with aec. of the pers. ) 397-^1^ 1098" 

iJLli;i (pi. of oiU) iireseiits :i»7' 

l»y. '^1 (0 rfosA o;,oiH»? OH.- ««,j//.<!i- (said of waves) 7T7i" 

i^ a caramn hearimj merrhuHdise, .specialti, iierfumes 9591', pi. Ij^ 
perfume, BW 


ilxi a doll 7S0-O (read «^), hoace o laurjMng-stock (said of a man) 
6508 (=320" 6241» 844'» ) 

iliUi sdiica (of a_5!55j_J06Jf^ used for magical purposes 841^, ol an 

animal 449« 493» 10351; heal of the sun 756i» 
^a:iU see Index III s. v. eUU ,.j Jt: 

JjJ. jJt) — lliJ ( = UUJ) 1004S, for other forms with suffixes see S 

seq. 1004^ seq. 

Si lil exclam. 2P 

^■i exhausted, weary 810", pi. fera. 773" 

wjii exhaustion 244' 

JujUI (pi. of Jj'^') '*6 /^s* »» '*" sirfes of a man's neck 115S 

iiJ nowe 501 

*lij /Vo?/» issuing from a camel's mouth lOlli** 

l«cUi (pi. of jUiU) the corners of a camel's mouth 610" 

LiJ or ^y<J see 29* 957 notes' 9581 

jiC- (=iij3l) 1010» 101615 

Jjli i. to cast forth from the mouth 180'*, metaph. to repel 6l0i 

^ to ie ctof/ied, cocereii 922» 1086' 

^iii' icJ. partic. 723': to become hoary 48o* (see 922») 

jUJ see 922" 

^>I (0 become lean ( ace. to the gloss ) 480' ( var. «^j ) 

J^ coll. allies, adherents 149" 469" 6601", p|_ Ji^f 15413 7371. , 

^Jo. SU: a trifle 12212 382" 

^^ . ijiJ metaph. of war, to hrfokjmt 5331- 

—Ul a tribe which has always hem independent €9^^ : impregnation 1211^ 

_jS3 a camel that gives m ilk du. 698' 7, pi. _LsJ 36i'(P) 416'» 490« 
515" 9525, or ijlij 675" (text doubtful) 

Ja«i. li^Ui, l^U-^t see 52^^ 

^JlsI . ^JUikli to walk with an uncertain tread (said of camels) 593W in the 

Lisan XI 2331* seq. a different explanation is given 

wi-SJ the act of snatchinij food ( ? ) 663" 

^ . ^^ construed with %^ 6841- 

^S^ to cause to meet, to bring together (with ace.) 347^, with T-lj 568' 

^^SjI to resign, give up (with v of the thing and J of the pers.) 348', 
with V oily 585': pass, to be set up, exposed (as a target) 75712 

^j,'±i to meet (with ace.) lOU" 

i_^iuli to throw oneself on one's bach 1047« 

^Ji an outcast 44' 109" 

■iijh, sUL' see 445-> 

^_5M- (pi. of ^^ or bUiU) 773» 

UCL" (0 (ia:cMS« oneself to a person (with J^) for not doing a thing 462^- 

, ^ . , ^ see 29» 

K^' variegated (epith. of the bird called ^.^) 961^^ 

iiiLo a land shimmering with the mirage 2iP — the form KjuXa is used 
in the same sense, see foot-note and Lissn X 200^ 

^iUb see under *_aJj 

Ktl^U crowded together (said of armies) 646* 
*J u. to bring together 947- 
^! to visit ( obj. understood) ^t^ 
ilf] (pi. of IZj) mountain-clefts ilH- 
i_jU; o flame, metaph. strife 214" 
j^U2 flaming heat 1008' 
L^\ a dust-cloud 929« 
li'^f^ tongue 547* 
JuJ a. io oper^Wve beasts 792^ 
SyJ see 792S 
iJCj s*a»-p (epith. of a lance) 940", pi. 'fSj 891» 

sii du. jaw-bones, U^ii- 'aij4^ 808% pi. ^jUJ cAee fa, ife reoto o/ 
<Ae teard 343" 38218 3905 4026 4411 ggQii 751 notes* (as var.) 7675 

.^aJ — UiJ ci^&.> s/te M/iered Afrr lamentation 99311 

j^;! io decoKr ( with ace. ) 466", metaph. v«^' •-^ '■ ^- follop'"^ 
over the hard soil 9291= 

y epith. of an invading army 678S 7025 lOigw, see also 759 notes* 

',-^Lij (pi. of "'..■i-') large, vast, epith. of chieftains 465<' 745* 

^! to console, compensate a person ( aeo. ) for a loss 251' 

i I pi. of iLi ) jaws, throat ( of a lion ) 987«, oS? «• 17' 466" 

^_^ (pi. of -ij^) properly handfuU of grain, hence gifts lm\ exploits 
759« 10191" ]036« 

_^. ^ followed by the impei-f. indie. 180« 4316 464» 587» 6I80 620" 

630" 744" 8I71 821" 861" 9782 gggs 9954^ i,y tjj^ subject and the 
imperf. 585^ 

V^. ^^ coll. volcanic tracts ( eyn. ot) 468^ 

vU see 1007" 

viU a imd of uni/umt 444' 650« ( = 320>5)j resembling blood in ap- 
pearance 457" (=10771-) 

^ji. ^"i n. ( = Ui 514") 800 7553 

^^ (=^^z>^) dense, said of a jungle 514^^ 

lijji the fastening of a girdle 514*, or of a turban 754'»: see also 
483 notes" 

i^jLa fastened ( said of a turban ) 335^'' 

_ J . J^ n. /o weary, exhaust (horses) 873^ 

_y to 61! scorched 754", _pli coosft-rf (said of meat) 504i», motaph. 
wearied (said of a camel) 503^ 

j^. Si It, to seek refuge (with v) TftJ''' 755'" 91G<*, partio. 294- 

Sy side 483'0, see 7551- 

Js^ . J.J^ tt. to plaster a cistern w///* (.'^a^ 197''', masd. Zjyt 197** 

1"-J II. construed with ^,lj; 815''' 817'" 

p^!l to do that which is Uameicorllii) U;->> 585", partio. (>67'' ( var. .^U) 

hi'i (='|lji) 853'" 

riV -- Liyi ^;~iIJi j^. tIfc-Moad „f imriuus hues 519' 


^. ija." I. to turn the head (ace.) S45'»; to desist from an a«rion (aec.) 

426S ( = 229''): to have regard to a thing (with J) 666'=: pass. 
(0 he withheld 1025" 

^JJi to signal to a person (with ii) 739", io use a thing as a aignol 
(with V of the thing) 12" 491« 76li= 92815; to carry off (idti w) 
31912 3708 

;_=!£' to become parched, to shrivel up (said of herbage) 961 notes * 
(as Tar.) 

j_jȣi to be wrung (said of the hands, as a sign of horror) 8425 

^ the act of twisting 230" 

..UJ the deferring of a payment 2® 

&jj food reserved after a mea! 875^ 

^^. ^ (Ae side of (»e neck (in a woman) 509« in a camel 2M* 687S, 

J^. is*; cotar, lustre of metal 1061^ 

,_sJ. ^S*; coll. fibres, hence Aoir 211' 

JyJ . i>5' used as a predicate of jUt' 21(F 

whatever else (with perf.) 825» 901*, with joss. 992": nsed ellip- 
tically U a<] 217i (see Soldeke "Seae BeitrSge jur sero. Sprach- 
wissensehaft" p. 2341** seq.): redundant (before a genitive) J 
__i '^ jli 195«, similarly 295» 309- : ^ ^ not (with perf.) 
310", with import 910": i . ;* hoieever long (with juss.) 128'": 
'u-a ( ^ i-t* ^t-*-^)) s.-5f=^ ^-^ c>^' *^__^ !??*_^3^ E^'^^ ^-9 kfiow 838*, 
see Reckendorf ■■ Die sj-nt. Terhalloisse des Arab *' p. 594 

see 734» 

4_=U. J^ see 734» 

(^^Uj to he rent asunder 734* 

KJU — ^^-oUil ^^ i. e. starting from a distance of one hundre 
shots 9221-, cf. 498' 899» 

.iiO;^. ^ u. to pull a rope (with w) 10399 

^iOU . ^U one icAo draws water from a well 752^ ( var. ^tcj ) 

J* JU . u";^ see under ^wj 

«Xfl . %^ a. ;o 6(3 raised^ stretched out (said of the h anda ) 698^^, i 

to another Tiew, to he red with blood (Lissn X 206-') 

,i£. to hestow a bridal <jift (Siii) on a woman (ace.) 434» 
iLL^Xm^ an opportunitt/ of enjoijment (said ironically ) 963'- 

JlXm contest, rivalry 900 notes = (as var.) 

.ti.^. ^i>-a i. to he moist, drippimj 812'*' 

J.i«. jiUi (0 r«OM)- from a wound 471" 

J.L — a£« adv. as Ae tons 194' 

ji< (pi. of JJU) standing upriijht (said of mountains) 183' 

JUu o rwy, a mattress (for sitting on), du. 363", pi. ji* ibid. 

^Ui firmness 184" 

3l£j — JUi' /i Jj= ciillinii a surri/ fxjure (ill" 

^. ,;-J. to drop (said of dow ) 91 '• 

^, j^ army 185'' 

^^. u~>su;! 342* 3768 geq. 604«, see also 536J» 
,^. l^iwl scrawled over 36213 

^ . ^^]y' ( pl. of kl>U ) insolent, shameless ( said of women ) 340« 
^i*iiui du. 594^ 

4^ 8, or ^ to dispute (absol.) 86« 
Ai-US id. 880= 

J^. J.S? subst. tale-hearing, calumny 160": o season of drought eSS', pl. 

Jj^ 4601; adj. ^jarcAed (said of land) 309\ pl. J^ parched 
places 561= 
JUs* coll. shells or Scads used as ornaments 2651": see also s. r. Jj=. 
X=4*i^ far distant 370" 
s;^. i-J«! to become full of marrow lOS'i? 

^. yfevii to laM»( wine-shops 995" 

*y>Lo a wine-shop 396' 543" 5901 683" 939" 995", pl. 'ji-'iyJ: 321« or 
j*i>!^ 544^ — on the origin of the word, see 3211^ 

^iiii^ extracted, idUJii jfexia' deprived of its fat 8621 

(jaj^. (jLi-U seized tea* birth-pangs (said of a woman) 48* ( = 782») 69J12 17 

k Jd'lJ' coll. pregnant camels 14* 25" 416" 675" 1042» 

oJw. 3u^ u. to flow (said of waves) 791=, to ;?ow i«to a place (aec.) 375«, 

pass, to 6c filled (said of cauldrons) 568': to slacken the rein, to 
urge on a camel (with J of the camel) 5781® 

jj to 6e /■«!«(?) 541" (var. oJw!) 

OuJuo »ea^«r mrad wftA flour (given to horses and camels) 207', called 

ZJsSl OuJw 58' 

jj^. ijj^ strength (of a horse) 67 1« ( = 409*), cf. Mubarrad 247" 

%X> knife 525* 

oUi' persiatance (in war) 596' 

jw. A* for its construction, see 279'' 

_^tXo. (_=^ J- see 915'^^ 

^_ft3U see under 6^ 

1j;«. i-j_s^ <Ae y«;ie« 947- 

o^. ^f or i). see 889" 

__*. „-* io stream witli tears etc. (said of the eyes) 499'^ 

„yt brisk, qU*!I r^yt epith, of a horse 922'- 

«!yfl aubst. briskness, hifjh spirits (in a camel) 557'^ 559'^; adj. brisk 55^ 

°3^ brisk (epith. of a she-camel or a mare) 480" 612- 634' 

^yi. X'f a kind of wood used for makimj fire sticks 64'* 

"Li^ a sort of arrow witii whicli children played 9330 ( = 386 notes '* ) 

^f- ^^ 

become insolent 820" 

-«. .a\ to be twisted (said of a bow-i 

38', pJ. firm 565'" 914'' 



to become fir, 

n 38' 

: to end 

177'», ^^b 

• g5 

O Cj.. o 

what 1 seek 


' j'^' 


tim twist of 
twiatimj of a 

•rf, iiiotu 
(, i. «. ( 

.jj j4.x„l 906">, LJU-0 j.;c»/i j_^i 
OK host persisted in withholding 
ce (in a contest) 8G0>« 

otuph. 588" ( = 1081'), i^ JAl the iin- 
slight effort 404" ( = 7H5«), ^ j.>-\»j' 
tpiMit of the slightest effort 1042' 

,i^ strength, courage 856' 

}/ - j!p! iT see Index III 8. t. jp j^ ^ 
J^, du. ybp. 210W 
^1^ (pi. ofli^^) cords 1171 
Vjy. oL.j/ 219« 643" 995* 

J^ cord 801", pi. (3-l;^l 4' 629* 

(jLly^ coBiaci 341* 481" 

-byj. ly. o ftwd of cloth 7066 

c-«. ^1«! to produce rich pasture 175-: to find rich pasture 1081* 

^yt\ ( pi. of g^yt ) seasons of plenty 977' 

^^. '^^ to roll (tT3.ns.) in the dust 870« 

^Iji a place where beasts roll themselves 14^ 122" 123« 3778 

Lilyj! see 8701' and Index III a. t. jCju> o^ ^~^ p 


harden 868« 

yjU hard ( epith. of a lance ) 15416, iUjU id. 674" 

^y coll. cor»e;-(re«s 902« (as Tar.) 

..,!-«! (pi. of ..,-* or .-ly*) grease, and other substances, used for smea- 
ring a camel's hoof when it is worn down by marching, hence, 
apparently, those parts of the hoof to which the grease is applied 
891», see also notes' 

,yt. j^ coll. white pebbles 8' 

i_sy). i_5^ t. to press the teats in milking 203", hence to milk metaph. 262l«, 

to draw forth tears 705': to urge on a beast 294": to dmg a thing 

478« ( = 7038) 

^^ io he pressed (said of the teats) 613*, hence to he drawn forth 
(said of tears) 517' 

KJy^ the pressing of the teats 437^- 
b^Ui ad?, douhtfttlly, indistinctly 1731- 
iy>. t'i^ '" ** *"'"'*'' (*' "P"'!) *"'**'' ("" '»'"•) 1 partic. 833" 

Osi^. o}^ adj. <orn du. 675" 

g — .. ^-~JI 83«, gv^lj as an oath olO's 

ijU.< { pi. of xi^.^ ) side-locks 838' 

Jo~s. oLUi cord 2361" 255^ 

Js^*^. h tu see 40^ 

iiU-^. eU«-« coll. bracelets 164^, see 62^ [ cf. Weilhausen "Lieder dor Hudhai- 

liten" p. 6? line 1, where xX«..*J^ must be interpreted according 
to Lisan XII 376S] 

^L»*^ ( = iijt*^.fl] ) retention^ ^U^! x-4^->wj honoured while she remained 
with m 848W 

^yC~/«. i^j^^^ to pass oneself off as poor masd, 277> ( = 294«) 

^,^. '^1^ evening 48«* ( = 782-') 

JiJij,. iiUJ. 8oe 2801 

_kA*e . _k^ u. ^0 comft the head 730-" 

OUi-«. iiuJo »«»• that has been combed off 857" 

^yCi^. ^la ( = vJU^') '<■*" 

^^. Lil; see 1062'« 

^^*a,o. ™ww a. Jo^ £^(««^^ear 501 notes ' (as var. ) 

jAO^. oQy^-s applied to winds 513" (as far.) 

^Ikil dyed a dull red, i^f^ oM? i ^*®' "^^ ^*^ ""'*** ' 
L^a*ax . (jiial (0 cause to suck ( with 2 ace.'s ) 378« 

(^L«L* see 143^"* 
j>M . ^L. to strive 690" ( as Tar. ) 

yCM. ^_5.ji< I. to traverse (with aec.) 65', J.^;-i=ul ji ui-..^.^ sie cacricrf me 

throuijh the midst of the cavalry 49^^ 

JoA . IsA u. to ffrant a faTour to a person ( with ace. of the pers. and v-j 

of the thing) 309« 

^1 to make to stream (with sweat) 673" 

'J-'V< to rush 87^, partic. 943*: to walk out after a shower of rain 905'8, 
see Tabarl Gloss. 

, Ja*.fl wetted with rain, i. e. fltfin^ swiftly ( epith, of a falcon ) 932^, see 
the Diwan of Muslim ed. De Goeje 176* and Glossary s. v. 

itw . iiiti to become thick, to coagulate ( said of milk ) 208« 

.^L*. ._Sk« to taste 180" 

Jiw. Ji< (Ae deferrini) of a payment, hence procrastination 135" 

Jrc. ^Jj;i- to rarry o#, >eor away (with v) ^0" 328» 409«" ( = 6719) 

Lk, |_jiii see 271" soq. 

yw . jwl to he in great need of a thing (with ^-y,) 357^^ 

jiw. jtU see 1040'" 

'ij« ground covered with pebbles 579^ 
WJ ( pi. of jilf id. ) 940' 
iiUw . eUuj to roll ( intrans. ) «'« ^/ie f^?<s^ Doi'"' 

^yw . rr^' '** make haste, LjP oy^^ "^^ ^^*^' 

^,ji/» . j_^ii/s a stretch of sand surrounded bij slomj ground 6351'-, pi. 'ijj: 6 

M. Ii« red dy« 360' 794™ 

'liii >-<!i»ras 860' 

.*i«j (Ae process of staining red 917=^ 
ijU. ii^l (0 stretch the legs in running (said of a horse) oSl" 

yw. tiCJ i!«ei- 9481' 1002" 

^JfiA. ijui (pi. of uS^I) long, j^jiyl O" 279« 378' 

yCfl. 1^*** well- formed, (-^SU-J! s^yLK t044° 

(j^Cs. ij^U (0 Aajyie 25" 

J.ii«. jjCi sea e* 

^■J^. 05^ afiow^ /o ^ay eggs (said of a lizard) 316'^ 

Sl/a . j_5JL« — ^^^ICsx^l xiJU i. e. ;;;«w/j ( said of a woman ) 1044' 

ibU a strip of cloth worn as a turban IW, cf. 50>» ( = J83>») 
^Xt. iX>\ to drink salt water (said of camels) 1087', xi^jC coll. 936''- 

Jl* ( pi. of IsJii ) brackish { said of water ) 808" 
.iobli (pi. of iCsvJu) graceful ( opith. of gazelles ami women) 838' 
'^yS salt herbage 894" 
ivilt steel-grey (said of armour) 509» 

ijJLj . (jJm , ijA^i see 9° 

liLt . li%> du. the two sides of a camel 500" 
^«. 3^ flallery 1047= 

AU. S^ i. to get into one's power, to capture (with ace.) 68« ( = 300") 
2988; to restrain oneself (?) 606is 

\ju2 to betroth (with 2 aco.'s ) 490«, ixC a betrothed woman 940» 

Jli ( = Jjw) 6817 ( = 3008) 7814 

aUi — jyLUil ae two angels of Death 9021* 

aLUI as a name of God 851' 

5X.1 ( pi. of Sii ) 68" ( = 300" ) 1009" 

JX.. ^ to be grilled 3W, partio. 877* 

■2J> scorching pain 457^ (=10772): see also 877» 

jL>. 'i^-an open plain 24315; g^e also Index IV s. t. bUJi 


^■> whoever eke (with perf.) 147= 534" (?) 610', with juss. 1558 1971s 
(=105818) 2208 

;. — ol.i-'SI ^ ,j-9 they are characterised by treachery 1351": 
-.^I, J.^ ^ so some were slain and others captured 235" 327' 
(of 9251" 1083«): ^f ^* by night (Fr. de nuit) 737W 

see under ^ai^ 

I%L» (pi. of LsUj) camels lent for the sake of their milk «ti 227" 
.!k^ — yLjs\-JuJi certain arrows used in the game called y^,^ 686« 
.iJicj offered, presented 5041' 
^- (0 «/■«,« to do a thing (with v) «3" ( = 703') 
ciU BH inaccessible place 7l5i 1022' 

^^yu , i-^A a Claim w arautuae o«'= 

^^. ^ I. to punish (said of God) ol'" ( = 785«), pass, to be afflicted 

with a thing (with w) 216» 622" 

iiUi (pi. of xlu) Kces 7165; jUil ^Uj yraoes 391^ 

j_^ (pi. of iclll) toiVes, Ao^cs 957' 9851- gggi 

yU (pi. of ilul) id. 175* 1799 

^ . JL^ ( pi. of ^ ) /bois 245", jliii i(f. 89« 

ol^ ( pi. of S^ ) ibid. 

^l^ (p!. of Jwij.^) breed of camels named after the tribe Mahara 
502", Jjlf> id. 578" 7o5>'' 

5j*4.« o married woman 1046^ 

Oj^- .3;^ paper 106*, pi. OjUx documents i. e. treaties 1082* 

U^.« . U^ see under U 

|,<ij*. °f^'^ ( = irij, U) 721=» 820« [cf. Bukharl ed. Krehl III il3'] 

o>^. o-«, c>^ see 1391" 

Of/n intrans. to iK in large numbers 490" 

oU' to weary ( the bones ) 345^ 

i£.< a dead soil 1010= 

j^. i^jU Median mail (of which armour was made) S79» (cf. USi") 666" 

— see Fraenkel "Die arara. Fromdworter" p. 241 

,y.. '.U n. to flow (said of blood) 364^ 693'= ( = 289^): to hani/ loosely 

(said of the skin of an emaciated oamei) 134'*; see also JU boiow 

.ya dust carried by the wind 262« 537* 909S 

JU that which has a swinging motion, Si.^izs^'^^ s-jU epith. of eamels 
5579, >_j^jjl SyU id. 891» 

J^ id. 868", ^yI&■^U! jQ 500" 

uoj^. t_>oU n. to wash oneself 915^ 

j^y«. 3^ stupidity 490'* 

(j>^ . ^ULo see 133^ pi. ^iy-^* smooth ground at the bottom of a valley 614** 

j^-». lU I. <i) cfean o«< a well (ace.) 535*, applied to the cleaning of the 

teeth 551* 1005* 

^. > I. see 7« 

'U^t — L^jjtfa I ; . 1 r jLXx! ic conveyed provisions on (Jem (i. e. the 
camels) 820i' 

^ll. a provider of food 8771* 

1^ . ;!.♦£«./• an opportunity of separating oneself from some one 401 ^^ 

y,.^. J.U I. io s(r«i« 377* 665» ( = 940*) 890* 

u~^ a kind of wood used for making saddles 347*, hence a saddk 47910 

U-lLt one who struts 615* 

tA< . Jili fieetness, xili jj epith. of a horse 674" 929" [ of. Ibn HishEm 

569« 619i« and TabaH Gloss.] 

J^<. i& '0 hesitate, ji~.ii |^ ciJLZi 612' (Tar. ^s— iJI |]jjj iiidSi) 

JU — i^Jub yUU 644', supply f^f^ according to TsbiuT CHoss. 8. T. 

^ (pi. of J.II!) m«MJpAo fe«» to owe side in riding 28" 6459 76OIS 
( = 1068»), w*3Uii!i ^ with their turbans askm 814S 

ju3 (pi. of 3^) m««-8ton« 283' 

^U. oU (properly an abstract subst. ) crushing, o— J i4*>^ 91^ 

JiU . J^ti ( = j-Sj pi. of J^iilj ) misfortunes 593" 

^Jj. ^sU! farther, farthest 7981 

Li. Uj a. /o appear in sight 104515 

_»^i. lIo'I (pi. of L^i or SjjajI) the muscles of the handO) 1058'2 (i 
j:>U%l 198*) 

o>^ a kind of tree 354" 

*i^ . ^i*>-Li^f io scrutinise, consider ( with aec, ) 428'*^ 

X^...i see 873« 

rf^ . gJo a. to iart at a person ( aco. ) 934' 

'a2jL^ to cause to hark 1053» 

l**j multitude 496'' 

(said of a child) 370'- 
tu u. applied to sweat 976^ 
^ a kind of hard wood 249^ 542^ 834^ 

iili o piece of nah'-wood, honeu ii /«» fii.i.Jt ajuli 1048' : the slock 
of a tribe 97l« | cf. '['ubarl III 2!)< | 

jjli dripping (said of tar) 087:' 
.'LjJi (*e biMliug-up of pitch 24(i' 

iLoui a bow (see iJt^) 947i 

jJLi see under J^' 

kli to Secomc celebrated 23913, j_jl_i celebrated 1371' 366I8 (opp. to 

3-.L=-), iot more ceieJrafed 239« 

LJ n. (0 i-epcJ an assailant (with v) '^0', to expel (with ._.) 819» 

i_^! to coMsc to rebound, to deflect a weapon 7168 965i« 

wlj rebounding i. e. ill at ease 456« ( = 1076") 

.tfiJi i. to assist an animal ( aco. ) in ijiving birth 69715, ^jt], 2 ace's 84' 

IJLii to jidc iiWA to yoang (ace.) 909', see Lissn III 196", bnt pro- 
bably we should read *i^\i-ij pass, of conjug. I 

.^ i. to stream with sweat 502" (var. ^JLIs) 

yij u. to snateA oway (with ace.) 430" 

Jlii 6«iJ.!er 859" 

Jij i. to to*« of a coat of mail 31 7^ 584i»: =gju. 858" 

Lii n. to publish abroad 776° (as var.) 

Li_i report, announcement 6951 

4<^'l to have noble offspring 37* (see 912-), with v 9391, oUsuit 1061" 

14^ «Ae iarft of a tree 182* 

i_<.AiJ nobly born 431", pi. fem. _xs' (said of women) 9111', or wuLff 
( of camels ) 688" 
v_>*i-Lu (pi. of >_;Lp.i« ) epith. of women 538* 
a^) to accomplish a desire 3811 
i^l most successful 991' 
a^ a. see 6261°, *o4j water that wears awag a shorn «26ii 


J^i? to he raised (said of bed-enrtains ) SoS'" 

J^! to rise (said of a cloud) 261": to go to Najd partic. 795« 913i 

jL^ a sword-helt 3361- 609" 638« 89iw 

X>U^ brave 485is 

JksJj o back-tootli 485«, pi. J^>!P 3332 485* 

y? sor(, species du. 129« 

!:>Li fto( weather 8041= 

^Lp stamp, mart 865i', hence inherited qualities 833* 968" 
^f^ . U*^ 8^j* unclean^ 830* 

tS?. j^suJl to seei foraje in a place (ace.) 414« ( = 625?), pavtio. 469» 
xis^ a foraging expedition 83>3, pi. ^.^ 9081' 
'•^i J*:? gore 146« (cf. 328'-) 267'« ( = 237«) 1000^ ^ ^ id. 406>» 

v_aSJ. iii? a sand-hill 581" 

J^. J^ offspring m^ 751» 996« 

*1sJ wj(Je open, hence ajjigii^ '"."M^^ 716"', pi. J^ opith. of the eyes 

136« 160» 
l^ a kind of salt plant 718' 
M>^ . -^ u. to appear, project 1911*' 

^ivlil <Ai! Pleiades 520' 950™ 1012 notes', pi. fy^>dj^ id. Wl': J^ 
ils* [-.^.^fj *.:i>li^' d^r> '' "'^'^^ mak-e thee see stars by daylight, 
i. 6. ii mil strike thee with amazement 595" ; ( jvi \^ « H -^^^ the 
glittering tops of the helmets 481^ 

yf. yf BOO 1014" HOq. 

gjj? a /tiii, iiiolaph. preemineiiee 137" 

Jo a mountain-goat (syn. Jj^ ) 81^^ 

%f^j swift (epith. of a^-camel) 1010* 

ii^ see 1014" 

SL^ ( = i^ see above) 8': see also 1014" 

^ an intimate friend 53= ( = 785") 56": secret deliberation 818« 
pi. il:f\ 299" (see the gloas in Labid Ch. loc. cit.): a shower 
of rain IOI412 1018' 


secret deliberation 6" 

w*^'. ^r*^ anything that is incumbent on a person (see Ibn Hishsm 140"), 

w^^ Jx: eagerly 316' 

vbsULit the act of sobbing 439« 1036* 

^. ^UJ to seize one another by the throat, to quarrel 32^ 

°s-' — oU^i jii-L 4y the side of the road 738" 1095« : pi. ^j^' 
applied to the chest of a woman 515' 

^' a victim 328= (?) 519* 

jajsU-j the slaughtering of vietims on the occasion of the Pilgrimage 912 

jS^ . i'jfj^ see 503', also Index IV 3. v. ej**' J! 

^J^ . (j.i.s^ smoke 111' 

i:^-. ii^ i. (0 jroan, paiK 224M 268^ 970" 1033io 

J.^' . J^' a. M a/Zoip a person (0 s/tare m something, dVAl>L*-j fV^^ lt^ 

»?L.i 202": pass, to be ascribed to a "^i'"y_2.'^f^5M^|L?lP™'?l) 
200' (var. ^Lsul ^ they do not wear out, becom* obsolete) 


to claim descent from a person (ace.) 202", to da 

one has not composed 1255 ^^8 var.) masd. 325> 


1 , ^, ^^ see 21'' 


moanmg (subst ) 21 50' ( = 784") 


n. or % to shak, gammg-arrows 686', with ^ 

shaking its wings) 364' 


to lead away 920- 


to make room for a person (mth J) 908' 


(0 .Jiaie for an object, ?o a^oii (with ace.) iO' 


4011 248" 8041' 

apply oneself, devote oBf's attention to a thing (ace.) 10821^: 
s(»!it /rom (Ae ^idt (with J ot the object struclc) 436": to 
to one <:ide (said of a camel, with >_; of the rider) 500" ( 
gloss explains wrongly), raetaph b33ii 

_!y (pi of i^l;) SKOldtdgu 


^.U/fl ( pi. of HL:s:U--fl ) paths made by animals that are driven round a 
welt in order to draw water 832' 

°^' a ski n-bottl e 104i» 216^", du 492» 746«, pi. i'Li?' 1022"' or V'Us?' 7126 

suj" to be selected 843* 

's^ the rump 165^ 44Ii 442", pi. oUt-" 250«: metaph. o coward 16416 
1000?, pi. 318S 442» 541i» 777- 936io 971i» 978* 1080« [aoc. to 
Lisan II 249'=> seq. "coward" is 'ili\ pi. oUi" | 

^^ — viail J^' bereft of couraije 1034' 

_ ^jBi! 4^-iIi bereft of strvmjth «31«, ^Uo Zj-XiL one who 
is bereft of his entrails, i. o. a coward 68*, to also ^<^^ rilono 
309" (860 Liaun II 249^) 

a term of abuse applied to a woman t^Al^, xLj^Uj id, 682** 

y^. J»S a. or a. to^goad on 826", masd. J^' 575*, partic. pass. 1062= 

uL=43 mange (especially in the tail of a camel) 543^ 

ii'. iiiwUI see 134' 

ji:-'. '^ or Ji^ the spinal cord (of a camel) 1911^ 

Jjs'. jJsij to appropriate the lest pari of a thing (ace.) 125* (var. LjLs^ij): 
pass. ( = iJai-) 203" 

2U?' j-«/«se 0/" proin, sifUngs 273* 

i}J^iIi cAose», excellent, siisili w«aiu 663- seq. 

1ju. tjj a. see 877i» 

i_jJu. vJj u. (0 sAoM( to a person (aco.), to encourage 774' 

VOJ o scor 27710, pi. ^|j2 94212 948* 

jJu. 3J i. to ^ee (said of a horse) 931" 

iJi to shout 485", partic. 326" 

,iX3. jO>i u. to ;f»!i off (said of a cap) 431™, ,aij slipping away (said of 

a sword) 6776 

(jM\i. (^mAj n. to pierce 693» ( = 289') 

LiAj . i_!>ii« carded ( said of cotton ) 56113 

3iXJ. Stjj (pi. of Jj) osscmWies 778' 

otjAi id. 1034' 

ikv i ossemdiy 664» 

j_aAJ . ^^XLj to graze on salt herbage ( ace. ) and drink water altematdg 39i^ 

i^cJJ herbage, pasture 3^ 636* 

,jj. jAj one who gives the ahrm 12' 190', a wamer 517": abstr. odmon- 

ition 2831 


violettt wind 235^ 

j-jj. ~-i i. or a. to exhaust 1043», pais, to come to an end 501>, see also 6« 

i- _ jli wellnigh exhausted ( said of the water in a well ) 166« ir 
°> (pl.of°,p),-d, ^'>^U 3240 
jj-i. _jj-ij' to ietowg fo iVtoar 994' 

^]i scanty 925" 
,5^ one who has few children 911^- 
ijj, ii ^V^^t nimble 44^ 

g^jJ. gjJ i. to depart, partic. 513*: to refiVe from a contest (absol. ) 861' 

9003; to cease from a thing (with ^) lOlo*: to desire(?), with 
il or J, 490= 687= 1087' 

c :'j to join with some one *« drawing an object towards oneself (with 
2 ace's), applied to the bonds of affection 1015': to touch, border 
on a thing (ace.) 429«, to coijw near 688* 

cjji to depart (f) 933^' — see "Additions and Corrections" 

^jJ baldness (especially on the front of the head) 889^^ 

^^J (pi. of ^jli or ilji) making for an object (with_^-) 857", with 
il 9765 

j^jj see 303' seq. ( = 475' seq. ) , pi. fem. J-jij-i epith. of iiiarea or 
camels 475« 698" 

I be drawn 827» 828* 
6'* ( = 2»9») 
Sltl", draining themsili'fs dnj (aiiid 


hold in fi 

■ont 836'" 


the extent 

to which 



pluchl up 

( said of 



(pi. of ^ 

j^ »•• 'ii)i 

3) UHI 

ijjij. J5jj i. to outrun (with, ace, said of horses) 87^ 

vjji brisk, swift 498' 
Sji. JjUi (pi. of Jjll) lances 751" 

J^^. Ji^ (pi. of Jjy) p%Wms 284" 

3i^ (pi. of the same) halting on a journey 50» ( = 783«) 421* 

hjl i^hLd) 443 

JIjJ! see 279" 

jojUi (pi. of JljI.) men who alight often 5688 (=58o») 

'i^ (dimin. of J^) 9649 

,^. SIji inasd. 68215 

bjjj offspring 4881* 

j!y (pi. of LjlJ) j^ymjf (said of sparks) 543" 

U^ . U^! to sell on credit, metaph. to defer vengeance for bloodshed ( with 

2 aoo.'s) 461": 4o defer the death of a person (ace.) 586" 1043" 
— see also ^e*^^ under (_^.**J 
8|_^ milk mixed with water 166* ( ironically ) 
k_y-J adv. after a delay (applied to payment) 633' 
_^«o. vjU«J rivalry with respect to genealogy 466* (var. LU-JI) 

i_*^ related to some one, having a common ancestor 369" 
xl-li «-o«ic poetry (syn. 3^) 1261-, pi. JLA^S 1048" 
wy***^ — Jlil 'li.^^^^.A a woman of noble birth 27- 
.^. .lliil /o weave 1078» 

<s.»si o ioce-paJtem ( produced by the wind on the surface of water ) 

gi.^ the middle of the hack (in a horse) 582i» 

^UJ (pi. of ^) vultures 1038" 

j**oI (pi. of the eame) perhaps banners (see ^iar.) 9561'^ ( var. j.*sjUj ) 

y^-i-fl or y*-U a small troop of horsemen 73^'- 947^ 956 notes ^ 

K--J a thon(f used for hinding captives 946^, as the saddle-girth of a 
camel 684', pi. ^j~i 634« or IJi! 1046« 

iijt«.o id. apparently used for lowering a bucket into a well 48'^ (= 782-*^), 
used as a gag 15313 J542 

ou«i to be torn away 576* 

ijlli one wio tears (with ace.) 333» 

WA-.0 u. ^0 compose poetry 477'*^ 

j^l to grow a fresh coat of hair (said of the back of an ass) 813" 

jJJ offspring 707", see also 157' 

^] (=1:^1) to defer the fate of a person, ilib- * ^fil ,y-ii ^U 
i. e. if fate spares me except as regards old atje 444" 

Ui the vein of the thigh 321' 

^jll (dimin. of SL~i) 1086» 

%:A (dimin. of «^) 4« 773' (as var.) 878i», oUli 1042« 

Lij a. to ajipearabove_the horizon ( 8aid_ of a^ oloijd ) 776" 

Lilill to peraiM a smell (aoc.) 928'" 

V-io to 6e fixed 17» 

t;...ij property, wealth 155" 

tXiil u. to sen* that which one has lost {me.) 25", J*^lj « seiiAci- 194< 
[of. Ahlwardt 'l\v. N". 4 v. 71 1 

AAij to ask a person to spare some one (with 2 ace's) 95^: see also 

tXi^' to recite poetry against a person (with v) S39^^: pass, applied 
to horses, to have songs sung to them (during a march) 1021* 

iXi-U search ( with ace. ) 251^^ 

uLi;L-U one who seeks a lost camel 983^ 

yd to vanish (?) 608' 

y^ odour 776" 

jviJ the dissemination of a malady 141" 543' 

JisUi coll. high clouds 243" 

Iiii i. to rush out 360a> 

Jiii «Ae aci 0/ snatching 894" 

iiu^ spoil (oien duriMy o more* I92« ( = 236= ) 

>_iiJ i. or J^iJ to aisorl 203' 573» 

iilill to «n*o!e (with ace.) 937>= ( = 440*) 

JJll; o«e wAo reaches after a thing 683? 

J.^ cooicd »iea( 66Bis ( = 664iS) 879' 

jwilj see 223* 

Syii drunkenness 509" 

^lyil A-«nifce» 897' ( = 496*), pi. t^UJ 55» 

^.il i. to more* (said of pilgrims) 850': to o««* (with J) 370" 901" 

IJ^ a butt .21»» 

vUiJ stofi, ™m *59": «»fes( (syn. 'iJiLu) 46S" 


4-iUii (p!. of iL-ai) slones placed an a gram 1044' 

4**=li stock, race 807" 

>««2J. ,ii-.*:LJ! fo ^jsien in silence 690^", partie. 775^ 

s-ai. .suiil sewis together i.e. continuous 307'* 

^. l^- (0 jjrofess Christimity 996*, partie. 956« 

Jjtil 314'= 600' 821*, fem. 8198 984» 996* 1048«: ililj.^ { = 5j'j) 378" 

^^'Loii see Index III 

B,yai.Ji iftc Victorious, a name given by Jarip to a certain rhyme 430" 

^^li u. see 134" 

i_>iij «/ie act of urging on a beast ( aco, ) 272', lience quick pace 345° 

iuai« quick pace 134'" 

LiL. see 1341= 272» 

ftAOJ. ?^-^l 5Ma»"»"e?so»te»ess 1097'* 

^.iA3J . ^»x3i a, ^0 he half over (said of the day) 551^ ( var. ^Jl^^:J^), to be 

in the middle of a place j^Tji Ijioi Ul 662S 

>_iual; ;o sAore a thing with some one { with aoc. of the pers. and j, 
of the thing) 111" 

^Ju^i { '^^ ^s^-*-^jJ^Justtce 571" 

wA-li (pi. of Juoli) hulf-fuU 563» 

iLiAjlj a ((?((/(3 ^orreM^-ftfti 133' 

,!, lA^ SCO 209is> 50SII' 

Uuaic ( = rt^) 57110 

J,iLiU served 571» 58912 

jjiji /o remoce the spear-head from the shaft 1063', JS' J-'^ '• e. the 
month of Eojah, ibid. 

J^lji (pi. of 5./0U) headless (said of arrows) 551- 

J.A2I-1 sword-hlade 711^ 

i_jJkLi' (0 di«p', to attach oneself, or, ace. to another view, to occupy a 
high position 138» 

0=1^ (pi. of xloli) highest parts 138i» 6III 

^ a kind of shrub 53", see also 490» 

^'li far-stretching (epith. of a plain) 272* 

.^! (0 srorcA 529", partio. 769^ 

sp^lj oosiny (said of a -water-skin) 10321 

_U2lj' moistening ( subst. ) 1010" 

i^ (Ae smearing of an unguent 457" ( = 107712 ) 

Juai i. <o pile up 9301- 

lWJ a pile of rugs or mattresses 89' ( see 266' ) , metaph. a multitude 
of persons 2661 329* 

^ fresh, luxuriant (said of plants) 617" 

jUbj a kind of uiood(?) 249« 

jA*aj rich vegetation 5141 

J.J^'3 io engage in a shooting -match with some one (aoc. ), applied to 
the composing of satires 628", majd. JLbJ 6" 9" 828« 489", 
partio. 628"' 

J«ibLlj a shooting-match 1097^' ( text doubtful j 

_j*aj. Uiii n. to pierce, to emerge from a thing (ace.) 103" 

j-^! to weary the eye TIS**, pass, to be exhausted by marching (said 
of camels ) 1083^ 

j^,i3x-j! to he unsheathed, properly of a sword, hence applied to horses 
to be led forth to battle 2921- 

SU^! (pi. of^4i) well-worn (said of swords) 373» 

giij. ^Ui to be dashed together (applied to masses of water) 880" ( = 4961^) 

iiilJ! name of a constellation 520" 

'^^ a calamity 41' 839", ^3i o!J id. 12' 

g*jaj . u-^) u-^i Kj'^f^ see 109' 

J^Uii c;«!ie»- 109= 

(jiJa. ,>J=i see 532 

«JaJ. «laj a piece of leather used as a table-cloth 463^ 

^..ftkJ. i_AaJ, ^..iiij see 562* seq. 

oiliji properly to cause to suffer from ulcers^ hence to afflict 562^ 

^^ a camel sufferinfj from ulcers 33- 

.Ji'LJ (lu. 866 103T5 

i^lkj {pi. of A_aLiJ) waicr-supplij l3o^, /*oo/s 346'*^ 

Jlkj. aliw a ^"-e^^* worn by a warrior 154'*, by a woman 35^ 37^ 813^ 845* 

( = 21.8^ ) 

Jiai. aee JJ^U 

^. ^^^1 to (jive, partio. 227'-^ 

Jai. 2m u. to expect^ hope for a thing (ace.) 704^^; io defer^ put off i 

thing (ace.) 6323, ^ith ^ 352* 

'jbii eye 595", pi. 'j^\y 1012" 1031» 

_»»i. 4^ *• <"■ i- '" CO"* (said of the raven) 961", ma§d. t_ou 10871 „ 

vUli' 6298 

f«Ac|y (pi. of ~^^ ) croaking ravens i. e. et)i7 ow««s (?) 582*^ 

■j^jd. ulJiili described 134^ (as Tar.) 

.i^ju . cjLs^iclj white camels 8* 

jti. jij an animal tormented by a fly {»/^) 196' 


see 5911' 

id. 613* 

ifeetJs continually 8561 

(jiju. ,ji,«j a. (0 ;»/? up one who has fallen (ace.) 309*, absol. 1012', pass. 


Js.^Ui (pi. of JiUlo) helpers 953=! ( = 41818) 

JaxJ. J>»J see 1001 notes 6 10441^ 

Uixi. -J^ the foot of_ajm 18* (=2741) g^g? 9938 (as Tar.), see also 134« 

Outi. Jiii a. to call sheep (with w) 497', Jis^ a shepherd 786i» 

^1^ see 786" 

JjLJ. jJJi wearing shoes (said of a man) 710« (of. 712«), of animals 7061^ 

xiili hoofs that are shod 1011' 

^ with 2 ace's, U>c ijUa^l j-jOJ who rejoice to see the guests 619' 
(see foot-note) 

i<l3 ease, pleasure 676" 1082": pi. lij arii'cJcs of mlue 6398; pi. ^1 
6e«c/Jte 1078' 

^lj flourishing vegetation 10521', ^Uil'Sl ^Ij epith. of a tree 890", 
pi. ylOiIotil |»c!>J flourishing palms 890* 

iC«l*j Bee under Jyi: pi. -jUj female ostriches 610^^ 

j^tj s. to reproach a person with a thing (with ace. of the thing and 
(J^ of the pers.) 217«i« 654» 679i», with J* only 577« 

jiil to ham an illegitimate child 439i« 

Jjtl illegitimate 440' 

jjUi (pi. of iilil) (Ae stdes o/' the throat 937'^ ( = 779") 

liAiJ i. or u. to spit 317*, as a cure lOlfiS 

JCjUi — o^ia^' iy> a term of abuse applied to a clan (apparently a 
Bubdivision of the Kilsb ) 924" 

,ss-i~j to erect the feathers (said of a bustard) 218" 

£i\ilj a violent wind 133* 242" 

.iJu a. to bestow a gift (with ace. of the thing and J of the pers.) 
4511 (cf. jjarajtsa 65818): see also 50l« 

.iNS-U one who drives away, hence a defender 501* 

;»j6 u. see under yS 

isiJCJI — ii)yil» sAJLJl (Ay («)i;/ /« inflated i. o. (Aon ai-* afraid 582i ^ 

ii=>lij — yjOl X=.Ui Me j)/oci! »/«)•<■ the bellows are blamt(t) 690'" 

M-iiJ^ an open space 689' 

Jkily ( pi. of iJwsl; ) apertures i. e. wounds 472» 4941 

olai! ( pi. of iil ) sSarp crfjres 62' ( = 430= ) 

'M i. or u. to run awaii (said of animals that are seared) 30' 1070M: 
to win a thing from a person as the resalt of a wager (with 
2 acc'a) 67>* 694' 

A) to assign the victory to one person over another (with ace. and 
(Jj:) 141" 142*: fei scare a beast so that it, bolts with its rider 
(with vj of the rider) 845^ (read^') 9751, see Lissn Til 82« aeq. 

Ji ( = }^) 714« 895», majd. S_^Lu 139": to^appeal against mme, 
one (aec.) 595% with it of the judge 803" 1044" 'r- ' 

JUi to appeal to a judge (with j.!) 265" 

jiJJiwI io summon to one's help 1094'^, partic. 549' (as var.) 

Jju shyness, modesty (in women) 85712 

jjii a beast that bolts with its rider 938' 

^ the departure of a military expedition 53* ( = 785") 58o«: a_ 
company of persons lOi" 51 3= 527« 912S, see also 244" 

^ (dimio. of ^) 661" 739" 920* 

sj^ scared (epith. of ostriches) 1003= 

ljLL»i to stir, ewcite, wjjiSU oijJ-LX~.«5 said of women 549' 

,_-.ij to grudge a person a thing ( with ace. of the thing and j>£ of 
the pers. ) 8' 49", hence to desire to sane a person from a thing 
( with ace. of the pers. and J,e of the thing ) 583' 

^j~ij to afford relief ( with ^ of the pers. relieved ) 154^, ^ .O'^-si 
^ 169i« 

ij-i-LJ' to feel relieved, to breathe freely 169ii> 618'", niasd. 743»: to expit 
674" (?) 987' 

^_j«sU-j' to vie with one another to obtain a thing ( with tj ) 448^* 

^ JJi life-blood 519*: the hour of death, UiUJi liJj 92312 

(j.Ui the condition of a woman after childbirth 10468 

X*.Uj ceyrei, annoyance, eUiAaJ iC«Uj (^*«Lsj eU'ALLL-i ^i) 231''' 

oUjii A»yA% prfaeti (epith. of women) 26'» 

tJiJu u. properly to card wool, hence *_^L*^ j^,.w.aJ i/iei/ stroked tlm 

beards, i. e. (Aey prepared themselves lOlT'i 

(jiaaj u. to search, examine 95^ 

JaaJ naphtha (used as a euro for the mango) 543* 

o UJ u. to be saleable ( with ^y: of the seller ) 244" 

oiij to come out of Us hole (said of the jerboa) 1022" 

tUiU see 288' seq. 

jjiji (pi. of iijli) 6oo«y 638" 

jLii' — jUJ^f s^y. mentioned by Jartr 322' 

^iili afti/ss BBgi, pi. vJuUi 493" 

^^^ ^/ia( which is scattered, thrown about 325" 

^!jU4] trf. 1043'' 

V^ to wwixA uiiWi worn-out slioi-s (said of camels) 1012" 

iOJU a depression on the skin MS" 

^UU a mil 4441 ( = 441«), do. 50918: bUJ adT. see 521^ 

%fSl fortune, success 355= 657i« 

^Ji^ veiled 319» 

^..AJUJwa that part of the face to which the veil reaches 147^* 

Z'kjijJ, a covering (?), jU^] ZSJuJ, 232« 

JuU to become worn 260" 

O^a payable in ready money {?), said of a debt 9841 

jUJ (pi. of SAii) o breed of small sheep 90315 

^jviJ ( = 3b! i_5Jiij or dUl i_5JL5jl-^!) 231" 

ji*Si a iofse captured in battle 303" 

JU u. to calumniate 3661^ 

^ to pick up grain (?) 479», but see Urnrt VII 87* seq. 

^li an arrow that hits the mark 773' { = 623 notes*), S^ id. 331" 
(as var.), pi. ^iy' 623 notes 2 (as var.) or oljjli 7731 795' 

jLiLi ( pi. of syU ) hollows dug in the ground for confining sheep and 
goats 2601 

jUlL a crow-har 86010 

JUi ink 362« 920« 

iJijSLU epitb. of saddles, see 756i> 

jwaili (Ac Oct of insulting 762' 

uaSJ u. to untwist, hence (0 pae an end to a fend (by exeoating ven- 
geance), |»f!y>o ^yyasLii! 5661", pass. jj'SI yaLij 873°; to com- 
pose an answer to a poet ( with j* ) 1047», pass. vivCaJU 860", 
ma^d. tjaoJ ibid. 

iji=xj'^ to make a cluckiny noise in calling animals ( with w^ of the ani- 
mals) 2i8", see the Lisitn loc. eit. 

^^sfiJLJS to burst out afresh (said of a wound, with w of the pers.) 1451^: 
to answer a poem (ace ) 629* 

IjiaiLJ a loose piece, a fragment 43612: pi. ijc\JiS the tops of truffles 13' 
69' (of. 300«) 

Ij^sflJU-a loose, ij*ii^' ijasaSji ^ vu/orous 693^ 

njLi . xAJ a. to quench thirst ( said of a beverage ) absol. 962^, with ace. 

1007", iiLj epith. of a pool 890'% raetaph. satisfijing the desire 
of vengeance 693'2 ( = 289') 

«.iUl to stand and become stale (said of a beverage) 208'-, jiLU con- 
centrated (of a poison) 8278 gegi 

^ ( = ^ill) 1035' 
jiii cooled iV) 1099M 
^Ui (pi. of fili) puddles 793'* 
lOttd 408' 
wiiu . oUi « vagrant, a beggar pi. 504^ 

XjJlLo coll. crushing satires 465'" ( as var. ) 
vJiiU . Jd i. to croak ( said of frogs ) 705' 

JjU. jii u. to i^aHop 268* (as var. ), raiisd. jij or ^yNlii ibid. 

jilj to tread warily ooer a place ( aoc. ) 634" 637^ Jl^^! JjUi 303'*, 

majd. JUJ 92312 
Kiiij coll. emigrants 392 notes' 
J,Aiu an emigrant, one who sojomiis amottg an alien tribe 51' 77^ 
( = 315") 

JjLLj the falsifying of a geneaUgy 202^ 

J*ki-o removal i.e. a means of removing 147- ( = 328^^): a mowntom- 
pa(A 187", pi. J3U. 622" (as Tar.) 

JjUi (pi. of JCJLijL.9) iays' journeys 1021': also pi. of » l. .S -i « (see 

Dozy "Supplement" 8. v.) iuhhs for placing drinking -vessels QOB^ 

*iU i. to urge an objection against a person ( with ace. of the thing 
and ^y, of the pers.) 727' 1097", pass. ^\ f^-^. '^ •'* **"■« '"'9 
objection to . . .'i 534i» 

i_^I to cleanse a garment 682» 

^JilJ to choose (with aco.) 313* 

UJ a sand-hill 515" 579*, pi. SUt3 599» ( = 575M) 632" 

Jjj fat, marrow 134H>, hence a liltte strength 1012", pi. SlSJ! applied 
to wheat 990- 

cjUfl-i-« &ertsis whose bones are full of marrow 244* 

OiUi «. 504" 

lij a. fo remose ^fte crust of a wound ( aec. ) 5^ 1 68" 

Z^ to turn aside from an object (ace.) 231^- 

o-jG (pi. of "i-.<i) misfortunes 1046" 

l^'Ui (pi. of .Lxu) metaph. jioifc ancestors 264" 993" 

e^jC*.-u loose-jointed (said of a horse) 497^* 

.^o^i io <?(>e a female relative in marriage to some one (ace.) 816^^ 
818", with 2 aoc.'s 817> 

iSlsD ( = ci^iJo) 312' 

'-olj (fem.) married 421= 1097= 

JjCi. A^ distress 82" 

AKj! bringing misfortune (eaid of persons and things) 86^ (see u Ad- 
ditions and Corrections") 484i 796'" 907', pi. Jou or JiXi helpless 
(in battle) 3661 10791s 

yo. ^ii to /■««; resentment 993" 99S« (text doubtful) 1036™ ( cf. lOlT 

X»J' ^0 become unrecognisable 395^ 

XLa*..! to Aat'e suspicions about a thing ( aec. ) 42P, to reqard a thing 
as dreadful, fj_a*j ^! iyi^J^^^a ^^^ i. e. nor ( didst thou meet one 
of the IJaisiles) who regarded it as dreadful that they (i. e. the 
war-horses) should he wounded 1003' — if we adopt the reading 
tyUj;~,/« we must render nor (didst thou And ) that it was regarded 
as dreadful that etc. 

y^i^XJ trouble 54^ 

.*SJ reientment 542' 999^ 

^jijo ^-"^ '0 ^* ^cAaMS^eti, drained dnj 6'' 

JiJu JjJo t/foit 6741 

^..^ft^ OtJ^ see b' 

J^ jjo pumihment 294* 

sxj Wo 1 01 a to //reatte o«< ( with ^ ) 856- 

Oi^. OjLw (pi. of ^ijw) bed-cushions 64l'\ used at a banquet 781> 7S6" 

Jikj. iiii «%!<! in poetry 488' 

^. Jjli see 596' 

xlli 1. Mill of base metal 596', ^,^:Lllil ,i id. 596* ( the dual hero 
refers to the two sidoB of the ooin >, pi. ^^^Ui aee 596^ 

fj^. jU»i/« ornamented or, according to another yiew, written small (said of 

a document) 42^- 

^. L5*^ I- '» ™'««. '^a^' ('''"' »""•) 233* 451"" 609^ «11' 62115 699* 

746'*: <o reach a person (said of tidings, with i! of the pera.) 
457' ( = 10771): «o fe-ini; tidings of a thing (with v) 9"": <» 
grace one's descent from a person (with ^f) 609^: (o Aape reeour$e 
to a thing (with ^1) 61 8» 

;_^ . yl^l (0 divide as spoil 458* to distribute to the puhlic 417i« 607» seq. 

7151", pass. 953" 

J4iij! to toie «s spoii, ««'« (with ace.) 1070" 

juJ . ■IJ^ (oiJ (epith. of a horse ) 4865 663" 677*, >U!t J4l id. 674", fem. 

8j4^ 586" 
»i. jii a. to ierifc a backet (in order to fill it) with ^ 779«, masd. jjl 

1047" (see also below) 
'J^i to »io!fc wieA a jumping gait 706'^ 
tfj the shaking of the head in marching ( said of a camel ) 558* ( as var. ) 

^j^. J4^ ^cJl-i'!£ ®'*'' ''^ *'*" **^"' *'"'' **"* phrase ^=Ju^i u-fj, see 

"Additions and Corrections") 

J-^- W. (with ace.) 718" 

J^ ■ i>P «• see 55212 

y;iij. ,_^aii a. to oc* in conc«-« with a person, Kfi »j« Jyci^ 458" (of, 10771"); 

to eMcroacA upon a thing (with ^) 870* s<^">= 

jiln^ see 73*: pi. jja^!^ strong camels 347^ 

Olw. Oi»!>J (pi. of ici*) the boms of the leg 1082- 

JiS' more jiwrt to braying 842" 

eUi. iVj] a. to exAaiwi, ooerwori a beast 306» 

Jji (pi. of JoSij) Ihirsty^ 
^'y (pK of '^j) id. 5(f' 

Ita HishiTin 168« and Tabarl Gloss.) 

Ufj purpose, aim 6621* 

,^iU' border 956', pi. lUJi' borders uf slreiims{i) TIS' 

lii n. seo 74012 

^Ll n. to occMi- (absol.) 901 ■>; to tefo? (with ace. of the pers. ) 9uG''- 
to fall upon an object ( aoc. ) in turns 1098'- 

jj^\ to seize booty 150": to visit a place UH^-' 

_.p to »a(7 50T'= 

jU.S to w<«7 to o»e imother 228» 530' .i42-'' -•■ 

„%j an assembli/ of mournitig uomcii G8U'" 928''' 

ly trans. 447"' (M'i": inlrans, ^iV 

ijl intrans. 613'" 756'2 i far. '.^':): with oin. undorstooa 634"' (uH 

,:Hmit,/ 26 
,,/,;/, sai.l 

,5M powder for tattooing 537^^ 

^LJ (pi. of ^U) 10S91 

°Ui properly a jilaee where a light is set up, metaph. 870" 989» 

jj^^u one who makes towards a fire 954^ (cf. 955**) 

liill giving light 988" 989' 

^Jj tl. to dangle, hang down (intrans. ) 530* ■. 

(j-ij, ,j«jj see under u~J! 

ijojS, {j-ajy see 53^ 

JJI to rise above an object (with Ji) 69=! ( = 300'») 

Lip see 1708 

^U A!>A ( epith. of a hill ) 186" 22413 

oUi^! (pi. of ilili) 80715 

^yU see 5511 

|>i foH(/ 181", xfy id. 207« 

^/]i ( pi. of 4^^ fools 415» 570' 

JjUi to reac* a/ter an object (aco.) 319* 3991= 9831, f^'/^ ijjUi 
458" (without f^'jX 1076*), partic. without obj. 612": to fall 
upon 245" 256« 615" 

f^ a. to be unmindful of «' thing (with ^) 256" 3iV^ 3431- 5673 
7781; to be spent in sleep, !i-LJ ^Li ^ as an imprecation 838^, 
partic. 7541- 

|.jUi to feii?n sZeep 3591= ggxis jooi*, partic. 82*, with J of the pers. laS' 

*-Jwo — -*-i*^^ jU^" see 72* aeq. 
^y /isA 775' (as Tar.) 

U:y. ^ (fem.) journey, course 7» 173* 825» 9621, ^-ith guff. ^ (=^=y) 

408»», i^',^! I4-J olii^l '«»• wanderimjs came to an end 676« I 
[ cf. i_^l xj ^oUil Ibn Hisham 3509, ^ phrase which Wiil has ,' 
misunderstood ] 
^ (masd. of ^cy> I.) fatness (in a camel) 560!', ^^ ,-^. gjge 

wyj. Cji maturity, vigour 899' ( = 497"), of. ^T ^jL-J 1^5 498»: an oW 

s he-camel 413" 447» 906'" 9551 (^9578) 999s g^q. 10161- 1025" 
1033* 10431, pi. lIvJ 250" 318» 4221S 423* 522* 56V'> 833" 
^. ,ljl to weave 15', pass. 86OI' 

jj properly the woof of a textile fabric ( see 15-' ) , hence the edije 
lli^, texture in general 70G^ 

_we woven double 995\ see Dozy "Supplement" s. v. 

JiJ . ili pl' i^J 1 "^ & o*^ '■ "• ''" ''"'''' '"^ *^^" *'"1' 

oiftj- vi^ Aii^ du. 569' 

iili.^ , d][j I. used in the proverb b'Ui dUj .*)ij^ ^>U-i ^^ 363' <^" 

J^. 3'j a- 5 speak ill of a person (with ^) 547« 

vl*. vi^ a cry addressed to horses 336" 461 !» (, 475") 

s.r. ,.^ 

oUo. lit* *Wm^-' (with ace.) 382" 

^^. xl* a< »■(«&! of u sword -11 8" (hut of. WIV'\ 

^. "'^ flesh 668" 

"^^ { = oUi) 10613: i_usj_^ coll. swords, or, aec. to Ibn al-Awbl, 
gold coins 106'3 [as if it were=£ij^?, see Lisan ¥11 290"] 

Ji^, Jk**, -b^^» see 770'= 

,idl^ one icAo squcits on the ground 280« 

:^ an old camel 33- 
]jUi (pi. of J-t4^) i/ie orifice of the womb 624", abysses, chasms 7431« 
Jup a r/luUon 9691 

ivj* ditsf 406= 676" 

Jil! to Secome s<«.7e 67>1, "Jiil a -io^ard 11.3" 1001" 
J^ i. lo call to^me^one (with v) 9' 4' 
^.ftX? (pi. of waji-^) applied to pigeons 5551'^ 

iUP i. to «rf asunder 443>2 10161 (but cf. 323«), '.J^2> eVif applied 

to incest 10291": pass, lo be taken down (said of tents) 536* 
dlip to tear tent-ropes 560' 
1:J> to have one's front teeth broken 152ii 
^i^ broken, j^Ul^i ,lii£«' 888* ( =-_= 496" ) 900» ( as rar. ) 

^■J' a cry addressed to a dog 765^1 
^^:pj' to be sunken ( said of the eyes } 7551^, partic. o'O-i 
A:>lP aivake, or dozini; 160i' 
^^! to (ali »>onse«s<! 67« 
;1^ adv. at noon 2461 11)12« 
.^ abuse, iimeclive 618* 
'1^^# Mooii 8', -Ls^? (li. 272'3 231' ( cf. 2942) 

.^\ see 673" 

-o>uj noonilay jotti my bST^* Id 10 

_S\_a a safe teti(nt(t) 67i" 

^jn^S^ . s^^r-^U' cuubtng ttoilhh 161 , ^-*j^w^ fronhhu.^ ibid. 

j^. jS^y a io Im spinl m iliep (,aiJ of the night, see -J) 968" 

j^jtjsv a pttiod of ^tiimhii aiihj tn the night 1050^ 

^JlS^. _xj.\P tudi, clumii/ 'Jol" 

J.s^. J..^^^ low lijini/ ijromid Hj' lo')' 

f^pj'. ^^-xy 1 to (hmuUih 6)2' to »»(/ /'o)- a place (with Jj;) 1095 

»_-L* a tamd-diivu J4I)" 

v^jsuP (I imall hird of lameh lOo" 944'' '- (ssIOaO"), du. 675-> 

^■y^ ■ o~^^ h/(/hhoiu, said ot a nun !(»*>'*, as eo!I. ^., — ^m..- i *.„x_**_ 
(=4)6 ), ot women 13lii ', of oanmls 511" 

^y.:>K^ sec 40' 

^■^^ (pi of iw^*;»U!) CKWf/s 0/ iH '.tvi/ raM(?) 346" 458* 

,i^^^\p, „^= > to (/wa a((jaf/ itttt haisl ^7t " ( oliject uudorstood ) 

.dvP. jAP i. (0 ferment SSe": to froth (said of a torrent) 513", of a woman 

857»: to roar 531 ° 

= ,^\pi (0 i-emii (Ac price of blood (with ace. of the blood and ^ of 
; the slayer) 68' 

jOUj to roar at one another 959^ 
o'jO'U' epith. of Btallion camels 791<i 
jM roarer (said of a camel) 3323, of a man 531« 
y.A* roar 332* 914^ 
,tA^' frothing (subst.) 857' 
i_jA#. ijAi> see 293K' 

LJAP rising ground 573^^ seq. : aw o^jcc^ « mjerf af(?) 834" 
uiA^^ prominent 573^^ 
JA* . jJ>^ i. to let hang ( with aeo. ) 449' ( as var. ) 

JAS- (pi. of ii~>yP'<) camels with lower lips hanging down 149- 
J.jAS' a (^ou.iy dove 555" (see the glosses) 890", pi. 3'AP(?) 673« 
-iX*. '.Si to overthrow 6511°, masd. 683" 

j^\P crumhling, collapsing^ ^j^**-^ f*"^ epith. of a hyaena 918^ 
f)ji\ (pi. of i^JvP) rags 523» see Index III s. v. ,'0^^*' .3 
^.,JO:. j^jSUi- to come to terms 267" 

XJAi? /Jeace 2'^ 
ij^XS". ^jj\i I. with J of the person 331* [of. liur'an VII 98 XXXH 26] 

JaAJ! with aco. of the thing 1064< (text doubtfuU — see Dozy "Sup- 
plt'meut" s. V. 

^;>_j to walk ilowly (said of women J 38'-: to present to one another 
fwith ace ) 815" 

.»lJ «(C4 6-S', pi. u>i^ 15", metaph. __1^': ^>j; the first rays of 
ilaw)' 618= 

^JJ- eoU animals for sacrifice 9»9-' 

lS^^ (=^^) o*'- co/i'*™ 101": coll. <j.iima;s for sacrifice 768" 936" 
'JAP (pi. of iuu>^) — JAi)' -li i. B. the day of 'Arafa 591' 
_a.Xi.JI a title applied to the Caliph Sulaimitn 364'" 

vbU.« friendly intercourse STO" 

^JSJ> ( = 'i^) 594" 621»- 629» 9761 

iJij'wP ( = tAi) 139* 
Ji see 968 notes' 
kJ'AS (pi. of iySi) heaps of fine sand 516S .179= 

'^<j^ sharp 248" 1014S (as var. ) 

jjjj I. to «««• (with V) 274' 

cio J* HM'rfc ( said of the mouth ) 622", wide-mauthed ( epith. of the 
lion) 997= 


-^ » » 

an who treats 


> i. ( 

dread (with 

y'i utt 

rty cold 870' 

"f.^ — 

^;~:t «.=. i. 0. 

X«.U a (/lo™ 595' 

^U combat (between animals), J;.^J- U-^ 242-» 
O-^ «ee under uSjM 
J.J* (0 JecoBw deci-epi* ' 28" 
.'j> coU. a imd of salt plant 2501'' 
clj> (pi. of 'fj-) decrepit 1008'" 

J.^!jy ( pi. of i.jl? ) epith. of camels, according to some oW, according 
to others eating salt plants 936^^ 

'^'ji (pi. of ji^ or ji^) lice 199" 
jlP (=!jLp) crumbling 598" 

^^ji (0 tJmrfe (with v) 9''3" «i'h cf 10"^' 101»^ 
'}> «j<»?i 282' 467> 619"* 622« 1015" 

„ ^ utteri/u/ a deep sound, J<* J5 _ :>^ epith. of a thunder-cloud 965'' 
jii the shaft of a spear 23« 
liic flourishing ( said of vegetation ) 1052" 
J5 (pi. of 5-jj3?), i-'^j-saj) ^^jS o )Han(?) wiose ftfo.5to o/' hurdm 

are emaciated 951' 
-;* to be abandoned i. e. left unavenged 919' — the phrase .\&> a.' »j* 
seems to have been understood by the commentator as "he con- 
ceded his right" (cf. i^ .v ^c^), whereas in the Liasn XVI 
93" it is explained as — * , --- ^ i.e. "he granted him less than 
was due to him" 
,'j^- to he broken 802" 
oLc-.lP shattering blows 370^* 

.•3 epith. of a thunder-clottd, crashimj, or, according to another view, 
cleft by the storm 848>' 849* 

ixj* a cleft 130W 

'^f (pi. of '^f) apertures 1093 

^^i» swift (epith. of a horse) 588» ( = 932" 1081*) 

^IjS" (pi. of JU-ii^) torn (said of skin-bottles) 3451^, metaph. thai 
who are left unavenged (?) 9I9»: fugitives 386" (»ee 387') 

-•l»» a game, or dance, resembling blind man\s- buff 41* 

^j^ hollow-chested 9751" 

j*j#. j»lj» (pi. of iff') commotions 742» 1078" 

Jiji^ . ^Jii u. to batter (with ace. ) 146" ( text doubtful ) : i. to he stirre 

(said of the heart) 962" 

w^.AxaLPl (pi. of ^JynPf) raiU'Showers 155' 

AXa*. t*-^'.*' ( = j»La.#! pi. of ,, --^ ^ or *-ii.P) ^Ae hollows of a valley 516* 

(as var.) 
c>j*. ci^U' to casi forth from the mouth (with ace.) 449« 

iii^ see 4491" ggq. 
^_fts^. ^JiP ^AtB, watery 116i 

'^. U^' tt. to descend, swoop down 1024**': to he noised abroad 10761^ N»it S-- 

(var. OjLw 456-) 

o[jij (pi. of iLAJ") strayed oarnolH 484^ 
ij^ a mistake i. e. a ddusice hope 818" 
ja*. 'i^Mk^] name of a coiiBtollation 5201" 

JJi. J.* a cry addrussud to hovsos 336' 461 >■' (. 4781') ■ji.js^ Ntj, |,i_ y,i.,s 

^Jl*. vJ^ *''>''i '^^^^ v^ as a ts™ of »'">'« l^P^i 162* 

|Ji)uS. iiUili ir;««o» 1062' 

eUP. Xja^' or X<£ ruin 167' (as var. ) 641« 

JJ*. S^ to draw back (intrans.) 711' (read jJii') 9315 

J^i to shout ( in announcing the hour of prayer ) 996^ 
Jj^' to make a loud noise ( said of rain ) 6361 

J^xll to begin to shed rain 4990, partic. 159=, to shed tears 501" ef. 
^! J4i-1« 1043»: to iMcs( for^ft (said of tears) 232= 

J^. J4^ to delay the death of a person (aeo. ) 231*, „ith ^ 24': to weoce 

^neiy ( applied to poetry ) 905=, J4^* -r-y •'''"i- 
oU*. lW! to jMencA 49p2 (as var.) 

^ . jU^ iaiiifcr 862M ' 

^4^ /foKunji 52' 1018» (as var.) 
Ji^. jCi i. to spcai unintettigiblij (with v) 963= (var. Ij-i^i, in the Lisan) 

^_^^d' (fern, of ^yUC*?) confused, unintetUijible (in speech) 963' 
.-Ji^. ^-Ili to marcA siowfi/ 406= 

|.^. ^'ui Aero 266' 299" 362i<> 702^ 835' 1020> 1047' 

i_5^. ^j^ I. to flow (said of sweat) 839" 

U*. j^ ll*5 lli do not mention... 95» 

U^. ^ to be smeared with pitch ( as a cure for mange) 524'* 

li* with 2 aoo.'s, tjtjl U ^.iH*! i. e. f wilt suffer them to retain their 
booty 68" 

_j^S>. ^i P see 466" 

(_^i.AiP id. 6215 ( = 430'), pi. a'Lii.'J^ 689*, said of a girdle (^ 



(diptote) a A»«ireii camels 382= 


epith. of a sword 494,3 



the fat contained in the marrow 8621 



half-witted 152«, for '0H\ see Index III 6. v. yUi> ^y 




reconciliation lo5« 3351 73012 



<» fall headlong 877* (an var.), masd. 680» 


crumbling 857' 


see ^^ s. r. ^./ 



SOD 1341 


J-^i ( explained as = OuJ^ ) epith. of a lion 736» 



( = J^) 1013" (as ™r.) 



j^<ii ^^' AoM) ;i«ie rfo« the threat alarm me! 57* 



I. to if AoJJo» 969<i (SCO tlio Lisan loo. oit ) 


to plunge headlong (absol.) 51 S»; /„ aim at an object (wi 

th i of 

the object and v of tho missile) 191'-, with J onlj 416 


with ^« and ace. , ill^II ^-.^l ^.^1 417': to «se as 


(with v) «1'1 (as var.) 

i'^ -- ^""il i.y> j. in the depths of the earth 104615 

'i\y}-\ ( pi. of ij:^ ) — -lyi'^SL »Ixj' <i) «««• arhitrarij ( 
o/ji'Hitm.i 1049-<i, ^m'mI Jji peU-mHe, lOUl" 

yl...;< a thing that is dreaded (applied to deep water) 517" 
f^ . -l^ r. to become kotj parched (said of the soil) 961* 

ij^. 0^2^ relapses of a malady^ hence oUJji cjUalp fits of drowsiness "ilafi 
ija^ broken afresh (said of a limb) 517' 
(jB^Ls fracture ( properly of a bone ) , hence o|^' ij»U>-4 553^ 
"t*S> . «*g^ plain^ open ( epith. of a public road ) 978^ 

^Jl^ . ,JiIi a Aoj tnnd V> 

f^. 'f^ to drive mad (abaol. ) 60' 

*^ ( pi. of *jl5' ) frantic^ eager 9621^ 
*UP raging thirst (properly in camels) 1007^® 

Ja!j one wAo buries a child alive, pi. masc. 950", pi. fem. 789' ( = 498") 

3^1 a child condemned to be buried alive i98' 609ii' 697= seq. 789? 
( = 498"): the tramp of horses 5821" 

iiyyi 327™ 

y^i to perceive ( with v ) 8", jjj = ^Ijj 
yyill see fj^t 

JI5' irapert. Ji to escape 233* 420», partie. 606' (as var. ) 

Jslj to ^«e 241« 677* (text doubtful) 

l-sl, to compete with a person (aco. ) iU^' ( = 625"), maad. jLtfJws 
4141s ( = 02513) 4183 

ij:!, imperf. ,,^1 to promiss (with J of the pers. ) 98i» 

Sajj a large cauldron 909», raetaph, 909'^ 

63I ( = UJ) 5729 (as var.) 

lj»i~! to /iMii a place unhealthy 1020«' 

Sjj a s»'»yfe *a>> UO" 

jy — 'jj ili or ^3^1 auU see 1628 11 

5^3 a rainstorm 586« 

jjlj iii. 626" 6361 6371s 

J3 aw odd number ( opp. to <ixi, see 686^*), hence J3 Ji^Jufl a prayer 
containing an odd number of raka'nt 444": a blood-fettd, pi, j^i 
873« 10422; „„j „,;(/, „j(„„ o,„ j^j „ blood-feud 812', pi. 861'= 

a^5 intermission, respite 155* 

oy (pi. of By) vengeance for bloodshed 742<'' 

^iijt ( pi. of y^ ) the tendons of tho human body 860" 

^jiy one, who is involved in a blood-feud 918™ [ cf. Taban II 1966», 
Mubarrad 5263] 

_.o.l to make a horse leap upon a thing (with 2 aco.'s ) 1003", see 
Lisan H 29119 

wojj' lo leap upon a thinj^ (ace.) 144" 

vlS, wanton 1097? 

wSij to fimirantee, render certain ( with ^ of the thing ) 603» ( M88 
Lii._fi_i5), see 'I'abarii II !3I0' and G-lossary 

l^l alliance 98U'« 
Oijiy ( = Oi.s^!,»^ [il. of oliyi) 1(182" 

b** a. to wound 4711' 

w^^) to bind oneself to do a thing ( ace. ) 863 
^-A*:>5 palpitation of the heart 220^- 

f iA:>5 . Oiw=-5 ( imperf. 0>^. or (A^p, LisEn IV 459^ ) t-o be angry with a jperaqn 

I (with J^) 6918 

y>j , -i^! (0 make to swaltow ( with 2 acc.'s ) 22S^j metapfa. to pierce with 

a lance 236i*> 

j^l or ^Ij>3 iAe hole of a hyaena 584^- seq. 593^ 863^ 9795 ^eq.^ 

y«w>5 . u*^-5^ ^^ conceive fear of a person ( with ^^ ) 420^^ 

K=>^ . <q>5 imperf. ^-^^-j 168'' 

fc>yi ^0 /eei jpflm m a certain part ( ace. ) 709^^ 

^ii:>5. ^-^jt ^9J^^!^SBB& °'^^^ ^^^^ (®^ ^^''■) ^*^^^» ™^^' ^^^' 

w**^_5 Sif**^^ ''f'^^^^ 891^ 978^ 

J^j. j^j to fear (with ^ ) 234' 

|.^. |I=-5 i. to cos* «7ie eijes down (in sorrow) 310«, in shame 404^ (of. T65*) 

Cj^i- 'i-i^P-t' pl- er"!y» see 34is seq. 

jo-j. x:>5 to make to turn round (?) 155^" 

iii, to confront 346» 

^:>5 o» expedition, a raid pl, y^ 928': o psrsoii of importanee 462'^, 
pi. 383 notes ^'*: a-AJ>5 aj' U_Li> Me^ allowed him i& pass frml^ 
145>, ni2.j ,i.E C..J3 Ae marched o»i 234' of. 1061» 

•■^e^ <»■ •\r?J 

;Ae CTMCse of the wind 5861" 

^^j . j_j^3 (0^ suffer from the wearing-down of the hoofs 290*, masd. 

3049 46115 891» or b.3 69S« 

_^ adj. 706»- 

iA>5 . !iAr>i5 with a pi., "a\X:>f5 sLx ,^ at the same watering-places 470* 

v\=^ adv. singly ( opp. to ,ei~^) 08^^ 

tjSi^j. ^j^;i to strip oneself bare 207' 

[j~>i ""' <'"'"' side(!) 63" 141" 

Jj>5. jLi; g Moras? 144= 1678 

i_^j. ^^3 sm>< 10153; announcement 838' 10061 

lij ( = ^J^i ) see 602^ 

tXij . tis.!, striding ( epith. of a chieftain ) 752' 

jji-5 !rf. {epith. of a she-oamel ) 176' 

\J^i • ujl=>5 a mixture used for washing the head 3371- 

*3-3. *>5 unwholesome (applied to pasture) 5711 

^i M. 96" 4977 

i*^y^ id. used metaphorically 16'^ 

v>J|5 . J>5 a. followed by the perf. without ^] 524^ 

of another { with 2 



idship botwoon 

tribes 545', 




irf. ^vS (u 


aiu b&P 



OM/We a po 


to the mrr 



"'""■" '/""■' 






.«/.,■«.« (wo 

"■" ' 

jy womiiu, e 
Index III » 

ally by 

i_50j . ,30} i. majd. (jjOj see 6021" seq. 

^O} rain-water 1018' 

^b} or obj lust (in speaking of a she-ass) 204^^ 

vJijOj adj. applied to a tnare 761' 

iiiO} the heat of the sun 393' 502» 

1^05. ^Tjjj to anoint the eye (as a cure for ophthalmia) 1090* 

(_5JS5 . ^05 1. said of a horse 83^^: to pay a compensation for murder (with 

aec. of the price and of the murdered person ) 92^^ ^^, to com- 
pensate for injury (with ace. of the part injured) 485^ seq. 

^^] to perish (of persons) 1022«, to he lost 120" 542", to remain 
unavenged (of bloodshed) SO^ ( = 768'"): to destroy (with v_.) 282" 

[Ci>Lj to pay compensation mutually 229^ 

olj - wJXJI ^Ij 171« 

obj applied to the price paid for a wife 808" 

jljj' ( pi. of 'i-i'>j-^ ) pieces of wood used for binding the udders of 
camels 122" 

|.J5 . |.03 coll. cords which fasten the handles of a bucket to the cross-pieces 

(i_^l^l) 10948 

1>J- !;r~' '" *'"'■' '"«''»«»9 983* (var. OjlyU,!}) 

^ji- e.^; with 2 ace's 2011" 

kijj} /o become «it heir 232^ 

Jj.} . ij^yLwS to bring a thing ( ace. ) down upon oneself 12'* 

Ojl lawny (opith. of a lion) 282>- (but see the gloss) *87i,_of a 
horso 507» 1024« 

o^, metaph. an army 65^ 70- SOlS'^ 802", pi. ji,.T 485«: see als. 

ijj, see 282'5 (read SJ^y?) 

J,^5 — ^LsriiuJf o,Ut stretching down the valley 60^^ 

Ojjj far-lratieUing { epilh. of a poem ) 62« 688* 

Ju., <Ae juijular vein 552" 892» 

oj^- fierceness in allacking iST- 

O.G ( pi. of ip5 ) /M^s 641= 988"! 


ed with fever 63' 

r-ji • u-jj 

a kind nf saffroH used as a perfume 25S» BOP 841' 1002" 

f.p. sj5 to hold hack, restrain (with ace.) 3M« lOTl's 1098- : to ward 

off ,1 blow 4551" (= 1076-), hence to defend (with ^^) 155"; 
iiitraiib. to slop, hall ( said of riders ) 978- 

c ,5 fetbte, cowardly OTS*^ 

■3>3- J^;^5* "' F"' ]''»'•"' '''"«"■» aOe^, masd. 3071 

05,3! dark (said of the complexion) 852"', fern, 'i.^ (epith. of a camol) 

ijs.y^ devouring foliage ( aaid of loeimta ) SSi-*^ 

iijj. Jji to rest one's haunches upon an object (with J^) 483» 

'i)\.i a kind of cushion which was placed on (lie front part of a sadiUo 

aS jyD that part of the til!^, on which the rider places his leg lOlfls, pi. 

ijy> 101612 

'^j$- to swell, become inflamed 840" 

iLSj, foolish ( said of a woman ) 805S 
^^jJI see 1341 

Ji capable of producing fire ( said of a are-sWelc ) 246* 

sK^ — ^=Ki j^Ls^+J! he who protects them from being ' attacked 
the rear 379^ of. eUl^^ °^^ ihV ( = 10776): Ui'^l ^ explain 
as = LuU 34511 

yp aoo Uiiuoi- J5J5 

see under 

2^5! to urge a beast on, masd. 310': to drive away ^yU?l!! i -.ys b 670' 
^jji^ diciied 968" (as var.), see 8338 
;], see 206" 
si;!, (cartni; flesh ( epith. of an eagle) 2061= 
oj' '■ '" outweigh 188' 445' 972' 
^jSj ?o be on a level with something (with ^) 612* 


y.3. « 

■mble 3951H ( = 7071, var. jKy) 


^3'^ to 

be on a level with something 

(with V 


r?--» '• 

to «<.«* 5«;<:iJj, 147« 


a:., to 

give as a pillow ( with 2 aoo. 

's) 829*, 

froili 0/ a saddle 1026" 

R*;*-'-*^ to occupy a wide UrrUortj yd^ 

Jtlp to peel off (intrans.) 5616 594" 

(a. Tar.) 
^^ coll. camels driven off by raiders 648>1 

il, i. 10 mark i. e. to satirise (with ace.) 295^ 297" 451" 900" 
^^i early autumn rain 1009'», see 520' 

j.Lw^ ( pi. of *;y«5 ) beautiful 42^^ 

'^p, — J-4-^' ""^ «"««<"' I'ilgrimaye 417" 941'°, the fair at 'Vkns 
4383 jeq., yU-4i' 798", pi. l»iy. /'esf/ra/.^ 370^= 371 « 3791 gggis 
413" 61513 ggO"-" 720^' ( = 740?) 7B5» 1016"' 

'fj-^ branding-iron 588" (=932" 1081'), pi. '^jls 322" 446'' 769^ 

>1jU;^! (pi. of _>-~5) ""'»'' muUitudes 3W> 

^^^ coll. ioiiMs 386 notes" 1003 notes- 

from a hill 84" (» 


l« 852» ^ 




.;.,>« 0/ 





oac*, »Ko 






of 3^) 


(/i«.' fl 

J^asj . >oj i. to treat a person ( aec. ) as a kinsman 836^, *£>. ^jLkJ-^s^ you 

have done your duty as kinsmen 929»: pass, to be closed (said 
of a wound) 193S 

^j*=j. ^i ( = ^^]F) with aec. of the person 776'«, with 2 ace's 804": see 

^^t with cognate ace. and ^! of the person 800*, with w of the thing 
and J o£ the pers. 853" 

iLo3 ( = xL>5), 776" 

Ujj. V-ji ^y^'i ^^° ^^*' 

stkyi o fatia- 732? seq. 

^vtoj, f^^i '. '0 '^ome mio view (said of a rider) 1045^^ 

iijj - v^^! ^i the main road 6481- goo" 

iiSo^ . »Jo\^ to compete with a person ( ace. ) , especially in drawing water 747' 

yBj. il^l (fem. of j^ji) filthy 681" 

^3. ^j a. to Aasien (intrans.) 72" 

1 jK^!^ ^0 discuss a thing MJ»7/i a person ( with 2 ace's ) 86^, masd. sjuhUa 
86", see Lisaa X 2821? seq. 

^jtoj! to ?trge a beast o« ai full speed lOSS^**, with obj. understood 
M lyt^j! rtey made him ride at full speed 679^: intrans. to hasten 
72' 9145 

*j^yiu^\ to be compelled to sell at a loss 966® 

sii coll. certain kinds of desert shrubs 490« 

I ^tjUsj ( pL of ii3tU35 ) levies, troops raised by the Lakhmite kings 656^, 
' see 8841- seq. 

Ijo,'^ laid out (after the manner of food) 10995s, gge Hamasa 181^ 

^-ir^ . rf^i '■ io plait leathern thongs 64U'^ 

^^wj*i25 a strap of plaited thongs used for fastening a litter on a camel 
6435, pi. ^^ 64)" seq. 643" 
xJyi;^ flexible, closely woven ( epith. of a coat of mail ) 154^- 
\h^. ^Jo's ( = irij) with aoc. of the woman 1061« 

tijjl to trample a place (ace.) 759=' 
-Ahy the act of tramplintj, crushing 1029'* 

w^j. 12j\ a skin-bottle (especially for milk) 32' 492"' (as var. ) 794'3, pi. 

v'-t.j «8i 836" ( = 29!)1S) 9211» 

^,. y^; - ^ (jh'i ^^ to finish tcith . . . 3381" 

^^j , rr^-* '^ i^^fft'e «/" contest, arena 922^ 

oibj . ^Jtiijj fore-arm 493" 

ii>xj, ^i^cj' (0 /I'ifi oneself on soft (j round 584'" 

c^^^cj so/V, saHt?y/ ground 247^ 517** 584^' 

vXcj. lXejI to threaten a person wiW something (with 2 aoc.'s) 1099- ■- 

fi- 'fi, fs see 539« 

.jt, (pi. of y:,) as adj. /ii(i-.s/i (said of satires) 34': as subst romjh 
places 539-' 

^^\ most ru(j(jed 1003^ 
y-xj. ^J~t5 i. to ««(/cr .««(WJ(/i 21" 

ij-E, smooth, iU^j a «(r((c/i o/ smuolh sand du. 21'-' 

/,. >, (ma,,l. /,)to W. (ab.»l.) IS"' 

^j. jij « weakllnij (!5i:i 129'=' MC'' ( = 327-') 163' 339"; sue also liB" »«,. 


see 661 129U 



Aaireti 873" 



large herds (of camels) 6I8S 


!«;io;i!, nninjured 197" ( cf. 1059* ) 


a. 995«, pi. ii ( explained by l^ 
and Corrections" 

see 6M 

(0 ie brought about by agreement ' 

^/, I. (0 secure, guarantee (with w) 8711 (=3668) 
^^3 to make up a number 1027^, with 2 ace's L*j_iiL5j he made up 
their number to it (i. e. to a hundred) 1086" 

^^1 to tower above i^) a thing (ace.) 147?; to compensate for the loss 
of an object (with ^) 1921* ( = 236') 284" 85116, ^.ith goo. of 
the person who receives compensation 694'^, with ace. of the pers. 
and ^y, of the thing 400^'=: to gite something to a pers. as o 
compensation for something else (with 2 ace's and ^y,) 944" 

i^^y to fill (with ace.) 74*: to obtain in full, ^Jiki o-ip I obtained 
all that I was bound to demand 716^ 

i_;UJ' the act of coming together i. e. reconciliation 412- 

Z^. sec 91» 2251- 2476 41IW 

^ (=..'^1 k»~!j) 4765 

iliu^ a woman whose children are stupid 91* 411" 6818 

jj>ij, 'c>ji', see »34' scq. 

AiCiLi to hum (intrans.) 977", partic. 502« 

JJij. Oii i. 10 strike 332'" 7289 

^. yj soreness (in the back of a boast) 948' 

^^ a rfrowe of sheep and asses U^-^ 

jLSj] heaeiness (of a tree laden with fruit) 869' 

IjiMj. !>"% (P'- of '^^j) animals whose necks have hem broken (?) 960" 

ij^yi — qIj^! 0%* 0»e w^o crushes his rivals H8S* 

«j. ,«J5 a. to hammer iron (ace.) 235°: to viluperale (with 3) 547s 

,«,! to hint, insinuate ( with ace. of the thing and ll of the pers. ) 
831*: to defeatjviith ^) m9"> 

ijeij eoil. men struck down in battle 195^^ 

«5 (pi. of .tilj) settlinrj, alightintj (said of birds) 836» (=120'*) 

ii^3 blame (with j) 353" 

ijuij ( dimin. of xis, ) SOS'" 

^;^ Mwred >o»«i sores 181" 310" 627" 792'=* 823>5 836s 874» 1022' 
("7041'=), nietaph. 9803 

«i!yi (apparently pi. of ^j^ ) sore places 704^ 

ijjj, , ^ajj i. (0 cause to stop ( with ace. ) 973'", partio. 82S", partic. pass. 


\Jt-i*, to halt ( absol. ) 572* 

Li^j (pi. of vJjl,) slanilinij still 1003' 

Jiiys .■«!( HP «s a target, or, iicoordinR to uuothor view, scarred 573-' SaS* 

^La,^ BOO ll'Ji> 

Jj,. jJ^- to go up{t) 709' (a, Yar.) 

^yijl to use as a means of defence ( with v ) ^06" 846*, pass, impers. 
611^, with aec. and w 6Ui8 

^j^\ to he reduced ( said of a price ) 25^* 

y-i"^! smallest ( in quantity ) 884^ 

jT^f see 979" 

l^ a hind of skin-bottle 979" 

Jdj i. to drop (said of tears) 663'=, to shed tears 110', niasd. JJ'^ 
96411' or ijyj 442': ^^, dripping (said of a wine-press) 842* 

v_Ai, leakage^ raetaph. injury 721^ 
>_!i5_j^ saddled with an aas's saddle (^Ji^ ) 115^ 

Jii, to desert, abandon (with ace.) 637' ( = 588«), with obj. under- 
stood 23' 
5y to act as a guardian ('i) 70 9= 

Ji'i^' to abandon successively (with ace.) 163- : to leave one's post, fail 
to do one's duty 238i 678^: to become slack, languid 558^ (as Tar.) 

^, i. to sit 3191= 

^ i. to eater (with ace.) 183' 590^ 

^3!, a friend (?) 1002" [cf. iiujj gur'an IX 16] 

3J^ (0 bear young in great numlimy (said of sheep) 3171'* 

Ojl^ — i_5^b v/^ '"I' immediate ancestors 73- 

yjjO (pi. of SJJ) contemporaries 1008" 

SiUa see 472" (text doubtful) 

•tl.! /o inspire a person iiJ«7A t?es»V« for an object (with ace. and w) 

147", pass. 832" partio. pass. 630' ' 976™, hence jJ.I means to 
desire to injure (with w of the pers.) 1097' of. 670* (?) 985>- 
and Taban Gloss, s. v. 

Kxi^ striped, variegated ( epith. of an antelope ) 823", metaph. faithless 
( of a woman ) 8052 

jJ^ . jJjl (0 be caused to lap, given to drink of a thing (with j or ^y,) 512'' 

^j. 'fjpi to make a feast (Siv^j) 938= ( = 4403) 

aij . sj; /o madden 847'** 

^^, (fem. of yLiJ,) mad 340« 
^yj,. j_j3, to turn tbo back o» a person (with 2 aoc.'s) 457": (o JoW some 

one responsible for a thing (with 2 ace's) 105^^: see also 3*-* 
^^^ to remove (with ace.) 410'*': to kill several persons in succession 
(with ^^} 189« 

Jl^' (0 foi/oiff one another 1078' 
J_p. (="^ ;^\) 580', pi. Ji,'^ 424? (?) 
kliyo ivaiered by repeated showers ( Jj ) 970'^ 
3ji old 12' 
^yj. ^^5 I. ^oJW; 576" (660 1091" 8oq,)^ ^.^|^ „„^. jggis 33917 49711 

and J) 275« ( = 1052«) 276' 548^ seq. [ cf. Aghitnl XIX 42'- ) 
gjij. 1% scorching heal 1051", li, /</. 272" 281' (cf. 294*), ,^',l->^5 id. 39P 

li, adj. 5021' 
f,. f, i. to crtiah (insects) 199" 

,_*, . ij».*»J' to march with a heuvij tread 471" 

\ja9^ . u^J ^' ^^ ^''cafc, cnish, ^^^a-^^l y ^ ^ » !j a term of abase applied to a 

woman 9^ {cf. 30i) 921«' 

JaSj. iJjl to lay low 72' [cf. Dinawarl 159"] 

j^j. ^^ s<OM?, slroni/ ( epith. of a man) 142" (text doubtful) 

^3>i. ^j i. to he weak, helpless 9678, ma^a. ^y>j 101212 

U*j;i adv. at midnight 102^ 175" 

^jpj. i^i I. to 6e torn (appl. to a skin-bottle) 10321, metaph. of a person 

695", niasd. ^l ibid., »tj torn (said of the skin) 398' 9951^ Jl«»l . 

^Pji io break ( stones ) 805- 

il#j >•««(, Byuri/ 967!' 

ju^. l^j exelam. 92* 

(^^,*.o. ijwjb hard (epith. of a sword) 25^^ 

^^_ . ^^, a creature born feet foremost 352^^ 

i_jAj. ^sSi I. to «»/•«• a favour (liJ, with J,c of the recipient) 667* 

^ _. iyai> Oj see s. r. y2:i»; tAj AiJ! to lay some one «niJ«r an 
1 obligation (with Jj_c of the pers. ) 984«: du. the sleeves of a 
cuirass 4851': ^^jIVa-!! eUi one icAose power extends in all direc- 
tions 91312 

Ojy ■ csj^l Lf^'jj' 868 S. r. yjf 

^ . y^, ( imperf. ^--io ) to pluij a ijame for a prize ( ace. ) 862" 

-»j said of sheep or goats 108" (as rar.); to make ready, proMt 179i 
°Uj! (pi. of !»L. or iL') 154" 325' 8621* 877»« 945 notes » 

» -k«Ui;/fl living on friendly terms with a tribe, 
( = 782-), see Ubsii VII 158>- 


yu . yu (itnperf. yu^.) to bleat lilie a goat 450" 999« (as var. ), masd. 

^ 999' or y^, 450" 

gAi. ^jilj (*e crown o/ (Je head 388" 

jij. ji>j' <o grow up (appl. both to men and to animals) 822* 826° 833*: 

to mount a hill 1021W 

jjb a boy 396= 691M 

^Uj a A(7i 139* 224« 602^, raotaph. honour 972' 

Xataj, cUjI see 822^ seq. 

ai4ill (n looic (intrans.) 329" 

lli. see 143" 

ijjj a tunic, a coat of mail 735«, pi. ^%. 736^ 

*^ — *+j u^^-i^ whithersoever he goes 52-, c>.**j ^i>:^ ^y* 515*' 

Q.4.AJ' (0 march southwards 890*^: to use a man's name as denotiny good 

luck, jj '^^^.^ ii^\ ^i 700>o 
'iS^. a kind of cloth 724= 

^} the southern side of a house 281», j;y*j"^J' JjLj;^t those who sit 
OH the right hand (of the king) 299^**: pi. ^^Lj! good omens 
4821" 486" 
^^yj^ fortunate, 'A-^^ '^yy^ 657'-, pi. (^Ljxi 366* 538* ; aiiproaehrd 
from the right side, ^^U^ J-fr^'^'' r)i HU^ 
jij. j-ili )•(>« fruit m" 

^JLU . oUi-ij' see s. r. Os^j 




joy^jj-o- ^^b^ ^t^ (juwsn mardan ohi bawadh ki nashawidh) i. e. youngi t 
how is it that tjou do not advance? lUi (cf. 7339 juq.) 

jjp^ (chahar) four 334« 

Vxy^^ (^Arabic *Up q-^-) 41® 

jlXsUi ^yUwl^j ( dihedh-shan panjakitn ) i. e. gine them a fine-fold shower of arrouts 
114- (in the parallel passage ^^ULsujJl. ,?5-Lo 733'") — the spoiling jL*o 
( read jl^o ) seems to show that the vowel of the iinperative plural differed 
from that of the second person plural of the present tense (e.g. in Js-jv-i) 
of. -.tjj for Parwez 689' 

»w>jj lamb 840", see ^Jj^ 8. r. ^Jj 

dUii' (kulangf) medlar 40 notes ^ 
qaXS ( = Arabic xiss^) a i-ind of dij6 aseti Jy ftfifers 341^ 


(a ehailenge to single combat) 643'*^ 

f^ \\'i ''d jJi* Ui ( name hiland ta kitrzar kunim ) i. e. theij do not allow us to 
fight 1141 geq. (the parallel passage substitutes »i^U, 'i-L.h jyLU 733™) — 
the form Ui (in which ! represents e as in oL»j) is perhaps the oldest example 
of the use of ^ for ^ 


VOL. I. 

XX» read p. IS* seq. instead of p. l^ seq. 

>. i (Wellhausen) . « »3 

. Uj^ (cf. Yakut III 7969 geq.) 

6 sjaJ-« (O ^j&A^) 

215 , giy-j ( so O ) instead of ii^yf, 

5- • Ji.\A^'S and liilLsJi (so O) 

5' » ,r,us^l 

6^^ the vowels of k^ju 

9? cf. p. 542S 

9" cf. p. 6426 

10« read .y^. ^^! 

12 notes 5 read 381" insteod of 381-» 

15' read ^jLiilJ instead of ^JLiiS U (so 0) 

20^" omit fM Jj as a dittography (WeUhausen) 

2V perhaps we should read A:> ^^3 with one MS of Yakat — see Hi 
seq. where both readings are mentioned 

241 read ^ 

25" . ^\y^\ (Wellhausen) 

28' » _^j ( Wellhansen ) instead of _j# ,! 

311^ ^.^ ^ji ^-otj — so also L'^ but without vowel-points 

3612 perhaps we should read j^Lsi-it, and translate "a she-camel that 
signs of pregnancy" — see p. 121i^ 

3P read ^<JAiU(?) 

■ 37W . li~^f^^ 

395 . AiC?) instead of sji- {so S) 

4510 » xlk\ 

47* . ^liu ( 80 ) instead of ^~J> 

48" . iU^ (so 0) . » -^J^ 

49« » OiiiJI 

51" insert J^bd, after ^Ljd, 

52^ read U ( so ) initmd of ^ 

52'» » (}l(f) ' • li,' ('-f- 818') 

545 , [J^ 

5b'' . °J JcV^= ( WcUhauBon ) 



5518 read ji-IJO' (NBldeke) 

61» . jJ^Ij! J-i 

62" . ^^ (0 ^J^), cf. Lisan XIX 3420 

6318 , L{3j jj J -Wellhausen ) instead of Lil*ji 

65' cf. the Cairo edition of tho Uufa44atiym ( A. H. 1324) II 21» 

70!= read ^J^\ 

70 notes 3 read eS" seq. instead of 63" seq. 

715 „„^ ■i;J^ (0 x^) 

81" . fi^ 

82" . ^jSll 

86* « JLiiJ instead of JUi 

86= . ulJji » . c:J*c (so 0), cf. Aintol 28=, Aghani XVI 26i^ 

%p . iLi 

88' t iyi instead of Usjs^ ( so O ) 

89" » iiyli (Noldeke), cf. Aghani XVI 28" 

90" . jiy (Noldeke) instead of jijti, cf. HamKsa 450» 

92' » cI4^ (Noldeke) 

92 notes' read f^JJi^ (Wellhausen) 

93« read Jj, (Noldeke) 

941 . ^ 

94- om(7 ^ w^xi^ ( Wellhausen ) 

95» read ^ (Noldeke) 

9S notes » read 9 cf. ibid. XII 110"-*, XVII 319>» 


97* rmd ^^ instead of ..j' 

99* scq. cf. Maidiinl II 43» seq. 

100- rmd '■iUj>^ and slii ( Wollhausen ) 

106W . ii£ii 

1061I5' . J~^ (0 t>^), taking o_^\:i as = J>i^y (e 

lOS'-- -> i'ii 

109K . ij:. J, ( Wellhauseii ) insUad of the first ^_j! 

129* soq. cf. Aghani XXI 207"' 
139™ rmd ,',! as in 

. itojl (twice) 
cf. Mubarrad 78"' 

148" rmd LjJjL«.< — the coiijocturo Lj.SjL«-.< i« iniiUimnaiblo, as Broekoli 
poinloil out (fjtmiri.vhes /.,-ntraUilalt, 13 Jan. I»Oli, col. 100) 

148'' . 0U.0; i^_^ 5i, (Krunkow), cf. Liaitii Xll 70-' 


148" read 3l ^lii, (Noldeke) 

149 notes' read 392" instead of SSS" 

151'*^ read q^j^^ 

1553 aeq. of. Khizanat I 199W seq., Mnfad4allyst (Cairo ed.) I 69^* seq. 

ISo's seq. cf. ibid. II 26» seq. 

156" read |j«U3! instead of |j~UJ( 

157 notes » read 5918 instead of 59> 

158 notes, N« 33 — order of verses in B (see Preface to tol. Ill) 1, 7, 8, 11, 5, 

6, 2, 9, 3, 4, 12, 13, 10, 14—23, 26—28, 27*, 36—40, 45, 30, 81, 63-65, 
29, 41—44, 32-35, 46—52, 24, 53, 54, 25, 55-62 
159' cf. p. 935<' 

161* of. Khizanat 11 292« 

161» cf. Tahdhih-aUAlfns ed. Cheikhc (Beyrout 1896) p. 552 

1621" read o^^ UOo^. e^l^i (so O) 

162" . 3^~il or'o^^S 

162'- . i^i 

163* . yi?t^- (so 0) 

188' cf. Hold. Beitr. 102» 

177 notes' read 12^5 instead of 12^ 

178' read i^JlJ'i 

182" cf Smetid Di Dm-r-Rumma p. 17^ ( r. 109 ) 

132'* read (_~^ 

183" cf. Mnbarrad 18" 

185" read Ijiiii instead of Ijolb {Wellhansen) 

187" cf. p. 3241^ Z. D. M. G. LIV 4618 

188 « ^j (so 0) — see Index III s. v. ,^^lajl ^oyi 

192* cf. Mubarrad 34715 

198* read Ij^liij (O Jy^laji), and see the Glossary s. v. 

198» » ^j^ ( so ) instead of ^yj^ 

1991 ^ (0 j..^ uDTocalised) is in accordance with Ibn Duraid 259", Tabari I 
1559" 1675" 1706*, but fabari I 1025>8 has ^ 

199 notea^ seq. read -->^.fi-J, and in the next line Oj-i-J* qIj ^i>-i.:s^J, i. e. "God 
forbid ! should a perfume induce me to violate an oath, even if I have 
for a while abstained from pleasant food!-"* 

2051' read viiJLJt ^^j js-io, according to Lisiin III 19", Wright Opuscula arabica 
117- (Krenkow) 

206" » Sm instead of by^ (so 0), and similarly p. 207>' 

2091 cf. Lisan IV 205" 

209° i, 0. "should Salma be outraged with impunity, seeing that I am a man of 
energy?" (De Goeje ) 

216'" seq. the reading Lj-iby> is to bo preferred, since 216'" shows that the word 
is co-ordinated with J*'^, not with *c (Do Goeje) 

217* read J.*s-" instead of J.*i?' 

222'* soq. read f^,jts f.9 ^j~dJu:,, according to pp. 717*, 979' 

223i» read J^l 

223 notes- read 8" instead of 8" 

22 rs read ijJS ( Broekelmann ) instead of ijAf ( so ) 

227« . C'V^ 

229» • Ll^i~i 

229'' . J^'j 

229 Botes* read N» 52 instead of N« 72 

233" read i**^*'' (so O) imtead of 'iJ^^ 

233'' » A*s- and J»*sC'. { XoUeke ) 

234^ the words S^ ^ should probably be struck out 

235' cf. Freytag Arabum ProcerUa I 523 ( S" 12) 

238 notes* read 11 imttad of 12 

238 notes 5 » 13 t « 14. The citations from al-AnbSrl's Commentary on 

the Mufathlatiym have been kindly snpplied to me by Sir Charles J. 
Lyall — see his paper in Ori, utalUrhe Slwiien ( Nuldcke-Festsehrift ) ed. 
Bezold I p. 127 seq. 

2405 seq. strike out -J'f J 'Sfr^'j as a gloss on line 3 ( "Wellhaosen ) 

243 notes- read SGo's instead of 365' 

■2ii«> seq. cf. Ibn Kutaiba Sh. 95'- seq. 

249"'' read .^}l { Koldeke ) 

255'*' As ^*^U-*' has everywhere else a plural sense, we must suppose that in this 

verse there is a mixture of two constructions viz. J^-Ii-s ^^^' ^y% [ »' ] 

-J' '-.z-u ^^' and ^* .-u^ ^3^ Jju ^-^"* [*^] 

26a'* cf. Z. D. M. O. LIT 449« seq. 

267 '5 JuJ ^ 'Sjls^juo seems to be the readiag of all the MSS, but it is doubtless 

267 notes' read W 16 t. 18 

272" read £jj.% ( = JUiJ!) mstead of ^'M' (Wellhauseu) 

276 notes* read IX instead of XI 

278' read J, k^X, ^_,lIiwiJ as in L ( Wellhausen ) 

2828 eU-i, the reading of 0, is supported by Yiiknt I 83', II 264>« 819--, aud the 
Hamma of a!-Buhturl Leiden MS p. 108 alt., but Mubarrad 35'" and Ibn 
gutaiba Sh. 4432 i,;,,^ ^^ 

282« read sojj ( Koldeke ) 

299^ l^ij seems to be a mistake for ..^'^^ ( De Goeje ) 

300 notes 1 read pp. 535>5 5365 i„gtead nf N" 59 v. 83 Comm. 

302" for the Battle of Jiz' Zilal see Appendix V 

307' read fjjl^ ,J^. (Wellhausen) 

308' . il^llS (so 0), see p. 425'' seq. 

311" » C^^ with OL 

311 notes' read 92' instead of 92 

317'" read jl-^ 

318» . i^jy 

318" . iUUiJi 
323" cf. n, 1016' 

333 notes, S" 50 — order of terses in B 1—19, 23, 20-22, 24—27, 28a 32/<, 
33—40, 29, 41—44, 2(, omirting 286, SO, 31, 32a and repeating 27 

339" read qL»-^' 

348'- see Kor'sn XI 44 seq. 

361" read iSjm (with >, and take cio'^ U as = c^^, U-i "in my opinion" 

352"« . J~ll^i iio U (A. Fischer), i.e. "the fact that the birth took place in 
an unusual manner caused your prognosticators to forget the character- 
istics of the offspring". 

3o5>« • J.J. ( so O ) instead of U. 

356^ probably we should read X*=k> ^^i — see LisStn XV 86-1 seq. 
3573 rmd iJu _jii jS y-lli jii CWellhausen) 
358^^ seq. strike out the second ^ylt ^^ as a diliographj 
3601 read ^/ii' 
360'2 . jw! instead of t^ 
3621' ,, y. , , Jj 

3691'' jj,:;; ( ^f, Q), cf. '{^1 ^ jlji Boucher 157*, Hell K" 263 (Introduction) 
373 notes* read »J,v-t^*J (Schulthess) i«s(eaii of Mji-jij 
377- cf. p. 746" 

3815 seq. cf. ighani XIX 36" seq., 50' seq. 
3823 mid *^i' (Noldeke) — Boucher's MS has »ysul:' (sic) 
3821' s^q cf_ Akhtal 279' seq. 
386 notes" read ^.JJi instead of ^Jj.1 
389 notes'' . i.^lj (NSldeke) 
, notes K , '^ and iJj~i 

391^^* j*j"|ytj!, the reading of S, is supported by Mubavrad_ 128^ and Abn Zaid Nawudh 
36">, but see Lisan XV 327"> 

394 notes, W> 52 — B omits verses 76, 77, 84, and inserts after v. 82 a verse 
identical with N» 70 v. 59 except that ^ is substituted for Sf 

403W read ^Li instead of -,3^ (so 0) — see Sihsh II 140" seq., Lissn XII 351- seq. 

404 notes* read _^ instead of -Jj" — see p. 1063* 

411= read I'S without hamza, and similarly '.'i in line 8 

4126 , '^j instead of olj — see p. 471" 

413" » ^^ ^jdi (Holdeke) 

417' . qUI^, and so in line 8 

417« . dCUiij (Noldeke) 

418" < -li (Krenkow) instead of ^ - see Abn Zaid Xawridir US^ seq. 

4201- . il instead of i 

4211 „ '^^-^ (0 j.^;,) 

422" » JiiCil 

423" cf. Agbitnl XIII 143-? 

426« read ^^jiXj-. the third ^^^ju must be struck out, unless we poslulato a lacuna 

fZP . ^Uiil — see pp. 767" 7681' 

4271" of. p. 767» 

427 notes, N" 53 — order of eerses in 1! 1.^4, 3*, 7, 5, II, 0, 9, 8, 10, 12-^40, 
43, 44, 41, 42, 45^47, 47*, 48,i mill, 67, t!8, 08*, (IS**, 69-72, 71, 
73^80, 82, 81, 83^89, 91, 90, 92^103, 103», 104-112, ouiittiuj; 481., 
49—65, BGii, and ropoating 71 


433" read l4^ ( Wellhaasen ) 

439" . ^yii=>. 

442« after v. 47 B inserts a Terse Lljiifj eVJ U ^ uL'l Ujyi Uii j J^ IJuc' 

443= naO. tL» (0 Sji.) 

445" after v. 68 B inserts two verses Uj qjaI ^^ J^ U! Jl«^ J^ or*^"^ O*^* 

446'" rcdfi ii^5 j^ji j«s(ead of ilij ^-liJ (so O) — see Ibu Duraid 179*, Lissn 
XVII 13123 

446" . ido. (0 i^Aj.) 

449>» . njikl 

450' after v. 103 B inserts the verse LU, joJiji ^^.^b, iXs" (jr.l a-s'ii* Uj ^1. 

451" read ,j:0«=l=- 

451 notes, K" 54 — order of, verses in B 1, 2, 4, 3, 5—18, 20—24, 24 «, 25—29, 
29*, 31-45, 47, 49—57, 59, 58, 60-70, omitting 19, 30, 46, 48 

453" instead of I^£ Ahlwardt and AghanI loo. cit. hate ij?tt> 

45615 ,.g„i ^ La 

457* . ^T 

457^ « ^^f where? (Noldeke) 

459= instead of ^b. Ahlwardt loc. oit. has IjjL=., see also p. 107S' 

461' sec Lipan XIII 244"-5 

461 notes' read LS'^j 

466''' after v. 24 B inserts the Mrso bLy J S^^xJI ijiiM. s'uJUs ^Js^:^{1) jM ^^, 

467' after v. 29 B inserts I'l^*^^? 55. (^AJI sj^iij A.UJ) Jb si^Jc 4jr*iiT? ^s*^ 


469» read JJj'l, — see Z. D. M. G. XL 164 foot-note 

470" see Ibn Hiahltm 450'' seq. 

471" read 3 ( Noldeke ) inskad of iSi 

4721" » f —'j ( Noldeke ) 

473^ ..Jjotw must here be » mistake — see the preceding tine 

473" read iJo! instead of iJo', and similarly p. 475-' 

479 notes' read Ahlwardt (Appendix) Tar. etc. 
485 notes* .> 18 instead of 19 
490' read b^^lj 

490>'' 11 Ji (Nfildeko) instead of U! 

491 notes, N» 56 - order of verses in B 1, 4, 2, 3, 5-16, omitting 17-23. 
493' see Akhtal 285-' 

497» read J^ instead of ^J}\ — Akhtal lot. oit. has -al* 

498' seq., for these versos see the periodical Al-Mashrik for 1903, N" 3, Feb. 
pp. 97—107 ; in the first versa the reading ' ,v^^ is confirmed by p. 922 

501' read '^.J>j^ { so ) 
601"i » I'ii-li- (80 O) 

502« perhaps wo should road ly'., eunnocliug this verso with v. 20, in which on 
vv. 21, 22 must have boon insertod in tho wrong place ( De Goojel 

504« read 's^f^i or '£>^i ( Niddoku ) 

511-' 800 Akhtal 307" 

514' of. MufaiWiiUyM ( ed- Thorbookc. ) N" 5 v. a 


520' seq. of. Boucher 21315 seq. 

531" . ^)^ 

5339 . Ilit, see Lissn ¥1 lOS^s 

5365 , l3J: (Koldeke) 

53812 see Mubarrad 708- seq. 

5421 cf. p. 9" 

5428 cf. p. 97 

543" rmi ^If 

544' . (>~r (with 0) 

544 notes 2 rmi ',i~ii instead o/" '^ 


546S strike out the first Ji ( Wellhausen ) 

64fii» read v'-^' 

546K . >-ijj*i' (NoldekeJ 

547' » *.' J.; with L { Krenkow ) 

548« seq. A differont recension of Poem Jf" 61 is found in the Jamhara, Bnlak ed. 
A. H. 1308, pp. 16S-I68 (Krenkow) 

54S9 read Jjh (Nuldeke) 

552" for the meaning of ^js.t.- I 'i ^-i-i, sob an article 00 the CariiiTal (,_,-;.;,•»• ") 
which appeared in the periodical w^ici jLiJ, published by the Carmelite 
Mission at Baghdad, 1 p. 305 (Febr. 1912). It is there said — jUJlJCJI, 

iX^ LI 


sj^b'l) ^fJ'S ^iti-5 lyij .*JJi Jt' _5-% ij-fi^' Q, <^"5S ij'u. 'APj ^Ul" 
gjj-« Jj!. For this reference I am indebted to Professor Goldziher 

55T notes ^ read JsU^i 

558» read o^^, ( O Oj^j ) 

558" . ^ii and 'Si ( Krenkow ) 

574' . ^^ 

576« . y 

5T9" » teUi 

580" seq. This account of the Battle of al-Iyitd is found also in the MS of the 
Dman of Jarir in the Khodivial Library. My knowledge of the MS in 
question is derived from a transcript which was made for Professor 
E. Sachau and presented by him to the Library of Christ's College, 
Cambridge (the narrative begins on p. 414) 

bSo'' jJ^IJL,, Sachau's MS (p. 423' ) j>;.^b , "Ikd jy^^(?) 

585^ L^Xa^*o- ( so O, without vowel-points ) seems to bo supported by all the autho- 
rities, but it yields no sense ; probably wo should read t ^ : ... . ^t j_ g. 
"if the mare ridden by BistBm had been a bird - but in reality it 
was far swifter — the cavalry of the Yarbn' would have stopt it". If 
this be so, iL^j.-~« must l>e taken as a Ijnl, referring to the cavalry in 
question "who wore marked with badges and shouted Vnla •Vliiiid, 

V. 2 ) ; in both eases Ja*_*_iiF seems to be the name of a place. But it 
is remarkable that the same phrase occurs in Ahlwardt Imr. S" 48 t. 12 
( = Mu'allat:« p. 7"), where 'n . ■ i II is explained as=.,Oj-Lii. I do 
not know how to account for this coincidence. 

585" cf. Lisan XI 287" 

588' seq. ef. also al-Jahiz Bai/m II 541 geq. (Krenkow) 
5911- (,f. gmend De Dsu-r-Bumma p. IS" v. 106 (Krenkow) 
5951' read OWj^l 


598' this far-fetched explanation becomes unnecessary if we read iC-iyi — cf. 'i^uf 

(De Goeje) 
600 notes, N» 63 — order of verses in B 1—14, 14*, 15-22, 24-38,40,62-75, 

77—80, 41—47, 50—53, 55—61, 81—83, 85—87, 90—93, omitting 23, 

39, 48, 49, 54, 76, 84, 88, 89 
603" after 7. 14 B inserts the verse 

6041 read JA=.' 

604" sea p. 626= 

605' see p. 651" 

606- read ci'.jsvj 

619» . Up-^ J.C (with O) — see p. 723ii, Aghsjol II 47-5 

622" » J.^i 

625' . Ui:s\£iu 

627 notes * ui^^ is probably a mistake for ,i>_*:> s' approach " 

628" Ixj. read llS? see p. 8133, Jfubarrad 535'' seq., Lisan XIII 37'i scq. 

629 notes, N" 64 — orrfec ()/■ mrses in B 1—30, 49-61, 94, 65-68, 70—92, 96. 
93, omitting 31-48, 69, 95 

630" read jiil^ 

633' « eUaSJ 

638 notes - read Uc { = ^_^ ) instead of Uu 

640" i-eaii ^y.A#JI i_jj [j^] AiU> — see p. 637^ seq. and Tabari I 1080-" 

641" » J^i (Noldeko) 

642'^ >> ^j^Xy:«.Li qLatT" ^ff-^ Sjl^? 

651» see p. 6053 

654" see p. 1087" seq. 

656« for the metre see Ibn Hishilni 53T», Jarlr II 55'* ( = YaljHt II 739*), 60- 

661" read f4'jr^ (Noldoke) — see al-IIarm, Diirrat al-Ghawiims ed. Thorbecko, p. 22 

663' seq. of. Bakvl 230" seq. 

6653 it is unnecessary to assume a lacuna — see the Hamma of al-Buhturl, Leiden 
MS pp. 236' 283» seq. (Niildoke) 

668 read J4= and J-lijI (Noldeko) 

667" . Ju... "his condilion" (Niikleko) 

869" . jl (Niildoke) litstmd of bi 

6731- perhaps we should rend jUJi " lianf,'iiij>- limnclios of troos" 

673 notes- read 427" 

67*5 read ,U=- (L ,U=-) - see pp. liiO'' soq., U)«7'" 

67i"5 read Acy (L O^^) pass, of conj. IV 
679 notes 2 read 63i» instead of 63» 

685 notes, W> 65 — order of verses in B 1 — 17, 19—30, 86, 31 — 85, 37-67, 57*, 
58—70, omitting 18 

see p. 762« 
695^ q'^ is the reading of L, and should stand in the text 
6968 read ^jJi 

7r6» . vioiXs-l 'fi. iJAic viu/ (Noldelie) 
711' » S^ with LS 

711'* » iij>^ (0 t^iMii), see Lisso II 203W seq. 
730=0 , ^ (0 Lfc) 
736'- » ajjs-y 
74 1» , j^Ui (Noldeke) 
lie" cf. p. 377=: read ^ 
747» read iiU 
749= . 5^! 

749" omit dUU j^^, or cisf read jl" A»t ^ 
751' read ^^l ^^Ls^o (Niildclte) 


Y521 read S^Sj (so 0) 

752" » Jjji instead of Jdi' (0 At') — see p. 276" 

782= cf. Mufaddallyilt ( ed. Thorbecke ) S" 24 v. 19 

764'' jlj^jAxii must refer to the descendants of al-MughIra ibn 'Abdallah al-Makhznmi, 
not to the family of al-MughIra ibn Saufal. I cannot explain the allusion 
in the latter half of the verso 

765 notes* read LisiJn III 210>', VI 152'> 

770* read ^ 

772« the reading oljJl^ o*"^ '" '» •"> preferred { Noldeke ) 

773' read .:i^4i 

789" » LLI instead of iiw -- see p. lOISi* 

794 notes-' read 382'» instead of 382» 

795' read ^J-^*2U 

800' » j^r^j 

801- » ^jr^Jo 

804" . i^jjJ, 

8051 , j^jj°Jjl 

816 noloa" read Jj^"-^' ( Niildoko ) 

820* seq. . u~=-;~ JJ _Lsv>J! JUU (0 ^~.=-^ m) 

820' read sil^Jl 

830"' » iHiii 

i, perhaps wo shoulil road ^^y wi 

th Lisfl 

640>'', Khiy,n:iiat I I2i)« --- soo 


wi.wiisehall ( Stranshurg, 1910 

) p. 21 


8385 i-ead ^Uil"' (0 ^^L£l:! ) 
841" • Ui^^ (so 0) imtead of d^. 
842 notes' rmd VI instead of V 
845' read 'iJ (0 ii) — cf. p. 975\ see also 938? 
850 notes* read 814- 
8681 read ^^' (Koldeke) 

866 notes, H» 93 — after v. oT B has 58, 60-70, 59, 71, 73—76, 72 etc. (as in S 
869» read ^J>^'. (see p. lOSo' ) 
874» . i*i>lE (Noldeke) 
879< . iJjtii (0 '^^) 
881 notes- rmd qU-^! 
888* i-ead ,^jJsy ( so ) 
894!> , J^y (NBldeke) 
896- seq. ,.,L>X! is tiie more correct form 
902" read jis 
904" I. ijUi 
■ 905» . '-p 
906" » ii'ij iMS/raJ of i.jii ( so ) — cf. AghanI loo. cit. and Lisan IX 232« 
909" » iisAj^J-i (Soldeke); after this verse something seems to hate dropt oi 

( Noldeke ) 
909 notes* rmd S o^ 
911" read *i~jil 
912« . Si'-J-t: imttml of Kc^-^iJ' 

925 notes' read 3 inslmd of 7 
926" rmd ^^^^^ instead of ^yv-ii 

933" seq. cf. Mufaddallyat (Cairo ed. ) 11 87>- 1^ seq.; in the first verse ire should 
apparently read ? yl ^i <* or else refrain", with Muf. { misprinted £ J' .\) 

936" . 

r?' (S r^it) 

910» . 

^ """ r^ 

N" 404 i-. 13) 

847i» « !jiU=» 

949* ..Sii geeiijs hero to be a mistake fo 

gsi'* i-«(id j_^i 

955" » «U~ii ( Kronkow ) iiisleml of 

96P cf. Miifaildallyltt ( od. Thorlweke ) 

9755 read liLiiJd' ( ao ) 

975" » iU.i.i\Jl 

9771" of. Lisiin X 23-> 


9891" read ibO 

992'8 seq. cf. Mubarrad 567" seq. (vv. 7, 8, 13, 17, 16, 10 cited) 

995' Jv.^liiJI is the more correct form 

99715> read ^.^\^ 
1001* . Jjjly^l (so 0) 
10015 , ^,yj^^ 
10061 cf. Lisan IV S47» 
101 lis read xis-T 

1012 notes* read i.t^'JI JLioLo? — see p. 1007" 
10161' ,.gail j^ instead of ^ 

102P » •-JL1s\ Jyx; [^1] ^ i — see Ibn al-AthIr I 490" 
10221S cf. LisEn VI 249" 
1023» cf. Bakn SSS" 
1023" seq. read ^ ijicj ^..f^ ,^ j^>=} i-4»S L-ij! oil ^ij u-..»! 

see pp. 47i» seq. 305" seq. 7649 g^q. 
10248 read Jli 

10241' for ti,e phrase op' w^J^ "f- Lissa VIII 339« 
1025= cf. Bakri 224«, 559i 
10255 cf. ibid. 558" 
102C1 read vL'ill, 

1029' read JuA<JI y— ^-i ,y, 'A-% instead of lAjiA^J', ^^ i_r-^ 'JuJ. ( eo i 
see p. 143' 

103S» . li^' 
1036" . "^ 
103712 „ xj'jj! 
104416 , ,y 

1044 notes 1 read W 512 Introduction instead of N" 511 
1050' eeq. of. Al-Jiall, /flwji al-Jmah ( Bnlak A. H. 1324) II pp. 143, 144 
10.51' read ^j^- r^^ [i.3'.cL? oli^^ 1 of. Jamhara 155- 
105910 , ijj^ (Noldoke) 
10601^ > IjlxI 
1064" cf. Bakri 88=» 

10661 the ordinary form ^L2Ji is admisBiblo here (see p. 89i' ) : read oU 

instead of oUJU^i (so L ) — see Index III s. v. 

1066' read jj,UBi(?) instead of fW.: for tlje metre of the second lialf-vert 

Mubarrad 350'», Mufa()dall)ilt ( ed. Thorliecke ) W 26 v. 12 
10691* , y^ ^^' _ 860 Mubarrad 230'" 
1070" Borj. ef. Lisan 1 4381- «eq. 
I072« read iicU, 

1077" see above, note on p. 457" 
1078" read liJ^ — see GloB»ary s. r. _!ui- 
1078" . jJjyUiJ (explained in Anb. by ^.,)i,~o 
IO79S u ^^,U.i instead of bU.^ (so h) 
1083" » L 


1083" rmA '■f>^\ (Noldeke) — see Hamasa loc. cit. 

1084' i> li-oiulj insteid of ,J>.iXji (so L) — see Glossary s. T. 

lOSSi"^ of. Mubarrad 98" 

1086' read ,!iJ>S 

1087- seq. of. Ibn gutaiba, 'Utjun al-Akhbm- (ed. Brockelmann) p. 342" 

1087" seq. cf. Mubarrad 98' seq. 

1090' read j,^\ instead of ^'^'t 

1099" the insertioQ of ^jf is unnecessary — see Nold. Zur Gr. p. 105 

1099" read bu^ instead of Ul^ 


3a^^ read ^S^ 

17o~ . j. -jUDl 9001 ^see 402<! ) 

18i» » 1151" instead of 115" 

24ai'' seq. read ahlwardt tak. 

N» 14 V. 18 16= 

» 11 V. 2 seq. (Appendix p. 185) 479* 

51' seq. ..j:^, i-y A*j>t see below, note on p. 214^*^ seq. 

61 « read jUil'iil 547" 859* 
82" insert UV before 772>' 
9416 read 282'-' instead of 282" 
105=1 , ' jj . , J , 

185» imert 107» after 105" 

214^^ aeq. It is probable that in all the passages here cited ^*' .„„t„'' ^' is Ahmad 

ibn Yahya, not al-Mubarrad 

257a» insert 639« after 404" 

2666-1 » 25i= before 999" 
2666'« . 303' » 3085 
282" read 

jUI id. 7061*: (o Secome ie»i( (said of a sword) 23», cf. Ahlwardt Inir. N" U v. 14 

283" inm-t 63'« before 683- 
334' » 778« I. 800'