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NASA Technical Memorandum 103885 


F. / / ^ 

Human-Centered Aircraft 
Automation: A Concept 
and Guideilnes 

Charies E. Billings 


..- \ "' 

\ \'- 

August 1991 

Quick Release - This Technical Memorandum is 
a preliminary, unedited report. It is being released 
in this format to quickly provide the research 
community with important information. 


Natonai Aeronautics and 
Space Administration 

NASA Technical Memorandum 103885 

Human-Centered Aircraft 
Automation: A Concept 
and Guidelines 

Charles E. Billings. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 

August 1991 


National Aeronautics and 
Space Administration 

Ames Research Center 

Moffett Field, California 94035-1000 





aU o?S,e^ir^Wn'^d^SSVsr^^^^ Space does not pcnnit acknowledging 

ir^o^^n>onitS^Ms^X^%c^Lhi?.^i:'' T^'^^ m formulating the conclptf 
time to review the fust^^ffJZ^M^^^i^^^f^^^ specifically those who took (he 
and review of the second draT^^^^^SJ^i^i*^^ who assisted in the prepamtion 

Dr- Kevin Corker 
William W. Edmunds, Jr. 
Dr. Richard Gabriel 
E. James Hartzell 
Charles S. Hynes 
Dr. James Jenkins 
Dr. John K. Lauber 
George Lyddane 
Dr. Evercn Palmer 
Ussa Price 
Ronald Rogers 
Dr. William Rogers 
William Russell 
Dr. Thomas B. Sheridan 
Dr. Michael Shafio 
Harty G. StoU 
Dr. David Woods 

NASA Langley Research Center 

NASA Ames Research Cfenter 

Air Line Pilots Associati<Mi 

Boeing Commercial Aiiplanc Group 

Douglas Aircraft Company 

NASA Ames Research Center 

NASA Ames Research Center 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration 

Nanonal TranspOTtation Safety Board 

Federal Aviation Administration 

-NASA Ames Research Center 

Sterling Software, Inc. 

Air Line Pilots Association 

Bolt, Baianek and Newman 

Air Transpon Associaticm of America 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

NASA Ames Research Ctnter 

Boeing Commercial Aiiplane Group 

Ohio State University 

Tran^"AsSSi'y"/^.'L^J!L^;Siir^i'i*^^ "■'^ T«k Force of .he Air 








Assumptions arid Dctinitions 
The Piloting Dcunain 




Development of Pilot Aiding Devices 
A Ccmcept of Huinan-Centcied Autcmiation 
The Role of the Human in Highly Automated Systems 
Principles of Human-Centered Automaticxi 


Aircraft Functic»; s 
Mission Functions 
The Tasks of the Pilot 

Control Automaticm 

Flight path oKitrol 

Power control 

Landing gear 

Aircraft subsystems 
Discussion of Control Automation 

Flight path ccmool 

EiTor resistance and error tolerance 

Power control 

Aircraft subsystems 

Hie control-management continuum 
The Future of Control Automation 

Information Automation 

Flight path displays 

Power displays 

Configuration displays and alerting systems 

Subsystem displays 

Information displays 
I>iscussion of Information Automatic 

inight path displays 

Power displays 

Configuraticn displays and alerting systems 

Aircraft subsystem displays 

Monitoring of autonoaticm 
The Future of Infomudon Automati(Hi 

Electronic library systems 

Hlectnxiic checklists 

Air-ground digital CQmmui!ia!!icms 















Management Automadm 

TTic context of managenient auKKnation 

Flight management system functions 

Right management system controls 

Flight management system displays 
Discussion of M^agement Automation 

Flight management system operation 

Flight management system displays 
The Future of Management Autcxnation 




The Physical Environment 

The Opeiaticmal Environment 

The Human Operators 



System Goals 

Attributes of Aircraft Auttxnation 










Etrar resistance 

Error toterance 
Discussion of Kttributes 



Principles of Human-Centered Automation— General Guidelines 
Guidelines for Human-Centered Control Automaticm 
Guidelines for Human-Centered Information Autwnation 
Guidelines for Human-Centered Managenvnt Automation 

Some Thoughts on Aircraft Aatomation 

The use of artificial intdligence in future automation 
The effects of automation on human operators 
The flight criticality of aircraft automaticHi 


APPENDIX: Aircraft Mishaps Qted in Text 













I NiMJnnpmpisKHp^vpppHii 






























Elements of the piloting domain 

Pilot control and management continuum 

A brief chronology of aircraft automation 

Increasing complexity of aircraft autonTation 

A construct of aircraft automation 

First principles of human-centered aircraft autoi-nation 

Control and display loops 

Pilot information requirements 

Control automation 

Precision enroute and approach navigation aids: VOR and U.^ 

Dual-cue and single-cue flight directors 

Overhead panel of AC electiical system 

CRT synoptic display for system depicted in figure 12. 

ToucF sensitive screen switches on a CRT display 

A contmuum of aircraft control and management 

Infomiation auKHiiation 

Primary flight instruments 

Electronic primary flight display 

Pathway m the sky display 

Electromechanical navigation instruments 

Electronic map display 

Primary EICAS display 

Electronic display of flap-slat pc; iticms 

Flight control confifmaticm display 

Hydraulic system synoptic page 

Quick reference handbook checklist 

Simplified PFD presentatitxi 

Egine thrust parameters and trciMi 

Electronic display of switch position and function 

Araoimts of information presenicd by various electromechanical displays 

CRT displays of system information 

Hierarchy of subsystem displays 

Interaction of flight noanagement computer with other aircraft avionics 

Honeywell FMS cwitrol and display unit 

Control and display unit screen 

FMS mode screens 

Present and future options for management of air traffic 

Aircraft in the future system 

Tlie physical hazards ' 

Management of air traffic is shared 

The air traffic control syston 

Training is essential for uniformly effective performance 

Monitoring and control functions 

Accountability of autcnnation 

Subordination of automation 

Predictability of automaticm 

Adaptability of automation 

Comprehensibility of automation 

Flexibility of autcmaticni 

E>ependability of autCKiiation 

Infonaativcness of autcmiation 

Error resistance of autcxnaticKi 

Error tc^eiance of automation 






















































^^rff.v^^r appropriate, acronyms and abbreviations used herein conform to FAA-approved 
acronyms as used in t/ic Airman's Information Manuai and other nrgulatory and advisow maten^ 

SS^Si^c^ST'^'^'""^ "^^' ^°^ ^°^^'^ ^^^'^ 'y specificnnanu^facturersrrn"p?c';& 
































Abbreviation for "aircraft". 

ARINC (^0 Communications and Address Reporting System 

^^^^Jl^^'T,^'^'^^''i^''''h ^' ^^^'^ advanced ATC system concept 
AcronauttcaJ Radio. Incorporated, provides data forwaiding services for air carrien 
Aircraft System CoiitroUer(McDonneU-DouglasMD-ll) ^ ^"^ air earner. 

Airpo! t Surface Detection Equipment (radar) 

I^tl-:^ ^^ !fsxi^^i^'""^ ' ™"'"'"'y- -"M'™^ ■'■'"<^« -port"? 

Ceriral air data computer. 

Cathode ray tube. 

Cc ckpit voice rccoider. 

?i^fiJ^"""^ equipment, an element Ln the common navigation system. 
S^tion "'^^'^°" 'y^'^"^ "^"g "5^ of Doppler radar'to sen^ rate of change 

Engine Monitoring and Control System (lef 61) 
Engine and Alert Display (McDonneU-Douglas MD-1 1) 
Electronic Centraliad Aircraft Monitoring System (Airbus Indu 
.Electronic Engine Controller (Boeing 757/7671 

strisAHlO, A,320). 

I£xhaust gas temperature. 

ntSSi'"'¥-''*^°° ^"^^"^ ^^"^^^ ^y*^™ <^°^"^g 757/767, 747-4(». 777) 

wSS^on'So^;^!^"" ''"''^' "^"^"^ '"^ ^"^^^ ^"'^ Development in 

Abbreviation for 'flight plan". 
Federal Aviation Administration. 
Full audiority digitfil engine controller. 
Flight miaTiageineniL computer. 
Flight management system. 

Global positioning system, a satellite-based navigation system 
Orcund proximity warning system. 

Prli^ji^P*"' *? ''^^''''} P*^ generated by a surface transmitter for instrument 
approaches; an element of the instrument landing system. msmiment 

Horizontal situation indicator, either electromechanical or glass cockpit display. 

Instmmem landing system, consisting of localizer and glide slope transmitters on the 
f^Z ^"^/"^ "^ *^^** ^ *PP«>^h conducted using II.S k^idancr 
Aobreviation for "intersecrion", a waypoint in a navigation plar/ ^''^''''- 

















Inertia! navigation system, an airborne system of gyroscopes sjid accelcrometers tha^t 
keeps track of aircraft movcn^nt in thiee spatial axe5*. 

Instantaneous vertical speed indicator, an electromechanical irstniment using air data 
quickened bjr acceleration data; also the display of such information on a primary flight 
display in a glass cockpit aircraft. 

Royal Dutch Airlines. 

Load Alleviation Function (Airbus Industrie A320), automation that acts on wing 

contrcl surfaces to smooth the effect of gusts in flight 

Liquid crystal display. 

Localizer, a surface transmitter that delineates a patli to an instrument runway; a 

component of the ILS. Also, the path so delineated. 

Long-range navigation system, ^ound-bascd low-fiequency radio aids providing 

triangulaiion-based position derivation for aircraft and surface vehicles. 

Mode control panel: the tactical control panel for the autoflig it system; almost always 

located centrally at the top of the aircraft instrument panel 

MITRE Corporation, an engineering firm that conducts systems analyses and provides 

engineering technical support and guidance to the FAA, Department of Defense and 


Microwave landing system, a high-precision landing aid which provides the capability 

for curved as well as straight-in approaches to a runway, and conveys certain other 

advantages. The system if in advanced development and veriiicarion testing by FAA. 

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 
National Transportation Safety Board. 

Abbreviation for ''performance". 
Primarv' flight display, usually electronic. 

Quick reference handbook, a booklet containing aircraft operating procedures, 
especially abnormal and emergency procedures. 

Radio magnetic indicator, an electromechanical instrurocn! showing niagnetic heading 
and bearing to VOR or low frequency nonditectional radio bc£cons. 
Area navigation system, a generic acronym for any device wliich is capable of aircraft 
guidance between piiot-defmed waypoints. 

Scandinavian Airlines System. 

Standard instmrnent departure procedure. 

Standard arrival route, like SID, an FAA-approved arrival nouie and procedure. 

Traffic alen and collision avoid*aiCc system. 

Ultra-high frequency, a portion of the electromagnetic sp(?cti*um used for aeronautical 
communications and rtavigation. 

Very high frequency, a pt^rtion of the electromagnetic spctcn-um used for aeronautical 

comimunications and niivig^ation. 

Very high frequency Onanidirccnonal Range, a siorface radio navigation beacon 

transmitter which forms ihe core of the common short-range navigation system for 



TTie purposes of this document are to examine aircraft automation and its effects on the 
behavior ot tlight crejvs, and to propose guidelines for ;he design and use of automation in 
d-anspon aircraft, xn order to stimulate increased dialogue between desigTiers of airciaJ-t. autonSbon 
^"nTi'-^'^ aircraft operators and pilots. The goal is to explore the means bywSh aStlon 
con be made a more effective tool or resource for pilots without compromisingfand hopefuDv with 
an increase in. aviation system safety. Human error i^- the dominant cause of aircrat^accidents 
Most of these accidents are avoidable. The most imp. ;tart p-jrpose automation r^ sei^c is to 
make the aviation system more error resistant and more error toier£t. 

Automation at some level has been applied to aircraft since before World vvar I (ref 1 ) It has 
been ai^ invg^^uabie aid to pilots flying special missions from 1930 onward. On Juiv 24" 1933 the 

.„H 5«*^entercd automation principles incoiiioradng automated devices that assist in fUeht oath 

safely with a crew of two rather than three persons, jusi as the development of automated area 
im^ation systems (Doppler, INS, LORAN) had replaced the navigator «ome ye^ S^d 
oTK''S^fHen?'f-?'\'?""'"'''*"T"' had supplanted the radio operator still eiS^ ^e^^n 
f.. f,^ "^^"^ ' Task Force on Aircraft Crew Complement stated, "We believe that from^ 
airci^t systems stanapoim the level of safety achieved by the B-757, B-767. and A-310 St £ 
rXdi^*"'' '^^V^'' ^'J'''^"'^ ^" prcsenc-generation aircraft as a result of the irxrfased 
redundancy, rchabiuty and improved information that are to be provided the flignt crews Sroulh 
more extensive use of digital avionics and cathode ray tube (CRT) displays" (ref. 3) 

More recently, aircraft have been Lntroduc-ed v,iih fly-by-wire conu-ol systems incorooratine 
envelope protection that p.revents pilots from flying outside a predetemS mgh??J?e?oti 
advanced flight management systems that automate navigation arid fUght path rnaSge^m Td 
automatea suasystems irianagea, .nt computers that rebeve the crew of esseSy aTrouti^e 
subsystem managcmem tasks, indeed, the McDonnell-Douglas MD-1 1, now enlenng s^u:e 
reconfigures aircraft subsystems automatically after certain hafeware failures reducSsf^EhT^w 
mvolvememm subsystems management shU further (ref 4). The MD-11 alsoSimptf toifeMhe 
intentions of the pilots m cetain flight regimes and adjusts aircraft and enS DiTiiiJters 
mor^nc^ly to conform with .ec -mended'operating p.x.5edures for jlo" pb^fs of Sr^ 

a.SSSf J Z: XA"h'^' '^"' '""^ ''■ ■' """'" ^^'^^ "^^y incorporate electroni? libraries which idll 
automate much of the mioimanon uianagement now performed raanuaUy (ref. 5). 

Two-person, highly automated aircraft have been in service for ten years, during which time 
accident rates in United States air transport have remained level except for s^cuSvSonTr 
have declined The President's Task Force in 1981 commented that ''ihtTncJelSi use of 
autornanon on the DC-9-80 has led to a change in the number, but not the natoe of the^ks tha- 
^e pilot performs compared to the DC-9-50. The role of the pilot is unchange?^'(ref 3^ ^ere is' 
certainly no evidence that flying has become less safe since the introduction of Si v 
automated aircrait. and there is some evidence that safetv has unproved ??^at then i the 
protlem that motivates this document? And why, m the face of this safety record h^ ihe Ai^ 
Transport Associanon (ATA) of ,i^Tierica cited aircraft au-omation as the todenSnfm it^ 
Naaonai Plan to Enhance Aviatior -rv through Human Factors IinproveninS" (refT)^ 

Although accident rates have been stabJc or h^ve declined di'ring the past tM^-o decades, 
evaluation of individual accident and incident repom reveals two contrarv- trends. First, there has 
been a sharp decline in accidents caused by controlled flight into terrain (CFn) since the 
intioduction of ground proximity warning systems (GPWS) into transport aircraft in 1975 There 
's soiree evidence that CFTT accidents have been replaced by incidents mvohing "controlled flight 
toward terrain (ref. 7). but it appears that the Congicssionally-mandated introducdon of automated 
. 'rrain proxmuty sensors and alerting systems has been largely successful in preventing most 
accidents of this type in Aircraft of the nations that require GPWS. 

The success of GPWS has been one of several factors that has motivated the U.S Congress 
to require the installanon, dunng the next two years, of wind shear alerting devices and collision 
avoidance systems in transport aircraft (rcfs. 8 and 9). Like GPWS. these devices can detect 
conditions that may not be obvious to human pilots. Also like G?WS, these devices are advisory 
ju nature; they alen pilots to the presence of a problem, but do not perform avoidance maneuvers at 

There is a contrary trend, however. Several aircraft accidents and a larger number of incidents 
have been associated with, and in some cases appear to have been caused by. aircraft automation 
or. more accurately, by the mteraction between the human operators and the automation in the 
?f n ; P ?T* ^'^^^' ^?°"S ^^^ ^ Nonhwest MD-82 at Detroit (ref. 10) and a Delta B727 at 
uaiJas ^ref. 1 1 ), automated configuration warning devices failed or were rendered inoperative In 
T5?m?'5'' ^' ^«^°°^"^»<=o ^-10 on departure from Frankfun (ref. 12) and an Indian Airlines 
A320 landmg at Bangalore (ref 13), automation has operated in accordance with its design, but in 
a mode mcompatible with safe flight under paiticular circumstances. In stiU other cases, automated 
devices have not wmied, or flight crews have not detected, that the devices were operating at their 
limits, as m the China Airlines 747 accident offshore from San Francisco (ref 14) or were 
operanng unreUably, as in the SAS DC- 10 landing accident at New York (ref. 15). 

4ncr,l?*H^ from incident reports also suggest that automated information systems, originallv 
installed 25 backup devices for pUots. have become d^ facto primary alerting devices after ^liod^ 
of aependablc service. These devices were originally prescribed as a "second line of defense" to 
warn pilots when they had imssed a procedure or checklist item. Altitude alerting devices and 
configuration waromg devices are prime examples (ref 16). In the Nonhwest and l>:lta accidents 
mentioned abcve. the flight crews should have, but apparently did not, check the configuration of 
their aircraft before takeoff as dieir procedures required. The automated w^ing systems failed to 
warn them that they had not performed these checks. In these cases, the present of (and reliaia 
sS^«i b"^^' autoir^uon may have affected the mind-sets and behaviors of the pUots being 

Accidents and incidents associated wiLh or caused, in whole or in part, by automation 
constitute a new class of potentially preventable mishaps in transport aviation As such thev 
represent a new threat to safety, the paramount concern of the aviation industry. It is estimated that 
passenger enpianements wiU increase 75% by the turn of the centuiy (ref 17). It is not cnoueh to 
mauitam accident rates at a-ry non-zero level in die face of our current surge in air transport activity- 
the number of highly pubhcized. enormously expensive accidents will rise unless rates can te 
reduced fimher. It is for this reason that the ATA's National Plan stated that "During the 1970's 
and early 1980 s.. the concept of automating as much as possible was considered appropriate 
The expected benefits were a reduction in pilot woridoad and increased safety... Although many of 
these benefits have been realized, serious questions have arisen and incidents/at jidents have 
^ w!]^ ^ question the underlying assumption that the maximum available automation is 
.ALWAYS appropnate or that we understand how to design automated systems so that they arc fullv 
compatible with the capabilities and limitations of the humans in the system." 

th. iZJ.^ f ^^ ""^^ discussed spa:ific issues, and went on to say, "The fundamental concern L* 
the lack of a scientifically based philosophy of automation which describes the circumstances under 

which tasks arc appropriately allocated to the raachitie and'or the pilot." The nspon then defined an 
approach to this doiuain, which in large part has been the motivation for this document. 

To sumnnarizc: if there is a perceived probleni, tliere is probably a real problem Whether it is 
precisely the problev: that is perceived is often susceptible to analysis but may be of little 
importance m the lony ran. The aviation communiry clearly perceives that automation conveys 
important benefits, but it also perceives in automation a potential threat to air safety Most 
automation-relateo mishaps may be preventable, ji st as most accidents involving human factors are 
pTcwcnt&bie. We rous? therefore try by even- means at our command to prevent them. 

^ If automation is requLred, there must be an internally-consistent philosophy to govern i's 
JcsigTj ana apphcanon. Accident, incident (ref. 18), and field studv (rcf. 19) data indicate that tiie 
concerns of the aviation community (ref. 6) are well-founded— that automation conveys important 
benefits but that it can ^so pose new problems. We suggest a concept for a philosophy of human- 
ccntcnsd automanon and wiU attempt herein to define its elements in terms of what is taiown about 
numan behavior and air transpon operations. 

Tliis paper docs not purpon to be a designer's handbook. We have not attempted to cover in 
any detai] the mynao details of human factors engineering that detennine how a cockpit should be 
designed once a designer has determined what that cockpit should contain. Rather, we attempt to 
suggest quesuons diat should be answered before beginning the design of the automation suite for 
an advanced-technology aircraft. The report is aimed pi^marilv at three groups: cockpit designers 
purchaser of automated aL-craft and the pilots who must fly them in line operations. Thev are' 
bought of, respectively, as th^ creators, purchasers and end users of advanced aircraft automation 
10 be effective, automation must meet the legitimate needs and constraints of each of these groups. 

It is hoped that this document will provoke discussion within our community about what 
autoimnon should be hke in future aircraft: what roles automation should play in future aircraft 
how much authority it should have, how it will interact with the human operator, and what if any' 
roles should be reserved for the human. We draws exten.sively on the automation of today 
wathout m any sense intending to be critical of the enonnously capable aircraft now being flown 
safely m our aviation system. But the perfect design has never existed and probably never will- too 
many tradeoffs must De maoe m the course of the design process, and automation "design involves 
complex and imprecisely understood interactions between human cognition and sophisticated 
imormation processing machines. 

In tiie first section of tiiis paper we define some teniis, look briefly at the development of pilot 
aiding devices then present our concept of human-centered automation and of the role of the 
human in highly automated systems. In the second section we examine in more detail various 
kinds of aircratt automanon that have been used to date in an effon to discern what has worked 
wel , what has worked less well, and why. We also examine trends m automation that may be 
applied m aircraft in the near-term future in order to identify issues that may arise from us 
implementation. In the third section we look at the environment m which new automation will be 
introduced and used, and th; people who will use it, to determine factors that may interact 
favorably or unfavorably, with that automation. In the fourth section we review guidelines that 
have been proposed m the past and suggest desirable attributes for present and futi^ automation 
rhe final section is devoted to a more detailed discussion of suggested guidelines for the 
application of human-ceniered aircraft automation. An appendix provide.^ brief descriptions of 
aircraft imshaps cited in the text ^ 

The style of presentation is essentiaUy didactic, though we attempt to explain the basis for our 
conclusions- Automation is an an as much as a science, just as architecti're is an art as well as an 
engmeenng disciphnc. It cannot be approached from the standpoint of pure reason nor can we 
^^^,1^1'^'' of oeheving that there is but one best way to design, construct or even operate 
automated devices. Many elements ot this document arc therefore arguable, but we suggest thrt 

S^cSJSSdof ^^'"^ ''^''" **"" "^^ ^ '"^"^ '^"^ "' ''^°'''' '"^ ""^ «°*^ ^f effective, safe 

^,f;~^*^ ^^'^^.^""'^ '^^'^^ P^°?^" ^' 35 years of observing and working with pilots, operators air 
n-afnc controllers and a:rcraft manufacturers to try to build a safer nadona! aviation .V^tern It ^ 
hoped ihat this repon will be perceived as useful by the community whose ^u^dan^e and 
forbearance over a long period of time made its creation jissible. feu.aance and 

Charles E. Billings 
August, 1991 







Assumptions and Definitions 

!,. «,P^ ^;T^ '^'''^•^'■' ^^'■■^°" "^^^^ ^^'■'^^ '^^'^^ •" "s 1^89 report. "7/./.? p/fln aTvurr^. that 
human will continue to manage and direct the National AviationSysterr through the\Ta'r''20% 
Tne pilot ana the controller will both be mtegrai pans of the air and ground syS A u'ormtio^ 
lcS^£:^l^' '''''''' '' ^^"^^ ^"^ -^™--^ ^^ capabilUie^oAh^Sn^rn^;^"- 

nr-,j!",t"^5''"' ^' "''''^.^«!?i"' ^^fers to "fl r>5/e/« or method in which many of the processes of 
aevices etc. He.e, our concern is witft aircraft automation specifically, though ve will di<;ri,cc 

because the curcraft is the device managed or controlled in the aviation system reeard'e« nf hrvi^ 
that conttol IS exercised or where the locus of control may be. Even ?emS:cXolSl Jr^Z 
tnust su^l be controlled or managed by a pilot; the automation through wS?f ^e Si t rf^S 
r^^J^ -F^^"^ ^"""'^ y autonomously, and the automation, we would argue. muS S hui^ 
centei^ if the system is to operate effectively. Wc do not consider air trX cmtSl exc«t inili 
as It influences the management and control of aircraft. ^ 

some capacity to learn and then to proceed independenriy to accomplish! task SniaHoni; 
simply one of many resources available to the human operator, who r? a ns tie LpoSfS 
management and airecnon of the automation and the overaU system. rcsponsibiiiry tor 

The Piloting Domain 

We conceptualize piloting as the use by a human operator of a vehide (an aircraft^ tn 

accomplish a mission (to move passengers and cargo betw^n twoJJTif! ) Rouse ?ref 

fo TMrh^t^^.""^ °'J''^If ^'.""^ "^ ^ suppon humans to acni^rheoplfaioJS^^^^^ 

'^ll^elamk^J^^^ l'^^^'' perspective, the purpose of a ^t is ZttX £ 

Sr.?^n"^1jrS^^Xl^^^^^^ °f ^^ ^^^-^ - - suppon theW 

The mission requires more-or-less 
simultaneous i^ccOiUplishment of five 
categories of functions: inner-loop control of 
aiiplane attitude and state, control of the fbght 
path m three dimensions, management of 
airplane position, management of its systems, 
and maintenance of communications with the 
entities responsible for its movements. Eacn 
of these funcnons may be decomposed into a 
number of tasks, which may somenmes 
mvolve several sub tasks. Tasks (many o^ 
which may be carried out either by humans or 
by machines) are performed utilizing a 
combination of resources. 

Figure i : Elements of the piloting domain 


The resources available to the pilot include his or her own perceptual, cognitive and 
psychomotor skills, the knowledge and skills of other flight and cabin crewmembers, the 
knowledge and information possessed by other persons with whom the pilot may be able to 
commimicate, and a variety of infonr don sources and control devices, including the automated 
devices, withm the aircraft. These resources are controlled arid managed by a pilot in command, 
who is ultimately responsible for safe mission accomplislunent. 

Control and management of an aiicraf t may be viewed as a series of levels, which are categorized 
by the degree of direct or immediate mvolvement of the pilot (tig 2). 








Figure 2: Pilot control and management continui m 

Development of Pilot Aiding Devices 

Not ail of thft functions required for mission accomplishment in today's complex aircraft are 
within the capabilities of the unaided human operator, who lacks the sensory capacity to detect 
much of the information iiequired for flight and who is unable to rrake certain decisions or take 
actions based on them within the time avaiiable for accomplishment of certain critical tasks. In the 
early days of aviation, the pilot set forth unaided, with only human perceptual capabilities to 
provide necessary information. It was soon discovered that th^ >e were insufficient, and aircraft 
sensors and instruments were developed to augment the hmited human capabilities. 

Even before the first powered flight in 1903, aircraft designers had recognized the instability 
of their machines and had begun to work toward providing pilots with assistance in controlling the 
vehicles. The V^rights worked toward development of a stability augmentation device in 1907 (fig. 
3); they were preceded by Sir Hiram Maxim, who patented the first such device in 1891 (ref. 21). 
Orville Wright was awarded the Collier Trophy in 191 3 for a demonstration of hands-off flight 
using an automatic stabilizer. By the 1930s, autopilots were considered essential for long-distance 
fiyiiig. The inaxxiuction of retractable landing gear was accompanied by a requirerrient for 
configtration warning systems. The introduction of four-engine aircraft led to the development of 
automatic propeller synchronizing devices. Some World War I! aircraft were difficult to control if 
an engine failed on takeoff; automatic propeller feathering device^ were consex^uentiy introduced 
for tliese aircraft. The development of improved electronics led to the capability for automatic 
navigation. The introduction of digital computers enabled \i. lesign of on-board flight and 
performance management systems ar^ later, of tailored fbght conuol systems. 




"^7o "io 1^ ^5^ 

19*50 -^ T^ 

>^I > M I , I, II , I .,. - M ,4 m„ 


4 i 







AUTOPILOT (L1011-5O0) 


rM3: '■'''' TYfO-AXISNOt«3yROSAS(TAPUN) '-■'J;}-,^^:,^^^^^ 



Figure 3: A brief chronolog^ of aircraft automation 

Since shortly after World War n, nearly all o-anspon aircraft have made extensive use of 
automated devices to assist and augment the capabilities of the flight crew. The advent of turbojet 
transports during the 1950s introduced new requirements for automation. These aircraft were 
considerably faster than their predecessors, and were less aerodynan:iically suble. The requirement 
for very precise control, particulaily during approach tc landing, led to the development of new 
classes of pilot aids including flight directors, expanded and quickened displays, and stability 
augmentation devices. 

The demands on the pilot-vehicle system became progressively greater, both in the area of 
precision navigation and in requirements for more reliable all-weather opcraticin. Precision 
navigation over land was enabled by the introduction of very high frequency (VHF) 
omnidirectional range systems (VOR) and, later, distance measuring equipment (DME). Long- 
range navigation over water was immeasurably aided by the development of area navigation 
systems — first Doppler, later inertial navigation devices that freed aircraft fro^i dependence on 
ground radio aids. Precision approach aids, primarily instrument landing systems (ELS) and 
improved approach and touchdown 2one lighting were introduced. Static-free VHF 
communications equipment became standard for short-range radio communications. 

The development of compact solid-state electronics made it possible to accomplish much more 
computation within the aircraft. Contemporary aircraft may contain well over 100 computers and 
microprocessors, which assist in the control of aircraft state and energies, flight path management 
and aircraft systems management. They may also assist cabin crew in certain of their duties. 
Flight and performance management computers perform most tacilcal navigation chores; 
sophisticated digital autopilots, interfaced with the flight managcmeni systems, control aircraft 
attitude and thrust from takeoff to landing roll-out. Electronic flight displays are managed by 
computers, as are the detection and monitoring of aircraft state and system parameters. In the 
newest vehicles, aiicraft systems management has also been increasingly automated (refs. 4, 22, 
and 23). 






I " 








'° " "°'"™'" ' ' ffi!MiMi i iiBiit!aiitB<WWW M Wm ^ ^^ 

Figure 4: Increasing conTplexity cf aircraft automation 

The introduction of these automated devices and system, has iniprovcd system performance 
and has considerably simplified cenain aspects of the piloting task, but it has also increased 
complexity in the cockpit (ref. 21). The versatility of contemporary autopilots has provided the 
puot widi many more modes of operation by which the aircraft can be controlled pr^isely but it 
also requires that the pilot remain apprised of much more information about the automated systems 
(fig. 4). Contemporary flight managemept systems relieve the pilot of routine navigation chores 
but also require pilots to perform new programming and management tasks and to monitor system 
performance more closely. New displays have enabled the presentation of much more information 
regarding aircraft systems, state, and environmental factors, but they have also considerably 
increased the human operator's information processing load. 

These trends toward more information, greater complexity, and more automatic aircraft 
operation have the potential to isolate the pilot fh)m tiie vehicle and to decrease his or her 
awareness of die state and situation of the aircraft or system being controlled (ref 24). This can 
occur either because of information overload, leading to channeling of attention and failure to 
perceive all relevant information, or because redundant perceptual cues have been reduced. It has 
become necessary to ask whether the richness of the information supplied to the pilot and the 
complexity of the automation (or at least its perceived complexity, &om die viewpoint of the pilot) 
makes it less likely that the pilot will remain fully in command of the situation. 

Humans cannot assimilate ver>' large amounts of raw information in a shon period of time 
nor can they handle tasks of great complexity under tight tiice constraints. A major objective of 
this document is to facilitate discussion of how much information or complexitv is too much 
Another is to explore how increasingly complex information processing and control task5 can be 
simplified so as to remain witiiin the capabilities of tire persons who must pcrfOTm them. 


A tliird objective is to consider how much automation is necessary, and why. If systems are 
sufficiently simple (ax^d this should always be a design goal), automation may not be needed. If 
tasks can^'Ot >>e ^irnpbned, or are so tirae-critical that humans may be unable to perform them 
effectively, autom2uo\ must be utilized. Even then, simpler automation will permit simpler 
interfaces and bencr human understanding of the automated systems. In particular, tlie structiire or 
architecture of automation tools must be simple enough to permit them to be effectivelv managed 
by the human operator (fig. 5). 








(^4S, ONS. 






S A^C 

■,y. Rwsouroes 


Flight Piarming 






■r:-r::::;T:r:r,,y :■:■:;::■:: 





■ ■ : 






:: ■ ..■ ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■"■■■"■■ 

Figure 5: A construct of aircraft automation 
A Concept of Huinan>Centered Automation 

"Human-ccRtered automation" is a systems concept. Its focus is a suite of automated systems 
designed to assist a human operator/controUer/manager to accomplish his or her responsibilities 
The quality and effectiveness of the pilot-automation system is a function of the degree to which 
the combined system takes advantage of the strengths and compensates for the weaknesses of both 
elements. To bound this concept, a fully autonomous, robotic system is not human-centCTCd, by 
definition. The human has no critical role in such a system once it is designed. Conversely, a 
fully nianual system contains no automation. None of today's complex human-machine systeins 
is at either extreme, however; nearly all provide automatic devices to assist the human in 
performing a defined set of tasks, and reserve certain functions solely for the human operator. Our 
concern is with these partially automated systems in which humans play a central and in the case 
of aviation, a commanding, role. 

The Role of the Human in Highly Automated Systems 

We have already inferred that current aircreft automation is able to perform nearly all of the 
continuous control tasks and roost of the discrete tasks required to accomplish a mission Why 
then, IS the human needed in such a system? Could automation to accomplish the rest of the tasks 
no; be constnicted? Would it not be easier and even cheapei to design highly reliable automata that 
could do the entire job without worrying about accommodating a human operator? 



Under optimal circumstances, the "mechanical tasks'' of getting an aircraft from one point to 
another could be accomplished automatically. The aviation system, however, is not an optimal, 
fully controlled system. Many variables uathin that system are highly dynamic and not fully 
predictable (the severity and movement of weather systems arc prime examples). Aircraft 
themselves, while very reliable, sometimes fail in unpredictcd and unpredictable ways, as was seen 
m the catastrophic engine failure of a United Airlines DC- 10 at Sioux City in 1989 (rcf. 25), the 
structural failure of a United 747 cargo door the same year (ref, 26), and the fuselage failure, of an 
Aloha Airlines 737 over Hawaii in 1989 (lef. 27V 

Automation can also fail in unpredictable ways. Minor system or procedural anomalies can 
cause unexpected effects that must be resolved in real time, as in an air traffic control breakdown in 
Atlanta terminal airspace in 1980 (ref 28). These effects are complex; some are poorly 
understood. Even if the effects themselves could be pre^cted and modelled, th^. computational 
engine that can cope with such state variability in real time has not been constmctcd. 

Though humans aie far from perfect sensors, decision-makers and controllers, they possess 
three invaluable attributes. They are excellent detectors of signals in the midst of noise, they can 
reason effectively in the face of uncertainty, and they arc capable of abstraction and conccpmal 
organization. Humans thus provide to the aviation system a degree of flexibility that cannot now, 
and may ri^vcr, be attained by computational systems. They can cope withi failures not envisioned 
by aircraft and aviation system designers. They arc intelligent: they possess tiie abiUty to learn 
from experience and thus the ability to respond quickly and successfully to new situations. 
Com-puters cannot do this except in narrowly defined, well understood domains and situations 
(refs. 29 and 92). 

The abilities of humans to recognize and bound the expected, to cope with the unexpected, to 
innovate and to reason by analogy when previous experience docs not cover a new problem arc 
what has made the aviation system robust, for there are still many circumstances, especially in the 
weather domain, that aie neither directly controllable nor fully predictable. Each of these uniquely 
human attributes is a compelling reason to retain the human in a central position in aircTaft and in 
the aviation system. 

Principles of Hunian*Centered Automation 


nie pikM bbais m« uftiTMU^ m^MnafaOiy for !h» tBf«ty of any 1^ 


Th« hurrvm opefator must b» in oofnmand. 


To command effeciivftty, !he human operttor must be ffYVolv>sd 

To b« invo^vd, the human operator mutt be irttomned. 

The human operator fm»i be able to monitor the auiornaied sycaiems 

Automated systems must therefore be predksable. 

The aUoma^ed systems must also be tth to momior the human opsfstor 

Bach elemeff* of the system must have knosvtedge of the others' inlent. 

Figure 6: First principles of humanHz^ntered aircraft automanor 

Figure 6 summarizes our view of 
hunaan-center^ aircraft automation. 
We assume that the human operator 
will continue to bear the ultimaii 
responsibility for the safety of flight 
operations (ref. 6). Federal Aviation 
Regulations confer on the pilot in 
command essentially unlimited 
authority to permit him or her to fiilfill 
this ultimate responsibility. This is 
axiomatic in civil aviation. We 
bebeve that certain corollaries devolve 
from this axiom. They are described 
briefly here and discussed in more 
detail in the Guidelines (section V). 


To command effectively, the human operator must be involved. 

To remain in command of a vehicle, operation, or situation, the commander mus v> 
involved in the operation. He or she must have an active role, whether rlSrSS^^fs to^o, trd 

Se^tef " "' ''' ""'"''''' ^'^ "''"^^ '' '"^'^^^"^ ^^^°"'-"=' ^^' -^i^h cc:nt;o! has Seen 

To be involved, the human operator must be informed. 

Without mformatjon about the conduct of the operation, involvement becomes randon- 
S^ th? oIIS^?' """'• ^'^' ' '°"^""^"S "°^ °^ infomation concerning the sSe Id Z^^s 
Jj^L ^''^''^l °' '^"'"^ '° '^^'"^^^" involvement with it. The information must be 
:u^^nZ"'ntr^'''T''''^ responsibilities of the pilot; it must include all^fa neceTs^ to 
suppon the pilot s involvement in tne operation. ^^»^<xjy lo 

The human operator must be able to monitor the automated systems. 

The ability to monitor the automated systems is necessary both to oermit the niiot tn 

^^^^i?rf '":' "^"'^°"' ^^ ^^° ^^^"^ automate^yJtems J?S bfe 'FlSht 
aiDcal digital computers, m particular, arc likely to fail in unpre<icted ways at unpredictfble 

Automated systems must be predictable. 

The human comniander must be able to evaluate the peiformance of automated sv^rem. 
against an internal model fonned through ?cnowledge of the normal^hav or S^elvstem^^^^^^ 
SshTn c?n°/h?r '' '"^ "" <^ffective. Only if the systems normally behave n a pSSle 

The automated systems must also be able to monitor the human operator. 

.,n..nS"T^,^' Of course, are not infallible either, and their failures may likewise be 
unpredictable, although a good deal has been learned about human faiLrem^es ?or tha^ 
TmS/V ""^^''"^ ?^^ ^"^ ^' ^^'^ '' ^^^'^hine perfon^crbe mSed M^nv 
cTrS^rT"^^- ?^^''='=' are in use in aviation tcSy, but the ava^abX of highW 
r^m co^'Puters with access to much of the needed information makes ^Wsibleo 

bin done St;.'"' " ' "°" '^'^"'°^ '^^'^°"' ^° "^°""- P^^°^ P^iS^^c'^San has 

Each element of the system must have knowledge of the others' intent. 

th^ nSS»^*'""^""^- ^'^^ **'^^ ^ ''^^"^^'"^ ^ *^ "^^""O'- understands what the operator of 
the momtored system is tiymg to accomplish. To obtain the benefits of effftrrivlTmSiS 
the intennons of the human or automated systems rnSt b^Lownr^fs app^^^^^^^ 




In this section we look at automation that has been used in the past. We discuss some of the 
ways in which automation has been chaiactcrizcd, using the functious that a pilot must perform as 
a base. We examine automated systems that have worked well and some that have not been as 
successful, and attempt to draw from these examples issues thai need to be considered by 
designers and operators. Finally, we attempt to project current automation technology into the 
future in the hope of discerning new developments that may pose new or additional questions 
regarding the roles, functions and forms of automation technology in the next generations of 
aircraft. The emphasis is on fonning the questions that should be considered in specifying and 
designing automated systems. Section III examines pertinent characteristics of the environments in 
which automation will be applied, and the people vvho must operate automated systems. 

Aircraft Functions 

The range of functions that an airplane can perform is really quite limited. An airplane, 
properly controlled, can move about on a prepared surface. It can dcpan from that surface and 
once above the earth, in the atmosphere, it has freedom of motion in all spatial axes. Finally, it can 
return under control to a precise area on the earth's surface, land, and again move about on a 
prepared surface, coming to rest at a predetermined spot. All of the sophistication of current 
aircraft is devoted to insuring that this limited range of functions can be performed with complete 
reliability and safety. 

All aircraft controls and systems are devoted to the performance of this narrow range of 
functions. Faddcn's (rcf. 30) taxonomy is very useful. Control automation assists or supplants a 
human pilot in guiding the airplane through the maneuvers necessary for their safe performance. If 
aircraft flew only under visual meteorological conditions over familiar routes between familiar 
airports, experienced pilots would need only very simple, straightforward automated devices to 
assist them m performing their missions. 

Control automation includes devices devoted to the operation of aire aft subsystems, which 
are quite complex in modem aircraft These systems control fuel, hydraulic power, alternating and 
direct cuneni electrical power, pneumatic engine and anti-icing systems and pressurization, landing 
gear and brakes, and sometimes other functions. 

Much of the automation found in contemporary aircraft is not devoted to controlling the 
aircraft, but rather to informing the pilots about tiie airplane's state and location and the location of 
real or imaginary sites on the surface of the earth. Fadden has called this ^'information 
automation*^ It includes all of the displays and avionics devoted K) navigation and environmental 
surveillance, and also digital communications with air traffic control and airline operations, 
I tformation automation is expanding rapidly at this point in time; the next generation of transport 
aircraft may incorporate electronic library systems containing much of the data now stored on 
board in hard-copy form. 

A third category can be added to this automation taxonomy, which one could call 
'marMgement automation*' This term denotes automation which permits the pilot to manage the 
conduct of a mission. Roughly speaking, management automation permits the pilot to exercise 
strategic, rather than simply tactical, control over the performance of a mission. In this sense, 
management refers to goal-directed rz^tr than function-directed behavior, Vt\t pilot establishes a 
set of goals; management automation directs control automation in the performance of the required 
functions and directs information automation to keep the pilot informed of the state of the airplane 
and of progress toward satisfying the specified goals. 



con^S^S^L'hf^T^^nS!^''' ^^V^«s^ by these categories of automation, may be 
cons..aereci as an hierarchy of closed loops, as shown m figure 7. The arincioaJ differ-nce in tho«. 
tasks as one proceeds from inner loop to outer loop control is one of bandwidth ^^^^ 
automation relieves the pilot of the high-bandwidth requirements of dLct abcraP cTtr-S 


Inputs from 









Systems [*- 





,^ Flight j^ 





Flight contro, r> . , ^ 

computer *- ^°"*^''' surf?ces _^ 
FADEC Powerplanls 









MCP displays 







«H CDU displays 

Inner loop 
Intermediate loop 
Outer loop 

Figure 7: Contro! and display loops 

Mission Functions 

safely i^d efficiendy. cJ^l"^!^i^go^in^c^,^^TJ°^"r^ 



Sfc Xw^ "*" "^^ ■^"^hou. us nigh,, all 0,c While Observing airlin. and ai, 

lerrain weath-Taid Sr -?^J;f, !^ ' 1? "" ""«"« of environmf.ntal threats including 
CO™ mrbl« ;; S tirSs "Sit m^SnTfii""" 5' '"T of their aiiplane, its systems and m 














Figure 8: Pilot infcmnation reouirements 

The Tasks of the Pilot 


lo successful mission accorapUshmenL Finallv thrv mu^rr/Lm„-7i L lu^^' ^Jo^ th^ais 

their compar.y, and scmctinis other aix^'L old ^^ITZyt^Z"^'^ .""T"' 

avxate, navigate, comr^unicate." TlKxagh these axe so fundi^SrST^LIt^f t^t ^^c^ 




Air Lines L 10 i 1 that craslwd w 'he Everglades did so because of a failure to maintain surveillance 
of the airplane's flight path while on autopilot (itf 31 ). A DC-8 crashed at Portland after running 
out of fuel because the flight crew was preoccupied with preparations for an emergency landing 
(ref. 32). Many "controlled flight into terrain" accidents have occurred because of failure or 
inability to maintain positional awarsness. Tnc worst accident in air canicr historv, tlie collision of 
two 747s ai Tenerife. occurred because of a faUure to communicate unannbiguousiy (ref. 33). 

These tliree tasks are simple enough when deconnposcd, bui they can create severe workJoao 
burdens when pertbnned sinr^ultaneously under demanding conditions. Such conditions are often 
not of the flight crew's making; figure 7 indicates that there are open- loop forcing inputs from air 
traffic control, from airline companies, and from the environment. Automation can lighten this 
burden on piUots, first by relieving them of the burden of inner-loop control, second by providing 
integrated infonnation, and third by allowing them to manage at a higher ievei. The' figure also 
suggests, however, that each of these kind.? of automation the information processing 
burden upon pilots, by requiring them to keep track of additional systems and data. Thus, while 
aatomaiion has decreased the bandwidth of pilots' t&sks, it has increased mental (percepmal and 
cogninve) demands upon them. It has also increased the "overhead": the knowiefige and 
informatior necessary to operate the automation itself. 

^ An automation paradox: Herein lies a paradox of aircraft automation. To the extent tliat it 
uas taJccn over inner and intermediate loop tasks, it has changed the tasks of the oilot, 
notwithstanding the conclusions of the President's Task Force on Ciew Complement. Whether it 
has lightened them depends to a considerable extent on the demands of the task, and on the amount 
of information and attention required to operate and monitor the automated svststns and displavs. 
It has been observed (refs. 19 and '34) that automation may decrease workload when it is already 
comparatively low, during cmise fUght and at liigh altitude, but that it mav increase workload when 
It is ab;eady high, durmg climbing or descending flight in terminal areas. It should be noted 
immediately thai ir is not clear whether this is an inherciu automation problem, or whether this is 
because we have not provided simple enough interfaces through which pilots interact with 
aut.>maaon. In short, have we automated die wrong things, or have'we simply done an inadequate 
job :n some of our efforts to implement higher levels of automation in a simple enough manner? 

The point of this discussion is that our information concerning the effects of automadon and 
particularly its unwanted effects, does not usually differentiate between "good" automation, poorly 
implemented, and "bad" autonaation, in terms of roles and functions. It is critica] that these he 
differentiated m any discussion of automation, and we shall try to keep this difference in m^nd as 
we proceed to a discussion of the automation that has been developed to date. 

Control Automation 

Here we wi?l describe automation -liai has been implemented in transpon aircraft to date lliis 
list is not exhaustive, but it attempts to place new automation in the context of increasing 
requirements and in the context of other enabUng technology. Figure 9 illustrates the conuol asoect 
of the pilot's task. *^ 



\ Inputs from 



■^ Displays -» 




[ Company y^ 
i inputs 





\ Sensors U^ 



Right _ ^^^1^,"^^'|| , I Control sudmces 
r^«*r«i*. ^ computer, h^» . 
controls ,-*«^^ . Powerpi^ms 



Figure 9: Control automation 

Flight path control: As indicated in the introduction, control automation has bczn around 
for a long ume. The first automated controUcrs simply maintained attitude in the roll axis* later 
generations of such devices have been called *'wing levelers" and they continue to be available for 
general aviation aircraft today. Originally introduced to ease pilot workload in Hying extremely 
unstable airplanes, they still perform that function, though aircraft stability has improved 
dramatically. Autopilots, as such devices came to be called, added other axes of control; the device 
used in the world flight of Post's Winnie Mae was a three-axis device which maintained the aiitraft 
m pitch, roll and yaw. the three inner-loop functions required (ref. 2). 

In the early generations of autopilots, the gyroscope which sensed roll and yaw was also used 
as a heading, or directional, gyro in the cockpit. Sensors in this device permititd a constant 
heading to be specified by the pUot and held by the autopilot, though the gyroscope wa? subject to 
precession and its direcoonal component had to be reset frequently by reference to the aircraft 
magnetic compass. Some autopilots of this period later incorporated a relative barometric altitude 
sensor which could be used to hold alrimde as well, once the proper altitude was attained and 
inoicated to the sensor. In these developments, wc sec the beginnings of intermediate loop control 
m which the pilot was able to specify heading and altitude to be maintained, rather than simply roll 
and pitch attitude. 

, • ^^ gcr beyond these tasks required many years and tiie dcvelcpmcnt of complex electronic 
Devices. The advent of precision radio navigatiwi systems capable of providing both azimu^hal and 
distance mfomiation occurred during the late 1940s and early 1950s. Very high frequency (VHF) 
navigational radios ehminated problems due to radio frequency interference fixjm thumierstorms 
but they were limited to iine-of-sight coverage. VHF omnidirectionai range fVOR) trans litters 
Decan:.e the foundation of the "common system" of aerial radio navigation. Distance measuring 
w^uipment (DME), consistmg of airborne intenogators and ground transpondcre, was co-located 
with and augmented the infwmation provided by VOR transmitters (figure 10). 

For precision approach guidance, VHF high precision directional "localizer" transmitters 
CLOC) and ultra-high fnjjquency glide slope transmitters (GS) were located on airport runways- 
together tney formed the basis for the instrument landing systems fILS) which are stiU the standard 
approach aids m the current system. DI^ has more recently been co-located widi DLS as well as 
with enroute navigation aids. 

Tliese devices and specialized aircraft navigational radio receivers or transmitter-rereivers 
(transceivers) provided aircraft with positional information of higher precision. Their signals 
provided unambiguous azamuthal and distance information, which could be used either by pilots or 



h^'^aSr^H?' r''/.?!'^ intermediate loop control of aL-craft paths. D-S signals, which provided 
he.ght guidance as weU, were used to penult both manual and automadc r*couD>ed"^ Drerision 

S.'^/^" \T"'<' 71^'>' '"^^^^^* '^' ^^''Sr^^ ^"^ impk^i^entation of autop lots wifh a w de 
raiige of capabihues including maintenance of pitch, roll and vaw, maintenance of - iack to or 







A80VE \ 

Figure iO: Pracision erjroule am? approach navigation aids VOR and ILS 
.^ ?^'J, ^"'°P^.^0" ^* navigation couplers were disliked liecause of the rouahness with whinh 

Swept-v^Jig jet wcraft anc susceptible to adverse yaw during banked turns Earl- • .n t^ncr.^ 
air^-raft (notably the Boeing KC-135 unker) requircd^ery precfse maruaT^ntSl^ Su^r^ 


tendency When the 707 derivative of the KOI 35 was introduced, yaw dampers were provided to 
counter this problem. Though nomuialiy under control of the pilot (they can be nimcd off), yaw 
dannpers in fact operate autonomously in all jet aircraft. The same can be said of pitch trim 
compensators, used to counter the tendency of jet aircraft to pitch down at high Mach numbers. 
These devices, first introduced in die DC-8. iikevidse operate essentially autoncrnously. 

Figure 1 1 : Dual-cue (left) and 3ingle<ue Flighi Directoi's. Airaraft is icfl of localizer and just 
below glide slope; directors are commanding a right turri md climb lo regain ccnk^rlmcs. 

Swept-wing aircraft also required moi^ precise control to compensatt for decreased stability 
and higher speeds, particularly at high altitudes and during approaches to landing. Flight bv 
reference to precision navigational data was tnade easier by die development of flight director 
displays which provided pilots with computed pitch and roll commands, displayed as shown in 
figure 11. The directors were much easier to fly than unmtxlified VOR or localizer and glide slope 
data, which were presented on the periphery of the same instmments used for the director displays. 
Such displays rapidly became a mainstay of transpart aviation: they made it possible for pilots of 
average ability ro conduct maneuvers with high precijsion, though concern was expressed about 
"ioiying sight of raw data ' while rel>dng upon the directors for guidance. A Delta Airlines DC-9 
impacted a sea wall shon of runway 4R at Boston during an approach in severelv linriited visibility 
(nef 36); its crew is believed to have followed the flight director which was set m ^attitude" Hiode 
rather than "approach'' mode, without adequate cross-checking of localizer and glide 5lcpe data. 

Control of aircraft longitudinal and lateral trim is maintained by several roeans. including small 
trim tabs on control surfaces. Automadc uim control devices which operate either on ihe«e 
surfaces or on the aircraft control system have been components of autopilots for many years. 
Most operate autonomously in cenain autoflight modes. Some newer aircraft with advanced 
primary flight control systems incorporate a load factor demand law which continuously trims th.e 
aircraft toward a 1 G condition. This relieves the pilot of the task of re. imming the airp.ane after 
power changes, but it also removes ucrilc feedback regarding longitudinal trim. Other aircraft, 
which incorporate fuel shifting to minimize aerodynamic drag by adjustiiig aircraft center of 
gravity, also trim the airplane to minimize pilot attention to the load shifting. Most of these devices 
require no pilot input or attention under normal conditions. 

Spoilers, aerodynamic surfaces on the wing long used in glidcn to moderate flight path during 
approach to landing, were installed on jet aircraft to increasf; control authority and reduce adverse 
yaw, to assist in sbwing these acrodynamically clean aircraft, to permit sleeper descents arid to 
dump aerodynamic lift during landings. Tnough early jets had m:iriually^ontrolled spoilers, later 
gene-rations had spoilers that were activated either manually, in flight, or automatically by mam 
wheel spm-up during landings. The Lockheed LlOl 1-500 incoiporatcd a soihisticated system 
known as direct lift control for automatic precise fight path control during automatic approaches. 



Some of i^ic newest trarispons also incorporate autoraatic gust alleviation control using spoilers 
rhe newest aircraft also provide automatic spoiler operation if power levers are nulled Mly back 
dwing an aborted takeoff, and raay apply auiobraking when ground spoUers are deployed. 

Some aircraft now in service (A320) Jncorcorate "fiv-bv-wire" instead of conventional 
mecnamcal ornydrauUc control systems. In fly'-by-wirc .'ystet^s, the pilot's comXa lua^e 
elewtronsc coniroi devices who^ outi.uts are dL-ected to hydraulic or electrical servomechanisrns- 
me.e dexices actuate tne control surfaces. Ttic advent of fly- by- wire system.s has provided conn^oi 
system engineers wuh great flexibility to ta;lor the control responses to match desiS 
ta^e oStf'^i ^^T^ unstable airplane can be made to feci, to die pilot, like al. ex^erie v 
I >naf,lw^ ;?ft 'ndeed, some ot these a:rcratt deliberately incoiporate a degree of reduced 
longitudinal stabdits whicn is corrpersated for by a stability augmentation svstem Even 

";fT"^^;^iS."''''^"^. "'^' "' ^""h ^'^"^^^ '' ^''""^ accomplished by one or morfcLputers 
inteiposed between ti.e pilot and die machine. > ^ ^» -r. computers 

fl;«h?^'^ T"^' ^'^!lj^'^^'^'« offers other opportUu.ues to the designer, who may now iin-nj rhe 
^!^nZ^°r^ ^'^'"'^^ f^'"^^^' '^"'P^^ <^g^«<iation of flying qualities as safe operau^g" iinSs 
are approacned. or simply render u impossible for tne pilnt to exceed certain bounSrie. tw 

It is iiJcely that rnost or all fumre large transports will incorporate flv-by-wire 'or flv-bv-Jish' 
using eiectro-optical conduits for control signals) as docs the A320.- Along with flv iJvS 
.; emJ r^f'"" " ^^"^''^^^^l'^ '"'^^^^^ ^^ the flexibility of autopilot and Uxml^^Z 

ni^^SL^^r'^':'' Tu"^^ **^^l' ^^' "^^y "^«i«s of operation, each of which rfust be 
understood oy the puot if they are to be used appropj lately. 

n.rSr.^'^Z ''"''""r^** ^^^'iP^^r^t'^ng engine aircraft had only limited inner-loop automation of 
control systems. Autotimac mxture conorols which uuHzfid barometric altitude data toSst LT 
ai>: raaos were installed in the DC-3 and later transporLs. Automated control 5^0^06^1:4 * as 
Sfw- '^ "^"f^ '^^ ^^^^\ ^•°^. ^°"g ^'^^ conS^Uable-pitch DropeS f aTm;]d-:Linr 
S^:T?in 2 "^ ^""""^ synchromzauon of propeller speeds to rtini^ze vibra::T.n and SiSy ng 
^ ii^^. ^"^''f ' P'^^^ir autosynchronizers were developed to rratch the propeller speeds of 
aL engines. ThrotUes. propeUer and mixmrc controls were not integrated, however m,rlS?Senr 
introduction mto general aviation of a Mooney airplane poweSl by a new Csche e^fre 
incorporaDng a single power controller. y * "cw rorscne en^me 

Hv/^iT.""^ ^'^^'^ ''"'^ °' '"^?"' ™^^^ ^''^^^ ^«=^ purchased in considerable numbers by 
f.^l3f h T- ^"'^ ?""' required civil registration to sundards quite different from Aose 
imposed by the anned forces m the heat of war. Some of these aircraft had undesirable fN^^e 
SS"^. ?n?f ft' '^"'f '^^^^"^^tf ces. In particular, some were extremeVSemringTSy 
after an engine tailurc at low speed dunng or shortly following takeoff. To ease the asvtfj^e&^r 
drag causec by a windmiUing propeller and assist pilots in maintainim? control during thrSS 
momems after takeoft, automatic propeller feathering systems were ^Lodnced m some aSS 
■n^c^ aevices sensea a lossjof thmsr in a malfuncdoning engine and rapic% mlvi i s proSSTt^ 
a fully feathered pc ion. Tne dcvHces provided critical assistance when they funcdSp?^t^ W 
h'Lf.K^1 '""'^"^^ occuired after fully funcdonaJ engines were shut down L?onomofslv X^' 
fn^hvf ^? f cidcnts. such as that of an Aerospatiale Nord commuter airplane at Lo. AnS? 
It^fh ^'IT *'^'^.'^"' ^^"^ '^"^ remaining er>gine after an autofeatheringsVstem has ope^K 
make the other, malfunction mg engit-e ineffective (ref. 37). Autofeathcring systems on^ea^<S 
by pilots, an- mdrpendent of pilot control and they do not roofy the piloTiS t^ne ILdcn -^^ 
that extent, they remove a portion of the pUot's authority, a topi . on which^^vlS^Sf S iatc 


The earliest autothrcttie systems in turbojet transports simply controlled fuel fiow to uirboiet 
engiaes. They were rtladvely crude and wert .lot liked (or much used) by pilots because* of the 

roughness of their power control (which disturbed passengers). Later devices, more sophisucafed 
controllers and better powerplani models improved tiie operation of autothrottle systems. More 
recentl> the development of full-authority digital engine controllers (TADEC) has improved siiU 
farther the precision with which jet powerpiants can be controlled. Nearly all contemporary jet 
aircraft incorporate autothrust systems which arc used to set engine power lo automaticaliy- 
detenmined narameters even during the takeoff roil. 

Landing gear: Landing gear retracdon and extension is still a manual procedure in ail 
transport aircraft, but information automation in the form of configuration warning systems has 
been used since it was first discovered by a hapless pilot that retractable gear aircraft could be 
larded with the gear retracted. Most such systems have provided a warning if ilirordes v/tvt pulled 
back. The use of idle power routinely during descents in jet aircraft required that the landing gear 
warning system be modified to take account of barometric alritude or other factors that could 
indicate that landing was not contemplated at the time. Aircraft without such modifications 
provided large numbers of nuisance warnings to pilots. In an imaginative attempt lo circumvent 
the problem of gear-up landings, the Piper Aircraft Company developed and installed an automatic 
gear-lowering device on its Arrow series of general aviation aircraft. The device used a simple 
pitot mounted in the propeller airstream t sense reduced power and air speed. It worked 
autonomously and effectively, but it also required the pilot to exert continuous pressure on a 
bypass switch to prevent gear extensior uuring intentional low-speed maneuvers at alrimde, a 
difficult task when both hands were required for aircraft and power control 

Vinually all jet aircraft have anti-skid or anti-lock braking systems, in which wheel rotational 
speed is sensed and used to Tt*xiif>' brake application. New er generations of transport aircraft also 
incorporate autoniatic braking upon wheel spin-up. The braking force is chosen by the pilots prior 
to landing; brake application using the selected schedule is then automatic. 

Aircraft subsystems: In early generations of jet aircraft, the many aircraft subsystems 
were operated in the conventional way, with switches in the cockpit controlling most aspects of 
system operation. Three-person flight crews included a flight engineer whose primary task was 
the operation and surveillance of these systems: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and fuel systems. 
In some aircraft designed for a crew of two persons, attempts were made to simplify system 
operations somewhat to decrease flight crew workload. Seat belt and no smoking signs were 
activated automatically; automatic load shedding was introduced to simplify electrical system 
reconfiguration following a generator failure; air conditioning pack deactivation was automatic 
following an engine failure on takeoff, etc. These and other measi^s represented a piecem-al 
approach to the problem, however; subsystems were still considered in isolation by designers, and 
until recentiy, system operation during failures was still complex. 

The DC9-80 (now designated the MD-80) innoduced a somewhat simpler architecture and 
more subsystem automation in 1980 (ref. 38). The Boeing 767/757 series of aircraft incorporated 
simplified procedures and a structured *'need-to-know" concept in its information automation. An 
engine indicating and crew alening system (EICAS) provided pictorial and alphanumeric 
information on cathode-ray tubes (CRT) in the cockpit. Pilots were informed by alphanumeric 
messages of failures that required crew action; the aircraft "Quick Reference Handbook" (QKH) 
provided ti^e required actions in checklist form. The "do" lists were also considerably siniolified 
(r3f. 39). 

When the Airbus A3 10 was introduced it incorporated an electronic centralized aircraft 
monitoring system (ECAM). This system provided synoptic diagrams of aircraft subsystems 
which displayed system condition in pictorial form on cathode ray tube (CRT) screens (ref. 40). 
Paper checklists were still used to handle faults, which were annunciated in alphanumeric form on 



a separate screen. Thr .atcr A320 had a very similar system. In the ''47-400. the first 747 model 
uesigr.ed for a crew of two persons, Boeing incorporaied system synoptics into its EICAS system 
while retaining a)phanumenc aieaing messag-s and pap?r checkUsts that informed pilots of aii 
acuons to be ta^en loUowing an ann.mciatecl condition, as in its 767,757 types (ref. 22). 

in ] qS' ^f^il""' 4^^ mhST^^^ ^'-'^^ ^ somewhat different direction in its MD- 11 , introduced 
» ,,i .!':[. f^' ^*.^^^:'^ »« ^ ^ery long-range of the veiy successful DC- 10, but 
v,.th a radicaJiy i-edesigned tv/o- person cockpit. Douglas cockpit designers were very concek^ed 

wOTx^oad .Quid be achaeyed by automating aircraft subsystem operations. To quote Douglas ' chief 
:fin^; V «P^^'!«o']?';.<^"^,of our fundamer:tai strategics ha5 bin: if you icnow what you want the 

hv?hiV°^.'^°" ' f' ^u' '^'^ '' ''^^- '^^)- ^^y "^'^ subsystem functions formerly performed 
by the fligh: crew have been automated; handling of faults is also largely automatic. ^"""^^ 

ahovr^^h^^thV !!!fi''^^*^ "^^^ '"'P^'y' ^^> ^ superficially similar to the systems described 
above but the subsystem management approach is markedly different. Most subsvstwn 


With an alen, they may cancel the associated alerting message by selecting and viewing the 

Snr^TJT^T-J^'' f "^"o^^ "^^ ["'^"^^ imt^ediately' however, sini the ao^opriate 
SS itions. ^ ^^"^ checklists are still used as a reminder of requi^ flight 

^nrr^^riPc'fic-^ '^I' T\'v ^^'Sn,wm incorporate electronic checklists with some level of 
automate sensmg of checklist items (ref. 5). It will remind pilots of skipped actions and wil 
permit the crew to skip back and forth between checklists if requml because of^iultipkfSer 

Discussion of Control Automation 

Flight path control: Control automatioo has a long and honorable history Most asoects 
fl ;hTc'^\^n,'°°^'^°" "^ r ^ T^"^ «^d are not con^versial. Taken smg?^most autoS 
?o^wf ^e Shr' ^^T^ "^ comparatively simple models that can be explained fairly osHv 
.0 pilots. The behavior of these systems is predictable. Inf omiation concerning the actions of the 
au^mauon is observed in airplane behavior, this mformation is usually, Sghnm in vi?ablv 
S5 Sr* *° T!T P^°^ "'^^^X?^"^ It is also usually sufficient to p^^SpX/to So^ 
rh» S^Ji!r°' «^^^^"^^"0"- I^fWems m monitoring contK^l automation have^xciSJd when 
uhe devices were behaving reasonably, but incorrectly (as in the SAS DC-10 accident atS YcrtT 
Phinl i r ^^^JlP>J°\^ere not alert, for whatever reasons, to the state of tlie automation ^e 
Cmna Airlines 747 mishap near San Francisco, ref. 14). Contit>l automation data to thi. tirne^S? 

^^L'SSIiSi^tirpSeX"^ ^"" '^''-'' ^^ discussion of er/lo^ 

s.diS°f Sy^ '^^^i^i^^'^^t^^^^ys^^z 

effecnvely. though the proliferation of control modes in the newest fly-by- w^TylSms^ses 
many more potential problems than did earlier generations of control automation in whkh So 
was more directly coupled to the control surfaces. In the past, as an insunce the la?ee 
displacement control yokes used by the two pilots were directly Ld physically couS- they wire 
also coupled to the automation and thus moved perceptibly when the LtW made cSm^Hnput^ 

In the Airbus A320, small-displacement sidestick controUere are installed; they are not cross- 
coupied. arid mputs by one pilot are not visible or tactually perceptible bvihe othS A fSlv 
complex mixing algonthm, a lockout device and visible indicator lights are 'pm^iSd to afsist^e 

f± "^J°*°T^ "^^V^ "^ '^°^'''°^ ^^ "^ ^^^^ «"="^- I^ s^o^ld ^ mention^ thanhe C* con^l 
law used in this airplane is not speed stable, so different feedback l^ops may be reauSd 
Autopilot control inputs are not fed back to the sidesticks. The lack of tactile feedbik^S^e 


sidesdcks is not ioiown to have presented problems thus far, but it has led to questions regarding 
the usefulriess of such feedback in transport aircraft 

The large number of control modes in highly automated aircraft has also been of concern. The 
A320 autopilot *'open descent" mode, and its coupling to the flight dirstctor systetm of the airplane, 
may have been a faaor in the Indian Airlines landing accident at Bangalore, in that there appears to 
have been a late recognition on the pan of the flying pilot regarding the need tc switch both 
directors to another mode pnor to the final approach (ref. 13). Incident reports have documented 
similar occurrences with earlier recovery. This mode, like all others, is annunciated in ext on the 
flight mode annunciation panel; the problem rather appears to be a lack of understanding of a 
relatively complex, highly integrated set of automated systems and of their interactions. Air 
carriers operating the A320 have injtirated procedures designed to prevent open descent below a 
safe transition altitude on final approach, but it must be asked whether procedural approaches to 
such problems arc as effective as designs that are easier to understand or that are not susceptible to 

Error resistance and error tolerance: System modes such as this necessitate a 
consideration of human error in the opcTation of such systems. It is known that human errors will 
occur; such errors are contributory factors in roughly two-thirds of air carrier accidents. Indeed, a 
desii e to minimize such errors has been a part of the rationale for the implementation of advanced 
aircraft automation. At least two approaches can be taken to minimize the effects of human error. 
A system may be designed to be highly error-resistant; that is, to make it v^ difficult for the 
human to make an error in the operation of the system. Simplicity in system architecture and the 
provision of cle^r, unambiguous information on display interfaces are important tools with which 
to improve error-resistance. (Gee Nagcl, ref. 42. for discussion of these concepts.) 

Attacking the problem of human error by design of error-resistant systems .5 not enough, 
however; it is also necessary that system designs be error-tolerant, able either to trap en-ors or to 
mitigate their effects. Such error-tolerance can be strengthened by designing monitoring 
capabilities into the automation, as is done in configuration monitoring systems, or by introducing 
system envelope limitations, as is done in the A320 flight control system and several power control 
systems. The use of procedural controls as a substitute for desiginng inherentiy eri'or-iesistant and 
error-tolerant systems may be effective, bur is less foolproof. In the case mentioned above, 
procedures have been evoked to make the system error-resistant, since it is not inherentiy error- 
tolerant. Both error resistance and error tolerance, discussed further in section IV, inust be 
paramount aims of the cockpit design team. 

Power control: The A320 also incorporates thrust levers that do not move when power is 
applied or withdrawn by the autothrust system. Visual ECAM displays indicate both power 
commanded and power delivered, but ancillary tactile or visible feedback is not provided by the 
levers themselves. This difference from previous aircralt has evoked fairly widespread concern in 
tlie operational conununity, though it should be said immediately that the concem does not appear 
to tyt manifested by airlines operating this aircraft type. 

Based on limited operating experience to date, it appears that pilots are usually able to obtain 
all needed mformation concerning flight and power control either with, or without, tactile feedback 
of control movements instimted by the automatic systems. This may be a case in which there is not 
*'onc best way/' based on empirical or analytical knowledge, to automate a system, and in which, 
therefore, any of several approaches may be effective, provided that piU ts are provided with 
sufficient information to permit them to monitor the systems effectively. Unfortunately, 
information concerning the rare cases in which a particular innovation is not effective in providing 
adequate feedback may not come to light unless a iri?hap occurs. Rescar:h into the proper 
complement of control and monitoring functions for automated cockpits is badly needed. 


f.^AuJ^r^^\ ^M&Jj'srtfws: Automated flight control systems usually provide immediate 

Sis ^^^^^ nT""^ functioning. Feedback conceding ainrraft subsystem 

tnll^^. A f ""^T^^ ^^"^"^ three-person aircraft incorporated a mulripUcity of lights 

tinlfff '.^^^^^^^ ^t' '""^T'^' ^^'''' ^1^ ^^^^ infomSon; cockpit amoiS^tionT^d 

.;? efforts have attempted (with consiacable succ.^^ s) to minimize tiie amount of system 

mformaaon which the crew must monitor. The provision of simpler interfaces, however has nm 
been due cr.tirely to the design of smiplcr aircraft subsystems. On the contrarv, ystem compte^aw 
^n some cases has increased greatly. Whet^ simpler interfaces reflect simp er^ suSyS^^ 
benefits are' obvious. Wlien a sm.ple interface hides a functionally complex system, the^ i^y we' 
IK covert problems waiting to emerge during a difficult emergency. ^ 

Cockpit simplification has included drastic 
reductions in the number of subsystem controls 
and also standardization of those controls, 
nearly all of which are now lighted pushbuttons 
with legends. CMtical buttons may be guarded. 
The switches are usually located in subsysimi 
diagrams (figure 12). The use of pushbuttons 
of identical shape and size in place of a variety 
of toggle sv/itches has cleaned up the overhead 
panel, but it has made more difficult the 
location by feel of a given switch. 
Manufacnjters state that their "dark cockpit" 
concept, in which buttons are lighted onlv if 
they require attention, indicates those that must 
be used, and point out that buttons should be 
actuated only after visual confirrnanon of which 
button to press. As noted above, Douglas 
Aircraft Co. has automated large segment^ of 
the subsystems management task (a backup 
manual mode is provided, and all switches 
necessar>' for subsystem control are on the 
Fig. 12: Ovemead panel. AC electrical system, 747^. overhead panel). 

Practices with respect to the provision of ' ■ 

information regarding subsystems have varied, 
from the Boeing 767/757 "need-to-know" 
concept, to the provision of synoptics simply 
for pilot information in the 747-400 (figure 13), 
to synoptics that are the primary means of 
subsystem feedback in the MD-li and A- 
310/320 types. The A320 also presents a 
limited number of normal checklists on its 
ECAM screens; a broader implementation of 
electronic checklists with automatic sensing of 
skipped actions is under consideration for the 
Boeing 777, now in design, and will likely be 
seen in many future transpon aircraft. Such 
automation will permit the flight crew to 
alternate among several checklists when 
necessary to resolve compound faults, though 
automated prioritization schemes for such faults 
are under consideration by human factors 

Fig. 13: Synoptic display for system shewn in fig. 12 

cxri A^u: 

ATUa iXTl 




Fig. 14: Touch-sensiuve screen switches on a CRT di^lay 

Research is underway on CRT screens 
on which subsystem synoptics containing 
"soft switches", touch-sensitive areas 
overlying switch depictions, would be 
depicted. Subsystem control would be 
affected directly through such screens, 
which would respond to switch actuations. 
The advantages and disadvantages of this 
approach can he hypothesized but are not 
yet clear. Dedicated panels in which 
switches are always in the same place 
permit memorization of switch locations 
and set patterns of behavior, but 
pushbutton switch legends conuin small, 
sometimes cryptic aJphanunacric legends, 
and presbyopic older pilots may have 
difficulty reading legends on tiie overiiead 
unless they arc fitted with special correcting 
lenses. Synoptic subsystem diagrams will 
itquiie familiarity with a number of differ- 

ent switch locations, distinct ^or each system depicted. The legibility of touch screens on the 
primary display panels should be considerably better, but operation of touch-sensitive switches 
may be more difficult in turbulence; they will also be farther from the pilots. Research will be 
needed to determine whether the potential advantages of "soft switches" outweigh their drawbacks. 

The amount of aircraft status information that must be provided is a function of the hur.*an 
operator roles in naission accomplishment If humans ar?5 expected to control aircraft subsystems, 
they must be given that minimum of information necessary to perform those tasks. Il the 
subsystems are controlled autonomously and the human's only role is to remain cognizant of their 
status and the effects upon mission accomplishment, a quite different quantity and type of 
information concerning system stams may be called for, though it is necessary in this case that the 
operator undentand not only the system controlled but also the automation that is controlling it, so 
that automation failures can be detected. In this case, it may not be necessary that non-flight critical 
inforrcation be txiade available at all. For these reasons, it is necessary to consider the range of 
control and management options to be provided the pilots of advanced, highly-automated aircraft 

The controUmanagement continuum: It is implicit in the above discussion that pilots 
may play any of a variety* of roles in the control and management of highly automated aircraft. 
These roles range from direct manual control of flight path and all aircr^t systems to largely 
autonomous operations in which the pilot's role is mininial. The development of highly capable 
automation makes it necessary to consider these roles in more depth. A control-management 
continuum is presented in figure 15 to facilitate this discussion (ref 43). 

None of today's aircraft can be operated entirely at cither extreme of this spectrum of control 
and management Indeed, an aircraft operated even by direct manual control may incorporate many 
kinds of control automation, such as yaw dampers, a pitch trim compensator, automated 
configuration warning devices, etc. Conversely, even remotely piloted vehicles are not fully 
autonomous; the locus of control of these aircraft has simply been moved to another airborne or a 
ground control station. Nonetheless, today's airplanes, and those of tomorrow as well, 
mcorporate elements at or near the extremes, and the full range of opticms must be considered 

The ability to control an airplane without the assistance of automation Tnust be demonstrated 
by any pilot before a type lating for that airplane can be issued, if the aircr it itself is certified for 
such operation. This includes tihe ability to handle the machine without even the automation aids. 



such as yaw dampers, ?hat normaily operate full-time in an autonomous mode. That flying task, 
however, can be extremely demanding in a machine in which stability is relaxed and stability 
augi:ientauon is provided by ndundant. fait-operadonsvJ systems. 


f^iot not u&ijaJiy intarrwd 

Sysiflm fney c may not oe c*p«W« of 

Es»«fitMiiy autonomous operatjon 
Ai.(tofT»tK: roconfjgiirttwn 
System jnfDfTTw puiot «nd 
monitors mdpon««« 


Pvk>{ 9«n©faily ha« no fO*« m op«mlion 
Monitofing i« i(mit€N3 to ?«iit dewctjor 
GoaJs Rre w*if-<j«fined. pilot normaliy 
heis no reason to intervene 

Full automattc contro' of 

aircraft and flight 
iryyad. d«i;nc>itk: and 

pnamptinfl functions provitiac 

Ajj^Jot & •utottvottia control 

of flight path 
AulDfT»t»c cormuinicabons and 


Enhainoed conttoi trvi Qutdarce; 
Smart a<V»sory sv^wrrts; 
Pctantiai flight path and other 
pradictor dispteys 

Fiight director FMS, riavfnodujes; 
Data link with manua) masaaees; 

Momtofing of fJtght paih control 
and CKcreft systems 

Normal warnings and aierts provided, 
Routma AC>kRS commirtcations 
performed autcmatictitHy 

Pitot jnforrrted of syster? intent. 
Must consent to cntjcal dectawns. 
May ntervene tw reverting v) kwwr 

Pitot must consent tc state chang«<s. 

checkiis! execUion, anomaly f*«o(utor., 
Manuai execution of cnt)cai actuns 

Ptot co'^wnends hdg, alt speed; 
Wanuai t'' ooupted nevigation; 
Commands system operatkons. 
checKJiats, communications 

Pilot in controi through CWS or 

enveJope-protected syslem; 
May utilize advisory systems; 
System marwgement manual 

Drect authority over alt systems; 
Manual control, aided k»y F/D and 

enhanced navigation dispiay« 
FMS IS availade; trend tnfo on requeat 

t>rect authority over ail systems; 
Manual conirai utlatng raw data; 
Uhaided <£»dci»on- making: 
Mar>uai comrnunicatkons 

Figure 15: A continuum of aircraft control and management 

Most fiying today is assisted to a greater or lesser extent, if only by hydraulic amplification of 
control mputs. Hight directors, stability augmentation sy5tems, enhanced displays, and in newer 
aircraft various degrees of envelope protection, assist the pilot in his or her manual control tasks 
To some extent, pilots can specify the degree of assistance desiied, but much of the assistance 
operates full-tui:e and some of it is not intended to be bypassed. The pilot remains in the control 
loop, but it is an intermediate rather than the inner loop. 

Whether pilots of Umited experience should be lequined by regulation to have and demonstrate 
this level of manual control ability in today's airplanes, which incorporate highly redundant 
automated control assistance, is beyond the scope of this document Airbus has rendeied this is<iue 
moot lo some extent by providing shared control as the A320's basic control mode. Pilot control 
mputs are considerably modified and shaped by the flight control computei^; envelope limitations 
prevent him or her ft om exceeding pre-detemiined parameters. In this airplane, pilots are provided 
ath considerable assistance even during control failure modes; manual flight capability is limited 
13 Pidder control and stabilizer trim and is designed only to maintain controlled flight while the 
? utomated systems are restored to operation. Under normal circumstances, the aircraft automation 
is responsible for much of the inner loop control, though controi la vs arc tailored to respond in 
ways that seem natural to the pilot. In the MD-IL a combination of longitudinal stabiiitv 
augmentation and control wheel steering is in operadon at all times; roil control wheel steering is 
available as an option. ^ 

When an autopilot is used to perform flight path (and/or power) control usks, the p4ot 
)ccomes a manager rather than a controller (this is also true to some extent of the shared control 


option). The pilot may elect to have the juitc^ilot perform only th^ most basic functions: pitch, roll 
and yaw control (this basic autofUght level is not available in all systems); be or she may direct the 
automation to maintain or alter heading, altiuidc or speed, or may direct the autopilot to capture and 
follow navigation paths, either horizontai or vertical. This is motigement by delegation, though at 
differing levels cf management, from fairly immediate to fairly remote. In all cases, however, the 
aircraft is carrying out a stt of tactical directions supplied by tlic pilot. It will not deviate from 
these directions unless it is incapable of executing them. 

As always, there arc exceptions to the generalizations. The A320 will not initiate a 
programmed descent from cruise altitude without an enabling action by the pilot (This is the first 
instance of which we are aware in which management by consent has been embodied in aircraft 
automation.) Other modem flight management systems require that the pilots provide certain 
inputs befoie they will accept certain conditional instructions. 

Management by consent implies a situation in which automation, ones provided with goals to 
be achieved, operates autonomously, but requires consent from its manager before instituting 
successive phases of flight, or certain critical procedures. An example is given above. The 
consent principle has important potential advantages, in that it keeps pilots involved and aware of 
system intent, and provides them the opportunity to intervene if they believe the intended action is 
inappropriate at that point in time, (Taking the princin e to itr logical conclusion, it can be argued 
Lhat even yaw damping in older airplanes is by consent since the pilots can disable the function. 
This may not be the case in future aircraft, however, in which more of the automation will be 
transparent to the flight crew.) 

This management mode may become more important as "smart" decision-aiding or decision- 
making systems come into use (see page 94). A protracted period of close monitoring of these 
systems will be necessary; requiring consent is one way to monitor and moderate the potential 
influence of these systems. While management by consent is an attractive option worthy of further 
exploration, it must be informed consent More fundamental human factors research is needed to 
identify how to implement it without tte consent becoming perfunctory. 

Management by exception refers to a managen^nt-control situation in which the automation 
possesses die capability to perform all actions required for mission completion and performs them 
unless the pilot takes exception. Today's very capable fli^t management systems will conduct an 
entire mission in accordance with pre-programmed instructions unless a change in goals is 
provided to the flight management system and enabled by the pilots. This occurs relatively 
frequently when air traffic control lequii^s a change in the previously-cleared flight path, most 
often during descent into a terminal area. 

As previously stated, the desire^ to h>htt^n the pilot's workload and decrease the required 
bandwidth of pilot involvement led to n., *i of the control automation now installed m transport 
aircraft. The more capable control and management automation now in service has cenainly 
achieved this objective, with benefits to satety, reliability and productivity. It also has the capacity, 
however, to decrease markedly the pilot's involvement with the flying task and even with the 
mission. Today's aircraft can be operated for long periods of time with very iittie pilot activity. 
Flight path control, navigation, and more rccentiy subsystems management are almost entirely 
automatic. The capable, alert pilot will remain conversant with flight progress despite the low level 
of required activity, but even capable, motivated pilots get tired, lose their concentration and 
becon^ diverted, or worry about personal problems unrelated to the flight. A critical task of the 
designer is to find ways to maintain pilot involvement during operation at higher levels of 

This is less simple than it sounds, for pilots will both resent and find ways to bypass tasks 
that are imposed merely for the purpose of ascertaining that they are. still present in the cockpit. 
Tasks to maintain involvement must be flight-relevant or even flight-critical, and equally important. 


?Ji^l^. Pe.rccivcd by pilots to be relevant Designing pilot involvement into highly automated 
S^n^oT """ ^ **'y ''"' '^''".'^ accomplished to minimize boiedom and complacency, 
paaicularly in very .ong range airoaft which spend many hours in ovenvater cruise. The progress 
of avionics, satellite naviganon and communications, and data link mav verv well have an optSsite 
result unless this umquely human L tor receives more consideration than it has to dau: 

^ioK?"°^-^'^ ^^"^^ ^ °^^^" '^^"*'" *^ ^°"^^ ^^ ^«y ai-c to manage, because interacting with 
tto?r^^r^"!^ul/^''T'' ^^^^"^Pi^-^hed primarily by entry of llphanumericlSomatTon^ 
Rcprogramming today s fagm management computers can be cumbersome, and such night pa'h 
S^^^bv a r^nf rv 'iZ%'''t ^^.^^'^P^i^.^ed by reverting to a lower level of automatir aK 
t^ian by altcnng Lhe FMS instructions. Tnis m itself may be a problem because some of the 
rXTh'rf' '^ '''' ^"-' '^"^^""^'^ configuration liy be x^moveS^^v such ^venfon On 
M^H^a tK •'^;"''"°^'^°'t^"^ "" ^'^'"Py ^"«""°" ^^t ™ght better be directed elsewhere 
Malang this mtcraction easier and less error-prone is a majj task facing the human f^cfo« 
community, and a number of research efforts are underway to litigate this^btem.) 

,.'!^^"^'^'^oP^''afion denotes opcrar on in accordance with instnictions vwvided bv svstem 
;^^?^.T;°°, *'''"''°" or management is required of the pilots. Until rece J?y?^tively Tew 
SnSJ^^J '^'•*'"' ""^^'^ autonomously. With the introduction of the A320 and MD-U 
however, major systems operate m this way. ivii^ 1 1 , 

all ti^^f^rwr^; n!i^^/ conffol system incorporates envelope limitation; this system operates at 
^n^K r^^ parameters (b^ angle, pitch or angle of attack) cannot be exceeded by die pilot 
except by turning off portions of the flight control computer systems or flying iS^ Scmoff 

I^rfcSeTc^ w ?r"? *" ^^^-^^^ flyover priof to rhelvluhouse-lLfheimlSto (ref 
44). Predetciminec thmst parameters also cannot be exceeded. 'Hie MD-1 1 incoroorates an^lV nf 

F^S di^Jrrin^n'H : If""^^' systems also operate autonomously, to a considerable degree 
Si^L ?i r.^. ^ ^" u'l^ w"? «<^onfig'^auon are also autonomous if the aircraft sySem 
controllers (ASQ are enabled (the normal condition). Any system may be operaS manuS^ 
though the piotecnons provided by the ASC systems are not av Jlable during^^^^n ^^ ' 

Systems £tesigned for autonomous operation pose serious philosophacal questions with resnect 
l^ft f h^'^'^h'" '"^^^ f P"**' involvement. These questions arose^first in theTs'^of fiS^J 
i- -^r™^f^^"^** ^'Shttr s fly by wire control system incoiporatcs "hard" limits which 'W^rv^ 

r--- w "^Z""** "*"»^ imui!,. inc riigni ecitonai points out that "There is however 

anomer appnoach avaikble. to develop a 'softer' fly-by-wire system which al ows S ScrSTto To 
to higher limits than before but with a progressive degradation of flying qualities as Sf highS 
rSS ^ -^^T^i^-.:' '' ?i' ^^'^ phUosophy which has been adopted bvlhe Sov ets S 
fighters hkc the MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-27. It is not, as Mikoyan's chief tesVuHoradr^t? 
neccssanly a philosophy which an air force wiU prefer." He sayrhowe4? "AlSS 
Se ^iSfr. f^'^K^ greater efforts.,.it guarantees a significant increaLnT overall qS of 

iJwcV *^ ^ • ^- "^. ^°^^ approach has been taken in the MD-1 1, which Dcrmits 

pilots to ovemde automate protection mechanisms by application of additional control fSce^ 

rs^v ^i;^ "''^ ^^ "^ "°* f^ ^ *^' ^^ fo ^ fighter whose maneuverability is limited 
they do on occasion have to take violent evasive action (see also page 86), and the- rS^ on 
extremely rare occasions need control or power authority up to (or even beyond) sSufn^aSS 
engme hmits to cope with very serious failures. The issue is whether the pnorwhoTSaSv 
responsible for safe mission compktion, should be permitted to operate to or cv;n TvorS S>S 
^ts when he or she ctetermines that a dre emergeiSy requires sSch operation ?^eis°aeSTo^ 
be smiply resolved, and the rarity of such emergencies mSes it difficult to obtain ^p Sc^ ^^ 


for one or the other philosophy. Nonetheless, the issue is a fundamental one. Pilots must 
approach such limitations on their authority with cxtienic wariness; designers must recognize that 
hard iiniits place them, rather than pilots, in the position of ultimate command, given the capability 
and flexibility of automated systems. Pilots must also be concerned about the effects such systems 
may have on their perception of their responsibilities, which remain despite whatever protective 
systems may be installed Such systems can fail. 

Another fundamental question is how wide a range of conirol and management options should 
be provided. This may well vary across functions; indeed, pilots will often operate at a of 
levels, for example coniroliing thrust manually while managing the autopilot and using the flight 
director to monitor navigation. Pilot cognitive styles vary; their skill levels also vary somewhat as 
a function of the amount of recent flying ihey have done, how tired they are, etc. These factors 
lead us to argue that a reasonable range of options must be provided, but widening Lhe range is 
expensive in terms of equipment costs as well as of training time and time required to maintain 
familiarity with a broad spectrum of automation capabilities. 

One way to keep pilots involved in the operation of the aircraft is to limit their ability to 
withdraw from it by invoking very high levels of management. Another, perhaps preferable way 
is to structure those higher levels of management so that they still require planning, decision- 
making and procedural tasks. The use of a management by consent approach, rather than 
management by exception, could be structured to insure that pilots must enable each successive 
flight phase or aircraft change of status, as an instance. It has been suggested by one air carrier 
that long-haul pilots should be given the tools witli which to become involved in flight planning for 
maximum economy on an ongoing basis; this is another approach to maintaining higher levels of 

Control Automation in the Future 

Control automation is ahneady highly advanced and highly competent. What may we 
reasonably expect to see in the way of furtlier advances? What additional factors should be 
considered in this donaain? 

There is increasing concern regarding the problem of runway incursions, as airports become 
more and more congested. Several studies (rcfs. 47 and 48) have highlight^ this problem; two 
recent accidents, at Detroit and Los Angeles, have underscored its seriousness (ref . 84). Improved 
radar surveillance of airpon surfaces is technically feasible and new devices aie scheduled for 
installation; light systems at mnway-taxiway intersections have been tried in the United States and 
are in use elsewhere, but neither of these approaches will be fully effective in nnitigating the 
problem of human (either pilot or controller) error (ref 49). 

More error-It sistant and error-tolerant approaches to this problem arc needed, especially given 
problems of low visibility and contaminated taxiway surfaces which can obscure markings 
temporarily. Suggested approaches include some degree of automation in control and conduct of 
movements on the airpon surface. Automation has not been extended to control of aircraft on the 
airpon, though techniques for lane-holding have been attempted in automobiles on roadways with 
embedded wiring. Highly precise satellite navigational aids, particularly when accuracy is 
enhanced by fixed-installation comparison techniques such as differentiarCPS (ref 50), may 
provide the means for true all-weather control of airplane positions on the ground. If airpon 
features can be described precisely, automatic control of aircraft during taxi is possible, though it 
will requinr< very large databases in the flight management systems that will access the information 
and very ace. 'ate map displays in the coc^it 

It needs to be pointed out that if automated control of aircraft on the airpon surface becomes a 
reality, pilots will be unable to verify the correct operation of the automation under conditions of 
severely limited visibility. Before such technology is implemented, it will be neccssaiy to consider 




m^nj^."!. ^"'^"i °«^^«>J^g capability can be provided. One possibility may be the use of 
mimmcter- wave radar and the provision of synthetic visual dispiav devices in the cockpit (Vuoh 
llT'^l'^^u^'^f^^y^ovidtindcpendcra inonitoring capability during low-visibiMt™^^ 

;;^i^rinf ^pt^r Jw^^^^^^ "''^^''' ^^ ^'^ ''^^'^y^- -^^^^ p-^^ ^^«p--- ^-^^ 

ar^d thL'^r°,n!w'^^'' '^"^^ ^^r."^"" capabilit>' to follow an ILS localizer centerline accmatelv 
and this capability is made use of dunng automatic landings, automatic takeoffs using center in' 
guidance are not perfonned, probably because of concern about asymmetric power fadii^raLdth; 

uertaml> the pilot is more quickly able to counter variations in direction if he or she is invo'ved in 
'^^'^^^'^^!,:S:-^^ '^ ^-""^ ^^ P^- ^- .ntrcxl.ces%^%tr^:S 1^ 


imngaang some noise problems for communities in the vicinity of airrins (reT 5?'" R^ng ve^ 

SSLL'fra^'au^ldc^ "'^^^^ '"^ flighf crewrorkload, howevere'venTf 

ine approaches are automatic. Alternate means arc being explored to enable equivalent aonroaches 
usmg exisung equipment capabihties, but these too will involve higher ccXrw^S^ A' 

tran^S^rri^ ?P^' "^ "^^ """"^ *Hghly integrated autotnation suites in virtuallv all future 
nanspon aircraft A higher level of integration may permit simpler automation architectures that «^ 

open question. Even before the advent of the present generation of aircraft incident* ZJr^ 
<. stall at high altitude m the case of an Acromexico DC-10 departing FranSSt fref 2 the 
S'"SSr^ '"'" "^^^ '"^"^ '^'^ ^°^^^ P^^"^' ^-^^ ^'^^-^ Sown on 

^^nHJl!*]*®"!? '^ ^^^. out again that problems such as this may be due to the automation of a 
T^U'^-'^^'m a^''^^' fhould not have been automated, but they niy equally weU te S to fdhire 
fL^^n i"r'?'^ function sufficiently obvious, that is to poor impSntatiorof^ ap^oSaS 
th^^T ? ^"^^T""*"!:- ^"^ ^"^^ principles state that the^ilot must be invo'v^- ^ev £S e 
that the pilot must be informed, and this includes piominentlv being informed ar^7^w^eL^?i5 
(rnSrJ^S^ '^ ;^po«.«,///«^., of the airplaiie and autoWnon ch^SSsricf^t S^timeT A^ 
IS pomted out several times here, too much infonnation may be as bad as too Uttle the critical rv^irt 
IS that the pilot must be able to maintain state and situation awarenesi ^ 

As subsystem automation becomes more capable and more common we shall have m 
consider carefully whatsubsystem management actions should not be autoi^ J ^S^l MB n 
n^Iflt, '^^"^J^.^"-' automating fully any tasks that are irreversible Salmis of to eff-a 
on the airplane s ability to complete its mission. In future aircraft, we mrst consider ^weM 

^Sierrat^feTn^^S tT^^ ^-^'^ 'P^^ ^*^^ ^^^" ^^ ^^ automationTh^; iX 
proscnfiecl, or at least made to require confirmation or consent. There have been two casrs in 
which pilots shut off fuel to both engines of a twin-engine transpon shorty after tSeSf Sng 
Aat diey were operating its elcctromc engine controllers (ref. 52): Ir, these cas-sdSd^sSS 
did not recogmze the potential for Lhe specification of procedures that coSd te hS^Sus orT a'r 
earners did not understand the (designer's) intent foV the EEC enabk/^sa^Sctiori ort)S; 
^Sfp^Sn?.^ r^Z ^^^';S^^^ - -^^' -- -'^--^ automa^^rr,t%S^S;: 


Our first priacipics suggest that the autotnation must be able to monitor the pilots. Momtonng 
automation could certainly be designed to question certain classes of pilot actions that can 
potentially compromise mission completion, though for the automation to proscribe such actions 
would again limit the authority of the pUot. It is hoped that more serious thought will be given to 
the piloi-aiitomation and automation-pilot moratoring functions, both of w' arc enabled by the 
highly competent digital computers row in place in advanced aircraft 



Information AiUomation 

M ,n^!J!^? e'taniine what Fadden has termed information automation. Though primitive i'vels 
of im >rmanon automation have been present for some time, information autotrS?i"n tegan i 

V^o^^Ti;:%;^'^^'^'l "^'^f "^^^^^ ^^^^'P»'' ^" ^hich CRT Greens ^pac^ 
sonu or dj of tr.e olcer electromechanical instruments. Even prior to this develo^nifnT 
mfonnation management had become a major problem in aviation. Sgs iZKiZdC^^lr 

Ser^rllerr. r^-i? of V-^rfV ^'^^•- ^"'i' '^" *^'>' ^^^^ study found information 

u ^srer p.oDiems jn , 37c of 1 2,000 consecutive incident reports (ref. 54). 

,^c .P*/^^*"^ °' ^'^' ^^««"s in cockpits made it possible for designers botii to ijroWde mor?- 
was Ovoomiug avauhble, the temptanon was ver\' great to provide nilots with mnrh mnr^ 

;fS^i ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^*^°"^' expenmcntal studies have found that pilots want as t^ irh 
information as may possibly be relevant, even at the cost of increased wSoSd (ref 55) 

.i^^3J°"^^?u°"°u"'^^'^.^;^"*"'=^5 ^" pijilosophy exist among the major suppliers of transnon 
aircraf . most ha%'e been fairly conservative abom new cockpit displa^ It shS Id te re^^nbS 
Ujat automation which enables moi^ information to be prese?te4 Series Stt^s^i/^^^^ 
of the amount of mfo^mation required to monitor the auSLteSfunctionra/srown iifgj^etr 

Inputs troiT^ 

^'ig\3jt 16- Information automation 



Despite this conservatism, new alerting, systems have been introduced, several mandated bv 
Congressional decree, each requires the presentation of new infonnatinn to pilots. Ground 
proximity warriing systems, mandated in 1974, provide visual and aural warnings. Tr«*ffic alert 
and collision avoidance systetris (TCA.S), now bemg installed in all transport ircralt, provide 
visual displays and visuai and voice warnings of traffic threats. Windshcar advisory systems 
mc?x.dated lor mstailation during 1991- 1993, will also introduce visual and aural warnings, 

Tliough map dispiays have greatly simpUficd tiie pre.scntation of navigationaJ information, Lhe 
integration of weather radar data md TCAS traffic displays with navigational data has complicated 
tno f displays comzdcrabiy, especially on smaller CRTs. The coming of digital data link for ATC 
messages wil, add stul further visual displays Lhat must be attended to. We will now examine the 
kinds ot mforraation m the cockpit, the ways in which it is displayed, and the effects of autometion 
on the information provided to flight crews to enable mission accomplishment. 

Flight path displays: Pilots arc physiologicaUy unable ro maintain a stable airplane attitude 
by reference only to their own sensoo' inputs because of limitations in their ability to sense motion 
and acceleration m ad spanai axes (ref. 56). The first anempts by DcKslitde and others to develop 
systems xor instrument flight (ref. 57) were prom-pted by the recognition of this fact. Gyroscopic 
turn indicators and ball shp indicators provided data concerning turn rate and sideslip; airspeed and 
alaiudc indicators providcc coarse information concerning climbs and descents Two-axis 
gyroscopes provided sensing for the more intuidve artificial horizon, which accurately displaved 
oank and pitch angle on a single device; another single-axis gyroscope provided heading 
mfomiauon when set in accordance with a magnetic compass. Vertical speed instruments were 
added to show rate of change of barometric altitude (figure 17) i^umcms were 

Figure 17: Pnman- Oighi mstruments; airspeed indicator, artificial horiaon, Lhiw-pointer aliimeicr 

tum and bank indicator, direcoonal gyro, vertical speed indicaior. The airplane is ir a left turn 

without sideslip, at 147 tnots, descending from 1340 f'xi at 630 fecj per minute 



^* J 

ffli (NDICATOH ?*IJ^^'^HS^ fe 



^DiRECTsON ^m^m^^m^ 

Figure 18: Electronic primary flight display. 

The information provided bv 
these six instruments has been the 
foundation of instrument flying e/er 
since. Analogous information, 
though derived in many cases froin 
different sensors (air data computers 
and inertia! reference platforms), is 
still the basis of the primary flight 
display in the newest and most 
sophisticated aircraft (figure 18). The 
several sources of data, in different 
formats, require considerable mental 
integration to permit the formation of 
a coherent perception of the airplane's 
attitude, state, and rate of change. In 
advanced electronic displays, a 
variet ' of aids is made available to 
assist the pilot in maintaining this 
perception, but (he basic information 
displayed is not fundamentally 

more integrated, displays could increase training requi^ments and perhaps comp^^se s^et^ 

Figurt 19: Pathway m the sky display. 


in older aircraft, several displays are also used to provide navigational (moir properly, 
position ) infcnnation to pilots. In essence, pilots are inforrned of their bearing and distance from a 
radio navigation aid. or during menial flight, from a geographic waypoint defined in the flight 
management computer. During approaches, they are infonned of their lateral and vertical 
deviations frcin localizer and glide slope centerlines. This information, like attitude information, 
must DC considerably transfc-med to permit die derivation of present position. Figure 20 is a 
sketch of this information. It : hows a horizontal situation display containing a heading indicator 
(whose data now comes from a remotely-mounted, stabilized magnetic compass), a digital display 
of pME distance, and a radio magnetic indicator (RMI), showing the bearing to two VOR stations 
or low-free ue icy rad^o beacons. The RMI also contains a heading indicator, whose inputs are 
normaiiy from a second independent magnetic compass urjL 

Figure 20; Flectrome4:haiiicai navigation instruments: radio magnetic indicator (RMI) lo lefu horizontal situation 

display (HSI) to right. The 180* radial of the VOR being tracked is 12* to the right; the VOR is 10.2 miles away 

Aircra^ is flying paraDei to that radial. The HSI ako shows glide slope deviations when tuned to an ELS frequency. 

The introduction of CRT screens in the cockpit made possible drasticallv simplified navigation 
displays. Although cor ventional HSI displays like that shown above atr still provided, nearly all 
pilots of glass cockpit a:rplanes use map displays for most enroute flying. The map displays udiize 
data stored in the flight nrmnagement system to provide a pictorial planform display of present 
position and future navigation waypoints. In some aircraft, terrain obstructions and airports can 
also be selected. In nost glass cockpit aircraft, weather can also be depicted on the display- 
displays of other traffic ire, or will be, provided by TCAS equipment. 

When all of thes€ o )tions are exercised at once, screens can be cluttered if significant weather 
or a great deal of nearby traffic is present, but the displays still require less mental cffon on the part 
of the pilot. Many n?ivi j ation displays can also be used in a "north-t^p mode" to display the r.ute 
pro^pramrned in the ¥MS computers. The scale of the navigation display can be varied; some 
i CaS units also permit .iJtitudc filtering. Figure 21 shows such a navigation display, li includes 
flight plan, present and p edicted flight path, waypoint and radio navigation aid locations, location 
of weather, altitude r:Elau^e to planned altitude, incrtial ground speed :knd wind din^ction and speed. 








m> 1 




/ / 



von L 



FigTire 2i : Electronic map display showing wcaiher. Right plar 
rou; and nav aids. 

Map displays have immeasurably 
cased the cognitive tasks of pilots by 
giving them an instantaneous, easily- 
mterpreted picnire of their location 
with respect lo their plan, Wiener 
(1989) reported that rhey arc the mosi 
desired single feature of advanced 
automation. As with flight directors, 
:t is not difficuh to lose sight of the 
raw navigation data. Map displays do 
not make it particularly easy to 
evaluate the raw data from which 
position is derived, and it has been 
necessar>' to introduce special display 
elements to aid in this task. American 
and British incident repons (ref. 60) 
describe circumstances in which the 
apparent position was incorrect, and 
the clarity and apparent precision of 
tne displays can be seductive. 


T*T ♦jic 0-Toi ♦aa J 

).M 1JO f^v iji 

SlSa !I22 UM SSI 


I ^ 


^^^ ^^^ SEATBELTB 

iss um QSi EMS r 

250 243-124 



I^ C^D CSD Gsa 





7500 (UT£ -250 

Tor*iFUCl 362.6 


20C A^ 5.6 

TBi^ +10C 

Figure 22: Primary EICAS display, Boeing 747-400. 

iKn^^^'f"' '^"P^'^ys- The Boeing 
/57/767 introduced electronic engine 
status displays. These displays 
provided enhanced electronic 
depictions of information that had 
been available on electromechanical 
instruments, together with adaptive 
EGT limits, data on commanded vs. 
actual thrust for autothrust operation 
e c. Ihe later Airbus A320 provided 
a simi ar set of electronic displays and 
alphas, umeric information The 
Boeing 747.400 electronic power 
displays -ere the first to utilize a 
simpUfied tape to roat on a rimary 
and secondary displav ('figure" 22). A 
compacted format showing analog 
tape and alphanumeric data is also 
available. These displays were based 
on research showing that pilots were 
better able to evaluate engine prob- 
lems with displays tailored to the 
number of engines. The MD-II 
primary and secondary power 
displays are again CRT represen- 
mtions of the earUer clectromechanicai 

.ha. ™^'^?Sgt#™".^'Xtirg"'^S.^'SS^^°^^ =; ^--^ .^-'Ti' -vigation displays, 


concept for a considerably* simplified set of power displays using bar graphs which show relative 
data vs. appropriate values for engine parameters (ref. 61). (See page 44 for discussion.) The 
engine monitoring and control systcno (E-MACS) concept will be evaluated in flight simulations as 
a part of the NASA Aviation Safety/Automation concept demonstrations . 

ConfiguratiGn displays and alerting systems: In older aircrafi, a variety of lights and 
gages were used to show the configuration of landing gear, flaps and slats, control surfaces, 
aircraft doors and other faght-criticaJ systems. Nearly all current-generation aircraft have displays 
thai provide such information in graphic fomi, though Au^bus Industrie has gone farther than odier 
manufacturers in showing the configuration of com.poncnts of these systems as well as the svstems 
as a whole. 

Figure 23. Electronic display of flap-slat positions in A320. 

Figure 23 shows an elegant litde 
icon used in the A320 to indicate flap 
and slat position. The diagram 
appears on the engine display screen 
together with engine data, status and 
alerting messages. The number refers 
to flap selector position. 

Alerting messages and aural 
signals are still used m newer aircraft 
for critical items prior to takeoff and 
approaching landing, as in earlier 
generations. These takeoff and land- 
ing configuration warning systems have prevented many accidents, but their occasional failure, and 
their ability to generate spurious or nuisance wamui^^s, raise a problem of a more general nature. 
Devices that are extremely reliable will come, over time, to be rclied upon by pilots. In the rare 
cases when they fail, or are disabled, pilots may not be sufficiently alert to detect the condition for 
which the device was originally provided. This occurred in two recent attempted takeoffs with 
flaps and leading-edge devices retracted The aircraft crashed with heavy loss of life (refs. 10,1 1). 

The other side of this coin is that devices that produce too many 'false alarms" will be 
mistrusted by flight crews. In the extreme case, they will simply be ignored after pilots have 
become accustomexl to them. This was the case when the earliest rr-xiel of the ground proximity 
warning system (GPWS) was introduced. At least two accidents have occurred because pilots 
ignored, disabled or were slow to respond to warnings that were appropriate. Later GPWS 
models incorporated more complex algorithms and the number of nuisance warnings dropped 
dramatically. We are now seeing similar problems with large-scale implementation of TCAS-U. 

Altitude alerting systems, introduced to alert pilots when approachmg a selected aitinjde and to 
warn them if they thereafter depart from that altitude, provided both aural and visual alerts many 
times in the course of routine flights. They were reliable and came to be depended upon; altitude 
excursions resulted when the devices malfunctioned or were ignored because of distractions. 
Pilots objected, however, to the number of aural alerts approaching altitude, and FAA amended its 
requirements to permit the use of only a visual signal approaching altitude. After this change was 
made, pilots accustomed to hearing the aural alert before reaching their selected alti^ade were also 
involved m altitude cxcursicHis because it was no longer present (ref. 62). 

Color is used in all cockpits to indicate problems (red or amber, depending on severity), 
though display symbology and color-coding for CRT displays has not yet been standardized The 
Society of Autonootive Engineers S-7 Committee is working on such a recommended standard. In 
most cases, redundant shape or size coding is used in addition to color, to minimize detection 
problems for color-deficient pilots and to maximize legibility in bright suaiight (though CRTs used 
in cockpits undergo stringent testing to insure readability in veiy bright light). 








BG k 


ei^c 11 


SEC 1 








13^ •up 

CI — RUD-O 1 


^ — jL--** 





23 H 56 

G.W 60300 KG 


Figure 24: Flight cofitrol configuration display, A320. 

The complexity of configuration 
displays can be high because of the 
number of items that are pertinent 
(figure 24). Tlicugh color can help to 
direct a pilot's attention to parameters 
that arc abnormal a good deal of 
information must still be scanned. 
Cockpit designers have done an 
excellent job of eliminating large 
numbers of discrete "lights, bells and 
whistles," v.ithin limits imposed by 
cerdfication regulations, but they have 
substituted large amounts of discrete 
data integrated into a smaliei number 
of displays. 

This topic is discussed in more 
detail in following sections, but it 
should be said here that current 
operational constraints often inquire 
pilots to review, by whatever uieans, 
a great deal of important status 
information prior to takeoff and 
during approach, periods that are 
already busy. Ways of summarizing 
. - , , . this inforaiation that can alen pilots if 

a potential problem is: pn^sent are highly desirable, but onlv if they are trustworthy, for pilots uill 
come to depend on such aids. **Automation must be predictable," but i: mus? also ^^m 
unmistakably when it is unable to perform a flight-critical function. 

Subsystem displays: Though tliere is still a philosophical controversy about ti'e necessity 
or even the desirability of providing synoptic subsystem infomiation in the cocicpii, pilots and 
operators clearly find u desirable to have such displays and they are provided in most ^>iass cockpit 
airo-aft. Synoptics of simple systems may increase the risk of misinterpreution, though they are 
probably advantageous for the depiction of more complex svstems. Some of the controversy 
probably relates to certification issues; manufacturers and operators alike wish to mcorporate as 
few essential systems as possible to avoid grounding airplanes when they fail, and the overhead 
panels on i.iese aircraft permit full m-inual operation of all subsystems. 

Like configuration displays, subsystem synoptic displays can be very complex, though most 
manufacturers have made them as simple as possible- Multiple faults, however, will still require 
careful pilot attention to tiie screens to understarid fully the namrc of the problems. Herein lies 
anotner facet of tiie contmversy. Modem airplanes are designed to require specific actions Casually 
as few as possible) m response to any fault or combination of them. The requiied actions are 
spelled out in checklists which are designed to be followed precisely. These aircraft are also 
designed to require no more than checklist adheience for safe flight completion There is 
continuing conceni among designers that providing too detailed information on subsystem 
configurauon may lead some pilots to adopt more innovative approaches to complex pix^blems and 
thereby negate the care the manutacturer has taken to simplify fault rectification Such behavior 
has cau;>ed senous mcsdcnts in the past and will probably continue to do so in the future despite the 
best efforts of designers to achieve simplicity and clarity in their designs and procedures. 

On tiie other hand, pilots argue, with justification based on experience, tha^ faults not 
contemplated^by the nrniufmmtr may we'^ occur in line operations. They pcmt. as one instance 
to a LlOll that was landed safely at Los Angeles after its crew was faced with a completely 


unandcipated control surface fault for which no book solution existed (rcf. 63). They do nor wish 
tc be dcpnved of any infonnation that could assist them in coping with such problems. 

,u ■?c'?.°fi"^ 757,^67 cockpit, as indicated above, does not provide subsystem synoptics, 
though EiCAS messages provide a great deal of information on aircraft system status. Since not 
ai! intonnation can be presented, the questions that must be answered is at what point the 
appropnate comproimse can be found. Better models both of system behavior and of cognitive to malfunction information are needed to answer this quesdon. Such research is 
underway within the NASA Aviation Safety/Autoir-tion program (ref 64) 




— — ~<|HjH' 

{[m! ^ 







- AurroptLOT 2 mop 


Figure 25 Hydraulic system synoptic page» MD-1 1. 

synoptic diagram) after low systetK A hydraulic quantity 
hydraulic fluid reservoir is also shown. 

As noted above, Dougl^ Aiicraft 

has taken a different approach ^o 

subsystem management in that it has 

autonijated most normal and abnormal 

actions in the MD-11 s;;bsy stems. 

The synoptics in the MD-11 are 

simplified diagrams of each 

subsystem. When an abnonnal 

condition is detected, the appropriate 

system controller takes action; an 

alerting message is displayed on the 

engine and alert display. The 

appropriate subsystem pushbutton on 

the systems control panel is also 

lighted. When actuated, this 

pushbutton brings up the synoptic, 

which will show the system diagram 

with altered icons indicating the fault, 

what action has been taken, and a list 

of the consequences for the conduct 

of the remainder of the flight. Figure 

25 shows an example of a level 2 alcn 

(system A hydraulic fluid loss) which 

has been resolved automatically bv 

inactivation of the two system A 

hydraulic pumps (systemat Icftof the 

was detected. The depleted system A 

Here, the synoptic display is ver>' clear (and compelling); there is no question about what has 
taded and what has been cone about it, although a failed sensor could produce the same display as 
a tailed system and the pilot must still differentiate between these two conditions. This leads to a 
question about whether such systems should be permitted to be reconfigured autonomously 
without pilot consent The designer of such a system bears the heavy burden of insuring that the 
action taken by the automation is always appropri .i . and that it will not under any circumstances 
worsen the situation. Ascertaimng this may be comparatively simple for manv faults- for others it 
may not be. The design philosophy appears to lave been ciTective in lightening pilot workload; 
more expenence will be necessary to determine whether it has unwanted eft'ects as well aside from 
the minimal burden of momtoiing the automation. Alerting messages appear if 'any of the 
automatic aircraft system controllers fail; thf computers reconfigure the subsystem for manual 
operation if botn of the dual cliannels become inoperative. 

It must be kept m mind that seasors, processing equipment or display generators can fail and 
that when incorrect information is presented, or correct information is not presented, there is the 



a2oS^*L^I/'°^^."!i?li"^'^^ ""^"S-^^ '^^ P^^°"- "^^^ ^dds complexity but must be 
dccominodaicd. The mfarmanon must be unportant enough to wanant the added complexity-. 


NOTE: This al^rt will be Bccompam^d by the TRIM AIR 
AVNCS OVHT tight on the ovBrhead panel, which will rs- 
main ilkjfvinai&d until reset by maintenance. 

Ar Systom 


Vcnirr MANUAL 


[no] "^ — —' 

N^^ ?='ACKS1 A3..... ^ ,-...,..,. OFF 



PACKS 1 & 3 mast remain off for remainder 
of fiigh t. 


PACK1 .__..^ ON 






W;ien -AVNCS COMPT OVHr alert is no 
'jngsr displayed, 





Packs 1 & 3 must rerriain off tor 
reminder of flight, 






I Pack 1 must remain off for remainer of 


T (^ 

Pack 3 must remain off for remainder of flight. 

Figure 26: Quick Reference Handbook checklist, MD-1 L 

It has been suggested here that 
though many subsysrem displays, 
and some systems, have been 
considerably simplified, other 
subsystems have become more 
complex. Older aircraft contained 
several hundred discrete cockpit 
alerting and warning signals (ref 65). 
In carrcnt-technology aircraft, a small 
area on the primary EICAS or ECAM 
screen is considered adequate for the 
presentation of all warning and 
alerting messages (though scrolling 
through such messages may be 
necessary with compound faults). 
The messages themselves are highly 
abbreviated; quick-reference hand- 
book checklists contain procedures 
for each abbreviated alerting message. 

While the number of discrete 
alerting devices has decreased 
markedly, the number of discrete 
alerting messages that may be 
displayed and may require action is 
still large, though the number of level 
3 (emergency) warnings has been 
kept as small as possible and non- 
essential warnings and alens are 
inhibited during takeoff and final 
approach. Nonetheless fault 
management may still be complex, 
and newer aircraft are operated by a 
crew of two instead of the former 
three persons, so there nnay be more 
for each crew member to do. It is 
largely for diis reason that Douglas 
has automated many MD- 1 1 
subsystems management tasks. A 
sample QRH page i^ shown in figure 
26- It contains the checidist to be 
followed in the event of ar avionics 
compartment overheat alert. A 
manual troubleshooting procedure is 
diagnmmed logically. 

to tne ^lane s track. This infonnanon was previously avaiiabis on the FMS alDhanmn?,Sr 
screen but the arrow provides the information in a tnore ii4.ediately untetanSe& n Se 
sanie diagram, a curved predictor display shows where the airplane wUl be at some S S Ae 


future if it continues in its present turn. In figure 18, a snoall arrow pointing dowmvaid from 
preseu airspeed is a arnd vector, it points to the airspeed of the airplane 10 seconds hence if its 
present rate of deceleration continues. These are just a few of a large number of enhanced 
information displays maae possible by autonaated systems in glass cockpit aircraH 

A good example of enhanced intormation displays is the use of the navigation display for 
flight plan verification. The entry of geographic waypoints into the FMS prior to departure is 
known to be an error-prone task: elaborate procedures involving the entire flight crew have been 
instituted to decrease the likelihood of errors in perfoniiing this task. Nonetheless, input errors do 
occur, arc not obvious, and can be cxtrcmely serious. The destruction of a Korean Air Lines 747 
over Soviet airspace is thought to have been due in pan to an INS programming error that occurred 
many hours earlier, before takeoff from Anchorage (ref. 66), In a more recent case, a Delta 747 
and a Continental DC- 10 nearly collided over the Atlantic due to an input error by the Delta crew 
before takeoff (ret. 67). 

Newer automation permits the use of the navigation display for graphic visualization of flight 
plans. An expanded range (up to 640 NM in the 747-400 and MD-11), north-up presentation of 
the flight plan enables the flight crew to detect obvious or gross errors in the waypoints tiiey have 
inserted into the FMS. At present, no terrain or other geographic orienting features arc contained 
in FMS databases, but it is expected that future electronic library systems (see below) will contain 
such features; they can be used to provide even more assistance to the crew in detecting errors in 
flight plan construction. As always, there will be the added cost of learning to manage the new 
system and of stiU more information availability. 

Even older aircraft incorporate a variety of more-or-less automated information displays; the 
altitude alen system discussed on p?ge 38 is an example. A manually-set digital altitude reminder 
is compared with actual barometric altitude; alerting signals indicate when the airplane appmaches, 
attains or later departs from the selected altitude. 

Aircraft equipped with flight management systems but electromechanical instruments utilize a 
small monochiDmatic CRT display in the FMS CDU for the presentation of alphanumeric 
information derived from the FMS> These screens will undoubtedly also be used for digital data 
received by data link units in such aircraft- TCAS incorporates a plsuifonn display of traffic in the 
vicinity of one's own aircraft In some installations a dedicated CRT is used; in others, TCAS 
information may be shown on a color ractr screen, while in others, a new color display combines 
a presentation of the instantaneous vertical speed iruiicator (IVSI) with a snisdl pianform display of 
traffic. This instrument replaces the conventional fVSL In nearly all glass cockpit aircraft, it is 
expected that the information will be shown on navigation and flight displays. 

Discussion of Information Automation 

The purpose of information automation in the cockpit is to enhance the flow of information to 
the flight crew. This information is necessary to permit the crew members to maintain full 
awareness of their situation. "Situation awareness" is a term in wide use, but it has been difficult 
to define at all precisely. It is thought that much of the difficulty in arriving at an acceptable 
definition may he semantic rather than substantive; like other terms of art. it may be more difficult 
to detlne than to understand- Sarter and Woods have reviewed the literature and have suggested 
ways of delimiting the term more effectively (ref. 24). 

In situation awareness, we include the crew's perception of the state and status of their 
airplane, its position in space, and the state of the physical and operational environment in which it 
is operating and will operate in the immediate future. Information automation, like all other aircraft 
automation, moist assist the crew in maintairung situation awareness. 


co4;|*/„'^*^^S «--;^^^^^^^ Uiccn Place .„ „e.. 

appeared in transport aircraft. In fact the vkrm^, S^ f'^J'^y^S^^ ^^'splays have not vet 
represent a step forwatxi, in that Lkc?nfZS^o^^!^i;sutZ^^'^^ ^^°^" "' ^'^^« '« <^^' 
oeen combined on one screen, car.fuliv desiened S nmi.i 1 ''" ^'^^ °' '''' instruments has 
much contioversy respec' to Lhe>St^ '"^ °^^" '=^'^^"«"ts. There i 

should have higher numbers above or teLT how ,^?,l? i'' ''•'^"' ■*'^^^'^' *^ aurspeed tape 
phases of flight, etc., but almost nori amiZo^r,^^tf'''^T'' '^^"^^ ^« ^^«^" in varioS 
format should be letained. ^ operators and manufacturers about whether the bam' 

P^"^.^!^ -XVrctcir^oS^c?Sf .T"^^ -ore ^nfonnafon on a s.ngle 
mdicauons, m particular, have been in"ei^ pl^^^K^'l^f'"^ """'^P'^ ^^P^^^^- The airsneed 
manual pointers on the circutnfeienc^S Srsni:^]^ in? .^"^^''^ ^^"^^^ ^° ^^^ "^'-^g^- f .mall 
current aircraft, these are presented autn,i;ftJI?f^ indicator; as reminders of critical speeds- in 
FMS database. WhetherTavTnf to Sin iV" ^^^^^ ^P^' ^^ ^^y ^ sS Tn the 

improved pilot awareness of thim S whether fnvS^'' t^"^?' "'"""^'^ *" °lder aircraft 
automancaiiy.isnot Wn. ^^ ^r^^tnl'^llZt:^^^^^ ^^em 

ex^L^ililS^^ aiso be available, as are not-to- 

limits for ma^.mium perforicc are shown oJth.^l^^*"t'=°"^^^^^on ^ank and pitch 
decision height limits, indications tisat key ^it^defarfSi^a ''^^'^^^o^- P^e-selected altitude or 

also provides rate of change information irrlc , ■ ^^^ *^ ^^ extreme right of the PFD 
chmb or descent to avoid coXti^ Sc is Lo .h''n'°^""''Vt.ii°^ information requMng a 
wammgs. Windshear advisory infonnatioi ? l^ u °" "^"^ '^^^ ^^ ^^ reinforced by vok:e 
accompanied by voice warning? '"'°™^^°" '^ '^ ^Iso be shown on Lhe PFD and will Lo te 

woui?TuSe« X^tlff^r. ^°^X1 SSf n^^ ^^ «^^ P"-^ ^'^P-rience to date 
quantity of information onto the sSce of «c???"i-^*'f" 1°'^ ^^ *= compresTion of a i^ee 
personal communication) that at S som- nS' "^^'^ '^ • '^'^^ ^ indications VJSn 
airspeed and altitude precisely whSi the^Se^vCSfo^rH'"^ T"", ^^^^"^^^ ^" maintaining 
round-dial format. This may be due toTuhS^l^J ™^^°." J' <i"Play«l in a tape ratlier thar 
n^prove the displays do not ap^ to have reS ^e'nShl' "^^ "^r^.^'^^^ys, though eSs to 
b^own to have caused significant difficulti^str^iTr,^ ^"^ ^^^^^^ ^ Phenomenon is not 
been conducted to determine this Sere have ^.n-^^^^ ^"^'' "° '^'^''^ research na 

airspeed (presented in tape fonnat) hafScaJS m h ^' ^" "e^^technology aircraft in wS 

^ W%' '"^ "k" "°^ P^^^^^^ ^° dete-me Serl^s'^^^^^ "T^^ approaches to 

re^.ce on other protective features of the automation Jhl^ff ^"^ ^''P'^^ "^^^^' ^^^ ^o over- 

mode bemg used. "'*' automation which were not, in fact, operative in the 

E)espite the apparent effectiveness nfPRTTw^ «• .. - 

continue to expIoi?*kiemative foS'invSSIf^ ^ *^\^' ^'^^^y- ^""^ factors re<^an;hers 
state and fumre path. Tne linSSl^l^SX^/h."?^ P^^'^^^^d display of attimi! pS^JS 
c^ be an effective substitute fo^ *e c?n^ nntal S^S^^p^^^^^^^^ '"^^^ ^^^^ d^s^'vs 

there are conditions under which such disnlav. wr,nM ^e conditions studied, but whether 

known, and it is also not known wSthi such^nnitl''' ^T'"^^ ^^^cknt infomoation is not 
^J'^:r^"'''''''^^'y°'''''^^^^-^^on^^^^^ r.""^^ convey significan 

(page 33). manufacnire. and operators have electSd^s?^ ^^ '^T^Zf^^^^ 


simplification of the information displayed would not be appropriate during cruising flight on 




ALT ink Hi \ 

■ Icou^mj : 

Figure 27: Simplified PFD presentation. 

Such an approach is shown in 
figure 27, which depicts a com- 
pressed presentarion of the data 
required under such circumstances. 
Research would be required to deter- 
mine whether such truncated displays 
m fact permitted performance 
equivalent to present displays under 
all conditions, and whether detection 
of anomalies was as easy as with 
present formats. The use of different 
displays in different management 
modes might reinforce pilot aware- 
ness of the operating mode. 




The primary flight display is not interactive; pilots cannot nxxiify it, as they can the navigation 
displays, to suit their circun5stances or cognitive styles- Whether this should be penmitted, or is 
needed, also deserves discussion. If some degree of PFD reconfiguration or de-cluttering is to be 
implemented, should it be at pilot discretion or should it be done automatically as a function of 
flight phase or automation in use? Should a range of PFD options be available? If so, why? 

Power displays: The pilot requires conrinuous information about the power being 
developed by each powcrplanL and information about any anomalies in the propulsion system. Is 
more than this needed on primary power displays? Abbott and colleagues (ref 61) have suggested 
that detection of power anomalies might be considerably enhanced by simplified disp)avs. They 
point to the Air Florida 737 accident on takeoff from Washington National Airport, in which, 
despite contlicring information on the various enghie parameters due to icing of temperature 
probes, *e takeoff was continued v/ith engines developing much less than takeoff Lhiust (ref 68). 

As noted above, raw data on 
several engine parameters is displayed 
even in highly automated aircraft. 
The Air Florida case points out the 
importance of maintaining a scan of 
all of them, and the display shown in 
figure 22 attempts to case this task. 
But what the pilot needs to know is 
simply the instantaneous thrust being 
developed by each engine, and 
perhaps any trends in thrust. This 
could be done by modem automation 
driving a very simple display, as 
shown diagramnaatically in figure 28. 

Configuration displays and alerting systems: Much progress has been made in 
simplifying alerting and warning systems. In view of ti:*eir very high reliability, it is necessary to 
consider how pilots can be kept alen to the possibility of the failure of such systems. This has 
traditionally been done by relying upon pilot knowledge as the primary tool for configuring the 
aircraft, reinforced by the use of checklists to verify completion of the required actions. The 
autOiDated warning systenas are a backup check that the most essential items have been attended to. 
This approach has been extremely, though not invariably, successful, as the Dctn^it and Dallas 

Figare 28; A simplified display of engine thrua t^rameters and 

trends. Engine 4 is still accelentting but is conimanded to reach 

normal takeoff thrust. 


takeoff accidents make clear (refs in An^i ^%\ n.- ~ u j 

resistant? Each added kverof^utomarSn i„J;^ more be done to make the system error- 
more devices that Sff Jr.^ automation introduces still further complexity and expense, and 

alter oiiSJ5'atralS.Td"vS I? ^^'^ '^^ ^^^^'^ -^^-^^ion and 

functioning of aiftransporf^ mstoSdrSJhtl^f.S^^^^ "^ ''''""'*^ ^° ^-^ successful 
redundancy than thev do now so^zt S. L ^"^"^^^ ^^'^g systems -ncoiporate more 
safety. Would such i approach YuSfe/i^^^^^ '']''T '''"'^^^ ""• ^Womise 

recognition that we have aSv tlSriS 7 ; ^ ""' '.''^"^^ ''°'^' °^ '^'^^^ u simplv be a 
now build automation^tl^rXSL^m^StSS^^^^^ ^- - -- 

but one of a number of kinS of S ^sS to as^^lh^ ^ ^^ ^°"^'.d««^ automatxo'n to be 
now aa essennaliool in certain rS^cS^T^fs£,wnrv1S A^:>n^^^ f'^''"- T'' ^"«>n^tion is 
primary flight control be the only case? C> SonlH nthi I ? ^^ flight control system. Should 
fault-tolerant architectures and h^dtare^^tf we InJ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^« incorporate 

despite highly capable autornation to S^ist tf^^,^ i n ^^^^^ ""'*''?" ^" ^^^^^ humans foiled 
acknowledge that such fail^ ^ en<Sust?x^ns"ve I^^^^^^ ^ff =^"^^y' ^^ "^"^^ 

human operator error, we must o^c^^t c„.k ff i ?■ "^^ ^P^^ider all that is known about 

Are there^ays to ixiake thrhuS^^Jc^Tyt m^^^^ ? ''f'' f^^^' ^^ ^<1 ^0). 

detection of configuration problems? erro. -resistant and error-tolerant in the 

s.4it^m^LntnTn.I^:^^^^^ "^Tirra^^"^'""' ''^ ^ -'^-^^- -^ --aft 
tri^nagement, as discussed on pfge 3^^^^^^ ^^^' ^^'^f^ control and 

about subsystem operation and subsystem cU^I^s^ "^ ^""'''°"' ^^^' ^""^^"^ ^^n be asked 

mves?gSit^rtiSX^^^^ -itches is under 

feasible is no longer in doubl TouTVen?^?v?^or^ embedded control devices are technicaliv 
Miether they are fuitcd fOT^crirct:S is^^^^^^ ?"^°*^ ^ commonplace , 

wiu- issues related to safer.- MdaSa^SSiStS^n q ^"^2' ^^ ^' ^»«-''^o^ » confounded 
clear, have to be it^dundL^f S^re S^ome thSv' '^'^^T ^^^^"^^^ °«dia) would 
the othc- hand, the coming iii!erimrion^?^fe?4^?.r\r ^°^ On 

suggests u r desirabiUty of locaSTSie .v"^^ i^ ^T checklists on system CRT screens 
checklist. (assummgthat^,^Sti(i?conttu?Jn^^^^ '^°'^ '° ^°^^ ^^ ^y"°Pti«^5 and the 
probably will for critical ^mLS^^^ ^ T"^ operation to some degree and n 

reach). Qew input e^S; S ^ £^eriS1ffll ^ ^^ ^ P^^^^ ^- -Vv 

on the display. What would S the ne^Tllrr^ ^S^^^osts I^S^^^ S^^^^Sl^^-^ 

paneJon^r IS^cJ^^r^S^h^oSr^^^^^^^^ -^^>-- control 

synoptic screens. The lack of tactile feSbark Snf^L ? 2^ '^*'' "'^^ ^'^ well-designed 
compensated for by an auc^wf cLck ^e^sud? sw^X T'"^^' °V ^^P^'> ^^"^'^ perha^be 
switch should have a visible effect on Sii^rT r^^ ^^"^^"^ ^"^^ "^^ oP^^^tion of the 
likely to be. a feature of electioniTcKsS^hl?^ nnl $^"f ^iP^^^^^^J.^^sing and verification is 
either or omission or corm^^nZ^^^^^Z^^,^^^^^^ '^^T^ '^«^^ against errors 

that more automated checklists may dec^Se S rwai^ness^^^^^^^ '^''"' ^""'^ '"^gests 

system status, and this may be an impom^ni cLt r^^^^ 
evaluate the benefits and cos4ofinct^Sti::SiiSn.'^^^^ ^^ -'^'--ay to 

Regardless of the approaches that may be taken in th^ fnf,.r« ,^ » r 


the likelihood of pilot actions that can threaten flight safety is warranted as a means of improving 

failing dunng flight 




Outpjt I 

SwRch respond, 
nova^s r»spon6o 


owich re«pon«« 
and valve r»sDonae 


Figure 29: Electronic display of switch position and function 

The advent of synoptic displays 
in cockpits given rise to another 
question about the display of synoptic 
information. On such a screen, 
should a switcn display indicate the 
sensed position of the switch itself, or 
of the device affected? In older 
aircraft, disagreement between 
physical switch position and the 
control actuated was usually 
indicated. This can be done on CRT 
displays by sensing and displaying 
both function (fiow, pressure or 
voltage) downstream from the switch 
or valve while mdicating switch 
position on the switch icon, as is 
suggested in figure 29. This 
approach would increase display 
redundancy as well 

How much information does the pilot need under various circumstances? A variety of 
displays is used even in older aircraft, depending on how much informadon regarding a given 
function is, or may be, required (figure 30). The formats available aie limited, though either dial 
or tape representations of data can be used. Each level of display ha5 bcnctlts and costs in temis of 
iegibiiity, required space and weight, and mental workload necessary to assimilate the information. 

TJe questions must always be asked: "How much information is enough? How much is too 
much? Though pilots always wanv more mformation, they aie not always able to assimilate ii To 
provide too much information simply guarantees that pilots under high workload will ignore some 
of 2t, and which data they will ignore under particular ciicumstances is not predictable 







Figure 30: Araounts of infomiaran presented by various electromechanicai displays. 


[S YS 2 ON] 







The glass cock'jit has 
made it possible to tailor 
displays mo/e effectively, ar.d 
to provide alphanumeric, 
graphic or iconic represen- 
tations of data. A continuum 
of displays is again possible, 
from the simplest indication of 
overall subsystem function or 
failure, through very simple 
diagrams of system contin- 
uity, to displays of systems 
nod^s and continuity, to more 
complex displays that tsrovide 
quantitative data regarding 
these functions, as shown in 
figure 31. 

by a^os't r SS SSTt^e^ ^Sot'ed'atrS^ ^^';?;> ?-P^«ity is again accompat.ied 
penalties of additional instnirSnt^'a^^'aSLcS^^^^^^ ^' ^^^^^^ -^' P-ce 

malfSLToZ? 'S^e'jSsU'lJ^rh;.^^^^^^^^^ P-PJf^y^than .hen they are 

data would be prtsentul when a subrnt^^i wa^ woS^^^ ' ^"^"^""^ of 

cither automatically or on request when Tsv«em n^?l,n^ ^' T^ '^^ ^^"^<^ '^ pT«sented 
switches were being used,Sy woirbecSTvaTi^rS?^" >r« detected. If touch- sensitive 
approach to a fuel system is illumtSS fi?^ 3? t?^^^^ ^'^^''' ''^'f ^ ^^ ^^^- Such an 
diagram on the left, and a more comS»r^ dS, w.tll^t I °? ^ ^^'^^^ simplL-ied synoptic 
the nght. Would such an appxoSXvtd7S,r4?n ^n "f ^"' T"""^ '^'''''^ operation on 
pilots when it was not required'> mformaaon as needed without needlessly distracting 

Figure 31 : CRT displays of system information. 

FOB 116,300 

FUEL ?,2 

FOB 116,300 

[ 3 ] 

Kgurc 32: Hic^y of subsys^rr. Ui^iays; simpLAed fuei sr-tem .ynoptic « .ft 
expanded synoptic wxth u»i..V ^^e! swiu;hes aVr^t ^^ ■^'* 



v-ri^!?™^''"^ °f^'^^°"^'^'>^' ^n an automated aircraft, pilots must be able to monitor the 
S nS?S'e^;n^^l?^^.^ "?^ ^ the iunctions cont:x)ll^ by the automation. Mos. cl4m 
•^?^rf ^hU fhf^^^ ^'^" ""' "5-^'*^ pushbuttons to irdicate computer failures. Is this enoueh 
L'^^ the flight crew remains aware of automation status ^nd pn^.per funcfionmg^' OrTc 
another synopdc devoted specificaJIy to the automaiicn required? 

th.i wi-^rl^ri^^v' r''!?^'''''' ^T' "^u* "^^'^ "'"y ^' ^^^"'^ necesiar>' to indicate degrad^tior 
thai vviJ not be obvious because backup channels or processors are in use? Manv o'-Se diir' 

FIX?',? ^°f P"*^^%^" current use do not indicate to piiors that one of the ^'^^^^^ 
faiieo, though the informaDon is logged in maintenance databases and, in some urciff thi' 
^i^^!!''''-?.'' T '^''■'^\' ^^ T-i^ ^^ ^" ^-^ ^^"'-^-^ I^ ^^^ inf ormanon needed^ n £ ' r . ^ 
necessary to alert Uiu pdot when manual operaaon becomes necessary, as in the MD-Ii ASC 
architecture It can also be argued, however, that pilots should be able to ascertain th^tlhe I^sen^e 
capability oi the autom^uon is less because a backup processor is in use. 

The Future of Information Automation 

Electronic library systems, designed to reduce the amount of paDer now reauired ir 

^,Sf '^^'''' "^ ""^' ^?7 development by at least t^^o airc?afrLJXS^s Sd iverS 

^S' ^^vWS^.^^t^^ *° ^ ^'"^"^ ^" ^^"^"^^ ^"^ ^"^"^^ generations oT^s^n 
aircrait mv.y wiU probably be able to access dau stored in flight management system romnutV-s 
but they may not be permitted to interact with those computers J avoid clSon ^bS 

each^r^^7f't!;eJT.?trii5^M ^ '^*' '^^'''' ^l^^o^e^ d^d^cated CRT or flat-panel display for 
eacr. piiOc if they are to be able to present graphic information in fine detail (annroach nlate. 
etc ) display resolution will be a serious issul! Tlie organisation of LfotS^S^^n Set 
qLSSv wCftl^ni^H'^^ considerable research to tnsuie that infonnation^:n be iSc?^^ 

quickly when it is ne Jed. and such systems may add to the cockpit mformation glut. 

b?ndbS''wfn^fk?i!f'''^^' 'V*"^"? °' '^'''^'"'^ P^P^^ ^^'^'^^^"^ a"d quick reference 
handbooks, wih also be introduced in the next generation of aircraft. Depending on dieir 
capabUmes, these systems may reUeve some, or a considerable of the rou^Le wIrSoS o^^ 
pilots. A continuum of elecoonic checklist automation can be mx)posS: workload of 

FROM: • 1. Paper checklists prcsendy in use 

• 2. CRT depiction of data on checklist, with scrolling on command 

• 3 CRT depiction of checUist data \^'ith internal nionitoring of status of items 
and aufo-scroiling 

• 4 . CRT depiction of checklist with automatic execution on command of flight 

• 5 . EICAS statement of checklist required or a problem, with execution of 
appropnate checklist after consent by flight crew 

• 6 EICAS statement of problem foUowed by automatic execution of checklist 
without need for action by flight crew 


• 7 . Automatic checklist execution when required; subseauent status announced 

to ilignt crew 

• 8 . Fully automatic checklist execution when required; flight crew not notified 




This approach is similar to that proposed by Sheridan in n discussion of task allocation and 
supervisory coiiRol (ref. 73). The approaches currently in usj in the A320 and MD-11 differ 
somewhat from those dcscnbed m this Ust. though the MD-11 utilizes option 7 for subsystem 
reconf(gu.ration^ Elec^tronic checidjsts are presently under investigation by Paimcr and Decani at 
.V AS A- Ames Reseaich Center {ref. 71). Whether pilot situation, or more properly^ state 
awareness is enhaDC<?d by iiaving to perfonii checklists is not known, though it is known that 
preseni practices, v,ith rega«I to checklist completion are by no means optimal (ref. 74). 

Air-ground digitai communications: The technology for digital communications 
between ground and aircrait is already m wide use (ACARS). Mode S transponder links will be as 
widely u.sed wuhin the next few years. Satellite communications will extend high-qualitv digital 
commumcation to aircraft flying beyond line-of-sight range from land. The bandwidth of 
communication.s cnannels wii] increase enormously, leading to the capability to transfer much more 
information to the cockpit 

The most important issue raised by this new capability is what information needs to be 
trans.eTTed, in what form, under what circumstances, and over what channels {voice or digital) for 
what reasons. Desi^ers as a community need to be involved in considerations of these auestions 
now m order to be able to troplement cockpit information management in consistent and rational 
ways and to oe able to integrate mforamtion automation into cockpit automation as a whole. There 
will be considerable pressure to utihze the additional capacity for information that may not be 
reiateu to the critical tasks of the pUot. and this pressure must be resisted or channeled to more 
appropriate persons or systems. There is quite enough information in current cockpits, and not 
enough integration despite advances in recent years. 



Management Automation 

system, the functions it perfor4 i"s i^Ka^es Jth The fl"^^ *' '^?^"' ^'^'^' management 
this technologv We w^V ^uee-s- wh-rp ni„hfl, *^ ^'^^^ '^^'' ^'^ ^^ questions raised by 
what new problems mav t^stnthkdn^i^^n^ autor^.tion may go in tne future, and 

opera'itsrw'r^r-^l.^r^rS^^^^^^^ comparatively recently, atriine 

despatch were extn^melTSTm^nswf luTtL^^ H.ght and c^w scheduling and 

taken over niany of the chores of flmhrnr^^^i changed riadically; digital computen have 

flightpians are now dcv^S onl?^t L S?^^^^^^^^ ^f^ '''"'^'- C^'^P"^'^^ g^n-^^ted 
are high; diversion panen« ^ Tu'^Sd hv° oJ^^T ' f''''^ ^l^""'' c^pccia^'ly when fuel costs 

at air carrier stationrS .SS St I^^^^^ T "." ""^^^ '^°''^ °^ ^"^^^^ ^^P^^^^"^ 

take mto account such variSri^ntemn?.^ "^ extremely sophisticated; they 


decides what is best fo4is ot he? flff^t nS .P "' ^^'""^ '° '^^ P^°^' ^"^ ^^- Captain alone 
and Address ReponSg SvTte ^ (a!? VR^f h^^ ^^^ Comniunications 

between pilots and co4^v Income c^^e^b^^ °^ '^^ ^°"^^"^ ^""^^g^ ^^^^^ 

airplane parameters used t6 detennin^^S^'o^c • ""^^^"^^ recently have sensed only a few 
g^e arriv'Il Uhough e"ven tiislS^caj'bi?^^^^^^^ f ^ 

landing at and immediately (and illeeallV) takhio nff fr«f If ^^^ ^"^ *" g"*^ *^="' after 

companies. Everylne irv^lS^l^^^^^^^^^^ ^^' ^ down-linked to 

direct interaction S^ATCcCpute^aS^^^^ '^^ ^*"^' '° ^^'^^^'^ ^"^'^^'^"-^ ^e 


devefoptet ^t^TtS'SaTirnr "ern^?^^^^^^^ Ifl '^ ^^" ^^^^^^ - ^ ^^g^ ^^- o^ 
operations, for it is by no meiisceSnwhTr..^^^^^^^ larger context ot aviation system 

for the basic allocation of" l^^^^d^ctnVh^^^^^^^^^^ "P^''"'" ^"^ P°"^"d 

Tl.e implications for the human, who op.r^i\r!^Sc\'ysS^'^Tn^^f. "^ ""^^^^^^ °^^^^^°"^- 

com^tco";Zro7^L:\Tn&^^^^^ ?rZ°T "^^J^ management systems are 
systerns as well as v^t^ Sot pSuS 33 s ,n^r f "^ "'"^ ' ^=" ^^^ "'^'^^ ^^'^^^ 

operational program (co^iS iS this cas^^/v.Ti/rff"'';"' computer (FMC). includes an 
base,andap^ianLS"tSIVorSraSrn whiT^^^^^ ^ --^-- ^- 


F^gu.. 33: Interacdon oi P.,k. management computer other a^craf. av.on.cs (Tioncy^eli FMS for MD-l 1). 
The RvlS software executes these functions: 


Electronic instrument system 
Control-djspla\ uni» 
Built-in test 
Operating system 

Aatomatjc radio tuning, deiennination of position 
velocity and wind. 

ri3jector>' deienainaaon, definition of guidance and 
control targets, flight p^;h predictions. 

£n-or determination lateral steering and contrc! 
command generation. 

Computation of map and situation daia for display. 

Processing of JceystiDkes and flight plan construction. 

Pn)cesaing of received and transmiucd data. 

System moniiohng. self testing and record keeping. 

Executive control of tiie operational program 
memory majiagcmsnt, and stored routines. 

The data base, £loSdl specific S c"^"om^^^ ««-"• 

and airway rout, structure data. The stoied data Scffi th. iS or of WF nr^^"""?" ^T 
airports, runwavs, geographical ref^re-«» r^^w or,J ZZ 1^*"°.'^ o^ ^^nF navigation aids, 
staJ^dardinstruriemdep^fsmSd^?;" oul^f ^"^'^ as 

additional waypoims c^n be enVeS^i'^'r^;;.^^ ^^^^^ ^' ^^^P-V ^o>^tes. Up to 40 



The FMC perforamnce data base reduces the need for the pilot to mfer to performance manuals 
during flight; it provides speed targets and aldtudc guidance with which the flight control computer 
develops pitch and thrust commands. The perfo^-mance data base is also used by the FMC to 
provide detailed predictions dong Lhe entire aircraft trajecto^^^ The data stored in the data base 

includes accurate airplane drag and engine model data, maximum altitudes, and maximum and 
mmimmn speeds. 

Functions performed by the FMS include navigation using memal data from inertial reference 
units aboaisi the airplane and a combination of radio aids whet^ available. It provides lateral 
guidance based on a stored or manually entered flight plan, and vertical guidance dma navigation 
during cbmb and descent based on gross weight, coiit index, predicted winds at cruise ainrudes, 
and specific ATC consnuints. 

Flight management system 
controls: Interaction with all flight 
management systems is through a 
control and display unit (CDU) which 
combines a monochromatic or color 
CRT or LCD sciecn wth a keyboard 
An example of a CDU is shown in 
figure 34. 








J /7\r7Y^irLnr7!i^Tir7iii'. 


Figure 34: Honeywell FMS control and di^lay imii, MD i L 

The unit contains a CRT display 
screen, six line select keys on each 
siile of the CRT, a brightness adjust 
knob, 15 mode select keys, two 
annunciators on each side of the 
keyboards, an alphabetic keyboard, 
and a numeric keyr)o;ird- The mo(k 
select keys provide quick access to 
FMS function pages and data; the 
alphanumeric keypads pcmnit entry of 
data into the computer. 

The newest FMSs provide a 
number of routines to minincuze pilot 
workload. Among them are the 
"ENG OUT' function, which pro- 
vides automatic or manual access to 
the flight plan (F-PLN) or 
prformance (PERP) pages to assist 
in evaluating and handling an engine 
failure condition. The function 
enables FMS engine-out operation 

Entr> of data is accomplished by 
using the keypads. The entered data 
arc shown on a scratchpad hne (see 
below); when a line select key is 
pushed, the data are trdnsfened to the 
indicated line if they are Ln a format 
acceptable to the computci. 




S^^'crrSr' n-, '^ft'4,^lSV.&l^^^^^^^^^^^^ of." i-SC n™^r of 

=ach containing up fo U ™sSf iphai'Sr^c inSr^fSo^' i^ g^ 31 






A L T *^ R o U T E 







-4S1f TL120 

A L * G N f' O S 

r ROM /TO 


A L T N 








Figure 35: Control and disrpf^y unit scre^, MD-1 1. 

The CDU screen shown here is 
tht one that would appcai whcTi the 
"INIT* mode select key is actuated. 
The title line, at top, shows that thi^ is 
the first of three flight plan screens; 
the ethers may be accessed with the 
PAGE key, T*he scratch pad line is at 
me bottom of the display. VenicaJ 
arrows indicate that tlje arrow kevs 
may be used to increment values 
The snaall font displays are predicted 
default or FMC-calculatcd values, and 

Tnt 50 CDU pages are arranged 
in a *'trce" architecture. Portions of 
the architecture are accessed by 12 of 
the mode select keys. A ponion of 
this logical, but complex, architecture 
IS shown below in figure 36. 






H twrrft^ 


1 IAl!?AT)ON 










CtiMB 1 



















Figure 36: FMS mode screens, MD- 1 1. 

These diagrams show the tree 
structure for two modes of this FMS. 
There are 12 such structures. While 
each IS logical within itself, studies 
have shown that the actual number of 
necessary paging sequences is much 
larger. In a study of another FMS of 
the same generation, it was found that 
the number of sequences was several 
times the number planned for by the 
manufacturer (rcf. 76) These 
structures, as well as the displays, 
vary greatly among aircraft types and 
avionics manufacturers. 

This large number of potential 
trees involves a considerable atten- 
aonal ctemand upon the pilot, even if 
he or she is fully proficient in the use 
o. the FMS. Since flight plan 
changes arc most commonly rcquiit^d 
dunng depanure and arrival re- 
programming the FMS can divcn a 
significant amount of anendon that 
may be needed for outside scan and 
for cross-cockpit monitoiing. 


Discussion of Managerr .->nt Automation 

Flight management system operation: Both piJots may interact with the MD-11 FMS 
simuitaiieousiy. however the system will accept flight pian modifications only one at a time. 
1 nere are two FMCs. each of which may accept data from cither CDU; one FMC is designated as 
master, and beta must confirm data entry- before new data will be accepted. The two computers 
communicate with eacn other through a private data bus. 

Ln all FMSs the complexity of the mode and display architecture poses substantial operational 
issues. Much has been done to simplify rcutme data entry, but recovery from errors in 
programming can be difficult. Entry of certain types of data r r ,ins cumbersome and ttme- 
consummg and diverts attention from other Hying tasks, as discus^-1 > -low. If aii incorrect entiv 
us attempted, it is rejected, but without explanation of the error thai i.;d to the rejection as one 
instance. *^ * 

Ali mteracnon with tiie FMS is through one of two or iliree identical CDUs mounted on the 
center console. Even ^mth color io assist, operation of the FMS lequires close visual attention to 
the screen, Mid precision in entenng data on the keypads. Alphanumcnc data entry is known to be 
subject to human errors: numbers may be recalled incorrectly from short-term memory 
(iransposmon !s most coniraon). they may be input incorrectly, or they may be misread when the 
! r.!f-^ '^ in the scratchpad before enuy into the computer. Some data must be entered in 

aii%" deS?wT^:;^e"L^r^^^^^^^ '"""^ ''^ °" ""^ '^^'^^ ^" p--p^^ - -^ 

Avionics and aircraft manufacturers have made niany effons to n^e interaction with the FMS 
more error-resistant. Standard or frequently-used routes are stored in the navigation data base and 
may be recalled by number. SO^s and STARs are also in the data base; if a change is re^ut^^v 

l^ln;..'' L r^"f^f n '^w^ P'lpc*^"^."^^^ be. entered. Changing the arrival ninway autoJiatically 
changes the route of flight. Appropn-^te navigation radio frequencies axe auto-tuned as required 
Perhaps most important, newer FMSs interact directly witJi navigation displays: pilotr. are shown 

nl«n k rlfcnn^,hf ??K ^y^^' ^^^ ^^ ^""^^'^ ^^^ '^'^^ ^^ *"^^ ^^^^^ ^^' ^n alternative flight 
efS:t ^ ^^^^ (though not necessaniy what was requested by ATC) befon> putting it into 

In some new aircraft, entry of tactical flight plan modifications (speed, altitude, teadine 
vertical speed) can be done through the mode control panel rather than the CDU. These entri-s 
may eimer supersede FMS data temporarily, or may be entered into the FMS directiv from the 
panel. Expenence with these improvements has been limited; it is thought Lhat they n^av resolv- 

iSS^criSJs ' '*'' ^^^'""^ *^^ ^''^' ^°"^^ ^'^""^^ ^""^^ ^^^P ^^''^ °^ """^ potential mode 

Vertical navigation profiles generated by the FMS take account of standard ATC altitude 
constraints as weh as airpl^e perfoiroance constraints, though the air traffic control system is not 
at this time., able to take full advantage of the capabilities of management autonition which 
calculates profii^ based on actual rather than best average aircraft weight. Optimal descent profiles 
will thereforcdiffsrencugbtocauseseqtjencing problems for ATC. *^ h c» 

r-T^Tf" 'il*'^'^ aircraft manual tuning of navigation radios is possible only by interacting with the 
CDU- Many pilots, have complained that alphanumeric entry of frequency data is more time- 
consuming and requires more prolonged attention inside the cockpit than setting the rotary selector 
knobs in older aircraft. b j> *»-iwua7i 

Though flight management systems Duly permit pilots to manage, rather than control their 
au-craft., the dynamic nature and increasing congestion of today's operational environment has 


strained Uie capabilities of the human-machine interface (sec below). Despite this, the systems are 
extremely effective and have enabled many improvements in operational efficiency and economy. 

Flight management system displays: The greatest improvement in FMS display 
capabaity has be^n its integration witl> aircraft navigation displays, freeing the svsiems from some 
of tiie constraints impiosed by small alphanumeric CRTs. The addition of color to the CDU display 
(early displays .vcre mvanably monochromatic) may help, though the resolution of the color 
displays is less and the usefulness of color in this application has not received much systematic 
study. The design of pages, however, still represents a compromise between the amount of 
alphanumenc data per page and the number of pages necessa.-y to enable a particular function. 

As shown above, the displays are complex and the number of pages is large. The attention 
required for re -programming has led to undesirable ad hoc procedures in the cockpf an 
appreciable number of pilots prefer not to interact with the systems below 10,000 feet during 
descent, m order not to compromise aircraft management and scan for other traffic (ref 19 77) 
rhis approach permits human resources to be devoted to more important tasks, but at the cost of 
losmg some of the benefits of the FMS during flight in the terminal area (such as its knowledge of 
altitude restiicuons). This is clearly a problem of human-system interface design, rather than a 
problem m the design of the systems themselves. A number of research and development efforts 
are underway to improve these interfaces and specifically to make them less totally dependent on 
cumbersome alphanumenc data entry, but considerable attention to the CDU displavs is also 
wammted. There remain mtportant questions about the integration of these systems into the overall 
cockpit and automation design, and it is these integration issues that most need to be resolved. 

The Future of Management Automation 

Flight management systems have been brought to a highly-advanced technological state in a 
very shon penod of ume. New systems will be able to take advantage of new navigation aids, in 
panicular satellite navigation, without appreciable further development. Future systems may 
provide further assistance to pilots by providing autotuning of communications, as well as 
navigation, radios when new communications frequencies are uplinked to aircraft by data link this 
means of communication will also beconjs the channel through which clearances and subsequent 
amendments are transmitted to aircraft, and may become the primary means by which pilots assent 
to or request modification of such clearances. 

It is this technology and tiie uses that will be made of it that raises the most serious questions 
concenung tiie future of management automation. Data linked clearances wiU require only consent 
from puois to be entered automatically into the FMC, and acted upon thereafter. Will pi'ots fully 
consider the potential impact of a clearance change before accepting it? WDl they be as aware of iis 
impact given the ease with which new clearances can be transferred to the FMS'> Will situation 
awareness be maintained? When the airplane is being manually controlled, will the flyin- pilot 
whose visual attention is largely centered on the flying task, be fully aware of the changed when 
they arc presented visually, rather tiian by voice as is the case today? 

Pilot refusal to accept a new or amended clearance, on die otiier hand, will t«quire negotiation 
between the pilot and conioller. How wUl such negotiations be conducted? Will thev be between 
aircraft and ATC computers, or will voice communications be used in such cases? If between 
computers, how will the pilots (and controllers) remain direcdy involved? How will intent be 
communicated between the pilots and controllers? If the negotiation process is slow or onerous 
some pilots will be tempted to simply accept a clearance rather tiian argue about it, especially wheri 
thcjT workload is high. Ways must be found to avoid such problems. 

Will tiie coirect reception of uplinked data be verified with the ATC computer before the data 
are acted upon by the FMC? How will errors in automatic clearances be detected'' This is a 
dilticult problem under high workload conditions today: errors in clearance readba-^ks arr, not 



infrequently missed by controllers if indeed there is time between transnciissions to read them back 
(ref. 78), Will the architecture of the new communications systeiris be designed to improve c.iui 


Error resistance could be materially improved by comparison of pilotHsntered FMS data with 
clearance amendments, and by companson of critical data in the FMC with ATC computer data to 
verify that an airplane is indeed proceeding in accordance with ATC^s intentions for it. This could 
drastically cecrease the iarge number of altitude excursions that occur in the present system (ref. 
79), and most important, could pxevent many such excursions before they occur rather than 
detecting them only after they occur. Advanced ATC automation will look much farther into the 
future to detect potential conflicts and resolve them prospectively (ref. 80); if the FMC is to 
communicate with ATC computers, new metiiods of detecting and especially of avoiding potential 
future errors also become possible and should be considered. 

It is clear that the integration of the air and ground eletnents of the aviation system will proceed 
at ail accelerating rate. At this point in time, when the architecture of the more integrated system is 
being developed, all system participants should be considering how to improve system safety by 
increasing error resistance and error tolerance, both by more effective digital communication and 
by including data that can be used for error detection and mitigation. If this is not done prior to 
ATC data link system design, it will be rruch more difficuh later. 











Figure 37: Present and future options for management of air oraffic. 

Questions regarding future managemeni automation do not relate to flight management as it is 
now accomplishi^ but rather to the respective roles of the humans and computers (figure 37). At 
this time, the pilot closes die flight control and manageroent loops. The coming availability of data 
link between aircraft and air traffic computers creates the potential for other management options 


that remove che pilot and concroller from the loop however Win ♦?,*«. y^„ 

options? It is accepted that human<: wiilreih fnlf ^.r!. .^ , V^ ^ P™^^"^ ^° "^^^ ^^o^e 

bowever.rernainu,Lcomn^d;f'th:lTa"^^^^^^ f°^ ^^^^^"^ '^^'y- Will they. 

level operating guidelines fS^ a^ ^1?fic^,^|"r^' when A^^^ ^^'' ^'^'' ^"'^^^^ ^''^^ 

states that, ' wfien AERA 2 becomes operational m 1999 ' 




■Responsibility for safe operation of 


aircraft remains with the pilot in command 
?n'Sf ^^'^^>' '°'' ^^P^^"^'^' between controlled aircraft remains with the 

automated) system to detect ^o&:^^^^};^;^^-^^^:!lZ Z 

I^TidTl^aKrb?^^^^^^^ -eais that separadon 

estimation.. Therefore alem mfctwi ^f to uncenamty in trajectory 

In it.s Executive Summary, the rrrpon states, 

"The controUer will use amomation to the maximum extent possible." 

'^^^nS^^^^AtZ^'^^^^^ ^'TST^I ^ ^/. toexet^ise more than 

air traffic. Will advances in aSgTound ttomltirnTac' tS.^nnf ^ ""'P^"'-?^' ^"^ ^^ ^^^^' ^^ 
appropriately, given the concept of hurn^ cemt?-d Fuf^^^ ^'^°^ i" I '^"^^^ position? More 
document, how can we design MdoSSSrfhf^f automauon set forth at the beginning of this 
happen? ^" ^'^ °P^^^^ human-centered automation so that this does not 






It is not sufficient to consider aircraft automation independent of the environment in which it 
exists and is used. All tools are products of the societies and technologies and individuals which 
developed them; aircraft automation likewise is a product of the environmeni and context wnhin 
whicn u was developed, and it is a tool for the people who operate and manage the aviation 
system. Aviaaon is somewhat different from manufacturing, however, m that the production units 
may oe both operated or controlled, and managed, by the same persons. To that extent, both 
manuax and cogr.iove skills are required to be resident in the same operator, and the sharp division 
between doing and -thinking" Lhat characterizes Taylor's scientific management notions (ref 8 1) 
is not present. ' 

The European ESPRIT program emphasizes the '-human-centered workplace", and much 
research that preceded it or has been done under its auspices has been motivated by socioloeical 
and cultural concerns (ref. 82). This is relevant in this context, because in r.viation more than in 
most endeavors, the concept of social "class" is blurred. The worken, to a considerable extent 
are a^ o the managers m flight operations and in air traffic control as well, and failure to recognize 
this d.ality has brought more than a few operations to grief. Despite the best efforts of those who 
seek a clear denoarcaoon between labor and management, pilots and controllers alike persist in 
acung in both capacities and do not, on the whole, behave consistently as one or the other: 

In this section, we consider the context of aircraft automation: the vehicles, the physical 
enyironment ano the operational environment in which they fly, and the people who operate them 
AU have changed considaably in recent years and wUl change further in the near future. To remain 
an extective resource, aircraft automation, now an essential tool for aviation system safety and 
producnvity, must take account of these changes. ' 

Figure 38; Aircraft in the future system. 


The Aircraft 

semce\'3Tr'p^'p?H!S" J''*' "* ' "'* ^"f^™"''^ ^"spon wl"=i> coiila vastly improve 
?« p^"m!v r^<Sr£" S^vi^T'S^i! '^^"'"^'^'^iy l^'«<= P»s«nser leads ,n less thL S ihe 
C<,„cSr* haJ Sen S^i"lfn.ic V^e-r"!^^ '•'==^'- >"" '"=,:a)c 

electiomechamcai instmSnS" comiittniSn^^^^^^^^ ^"^"'P^"" '^^^^P"^ contained 

navigation systems ofSS caS!f cSlt f "^ autothr^t systems, and radio and inertial 
Pilots could nwi-.agcLhe?^S?fvS^^ *^^ ^^"^ <="^^y ^^ n^eans of voice. 

They must still instruct the autSma" L how u' c^^^^^^ T^^^^ ^' "' destination, 

will be abie to be cormnunicated dSv ?o rh^ S5q i^ ,?. ^'^H' ''^°"^/' ^"f""^ "'^^^ instructions 

shon duration at eSr endShf w.f^ ^ 'P '°"? ™5' may well conduc. flights of very 
lennh "'Sh™, h,rf ■ ? 7 '™8W 'ughts; these shon flights may be one hour or le« ,r 

air<^,,,iiffer,nii;ies^„'^'sS"JS^,StK^'"atffS^^ '"" '^^ °' 

desiens High levf-k nf aiitr^moi^:^^ /. ^*^r^: *"*^^Ai. uuier suu iess in tuture denvat: vc and new 

to ar'^tS^jj^^^rsrs^ii^r'^^' ™'^' " '°"'-'"'' "^"""- -■ "~ f-" 

avet^^jS^psTth'S^ oro?%ch^; Tit'l' f '^"'^ =nvi„,n,«„t, aircraft flew, on 
optinlzalton of sch^tSStf This to Sea^,' nmf™„H 1™' """" "°" '"'"°''=^ "'^^ f'«>"=^ by 
aircraft equipn,ent; the fconol'TpSy vteptfraf I'S? n^ 
maintenance is sirnolv too mat rn n^rm;t.rr«,,«^iT^ an airplane on the ground awaiting 
Redundancy of sy^£L^as^nS^a«S^ JIv?n^i ' T'!""^' ^T ^^ ''"^ ^^^"^ malfunctions^ 
awaitine^ repair hLS in^Sl^aS^ ^T^^fff^' ^"^ "^^ ^^ inoperative components 
airlines: but like^many^erlSrw^rh?^^ of contention between pilots and 

fact of life. It does T^uli p.lots'tSt';^p^\'ol'aSS£llU^^^^^ s^'^o!^^'"'- ' '' ' 
which they have become used to having nowever and tTrSratit.t.LTr ^ ^ ^^ equipment 

.0 a variety of o^a„8 ^d ,nanage„'"K=Vs^ST4"iiI'fa^ta^"effig^^^^^^ 



Indeed, the proliferation of aircraft models within a single type and carrying a single type 
cerdficate has also posed potential problems. During a flight sequence pilots in some carriers may 
fly both early (197C vintage) and just-delivered modem variants of the same aircraft, c^jrving 
vastly different amounts of automation, instrumenution and other cockpit aids. The enomiously 
successful Boeing 737 series, of which more than 2000 have been delivered between 1967 and the 
present, spans the entire developnrx:nt of advanced automation. The MD-90 cames ihe same type 
certificate a^: the original DC-9-lG\ first delivered in 1963, and pilots in some airhnes may^fiv 
severai of us seven models. Pilots are given differences training to' acquaint them with the feanWs 
of tlie various models, but cockpit operations may differ substantially across models, some of 
which may contain modem flight management svstems while others have onlv a simple autopilot 
and fuiiy manual subsystems. 

The Physical Environment 

rnough aircraft have changed dramatically, they are still operated by "Mark F' humans in a 
"Mark I" physical environment. What has changed is the amount of pressure on airiincs to 
maintain schedule regularity in the face of uncontrollable variations in weather (figure 39), The 
increase in aircraft flying hours on tighter schedules and the growing use of the "hub-and-spokc" 
concept of airline operations have imposed increasingly severe penalties for delays and diversions. 
A single non-arrival at a hub early in the morning can affect as many as ten departures later in the 
day, Atrime gates are in short supply, particularly at hubs; this again increases penalties for a late 
(or even an early) arrival. 

Figure 39: The physical hazards: thunderstonns, high terrain, snow. 

Though pilots still remain the sole arbiters of their operations when safety is threatened by 
weather or unfavorable runway conditions, the tighter economic climate, reinforced by the demise 
of many inefficient carriers, has affected everyone in the air carrier industry. Airlines and pilots 
alike find themselves forced to operate profitably in a real world whose physical constraints have 
not changed. They have doiie so in pan by gathering and disseminating more and better 
intormation aboi:t the state of the physical environment, in part by the use of automated scheduling 
and planning aids, and in pan by utihzing the flexibility of the human operator, who lemains the 
primary defense against operations beyond safe limits tiird may be difficult to discern at the time. 
This defense has not always been effective, as was shown in a Delta Airlines LlOll accident 
following a microburst encounter at Dallas-Fon Wonh (ref 83). That they have usually been able 
to do so in the face of unrelenting pressure says a great deal about the effectiveness of airline 
training and supervision; it also says a great deal about the effectiveness of regulatory and 
certification authorities in setting reasonable but safe minimum standards for air transport 




The Operational Environment 

operatfots^st^rofth'e ^^.1^^ afcSen'eac.' "■^''" managen,ent system and the flight 
must operate. The aul^ffTmlZc^nsy^t^ "^'^'^ '"^ ^''^'' ^^^'^ ^^'^^^ P^l ^ts 

earner aircraft. AL^ earner fl^S?re^?on1 .v^^^^^^^ and controls all movements of air 

traffic mar.gen.nt. P-ade a cJ^S^g^r^^^^ ^y air 


a considerable degrel. Aow^nSent ?S ^f"^' nmnagement has b-^n automated to 
tecome seriously STerloadedn^TeSesc^^^^^^^ ^^^tem does nm 

flow of air traffic during contingencnnerat^om 1^^ 
emergences in ptog^ss. lUidef the^S^niTwlfct^^^^^^^^^^ - 

landing slot at a congested auport) bSlme SaSbL^n^ eff^ ^^ '' ^ ^^^^'^^ ^'^'^^ ^^^iting a 
ground at their points of de^ii Sei^Sse^? fh^TTr"" "^^^/^.^oW aircraft on §)e 
stnke m 1981 forced the Federal Aviatio^AShtSfrinn i.^ '^"'""1 ^"""^ the controller.' 
capacity of the national airspace svste,^ Sw ctT,^ wS L nH^^^^ ^'''°"^^" """^^ °" the 
system was able to operate within^he caSiaTs^f thfJ^t ^? ^°"g^ ^"^^-^^ the 

steady increases in air carrier traffic dui^ng the T980s coudI^ ^fhthP^'^^^rY*^ '""''^•^^- ^he 
stnjce, again strained the capabilities of thf ai^soace sv^SS flo ^ ^^"^"'^ '^o^'^'^' ^^^"^ the 
and increasingly autoiruted. provid^ the s^feS/S '°"''°^' considerably improved 


obtaining a takeoff slot. Not so the ATC system, which controls literally every movement of cvei^ 
a^r earner airplane horn gate to gate. Air traffic coij'jollers and pilots together are the operators oV 
Uie system; they share responsibility for safe mission completion. 

Air traffic controllers operate a largely manual au- traffic control svstem under an extremely 
comprehensive set of r.:ies and procedures designed to cover virtually every eventuality that mav 
arise m die conduct ot flight operations. Though controilers have been freed to some extent from 
purely proceaural control of au traffic by the adven.' of radir and altitude-encoding transponders 
^-nich provide them witii three-dimensional indications of aircraft locanons, consnaints imoosed 
by the mcreasmg volume of air traffic sdli force them to work largely by inflexible rules a source 
ot continuing annoyance both to them and to pilots who are unable, by virtue of those' niles to 
operate as etficicndy as diey would uke to and as theL- airborne automation would permit them' to 
.he discrepancy between airborne equipment capabilities and die abilitv of ATC to permit the use 
ot those capadiimes has increased and become more obvious since the introduction of h'lthly- 
automated aircraft widi vertical navigation options. 

irigure 41. The air uaffic control system. 

The inherently manual nature of air traffic control forces it to operate in a highly ordcriv 
manner (figure 41). The present system is highly intolerant either of disorder or of human en-of 
as was tragically demonstrated m two recent collisions between two aircraft on runways at L<cs 
Angeles and I>etroit (ref • 84), Incident reports demonstrate tiiat in-fiight emergencies also, while 
generally well-handled, may in mm precipitate odier problems involving other aircraft (ref 85) 
Indeed the ability of the system to handle anomalies is largely due to the flexibilitv of its human 
controllers, who demonstrate great professionalism ar»d skiU in theii conduct under diflicult 

The FAA has embarked on a major re-equipment program to provide ATC widi better tools 
with which to conduct its opcraaons. Massive automation of the ATC system dunng Lhr next tvi'o 
decades will penmt the limited capacity of U.S. airspace, and particularly its heavllv-congested 
terminal areas, to be utilized to the fuUest extent possible, though widiout new runwav capacity die 
^pacc system will continue to be onder severe strain into the foreseeable future As indicated in 
the previoiis section, ATC automation will force drastic changes in the role of the air traffic 
controller, it inay also cause major changes in the processes by which air Eraffic connx)ilers and 
pilots have worked together to accompUsh the mission. 

-Not ail of these changes will be bad, by any means; the automated en route system should be 
able to accommodate pilot and company route preferences much more often than is now the case. 


AERA by itself will not, however, be able to improve terminal area operations apptrciably, and 
research h now underway both within FAA and NASA to assist terminal area traffic rranagemcnt 
by providing controllers with automated decision aids to improve arrival traffic flows ^.-^f 64,86). 
If, however, an automated ATC sys:em inhibits the abilit>' of controilen and pilots to work 
cooperativeiy to resoive problems, it will severely limit the fle'xibiliry of the system, and the loss of 
that flexibihty couid undo much of the benefit expected Srom a more automated systeiiL 

Unfortunately, the gains in capacity from improved airspace usage will be limited at best 
-without new runways or radical differences in operating methods. The social and political 
p;oblems posed by new airport constniction have thus far seemed insunnountable, despite the 
g owing dependence of the public on air transpon for both the conduct of its business and its 
le 3ure (ref. 17). This problem is beyond the scope of this document, but the fact that it has thus 
far been insoluble is forcing aircraft to operate to tighter and tighter tolerances. Separation 
standards long considered invdolate have been relaxed in the Los Angeles and six other tcmiinal 
areas; FAA and NASA will shordy begin to examine ways of pemutting aircraft to conduct much 
more closely-spaced parallel or converging approaches to landing under instrument meteorological 
conditions (ref 87). The latter change may be enabled, in part, by new collision avoidance 
displays, along with better ground radar, but it may also require more automated operations under 
these conditions, and both changes will ceriainly require higher levels of vigilance and will 
probably place higha' cognitive demands on pUots and controllers alike. 

It should be noted that the mles and regulanons governing air transpon have not been 
conclusively proven to be '*safc enough" to produce ;m extremely safe system, though most of the 
accidents that occur are due to contravention of those rales and regulations or to errors in carrying 
them out. But we do not know how much of a margin of safety is embodied in those rules, for air 
carriers and ATC have usually operated to a standard somewhat higher than the mles require. We 
are now being forced by increasing traffic congestion to operate to the limits of the rales for air 
traftlc management, and in some carefully-considered cases to relax them. This is an exercise 
fraught with peril and it must be approached with the greatest care, tempcre^^ by common sense and 
careful research and operational testiag. Improvenxnts in automation technology can help humans 
io accomplish new and more difficult tasks, but autotnadon should no( be used tc increase system 
throughput beyond the limits of human capabiht}' to operate manually in the event o^ autornation 
failures if humans are to remain fully responsible for system safety. There is increasui^^: evidence 
that this could be allowed to happen diuing the coming decade, at least in air traffic ccntio. 

The Human Operators 

In considering the context of aircraft automation, the most important facet is the human being 
who operates, controls or manages that automation in the pursuit of human and social objectives. 
Though in a previous section we made reference to improved aircraft still operated by the *'Mark r 
human, this is tme only in a general sense. Individual human capabilities have not changed very 
much in the shon history of aviation, but human operators, considered collectively, have changed a 
great deal, in the course of learning to design and underrtanding how to operate the advanced 
technolog)* that characterizes aviation. 


An unprecedented expansion of air carrier tlight operations during the 1980s, coupled with a 
.._ciine in the num.ber of available military pilots and changes in Federal regulations concerning 
iiiring, has precluded the carriers from continuing to rely ahnost totally on fully-trained military 
pilots for their new entrants. Person.s v/ithout military experience, often with more limited aviation 
sackgroiuids, have been hired m large numbers ir recent yeai^. A large proportion has come from 
the ranks of commuter airlines, some of which have regularly experienced turnover of well over 
50^0 per year because of this. Morp women, minorities, and older pcx"sons have been permitted to 
enter the air carrier work force. The overall compiexion of the air carrier pilot population is 
changing more rapidly than at any prr^vious oine m history. 



Though this has had many effects, good and bad, it has meant that airlines can no longer 
^u'"^^ a common pool of shared experie»>ce in their new pilots, ll-.ev must thfcrcfore develop a 
shared adherence to their desired standards through new-hiie training, initial operating experience, 
ana continued training m line operations. Airlines have alwavs rehed upon their captains to 
conduct much of their training, and the system has worked well, but airline expansion ha<! also 
meant that pilots progress much more rapidly to captain sutus: tor thi.s reason, captains also may 
have less expenence than their counterparts of a decade ago. These factors, rapid prorre.ssior, 
through different seats and different airplanes, and other ivlated factors pose another threat of a 
Qitferent sort to operational safet>'. The NTSB has commented unfavotablv en the pairine of cr^w 
members, both with very limited experience in the aircrati being fiown. in several atxidents 
notably ,i Conunental Airhnes DC-9 takeoff accident at Denver (ref. 88) and the US Air B-717 
taiceoti acciaent at LaGuardia Airpoii in ?Jew York (ref 89j. 

Experts solve problems quite differently from novices (ref. 90). As we trail a more 
heterogeneous population of air carrier pilots, we must also train problem-solving skills, a topir we 
have tended to take for granted in the past. In particular, it will be necessary to crain at leasfsome 
o. the new entrants in probiem-soadng under time pressure, a t^sk for which cockpi' rroccdures 
trainers and more capable simulators are well-suited. " 

Each of these factors makes rule-based operations a virtual necessity; rhe imiKJsition of 
standard rules^and standard operating practices can do much to maintain unifonr^ operating 
standards in a diverse group of people. Benigcr pomts out. however, that while "piDgrams control 
by detenmning decisions , Godel's incompleteness theorem says that in any formal system there 
exists an undecidable formula and that the consistency of such a system is also undecidable (ref 

• ALnS'n f^ifif' '^'""k'^' the "de-skilling" effect of automatizing behavior and derides the 
American fallacy of the one best way" (ref. 92). 

K^.K^^"™^" ^ "°' automata, and it was noted above that pilots, in particular, persist in behaving 
both liKe operators and managers. Too much reliance on rules produces both a decrease in 
mcenave and over-rebance or. set behavioral formulas in an environment in which the unexpected 
can be confidenUy predicted to occur. The point of this is that while standard operating procedures 
are necessarv' and desirable, they cannot in all circumstances be considered aVubstiiute for what 
our Bntish coUeagues call "aumanship": the ability to act wisely in tiie conduct of flight opcratior^ 
under dLfficult circumstances. ^ i^ onui.. 



Figure 42: Training t? sssentiaJ for uiiif«Tnly effecUve performance. 

Training is expensive and time-consurning. Trainees must be pa-d while in training time 
spent in training is lost from production, and a trauiing staff must be riointaincd. Air carriers have 




;^ j;,"^'i''''r7f ^J* '^^^^ ^? "^"^^ ^""^^^ ^« ^'hi^e improving the quality of their training 
programs; the FAA has recently issued a major revision of its ^licies reg^ding tinning (^rQsf 
Nonetheless, a less expenenccd. more diverse pilot population ^now the object of^Sie SnS' 
aL students must be brought to airli-e standards (figure 42). The iritriluctioT^S^adirii' 
automaaon does ,u>i reouce training requiT^ments; on thf conaaA'. pilots Sno^°ea?i to ooeSe 
very cotP^pIex auton^tion as well as the other airplane systexZ^fr^unmg :;inager^^ a^^^^^^ 
phots have expressed concern about whether training time fonxierly devoted to T'?,Drr;vinp 

^^:^^^ss'?r^^!r '''''^' ^^^^^^^ -^ibout^^i^^sSs 

CHmer'nHnTfo?i'r"^ff? '^'^' '"^^""'^^ automation may be able topemiit the selection as air 
fr nft^r. li ? ' S^ahflea persons tnai. have been required heretofore Indeed in o her 

ndustnes employing advanced automation (notably the nuclear power industry ■ operators^iSour 
advanced educauon and experience have been the rule. In aviarion however 'tlSeS?b^ennr 
tendency thus tar to take this approach, and the need for pilots and aL-trTiccot^ Poller ^h4. 

nSSl'^'tn^, manual siciils to their jobs has not lessened. Ex^rin^emS^^^^^^^^^ 

S>xDrelt^;-LTcWM f "^^^ P'-^°-' '" '^'•'^S ^^^^^"^ ''^"g ^» 'h^*^ Ssks a high degree b^Ih 
ot expresMvit)' ,socia. skills) and mstrumcntaiiiy. or task orientadon (ref Q5) One threat D<^<;pdhv 

tt,t!llt:%7TV: ^^^ " "^y ^f' }^^S' too simple and rSy remove f^rS'fi^>?ng the 
prolS'ion nowoffer^ro'^^^^^^^ ""' '^"f 2' ^" '^go-g^adficatior. and job satisfaction '^haf he 
K ng else ^ '' "^'^ ^^ ^^'^"^ ^^"^^ •""" ^^^'^^ ^ ^-yi^g fo^ « living than doing 






In a landmark paper ii^ 1980, Wiener and Curry- discus: ed **Fiight*Deck Automation: Promises 
and .^ob'eir^s'' (ref. 35). They p*oiatcdout that even at that titrje, the quesdon was "not whether a 
funciion cart be automated, but whether it should be, due to ihe various human factor questions that 
are n ised/' They questioned the assunnpaon that automation con eliminate human error. They 
rvainird out failures m the intcrdction of humans with autouiation and in auiorn^^tion itself. 











lliey discussed control and mon- 
itoring automation and emphasized 
the independence of these two forms 
of automation (figure 43j; *'it is 
possible to have various levels of 
automation in one dimension inde- 
pendent of the other." 

The authors then discussed 
system goals anc design philosophies 
for control ana -nonitonng auto- 
mation. They viggested some 
generalizations aboLi advanugcs and 
disadvantages of automating human- 
machine systems, and went on to 
propose some automation guidelines 
for the design ar'^ use of automated 
systems in aircra. . 

Figure 43: Monitoring and control functions 
(re<Jrawn from Wiener and Curry. 1980). 

It h worth i^calling Wiener and Cuiry's guideliL ^, because they foresaw many of the 
advantages and d:sadv?jitages of automation as it is used tou y. Tlie following are abstracted from 
iheir guideline statements. 

CoTttrol iasks 

1 System operation should be easily interpretable by the operator to facihtate the 
^ietection of improper operation and to facilitate the diagnosis of malfunctions. 

2- IXisign the automatic system to perform the task the way the user wants it done. ..this 
may require user control of certain parameters, such as system gains (see guideline 
''). Many users of automated systems find that the systems do not perform the 
function in the inanner desired by the operator. For example, autopilots, especially 
older designs,.havc too much "wing waggle" for passenger comfort when tracking 
j^TOund- based navigation stations. ..Thus, many airline pilots do not use this feature... 

3. Design the automation to prevent peak levels of task demand from becoming 
excessive.,, keeping task demand at reasonable levels will insure available rime for 

4. ...T^e operator must be trained and motivated to use automation as an additional 
re^ >urce (i.e., as a helper). 


5 . Operator, should be traiiied, motivated and evaluated u> monitor effectively. 

6. If automation reduces task demands to low levels, provide meaningful duties to 
niamtam operator involvement and resistance to disuaction it is ex«melv iSU^ 
that ain- additional d.mcs be meaningful !not "make-worn". """""^^^ important 

7 . Allow for different operator -st>'les" (choice of automation) when feasible. 

'■ styTeTof ol^TaS..^^"^^" P^^^"^'-^^ -^' '^ -----^ ^- 'i^ff-en: options, or 

9. Provide a means for checking the setup and uiformauon input to automatic systems 
Many automatic system failures have been and wiJI contmu? to be due^ s^tuo eC 
ratner ±.n hardware failures. The automatic system itself carvSeck s'^me nfT.' 


'''■ onrtoTns'TSer^^^HS'^^^^^^ "°^^^"^ ^'" ^"^°^'^^«^ ^"^P^^"^' ^ot 
omy lo insure proper operation and setup, but to impan a knowledge of correrr 

o^rano. (to anomaly det^cfon) and Jlf„„cdo„ pLedu>S (forTgts^Tnd 


' ' ■ e'Scce'sslvel^t^aS;:). "^^^" ^^^^^^^^'^ ''"^'^ ^"-^-^ ^^^ t-havioral effect of 

S^for^m^Sf Jf'^ T"" r°^^- ""' "'°"= ^^ °"«^ condition that can trigger the 
a]am for a mode, must clearly indicate which condition is responsible for the Sai^ 


I ?. When response ti.73c is not critical, most operators will attemor to check the validi-v nf 
tl^T- ?°^^ information m the pro^ fonnat soXTSi vS^l chik Si? S! 

^ntlfto1a'^lSr?.t^;s^ P^^^!f^ ^' «P^^^°^ with SSiS an^ 
controls .o diagnose die uutomaac system and warning system operation. 

' ^' ^t^^'!!f SS'^1'«» >?1 possibly training hariware...» insm thai flightnrws 

automation tntil the .LiifemS^ cSS JndetS^ wfrtL" h f"" ^ "^f,'? '^"'Mt 
designins, atiaiyzing. and installing atttSfr ^ysKms"^, S^lS^^', .^T""' '='^' 5^,*°^ 

additional decade of experience and hindsight gu-oeiines with the benem of an 





Syslem Goa!s 

Before consideriag guidelines for aircraft automation, it is wsc to remind ourselves of wha£ 
the aviatior system is alJ about, to consider how and why automation is necessary and bcnr ficial, 

ajnd iD review those aspects of autoniaDLon thai may need improvement 

Wiener ^.nd Cuirv (ftf. 35) ouUincd several sysiem gocd? from the viewpoint of the user 

L To p-ovide a flight (from pushback io docking) with infinitesimal accident 

2. To provide passengers with the smoothest possible flight (by weather avoidance, 
seiecnon of th^e least nubulent altitudes, gxadual turns and pitch changes, and eradual 
aJtimde changes). 

3, To conduct the flight as economically as possible, rninimizdng flight time, ground 
delays, fuel consumpticn, arid wear on the equipment. 

4 To minimize the effect of any flight on the ability of other aircraft to achieve the same 
goals (e.g., by cooperation with ATC in rapidly departing altitudes when cleared, 
freeing them up for other aira^aft). 

5 . To provide a pleasant, safe and healthful working environment for the crew. 

W c suggest a very similar list as the minimum which must be attained; we feci also that the list 
must be sufficient from the viewpoints of all involved: the manufacturer, the airline, the pilots, the 
air traffic management system, and the passenger. Not all (nor indeed any) of these participants 
Will be saasfied with every flight, but aJi must agree in general with the goals of the system. We 
believe these are the goals of the air transportation system: 

1 Safety: To conduct all flights, from pushback to docking, without harm to persons 
or property. 

2. Reliability: To provide reliable transportarion without interference from weather or 

other vcuiables, 

3. Economy: To conduct all flights as economically as possible. 

4. Comfort: To conduct all flights in a manner that maximizes passenger and crew 
health and comfon . 

These goals may obviously conflict; tradeoffs among them in operations as well as in design are 
often required. 

Safety has always been proclaimed by the aviation industry as its primary objective even at 
the expense of the other goals. The Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (ref, 96) lequircd the'pAA to 
control air carrier operations to maintain "the highest level of public safety," but even this term is 
elusive. Taken literally, it can be read to require that any step that noay improve safety, no matter 
how expensive or burdensome, must be implemented. Taking a slightlv less extreme approach, 
the pmase could be interpreted to mean that any step that can be proven to increase safety udli be 
raJcen. This is fairly close to the approach that has guided the industry in the past, despite 
occasional unfortunate exceptions. Reliabilit), ccot^omy and comfort have Wn secondary goals 
though they are critical to the survival of this critical element of the national economy. 


Has aircraft automation contributed to the fuifdlment of these system goals? An examination 
?i,!f r?v'"^^^''S'^^^ ^^' ^"H°^n and colleagues (rcf. 97) suggests that more highly automated 
am:«ft have h^ substantiaJly less acadents thaxi earlier aircraft. Ten years after their iniixxiuction, 
me Boeing 757^67 types have been involved in only one fatal mishap fTTiailand. 1991 under 
mvesogauon), a truly remarkable recozd in view of the propensity of new types to accumulate most 
of their accident expenence during their earliest years of operation. There have been fatal accidents 
.though a very small number) involving oiher current- generation aurraft. but Lautmann's finding 

oide^nee? ^^'^'' " ""^^ ^"^*^'' *'*^" ^^^ *^ ^"^'^' ^^^''' "^*^'' ^"^^^ ""^ ^'^^^ replaced th? 

Nonetheless, the same study showed that some air carriers, nations and regions of th^ world 
operate considerably raov^ safely than do others. As these other carriers, nation, and regions 
become more prosperous and acquire more advanced-technology aircraft, will their safctv r^cotds 
I'Jcewise improve dramatically? The infrastructure of aviation ui many ^as of the v^ofln^V 
sorely lacking and it takes more than excellent aircraft to make an excellent safety record Will 
li^^^ifr. ^^^^^^°^y t a^'le to compensate for deficient r^avigation aids and iirports-^ Can 
automation Itself make the system more error-resistant? 

n™f^^ reference systems and map displays certainly make an aircraft less dependent on 
as?^1«L1^tST;^ navigation aids and improve position awareness, the lack of which is still 
Sr^.?5njr appreciable number of oir earner accidents. Will such improvements, together 
with satellite navigation systems, compensate for the greater complexity of advanced automation? 

f];.>,?* Kf^PV ^^^ ^".in^'Proved; autoland-capable automarion has increased the number of 
n^^&iis able to land at destinations obscured by very low visibility, and windshcar detection device 

.^Semrv;?^ Sn 1^'"°" hS^"^ ^^^ "^^ "^^ ^^ ^PP^«"^ ^° P^^^^*- CoUision-avoTdlnce 
Zrt^ } ^ ^?'^'^' ^^l^oonal protecuon against an ir)creasingly frequent hazard Will 
improvements m aircraft automation be able to counteract, to some extern, the delay^rced bv 

na'v^^S lZiZTf'\ ^' f^""''^ ''''"''■. Time-based CTour-dimens^na'l " or 4 D) 
navigation, a probable featiue of the next generation of flight raanagemeni systems will at leas 
permit us -o make most effective 'ise of the fixed volume of iirspace. 

Economy ha.s been improved by flight management systems that can take costs into account 

Srv'tS^'i^SS^^^A^^' "^"^^^ ^'^^ '*"!=^^ ^J^' ^ '^'^ computation, have Sen SS 
sho^d^ m^rnv^ ^ at)^'"'"' "^ P«niit aircraft to operate on most cost-efficient profiles. This 
should be improved by ATC automanon dunng the coming decade, as well as bv time-based 
naviganon software in new flight ma«agement systems. ' 

Comfort has been improved by gust aUeviation algorithms in some of the newest aircraft as 
well as by die ability of newer aircraft to fly at higher altitudes; comfcn in the cocS has^?o ^en 
improved by better ergonomic design. Greater flexibility enabled by ATC amoSon^S^^ Sennit 
pilots to utilize a wider range of options to achieve more comfortable flight pa^s "^^ P^""'' 

In what respects are we stiU deficient with respect to these system goals? It is not the purpose 

^ff*\'? 'Sr'^"' '° ^^""^ ^•^^^ ^^ ^^^y '^^ accompUshed. but to examine what canl^ SS 
affect further improvement, and in die introduction we suggested that further irnorove^nt k 
clearly possible. Most of our accidents can be traced to the hurnS o^rS of t?f Xm Id 
some can be traced to the interactions of humans with automated systems. We believe that m^rr 
can be done to make aircraft automation more human-centered, but perhaps even more importiit' 
Z^^^^Z'^^'ffT'^ ^jnnation can be designed and used to make the svstem rfwhoS^S 
resistant to and tolerant of human errors in the design, the implementation and the oDcSiiS^ 
h?.'^^''T;- ^"^ H« ^^^i'-^l^ccordingly emphasi^l this aspect of automatiorone tKe ?hiii 
has received less attention m the past than it deserves. » ^ i<iai wc -uiut 


Attributes of Aircraft Automation 

We will discuss here several a^mbutcs that human-centered aircraft automation should 
possess. Our discussion of these attributes may seem anthronocentric. but humans are used to 
thinking m these terms. If automation is to be ar. effective and valued member of the coclcpit 
management team, u, like the other members of the team, should possess these characteristics 
■bach attribute is named, defined, described and discussed briefly- Our first guideline mi^ht be 
simply that human-centercd aircraft automation should possess these attributes iii proper measure. 

The reader of this section must keep in mind that these requirements are not mutually 
exclusive An automation sune that possesses some, or even maiiy, of these attributes may sdU be 
a failure if they are considered m isolation during design, for severrJ are interrelated. As in any 
engineenng enierpnse, it is necessary that the right compromise among them be sought The onlv 
u ay to be sure that an effective compromise has been reached is the evaluation of the total svstem 
m actual or simulated operation by a variety of pilots of differing degrees of skill. Such tesdre is 
expensive and time'Consunoing; it must often be conducted late in development, under extreme 
pressure to certificate and deliver a new aircraft on time. Nevertheless, it is the only wav to prove 
the safety and effectiveness of an automation concept. 

We are indebted to Fadden (lef. 98), who has pointed out that many of these attributes arc to 
some extent bipolar, though not truly opposites. That is, increasing the attention to certain 
attributes may require ie-emphasizing others. We will discuss these attributes, shown here in the 
manner suggested by Fadden. Human -centered automation must be* 







— > 
— > 
— > 






Accountable means "subject to giving.. .5^ justifying analysis or explanation/' In older 
aircraft, automation executed acdons only at the specific and immediate instruction of a human 
crew roember. Advanced automation, however, is capable of more independent action (modifyine 
a cjunb or descent based on pre-dctenmined strategic objectives such as fuel conservation, cnterini 
or eav^ng a holamg pattern, resolving a conflict, etc.). Automated decision-aiding or decision 
making systems, already m development for transport aircraft, will suggest or carry out courses of 
action whose rationale may not be obvious to flight crews. 

i Automation must be accountable. I 

It must infonn the pilot of ite actions 
and be able to explain them on request 

Figure 44; Accountability of automation. 



rfi ,n J?ii^"'^ '" command must be able to request and receive a justification for such decisions 
(figure 44), This is a pamcular problem in aviation; there may not be time for the humanTomtor 

^f?™S' ,^hj?;f .J^5/*t)le automaaon must anucipate the pilot's re<iuest and pravidf advance 

'iSf.. K n^^^ '^°^,' by providing traffic advisories prior to i^^uinng action to avoid S 

mminen nazard) or its rules of operation in a particular, annunciated circumstance must be Tn 

tnorough ly understood by pilots that its acnons m that case are alxeady undSS^d aSeSt^ ft 

Se expil^anorV '^''^^'''^^ ^^ '^<^^ explanation:, must be appropriate to the pilot's need for 

In th'Se cSe^^ ^ B^Ss^carf.^^^.?"?"""' '^' action autonomously when certain failures occur. 
s^S^ ff trmfn^^hc ¥k "»^-^""^^'°" regarmng the faults by examining the system 
nrStJ.ii^ PfT"^- ^*^®y ""^"^^ '■""■^'■5* *« actions taken, if necessary, bv revertine to 
manual operation of the reconfigured subsystem, though such action is not encomaed As mn^ 
autonomous systems are introduced, however, it may^bc increasingly ScSh for Stsio kS 
track of what the airplane (or its automation) is doing, and incrlasinglv d y^uirS^h^^ 

bipolar attribute of accountaoiluy is subordination, to be discussed beiow great care must be takeS 
to insure that this cannot ever become msubordination. The 2001 "h2" sS^m?^ Smost v^!S 
S^pSiXgr^l^W'or '' "" "^^^^"'^'^ philosophically as long as human^oj^^rrrerj; 

of hump's «;f "^'^ "P^^'^'* "" °^ occupring a lower class, rank or position " Our definition 
t^r? :^''^T1^ automation requires that the automation, while aTimportant t^I rSn 
suborxunate to the human pilot or air traffic controller, who mus remainTn ^oSid (fi°^ 4?) 

Automation mu^X be subordirv^te, 

Exoep! in pr^KJefined situations, it should rmmr assume command 
In those situations, ft must b9 abte to be countermanded easily. 

Figure 45: Subordination of automation 

There arc situations in which it is 
accepted that automation should 
perform tasks autonomously, as 
indicated above, xMore such sit- 
uations will be proposed for imple- 
mentation in the future; in particular, 
it is expected that ground proximity, 
traffic avoidance and windshear 
advisory systems will be provided 
with the means to act independently. 
Other similar situations are likely to 
be proposed in future, involving the 
interaction of aircraft and ATC. 
Should these be permitted? 

^Ve have sw;n cases in which automation acted in ways not expected nor desired bv Dilots In 
one case, aircraft occasionally turned toward the outbound rather t£n the inboSd^a^k of an n ^ 
oc^^er In another, a paiticular automation mode pemiitted descent at?ieX^sr^Iw 
to safe nunimuiii operanng altitudes. As automation becomes moie self suSrS^ 
complex, It will be mcreasingly diff. alt for pilots to remain aware of ^fSns S tSn 
aiuonornously and thus increasingly difficult for them to be aware of exactly whaS^^^ 
doing and why^ Such a situation will tend to compromise the commrj aX^^rrnd 
responsibility of the human operators, but more imponant, it rnay iean^^m to a no^^,^^ 
extreme distrust of thei. automation, which could corSpron^i^ St^^^^^^^ 

^^^^"".^?'^^ ^TZ!"^' ^P^^^ '^^' P"^^^ ^^ highly automatc§^Sre4ft fx^^^^^^^^ 
What s u domg now? Why is it domg thaf^" (ref, 99). These questions should notte ne^s^s^^ 




Automated systems must be predictable. 


Predictable is defined as "able to be foretold on tlie basis of observation or experience " It 
)s an important chaiactenstic; recent occurrences in which automation did not appear to behave 
predictably, i.e.» as expected by pilots, have led to major repercussions due in large oan to 
aviators ^ inherent distrust of things over which they ao not have control. Sorr-e of these 
occurrences are cited above. Here again, the level of abstraction at which automation is explained 
or at which n provides explanations, is critical to the esublishmem and maintenance of trust in it' 
Ilie third quesuon too often asked by pilots of auton-^ted aircraft is *^liat's it going to dc next?" 

As automation becomes more 
adaptive and intelligent, i: will acquire 
a wider repertoire of behaviors under 
a wider variety of circumstances. 
This will make its behavior more 
difficult for pilots to understand and 
predict, even tiiough it may be 
operating in accordance with its 
design specifications. It will also be 
more difficult for pilots to detect 
when it is not operating properly. 

If such a system is not 
predictable, or if it does not provide 
pilots with sufficient indication > of its 
intentions, its apparently capricious 
behavior will rapidly erode the trust 
that the human wishes to place in it. 
Some automated devices in aircraft 
have simply gone unused because of 
this mistrust. Altitude capture 
rnodules in some high-perfbnnance 
aircraft have appeared unpredictable 
because their [ ;gh rate of approach to 
a selected altitude has not provided 
rlie pilots sufficient confidence that 
they would stop the airplane's climb 
at the selected point, even though tliey 
were functioning properly — until 
disabled by the pilots in attempts to 
slow the rate of climb, which negated 
the capture function (refs, 62, 100), 

Advanced automation must be designed bodi to be, and to appear to be, predictable to its 
human operators (and these are not always the same thing, which is why explanations may be 
necessary) (figure 46). As noted earlier, when digital computers fail, they may do so in quite 
unpredictable ways; the difference between these failures and their normal behavior must be 
immediately apparent to the pilot 

Adaptability (discussed below) and pre-dictability are, m a sense, opposites, in that highlv 
adaptive behavior is liable to be difficult to predict The behavior of the human organism which is 
charactenzed by a very high degree of adaptability may be difficult to predict (ref, 70) a fact that 
we constantly try to overcome by training, standard operating procedures, line and proficiency 
checks and a vanety of other safeguards. This suggests the necessity for constraints on the 
adaptabibt>' of automation in a context in which the human must be able to monitor tl*e automation 
and detect either shortcomings or failures in order to compensate for its inadequate behavi*3r 

Figure 46: Predictability of automation. 


c. "^^Pf^J^^^^ used here, means "capable of being modified according to changing circum- 
stances. This charactcnstic is a^xady incorporated in aircraft automation: control laws iLy differ 
m cuxferent speed regimes; certain alerts and warnings are inhibited during takeoff, descent or 
approach; some displays are reconfigured or de-clunercd in specific circumstances- some 
mtormacon may be unavailable either in flight or on the ground. 

Automation should be adaptable. I 

it should be confautBbie within a wide 
range of pilot prete'-erices and needs. 

Figure 47: Adaptability of automation. 

airci5!?fL?^'47TVrc ^I'T'^ ^''^' * '^""^^ °^ °P^°"' ^°' '^°"»™^ ^'i management of their 
mrcratt ^figure 47) Tms range of opuons is necessary to enable pUots to manage ^eir workload 

nt' «'?''""' of diffenng levels of proficiency, and compensate for fatigue, S^tio^sTX; 
rZTrH T^'' "'''''''''"• ^"^ ^^' ^-^ automation tfuly acts as an Lutional merSber o°^e 

receivS bJ^ SRS^^JQTfT'mn h'"'"^!^^^ '' ^^ ? ?* '''^' attributes). An incident irpon 
^nmarh inc^H^ t^r ^r , ^ ^01) dcscnbcd a wide-body aircraft which was turned onto final 
!E!^«i ^ ^^l final approach fix with autopilot in control wheel steering mode and 
autodirottles engaged. Dunng the flair, at 10-20 feet altimde. the airplane seamed to "h^ir the 
Jf..i,? ^^^'fl^^l "^^ ^"^ "31*' <^4 degrees nose-up) and on touchdown the tail cone aid ^' 
fuselage contacted the runway. The autopilot had not been disengaged prior to touchdown and 
none of the crew members had noticed that the airplane was stiU teing ^ided by mS inpms 
SSe!,?£ ""TT^ "'^i "?'='; ^ ^ ^^' column-to-controls mSlT Some^a^SSeAXve 
o'^oJTs'avaiSKSS:^'"' ^"^""^ '^ '^ newly-dehveied aiiciaft to lessen the iSgt^f 

.ir^ft -"""*'*' Of a range of options is enough? At this point in time, control automation in some 
aucraft requires only mana^eoiem by exception. In an earlier section, we have asked whethe^^Tt 
would be wiser, m order ic* maintam pilot involvement at a high level, to requiitt management bv 
consent with respect to com-rol tasks. We have also asked whether the caSbiiitTfor unSted 
manual control should be a ^.^uired option (and have pointed out that this option is foiSlSIn 
some flight phases by at least one flight control system) lureciosea in 

Adaptability increases apparent complexity and is shown above contrasted with predirtabilitv 
to emphasize that extremely adaptable automation may be relatively unpredicmblTin 

S'^iTrS^LS'M^T ^' ?"''^Pl«.of human-centered automation states SaauJoSon 
must be predictable, if tnc human is to remain in comn:and 



Comprekensibh is "intelligible." Many critical automation functions are now extremely 
ccmpiex, with several layers of rrsdundancy to iFisure that they axe fault-tolerant, is it really 
necessarv' that the human operator understand how these functions are accomplished or will 
simpler models suffice to permit humans to lemain ir command of the functions (figure 4S)? 

Automation must be comprehensible 

Automated system 

Figure 48: Comprshen&ihility of auiamation 

It has been noted Lhat n-aining for advanced automated aircmft is time-consuming and 
expensive, and that much of the extra training time is spy^nt learning about the automation. If 
simpler models that still permit reversion in the case of failures could be devised, they might rtsult 
in training benefits. It should be remarked, however, that while automation can be used to make 
complex functions appear simpler to the pilot, the consequences of failuie modes can appear highlv 
unpredictable to that pilot unless the modes are very thoroughly considered in the design phase. 

Simplicity has not been named as a necessary attribute for human-centered automation, but 
it could well have been. It is vital diat systems either be simple enough to be understood by human 
operators, or that a simplified construct be available to and usable by them. If a system is simple 
enough, it may not need to be automated. If it caimot be nnade to appear reasonably simple, the 
likelihood increases that it will be misunderstood and operated incorrectly. 

Technological progress is often equated with increased complexity. A careful examination of 
any reasonably capable vidco-casette recorder wU support this assertion and indicate how far we 
have yet to go to make high technology intuitive and simple to operate. It is worth noting that new 
technolog) has had to be developed to simplify the operation of VCRs and that many computer 
manufacrarf;rs have provided several ''help" levels at vhich their machines can be operated. We 
have not provided this range of options in aircraft automation, perhaps we should consider douig 
so, at least in training. 



-^^ ■ ■ —^ ^— ■ 

Flexible -& tactablc; characterized by a ready abUity to adapt to new, different, orchangire 
requirements. The term is used here to characterize automation that is able to be adapted to a 
vanety of environmental, operational and human variables (figtiie 49) 

; Automation should iae flexible 

An appropriate range of control 

and managemer?tc^>tions 

should be availaU)l«. 

Figure 49: Fiexibiiity of automation. 

It was suggftsted immediately 
above tiiat computer and software 
raanufacturers have gone to 
considerable efforts to n-!ake their 
products smsple to operate by people 
of widely diffe'ing sidll levels. The 
term u:°d by the trade is "user- 
friendly." Though overworked, this 
term denotes a devace or application 
that a wide variety of users can 
operate comfortably and effectively 
with comparatively little instruction or 
practice, surely a worthy aim for any 
human-machine system but one to 
which, thus far, too iitde anenhon has 
been paid by avionics designers. It 
would be desirable to allow pilots to 
tailor the degree of assistance they 
wish under given circumstances. 

Advanced avionics systems now receive nnuch of their knowledge base from periodic updates 
by means of disks or cassettes. We believe they could as easily receive informatibn reganJUnTthe 
pilots for a given flight by die same means, and that this information could assist in iSloring the 
systems ano displays both to the preferences of specific pilots and to any limitations under which 
.miif^v,^ T^^lS-^u^ ^"^^ (increased minimums, etc.). The cassettes could be updated 

Un^Tii^ ^^''*' ^/^\ '^ ^'^J""^ * '""^"2 ^S^' ^«S' types of approaches conduct^, etc. 
If nnprov^ monitonng of pilot performance becomes a pan of aircrafVautomation. a subset of 
momioiwl data sabred on the cassenes after flight might also be of use to flight training depaxtments 
in tadonng penodic trauimg to individual pilot needs. ucpdinncnis 

This son of fiexibiliq^ might be of real assistance both to individual pilots and to companies 
by easing tne pilot s cockpit setup tasks and also by improving safety thrcjsh more effective 
training. It has been observed m military studies that pilots of advanced strike aircraft rarely make 
use of nioie than a sub«5t of the available attack modes; by limiting die options that dvcy use pilots 
n^f «?i'''?r,^ ^' P«lfi"*^"* '".^ei^ "se. Airtransport pilots may not need to be proficient in the 
use of the fuU range of automation opnons, as long as they arc able to get the job done effccnvclv 
under both nomaai and anomalous circumstances. The major reason for having a wide range of 
automation options is to provide flexibility for a wide range of pilots wid, experience that varies 
trom very litUe to a great deal and cognitive styles that vary as widely. 

Flexibility was shown above as bipolar with comprehensibilit)-. Give:. Lhz tendency to an 
mverse relanonship between these variables, comprehensibility must .lot be sacrificed for 
flexibility, because the abdity ot pilots to understand dieir automation is central to their abilitv to 
mamtain command. But Jcy can be given more help in understanding it and in manipulating ii by 
tne means used m otiier fields. Providing that help in recognition of differing needs and sty W 
atnong pilots can help to improve die error resistance of the total system b> pe^tring individual 
pilots, widim the constramts imposed by flight operations, to conduct dieir tSks in ways that^ 
most comfortable tor them. "^ ' ai tus. 



Dependable, as used here, means **capable of being.. .rrUf4 upon or trusted*' (figure: 50) In 
a cooperative human-machine system, the issue of trust becomes paramount- Pilots will not use, 
or win regard wth continual suspicion, slp.v aircraft device or function tbat does not behave 
reliably, or that appears to behave capnciously. This distrust can become so ingrained as lo nullify 
the intended puTX)se of the designer. I: may be wiser to omit d function entirely, even a strongly- 
desired function, ramer than to provide or enable it before it can be certified as rehable. This issue 
came up dunng mitia.^ implementation of GPWS. It has recently surfaced again as a renih of a 
small number ot apparently paradoxical resolution advisories provided by TCAS-IL leading some 
members of the comm=jnity to suggest that the resolution advisorv' mode of die system be drsabied 
undl its aJgorithrns are made fully dependable under all circumstances. 

Automation must be depenoab^e. 

It shouta do, depondab!/, what it is ordered to do 

It shocid never do whai it is ordered net To do. 

ft must never make the situation worse. 

Figure 50: Dependability of automation. 

Another example of undependable automadon was cited above, that of th^ localizer capture 
mechanism which occasionally directed the aircraft to turn away from, rather than toward, the 
landing runway during the captiae process. From the pilot's viewpoint, xt makes little difference 
whether such behavior is caused by the hardware, a software error, or ^in improperly-defined 
function; the net effect is a deterioration of trust. 

Dependability is of panicalar importance with respect to alerting and warning systems. We 
have observed before d\e problem of '"false alarms*' witii early ground proximity warning sysrems 
and the tragic results due to mistrust of iegitimaie warnings by those systems. Unfortunatelv, any 
increase in the sensitivity of such a warning system will be accompanied by an increase in false 
warnings, a decrease in sensitivity will be accompanied by an increase in failures to warn when a 
warning is needed. Increasing the complexity of the algorithms to miraxnize faJse warnings while 
increasing sensitivity is accompanied by a decrease in reliability or dependabihty of the system, 
This dilemma exists today with regard lo TCAS algorithms, already very complex, in the face of 
large numbers of *'naisance" alerts in certain congested terminal areas, 

Dependabihty is shown as bipolar with irforraativeness* discussed immediately below. If a 
system were perfectly dependable in operauc n, there might be no need to inform the pilot of its 
operation. Perfection is impossible to achicv-, however, ard thf. informadcn provided must be as 
nearly foolproof as possible, bearing in mini that each increase in information quantity makes it 
more likely that the infonnation may be crissed, or even inconect. Simplicity of systems brr^cds 
df^pend ability; when faced with a diiemn a such as this, any system simplification that can be 
achieved will probably pay dividends. 



hvr^f'^^^^T''^')'^''^^"^ is Simply the condition of ^imparting knowledge/^ Our fct p-incinles of 
hurm.;-centered auromation state that the pilot rr.ust always have basic Sfor.mdoM W § l /^ 

Autonnation rnust keep the pilot inlormed^ 

What is the airplane doing^ -^ 

What is the automation doing? 

Have i any problems? -^ 

Whiere am 
Where dc i < 
When do I do rt^ 

Figure 51; Informativeness of automation 
i m^ys jmvc pri.uicraica, ana tnat Jiis is not aii unmixed b essme Tht^ nilm^: r\f m^ a'-i-ia 

can r'^ri^S '"f"™*""" 'se^agh'' Ho»- mui.h iFifomauon is too much'' Pilots wajii aU thev 
suppt^sston dunng a,dcal fltsh, ph»^,): a stj; a,«,an, m^^ilJ,°co,iv?vXonaltS°'' 


Error resistance: Ideally, aircraft automation should prevent the occurrence of all errors, its 
own and those of ihe human operators. This is uoreaiisnc, but it is possible to desigri systems to 
oe as crror-resistajit as possible, bothi with respect to their own errors aiid those of the operator. 
Resistance is '*an opposing or retarding force," a disi^^finition that lecogmzes the relative nature of the 
phenomenon. Resisiixnce to error m automation itself involves internal testing to determine tihat the 
system is operating within its design and software guidelines. Resisunce to human enor is inortt 
subtle, it may involve comparison of human actions with a template of pemrntted actions, a 
software proscnption against cenain forbidden actions under speci^^^ed conditions, or simpl> clear. 
uncompiicated displays and sirriple, inuiitive proceiiures tomininiize \i\t liJkeliho-xl of errors. 

1^ AutoiTiation must be error-resistant. 

It must keep pilots from committing 
errors wherever that is possible. 

Figure 52: Error resistance of automacon. 

Auromation of unavoidably complex procedures (such as fuel sequencing and transfer among 
a large number of widely-separated tanks to maintain an optimal center of gravity) is necessary and 
entirely appropriate provided the human is "kept in the loop'' so he or she understands what is 
going on. The system must be able to be operated by the human if the autoniation fails, and it must 
provide unambiguous indication that it is functioning properly. Guidance in performing complex 
tasks (and fuel balancing may be such a usk) is helpful, whether it is in a quick reference 
handbook or in the form of an electronic checklist. Prompting has not been used as effectively as it 
couid be in aircraft hi;m^r*-system interfaces. 

Questioning of critical procedures (those that irreversibly alter aircraft capabiiities). cr 
requiring that ciitical orders be affirmed by pilots before they are executed, can^be additioral 
safeguards agunst errors. These queries can also be automated, either by thenvselvcs or is part d^ 
a procedure?^ monitoring module which compares human acdons wiLh a model of predicted acaons 
under various circumstances. Such models have been d.£veloped m research .settings (ref 102). 


frecu^cvM^r ""^iTlm^T' '"^ '""""f ' apparently random, unpredictable errors with some 
uequenc> (rets, 70 and 103); it :s c.xtrtmely unlike y ih?t dcsieiicrs w5!l ever be ahl- ♦-. ^^v^e^ 

b> ^•hi.h Pilots can detect the laci that a ha.-nan, or an automanor. error has orcirred Su'^h 
u^arrung. must oe provided .n time lo perrmi pilots to isolate : le en-or aiS a nean-. r^H 
he provided by wriKh to correct iht error once it is found Where rhi< irnrrn'r'X 
consequences of a., action must be queried befonr the action itself ^ flowed Jo ?^^e^' ^^' 

Error^ioUrance: Since error-resistance is r-iauve rather thar absolute there needs to he -i 

pSi' rt-'nl^esS' a" 'tTn ^-^..^--^^-^-ng ^v.tcr.s to resis't e-^ors^'niucfa 
poisioie, K 1 , nevessa->' d-., highly desirable lo make systems tolsrar.t of error Toieraicf rr,e3i<; 
he act of aliov^ing sorrr :nin.- in this case, it covers the entue vanoclv of m'a.. ' tha'Set ed 
to .nsure t.nat wnen an er or i. conuiv.tted, it is not allowed to jecDardi7.e sale^ 

jAutomation must be error-tolerant. 

^^■'^•■.<*y.<-,;-^.K-C'j.,i.iiiji!^ ■w't^y;!%.C: 


Si^lp^i ^^^ ^*^^'s wnl occjr. even in a hsghiy error^resistant svstem Wmm&\ 
:P|^^ AiitofTiation must detect and nitigati the e&cS'5^^ ppillt 

Figure 53: Error colwance of automatiori. 

As was suggested above, checks of actions against rx;asonablene<;s mt-rb ma„ k* .«„ 
for an au-crafUn the eastern hemisphere, a west^lon JiSe waJi^nt b^w?^^^^^^ 
clJi^fhi'/''''"^'^ ''°' appropnate. An attempted manual de^essunzSrof an ^mf ^ca^^^^ 
rSd'be-coSS^^S--— ^^ 
transporc, an action that has occuned at least is almost cei^Lw-^^T^^^^^^ Sl^mTSI'^ 

Given uhar u is impossible either to preven* or to tran all nr^^cihi^ h.,^^,. 


?a!fnc! -I'l^n • ^^'^f 5*' '''*"^*^ ^^ ^ imminent threat to safety. The latter should be guarded 
against regaitUess of their reported frequency. (See also Rouse, reference 20. ) 

Discussion of Attributes 

^uJ^Z ^^^ K^^^ ^*^ '^T^ ^°^«^"^« ^ "<5^ opposites, 05 mig.^t be inferred from the bipolar scale 
sr.own at Lhc beginrang of th s secaon; on tl.e contrary', they are complementary in evefy respect 
rhn „f ^. ^^^ '' K,"l-''^^i^ ^'"^ necessary; many aspects of automation today incoiporaie both' 

In? Ih^i^nf; ^'^^ili"'^'l"'-^'°^'f^"^ '' ^'''^^'- "^'^ °^^^ ^^^*^"^^^ ^-^ '"o^ neWly bipolar," 
and a balance must be struck amt ng them. ^ 

The attributes we have suggested are not mutually exclusive; Uiere is overlap among them Our 
nrst principles suggest a rough prioritization where compromises are necessary. Ve have stated 
nfLiJ!T^\^l '° ^ '" -'ommand, they must be informed. Accountability' is an importiint facet 
of mforming the human operator, as weU as an important means by which the operator can monito 
rtm^n H?Sd°^h?nrT^^°t Co'^P^hensibibty is another critical trail if the i^Trr^^fZ 
<i^^ vl^ ft ° '^^ """'' ^ *^'! ^ ""^"^d without ambiguity what the automation is 
doing. Each of these traits is an aspect of informativcness. 

TTii^i'ISfn^^I^^^f T^ "^ interpreted to imply a system that provides information beyond the 
rS h is^S^^E"" h' °^^^' *' cquipmei:t, though we do not intend this implication. 
Sf^rSkoon afSf SJe??nH ^"°^ «P=«^oJ: ^ ^"fo?ned e^ectively of at least that minimum of 
mtormanon at all times, and mfoimed in such a way that there is a very high probability that the 
information will be assmiilated. In those cases where it may not be endiSy cIea?X a system is iS 
obCi's ' ""^""^ "^ «Planation should be readily avail/ble if it is not^aliS^j Sown ?r fa^lj 

Th JjJif ?>.^' "^^ ^^ ^^^!^^ dependability is degraded by the addition of more information 
Though thi.. can be countered m pan by adding redundancy and error-checldnp the predS^^ v 
anc comprehensibihty t>f the system may be degraded thereby. On the otb^r hS, weK how o 

K?e"^s ^fl ;/l^^SS^:f ^^^^ control systems; ai^ hig&y reliable, fault-toTera^tttoSon 
s> siems any less important ^ (See also page 95.) 

thi.^\T"l^,^^II!i1f'^'^ ^'"^ adaptability and flexibility are frills ratlier than necessities. To argue 
this IS t aigue diat humans can be made to behave uniformly, and to a considerable extent thii is 
indeed true, as demonstrated by the enormous success of the air transport ind^rtn, ThrjoVts of 
producing inflexible systems, however, are considerable increases in tr^ning co.sts'to prcxiu- Lha 
un^ormity m the humans who operatr them, and a possible decr^^ase in humli oirato?S"^ve i 
nsky enterprise in an mdustiy that requires a high degree of human cognitive fle3bility^ ' " 

The question of subordination has not loomed large until vei^ trendy and it should rot h. 
contcnnous today, given that humans bear the ultimate responsibility for the safew of flUt 
operations. Despite this assertion, which is agreed to by regulators iid the public alike th 
thought mat the degree of independence of automation mav te a major battle ^S during Ihe 
coming decade, as the ground clement of the air transportation system is automatexJ We^gue 
simply that automation that bypasses the human operators will of necessity dimini^; TheTr 
involvement ,n and theu abihty to command the aviation system, which in turn ^^^ dimfnk-n ^ 
ability to recover froin faUurcs or compensate for inadequacies in Lhe. automated subsystems" That 
such madequacies wiU not exist or that such fail'.LT>:s wiii not occur must be proven cStTvclybv 
automanon designers before aviation community can consider an alternative view. 

So a balance must be struck, where compromises are necessary, they must err on the side of 
keepmg the human operator in the loop so that he or she wiU be there when needed. This will be far 
easK^r if he or she is there all Uie time.- if the pilot is helped to remain activelyimS^ved in ninn^ S 
wjMl as abnomial operations. ExacUy the same statement can be made about tiie air traffic cSict 
of course, ar,d about the desirability, if not the necessity, of maintaining and using^ cc cEeTs 
ot communicati.on between them so that each can remain co '.ri^ant of the other's inLtions. 





,;., ".f "S ^"""^ ^^\^f -5^ ^^^'"^ ^^"•' requirements that can be applied to all human-centered 
aircraft automation? We bciieve there are. though their "firmness' must be tempered by th. 
impc.ccv state oi our Knowiecge of human behavior, by the compron-iiscs that zit. inevitable in th^ 
design process and by the constraints inherent in the aircraft cenification process. In this f-nal 
secion, we wih set forth cenam guidehnes that we- believe flow from our review of nast a-d 
present automauon and our best guesses as to the future of this technology. " " 

It is necessary to remind the reader again that no attempt has been made lo cover the 
engineenng aspects of human factors m tihis document. In accordance with the call of the A'r 
iranspon Association, we nave attempted lo construct a philosophy of human -centered 
automation. One definition of philosophy is "rhe pursuit of wisdom/' 'and while we ma J^ 
aSmmid to *' 'oySce° ''^^-^'^^^ we hope oui results will further the dialogue we have 

Principles of Human-Centered Automation ^Genera! Guidelines 

Kri.fTv^'fn'c^'^r''?' "^^ *^" ^^'*'''*' ^^*' '^'^ principles of human-centered automation set fonh 
.h.^^ ^"°'' ^ ^°"^"^^^ 2 reasonable foundation upon which to build^ We therefore repeat 
them here as general guidelines, with some further discussion of each of them, rpage numbere in 
parentheses refer to .±scu£s:ons in uhis WC number ,cic. lo the VvirSr ;:rS C^^^^ 
guidehnes on pages 60 and 67.) ^.^ — ^. 

• The kuman operator must be in command, 

fuxnl^MJ^Tr '''''' ^^^^^ 7 '"^ automated en mute air iraiTic control system of the 
f^^' \?^ Coiporauon stat^ unequivocally that even when die automated system is in 
tu.. operation ResponsioiJity for safe operation of an aircraft remains with the pilot in 
^o^S"'" f Responsibility for separation between controlled aircraft remains with the 
We^wtv. .K^r^^ '' ^^^' '"^ '^^u^'^^ °' dominate by position; authority to command." 
^^] fl A ^^^' ^ '"^ "^'^^ ^^^ responsibility for safe operation or separj^don of 
djcratt, pilots and controders must retain the authority to command those operadons Further 
uiere f Dpears to be no appreciable argument concerning this point The issues" relate to 
wheth r pilots and controllers will have the authonty nec»,L-v .0 execute die t^sjinsSes 

AT/-^^ Js a^'undamental rc:;ci -jf our concept of human-centered auiumation diat aircraft (and 
\ A "-"■ -^^^;:e" ^*^s^s fo assist pilots (and controders) in carrying out their responsibilities as 
stated above. Oar reasoning is simple. Apan from Jie statutorv responsibility of the human 
S?,T'ttr^ systern automation is not infallible; lilce any o her machine, it is subject to 
mmt Funh -r. digital devices fail unpredictably, and produce unpredictable manifestations 

liiZl'- ' ^h""^'^" ' «n""^"'^^^ ^"'^"^^ ^^^^^~""g such failures, correcting d^ei 
manilestauons, and contmuing the operation safely unul die automated systems can rt^urre 
tneir normal functions. v-..uw.v 

Since automation cannot be made failure-proof, automation must not be designed in such 

Vn^' "^^ !' ^^"^ '"*'-^^" "^^ ^'^^'?'^ °f ^^ ^"^^^ operator's responsibilities, f^nVwSich it 
follows that automation must not be used to configure the airplane or load the svsterr, bevond 
human capacity to control and manage a if the automation f£ls. For a contrary concern sS 
^^J'iS-TTf?''''' the MITRE report on page 57, which present a considerabiv ^f%4m 
view of air traffic control automation. (See pp. 7, 12. 5"?.) ' "''"''^'" 


To command effectiv^ely, the human operator must be involved. 

To exercise effective command of a vehicle or operation, the commander must be 
involved in the operat3on. Involved is '*io be d^'^v aV'; the commander must have ar active 
role, whether ibm role is to control the aircratt (or traffic) directly, or to manage the human 
and/or machine resoun^cs to which control has be«n delegated. The pilot^s involveiriens, 
however, musr be consistent with his or her command rtsponsibilmcs; the priorities of the 
piloting tasics remain mfiexible, and the pilot cannot be allowed to become pieocc pied by a 
welter of detail. Automation car. assist by providing appropnarc information. 

Modem aircraft automaiion is extremely capable; it has made it possible for the aircraft 
commander to delegate nearly all tactical control of an opcraaon to me machine. We believe 
that at least some of the aircraft tnishaps citcid herein can be traced at least in pist to the human 
operators being too nemote from the details of machine operation; the China Air 747 mishap 
near San Francisco is one example. We suggest tha^ human- centered aircraft automation must 
be designed, and operated, in such a way thai it does not permit the human operator to become 
too remote from operational details, by requiring of that operator meaningful and relevant 
tr;ks throughout the conduct of a fight, (See pp. 28,30, WC 6.) 

To be involved, the human operator must be informed. 

Without information conccniing the conduct of an operation, involvement becomes 
unpredictable and decisions, if they are made, approach randomness. We have suggested 
what we believe to be the minimum amount of information necessary to apprise the 
commander of the progress of a flight operation. The level of detail provided to the piici may 
var>\ but certain information elements cannot be absent if the pilot is to irsmain involved, and 
more important, is to remain able to resume direct control of the aircraft and operation in the 
event of automation failures. 

On the other hand, too much information concerning the conduct of the operation can be 
at least as dangerous as too little. Both the content of the information made available and the 
ways in which it is presented must reinforce tiie essential priorities of the piloting task; in 
particular, situation awareness must be supported and reinforced at all times, (See pp. 14, 16, 

TV Vu^ 1 ^' / 

In automated aircraft, one essential information clement is ; ^formation concerning the 
automation. Just as the pilot must be alert for performance decrem*. nts or incapacity in other 
human crew members, he or she m.ust be alert for such decrements ii automated systems thai 
are assisting in the conduct of the operation. This leads to the requirement that: 

The human operator must be able to monitor the automated systems. 

The essence of command of automated systems is the selection and use of appropriate 
means to accomplish an objective. The pilot must be able, from information about the 
systems, to determine Lhat system performance is, and in all iikeliliood will continue to be, 
appropriate to the flight situation. 

To monkor, or "keep track of/' automated systems, the hunran must have access to data 
concerning the functionality both of the hardware in those systems and of the software that 
instructs them. Because of the difficulty of verifying software while it is functioning, most 
fiight-ciitical automation involves eittier duplicate (or triplicate), or dissimilar software 
performing the saiiae task in different processors, usually with a comparison module that 
indicates any differences in the results of the calculations performed by the two units. Some 
triplex systems conduct continuous **voting*' to insure continued function; anomalous rtsults 
in one processor lead to its exclusion from the operating sysiera 


in most aircraft systems to date, the huinan operator is informed oniv if there is a 
discrepancy l«tween or among the units responsible for a particular function or a fa ikri of 
those units sufficient to disrupt or disable the perfonnance of the function Kse ca eTthe 

Geia> It -s neces.Ar>' that the human operator be provided witi; information concemins the 
operations to d^te if these are not evident from the behavior of the aimlane o^ vftirr 
controlled. Ic s thus necessary that the pilot b. aware both of th/funcnon%Tdy4ncaon o^' 
the automated system, ana of the results of its laoors. on an ongoing basri^^h. dHo^^s Z 

Automated systems must be predictable 

airoiIeS!rh.'1'f?i??r'f " '"^ "'*' ^"^ "°' "^ "'^^' "^^ P'^°*^ "°"st be able to predict how the 
SSr^ . L. '^'^'^ K"^^' automation, not only at the time of selection but^ueho^t the 

r, ,.c,^.£!^°^' '""v' monitor automation against the likelihood of failures as we assert thev 
n-1 ,1^^^^*^""^^ ^^* ^^ "°"^ behavior of automated sysf^ms be predictable and rhat fh^ 

The cutomaud systems m-M clso be able to monitor the human operator. 

maKing all cntical elements of the aviation system redundant, ilioueh new technololx. k vriii 

detect. Desigmng warning systems to detect failures of warning synen/s ca^ te^ fnSt« 
chain, but It is necessary that we recognize the human tendency "o i^K S?n iS^aMe^.tf rr 
and consider how much additional redundancy is required in essinSj'alertng system' ' 

We also believe that information now resider.t in ilieht mana«T«.mpnt an^ «»i,«, • r 
computers can be used to monitor pUots more comprehens vS^K^^^^ 


they were committed. This would seem to be a productive area for error-detection modules, 
and thert: are several others which arc mentioned herein. Research should be conducted using 
accident and incident data to determine other areas iv which errors are common or have 
panicalariy hazardous imphcanons, and ways should be devised to detect such errors and aien 
piiois to their presence. 

The most difficult task, of course, is to monitor pilot cognitive performance and deciiuon 
milking. When a pilot consciously decides to do nothing, his decision cannot be differenriated 
from a failure to do Gomethiag. Further, advanced automation has made the need for 
decisions and actions infrequent during cruising fiighc. The advent of extremely long haul 
aircraft has emphasized the problem of moniioring human aienness and functionally. This \t^ 
the motivation for our emphasis on keeping pilots involved in a meaningful way in the 

Thei^ is no way to make the system totally foolproof, and each additional piece of 
hardware or software has a potential decremcntal effect on system reliability, but as we 
pointed out in our discussions of error resistance and error tolerance, a layered defense against 
errors is essential if we are to make the system as foolproof as possible (See pp. 32, 78-79, 

Each element of the system must have knowledge of the others* intent. 

Cross- monitoring (of machine by human, of human by machine and ultimately of human 
by human) can only te effective if tlic agent monitoring understands what the monitored agent 
is trying to accomplish, and in sonrte cases, why The intentions of both the automated 
systems and the human operators must be known and communicated; this applies equally to 
the monitoring ot automated systems by pilots, of aircraft by human controllers on the 
ground, aiid of air traffic control by human pilots in flight. Since humans arc so much more 
versatile than any nriachine, uldraate responsibility for monitoring of human behavior rests 
upon the other humans in the system. 

Under normal circumstances, pilots communicate their intent to ATC by filing a flight 
plan, and to their FMS by inserting it into the computer or calling it up from the navigation 
data base. ATC, in turn, communicates its intent to the pilots by granting a clearance to 
proceed; data link in the near future will make this information available to the FMS as well. 
The MITRE document referred to above mentions specifically that "Information on aircraft 
flight intent can be sent from aircraft to the ATC system so that conflict prediction and 
resolution capabilities of AERA use the best data available'* (ref 80). The document is silent 
with respect to communication of intent in the other direction, however, and such 
communication must be a two-way channel. 

It is when circumstances become abnormal, due cither to environmental problems or to 
in-flight emergencies, that communication of intent among the various human and machine 
agents becomes less certain. ASRS and other data provide evidence of the frequency with 
which the handling of an in- flight emergency may lead to other anomalier in the system, most 
commonly involving aircraft other than those involved in the emergency. In one study, the 
handling of in-flight emergencies led in approximated one-third of cases to another problem 
(ref 85). 

It cannot be stated with certainty from the ASRS data that communication of intent would 
have avened these secondary problems, but it seems likely that it would have prevented some 
of them. Further, the communication of intent makes it possible for all involved parties to 
work cooperatively to solve the problem. Many traffic control problems occur simply because 
pilots do not understand what the controller is trying to accomplish, and the converse is also 
true. Finally^ automation (or ATC) cannot monitoi pilot pcrforaiance effectively unless it 


havel^'iirSl^^ «,^- - -^ add a few other of a general nan., wh.h 
• Functions should be automated only if there is a good reason for doing so. 

a'^areness' Wouid^oV doing io tnn^^^^^^^^^^^ '"'P'"^'"" P^^°^ capabilities or 

abilicv to remain in comnand^ We t w! i ' So? ^^"^"'^«"'eni, situation awareness, or 
to the consideration ot^^H^. et.?nt o/ali^^^ L?^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

unde^cSfSrconddSnTuT^^^^^^ ^'T^ ^" ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ "f-™«l 

below-average abibtv Yet these ^ni?5^vr^° ''^'u^'^^ '"'^ distracted pilots of 

needed. W? u?ge Sat s!mpl?citrcEt^iL fn^^^^^^ ^^""^ ^'^ ^^^^^« Wbe most 
autom;aondesi|.l forthcTw?] m^^^ a.^O"g the cornerstones of 

strictly speaking^ i; n° t Sie nmvircf of h. ?. ^"^ "'°'' ^^'^^'^^^ ^°°' '^^"gh training, 
design of cockptt sy?temTa?noSwlnecf S'J^'^ "^"" be considereiduring the 
60, 63-65. 74, 78-79 WC? 10 150 ^'^" '" ^'''''^'''- ^^" P^' ^ ^' ^•''' ^^' ^9. 

Guidelines for Kuman-Cenlercd Control Automation 

automation. We fo2 consider con^aSSSo^ '^'^'' ^"^"^^^""^ '°^ human-ceme^ 

• .^.r ^/2rr.e^nr^^^^^ ::%ni!ir;;ir' '-'-''- '- -' --^ *^ 

(Wr'^r^^.e^'S^Zo'^d'^m^^^^^^^^ r^^^ ^-ve the way pUots do 

utilize automation that belW^ if a f^T^ L Z ' ^^T ^'^\ ^ ^^^ '^^^'^ »« accept and 
they will be mo,^ Sy to ^^gnf^ ^^^f^ ^d perhaps more impSnant, 

continues to perform. IS ^^^^nJ^^J^^Z T ^ Pf ^^^^^--^ ^^ the automation 
automadon,pSalOT^ncipi;m^WsT«vrv^^^^^ ""^^ fault-tolerant control 

usually does not chSge ^Whe^erTc^o^ Sl''""'^ ^"'"^^ ^^^^^^ behavior 

the pilot informed alio n™o b^ coSJh ^ ^^""f^ ^^^nounced in order to keep 
redundancy remains in SieSoSt^^ysSl^"'^^' '^ '^'P'"''^ '" ''^^ "^"^^ ^""'^tioni 

failuJSiyTt'chlnr^So^^^^^^ P°^-^-^ hazard, m that its 

Such failufes must \i ^^^lSnM^oLt^^n. "^t ^"?^'"? ^' ^ ^ ^^^'^ ^^""'iition. 
active control of the macLre AuSSf sho M^^^^^^^^ '^'^ "^^ P'^^"" inmiediateiy i^sume 
in charge"; niiots mustSv avk^'Vv/-. .f /h u ^'^'^' ^ '''"^^^" ^" ^^'^J' '"" one is 
is for this reason Aa a3ot dTconne^K 1 .?,^,«^^^^^ delegated control to the autopilot. It 
alerting signals. (See pp. 4. 19 24 "Tr^ usually announced by both visual and aural 



Control automation should be delimited in its authority, 
permitted to become insubordinate. 

It should not be 

Control automation should not be able to endanger an aircraft or to nnake a difficult 
situation worse. It should not be able to cause an overspeed, a stall, or contact with the 
ground without explicit instructions from the pilot, and possibly not then.^ if the pilot 
approaches safe operating lirmts, the automauorj should warn the pilot, giving him or hcrtinie 
to recognize the problem and take corrective action. 

Some current electronic engine controllers withdraw engine power to flight idle 
autonomously if an overspeed is detected, without regard to whether other engines are 
operating. This feature cannot be locked out at present We would argue that this is 
potentially insuix)rdinate automation. 

The pilot should not be permitted to select a potentially unsafe automatic operating mode; 
autcmauon should either foreclose the use of such modes or should aien the pilot that they 
may be hazardous, and why, (Sec pp. 30, 71, 80, WC 4.) 

Do not foreclose pilot authority to override normal aircraft operating limits 
when required for safe mission completion without truly compelling reasons for 
doing so. 

Limitaticns on pilot authority may leave the pilot unable to fulfil his or her responsibility 
for safety of tlight. A recent ASRS incident repon, one of nnany, underscores the need to 
preserve pilot capability to do what is necessary; an abrupt 50' banked turn was required for 
coliisior avoidance in an advanced technology wide-body airplane (ref. 104). There have 
been several cases in which pilots have violated legal G limits; in nea.dy all of these, the 
aircraft have been recovered, though with damage. These riiaaeavers v/ould not have been 
possible had hard envelope limits been incorporated. We suggest that the "soft limits'' 
approach represents a way to avoid limiting pilot authority while enhancing flight safety. (See 
pp. 21,29-30, 39-40, WC 7.) 

Design control automation to be of most help during times of highest workload, 
and somewhat less help during times of lowest workload. 

Field studies of aircraft automation have suggested that it may appreciably lighten 
v^orWoad at times when it is already low, while imposing additional workload during times 
\*'htn it is already high, during climbs and particularly descents. While much of the additional 
buixien relates to problems in interacting with the flight managCTrient system (see below), the 
end product of that interaction is the control and guidance of the airplane as it moves toward its 

Avionics manufacturers have made appreciable strides in easing this workload by 
providing lists of arrival and runway options at particular destinations, but air traffic control at 
busy terminal? may utilize procedures that differ from those listed. In particular, "sidestep" 
nraiieuvcrs to alternate parallel or converging runways are a problem in this regard, especially 
if clearances are altered late in a descent. Easing such problems may require a beuer 
understanding by ATC of what is, and is not, reasonable to ask of a highly automated 
airplane. Given the congestion at our busiest tenmnais, however, ATC is likely to continue to 
seek more, rather than less, flexibility and any short-sierm improvements will have to be in the 
cockpit (see also management automation guidcUnes). 

During cruise flight at aitirude, the maintenance of pilot involvement is important (see 
above). Workload may be very low and should quite possibly be increased during long flight 
segments. {St<: pp. 17, 28, 47, WC 3, 6.) 


■ Keep the flight crew involved in the operation by requiring of them meaningful 
and relevant tasks, regardless of the level of management being utilized by 
them. "^ 

High ievels of strategic management h?ve the potential to decrease pilot involvement 
beyond desLrable linuis. Control automation should not permit this degree of detachment, lest 
the pacts \yt unable to reenter tlie loop in the event of its faiiwe. Keeping pilots involved may 
require less automauon rather Lhan more, but involvement is critical to their ability lo remain in 
command of an operatic r . 

Much critical flight data is now accessed from lookup tables in aircraft performance data 
bases resident within the FMS. (Cntical speeds for approach and landing are examples ) {f it 
IS necessary to be more certain that pilots arc aware of these data, the designer may wish to 
consider requinng that the data be either entered manually, or verified bv the pilots before 
use. Thelatteropdontakeslesstime, butmay belesseffertive. 

We have sugeested that requiring management by consent rather than management by 
excepnon may be one way to maintain involvement, though it has also been pointed out that 
**^ A T^^^ * ^* ^° ^^^^ consent from becoming perfunctory, and this must also be 
avoided One way io assist may be to give more attendon to workload management, as i-^ 
suggested in the preceding guideline. (See pp. 28-29, 65, 94, WC 6.) 

Control automation should be designed for maximum error resistance and error 
to I erance. 

Both automated control systems and their associated disolays should be made as enor 
resistant as is feasible by designing clear, simple displays and unambiguous responses to 
commands Thereafter, safety- hazard analyses should be performed to elucidate remainine 
points at which etrors can be comn^tted. The designs should then be modified to incorporate 
me highest possible degree of error tolerance as well, by prosaibing potentiallv hazardous 
mstrucuons or by providing unambiguous warning of potential consequences that can en'-ue 
trom an instiucaon. Accident and incident data should be reviewed on an ongoing basis 'o 
idennfy xiKeiy human and machine deficiencies and these deficiencies should receive snec ial 
attention in this process. * 

Human errors, some enabled by equipment design, bring more aircraft to grief that any 
other .actor. Error resistant systems can protect against many of these e-ors bu- it is 
necessary to give pilots authority to act contrary to normal operating practices when necessary 
ana tnis requires that designs also incorporate error tolerance. (See pp. 24, 56, 78-79, WC 1 , 

Control automation should provide the human operator with an appropriate 
range of control and management options. 

The control and management of an airplane must be safelv accomplished by pilots whose 
abilities vai-y under circumstances that vary widely. To provide effective assistance to 
whomever is flying, under whatever condidons, a degree of flexibility is required ^n aircraf- 
automation. The aircraft control-management continuum has been discussed- probl-ms at the 
extremes of this continuum have been indicated (high workload at the''ow end "of the 
spectrum, possible decreased involvement at the high end of the spectrum) Tlie range of 
control and management options appropriate to a given airplane must be wide enouSh to 
encompass the full range of pilots who may operate it, under the full range of operating 
conditions tor which It is certificated. (Secpp. 26-29, 73, WC 7, 8.) «> >- 6 


Guidelines for Human-Centered Information Automation 

It will have been noied that some of the guidelines above relaie to information provided to the 
pilots as well as to the control of the aL'planc and its subsystems. It is not always possible to draw 
a clear distinction between control and inforaiation automation, for all automation involves the 
requirement to keep pUots informed. The following are suggested euidelines specificaliy for 
infonnanon automation. " ^ 

• The primary objective of information automation is to maintain and enhance 
situation awareness. All displays should contribute to this objective. 

We have indicated (p. 77) what we believe are the minimum elements of information 
required by pilots at all times. Many other information elements art also required in some 
.oirn however (p. 16). The question is not whether these are needed, but in what form thev 
win best reinforce the pilot's awareness of his or her situation and state. The remaining 
guidelines m this section address this issue in general terms. (See pp. 23-24, 35, 42, 43, 63.) 

• Assume that pilots will rely on reliable automation, because they will. 

Once pilots have flown an automated airplane long enough to become comfortable with it 
they will come to know which cc-trol and information elements can be trusted. Thereafter 
most (though not all) pUots will become increasingly reliant upon the continued reUability of 
mose elements and therefore less liable to be suspicious of them if they become unreliable 
hor mat reason, the designer must not make flight-criticai information available unless it is 
reliable (and must also provide the pilot with information concerning the status of the 
automaaon as well as of the element cOTtrolled by that automation). 

If information is derived or processed, the designer must insure that the data from whi-h 
it is denved is also either visible or accessible for verification. If it is not critical information 
tor a particular flight phase, make it available only on request, but insure that it remains 

Future automated decision support systems may pose a serious problem in this regard if 
pilots come over time to rely on the quality of the machine decisions. A poor decision may be 

(See pp. 4. 37, 38-39. 

much more difficult to detect than an aberrant subsystem operation 
48, 76, 95, WC 15.) 

• Automated systems must be comprehensible to pilots. 

As automation becomes more complex and integrated, with more potential interactions 
among modes, pilots must be assirted to understand the implications of those interactions 
especially to interactions which can be potentially hazardous at a critical point in flight' 
Systems need to be as error resistant as possible in this respect, for the iikehhood that pilots 
Alii remember aU such potential interactions is not high if they are not encountered frequently 
Ihe memory burden imposed by complex automation is considerable; infrequently-usoi 
knowledge may not be immediately available when ii is needed. (See do 21 2'^ "'4 ^^ fS 
74-75, WC 1, 12, 14, 15.) ^^' ' ' ' "' " ' 

• Alerting and warning systems should be as simple at. ' foolproof as possible. 

Warning systems for discrete failures do not present a particular problem; whether 
rcconriguratiort should be autonomous remains an open question awaiting experience with tiie 
IVID-1 1 systems. The problem of quantitative warning sy.>tem sensitivity and specificity has 
been discussed False or nuisance warnings must be kept to reasonable levels to avoid the 
unwanted behavioral effects of excessive alarms . 


/ j^\S^ " providing pilots with more informaaon than they need to know, we believe 
(as did Wiener and Cuny) that it may be appropriate to provide pilots \^ith trend information 
betorc a parameter reaches a level rcquaing action, to improve their awareness of a potential ly 
senous siiuatioa. This serves the added purpose of increasing their trust of the automated 
monitonng systems, We have suggested some ways in which trend information might be 
provided on simplified system displays. 

TCAS provides traffic alerts with respect to traffic that mav in the near futuic po<e m 
imminent hasard, which gives pilots time to attempt visual acquisition of the traffic An 
avoidance maneuver is advised if the traffic thereafter is assessed as a serious liTreat ^uch 
systems in-^ease puoi involvement, but this can pose a problem under conditions of high 
workioaa. li is possible that "low" and "high" sensitivities could be used during shon and 
longer flights, or that non-cntical alens could be inhibited during flight at low altitudes a-- is 
already done in newer aircraft. 

When warnings are provided and response time is not cndcal, many pilots will attempt to 
evaluate die validity of the warning. Means should be provided for them to do so quickjv and 
accurately. ^ 

Warnings and alerts must be unambiguous. When common signals are used to denote 
more than one condition (as are the master caution and m^ter warning signals), there must be 
38^39" 44 45^48 76 WC^^^*'^ condition which is responsible for the alert. (See pp. 23, 25, 

Less information is generally better than more information, if it is the right 
information for a particular circumstance. 

There is no conflict between our guideline of keeping die pilot informed and the 
recognition that too much information may prevent the pilot from assimilating the most 
important information. It is a matter of understanding what the pilot needs to know at a 
particular time 01 m a particular situation. Cockpit designers have generally done a 
commendable job of providing the most important information; thev have not always done as 
wen in keeping that information at the forefront of the pilot's awareness or in reducine the 
amount of non-essential information. ^ 

^ Uss information is generally beaer than more information, bat only insofar as no critical 
eiement of situation awareness is neglected. Selective de^luttcring of pnmaiy flight displays 
analogous to what has been done with navigation displays, should be coiisidered; as indicated 
m the text, more mtegrated PFDs are under study. See also the description of the "dark 
^^^'\ concept on page 25. (See pp. 10. 17. 26, 33, 36-37, 39, 41, 4344. 46, 48, 49, 77, 

Integration of information does not mean simply adding more elements to a 
single display. 

Integration in psychology means "the organi-afion of various traits into one harmonious 
personality. An integratec display combines disparate information elements into a single 
picture that renders unnecessary many cognitive steps the pilot would otiierwise have to 
perform to octam a concept. It riius relieves the pilot of mental workload. Primary night 
displays arc not integrated; ratiier, they combine information previously shown on mmv 
mstruments on a singie screen. The elements, however, are still distTete and die mental 
workload of adducmg aircraft state is still required. 

Clutter in displays is urdesu-ablc for the piiot may fail to notice the most impoiiant 
mfomiation or may focus on les.s imponant data. It is for this reason tiiat we have suggested 


that fairly radical de-cluttering of the PFD would still provide the pilot flying at ciuise on 
autopilot with the information nequired to monitor the autopilot and return to the control loop 
rapidly if required. 

Subsystem displays can also be made more sample and intuitive. Again, the controlling 
variable should be what the pilot needs to know under parricur^r circumstances. As long as nil 
mfonnation necessarv' to take over manual control of these system? is available when required, 
it is not necessary^ that other dau^ be visible in circumstances where they are not central to fhe 
pilot's tasks, though we believe thai power information, perhaps in simplified form, is needed 
ai all times because it is an element of flieht path contrcL (See pp. 34-35, 37-38, 39. 42, 44. 
47, 54-55, 77, WC 12.) 

Automation poses additional monitoring requirements; insure thai pilots are 
able to monitor both the status of the automation and the status of the functions 
ionirolled by that automation. 

On page 46, it was asked whether displays should show the position of a switch, or the 
position of the device controlled by that switch. Should automation status be announced, as 
well as the stams of the function being controlled? One can argue that it should be, by some 
means, vvhiic the *'dark cockpit" concept (no annunciations as long as evcr^/thing is normal) 
has distinct advantages in preventing information overload, no information can mean either 
that everything is normal or that the annunciator has failed. No inforaiation is quite different 
from negative information. In the case of subsystems* where nothing happens for long 
periods of time, pilots need some type of reassurance that the automation is still monitonng the 

Automation can fail cc/ertly as well as overtly, and in either case, the pilot must become, 
or be ready to become, a controller rather than a manager. To do so, he or she must know by 
some means ti^at the automation has failed, and the condition of the controlled elements or 
functions. (See pp. 33-34, 40, 48, 82, WC 5, 9, 10.) 

Emphasize inf or nation in accordance with it% importance. 

The most important informanon should be most obvious and most centrally-located. 
Information relevant to aircraft control deviations, power loss or impending collisions with 
obstacles is ?(Iways more important than infomiation concerning other facets of the operation 
Symbolic information should be redundantly coded (shape, size, color, use of two or m.ore 
sensor^' modaiities) to insure Lhat it is defected, Audtory (sounds) or tactile information 
displays can be used to reinforce, or in some cases to substitute for. visual information; Lhis 
can be particularly useful during periods of high \'isual workload (p. 38). 

It should be noted that a strenuous and largely successful attempt has been made to 
decrease the large number of discTcte auditory- warnings that were present in older cockpits. 
The use of discrete voice warnings is increasing, nowever; GPWS, TCAS and windshear 
alerts all incorporate voice signals, and an increasing number of aircraft also incorporate 
synthetic voice altitude caliouts on final approach. This may be less of a potential problem as 
digital data Unk replaces some of the voice communications now required, but there remains 
the potential f'>r interference among voice messages, as well as the potential for overuse of 
voice signals leading to diminished aU'rntiveness to voice emergency rriessages. 

The question of tactile information transfer has been brought to the fore by the A320 
control systems (p. 23,24). The tv/o pilot sidestick controllers are not interconnected, and 
therefore do not provide information concerning control inputs from, the other side of the 
cockpit. Because the airpiarie utilizes a load factor demand control lav/, pilots cannot detect 
changes in aim from control column ptf >sure:^. Also, the thrust levers do not move when the 


autothrust system changes engine powei. The discussion points out that this may be 
appropnate automation and that companies flying this airplane do not manifest concern 
regarding these features, but it is also necessary ro recogni?:? that certain elements of the 
feedback previously provide4i to pilots are not present in tliis airplane. Continued scrutiny of 

• A320 operations is needed to determine whether the absence of this feedback mode nas'any 
undesirable consequences, or whetiier the redundancy of the infoniiation it provides in other 
aircrait is not tniiy necessar>^ (See pp. 26, 35, 45, 77, WC 12.) 

• Design automation to insure that critical functions are monitored as hcU as 

Tne safety benefits of independent monitoring art mdisoutabie. ATC radai- permits 
controllers to monitor flight path control; TCAS permits pilots to monitor controller actions. 
liiere are functions tliai ait not independently monitored at this time; airplane acceleration with 
respect to runway remaining during takeoff is one, ILS guidance during instalment 
approacnes is another. A thud is aircraft position on the airport surface, at most facilities 
Momtonng of input to aircraft systems espetu,: y Lhe FMS, remains a problem despite the 
monitoring capability provided by map displays. In the first two cases mentioned new 
technology will be required. In the latter case, FMS software could be provided to monitor 
as well as assist m, pUot interactions with the system. Where critical errors could compromise 
safety, independent monitoring of inputs (perhaps by downlinking of FMS data for 
comparison with ATC cieai-ance data) should be enabled. 

It is not clear at this point in time that airplarie-to-ATC digital data link will be used to 
confirm diat clearance data has been received and entered into die FMC correctly. Such a link 
could also be used to confLrro that manually-entered flight p : data conforms to ATC 
intentions If such a n-,onitoring link is not provided for, an important element of redandancv 
will have been lost . See pp. 48, 56, 78, 79, WC 9), 

• Consider the use of electronic checklists to improve error resistance and 

Depending on how they aie implemented, electronic checklists have the potential to 
improve error resistance, by perforrrjng checklists on command, and error tolerance bv 
remmduig pilots of checklists that need to be performed and bv providing reminders of items 
no* completed. Checklist usage is known to be somewhat variable (ref. 74) and failure-? to 
pe..oira checklists have been associated wiia serious mishaps (refs, lO.ilK "Sen'^ed" 
checklists (those that verify that most or all items have been completed) wll be more enor 
tolerant than those that rely entirely on pilot confirmation of actions taken, and this mav 
suggest a desirable minimum architecture for such modules. On the other hand, data from 
recent checklist studies suggests that automated checklists may reduce pilot vigilance for 
aircraft system faults (ref. 7 1). (See pp. 48-49, WC 9.) 

Giiideiines for H'lman-Centcred Management -Automation 

Management automation has been a remarkably successful tool m the cockpit; die developm-nt 
of air trafhc automation will further improve as utility and effectiveness. It has made the aviation 
system much more eiror resistant, though it has also enabled new errors in the cockpit, as does any 
new equipment that must be operated by humans. We offer the following guidelines for future 
flight management systems. 




«^ iM pfJ2 2 



1 1.8 


i.4 1 !.6 


Management automction should make airplanes as easy to manage as they are to 

The major pToblem with flight managemcrt systems is that they are often cumbersome to 
operate. Under some circumstances, it is easier to operate without them than to use them, 
with the predictable msult that they are apt to be bypassed under these circumstances. This is 
a pity, for the enxir resistance that they bring to flight path management i^ also bypassed. One 
panial solution to this problem is to improve the interfaces between system and pilot so Uiat 
they can be manipulated more easily 

This will not be a trivial task, for it may requL-* estabhshing a diffei^nt level of interface 
between the pilot and the system, one vhich involves a high-level interaction rather than the 
present point- by-point description of desired ends. On the other hand, data link may enable a 
higher-level interaction and may even require it for effective interaction with ATC, most of 
which may be through the FN!S. 

Within the constraints of present-generation systems, cffons to improve system 
operability in high workload segments of flight would be most helpful to pilots* and would 
improve system safety. The problem of manually tuning navigation radio aids rapidly has 
been mentioned; providing alternate interfaces throiigh which such tasks coufd be 
accomplished more readily is worthy of consideration. (See pp. 27-28, 29, 54, 55.) 

Flight management system interfaces must be as error tohiant as possible. 

In view of tiie known problems in data entry. FMS software should accomplish as much 
error trapping as is possible. Some ways of doing this have been suggested above. When 
dau link is available, the data entry process may be sim.plified, but that does not necessarilv 
imply that data entry errors will be eUi. inated. (See pp. 52, 53.) 

As noted earlier, CDUs wili refuse to accept incorrecdy-foramtted entries, but they do not 
provide feedback as to why an entry was rejected. If the computer knows, why doesn't it teil 
the pilot? Some data entr>' errors are obvious, but others may be less obvious and pilots may 
be tired or distracted by other problems. 

Future flight management system and aviation system automation must insure 
that the pilot cannot be removed from the command role. 

We have indicated our concern that increasing automation of the ATC system and 
increasing integration of the ground and airborne elements of that system have the potential to 
bypass the humans who operate and manage the system. One way to guard against this is to 
design fumre flight mianagement systems so that the pilot is shown the consequ -ces of any 
clearance before accepting it; another is to insure that the pilot must actively consent to any 
requested modification of flight plan before it is executed. A third, more difficult way is to 
make it possible for pilots to negotiate easily with ATC on specific elements of a clearance, 
such as altitude changes, rather than having to accept or reject an entire clearan:;e or 
modification. All three, and possibly other wa, " as well, may be required to keep uilots 
firmly in command of then operations. (See pp. 5:i, 54,) 

These steps will require more than simply software changes. They will require careful 
negotiations between the operating community and air traffic management system designers. 
In view of the rapidity with which the enabling technology is being pursued, the long-term 
goals and objectives of system designers and planners need to be known with precision. We 
do not beheve that they have been set forth with sufficient clarity thus far, and we believe also 
that the consequences of fundamental changes in the locus of command of the system aie so 
major as to require consensus before proceeding farther with system design. 


5 . -'^ G 

Ir:.ure .H. fli.nt opera.ons remain .UHin tHe capacities of tHe Human operator. 

eacn.I]S"n"^ra:Smauo;!%Sron^ such prcc.s.on rhat they have been 

are less than 200 feet and v,sSs^a;e kfs th^ ir^^.'f ^' (approaches when ce.hngs 
pneraily accepted that pUot perc;pt^rcap"b'ms mav no ^ ^f/^^P'^- 1' has been 
landing from approaches under Liese vei^bad wea hTr Lnni* ^''^^}^'''^' «^ Pennit a safe 
hov ver. pilots have not been asked« conditions. With these exceptions 

unaided. "^^"^ ^'^^'^ ^« ^"g^fe ^ »" operations that they cannot complete 

system ^^S^J^P^^^^^^^^ intensive effons to increase 

As noted earlier, this includes studies^f clS^ c^a?^^^^ T ^™^"^ ^"P^^^ 


automation will ^ cied ■^Pon^pe^r^TSSS ^^^ 

sufficfiet ^mSn't^f MuSi'awie^^^^ -^ --'-"g capabilit>^ 

and with ways of escaping fim? the mS^euve^?JHv ^ ^'^Z'^^'^^ °^ "^^ maneuve,?, 
conungency either wiSi/the aimlan^^fthe '^f^- ""m ^^P^^^^^^'V »" t^e event of a 
Jsplays may weU be necessary if pS 2^ toVmifn n . '"0"«onng automation and 
We must confess our conceinXut rSit^te???r " f ^^^^dunng such maneuvers. 
assun^^t the automation has pmvSS a?SSi t^ n^lh? "T^'^f "^"^^ ^^^ controllers 
pp. 56-57, 63, 95.) cjniiici-tiee flight path for controUed traffic (See 



Some Thoughts on Aircraft Automation 

What follows is some comments tliat need to be made but that do not seem to fit elsewhere in 
this document. They are not conclusions; rather, they are issues that need to be considered by 
designers and operators, and perhaps by the human factors research community as well 

The use of artificial intelligence in future automation: We have made reference :n 
several places in this document to the development of decision suppon or decision making syste rss 
as a future thrust m aircraft automarion. Despite tht promise of artificial intelligence (Al) 
technology in limited applications to date. AI remains a promise — an exciting one, but one whose 
bounds we do not yet understand. It is our belief that truly "smart" systems will find their way 
into the cockpit only slowly, and that those applications will be accept^ by aircraft manufacturers 
only after protracted evaluation in less safety-critical environments. This is as it should be; the 
paramount interest in safety of all members of the aviation community requires a considerable 
degree of conscr\'atism with respect to new and largely untested technologies. 

This, of course, suggests that cognitive systems may be a long time coming, and that the 
introduction of sman systems should initially be for the control or management of non-critical 
functions. AI systems for the management of information in electronic libraries have been 
suggested; this might be such an application. It has been implied here that decision making 
systems should probably not be adaptable, because that would decrease their predictability and the 
human operator needs automated systems that are predictable. Pilots admittedly adapt to 
inexperienced copilots who learn as thi> accumulate operating experience, but the pilot in 
command is liiccly to be less confident of an ir animate system whose inner workings are less clear. 

In an effon to take advantage of decision suppon technolog>' without foreclosing the decision 
authority of the human operators, researchers have turned to decision-aiding systems that assist 
both pilots and air traffic controllers in decision-making (refs. 64, 86, 105). These systems 
provide options to the human operator, based on understood rules, but they leave decisions about 
the use of those options in the hands of the operator. (See also p. 88.) 

The effects of automation on human operators: We have referred to the considerable 
and growing litcramie on human-centered workplaces, Cooley. among others, has discussed the 
problem of *'dcskilling" in highly automated :\ ; ' i ments. Aviation is certainly such an 
environment, though it differs in apprcciaole r- . j. j^ from the usual production environment. 
Nonetheless, automation does cause behavioral anc dttitudinal effects over time in those who work 
with it. Depending or how ii is built and operated, these effects can range from a sense of 
growing mastery over another complex machine system across the spectrum to complacency and 
boredom in the face of tasks made routine and mechanical. 

Scientists and physicians in the Soviet Union who have worked extensively with cosmonauts 
during long missions report that under the severe confinement and other stresses inherent in such 
missions, their charges become increasingly intolerant of boring, repetitive, routine tasks, to the 
extent of severely diminished performance (ref 106). On the other hand, they remain capable of 
being stimulated and challenged by novel, intellectually demanding tasks even after many nwnths 
of exposure in this most difficult and constrained environment It is their belief t^iat great care must 
be taken to insuie that tasks remain challenging and stimulating. 

There is much that is boring and repetitive in die cockpit environment as well, especially in 
long haul overwater f ying. Few tasks are more soporific than watching a highly automated 
vehicle drone on for many hours, directed by three inertial navigation systems all of which agree 
within a fraction of a mile. This boredom can be compounded by fatigue during operations that 
often traverse the hour's of darkness and normal sleep. Maintaining involvement in such a task, let 
alone a sense of challenge and intellectual demand, will be a real challenge to cockpit designers, but 
it must be met. Pilots are people who like challenges and have chosen aviation because it is a 




filw ^"^K°^''"P*^°u"- ^ *'« ^ »o ^^P them from becoming ineffective, we must cksign iheu- 

asks in such a way that they can maintain their int.;rest in them, and thus their perfonnlnce of 

them. This, we beheve, is tne foremost challenge facing those who design and shape the aircraft 

automation of the furore. ^ ». «ii 

.iiotP^if '^*''*'"^"'f^'^ ''^^'''/'r''^^ ""tomation. We have suggested in this document that 
pilots will come to i-ely on reliable automation. There is much evtence that they do so though 
L.ere have not been to date, mdications that the potentially deskilHng effects of control automation 
amnoi be countered by inatjased emphasis on nujiual flying for a short time before reverting to a 
e.s automated aircratt tj-pe. Will this continu. •. be the case in the futuie, as more pilot^eceive 
i^nJw^ if J"*" =''Pf "^ in higWy automated aircraft^' As automation becomes increasingly 
TX^r^ir^^^ ^'"^ considerable experience in fully functional automated aircraft remain^as 
able to manage those aircraft when the automation is degraded? Finally, will pilots most or all of 
whose expenence is in aircraft with highly tailored flight control systems^[,e abk to convemo Z% 
aircr.aft which do not provide them with the protection such systerns a.ffoiti? 

oneratorf '^^t^^'Jlll^T' ^' *^ T^^"' '^'^°"' ^^^'" ^° ^^ ^^^^^'' "^ automation on human 
amomS ,^>t^i ^ 1° ^°*^' quesnon, perhaps more difficult to a.nswer. In highly 
fhf^S!^ ^^ ?°'*' ™"*'^ automation should be considered essential for safe operation under 
the wide variety of circumstances that may be encountered in hne operations^ At present 

amonfa??,Tn'S^,'^'^"''?!r\^'?^'^^ '"'^^^ ''^^'^^' ^'^""^ subs'Ltial elements of the 
L^nnif ? "0^^"y P-«vidcd. We have indicated the reasons for this in several places We 

Slv iriff^ctrvet^/. r^^^^ "P ^^ ^^S^>' ^"^^^"^"^^ ^^ft' -^" '^P'^^ 

readily and effectively to the demands of a more manual style of operation as have their 

S^S'Sr ^ '"^ autom.ation after considerable operating experience mfargdy 

The demands of the aviation system have motivated much of the automation we now take ^or 
granted, and those demands will increase, not abate, m the future. Is it prudent Siereffre to 



under circumstances unlikely to be encountered in line f.ying. Despite the SS cai wkh wS 
regu^toiy authonnes and manufacturers have approached the certification pSSss wTer oSv 
a subset of conditions, failures, and pilots can be evaluated irrhis^nle aSa^e v 
representative of the population of pilots Ld conditions that may S cnS, JnSt^^^e S D«^ 
lon1S;?S? ''°'''"''' c,rcui..tances to which the airplane may be exposed during^s 

rh. ^^ answers to these questions are not known and may never be known conclusively given 

in^ '^'"'^^ "" "^"^ '^"T ^"^ **= '^^""'^^ '^"y °f ^SP0« aircraft accittents ^In^ tWs 
fn ^?f"^' ""^ ""T^^ "^ '™P'y with how little automation is enough for pilots accustoined to (^d 
in the iuum= perhaps accustomed only to) a great deal more. We do believe the ques^rnSdTto 
be considered as we approach the time when highly automated aircraft supplant earlitm^ S 
tiie airline fleet We have asked repeatedly in this document how much auSmation is enS L^S 
how much may be too much. We wiU dose by asking how little automation is enou^'' Se^ 

ri;;;^^ ^cf H^ ^"^^^ ?r ^^^ ^^^^^ demography and experience of the pilot Jopdation an^ 
the uiCTcasing demands of the aviaGon system? ^ 






Humans must remain in command of flight and air traffic operations. 

Automation can assist by providing a range of management options. 

Human operators must remain invoived. 

Automation can assist by providing better and more timeiy information. 

Human operators must be better Informed. 

Automation can assist by providing explanations of its ciC*ions and intentions. 

Human operators must do a better job of anticipating problems. 

Automation can assist by monitoring trends and providing decision support. 

Human operators must understand the automation provided to them. 

Designers can assist by providing simpler, more intuitive automation. 

Human operators must manage all of their resources effectively. 

Properly designed and used, automation can be their most useful resource. 

This is human-centered automation. 

It has been suggested in this document that automation evolution to date has been largely 
technology-driven. This is clearly true, but it is a' so unfair in one sense; designers of new aircraft 
in recent years have made a determined attempt to help humans do what they may not do well in the 
press of day-to-day operations. In doing so, they have eliminated some causes of human error, 
while enabling others directly associated with Lhe new technology. 

If there has been a shortcoming of automation as implemented to this time, it is perhaps that it 
has not been sufficiently thought out in terms of the average pilot's needs during worse-than- 
average conditions on the line m an air traffic system that is not yet able to take advantage of what 
airplanes are now able to do. That is not a criticism of the designers of the automation; rather, it 
implies that a more holistic view of the aviation system is necessary. Pilots fly airplanes in a 
complex and increasingly crowded airspace environment, working with controllers who must deal 
with whatever comes their way. We have automated the simple functions; it is now up to us to 
leam to assist the humans who manage and control the aviation system, wit n the intent of further 
enhancing their perfamance under the most difficult circumstances we can envision. This will be 
as great a challenge as any that has confronted us. 





Northwest Airlines DC9.82, Detroit Metro Airport. Romulus, Ml, 8116187 (ref. 10} 

PhoeI?x "'Si'^S.Sli^^' "^'^"^ ^"^!' ^"^^^y ^^^r takeoff from mnwav 3C> enn,ure to 
^ r :. ll^ airplane began its rotaDon about 1200-1500 tect from the enrt nf rh^s^snn ^ 

Miy°S^" cXf'v^ci'^^Tr™; *=7»i""S «"«' «-P» "Hi ieading edge sU<s were 

OriM >4,>/,»„ B727.232, DaUas-Port Worth Airpon, TX, 8131 ISS („f. ,1) 
Citv^Th^^fftfJl' ' ""• '^'■f Jl^ly after takeoff from mnwav 18L eiroule to Sal. Lake 


The investigation showed that the flaps and slats were fullvretracteH FxHrf^„.*. 
there was an intennittent fault in the talcwiff warn^n^^ ./ ^u Evidence suggested thai 

dunng the last n^-nance^^r^-^irSLTie:^^^^^ 

disciJJi'Sd^^^rLf.L'^ff ^ -^ ^-^ ^ffi'^-'^ -^^iequate cockpit 

was not Vropcr^ZZ^^Q^^Z^^^:^;'^'^ ^ ^^ *<= ^^^ that the airplane 
procedural ^mc^^TZdA^^^Jll^ contributing factr.s certain manage., -nt and 
deficicnciesTnlS ^c^^sS^^ "? ^^A to cor^.t known 

conversations and the lengthy S,^^5S^cocl^,^f^fi^^^ note of extensive non^luiy related 
crews vigilance in ^r.s^l^^^C:ZX^r^''^^'i^-^^'' ^^^^ ^- ^S^^ 

Aeromexico DC-IO-SO over Luxembourg, 11/11/79 (ref. 12) 

elevators and the lower fuselage .S';t^tSL^'ic«s dcL^teSstag" ^"" °' ""* ""'^^^ 


5!!"%Tof^ "JT^^ercd to indicaa- Lheir magnetic heading to the nearest lO'- ^-^n- r . -, 
from 26-35-) Parallel runways aUo have letS designators' lifeft cS'i«?, r!" g^ht.^^"^'' 


The flight data recorder showed th«t the airplane slowed to 226 kt during an autopilot climb, 
quite possibly in vertical speed mode rather than indicated airspeed mode. Buffet speed was 
calculated to be 241 kt. After initial buffet, the #3 engine was shut down and the airplane siowrd 
to below stall speed. 

The NTSB found the probable cause to be failure of the flight crew to follow standard climb 
procedures and «• adequately monitor the airplane's flight instruments. This resulted in the aircraft 
entering into prolongt ■ *^tall buffet which placed it outside the design envelope, 

Indian Airlines Airbus AJ20, Bangalore, India, 2114190 (ref. 13) 

(OfficiaJ report not available) This airplane crashed short of the runway during an approach to 
land in good weather, killing 94 of 146 persons aboard including the pilots. The best available 
data indicate that the airplane had descended ai idle power in the *1die open descent" mode until 
shortly before the accident, when an auempt was made to recover by adding power but too late to 
permit engine spool-up prior to impact. The airplane was being flown by a Captain undergoing a 
route check by a check airman. 

The crew allowed the speed to decrease to 25 kt below the nominal approach speed late in the 
descent The recovery from this condition was started at an altitude of only 140 ft, while flying at 
minimum speed and maximum angle of attack. The check captain noted that the flight director 
should be off, and the trainee responded that it was off. The check captain corrected him by 
stating, **But you did not put off mine." If either flight director is engaged, the selected autothrust 
mode will remain operative, in this case, the idle open descent mode. The alpha floor mode was 
automatically activated by the declining speed and increasing angle of attack; it caused the 
autothrust system to advance the power, but this occurred too late for recovery to be affected 
before the airplane impacted the ground. 

China Airlines B747'SP, 300 miles northwest of San Francisco, 2/19/SS (ref. 14) 

The airplane, flying at 41,000 ft f .iroute to Los Angeles from Taipei, suffered an inflight upset 
after an uneventful flight. The airplane was on autopilot when the #4 engine lost power. During 
attempts to relight the engine, the airplane rolled to the right, nosed over and began an 
uncontrollable descenL Tlie Captain was unable to restore the airplane to stable flight until it had 
descended to 9500 ft. 

The autO' ilot was operating in the performance management system (PMS) mode for pitch 
guidance and altitude hold. Roil commands were provided by the INS, which uses only the 
ailerons and spoilers for lateral control; rudder and rudder trim axe not used. In light nirbulence, 
that airspeed began to fluctuate; the PMS followed the fluctuations and retarded the throttles when 
airspeed increased. As the airplane slowed, the PMS moved the throttles forward; engines 1, 2 
and 3 accelerated but #4 did not. The flight engineer moved the #4 throttle forward but without 
effect. The INS caused the autopilot to hold the left wing down since it could not correct with 
rudder. The airplane decelerated due to the lack of power. After attempting to correct the simation 
with autopilot, the Captain disengaged the autopilot at which xinx the airplane rolled to tr^ right, 
yawed, then entered a steep descent in cloud, during which it exceeded maximum operating s^a ed. 
It was extensively damaged during the descent and recover}^; the landing gear deployed, 10-1 1 ft of 
the left horizontal stabili.xr was torn off and the no. 1 hydraulic system hnes were severed. The 
right stabilizer and 3/4 of the right outboaixi elevator were missing when the airplane landed; the 
Agings were also bent upward. 

The NTSB determined that the probable cause was the Captain's preoccupation with an 
inflight malfunction and his failure to monitor properly the airplane's flight instruments which 
resulted in his losing control of the airplane. Contributing to die accident was the Captain's 


^Hf^^'T"" ^\^M t"*°P"^^ ^'^ * lo«« of ^'« on #4 engine. The Boaid noted that the autODilot 
effectively masked the approaching onset of loss of control of the aiipl^T^ ^ 

SranAnavian Airlines DCIO-SO, /. f. iC^^n^rfy AirporL NY, 2128184 (ref. 15) 
s-opped or, thj runway. Ii was sKered lo t».e ngh. and came lo re", ta water MO?, frZrfc 

;s,r Sdte 4t/:r^ef '"^■^"'^ "^"^ '"^^' "^^ '--«- "--H^; r^'rj 

(ref. 25) 

Vnited Airlines DC-IO-IO, Sioux City, lA, 7/19/89 

studies, the Board found *.mS^ SS^geTL'S^ane .Lu.r H^hl^ 

United Airlines 3-747-122, Honolulu, HI, 2/24/89 (ref. 26) 

The airplane rcramed to Honolulu and landed safelv after a carpn H«or «rv.«-^ n u 


N 'I 


Aloha Airlines B'737-200 near Maui, Hawaii, 4128188 (ref. 27) 

Ti *:. 'irplane experienced an explosive decompression due to a structural failure of the forward 
fuselage at 24,000 ft whUe enroute from Hilo to Honolulu. Approximately 18 ft of cabb skin and 
structure aft of the cabin entrance door and above the passenger floorline separated from the 
airplane during flight. One flight attendant was swept overboard: eight persons received serious 
injuries. TTie airplane landed safely. 

Tne NTSB found the probable cause to be failure to detect the presence of significant 
disbondir.g and fatig.- damage of the fuselage of an old airplane. This accident prompted a very 
major study of the "aging aircraft" problem by operators, aircraft manufacturers, the FA A and 
NASA. Major changes in inspection and n-£imtnmc>x procedures have resulted. 

Aircraft Separation Incidents at Athmta Hartsfield Airport, 10/7180 (ref. 28) 

This episode involved several conflicts amojig aircraft operating under the direction of air 
traffic control in the Atianta terminal area, ip a? least two cases, evasive action was required to 
avoid collisions. The conflicts were caused by '....iltiple failures of coordination and execution by 
several controllers during a very busy period. 

The NTSB found that the near collisions were the result of inept traffic handling by control 
personnel. This mepmess was due in part to inadequacies in training, procedural deficiencies and 
soti^ difficulties imposed by the physical layout of the control room. The Board also found that 
the design of die low altitudc/confUa alert system contributed to the controller's not iwognizing the 
conflicts. The repon stated that, "The flashing visual conflict alert is not conspicuous when the 
data tag is also flashing in the handoff status. The low altitude warning and conflict alerts utilize 
the same audio signal which is audible to all control room personnel rather than being restricted to 
only those immediately concerned with the aircraft. This results in a 'cry wolf syndrome in which 
controllers are psychologically conditi«ied to disregard the alarms." 

Eastern Air Lines L-lOIl, Miami, FL, 12129172 (ref. 31) 

The airplane crashed in the Everglades at night after an undetected autopilot disconnect The 
airplane was flying at 2000 ft after a missed approach at Miami because cf a suspected landing gear 
malfa'ction. Three flight crcwmcmbcrs and a jumpseat occupant became immenicd in diagnosing 
the nialfiinction. The accident caused 99 fatalities among the 176 persons on board. 

The NTSB believed that die airplane was being flown on manual throttle with the autopilot in 

ontrol wheel stecnng mode, and that the altitude hold function was disengaged by light force on 

le wheel. The crew, did not hear die altitude alert departing 2000 ft and did not monitor the flight 

istrumcnts untiJ the final seconds before impact. It found the probable cause to be the crew's 

failure to monitor the flight instruments for thw final 4 minutes of the flight and to detect an 

unexpected descent soon enough to prevent impact with the ground. The Captain failed to assure 

that a pilot was monitoring the progress of the aircraft at all times. The Board discussed 

overrehance on automatic equipment in its report and pointed out the need for procedures to offset 

the effect of distractions such as the malfunction during this flight (ref 31, p. 21). 

United Airlines DC-8'61, Portland, OR, 12128178 (ref 32) 

This airplane, flight 173, crashed into a wooded area during an approach to Portland 
International AirporL The airplane liad delayed southeast of the airpcrt for about an hour while the 
^^ ght crew coped with a landing gear malfunction and prepared its passengers for a possible 

"ftency landing. After failure of all four engines due to fuel exhaustion, the airplane crashed 
ai 5 miles southeast of the airport, vwth a loss of 10 persons and injuries to 23. 



.nd t?'iIJJnd%'?oMy toT'o^^^^^^^^^^ ^« -«"«- the fuel state 

i^a. American B.747 and KLM 5-747, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 3127177 (ref. 33) 

Visibility varied between 1000 and 5000 ft in fosK^^^^ ^^ ^^ °" ^he parking ran^p. 

made a 180* turn at the end in nmLr^„ V " , ?• ^^ ^*^ °"t using the single runway and 

minutes later with inr^Sons ffi^f^ s^S?S /'• ^^ ^"^ ^°"°-«^ ^b°"» ^ 

end. A few minutes later after coSmnn?,.^!!^ a specified taxiway enroute to the depanure 

clearance, the KLM aliSt^^^tS^rS^a^Jl "^^°"' ^P^^^^''^ '^^^^^ 

tower was requesting Pan Am to ^x^^^JTi^J^T ^^' ^^ ^ "°'^ ^^ takeoff." as the 
we'll report when wl're cle^''°u7t^w?^fi^U",^^ ^" '^.^l- ^^ Am responded, "OK, 
574 fatalities among the 644 p^ri^ns on S^'thf^1>Sft. "''^'"'^ ^^' ^"^ ^^ "^^ "^'^ 

witho'Jt^trce^Siri^X"^^^^^ ^^^^ ^P-" took off 

learning Pan American was still onTerunwT and in «Swo T T^^^' ^'' ^"°^^°" 
regarding Pan Am's position affirmed LVprnAr^KoJi ^^l^ ^ *"" ^'^^^ engineer's query 
Captain was an extreSily exp^r^eTS m AfS^^^J^^ ?^^*! '^"^^y- ^t was noted thit the 
some time the first officeVh^ES 7^' mX «^^^^^ Sif^'M^'J^"'' ^°"'^ ^^^^^ ^" 
duty time limits; to have delayed would havf n-nnfitn fs ^^ °™'*' ^*^ ^^^ "ear its 

Tenerife ovemight. ^ ^ required the crew and passengers to remain m 

Delta Air Lines DC9-31, Boston, MA, 7131173 (ref. 36) 

land^r^^irJSghXtBSS'^t^^^ ^-ng an approach for 

impact was 165 ft right of the rSwav 4R rfm^nL -?^^^^? P^"^"" °" ^"^^ '^^ Point of 
threshold. 7.e weathi ^^^^l:^'^T^^2T4 M^^^letuf^^."^ ^"^^^ 

ciata;?don W Li'tSng'' "^^l^S^^^. ' crewmember had stated, "You better go to x.w 
approach due to vfsSiS^y tlow rrSSS "^^T?;^ ^ "TTJ ^^^^' '"^^' ™^^ 

Northeast Airlines to a Delta Air Je^c^Sim^ort^-At?] f^\"f. ^^ ,'^" "°."""^^ ^^^^ ^ 
director had been replaced uith a Si)eriVS?rhr^ Ko^ ^' ^^ '^^'''^' ^ime the Collins flight 
deficiencies since tlSt time. "Rie &d£S comm.nH ^" ""'^i^.f ^^*^"P^ ^^^ mechanical 
for the two presentations), as werelhel^ sw^STln^^.r'^ f ^^"J ^'^ ^'^^ ^^' P^g« ^0 
were fomier Northeast Airlines pTlots ?f^e crew had S^nn^^^^^^ flight director. The^crew 
which required only a slight extra motion of tL^^.t operating m the go-around mode, 

h-^-^jved steeLg a^i irgrvXg'g^rdSi&^ 
altitude caUouts were not made during the approach. guidance. Requu-ed 

The NTSB found the probable cause to he th*- fiiinr* «f ,u 

passage through decision height during an un«I?^,^L ^"^ tojnomtor a.titudc and its 
meteorological conditions Th» unstaSId .nnr^!?K ^ approach in rapidly changing 
above the flide slope, fast, in pa^. d.e tot^stiS^ ^^'^^^ ^' ^^^ «"ter m4er 

tne^night crew-s preoccupa/on w.. .ueSbtlnl^L^rp^Lt^d';^^^^^^ 


The Board commented that, *'An accumulation of discrepancies, none critical (in themselves), 
can rapidly deteriorate, without positive flight management, into a high-risk situation.., the first 
officer, who was flying, was preoccupied with t^ic inforaiation presented by his flight director 
system, to the detriment of hJs attention to altituc^, heading and airspeed control.." 

Swift Aire Aerospatiale Nord 262, Marina Del Rey\ CA, 3110/79 (ref. 37) 

This commuier aircraft was taking off at dusk from Los Angeles enroute to Santa Maria, CA, 
when a crewmcmber transmitted "Emergency, going down" on tower frequency. Witnesses stated 
that the right propeller was slowing as the airplane passed the far end of the runway: popping 
sounds were heard as it passed the shoreline. The airplane turned north parallel to the shoreline, 
descended, ditched smootlily in shallow water, and sank immediately. The cockpit partially 
separated from the fuselage at impact. The accident was fatal to the two crewmembers and one 

The flaps were set at 35% the right propeller was fully feathered and the left propeller was in 
flight fine position. It was found that the right propeller pitot pressure line had failed; the line was 
deteriorated and would have been susceptible to spontaneous rupture or a leak. The left engine fuel 
valve was closed (it is throttle-actuated). Once the fuel valve has been closed, the engine's 
propeller must be feathered and a nonnal engine start initiated to reopen the valve. The aircraft 
operating manual did not state this and the pilots did not know it- 

The NTSB found that the right engine had autofeathered when the pitot prtisuie line had 
failed; the pilots shut down the left engine shortly thereafter, probably due to improper 
identification of the engine that had failed. Their attempts to restart the good engine were 
unsuccessful because of their unawareness of the proper starting sequence after a fuel valve has 
been closed. Engine failure, procedures w^re revise^d following this accident 

Air France Airbus A320, Mulhouse-Habscheim, France, 6/26/88 (ref. 44) 

This airplane crashed into tall trees following a very slow, very low altitude flyover at a 
general aviation airfield duiing an air show. Three of 136 persons aboard the aircraft were killed; 
36 were injured. The Captain, an exptnenced A320 check pilot, was demv^nstrating the slow- 
speed maneuverability of the then-new aii plane. 

The French Comnnssion of Inquiry found that the flyover was conducted at an altitude lower 
than the minimum of 170 ft specified by regulations arid corsiderably lower than the intended 100 
ft altitude level pass briefed to the crew by the captain prior to flight. It stated that, 'The training 
given to the pilots emphasized all the protections from which the A320 benefits with respect to its 
lift which could have given them the feeling, which indeed is justified, of increased 
safety ...However, emphasis was perhaps not sufficiently placed on the fact that, if the (angle of 
attack) limit cannot be exceeded, it nevertheless exists and sdll affects the performance.*' The 
Commission noied that automatic go-aroand protection had been inhibited and that this decision 
was compatibb with the Captain's objective of maintaining 100 ft. In effect, below 100 ft, this 
protection wa,^ not active. 

The Commission attributed the cause of the accident to the very low flyover height, very slow 
and reducing speed, engine power at flight idle, and a late application of go-around power. It 
commented on insufficient flight preparation, inadequate task sharing m the cockpit, and possible 
overconfidencc because of the envelope protection features of the A320. 




Delta Air Lines B.767, Los Angeles, CA, 6i30IS7 (ref ^2) 

,.J^^^xs^^ XuTJs^^sr '""^ *"■■'= ^^^-^ -""^- -^ ^ 

t//iited Airtnes B.767. San Francisco. CA, 3/3I/SS (ref. 52) 

it laScd wiil«>Si inciteir tS^ <^T^SS^.r? ' ^'""= "'"™'=<' '° ^^ Francisco, where 
anempBd lo sJ^lch tarn mTi^T^^Sf^.?"' '"^ ,(»*" was lost when the (light crew 

arc glided. It is believed riiaiiS^^^i, ' '5* " "*?"« "•" '=''""' Th« EEC switches 
Delta Air Lines L-lOll, Los Angeles, CA, 4112177 (ref. 63) 

shoru'J'iS'S^L^^^ti' Sii^o ^e m^ci^ 't ^^-^ J-f^ - the ftzll up position 
airplay by any n<i^ wT^SnnitH^S ^^ ^""^^ themselves unabh to conVoI the 
difficulty, fo resw^lL^T^ of S «ni .^f.^'' ^i^'^' were able, after considerable 
three en^nes. UsS| SS^en^S^iJLer to m^^ '°"''? ^^ "'^"8 differential power on the 
maintain direction^fo^^^lvX^fr^^^ f "^ wing engines differentially to 

during an emergency approaclTK) iSf ASiCf °^" *^ each successive configuration chiige 
and wWt daxLge'toTS^ ^l^^^t'^^'^^lS""'"^'^ " '"^''"^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^'^^ 

(ref. 66) 

ATorem Air Una B.747 over SakhaUn Island, USSR, 913183 

after?^e^i;» ffSKi'^-^^f h""^ missiles fired ftx-n, a Soviet fghter 
had twice Wotoed So^lS^dS to^f"Srff.hfS,T ^7"'' ^ "" »^'^= 
were not recovered fmn die s£ Afta^lrinri^™]? J^ht jiaa and cockpit voice recorders 

Organi^don, i, was bebt^ii^^:S^?flTgrpf^°°:^>^Vr"~r,f'?'"' '"™''"" 
inconect sets of waypoints loaded into fte INS sys'S ^ri* XI^LrAn^X" """ 

fre'/l7f" "'" '■■'<""^'""""-'-> Airlines B.747 «„ A.lanlic Ocean. 7im7 

other aircraft but not, apparently, b/S^ Sir^rwas^lie;;?,"\?''^L"^' °^''""=^ *■> 
mconecdyfasertedwaypo'iitinttlitaaiS^e^iJ^S^^or^J'i"^':"' '~=" ^^"^"^^ '.y an 

Air Florida B.737. Washington National Airport, DC. 1/WS2 (ref. 68) 


ain-lane had been de-iced 1 hr"before dep^^TuV.^utlaLtS^^'riSTtl » STlapS 


since that operanon before u reached takeoff position. The engines devcio^d substantially less 
than takeoff power danng the takeoff and thereafter due to incorrect setting of takeoff power by the 
piiOts. It was beUeved that the differential pressure probes in die engine were iced over providing 
in incorrect (too high) EGT :ndication in the cockpit. This should have been detected by 
••\?mir.anon of the other engine mstmments, but was not perceived by the captair flying. 

The NTSB found that the probable cause of the accident was the flieht crew's failure to use 
engine and-ice dunng ground operation and takeoff, their decision to take off with snow/ice on the 
airfoils, and the captain's failure to reject the takeoff at an early stage when his attention was called 
to anoinalous engine instrument readings. Contributing factors included the prolonged ground 
delay after deicmg, the known jiherent pitching characteristics of the B-737 when the vong leading 
edges are contaminated, and the limited experience of the flight crew in jci transport winter 
operations c 

Delta Air Lines L-lOll-SSS-J, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, TX, 8/2/85 (ref. 83) 

"Diis aiiplanc crashed during an approach to landing on runway 17L. 'W'hile passing through a 
rain shaft beneath a thunderstorm, the flight encountered a microburst which the pilot was unable 
to traverse successfully. The airplane struck the ground 6300 ft north of the runwav. The accident 
was fatal to 1 34 persons; 29 sur\'ived. " «'«"»"cui 

The NTSB found the probable cause to be the flight crew's decision to initiate and continue 
the approach into a cumulo-nimbus cloud which they had observed to contain visible Ughmine a 
lack of specific guid^a, procedures and training for avoidance and escape from low-altioide wnd 
shear, arid lack of definitive, real-time wind shear hazard inforrnation. 

Northwest Airlines 8-727 and DC-<f, Detroit Metro Airport, MI, 12/3/90 (ref. 84) 

These two aircraft collided while tlie 727 was taking off and the DC-9 was lost on the airport 
in severely restricted visibUity. Both aircraft were on tiie ground The accident site was not visible 
from the tower due to tog; ASDE was not available. The investigation is not complete at this time. 

US Air B.737 and Skywest Fairchild Metro, Los Angeles, CA, 2/1191 (ref. 84) 

This accident occunned after the US Air airplane was cleared to land on runwav 24L at Lo 
Angctes while the Commuter Metro was positioned on the runway at an intersection awaiting 
takeoff clearance. There were 34 fatalities and 67 survivors in tiw two aircraft. The Metro mav not 
have been easily visible from the control tower, airpon surface detection radar equipment (ASDE) 
was available but was being used for surveiUance of the south side of the airpon. The controUer 
was very busy just pnor to the time of the accident. 

The NTSB investigation of this accident is underway at this time, but it is reponcd that the 
controller cleared the Metro mij position at an intersection on runwav 24L, 2400 ft from the 
threshold, two minutes before the accident. One minute later, the 737 was given a clearance to 
land on runway 24L. It is believed that the stroboscopic anti-collision lights on the Metro were not 
operatmg at the tiinc of the crash, as it had not yet received lis takeoff clearance. 

Continental Airlines DC9'14, Denver, CO, 11/15/87 (ref. 88) 

TTiis airplane crashed immediately after takeoff on ruTiw>;v 35L enroutc from Denver to Boise 
ID. The weather was sky obscured, ceiling 300 ft, visibiHty 3/8 mile in moderate snow and fog' 
winds irom 030 at 10 kt, gusting to 18 kt, runway 351. visual range 2200 ft. The airplane hS 
t)ccn dc-iced 2/ mm before takeoff. It rotated rapidly and crashed immediately after leaving the 
ground. There ^fcre 28 fatalities; 54 persons survived. 



Dunng the investigation, it was found that the flight had not requested taxi clearance and the 
tower was unaware of its taxi to the de-icing pad. The Captain's experience in the airplane was 
hmitsd (133 hr DC9, 33 as a DC9 Captam); the first officer, who made the takeoff, had onlv ^6 
nours of jet and DC9 expeneni i, and hid been off duty for 24 days before this flight. 

The NTSB found tlie probable cause to be the Captain's failure to have the aircraft de-iced a 
second time after a delay thai led to upper wing surface conta:- lination and loss of control during a 
rapid takeoff rotation by the first officer. Contributing causes were tiie absence of regulatory^or 
management controls goveming operations b\ newlv qualified flight crewmembers. The Board 
quesuoned the Captain's decision not to have the airplane de-iced a second time and ro permit the 
inexpenenced first officer to make the takeoff under difficult weather conditions. It commented 
that "Painng of pilots with limited experience in their respective positions can, when combir -d 
with other factors, such as adverse weather, be unsafe and is not acceptable," and made 
recommendations to avoid such pairings. 

US Air B-737-400, LaG. ardia Airport, Flushing, NY, 9/20/89 (ref. 89) 

This airplane crashed into a pier past the departure end of runway 3 1 during takeoff enroute to 
Charlotte, NC. Two passengers suffered fatal injuries. As the first officer began the takeoff roll 
he felt the airplane drift to the left. The Captain used nosewheel steering to correct the drift. As he 
ta^oft run progressed, the crtw heard a "bang" and a continual rumbling noise. The Captain then 
took over control and rejected the takeoff but was unable to stop the airplane before running off the 
end of the runway into Boweiy Bay. 

The NTSB found the probable cause of the accident to be the Captain's failure to exercise 
c-ommand authonty m a timel;,' manner to reject the takeoff or to take ;uff cient control to continue 
the takeoft, which was in;tiat<^ with a mistrimmed rudder. Also causal was the Captain's raiiure 
to detect the mi-^trimrned niddttr before the takeoff roll was aaempted. 

The Board noted that the :akeoff configuration warning system does not include an alarm for a 
imstn/nmed nidder, and stated that this is proper because the aircraft is not unflvable. There were 
abundant charices to detect L'le out-of-trim condition through visuaJ, tactile and proprioceptive 
n^ans. There was also a miscommunication; the Captain said "got the steering," advising the first 
officer to correct the airplane's track with right rudder. The first officer heard "I got the steering " 
said okay" and gradually relaxed his pressure on the right rudder pedal. It was thought that 
neither pilot was m full coniro thereafter, this problem continued after the takeoff was rejected. 

The Board noted that "both pilots were inexperienced in their respective positions the first 
officer was conducting h < fm-t unsupervised line takeoff in a 737 and also his fu-st takeoff after a 
39-day non-flying penod. The Captain had 5525 hr total flying time, 2625 hr in the 737, but onlv 
o^/JLf^ c ^^f'^" '" ^^^ 737-400. The first officer had 3287 hr total time, 8.2 hr in the 737- 
..00/400. Several crew coordination problems and multiple errors by both pilots were commented 
upon by Lhe Board. 



1 - Pallett, E.HJ.: Automatic Right Control, Ed. 2. London: Granada Publishing. Ltd., 1983 

2. Mohler, S.R., and B.H. Johnson- Wiley Post. His Winnie Mae, and the World's First 
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3. Arion.: Rep)ort of the President's Task Force on Crew Complement. V/asMington, Julv 2, 

4. Anon.: MD-ll Advanced Flight Deck and Aircraft Systems. Long Beach, CA: Douglas 
Aircraft Co. Division of McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Febniarjs 1989, 

5. Anon.: 777 Flight Deck. Seattle, WA: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, December, 

6. Anon,: National Plan to Enhance Aviation Safety through Human Factors Improvements, 
Washington, Air Transport Association cf America, April, 1989. 

7 . Porter, R.F., and J.P. Loomis: An investigation of reports of controlled flight toward terrain 
Mountain View, CA: Battelle ASRS Office, NASA CR-166230, April, 1981. 

8. Traffic Alen and Collision Avoidance Systems, Amendment 14CFR121-201, January 10, 

9. Wind Shear Advisory Systems. Amendment 14CFR121-216, April 9, 1990. 

10. Anon.: Northwest Airlines DC-9-82, Detroit Metro Wayne County Airport, Romulus, 
Michigan, 8/16/87. Washington: National Transportation Safety Board repon no. AAR- 
88/05, 1988. 

1 i . Anon,: Delta Airlines 6727*232, Dallas Fon Worth Airport, Texas, 8/31/88. Washington, 
National Transportation Safety Boand report no. A.AR-89A)4, 1989. 

12. Anon.: Aeromexico DC-10-30 over Luxembourg, 11/11/79. Washington, National 
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13- I.^norovitz, J.M.: Indian A320 crash probe data she v o'ew improperly configured aircraft. 
Aviat. Week & Space TechnoL 132: 6/'25/>0, p. 84-85, 1990. 

14. Anon.: China Airlines B-747-SP, 300 NM northwest of San Francisco, CA, 2/19/85. 
Washington, National Transportation Safety Board report no. AAR-86/03, 1986. 

15. Anon.: Scandinavian Airlines DC-10-30, J. F. Kennedy Airport, New York, 2/28/84. 
Washington, National Transportation Safety Board repon no. AAR-84-i5, 1984. 

16. Anon.: Factoi-s associated with altitude overshoots, excursions and undershoots. In: NASA 
Aviation Safety Reporting System Third Quanerlv Repon. Washington, NASA TM X- 
3546, May, 1977. 

17. Aviation Systems Concepts for the 21st Century CFAA/T^'AS/^yMIT Symposiuni), 
Cambridge, MA, Sept, 28-29, 1988. 



18. Orladv. RW: Advanced technology aircraft safety issues. Mountain View, California: 
Batteue ASRS Office unpublished repon, October, 1989. 

19. Wiener. E.L.: Human factors of advanced technolog: (''glass cockpit") transpon aii-craft 
Coral Gabies, FL; University of Miami, NASA CR 177528, June, 1989. 

20. Rouse. W.B.: Design for Success. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1991. 

'^' ^.'J^^^P' ^■^■- "^o^^d ^ ^"f^an-centcred automation philosophy. Columbus Ohio Proc 
Hfth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 1989 (also Intl. J. Aviadon Psvch 
1991, m press). 

^^" tg^g- '^'^'^''^^ ^ight ^<'^- Seattle, WA: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, March, 

23. Anon.: A320 Ri^ght Deck and Systems Briefing for Pilots. Blagnac, France: Airbus 
industnc, September, 1989. 

24. S^r, N.B., and DX) Woods: Simation awareness: a critical but ill-defined phenomenon. 
Intl. J. Aviat. Psych. 1(1), 45-57, 1991. 

25. Anon.: United Airlines DC-10-10, Sioux Gateway Airpon, Sioux City, lA, 7/19/89 
Washington, National Transportation Safety Board report no. AAR-90/06, 1990. 

26. Anon.: United Airlines B-747-122, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2/24/89. Washington, National 
Transponanon Safety Board repon no AAR-90/10, 1990. 

27. Anon.: Aloha Airhnes B-737-200, near Maui, Hawaii, 4/28/88. Washington, National 
Transportation Safety Board report no. AAR-89/03, 1989. 

28. Anon.: Aiicr^t Separation Incidents at Hansfield Atianta Intl. Airpon. AUaiita. GA 10/7/80 
Washington, National Transportation Safety Board report no. SIR-81-6, 1981. 

29. Wiener, E.L and D C. Nagel: Human Factors in Aviadon, Section Two: Pilot Performance 
San Diego, Academic Press, Inc., 1988. 

30. Fadden, D.M.jAircraf: Automation Challenges. In: Abstracts of AIAA/NASA/FAA/HFS 
Symposium, ChaUenges m Aviation Human Factors: The National Plan. Washireton 
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1990. 

31. Anon.: Easteni Air Lines L-1011. Miama, FL, 12/29/72. Washington, National 
TransportationSafetyBoardreportno. AAR-73-14, 1973. 

32. Anon.: United Airlines DC-8-61, Portland, OR, 12/28/78. Washington, National 
TransportationSafetyBoardreportno. AAR-79-7, 1979. 

^^" xPT'/^ American World Airways B747/KLM B-747, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 3/27/77 
Madnd. Spain: Spanish Commission of Accident Investigation unnumbered report Also 
see: Anon.: Aircraft Accidem Report: PAA/KLM, Tenerife, Canary- Islands 3/27/77 
Was. jngton: Air Lme Pilots Association Engineering and Air Safety, undated. 

^"^ P^iS-l5?9^'6 ^8?'* ^"^''"'^^°"" ^" "^^^ °^ ^ philosophy Washington: SAE Technical 



^5. Wiener, E.L., and R,E. Curry: Flight-deck automation: promises and problems. Moffeu 
Field, CA: NASA TM 81206, June, 1980. 

36. Anon.: Delta Air Lines Douglas DC-9~31, Boston, MA, 7/31^?. Washington, National 
Transportation Safety Board lepon no. AAR-74 j, 1974, 

3'?. .Alton.: Swift Aire Lines AerospatiaJe Nord 262, Manna D-1 Rey, CA, 3/10/79. Washington, 
National Trail sportat ion Safer/ Board repon no. AAR-79-i3. 1979 

38. Anon.: DC-9-80, A step forward in cockpit autonnation. Lnteravia 33(12): 1 197-8, 1978 

39 Ropelewski, R-R.: Boeing's new 767 ease^ crew workload Aviat. Week & Space Technol. 
117: 8/23/82, pi 40-50, 1982. 

40. Uchtdorf, D., and P. Heldt: Survey on cockpit systems B737-300/A310-200. In: Flighicrew 
Info, Frankfurt, Lufthansa Flight Operations Division, April 1989. 

41. Hopkms,H.: Masterfully digital (MD-)ll. Right International 138; IC 24-30/90. 

42. Nagel, D.C.: Human error in aviatior operations. In: Wiener, E.L., and D.C. Nagel: 
Human Factors in Aviation. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc., 1988. 

43. Graeber, R,C., and C E. Billings: Human-centered automation: development of a 
philosophy. In: Morello, S.A.: Aviation Safety/Automation Program Conference. 
Washington, NASA Conference Publication 3090, 1990. 

44. Anon,: Investigation Commission Fmal Repon concerning the accident which occurred on 
June 26th 1988 at Mulhouse-Habscheim (68) to the Airbus A320, registered F-GFKC. 
Paris: Ministry of Planning, Housing, Transport and Maritime Affairs, 11/29/1989. 
Extracted in AviaL Week & Soac? TechnoL 132: 6/4/90, p. 107; 6/18/90, p, 99: 6/25/90, p. 98; 
133: 7/9/90, pL 60: 7/23/9(.s p. 90; 7/30/90, p. 90, 1990. 

45. Anon.: Hard limiiN soft options. Flight Intl. 138:10/31-11/6/90. 

46. Farley, I: Supreme SovHiet. Hight ind, 138:10/10-16/90. 

47. Billings, C.E . and D.B. 0*Hara: Human factors associated with runway incursions. In: 
NASA ASRS Eighth Quarteriy Report Washington, NASA TM 78540, October, 1978. 

48 Tarrel, RJ.: Non-airborne confiicts: the causes and effects of runway transgressions. 
Mountain View, CA: Battelle ASRS Office, NASA CR-177372, Sept., 3985. 

49. Anon.: News item in Aviation Daily, 304: 2/22/91, p. 353, 1991. 

50. McNally, B.D.; A precision code differential GPS system for terminal area positioning and 
guidance Albuquerque, NM: Institute of Navigation 4tli International Technical Meeting, 
Sept. 11-13, 1991. 

51. Scon, B., T, Goka and D. Gates: Design, development and operational evaluation of an 
MLS/RNAV control display unit Los Angeles: Tenth EEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems 
Conference, Oct. 14-17, 1991. See also: Anon,: Introduction to MLS. Washington, Federal 
Aviation Administration, 1987, 


"■ W8Vp"ffos1''trL''o°S??/'^* """,":"=: ■^"^■- W«k & Space Tcchnol. 127- 
W=ck Xipi^ciL!^. n°-4wl6 ;TT9t^"'"' '*' ^'" '"^"'Ver loss. Av,^,! 

'"' -iS'SIn-^^- ™:C"^ *^'^"S/J-?^^^^^^ of ,„c,d=n, .pon.„g for 

.2/13^. ^Ms.«. L ■■T.raL;i^'^s,^!?-;\i=;«^^^ 

" llliinfs' C I" and f s" rh'^n""^ Kmemions of the i„fa™a,ion Wnsfer problem In 

57. Bilstcm. R.E.: TOgh, i„ America, 1900-1983. Baldmo:e: Johns Hopkms Unfv. Press, 1984. 

'*■ S^^dv; «n!,e/4&1'lt* folKf 'Ha^"1^ "L %=°"'^ .er-ge„=ra,ed 
Center, NASA TR 1736 l^*^' ^ '"""""S- Hampion, VA: NASA Langley Research 

''■ SS/rpSgS^^;:^„*^i»^.'^«-°" "'""^- ^°""-'" ^'-- ^A: Ba„el.e ASRS 

"■^!:^^?i^t"src:;s^'^,".^S'"^^ -- -<'™^-" 

"■ J-etop-n^n'.'a^^ev^aluaSfl';^^^^^^^^^ ^"^ '-™- 'ac,or= issues in ,he 

RP 1055, January, 19E0 ^ ' "^ "'"'"8 ^V^ems. Washington, NASA 

**■ ?S^'."S™ '"^^""Al^f J; STir «^"°" '"- A™- Week & Space Technol 
Technol, 119: 9/lM3.pp 18-23, ms"" "'"^'™" ™"'=' '" Av,a,. •ftTcek & Space 

"■ ^ac^r?ch";,,;12t7^4.^'^'M'3'2Mf87^ """ "'"""'^"^ ™*^--- ^viat. Week & 



68. Anon.: Air Florida B-737-222, Collision with 14th Street Bridge, near Washington National 
Airport, DC, 1/13/82. Washington, National Transportation Safety Board report no. AAR- 

82-8, 1982. 

69. Norman, D.A,: Commcntar>': Human error and the design of computer systems- 
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70- Wiener, E.L.: Fallible humans and vulnerable systems: lessons learned from aviation. In, 
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7 1 . Pahner, E., and A. Degani: Electronic checklists: an evaluation of two levels of automation. 
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72. Rouse, W.B., N,D. Geddes and R.E. Curry: An architecture for intelligent interfaces: outline 
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73. Sheridan, T.B.: Task allocation and supervisory control. In: Helander, M., ed,: Handbook 
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74. Degani, A-, and E.L. Wiener: Human factors of flight-deck checklists: the nomial checklist. 
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75. Anon.: MD-11 Flight Management System Pilot's Guide, Phoenix, AZ: Honeywell 
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76. Corker, K.M., and T. Reinhardt: Procedural representation techniques applied to flight 
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77. Curry, R.E.: The introduction of new cockpit technology: a human factors study. Moffett 
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78. Monan, W.P.: Readback related problems in ATC communications- the hearback problem 
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79- Anon.: Altitude devi?,tions data. Mountain View, CA: Battelle ASRS Office, Search Request 
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80. Ceilo, J.C: Controller perspective of AERA 2. McLean, VA: MITRE Corp. Repon MP- 
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8 1 . Taylor, F.W.: On the art of cutting metals. New York, ASME, 1906. 

82. Rauner, F,, L. Rasmussen, J.M. Corbett: The social shaping of technology and work: 
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83. Anon.: Delta Air Lines Lockheed L-101 -385-1, Dallas-Fort Worth Airpon, TX, 8/2/85. 
Washington, National Transportation Safety Board report no. AAR-86/05, 1986. 



91. Beniger.J.R.:ToeConiiolR.voljtio„. Cambridge. MA: Harvard University Press. 1986 

93. Advanced Qualification Progrm. Amendment 14CFSU1.2I9. Oct 2. 1990. 

94. Van Acker, J.P.: Personal communication 1990 

96. Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Public Law 85-726. August 23 1958 

98. Fadden, D.M.. Personal communication, 1990. 

99. Wiener, EX.: Unpublished data, cited in personal communication, 1991. 

'""■ Sp".^l%p'u"SJ^Tra?u^:'?g?^- "°""'^" ^*-- ^^^ «=-»= ASRS Office Study 



101. NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System incident repon number 00362. 1976. 

102. Palmer, E., CM. Mitchell and T. Govindaraj: Human-centered automation in the cockpit- 
some design tenets and related research projects, Washington: ACM SIGCHI Workshop on 
Computer-Human Interaction in Aerospace Systems, 1990. 

103 Norman D.A.: Psychology of Everyday Things. Npw York: Basic Books, Inc., 1988. 

104. NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System incident repon no. 59282, October, 1986. 

105. Abbott, KJ.: Robust Fauii •, lagnosis of Physical Systems in Operation. New Brunswick. 
NJ: Unpublished Ph.D. Duvsertation, Rutgers University, May, 1990. 

106. Kwias, N.^ Psychosocial support for cosmonauts. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 62(4): pp. 




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August 1991 


Technical Memorandum 

Human -Centered Aircraft Automation: A Concept and Guidelines 

«. AUTHOa(S) 

Charles E. Billings 




Ames Research Center 
Moffen Field, CA 94035-1000 


National Aeronautics and Space Administration 
I Washington. DC 20546-0001 




NASA TM- 103885 


Point of Contact: Charles E. BiUings, Ames Research Center. MS 200- 1 6, MofFctt Reld CA 9403^- 1000 
(415) 604-5500 or FTS 464-5500 


Subject Category - 06 


13. ABSTRACT (UmKlmum 20C wordm) ——^ 


wtachdescnbes d. cmnmwmoes und« wtach «sks «e .ppropr«i«ly .lloc««l to the m«:hine mAI^ the pOof This document wietmHs 

m^be n«de . ««ximrily effective tool or «so»cc for pUots without compromiring human .mhority ^.3 w:th «, mcT«se a, sysu«n 
J^J^^ ""*' "^"^ '^.'^'^ pikH «d brief discussion of .he hbtory of «x«ft wtomatioa . co«=epc of -fmnnr.- 


Tl« envmmnem «nd context of «rcr«ft ««om«ion « then oonskfaed Th* e)em«K include th- «icr.ft themselves the phJS 
.^ttoMl envBojment .^tf^ hum., op««r«. Sysi«a goals «d gu^lines for fUghl^k m^am»LKm set fonh m a linin^k 

hpolar iMture of several puis of desaabte atmbutes unA the tradeoffs that .re inescptble in the design process 

^-S^ *T*^'w '"'™»^'««» •i««'' «ilom«io„ « then presented. cio.s-rrf«Te«ced to the p,«^dmg d»scu«iom A to of 


Aircraft automation. Human-centered automation. Advanced aircraft, 
Human factors 



NSN 754<K}V280-S500 









Standard Form 296 (FWv. 2-89) 

*^nm«Hum4 toy A»<si ••«. z»»-i •