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Full text of "Oscillations During Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts: A New Probe of Neutron Stars"

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Tod E. Strohmayer 

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 

"I- of — e, (.so caUe, Type I, X-ray ^"^ ^"a^ 
mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) with the Rossi ^.^^^ - 600 H, rangl 
amplitude, high coherence X-ray *^~^££ZIZn of the X-ra y burst flux 
Substantial spectral and timing evdence pomt to rotat.onal mo de9 of neutron 

. the cause of these oscillations, and it is l.ely that %^£^ SL** of these 

as well as the physics of thermonuclear burning on neutron stars. 
KEYWORDS: stars: neutron - stars: rotation - X-rays: bursts - equation of state 


During the past 25 years X-ray astronomers ^^^^£^t 

in an attempt to identify the spin frequencies £ ^^^^ ly pr L P ted 

example Wood et al. 1991; Vaughan et al. 199 4) J^*™^^ t L millisecond 

by the discovery in the radio ^^^^^^S'^ suggesting 

radio pulsars see Backer et al. 1984), and suDseque 

their origin lie in an accretion-induced spin-up phase of LMXB £ee the e J 

Bhattacharya 1995 and references *^>\*^ r ^£ ,',»" „g neutron stars 

little or no direct evidence to support the existence rf ap«Uy sp,nn g 

in LMXa This -«^t££r££^.£?tL. ° f te '— h 

s^srsssi- * *•* ™ z - 

" It'^ent these osciiiations have ^^<Z£^^Z 

induced S pi„- up (WetSXapo n H^S^^r^ ? """^ 
review our observational understanding of th« n ' contribution I will 

they can be understood in th^ ^context nf °T *' ^ empha * is ° n how 

I will discuss how detailed model! nf of tnT ^nl^ ° f *" X " ray burSt flux " 
structure can be used to nWpt § ♦ osclIlat ion amplitudes and harmonic 

neutron stars and her Le the I S "* fT^T m ^ maSSeS and radii * 
Inferences which caTbe dTa wn 1. H ., T* ° f SU P ranuclear density matter, 
also be discussed Twn ctndude w[th? ^J f thermonuclear burning will 
—ties and where ^^^^ ^^l^^^- ** 
4 B U r i72°8 SC i la h i0 S 1 th " freqUenCy ° f 363 Hz were first d ^overed from the LMXB 

served frequencies are g^inS?"^ ^ ?u S0UrCeS and their ob - 

important obwvationS^t^oJ;? «*«"nder ° f thiS SeCti ° n I review ^ 
evidence supporting^' S^^^™ "* «*«* * * «* the 

2.1. Oscillations at burst onset 

Many bursts show detectable oscillations durine the « 1 - 2 , ri«,r * ■ , 
thermonuclear bursts Forexamnlp ^™h g ™ G ~ 1 ~ 2 s ™etimes typical of 

some bursts from 4U 1728-34^^ os 2 ^ . I & SwMk (1 " 7) Sh ° Wed that 
s of the observed onse of the burst T p f T^/T " ,MBBM 43 % within 0" 1 
decreased monotonica l v ^ !h P h ^ Sh ° Wed that the Oscillation amplitude 
the burst l^^^^^TtSTh ^ ^L" 5 the fiSing P° rtio ^the 
burst had Jo.dll-^^tSj^S^SJ^^ J U 1 f«S-™- 
of radius expansion beginning „.«!. * v. ~ u ' then showed an e P is °de 

(see Strohmayer et ffi^ wh ? th « °f cillation »**ame ""dectable 
flux approaching 100 % right at *t%^£ m .° dulatl0 f * the thermal burst 
the burst there exists a IoSIpH h ? L I ""^ Mth the idea that ea ^ in 

the neutron star T htstet io th T f^,^" modula ^ d by the spin of 
when the spot is sma lest 2th Tsno ' , m ° dulation amplitudes are produced 
surface, ^ ^^Z^r^^^^Z^ of the neutron star 

MteXZX™^^ sugg r ts that f emission is iocai - d 

and temporal resolution to sLl , J E , few / nstr ^ents had the collecting area 
thermonuclear *JT£t&^^^"» ** *■ times of 

- — evolution -ft2£«^^ 

1 20 

1 OO 







1 _, — 

- 1.5x10 

FIGURE 1. The amplitude of oscillations at 580 ~g J^risi ng ph-o^a 
burst from 4U 1636-53. The amplitude is greatest near the onset 01 
decreases as the burst flux increases. 

TABLE 1. Burst oscillation sources and frequencies 

4U 1728-34 
4U 1636-53 
4U 1702-429 
KS 1731-26 

Aql X-l 
Gal. Center 

Frequency (Hz) 
580 (290) 

intervals during several bursts and plotted ^ the flux £ , J^^feS 
black body emission from a spherical surfac * this ratio * aeon P P 

to {m * t where d and H ^^^^Z^^S, line connects 
2 shows such a plot for a burst from 4U 728 J^ In th p ^ ^ ^^ 

successive time intervals, with the burst beginning evolution indicates 

diagonally to the upper right and then acrc*s t , tte ML rh» evolu ^ 

that the X-ray emitting area is not constant, but ^™ Taam 

burst rise. The spectra of type I bursts are not _true , Mack bod«s < 
& Howard 1986; Ebisuzaki 1987; Lewin, van ^"fj^X™/'^ spec trum. 
argument here concerns the energetics ^^f^^^ expansion 
Since the effect is seen in burst s tha do no t ^ P h p ^ 

the neutron star. 

2.2. Expectations from the theory of thermonuclear burning 

S^^!^^.**r an x - ray burst burns * a *" - 

> 103 difference etwel the a cult L ^ "^ ^ « ewraI hou "" This 
unlikely that the condition ; reo . Z u "^ tim6SCaleS means that * is 

taneously over ttetSSl'T ^instability will be achieved simul- 
(1978), led to the studv of ! , realization, first emphasized by Joss 

surface (^1^^^^^° T* IT** 0Ver the neUt ™ Star 
sten 1995). The subsecond ril ' ft *' ^^ & ^J™ * 1984 ' and Bild- 
convection play ZZ P Zt^l2l t ^^ ?""* ^^ SUgS6StS that 
especially in the low aTret ion rat re ^ ^ bUming fr0nt P^P^tion, 

Bildsten ( 1998) tet^^S?*™ f ^J"* t0 ^ ^ ition col "™s (see 
(1995) has shown tha nZ hi 7 ^ bU ™ ng °" neUtron stars )- BUdien 
mhomogeneousXlavC ran f H?"* *" u^™ *" SUrfaces is in general 
rate, wifh low S^S^ 1 ? ^ ^ the ,OCaI a - retion 
and standard type I bursts w MeS ^T * fustible accretion columns 
Propagation wh'ch may b man esS tnZ "7 '*? ^u ^ n0nco ™ctive 
that the physics of thermit, T " g flar6S - TheSe studies emphasize 

lem and SJt /^SStt^ 8 " .T^ * mU,ti - dim ™^ prob- 
The properties of oSSf-lh f P ', ^^ * the ° nSet of bursts - 

Picture ■ J the rr^tZ^^ZZSJ:^ *°» " *" *"> «* 

- SSt Sotrmt^r g*s 5 ? E H T bb r onic 

and that the strong signal a?™ H ft" ' he 5p ' n { "">"""y * 290 Hz, 

correct this resuUhL Mer.„L ?■ " ""'f by nearly uti Hal hot spots. If 
particular, hoT L Cn ^caS ^Z ** *" I* 8 '" ? ""*" """'"^ '" 
-s „ f seconds, and JJ.'T.^'X^tS^ 

2.3. The coherence of burst oscillations 

in the cooling tauT^S 1 t™, ' " "*t " """^ "* * > ~3 Hz 

cooling tail of a bursffrorT/u S 53 Te °° "° J**"* "' "*" "° m '" "* 
of the six burst oscillation «L™ 5' fVe<!ue ° c >' evol »"°" has been seen in live 

.be ph^ics °n^2™oZ%7:z ,» ?,r monly rr ied - ith 

0.0070 r 


0.0050 r 

0.0040 r 


1 .0x1 

' 8 3.0X10 -8 4.0X10" 
F BO , (ergs cm" 2 s'') 

5.0x1 O 

FIGURE 2. Bolometric flux F bol versus F^/kTss^ *^£^£££ 
The burst evolves from lower left to upper right and then to the left This beh av ,or 
J strong evidence for an increasing X-ray emission area during the burst rise. 

The shell then spins back up as it cools and recouples to the bulk of the neutron 
t „ angular momentum ^"^jl^^ ^''.evend hundred Hz spin 

oTfinHe Juration equal to the length of the data trains in «^ «u£ 
areue strongly that the mechanism which produces the modulations is a nigmy 
:ZXoL, such as stellar rotation, and that the ^^^ 
served during bursts represent the spin frequency of the neutron star. 

2 4 The long-term stability of burst oscillation frequencies 

The accretion-induced rate of change of the neutron *"*&J^%'"£^ 
is approximately 1.8 x 1CT 6 Hz yr" 1 for typical neutron star and LMXB parameters. 

Parameters. Thi,doppli"hif{ e ~, v H„ • , ' g ^"""^ LMXB s y st <™ 

-d searcXra-StppTer ST*" Pe ' i0d diS,rib ° tta «"»» "»«■ 

ST 329 



S5H=r^ :r^rf,rs 


of neutron star* Tn „= ♦ ■ . u f related to the structure and evo ution 

probe neutron stars. 

3.1. Mass - Radius constraints and the EOS of dense matter 
Using the rotating hot spot model it is possible to determine constraints on the 
mass and radius of the neutron star from measurements of the maximum observed 
modulation amplitudes during X-ray bursts as well as the harmonic content <rf the 
pulses The physics that makes such constraints possible is the bending of pho- 
ton trajectories in a strong gravitational field. The strength of the deflection is a 
function of the stellar compactness, GM/c*R, with more compact stars producing 
greater deflections and therefore weaker spin modulations. An upper limit on the 
compactness can be set since a star more compact than this limit would not be able 
to produce a modulation as large as that observed. Complementary information 
comes from the pulse shape, which can be inferred from the strength of harmon- 
ics. Information on both the amplitude and harmonic content can thus be used 
to bound the compactness. Detailed modelling, during burst rise for example can 
then be used to determine a confidence region in the mass - radius plane for neutron 
stars Miller k Lamb (1998) have investigated the amplitude of rotational modu- 
lation pulsations as well as harmonic content assuming emission from a point-like 
hot spot. They also show that knowledge of the angular and spectral dependence of 
the emissivity from the neutron star surface can have important consequences for 
the derived constraints. More theoretical as well as data modelling ,„ this area are 

3 2 Doppler shifts and pulse phase spectroscopy 

Stellar rotation will also play a role in the observed properties of spin ^odutation 
pulsations. For example, a 10 km radius neutron star spinning at 400 Hz has a 
surface velocity of v sjnn /c < 2,u apin R « 0.084 at the rotational equate « This 
motion of the hot spot produces a Doppler shift of magnitude ^~J'^' 
thus the observed spectrum is a function of pulse phase (see Chen k Shaham 1989) . 
Measurement of a pulse phase dependent Doppler shift in the X-ray spectrum wouki 
provide additional evidence supporting the spin modulation mode and also yields 
a means of constraining the neutron star radius, perhaps one of the few direct 
methods to infer this quantity for neutron stars. 

The rotationally induced velocity also produces a relativistic aberration which 
results in asymmetric pulses, thus the pulse shapes also contain information on the 
Tpin velocu/and therefore the stellar radius (Chen k Shaham 1989). The compo- 
nent of the spin velocity along the line of site is proportional to cos 9, where * ,s 
the latitude of the hotspot measured with respect to the rotat.onal equator. The 
modulation amplitude also depends on the latitude of the hotspot, as spots near 
the rotational poles produce smaller amplitudes than those at the equator. Thus 
a correlation between the observed oscillation amplitude and the size of any pulse 
phase dependent Doppler shift is to be expected. Dectection of such a correlation in 

hyp a o"hti S 0f bUIStS W ° Uld Pr ° Vide Str ° nS COnfirmation of the "Atonal modulation 

Searches for a Doppler shift signature are just beginning to be carried out 

d ^ ""t I!" tS haV c Sh ° Wn that SpeCtral Variati0ns with P ul ^ Phase can be 
detected (see Strohmayer, Swank, & Zhang 1998). The varations with pulse phase 

ttTde a a that a T ^"r ° f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ -nsltntlS 
InlfT a ^Tr^" 6 gradl6nt is preSent on the stel,ar su ^e, which when 
rotated produces the flux modulations. Ford (1999) has analysed data during a 
burst from Aql X-l and finds that the softer photons lag higher energy photons in 
a manner which is qualitatively similar to that expected from a rotating hot spot 
S rohmayer & Markwardt (1999) have shown that signals from multiple burial 
be added m phase by modelling the frequency drifts present in individual bums 

^ ls ZTtz^ tTonger 1 s ? 1 with whkh to test f ° r D ° p p ier ^ ^^- so 

t ernT Z T" "^ ^ 4U ™- m have been added in P^e in an 
attempt to identify a rotational Doppler shift. A difficulty in analysing the phase 

resolved spectra from bursts is the systematic change in the black body temperature 

thanthe bt k H^H T C °° 1S ' A "^ "^ ° f the SpeCtral h ^™> ^ 
than the black body temperature, is the mean energy channel of the spectrum 

LraWP™ * d f nbut,on ° f mean «*anneb in the RXTE proportional counter 

4U ™ 490 V Tu PU u Se Ph3Se USiDg SpeCtra fr0m 4 dlfferent «"»* from 
channel { J 8 "" tT thG reSUltS ' A Str ° n S modulation of the mean PCA 
channel ,s clearly seen. There is a hint of an asymmetry in that the leading edge 
of the pulse appears harder (as expected for a rotational Doppler shift) thfn the 
traihng edge, but the difference does not have a high statistical signified e More 
data will be required to decide the rotational Doppler shift issue. 

3.3. Physics of thermonuclear burning 

The properties of burst oscillations can tell us a great deal about the processes of 
nuclear burning on neutron stars. The amplitude evolution during the risLgTh Le 
of bursts contains information on how rapidly the flame front is propagating uZ 
amtpodal spot hypothesis to explain the presence of a subharmonic in 4U teS^l 

om one S" ♦ T"^ impHcations for the Propagation of the instability 

from one pole to another m « 0.2 s (see Miller 1999). In addition, a two pole 
flux amstropy suggests that the nuclear fuel is likely pooled by some mechanism 
perhaps associated with the magnetic field of star. Further detections and study of 
the subharmonic m 4U 1636-53 could shed more light on these issues 

Until recently, much of the work concerning burst oscillations has concentrated 

the' ati: rf "I PU ; Sati0nSth — 1- a « d »* relation to individual bursL W h 
the samples of bursts growing ,t is now possible to concieve of more global studies 
which correlate the properties of oscillations with other measures of fhese sourc s 
for example, their spectral state and mass accretion rate. This will allow researchers 
to investigate the system parameters which determine the likelihood of producing 
bursts which show oscillations. Such investigations will provide ins lg ht into how he 


FIGURE 4 Pulse phase spectral variations in bursts from 4U 1702-429. The top 
panel shows the mean PCA energy channel as a function of pulse pha* = for 4 bursts 
wWch were co-added in phase. The bottom panel shows the pulse profile m the 2 - 
24 keV band. 

properties of thermonuclear burning (as evidenced in the presence or absence of 

o Sons) are influenced by other properties of the system. Furthermore, we can 

"s iftheo et"a predictions of how the burning should behave are consul tent with 

the hypothesis that the oscillations result from rotational modulation of nonum- 

ormXes produced by thermonuclear burning. Initial work m this regard sugg ts 

haT burst's which ocL at higher mass accretion rates show '^^"^ 

tions more often (see Franco et al. 1999). Although preliminary his result appears 

rough* consistent with theoretical descriptions of the thermonuclear burning whu* 

ndicates an evolution from vigorous, rapid (thus uniform) burning at lower man 

'accretn Les (lower persistent count rates) to ^^ b £^J m 

non-uniform) at higher mass accretion rates (see Bildsten 1995, for example). 


Although much of the burst oscillation phenomenology is well described by the 
i in moduM on hypothesis several important hypotheses need to be confronted 
with more derailed theoretical investigations. Perhaps the most interesting is he 
Si which causes the observed frequency drifts. Expressed as a phas 1 p 
the frequency drifts seen during the longest pulse trains correspond to about 5 1U 
eve S around the star. Whether or not a shear layer can persist that long needs 
o be tr"her investigated. The recent observation of a, so far unique spin down in 
the Lea in tail of a burst from 4U 1636-53 (see Strohmayer 1999), which might 


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