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Progress Report on 
Studies of 

Water and Climate 

Principal Investigator: David A. Randall 

Department of Atmospheric Science 

Colorado State University 

Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 

Covering the period 1 July 1994 - 30 June 1995 

I. Summary of Accomplishments 

This research project involves the investigation the vertical profiles of temperature and 
moisture in convective regimes, using moist available energy as a guide. The results have been 
used to develop an improved cumulus parameterization. A paper on this parameterization has 
been completed during this reporting period, and has been accepted for publication in the Journal 
of the Atmospheric Sciences (Wang and Randall 1996). The following is a summary of the paper. 

It is well known that cumulus convection, especially deep and intense convection, is one 
of the major processes affecting the dynamics and energetics of large-scale atmospheric 
circulations. One of the important effects of cumulus convection on the large-scale 
thermodynamic structure is to release the convective instability, so as to modify or "adjust" a 
conditionally unstable atmosphere towards a more stable state which can be called the equilibrium 
state. This is the basis of the various convective adjustment schemes. The key problems are 
specification of the equilibrium state and the criterion for activation of convection. These differ 
from scheme to scheme. 

The simplest cumulus parameterizations are the moist convective adjustment (MCA) 
schemes (Manabe et ai, 1965; Miyakoda et al., 1969; Krishnamurti and Moxim, 1971; Kurihara, 
1973). In MCA, it is assumed that deep moist convection acts to restore the lapse rate to a 
saturated moist adiabat, which can be called the "equilibrium state." When the large-scale 
sounding becomes more unstable than the equilibrium state, and if sufficient moisture is available, 
the sounding is adjusted toward the equilibrium state. This stabilization is attributed to cumulus 
convection. The main limitations of MCA are that it does not simulate penetrative convection, and 
that the equilibrium state is saturated and so not very realistic. 

Arakawa and Schubert (1974) developed a sophisticated cumulus parameterization which 
includes many physical processes. It can be viewed as an adjustment scheme. In the Arakawa- 
Schubert (AS) parameterization, a spectrum of cloud types is considered, so that the effects of 
different cloud types can be seen explicitly. Also, the AS parameterization relates convective 
activity to the large-scale forcing, which involves horizontal and vertical advections, radiation, 
and the surface fluxes of sensible heat and moisture. In particular, the AS parameterization makes 
use of the assumption that the real atmosphere is in a quasi-equilibrium state, in which the rate of 
destabilization by large-scale processes and the rate of stabilization by cumulus convection almost 
balance each other. That is, the large-scale forcing produces convective clouds, and the clouds 
consume the instability generated by the large-scale forcing, so that the atmosphere stays close to 
an equilibrium state in which the conditional instability is weak, or non-existent. In this sense, the 
AS parameterization is an adjustment scheme. 

According to the quasi-equilibrium hypothesis, the rate of instability increase due to large- 
scale processes is fully and immediately counteracted by convection, so that the atmosphere does 
not become very unstable. The assumption of such a quasi-equilibrium means that the AS 
parameterization cannot predict the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) stored in a 
weather system. Some "relaxed" schemes, in which the exact quasi-equilibrium assumption is not 

strictly enforced, have been developed to implement the AS parameterization (e.g. Moorthi and 
Suarez, 1992; Randall and Pan, 1993). These schemes adjust towards the equilibrium state over a 
finite time scale. 

Betts (1986), Betts and Miller (1986) presented a "relaxed" convective adjustment scheme 
in which, as in the other adjustment schemes, a conditionally unstable sounding is adjusted by 
convection toward an equilibrium state. They specified the equilibrium temperature sounding to 
follow a virtual moist adiabat at low levels and a pseudoadiabat at high levels. They specified the 
equilibrium moisture profile empirically, although in fact it may vary for different regions and 
synoptic situations. The feedbacks between cumulus clouds on the large-scale environment were 
not explicitly or "mechanistically" represented, e.g. in terms of mass fluxes. 

Since the fundamental physical basis of adjustment methods is that convection acts to 
release the convective instability (or conditional instability) so as to drive the atmosphere towards 
a neutral state, a measure of the conditional instability is a key ingredient of such schemes. The 
conventional methods of measuring conditional instability are not fully satisfactory, however: the 
effects of environmental return flow are neglected, and the level of origination of the lifted parcel, 
must be assumed. The Generalized Convective Available Potential Energy (GCAPE) of Randall 
and Wang (1992) overcomes these restrictions, and therefore is a prior more accurate measure of 
the conditional instability. Based on Lorenz's (1978, 1979) concept of Moist Available Energy 
(MAE, Randall and Wang 1992) defined the GCAPE as the "vertical component" of the MAE and 
used it as a measure of the conditional instability of an atmospheric column. The definition of the 
GCAPE makes a "reference state," which is the unique state in which the system's enthalpy is 
minimized; it is also a statically neutral or stable state.The GCAPE is the vertically integrated 
enthalpy difference between a given state and the corresponding reference state, and represents 
the total potential energy available for convection in a given sounding. 

In this paper, we propose an adjustment scheme based on the concept of GCAPE. The new 
parameterization combines some elements of the Arakawa-Schubert parameterization and the 
Betts-Miller parameterization, and tries to correct some limitations of those two 
parameterizations. The reference state associated with the GCAPE is chosen as the end-state of 
the adjustment, or the equilibrium state. This equilibrium state is determined by the given state, so 
that it varies in space and time. We relax towards the equilibrium state (as in the Betts-Miller 
parameterization), so that no strict quasi-equilibrium between large-scale forcing and convection 
is imposed. 

We are attracted to the idea of using the GCAPE reference state as the equilibrium state of 
the adjustment because the GCAPE reference state is completely general and is not based on a 
cloud model. We have to keep in mind, however, that the GCAPE reference state is reached by 
reversible adiabatic processes. Real convection involves crucially important irreversible processes 
such as precipitation and mixing. Obviously, a cumulus parameterization has to take these 
irreversible processes into account. 

We take them into account by using a simple cloud model. This means that although we 
avoid the use of a cloud model in the definition of the equilibrium state, we do use one to 

determine the convective feedback. 

One might argue that an ideal cumulus parameterization would avoid using any cloud 
model at all. This is the idea behind the Betts-Miller parameterization. It is also the idea behind 
the empirical cumulus parameterization developed by Liu (1995), who used the logical 
framework of the AS parameterization, but employed both an empirical equilibrium state (in 
which an empirically defined measure of CAPE is small) and an empirical formulation for the 
feedback of the convection on the large-scale fields. 

It seems desirable to avoid both empiricism and cloud models as far as possible. The 
present study aims to show that it is possible to use the concept of GCAPE to define the 
equilibrium state without using empiricism or cloud models, but we do resort to a cloud model to 
determine the convective feedback. 

There is no contradiction between the use of the idealized reference state which is defined 
with respect to adiabatic reversible processes and the simultaneous use of a cloud model which 
includes irreversible processes like mixing and precipitation. Our idea is that the convection 
"tries" to adjust to the reference state, but that irreversible processes prevent this adjustment from 
being fully realized. 

The incorporation of a cloud model inevitably and regrettably causes our parameterization 
to fall far short of the power and generality of Lorenz's MAE concept. For example, the cloud 
model does assume particular levels of origin for the updrafts and downdrafts. 

As explained in detail later, we use the predicted (or observed) sounding and the 
corresponding GCAPE reference state, together with a relaxation time scale (discussed below), to 
determine the convective tendency of the moist static energy. This is not enough for a cumulus 
parameterization, however. In a prognostic model we need to know the tendencies of temperature 
and moisture separately. 

In order to find them, we introduce the cloud model mentioned above, the form of the 

diagnostic model of Nitta (1975), modified to incorporate the downdrafts of Johnson (1976). The 
convective moist static energy tendency is used as input to the diagnostic model, which 
determines the corresponding tendencies of temperature and moisture, and also yields the 
precipitation rate. 

A second new aspect of our parameterization is that we relate the adjustment time scale to 
the large-scale forcing, so that the intensity of cumulus convection is controlled by the large-scale 
forcing (as in the Arakawa-Schubert parameterization). 

A cumulus parameterization for large-scale models has been presented. It is an adjustment 

'• The cloud model used by Nitta is an entraining plume model of the type used in the AS parameterization. 
Emanuel (1991) has criticized the use of entraining plume models in cumulus parameterizations. Recent 
work by Lin (1994) suggests, however, that these models can in fact serve as realistic agents of convective 

scheme. The reference state associated with the GCAPE is the end-state of the convective 
adjustment. This reference state varies from case to case, depending on the given soundings. The 
time scale for the adjustment also varies, ranging from several hours to several tens of hours, 
depending on the intensity of the large-scale forcing. Because the adjustment time scale is related 
to the large-scale forcing, the intensity of convective activity is determined by the large-scale 
forcing as in the Arakawa-Schubert parameterization.The methods of Nitta (1975) and Johnson 
(1976) are combined to diagnose the convective heating and drying rates. 

The closure assumption of the present parameterization can be written as 

dh h r -h 

(?) = -$—■ (1) 

Although (1) looks similar to the closure assumptions of Betts (1986) which are 

dt cu * adj 


(& = ^^, (3) 

dt CU ^ adj 

where T is temperature q is total water mixing ratio, and the subscript "ref" denotes the quasi- 
equilibrium reference state profiles, some important differences exist. One is that we allow x ad . to 

change from case to case, depending on the large-scale forcing, while Betts and Miller (1986) use 
a prescribed constant x d .. In our parameterization, when the large-scale forcing is strong, x ad . is 

small; and so the effects of convection are strong. On the other hand, when the large-scale forcing 
is weak or negative, a large x ad - is used, and so convection is inhibited. In this way, the intensities 
of cloud activity and precipitation are related to the large-scale forcing. 

The criterion for activating the Betts-Miller parameterization is that positive buoyancy is 
encountered when a hypothetical cloud parcel is lifted adiabatically from the boundary layer. 
However, as it has been shown (Thompson et al., 1979; Wang and Randall, 1994) that in GATE 
the observed precipitation rate is positively correlated with the intensity of large-scale forcing, but 
negatively correlated with the CAPE. This means that it may be more realistic to relate the effects 
of convection to the large-scale forcing than to the amount of CAPE. 

Although both the Betts-Miller parameterization and the present parameterization are 
relaxation schemes, the final reference states are different. Betts (1986) determined the 
equilibrium state empirically from observed soundings. The equilibrium state of our 
parameterization is determined by the given soundings and the GCAPE theory, modified to 
include the effects of detrainment below the neutral buoyancy level. 

A key difference between our parameterization and the Arakawa-Schubert (AS) 

parameterization is in the calculation of the cloud-base mass flux. In the AS parameterization, the 
quasi-equilibrium assumption is used to calculated the cloud-base mass flux. The quasi- 
equilibrium assumption requires that, at any moment, the rate of production of CAPE by large- 
scale forcing is balanced by the consumption of CAPE by convection, so that after each time step 
the CAPE remains unchanged. A cloud model is used to measure conditional instability and to 
define the reference state. 

In our parameterization, no cloud model is needed to find the reference state. The effects 
of convection on the moist static energy are obtained from (1). Then, by using Nitta's method, we 
determine the effects of convection on the temperature and moisture fields. Both the AS 
parameterization and our parameterization relate the intensity of convection to the large-scale 
forcing, but in different ways. The present parameterization is a relaxation scheme in which no 
exact balance is required. 

We do not adjust directly to the temperature, moisture, and condensed water of the 
reference state because this state is highly unrealistic, especially in view of high condensed water 
contents in the upper troposphere. We have considered the following strategy, however: On a 
given time step, adjust the temperature, moisture, and condensed water some fraction of the way 
to the reference state. Then, within the same time step, allow a microphysics parameterization to 
reduce the condensed water concentration in the upper troposphere by precipitation, and to 
increase the water vapor content of the lower troposphere by evaporating the falling rain. This 
approach would still include a "cloud model" in the sense that we would have parameterizations 
of precipitation, evaporation, and so on. Future work may go in this direction. 

We regard this as an exploratory study. Certainly much additional work is needed before 
the ideas here are ready for application in large-scale models. Nevertheless, we are encouraged by 
our results to date and feel that this approach merits further investigation. 

Publications resulting from this project 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1991: The Moist Available Energy of a Conditionally Unstable 
Atmosphere. Paper presented at the 19th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical 
Meteorology of the American Meteorological Society, Miami, Florida. 

Randall, D. A., and J. Wang, 1991: The moist available energy of a conditionally unstable 
atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 49, 240-255. 

Wang, J., 1994: Generalized Convective Available Potential Energy and Its Application to 
Cumulus Parameterization. Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University. 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1994: The moist available energy of a conditionally unstable 
atmosphere, II: Further analysis of the GATE data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1994: A cumulus parameterization based on the concept of GCAPE. 
Paper presented at the Tenth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction of the 
American Meteorological Society, Portland Oregon. 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1996: A cumulus parameterization based on the generalized 
convective available potential energy. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (in press). 


Arakawa, A., and W. H. Schubert, 1974: The interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with large- 
scale environment. Part I. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 674-701. 

Betts, A. K., 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part I: Observational and theoretical 
basis. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor Soc, 112, 677-691. 

Betts, A. K., and M. J. Miller, 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part II: Single column 
tests using GATE wave, BOMEX, ATEX, and arctic air-mass data sets. Quart. J. Roy. 
Meteor Soc, 112, 693-709. 

Cheng, M.-D., 1989: Effects of downdrafts and mesoscale convective organization on the heat and 
moisture budgets of tropical cloud clusters. Part II: Effects of convective-scale downdrafts. 
J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 1540-1564. 

Cheng, M.-D., and M. Yanai, 1989: Effects of downdrafts and mesoscale convective organization 
on the heat and moisture budgets of tropical cloud clusters. Part III: Effects of mesoscale 
convective organization. J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 1566-1588. 

Emanuel, K. A., 1991: A scheme for representing cumulus convection in large-scale models. J. 
Atmos. Sci., 48,2313-2335. 

Houze, R. A., Jr., and S. G. Geotis, F. D. Marks and A. E. West, 1981 : Winter monsoon convection 
in the vicinity of North Borneo. Part I: Structure and time variation of the clouds and 
precipitation. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1595-1614. 

Houze, R. A., Jr., and A. K. Betts, 1981: Convection in GATE. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., 19, 

Johnson, R. H., 1976: The role of convective-scale precipitation downdrafts in cumulus and 
synoptic-scale interactions. J. Atmos. Sci., 33, 1890-1910. 

Johnson, R. H. and G. S. Young, 1983: Heat and moisture budgets of tropical mesoscale anvil 
clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 40, 2138-2147. 

Krishnamurti, T. N., and W. J. Moxim, 1971: On parameterization of convective and 

nonconvective latent heat release. J. Appl. Meteor., 10, 3-13. 

Krueger, S. K., 1988: Numerical simulation of tropical cumulus clouds and their interaction with 
the subcloud layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 45, 2221-2250. 

Kurihara, Y., 1973: A scheme of moist convective adjustment. Mon. Wea. Rev., 101, 547-553. 

Leary, C. A. and Houze, R. A., Jr., 1979: Melting and evaporation of hydrometeors in precipitation 
from the anvil clouds of deep tropical convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 36, 669-679. 

Lin, C, 1994: Development of an improved cloud model for use in cumulus parameterization. 
Ph.D. thesis, UCLA, 252 pp. 

Liu, Y.-Z., 1995: The representation of the macroscopic behavior of observed moist convective 
processes. Ph. D. thesis, UCLA, 227 pp. 

Lord, S. J., 1982: Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the large-scale environment. Part 
III: Semi-prognostic test of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization. J. Atmos. Sci. 

Lord, S. J., W. C. Chao and A. Arakawa, 1982: Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the 
large-scale environment. Part IV: The discrete model. J. Atmos. Sci. 39, 104-113. 

Lorenz, E. N., 1978: Available energy and the maintenance of a moist circulation. Tellus, 30, 15- 

Lorenz, E. N., 1979: Numerical evaluation of moist available energy. Tellus, 31, 230-235. 

Manabe, S., J. Smagorinsky, and R. F. Strickler, 1965: Simulated climatology of a general 
circulation model with a hydrological cycle. Mon. Wea. Rev., 93, 769-798. 

Miyakoda, K., J. Smagorinsky, and R. F. Strickler, and G. D. Hembree, 1969: Experimental 
extended predictions with a nine-level hemispheric model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 97, 1-76. 

Moorthi, S., and M. J. Suarez, 1992: Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert: A parameterization of moist 
convection for general circulation models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 978-1002. 

Nicholls, S., and M. A. LeMone, 1980: The fair weather boundary layer in GATE: the relationship 
of subcloud fluxes and structure to the distribution and enhancement of cumulus clouds. J. 
Atmos. Sci., 37,2051-2067. 

Nitta, T., 1975: Observational determination of cloud mass flux distributions. J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 

Nitta, T., 1977: Response of cumulus updraft and downdraft to GATE A/B-scale motion systems. 
J. Atmos. Sci., 34, 1163-1186. 

Nitta, T., 1978: A diagnostic study of interaction of cumulus updrafts and downdrafts with large- 
scale motions in GATE. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 56, 232-241. 

Ogura, Y., and H. R. Cho, 1973: Diagnostic determination of cumulus cloud populations from 
observed large-scale variables. J. Atmos. Sci., 30, 1276-1286. 

Ooyama, K., 1971: A theory on parameterization of cumulus convection. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 
49, 744-756. 

Pan, D.-Z., 1995: Development and application of a prognostic cumulus parameterization. Ph.D. 
dissertation, Colorado State University, 207 pp. 

Randall, D. A., and D.-M. Pan, 1993: Implementation of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus 
parameterization with a prognostic closure. The Representation of Cumulus Convection in 
Numerical Models, Edited by K. A. Emanuel and D. J. Raymond, Amer. Meteor. Soc, 137- 

Randall, D. A., and J. Wang, 1992: The moist available energy of a conditionally unstable 
atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci. 49, 240-255. 

Thompson, R. M., S. W. Payne, E. E. Recker, and R. J. Reed, 1979: Structure and properties of 
synoptic scale wave disturbances in the intertropical convergence zone of the eastern 
Atlantic. J. Atmos. Sci., 36, 53-72. 

Wang, J., 1994: Generalized convective available potential energy (GCAPE) and its application 
to cumulus parameterization. Ph. D. dissertation, Colorado State University, 215 pp. 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1994: The moist available energy of a conditionally unstable 
atmosphere. Part II: Further Analysis of GATE Data. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 703-710. 

Wang, J., and D. A. Randall, 1996: A cumulus parameterization based on the generalized 
convective available potential energy. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (in press). 

Xu, K.-M., A. Arakawa, and S. K. Krueger, 1992: The macroscopic behavior of cumulus 
ensembles simulated by a cumulus ensemble model. J. Atmos. Sci., 49, 2402 - 2420. 

Xu, K.-M., and A. Arakawa, 1992: Semi-prognostic tests of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus 
parameterization using simulated data. J. Atmos. Sci., 49. 2421 - 2436. 

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