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Really,  my  little  fell oio,"  said  Nana,  thrusting  him  back  with 
panther -like  strength.  (Seep.  85.) 






Teaitslated  rPvOii  the  25th  French  Edition 



286  S.  Water  St. 


In  view  of  presenting  —  successfully  if  it  be  possible  —  a 
contrary  thesis  to  your  own  on  the  hereditary  character  of  vice, 
we  have  ventured  to  borrow  the  name  of  your  heroine,  the 
"  NANA  "  80  ably  stripped  by  you  in  a  work,  which  if  it  docs 
not  found  a  school,  will  fix  a  date  in  Literature. 

But  with  the  object  of  rendering  this  woman  still  more  odious, 
wo  pick  her  out  of  the  gutter,  in  which  you  let  hor  wallow  for 
five  hundred  pages,  and  raise  her  to  a  commanding  position  in 
Parisian  galanterie. 

Her  language  greatly  profits  by  this  change  of  fortune,  and  so 
our  book,  destitute  of  the  crudity  of  expression  which  has  per- 
haps contributed  to  the  stir  occasioned  by  your  work,  claims  to 
be  "  natural  "  rather  than  "  natiuralistic. " 

And  now,  dear  brother-author,  will  you  excuse  the  very  great 
liberty  we  have  taken  in  giving  your  daughter  a  child,  between 

The  very  sincere  admirers  of  your  talent, 

Alfred  Sirven  aotd  H.  Leverdler. 



The  commissary  of  police  put  on  Ms  spectacles  and  asked : 
"  Tour  name,  madame  ?  " 

"  My  name  ?  Why  every  one  knows  it  in  Paris ;  and  you  must 
certainly  have  heard  of  me. " 

"  Perhaps  so ;  who  are  you,  pray?  " 

"  Why,  Nana,  of  course." 

"  But  you  have  a  family  name,  no  doubt?  " 

"A  famOy  name,  I?  Come,  sir,  don't  you  understand  my 
position  ?  Ever  since  Pve  known  myself  I've  rolled  about  with- 
out any  family  ties.  A  person  like  me  can't  have  a  family  name, 
of  course." 

"  Then  you  ought  to  know  better  than  any  one  else,  how 
needful  a  mother  is  to  a  child ;  for  if  your  own  mother  had  not 
abandoned  you,  you  would  not  be  what  you  are. " 

"  You  are  mistaken,  sir.  I  was  made  for  that.  And  besides, 
why  should  I  do  for  my  daughter  what  others  haven't  done  for 

''  Because  it  seems  to  me  that  you  are  in  a  position  to  bring 
her  up,  if  not  in  your  own  house,  at  least  at  yom-  expense.  You 
are  elegantly  attired,  you  have  come  here  in  a  carriage,  you 
have  servants " 

"  But  all  that  isn't  mine.  It  belongs  to  my  protector.  I'm 
Mke  the  Jesuits  —  excuse  the  comparison  —  nothing  is  mine,  not 
even  myself.  I'm  my  protector's  property.  My  horses,  my 
furniture,  my  jewels,  my  dresses,  aU  belong  to  him.  Ho  has 
bought  them  all  and  so  they  are  his.  He  has  treated  himself  to 
a  complete  estabUshment,  a  woman,  horses  and  dogs ;  but  then 
he  hates  brats.  So,  come,  have  I  the  right  to  keep  a  brat  ?  No, 
it  wasn't  set  down  in  the  contract. " 

"  But  the  child  is  his  like  all  the  rest." 

"  Oh,  dear  no,  the  child  wasn't  down  on  the  hst." 

"  Then  it  is  not  his  'i  " 

"  The  poor  feUow  never  had  anything  to  do  with  it.  Ho 
never  cared  to  have  any  children  with  his  gi-eat  ladies,  and  yet 
you  fancy  that  with  me  —  Oh !  really  now,  you  are  over- 
flattering  1  " 

1 8  nana's  daughter. 

"  But  who  is  the  father  then  ?  " 

"  Oh !  an  idiot,  a  fool,  for  whom  I  nad  five  minutes'  fancy.  It 
cost  me  a  brat.  The  idea  of  it !  Luckily  the  Foimdling  Hos- 
pital wasn't  built  for  dogs.  Its  business  is  to  care  for  the 
children  of  women  like  me.  Nana  isn't  a  mother  you  know, 
she's  a  harlot. " 

"  But  couldn't  you  change  your  life  and  work,  you  are  so 
young  ?  " 

"  Change  I  Can  I  ?  Have  you  ever  seen  an  animal  change 
its  species  ?  I'm  an  animal,  I  am,  and  I  can't  be  anything  else. 
I  don't  reason,  I'm  guided  by  instinct  like  a  hound.  And  my 
game  is  man.  When  I  say  man,  I  mean  a  swell  with  heaps  of 
gold  and  plenty  of  bank-notes.  As  for  the  needy  feUows,  I  don't 
care  for  them.    A  fellow  who's  hard  up  is  no  longer  a  man. " 

"  Could  you  tell  me  the  father's  name  1  " 

"  I  can't  teU  it.  It  would  do  me  harm.  He  was  the  only 
real  lover  I  ever  indulged  in ;  and  you  see  my  reward  ?  " 

For  a  moment  the  magistrate  remained  thoughtful,  asking 
himself  if  he  ought  not  to  compel  this  mother  to  keep  her  child, 
and  if  it  were  right  for  him  to  saddle  the  poor  relief  fimds  with 
the  expense  of  bringing  up  a  worthless  woman's  progeny.  But, 
suddenly,  a  more  serious  point  was  presented  to  his  conscience. 
A  sold  was  brought  to  him  to  save ;  had  he  the  right  to  throw 
it  back  into  the  sewer  ?  The  claims  of  morahty  rose  up  vividly. 
It  was  the  child's  interest  that  she  should  be  rescued  from 
maternal  contamination,  and  the  profit  of  society  would  be  an 
honest  girl.  He  made  up  his  mind.  Virginie,  Nana's  maid, 
held  the  baby,  who  was  asleep.  The  mother,  bored  by  the 
various  administrative  formalities,  was  taking  an  inventory  of 
the  oflice,  and  reading  the  titles  of  the  diiferent  legal  works  in 
the  book-case.  The  gilt  lettering  on  the  backs  of  the  volumes 
sparkled  in  the  clear,  gay,  August  sunshine.  The  magistrate 
took  a  note  of  the  particidars  which  he  had  been  furnished  with, 
and  thought  of  the  child,  weighing  its  destiny  in  his  mind. 
Nana,  leaning  toward  the  glass  door  of  the  book-case,  spelled  out 
loud  the  titles  of  the  books  which  attracted  her  curiosity. 

"  'Manual  of  Judicial  and  Administrative  Police,'  "  she  read; 
"  that  must  be  funny.  How  I  should  like  to  belong  to  the  police. 
Merely  to  find  out  what  goes  on  among  real  ladies.  '  The  Eegu- 
lations  of  Authorized  Prostitution ' ;  '  The  Public  Morahty  Police 
Service' ;  '  Encyclopedia  of  Games  and  Gambling';  Encyclopedia 
of  French  Law '  " 

However,  the  commissary  interrupted  her.  "  I  must  tell  you, " 
said  he,  "  that  in  accordance  with  the  regulations  of  the  Found- 
ling Hospital,  you  will  not  be  able  to  see  your  daughter,  nor 
wm  you  even  know  where  she  may  be  placed." 

"Why  is  that,  sir?" 

"  Because,  by  abandoning  your  child,  you  abdicate  aU  right 

nana's  daughter.  19 

over  her.  The  Poor  Relief  Board  takes  your  place  and  becomes 
the  legal  guardian.  The  child  is  considered  to  he  an  orphan, 
and  you  are  presumed  to  he  dead. " 

"  That's  just;  you  are  right.  Well,  let  it  be  so;  I  like  that 

"  Have  you  the  child's  certificate  of  birth  with  you?  " 

"  Yes ;  here  it  is. " 

"  Good.  Now  I  will  furnish  you  with  an  order  for  admission 
into  the  Foundling  Hospital. "  And  having  summoned  his  secre- 
tary, the  commissary  said  to  him:  "It  is  an  order  for  the 

The  secretary  sat  down,  and  then,  in  a  clear  and  somewhat 
strident  voice,  the  commissary  dictated  as  follows : 

1st  Division  —  5th  Bureau, 

Paris,  the  14th  August,  1860. 
"  I  request  the  director  of  the  Foundling  Hospital,  Rue 
d'Enfer,  to  receive  from  the  bearer  of  the  present  note,  and  pro- 
vide provisionally  for  the  maintenance  of,  a  child  of  the  feminine 
sex,  bom  on  the  28th  July  of  the  present  year,  and  entered,  the 
same  day,  on  the  registry  of  births  of  the  Eighth  Arrondissment, 
under  the  name  of  Nanette ;  the  father  beiug  unknown,  and  the 
mother  declaring  herself  unable  to  bring  up  her  child,  as  her 
position  is  that  of  a  kept  woman,  which  facts  are  duly  set  forth 
in  our  proc6s  verbal  of  this  date,  transmitted  to  the  Prefect  of 
Pohce,  by  whom  this  provisional  admission  will  be  ratified. 

"  The  Commissary  of  Police  of  the 
"  Eighth  Arroistoissment.  " 

The  commissary  signed  this  order,  and  then  said  to  his  secre- 
tary, **  Now  draw  up  a  bulletin  of  information  for  the  director  of 
the  hospital.  I  have  taken  notes  of  the  needful  particulars. 
Here  they  are.  And  make  haste.  The  papers  must  be  sent  at 

He  placed  the  order  of  admission  ia  an  envelope.  "  Shall  you 
take  the  child  to  the  hospital  yourself,  madame  ?  "  he  asked. 

"Oh  dear,  no!  I  don't  care  for  hospitals  —  and  besides,  it 
woidd  make  me  feel  queer  to  leave  my  baby  in  such  a  place. 
Virginie  shall  take  her.    I'll  pay  the  cab. " 

"  I  have  no  objection  to  offer.  You  are  free  to  send  the  child. 
All  the  formahties  are  accomph^hed. " 

"  Ah  1  so  much  the  better.  Come,  Virginie.  Your  servant, 
sir. " 

The  commissary  made  a  pretense  of  bowing,  and  then  Nana 
caught  up  her  lace  train  with  serpentine  grace  and  left  the 
room,  followed  by  her  maid,  who  carried  the  poor  child.  Down- 
stairs, in  the  street,  the  tall,  long-legged,  English  horses  wer? 
pawing  impatiently.    The  coachman,  who  looked  superb  witli 

20  nana's  daughter. 

his  thick-set,  correctly-trimmea,  black  whiskers^  aH  but  stood, 
onlliis  box  with  dignified  stifihess.  The  color  of  the  every  was 
mo.isquetaire  blue,  like  the  panels  of  the  landau.  Both  coach- 
man and  footman  wore  breeches  and  white-silk  stockings.  The 
door  of  the  carriage  had  a  silver  handle,  and  an  artist  had 
painted  on  it  a  Gothic  N,  surmounted  by  a  coronet. 

A  number  of  loiterers  were  assembhng  in  the  belief  that  the 
carriage  was  the  Emperor's;  and  they  became  speU-boimd  with 
admiration  for  Nana's  imperial  beauty,  as  she  appeared  on  the 
threshold  of  the  commissary's  ofiice,  holding  up  her  blue  faille 
skirt  and  displaying  her  satin  Louis  XV.  shoes,  the  high  heels 
of  which  were  spanned  with  gold.  Her  hair  gleamed  like  an 
aureole  around  her  low  brow,  the  true  brow  of  a  Grecian  statue. 
Her  almond  eyes,  underhned  with  a  touch  of  the  crayon,  beamed 
with  deep  and  troublous  azm-e  beneath  the  shadow  cast  by  their 
lashes.  Her  tiny  nostrils  twitched  as  they  inhaled  the  air,  but 
the  outline  of  her  nose  was  of  iuflexible  regularity.  The  purple 
of  life  and  sensuality  glowed  on  her  lips,  which  were  curved 
with  enigmatical  hony  j  and  as  the  warm  ruddiness  parted  m  a 
smile,  one  could  see  her  white  teeth,  cold  as  pearls.  He  hands 
were  small  and  gloved  with  blue  kid  to  the  elbows.  Her  bonnet 
was  but  a  toft  of  roses,  blooming  amid  her  splendid  red  hair, 
which  was  traversed  by  a  tapering  dagger  having  an  onyx  hilt 
encrusted  with  sapphires.  She  appeared  in  the  full  sunlight, 
with  her  loins  as  supple  as  a  panther's,  her  hips  worthy  of  Venus, 
and  her  firm,  erect  bosom  which  rebelled  against  the  tyranny  of 
stays.  Her  head  raised,  and  her  eyes  beaming  clearly,  she 
looked  down  from  the  height  of  her  insolent  beauty  on  the  pale 
toilers  who  went  by  —  some  slowly,  and  bowed  with  weighty 
thought,  and  others  swiftly,  spurred  on  by  himger. 

A  cab  was  passing,  and  Nana  made  a  sign.  The  driver  drew 
up,  and  respectfully  sprang  from  his  box  to  open  the  door.  She 
kissed  her  chUd,  and,  indeed,  her  voice  trembled  somewhat  as 
she  said :  "  Good-by,  my  duck. "  But  then  she  added :  "  Take 
care  not  to  lose  the  paper,  Virginie. " 

"  To  the  hospital  iu  the  Rue  d'Enfer,"  said  the  maid  to  the 
driver,  who  climbed  on  to  his  box  again.  And  then  the  cab  cut 
the  crowd  atwain  and  disappeared  round  the  street  corner. 

Nana  stood  on  the  pavement  looking  after  the  departing  child 
henceforth  lost  to  her.  But  this  gleam  of  maternal  feeling  was 
of  short  duration.  She  sprang  into  her  landau,  and  a  footman 
shut  the  door.     "  Homo ! "  she  said  in  a  curt  voice. 

The  coachman  touched  up  the  horses,  which  started  off  at  a 
fast  trot  toward  the  Boulevards,  turning  to  tlio  left  and  making 
straight  for  the  Madeleine.  It  was  tlio  lounger's  favorite  hour. 
Well-gloved  and  decorated  gentlemen  bowed  to  this  queen  of 
vice,  who  passed  by  in  the  implacable  pride  of  her  beauty.  And 
then  resuming  their  lomige  with  a  stick  on  their  lips  and  a  glass 

nana's  daughter.  21 

ill  their  eye,  they  ogled  the  woraon  who  smiUngly  braved  the 
converging  glances  of  the  absinthe  drinkers.  Yellow  rays  were 
darting  between  the  high  chimney-stacks,  obliquely  streaking 
the  dust-laden  air,  setting  the  shop  fronts  ablaze,  and  lighting 
up  the  gilt  moldings  and  the  silken  fabrics  displayed  for  sale. 
Heavy  omnibuses  rumbled  on  between  the  thinning  foliage; 
cabs  jogged  past,  drawn  by  wretched,  broken-do\vii  nags ;  and 
light  victorias  and  cozy  broughams,  in  which  bald-headed 
gentlemen  were  reading  the  Bourse  share-list  and  munching 
extinguished  cigars,  whisked  by  at  the  full  speed  of  high 
stepping  trott  ers. 

Nana's  landau  turned  into  the  Boulevard  Malesherbes  and 
made  straight  for  the  Pare  Monceau.  Her  mansion  overlooked 
the  park.  It  was  a  marvel  of  fancy  and  lavish  display.  The 
conservatory  alone  cost  five  thousand  francs  a  month.  The  ves- 
tibule, adorned  with  Florentine  mosaics,  preceded  a  double 
flight  of  pink  marble  steps,  with  a  green  bronze  balustrade,  on 
which  figured  a  Virginia  creeper  climbing  to  the  fuial  landing. 
On  the  first  floor  there  was  a  large  bay  window  of  stained  glass, 
the  pale  golden  tints  of  which  softened  the  light  and  lent  cathe- 
dral-like dimness  to  this  temple  of  vice.  In  the  dark  corners 
of  the  landings,  lascivious  statues  could  bo  seen  rising*  up  in 
alabaster  nudity,  amid  clumps  of  exotic  plants  with  downy 

A  valet  stood  in  the  hall,  awaiting  his  mistress.  "  Has  the 
marquis  arrived  f  "  she  asked. 

"  He  is  in  madame's  room." 

"  Ah  !  very  good." 

She  let  her  train  fall,  and  with  proud  grace  slowly  ascended 
the  pink  marble  steps,  over  which  her  silken  skirt  rustled  in 
cadence  ■«ith  her  undulating  gait  and  the  swinging  of  her  hips. 
The  marquis  was  awaiting  her,  carelessly  stretched  on  a  Turkish 
divan,  and  as  she  entered  he  did  not  rise.  "  Well?  "  said  he, 
"  is  it  settled  — finished'?" 

"  Yes,  my  dear;  I've  nacked  ofi"  the  brat.  Are  you  pleased, 
eh,  ducky?" 

"Of  course?" 

She  knelt  down  beside  the  divan  to  kiss  him.  He  allowed  her 
to  do  so,  but  did  not  return  the  kiss.  "  What  is  the  matter  with 
you?    What  are  you  thinking  about  ?"  she  asked. 

"  Why,  about  nothing,  of  course. 

"  Not  even  about  me  V 

"  No,  'pon  my  word." 

"  And  yet  I've  just  sacrificed  my  chUd  for  you." 

"  Come,  don't  be  sentimental.  Nana.  You  know  very  well 
that  you  haven't  made  this  sacrifice  either  for  the  Marquis 
d'Albigny,  who  sometimes  pays  you,  or  for  the  old  King,  who 
always  does  so,  although  ho  isn't  your  acknowledged  protector, 


for  I  am  the  master  here.  To  tell  the  truth,  you  amuse  your- 
self with  us,  and  you  would  like  to  deceive  us  in  everything ; 
but  I  know  you  —  you  only  love  your  infernal  beauty  —  to  which 
you  owe  the  idiotic  luxury  surrounding  you.  You  only  care 
for  your  despotic  whims,  your  vain  and  voluptuous  fancies. 
For  you  are  only  whim  and  fancy,  like  all  women  who  hve  on 
men. " 

''  What !  It  wasn't  to  spare  you  the  worry  of  that  child  that 
I  sent  it  to  the  hospital  f  You  didn't  leave  off  bothering  me 
until " 

"  Why,  of  course,  the  child  wasn't  mine. " 

"  How  do  you  know  that?" 

"  I  know  it ! "  said  a  man  who  suddenly  entered  the  room. 

"  What  do  you  want,  sir?"  asked  Nana,  curtly. 

"My  child!" 

"  Your  child  ?  Do  you  take  my  house  for  a  baby-farming 
estabhshment  ?    Marquis,  show  this  intruder  to  the  door. " 

"  I  ?  Not  at  all,  my  dear.  This  family  scene  amuses  me.  Go 
on,  sir,  make  yourself  at  home. " 

The  stranger  was  walking  feverishly  about  with  his  arms 
crossed.  He  was  mechanically  following  an  oblique  sun-ray 
which  intersected  the  room.  He  was  tall,  thin  and  pale,  with  a 
long  black  beard  streaked  with  white  hairs.  Suddenly  he 
paused  in  front  of  the  marquis.  "  You  told  me  to  make  myself 
at  home,  Marquis  d'Albigny, "  he  said. 

"Quite  so." 

"  Very  good,  then  leave  this  room  or  I  shall  kill  you." 

"  By  what  right,  pray?" 

"  This  woman  belongs  to  me ;  she  is  the  mother  of  my  chUd." 

"  I  can't  compliment  you  on  it, "  sneered  the  marquis. 

"  This  man  is  an  impostor, "  said  Nana,  coldly. 

"  Oh !  oh !  this  is  getting  warm, "  resumed  d'Albigny,  with  a 
laugh.  "  'Pon  my  word,  my  beauty,  I  shall  leave  you  to  settle 
your  love  affairs  alone.  Only,  another  time  when  I  call  on  you 
I  will  thank  you  to  have  your  door  better  guarded."  So 
saying,  he  raised  the  tapestry  hanging  before  the  door  and  dis- 

The  stranger  again  paused  in  his  walk  and  exclaimed :  "  Now, 
Nana,  we  must  talk  together. " 

"  Here,  come  now,  my  big  fellow,  haven't  you  finished  crouch- 
ing at  my  door  like  a  lost  dog  ?  What !  because  I  was  goose 
enough  to  follow  you  into  the  country  and  stop  there  for  three 
months  with  you,  because  I  was  foolishly  faithful  to  you  all  that 
time,  for  which  you  rewarded  me  by  compromising  with  my 
serious  protectors,  did  you  imagine  that  it  was  going  to  last  for- 
ever, that  Nana  would  always  live  in  the  moon  with  you,  and 
that  it  sufficed  to  give  her  a  child  to  make  a  mother  of  her  I 
You  fool  I    You  don't  know  me,  you  don't  see  through  Nana  I 

nana's  daughter.  23 

If  I  maddened  you  with  my  love,  and  intoxicated  you  with  my 
cuddles,  it  was  only  to  toss  you  aside  again,  as  dry  and  as  light 
as  an  empty  walnut.  Poor  chap !  If  you  had  had  ten  times 
more  blood  in  your  vems,  I  should  have  drunk  it  up  with  my 
harlot's  thirst,  and  not  only  your  blood,  I  should  have  devoured 
yom-  brain  and  courage,  soul,  honor  and  everything.  I  should 
have  emptied  you  hkc  a  thiet  empties  a  banker's  safe. " 

"  A  thief  did  you  say,  Nana — a  thief?  Ah  I  don't  let  us  talk 
about  that." 

"  Pooh !    On  the  contrary,  let  us  talk  about  it. " 

"  No,  no,  I  say.    Listen.    Some  one  has  rung." 

"  It's  nothing;  some  tradesman,  perhaps,  or  the  King, -my  oTd 
King  who  comes  tx)  see  me.  For  you  know  that  I'm  eating  up  a 
kingdom  just  now.  Ah  1  to  be  sure  I've  good  teeth.  So  much 
the  worse  for  those  who  let  me  bite. " 

"  Come,  my  little  Nana,  be  reasonable.  Tell  me  where  our 
child  is.  You  have  sent  her  out  to  nurse,  haven't  you  ?  You, 
perhaps,  want  some  old  fellow  to  think  she  is  his  daughter,  so 
that  he  may  give  her  a  dowry.  Well,  it's  not  worth  while.  I've 
economized ;  I've  worked,  and  I've  earned  ten  thousand  francs 
for  the  httle  one.  Yes,  ten  thousand  francs,  do  you  hear,  Nana? 
Each  of  those  silver  coins  is  an  hour  of  my  life,  a  drop  of  my 
blood,  and  I  bring  you  them  all.  Give  me  back  my  daugh- 

"  Your  danghter  ?    Tve  lost  her. " 

"  Lost  her  1    What  is  this " 

"  Abandoned  her.    There  1 " 

"  Where  ?  " 

"  I  don't  know." 

"Where?  I  ask." 

"  I've  sold  her," 

"To  whom?" 

"  To  some  mountebanks.'' 

"  You  he  I  " 

"  Well,  yes,  I  lie.  You  bother  me  with  your  tattle.  I  don't 
want  to  be  worried  with  your  brats.  Go  off.  You  make  my 
head  ache. " 

"  Here  are  the  ten  thousand  francs." 

"  Five  hundred  napoleons,  weU,  what  are  tney  ?  You  haven't 
even  stolen  them,  and  I  don't  care  for  money  earned  by  work. 
Poor  people's  coin,  it  smeUs  of  sweat." 

"  Stolen  them,  you  say !    You  wish  I  had  stolen  them  ?  " 

"  Why,  yes.  It  would  at  least  show  that  you  prefer  me  to 
everything  else. " 

There  was  a  pause.  The  stranger  again  began  to  follow  the 
ray  of  hght  on  the  carpet.  It  was  now  perpendicular  to  the 
bed.  It  flashed  on  one  of  the  comer  posts,  showing  up  the 
ebony  molding  encrusted  with  ivory.    It  darted  over  the  white* 


satin  counterpane  embroidered  with  a  black  sphinx,  and  shone 
vertically  athwart  the  outspread  wings  of  a  silver  eagle  which 
hovered  at  night-time  over  Nana's  slumber.  This  ray  of  hght 
transpierced  the  dimness  around.  Myriads  of  atoms  which  had 
become  luminous  crossed  it,  following  an  oblique  course,  and 
springing  up  suddenly  amid  the  darkness  hke  particles  of  light. 
In  one  corner  one  coiild  barely  perceive  a  bronze  elephant  bear- 
mg  a  Chinese  tower,  and  reared  upon  a  malachite  pedestal. 
The  low,  carved,  easy  chairs,  softly  cushioned,  were  lost  in 
shade.  The  black  sphinxes  embroidered  on  the  white-satin 
hangings  were  bedimmed.  Alone,  against  the  Venetian  mirror 
with  a  silver  frame  of  detached  ornamentation,  one  could  dis- 
tinguish the  branching  candelabra  and  the  bronze  statue  of 
fleeting  Time  holding  between  two  fingers  a  golden  thread,  from 
which  a  globe  was  hanging.     ,, 

Suddenly  the  stranger  stopped.  The  ray  of  light  having 
gradually  become  thinner  and  more  obhque  had  now  gone  out. 
Nana  had  quietly  unfastened  her  bodice,  and  taken  off  her  stays ; 
and  then,  with  her  breast  bare,  she  had  stretched  herself  upon 
the  divan  near  the  window.  Her  statuesque  profile  stood  out  in 
bold  relief.  The  tiny  dagger  with  the  onyx  handle  had  fallen 
from  her  hair  on  to  the  carpet.  Her  lowered  eyehds  cast  a  soft 
shadow  which  extended  almost  to  her  nostrils,  and  she  was  half 
dozing,  draped  queen-hke  in  her  silken  robe.  There  was  a  dis- 
turbing expression  on  her  parted  lips  —  perfidious  candor  and 
mysterious  lascivity  blooming  together  in  a  smile.  Her  former 
lover  knelt  down  near  her,  and  in  a  low  and  trembling  voice, 
hesitating  at  each  syUable,  he  asked :  "  So,  Nana,  if  I  had  stolen 
for  you,  you  would  love  me  more  ? " 

She  burst  out  laughing.  "Who  knows  ?  I'm  tired  of  the  love 
of  all  these  worn-out  fellows,  with  softened  brains  and  puny 
limbs,  who  think  they  pay  me  what  I'm  worth,  and  complain 
when  they've  ruined  themselves  for  me.  What  of  that? 
They've  sold  their  property,  but  I've  sold  myself.  Ah !  do  you 
know  what  I  dream  of?  I  should  like  a  lover  who  had  murdered 
some  one  for  me.  He  would  at  least  be  faithful  till  he  was 
claimed  by  the  guillotine. " 

"  How  can  you  possibly  have  such  horrible  fancies !  It  is  all 
this  wealth  that  keeps  you  in  shameful  vice.  Abandon  this 
dirty  life,  raise  yourself  again,  dress  yourself  like  an  honest 
woman,  renounce  this  band  of  biases.  Love  for  nothing,  if  you 
wish  to  love.  It  is  never  too  late  to  become  pure  again.  K  you 
took  our  child  back,  each  kiss  you  gave  her  would  wine  away  a 
stain ! " 

"  Poor  chap !  " 

"  Come  with  me !  You  know  how  happy  we  were  in  the 
country.  We  will  go  far^ar  away  with  the  httle  one.  I  won't 
stop  any  longer  here.    We  will  go  no  matter  where ;  I  have 


enough  money  for  a  little  while.  And  I  shall  find  more.  Come, 
will  you  come?" 

"  Oh !  leave  me  alone ;  you  bother  me.  I  eat  too  much  at 
supper  last  night,  and  didii't  sleep  long  enough  this  morning. 
Go  oft',  pray.  I'm  tired  of  teUmg  you  that  I  won't  take  your 

"  Then,  if  I  must  tell  everything,  the  money  I  bring  isn't 

"Whose  is  it,  then?" 

"  I  took  it  from  the  safe.  I  thought  you  would  not  come  with 
me  as  you  are  tired  of  me ;  but  I  wanted  to  buy  the  child,  to 
save  her  from  contagion." 

"  And  you  stole  to  do  that  ?  That's  nice  and  no  mistake. 
And  for  the  last  week  you've  been  coming  to  offer  me  this  money 
60  that  I  might  compromise  myself  with  you  ?  Why,  you  are  a 
scoundrel !  If  that's  the  way  you  wanted  to  bring  the  child  up, 
she  might  as  well  be  like  her  mother.  I  don't  steal  anything. 
Do  you  hear  ?    Leave  the  house,  or  I'll  have  you  turned  out. " 

He  stooped  down  and  picked  up  the  onyx-hilted  dagger  lying 
on  the  carpet.  "Don't  call,  Nana;  don't  denounce  me.  To- 
morrow I  shall  replace  the  money.    Not  a  word ;  I  don't  know 

what  I  might  do "    And  he  feverishly  clutched  the  onyx 


"Really,  my  little  fellow,"  said  Nana,  thrusting  him  back 
with  panther-like  strength.  "  Do  you  think  you  frighten  mo 
with  thp;t  trinket  ?  Keep  it.  I'll  give  it  you. "  And  she  rang 
the  beU. 

A  valet  appeared  on  the  threshold.  "  Show  this  gentleman 
out, "  she  said. 

"  TUl  we  meet  again,  madame, "  rejoined  her  former  lover^ 
with  emphasis. 

"  Oh !  no  good-bye  for  good, "  said  Nana,  laughing. 

He  left  the  room ;  but  a  moment  later  Nana  recalled  her  serv- 
ant. "  Follow  that  man, "  she  ordered,  "  and  have  him  arrested 
by  the  first  poUce  agent  you  meet.  I  won't  be  worried,  not  I. " 
The  servant  hesitated.  "  Come,  make  haste,"  cried  the  courte- 
san, "  don't  you  understand  that  that  fellow's  a  thief!  " 

The  valet  disappeared  behind  the  door-hanging,  and  Nana 
could  hear  him  hastily  descending  the  pink  marble  steps.  Night 
was  coming  on,  and  the  sky  of  Paris  was  tinged  with  a  purplo 
glow.  The  clock  struck  seven  o'clock.  "  Oh !  oh !  "  she  mut- 
tered, "  the  King's  hour,  and  I'm  not  ready." 

She  rang  for  her  maid,  who  had  just  returned  from  the  hos- 
pital. Virginie  entered  the  room.  "Ati!  so  you  are  back 
again, "  said  Nana.    "  Well  ?  " 

"  It's  all  settled,  madame." 

"  At  last !  "  said  Nana,  with  a  sigh.    "  It  had  to  be  done. 

Nations  Daughter  2. 

26  nana's  daughter- 

Come,  make  haste,  light  the  tapers  and  dress  my  hair.    I  am 
expecting  his  majesty !  " 


A3n>E^E  Navtel  was  adorably  pretty.  She  was  the  true 
type  of  a  child  of  Paris,  rather  pale,  carelessly  graceful,  with  a 
crystal  voice  and  big  light-blue  eyes.  Her  father  was  a  me- 
chanic, employed  in  a  fomidry,  and  her  mother  mounted  roses 
for  Paillardin,  the  artificial  ilower-dealer.  Andi-ee  displayed 
wonderful  intuition  concerning  artistic  matters  and  everything 
that  appealed  to  the  imagination,  but  she  held  arithmetic  in 
horror.  When  she  was  ten  years  old  she  had  strange  tastes, 
gypsy-hke  fancies  and  actress-like  whims.  As  is  the  case  with 
many  children  of  Paris,  she  was  seized  with  a  desire  to  show  off 
and  attudinize.  A  kind  of  innate  coquetry  took  possession  of 
her.  Withal  she  was  gentle,  loving  and  good-tempered,  not 
understanding  why  she  was  scolded  for  various  girlish  freaks, 
but  fond  of  impossibilities,  laughing  or  crying  for  nothing,  very 
sensitive,  always  trjing  to  derive  some  enjoyment  herself,  or  to 
procure  it  for  others,  and  plimging  without  reflection  into  chimer- 
ical enthusiasm.  A  strange  girl!  Already  a  woman  in  some 
respects,  too  much  of  a  child  in  others,  almost  completely  igno- 
rant of  what  her  parents  and  schoolmistress  tried  to  teach  her, 
but  guessing  many  other  things. 

For  an  observer,  Andree  Naviel  was  as  attractive  as  a  mys- 
tery. Her  parents  were  worthy  work-people  skillful  in  their 
callings,  of  irreproachable  honesty,  and  satisfied  feelings,  quite 
destitute  of  imaginative  powers,  both  fond  of  order,  and  know- 
ing how  to  calculate.  They  belonged,  indeed,  to  that  good, 
hardy  race  of  toilers,  whose  quiet  yet  powerful  blood,  robust 
muscles  and  submissive  nerves,  usually  produce  a  generation  of 
children  physiologically  different  to  this  frail  little  Andree,  who 
incarnated,  as  it  were,  two  contrary  principles,  and  seemed  to 
be  the  ofi"spring  of  two  antipodean  natures. 

About  this  time  Andr6e  met  with  an  adventure.  Her  parents 
had  taken  her  to  the  fete  of  St.  Cloud,  and  she  lost  them  in  the 
crowd.  At  first  she  tried  to  find  them,  but  the  attractive  fete, 
the  noisy  mirth  of  the  mountebanks  and  the  exhibitors  of  talk- 
in  7  seals  and  three-legged  woman,  finally  induced  her  to  profit 
by  her  liberty.  She  paused  near  a  merry-go-round,  sparkling 
with  spangles  and  gay  with  many  colored  banners,  which  stood 
out  brightly  against  the  verdant  depths  of  tlio  avenues.  The 
fountains  were  playing  and  fi>rmod  a  marvelous  buck-ground. 
Sheafs  of  foam  ascended  like  plmnes  in  the  full  sunhght,  and 
cascades  bounded  from  the  heiglits  where  tall  chestnut  trees 


rose  lip  ^vith  tlio  ffoldcn  splendor  of  sunset  peering  through 
their  foliage  scorched  by  the  summer  heat.  At  the  end  of  the 
ornamental  water  a  two-floored  merry-go-round  revolved  to  the 
somid  of  music.  Among  the  crowd  three  young  gMs,  well 
pleased  to  show  themselves,  charming  with  their  pm'ly  laughter 
and  careless  attitudes,  unconscious  of  the  vertigo  that  possessed 
them,  allowed  themselves  to  he  whirled  away  through  the  noise 
and  mirth.  Andree  longed  to  ride  in  the  round-about  like 
them,  and  feel  herself  revolve  amid  the  light  and  the  music,  but 
slie  rememl)ered  that  she  had  scarcely  enough  money  to  pay  for 
hor  return  to  Paris. 

Close  by,  at  the  door  of  a  long  traveling  wagon,  an  individual 
in  a  black  dress-coat  was  iuAriting  the  passers-by  to  see  the 
"beautiful  Irma. "  "Don't  pass  without  seeing  Irma ! "  he 
cried,  gravely.    "  Don't  die  without  ha\ing  seen  Irma!  " 

Andree  was  seized  with  a  vague  longing  to  see  this  matchless 
Irma,  the  queen  of  beauty,  who  exhibited  herself  for  a  copper. 
However,  she  repressed  a  sigh,  and  regretting  her  poverty,  con- 
tinued wandering  through  the  crowd,  with  the  hoarse  cry  of  the 
exhibitor  still  ringing  in  her  ears.  "  Ladies  and  gentlemen,  don't 
pass  without  seeing  the  lovely  Irma !  " 

She  paused  at  last  before  a  wrestling  booth ;  and  the  sight  she 
saw  there  for  the  first  time,  held  her  spell-bound.  On  the  ]jlat- 
form  outside,  a  poor  devil  dressed  as  a  clown  was  parading  with  a 
Hercules.  Andree  was  greatly  struck  by  the  contrast  between 
these  two  men.  The  Hercules  was  short,  thick-set,  hairy  and 
hideous,  with  bestial  lips  and  a  red  face  betokening  a  sanguine 
temperament.  His  bare,  bronze-colored  arms  were  tattooed, 
and  the  massive  muscles  of  his  limbs  and  his  neck  were  of 
abnormal  proportions.  He  glanced  fiercely  aroimd  him.  His 
red-streaked  eyes  retreated  under  their  orbits,  ensconced  in 
the  shade  of  his  bristly  eyebrows,  and  his  forehead  was  hidden 
by  thick  tufts  of  grayish  hair.  The  clown  was  a  head  taller 
than  the  Hercules,  and  his  floured,  hollow  cheeks,  his  reddened 
eyes  and  emaciated  limbs,  his  hands  of  improbable  length,  and 
his  whole  scrafcgy  frame,  lost  as  it  were  in  his  ample  costume, 
inspired  Andree  with  extraordinary  interest. 

This  strange  pair  was  carrying  on  a  dialogue  interspersed 
with  smacks  in  the  face,  boxes  on  the  ears,  kicks  behind,  and 
witticisms.  The  clown  seemed  to  Andi-ee  like  the  mind  which 
sneers  at  physical  strength  and  derides  it :  the  Hercules  like  the 
incarnation  of  brutal  force  bent  on  revenge.  Blows  rained  upon 
the  clown,  resounding  with  a  thud  on  his  back.  They  were  not 
make-believe  blows,  but  a  formidable  avalanche  of  real  thumps, 
which  now  and  again  rang  on  the  clown's  whitened  face  and 
stretched  him  on  the  planks  of  the  platform.  The  crowd  was 
splitting  its  sides  with  laughter,  and  evidently  thought  the  busi- 
ness very  funny. 

2  8  nana's  daughter. 

Andrce,  however,  had  never  hefore  Avitnessed  anything  so 
revolting ;  her  heart  softened,  and  she  sincerely  pitied  the  poor 
beaten  bnlfoon.  At  last,  after  a  fresh  pun,  more  outrageous 
than  the  others,  the  Hercules  gave  the  cU)wn  such  a  kick  that 
he  lifted  him  off  his  feet,  over  the  platform,  and  sent  him 
sprawling  amid  the  crowd.  The  poor  fellow  fell  flat  at  Andree's 

There  was  a  general  burst  of  laughter.  The  mirth  spread 
from  throat  to  tliroat  as  far  as  the  distant  avenues,  and  the 
echoes  of  the  great  cascade  gaily  repeated  the  joyous  cries  of 
the  pleasure-seeking  crowd.  Folks  cheered  the  Hercules,  and 
jeered  aud  hissed  the  clown,  who  slowly  picked  himself  up  and 
rubbed  his  loins.  Andree  approached  him  just  as  he  had  set 
himself  on  his  feet  and  was  about  to  hobble  off.  ''  Are  you 
hurt,  sir?  "  she  asked,  with  her  fresh  voice  trembling  with  sad- 
dened timidity. 

The  buffoon  stopped  short,  affected  by  these  caressing  words 
which  caught  his  ear  amid  the  general  jeers.  He  looked  at  the 
fair-haire(l  child,  and  his  pale  face  was  lighted  up  with  strange, 
despairing  tenderness.  "  No,  little  one, "  said  he,  "  I'm  not 
hurt;  and  besides,  it's  my  way  of  earning  my  livmg.  We  all 
have  our  callings.  I'm  called  Face-to-Smaek.  Other  folks 
receive  decorations,  while  I  get  boxes-on-the-ears  and  kicks 
behind.  And  it'll  be  like  that  until  my  ship  comes  home  — won't 
it  now,  Mr.  Hercules?  " 

"  Quite  so,  Mr.  Face-to-Smack,  quite  so,"  bawled  the  athlete, 
who  was  striking  an  attitude  on  the  platform  with  his  arms 
crossed,  so  as  to  display  his  muscles. 

"I  should  prefer  to  see  you  work,"  resumed  Andree,  with 
child-like  frankness. 

"  You  are  quite  right,  little  one,"  said  the  pale  buffoon;  "  you 
are  quite  right.  But  do  you  see  I  can't  work.  Honest  toil  won't 
have  anything  to  do  with  me.  So  I  must  turn  to  something  else 
to  earn  some  food.  For  I  eat  now  and  then,  although  I  don't 
look  like  it." 

This  strange  conversation  between  the  buffoon  and  the  child 
interested  the  sight-seers,  who  gathered  round  in  a  circle. 

"  I  say,  Mr.  Face-to-Smack,  do  you  want  to  turn  school- 
master ?"  thundered  the  Hercules,  who  was  by  no  meaus  pleased 
to  have  his  business  interrupted. 

"  Coming,  Mr.  Hercules,  coming !  "  replied  the  buffoon,  and 
tm-ning  to  Andree,  he  asked:  "Are  you  alone,  httle  one? 
Wliere's  your  mamma  ?  " 

"  I've  lost  her. " 

"  Now,  then,  have  you  finished  your  jaw,  you  bag  of  flour?  " 
bawled  the  Hercules. 

**  Coming,  master,  coming.  Would  you  like  to  see  the  show?  '* 

nana's  daughter.  29 

asT^ed  Face-to* Smack  of  Aiidr6e.    "  I'll  give  you  a  front  seat; 
come  along,  I  stand  treat. " 

She  felt  something  like  the  warmth  of  pleasure  rise  to  her 
cheeks  and  became  very  red. 

"  Come,"  continued  the  buffoon,  "  say  yes;  and,  besides,  I've 
got  some  cakes  for  you  if  you  like " 

"Thanks,  Mr.  Clown,"  rejoined  Andrde;  "I  should  like  to 
see  the  show,  but  keep  the  cakes  for  your  little  ones." 

"  My  little  ones?  I  have  none !  Ah !  I  had  a  httle  girl  who 
would  be  about  your  age  by  now;  but  when  she  was  a  week  old 
she  was  taken  awav  from  me,  and  I've  never  seen  her  since." 

"  Who  took  herf " 

"  Tier  mother,  a  wicked  woman,  a " 

Face-to-Smack  was  interrupted.  The  Hercules  had  left  the 
platform,  caught  hold  of  him  by  an  ear,  and  was  now  dragging 
him  back  to  the  booth. 

"  Don't  tear  my  ears  off,  Mr.  Hercules, "  pleaded  the  buffoon. 
"  They  wouldn't  grow  again.  They  only  grow  natui-ally  on 
strong  men  hke  you." 

The  Hercules  failed  to  understand,  and  began  to  laugh  with 
satisfaction  at  his  physical  superiority.  Then  the  white-faced 
buffoon  spoke  to  him*^  in  an  undertone.  "  All  right, "  said  the 
wrestler,  and  he  bawled  to  Andree :  "  Come  here,  young  'un." 

"  Come  and  see  the  performance,"  added  the  buffoon. 

Andree,  who  felt  a  great  deal  of  emotion,  set  her  foot  on  the 
steps  and  went  up  into  the  booth.  The  clown  took  hold  of  her 
hand  and  led  her  to  a  seat  in  the  front  row. 

The  orchestra  was  frantically  playing  a  fast  march.  A  tall, 
thin,  freckled  woman  whacked  away  at  the  big  driun  and  the 
cymbals,  a  fat  woman  played  the  piston,  and  a  man  with  long 
yellow  hair — the  type  of  a  needy  German — blew  in  a  clarionet 
with  the  proud  and  serious  air  of  an  unappreciated  virtuoso. 
"While  this  concert  proceeded,  Face-to-Smack,  stationed  at  the 
door,  made  a  burlesque  speech  which  set  the  crowd  laughing, 
and  the  Hercules  challenged  all  the  strong  men  to  wrestle  with 
him,  and  tossed  fencing  gloves  to  amateurs  of  the  foils. 
Through  the  open  entry  Andree  could  see  faces  of  every  hue 
— red,  white,  yellow,  and  violet  ranged  in  intermitted  lines  and 
standing  out  in  rehef  against  the  verdant  sward  of  the  park 
lawns.  Near  the  ornamental  water,  a  pastry  cook,  with  a 
conical  cap  of  gilt  paper  on  his  head,  stood  imder  a  scarlet 
mnbrella,  holcUng  a  flexible  stick,  from  which  hung  a  string 
with  a  piece  of  gingerbread  appended  to  it.  The  dainty  was  to 
be  tlie  property  of  the  urchin  who  caught  it  with  his  teeth,  and 
so  all  around  one  could  see  upturned  juvenile  faces  with  glowing 
eyes  watching  the  bait,  and  open  mouths  eager  to  swallow  it. 
Grown-up  sightseers  stood  in  the  rear,  and  spUt  with  laughing 
at  this  new  kind  of  angling. 


The  wrestling  booth  filled  rapidly,  and  the  members  of  the 
orchestra  ceased  playing  and  went  to  sit  down  on  a  planls.  The 
audience  was  impatient  and  excited.  It  was  said  that  a  real 
swell  had  bet  a  thousand  napoleons  that  he  would  make  the 
Hercules  bite  the  dust.  No  doubt  this  amateiu-  was  being 
waited  for,  as  the  benches  ah-eady  groaned  under  the  weight  of 
the  spectators  ranged  in  amphitheatre  fashion.  Suddenly  there 
was  a  stir.  A  tawny-haired  woman,  sparkhng  with  diamonds 
and  covered  with  lace,  entered  the  arena  and  paused  at  a  corner 
where  four  or  five  gentlemen  of  different  ages  were  standing. 

"Come,  Face-to-Smack,"  called  the  Hercules,  "bring  some 
chairs,  and  make  haste. " 

The  bufibon  stood  motionless,  stifiened  by  mute  stupefaction. 
There  was  a  tragical  expression  upon  his  pale  face.  "  Oh !  dear, 
no,"  he  answered  in  a  strident  voice;  "  that  lady  can  go  and 
sit  down  where  she  likes. " 

The  clown's  refusal  was  so  peremptory,  that  his  master  did 
not  insist.  "  As  you  like,  my  fine  fellow,"  he  said,  resignedly; 
"  only  you'U  pay  for  it  later  on. " 

The  buffoon  shrugged  his  shoulders  and  shook  his  head. 

"  "WTiich  of  these  gentlemen  wishes  to  try  a  bout  with  me?  " 
asked  the  wrestler. 

"  I,"  said  a  middle-aged  man. 

"  Bravo,  bravo,  Marquis, "  exclaimed  his  companions. 

"  Be"  quiet,  pray, "  rejoined  the  amateiu".  "I  don't  care  to 
have  my  name  and  title  in  all  the  newspapers  to-morrow. " 

"  Pray  take  off  your  coat,  sir,"  resinned  the  Hercules,  who 
was  stripping  himself  to  the  waist;  and  his  titled  adversary  at 
once  imitated  his  example. 

The  struggle  began  by  a  series  of  feints.  The  adversaries 
placed  their  hands  on  each  other's  shoulders,  their  arms  locked 
around  their  muscular  necks;  but  great  efl'orts  suddenly  loosened 
the  hold,  and  the  two  champions  foimd  themselves  again  in  front 
of  each  other  firmly  settled  on  their  ankles.  The  real  struggle 
had  not  yet  begun.  This  had  been  but  a  skirmish  for  the  two 
antagonists,  who  had  both  wished  to  ascertain  what  kind  of 
man  they  had  to  deal  with.  Suadeuly,  however,  they  sprang 
upon  each  other.  The  Hercules  caught  the  marquis  by  the 
loins  and  forced  his  chin  down  on  his  chest.  But  the  amateur 
swiftly  turned,  presenting  his  back  to  the  professional,  and  then 
raising  his  arms  he  linked  them  behind  his  adversary's  skull, 
and  made  a  terrible  effort.  The  Hercules,  lifted  off"  the  groimd, 
passed  over  the  marquis'  head;  but  spinning  round,  he  fomid 
himself  on  his  feet  again  with  a  firm  hold  in  the  sand. 

The  crowd  applauded  frantically.  Andree  understood  nothing 
of  what  was  occurring :  this  buffoon  who  refused  to  be  polite  to 
this  golden-haired  lady,  sparklmg  lilvo  a  fairy;  this  marquis 
who,  careless  of  his  'scutcheon,  pubhcly  wrestled  with  a  low- 

nana's  daughter.  31 

bom  professional.  Everything  she  had  seen  during  the  last 
hour  stupefied  her.  She  was  most  interested  m  Face-to-Sniack, 
whose  giant  stature  and  pale  face  rose  up  in  front  of  her  on  tho 
other  side  of  the  arena.  It  seemed  to  her  that  tho  expression 
of  his  features  had  suddenly  changed ;  his  smile  had  something 
tragical  about  it  now,  as  if  some  terrible,  mysterious  passion 
were  waging  behind  the  flour  on  his  face.  However,  while 
Andrde's  attention  was  turned  to  him,  the  encounter,  moment- 
arily suspended,  began  again  in  earnest. 


The  struggle  was  a  desperate  one  this  time.  The  two  wrest- 
lers clutched  hold  of  each  other  at  the  same  moment,  their  arms 
tightened  aroimd  one  another's  loins,  and  shoulder  to  shoulder, 
cheek  to  cheek,  they  leaned  forward  as  if  propped  against  each 
other.  They  remained  like  this  for  half  a  minute,  panting  hke 
wild  beasts,  feeling  each  other,  and  on  the  alert  for  a  surprise. 
The  titled  amateur  was  growing  pale.  The  professional's  red 
face  was  becoming  violet.  QuicMy  he  drew  back,  and  the  mar- 
quis, taken  unawares,  fell  on  his  knees.  But  with  a  bound  he 
placed  himself  behind  the  Hercules,  and  crouched  on  all  fours. 
The  professional  stooped,  and  was  about  to  seize  hold  of  his 
adversary  with  his  right  arm,  when,  with  a  sudden  spring,  tho 
amateur  backed  on  to  the  Hercules'  stomach  with  such  force 
that  he  threw  him  onto  his  left  side.  And  then,  springing  upon 
him  with  all  his  weight,  he  rolled  him  in  the  sand.  The  profes- 
sional's shoulders  touched  the  ground. 

"  Bravo,  bravo  1  "  cried  the  crowd. 

The  victor  quietly  raised  a  curtain,  and  entered  the  mounte- 
banks' dressing-room  to  put  on  his  clothes  again.  The  Hercules 
followed  him. 

Meanwhile,  Face-to-Smack  had  stationed  himself  behind  the 
tawny-haired  woman,  barring  the  way  out.  He  overtopped 
everything  hke  a  white  spectre,  for  his  buffoon's  head  resembled 
a  ekuU,  and  his  ample  clown's  dress  a  waving  shroud.  The 
woman  turned  round  and  beheld  this  apparition  gazing  at 

"  What  have  you  done  with  my  child,  Nana?  "  he  asked. 

"  Ah !  good  heavens  I  "  she  cried,  "  where  have  I  heard  that 
voice  before  ?  " 

"  In  your  house,  you  worthless  woman. " 

"  Gentlemen,  this  man  is  mad.  Pray  punish  this  buffoon  for 

Just  at  this  moment  the  marquis  returned.  "D'Albignyl" 
cried  Nana,  "  give  this  scamp  a  hiding.  He  has  insulted  me. " 

32  •  NANA'S   DAUGHTER. 

"  The  fact  is, "  rejoined  the  buffoon,  "  tliat  I  requested  madame 
to  return  me  the  child  we  had  togetlier. " 

"  Dear  me  !  "  exclaimed  the  marquis.  "  But,  by  the  way,  my 
beauty,  isn't  this  man  your  thief !  " 

"  No,  sir,  I  am  not  a  thief.  Do  you  hear  me  ?  I  returned  the 
money,  while  you " 

"  Look  out,  my  fine  fellow.    I  advise  you  to  shut  up. " 

"  Shut  up ?  And  why,  pray?  Because  I'm  a  mountebank  at 
a  fair  ?  But  pray,  what  are  you,  sir  ?  You  come  and  wrestle 
with  mountebanks,  and  you  don't  disdain  to  give  five  napoleons 
to  your  antagonist,  so  that  he  may  let  you  throw  him.  As  you 
have  bet  a  thousand  to  your  friends,  you  have  nine  hundred  and 
ninety-five  clear  profit.  So  which  is  the  greater  thief  of  us 
two  ?  " 

D'Albigny  was  livid,  while  the  Hercules  stood  in  the  middle 
of  the  arena  laughing  and  by  no  means  ill-pleased  that  the 
clown  should  have  pubhcly  revealed  his  secret  understanding 
with  the  amateur. 

"  Just  prevent  that  buffoon  of  yours  from  insulting  this  gentle- 
man, "  cried  Nana. 

'*  Excuse  me,  my  fine  lady,  but  that  wasn't  in  our  agreement. 
As  the  gentleman  is  so  strong,  he  can  surely  cause  himself  to  be 
respected  without  my  help. " 

Nana's  other  admirers  had  vanished  as  soon  as  she  had 
appealed  to  them  to  protect  her.  "Let  us  go;  I've  enough  of 
it,"  said  the  Marquis  D'Albigny.  "  And  as  for  you,  you  scamp 
of  a  buffoon,  I  advise  you  to  clear  off,  if  you  don't  want  to  go  to 

''  To  jail,  I  ?  And  what  for,  pray  ?  You  had  much  better  be 
there  both  of  you.  To  Mazas  with  the  marquis  !  So  St.  Lazare 
with  the  harlot !  " 

D'Albigny  did  not  hear  the  buffoon's  last  words.  A  formidable 
jeer  arose  from  the  seats  of  the  booth.  "  That's  enough,  that's 
enough !    Turn  them  out !  "  howled  the  pubhc. 

"  It's  scandalous !  So  honest  people  can  bo  insulted  witb 
impimity  under  your  Republic !  "  cried  a  gentleman  with  well- 
waxed  mustaches,  who  was  standing  on  a  bench.  "  Why  aren't 
aU  the  blackguards  sent  to  New  Caledonia  ?  " 

"  Excuse  me,  sir;  but  whom  do  you  caU  blackguards  here?  " 
asked  the  Hercules. 

"  I  was  not  speaking  to  you, "  replied  the  man  with  the  pointed 
mustache,  diving  down  into  the  crowd  like  a  jack-in-the-box 
who  has  had  the  lid  shut  on  him. 

"  That's  all  I  wanted  to  know,"  rejoined  the  professional  with 
a  loud  laugh. 

Since  the  departure  of  the  tawny-haired  woman,  Face-to- 
Smack  had  approached  Andreo  and  offered  her  a  jam  tart  which 
he  had  bought  of  the  pastry-cook  outside. 

nana's  daughter.  33 

"  Thank  you,  Mr.  Face-to — "  She  paused,  hesitating  to 
finish  this  name  which  seemed  to  her  hardly  a  complimentary 
one  for  the  strange  friend  she  had  met. 

"  Oh,  you  can  call  me  Face-to-Smack.  It  makes  no  difference. 
I'm  used  to  it.  My  httle  girl  would  just  he  as  old  as  you  are, 
my  darling. " 

A  tear  started  from  his  eye,  and  left  a  hlack  mark  on  his  pallid, 
sunken  cheek.  Andree  also  felt  a  strange  emotion  on  being  so 
kindly  spoken  to  by  this  poor  clown,  who  but  a  moment  before 
had  so  roughly  humiliated  a  nobleman. 

"Attention,  Mr.  Face-to-Smack,"  bawled  the  Hercules, 
sunmiouing  the  buffoon.     "  I  want  your  help  here." 

The  performance  continued  with  the  exercises  of  the  brothers 
Fiotto,  two  twins  of  the  same  age  as  Andree.  At  first  they 
amused  themselves  in  trying  their  skill  and  leaping  from  the 
trapeze  through  paper  circles,  which  the  Hercules  threw  to  the 
clown,  and  which  the  latter  held  on  a  level  with  his  head. 

"Travelers  for  the  moon,  all  aboard!"  cried  the  buffoon, 
imitating  a  railway  porter. 

The  crowd  thought  it  very  funny,  and  laughed  noisily. 
Besides,  the  two  little  acrobats  were  very  clever.  But  at  the 
last  round  one  of  them  failed  in  his  spring  from  the  trapeze, 
and  fell  head  first  onto  the  ground  with  great  force.  He  lay 
there,  stretched  on  his  back,  pale  and  bleeding  fi'om  both  the 
nose  and  the  mouth.  The  performance  was  necessarily  inter- 
rupted ;  and  several  worthy  people,  who  would  have  been  the 
first  to  complain  of  the  tyranny  of  the  authorities  if  there  had 
been  proper  police  surveillance  in  the  booth,  began  to  declare  that 
it  was  disgraceful  to  allow  such  horrid  sights,  and  that  the  govern- 
ment ought  to  prevent  all  things  of  the  kind.  When  the  little 
fellow  had  been  picked  up,  and  taken  into  the  dressmg-room 
the  Hercules  came  to  apologize  and  state  that,  on  account  of  the 
accident,  it  was  impossible  to  continue  the  performance.  The 
•pubUc  accordingly  trooped  out  of  the  booth. 

The  clown  then  returned  to  Andree,  who  had  not  left  her 
seat.  "You  can  go  away  now,  little  one,"  said  he.  "It't 
your  place  here. " 

"  But  tell  me,  Mr.  Clown,  did  the  one  who  fell  hurt  himself 
very  much  ?"  asked  Andree. 

"  Oh,  no !  Only  he's  going  to  have  his  licking.  Come,  go 

The  darkness  was  coming  on  in  the  empty  booth.  Outside, 
the  shows  and  stalls  were  being  lighted  up,  and  through  the 
striped  sailcloth  one  could  see  the  yellow  glimmer  of  theii 
lamps.  In  the  direction  of  the  mountebanks'  dressing-room, 
Andree  heard  the  Hercules  harshly  sajing:  "  Here,  come  here, 
I  must  give  you  your  hcking. "    Whereupon,  a  sobbing,  childish 

34  nana's  daughter. 

voice  replied:  "  Oh,  pray,  sir,  pray  don't  beat  me  to-day;  IVe 
so  hurt  myself." 

"  A  good  drubbing  will  set  you  right  again,  you  httle  scamp. 
Here,  take  that!" 

Then  there  was  a  sound  of  blows,  and  a  child  beggingly  cried ; 
"  Let  me  ofl",  master,  this  once ;   let  me  off  for  to-day ! " 

''There,  scamp,"  rejoined  the  Hercules,  ''take  that,  you 
clumsy  brat,  and  that,  you  spoil-trade,  and  that,  you  good-for- 
nothing.  That'll  teach  you  to  dishonor  my  company. "  And 
at  each  harsh  epithet,  one  could  hear  the  thud  of  a  blow  strik- 
ing the  poor  little  chap. 

"You  hear?"  said  the  buffoon  to  Andree.  "That's  how 
stolen  children  are  treated  here.  Be  off  and  make  haste.  Do 
you  want  to  stop  to  be  whipped  ?    Come,  off  you  go. " 

Andree  had  risen  to  her  feet.  She  was  greatly  distressed  and 
wanted  to  take  the  buffoon  away  with  her.  "  Come  with  me, 
Mr.  Face " 

"  Face-to-Smack,  out  with  it;  it's  no  matter.  But  I  can't  go. 
I  must  stop  here. " 

"  But  he'll  beat  you,  too." 

"  Oh,  me !  It's  only  for  fun ;  just  because  the  well-dressed 
folks  burst  out  laughing  when  they  see  a  clown  thrashed.  So 
then  I  say  to  the  guv'nor  :  'Hit  again,  old  man ,  hit  in  earnest.' 
And  he  gives  me  a  drubbing,  enough  to  break  me  in  two.  You 
see,  little  one,  I  must  earn  my  Uving.  By-the-way,  where  do 
you  live?  I  shan't  call  on  your  parents,  for  I  can't  go  into 
society.  I  don't  belong  to  society  any  longer,  I'm  a  clown,  I'm 
Face-to-Smack,  I'm  anything  you  hke  except  somebody." 

While  speaking  the  buffoon  had  taken  Aiidree's  hand,  and 
led  her  out  of  the  booth.  Night  was  already  spreading  over 
the  park.  The  last  gleams  of  sunset  were  fading  away,  and 
the  stars  peered  forth  in  clustering  constellations,  twinkling  in 
the  far-reaching  breadth  of  celestial  space.  The  buffoon  halted 
and  listened.  "  He  has  finished  beating  him.  Besides  he 
wouldn't  kill  his  goose  with  the  golden  eggs ;  and  he  isn't  such 
a  brute  as  he  seems. " 

"  I  live  in  the  Rue  Crozatier, "  replied  Andree  Naviel  in 
answer  to  the  question  previously  asked  of  her  by  her  friend, 
the  clown.    "  Come  and  see  us." 

"  But  I  tell  you  I  can't,  httle  one, "  he  replied  bitterly.  "  Only 
when  I  pass  that  way,  I'll  look  at  the  house.  And  if  you  are 
at  the  wiodow,  I  shall  see  you.  But  you  couldn't  recognize  me 
in  plain  clothes.  No  matter,  I  shall  see  you.  Come,  good-bye. 
Take  the  boat  near  the  bridge." 

"  Good-bye,  Mr.  Clown,"  said  Andrde. 

"  "Would  you  do  something  to  please  me  before  we  part  ?" 


"  Then  let  me  kiss  you." 

nana's  daughter.  35 


The  clown's  tall,  slender  figure  bent  down,  and  he  kissed 
Audree  passionately,  with  a  strange  warmth  that  caused  her 
great  emotion.  And  then  he  darted  off  as  if  ho  had  stolen 
something,  and  left  her  by  herself  in  the  vast  black  park,  where 
the  dense  shade  was  scarcely  reUeved  by  the  gleams  of  the 
stalls  and  the  round-abouts,  now  illuminating  for  the  evening 

The  exhibitor  of  the  Queen  of  Beauty  stood  on  the  threshold 
of  his  traveling  cart,  and  still  called  out :  "  Don't  pass  without 
seeing  Irma.  Don't  die  without  seeing  Irma,  the  queen  of 
beauty,  who  makes  every  woman  jealous,  and  turns  every  man's 
head.  Walk  up  I  Walk  up !  The  prettiest  girl  in  the  world  for 
two  sous!" 

Audree  again  began  longing  to  be  Irma,  the  queen  of  beauty. 
This  festive  scene  now  being  illimiinated,  the  lovers  strolling  in 
couples  under  the  shade  of  the  chestnut  trees — everything 
strangely  troubled  her ;  even  the  distant  rotation  of  the  round- 
abouts, where  pretty  girls  leaned  back,  showing  their  ankles 
and  laughing  merrily,  while  yoimg  swells,  astride  on  the  wooden 
horses,  sang  La  Fille  Angot  in  chorus,  with  shriU  voices  like 
those  of  seragho  guards. 

However,  Andree  left  the  park.  The  Naviels  must  be 
alarmed  by  her  disappearance,  and  she  must  return  home.  As 
she  passed  in  front  of  the  Tete  Noir  restaurant  she  heard  some 
one  speaking  in  a  private  room,  and  she  recognized  the  voice  of 
the  Marquis  d'Albigny,  who  was  exclaiming  in  a  loud  tone: 
"  Gentlemen,  I  propose  the  health  of  Nana.  I  drink  to  the 
queen  of  the  day !  " 

The  steamboat,  coming  from  Suresnes,  was  making  for  the 
quay  to  take  up  fresh  passeugers.  Andree  hastened  on  board, 
and  soon  the  boat  set  off  again  toward  Paris,  Jthe  growing 
brightness  of  which  could  be  distinguished  on  the  horizon. 


Shortly  after  this  childish  freak  Andrea's  mother  took  her 
to  work  at  M.  Paillardon's  artificial  flower  estabhshment,  and 
as  she  was  already  a  skiUful  mounter  he  agreed  to  pay  her  at 
once.  Perpetual  toil  and  absolute  privation  of  pleasure, 
brought  about  a  strange  and  disquieting  i)hase  of  pietism  in  her 
nature.  Her  mind  took  a  mystical  turu.  She  spent  her  spare 
time  in  chiuches,  and  at  vespers  on  Simdays  she  was  plimged 
into  ecstacy  by  the  fugues  of  the  grand  organ,  the  severe  mon- 
otony of  the  psalm  singing,  and  the  crystalline  purity  of  the 
soprano  voices  soaring  above  the  deep-toned  notes  of  the  bassi. 

36  nana's  daughter. 

It  was  with  a  kind  of  ethereal  sensuahty  that  she  inhaled  the 
perfume  of  the  incense  as  it  shrouded  the  great  gold  cross  on 
the  high  altar  in  blue  spirals,  rising  amid  the  flashing  stained 
glass  windows  toward  the  vaulted  roof.  The  idea  of  death  did 
not  cause  her  any  great  alarm.  It  was  evident  that  the  lords  of 
creation  must  have  some  other  destiny  than  a  mere  hole  in  the 
ground.  She  loved  to  exaggerate  the  importance  of  the  human 
"  I,"  and  pictured  in  her  mind  a  world  of  hght,  harmony  and 
love,  where  all  lost  friends  were  found  again  amid  the  serenity 
of  endless  joy.  And  it  was  there  she  would  see  poor  Face-to- 
Smack  again,  the  Ul-used  clown,  whom  the  Hercules  would  heat 
no  longer. 

At  this  thought  she  was  seized  with  a  growing  disgust  of  life, 
with  deep  sadness  as  to  her  present  state,  and  with  an  intense 
longing  to  fly  away  elsewhere.  She  sat  for  long  hours  in  the 
work-room  without  speaking  a  word  to  her  companions,  hut 
hving  apart  in  an  imaginary  world,  lost  as  it  were  in  a  dis- 
turbing state  of  spirituahsm,  and  absorbed  in  a  singular  kind  of 
bigotry.  The  other  girls  derided  her,  and  in  this  psychological 
condition,  Andree — isolated  by  her  fancies  for  the  infinite,  and 
yearnings  for  unmortal  blessedness — failed  to  make  a  single 
friend  among  her  companions.  The  latter,  who  only  thought  of 
enjoyment  in  the  present  world,  called  her  a  little  fool,  and  as 
she  made  them  no  confidential  statements  they  were  equally 
reticent  with  her.  However,  M.  Paillardin  held  her  in  high 
esteem.  She  worked  more  and  better  than  the  other  girls,  dis- 
playing all  her  innate  tastefulness  and  exquisite  intuition  of 
natme.  Indeed  at  the  end  of  two  years  she  became  the  first 
mounter  in  the  work-room. 

She  was  then  approaching  her  thirteenth  birthday.  She  had 
suddenly  grown  and  acquired  womanly  stature.  Although  still 
thin  and  pale  owing  to  the  life  she  led,  her  form  nevertheless 
began  to  develop,  and  swift  flashes,  like  the  first  gleams  of 
mternal  fire,  darted  from  luider  the  silken  lashes  of  her  big  blue 
eyes.  Her  hair,  of  a  ruddy,  golden  tinge,  had  rapidly  grown 
long,  without  losing  aught  of  its  fine  texture.  It  now  fell  to  her 
knees,  and  it  was  a  feast  for  the  eyes  to  see  it  roll  down  in  all 
the  splendor  of  its  tawny  undulations.  She  was  proud  of  this  true 
feminine  adornment.  She  had  no  other  wealth  than  this  living 
gold,  which,  had  she  died,  she  would  have  besought  her  mother 
to  cut  off  and  keep  in  memory  of  her.  However,  despite  her 
funereal  fancies,  vitality  affirmed  itself  by  an  increase  of  vigor, 
her  form  exi)anded,  and  the  blood  coursed  more  warmly  under 
her  white  skin. 

When  Andree  reached  her  fourtecth  birthday  she  was  no 
longer  a  child.  She  abruptly  abandoned  the  churches  she  had 
been  so  fond  of  and  her  mystical  fancies  flew  away  like  yellow 
leaves  at  the  first  breeze  of  autumn.    She  all  at  once  became 

nana's  daughter.  37 

gnj,  coquctiish  and  fdiid  of  admiration,  altliouf^li  strictly 
virtuous.  Around  her  siyii(>d  and  lluttcrcd  a  considerable  num- 
ber of  clerks,  customers  and  speculators  who  called  on  business 
at  the  establishment  of  Messrs.  I'aillardiu  &  Co.,  the  most 
prominent  artificial  liower  merchants  in  the  whole  Faubourg  St, 
Martin.  This  sudden  success  caused  great  jealousy  among  her 
companions,  who  were  furious  that  all  the  compliments  should 
bo  bestowed  upon  "Mademoiselle  Andree, "  for  she  was  no 
longer  unceremoniously  called  ''  Andree  ";  even  M,  Paillardin, 
hiiiiself,  addressed  her  as  "  Mademoiselle." 

The  artificial  flower  merchant  was  a  hardened  bachelor,  who, 
although  fifty  years  of  age,  still  looked  at  a  little  distance  as  if 
he  were  yet  in  the  thirties.  Merely  a  few  white  hairs  streaked 
his  thickset  whiskers,  and  his  abundant  brush-like  capillament 
was  barely  turning  gray.  However,  the  abuse  of  tobacco  had 
spoilt  his  teeth,  which  had  assumed  a  nasty,  yellowish  tinge. 
This  was  the  chief  sign  of  physical  decay  about  him.  His 
short,  thick  hands  —  with  hairy  fingers  indicative  of  strength, 
and  nails  which  he  was  always  biting — flashed  with  the  many 
diamond  rings  he  wore.  He  had  broad,  flat  feet  and  a  promi- 
nent stomach,  and  whenever  he  sat  down  he  kept  his  thighs  far 
apart  so  as  to  spread  his  hands  and  his  jewels  over  his  massive 
knees.  He  had  a  glutton's  face  streaked  with  violet  veins,  and 
a  short,  round  nose  striated  with  capillary  cells.  His  prominent 
imder  lip  bespoke  all  the  appetites  of  a  fast  liver,  unconquered 
by  five-and-twenty  years  of  work,  which  had  been  enlivened, 
by-the-way,  with  many  a  big  spread  and  joyous  bout.  Withal, 
not  a  disagreeable  man,  generous  with  women  and  apt  to  give 
them  a  good  deal  whenever,  on  their  side,  they  were  disposed  to 
sacrifice  everything. 

It  was  one  Friday,  that  he,  for  the  first  time,  paid  any  atten- 
tion to  Andree's  beauty.  A  bridal  wreath  which  was  to  bo 
delivered  the  same  evening  was  just  ready.  The  garland  of 
orange  blossoms  looked  very  charmmg  and  very  natural.  M. 
Paillardiu  had  commissioned  Andree  to  mount  it,  having  abso- 
lute confidence  in  her  instinctive  taste,  and  she  had  disposed  the 
flowers  most  artistically  amid  the  fresh,  twining  foliage.  Her 
companions  were  extremely  jealous  of  the  preference  shown 
her,  and  as  they  sat  around  the  table  they  indulged  in  simdry 
suggestive  witticisms,  to  which  Mademoiselle  Naviel  and  her 
mother  at  first  paid  no  attention. 

Among  the  girls  present  there  was  a  little  brunette  with  bright 
eyes  and  sensual  lips — said  to  be  Paillardin's  mistress,  a  charge 
she  by  no  means  denied — and  whose  ready,  backbiting  tongue 
exercised  great  influence  over  the  other  girls.  She  was  called 
Margot,  just  like  a  magpie;  and  what  with  her  artful,  little, 
dark  face,  her  black  eyes  as  piercing  as  gimlets,  and  her  endless 

38  nana's  daughter. 

chatter,  the  name  was  by  no  means  misplaced.    There  was 
really  somewhat  of  the  magpie's  cunning  and  malice  about  her. 

"  Don't  you  think,"  she  suddenly  insinuated,  "  that  M.  Pail- 
lardin  made  a  happy  choice  in  selecting  Mademoiselle  Andree  to 
mount  the  wreatM  " 

The  other  girls  looked  up  but  refrained  from  answering  this 
question  asked  of  them  point  blank,  for  they  knew  very  well 
that  Margot  was  quite  capable  of  reporting  any  criticism  to 
their  employer.  However,  Madame  Naviel  had  heard  the 
brimette,  and  understood  her  meaning.  "  How  is  that,  Margot?" 
she  quietly  asked. 

"  Wliy  it's  very  simple,  Madame  Naviel,"  answered  the  mag- 
pie. "  There  is  only  one  person  here  worthy  of  orange  blossom. 
Isn't  that  so,  my  dears'?" 

This  statement  did  not  meet  with  a  favorable  reception  and 
there  were  several  protests.  "  What  do  you  take  us  for,  Mar- 
got?"  asked  some  of  the  bolder  girls. 

"Oh!  come  now,  you  are  not  hypocritical  enough  to  pretend 
to  be  maidens,  and  I  would  willingly  bet  there  is  only  one 
among  us  who " 

'*  Oh,  Margot!"  interrupted  Madame  Naviel.  "You  ought 
to  be  ashamed  of  yourself.  The  idea  of  proclaiming  before 
every  one  that  you,  yourself " 

"Me?  Wlio's  speaking  of  me?  I  simply  said  that  there  is 
only  one  real  maiden  here;  and  I  didn't  say  that  it  wasn't 

"  What!  do  you  think  that  Andree " 

"Pooh!  Andree's  only  a  child  as  yet,  Madame  Naviel;  let 
her  get  a  bit  older  and  sharpen  her  wits.  You'll  see  how  she'll 
grow  wings  and  fly  off!  But  just  now  I  won't  say  I  don't 
beheve  in  her  innocence ;  and  if  it  were  a  question  of  proclaim- 
ing her  '  rosiere,'*  I'd  willingly  vote  in  her  favor.  Besides  I'm 
sure  that  orange  blossom  becomes  her.  Just  try  on  the  wreath 
to  see." 

Madame  Naviel,  whose  maternal  feelings  were  somewhat 
hurt,  rose  from  her  chair  and  replied:  "Well,  we  will  do  so. 
Put  on  the  wreath  Andree,  but  first  of  all  unfasten  your 
tresses. " 

Andr6e  rapidly  loosened  her  long  undulating  locks,  which  fell 
over  her  shoulders,  and  then  she  set  the  bridal  wreath  upon  her 
golden  head. 

It  was  the  month  of  June,  and  the  radiant  sunlight  streamed 
through  three  large  curtainlcss  windows  into  the  room.  Stand- 
ing in  the  full  light,  in  the  first  bloom  of  maidenhood,  Andree 

*The  name  of  rosiere  is  given  to  the  young  girls,  who  in  various  French  villages 
are  rewarded  for  their  modesty  and  good  conduct  with  crowns  of  virtue  and  small 
marriage  portions. — Trans. 

nana's  daughter.  3$ 

raised  her  arms  to  gather  up  her  hair  behind  her  neck,  and  the 
movement  showed  off  her  gracefuUy-cm-vcd  arms  and  firmly-set 
bosom.  At  this  moment  M.  Paillardiu,  whom  Margot  had  art- 
fully warned,  abruptly  entered  the  room ;  and  at  sight  of  this 
luminous  apparition  he  stopped  short,  seized  with  sudden  admi- 

"  How  old  is  your  daughter?"  ho  asked  Madame  Naviel. 

"  Fourteen,  Monsieur  Paillardin, "  replied  the  mother. 

"  Eh,  eh !  do  you  know  she  almost  looks  like  a  yoimg  woman? 
You  must  be  careftil  now  —  and  particularly  so  with  these  girls. 
I  know  something  about  it,  and  beheve  me,  girls  are  always 
ready  to  corrupt  one  another.  You  would  do  better  to  trust  her 
to  an  old  rake  like  myself  than  to  Margot,  for  instance. 
Mademoiselle  Andree,  I  must  compliment  you.  The  wreath  is 
perfect,  and  you  deserve  a  reward.  If  your  mother  will  allow 
it,  I'll  take  you  to  the  theater  this  evening.  I  have  a  box  for 
the  Bouffes,  and  after  the  performance  I  will  drive  you  home  in 
my  carriage." 

On  hearing  this  sudden  proposal,  Madame  Naviel  hesitated 
what  to  answer,  and  M.  Paillardin  noticed  it.  "  Come,  Madame 
Naviel,"  said  he,  good-naturedly.  "  Haven't  you  any  confidence 
in  me  ?  You  know  very  well  that  there  are  enough  girls  here 
and  elsewhere,  who  don't  ask  better ;  and  I  shouldn't  be  such  a 
rascal  as  to  trifle  with  a  child  like  your  Andree. " 

"  Margot  was  enraged,  and  the  others  had  flushed  crimson  on 
hearing  their  employer's  brutal  words.  Madame  Naviel,  who 
felt  somewhat  reassured,  did  not  dare  to  refuse  for  fear  of  vexing 
M.  Paillardin.  And  so  Andree  speedily  hastened  home  to  put 
on  her  Sunday  clothes. 

It  was  about  seven  o'clock  when  she  returned.  The  valet 
ushered  her  into  the  drawing-room  and  politely  requested  her 
to  wait  a  moment.  His  master,  he  said,  would  be  ready  in  less 
than  five  minutes.  It  seemed  to  Andree  as  if  she  was  soaring  in 
a  sphere  of  joy.  She  was  about  to  ride  in  a  real  carriage,  and  see 
a  play  from  a  private  box,  for  the  first  time.  But  then,  when 
the  performance  was  over,  would  she  not  see  the  curtain  fall 
upon  the  luminous  scene,  and  would  not  the  recollection  of  a  few 
hours  spent  among  luxurious  surroundings  make  the  burden  of 
daily  toil  unbearable?  However,  this  thought  did  not  linger  in 
her  mind,  for  a  servant  entered  and  announced  that  the 
brougham  was  waitmg.  Paillardin  was  putting  on  a  pair  of 
light  gloves.  He  had  chosen  them  of  the  same  shade  as 
Andree's.  He  called  her  attention  to  the  point  as  the  carriage 
whirled  away  toward  the  Bouffes,  and  added :  "  It's  so  that 
people  may  think  you  are  my  little  wife.  Do  you  hear,  my  little 
beauty?    Ah  !  if  you  only  knew " 

He  had  unaffectedly  passed  his  arm  round  Andree's  waist,  and 


leaninpf  forward,  he  kissed  her  on  the  forehead  before  she  could 
prevent  him. 

Andree  had  no  knowledge  of  life,  and  love  had  not  as  yet 
appealed  to  her  mind.  She  was  both  mentally  and  physically  a 
\irgin ;  and  so  she  did  not  reahze  he/  peril  when  she  felt  this 
man's  arm  aromid  her  waist  and  his  hot  breath  on  her  cheek. 
Nature  had  so  far  taught  her  nothing,  and  Paillardin's  audacity 
barely  disturbed  her.  In  her  secret  heart  she,  perhaps,  felt  a 
coquettish  pride  at  being  admired  by  a  wealthy  man  like  him- 
self, with  a  carriage  and  servants  in  livery.  Still  she  knew 
from  Madame  Naviel  that  if  a  woman  wishes  to  be  respected 
she  must  init  a  stop  to  all  amorous  enterprises.  So,  without 
showuig  any  ridiculous  fright,  she  settled  herself  in  the  corner 
of  the  carriage.  ' 

"  You  know  very  well, "  she  said,  with  a  touch  of  girhsh  irony, 
"  that  I  can't  be  your  wife.  I'm  both  too  young  and  too  poor 
for  you." 

"  So  my  gray  hair  frightens  you,  Andrde ;  but  can't  you  imder- 
stand  that  a  man  of  my  age  loves  more  and  better  than  another  i 
You  are  not  aware  that  yoimg  fellows  especially  love  their  own 
little  persons  and  their  own  foolish  vanity.  If  you  shared  my 
hfe,  my  pretty  one  —  I  don't  say  now,  but  in  two  or  three  years' 
time  —  I  would  engage  to  settle  your  parents  comfortably,  and 
procure  you  aU  the  enjoyments  of  a  queen.  All  Paris  would 
talk  kbout  your  dresses  and  your  carriages.  We  would  travel 
about  like  a  pair  of  lovers,  and  I  would  love  you  like  you  will 
never  be  loved  by  any  one  else. " 

"  That  dream  can't  be  realized,  sir,"  said  Andree. 

The  brougham  stopped.  The  footman  opened  the  door  and 
Paillardin  alighted  the  first  to  offer  his  hand  to  the  young  girl. 
At  that  moment  a  stylish  landau,  with  coachman  and  footman 
in  a  blue  livery,  drew  up  close  by.  A  golden-haired  woman, 
extremely  beautiful  and  sparkling  with  jewels,  sprang  out  onto 
the  asphalt,  and  took  the  arm  of  a  well-dressed  gentleman  with 
a  decoration  at  his  button-hole.  Perceiving  Andree  standing 
in  the  gaslight,  in  the  vestibule  of  the  theater,  she  looked  at  her 
and  exclaimed  in  a  loud  voice :  "  Do  you  see  that  girl,  d'Albigny? 
She's  as  much  like  me  as  if  she  were  my  daughter. " 

"  The  deuce,"  replied  d'Albigny.  "  But  if  that  were  the  case 
you  might  be  a  grandmother,  my  dear," 


NDR^E  immediately  raised  her  head,    Where  had  she  seen 
tnat  golden-haired  woman  before  ?    At  this  moment  Pahlardin 
leaned  toward  her  and  whispered:  "  That's  Nana?  " 
"  Ah!  I  recollect, "  murmured  the  young  girl  with  a  shudder. 

nana's  daughter.  41 

Tho  first  pioro  had  just  finished  as  thoy  reached  the  grand 
tier  where  Paillardiii  iiad  engaged  a  four-seat  box.  Nana  on 
her  side  occupied  a  proscenium  box  with  the  marquis,  and,  when 
she  entered,  a  murmur  of  admiration  ran  round  the  house.  Her 
reign  of  beauty  had  histed  for  fifteen  years  already.  But  time 
had  shpped  along  without  setting  its  fingers  on  tho  devil's  master- 
piece. Ironical,  insolent  and  fatal,  her  authority  increased  each 
day  in  the  world  of  vice.  She  loved  D'Albigny  as  a  woman  of  her 
kind  could  love.  They  were  attracted  toward  each  other  by 
their  common  depravation :  D'Albigny  completed  Nana. 

She  had  ruined  the  marquis,  but  he  hved  in  her  house,  where 
fetes  were  constantly  given.  And  each  entertainment  was  a 
pretext  for  gambling,  at  which  D'Albigny  and  Nana  went  part- 
ners, winning  persistently.  In  fact,  the  marquis  invariably  had 
the  most  insolent  good  luck,  and  he  had  acquired  a  perfect  rep- 
utation for  infallibility  at  the  Bourse,  where  he  speculated  with 
Nana's  funds,  turning  them  to  remarkably  good  account.  The 
opulent  splendor  of  her  mansion  had  become  something  fabulous; 
and  ministers,  generals,  and  ambassadors  attended  her  kettle- 
drums, concerts,  and  charity  fetes.  Bent  on  maintaining  her 
supremacy  she  had  studied  music  and  learned  three  foreign  lan- 
guages, so  that  she  now  sang  hke  Madame  Krauss,  and  could 
have  sold  the  secrets  of  Franco  to  Bismarck  —  in  German. 

During  the  years  which  had  just  elapsed,  French  society  had 
been  afflicted  with  a  terrible  disease  —  the  Second  Empire. 
Aristocracy,  middle  and  lower  classes,  women,  men,  bodies, 
consciences,  all  were  venal.  Entire  Paris  might  have  worn  a 
label  bearing  the  inscription  "For  Sale."  And,  meanwhile, 
Nana's  fair  head  and  disturbing  smile  rose  high  above  the  wreck 
of  honesty.  It  was  she,  indeed,  who  set  the  fashions.  Virtuous 
women  imitated  her  toilets,  but  without  being  able  to  equal  her 
luxury ;  and  no  wonder,  for  China,  India,  Japan,  sent  her  their 
most  costly  fabrics  and  most  precious  jewels. 

One  day  a  rajah  left  a  million  francs'  worth  of  diamonds  at 
her  mansion.  But  she  sent  them  back  to  him,  whereupon  he 
returned  and  oflferod  her  all  his  jewels,  all  his  wealth ;  a  casket  full 
of  black  pearls,  his  priceless  aigrette  of  rubies,  his  massive  gold 
bracelets  studded  with  emeralds,  his  flashing  rings  —  everythtug, 
indeed,  even  to  his  curved  saber  with  its  hilt  encrusted  with  sap- 
phires. To  please  him  she  laughingly  accepted  the  gift,  and  a  week 
afterward  she  turned  him  out  of  her  house.  As  for  the  brace- 
lets, she  sold  the  gold  to  the  Mint  to  be  turned  into  coinage,  and 
sent  the  emeralds  to  Fontana  to  set  them  as  a  diadem. 

However,  the  Empire  had  come  and  gone,  the  Republic  had 
been  re-establi.shed,  and  still  Nana  reigned.  Since  she  had 
begun  to  patronize  the  Bouffes  every  one  followed  her  there. 
And  this  evening  the  entire  house  watched  her,  noting  her  slight- 
est gestures  and  ready  to  acclaim  her  as  if  she  had  been  a  queen. 
Nana's  Daughter  3. 

42  NANAi   DAUGHTEi^.. 

It  was  with  a  proud  smile  that  she  acknowledged  the  distant 
bows  of  the  young  "  mashers  "  whom  she  recognized  in  the  stalls, 
and  who  had  more  or  less  squandered  their  fortunes  at  her  fetes. 
The  "  real  ladies"  among  the  authence  tried  to  imitate  this  smile 
of  her's,  looking  at  themselves  in  the  mirrors  hanging  in  their 
boxes.  Nana's  smile  passed  indeed  like  a  hghtning  flash  over 
the  assv^mhled  spectators,  and  illuminated  even  the  darkest 

Andrde  recollected  now.  She  had  seen  her  in  the  wrestler's 
booth  on  the  day  of  her  freak  at  Saint  Cloud.  And  she  recog- 
nized the  gentleman,  too,  the  titled  amateiu",  who  had  won  nine 
hundred  and  ninety-five  napoleons  in  the  bet,  exposed  by  Face- 
to-Smack.  At  thought  of  Face-to-Smack,  the  beaten  and  yet 
contented  clown,  so  thin  and  yet  so  kind,  her  heart  strangely 
softened.  He  appeared  to  her  radiant  in  his  white  costume. 
She  had  long  awaited  him,  thinking  each  morning  that  she  would 
see  him  look  up  at  her  window,  or  pass  before  the  door  of  the 
house  she  hved  in,  according  to  his  promise ;  but  he  had  never 
come.  Perhaps  he  was  dead  by  now  1  At  this  idea  her  heart 
fairly  melted. 

M.  Paillardin,  who  was  absorbed  in  his  admiration  of  Nana, 
forgot  Andree  for  the  time  being.  His  parvenu's  blood  warmed 
with  brutal  adoration  for  the  harlot  who  was  enthroned  under  a 
velvet  dais,  amid  a  scintillation  of  jewels,  hke  a  madonna 
crowned  with  stars.  No  glasses  were  levelled  at  Andree's  simple 
beauty ;  but  she  cared  little  about  this,  as  she  was  absorbed  in 
the  recollections  which  the  sight  of  Nana  had  awakened.  "  Poor 
Face-to-Smack !  "  she  muttered.  Then  suddenly  the  cm"tain 
rose,  and  her  thoughts  returned  from  travehng  through  the 
distant  past. 

All  Paris  at  that  time  went  to  see  Madame  Judic  and  hear 
Madame  Peschard  in  the  Timbale  cP Argent.  The  piece  contained 
a  serenade,  which  Peschard  sang  remarkably  well.  As  for  Judic, 
she  spoke  her  verses  with  suggestive  reticence  and  artful  by- 
play, like  a  school-girl  who  knows  more  than  she  dare  con- 
fess—  and  this  new  style  fairly  revolutionized  the  pubhc,  which 
had  had  a  surfeit  of  musical  coarseness  and  dirty  absurdities 
imder  the  Emjure. 

Andree  was  greatly  interested  in  what  took  place  on  the  stage, 
but  every  now  and  then  Nana  attracted  her  attention.  The 
queen  of  vice  amused  herself  by  emphasizing  Judic's  success, 
and  called  out  with  an  Italian  accent :  "Brava!  Braval  Judic," 
between  each  verse.  Thanks  to  her  the  final  stanza  was 

However,  Nana  could  afford  to  act  generously,  for  she  was 
sure  of  her  own  power.  During  the  entr'acte,  her  box  filled  with 
a  court  of  middle-aged,  serious-looking  men,  wearing  decora- 
tions at  their  button-holes,  and  almost  all  of  whom  had  left  some 

nana's  daughter.  43 

lady  to  pay  their  respects  to  a  harlot.  A  sensation  was  caused 
by  the  appoaranco  of  Stog,  the  Director  of  tho  Postal  Service, 
and  tho  German  Prince  of  AluUiauscn,  two  of  Nana's  new 
adorers.  They  affDcs^  a  certain  stillness  with  D'Albigny,  who 
was  tolerated,  however,  on  account  of  his  position  as  "  prince 

For  a  minute  or  two  Nina's  mind  and  eyes  had  been  absorbed 
in  contemplation  of  Andreo,  "  Who  are  you  looking  at  like 
that,  my  dear  I"  asked  the  marquis. 

"At  that  young  girl  over  there  —  beside  that  stout  fellow. 
Ton  know  who  I  mean  —  the  girl  who  came  in  at  the  same  time 
as  us.     I  am  greatly  puzzled  by  her  likeness  to  myself. " 

Nana's  courtiers  immediately  directed  their  attention  to  Pail- 
lardin's  box,  and  D'Albigny  exclaimed :  "  'Pon  my  word,  it's 

At  once  the  whole  house  turned  toward  the  young  girl.  Heads 
and  glasses  were  raised,  and  an  electric  current  of  admiration 
sped  through  this  assembly  of  biases.  Andree  felt  somewhat 
intimidated,  and  drew  back  so  as  to  be  less  in  view.  Shortly 
afterward,  however,  there  came  a  discreet  knock  at  tho  box 
door,  which  Paillardin  went  to  open.  On  the  threshold  stood 
the  box-opener  with  a  huge  bouquet  of  white  roses  in  her  hand. 
"  I  was  requested  to  give  these  flowers  to  this  young  lady," 
said  the  woman. 

Andree  blushed. 

"Oh!  You  can  take  them,  little  one,"  observed  Paillardin. 
"  They  don't  engage  you  to  anything.  They  are  simply  an 
homage  to  your  beauty,  besides,"  he  added,  drawing  his  head 
up,  "  I'm  here  to  protect  you. " 

Andree,  who  had  risen,  accepted  tho  bouquet,  leaned  forward 
to  inhale  its  perfume,  and  then  sat  down  again,  in  view  of  tho 
audience.  Her  hair  now  flashed  with  renewed  brilUancy  amid 
the  golden  light  shed  by  the  great  luster,  her  deep  eyes  glis- 
tened, and  as  she  raised  her  head  she  seemed  transfigured  by 
the  pleasure  she  derived  from  the  mute  homage  of  these  budding 
roses,  the  symbols  of  her  youth. 

Thereupon  Nana  raised  her  dainty  hands  and  applauded  with 
her  tapering,  gold-spanned  fingers.  She  even  repeated  in  a 
loud  voice  the  remark  she  had  previously  made:  "It's  aston- 
ishing.   One  might  take  her  for  my  daughter. " 

The  whole  house  heard  the  words,  and  there  was  a  growing 
hum  which  sped  fi'om  mouth  to  mouth,  ascending  from  the  stalls 
to  "  paradise. "  "  Nana's  daughter !"  repeated  the  swell  occu- 
pants of  the  boxes.  "  Nana's  daughter !"  the  friezes  re-echoed. 

"  'Pon  my  word,  she's  like  her  ?"  exclaimed  a  masher  who  was 
ogling  Andi-ee  with  an  arrogant  air. 

Even  the  women  leaned  forward  to  see  her,  and  made  compar- 
isons aloud.    Bare  shoulders  with  velvety  sheen  were  displayed 


iu  the  full  light.  And  femmine  comments  in  silvery  voices  could 
be  heard  amid  the  buzz  of  the  swells  in  dress  clothes. 

The  enthusiasm  which  Andree  awakened,  and  which  to 
Paillardin's  mind  reflected  somewhat  on  himself,  made  him  jeal- 
ously gallant  again.  In  his  heart  the  fat  fellow  was  biursting 
with  satisfied  vanity.  He  assumed  all  sorts  of  love-sick  atti- 
tudes, and  approached  very  close  to  Andr6e  so  as  to  whisper 
highly-spiced  things  in  her  ear.  The  suggestive  witticisms  of  the 
piece  had  enlivened  him,  and  Andree's  success  was  fanning  his 
flame.  He  spoke  the  language  of  an  ex-woman-kfller  and 
vaguely  alarmed  the  child,  whose  protector  he  wished  to  seem. 
However,  Andree  laughed  without  understanding  him,  and  her 
charming  laughter  lent  her  a  flash  of  gay  vivacity  which 
increased  her  seductive  power.  Little  by  httle  she  became 
enervated  and  felt  herself  enveloped,  penetrated  by  the  breath 
of  corrupting  admiration.  A  kind  of  hallucination  made  her 
find  everything  good  and  beautifid.  Even  Paillardin  appeared 
to  be  transfigured,  and,  in  spite  of  his  blotched,  apoplectical 
face,  she  no  longer  thought  him  either  so  ugly  or  so  old.  He 
had  had  sufficient  influence  over  her  to  induce  her  to  accept 
that  bouquet,  and  now  he  was  saying  things  which  she  ought 
not  to  have  heard. 

Suddenly,  however,  there  came  a  loud  knock  at  the  box  door. 

*'  Who's  there?"  asked  Paillardin,  impatiently. 

"  It's  I,  Pierre  Naviel, "  replied  a  gruti'  voice. 

"  My  father!"  exclaimed  Andree,  and  she  blushed  as  if  she 
were  in  fault. 

A  workman  with  an  energetic  bronzed  face,  a  broad  sliould- 
ered  colossus  with  frank  eyes  and  a  smile  of  cordial  honesty, 
stood  in  the  light  of  the  passage  outside.  "I've  come  to  fetch 
you,  my  girl, "  he  said  to  Andree. 

The  curtain  was  about  to  rise  again  for  the  third  act,  and 
Andree  would  have  very  much  liked  to  stay. 

"  No,"  added  Pierre  Naviel  with  gentle  firmness.  "  It  isn't 
your  place  here,  and  your  mother  was  wrong " 

On  hearing  this,  Paillardin  wished  to  intervene. 

"  Excuse  me,  sir,"  observed  the  workman,  "  my  girl  owes  you 
all  obedience  in  the  work-room,  but  elsewhere  it's  for  her  father 
to  decide. " 

Andr6e  thereupon  rose  up  and  followed  Pierre  Naviel,  carry- 
ing away  with  her  the  beautifid  bouquet  of  white  roses,  the 
trophy  of  her  ephemereal  triumph.  She  felt  a  pang  of  regret  as 
she  passed  down  the  street  and  saw  the  brougham  waiting.  She 
thought  of  this  first  success  she  owed  to  her  beauty,  and  with 
which  she  was  still  intoxicated.  But  suddenly  a  disturbing 
thought  occurred  to  her:  Whom  had  the  crowd  acclaimed? 
Was  it  Andr6o  Naviel  ? 

No ;  it  was  Nana'a  daughter ! 



"VTnEN  tho  petals  began  to  fall  from  the  bouquet  of  white  rosos, 
standing  on  the  chest  of  drawers,  Andreo  decided  to  remove  the 
faded  llu'.vcrs  and  cut  tho  riijljou  whicli  bomid  them  together. 
As  slie  did  so  a  card  fell  out  —  a  card  bearing  the  name, 
"  Lueien  Despretz,"  with  these  words  written  underneath :  "  To 
virtuous  beauty!"  Whence  came  this  advice  disguised  as  a 
compliment?  She  could  not  tell.  But  at  all  events  her  un- 
known athuiror  ottered  his  x)erfumed  homage  to  Andi'eo  Naviel, 
and  n(jt  to  Nana's  daughter. 

She  preciously  stowed  the  card  away  in  tho  little  box  where 
she  kept  her  secrets,  and  preserved  the  petals  of  the  faded  roses 
in  a  drawer.  Who  could  this  Lueien  Despretz  be  ?  She  knew 
no  one  of  that  name.  She  pictured  to  herself  a  lover  as  hand- 
some as  some  hero  of  romance  —  an  imaginary  Lueien  Despretz, 
who,  according  to  her  fancy,  in  turn  assumed  different  forms. 
Now  ho  was  an  officer  in  a  brilliant  imiform,  tall,  with  a  proud 
bearing,  and  curling  black  mustaches.  Now  again  ho  was 
some  young  writer  or  man  of  science  destined"  to  achieve 
cclel)rity,  and  she  iiictured  him  with  his  head  slightly  bowed  in 
thought,  with  long  hair  waving  back  off  his  lofty  brow,  and  a 
tawny  beard  trimmed  to  a  point. 

But  soon,  thanks  to  her  active  life  of  toil,  her  imagination 
sobered  down,  and  tho  visions  vanished.  She  grew  stouter,  and 
bloomed  in  all  the  pride  of  youthful  beauty.  On  going  up  and 
down  the  stairs  she  had  sometimes  met  a  young  man  of  twenty- 
four  or  thereabouts,  with  closely-cropped  hair  and  a  light  curlj 
beard.  He  had  a  gentlemanly  appearance,  with  clear,  h(mest 
eyes,  and  a  frank,  kind  smile,  saddened  somewhat,  perhaps,  by 
a  shade  of  bitterness  at  tho  corners  of  tho  mouth.  She  had  not 
remarked  anythmg  particular  about  this  young  man,  save  that 
he  was  tall  and  slight  of  build,  and  always  bowed  to  her  mo;;t 
politely,  drawing  aside  as  soon  as  he  perceived  her,  so  as  to  let 
her  pass.  She  knew  that  ho  lived  on  tho  same  flat  as  herself, 
with  his  mother,  who  was  always  dressed  in  black,  and 
whom  she  also  sometimes  met,  but  she  was  ignorant  even  of 
their  name. 

One  evening,  however,  as  she  was  returning  homo  fi-om  the 
work-room,  she  espied  a  card  nailed  on  her  neighbor's  door. 
Tho  house  porter  had  just  lighted  the  gas,  and  Andree  glanced 
at  tho  name  upon  the  card.  She  recognized  it  at  once,  and 
experienced  great  emotion.  So  it  was  he,  the  imknown  admirer, 
who  had  sent  her  those  flowers,  that  evening  at  the  Bouffes ! 
Tho  slim  young  man  with  the  fair  beard  and  the  short-cropped 
hair  was  named  Lueien  Despretz. 

That  name  had  illuminated  her  girhsh  reveries  for  days  and 

46  nana's  daughter. 

weeks  and  months ;  but  little  by  little  it  had  faded  from  her 
quieted  mind.  Now,  however,  the  old  dreams  returned  trans- 
formed, having  assumed  a  definite  shape,  and  she  never  met 
Lucien  Despretz  afterward,  without  feeling  that  a  blush  was 
mantling  over  her  face.  There  was  no  other  change  in  her  life. 
The  young  fellow  never  spoke  to  her.  Only  once  did  he  venture 
to  smile  as  he  poUtcly  made  her  his  customary  bow.  But  as 
Mademoiselle  Naviel  did  not  return  the  smile  he  became  more 
and  more  respectful.  One  day,  even  Andree  thought  she  noticed 
that  he  turned  pale  as  he  passed  beside  her. 

Pierre  Naviel  willingly  allowed  his  daughter  any  harmless 
enjoyment ;  and  for  Andree's  sake  he  tried  to  acquire  a  liking 
for  high  art.  At  winter  tune  he  treated  her  to  the  Theatre 
franpais,  and  the  Opera  Comique,  and  in  the  siunmer  he  took 
her  into  the  environs  with  her  mother.  They  sat  down  in  some 
garden-restaurant  overlooking  the  river,  and  partook  of  fried 
gudgeon  freshly  fished  from  the  Seine,  and  washed  down  with  a 
bottle  of  light  wine.  When  the  day  waned  they  set  off  home, 
with  their  hmbs  tired,  but  their  mind  at  rest,  and  they  wUhngly 
loitered  to  admire  the  serene  splendor  of  evening,  the  fading 
ruddiness  of  the  sky,  and  the  changeful,  moire-hke  aspect  of  the 
river,  flowing  silently  along  amid  the  peace  of  sunset.  On  these 
occasions  they  often  took  the  steamboat  from  Bas-Meudon  to 
the  Point  d'Austerlitz,  which  they  crossed  on  their  way  home. 

One  Sunday,  at  the  end  of  October,  they  started  off  early  in 
the  morning  to  spend  a  last  day  at  BeUevue.  After  a  month's 
rain,  the  sxm  had  deigned  to  show  itself,  and  the  sear  and  yeUow 
wood  was  impregnated  with  moist  heat.  The  swallows  had 
started  southward,  but  a  few  songsters  were  warbling  their  last 
autumnal  lays.  The  Naviels  bought  some  ham,  bread,  wine 
and  pears  at  BeUevue,  and  climbed  as  far  as  the  keeper's  lodge. 
And  then  came  the  last  picnic  of  the  year  on  the  leaf-strewn 
grass.  Before  evening  had  set  in,  they  descended  the  slope 
toward  the  boat,  for  Madame  Naviel  had  noticed  that  Andree 
had  been  coughing  sUghtly,  and  she  mistrusted  the  dew  which 
falls  after  sunset.  It  was  nearly  seven  o'clock  when  they  landed 
at  the  Point  d'Austerlitz.  The  glare  had  long  since  faded  from 
the  clouds,  and  a  dense  fog  was  hovering  over  the  Seine.  The 
massive,  square  towers  of  Notre  Dame  rose  up  above  the  mist, 
which  soared  but  slowly  from  the  river,  and  assumed  strange, 
spectral  forms,  winding  procession-like  around  the  cathedral. 
In  vain  did  the  gas-lighters  ignite  the  lamps  upon  the  quays, 
they  barely  glimmered  amid  tlie  white  vapor,  and  police  agents 
had  to  station  themselves  on  the  bridges  with  flaring  torches. 

The  Naviels  were  half-way  across  the  Point  d'Austerlitz  when 
a  tall,  slim  fellow  ran  past  them.  Suddenly  the  sound  of  his 
footsteps  ceased,  and  from  the  depths  of  the  fog  Andree  heard  & 
Btifled  cry,  and  then  the  splash  of  a  body  falling  into  the  water. 

nana's  daughter.  47 

Pierre  Navicl  heard  the  sound  as  well.  "  Wait  for  me  a 
minute !  "  said  he  to  his  wife  and  daughter,  and,  hurrying  away 
in  the  direction  which  the  man  had  taken,  he  soon  disappeared 
in  the  fog. 

Torches  could  he  seen  hurrying  along  the  quay,  and  a  buzz  of 
voices  was  wafted  through  the  mist.  Andree  distinctly  heard 
some  one  exclaim,  "  It's  here."  whereupon  another  person 
asked:  "How  many  are  they?"  and  the  first  voice  repUed, 
"  There  are  two  of  them." 

"  Throw  the  hfe  buoys  from  the  landing  stage !  "  exclaimed 
another  person. 

"  Ay,  that's  it.    Make  haste,  for  heaven's  sake." 

"  Torches  here !  Torches  here  I  The  river's  smoking,  one 
can't  see  anything. " 

"  Now's  the  time  for  you  fellows  who  know  how  to  swim.  But 
they  must  have  gone  to  the  bottom.  One  can't  hear  anything 

"  No,  no ;  I  can  see  something  over  there  beyond  the  landing 

"What,  in  this  fog?  You  must  have  fine  eyes,  and  no  mis- 

Exclamations  arose  and  intermingled  on  all  sides,  but  no  one 
dared  devote  himself  for  fear  of  being  lost  in  the  river  amid  the 
fog.  "  WeU,  it's  all  over !  "  said  some  one  who  passed  near 
Andree.    "  All  they  will  need  now  is  a  slab  at  the  Morgue."* 

*'  What  a  set  of  cowards !  "  cried  Andrde.  **  What,  isn't  there 
one  among  them  who  will  tiy  to  save  my  father  ?  Well,  I'll  set 
them  the  example,  then. " 

Madame  Naviel  raised  a  frightened  cry  and  tried  to  detain 
her  daughter ;  but  Andree  freed  herself  and  hastened  down  the 
steps  leading  to  the  pontoons.  Obedient  only  to  the  dictates  of 
her  heart,  she  was  about  to  spring  into  the  water,  when  she 
heard  her  father  calling  to  her  from  above  the  quay.  "  Andree! 
Andree  !    Stop,  my  girl !    I'm  saved !  " 

The  voice  was  coming  nearer,  but  such  was  Andr^e's  emotion 
that  she  fell  fainting  on  the  quay.  In  three  boimds  Pierre 
Naviel  was  down  the  steps.  He  stopped,  caught  his  daughter 
up  in  his  arms,  and  as  she  opened  her  eyes,  he  asked:  "  Unfor- 
tunate child !    What  could  you  be  thinking  of?  " 

"I  wanted  to — join  you,"  rephed  Andree,  in  a  trembling 

Madame  Naviel,  who  had  followed  her  husband,  now  drew 
near,  and  the  young  girl  speedily  recovered  her  strength.  "  It's 
nothing, "  she  said.    "  I  can  walk  now.    Let  us  go."    Then  she 

*The  establishment  where  the  bodies  of  unknown  people  are  exhibited  for  purpoies 
of  identification  in  cases  of  death  by  accident,  suicide  or  murder. — [Trans.1 


took  her  father's  arm,  and  as  they  chmbed  the  steps  again, 
"  Where  is  that  poor  fellow?  "  she  asked. 

''  Up  there,  on  a  bench.  He's  being  attended  to.  Do  you 
know,  he  positively  wouldn't  help  me  to  save  him.  He  kept  on 
saying,  '  Let  me  die  1  Let  me  die !  I  want  to  drown  myself, 
for  I've  nothing  to  eat.'  Meantime  ho  was  drinking,  and  though 
I  tried  my  best,  he  was  so  long  and  lanky  that  he  kept  on  sinlk- 
ing  like  a  bit  of  lead " 

"  Let  us  go  and  see  how  he's  getting  on,"  said  Andr6e.  "  I 
feel  better  now. "  And  she  drew  herself  up  so  that  her  father 
might  think  her  all  right  again. 

"Very  well;  let  us  go.  The  poor  devil  iutorests  me,"  said 
Naviol.    **  Come  along,  wife." 

When  they  reached  the  bench  whore  Pierre  had  handed  the 
the  half-drowned  man  over  to  the  care  of  a  passing  doctor,  they 
found  the  unfortunate  fellow  sitting  pale  and  shivering  amid  a 
circle  of  sight-seers.  "  May  I  ask  you  to  be  charitable,  gentle- 
men, to  this  poor  man,  who's  hungry  ?  "  said  Andree,  in  her  soft, 
winning  voice ;  and  taldng  her  father's  hat,  she  made  the  round 
of  the  circle. 

When  she  returned  in  front  of  the  poor  devil,  he  stared  at  her 
with  widely-dilated  eyes,  by  the  light  of  a  street  lamp  near  the 
bench.  "What,  is  it  you?  Excuse  mo,  mademoiselle,"  he 
stammered.  "  But  how  you've  grown  since  the  fete  at  St. 
Cloud. " 

Ajidrdo  gazed  at  this  tall,  slim,  haggard  man,  and  a  distant 
recollection  was  awakened  in  her  mind. 

"Don't  you  recognize  Face-to-Smack,  mademoiselle?  You 
are  too  old  now.  You  wouldn't  let  the  poor  clown  kiss  you  as 
you  did. " 

"  What !  is  it  really  you  ?  "  said  Andr6o.  "  Father,  this  Is  the 
good  fellow  I  told  you  about.  If  it  hadn't  been  for  him  I  should, 
perhaps,  be  a  tight-rope  dancer  nowadays. " 

All  the  sterling  worth  of  her  heart  was  revealed  by  that  con- 
fession. And  yet  the  man  before  her  was  no  longer  her  old 
mountebank,  who  had  looked  so  funny  in  his  loose  clown's  dress. 
His  misery  was  suggestive  of  acute  bitterness  and  self-abandon- 
ment. His  unkempt  hair  of  equal  length  foil,  raggedly,  over  his 
shoulders,  and  his  bushy,  clotted  board  of  a  yellowish  white  told 
a  painful  story  of  indigence.  However,  Pierre  Naviel  hailed  a 
cab,  and  the  old  clown,  to  whom  Androo  had  just  handed  tho 
collection  money,  was  told  to  get  inside.  Twenty  minutes  later 
the  Naviels  reached  home,  accompanied  by  poor  Face-to-Smack, 
Btni  shivering  with  cold  and  hunger.  But  Andree  at  once  found 
some  dry  clothes,  and  tho  ex-mountebank  was  taken  by  Pierre 
into  tho  bedroom  to  put  them  on,  while  Madame  Naviel  lighted 
a  big  fire  and  laid  tho  table. 

While  they  supped,  tho  rescued  man  told  his  story  in  a 


piteous  tone.  It  was  the  familiar  odyssey  of  all  those  who,  after 
losing  caste,  siulc  deeper  and  deeper  into  the  sul)strata  of  Parisian 
life.  At  times  in  the  course  of  this  despairing  confession,  there 
came  phrases  of  regret,  not  destitute  of  dignity.  At  ono  moment, 
for  instance,  he  alluded  to  his  child.  "She  would  be  of  yom* 
age,  mademoiselle,"  he  said  to  Andr(3e.  "And  she  would  be 
pretty,  too,  I'm  sm-e  of  it.  And  I  —  I  shouldn't  be  so  miserable ; 
I  should  have  some  courage,  then,  and  I  should  work " 

"  No  doubt,  no  doubt,  comrade;  a  man  nmst  work,"  observed 
Pierre  Naviel.  "  He's  nothing  without  work.  If  you  liked,  ono 
might  try  to  get  you  engaged  as  a  salesman  or  a  messenger  by 
M.  Paillardin,  for  you  don't  seem  built  for  foundiy  work  other- 
wise  " 

"  Thank  you,  sir,  I  know  how  to  write  and  cipher;  I  was  a 
bookkeeper  once  upon  a  time  and  I  had  an  houorablo  position. 
Well,  I  lost  it  through  my  own  fault.  I  was  mad  about  that 
woman  who's  now  so  well  known  in  Paris,  what  with  her  horses 
and  luxury  and  lackeys  and  so  on,  which  everybody  pays  for. 
Ah!  I  was  a  thief  for  her  —  yes,  a  thief!  It's  the  truth.  I 
wanted  to  put  the  money  back  in  the  safe,  but  before  I  could  do 
so  she  had  me  locked  up,  the  wretch.  Aud  the  money  was 
meant  for  our  baby.  Ah,  Heavens!  You  can't  say  I  wasn't 
right  to  drown  myself.  Yesterday  I  met  the  governor  —  you 
know,  the  Hercules  —  and  he  advanced  me  a  franc  to  get  myself 
shaved  and  turn  Face-to-Smack  again.  I  took  the  coin,  but 
you  see  how  I'm  shaved.  And  so  with  my  poodle  mug  I  don't 
dare  go  to  the  booth  for  he  might  pull  my  beard  off. " 

"  What  did  you  do  with  his  money  then  ?  "  asked  Naviel. 

"  I  drank  it,  sir,  to  get  up  courage  to  drown  myself.  But  I 
shan't  begin  a  second  time.  I  know  where  I  intend  to  go 
to-morrow.  Excuse  me,  mademoiselle,  I  feel  very  happy  to  have 
seen  you  again  —  and  now  I'm  off. " 

The  Na\iels  did  not  try  to  detain  him ;  but  Andr6e  conducted 
him  onto  the  landing.  Scarcely  was  the  door  opened,  however, 
than  he  stopped  short  on  the  threshold  and  gazed  with  dilated 
eyes  at  the  card  aflflxed  to  the  door  opposite.  Then,  without  a 
word,  he  suddenly  bolted  down  the  stairs,  scampering  away  as  if 
a  ghost  had  been  behind  him. 


When  the  winter  was  over,  as  soon  as  the  eyes  of  the  branches 
oegan  to  sprout,  the  pleasure  parties  began  again.  The  rose 
"  mounters  "  employed  by  Messrs.  Paillardin  &  Co.  were  in  the 
habit  of  spending  the  first  spring  Sunday  together  in  the  coun- 
try, and  that  year  Andree  was  invited.  Her  mother  made  no 
oi^i■c^ction,  and  so  she  accepted,  being  greatly  deUghted  with  the 


prospect  of  this  April  ramble.  She  had  not  found  the  winter 
very  lively,  for  the  Seine  had  overflowed,  and  the  inundation  had 
reached  the  foundry  where  Pierre  worked.  As  the  furnaces 
were  extinguished,  and  nearly  a  month's  enforced  idleness  fol- 
lowed, the  Naviels  were  obliged  to  forego  their  Sunday  visits 
to  the  theater,  and  even  to  content  themselves  with  short 

But  they  courageously  put  up  with  these  privations ;  and,  as 
easy  circumstances  returned  with  the  spring,  Andree's  parents 
were  unwilling  to  refuse  her  the  enjoyment  of  a  day's  free  gaiety 
in  the  fields.  Only,  when  she  was  ready  to  start,  Pierre  Naviel 
accompanied  her  to  the  door,  and  kissing  her  on  the  forehead, 
he  exclaimed :  "  Amuse  yourself.  An  dree,  but  promise  me  that 
if  your  employer's  there,  you  will  find  some  suitable  excuse  to 
come  home  at  once. " 

"  I  promise  it,  father." 

"  I  rely  on  you,  my  girl ;  for,  to  tell  the  truth,  I  don't  put  any 
faith  in  Paillardin.  I've  good  reasons  for  that,  and  your  mother 
has  told  me  enough  to  show  me  what  kind  of  chap  he  is. " 

At  the  foot  of  the  stairs,  Andree  met  the  young  man,  her 
neighbor,  who  seemed  to  bo  waiting  for  her.  For  the  last  two 
months  they  had  spoken  to  each  other  when  they  met  on  the 
stairs.  M.  Lucien  Despretz  inquired  with  respectful  interest 
after  Mademoiselle  Andree's  health,  and  Andree  asked  him  for 
news  of  his  widowed  mother.  On  Sunday  mornings,  too,  when 
Madame  Despretz  went  out  marketing,  she  sometimes  met 
Madame  Naviel,  and  on  these  occasions  they  talked  housekeep- 
ing together.  Their  comiection  had  not  yet  gone  any  farther, 
however.  They  did  not  call  on  one  another.  Their  meetings 
were  strictly  limited  to  the  street,  the  stairs,  or  the  landing. 

But  on  that  Sunday  morning  it  seemed  to  Andree  as  if  M. 
Lucien  Despretz  approached  her  with  a  kind  of  premeditation. 
"  You  are  going  out,  mademoiselle  ?  "  he  asked,  after  inquiring 
about  her  health. 

"  Yes,  I  am  going  into  the  country ;  and  you  ?  " 

"  Oh  I  Fm  not  going  anj'where  —  and  yet,  if  you  would  allow 
me  to  accompany  you  a  short  distance,  I  shouldn't  bo  sorry  to 
speak  to  you  of  a  serious  matter. " 

"  Willingly,"  replied  Andree,  "  I  am  going  to  the  St.  Lazare 
station  to  meet  some  of  the  girls  of  our  work-room.  If  you  will 
come  there  with  me,  we  can  talk  on  the  way. " 

"  Is  it  far  where  you  intend  to  spend  the  day  ?  " 

"  Between  Rueil  and  LaMalraaison.  Margot,  one  of  our  girls. 
Is  going  to  take  us  to  dine  at  the  house  of  an  xmcle  of  hers.  He 
has  a  house  and  garden  there,  it  seems,  and  while  he's  away 
she  has  the  keys,  with  i)ermission  to  gather  any  fruit.  How- 
ever, we  are  all  going  to  take  something  with  us,  and  I  mean  to 
t»uy  a  terrine  de  foie  gras  m  the  Rue  St.  Lazare.    The  others 


will  bring  what  they  like.    Margot  supplies  the  dessert  and  even 
the  wine. " 

"  I  am  delighted  by  the  frankness  with  which  you  give  me  all 
this  information,  Mademoiselle  Andr6e.  Will  you  take  my  arm, 
if  you  don't  find  rae  too  tall  for  you?  " 

"  Not  at  all.  I  like  tall  men, "  she  answered,  taking  the  young 
fellow's  arm. 

They  crossed  the  Place  do  la  Bastilo  without  saying  anything, 
and  began  to  follow  the  lino  of  the  boulevards.  Paris  wore  its 
Sunday  aspect.  The  sim  had  risen  very  bright  for  the  occasion, 
and  the  shops  were  shut.  Overhead,  the  windows  were  opening, 
and  women  in  morning  negliges,  and  with  uncombed  hair, 
looked  into  the  street.  Here  and  there  a  bare  white  arm  was 
stretched  out  to  fasten  a  shutter  back,  secure  a  Venetian  blind, 
or  water  a  favorite  flower ;  and  as  one  or  another  of  these  move- 
ments was  executed,  a  nicely-roimded  elbow  peered  forth  from 
a  short,  loose  sleeve.  From  time  to  time,  on  the  balconies  aloft, 
some  minor  functionary  of  the  public  services,  in  a  dressing- 
gown  and  a  fez,  could  be  seen  smoking  his  pipe  while  he  perused 
the  Vie  Parisienne,  or  some  equally  serious  newspaper.  On 
the  pavement  whole  ftimilies,  rigged  out  in  their  Sunday  best, 
were  camping  outside  the  dram-shops,  or  walking  in  noisy 
parties  toward  the  railway  stations. 

"  Would  you  allow  me  to  tell  you  my  opinion  of  the  uncle  of 
Mademoiselle  Margot,  whom  I  have  not  the  honor  of  knowing, 
by  the  way  ?  "  asked  Lucien  Despretz  of  Andrce. 

"  Wliatisit,  pray?" 

"  That  he  is  no  more  her  uncle  than  I  am. ' 

"  What  is  he,  then !  " 

"  Her  protector,  mademoiselle ;  just  as  your  employer,  M. 
PaUlardin,  aspired  to  become  yours  —  that  evening  at  the 
Bouffes  when  I  was  present.  And  that  woman  who  almost  suc- 
ceeded in  passing  you  off  as  her  daughter !  And  that  crowd  of 
fools  who  only  noticed  you  because  Nana  did  so !  And  that  fat 
porpoise  Paillardin,  who  revelled  in  your  success !  Ah !  what  a 
bitter  memory  I  retain  of  that  evening,  though  perhaps  it  gave 
you  pleasure.  It  is  only  natural  that  such  a  beautiful  yoimg 
girl  as  yourself  should  be  fond  of  homage. " 

"  I  am  not  ugly,  sir,  I  know  it ;  but,  believe  me,  homage  only 
pleases  me  according  to  its  worth.  And  on  the  evening  you 
speak  of,  what  most  pleased  me,  what  made  me  very  happy,  was. 
M.  Lucien  Despretz's  bouquet  and  the  few  words  that  accom- 
panied it.  That  proved  to  me  that  the  unknown  fiiend  who 
sent  it  had  guessed  that  Andrde  Naviel  could  have  nothing  in 
common  with  the  woman  you  allude  to. " 

"  So  my  bouquet  pleased  you,  then?  " 

"  Yes,  very  much  indeed,  and  I  kept  it  a  very  long, long  time; 

52  nana's  daughter. 

and  ■when  tlie  petals  fell,  I  placed  them  m  a  di-awer  to  scent  my 
linen.    Come,  smell  my  handkerchief. " 

A  bright  smile  of  happiness  passed  over  Lucien's  face. 
"  Thank  you,  mademoiselle, "  he  said  with  some  emotion  in  his 
Yoice.     "  That  will  compel  you  to  think  of  me." 

"  By  the  way,  what  was  the  serious  matter  you  wished  to 
speak  to  me  about  ?  " 

"  Forgive  me  if  I  hesitate,  Mademoiselle  Andrce.  If  I  do  so, 
it  is  because  the  happiness  of  my  life  is  at  stake." 

"  Why  do  you  put  on  such  a  serious  air  with  me  ?  True,  I 
am  perhaps  rather  childish,  and  I  may  not  be  able  to  imderstand 
what  you  have  to  tell  mo,  or  to  answer  you.  However,  speak. " 

*'  I  wish  to  ask  your  parents  for  your  hand.  Mademoiselle 
Andr(§o ;  but,  before  doing  so,  I  must  solicit  your  permission. 
It  was  to  tell  you  this  that  I  waited  for  you,  as  I  knew  you  were 
going  out. " 

"  Then  listen  to  me,  Monsieur  Lucien.  Before  marrying  I 
wish  to  knotv  the  man  who  is  to  be  my  husband.  I  shall  not  be 
guided  by  his  looks  or  his  fortune.  What  I  ask  is  that  he  shaU 
be  good,  honest,  and  capable  of  always  loving  me.  Now  I  don't 
Imow  you,  and  I  can  make  you  no  promise.  Tell  my  father  of 
your  intentions  and  ask  his  permission  to  visit  us.  Come  and 
see  us  with  your  mother,  we  shall  know  each  other  better,  and 
we  shall  soon  see  if  our  tastes  and  characters  agree.  I  have 
never  loved  any  one,  and  it  only  depends  on  you  to  be  the  fli-st 
and  the  last  in  my  heart. " 

This  frank  and  serious  conversation  had  occupied  considerable 
time,  for  there  were  intervals  of  silence  when  they  paused  to 
reflect,  and  the  words  came  but  slowly  from  their  lips,  as  they 
wished  to  weigh  them.  Lucien  was  anxious  not  to  oflend  or 
alarm  Andr6e  by  a  too  boldly  worded  avowal  of  his  love ;  and 
she,  on  her  side,  coquottishly  tried  to  say  just  sufficient  to  leave 
him  some  hope,  but  not  too  much.  Ignorant  as  she  was  of  her 
own  heart  she  did  not  wish  him  to  be  over-confident. 

They  had  now  reached  the  St.  Lazare  station,  and  Andr6e 
purchased  a  terrine  defoie  gras  before  going  in.  Lucien  Despretz 
took  leave  of  her  at  tho  foot  of  the  steps,  at  the  top  of  which 
her  companions  were  waiting.  It  was  five  minutes  to  ten  by 
the  outside  clock,  so  the  girls  made  haste  to  take  their  retm-n 
tickets ;  and  ten  mhuites  later  the  train  was  on  the  way  to  Rueil. 
They  had  decided  to  ride  outside,  ||  and  as  gay  as  a  party  of 
hohday-bomid  school-girls  they  enjoyed  the  fresh  breeze  which 
reddened  their  cheeks,  and  the  swaying  motion  of  tho  blind  force 
which  carried  them  swiftly  onward.  It  was  half-past  ten  when 
they  reached  Kueil,  where  for  tlu'ce  sous  tliey  toolc  the  hijoti 

il  For  the  benefit  of  the  reader  who  has  not  traveled  in  France,  it  may  be  mentioned 
that  on  the  Paris  suburban  railway  lines,  the  carriages  have  an  upper  story  uuly 
roofed  and  provided  with  wooden  seats,  but  open  on  either  side. — [Trans.] 

nana's  daughter.  53 

h'ain  of  f^nr  miniature  carriages  which  journeys  along  a  toy  lino 
to  Port  ]\larly.  At  La  Alalmaisou  they  alighted,  and  Margot 
guideil  her  friends  for  a  short  thstanco  till  they  reached  a  pali- 
sade bordering  the  road.  There  was  a  door  which  she  opened, 
and  the  whole  party  entered  a  large  oblong  garden  plentifully 
planted  with  pear  trees.  At  the  farther  end  stood  two  pavil- 
lions,  one  on  either  hand,  and  both  of  them  surrounded  with 
clusters  of  standard  roses. 

"  We  shall  dine  there, "  said  Margot,  pointing  to  the  pavilion 
on  the  right-hand  side.  "  And  we  may  as  well  take  our  provis- 
ions there  at  once.  My  uncle's  servant  will  lay  the  table,  and 
everythmg  will  be  ready  when  we  return  from  the  garden. " 

Tliey  walked  to  the  pavilion  and  entered  a  large  but  simply 
furnished  dining-room.  There  was  but  one  object  that  attracted 
Andree's  attention,  and  that  was  a  tumbler  on  the  side-board. 
It  has  been  used  this  same  morning,  no  doubt,  and  had  been 
forgotten  there.  Andree  approached  to  look  at  it,  and  when 
she  perceived  the  initial  engraved  on  one  side  of  it  she  could 
not  forbear  shuddering.  It  was  the  first  letter  of  Paillardin's 


At  about  six  o'clock,  when  the  daylight  was  already  waning, 
the  girls  sat  down  to  supper.  The  sun  was  slowly  sinking 
behind  the  woods,  and  the  pear  trees  cast  long  tapering 
shadows  across  the  weedy  pathways.  A  gust  of  wind  passed 
by,  bending  the  poplars  Ijeside  the  river,  which  was  suddenly 
creased  with  ripples  as  bright  as  silver  scales.  In  the  rear, 
behind  Marly,  a  red  cloud  stood  out  like  a  stain  of  blood  on  the 
pale  azure  sky.  With  the  exception  of  Andr6e  all  the  girls 
were  very  meiTy.  Margot  poured  out  the  wine,  and  all  the 
glasses  now  proved  to  be  plain  ones.  Curiously  enough,  the 
tumbler  with  the  engraved  initial  had  disappeared.  A  petro- 
leum lamp  had  been  lighted  by  Margot,  and  stood  in  the  center 
of  the  table  which  it  barely  sufficed  to  illuminate. 

"  That  lamp  of  yours  gives  no  hght  at  all, "  said  one  of  the 
girls,  "I  thought  you  had  another  one ;  where  is  it?  " 

"  Over  the  way,  of  course !  You  know,  my  dears,  we  are  going 
to  have  some  champagne  at  supper.  My  uncle  pays  for  it,  so 
let  us  drink  his  health."  With  these  words  Margot  deftly 
uncorked  a  bottle  and  filled  the  glasses. 

"  To  the  health  of  the  uncle  who  stands  champagne  I "  cried 
aU  the  girls  in  chorus. 

Andree  was  tortured  by  an  ardent  thirst,  and  she  allowed 
Margot  to  fill  her  glass  three  or  four  times  in  qiuck  succession. 
A  hectic  flush  speedily  rose  to  her  cheeks,  and  surrounding 
objects  assumed  a  fantastic  aspect  in  her  imagination.     Her 


companions  also  soon  began  to  feel  the  effects  of  the  effervescent 
beverage.  Their  clear  girlish  laughter  rose  gaily  above  the 
clatter  of  the  forks  and  plates,  and  mingled  with  the  detonations 
of  the  champagne  corks  which  Margot  loosened  with  diabolical 
zest.  Just  as  the  dessert  had  been  served  a  general  cry  arose. 
"  Come,  Margot,  sing  us  the  timbale!  " 

"  All  right,  my  dears.  In  honor  of  Andr(5e  Naviel  then,  the 
pretty  novice,  and  only  real  rosi6ro  here,"  rejoined  Paillardin's 
favorite,  springing  onto  the  table.  And  then  with  an  exag- 
gerated tremolo  worthy  of  a  music-hall  prima  donna,  she  began 
to  sing  Judic's  verses  in  the  Timbale  d' Argent : 

"  High  upon  the  greasy  pole, 
The  prize  of  virtue  hangs ! " 

Tapping  on  their  glasses  with  their  knives,  the  other  girls 
duly  took  up  the  chorus,  shouting  at  the  top  of  their  voices: 

"  Another  one  who  can't  climb  up  1 
Another  one  who's  missed  the  cup !  " 

But  all  this  orgy-like  mirth  began  to  sadden  Andr^e,  and  when 
the  song  was  over  she  remarked  that  it  was  time  to  start,  as 
they  had  taken  return  tickets,  and  besides,  so  far  as  she  herself 
was  concerned,  it  was  absolulely  necessary  she  should  go  home. 
A  general  burst  of  laughter  greeted  her  remark.  "  We  are 
going  to  sleep  here,  my  dear  Andrde, "  said  Margot,  *'  and 
we  only  took  return  tickets  to  let  you  imagine  we  intended  to  go 
home  this  evening." 

*'  You  can  stop  if  you  choose,  but  as  for  myself,  I'm  going 

"  Go  home,  my  dear;  go  home,  my  child,"  rejoined  Margot, 
waxing  maternal  under  the  influence  of  the  champagne. 

"  What  has  been  done  with  my  mantel  and  my  hat?  "  asked 

"  They  are  over  there,  in  the  other  pavilion,"  sneered  Paillar- 
din's favorite, 

Andree  went  out  into  the  garden,  and  found  that  big  drops  of 
rain  were  beginning  to  fall.  An  opaque  veil  had  gi'adually 
shrouded  the  sky  while  the  dinner  was  progi-essing,  and  now  the 
black  clouds  sped  swiftly  over  the  wood  of  larches,  hanging  so 
low  that  they  scmcd  to  touch  the  tree-tops.  A  steam  tug,  which 
was  pufllng  up  tlie  river  near  Croissy,  suddenly  rent  the  air 
atwain  with  a  hoarse  signal  like  the  alarm  cry  of  some  wild 
beast.  Andree  saw  a  light  in  the  paviUon  which  Margot  had 
designated,  and,  thinking  that  the  gardener  of  the  property 
lived  there,  she  hastened  toward  it.  Her  heart  was  beating 
fast,   and  she  seemed  to  divine  some  imminent,  mysterious 

nana's  daughter.  55 

danger  Tvhich  mic^lit  blast  her  very  life.  Still  a  strange  and 
forcible  temerity  urged  J icr  to  risk  everything.  The  cold  even- 
ing air  increased  the  i)assing  derangement  of  her  faculties. 
Heated  for  the  moment  before,  she  now  experienced  a  reaction ; 
she  shivered,  her  limbs  quaked,  and  at  moments  she  fancied 
that  the  old  pear  trees  made  strange  gesticulations  and  marched 
toward  her  in  a  Imo  like  sharpshooters. 

At  a  few  paces  from  the  pavilion  she  stopped  short  and  shud- 
dered, as  she  had  done  that  morning  on  seemg  the  initialed  glass. 
A  window  on  the  first  floor  was  lighted  up  and  a  shadow  was 
constantly  passing  to  and  fro  —  the  shadow  of  a  portly  man. 
"  Bah  1  "  said  Andreo  at  last.  "  It  surely  can't  be  he.  And 
besides  what  have  I  to  fear  ?  Am  I  not  sure  of  myself?  Didn't 
I  once  pass  a  whole  evening  alone  with  him  ?  He  is  said  to  be 
a  libertine  and  yet  he  has  never  harmed  me.  Men  like  M.  Pail- 
lardin  don't  trifle  with  virtuous  women.  I  am  really  very  foolish 
to  have  these  fancies.  Besides,  if  he  were  here,  he  would  have 
dined  with  us." 

On  reaching  the  pavilion  she  knocked,  but  no  answer  came. 
The  door  was  ajar,  however,  and  pushing  it  open  she  found 
herself  at  the  foot  of  a  narrow  staircase,  over  the  upper  steps  of 
which  there  played  a  ray  of  light.  Andree  resolutely  began  to 
climb  the  stairs,  but  she  had  scarcely  taken  a  few  steps  before 
she  heard  the  house-door  close  behind  her.  Then  from  the 
lighted  landing  overhead,  a  voice  called  out :  ''  Come  up,  my 
dear,  come  up ;  "  and  as  she  raised  her  eyes  she  saw  PaiUardin 
above  her.  He  was  smiling,  and  his  smile  suddenly  changed 
into  a  loud  sardonic  laugh  which  shook  his  bulky  frame.  It  was 
now  too  late  to  retreat,  so  Andree  assiuued  an  air  of  confidence 
and  went  up  onto  the  landing. 

"  I  have  come  to  fetch  my  mantle  and  my  hat,  as  I'm  going 
home,"  she  quietly  said. 

"  Going  home  in  such  weather  as  this  ?  I  can  never  consent 
to  that,  my  dear." 

"  My  parents  are  waiting  for  me. " 

"  Oh  dear,  no.  Margot  telegraphed  to  them  that  you  would 
sleep  here. " 

"  It  Is  impossible,  sir, "  said  Andrde  in  a  firm  voice. 

"Excuse  me,  pretty  one;  and  come  in  here,"  rejoined  Pail- 
lardin,  motioning  the  young  girl  to  what  appeared  to  be  his  bed- 

"  I  shall  not  enter  your  room,"  was  her  reply. 

"  You  surely  don't  intend  to  pass  the  night  on  the  stairs  ?  " 

"  I  wish  to  leave  this  house." 

"  But  the  door's  shut  and  you  are  caught,  my  dove.  For  I 
must  tell  you  that  this  pleasure  party  was  only  arranged  to  bring 
you  here.    Your  companions  are  all  jealous  of  you,  and  they 


cau't  understand  why  you  should  be  so  prudish  with  your 
emijioyor,  when  they  are  jus t  the  contrary." 

*'  This  trap  is  unworthy  of  an  honest  man,  Monsieur  Paillardin, 
hut  I  declare  to  you  that  if  you  dare  to  touch  me  I  shall  be 

"  By  whom,  pray?  " 

"  By  my  father. " 

"  Your  father !  Why  you  -won't  dare  to  tell  him  anything,  and 
if  you  did,  he  wouldn't  venture  to  create  a  scandal  for  fear  of 
injuring  your  reputation.  And  besides,  let  him  try  it;  I  shalJ 
turn  you  and  your  mother  out  of  my  establishment  at  once. 
Now,  if  you  don't  want  to  bo  carried,  walk  in. " 

Andr6e  measui'ed  the  extent  of  her  peril.  A  virtuous  girl,  she 
did  not  know  exactly  to  what  depths  of  degradation  this  man 
might  try  to  reduce  her,  but  she  reaUzed  that  it  was  a  question 
for  her  to  be  or  not  to  be.  At  this  thought  she  made  up  her 
mind  and  took  a  terrible  resolution.  From  across  the  garden 
the  wind  wafted  thg  strains  of  Margot  and  her  compauions  who 
wero  ii'onically  singing  Madame  Judic's  song: 

"  See,  down  she  shps  despite  her  tries, 
Another  one  has  lost  the  prize ! " 

Andr^e  heard  them,  but  she  heeded  not;  and  strong  in  her 
resolve,  she  quietly  entered  PaiUardin's  room. 

In  front  of  the  window  stood  a  bedstead  surmounted  by  a 
baldaquin  with  cm"tains  of  blue  damask  lined  with  yellow  silk. 
All  around,  the  panels  were  adorned  with  tall  mirrors  resting  on 
marble  consoles  with  legs  of  gilt  woodwork  in  the  Louis  Qumzo 
style.  On  a  chest  of  drawers,  in  a  corner,  stood  a  hghted  lamp 
similar  to  that  which  iUuminatod  the  orgy  of  the  flower  girls. 
The  latter  were,  no  doubt,  regaling  themselves  with  some  punch, 
for  their  window  was  now  hghted  by  a  flickeruig  bluish 

PaiUardin  locked  the  door  and  then  advanced  toward  Andr6e, 
who  was  standing  behmd  an  arm-chair,  between  the  chest  of 
drawers  and  the  bedstead.  "You  must  surely  understand,  my 
pretty  one,  that  it  is  useless  for  you  to  resist, "  he  said.  "  The 
house  is  isolated ;  at  a  hundred  yards  from  a  road  which  nobody 
passes  along  at  this  time  of  night.  Your  companions  are  my 
accomphcos  moreover ;  everything  favors  me,  so  why  resist  ?  I 
have  long  thought  you  adorable,  Androo ;  I  have  long  waited  for 
this  occasion.  Come,  what  would  bo  the  use  of  trying  to  struggle 
against  mo?    It  wouldn't  last  for  long " 

<'  I  have  nothing  to  say  to  you,  sir,  except  that  you  are  a 
coward,  and  that  I  loathe  you." 

"  I  don't  mind  about  that,  Andr6e.  I  knew  very  well  that  you 
would  give  some  such  answer  when  I  told  you  of  my  lovo,  which 

nana's  daughter.  5^ 

has  been  so  humble  find  respectful  so  far.  But  tlioro  is  an  end 
to  everything  you  know,  and  I  am  determined  on  it,  you  shall 
not  spurn  mo  any  longer.  I  have  the  right  to  command  hero, 
and  strength  is  on  my  side " 

"  Dare  to  touch  me,  scoundrel  that  you  are !  "  cried  Andr6o, 
who  was  very  pale,  but  whoso  eyes  flashed  fire. 

"  Scoundrel !  Insults  I  You  are  not  wanting  in  bravado  for  a 
child  of  your  age,"  cried  Paillardin,  whose  face  was  violet  with 
concentrated  fury.  "  Wo  will  see  about  your  resistance !  "  ho 
added  with  an  oath,  and  wresting  away  the  arm-chair  which 
Andr6e  was  clutching  hold  of,  he  sprung  forward  hko  a  wild 

But  with  the  strength  which  her  despair  imparted  to  her,  the 
young  girl  succeeded  in  eluding  his  grasp,  and  ere  ho  renewed 
the  attack,  she  seized  hold  of  the  petroleum  lamp,  standing  on 
the  drawers,  and  hurled  it  at  him. 

Padlardin  was  struck  in  the  chest.  The  lamp  glass  was 
shivered,  and  as  the  petroleum  poured  over  his  shirt  it  suddenly 
began  to  blaze.  The  scoimdrel  roared  with  pain.  The  flames 
lapped  his  stomach  and  covered  his  thighs ;  and  demented  by 
terror  and  suffering  alike,  he  threw  himself  on  the  bed  vainly 
hoping  to  stifle  the  fire.  But  as  he  rolled  about  in  a  convulsion 
of  alarm  the  curtains  became  ignited,  a  flame  shot  up  to  the 
baldaquin,  and  the  drapery  fell  upon  him  like  a  fiery  shroud. 

**  Help,  Andr6e!  help!  call!"  gasped  the  wretched  suflerer, 
hoping,  in  his  desperation,  for  succor  from  his  intended  victim. 

Andree  sprang  to  the  window  and  opened  it.  But  she  did  not 
caU  for  help.  A  sturdy  old  vine  climbed  up  the  wall,  and  with 
its  assistance  she  leaped  into  the  garden. 

She  had  not  made  her  escape  too  soon,  for  the  fire  was  spread- 
ing through  the  room.  Paillardin  had  fallen  from  the  bed  onto 
the  floor  and  writhing  in  atrocious  agony,  he  shrieked  unuitelli- 
gible  words.  The  whole  of  his  bulky  frame  was  burning  with  a 
white  flame  and  a  black  smoke.  His  beard  and  hair  blazed  for 
a  second,  then  his  cheeks  took  fire,  and  as  the  flesh  became 
detached  from  the  bones,  one  might  have  seen  his  teeth  biting 
his  tongue,  the  tip  of  which  was  carbonized. 

However,  his  cries  had  been  heard,  and  people  were  approach- 
ing. When  the  work-girls,  whose  heads  were  already  tm-ned  by 
their  imhmited  potations,  saw  the  flames  darting  through  the 
open  window  of  their  employer's  room,  they  fled  down  the  garden 
in  dismay  shrieking,  "  Fire !  Fire !  "  Some  belated  passers-by 
were  at  hand,  and  leaning  a  ladder  against  the  widow-sill, 
they  emptied  buckets  full  of  water  into  the  burning  room.  The 
fire,  indeed,  was  soon  extmguished,  but  Paillardin  had  long  been 
dead.    As  for  Andree,  she  had  disappeared. 

That  same  night  the  commissary  of  pohce  of  Rued  started  an 
investigation.    Two  of  the  work-girls,  who  had  abetted  Pail- 

Nana^s  Daughter  4. 

.58  nana's  daughter. 

lardin's  design,  were  arrested  at  the  railway  station,  and,  while 
trying  to  screen  themselves,  they  confessed  that  a  conspiracy 
had  been  planned  against  Mademoiselle  Naviel.  The  door  of 
the  pavihon,  where  the  fire  had  taken  place,  was  found  to  bo 
shut,  and  the  window  of  the  bedroom  open.  It  was  presumed 
therefore,  that  the  young  girl  —  surprised  and  shut  up  in  tl:e 
building  —  had  made  her  escape  by  way  of  the  casement,  at  the 
outset  of  the  fire.  Moreover,  some  abominable  reports  were 
abroad  respecting  Paillardin  —  stories  of  other  young  girls  whom 
he  had  drawn  to  this  same  pavihon;  and  when  the  judicia' 
authorities  had  duly  weighed  the  evidence,  they  decided  not  tts 
trouble  Andree  Naviel. 


DiTiirN"G  the  summer  which  followed  Paillardin's  tragical  de- 
mise, the  acquaintanceship  of  the  Despretz  and  Nftviel  families 
was  established  on  a  cordial  footing.  It  was  not  so  easy  for 
them  to  see  one  another,  as  the  Naviels  had  left  the  Faubourg 
St.  Autoine,  and  taken  up  their  abode  at  Batiguolles.  But  the 
distance  was  shortened  by  the  barely-confessed  aflectiou  which 
united  Andree  and  Lucien.  Andree  had  set  up  in  business  on 
her  own  account,  and  had  no  lack  of  customers.  She  had 
grown  far  more  womanly,  and  conducted  her  work-room  with 
rare  skill.  Her  beauty  was  becomiag  more  graceful  and  noble, 
and  her  eyes  seemed  larger  and  deeper  imder  the  influence  of 
the  feelings  by  which  she  was  now  swayed. 

Lucien  Despretz  had  by  degrees  revealed  to  her  all  his  long- 
cherished  dreams  of  love  and  happiness,  all  his  plans  for  the 
future  when  they  would  be  man  and  wife.  And  Andree  had 
begun  to  love  him  with  a  strong,  honest  aifection ;  it  was  she 
who  the  first  felt  anxious  to  shorten  the  term  of  probation. 
Lucien  had  not  as  yet  formally  asked  for  her  hand.  With  par- 
donable pride  he  wished  to  improve  his  position,  and  place  it  on 
a  level  with  his  sweetheart's.  He  had  become  cashier  at  a  largo 
establishment  in  the  Rue  Montmartro,  but  this  did  not  sufQco 
for  his  ambition.  His  old  mother  was  dependent  on  him,  and 
he  wished  to  lay  by  enough  to  enable  her  to  live  in  comparative 
independence  after  his  marriage.  With  this  object  he  under- 
went positive  privations.  He  did  not  think  fit  to  inform  Andree 
of  the  honorable  motives  which  delayed  his  formal  application 
to  her  i)arents,  for  he  knew  her  well  enough  to  judge  that 
she  would  wish  to  have  her  share  in  his  task  of  filial  devo- 
tion. And  so  they  lived  on,  in  a  kind  of  semi-reserve,  due  t/» 
the  delicate  susceptibility  of  their  natures.  There  was  somo- 
thiug  charming  about  then-  mutual  reticence,  aud  their  love 

nana's  daughter.  59 

appcarod  to  their  parents  like  the  cordial  friendship  of  two  young 
pooi)l(',  glad  to  meet  and  see  eacli  other. 

Madame  Na\'icl  alone  was  desirous  that  Lucien  should  state 
his  views  concerning  Andree ;  and,  one  evening,  when  the  work- 
girls  had  left  before  Navicl  returned  from  the  foundry,  she  spoke 
very  seriously  to  her  daughter  on  the  subject  —  urging  her  to 
have  an  explanation  with  M.  Despretz  as  soon  as  possible. 
Unfortunately,  she'  allowwl  some  cruel  words  to  escape  her. 
"If  he  delays  so  long,"  she  said,  "it  is  perhaps  because  ho 
has  some  doubts  respecting  your  adventure  with  Monsieur  Pail- 

"  That's  impossible,  mother !  "  cried  Andree.  "  However,  I 
will  speak  to  hun  to-morrow,  since  wo  are  all  going  to  the 
review  m  the  Bois  de  Boulogne.  And  he  must  tell  me  the  plain 

Andree  did  not  sleep  that  night,  but  passed  long  hours  cry- 
ing ;  and  on  the  morrow  her  eyes  still  bore  traces  of  the  tears 
which  had  risen  fi-om  her  heart.  At  eleven  o'clock  Lucien 
Despretz  and  his  mother  reached  BatignoUes  by  the  omnibus 
from  the  Bastille ;  and  shortly  afterward  the  two  families  sallied 
forth  and  took  the  train  for  Passy.  A  compact  crowd  was  bo- 
sieging  the  carriages,  and  every  five  minutes  a  fresh  train 
steamed  up,  with  passengers  crarmuing  every  corner,  even  to  the 
gangways  leading  to  the  outside  seats. 

On  alighting  at  Passy,  Andree  did  not  wait  for  Lucien  to  offer 
her  his  arm ;  she  appropriated  it  and  led  him  several  steps 
onward,  in  advance  of  the  others.  They  turned  down  a  narrow 
path  where  the  noontide  heat  had  barely  penetrated.  Despite 
the  glowing  sunlight,  the  mirth  of  the  crowd,  and  the  ambient 
joy  around,  a  vague  sadness,  one  of  those  light  clouds  familiar 
to  young  natures,  had  fallen  over  them.  When  they  were 
parted  from  their  relatives,  Andree  raised  her  fair  head,  and, 
looking  questioningly  at  her  lover  with  her  deep  limpid  eyes, 
she  asked:  "  So  you  do  not  believe  in  the  virtue  of  women, 
Monsieur  Lucien  ?  " 

"  ^Vho  told  you  that,  Andree  ?  I  do  beheve  that  there  are 
virtuous  women,  and  especially  since  I  know  you. " 

"  Come,  answer  me  frankly.  .Suppose  that,  on  the  night  of 
that  adventure  with  my  old  employer,  I  had  fallen  a  victim  to 
the  trap  he  set  for  me " 

"  Enough,  Andree.  Not  another  word.  Don't  try  to  make 
me  doubt.  I  beheve  in  your  purity  as  I  beheve  in  my  dear 
mother's  honor.  Do  you  fancy  I  could  Uve  with  such  a  pang  at 
the  heart  ?  No,  no,  the  only  woman  I  have  ever  loved  caimot 
have  fallen  a  victim  to  Paillardin.  If  you  told  it  me,  Andree, 
you  yourself,  I  should  not  believe  you." 

"  And  yet  if  it  were  so  ?  " 

"  I  should  not  cease  to  esteem  and  love  you,  as  long  as  I  had 

6o  nana's  daughter. 

courage  enough  to  live;  Lut  I  should  bid  good-hy  to  my 
hopes — for  fear  of  maldng  your  life  au  endless  torture  by  my 
jealousy. " 

"  Thank  you  for  your  frankness.  I  trust  that  you  have  a 
sufficiently  high  opinion  of  my  delicacy  to  know  that  I  should 
have  begged  you  to  renounce  your  hopes  had  my  adventure  re- 
sulted in  my  fall." 

"  And  you  would  have  acted  rightly,  AndT6e,  for  the  man  who 
gives  himself  wholly  to  the  woman  he  loves,  the  man  whose  love 
has  had  no  past,  and  who  comes  to  his  betrothed  and  says : 
'  Hero  I  am  with  all  my  illusions,  all  my  dreams,  all  my  kisses. 
I  come  to  you,  take  mo,  my  life  is  yours,  my  past  as  well  as  my 
future.    I  have  not  squandered  aught  of  the  treasures  in  my 

heart,  I  have  not  cast  eyes  on  any  woman  save  yourself ' 

Ah  I  that  man,  Andree,  the  man  who  can  speak  thus,  who  has 
had  strength  enough  to  reserve  himself  for  his  first  real  passion, 
has  a  right  to  believe  in  the  purity  of  the  woman  ho  marries. 
No  matter  what  semi-philosophers  and  spurious  wiseacres  may 
say,  no  matter  what  fools  may  think,  it  is  false  that  a  man  only 
has  a  right  to  the  name  when  he  has  spent  his  youth  among 
chance  mistresses.  There  is  but  one  real  love  —  the  first  and 
only  one !  " 

"  So  you  never  loved  any  one  before  me,  Lucien?" 

"  No,  never.    I  swear  it,  Andree." 

"  Then  you  are  the  man  whom  I  have  always  dreamed  of  and 
I  am  not  unworthy  of  you.  Ah !  I  will  own  it ;  I  suflered  for 
a  moment,  for  some  cruel  words  escaped  my  mother  and  made 
me  cry  all  night.  She  told  me,  yesterday,  that  perhaps  you 
doubted  me.    Ah  I  how  it  made  me  sulfer!" 

"Child,  dear  foohsh  child!  What  I  could  you  think  that? 
Ah,  I  midorstand  the  cause  of  your  sadness  now.  Do  you  know 
why  I  have  not  yet  spoken  to  your  parents,  Andree  ?  It  is 
because  you  have  become  to  rich  for  me.  I  have  my  poor  old 
mother  to  care  for " 

"  But  am  I  not  there  to  help  you?  You  prefer  your  vanity  to 
mo.  You  are  too  proud  with  your  Andree,  and  I  do  not  like 
.such  pride." 

A  pause  followed.  They  were  now  passing  between  the  lakes 
in  the  Bois  do  Boulogne,  and  they  stopped  to  allow  their  parents 
to  overtake  them.  Madame  Despretz  was  not  a  quick  walker, 
and  soon  became  tired.  A  dense  crowd  was  now  invading  the 
Bois.  It  was  Sunday,  and  all  the  faubourgs,  all  the  x^oorer  dis- 
tricts of  Paris,  had  furnished  a  contingent  to  the  throng.  Entire 
families  arrayed  in  in  tlicir  best  clothes  were  marching  along  the 
leading  tlioroughfares,  l)ound  for  the  review.  Since  da.vbreak, 
the  Boulevaids,  the  Euo  de  Rivoli  and  the  quays,  had  been 
pouring  a  tlood  of  hnman  beings  toward  Longchamps.  At  nine 
o'clock  the  lu"st  vehicles  had  started.    All  the  gates  of  the  Bois 

nana's  daughter.  6 1 

were  bcs(>i<:;ecl,  and  omnilmsos  crowded  with  police  agents  drew 
up  near  the  cascade.  The  foot  and  nunmtod  Gardes  do  Paris 
were  told  oil'  for  duty  iu  platoons  and  squadrons  along  tho 
avenues,  while  long  coliunnsof  artillery  and  cavalry  started  from 
Versailles,  St.  Germ;iin  and  Vinceiuies.  Already  at  daybreak 
several  regiments  had  bivouaced  on  the  dewy  grass ;  and  now 
while  the  trim  sutlers  served  out  drink,  soldiers  and  civiUans 
were  fraternizuig  together. 

Tho  Sim  had  its  share  in  tho  festive  scene  as  it  played  brightly 
over  tho  ghstouing  foliage.  There  was  something  forcible  in  tho 
general  gaiety,  and  tho  very  atmosphere  seemed  to  vibrato  with 
tho  joyous  return  of  Franco  to  life.  Tho  number  of  tho  troops 
was  gradually  increasing.  Along  the  Avenue  do  Longchamps, 
along  tho  Avenue  des  Lacs,  over  the  bridges  of  St.  Cloud  and 
Surcsnes,  came  colunms  headed  by  regimental  bands.  In  tho 
direction  of  Paris  tho  trmnpets  of  tho  hussars  woro  sounding; 
from  St.  Cloud  came  a  clatter  and  a  rumble  as  the  Versailles 
artillery  ai)proached  at  a  fast  trot,  followed  by  a  "brigade  of 
cuirassiers  and  a  regiment  of  dragoons. 

CiviUans  of  all  classes,  men,  women  and  children,  sprang  up 
in  every  cUrection ;  and  still  and  over  the  human  tide  rolled  on 
through  thickets,  by-paths  and  avenues.  Tho  thousands,  who 
bad  jommeyed  by  way  of  the  Versailles  railway  line,  now  cov- 
ered tho  heights  of  Mont  Val6rien  and  Suresnes.  Those  who 
had  followed  the  Avenue  des  Champs  Elysees  on  foot,  who  had 
come  by  steamboat  as  far  as  the  Point- du-Jom*,  or  who  had 
ahghted  from  the  trains  of  tho  circular  railway  at  Passy,  Neuilly 
and  Auteuil,  ranged  themselves  at  tho  edge  of  the  Longchamps 
race  course;  some  of  them  standing  on  the  outskirts  of  the 
wood,  others  climbing  tho  trees  to  gain  a  point  of  vantage,  and 
others  again  sitting  over  the  cascade  with  their  legs  dangling  in 
space.  Tho  waterfall  seemed  to  emerge  from  their  feet  and 
pom'  like  a  huge  shower-bath  onto  tho  heads  of  those  below. 

At  noon  the  various  positions  prescribed  by  the  staff-officers 
were  occupied.  The  infantry  was  drawn  up  in  three  hues  par- 
allel to  the  grand  stands ;  tho  artillery  was  ranged  in  a  single 
line  behind  the  foot  soldiers ;  while  a  fifth  line,  perpendicular  to 
tho  others,  was  formed  by  the  cavalry  stationed  along  the  Bou- 
logne road.  Stylish  equipages  were  amving  each  minute,  and 
tho  grand  stands  were  beginning  to  fill.  Tasteful  dresses  could 
be  seen  on  tho  tiers  of  seats,  and  bright-colored  parasols  stood 
out  luminously  against  the  dark  garments  of  the  sterner  sex. 
Fans  were  fluttering  amid  the  bouquets  carried  by  the  belles  of 
society  and  looked  like  gigantic  butterflies  hovering  over  the 
flowers.  Afar  oft"  in  the  shade  of  the  wood  numerous  loss  privi- 
leged sightseers  were  enjoying  a  well-earned  rest  on  the 

Andr^o  and  Lucien  hurried  on,  and  they  were  about  to  enter 

62  nana's  daughter. 

the  avenue  which  conducts  from  the  lakes  to  Longchamps,  when 
all  at  once  they  noticed  a  great  commotion  among  the  crowd, 
and  heard  loud  shouts  of  ''  Run  them  in !  " 


The  whole  throng  hastened  in  the  direction  of  these  cries,  and 
dming  a  momentary  lull  two  women  could  be  heard  sobbmg  and 
moamng.  But  the  fierce  jeers  of  the  populace  speedily  rose  on 
high  agam  and  drowned  then-  lamentations.  Lucien  was  not 
able  to  hurry  Andi-ee  along  and  spare  her  the  sight  of  what  was 
taking  place,  for  the  crowd  was  coming  toward  them.  The 
vehicles  drew  up  short,  and  their  occupants  rose  from  their  seats 
to  see  what  was  gomg  on.  Inquisitive  heads  were  stretched  out 
on  aU  sides  —  from  landaus,  broughams  and  cabs,  from  breaks, 
tilburys  and  spiders,  from  huge  hotel  omnibuses,  laden  with 
foreigners,  and  from  vans  crammed  with  ftimihes  of  tradespeople, 
elbow  to  elbow  and  knee  to  knee.  Well-gloved  gentlemen  then 
expressed  their  disgust  at  what  they  saw,  and  young  married 
ladies,  with  their  babies  in  the  arms  of  buxom  nurses,  seated  on 
the  front  cushions,  audibly  exclaimed : 

"  It  is  shameful !  " 

"  It  is  disgraceful  for  Paris !  " 

"  All  those  women  ought  to  bo  shut  up  at  St.  Lazare " 

"  Bah !  "  rejoined  some  young  swells  with  Oxford  glasses, 
''  there  are  no  real  fetes  since  the  retm-n  of  the  Repubhc.  You 
only  meet  beggars  and  harlots  wherever  you  go. '' 

The  crowd  pressed  forward  to  jeer  at  two  unfortunates  whom 
four  agents  of  the  public  morality  pohce  force  were  draggmg 
along.  From  time  to  time  they  refused  to  advance,  and  threw 
themselves  on  their  knees,  sobbing  and  beggmg  for  mercy. 

"  To  St.  Lazare  -sxdth  them !  "  cried  the  mob,  and  amid  its 
jeers  one  could  hear  the  bell  of  an  itinerant  coco*  vendor,  who 
despite  the  hubbub  was  steadily  plying  his  calling  at  the  end  of 
the  lake. 

As  the  agents  could  advance  no  further,  they  stretched  the 
two  women  on  the  gravel  and  began  tying  them  together  by  the 
waist.  The  prisoners  continued  struggling,  however,  and  one 
of  them  called  out,  amid  convulsive  sobs :  "  Mamma !  mamma !  " 

"Good  heavens!"  cried  Audree,  turning  very  pale,  "that 
voice  was  ]\largot's."  And,  with  feverish  strength,  she  hurried 
Lucien  through  the  crowd  to  the  first  rank. 

It  was,  indeed,  really  Margot  —  Paillardm's  whUom  favorite, 
who,  since  his  death,  had  been  living  with  his  valet,  Jules.    Now 

.*A  popular  French  beverage  prepared  from  orange  peel.— Tkans. 

nana's  daughteb  6$ 

Jules,  who  was  a  handsome  feUow,  had  d^,«3E<id  to  work  any 
longer,  and  ho  subsisted  on  the  fi'uit  of  Margot's  mfaray.  Sho 
had  become  a  common  imfortunate,  and  he  beat  her  cruelly 
whenever  she  was  so  unlucky  as  to  return  homo  penniless.  Sho 
had  now  been  arrested  with  anotli^r  girl  of  her  class  for  accosting 
people  in  tlie  wood,  and  a  term  of  imprisonment  at  St.  Lazare 
was  endently  in  store  for  her.  Territied  by  this  prospect,  sho 
still  sobbed,  I'laintivc'./,  "  ^lamma!  mamma!  " 

Thereupon  the  agent  who  had  '*  nabbed  "  her,  a  tall,  thin 
fellow  with  a  hooked  nose  and  blue  glasses,  kicked  her  brutally 
in  the  ribs,  and  cried  out :  "  Shut  up,  you  strumpet !  " 

Andreo  recognized  him  also  by  his  voice.  The  pohce  agent 
who  treated  Margot  so  roughly  was  none  other  than  her  old 
friend  the  ex-clown,  Face-to-Sruack,  in  person.  He,  himself, 
had  been  kicked  and  beaten  of  yore  by  his  master,  the  Hercules, 
and  now  he  revenged  himself  on  the  slaves  of  Parisian  vice.  A 
rolling  stone  of  Bohemia,  cast  into  the  sphere  of  degi-adation  by 
Nana's  dainty  hand,  ho  had  become  acquainted  with  every 
shame,  and  had  elbowed  every  infamy;  and  if  he  earned  a  living 
now,  it  was  solely  thanlcs  to  the  social  e\il !  He  was  conscious 
of  his  fall,  and  the  woman  who  had  caused  his  ruin  was  the 
object  of  his  hatred  —  a  strange  hatred,  forsooth,  compounded 
of  old  love  and  jealous  contempt. 

As  Andreo  recognized  him  she  darted  forward,  in  spite  of 
Lucien's  efforts  to  restrain  her.  The  crowd  ceased  jeering  on 
beholding  her  loveliness  blooming  in  the  summer  sunlight,  at 
sight  of  her  big  chaste  eyes  so  deep  and  limpid,  "  Why  do  you 
strike  that  woman?  "  she  asked  in  a  tone  of  girlish  authority. 

"  What  does  that  matter  to  an  honest  girl  like  you '?  "  rejoined 
the  ex-clown.  "  Do  you  call  that  creatm-e  a  woman,  mademoi- 
selle ?    What  would  you  call  your  mother  then  ?  " 

The  throng  could  not  understand  Andree's  intervention. 
Why  had  she  undertaken  to  defend  a  worthless  creature  ?  Still 
her  words  had  great  effect,  and  public  opinion,  that  ever-turn- 
ing weathercock,  at  once  veered  round  to  her  side.  There  were 
murmurs  in  the  serried  ranks  of  spectators,  and  some  exclaimed 
that  it  was  really  too  bad  to  beat  a  woman,  however  worthless 
she  might  be,  in  the  midst  of  public  rejoicings.  After  all,  what 
had  she  done  ?  She  had  merely  plied  her  calling.  Some  fish- 
women,  who  were  in  the  crowd  raised  their  fists  and  shouted : 
"  Leave  those  girls  alone,  you  set  of  spies,  or  else  give  them 
something  to  eat.  They  can't  hve  on  nothing  no  more  than  you 
can,  you  brutes !  " 

Then  growls  and  threats  resounded.  Latent  generosity  was 
aroused  in  the  hearts  of  the  mob,  now  eager  to  turn  its  spite  on 
the  men  who  kicked  their  prisoners.  However,  the  ex-clown 
had  drawn  himself  up  to  his  full  height,  and  striking  an  attitude 
Uke  a  mountebank;  he  shouted  in  a  hoarse  voice :   "  What  do 

64  nana's  daughter. 

you  interfere  for,  you  people  ?  This  is  our  business,  not  yours. 
We  are  paid  to  arrest  strumpets?  Well  that's  better  than 
thieving,  I  suppose.  We  must  eat  like  other  people,  and  to  eat 
one  must  work.  Once  upon  a  time  I  vras  a  clown — yes,  I  —  and 
I  had  a  master  who  thrashed  me.  Now  it's  my  turn  to  strike. 
When  it's  a  question  of  the  whip  you  had  far  better  be  on  the 
side  of  the  handle  than  on  that  of  the  lash ;  and  that's  why  I've 
become  a  functionary !  " 

While  this  talk  was  proceeding,  one  of  the  police  agents  had 
gone  off  for  reinforcements,  and  he  now  returned  with  twelve 
policemen,  two  keepers  and  a  cab.  The  two  women  were  lying 
on  the  ground ;  the  agents  dragged  them  by  the  legs  as  far  as 
the  vehicle,  and  then,  picking  them  up  they  threw  them  uaside.* 
This  brutality  quite  infuriated  the  crowd,  and  loud  shouts  arose 
of,  "  Down  with  the  police !  To  the  water  with  them !  "  Then 
there  was  a  formidable  push.  The  disturbance  spread  and 
assumed  the  proportions  of  a  riot.  However,  the  pohcemen  did 
not  lose  their  heads.  They  surroimded  the  cab,  while  the  two 
agents  of  the  pubhc  morahty  force  jiunped  inside.  The  girls  lay 
stretched  across  the  vehicle  and  were  howling  despairingly. 
That  the  mob  was  bent  upon  attacking  the  cab  there  could  bo 
no  doubt ;  but  at  this  moment  a  detachment  of  foot  Gardes  de 
Paris  hurried  up,  and  a  regiment  of  cuirassiers  was  approaching 
along  the  avenue  at  a  fast  trot.  The  troopers  were  late  for  the 
review  and  hastened  onward  so  as  to  reach  the  ground  before 
the  arrival  of  the  ofl&cial  cortege. 

The  crowd  drew  back  hastily,  and  the  flashing  mass  passed 
onward  like  a  meteor.  When  the  throng  closed  up  again,  the 
police  had  profited  by  the  diversion,  and  the  cab  had  already 
disappeared  down  a  side  avenue. 

Lucien  and  Andr6e  found  themselves  separated  from  their 
relatives,  and  it  was  useless  to  try  and  join  them  in  such  a 
throng.  The  young  fellow  preferred  making  an  effort  to  dispel 
his  Bweet-hoart's  distress.  But  all  in  vain.  It  seemed  to  her  as 
though  some  catastrophe  had  fallen  upon  herself;  and  in  her 
horrified  imagination  she  could  still  see  Margot,  fallen  to  infamy, 
bound  like  a  wild  beast,  dragged  and  beaten  by  the  pohce, 
and  thrown  mto  a  cab  with  the  companion  of  her  shame.  And 
what  could  be  thought  of  Face-to-Smack,  the  clown,  once  so 
humble  and  so  kind,  and  now  so  brutal,  maddened  as  it  were  by 

For  a  brighter  pictm-e  Andr6e  had  to  turn  to  Nature.  The 
golden  sunbeams  of  noontide  were  now  playing  over  the  foliage 
of  the  tall  trees,  mirrored  in  the  transparent  azme  of  the  lake. 
The  warmth  of  color  fairly  dazzled  one.  The  tiny  ripples 
sparkled  vividly,  and  the  weighty  branches  seemed  decked  vdth 

•These  incidents  are  positively  founded  upon  fact. —  Trans. 

nana's  daughter.  65 

a  brighter  greon  as  they  swayed  gently  hi  the  summer  breeze. 
Over  the  tall  grass  the  rays  were  dancing  a  mid-day  ronnd,  and, 
amid  the  ratliant  blaze,  tlaere  still  and  ever  rose  the  intense  far- 
stretching  hum  and  bustle  of  Paris  on  the  march.  The  anger  of 
the  crowd,  momentarily  aroused  by  the  brutality  of  the  police 
agents,  had  gradually  subsided  under  the  growing  weight  of  the 
summer  heat. 

Lucien  and  Andr6o  walked  on  slowly  until  they  reached  the 
height  from  which  the  cascade  falls.  They  were  fortunate 
enough  to  find  room  to  sit  down  together  on  the  grass;  and 
scarcely  had  they  done  so  than  a  cloud  of  smoke  enveloped  one 
of  the  bastions  of  Mont  Yalorien.  Then  the  loud  report  of 
cannon  stirred  the  green  foliage.  The  spirited  horses  of  the 
stylish  equipages  neighed  in  the  plain  below.  The  army  ranged 
in  long,  rigid  lines  on  the  race-ground  seemed  to  awaken  to  life. 
The  drums  beat,  and  chstant  bands  bm'st  forth  into  harmony; 
while  thousands  of  bayonets  ghstened  amid  the  rhythmical 
swinging  of  masses  of  armed  men.  Then  an  hnmense  clamor 
arose  through  the  festive  space :  "  Long  hve  the  Republic  I" 

From  the  Avenue  do  Longchamps,  Marshal  MacMahon,  hold' 
ing  his  white-plumed  hat  in  his  hand,  was  gallopmg  forward  ov 
a  sleek,  black  horse,  followed  by  a  brilhant  statf  with  waving 
feathers.  Behind  came  an  escort  of  Spahis,  moimted  on  little, 
long-tailed  horses,  and  with  their  bright-red  Arab  cloaks 
streaming  in  the  wind.  As  the  hurricane  swept  by,  it  seemed 
to  be  a  vision  of  human  power. 

At  the  same  time,  a  blue,  silver- mounted  landau,  drawn  by 
four  piebald  horses,  came  forward  at  a  sharp  trot.  Inside, 
between  two  well-dressed  men,  there  sat  a  golden-haired 
woman,  arrayed  in  a  tight-fitting  robe  of  white  satin,  studded 
with  pearls  and  diamonds.  She  was  reclining  indolently  on  the 
cushions  w  ith  her  legs  crossed,  and,  her  skirt  being  partially 
raised,  a  glimpse  was  caught  of  her  flesh-tinted  stockiiigs  and 
well-turned  ankles.  Behind  the  vehicle  stood  a  couple  of  foot- 
men in  blue  silk  breeches ;  while  two  negro  postiUions  bestrode 
the  left-hand  horses.  The  crowd  drawn  up  along  the  avenue 
was  able  to  admire  this  remarkable  equipage  in  its  every  detail ; 
but  from  the  height  whence  Andree  looked  down  on  the  race- 
ground,  all  she  detected  was  Nana's  radiant  hair,  as  the  queen 
of  \ice  drove  by  in  the  full  sunhght,  mmgled  almost  with  the 
presidential  cortege,  which  seemed  to  be  her  escort, 


The  two  men  who  thus  exhibited  themselves  in  Nana's  car- 
riage were  the  Marquis  d' Albigny  and  the  Prince  of  Mulhausen. 
The  la,tter  was  a  Prussian,  transplanted  from  the  shores  of  the 

66  nana's  daughter. 

Vistula  to  the  banks  of  the  Seme — a  true,  stiff,  fair-haired 
Teuton,  full  of  Germanic  vanity,  intensely  proud  of  his  title, 
fond  of  being  considered  a  woman-killer,  and  showing  himself 
in  Nana's  company  for  the  sake  of  imhealthy  notoriety.  He  had 
ruined  himself  a  httle  bit  everywhere  with  that  cold  madness 
peculiar  to  the  people  of  the  North,  and  he  was  now  approach- 
ing the  end  of  his  tether.  As  for  Nana,  he  had  never  been  in 
love  with  her,  but  he  liked  to  pass  himself  off  as  one  of  her 

D'Albigny,  on  the  other  hand,  was  a  specimen  of  the  aristocrat 
who  has  lost  caste ;  a  man  with  a  great  deal  of  boimco  and  very 
little  honor,  more  apt  to  fight  for  a  word  than  for  a  wrong;  a 
fencmg-hall  bidly  in  the  morning,  a  Bourse  Jew  in  the  afternoon, 
and  a  card-sharper  in  fashionable  gambling  dens  at  night  time. 
He  led  a  fast  and  luxurious  hfe,  lunching  at  Bignon's,  supping 
at  the  Cafe  Anglais,  and  patronizmg  the  swell  tailor,  Torres 
— all  with  other  people's  money.  Simpletons  imagined  that  it 
was  he  who  defrayed  Nana's  luxury,  and  she  herself  allowed  it 
to  be  reported.  But  the  truth  was  that  by  squandering  for  her 
sake  a  petty  fortime  of  a  million  francs  in  a  couple  of  years,  ho 
had  fairly  lamiched  her,  and  she  was  grateful  to  him  for  it. 
Their  evil  natures  were  secretly  leagued  together.  He  had 
fought  three  duels  for  her;  he  publicly  exhibited  himself  in  her 
company,  and  as  he  passed  for  an  arbiter  elegantarmm  on  the 
boulevards,  he  easily  found  idiots  like  Mulhausen,  who  copied 
him  for  the  sake  of  *'  chic. " 

Nana  and  D'Albigny  had  certainly  had  tiffs  together,  but  she 
had  always  made  them  up,  and  she  was  more  than  ever  desirous 
of  maintaining  a  good  understanding  at  present,  as,  having 
become  a  millionaire  eight  times  over,  she  needed  the  assistance 
of  a  skillful  money-monger.  D'Albigny  cost  her  two  hundred 
thousand  francs  a  year,  but  he  prevented  her  from  losing  tmce 
as  much  by  bad  investments.  While  speculating  advantageously 
with  Nana's  funds,  regulating  the  expenditure  of  her  household 
and  promoting  her  luxury,  he  found  the  means  to  gratify  his 
own  private  fancies.  For  instance,  he  had  given  only  forty 
thousand  francs  for  the  piebald  team  which  Nana  inaugurated 
on  the  day  of  the  review,  and  which  caused  such  a  sensation, 
and  yet  it  was  well  worth  twice  as  much.  However,  the  dealer 
he  had  obtained  it  from  was  pressed  for  money,  and  had  lot  the 
animals  go  for  half  their  value.  It  is  true  that  Nana  was 
charged  the  fuU  amount;  but  after  all  she  lost  nothing,  and  her 
"barnum,"  as  she  cynically  called  D'Albigny,  made  two 
thousand  napoleons  by  the  transaction. 

D'Albigny  and  Mulhausen  were  not  Nana's  only  acolytes. 
Titled  and  influential  personages  of  all  categories  visited  her 
house,  and  among  them  there  was  at  least  one  honest  man 
—  Stog,  the  director  of  the  postal  services.    Nana  had  never 

nana's  daughter.  6/ 

been  his  mistress,  altliougli  lio  was  iu  lovo  with  her,  and 
althoui^h  on  her  side  she  had  no  aversion  for  Min.  But  when 
Stog  was  very  young  ho  had  married  a  devotee,  who  had 
brought  him  but  a  small  dowry,  so  that  his  means  were  com- 
paratively modest.  He  had  never  aspired  to  Nana's  favors,  as 
he  knew  well  enough  that  his  entire  year's  salary  would  not 
suflBce  to  defray  her  lavish  expenditure  during  a  single  month. 
So  he  called  on  her  but  seldom,  luuiting  his  visits  to  her  grand 
receptions  without  trying  to  become  intimate.  The  kind  of 
haughty  coldness  which  he  affected  did  not  offend  Nana,  but 
rather  determined  her  to  conquer  hmi.  By  sundry  flashes  of 
his  eyes  and  passionate  movements  of  his  lips,  she  had  dis- 
covered that  he  secretly  adored  her;  hence  she  devoted  her 
ciVorts  to  subduing  what  she  called  his  virtuous  resistance. 
She  could  not  allow  any  one  to  raise  the  standard  of  revolt 
against  her  "vicious  sovereignty.  On  the  i3re\ious  evening  she 
had  tried  to  induce  Stog  to  accompany  her  to  the  review, 
desirous  that  the  official  world  should  see  him  seated  in  her 
carriage.  But  he  had  contrived  to  declhie  the  invitation ;  and 
now,  on  reaching  the  review  groimd,  she  espied  him  in  the 
tribune  of  honor.  The  sight  annoyed  her,  and  she  reheved  her 
feelings  by  teasing  her  German  prince. 

"Do  you  see,  prmce,"  she  cried,  as  the  march  past  began; 
"here's  the  military  school  of  St.  Cyr.  Come,  apx)laud  the 
revanche.    Come,  give  a  cheer!  " 

Mulhausen  made  no  reply,  but  pretended  to  smUe  between 
his  tawny  whiskers.  His  tall  figiu-e  was  drawn  bolt  u])right  in 
tiie  true  stiff"  Teutonic  stjie,  and  ho  looked  every  bit  of  a  Ger- 
man, with  his  hair  of  a  dull  yellow,  his  red  ears  standing  out  on 
either  side  of  his  head,  and  his  broad  shoulders  with  their 
prominent  bones. 

In  the  tone  of  an  absolute  sovereign  accustomed  to  obecUence, 
Nana  continued  speaking.  "  Come,  applaud,  Mulhausen,  applaud 
the  revanche!  "  she  cried;  "  I  order  you  to  do  so." 

Thereupon  Mulhausen  applauded  with  the  tips  of  his  gloved 
hands,  and  a  flush  suffused  his  face,  as  if  he  were  conscious  that 
the  harlot  beside  him  had  cuffed  his  dear  Fatherland  in  his  own 
princely  person. 

Meanwhile  the  battahon  of  St.  Cjt  was  advancing  with  mag- 
nificent  ensemble.  The  gun  barrels  gleamed  in  the  sunlight  on 
the  robust  shoulders  of  the  yoimg  fellows,  all  of  whose  knees 
bent  with  the  same  nervous  flexion,  and  all  of  whose  left  arms 
swung  with  the  same  regular  cadence.  It  was  truly  the  hope 
of  the  army,  the  coming  revanche  that  marched  along!  It  was 
the  strength  of  new  France — the  yoimg  generation,  steeled  by 
the  sufferings  of  former  ones,  and  proudly  determined  that  their 
coimtry  should  be  respected.  Afar  oft'  in  the  plain  the  three 
lines  of  infantry  had  faced  about.    The  regiments  successively 


set  off  on  the  march  in  deep  columns  of  thirty-two  files,  bands 
ahead  and  banners  waving.  A  glittering  mass  of  steel  covered 
the  verdant  race-groimd,  and  from  every  point  of  the  horizon, 
from  the  heights  of  Sm^esues  and  the  slopes  of  Mont  Valerine, 
from  the  depths  of  the  avenues  and  the  outskirts  of  the  wood, 
there  arose  the  shouts  of  the  multitude:  ''Long  live  the 
Eepubhc I "  "  Long  live  the  army!"  "  Long  hvo  France !  " 

The  firemen  were  now  marching  past,  and  the  Garde  Kepub- 
licaine  and  Parisian  Gendarmerie  followed.  Then  came  the 
whole  of  the  regular  inftmtry  —  thirty  thousand  men,  massed  in 
divisions,  wheohng  round  without  a  break,  and  stepping  out 
jauntily  despite  the  morning's  march,  tlieir  white  gaiters  and 
blood-red  trousers  coming  and  going  in  the  same  regular  stride. 
The  grand  stands  applauded  each  division  as  it  marched  past  in 
turn  with  genuine  French  spirit.  The  beardless  faces  of  the 
little  foot-soldiers  beamed  with  Gallic  good-humoi  and  Celtic 
healthfulness.  Between  the  platoons  marched  the  ofi&cers,  with 
their  heads  erect  and  their  faces  serious  as  they  saluted  the 
chief  of  the  State  with  their  swords.  When  the  whole  of  the 
infantry  had  marched  past,  a  broad  space  was  left  for  the  artil- 
lery, and  eighteen  batteries,  forming  a  single  column,  with  six 
guns  to  each  front,  started  off  at  a  fast  trot.  At  the  end  of  the 
plain  the  heavy  carriages  wheeled  roimd,  and  as  the  teams  of 
six  horses  entered  the  straight  line,  they  broke  into  a  gallop. 
Two  brigades  executed  the  movement  faultlessly,  without  a 
single  horse  taking  a  wrong  step.  The  red  plumes  of  the  gunners 
waved  in  the  gray  atmosphere  through  which  a  cloud  of  dust 
was  rising,  and  the  black  guns  jolted  on  their  steel  axles  as  the 
compact  mass  swept  by. 

Tlien  the  cheers  increased.  Middle  and  lower  classes  alike 
united  in  the  common  thought  insjiired  by  the  superb  cry  of 
"  Long  hve  France !  "  "  Long  live  France  !  "  It  meant  every- 
thing in  three  words.  Despite  her  faults,  despite  passing  weak- 
ness, despite  misforttmes,  was  not  France  the  generous  sister  of 
hmniliated  nations  —  the  living  hope  of  all  who  Avere  proscribed  ? 
Long  hvo  Franco!  'twas  the  cry  of  the  future  —  the  cry  of 
freedom  and  universal  fraternity. 

*'  Come,  Mulhausen,"  said  Nana,  "  you  are  as  grave  as  a  sen- 
ator on  a  national  fete  day.  This  isn't  aUowable.  Cry  '  Long 
live  Franco ! '  or  I  shall  never  permit  you  to  show  yourself  in 
pubhc  with  me  again. " 

He  began  by  refusing ;  whereupon  she  stood  up,  and  feigning 
patriotisni  to  annoy  him,  waved  her  fan  to  the  cuirassiers  of 
Reichsoflen  who  were  galloping  past  in  squadrons.  D'Albigny 
laughed  to  himself;  and  Nana,  with  feminine  obstinacy,  and 
convinced  that  she  would  ultimately  carry  the  point,  turned 
again  to  Mulhauson,  and,  in  a  tone  of  galling  irony,  exclaimed : 
"  Como,  confess  it,  prince.    You  are  afraid  of  Bismarck.    You 

nana's  daughter.  69 

Gcmians  are  all  like  so  many  scliool-boys  with  their  master. 
Otherwise  you  sm-ely  wouldn't  refuse  a  cheer  to  Nana's 
country. " 

"Long  live  France!"  vociferated  Mulhausen,  with  concen- 
trated fury. 

"  Bravo,  prince !  I'm  pleased  with  you,"  said  Nana.  "  Come 
home  with  us;  we  shall  have  a  delightful  drive." 

Mulhausen  assisted  her  into  the  landau,  and  the  postillions 
took  the  Avenue  dcs  Lacs.  It  was  now  five  o'clock,  and  the  sim 
was  sinking  behind  a  slate-gray  cloud,  traversed  by  a  baud  of 
gold.  A  yellowish  tinge  was  blended  with  the  pale  blue  below, 
and  here  and  there  through  the  semi-transparent  clouds  smi 
rays  glittered  hke  hvo  coals,  gilding  the  tree-tops  in  their  oblique 
course.  Near  the  silvery  lakes  the  clumps  of  pme  trees  stood 
out  against  the  dusky  avenues  leading  down  to  Boulogne,  where 
a  tapering  church  steeple  rose  up  in  advance  of  the  heights  of 
Garches.  At  the  end  of  the  avenue  of  the  Bois  de  Boidogne  the 
Arc  do  Triomphe  was  visible,  and  Nana's  landau,  whirling  along 
at  the  fast  trot  of  the  piebald  team,  reached  it  in  tune  to  over- 
take a  regiment  of  cavalry  returning  from  the  re\iew.  The 
equipage  was  just  passing  the  head  of  the  column,  when  the 
trumpets  sounded  a  march.  The  four  piebalds  reared  together 
and  so  swiftly,  that  the  two  negro  postillions  were  dismounted 
and  fell  imder  the  wheels  of  the  carriage.  Then  the  horses, 
freed  from  all  restraint,  bolted  at  ftdl  speed  down  the  Avenue 
des  Champs  Elysees. 

On  went  the  landau  at  a  full  gallop,  sweeping  like  an  avalanche 
into  the  midst  of  the  carriages,  horsemen  and  pedestrians  that 
crowded  the  whole  breadth  of  the  avenue.  Terrible  disorder 
ensued ;  other  horses  were  frightened  in  turn  and  bolted  also. 
At  the  very  outset  of  the  accident  the  footmen  had  sprung  to 
the  ground,  leaving  the  landau  to  its  fate.  But  D'AIbigny  now 
bravely  threw  himself  onto  the  hind-quarters  of  one  of  the 
horses  and  caught  hold  of  a  rein.  But  it  was  too  late  to  slacken 
the  speed ;  besides,  the  reins  broke,  and  then  the  piebalds  dashed 
madly  onward  "svith  increasing  swiftness. 

Mulhausen  was  instinctively  clutching  hold  of  the  cushions, 
and  Nana,  who  had  remained  very  calm,  turned  toward  Mm. 

*'  I  fancy,  my  dear  prince,"  said  she,  "  that  we  are  going  to 
break  our  necks. " 

"  Of  course, "  rejoined  the  German,  turning  perceptibly  paler 
between  his  tawny  whiskers;  "  we  are  done  for." 

He  looked  so  terriiied  that  Nana  could  not  help  laughing 
despite  all  the  gravity  of  the  situation.  They  were  passing  the 
Palais  de  I'Industrie  when  the  four  horses  suddenly  swerved  and 
darted  onto  the  footway  covered  with  chairs,  dragging  the 
landau  into  the  side  alley.  Two  pohcemeu  then  sprang  at  the 
heads  of  the  leaders,  but  one  of  the  brave  feUows  was  knocked 

70  nana's  daughter. 

down  and  trampled  under  foot  ere  lie  could  clutch  at  the  strip 
of  rein  dangUng  from  the  bridle,  and  the  other  fell  sideways 
right  under  the  carriage.  Then  there  was  a  general  stampede, 
and  terrified  women  let  go  of  then-  husbands'  arms  and  tied 
blindly  along  the  alley,  pursued  by  the  fmious  charge  of  these 
maddened  animals. 


At  the  moment  when  the  accident  occurred  Andree,  who  felt 
very  tired,  having  walked  all  the  way  from  the  cascade  in  the 
Bois  de  Boulogne,  had  just  taken  a  chair  with  Lucien  on  the 
sidewalk  of  the  Champs  Elysees.  The  onslaught  of  the  mad- 
dened team  was  so  sudden  that  they  were  imable  to  draw  aside 
and  avoid  it.  M.  Despretz  instinctively  threw  himself  between 
his  betrothed  and  the  horses,  and  clung  despairingly  to  one  of 
the  broken  reins.  But  another  one,  coiling  around  Andree  like  a 
lasso,  threw  her  down  and  dragged  her  along  behind  her  lover. 
Fortmiately,  at  this  moment,  one  of  the  leaders  came  in  contact 
with  a  tree  and  fell  to  the  ground,  the  other  horses  rolUng  over 
him  in  a  confused  heap.  Lueion  at  once  darted  to  the  succor  of 
Andree,  who  had  now  fainted  away,  while,  at  the  same  time, 
Nana  sprang  from  the  carriage  with  the  agility  of  a  clown,  and 
the  raanpiis  emerged  from  the  midst  of  the  horses  unhurt.  He 
had  as  usual  contrived  to  fall  upon  his  feet. 

A  policeman  hurried  to  the  spot  to  draw  up  a  report  of  the 
accident,  and  the  people  who  had  been  knocked  down  and  hurt 
were  carried  to  the  Theatre  des  Folies  Marigny,  close  by,  which 
was  transformed  for  the  occasion  into  an  ambulance.  Lucien 
led  Andree  to  a  bench  in  the  open  air  and  made  her  sit  do\\m. 
Her  faulting  fit  had  soon  passed  oft',  but  she  was  still  extremely 
jjale.  Nana  was  looking  at  her  with  strange  persistency,  and 
suddenly  drew  near,  exclaiming  in  a  soft,  caressing  voice :  "  You 
are  hurt,  my  child;  what  can  I  do  for  you?" 

"Nothing,  thank  you,  madame,"  rephed  Andree;  "I  was 
more  fi'iglitened  than  hurt." 

**  It  seems  to  me  that  this  is  not  the  first  time  we  have  met, " 
resumed  Nana.  "  I  fancy  I  have  noticed  you  somewhere  before ; 
and  it  is  not  surprising,  for  you  are  extremely  pretty.  If  this 
gentleman  is  your  lover  I  must  ofl'er  him  my  sincere  congratula- 
tions,"  she  added  with  a  questioning  glance  at  Jidien. 

"  And  I  also,"  observed  Mulhausen.  "  I  very  well  recollect 
having  seen  this  young  lady  one  evening  at  the  Boufies." 

Andree  blushed. 

"  Allow  me  to  offer  you  my  earrings  in  exchange  for  yours," 
resumed  Nana.  *'  We  shall  thus  each  hav  a  memento  of  our 
^motiou.    Ai-e  you  willing,  little  cue  ?" 

nana's  daughter.  71 

"  I  cannot  accept,"  replied  Andret  "  M>  earrings  arc  ^ 
present  from  this  gentleman,  my  intended  husband." 

"  Well,  allow  mo  to  call  and  inquire  after  you, "  insi'i^cd  Nana. 

"  Willingly,  madame ;  here  is  my  card. " 

"  Ah!  you  make  artilicial  flowers,"  exclaimed  Nana.  "  It  is 
very  courageous  on  yoiir  part  to  work  for  your  living,  pretty  as 
you  are.  Until  to-mor»-o\v  then  —  I  will  go  and  see  your  flowers 
and  yourself — D'Albi^^ny,  call  a  cab.  Are  you  coming,  Mul- 

*'  Thanks,  madame,  T  shall  return  on  foot,"  said  the  German. 

Nana  gave  a  loud  laugh,  and  then  darted  into  the  cab  which 
the  marquis  had  just  stopped.  ''  Why  are  you  going  to  see  that 
girl?"  grumbled  D'Albigny,  "she's  virtuous.  There's  nothing 
to  be  done  with  her." 

"  Who  knows,  my  dear  fellow, "  rejoined  Nana.  But  no  more 
was  heard,  for  at  that  moment  the  cab  set  oft'. 

Leaning  on  Lucien's  arm,  Andree  now  tried  to  walk,  but  she 
was  soon  "obliged  to  stop,  for  her  right  foot  was  badly  hm-t  and 
swollen,  and  she  felt  sharp,  shooting  pains  in  her  head.  Lucien 
accordingly  hailed  a  cab,  and  gave  Andree's  address  at  Batig- 
nolles.  They  found  on  their  arrival  that  the  Naviels  and 
Madame  Desjiretz  had  returned  for  an  hoiir  or  more  already. 
Lucien  tried  to  attenuate  the  gravity  of  the  peril  his  sweetheart 
had  incurred,  while  Andree  on  her  side  pretended  to  be  gay, 
and  even  sat  down  to  dinner  with  the  others.  But  the  pain  in 
her  foot  was  steadily  increasing.  She  turned  very  pale  and  sud- 
denly her  head  bent  forward  on  her  bosom.  Lucien,  who  sat 
beside  her,  had  only  just  time  to  stretch  out  his  arm  to  prevent 
her  from  falling  to  the  groimd.  As  he  did  so,  Andree  faintly 
whispered  to  hirn  :  <<  I  am  suflering  too  much,  help  mo  to  walk 
to  my  room." 

Taking  her  in  his  arms  as  if  she  had  been  a  child,  he  imme- 
diately carried  her  to  her  chamber^  followed  by  Madame  Navicl, 
who  remained  alone  with  her  daughter  to  help  her  to  undress. 
Andree's  right  foot  was  then  found  to  be  very  swollen,  and  she 
haa  a  bad  bruise  at  the  back  of  her  head.  She  was  scarcely 
in  bed  than  delirium  seized  hold  of  her,  and  her  father  hurried 
off  for  a  doctor.  Lucien  asked  as  a  favor  to  be  allowed  to 
remain  and  assist  Madame  Naviel  in  watching  and  nursing  the 
suffering  girl. 

"  If  I  ask  this  favor,  Madame  Naviel, "  said  he,  "  it  is  because 
I  spoke  very  seriously  to  Mademoiselle  Andree  while  we  were 
together  to-day.  I  was  waiting  for  my  position  to  become  more 
worthy  of  her  before  asking  you  for  her  hand,  but  perhaps  I 
may  be  useful  to  her  such  as  I  am.  So  I  beg  of  you  to  consider 
me  henceforth  as  her  betrothed  and  as  your  son.  To-morrow 
my  mother  shall  make  a  formal  application  to  Monsieur  Naviel 
and  yoursslk ' 


"  From  this  moment, "  rejoined  Madame  Naviel, ''  we  ■will  con- 
sider you  as  one  of  the  family.  We  know  very  well,  Naviel  and 
I,  that  Andree  loves  you,  and  I  can  assure  you  that  my  husband 
won't  disapprove  of  the  match.  So  you  may  stop  here  as  you 
wish  it — and  you  can  help  me  to  nurse  her.  She  will  be  pleased 
to  see  you. " 

They  then  returned  into  Andrde's  room,  where  Madame 
Dcspretz  was  sitting  at  the  bedside.  *'  The  poor  girl  is  very 
dohrious, "  said  Lucieu's  mother,  in  a  low  voice. 

Extremely  pale,  except  that  she  had  a  red  spot  on  either 
cheek,  Andree  was  leaning  back  on  her  pillows,  with  her  dilated 
eyes  staring  into  space  as  if  she  beheld  some  threatening  vision. 
Suddenly  a  cry  of  agony  escaped  her.  "  Nana!  "  she  cried, 
"  leave  me,  leave  me !  I  am  not  like  you  —  why  do  you  come 
here  %  Leave  me,  madame !  Ah  !  I  knew  very  well  that  you 
would  bring  me  misfortune. " 

Shortly  afterward  the  doctor  arrived,  examined  the  patient, 
and  wi'ote  his  prescription.  As  he  left  the  room  with  Naviel, 
he  remarked:  "The  swelling  of  the  foot  is  nothing;  but  the 
delirium  worries  me.  I  fear  some  commotion  in  the  brain.  Your 
daughter  must  be  of  a  nervous,  impressionable  disposition?" 

"  Yes,"  replied  Pierre  Naviel,  ''  the  chUd  isn't  strong,  and  she 
easily  loses  her  head." 

"  Ah !  these  youthful  imaguiations !  "  said  the  doctor.  "  You 
are  a  father,  mind  j  be  prudent,  you  have  to  deal  with  a  very 
ardent  nature. "    And  thereupon  he  went  off. 

"Prudent!  prudent!"  grumbled  the  workman.  "He  talks 
fine  enough,  that  doctor,  but  it  isn't  so  easy  to  prevent  a  girl's 
imagination  from  wandering.  However,  she's  fortunately  in 
love  with  an  honest  fellow.  Poor  girl,  I  think  I've  done  my 
duty  by  her.  I've  tried  my  best  to  give  her  good  principles,  and 
her  mother  has  given  her  an  honorable  calliag.  The  future  will 
do  the  rest.    Meanwhile,  I'll  keep  my  eyes  open. " 

He  then  entered  his  daughter's  room,  and  espied  Lucien 
Despretz  leaning  on  the  mantelshelf  and  looking  anxiousl-y  at 
Andree.  A  tear  was  rolling  down  the  young  fellow's  cheek ; 
and  at  sight  of  it  Naviel  stepped  forward  and  with  affectionate 
roughness,  exclaimed :  "  What,  you  are  crying,  a  man  like  you? 
But  the  little  one  isn't  in  danger. "  And  then  with  a  broad, 
candid  smile,  he  added :  "  Stay  with  us  to  watch  over  her  if  you 
don't  feel  easy " 

"  He  has  the  right  to  do  so,"  observed  Madame  Naviel,  "  for 
he  spoke  to  mo  about  her  this  very  evening.  It's  understood 
between  us.  I  said  'yes'  for  both  of  us,  dear,  knowing  your 
views  on  the  matter.  As  soon  as  she  is  well  again  we  will  see 
about  marrying  them.    She  won't  say  no. " 

"All  right,  all  right,  wife,"  rejoined  Naviel,  "it's  your 
business.    I  leave  it  all  to  you."    And  thereupon  he  went  off 

nana's  daughter.  73 

into  tho  kitrlion  to  light  his  pipe  and  smoke.  Madame  Navicl 
speedily  Inllowed  hiiu  to  wash  up  the  dinner  things. 

Madame  Despretz  and  Lucieu  thus  remained  watching  over 
Andree,  but  tho  old  lady,  who  was  very  tired,  soon  feel  asleep 
in  her  arm-chair,  so  that  Lucien  alone  remained  awako  beside 
his  sweetheart,  attentively  observing  her  every  movement.  It 
was  already  late,  and  tho  last  suburban  trains  were  returning  to 
Paris.  One  could  hear  them  rolling  along  in  the  cutting  at  the 
end  of  the  square,  and  from  time  to  time  the  ponderous,  red- 
eyed  engines  shrieked  aloud  like  wild  beasts  amid  the  stillness 
of  the  night. 

At  one  moment  Andr6o  sat  up  in  bed  and  looked  at  Lucien, 
whom  she  evidently  recognized,  despite  her  fever,  for  she 
stretched  out  her  arms.  But,  passing  an  arm  round  her,  he 
gently  compelled  her  to  lie  down  again,  with  her  head  on  tho 
white  pillow,  and  she  then  had  an  hom-'s  qmet  sleep.  Madame 
Naviel  and  her  husband  came  in  several  times  to  see  how  their 
daughter  was  getting  on.  At  eleven  o'clock  Pierre  himself  went 
to  bed,  for  he  was  obhged  to  rise  at  five  on  the  following  morn- 
ing in  order  to  get  to  his  work.  Madame  Naviel  then  wished  to 
watch  over  Andree,  but  Lucien  remarked  to  her  that  the  poor 
girl  was  asleep,  that  she  would,  no  doubt,  need  several  days' 
rest,  and  that  she—  the  mother — ought  rather  to  husband  her 
strength,  as  the  work-room  would  have  to  be  attended  to.  He 
therefore  suggested  that  Madame  Naviel  should  lie  down  for  a 
few  hours  whilst  he  watched  over  Andree  with  his  mother. 
Madame  Naviel  finally  yielded  to  his  request,  and  then,  as 
Madame  Despretz  dozed  off  again  in  her  arm-chair,  Lucien  sat 
watching  his  betrothed  amid  the  mysterious  silence  of  this 
virginal  room,  which  he  had  never  before  entered  save  in 

At  midnight  the  sufferer  had  a  fresh  crisis,  and  sat  up  in  bed 
again  with  her  golden  hair  falling  around  her  shoulders  and  a 
fixed  stare  in  her  eyes.  With  her  tiny  hands  stretched  out 
toward  the  man  she  loved,  she  called  to  him  in  a  mysterious 
tone :  "  Lucien,  my  Lucien,  it  is  true,  is  it  not,  we  are  married? 
At  last !  How  impatiently  I  awaited  it,  to  tell  you  how  much 
I  love  you,  to  tell  it  to  you  with  my  lips  close  to  yoins — come 
near  your  Andree,  friend,  why  do  you  remain  so  far  away  ?  Do 
I  frighten  you  ?  Am  I  so  ugly,  then  ?  Oh !  you  naughty  fellow, 
don't  leave  me  again.  Ah !  the  beautiful  white  roses.  I  scat- 
tered their  petals  in  my  chest  of  drawers,  and  all  my  clothes 
are  perfumed  with  memory  of  you. "  As  she  spoke  she  gazed 
upon  Lucien  fixedly,  and  her  deep  eyes  became  radiant  with 
sudden  passion.  Under  the  influence  of  her  ardent  delirium, 
which  little  by  httle  was  gaining  her  lover  himself,  her  chaste 
nature  underwent  a  complete  change.  At  one  moment  she 
twined  her  bare  arms  aroimd  Lucien'e  neck  and  pressed  hi'm  to 
J^ana'i  Daughter  5. 

74  nana's  daughter. 

her  heart.  He  could  already  feel  her  soft,  moist  skin,  when 
suddenly  leaning  toward  him,  and  covering  him  with  her  warm 
hair,  she  kissed  him  on  the  Mps  —  with  so  long  a  kiss  that  he 
sank  down,  pale  with  the  emotion  imparted  by  this  first  embrace 
of  love. 

But  his  rapture  was  of  short  duration.  He  roused  himself 
fi'om  this  fit  of  weakness,  feeling  even  ashamed  that  he  had 
answered  the  appeal  of  Andree's  miconscious  delirium  with  a 
voluntary  kiss.  It  indeed  seemed  to  hiui,  so  great  was  his 
delicacy  of  feeUng,  as  if  he  had  momentarily  ceased  to  respect 
the  confiding  jimity  of  his  loved  one,  who  called  upon  him  in  a 
momentary  derangement  of  the  mind.  So  he  gently  tore  himself 
away  from  her  embrace,  and  with  his  breath  close  to  her  tiny, 
roseate  ear,  half  covered  by  curhng  locks,  he  murmured :  "  Sleep, 
Andree,  I  am  there;  I  love  you  with  all  my  soul.  I  wfil  protect 
you,  darling,  even  against  myself — fear  nothing." 

As  if  she  had  instinctively  understood  what  peaceful  confidence 
he  asked  of  her,  she  again  laid  her  fair  head  upon  the  pillow, 
and  closed  her  eyes  fringed  with  long,  curving  lashes,  which  cast 
a  soft  shadow  over  her  pale  cheeks.  Her  hands  fell  among  the 
creases  of  the  sheet  with  her  fingers  bent  in  the  hstlesa  inertion 
of  slumber. 

At  this  moment  Madame  Naviel  entered  the  room.  She  had 
heard  Andree's  voice,  and  feared  that  she  might  be  worse ;  but 
seeing  that  the  young  girl  was  already  asleep  again,  she  felt 
reassured,  and  returned  to  stretch  herself,  still  dressed,  on  the 
sofa  in  the  parlor. 


While  Stog,  the  Director  of  the  Postal  Services,  was  at  Ms 
club  on  the  evening  after  the  review,  he  heard  of  the  accident 
which  had  befallen  Nana's  equipage.  Hurrying  to  the  cloak- 
room for  his  hat  and  overcoat,  he  at  once  went  down  the  stairs. 
He  hailed  the  first  empty  cab  he  espied  in  the  street,  and  ten 
minutes  later  he  reached  Nana's  house. 

She  received  him  in  her  boudoir,  which  was  a  present  from  the 
Prince  of  Mulhausen.  At  one  end  there  was  a  divan  having  a 
rosewood  framework  encrusted  with  figures  painted  on  enamel. 
A  grand  piano,  the  keyboard  of  which  rested  upon  the  out- 
spread wings  of  two  angels  in  repouss6  silver,  stood  in  one 
comer ;  and  close  by  there  was  a  round  table,  in  the  style  of 
the  first  empire  ;  four  legs  of  gilt  beech  wood  supporting  a  slab 
of  lapis  lazuli.  Above  the  chimney-piece,  which  was  of  cut- 
glass  encrusted  with  a  silver  N.  and  a  topaz  coronet,  there  hung 
a  mirror  with  a  frame  of  rock  crystal  depicting  twining  vine- 


loaves  and  droopiiifi:  bunches  of  amethysts.  Two  crystal  can- 
dehibra  of  simUar  stylo  simulated  vme-stocks  laden  witli  fruit; 
and  a  chandelier  in  keeping  with  the  whole  was  suspended  from 
the  center  of  the  ceiling.  A  Candahar  carpet  covered  the  floor, 
and  m  front  of  the  fender  lay  the  skin  of  a  tiger,  whoso  eyes 
were  formed  of  two  rubies  which  had  once  belonged  to  tho 
unfortunate  rajah,  ruined  by  Nana  in  a  single  week  and  now 
returned  to  Benares. 

A  portly  g(jrilla,  trained  to  act  as  a  sen'ant,  crouched  at  one 
end  of  the  boudoir.  He  was  called  Yorick,  and  it  was  ho  who 
ushered  Stog  into  tho  room. 

Nana  was  alone.  She  went  forward  to  meet  her  visitor, 
and  held  out  her  hand,  exclaiming :  "  So  here  you  are  at  last, 
my  dear  Stog  1  So  far  you  had  not  condescended  to  come  hero 
for  me. " 

"  I  heard  of  your  accident  this  evening,  and  I  thought  it  my 
duty  to  come  and  inquire  after  you. " 

"  What  a  singular  lover  you  are,  ray  dear  Stog !  So  you  have 
only  come  here  out  of  politeness  1  I  doubt  it.  You  are  far  from 
feeling  tho  frigidity  you  aflcct.  A^Hiat  is  the  use  of  this  comedyf 
I  know  you  by  heart.  Come,  bo  frank,  Stog,  vktuous  Stog; 
confess  that  you  are  madly  in  love  with  Nana.  You  see  how 
kind  I  am.  I  do  all  tho  talking  for  you.  I  even  make  your 
declaration.  But  I  can't  proceed  any  further  unless  you  help 
me.  You  are  like  a  tenor  who  loses  his  voice  directly  ho  finds 
Mmself  in  the  presence  of  tho  soprano  he  is  to  sing  with. " 

"  Don't  joke,  Nana.  Tho  truth  is,  you  have  made  a  correct 
guess.  I  would  give  my  life  for  you  if  it  were  possible,  but  I 
cannot  do  so,  for  it  does  not  belong  to  me. " 

"  To  whom  does  it  belong,  then  ?  To  your  family,  no  doubt. 
Very  good.  Still  you  were  not  intended  for  a  recluse.  A  man 
like  you,  with  a  burning  heart  and  boiling  blood,  cannot  surely 
be  contented  with  commonplace  matrimonial  bliss  —  a  kind  of 
happiness  regulated  by  clockwork.  You  were  never  meant  for 
such  a  life  as  that,  Stog.  You  are  virtuous,  in  spite  of  yourself. 
You  gnaw  at  the  conjugal  chain,  biting  its  links  to  stifle  your 
cries  of  desire,  my  poor  Stog.  Well,  take  my  advice,  and  break 
them  just  for  once." 

'*  Ah  !  it  would  be  my  dream,  Nana.  But  once !  It  would 
suffice  for  all  the  recollections  of  a  lifetime.  But  why  tempt  me 
with  the  impossible  ?  I'm  only  a  poor  married  man,  I  cannot 
be  your  lover. " 

"  Listen  to  me,  Stog.  You  will  understand  that  if  noblesse 
oblige,  as  they  say,  love  obliges  also.  You  say  you  are  in  love 
with  me ;  well,  I  shall  ask  you  for  scarcely  anything.  A  per- 
sonal memento,  say ;  a  little  gold  locket  with  your  portrait 
inside  and  our  initials  intertwining  on  tho  cover.   Is  ft  agreed '? " 

"  Let  it  be  so.  Nana.    You  shall  have  it.    But  you  will  keep 

76  nana's  daughter. 

it,  promise  me.  Tou  will  hide  it  from  every  one,  even  from 
D'Albigny,  and  especially  from  him  ?  I  would  not  for  worlds 
let  my  ^ife  know  of  our  connectiou.  She  would  start  a  law- 
suit, and  the  effect  would  be  disastrous  for  my  children  and 
their  honor." 

"  Is  honor  so  rare  among  you  people  of  the  middle  classes 
that  you  value  it  so  highly,  my  dear  fellow !  Honor  !  Why,  we 
have  enough  and  to  spare,  we  women." 

"  But  you  will  be  kind,  Nana ;  you  won't  abuse  my  love  for 
you,  or  your  power  over  me. " 

"  You  are  cast  in  rather  an  ancient  mold  to  have  anything 
to  do  with  Nana's  set,  my  poor  fellow.  It  would  perhaps  be 
better  for  you  to  return  to  your  fireside,  and  never  leave  it  again. 
You  see,  it  is  I  who  give  you  good  advice. " 

"  But,  Nana,  I  love  you  so. " 

*'  Well,  I'll  listen  to  you  when  you  bring  me  the  locket,  and 
then,  Stog,  you  shall  see  what  a  woman  Nana  is."  While 
speaking  she  rose,  and  as  he  stood  there,  a  prey  to  mad  desire, 
she  passed  her  arms  around  his  neck,  mm-mm-ing  soft  and  prom- 
ising words.  He  was  fairly  intoxicated  by  the  glow  of  passion 
in  her  eyes,  the  disturbing  warmth  of  her  flesh,  and  the  elo- 
quence of  her  kiss-inviting  smile. 

"  I  will  come,"  he  sighed ;  "  but  if  you  reveal  it,  I  shall  kill 
you,  and  myself  afterward. " 

"  Come,  come,  my  dear  fellow,  do  people  kill  themselves 
nowadays  ?  It's  fooUsh,  odious  and  altogether  out  of  fashion. 
And  by  what  right  would  you  kill  me  ?  If  any  one  here  ever 
raised  his  hand  against  me,  Yorick  would  strangle  him.  You 
won't  kill  any  one,  my  own  Stog ;  you  will  want  to  live,  on  the 
contrary,  and  live  with  mo.  I  will  love  you  with  all  my  being, 
do  you  hear  ?  For  you  please  me,  otherwise  I  shouldn't  accept 
such  a  bargain,  and  much  less  propose  it.  You  are  not  a  flat- 
tering lover  for  a  woman,  Stog.  You  are  a  bit  of  a  clodhopper, 
functionary  as  you  may  be.  And  I,  I  need  so  much  money. 
Gold  ceaselessly  slips  between  my  fingers  —  you  have  no  idea 
how  fast  it  goes.  This  house  hero  is  a  furnace  in  which  miUions 
melt.  But  it  can't  bo  otherwise ;  I  sacrifice  everything  to  pleas- 
ure. And  pleasure  can't  be  had  when  one  is  in  needy  circimi- 
stances,  you  know.  One  needs  a  deal  of  money  to  love  properly. 
Love  and  wealth  were  made  to  sleep  together,  they  exist  one  by 
the  other.  And  then  where  can  money  be  found?  Among 
honest  toilers  ?  Oh  I  indeed  no.  Show  me  a  man  of  genius, 
Stog,  who  sells  his  intelligence  as  I  sell  my  beauty.  Do  you 
know,  my  dear  fellow,  when  a  man  is  honest  nowadays,  he  ought 
to  stop  at  home  with  his  wife,  have  a  number  of  chil(h:en,  and  die 
poor. " 

As  Nana  ceased  speaking,  she  sank  down  onto  the  divan  and 
stretched  herself  out  in  a  statuesque  position.    She  raised  her 

nana's  daughter.  tj 

arms  nnd  lonnrd  her  ho;ul  on  lior  joined  hands,  whilo  tlio  rosy 
p[lo\v  of  tlio  tapin\s  fell  upon  her  hosom,  Tho  curly  locks  at  tlio 
back  of  her  nock  sparkled  like  gold,  and  under  her  long  dresshig- 
gown  ono  could  divine  the  sculptural  purity  of  her  form.  From 
amid  tho  lace,  a  tiny  hare  foot  peered  forth,  balancing  on  the 
tips  of  its  toes  a  red-leather  slipper  of  Oriental  shai^e,  richly 
embroidered  with  pearls. 

**  Haven't  you  a  daughter,  Stog?  "  Nana  inquked  after  a 

"  AVhy  do  you  ask  mo  that,  Nana?  " 

"  Teli  mo,  have  you  a  daughter  or  not  ?  " 

"Yes,  but  what  of  it?" 

Nana  hesitated  as  if  she  were  aware  that  tho  Director- General's 
feelings  must  be  dilTerent  to  her  own,  as  if  she  dared  not  venture 
too  far  into  the  mysterious  region  of  middle-class  honorability. 
Stog,  meanwhile,  was  looking  at  her  inquisitively. 

*'  I  might  help  you  to  marry  her,  my  dear  fellow, "  said  Nana, 
at  last.    "  It  would  perhaps  be  difficult  for  you  to  manage  it. " 

Stog  awoke  as  though  from  a  trance.  His  past  life  was  with- 
out a  stain,  and  it  seemed  to  his  loyal  conscience  as  if  he  had 
just  made  a  bad  dream.  He  drew  himself  up  to  his  full  height, 
and  retorted:  "  You  find  a  husband  for  my  daughter?  And 
what  husband,  pray?  One  of  your  lovers  no  doubt — some 
fellow  like  D'Albigny " 

IJut  he  did  not  finish,  for  at  this  moment  the  marquis  entered 
the  room.  "  What  is  this,  Mr.  Functionary?  "  he  cried  in  a  tone 
of  cuttmg  irony.  If  the  Marquis  D'Albigny  did  you  the  honor  to 
accept  the  hand  of  a  nobody's  daughter,  you  would  owe  him 
your  grateful  thanks — yes,  your  thanks,  sir;  but  don't  alarm 
yourself,  the  Marquis  D'Albigny  doesn't  care  for  misery,  and 
"he  hates  married  life. " 

"  I  see  that  walls  have  ears  in  this  house, "  coldly  rejoined 

"  Well,  as  men  lack  them,  walls  must  supply  the  deficiency. " 

**  Men  may  lack  them,"  replied  Stog,  taking  a  step  toward 
D'Albigny,  "  but  marquises  seem  to  have  very  long  ones  — 
especially  those  who  act  as  madame's  spies." 

"  Enough,  enough,  gentlemen, "  interrupted  Nana,  as  she 
sprang  between  Stog  and  D'Albigny.  "  I  don't  wish  to  have  any 
blood  spilt  in  my  house." 

''  Fear  nothing, "  said  Stog,  "  I  am  not  going  to  fight  with  this 
—  person." 

"  You  don't  fight  with  any  one, "  rejoined  D'Albigny. 

"  Because  I  never  quarrel  with  honest  folks. " 

"  A  coward's  motto,  upon  my  word. " 

"  Remain  but  one  week  without  thieving,  and  let  me  have 

proof  of  it " 

"  But  who  would  give  you  such  proof,  Stog  %  "  asked  Nana. 

78  nana's  daughter. 

"  Ton  yourself,  madame.  I  will  content  myself  with  your 
word.  You  see  that  I  am  not  exacting.  If  you  do  not  send  me 
the  certificate  of  honesty  I  ask  for  within  a  week,  I  shall  judge 
that  you  do  not  care  to  risk  your  word ;  but  if  you  send  it  I  will 
at  once  come  hero  with  two  seconds.  I  know  that  you  intend 
giving  a  fete  next  Simday,  and  I  will  profit  of  the  occasion  to 
chastise  your  bully  pubhcly  I  " 

"  Make  yourself  easy  !  "  sneered  the  marquis.  "  You  talked 
about  killing  yourself  a  httle  while  ago  ;  you  won't  lose  anything 
by  waiting;  I  shall  spare  you  the  trouble. " 

Without  replying  Stog  bowed  coldly  to  Nana,  set  his  hat  on 
his  head  and  disappeared  behind  the  silken  door-hanging. 

**  You  did  wrong  to  intervene,  Marquis,"  said  Nana,  peevishly, 
as  soon  as  she  was  alone  with  D'Albigny. 

"  And  why,  pray  ? '' 

"  Well,  although  I  blundered  by  talking  about  marrying  his 
daughter,  I  should  probably  have  wrung  from  him  what  I  asked 

"  But  what  did  you  want  with  that  locket?  " 

"  Why,  I  wanted  it  as  a  weapon  against  him,  can't  you  under- 
stand")? A  director-general  of  the  postofiice  might  be  useful 
to  me." 

"  It  would  have  been  a  clumsy  piece  of  blackmailing,  and 
might  have  compromised  us.  I  am  really  delighted  that  I  inter- 
vened. I  have  now  a  serious  pretext  for  getting  rid  of  a  rival 
who  is  both  troublesome  and  played  out. " 

"  You  are  dressed  I  see;  don't  you  intend  to  remain  at  home 
this  evening  ?  " 

"  I  am  going  to  the  club." 

"  Are  you  obhged  to  go  ?  " 

"  Quite  so.  Otherwise  I  should  stop  with  you.  Nana,  but  its 
incredible  how  fast  my  pockets  empty.  By-the-way,  do  you 
know  that  three  of  the  piebalds  have  been  taken  to  the 
knacker's  ?  " 

"  It's  disastrous ! " 

"  Well,  I'm  going  to  court  Goddess  Fortune.  Until  to- 
morrow." And  humming  an  air  from  the  gambUng  scene  in 
Robert  le  Diablc,  the  marquis  left  the  room. 


Andkee  slept  imtil  daybreak.  Wlien  she  awoke,  Madame 
Naviel  had  been  up  for  some  time  already.  She  had  just  lighted 
a  fire  in  the  kitchen  and  made  some  cottce,  a  cup  of  which  she 
brought  to  Lucien.  Andrco  opened  her  eyes  as  her  mother 
entered  the  room,  and  seeing  the  young  fellow  seated  near  her 
bed  she  blushed.    "  You  were  there,  then? "  she  asked. 

nana's  daughter.  79 

"  Yes,"  said  hor  mother,  "  he  was  there  and  acted  as  your 
nurse ;  he  wouldn't  oven  lot  mo  help  him. " 

Worthy  ]\Iadamo  Despretz  in  her  turn  now  woke  up  in  her 
arm-chair,  feeling  considerably  stiflfened  by  such  a  bad  night's 
rest.  "  You  would  have  done  better  to  have  gone  home  to  bod, 
mother, "  said  her  son,  affectionately. 

"  I  remained  so  that  Madame  Naviel  might  have  a  few  hours' 
rest,  as  she  is  compelled  to  work  this  morning." 

"  Well,  if  you  had  done  the  same,  mother,  you  would  be  quite 
fresh  by  now  instead  of  tired  out. " 

*'  My  dear  boy,  I  wished  to  watch  with  you,  out  of  respect  for 
propriety. " 

"  Thank  you,  madame,"  replied  Andr6e;  but  I  know  your  son 
well  enough  to  be  sure  that  I  had  nothing  to  fear  from  him. " 

"  A  ^irtuous,  candid,  young  girl  like  yourself  would  naturally 
think  so ;  but  it  is  always  well  not  to  expose  oneself,  even  with 
the  most  discreet  of  lovers. " 

Madame  Despretz  was  extremely  fond  of  her  son,  and  had  a 
high  opinion  of  his  good  conduct ;  but  in  spite  of  the  regular 
hfe  ho  led,  she  could  not  help  feeling  somewhat  sceptical.  She 
did  not  trust  men  in  love  affairs,  for  there  had  been  some  pain- 
ful events  in  her  own  youthful  hfe,  the  recollection  of  which  was 
ineffaceable.  Still,  she  must  have  been  very  beautiful  in  her 
younger  days,  and  it  seemed  probable  that  she  had  been  adored. 
Perhaps  she  had  suffered  through  an  excess  of  sensibility ;  at  all 
events,  at  sight  of  her  sad  smile,  one  could  divine  that  some 
devourmg  secret  dwelt  in  her  mind.  She  was  prematurely  aged, 
but  her  big,  black  eyes  were,  at  times,  still  illuminated  by  a 
feverish  fire.  That  was  the  only  sign  of  life  in  her  pale,  ivory- 
tinted  face. 

She  now  rose  up  to  assist  Madame  Naviel  in  putting  things 
straight.  Naviel  himself  had  been  gone  an  hour  already.  He 
had  got  up  several  times  during  the  night  to  listen  at  Audroe's 
door,  but  as  he  merely  heard  the  regular  breathing  of  her  slum- 
ber, he  had  not  ventured  inside  for  fear  of  disturbing  her. 

The  dawn  now  glided  into  the  room  through  the  muslin  cur- 
tains, and  the  night-light  began  to  flicker  on  the  chest  of 
drawers.  Convolvuli  climbed  around  the  window  outside,  the 
deep-blue  flowers  bending  beneath  the  weight  of  the  dewdrops 
which  the  rising  sim  was  drinking.  The  blue  sky  would  have 
been  speckless  save  for  one  tiny  cloud  which  the  breeze  was 
waftmg  along  between  two  blackened  factory  chimneys.  One 
could  hear  the  early  morning  trains  as  they  rolled  onward 
through  the  neighboring  tunnel,  whence  every  now  and  then 
there  came  a  sound  as  of  subterranean  thunder,  followed  by  the 
loud,  prolonged  whistle  of  the  engines.  And  meanwhile  the 
milk  carts  jolted  heavily  over  the  paving  stones  of  tho  Ru^ 

8o  nana's  daughter. 

Legendre,  on  the  granite  curbstones  of  •wMcli  stood  the  street- 
sweepers  working  automatically. 

Then  suddenly  a  blackbird  began  to  whistle  among  the  horse- 
chestnut  trees  in  the  square.  "  Do  you  hear  ?  "  asked  Andree ; 
"  that  has  been  my  alarmn  for  the  last  fortnight. " 

"  What !  are  you  courageous  enough  to  get  up  at  this  time  of 
day  ?  "  asked  Lucien. 

"  Certainly  I  am.  I  hke  to  jump  out  of  bed  at  daybreak.  One 
feels  fresh  and  disposed  for  work;  and  one's  eyes  are  not 
heavy  as  by  lamp-hght  in  the  evening. " 

"  But  shall  we  get  up  as  early  as  that  when  we  are 
married  ?  " 

"  No  doubt.  At  least  I  speak  for  myself.  Tou  can  stop  in 
bed  if  you  like,  you  lazy  fellow,  and  Andr6e  will  bring  you  your 
coffee. " 

"  Excuse  me,  Andr6e,  but  doesn't  it  tire  you  to  talk  ?  You 
nad  a  great  deal  of  fever  during  the  night,  and  if  you 
knew " 

"What,  pray?" 


"  But  I  want  to  know. " 

"  Well,  you  told  me  a  lot  of  pretty  things  which  you  wouldn't 
repeat  now. " 

"  What  pretty  things?  " 

"  That  you  loved  me  a  great  deal." 

"  That  is  true.    But  what  else  did  I  say  ?  " 

"  Well,  afterward  you  thought  we  were  married  and  you 
passed  your  arms  roimd  my  neck  to  kiss  me. " 

"  Really  ?    Oh,  no,  I  can't  have  done  that. " 

"  What  does  it  matter  ?  Tou  had  the  fever  and  did  not  think 
of  what  you  were  sajing.  To  calm  you  I  had  to  rock  you  like  a 
child  with  your  head  on  my  shoulder. " 

"  What!    I  slept  with  my  head  on  your  shoulder?  " 

"  Only  for  a  moment,  for  I  settled  you  comfortably  on  your 
pillow  again,  and  yet  I  was  so  happy  to  feel  you  near  me." 

At  this  moment  Madame  Despretz  entered  the  room,  inter- 
rupting the  conversation  of  the  two  young  lovers,  who  were 
now  feeling  the  first  glow  of  passion.  Andree  looked  very 
charming  with  her  head  nesthng  on  the  white  pillow,  with  her 
bright  eyes,  in  which  there  was  still  a  gleam  of  fever,  her  flush- 
ing cheeks  and  her  happy  smile,  tender  with  new-born  love. 
The  white  radiance  of  morning  played  over  the  outline  of  her 
youthful  form,  which  was  just  discernible  under  the  creases  of 
the  white  linen  sheet  falling  over  the  new  mahogany  bedstead. 
She  remained  v(!ry  calm  and  even  talked  of  getting  up.  But 
Lucien  scolded  lier  gently  as  if  slio  bad  been  a  spoilt  child,  and 
made  her  promise  to  remain  in  bed  until  he  returned.  At  eight 
o'clock  he  left  for  his  estabhshment  in  the  Hue  Montmartre, 

nana's  daughter.  8 1 

where  ho  \rnnlfl  haro  to  remain  until  the  evening ;  and  shortly 
afterward  Madanio  Despretz  went  home. 

Andrce  remained  alone  with  her  mother,  for  when  the  work- 
girls  arrived  they  merely  passed  through  the  room  to  inquire 
after  her  health,  having  heard  of  the  accident  from  the  porter 
of  the  house.  The  morning  passed  by  without  any  other  inci- 
dent. Madame  Naviol  set  her  work-table  beside  the  bedstead, 
and  began  moimting  artificial  roses,  whilst  Andree  watched  her 
with  a  dreamy  look  in  her  eyes,  half  closed  by  fatigue.  Now 
and  then,  however,  Madame  Naviel  asked  some  question  respect- 
ing the  events  of  the  previous  day,  and  they  exchanged  remarks 
concerning  the  cruel  fate  of  Margot,  and  the  insolent  luxury  of 
Nana,  who  had  vmintentionally  placed  Andree's  life  in  peril. 

"  We  will  receive  her  politely  if  she  comes  here, "  said  Madame 
Naviel.  "  Women  like  her  at  least  provide  work  for  honest 
folks. "  And  then  she  again  resumed  mounting  her  roses  with 
infinite  tastefulness,  care  and  delicacy  of  touch. 

Andree  began  to  think  of  Lucien  Despretz,  and  felt  all  the 
pride  of  a  woman  who  is  beloved,  on  reflecting  that  he  was 
capable  of  risking  his  life  for  her,  as  was  shown  by  the  bravery 
with  which  he  had  flung  himself  at  the  head  of  Nana's  horses. 
Then  she  remembered  his  vigil  of  the  previous  night,  and  the 
blood  flowed  to  her  heart  and  her  cheeks  as  she  reflected  that 
she  had,  perhaps,  said  things  she  ought  not  to  have  uttered,  and 
which  he  would  not  dare  to  repeat  to  her. 

She  passed  the  morning  in  this  dreamy  state,  merely  rousing 
herself  at  long  intervals  to  answer  her  mother's  questions.  But 
at  three  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  there  came  a  ring  at  the  door 
bell,  and  one  of  the  work-girls  having  gone  to  see  who  it  was, 
returned  to  say  that  a  lady  had  come  to  inquire  after  Made- 
moiselle Andree,  and  wished  to  speak  with  her.  Her  carriage 
was  waiting  down- stairs. 

"  Let  her  come  in,"  replied  Madame  Naviel. 

A  rustle  was  heard  over  the  floor  of  the  parlor,  and  then 
Nana,  wearing  a  simple  black-silk  dress,  entered  Andree's  room, 
hastened  to  the  bedside,  and  took  the  young  girl's  fingers 
between  her  gloved  hands.  "  I  have  been  thinking  a  great  deal 
about  you, "  she  said.  "  This  accident  has  altogether  upset  me. 
ITowever,  you  were  miraculously  preserved,  and  I  feel  very 
happy  that  no  serious  harm  came  to  you."  Then  turning  to 
Madame  Naviel,  she  added:  "  I  should  like  to  have  two  clumps 
of  variegated  roses  for  a  couple  of  Japanese  flower  stands  which 
one  of  my  friends  has  given  me.  On  Sunday  next  I  shall  give  a 
concert  and  a  ball,  and  I  should  like  to  have  the  flowers  on  the 
day  before.    Can  you  promise  them  me  for  then  ?  " 

"  We  will  set  to  work  with  them  this  evening,  madame. " 

"  I  hope  that  your  daughter  won't  refuse  to  come  and  arrange 

82  nana's  daughter. 

them  in  the  flower  stands ;  and  if  she  consents,  you  must  allow 
me,  madame,  to  keep  her  to  lunch  alone  with  me. " 

"  I  will  go,  madame, "  said  Andi-ee.  "  I  shall  certainly  be  able 
to  walk  before  the  week  is  over. 

"  But  you  must  not  act  imprudently  on  my  account.  If  you 
will  write  a  line  when  the  roses  are  ready,  or  send  one  of  your 
girls  with  a  message,  my  brougham  shall  come  and  fetch  you 
here.    Do  you  sufler  very  much?  " 

"  The  pain  is  not  quite  so  gi'eat,  and  I  think  that  the  swelling 
ig  subsiding, "  replied  Andree. 

"Poor  child!  you  must  have  been  kicked  by  one  of  those 
maddened  horses.  I  certainly  risked  breaking  my  own  neck, 
but,  see  how  lucky  I  am,  I  escaped  without  a  scratch ;  while 
you  —  but  show  me  your  foot." 

Andree  drew  aside  the  sheet,  and  allowed  her  foot  and  ankle 
to  hang  out  of  the  bed. 

"  Have  you  seen  a  doctor?  "  asked  Nana. 

"  Yes,  madame. " 

"  Your  ankle  is  very  swollen,  and  some  muscle  must  have  been 
damaged.  You  mustn't  tire  yourself.  Does  it  hurt  you  when  I 
touch  you?" 

"  Yes,  a  httle,  madame." 

"  What  a  pretty  ankle  you  have !  And  what  soft  skin  I  You 
are  reaUy  adorably  pretty !  And  I  shouldn't  care  for  my  lovers 
to  see  you  —  Ah !  that  young  man  I  saw  with  you  yesterday  is  a 
fortunate  fellow !  Besides,  he  is  good-looking  and  far  braver 
than  my  Prince  of  Mulhausen.  I  regret  for  your  sake  that  he 
isn't  better  off.    He  is  a  clerk,  no  doubt  ?  " 

"  Yes,  madame. " 

"Ah!  I  had  a  clerk  for  my  lover  once.  It  astonishes  you, 
perhaps,  for  I  don't  look  like  a  woman  who  associates  with 
clerks.  And  yet,  my  dear,  that  fellow  was  the  only  one  I  ever 
really  loved  for  two  months  at  a  stretch. " 

As  Nana  spoke  she  began  to  examine  a  box  of  yellow  roses. 
She  fastened  one  of  the  flowers  in  her  hair  and  approached  the 
looking-glass  to  judge  of  the  effect.  Then  returning  to  the  bed- 
side she  placed  the  same  rose  on  Andree's  head.  "  It  is  aston- 
ishing, "  she  resinned,  "  how  much  we  arc  alike  each  other.  Your 
hair  is  just  the  same  shade  as  mine,  and  our  eyes  have  the  same 
sparkle.  Mine  are  of  a  greenish  blue  and  so  are  yours,  with 
little  yellow  marks  in  the  pupils.  If  you  were  not  this  lady's 
daughter  I  should  claim  you  as  mine. " 

"  You  are  too  young  to  have  a  daughter  of  my  age, "  remarked 
Andree  in  a  tone  of  sincerity. 

"  Of  course,  you  are  right,  my  dear,  it  wouldn't  be  to  my 
advantage.  You  would  rather  be  my  sister.  But,  at  all  events, 
you  are  charming,  and  if  I  were  a  man  I  should  do  all  kinds  of 

nana's  daughter.  83 

mad  things  for  your  sake.     Now,  good-by  for  the  present,  pretty 
one  ;  make  haste  and  get  -well  again.     Good-day,  madame." 

Thereupon  she  left  the  room  witliout  the  least  attempt  at 
effect  like  an  "  irregular  "  accustomed  to  play  "  the  great  lady." 
With  lowered  eyes  she  observed  the  creases  of  her  dress  as  her 
skirt  swept  over  the  parlor  carpet,  rustling  like  dead  leaves. 


Nana's  house  was  full  of  workpeople,  who  were  completing 
the  preparations  for  her  approacliiug  fete.  Four  large  recep- 
tion-rooms, looking  on  the  one  hand  into  the  park,  and  on  the 
other  into  the  vast  conservatory,  and  ct)nnected  by  folding- 
doors,  were  being  decorated  for  the  entertainment.  D'Albigny's 
library  was  transformed  into  a  smoking-room,  the  biUiard-hall 
into  a  card-room;  while  a  stand  for  the  orchestra  was  set  up  in 
the  conservatory.  The  ball  was  fixed  to  take  place  on  Sunday, 
and  on  the  Saturday  morning  Nana  sent  her  brougham  to  fetcli 
^Mademoiselle  Naviel  from  Batignolles.  The  roses  she  had 
ordered  had  just  been  finished,  and  Andreo  was  dressing  when 
her  mother  came  to  tell  her  that  Nana's  brougham  was  waiting 
in  the  street. 

Andree  had  become  somewhat  thinner  since  her  accident  on 
the  day  of  the  review,  and  she  walked  slightly  lame.  Althougli 
the  swelling  of  her  ankle  was  now  subsiding,  and  she  was  able 
to  get  up  and  help  her  mother  with  the  flowers,  she  was  still 
careful  to  keep  her  right  leg  in  a  horizontal  position  as  often  as 
possible.  On  the  morrow  of  the  night  which  Lucien  had  spent 
at  Andree's  bedside,  Madame  Dcspretz  had  formally  asked  for 
the  young  girl's  hand.  The  Naviels  had  immediately  given 
their  consent,  and  the  marriage  was  decided  upon  in  principle, 
although  the  day  was  not  yet  fixed.  Every  morning  before 
going  to  his  work,  Lucien  came  to  see  Andree,  and  he  returned 
to  Batignolles  as  soon  as  the  day's  toil  was  over.  Every  other 
evening,  moreover,  ho  dined  at  his  future  father-in-law's,  seated 
beside  his  betrothed,  to  whom  he  was  most  attentive. 

Ho  came  as  usual  on  the  morning  when  Andree  was  to  take 
the  flowers  to  Nana,  and  waited  until  she  was  ready,  so  that  he 
might  kiss  her  before  hastening  ofi"  to  the  Rue  Montmartre. 
Mademoiselle  Naviel  looked  charming.  She  had  put  on  a  lilac 
dress  like  the  one  she  had  worn  that  evening  at  the  Bouflbs ; 
and  this  reminded  them  both  of  the  bouquet  of  white  roses 
which  Lucien  had  offered  to  "virtuous  beauty."  Andreo 
had  not  forgotten  the  advice  that  lier  future  lover  liad  tcn<lcr('d 
with  his  floral  offering.    As  ho  now  took  his  leave,  he  asked  her 

84  nana's  daughter. 

rather  anxiously,  "  Shall  you  remain  long  at  that  woman's; 

"  As  short  a  time  as  possible, "  Andree  replied.  "  But  she  is 
a  good  customer,  you  know;  and  if,  as  she  suggested,  I  am 
obliged  to  arrange  the  flowers  myself,  I  shall  be  kept  there  all 
the  morning.  It  is  oven  possible  that  she  may  keep  mo  to  lunch. 
She  spoke  of  doing  so  on  the  day  she  called  here." 

Lucien  went  off  somewhat  saddened,  but  Andree  was  very 
gay.  And  this  was  only  natural,  for  she  had  many  reasons  to 
feel  happy.  She  was  almost  cured  now ;  she  would  soon  share 
the  life  of  the  only  man  she  had  ever  loved ;  her  little  business 
was  prosperously  increasing,  and  she  was  able  to  surround  her 
narents  with  comforts.  So  the  future  beamed  ahead  in  bright 

The  roses  which  Nana  had  ordered  were  marvels  of  their 
kind,  and  Madame  Naviel  and  Andree  had  bestowed  all  their 
talent  upon  them,  for  the  fetes  that  this  woman  gave  were 
events  in  Paris,  and  attention  was  invariably  attracted  to  the 
artists  who  participated,  from  far  or  near,  in  adorning  the  fairy- 
like i^alace  of  the  queen  of  vice.  Moreo\'er,  virtuous  as  Andree 
was,  she  felt  no  little  feminine  curiosity  respecting  the  home  of 
this  woman  who  devoured  kingdoms,  and  slie  was  eager  to  visit 
it.  She  placed  her  flowers  in  the  satin-lined  brougham,  and 
then,  as  soon  as  she  had  ensconced  herself  amid  the  radiant 
bloom  which  her  fingers  had  called  forth,  the  coachman  touched 
Up  his  horses  and  off  they  went. 

Nana  was  taking  her  bath  when  Andr6e  arrived ;  and  Yirgiuie, 
the  maid,  ushered  the  young  girl  into  the  bath-room —  all  black 
marble  and  silver  mountings — -where  Nana's  rosy  carnation  and 
tawny  hair  stood  out  in  marvelous  relief.  "  Virginie,  dry  me 
quick  and  dress  me, "  cried  the  courtesan,  springing  naked  and 
sweet-scented  out  of  the  perfumed  water  of  the  silver  bath. 
And  she  unblushingly  displayed  the  opulent  splendor  of  her 
sculptural  beauty,  while  Virginie  wiped  her  tiny  feet  and  put  on 
her  slippers.  "  Make  haste,  girl,"  said  Nana,  "  I  want  to  see 
my  roses.  Excuse  me,  mademoiselle.  In  five  minutes  I  shall 
be  ready." 

As  soon  as  she  was  enveloped  in  a  long  dressing-gown  of 
Chinese  silk,  in  which  she  draped  lusrsclf  with  the  natural  grace 
of  a  Greek  Venus,  she  led  Andree  out  of  the  room  and  wished  to 
see  the  roses  at  once.  A  footman  had  ranged  them  in  the  hall 
at  the  foot  of  the  stairs.  fomid  them  charming.  "  I  say, 
Mademoiselle  Andree, "  she  remarked, '' you  must  really  teach 
me  how  to  mount  roses.  It  will  amuse  me  to  know  how  to  do 
something.  It  isn't  my  fault  if  I  was  never  taught  anything. 
At  present  I  know  how  to  sing,  and  as  I  have  a  good  voice  I 
could  go  on  the  stage  if  T  chose;  but,  i)Ooh!  I'm  not  in  need  of 
money.    Men  are  so  stupid,  they  are  only  fit  to  be  plucked,  and 

nana's  daughter.  85 

I  pluck  them  properly !  Well,  what  would  you  have !  A  woman 
like  I  am — -a  woman  sprung  from  the  people,  and  who  has 
become  a  social  i)()wer,  thanks  to  her  mere  beauty  —  proves 
useful  to  poor  folks.  The  money  wo  coax  out  of  old  misers, 
young  skinilints,  Jews,  and  titled  and  mitred  fools,  falls  into  the 
pockets  of  the  working  classes.  What  would  become  of  Paris 
without  us?  "What  would  become  of  the  workpeople ?  What 
would  become  of  the  artists  ?  It  is  we  who  re-estabUsh  equality, 
wo  who  beggar  the  idle  for  the  profit  of  the  industrious.  We 
turn  the  tap,  and  useless  treasm'es,  shameful  fortunes,  millions 
robbed  from  the  poor,  flow  forth  !  Wo  are  the  canal  by  which 
the  gold  of  thieves  flows  back  into  the  purses  of  the  despoiled. 
And  it  is  only  right,  mademoiselle,  is  it  not  ?  Ah !  if  I  had  a 
poet  or  a  novelist  among  my  lovers,  I  would  give  him  a  plot  for 
a  masterpiece !  " 

She  laughed  aloud,  and  the  merry  peal  was  re-echoed  up  the 
monumental  staircase.  "  Will  you  come  with  me,  mademoiselle  ?  " 
she  asked.  "  We  can  have  a  chat  while  Virginia  dresses  me  for 
lunch. " 

"  I  am  at  your  orders,  madame,"  replied  Andr^e. 

They  climbed  the  pink  marble  staircase  together,  Nana's 
slippers  clacking  gaily  against  her  velvety  heels.  Then  they 
entered  the  boudoir,  followed  by  Virginie,  who  commenced  to 
dress  her  mistress'  hair.  When  Nana  was  ready  she  again  spoke 
to  Andree.  "  Come,  pretty  one,"  she  said,  "  you  must  promise 
to  come  and  give  me  some  lessons  in  mounting  flowers.  I  will 
pay  you  whatever  you  like ;  the  terms  are  of  no  consequence  to 
me.  You  please  mo  very  much.  I  should  so  like  to  have  a 
daughter  like  you.  I  fancy  I  should  love  her  —  I  who  love 
nobody  and  tire  of  everything.  I  would  leave  her  my  fortune 
and  my  contempt  for  the  human  species.  There  would  be  two 
of  us  to  chat  and  laugh  at  men's  stupidity !  How  funny  'twould 
be !  You  are  extremely  pretty,  my  dear,  and  it's  very  foolish  on 
your  part  to  live  as  you  do,  tiring  your  httle  fingers  and  bending 
your  pretty  shoulders  over  your  work.  You  will  get  ugly  if  you 
go  on  like  that,  and  in  a  few  years  you  will  be  an  old  woman, 
and  then  your  protector  will  leave  you." 

"  I  have  no  protector,  madame, "  swiftly  returned  Andr6e, 
with  a  blush. 

"  Ah !  it's  true,  excuse  me,  T  meant  to  say  your  husband. 
But  come,  my  dear,  how  many  hf)urs  do  you  work  a  day  ?  " 

"  Twelve  hours,  madame,  in  the  business  season." 

"  Twelve  hours!  But,  little  one,  you  will  grow  blind  if  you 
go  on  like  that !  Have  you  murdered  any  one  to  be  condemned 
to  such  a  life?    But  you  must  make  heaps  of  money  at  it?  " 

"  We  earn  twelve  or  fifteen  francs,  my  mother  and  I — some- 
times twenty  francs  together." 

"An  horn-?" 

86  nana's  daughter. 

"  No,  a  day,  madame;  and  we  are  fortunate.  There  are  some 
women  who  don't  earn  more  than  a  franc  and  a  half. " 

"  And  to  thmk  that  there  are  fools  who  are  astonished  at 
hnmorality  and  feminine  vice!  Whose  fault  is  it,  if  virtuous 
women  only  earn  a  franc  and  a  half  a  day?  Come,  come,  you 
must  agree  with  me  that  virtuous  women  are  fools." 

"  No,  madame,  they  are  happier  than  you." 

"  Really  ?  Well,  I  can't  understand  how  a  person  can  possibly 
be  happy  in  working  a  great  deal  to  earn  merely  a  few 
copi)ers. " 

''  It  is  simple  enough.  The  man  who  loves  us  has  confidence 
in  us,  and  loves  us  all  the  more  as  he  can  give  us  his  esteem. 
And  his  kiss,  when  he  comes  home  at  night-time  after  work, 
repays  us  for  our  toil  far  better  than  all  the  jewels  in  the 
world. " 

"  You  are  perhaps  right,  mademoiselle.  Our  paths  are  differ- 
ent. All  the  same,  I  can't  help  regTetting  to  see  such  a  pearl  of 
beauty  like  yourself  set,  as  it  were,  in  a  common  metal.  If  you 
had  some  stylish  dresses,  diamonds,  horses,  and  a  mansion,  all 
Paris  would  "^be  at  your  feet,  little  one.  A  frown  on  your  brow 
would  make  men  turn  pale  and  their  hair  grow  white.  Ah!,  if 
you  only  choose,  by-and-by,  when  old  age  compels  me :  to 
abdicate,  you  might  succeed  me.  You  would  be  Nana  the 
Second;  I  would  launch  you  properly;  and  you  would  fly  away 
on  the  wings  of  success.  You  would  bo  a  star  of  the  first  order; 
you  would  have  y(jur  applauders,  your  chroniclers,  your  sculp- 
tors, your  painters,  your  photographers.  Your  portrait  would 
be  in  every  shop-window,  and  you  would  be  a  perfect  queen. 
Believe  me,  I  am  really  speaking  seriously. " 

"  I  prefer  being  loved  by  the  man  I  love  to  having  a  crowd  of 
such  adorers  at  my  feet.  I  am  not  at  aU  tempted  by  the  costly 
folhes  of  men.  I  set  a  higher  price  on  my  love,  and  I  don't 
think  that  kings  and  emperors  could  ever  pay  dear  enough  for 
the  first  kiss  of  a  ^irtuous  girl. " 

"  But  if  you  were  dressed  as  you  deserve  to  be,  the  man  you 
love  would  find  you  still  prettier  and  love  you  all  the  bettor! 
Come,  I  should  like  you  to  judge  for  yourself.  Virginie,  bring 
me  the  dress  I  wore  at  the  review.  We  are  of  the  same  height, 
mademoiselle  and  I,  and  my  dress  will  fit  her  like  a  glove. 
Bring  the  lace  petticoat  as  well,  and  some  silk  stockings  to 
match  the  dress." 

Virginie  obeyed,  and  wished  to  dress  Andr6e  herself.  But 
Nana  interposed.  "  No,  leave  us!  "  she  said.  "  I  will  dress  her. 
I'm  sure  you  would  annoy  her  with  your  manners." 

"I  must  tell  madame  that  my  manners  are  quite  proper," 
replied  Virginie,  pinching  her  lips.  "  But,  of  course,  it  is  no 
business  of  mine  if  madame  chooses  to  treat  mademoiselle  Uke  a 
doU. "    And  the  angry  maid  thereupon  left  the  room. 

nana's  daughter.  87 

iilnue  with  Andreo,  Nau;i  threw  her  arms  around  her,  and 
kissed  her  passionately.  A  strange  languor  was  coming  over 
the  young  girl  in  the  vitiated  atmosphere  of  the  boudoir. 
Seized  with  a  cocjuettish  desire  to  look  beautiful,  she  allowed 
Nana  to  undress  her  like  a  child,  and  array  her  in  the  white 
satin  robe. 

But  suddenly  the  door-hanging  of  the  boudoir  was  raised,  and 
the  Marquis  li'Albigny,  very  tall,  his  head  erect,  with  a  black 
mustache  proudly  twirled  up  at  either  end,  and  white  hands, 
which  seemed  formed  only  to  handle  a  sword  or  span  a  woman's 
waist,  appeared  smiling  upon  the  threshold. 


Andree  rose  to  retire,  but  D'Albigny  had  perceived  her,  and 
stood  spellbound  by  stupefied  admiration.  "  What  do  you 
think  of  her,  marquis "?  "  asked  Nana. 

"  Charming,  my  dear. "  And  approaching  the  courtesan  he 
kissed  her  hand,  and  added,  "  Thanks,  Nana,  for  this  pleasant 
surprise. " 

"  I  didn't  do  It  on  purpose,  marquis, "  rejoined  Nana,  in  an 
undertone  ;  *'  but  you  know  I  am  apt  to  be  kind  to  you." 

D'Albigny  approached  Andi'ee,  and  taking  one  of  her  tiny 
hands  in  his,  he  softly  pressed  it  and  said  :  "  I  am  happy  to  see, 
mademoiselle,  that  you  no  longer  suflfer  from  the  accident  which 
nearly  killed  us  all ;  and  I  am  inclined  to  bless  that  mishap,  as 
it  has  procured  us  the  pleasure  of  seeing  you.  You  are  charm- 
ing in  that  dress ;  and,  without  flattery,  you  look  wonderfully 
hke  Madame  Nana — that  is,  like  the  most  captivating  woman 
in  Paris.  Only  you  are  very  young.  How  old  are  you,  nray,  if 
it  is  not  an  indiscretion?  " 

"  I  am  nineteen,  sir. " 

"  Nineteen !  That  would  be  your  daughter's  age  by  now, 
Nana. " 

**  If  Mademoiselle  Andrec  were  my  daughter,  I  should  keep 
her  with  me,  and  devote  myself  to  making  her  happy.  She 
would  be  my  last  passion ;  her  trimnphs  would  amuse  me.  I 
would  set  all  Paris  at  her  feet,  and  with  my  experience  of  the 
past  I  should  be  the  better  able  to  assure  her  future.  Ah! 
marquis,  she  would  earn  her  real  worth,  which  she  seems  to 
have  no  idea  of  now." 

"  Madame  Nana  is  right,  mademoiseEe,  you  have  everything 
to  learn.  But  we  would  be  your  instructors,  she  and  I,  and 
introduce  you  to  the  life  of  luxury  and  opulence  that  you  are 
fitted  for." 

88  NANA'S   D\UGHlER. 

"  You  arc  very  kind,  sir, "  rejoined  Andrec,  with  gentle  irony, 
"  but  I  fear  that  I  shall  bo  coudenmed  to  live  in  humble  chcum- 
stauces  all  my  life.  I  love  my  family,  and  I  am  about  to 
marry " 

"  That  tall,  yomig  fellow  we  saw  with  you,  no  doubt !  He  is 
not  bad  looking;  l)ut  he  doesn't  know  how  to  dress,  and  the 
man  who  is  deficient  in  that  gift  never  becomes  anyone.  Take 
myself,  for  instance ;  I  have  spent  large  sums  of  money  in  my 
time,  and  although  I  am  head  over  heels  in  debt,  I  live,  enjoy 
myself,  and  jingle  like  gold  at  every  step.  But  why  is  that  f 
Simply  because  I  know  how  to  walk,  how  to  glove  my  hands, 
and  how  to  treat  women.  Just  ask  Madame  Nana  on  that  last 
point.  It  is  the  essential  matter  in  life ;  for  whatever  may  be 
one's  sphere  there  is  always  a  woman  around  whom  we  men 
must  gravitate." 

At  this  moment  a  footman  raised  the  door-hanging,  and 
exclaimed,  "  Madame  is  served. " 

Audree  shuddered.  She  had  recognized  the  footman's  voice. 
"Come,  little  one,"  said  Nana,  "keep  that  dress  on;  it  suits 
you  marvelously  well.  We  shall  lunch  together,  all  three  of  us. 
Your  arm,  D'Albigny. " 

Tho  marquis  gave  Nana  his  arm,  and  they  passed  in  front  of 
Andree.  The  latter  did  not  feel  at  ease.  She  was  surprised  by 
the  marquis's  cavalier  manner,  and  enervated  by  the  strange 
caresses  of  this  woman,  who  seemed  to  take  possession  of  her 
despite  her  virtuous  resistance,  and  to  circumvent  her  with  her 
singular  sophistry  and  subversive  principles.  It  seemed  to 
Andree  as  if  the  vertigo  of  evil  had  seized  hold  of  her.  Her 
brain  was  intoxicated  and  disturbed.  She  certainly  tried  to 
defend  herself,  to  justify  the  courage  she  had  shown  in  choosing 
the  pathway  of  daily  toil  and  chaste  affection;  and  yet  her 
vanity  was  secretly  pleased  by  the  otter  of  a  life  of  luxury,  by 
the  direct  proposals  of  that  titled  scoundrel,  D'Albigny,  and  by 
the  audacious  encouragement  and  enervating  flattery  of  Nana. 
There  are  some  evil  instincts  dormant  even  in  the  best  of  natures, 
and  such  as  had  slept  in  Andrco's  heart  and  mind  were  now 
aroused.  Tho  evil  dream  was,  in  fact,  beginning  to  please  her, 
when  suddenly  she  was  awakened  to  a  sense  of  reality  by  tho 
voice  of  the  footman.  That  voice  she  know  it  well.  Its  pos- 
sessor was  now  a  servant,  but  she  had  mot  him  as  a  clown  and  a 
police  spy.  At  sight  of  him  it  seemed  to  her  as  if  an  alarm-bell 
were  ringing  in  her  conscience.  Ah !  why  had  she  been  weak 
enough  to  servo  as  a  toy  for  such  a  woman  as  Nana  ? 

She  passed  slowly  under  the  silken  door-hanging  which  the 
tall  footman  was  holding  back.  Ho  leaned  toward  her  as  she 
approached,  and  whispered  hmTiedly,  "  Pray  don't  look  as  if  you 
recognized  me,  mademoiselle.  I  am  not  what  I  seem  to  be.  I 
am  called  Luc,  now. "    And  then  in  a  respectful  attitude,  bol^ 

nana's  daughter.  89 

upright  and  slim-looking  in  his  hlack  dress-coat,  his  face  cleanly 
shaven  and  his  maimers  perfectly  correct,  ho  entered  the  dining- 
room  behind  the  young  girl. 

It  was  an  octagonal  apartment  of  moderate  dimensions,  paved 
with  Florentine  mosaic.  The  ceiling  had  somewhat  the  form  of 
a  cupola,  from  the  center  of  which  hung  a  massive  silver 
chandelier  formed  of  eight  cupids  with  outspread  wings,  whoso 
feet  rested  upon  a  globe,  and  who  each  held  in  one  hand  a 
branching  candelabrum.  Folding  doors  communicated  with  an 
adjoining  apartment,  and  three  French  windows  conducted  onto 
a  ^vinding  balcony.  The  room  formed  part,  indeed,  of  an 
octagonal  tower  at  one  corner  of  the  mansion,  and  commanded 
a  delightful  view  of  the  park.  The  table  was  a  round  one ;  tho 
china,  modern  Sevres,  and  the  glass.  Baccarat  crystal ;  Nana's 
coronetod  initial  figuring  on  every  object. 

D' Albigny  sat  down  near  Andree,  Nana  placed  herself  in  front 
of  them;  and  Luc  stood  in  the  rear,  servmg  tho  dishes  and 
pouring  out  the  wine. 

"  Would  you  behove  it,  marquis, "  said  Nana,  abruptly,  "  it 
seems  there  are  women  who  live  on  a  franc  and  a  half  a  day. " 

''  No,  really,  dear,  I  can't  behove  that  ?  for  even  admitting 
that  the  unfortunate  creatures  wished  to  do  so,  they  couldn't 
manage  it. " 

"  But  come,  D' Albigny,  picture  mo.  Nana,  reduced  to  live  on 
a  franc  and  a  half  a  day. " 

"  I  repeat  that  it  isn't  possible,  my  dear.  And  you,  mademoi- 
selle, do  you  think  that  it  has  over  happened  ?  " 

*'  I  have  proof  of  it  every  day,  sir.  One  of  my  new  work-girls 
is  an  orphan  who  does  not  earn  more. " 

'*  She  has  a  lover  who  supports  her,  then,"  said  Nana. 

*'  No,  madamo. " 

"  But  how  does  she  contrive  to  live,  then?  " 

**  She  spends  fifteen  sous  on  her  daily  food ;  lodges  herself  for 
ten  francs  a  mop*  makes  her  own  drosses,  washes  her  own 
linen,  novo''  ''  c.ny  wine,  and  never  lights  a  fire. " 

"  Well,  really,  such  a  life  must  be  insupportable.  It  would 
be  better  to  have  never  been  bom  than  to  lead  such  an  existence 
as  that. " 

"  Misfortune  may  overtake  the  wealthy,  madame.  Misery 
often  comes  when  it  is  least  expected.  And  what  is  most  ter- 
rible is  to  have  to  hve  hke  these  poor  creatures,  after  having 
lived  like  you. " 

"  You  are  jesting,  mademoiselle.  That  has  never  happened, 
and  never  will  —  eh,  D' Albigny  ?  " 

"  No,  certainly  not.  As  long  as  you  are  Nana,  and  as  long  as 
I  am  D'Albigny,  we  shall  have  nothing  of  the  kind  to  fear.  As 
for  the  others,  so  much  the  worse  for  them. " 

As  soon  as  the  meal  was  over,  Nana  rose  to  go  and  see  her 
A^ana's  Daughter  6. 

go  nana's  daughter. 

roses.  Turning  to  tlie  valet,  she  exclaimed,  "  Come  with  me, 
Luc ;  you  must  take  my  flowers  into  the  gallery,  where  I  shall 
arrange  them  by-and-by  with  this  young  lady.  I  shall  be 
back  in  a  moment, "  she  added  to  Andree. 

The  marquis  thus  remained  alone  with  the  girl.  Softly,  with- 
out the  least  affectation,  in  fact  with  the  calm  ease  of  a  noble- 
man, he  drew  near  to  her  and  took  hold  of  one  of  her  hands. 
"  Would  you  like  Nana  to  adopt  you,  to  take  you  with  her  and 
leave  you  her  fortune? "  he  asked,  without  the  slightest 

"  Thanks,  sir,  I  prefer  to  work." 

"  But  that  is  unreasonable.  It  is  quite  impossible  that  you 
prefer  a  life  of  slavery  to  such  an  existence  as  we  can  ofler  you 

"  I  do  not  wish  to  renounce  either  my  parents  or  my 
betrothed. " 

"  You  would  not  have  to  renounce  your  parents.  On  the  con- 
trary, you  might  be  useful  to  them.  And  as  for  your  lover,  you 
could  marry  him,  prcjviding  he  is  intelligent,  and  knows  how  to 
bend  to  the  exigencies  of  modern  life.  Otherwise,  in  your  own 
interest,  it  would  be  better  for  you  to  sacrifice  this  young  man  to 
us.  Others  will  know  how  to  love  you,  and  understand  you  as 
you  deserve.  And  if  you  were  willing,  I  should  be  most 
delighted  to  make  you  happy  without  imposing  my  love  upon 
you  like  a  burden.  I  have  enough  experience  of  life  to  know 
that  one  can't  imprison  a  pretty  woman's  heart,  and  that  night- 
ingales don't  live  in  cages.  I  would  leave  you  jxTfectly  free  to 
love  this  young  man,  or  any  otlier,  pr(jvi(ling  you  did  not  abuse 
of  your  liberty  to  spend  your  money  on  them.  In  present  times 
every  one  aught  to  know  how  to  calculate.  Gold  is  the  one 
great  disideratum  of  life.  Ah,  with  me  to  guide  you,  you  would 
soon  have  millions  of  your  own.  Your  pretty  blue  eyes  would 
be  like  the  sim  that  ripens  the  harvest,  and  but  one  kiss  from 
your  ruby  lips  would  mean  wealth  for  yourself  and  for  those  you 
love. " 

"  It  seems  tome  that  you  are  insulting  me,  sir,"  cried  Andr6e, 
who  was  very  red.  She  spoke  these  words  in  a  clear,  vibrating 
voice,  full  of  virtuous  emotion,  and  then  sprang  to  her  feet  as  if 
she  feared  she  had  been  entrapped.  Wliat  was  that  woman. 
Nana,  doing  f  Why  had  she  taken  her  servant  away,  leaving 
her  alone  with  the  marquis  ?  Did  she  no  longer  love  him  1  or 
did  the  marquis  wish  to  profit  by  his  mistress'  absence  to  play 
her  false  ? 

Andr6e  understood  naught  of  the  monstrosities  prevalent  in 
this  vicious  sphere;  but  she  remembered  her  adventure  with 
Paillardin,  and  asked  herself  if  the  world  was  a  forest  full  of 
Bcoundrels  bent  on  trapping  virtue  and  insulting  women.    At 

nana's  daughter.  91 

this  thoupjht  she  was  seized  with  Litter  disgust  for  tlio  vicious 
basouess  of  mau, 

"  I  give  you  uiy  word  of  honor,"  rejoined  the  marquis,  "  that 
my  words  implied  nothing  insidting  for  your  beauty.  On  the 
contrary,  I  was  trying  to  make  you  understand,  by  metaphors, 
the  very  great  interest  I  take  in  you.  And  nobody  here  would 
venture  to  behave  insolently  or  improperly  with  you. " 

"  Then  I  was  under  a  misapprehension  when  I  attributed  an 
insulting  meaning  to  your  proposals.  I  thought  you  wished  to 
piotit  by  the  circumstance  that  we  were  alone,  to  tell  me  things 
1  cannot  listen  to.  I  muvst  apologize,  Monsieur  lo  Marquis,  for 
having  for  one  moment  thought  you  capable  of  such  an  act  of 
cowardice. " 

"  Oh,  oh !  little  one,  your  irony  is  bitter ;  but  patience,  it  will 
wear  away.  After  all,  I  think  it  will  be  better  to  allow  you  to 
indulge  in  your  fancy  for  that  young  mau.  Come,  my  beauty, 
make  haste  to  get  married.  When  you  have  had  enough  of 
your  lover  and  virtuous  poverty,  you  will  come  in  search  of  tlio 
Marcpiis  D'Albigny;  and,  perhaps,  he  will  interest  himself  on 
your  behalf,  providing  you  are  still  pretty,  of  course.  Well,  go 
and  find  Madame  Nana,  put  on  your  common  dress  agahi,  and 
arrange  your  flowers.  You  can  go,  mademoiselle,  you  can  go ; 
I  shan't  detain  you. " 

He  spoke  with  a  smile  of  disdainful  pity.  Andree  did  not 
answer  him,  but  opened  the  door  and  jjassed  out  into  the  hall. 
Perceiving  Nana,  she  went  toward  her,  saying :  "  I  regret  that 
I  cannot  stop  any  longer,  madame,  for  there  is  a  great  deal  of 
work  to  be  done  at  homo,  and  I  must  go. " 

"  But  why  are  you  so  red,  my  dear;  has  the  marquis  been 
courting  you?  It's  his  fashion,  you  know.  He  is  perpetually  at 
women's  feet.  The  last  love-sick  shepherd  will  die  with  him. 
But  you  were  wrong  to  be  frightened  by  his  foolish  talk.  He's 
a  good  fellow  at  the  bottom  and  means  well.  However,  I  don't 
want  to  vex  you.  Luc,  conduct  this  young  lady  to  my  boudoir, 
so  that  she  may  change  her  dress  again. " 

Luc  escorted  Andree  to  the  boudoir,  and  as  soon  as  they  were 
alone  together  he  hurriedly  began :  "  You  know  who  I  am, 
mademoiselle;  well,  listen  to  me.  Never  come  back  here  again. 
This  woman  is  fatal ;  she  would  ruin  you  just  as  she  has  ruined 
me.  I'm  rising  to  the  surface  again,  now,  and  I  want  to  live. 
I  have  been  stationed  hero  by  the  prefecture  of  police,  so  as  to 
watch  the  goings  on.  And  I  open  my  eyes  and  ears  both  day 
and  night.  They  are  big,  my  ears,  and  they  hear  everything. 
You  remember  how  the  Hercules  used  to  pull  them  eight  sum- 
mers ago.  Ah!  what  a  nuiss  of  hatred  I've  stored  up  in  my 
heart  and  mind  during  those  eight  years  of  misery !  I  hate  the 
whole  human  species  excepting  yourself  and  your  father,  although 
lie  rendered  me  a  sorry  service  whtui  he  pulled  me  out  of  the 


river.  However,  nowadays  I've  an  object  before  me,  and  a  ter- 
rible object,  too.  I  mean  to  cling  to  this  house,  to  this  woman 
and  this  marquis,  so  as  to  work  their  ruin  as  they  worked  mine. 
I'll  bite  away  their  pedestal  bit  by  bit,  and  expose  them  as  they 
really  are.  I'm  somebody  now,  I  am  a  power.  I  have  the 
whole  police  force  behind  me.  I'm  no  longer  a  clown,  no  longer 
a  pauper,  no  longer  a  woman-beater  as  you  saw  me  a  few  days 
ago.  I  belong  to  the  secret  service  now  —  but  I  must  let  you 
dress.  Good-by,  mademoiselle,  and  take  my  advice;  don't 
come  to  this  house  again.  It  is  a  perfect  den;  a  den  full  of 
gold,  no  doubt,  but  a  den,  a  wild  beast's  den. "  Thereupon  he 
went  off,  and  Andr6e  could  hear  him  repeating  in  the  hall,  "  Yes, 
a  den,  a  wild  beast's  den. " 

A  minute  later  Virgiuie  entered  the  boudoir.  "  I  have  come 
to  help  mademoiselle  to  dress, "  she  said. 

"  I  am  sorry  that  your  mistress  disturbed  you, "  replied  Andr6e. 
"  I  am  used  to  waiting  on  myself. "  And  she  rapidly  changed 
her  costume,  without  accepting  the  help  of  the  maid.  In  ten 
minutes  she  was  ready ;  and  she  experienced  a  delicious  feeling 
of  relief  when  she  found  herself  in  the  street  again,  in  the  midst 
of  out-door  activity,  under  the  pure  blue  sky  and  with  the 
radiant  sunlight  to  guide  her  homeward  steps. 


That  same  evening  Nana's  house  was  still  encumbered  with 
workpeople ;  and,  anxious  to  escape  the  disorder,  she  per- 
suaded D'Albigny  to  accompany  her  to  Mabille.  The  garden 
was  being  prepared  for  the  evening  fete.  The  ground-glass 
globes  of  the  girandoles,  the  ruddy  flowers  blooming  on  the 
branches  of  the  artificial  zinc  trees,  the  luminous  fruit  of  the 
spurious  palms,  the  arcades  painted  a  brilhant  green,  were  all 
being  lighted  up ;  and  a  mysterious  glimmer  was  wafted  over 
tlie  stalactite  cascade,  where  a  statue  of  Venus  stood  in  semi- 

When  Nana  arrived,  at  about  eleven  o'clock,  her  appearance 
caused  a  perfect  sensation.  She  wore  a  robe  of  black  velvet 
with  a  long  train,  a  black-felt  mousquetaire  hat  with  a  blue 
plume,  and  a  set  of  sapphires;  earrings  and  necklace  alike 
mounted  in  silver.  A  quadrille  was  being  danced  as  she  arrived, 
giving  her  arm  to  D'Albigny,  and  followed  by  Luc  in  full  livery. 
The  crowd  had  formed  a  circle  around  the  paid  dancers,  who 
gravely  distortea  themselves,  looking  as  serious  as  official  per- 
sonages in  the  discharge  of  their  functions.  The  men  raised 
their  legs,  or  bobbed  down  in  spread-eagle  fashion,  with  a  posi- 

nana's  daughter.  93 

tire  air  of  importance.  Still  there  was  one  little  fellow  worth 
seeing,  for  ho  disjointed  his  limbs  in  the  strangest  fashion,  and 
assiuued  the  most  improbable  postures.  He  had  a  comical  face, 
moreover,  and  his  gestures  were  so  fanciful  that  ho  fairly  diverted 
the  spectators.  The  women  meanwhile  caught  up  their  skirts, 
and  swayed  about,  kicking  up  their  high-heeled  boots  to  the 
delight  of  several  fat  English  tourists,  who  had  come  to  see  the 
fun  with  their  wives.  These  highly-respectable  ladies  looked 
extremely  glum ;  and  the  horrified  expression  of  some  of  their 
foces  contrasted  strangely  with  the  broad  smiles  in  which  their 
husbands  indulged.  One  of  the  female  dancers,  an  ex-star  of 
the  Quartier  Latin,  renowned  for  her  intimacy  with  a  famous 
one-eyed  orator,  was  most  skillful  In  knocking  off  the  hats  of  the 
mascidine  spectators  with  the  tip  of  her  cherry-satm  boot.  Her 
spirit  and  vivacity  fairly  sent  the  gallery  mto  transports  of 
delight.  It  was  a  most  attentive  gallery,  by  the  way,  and, 
evidently  enough,  the  great  majority  of  the  people  present  were 
anxious  not  to  lose  a  single  detail  of  the  disgraceful  exhibition* 
True,  the  English  ladies  and  the  French  provincial  families  in 
the  front  ranks  watched  the  scene  with  an  air  of  consternation. 
But  these  were  the  exceptions,  and  among  the  attentive  ones, 
none  gazed  more  steadily  than  the  white-haired  old  beaux  with 
blotched  and  wrinkled  faces. 

When  Nana  appeared,  however,  there  was  a  stir,  and  popular 
curiosity  was  diverted  from  the  Terpsichorean  display.  As  if 
she  had  been  formally  announced  by  one  of  the  ushers  —  who, 
with  steel  chains  over  their  shoulders,  were  watching  the  dances 
—  her  name  spread  through  the  close  ranks  of  the  spectators; 
and  as  her  blue  plume  waved,  and  her  tawny  hair  flashed  in  the 
light,  a  host  of  mute  admirers  ranged  themselves  in  a  lino  to  see 
her  pass  along.  She  walked  as  far  as  the  covered  gallery,  where 
the  dancing  took  place  on  rainy  evenings,  and  then  sat  down 
with  the  marquis,  Luc  standing  bolt  upright  behind  her  chair. 

She  had  evidently  just  asked  some  question  of  D'Albigny,  for 
he  began  to  say :  "  This  is  what  I  can  tell  you  on  the  matter, 
my  dear.  I  made  inquiries  at  the  foundling  hospital,  as  I 
promised  to  do,  and  —  thanks  to  the  influence  of  a  very  power- 
ful friend  —  I  obtained,  from  the  Poor  Rehef  Board,  some  infor- 
mation which  is  never  given  to  outsiders.  I  have,  indeed,  posi- 
tively learned  what  has  become  of  your  daughter.  And  see  how 
surely  your  instinct  has  guided  you !  —  that  girl  Andrce,  who  is 
supposed  to  be  the  Naviels'  daughter  —  that  little  flower-girl 
whom  you  found  so  pretty,  and  who  resembles  you  like  eglan- 
tine resembles  roses ;  well,  that  very  girl  is  your  child  I  She  is 
only  the  adopted  daughter  of  the  workpeople  who  brought  her 
up.  When  she  learns  that  you  are  her  real  mother,  she  won't 
ong  hesitate  about  returning  to  you.    There  are  hereditarly 


fatalities,  you  know ;  and  that  gii-1  must  have  somewhat  of  your 
terrible  temperament,  you  woman  of  fire !  " 

*'  But,  havmg  hved  in  such  a  diflferent  sphere,  the  fire  you 
speak  of  must  be  extinguished.  Those  people  must  have  thrown 
dust  on  her  flaming  youth,  and  it  is  evidently  too  late " 

*'  Not  at  all.  Nana.  Claim  her  from  these  people,  who  must 
consider  her  to  be  a  sacred  deposit,  and  who  must  be  too  honest 
to  detain  such  a  treasure  as  that  girl  is,  when  they  learn  that 
you  are  her  real  mother,  and  can  prove  it  beyond  a  doubt. " 

**  But,  my  dear  fellow,  the  girl  is  charming.  I  should  go  mad 
over  her.  I  should  play  mamma  with  her;  and — who  knows?  — 
I  am  fantastic  enough  to  feel  jealous  of  the  men  she  may  love.  I 
may  want  to  keep  her  all  to  myself. " 

"  Oh!  in  that  case,  let  her  remain  a  flower-girl,  then;  for  if 
you  ceased  living  your  present  existence  you  would  be  altogether 
done  for.  Maternal  virtue  is  like  all  others;  it  brings  wrinkles, 
whitens  the  hair,  and  turns  the  complexion  yellow.  Suppose 
you  had  a  baby,  and  took  to  bringing  it  up  at  your  own  breast. 
Why,  given  all  the  circumstances,  you  would  be  an  old  woman 
in  a  month's  time  I  And,  even  as  matters  stand,  you  are  getting 
on,  mind.  I  speak  to  you  as  a  friend,  frankly,  without  flattering. 
Nobody  else  would  do  so,  no  doubt;  the  others  are  all  too  afraid 
of  you.  Still,  they  w^ould  have  their  thoughts  on  the  matter, 
and,  although  they  are  slavish  courtiers,  and  kiss  your  boots  now 
that  you  are  the  queen,  they  wouldn't  hesitate  to  spit  on  your 
skirts  if  ever  you  lost  your  sceptre.  If  you  think  of  becoming  a 
mother  again,  merely  by  way  of  penance  —  if  you  have  no  prac- 
tical object  in  claiming  this  girl —  why,  you  had  better  remain 
Nana  as  you  are.  You  have  still  some  years  to  sparkle.  But  I 
trust  you  will  bo  practical.  And  if  you  decide  to  utilize  this  girl 
in  our  mutual  interest,  say  the  word,  and  I  will  go  with  you  to 
her  home.  We  shall  then  see  if  she  will  resist  your  entreaties 
when  she  hears  that  you  are  her  mother.  Of  course,  you  must 
learn  how  to  play  a  mother's  i)art  properly;  how  to  affect  emo- 
tion, tenderness  and  passion.  You  must  cry  if  your  daughter 
refuses  to  follow  you,  and  when  you  have  your  arms  aroimd  her 
hold  fast  and  take  her  away.  I  will  charge  myself  with  the  rest. 
But,  as  I  said  before,  it  will  no  doubt  cost  you  a  few  tears.  You 
are  altogether  irresistible  when  you  cry.  Nana!  Why,  I  myself 
have  been  caught  by  your  tears.  You  are  so  deuced  clever  when 
you  choose. " 

"  I  am  afraid  that  the  girl's  lover  wUl  bother  us.  She's  mad 
on  marrying  him." 

"  So  nuich  the  better,  my  dear.  We'll  find  a  position  for  him 
if  ho  needs  one.  People  will  approve  of  you  marrying  your 
daughter,  and  few  will  suspect  that  you  only  do  so  to  be  able  to 
dispose  of  her  under  cover  of  her  husband. " 

nana's  daughter.  95 

"  Don't  tcalk  so  horribly,  D'Albigny.  Supposing  you  wore 
ovorhoard?  " 

"  Peoplo  would  think  mo  dangerous,  and  I  should  bo  feared  all 
the  more.     Halloa!  hero's  Mulhausen  coming  toward  us. " 

The  prince  was  indeed  approaching,  walking  very  pompously, 
his  massive  form  stiffly  erect  in  tho  true  Teutonic  style,  and  a 
serious  expression  on  his  red-whiskered  face.  In  hopes  that  ho 
might  look  more  of  a  Frenchman,  he  had  recently  taken  to 
wearing  a  gold-rimmed  eyeglass,  and  continually  bit  either  tho 
tortoise-shell  handle  of  his  crutch-stick,  or  the  left  point  of  his 
twirling  mustache. 

"  How  do  you  do,  my  dear  prince?  "  hiquired  the  marquis. 
"  Have  you  recovered  from  your  emotion?" 

"  And  you,  marquis?"  asked  the  prince. 

"  My  dear  Mulhausen, "  said  Nana,  "  you  ought  to  know  that 
D'Albigny  is  not  subject  to  emotion.  As  for  myself,  I  am  not  yet 
consoled.  My  two  blackamoors  are  dead,  and  three  of  my  horses 
also.  True,  I  have  one  left;  and,  by  the  way,  if  you  like  I  will 
make  you  a  present  of  it. " 

**  Thank  you,  madame,  but  Prussia  requires  my  services,  and 
your  Parisian  coachman  don't  know  how  to  drive.  I  have 
renewed  my  horses,  grooms  and  coachmen  alike,  since  that  acci- 
dent. And  my  new  men  and  my  new  animals  all  come  from 
Germany.  They  will  have  their  first  outing  to-morrow  for  your 
fete.    By  the  wav,  have  you  written  to  Stog?" 

"  I  should  think  so, "  said  D'Albigny.  "  Nana  sent  hun  a 
registered  letter  this  very  evening,  and  here  is  a  copy  of  it. " 
So  saymg,  the  marquis  drew  a  sheet  of  paper  from  his  pocket- 
book  and  handed  it  to  the  prince. 

Mulhausen  settled  his  glasses  on  his  nose,  and  then  read  in 
an  undertone :  "  If  Mousieiu-  Stog  does  not  come  as  he  promised, 
I  shall  beheve  that  he  is  afraid  either  of  myself  or  of  D'Albigny. 
I  certify  that  the  marquis  had  not  furnished  Monsieur  Stog  with 
the  slightest  pretext  to  retreat.  — Nana.  " 

"  He  will  be  mad  enough  to  come,"  remarked  the  prince. 

"Oh,  I  shall  regret  him!"  sighed  Nana.  "He  pleased  me 
with  his  brutal  frankness;  but  he  hated  D'Albigny,  and  the 
marquis  is  too  valuable  a  friend  for  me  to  hesitate  about  sacri- 
ficing Stog. " 

"  You  are  right, "  cried  the  German.  "  Ah  !  I  recognize  you 
there.  Besides,  that  fellow  Stog  annoyed  me  with  his  bravado, 
and  if  D'Albigny  had  not  taken  upon  himself  to  rid  you  of  the 
fool,  I  should  have  been  only  too  happy  to  render  you  such  a 
trifling  service. " 

"  If  you  prefer  to  do  the  work  yourself,  my  dear  Mulhausen, " 
said  D'Albigny,  ironically,  "  I  won't  stand  in  your  way.  I'll 
withdraw. " 

**  But  you  can't,  marquis;  for  it  was  you  that  ho  insulted.    If 

96  nana's  daughter. 

he  had  acted  like  that  with  me,  I  shouldn't  have  waited  a  week 
before  claiming  satisfaction." 

"  Do  you  mean  that  for  a  lesson,  prince  ?  " 

"  1 1  not  at  all.  Tou  have  no  need  of  teaching,  my  dear 
marquis. " 

"Quite  so,  my  dear  Mulhausen,"  exclaimed  Nana.  "And, 
do  you  know,  you  ought  not  to  play  the  part  of  a  professor  of 
bravery.  It  doesn't  suit  you.  Lessons  of  that  kind  are  not 
quite  in  your  line." 

The  German  bit  his  mustache  feverishly,  but  the  incident 
went  no  further ;  for  at  that  moment  a  servant  in  a  blue  livery 
was  seen  elbowing  his  way  through  the  crowd,  evidently  in 
search  of  some  one.  "  Ah!  there  comes  Stog's  answer!  "  said 
D'Albigny,  and  turning  toward  the  tall,  clean-shaven  footman, 
who  stood  impassively  behind  Nana's  chair,  he  added :  "  Go 
and  say  that  we  are  here,  Luc. " 

Luc  went  off  and  speedily  returned  with  the  other  servant. 
Nana  opened  the  telegram  which  was  handed  to  her,  and  read 
as  follows:  "I  shall  have  the  honor  of  complying  with  your 
invitation,  and  shall  introduce  two  of  my  Mends  to  you. — 

"Very  good,"  muttered  Mulhausen.  "I  fancy  that  Stog  is 
done  for. " 

The  fete  was  now  in  full  swing  and  the  orchestra  was  playing 
one  of  M6tra's  mazurkas.  The  crowd  pressed  forward  to  see  the 
dancers,  who  revolved  with  maddening  motion  in  the  full  light. 
The  women  threw  themselves  backward,  with  their  heads  rest- 
ing on  the  shoulders  of  their  partners,  who  danced  with  their 
hats  falling  over  their  necks,  and  with  their  legs  wide  apart, 
looking,  indeed,  for  all  the  world,  like  satjTS  in  nineteenth-cent- 
my  costume.  And  aU  around,  worthless  women,  freshly  painted 
and  plastered,  were  promenading  to  and  fro,  dragging  their 
trains  over  the  gi-avel,  and  shaking  their  diamond  eardrops  in 
the  gasUgbt. 

"  Let  us  go  home  !  "  said  Nana,  at  last.  "  It  is  so  awftdly 
slow. " 

The  marquis  rose  at  once  and  allowed  Nana  to  take  Mul- 
hausen's  arm,  while  ho  himself  approached  a  fencing-hall  friend 
and  whispered  a  few  words  in  his  ear. 

"  It  will  be  for  to-morrow  evening,  then?  "  asked  the  friend. 

"  Probably, "  rejoined  D'Albigny. 

"  I  shall  be  at  your  disposal,  my  dear  marquis. " 

"  I  relied  on  you." 

"  And  you  did  quite  right.    Who  is  the  other  second  ?  " 

"  The  Prince  of  Mulhausen. " 

Then  having  shaken  hands  with  his  friend,  the  marquis  fol- 
lowed Nana  and  the  prince,  who  were  walking  away  followed  by 
the  two  blue-liveried  servants.    As  usual,  Luc's  features  were 


impassive ;  but  there  was  a  tragic  gleam  in  the  depths  of  his 
lish-like  eyes. 


■Well-ntgh  twonty  years  had  elapsed  since  Luc  had  been 
Nana's  lover,  and  ho  was  not  recognizable.  Constant  misery, 
both  moral  and  physical,  had  made  him  very  lean.  His  fall 
dated  from  the  day  when  ho  had  borrowed  ten  thousand  francs 
from  his  employer's  safe  in  order  to  purchase  his  daughter  from 
Nana.  She  had  disdainfully  rejected  the  stolen  gold,  and  had 
caused  him  to  be  arrested  just  as  ho  was  about  to  make  full 
restitution.  Fortmiately  for  Luc,  he  established  his  mtention 
to  refimd  the  money  sulficiently  clearly  to  succeed  in  avoiding  a 
sentence,  but  on  his  release  from  jail  he  found  himself  altogether 
without  resources.  Conscious  of  his  unworthiness,  he  then  glided 
down  the  slope  of  Bohemian  existence,  living  by  charity  or 
expedients,  employing  weU-known  names  to  solicit  loans,  and 
coining  money  as  best  he  could.  Still,  despite  his  fall  and  his 
indignity,  he  often  regretted  his  past  honorability,  and  longed 
to  rise  to  the  surface  again.  When  he  thought  of  the  woman 
who  had  ruined  him,  who  had  robbed  him  of  both  his  honor  and 
his  child,  he  was  seized  with  a  strange  passionate  rage,  com- 
pounded of  desire,  jealousy,  hatred,  and  regret.  Ho  wished  he 
could  have  torn  his  heart  out  of  his  breast  to  crush  it  beneath 
his  heel — but  it  lived,  this  heart  of  his.  It  was  fired  with  old 
recollections  of  volcanic  intensity;  and  his  mind  would  dwell 
upon  plans  of  vengeance. 

Thus  he  hved  on  with  his  fixed  remorse,  poor,  lonely,  lost  in 
the  hungry  crowd.  At  times  he  would  have  given  his  whole  life 
to  have  been  able  to  kiss  his  child  but  once.  Little  girls  of  the 
same  age  long  inspired  him  with  convulsive  tenderness,  and  he 
had  been  greatly  struck  with  Andree  on  the  day  he  met  her  at 
St.  Cloud,  and  invited  her  into  the  wrestling-booth.  On  that 
occasion  Nana  also  had  shown  herself,  in  the  company  of 
D'Albigny,  but  she  had  scarcely  recognized  her  old  lover,  the 
ex-cashier.  After  that  Face-to-Smack  abandoned  his  calling  as 
a  moimtebank,  and  fell  into  an  even  more  miserable  condition. 
Hard  times  aged  him  to  such  a  degree  that  nobody  would  have 
taken  him  for  the  same  man.  Tired  of  hfe,  he  one  day  tried  to 
kill  himself;  and,  but  for  Naviel,  it  would  have  been  all  over 
with  him.  Onco  saved,  he  lacked  the  courage  to  try  suicide 
over  again ;  so  he  enlisted  in  the  pubhc  morality  police  force, 
which,  by  a  lucky  chance,  was  then  recruiting  men. 

After  that  he  at  least  had  regular  meals ;  but  he  hved  in  daily 
commimion  with  vice.  By  the  ferocious  zeal  with  which  he  dis- 
charged his  functions  ho  rapidly  rose  in  favor  with  his  superiors. 

98  nana's  daughter. 

It  "was  known  that  lie  had  uever  shown  any  weakness  with  the 
■women  he  was  appointed  to  watch,  and  tlie  authorities  decided 
to  call  him  to  more  important  duties.  It  was  a  wonderM  chance 
for  him.  The  government  wished  to  have  some  one  on  the 
watch  in  Nana's  house  —  in  the  palace  of  this  queen  of  vice  — 
whither  political  personages  and  wealthy  foreigners  flocked  in 
shoals,  which  the  postmaster-general  visited,  where  the  Prince 
of  Mulhausen  displayed  himself,  and  where  numeroxis  hj^po- 
critical  Jesmts  congregated,  scattering  gold  with  lavish  hands. 
The  authorities  wished  to  know  the  truth  about  D'Albigny, 
whose  money-mongering  practices  were  being  watched ;  and  a 
man  with  open  eyes  and  ears  was  needed  to  penetrate  the  secrets 
of  this  laboratory  of  vice  and  peculation.  Nana's  ex-lover,  the 
cashier,  had  showed  himself  especially  fitted  for  such  a  post,  and 
thus  he  obtained  it. 

It  precisely  happened  that  Nana  needed  two  servants  to  fill 
the  places  of  the  blackamoors  who  had  been  killed.  Her  old 
lover  applied  for  one  of  the  situations  and  was  not  recognized. 
He  had  suffered  so  much  during  twenty  years.  He  had  become 
so  thin  and  wrinkled  by  his  long  agony.  Naturally  enough,  he 
produced  superb  certificates,  and  was  accepted  at  once.  At  the 
end  of  a  few  days,  however,  his  old  passion  for  Nana  was 
aroused  again.  The  constant  sight  of  this  woman,  who  had  lost 
nothing  of  her  former  power  of  seduction,  who  sparkled  indeed 
more  brilliantly  and  terribly  than  in  her  youth,  completely  upset 
the  cx-moimtebank's  troubled  mind.  It  was  with  painful 
surprise  and  terrible  anguish  that  he  saw  Andree  arrive  at  the 
house,  and  learned  by  D'Albigny's  talk  at  Mabille  that  this 
charming  young  girl  was  Nana's  daughter.  The  certainty  dawned 
upon  him  that  Andree  must  be  his  own  child,  and  he  divined 
that  the  marquis  and  the  harlot  were  plotting  together  to  turn 
this  virtuous,  industrious  maiden  from  the  path  of  duty.  Then 
there  arose  a  terrible  struggle  in  his  mind  —  a  struggle  between 
his  old  love  for  the  mother  and  his  innate  affection  for  the  child. 
The  image  of  Nana  rose  before  him ;  he  longed  to  clasp  her  in 
his  arms  once  more,  and  then  slay  her  with  his  own  hand,  so 
that  she  might  remain  forever  faithful  to  him.  And,  on  the 
other  hand,  he  was  seized  with  the  desire  to  save  Andree,  his 
own  dear,  fair-haired  Andree,  from  the  villainous  enterprises 
of  D'Albigny  and  the  shameful  speculations  of  her  mother. 

It  was  this  combination  of  thoughts  that  imparted  a  tragic 
gleam  to  Luc's  eyes,  as  on  leaving  IMabillo  he  walked  with  his 
fellow-servant  behind  Nana  and  the  marquis.  The  moon  was 
rising,  and  a  silvery  glimmer  was  spreading  over  the  trees  in  the 
Champs  Elys6es.  Three  or  four  long  white  clouds  floated  like 
feathers  in  the  blue  expanse.  A  heavy  heat  weighed  upon 
everything.    The  leafy  branches,  whitened  by  the  moonhght, 

nana's  daughter.  99 

bent  under  the  effect  of  the  warmth  which  rose  from  the  chalky 
soil  into  the  fever-tempered  atmosphere. 

On  reaching  the  liouse,  Luc,  wlioso  duties  were  over,  toolt 
refuge  in  his  attic  under  the  roof.  From  his  tiny  oval  casenaent 
he  could  perceive  Nana's  window  in  the  center  of  the  principal 
building,  perpendicular  to  the  wing  of  which  he  occupied  one 
corner.  Often,  after  extinguishing  his  candle  at  night-time,  he 
had  opened  his  ^vindow  and  watched  Nana's  shadow  i)assing 
behind  the  silken  curtains;  and  often,  also,  had  he  seen  the 
outline  of  a  lover's  figure.  Then  he  would  bite  his  fists  so  as 
not  to  cry  out  aloud  with  rage  in  the  midst  of  the  silent  night. 
But  that  evening  his  passion  was  so  intense  that  he  felt  ho  could 
not  control  it.  His  old  love  burned  anew,  and  jealous  fury  seized 
hold  of  him.  And  above  his  revolting  passion  there  soared  the 
imago  of  Andr6e,  whom  ho  must  save.  All  his  remaining  intel- 
ligence was  concentrated  on  the  solution  of  this  problem :  clasp 
this  woman  a  last  time  in  his  arms,  punish  her  for  her  treachery 
of  years  ago,  and  save  his  daughter  Andrce. 

Despite  imprisonment  and  misery,  he  had  for  twenty  years 
been  able  to  hide  and  preserve  the  little  stilletto  with  an  onyx 
handle,  the  same  with  which  he  had,  once  already,  tried  to  stab 
the  harlot ;  he  wore  it  near  his  breast,  secured  like  a  relic  by  a 
silken  cord.  Having  extinguished  his  candle,  ho  now  went  to 
his  casement  and  looked  out  into  the  silvery  night  toward 
Nana's  window,  wliich  had  remained  open  on  accoimt  of  the 
heat.  Through  the  partially-closed  cm'taius  he  could  see  that 
she  was  preparing  to  retire  to  rest.  Virginie  divested  her  of 
her  black-velvet  bodice,  her  earrings  and  necklet  of  sapphires, 
and  imhooked  her  sldrts,  which  fell  upon  the  carpet.  Nana 
next  stretched  herself  back  on  a  couch  while  the  maid  unbut- 
toned her  high-heeled  satin  boots  and  took  off  her  stockings. 
Then  the  courtesan  rose  up  and  for  a  moment  approached  her 
window,  appearing  in  all  her  majestic  beauty  imder  the  light  of 
the  chandelier,  which  fell  upon  her  curved  shoulders  and 
streaming  hair.  A  moment  later,  however,  she  went  back  into 
her  room  again,  and  all  that  Luc  could  see  was  her  shadow, 
which  grew  larger  and  larger  upon  the  curtains  as  she  walked 
toward  her  bed. 

Luc  took  off  his  boots  so  as  not  to  make  a  noise,  and  glided 
out  of  his  attic  down  the  servants'  staircase  to  the  first  floor, 
where  he  turned  into  a  passage  leading  to  the  ante-room  of 
Nana's  private  apartments.  Ho  concealed  himself  here  behind 
some  hangings,  and  scarcely  had  ho  done  so  when  Virginie  came 
out  of  Nana's  room,  leaving  the  door  wide  open  on  account  of 
the  excessive  heat.  The  maid  passed  close  to  the  .spot  where 
Luc  was  stationed,  and  her  elbow  even  brushed  against  the  old 
tjpestry  tvhich  «oncealed  him  in  its  ample  folds.  Then  he 
heard  hdv  walk/ng  down  the  passage  by  which  he  had  come, 

lOO  nana's  daughter. 

and  lie  found  himself  alone  —  alone,  near  the  woman  whom  he 
had  so  madly  loved,  and  close  to  the  very  spot  where,  twenty 
years  previously,  he  had  so  fraitlessly  implored  her  to  give  him 
his  child,  or  else  to  live  with  him  in  com-ageous,  toilsome  pov- 
erty. Not  only,  however,  had  she  refused  to  follow  him,  not 
only  had  she  concealed  the  fate  of  his  daughter  from  him,  hut 
she  had  dishonored  him  as  well. 

From  the  spot  where  he  was  crouching,  through  the  woof  of 
the  old  tapestry,  worn  by  years,  he  could  plainly  distinguish 
Nana's  bed.  The  largo  silver  eagle,  which  hovered  over  her 
slumbers,  glittered  in  the  soft  light  of  an  Oriental  lamp.  The 
glimmer  stretched  as  far  as  the  head  of  the  sleeping  woman, 
who  had  scarcely  drawn  the  silken  coverUd  over  her,  so  great 
was  the  stormy  heat.  The  fine  linen  sheet  had  been  cast  aside, 
and  one  could  see  her  bare  white  bosom,  her  tapering  hands 
crossed  with  adorable  nonchalance,  and  her  statuesque  arms, 
the  exquisite  roundness  of  which  was  partially  obscured  by  the 
blue  shadow  of  the  bed-hangings.  A  moonbeam  which  peered 
between  the  window  curtains  glided  across  the  floor  and  rose 
upright  against  the  wall.  Nana's  dreams  were  happy  ones,  no 
doubt,  for  her  sensual  mouth  was  parted  in  a  bacchante-hke 
smile,  her  pearl-like  teeth  gUstening  betwixt  the  purple  ruddi- 
ness of  her  curved  lips. 

Luc  could  resist  no  longer ;  with  the  dagger  still  in  his  hand 
he  entered  the  room.  He  must  strike  first  of  all,  wreak  ven- 
geance upon  her,  and  then  punish  himself;  so  that  they  could 
both  die  mingling  their  blood  together  upon  that  fiital  couch. 
He  drew  nearer  and  nearer,  and  snapping  the  cord  which 
secured  the  weapon  to  his  neck,  ho  raised  his  arm.  The  dagger 
glittered  in  the  light.  But  at  that  moment  a  hairy  paw 
clutched  hold  of  Luc's  wrist  from  behind,  and  grasped  it  so 
tightly  that  the  weapon  fell  to  the  floor.  Then  a  second  paw 
fell  upon  the  servant's  shoulder,  with  such  weight  that  he 
dropped  upon  his  knees  in  front  of  the  bed. 

Yorick,  the  gorilla,  had  come  to  the  rescue.  But  Luc's  left 
hand  had  remained  free,  and  he  was  able  to  grasp  his  dagger 
once  more.  He  must,  at  any  cost,  vanquish  this  terrible  guar- 
dian, and  just  as  the  gorilla  tried  to  seize  him  by  the  throat  he 
profited  of  an  opportunity  to  raise  his  arms  and  phmge  the 
dagger  to  the  very  hilt  into  the  animal's  side.  Yorick  gave  a 
terrible  groan  and  then  fell  back  upon  the  carpet. 

Nana  awoke  with  a  start  and  opened  her  eyes.  She  could  see 
poor  Yorick  dragging  himself  toward  the  bed  and  looking  at  her 
in  distress.  But  before  ho  could  reach  her  his  limbs  stiffened 
and  he  again  fell  on  the  carpet  —  this  time,  dead. 

Luc  had  already  fled  and  Nana  had  not  seen  him.  She  sprang 
out  of  bed  and  tried  to  raise  her  faithful  guardian.  In  doing  so 
she  perceived  the  weapon  in  the  wound.    She  vaguely  recollected 

N ANA'S  DAUc;iiii:u.  lOl 

that  she  nad  once  possessed  tliis  daiif^erous  toy  and  had  ffiven  it 
to  some  one.  To  whom  ?  She  could  not  remember  with  pre- 
cision. Uad  some  unknown  enemy,  some  old  lover,  ignouiiui- 
ously  dismissed,  succeeded  in  entering  her  room  while  she  was 
asleep f  Was  her  hfo  threatened  by  some  plan  of  vengeance? 
I?rave  as  she  was,  she  could  not  suppress  a  shudder,  and  after 
lighting  a  candle  and  donning  a  dressing-gowu,  she  went  to 
reuse  the  marquis  and  tell  him  of  her  alarm. 


At  ten  o'clock  on  Sunday  evening  the  first  carriages  drew  up 
outside  Nana's  house,  and  the  crowd  of  guests  spread  through 
the  splendidly-illuirunated  reception-rooms.  The  supper-table 
was  laid  at  the  end  of  the  conservatory,  where  the  orchestra- 
stand,  hung  with  blue  velvet,  had  also  been  erected.  Through 
the  exuberant  foliage  of  the  exotic  plants  one  could  see  the 
silver  and  the  crystal  sparkling.  Six  footmen  in  dress-coats, 
breeches  and  silk  stockings,  with  silver  chains  around  their 
necks,  stood  on  either  side  of  the  snowy  damask  cloth.  Four 
other  footmen  were  appointed  to  relieve  the  gentlemen  of  their 
overcoats  and  the  ladies  of  their  cloaks. 

Luc  stood  on  the  pink-marble  steps  distributing  the  pro- 
gramme of  a  concert  which  was  to  begin  at  eleven  o'clock.  The 
four  reception-rooms  soon  filled  with  a  crowd  of  dress-coats 
adorned  with  foreign  decorations.  The  masculine  element, 
indeed,  was  altogether  the  more  numerous  one.  The  feminine 
public  was  mostly  composed  of  actresses,  stars  of  the  demi-monde, 
and  female  authors  who  had  lost  caste  —  almost  all  of  them 
being  attracted  to  the  fete  by  a  longing  to  study  Nana's  opu- 
lence; some  by  a  wish  to  obtain  material  for  a  sensational 
story;  others  by  a  desire  to  form  an  acquaintance  with  the  men 
of  the  time  who  flocked  to  the  gathering,  the  journalists  on  the 
look-out  for  suggestive  anecdotes,  and  the  caricaturists  in  quest 
of  types. 

The  Marquis  d'Albigny  and  Nana  were  stationed  in  the  first 
room,  where  they  received  their  guests,  when  the  latter's  names 
had  been  announced  in  a  loud  voice  by  the  major-domo  at  the 
door.  The  concert  was  held  in  the  apartment  farthest  from  the 
hall.  It  could  be  reached  either  by  crossing  the  three  other 
saloons,  or  by  following  the  gallery.  The  spacious  park  with 
its  groups  of  marble  statuary  rising  amid  palm  trees,  orange 
trees  and  pomegranates,  was  illuminated  by  the  electric  light; 
but  here  and  there  shady  corners  had  been  reserved  for  couples 
partial  to  flirtation.  The  artistes  engaged  for  the  concert  met 
with  tremendous  success,  and  at  midnight,  when  the  programme 

102  nana's  daughter. 

was  exhausted,  Nana  was  begged  to  sing.  Although  she  pos- 
sessed a  superb  voice  and  great  musical  talent,  she  did  not  sing 
in  public  as  a  rule,  and  in  spite  of  the  numerous  requests  now 
addressed  to  her,  she  persisted  in  refusing.  The  Prince  of  Mul- 
hausen,  who  was  extremely  fond  of  music,  pleaded  the  general 
cause  with  true  German  tenacity,  but  he  completely  failed  in  his 
endeavors,  and  Nana  even  said  to  him,  "  I  can't  possibly  grant 
to  you,  prince,  what  I  have  just  refused  to  my  compatriots;  the 
newspapers  would  very  properly  censure  me." 

She  made  this  reply  in  a  harsh  tone,  which  was  not  usual 
with  her  on  such  occasions.  Whenever  she  gave  a  grand  fete 
she  liked  to  divest  herself  of  her  haughty  brutality  and  treat  the 
least  impcn'tant  of  her  guests  with  charming  deference.  But  she 
was  very  feverish  that  evening.  The  emotion  of  the  previous 
night,  the  mystery  siuroimding  the  fate  of  Yorick,  her  dumb 
slave,  killed  with  that  little  onyx-hilted  dagger  which  arose  out 
of  the  past  full  of  threats  for  the  future ;  the  expected  visit  of 
Stog,  the  Postmaster-General,  whose  coming  was  fraught  with 
danger  for  her  confidant  and  adviser,  D' Albigny  —  all  this  trans- 
formed her  and  made  her  supcrstitiously  nervous. 

Suddenly  the  servant  entrusted  with  the  duty  of  announcing 
the  guests  raised  his  voice,  exclaiming,  "  Monsieur  Stog,  Direc- 
tor-General of  the  Postal  Services."  And  then  followed  two 
other  names,  which  Nana  was  unacquainted  with,  but  which 
must  be  those  of  the  seconds  whom  Stog  had  brought  with  him. 
There  was  a  sudden  movement  amid  the  ci'owd  of  black  coats. 
It  seemed  as  'f  there  was  something  vaguely  tragical  in  the 
atmosphere.  The  death  of  Yorick  had  been  spoken  of  by  some 
of  the  servants,  and  the  story  had  been  whispered  round  the 
reception-rooms.  There  were  all  sorts  of  rumors  abroad.  It 
was  said  that  Stog  was  madly  in  love  with  Nana;  that  he  was 
bent  upon  killing  D'Albigny  and  others  who  excited  his  jealousy, 
and  that  he  had  only  come  to  this  fete  in  view  of  insulting  them 
in  the  crowded  ball-room.  Certain  chats  between  the  marquis 
and  the  prince,  remarks  which  had  been  made  by  the  friend 
whom  the  former  had  spoken  with  at  Mabille,  chance  words 
which  had  been  overheard,  were  extremely  suggestive  of  a 

Stog  went  straight  toward  Nana,  elbowing  his  way  through 
the  crowd  of  courtiers.  His  white,  brush-like  hair  glistened  in 
the  light  of  the  chandeliers.  There  was  a  stern  look  in  his  eyes, 
his  cheeks  were  very  red,  and  his  mustaches  pointed  like  sword- 
blades.  '*  I  hear,"  said  lie  to  Nana,  "  that  you  refuse  to  sing,  or 
rather  to  enchant  us.  If  you  persist  in  your  refusal  I  shall 
beheve  that  it  is  I  who  frighten  you." 

He  emphasized  these  last  words,  which  were  fraught  with 
defiance,  as  Nana  very  well  understood,  for  she  answered :  "  To 
rid  you  of  that  idea  I  will  make  an  exception  to  my  ordinary  rule. " 

nana's  daughter.  103 

Sldg  olVorcd  licr  liis  arm,  which  slio  accepted,  and  llioy  walked 
across  the  receptiou-roDms  toward  the  piano.  Several  servants 
were  already  clearing  away  the  seats  used  during  the  concert, 
so  as  to  allow  plenty  of  room  for  the  dancers.  The  male  guests 
were  on  their  way  to  the  card-rot)m  or  the  smoking-room;  and 
the  women  were  promenading  about  with  such  cavalieri  serventi 
as  they  had  picked  up.  llowever,  as  soon  as  Nana  was  seen 
approaching  the  i)iano  on  Stog's  arm,  a  general  "  hush !  "  re- 
sounded, silencing  the  chattering  guests  and  clanging  instru- 
ments which  the  musicians  were  tuning  for  the  ball.  The  concert- 
room  was  again  invaded.  People  sat  down  hero  and  there  in 
confusion  or  stowed  themselves  away  in  corners;  and  three  foot- 
men with  well-oiled  hair  and  curly  whiskers,  who  were  caught 
in  the  throng,  remained  standing  bolt  upright  amid  the  chairs, 
with  their  arms  crossed.  The  ])ianist  had  already  hastened  to 
the  spot,  and  in  obedience  to  Nana's  instructions  he  began  to 
play  the  prelude  to  the  famous  aria  of  Meyerbeer's  opera, 
LWfricainc  —  the  mancenillier.  Nana  sang  this  splendid  song 
in  marvelous  style,  and  when  she  delivered  the  final  words  —  so 
full  of  bitter,  terrible  despair,  "  Adieu,  Vasco,  my  well  beloved," 
the  occui)ant3  of  the  four  reception-rooms  fairly  quivered  with 

The  emotion  which  Nana  felt  lent  additional  radiance  to  her 
beauty.  Her  expressive  lips  seemed  to  sing  even  for  the  eyes. 
An  ardent  flame  sparkled  with  golden  radiance  in  her  own 
green  orbs,  and  her  tawny  hair,  caught  up  in  a  coil  at  the  back 
of  her  head,  emitted  sunlike  rays.  She  wore  a  wreath  of  dia- 
mond daisies  mounted  on  flexible  stalks,  which  as  they  waved 
increased  the  sparkle  of  the  jewels.  Her  earrings  were  two 
daisies  of  similar  style,  and  the  same  flowers  scintillated  on  the 
blue-satin  shoes  encasing  her  tiny  feet.  Her  dress  was  of  blue  China 
satin  cut  very  low,  trimmed  with  twelve  little  flounces  of  point 
cPAngleterre  in  front  and  forming  a  long  train  behind.  Round 
her  neck,  upon  the  magical  whiteness  of  her  bare  bosom,  she 
wore  a  triple  necklace  of  j^earls. 

Her  success  both  as  a  beauty  and  a  vocalist  was  complete. 
Kothing  was  wanting,  not  even  the  criticisms  of  three  old  blue- 
stockings who  had  grown  old  in  poverty,  and  who  were  intensely 
jealous  of  the  vicious  splendor  which  humiliated  their  impecu- 
nious virtue.  While  the  three  old  women  were  cackling  with 
truly  feminine  envy  the  guests  poured  out  of  the  concert-room, 
and  the  black  coats  rushed  like  savages  toward  the  buffet. 
Dresses  were  trodden  on  and  women  were  knocked  aside  as  the 
sterner  sex  poured  into  the  gallery,  where  voices  soon  rose  in 
animated  talk,  amid  anxious  and  often  stormy  appeals  to  the 
grave-looking  servants  who  cut  up  the  viands  with  a  pontifical 
air,  and  poured  out  the  famous  vintages  with  as  much  solemnity 
as  if  they  were  serving  holy  water. 

104  nana's  daughter. 

Luc  passed  by,  holding  in  the  air  a  plate  upon  which  a  pheas- 
ant's wing  was  lying.  Twenty  eager  arms  were  raised  at  once 
and  disputed  with  frantic  gestures  for  the  prize.  It  was  Mul- 
hausen  who  eventually  succeeded  in  capturing  it,  and  taking 
refuge  in  a  corner  he  began  to  devour  the  pheasant's  wing  with 
princely  voracity,  feehng  as  proud  of  his  triumph  as  of  a  German 
victory.  A  moment  afterward,  Stog  passed  near  him  and  asked, 
"  What  have  you  done  with  Monsieur  D'Albigny,  prince?  " 

"Have  you  come  here  to  insult  the  marquis  I"  asked  Mul- 
hausen,  with  his  mouth  full.  "  This  is  hardly  the  moment  to 
do  so." 

"  One  can't  insult  Monsieur  D'Albigny,"  rejoined  Stog. 

"  Because  one  doesn't  dare  to !  "  exclaimed  the  marquis,  who 
had  elbowed  his  way  through  the  throng  upon  hearing  his  name 

Stog's  eyes  flashed  fire ;  and  wrenching  the  plate  out  of  Mul- 
hausen's  hands  he  threw  it  in  D'Albigny's  face. 

"  Very  good,"  said  the  marquis,  coldly,  "  I  don't  need  more 
to  kill  you. " 

"  At  once,  if  you  choose,  I  have  my  two  seconds  here. " 

D'Albigny  pointed  to  the  prince.  "  Here  is  one  of  mine,"  he 

"  And  here  is  the  other,"  rejoined  a  voice  in  the  rear;  and 
the  friend  whom  D'Albigny  had  met  at  Mabille  approached 
with  his  crush  hat  under  his  arm  and  bowed  all  round :  "  Let 
us  take  two  cabs  and  go  to  the  Bois.  There  is  a  bright  moon- 
hght, "  he  suggested. 

"  That's  useless,"  rejoined  D'Albigny,  "  the  fencing  hall,  here, 
will  do  very  well ;  we  can  lock  the  door. " 

There  was  a  general  gesture  of  acquiescence,  and  then  the  six 
men  left  the  gallery. 


While  this  incident  took  place.  Nana  was  at  the  other  end  of 
the  gallery  giving  some  directions  to  the  chef  d'orcliestre.  The 
throng  was  so  compact,  and  the  tumult  so  great,  that  she  heard 
nothing  of  the  altercation.  In  fact,  only  the  people  close  to  the 
buffet  knew  of  the  outrageous  manner  in  which  Stog  had  pro- 
voked D'Albigny.  The  orchestra  now  struck  up  a  waltz,  the 
younger  men  darted  forth  in  search  of  partners,  and  for  five 
minutes  or  so  any  number  of  black  backs  could  be  seen  bobbing 
and  bowing  in  fi-ont  of  white  shoulders.    The  ball  began. 

Nana  was  at  once  surrounded  by  a  circle  of  admirers,  who 
begged  her  to  grant  them  the  favor  of  a  polka  or  a  waltz.  "  I 
never  dance, "  she  replied. 

nana's  daughter.  105 

"  Just  as  you  novor  sing, "  remarked  an  English  lord  who 
formed  one  of  the  circle, 

*'  Come,  milord,  I  will  make  an  exception  for  you, "  rejoined 
Nana,  and  she  swept  away  with  him  amid  the  lace,  the  silk  and 
the  diamonds  which  were  whirling  around  in  the  brilliant  ight 
cast  by  the  chandeliers. 

As  soon  as  the  dance  was  over  the  couples  poured  into  the 
gallery,  clustering  in  front  of  the  buffet  where  the  champagne 
corks  were  popping  gaily,  while  the  golden  wine  was  poured  into 
the  crystal  goblets.  In  "the  park,  meanwhile,  amorous  intrigues 
were  beginning.  The  moon  was  opening  its  white  eye  in  the 
blue  heavens.  A  warm  perfume  ascended  from  the  rose  bushes 
in  full  bloom;  and  the  aroma  of  the  flowers,  studding  the  dark- 
green  foliage,  sped  through  the  atmosphere  hke  the  breath  of 
kisses.  In  the  far-off  splendor  of  the  sky  smiling  stars  were 
lighting  up  the  pure  night,  where  all  would  have  been  hushed 
but  for  the  passionate  vibration  of  the  violins  and  the  soft  sighs 
of  the  silver  flutes.  Pretty  women,  who  held  up  their  trains  as 
the  pathways  were  damp,  strolled  about  leaning  on  the  arms  of 
their  cavaliers,  to  whom  the  semi-darkness  suggested  the  lover's 
first  audacity  —  a  kiss.  One  could  hear  the  soft  murmur  of  a 
fountain  plashing  in  the  center  of  the  lawn  under  the  shade  of  a 
weeping  willow ;  and  from  afar  off  came  the  hum  of  Paris  like 
the  continuous  roll  of  the  rising  tide. 

After  the  waltz.  Nana  looked  for  D'Albigny.  She  could  not 
bear  the  thought  of  a  duel  between  these  two  men,  one  of  whom 
greatly  interested  her,  whilst  the  other  was  indispensable.  She 
wished  to  speak  to  the  marquis,  turn  him  from  his  purpose  and 
prevent  the  hostile  meeting.  She  began  to  fear  that  if  the 
adventure  finished  tragically,  a  compromising  scandal  would 
arise.  "  Where  is  the  marquis?  "  she  asked  of  Luc  whom  she 
met  in  the  hall. 

"  I  think  I  saw  him  go  into  the  park,  madame. " 

"  Go  and  look  for  him,  then,"  said  Nana;  "  and  if  you  find 
him,  tell  him  that  I  wish  to  speak  to  him  and  that  I  am  waiting 
for  him  here." 

She  leaned  on  the  sill  of  one  of  the  open  windows  of  the  hall, 
whence  she  looked  dowm  upon  the  illuminated  lawns  and  path- 
ways. The  coicp  (Vail  was  one  of  extreme  beauty,  and  her  vanity 
was  well  pleased  by  the  thought  that  this  fete  was  the  outcome 
of  her  own  loveliness.  In  a  few  weeks  she  had  called  into  being 
this  princely  mansion,  where  all  the  powers  of  the  earth  flocked 
to  kiss  her  sandals.  All  this  gold,  all  this  marble,  all  these 
hangings,  all  these  works  of  art;  statues,  bronzes,  figures  of 
Hercules  and  Venus,  satyrs  and  bacchantes,  all  this  precious 
furniture,  all  these  artistic  conceptions  were  her  children,  called 
into  being  by  her  orgies.  Even  the  pure  heavens  studded  with 
stars  lent  their  illumination  to  her  park,  the  product  of  hor 
Nana's  Daughter  7, 

10  6  nana's  daughter. 

impurity.  In  presence  of  all  this  splendor  it  indeed  seemed  to 
her  that  she  was  omnipotent.  Her  fancy  increased  the  scope  of 
the  fatal  part  she  played — ^the  part  of  an  implacable  despot 
reigning  over  hmnan  folly,  with  far  more  independence  than  any 
royal  mistress  could  enjoy.  She,  Nana,  was  no  one  man's 
mistress,  were  he  either  king  or  prince;  she  governed  with 
absolute  sway  the  vices  of  a  generation,  of  a  whole  race;  she  was, 
as  it  were,  the  favorite  of  a  century. 

Suddenly  her  glance  fell  upon  a  lighted  window  in  the  left 
wing  of  the  house.  It  was  the  window  of  the  fencing  hall,  and 
shadows  were  passing  swiftly  to  and  fro  upon  the  curtains.  It 
seemed  to  Nana  as  if  she  could  see  two  colossal  swords  standing 
out  against  the  luminous  background.  All  at  once  one  of  the 
weapons  darted  swiftly  across  the  curtain  in  a  horizontal  line, 
and  she  saw  that  it  struck  one  of  the  himian  shadows,  which  fell 
backward  onto  the  floor. 

"  Ah!  the  die  is  cast,"  she  muttered,  "  it  is  time  to  go  in  and 
gamble. " 

Several  couples  returning  from  the  park  were  now  mounting 
the  grand  staircase.  The  trains  of  the  women's  dresses  rustled 
over  the  pink-marble  steps;  and  beautiful  bare  shoulders 
glistened  with  statuesque  whiteness  under  the  luminous  rays  of 
the  great  chandelier  hanging  between  the  double  spirals  of  the 
staircase.  The  black  coats  with  their  raven-hke  tails  contrasted 
strongly  with  the  light  skirts  and  bodices.  The  women,  heated 
by  stolen  kisses  or  promised  favors,  had  delightful  flushes  on 
their  cheeks,  while  their  cavaliers,  with  shiny  hair  and  curled 
whiskers,  tried  to  compose  their  faces  and  reassume  the  correct 
gravity  of  serious-minded  men,  now  that  they  found  themselves 
again  in  the  full  glare  of  the  gashght. 

As  Nana  crossed  the  hall  she  met  the  rajah,  whom  some  years 
before  she  had  ruined  in  a  week's  time.  He  had  just  returned 
fi'om  Benares  with  a  fresh  fortune,  and  fresh  diamonds,  attracted 
to  Europe  again  by  his  recollection  of  Nana,  and  a  desire  to  see 
her  once  more.  She  took  his  arm  at  once  and  thereupon 
exclaimed :  "  Come,  my  dear,  I  was  waiting  for  you,  I  was 
thinking  of  you."  Then  drawing  him  into  the  card-room,  she 
added:  "  You  know,  prince,  I  often  lose,  but  I  never  pay." 

He  smiled  resignedly  with  the  sadness  of  a  fatalist,  and  mur- 
mured: "I  have  returned  because  your  beauty  called  me, 
because  your  serpent's  eyes  fascinated  me  in  spite  of  absence, 
and  because  the  women  of  my  own  land  no  longer  appealed  to 
my  heart.  I  have  returned  so  that  you  may  make  me  your 
slave."  And  then  obedient  to  her  gesture  he  sat  down  at  a 
table  in  front  of  her. 

The  room  was  draped  with  myrtle-tinted  velvet.  A  number 
of  men,  still  young  m  years  but  almost  all  of  them  bald-headed, 
were  grouped  around  the  tables,  covered  with  green  baize.    The 

nana's  daugiitkr.  107 

jinfclo  of  fjoUl  was  tho  only  noteworthy  sound,  for  every  one  spoke 
in  wliispcrs  and  in  monosyllables,  Tho  joyous  strains  of  tho 
ball-room  barely  penetrated  throuj:ch  tho  closed  doors.  Nana 
and  tho  rajah  began  to  play  at  6carte,  and  she  had  just  lost  the 
first  f?ame  when  Luc  entered  tho  room.  "  Where  is  tho  mar- 
quis *  "  asked  Nana. 

"  I  have  not  been  able  to  find  him,  madame ;  only  I  have  just 
heard  that  he  has  been  fighting  a  duel  ^\ith  Monsieur  Stog." 

"  Is  he  wounded 'f  " 

"  I  was  told  that  he  was  dead." 

"  Dead ! " 

"  It  was  certam  to  happen, "  said  the  rajah.  "  I  returned  on 
purpose  to  kill  him  myself. " 


"Yes,  I!" 

Nana's  eyes  flashed  fire,  and  catching  hold  of  the  Hindu's 
wrists,  she  shook  him  roughly  and  cried :  "  I  bet  that  it  was 
you  who  murdered  Yorick!  " 

Luc  tm-ned  very  pale  and  left  the  room ;  and  the  rajah,  who 
did  not  understand  this  charge,  made  no  reply.  But  Nana 
interpreted  his  silence  as  an  acknowledgment.  With  a  violent 
kick  she  overturned  the  card-table,  and  walking  toward  the 
smoking-room,  by  which  the  fencing-hall  was  reached  through 
the  marqms's  private  apartments,  she  cried :  "  Woe  to  you,  rajah, 
if  ever  you  show  yourself  in  my  presence  again !  " 

He  rose  up  and  went  out  into  the  hall  with  martyr-like  impas- 
sibility. His  features  had  become  as  hardened  as  if  they  had 
been  of  bronze.  At  the  top  of  the  steps  stood  Luc,  who,  as  the 
rajah  approached,  bent  forward  and  whispered  to  him:  "  There 
is  some  one  here,  priuco,  to  stand  between  her  and  you, " 



"  Will  you  avenge  me?  " 

"  Yes,  and  myself  at  the  same  time. " 

"  Then  take  this  poison  for  her  and  this  jewel  for  yourself." 
And  so  saying  tho  rajah  held  out  a  tiny  capsule  and  a  ring 
adorned  with  a  largo  diamond. 

"  Keep  tho  ring,  prince,  I  can  only  accept  the  poison,"  said 
the  footman. 

"  I  never  take  back  what  I  have  once  given,"  rejoined  the 
Hindu,  with  Oriental  emphasis,  and  throwing  the  diamond  ring 
away  he  slowly  descended  tho  pmk  steps,  draped  in  his  ample 
cloak  of  white  cashmere. 

io8  nana's  daughter. 


Mea^q'WHile  Nana  had  darted  through  the  Ubrary,  which  for 
this  occasion  had  been  turned  into  a  smoking-room.  The  fenc- 
ing-hall was  close  by,  beyond  D'Albigny's  private  apartment. 
Nana  was  on  the  point  of  entering  the  marquis'  sanctum  when 
the  Aubusson  tapestry  making  the  door  was  drawn  aside  and 
D'Albigny  in  person  appeared  upon  the  threshold. 

"  It  is  all  over, "  said  he. 

"Stogisdead,  then?" 

"  Probably,  as  I  am  here. " 

"  Ah !  so  much  the  better. " 

"  Especially  forme." 

"  For  both  of  us.    But  where  is  Mulhausen '?  " 

"  He  is  looking  for  you." 

"  Tell  me  what  happened.    I  wish  to  know  everything. " 

"  Willingly.  Only  let  us  return  into  the  crush.  It  is  necessary 
that  we  should  show  ourselves.    Take  my  arm. " 

They  returned  into  the  ball  by  way  of  the  vestibule.  A  quad- 
rille was  being  walked  at  this  moment  and  the  fete  was  at  its 
height.  The  women  were  especially  gay,  and  the  surrounding 
luxury  which  they  secretly  envied  seemed  to  have  prompted 
them  to  additional  coquetry  toward  their  partners.  The  latter, 
somewhat  stiff,  as  they  perhaps  feared  being  drawn  into  an 
intrigue  they  did  not  care  for,  received  the  advances  of  their 
companions  politely  but  nothing  more. 

Ranged  around  the  rooms  or  grouped  in  chattering  parties 
one  could  see  various  old  women  —  actresses'  mothers,  no  doubt; 
some  of  them  pulTed  out  with  fat,  others  dried  up,  wrinkled  and 
creased  by  age  like  useless  parchment;  some  serious  and  silent; 
others  very  jo\ial  and  affable.  They  nearly  all  of  them  watched 
their  daughters  dancing.  The  girls  with  their  spirits  and  fresh- 
ness, their  beaming  laughter  and  deceitful  httlo  feet  bobbing  in 
and  out  under  their  waving  skirts,  seemed  to  the  old  women 
like  a  vision  of  their  own  distant  youth  passing  before  their 
weakened  eyes.  And  all  these  fat  or  wrinkled  mothers,  all  these 
spectres  of  the  past,  now  reduced  to  playing  the  part  of  carya- 
tides in  the  ball-room,  experienced  personal  delight,  a  smgular 
feeling  of  satisfied  vanity,  at  seeing  their  daughters  courted  with 
timid  respect  by  the  well-dressed  yoimg  men,  their  partners. 

After  promenading  through  the  four  reception-rooms  Nana 
entered  the  gallery,  still  leaning  on  the  marquis'  arm.  She 
took  a  bombe  an  kirsch  at  the  bullet,  and  when  she  had  finished 
she  said  to  D'Albigny :  "Mulhausen  is  no  doubt  in  the  card- 
room.    Let  us  go  there ;  and  tell  me  the  story  of  the  duel." 

"  It  isn't  long  to  relate,  my  dear.  Stog  wasn'  strong  enough 
to  measure  himself  against  the  Marqms  d'Albigny,    Ou  the 

nana's  daughter.  109 

otliorhand  ho  conductcil  hinisclf  proporly  enough,  and  began  by 
flinging  a  phitf  in  my  lUce^a  plate;  which  ho  wrested  from  Mul- 
hausen  who,  with  his  usual  Germanic  phlegm,  was  quietly  finish- 
ing a  pheasant's  wing,  while  Stog  and  I  exchanged  the  most 
cutting  words.  You  should  have  seen  what  a  face  Mulhausen 
made  when  ho  lost  both  his  plate  and  his  grub  I  However,  as 
the  whole  attair  had  been  arranged  beforehand,  our  seconds 
joinetl  us  at  once,  and  we  locked  ourselves  into  the  fencing-hall. 
Then  Stog  and  I,  we  took  off  our  coats  and  waistcoats,  while 
ime  of  his  seconds  went  to  fetch  a  pair  of  swords  he  had  left  in 
his  carriage.  "We  drew  lots,  and  it  was  decided  that  the  duel 
should  take  place  with  Stog's  weapons.  Mulhausen  measured 
them  and  they  proved  to  bo  of  equal  length.  The  seconds  took 
up  their  positions.  We  felt  each  other  a  bit,  and  after  several 
passes  I  finally  lodged  a  couple  of  inches  of  steel  In  Stog's 
sternum.  I  presume  that  liis  seconds  picked  him  up  and  took 
him  off.  To  tell  you  the  truth,  as  I  perceived  that  he  was  badly 
hurt  I  immediately  left  the  field,  or  rather  the  fencing-hall,  to 
come  and  reassure  you. " 

Nana  and  D'Albigny  reached  the  card-room  just  as  this  story 
was  finished.  They  fx)und  Mulhausen  there,  looking  for  them. 
Ue  was  very  merry  and  very  defiant,  laughing  loudly  and 
striving  to  seem  witty. 

"  Thanks  to  our  friend  D'Albigny,"  he  said  with  his  Gorman 
accent,  "  the  fatherland  has  won  a  victory  here  this  evening. 
France  counts  a  man  the  less !  Poor  France,  it  is  very  sad ;  she 
doesn't  count  many  men  like  Stog. "  In  his  excessive  mirth  the 
German  prince  then  rubbed  his  bo-ringed  hands  together.  On 
perceiving  Nana  he  walked  heavily  toward  her,  took  hold  of 
both  of  her  wrists  and  kissed  them,  sighing :  ''  Well,  my  dear, 
so  you  are  rid  of  a  troublesome  and  impecunious  adorer. 
Besides,  if  D'Albigny  hadn't  killed  him,  I  was  there,  and " 

"Mulhausen  hasn't  digested  his  pheasant  yet,"  interrupted 
the  marquis. 

"  We  certainly  had  an  account  to  settle  together,  Stog  and 
I,"  rejoiued  the  prince  in  a  louder  key.  He  was  always  brave 
when  he  thought  there  was  no  danger. 

"  Here  I  am  !  "  rephed  a  voice  from  behind  the  door-hanging 
of  the  smoking-room. 

The  Prince  of  Mulhausen  turned  deadly  pale.  Then  the 
hanging  was  slowly  raised  and  Stog  appeared  leaning  on  his  two 
seconds.  "  Prince,"  he  said,  "  I  want  to  pay  my  debts  —  before 
I  die.    With  pistols — here  at  once !  " 

"I  can't  fight  with  you,"  stammered  Mulhausen,  "it  would 
be  cowardice  on  my  part. " 

"  You  prove  yourself  a  greater  coward,  sir,  by  setting  yourself 
up  as  a  spadassin  behind  the  back  of  a  man  whom  you  fancied 
was  deafi     You  do  not  dare  to  look  death  in  the  face. " 

no  nana's  daughter. 

"  I  respect  your  condition,  sir. " 

Stog  made  a  supreme  eJBfort.  Assisted  by  his  Mends  he  went 
as  far  as  the  first  card-table,  where  he  remained  standing  sus- 
tained by  his  savage  energy.  For  a  moment  he  was  sUent,  and 
then  in  a  broken  voice  he  exclaimed :  *'  Listen,  all  of  you  here 
present  — ■  this  is  my  last  confession.  I  had  a  family  —  a  home, 
it  was  my  duty  to  have  hved  there — but  I  had  the  weakness  — 
to  love  —  that  woman,"  and  so  speaking  he  stretched  out  his 
arm  toward  Nana.  "Ahl  I  would  have  sold  my  soul  —  for 
her  —  I  abandoned  those  who  are  waiting  for  me  at  home  —  I 
betrayed  my  duties  as  a  functionary  —  death  saves  mel — go 
away,  young  men  —  your  place  is  not  here  —  seek  love  else- 
where —  in  this  room  there  is  a  woman  who  robs  and  a  man  who 
mur " 

Ho  was  interrupted  by  a  jet  of  blood  which  flowed  from  his 
mouth  and  stifled  him.  Ho  escaped  from  the  hands  that  sup- 
ported him  and  fell  heavily  against  the  card-table,  which  was 
covered  with  the  stakes  abandoned  by  the  players,  whom  this 
sudden  drama  had  driven  into  the  corners  of  the  room. 
The  table  was  overturned,  the  gold  rolled  over  the  carpet,  and 
Stog  himself  would  have  fallen  upon  it  if  his  seconds  had  not 
caught  him  in  their  arms.  "  Take  mo  away !  "  he  gasped,  "  I 
will  not  —  die  —  in  this  house  !  "  Then  assisted  by  his  friends 
he  tried  to  walk,  but  suddenly  he  tottered  and  cried  out :  "  My 
wife !  my  children !  pardon !  "  It  was  his  supreme  thought ; 
another  moment  and  he  sank  dead  into  the  arms  that  supported 

As  if  the  gamblers  were  bent  on  obeying  the  dying  man's 
advice  they  at  once  fled  from  the  card-room.  The  news  of  what 
had  just  occurred  put  all  the  women  to  flight,  and  trains  and 
dress- coats  darted  peU-mell  down  the  grand  staircase.  It  was  a 
perfect  rout,  and  people  seemed  all  the  more  eager  to  get  away 
as  it  was  now  whispered  that  D'Albigny  had  not  conducted 
himself  loyally  in  the  duel. 

The  marquis  remained  with  Nana  in  the  card-room,  gazing  at 
the  blood-stained,  gold-strewn  carpet.  Four  servants  were 
whispering  in  a  comer ;  while  Luc,  as  grave  and  as  correct  in 
attitude  as  usual,  awaited  his  mistress's  last  orders  in  the  hall. 
But  Nana  went  to  her  bedroom  by  way  of  the  smoking-room, 
leaning  on  the  arm  of  the  marquis  who  was  smiling  ominously. 
Thus  left  to  his  own  devices,  Luc  laughed  drily  and  muttered : 
"  It  seems  that  I'm  not  the  only  thief  and  murderer  here. " 
Then  entering  the  card-room  he  knelt  down  on  the  carpet  and 
began  to  pick  up  the  blood-stained  gold.  The  last  silk  trains 
and  the  last  dress-coats  were  disappearing  down  the  ftont  steps. 
Mulhausen  had  gone  off  even  before  Stog  expired. 

Luc  went  up  to  his  attic  l)y  the  servants'  staircase,  and  on 
peering  out  of  his  casement,  ho  looked  for  Nana's  hghted  win- 

nana's  daughter.  hi 

dow  and  saw  her  shadow  and  D'Albigny's  on  the  curtain.  Then, 
stretching  his  wiry  arm  out  into  the  night,  he  muttered,  "  Won't 
one  of  those  two  beings  eat  up  the  other  one !  Won't  that  mar- 
quis do  for  that  woman !  Won't  that  woman  poison  that  man ! 
If  I  don't  see  that  before  I  die,  I  shall  say  that  there  is  no  Provi- 
dence! And  no  one  up  there  will  contradict  me."  And  so 
saying,  he  waved  his  arm  to  the  starlit  sky  above  him. 


About  that  time,  Andree  recruited  one  of  her  former  compan- 
ions at  Pallardins.  She  had  gone  with  her  parents  and  Lucien 
for  a  stroll  in  the  Pare  Montceau,  and  they  sat  down  to  rest 
close  to  the  sheet  of  ornamental  water.  The  sun  was  sinking 
behind  the  lofty  mansions  which  overlook  the  park.  Between 
the  lofty  branches  of  the  plane  and  chestnut  trees  a  golden 
gleam  darted  over  the  lawns  where  the  watering-hoses,  stretclied 
out  hke  so  many  black  serpents,  sent  up  their  spray,  which  fell 
again  diamoud-hke  onto  the  closely-mowed  grass.  Oblique 
shadows  fell  from  the  leafy  branches,  where  pigeons  were  cooing 
lovingly ;  and  as  the  rays  of  the  sunset  dwindled  into  streaks 
amid  the  growing  shadows,  women  began  to  roam  along  the  less- 
frequented  pathways.  Some  girls,  thickly  veiled,  walked  up  and 
down  awaiting  a  tardy  lover,  while  on  the  green  benches  and 
the  yellow  chairs  hidden  amid  embowering  foliage,  one  could 
hear  low  whispers,  stilled  laughter,  and  kisses  given  and 

Night  was  coming  on.  The  last  gleams  faded  from  the  tips  of 
the  branches.  The  whistUng  blackbirds  ceased  their  carol. 
The  bats  were  already  fluttering  about ;  one  could  distinguish 
the  rustle  of  their  wings,  and  follow  their  flight  when  darting 
from  vmder  the  overhanging  trees  they  appeared  in  relief  against 
the  sky.  A  young  woman  with  an  undulating  tread  passed  sev- 
eral times  up  and  down  the  pathway  where  the  Naviels  were 
seated.  She  wore  a  thick  green  veil  so  that  they  could  not  dis- 
tinguish her  features;  but  whenever  she  passed  in  front  of 
Andree  she  looked  at  her,  her  feet  seemed  to  hesitate,  and  then 
suddenly  she  walked  on  again  at  a  swifter  pace. 

Lucien  was  the  first  to  remark  this  peculiarity.  "  It  is 
strange,"  he  said  to  Andree,  "but  one  could  fancy  that  this 
woman  wanted  to  speak  to  you  and  didn't  dare  to. " 

"  Yes, "  repUed  Madamoiselle  Naviel,  "  it  is  certainly  singular. 
If  she  returns,  ask  her  what  she  wishes. " 

Ten  minutes  or  so  elapsed  before  she  appeared  again.  The 
lamps  at  the  principal  entrance  had  just  liccn  liglited,  when 
Lucien  recognized  her  retmiiing  by  the  opposite  direction  to 


that  in  which  she  had  disappeared.  "Here  she  comes,"  said 
he ;  "if  she  looks  at  you  again,  I'll  caU  her. " 

This  time  the  stranger  directed  her  steps  in  such  a  manner 
that  her  dress  brushed  against  the  bench  on  which  the  Naviels 
were  seated.  "Do  you  wish  to  speak  tons,  madame?"  asked 
Lucien  in  a  low  tone,  for  he  was  by  no  means  sure  of  the 
woman's  intentions. 

But  she  at  once  stopped  short  and  answered  in  a  stifled  voice : 
"  Yes,  sir. " 

"  What  do  you  desire,  pray  ?  "  asked  Andr6e. 

"  To  thank  you  for  having  defended  such  an  imfortunate 
woman  as  myself  on  the  day  of  the  review. " 

"  What  I  is  it  you,  Margot?  "  cried  Andr6e.  "  Good  heavens ! 
What  an  abominable  situation  you  have  fallen  to,  my  poor 

"  I  have  only  what  I  deserve,  madam oiselle ;  nobody  would 
employ  me  at  honest  work,  nowadays. " 

"  Have  you  really  looked  for  work  ?  " 

"  Yes,  madamoiselle ;  but  when  people  knew  what  I  was 
they  turned  me  out  at  once  —  and  then  Jules,  who  was  Paillar- 
din's  servant  you  know,  and  whom  I  live  with  now,  wouldn't  let 
me  work ;  he  said  I  didn't  earn  enough.  I  have  to  feed  him  all 
the  same,  for  he  won't  do  anything,  and  you  can  easily  guess 
what  I  have  to  do.  And  when  I  don't  take  him  home  enough 
coin  he  goes  for  me  1  Ah !  Madamoiselle  Andrce,  I  assure  you 
I've  had  quite  enough  of  that  life.  One  of  these  evenings, 
instead  of  going  back  to  the  lodgings,  I  shall  jump  off  the  rail- 
way bridge  when  a  train  is  coming,  and  then  there'll  be  no  more 
Margot  I  And  if  I  only  had  Jules  to  deal  with,  but  no,  there's 
the  morahty  police  as  weU,  and  whenever  they  can  catch  me 
they  keep  me  all  night  in  the  lock-up,  and  threaten  to  send  me 
to  the  Depot ;  they  sent  me  there  you  know  on  the  day  of  the 
review. " 

"Why  was  that?" 

"  Because  I  spoke  to  a  yomig  man  in  the  Bois;  but  one  of  the 
four  agents  had  me  released  at  last. " 

"  The  tall  one  ?  " 

"  Oh,  no,  madamoiselle.  He  doesn't  care  for  girls  like  us,  but 
there  are  others  who  let  us  be,  providing  —  but  you've  no  idea 
of  it,  Madamoiselle  Andr6e.    It's  abominable !  " 

"  Would  you  like  to  try  and  hve  honestly  again,  Margot?  " 

"  Would  I  hke?  I  should  think  I  would,  but  then  I'm  afraid 
of  myself  " 

"  Listen  to  mo,  Margot,  will  you  make  a  real  try?  " 

"  Yes,  willingly,  madamoiselle." 

"  You  shall  ]i\'e  with  us  and  take  your  meals  in  the  house. 
You  mustn't  go  out  again  for  some  little  time, " 


"  Oh !  hoTT  happy  I  should  ho !  But  suppose  Jules  came  to 
take  mo  away  from  you  hy  force?  " 

"  He  has  no  right  to  enter  our  rooms,"  replied  Andree. 

"But  you  forget,"  added  Lucien,  that  she  must  fetch  hor 
clothes  from  the  lodging-house;  so  she  must  go  there  again." 

"  I  should  never  dare  to  do  that,  sir.  Jules  would  kill  me. 
And,  hesides,  I've  no  money  to  pay  the  rent. " 

"  How  much  do  you  owe  If  " 

"  Five  francs  for  to-morrow.  I  pay  in  advance  every  day. 
Lodging-house  keepers  are  like  lice,  they  live  on  human  fllthi- 
ness  and  misery. " 

"  Well,  we'll  advance  you  the  five  francs  on  your  first  month's 
salary. " 

"  But  Jules  will  give  mo  a  druhbing  if  I  go  alone." 

"  We'll  go  with  you, "  replied  Naviol,  "  that  is,  excepting  my 
wife  and  daughter." 

*'Yes,"  observed  Lucien;  "it  isn't  the  place  for  two  honest 
women " 

"  I  shall  go,"  said  Andr6e,  '*  who  can  question  my  conduct? 
No  one.  You  will  be  there  to  protect  me  if  needs  be,  and  my 
father  will  be  there  as  well.  Come,  Lucien,  help  me  to  do  this 
good  action.     Help  me  to  try  and  save  this  poor  girl !  " 

Margot  had  fallen  sobbing  at  Andr6o's  feet,  and  in  a  husky 
voice,  she  stammered :  "  Oh !  thank  you,  mademoiselle,  thank 
you ;  you  don't  know  what  I  would  do  for  you  —  I  was  bad  and 
wicked  —  one  often  acts  wrongly  without  knowing  it.  How 
shall  I  ever  repay  you  all  I  owe  you!  Come,  mademoiselle, 
come  quickly ;  you  see  how  I  long  to  finish  with  this  horriV)le 
life.  It  is  enough  to  give  one  nausea — but,  then,  when  every 
one  spurns  you,  and  Idcks  you  mto  the  gutter,  you  finish  by 
lying  there.  And  what  can  a  poor  girl  do  against  society  ?  She 
drinks  to  forget  —  brandy,  absinthe  —  she  gets  accustomed  to 
everything,  she  burns  her  body  and  becomes  brutified,  and  then 
it's  all,  all  over." 

"Follow  us,  Margot,"  said  Andrde,  rising;  "where  do  you 
live  ?  " 

"  In  the  Rue  do  Levis." 

The  whohi  family  started  ofi",  Lucien  giving  his  arm  to  his 
betrtjthed.  The  human  shadows  were  now  fading  away  in  the 
gerieral  dimness.  Betwixt  the  lower  branches  of  the  lofty  trees, 
and  the  garden  walls  fringing  the  horizon  westward,  one  could 
discern  but  one  dwindling  oclire-tinted  streak,  the  last  memento 
of  the  sunset.  Overhead,  the  sky  was  studded  with  silver  stars, 
scattered  at  random  as  it  were  throughout  the  vast  immensity 
of  space,  just  as  a  gardener  scatters  flowering  grain.  Tiie 
Naviels  left  the  ]taik  and  followed  the  outer  l)oul(^var(Is  toward 
the  Rue  de  Levis  where  Margot'-s  lodging  was  situated.  Half 
way  down  the  street  the  girl  stopped  short  before  a  narrow 

114  nana's  daughter. 

doorway.  A  paved  passage,  with  an  open  drain  full  of  sloppy- 
water,  led  into  a  court-yard,  in  one  corner  of  which  an  outer 
stair-case  of  worm-eaten  wood  conducted  to  the  upper  floor  of 
a  tumble-down  tenement. 

*'  We  mustn't  go  up  all  together,"  saidMargot  to  the  Naviels. 
"  The  stair-case  would  never  boar  such  a  weight. " 

"  But  are  you  not  afraid  to  go  up  alone?  "  asked  Andr^e. 

"  I'm  afraid  I  shall  get  my  Ucking, "  answered  Margot,  in  an 

"  In  that  case  we  will  go  up  with  you,"  resumed  Andr^e. 

*'  Let  me  pass,"  said  Naviel,  and  ho  began  to  climb  the  stairs 
with  Lucien  and  Margot. 

Madame  Naviel  and  Andr6e  followed  them.  A  fetid  stench 
arose  from  the  muddy  court-yard.  The  rear  building  in  which 
Margot  rented  a  room  had  only  one  upper  story,  but  that  over- 
lookmg  the  street  had  five.  Articulated  pipes  climbed  up  the 
cracked  walls  with  junctions  at  each  fresh  floor,  and  open  drains 
in  front  of  all  the  staircase  windows,  so  that  the  tenants  of  each 
flat  might  rid  themselves  expeditiously  of  their  slops.  A  factory 
chimney,  which  was  flaring  hke  a  monster  taper  some  distance 
off",  cast  a  ruddy  glow  over  the  loftier  house,  on  the  wall  of  which 
the  shadow  of  the  smaller  building  rose  but  a  few  feet  high. 
Here  and  there  the  dark  ruddiness  of  the  wall  was  pierced  by 
the  yellow  glare  of  Ughted  windows,  and,  below,  three  ladders 
of  different  lengths  hung  vertically  from  iron  hooks.  On  the 
ground  floor  there  was  a  store  place  for  hand-barrows,  which 
were  let  out  by  the  hour  to  the  coster-mongers  of  the  neighbor- 
hood. The  staircase  which  Margot  had  climbed  led  to  an  outer 
gallery,  the  planks  of  which  trembled  threateningly  under  one's 
feet.  It  extended  along  the  building  and  was  the  only  approach 
to  a  number  of  furnished  rooms,  separated  from  each  other  by 
flimsy  partitions  and  tenanted,  almost  exclusively,  by  women  of 
Margot's  class.  Her  room  was  the  last  one,  at  the  very  end  of 
the  gallery,  and  as  she  approached  it  she  saw  that  the  glass 
door  was  not  lighted  up. 

"There  can  be  no  one  in  there,"  remarked  Andr^e,  "for 
everything  is  quite  dark. " 

"  Oh!  he's  perhaps  in  bed,"  stammered  Margot;  and,  after  a 
moment's  hesitation,  she  opened  the  door  and  went  in. 


A  COUPLE  of  minutes  elapsed  while  Margot  was  looking  for 
some  matches.  She  groped  her  way  about  the  room  trembling 
with  fear,  for  Jules  might  be  in  bed  asleep.  As  she  continued 
feeling  on  the  chest  of  drawers,  her  sleeve  brushed  against  a 
clay  pipe,  which  fell  on  the  tiled  floor  and  was  shattered. 


"  That's  a  nice  beginning, "  she  muttered ;  "  I'm  in  a  fine 
pickle  now. " 

At  last,  however,  she  discovered  a  couple  of  matches  at  the 
bottom  of  an  old  soap-box,  and  a  bit  of  candle  which  remained 
in  a  copper  candlestick.  She  took  them  out  onto  the  gallery  and 
lighted  tbo  caudle  there.  The  whole  party  then  entered  the 
den,  at  the  further  end  of  which  there  was  an  iron  bedstead, 
with  its  cUrty  sheets  and  counterpane  in  disorder.  On  the  well- 
worn  tiles  beside  it,  a  red,  mud-stained  rug  was  stretched; 
while  on  the  mantle-shelf,  adorned  with  a  looking-glass  covered 
with  tiy  spots,  there  stood  a  bottle  of  brandy — still  half  full  — 
and  a  large  glass  but  recently  drained.  A  wash-basin  and  a 
zinc  pitcher  could  be  seen  on  the  chest  of  drawers,  made  of  com- 
mon deal,  and  a  woman's  trunk  encumbered  the  floor  in  front  of 
the  fire-place.  Near  the  foot  of  the  bed  a  door  conducted  to  a. 
small  closet,  lighted  by  a  pane  of  glass  fixed  in  the  partition, 
and  where  several  soiled  skirts  and  petticoats  were  hanging 
from  rusty  nails.  Margot  approached  this  door  and  looked  into 
the  closet,  on  the  floor  of  which  lay  a  mattress  covered  by  a 
brown  rug.  It  was  here  that  Jules  slept  whenever  circum- 
stances required  it.  Ho  was  not  there,  however,  for  the  time 
being,  but  the  hole  smelled  strongly  of  toilette  vinegar  and  com- 
mon pomatum. 

"  We  must  make  haste,"  said  Margot.  "  Fortunately  Jules 
isn't  there. " 

She  bundled  all  the  skirts  and  petticoats  into  the  tnmk;  and 
took  three  shifts,  four  towels,  and  as  many  handkerchiefs  out  of 
one  of  the  drawers.  Then  from  another  drawer  she  took  a 
tooth -bru.'^h,  a  fan,  a  comb  and  a  pair  of  gloves,  which  she  laid 
pell-mell  in  the  corner  of  the  trunk.  She  fastened  the  latter  by 
means  of  a  little  padlock,  the  key  of  which  she  placed  in  her 
pocket.    "  Now  let  us  start,"  she  said. 

"One  word,"  remarked  Naviel.  "Is  the  room  in  your 
name  ?  " 

"  I  don't  understand  you." 

"  Do  you  pay  the  rent  of  it  ?  ' 

"  Of  course  I  do,  as  Jules  never  works.  Good  Heavens !  what 
will  he  think  of  me  when  he  finds  that  I've  gone  oft"!  But 
wait  a  moment.  I  must  ask  the  concierge  to  send  me  her  son 
to  carry  my  box.  Is  it  far  off  where  you  live,  Mademoiselle 
Andr6e  ?  " 

"  No ;  on  the  Square  des  BatignoUes. " 

"  If  you  need  any  one,"  exclaimed  a  mascuhne  voice  outside, 
"  I'm  present." 

"  Good  Lord !  it's  Jules !  "  muttered  Margot,  turning  very 

The  man  who  ha'^  spoken  now  showed  himself  on  the 
threshold.    He  wore  a  pair  of  white  linen  trousers  secured  by  a 

ii6  nana's  daughter. 

blue  flannel  sash,  a  linen  jacket,  a  clean  shirt,  and  no  waistcoat. 
Around  his  neck  a  blue  silk  scarf  was  knotted  with  studied 
negligence.  A  blue  cap  was  perched  jauntily  on  his  head,  and 
his  feet  were  incased  in  scarlet  slippers.  His  once  abundant 
whiskers  were  now  cropped  very  short.  lie  slowly  entered  the 
room  with  his  hands  in  his  pockets,  and  went  straight  toward 

"  I  told  you  before,"  he  said,  "  that  if  ever  you  wanted  to  go 
back  to  the  Pr6fecture  of  Police,  where  I  took  the  trouble  to  go 
and  claim  you,  I  would  carry  your  trunk  there  myself.  In  the 
contrary  case  it  must  remain  here. 

"  It  belongs  to  me,  like  everything  inside  it. ". 

"Nothing  belongs  to  you,  my  girl  —  do  you  hear  mo;  not 
even  your  own  carcass.  When  I  went  to  the  prefecture  I  stood 
guarantee  for  you,  and  it  was,  thanks  to  me,  that  you  were 
released.  You  can't  get  out  of  it.  You  are  my  property,  and  if 
any  one  tried  to  take  you  away,  without  my  consent  it  would 
]u8t  be  like  stealing  a  farmer's  cow. " 

"  It  seems  to  me,"  objected  Pierre  Naviel,  "  that  Margot  is 
free  to  choose  between  the  disgusting  life  which  she  leads  with 
you,  and  the  honest  existence  which  we  have  ofl'ered  her." 

"  She  isn't  free,  as  she  has  agreed  always  to  remain  with  me," 
rephed  Jules. 

"  That's  a  joke  !  " 

**  I  will  precious  soon  show  her  if  it's  a  joke;  let  her  just  try 
to  go  off. " 

"  I  don't  think  you  would  venture  to  strike  her  in  our  pres- 
ence," remarked  Naviel. 

"  It  isn't  your  wife  or  your  daughter,  or  that  big  gawky  there, 
who'd  prevent  me  !  "  retorted  Jules. 

"  I  shan't  need  any  one's  help  to  prevent  you,  my  fine  fellow. 
Just  keep  still. " 

"  By  Jove !  we'll  see  about  that.  And  to  begin  with,  you  are 
In  my  room  all  of  you  —  do  you  hear  ?  " 

"Excuse  me,"  interrupted  Lucien,  "we  are  in  this  girl's 
room.    It  is  in  her  name. " 

"  That's  false. " 

"  She  declared  it  herself." 

"She  lied." 

"  But  doesn't  she  pay  the  rent?  " 

"  Of  course  she  does. " 

"Wen,  then." 

"  So  you  don't  believe  mo !  Wait  a  bit.  I'll  call  the  concierge. " 
And  going  out  on  to  the  gallery,  Jules  bawled,  "  Hi !  come  up 
here  a  minute,  Madame  Grappinet." 

"Coming,  coming,  Monsieur  Jules,"  replied  a  croaking  voice 
from  the  depths  of  tlie  court-yard. 

A  moment  afterward  the  stair-case  could  be  heard  creaking 

nana's  daughter.  117 

and  groaning  inidcr  a  heavy  -weight,  and  snddenly  a  fat  woman 
appeared.  It  was  ISIadamo  Grappiuet,  clad  in  a  black  sliirt 
cov(M-ed  with  stains,  and  a  bhxcli  cape,  greasy  in  front,  raggt^d 
behind,  and  sliiny  cv^crywhere,  A  cap  which  had  once  been 
white  was  set  upon  her  head,  with  its  strings,  which  looked  as 
if  they  had  been  dipped  in  coflee,  hanging  down  over  her 
shoulders.  Her  fat,  puQy  cheeks  almost  concealed  her  little 
eyes  from  view.  Her  scanty  hair,  of  the  shade  known  as  pepper- 
and-salt,  furnished  a  couple  of  little  curls,  one  in  front  of  either 
ear.  Her  upper  lip  boasted  a  truly  masculine  mustache,  and 
her  chin  was  ornamented  with  a  wart,  from  which  three  curly 
hairs  were  sprouting.  The  nails  of  her  short,  fat  fingers  were 
black  with  the  snuil'  which  she  was  continually  stuffing  into  her 
open  nostrils. 

'*  Well,  what's  the  matter  now,  my  boy?  "  she  asked  of  Paillar- 
din's  ex-servant. 

"  The  matter?  Why,  that  these  folks  want  to  take  Margot's 
clothes  away. " 

"  Without  warning  me  or  pajing  me !    That's  a  joke. " 

"  Whose  duty  is  it  to  pay  you,  madamef  "  asked  Lucien. 

"  Why,  Monsieur  Jules,  of  course. " 

"  Weil,  Monsieur  Jules  has  the  coin  in  his  pocket, "  sneered 
the  bully,  with  triumphal  insolence.  "  But  he  doesn't  intend  to 
fork  it  out,  so  the  clothes  can't  be  taken  away. " 

"  They  will  be  taken  aU  the  same,  my  lad,"  rejoined  Pierre 
Naviel,  in  a  roiigh  voice. 

"  Ah !  and  how  will  you  manage  that?  " 

"  Yes,  how  will  you  manage  it?  "  grunted  Madame  Grappinet, 

"  By  paying  you,  madame." 

"  As  I  ought  to  have  eight  days'  notice,  that  will  make  forty 
francs,  at  five  francs  a  day. " 

"  Excuse  me,  madame,"  observed  Lucien,  "  but  is  this  room 
let  by  the  week  or  by  the  night?  " 

"  By  the  week,  sir. " 

"  It's  false !  "  cried  Margot,  indignantly.  "  I've  my  last 
receipt,  and  hero  it  is. " 

Jules  darted  forward  so  as  to  snatch  the  paper  from  her,  but 
Pierre  Na\iel  caught  him  by  the  arm  and  forced  him  back. 
Andr^e  then  took  hold  of  the  receipt.  "  It  is  for  five  francs," 
she  said,  **  and  it  is  dated  yesterday;  here  are  your  five  francs, 
madame. " 

"  I  don't  accept  them.  The  box  shan't  leave,"  cried  the  old 

"  Nor  the  woman  either,"  growled  Jules. 

"  In  the  meanwhile  you'll  leave, "  exclaimed  Lucien. 

"  Eh,  what?  I  leave?  "  said  the  ex-valet.  "  By  what  right  do 
you  turn  me  out?" 

ii8  nana's  daughter. 

"  It's  simple  enough.  This  room  is  let  by  the  night,  and  paid 
for  in  advance.  Well,  as  no  one  has  paid  for  it,  it  isn't  let. 
Now,  I'll  take  it,  and  here  are  five  francs,  madame." 

Madame  Grappinet  pocketed  the  crown-piece  that  was  offered 
to  her.  "  It's  quite  true, "  she  said  to  Jules,  "  you  can't  prevent 
me  from  letting  my  room. " 

"  But  I've  rented  it  for  ever  so  long." 

"  Yes,  but  you  pay  me  with  Madame  Margot's  money,  and 
as  she  won't  stay  with  you  any  longer;  well,  you  under- 
stand   " 

"  At  all  events,  I've  enough  coin  to  pay  you  for  to-night. 
Here  are  five  francs. " 

"  Excuse  me, "  rejoined  Lucien,  "  I  engaged  the  room  before 
you;  and  besides,  as  I  wish  to  have  it  I'll  pay  double  rent. 
Here  are  another  five  francs,  madame. " 

This  time  Madame  Grappinet  abandoned  Jules  for  good. 
"  Come,  my  lad,  look  for  another  lodging  elsewhere,"  said  she, 
pushing  back  the  money  which  he  still  held  out  to  her. 

"  So  it's  hke  that?  Well,  I'll  turn  you  aU  out,"  cried  Jules. 
"  Off  you  go,  or  else  I'll  bleed  you."  And  drawing  a  dagger- 
knife  from  his  sash,  he  swiftly  opened  it. 

Madame  Grappinet  rolled  down  the  staircase  shouting,  "  Fire ! 
Miu-der!  PoUce!"  But  Pierre  Na\iel  stepped  bravely  toward 
the  ex-valet.  The  latter  was  on  the  point  of  springing  upon 
him,  knife  in  hand,  when  a  sound  of  voices  was  heard  in  the 
passage  commuuicatiug  with  the  street. 

"Here's  the  pohce!"  cried  Margot.  "I  recognize  their 
voices !  " 

The  staircase  and  the  gallery  creaked  anew,  and  a  moment 
later  there  appeared  two  policemen,  who  had  been  passing  the 
house  when  Madame  Grappinet  called  for  help.  "  Ah !  so  you 
are  making  a  row  again?  "  cried  one  of  the  agents,  looking  at 

"No,  no;  it  wasn't  I,"  she  stammered.  "It's  Jules,  who 
"wants  to  prevent  me  from  working  for  my  living. " 

"  That's  true,"  chimed  in  Madame  Grappinet,  who  had  fol- 
lowed the  poUcemen  up-stairs.  "  The  room  is  paid  for,  and 
Monsieur  Jules  won't  go  off.  In  fact,  he  threatened  to  bleed 
these  gentlemen." 

"  You  old  beast,"  grumbled  Jules. 

"  Pray  explain  what  brought  you  here,  sir,"  said  one  of  the 
agents,  turning  to  Pierre  Naviel. 

The  latter  briefly  stated  the  facts,  and  the  pohceman  took 
Bome  notes  to  assist  him  in  drawing  up  his  report.  He  asked  for 
the  names  and  addresses  of  every  one  present,  and  then 
remarked:  "There  has  been  a  disturbance  in  this  house.  For 
to-night  we  shall  take  this  girl  to  the  lock-up.  If  you  come  to 
claim  her   to-morrow  morning,  the   coromissary  will   decide 

nana's  daughter.  119 

whether  ho  ought  to  liand  her  over  to  you  or  not.  If  not,  she 
will  bo  sent  to  the  prefecture,  and  afterward  to  the  prison  of  St. 
Lazare,  for  there  nuist  be  a  stop  to  all  these  goings  on. " 

Margot  wished  to  protest,  but  Naviel  intervened.  "  Don't 
resist,"  ho  said.  "  However  unjust  the  law  may  seem,  it  must 
be  obeyed.  I  will  go  to  fetch  you  to-morrow,  and  to-night  I'll 
take  your  things  home." 

Having  pushed  Jules  out  of  the  house,  in  spite  of  his  appeals 
and  his  oaths,  the  policemen  then  went  ofl"  with  Margot,  who 
had  resigned  herself.  She  had  to  pay  the  penalty  of  vice  once 
more,  but  a  gleam  of  honesty  beamed  in  the  depths  of  her  soul ; 
a  courageous  hope  was  awakened  in  her  mind,  a  hope  of  rising 
from  the  brutish  torpor  of  her  degradation  by  work  which 

On  the  morrow,  M.  Naviel  went  to  claim  Margot  at  the  com- 
missary's, and  took  her  home  with  him. 


Na^a  had  just  finished  dressing.  She  was  going  to  the  opera 
to  hear  Faure  in  Bon  Giovanni.  D'Albigny  stood  waiting  for 
her,  already  gloved,  and  gazing  with  the  air  of  a  connoisseur  at 
the  head-dress  of  black  pearls  which  she  wore  in  her  tawny 
hair.  Virginie  had  been  given  her  evening,  and  had  already 
gone  up  into  her  own  room. 

"  Oh  !  oh  Nana !  "  suddenly  exclaimed  the  marquis,  bursting 
into  sardonic  laughter,  "what  do  I  see  there?  A  bad  sign, 
verily,  a  very  bad  sign. " 

She  looked  him  full  in  the  face  and  asked  impatiently :  "  Pray 
what  is  the  matter  now  ?  " 

"  The  beginning  of  the  end,  my  dear." 

She  turned  pale. 

"  Yes  ;  a  silver  hair  among  the  gold,  Nana." 

"  Pooh !  It's  yourself  who  are  growing  old,  marquis.  Your 
sight  is  failing  you." 

Instead  of  replying  by  words  he  leant  toward  her,  and  plucked 
as  delicately  as  possible  one  of  the  wavy  hairs  which  cast  a 
light  shadow  over  the  nape  of  her  neck.  Holding  it  between  his 
thumb  and  forefinger  he  presented  it  to  her  view. 

"  All  the  same  it's  true,"  she  said.  "  Ah,  marquis,  we  must 
make  hay  while  the  sun  shines. " 

"  We  must  increase  in  skill ;  and  it  Is  especially  necessary 
that  you  should  not  show  any  weakness  for  any  one. " 

"  I  ?  Why  since  you  know  me  I  have  only  had  one  momentary 
weakness  —  but  that  was  long  ago  I  Still,  I  should  hke  to  know 
the  name  of  the  happy  mortal  you  seem  to  allude  to  ?  " 

120  nana's  daughter. 


"  I  was  never  Ws  mistress  ?  " 

"  So  mucli  the  bettor  for  you,  so  much  the  better,  Nana. 
What  would  you  have  got  out  of  Stog  ?  You  are  not  the  woman 
for  needy  fimctionaries.  Those  bu'ds  haven't  enough  feathers 
to  pluck." 

"Bah!  it  was  a  mere  caprice  which  wouldn't  have  lasted 
long. " 

"  When  you  were  only  twenty,  fancies  were  quite  allowable ; 
but  now  we  must  make  no  more  mistakes.  Be  implacable  and 
terrible.  I  am  your  ally  for  life  but  on  one  condition,  you  must 
be  my  instrument,  an  instrument  of  ruin  for  idiots,  of  flaggella- 
tion  for  human  folly.  I  did  not  join  you  and  drag  my  title  in  the 
mire  for  the  pleasure  of  standing  by  and  witnessing  some  latter 
day  idyll.  You  must  be  of  some  use  to  me,  as  I  was  of  use  to 
you.  Come,  I  ask  you  again,  what  could  you  have  done  with 
Stog  ?  Did  you  intend  to  ask  for  a  situation  as  postmistress,  as 
a  reward  for  your  services  ?  I  should  liked  to  see  you  discharg- 
ing your  duties !  Really,  Nana,  Stog  would  have  been  a  munifi- 
cent protector,  and  I'm  afraid  you've  wrecked  yom'  bark." 

"  He  would  have  been  an  instrument  of  influence  for  me.  I 
should  have  disposed  of  thirty  thousand  situations  for  my 
lovers'  creatiu^es.  Have  you  as  much  to  offer  me,  D'Albigny  * 
Are  you  not  more  dependent  on  me  than  I  on  you?  Come, 
which  of  us  two  ought  to  despise  the  other,  the  harlot  or  her 
paid  bully  ?  " 

"  Bravo  !  Nana !  bravo  I  That's  how  I  like  to  see  you.  Wit ! 
wit !  nothing  but  wit  and  repartee !  It's  lucky  that  you  are 
well  provided  in  that  respect.  It  is  only  young  women  that 
have  a  right  to  be  stupid. " 

"  Do  you  think  that  I'm  going  to  trouble  myself  about  a 
single  white  hair  ?  If  I  need  any  money  I  can  mortgage  my 
house  and  still  live  my  old  life.  And  when  bad  times  and  old 
age  seem  coming  I  shan't  wait  for  them.  So  much  the  worse  for 
my  creditors !  I  shall  set  fire  to  everything  —  to  my  furniture, 
my  jewels,  my  horses,  my  house  and  myself,  which  is  worth 
more  than  all  the  rest  together.  -  And  I'll  do  it  in  the  midst  of  a 
fote  which  all  Paris  shall  talk  about.  What  do  you  think  of 
that  plan?    Have  I  anything  to  fear?  " 

"  Nothing,  nothing,  my  dear.  Only,  are  you  not  of  opinion 
that  it  is  as  well  to  nostpone  the  conflagration  as  long  as 
possible  ?  " 

"No  doubt." 

"  Well,  then,  hsten  to  me.  Your  house,  as  I  told  you  before, 
is  worth  a  couple  of  milhon  francs.  Yom-  pictures,  your  jewelry, 
your  works  of  art  and  your  furniture  represent  another  four, 
that  is  a  sleeping  capital  of  six  millions.  Your  money  invested 
in  securities  amounts  to  hardly  two  millions,  that  is  to  say,  it 

nana's  daughter.  121 

represents  a  hundred  tlionsand  francs  a  year;  now  tliat  income 
is  barely  sufficient  to  defray  the  expenses  of  your  servants,  your 
stables,  and  your  —  maniuis.  And  nothing  remains  for  your 
table,  your  toilet,  etc.;  nothing,  absolutely  nothing.  So  it  is 
absolutely  necessary  for  you  to  increase  your  income,  unless  you 
caro  to  sell  a  portion  of  your  property.  At  the  present  moment, 
however,  there  are  two  sources  by  which  you  might  obtam  fresh 
funds  without  parting  with  a  smgle  object  that  you  possess. 
There  is  an  immecUate  resource  in  the  person  of  that  rajah  whom 
you  tui'ued  out  of  the  house  on  the  night  of  your  fete  ;  and  why 
pray  ?  Ho  is  madly  in  love  with  you ;  no  doubt  he  is  extremely 
jealous  of  me,  and  yet  all  the  same  I  strongly  advise  you  to 
patch  up  a  reconciliation. " 

"  And  the  other  resource,  what  is  that?  " 

"  You  must  begin  by  separating  your  daughter  from  that 
young  fellow  who  wants  to  marry  her.  Ho  would  be  in  our  way. 
He's  honest,  he's  in  lo\"e,  and  he  would  want  to  keep  his  wife  to 
himself.  When  you  say  the  word  it  shall  be  done.  The  Marquis 
d'Albigny  will  charge  himself  with  launching  Nana  the  Second 
into  the  world  just  as  ho  launched  Nana  the  First!  You  can 
certainly  found  a  dynasty  if  you  choose.  The  power  of  many 
adventurers,  who  never  equaled  you,  has  become  hereditary. 
Well,  I  will  be  the  herald  of  your  presumptive  heiress.  I  will 
proclaim  Nana  the  Second  and  every  one  will  acclaim  her !  " 

"And  cry  out '  The  queen  Is  dead,  long  live  the  queen!' 
Thanks,  my  dear  fellow,  I'm  not  quite  ready  for  the  grave.  I 
am  still  a  beauty  and  still  the  queen. " 

"  Yes,  the  queen -mother." 

A  flush  of  anger  rose  to  Nana's  cheeks ;  with  her  violent 
natm-e  she  was  incensed  by  D'Albigny's  cold  raillery.  "  Leave 
this  house,  marquis,  be  off?"  she  cried  in  a  biting  voice;  be  off, 
or  I  will  dismiss  you  like  a  varlet." 

**  In  that  case  you  ought  to  give  me  eight  days'  warning, " 
retorted  the  marquis,  who  with  his  cold  temperament  remained 
the  master  in  irony. 

The  storm  called  forth  by  Nana's  wounded  pride,  subsided  in 
presence  of  the  calmness  displayed  by  this  unblushing  hlase. 
"  You  are  really  stronger  than  I  am,"  she  said.  "  I  will  do  as 
you  wish." 

"  It  is  in  your  interest  to  do  so.  Nana.  Take  Andr^e  with 
you.  Her  beauty  wUl  attract  fresh  moths  to  your  fetes  and  wo 
will  relieve  them  of  their  wings.  By  the  way,  I  met  your  rajah 
in  the  Bois  de  13oulogue  to-day.  There  will  never  be  another 
Nana  than  you  for  Mm.  He  was  driving  round  the  lakes  in  an 
open  carriage  and  seemed  to  be  very  unwell.  His  cheeks  were 
hoUow  and  his  eyes  sunken.    To  be  brief  I  approached  him " 

"  You !    But  ho  wants  to  kill  you,  marquis!  " 

Nand!s  Daughter  8. 

22  NANA'S   daughter. 

"  Really  !  What  nonsense  !  Can  any  one  kill  me  ?  But 
come,  you  will  never  guess  what  he  asked  me. " 

''No;  but  tell  me." 

"  "Well,  he  wanted  to  know  if  you  were  dead." 

*'  Eeally  ?    He's  a  queer  fish  that  rajah  and  no  mistake." 

''  For  that  reason  I  invited  him  to  sup  with  you  this  evening 
after  the  performance." 

"  And  you  did  quite  right,  D'Albigny.  It  seems  he  has  a  new 
costume  sewn  all  over  with  pearls. " 

"  You  can  unsew  them,  then.  Offer  him  your  house,  pretend 
to  share  everything  with  him,  so  that  he  may  share  everything 
with  you. " 

-  At  this  moment  Luc  knocked  at  the  door  to  annoimce  that 
the  brougham  was  waiting  in  the  court-yard.  "  Shall  we  start, 
dear  ?  "  asked  the  marquis,  offering  his  aim  to  Nana. 

"See  that  supper  is  ready  at  midnight,"  said  she  to  Luc; 
and  turning  to  the  marquis ;  "  shall  you  come  back  with  us, 

"  Not  this  evening.  I  will  escort  you  to  your  box,  where  the 
rajah  will  certainly  soon  join  you,  and  then  I  shall  go  to  the 
club  where  I  intend  to  stop  all  night. " 

"  Then  you  need  only  lay  two  covers,"  resumed  Nana,  speak- 
ing to  the  footman. 

Luc  bowed  respectfully,  and  the  marquis  and  the  courtesan 
disappeared  behind  the  doorhanging. 

The  sun  had  just  sunk  in  the  west,  in  the  rear  of  the  Arc  de 
Triomphe,  and  the  red  train  of  daylight's  n)be  stretched  across 
the  horizon.  The  boulevards  were  being  lighted  up,  and  rows 
of  customers  sat  at  the  little  tables  outside  the  cafes.  Nana's 
brougham  skirted  the  Madeleine  and  then  made  straight  for  the 
Place  de  I'Opera.  Since  the  piebalds  had  come  to  grief  the 
courtesan  contented  herself  with  a  pair  of  bays.  She  now  only 
kept  one  coachman  and  one  footman.  She  seemed  bent  upon 
economical  reform.  In  fact  D'Albigny  had  explained  to  her 
that  without  more  money  it  was  quite  impossible  to  continue 
living  on  the  old  footing.  So  Nana  had  decided  to  settle  down, 
at  least  for  the  time  being.  And  yet  the  spectacle  of  Paris  in 
the  twilight,  with  its  feverish  overflowing  life,  was  well  calcu- 
lated to  prompt  folly  and  extravagance.  The  boulevard  has 
turned  many  a  brain  with  its  gay  debauchery  and  facile  pleas- 
ures ;  and  the  sight  it  presents  at  eventide  may  well  strike  an 
unhealthy  imagination.  Women  are  fluttering  like  moths  in  the 
luminous  semi-circles  described  on  the  asphalt  by  the  lights  of 
the  caf6s,  where  steaming  coffee  in  tall  glasses  mingles  its  white 
vapor  with  the  blue  smoke  of  cigars ;  freshly-shaved,  curly- 
headed  waiters,  whose  loins  are  pirdod  with  snowy  aprons,  pass 
with  supreme  dexterity  among  tlio  little  tables,  balancing  trays 
laden  with  glasses  of  beer  upon  three  fingers;  witticisms  fly 

nana's  daughter.  123 

arotmd,  talont  Jiobnobs  with  venal  beauty,  at  every  three  paces 
a  celebrity  is  met ;  and  silver-mounted  carriage  lamps  dart  by 
like  shooting  stars,  while  cabs  and  omnibuses  file  along  in  a  con- 
tinuous stream  mingling  with  cozy  broughams,  which  offor  a 
propitious  refuge  for  lovers  anxious  to  conceal  themselves. 

^Vhen  Nana's  carriage  drew  up  In  front  of  the  opera  house, 
she  ahghted,  took  the  marquis'  arm  and  mounted  the  steps  in 
silence.  They  were  met  by  the  rajah  in  the  first  vestibule. 
"  Here  is  your  slave, "  the  Hindu  said  to  Nana. 

"  Freed, "  she  added. 

"  He  asks  for  his  chain  again." 

"  In  the  hope  of  revolting  and  commanding  in  his  turn  ?  " 

"  In  the  hope  of  linking  the  queen  of  his  heart  to  his  own 
fate. " 

On  reaching  the  box  Nana  released  D'Albigny,  who  whispered 
to  her,  "  I  leave  you  to  that  fool's  madrigals.  Until  to- 
morrow." Then  he  bowed  to  the  rajah  who  entered  the  box  with 

There  was  a  splendid  "  house. "  The  whole  of  worldly  Paris 
was  there  in  dress-coats  and  low-necked  dresses.  The  great 
dames  of  society  sat  in  their  boxes;  aristocrats,  artists,  and 
fast-livers  crowded  the  stalls.  The  admiring  glances  of  the 
men  called  forth  the  beaming  smiles  of  the  women,  over  whose 
bare,  satin-like  shoulders  the  brilliant  light  was  streaming  — 
playing  amid  the  down  on  their  necks  and  the  wa\'y  curls  of 
their  back  hair.  And  each  silky  capillary  adornment  was  shot 
with  changing  reflections ;  here,  too,  a  cameUia  peered  forth 
from  some  shadowy  corner  behind  a  shell-pink  ear,  whilst  above 
the  luminous  unwrinkled  brows  of  society's  queens  rose  flutter- 
ing aigrettes  scintillating  with  brilliants  and  curved  diadems  of 
milky  pearls.  Warm  perfumes  mounted  on  high,  the  scent  of 
woman  wafted  through  the  golden  radiance  mingled  with  the 
aroma  of  flowers.  The  whole  cupola  was  filled  with  the  buzz  of 
conversation,  and  now  and  then  a  peal  of  girhsh  laughter 
resounded  like  the  appogiato  of  a  flute. 

At  last  the  conductor  raised  his  ivory  baton  and  the  overture 
burst  forth.  The  Hindu  was  seated  near  Nana,  so  near  that 
their  knees  touched,  and  behind  the  velvet  edge  of  the  box  ho 
clasped  her  hand  with  his  trembling  fingers.  He  did  not  listen 
to  tiie  first  act  of  Don  Giovanni ;  he  did  not  behold  the  splendor 
of  the  house.  This  temple  of  melody  vanished  from  his  sight ; 
he  heard  neither  the  orchestra  nor  the  vocalists,  he  was  wrapped 
up  in  his  mad  passion,  and  as  he  held  Nana's  hands,  as  his 
knee  touched  hers,  as  she  returned  his  smile  and  his  longing 
glances,  he  quite  forgot  that  he  had  ever  thought  of  poisoning 

But  Luc  had  not  forgotten  it ;  and  at  that  same  hour  he 
climbed  up  to  his  attic  to  fetch  the  pill  which  the  rajah  had 

124  nana's  daughter. 

given  Mm.  "I  can  have  no  heart  left,"  lie  muttered,  "since 
she  still  lives  and  still  deceives  !  This  cursed  passion  robs  me  of 
all  my  courage.  And  yet  there  must  be  an  end  to  it.  This 
night  or  never. " 


"  Then  we  shall  sup  together,  alone?  "  asked  the  Hindu,  when 
the  curtain  fell  at  the  close  of  the  first  act. 

"  Yes,  quite  alone,  prince." 

"  And  you  will  never  dismiss  the  slave  who  nearly  died  for  loss 
of  you  If" 

"  No,  I  wish  him  to  love  me  always." 

"  If  you  deign  to  love  me,  Nana,  my  life  will  be  like  paradise, 
and  your  eyes  will  be  my  stars.  Love  is  the  light  of  the  soul, 
the  heat  of  the  blood ;  it  warms  and  illuminates.  When  I  gaze 
upon  you  in  the  full  radiance,  it  seems  to  mo  as  if  my  eyes  had 
power  to  penetrate  your  being  like  a  force  of  Nature,  and  form 
part  of  your  life.  Ah !  your  men  of  the  West  do  not  know  how 
to  love;  no  ardent  words  have  ever  scorched  their  lips  hke 
flames  rising  from  the  heart ;  they  are  enervated  in  a  moment, 
and  the  source  of  their  kisses  is  tarried.  But  we,  the  children 
of  the  sun,  we  feel  infinite  passion  born  in  our  souls,  passion  ever 
awakened  and  never  satisfied.  Our  caresses  are  never  less 
warm,  our  desires  are  never  quieted  —  what  are  the  love  songS 
that  they  sing  hero?  What  is  all  this  harmony  that  appeals  to 
the  ear,  but  which  the  heart  fails  to  understand?  Tour  poetry 
and  your  music  are  as  pale  and  as  cold  as  the  skies.  Your 
poets  are  nothing  compared  to  ours.  For  twenty  thousand 
years  wo  have  repeated  the  words  of  love  which  they  wrote 
with  their  blood  in  books " 

"  Come,  prince,  let  us  talk  reason;  if  I  become  yoiu's,  you 
must  do  as  1  do  and  sacrifice  everything  —  I  admit  of  no  divis- 
ions, and  I  give  you  the  right  to  refuse  any.  My  house  is 
yours " 

"  And  D'Albigny,  Nana  ?  " 

"  I  dismiss  him !  " 

"  What !  you  are  wilhng  that  I  should  Uve  with  you  and  be 
your  confidant  of  every  hour  ?  " 

"  I  wish  to  live  witli  you  and  yom-  love ;  I  wish  to  have  every- 
thing in  common  with  you — my  house,  my  servants,  my  horses, 
ail  are  yours  —  And  I  will  be  wholly  yours  as  well,  my  lord  and 

"  And  I  will  bring  you  my  diamonds !  A  Jew  ofiered  me  six 
millions  for  them,  but  I  Ixilieve  they  are  worth  much  more. " 

"  What  need  have  wo  of  diamonds  ?    We  will  sell  all  that. " 

nana's  daughter.  125 

"  Yes ;  shall  we  ?  We  will  sell  everything,  and  you  shall  come 
to  Hindustan  "with  me.  You  will  see  my  country,  the  land  of 
tigers ;  you  will  have  a  largo  palace  full  of  slaves ;  you  will  have 
olophants  to  carry  you,  and  armed  men  to  guard  you  —  come, 
will  you  ?  " 

"  Later,  friend,  perhaps.  But  the  women  of  France  can  only 
live  in  their  own  land." 

"  Ah!  you  prefer  your  country  to  me.  Nana.  And  yet  I  sacri- 
ficed everything  to  the  happiness  of  seeing  you  once  more,  of 
gazing  into  your  soul  through  your  eyes,  of  poiuring  my  kisses 
onto  your  heart  by  the  chalice  of  your  lips.  You  see  it,  Nana; 
you  do  not  know  how  to  love  like  the  tiger-killer  I  I  sacrifice 
everything  to  you,  but  you  sacrifice  nothing." 

"  You  dare  to  say  that,  rajah,  when  to  please  you  I  am  ready 
to  turn  the  most  faithful  friend  I  ever  had  out  of  my  house ! 
You  will  never  do  what  D'AIbigny  has  done  for  me,  never,  never. 
And  yet  I  sacrifice  him  to  you !  I  abandon  him  to  chance,  to 
ruin,  to  death ;  for  he  ruined  himself  for  Nana,  and  that  is  a 
thing  which  you  would  never  do." 

"  He  gave  you  his  gold,  and  you  gave  him  your  love.  Your 
gift  has  lasted  longer  than  his.  You  have  done  even  more  for 
him ;  you  have  fed  and  lodged  him  for  twenty  years  I  And  so 
for  the  little  you  owe  to  him,  he  owes  you  both  love  and  hfe  I  " 

"  I  tell  you,  rajah,  that  he  has  ruined  himself;  and  for 
D'AIbigny,  ruin  means  death. " 

"  Well,  I  will  do  the  same  as  he  has  done.  I  will  ruin  myself 
for  you.  I  will  bring  all  my  treasures  of  the  East  into  your 
house ;  but  if  ever  you  drive  me  from  it  I  shall  kill  you !  " 

"Prince,  it  is  defying  a  woman  of  France  to  threaten  her; 
and  when  she  is  defied  she  braves  everything." 

The  rajah  made  no  rejoinder.  The  curtain  had  risen  again 
for  the  second  act ;  and  at  the  end  of  the  third  one  they  left  the 
opera  house.  It  was  half-past  eleven  when  they  reached  Nana's 
residence.  Luc  was  awaiting  them  in  the  hall ;  and  it  was  he 
who  opened  the  large  glass  door  communicating  with  the  park. 
A  moon  ray  glided  through  the  stained  glass,  lighting  up  the 
alabaster  nymphs  which  were  disposed  amid  full-foliaged  caladi- 
ums  springing  sheaf-like  fi'om  large  Japanese  vases,  and  stand- 
ing out  in  shadowy  masses  against  the  white-marble  walls. 
Nana  let  her  train  drop,  and  with  the  customary  undulation  of 
her  hips  she  mounted  the  steps  amid  the  rustling  music  of  her 
blue  silk  skirt.  The  rajah  assisted  her  in  her  ascent,  with  one 
arm  passed  round  her  waist.  Luc  followed,  looldng  as  grave  as 

"  Is  supper  served  ?  "  asked  Nana,  turning  toward  the  serv- 

"  I  had  foreseen  that  madame  might  return  before  the  ap- 
pointed hour,"  replied  Liic^  "  so  everything  is  ready." 

126  nana's  daughter. 

"Very  good."  And  Nana  threw  him  her  mantle,  her  blue 
kid  gloves  and  her  lace  fan.  He  was  enveloped  in  the  perfumed 
garment,  which  had  draped  itself  in  fantastic  folds  upon  his 
angular  form.  He  looked  both  grotesque  and  tragical,  with  his 
pale,  clean-shaven,  clown-like  face  hghted  by  piercing  eyes. 
Nana  turned  round  again,  and  with  a  burst  of  laughter  she 
showed  him  to  the  rajah,  Luc  was  unable  to  repress  a  gesture 
of  revolt.    "  Have  I  become  a  clown  again  ?  "  he  gnmibled. 

The  rajah  saw  and  heard  him,  and  while  Nana  entered  the 
conservatory  alone  he  drew  near  to  Luc  and  whispered 
stealthily :    "  Give  me  back  the  poison. " 

"  I  no  longer  have  it,"  said  Luc,  who  had  just  hung  Nana's 
mantle  over  the  balustrade. 

"  You  lie  I  " 

"So  be  it." 

"  Give  it  to  mo  and  I  will  free  you. " 

"  I  am  not  a  slave,  prince  ;  the  woman  whom  you  condemned 
to  death  shall  drink  the  poison  which  you  gave  me  for  her. " 

"I  will  kill  you." 

"It  will  be  too  late." 

"  Let  her  live,  you  shall  be  rich. " 

"  I  prefer  to  be  revenged. " 

"  I  will  denounce  you,  then,  and  she  will  drive  you  from  the 

"  I  shall  say  that  you  gave  me  this  poison,  which  is  not 
known  in  France ;  and  she  will  have  you  thrown  out  into  the 
street  by  her  servants,  as  she  once  threatened  to  do. " 

"What  are  you  saying  to  my  valet f  "  asked  Nana,  who, 
astonished  by  this  colloquy  between  Luc  and  the  rajah,  now 
showed  her  tawny  head  and  large  green  eyes  under  the  silken 

"  I  wiU  tell  you  that  by-and-by, "  replied  the  rajah,  and  he 
took  Nana  by  the  hand  to  lead  her  into  the  dining-room.  Luc 
followed  a  few  steps  behind. 

The  French  windows  looking  on  to  the  moon-lit  park  were 
wide  open,  and  the  dehghtful  scent  of  orange-blossom  and 
blushing  roses  were  wafted  into  the  apartment,  where  it  mingled 
with  the  disturbing  aroma  rising  in  blue  spirals  from  a  perfume 
burner  of  pure  gold.  Two  covers  were  laid  on  the  table,  each 
flanked  by  a  decanter  of  Baccarat  crystal  filled  with  iced  cham- 
pagne, which  cast  a  golden  reflection  upon  the  snowy  cloth.  A 
roast  guinea-fowl  lay  on  a  silver  dish  near  a  timbale  of  nouilles 
au  parmesan;  and  bunches  of  long  oval  Spanish  grapes,  of 
amber-like  transparency,  were  piled  upon  the  Sevres  dessert 
stands,  marked  with  Nana's  initial.  A  number  of  crawfish  were 
ranged  in  a  scarlet  pjramid  under  the  chandelier,  the  green 
tapers  of  which  burned  in  large  hlies  of  yellow  crystal,  upheld 
by  silver  cupid8» 


"Have  you  ever  loved  any  one,  Nana?"  suddenly  asked 
the  rajah,  when  they  were  seated  at  the  table  m  front  of  each 

"  Keally  loved,  do  you  mean?  Perhaps  so  — but  real  love  is 
hke  a  shame-faced  beggar,  it  hides  itself  and  blushes  for  itself. 
I  loved  a  poor  man  once  and  even  had  a  daughter  by  him " 

"  And  what  have  you  done  with  your  daughter?  " 

"  1  sent  her  to  the  foundling  hospital,  as  you  can  readily 
understand,  and  I  had  the  father  arrested. " 

"  AVhy  was  that  ?  " 

"  Because  he  had  stolen  some  money  from  his  employer  for 

"  And  why  didn't  you  keep  yoiu"  child  ?  " 

"  Because  I  had  an  old  king  for  my  lover  at  that  time ;  and 
his  majesty  detested  children.  The  marquis  never  liked  them 

Behind  Nana's  arm-chair,  Luc,  whose  face  was  whiter  than 
his  cravat,  stood  impassible  and  erect  in  his  black  dress-coat, 
llis  ardent  eyes  alone  revealed  the  storm  raging  in  his  heart. 

''  And  so, "  resumed  the  rajah,  "  this  man  whom  you  had  really 
loved  and  whom  you  denounced  as  a  thief  has  not  killed  you  — 
that  is  wonderful. " 

"Kill  me?  Ah!  Ah  I  But  people  don't  kill  Nana,  prince. " 

"  That  man  must  be  a  coward,  then." 

Luc  was  at  that  moment  pouring  some  iced  champagne  into 
Nana's  glass.  The  rajah,  enervated  by  her  smiles  and  glances, 
by  the  sparkhng  wine  and  intoxicating  perfumes,  rose  from  his 
seat  and  approached  her,  in  a  transport  of  passion.  Leaning 
over  her  chair  from  behind  he  caught  hold  of  her  head  with 
both  hands  and  made  her  lean  back.  Then  with  one  arm  round 
her  neck  he  stooped  to  kiss  her,  but  as  his  lips  drew  near  to  her 
own  she  averted  her  face  with  a  nervous  laugh.  Suddenly, 
however,  the  Hindu  raised  his  head  and  roared  aloud  hke  a 
tiger  in  the  jungles.  He  had  just  perceived  on  the  mosaic  pave- 
ment the  gigantic  shadow  of  a  hand  stretched  over  Nana's 
glass.  With  a  terrible  look  at  the  valet,  he  sprang  upon  the 
goblet  of  champagne  and  threw  it  out  into  the  park  by  one  of 
the  open  windows.  Then  clasping  Nana  round  the  waist,  he 
raised  her  from  her  chair,  and  darted  into  the  boudoir,  carrymg 
her  in  his  arms. 


AiTDR^E  experienced  a  strange  moral  uneasiness  after  her 
visit  to  Nana's  house.  It  seemed  as  if  some  evil  germ  had  been 
guscitated  in  her  nature  bv  hex  intpxviaw  Tcitb  +tie  courtesan,  by 

128  nana's  daughter. 

the  opulent  splendor  of  that  palace  of  vice,  where  everything, 
from  the  nude  statues  to  the  pamtmgs  on  the  ceihugs,  from  the 
luxurious  couches  to  the  strong  perfumes  of  the  exotic  plants, 
appealed  to  evil  instincts.  With  her  innate  tastefulness  and 
truly  artistic  temperament,  Andreo  could  but  admire  all  that 
was  beautiful,  whatever  its  som-ce,  and  for  a  moment  in  that 
fatal  house  she  had  been  unable  to  guard  against  a  feehng  of 
envy  for  the  life  of  gilded  magnificence  which  Nana  led.  When 
Andr6e,  by  dint  of  self-observation  and  silent  reflections  during 
her  days  of  toil,  discovered  this  impure  fermentation  in  her  mind, 
hitherto  so  calm  and  healthy,  she  judged  herself  with  great 
severity.  She  doubted  her  own  strength,  and  looked  into  the 
futTire  with  exaggerated,  over-scrupulous  timidity,  as  if  afraid 
that  she  were  unworthy  of  Lucieu.  So  she  become  very  sad, 
and  Lucien  perceived  that  she  was  suffering  one  evening  when 
he  spoke  to  her  about  their  marriage. 

Margot,  whose  conduct  had  been  most  praiseworthy  since  she 
had  been  snatched  from  the  hotbed  of  vice  and  transplanted  into 
pure  soil,  had  just  gone  up  to  her  attic.  M.  Naviel  was  smoking 
his  pipe  in  the  kitchen,  and  his  wife  was  still  busy  in  the  work- 
room. So  Andr6e  and  Lucien  remaining  alone  went  out  onto 
the  little  balcony  of  the  parlor  window  to  inhale  the  evening 
air.  They  remained  there  together,  silent  at  first,  amid  the 
emanations  rising  off  the  moist  foliage  below  them.  The  gar- 
deners were  watering  the  shrubbery  in  the  square.  And  at 
times,  during  the  lulls  between  the  shouts  of  the  children  at 
play,  one  could  hear  the  water  discharged  by  the  leather  hose 
ratoing  over  the  green  leaves. 

"  "Wliat  are  you  thinking  of,  Andr6e?  "  asked  Lucien,  sud- 

"  Of  you,  my  friend." 

"  Is  that  the  reason  why  you  have  been  so  sad  for  the  last  few 

"  I  am  not  sad,  I  am  serious." 

"  But  I  am  growing  impatient.  What  is  the  use  of  all  this 
delay,  all  this  postponement?  " 

"  Hope  is  at  the  end  of  our  troubles,"  rejoined  Andree  with  a 

"  Why  are  you  sighing,  Andree  ?  What !  do  you  disguise 
doubt  as  hope  ?    Do  you  lack  faith  in  me  ?  " 

"  Oh,  no,  Lucien !  " 

"  Li  yourself,  then?  " 

"  Sometimes." 

"  You  slander  yourself,  surely." 

"  No ;  I  ask  myself  at  times  why  I  have  certaiu  bad  thoughts 
and  foohsh  ideas  which  nothing  about  mo  can  have  inspired. 
For  instance,  I  often  dream  that  lam  very  rich  —  very,  very 
rioli-^Uk©  that  woman  Nana,  with  carriages,  servants,  and  a 

nana's  daughter.  129 

house  full  of  works  of  an..  And  then  in  my  troubled  mind  I 
plot  out  a  little  romance.  I  meet  you  one  evening,  as  I  am 
driving  back  from  the  Bois  in  an  open  carriage.  You  are  on  foot 
witli  your  mother  on  your  arm,  and  she  is  very  tired  and  can 
scarcely  walk.  Then  I  tell  my  coachman  to  stop ;  I  jump  out, 
and  propose  to  take  j'ou  homo  in  my  carriage.  You  accept ;  wo 
become  acquainted ;  we  love  each  other  and  marry,  and  your 
mother  never  goes  about  on  foot  again. " 

"  I  am  very  fond  of  my  mother,  Andrde,  but  I  prefer  that  she 
should  go  about  on  foot.  There  are  only  two  kinds  of  women 
who  have  horses  and  carriages  —  wealthy  ladies  and  abandoned 
women.  If  you  were  a  wealthy  lady  you  wouldn't  have  any- 
thing to  say  to  me,  and  if  you  were " 

But  he  stopped  short,  aghast  at  the  supposition  which  he  had 
been  on  the  point  of  enunciating. 

"You  mean,"  said  Andree,  "that  if  I  were  an  abandoned 
woman  you  couldn't  have  anything  to  do  with  me.  And  you 
would  be  quite  right,  Lucien.  The  man  who  gives  his  name  to 
an  abandoned  woman  sells  himself.  And  yet,  I  beheve  that 
there  are  some  men  who  live  at  these  women's  expense." 

"  Undoubtedly.  That  Nana,  whose  horses  nearly  killed  you, 
and  whom  you  did  the  honor  of  lunching  with,  keeps,  I  am  told, 
a  certain  marquis " 

"  D'Albigny,"  interrupted  Andr6e,  in  a  trembhng  voice,  and 
with  a  flush  on  her  cheeks. 

"  How  does  it  happen  that  you  know  his  name  ?  " 

"  He  was  there  when  I  went  to  her  house." 

"  Then  you  lunched  aU  three  together?  " 


"  You  ought  not  to  have  submitted  to  that  promiscuity.  Such 
frequentations,  however  short  they  may  be,  invariably  taint  the 
mind.  But,  at  least,  I  trust  that  this  woman  did  not  leave  you 
alone  with  her  marquis." 

"  On  the  contrary,  she  left  us  together  for  some  time." 

"  Then  I  am  certain  that  it  was  pre-arranged  between  them. 
Don't  you  know,  Andree,  that  these  creatures  are  leagued 
together  to  ruin  virtuous  women,  whom  they  hate  and  envy; 
and  that  they  would  all  of  them  condone  their  lover's  infidelity, 
if  it  had  for  result  the  degradation  of  some  pure  girl  ?  What 
did  that  man  say  to  you  when  you  were  alone  with  him  ?  "  ' 

"  He  spoke  of  you." 

"  He  ridiculed  me,  no  doubt?  " 

"  How  can  you  imagine  that,  Lucien?  I  would  never  have 
allowed  it." 

"  Then  what  did  he  say  about  me!  " 

"  He  said  that  you  didn't  dress  well ;  and  ne  posed  as  a  model 
in  comparison  with  you.  I  laughed  at  it,  for,  after  all,  I  can't 
see  that  a  man  gains  in  dignity  by  serving  as  a  doll  for  his  tailor. 

J30  nana's  daughter. 

But  all  that  was  pure  jealousy,  for  he  is  past  middle  age,  and  he 
envies  your  youth. " 

"  But  what  else  did  he  say?  " 

"  He  spoke  of  the  aflfection  with  which  you  inspire  me,  and 
which  I  allowed  him  to  see." 

"Ah!  he  showed  himself  jealous  of  your  affection;  but  hasn't 
he  Nana's  f" 

*'  Don't  let  us  compare,  pray." 

"  I  am  almost  certain  that  he  made  you  some  stupid  declara- 
tion or  cowardly  proposal." 

"  Come,  Lucien,  let  us  talk  of  something  else. " 

**  No,  Andree;  I  can  guess  that  something  happened,  some- 
thing which  you  hide  so  as  not  to  grieve  me,  or  so  as  to  prevent 
me  from  calUug  the  scoimdrel  to  accomit." 

"  Well,  yes,  it's  true ;  he  made  me  some  insulting  proposals, 
I  called  him  a  coward  and  came  away ;  but  I  swear  to  you  that 
he  never  touched  me. " 

"  I  beUeve  you;  but  I  also  believe  that  he  tried  to  tear  out  my 
heart.    And  I  will  tear  off  his  ears. " 

"  Lucien  1  in  heaven's  name  don't  create  a  scandal.  People 
would  believe  there  was  something  else,  and  my  reputation 
would  be  ruined." 

"  It  would  be  ruined  still  more  if  every  scoundrel,  titled  or 
untitled,  were  allowed  to  stain  you  with  his  dirty  thoughts  or 
disgusting  proposals !  Why  did  you  not  speak  of  this  to  your 
father?    He  would  have  flattened  that  marquis  like  a  bug!  " 

"  I  have  already  done  wrong  to  speak  of  it  to  you,  Lucien. 
Promise  me  that  you  will  keep  it  secret,  and  that  you  will  leave 
that  man  alone." 

"No,  no;  all  Paris  shall  learn  that  the  Marquis  D'Albigny 
has  been  cuffed  by  a  petty  clerk,  by  the  humble  aflBauced  lover 
of  a  flower-girl,  whose  life  the  scoundrel  tried  to  ruin,  and  whose 
marriage  he  endeavored  to  break  off.  Yes,  every  one  shall 
know  it,  and  you  will  hear  of  it  yourself. " 

Then  just  touching  Andree's  forehead  with  his  lips,  he  hurried 
from  the  house. 

It  was  the  morning  after  the  supper  with  the  rajah,  and  Nana 
was  still  in  her  bedroom  when  Virginie  came  to  tell  her  that  a 
young  man  had  called  to  see  M.  D'Albigny,  and  had  asked  at 
what  hour  he  would  be  sure  to  find  him. 

Nana  had  a  presentiment  that  some  fresh  danger  threatened 
the  marquis,  so  she  at  once  threw  on  a  muslin  dressing-gown, 
shpped  her  feet  into  a  pair  of  Oriental  slippers  of  red  leather, 
embroidered  with  pearls,  and  hurried  into  the  boudoir.  She 
recognized  Lucien  Despretz  at  the  first  glance,  and  asked  him 
familiarly,  "  Do  you  come  from  Andr6e?  " 

"  No,  madame,  I  have  come  in  spit©  of  her,  and  it  was  not  with 
you  that  I  wished  to  speak. " 

nana's  daughter.  131 

"  The  marquis  is  probably  at  his  club,  sir,  and  I  don't  think 
you  will  be  able  to  see  him  now.  As  a  rule,  when  he  has  spent 
his  night  at  the  card-table  ho  sleeps  for  a  few  hours  on  a  sofa, 
and  the  club  servants  must  certainly  have  orders  not  to  let  any 
one  disturb  huu." 

"  When  can  I  expect  to  find  him  here?  " 

"  I  really  can't  say.  He  has  no  fixed  time  for  coming.  I  can 
never  rely  on  him  myself. " 

"  That's  a  very  good  system  to  avoid  troublesome  explana- 
tions with  the  creditors  who  may  hold  him  to  account  for  their 
money  or  their  honor. " 

"  The  marquis  never  avoids  any  one,  sir,  and  those  to  whom 
he  owes  any  money  or  any  sword  thursts  will  always  find  him. 
But  it  seems  to  me  that  it  can't  be  question  of  one  matter  or  the 
other  with  you?" 

''  I  have  no  answer  to  give  you,  madamo ;  I  wish  to  deal  with 
the  marquis." 

"  But  I  must  really  insist  upon  knowing  what  you  wish. " 

"  I  wish  to  ask  him  for  an  explanation. " 

"  About  what,  if  you  please?  " 

"  I  repeat,  madame,  that  I  have  nothing  to  say  to  you. " 

"  I  am  sure,  however,  that  it  must  be  about  Mademoiselle 
Andr6e  Naviel.  No  doubt  this  foolish  little  thing  has  complained 
to  you  about  the  marquis'  gallantry.  But  that  is  of  no  conse- 
quence. I  assiu-e  you  that  D'Albigny  is  the  same  with  every 
woman;  and,  really,  it  isn't  worth  while  for  you  to  court  a  sword 

"  I  have  not  told  you,  madame,  that  I  intended  to  challenge 
Monsieur  D'Albigny.  If  I  had  to  fight  with  him,  I  should 
endeavor  to  arrange  matters  so  that  our  chances  would  be 

"  But  you  are  mad,  my  friend.  D'Albigny  doesn't  fight  with 
the  first-comer;  and  I  don't  think  he  would  ever  do  you  the 
honor  of  fighting  with  you. " 

"  The  honor  would  be  for  him. " 

"  You  are  not  wanting  in  cheek,  young  man;  and  you  amuse 
me  with  your  idea  of  a  duel.  If  you  have  seriously  come  here  to 
propose  an  encoimter  with  the  first  swordsman  of  France,  it  can 
only  be  in  view  of  rendering  D'Albigny  ridiculous,  supposing  he 
accepted  the  challenge.  But  you  may  be  reassured  on  that 
score.  If  you  saw  him,  the  only  result  would  be  that  he  would 
have  you  kicked  out  of  the  house  by  his  servants.  So  in  your 
own  interest  I  advise  you  to  keep  quiet  and  not  to  come  back 
here.  Believe  me,  spare  yom-  life  for  the  sake  of  Andree,  reserve 
all  this  fine  ardor  for  her. " 

"  You  can  rail  at  me  if  you  like,  madame.  But  if  the  marquis 
had  remained  in  his  own  circle  he  would  have  found  plenty  of 
abandoned  women,  titled  and  otherwise,  whom  his  offer  would 


only  have  pleased.  What  need  had  he  to  descend  to  our  sphere, 
where  his  proposals  could  only  encounter  disgust?  " 

"  What  do  you  know  about  that,  sir " 

"  You  need  not  finish,  madame.  There  is  surely  no  occasion 
for  you  to  make  yourself  odious." 

"  At  least  I  never  deceive  any  one.  People  know  what  I  am, 
and  I  don't  blush  for  it.  The  top  of  the  walk  belongs  to  us — to 
us,  do  you  hear?  We  raise  the  standard  of  vice,  and  our  luxury 
bespatters  the  virtuous  women  of  your  sphere.  Wo  know  what 
they  are,  the  women  of  the  middle  classes !  Our  lovers  tell  us 
all  about  them  and  amuse  us  by  ridiculing  them.  And  come, 
why,  I  myself,  I  know  your  Andr6e  better  than  you  do,  for 
D'Albigny  gave  me  full  particulars.  You  can  marry  her  now  if 
you  choose.  She  is  on  a  nice  road.  D'Albigny  will  tell  you  all 
about  her  physical  perfections,  if  you  wish  for  information. " 

"  I  have  allowed  you  to  go  on  to  the  end,  madame,  but  I  do 
not  believe  a  word  you  say.  You  are  wicked  and  perfidious,  I 
see.  You  long  to  impart  your  own  vices  to  those  around  you, 
as  if  you  were  some  contagious  disease.  But  in  spite  of  your 
fine  bravado,  in  spite  of  all  your  flaunting  luxury,  you  feel  atro- 
cious hatred  against  the  women  who  have  a  right  to  despise 
you  —  hatred  which  would  eat  up  your  heart,  if  you  only  had 

"  Excuse  me,  sir,  but  I  now  feel  certain  that  if  you  insisted 
upon  learning  whether  the  marquis  was  here  on  not,  it  was  so 
that  you  might  be  able  to  insult  me  with  impunity.  But  wait  a 
moment ;  I  have  not  yet  told  you  everything  about  your  virtuous 
betrothed.  When  I  have  finished  I  will  have  you  turned  out  of 
the  house. " 

"  Oh !  you  can  summon  your  servants,  you  can  assemble  the 
army  of  your  lovers,  madame ;  not  one  of  them,  I  am  sure  of  it, 
however  well  paid  or  however  vile  he  may  be,  woiild  deny  the 
truth  of  my  words." 

"  They  would  all  tell  you  that  you  did  wrong  to  insult  Nana, 
since  you  are  bent  upon  marrying  her  daughter." 

"  Nana's  daughter !  Andree  1  She  is  no  more  your  daughter 
than  she  is  your  lover's  mistress !  " 

"  You  wish  for  proofs  ?  Well,  here  is  one  that  you  won't  dis- 
pute. Read,  sir,  read !  Ah !  you  compel  me  to  bruise  your 
heart.  But  read,  my  lad,  I  tell  you. "  With  these  words  she 
thrust  perforce  into  his  hand  a  letter  which  D'Albigny  had  given 
her  a  few  days  before.  It  was  the  answer  to  the  marquis' 
request  for  information  respecting  Andree.  It  had  a  printed 
heading  —  that  of  the  Poor  Relief  Board  —  although  it  was  a 
private  communication,  and  emanated  from  one  of  D'Albigny's 
friends.  Holding  it  with  a  trembhug  hand  Lucien  hastily 
perused  it. 

"  MX  DsxR  Friend. — You  aek  me  for  some  private  informa- 

nana's  daughter.  133 

tion  rcspoctiiiff  a  child  of  the  fi'iniiiinc  sex  who  was  left  at  tho 
Foundling  Hospital  in  the  Hue  d'Enler,  on  tho  14th  August, 
18G0,  in  accordance  with  the  instructions  of  the  Commissary  of 
PoUce  of  the  Eighth  Arroudisscment.  This  child  was  handed 
over  to  M.  Pierre  Naviel,  a  mechauic,  residing  iu  tho  Rue  Croz- 
atier,  on  tho  20th  of  the  same  month  —  that  is,  six  days  after  it 
was  loft  at  the  hospital  by  a  servant  girl  calletl  Virginie,  iu  the 
name  of  the  real  mother,  the  woman  Nana." 

As  Lucien  road  this  note,  the  courtesan  watched  him  with  a 
cruel,  feline  look.  She  no  doubt  expected  an  outburst;  but 
having  finished  his  perusal  he  crumpled  the  paper  in  his  fingers 
and  tlung  it  with  a  furious  gesture  on  tho  floor. 

"  You  see  that  I  state  nothing  without  proofs,"  exclaimed 
Nana  iu  a  strident  voice ;  "  and  now,  sir,  if  you  marry  Audree 
you  will  at  least  owe  some  respect  to  myself,  her  mother! " 

But  Lucien  Despretz  did  not  hear  these  last  words;  he  had 
fled,  so  as  to  hide  his  weakness  from  this  woman,  and  without 
knowing  what  ho  did  or  where  he  went  he  hurried  into  tho  Pare 
Montceau,  turned  tlown  a  deserted  pathway  and  sank  upon  a 
bench,  bursting  into  sobs.  What!  Andree,  that  vision  of  piu*© 
lovehness  first  revealed  to  him  one  evemng  at  the  Boufies,  who 
had  afterward  haunted  his  imagination  until  she  became  part 
and  parcel  of  his  life  and  happiness — what!  Andree  Naviel  had 
no  right  to  the  name  of  honest  woman?  She  was  really  the 
daughter  of  that  odious  creature?  the  blood  of  a  prostitute 
flowed  in  her  veinsj?  That  adorable  girl,  that  darling  Andree, 
whose  dear  little  feet  he  would  have  kissed  —  she,  the  object  of 
his  respectful  worship  bore  withm  her  a  primogeuial,  fatal  taint, 
tho  hereditary  germ  of  vice? 

He  was  tempted  to  doubt  of  her  virtue,  chastity  and  purity, 
of  all  that  constituted  the  limpid,  luminous  charm  and  beauty 
of  her  soul  and  body.  Had  Nana  told  the  truth?  Had  Andr6e 
fallen  into  some  abominable  trap?  had  she  been  the  victim  of 
some  plot  planned  by  her  own  mother  bent  upon  delivering  her 
up  to  the  marquis?  She  did  not  dare  to  confess  the  truth.  And 
that,  no  doubt,  was  why  she  had  seemed  so  sad  during  the  last 
few  days.  The  secret  of  her  shame  preyed  upon  her  mind  and 
paralyzed  her  will.  No  doubt  she  reproached  herself  for  her 
silence,  as  if  it  were  an  act  of  treason  toward  tho  man  she  loved ; 
but  she  feared  that  she  might  lose  his  affection  if  she  revealed 
the  truth.  Still,  if  he  ciuestioncd  her  she  would  no  doubt  tell 
him  everything.  And  he  was  bent  upon  knowing  all,  even  if 
the  horriljle  certainty  poisoned  each  day  of  his  after  life.  Im- 
placable toward  himself,  full  of  a  bitter  longing  for  enlighten- 
ment, he  raised  his  brow ;  and  as  his  ardent  anguish  dried  the 
first  tears  of  love  upon  lais  cheeks,  he  walked  hastily  out  of  the 
park  and  turned  down  the  Rue  Legendre,  toward  the  Square 
des  Batignolles.    On  tho  way  he  entered  a  tobacconist's  shop  to 

134  nana's  daughter. 

buy  a  post  card,  and  wrote  to  his  employer  stating  that  he  was 
unwell  and  begged  to  be  excused  that  day.  Then,  having 
slipped  the  card  into  a  letter-box,  he  hurried  off  toward  the 
Naviel's  home. 


A^iTDEtE  Navie  was  in  the  work-room  when  Lucien  Despretz 
arrived.  She  rose  up  in  surprise  on  seeing  him,  for  at  that  hour 
he  ought  to  have  been  at  his  employer's.  But  on  looking  at  him 
more  attentively,  she  saw  that  he  was  very  pale.  "  What  is  the 
matter,  Lucien?"  she  asked,  anxiously. 

"  I  don't  know,"  he  replied;  "  give  me  time  to  think."  And 
taking  up  a  bit  of  wire  which  was  lying  on  the  table,  he  fever- 
ishly began  to  twist  it  round  his  forefinger.  Margot  raised  her 
artful  little  face,  and  gave  Lucien  a  keen  look  with  her  black 
eyes:  "  I'm  afraid  there's  some  trouble  in  store  for  Mademoiselle 
Andr^e,"  she  whispered  to  a  work-girl  beside  her. 

Andrce  was  mounting  a  rose ;  and  the  shght  wire  stalk  glided 
between  her  fingers  as  she  wound  the  green  paper  covering  in 
spirals  around  it.  She  was  sitting  with  her  back  to  the  window, 
through  which  the  morning  sun  streamed  into  the  room,  casting 
as  it  were  an  aureole  about  her  head.  The  httle  locks  of  fine 
hair  rising  in  tangled  curls  above  the  nape  of  her  neck  sparkled 
hke  tawny  gold,  and  under  her  long  lashes  her  big  green  eyes 
displayed  their  candid  depths.  Her  thmnb  and  forefinger,  the 
nails  of  which  were  tipped  with  carmine,  moved  rapidly  to  and 
fro,  as  she  rolled  the  artificial  stalks  between  them;  and  from 
time  to  time,  somewhat  coquettishly,  her  little  fingers  rose  out 
of  the  shadow  into  the  roseate  transparency  of  the  sunhght. 
Lucien  watched  her  in  silence.  He  succeeded  at  first  in  control- 
ling the  storm  that  was  raging  in  his  heart,  and  determined  not 
to  speak  to  her  of  her  birth.  The  ties  of  relationship  which 
united  Andree  to  Nana  already  occupied  a  secondary  place  in  his 
thoughts.  What  ho  wished  to  know  above  and  before  every- 
thing else  was  the  truth  concerning  her  tete-^-tete  with  the 
Marquis  D' Albigny.  He  had  come  with  the  intention  of  request- 
ing a  full  explanation  in  that  respect.  For  if  Nana  had  furnished 
him  the  proof  that  Andree  was  her  daughter,  she  had  merely 
indulged  in  slanderous  insinuations  respecting  the  interview  with 
the  marquis.  And  so  it  was  to  Androe's  own  loyalty  that  lie 
must  now  appeal.  He  did  not  doubt  but  what  she  would  reply 
frankly  to  a  direct  question.  He  in  no  wise  suspected  the  purity 
of  her  mind ;  all  that  he  feared  was  her  own  imprudence,  for  he 
knew  that  she  was  possessed  of  a  sort  of  natural  bravery  which 
would  prevent  her  from  shirking  a  sincere  avowal.    But  at  the 

N ana's  daughter.  135 

momeiil  of  prov(ikin,ij:  ;in  explanation,  on  which  his  future  happi- 
ness depeniled,  he  hesitated,  seized  as  it  were  with  mortal  vertigo 
on  the  edge  of  this  abyss  of  grief  in  which  his  whole  life  might 
perhaps  be  swallowed  up.  Andreo  had  been  his  first  and  only 
love;  ho  felt  that  ho  should  never  be  able  to  love  again,  and  the 
emptiness  of  his  dreary  future  appalled  him.  This  anguish  of 
heart  became  so  apparent  on  his  loyal  face,  that  as  Andree 
raised  her  eyes  to  give  him  a  lovmglook  she  felt  frightened;  and 
no  wonder,  for  his  lips  w^ere  creased  into  an  expression  of  bittei' 
despair.  Eising  abruptly  to  her  feet,  and  flinging  her  unfinished 
rose  on  the  work-table,  she  approached  him  and  said  in  an 
undertone:  "  You  are  hiding  something  from  me,  Lucien;  what 
has  happened  between  you  and  the  marquis?" 

Taking  his  betrothed  by  the  hand,  Lucien  led  her  into  the 
next  room.  "  I  have  come  to  ask  you,  Andree,"  he  said,  "  what 
took  place  between  the  marquis  and youV 

"  What  I  told  you,  Lucien. " 

There  was  a  pause.  The  young  fellow  was  again  seized  with 
hesitation.  If  the  accusations  which  Nana  had  launched  against 
Andree  were  false,  if  the  marqms  had  failed  in  his  attempts,  the 
mere  thought  that  he,  Lucien,  had  doubted  her,  might  provoke 
the  young  girl  to  indignant  revolt.  He  knew  that  such  a  thought 
might  drive  her  to  despair  and  cause  her  to  break  off  her  engage- 
ment. And  yet  silence  was  no  longer  possible,  now.  Andree's 
legitimate  susceptibility  was  awakened,  and  giving  Lucien  a 
hard,  straight,  questioning  glance  which  was  mifamiliar  to  him, 
she  exclaimed:  "Speak!  You  have  come  here  to  tell  me  some- 
thing. You  have  a  question  to  ask  of  me;  you  wish  to  cross- 
examine  me  perhaps.  By  the  tone  in  which  you  have  spoken,  I 
can  guess  that  you  have  some  doubt  respecting  me.  Speak, 
Lucien,  speak ;  you  are  a  man  —  you  have  more  courage  than  I 
have  —  speak,  I  tell  you." 

"  Do  you  know  what  that  woman  said  to  me,  Andree"?" 

"  Nothing  pleasant,  probably,  for  you  or  myself — and  nothing 
true  either.  What  truth  could  you  expect  from  the  hps  of  a 
woman  who  lies  even  in  her  love?  " 

"  She  insinuates  two  things  —  the  first  concerns  you  yourself, 
personally  and  exclusively,  and  at  first  it  greatly  impressed  me; 
but  on  reflection  I  have  decided  that  I  ought  not  to  let  it  pre- 
occupy me.  Of  this  first  statement  she  furnishes  a  proof,  which 
I  have  seen ;  but  the  other  one  cannot  be  proved  —  at  least  by 
her.  Now  I  want  you  to  tell  me  the  truth  on  that  second 
point. " 

"  Question  me  clearly,  Lucien;  tell  me  what  you  wish  to  know, 
and  I  will  answer  you  frankly. " 

"  Then  listen  to  me,  Andree,  and  tr\^  to  imderstand  me.  The 
doubt  that  I  wish  to  clear  does  not  effect  your  honesty.    Your 

136  nana's  daughter. 

loyalty  is  unqnostioned;  but,  may  be,  a  fatality,  au  iufamous 
trap  iu  which  you  were  caught " 

"  No  more!  Ah!  I  uuderstand  now  what  you  wish  to  ask  me> 
Lucieu !  It  is  abominable  —  abominable  I  I  should  never  have 
believed  it  of  you. " 

Andr6e's  voice  broke ;  and  as  her  knees  trembled  under  the 
frightful  grief  that  had  seized  hold  of  her,  she  sank  into  an  arm- 
chair, and  hiding  her  face  with  her  two  little  trembling  hands, 
which  were  heated  by  sudden  fever,  she  burst  into  stilled  sobs. 
The  two  lovers  were  quite  alone.  Madame  Naviel  had  gone  out 
shortly  before  Lucien  Despretz  had  arrived,  and  Andree  had 
taken  care  to  close  the  doors  so  that  the  work-girls  might  hear 
nothing  of  the  explanation.  She  had  certainly  never  imagined 
that  it  would  be  such  a  terrible  one.  In  full  hope,  she  and 
Lucien  foimd  themselves  plunged  into  despair.  And  as  yet  she 
did  not  know  all  the  truth !  She  was  still  ignorant  of  the  fact 
that  she  was  a  harlot's  daughter. 

Never  had  Lucien  been  so  struck  by  the  likeness  between 
Andree  and  Nana,  as  at  the  moment  when  the  young  girl  gave 
him  that  harsh,  bitter  look  as  she  requested  him  to  explain  hun- 
self.  She  had  then  strikingly  reminded  him  of  Nana,  for  there 
was  the  same  gleam  in  her  eyes  that  he  had  noticed  in  those  of 
the  courtesan  when  the  latter  descanted  ironically  upon  the 
modesty  of  virtuous  women.  They  were  both  of  the  same  type 
of  beauty,  with  the  same  roseate  complexion,  the  same  velvety 
skin,  and  the  same  charming  little  dimples,  true  nests  for  lovers' 
kisses.  The  healthy  sphere  in  which  Andr6e  had  always  lived 
might  so  far  have  preserved  her  from  vicious  tendencies,  and 
have  controlled  the  longings  of  an  imperious  temperament ;  but 
at  the  first  efforts  of  a  man,  export  in  seduction,  may  be,  all  the 
virtuous  firmness,  all  the  resisting  chastity  would  have  been 
conquered  by  the  original  taint  of  vice. 

The  attack  of  weakness  which  had  made  Andree  weep  proved 
of  short  duration.  She  abruptly  rose  to  her  feet  again,  with 
dry  eyes  and  a  bitter  smile.  "And  so,  su-,"she  said,  "you 
have  come  to  this  honest  home  to  ask  me  — me,  Andr6o  Naviel 
—  if  I  am  really  the  mistress  of  the  Marquis  d'Albigny !  " 

"  You  might  have  been  dishonored  without  being  seduced." 

"  And  you  dare  to  say  that  to  me !  And  you  think  that  if  I 
had  fallen  victim  to  a  plot,  I  should  have  allowed  you  to  con- 
tinue courting  me !  Thou  what  opinion  can  you  have  of  my 
sincerity  ?  Ah  1  I  really  feel  humiliated  for  you,  for  this  proves 
that  you  do  not  know  how  to  distiuginsh  the  truth  from  false- 
hood !  And  I  feel  sorry  also  for  your  loss,  for  you  have  lost  the 
friendship  —  nay,  the  love  —  of  a  woman  who  would  have  made 
you  happier  tlian  you  will  ever  be,  now !  Ah !  I  pity  you, 
sir — yes,  I  pity  you;  for  to  come  and  blast  our  affection,  our 
hopes,  to  come  and  break  off  our  marriage,  and  ruin  all  our 

nana's  daughter.  137 

plans,  all  the  d roams  wo  over  made  together,  you  surely  must 
have  very  greatly  sulVered !  " 

**  Yes,  I  have  sull'ered,  Andr6o ;  I  have  suffered  frightfully. 
Can  you  not  see  how  I  have  wept  since  leaving  that  fatal  house "/ 
All  my  coui'age  has  left  me  ;  I  have  become  a  child  again. " 

"  All  1  you  have  made  me  sufier  also,  sir.  I  should  never 
have  thought  you  so  cruel !  " 

"  Forgive  me,  Andr6e !  I  no  longer  believe  what  that  woman 
told  me." 

"  But  you  did  believe  it,  since  it  made  you  suffer." 

"  I  do  not  believe  it,  I  tell  you." 

"  Ah  !  you  have  doubted  me.  Go  —  leave  me  !  You  are  no 
longer  my  betrothed ;  never  return  here  again !  The  sight  of 
you  is  odious  to  me. " 

**  But,  Andree,  cannot  you  understand  that  the  thought  made 
me  mad  with  despair  ?  You  do  not  realize  what  shame  there 
was  for  you,  what  anguish  for  me,  what  desolation  for  both  of 
us,  in  the  words  that  fell  from  Nana's  lips — 'Andr6e  the  mis- 
tress of  D'Albigny !'  " 

"  Do  not  repeat  that  before  me.  You  ought  never  to  have 
spoken  it.  It  was  your  duty  to  respect  my  imagination.  Why 
do  you  come  and  repeat  to  mo  the  infamous  things  which  tbat 
woman  told  you?  You  ought  to  have  buried  them  beneath 
your  disdain.    What  have  I  in  common  with  her  ?  " 

"  Ah !  you  will  know  it  only  too  soon. " 

"  So  you  persist  in  placing  me  on  the  same  line  as  that 
woman !  You  see  that  you  still  doubt ;  you  see  yourself,  sir, 
that  everything  is  irrevocably  ended  between  us,  and  that  we 
must  part  for  ever !  " 

"  But  you  do  not  understand  me,  Andr6e." 

"  No,  sir,  wo  don't  understand  each  other.  Leave  me,  I  tell 
you  —  leave  me ;  the  sight  of  you  is  killing  me. " 

"  Listen  to  me,  Andree " 

"  I  have  listened  to  you  too  long  already,  and  I  will  listen  no 
longer.  Go  ofi";  do  you  really  wish  to  kill  me?  Ah  I  my  God, 
my  God !  what  have  I  done  to  suffer  like  this !  "  As  she  spoke 
she  began  to  wander  about  the  room,  wringing  her  hands  so 
violently  that  the  joints  of  her  fingers  cracked.  Suddenly,  how- 
ever, she  took  up  her  mantle  and  threw  it  over  her  shoulders. 
Then  she  put  on  a  bonnet,  and  feverishly  tied  the  strings  under 
her  chin. 

"  Where  are  you  going,  Andree  ?  "  asked  Lucien. 

"  What  does  it  matter  to  you  ?  " 


"  I  forbid  your  doing  so." 

"  I  mean  to  know  where  you  are  going  ?  " 

"  You  wish  to  know  it  ?  Well,  I  am  going  where  you  went— 
to  Nana's  1 " 

Nana'i  Daughter  $, 

138  nana's  daughter. 

He  tried  to  stop  her,  but  she  pushed  him  aside  with  disdainful 
indignation,  and  hurried  ofF,  slamming  the  door  in  his  face. 

A  liveried  footman  ushered  Mademoiselle  Navlel  into  the 
courtesan's  boudoir.  Nana  was  taking  her  bath ;  and  the  mar- 
quis was  alone,  stretched  on  a  divan,  and  smoking  a  cigar. 
As  Andree  perceived  him  she  muttered  a  few  words  of  apology, 
and  drew  back  toward  the  door.  But  D'Albigny  sprang  to  his 
feet.     "  Do  I  intimidate  you,  my  pretty  dove?  "  he  asked. 

"  I  will  wait  in  the  ante-room  until  Madame  Nana  is  ready  to 
receive  me  1  "  replied  Mademoiselle  Naviel. 

"  I  cannot  suffer  that,  mademoiselle. "  And  drawing  near  to 
her,  he  took  one  of  her  tiny  hands  in  his  own,  and  compelled  her 
to  sit  down  on  the  divan.  Andree  was  very  flushed  and  some- 
what out  of  breath  after  her  rapid  walk.  Her  eyes  were  shining 
more  brilliantly  than  usual,  and  D'Albigny  was  dazzled  by  her 
youthful  beauty,  which  reminded  him  of  Nana  in  her  earlier 
days.  He  became  caressing,  almost  tender.  "  You  seem  deeply 
moved,  mademoiselle,"  he  remarked.  "May  I  be  allowed  to 
inquire  the  cause  of  your  emotion  1 " 

"  The  cause  —  is  yourself." 

"  Myself?  Pray  explain  yourself,  pretty  one.  Am  I  privileged 
to " 

"  Do  you  know  what  my  betrothed  has  just  told  me  ?  " 

"  No;  what  can  this  fortunate  young  man  have  said  to  you?  " 

"  That  the  people  of  this  house  try  to  pass  me  off  as  your 
mistress. " 

"  I  regret  that  he  told  you  an  untruth,  mademoiselle ;  and  I 
cannot  imagine  who  could  have  invented  such  a  story  ?  " 

*'  It  was  a  person  with  whom  you  are  very  intimate." 

"  Nana  ?  In  that  case  it  was  the  mere  pastime  of  an  idle 
woman.    A  mere  joke,  as  she  will  readily  acknowledge. " 

"  She  must  really  do  so,  sir,  so  as  to  undeceive  the  man  who 
thought  me  capable  of  being  false  to  him. " 

"  Why  undeceive  him  ?  Since  ho  believes  it,  let  him  do  so. 
False  so  far,  the  supposition  might  none  the  less  come  true  in 
the  future.  Do  you  think,  Andree,  that  I  have  renounced 
you  °i  " 

"  I  am  not  a  plaything  for  a  man  of  your  rank,  sir,  and  I  came 
Acre  for  something  very  different. " 

"  I  will  confess  that  that  matters  little  to  mo." 

"  It  is  Madame  Nana  that  I  came  to  see. " 

"  She  is  at  her  toilet  and  can't  see  any  one.  She  received 
your  lover  in  my  place,  and  I  receive  you  in  hers. " 

At  this  moment  a  discreet  rap  at  the  door  was  heard.  "Come 
in, "  said  the  marquis. 

The  same  servant  who  had  ushered  Andr<5o  into  the  boudoir 
a  few  minutes  previously,  again  raised  the  door  curtain  and 
handed  D'Albigny    a    card.    "  Lucien    Despretz,"   read   the 

nana's  daughter.  139 

marquis  aloiul.  "  I  don't  know  any  Lucien  Despretz.  Tell  tlie 
person  that  I  am  not  at  home. " 

"  Say  that  you  are  here,  sir,"  cxclauned  Audree.  "  It  is  my 
betrothed  who  wishes  to  speali  to  you. " 

"  Nothing  is  easier,  little  one."  And,  turning  to  the  servant, 
D'Albiguy  drily  added :  "  Tell  the  person  to  come  in." 

The  footman  raised  the  curtain,  and  Lucien  wallced  straight 
toward  the  marquis,  exclaiming  in  a  threatening  voice:  "It 
seems,  sir,  that  you  pass  yourself  oil"  as  this  young  lady's 
favored  lover. " 

"  Excuse  me,  sir,"  said  the  marquis,  "  in  what  quality  do  you 
come  hero  i  " 

"  As  a  suitor  to  the  hand  of  the  yovmg  lady  whom  I  surprise 
here  in  a  tete-iVtete  with  you." 

"Oh!  you  don't  surprise  anyone,"  rejoined  Andr6e,  "since 
it  was  I  who  requested  the  marquis  to  receive  you.  I  am  in  no 
wise  surprised  that  you  should  have  followed  me;  and  it  is  as 
well  that  everything  should  be  cleared  up  between  you,  who 
doubt  me,  and  this  gentleman  in  whose  name  I  am  slandered. " 

"  I  don't  think  it  will  be  my  fault  if  the  matter  is  not  cleared 
up, "  rejoined  D'Albigny,  "  nothing  seems  easier  to  me.  So  I 
begin  by  saying  in  this  gentleman's  presence  that  ^is  betrothed 
is  not  my  mistress,  and  you  may  believe  me " 

"  I  ask  for  nothing  more,"  said  Lucien. 

"  Oh  !  but  /  am  not  yet  satisfied, "  continued  the  marquis, 
"  you  don't  let  me  finish.  I  have  said  that  Mademoiselle  Andree 
is  not  my  mistress  so  far,  but  I  add  that  she  will  be  so. " 

"  You  insolent  scoundrel !  "  cried  Lucien,  in  a  voice  which 
vibrated  with  anger, 

"  Is  Monsieur  Lucien  Despretz  satisfied  ?  "  asked  D'Albigny 
in  a  tone  of  raillery. 

"  Lucien  Despretz  despises  you,"  rephed  Andrea's  betrothed. 
"  Come,  mademoiselle,  let  us  leave  this  house. " 

"  Mademoiselle  Andr6o  will  not  leave,"  rejoined  the  marquis, 
whose  every  word  seemed  full  of  defiance  to  Lucien;  "as  for 
you,  sir,  you  now  know  what  you  wished  to  know.  I  advise 
you  not  to  try  my  patience  any  longer.    Go !  " 

"  I  shall  not  go  alone,  marquis. " 

"  You  will  go  as  I  choose  and  when  I  choose." 

"  Try  to  turn  me  out!  " 

"  Oh  1  I  shall  not  stain  my  hands  with  the  perspiration  on 
your  cheeks.  I  have  servants  to  turn  you  out,"  and,  so  saying, 
D'Albigny  pulled  the  bell-rope. 

The  footman  again  reappeared.  "  Drive  this  intruder  away," 
ordered  the  marquis. 

"  I  see,  sir,  that  you  are  an  infamous  scoundrel  and  an  utter 
coward ! "  cried  Lucien,  raising  his  hand  threateningly  over 
D'Albigny's  head. 

140  nana's  daughter. 

"  As  many  words  as  you  like,  my  fine  fellow,  but  I  don't 
tolerate  assaults. "  And  catching  hold  of  Lucien's  fist  before  it 
had  touched  his  face,  the  marquis  gave  the  young  fellow  such  a 
formidable  blow  full  in  the  chest  that  he  threw  him  fainting  on 
the  carpet  beside  Andree,  who  could  not  repress  a  cry  of 

"Carry  that  away,"  said  D'Albigny  to  the  servant,  at  the 
same  time  pointing  to  the  prostrate  clerk. 

The  footman  raised  Lucien  by  the  shoulders  and  dragged  htm 
out  into  the  landing.  Andr6e  wished  to  follow,  but  the  marquis 
caught  her  by  the  arm  and  exclaimed  imperiously :  "  Stay 
here !  " 

"  I  wish  to  leave." 

"  I  mean  you  to  stop. " 

"  You  have  no  right  to  order  me  about. " 

"  But  I  have  the  right  to  do  so, "  haughtily  exclaimed  Nana, 
who  at  that  moment  entered  the  boudoir  draped  in  full-flowing 
Indian  peplum. 

'*  That's  true,  my  dear, "  said  the  marquis,  "  so  I  will  leave 
you  alone  with  your  daughter.  You  can  teach  her  her  duty 
toward  yourself  and  toward  me. "  With  these  ironical  words 
D'Albigny  crossed  the  room,  raised  the  door-hanging  and 

"  In  two  words  this  is  the  situation, "  said  Nana  to  Andrea, 
"  I  am  your  mother. " 


"  Yes,  I !  But  don't  interrupt  me,  Andrde.  You  are  not  of 
age.  I  have  the  right  to  take  you  back  and  I  do  so.  That 
is  all." 

"  You  pretend  that  you  are  my  mother." 


"  It  is  easy  to  say  so." 

"  And  easy  to  prove. " 


"  Read  this  letter?  " 

"  I  will  read  nothing  and  listen  to  nothing.  I  have  no  need 
of  your  proofs. " 

"  You  won't  read  it  ?    Then  I  will  do  so !  " 

"  Let  me  go,  madame,  let  mo  go ;  I  wish  to  see  my  lover  since 
your  marquis  has  murdered  him  on  accoimt  of  me. " 

"  Your  lover,  do  you  say?  Do  you  think  I  will  give  my  con- 
sent to  such  a  marriage?  You  have  some  strange  illusions, 
httle  one,"  said  Nana,  jeeringly. 

"  This  is  an  infamous  comedy,  madame,  and  you  wiU  have 
cause  to  repent  of  the  manner  in  which  you  treat  me. " 

"  I  shall  not  repent  of  saving  you  from  misery  and  want,  and 
later  on,  jrou  yourself  will  reaUze  how  much  you  owe  to  me. 
Your  bram  is  full  of  false  ideas  at  present,  but  we  will  style  you 

nana's  daughter.  141 

properly,  the  marquis  aud  T,  you  may  bo  at  ease  on  that  point. " 

"  There  are  laws,  inadame. " 

**  Yes,  against  ehildren  under  ago  who  wish  to  leave  the 
maternal  roof  to  run  after  worthless  fellows  —  needy  clerks 
earning  their  fifteen  hundred  francs  a  year !  A  fine  life  and  no 
mistake  for  the  daughter  of  a  woman  who  possesses  millions." 

"  Your  milUons  are  tainted  with  infamy." 

"  You  must  respect  them ;  as  you  must  respect  me,  the  mar- 
quis, and  all  who  touch  them." 

"  I  owe  you  nothing." 

"  You  owe  me  respect  —  respect,  do  you  hear?  If  you  won't 
listen  I  will  force  you  to  read  this  paper  —  this  little  paper 
which  I  showed  this  morning  to  the  young  fool  whom  D'AIbigny 
just  chastised  in  your  presence. " 

"  Does  this  paper  prove  that  I  am  your  lover's  mistress?  " 
asked  Andree.  *• 

"  It  proves  that  you  are  my  daughter. " 

"  That's  false !  " 

"  It  matters  httle  whether  you  believe  it  or  not,  my  dear, 
providing  I  hold  the  proof.  As  I  have  already  told  you,  I  have 
the  law  on  my  side.    I  hold  you  and  I  intend  to  keep  you." 

"  The  law  jjimishos  sequestrations. " 

"  The  law  punishes  people  who  turn  minors  from  their  duty, " 
rejoined  Nana. 

"  That  is  precisely  what  you  are  trying  to  do. " 

"  No,  it  is  what  the  Naviels  would  do  if  they  persisted  in 
claiming  you  in  spite  of  my  rights. " 

"  We  will  see  about  them." 

"  Whenever  you  like.  Ah !  you  don't  know  what  you  lose  by 
compelling  mo  to  act  harshly  toward  you.  My  soul  and  heart 
wore  full  of  love  for  you,  Andree.  I  was  so  happy  to  find  you 
again,  so  proud  to  have  a  daughter  whose  beauty  was  worthy 
of  mine.  And  yet,  now  your  obstinacy  and  your  childishness 
comjjel  me  to  care  for  your  welfare  in  spite  of  yourself." 

"■  Was  it  by  way  of  caring  for  my  welfare  that  you  spoke  of 
me  as  an  abandoned  girl  ?  " 

"  Yes,  I  said  so;  I  called  out  upon  the  housetops  what  you  Jiro 
and  what  you  are  not ;  and  I  will  publish  the  story  everywhere. 
I  imagined  it  this  morning  in  order  to  destroy  your  absurd 
matrimcjnial  hopes,  and  you  both  of  you  fell  mto  the  trap  which 
I  had  set  for  you.  Ah !  you  have  to  deal  with  stronger  foil's 
than  yourselves  —  that  young  gentleman  and  you.  Well,  now, 
he's  outside  and  you  are  inside ;  and  ho  will  never  return  into 
my  house  again,  I  promise  you ;  and  you  will  never  leave  it,  so 
there. " 

At  this  moment  Nana  heard  a  knock  at  the  door.  "  Comfe 
in !  "  she  ciied. 

It  was  Luc  who  presented  himself  on  the  threshold.    "  Ah ! 


is  it  you, "  she  resumed  with  affected  kindness,  "  what  do  you 
want,  my  good  fellow  ?  " 

"  I  want  to  know,  madame,  what  I'm  to  do  with  the  young 
fellow  downstairs.    Ho  has  just  recovered  consciousness. " 

"  Pack  him  into  a  cab  and  send  him  home.  Here  are  his 
'name  and  his  address."  So  saying  Nana  handed  Luc  the  card 
which  Lucien  had  given  on  his  arrival. 

Luc  took  the  card,  read  the  name  and  then  suddenly  burst 
into  loud,  hysterical  laughter.  "  Ah  !  ah  I  "  he  said,  "  no,  it 
isn't  possible  I  It  would  be  too  much  of  a  joke."  And  he  fled 
from  the  room  as  if  he  had  been  pursued  by  a  ghost.  One 
could  still  hear  his  mad  laughter  as  he  hurried  down  the  stairs. 

"  Poor  Face-to-Smack,"  thought  Andr6e,  "  couldn't  he  help 
me  to  get  out  of  the  house. "  And  the  presence  of  the  ex-clown 
ignited  a  first  ray  of  hope  in  her  heart. 

But  Nana  abruptly  recalled  her  to  reality.  "  Come,  little  one, 
calm  yourself  and  reflect.  Submit  to  the  fate  which  makes  you 
^vealthy  in  spite  of  yourself.  I  will  forgive  your  harshness,  I 
tvill  love  you  and  see  that  you  are  loved  by  people  worthy  of 
your  affection." 

"  You  mean  your  own  lovers,  perhaps  ?  " 

"  Ajid  why  not,  my  beauty  I  "  interrupted  the  Marquis  D'Al- 
bigny  whose  lofty  figure  again  appeared  on  the  threshold  of  the 
boudoir.  "  Your  mother  must  have  told  you  what  you  owe  her; 
and  now  we  can  have  a  talk  together,  we  two. " 

"  Yes,  I  will  leave  you  together, "  said  Nana  as  she  rose.  And 
with  a  glance  of  mfernal  irony  at  Andree  she  disappeared,  bend- 
Dg  her  majestic  figure  under  the  silken  hanging. 


"  So  bo  it, "  said  Ajidr6e  resolutely ;  "  you  have  just  murdered 
my  lover,  and  this  morning  your  companion  of  shame  told  him 
that  I  was  your  mistress.  I  despise  you  both.  Now  let  me 

"  You  cannot  go.  When  you  have  consented  to  share  your 
life  with  your  mother  and  me,  you  will  be  allowed  such  liberty 
as  falls  to  the  lot  of  a  rich  woman.  I  have  plans  for  you, 
Andr6e,  very  grand  plans:  I  wish  to  make  a  marchioness  of  you. 
Oh!  not  a  make-beheve  marchioness  like  Nana,  but  a  real  one, 
married  for  good,  calling  herself  the  Marquis  D'Albigny,  with 
horses,  carriages,  a  coat-of-arms  and  all  the  rest.  Come,  I 
think  that's  suitable  enough. " 

"  What !  I  marry  you  1  Marry  the  lover  of  the  woman  who 
calls  herself  my  mother?  " 

*'  There  must  bo  an  end  to  everything,  my  dear,  and  I  intend 

nana's  daucjiiter.  143 

to  finish  my  careci  by  marryinj?  you.  On  the  whole  I'm  not  to 
bo  pitied,  and  a  good  many  people  would  like  to  finish  their 
lives  in  the  same  stylo.  And,  really,  I  don't  see,  even  from  your 
own  point  of  view,  why  you  should  evince  such  a  dishko  to  me. 
I'm  not  so  bad  looking,  although  I'm  middle-aged.  I  dress 
properly,  I  know  how  to  conduct  myself  in  society,  I  have  some 
money  and  a  name.  And,  besides,  if  you  don't  caro  to  become 
really  my  wife,  well  we  will  each  have  our  own  rooms  —  I  can't 
bo  more  obliging.  I  will  even  allow  you,  if  you  like,  to  engage 
that  yoimg  man  as  —  your  secretary.  Are  these  concessions 
enough?  You  see  I  am  good-natured  although  I  have  your 
mother's  consent  on  my  side,  as  well  as  the  law,  my  strength 
and  my  love." 

"  I  do  not  imderstand  you,  sir. " 

"  Oh !  you  will  imderstand  me  by  degrees.  As  I  have  pre- 
viously told  you,  you  have  been  badly  educated.  You  are 
extremely  prudish,  and  I'm  not  so  much  inclined  to  complain  of 
it  for  the  moment,  as  a  satisfactory  arrangement  can  be 

"  Your  love  horrifies  me,  and  I  feel  ashamed  of  having 
inspired  such  views  on  the  part  of  a  man  like  yourself.  You 
must  consider  me  very  vile  to  dare  to  suggest  that  I  should  take 
your  name.  Do  you  think  that  I'm  ignorant  of  your  loathsome 
career  ? " 

"  Oh !  oh !  my  disdainful  beauty.  If  you  are  acquainted  with 
my  career  you  must  have  had  it  related  to  you. " 

"  I  hear  my  work-girls  talking  about  you;  I  hear  of  your  dis- 
graceful actions  everywhere,  everywhere.  As  you  can't  seduce 
me  you  offer  to  marry  me  !  You  would  marry  a  dozen  girls  in 
the  same  way  if  the  law  wasn't  there  to  prevent  you.  I  tell  you 
that  straight  to  the  face  like  a  frank  girl  of  the  people " 

"  But  you  are  the  daughter  of  Nana,  and  she  doesn't  belong 
to  the  people. " 

"  You  never  spoke  more  truly ;  and  in  the  same  way  that  she 
abandoned  me  to  pubhc  charity  when  I  was  a  child,  in  the  same 
way  I  cast  her  off  to-day !  " 

"  You  do  wrongly ;  you  might  bring  her  back  to  — virtue." 

"  Rail,  sir,  rail !  Virtue  is  your  enemy  and  you  detest  it 
because  it  frightens  you !  " 

"  Oh,  dear,  no.  Only  virtue  is  stupid  and  it  lacks  stamina. 
As  an  instance,  take  that  young  fellow  who  rolls  over  at  the 
first  blow  and  faints  away  like  a  girl.  I  don't  brag  with  you 
and  I'm  not  a  Tartuffe.  I  lack  hypocrisy ;  and  prefer  to  bravo 
public  opinion.  But  I  bow  down  before  the  true  Jesuits,  the 
pietists  with  sanctimonious  faces,  the  dissemblers  who  feign 
continence,  the  false  ascetics  who  cry  out  in  alarm  whenever  a 
novel  or  i^lay  belabors  tlicir  hidden  vices  and  exposes  them  in 
the  full  sunlight.    Yes,  I  bow  down  before  these  folks  because 


they  are  more  curming  than  I  am.  Come,  Andree,  I  will  forgive 
you  in  spite  of  all  my  advantages  over  you,  in  spite  of  your 
insults,  in  spite  of  your  insolence  toward  a  person  older  than 
yourself  and  whom  your  mother  esteems  and  respects.  I  will 
grant  you  all  the  necessary  time  to  file  your  nails,  to  grow  more 
pliable,  and  become  accustomed  to  livhig  here.  There  is  only 
one  thing  that  I  forbid  you  —  and  that  is  to  return  to  work,  to 
idiotic  flirtation,  mediocrity  and  common  life.  I  want  to  make 
a  real  woman  of  you,  and  you  will  become  the  one  I  need,  I'm 
sure  of  it.  I  shall  leave  your  mother  the  task  of  casting  you  in 
a  new  mold,  little  one.  And  till  that  is  done  you  are  my  pris- 
oner. Till  by-and-by;  you  will  see  me  very  often,  however 
unpleasant  it  may  be  to  you. " 

With  a  dry  cough  full  of  pitiless  raillery  D'Albigny  left  the 
room,  leaving  Andree  alone.  She  tried  to  open  the  door  of  the 
boudoir  but  she  found  that  it  was  locked  on  the  outside.  She 
rang  the  bell  but  no  one  came.  For  several  hours  she  remained 
there  without  being  disturbed.  But  at  night-fall  a  servant  came 
to  ask  what  she  wished  for  her  dinner.  She  thanked  him  and 
refused  to  eat.  She  was  suspicious  of  everyone  and  everything. 
She  had  read  in  novels  of  young  girls  imprisoned  in  a  similar 
manner  and  reduced  to  helplessness  by  the  administration  of 
a  narcotic.  She  hoped  however  that  some  one  would  come  to 
deliver  her.  Still  her  mind  was  most  busy  with  thoughts  of 
Lucien,  who  was  perhaps  grievously  hurt.  The  manner  in 
which  the  marquis  had  abused  of  his  brute  strength  revolted 
her ;  and  she  felt  greater  esteem  and  more  sincere  affection  than 
ever  for  the  poor  fellow  who  in  his  courage  had  not  thought  of 
his  own  inferior  power. 

She  decided  that  she  would  refuse  all  nourishment,  and  allow 
herself  to  die  of  hunger  if  her  liberty  was  not  restored  to  her. 
She  instinctively  hoped  to  be  delivered,  either  by  M.  Naviel  or 
by  Luc,  or  even  by  the  commissary  of  police,  whom  Lucien  or 
his  mother  would  certainly  complain  to.  Meanwhile,  however, 
the  night  came  on  apace.  The  sky  was  very  dark  and  the 
atmosphere  very  heavy.  At  last  the  servant  returned  and 
lighted  the  lamp.  He  left  the  door  ajar  for  a  moment,  and 
Andree  noticed  unconcernedly  that  a  little  puff  of  smoke  was 
wafted  from  the  hall  into  the  boudoir.  When  the  servant  retired, 
ho  again  secured  the  door  on  the  outside,  and  Andree  heard  the 
key  grating  in  the  lock.  She  once  more  became  absorbed  in 
her  reflections.  She  felt  uncomfortable ;  this  house  was  strangely 
warm.  What  were  her  relatives  doing?  why  was  she  left  alone 
lilce  this,  at  the  mercy  of  Nana  and  her  acolytes  1 

Wliilo  she  pondered  thus,  walking  up  and  down  with  crossed 
arms,  she  perceived  some  smolvo  rising  through  a  slit  in  the 
flooring  in  one  corner  of  the  boudoir.  This  smoke  ascended  in 
a  tiny  column  at  first,  and  then  wound  round  in  spirals  which 

nana's  daughter.  145 

eventually  reached  the  ceiling,  forming  a  compact  mass  above 
the  chandelier.  It  grow  thicker  and  thicker,  and  suddenly  the 
mirror  set  in  a  crystal  frame  enriched  with  amethysts,  became 
clouded,  and  reflected  but  a  hazy  light.  The  heat  was  increas- 
ing, and  Andree  could  scarcely  breathe.  "What  was  the  cause 
of  this  ?  She  hastened  to  the  window  and  opened  it.  A  growing 
tumult  was  spreading  through  the  house.  People  could  be  heard 
precipitately  descending  the  grand  staircase.  And  then  there 
suddenly  arose  a  loud  cry  of  *'  Fire !  Fire  !  " 

Andiee  recognized  the  voice  of  Virginie,  the  maid,  who  in  her 
fright  was  screaming,  "  Help !  Help  !  "  out  of  the  bath-room 

At  the  same  time,  columns  of  smoke  escaped  from  the  low 
windows  in  the  basement  and  climbed  up  the  facade.  As  Andree 
stood  watching  them  she  saw  a  man  open  the  park  gate  and 
hasten  away.  Then  she  heard  a  fizzing  of  flames,  a  brazier-like 
crackling,  a  furious  concentrated  rumbling  of  confined  internal 
fire  rising  from  below ;  and  she  recognized  the  voice  of  Nana, 
exclaiming,  in  the  sandy  com-t-yard :  *'  We  must  deluge  the 
cellars  I  It  will  make  a  fine  punch !  " 

However  no  one  came  to  deliver  the  prisoner.  It  was  hoped, 
no  doubt,  that  the  fire  would  be  speedily  extinguished.  Three 
fire-engines  were  already  on  the  spot.  But  the  panes  of  all  the 
basement  windows  burst  out  in  turn,  and  blue  jets  of  flame 
escaped  through  the  apertures  and  ascended  to  the  roof.  In 
the  boudoir  meanwhile  a  dense  yeUow  smoke  filtered  through 
aU  the  joints  in  the  flooring,  through  the  rock-crystal  mantel- 
piece and  under  the  door,  rising  upward  until  it  reached  the 
smoke  that  had  preceded  it.  Soon  from  the  pendants  of  the 
chandelier  to  the  ceiling  there  was  but  one  dense  cloud. 

Andree  felt  seriously  alarmed.  She  was  afraid  that  she  would 
be  forgotten  in  the  disorder  of  such  a  panic ;  she  was  stifling, 
and  no  wonder,  for  the  heat  had  become  well  nigh  unbearable. 
Suddenly  a  loud  crash  resounded  in  the  direction  of  the  staircase, 
and  the  large  bay-window  of  stained  glass,  which  hghted  the 
monumental  steps,  was  tinged  with  a  ruddy  glow.  The  glass 
was  shivered  in  atoms.  A  huge  sheaf  of  flame  leaped  out  of  the 
broad  aperture  and  ascended  in  spirals  to  the  dark  sky  which  it 
illuminated  lugubriously.  At  this  moment  the  long-threatening 
storm  burst  f(jrth.  A  lightning  flash  darted  through  the  celestial 
space  and  the  solemn  roar  of  thmider  shook  the  window  panes 
of  the  boudoir.  The  walls  were  becoming  hot.  The  fire  had 
invaded  the  staircase,  and  it  was  reaching  the  conservatory 
wliere  all  the  glass  began  to  crack  and  fall.  A  fieiy  Aapor  full 
of  sparks  entered  by  the  window  which  Andree  had  left  open. 
Then  the  sparks  in  turn  flew  on  to  tlic  curtahis  and  riddled  then; 
with  black  holes,  fringed  by  incandescent  circles  whicU  con- 
stantly expanded. 

146  nana's  daughter. 

Andr6e  leaned  out  of  the  window  and  called  for  help.  But  the 
noise  of  the  engines,  the  fizzing  of  the  water  raining  over  the 
flames  —  now  spreading  throughout  the  main  building  —  and 
the  ndngled  cries  of  alarm  rising  in  the  night  effectually  drowned 
her  voice,  which  soon  grew  weaker  and  weaker. 


During  the  earlier  part  of  the  day  Luc  had  been  absent  from 
the  house,  for  Nana  had  entrusted  him  with  various  errands. 
He  had  returned  soon  after  the  altercation  between  Lucien 
Despretz  and  the  Marquis  D'Albigny,  and  one  of  his  first  duties 
had  been  to  go  and  ask  Nana  what  was  to  be  done  with  the 
young  man.  When  he  learned  the  name  of  Andr6e's  lover,  by 
the  card  which  Nana  handed  him,  he  was  seized  with  a  strange 
emotion.  This  card  was  identical  with  the  one  he  had  seen  on 
the  door  facing  the  Naviels'  rooms,  on  the  evening  when  Pierre 
had  saved  his  life.  The  name  of  Despretz  made  Luc  remorse- 
ful. Long  years  before,  he  had  lived  with  a  young  woman 
called  Ad^le  Despretz  whom  he  had  promised  to  marry.  He 
had  indeed  remained  seven  years  with  her,  and  had  then  sud- 
denly abandoned  her  to  hide  himself  in  the  country  during  three 
brief  months  with  Nana,  whom  D'Albigny  already  patronized. 
Nana's  amours  were  never  of  long  duration,  and  when  she  found 
herself  in  an  interesting  state  she  became  so  uifuriated  that  she 
discarded  Luc  and  returned  to  her  wealthier  protectors.  From 
that  moment  fortune  overwhelmed  her  with  favors,  just  as  it 
overwhelmed  Luc  with  misfortune.  Accused  of  theft,  thrown 
into  prison,  discharged  without  a  penny  in  his  pocket,  he  had 
become  in  turn  a  moimtebank,  a  beggar,  a  thief,  a  detective  and 
a  lackey. 

He  had  never  met  Mademoiselle  Despretz  since  he  had  aban- 
doned her  for  Nana,  and  he  had  lost  all  traces  of  her.  He  had 
merely  learned  some  years  afterward,  that  an  acquaintance  of 
his  had  met  her  one  day  in  the  Jardin  des  PI  antes  giving  her 
hand  to  a  little  boy  whom  she  called  Lucien.  Now  Luc  remem- 
bered very  well  that  she  had  often  said  to  him  :  "If  ever  we 
have  a  son  he  shall  bo  named  Lucien. " 

Some  time  afterward,  when  he  saw  M.  Lucien  Dcspretz's 
card  on  the  door  facing  the  Naviels'  apartment,  he  fled  precipi- 
tately in  the  fear  that  he  might  be  recognized  by  his  old  mistress 
—  that  is  supposing  this  M.  Lucien  were  the  son  of  AdWe  Des- 
pretz. Luc  had  returned  one  day  to  the  Rue  Crozatier  to  ask 
the  house  porter  if  there  was  a  Mademoiselle  AdcMe  Despretz 
among  the  tenants.  But  the  porter  answered,  "  We  only  have 
a  widow  Despretz  hero  and  she  hves  with  her  sou." 


Now,  if  the  yonng  follow  who  had  fallen  a  Aictiin  to  D'Al- 
bigny's  brutality  lived  with  his  mother,  aud  if  the  latter's  name 
were  Ad61e  a  very  peculiar  and  grievous  complication  might 
arise.  By  a  strange  fatality  Andr6e  was  but  the  adopted 
daughter  of  the  Naviol's ;  her  real  mother  was  Nana,  and  her 
real  father,  Luc.  And  Luc,  according  to  all  probaljility,  was 
also  the  father  of  Lucien  Despretz  who  asked  for  Androe's  hand. 
If  that  were  the  case,  the  marriage  became  an  impossibility. 
Although  Luc  was  accustomed  to  suffering,  a  poignant  emotion 
tortured  his  heart  at  this  thought.  It  seemed  to  him  as  if  some 
terrible  fatality  hovered  over  his  life,  over  all  he  had  ever 
known  or  loved.  And  Androe,  little  Andreo  before  whom  he 
(lid  not  wish  to  blush,  seemed  caught  in  the  tangled  skein  of 
his  lamentable  career.  He  had  resolved  to  conceal  from  her  the 
painful  tie  of  relationship  between  them,  but  he  could  not  suffer 
such  a  marriage  as  was  contemplated.  And  at  this  thought  ho 
was  seized  with  an  invincible  longing  to  ascertain  whether  his 
presentiments  were  correct  or  not. 

With  his  mind  in  a  state  of  utter  confusion  he  darted  to  the 
spot  where  his  fellow  servant  had  removed  the  injured  man. 
Lucien  had  just  recovered  from  his  fainting  fit  when  Luc  arrived 
saying  to  the  other  lackey,  "  I  am  going  to  take  this  young  fel- 
low home.    Will  you  go  and  fetch  me  a  cab  ?  " 

The  footman'gt'arted  off  and  soon  returned  exclaiming :  "  The 
cab's  outside,  old  fellow. " 

**  All  right ;  thanks.    Just  help  me  to  put  him  inside. " 

Between  the  pair  of  them  they  carried  Lucien  to  the  vehicle, 
and  installed  him  as  comfortably  as  possible  on  the  back  seat. 
Luc  placed  himself  in  front  and  gave  the  address  in  the  Hue 
Crozatior.  As  they  rolled  along  ho  could  not  help  thinking  of 
all  the  evil  which  his  mad  passion  for  this  woman.  Nana,  had 
caused  him  to  commit,  of  the  misfortunes  which  this  same  pas- 
sion had  brought  upon  himself  and  upon  others,  of  the  eternal 
mourning  which  would  shroud  so  much  domestic  happiness,  of 
the  moral  ruin  of  the  men  to  whom  Nana  had  inoculated  her 
own  depravity,  and  of  the  material  ruin  she  had  effected  by  her 
extravagance  and  vice.  His  mind  was  tortured  by  the  thought 
that  it  was  impossible  for  these  two  young  beings,  so  loving,  so 
upright  and  heroic  in  the  face  of  unjust  fatality,  to  marry  and 
be  happy.  And  to  complete  the  abomination,  Andr6e's  infam- 
ous mother  wished  to  drag  her  into  depravity,  and  the  marquis 
would  perhaps  cause  the  death  of  Lucien  Despretz.  Fortu- 
nately Luc  exaggerated  the  gravity  of  the  injuries  which  the 
young  man  had  sustained.  He  was  better  already.  He  had 
already  recovered  consciousness  when  the  vehicle  started,  and 
on  reaching  the  Rue  Crozatier,  Luc  helped  him  into  the  house- 
porter's  room  and  seated  him  in  an  arm-chair. 

148  nana's  daughter. 

"  On  what  floor  does  Madame  Despretz  live  ?  "  asked  Nana's 

"  Third  floor  to  the  left,"  was  the  reply 

Luc  bounded  up  the  first  flight,  but  on  reaching  the  second 
one  he  paused  at  every  step,  asking  himself  how  he  should  pre- 
pare the  young  fellow's  mother  for  the  bad  news  he  brought 
her.  At  last  he  rang  the  bell,  and  heard  some  footsteps  slowly 
approaching  the  door.  For  a  moment  his  heart  stopped  boat- 
ing, but  the  door  opened  and  Madame  Despretz  showed  her 
gentle  face,  cro-mied  betimes  with  white  hair. 

"  Are  you  Madame  Ad^le  Despretz  ? "  asked  Luc,  in  a 
trembling  voice. 

"  Yes,  I  am  called  AdMe  Despretz.  What  do  you  desire, 

"  I  have  come  —  excuse  me,  madame,  I  am  frightfiilly  troubled 
—  but  your  son. " 

"  Has  any  misfortune  happened  to  Lucien  ?  " 

"  Oh  1  it  isn't  serious,  madame." 

"  My  son  is  injured !  where  is  he,  sir,  where  is  ho  ?  " 

*'  In  the  porter's  room. " 

On  hearing  this,  Madame  Despretz  did  not  tarry.  She  was 
anxious  to  succor  the  son  she  loved  so  well.  This  woman, 
whom  grief  had  aged  so  rapidly  and  whose  vital  spring  had 
seemed  broken,  suddenly  recovered  all  her  girlish  agility.  Luc 
hstened  for  a  moment  to  the  swift  pit-a-pat  of  her  sUppers  as 
she  vanished  down  the  winding  staircase,  and  then  he  followed 
her  to  assist  the  porter  in  bringing  the  injured  man  up  to  his 
room.  Between  them  they  carried  him  to  his  bed  taking  every 
precaution  to  avoid  shaking  him. 

"  It  is  nothing,  mother,"  said  Lucien  in  a  weak  voice  when  he 
saw  her  at  the  bedside,  looking  at  him  with  the  tears  streaming 
down  her  face. 

"  Is  that  true  ?    Don't  try  to  quiet  me  by  deceiving  mo. " 

"  No,  I  assure  you,  it's  nothing,  mother.  I  don't  suffer, "  he 

The  porter  wont  out  to  buy  some  vulnerary  at  the  herbalists, 
and  Luc  remained  standing  near  the  bed,  gazing  sorrowfully  at 
the  mother  and  the  son.  But  little  daylight  entered  the  room 
through  the  curtained  window  which  overlooked  the  narrow 
depths  of  an  inner  courtyard.  There  was  something  claustral 
about  the  aspect  of  this  bachelor's  apartment.  You  might  havo 
fancied  yourself  in  a  novice's  cell.  A  white  deal  table  served  as 
a  washstand.  A  rush-bottomed  chair  stood  against  the  wall. 
On  a  walnut  chest  of  drawers  there  were  some  books  —  school 
prizes  with  gilt  edges  —  and  behind  the  door  some  old  clothes 
were  hanging  from  a  couple  of  pegs.  As  the  ox-clowii  stood 
gazing  on  the  scene,  the  soleuui  room,  the  grie\iug  mother,  the 
injured  lad,  a  silent  tear  coursed  slowly  down  his  cheek.  Lucien 

nana's  daughter.  149 

noticed  it  and  felt  surprisod  tliat  one  of  his  adversary's  sorvauts 
should  evince  so  much  sympathy. 

"I  am  greatly  touched  by  your  sohcitudo,  my  friend,"  ho 
said.    **  Who  arc  you,  pray?  " 

"  You  can  see  by  my  livery  that  I  am  in  the  service  of  the 
woman  whoso  lover " 

*'  Ah !  I'm  sure  of  it  now !  He  has  fought  with  that  man  on 
accoimt  of  Andr6o !  "  interrupted  Madame  Despretz.  "  Yes, 
that  must  be  it!  The  Naviels  did  very  wrong  to  let  their 
daughter  visit  that  woman.  Nana. " 

''  Yes,  mother,  they  did  wrong,"  said  Lucien,  "  and  that  was 
my  opinion  at  the  time.  And  now  that  infamous  creature. 
Nana,  pretends  that  Audroe  was  seduced  by  D'Albigny  on  the 
day  she  consented  to  lunch  with  them." 

"  That  is  false,  for  I  was  there !  "  cried  Luc. 

"  But  what  is  true,  unfortunately,"  rejoined  Lucien,  "  is  that 
Andree  is  not  a  ^irtuous  woman's  daughter. " 

"  What  do  you  mean,  Lucien  ?  "  asked  Madame  Despretz. 

"  Andree  is  Nana's  daughter. " 

"  That  is  impossible.    My  God  I    He  is  delirious. " 

"No,  madame,"  said  Luc,  "  it  is  quite  true.  This  marriage 
is  quite  impossible  now. " 

"  And  yet  Mademoiselle  Andr6e  may  be  a  virtuous  girl,  even 
if  she  is  the  daughter  of  a  worthless  woman.  A  scoundrel's  son 
may  become  an  honest  lad.  My  poor  Lucien,  who  is  honesty 
incarnate,  had  a  scoundrel,  a  coward,  for  Ms  father." 

The  lackey's  pale  face  became  livid,  and  he  stammered  in  a 
husky  voice :  "  Why  do  you  teach  your  son  to  curse  his  father? 
How  do  you  know  that  the  man  you  speak  of  hasn't  led  a  miser- 
able life  ?  " 

"  He  has  never  suffered  as  much  as  I  have !  Look  at  me. 
My  hair  is  white,  and  yet  I  am  barely  five-and-forty !  Ah,  I've 
learned  to  know  men  —  to  know  how  little  they  are  worth." 

"  So  be  it,  curse  and  disown  the  scamp !  Crush  his  name  and 
honor  and  everything  under  your  feet.  You  are  quite  right  in 
doing  so,  madame !  The  fellow  who  broke  your  heart  can  only 
have  been  a  scoundrel.  But,  ui  the  name  of  heaven,  don't  talk. 
Uke  that  before  the  flesh  of  his  flesh !  " 

In  his  trouble,  Luc,  who  was  anxious  to  get  away,  mistook 
one  door  for  another  and  found  himself  in  an  adjoioing  room. 
Madame  Despretz  followed  him  there  to  show  him  out.  But 
scarcely  was  he  alone  with  her  than  he  threw  himself  at  her 
feet,  and  striking  his  forehead  against  the  floor,  he  stammered 
in  a  whisper,  "  Yes,  I  am  a  scoundrel !  Forgive  me !  Forgive 
me,  Ad^le  I  Curse  me,  curse  me ;  I  am  Luc  —  recognize  me 
only  to  tiun  me  out.  But  never,  I  beg  of  you,  never  in  presence 
of  that  honest  yoimg  fellow,  never  speak  evil  of  his  father  —  let 
him  remain  ignorant  of  everything.    If  he  questions  yoU;  tell 

I50  nana's  daughter. 

him  that  you  don't  know  what  has  become  of  his  father ;  that  he 
is  probably  dead,  yes,  dead,  do  you  hear  f  And  death  would  be 
the  best  thing  for  a  Judas  like  me. " 

Madame  Despretz  seemed  transfigured.  In  one  minute  she 
had  regained  a  youthful  air,  and  her  features,  usually  expressive 
of  mingled  sadness  and  hmnility,  were  now  all  aglow  with  indig- 
nation. "  Ah  I  I  recognize  you  now,"  she  cried.  "  What!  you 
are  the  man  —  you  say  you  are  —  and  you  dare  to  come  here  I 
And  you  can  no  longer  find  the  door  to  leave.  Go  —  there 
it  is !  " 

When  Lucien  Despretz  found  himself  alone  with  his  mother 
he  told  her  what  had  happened.  Nana  asserted  her  rights  over 
Andr^e,  as  if  she  could  have  any  rights  over  a  child  she  had 
abandoned.  And  more  than  that,  the  young  girl  was  sequest- 
ered by  Nana,  and  not  allowed  to  leave  the  house.  D'Albigny 
had  cynically  proclaimed  his  hopes,  and  it  was  evident  enough 
that  the  poor  girl's  honor  was  seriously  threatened.  The 
Naviels  must  therefore  be  warned  at  once.  Madame  Despretz 
did  not  like  to  leave  her  son  alone,  in  his  present  state  of  weak- 
ness, especially,  but  Lucien  kept  on  begging  her  to  go  and  con- 
sult Madame  Naviel  in  view  of  eflecting  Andrde's  release.  The 
young  fellow  and  his  mother  were  uncertain  as  to  the  law  in 
such  a  case,  for  the  Naviels  were  only  the  adoptive  parents, 
while  Nana  could  prove  that  she  was  the  real  mother  of  the  girl 
whom  she  sought  to  detain  in  her  power. 

"  I  am  afraid  that  you  have  some  great  sorrow  in  store  for 
you,  my  poor  boy, "  said  Madame  Despretz.  "  Perhaps  this 
woman,  with  her  artful  language  and  her  brilliant  offers,  will 
triumph  over  Andree's  resistance.  She  is  a  pretty,  amiable  and 
good-natured  girl,  no  doubt,  but  she  is  also  rather  coquettish 
and  adventurous;  and  her  imagination  sets  to  work  at  the 
shghtest  opportunity.    You  must  be  on  your  guard,  my  son. " 

"  You  will  make  me  feel  desperate,  mother,  if  you  talk  like 
that, "  interrupted  Lucien.  "  Come,  make  haste  and  go  and 
warn  Andree's  parents.  If  D'Albigny  has  to  deal  with  Naviel, 
he  will  find  some  one  to  answer  him. " 

At  this  moment  the  porter  came  up  with. a  cup  of  warm  tisane. 
"  There,  Monsieur  Despretz,  drink  that, "  said  the  worthy 
fellow  —  an  old  soldier  who  now  combined  the  duties  of  a  post- 
man with  those  of  a  house-porter.  "  Drink  that ;  there's  noth- 
ing better  for  a  bad  blow.  If  you  have  to  go  out,  Madame 
Despretz,  don't  let  this  accident  detain  you.  I'll  stay  up-staira 
with  your  son,  and  my  wife  will  attend  to  the  front  do  or  mean- 

"  I  accept  your  offer  gratefully.  I  shall  take  a  cab  so  as  to  be 
back  sooner,"  replied  the  widow. 

She  hastily  dressed,  put  on  a  black  shawl  and  a  plain  bonnet, 
and  went  off,  leaving  Lucien  in  charge  of  the  friendly  porter. 

nana's  daughter.  151 

Forty  minutes  later  the  cab  she  had  taken  drew  up  at  the 
Naviels'  door. 

Madame  Despretz  gave  a  loud  ring,  which  was  immediately 
answered  by  Margot.  "  Has  Mademoiselle  Audr6e  come  home  ?  " 
the  old  lady  asked  of  the  work-girl. 

"  No,  madame ;  and  indeed  Madame  Naviel  is  really  anxious 
about  her.  But  come  iu,  pray ;  I  will  go  and  tell  her  that  you 
are  there." 

"  Don't  disturb  her,  I  can  talk  to  her  very  well  in  the  work- 
room. " 

"  Where  is  Andr6e !  "  asked  Madame  Naviel  as  soon  as  she 
saw  Lucien's  mother. 

"At  Nana's." 

"  What  1  since  this  morning?  " 

"  Yes,  my  dear  Madame  Naviel,  and  my  son,  my  poor  Lucien, 
was  almost  murdered  there  by  a  man  named  D'Albigny " 

'*  The  Marquis  d'Albigny  ?  " 

"  He  nearly  killed  him  with  a  blow  on  the  chest.  As  for 
Andr^e,  Nana  pretends  you  are  not  her  mother.  She  says,  in 
fact,  that  Andr6e  is  her  child." 

"  It  is  quite  true,  Andr6e  is  only  my  adopted  daughter ;  but  I 
fancy  that  I  have  been  more  of  a  mother  to  her  than  that  woman, 
who,  although  she  may  roll  in  gold,  nevertheless  sent  her  baby 
to  the  Foundling  Hospital,  by  a  servant.  We  had  no  children, 
Naviel  and  I,  and  no  hopes  of  having  any,  for  I  had  met  with  a 
sad  accident.  We  were  dreadfully  lonely,  as  you  can  imagine, 
the  more  so  as  we  were  both  very  fond  of  children.  Well,  at 
last  we  thought  of  adopting  one,  and  Naviel  went  to  the  Found- 
ling Hospital  and  chose  a  girl.  I  should  have  preferred  a  boy, 
but  he  was  the  master,  and  ho  did  as  he  liked.  When  they 
showed  him  the  baby  they  told  him  that  she  was  that  woman's 
daughter,  but  he  took  her  all  the  same.  She  was  such  a  pretty 
little  thing,  and  from  that  time  tiU  now  we  have  never  had  cause 
to  complain  of  her.  So  we  want  to  keep  her  with  us  until  she 
is  married.  That's  the  least  return  due  us  after  all  the  care  we 
have  taken  of  her,  and  besides,  my  husband  was  told  that  the 
real  mother  no  longer  had  any  right  over  her. " 

At  this  moment  the  door  opened,  and  Pierre  Naviel  came  in. 
"  Do  you  know  what  has  happened?  "  he  asked  of  his  wife. 

"  Nothing  pleasant,  surely." 

"  Oh  1  it  won't  affect  us  much,  but  it  will  give  some  work  to 
the  carpenters,  plumber  and  glaziers." 

"  What's  the  matter,  then,  what  are  you  talking  of?  " 

"  Why  I  have  just  seen  three  fire-engines  dashing  up  toward 
the  Pare  Monceau." 

As  Naviel  spoke  a  ruddy  glare  streamed  through  the  window 
of  the  work-room,  and  all  the  girls  rose  up  to  go  and  look  at  the 
fire.    Beyond  the  trees  of  the  Pare  MonceaU;  against  the  dense 

152  nana's  daughter. 

blackness  of  the  stormy  sky,  a  column  of  lurid  smoke  was  rising, 
with  thousands  of  sparks  whirling  round  and  roimd  in  its  midst. 
At  the  same  time  a  formidable  storm  burst  over  the  city,  and 
the  thunder  began  to  growl. 

"  Doesn't  it  just  burn,"  remarked  Margot. 

**  There's  no  mistake  about  that,"  rephed  the  others. 

Madame  Naviel  had  drawn  her  husband  aside  and  was  speak- 
ing to  hhn  in  an  undertone.  Suddenly  he  broke  out  into  a 
volley  of  oaths:  "  Why,  curse  it  all !  "  he  cried,  **  the  fire's  at 
that  very  woman's  house.  A  fireman  told  me  so.  And  you  say 
that  our  girl  is  still  there  ?    Ah  I  curse  it !  curse  it !  " 

"Would  you  believe,  Monsieur  Naviel,"  exclaimed  Madame 
Despretz,  "  that  Nana's  marquis  almost  killed  my  son  because 
he  wanted  to  bring  Andree  away?  " 

"  Ah!  I  see  through  their  httle  game !  Curse  them  both,  the 
harlot  and  her  bully !  "  fiercely  cried  Pierre,  as  he  rushed  out  of 
the  house.  "  They  shall  pay  for  it  with  their  skuis.  The  pair 
of  reprobates !  I'll  do  for  them.  I'll  tear  ofi"  their  flesh  till  I  see 
the  color  of  their  bones !  " 

He  went  on  through  the  side  streets  at  a  fast  pace.  The 
rumbhng-like  noise  of  a  furnace  filled  the  air,  which  smeUed  more 
and  more  strongly  of  fire.  You  could  hear  a  crashing  as  of  fall- 
ing glass,  and  a  crackling  as  of  flaming  woodwork.  The  storm 
was  now  growing  more  distant,  and  the  lightning  flashed  at 
longer  intervals.  Suddenly  the  rain  ceased  falling,  and  then 
amid  the  noise  of  the  conflagration  one  could  hear  the  shouts  of 
the  firemen,  the  cries  of  alarm,  and  the  bugle  calls  of  a  trump- 
eter, who,  standing  on  a  garden  wall,  transmitted  the  orders  of 
his  oflBcers.  M.  Naviel  had  just  passed  through  the  gate  con- 
ducting into  Nana's  grounds,  when  a  commissary  of  police  asked 
him  where  he  was  going.  "I  am  looking  for  my  daughter," 
rephed  Naviel.  "  She  took  some  work  here  to-day,  and  hasn't 
returned  home  since." 

"  It  seems  that  several  persons  have  been  seen  entering  the 
house  —  and  nobody  knows  whether  they  have  left  or  not.  It  is 
feared  some  of  them  may  have  been  burned  to  death.  A  minute 
ago  a  footman  climbed  in  by  the  ladder,  which  you  can  see 
below  that  window " 

"  Very  good,  sir ;  I  shall  do  the  same. " 


Whei^  Nana  left  the  marquis  and  Andr6e  together,  she 
returned  into  her  room  to  dress,  for  she  was  expecting  a  visit 
from  the  rajah.  Ho  arrived  a  few  minutes  after  the  Prince  of 
Mulhausen,  and  seemed  very  tired.    He  bowed  coldly  to  the 

nana's  daughter.  1 


German,  and  then  sank  at  once  into  an  arm-cnair.  Nana  went 
to  him,  sat  herself  on  his  knees,  and  kissed  him  repeatedly, 
desi)ite  the  presence  of  Mulhausen,  who  hardly  liked  it,  I'ur  it 
clashed  with  his  own  pretensions  as  a  woman-kUler.  In  his 
vexation  ho  began  walking  heavily  up  and  down,  from  the  bed 
to  the  window,  making  the  floor  creak  under  his  weigh.  Nana 
looked  up  at  once,  and  said  to  him,  "  Will  you  go  and  find  the 
marquis  f    Take  him  to  dine  somewhere,  and  toll  him " 

**  That  you  no  longer  belong  to  us?  That's  what  you  mean, 
my  dear,  isn't  it?  " 

"  Quite  so,  that  is  It,  yes,  that  is  it,"  rejoined  Nana,  with  a 
nervous  little  laugh ;  and  she  held  out  her  hand  to  the  prince, 
who  stooped  to  kiss  her  on  the  arm,  and  then  lighted  a  cigar  at 
the  chandelier. 

"  You  see  I  turn  them  off,"  said  Nana  to  the  Hindu,  as  soon 
as  they  were  alone  together, 

"  Yes, "  he  rephed,  with  a  sigh,  and,  handing  her  a  Russian- 
leather  portfolio,  he  added:  "  take  this,  and  thanks." 

She  neghgently  threw  the  portfolio  into  the  drawer  of  a 
chefibnier,  and  rejoined,  "  You  are  really  a  dear  little  man,  and 
I'm  very  pleased  with  you.  My  house  belongs  to  you,  my  serv- 
ants are  at  your  orders,  and  I  myself  am  yours." 

"  Mine  alone?  "  asked  the  rajah. 

"  Naturally, "  said  Nana ;  and  then  inhaling  the  atmosphere 
with  her  sensual  mobile  nostrils,  she  added,  "  dear  me,  how 
strange  it  smeUsl    Don't  you  think  so?  " 

"  No — I  only  smell  the  perfume  of  your  hair." 

"  It's  funny,  I  thought  I  smelled  some  smoke.  How  soon  it  has 
grown  dark !  We  are  going  to  have  a  storm.  How  pleasant  to 
remain  here  with  my  handsome  prince,  my  handsome  rajah." 

She  was  interrupted  by  a  hghtning  flash  which  darted 
diagonally  ecross  the  window,  and  at  the  same  moment  the 
Prince  of  Mulhausen  re-entered  the  room.  "  The  house  is  on 
fire !  "  he  exclaimed,  in  a  voice  husky  with  emotion. 

"What  of  that?"  rejomed  Nana,  harshly.  "It's  no  reason 
•why  you  should  take  my  room  for  an  omnibus.  Where's 
D'Albigny?  " 

"  In  his  room." 

"  He  doesn't  lose  his  head  at  all  events.  Come,  gentlemen,  let 
us  see  what  is  the  matter. " 

She  rang  the  bell,  but  no  servant  came.  Then  rising  to  her 
feet  she  went  through  the  ante-room  toward  the  grand  staircase. 
But  scarcely  had  she  opened  the  door  than  a  cloud  of  yellow 
smoke  swept  in  and  almost  suffocated  her.  "Dear  me,"  she 
Baid,  "  we  might  stifle  here  !  " 

"  Where  is  the  servants'  staircase? "  asked  Mulhausen,  with  a 
terrified  air. 

Nana's  Daughter  10. 

154  nana's  daughter. 

"  It  isn't  a  question  of  the  stairs.  Go  and  fetch  D'Alhigny.  I 
want  him." 

Mulhausen  did  not,  or  -vTonld  not,  understand  her,  but 
remained  rooted  on  the  spot.  So  Nana  decided  to  act  herself, 
and  hastened,  alone,  into  the  marquis'  private  rooms.  He  was 
no  longer  there,  and  the  apartments  were  so  full  of  smoke  that 
she  retraced  her  steps,  and  joined  the  prince  and  the  rajah  in 
the  ante-room.  "Lotus  go  down,"  she  said.  "  D'Alhigny  is 
probably  below. "  And  she  again  opened  the  door  communi- 
cating with  the  landing  of  the  grand  staircase.  The  light  of  the 
chandelier  could  not  be  detected,  so  thick  was  the  smoke,  above 
which  the  tall  exotic  plants  barely  reared  their  topmost  leaves. 
Suddenly  a  crash  below  was  heard,  and  between  the  double 
llight  of  pink  marble  steps  a  winding  column  of  blue  flames 
leaped  with  a  bound  to  the  topmost  ceiling,  the  frescoes  of  which 
peeled  off  and  fell  below  in  fragments.  Nana  precipitately 
returned  into  the  ante-room,  and  closed  the  door  behind  her. 

"  I  think  that  we  are  done  for,"  gasped  the  German,  much  as 
he  had  done  on  the  day  of  the  review.  "  You  wiU  certainly  be 
the  cause  of  my  death.  Nana. " 

She  laughed  nervously,  and  replied ;  "  Or  else  you  will  be  the 
cause  of  mine.  Which  could  be  the  greater  misfortune  do 
you  think  f  I  fancy,  my  poor  Mulhausen,  that  it  would  be 
easier  to  find  another  prince  like  you  than  another  woman  hke 

"  I  don't  think  there  is  anything  to  laugh  about,"  retorted 
Mulhausen,  whose  vanity  was  wounded. 

"Come,"  said  Nana,  "follow  me."  And  she  guided  them 
along  a  narrow  passage  which  led  to  the  servants'  staircase,  and 
the  domestic  offices.  As  they  went  onward  in  Indian  file,  the 
smoke  grew  thicker  and  thicker,  and  the  walls  became  extremely 
hot.  Reaching  the  staircase  at  last  they  swiftly  descended  it 
and  left  the  house. 

The  conflagration  was  now  gaining  the  first  floor  from  the 
conservatory.  Four  lofty  windows  were  suddenly  illuminated 
with  a  ruddy  glow,  the  window  panes  blew  into  fragments,  and 
leaping  tongues  of  flame  darted  out  with  an  angry  roar. 

"  Dash  it  all?  "  said  Nana  suddenly  to  the  rajah,  "  why  you 
have  forgotten  your  securities  in  my  room. " 

The  rajah  raised  his  arms  to  the  sky,  which  the  conflagration 
had  illuminated  with  a  blood-like  reflection.  "  It  was  written," 
he  sighed,  "  it  was  written  that  I  should  be  ruined  in  your 
house. " 

"  But  my  room  is  not  yet  on  fire.  Go  and  fetch  the  bonds, 
rajah.     Go  and  fetch  the  bonds,"  she  ordered,  harshly. 

The  Hindu  gave  her  a  glance  full  of  bitter  resignation.  "  Is 
that  your  love,  daughter  of  Paris '!  "  he  murmured  ;  and  then  he 
bounded  up  the  servants'  staircase,  and  disappeared  amid  the 

nana's  daughter.  I5y 

smoke.  The  darkness  was  so  complete  that  1\ ,  Bj^j>e61\j  lost  his 
way,  and  groped  about  for  some  time  in  utter '  ignorance  of  his 
hearings.  Tlis  breath  had  just  begun  to  fail  him,  when  ho  found 
himself  in  front  of  a  door,  under  which  a  faint  ray  of  light  was 
filtering.  He  could  hear  the  roar  of  the  flames  in  the  adjacent 
gallery,  and  the  whole  mansion  seemed  to  quiver  in  the  embrace 
of  the  conflagration.  Bravo  as  he  was  he  decided  that  it  was 
better  to  retire,  and  tried  to  open  the  door  in  front  of  him.  But 
he  found  that  it  was  locked. 

"  Help !  "  cried  a  woman's  voice  on  the  other  side,  "  I  am  shut 
in  here.    Whoever  you  may  be,  save  me  !  " 

The  rajah  started.  The  sound  of  this  voice  suddenly  troubled 
him.  But  recovering  his  self-possession,  he  threw  himself  with 
all  his  strength  against  the  door,  and  drove  it  inward  with  his 
shoulder.  Andr(5e  Naviel  stood  before  him  in  the  dim  lamp- 
light. She  seemed  taller  amid  the  clouds  that  surrounded  her; 
the  splendor  of  her  youthful  beauty  was  softened  by  the  opaque 
atmosphere,  and  looked  like  some  radiant  apparition  of  the  Holy 
Virgin.  For  a  moment  the  Hindu  stood  still,  absolutely  fascin- 
ated; then  stepping  forward,  "  I  thank  my  destiny,"  he  said,  in 
a  grave  voice,  "  for  having  led  me  here  so  that  I  might  save 
you. " 

"  Can  we  leave  the  house,  sir  ?  " 

"  With  you,  death  would  not  appal  me. " 

"  Who  are  you,  sir?  " 

"  I  was  the  friend  of  Nana." 

"  The  rajah  ?  " 

"Yes;  I  had  placed  my  whole  soul  and  my  whole  fortune  in 
this  house.  If  I  can  snatch  you  from  the  peril,  my  soul  wfll  be 
saved  with  you. " 

"  But  you  must  save  what  belongs  to  you,  if  there  is  still  time, 

"  I  left  all  my  bonds  and  securities  in  Nana's  room  scarcely  an 
hour  ago. " 

"  You  must  save  them,  then.    Let  us  go  there. " 

They  speedily  reached  Nana's  apartment,  but  scarcely  had 
they  entered  it  than  a  formidable  detonation  was  heard  in  the 
basement,  and  the  lights  of  the  chandeher  were  suddenly 
extinguished.  The  gas  meter  had  just  exploded.  Despite  the 
obscurity,  however,  the  Hindu  succeeded  in  reaching  the  chef- 
fonier,  in  which  Nana  had  deposited  the  securities.  He  felt  for 
his  portfolio,  found  it,  and  then  at  once  drew  Andr6e  into  the 
ante-chamber,  so  as  to  reach  the  passage  conducting  to  the 
servants'  staircase.  The  heat  was  increasing,  and  the  walls 
were  now  extremely  hot.  There  was  a  smell  of  scorched  wool 
about  the  old  Aubusson  tapestry.  The  folding  doors  communi- 
cating with  the  grand  staircase  were  bending  and  cracking 
under  the  onslaught  of  the  flames  which  leaped  up  between  the 

156  nana's  daughter. 

marble  steps.  Suddenly  the  doors  parted  in  the  middle,  and  fell 
in  burning  fragments,  which  at  once  set  fire  to  the  hangings  in 
the  ante- chamber.  Dartmg  along  the  walls,  the  llames  soon 
reached  the  threshold  of  Nana's  bedroom ;  and  at  the  same 
moment  the  chandeher  of  the  grand  staircase  was  precipitated 
onto  the  mosaic  pavement  of  the  vestibule,  and  shivered  to 
atoms  with  a  terrific  crash. 


WHE5f  D'Albigny  left  Andr6e  he  was  not  aware  that  Nana 
meant  to  stay  at  home  with  the  rajah;  he  fancied  she  would 
go  to  the  circus  as  was  usual  every  Saturday  evening,  so  he 
arrayed  himself  in  a  dress-coat  and  a  white  cravat.  He  had 
very  serious  thoughts  of  marrying  Andr6e  Naviel,  even  if  he  had 
to  cast  Nana  overboard.  Andr6e  was  Nana  in  her  youth  again, 
and  despite  her  acquired  virtue  he  divined  in  her  natm-e  a  fatal 
germ  transmitted  by  her  mother.  Now  he  wished  to  turn  this 
germ  of  evil  to  his  personal  advantage,  and  he  was  deceiving 
Nana  when  he  told  her  that  he  meant  her  to  share  the  profits  of 
his  scheme.  In  reaUty  he  intended  to  avail  himself  of  her  mater- 
nal rights  to  separate  Andree  from  the  Naviels.  But  as  soon  as 
marriage  had  invested  him  with  paramount  authority  over  the 
young  girl,  he  meant  to  carry  out  a  plan,  an  infamous  plan,  in 
the  fruits  of  which  Nana  herself  would  have  no  share. 

Under  present  circumstances,  however,  it  was  necessary  that 
he  should  remain  on  good  terms  with  her;  for  she  understood  a 
luxurious  life  so  well,  she  was  so  expert  in  "  business  "  matters, 
she  had  such  a  haughty  contempt  for  honest  prejudices,  and 
she  braved  everything  so  boldly.  The  skillful  way  in  which  she 
led  men  by  their  passions,  artfully  flattering  their  petty  pride, 
made  her  a  fitting  accomphce  for  such  a  man  as  D'Albigny.  She 
was  set  in  such  a  splendid  frame,  moreover,  hving  in  regal  luxury, 
in  a  perfect  palace,  which,  in  carrying  out  an  intrigue,  was 
especially  fitted  to  smooth  difficulties  and  awaken  admiration. 
The  house,  the  furniture  and  the  works  of  art  were  all  in  her 
name,  and  although  D'Albigny  was  apparently  at  home,  he  was 
in  reality  her  dependent.  The  semblance  of  opulence  which  the 
marquis  derived  by  this  life  in  common  with  the  courtesan, 
greatly  facihtated  his  stock  exchange  speculations,  for  it  trebled 
his  credit.  The  man  who  was  supposed  to  '*  keep "  Nana 
inspired  fools  with  unlimited  confidence. 

And  yet,  he  none  the  less. thought  of  replacmg  her.  Old  age 
was  approaching,  and  when  she  had  no  more  lovers  to  eat  up 
she  would  make  but  a  mouthful  of  the  house  where  D'Albigny 
had  established  his  headquarters.    So  he  must  look  ahead,  find 


another  Nana,  marry  her  if  needs  be,  attract  her  by  the  pros- 
pect of  a  title  and  a  life  of  luxury.  He  cared  very  little  about 
what  means  ho  employed  so  long  as  he  attained  his  end.  He 
was  by  no  means  displeased  with  the  idea  of  marriage  such  as 
he  understood  it;  and  indeed  ho  would  have  resorted  to  any 
sacrament  that  he  cor  Id  have  twisted  to  his  use.  Later  on, 
when  Andree  was  launched  into  the  sphere  of  %'ice,  he  meant  to 
li(iuidate  Nana's  belongings,  and  send  her  to  live  in  the  country. 
But,  until  she  had  used  up  the  rajah  and  finished  Mulhausen, 
she  was  worth  what  they  estimated  her,  that  is  to  say  a  great 
deal  more  than  her  intrinsic  value.  This  was  the  reason  why 
D'Albigny  still  remained  Nana's  official  protector. 

He  was  interrupted  in  the  midst  of  his  reflections  by  the  cries 
of  alarm,  and  the  noise  of  flight  which  filled  the  house.  His  first 
impulse  was  to  place  all  his  jewelry  and  precious  papers  about 
his  person,  and  then  through  the  smoke  which  was  already  filling 
the  grand  staircase,  he  descended  into  the  park.  "  Where  is 
your  mistress?  "  he  asked  of  one  of  the  servants. 

"  In  her  room,"  was  the  reply. 


"  I  am  unable  to  say,  sir,  whether  she  received  any  one  or 

"  I  can  inform  you.  Monsieur  le  Marquis,"  said  Luc,  who  now 
drew  near.    *'  Madame  is  with  his  excellency,  the  rajah." 

**  Ah!  very  good." 

D'Albigny  wished  to  penetrate  into  the  cellars  where  the  fire 
had  first  broken  out,  but  he  was  obhged  to  beat  a  retreat,  so 
fast  was  the  conflagration  spreading.  A  short  time  afterward 
Nana  came  down  by  the  servants'  staircase  with  the  rajah  and 
Mulhausen.  The  Hindu  went  into  the  house  again  to  fetch  his 
securities,  and  a  few  minutes  afterward  the  marquis  handed  Luc 
a  key.  "  There  will  be  a  hundred  napoleons  for  you,"  said  he, 
"  if  you  save  Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviell  " 

"  What,  is  she  still  in  the  house? "  cried  Luc. 

"  Yes,  in  the  boudoir.  You  can  open  the  door  with  this 

At  this  moment  the  flames  began  to  stream  out  of  the  gallery 
windows  with  furious  impetuosity ;  and  soon  afterward  a  crash 
was  heard,  the  ceiling  of  the  grand  drawing-room  had  fallen  in. 
As  the  flames  reached  the  attics,  the  sheets  of  zinc  on  the  roof 
began  to  melt  and  poured,  incandescent,  down  the  walls.  The 
framework  in  its  turn  caught  fire  from  one  end  to  the  other  with 
frightful  rapidity.  Immense  red  sheets  of  flame  rose  up  into  the 
dark  sky,  where  the  storm  growled  at  intervals,  and  where  the 
clouds  themselves  seemed  to  be  on  fire.  Having  fixed  a  ladder 
against  the  window  of  Naua's  room,  Luc  sprang  up  the  rungs 
and  disappeared  amid  the  smoke. 

"Whjr  did  the  ra^ah  go  back  into  the  house!"  asked  th§ 

158  nana's  daughter. 

marquis  of  Nana,  who  was  just  ordering  the  head  coachman  to 
have  the  horses  removed  from  the  stables. 

**  I  sent  him  to  looli  for  his  securities  which  we  forgot  in  my 
room,  in  the  first  surprise. " 

*'  The  deuce!  Do  you  want  him  to  roast,  then?  "  grumbled 
the  marquis.  "  He  is  quite  capable  of  not  finding  your  room ; 
he  may  lose  himself  and  perish  miserably.  I  am  going  to  his 

"  You  are  mad,  D'Albigny.  I  am  at  a  loss  to  understand 
yon. " 

''  I  dare  say  so,  my  dear. "  And  he  added  between  his  teeth : 
"  If  it  were  only  a  question  of  saving  the  rajah !  " 

D'Albigny  now  tried  to  enter  the  house  in  his  turn,  but  the 
heat  in  the  narrow  passage  beyond  the  servants'  door  scorched 
his  face  so  badly  that  he  retreated,  and  coming  out  into  the 
court-yard,  approached  a  fire-engine,  dipped  his  handkerchief 
in  the  cold  water,  and  placed  it  over  his  face  like  a  mask.  Then 
once  more  he  darted  into  the  furnace,  through  the  smoke  and 
flying  sparks  which  swept  along  the  narrow  passage  leading  to 
the  ante-room  where  the  hot  plaster  of  the  ceiling  fell  onto  the 
burning  floor.  At  last,  however,  he  reached  Nana's  room. 
Whilst  speaking  to  the  courtesan  a  bright  idea  had  occurred  to 
him.  The  rajah  might  have  lost  his  way  in  the  house  and  have 
perished  in  his  endeavors  to  find  the  way  out.  In  that  case,  it 
was  advisable  that  he,  D'Albigny,  should  save  the  Hindu's 
securities  for  himself !  He  was  darting  toward  the  chefibnier 
with  this  object  in  view,  when  suddenly  through  the  lurid  smoke 
rising  from  the  basement  a  man  leaped  into  the  room  by  the  open 

**  Who  are  you  ?  "  asked  the  marquis. 

"  My  name  is  Naviel. " 

"  What  do  you  want  ?  " 

"  My  daughter." 

"  You  have  no  daughter  left,  my  finejfellow ;  I  intend  to'marry 

"  Ah  I  60  you  are  D'Albigny  ?    Where  is  she  ?  " 

"  That  only  concerns  her  mother  and  myself." 

"  All  right,  marquis.  I  have  heard  a  number  of  vile  stories 
about  you,  but  I  didn't  know  that  you  robbed  women  of  their 
honor.  But,  stop  a  bit,  there  are  some  fathers  who  don't 
tolerate  that,  but  who  break  the  jaws  of  scamps  like  you." 

"  In  the  first  place,  my  friend,  you  are  not  her  father. " 

"  Yes,  I  am ;  at  least  in  the  eyes  of  the  law,  and  by  right  of 
her  affection  and  respect. " 

"  In  spite  of  the  mother  who  bore  her  ?  " 

"  Yes,  sir,  in  spite  of  the  heartless  creatiu-e  who  abandoned 
her  when  she  ought  to  have  brought  her  up,  and  who  only 


claims  her  now  so  that  she  may  seU  her.  Come,  sir,  make  haste, 
tell  me  where  Aiidr6e is." 

"I  don't  know." 

It  You  lie '  " 

"  Do  you  know  how  I  treat  people  who  insult  me?  Just  ask 
that  young  fellow  who  came  here  this  mommg  for  Nanas 

'^'''"fou'aro  a  coward  to  have  struck  a  lad  who  hadn't  the 
strength  to  fight  with  you.    But  I  work  at  machinery,  and  if  I 
lay  my  hands  on  you  111  make  you  speak,  sure  enough. 
"Very  well,  then,  come  outside." 

"  You  shan't  go  out  until  I  know  where  my  daughter  is." 
"Then  we  shall  bo  burned  to  death."  .  .,      i       „f  „ 

"  Oh !  I'm  not  afraid  of  fire,  I  spend  my  days  at  the  door  ot  a 
furnace.    So  much  the  worse  for  you,  if  you  bum. 
"  Well,  stay  if  you  choose,  but  I  am  going.  _ 

"  For  the  last  time,  teU  me  where  my  daughter  is. 
"  I  shall  tell  you  nothing  of  the  kind. "  a     \^^ 

"  Scoundrel !  "  cried  Naviel,  who  was  now  fully  enraged.  And 
seizing  D'Albigny  by  the  throat  with  one  hand,  he  threw  him  on 
toNala's  bedfv^hile  with  the  other  he  tore  down  the  curtain 
cordons  to  garrot  him  with.  D'Albigny  tried  to  free  hmiself, 
but  Naviel's  hold  was  firm.  ,  „ 

'<  Rplpase  me  "  easned  the  marquis,  "  and  I'll  tell  you. 
T?e  mechanic  ?et^im  free.  But  with  sudden  tiger-like 
treachery  the  marquis  at  once  sprang  upon  his  adversary  and 
caucht  him  round  the  body.  The  attack  was  so  swift  that 
Sel  was  hfted  off  the  floor  and  stretched  on  his  back  before 
he  could  defend  himself.  At  this  moment  Nana-s  bed  caught 
fire  and  the  flames  swept  up  the  white-silk  hangings, 
embroWered  with  black  sphmxes,  enveloping  them  m  the  same 
bUze  from  the  carpet  to  the  ceihng.  Then  suddenly  the 
sUver-framed  Venetian  mirror  was  shattered  into  fragments 
^hich  feU  upon  the  statue  of  Time.    The  clock  unmediately 

'^Na^d  had  been  able  to  throw  his  arms  romid  the  marquis' 
neck  and  draw  him  down  with  him.  Now,  too,  he  twined  his 
fees  [ground  D'Albigny's,  and  paralyzed  his  movements.  For 
soSisecSslheyrlmaiiied  thus  clutching  hold  of  each  other, 
pXg  X  wild  beasts,  coiled  together  like  serpents  under  the 
snSkf  which  rained  from  the  ceiling  and  the  canopy  of  ruddy 
smoke     Suddenly  D'Albigny  shrieked  aloud :  "  Release  me  - 1 

^°'The?'£d  rolled  over  together.  Maddened  with  the  rage  of  a 
hPtraved  hon  Naviel,  undermost  at  first,  was  uppermost  now. 
Thrmarqms  was  stretched  on  his  stomach  on  the  burmng  floor 
and  theTchlnic's  knee  was  pressed  upon  his  loms.  Hol^g 
h^thu%  breathless,  Naviel  brought  bi«  wnsts  back  and  fa^t- 

i6o  nana's  daughter. 

ened  his  arms  together  at  the  elbows  with  the  silken  cord, 
which  he  had  previously  torn  from  the  bed- curtains, 

"  Murderer !  "  gasped  D'Albigny,  whose  convulsed  face  was 
horribly  scorched  by  the  burning  floor. 

"  Where  is  Andr6e  ?  "  asked  Naviel  again. 

"  Pick  me  up  and  follow  me." 

Naviel  helped  him  on  to  his  legs  and  they  then  tried  to  reach 
Nana's  boudoir.  But  it  was  already  too  late.  The  furious 
conflagration  had  invaded  every  passage.  The  floors  gave  way, 
the  mosaic  pavements  were  engulfed,  and  hungry  flames 
streamed  upward  in  one  vast  eruption.  At  this  moment  a  kind 
of  phantom,  with  a  blackened  face  and  singed  hair  darted 
toward  D'Albigny.  It  was  Luc.  "  Here  is  the  key  of  the 
boudoir,  sir,"  he  said.  "  She  is  no  longer  there.  I  found  the 
door  burst  open.  She  has  no  doubt  been  saved.  Let  us  think 
of  ourselves.    Time  presses. " 

"  If  the  little  one  has  suffered  by  your  fault,  you  miserable 
marquis,"  roared  Naviel,  in  a  threatening  voice,  *' I  shall  call 
you  to  account !  Remember  it,  and  now  decamp !  "  And 
pulling  out  his  pocket-knife,  he  cut  the  cords  which  bound 
D'Albigny's  arms. 

"  The  deuce !  The  floor  is  giving  way.  To  the  ladder, 
gentlemen,  to  the  ladder!  "  cried  Luc.  And  he  darted,  the  first, 
through  the  flames  which  were  filling  Nana's  room.  Naviel 
followed  him,  the  marquis  coming  last. 

They  all  three  climbed  on  to  the  balustrade  of  the  window, 
but  the  ladder  with  which  Luc  and  Naviel  had  reached  the  room 
was  no  longer  there  1  Their  situation  was  terrible,  and  it  was 
in  vain  that  they  called  for  help ;  for  a  veil  of  red  flame  and 
vapor  concealed  them  from  the  firemen  below.  Suddenly  the 
flooring  of  Nana's  room  gave  way  on  one  side,  forming  an  incan- 
descent crater.  All  the  furniture  glided  down  the  incline,  and, 
eventually,  the  flaming  bed  itself  toppled  over  into  the  fiery 
furnace.  The  huge  silver  eagle  disappeared  the  last.  Then  the 
flames  rushed  out  of  the  windows,  rising  like  fiery  tongues  to  a 
tremendous  height.  Luc,  Naviel  and  the  marquis  had  aban- 
doned the  window,  and  stood  upon  the  cornice,  but  the  wall 
was  growing  so  hot  that  they  could  no  longer  lean  against  it. 

"  Well,  so  much  the  worse,"  said  the  marquis,  suddenly,  "  I 
shall  jump  it. "  And  Luc  and  Naviel  saw  him  take  a  spring  and 
disappear  amid  the  smoke. 

"  I  see  a  ladder  at  the  window  of  the  fencing-hall,"  said  Luc 
to  Naviel,  pointing  at  the  wing  perpendicular  to  the  main  build- 
ing.   "  Do  you  think  you  can  walk  as  far  as  that  ?  " 

"  Let  us  try  at  all  events ;  if  I  can't  keep  up,  I  shall  jump  it." 

Accordingly,  with  their  faces  to  the  wall,  they  slowly  advanced 
along  the  coriilce.  On  the  way  they  found  three  windows  from 
which  the  flames  were  beginning  to  dart.    They  profited  by  a 

nana's  daughter.  l6i 

momentary  lull  to  pass  these  dangerous  points,  and  ■^yith  their 
hair  singed,  their  clothes  in  shreds  and  bad  burns  about  their 
booties,  they  finally  succeeded  in  reaching  the  ladder  which  Luc 
had  noticed  from  a  distance.  As  they  reached  the  ground 
they  shook  hands  and  parted  with  cordial  expressions  of  good 

Luc  at  once  went  to  help  the  firemen.  The  marquis  was  in 
the  front  rank,  and  as  soon  as  he  saw  the  valet  he  asked: 
"  What  has  become  of  that  scoundrel  who  was  with  us?  " 

"  Ho  got  down  with  me.  Monsieur  le  Marquis." 

"  It  was  very  lucky  you  were  up-stairs,  my  good  fellow,  for 
without  you  I  should  have  been  murdered  by  the  ruffian.  I  had 
just  surprised  him  trying  to  steal  some  securities,  and  so  he 
wanted  to  suppress  me." 

Nana,  who  was  near  at  hand,  approached  D'Albigny  and 
exclaimed  with  an  evil  smile :  "  Luc  can  bear  witness  to  the 
scoundrel's  violence,  as  he  arrived  just  in  time  to  save  you,  my 
dear  fellow. " 

"  Yes,  madame,"  said  Luc,  "  I'll  bear  witness  when  the  time 
comes.  You  may  depend  upon  it.  But  wouldn't  it  have  been 
better  to  have  the  man  arrested  at  once?  " 

"Yes,  certainly,"  replied  Nana,  "why  did  you  let  him 
escape  ?  " 

The  marquis  took  her  by  the  arm  and  drew  her  on  one  side. 
"You  will  understand,  my  dear,"  he  said,  with  a  sardonic 
smile,  "  that  if  I  had  the  fellow  arrested  the  police  would  have 
begun  by  searching  him. " 


"  Well,  nothing  would  have  been  found  on  his  person,  and  his 
innocence  would  have  been  established.  Now,  I  am  anxious  to 
avoid  that.  This  would  be  a  very  secondary  matter  for  me  and 
I  shouldn't  attach  any  importance  to  it  if  this  individual  were  not 
a  serious  obstacle  to  our  plans  concerning  Andr6e.  If  she  has 
been  saved,  and  the  rajah's  millions  have  evaporated  with  or 
without  him,  we  shall  never  see  the  rajah  or  his  millions  or  your 
daughter  again. " 

"  Oh !  I  don't  admit  that  my  influence  over  the  rajah  is  ended. 
Whoever  has  loved  Nana  will  love  her  always." 

"  By  the  way,  what  have  you  done  with  Mulhausen?  " 

"  He  has  vanished  like  the  others.  One  might  imagine  that 
people  fancy  Nana  to  be  ruined. " 

"  Hum !  it  falls  little  short  of  it.  We  shall  obtain  barely  fifty 
thousand  francs  a  year  from  what  remains  to  you.  And  that 
means  misery  for  you.  But  as  for  Mulhausen,  he  will  come  back 
again. " 

"  Do  you  know  what  has  been  done  with  the  horses  and 

"  They  are  all  over  there — In  the  park.    There  wa/s  treanenci- 


0U8  difficulty  in  getting  the  horses  out  of  the  stables,  and  they 
can  scarcely  be  controlled  even  now.    The  fire  terrifies  them. " 

"  I  was  at  least  in  hopes  that  the  firemen  would  save  the  wing 
of  the  house,  but  see  the  flames  have  reached  the  fencing-haU 
—  I  can't  look  at  that  window  without  remembering  that  on  the 
night  of  the  ball  I  witnessed  your  duel  with  Stog  from  the 
balcony  over  there.  I  could  see  both  of  your  shadows  on  that 
curtain.  Ah!  it's  flaming  now.  It  was  most  fantastical,  my 
dear  fellow  j  I  saw  your  sword  lunge  out,  and  Stog,  poor  Stpg, 
fall  back!  I'm  afraid  that  his  death  has  brought  me  mis- 
fortune. " 

"  Oh  !  oh !  Don't  you  know  that  superstition  is  only  allowable 
among  old  women.  Nana  ?  " 

"  But  don't  you  see  that Oh !  how  frightful  I   Everything 

is  flaming.  Ah !  we  shall  only  save  our  skins,  my  dear  fellow. 
It's  a  gTcat  deal,  of  course,  but  it  isn't  enough.  The  final 
struggle  wUl  begin.  But  with  you,  D'Albigny,  I  shan't  fear 
anything. " 

Above  the  burning  mansion  the  terrible  glare  was  growing 
larger  and  larger.  The  conflagration  seemed  to  expand  like  a 
fan  waved  by  an  invisible  hand.  The  firemen  were  quite  dis- 
heartened by  the  failure  of  their  endeavors,  and  most  of  them 
looked  on  with  their  arms  crossed,  while  a  few  watered  the 
roofs  of  some  neighboring  houses  to  prevent  them  from  catching 
fixe.  All  the  stories  of  Nana's  mansion  were  burning  now,  and 
the  flames  shot  out  of  every  window,  rising  upward  in  red 
tongues  which  the  wind  dispersed  among  the  clouds.  One 
corner  of  the  roof,  which  had  so  far  remained  intact,  at  last  fell 
in  between  the  blackened  walls  of  the  mansion,  every  aperture 
of  which  seemed  the  entry  of  a  furnace.  Then  under  the  pres- 
sure of  the  hot  smoke  rising  in  raging  spirals,  a  chimney-stack 
began  to  totter,  and  a  cry  resounded:  "  Look  out!  Take  care! 
Every  one  back !  " 

The  lofty  chimney  tottered  once  more  and  then  fell.  There 
was  a  loud  crash,  amid  which  one  heard  a  cry  of  pain  from  some 
unfortunate  fellow  who  had  been  struck  by  a  fragment  of  red- 
^ot  brick. 

"  Well,  my  dear  fellow,"  said  Nana  to  the  marquis,  "  there  is 
nothing  more  to  keep  us  here.  There  is  only  some  land  for  sale. 
Let  U8  take  a  cab  and  go  to  some  hotel. " 


M.  Lttciett  Despretz  had  no  knowledge  of  the  conflagration 
vhich  destroyed  Nana's  house,  shattering  her  ill-gotten  fortune 
like  providential  pimishment.  When  Madame  Despretz  retiu-ned 
from  the  Navlels  she  succeeded  in  hiding  her  alarm  concerning 

nana's  daughter.  163 

Andrt^G,  who  had  not  yet  returned.  But  she  spoke  to  him  of 
love  with  sceptical  bitterness  and  harsh  disdain,  "Lucien," 
she  said,  "  if  you  have  any  affection  for  me,  and  if  you  don't 
want  me  to  die  of  grief,  you  will  stay  and  live  with  me.  Your 
mother  loves  you  with  all  her  heart,  yes,  with  all  her  heart,  my 
dear  child.  You  are  my  only  consolation  in  this  world  where 
ever5i:hing  but  you  means  mourning,  remorse  and  disgust  for 
me  I  I  have  often  told  you  of  it  before,  and  I  did  not  blush  to 
do  so.  I  have  had  many  a  dark  day,  many  an  hour  of  grief, 
my  path  has  been  crossed  by  betrayal  and  moistened  with  tears. 
I  loved  a  scoundrel ! " 

"  You  told  me  so,  mother ;  but  forget  him,  forget  him  pray " 

"  But  I  did  not  tell  you  everything,  Lucien ;  and  as  you  have 
decided  to  marry,  you  must  ultimately  learn  what  I  have  not 
been  brave  enough  to  toll  you,  This  scoundrel,  your  father, 
was  not  my  husband. " 

"  Do  you  think  then  that  I  blush  for  being  a  natural  child,  do 
you  think  that  I  respect  you  less  ?  I  rather  love  you  the  more, 
knowing  what  you  have  suffered  on  my  account. " 

"  But  remember  it  may  affect  your  engagement  with  Andr6e-, 
she  believes  that  I  am  a  widow,  and  when  she  learns " 

"  If  Andrde  were  capable  of  breaking  off  our  marriage  for  such 
a  motive,  I  should  cease  to  esteem  her,  for  only  cowardly  hearts 
and  petty  minds  could  reproach  a  man  for  his  mother's  misfor- 
time  and  his  father's  misconduct.  Yes,  if  Andree  parted  from 
me  for  such  a  reason,  far  from  regretting  her,  I  should  feel  glad 
to  be  enlightened  in  time  as  to  the  value  of  her  promises.  But 
fortunately  that  will  not  happen.  Andree  is  a  generous  girl, 
and  when  I  teU  her " 

**  Promise  me  not  to  say  anything  until  the  necessary  formali- 
ties oblige  you  to  do  so.  I  hoped  that  this  secret  would  always 
be  buried  between  ourselves !  On  your  wedding  day,  Lucien, 
your  mother  will  have  more  cause  to  blush  than  your  bride —  and 
that's  why  I  often  long  to  see  you  remain  as  you  are,  so  that 
your  filial  affection  may  not  be  lessened  by  your  passion  as  a 
husband. " 

"  Well,  since  you  wish  it,  mother,  I  will  not  speak  to  Madam- 
oiselle  Andree  on  the  subject  —  stiU,  silence  will  make  me 
suffer  —  for  it  seems  to  me  that  silence  is  at  times  equivalent  to 
an  imtruth. " 

"  It  was  perhaps  wrong  of  me  to  talk  to  you  hke  that,  my 
poor,  dear  Lucien !  This  emotion  must  tire  you  very  much,  and 
I  will  go  away  and  let  you  sleep.  If  you  feel  worse,  if  you  wake 
up  even,  call  me  and  I  will  come.  I  will  talk  to  you  to  prevent 
you  from  thinking  too  much  and  feeling  sad. " 

"  Gro  and  rest,  mother.  You  have  been  terribly  worried 
to-day  with  all  that  has  happened  —  I  will  try  and  sleep  as 
well— and  don't  be  anxious,  I'm  all  right,  I  assure  you." 

1 64  nana's  daughter. 

Madame  Despretz  arranged  his  pillows  and  gave  him  a  long, 
loving  kiss  on  the  forehead.  Then  she  went  into  her  own  room, 
leaving  the  door  open  so  that  she  might  hear  him  if  he  called 
her  during  the  night.  Shortly  after  eleven  o'clock  he  had  a 
shght  attack  of  fever,  but  the  crisis  was  of  short  duration,  and 
he  fell  asleep  again  until  eight  o'clock  in  the  morning. 

The  dawn  had  risen  brightly,  and  a  beautiful  summer's  sun 
darted  into  the  court-yard  which  Lucien's  bedroom  overlooked. 
Three  sparrows  were  chirruping  on  the  window-sill,  when  there 
came  a  loud  ring  at  the  bell  and  the  young  fellow  woke  up. 
Madame  Despretz,  who  had  gone  to  open  the  door,  found  that 
the  visitor  was  Andree  Naviel,  who  threw  her  arms  round  her 
neck  and  kissed  her,  saying:  "  It's  I.    How  is  Lucien?  " 

"  He  has  slept  well,  and  in  a  couple  of  days  he  will  be  up  and 
about  again. " 

"  Can  one  speak  to  him  then?  " 

"  Yes,  certainly.    The  bell  must  have  woke  him  up." 

"  Then  I'm  going  to  see  him. " 

"  Yes,  do  so,  and  meantime  I'll  light  my  fire. " 

Andr6e  entered  the  young  man's  room  and  approached  the 
bedside.  "Without  referring  to  their  quarrel  of  the  day  before 
she  asked:  "  Has  your  mother  told  you  that  I  have  narrowly 
escaped  being  killed  ?  " 

"  You  ?    Good  heavens !  what  has  happened  ?  " 

"  Why,  after  that  scoimdrel  struck  you  they  kept  me  at  Nana's 
house. " 

"  Really !  Then  how  have  you  managed  to  get  away  ?  How 
were  you  dehvered  ?  " 

"By  fire." 

"  Fire  in  Nana's  house  ?  " 

"  Yes,  everything  is  destroyed,  and  that  woman  is  probably 
mined,  for  I  heard  that  nothing  was  assured." 

'*  And  you  were  shut  up  in  the  house  ?  " 

"  Quite  so.  I  think  they  forgot  me  in  the  first  moment  of  sur- 
prise. But  I  was  saved  by  one  of  Nana's  lovers — the  rajah. 
We  were  almost  swallowed  up  in  the  furnace,  he  and  I.  He 
took  me  in  his  arms  and  carried  me  at  hap-hazard  through  the 
darkness,  for  the  gas  had  gone  out.  At  last  we  reached  the 
fencing  hall  in  a  wing  of  the  building  which  the  fire  hadn't 
caught.  The  rajah  opened  the  window  —  it  was  on  the  first 
floor  —  and  jumped  out  on  to  the  ground.  Soon  afterward  I 
saw  him  return  with  a  ladder  and  so  I  was  able  to  escape. 
Unfortunately,  Lucien,  I  fear  that  all  these  gloomy  adventures 
are  the  beginning  of  a  series  of  misfortunes  which  I  don't  want 
you  to  share.  I  see  plainly  enough  that  the  son  of  an  honest 
woman  can't  marry  Nana's  daughter.  And  so  I  have  come  to 
give  you  back  your  liberty " 

"  And  it  wag  to  toll  me  that,  that  you  cam^  here  Andr^f  " 

nana's  daughter.  165 

"  No  doubt.  I  thought  it  would  be  more  loyal  on  my  part  not 
to  allow  yuu  to  foster  hopes  uliieh  can't  be  realized.  I  thought 
of  all  this  last  night.  It  is  better  that  I  should  remain  unmar- 
ried. No  matter  what  husband,  however  humble  and  ill-favored 
he  might  be,  would  always  have  the  right  to  reproach  me  with 
my  origin." 

"  That's  false,  altogether  false.  What  you  say  isn't  worthy 
of  you.  Men  arc  not  so  cowardly  as  you  think.  Sons  and 
daughters  are  not  taunted  with  their  mother's  faidts  nowa- 
days; and  if  any  one  were  sufficiently  petty-minded  or 
ill-advised  to  do  so,  no  honest  man  would  shako  hands  with 
him. " 

"You  fancy  that  the  world  is  better  than  it  really  is,  Lucien." 

"  Besides,  what  does  it  matter  to  me  ?  I  am  master  of  my 
heart.    I  love  where,  when,  and  whomsoever  it  pleases  me." 

"  Believe  me,  Lucien,  I  have  reflected  and  suftered  a  great 
deal.  Some  day  or  another  jDrejudice  would  prove  stronger 
than  our  happiness,  and  you  would  regret  having  been  brave 
enough  to  marry  a  bad  woman's  daughter.  Later  on,  you  will 
imderstaud  me  better;  you  will  thank  me  and  we  shall  be 

"  Very  well,  Andrde,  very  well,  you  no  longer  wish  to  marry ; 
so  we  will  not  marry ;  it's  decided.  The  reason  you  give  for  the 
change  in  your  ideas  is  of  exaggerated  dehcacy,  but  I  will  take 
it  as  the  real  one  and  respect  it." 

"  Those  words  imply  a  doubt  which  you  scarcely  take  the 
trouble  to  disguise." 

"  Well,  yes,  I  doubt ;  yes,  I  suffer ;  yes,  I  do  not  believe,  I 
cannot  believe,  that  such  a  motive  would  suffice  for  you  to  anni- 
hilate our  hopes.  Don't  you  realize  that  you  are  condemning 
me  to  death  ?  " 

"  Ah !  you  make  me  very  unhappy  by  insisting  like  that,  since 
I  tell  you  that  I  am  im worthy  of  you  !  " 

''  That  cannot  be.  Besides  I  consider  that  I  am  the  only  good 
judge  on  that  point.  If  you  broke  off  our  engagement  I  should 
not  think  you  were  unworthy  of  me,  I  should  think  that  you 
loved  the  rajah  or  the  marquis  —  and  then  I  don't  know  what  I 
should  do ;  I  should  become  a  madman,  a  murderer,  everything. 
What  should  I  care  for  life  and  honor  without  you  ?" 

"  Really  ?  You  could  really  imagine  that  I  broke  off  our 
engagement  because  I  didn't  love  you.  Ungrateful  fellow !  I 
wish  I  had  the  courage  to  let  you  think  so.  You  would  forget 
me  and  become  happy  —  and  I,  I  could  die  without  causing  you 
any  grief. 

"  You  love  me  still !  That  is  the  only  point  I  understand  of 
ever}'thing  I  have  heard.  You  haven't  any  longer  the  right  to 
come  and  say  to  me,  '  I  have  reflected.'  I  don't  reflect,  I  wait 
for  you,  long  for  you  ardently,  for  all  my  heart  goes  toward  you, 

i66  nana's  daughter. 

my  darling  Andr6e,  my  dream  of  bliss.  Ah !  I  shaU  stop  up  my 
eyes  and  ears ;  I  shall  refuse  to  look  at  obstacles,  or  listen  to 
reasons.  You  are  Nana's  daughter,  you  say?  Well,  what  of 
that  ?  Ton  might  be  Nana  herself,  and  yet  I  should  marry  you 
all  the  same,  to  rescue  you  and  to  pm  ify  you,  to  wipe  away  from 
your  lips  every  stain  of  venal  kisses,  until  you  became  an  angel 
after  being  a  demon,  you  dear  little  darling  of  my  heart  I  And 
if  you  had  need  of  it,  my  respect  and  love  for  you  would 
raise  you  up  so  high,  that  even  if  you  had  been  cast  into  the 
mud,  you  would  stand  upon  so  lofty  a  pedestal  that  only  the 
birds  of  heaven  would  be  able  to  caress  you.'  Andr^e,  Andree, 
in  spite  of  yourself,  in  spite  of  everything,  you  must  be  my 
wife. " 

"  You  will  repent  of  not  listening  to  my  advice,  Lucien.  I 
was  quite  right  in  refusing  to  marry.  You  will  repent  of  it  I  tell 
you.  I  am  weak  and  I  yield  to  your  entreaties.  We  will  marry 
since  you  are  bent  on  it.  But  I  shall  never  forgive  you  if  ever 
you  address  me  a  reproach. " 

"  Ah,  Andr6e,  you  give  way  at  last !  What  reproaches  could  I 
ever  address  to  you  ?  Do  you  take  me  for  a  coward,  darling  K  I 
am  going  to  get  up  now,  for  I'm  cured  and  I  feel  almost 
strong " 

"  Then  I  will  leave  you  to  dress,  Lucien ;  besides  I  must  go 
home. " 

"  Without  having  kissed  me  ?  " 

She  approached  her  lover,  who  was  holding  out  his  arms,  and 
offered  him  her  forehead  as  had  been  her  wont  since  the  outset 
of  their  engagement.  But  he  nervously  clasped  her  round  the 
shoulders,  in  a  transport  of  sudden  passion,  and  as  she  half 
di'cw  back  in  surprise  he  began  by  timidly  kisshig  her  at  the 
corner  of  her  pretty  mouth.  She  stiffened  herself,  averting  her 
head  with  a  little  sensual  laugh ;  but  although  she  sought  to 
avoid  it,  Lucien's  lips  growing  boMer  and  bolder  gave  her  so 
long  and  near  a  kiss  that  she  was  obliged  to  return  it,  if  only  to 
make  him  cease.  Madame  Despretz  who  had  heard  Andrec's 
laugh  appeared  on  the  threshold  of  the  room,  and  stood  there 
watching  them  with  a  sorrowful  expression.  Then  with  a  sad 
smile  she  stammered  in  a  broken  voice :  "  Oh  I  what  children  ! " 

As  Andree  perceived  Lucien's  mother  she  became  very  red 
and  still  more  charming,  with  her  green  eyes  sparkling  imder 
the  taugled  golden  curls  which  cast  a  shadow  on  her  brow.  She 
at  once  freed  herself  from  her  lover's  smbrace,  kissed  Madame 
Despretz,  glanced  at  the  looking-glass  to  set  her  straw  hat, 
decked  with  roses,  straight  again,  and  then  tripped  rapidly 



AlTDTi^EE  followed  tho  Boulevard  Mazas  as  far  as  the  Tont 
d'Austrelitz,  crossed  tho  Seiuo,  and  entered  the  Jardin  des 
Plantes,  which  she  meant  to  traverse  diagonally,  so  as  to  reach 
tho  starting  point  of  the  omnihus  line  to  Batiguolles.  As  she 
passed  in  front  of  tho  elephan  house  she  noticed  a  foreigner, 
who  wore  a  turban  like  the  rajah,  and  who  was  of  about  the 
same  height.  Sho  was  walking  very  fast,  but  on  perceiving  this 
foreigner,  who  was  regaling  a  superb  Bengal  elephant  with 
some"  cakes,  she  involuntarily  slackened  her  pace.  Tho  animal 
seemed  to  divine  a  compatriot  in  the  tm-baned  stranger,  and 
gave  unequivocal  signs  of  sympathy.  A  perfect  dialogue  was 
being  carried  ou  between  them,  the  man  speaking  in  Hindu  and 
the  elephant  showing  by  his  manner  that  he  fully  understood 
him.  Andree  recognized  the  rajah's  voice  before  she  was  able 
to  distinguish  his  features ;  but  she  was  about  to  pass  by  with- 
out speaking  to  him,  when,  hearing  the  sound  of  her  footsteps 
on  the  gravel,  he  turned  his  head  and  saw  her.  He  at  once 
stepped  forward,  and  a  cordial  smile  lit  up  his  manly  face. 
*'  God  is  with  me  since  he  has  allowed  me  to  see  you  again,"  he 
said  in  a  soft,  caressing  voice,  the  tone  of  which  was  so  smcere 
that  Andi-ee  felt  drawn  toward  him  by  sister-like  confidence. 

"  I  feel  very  happy,"  she  answered,  "  that  chance  has  furn- 
ished me  with  an  opportunity  of  thanking  you ;  for  it  is  to  you 
that  I  owe  both  my  liberty  and  my  life." 

"  Who  was  keeping  you  a  prisoner  in  that  house  ?  " 

"  Tho  Marquis  D'Albigny," 

"He?    By  what  right "/ " 

"  His  mistress  is  my  mother. " 

"  Nana  your  mother !  Is  it  possible  ?  Can  the  flower  be  the 
child  of  the  dungheap  ?  " 

"  Wliy  do  you  talk  like  that  of  a  woman  you  have  loved? " 

"  I  did  not  know  her,  and  I  had  not  seen  you.  There  is  as 
much  difference  between  her  and  you  as  between  a  beacon  and 
a  star." 

*'  But  Nana  could  love  you  as  she  loves,  whereas  I  am  not 
free. " 

"  Yes,  I  know  it ;  her  lover  wished  to  kill  your  friend.  You 
despise  that  man,  and  you  do  rightly.  But  I  —  I  shall  not  try 
to  kill  your  friend.  Smce  you  love  him,  I  shall  love  him 
also. " 

"  You  have  a  golden  heart,  rajah." 

"  If  it  were  golden  you  would  be  wealthy,  for  it  belong,:,  to 
you.  And  yet  I  do  not  know  even  your  name.  It  must  be  as 
soft  as  a  nightingale's  song  in  the  month  of  May. " 

"  My  name  is  Andree." 

*  Andr6e  !  Andree  !  do  I  pronounce  it  right  ?    Have  I  really 

1 68  nana's  daughter. 

the  proper  accent  when  I  call  you  Andr6o  I"  And  in  an  under- 
tone he  repeated,  with  soft,  Oriental  modulations,  ''  Andree ! 
Andree !  " 

There  was  a  pause,  and  they  walked  on  slowly  side  by  side  for 
some  little  time  without  speaking.  They  were  following  one  of 
the  broad  avenues  leading  to  the  quay.  The  sky  was  dark,  and 
an  early  autumn  breeze  blew  down  the  vaulted  paths,  tearing 
off  the  leaves  which  had  already  began  to  fade.  The  cedars  of 
the  labyrinth  swayed  to  and  fro  like  large,  black  fans  against 
the  slate-gray  sky,  across  which  a  number  of  low  clouds  were 
sweeping.  In  the  direction  of  the  aviary,  one  could  hear  the 
cackling  and  screeching  of  the  tropical  birds ;  and  from  further 
off  came  the  roar  of  the  lions  who  were  pacing  up  and  down  in 
front  of  their  iron  bars,  pausing  from  time  to  time  to  sniff  the 
air  and  yawn.  On  the  Seine,  the  whistling  of  the  penny  steam- 
boats and  the  prolonged  signals  of  the  tugs  vibrated  amid  the 
gusts  of  wind  which  were  blowing  the  black  smoke  of  the  factory 
chimneys  eastward.  Drops  of  rain  were  just  beginning  to  fall 
when  Andree  and  the  rajah  reached  the  edge  of  the  labyilnth, 
and  as  neither  of  them  had  an  umbrella,  they  sought  a  refuge  under 
the  cedar  of  Lebanon  at  the  foot  of  the  belvedere.  The  shower 
was  of  short  duration,  being  suddenly  swept  away  by  a  perfect 
hurricane  which  roared  amid  the  trees  of  the  garden,  fi-antically 
swaying  the  lofty  branches  to  and  fro.  And  as  the  blast  swept 
along,  i:,  carried  away  with  it  a  tlight  of  rooks  who  were  cawing 

**  Will  you  not  come  nearer?"  said  the  rajah  to  Andree  in 
an  undertone ;  "  I  am  tall  enough  to  shield  you  from  the  wind. 
My  mantle  was  not  made  for  this  rainy  climate,  no  doubt,  and 
yet  if  you  would  pass  it  around  ou,  you  would  feel  much 
warmer. " 

"  Thank  you,  rajah ;  I  am  not  cold. " 

"  Tell  me,  how  does  it  happen  that  Nana  is  your  mother  ?  " 

"  I  don't  tnow  j  I  don't  even  know  my  father's  name ;  but 
what  I  do  know  is  that  when  I  was  a  child  she  abandoned  me 
to  public  charity.  I  was  brought  up  and  adopted  by  good  peo- 
ple the  workmg  classes,  who  taught  me  to  earn  my  living  and 
love  honesty.  As  for  my  mother,  now  that  she  is  certain  that  I 
am  the  child  she  abandoned,  she  merely  wants  to  take  me  back 
w?th  t^cr  for  some  infamous  purpose. " 

"  Andree,  you  must  never  return  to  that  house  again. " 

"  The  fire  has  deUvered  me  from  't. " 

"The  fire  and  I." 

"  That  is  true.    Forgive  me ;  I  owe  my  life  to  you. " 

"  And  I  —  I  owe  you  all  that  I  possess.  Listen,  Andrde,  would 
you  lil\0  to  become  rich  ?  " 

"  AMiy  do  you  ask  me  that  ?  " 

"  Because  I  am  in  France,  and  shall  stay  there.    I  love  Paris 

nana's  daughter.  169 

more  than  evov  since  meeting  you.  And  yet  the  climcato  of 
Em-ope  is  mortal  for  the  tiger  and  mortal  for  the  rajah  also. 
Let  me  love  you  with  ideal  love.  I  ask  nothing  more  than  your 
friendship.  I  will  be  the  friend  of  those  that  love  you,  and  I 
shall  not  be  jealous  of  the  man  you  marry.  From  time  to  time 
I  will  go  to  see  you  and  listen  to  you ;  that  will  suffice.  My 
love  is  deep  but  patient,  for  it  is  eternal.  You  will  be  your 
lover's  in  this  world  and  mine  m  the  world  to  come.  Shall  it 
bo  so  ?  " 

**  I  accept  your  friendship,  for  I  have  confidence  in  you ;  but 
why  do  you  ask  me  if  I  wish  to  be  rich  ?  " 

"  Because  I  am  alone  in  the  world,  and  soon,  when  I  return  to 
my  father  in  the  stars,  I  will  make  you  happy  by  leaving  you 
my  fortune  —  for  your  children. " 

"  But  if  the  climate  of  France  does  not  agree  with  you,  rajah, 
you  ought  to  go  away.  I  could  not  accept  your  fortune  if  you 
committed  suicide  so  as  to  leave  it  to  me." 

"  If  I  left  France,  I  should  die  all  the  sooner.  I  need  the 
sunlight ;  but  happiness  is  the  sunhght  of  the  heart,  and,  with- 
out you,  I  should  now  be  walking  in  the  dark.  Let  me  love 
you  without  even  telhng  it.  My  love  shall  be  at  once  so  deep 
and  so  high  that  no  one  will  divine  it.  You  alone  will  know  that 
the  Hindu's  soul  hangs  on  your  golden  hair.  And  keep  this 
secret,  that  it  may  be  between  you  and  I." 

"  Willingly,  rajah ;  for  if  I  acknowledged  that  we  had  talked 
together  for  so  long  a  time,  people  would  imagine  something 
contrary  to  truth,  and  the  friend  who  loves  me  would  think  that 
I  had  been  false  to  him. " 

"  K  he  lacks  confidence  in  you,  Andr6e,  he  does  not  love  you 
as  you  deserve  to  be  loved." 

The  rain  had  now  ceased  falling,  and  as  the  slate-gray  clouds 
swept  by  in  fragments  toward  the  horizon,  large  patches  of 
azure  became  visible  overhead.  The  old  cedars  swayed  to  and 
fro,  shaking  their  damp  mantles  over  the  lawns,  and  rearing 
their  arms  amid  the  gale. 

"  Good-bye,  prince,"  said  Andr6e  to  the  rajah. 

"  When  shall  I  see  you  again  ?  " 

"  Oh,  we  can  meet  but  seldom ;  for  people  must  not  suppose 
that  I  am  faithless  to  my  lover — though  that  never  wUl  be 

"  I  vrill  come  whenever  you  please.  The  more  often  I  see  you, 
the  longer  I  shall  five.  The  less  I  see  you  the  sooner  you  will 
become  rich  I  " 

"  Come  and  buy  some  flowers  of  my  parents. " 

"  Yes ;  I  will  say  that  they  are  for  my  mistress.    You  alone, 

Andr6e,  you  alone  will  know  that  I  come  for  you,  the  ideal 

mistress  of  my  life.     Go  on  your  way  now ;  I  shall  tarry  here.    I 

Btiall  come  here  every  day,  to  the  same  spot,  at  the  same  hour. 

Nana'i  Daughter  111 

I70  nana's  daughter. 

If  you  need  a  friend  you  will  find  me  here ;  or,  if  you  prefer  it, 
write  to  me  —  here  is  my  card.  I  shall  go  and  see  you  soon. 
Now,  however,  I  shall  never  be  alone,  never  without  you ;  for 
the  sparkle  of  your  eyes,  the  glow  of  your  golden  hair,  your 
whole  being  is  tliere  —  on  my  heart !  You  may  leave  me,  but  I 
hold  your  image  in  my  heart  and  brain  forever. " 

''  All  revoir,  Andree." 

"  Au  revoir,  prince." 

With  figure  and  head  erect,  she  tripped  lightly  along  the 
avenue,  followed  by  a  sun-ray  which  darted  after  her  over  the 
gravel,  fighting  up  her  golden  hair,  and  lending  a  brighter  red 
to  her  budding  lips.     An  hour  later  she  reached  home. 

Madame  Naviel  was  waiting  for  her  adoptive  daughter  in  the 
work-room,  but  Naviel  himself  had  gone  ofl"  to  work  at  the 
foundry,  as  if  he  had  spent  the  night  in  his  bed.  As  soon  as 
Andree  entered,  Madame  Naviel  rose  up,  took  her  by  the  hand, 
and  led  her  into  the  parlor.  "  You  have  probably  learned  the 
truth  about  your  birth,   Andi-ee,"  she  began.      "Besides,   I 

intended  to  tell  you  about  it.    You  are  not  my  daughter " 

She  stopped  short,  for  the  sobs  were  stifling  her.  "  I  fetched 
you,"  she  resumed  at  last,  "  from  the  hospital  where  your  real 
mother.  Nana,  abandoned  you.  I  brought  you  up  as  well  as  I 
could,  and  I've  taught  you  an  honest  calling  by  which  you  can 
earn  your  living.  But  Naviel  and  I,  we  don't  want  to  hurt  your 
feelings.  Stay  with  us  if  your  heart  tells  you  to  do  so,  or  go 
with  your  real  mother  as  she  wishes  to  take  you  back.  I  don't 
want  to  influence  you  in  the  least.  Don't  think  of  gratitude  or 
duty  in  deciding.  Don't  stay  with  us  unless  it  pleases  you. 
When  we  took  you,  we  wanted  to  make  you  happy.  So  think 
the  matter  ever  and  decide." 

"  I  have  decided,  mother. " 

"  I  am  very  grateful  to  you,  Andr6e,  for  still  caUing  me  by 
that  name  of  mother,  which  I  have  almost  a  right  to. " 

*'  To  which  you  alone  have  a  right,  and  that  is  why  I  intend 
to  stay  with  you." 

"  You  make  me  very  glad,  dear;  but  I  did  not  expect  less 
from  you.  Ynm-  heart  is  better  than  your  head,  for  if  I  am  not 
mistaken  you  had  no  serious  reason  for  going  to  that  woman's 

"  Excuse  me,  mother,  I  had ;  but  it's  aU  over  now,  so  we  won't 
speak  of  it.    My  marriage  with  Lucien  is  decided. " 

"  Ah !  I  was  very  much  afraid  last  night  that  I  should  never 
see  you  again,  my  poor  little  Andree ;  and  Naviel  thought  so 
too.  When  he  heard  that  you  were  shut  up  in  that  house,  he 
rushed  off  like  a  madman.  It  seems  that  he  almost  strangled 
the  marquis.  He  has  such  a  strong  arm,  you  know,  and  if  he 
struck  that  fellow  D'Albigny,  he  must  have  made  him  feel  it. 

NANA'S    DAUCiri'ER.  17  I 

From  what  I  understood  last  niglit,  it  was  one  of  Nana's  lovers 
who  saved  you. " 

"  Yes,  an  Indian  prince,  who  ruined  himself  for  her  once 
already,  and  who  has  come  back  to  France  with  a  fresh  fortune. 
He  had  left  all  his  securities  in  that  woman's  room.  But,  thanks 
to  me,  ho  recovered  them,  and  I  don't  fancy  that  Nana  will  ever 
see  the  rajah's  fortune  again." 

"\Yhyisthat?  " 

"  Because  she  showed  him  too  openly  that  she  only  cared  for 
him  for  the  sake  of  his  millions.  And  now  he  despises  her  as 
much  as  ho  used  to  love  her." 

"  Ah  !  my  girl,  all  those  folks  are  not  worth  much,  and  you 
act  for  the  best  in  remaining  with  us.  There  is  nothing  like 
marrying  a  man  one  esteems,  and  leading  a  happy  family  life. 
Since  I  married  Naviel,  I  have  grown  old  without  noticing  it ;  ho 
has  always  been  most  aflectionate  to  me,  and  I  have  always 
tried  to  give  him  a  pleasant  home.  It  is  only  right  that  ho 
shouldn't  have  any  worry  after  a  hard  day's  work  ;  and  so,  when- 
ever I  have  been  troubled  about  money  matters  or  the  like,  I 
have  always  kept  it  to  myself,  and  Naviel  has  been  able  to  sleep 
quietly.  Do  you  see,  my  girl,  a  good  husband  is  worth  all  the 
treasures  in  the  world." 

At  this  moment  Madame  Naviel  was  interrupted  by  a  loud 
ring  at  the  bell,  and,  a  minute  later,  Margot  knocked  at  the 
parlor  door.     "  Come  in,"  called  Andr6e. 

The  door  opened,  and  the  work-girl  threw  herself  at  her 
young  mistress'  feet  and  began  to  sob  aloud.  "  Ah  !  mademoi- 
selle," she  stammered,  "  it's  a  man  dressed  like  a  footman ;  but 
I  recognize  him  w'ell  enough ;  he  belongs  to  the  police.  It  was 
he  who  arrested  me  on  the  day  of  the  review.  He  wants  to 
speak  to  you,  he  says,  but  I  am  almost  sure  that  he  has  come 
here  for  me. " 

"  This  doesn't  smell  pleasant, "  muttered  Madame  Naviel,  and 
she  told  Margot  to  go  with  her  into  the  work-room. 

*'  Don't  be  alarmed,  mother, "  said  Andr6e,  who  was  very 
calm.  "  Have  the  man  shown  in  here.  He  must  be  our  friend 
since  he  owes  his  life  to  my  father. " 

As  soon  as  Andree  was  alone,  Luc  entered  the  room,  carrying 
his  hat,  which  was  decked  with  a  blue  cockade,  in  his  hand.  "  I 
have  come.  Mademoiselle  Andree,"  he  said,  with  a tragi-comical 
gravity,  "  to  warn  you  that  Monsieur  Naviel's  peace  and  liberty 
are  seriously  threatened  by  my  rascally  master,  the  so-called 
Marquis  D'Albigny,  though  maybe  he  has  stolen  his  name  like 
everything  else. " 

"  But  how  can  this  man  threaten  my  father?  " 

"  He  threatens  to  ruin  Monsieur  Naviel's  reputation  as  an 
honest  man.    He  will  accuse  him  of  everything,  of  having  robbed, 

17^  nana's  daughter. 

of  having  set  the  place  on  fire,  and  of  having  tried  to  strangle 
him.    On  the  last  point  it's  diflacult  to  say  the  contrary. " 

Andree  turned  pale.    "  What  is  to  bo  done  I  "  she  asked. 

"  Yes,  that's  the  question.  I  have  come  on  behalf  of  the 
marquis  and  Nana,  who  are  both  stopping  at  a  hotel,  waitiug 
for  an  apartment  to  be  furnished  for  them.  The  horses,  the 
carriages,  the  groimd  and  the  ruins  are  all  going  to  be  sold.  It 
is  a  bad  blow  for  them,  and  I  fancy  that  they  rely  on  you  to  help 
them  to  raise  their  heads  again.  At  all  events,  this  is  what  they 
have  instructed  me  to  tell  you.  If  you  will  go  and  live  with 
them,  they  will  leave  Monsieur  Naviel  in  peace  ;  but  otherwise, 
the  Marquis  D'Albigny  will  send  a  complaint  to  the  public  prose- 
cutor charging  Naviel  with  assaulting  and  even  with  attempted 
murder.  You  see,  my  poor  Mademoiselle  Andree,  that  the 
prospect  isn't  a  pleasant  one." 

**  Well,  if  the  marquis  charges  my  father,  my  lover  will  charge 
1dm. " 

"  Excuse  me,  mademoiselle,  but  in  both  cases  the  marquis  has 
the  law  on  his  side.  In  the  first  case,  your  lover  was  struck  and 
injured  by  the  marquis,  that's  certain ;  but  Monsieur  Desprctz 
was  the  first  to  raise  his  arm,  and  the  afiair  took  place  in  the 
marquis'  house.  So  D'Albigny  can  say  that  it  was  a  case  of 
legitimate  defense.  Now,  Monsieur  Naviel  also  struck  the  first 
blow,  and  his  position  is  all  the  more  serious  as  there  is  no 
proof  of  your  having  been  treated  with  violence.  Besides,  I 
have  an  idea  that  an  attempt  will  be  made  to  ruin  Monsieur 
Naviel's  reputation  for  honesty,  and  the  presumptions  will  bo 
against  him.    Well,  what  do  you  decide  ?  " 

"  I  cannot  and  will  not  return  to  that  woman's." 

"  So  be  it,  Andree,  you  are  quite  right.  Forgive  me  for  speak- 
ing to  you  so  familiarly.  You  don't  know  what  I  am,  of  com-se. 
And  I  myself,  I  didn't  know  it  until  a  few  weeks  ago ;  and  yet  I 
always  felt  my  heart  beat  whenever  I  saw  you.  Nature  can't 
be  controUed,  mademoiselle.  The  Naviels  are  only  your  adoptive 
parents.  Nana  is  your  mother!  She  showed  it  you,  and  no 
mistake ;  and  whether  you  like  it  or  not,  you  are  nevertheless 
Mademoiselle  Nana.  But  you  would  never  guess  whose  fault 
it  is  ?  " 

"  No,  certainly  not." 

"  Well,  the  man  to  blame  is  the  old  mountebank,  Face-to- 
Smack,  as  he  once  called  himself,  Luc,  as  he  is  styled  nowa- 
days, the  fellow  who  changes  his  name  hke  his  shirt.  For  to 
tell  the  truth,  mademoiselle,  I  am  your  father  1 " 

"  What,  you  ? " 

"  Yes.  A  long  time  ago  I  was  the  lover  of  the  woman  whose 
servant  I  now  am.  That  was  nearly  twenty  years  ago  I  It 
happened  just  as  I  tell  you,  and  the  strange  tlung  is  that  she 
doesn't  know  me  now.   She  has  had  so  many  lovers  in  her  time  j 


and  I  have  clianfrod  so  niucb,  tliat  slio  doesn't  recognize  me  at 
all.  It's  only  natural.  Well,  if  I  confess  all  this  to  you — it  is 
of  no  use  disguising  the  truth  —  it  is  because  I  feel  certain  that 
your  marriage  won't  come  ofl"." 

*'  What  reason  have  you  to  think  that  ?  As  you  pretend  to  be 
my  father  you  will  i)erhaps  consent  to  tell  me." 

"  No,  imfortnnatcly  I  can't  tell  you  my  reasons — for  a  woman's 
honor  is  in  question.  But  isn't  it  enough  for  you  to  know  that 
your  mother  is  Nana  and  that  your  father  is  a  scamp.  You 
don't  know  what  I've  been  up  to  in  my  time.  Tou 
see  me  now  with  a  livery  on  my  back  —  you  saw  me  once 
dressed  like  a  pohce  agent  —  and  the  fact  is  I  still  belong  to  the 
force,  and  I  was  simply  sent  to  Nana's  to  play  the  spy  on  her. 
You  knew  me,  too,  when  I  was  a  moimtebauk,  and  you  pitied 
me  when  you  saw  me  smacked  on  the  face  and  kicked  behind. 
But  you  never  knew  me  as  a  thief  I  And  yet  it's  true  I  I've 
been  a  thief,  and  I  narrowly  missed  being  a  murderer  also! 
Yes,  I've  tried  to  murder,  I've  robbed,  and  I've  spied,  and  what's 
more,  it  was  I  who  set  fire  to  Nana's  house  —  yes  I,  Luc !  And 
now  if  you  don't  think  that  honest  lolks  ought  to  des-  i^;.  xne, 
well,  you  must  be  difficult !  " 

"  Why  do  you  tell  me  all  this,  if  you  are  my  father?  " 

"  Why,  little  one?  Because  I  know  you;  you  word  never 
impose  such  a  tie  of  relationship  on  your  lover,  Lucien  Despretz, 
and  so  you  will  break  off  the  engagement.  Besides,  it  must  be 
done.  Listen  to  me.  I  am  a  great  blackguard,  but  I  ove  you. 
I  haven't  a  penn'orth  of  honesty  imder  my  skin,  but  I  have 
treasures  of  love  for  you  in  my  heart !  No,  I've  no  HI  feeling 
against  that  young  fellow,  not  at  ah.  Quite  on  the  contrary  I 
I  should  hke  to  see  you  happy  together,  but  it's  impossible,  do 
you  hear  —  impossible  ?  " 

"  I  don't  believe  you,  no,  I  don't  beheve  you.  One  thing  or 
the  other:  either  you  are  lying  when  you  say  that  you  have 
murdered,  robbed,  and  committed  arson  —  and  in  that  case  you 
must  have  some  very  strong  motive  to  he,  and  then  one  lie  more 
or  less  wouldn't  matter;  or  else  you  tell  the  truth  when  you 
charge  yourself  with  all  these  misdeeds,  and  in  that  case,  being 
capable  of  everything  you  are  certainly  not  incapable  of  lying. 
So  I  don't  beheve  you,  you  are  not  my  father.  You,  D'Albigny, 
and  Nana,  you  are  all  leagued  together  to  deceive  me  and 
entrap  me ! " 

"  What !  can  you  think  such  a  thing  of  me  ?  It's  abominable  I 
What !  you  won't  beheve  that  I  tried  to  kiU  Nana,  and  that  I 
only  succeeded  in  bleeding  her  gorilla?  And  yet  it's  true 
enough.  I  went  into  her  room  during  the  night.  I  wanted  to 
save  you  from  her  as  I  want  to  save  you  stiU.  Didn't  I  encourage 
you  to  resist  their  threats  and  orders'? " 

1J4  nana's  daughter. 

*'  But  you  oppose  my  marriage  with  Monsieur  Despretz  just 
as  they  do.    Why  do  you  do  that,  I  ask,  by  what  right  ?  " 

"  Why  ?  Because  this  marriage  would  be  the  crowning  blow! 
Because  you  would  be  up  to  your  neck  in  abomination  if  it  came 
ofl" !  But  I  see  that  you  don't  believe  me,  when  I  tell  you  that 
I'm  your  father!  Ah!  there,  now  I'm  crying  hke  a  fool — but 
it's  all  true,  all  true.  I'm  a  scamp,  no  doubt,  but  I  have  been 
more  unfortunate  than  guilty.  However,  there's  one  woman  I 
hate,  your  mother,  who  drove  me  away  before  you  were  bom. 
I've  tried  to  kill  her  twice  already,  let  her  look  out  for  the  third 
time.  At  all  events,  I've  beggared  them,  or  nearly  so  —  she  and 
her  marquis.  It's  the  beginning  of  the  end.  I've  crawled  into 
their  life  like  a  worm  into  an  apple,  to  eat  them  up,  and  I'll  do 
it  too.  But  it's  getting  late,  mademoiselle,  and  I  must  be  going 

"  I  thank  you  for  coming  to  put  me  on  my  guard  by  telling  me 
that  the  Marquis  D'Albigny  was  about  to  make  a  charge  against 
my  adoptive  father.     The  rest  is  of  little  moment. " 

"  I  have  done  my  best,  little  Andree,  to  shield  you  from  harm, 
you  find  those  you  love,  and  I'll  do  the  same  as  long  as  I  have  a 
drop  of  blood  left  in  my  veins — as  I  did  at  the  fete  of  St.  Cloud 
when  I  treated  D'Albigny  and  that  woman  so  roughly,  as  you 
may  perhaps  remember.  Ah !  they  cut  a  pretty  figure,  both  of 
them,  when  I  showed  up  that  bet  of  his  with  the  Hercules,  and 
when  I  reminded  her  that  she  had  been  my  mistress.  I  began 
my  little  scheme  of  vengeance  then,  and  nowadays  I've  worked 
it  out — not  completely,  but  the  end  wiU  soon  come  now.  It 
was  on  that  same  day  at  St.  Cloud  that  I  first  protected  you,  my 
Mttle  Andr6e,  and  began  to  love  you.  And  now  I  protect  you 
still  and  love  you  more  than  ever.  Oh !  I  know  very  well  that 
you  can't  love  mo  in  return.  I'm  ugly,  wicked  and  jealous,  and 
I'm  a  lacky  into  the  bargain.  I  have  pUed  every  low  calhng  in 
my  time.  So  I  won't  complain,  but  I'm  none  the  less  your 
father,  and  I  shall  watch  those  who  want  to  harm  you.  And 
now  I'm  going." 

He  took  two  steps  toward  the  door  and  then  returned :  "  Do 
you  remember, "  he  asked,  "  how  I  asked  you  to  let  me  kiss 
you  —  that  evening  in  the  park,  when  I  left  you  on  coming  out 
of  the  wrestling -booth  ?  There  was  a  dealer,  I  remember,  who 
had  baited  a  line  with  bits  of  gingerbread  which  the  urchins 
tried  to  swallow;  and  a  two-storied  roimd-about,  where  three 
or  four  big  girls  were  showing  their  ankles.  It  was  long  ago, 
no  doubt,  but  it  seems  to  me  as  if  it  were  only  yesterday.  Ah  I 
you  were  a  little  girl  then,  and  you  were  not  ashamed  to  kiss 
the  clown ;  but  nowadays  it's  all  very  well  for  me  to  call  you 
my  daughter,  my  little  Andree,  it's  as  if  I  tried  to  play  the  Mar- 
seillaise with  a  syringe.    But  no  matter,  I  love  you  all  the  same. 


And  now  I'm  going  for  good,  remember  me  to  Monsieur  Naviel. 
We  were  iu  the  fire  together. " 

He  walked  to  the  parlor  door  and  stopped  short  to  gaze  at 
Andi'ee.  The  sun  was  shining  again ;  and  a  bright  ray  darted 
through  the  French  window,  plajing  over  the  young  girl's 
flgiu-e.  The  radiance  enhanced  her  beauty.  Below  her  hair 
caught  up  in  plaits,  the  sunlight  darted  upon  her  shell-like  ears, 
lending  them  a  roseate  transparency.  The  bright  tinge  which 
the  blood  of  youth  imparted  to  her  cheeks  was  softened  near 
her  mouth,  where  lips,  dimples  and  chin,  seemingly  modeled 
by  Cupid's  fingers,  imited  in  a  smile.  With  her  Grecian  profile, 
her  forehead  veiled  by  curly  hair,  her  straight  little  nose  with 
its  mobile  nostrils,  her  sensual  mouth,  her  admirably  propor- 
tioned figm'e,  her  firm,  full  bosom,  her  gracefully-curved  hips, 
her  rounded  knees  revealed  by  her  tight  skirt,  her  tiny  feet  and 
her  velvety  hands  with  delicate  wrists,  Andrea  was  a  perfect 
type  of  feminine  beauty  in  its  early  splendor.  Luc  fell  on  his 
knees  before  this  apparition  of  youth,  and  dragging  himself  to 
her  feet,  he  cried  amid  his  sobs:  "Oh!  Andrec,  my  little 
Andree,  my  daughter,  let  me  kiss  but  the  edge  of  your  skirt. 
Paternal  love  purifies  everything,  even  a  father's  infamy,  even  a 
mother's  shame.  As  I  look  at  you  now  it  seems  to  Tue  that  I 
can  see  your  mother  as  she  was  when  I  first  knew  her. "  Then, 
in  a  dehrious  transport  he  kissed  Andr^e's  dress,  laughing  and 
crying  at  the  same  time.  But  at  last,  rising  to  his  feet  again,  he 
darted  down  the  stairs  and  out  of  the  house,  like  a  criminal 
flying  from  justice. 

That  same  evening  M.  Naviel  did  not  retmn  home  at  the  usual 
hour,  and  his  wife,  who  had  dinner  ready,  was  greatly  surprised 
by  his  non-appearance.  Andree  on  her  side  was  not  so  much 
astonished  as  alarmed,  for  she  had  experienced  cruel  anguish 
since  her  interview  with  Luc.  His  strange  language  and  sudden 
fits  of  tenderness  had  made  her  think  that  he  was  somewhat 
deranged  in  his  mind.  In  the  old  times  when  he  was  known  as 
Face-to-Smack  she  had  looked  upon  him  as  a  poor,  persecuted 
fellow,  who  submitted  to  all  treatment  like  a  beaten  dog.  But 
now  her  opinion  had  changed,  and  it  seemed  to  her  as  if  he 
were  bent  upon  revenging  himself,  at  the  risk  of  harming  even 
innocent  people.  She  must  beware  of  him,  she  thought,  despite 
his  fulsom  language,  for  by  his  own  showing  he  had  grown 
wicked  and  furious,  and  did  not  shrink  from  committing  crimes. 
On  the  other  hand,  in  his  statements  respecting  Monsieur  Naviel, 
ho  might  certainly  have  been  guided  by  a  consciousness  of  the 
truth ;  and  so,  when  Andree  saw  that  her  adox)tivo  father  did 
not  return  home  at  the  usual  hour,  she  became  exceedingly 
anxious  —  so  anxious,  mdeed,  that  she  dared  not  speak  to 
Miwlamc  Naviel  for  fear  of  alarming  her.  Indeed,  she  contrived 
to  assume  an  air  of  mdiflference,  and  soon  declared  that  she  had 

176       .  nana's  daughter. 

to  go  out  on  some  pressing  matter  connected  with  her  work. 
But  once  outside  the  house  she  hailed  a  cab  and  drove  straight 
to  the  factory  where  Naviel  was  employed.  It  was  almost  nine 
o'clock  when  she  got  there.  The  managers  were  away,  and  she 
only  found  a  foreman  on  guard.  "  You  want  to  know  what  has 
become  of  Pierre  Naviel,  who  works  here  ? "  he  said  brutally  in 
answer  to  her  inquiries. 

"  Yes,  sir. " 

"  Well,  he's  in  prison,  _y  beauty." 

"In  prison?" 

"  Yes,  in  prison,  as  I  tell  you. " 

"But  why?" 

"  For  having  committed  a  robbery  last  night,  in  a  house  which 
was  on  fire." 

"That's  false!" 

"Well,  I  only  repeat  what  I  was  told.  The  aflfair  made 
enough  row  in  the  factory  this  afternoon ;  but  after  all  it  doesn't 
concern  me.  However,  it's  hardly  hkely  that  he  would  have 
been  arrested  without  cause.  There's  no  fire  without  smoke, 
my  girl. " 

"  Where  was  he  taken?  " 

"  To  the  commissary's,  and  ho  is  probably  there  still." 

A  firesh  idea  suddenly  occurred  to  Andr6e.  M.  D'Albigny  had 
no  doubt  accused  Pierre  Naviel  of  stealmg  the  securities  belong- 
ing to  the  rajah,  and  the  latter  alone  could  prove  the  mechanic's 
innocence,  by  stating  that  these  secm'ities  were  his  property, 
and  that  he  had  saved  them  himself.  Andr6e  recollected  that 
the  rajah  had  given  her  his  address  that  very  morning.  So  she 
felt  for  his  card  in  her  pocket  and  then  hastened  to  the  Grand 
Hotel  where  the  Hindu  was  staying.  He  received  her  immedi- 
at'^ly.  "I  was  thinking  of  you,  Andree,"  he  said.  "What 
brings  you  here  —  happiness  or  misfortune  ?  " 

''  Misfortmie. " 

"  Tell  me  what  it  is,  then.  Confide  in  your  friend.  If  I  have 
to  shed  my  blood  on  your  behalf  I  will  do  so  gladly.  Tell  me 
where  I  am  to  go  and  whom  I  have  to  fight. " 

"  I  have  come  to  ask  for  your  testimony. " 

"  You  cannot  require  me  to  speak  aught  but  the  truth.  Tell 
me  what  you  wish  and  I  will  obey  you.  " 

"  My  adoptive  father  is  accused  of  having  stolen  your  securi- 
ties from  Nana's  bedroom  last  night.  Now,  as  you  are  well 
aware,  you  recovered  them  yoiu'self. " 

"  Quite  so.    I  have  them  in  a  portfolio  here. " 

"  Your  testimony  on  the  point  will  suffice  to  ensure  my  adopt- 
ive father's  release. " 

"  Let  us  start,  then ,  I  have  a  brougham  at  my  orders  until 
nii'2night,  and  I  will  have  the  horse  put  to  at  once. "    So  saying, 


he  rang:  the  bell,  and  when  a  servant  appeared  he  exclauned : 
"  I  wish  my  brougham  to  be  got  ready  iumicdiately. " 

The  man  withckew,  and  the  rajah  then  passed  into  his  dress- 
ing-room, leaving  Andree  momentarily  alone.  She  felt  very 
happy  at  the  prospect  of  bemg  able  to  effect  her  adoptive  father's 
release  at  once,  thanks  to  the  rajah's  evidence.  She  recalled 
the  many  proofs  of  kindness  which  M.  Naviel  had  given  her. 
Her  real  father  could  not  have  brought  her  up  with  deeper 
affection  or  more  abnegation  and  delicacy  than  this  honest  man, 
who  had  made  her  an  industrious  girl  with  virtuous  principles, 
fittingly  armed  for  the  great  struggle  of  work  versus  vicious  idle- 
ness, in  which  so  many  young  women  exposed  to  temptation, 
succumb,  either  through  undue  coquetry  or  lack  of  courage. 
Andree  experienced  also  a  feeling  of  vivid  generous  joy  at  the 
thought  that  she  was  likewise  about  to  spare  her  good  mother, 
Madame  Navlel,  a  temble  emotion.  The  rajah  was  soon  ready 
and  joined  Andrde,  who  now  noticed  that  he  had  greatly  changed 
since  the  morning.  There  was  an  expression  of  suffering  upon 
his  features,  his  lips  had  a  twinge  of  bitter  resignation,  and  his 
eyes,  which  seemed  larger  than  usual,  shone  with  a  deep,  calm 

**  You  look  ill,  prince,"  said  Andr6e. 

"  I  am  ill,  dear  soul  of  my  life ;  I  spat  blood  this  afternoon, 
and  I  think  that  I  shall  die  here  in  Paris.  I  can  feel  a  slow  fire 
consuming  me,  here  in  the  chest. " 

At  this  moment  the  servant  returned  and  announced  that  the 
brougham  was  waiting.  Andree  gave  the  address  of  the  station- 
house  where  M.  Naviel  was,  in  all  probability,  still  detained, 
and  they  started  off.  In  half  an  hour's  time  they  had  reached 
the  outer  boulevard,  and  the  vehicle  drew  up  in  front  of  a  door 
above  which  was  a  red  lamp,  bearing  this  inscription  in  white 
letters,  "  Commissary  of  Police."  The  rajah  offered  Andree  his 
hand  to  assist  her  in  ahghting,  and  his  arm  to  conduct  her  down 
a  narrow  passage  which  led  to  a  steep  and  dimly-lighted  stair- 
case. The  commissary's  offices  were  on  the  first  floor.  A  little 
vestibule  conducted  into  a  first  room  whore  the  magistrate's 
secretary  was  stationed,  and  where  two  detectives  sat  smoking 
on  a  bench  in  a  dark  corner,  while  a  policeman  in  uniform 
wallicd  up  and  dnv.n  in  front  of  a  closed  door.  Andree  felt  ter- 
ribly oppressed  as  she  entered  this  dingy  room,  which  was  most 
inadequately  lighted  by  a  smoky  lamp  hanging  from  the 

"  "What  is  your  business"?  "  asked  the  secretary,  curtly. 

"  I  have  come,"  said  Andree,  "  for  my  adoptive  father.  Mon- 
sieur Naviel,  who  is  accused,  it  seems,  of  liaving  stolen  some 
securities  in  a  fire,  last  night. 

She  could  say  no  more,  for  her  emotion  was  stifling  her;  and 
so  it  was  the  rajah  who  continued,  "  The  securities  in  question 


belong  to  me, "  he  said.  "  I  had  left  them  with  the  owner  of  the 
house  in  virtue  of  a  verbal  agreement  between  us.  Almost  all 
of  them  are  nominative  securities  and  bear  my  name  and  title. 
I  can  easily  prove  my  identity.  Besides,  I  have  the  securities 
with  me."    And  thereupon  the  rajah  produced  his  portfoho. 

''  I  must  confess  to  you,  prince, "  said  the  secretary,  politely, 
"  that  the  information  we  have  obtained  concerning  Pierre  Naviel 
is  quite  in  his  favor,  while  the  reports  of  our  agents  concerning 
his  accuser,  the  Marquis  D'Albigny,  are  just  the  reverse.  The 
prefecture  of  police,  for  instance,  has  sent  us  the  report  of  a 
detective,  which  is  most  damaging  for  the  marquis,  and  I  am 
only  waiting  for  my  superior's  return  —  he  was  called  away  a 
couple  of  hours  ago — to  have  Pierre  Naviel  set  at  liberty.  I 
expect  the  commissary  back  every  minute,  and,  perhaps,  you 
will  kindly  wait  for  him  in  his  office.  Only  I  must  tell  you  that 
there  is  a  second  affair  grafted  on  the  first  one." 

"What  afiair?"  asked  Andree,  eagerly  experiencing  every 
form  of  anxiety  with  astonishing  rapidity. 

"  It  is  a  question  of  a  girl  named  Margot,  who  states  that  she 
is  employed  by  you. " 

"  That's  true, "  rejoined  Andr6e.  "  She  is  the  best  of  my  rose- 
mounters.  " 

*'  Well,  she  came  to  ask  us  to  keep  her  instead  of  your  relative, 
and  as,  natm-ahy  enough,  we  couldn't  grant  her  request,  she 
began  to  insult  us  in  such  a  manner  that  we  were  obliged  to  lock 
her  up.  When  the  commissary  returns  he  will  decide  whether 
he  can  release  her,  or  whether  she  ought  to  be  prosecuted  for 
her  violent  behavior." 

"  Margot  is  a  spoiled  child,  destitute  of  education  and  legal 
knowledge,"  replied  Andree.  "She  is  so  devoted  tome  that 
when  I  experience  the  slightest  mishap  she  becomes  infuriated. 
So  it  is  not  astonishing  if  she  used  abusive  language  when  you 
told  her  that  you  could  not  accept  her  sacrifice. " 

Shortly  afterward  the  commissary  of  police  returned.  "  You 
can  set  Pierre  Naviel  at  liberty,"  he  said  to  his  secretary ;  and 
then  he  muttered  between  his  teeth :  "  that  Marquis  D'Albigny 
is  evidently  an  arrant  scamp. " 

He  seemed  to  be  in  a  very  bad  humor  —  perhaps  on  account 
of  the  marquis,  or  perhaps  because  ho  was  wet ;  for  it  had  been 
raining  during  the  last  quarter  of  an  hour.  He  deposited  his 
umbrella  in  a  corner  of  the  office  and  took  off  his  overcoat,  while 
Naviel  was  being  set  at  hberty.  Andree  darted  toward  her 
adoptive  father,  and  rising  on  tiptoe,  threw  her  arms  around  his 
brown  neck  and  kissed  him  on  either  cheek.  Then  mindful  of 
poor  Margot,  she  approached  the  commissary,  and  said  to  him : 
"  You  are  detaining,  sir,  a  work-girl  of  mine,  who  is  rather 
thoughtless  at  times,  but  who  is  most  devoted  to  me  —  so 
devoted,  indeed,  that  on  hearing  of  my  father's  arrest,  she  came 

nana's  daughter.  179 

here  and  asked  to  be  allowed  to  take  his  place.  Your  secretary 
could  not  accept  her  proposal,  and  it  seemed  that  she  used  some 
very  strong  language.  But  pray  be  lenient,  sir,  I  promise  you 
that  this  shan't  occur  again." 

"  What  did  this  girl  say?  "  asked  the  commissary  of  his 

"  Nothing  of  very  great  moment,  sir.  Wo  mainly  detained  her 
in  order  to  give  her  a  lesson. " 

"  Very  good.    Have  her  brought  here. " 

The  door  of  a  cell  to  which  Margot  had  been  provisionally 
consigned  was  opened  and  she  entered  the  office,  still  somewhat 
flushed  by  her  recent  anger,  and  with  brilliant  eyes  and  untidy 
hair.  "  Was  it  you  who  ventured  to  insult  my  subordinates?" 
asked  the  commissary,  sternly. 

Margot  would  have  made  some  violent  rejoinder,  but  at  a  sign 
from  Aiidr^e  she  lowered  her  head  and  remamed  silent.  "  I 
advise  you  not  to  begin  again, "  resumed  the  commissary ;  "  yoitr 
friends  would  intercede  for  you  to  no  purpose,  for  I  should  send 
you  to  the  prefecture  and  you  would  be  brought  before  the 
tribunal  of  correctional  police.  I  will  let  you  oS  this  time,  but 
be  careful  in  future. " 

On  reaching  the  street  the  rajah  offered  Andree  his  hand  and 
bade  her  good-by,  saying:  "  You  have  no  further  need  of  mo, 
so  I  will  leave  you  with  your  father.    Be  happy !  " 

"  I  shall  go  to  thank  you  with  my  wife,  sir, "  said  Naviel. 
"  My  daughter  has  just  told  me  of  all  that  I  owe  you. " 

*'  There  is  only  one  way  of  thanking  me,"  rejoined  the  Hindu, 
"  and  that  is  to  treat  me  as  a  friend,  and  allow  me  to  go  and  see 

"  We  shall  feel  deeply  honored,  sir,"  replied  the  mechanic. 

"  And  I  shall  be  very  happy,"  sighed  the  rajah,  as  he  sprang 
quickly  into  his  brougham. 


A  FORTNIGHT  after  the  fire  which  destroyed  the  mansion  near 
the  Pare  Monceau,  Nana  went  to  reside  on  the  first  floor  of  a 
house  in  the  Rue  de  Moscou.  The  suite  of  rooms  she  had  engaged 
was  freshly  painted  and  papered,  and  then  speedily  furnished, 
for  her  upholsterers  allowed  her  six  months'  credit.  D'Albigny, 
on  his  side,  engaged  an  entresol*  in  the  same  house.    With  the 

*The  entresol  \9.  really  the  first  floor  in  modern  Parisian  houses,  but  the 
rooms  are  invariably  low,  all  available  height  and  display  being  reserved 
for  the  story  overhead,  which  is  commonly  called  "  the  first  above  the 
entresol.''^  Strictly  speaking,  therefore,  Nana  lived  on  the  second  floor  aud 
D'Albigny  on  the  first  one. — Trans. 


exception  of  Luc  and  Virginie,  Nana  dismissed  all  her  servants, 
cooks,  footmen  and  coachmen,  at  the  same  time  selling  all  her 
horses  and  carriages.  The  fall  was  complete.  The  farniiuio 
and  the  mansion  she  had  lost  by  the  fire  had  never  been  insm-c<l, 
and  for  the  first  time  D'Albigny's  audacity  had  proved  at  fault. 
The  ground  and  the  charred  remnants  of  the  house  were  sold 
like  the  equipages,  and  the  whole  reahzed  some  eight  hundred 
and  fifty  thousand  francs;  but  Nana  merely  pocketed  half  a 
million,  for  D'Albigny,  who  carried  out  all  the  arrangements, 
continued  to  deceive  her  as  to  the  real  amount  he  obtained  for 
the  property.  Under  the  pretext  that  she  knew  nothing  about 
business,  and  that  figures  made  her  head  ache,  she  signed  what- 
ever the  marquis  laid  before  her,  and  did  not  take  the  trouble  to 
go  over  his  accounts.  With  her  invested  funds  she  still  possessed 
a  couple  of  millions  of  francs;  but  she  began  to  dread  poverty, 
and  became  as  parsimonious  as  she  had  been  prodigal  in  days 
gone  by. 

D'Albigny  then  tried  some  bold  strokes  on  'change,  but  his 
ventures  were  unlucky  ones,  and  in  three  months'  time  he  lost 
three  quarters  of  what  remained  to  his  accomplice.  The  winter 
went  by,  spring  returned  again,  and  in  April  the  bill  which  Nana 
had  given  to  her  upholsterers  fell  due.  D'Albigny  had  made 
arrangements  with  some  unscrupulous  firms  who  had  paid  him  a 
commission  of  fifteen  thousand  francs,  cash,  on  Nana  signing 
bills  for  fifty  thousand ;  the  furniture  supphed  to  her  being  worth 
barely  more  than  half  of  that  amount.  On  the  eve  of  the  setthng 
day  Nana  scarcely  had  five  hundred  napoleons  before  her;  so 
she  called  on  the  upholsterers  and  asked  them  to  renew  her  bill. 
They  declined  to  do  so,  but  offered  to  take  back  the  furniture, 
valuing  it  at  just  one-half  of  the  original  price;  Nana  flew  into  a 
rage,  not  unnaturally;  called  the  dealers  a  pack  of  Jews,  and 
returned  home  to  write  a  note  to  the  Prince  of  Mulhausen.  "  My 
little  Mulhausen,"  she  said,  "  I  am  giving  a  little  soiree  in  my 
rooms  to-night.  Ton  are  fond  of  music,  I  believe.  I  shall  have 
a  famous  pianist  ft'om  your  country,  and  two  or  three  vocalists  of 
mine.  Come  and  hear  them,  we  will  make  a  great  ado  about 
nothing.    Your  very,  very  old  friend,  Naxa." 

Mulhausen  arrived  in  evening  dress.  Irreproachably  elegant, 
strongly  scented,  and  with  his  mustaches  waxed  into  formidable 
points.  But  he  found  Nana  alone  ;  and  he  looked  so  frightened 
when  Luc  ushered  him  into  the  room  that  she  could  not  help 
laughing  at  him.  Although  he  had  been  half  ruined  ])y  her  in 
the  days  of  her  opulence  ho  was  in  reality  very  avaricious,  and 
since  the  the  fire  ho  had  seldom  visited  her.  He  scented  a  snare 
in  the  tete-:\-teto  interview  which  she  had  now  prepared,  for 
there  was  not  even  tlio  shadow  of  a  i)iauo  in  her  new  drawing- 
room,  which  was  simply  furnished  in  the  Louis  Quinze  style  a^ii" 
hung  with  Aubusson  tapestry.    Her  greeting  was  most  cordi*. 


and  indeed  she  bcf^an  to  flatter,  coax  and  wheedle  him  at  once. 
This  was  all  the  more  extraordinary  as  in  past  times  she  had 
treated  hhu  as  a  bufloon,  and  had  never  once  shown  him  such 
marked  favor  as  she  now  displayed. 

"You  must  see  by  my  dress,  my  dear  fellow,"  she  began, 
"  that  I  don't  expect  any  other  guest  than  you.  Not  even 
D'Albigny.  Will  you  have  a  cigarette  V  "  And  ringing  the 
bell,  she  ordered  Luc  to  servo  some  tea. 

Mulhausen  had  accepted  the  cigarette  with  sullen  resignation. 
Nana's  engaging  maimers  smelled  strongly  of  borrowing,  and  the 
prince's  instinct  warned  him  that  he  had  been  drawn  into  a 
trap.  By  a  stock  broker,  who  belonged  to  the  same  club  as  him- 
self, he  had  already  heard  about  D'Albigny's  losses  on  'change, 
and  since  then  he  had  very  seldom  met  the  marquis.  He  had 
even  made  bold  enough  to  declare  before  a  number  of  people  at 
the  Cafe  Riche  that  D'Albigny  had  become  a  compromising 
acquaintance.  As  for  Nana,  he  found  her  very  changed, 
extremely  aged,  in  his  opinion,  and  he  decided  that  the  great 
courtesan  was  only  the  shadow  of  her  former  self.  The  fact  is 
that  anxiety  had  silvered  a  few  of  the  golden  hairs  which  Mul- 
hausen would  have  paid  five  napoleons  apiece  for  in  the  days 
when  his  acquaintance  with  Nana  flattered  his  vanity  as  a 
woman-killer.  But  since  she  had  sold  her  equipages,  and  dis- 
missed her  retinue,  she  was,  in  his  estimation,  only  an  ordinary 
harlot  whom  a  man  could  treat  without  the  slightest  cere- 

"  My  dear  fellow,"  she  said,  as  she  poured  him  out  a  cup  of 
tea,  "  you  find  me  in  a  wretched  hole  here." 

"I  have  been  here  before,"  interrupted  Mulhausen,  sul- 

"  Yes,  I  know  that,  and  I  am  grateful  for  your  kindness ;  but 
remember  it  is  a  mere  moment  of  transition  and  nothing  more. 
We  have  exchanged  vows,  the  rajah  and  I,  and  very  shortly  I 
shall  return  to  my  old  style. " 

Mulhausen  parried  the  thrust  at  once.  "  I  have  heard  it  said 
that  the  rajah  is  in  love  with  a  Mademoiselle  Naviel  who  has 
the  reputation  of  being  your  daughter,  and  who,  by  the  way,  is 
rather  like  you  were  some  years  ago.  Folks  even  add  that  the 
rajah  is  wasting  away  because  the  girl  is  going  to  marry  another 
suitor  who  had  the  first  start. 

"  I  see  that  you  arc  fully  acquainted  with  my  family  aflfairs, 
prince.  They  couldn't  be  in  better  hands,  and  the  proof 
is " 

"  This  tea  is  excellent,  my  dear  Nana,  but  your  cups  are  of 
almost  common  china.  What  has  become  of  your  old  Sevres  ? 
And  look  at  that  furniture !  How  can  you  think  of  receiving 
people  who  respect  themselves  in  such  an  apartment  as  this  f 
How  many  rooms  have  you  got  here?  " 

i82  nana's  daughter. 

"  Ten  in  all.  Two  drawing-rooms,  a  dining-room,  a  library, 
a  dressing-room,  a  bath-room,  and  four  bedrooms.  Then  there 
are  the  servants'  rooms  upstairs,  but  Virginie  sleeps  here.  I 
have  never  liked  to  be  alone  at  night-time  since  the  day  my 
gorilla  was  killed  while  I  was  asleep.  I  have  grown  almost 
timid.  But  then  you  know  one  is  always  a  woman  in  some 
respects. " 

''  Ah  I  so  much  the  better,"  said  Mulhausen,  heaving  a  sigh, 
and,  having  finished  his  cup  of  tea,  he  rose  up  in  brutal  haste. 

"  What !  are  you  going?  "  asked  Nana,  in  surprise. 

"  Yes ,  there's  a  little  dance  at  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs 
and  I  am  expected  there. " 

Nana  rose  to  her  feet  and  approached  Mulhausen.  Seized 
with  a  vague  apprehension,  he  glanced  behind  him  and  saw  her 
eyes  burning  with  feverish  energy.  If  she  did  not  succeed  in 
galvanizing  the  prince,  in  conquering  his  Teutonic  coldness  and 
kindling  a  spark  of  passion  in  his  fatty  heart,  she  might  set  him 
down  as  lost  for  good.  He  would  surely  never  return  to  her 
again.  So  rising  on  tip-toe,  and  throwing  her  arms  around  his 
neck,  she  looked  into  his  eyes  with  the  seductive  feline  power 
of  fascination  she  possessed,  letting  a  sort  of  disturbing  magnetic 
warmth  filter  between  her  black  lashes  which  were  partly  low- 
ered. As  she  stood  there  in  this  attitude,  the  serpentine 
voluptuous  grace  of  her  bosom  and  loins  became  fully  apparent. 
Her  undulating  hair  sparkled  more  brilliantly  in  the  radiance  of 
the  blue  crystal  chandelier,  her  soft,  fleshy  hands,  on  which  two 
sapphires  gleamed,  were  clasped  behind  his  neck,  and  her 
mouth,  the  voluptuous  raillery  of  which  had  still  a  strange 
attraction,  murmured  carressingly,  with  that  coaxing  tenderness 
which  she  alone  knew  how  to  assmne  to  conquer  a  virile  will : 
"  Come  why  are  you  going?  I  am  alone,  I  am  still  beautiful, 
and  well  disposed  toward  you.  Why  are  you  going,  I  ask? 
Leave  your  ministry  alone  1  I  was  sometimes  unkind  to  you, 
and  we  have  never  been  happy  together.  You  have  spent 
money  on  me  out  of  vanity  while  others  spent  it  out  of  love,  and 
I  was  greatly  vexed  at  that.  In  fact  it  was  for  that  reason  that 
I  amused  myself  in  teasing  you.  But  now  I  want  to  reward  you 
for  all  your  trouble,  and  console  you  for  all  my  naughtiness.  We 
aro  alone,  so  stay  with  me.  In  reality  I  have  never  cared  for 
any  one  but  you,  and  that  was  why  I  resisted  the  advances  you 
so  seldom  made.  I  did  not  want  you  to  be  what  the  others 
were.  You  had  a  place  in  my  heart  —  the  place  one  reserves 
for  the  friend  one  looks  and  longs  for  —  a  little  dear  and  secret 
comer  1  All  that  which  has  been  forbidden  you  so  far,  shall  be 
yours  now  and  yours  alone,  my  prince.  I  have  never  seen  a 
man  who  better  deserved  that  beautiful  title  which  women  so 
much  admire. " 

nana's  daughter.  183 

Miilliansen  romninod  frigid.  "  I  can't  give  you  this  evening," 
ho  stammered,  "  I  will  return  another  day." 

"  No,  not  another  day ;  stay  this  evening.  I  might  perhaps 
be  dead  to-morrow,  and  you  as  well,  Mulhausen." 

"  It  is  impossible  for  me  to  remain  with  you,  Nana;  I  have 
given  a  promise  and  I  must  keep  it. "  And  he  added  cruelly, 
"  A  charmuig  woman  is  expecting  me. " 

"  In  that  case,  my  dear  fellow, "  said  Nana,  sinking  hack  into 
her  arm-chair,  "  I  won't  detain  you.  Go  where  charming 
women  await  you ;  I  have  only  some  advice  to  ask  of  you  and 
then  you  shall  bo  free. " 

"  Some  advice  about  what?  " 

"  About  two  thousand  napoleons  which  I  have  to  pay 
to-morrow,  although  I  have  barely  a  quarter  of  the  amount  by 

"  Obtain  an  advance  on  your  secmities  or  other  property  if 
you  have  any. " 

"  But  D'Albigny  has  absolutely  ruined  me ;  all  my  bonds  have 
gone  in  stock  exchange  transactions.  I  certainly  have  some 
house  property  worth  five  hundred  thousand  francs  left,  but 
between  now  and  to-morrow  I  haven't  time  to  borrow  forty 
thousand  francs  on  it.  The  formalities  would  require  two  or 
three  days,  and  besides,  they  are  distasteful  to  me. " 

"  Pawn  your  jewelry,  then." 

"  But  that  means  misery," 

"What  can't  be  cured  must  be  endured,"  said  Mulhausen 
shrugging  his  shoulders. 

"  But  couldn't  you  lend  me  the  amount  I  need?"  asked  Nana. 

"  I  haven't  got  it  —  not  even  the  quarter  of  the  sum.  I  have 
bled  myself  in  every  limb  for  your  sake,  my  beauty,  and  now 
I'm  quite  used  up.  This  is  all  1  can  do  for  you."  And  taking 
five  napoleons  out  of  his  trouser  pocket,  Mulhausen  laid  them  in 
the  saucer  of  Nana's  teacup. 

An  angry  flush  spread  over  the  courtesan's  cheeks,  and 
springing  to  her  feet  she  flung  cup,  saucer  and  gold  in  the 
prince's  face.  The  tea  rained  down  his  white  shirt-front,  and 
ho  stood  dripping,  utterly  confoimded  by  the  sudden  assault,  while 
Nana  imperiously  rang  the  bell. 

"  Bring  this  gentleman's  hat  and  overcoat,"  she  said  to  Luc. 

"  The  gentleman's  hat,"  grumbled  Luc  as  he  returned  to  the 
ante-room.  "  He  looks  in  a  nice  state,  that  German,  with  his 
mustaches  curved  like  fish-hooks!  Hum,  I  don't  think  that 
Nana  has  made  much  by  her  angling  to-night." 

Bringing  the  prince's  hat  and  overcoat,  which  had  been 
deposited  on  a  bench  in  the  ante-room,  Luc  silently  helped  him 
on  with  them.  Mulhausen  was  soon  ready,  and  he  then  held 
out  his  hand  to  Nana,  but  she  turned  her  back  upon  him  and 
pointing  to  the  gold  coins  strewed  on  the  caxpet :  "  Give  the 

1 84  nana's  daughter. 

prince  these  coppers,"  slie  said  to  Luc,  "  You  see  lie  is  waiting 
for  them. " 

Mulhausen  began  to  button  up  his  overcoat  so  as  to  lend  him- 
self a  countenance  and  conceal  his  soiled  shirt-front,  and  while 
Luc  stooped  down  to  pick  up  the  napoleons  he  effected  his 
retreat  in  good  order.  Nana  then  threw  herself  in  an  easy 
chair  with  her  legs  crossed.  Her  rage  had  not  yet  subsided, 
and  her  little  white  teeth  grated  together  ominously.  A  fire 
had  been  lighted  although  it  was  springtime,  and  the  ruddy 
glow  of  the  incandescent  coal  played  over  her  blue-silk  stockings, 
as,  enveloped  in  a  black-satin  dressing-gown  lined  with  yellow 
silk  and  edged  with  lace,  with  her  feet  encased  in  red- velvet 
shppors,  and  her  hands  clasped  behind  her  head,  she  leaned  back 
thinking  of  how  she  could  meet  her  engagement  on  the  mor- 
row. The  jewels  she  still  possessed  were  worth  about  a  hundred 
thousand  francs.  K  she  could  pawn  them  for  two-thirds  of  their 
value  she  would  be  able  to  pay  the  upholsterers.  It  was  the 
best  plan,  she  thought;  she  would  pawn  the  jewels  early  the 
next  morning.  That  is,  unless  D'Albiguy  could  help  her,  and  on 
reflectiou  she  decided  to  have  a  talk  with  the  marquis  before 
coming  to  a  final  decision. 

D'Albigny's  abode  comprised  some  eight  or  ten  rooms,  five  of 
which  were  altogether  empty.  The  others  were  hung  with  blue 
chintz,  and  scantily  furnished  with  simple  furniture  which 
strangely  contrasted  with  this  fast-hver's  former  luxurious 
tastes.  There  was  merely  an  iron  bedstead  in  his  sleeping-room, 
with  a  divan  upholstered  in  chintz  similar  to  the  hangings,  a 
leather  arm-chair  and  a  writing-table.  The  largest  room  was 
reserved  for  fencing,  and  its  appointments  merely  comprised 
three  or  four  pairs  of  foils  and  duelling  swords,  three  masks,  a 
few  gloves,  aud  a  couple  of  jackets ;  the  floor  being  covered 
with  a  gray-felt  carpet.  D'Albiguy  kept  no  servant;  he  Uvod 
alone;  ho  never  took  his  meals  at  home,  but  lunched  at  a 
restaurant  or  with  Nana  and  dined  at  his  club. 

"  Anything  serious  the  matter  'I  "  he  asked  when  he  opened 
the  door  in  response  to  Nana's  ring,  and  saw  her  standing  on 
the  threshold. 

*'  No  —  except  that  I  am  threatened  with  an  execution. " 

**  Ab,  yes !  by  the  way  I  was  thinking  of  it.  Come  in,  my 
dear.    It's  about  the  furniture,  isn't  it  ?  " 


"  And  you  haven't  the  money?  " 

"  No,  I  haven't  a  quarter  of  the  sum. " 

"  Nor  I  either.  You  are  suflQciently  acquainted  with  my 
affairs  to  know  how  I  really  stand. " 

"  Yes,  I'm  aware  of  all  that.  And  I  didn't  come  to  ask  you 
for  money,  but  for  advice.    Shall  I  pawn  my  jewelry  ?  " 

"  No,  certainly  not.    There  is  something  better  to  bo  done 


ufian  that.  Bring  everything  precious  here  —  your  jewelry, 
your  papers  and  so  on.  They  will  be  quite  in  safety  in  my 

"  You  are  wonderfully  fertile  in  resources,  marquis. " 

"  The  worst  that  could  happen  would  be  an  execution  after 
your  bills  have  been  protested.  And  then  your  furniture  would 
be  sold.  The  landlord  would  begin  by  claiming  his  rent  out  of 
the  proceeds,  and  the  upholsterers  would  have  to  content 
themselves  with  the  surplus. " 

**  Yes,  they  don't  know  that  I  have  still  some  house  property 
left.     That  means  half  a  million  to  finish  with." 

"  By  the  way,  I  will  explain  to  you  a  plan  which  wiU  set  us 
on  our  legs  again.  I  warn  you,  however,  that  you  must  play 
double  or  quits,  and  be  prepared  to  sacrifice  everything.  Have 
you  courage  enough  to  chance  it  ?  " 

"  Of  course  I  have." 

D'Albigny  began  striding  up  and  down  with  his  arms  crossed, 
while  Nana  stretched  herself  on  the  divan  in  a  careless  attitude. 
"  Well,  and  MuUiausen?"  asked  the  marquis,  stopping  short  in 
front  of  her. 

"  What  do  you  want  to  do  with  him  ?  "  she  asked  with  an 
ironical  smile,  as  she  raised  herself  up  on  her  elbow,  resting  her 
head  on  her  hand. 

"  Do  with  him  ?  why,  go  into  partnership  with  him,  my  dear. 
I  mean  to  start  a  theatrical  newspaper  which  Mulhausen  shall 
be  director  of.  In  exchange  for  the  title  he  will  have  to  supply 
the  funds.  I  shall  show  him  all  the  advantages  of  such  a  posi- 
tion, the  acquaintances  he  will  make  among  the  actresses,  the 
free  admissions  he  will  obtain  to  all  theatres,  the  life  he'll  see 
behind  the  scenes,  and  so  on.  He  will  go  into  an  affair  of  that 
kind  readily  enough;  it  will  tickle  his  vanity.  We  shall  get 
hold  of  one  or  two  famished  scribes — needy  joiu-naUsts  are 
easily  found  —  and  we'll  turn  the  writing  over  to  them.  Only 
we  shall  retain  the  management  ourselves.  We  shall  give  some 
balls  and  dinners  at  the  expense  of  the  capital,  take  some  styhsh 
oflBces,  and  advertise  largely.  All  Paris  shall  hear  about  us. 
We'll  pubUsh  some  smutty  stories  with  illustrations,  boudoir 
tattle  and  green-room  anecdotes.  It  will  be  amusing,  very 
amusing,  you  shall  see. 

"  And  what  will  you  call  the  paper?  " 

"  We  must  think  over  that.  The  title  is  a  matter  of  great 
importance.  Titles  are  not  wanting,  of  course,  but  we  must  find 
one  that  will  tickle  the  middle  classes,  and  excite  curiosity. 
However,  wo  have  not  come  to  that  point  yet.  What  we  need 
first  of  all  is  Mulhausen's  cash. " 

"  By  the  way,  I  saw  him  this  evening.  I  had  asked  him  to 
come  as  I  wanted  to  tell  him  about  my  position,  and  beg  him  to 
do  me  a  favor. " 

Nona's  Daughter  12. 

tS6  Nana's  daughter. 

"  Then  of  course  he  didn't  come  ?  '^ 

"  Yes,  he  did ;  for  I  had  taken  care  not  to  let  him  suspect 
why  I  wanted  to  see  him.  However,  my  first  words  put  him  to 

"A  woman  like  Nana  only  borrows  on  her  decline,"  said 
D'Albigny,  *'  and  Mulhausen " 

"  Oh !  you  know  him,  D'Albigny,  you  know  he  hasn't  any 
courage,  or  even  any  blood.  Do  you  know  he  had  the  impu- 
dence to  offer  me  five  napoleons  ?    I  flung  them  in  his  face. " 

"  Oh !  I'll  find  him  again  and  make  it  all  right.  But  you 
must  get  hold  of  your  daughter.  She  belongs  to  you,  and  you 
must  claim  her.  Do  you  really  object  to  playing  the  comedy  of 
maternal  love,  and  the  tragedy  of  repentance  ?  You  would  still 
make  an  adorable  Magdalen.  Try  to  catch  her  with  contrition. 
You  must  get  her  away  from  that  young  counter-jumper.  The 
rajah's  fancy  will  serve  us  finely.  We  can  pit  the  two  suitors 
against  each  other.  There  will  be  a  clash  between  them,  and 
at  least  one  of  them  will  be  broken,  and  we  won't  undertake  to 
mend  him.  Remember,  Nana,  you  will  be  lost  if  you  let  your- 
self drift  along !  Only  courage  and  audacity  can  sustain  you, 
and  help  you  onto  your  feet  again.  Go  boldly  to  those  people, 
the  Naviels,  and  claim  Andr6e.  If  she  is  deaf  to  your  prayers, 
throw  yourself  at  her  feet,  kiss  them,  shed  tears,  real  tears  —  do 
you  hear?  Strike  your  head  on  the  floor,  tear  out  your  hau-; 
that  will  have  a  great  effect !  I  should  hke  to  be  there  to 
applaud  you,  for  I  am  certain  that  you  will  be  as  dramatic  as 
Sara  Bernhardt  in  Hernani,  or  as  Madame  Favart  in  Marion 
Belorme.  You  have  already  played  Marion,  Mauon  and  Mar- 
guerite, on  the  stage  of  life,  with  a  talent  and  spirit  which  have 
aroused  the  hatred  of  your  rivals,  and  the  admiration  of  your 
lovers!  One  must  struggle,  my  dear,  against  misfortunes, 
against  age,  against  indiiferenco,  agamst  forgetfulness,  against 
everything,  in  fact  I  A  woman  like  you  must  die  young  and 
beautiful,  enacting  some  admirable  scene  of  passion  which  will 
bring  tears  even  to  the  eyes  of  sceptics.  Come,  let  me  see  you 
walk,  let  me  see  if  you  still  have  your  old  style  about  you. " 

Nana  rose  and  walked  across  the  room.  Her  dressing-gown 
trailed  behind  her,  with  a  serpent-like  undulation  and  rustie ; 
and  she  laughed  gaily  as  she  rehearsed  her  part  before  her  cus- 
tomary manager. 

"That's  good  —  very  good — that's  it  —  bravo!"  said  D'Al- 
bigny, approvingly.  "  Perfect !  perfect !  That  look  of  sovereign 
haughtiness  becomes  you  divinely,  my  dear.  Come,  you  are 
still  superb,  and  whenever  you  choose  your  old  mansion  shall  be 
rebuilt  for  you.  And  it's  necessary !  D'Albigny  doesn't  exist 
without  Nana's  mansion.  People  no  longer  know  him  at  the 
club,  they  scarcely  deign  to  recognize  him  on  'change ;  and  they 
giv<^  him  a  patronizing  nod  if  they  meet  him  on  the  boulevard. 

nana's  daughter.  1F.7 

All  tliat  must  finish,  or  we  must  take  the  last  leap,  you  and  T. 
So,  lot  us  sell  what  rcuuiins  to  you,  rent  a  stylish  mansion,  set 
up  another  establishment,  and  launch  out  in  the  old  stylo  again. 
We  will  give  some  fetes  as  we  used  to  do,  and  plenty  of  trades- 
people will  be  foolish  enough  to  give  us  credit.  We  will  live  on 
the  footing  of  a  million  a  year.    Ill  arrange  it  all !  " 

"  And  afterward  f  " 

"  Oh !  before  we  get  to  the  end  of  our  tether  you  will  have 
found  some  Russian  grandee  or  English  peer  to  pluck.  Your 
I'ves  used  to  bedim  your  diamonds,  now  yom*  diamonds  will 
make  people  admire  your  eyes.  And  then  if  you  only  had 
Andreo  —  think  of  it  I  And  you  shall  have  her,  you  must  —  you 
must  have  her,  do  you  hear  ?    I'm  determined  on  it. " 

"  I  don't  think  I  shall  succeed,"  said  Nana,  after  a  moment's 
reflection.    "  However,  I  will  try." 

"When?  " 

"  To-morrow." 

*'  Very  good.  And  now  don't  talk  to  mo  of  the  pawnshop  for 
a  woman  like  you. " 

Nana  felt  warmed  afresh  by  the  fiendish  spirit  of  her  titled 
swindler.  This  man  was  the  fire  of  the  infernal  locomotive, 
which  for  twenty  years  had  borne  her  onward  amid  mad  enjoy- 
ment and  senseless  triumphs.  "  Come,"  she  said  to  D'Albigny, 
"  I  thank  you,  marquis.  I  will  give  you  power  to  sell  what 
remains  to  me,  and  we  will  have  the  old  life  for  another  year. 
We  shall  find  the  gutter,  or  a  throne  at  the  end  of  the  road. 
To-morrow,  I  will  go  to  claim  Andre6  —  that's  understood  — 
and  if  she  won't  come  with  me  —  woe  to  her  and  to  her's,  for 
depend  upon  it  I  will  have  my  vengeance  !  " 

"  You  say  that  splendidly,  my  dear,  splendidly.  Now  go  to 
bed  early,  and  husband  your  powers.  I  will  think  over  the 
means  of  setting  us  afloat  again. " 

"  Good-night,  marquis." 

"  Good-night,  marchioness  —  your  hand." 

She  gave  it  to  him  with  graceful  pride.  He  stifled  a  smUe  of 
cold  irony  in  a  kiss,  and  then  they  separated. 

Once  alone,  D'Albigny  laughed  drily,  rubbed  his  hands 
together,  and  muttered  between  his  teeth:  "Eh  I  eh!  It  will 
succeed,  it  will  succeed.  Another  year  conquered  from  the 
enemy  I  The  last  half  million  will  dance  a  pretty  jig.  But  no 
more  gambling  on  'change  1  It's  stupid.  I've  had  enough  of  it. 
It's  a  game  of  chance,  and  one  can  lose  at  it.  I  prefer  the  game 
of  love,  at  which  I  have  always  won.  What  a  farce  life  is,  and 
how  easily  fools  are  plucked !  All  the  same,  I  regret  I  wasn't 
able  to  have  that  brute  of  a  Naviel  kept  in  jail,  six  months  ago. 
As  for  the  girl,  if  ever  she  falls  into  my  hands  again,  I  shall 
resort  to  extreme  measures !    I  have  always  succeeded  with 

1 88  nana's  daughter. 

them  both  m  business  and  love,  and  I  may  very  well  do  so 
again. " 

Having  lighted  a  cigar,  he  opened  his  window  and  began  to 
smoke  slowly.  The  sky  was  flecked  with  ruddy  clouds,  lUmni- 
nated  by  the  lamps  of  Paris.  Far  above,  the  stars  were  twink- 
ling in  the  night  air.  Along  the  house -fronts  lighted  windows 
overlooked  tlie  street,  and  between  the  curtains  one  could  see 
the  graceful  heads  of  women,  who  were  leaning  forward,  trying 
to  recognize  the  footfall  of  the  men  approaching  over  the  pave- 
ment. From  time  to  time  D'Albigny  heard  some  window  swiftly 
closed,  and  then,  as  the  curtains  were  drawn  behind  it,  a  hght 
vanished  from  view.  Little  by  little  every  casement  was  shut 
in  turn,  save  one,  on  the  fourth  floor,  overlooking  the  marquis' 
room.  His  cigar  was  finished,  for  he  could  feel  the  stump 
heating  his  long  mustaches,  so  he  threw  it  away,  and  closed  his 
own  window  for  the  night. 

"  What  a  set  of  Nanas !  "  he  muttered,  shrugging  his  shoul- 
ders. "  Good  evening,  pretty  girls  !  Pleasant  di'eams,  young 
men. " 


Pierre  Naviel  declined  to  return  to  the  foundry  where  his 
arrest  had  caused  such  a  scandal.  He  apphed  to  the  Western 
Railway  Company  for  employment,  but  the  whole  winter  elapsed 
before  he  found  a  new  berth.  In  the  meantime  he  stopped  at 
home,  talking  very  little  but  smoldng  a  great  deal ;  saddened  by 
the  thought  that  he  was  of  no  use  to  the  household,  and  humil- 
iated that  his  probity  should  have  been  impugned.  As  for 
Lucieu  Despretz,  his  recovery  was  delayed  longer  than  had  been 
expected.  A  fortnight  elapsed  after  his  adventure  with  the 
marquis  before  he  was  fit  to  resume  work ;  and  when  he  repaired 
to  the  establishment  in  the  Rue  Montmartre  he  found  his  seat 
occupied  by  a  new  bookkeeper. 

The  winter  was  a  gloomy  one.  The  artificial-flower  business 
was  by  no  means  prosperous,  for  Andreo  had  to  contend  against 
the  German  flowers  sold  under  their  real  value  by  the  largo 
shops  and  the  competition  of  several  convents.  The  Naviels 
and  the  Despretzs  began  to  feel  the  eflfects  of  hard  times  more 
and  more  keenly,  and  it  was  evident  that  they  must  wait  several 
months  before  they  cordd  incur  the  expenses  of  a  wedding. 
Andr6e  at  the  same  time  desired  and  feared  the  arrival  of  her 
marriage  day.  Luc's  words  to  her  had  in  reality  made  a  pro- 
found impression  upon  her  mind.  Still  she  had  none  the  less 
gathered  together  her  marriage  toilet  bit  by  bit.  The  white 
robe  was  ready,  and  the  wreath  of  orange  blossom  also.  She 
kept  them  in  her  wardrobe,  carefully  sheltered  from  the  dust. 

nana's  daughter.  189 

Luc  had  not  returned  to  the  Naviels',  but  Lucien  spent  ahnost 
every  evening  there.  Whenever  ho  was  by  chance  called  else- 
where he  wrote  to  Andree  to  warn  her.  The  rajah's  visits  took 
place  of  an  afternoon,  as  his  physician  had  forbidden  him  to  go 
out  of  doors  after  sunset.  He  was  discreet  enough  not  to  call 
too  often ;  but  on  each  occasion  he  brought  Andree  a  bouquet  of 
camelias  and  then  sat  down  in  the  work-room  in  front  of  her, 
with  his  back  to  the  light,  watching  his  shadow  as  it  spread 
across  the  table  and  played  over  the  young  girl's  nimble  fingers. 
Mademoiselle  Naviel's  beauty  appeared  to  him  in  the  ideal 
splendor  of  pure  and  chaste  simplicity.  He  was  not  disturbed 
in  his  contemplation  by  the  other  girls  who  worked  at  a  second 
table  in  a  corner  near  the  window  and  chatted  together  in  an 
undertone.  The  rajah  himself  talked  but  little,  for  he  feared 
that  he  might  say  too  much,  he  preferred  to  sit  watching  Andr6e 
in  silence.  An  internal  fire  was  consuming  him.  His  largo 
black  eyes  shone  like  the  windows  of  a  forge  where  a  furnace  is 
lighted.  But  whenever  he  felt  the  feverish  power  of  passion 
growing  within  him,  he  subdued  this  momentary  revolt  of  the 
senses  by  a  stern  effort  of  will.  He  did  not  even  allow  his 
trouble  to  be  divined,  but  silenced  the  cry  of  hopeless  desire, 
and  plunged  into  the  soft  ecstacy  of  sidereal  love  and  the  mystical 
contemplation  of  a  vision  of  unobtainable  happiness. 

At  the  beginning  of  April  Naviel  obtained  employment  from 
th6  Western  Railway  Company,  and  Lucien  Despretz  became 
cashier  in  a  newspaper  office  at  a  salary  of  three  thousand 
francs  a  year.  Andree's  fete  day  fell  upon  the  1st  of  May  ; 
and  on  the  previous  evening  Lucien,  who  was  detained  at  his 
office  by  the  necessity  of  making  up  the  monthly  accounts,  sent 
her  a  bunch  of  white  roses  with  a  note  in  which  he  promised 
a  visit  for  the  following  morning.  That  same  evening  the  rajah 
chanced  to  come,  after  sending  a  bouquet  of  violets  and  orange 
blossom  on  before  him.  Andree's  work-girls  had  all  brought 
some  floral  ofl'ering,  and  the  Naviels  as  weU,  so  that  the  parlor 
was  full  of  flowers.  The  rajah  seemed  even  thinner  and  sadder 
than  usual.  ''  When  is  your  wedding  to  take  place  ?  "  he  asked 
Andree  as  he  entered  the  room. 

"  Very  soon, "  replied  the  girl  with  a  blush. 

"  I  shall  go  to  the  ceremony. " 

"  You  ?  " 

"  Yes,  I  want  to  see  you  happy. " 

"  I  hope  I  shaU  be  so,  as  I  love  my  future  husband. " 

"  You  act  rightly,  he  is  a  worthy  young  man,  and  he  lovea 
you  also.    Have  you  received  my  flowers  ?  " 

"  Yes,  your  bouquet  is  a  marvelous  one,  and  I  thank  you  for 
it.  But  you  must  wish  me  many  happy  returns  of  my  fete  day. 
You  have  the  right  to  kiss  me  on  such  an  occasion  as  this. " 

**  Since  the  customs  of  your  country  allow  it  I  will  do  so," 

190  nana's  daughter. 

sighed  the  rajah;  and  he  kissed  Andr6e  very  gently  on  the 

They  remained  for  some  moments  alone  in  the  parlor,  and  the 
Hindu,  who  had  seated  himself  in  an  arm-chair  near  Andr6e, 
murmured :  "I  think  that  I  feel  better. "  Then  with  a  sudden 
start  he  exclaimed :    "I  hear  some  one  at  your  front  door. '' 

Scarcely  had  he  spoken  than  the  haU  bell  began  to  ring,  and 
An  dree,  who  felt  somewhat  nervous,  remarked:  "It  is  very 
singular,  but  I  am  not  expecting  any  one " 

"  Not  even  Nana  I  "  cried  the  courtesan,  suddenly  entering  the 
parlor  and  walking  straight  toward  Andr^e. 

Mademoiselle  Naviel  rose  to  her  feet.  "  You  less  than  any 
one,"  she  rejoined. 

"  And  yet  I  have  to  speak  to  you. " 

"  Speak,  madame." 

"  What  I  have  to  say  can  only  be  heard  by  yourself. " 

"  Excuse  me,  madame,  but  we  have  no  secret  to  share,  you 
and  I.  You  have  come  here  with  an  object  I  am  ignorant  of. 
It  is  only  fitting  that  my  parents  should  be  fuUy  acquainted  with 
the  motive  of  your  visit.    I  am  going  to  call  them." 

So  saying  Andree  left  the  parlor,  leaving  Nana  and  the  rajah 
alone.    *'  I  congratulate  you,  prince, "  sneered  the  comrtesan. 

"  About  what  ?  "  he  asked,  with  haughty  disdain. 

"  On  your  choice.  At  aU  events  your  preferences  don't  leave 
the  family.  The  daughter  after  the  mother.  So,  that's  your 
style,  and  Andree  takes  pity  on  the  lovers  I  dismiss." 

"  I  am  not  anything  to  her,  nor  shall  I  ever  be  so — she  docs 
not  love  me." 

"  What  does  that  matter  ?    I  didn't  love  you,  and  yet " 

"  Oh,  you  1 " 

"  I  know  what  you  are  going  to  say.  I  am  a  degraded 
woman  and  I  belong  to  whomsoever  that  buys  me.  But  that's 
false !  " 

"  I  should  not  have  employed  so  many  words  to  express  the 
same  idea.  But  I  do  not  intend  to  talk  with  you  any  further," 
With  these  words  the  rajah  rose  up  and  began  walking  up  and 
down  the  parlor,  draped  in  his  mantle  with  his  arms  crossed, 
his  head  lowered,  and  his  brow  cahn  with  the  serenity  of 
fatahsm.  Andree  soon  retm-ned  accompanied  by  M.  and 
Madame  Naviel.  "  My  parents  consent  to  listen  to  you  with 
me, "  she  said,  in  a  firm  voice. 

"  I  am  going,"  remarked  the  rajah,  "  for  nothing  which  that 
woman  can  have  to  say  to  you  could  possibly  interest  me." 
Then  he  bowed  low  to  Mademoiselle  Naviel,  took  leave  of  her 
adoptive  parents,  passed  in  front  of  Nana  without  looking  at 
her,  and  left  the  house. 

The  courtesan  at  once  drew  near  to  the  young  girl,  looked 
into  her  eyes,  and  tried  to  take  hold  of  her  hand ;  but  Andr6e 


swiftly  withdrew  it.  "  It  is  useless,  madamo,"  she  murmured, 
with  an  emotion  she  vainly  tried  to  hide.  "You  would  do 
better  to  refram  from  demonstrations  which  are  quite  out  ot 
place  here.    Say  what  you  have  to  say  as  briefly  and  as  speedily 

as  possible."  i,.      ,» 

"  I  have  come  to  fetch  you,  my  daughter. " 

« I  am  accustomed  to   your  audacity,  madame,  and  yoTir 
impudence  does  not  surprise  me."  T,„f  t  orv,  fn 

"You  wretched  child  I    Have  you  forgotten  what  1  am  to 

^^"  What  you  are?  What  does  that  matter  to  me  ?  I  believe 
that  you  gave  me  birth  and  that  you  threw  me  mto  the  gutter 
almost  as  soon  as  I  was  born.  That  is  what  you  are  to  ^^Z  I 
beheve  that  if  you  could  have  destroyed  me  before  my  birth  you 
would  have  done  so.  I  beheve  that  you  became  a  mother  ui 
spite  of  yourself,  and  I  have  been  told  that  it  was  on  account  of 
nie  that  you  discarded  my  unfortunate  father,  although  Je  loved 
you  like  a  madman.  I  beheve  that  you  have  always  detested 
me,  and  that  you  have  tried  to  do  me  all  the  harm  m  your 
power.  I  believe  that  you  have  done  your  best  to  bequeath  me 
your  shame  and  drag  me  into  your  own  disgraceful  hfe.  It  I 
have  not  become  as  contemptible,  as  venal,  as  utterly  lost  as  you 
are,  it  is  certainly  not  your  fault,  or  that  of  your  Marqms 
D'Albi-ny!  And  you  dare  to  speak  of  what  you  are  tome! 
Do  you  imagme  that  I  am  wantmg  in  contempt  for  Jou? 

''Despite  all  you  may  say,  you  will  not  prevent  the  truth  from 
bemg  the  truth.     Ask  those  who  brought  you  up,  ask  your 

^^«  They^toM^me  the  facts,  and  I  cannot  change  them.  But  I 
have  done  my  duty.  I  warned  my  betrothed  even  before  I  had 
Tearaed  tSe  tru?h  from  any  one  but  you.  I  feared  that  my  ties 
of  relationship  would  disgust  him  with  a  marriage  on  which  my 
hpart  and  hones  were  set.  But  I  considered  that  loyalty 
requLd  I  sWdalthkethat,  and  I  did  so.  Andmy  betrothed 
the  man  whom  your  marquis  tried  to  murder,  did  not  shrink 
HiTthe  idea  of  marrying  a  girl  who  owes  her  birth  to  you! 
iHien  woSd  not  have  had  the  same  confidence,  for  when  one 

has  the  blood  of  sucTi  a  woman  as  you  m  one  s  veins 

Nana  drew  herself  up,  rebelhng  agamst  the  contempt  of  her 
vktuJus  daughter.  She  tried  to  stifle  the  shame  which  she 
^cretlv  experienced  in  presence  of  this  purity  of  soul  and  body, 
rwhJSiSrownhnpurllyhad  given  ^-th.  "  Mademois^^^^^^^^ 
she  cried,  in  a  bitter  voice,  "  you  have  not  the  right  to  insult 
me!  Evei  if  the  lowest  ackanapes  spat  insulting  epithets  m 
SyfaceJ  it  would  be  Jour  duty  to  set  yourself  pretty  and  pure 
as  you  are  — do  you  hear  my  chaste  young  lady  — between  the 
filth  and  me.  If  you  have  been  taught  anything  difi-erent  here, 
fou  have  been  badly  brought  up ;  for  the  first  respect  of  all,  even 

192        .  nana's  daughter. 

before  self-respect,  is  respect  for  the  woman  who  risked  death 
to  give  you  life. " 

"  No,  madame,  no, "  exclaimed  Pierre  Naviel,  "  we  are  not 
wrong  in  teaching  Andreo  to  distinguish  between  you  and  what 
is  right.  We  have  brought  her  up  as  weU  as  we  could,  my  wife 
and  I ;  we  have  taught  her  how  to  earn  her  living  honestly  by 
work;  we  have  set  her  the  example,  and  when  chance  brought 
her  together  with  you  and  she  asked  us  what  you  were  I  did  not 
hesitate  to  answer  what  I  thought.  *  That  woman  is  a  degraded 
creature ! '  I  said  to  her ;  and  yet  I  knew  that  she  was  your  child. 
I  had  been  told  so  at  the  Foundling  Hospital.  Still  that  didn't 
prevent  me  from  taking  her  home,  for  I  thought  that  everything 
depended  on  the  way  children  were  brought  up ;  and,  the  fact 
is,  I  was  right.  The  little  one  has  .rewarded  us  by  her  good 
conduct,  and  this  proves  that  it  is  all  folly  to  pretend  that  one 
can't  escape  vice  when  one  is  born  in  it.  However,  as  you  are 
here,  make  haste  and  explain  yourself,  for  we  have  no  time  to 

''  I  have  come  to  claim  my  daughter  in  accordance  with  my 

"  No,  no,  madame,  you  have  neither  right  nor  law  in  your 
favor.  You  may  have  succeeded  in  surprising  Andree  and 
forcibly  detaining  her  in  your  house.  But  you  can't  take  her 
from  us  now  —  unless  she  herself  consents  to  go  with  you,  for  we 
don't  wish  to  impose  our  views  on  her. " 

As  Naviel  finished  speaking  he  turned  to  Andree  with  a 
questioning  glance.  "  In  speaking  hke  that,  father,"  she  said, 
"  you  know  very  well  what  I  should  answer. " 

"  But,  no,  no !  "  exclaimed  Nana,  ''  I  can't  suffer  that  you 
should  hate  and  despise  me.  Listen  to  me,  Andree.  I  have 
been  very  guilty, "  and  so  saying  the  courtesan  fell  on  her  knees 
at  her  daughter's  feet,  "  yes,  very  guilty,  very  cowardly,  very 
vile.  I  deserve  all  that  you  have  said  to  me,  but  to  hear  you 
repeat  it  is  an  expiation  above  my  strength.  I  suffered  before  I 
finally  fell  into  the  abominable  life  I  have  led.  I  suffered  fright- 
fully. I  had  not  always  had  good  examples  before  my  eyes  like 
you  have  had ;  and  yet  I  felt  ashamed  of  myself  before  I  suc- 
cumbed, and  resolved  to  brave  everything.  As  long  as  I  was 
young  I  was  protected  and  urged  onward,  and  told,  over  and 
over  again,  that  I  was  right.  All  the  men  around  me  were  so 
many  servants,  so  many  slaves ;  and  now  there  is  not  one  but 
who  proclaims  his  contempt  for  me !  And  even  D'Albigny,  yes, 
the  Marquis  D'Albigny,  insults  me  after  having  ruined  me !  " 

"  You  have  only  what  you  deserve,  madame, "  said  Andree, 

"  Yes;  I  deserve  that  passers-by  should  throw  mud  at  me ;  I 
deserve  being  dragged  in  the  gutter  by  that  Hindu  who  just 
went  away ;  but  I  don't  deserve  the  same  treatment  from  you, 


Andr6e,  aa  from  the  lovers  who  have  abandoned  mo  in  my 

"  I  am  not  obhged  to  tell  you  the  contrary  of  what  I  think." 

"  And  if  you  morally  kill  mo  by  saying  it,  if  you  extinguish 
the  last  spark  of  repentance  in  my  heart,  if  you  thrust  me  back 
into  the  inftimy  from  which  I  would  escape  —  will  you  not  then 
be  responsible  for  the  evil  I  may  do  ?  Come  to  me,  come  back 
with  me,  Andree.  You  will  save  me,  you  will  purify  me,  you 
will  teach  me  virtue  and  chastity,  you  will  be  my  mother,  we 
will  reverse  the  natural  order  of  things,  I  will  be  your  child,  you 
will  tell  me  how  I  ought  to  live,  you  will  teach  me  how  to  work. 
Come,  Ajidree,  come,  I  had  never  wept  before,  but  now,  see  my 
tears,  the  tears  to  which  my  eyes  are  unaccustomed.  Your 
hatred,  your  contempt  have  crushed  me.  Come,  I  beg  of 
you. " 

"  As  for  your  tears  I  don't  beheve  in  them ;  your  new -bom 
love,  your  sudden  affection,  your  repentance,  are  only  so  much 
falsehood  and  comedy.  If  it  was  to  act  this  scene  that  you 
called  on  people  who  don't  esteem  you,  you  would  have  done  far 
better  by  remaining  at  home ;  and  it  is  advisable  that  you  should 
return  there  at  once,  now  that  I  know  what  you  wish  of  me. " 

At  the  first  words  spoken  by  Anflree,  Nana  drew  herself  erect. 
Her  nostrils  dilated  with  sudden  anger,  and  she  again  became 
beautiful  with  the  splendor  of  yore.  Lashed  into  vicious  revolt, 
the  blood  now  coursed  more  swiftly  through  her  veins.  It  was 
as  though  the  spring-tide  of  her  nature  had  been  renewed.  She 
was  strong,  powerful  again  with  her  hateful,  railing  energy,  and 
her  raging,  infernal  jealousy  of  vhrtuous  beauty.  Bursting  into 
a  fierce  laugh  and  pointing  to  the  flowers  which  filled  the 
room:  "  From  whom  and  for  whom  is  all  this  homage?"  she 
asked.  "  Does  each  bouquet  represent  a  lover  ?  Are  the  young 
fellows  well  off?  Do  they  pay  you  handsomely?  For  monej 
alone  is  true  and  real  in  fife ;  isn't  that  so,  mademoiselle  ?  That 
was  why  you  robbed  me  of  my  richest  lover,  the  rajah  who  just 
went  away  ;  and  little  Lucien  will  make  a  profitable  investment; 
by  marrying  you.  Oh  !  he's  in  the  swing,  little  Lucien  is,  and  I 
shall  compliment  him  on  his  betrothed.  You  may  rely  upon  it, 
pretty  rival,  pretty  thief  who  steals  my  exotic  princes  from  me. 
Yes,  rely  upon  it !  " 

"  Take  yourself  off !  "  cried  Madame  Naviel  who  was  flushed 
with  anger. 

Nana,  still  furious,  went  out  with  her  head  erect ;  and  as  she 
crossed  the  threshold  she  exclaimed  in  a  ringing  voice  :  "  You 
shall  hear  of  Nana,  all  of  you. " 

"  And  you,  if  ever  you  try  to  harm  Mademoiselle  Andree,  you 
shall  hear  of  me, "  exclaimed  Margot  who  was  waiting  for  the 
courtesan  at  the  door  off  the  work-room,  and  who  gave  her  a 
look  like  that  of  a  wild  cat  about  to  spring  upon  its  prey.    How- 

194  nana's  daughter. 

ever,  Nana  did  not  deign  to  turn  her  head.  She  went  slowly 
down  the  stairs  raising  her  lace  train  with  aU  the  graceful 
haughtiness  of  yore. 

On  the  following  morning  Andr6e  rose  at  her  accustomed  hour 
and  set  to  work.  At  noon  the  house-porter  brought  her  up  a 
letter.  She  at  once  recognized  the  handwriting  of  the  address, 
and  foresaw  that  some  terrible  grief  was  in  store  for  her.  Still, 
with  cold  resolution,  she  tore  the  envelope  open,  and  found  that 
it  contained  two  letters  —  one  from  Nana  to  Lucien  Despretz, 
and  the  second  from  Lucien  to  herself.  The  former  missive  ran 
as  follows : 

"  Dear  Sm — You  did  not  think  fit  to  beheve  what  I  told 
you  respecting  Mademoiselle  Andreo  Naviel,  whom  you  persist 
ui  marrying  despite  all  the  warnings  you  have  received.  I  have 
already  told  you,  personally,  that  she  was  the  Marquis 
D'Albigny's  mistress  on  two  occasions.  First,  when  she  lunched 
with  him  at  my  house,  and  secondly  when  I  detained  her  there, 
after  your  quarrel  with  the  marquis  and  before  the  fire  broke 
out.  You  can  beheve  this  or  not  as  you  choose ;  D'Albigny  and 
I,  alone,  are  able  to  certify  the  truth  of  this  statement  which 
the  interested  party  not  unnaturally  denies.  But  Mademoiselle 
Andree  Naviel  has  not  confined  herself  to  the  marquis.  During 
the  fire  which  destroyed  my  house  she  was  saved  by  a  man  who 
had  been  my  lover,  and  who  was  to  have  lived  with  me,  for  he 
had  left  in  my  charge  a  considerable  sum  to  defray  the  expenses 
of  our  connection.  This  sum  disappeared  during  the  fire,  and 
after  suspecting  that  Pierre  Naviel,  the  young  woman's  adoptive 
father,  had  then  appropriated  it  by  theft,  we  have  now  every 
reason  to  believe  —  D'Albigny  and  I  —  that  the  said  Naviel  has 
devised  a  less  dangerous  but  more  infamous  scheme,  in  view  of 
effecting  his  object.  He  is  simply  speculating  on  the  girl's 
beauty  and  the  rajah's  love  for  her— a  love  to  which  she  lends 
herself  with  a  readiness  unknown  to  you  alone.  Pray,  inquire, 
dear  sir,  at  what  hour  the  rajah  is  in  the  habit  of  going  to  see 
Andree,  and  you  will  ascertain  that  he  carefully  calls  when  you 
are  not  in  the  house.  For  instance,  last  night,  when  you  were 
miable  to  visit  your  chaste  betrothed  as  usual,  you  were  '  advan- 
tageously' replaced  by  the  rajah,  who  had  been  duly  warned 
of  your  absence.  I  write  you  all  this  because  I  beheve  that  you 
are  as  loyal  as  you  are  simple,  and  as  confidmg  as  you  are 
ignorant  of  women.  If  I  have  by  chance  made  a  mistake,  and 
you  are  fuUy  acquainted  with  the  rajah's  frequent  visits  to 
Andree,  you  will  have  a  right  to  ask  mo  to  apologize ;  for  in 
that  case  you  would  be  far  more  artful  and  far  less  scrupulous 
than  I  supposed. 

"  P.  S.    Isn't  the  delay  in  bringing  about  your  marriage  due 
in  some  respects  to  Andr6e's  intrigue  with  her  prince?" 


The  second  letter,  which  came  from  Lucien,  was  written  in  a 
trembling,  irregular  hand,  as  if  it  had  been  composed  in  the 
midst  of  a  fit  of  passion.  Still  at  the  outset  it  had  some  preten- 
sions to  dignity,  and  the  first  words  were  not  lacking  in  apparent 
calmness : 

"  Mademoiselle — I  do  not  know  if  the  much-hoped-for 
marriage  between  us  can  take  place.  I  fancy  not.  Obstacles 
arise  on  all  sides,  and  denunciations  rain  upon  me,  as  witness 
the  enclosed  letter.  I  knew  that  the  rajah — the  ex-lover  of  the 
woman  who  is  your  mother — had  abandoned  his  old  mistress  for 
you.  I  knew  that  he  had  ofl'ered  you  his  fortune,  just  as  he  had 
previously  offered  it  to  Nana.  You  told  me,  no  doubt  intention- 
ally, and  to  anticipate  my  suspicions,  that  he  had  gone  to 
]\Iadame  Naviel's  to  buy  some  flowers,  whereas  the  truth  is,  that 
he  only  goes  to  the  house  to  see  you.  Finally,  I  learned  by 
chance  that  you  had  been  seen  with  him  at  the  Grand  Hotel  and 
in  his  brougham.  I  do  not  know  why  you  have  made  a  mystery 
of  this  acquaintance  and  these  meetings,  but  I  conclude  that,  as 
you  have  kept  them  secret,  you  had  certain  reasons  which  can- 
not be  confessed.  The  enclosed  letter  shows  that  as  I  was 
imable  to  go  and  see  you  last  night,  I  was  '  advantageously ' 
replaced  by  a  wealthier  rival.  I  now  divine  the  real  motive  of 
all  the  delay  which  has  taken  place  in  fixing  the  date  of  our 
wedding.  This  motive  is  evident  enough,  and  one  must  be  a 
lover  not  to  see  it.  Listen,  Andr^e,  I  have  greatly  sufiered  for 
you  and  through  you  since  we  first  met.  My  situation  has 
become  intolerable-  I  no  longer  believe  in  anything.  I  doubt 
of  the  existence  of  God,  of  the  sun  itself,  since  I  can  no  longer 
trust  in  you.  As  I  told  you  on  the  day  when  you  came  to  my 
mother's,  had  you  even  been  Nana  herself,  I  loved  you  so  much 
that  I  would  have  married  you  all  the  same.  But  you  ought  to 
have  told  me  the  truth,  you  ought  not  to  have  deceived  me !  I 
might  forget  past  errors,  but  I  should  be  unable  to  close  my  eyes 
to  present  shame.  I  forgive  you  for  all  the  sutteriug  you  cause 
me  by  yoiu-  waywardness  or  irreflection.  I  love  you  like  a 
coward,  for  I  lack  the  heart  to  hate  you.  I  would  drag  myself 
on  my  knees  to  beg  forgiveness  for  this  letter,  for  maybe  I  accuse 
you  wrongly.  My  head  whirls  as  I  write  this,  at  the  thought 
that  I  am  sending  such  a  missive  to  you.  Oh!  Andr6e,  why 
were  we  not  married  sooner  ?  Now  it  is  too  late ;  the  holy  bona 
which  carmot  be  severed  has  become  an  impossibility ;  doubt  hab 
crept  in  between  you  and  me.  I  could  no  longer  offer  you  my 
former  honest  love.  Despite  myself,  my  desires  would  be  purely 
material,  you  would  no  longer  be  what  you  were,  the  little  saint, 
the  little  fondly-worshiped  madonna — you  would  be — shall  I 
dare  to  write  it — a  coveted  mistress  and  nothing  more.  So  it  is 
better  not  to  sully  the  ethereal  dream  we  made  together.    Good- 

196  nana's  daughter. 

by,  then,  my  own  love,  for  without  you  I  cannot  live ;  good- 
by,  Andree,  think  nevermore  of 

*'  Your  old  friend, 

'' LuciEN  Despretz." 

As  pale  as  a  wax  eflBgy  of  the  virgin,  with  dilated  eyes  and 
trembhng  hands,  Andree  had  the  courage  to  read  this  cruel 
letter  to  the  end.  When  she  had  finished  she  placed  both  mis- 
sives in  her  bosom,  called  Margot,  and  in  the  harsh  voice  habitual 
to  her  in  moments  of  anger,  said :  "  Bring  me  my  bonnet  and 
mantle. " 

''  Where  are  you  going  ?"  asked  Madame  Naviel,  eagerly. 

"  To  the  Grand  Hotel,  mother, " 


When  Lucien  Despretz  received  Nana's  letter,  he  at  first  tried 
to  conceal  from  his  mother  the  deep  impression  which  it  made 
upon  him.  It  arrived  while  he  was  dressing  in  the  intention  of 
going  to  wish  Andree  many  happy  returns  of  her  fete  day. 

He  read  the  letter  twice,  and  perceived  that  it  was  in  his 
power  to  verify  the  charges  which  it  enunciated  respecting  the 
rajah.  The  latter  certainly  went  to  the  Naviels',  and  took 
Andree  heaps  of  flowers,  which  she  accepted,  so  that  it  seemed 
as  if  she  encouraged  his  assiduity.  It  was  also  true  that  the 
rajah  only  called  at  an  hour  when  he  was  certain  not  to  find 
Lucien  in  the  house.  On  the  previous  day  he  had  gone  there  in 
the  evening,  contrary  to  custom,  and  as  Lucien  had  warned  his 
betrothed  that  his  work  would  detain  him  at  the  ofQce,  it 
seemed  as  if  Andree  connived  with  the  rajah  to  inform  him  of 
her  suitor's  absence.  Overcome  by  the  weight  of  the  doubts 
which  assailed  him,  Lucien  sank  onto  a  chair  with  his  head  in 
his  hands.  At  times  it  seemed  to  him  as  if  Andree  purposely 
hesitated  to  conclude  the  marriage  already  so  often  deferred. 
Obstacles  arose  on  all  sides.  Even  Luc  had  declared,  in  his 
presence,  that  such  a  marriage  was  impossible.  Madame 
Despretz  also  was  opposed  to  it,  since  she  knew  that  Andree 
was  Nana's  daughter,  and  that  the  rajah  was  a  constant  visitor 
at  the  Naviels'.  By  degrees,  her  own  visits  to  Andree's  adop- 
tive parents  had  become  less  frequent,  and  it  seemed  as  if  there 
were  some  estrangement  between  them.  Besides,  she  had  fits 
of  misanthropy  which  lasted  for  entire  months,  when  she  led  a 
silent,  retired  life,  avoiding  every  one,  even  her  own  son.  It 
seemed  as  if  in  the  depths  of  her  ulcerated  heart,  some  secret 
recollections  subsisted,  as  bitter  and  as  tenacious  as  remorse, 
some  mystery  which  she  concealed  as  carefully  as  if  it  were  a 
so-QTce  of  shame.    When  she  surprised  Lucien,  absorbed  in  his 


reflections,  with  his  head  in  his  hands,  she  hastened  to  him  and 
drew  his  liands  aside,  so  as  to  try  and  read  his  thoughts  in  his 
face.  His  convulsed  features  and  dry  eyes,  to  which  the  virile 
austerity  of  a  sudden  resolution  had  imparted  an  unusually 
harsh  ex])ression,  bespoke  the  most  intense  grief.  She  felt 
frightene(l  at  the  sight,  and  then  perceiving  the  letter  which  he 
f.till  held  in  his  right  hand,  she  snatched  it  from  him  and  read 
it  at  a  glance. 

"  Ivisten,  Lucien,"  she  said,  as  she  kissed  him  on  the  forehead; 
"  listen,  my  poor  hoy ;  you  have  fallen  into  a  perfect  wasps' 
nest.  In  my  opinion  the  mother  and  the  daughter  fully  under- 
stand each  other ;  the  one  is  as  bad  as  the  other ;  and  Nana 
must  ha\'e  written  this  letter  with  Andree's  consent,  so  as  to 
make  you  give  up  the  marriage.  It  is  evident  that  they  now 
have  other  views,  shameful  but  profitable  ones.  Sure  enough, 
that  woman  Nana  has  passed  the  rajah  over  to  her  daughter !  '' 

"  You  exaggerate,  mother.  I  think  that  Andree  is  virtuous, 
although  she  is  a  great  deal  too  coquettish.  I  will  make  the 
rajah  speak;  I  will  force  him  to  do  so;  yes,  force  him,  mother, 
or  else " 

"  Come,  that  girl  will  end  by  breaking  your  heart  and  blastinf; 
your  life.  Haven't  you  already  lost  a  position  and  risked  youit 
life  on  account  of  her  ?  Am  I  nothing  to  you  ?  Don't  you  ever 
think  of  the  grief  and  anxiety  you  cause  me  ?  Ah  !  that 
wretched  Nana,  what  need  had  she  to  write  and  upset  you  with 
that  letter?  You  wish  to  speak  to  the  rajah,  you  say;  well,  be 
it  so.  And  I  will  go  and  say  a  couple  of  words  to  his  ex-mistress. 
What  cause  can  she  have  to  hate  me  so,  that  she  persecutes  me 
even  in  the  person  of  my  son  ?  I  had  pardoned  her,  I  had  ibr- 
gotten  them  both,  herself  and  her  D'Albigny.  She  wants  to 
revive  my  recollections,  does  she  ?  So  be  it,  then !  I  will  go  to 
her  house,  and  before  her  marquis  I  will  tear  the  mask  from  off 
her  face.  For  I  also,  I  have  an  arm  against  her  in  my  hand  ! 
But,  first  of  all,  Lucien,  if  you  will  take  my  advice,  you  will 
write  to  Mademoiselle  Naviel  to  give  her  back  her  promise.  01 
course  you  must  tell  her  why.  If  she  is  guilty,  she  won't  try  to 
prove  the  contrary;  and  if  she  is  innocent  and  really  loves  Tou, 
she  will  surely  find  a  means  of  showing  it. " 

"  You  want  me  to  write  to  Andree  ?  " 

"  Quite  so. " 

"  But  if  I  release  her  from  her  promise,  even  if  my  suspicions 
are  unfounded,  she  will  remain  proudly  silent,  as  is  usual  with 
her,  and  then  it  will  be  all  over  between  us." 

"  So  much  the  better." 

"  You  don't  like  Andree,  mother. " 

"  Because  I  fear  that  you  love  her  too  much." 

"  Well,  as  you  wish  it ;  I  will  write  to  her. " 

Lucien  did  not  have  the  time  to  reflect  that  this  letter,  written 


on  Andr6e's  fete  day,  was  even  a  more  grievous  offense  than  the 
barely-expressed  doubt  which  had  almost  resulted  in  a  rupture 
on  the  day  of  the  fire,  in  which  Audree  would  have  perished 
but  for  the  rajah's  succor.  The  young  fellow  wrote  the  first 
few  lines  with  studied  coldness,  and  without  any  positive  inten- 
tion of  really  sending  the  letter;  but  as  he  approached  the 
finish,  he  gave  way  to  the  true  passion  which  inflamed  him,  and 
strove  to  be  as  energetic  as  possible  in  the  hope  that  Andr6e 
would  give  way  in  presence  of  his  violent  jealousy,  as  she  had 
already  done  in  the  case  of  the  marquis.  However,  each  harsh 
word  that  he  addressed  to  her  proved  a  blow  to  his  own  heart, 
and  he  suffered  cruelly  as  he  felt  his  faith  in  her  give  way  under 
the  weight  of  slander.  When  his  letter  was  finished,  he  folded  it 
up  with  Nana's  and  placed  them  both  in  an  envelope  on  which 
he  rapidly  wrote  Andr6e's  address.  Meanwhile  Madame  Des- 
pretz  had  been  dressing ;  she  was  the  first  ready  to  go  out,  and 
she  entered  Lucien's  room  to  kiss  him. 

"  You  are  really  going  to  that  woman's?  "  he  asked. 

<<  Yes." 

"What  is  the  use  of  it?" 

"  I  wish  to  have  an  explanation  with  her,  and  request  her  to 
leave  us  in  peace. "  Then  noticing  Lucien's  letter  to  Mademoi- 
selle Naviel,  she  added :  "Ah!  so  your  note  is  ready?  I  con- 
gratulate you,  my  boy.  Now  you  will  be  mine  and  only  mine.  I 
will  post  it  for  you  if  you  like. " 

Lucien  did  not  dare  refuse.  For  a  long  while  he  had  not  seen 
such  an  expression  of  triumphant  maternity  on  his  mother's  face. 
A  ray  ot  egotistical  joy  illuminated  the  eyes  of  the  old  woman, 
who,  as  if  her  mourning  were  perpetual,  wore  the  same  black 
dress  that  he  had  seen  her  in  for  years  and  years  already.  She 
threw  her  arms  around  his  neck,  and  weeping  with  happiness, 
kissed  him  on  the  forehead  and  the  eyelids.  "  Do  you  see, 
Lucien,"  she  said  to  him,  "  we  shall  be  very  happy  now.  We 
shall  be  alone  to  love  each  other.  Believe  me,  let  the  rajah  be. 
Andr6e  would  think  that  you  regretted  her.  I  shall  post  your 
letter  in  the  Rue  Crozatier,  unless  I  take  it  to  BatignoUes  and 
leave  it  with  the  porter  at  the  Naviels'  house. " 

"  It  would  be  better  to  post  it,  mother." 

"  As  you  like. " 

She  then  went  off  almost  cheerfully,  while  Lucien  began  to 
dress.  He  left  the  house  a  few  minutes  afterward,  and  walked 
on  scarcely  knowing  where  he  was  going,  but  with  his  mind  still 
full  of  Andr6e.  Suddenly  he  thought  of  the  letter  which  he  had 
just  written  to  her,  and  stopped  short  as  if  he  had  received  a 
blow  on  the  skull.  This  letter  really  implied  a  ruptiu-e;  he  had 
not  carefully  weighed  all  the  terms  of  it,  but  he  now  felt  that 
8ome  of  them  were  too  harsh,  and  would  appear  positive  insults 
lo  Andr^e.     W[\y  had  his  mother,  so  to  say,  almost  torn  that 

nana's  daughter.  199 

letter  ffoiu  him  ?  As  he  began  to  measure  the  void  which  the 
loss  of  xVndree  would  creates  in  his  life,  he  was  astonished  to  feel 
that  he  would  be  quite  unable  to  exist  without  her.  Full  of 
regret  for  his  broken  love,  he  dwelt  painfully  on  his  former 
dreams,  crushed  by  the  recollection  of  the  delightful  i)lans  they 
had  formed  together.  She  again  appeared  to  him  as  ho  had  seen 
her  the  first  time,  in  that  box  at  the  Theatre  des  Bouffes,  radiant 
with  her  fifteen  summers,  candid  and  charming  amid  the  vicious 
homage  which  Nana  had  prompted,  and  which  went  rather  to 
the  courtesan's  daughter  than  to  Andree's  true,  chaste  beauty. 
How  pretty  she  had  looked  that  evening  in  her  light,  liac-tinted 
dress,  with  gloves  of  the  same  shade,  and  suimy  hair  which  fell 
to  her  eyes  in  wavy  ringlets,  veiling  her  Grecian  forehead.  Then 
he  saw  her  again  as  she  had  been  that  day,  that  lovely  spring 
morning,  when  ho  had  ventured  to  speak  to  her  of  love.  And 
corresponding  impressions  were  aroused  in  his  mind  as  in  a 
dream ;  he  had  a  vision  of  the  Boulevard  Beaumarchais,  which 
they  had  walked  along  together  j  and  he  could  see  a  gentleman 
in  a  dressing-gown,  who  was  taking  his  ease  on  his  balcony, 
reading  the  Vie  Parisienne. 

And  now  it  was  all  over?  Was  that  possible?  He  had 
deceived  himself,  he  had  been  deceived !  Even  his  mother  did 
not  like  Andr6e,  and  that  miserable  fellow  Luc,  Nana's  valet, 
had,  in  connivance  with  his  mistress  not  doubt,  dared  to  declare 
that  a  marriage  between  Andree  Naviel  and  Lucien  Despretz 
was  impossible.  As  for  Nana,  her  opinion  could  have  no  weight ; 
and  Lucien  did  not  even  try  to  think  what  could  have  been  her 
real  object  in  wilting  that  letter.  And  yet  at  this  very  moment 
he  submitted  to  this  woman's  influence ;  he  was  conquered  by 
her  desperate  attacks  upon  Andree,  and  gave  credit  to  the  state- 
ments she  made — she,  the  unnatural  mother,  who  slandered  the 
virtue  of  her  own  child !  With  these  contradictory  thoughts 
revolving  in  his  mind,  Lucien  drew  near  to  the  Jardin  des 
Plantes.  He  stopped  short  on  the  quay  and  gazed  fixedly  at 
the  distant  pile  of  Notre  Dame  rising  up  against  the  pale  azure 
of  the  chilly  sky.  At  last  he  averted  his  eyes,  and  leaning  over 
the  parapet  of  the  quay,  he  began  to  watch  the  gliding  moire- 
like ripples  of  the  river,  which  here  expanded  ere  it  wound 
ribbon-like  around  the  island  of  La  Cite.  It  seemed  to  the 
young  fellow  that  over  there,  near  the  island,  the  water  with  its 
smooth,  silky  reflections  assumed  the  tint  of  Andree's  dress. 
Could  he  live  like  this  without  going  mad?  he  asked  himself. 
No,  it  was  impossible.  He  must  repair  what  he  had  done  —  he 
must  annihilate  that  fatal  letter. 

This  decision  taken,  he  hastened  to  the  postoflSce  in  the  Rue 
Crozatier,  which  he  found  full  of  people.  He  had  to  wait  twenty 
minutes  before  ho  could  speak  to  a  clerk  in  view  of  recovering 
the  letter,  and  he  was  then  told  that  he  was  too  late.  The  letter 

200  nana's  daughter. 

had  already  gone  off  to  the  central  office  in  the  Rue  Jean  Jacqiie3 
Rousseau,  whither  he  immediately  hurried.  After  various 
mquiries  there,  he  was  at  length  sent  to  the  proper  department, 
the  manager  of  which  made  him  write  a  fac- simile  of  the  address 
in  view  of  having  the  letter  looked  for.  Then  half-an-hour'8 
tedious  waiting  followed,  and  finally  Lucien  was  told  that  the 
missive  could  not  be  foimd,  although  a  very  careful  search  had 
been  made  by  the  sorters.  The  young  fellow  hurried  off  almost 
without  thanking  the  obliging  officials,  and  hailing  the  first  cab 
he  spied,  he  told  the  driver  to  take  him  to  the  Square  des 

The  porter  of  the  house  in  which  the  Naviels  resided  readily 
informed  him  that  an  old  lady,  whom  he  recollected  having  seen 
a  few  times  before,  had  called  at  noon,  and  given  him  a  letter 
for  Mademoiselle  Andree.  He  had  taken  it  up-stairs  at  once, 
and  shortly  afterward  Mademoiselle  Andree  had  left  the  house 
without  saying  where  she  was  going.  The  misfortune  was  irre- 
parable !  Lucien's  passionate  soul  was  inflamed  with  a  violent 
attack  of  rage.  His  despair  was  changed  into  jealous  hatred 
against  the  rajah,  the  marquis,  Nana,  and  even  his  mother  her- 
self. He  rushed  out  of  the  house  like  a  madman,  sprang  into 
the  cab  again,  and  called  out  to  the  driver :  "  To  the  Grand 
Hotel !  " 

When  Andr6e,  on  leaving  Batignolles,  reached  the  palatial 
caravansary  on  the  Boulevard  de  Capuciaes,  she  found  the  rajah 
alone  in  the  room  in  which  he  had  aheady  received  her,  when 
she  had  sohcited  his  testimony  in  favor  of  Pierre  Naviel,  imjustly 
accused  of  theft.  It  was  a  comfortable  and  even  luxurious  room, 
but  quite  destitute  of  charactenstic  elegance.  The  furniture, 
upholstered  in  blue  and  yellow  satin,  comprised  some  arm-chairs 
and  a  sofa  with  tassels  and  fringes,  and  near  the  window  stood 
a  writing  table  covered  with  open  letters  and  unfinished  answers. 
As  soon  as  the  rajah  perceived  Andr6e  he  realized  by  the  ex- 
pression of  her  featui'es  that  some  unexpected  misfortune  had 
overtaken  her. 

"Nana?"  he  cried  in  a  deep  voice.  "I  can  guess  it — I  see 
Nana's  hand  in  this — You  have  been  crying,  Andree — tell  me, 
do  you  wish  for  that  woman's  blood  ? 

"  I  wish  for  nobody's  blood,  prince ;  but  I  am  slandered  on 
account  of  you.  Our  acquauitance  is  incriminated.  But  read  these 
two  letters. " 

He  held  out  his  hand.  "  This  one,"  ho  said,  "  comes  from 
Nana.  I  will  not  read  it — I  have  no  doubt  of  its  contents.  And 
this  one  from  your  betrothed.  Let  us  see  it. "  He  neghgently 
let  Nana's  note  slip  on  the  floor,  and  began  to  peruse  the  letter 
written  by  Lucien.  When  ho  had  finished  two  tears  coursed 
down  his  sunken  cheeks.  "  Poor  fellow, "  he  muttered.  "You 
have  come  to  ask  me  not  to  see  you  again — is  that  not  8o, 

nana's  daughter.  201 

Anrlrcc  f  1  forosaw  it. "  His  broad  cliost  hoaved.  with  a  sol), 
and  in  a  low  hissing  voice  he  added :  "  Yes,  I  understand :  I 
did  wrong ;  it  is  I  who  am  guilty.  I  ought  not  to  have  gone  to 
your  homo ;  I  ought  not  to  have  taken  you  any  flowers.  Ho 
thought — the  unfortunate  fellow — how  does  he  understand  love 
then  f  Does  he  think  that  any  evil  ideas  had  entered  my  mind 
when  I  was  with  you?  Does  ho  think  that,  tell  me,  Andree? 
Ho  must  be  mad  then !  But  each  flower  I  took  you  said  in  its 
perfumed,  blooming  language  what  I  myself  was  jDowerless  to 
say.  It  was  the  essence  of  my  being,  my  very  soul  that  went 
toward  you — my  soul  which  I  had  deposited  in  the  pure  chalices 
of  the  flowers  when  I  kissed  their  virgin  petals  before  taking 
them  to  you. " 

''  I  know  that  you  love  mo,  rajah — Why  did  I  not  meet  you 

"  Why,  yes,  why?  You  would  have  been  mine  now,  Andrde, 
yes,  mine ;  while  he  sends  you  those  letters  fit  to  crush  you. 
Poor  fellow  !  ho  sutlers  —  he  has  written  that  with  his  life-blood. 
Do  you  still  love  him?" 

"  Why  do  you  ask  me  that  ?" 

"  Answer  me  frankly  —  do  you  love  him  in  spite  of  all  the 
sorrow  he  has  caused  you  whilst  struggling  against  his  agony  ? 
Andree,  do  you  love  him  —  tell  me  —  answer?" 

His  eyes  dilated  with  ardent  hope,  and  the  flame  of  fever  rose 
to  his  cheeks,  drying  his  burning  tears.  Everything  in  him 
begged,  watched,  prayed,  even  to  the  broken  sighs  exhaled  by 
his  lips,  curved  into  an  expression  of  pain,  even  to  his  hands, 
which  tremblingly  pressed  those  of  Andree.  And  what  he 
asked  —  this  man  whose  very  silence  bespoke  high,  powerful 
passion,  was  whether  he  might  hope  and  hvo,  or  whether  he 
must  sacrifice  himself  and  die. 

"  You  ask  me  if  I  love  him,  prince?"  rejoined  Andr6e,  whose 
voice  vibrated  deeply,  "  I  love  him  too  well.  I  crush  my  pride 
under  foot  to  come  and  beg  of  you  to  sacrifice  your  friendship  for 
me  to  his  unjust  suspicions. " 

"  It  is  well.  You  shall  not  see  me  at  your  house  again.  Bid 
your  father  and  mother,  all  those  whom  you  love,  good-by  for 
me.  I  wUl  leave  France.  Perhaps  I  shall  still  have  time  enough 
to  reach  my  country,  and  die  where  I  was  born. " 

"  No,  stay,  prince." 

"  But  why  should  I  stay  now  ?  I  hoped  I  should  be  able  to 
■witness  your  ha])piness.  I  longed  to  die  under  the  pale  sky  of 
France,  in  the  shade  of  her  cypresses.  But  I  am  denied  that 
resting-place.  Why  should  I  stay,  since  my  presence  causes 
your  tears  to  flow,  since  you  do  not  love  me,  since  you  love 
him " 

"  I  do  not  know.  I  have  no  longer  the  courage  to  think;  or 
even  to  live. " 

Nana's  Dau^kier  13. 

202  N ana's   daughter. 

"  What  can  I  do  to  console  you  ?  I  offer  to  go  away,  T  offer 
to  die,  if  you  wish  it.  From  the  land  of  death  no  travelers 
return,  and  your  betrothed  will  not  be  jealous  of  a  phantom. " 

While  speaking  he  had  passed  one  arm  around  Andree's 
waist,  and  sustained  her  as  she  wept  on  in  silence,  with  her 
madonna-hke  hands  pressed  to  her  brow.  As  the  Hindu's  words, 
at  once  chaste  and  ardent,  descended  toward  her,  as  his  breath 
stirred  the  curls  of  her  tawny  hair,  he  himself  leaned  forward, 
attracted  by  the  suave  perfume  of  her  person.  Half  intoxicated 
by  the  scent,  he  stood  with  parted  mouth,  his  hps  seeming  to 
kiss  the  very  air  around  him.  Andree,  on  her  side,  despite  her 
recent  contact  with  the  courtesan,  felt  an  ardor  of  generous 
ideality  steal  over  her.  A  world  of  new  sensations  was  awakened 
in  her  mind.  She  had  known  nothing  like  it  in  her  previous  hfe, 
which,  from  the  first  sentiment  of  vague  sympathy  inspired  by 
Face-to-Smack,  down  to  the  honest,  sincere  love  she  felt  for 
Lucien,  had  been  of  a  realistic  character.  Lucien  had  given  her 
the  first  fruits  of  his  reserved  mind  and  chaste  nature,  which 
had  not  spent  itself  in  facile  intrigues.  And  for  Andree,  who 
wished  to  be  a  man's  one  and  only  love,  it  was  everything  to  be 
his  first  sweetheart,  for  she  was  proud  enough  to  beheve  that 
once  distinguished  by  her  a  lover  would  never  seek  elsewhere. 
Thus  Lucien  had  this  immense  advantage  over  the  rajah,  that 
he  had  never  loved  any  woman  but  Andree.  The  Hindu  had 
shown  himself  to  all  Paris  in  the  courtesan's  company.  He  had 
been  seen  at  the  opera  with  her,  in  the  Bois  de  Boulogne,  and  at 
various  entertainments.  He  had  ruined  himself  for  her  on  a 
former  occasion,  and  he  would  have  done  so  over  again  if  Andree 
had  not  crossed  his  path.  Then  without  more  ado  he  had  aban- 
doned Nana  for  her  daughter,  love  in  flesh  and  bones  for  Platonic 
ethereality.  The  rajah's  imexpected  idealism  would  have  seemed 
ridiculous  for  many  women,  but  for  Andi-ee  it  had  all  the  attrac- 
tion of  the  unknown — that  unknown  which  intoxicates  free 
hearts  and  independent  imaginations.  Still  it  could  not  counter- 
balance the  perfectly  defined  and  openly  confessed  affection  of 
the  young  fellow  whom  Nana  was  trying  to  turn  from  Andree 
by  a  system  of  patient,  perfidious  slander. 

"  You  see, "  said  the  Indian,  pointing  to  the  unfinished  letters 
lying  on  his  writing-table,  "  you  see  when  I  wanted  to  write  I 
tried  to  collect  my  ideas  but  I  could  not  find  them.  They  had 
flown  away  with  you  and  will  remain  with  you.  Who  can  see 
them  and  be  jealous  of  them?  Tell  your  friend  that  since  you 
love  hira  I  leave  you  to  him.  If  some  day  you  changed,  if  you 
regretted  having  lost  me  —  but  no,  that  is  impossible,  it  would 
be  too  late  for  me,  too  late  for  you.  Oh !  If  I  ever  learned 
that  he  made  you  unhappy,  if  I  ever  knew  that  he  abused  his 
happiness  to  torture  you,  I  would  go  to  you,  no  matter  where  I 
might  be.    My  will  would  be  powerful  enough  to  raise  even  the 

nana's  daughter.  203 

earth  of  the  grave.  And  dead,  T  would  chitch  hold  of  him  with 
my  skeleton  hands  and  drag  him  away  with  me.  Ahve,  I  would 
kiil  him,  and  then  carry  you  oil'  in  my  mantle,  near  my  heart, 
and  warm  your  jjrctty  hands  and  feet  with  my  love.  We  would 
go  far,  far  away  together,  to  the  country  of  the  sun,  where  you 
would  hear  me  children,  so  that  the  type  of  perfect  heauty 
might  not  perish  with  you." 

"  Don't  talk  like  that,  rajah  —  leave  me,"  said  Andr6o,  mak- 
ing an  etfort  to  free  herself.  "  I  should  almost  justify  the 
jieoplo  who  slander  mo  if  I  hstened  to  you,  if  I  allowed  you  to 
talk  and  look  at  me  as  you  are  doing.  Your  eyes  really  hurn  me. 
"Wo  must  separate.  You  have  been  a  very  kind  friend  to  me,  I 
have  never  had  to  complain  either  of  your  w^ords  or  of  your 
acts ;  you  have  respected  my  early  afi'ection  and  I  thank  you 
for  doing  so.  Write  and  tell  M.  Lucien  Despretz  that  you  know 
through  me  that  he  is  jealous  on  account  of  your  visits,  and 
that  you  intend  to  cease  them.  You  will  add  that  you  have 
entertamed  great  friendship  for  me,  but  that  you  have  loved 
Nana  too  much  to  care  for  any  other  woman. " 

"  What !  Andree,  you  want  me  to  wi'ite  and  sign  a  lie  !  But 
lying  is  contemptible,  and  I  cannot  tell  an  untruth." 

"  You  will  do  so  for  my  sake,  and  I  shall  esteem  you  all  the 
more. " 

"  Well,  I  will  do  as  you  bid  me." 

"  Then  write  this  evening. " 

"  Tell  me  what  to  say.    I  will  write  and  sign  it  before  you. " 

"  So  be  it,  prince,  I  accept  the  offer.  Those  who  accuse  me 
of  betrayal  must  be  confoimded." 

The  rajah  sank  into  an  arm-chair,  which  he  rolled  to  his 
writing-table,  took  up  a  gold  pen,  encrusted  with  precious 
stones,  and  wrote,  while  Andree  dictated  to  him  as  follows : 

"  Sir  —  I  learn  with  extreme  surprise  that  you  wish  to  break 
off  your  marriage  with  Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviel  on  account 
of  me.  I  need  not  tell  you,  I  presume,  that  my  acquaintance 
with  your  betrothed  has  been  entirely  prompted  by  friendly 
politeness.  Mademoiselle  Naviel  rendered  me  a  great  service 
when  her  mother's  house  was  on  fire,  and  I  should  have  liked  to 
acknowledge  it  otherwise  than  by  ceremonious  visits  which  have 
been  by  no  means  frequent.  I  have  felt,  and  still  feel  great 
esteem  for  yoru"  betrothed,  but  nothing  more.  My  passion  for 
her  mother  is  not  yet  extinguished,  and  it  has  taken  up  too 
much  room  in  my  life  for  me  to  feel  a  similar  sentiment  for  any 
other  woman.  I  consider  Mademoiselle  Andree  to  be  a  charm- 
ing girl,  but  I  have  never  raised  my  eves  to  her,  for  I  knew  that 
she  loved  another  man  who  reciprocated  her  affection.  I  will 
give  you  what,  in  my  eyes,  is  an  irrefutable  proof  of  this.  If  I 
felt  the  passion  which  is  ascribed  to  me  in  connection  with 
Mademoiselle  Naviel  I  should  not  be  disposed  to  share  her  heart 

204  nana's  daughter. 

with  another  or  to  tolerate  the  existence  of  a  rival.  And  in 
that  case  either  you  or  I  would  be  dead  at  the  present  time.  Do 
not  interpret  the  step  I  now  tali;e  as  an  act  of  cowardice,  for  it 
is  but  the  outcome  of  the  calm,  natural  sympathy  which  I  feel  for 
Mademoiselle  Naviel.  I  cease  seeing  her  because  I  know  that 
she  loves  you;  if  it  were  otherwise  it  would  be  you  who " 

Andr6e  stopped  short.  "  Oh!  no,"  she  muttered,  "  I  cannot 
dictate  that  to  you.  Scratch  out  everything  after  the  words  J 
cease  seeing  her.'  And  wait  a  minute,  I  will  arrange  another 
conclusion.  Meantime  you  can  write  the  address :  Monsieur 
Lucien  Despretz,  22  Rue  Crozatier,  Paris." 

While  the  rajah  directed  the  envelope  she  reflected,  and  then 
exclaimed,  "  Finish  the  letter  hke  this :  •  Love  yom-  betrothed 
as  she  deserves  to  be  loved,  and  refrain  from  feeling  jealous  of  a 
stranger,  who,  far  fi-om  being  a  rival,  would  like  to  be  your 
friend.'    And  then  sign  your  name. " 

The  Hindu  complied  and  fastened  up  the  letter. 

"Thanks,  prince,"  said  Audr6e,  ''and  now  good-by.  I 
intend  to  post  this  at  once.  He  will  receive  it  to-morrow 

At  this  moment  a  servant  abruptly  entered  the  room.  "  I  did 
not  ring  for  you,"  said  the  rajah. 

"  I  have  just  knocked,  prince,  and  I  thought  you  called  out  to 
me,  '  Come  in.'  There  is  a  tall  young  fellow  outside  who  insists 
upon  seeing  you. " 

At  the  same  moment  Lucien  Despretz  brushed  past  the 
servant  and  entered  the  room.  The  Hindu  released  Anch-ee's 
hand,  which  he  had  taken  in  his  own,  and  quietly  approached 
the  young  fellow,  saying :  "  Who  are  you  ?  It  seems  to  me  that 
I  have  met  you  before.    What  do  you  desire  If  " 

"  I  desired  the  proof  of  a  betrayal,  and  I  need  not  go  any 
further. " 

"  A  betrayal !  You  cannot  find  anything  of  the  sort  here, 

"I  at  least  find  a  perjured  woman,  prince,"  said  Lucien, 
pointing  to  Andr6o  with  an  accusing  gesture. 

"  Lucien,  you  are  mistaken  I  "  cried  Mademoiselle  Naviel, 
springing  toward  her  lover. 

"  I  am  mistaken,  mademoiselle,  do  you  say?  Mistaken,  when  I 
surprise  you  here?  No,  no,  I  am  not  mistaken :  I  cannot  deceive 
myself  or  be  deceived  by  others  any  longer.  I  have  been  candid, 
good-natured,  and  stupid,  eh  ?  And  you  must  have  had  a  nice 
laugh  together,  you,  the  marquis,  the  rajah  and  the  others,  a 
nice  laugh  at  such  a  foolish  young  fellow  as  myself  !  I  confess 
that  I  am  not  inclined  to  laugh ;  and  as  your  marquis  half  killed 
me  I  hope  that  this  gentleman  in  his  quahty  as  a  prince;  will 
deign  to  finish  me.    That  is  what  I  ask  for. " 

nana's  daughter.  205 

"  I  am  not  disposed  to  kill  any  one,  sir;  a  man's  life  is  sacred; 
nothing  is  more  worthy  of  res])eet  in  the  whole  world." 

"  You  are  mistaken,  prince,  there  is  something  more  worthy 
of  respect  than  a  man's  life,  and  that  is  a  woman's  honor." 

**  No  woman's  honor  is  imperiled  by  the  rajah,  and  as  for  tho 
yomig  lady  who  is  here,  and  who  has  asked  me  to  forget  tho 
affection  I  felt  for  her,  she  will  leave  this  room  as  pm:e  and  as 
honored  as  when  she  entered  it  half  an  hour  ago." 

"  I  dare  say.  She  wasn't  your  mistress  for  the  first  time 

"  A^Tiat  infamy  and  cowardice !  "  cried  Andr6e.  I  ought  to 
have  sufficient  contempt  for  you  not  to  answer  you  —  not  to  givo 
you  the  proof  that  you  are  insultmg  a  girl  who  deserves  your 
respect,  and  who  deserved  your  love;  but  I  have  not  prido 
enough  it  seems,  and  as  I  can  clear  myself  I  will  do  so. " 

She  then  took  up  the  letter  which  she  dictated  to  the  rajah, 
and  handed  it  to  M.  Despretz.  A  tragical  silence  followed. 
Leaning  against  the  wall  near  the  window,  Lucien  slowly 
perused  the  missive.  The  rajah,  crushed  by  the  grief  of  losing 
Andree,  had  sunk  into  an  arm-chair.  She,  standing  erect  in 
front  of  her  betrothed,  waited  for  him  to  acknowledge  his  errors, 
and  implore  her  forgiveness  for  having  misjudged  her.  But  as 
Lucien  continued  reading,  his  features  assumed  an  expression  of 
intense  sarcasm,  blended  with  bitter  indignation.  When  he  had 
finished  he  put  the  letter  in  his  pocket,  and  turned  to  the  rajah, 
exclaiming :  "  My  congratulations,  sir ;  the  farce  is  well  played. 
I  keep  this  letter  as  a  model  of  duplicity.  And  I  congratulate 
you,  also,  mademoiselle,  for  I  presume  that  it  was  to  dispel  my 
suspicions,  and  deceive  me,  that  you  came  to  request  your  new 
lover  to  write  me  that  parcel  of  lies. " 

"  I  pity  you,  sir,"  said  the  rajah,  "  for  I  see  that  you  cannot 
distinguish  truth  from  falsehood. " 

"  You  ought  rather  to  pity  me  for  not  having  known  how  to 
keep  tho  love  of  the  woman  who  was  mine,  and  whom  you  have 
stolen  from  me.  As  for  me,  I  don't  pity  myself.  I  mean  to  be 
revenged.    One  of  us  two  must  disappear." 

"  It  is  I  who  intend  to  disappear." 

"  Yes,  this  letter  says  so,  but  your  word  does  not  suffice." 

"  Why  do  you  insult  me,  young  man?  My  hfe  is  over.  The 
old  tiger-killer  is  at  your  mercy,  you  can  strike  him,  he  would 
not  even  try  to  defend  himself." 

"  I  wish  to  fight  with  you,  not  to  murder  you. " 

"  And  I  —  I  can't  fight  with  you,  for  I  have  no  motive  for 
killing  you. " 

"  But  I  have  one. " 

"  Well,  here  I  am  then.    Kill  me.    Are  you  frightened?  " 

"  Ah  !  I  will  compel  you  to  fight  me." 

"  No  you  will  not,  sir.    And  yet  it  would  rather  be  for  me  to 

2o6  nana's  daughter, 

desire  your  death,  for  you  are  loved  and  I  am  not.  It  would  be 
for  me  to  hate  you,  and  yet  I  don't.  On  the  contrary,  I  want 
you  to  live  happily  with  her. " 

'*  That  man  with  me,  prince  !  "  cried  Andree.  "  Ah,  no  1  a 
thousand  times  no,  never,  never !  Andr6e  Naviel  cannot  be 
insulted  with  impunity.  She  is  too  proud  to  forget.  This  is 
the  second  time  in  six  months  that  this  gentleman  doubts  my 
honor. " 

"  No,  no,  I  doubt  no  longer.  Your  presence  here  is  a 
proof " 

"  Well,  be  it  so  I  It  is  you  who  have  willed  it !  And  now 
leave  me !  I  am  no  longer  yours.  I  belong  to  the  man  who 
knows  how  to  love  me,  I  am " 

*'  Do  not  say  that,  Ajidree,  in  heaven's  name,  do  not  say  that !  " 
interrupted  the  rajah.  "  You  know  very  well  that  it  is  false, 
that  you  are  not  mine,  and  that  you  don't  love  me.  It  is  he 
whom  you  love.  Do  not  speak  an  untruth ;  for  each  he  that 
pride  extorts  fi'om  you  rends  your  heart. " 

"  I  tell  you,  rajah,  that  it  is  you  not  he  whom  I  admire;  that 
it  is  you  not  he  who  deserve  my  love.  I  tell  you  that  I  love  you 
now,  and  that  I  know  that  man  no  longer  I  Order  him  to  go 
away  so  that  I  may  remain  with  you  forever  and  forever !  " 

The  Indian,  who  was  very  pale,  rose  up  and  gently  placed  his 
hand  over  Andree's  mouth  to  silence  her.  "  Be  quiet,"  he  said 
in  a  whisper. 

''  Since  there  is  only  cowardice  and  betrayal  here,  I  am  going," 
cried  Lucien,  "  but  to  tell  the  truth,  mademoiselle,  I  should  like 
to  know  where  you  fish  for  your  princes  and  marquises.  One  of 
them  fights  like  a  burglar,  and  the  other  refuses  a  duel.  Try  to 
make  a  better  choice  in  the  future,  for  among  all  these  titled 
lovers  of  yours  there  isn't  one  even  worthy  of  you. " 

Andr6e  approached  Lucien  with  an  implacable  gleam  in  her 
green  eyes :  "  Go,  go,  sir,  you  wlU  repent  of  all  that  you  have 
just  said  when  it  is  too  late,"  she  exclaimed.  "You  wiU  shed 
tears  of  blood,  for  I  know  that  you  love  me,  and  that  will  make 
me  strong  to  punish  you  for  your  disgraceful  suspicions.  Leave 
me,  I  have  a  friend  here  who  is  worth  more  than  you.  Go,  I 
say,  go. " 

"I  regret,  sir,"  said  the  rajah,  "that  you  refuse  cither  to 
believe  or  understand  me.  We  might  have  been  friends  —  for  a 
short  time,  for  the  doctors  say  that  my  case  is  hopeless.  It  would 
be  a  pity  to  risk  your  life,  which  will  probably  be  long  and 
happy,  against  mine,  which  can  only  be  a  short  and  dreary  one 
now.  Come,  sir,  give  me  your  hand.  The  rajah  is  loyal.  Why 
should  he  wish  to  deceive  you  ?  I  repeat  the  truth  for  the  last 
time.    I  love  yoiu"  betrothed,  but  she  does  not  love  me. " 

"  Ah !  you  love  her!  You  confess  then !  But  you  wrote  quite 
the  contrary  in  youi*  letter.    So  you  see  that  you  are  lying,  that 

nana's  daughter.  207 

you  are  deceiving  mc,  both  of  you.  Well,  keep  her,  prince,  keep 
her  for  good !  "  And  scarcely  able  to  restrain  his  sobs  Lucien 
fled  along  the  passages  of  the  hotel,  till  he  reached  the  boule- 
vard, thronged  with  people. 

The  spring-tide  scene  was  full  of  the  gaiety  of  active  life. 
Bright  flowers  bedizened  the  hats  and  bonnets  of  the  women ; 
light  dresses  shone  joyously  in  the  sun  rays  which  filtered 
between  the  early  fohage  of  the  trees,  and  open  vehicles  passed 
by  at  a  swil't  trot,  conveying  grave-looking  gentlemen,  who 
talked  theatricals  or  speculation  on  their  way  to  the  Bois 
de  Boulogne.  Lucien  crossed  the  boulevard  and  turned  down 
the  Rue  de  la  Paix.  He  traversed  the  Place  Vendome,  followed 
the  Rue  Castighone,  and  then  cut  diagonally  across  the  Tuileries 
gardens.  Under  the  old  chestnut  trees  groups  of  children  were 
playing,  carelessly  watched  by  white-aproned  nursery-maids, 
who  chatted  together  or  listened  to  a  regimental  band,  which 
was  playing  the  Overture  of  William  Tell.  The  spring  flowers 
bloomed  iu  clumps  around  the  lawns,  where  tribes  of  sparrows 
were  disputing  over  the  crumbs  thrown  them  by  some  ill-clad, 
misanthropical,  lonely  men,  whom  these  urchins  of  the  air  fol- 
lowed about,  with  the  bold  persistency  of  Italian  beggars.  Spring 
had  set  her  hand  even  on  the  blackened  skeleton  of  the  imperial 
palace,  fired  by  the  Communists,  which  rose  up  beyond  the  gar- 
den like  a  vision  of  evil  times;  here  and  there  the  ruins  were 
decked  with  parasitic  creepers  and  verdant  weeds. 

Lucien  crossed  the  Pont  Royal,  scarcely  knowing  why,  but 
seized  with  a  vague  desire  to  go  on  and  on  before  him,  so  as  to 
escape  from  the  past.  The  rapid  Seine,  murmuring  mider  the 
arches  of  the  bridge,  also  seemed  to  have  put  on  its  spring  attire 
now.  Covered  with  golden  spangles  by  the  sun,  it  reflected  the 
verdant  foliage  of  the  plane  trees  on  the  quay  which  extended 
far  away  in  long,  regular  lines,  here  and  there  broken  by  a  bridge 
or  by  a  flight  of  steps  leading  to  the  water.  The  far-reaching 
vista  seemed  to  attract  Lucien,  and  he  began  to  follow  the  quay, 
brushing  past  the  loitering  book-worms  who  were  looking  at 
the  second-hand  volumes  exposed  for  sale  on  the  parapets.  As 
he  approached  Notre  Dame,  the  thought  of  entering  it  occurred 
to  him.  Perhaps  some  supreme  consolation  was  in  store  for  him 
amid  the  solemn  peacefuLness  of  the  house  of  worship.  The 
huge  facade,  peopled  with  statues  and  pitted  with  niches,  hav- 
ing light  columns  supporting  a  high  gallery  with  a  tracery  of 
rosaces  and  ogival  windows  of  stained  glass,  rose  up  betwen  the 
two  colossal  towers  bristling  with  quaint  gargoyles,  the  fantas- 
tic outlines  of  which  stood  out  against  the  mist  rising  from  the 
river.  A  door  on  the  left-hand  side  was  open,  and  the  young 
fellow  went  in  and  fovmd  himself  in  the  dim,  shadowy  nave, 
where  the  frigid  silence  was  disturbed  from  time  to  time  by  a 
beadle  moving  some  chairs.    The  towering  organ  cast  a  shadow 

2o8  nana's  daughter. 

over  the  entry,  the  stained-glass  -vrindows  shed  a  melloTV  luster 
between  the  columns,  the  golden  chandeliers  hung,  unUghted, 
from  above,  and  in  the  damp  side-chapels  one  could  faintly  hear 
the  sleepy  prayers  of  some  old  women,  who,  with  lowered  eyes, 
were  mumbling  some  words  in  Latin,  which  they  did  not  under- 
stand. Near  the  choir  the  light  was  increased  by  the  golden 
splendor  of  the  glorious  rosaces  of  the  transept.  Peaceful  calm- 
ness slowly  descended  into  Lucien's  soul.  The  perfume  of  the 
incense  intoxicated  him,  and  he  felt  a  vague  feeling  of  childhke 

He  had  advanced  as  far  as  the  choir  when  the  beadle  came 
towards  him  and  said :  "  If  you  wish  to  go  round  the  abside  or 
visit  the  treasure,  it  costs  a  franc,  sir." 

Lucien  felt  indignant  at  the  priestly  rapacity  which  trans- 
formed a  masterpiece  into  a  shop,  vergers  into  showmen,  and  the 
great  cathedral  into  a  relic  fair.  The  peacefulness  which  the 
silence  of  the  nave  had  momentarily  brought  him,  was  dispelled. 
He  left  the  church  and  found  himself  in  front  of  the  Morgue, 
in  presence  of  his  mourning,  the  bitter  certainty  of  which  was 
strangling  him  hke  a  murderer's  hand. 

"  What  is  the  use  of  hving?  "  he  asked  himself.  "  Would  it 
not  be  better  to  sleep  there  in  the  Morgue  on  one  of  these  marble 
slabs?"  And,  with  his  brow  resting  on  his  hands,  leaning  on 
the  parapet  of  the  quay,  he  stood  watching  the  gliding,  moire- 
like ripples  of  the  river,  which  in  the  early  twilight  re-assumed 
its  silky  aspect  of  the  morning. 


Whek  Lucien  entered  the  rajah's  room,  Madame  Despretz 
was  ringing  Nana's  beU.  Luc  opened  the  door,  and  ushered  her 
into  the  drawing-room.  ''  Whom  shall  I  announce,  madame  ?  " 
he  asked,  as  if  he  did  not  recognize  her. 

"  Ad61e  Despretz,"  she  answered  drily. 

''Hum!  what  can  she  want?"  the  valet  grumbled  as  he 
went  to  inform  Nana  of  this  visit.  "  She's  capable  of  telling  my 
worthy  mistress  wlio  I  really  am,  and  if  she  did  that  I  should  be 
discharged  in  disgrace.  The  deuce !  That  would  be  unpleasant, 
for  I  have  business  to  attend  to  here!  I've  not  yet  finished 
amusing  myself  with  the  marquis  and  Nana.  I  must  find  some 
means  of  parrying  such  a  thrust  as  that. " 

He  knocked  at  the  door  of  the  bedroom  where  Virginie  was 
dressing  Nana's  hair.    ''  Who  is  it  ?  "  asked  the  courtesan. 

"  A  Madame  Despretz.  I  told  her  that  madame  was  very 
much  occupied  and  could  not  see  her. " 

"  On  the  contrary;  show  her  in." 

nana's  daughter.  209 

Luc  at  once  Tvent  in  search  of  Lucien's  mother. 

Nana's  new  bedroom  communicated  both  with  the  hall  and 
with  a  dressmg-room,  huug  with  pink  chintz,  thi-ough  which  the 
vestibule  might  also  bo  reached.  When  Adele  Despretz 
entered,  the  courtesan  was  seated  in  front  of  a  wardrobe  with 
a  plate-glass  door,  while  Virginie  plaited  her  hair,  still  falling  in 
part  over  her  black  satin  dressing-gown,  which  showed  up  the 
roseate  pallor  of  her  complexion  and  the  brilliancy  of  her  tawny 

"  Pray  be  seated,  madame, "  said  Nana  to  Lucien's  mother; 
and  then  assuming  a  haughty  air,  she  added :  "  Explain  to  mo 
what  you  desire. " 

"  The  explanation  I  wish  to  have  with  you,  madame,  must 
remain  between  you  and  I. " 

"  Virguiie,  make  haste  and  finish.  In  five  minutes  I  shall  be 
at  your  disposal,  madame. " 

The  maid  finished  plaiting  her  mistress'  hair  and  left  it 
hanging  in  a  double  tress  down  her  back.  "  I  will  finish  this 
evening  if  madame  desires  it, "  she  said.  "  But  this  style  suits 
madame's  beauty  very  well."  And  then,  after  darting  a 
piercing  glance  at  the  visitor,  she  disappeared  behind  the  door- 

"  Well,  we  can  talk  now,"  said  Nana. 

"  I  had  frequently  heard  speak  of  you,  but  I  had  never  seen 
you  except  from  a  distance,"  rejoined  Madame  Despretz,  "  now, 
however,  I  can  tmderstand  why  I  was  abandoned  for  you.  And 
yet  in  former  times  I  was  considered  beautifid.  But  sorrow  has 
made  me  what  you  see  —  an  old  woman !  " 

"  Who  was  it,  pray,  that  abandoned  you  for  me  ?  " 

"  The  father  of  your  child." 

"  What !  you  were  —  well !  that's  altogether  too  funny !  I 
must  tell  that  to  D'Albigny,  it  will  amuse  him  and  no  mistake. 
Ah  !  so  that  fool  turned  you  up  to  follow  me  ?  Well,  do  you 
know,  you  bequeathed  me  a  nice  lover  in  him,  and  I  must  com- 
pliment you  on  your  old  flame.  Do  you  happen  to  know  what 
has  become  of  that  interesting  personage?  " 

At  this  moment  the  door  of  the  room  was  softly  set  ajar,  and 
Luc's  pale  face  peered  under  the  yellow  curtain. 

"You  wish  to  know  what  has  become  of  him,  madame?  " 
rejoined  Lucien's  mother. 

But  before  the  courtesan  could  reply,  Luc  altogether  entered 
the  room  and  asked,  "  Did  madame  ring!  "• 

"  Leave  us  along !  Can't  you  see  that  we  have  to  talk  ?  " 
cried  Nana. 

"  I  beg  madame  to  exciLse  me,  but  I  thought  I  heard  her 
ring,"  And  drawing  near  co  Ad61e  Despretz,  Luc  rapidly 
whispered  as  he  passed  her,  "  Silence  and  mystery  if  you  caro 
for  your  son's  honor." 

2IO  nana's  daughter. 

"Oh!  I've  little  doubt  about  the  fellow's  fate,"  resumed 
Nana.  "  He  has  i^robably  gone  wrong  altogether.  He  stole 
some  money,  pretending  that  it  was  for  me,  and  he  was  shut  up 
in  Mazas  in  consequence,  but  somehow  or  other  he  was  let  oil 
before  the  trial  came  on.  I  had  quite  lost  sight  of  him  for  ten 
years  or  so,  when  one  day  I  met  him  dressed  as  a  mountebanli 
at  the  fete  of  St.  Cloud.  He  was  a  scoundrel  of  the  deepest  dye, 
and  I  feel  happy  that  I  have  never  heard  of  him  since." 

Luc  had  closed  the  door,  but  instead  of  leaving  the  room  he 
had  slipped  behind  the  hanging  which  fell  to  the  floor.  Neither 
Nana  nor  Madame  Despretz  had  noticed  this  false  exit. 

"  And  now,  madame, "  added  Nana,  "  I  suppose  you  did  not 
come  here  merely  to  ^e^ive  an  unpleasant  recollection  which  has 
nothing  flattering  about  it  for  either  of  us.  If  you  have  never 
had  any  other  lover  than  that  fellow,  I  can  understand  how  it 
happens  that  you  have  remained  all  your  life  in  needy  circum- 
stances. And  I  would  bet  that  if  it  were  a  question  of  beginning 
again  —  but  no  matter;  I  have  certainly  not  been  more 
virtuous  than  you,  perhaps  less,  but  taught  by  experience  I  have 
known  how  to  select  my  lovers,  and  so  I  have  had  a  fine  time  of 
it.  I  don't  at  all  repent  of  what  I  have  done,  and  my  only 
regret  is  that  it  must  all  come  to  an  end.  The  moral  of  this, 
madame,  is  that  a  woman  ought  never  to  compromise  herself 
with  needy  fellows.  As  Dumas  fils  says,  a  woman's  virtue  is 
her  capital ;  and  it  is  a  question  of  investing  it  advantageously. 
Isn't  that  your  opinion  ?  " 

"  No,  madame." 

"  Really  ?  Then  I  don't  understand  you.  One  of  two  things 
—  either  a  girl  must  remain  a  virgin  until  she  is  married,  or 
if  she  takes  a  protector,  he  must  at  least  keep  her  in  proper 
style. " 

"  A  virtuous  woman  is  certainly  above  everything  else, 
and  there  is  nothing  more  worthy  of  respect  than  the  duly 
married  mother  of  a  family ;  but  if  a  young  girl  yields  to  a  man 
by  weakness  of  heart  or  a  surprise  of  the  senses,  or  if  she 
becomes  the  victim  of  a  snare,  she  can  only  urge  one  excuse  and 
people  will  only  admit  of  one  extenuating  circumstance  —  that 
she  was  guided  by  no  spirit  of  calculation,  that  she  gave  herself 
up  freely  and  did  not  soil  herselt. " 

"  You  talk  very  well,  but  remember  that  it  is  necessary  to 
live.  If  the  gentleman  abandons  you,  what  becomes  of  you 
then?  And  suppose  he  leaves  you  a  child,  what  do  you  do 
with  it?  " 

"  One  must  look  for  work,  toil  with  one's  fingers,  and  give  the 
child  the  breast.  The  sight  of  the  little  one  proves  consolation 
for  everything, "  said  Madame  Despretz. 

"  But  then  a  woman  can't  earn  enough  to  eat,  even  ?  " 

*'  Earnings  are  small,  no  doubt,  very  small,  but  one  doesn't 

NANA'S   daughter.  211 

dio  of  hunger.  Tlio  little  money  one  can  earn  by  work  suffices 
while  one  is  young,  and  later  on,  the  child,  reared  in  the  school 
of  poverty,  does  something  for  himself,  aud  ends  by  helping  his 
mother.  I  fed  my  son  when  he  was  a  child  and  now  ho  feeds 
me.  It  is  on  his  account  that  I  called  on  you,  madame.  Ho 
loves  your  daughter.  TVTiat  is  the  use  of  putting  obstacles  in 
their  way  ?  " 

"  Ah  I  so  you  are  the  mother  of  the  impertinent  yoimgster  who 
came  to  insult  me  in  my  house  ?  " 

*'  He  is  very  young,  remember,  and  madly  in  love  with 
Andr6e.  In  revenging  yourself  on  one  of  them  you  punish  them 
both,  for  Andree  loves  my  son." 

"  Oh !  a  mere  fancy  of  hers,  she  will  get  cured  of  it.  She 
does  not  love  him  as  much  as  she  says.  Do  you  swallow  those 
stories?  Do  you  lend  a  hand  to  lovers' nonsense  at  your  age? 
In  the  interest  of  both  of  them  you  ought  to  help  me  to  prevent 
this  marriage.  Besides  I  shall  prevent  it  without  you.  Nana's 
daughter  ought  not  to  marry. " 

"  I  fear,  alas !  that  by  acting  as  you  are  doing,  by  slandering 
your  own  child  so  as  to  disgust  my  son  with  her,  you  will  only 
succeed  in  fanning  their  passion  and  bringiug  about  some 
catastrophe.  If  you  had  only  seen  ray  son  this  moruiug  when 
your  letter  was  brought  to  him.  Do  we  know  what  may  be  the 
result  of  it?  Come,  leave  them  free  to  marry  each  other.  I 
hardly  believe  in  happiness  myself,  but,  after  all,  who  knows  ? 
It  might  rather  be  foimd  in  a  regular  life  than  in  a  disorderly 
one.  Be  a  mother,  madame.  A  great  many  persons  in  your 
position  try  to  keep  their  daughters  from  the  fatal  path  they 
themselves  have  chosen.  Do  as  they  do.  My  son  is  a  worthy 
fellow,  he  would  let  himself  be  cut  to  pieces  for  Andree's  sake  ; 
l)Ut  if  he  doesn't  get  her  he  will  surely  do  something  foolish. 
Come,  madame,  I  beg  of  you  not  to  trouble  the  young  folks  any 
more.  Despite  what  you  have  written,  I  prefer  to  believe  in 
your  daughter's  virtue,  and  to  respect  her  as  if  she  were  my  own 
child,  since  my  son  wishes  to  marry  her. 

"  Come,  come,  all  tliat  is  so  much  folly.  I  have  told  you 
already  that  the  stupid  little  thing  mustn't  marry  at  all.  I  have 
other  views  for  her,  and  I  shall  never  give  my  consent  to  such  a 
senseless  proposal, "  replied  Nana. " 

"  But  remember  that  having  renounced  your  duties  as  a 
mother  you  have  also  renounced  your  rights.  Andrco  docs  not 
owe  either  respect  or  obedience  to  the  woman  who  abandoned 
her  to  pubhc  charity. " 

"  If  she  refuses  to  obey  me  I  shall  compel  her  to  do  so ;  I  have 
the  means  at  my  disposal. 

"  You  will  be  the  cause  of  her  death,  then." 

"  What  does  that  matter?  I  prefer  her  dead,  rather  than  see 
her  a  pauper." 


"  My  son  earns  his  living,  madame,  and  your  daughter 

"  That  is  jus  t  what  I  won't  tolerate.  I  wish  Andree  to  be 
rich  before  anything  else.  I  wish  her  to  be  courted  by  a  gentle- 
man, and  not  by  counter-jumpers." 

"  I  see  that  in  coming  here  to  plead  for  peace,  I  was  destined 
not  to  succeed.  But  justice  exists,  madame,  and  if  you  con- 
tinue attacking  honest  folks,  you  will  one  day  be  struck  in  your 
implacable  pride.  Kuin  has  already  begun  to  overtake  you  — 
you  and  the  Marquis  D'Albigny  —  old  age  will  hnish  you,  and 
whatever  you  may  do  to  hide  your  white  hairs,  and  your 
wrinkles,  I  can  perceive  them,  madame,  I  can  see  them.  You 
wiU  soon  learn  what  the  fidelity  of  your  flatterers  is  worth!  " 

'*  I  think,  madame,  that  we  have  nothing  agreeable  to  say 
to  each  other,  and  it  happens  that  I  wish  to  speak  to  one  of  ray 
friends,  the  Marquis  D'Albigny,  whom  your  son  has  no  doubt 
mentioned  to  you. "  With  these  words  Nana  stretched  out  her 
arm  and  pulled  the  bell.  The  door  was  opened  on  the  inner 
side  and  then  closed  again,  and  finally  Luc  appeared.  "  Tell 
the  marquis  that  I  wish  to  speak  to  him  as  soon  as  possible," 
said  Nana. 

The  valet  bowed  while  Madame  Despretz  rose  up,  and  in  a 
tone  of  aggrieved  dignity,  exclaimed:  "  I  will  make  room  for 
him."  She  then  left  Naua's  presence  followed  by  Luc,  wbo 
went  down  the  stairs  behind  her. 

When  they  were  on  the  lower  landing  he  touched  her  on  the 
arm  and  whispered,  "  Listen;  never  tell  any  one  who  I  am,  and 
I  will  revenge  you  both  on  the  woman  who  has  made  you  suffer, 
and  on  the  man  who  struck  your  son. " 

"  Be  it  so.  If  you  do  that  I  will  forgive  you,"  and  she  held 
out  her  hand  to  the  ex-clown,  who  pressed  it  with  his  long, 
bony  fingers.     He  then  rang  the  marquis'  bell. 

Madame  Despretz  was  already  at  the  bottom  of  the  stairs 
when  D'Albigny  opened  the  door.  His  face  was  white  with 
shaving  soap,  and  he  held  his  razor  in  his  hand.  "  Madame 
Nana  wishes  to  speak  to  you,  sir,"  said  Luc. 

"  Toll  her  that  I  shall  be  up-stairs  in  five  minutes. " 

Luc  darted  up  the  flight,  four  steps  at  a  time,  and  bending 
low  before  Naua's  unperious  glance,  he  said  respectfuUy, 
"  Monsieur  le  Marquis  will  bo  here  in  five  minutes,  madame." 

"  Very  good.     Leave  us. " 

The  valet  awaited  D'Albigny  in  the  hall,  and  after  ushering 
him  into  Nana's  room,  ho  again  opened  the  door  and  glided 
behind  the  silken  curtain  as  he  had  already  done  during 
Madame  Despretz's  visit. 

After  the  latter  had  retired  a  strange  idea  had  occurred  to 
Naua.  "This  woman,"  she  thought,  "says  that  she  had  but 
one  lover,  and  in  that  case  Andree  and  Lucien  would  be  the 


children  of  tlie  same  father.  Chance  has  come  to  our  assistance, 
and  I  can't  understand  liow  this  v.oman  Despretz  can  think  of 
allowing  such  a  marriage  to  take  place. "  In  the  evil  joy  which 
this  discovery  caused  her,  the  courtesan  burst  into  a  peal  of 
shrill  laughter  which  filled  the  room  with  sardonic  gaiety.  And 
drawing  up  her  figure,  which  was  still  superb,  bending  her 
panther-like  loins  with  juvenile  flexion,  she  stationed  herself  in 
front  of  the  mirror,  loaning  back  and  clasping  her  fleshy  han(b 
behind  her  neck,  down  which  her  weighty  tresses  glided  simila  • 
to  trailing  serpents. 

The  ^larquis  D'Albigny  surprised  her,  still  attitudinizing  in 
this  style.  "  Are  you  rehearsing  your  return  to  the  stage?  "  he 
asked,  ironically. 

"  Yes,  lam  trying  my  strength." 

"  Ton  sent  for  me,  I  believe.  Was  it  for  me  to  witness  your 
exercises  ?  " 

"  No,  I  need  the  advice  of  your  experience." 

"  Speak  then.     I  am  listening,  and  I  will  answer  you. " 

"  Do  you  know  who  has  just  been  to  see  me  ?  " 

"  No,  I  have  no  idea. " 

"  Well,  Madame  Adide  Despretz,  the  mother  of  Andres's 

"  Ad61e  Despretz  —  is  she  young?  " 

"  No,  her  hair  is  quite  white,  she  must  be  nearly  sixty." 

"  Oh !  then,  it  isn't  the  one  that  I  knew. " 

"  You  knew  some  one  called  Adele  Despretz  ?  " 

"  Yes,  very  intimately.  A  case  of  first  love,  my  dear.  Ah ! 
by  the  way,  I  made  a  bold  stroke  there.  But  I  have  never 
boasted  of  it  or  tried  to  see  the  woman  since,  for  I  might  have 
been  seriously  compromised. " 

"Indeed!  you  interest  me.    Tell  me  the  story,  pray. " 

"  What's  the  use.  Tell  me  rather  why  you  wished  to  see 

"  Well,  this  is  the  case  at  point.  The  Ad^le  Despretz  whom 
I  have  just  seen  here  is,  as  I  have  told  you,  the  mother  of 
Andree's  lover.  Now  she  states  that  she  herself  has  only  had 
one  lover  in  her  life,  and  that  lover  was  precisely  Andree'i 

"What!  that  fellow  you  had  arrested  —  that  old  flame  Ol 
yours  ?  " 

"  Quite  so ;  and  now  do  you  understand  the  situation?  " 

"  Of  course  I  do;  Andree  and  Lucien  have  one  and  the  same 
father.  The  coincidence  is  a  curious  one  —  a  very  curious  one, 
upon  my  word. " 

"  Yes,'t  it  ?  Well,  I  see  that  we  understand  each  other. 
I  am  not  at  all  sorry  that  this  old  woman,  who  talked  to  me  like 
a  witch,  should  be  prevented  by  force  of  circumstances  from 

214  nana's  daughter. 

carrying  out  her  little  plans.  As  for  the  Naviels,  they  will  make 
a  nice  grimace. " 

"  I  thuik  that  luck  is  coming  back  to  us,  Nana.  I  finished 
deahng  with  several  matters  yesterday.  I  have  had  the  lease 
of  your  new  house  di-awn  up.  I  have  seen  the  upholsterers,  and 
everything  will  be  done  lii  style.  I  shall  arrange  a  card-room 
like  the  old  one  —  green  and  gold  —  the  Imperial  colors,  you 
know,  they  will  bruig  you  luck.  Before  a  mouth  is  over  every- 
thing will  be  ready  for  the  house-warming.  I  shall  have  all  the 
horses,  eight  in  number,  including  a  couple  of  saddle  ones,  over 
from  England,  together  with  the  coachman.  I  will  undertake 
to  organize  the  estabhshment  and  bring  people  to  your  fetes. 
It  will  be  for  you  to  detain  them,  for,  of  course,  I  can't  do  every- 
thing, and  my  assistance  is  in  some  matters  limited. " 

"  AJl  right,  marquis,  you  shall  seen  the  Nana  of  yore  again. 
In  a  common  frame,  amid  petty  surroundings,  I  don't  feel  like 
myself.  What  I  need  is  the  grand  style,  some  exciting  game  for 
heavy  stakes.  Come,  marquis,  at  the  worst  we  shall  at  least 
have  another  gay  year." 

"  Not  a  year,  my  dear,  let  us  say  siz  months  unless " 

"  Six  months !  " 

"  Well,  understand :  the  rent  of  the  house,  the  furniture,  the 
stables,  your  toilette,  and  the  inaugural  fetes,  will  represent  three 
hundred  thousand  francs.  We  shaU  have  a  hundred  thousand 
in  cash  which  we  can  dispose  of.  If  we  are  lucky  at  play  wo 
shall  get  on  all  right,  otherwise  we  shall  be  in  debt  at  the  outset, 
and  there  will  be  an  execution  at  the  end  of  it.  The  great  point 
will  be  to  prolong  the  situation  and  defer  the  final  crash  as  long 
as  possible ;  and  maybe  another  rajah  will  fall  from  heaven,  or 
Andree  may  return  to  you,  but  I  hardly  think  that,  after  the 
reception  she  gave  you  the  other  day.  Sooner  or  later,  one  of 
these  fine  afternoons,  she  will  learn  what  it  costs  to  keep  me 
waiting,  just  as  that  Ad61e  Despretz  I  spoke  about  learned  it 
some  years  ago." 

"Ah!  by  the  way,  tell  me  the  story;  it  must  be  rather 

"  Oh !  it's  the  simple  tale  of  a  girl  who  was  employed  at  a 
glove  shop  in  the  Passage  de  rOp(§ra,  and  who  lived  with  her 
parents  at  Asnier^s.  One  evening,  when  it  was  snowing  hard 
and  we  w'ere  in  a  cab  together,  I  committed  a  rape  upon  her. 
The  little  fool  resisted,  and  wounded  me  rather  badly  in  the 

"  And  you  have  never  seen  her  since?  " 

"Oh,  no." 

"  I  can  imderstand  that  it  was  a  nasty  aflfair,  and  it  might 
have  cost  you  dear. " 

"  If  I  had  been  prosecuted,  it  would  have  been  all  u,  p,  with 
me.    I  still  carry  a  scar  on  my  nock— there,  look  I  "   So  saying 

nana's  daughter.  215 

D'Albigny  turned  liis  collar  down  and  showed  Nana  a  white 
mark  ou  his  neck. 

"  The  girl  probably  said  nothing  about  it, "  remarked  the 

"  That  was  it,  I  fancy.  However,  a  short  time  afterward  I 
learned  that  her  father  had  turned  her  out  of  the  house,  and 
that  she  had  given  birth  to  a  child.  I  never  knew  whether  it 
was  a  girl  or  a  boy,  besides,  I  never  bothered  myself  about  it. " 

"  You  were  (luite  right.  You  might  have  compromised  your- 
self. As  for  my  Ad61e  Despretz,  who  is  at  least  sixty  years  old, 
she  can  have  nothing  in  common  with  your  one. " 

Passing  into  her  dressing-room,  Nana  took  up  a  green  crystal 
bottle  with  a  silver  stopper  containing  some  essence  of  violets, 
and  scented  her  cambric  handkerchief,  which  was  embroidered 
with  a  coronet  and  a  Gothic  N.  "Come,  D'Albigny,"  she 
called,  "  let  me  perfume  you." 

The  marquis  consented.  She  sprinkled  some  of  the  essence 
over  his  coat  collar  and  his  handkerchief,  and  they  then  passed 
out  of  the  dressing-room  by  a  door  leading  into  the  hall.  Half 
a  minute  later  one  could  hear  theu'  steps  as  they  went  down  the 
stairs  together.  The  yellow  hanging  of  the  bedroom  door  was 
then  drawn  aside,  and  Luc's  tall,  slim  figure  appeared.  Once 
again  there  was  a  tragical  gleam  in  his  black  eye.  "  Faugh !  " 
said  he,  <<  how  nasty  this  place  smells !  " 


"  Good-bye,  prince,"  said  Andree  to  the  rajah,  when  Lucien 
Despretz  had  gone  off;  and  she  held  out  her  hand  with 
apparent  calmness. 

"  So  it  is  all  over  between  us?  "  he  asked. 

"  No  doubt. " 

"  And  we  shaU  never  see  each  other  again?  " 

"  Perhaps,  if  one  is  re-born. " 

"  And  then  you  would  love  me  ?  " 

"  Yes,  for  you  are  good." 

Then  she  went  ofl"  without  looking  at  him,  while  he  stood 
there  with  his  arms  crossed,  and  the  shadow  of  the  curtains 
falling  over  his  face.  His  eyes  followed  her  as  she  went  toward 
the  door,  and  long  after  she  had  gone  he  stood  there,  stiU 
staring  into  space. 

Andree  went  across  the  Place  de  rOp6ra  toward  the  Chauss6e 
d'Antin ;  she  was  walking  very  fast  without  noticing  it,  as  if  she 
were  wafted  along  by  some  immaterial  spirit.  It  seemed  to  her 
as  if  all  ties  were  severed  that  had  bound  her  to  human  things. 
Among  the  faces  she  saw,  she  did  not  distinguish  which  were 

2i6  nana's  daughter. 

gay  or  sad  or  evil-looking ;  but  she  thought  she  noticed  that 
every  one  divined  the  intensity  of  her  despair,  and  that  universal 
pity  followed  her  stops.  In  the  square  in  front  of  the  church  of 
La  Trinite  she  espied  some  children  rolling  and  plajdng  in  the 
dust,  while  their  mothers  sat  hard  by,  knitting  or  embroidering. 
Pigeons  were  cooing  as  they  flew  from  tree  to  tree,  and  over  the 
front  of  the  church  there  hung  a  white  mortuary  drapery.  A 
hearse  was  ascending  the  incline.  A  coffin,  covered  with  a 
white  cloth,  and  buried  beneath  crowns  and  flowers,  lay  upon  it, 
and  behind  there  came  a  double  row  of  women  in  mourning, 

Andree  stopped  short,  and  a  strange  feeling  took  possession 
of  her.  It  seemed  to  her  as  if  her  own  body  reposed  in  that 
maidenly  bier  under  the  spring  flowers.  It  was  only  when  the 
cortege  had  passed  under  the  porch  into  the  church  that  she 
again  set  off  at  a  swift  walk  toward  Batignolles.  On  reaching 
home  she  found  Madame  Naviel  waiting  for  her  anxiously. 
Nobody  asked  her  a  single  question,  but  they  all  seemed  sur- 
prised that  she  was  so  cahn.  She  worked  as  usual  until  the 
evening,  scarcely  speaking  a  word;  but  once,  when  Madame 
Naviel  slowly  muttered :  "  It  is  strange  that  Lucien  hasn't  been 
here,"  she  rejoined,  with  Ja  singular  laugh :  "  Yes,  mother,  it's 
strange,  isn't  it?  " 

After  dinner,  as  the  work  was  not  pressing,  the  girls  went  up 
to  their  garrets,  and  the  Naviels  retired  into  their  room.  Andr6e 
remained  for  some  time  in  the  parlor,  leaning  back  in  an  arm- 
chair, broken  as  it  were  by  the  useless  struggle  she  had  engaged 
in,  and  feehng  a  strange  torpor  steal  over  her.  All  around,  her 
fete-day  flowers  were  exhaUug  their  soft,  intoxicating  perfumes. 
She  woidd  have  liked  to  die  like  this ;  her  death  ought  to  be 
such  a  one,  now  that  life  had  no  further  need  of  her.  This  idea, 
this  longing  for  eternity,  gradually  became  stronger  and  stronger, 
and  carrying  all  the  bouquets  into  her  room,  she  piled  them  on 
her  bed. 

The  orange  blossom,  the  white  roses,  the  violets,  mingled  in  a 
perfumed  heap  with  the  large  cliunps  of  lilac  which  her  work- 
gn'ls  had  given  her  on  the  previous  evening.  She  slowly  unfas- 
tened the  bouquets,  for  it  seemed  to  her  as  if  these  children  of 
the  spring  would  breathe  more  freely  when  released  from  their 
bonds.  Having  carefully  closed  her  door,  she  stopped  up  the 
chimney,  and  every  aperture  or  crack  by  which  the  air  could 
penetrate  from  outside.  Opening  her  wardrobe,  she  removed 
her  wedding-dress  from  the  shelf  assigned  to  it  and  laid  it  over 
the  arm-chair.  Then,  taking  a  seat  in  front  of  the  looking-glass, 
she  let  down  her  hair,  which  fell  in  wavy  locks  about  her  knees, 
aod  placed  the  wi-eath  of  orange  blossom  upon  her  head.  She 
looked  so  pretty  like  this  that  she  could  not  help  smiling  to 
herself  in  the  mirror.  At  the  same  moment,  however,  she  began 
to  feel  a  kind  of  dull  pain  on  her  temples.    She  took  off  her 

nana's  daughter.  217 

walking-dress,  the  short  skirt  of  which  fell  to  the  ground ;  and 
next  she  removed  her  cotton  stockings  and  put  on  others  of 
white  silk.  At  each  movement  she  made,  a  fresh  glimpse  of 
beauty  was  aft'orded.  At  one  moment  she  let  her  shift  slide 
down  over  her  bosom  and  donned  her  wedding  chemise,  embroi- 
dered with  real  lace  and  fastened  with  a  bow  of  blue  ribbon. 
Then  she  imprisoned  her  waist  in  her  white  satin  stays,  put  on 
an  embroidered  petticoat,  and  finally  her  wedding  dress,  which 
was  of  white  faille  with  a  long  train.  Throwing  her  hair  back 
over  her  shoulders,  she  looked  at  herself  for  the  last  time.  She 
saw  that  she  was  rather  i)alo,  with  a  dark  circle  round  her  eyes. 
She  was  feeling  more  and  more  oppressed,  and  breathed  with 
increasing  difficulty. 

Thus  arrayed  in  her  bridal  robe,  beautiful  with  the  blonde 
tragical  beauty  of  Ophelia  and  Marguerite,  she  experienced  a 
supreme,  painful  satisfaction  on  seemg  that  she  looked  so 
desirable.  Then,  taking  a  sheet  of  note-paper  and  an  envelope, 
bearing  her  initials,  she  first  wrote  Lucien  Despretz's  address, 
and  next  penned  this  last  testament  of  her  love,  in  which,  whilst 
giving  her  body  to  death,  she  ofi"ered  herself  in  thought  to  the 
man  whom  she  adored. 

*'  My  friend,  you  almost  killed  me  this  afternoon,  and  I  com- 
plete the  work  of  destruction  myself.  Now  that  the  hope  we 
formed  so  long  ago,  of  living  side  by  side,  has  vanished,  there  is 
no  reason  why  I  shoidd  continue  to  exist.  By  to-morrow  I  shall 
have  passed  away.  I  did  not  think  that  I  loved  you  so  much, 
and  yet  I  had  entire  faith  in  you.  Why  were  you  not  the  same 
with  your  Andree  ?  Yes,  your  Andree,  for  I  was  really  yours, 
Lucien.  Above  and  before  everything,  I  was  sincere.  I  should 
not  tell  you  that  unless  I  had  formed  a  firm  resolution  to  die, 
and  had  already  disposed  everything  with  that  object  in  view. 
So  I  can  think  of  you  without  false  prudery,  and  picture  you 
such  as  you  were  to  me,  such  as  I  knew  and  loved  you.  It  now 
seems  to  me  as  if  it  had  always  lasted.  I  cannot  recall  a  moment 
of  my  girlhood,  a  dawn  of  thought  with  which  you  were  uncon- 
nected. I  can  see  you  as  I  saw  you  that  morning  when  you 
went  with  me  to  the  railway  station,  and  when  for  the  first  time 
you  spoke  to  me  of  love.  The  words  we  then  exchanged  are 
still  present  in  my  mind.  Yes,  I  see  you  as  you  were  that  day : 
you  had  put  on  a  gray  summer  suit  for  the  first  time.  And  after- 
ward we  loved  each  other  for  months  and  years,  each  day  more 
and  more.  You  loved  me  then,  Lucien,  you  did  not  think  of 
breaking  off  our  engagement — and  I,  I  can  own  it  now,  dear 
friend,  I  would  have  cut  off  my  hair  to  stretch  it  as  a  carpet 
under  your  feet.  I  am  no  longer  proud,  as  you  have  known  me 
to  be,  my  eyes  are  no  longer  stern.  You  have  reproached  me 
for  their  harshness  ever  since  our  first  quarrel.    But  now  every- 

Nana^s  Daughter  14. 

2i8  nana's  daughter. 

tlimg  ill  my  nature  iias  become  more  gentle ;  it  is  as  if  my  body 
were  softening  and  melting  away. 

"  I  feel  that  I  am  falling  asleep.  Shall  I  suiler  in  dying?  I 
hope  not ;  I  have  suffered  enough  in  life.  I  have  put  on  my 
wedding-dress  and  my  bridal  wreath,  for  I  want  to  look  pretty. 
I  thought  of  you  whilst  I  was  dressing,  and  wished  that  you 
could  see  mo  as  I  am,  as  you  would  have  seen  me  on  the  happy 
day,  which  you  could  neither  wait  for  nor  understand.  Oh,  wiiy, 
why  did  you  lack  confidence  ?  Why  did  you  listen  to  slander  f 
You  met  me  at  the  rajah's,  and  you  at  once  thought  that  what 
cannot  happen  had  occurred.  Your  letter  had  maddened  me,  and 
without  knowing  what  I  was  doing,  I  wished  to  beg  the  inince 
to  forget  me  and  refrain  from  visiting  our  house.  I  was  saying 
good-by  to  him  when  you  came  in.  He  wished  to  marry  me 
and  make  me  rich,  but  I  sacrificed  everything  to  the  happiness 
of  belonging  to  you.  When  I  perceived  you  I  was  so  suri)rised 
that  I  was  hardly  able  to  justify  myself.  And  you  would  not 
believe  me  !  That  is  why,  Lucien,  my  dear,  dear  Lucien,  why  I 
write  to  you  a  last  time  to  tell  you  the  truth.  I  have  laid  all  my 
flowers  on  my  bed.  I  shall  stretch  myself  under  the  blooming 
shroud,  and,  before  daylight,  its  perfume  will  have  sent  me  to 
sleep  forever.  You  will  never  more  see  my  eyes  open  to  gaze 
into  yours ;  my  lips  will  never  more  part  to  speak  to  you.  Be'^ 
my  parents  to  forgive  me,  to  bury  me  in  my  wedding-dress,  and 
kiss  me  lovingly  before  I  am  placed  in  the  coflin  —  I  scarcely 
know  what  I  am  writing  —  my  ideas  are  becoming  confused  —  I 
feel  a  hammering  on  my  temples,  a  ringing  in  my  ears  —  one 
would  think  that  the  lamp  was  going  out — good-bye,  my  Lucien, 
my  well-beloved  good-bye,  I  love  you—" 

An  attack  of  weakness  ijrevented  her  from  writing  farther. 
She  l)arely  had  the  tune  to  stretch  herself  on  the  white  bed, 
under  the  perfumed  sliroud.  She  buried  her  shapely  legs  and 
tiny  feet  under  a  pile  of  lilac,  made  herself  a  sash  of  the  rajah's 
violets  and  orange  blossom,  and  placed  Lucien's  Avhlto  roses  on 
her  bosom  and  her  neck.  Taking  one  of  them  in  her  right  hand, 
she  frequently  kissed  it,  thinking  of  her  lover.  Slie  was  now 
more  heavily  oppressed,  and  her  breath  came  short  and  hard. 
She  seemed  to  be  dreaming.  She  thought  that  she  was  very 
happy,  very  rich,  and  married  to  Lucien,  and  that  they  lived  ' 
togeth(!r  in  a  lonely  house  in  the  depths  of  a  forest.  Tney  rose 
at  break  of  day,  and  went  to  breathe  the  air  of  the  woods  on  the 
margin  of  a  sheet  of  water.  There  was  no  breeze  to  rufllo  the 
smooth  surface  which  gazed  at  the  trees  and  the  sky,  like  a  largo 
deep  eye,  fringed  with  iris  leaves  as  with  long  green  lashes. 
BehiiKl  the  low  branches  hanging  across  a  pathway  the  sun 
appeared,  scintillating  betwixt  the  foliage,  like  some  golden 
rosace  at  the  end  of  a  cathedral  nave.  An(l  hand  in  hand  to- 
gether, they  strolled  along  imder  the  shadow}^  oak  trees.    A 

nana's  daughter.  219 

poworful  woodland  scout  was  exhaled  with  intoxicating  effect  by 
tlie  moss,  the  lichen,  the  ivy,  and  the  nut-trees,  and  she  and 
Lucien  were  seized  as  with  tin;  vcnligo  of  love.  Clasped  iu  a 
tight  embrace  they  kissed  each  other,  and  then  it  seemed  to  her 
as  if  slio  fainted  in  his  arms.  How  tall  he  was,  her  darling  Lu- 
cien, and  how  much  in  love  witli  her!  His  kisses  strayed  from 
her  linger  tips,  from  her  polished,  almond- shajied  nails,  to  her 
neck,  and  even  to  her  bosom.  Ho  threw  her  fallen  hair  around 
him,  and  plunged  his  brow,  his  cheeks,  his  mouth,  into  the  living 

At  this  moment  the  final  consciousness  of  reahty  passed  away 
from  her.  The  sulVering  was  of  brief  duration.  She  closed  her 
eyes.  The  last  thing  she  vaguely  heard  was  the  clock  of  the 
church  of  Sainte  Marie  striking  four  o'clock.  Then  the  lamp 
Vv-ent  out,  and  soon  afterwards  a  pale  gleam  of  light  stole  iu 
through  the  casement.  The  first  stir  of  the  great  city  waking 
up  was  wafted  into  the  room,  and  the  daylight  spread  over  the 
bed.  Andree's  body  had  been  stifiened  by  a  spasm  of  pain,  but 
there  was  soft  calumess  now  upon  her  slmubering  brow,  l)uricd 
amid  the  roses,  upon  her  lowered  eyelids,  the  black  lashes  ol 
which  stretched  almost  to  her  tightened  nostrils.  Her  pa  rted 
mouth,  which  seemed  to  await  some  kiss  she  had  dreamt  of,  had 
an  expression  of  enraptured  beatitude,  although  the  short  pang 
of  physical  agony  had  somewhat  drawn  the  lower  part  of  her 
face  together,  thus  tampering  with  its  pure  outline.  The  white 
rose  she  had  kissed  had  long  since  slipped  from  her  right  hand 
onto  the  pillow ;  and  the  bloodless  fingers  which  had  held  it  now 
had  the  transparency  of  alabaster.  Her  left  hand,  partly  closed, 
rested  on  her  bosom,  the  firm  contour  of  which  was  visible  iu  the 
pale  dawn. 

Leanhig  over  the  parapet  on  the  quay  near  the  Morgue, 
Lucien  Despretz  waited  for  the  night  to  come.  All  the  events 
of  the  day  filed  past,  one  by  one,  before  him.  The  letter  which 
the  rajah  had  written,  the  last  words  which  he  and  Andree  had 
spoken,  the  tone  m  which  they  had  been  pronounced,  the  slight- 
est incidents  of  the  scene,  were  all  engravc^d  on  Lucien's  mind. 
He  was  conscious  that  iu  the  fit  of  jealousy  which  had  overtaken 
him,  ho  had  behaved  with  fatal  injustice,  which  his  whole 
life  would  not  suflico  to  expiate.  Remorse  was  awakened 
in  his  mind,  suiDine  at  first,  but  soon  keen  and  galling,  wi'inging 
his  very  heart.  Ho  began  to  understand  that  he  had  crushed 
his  happiness,  the  love  and  pride  of  a  virtuous  girl  under  his 
heel,  and  that  it  was  all  over.  He  had  driven  the  most  adorable 
and  best  of  sweethearts  out  of  his  life. 

Then  he  began  to  walk  again,  and  retracing  his  steps,  he  passed 
down  the  old  Eue  du  ChMtre  beside  Notre  Dame,  crossed  the 
river,  and  reached  the  Rue  de  Rivoli.    An  houi"  later  lie  arrived 

220  MANA'S   daughter. 

at  BatiguoUes.  He  wished  to  throw  himself  at  Andr^e's  feet, 
implore  her  pardon  for  his  unjust  suspicions,  beg  her  to  forget 
the  wrong  he  had  done  her,  and  consent  to  a  final  reconciliation. 
lie  entered  the  house  and  asked  the  porter  :  "  Has  Mademoiselle 
Naviel  come  back  I  " 

"  Oh,  yes, "  replied  the  man,  '*  she  returned  some  time  ago. 
Tou  can  go  up-stairs.    You  will  find  her  there." 

"I  will  come  back  by-and-bye,"  said  Lucien;  and  he  fled 
along  the  Hue  Legendre  to  the  Pare  Monceau,  which  was  still  open 
and  sat  down  on  an  unoccupied  bench. 

"  You  can  go  upstairs !  "  Those  few  words  had  terrified  him. 
But  five  stories  separated  him  from  the  girl  whom  he  had  mor- 
tally olfended  in  presence  of  the  rajah.  No  doubt  she  would 
never  pardon  him.  If  he  dared  to  present  himself  in  her  abode, 
no  matter  how  humble  and  repentant  ho  might  be,  she  would 
refuse  to  see  him.  Still  he  hesitated  to  believe  in  the  certainty 
of  her  implacable  resentment,  and,  like  a  coward,  he  tried  to 
persuade  himself  that  he  would  obtain  the  pardon  ho  no  longer 
hoped  for.  When  the  Pare  Monceau  was  closed  he  again  returned 
toward  the  Square  de  BatignoUes;  and,  on  reaching  the  Rue  do 
Rome,  he  followed  the  iron  railing  above  the  railway  cutting,  as 
far  as  a  spot  whence  he  knew  he  would  be  able  to  see  Andree's 
window.  This  window  was  already  lighted  up,  although  it  was 
by  no  means  late.  Andree  was  not  in  the  habit  of  retiring  to 
bed  so  early.  But  who  could  tell  ?  — she  was  perhaps  ill.  This 
thought  frightened  him,  and  at  one  moment  ho  was  even  seized 
with  the  idea :  Andree  is  dead  ! 

He  then  began  to  ask  himself  what  means  he  should  employ 
to  rid  himself  of  life,  if  he  were  forever  parted  from  his  betrothed. 
The  means  were  at  his  feet.  He  had  only  to  jimip  over  the  rail- 
way bridge  in  the  Rue  Legendre,  and  choose  the  moment  when 
a  train  was  approaching  to  be  crushed  by  the  engine.  Such  a 
death  would  at  least  bo  a  swift  one. 

Ho  decided  on  it.  It  was  too  late  to  go  to  the  Naviels,  so  ho 
went  down  as  far  as  the  station,  entered  a  cafe,  and  ordered  ,i 
glass  of  brandy  and  some  writing  materials.  He  then  wrote  a 
few  lines  to  his  mother  to  apprise  her  of  his  determination,  in 
case  it  became  a  necessary  one,  and  to  beg  her  to  inform  the 
Naviels  of  his  fate.  Towards  midnight  he  once  more  ascended 
the  Rue  do  Rome  in  the  direction  of  BatignoUes,  and  on  reaching 
the  railing  of  the  railway  line,  in  front  of  the  square,  he  again 
saw  a  liglit  burning  in  Andree's  room.  Something  unusual  was 
evidently  hai)pening  in  that  maidenly  chamber  to  which  all  his 
thoughts  and  desires  went  forward.  Until  the  dawn  ho 
wandered  along  the  railing,  in  view  of  that  soUtary  flame  which 
seemed  to  be  watching  mournf-illy  in  mid-air.  But  as  the  day- 
light broke  the  lamp  went  out,  and  Lucien's  supreme  fear  that 
Audr6e  might  be  dead  almost  vanished  at  the  same  time. 

nana's  daughter.  221 

The  morning  trains  were  now  arriving  at  fall  speed.  The 
engines  with  their  lamps  still  lighted  passed  by  lilie  fantastic 
visions  enveloped  in  fluffy  smoke.  Now  that  Luciou  had  less 
fear  tliat  Andree  was  dead,  ho  began  to  tremble  at  the  thought 
that  she  might  be  in  danger  of  death.  Her  adoptive  mother 
had  no  doubt  sat  up  watching  her  since  the  previous  evening. 
The  liglit  he  had  i)erceived  had  not  been  a  funeral  taper,  but 
rather  a  night-light,  inchspensablo  in  a  sick-room.  Ho  turned 
l)ale  Avith  apprehension  at  the  thought  of  the  truth  he  longed  to 
learn,  and  afraid  of  what  might  await  him,  he  still  lingered  near 
the  railing,  not  daring  to  go  to  the  Naviels. 

For  two  mortal  hours  he  hesitated.  At  last  he  gave  himself 
till  six  o'clock,  and  sitting  down  on  the  stone  ledge  below  the 
railing,  he  waited,  worn  out  with  fatigue  and  suspense.  Shortly 
before  the  appointed  horn*  ho  crossed  the  railway  bridge  and 
hastened  to  the  Naviels'  house.  The  outside  door  was  open : 
I'ierre  Naviel  had  no  doubt  already  gone  off  to  his  work.  Lucien 
passed  before  the  porter's  lodging  without  saying  anything,  and 
went  np-stairs.  He  paused  on  each  landing,  striving  to  contain 
the  beatings  of  his  heart  by  pressing  his  trembling  hands  to  his 
chest.  When  he  reached  the  fifth  floor  he  gazed  at  the  bell- 
rope  in  utter  terror.  How  many  times  had  he  fearlessly,  joyfully 
rung  at  that  door  before  him  I  He  listened,  breathlessly.  The 
work-girls  had  evidently  not  yet  come  down,  for  he  could  only 
hear  the  heavy  tread  of  Madame  Naviel  and  the  clatter  of  the 
crockery  and  the  ringing  of  the  spoons  which  she  was  taking 
out  of  the  sideboard  in  the  kitchen.  Nothing  seemed  altered 
in  that  peaceful  home,  and  this  apparent  serenity  lent  him  a 
moment's  courage.    He  rang  the  bell. 

It  was  Madame  Naviel  who  opened  the  door.  ''What!  you 
already  ?  "  she  said,  quietly. 

So  Andree  had  not  revealed  what  had  taken  place  at  the 
Grand  Hotel  ?  That  seemed  to  indicate  that  she  had  formed 
some  secret,  perhaps  fatal  resolution ;  and  so  Lucien  immediately 
exclaimed :  "  I  wish  to  speak  to  Mademoiselle  Andree. " 

''  She  is  not  yet  up,  the  lazy  girl.  Wait  for  her  in  the 

As  Lucien  entered  the  sitting-room  he  at  once  noticed  that 
the  fete-day  flowers  were  no  longer  there,  and  turning  to 
Madame  Naviel,  he  asked:  ''What  has  become  of  the  bou- 

"  Why,  yes,  they  are  not  here;  where  can  she  have  put  them? 
In  her  room,  no  doubt. " 

The  old  woman  went  to  Andree's  door,  and  tried  to  open  it. 
But  the  young  girl,  contrary  to  her  usual  habit,  had  shpped  the 
bolt  on  the  inner  side.  "  Andree !  Andrde !  "  cried  Madame 

All  was  tragically  silent  behind  that  closed  door,  and  a  ter- 


rible  conviction  entered  Lucien's  mind.  He  threw  hiraself 
against  the  door,  the  bolt  gave  way,  and  in  front  of  him  he  saw 
Andree  as  white  as  a  wax  Madonna,  and  clad  in  her  bridal  robe, 
stretched  upon  her  bed  amid  the  flowers.  An  mifolded  letter 
and  an  envelope  addressed  to  Lucien  lay  upon  the  table.  He 
understood  everything  at  a  glance,  snatched  up  the  letter,  and 
springing  to  the  window,  threw  it  wide  open,  while  Madame 
Naviel  darted  toward  Andree,  sobbing. 

"  Take  the  flowers  away,''  she  said  to  Lucien,  "  and  leave  the 
room  a  moment  while  I  undress  her.  Call  Margot.  She  must 
go  for  a  doctor." 

Lucien  hastily  carried  all  the  flowers  into  the  work-room,  and 
then  bounded  up  to  the  attic.  Meanwhile  Madame  Naviel  suc- 
ceeded in  taking  off  Andree's  bodice  and  unfastening  her  stays. 
She  had  just  put  her  in  the  bed  with  her  head  well  raised  on  the 
pillows,  and  she  was  bathing  her  temples  with  cold  water  when 
Lucien  returned.  A  moment  afterwards  Margot  came  in,  crying 
out  in  despair.  Lucien  had  begun  to  tap  and  rub  Andree's 
hands  in  view  of  re-establishing  the  circulation  of  the  blood. 

"  Quick,  Margot,  go  for  the  doctor !  "  cried  Madame  Naviel ; 
and  she  gave  the  medical  man's  address  to  the  work-girl,  who 
immediately  hurried  off. 

Lucien  was  beginning  to  feel  more  hopeful.  He  said  to  him- 
self that  Andree  was  certainly  not  dead,  for  her  lips  were  still 
ruddy.  Taking  a  small  looking-glass  from  a  table,  he  held  it  in 
front  of  the  young  girl's  lips,  which  were  still  smihng  at  her  last 
dream.  After  a  few  seconds  he  withdrew  the  glass  and  saw 
that  it  was  shghtly  bedimmod.     "  She  lives, "  he  muttered. 

The  fresh  morning  breeze  swept  in  through  the  open  window, 
making  the  curtains  flutter.  Lucien  took  Andree  in  his  arms 
and  raised  her  up,  with  her  head  reclining  on  his  shoulder. 
She  heaved  a  sigh  and  gently  moved  her  lips.  Five  minutes 
later  she  opened  her  eyes,  her  big  eyes,  still  astonished  by  the 
vision  of  death.  She  looked  dreamily  at  her  lover,  and 
whispered  faintly  :  "  Lucien !  my  Lucien  !  " 

The  words  died  away  between  her  lips,  but  at  all  events  her 
respiration  was  becoming  more  regular.  Her  pulse  began  to 
beat,  a  pale  roseate  tinge  suffused  her  cheeks;  and,  shghtly 
raising  her  right  arm,  she  began  to  complain :  "  Oh !  how  I 
suffer !  " 

"  "Where  do  you  suffer,  Andree  dear '?  "  asked  Lucien. 

"  My  head,"  she  murmured. 

Margot  soon  came  back  with  the  doctor,  the  same  one  who 
had  attended  Andr6o  after  the  accident  in  the  Champs  Elysees. 
He  requested  Madame  Naviel  to  explain  matters  to  him,  and 
when  she  had  done  so,  he  grumbled,  shaking  his  head :  "  Yes, 
that's  it;  an  exceptionally  romantic  and  nervous  nature  — a 
terrible  temperament,  in  ftict.    A  love  aflair,  no  doubt  1    It  is  a 


case  of  intoxication  rather  than  asphyxia.  What  flowers  'u-ere 
they  ?  " 

"  Lilac,  orange  blossom,  violets  an.d  roses." 

"  That  was  enough  to  kill  her.  It  ought  to  have  killed  her. 
Ilov.ever,  it  seems  that  there  is  a  providence  for  lovers."  And 
so  sayiug  the  doctor  gave  Andreo  and  Lucieu  a  keen  glance. 
Taking  the  young  gh'i's  arm,  he  next  felt  her  pulse.  "  Well, 
^Ycll,"ho  exchihucd, '•  we  shall  cscaiie  death  this  time.  Will 
you  please  give  mc  some  writing  materials.  I  will  leave  you  a 
prescription. " 

Lucieu  oliered  the  doctor  some  paper  similar  to  that  on  which 
Andreo  had  written  her  hust  farewell.  At  this  moment  she 
turned  her  h.ead,  recognized  the  medical  man,  and  asked :  "  Am 
I  going  to  die,  doctor  ;'  " 

"  N(S  mv  child,  vou  wou'L  die,  hut  (»n  one  condition." 

"What "is  that?"" 

"  That  you  take  what  I'm  going  to  prescrihe  for  y^u,  and  that 
you  don't  begin  over  again. "  lie  rose  up  as  ho  spoke,  bowed 
all  round,  and  left  the  room.  Madame  Kaviel  went  with  him  to 
show  him  out. 

Lucien  had  fallen  beside  the  bed,  and  his  hot  tears  rained 
upon  Andree's  drooping  hand.  "Andree,"  ho  stammered, 
looking  at  her  with  appealing  despair;  "Andree,  my  Andree, 
will  you  forgive  me  ?  " 

She  gazed  deeply  into  her  lover's  eyes  with  her  own  green 
orbs.  "  Read  my  letter,"  she  said,  "  you  will  see —  that  I  had 
forgiven  you.  Wliat  have  you  done  with  my  beautiful  white 
roses  if  " 

"I  have  put 'them  far  away  —  I  will  never  give  you  any 
more !  " 

"  Oh,  yes,  you  must ;  (mly  I  will  never  use  them  like  that 
again. "  " 

"  I,  also,  had  resolved  to  die,  Andree.  I  was  determined  on 
it  if  we  had  been  parted."  Then,  taking  from  his  pocket  the 
letter  he  had  written  the  night  before  at  the  cafe  near  the  rail- 
way station,  he  added  :  "  Read  this,  will  you  f  I  informed  my 
poor  dear  mother  of  my  resolution.  What  can  she  think,  for  I 
have  not  been  home  all  night !  I  spent  my  time  near  the  railway 
watching  your  window,  which  was  lighted  up.  I  foresaT^',  I 
(uvined  that  .something  would  happen.  Ah,  what  a  temble 
night,  Andree!  And  meanwhile  you  were  writing  to  me  and 
preparing  for  death.     We  have  both  been  mad,  I  think." 

At  this  moment  Madame  Naviel  returned  into  the  room,  fol- 
lowed l)y  Margot,  whom  she  sent  to  the  chemist's  to  have  the 
prescription  made  up.  A  few  minutes  later  there  came  a  ring 
at  the  bell,  and  Lucien  went  to  open  the  front  door.  He  found 
himself  face  to  face  with  his  mother.  "  Do  you  want  to  kill 
rue,  Lucieu  f  "  sho  cslic".  lA..-.,  coldly. 

224  nana's  daughter. 

By  way  of  answer,  he  threw  his  arms  around  her  neck  and 
kissed  her  on  her  white  hair. 

'*  Then  you  still  love  her  ?  "  she  asked. 

"  I  must  love  her  since  I  still  live.  And,  mother,  you  must 
wish  that  I  may  always  love  her,  wish  it  for  me,  for  if  I  ceased 
to  care  for  her,  my  heart  would  no  longer  beat. '-' 

"  Well,  I  resign  myself  since  this  girl  is  your  only  joy.  Where 
is  she  ?  " 

"  In  her  room.    She  wanted  to  die —  she  is  very  ill.'^ 

"  Ah,  poor  girl !    And  on  account  of  you  ?  " 

"Yes,  mother." 

*'  Then  she  must  love  you  —  let  us  go  and  see  her." 

Madame  Naviel  now  appeared  at  the  parlor  door.  "  Come  in, 
Madame  Despretz, "  she  said.  "Our  lovers  are  causing  us  no 
end  of  grief  and  worry. " 

The  two  women  entered  Andree's  room,  rollowed  »y  Lucien. 
Bright  fever  spots  were  now  glowing  on  the  young  girl's  cheeks, 
and  she  complained  of  violent  pains  in  her  forehead,  and  of 
intense  heat  in  her  chest.  Lucien  approached  the  bed  and 
passed  his  arm  behind  the  pillows,  so  as  to  sustain  her,  for  she 
was  sinking  with  fatigue.  When  Margot  returned  with  the 
medicme  it  was  he  who  gave  it  to  his  darling  Andree,  and  all 
day  long  he  remained  there  watching  over  her.  By  the  evening 
she  felt  somewhat  better. 

On  returning  from  the  chemist's,  Margot  had  hurriedly  gone 
up-stairs  to  her  attic  on  the  floor  above.  She  carefully  closed 
her  door,  raised  the  shght-made  mattress  of  her  iron  bedstead, 
and  rent  the  covering  underneath  with  her  bony  fingers.  Her 
romid  glowing  eyes  sparkled  with  cruel  satisfaction.  From  the 
skylight  above  her  a  pale  light  fell  upon  her  bony  profile  and 
freckled  forehead.  Her  hair,  which  she  had  not  had  time  to 
comb,  hung  entangled  over  her  eyebrows,  and  little,  if  anything, 
remained  to  her  of  the  charms  which  had  taken  Paillardin's 
fancy  in  years  gone  by.  Drawing  from  her  bosom  a  flat  bottle 
containing  a  somewhat  brownish  liquid,  she  spelt  out  the 
inscription  on  the  label,  and  muttered  between  her  yellow  teeth 
with  a  shudder :  "  Yes,  that  is  it. "  And  then  she  shpped  the 
bottle  into  the  mattress  through  the  rent  she  had  just  made, 


A  TEW  days  afterward  Nana  and  the  marquis  were  installed 
in  a  little  mansion  of  the  Louis  XIII.  style  in  the  Avenue  do 
Friedland.  It  was  quite  new,  with  a  wrought  iron  gateway  in 
front,  and  a  large  lawn  decked  with  clumps  of  rose  trees.  The 
coach-house  was  on  the  right  hand,  and  above  it  rose  a  conserva- 
tory which  communicated  with  the  grand  reception  room. 


A  double  flight  of  six  steps  conducted  to  the  vestihulo  on  the 
ground  tloor.  This  vestibule,  paved  with  alternate  slabs  of 
black  and  white  marble,  was  decorated  with  some  modern 
paintings  and  statuary  purchased  at  the  last  Fine  Art  Show. 
On  the  right  hand  side  you  entered  the  fencing  hall,  which  was- 
very  richly  adorned  with  trophies  of  weapons  and  suits  of  armor 
of  various  periods.  To  the  left  you  found  the  cardroom  —  all 
green  and  gold  in  the  marquis'  taste  —  and  at  the  rear,  the 
library  with  its  appointments  of  carved  oak.  The  spacious 
dining-room,  in  ebony  encrusted  with  silver,  was  on  the  first 
floor ;  and  you  passed  from  it  through  a  boudoir  saloon  into  the 
grand  reception  room  communicating  with  the  conservatory. 
Overhead,  the  bedrooms  and  the  bathrooms  were  to  be  found, 
and  there  was  ample  accommodation  for  the  servants  under  the 
eaves.  In  the  rear  of  the  house  there  was  a  courtyard,  which 
had  proved  just  wide  enough  to  enable  the  landlord  to  pierce 
several  windows  with  a  view  over  some  neighboring  grounds. 
In  three  days'  time  Nana  was  fully  installed  in  her  new  abode. 
Luc  became  the  marquis'  valet.  Yirginie  still  acted  as  the 
courtesan's  maid,  and  in  addition  D'Albigny  had  engaged  a  head 
cook  with  two  assistants,  a  coachman,  a  groom,  a  footman,  and 
a  porter,  who  was  to  help  Luc  and  wax  the  floors. 

On  the  fourth  day  the  marquis,  who  had  luckily  won  ten 
thousand  francs  at  cards  at  his  club  the  night  before,  chanced 
to  meet  Mulhausen,  and  the  latter  invited  him  to  lunch  at  the 
Cafe  Anglais.  After  the  repast,  D'Albigny,  who  had  telegraphed 
his  instructions  to  the  coachman,  took  Mulhausen  for  a  drive 
round  the  lake  in  the  Bois  de  Boulogne,  in  a  bran  new  victoria 
which  had  left  Binder's  that  very  morning.  The  reappearance 
of  the  marquis  with  the  prince  caused  quite  a  sensation  in  the 
Bois,  and  D'Albigny  was  greeted  with  all  the  more  favor  as  he 
was  supposed  to  have  made  another  fortune.  He  was  received 
with  a  salvo  of  obsequious  bows,  which  he  acknowledged  with 
haughty  pride.  It  was  a  splendid  afternoon,  and  the  green 
lawns,  the  hght  dresses,  and  the  stylish  equipages  round  the 
lakes,  made  up  a  fitting  May-day  scene.  The  horses  trod  softly 
over  the  sand,  their  harness  shining  through  the  dust  in  the  fuU 
sunhght.  White  six-oared  rowing  boats  darted  across  the  lake, 
leaving  a  silvery  trail  behind  them ;  and  above  the  water  the 
islands  rose  up,  with  hardy  full-fohaged  trees  planted  on  their 
sloping  lawns,  which  were  decked  with  tufts  of  scarlet  and  pink 
geraniums.  Under  the  larches  on  the  margin  of  the  lakes  people 
of  the  middle  classes,  seated  on  campstools,  were  watching  the 
handsome  equipages  as  they  filed  past.  Now  and  then,  from 
one  of  the  shady  bridle  paths  specially  reserved  for  equestrians, 
some  feminine  rider  emerged,  leaning  over  the  arched  neck  of 
her  spirited  horse,  who  impatiently  pawed  the  ground  with  hia 
polished  hoofs.    Soon  he  went  off  at  a  canter  again,  and  the  fair 

226  nana's  daughter. 

rider's  white  veil  and  black  habit  receded  down  some  verdant 
avenue  waving  in  the  dusty  air.  The  forest  guards,  in  green 
uuitbrms  with  silver  lace,  stopped  short,  with  their  arms  crossed 
and  watched  her  till  she  disappeared  in  the  shade,  when  they 
slowly  resumed  their  promenade,  with  their  left  hands  resting  on 
the  hilts  of  their  swords. 

"  Listen  to  me,  Mulhausen,"  D'Albigny  was  saying.  "  I  have 
decided  to  profit  by  my  new  spell  of  luck  to  try  another  style  of 
life.  Speculation  on  'change  no  longer  favors  me.  I  mean  to 
have  a  try  in  another  direction,  and  I'm  half  inchned  to  ask  you 
to  join  me  in  my  new  scheme. " 

"  Well,  my  dear  feUow,  what  is  your  plan  ?  " 

''  Wo  must  have  a  newspaper,  half  liuancial,  half  theatrical, 
you  understand.  You  could  invest  a  huudred  thousand  francs  in 
the  affair.  What  are  a  himdred  thousand  francs  to  you  ?  In 
exchange  you  would  have  the  title  of  director,  with  a  salary  of 
twelve  thousand  francs  a  year. " 

''  That's  little  enough. " 

"  The  salary's  nothing.  The  influence  is  everything  in  a 
matter  of  this  kind.  It  would  give  you  admission  behind  the 
scenes.  You  would  be  in  your  element  there  —  a  woman-killer 
hke  you.  You  would  see  all  the  girls  at  your  feet,  my  dear 
prince.  Then,  in  addition  to  the  feminine  business,  we  might 
have  a  financial  bulletin,  in  Avliich  for  a  consideration  we  would 
puff  and  patronize  some  rather  shady  companies.  Do  you 
understand  ?  " 

"Yes,  yes,  I  understand.  It  is  a  matter  to  be  considered. 
You  are  a  very  clever  fellow,  my  dear  D'Albigny ;  you  know 
how  to  turn  your  hand  to  anything.  But  what  would  you  do  on 
the  pai^er  ?  " 

"  I  should  be  the  manager,  and  as  I  understand  accounts  and 
financial  matters  generally  better  than  you  do,  I  would  act  as 
cashier  and  write  the  financial  bulletin. " 

"  But  who  would  take  the  theatricals  in  hand  ?  " 

"  Why,  you,  of  course.  Unless  you  prefer  to  give  a  hundred 
francs  a  month  to  some  reporter  who  would  scribble  the  articles 
ready  for  you  to  sign  them. " 

"  But  if  the  paper  went  to  smash,  my  himdred  thousand 
francs  would  go  to  the  dogs. " 

"  The  paper  won't  smash,  with  you  and  I  at  the  head  of  it.  I 
will  arrange  to  keep  the  pot  boiling  merely  with  financial  puffs. 
Besides,  if  the  aflair  took  a  bad  tm-n  in  a  few  months'  time,  if 
instead  of  making  any  profit  we  merely  paid  our  expenses,  there 
would  always  bo  time  to  sell  the  paper,  and  you  would  certainly 
save  the  greater  part  of  yoiu"  investment." 

"  That's  true,  no  doubt.  Well,  the  proposal  pleases  me  in 
principle,  but  I  want  twenty-four  hoiurs  to  reflect  over  it. " 

"  A^d  I —  I  will  engage  to  start  the  paper  in  a  week,  just  the 


time  to  take  some  offices,  engage  a  printer  and  clerks,  give 
notice  of  tlie  title  to  the  prefecture  of  police,  print  enough  bills 
to  cover  the  blank  walls  in  Paris,  and  prepare  circulars  for 
distribution  —  in  fact,  everything  that  is  needed  for  i)roperly 
laimching  an  aflair  of  the  kind.  You  shall  see  that  I  understand 
the  matter,  my  dear  prince  —  you  shall  see." 

They  had  now  reached  the  end  of  the  larger  lake,  and  the 
coachman  turned  to  ask  the  marquis  for  his  instructions. 
"  Home, "  replied  D'Albigny. 

They  retm-ned  along  the  Avenue  du  Bois  de  Boulogne,  with 
their  heads  held  erect  by  their  stiff  shu't  collars,  and  looking 
very  serious  as  they  slowly  pufted  at  the  cigars  which  they  had 
]!aid  two  francs  apiece  at  the  Cafe  Anglais.  D'Albigny  had 
r.ow  changed  '.he  conversation.  After  starting  Mulhausen  on 
this  track,  he  pretended  not  to  care  whether  he  joined  hmi  or 
not,  for  he  had  several  other  persons  in  view  who  would  readily 
invest  plenty  of  money  in  such  a  scheme.  It  was  out  of  pure 
friendship  that  he  had  si)oken  of  his  plan  to  the  prince ,  at 
least  he  led  the  latter  to  suppose  so.  Mulhausen,  on  his  side, 
was  reflecting  over  the  many  advantages  which  his  vanity 
would  certainly  derive  from  such  an  investment.  He  would  be 
a  newspaper  director  and  proprietor,  and  although  he  would 
have  to  risk  a  himdred  thousand  francs,  they  would  bring  him 
at  least  twelve  per  cent,  profit ;  besides,  if  the  paper  was  not  as 
successfid  as  they  anticipated,  they  could  sell  it.  Even  if  he 
lost  fifty  thousand  francs  over  the  aflfair,  the  personal  advan 
tages  he  intended  to  reap  from  it  would  prove  compensation. 
Such  a  modest  sum  as  that  would  have  soon  melted  in  the  heat 
of  the  footlights,  if  he  had  tried  to  penetrate  behind  the  scenes 
and  become  familiar  with  the  women  there  by  any  other  path 
than  that  of  theatrical  journalism. 

As  they  passed  the  Arc  de  Triomphe,  he  asked  the  marquis  : 
"I  say,  D'Albigny,  what  about  your  own  salary!  Of  course 
you  won't  work  for  nothing. " 

"  I  shall  relinquish  my  salary  to  insure  the  paper's  success. 
By-and-by,  if  it's  successful,  we'll  see.  But  at  present  I  want 
to  cut  down  the  expenses,  and  so  I  suppress  all  charges  for  my 
management. " 

"  But  if  you  think  that  six  thousand  francs  would  be  of  use  to 
swell  our  cash  in  hand,  I  would  willingly  relinquish  half  of  what 
you  suggested  I  should  take.  You  can  understand  very  well, 
D'Albigny,  that  if  I  go  into  the  affair,  the  amount  of  the  salary 
won't  have  much  importance  for  me.  No ,  what  would  rather 
induce  me  to  fall  in  with  your  views  is  the  question  of 

*'  Yes,  naturally ;  own  it  at  once.  The  influence  you  would 
have  over  the  women,  the  control  you  would  exercise  over 
theatrical  reputations,  and  so  on.    You  have  spent  three  hun- 

228  nana's  daughter. 

dred  thousand  francs  in  Nana's  boudoir,  MuUiausen,  but  come, 
now,  the  hundred  thousand  you  might  advance  for  this  affair 
would  certainly  yield  you  a  more  productive,  flattering  and 
agreeable  result  —  although,  of  course,  I  don't  mean  to  say 
anything  against  the  queen  of  the  day,  for  that  would  be 
ungi'ateful  on  my  part. " 

He  tossed  his  cigar  onto  the  pavement  as  he  spoke,  and 
indulged  in  a  bitter  laugh.  The  victoria  was  at  this  moment 
drawing  up  in  front  of  the  courtesan's  new  house.  The  coach- 
man whistled  and  the  porter  came  to  open  the  gate,  whereupon 
the  vehicle  entered  the  grounds,  whisked  round  the  sweep,  and 
drew  up  again  in  front  of  the  steps.  The  prince  was  the  first  to 
spring  heavily  on  the  marble  slabs,  and  D'Albigny  followed  him 
with  juvenile  agility.  Luc  saw  them  under  the  verandah,  and 
opened  the  glass  door  to  admit  them  into  the  vestibule. 
D'Albigny  began  by  showing  the  prince  the  card-room  and  the 
fencing-haU,  and  then  taking  his  arm  he  led  him  into  the  grand 
drawing-room,  at  the  same  time  saying  to  Luc :  "  Go  and  tell 
your  mistress  that  the  Pruice  of  Mulhausen  wishes  to  present 
her  his  respects." 

Luc  bounded  up  the  stairs,  four  steps  at  a  time,  with  the 
agihty  of  a  tumbler,  and  while  he  was  informing  Nana  of  the 
prince's  arrival,  D'Albigny  showed  his  futiue  partner  over  the 
grand  reception-room,  which  was  decorated  in  the  Louis  XIII. 
style,  and  profusely  fui'nished  with  credences,  cabiaets,  stools 
and  arm-chairs.  A  chandelier  of  the  period  hung  from  the 
panelled  oak  ceiling,  adorned  at  the  corners  with  figures  carved 
in  relief,  and  the  doors  and  windows  had  curtains  of  old  Aubus- 
son  tapestry,  the  faded  tints  of  which  were  in  perfect  keeping 
with  the  brown  woodwork.  Some  old  Spanish  paintings,  a  few 
canvasses  of  the  Venetian  school,  and  two  copies  after  Rem- 
brandt—  notably,  a  superb  one  of  the  "  Night  Patrol  "  —  com- 
pleted the  adornments,  which  would  have  been  of  unblemished 
harmony  but  for  a  Chinese  screen,  too  brightly  colored  with 
fantastic  birds  and  butterflies  soaring  in  a  glaring  sky.  Mul- 
hausen examined  everything  like  a  connoisseur,  and  made  no 
remark  until  he  had  finished  his  inspection,  whereupon  he 
cordially  complimented  D'Albigny. 

'It  is  here,"  said  the  marquis,  "that  we  shall  give  our 
winter  fetes.  "We  will  have  a  few  masquerade  balls,  to  which 
we  will  invite  all  the  pretty  actresses,  with  our  colleagues  of  the 
press,  the  artists  of  the  brush,  the  chisel,  and  the  graver,  the 
composers  and  musicians — in  fact,  everyone  with  a  name  in 
Paris.  You  shall  see  what  an  advertisement  that  will  prove 
for  the  paper  !  " 

"  Good,  very  good;  quite  so,"  repeated  Mulhausen,  nodding 
his  head. 

Nana  at  this  moment  entered  the  room.    She  wore  a  superb 

nana's  daughter.  229 

(lr<>as  of  S'^nict  satin,  triuinied  with  llouiiccs  of  ^om<  cV AngJeterrc, 
bigh-lioeled  shoes,  a  triple  ueckhxce  of  piuk  coral,  a  lace  /raise 
aiul  corresi)ondmg  ruffles,  which  half  concealed  her  velvety 
hands  and  pink  nails.  Mulhauscn  was  faMy  dazzled.  He  went 
toward  the  courtesan,  and  kissing  her  hand  with  Teutonic 
grace,  exclaimed :  "  I  need  your  forgiveness,  my  dear,  for  many 

"  Not  at  all,  not  at  all.  It  is  I  who  must  apologize  for  having 
mistaken  a  gratuity  intended  for  my  servant  for  a  i^rince's  pres- 
ent to  myself. 

The  German  accepted  the  courtesan's  complimentary  irony  as 
sterling  gold,  and  touched  in  his  princely  love  of  ostentation,  he 
rejoined:  "  I  am  going  to  invest  a  bundled  thousand  francs  in 
the  newspaper  D'Albigny  has  spoken  to  me  about,  and  I  mean 
you  to  share  the  profits." 

Nana  was  hardly  able  to  repress  a  smile,  but  in  view  of  hiding 
her  delight  she  pretended  to  know  nothing  of  the  matter,  and 
asked  the  marquis :  "  Pray,  what  is  this  affair  which  our  friend 
is  talking  to  me  about  ?  " 

"  You  shall  learn  that  later  on,  madame,  when  things  are  in 
full  swing.  For  the  moment,  it  is  a  secret  between  myself  and 
Mulhausen."  And  turning  to  the  prince,  D'Albigny  added: 
''  Women  are  all  the  same,  they  invariably  want  to  know  every- 
thing. " 

"  Ah !  I  can  guess  it !  "  exclaimed  Nana.  "  It  is  some  finan- 
cial enterprise  that  D'Albigny  is  suggesting  to  you,  Mulhausea. 
Well,  if  you  don't  care  to  invest  any  funds  in  it,  I  know  some 
one  who'll  only  bo  too  glad  to  do  so  —  a  serious  capitalist,  a 
perfect  Croesus,  in  fact. " 

"  You  are  mistaken,  madame,"  said  Mulhausen,  who  began  tp 
fear  that  Nana,  impelled  by  feminine  spite,  might  try  to  pre- 
vent him  from  becoming  the  director  of  the  projected  news- 
paper, and  propose  some  new  friend  of  hers  in  his  stead.  "  The 
marquis  made  me  the  proposal,  I  accepted  it,  and  the  matter  is 
settled. " 

"  It  is  evident  enough, "  remarked  D'Albigny  in  an  authorita- 
tive tone,  **  that  you  can't  interfere  with  our  private  conven- 
tions. I  have  various  profitable  schemes  in  view,  and  it  is  only 
natural  that  I  should  propose  to  Mulhausen  to  join  me,  since  he 
has  always  been  my  friend." 

"  Quito  so, "  observed  the  prince,  who  had  struck  the  attitude 
of  a  connoisseur  in  front  of  the  copy  of  the  Night  Patrol. 

"We  have  landed  the  German,"  whispered  the  marquis  to 
Nana,  while  Mulhausen  still  stood  with  his  back  to  them. 

"  Madame  is  served, "  announced  Luc,  who  now  appeared  on 
the  threshold,  in  a  black  dress  coat  and  red  silk  stockings. 

Mulhausen  turned  roimd  on  his  heel  and  bent  his  right  arm  to 
offer  it  to  Nana.    Followed  by  the  marquis,  they  passed  togethei 

230  nana's  daughter. 

under  the  Anbiisson  door-hanging,  vrhich  Luc  had  raised  with 
his  long,  bony  fingers. 

A  week  afterward  the  newspaper  was  ready  to  appear.  It 
was  simply  called  the  Gazette  des  Coulisses,*  and  the  prince  and 
the  marquis  installed  themselves  in  some  stylish  offices  in  one  of 
the  grand  new  houses  of  the  Avenue  de  I'Opera.  As  D'Albigny 
had  given  a  grand  "  press"  dinner  at  Nana's  the  evening  before, 
almost  all  the  Parisian  newspapers  wished  success  to  their  new 
compeer.  In  the  course  of  the  first  week,  however,  twenty 
thousand  francs  of  the  hundred  thousand  so  rashly  advanced  by 
Mulhausen,  were  skillfully  transferred  by  D'Albigny  to  Nana's 
private  purse,  to  enable  her  to  keep  uj)  her  present  style.  On 
the  other  hand,  as  the  paper  did  not  pay  its  way,  it  became 
necessary  to  break  into  the  reserve  fimd  so  as  to  discharge 
current  expenses.  The  contributors  brought  their  articles 
already  prepared,  and  they  were  paid  in  iiromissory  notes,  which 
a  banker  had  agreed  to  discount  if  the  paper  patronized  a  shady 
financial  venture  which  he  had  just  launched. 

D'Ali)igny  cimningly  gamed  three  months'  grace  by  this 
arrangement,  and  the  banker,  who  believed  that  the  house 
where  Nana  resided  was  rented  in  the  marquis'  name,  looked 
upon  the  furniture  it  contained  —  worth  a  far  larger  amount 
than  the  annual  rental  —  as  his  security.  Besides,  ho  was 
delighted  to  have  a  paper  to  pufi'  his  enterprise,  and  as  he  w;is 
preparing  to  bolt  in  case  of  failure,  he  readily  consented  to 
spend  other  people's  money  in  the  hope  of  reaping  persouiil 
profit.  So  all  the  clerks,  contributors,  and  serious  creditors 
of  the  Gazette  were  from  the  first  paid  in  paper,  on  which  tho 
moneymonger  charged  a  tolerably  high  discount.  Even  Mul- 
hausen took  to  flying  kites,  not  that  he  was  altogether  used 
up,  for  he  still  had  a  few  hundred  thousand  francs  remaining 
to  him,  but  he  considered  it  more  convenient  for  the  time 

From  tho  very  outset  the  prince's  specialty  Avas  to  give  audi- 
ences to  actresses.  This  semi-connection  with  the  stage  flat- 
tered his  gross  vanity,  and  ho  considered  himself  a  more 
dangerous  woman-killer  than  ever,  although,  to  tell  tho  trutli, 
the  women  who  came  to  l)Cg  a  pulf  of  him  resigned  themsehcs 
to  his  familiarities  all  tho  more  readily,  as  they  had  sacrificed 
their  last  principles  long  l)efore  entering  his  office. 

While  tho   Gazette,  planned  by  D'Albigny  and  carried  on, 

*  For  the  benefit  of  the  reader  unacquainted  with  French,  it  may  be 
mentioned  that  the  word  Coti/isse  lias  a  double  meaning  —  a  tlieatrical  and 
a  financial  one.  In  the  parlance  of  the  stage  it  means  the  j/z/j,  and  in 
connection  with  the  Bourse  it  applies  to  the  fraternity  of  unaathonzed 
stockbrokers  and  jobbers.  So  the  title  selected  by  D'Albigny  for  his  news- 
paper cut  both  ways  —  appealing  alike  to  mummers  and  money  mongers. 
— Trans. 


tlmnks  to  ^FnlhriuRcn's  moucy,  was  thus  issuing  its  first  numbers, 
Nana  spL-nl  the  cash  she  had  obtained  from  the  manager's  strong 
box  in  jewehy,  dresses  and  suppers.  Gold  slipped  once  more 
tlirough  the  fingers  of  this  evil  fairy.  She  re-appeared  in  the 
Bois  and  at  the  races,  at  tlie  Cu'cus  on  Saturdays  and  at  the 
Theatre  Franyais  on  Tuesdays,  at  all  the  first  performances,  in 
fact,  contrinng  by  dint  of  art  to  hide  the  threatening  symptoms 
of  senility.  She  had  a  final  flash.  \^Tiile  D'Albigny  patronized 
clul)s  and  fashionable  gambling  dens,  bet  at  the  races,  and  com- 
pelled tottering  financial  companies  or  embarrassed  theatrical 
managers  to  pay  him  for  articles  which  were  written  by  anony- 
mous scribes,  Nana  received  Mulhauseu  en  tete-^-tete,  and 
exerted  her  seductive  powers  to  retain  him  near  her. 

The  German  prince  had  seemingly  forgotten  how  she  had 
railed  at  him  in  the  days  of  her  real  splendor.  lie  was  intensely 
flattered  by  her  present  amiability,  which  proved  so  much 
incense  to  his  vanity ;  for  although  middle  age  had  overtaken 
him,  ho  was  still  most  abominably  conceited.  He  was  half 
inclined  to  believe  that  *'  irregulars"  and  theatrical  stars  of  the 
third  magnitude  only  smiled  engagingly  for  his  especial  behoof; 
and  he  tried  to  make  people  believe  that  he  had  supplanted 
D'Albigny  in  the  good  graces  of  Nana,  who  was  still  the  queen, 
even  in  her  decline. 

Since  her  coroneted  initial  shone  once  more  on  the  panels  of 
her  carriage  in  the  full  sunlight  of  the  Bois  de  Boulogne,  she 
had  again  become  a  woman  for  Mulhauseu.  He  often  accompa- 
nied her  on  her  afternoon  drive,  or  went  shopping  with  her  to 
her  jeweler's,  her  modiste's,  her  dressmaker's,  or  the  large 
establishments  like  the  Louvre  and  the  Printemps.  Nana 
profited  of  his  readiness  to  act  as  her  cabellero  servante  to  make 
him  pay  for  costly  trifles  which  seriously  diminished  his  last 
resources.  It  is  true  that  she  made  a  pretense  of  borrowing 
the  money  which  she  laid  out  in  this  style,  but  as  she  never 
spoke  of  returning  it,  it  was  really  the  prince  who  paid  the 

One  evening  she  gave  a  little  tea  party  at  her  new  residence. 
D'Albigny  and  Mulhauseu  introduced  a  few  journalists,  the 
director  of  a  cafe-concert,  the  secretaries  of  two  theaters,  and 
three  financiers.  The  marquis  speedily  called  their  attention  to 
the  annability  which  Nana  showed  toward  the  prince ;  and  he 
did  so  purposely  in  view  of  stimulating  Alulhausen's  conceit. 
He  even  complimented  him  ^\1th  mocking  exaggeration  on  his 
many  presumed  conquests ;  and  the  German  swelled  out  with 
vanity,  his  sanguine,  sensual  face  beaming  with  satisfied  enjoy- 
ment, while  D'Albigny  spoke  of  certain  lengthy  "  audiences" 
at  the  oliice  of  the  Gazette — audiences  granted  to  pretty 
actresses,  and  which  the  clerks  laughed  over  in  spare  moments 
behind  their  desks. 

232  nana's  daughter. 

The  tea  was  served,  on  tbis  occasion,  in  silver  gilt  cups,  with 
spoons  of  rock  crystal,  worth  a  hundred  francs  apiece,  and 
which  D'Albigny  had  purchased  that  same  day  with  Mulhau  - 
sen's  money  at  a  curiosity  shop  in  the  Avenue  de  I'Opera.  Luc 
waited  on  the  company  with  the  assistance  of  an  extra  servant. 
A  few  "  Ijlue  stockings  "  had  come  to  witness  what  all  Paris 
was  calling  Nana's  return  to  fortune ;  and  toward  the  close  of 
the  evening,  three  feminine  vocahsts  and  a  couple  of  petty 
actresses  put  in  an  appearance  so  as  to  please  Mulhausen  and 
not  to  vex  D'Albigny,  Nana  received  them  with  a  patronizing 
smile  and  a  grand  display  of  haughty  distinction.  She  willingly 
promised  to  stimulate  the  success  of  those  who  had  just  come 
out,  treating  the  newspaper,  management  and  editorship,  as  h'i.T 
property,  and  Mulhausen,  D'Albigny,  and  their  assistants,  as 
her  clerks.  After  tea  the  prince  and  the  marquis  passed  into 
the  card-room  with  some  young  swells,  while  tlie  other  men 
remained  with  the  women  in  the  drawing-room. 

By  three  o'clock  the  last  guest  had  retired,  and  D'Albigny 
joined  Nana  in  her  room.  He  remained  there  for  ten  minute?  or 
so  while  Virgiuio  arranged  her  mistress'  hair  for  the  night. 
"  How  much  did  you  make  in  the  card-room  to-night "/  "  Nana 
asked  him  abruptly. 


"  The  devil  you  did  !  " 

"  One  can't  always  win,  you  know.  Besides,  it  would  end  by 
seeming  strange." 

"  How  much  did  you  lose  ?  " 

"  Two  hundred  napoleons. " 

"  There  isn't  as  much  as  that  left  in  the  whole  house. " 

"  We  must  resort  to  credit,  my  dear ;  it  is  the  right  moment. 
Confidence  is  established.  And,  besides,  now  that  Mulhausen 
has  tasted  the  sweets  of  his  directorship,  I  shall  tell  him  that  it 
is  absolutely  necessary  he  should  advance  another  hundred 
thousand  francs  to  keep  the  paper  going.  And  he'll  advance 
them,  sure  enough,"  added  the  marquis  sneering,  "  if  only 
through  fear  of  losing  his  first  stakes. " 

"  Of  course,  he  has  his  finger  in  the  machinery,  and  he  must 
pass  through  it  altogether.  Besides,  I  hold  him,  on  my  side, 
and  1  shan't  let  him  go  until  he  is  as  dry  and  as  flattened  as  a 
donkey's  hide  reduced  to  parchment. " 

Virginie  had  nearly  finished,  when  Luc  entered  the  room  and 
asked:  "  Am  I  to  light  the  tapers  in  the  room  of  Monsieur  le 
Marquis  ?  " 

"  Wait  for  my  orders, "  replied  D'Albigny. 

Luc  stood  still,  rigid  and  silent. 

"  Before  leaving  you."  said  the  marquis  to  Nana,  "  I  must 
give  you  some  news. " 

naxa's  daughter.  233 

"  Wliat  about?  "  asked  Nana,  springing  up  so  suddenly  that 
a  pinch  of  her  hair  remained  in  Virgmie's  hand. 

"  Your  daughter  is  on  the  point  of  marrying." 

"  Well,  I  shall  bo  at  the  wedding,"  cried  Nana,  whose  gvean 
eyes  flashed  fire. 

*<  We  shall  all  be  at  it,  of  course." 

Luc  was  standing  near  the  door,  with  his  slim,  dark,  fantastic 
figure  in  full  relief  against  the  pmk  curtain.  He  started  despite 
hnnself  on  hearing  what  Nana  and  the  marquis  said,  and 
D' Albigny,  recollecting  that  the  valet  was  waiting,  turned  round 
and  saw  that  his  eyes  were  fixed  with  strange  persistency  on 

"  Luc,"  he  said,  "  go  and  hght  up  my  room." 

The  valet  retreated  backwards  under  the  door-hanging,  and 
Virginie,  who  had  now  finished  di'essing  her  mistress'  hair,  was 
dismissed  for  the  night.  A  few  moments  later  Luc  returned  and 
said:  *'  I  have  lighted  up  Monsieur  le  Marquis'  room." 

D' Albigny  kissed  Nana's  hand,  and  then  turning  to  his  servant 
he  harshly  exclauned:  ''  Well,  go  to  bed  then." 

"  Monsieur  le  Marquis  is  very  kind,"  remarked  the  ex-clown, 
with  a  nasal  twang;  and  he  mentally  added:  "  And  I  shall  be 
at  the  wedding  also,  my  fine  fellow." 


Atter  seeing  despair  and  death  so  near,  Andr^e  and  Luclen 
returned  to  the  delight  of  hving  with  perfect  faith  in  one 
another,  hopefully  looking  toward  the  peaceful  happmess  of  the 
future.  Nothing  could  henceforth  shake  Lucien's  conviction 
that  Andree  loved  him.  All  his  doubts  had  vanished  in  presence 
of  that  supreme  proof  of  affection  which  she  had  given,  by  wish- 
ing to  die  when  she  thought  herself  parted  from  him  for  ever. 
Now,  too,  he  on  his  side  had  to  win  her  forgiveness  for  having 
doubted  her,  and  he  strove  to  do  so  by  dint  of  cha.ste,  respectful 
tenderness,  such  as  first  love  only  can  evince. 

They  strolled  every  evening  to  the  Pare  Monceau,  and  sat 
down  near  the  ornamental  water  there.  Amid  the  yellow  glow 
of  the  lamps  in  the  neighboring  avenues  a  fragment  of  blackened 
wall  rose  up,  with  a  gaping  window,  besides  which  a  charred 
shutter  hung  downward  by  one  hinge.  This  was  all  that 
remained  of  Nana's  former  mansion.  In  the  stretch  of  sky 
behind  the  paneless  window  a  star  appeared,  regularly  at  the 
same  hour  every  evening,  shining  out  like  a  silver  tear  in  the 
black  vault.  Lucien  and  Andree  had  finished  by  adopting  and 
loving  this  star,  and  when  they  reached  the  sheet  of  water  of 
an  evening  they  both  of  them  sent  it  a  kiss,  pressed  close  to  one 

/Sana's  Daughter  15. 

234  nana's  daughter. 

another.  They  took  a  pure,  childish  deUght  in  sending  these 
kisses  through  the  constellated  space  to  meet  upon  this  star 
It-  seemed  to  them  as  if  these  true-love  kisses  purified  the 
gloomy  souvenir  of  Andree's  mother,  which  the  ruined  wall 
evoked  amid  their  evening  happiness.  Under  the  starry  con- 
stellations which  flashed  like  diamonds  upon  the  brow  of  night 
they  wended  their  way  homeward,  calm  in  mind,  their  hearts 
full  of  joy,  their  senses  tranquillized  by  the  approaching 
certitude  ol  satisfied  desire.  Andree  leant  upon  her  betrothed ; 
her  shoulder,  at  once  soft  and  firm,  rested  against  his  arm,  and 
she  walked  along  so  close  to  him  that  her  hips  touched  his. 
Still  she  had  not  yet  accustomed  herself  to  giving  him  her  arm ; 
her  steps  were  shorter  than  his ;  she  made  two  to  one.  There- 
upon Lucien  would  shorten  his  stride  while  she  lengthened  hers, 
and  they  taught  themselves  to  walk  together-  Sometimes  Andree 
bent  her  head  on  one  side  and  let  her  cheek  rest  upon  her  lover's 

All  the  needful  formahties  had  been  accomphshed,  and  they 
were  to  be  married  on  the  foUowing  Saturday.  They  had 
obtained  their  certificates  of  birth,  and  the  consent  of  Madame 
Despretz ,  and  Lucien  was  fortunately  exempted  from  military 
service.  On  the  Sunday  preceding  the  wedding  the  two  famihes 
went  to  spend  the  day  in  the  woods  of  Meudon ;  and  when  the 
lamps  of  Paris  shone  out  upon  the  horizon,  they  descended  to 
the  terrace  of  the  chateau  and  gazed  upon  the  valley  full  of 
light.  The  view  stretched  over  the  nocturnal  splendor  of  the 
superb  city.  The  sinuous  line  of  tbe  quays,  the  broken  line  of 
the  fortifications,  were  in  turn  illuminated.  A  soft  radiance 
ascended  toward  the  sky  over  the  boulevards  and  round  about 
the  opera  house  and  the  Bourse,  while  the  massive  towers  of 
Notre  Dame,  the  twin  spires  ofSainteClotilde  and  the  campanila 
of  the  Pantheon  grew  indistinct  In  the  dark  expanse.  The  gilded 
dome  of  the  Invalides  alone  was  prominent,  with  its  pointed 
apex,  and  arched  framework  scintillating  with  luminous 

It  was  ten  o'clock  when  Lucien  and  Andree  separated  at  the 
Na\'iels'  door;  and  early  the  next  morning  the  young  fellow 
returned  to  see  his  betrothed.  A  few  minutes  afterward  the 
house-porter  came  up-stairs  with  a  letter,  which  he  handed  to 
the  young  giri.  The  address  was  written  in  an  irregular  hand, 
which  she  did  not  recognize.  However  she  opened  the  envelope, 
and  found  that  it  contained  a  short  note,  worded  as  follows ; 
"  I  have  learned  that  you  wished  to  die.  How  dearly  you  must 
love  him!  You  are  right  in  doing  so,  for  ho  is  worthy  of  you. 
I  myself  am  going.  I  have  confided  to  Maitre  Redoul,  notary, 
a  deed  by  which  I  bequeath  you  three  millions  of  francs.  You 
will  find  it  at  his  office.  You  can  accept  this  dowry  from  a 
friend;  who  will  soon  only  need  a  little  soil.    Before  long  I  shall 

nana's  daughter.  235 

liavo  roturncd  to  Ibo  spirit  land.  Good-by  —  Bo  happy  !  Such 
is  the  hist  thought,  the  hist  wish  of  0110  who  loved  you,  without 
evil  thought  or  forbidden  hope."  The  signature  was  in  Sanscrit 

When  Andree  bad  read  the  letter  she  banded  it  to  Lucien, 
saying  "  I  cannot  inherit  from  a  man  who  is  alive.  What  do 
you  think  of  it,  Lucien  f 

He  perused  the  rajah's  letter  in  turn,  and  answered ;  "  Since 
this  man  is  dead  for  you,  Andr6e,  you  can  accept  bis  gift.  You 
can  have  no  other  interest  than  afiection  in  i)referriug  me  to  the 
rajah.  If  you  refused  the  gift,  you  would  seem  to  doubt  of  my 
faith  in  vou. " 

"  So  be  it  then  !    We  will  decide. " 

One  of  her  dreams  was  about  to  be  realized.  She  would  be 
able  to  ensure  the  happiness  of  her  adoptive  parents,  of  Lucien 
and  his  mother.  She  darted  into  the  work-room,  crying: 
"Mother,  little  mother,  read  this."  She  held  the  open  letter 
above  her  head,  and  her  delight  sparkled  in  her  eyes.  She  would 
have  liked  to  see  the  rajah  to  thank  him.  She  would  have 
liked  to  see  him  happy  also  —  he  who  assured  the  hapi)iness  of 
others.  But  it  was  impossible,  since  she  did  not  love  him.  Ho 
was  too  good  and  too  handsome,  perhaps,  and  also  too  cold  with 
his  pure  friendship.  So  he  must  disappear,  misunderstood  like 
some  being  of  etberial  nature.  His  love  for  Andree  was  not  a 
passion  but  a  fraternal  friendship.  The  flesh  of  this  man  of  the 
East  had  seemingly  not  even  quivered  in  presence  of  this  youth- 
ful beauty,  arrived  at  the  puberty  of  heart  and  senses.  He  was 
not  even  jealous  of  the  rival  who  was  preferred  to  himself,  and  so 
in  Andree's  estimation  he  did  not  really  love  her.  She  bad  remained 
Ignorant  of  all  the  internal  struggles  of  this  higb-niiuded  man, 
who,  above  everything  else,  wished  to  see  her  happy.  She  did 
not  know  that  his  heart's  blood  had  flowed  droj)  by  drop  in  the 
frightful  battle  between  mind  and  flesh,  between  will  and  passion ; 
that  Infinite  love  alone  had  enabled  him  to  conquer  himself ;  that 
he  was  mortally  wounded  and  was  really  dying.  Each  day  be 
spat  a  little  of  his  life,  and  bis  embroidered  handkerchief  was  red 
with  the  blood  be  wiped  away  from  his  lips. 

But  in  Andree's  joyful  effusion,  thought  of  the  rajah's  fate  left 
barely  a  sbad!)W  upon  her  brow  She  loved  Lucien  Despretz — 
less  generous  than  the  Hindu,  less  gifted  morally,  but  in  her  eyes 
more  of  a  man.  And  she,  Andree,  was  a  woman  to  the  tips  of  her 
little  almond-shaped  nails,  to  the  lobes  of  her  shell  pink  ears. 

As  Madame  Naviel  remarked  that  it  would  be  necessary  to 
make  inquiries  at  the  notary's,  the  young  girl  hastily  dressed,  so 
as  to  profit  by  Lucien's  oflFer  to  accompany  her  before  going  to 
his  work.  The  notary  happened  to  live  m  the  vicinity,  and  at 
eleven  o'clock  they  reached  his  office.  Lucien  asked  one  of  the 
clerks  for  Maitre  Redoul, 

236  nana's  daughter. 

"  He  is  occupied,"  replied  the  clerk  in  question,  a  little  shrill 
voiced,  bald-headed  old  fellow,  who  raised  his  spectacles  from 
his  eyes,  and  shpped  his  i)en  behind  his  right  ear  before  attend- 
ing to  the  visitors. 

"And  the  chief  clerk?" 

"  The  chief  clerk  is  out,"  resumed  the  scribe,  who  propor- 
tioned his  politeness  to  the  scarcely  stylish  appearance  of  his 

However,  Andr6e,  who  felt  impatient,  hastily  exclaimed :  "  I 
must  ask  you,  sir,  to  be  kind  enough  to  inform  your  employer 
that  I  am  entitled  to  a  sum  of  three  million  francs,  which  I 
believe  he  holds  on  trust  for  me,  together  with  the  deed  of 
gift. " 

The  clerk  sprang  up  as  if  impelled  by  a  spring,  and  his  eyes 
dilated  as  he  gazed  with  respectful  admiration  on  Andree  Naviel. 
These  three  million  francs  which  she  spoke  about  so  quietly  had 
galvanized  the  little  man.  His  eyelids  quivered  for  a  moment, 
as  he  examined  the  yoimg  girl,  like  an  astronomer  contemplating 
a  new  planet,  and  then  he  hastened  into  the  private  room  of 
Maitre  Redoul,  who  shortly  afterward  came  to  receive  Andreo 
with  a  diplomatic  smile  on  his  face.  He  ushered  her  the  first 
into  his  private  room,  and  Lucien  afterward.  "  Is  this  gentle- 
man your  brother,  mademoiselle?"  he  asked  with  a  knowing 

"  No,  sir,  my  betrothed, "  rephed  Andr6e,  with  a  gentle 

"  I  congratulate  him,  mademoiselle." 

The  notary  had  the  act  in  a  drawer  and  he  read  it  in  a  loud, 
clear  voice,  carefully  articulating  each  syllable  in  the  hope  of 
making  the  legal  phraseology  intelligible.  Then,  when  Andree 
had  shown  him  the  rajah's  letter,  he  handed  her  the  document. 
"  I  have  the  securities  at  your  disposal,  mademoiselle, "  he  said. 
"  And  whenever  you  desire  it  I  will  send  them  to  your  residence. 
I  am  quite  at  your  orders  to  execute  any  transactions,  or  make 
any  investments  which  you  may  desire. "  And  with  old  fashioned 
gallantry,  he  added:  "  For  whatever  concerns  the  notarial  pro- 
fession I  place  my  old  experience  at  your  feet. " 

Audr6e  thanked  him  with  a  smile,  put  the  deed  in  her  pocket, 
and  left  the  room,  giving  her  arm  to  Lucien.  The  notary 
escorted  her  as  far  as  the  street  door,  and  when  she  passed 
through  the  outer  office  all  the  clerks  rose  up  and  bowed  to  her, 
ranged  in  a  line. 

While  Lucien  and  Andr6e  were  thus  engaged  at  the  notary's, 
Madame  Desprctz  sat  in  her  little  parlor,  mending  one  of  her  sou's 
office  coats.  Hearing  a  ring  at  the  bell  she  went  to  open  the 
door  and  found  Luc  standing  on  the  mat.  "  You !  "  she  exclaimed. 
'*  Am  I  already  revenged,  then?  " 

nana's  daughter.  237 

"  Not  yot,  but  it  doponds  on  yourself.  You  have  only  to  say 
a  word  to  send  tho  Marquis  D'Albiguy  to  the  galleys." 

"  Explain  yourself!  " 

"  Well,  this  is  tho  situation:  The  noble  Marquis  D'Albigny  — 
whom  the  thunder  of  heaven  confound — related  the  other  day, 
while  I  was  listening  to  him,  that  he  had  commenced  his  dis- 
graceful exploits  when  ho  was  yet  very  young.  And  he  related 
—  what  funny  comcidences  there  are  in  life,  all  the  same!  —  and 
ho  related,  I  say,  that  several  years  ago  he  had  paid  his  atten- 
tions to  a  very  pretty  girl  who  was  employed  at  a  glove  shop  in 
tho  Passage  de  I'Opera,  and  who  hved  with  her  parent  at 
Asniibres. " 

Madame  Despretz  turned  rather  paler.  "  Well,  what  interest 
can  this  story  have  for  me?  "  she  asked. 

"  Wait  a  moment  and  you  shall  see.  The  girl  in  question  was 
j^ung  and  pretty  as  I  have  had  the  honor  to  tell  you,  only,  sho 
was  well  conducted,  well  conducted  like  the  little  virgin  that 
she  was.  This  greatly  worried  the  noble  marquis,  who  was  then 
one  or  two-and-twenty,  and  already  in  possession  of  his  patri- 
mony.    So  after  courting  the  charming  girl " 

"  Once  more  how  can  this  scoundrel's  story  interest  me?  " 

"  Wait  just  one  moment  longer.  This  fellow,  D'Albigny,  a 
scoundrel  as  you  very  justly  say  —  a  thoroughly  good-for-nothing 
fellow  in  short  —  courted  the  girl  for  three  weeks  or  so,  waiting 
for  her  at  the  end  of  the  Passage  de  I'Opera  every  evening  until 
sho  left  the  shop.  Well,  one  fine  winter  evening,  when  the  snow 
was  falling  as  thickly  as  if  the  Holy  Virgin  had  plucked  all  tho 
geeso  in  Paradise,  this  kind  and  noble  marquis,  who  had  a 
vehicle  in  readiness,  and  who  had  previously  given  a  handsome 
gi'atuity  to  the  driver,  almost  forced  little  Adele  Despretz  inside. 
For  the  funniest  part  of  the  afl'air  is  that  this  girl's  name  was 
Adele  Despretz,  just  like  your  own.  Well,  tho  beauty  did  her 
best  to  cry  out,  she  called  for  help,  and  begged  and  prayed  and 
threatened.  But  it  was  all  of  no  use.  The  marquis  didn't  need 
assistance,  and  in  the  result  —  some  months  afterward  a  child 
was  born.     Do  you  understand  my  meaning,  Adele  ?  " 

"  I  don't  understand  why  you  should  come  here  to  reveal  the 
atrocities  perpetrated  by  a  man  whom  I  have  other  reasons  for 
despising  ami  hating." 

"  No  doubt;  and  whenever  you  like  I  am  prepared  to  behevo 
that  there  is  a  mere  similarity  of  name  between  you  and  the 
Adole  Despretz  I  speak  of — for  I  never  knew  you  in  a  glove 
shop  in  the  Passage  de  I'Opera.  Only,  don't  you  think  we  might 
utilize  the  similarity  of  name  ?  " 

"How  and  why?" 

"Why?  Well,  so  that  your  son  may  marry,  so  that  my 
daughter  may  live,  since  she  tries  to  kill  herself  when  tho 
engagement  is  broken  off,  poor,  loving  httle  thing  that  she  is  I 


And  you  ask  how?  Well,  in  passing  yourself  off  as  the  AdMe 
Despretz  whom  the  honorable  Marquis  D'Albigny  violated  one 
evening  on  leaving  the  Passage  de  I'Opera. " 

"What!     I  do  such  a  thing  as  that  ?    Never!" 

"  Then  your  son  is  our  son,  Ad61e?  " 

"  You  never  acknowledged  my  son  by  any  legal  act,  did  you? 
So  you  are  nothing  to  him!  " 

"  Heaven  preserve  him  from  any  such  acknowledgment,  the 
poor  fellow.  Really  now,  he  would  be  nicely  off  if  I  acknowl- 
edged him  in  my  position.  It  is  better  to  be  nobody's  son  than 
to  be  the  son  of  such  a  fellow  as  Face-to-Smack.  I  love  your 
son  too  much  to  acknowledge  him,  it  suflSces  that  he  is  your 
child.     However,  you  won't  say  what  I  ask?  " 

"Never!  Their  marriage  certificate  will  set  forth  that  their 
fathers  are  unknown.  Poor  children,  may  they  be  happier  than 
I  have  been!  " 

"  And  than  I !  Well,  if  you  think  it  can  be  arranged  that  way 
I  don't  care  ;  it  would  be  better,  certainly.  A  little  while  ago  I 
thought  I  had  a  son  and  a  daughter,  and  now  it  seems  that  I 
am  nobody's  father  at  all  —  all  the  same,  I  regret  that  it  wasn't 
you  whom  the  marquis " 

"  You  are  mad !  " 

"  No,  no,  I  had  my  plan;  but  no  matter,  I  will  do  for  him  yet. 
The  principal  thing  is  for  the  chUdren  to  marry.  If  there  is  any 
bother  at  the  wedding,  if,  as  I  fear,  Andree's  mother  tried  to 
intervene,  I  think  I  should  strangle  her." 

"  She  wouldn't  dare  go  alone,  and  D'Albigny  won't  accompany 
her,  for  he  can  scarcely  care  to  find  himself  in  presence  of  Mon- 
sieur Naviel.  Men  like  the  marquis  are  only  audacious  with  the 
weak;  they  are  cowardly  with  the  strong.  Besides,  if  Nana 
dares  to  go  to  the  mayor's  office,  I  shall  tell  the  truth  and  cry  out 
aloud  that  she  only  wishes  to  prevent  the  wedding  so  as  to  sell 
her  daughter  to  her  own  lovers." 

"  And  I,  too,  have  arms  against  her;  and  I  will  be  your  ally 
in  the  battle,  do  you  hear  me,  Adele  Despretz  ?  I  have  a  par- 
don to  win;  I  wish  to  change  my  skin,  and  become  again  what 
I  was,  so  as  to  be  worthy  of  you,  Ad61e.  You  promised  to 
pardon  me ;  so  allow  me  to  ask  for  the  honor  of  supporting  you 
in  your  old  ago,  of  being  the  father  of  your  son  —  your  husband 
in  fact  —  your  husband,  Adele,  if  you  will " 

While  the  old  moimtebauk  spoke,  ho  had  taken  the  old 
woman's  wrinkled  hands  between  his  long  bony  fingers.  She 
did  not  withdraw  them  but  remained  silent,  nlimged  in  bitter 
thought.  Then  falling  on  his  knees  before  her,  his  heart  full  of 
real  grief  and  sincere  repentance,  feeling  honest  love  born  anew 
within  him  and  pm-ifying  his  nature,  Luc  stammered  out  amid 
his  sobs :  "  I  promise  you  I  will  become  a  man  again  —  I  promise 
you  I  will  try  to  find  some  honest  work.    Don't  engage  yourself 

N ana's  daughter.  239 

t.)  TOO,  let  me  re-cast,  re-make  myself.  I  shall  become  honest 
and  serious  again,  and  I  will  love  you,  my  poor  old  dear,  as  1 
loved  you  before  I  met  that  strumpet  Nana.  But  give  me  the 
time,  for  I  wish  to  revenge  you  on  her,  and  settle  that  scoundrel 
the  marquis." 

"  What  is  the  use  of  it?  Let  them  be.  Leave  the  house. 
That  w^oman  is  almost  ruined,  people  say ;  old  age  and  poverty 
will  revenge  me  quite  enough.  As  for  the  man,  I  hope  he  will 
be  caught  in  one  of  his  swindles " 

Luc  sprang  to  his  feet  again.  "  And  I  hope  it  as  well,"  he 
said.  "Well,  till  Saturday!  That  will  be  lAie  great  day.  I 
shall  be  at  the  wedding,  for  I  want  to  witness  my  daughter's 
happiness ;  and  if  Nana  tries  to  speak  I  shall  have  the  means  of 
shutting  her  mouth.  So  till  Saturday,  then,  at  the  mayor's  — 
and  I  hope  we  shall  soon  go  there  on  our  own  account. "  With 
these  words  he  put  on  his  hat  and  gravely  took  his  leave. 

Shortly  afterward  Lucien  Despretz  came  home.  "  Do  you 
know  what  has  happened  ?  "  he  asked  his  mother,  as  ho  kissed 

"  No,  tell  me  at  onco  what  you  refer  to.  I  am  worn  out  with 
thinking. " 

"  Andree  has  come  into  possession  of  three  millions." 

"  Then  she  does  not  mean  to  marry  ?" 

"  Excuse  me,  mother." 

"  Marry  you  ?  " 

"No  doubt." 

"  And  do  you  accept  the  money  which  falls  no  one  knows 
whence,  or  from  whom?" 

"  I  accept  it  because  I  know  it  is  spotless.  Besides,  Andree 
feared  so  much  that  I  might  be  displeased  that  she  wanted  to 
refuse  the  gift. " 

"  And  did  you  encourage  her  to  accept  it  ?  " 

"  I  know  that  Andree  loves  me  —  and  that  is  all  I  want.  She 
has  given  me  proof  enough  of  it. " 

"  Well,  I  will  say  nothing  more,  the  rest  is  your  affair." 

Madame  Despretz  sat  down  again  near  the  window  and 
resumed  her  sewing.  Her  white  hair  and  spotless  cap  stood  out 
in  full  relief,  in  the  oblique  light  falling  from  above.  Her  pale 
face  had  the  serenity  of  one  of  these  saintly  portraits,  scarcely 
distinguishalile  in  shadowy  chapels,  but  the  eyes  of  which  follow 
you  with  vacant  fixity. 

Her  bony  hands  were  wrinkled,  and  her  fingers,  the  nails  of 
which  were  worn  by  daily  toil,  bore  the  marks  of  assiduous  ob- 
stinate work.  As  a  rule,  when  Lucien  came  home  of  an  evening 
it  was  he  who  lighted  the  fire  and  prepared  the  supper  while  his 
mother  continued  sewing.  But  now  when  she  heard  him  blow- 
ing the  charcoal  fire  in  the  kitchen  with  a  pair  of  bellows,  she 
hastily  called  out :  "  Leave  that,  my  boy,  leave  all  that;  I  will 

240  nana's  daughter. 

go  and  attend  to  it.  It's  my  business  now.  Besides  my  cooking 
won't  take  long  when  I'm  alone. " 

"  You  will  come  and  live  with  us,  mother,  and  we  will  serve 
you  and  love  you  together.  You  will  have  two  children  in  heu 
of  one. 

"  Oh !  I  shan't  do  that.  As  your  wife  is  rich  and  I  am  poor  it 
would  look  as  if  I  were  dependent  on  her. " 

'*  Andree  would  never  think  that." 

"  But  I  should  think  it  and  I  should  feel  humiliated.  Do  you 
8ee,  my  boy,  lovers  like  solitude,  and  the  presence  of  an  old 
woman  who  no  longer  believes  in  love  would  chOl  your  effusions. 
I  don't  want  to  bring  coldness  or  discord  into  your  home,  and  so 
I  prefer  to  live  and  die  alone. " 

"  I  won't  dispute  the  point  with  you,  mother,  but  I  am  sorry 
that  you  have  such  fancies,"  rejoined  Lucien,  as  he  laid  the  cloth 
in  the  dining-room. 

The  daylight  was  waning  fast.  Madame  Despretz  rose  up, 
and  walking  softly  across  the  room  in  her  felt- soled  shppers,  she 
approached  the  open  doorway  to  watch  her  Lucien.  He  was  at 
this  moment  laying  his  mother's  place,  simple  and  kind-hearted 
as  usual,  ever  intent  on  sparing  her  a  task.  To  see  him  engaged 
in  these  petty  household  duties,  no  one  would  have  believed  in 
the  sudden  change  of  fortune  that  had  befallen  him.  Madame 
Despretz  thought  of  all  the  proofs  of  affection  that  he  had  given 
her,  and  asked  herself  with  a  feeling  of  jealous  egotism  what 
would  become  of  her  when  he  was  married.  Then  almost  imme- 
diately afterward,  she  reproached  herself  with  the  narrowness 
of  heart  which  impelled  her  to  be  Andree's  rival,  and  the  reso- 
lution of  self-sacritice  gained  the  mastery  in  her  mind. 

At  this  moment,  as  Lucien  chanced  to  raise  his  head,  he  saw 
his  mother  leaning  against  the  door  and  watching  him,  her  eyes 
moist  with  resigned  tenderness.  He  divined  so  much  courageous 
abnegation,  so  much  sublime  forgetfulness  of  self  in  the  painful 
expression  of  her  eyes,  that  he  went  towards  her,  and,  taking 
hold  of  her  hands,  exclaimed  with  affectionate  authority :  "  I 
can't  allow  you  to  be  sad,  mother,  when  I  am  happy. " 

Then  raising  herself  on  tiptoes  Madame  Despretz  clasped  her 
fingers  behind  his  neck,  and  drawing  his  face  down  to  her  hps 
she  kissed  him,  replying:  ''You  bad  fellow!  How  can  your 
happiness  make  me  sad !  You  shall  have  her,  yoiu*  Andree,  you 
shall  have  her.  And  if  any  one  tried  to  take  her  from  you,  I 
would  sacrifice  everything  to  defend  her ;  yes,  everything. "  As 
the  old  woman  spoke  she  drew  back  to  gaze  upon  her  son 
agam,  and  her  face  assumed  the  radiant  expression  of  martyr- 

nana's  daughter.  241 


Ain)ll6E  Naviel's  sudden  change  of  fortune  did  not  modify 
the  preliminaries  of  the  wedding.  Everything  was  of  charming 
simphcity;  and  on  the  evening  before  the  ceremony  the  two 
famihes  dhied  together  quietly  at  BatiguoUes.  Andree  and 
Lucien  had  appointed  M.  Naviel  manager  of  some  house  prop- 
erty which  they  had  purchased  in  Paris,  and  Madame  Naviel 
had  taken  a  shop  on  the  Boulevard  des  Italiens  in  view  of 
extending  her  artificial-flower  business.  As  for  the  young 
couple,  they  did  not  make  any  alterations  in  then-  mode  of  life 
for  the  time  being,  but  it  was  arranged  that  they  should  go 
away  together  on  the  evening  of  the  wedding  and  remain  for  a 
month  at  the  seaside. 

The  evening  that  they  all  spent  at  Batignolles  was  almost  a 
farewell  reunion.  After  dinner  Madame  Naviel  served  the  coffee 
in  the  parlor,  and  Andree,  having  sent  for  the  work-girls, 
informed  them  that  in  futm-e  her  mother  would  manage  tbc 
business  with  the  assistance  of  Margot;  she  added  that  in  honor 
of  her  wedding  they  would  each  receive  a  present  of  a  hundred 
francs.  After  these  good  tidings  she  dismissed  them,  but  not 
without  inviting  them  to  the  wedding  dinner.  Then  she  decided 
to  prepare  her  toilet  for  the  morrow.  She  had  not  removed  her 
wedding-dress  from  the  wardrobe  since  that  terrible  night  when 
in  her  despair  she  had  chosen  it  for  a  shroud.  As  she  left  the 
parlor  she  made  a  sign  to  Lucien  and  added:  "  Come !  " 

He  rose  and  followed  her.  She  stretched  her  skirt  of  white 
faille  over  an  arm-chair  so  as  to  take  out  the  creases.  Lucien 
assisted  her;  and  it  was  ho  who  laid  the  bodice  over  the  back 
of  the  chair,  bringing  the  sleeves  forward.  Andree  amused 
herself  by  watching  him,  and  was  astonished  to  see  how  well  ho 
understood  these  little  matters.  "  Is  yom-  dress-coat  ready?  "* 
she  asked  him. 

"  Yes ;  it  is  the  first  dress-coat  I  have  ever  had  made.  My 
mother  says  that  it  fits  me  very  well,  but  I  don't  entirely  rely 
upon  her  taste  in  what  concerns  me;  she  always  finds  me 
superb,  and  looks  at  me  with  absolute  indulgence.  But  perhaps 
my  wife  will  be  more  severe." 

"  I  sliall  i)crhaps  bo  severe  for  your  coat  or  yom*  tailor,  but 
never  for  you. " 

"  I  know  that  love  is  blind.  That  is  perhaps  a  reason  why 
my  dear  little  wife  should  see  clearly." 

She  gave  him  a  reproachful  glance.  You  ought  not  to  say 
that  here,"  she  answered,  "before  this  dress  which  I  turned 

*As  a  general  rule,  French  bridegrooms  are  attired  in  evening  dress.— 

242  nana's  daughter. 

into  a  shroud,  and  before  this  bed  where  you  saw  me  lying  almost 
dead  on  account  of  you. " 

She  had  bought  a  pair  of  high-heeled,  white-satin  boots 
which  she  now  deposited  in  front  of  the  arm-chair ;  and  then 
over  the  skirt  she  stretched  the  white-silk  stockings  which  she 
had  already  worn  on  the  night  she  had  meant  to  kill  herself. 
The  wedding-gifts  were  few  in  number,  but  they  were  all 
exqmsitely  tasteful.  Lucien  offered  Andree  an  enamelled  watch 
on  the  case  of  which  the  initials  of  their  Christian  names  were 
entwined  in  pearls,  a  brooch  forming  a  diamond  rose,  a  pair  of 
earrings  of  similar  design,  a  ring,  and  finally  a  serpent  bracelet 
with  scales  of  emeralds  and  ruby  eyes.  Ajidree,  on  her  side, 
had  given  Lucien  a  pair  of  sleeve-links,  ornamented  with 
sapphires  of  considerable  size  and  value. 

It  was  a  dehghtful  May  evening,  and  the  first  heat  of  the  year 
was  wafted  through  the  open  casement.  Lucien  leant  over  the 
balustrade  of  this  window  which  he  had  gazed  upon  in  such 
anguish  but  a  couple  of  weeks  previously,  and  the  various  inci- 
dents of  that  dreadful  night  were  presented  in  succession  to  his 
mind.  By  the  light  of  a  street-lamp  near  the  railway  station, 
he  could  distinguish  the  spot  where  he  had  spent  so  many  hours 
in  [agony.  All  the  ideas  which  had  then  darted  through  his 
brain  hke  poisoned  arrows  returned  and  troubled  him.  He  felt 
a  pang  at  his  heart,  and  his  knees  shook.  He  asked  himself 
how  he  had  been  able  to  support  such  frightful,  moral  suffering, 
without  dashing  out  his  brains,  and  the  memory  of  this  terrible 
crisis  made  him  tremble  to  such  a  degree  that  his  teeth  chat- 
tered. He  did  not  hear  Andree,  who  surprised  by  his  silence, 
now  drew  near  to  him,  but  he  started  as  she  laid  her  hand  upon 
his  shoulder,  "  What  is  my  Lucien  thinking  of?  "  she  asked; 
"  he  is  as  silent  as  if  he  were  sad  this  evening." 

"  Ask  me  rather  whom  I  am  thinking  of,  or  ask  me  nothing. 
I  was  looking  at  the  railway  railing  —  at  the  spot  where  I  was 
so  tortured  for  hours  a  fortnight  ago,  when  I  watched  the  light 
in  your  window.  And  you,  darling,  while  I  was  dying  of  anguish 
on  the  pavement,  you  were  agonizing  here,  alone.  Ah !  we  were 
very  mad,  were  we  not  ?  " 

"  Yes,  yes,  very  mad." 

''  And  yet,  suppose  that  for  some  reason  or  another  our  mar- 
riage became  impossible,  that  at  the  last  moment  an  obstacle 
arose,  an  unconciuerable  obstacle  —  that  we  could  not  be  mar- 
ried in  fact  —  what  should  wo  do  then?  " 

''  We  would  leave  the  rajah's  milhons  to  our  parents,  and  go 
and  drown  ourselves  in  the  sea,"  rejoined  Andr6e  simply;  and 
as  she  spoke  of  dying  with  her  lover,  a  gleam  of  feverish  energy 
flashed  from  her  eyes. 

"  Yes,  yes,  both  together, "  said  Lucien. 

"  I  have  sometimes  thought  of  that  kind  of  death,"  resumed 


Andr^e.  "  I  once  saw  the  sea  at  Le  Havre.  I  should  prefer  to 
sleep  in  the  blue  waves  rather  than  m  a  coffin,  for  in  the  sea 
nothing  would  separate  us. " 

*'  Well,  yes :  we  would  do  as  you  say ;  we  would  go  oflf  alone, 
to  some  rugged  shore,  some  deserted  spot,  and  at  night  time,  so 
as  not  to  be  disturbed.  You  would  be  miue  before  wc  died,  and 
we  would  fasten  ourselves  together  solialy  —  then  holding  each 
other  in  a  close  embrace  we  would  throw  ourselves  into  the 
water,  Andr6e,  and  our  last  sigh  would  bo  a  kiss. " 

"  I  should  prefer  such  a  death  a  thousand  times  to  living 
without  you !  " 

"  Ah  1  how  long  it  is,  a  night  and  a  day  —  so  many  things  can 

"  Listen,  Lucien,  if  we  are  determined  on  it  no  human  power, 
no  power  of  heaven  or  hell,  can  separate  us.  We  must  swear  to 
die  together,  as  we  have  said,  if  any  obstacle  should  arise,  if  ray 
unatural  mother  should  have  any  weapon  against  our  happiness, 
if  any  infamy  or  fatahty  should  wreck  our  ho  s  at  the  final 
moment. " 

''  I  swear  it,"  said  Lucien  Despretz,  "  I  swear  it  on  the  honor 
of  my  saintly  mother,  whose  life  has  been  one  of  devotion  to 

"  And  I  swear  it  my  love  for  you,  Lucien. " 

They  each  raised  an  arm  toward  the  sky  where  their  familiar 
star  was  shining  with  a  greenish  brilliancy  like  Andree's  eyes ; 
and  then  Lucien,  catching  his  well-beloved  in  a  powerful  though 
chaste  embrace,  pressed  her  to  his  heart  with  reverent  respect 
And  leaning  toward  her  he  hid  his  burning  face  in  her  warm 
abundant  hair.  "  Oh,  Andree,  Andree,  Andree, "  he  murmured 
amid  the  silky  curls,  "  Andree,  I  love  you  better  than  aught 
else. " 

They  were  interrupted  by  a  prolonged  sigh,  and  as  Lucien 
turned  his  head,  he  perceived  his  mother.  "  I  heard  you,"  .she 
said ;  "  you  love  her  better  than  aught  else,  and  you  will  die 
together  if  the  wedding  is  prevented.  'Tis  well,  'tis  well,  'tis 
well."  And  then  raising  her  thin  hands  above  her  head  with  a 
grievous  gesture,  she  stammered,  checking  a  sob  by  an  efibrt 
of  proud  will:  "0  God!  I  have  nought  left  to  me  but 
Thee !  " 

Lucien  wished  to  take  her  in  his  arms  with  his  betrothed  to 
unite  them  in  the  same  affectionate  embrace,  but  she  softly 
repulsed  him  and  said,  resignedly :  "  I  don't  complain,  my 
lad,  it  was  bound  to  be  thus.  I  will  leave  you  alone. "  And  she 
then  rejoined  the  Naviels  in  the  parlor. 

Then  they  forgot  themselves  in  making  happy  plans,  their 
minds  at  ease  since  they  had  sworn  to  die  together.  They  felt 
as  if  they  were  already  married,  aiul  in  the  enjoyment  of  mutunl 
possession.    They  mentally  anticipated  their  happiness.    Lucien 

244  nana's  daughter. 

did  not  breathe  any  unseemly  word  or  reveal  aught  unduly,  and 
yet  he  wished  to  make  Andree  understand  the  full  extent  of 
sacrifice  which  love  imposes  on  a  woman,  he  wished  that  she 
might  realize  what  self-abandonment  her  promise  would  entail. 
She  partly  understood  him,  and  blushed  for  having  done  so. 
And  to  hide  her  blushes  from  him  she  turned  her  face  toward 
the  night.  So  that  was  marriage?  What  solemn,  charming 
mystery,  what  delight  awaited  her !  She  trembled,  and  felt 
almost  afraid  at  being  thus  alone  with  Lucien.  It  seemed  to  her 
as  if  he  were  going  to  carry  her  down  into  an  abyss.  A  feeling 
of  intense  timidity  rose  from  her  heart  to  her  face,  and  weighed 
upon  her  long  chaste  eyelids.  She  no  longer  dared  to  meet  her 
lover's  glance.  She  could  see  him  through  her  silky  lashes,  and 
felt  an  unknown  warmth  pass  throughout  her  system,  bending 
ber  knees  and  oppressing  her  virgin  bosom. 

At  this  moment  a  nightingale  poised  itself  on  one  of  the  chest- 
nut trees  in  the  square ;  and  amid  the  nocturnal  pcacefulness 
they  heard  a  pure  trill  rise  through  the  air  like  a  winged  vibra- 
tion, then  a  velvety  note  was  prolonged,  a  scale  rang  out  like  a 
peal  of  clear  youthful  laughter,  ending  in  a  vocal  flourish  of 
exquisite  delicacy.  There  came  a  pause ;  and  then  the  crystal- 
line voice  was  raised  anew,  modulating  with  inihiite  art,  a  strain 
full  of  melancholy  passion.  But  suddenly  the  feathered  songster 
ceased  his  lay.  The  whistle  of  a  railway  engine  broke  upon  the 
silence,  seemingly  spreading  as  it  grew  nearer.  The  huge 
steam-horse  appeared  round  the  curve  of  the  line  under  the  iron 
bridge  which  leads  to  the  Batignolles  Station.  For  a  moment 
the  train  stopped.  The  blacl:  funnel  pufled  precipitately,  its 
smoke  rising  like  breath  from  the  depths  of  the  cutting  into  the 
lighted  street  —  dense  and  flufly  at  first,  but  dispersing  as  it 
rose  and  mingling  with  the  atmosphere  above  the  houses. 
Then,  as  the  passengers  had  alighted  on  the  platform,  one 
heard  the  signal  of  the  station-master,  which  the  engine  whistle 
answered  like  a  formidable  echo.  The  wheels  began  to  revolve 
slowly  at  first,  and  socm  the  whole  train  was  in  motion,  journey- 
ing onward  at  increasing  speed.  Lucien  and  Andree  saw  the 
carriages  pass  along  one  after  another,  many  an  unknown  face 
flitting  by  in  the  lighted  compartments  which,  in  turn,  dis- 
appeared from  view  under  the  dark  ■wault  of  the  tunnel.  Then 
silence  reigned  once  more  around  the  square,  where  the  dark 
foliage  of  the  horse-chestnut  trees  grew  indistinct  ainid  tlie  mist 
which  was  now  slowly  gliding  over  the  dewy  expanse  of  the 
lawns,  in  phantom-like  procession.  The  winged  songster  had 
fled  off  afar  into  the  peace  of  the  woods  where  everything  is 
hushed  to  listen  to  him. 

Andree  reflected  that  on  the  moiTow  she  also  would  journey 
to  unknown  happiness  in  an  unknown  land.  It  seemed  to  her 
that  she  was  about  to  leave  the  world  and  fly  on  the  wings  of 


tlio  niffhtingalo  to  a  land  of  colostial  molody  and  infinite  love. 
Sonu'thiny  passionate  and  saintly,  cliasto  and  troublous,  a 
supremo,  yet  timid  ardor  took  possession  of  her  whole  being. 
She  gazed  on  the  man  she  loved  by  the  light  of  the  lamp  which 
lent  a  Hame-like  brilliancy  to  his  short  hair,  and  illumined  his 
thin  profile.  Lucieu  Despretz  was  the  perfect  type  of  masculine 
comeliness  in  her  eyes.  He  pleased  her  such  as  he  was.  She 
needed  all  her  proud  will  not  to  throw  her  arms  around  his  neck 
and  cover  him  with  endless  kisses.  And  he  I  He  was  thinking 
that  he  would  soon  be  free  to  carry  her  away  like  something 
belonging  to  him,  to  tell  her  all  that  he  had  not  yet  dared  to 
tell  her,  to  teach  her  everything,  to  kiss  her  little  feet,  and  hold 
her  in  a  tight  embrace.  And  as  he  anticipated  in  his  mind  the 
promised  delight  soon  to  bo  realized,  he  felt  a  very  vertigo  of 
joy  lift  him  up  and  carry  him  away  through  days,  and  months, 
and  years,  of  which  he  was  no  longer  conscious. 

But  he  was  suddenly  roused  from  his  dream  by  Andr6e,  who 
uttered  an  exclamation,  and  pointed  with  her  forefinger  to  the 
Rue  de  Rome.  A  tall,  slight,  shadowy  form  was  approaching 
swiftly  beside  the  railway  railing.  "Look  over  there,"  said 
Andree  to  Lucien. 

"  Yes,  there  is  a  man  passing." 

"  Don't  you  recognize  him "?  " 

"Not  at  all." 

"  It  is  Luc  coming  here  !  Nana  is  plotting  some  new  infamy 
against  us. " 

"  What  of  that  ?    "We  can  take  refuge  in  our  oath !  " 

"  Don't  let  us  stop  alone !  "  pleaded  Andr6e,  with  a  shudder. 
"I  feel  afraid." 

Shortly  afterwards  Luc  rang  the  bell.  The  two  families  were 
reassembled  in  the  parlor.  It  was  M.  Naviel  who  went  to  open 
the  door  for  the  valet,  who,  after  hanging  his  hat  on  a  peg, 
went  into  the  sitting-room.  He  bowed  respectfully  to  Madame 
Naviel  and  Madame  Despretz,  and  then,  approaching  Lucien, 
he  took  his  hand  and  said:  "So  it  is  for  to-morrow?  Be  on 
your  guard.  There  will  be  a  fight,  for  the  marquis  will  be  there 
and  Madame  Nana  also." 

"  We  shall  all  be  there,"  interrupted  Pierre  Naviel,  "  and  so 
much  the  worse  for  your  marquis  if  he  tries  to  create  a  disturb- 
ance !  He  has  been  warned  once  already.  I  don't  suppose  that 
it  is  he  who  sent  you  here  ?  " 

"  No,  I  have  come  on  my  own  account.  I  thought  that  I 
should  find  you  all  together  this  evening,  including  a  person 
whom  T  particularly  wish  to  speak  with.  It  is  to  you,  Madame 
Adele  Despretz,  that  I  should  like  to  say  a  word  or  two  in 
private.  It  is  a  question  of  your  son's  happiness,  of  chpping 
the  nails  and  filing  the  teeth  of  a  man  you  know,  and  of  a 

246  nana's  daughter. 

woman  wiio  wishes  to  profit  by  what  you  told  her  to  prevent 
the  wedding  and  separate  our  young  folks  for  good. " 

"  Come  into  the  work-room,  we  shall  be  alone  there,"  replied 
Madame  Despretz. 

She  opened  the  door  and  passed  out  the  first.  Luc  followed 
her,  but  in  the  work-room  they  found  Margot,  who  was  finishing 
a  garland  of  orange  blossom  for  the  bodice  of  Andree's  dress. 
"Leave  us  alone  for  a  moment,  my  girl,"  said  Madame  Des- 

However,  Margot  asked  permission  to  finish  her  work ;  she 
did  not  need  another  five  minutes,  she  said,  and  the  garland 
must  be  completed  that  evening.  AVben  the  last  leaf  had  been 
set  in  its  place,  she  rose  in  silence,  and  went  round  the  room  so 
as  to  avoid  Luc,  who  always  inspired  her  with  a  feeling  of  repul- 
sion. She  entered  the  parlor  carrying  the  garland  in  her  hand, 
for  she  wished  to  try  its  effect  round  Andree's  waist.  The 
young  girl  thanked  her,  and  taking  tlie  pretty,  white  flowers  in 
her  fingers  she  laid  tliom  on  the  table  beside  the  jewel  cases 
brought  by  Lucien,  and  said  to  Margot :  "  I  shall  always  keep 
this  garland  in  memory  of  you, my  girl." 

"Ah!  what  can  I  do  to  thank  you,  mademoiselle?"  asked 
Margot,  in  a  voice  full  of  feeling.  "  I  was  very  wicked  toward 
you,  and  I  have  been  severely  punished.  But  you  are  so  good, 
mademoiselle;  and,  instead  of  letting  me  rot  in  the  filth  you 
found  me  in,  you  did  not  hesitate  to  go  to  my  hovel  to  take  mo 
away  from  it.  And  on  the  day  of  the  review,  too,  you  remon- 
strated with  the  man  who  is  now  talking  to  Madame  Despretz. 
Whenever  I  see  him  I  always  feel  a  shiver  right  down  my 

"  Never  mind  about  that,  Margot,  you  are  a  good  girl.  I 
always  thought  that  you  would  become  one  again,  and  that  was 
why  I  took  you  with  us.  I  can  promise  you  a  position  if  you 
continue  to  answer  my  anticipations,  which  are  altogether  in 
your  favor. " 

"  You  are  very  kind.  Mademoiselle  Andree ;  but  I  have  some- 
thing to  do,  and  I  fear  I  shall  have  to  leave  Madame  Naviel  to 
go  to  prison. "  Margot  spoke  these  words  with  a  black  look  and 
an  evil  gleam  in  her  eyes;  and  then  hastily  added:  "Good- 
night, ladies  and  gentlemen  all." 

She  had  just  gone  up  to  her  attic  when  Luc  and  Madame 
Despretz  returned  into  the  parlor.  Lucien's  mother  was 
extremely  pale,  and  her  smile  had  that  painful  contraction 
which  indicates  resignation  to  fate.  She  had  evidently  been 
crying,  for  her  eyelids  were  very  red.  Her  poor  hands,  spoiled 
by  work,  hung  down  against  hor  black  dress,  painfully 
emaciated,  and  deadly  white  with  prominent  blue  veins. 

"  Are  you  suffering,  mother?  "  asked  Lucien  and  Andree  in 
the  same  breath. 

nana's  daughter.  247 

" No.  my  children,  it  is  over,"  she  answered,  with  <i  sigh. 

"Come,  my  friends,  to-morrow  means  happiness  or  misery," 
exclaimed  Luc.  "  It  all  hangs  on  a  thread.  At  what  time  shall 
you  be  at  the  mayor's  *  " 

"  At  noon  precisely. " 

"  Very  good.  I  will  be  punctual. "  And  looking  at  the  yoimg 
couple,  seated  side  by  side,  he  said  to  them  with  feeling  gravity : 
"  Always  love  each  other  as  you  do  now,  little  ones  —  for  do  you 
know,  despite  all  that  people  say,  love  is  the  only  true  thing  in 
life.  But  I  must  be  ofl'.  Until  to-morrow !  "  Aiid  he  abruptly 
hastened  out  of  the  room. 


At  noon  on  the  morrow  an  attendant  ushered  the  Naviels,  the 
Despretzes  and  their  witnesses  into  the  room  set  apart  for  the 
celebration  of  marriages  at  the  Batiguolles  municipal  oflBces. 
Lucien  had  invited  two  clerks  belonging  to  the  newspaper  office, 
where  he  was  employed;  and  M.  Naviel  had  secured  the 
services  of  the  doctor  who  had  attended  Andree  and  of  one  of 
his  colleagues  of  the  Western  Railway  line.  Andree  and  Lucien 
sat  down  side  by  side  awaiting  the  mayor,  who  had  not  yet 
arrived.  Near  by  Andree's  work-girls  were  standing.  A  chilly 
silence  reigned  in  the  room ;  but  out  of  doors  a  sudden  blast 
swept  by  literally  howling  as  it  shook  the  window  panes.  Night 
seemed  descending  from  the  sky  across  which  a  party  of  rooks 
flew  cawing,  and  the  large  white  bust  of  the  Republic  was  barely 
distinguishable  against  the  green-wall  hangings.  At  last  the 
mayor,  wearing  his  tricol<»r  sash  of  office,  came  forward  gravely. 
The  bridal  pair  rose  to  their  feet,  and  the  simple  ceremony 
began.  The  mayor  read  the  articles  of  the  code  concerning  the 
duties  and  obligations  of  matrimony,  explaining  their  sense  and 
bearings  in  a  short  address.  Then  he  asked  the  usual  questions. 
Turning  at  first  to  Lucien  he  said:  "Do  you  consent  to  take 
Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviel  for  your  wedded  wife  ?  " 

"  Yes,  sir, "  answered  Lucien,  in  a  loud  voice. 

The  magistrate  next  asked  Andree  a  similar  question  respect- 
ing Lucien,  and  she  quietly  gave  an  affirmative  reply.  The 
mayor  then  began  to  pronounce  the  customary  formula.  "  In  the 
name  of  the  law,  I  declare  you  to  be " 

"  Excuse  me,  sir!  "  at  this  moment  cried  a  bitter  voice,  pro- 
ceeding from  the  doorway,  "  but  I  oppose  this  marriage !  " 
And,  followed  by  Luc  and  giving  her  arm  to  the  Marquis 
D'Albigny,  Nana  entered  the  room  with  a  haughty  step.  She 
was  arrayed  in  a  rol)e  of  blue  plush  with  a  long  train  behind, 
and  flounces  of  point  d'Angleterre  in  front.    Six  massive  gold 

24»  nana's  daughter. 

bracelets  spanned  her  writs,  and  two  emerald  bees  with  diamon " 
wings  sparliled  in  her  ears. 

*'  Who  are  you,  madame'?  "  asked  the  mayor, 

"  I  am  the  bride's  mother,  sir.  The  parents  who  figure  here 
are  spurious  ones,  and  this  is  the  proof  of  it."  So  saymg  she 
handed  the  mayor  the  letter  which  set  forth  that  Andree  had 
been  left  at  the  Foundling  Hospital  in  the  Rue  d'Enfer,  on  the 
14th  of  August,  18G0,  according  to  the  instructions  of  the  com- 
missary of  police  of  the  district  where  she,  Nana,  then  resided, 
that  the  deposit  had  been  effected  by  Virginie,  the  said  Nana's 
maid,  and  finally  that  Andree  had  been  handed  over  to  Pierre 
Naviel,  a  mechanic,  residing  in  the  Eue  Crozatier,  on  the  20th 
of  the  same  month. 

The  mayor  read  this  communication  attentively  and  then 
asked,  "  Is  Monsieur  Pierre  Naviel  here  ?  " 

"  Yes,  sir,"  replied  Andree's  adoptive  father.  It  was  I  who 
brought  up  the  young  girl  with  my  wife's  assistance,  and  if  we 
are  spurious  parents  I  should  like  to  know  what  can  be  thought 
of  the  real  mother. " 

"  Are  you  the  woman  Nana  ?  "  asked  the  mayor,  turning  to 
the  courtesan. 

"  Of  course  I  am.    You  must  know  me  at  least  by  name. " 

"  Well,  I  must  inform  you  that  in  accordance  with  the  law 
you  have  forfeited  all  rights  over  your  daughter.  Besides,  the 
commissary  whom  you  applied  to  cannot  have  left  you  in  doubt 
upon  the  matter.  He  must  have  warned  you  that  in  abandon- 
ing your  child  you  relinquished  all  your  rights  over  her,  that 
the  Poor  Relief  Board  became  her  legal  guardian,  absolutely  as 
if  she  were  an  orphan  and  you  were  dead. " 

"  I  have  no  recollection  of  it,  sir.  I  was  so  young  at  the 
time  that  I  was  quite  unaware  of  what  I  was  really  doing  when 
I  abandoned  my  child.  But  now  I  know  what  one  suffers  on 
seeing  one's  own  flesh  and  blood  in  the  hands  of  such  a  mercen- 
ary set. "  And  so  speaking  she  stretched  out  her  hand  toward 

He  rose  to  his  feet  with  his  eyes  blazing  like  live  coals.  "  I 
think,"  said  he,  striking  his  broad  chest  with  his  fist,  "  that  an 
honest  workman  is  better  able  to  rear  a  child  properly  than  :: 
woman  who  trades  on  vice. " 

"Don't  answer  that  woman.  Monsieur  Naviel,"  said  the 
mayor ;  and  then  turning  to  the  courtesan  again,  he  added : 
"  The  commissary  of  your  district  must  also  have  warned  you 
that  by  the  hospital  regulations  you  would  not  be  allowed  to  see 
your  daughter  or  learn  what  had  become  of  her.  I  am  very 
astonished  therefore  that  the  authorities  should  have  written 
such  a  letter,  which  is  in  direct  contradiction  with  their  own 
rules. " 

He  thereupon  returned  Nana  the  letter,  which  she  placed  In 

nana's  daughter.  249 

her  pocket,  saying,  "  "Well,  sir,  since  my  consent  signifies  noth- 
ing, I  have  merely  a  declaration  to  make  and  I  fancy  you  will 
take  it  into  consideration. " 

"  Speak,"  said  the  mayor. 

For  a  moment  Nana  seemed  to  reflect.  The  darkness  had 
become  so  great  that  one  of  the  ushers  was  lighting  the  gas.  A 
painful  silence  oppressed  the  lookers  on.  The  wind  alone  raised 
its  voice  with  a  prolonged  howl  as  it  swept  past  outside.  A 
shutter  was  slammed  to  with  such  force  that  the  rust- eaten 
hook  parted,  breaking  a  window  pane,  the  ft-agments  of  which 
fell  upon  the  floor.  Then  the  blast  rushed  in,  throwing  the  fold- 
ing doors  back  with  a  bang,  and  extinguishing  the  gas,  so  that 
the  spacious  room  was  plunged  in  gloomy  darkness.  Luc  had 
drawn  near  to  Madame  Despretz,  and  Margot,  whose  right 
hand  was  hidden  behind  a  corner  of  her  shawl,  had  stationed 
herself  erect  just  behind  Andree. 

"  Well,"  resumed  Nana,  biting  her  words  so  to  say,  "  I  aflirm 
that  this  young  man  and  this  young  girl  are  the  children  of  the 
same  father.  To  convince  yourself  of  this,  sir,  it  is  only  neces- 
sary for  you  to  question  Mademoiselle  Ad^le  Despretz,  who  is 
here  present.  She  will  tell  you  that  she  never  had  but  one 
lover,  and  this  lover  being  the  bride's  father,  as  I  have  good 
reason  to  know,  is  also  father  of  the  bridegroom  !  "  Nana  fin- 
ished with  a  burst  of  iusolent  laughter  which  rang  throughout 
the  lofty  room. 

Luc  was  begging  Madame  Despretz  in  a  low  voice  :  "  Cour- 
age, Adfele,  courage !    You  must  tell  the  truth." 

Lucien's  mother  rose  up.  Her  eyes  glanced  round  the  room 
and  then  gazed  with  implacable  fixity  upon  the  Marquis  D'Al- 
bigny.  She  stood  rigid,  pale,  hke  a  cloistered  nun  in  the  glim- 
mer of  the  gas  which  an  usher  was  lighting  again.  There  was 
a  moment  of  solemn  expectancy.  Outside  the  rain  was  now 
falling  in  torrents,  beating  noisily  on  the  window  panes.  The 
hght  shed  by  the  unpolished  globes  glided  over  the  anxious 
faces  around,  casting  golden  radiance  upon  the  brow  of  the 
courtesan,  lending  diaphanous  pallidity  to  the  veil  of  the  bride 
—  as  beautiful  as  a  vision  of  ideal  love  —  and  ascending  to  the 
bust  of  the  Eepubhc,  which  overlooked  this  drama  with  its 
vacant  stare. 

"  I  must  ask  your  permission  to  make  a  public  revelation,  sir, " 
said  Madame  Despretz  to  the  mayor  in  a  firm  voice. 

'  Speak,  madame." 

"  My  son's  father  is  not  the  man  whom  this  person  has  spoken 

"  Really,  my  dear  !  "  said  Nana,  "  so  you  had  several  lovers 
then?  " 

"  Let  me  continue,  madame,  I  am  not  making  this  painful 
confession  to  you     When  I  was  very  young  I  was  courted  for 

Nana' s  Daughter  16. 

250  nana's  daughter. 

some  time  by  a  handsome  fellow  of  good  birth  who  called  him- 
self a  marquis  and  who  tried  all  sorts  of  promises,  and  even 
swore  to  marry  me  so  as  to  induce  me  to  part  with  my  only  for- 
tune, my  honor.  He  seemed  so  sincere  and  frank,  so  affectionate 
and  tender,  that  I  loved  him,  but  without  consenting  to  what  he 
asked. " 

Oppressed  by  her  painful  recollections,  Ad^le  Despretz  pauJ3ed 
for  a  moment  to  collect  her  ideas  and  strengthen  her  resolution 
she  had  taken  to  sacrifice  all  her  pride  as  a  woman  and  a  mother 
to  her  son's  happiness.  D'Albigny  was  gazing  insolently  at  this 
martyr  of  maternal  duty;  but  without  allowing  herself  to  be 
intimidated,  she  resumed ;  "  I  imprudently  allowed  this  scoun- 
drel to  perceive  the  influence  he  exercised  over  my  heart,  and 
as  he  could  not  conquer  my  resolution  to  remain  unmarried 
rather  than  take  a  lover,  he  set  a  trap  for  me ;  and  when  I 
defended  myself  against  his  violence,  he  stifled  my  cries  with  his 
handkerchief,  seized  me  by  the  throat  and  almost  throttled  nie. 
I  lost  consciousness  —  and  thus  he  triumphed  over  my  resist- 
ance. But  in  defending  myself  I  inflicted  upon  him  with  my 
nails  a  wound  of  some  depth  of  which  he  must  still  bear  the 
mark,  although  five-and-twenty  years  have  elapsed  since 
then. " 

"  Did  you  never  know  this  man's  name  ?  Did  you  never  make 
any  charge  against  him?"  asked  the  mayor. 

"  He  had  taken  a  false  name  to  deceive  me,  sir,  and  I  did  not 
dare  to  complain  even  to  my  parents.  And  they  drove  me  igno- 
miniously  out  of  doors,  when  I  became  a  mother,  and  my  lover 
abandoned  me.  But  now  that  circumstances  and  a  false  state- 
ment have  compelled  mo  to  make  this  confession,  I  recognize  the 
scoundrel  who  dishonored  me,  and  I  denounce  him  to  you  so  that 
you  may  have  him  arrested.  There  ho  stands!"  And  with  a 
gesture  as  threatening  as  a  sword  thrust  she  pointed  with  her 
right  hand  to  the  Marquis  D'Albigny. 

Lucien  Despretz,  who  was  very  pale,  sprang  from  his  place 
and  shook  his  fist  in  D'Albigny's  face.  *'  Ah  !  I  had  forgotten 
you!"  ho  cried,  "  but  I  will  kill  you,  if  you  are  not  even  more  of 
a  coward  than  I  believe.    I  will  kill  you,  do  you  hear?" 

"Leave  him,  my  son,"  said  Ad61e  Despretz,  "you  cannot 
fight  with  your  fiither  !" 

"  All  this,"  rejoined  D'Albigny,  with  cold  irony,  "  seems  to  be 
a  skillfully  planned  and  clever-acted  comedy.  Evidently  enough, 
these  honest  folks  have  been  plotting  together  to  blackmail  the 
Maniuis  D'Albigny ;  but  the  Alarquis  D'Albigny  is  not  the  man 
to  allow  himself  to  be  blackmailed  —  do  you  hear.  Monsieur 
Lucien,  I  —  don't  — know  —  what  ?  Do  you  hear,  madame,  I  — 
don't  —  know — whom?  You  pretend,  I  believe,  that  you  were 
my  mistress,  but  'pon  my  word,  I  never  had  any  tasto  for  grand- 

nana's  daughter.  251 

mothova,  andifyoa  aro  not  au  adveuturcsS;  my  good  woman, 
you  imist  simply  be  a  lunatic  !" 

Adi'lo  Dcsprotz  walked,  with  her  arms  crossed,  toward  th« 
marquis.  "  The  proof  that  I  spoke  the  truth  —  see,  there  it  is ! " 
she  cried  ;  and  before  D'Alblguy  could  foresee  her  intention,  shft 
pulled  oil' his  necktie,  and  with  feverish  energy  tore  his  collai- 
ai)art.  A  scar,  more  than  an  inch  long,  was  plainly  visible  on 
his  neck.  *' There  it  is!"  continued  Madame  Despretz,  ''see, 
there  it  is !  Look,  Monsieur  Naviel,  look,  gentlemen,  and  you 
too,  Lucien,  the  son  of  a  coward,  of  a  man  who  robs  women  of 
their  honor  —  look,  there  is  the  mark  left  by  the  dishonored 
gh"l  upon  this  jail-bird's  neck." 

"  Oh  !  oh  I  madame !"  exclaimed  D'Albigny,  turning  pale  with 
rage,  "  you  are  evidently  quite  mad,  and  I  advise  your  estimable 
otfspring  to  have  you  bled  for — " 

But  he  stojjped  short.  A  long  hand  had  fallen  upon  his  coat 
collar,  and  on  turning  his  head  he  saw  his  valet,  Luc,  standing 
behind  him.  The  expression  of  the  ex-clown's  ashy  face  had 
suddenly  changed.  An  implacable,  sinister  purpose  shone  in  his 
eyes,  which  were  flaming  like  those  of  some  bird  of  prey : 
*'  In  the  name  of  the  law  I  arrest  you,  Marquis  d'Albiguy !"  ho 

"  You !    And  by  what  right  ?  " 

"  Because  you  are  guilty  of  the  crime  to  which  this  poor 
woman  fell  a  victim ;  and  I  know  it,  for  you  betrayed  yourself, 
marquis,  by  relating  the  story  to  your  unworthy  accomplice,  in 
my  hearing,  I  also  know  that  you  attempted  to  sequestrate 
Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviel,  and  that  you  and  Madame  Nana, 
her  mother,  formed  odious  plana  respecting  her,  which  only 
failed  thanks  to  me. " 

"  All  this  is  false !  "  cried  the  marquis,  "  and  I  don't  acknowl- 
edge your  right  to  arrest  me.  So  release  your  hold,  or  I  will 
break  your  back  over  that  bench. " 

"  If  you  want  a  helping  hand,  comrade,"  said  Pierre  Naviel, 
approaching  the  two  men,  "  I'm  here  to  give  it.  The  marquis  is 
acquainted  with  my  hold,  already." 

"  There  must  be  an  end  to  all  this,"  interrupted  the  mayor. 
"  I  cannot  tolerate  acts  of  violence  here." 

"  I  am  only  doing  my  duty,  sir, "  rejoined  Luc.  ''  I  belong  to 
the  detective  service.    Here  is  my  card. " 

*'  Ah  I  very  good ;  then  have  this  man  locked  up  at  once. " 

Two  policemen  in  umform  immediately  entered  the  room  and 
seized  hold  of  D'Albigny.  All  the  scoundrel's  arrogance  van- 
ished in  a  moment.  Pale  and  with  trembling  knees  he  allowed 
himself  to  be  led  away  like  a  child.  His  teeth  were  chattering 
with  sudden  cowardice.  Nana,  however,  remained  haughty  in 
presence  of  this  fall  of  unhallowed  fortune  and  baffled  audacity. 
She  abruptly  abandoned  D'Albigny,  and  addressing  herself  to 

252  nana's  daughter. 

tbe  mayor:  "  I  did  not  wish  to  denounce  the  marquis,"  she 
said,  "  but  since  lie  has  already  one  rape  on  his  conscience,  I  can 
confess  the  other  for  him ;  and  it  is  my  right  to  do  so,  as  I  am 
the  victim's  mother  !  " 

"  Nana !  it's  false  !  Be  quiet !  "  cried  D'Albigny,  "  you  are 
ruining  me. "  The  policemen,  at  this  moment,  pushed  him  out  of 
the  room ;  but  he  could  be  heard  on  the  stairs  still  shouting,  "  It's 
false !    That  woman  lies !  " 

"  And  I  —  I  say  that  it  is  the  truth,"  resumed  the  courtesan, 
''  and  that  the  beautiful  Andree,  called  Naviel " 

Whilst  she  spoke  Margot  had  silently  drawn  near  to  her,  with 
her  round  eyes  sparkling  feverishly  under  their  heavy  lids.  She 
still  had  her  right  hand  hidden  under  the  point  of  her  shawl. 
"  Take  that,  you  beast!  "  she  shouted,  and  with  a  sudden  jerk 
she  throw  the  contents  of  a  flask  of  vitriol  in  Nana's  face. 

The  harlot  raised  a  terrible  cry,  fell  backward  and  rolled  upon 
the  floor,  giving  vent  to  inarticulate  shrieks.  Two  other  police- 
men entered  and  carried  her  into  the  guard-room,  while  a  third 
arrested  Margot.  The  ceremony,  which  had  been  interrupted 
by  these  dramatic  incidents,  was  then  hastily  concluded,  and, 
the  mayor  having  declared  the  young  couple  to  be  duly  married, 
Lucien  ofl'ored  his  arm  to  his  wife,  and  they  left  the  room,  followed 
by  their  relatives  and  witnesses. 

Andree  felt  serene  strength  and  confidence  as  she  leaned  on 
the  arm  of  the  man  who  would  henceforth  be  her  inseparable 
companion  and  friend.  Nothing  could  ever  more  disturb  her 
happy  dream.  Life  was  stretched  out  before  her  with  a  fair 
and  smiling  horizon.  She  had  borne  the  insults  and  slander  of 
her  own  mother  with  a  calm  disdain.  She  understood  that 
Lucien's  faith  in  her  could  never  more  be  shaken. 

Indeed  all  her  future  reposed  upon  a  firm  basis ;  the  love  of 
the  man  slie  loved.  And  at  the  thought  that  the  horizon  of  her 
ardent  youth  would  spread  to  the  full  compass  of  her  desires, 
her  whole  being  quivered  with  eager  joy.  She  had  come  with 
calm  bravery  to  face  this  battle  which  might  have  cost  her  her 
life.  She  had  relied  implicitly  upon  Lucien,  confident  in  the 
oath  which  she  had  exchanged  with  him.  That  supreme  reso- 
lution had  lent  her  a  proud,  serious  strength.  She  had  resisted 
the  advice  of  her  infamous  mother  and  escaped  the  snares  set 
for  her  by  the  marquis ;  she  had  not  listened  to  the  yearnings  of 
nature  or  to  the  passionate  instincts  of  the  temperament  which 
she  owed  to  her  worthless  mother. 

The  example  of  surrounding  honesty  had  definitely  assured 
the  triumph  of  chaste  resolve  and  virtuous  education.  And 
\iow  she  could  follow  the  man  she  loved  without  false  prudery 
»r  the  timid  shame  of  unconscious  virtue.  Had  there  been 
need  for  it  she  would  have  dipped  her  pen  in  her  heart's  blood 

nana's  daughter.  253 

to  sign  the  act  by  which  she  abandoned  her  being  and  conse- 
crated her  life  to  Lucien  Despretz. 

When  she  appeared  on  the  stops  outside  the  municipal  offices, 
the  crowd  assembled  in  front  of  the  railing  could  not  restrain  a 
murmur  of  admhation.  Parted  by  the  wind  the  clouds  were 
speeding  eastward  like  a  flight  of  gloomy  crows.  The  rain  had 
ceased  falling  and  a  sun  ray  darted  from  between  two  cloudlets 
and  beamed  over  Andree's  beauty. 

The  sudden  effulgency  lighted  up  her  large  green  eyes  and 
played  over  her  long  white  veil,  while  a  radiant,  gentle  smile 
parted  her  ruddy  lips.  She  descended  the  steps  leaning  on  her 
husband's  arm,  and  in  doing  so  displayed  the  tiny  proportions 
of  her  feet  and  the  feUne  grace  of  her  walk.  The  crowd  warmly 
applauded  her  as  she  passed  along. 

Scarcely  had  she  taken  her  seat  in  the  wedding  carriage  than 
a  woman,  whose  head  was  bandaged  up,  and  whose  face  was 
covered  with  lint,  was  carried  by  four  policemen  to  a  brougham 
waiting  a  short  distance  off.  At  intervals  she  gave  vent  to 
frightful  shrieks,  which  filled  the  whole  street  around.  Her 
carriage  started  off  at  a  walk,  followed  by  a  band  of  pale 
urchins,  who  bawled  aloud :  "  Serve  her  right !  Serve  her 
riglit !  " 

"  Poor  woman !  "  sighed  Andree,  who  was  touched  with 
emotion,  and  then  she  slowly  took  off  her  left  glove  to  look  at 
her  wedding  ring. 

The  cries  of  the  courtesan  could  be  heard  growing  fainter 
and  fainter  in  the  depths  of  the  street.  Lucien  saw  that 
Andree  was  saddened  by  the  terrible  punishment  which  had 
overtaken  her  unnatural  mother.  He  took  her  tiny  bare  hands 
in  his  and  printed  a  long  kiss  on  the  tips  of  the  pink  fingers 
which  the  work  of  toilsome  years  had  sanctified.  Then  as  the 
whole  wedding  party  was  seated  in  the  vehicles,  the  white 
horses,  decked  with  ribbons,  started  off  at  a  trot,  and  conveyed 
the  bridal  pair  to  the  Naviels'  home. 


Nana's  calamity  proved  irreparable.  The  vitriol  burned  her 
eyes  so  frightfully  that  each  orbit  was  positively  emptied.  Her 
eyelids  remained  closed  over  the  sightless  cavities.  Her  nose 
had  been  eaten  up  by  the  corroding  liquid,  as  if  by  a  cancer, 
and  the  nasal  apertures  appeared  hke  two  black  holes  amid  the 
ruddy  callosity  of  her  tumid  face.  Her  upper  hp,  slit  apart  like 
a  hare's  lip,  reveal'^-d  her  teeth  which  caries  swiftly  covered 
with  yellow  tartar.  A  brown  leprosity,  pitted  with  blue,  spread 
all  yver  her  face,  ou  which  the  smile  of  beauty  had  one© 

254  nana's  daughter. 

beamed,  and  a  putrid  stench  was  exhaled  in  sickening  puffs  hy 
all  the  horrible  sores  from  which  the  matter  flowed. 

Since  D'Albigny's  arrest  and  his  accomplice's  calamity,  the 
mansion  in  the  Avenue  de  Friedland  had  been  abandoned  by 
every  one.  Mulhausen,  on  examining  the  marquis'  accounts, 
had  discovered  a  large  deficit,  and  had  denounced  his  ex-partner 
to  the  PubUc  Prosecutor.  He  had  then  vainly  tried  to  manage 
the  Gazette  by  himself,  cutting  down  the  staff  of  clerks,  and 
the  remimeration  of  the  writers.  But  he  had  nevertheless  been 
obliged  to  invest  more  money  in  this  enterprise,  which  lacked 
vaiability  from  the  outset.  Demands  for  money  rained  upon  him 
from  all  sides.  D'Albigny  had  used  up  every  method  of  getting 
into  debt.  Creditors  became  arrogant,  subscribers  refused 
further  patronage,  and  newsvendors  bundled  the  paper  out  of 
sight,  or  declared  that  they  did  not  sell  it  to  the  few  purchasers 
who  chanced  to  ask  for  it.  On  June  15th  the  last  number  of  the 
Gazette  des  Coulisses  was  issued.  Mulhausen,  dunned  by  his 
creditors,  and  without  a  hundred  thousand  fi-ancs  left  to  him, 
fled  from  France  to  Germany,  where  his  estates  were  on  the 
point  of  being  sold.  Since  Nana'a  terrible  adventure  he  had 
only  been  to  the  Avenue  de  Friedland  on  one  occasion,  and  then 
to  make  sure  if  the  lease  was  really  in  her  name. 

Nana,  on  her  side,  closed  her  doors  to  every  one,  and  abso- 
lutely refused  to  see  the  prince  when  he  called.  In  the  midst  of 
intolerable  physical  suffering,  she  also  found  herself  besieged  by 
creditors  whom  she  was  unacquainted  with,  by  bills  falling  she 
knew  not  whence,  by  drafts  which  sprung  up  out  of  the  earth, 
by  promissory  notes,  the  signature  of  which  she  could  not  verify 
owing  to  her  horrible  cecity.  To  face  the  many  demands  made 
upon  her  purse  she  successively  entrusted  all  her  jewelry  to 
Virginie  to  pawn,  and  the  maid  profited  by  the  occasion  to  set 
aside  for  her  old  age  a  considerable  portion  of  the  money  which 
Nana  thus  raised  on  the  remaining  fragments  of  her  wealth. 
On  July  15th  the  courtesan  could  not  collect  the  sum  necessary 
for  the  payment  of  her  rent.  The  servants,  seeing  ruin  ahead, 
had  already  demanded  their  wages  and  left  the  house.  Virginie 
alone  remained,  intent  on  securing  the  last  available  spoils  of 
the  fallen  harlot.  Tall  and  thin,  with  a  nose  like  a  crow's  beak, 
crooked  fingers,  like  vulture's  claws,  yellow,  round  eyes,  black, 
frizzly  hair,  and  a  scraggy,  wiry  neck,  she  hovered  about  the 
courtesan  like  a  bird  of  prey  about  a  carcass.  A  week  later 
Nana  received  a  lawyer's  summons  to  pay  her  landlord  the  sum 
of  six  thousand  francs  due  for  the  July  quarter,  imder  penalty 
of  being  forced  to  do  so  by  all  legal  means,  and  notably  by  the 
seizure  of  her  furniture  and  personal  efiects.  Wlien  Virginie 
read  her  the  summons  she  flew  into  a  hideous  fit  of  rage ;  she 
sprang  out  of  her  bed,  in  which  the  running  sores  of  her  face 
bad  hitherto  kept  her  in  agony,  and,  bounding  almost  naked 

nana's  daughter.  255 

over  the  carpet,  she  darted  blindly  here  and  there,  until  reach- 
ing a  chair  of  gilt  becchwood  she  hurled  it  into  space.  It  struck 
a  Louis  XV.  mirror,  cracked  it,  and  fell  broken  on  the  floor. 
Then  seized,  in  her  despair,  with  a  mad  desire  to  destroy  every- 
thing/  Nana  rushed  right  and  left,  breaking  the  furniture  and 
tearing  down  the  hangings.  She  even  smashed  one  of  th& 
window  panes  with  her  fist,  which  was  badly  cut  by  the  broken 

''  Madame  has  gone  mad,"  said  Virginie,  who  stood  watching 
her  with  her  arms  crossed. 

"  Ah !  you  say  that  I  am  mad !  "  cried  the  courtesan  in  a 
quivering  voice.  "  Ah  !  you  say  that  I  am  mad !  Well,  you 
shall  just  see."  And  springing  upon  her  maid,  she  caught  her 
by  the  hair  and  threw  her  backward  upon  the  bed ;  then,  low- 
ering her  own  hideous,  putrescent  face,  she  bit  Virginie  on  the 
neck  with  the  ferocity  of  a  wild  beast. 

The  maid  gave  vent  to  a  cry  of  indescribable  agony  and 
horror.  Calmed  now  that  she  had  satisfied  her  bestial  cruelty, 
Nana  let  her  go ,  and  Virginie  retreated  to  the  door,  exclaiming ; 
"  Since  that  is  the  way  that  madame  rewards  me  for  my  fidelity 
I'm  going  to  take  myself  off,  for  good." 

Tlais  threat  brought  the  prospect  of  absolute  abandonment 
and  utter  solitude  before  the  harlot's  mind  :  and  throwing  her- 
self in  front  of  Virginie  to  intercept  her,  "  No,  stay,  don't 
abandon  me, "  she  begged.  "  I  should  die  of  hunger  without 
you.    Wliat  could  I  do  in  my  position  ?  " 

"  That's  no  business  of  mine.  Madame  is  very  ungrateful 
to  treat  me  as  she  has  done,  and  she  had  better  look  for  another 

"  Where  can  I  look  for  one  ?  I  am  alone,  abandoned  by 
every  one,  blind —  where  can  I  go,  tell  me  ?  But  I  feel  that  you 
only  tell  me  this  so  as  to  obtain  better  wages.  I  will  double 

"  How  ?  Madame  hasn't  five  napoleons  left  in  the  whole 

"  I  will  sell  my  horses." 

"  They  are  sold  already,  madame." 

"  I  will  sell  my  furniture." 

"  It  belongs  to  the  landlord. " 

"  My  jewels!  " 

"  All  pawned,  all  at  my  uncle's,  madame." 

"  My  dresses " 

"  They  are  the  landlord's,  just  like  the  furniture.  For  the 
moment  madame  is  quite  stripped,  and,  in  her  present  stata,  it 
is  hardly  probable  that  she  will  find  any  one  to " 

"  But,  come,  you  can't  leave  me  like  this,  Virginie,  my  little 
Virginie.  You  have  made  your  fortime  with  me ;  yes,  you  have 
really  made  your  fortune.    Well,  if  you  won't  stay  for  what  I 

256  nana's  daughter. 

may  be  able  to  give  you,  stay,  stay  out  of  friendship.  I  was 
always  kind  to  you. " 

"  Madame  is  mistaken  when  she  says  that  I  have  made  my 
fortune  in  her  service.  I  have  always  looked  after  her  interests 
to  the  detriment  of  my  own. " 

"  No  matter,  you  will  stay  out  of  friendship  for  your  old 
friend,  Nana,  you  will  stay,  won't  you,  my  good  Vu'giuie? 
What  would  become  of  mo  without  you  ?  " 

As  she  spoke  like  this,  begging  Yirginie  to  stay,  not  to 
abandon  her,  not  to  leave  her  to  die  of  hunger,  the  once  proud, 
disdainful  courtesan,  the  fallen  queen  of  vice,  the  whilom 
empress  of  beauty,  now  so  monstrously  hideous,  tried  to  speak 
in  the  caressing  tone  of  yore,  but  even  her  voice  had  changed. 
The  absence  of  an  upper  lip  made  her  lisp  and  stutter  gro- 
tesquely. She  held  Virginie's  hand  in  her  own,  which  trembled 
with  fear  at  the  thought  of  remaining  alone  in  this  house,  which 
the  lawyers  were  about  to  strip,  and  whence  the  landlord  would 
drive  her  out  into  the  street,  hideous,  eyeless,  dying  of  hunger, 
reduced  to  implore  the  pity  of  policemen,  and  to  seek  a  refuge 
at  the  Depot  of  the  prefecture,  among  the  pack  of  jades,  sluts, 
and  street  walkers,  in  stinking  misery  and  bestial  vice. 

"  I  have  told  madame  what  I  had  to  say,"  said  Virginie.  "  I 
cannot  continue  serving  madame.  I  am  free  to  dispose  of 
myself,  I  suppose." 

On  hearing  this.  Nana,  conquered  by  despair,  fell  on  her  knees 
at  the  feet  of  this  dried-up,  scraggy  girl,  and  yellow  tears  oozed 
from  between  her  eyelids,  and  coursed  hideously  ever  her  turner  - 
ous  face.  And  sobbing,  crushed,  terrified,  she  cried  :  "  Forgive 
me,  forgive  me,  Virginie !  That  is  what  you  want,  is  it  not  ? 
You  wish  me  to  humiliate  myself  before  you,  and  ask  your 
pardon  for  having  hurt  you  as  I  did,  a  little  while  ago  ?  Well, 
you  see  I  am  on  my  knees,  and  I  beg  your  forgiveness,  my  little 
Virginie ! " 

"  I  have  no  spite  against  madame,  and  I  beg  her  to  forgive 
me,  for  it  is  quite  impossible  for  me  to  remain  any  longer  with 

Having  said  this  very  drily,  Virginie  tried  to  withdraw  her 
hand  which  Nana  was  slill  holding.  But  she  did  not  succeed, 
for  the  courtesan  clung  tightly  to  this  last  human  being  who 
had  remained  with  her,  like  a  shipwrecked  mariner  to  a  spar. 
"  You  really  think  of  going  ?  "  she  said.  "  Then  I  shall  detain 
you  despite  yourself;  I  will  shut  you  up  in  my  room ;  you  will 
be  my  prisoner. " 

"  Ah !  you  end  by  bothering  me !  T  haven't  let  myself  out  on 
lease,  I  suppose,  and  I  have  the  right  to  leave  a  house,  where 
my  only  wages  are  ill-treatment." 

She  again  made  an  effort  to  free  herself,  but  Nana  clung 
despairingly  to  her  skirts  —  "  You  shan't  go,"  she  voeiferatedi 

nana's  daughter.  257 

The  T7ords  came  husky,  crowding  one  upon  the  other.  Her 
bosom  heaved  with  fierce  emotion,  she  was  breathless  with 

"  I'm  going,  so  release  me. " 


Virginio  was,  in  her  turn,  seized  with  a  fit  of  rage.  With  her 
bony  hands  she  caught  hold  of  one  of  Nana's  fingers  and  twisted 
it  in  her  own  until  she  felt  it  crack.  Overcome  by  pain  the 
courtesan  let  go  of  Vlrginie's  skirt,  and  fell  backward,  fainting 
on  the  floor.  Then  the  maid,  furious,  eager  for  revenge  upon 
this  sightless  woman,  whom  she  had  felt  so  frightened  of  but  a 
moment  previously,  caught  up  a  stray  boot  and  belabored  her 
on  the  stomach  and  the  legs.  Kneeling  upon  the  carpet  she 
unfastened  her  hair  —  the  supreme  splendor,  the  one  abiding 
remnant  of  former  beauty,  which  lingered  as  a  consolation  to  the 
harlot.  Nana  loved  to  cast  it  as  a  mantle  over  the  horror  of  her 
face,  to  hide  her  ruin  in  the  thick  golden  locks  —  the  only  gold 
that  she  possessed.  It  was  her  last  delight  to  pass  her  tapering 
fingers  through  the  warm,  tawny  silk.  Virgmie  thought  of  this, 
and  drew  from  her  pocket  a  pair  of  scissors  which  she  always 
carried  about  her.  For  a  moment  she  contemplated  this  luxur- 
iant hair,  and  amused  herself  by  stretching  the  wavy  folds  over 
the  carpet ;  then  taking  them  between  both  of  her  hands,  which 
were  scarcely  large  enough  for  the  purpose,  she  twisted  them 
into  a  single  coil  and  opened  her  scissors.  At  first  the  hair 
defended  itself  against  destruction.  The  scissors  were  not  sharp 
enough  to  cut  through  the  compact  mass.  But  Virginie 
patiently  separated  it  into  several  locks,  which  she  cut  off  one 
after  the  other,  and  then  rolling  the  whole  of  the  hair  around 
her  left  arm,  she  carried  it  oil' like  a  trophy. 

Shortly  afterward  Nana  regained  consciousness.  She  vainly 
tried  to  open  her  eyelids,  but  night  weighed  upon  her,  implaca- 
bly, eternally.  Dead  to  noontide,  she  was  condemned  to  five 
like  a  phantom,  conscious  of  hght,  and  momming  for  the  sun. 
"  Virginie  !  Virginie  !  "  she  cried. 

But  heavy  silence  reigned  in  the  rooms  around.  Afar,  the 
hum  and  stir  of  out-door  life  could  be  distinguished,  and  she 
heard  a  clock  striking.  She  recognized  what  clock  it  was ;  how 
often  had  she  passed  before  the  church  where  it  was  placed  — 
reclining  in  her  blue-tinted  carriage,  drawn  by  English  trotters, 
driven  by  a  coachman  in  her  colors,  and  attended  by  a  footman 
in  knee  breeches.     "  Virginie !  Virginie !  "  she  called  again. 

No  answer !     Nothing  !     The  girl  had  gone  ! 

However,  Nana  suddenly  sprang  to  her  feet  again.  She  was 
astonished  that  her  head  should  feel  so  light,  and  she  instinct- 
ively raised  her  hands.  Then,  as  she  touched  her  skull,  she  gave 
vent  to  a  cry  of  appalling,  superhuman  rage,  which  resounded 
throughout  the  empty  houesi 

258  nana's  daughter. 

Although  her  feet  were  bare  she  began  to  wander  up  and 
down  knocking  against  the  walls  and  the  furniture  without 
noticing  it,  clinching  her  fists  and  setting  her  teeth,  and  burst- 
ing, at  intervals,  into  hoarse  shouts  as  she  entered  the  reception 
rooms,  whore  her  voice  awakened  a  deep  echo  and  where  she 
iuhaled  a  smelly  of  solitude,  stagnant  moisture,  and  moldliness, 
as  if  the  leprosy  of  abandonment  already  covered  the  walls. 
Entering  the  dining-room  she  followed  the  waiscoting  until  she 
reached  the  sideboard.  She  was  hungry,  and  felt  a  terrible 
apprehension  lest  she  should  not  find  even  a  bit  of  bread  in  the 
house  —  first  pillaged  and  then  abandoned  by  servants,  friends, 
and  parasites  of  every  kind.  She  only  found  half  a  dozen 
glasses  in  the  sideboard,  and  did  not  recognize  them  as  hers 
Avheu  she  tapped  them  with  her  thumb  nail  to  make  them  ring. 
Plainly  enough  her  service  of  Baccarat  crystal— her  Sevres 
porcelain,  decorated  with  her  coronetted  initial  —  had  all  gone. 
After  this  discovery  she  went  down  into  the  basement.  The 
pantry  was  utterly  empty ;  and  merely  a  few  dirty  plates  were 
lying  on  the  fireless  range  in  the  kitchen. 

Returning  up-stairs  she  went  into  her  dressing-room,  over  the 
floor  of  which  a  silk  skirt  was  trailing.  On  feehng  along  the 
wall  she  found  that  a  dozen  dresses  or  so  were  still  hanging 
from  the  pegs.  Dancing  shoes,  odd  boots,  and  lace  petticoats 
were  strewn  here  and  there,  and  a  "  niniche"  bonnet  lay  upon  a 
chair  with  its  strings  hanging  down  to  the  floor  close  to  a  couple 
( f  silk  stockings  of  different  colors  and  a  black  mantilla,  which 
she  wrapped  over  her  head.  She  put  on  six  of  her  best  dresses, 
one  over  the  other,  a  couple  of  stockings,  and  the  first  pair  of 
boots  she  came  across,  dressing  herself  as  well  as  she  could. 

The  wound  inflicted  on  her  wrist  when  she  had  smashed  the 
pane  of  glass,  and  the  finger  which  Virginie  had  almost  broken, 
caused  her  horrible  suffering  at  each  movement  of  her  hands, 
and  at  intervals  she  felt  shooting  pains  throughout  her  whole 
body.  She  knew  where  to  find  the  key  of  the  outside  gate,  so 
she  took  it,  and  for  twenty  minutes  or  so  she  waited  on  the 
threshold  for  an  empty  cab  to  pass  along.  A  stranger,  who  was 
walldng  down  the  Avenue  de  Friedland,  helped  her  into  the 
vehicle,  and  she  asked  him  to  request  the  cabman  to  drive  her 
to  the  Rue  de  Provence.  It  was  there  that  La  Saint  Amand, 
who  had  relinquished  fast  living  on  her  own  account,  and  who 
now  only  served  as  a  go-between  in  carrying  on  questionable 
Intrigues,  kept  a  second-hand  clothes'  shop.  She  did  not  recog- 
nize Nana  at  first,  but  as  soon  as  the  blind  woman  began  to 
speak  she  guessed  the  object  of  her  visit.  She  took  her  into  the 
back  shop  and  treated  her  fairly  well.  They  had  seen  but  little 
of  each  other  in  the  days  of  their  splendor,  when  they  were  fight- 
ing for  the  scepter  of  vice,  and  no     the  hour  of  decline  had 

nana's  daughter.  259 

arrived  for  lioth  of  them ;  and  for  Nana,  decline  was  a  sudden 
and  tremendous  fall.    "  I  bring  you  my  spoils, "  she  said. 

**  Let  us  see  them,  my  dear,"  replied  La  Saint  Amand. 

Nana  successively  took  olf  five  of  the  dresses  she  was  wearing, 
and  which  were  all  of  them  nearly  new.  However,  the  one  in 
l)luo  plush,  which  she  had  worn  on  Andr^e's  wedding-day,  had 
been  burned  by  the  vitriol  about  the  bodice.  La  Saint  Amand 
examined  them  minutely  one  after  the  other,  and  spread  them 
out  in  the  full  light  to  judge  of  their  color  and  effect.  "  I  will 
give  five  hundred  francs  for  them,"  she  said,  as  she  rejoined  her 
cx-rival  in  the  room  behind  the  shop. 

"  Very  well, "  replied  Nana,  who  had  retained  her  habit  of  not 
haggling  over  money  matters. 

She  put  the  five  hundred  francs  in  her  pocket,  and  La  Saint 
Amand  then  conducted  her  back  to  her  cab.  As  they  parted, 
Nana's  old  rival  whispered  in  her  ear :  "  If  you  get  well  again, 
my  dear,  come  and  see  me,  and  we  will  have  a  talk  together.  If 
not,  I'll  buy  your  pawn-tickets,  your  jewels,  paintings,  works  of 
art,  everything  you  like  in  fact.  Only  make  haste  about  it, 
before  an  execution  is  put  in,  and  don't  let  yourself  be  taken 
unawares.    Always  have  your  diamonds  about  you. " 

On  leaving  the  second-hand  clothes'  shop  Nana  had  herself 
driven  to  a  swell  restaurant  where  she  lunched  for  a  napoleon, 
in  a  private  room.  She  gave  a  couple  of  francs  as  a  gratuity  to 
the  waiter,  who  helped  her  into  the  cab  and  said  to  the  driver, 
as  in  the  days  of  her  splendor,  "  Home!  " 

When  she  found  herself  alone  once  more  in  her  deserted  house, 
she  was  overcome  by  gloomy  fancies.  The  noise  of  Paris,  the 
motion  of  the  vehicle,  the  succulent  repast  of  which  she  had  just 
partaken,  had  for  a  moment  dispelled  the  clouds  gathering  over 
her  mind.  But  now,  once  more  a  prey  to  the  sadness  reigning 
in  the  empty  house,  she  thought  with  terror  of  the  future.  In 
the  evenuig  her  physical  sufferings,  which  she  had  mastered  for 
a  few  hours,  thanks  to  the  nervous  energy  of  her  nature, 
returned  and  overcame  her  will.  She  took  refuge  in  her  room 
and  went  to  bed.  Fever  almost  invariably  disturbed  her  slum- 
bers, and  on  that  particidar  night  the  acute  pain  of  her  new 
wounds  was  added  to  the  burning  sensation  which  she  felt  upon 
her  face.  She  rolled  about  the  bed  until  daylight,  utterly 
imable  to  sleep.  Extreme  fatigue  at  last  brought  her  the  repofe 
of  slumber,  but  at  nine  o'clock  in  the  morning  she  was  awakened 
by  a  ring  at  the  house  bell.  "  It  is  Virginie, "  she  thought,  "  it 
is  Virginie  coming  back. "  And  feeling  almost  gay,  now  that 
she  had  partaken  of  a  little  repose,  she  hastily  dressed  and  went 
to  open  the  gate. 

"  Is  it  here  that  Madame  Nana  resides "?  "  asked  a  voice  which 
ehe  did  not  recognize. 

26o  nana's  daughter. 

"  I  am  Nana,"  she  answered  in  a  harsh  tone.  "  What  do  you 
want  ?  " 

"  We  have  come  to  inform  you  that  a  judgment  has  been 
issued  against  you,  and  is  to  be  executed  this  very  day,  in  virtue 
of  which,  I,  Maitre  Bouasse,  huissier,  residing  in  Paris,  assisted 
by  the  Commissary  of  Police  of  this  district,  have  come  to  seize 
your  furniture  and  effects. " 

Behind  the  man  of  the  law  and  the  commissary,  a  couple  of 
witnesses  and  a  clerk  were  standing.  They  had  placed  them- 
selves near  the  gate  in  such  a  way  as  to  prevent  Nana  from 
closing  it,  and  the  huissier  had  even  set  one  of  his  huge  feet 
between  the  portal  and  the  wall.  Nana  choked  down  her  rising 
anger  and  curtly  exclaimed :  "  Come  in. " 

Then  she  drew  back,  leaving  the  passage  free.  The  men  of 
the  law  entered  the  house.  It  was  the  last  blow.  All  the 
remnants  of  her  past  sovereignty,  all  the  vestiges  of  her  van- 
ished splendor,  were  examined,  appraised,  and  catalogued. 

The  huissier,  Maitre  Bonasse,  was  a  character.  He  was 
short  and  stout,  with  a  clean-shaven  face,  carroty  hair,  and  a 
bald  patch  on  the  summit  of  his  head.  His  broad-brimmed  hat 
was  very  rusty ;  his  black  trousers  weie  shin}'  at  the  knees;  his 
long  frock  coat  had  an  extremely  seedy  look;  and  his  dirty 
shirt  —  with  frayed  wristbands,  which  he  tried  to  hide  under 
his  coat-sleeves  —  instead  of  being  buttoned  in  front,  gaped 
open,  revealing  his  hairy  chest.  Aroimd  his  neck  he  wore  a 
very  broad  white  cravat,  which  was  tied  in  front  in  an  impercep- 
tible bow,  and  his  feet  were  encased  in  low  but  well-blacked 
Blucher  shoes.  He  looked  like  a  priest  with  the  tonsure-like 
patch  on  his  head,  his  fat,  shaven,  sanctimonious  face,  his  flabby 
hands,  which  he  rubbed  togetber  complacently,  his  Pharisaical 
gestures  and  beatified  smile.  He  at  once  rummaged  everywhere 
with  his  dirty  fingers,  opening  cupboards  and  wardrobes  and 
imfolding  Nana's  chemises,  of  which  he  felt  the  fine  texture, 
smacking  his  lips  and  laughing  sensually. 

At  the  very  outset  Nana  hastened  into  her  room  to  place  her 
pawn  tickets  in  safety  in  her  pocket.  And  when  M.  Bonasse 
followed  her  so  as  to  prevent  any  misappropriation  of  property, 
she  hastily  slammed  the  door  in  his  face,  exclaiming:  "Do 
what  you  like  in  the  rest  of  the  house ;  take  everything  if  you 
choose ;  but  I  forbid  your  entering  my  room,  as  I  mean  to 
dress. " 

However,  instead  of  dressing,  she  went  to  bed.  This  last 
emotion  had  made  her  sufferings  all  the  more  acute.  Her 
finger  had  swollen  since  the  previous  day,  and  was  quite  desti- 
tute of  strength  or  action.  Moreover,  moral  torture  was  now 
added  to  physical  suffering,  as  if  to  make  her  life  one  intolerable 
agony.  She  felt  crushed  in  every  limb,  and  the  slightest  move- 
ment was  painful  to  her,    Frightful  vertigo  seized  her  in  he? 

nana's  daughter.  261 

weakness,  and  she  was  (inite  nna1)lo  to  deoido  on  any  course  of 
action.  Still  she  could  hear  ]M.  Honasse,  who,  with  resigned 
conii)unotion,  was  dictating  the  inventory  of  the  marquis'  apart- 
ment to  his  clerk  in  a  sing-song  tone.  D'Albigny  had  occupied 
the  next  room  to  Nana's,  and  so  the  huissicr  was  perfectly 
audible  as  ho  said :  "  Primo,  two  krm-chairs  in  green  velvet 
and  stained  pearwood ;  secundo,  four  chairs  also  in  green 
velvet  and  stained  pearwood;  tcrtio,  an  ebony  writing-table 
incrnsted  with  lacquer;  quarto,  two  pairs  of  foils." 

The  harlot  was  beginning  to  feel  hungry  again.  She  had  not 
had  anything  to  eat  since  her  lunch  at  the  restaurant,  and 
appetite  was  cruelly  torturing  her  empty  stomach.  In  her  dis- 
tress she  mechanically  rang  the  bell,  and  the  man  of  the  law 
profited  of  the  occasion  to  invade  her  room. 

"  You  must  excuse  my  importunity,  madame,"  he  said,  in  a 
whining  voice;  ''  but  my  duties  compel  me  to  ask  you  to  allow 
us  to  glance  round  this  apartment."  Ashe  spoke  he  stood  in 
the  threshold  looking  at  Nana's  bulky  form,  the  outline  of  which 
could  be  distinguished  among  the  folds  of  the  satin  counterpane. 
She  did  not  answer  him,  however,  and  taking  her  silence  for 
consent,  he  at  once  entered  the  room. 

"  It  wouldjae  very  kind  of  you,  sir,"  she  said  at  last,  "  if  you 
would  let  one  of  your  men  go  and  fetch  me  something  to  eat 
and  drink.    I  am  dying  of  thirst  and  hunger. " 

"  That  matter  is  quite  beyond  the  scope  of  our  functions  and 
oflSce,  madame,"  said  the  huissier,  who  emphasized  the  words, 
"  our  functions, "  with  the  gravity  of  a  prelate  pronouncing  the 
Benedicat  vos  over  the  lowered  brows  of  a  pious  throng.  And 
then  he  added:  ''How  sincerely  I  regret  having  to  trouble 
you !  " 

The  inventory  was  continued ;  M.  Bonasse  dictating  and  the 
clerk  still  taking  notes.  Now  and  then  the  huissier  indulged  in 
some  higenious  or  suggestive  remark  respecting  the  use  of 
certain  objects  of  which  he  dictated  the  names,  while  the  clerk, 
a  tall  yoimg  fellow  with  a  girhsh  face,  blushed  and  glanced 
timidly  at  the  bed  where  Nana  was  rolling  about,  making  the 
spring  mattress  groan  beneath  her.  Since  the  previous  day  she 
had  concealed  the  grotesque  and  hideous  horror  of  her  face 
under  a  black  mantilla,  which  covered  her  lineaments  like  a 
thick  mask.  And  the  clerk,  with  his  youthful  imagination, 
pictured  this  woman,  huddled  together  in  sudden  cowardice,  as 
invested  with  superhuman  beauty.  At  one  moment  she  mur- 
mured in  a  despairing  tone  :  "  Ah !  how  hungry  and  thirsty  I 
feel.     I  would  sell  myself  for  a  crust  of  bread  !  " 

Her  voice  broke  as  she  uttered  these  words.  The  courage 
which  had  momentarily  sustained  her  on  the  previous  day,  had. 
fled  again.  The  last  vestiges  of  pride  and  shame  had  been 
destroyed  by  the  physical  sufferings  of  the  night,  by  the  moral 

2^2  NANA'S  daughter. 

torture  she  experienced  at  this  sudden  invasion  of  ruin,  personi- 
fied by  the  unctuous  huissier,  who,  after  entering  her  room,  was 
now  blockading  her  very  bed.  Slie  felt  herself  sliding  down  to 
miserable  shame,  to  low  abandonment,  to  brutal  and  foul 
provocations.  All  the  old  haughtiness  of  the  harlot  was  crushed 
by  the  sledge-hammer  blow  which  now  precipitated  her  fall. 

"When  the  procds- verbal  of  the  seizure  was  duly  drawn  up 
and  signed,  the  huissier  withdrew,  followed  by  the  commissary, 
the  clerk  and  the  witnesses;  and  Nana  found  herself  alone 
again  in  the  silent  immensity  of  the  house.  Hunger  and  thirst 
tortured  her  entrails  and  burned  her  tongue.  She  was  just 
thinking  of  getting  up  to  ask  the  first  passer-by  to  take  her  to 
some  eating-house,  when  she  heard  a  timid  footstep  near  her 
door.  Some  one  knocked,  and  then  came  in.  It  was  the 
huissiefs  clerk  returning  with  a  bottle  of  common  wine  and  a 
four-pound  loaf  of  bread  under  his  arm.  "  Here,  madame,"  he 
said,  placing  the  loaf  on  the  counterpane  and  the  bottle  on  the 
carpet  near  the  head  of  the  bed. 

"  Who  are  you?  "  she  asked. 

"  I  am  Maitre  Bonasse's  clerk." 

"Ah!  yes,  the  huissier.  He  has  a  funny  name  for  his  profes- 
sion.   What  do  you  want  ?  " 

"  I  have  bought  you  some  bread  and  wine,  as  you  told  me  that 
you  were  hungry  and  thirsty,  and  that " 

"  Ah !  yes !  where  is  it  ?    Give  it  me ! '' 

She  stretched  herself  on  her  stomach  so  as  to  eat  and  raise 
her  veil  without  the  young  fellow  seeing  her  face.  But  she  was 
unable  to  break  the  bread,  owing  to  her  finger,  which  almost 
made  her  cry  out  aloud  with  pain.  Thereupon  the  clerk  assisted 
her,  and  as  he  touched  the  velvety  skin  of  her  tiny  hand,  in 
which  the  gold  of  a  generation  had  melted  as  in  a  magic  cruci- 
ble, he  began  to  tremble  strangely.  However,  Nana  continued 
eating,  and  when  her  hunger  was  appeased  she  lowered  her  veil 
over  her  face  and  said :  "  Thanks,  iny  lad,  I  shall  never 
forget " 

"  You  promised "  starmnered  her  beardless  lover. 

But  Nana  burst  out  into  sardonic  laughter.  "  Ah  !  yes,"  she 
said ;  it's  true  I  owe  you  something.  There,  take  that  and  bo 
off."  And  feeling  in  the  pocket  of  her  dress,  which  lay  over  an 
arm-chair  within  her  reach,  she  flung  a  napoleon  to  the  love- 
sick clerk. 


One  day  early  in  July,  D'Albigny  was  removed  from  his  cell 
and  brought  to  the  Assize  Court  to  be  tried.  He  had  been  pi-e- 
viously  questioned  by  the  investigating  magistrate,  and  had 

nana's  daughter.  263 

foi-uially  denied  all  knowled^o  of  tlie  I'apc  of  which  ho  stood 
accused.  Murgot,  the  llower-girl,  was  to  be  tried  at  the  same 
sitting  of  the  court,  for  having  blinded  Nana ;  and  the  two  cases, 
thus  grafted  one  onto  the  other,  had  attracted  a  compact  throng 
of  ladies  and  harlots  to  the  I'alais  do  Justice.  It  was  known 
that  Nana  would  give  evidence  in  lioth  ti'ials,  and  the  women 
were  curious  to  see  this  hving  ruin  once  more.  Folks  also 
wished  to  hear  that  strange  fellow^  Luc,  who  was  one  of  the 
leading  witnesses  against  the  marquis,  and  whose  connection 
with  the  affair,  in  his  double  capacity  as  a  servant  and  a 
detective,  seemed  altogether  fantastical. 

During  forty-eight  hours  Andree  and  Lucien  were  obliged  to 
absent  themselves  from  the  villa  which  they  had  rented  at  Din- 
ardles- Bains,  so  as  to  come  to  Paris  and  give  evidence  in  this 
trial,  destined  to  remain  one  of  the  most  celebrated  cases  of  a 
period  remarkable  for  its  judicial  dramas.  Madame  Despretz 
had  also  been  subpcenM,  and  it  seemed  likely  that  her  evidence 
would  not  prove  the  least  interesting  for  those  who  were  fond  of 
emotion.  A  certain  number  of  fashionable  harlots  occupied 
reserved  seats  round  the  hall,  and  several  young  swells,  in  light 
coats  and  gaudy  neck-ties,  sat  in  the  well  of  the  court  munching 
their  crutch  sticks.  For  them  the  interest  of  the  proceedings 
centred  in  D'Albigny,  whom  they  had  often  met  hero  and 
there  —  shaking  hands  with  him  many  a  time  at  his  club,  at  the 
fencing-hall  he  attended,  at  the  Bourse,  In  the  Boisde  Boulogne, 
and  during  the  entfactes  of  first  performances.  They  were  cur- 
ious to  see  how  Nana's  ex-lover  would  conduct  himself  in  the 
presence  of  justice ;  and  they  felt  especially  interested  in  the 
fate  of  this  man,  who,  far  better  than  any  woman,  had  taught 
them  how  to  ruin  themselves. 

The  counsel  for  the  defense  was  seated  below  the  dock, examin- 
ing his  brief ;  and  below  the  bench  the  public  prosecutor  was 
installed.  When  the  prisoner  was  placed  in  the  dock  the  whole 
throng  of  sightseers  rose  up,  the  women  even  climbing  onto  the 
benches,  so  as  to  get  a  better  view.  "  Silence ! "  cried  the 
ushers,  and  tranquility  was  gradually  restored. 

The  charge-sheet,  which  the  clerk  of  the  court  at  once  began 
to  read,  may  bo  briefly  summarized  as  follows :  "  In  the  mouth 
of  December,  185 — ,  the  prisoner  D'Albigny  became  acquainted 
with  Mademoiselle  Adele  Despretz,  who  was  then  employed  at  a 
glove  shop  in  the  Passage  de  I'Opera,  Boulevard  des  Italiens. 
For  nearly  a  month  the  prisoner,  who  had  given  the  young  girl 
a  false  name,  solicited  her  to  become  his  mistress,  but  in  presence 
of  her  constant  refusals  he  finally  decided  to  effect  his  purpose 
forcibly.  Under  the  pretext  of  seeing  her  home,  he  persuaded 
her,  one  evening  at  eleven  o'clock,  to  enter  a  cab,  the  driver  of 
whicli  he  had  In-ibed  beforehand.  He  then  renewed  his  solici- 
tati.ius,  and  made  the  complainant  an  offer  of  marriage  if  she 

264  nana's  daughter. 

would  accede  to  his  entreaties.  But  she  persisted  in  refusing, 
whereupon  he  resorted  to  violence,  pressing  his  handkerchief  to 
her  mouth  in  order  to  stifle  her  cries.  From  that  night  until  the 
day  of  D'Albigny's  arrest,  Mademoiselle  Despretz  lost  sight  of 
him,  and  never  heard  him  spoken  of  by  the  name  which  he  had 
assumed  while  he  was  paying  her  his  addresses. " 

As  soon  as  the  charge-sheet  had  been  read  the  presiding  judge 
looked  at  D'Albigny  and  exclaimed :  "  Prisoner,  stand  up. " 

The  marquis  obeyed.  A  number  of  opera-glasses  were  imme- 
diately levelled  at  him,  and  indeed  from  every  corner  of  the  hall 
attention  was  turned  upon  his  tall  and  still  graceful  figure.  He 
had  greatly  aged  during  the  few  weeks  of  detention  he  had 
experienced.  His  hair  and  his  mustaches  had  become  quite 
white,  and  there  were  several  fresh  wrinkles  round  about  his 
eyes.  As  he  rose  up  he  turned  his  head  toward  the  public  seats 
and  glanced  over  them.  But  his  attention  was  speedily  recalled 
to  the  bench  by  the  judge  asking  him;  '*  Your  Christian  name 
and  your  surname  ?  " 

He  gave  them  in  a  low  voice. 

"  Where  were  you  bom?  " 

"In  Paris." 

"Your  age?" 

"  I  was  born  in  July,  1833,  so  that  I  am  now  forty-seven. " 

"  Do  you  admit  having  known  a  Mademoiselle  Ad61e  Des- 
pretz ?  " 


"  Under  what  circumstances  did  you  know  her?  " 

"  I  was  young  and  rich.  Mademoiselle  Ad^le  Despretz  was 
employed  at  a  glove  shop  in  the  Passage  de  I'Opera.  She 
accepted  my  offers  and  my  presents,  and  I  never  had  any  need 
to  resort  to  any  violence  to  obtain  her  favors.  As  for  the  person 
of  the  same  name  who  profits  by  the  coincidence  to  try  and  make 
me  support  the  consequences  of  a  misfortune  with  which  I  had 
no  connection,  I  formally  impeach  her  evidence. " 

"  But  on  the  day  of  her  son's  marriage.  Mademoiselle  Ad^le 
Despretz  publicly  made  a  confession  such  as  no  virtuously- 
minded  woman  would  have  made,  had  she  not  been  forced  to  it 
by  the  necessity  of  assuring  her  son's  happiness. " 

"  She,  no  doubt,  made  this  statement  to  insure  his  happiness, 
as  you  say,  but  nothing  proves  that  she  spoke  the  truth." 

"  How  do  you  explain  that  she  recognized  you  after  a  lapse  of 
twenty-five  years?  " 

"  She  hed !  " 

"  That  is  easy  to  say.  Did  she  not  allude  to  a  scar  on  your 
neck,  a  scar  left  by  a  wound  which  she  had  inflicted  while  defend- 
ing herself  against  your  ^iolence  ?  How  could  she  have  guessed 
the  existence  of  this  scar,  which  was  hidden  by  your  collar,  if 
she  had  not  known  and  recognized  you  ?  " 

nana's  daughter.  265 

"  Slio  xras  informed  of  this  particular  by  one  of  her  old  lovers, 
who  was  also  my  valet.  It  was  this  man  who  arrested  me.  As 
you  can  realize,  Monsieur  le  President,  the  people  who  placed  a 
bottle  of  vitriol  in  their  work-girl's  hand  are  not  the  sort  of  folks 
to  shrink  from  perjury.  All  means  are  good  to  them,  to  rid 
themselves  of  the  mother  who  claimed  her  daughter  and  of  that 
mother's  last  friend !  " 

Nana  rose  up  lugubriously  in  the  black  veil  which  shrouded 
her  face,  and  stretching  out  her  arm  in  the  direction  whence 
D'Albigny's  voice  proceeded,  she  cried :  "  I'm  not  yom-  friend !  " 

"  Have  not  these  people  tm'ned  the  yoimg  girl  into  an  instru- 
ment of  fortune  ?  "  resumed  the  marquis. 

"  Enough,  prisoner.  You  are  not  here  to  accuse  other  people, 
or  even  to  defend  yourself,  at  present.  You  are  here  to  speak 
the  truth,  and  not  to  pervert  it.  Sit  down ;  if  I  have  any  other 
questions  to  ask  of  you,  it  will  be  for  you  to  answer  them. " 

The  prisoner  sat  down.  The  principal  witnesses  were  Madame 
Despretz,  Nana,  Luc,  Andree,  Lucien  Despretz  and  Pierre 
Naviel.  Madame  Despretz  was  heard  the  first.  Her  evidence 
was  short,  but  crushing  for  D'Albigny :  "  I  have  nothing  to  add 
to  what  I  said  on  the  day  of  my  son's  wedding.  The  court  will 
understand  how  painful  these  declarations  are  to  me.  I  only 
repeat  that  I  knew  the  man  who  is  seated  there" — and  she 
pointed  to  D'Albigny — "  when  I  was  employed  at  a  glove  shop 
in  the  Passage  de  I'Opera.  I  have  found  some  of  the  letters  he 
sent  me  at  the  shop,  and  here  are  two  of  them.  They  are  not 
signed,  but  if  the  handwriting  is  compared  with  that  of  Monsieur 
D'Albigny,  proof  of  their  true  origin  will  no  doubt  be  obtained. 

The  presiding  judge  handed  the  letters  which  Madame  Des- 
pretz had  brought  with  her,  to  an  expert  who  was  in  court.  It 
happened  that  several  documents  in  D'Albigny's  handwriting 
had  been  taken  fi'om  him  when  he  was  arrested,  and  after  a 
minute  comparison,  the  expert  declared  that  the  handwriting  of 
the  docmnents  and  that  of  the  two  letters  addressed  to  Ad61e 
Despretz  was  identical, 

Eising  up  with  unconcealed  emotion,  the  marquis  cried :  "  I 
swear  that  those  letters  are  the  work  of  a  forger !  "  and  so  saying, 
he  stretched  out  his  hand  toward  the  tall  ivory  figure  of  the 
Saviour,  which,  nailed  upon  a  broad  crosS;  soared  with  open 
arms  above  the  bench. 

"  You  are  still  playing  the  part  of  an  accuser, "  said  the  pre- 
siding judge,  sternly.  "But  I  did  not  question  you,  and  you 
had  nothing  to  answer.  "Witness  Nana,  approach,  and  give 
your  evidence. " 

^ "  I  don't  know  if  this  man  is  capable  of  ravishing  a  virtuous 
girl, "  said  the  ex-courtesan,  "  but  I  know  that  he  is  capable  of 
robbing  a  woman  like  me,  for  he  has  plundered  me  most 
abominably.     I  am  now  certain  that  he  forged  my  name  to 

Nana^s  Daughter  17. 


several  promissory  notes,  which  I  will  submit  to  the  court.  So 
if  there  be  a  forger  here,  it  must  be  the  man  you  are  now  judg- 
ing !  Here  are  other  notes  signed  by  me,  and  I  beg  the  experts 
to  compare  the  signatures.  Besides,  the  notes  reaUy  signed  by 
me  are  in  my  handwriting  from  fli'st  to  last.  I  have  shown  them, 
together  with  the  forgeries,  to  several  persons  who  are  skillful 
m  judging  handwriting  and  whose  statements  have  left  me  no 
room  for  doubt.  Yes,  I  have  been  robbed,  and  I  have  had  to 
pay  the  notes  which  that  scoundrel  forged. " 

D'Albigny  became  very  pale,  and  rising  up,  despite  the  guards 
beside  him,  "  You  lie !  you  lie!"  he  cried.  "  Do  you  hear  me, 
you  unnatural  mother?  I  beg  the  court  to  take  that  woman's 
declaration  for  what  it  is  worth.  She  is  revenging  herself 
because  she  knew  that  I  wished  to  leave  her  after  being  ruined 
by  her!  " 

"  Compel  the  prisoner  to  sit  down, "  said  the  presiding  judge 
to  the  two  guards;  and  he  added:  "Witness  Luc  step 
forward. " 

While  Nana  was  being  conducted  to  a  seat,  Luc  approached 
the  bar  where  witnesses  stand  in  giving  evidence.  He  wore  a 
long  black  frock  coat  and  gloves.  He  gave  his  evidence  very 
slowly,  so  that  the  marquis  might  hear  every  accusing  syllable. 
"  I  was  a  valet  in  the  service  of  Madame  Nana,  here  present, 
and  it  was  specially  my  duty  to  attend  on  the  prisoner,  who,  by 
the  way,  lived  at  his  mistress'  expense.  I  was  acquainted  with 
various  attempts  which  the  prisoner  made  to  seduce  my 
daughter.  Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviel,  now  Madame  Lucien 
Despretz.  The  first  attempt  took  place  when  Mademoiselle 
Naviel  brought  some  flowers  to  the  house  the  day  before  a  fete 
which  was  given  by  Madame  Nana.  The  second  attempt  took 
place  on  the  same  day  that  the  house  was  destroyed  by  fire. 
Mademoiselle  Andree  was  then  forcibly  detained  in  the  house 
by  the  marquis,  who  locked  her  up  hi  the  boudoir,  and  almost 
caused  her  death.  Fortunately  she  was  saved  by  one  of  Madame 
Nana's  lovers — a  very  brave  and  worthy  man " 

"Confine  yourself  to  the  simple  facts,  witness,"  said  the 
judge.  "  The  court's  time  is  precious.  Did  you  or  did  you  not 
hear  the  prisoner  state  that  he  had  committed  a  rape  on  the 
person  of  Mademoiselle  Ad61e  Despretz  ?  " 

"  I  heard  him  as  I  hear  you,  Monsieur  le  President.  Madame 
Despretz  called  one  day  on  Madame  Nana  to  beg  of  her  not  to 
stir  up  any  trouble  between  M.  Lucien  Despretz  and  my 
daughter.  Madame  Nana  refused  to  make  any  promise,  and 
ordered  me  to  call  the  marquis.  Thereupon  Madame  Despretz, 
not  wishing  to  meet  the  man,  who,  on  a  previous  occasion,  had 
almost  killed  her  son,  went  away.  Otherwise  she  would  have 
found  herself  face  to  face  with  the  marquis,  and  would  have 
recognized  him  at  once.     That  would  have  prevented  the 

nana's  daughter.  267 

scandalous  scene  -which  took  place  on  the  wedding  day.  But 
to  return  to  what  I  was  saying,  I  went  to  fetch  the  niarqnis  in 
his  rooms.  Madame  Nana  was  dressing  to  go  and  visit  the 
house  which  he  had  just  rented  for  her  in  the  Avenue  de  Fried- 
land,  and,  while  she  finished  her  toilet,  Monsieur  D'Albigny 
related  how  ho  had  committed  a  rape  on  Mademoiselle  Adclo 
Despretz  several  years  previously.  The  particulars  are  consigned 
in  my  report. " 

"  Very  good;  you  may  retire.  Witness  Nana,  do  you 
acknowledge  that  the  e%idence  of  the  last  witness  is  exact  If  " 

"  Quite  exact,  ^lonsieur  le  President." 

"  Madame  Andree  Despretz !  "  called  the  judge. 

Andr6e  rose  up,  looking  very  charming,  for  happiness  had 
made  her  radiant.  She  wore  a  mauve  silk  dress  trimmed  with 
black  lace,  black  gloves  extending  to  her  elbows,  black  sathi 
boots,  and  a  black  straw  "  Merveilleuse  "  hat  adorned  with  a 
feather  of  the  same  shade,  while  a  lace  fan  hung  down  over  her 
skirt,  cut  tight  at  the  hips  and  rather  short  in  front.  A  murmur 
of  admiration  sped  through  the  throng  as  she  rose  up  before  the 
court  in  all  the  splendor  of  her  youthful  beauty. 

"  The  jury  require  some  information  on  a  delicate  matter, 
madame, "  said  the  presiding  judge.  "  To  assure  the  definite 
triumph  of  justice  and  truth  it  is  necessary  that  you  should  tell 
us,  in  all  sincerity,  if  the  prisoner  wished  to  offer  you  violence, 
as  he  seems  to  have  done  with  Mademoiselle  Ad^le  Despretz. " 

"  I  cannot  say  if  he  wished  to  act  in  that  manner,  Monsieur  le 
President,  as  he  did  not  do  so. " 

"  However,  he  sequestrated  you,  and  treated  you  with  moral 
violence  t  " 

"  He  detained  mo  in  spite  of  myself,  and  threatened  me  with 
violence  to  compel  me  to  do  as  he  wished;  but  I  can  only  accuse 
him  of  threats. " 

*'  Yes,  he  did  not  put  them  into  execution,  but  the  manner  in 
which  he  sequestrated  you  fully  establishes  his  premeditation  in 
what  concerns  you.    You  may  retire,  madame. " 

The  other  evidence  had  no  importance  as  regards  the  charge 
of  rape,  but  it  furnished  abundant  proof  of  the  prisoner's  brutality 
and  profligacy,  and  of  the  infamy  of  his  position  in  Nana's  house. 
The  truth  was  already  dawning  upon  the  minds  of  the  jury, 
while  black  night  descended  into  D'Albigny's  soul.  Re  now 
felt  all  the  weight  of  his  shame,  and  realized  the  depth  of  his 
fall.  Nothing  could  save  him  now.  The  evidence  was  too 
precise  and  crushing.  He  had  long  thought  that  he  could  afford 
to  defy  Justice,  but  she  had  called  him  to  account  at  last. 

Suddenly  a  black  gown  rose  up  in  front  of  him.  The  Public 
Prosecutor  was  on  his  feet,  about  to  address  the  jury.  lie 
examined  in  turn  all  the  proofs  of  guilt  which  were  furnished  by 
the  evidence  of  the  witnesses,  the  victim's  statements,  and  the 

268  nana's  daughter. 

prisoner's  own  antecedents ;  and  he  wound  up  Ms  long  address 
as  follows :  "  From  all  these  acciunulated  proofs,  gentlemen  of 
the  jury,  I  conclude  that  D'Albigny  is  guilty,  and  I  ask  that  the 
highest  penalty  fixed  by  the  law  may  be  inflicted  upon  htm. 
For  remark  this,  gentlemen  of  the  jury,  either  the  prisoner  is 
guilty  or  he  is  innocent.  If  he  be  innocent,  acquit  him,  but  if 
he  be  guilty,  no  extenuating  circumstance  can  be  admitted  in 
favor  of  such  a  scoundrel !  The  teachers  of  vice  and  the  robbers 
of  feminine  honor  must  learn  that  society  is  armed  against  them, 
and  that  justice  is  implacable  in  dealing  with  such  offenses  as 

As  soon  as  this  speech  was  finished  D'Albigny  rose  to  his 
feet.  He  had  reflected  while  the  Public  Prosecutor  was  speak- 
ing —  reflected  as  to  the  decision  of  the  jury  in  presence  of  all 
these  accumulated  charges  and  proofs,  in  presence  of  the  pubhc 
disdain  now  reared  upon  the  ruins  of  the  diabolical  "  luck" 
which  had  shielded  him  for  twenty  years.  The  jurymen  would 
certainly  not  doubt  his  guilt ;  it  was  fully  established  by  the 
declarations  of  Adele  Despretz,  Luc  and  Nana,  who  had 
betrayed  her  ex-lover's  cause.  The  letters  which  Addle  Des- 
pretz had  produced  had  fallen  hke  a  last  infallible  proof  upon 
the  prisoner's  head.  What  course  could  he  adopt  ?  Would  it 
not  be  best  to  try  and  touch  his  judges  by  a  pul)lic  confession, 
an  eloquent,  repentant  speech,  which  would  no  doubt  win  him 
the  admission  of  extenuating  circumstances,  and  consequently  a 
more  lenient  sentence?  He  thought  so,  and  accordingly  he 
asked  the  presiding  judge's  permission  to  plead  his  own  cause, 
before  his  advocate  addressed  the  court. 

"  Speak!  "  replied  the  judge. 

Thereupon  D'Albigny,  placing  his  hand  on  his  heart  and  rais- 
ing his  eyes  to  heaven,  began  as  follows,  in  a  voice  which 
quivered  with  assumed  emotion  :  "  I  owe  the  truth  to  every  one, 
and  I  will  pay  that  debt  of  honor.  The  charge  brought  against 
me  is  correct.  I  am  guilty,  so  condemn  me.  But  I  ask  that 
extenuating  circumstances  may,  at  least,  be  admitted  in  my 
favor.  Five-and-twenty  years  have  elapsed  since  the  event 
which  has  to-day  brought  me  to  this  dock.  I  am  now  in  my 
forty-seventh  year,  and  I  was  then  barely  two-and-twenty. 
My  early  youth  had  been  very  austere ;  but  suddenly,  scarcely 
of  ago  and  without  experience,  I  became  the  master  of  a  fortune, 
and  found  myself  in  Paris  in  the  midst  of  temptation,  among  a 
corrupt  and  frivolous  society.  I  met  Addle  Despretz  and  fell 
madly  in  love  with  her.  I  told  her  of  my  love,  but  she  in  no 
wise  returned  it;  I  offered  her  to  marry  her,  she  derided  me, 
and  yet,  while  she  refused  my  offers  and  laughed  at  my  hopes, 
she  played  the  coquette  with  me,  and  fanned  the  fire  of  a  nature 
which  was  full  of  blood,  ardor,  and  love  for  herself —  a  nature 
which  had  not  then  spent  its  energy  in  debauchery  and  orgies. 

nana's  daughter.  269 

She  accepted  my  arm  to  escort  lier  every  evening  to  the  railway 
station,  she  even  accepted  the  oHer  of  the  cab  in  which  I  was 
guilty  of  the  act  for  which  you  are  no  doubt  about  to  condemn 
me.  It  was  there  that  I  renewed  to  her  the  loyal  avowal  of  my 
love  and  my  oifer  to  marry  her,  but  she  again  resorted  to  the 
raillery  which  had  so  far  proved  successful.  To  the  first  slight 
audacity,  to  the  first  petty  familiarity  to  which  my  own  desire 
and  her  taimts  impelled  me,  she  replied  by  inflicting  the  wound 
which  she  has  spoken  of,  and  of  which  this  is  the  scar.  Who  of 
you,  gentlemen,  carried  away  by  love  and  desire,  by  the  kind  of 
rage  with  which  I  was  filled  by  this  woman's  coquetry  and  the 
sight  of  my  own  blood  —  who  of  you  could  have  remained  calm  ? 
Seized  with  sudden  madness,  I  perhaps  abused  the  physical 
strength  with  which  nature  had  endowed  me,  but  I  did  not 
realize  it ;  there  are  moments  in  life  when  one  is  irresponsible. 
Ad6l6  Despretz  fell  a  victim  to  the  madness  she  herself  had 
prompted.  In  such  a  matter  who  can  say  what  is  the  limit  of  a 
woman's  will,  and  at  what  exact  point  rape  begins?  Gentle- 
men, judge  and  sentence  me,  it  will  be  a  salutary  example,  but 
remember  that  many  of  you  have  been  as  guilty  as  myself,  if  not 
in  fact,  at  least  in  intention;  for  I  was  young,  an  orphan,  with- 
out iDarental  advice,  without  the  guidance  of  a  mother,  whose 
example  would  have  taught  me  to  respect  women  —  I  had  lost 
her,  my  good  and  saintly  mother.  Poor  dear  woman  1  Would 
you  have  ever  thought  that  one  day  your  son " 

D'Albigny  stopped  short,  his  voice  broke,  and  bursting  into 
sobs  he  fell  heavily  onto  his  bench,  as  if  crushed  by  the  weight 
of  his  repentance.  A  hvely  emotion  spread  throughout  the 
court,  and  a  couple  of  gay  women  began  to  cry.  Three  or  four 
young  fellows  in  the  swell  circle,  alone  remarked :  "  It  is  shame- 
ful. This  man  doesn't  know  how  to  conduct  himself.  Who 
would  have  believed  in  such  cowardice  on  D'Albigny's  part." 
And  one  of  the  party,  imitating  the  voice  of  a  street  loafer, 
exclaimed,  "  Dash  it  all  1  Why,  he  has  turned  on  the  water- 
spout !  " 

However,  there  was  an  energetic  "  Hush  I  "  and  the  counsel 
for  the  defense  rose  to  his  feet.  His  speech  was  very  weak,  for 
in  the  behef  that  D'Albigny  would  persist  in  denying  the  charge, 
ho  had  based  the  whole  system  of  defense  upon  his  client's 
innocence.  Now,  however,  every  argument  that  he  had  pre- 
pared was  annihilated  by  the  marquis'  public  confession,  and 
all  that  he,  the  advocate,  could  do,  was  to  plead  for  the  benefit 
of  extenuating  circinnstances.  The  presiding  judge  summed  up, 
with  perfect  impartiality,  and  retired  into  his  private  room  with 
his  assessors,  while  the  jury  withdrew  to  deliberate. 

There  was  a  loud  buzz  throughout  the  court.  The  young 
swells  discussed  the  case  with  jjhlegmatic  nonchalance,  or  made 
bets  together  concerning  the  severity  of  the  sentence  which 


was  about  to  be  pronounced  upon  the  prisoner.  Opera  glasses 
were  levelled  insolently  at  the  public  prosecutor,  and  laughing 
remarks  were  exchanged  respecting  the  comical  appearance  of 
some  of  the  advocates  who,  duly  arrayed  in  their  black  gowns, 
had  come  to  hear  the  case  and  criticize  their  learned  brother's 
speech.  The  harlots,  scattered  through  the  throng,  gave  most 
of  their  attention  to  Andree,  analyzing  her  toilet  through 
their  eye-glasses,  mounted  in  tortoise-shell  with  incrustations  of 
gold.  All  eyes  finally  converged  upon  the  young  wife,  as  upon 
some  luminous  point.  The  men  admired  her  and  envied  Lucien 
Despretz,  who  sat  beside  her  in  a  somewhat  stiff  attitude,  with 
his  slight  figure  arrayed  in  a  black  frock  coat.  He  and  Andree 
talked  together  in  whispers,  and  now  and  then  Lucien  gazed 
upon  her  in  the  grayish  light  which  softened  the  outline  of  her 
profile,  blending  the  rosy  tint  of  her  cheeks  with  the  marble- 
like paUor  of  her  forehead.  Her  curly  hair  cast  a  slight  shadow 
over  her  dark  eyebrows,  beneath  which  her  limpid,  green  eyes 
were  beaming.  They  seemed  larger  since  her  happiness,  and 
the  golden  strios  of  their  ardent  pupils  had  acquired  a  living 
flash.  The  jury  returned,  the  judge  resumed  his  seat,  and  the 
verdict  was  given.  Then  D'Albigny,  foimd  guilty  of  having 
committed  a  rape  upon  the  person  of  Ad61e  Despretz  with  pre- 
meditation, and,  in  whose  favor  no  extenuating  circumstances 
were  recorded,  was  sentenced  to  undergo  a  term  of  five  years' 
hard  labor. 

A  loud  clamor  arose  as  the  judge  ceased  speaking,  and  one  of 
the  young  swells  called  out :  "  You  must  kill  yom-self,  marquis, 
you  must  kiU  yourself!  " 

D'Albigny  gave  the  fellow  who  thus  spoke  to  him  a  hateful 
glance,  and  rejoined  in  a  loud  voice  :  "  You  ought  to  go  to  the 
galleys  before  me  —  do  you  hear?  —  and  remain  there  after  I 
have  left. " 

The  two  guards  closed  beside  the  marquis  to  lead  him  away. 
But  ere  he  passed  through  the  doorway  behind  the  dock  he 
turned  for  one  moment  to  glance  at  the  society  he  was  leaving ; 
and  stretching  out  one  of  his  soft,  white,  idle  hands  toward  the 
harlots  who  were  watching  him  through  their  eye-glasses,  he 
murmured  with  a  bitter  smile :  "  Good-by,  my  duckies,  good- 

The  case  of  Margot,  the  flower-girl,  now  came  on  for  trial. 
She  simply  confessed  the  facts,  and  did  not  even  try  to  deny  the 
premeditation  with  which  she  was  charged.  Andr6e  related 
what  had  occurred  on  her  wedding  day,  and  spoke  very  highly 
of  her  work-girl,  who  had  been  impelled  by  devotion  to  her 
mistress  to  commit  the  criminal  act  which  had  caused  Nana's 
final  ruin. 

Luc's  evidence  was  altogether  in  the  prisoner's  favor.  "  This 
girl, "he  said,  "began  life  badly.    She  was  employed  by  an 

nana's  daughter.  271 

artificial  fliower  manufacturer  named  Paillardin,  who  had  seduced 
nearly  all  his  work-girls,  and  she  became  his  favorite.  After  he 
died  under  tragical  circiunstances,  Margot  found  herself  out  of 
work,  and  fell  into  the  clutches  of  Paillardin's  valet,  a  scoundrel 
who  still  lives  on  prostitution  —  a  lodging-house  D'Albigny,  so 
to  say.  One  day,  however,  thanks  to  Providence,  the  wretched 
girl  met  Mademoiselle  Andree  Naviel,  who  rescued  her  from  her 
bully  and  from  the  filthy  life  she  was  leading.  Since  then  Mar- 
got  has  worked  hard  and  become  a  well-conducted  girl.  You 
see,  gentlemen  of  the  jury,  there  is  nothing  like  honest  toil  to 
keep  one  in  the  straight  path.  "Well,  this  girl  is  as  attached  as 
a  faithful  dog  to  her  mistress,  for  she  is  grateful  for  having  been 
saved ;  and  so  when  she  saw  that  there  was  a  i)lot  on  foot  to 
harm  her  benefactress  she  only  listened  to  her  heart,  which 
called  out  to  her :  '  Defend  your  mistress,  defend  the  woman 
who  saved  you,  defend  her  with  your  teeth,  your  nails,  no  mat- 
ter how  ! '  Well,  she  defended  her  with  vitriol,  and  I  am  con- 
vinced that  she  didn't  think  she  was  doing  wrong. " 

After  Luc,  a  physician  attached  to  the  i^ublic  prosecution  serv- 
ice was  heard.  He  simply  said :  "  I  have  examined  the 
prisoner,  and  find  that  she  presents  all  the  symptoms  of 
hysteria,  so  I  conclude  that  her  share  of  responsibility  was 
limited  when  she  committed  the  act  of  which  she  now  stands 

Nana,  whose  head  was  still  shrouded  in  a  black  vail,  gave 
evidence  the  last :  "  I  don't  know  this  girl, "  she  said,  **  she  had 
no  motive  of  personal  vengeance  against  me.  Her  employers 
alone  can  have  induced  her  to  do  what  she  did." 

The  jury  retired,  and  after  a  lengthy  dehberation  Margot  was 
acquitted.  The  presiding  judge  at  once  gave  orders  for  her  to 
be  set  at  liberty.  Scarcely  was  she  free  than  she  hastened  to 
Andree,  threw  herself  at  her  feet  and  kissed  the  hem  of  her 
dress.  Luc  approached  her  with  Madame  Despretz.  "  Well, " 
said  ho,  "  you  are  out  of  Saint  Lazare  once  more;  try  to  avoid 
going  there  again.  Follow  Madame  Naviel's  advice,  it  was  she 
who  brought  up  my  daughter,  and  to  tell  the  truth,  she  brought 
her  up  far  better  than  I  could  have  done  myself." 

Margot  looked  at  him  with  her  roimd  eyes,  which  were  beam- 
ing brightly,  and  stammered  with  comical  embarrassment :  "  I'm 
no  longer  afraid  of  you  now.  Monsieur  Luc,  and  if  you  will  allow 
it  I  vii]\  even  love  you,  yes,  love  you." 

Wliile  this  conversation  was  going  on,  the  crowd  of  sightseers 
left  the  court-room.  Nana  went  off,  erect  and  lugubrious  under 
her  black  vail,  and  guided  by  a  policeman  whom  she  had  asked 
to  conduct  her  to  her  cab.  The  judge  and  the  jury  had  with- 
drawn, and,  alone,  above  the  bench,  the  bare  figure  of  Christ 
stretched  out  its  ivory  arms  in  the  waning  dayhgiit. 



That  same  eveiiing  Anclree  and  her  husband  took  the  tram 
■hack  to  Brittany.  Madame  Despretz  left  the  Rue  Crozatier  for 
eome  comfortable  rooms  in  one  of  the  houses  which  the  young 
couple  had  purchased  in  Paris,  and  which  were  entrusted  to  the 
care  of  M.  Naviel.  Luc  was  employed  as  a  commission  agent 
in  the  flower  business,  and  Margot  resimied  her  work.  The 
newly-married  pair  were  thus  left  to  themselves.  At  eight 
o'clock  on  the  following  morning  they  reached  St.  Male,  and  the 
railway  omnibus  conveyed  them  to  the  port  where  they 
embarked  for  Dinard.  A  little  steamer  transported  them  to 
the  point  of  the  promontory  of  St.  Enogat,  just  below  the  villa 
they  had  rented. 

This  villa  was  built  on  the  blue-granite  rock  stretched  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Ranee.  A  terrace,  planted  with  ash  trees,  extended 
in  front  of  the  house,  where  the  walls  were  covered  with  Vir- 
ginian creeper,  the  young  shoots  of  which  clambered  up  here 
and  there  from  amid  the  mass  of  dehcate  foliage.  From  their 
room  on  the  first  floor  the  lovers  could  view  these  flexible 
branches,  twining  around  the  window,  and  swaying  in  the 
breeze  from  the  sea.  They  often  woke  up  at  daybreak,  and 
watched  the  sunrise  tmging  their  white  bed-curtains  with  a 
purple  glow.  The  sky  slowly  cleared  above  the  pine  woods  of 
La  Brillantais ;  Aurora  opened  her  fan  of  light ;  large  clouds,  as 
buoyant  as  feathers  and  as  rosy  as  flamingoes'  wings,  hovered 
above  the  trees;  and  the  pale  yellow  band  across  the  sky 
expanded,  until  it  became  merged  in  the  soft  azure  overhead. 
Below  the  woods  stretched  the  mouth  of  the  Ranee,  down  which 
came  heavy  barges  laden  with  timber  from  Plouer.  At  times 
JLucien  and  Andree  were  awakened  by  the  matutinal  ditty  of 
eome  fishermen,  raising  the  anchor  and  hoisting  the  sails  of  their 
boat.  And  they  awoke  in  full  happiness  with  laughter  and 
kisses,  while  the  pigeons  cooed  lovingly  imder  the  roof.  They 
had  engaged  a  peasant  woman  of  the  coast  to  serve  them,  and 
felt  no  need  of  a  tribe  of  lackeys.  Their  loneliness  in  this  lost 
corner  of  Brittany,  where  the  echo  of  Paris  does  not  penetrate, 
delighted  them.  They  saw  nobody ;  but  what  did  that  matter 
since  they  saw  each  other?  Their  souls  seemed  blended 
together,  and  they  no  longer  needed  to  speak  to  understand 
one  another.  There  were  charming  spells  of  silence  between 
them,  ineffable  truces  to  talking  which  expressed  everything 
more  eloquently  than  words.  And  as  the  days  elapsed,  the 
more  did  they  enjoy  the  dehght  of  living  together,  and  the 
more  infinite  did  this  delight  become  to  them,  ^\■nen  tliey  heard 
the  first  whistle  of  the  steamboat  arriving  from  St.  Maio,  they 
rang  for  the  servant,  who  came  in  carrying  two  bowls  of  com- 

nana's  daughter.  273 

mon  crockery,  full  of  hot  coffee,  covered  with  thick  cream,  and 
flanked  by  two  slices  of  buttered  toast.  And  sometimes  Lucien 
said  to  the  woman :  "  Only  bring  me  one  bowl  of  coffee,  if  you 
hko,  but  bring  three  slices  of  toast." 

"  Well,  sir,  I  fancied  that  the  Parisians  didn't  eat  anything, " 
rephed  the  servant  one  morning;  ''but  now  I  begin  to  think 
that  they  eat  as  much  as  we  do." 

After  taking  their  coffee  they  rose.  Lucien  sprang  out  of  bed 
the  first,  fetched  Andree's  silk  stockings  and  gave  them  to  her ; 
brought  her  slippers  and  poised  them  on  the  tips  of  her  little 
feet  stretched  out  toward  him.  Then  he  wrapped  her  in  her 
dressing-gown  of  blue  cashmere,  embroidered  with  flowers  and 
lined  with  pink  china  silk ;  and  while  he  dressed  her  like  a  doll, 
he  covered  her  so  often  with  mad  kisses  and  caresses,  that  nine 
olclock  struck  before  they  were  ready  to  go  out.  Every  morning 
they  went  for  a  saU  before  breakfast.  They  had  engaged  a 
solid  boat  and  two  men  by  the  month.  The  master,  named 
Camisard,  was  an  ex-pilot  who  now  took  tourists  about  during 
the  summer,  and  rested  during  the  winter. 

Andr6e  put  on  a  coarse  straw  hat  with  a  broad  brim,  and 
Lucien,  clad  in  a  linen  suit,  gave  her  his  arm.  They  reached 
the  water  from  their  terrace  by  some  steps  cut  in  the  rock. 
When  the  water  was  high,  the  boat  awaited  them  just  below, 
but  when  the  tide  was  out  they  had  to  walk  some  distance  over 
the  sands.  Once  on  board  they  sat  down  astern  near  the  master, 
while  the  sails  were  hoisted  and  the  boat  pushed  off.  As  they 
got  under  way  the  master  settled  the  sails  and  attended  to  the 
helm.  Soon  the  coast  seemed  to  recede  from  them,  and  on  the 
terrace,  behind  the  Italian  balustrade  of  white  stone,  they  could 
see  their  Breton  servant  placidly  watching  them,  with  her  large 
white  cap  standing  out  in  bold  relief  against  the  Virginian 

A  couple  of  days  had  elapsed  after  then*  return  from  the  trial 
in  Paris,  when  Camisard  proposed  to  take  them  to  C6zambre  on 
the  morrow.     "  What  is  to  be  seen  there  ?  "  asked  Andr6e. 

"Nothing,  madame,  it  is  a  rock;  but  talking  of  rocks,  you 
will  see  plenty  of  strange  ones  there.  There's  the  Devil's  Tooth, 
for  instance  —  a  kind  of  peak  which  is  only  accessible  to  sailors 
and  seagulls.  However,  there  is  a  foreign  prince  buried  on  the 
summit  —  a  strange  idea  ho  had  there.  He  had  hired  a  room  in 
the  custom-house  station,  and  it  was  there  that  he  died." 

"  What  was  his  name  ?"  asked  Andr6e,  eagerly. 

"  To  tell  the  truth,  I  don't  know.  I  was  only  told  that  he  had 
come  from  India,  and  that  he  had  died  of  sorrow." 

"  Ah !  well,  have  the  boat  ready  at  nine  o'clock  to-morrow 
morning,  and  we  will  go  and  see  C6zambre. " 

That  evening  Lucien  and  Andree  entered  the  Dinard  casino 
for  the  first  time.    A  ball  was  taking  place  there.    They  danced 

274  nana's  daughter. 

together  alone,  lost  in  the  crowd  of  strangers,  and  enjoying  the 
egotistical  pleasure  of  belonging  to  each  other,  without  having 
to  make  any  concession  of  politeness  to  folks  whom  they  did  not 
know.  Andree  looked  charming  in  her  plain  dress  of  light-blue 
silk.  The  only  articles  of  jewelry  that  she  wore  were  the  dia- 
mond roses  which  Lucien  had  given  her  in  her  ears ;  a  massive 
gold  bracelet,  studded  with  torquoises,  aroimd  her  right  wrist ; 
and  a  diamond  aigrette,  which  scintillated  as  it  fluttered  above 
her  brow,  amid  her  frizzy  hair.  They  greatly  amused  them- 
selves in  dancing  alone  together,  carried  away  amid  the  intoxi- 
cating whirl  of  a  waltz,  the  graceful  undulation  of  a  mazurka, 
or  the  spirited  steps  of  a  polka.  Several  young  fellows  who  felt 
jealous  of  Lucien's  happiness,  hovered  around  Andr6e,  and 
barely  concealed  their  indiscreet  admiration.  Some  even  ven- 
tured to  ask  her  to  dance  with  them,  but  she  refused  with  a 
smile ;  and  when  they  insisted,  taking  her  for  an  unmarried  girl, 
Bhe  maliciously  rejoined,  *'  I  have  promised  all  the  dances  to 
this  gentleman, "  meaning  Lucien. 

One  young  fellow,  who  was  more  audacious  than  the  others, 
laughed  rather  spitefully  on  hearing  this,  and  with  a  sudden 
disregard  for  the  proprieties,  exclaimed :  **  Take  care,  mademoi- 
selle, that  gentleman's  good  fortune  will  lay  you  open  to 
remark. " 

"That  gentleman  has  a  right  to  lay  me  open  to  remark," 
rephed  Andree,  quickly. 

"Then  he  is " 

"  My  husband. " 

The  yoimg  fellow  bowed  and  carried  his  importunities  else- 
where. Andr6e  let  herself  glide  along  with  Lucien  amid  the 
whirl  of  bare  shoulders,  light  bodices,  long  trains,  and  black 
coats,  around  the  dancing-haU.  She  waltzed  admirably  and 
almost  by  intuition.  She  surrendered  herself  to  the  vertigo 
which  had  taken  possession  of  her  heart,  leaning  on  the  arm 
which  sustained  her  with  its  firm  pressure ;  and  the  murmured 
avowals  she  overheard,  the  puffs  of  saline  air  which  entered 
through  the  open  windows,  the  perfimio  emanating  from  hair 
and  skin,  the  feminine  scent  which  arose  in  the  evening  warmth, 
increased  her  emotion,  her  trouble  and  vertigo,  and  intoxicated 

When  they  had  seen  enough  of  this  indifferent  throng  they 
went  home  afoot,  along  the  boulevard  lined  with  plane  trees, 
and  overlooking  the  shore.  They  walked  slowly,  listening  to 
the  murmur  of  the  rising  tide,  to  the  harmonious  ripple  of  the 
wavelets  spending  their  force  on  the  soft  sand,  and  to  the  rustle 
of  the  leaves  shaken  by  tlie  breeze.  The  sigh  of  the  tide,  tbo 
regular  rolling  of  the  water  toward  the  sand,  seemed  like  tbo 
breathing  of  some  monster  asleep  under  the  starry  expanse  of 
sky.    They  stopped  for  a  moment  and  listened  dreamily. 


"  It  Bounds  like  a  kiss, "  whispered  Aiidr6e. 

"  Yes,  that  is  it;  Usten,  darling,"  repUed  Lucien,  kissing  her 
on  the  eyelids. 

She  returned  him  the  kiss  on  his  lips,  and  for  a  couple  of  min- 
utes they  amused  themselves  by  alternating  their  kisses  with 
those  which  the  water  printed  on  the  shore  —  the  simple  pleas- 
ure of  children  in  love,  as  pure  as  the  ethereal  expanse  in  which 
the  silver  moon  was  rising. 

'*  Then  you  love  me  as  much  as  on  the  first  day?  "  asked 

"  A  great  deal  better." 

"  Truly  f " 

*'  Yes,  truly ;  I  am  no  longer  frightened. " 

"  Yes,  I  understand.  And  I,  Andree,  I  ask  myself  at  times  if  I 
am  dreaming  or  if  I  am  awake.  Shall  we  really  live  hke  this 
for  always  t    Is  it  possible  ?  " 

"  If  it  pleases  you,  Lucien,  it  is  possible;  if  your  Andr6e's  love 
does  not  seem  monotonous " 

"  Enough.    That  is  blasphemy  1  " 

"  No,  let  me  speak.  If  you  wish  us  to  be  happy  you  must  love 
me  always.  Did  you  notice  how  proud  I  was  to  decUne  the 
invitations  of  the  young  fellows  who  asked  me  to  dance  with 
them  this  evening  ?  I  laughed  at  their  vexation,  and  I  clung  to 
your  arm  very  tightly  so  as  to  prevent  you  from  escaping  rae 
and  inviting  some  other  women.  There  were  some  very  pretty 
girls  at  the  Casino  —  English,  Parisians  and  Bretons.  I  was 
almost  afraid  of  being  thought  ugly  beside  them. " 

"  No,  no;  you  are  not  saying  what  you  think,  or  you  don't  see 
yourself  as  I  see  you.  Where  were  they,  the  lovely  women  you 
talk  about  ?  I  never  noticed  them.  I  only  saw  your  eyes,  the 
sparkle  of  which  almost  turned  my  head  while  we  were  waltz- 
ing. I  dived  into  their  depths,  I  could  read  thoughts  of  love 
there;  and  I  saw  myself  in  them,  and  almost  fancied  I  was 
handsome. " 

While  talking  hke  this  they  reached  the  villa,  and  went  up 
into  their  room.  A  letter  was  lying  on  the  mantlepiece.  It  bore 
the  Paris  postmark,  and  came  from  Luc.  Lucien  read  it  aloud 
to  Andr6e : 

"  My  Dear  Friends —  I  write  to  tell  you  that  we  are  almost 
all  of  us  getting  on  pretty  well,  and  that  we  are  freshly  installed 
in  our  new  quarters.  The  flower  trade  is  brisk,  and  it  seems 
that  I  am  a  good  commission  agent.  Madame  Naviel  is  pleased, 
and  Monsieur  Naviel  is  very  busy  looking  after  your  property. 
What  an  excellent  worthy  man  he  is,  and  what  a  fist  he  has  I 
He  could  throw  all  the  tenants  out  of  the  window  if  they  failed 
to  pay  their  rent ;  but  at  the  same  time  he  is  so  kind-hearted 
that  he  would  prefer  to  throw  himself  out,  or  else  to  i)ay  tho 
rent  for  them.    There  is  also  Madame  Despretz,  who  is  ailing. 

2/6  nana's  daughter. 

All  the  emotion  of  the  wedding  day  has  crushed  her;  she  is  as 
old  as  the  streets  now,  and  barely  drags  herself  along.  How- 
ever, we  shall  be  married  in  a  month's  time.  It  will  be  a  nurse's 
situation  for  me ;  but  I  love  her  so  much,  poor,  dear  Adfelo  —  I 
am  so  grateful  to  her  for  having  forgiven  me  that  it  will  be  hap- 
piness to  watch  over  her,  and  attend  to  her  as  if  she  were  my 
daughter.  Alas !  why  are  we  not  both  of  us  younger  ?  We  are 
like  two  old  coins  which  have  lost  currency.  However,  it  can't  be 
helped.  You  will  come  to  the  wedding  all  the  same.  I  rely 
upon  you.  It  is  to  inform  you  of  it,  and  at  the  same  time  to 
invite  you,  that  I  scrawl  these  few  lines?  And  now,  little  ones, 
I  kiss  you  both,  and  beg  you  to  do  the  same  for  your  old 
monkey.  Luc. " 

Lucien  laid  the  letter  open  on  the  mantelshelf.  Andr6e,  tired 
by  the  dancing,  had  stretched  herself  on  the  sofa  and  begun  to 
doze  while  he  was  stiU  reading.  Her  right  arm  was  bent  under 
her  head,  and  her  left  one  was  hanging  down  to  the  floor,  in  all 
its  sculptural  beauty.  Her  bosom  could  be  seen  between  her 
partially  unfastened  bodice,  as  Lucien  softly  drew  near  to  her. 

At  the  end  of  the  pier  Saint  Malo  the  lighthouse  was  flashing. 
The  town,  huddled  together  within  its  ramparts  slept  heavily  on 
its  rocky  island;  while  its  sister,  Saint  Servan,  gently  stretched 
at  the  foot  of  the  semaphore,  reposed  in  the  moonlight.  Far 
away  amid  the  breakers  one  could  hear  the  grave  murmur  of  the 
open  sea,  which.  In  its  lunar  clearness,  hmited  the  horizon  with 
a  luminous  streak. 

Then  Andr^e's  husband  bent  down  beside  her,  contemplating 
her  pure  profile  —  to  which  the  softened  light  lent  ineflable  pal- 
Udity  — her  hps  which  smiled  at  some  happy  dream,  her  lowered 
eyehds,  and  her  open  nostrils ;  and  without  her  knowing  it  he 
took  off  her  dancing  shoes  and  carried  her,  still  sleeping,  to  her 
bed,  strewing  the  lace  petticoats  and  silken  skirt  on  the  way. 

At  nine  o'clock  on  the  following  morning,  Andr6e  and  Lucien 
embarked  with  Camissard  and  his  man.  A  fresh  wind  was 
blowing  from  the  northwest ;  the  sea  was  slightly  rough,  and 
the  waves  had  an  emerald  transparency.  Little  white  clouds 
were  darting  along  with  extreme  rapidity  in  the  limpid  sky.  As 
the  boat  started  off  in  the  direction  of  Saint  Malo,  the  sun  cov- 
ered the  bay  with  golden  spangles,  and  the  windows  of  the  old 
seaport  town  blazed  with  a  yellowish  hght,  which  made  them 
look  like  large  topazes  incrusted  in  the  blue  granite  of  the  walls. 
A  brig  and  a  schooner  were  coming  out  of  the  basin  with  their 
sails  duly  set. 

At  a  few  cable  lengths  from  the  pier,  Camissard  tacked,  steered 
his  course  for  Harbor  Island  and  took  in  the  sails.  The  waves 
became  larger  as  the  boat  got  farther  out  to  sea,  scudding  along 
with  prodigious  speed  and  skimming  through  the  green  water, 
Which  plashed  against  the  sides.    At  times  a  higher  wave  than 

nana's  daughter.  277 

the  others  riished  forward  with  a  growl — striking  the  bows  with 
such  force  that  the  timber  creaked  —  aud  passed  under  the  keel, 
raising  the  boat  to  a  height  at  which  the  horizon  seemed  to 
exiJand.  And  then,  like  visions  of  fantastic  fish,  big  black  rocks 
aud  reefs  revealed  their  jagged  summits,  around  which  the  foam 
of  the  breakers  was  seething.  At  a  mile  from  Harbor  Island, 
Camissard  put  the  helm  aport,  and  called  out  to  his  man:  "  Get 
ready  to  tack. " 

The  seaman  shifted  his  sails,  the  boat  settled  down,  and  with 
the  wind  to  larboard  scudded  under  press  of  canvas  toward 
C6zambre.  The  young  folks  landed  there  at  about  eleven 
o'clock.  They  had  brought  sufficient  provisions  for  four-and- 
twenty  hours,  together  with  a  tent,  which  they  set  up  beyond 
reach  of  the  high  tide.  Having  thrown  the  anchor,  the  two 
seamen  came  on  shore  in  their  turn,  and  sat  down  on  the  sand 
near  the  tent.  Audree  and  Lucien  passed  them  a  couple  of 
bottles  of  claret  and  half  a  leg  of  mutton.  The  lunch  was  very 
gay.  In  a  cavity  formed  by  a  rock  a  fire  was  lighted  with  some 
dry  rushes,  and  Audr6e  warmed  some  cofiee  which  she  had 
brought  with  her.  Now  and  then  the  wind  raised  a  shower  of 
sand  which  beat  upon  the  canvas  of  the  tent.  After  the  coffee, 
Andr6e  asked  Camisard,  "  Where  is  the  Devil's  Tooth?  " 

"  At  the  other  side  of  the  island.  It  overlooks  the  sea;  and 
I've  heard  say  that  at  the  foot  of  it  there  are  still  a  himdred 
fathoms  of  water  at  low  tide.  If  you  want  to  visit  the  tomb,  the 
coast-guards  will  point  it  out  to  you.  You'll  find  their  place  up 
that  path  there,  which  leads  from  the  shore  through  the  island. 
Only,  with  this  breeze  on,  you  had  better  not  venture  onto  the 
Devil's  Tooth. " 

Andr6e  took  Lucien's  arm,  and  they  began  to  climb  the  steep 
sea  bank,  where  their  feet  were  embedded  in  the  sand  at  each 
step  they  took.  The  pathway  leading  to  the  coast-guards'  sta- 
tion was  fringed  with  some  patches  of  poor  soil  planted  with 
carrots,  potatoes  and  cabbages,  the  stunted  leaves  of  which  were 
so  preyed  upon  by  snaUs  that  they  looked  like  perfect  cobwebs. 
Elsewhere  the  ground  was  covered  with  short,  dry  herbage 
interspersed  with  clumps  of  heather  which  the  wild  rabbits  nib- 
bled. The  coast-guard  station  was  some  three  hundred  yards 
ahead  in  a  hollow  well  sheltered  from  the  nor'-westers.  Andrde 
and  Lucien  could  see  a  coast-guard  sitting  outside  the  door, 
reflectively  smoking  his  pipe.  He  rose  up  as  they  approached 

"  What  was  the  name  of  the  foreign  prince  who  died  hero  a 
month  ago  ?  "  asked  Andr6e,  whose  voice  trembled  with 

"  He  would  never  tell  us  his  name,  madame ;  we  only  knew 
that  he  was  a  kind  of  prince  in  his  country.  Would  you  hke  to 
see  the  room  where  he  died  ?  " 

278  nana's  daughter. 

"  Madame  Despretz  looked  at  her  husband  as  if  to  consult 
him.  "  Yes, "  answered  Lucien,  who  saw  that  she  wished  to 
go  in. 

The  coast-guard  guided  them  up  a  dark  staircase  which  led 
to  a  little  landing,  and  opened  a  narrow  door.  The  room  waa 
small,  and  lighted  by  two  white-curtauied  windows  looking 
toward  the  shore.  The  bedstead  was  of  cherry  wood,  and  two 
rush  chairs  served  as  seats.  On  a  chest  of  drawers  against  the 
wall,  a  manuscript  was  lying  open,  and  Madame  Despretz  took 
it  up  and  read  upon  the  cover  these  simple  words :  '^  To 
Andree. " 

She  recognized  the  handwriting  of  the  man  who  had  died  for 
love  of  her.    "  Will  you  seU  me  this  manuscript  ?  "  she  asked. 

"  Willingly,  madame.  When  we  buried  the  young  fellow, 
I  thought  of  burying  the  writing  with  him,  but  my  comrades 
preferred  to  keep  it  to  show  to  strangers.  If  you  care  to  buy 
it  I  will  leave  you  judge  of  what  it  is  worth." 

Andr6e  handed  a  hundred  francs  to  the  coast-guard  and 
opened  the  pages,  which  had  remained  there  like  a  dead  man's 
mil.    They  were  few  in  number. 

"  He  kept  on  writing  till  his  last  day,"  resumed  the  coast- 
guard. "  He  was  as  gentle  as  a  girl,  and  for  our  care  and 
services  he  left  us  each  a  thousand  francs.  It  waa  all  that 
remained  to  him  when  he  died. " 

**  Where  is  ho  buried  1  " 

"  On  the  Devil's  Tooth.  It  isn't  easy  to  get  up  there, 
especially  with  such  a  wind  on  as  there  is  to-day.  You  must 
follow  the  path  which  passes  before  our  door  across  the  island, 
and  then,  when  you  get  to  a  cistern,  turn  to  the  right. " 

M.  and  Madame  Despretz  left  the  mortuary-room  and  followed 
the  road  as  far  as  the  cistern.  They  then  descended  a  kind  of 
glacis,  on  which  the  herbage  was  dry  and  slippery  and  which 
sloped  down  toward  the  northern  shore  of  the  island,  conducting 
to  a  granite  crag  which  rose  some  thirty  feet  above  the  lower 
part  of  the  decUvity.  On  the  summit  of  this  towering  mass 
there  was  a  platform  of  a  hundred  square  feet,  in  the  center  of 
which  one  could  discern  a  black  and  unhewn  stone,  raised  erect 
on  one  end  like  a  menhir.  Below  the  peak  on  which  arose  the 
primitive  monument  raised  to  the  foreigner  by  his  grateful 
friends  the  coast-guards,  the  cliff  hung  over  the  sea.  The  high 
waves  coming  from  the  open  broke  two  himdred  feet  lower  down, 
rismg  up  wall-like,  capped  with  white  foam,  and  then  sinking 
into  the  gulf  which  seemed  to  yawn  until  another  mass  of  water 
fiUed  up  its  growling  depths.  To  reach  the  summit  of  the 
Devil's  Tooth,  it  was  necessary  to  chmb  an  almost  vertical  wall 
of  rock,  and  Lucien  was  afraid  that  some  accident  might  befall 
Andr6e  if  she  attempted  this  dizzy  ascent.  The  tempests  had 
slowly  isolated  this  mass  of  granite,  which  only  held  to  the  «oU 

nana's  daughter.  279 

on  ono  side,  ■while  on  the  other  it  overtopped  the  watery  abyss 
like  a  huge  portculUs  fixed  to  the  high  chii"  beaten  by  the  sea. 

"  Androe,"  said  her  husband,  gravely,  "  you  must  not  +empt 
death !  " 

"  He  who  lies  there  sacrificed  himself  for  both  of  us.  "We 
owe  him  the  liberty  we  enjoy  and  the  fortune  we  did  not  refuse. 
If  I  were  pious,  I  should  say  to  you,  '  we  owe  him  a  prayer.'  I 
tliink  that  we  owe  him  at  least  a  souvemr,  so  let  us  take  it  to 
him,  Lucien." 

The  coast-guards  had  cut  in  the  rock  a  double  series  of  holes, 
large  enough  for  one  to  set  the  tips  of  one's  feet  in  them. 
Andree  was  the  first  to  engage  in  the  adventurous  ascent,  say- 
ing to  her  husband,  "  Come,  who  loves  me,  follows  me." 

He  climbed  up  after  her,  clinging  to  the  rock  with  one  hand 
supporting  her  with  the  other.  Below  them  stretched  the  steep, 
slippery  glacis,  cut  atwain,  right  and  left,  by  the  hollow  where 
the  sea-gulls  hovered  and  the  white  foam  whirled  around.  At 
certain  moments  the  gusts  of  wind  which  swept  over  the  island 
clung  to  the  young  wife's  dress  as  if  seeking  to  carry  her  ofl'  into 
the  abyss.  But  brave,  like  a  true  child  of  the  people,  she 
quietly  waited  until  the  blast  had  passed  by,  clinging  with  both 
hands  to  the  anfracturosities  of  the  granite.  At  last  she  profited 
by  a  momentary  lull  to  spring  onto  the  platform,  and  Lucien 
followed  her. 

The  funeral  stone  rose  up  before  them.  The  coast-guards 
had  roughly  painted  the  date  of  the  rajah's  death  upon  it  in 
red  letters  and  figures.  The  two  happy  lovers  sat  down,  side- 
by-side,  in  the  grass  growing  around  this  block  of  unpolished 
porphyry,  partially  embedded  in  the  cavity  which  had  been  dug 
with  pickaxes  to  receive  the  rajah's  remains. 

The  sea  stretched  away  to  the  horiz(m  before  them.  To  the 
north  it  was  imbounded ;  westward  Cape  Frehel ;  and  eastward 
the  Pointe  de  la  Varde  alone  limited  the  bay.  To  the  south, 
the  low,  gray  coast  of  Brittany  could  scarcely  be  distinguished. 

Before  leaving  the  villa  Andree  had  plucked  a  black  heart's- 
ease  on  the  terrace.  The  flower  was  fading  on  her  bosom,  its 
petals  rolling  up.  She  took  it  in  her  hand,  tore  one  of  her  long 
fair  hairs  from  her  head,  and  with  this  golden  string  she 
fastened  the  faded  flower  to  the  culminating  point  of  the  lofty 
grave-stone.  Then  drawing  the  rajah's  manuscript  from  her 
pocket  she  began  to  read  it  aloud,  while  the  sea-birds  screeched 
around  her : 

Cezambre,  June  5th. 

"  It  is  still  I !  I  am  astonished  to  find  myself  living  since 
Andree  is  lost  to  my  fraternal  friendship.  Does  life  care  more 
for  me  than  I  care  for  it  ?  I  have  come  here  to  die,  near  a 
mighty  scene,  dreaming  of  you,  Andree  !  My  last  thought  will 
be  for  you  I    It  must  be  surrounded  by  the  infinite  1    You  will 

28o  nana's  daughter. 

never  know  wliat  lias  become  of  me !  Why  should  I  sadden 
you?  For  you  would  think  it  your  duty  to  feel  sad — you  will 
fancy  that  I  have  returned  to  my  coimtry  —  and  perhaps  it  is 
true  —  for  death  is  the  country  of  those  who  sufl'er " 

Andr6e  was  abruptly  interrupted.  A  sudden  gust,  coming 
from  the  open  sea,  had  snatched  the  rajah's  manuscript  from 
her  hand.  She  saw  it  fly  away,  soaring  at  a  tremendous  height, 
the  white  leaves  fluttering  in  the  wind  like  the  wings  of  a  sea- 
gull carried  along  by  the  blast.  At  the  same  time,  Lucien  per- 
ceived a  black  line  stretched  across  the  horizon  just  above  the 
sea,  in  the  direction  of  Cape  Fr6hel.  Two  coast-guards  were 
hastening  down  the  glacis,  and  one  of  them,  approaching  the 
Devil's  Tooth,  called  out :  ''  Make  haste  and  come  down ! 
There  is  a  squall  coming  on.  Come  down  at  once  if  you  don't 
want  the  wind  to  carry  you  ofi"." 

It  was  far  more  perilous  to  descend  than  to  climb  up,  for  one 
had  to  look  below  for  the  holes  in  which  to  set  one's  feet,  and  in 
doing  so  one  could  not  help  perceiving  the  granite  wall  on 
which  the  Devil's  Tooth  was  reared.  The  wild  seething  of  the 
beating  foam  attracted  one's  eyes  and  fascinated  one  with  gid- 
diness. Just  as  Lucien  began  to  lower  himself  he  found  nothing 
by  which  he  could  cling  to  the  upper  part  of  the  rock,  his 
hands  slipped  across  the  grass,  and  he  felt  himself  impelled 
downward  by  his  own  weight.  But  Andrde  saw  his  peril, 
caught  hold  of  his  arm,  and  succeeded,  with  the  nervous 
strength  of  will,  in  drawing  him  toward  her. 

At  the  same  moment  the  hurricane  predicted  by  the  coast- 
guards burst  forth.  One  of  them  hastened  to  the  rescue,  and 
managed,  at  the  peril  of  his  life,  to  reach  the  young  couple.  A 
long,  solid  rope  was  coiled  around  his  waist,  and  they  succeeded 
in  knotting  it  securely  to  the  grave-stone.  The  black  line 
which  had  extended  between  Cape  Fr6ht>l  and  the  Pointe  de  la 
Varde  was  now  rising  over  the  sky.  The  sea  had  changed  its 
color,  assiuning  a  leaden  tint,  and  the  wind  swept  over  the  chfif 
of  the  Island  with  a  furious  roar  and  whistle.  The  rushes  and 
bushes,  torn  away  by  this  sudden  blast,  flew  about  like  the 
wings  of  a  lark  in  the  clutches  of  a  hawk.  The  coast-guard 
fastened  Andr6e  by  the  waist  to  the  rope  which  he  had  brought 
with  him,  and  let  the  end  of  it  slip  down  to  the  glacis. 

Then  turning  to  Lucien  Despretz,  he  said :  "  Hold  on  well  till 
I'm  below.  When  there's  a  lull  you  can  come  down  yourselves. 
One  must  be  a  bit  of  a  sailor  to  trust  oneself  to  a  rope,  and  it 
would  be  dangerous  for  your  lady  to  try  it  as  long  as  the  squall 
lasts.  Fortunately,  it  won't  last  long  la  this  season,  but  In 
October  or  December  you  might  have  to  stop  up  here  for  a 
couple  of  days. " 

So  speaking,  he  let  himself  down  to  the  glacis.  Raised  by 
the  wind,  the  water  was  now  gathering  in  dark  masses,  which 


bounded  across  tho  bay.  Andrde  and  Lucien  were  obliged  to  lie 
down  OQ  the  grass  behind  tho  rajah's  tomb,  whore,  secured  to 
the  upright  stone,  they  could  gaze  in  comparative  seciirity  upon 
the  tempest  breaking  around  them.  The  roll  of  the  waves 
acquired  furious  intensity,  and  across  the  sky,  which  tho  clouds 
tinged  with  mky  stains,  the  blast  flew  wildly  onward.  Toward 
the  evening,  however,  the  wind  fell,  the  sky  became  blue  once 
more,  and  the  sea  regained  its  beautiful  emerald  tint  of  the 
morning.  Still,  huge  waves  burst  from  time  to  time  through 
the  passes,  and  poured  across  the  roads,  breaking  on  tho  shore. 

"  Let  us  go  down, "  said  Andreo ;  and  with  the  help  of  tho 
rope  fastened  to  the  rajah's  tomb,  they  descended  to  the  glacis. 
As  they  climbed  the  pathway  leading  to  the  coast-guard 
station,  Andree  paused,  and  casting  a  look  upon  the  primitive 
mausoleum  which  stood  out  in  its  blackness  against  the  sea,  she 
murmm'ed :  ''  Good-by !  " 

Then  taking  her  husband's  arm,  she  drew  him  along  the 
pathway  toward  the  boat,  which  was  waiting  to  take  them  back 
to  their  villa  of  endless  love. 


Na2TA  sold  her  remaining  fine  linen,  together  with  her  last 
dresses  and  pawn  tickets,  to  La  Saint  Am  and,  for  a  few  thou- 
sand francs,  and  installed  herself  at  a  lodging-house  in  Rue 
Lafayette.  She  had  a  bedroom  and  a  dressing-room  for  eighty 
francs  a  month,  and  paid  an  additional  hundred  for  a  copious 
dinner,  which  was  served  her  every  evening.  She  usually  got 
up  at  four  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  and  eat  no  breakfast.  She 
did  not  trouble  to  invest  her  smaU  capital,  but  kept  it  by  her. 
She  scarcely  ever  went  out ;  indeed,  what  was  the  use  of  her 
doing  so  ? 

And  yet  life  clung  most  obstinately  to  her  harlot's  robust 
frame.  Her  muscles  became  hardened  for  the  strife,  and  her 
magnificent  constitution  battled  against  decrepitude,  preventing 
it  from  setting  hold  upon  her  flesh  and  tampering  with  the  fhm, 
round  contours  of  her  form.  The  sores  upon  her  face  had  by 
degrees  become  cicatrized.  Frightful  ugliness  had  taken  the 
place  of  her  once  marvelous  beauty,  but  her  physical  sufferings 
had  dimimshed;  still  she  often  felt  atrocious  neuralgic  pains, 
which  prevented  her  from  sleeping,  in  the  empty  orbits  of  her 
eyes.  The  finger  which  Vkginie  had  twisted  remained  inert. 
She  now  wore  her  hair  short  and  curly,  and  she  covered  her  face 
with  a  black- velvet  mask  whenever  she  went  out  at  the  close  of 
day  to  breathe  a  httle  fresh  air  in  the  Square  Montholon. 

The  frequenters  of  the  square  had  finished  by  knowing  who 
she  was,  but  she  was  habitually  called  "  the  masked  woman." 
She  had  a  strange  appearance,  as  she  passed  by,  phantom-like, 
with  a  mantilla  falling  over  her  eyes  and  half  concealing  her 

Nona's  Daughter  18. 


mask,  and  her  figure  draped  in  a  black  faille  dress,  the  lace 
skirt  of  which  she  still  held  up  with  haughty  grace.  She  was 
usually  accompanied  by  a  servant  from  the  lodging-house,  who 
took  her  to  a  seat,  and  returned  to  fetch  her  when  the  square 
was  shut  up  for  the  night.  Dm'ing  the  eariier  days,  her  appear- 
ance frightened  the  children  who  were  playing  in  the  pathways, 
but  they  soon  grew  accustomed  to  seeing  her.  Their  mothers 
and  nurses  had  learned  who  she  was :  a  kind  of  pity  surrounded 
her,  folks  drew  aside  from  her,  stopped  talking  when  she 
approached,  and  however  deserved  her  misfortune  may  have 
been,  they  carefully  refrained  from  laughing  in  the  presence  of 
this  human  ruin,  whose  gait  still  retained  much  of  the  majesty 
of  yore.  The  shopkeepers'  wives  who  met  in  the  little  square  to 
talk  about  their  private  affairs  and  slander  their  husbands, 
I)aused  in  their  cackle  to  whisper  one  to  another :  "  Do  you  see 
that  woman  in  black?    That's  Nana." 

Nana  I  The  name  roused  a  world  of  lascivious  fancies  and 
senseless  luxury  in  their  minds.  Nana,  'twas  a  royalty  overturned, 
a  queen  hurled  from  her  throne  by  the  revolution  of  virtue. 
Nana  ruined,  it  meant  the  end  of  the  orgy,  the  supreme  rout  of 
the  "mashers,"  the  bankruptcy  of  gilded  vice.  And  these 
women,  who  were  charitable  in  their  hearts,  thought  with  sad- 
dened commiseration  of  the  terrible  fate  of  this  flattered  empress 
of  beauty  who  in  less  than  a  year  had  become  a  poor,  hideous, 
blind  invalid,  reduced  to  begging  a  lodging-house  servant  to  give 
her  his  arm  so  that  she  might  breathe  a  little  dusty  air  in  the 
noisy  shade  and  turbulent  gaiety  of  a  public  square. 

One  morning  at  six  o'clock  Nana  was  awakened  by  the  report 
of  artillery.  In  the  passage  outside  her  room  the  servant  was 
cleaning  the  boots  of  some  women  who  lived  on  the  same  floor 
as  herself,  so  the  ex-courtesan  sprang  out  of  bed  and  set  the  door 
ajar.  ''What  is  the  matter?"  she  asked.  "Why  are  they 
firing  cannons  ?  " 

"  Why  it's  the  fete  of  the  Repubhc  to-day,"  replied  the  serv- 
ant.   "It's  the  14th  July." 

"  Long  live  the  Emperor  I "  cried  three  or  four  girls  who  were 
dressing  in  their  rooms  with  the  doors  open. 

"  Just  shut  up  1  "  said  the  servant.  "  You'll  be  bringing  up 
the  police. " 

This  mention  of  the  police  alarmed  the  women  and  they  at 
once  closed  their  doors.  Nana  went  to  bed  again  and  fell  asleep. 
She  had  a  frightful  dream.  She  saw  D'Albigny  before  her  in  a 
convict's  costume,  with  a  green  cap  on  his  head  and  a  chain,  by 
which  he  dragged  a  cannon-ball,  around  his  ankle.  He  re- 
proached her  for  having  betrayed  him  and  having  caused  his 
condemnation.  And  springing  upon  her  ho  suddenly  threw  her 
down  and  fastened  her  to  her  old  bedstead  under  the  outspread 
wings  of  the  eagle  in  massive  silver.    Then  aroimd  the  coucli 

nana's  daughter.  283 

where  so  many  fortunes  had  evaporated  ho  heaped  up  any  num- 
ber of  hice  skirts,  silken  lobes  and  satin  curtains  like  a  funeral 
pile  which  ho  set  on  fire.  And  thereujjon  ho  went  off,  abandon- 
mg  her  to  her  fate.  Sho  could  distinguish  the  soimd  of  his 
footsteps  and  the  rolling  noise  of  the  heavy  ball  which  he  dragged 
over  the  floor  behind  his  heel.  The  flames  arose  around  her, 
sho  could  see  the  eagle  soften  and  droop  its  head  over  her  face, 
pouring  tears  of  molten  silver  onto  her  eyes. 

The  noise  of  a  dispute  in  an  adjoining  room  at  last  delivered 
her  from  this  terrible  dream.  One  of  the  women  living  in  the 
house  was  fighting  with  a  chance  lover  who  was  wanting  to  go 
off  without  paying  his  score. 

Outside,  the  growing  hum  of  the  fete-day  crowd  was  rising  to 
Nana's  room.  Every  house  was  decked  with  flags  from  the  roof 
to  the  ground-floor  windows.  Each  side  of  the  street  was  bril- 
liant with  tri-color  bunting,  which  fluttered  in  the  gentle  breeze 
above  the  human  tide  flowing  toward  the  boulevards.  Stands 
were  being  erected  here  and  there  for  out-door  concerts.  Girls 
were  decking  their  hair  with  tri-color  ribbons,  and  men  wore 
commemorative  metals  suspended  by  tri-color  favors  from  their 
button-holes.  A  joyous  fraternity  reigned  among  the  workpeople 
in  Sunday  clothes,  who,  jostling  each  other  in  friendly  fashion, 
drew  aside  to  let  little  children  pass  along.  The  warmth  of 
vltaUty  brought  the  blood  to  the  young  women's  faces.  There 
was  a  serene  gleam  upon  every  brow^  and  the  quiet  crowd 
marched  along  elbow  to  elbow,  confident  m  its  peacoful  strength. 

At  the  approach  of  evening  the  popular  enthusiasm  increased. 

The  houses  were  illuminated,  the  fairy-like  glow  of  a  universal 
coruscation  arose  on  every  side,  and  from  each  culminating  point 
the  fire-works  shone  out  amid  the  night.  Bouquets  of  fusees 
streamed  from  the  sky  in  ruby,  emerald  and  golden  rain.  And 
through  the  illuminated  expanse  patriotic  refrains  vibrated.  The 
Marseillaise  and  the  Chant  du  Depart,  sung  in  chorus  by  com- 
pact masses  of  people,  rose  amid  the  constellated  friezes  of  tho 
pubUc  buildings,  amid  all  the  domes  and  spires,  the  pavilions  of 
the  Louvre,  the  square  towers  of  Notre  Dame,  the  round  ones 
of  Saint  Sulpico,  and  the  radiant  colonnades  of  the  flat-roofed 
Grecian  temples. 

There  was  no  disorder,  no  hostility  among  the  crowd.  Proof 
of  joyous  peacefulness  was  furnished  by  the  general  politeness, 
the  truly  French  urbanity,  the  generous  respect  which  was 
shown  for  women  and  children,  in  the  one  desire  to  invest  the 
fete  with  popular  dignity  and  Gallic  merriment.  Housewives, 
clad  in  their  hohday  clothes,  followed  their  husbands,  leading 
such  of  their  children  as  could  walk  by  the  hands.  Fathers  car- 
ried their  younger  offspring  on  their  shoulders,  and  the  delighted 
urchins  clapped  their  Uttle  hands  right  heartily  when  parties  of 

284  nana's  daughter. 

young  men,  with   flags  unfurled,  marclied  past   singing  tne 

The  Marseillaise!  You  could  hear  it  soaring  everywhere,  like 
some  free  bird  in  lofty  flight.  It  burst  forth  at  times  on  the 
Place  de  la  Bastille,  and  following  the  Boulevards,  hke  a  train 
of  powder  which  rent  the  air ;  it  arose  on  the  Place  de  la  Con- 
corde, and  re-echoed  along  the  Champs  Elyss6s  as  far  as  the 
Arc  de  Triomphe.  "  Come,  children  of  your  country,  come  I  " 
sang  the  crowd ;  "  the  day  of  glory  has  arrived !  " 

And  the  grand  hymn  ascended,  in  a  formidable  crescendo 
under  the  cupola  of  heaven.  And  it  was  not  fratricidal  war  that 
the  people  celebrated  with  its  generous  lungs :  it  was  universal 
hberty  and  fraternity,  the  proud  declaration  of  faith  in  approach- 
ing justice,  the  pacific  emancipation  of  a  generation  in  travail  of 
the  future,  the  love  of  peace  —  not  of  peace  at  any  price,  but  of 
proud,  dignified  peace,  defended,  if  needs  be,  to  the  death  by 
this  million  of  men  I 

Nana  wished  to  go  out,  and  rang  for  the  servant  to  accompany 
her.  But  a  holiday  had  been  given  him,  and  so  she  went  out 
'  alone.  She  wandered  about,  gloomy,  disdainful  and  spiteful 
amid  the  general  joy.  She  did  not  understand  aught  of  the 
popular  merriment,  and  so,  having  been  shghtly  pushed  against 
by  a  party  of  young  workmen — who  were  singing,  as  they 
marched  along  at  double  quick — she  turned  her  masked  face 
toward  them  and  cried :  "  You  set  of  blackguards !  " 

They  stopped  short  on  hearing  this  insult,  and  surrounded 
the  masked  harlot,  more  disposed  to  laugh  at  her,  however, 
than  to  insult  her;  and  then,  joining  hands,  they  danced  around 
her.  Wlien  they  had  finished,  they  requested  her  to  take  off 
her  mask.  They  all  wanted  to  kiss  her,  to  revenge  themselves 
for  the  epithet  which  she  had  bestowed  upon  them.  But  she 
resisted,  defending  herself  with  all  her  wild  beast's  strength 
against  these  young  fellows,  in  blouses  smelling  of  sweat. 

"  Take  off  her  mask  1  It's  perhaps  the  Empress  1  "  sneered  a 

"  Yes,  that's  it.  Take  off  her  mask — no  masks  here  I  Every 
one  must  show  his  face.  Why  does  she  hide  hers? — to  insult 
the  people  ?  " 

Thereupon,  a  young  fellow  of  fifteen,  who  was  more  agile 
than  the  others,  caught  hold  of  the  mask  by  the  nose  and  tore 
it  off.  And  suddenly — like  the  face  of  a  leper  amid  some 
festival  of  the  middle  ages  —  Nana's  hideous  countenance 
appeared  in  the  light  of  the  girandoles,  amid  the  magical  glow 
cf  the  fete,  the  popular  joy,  and  GalUc  merriment. 

"  You  are  a  set  of  cowards  to  insult  a  blind  woman  I  "  she 
cried,  in  her  rasping  voice,  which  vibrated  with  rage  at  having 
been  thus  publicly  uiimasked  in  her  utter  hideousoesa.    **  YWf 

nana's  daughter.  285 

you  are  all  cowards ! "  she  repeated ;  "  and  tlie  proof  of  it  is 
that  not  one  of  you  will  dare  to  kiss  me  now !  " 

There  was  a  spell  of  deep  silence,  and  then  the  young  follows, 
somewhat  confused,  and  sorry  for  having  brought  this  humilia- 
tion upon  a  stranger,  approached  Nana  and  apologized.  One  of 
them  offered  to  fasten  her  mask  again,  but  no  one  accepted  her 

"  Well,  do  you  know  my  name,  you  who  have  just  asked  for 
my  forgiveness  ?  "  she  asked. 

"  No  matter  who  you  may  be,  madame,  pray  go  home  quietly. 
If  you  are  willing,  wo  wUl  take  you  there. " 

"  Thanks,  but  I  have  no  further  need  of  men  where  I  reside — 
I  Uve  alone  1  I  was  born  in  dirt,  vice  was  my  father,  and  shame 
my  mother ;  and  that  is  why  I  had  a  palace  a  year  ago  while 
you  were  starving  of  hunger,  you  pack  of  fools  1  Would  you 
like  to  know  who  I  am,  you  fellows  who  refuse  to  kiss  me  ?  I 
am  a  woman  whose  kiss  was  worth  a,  million  but  a  few  months 
ago !    I  am  Nana !  " 

At  sight  of  this  haughty  expiation  the  crowd  was  stupefied. 
Nana  was  allowed  to  go  off  alone.  Popular  generosity  protected 
her  misery  in  silk  attire.  "  Ah  1  yes,  go  off,  poor  girl, "  muttered 
an  old  man  who  had  stopped  to  look  at  the  scene ;  and  the 
ex-harlot  disappeared  through  the  crowd  at  the  comer  of  the 
Rue  Lafayette  and  the  Boulevard  Haussmann.  Hereabouts  the 
branches  of  the  trees  were  hghted  up,  stalls  and  lotteries 
sohcited  the  attention  of  passers-by,  and  at  one  end  an  open-air 
orchestra  was  playing  a  waltz,  which  several  young  swells  in 
evening  dress,  and  ofl&cers  in  uniform  were  dancing  with  some 
pretty  work-girls,  duly  proud  of  the  'Dnor. 

Nana  foUowed  the  foot-pavement,  keeping  close  to  the  houses, 
and  guiding  herself  with  the  tip  of  her  parasol,  with  which  she 
touched  the  walls.  And  at  times  she  thought  of  her  old  fetes, 
of  the  fragrance  exhaled  by  her  perfume  burners  during  her 
nights  of  orgy,  of  her  golden  lamps  encrusted  with  precious 
stones,  of  her  boudoir  mantelshelf  in  rock  crystal,  bearing  her 
initials  in  sUver,  surmounted  by  a  topaz  crown.  She  could 
again  see,  in  her  mind's  eye,  her  various  lackeys,  her  negroes, 
and  her  gorilla,  the  poor  Yorick  who  had  been  murdered  whUe 
defending  her  against  some  betrayed  lover.  She  would  have 
given  all  of  the  bitter,  horrible  hfe  of  abandonment  that 
remained  to  her  for  another  hour  of  that  maddening  existence 
amid  her  courtiers  in  the  luminous  splendor  of  the  incessant  fete 
and  the  lasciviency  of  night-time.  Lust  I  She  was  maddened 
by  the  contempt  of  those  proletarians  who  had  disdained  her 
insidts,  and  (shirked  her  challenge.  Once  more  did  her  blood 
flow  feverishly  in  her  veins,  and  through  her  whole  being 
coursed  shivers  of  desire,  vague  at  first,  but  growing  more 
precise  as  she  reahzed  that  even  man,  despite  his  bestiality,  was 

286  nana's  daughter. 

disgusted  with  her,  and  shrank  from  her.  Once  more  did  pas- 
sion burn  her  flesh,  heated  by  the  breath  of  youth  still  tarrying 
in  her  mutilated  frame,  which  henceforth  could  only  inspire 
physical  horror  and  contempt  1 

And  Nana  began  to  regret  the  pleasures  of  the  past.  She 
wandered  amid  the  crowd,  happy  to  feel  herself  pushed  against, 
pressed,  and  carried  along;  she  followed  the  human  tide, 
listened  to  the  ardent  flight  of  the  Marseillaise  along  the 
Boulevards,  and  to  the  brass  instruments  which  here  and  there 
were  playing  popular  waltzes  and  polkas  for  merry-makiug 

At  the  end  of  the  Boulevard  Haussmann  she  turned  down  the 
Rue  Taitbout,  and  then  mechanically,  without  knowing  where 
she  was  going,  she  again  took  the  Kue  Lafayette,  and  followed 
it  to  the  Rue  de  Provence.  By  a  sudden  transition  she  found 
herself  in  a  deserted  street,  where  the  noise  of  the  fete  barely 
penetrated.  She  had  no  idea  where  she  was,  and  as  nobody 
passed  along,  it  was  impossible  for  her  to  ask  her  way.  So  she 
went  on,  walking  straight  before  her,  tapping  the  walls  with 
her  parasol.  Her  pace  was  almost  swift,  for  she  was  carried  on 
by  her  old  audacity  and  carelessness  of  peril,  and  by  the  sensual 
madness  which  was  lashing  her  blood  and  her  nerves.  Sud- 
denly, however,  she  stumbled  against  what  seemed  to  her  to  be 
a  long  pole  stretched  horizontally  across  the  footway  at  the 
height  of  her  waist.  This  pole,  which  was  badly  secured,  gave 
way  at  one  end,  and  Nana,  thrown  forward,  stretched  out  her 
arms  to  clutch  at  something  that  might  save  her  from  falling. 
But  she  felt  that  she  was  descending.  Where  ?  She  could  not 
tell.  The  pole,  which  the  weight  of  her  body  had  imfastened, 
was  hanging  down,  and  as  she  fell  with  outstretched  arms,  she 
succeeded  in  grasping  it,  and  remained  clinging  by  both  hands 
above  an  unknown  depth !  What  danger  threatened  her  ?  She 
knew  not.  She  only  reahzed  that  there  was  empty  space  imder 
her  feet,  and  silence  above  her  head. 

The  distant  noise  of  the  fete,  with  its  shouts,  songs  and  music, 
was  wafted  to  her  at  intervals.     "  Help !  help  !  "  she  cried. 

A  window  opened,  and  the  courtesan  called  still  more  loudly. 
Then  the  window  closed  again.  No  doubt  some  one  was  coming 
to  help  her.  She  almost  reproached  herself  for  the  sudden  fright 
and  weakness  which  the  surprise  of  this  fall  had  caused  her. 
She  waited  impatiently.  So  far  as  she  could  calculate,  it  seemed 
to  her  that  the  window  which  had  been  opened  was  on  the  sec- 
ond floor.  Her  rescuerwould  need  the  time  to  come  down-stairs 
and  rouse  the  porter  of  the  house.  She  counted  mentally:  "  One 
minute  to  come  down,  one  minute  to  wake  the  porter,  two  more 
to  pull  me  out.  Let  us  say  five  minutes  in  all  —  in  five  minutes 
I  shall  be  saved." 

At  this  moment  she  did  not  feel  the  slightest  doubt  of  being 


rescued ;  but  she  soon  began  to  grow  tired,  and  tried,  by  tlio 
mere  strength  of  her  wrists,  to  approach  the  edge  of  the  exca- 
vation. She  succeeded  in  doing  so,  despite  the  pain  which  the 
broken  finger  caused  her ;  and  she  felt  a  vertical  surface  against 
her  knee.  The  pavemen  and  the  orifice  of  the  cavity  into  which 
lassitude  was  already  drawing  her,  were  situated  just  above  her 
head.  She  realized  that  salvation  was  there,  close  by.  If  some 
one  merely  came  and  held  her  his  hand,  she  would  be  easily 
helped  up  to  the  street  again.  But  what  could  that  person  up- 
stairs be  thinking  of?  She  had  been  waiting  for  more  than  five 
minutes  already.  Perhaps  the  house-porter  was  asleep,  and 
woukhi't  open  the  door.  At  this  thought  she  cried  out  again. 
**  Help  !  help  !  "  she  called,  in  a  voice  which  was  strangled  by 
growing  fright. 

What !  did  no  one  pass  along  this  infernal  street  ?  She  tried 
to  raise  herself  up  by  her  arms,  leaning  against  one  side 
of  the  excavation.  She  grazed  her  knees  against  the  stone-work 
in  the  efibrt,  but  she  was  unable  to  raise  her  body.  Her  fingers 
were  becoming  paralyzed.  Inertness  was  stealing  over  her.  If 
she  had  only  been  able  to  use  her  right  hand  freely  she  would 
certainly  have  managed  to  escape  from  this  situation ;  but  the 
pain  which  her  broken  finger  caused  her  was  becoming  insup- 
portable. She  felt  dizzy.  A  fatal  helplessness  was  seizing  hold 
of  her.  If  she  could  only  succeed  in  sustaining  herself  hori- 
zontally by  both  knees  to  the  pole  she  clung  to !  She  made  a 
supreme  efibrt,  hanging  in  space,  clinging  first  by  one  foot,  then 
by  the  other,  and  then  by  her  knees.  She  remained  thus, 
clutching  the  pole,  the  rough  surface  of  which  had  badly  grazed 
her  hands. 

At  this  moment  some  one  ran  along  the  other  side  of  the  street. 
"  Help  !  help !    Pray  help  me  to  get  out  of  here  !  "  begged  Nana. 

The  footsteps  ceased.  The  man  who  had  been  running  had 
evidently  heard  her. 

'  Help  !  help !  "  she  cried  again. 

But  a  voice  replied :  "  You  want  to  catch  me,  you  joker,  do 
you  ?  Don't  try  it  on  with  me !  "  and  the  man  then  ran  off  again, 
the  sound  of  his  footsteps  dying  away  far  down  the  street. 

However,  Nana  could  not  possibly  remain  all  night  in  this 
trying  situation.  She  felt  a  sharp  pain  down  her  back  and  at 
the  nape  of  her  neck.  There  was  a  ringing  in  her  ears,  her 
numbed  fingers  began  to  slip,  and  suddenly  she  relaxed  her 
hold,  and  remained  hanging  by  her  legs,  with  her  head  down- 
ward, and  her  mouth  gagged,  so  to  say,  by  her  skirts,  which 
fell  over  her  face,  stifiing  her  last  cries. 

The  consciousness  that  she  would  be  unable  to  escape  from 
this  frightful  yet  grotesque  position  abruptly  dawned  upon  her 
mind.  She,  the  harlot,  was  seized  with  abominable  despair, 
"^th  a  wild  longing  to  five,  and  an  intense  fear  of  death. 


And  still  no  one  came !  The  attractive  scene  on  the  grand 
boulevards  had  cleared  the  little  streets. 

Congestion  was  gaining  her  brain,  and  it  suddenly  seemed  to 
her  as  if  all  the  blood  in  her  body  was  raining  into  her  skuU  in 
a  burning  flood.  Then  vertigo  mastered  her,  and  she  let  herself 
faU !  Had  it  not  been  for  the  skirts  hanging  down  below  her 
head  she  would  have  broken  her  skull  against  the  bottom  of  the 
pit  into  which  she  was  precipitated.  For  a  moment  she 
remained  half  stunned,  conscious  of  her  condition,  but  without 
the  strength  to  rise  again.  Her  moans  were  stifled  by  the  silk 
folds  enveloping  her  face,  and  she  lay  there  on  her  stomach, 
wallowing,  as  it  were  in  filthy  slime. 

She  now  realized  where  she  was :  She  had  fallen  into  a  sewer 
which  was  being  repaired.  She  could  feel  on  her  flesh  the 
dampness  of  greasy  mud,  in  which  the  vermin  of  filth  were 

At  this  moment  the  rain  began  to  fall  through  the  aperture 
in  the  vault  above  her.  The  cold  set  it's  grip  on  her  limbs  and 
penetrated  to  her  blood  and  the  marrow  of  her  bones.  She 

By  an  ironical  contrast  the  memory  of  her  life  of  mad  enjoy- 
ment returned  to  her.  She  thought  of  the  time  when  men  fought 
for  her,  when  Stog  died  amid  one  of  her  fetes,  when  Mulhausen 
ruined  himself,  when  the  rajah  hghted  her  candelabra  with  bank 
notes,  and  when  the  old  king  who  had  become  her  jester, 
squandered  his  subjects'  money  to  amuse  her.  Ah !  in  those 
days  everyone  stopped  to  look  at  her,  and  the  greatest  lords, 
proudly  erect  on  their  spirited  horses,  besought  the  honor  of 
escorting  her  when  she  drove  up  the  Champs  Elysees  in  her 
blue,  silver-moimted  landau,  bearing  her  coroneted  initial.  Of 
an  evening  when  she  went  to  the  theatre  the  whole  house  rose 
up;  every  opera  glass  was  turned  upon  her  in  admiration;  her 
eyes  glanced  round  the  boxes,  and  with  a  careless  gesture  she 
acknowledged  the  homage  of  her  courtiers,  who  fi'om  afar  bent 
their  bare  heads  before  her  diadem  of  brilliants.  And  the  sup- 
pers !  And  the  nights  of  ruinous  folly,  of  which  all  Europe 
knew  the  legend!  What  had  become  of  that  unheard-of  dream 
of  triumphant  opulence?  Where  had  it  gone,  her  reign  of  lust? 
Was  it  all  to  finish  like  this  ?  She  had  once  crushed  the  people 
with  her  insolence ;  and  now,  on  the  night  of  this  popular  fete, 
while  she  was  drowning  amid  the  dregs  of  the  great  city,  the 
crowd  danced  above  the  tomb  in  which  she  agonized. 

Nana  —  'twas  the  rottenness  of  enervated  generations,  flowing 
through  the  stinking  quagmire;  her  chastisements  'twas  the 
revenge  of  vu-tuous  women  over  insolent  debauchery  and  tri- 
umphant \1ce !  She  could  still  hear  far  away,  outside,  the  joy- 
ous hum  and  shouting,  the  smging,  and  still  the  same  waltz  to 


which  the  dancers  raised  their  feet  while  she  was  gasping  for 

She  suddenly  felt  a  sensation  of  viscous  cold  on  the  soles  of 
her  feet.  Thick  filth  was  rising  along  her  legs  and  hips,  gUding 
under  her  belly,  crawling  between  her  titties,  licking  her  throat, 
entering  her  mouth  between  her  clinched  teeth,  penetrating 
into  the  empty  orbits  of  her  eyes,  through  her  eyelids  parted  by 
sudden  fright,  and  flowing  into  her  nasal  apertures  —  every- 
where! everywhere!  She  wanted  to  cry  out  but  the  filth 
rushed  into  her  throat,  stifling  her  voice.  And  this  glue-like 
mud,  rising  aU  around,  at  last  submerged  her.  She  felt  herself 
impelled  along,  knocking  against  the  slimy  walls,  drawn  down  a 
slope,  as  it  were,  with  her  whole  body  immersed  in  the  slough 
of  pollution. 

She  was  seized  with  rage.  She  revolted  against  this  odious 
fetid  death,  and  for  one  moment  she  regained  her  strength. 
Raising  herself  on  her  knees,  with  the  water  to  her  waist,  as  she 
remained  in  this  attitude  of  humility,  she  drew  her  skirts 
impregnated  with  filth  from  her  face  and  called  aloud.  Her 
cries  were  re-echoed  under  the  arched  roof  in  muffled  sonority. 
Then  she  drew  herself  up  against  the  wall,  stretching  out  her 
arms  under  the  low  vault.  On  the  left-hand  side  a  dull  noise,  a 
long  murmur  of  human  voices  descended  by  an  aperture,  from 
which  some  water  was  flowing.  A  gutter  there  communicated 
with  the  sewer. 

Despite  the  rain,  despite  the  storm,  the  dancing  continued 
outside,  and  the  patriotic  refrains  still  rose  amid  the  night. 
The  water  also  was  now  rising  in  the  sewer  less  thick  and  dirty, 
but  more  swiftly  and  terribly.  Nana  could  no  longer  struggle. 
Despite  her  resistance  she  felt  herself  dragged  down  the  slope, 
and  the  current  lifted  her  off  her  legs.  Near  the  sewer  flue  she 
tried  to  stop  and  call  for  help,  but  she  received  the  shower-bath 
from  the  street  full  in  the  face,  and  rolled  away  again  with  the 
current,  crushed  by  the  weight  of  the  water,  mingled  with  refuse 
and  excrements.  At  last  she  raised  herself  once  more,  and 
clung  despairingly  with  both  hands  to  an  arch  above  her.  AU 
the  force  of  the  torrent  was  then  directed  upon  her  loins,  with  a 
power  that  increased  as  her  own  strength  diminished. 

She  was  seized  with  abominable  despair,  a  furious,  madden- 
ing desire  to  live  I  Alone,  buried  ahve,  almost  stifled  by  the 
vile  effluvia  which  passed  along  this  putrid  passage,  she  now 
thought  with  indescribable  regret  of  the  last  weeks  of  her  hfe, 
of  the  lodging-house,  of  the  women  who  had  slept  near  her,  and 
whose  disputes  at  night  time  had  so  often  disturbed  her,  of  the 
servant  who  had  so  often  taken  her  to  the  square.  Then  at 
one  bound  she  went  back  to  the  first  year  of  her  licentiousness, 
and  tried  to  remember  her  first  lover.  But  so  many  others  had 
swept  his  lineaments  from  her  memory.    Of  all  those  who  had 

290  nana's  daughter. 

held  her  in  their  arms,  none  appeared  to  her  but  Luc,  whose 
pale  ashy  face  now  suddenly  rose  up  amid  her  night  of  agony. 
In  her  feverish  fancy  he  appeared  to  her  with  his  fantastically 
lean  figure,  and  his  floured  clown's  face,  as  she  had  seen  him  at 
St.  Cloud. 

Then  through  the  darkness,  in  a  voice  which  was  broken  by 
anguish  she  cried :  "  Luc,  come  and  save  me,  come,  my  httle 
Luc  !  Help  me  out  of  here.  To  die  such  a  death  —  Ah !  it's 
frightful  —  for  a  woman  like  me!  " 

Delirium  made  her  temples  throb.  Amid  the  subterranean 
roar  of  the  water  faUing  from  the  street,  she  thought  she  could 
detect  the  sound  of  a  voice,  which  answered  her  with  the  old 
clown's  nasal  twang:  "It  is  thy  death,  yes,  thy  death,  thou 
harlot !  Thou  art  fallen  where  all  strumpets  of  thy  kind  must 
fall !  Go,  roll,  roll  away  to  the  river,  wash  thyself,  my  girl, 
wash  thyself!  " 

"  But  no!  I  will  not  die,  I  won't,  I  won't " 

Then  in  her  fright  she  began  to  shriek  imder  the  vault ;  and 
although  she  still  instinctively  tried  to  restrain  herself,  the  last 
convulsion  was  near  at  hand,  and  madness  abruptly  burst  forth 
in  her  brain.  "  Virginie!  Virginie!  "  she  suddenly  roared,  "  my 
bath  is  too  cold.     I  dismiss  you !  " 

Her  arms  were  growing  weaker  and  weaker.  The  current 
had  reached  her  shoulders,  and  the  weight  of  the  water  was 
breaking  her  back.  She  bent,  conquered,  and  rolled  away 
amid  the  floating  filth,  while  upon  her,  from  the  apertures 
above,  there  poured  all  the  spittles  of  the  streets,  the  slime  of 
the  boulevards,  the  slops  of  the  city,  the  scourings  of  every 
shame,  and  the  vomits  of  orgies  which  she  swallowed  until  suf- 
focation and  then  spat  forth  again  with  blood  I 

She  sank  to  the  bottom,  and  rose  again  further  off — DEAD  ! 

And  her  body  continued  rolUng  onward,  black  with  slime, 
swollen  with  mud,  tm'ning  hideous  somersaults  amid  the  whirl- 
pools in  the  Uvid  light  which  fell  fi'om  the  orifices  above. 

