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The Tudor Facsimile Certs 



Written, c. 1486-1500 
Date of only Known Edition, c. 1516-20 
Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 


The Tudor Facsimile Terts 



Written, c. 1486-1500 
Date of only Known Edition, c. 1516-20 
Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 

roe ha 

The Tudor Facsimile Terts 

Vol he Bay 
Under the Supervision and Editorship of 




[c. 1486-1 500] 

Issued for Subscribers by 
‘ p2? = 


aot , 



One copy only of the original edition is known to be 
extant; it 1s now in the British Museum (C 34, ¢. 54). 
The Museum copy has bound up with it, at the end, two 
duplicate leaves, ct. and cw. A fragment (A tii.) is 
in the Bodleian (Rawl. 4t0, 598, 12). Another frag- 
ment of two pages, of some value as supplying two clipped 
lines (g tv., recto and verso), was found in an album 
consisting entirely of “Specimens of the English printers 
from Caxton to Robert Barker,” which Sir Fohn Fenn had 
collected for the completion of Ames-Herbert’s “ Typographical 
Antiquities.” This volume was offered for sale by Mr. 
Bernard Quaritch in Catalogue No. 237, pp. 97-99, the 
price affixed being £280. From this source, through the 
courtesy of Prof. Bang of Louvain University, I am able 
to give these two missing lines. It has not been possible to 
do the like in respect to the clipped lines on leaf gt. | 

Although the original has neither date, place, nor printer’ s 
name, it was probably printed by ‘fohn Rastell about 1516~20, 
notwithstanding the obviously erroneous B. M. Catalogue 
entry to ““G. Rastell, London, 1538.” The original B. M. 
copy, the additional leaves therein, and the two Bodley and 
Quaritch fragments are all apparently of the same edition, 
and it 1s unlikely that the play was printed more than 


On the other hand, the date of composition is much earlier, 
as it was (see conclusion of “Fyrste parte”) produced before 
Sohn Morton, Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury 
(1486) in Henry VII’s time. This prelate died in 

Of the author, Henry Medwall, nothing is known beyond 
the fact that he was chaplain to Cardinal Morton. Bale 
says “Nature” was translated into Latin. Medwall wrote 
another interlude, not now extant, “Of the Finding of Truth, 
carried away by Ignorance and Hypocrisy,” in which a fool 
was introduced, an innovation which commended itself to 
Henry VIII. when it was produced before him at Richmond, 
Christmas 1516. Apart from this feature the piece was 
misliked, and the King “departyd before the end to hys 
chambre” (Bale). 

Mr. Ff. A. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department, 
British Museum, having compared this facsimile with the 
original, reports it as “‘admirably done,’ and that ‘‘there 
is little to which exception can be taken.” He however 
remarks :— 

(1) Sig. ait., recto, line 8, there is no flaw in the word 
‘* element” in the original. 

(2) Sig. a iv., foot of page, the lowest and clipped line 
is rather more legible in original. It reads, “Sokur thy 
selfe man | I aduyse the hardely.” 

(3) Sw. aiv., verso, the last line reads, “4 It ys a 
thyng | that doth ryght far excede.” 

(4) It will be observed that at the top right corner of 
the leaves figures in pencil have been inserted: those on 
folios 13, 17, and 19 are fainter than in original, but in 
no case are these pencillated numerals very clear, even in 

the original. 

(5) Sig. giv., recto and verso, the missing lines, clipped 
from the foot of each page, are supplied, as already indicated, 
by fragments. 

“ Nature ”—Sig. g iv., recto. 

“ Nature ’—Sig. g iv., verso. 

It may also be noted that the marks at foot of Sig. ui. 
verso, are accidental, and are not tn the original. I point 
this out to make it quite clear that a line in this case. has 
not been cut away. 

(6) Sig. Az, recto, the words and letters underlined 
in the last three lines (the ““M” of “ Mary,” the “o” of 
“<f” in second line from foot, and “ye are out” in the next 
and last line) are clear and sound in original. The bottom 
left-hand corner of the leaf is wanting, and has been replaced 

by a modern inlay, which shows clearly verso. 

(7) Sig. 1, 7., recto, there is no flaw in original at the 
top left-hand corner. 

(8) Sig. @, #., recto, the last line ts clearer in original. 
“«...d... tor (?) eforme | and order my mynde.” 

(9) Sig. 7, i., verso, in the original it is clear that the 
last line ends“. . . | in thys case.” 



a EDS 


= tnt 
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ne ee - —-—~— -— -»- - 

Corfe comets iy Cundus ant (p 8 50By 
nothprce and Dyth Hpmy Worldly affeccpoy 
gory and cap and a gprdpll for ay, * 


 , CT Bay comets ir /Ray/Reafoy/anB Fn. 
: svcecye an ate ftp Bey and ‘ ai 

CT balmpaser Po made eche creature 
src brt chao aon 

6 Yopfe ordpnaunce menatuce 
To hess ipfter/BnFer Spry immeSpatef 

LDype creaturee/iy fuche Segre mapntapne 

 Fortbenche on/tbat J (6008 pecpetnattp 


T Gat Dpes he fee/ps compaffed eruproy 
CLI aw caufec/offucheimpreffpon 
ac ¢/to mannpe fpa6e 

a ammes/that (Se te 
al onl Ta 
ome (Gore (pSefong/and fome SoH - a 
Gaitareete et nee fattees -sato-tor a 
EtvsecneGc16 ptt0 (pele /of cGpnaye Gere 6p Co 

ge foibles /Beftpe/and fp hesin thepre kpnde 

Df trees /Feripe/and ftones FoH thep arow 
6H DGpcHhe/men fondzp and menp Sertuous fynde 
i (and thpnile péiny pour nspide 

a ae 

ee eee 


aS ae 


A OT OEP - . 

a per asa ied Piette eS 
Gant Works 6/But onelp F e 
plapntp tem ne mans mg, 

ole er 

o proupde/for 

nat oop etre 
gene thepry affo/amanero pute 
WerBp hep face ra | 
EF Seng that pe defectaBle/and other eecBetS 
E60 tanabeeseco Batche fores to oBferue 
And (yng of corage pts (GprichroteonGpe 
Who taught he peilrcanaes nate Ser te eee | 

: for (Genolde (uffer/Serbpripetotpe, 
ise angi he nysStyngatioteeoste 6 fplp 
der firange nil fc ayei ba 4° 
Cortes 6 'F noture/and none offer Wat. 

yf Gat Moticteperomemorre 
¢ ficange effecte /and eucrp great meri | 
© bat F Gave caufes/J eed in afoul | 
E Gat rather tpine thay procefe (Gu * 
‘bent tondiner nanan oho i : 
aed hs bts hse “8 
Werfore F let paffe Hep tel fer ic 
Cerf recominssria | ape PE ae 
Ladd tr bho ifpon | 

Df Sutp F cansno leffe Sow 
Sous Dei na er enerape 
< Bp feffe adsre(fe/todo 

and on ef pe gti | 
Enforce pouthet ier one 2 
To Gonour pour 

amet Hors may/J ipeertentone ee 

| : att other/ac cOpef of Grecreatice “s 
oyntcboBbe/ Gath made t6¢ 6066) 6 femblance 
Pluck Gp cB prsharte/anp Gold tps hed Mp 

a ai. | . 

as ? 
chiens 2 

pee nee -----— -- 

| snore /Baue Bersessits (6 frase 
in Spo Bobke/cleped the tranffornacpoy 
— Sgnong tt oter pe Sosa re Ms 
fpecpatf/menfpoy of 
Baer, re wort . aa ie fo 
ac cOpef poffe pit 
ln token Oherof/He qaue the Bprpaht Gp 
‘i the in commaundement/to f ate ora 

» Dp toBarte Hepes A roreteten | 
EF hob (Gulseft know sed 0 Hea | 
‘all other Beftpe/ac thpnape nwo i 
(T oFeHold thert$/WptG at tpg countenance 
and Se fubSued/to th py o aft 
€, Dut ac touchypng rca feat 
Wherfore FJ Gane orsepnes re nraStto epee 
_ retanticrobnetegeom memorpe hi 

0 What entent/thoW art ordepned tobe Gere 
Zr Get Saft cobo/a greet ad tonge Spage 
and through the World/moft be thp \ 

> Seaport Tivamnoune touetay 

. Brthonea andatkYpthoneaccowbe = *. | 
- ‘Ponourelh/p ieiae 

knees forte te 

eee os 
a wt eke pce 

Pee He 

poe f bt Marne £8 
bane tert dae Ba 3 ey 


ed OR 
Re ee! 

~ — oa See oD 
-et ‘ ap “S% —— 


nature, € 0d Gath becd chp praper/makyn 

and BattBae pe/atfomofprecyonfe 

thou Saft me enfppteb/ Spt beventy foome: 
WherSp FJ map/do Borkpe metruapfoufe =~ 
- pr aertdlise aot ey i 

| e perpeccpon/thp grace Hath Cent the form 

Do that FJ -LnoW/cGat creature no Where Jon 

: | ee “ey 
’ * : 
. - . 

Df Whole Sertue/F amnot partpner an}en s) Pile 

CF Saue as hathveche of8eretement — - 
“among other in thpe Borld/acomen epg 
Lbpt§ HerBye and trees /contpruatt norp(Semete 
that pe (uffpfant/tonatucalffpupng He 
Lyth fenfuatt beftpe,F Gave a mance of knopng 
_ Retr Mnterpeee care tetse Fie, 
und flee the contrarp/ofimpneappetpte 
€ Gnd ourr af hype thou §aft gpuen me Sectue 
Sr papvens ec rpaly tb hod d= ate 
at pe Ynderfiandpng/ Wh ip aut 
And Wek dp(cerne/ WHat vatesevone | 
fai pstmt nae cae) 
What I] WpH/be pe cupHor Wel aint 
And am putin the Sande/of mpneotsyconnfey = 
- erage eon te Biles cangefpke ie 
— Wnto hp Beuenty (pprptye satmoft eqalt 
alBbept in fome parte/F Ge to them Bnipke 
for thep Be orSepned/to endure pecpetuatt 
and Ff zetched Bodp/(GaffGauemp funeral 
Wey pe pleaferG/ehp grace fotopronpde 
Ray pe not ordepned/afwap hereto abpse ‘ 
EWherfore Dnto thy fouerapne andhpaGeftate — 
oft §euenty pepnce/F make mpne orpfoy 
AreG pt GatG pleafed/thp noble arace atgate 
E Hat FI UniWworthp/of fo great reno Wy 
"In Gpe world (Gall Gane poffeffpor 3 
as map me profpte/ cas ne Sd a 
— Bu atl 6p requeftpe/and ull petpcpory 
$05 Fouts aviation foke téeff about 
that thou Be not/Secepued Bp fale prodpc por 
Let reafoy he gouerne/in euerp condpepors 
for pf houdo riot/to Spe cute inclpne 
pt Dpl6e to thp areat mp(chef and rupne 
iss Tot Bell fenfuatpee/pstorhe natucatt 

cidatiatindte, a ee ee ~— 

, aad 2 } 
ra wiPeanuei te? ls eee a 

ane sagt Sao sai 

| and raunted €6 660 ereacpon 

ie note 
Feces reafon an SnBce 

ara oe 

WE Gat 
kno tbe crate Well /eGat natucatt 
rf: att soe ie . 

a Aton Get seutbertbe (ete Bobp road - 2 

$608 fbtbe pe fpac mercer Btp of me 

Certes pe could not Welf/crepe nor go 

oe Beet rf re fetbmeiieefteecennfe 
ica sg nae a 9 cafe than Boones ft6e grotinde 

: os ¢ Youre 0 f 

& Bo pche Srneth arp tokpy ipfe pe founbe 


0 fpu 
& renee Heb swt jefe 
taper boa manet of felpnge 

3 purtp qupknes/ Bhat forde pe be 

q ache of detec estneeet te of tre 

aon faret§ ae ay pmage/grancd outof ftone - 

hanya eos ya a 
oad etal fefpepte =r) es 

Geocomp rowan ementeeae 
‘F tefl pou men ean nodepnte 
{odo ferupce/or homage to abfock : 
of aie Bei Brey Buamod is 
®, erine heefo rome 
dias Spt puyseccinef comer 

Se 2 

Reed Senet ay ees 
te nd 5 

gee dvr 

Sted a Gee 

es tiie 

Pe laa 

“gab Sebo fo/F cGynbtodomne parte Be 
fe (Gal rep ea be Best®aacSpef cowertit ee = 
mut pf Ren on/tphphopmintheere oe ; 
D2 Bere Sy on hand he ko® po Hood 
Be (Gall never Be aBle/to So ert6lp. good 
3 ature, eienes (aydtopouBpfore | 
| amome (Gal pehauenomanfapthnap =) 
out ceafon muft Be/preferce CHEEMOE | “i 
For yea can Beft fede Hpi to the Yap | 
Df Fertue and grace/Wherbphemap 
aa Longeft contpnue/to goddrehpas pleafure 
, . -— Lop wbye§ end/god Hath mine Fy hishpe creature - 
& + @LontenttGp fetfe/now be Reafonmyp frend’ 
b: pf ne amtGoufafttodto  ~ 
Fi E Fou Saft Kouaghtmanp amay/toatrecchedens 4 
Zi ou Sol rf fp f/Gpe creature affo <1 oe 
Wout WHat fo ever “Ate take no§edetherfo tC 
be 6 outa Beal Sy ao hefame  — eee 
micas a Who fodoth the contrarp/deferueth mpche Biaine, 
x € Got and F Patuce/Gaue fectheinbettercafe 
Ft — ETEan anp creature/Bnder the es Hat : 
i BEufe'not may/abufe not Gp g | os 
Df ged afmpahtp/tGat frow chon fefené 
3 & bou (Gale Be the fpeft/tBat (Gah repent = 
af ener thou fle/teafonandfuefofp = 
| Banonpe t ina park mepecbe bans rath pete Ne | Sates 
@ Dut Be of confort Hardef Sp gob foal fen ee ; 
: er oftfy ayT/and ozfdly he pee 

Bnd (Balt neucr/fapt Into Seyiom Tae 
/ Tompupfier Vntothe/aemeoweftodo 
é Lo penbice (Ge Borlo/BApcberonmmfi nedyeso ie 
‘ {ow Bape the thyder/here penomoretofap > - | 
Es «Eby enna wie AF 
ts, CT Gen JLature goethout,. Atle 
~ ™ fenfua (Welk fadp nature (ewe vesahsitbiin ies bh 
$6 ak F Saue of pousnone other confort e d 

Re Wp cepft pet/WpRF noeGpSempface ss 
| fa pekceeaelin Trees 

put no Soutt/He DpH me fupport 
Me Kath Gey mp 
i ‘t Ans Ge WpKnot fe 

Ghd. ae Sy 
GQ Reafoy. 


-— “= — 

ye - os in - - ee al 
- 4@* . 

We tof fo Rs fo foure soufe 

Deere Bp fet; me eo fer Hotpft not Bhp * 

i herepannte Bodp/ tpt Semeay Gpry thus, 
Sp mpnde/ie aff erronpous 

Pencaky! afetfe Wefl/and rong op 

Wb pche idictipesbenenceaniie 

- fenfua Gre Reafor frye fveke pe anoBte man 


are pe take/Dypth a popne of ourcfpaht 
Wate fd pemake me/ftand ac a forday 
Gnd not (pele one Bord/for an ye ot ag 

sais bayou oh fe 

ein (etfe foul sp eo 
fetfe ¢ (Gufs Se arnterion®” 7 lias 
Carn davies 
and a ford alfo/though 

enfua (a fond Boke toute nh Cy ro16 
fee E Map fo mote F the 


thou fpeft/pe map no fenigar Be forBorne 
mayer pats hei Gap go tomorme. 
pf thou Be as Gaute/ae thou Begpaneft 
‘pou halt auopd/mpche fonar than thou Werupft 
Ae for mpne anopSaunce/Gow fone fo euct pt be 
seta ram 
e ot 
fe hee ei pon to repent 
Bef comes candcurment 
at af afoy/andfupd§peotiyfolp . 

Dut no /the Gonour anB degre 
Simons Sritiow nef 
rhea Lhd es sli 

¢ aea 
toadur ‘etheabe refoune the/Dhay thou apnft to rrre 

te welbedacmechertdhonratoe tre 
nd here Gon apft/thou art foneceffarp 
that may Dpthout the/cay Gaue no lpupng 

as iH that popnt/Be (Haff not mpche Bary. 

“4 ote thou artneceffarp/to Spe Bepng 
Wut be thou fure/that pe not the Derp thpng 
(TF Gat maketh Hp /to appere fo Bonderoufe 

| ES (0 Ge tn Gponatsuce fonebte ¢ and precpoufe om 

 » . 
[ae OI 

Se ee 

+ ween. 


cai Oh sped ey 


ye fe) 
= Of tay” heer 
‘ . ee 

at ea 
“0 Po 
ee ood 


‘ afi oe Sige 


r - Oat, = ex 
Vives Mil e*, - 

—— ++ a Relea aria t cime ae ge a 

| 7 fenfuatptein ery dede 


At ofer perfeccp8a/and Sertuonfe natura 


Jebutameane/D6pche caufeth Spy tofay ss 

rh fo moche folp/and maketh hp Beftya® = 
otGat there penodpffecence in that at the (ee 
Dp Wet may/and an Yacefonable Beft 
@ Out hie otfer/comet§ of great tenderaiice 
and (pprptuatl foue/that god oetS fo mankpnde 
Thom He Sath ceeateto ps otine femBlaunce —~ 
and enduct/Dpth a Honderoufe mpnBe : 
LHherby Se map Well dpfcerne and fynBe_ 
plane 5; fference/BptBprt good and bak 
che pe tobe feft/and thpche pe to Ge fad 
Lo thpes pe pt/chatdoch Spm Opgnpfp | 
and caufr t6 Spry to Be/reputed fo ercettent 
and of af hpe/thechpefdoaramF 

from Beuen in to erth Bp god any (ent 
Duly for hat caufe/and fyna intent fae 
That F (Gutd Gps Spe creatuce /demean an grupos 
For the (eafon Gat he dot§ ty thpe World abpFe 
CNow compare hp Sertuce/ani mpne togeser 

| oe Bipche poise iurtSpat of tert ? 

- fenfus 


pe the HortGparcfor fro neytice | 
We Ge good Potive qed ii edad . 
TE Gou ought to oBep me/Where foeucc FJ go 

Map hat (Gall F neuer d0/for to Spe 

e) (6p fefots 6e/foke thou neuer fore S 
ELAnd Herfore Sardelp/Ge fomiBGat feloolphe 

LLeue hyn Gate pra nile oper wap 
Gor (Game of the BorldmanletYenotftpk 

at amater of cpabt noght/and trauere Sere aff Say 

Pane me in fe Bordpe many/and Gack What F fay 

edplf Hou in no popnt/tGat befongethtome 

: and (fat rom heneuer to medpl Dpth the 

fandpng the nonage/of tips gentpinay 

; Dana naeree © fore 

Fi (batt 

a a al 

er ns J] cats 

tplf Ge Ge more 

anB ceafoy then/pf pe Mopfl Buder (Hore ere ie 
Myo croked of age/Bhen lafty routs pefpemp 
EF Kay take Sppoy pou.F Sold mecontene: 
@ Fortcnft pe me/the Secp trouth pethpe =. 
Spemay peput/inGpeotine fyiciye = 

nr te ir 
Se 3 . Riera 
pe ee PBS eS 
By ne Cais ch 
exe s Wg Tag Pe TR ee ge Py 
=o Ee es oh ’ “¥ 
Sd As aa mag. 

‘Jud certapnty /the fre chop he 
Wheiirec Ge Dpi Ge taster St: pen Bp me 
Let Be therfore put pt/to Hpe one teopardpe 
and theriy ftande/to Spe arSrtrement 

G0 Dipche of Be (Hapne/He §ad leuccaffene 

Mra, Cap rear kno® srepere 


the Bodp po/Sp(pofed for to fal 
Rather to the Worle/than the Ketter parte 
Wutyt be Golpen/Bp poter fuperna 
fenfua CLret Reafon/Bhay thou haft fapd aff 
| Yb seh ty Mr tht 
aff me cut/BGen hou meteft me another Sap 
Rea, CForcartapne pet/accordpng to mpne offpce 
4 muft aduertpfe/and counfett Gyuy at the eft 
to fatint Sertuc/and (ches aft Spce 
ener Ai c4 peg drt 
and pf he ptt /afaatype Be a Beft 
And take none febe/to mp foreand Soctrpne 
E Ge pacefl and Gurt/(hafBbe Hps and not mpne 
Fino. CL Dpre FT (Gall anf ere/for pe may ac pet 
TE Gat $e pe mapden/for atl (uche folp 
as (§0f5 wt a pet 
Wr0ughe Bp pth me/full Bell and tenderlp — 
Lherfore FJ dare/the fucefpar teftpfpe 
Formmocencpe/that he pe pee Sprapy 
Lets fot Sees che confent of oon ne 
@ Ans lengar Bpif not TF Ge of Hpeacquapntaunce 
‘TF har Ge pe Sertuoufe/and of goodfpupng 
For fle(6lp fuft and Worldfp plefaunce 
ps Wpth innocencpe/nothpng accordpng 
Wut pf Gps BeHaupour/and daplp demeanpng 
We A i draught/ac reafoy Wplf alow 
"F (Galt 6pm fauour/and foue ac FT d0 m0 
fenfua CL Well (pokey and Dpfefp/noB haue pe affoones 
D2 Gaue pe ought effpe/te thp|e may to fap 
| Bea, LD fprve.L Denfuatp.pece no more of tips dpfputacpd 
ADere Be many fantafpes/to Szpue forth the dap 
f EF Gat one cHhatreth (phe appe/that other (phe aap 
And pet Whavy hep Hoth /Haue Fone What thep cary 
, Ragrp hep ag seo rule the mars 
' ay, 
ELD Bleffp5 for8/ohat maner firpf pe thpe 
' a Sitprtmyeafonan fete 

“Ne Tegan 
oe eer 

gh “s 
be OE oy 

Os tate th Wi eel than 
i C os) 

a nloiey 
ted? ee oe 


none pe (ekernee/and iy tother great frapite 
nidipiwominenr feaylte 
Gat neseft I muft/Dyth one of Hepes abpoe 
Lorde ac thou thpnkpfi beft/for me So proupde 
€ ForF any Donderouflp/entrphed iy hpe cafe 
and afnoft Brought/nto perplerpte ne 
Shot toptHftandpng/hanked be thy qrace 
ac FZ dpd neuer affent/ne aggre | 
EF 0 thynae hat (Gofde/Be contrarpoufe Bnto the 
Of (pnfull Sed/and hough af innocent Bs 
_ ZubsupFto reafoy/ac Hps obedpent , 
Tea, & Sook gremtyenthtcia/gecs omens 
to Be eucr/of the fame mpnde and intent 
Wout now Wp pe caff/to pour rememBeaunce 
etd pete oonerar cpateerpcBpent 
ofi pt / expedpe 
(Hat pe Were Brough/Bnto the WorlSye pzefence 

May, LHe pt (oin godspe name/F pray pou go Ge fene 

Rea, €_And Dplt pe that F/(Gall for pou declare 
: Wnto he wWorfd/the caufe of pour compng 
What pe pour intent/and Bhat parfor pe are 
Ray, on, glad/that euerp thpng 
els ae ed pn) 
fenfua Casal I nro sd ¢ tong tpde 
@_ve Gardetp/tp ns Sane faps 
Rea, EC Dye World /pt pe the mpnide and affo pleafurce 
7 Df fadpnatuce/as (he bab Be to pouteff 
that pe accept/and recepuc thpe bec creature 
Wyth pou for a feafon/Gere to Felt : 
Defpepna pou Sartefp/to entreat Spry well 
Dpth aff He fauour/that pe cay Seupfe | 
Werin pe (Gall Fo Fer/great pleafure and ferupce 
@_ ZT SHe Worloe, 
@ Drre pe Be Hefcome/to Be Kartefp 
pour meflagpe po/to Be rpaht acceptable 
We pe affured/there pe nothpng erthlp 
fo Se foropfull/ne pet fo Selectable 
As tobe acquapnted/opth parfone §onorable 
con ie ad cpa sad aie | 
en of 6pah Sonour/and of greatdpanpte | 
Cane Fouchpng the meflage/that pe Sane cca 
ORS it, 

‘Fat one mend Bell/and that atocfecampffe 

Baad: he bw sR aa Rae 
Affucpng pou/that our bp(p thought . 
afbe tbe tc B0/bame naturye commaundcmscme 

and ereunto/e Dp be dplpgent 
eee net emumoenin 

Ané fo he old /pe (Gold to Fer 

eae deer heasaom thpemay 

Toten torepane/Gere iy pe cmprp 

OE oo . 

afjent Beft/for ornatuce Begary 
0 (bape tort8 We hong franty 
to ordepne man/t6eriy to wgora! 
Le to take Sppor h 
aff hpng/ ubourdto8 


@hGerfore F cecepue yg recom 
Ghantriie fruSenkt 
pe ave the pat fone RbptGoutf amr : 
that F Saue enecimore, to fe 2 
Come letme kps pou.sD eg 3 

Be aff naked/atas may why 
Sma yen face rtroergtspeytones 

tGanke pou/But netienone obec Sefturé 
ea tena et ffl 
wee hate vsecbeniyi ke 3 
ce gacrnient innocencpe 
"Fro ave Gardelp Were oN ee 
” "Fe (Gatl Gp Bodp/(uffpfanttp fanegacd 
aang sp? 8 gs st 
2 pee oy nay ac Sey Bl 
are pe not/ vf tips Gobp take cold 
pemuft confp cx/tbpe pentot pacadefe 

ior fst Steet ogee 

ft fuffer $2 and ae. 
re Fn be ut tpine ti 

Zid ouof emperor of Bourbons 
LB ple hard yr Soc 30 tay 
Aud fofow che gpfe Gatnod adap 

As for ae Spe effate/map pe rare 

be ho Nor te cont 3 | 
ai ane cos eb 9/0 sire 

“” ir J . : 

a tne LAR a taht ra - 


yee, ete 
ae a 


4 ait ae by 


g's wes 

adie Ores 

— Sr — 

LD Pts goo thetfe PETER 

TO dn ef Gere six ‘6re pete rare ; 

Mf conuenpence/§e muft Kr felfeapp ere 

Eo Worldly Gpngl/and Be of Eo Sipe Maat | 

AcakmenBe/andfeuerchefondoppnyoy =. 

1 Gat pe not approuaBle/of Mpfar men thay a | 

” fotake fuche Bap/ptpe But Longer. , # 
CT ake Gye carment/imay B0ce7 yo on 
We not afFamed GarGetp co do pt oy 
Fo lo/now hye gurBef/Gane gucd reinewyh 
And tips for pourheS/gofetpeBppoy 
Wp Ge charge of me/poubeagoodfy oy 
Ae eucr F fait fresh p J] ae Gore 

| ae athotbfand/that pe Were Before, — 

@_Bpue me pour§and,/Be notin fere 
Spreotin/ta pe or Boene fo ocupre replat 
Gpue pou Sere /auctorpte and power. . 
ede migeteatconecrueh pene past 
alt (Ge ert 6 t6at 088 peiscompace 
pif Be ac lord/ofenerp rego. 

en cSrof Aarne ron/pefteveierens 

—— Cle lfps Ge Gousmy or5 mot Gounteoyfe 
(Gat of thp great/abundantcherpte 
Re thp ence a fone ha 
9 che the/fort6pacratppte 
bre Gon Saft (eemeinfonosle sap - | 
Chr me not Sere care fecap 
scettee yt pe/mpne §artpe ne. 
fodrinapy me/iy tip) fpfe len neu a 
Spin sds ta py pfeafure . Wainy oe 
an Into nature/notSpfconuenpent . 
T Sys pemp Bpl/andim y cBpef intertd 7 
Spe Bil oBferuc/thp areee Goto: 
Gough F therforefuffer mouche Borlblp | 0 
Rea, C Forloth hele Bordpe/be gretlp toafow 
: pf hep from race fotlpGhartprocede | 
ob mankpnde/fpes thou Saft enie Cipe So 
Deape hetherafter/hy fyfetotete | 
Bn fet thp Worlt/be mee tor§pdcde. 
that ye fo fap/do ou rtone offer ple 

‘Je. TGay Hou iad meen sofidofe Rommel 2 : y 

2. nt Sl _ oe BLOa Newer 



prio euet/loke Bat pe abftapne 
Cre lr from deGe/But atfo alee si 
So tbat pe commnpt/neyeb epther of thepry tiapy 
rf pe DPM oBferue/the HpaG§ commaund cement 
tfurelp pe ma trpnbasvetein 
Ot aplitee of ravwefores cant 
rf onps pe affent/ es 

Tipe pean Gar f reclined span 
Ay Sard Borde fucefp/an$ od cara dean roe 
Wut hpnk pe goddpe/com persone 
feat ttrpfutt/and matec of infofence 

ae haue pe fuche a fppced confcpence 
EF Gat Dpll be Ay pi td euecp mecp thoughe | 
Leue pt Woman feue pt.for pt pe nought 
A cumeae Lpou/pe i ap 

at manero aunce/pe fo 

the Tonto theriy affap te 

And tere 0/6 sneer 
Op fage webicy at Gente 
mom one the ate iy Bonou an ceuerence 
that pe Bath Be in/Bhiple pe iy che Tort OBett 
Dpeke of ps mater/and ponder pt Bett 
EC Firrft me femet§ neceffarp/to proupte 
What maner fofkpe/pour faruauntpe (Gallbe — 
For fucefp pe arnothpng accompanyte 
accordpna/to amayofpourdegre 

pe Saue Sere pth ven ipatell 02.ii1, 
PE Gat pteafets pou fappelp/iy the Beft Dpfe 
pet pt apperetf not foto euerp maunpe ges, 
What may pe 

Shove fnueeseete peter 

44 i 
i nt otto rep ony 3 aur poe 
/as att fenfate Beftpe So : 

Barco - paeaiinoiaten tes fap 

ey ays 



‘ Ch ons 
S dete Osh, 




on - . op pee 

| fenfua 

ADaue Ge Gole tufe/and aouerny of me 
C0 MBP eke pe fuBducd/mypfenfuatple =| 

€f For cartapne f Pk §ath done me Wrong 
Core thay ener be (Galbe abletorecompenfe =~ 
H50d kno Beth (ye F Hough /tGe feafoy Vecp fong 

© pht We Were Brought/Lnto pour prefence 

Wut now F prap pou/toadnu he fentence 
EGHat nature gaue Ento me/hp reafone adupfe 
tomy atcatSurt/and Bttp: premdpce ms 
Gnd fpr F afte/none amendpeerthlp 
Wut Hatreafoy/maphaueacKek mate — 
Alptek knach/a fptell praptp congp 
Lye haut corage/fome thprge to abate 
Jor Serto/Ge Gathhkeptareatefiate = —_ 
THad of me/HeouccHandeanSfirengar 

Wut pe notdpipfeafed/F Wp fuffer pt no fengac 

| ‘undue, ds 
For pf Hou Ge the parfoy/that FZ takke He fore 
thou (Gofdpft Be/ac Honorable as Ge f , 

fenfua Lord pe fap Bell/But BolGao0d re Bold fe 

pone marter Getpe/and remedp for thpeeupll 
nd aidenaitanbarige 6 oo pkeadzpuplt _ 
undue. — 
DyrepebnoD Well/that pffoptwere 
A mar (Gold fodentp/come toaftraunge place 
Werin §e pe/Butafpandandfiraunger 

"Js mspne oppnpoty/pe pe Haat sel Si ie 

fo take fome offer courfe 

Eo no Whpehe mey/haue moftabylytee ee 

C-ToonhatGa8 great Brong/andéGatyeppe — 

Ne ee) er) See ae Tee 

Can. €TDare pe commypt/he mater Sno mer 
fomo. Ere fprepabe Wett/F am fully content 
: E Gat all hpnge Ge done /Bp pour affpgnement 
un. € Tha thus F Bplt chat aBoue afl png: 
| deom bene fortard/pe Be fpke and conformable 
nto ot6er parfones/ty aff pour Semeanpng 
Shamefp to fuche/ae be companable | 
Loe thep neuer fo Spcpoufe/oz abSompnable 
AForeuccp may/cleppth 6pm Dpfe 
E Gat doth after the comer gpfe, ne 
€_ Ani ae for mey/that (HofS d0 pou ferupee 
ec) res fs: age ee Be ease rennet 
L Gat can pouferuc/af@appopntdeupce => 
*. naff he Worlde/Be here ey able 
| 0 Dpfe/fo pofptpke/ne pet fo prof ptable 
| flo Bere pe one of hep /that fore 
| and he Byrn felfe cay tell pou/toGere pe (Gall Sane more 
Worldly affeccpon pethpemannpé name. 
ADe yo Well brapned/and DonTeroue of muencpoy 
afore caftpng may/andpapneof (fame = 
| re net Ie any cepften cegpor 
| a Dopfer felow Ain thpngpe to Be done 
| prey of matere/that Be conce 
orfolp pleafure/that peforpouaccorSprty — 
@ Duffer ipep therfore/neurctod 
Sout pf pt Ge/formatece of great f . 
and for fenfuatpte/F prap pou DpeG affmp Sarte 
To accept Spry to pour fauour and cend:raunce 
De ee ks esd nie pene : 
anid on mp farth/myp Sarte cary not But grudge 
To thpnhe that pe (Gold BfeSpipacadrudge — 
| Do ae Ge adupfeth pnoD and thay 
anddp(ppfe not/Beteclp Gps counferl 
| (T Spnke chat pe Be Gere/a Worldly mary 
and muft do as men/that in the World owerll 
y¢ ar not Bounde/to fpue tphe ay aungett 
— « Le tobe ac god/afWap immutable 
. annpe nature/of bpm fetfe pe full mpferable 
CT Sauce tofde pounot/my counfett anb adupfe 
Aud pe Haue promp(ed/to Fe ruled herby 
Mow fet eche man/executeGyeoffpee . 
and (eGo Dplelp/pecantheymoccupp = = _ 
 —- Toenceeace the torlo/and pe tGerto pe msaft apply 

+ ee 


§ Tor. 

Gay. € 


fenfua do 

Sj alli Ns 


j (Bat6e to son/enet yore est ag : 
@ Sr: F thank hme b se 
Wndeferucd ac pet/But Ge pe 
Z| 1 mp yar fb tp nite 

othatmapBe/topourpfeajure = 
And for t6e (eafonthatF (Saber endure . 

FZ (Gat they Herpce/and fomyp poiiier mapntapne | 

© Hat Gnto pouty anp Wyle To partapne 
CT fan to Fpapn Wet alt/F Bpeadupfe pou 
fo put tipemany/from pourcompanp — 
et debe 38 nt dcprteren : 
sfong ac pe/Be ruled By innocencp — 
to fofors fuche coliale Rive pe But fofp 
ForGecayneptheragoodneptherenph = 
and therfore he pe taken/Sut foradspuplt wa 
oe | 
i aetna me not rpabt we 
cso ot 
rte accordpng to pour 
Z be ec nae pedap 
Bye company mp (effe af 
Ac meWet ac pe Were agrapf rete 
J f ¢ there peno may here 
Si emai sron 
 fatcoulois w Hpe ¢ : 
aff BapectoBe calles aymnocent = 
Wherfore pepempneimtent 
fo So ac pe adupfe me te 
Ere GSacdefp do eupy fo 
@ Forforh and ‘J ise Sbeft contig 
fo departe at pourcommaundement 
pe (Gall fpnde me ofeSpent 
bac foruec pe Syme Bo be 
fpere rae sie ont, . 
the Leff amend | 

company pe nig 
Let hpwy goto the deupft of Sell Bier “i 
ABe pe Buta Bo d ipccomnfetl SAE oc 
and fi se te 0 nieeseonee a 
‘All mpasey o gens 
ren oe fren 
pe tpme th at pe noe Spgats 
mpeoplap etapa 


tforcetb not thougs pede 
Gary pe map Gaue fepfer thetto 
And among FI Wyle Gefpe pou affo 
Fn Tue tyme and place 
| $ Wor, Give charpe Spit asdebe | 
acto k ons mt 
und me Bpfore mp 
— May, CE Socspmg a alto ty Toston 
Hut our ford Gaue rou Brerprng 
And fend pou Welk to rofpede. 
| PBor. EL Worldly affeccpoy come Derspe ae 

and mpche Better enuced/in : 
psp roudpfof frien eta oh pke 
at J map fpue Here Belk and fotorablp 
age ye pe fie Hf Donut pe not Gardetp 
tfpke pou/to put me in fo great truft 
A fret pe (Gall fynde metre andiujt 
| Ge, CF oe Beg rae h sourety pou be Bom | 
T 0 the Worfd/that $ath qpuen pou erecmemenyoy 
B Bot, Cre fpr forme men Gad CenerthayathotfanS pound 
TE Gey mpaght be commendeG/of the fame faffpon 
Wout fps let paffe/ak Hpecommendacpoy 
and anfibere to me/F prap nf 
| Pu thaeF (Gat imeve vou fu ftancp » 
Dprat fe Wordspe/ F Saerteur™ 
Dt hat pe Be coine to pour oy 
Laft pour feffe tobere fnche a porte 
‘SF Hata pe be/pe map Be Lnower 
ihe pt pe neceffary/for Hat Befoue 
that there Be made/fome mane of purupauiicé 
rated hi map Bere out pour countenaunce 
Si ited eg efoto fucuep 
Ktent/of aff pe be fand 
joes “sitet tt Gf parae 
: Doth fo for you and poure/atf | 
Bre ote Senfererey i rom 
dm, pe Be putuepbvattepmrs ecety an fate 
f eche tipng/thatB to pour eftate 
pour coun 

“TE eff ps go0d/Boas pe thpnk beft 

uche thpug/to pour dp{crecpors 
oph aphed hs Aa pote ig 
smarts gob cen 

os  * SS a ae 



ae ae 

te , 4 
ood Oe awe. anne 
ae eis pats 



Ray,, Ac Wel apparefpt/at 

WOMUTp OYTT puny pr imaurno 
ne ee (Butd aBapt/and gpue attendaunce 
‘FJ muft faue mo fernautcre ABfie fo euer cGaunce 
Wat pe faue Denfualpte/ag neuer other counfett 
Df fuche mater/$e cay pouBeft adupfe — 
Ae tno Werh Where/alt fuche maner parfone dwell 
ae Be mofte apte/to do pou BorlBfp farnpce 
4 acs enGe goet8 cut. iat 
Cre on mp parcel (pr/F (Gal take the enteeprp(e 
poi aft fuche matere/and foke Dhere Ff fynde 
or aeet feafure/on byry Arable 
Lo Sptt ‘pe fe fo/fere cometh one | 
Ee wa “s eed Wasi Mattie Gough” 
at pe Be, ane 
sisuaccaae - eer sabad 
Hot. ed for pate” 
And therto gos 05 rob habe . 
of Spear 
CivGodwetter rept mi 
6 there tho fofe noz Godp 
OS Gp tGe Bell pe Berea meter 
ome 0 wath 0: 9 nia 
gentplinay compe ty atthe Sorpe: 
Gat att Gpe dapes Gath Worry gp etre 
Gnd none of 6 bnaueénoz cutted 
Wp dhpeHpry WelcontoGoufe.. - . 
Civtsrenctod gts tas ay 
f§0% ee to 8 
oe erakn moder catipS madame 
pune peor bs ston atpe, 
And not the tpurtod petome 
Wp Both hepre detGcenatur 
ary fpoken of moze tiaycSepatt 

stoparpe o 

23 Cove a be rene 

DotG pt plea are ortia 
Jot bf op ft Dpf 7 face ® 
Gat see J reaps 6 

Ans one tBpng J Tocco | 

§aue her pth to Bere ptout ce 
eiieff as anp mar Bere about - 
Wr thin hefeSundeechmsple.. 

dateibintbtin = bie A sodas 


cs dart A al : 
| tt 
| fserae 
ut ‘as y2pde Gad apu 


S For ener more F ftande 
Chat mpne fot tabs cot8 

Ff knpt pt Sp ak the npabt 
— ate f as Brpghit 

of fate and no more 

; t € oer boon ion bo 
a Fe mop (tec no oft 



"ae omy pte e 

Ala ern 

es Somctpme Ge ferurthme ct Borde | 
omtrme Fe Gereeh mp tho Hand (Bord 
Corn forth thou 9 tol ford 

£ oke wth faders face 

Dut now to Go that FJ com fore 

‘ind of tHefe t6pnapsto peke no more wi 

Dark fpre me fongeth fore 
Eo Fevefome newefte . 

F Gere fap there pea great 


Cost) into thr scomtrap face 

Aabyetr pofedafgate © 
a Souffotder to Be 

a Actievet foute (pre/pe (Saf Sndecftas 

& Sat pf Ge kepe Soufhold 

J DpH heeft iy one Gand 
tofo fo curr f - nap 

LHfat fo euer 

in thpe Sand 

emaninten® + 

T oappapre the Wororto amen’ 

El DplGe Wypeh Gpry at on 
Bhat §ap mae 
< mete To 

one end’ 


. From Gpe town ample =. 
os 3 6¢ Sats Reectim ape ME: 

map put yt is Bre 

api tetre me ak 
egpnnpe a gre 

and pf pt Be fo/care not for 
Che mater pe cok (ure. 


LE p good ‘ors Shactun peter 
» seinec “oho sate tal 

aarci?. LT Svs pe Ge that pe feeke 
Dipde C De thpe brat » 

etre servers pia taunte 
ony Ge foot me 
Het out he better leg I Warne he 
garci?, Cree in the Beft pie truft pe me 
ate fergniour ate Goufeauant = 

| Drpde CL Hain? wo pou fpr. LR 

Liihens are pe 
DipSe CF (Gatkeek pouor 

a,¢¢o rouatfo 

Wout fprft Bold Ff rat a ShorSe ero m 16 
men erenoen Seren ‘ie rer 

pier i er 

‘pe for god are pe not Henfualpte 
fua beri faruaunt at aff fotbrie 

ere that aff map Gere. 

—- en 

ud Cpe furefp.€[ (uch a gentplinay pe ferme tobe 
Tey Mrpde fpekethto Henfua/iy/Gpe . 

CD yr FJ Inderftand Gat thie geneylmanie Bore to 
ia eter raion erie contay ies 

iy ta) Sa stbeint 
say tee — decent 

aplea pe 

or fore 403 (pcomety 

mt ws orp no fe sete | 
“a pe Be radi¢ sd iatabel SAA 4 

rpde reenact foreemeta 
enfua @ Curd 

SHyprpe are stcowas hj may 
A Geroncten pei ah sii 
vl bce soy are 
ae Dp god one that for metse 
Dormenepther. . 

spoe oh prap the teff me 
ar 9 may Ge pe 

F (Gall gpue Spy alpftacF geffe 
sel “iy J corre bonitte ee : 

2poe € pe ané attra oh tol 
oferss A Sri mncreth 
enfua a rceto cay not pp fe Sapee 60 
as a feeme: one’y (Gallo Hell prot 
Aquapne me Wyth that may and cave not how 
E he mater (Gall (pete | 
fenfua or pratt pis froft prcbipenraese 

| ae Ze enr many sSareneccan OC 




ies y 


j “prpde Cox F (Fa eett Ge 60B,/BBan Faiyiy | 
(TL othp mapftere ferupe pee T Sieh FrefE Bean 
. Cofethye Sarton amerp pry 
And Cyd Hy make good chere 
Joe Bp0 Gran AG pnt Gots Ge recreate 
‘TL 0 Be a MhortGp poteftate | 
Zind eke that 6e pe prebeftpnate 
to Be apepncespere 
a ve And other hpnape more thay t6pe 
«Fi (Batt ryng that bart of bpe 
Zo 6e more hoBEGan pepe 
Bpecratly 4 Dyltcommens pe St 
pecya commend § 
E Satno may cay amend pt oe 
And that Ge ps able BerBpt to frt 
ann Biber I peay = aes 
nd When Ff prapfe ¢ 
‘Ff t6ynke pe Bart ptt earn to t. 
and after hat Betert vorfore 
any opray count anfeftee Bece 
£e (batt tou see 2 ken to wl 
and thay Told Reafors neuer fo fayne 
ET Fouss he come and fuche oprpedayy 7 
ADe (Galbe neuer the neve * 
fenfua q| Ducttp Gpeconfeytye wettfound 
3 Gatt Sepng sabe tske yah pound 
— Cosi AG pemne t seat 

fotea§ 0 more a ys 

Hl Be Seve Dai iff, po 
nb ag ood mar dou 

Sa Bple may at alt 
Wnt Sra 

aint teh ae 

vr Dpll pe come nere, 
fe cor fies elcome forthe maner fake 
FJ amy (uce Ge ple crake 
| | Zn fay ache agentptnandp Spy mabe 
oe soins for cod Sbett Spt | 
| efpre Spey for to 
eae pe ts eterna 
world i } 

canna we sey de.Ce 
Ran. Tenn ALD IPO ire bene 

hep spur pous now 
Sergrerronst marer 3 


% Peas oe 
magi SES 
Sey +4) >: 
: q wee z 


obey oe 406 



Pir ieee any eying that" re 
ap do fo pour pfeafure pt pe redp 
‘Ff ary pour oy and prop pou Bactetp 
“Ee Gat pe accept me fo 
a hain be bac 
ph scm pe faue not pour Gonefte — 
ary. $ pne Boneftp.WDGerfose fet fc 
prap pou (Geis me Whp 
— Pepde - pom (pz for pt pe cpabt fyttpng 
§at aman of pour Befaupng 
‘Sut bane atap fuffycpent conpng 
: Santi wid on Gieeak 
o gupde Spry (effe eur 
And ee to Be fed Bpcbe ne. | 
And Geo Wpt Gere and here 
Mf euerp iak appe | 
peace Del complerpond Be pe fure 
An nature Sath done on pou Serve cose 
Ae mpche ac Spon anp-creature 
ma fat % aoe 
And By fp Jp seed 
pe Saue Wpt acco aa eaeen 
Dreflpe nature hath ProugStarmpfe. 

WipSe coer her or arp f on firy tnane 

coe Getter p Baga ibis graue 
Gon eurc tbe fe8 (Gof Sauce 
the gouernaunce of pou 
May. C Lertapy nature adupfed me 
tofofot on That tyme chat Ge 
ety 1 ausctorpee 
path fandin no® 
oaraies atae man pe Be stad 
§ (e Dell pe Be Buta Decp lab 

Dy my farts F Bas Serr Ged, | Se ee 

—— Fs 


a no he porns 

bat euce fF knew pou 

fae ams vy telet 
Dy cde aot once 

dr rebate Spas Bien. 

* Sma adn ale pp 

Ff F (5uh pou 

ipa ood 
Be femeth he d0t§ Gut make atop. 
Ans pe DpH me Gefene 

Wye pe ar Gut ars poros, , 
phd fran inale oti afot 

- day, Ciuc (Opp for robe fb rene pat re 

any no tepff 
§aue Bene wy Gomeur Gerete foué 
pe afot the counfel of a mess a 
a | 
a, beams 
P nos 

™ Sond Stepper Saco 

pe Be therity Bipnd 

Hay. q And oot Syeton formas 
For Spierto F mpgtevemeres 
But after Gps Wt andsSpbdpng 
And that groged mp mpnbe 

(Ga greue me cectapnty 
fonge ac Fay iy pourcumpanp — 
Tole pou a ren 
6¢ pd pa Ae oP 
ut in fa phe arin 
Fe pe not the faffpon that goth atag 
rnoD there pa ane = 
tpe no. dapes a gon 
pth that mer Bpgan tps faffpos 
nd euerp knaue Had aie 

Pi Tatar gp apt pero marut lt Sarielp 

b , plies > bt 














jana opal 




Saf. ent {Ozpde now the 

Gere powiinas that fettees éGeceBp Ae. <a 

Ff Ge (one Gps on Honeftp 

Rey. @ Some femeth cectapntp 

‘E Sat eucrp may pe frefiber thar’ 
Gnd FJ Bpe that pe no on *3 

. Cece comets iy Borloly affec, Bey 
— (enfus (Reafoynquodanoto paffec.e Denfua, 

Wut fpr Woke pe What pe (Gado — 
ADardelp let Veai.go = _ , 
MTofome taucryGereBpfpde 
Lom on TF cay Bepna pou there 4 
and fet thierry afone Dyth a thpe gece - 
Kare penothpngforthemater 
But fet hep Gere abpte 
: ae atene renee 
pe (Ball (ether Teuple pouaneD faffpoy 
«EF Gata he World (Ka Wonder heron 
Pay, CoOv god that Dp FJ So goodfp 

f afl Gy mater cefteth in che 

so CT hufbe thou Batt fe me deupfeitené firepabe 
coe: tps Butiapesthatgere Dpthime — : 

| Gaue none other ftudp adapes parde 
But Ho F map news faffpone fpnde 
and cheron 9 (eta mp laBourandimpnte 
@ Dproucmopfter (GakGaueagots 
E bat alt he gafandps in thpe fon 
Galt on the faffpon onder 7 
t (Gaff not Be een a 
rtiopet euecp fomea 
Df two Sans full a peither 
ET ban a Foublet of he news make 
dfo Act voters ayenencieee 
0 ffeue Spon Hpe arm 
Mnder that a (6prt ac foftac fplk 
and ac Bhrte ac any mplk 

go hepe the carcas Wary 
Gofen Ge firrped 

EL Tian (Gat 5pe an 

er roth eoairtetty — ——————————EEE 
Worth corfetettpe of frne Setuct fipped 
Dowwy to the Fard kne i | 
7 fro the kne Son Bard 
Dy Hofer (Galbe fre(Getp gars 
Wyt§ cofoure.ti.or thre 
€_ 3nd Gan Be iain farbe acap 
KE Gere got acustec men tpl fap 
arutter $uf agatand 
pe (Gall fe tBefe foles on Spy gafe 
and mule ac pt wereon a mafe, 
he Brought into he fand 
" 6 nb rpm ‘ 
pe cae 
Buen ac pt (Guld 6¢ 
Wout cuer wn And nde 
FE Gat Reafoy op BGpfeer Spry in the eve 
and tore sa oe cfene frotipe gere 
sDipde Bg tg Me < # 
eafon napnap Sacdetp 

on 5| cas cope company 


Sf aur 

0 eietos ~ of inpne affpaunce 

eb tty guar ambanne 

| after the propectpe of 6 ¢ 
| sont (Gaff pe reform cS 
| aah orfake Spiny Stteclp 

fenfua @L spay nap (precare ¢ notipnage 
EF bat mater pe {ped welk and fpne 
| Orpde Che pt fo. Cpeniaa.r pe Bp heuey kpnig. 
ac we fat toge wa wee 
| Buaff. Sesavieee (uateGene gootpe He png and mpne 

fenfua 6 Bp 
cr riot ret eof - ne EEN i 

Le pe | edad 

Seb ie oS that emi aod 







[ fenfua 

So TT a Re re 
PE tet nace» ai ac canine 

DrOp imp fap Be fattogeser = 
at the tanec next Berbp 

And anoy Bho (Huld come togerber 

But flepng hat and margerp 
Dbe that bpapted pou pare fo pratetp 
asd Bare aBay pour (6pzt the faft momprg 
Zpiede of Ser (mok WHpfe pe Lap (leppng 

Drpte LI Wore WHory pe meane Bek FZ now 




' Gud fo (Ge Gath Spy Grdertake . 

— petcan FT tefl pou Setter tpipng 

Bit that penoth png to thps purpofe 

TZ eK on thy tafe for oS ano fe 

LF (Gat anon §ad FJ Bpptmpnofe 

Seiten J {ppde Hepiy anor F rofe 

and cated hep Ento me By name 

And Wy thout more tarpeng anoy hepcame 
Ans (at SoDy With Ve/e made notGpng ftratig 
ac thep Be full curtepe/pe know stBek 
<nd anoy our mapftere cofour Bpgay te cHaunge 
palin Ah sod se : ‘ : 
ADpechere Wacappaled/eucrporh =. 
and (cant tbat be coutde {pebe to me otte Hors 
Wut fleré Hp euch Sp and rofe fro the Gord - 
EL e (apd Ge Hold goApdowyonabes- 

and prapd me for he maners fake 

T Gat margerp mpaght con Gold Gye Gede: . 
W6 che ae He told me/Bpgaytoake os 
Zo make Spm Gole/inayGoureorfapne.; — 
hay foeuer $e Gathanpfuchefotenpapp = 
EL WHat pe meaneth J] wore heure art 
Wout he fpheth her phy (pk fo Wert. 

TF Gat FT trow the deuptl of hell : 

Lay notcsepmy twotpfeurc - baie 
£0 pe Gaue TF done/and BGat trow pe more 

World » aff SoBat pe tbat. aft 
@ Marcp Reafon that pe ttho fpake of 6pfore 
Lary eucy to Se ae We fat fotrpnkpng 

And gaue our mapfter ay Gete Worth ay Gangpng 

Wypcaufe hat margerp fatonGpekne 
pad sect Gore frtteyng 

Hp mapfter fat € 

a Oe 

unbate veh: 
eGe confide Gaucnoreft 

Jjornener be rpdofthyecontrofipng 
| De played che man enbeioonaps reer 2) 

Pas ME ts S 
Ee Pr LS be 

ee ee oe 


an Bpt6 ar aj aniacp folie/to mp fempng 

DL reB out Gye ford So tarpeng 

and pd so Fag fo on the Ged 
§aue great maruap tt But be Be no® Sebe, 

H.aff. Ci Sa fat Scape aoe 

fenfua restr Bones 

neuera word 

Pryde ome fitpfe 

ES bree, 
¢ epi Ora 
‘F clapped Beafon on the por 

hepe the pece ac cree nd howe 
rity Bester foude 
Saf]. art ve gr Ge may oD 



tol ac f 
Tenatooctotutt coceroe ect 
and t§erto ae great a 

Renew ores mga 
A may of Better corage 


ASO , sein RPI DAA rae aire meats) BY Sethe een sic Sapien lee 
Pei. oe ~* | ead gebe ° IME peak ‘a 

NR Gay 

: a Nea 
a tn oe ee 
ehh om we 

| De Kath Ge Nabi pape Sigg Bie 
ind Hath called to Hye fauour and acquapntauice — 
pour kynnefiney bp andbp bee 
LEnup Lret§ gfotonp and conetpfe 

Dlouth and lecherp becometohpefernpee 
And eteclp Fe Satpe§ Gepre contrarpfe 

| And hat be profeffeth openty - bene IE aah 

— B.aff. CAnd Ge chefe fotke of bps vetpnue 
 fenfua (pe enerpchon oF te powtrets 
out marp here names Be chaunged ne 

ortoBiere fpecpe — : 
tefpouGe peaferefu®imay 

2 Reafon fiprceth Hp nowand hay 
nd herforedo We What Wecray 

Jépstvees J now barry pray a0 a eee 
a aretice re fale poeacpeDot wee ~~ 
E he (ete Sarfpnge of the deupH of Ge | 
AHow Gps name pe chaunged pe cay tel 
 Baff. Cpe mary onthe beft ple 
Wurf(Spp FJ Bene penowhpename =—— 
- fenfua EL_peBptherodeeuenthefame = 

And couctpfe to e(chue af Blame 

Zot6 Gpe name by fay ¢ ane. 

And catlech Spi (etfe worldly potpep — 

Wrethbpcaufe he pefombBathaftp 

Fo catleds manhode.“C bey pethereenup — 


Sdlotonp for good Bit 2 Aare . 

and ffouth §pe ofd name f rfakey 

Fad actor'cannnctatee hone Bi 

ascuccimaycoufde otapy | ) . 

Abe pecatted _ rpabt confortable tothe BfoS 

Specratly for the 9 Te aacctae 

and amonce aff other J Wold pe Bnderftode 

E Gat fecherp pecaffed fuft | Pe 

LotheleGe faprenamecparde | 

Wotk good and Goneft ac fant ine 

ac for thepre conSpeponte what thep 6¢ 

era on | 

B, s rcp ; 3 

aff ¢ Liow thepre condpcpone on the Beft Bre 
Pf ep hepe ftpit ehepre ofd apfe 
(cnfua qLpee that thep Goon Darantp(e . 

ee eer ere 2 aaa hie geet ee 


B Hut eareatmarnapl 
t Cut rer Af Bein Hype company 
_ fenfua Op mp trout§ fo/and fo Saue 
apr apa enfuce Loar fully 
And that F Gaue efpped 
| that Gy derfo our mapfter fettet§ no fore 
| Op Gps councelf 102 bps Lore 
Mary Hay Fpe Geb bagrth Gore | 
| thay BafBe gou5 feafon ae 
F 0 fofoB couctpfe an se Bay 
Vote noban 

Coy" Hak enany ma 
8. mp fapth Se {a 
boa ef econo Be ae 
_ benfus pe Be pe ure pt pe mater una 
rent And ote pe Gope gertetp Dp fapned 
y+ th our mapfterno® 
| | Dupte @ibho , 
| fenfua (Op god eucy (hamfafines 
- WHan Ge (Faldo anp fuche 
ss sind igh db ee 
"go Ban the cra Bere noughe 
i Sena et oug6e 
Be te i 
6 zine 
ee goand make ma pronto 
armentye a eneD inuencpoy 
Aah ed me to Be Dow 
erm Ae 
Fore pe commptted fo mp negtparnce 
nd pf he come Gpder Dhple’ Som ete 
| 2 peay the cone een 
abt pe and moprte 
Tbsp pl Gon go SptS me 
fea Wk F y ape parse 
tpeaccordpng for Den(uatpte 
Ith Mzpde forto go 
eo + CMow p mater pe a moft pw cafe 
| ” After he BorkSpe mpnde and feafure 
there pe no more/But now 

tI clpace 
- obey be an6 Befy ¢1 
' ned ecoepma fae 

RY ee 

iy an 

= ee 


weet; ~ 

For alter; 

Par quart chpe macet and Steertp pt (pptt. 
Gnd pf Ge Barpagayne : 
yA Lite ed Sig 
reltpe Bp the fugaeftpon 
Df the forfapd reafor 
Dne thyng Ff] any certapite 
ADe WyHnolengarme fupport 
And that Bere a (Fre crank Sort 
T Gerfore pt pe eft Hat F report 
fo mp mapftere prefence 
And fe of WHat demeanour he pe - 

«Fan aretefp toBlameFpe 

Rea, C 

02 that TF] (aks Gpry not o; the 
pth Bedeparted fens, = ee 
CL He goeth out and Reafoycomehiy, > 
D good ford/to Thor (Halk F complapy 
And (Ge the foroKee of mp mpnde , 
and nothpng for mpne ody conte cerfapy 
Wut onefp for the Secap of mankpnde 
DG pche nok oft ye nee fo Bfpnde 
bathe Sas Brfored nb ferfabcnine 

ower§ eucrp mocpon of Spe fenfuatpte . 
@rWSat aSuapled atthe Beopnnyns aft 

‘that (lature competed me to pe fernpce 

and charged methatbpforeatifpag = 
Df alt Spe gpBpng I (utd cake cGenterprple 

“Phen Geluftehnottofotommpneaduyfe = =i sit 
But fofotbeth ehappetptt of i ate te o. 

<ind pf pt Be fod: 

Ac a brute Ge ft chat fakketh | 
EL And petnot Wpebftandpng = 
that he doth me Spfsapy Hats 
Wp ceforttohpwagapy 
nd domp labour andBypfppapy — 
oafian of J can Spm tefenrs 
Aro fuche Beftlp fpupng 
But fpeft Spe “F flare becesp 
ome token of grace ty Spy DHerBp 
| map Spfcecne and fynde 
bat Ge Gath any (Gamfafinee 
After Hpe Apel: by exceye — 



sind 0§ Aalst 
Gat TF Holt te pou 
ohataty era Sm 
¢ pour 
Bot rife ma mabe after chat intent 
ae §e tofd me 

Way pe Were on hat Seftour 
pot mans gee sis 

ay, Give 8a Bbat Bp IRe r a 
| ‘Whar Ge Jip: aon 

rafoy, fet 
— ose ocaptior bet ne thd 

prompfed me at the Be 
aS is rags Bs | Seat 

ce Saar 

any sing and creme truefp 
py H Pour se ; : 
% 0 force Bardefp 
om Cc fonteoeh me aff Drong 
en ain wah! ene no more foto the 

B.aff. rfdfp 
Pay, parde 

02 a thp Brother regs 

faue fofomed ee 

2 } : ‘ ; Z 
Maa a. eo aS ai ee 

ae ., 

g AAS 

leh ea 

aliens Onted 7 

 B.0ff. CFe that pour m air 
ay. C3. roa eu 

Gnd now op tfafttices 
Sop uatow Fe ony — 

Amp mpeoe 

%,aff. nb own Same Soe | 

Ae cca mat make “yak te quote 
Diverdoate : 

Cocaine agarer erupee 

Ray, Nar nap on Har 

ow fpzs Toho cay me a 
Pelle fodve Bae 

ais pC co Bae mpneacquaprvaunce 
ary Ledp fo Gewe pou attenDdaunce 

Fa adken fooentar (6a pou aduaunce be 

ay. EL Op pour trouth are pe the fame - 
(San, reenter ee 
Alimpe ded pe F cay attame 

yg ert oe 02 ding 

pf pe DpH mercy and grace Wpy 
Aha aman ah Sow he 
T Gye hap muft pe take 
Rais . Cre bethe se may SoptGout fapnprg 
(E hat F BpiGed for/or pe cary Here 
and of arene he di rhea 
{Dzapng pou pth Hart entre 
pane F Haue nede thus fo con here 
(Gam, € So Wp F d0 pe may cruft pe Derplp 
Whay foeuct pe calf pe er paneer 
€ Be geet on 

Rea. CDyrye pt pourmpnvde tod0 ac pe fap 
ay, dp pe that po plac god me (pede 
ard pe atl thpe mater pe or nap 
@_ pee that F dpdin Berpoded 
Bab. ED cofttp cefos FJ Gane qreternede 
Df pour Gelp han enerF Hadhpfore — 

ADelp me now ¢F [Gailneuer forfake pou more 

Ben ‘FT forfoke pour cumpany 
haue conmmpeted mpche mpcihe foly 

— eit, 

Df mene oBymocpon te 
Bea, Seniieeeen neers 

nd of pouro pk F makeno 

out WHat mien’ loti 
To me Ward let yt paffe and go 

- Agaynft god pour offence pe great 
Df He WH pch mater FJ Wp not forge treat 
CL Dut pe confort of me pe (Gal! Gaue 

Pf pe Be contrpte ac pe preten 

2505 pe uft 

accufton pout fet fe 1 the Bapec of Vertue 
And Ge not it grace Bp enfie , 
Ray, CC Dp: pt pe mp mpnde and intent 
tec to Br pour true obrdpent 
and never more fo affent 
. Cofuche fotp agapy 
Rea, @ Ans Bpow GHatconspcyoy 
take the Gnto mp tupcpoy 
al §artpe affeccpory 

fo at 
| nb forth pe efon A 
dere We make ay ens 

Left Be (Fuld offend 

TF bye audpence/ac goS Sefend 

"It Drre not tobe don 3 

pe (6a Gnderftand never theleffe 

T Gat here pempcGhe more of thre proceffe 
LHhereiy We (Gado our befpnee 
wove ee ft : ofe 
0 (Hero pe Bi uafterour qupfé. 
HHay mp ford (Batt fo Seupfe | 

Ft (Galbe at Gps pleafure 

C Thus endets the 
| freft parte. | 

3 ety 3 
Te tt EK eee eee 

- ~ 
ee ere 



AOS (a 

eget ’ = 

Bp yrs j= re aa 
Pa ee ee 

anny Tyee eA eee Ss 
Bes cae ; : ’ MMR OATS AN 
’ 2% 4 > VAAL? ONES Wren’ « 

f LLG fecons parte; speek. 
| | Reafoyand Hay come iy, 
CF affemBle the fpfe of mortatt creature : 
TC otbea Pegeagapy a fitong toy oz caftee 
Ele e here 6 mpche Befp endeuure 
pe§e tharfp po Aas Wyth oplpgenttrauape 
Dy eurecp (pode Wopche parte (Gatlprevapte 
Op flepast 4 4 dp 02 Bp ftrong poBer 
EHat other to (uBSue and Brpng into Saungee 
@ Js (ucGe cafe and maner of condpcpoy 
6 teched may Gere in thpe fpfe ecthfp 
| Gpfe Se i Wpthiy the garpfoy 
ae Df the frap catcas and carpttoufe Bodp 
; YGory fo impngy faboreth inceffanttp — 
Be World the fleGe/he enemp/thefe thre 
AD py to (uBSue and Bryng into captpuyte 

Hreft doth He WorlS geue Ve ay attectpfe 
fo couct rpches and Worldfp renoy 
Wyth other Vanpteps that be Dledin the tpfe 

agapy our (pprpte/SotG prouoke and excpte 
De to accossipletie our fenfuatt appetpte 

i QT Se faft of atf pe our great enemp 

Wh pche euce Hath Vein contpnuall §fatecede 
Df ofd enkankred malpce and enup. : 
(Hat he otethtoVeandallehekpnredeé _ 
D fall he auncetere of Whow We do fucceSe 
Jor petceffeth Gye malpce Into thps Sap 
De to enSauncec in all Hat Fe cay or map 
Ans cectes hele our fapSenemyes . 
Le of hepre nature fompahtp and fo firota 
‘TC Gat Gard pe Wpll be for Vein any wypfe | 

| Agapy ther Warre orBbatapllto Gnderfong 
affo out garifone and fortreffe to marntapy fong 
Agapy Hepze ingens wpthout (ppeytuatt grace 
We cay hot performe inno maner cafe 
CWGerfore pt peto Se rpaht Befouable 
Welply to prap to god that peummortatt 
Wefechyng 6pm ache pemercpable 

| Zo Gaur com afiponane unite es 98M 
And rot 60 fuffec Ye any Tyfe to Fatt 

ae Fnto fuche fotp and SteermpfcGaunce - 

a tee ae Le 

Oy LCT eRe 

GL Ans for to (he pou What ty ¢ thep Se ipugy 

Mert hatour flefFe Whycheeuccpempfiepfe 

— i Rt ah et atl tel cael ¥ 
ra as 

ce Ce eS. oA uel Aaa mas s 
F ” Ge utd eps avewe and do Spfstefannc: 
CAlfo pt KeGonctG on our parte 
Eo ft afl facke manec occafpoy — 
ac inap Se putin fereand J eoparde 
Of el baie sg a hth So 
fangtenes and other npce inuencpors 
muft forfake in aff maner Bpfe 
Ans Sacqunpnt $e pts thepre contrarp(¢ 
AD.uia contcaria contracite cucantuc.gc, 
F tet 6pe tale fpr to pou 
emer Set 

os riereea 
tod oR es ri vane 
Prony tbat dap fot esget ro i al 
Pry Page haba adupf ee 
at, CTpeyo if DETP Oe 
ee and DpEEPEPEMpimpnde andintent 
os ponent . ooo 
Rea, nat repent 
fee We (or mf sl 
Ae ot a(efon 
Thay cutee batt topo tefort 
conte "a rach ua.comets in, 
fern (ua €[ i500 forbed that ener Ge com agapy 
Jefucon map pethpelpfeenture 
Be ot rue royonaga pare 
pe Be of expoy and nature 
Cof Lah aimteeeaen pleafure 
beh sti carol hot efoyn 
qnwiee t6¢ Seatyent6 of refon 
uri peony 
b ny a4 you folate bap 

is $ fosetpe me go Sandhatpsoy = 
ety pe 

SBptSouc pe take one orgec Bares : 

Sp mp eon p pe Dplt (Gortey pour Sapee 
Sra 4 fy fap . that ere ppte 

| RRL HE Ps : < 
: aes te ae ear " re 
| | aun | 
ee it se A 
tee oN pee nopairurte me with - a4 
se Dy he iiilesilbe ua 
; eo ese alg vrai So ca Ash he 
: i pede hese if 

5 Re 

ae fit DpH none other Bple be 
ND pe fat the foro countenauttce 
pier te en 


that 6 

, mae 
Baw. @ Shap gon frbeb Sep Bat fo Bo 
- fenfus © Samtcantan tp thetto 


ea aaten 
gp emer 
t ) 
Dptt Ge aS 

ferrfua @ Raraerp 
fen Gi Yobp Bae (Ge (ad 
‘fenfua eee tt 
Sreen iegansette thye chaunce 
And Bycaufe (Ge Wold Cpue iy penaurtce 

be hath ens ebinoaretpgrouf pace 
| ti gnen seep bexc8p 
ag ces RES. eA ay a ag 

caitlin . a 
TC EC = 

a ae aie) a oo ons 
Bat pea m7 ~ ARERR Ee oe 


“Tr! 5 

~ Qlawgoovrprenwencye: 
fenfun +: ermvaanes of firapt eetyayon 
pS ane Remade 

May, We they ssofthennce ac offer Be 

/ fenfua CLiofeg anay nay pack 

sin bday 
pem vse boa 
rt at thep do there 
Piya oh ¢ 

Ray, And cometh mong tSepre feltpe 

fenfus pe pe god fo 
¢ Vipbe aft Sp ine 
Bpfpde aff pe thep Ge 
LEx omni gente 
pouerveetey raee 
Wthout pe be Soars $eieg Sythe Ba 
F $at Gaue neuer a penp to pap 
For hat that hep do take | 
And pet cash are pter febe 
Wiese HatBe for fumpee of Bede 

| a there Be 
Whe requpre romeo | 

Bay, Seececey ares avsites 1 <4 

fenfua > oni quod ano noes 
not tarp therf 

bei ae mi feffe atone 
Com bps me JGay gramerccp Fone 
Gp) Wed hep evermore 
And pt pe the more fo comend 
For pf He Doma Sap to offend 
ac pt petherre opfe i 
aman map tee Ger afone Dpth foro 
and Hed another Hore on he morrow 
ue ofthe faine ple 

Ray, * a dpe pean bt reper 

prceth me to great Seuocpoy 
orto fe that place 

Zanftshoutipay eliier Bett Ho 

fenfua (pe and pt Bere mpd npghe FJ 906: ano 

As Sark ae ever pt tae 

. . 
mesa ssn 2 Xd fam. 

Oy ese 

Hy aay 
SW ies 
“he NAS et 

Wen, CDine Bhere pebotelptafinos 
— Bothy. CLT Ge comets Govety ne ped Bey un 

| CRacp fy: F Saue 
Ray, TG es tiit, Got ‘ga sipcey te! 
J make got i eal 
gpue (hrews attendaunce - 

— BoBptp Bir i. Sapes FT] coutde not the fee 

Dye pe bnos we rs 
We neuec mpchea fonder , 
Cay. ate pt FI be from pou among 

Ane et ou eye tng 3 

Godplp sab pche Sto me great onder 
qb pe parde for an Gor or eBapis 
Fort fora paffpng Whple and con agapy 
| ¢ pea fore mater 
WGhay ae F fo fong aBfentacnoS 
and pet“ Wacfortofeke pou 
ep at pe 
an. Dndecfienbe pe bar pe wene 
Bodply Crepe 
tits Dif pope ene 

Bay, Pierson 

a aang 
Bodpfp F pin fs ectuee’} Bae 

Se ayipe Soo pts foaptace 
pe now go Topth me 

rad Batt (Se pou the fimortecst place 
Ray. TGat euer pe fae Bpth epes 

— Godplp @ Wyse tipng pe pe pong ot of6 

Wat euer pe Be pt pe able to Be 
Ray, 7 ofoatr (rhe von onthe BeRDple sie of 
| CL For mp foue ee ome nrg eet 
at aBanket o: arece fuppet | 
ote ft 

| e map Baue fome 
_ pet Bolo F pobre forarag 
é Gece focuce Sregee 

¢ ~ ’ 
5. . 34 
4 4 * hs 
y 7 
3 / 
‘ by’ al : 
> Wee ed 
z ee 


Bodpty Cap tap Bp pe fpende acope of crownes 

and there (Hall no gentpiinan iy thpe,x,totones 
oe bees ferued hay pe ue 
a Ge receptred more Gonefttp 
Sto ay houfe of Batdrp 
ee aBanketozaonkrp - 
Bar. yen at Bp F (vend Wyeth aap Bat 
Body fp Dy pour feue 4] WyKdepact 
TMommake redp thpe gere . 
Pan. | tia a fe Saas wal 
ply -@L pe for goo fpr J ama 
isarocieolaeys ae come Heder 
Bpfore Beand take Bp ak 
May. C He there to F prap the 
God ply ¢?° A (att 
LE fips fre on all to serber. 
@ TZ ben goeth Ge out, 
aff, CMB Dp margerp make qreatmone 

bod sree mare: . 
¢ ath dpfappopnted me oz no 
Daf]. E_petow-mp farts (prand.7] Were as pow 
at the fefte J told excufe me 
Hend Gee Word that pe inno Wpfe 
Ber thpe npastkepe fer promp(e 
And pf pe Tonot fo 
_ Bbe Wp fo morn that ae TF thpnk 
Df atk Spenpaht (Ge Bpe (lepeno Wpnke 
Spike (Gatbe f fo fu of tbo. 
Ray, Cpe on mp paretf take no care 
pay an(ibece ptt J Seffar and (pare 
tpl J] Be certapy 
What anfwere BoSpty fuft (Galt epg 
Mf hps other pratp new thpng 
Dhar Ge cometh agapne 
B.aff. CWpll pe pleafe pou that F goto merger 
“Fu pour ftede 
Hay, (Parp that Bere merp 
Wofdpft thou feruc me fo 
B,aff. Eivsp (re Bp mp trouth J merte But Belt 
Ray. Cpe What thoumenpft F cay nos cell 
Wout hat (Gall hou notdo 

denn pe com not. ¢L fet her atone, a 


eT ce te a es 


bi J 
Boliicicis & 


aie te % 


by bare 




fe * Pik Pe 
“oy ae 

“Fy ae pga 



ee Ss ol 
A Iie hae 4 

ent “ 

Worf, yeast a pil 9 radia Lee 
For wh ple FI Saue anp iorurinies poe 

Dz anp penp fo (pend 
Eby pho he ee (acbe cBete 
ofd mptte o e 
; Pie Gos Sefend rs rf Pf (be Seve Here 
Ray, Cred nial tee forthp good Bp | 
Wout ae for that here kepe pt ftp 
(TC ylF caheroy 

And now that 
FT (Galt tet peafone 
May, (LAD0w no Baft thou Bene pender aBap 
Bodplp qLye fpr. CRay Lt que nourfipe 
Bodply Fe ne(cep 
could tot peke Lopes Her 
0 pth none of her fofkpe 
Hay. EMotwpeH one. . 
Bodely q_ Slo thep Be a flepe enetycGotie 
Ae that eucrdwel there 

4 Daff, wp god me good foue F (pake pe 

fe pe Wp not take pe 

May, (How knotbefi thon Tether hep be ftepeorne ’ 

Godply q_Rrarp (Ge Ger fetfe told me fo 
pas Ao! Le bone 

Day. Fe aner8 (Be Bachot a flepersay 

Bodplp € lo (Ge Dae a Geo pth affcange nay 

Ray, ¢ mip(cBefe o Get Gore 

‘Mold this fee Wer iGertaph make od ao 
Bodpfp aa bar nedcts not (Se pe Hoke! oD ; : 
 “Hekere more afmesto get — | 
ome cofa Water Fer fpre fo quietiche 
ia pepeac ech pchaiaall 
cap in aff Ope fitet 
3 apple Gad angee8 Get pe 

for ong eco 3 
iy foe hed Get from Get (lepe-_ Sai 
TP gata ef et ee foutpe +8) 1 ae 
amar - pave ‘a - pe hope from poutpe 
F0 the fartheft ende of Hepe - 
at (ath that Wolt not feace futknole 

ndrap fiph atthe gate 

Dobe opened a pri oan pu fost Gece 

Apenestg (be. Jabee ee | ‘e 

a nee ae 

ee eee 

J Ga ftandeth the £5 
I2.q. irwe ices “ wo 

Tipe ece gorth all Bpde 

Gnd fo F cam thenea great pace 
ete ee 

ADaue be ; 

Ray. Cb Sanco, 

mi cronmtmaone 

se = = 

B.aff. Gy hakctios 
LCivevtey ete goon: comet 

Piphe Come senyuater peeies ra 
eat 4 psi 

ont 6 sh 
Serif 7 0 fa 
Pye sap he Sees cae 7t6 Guy endure 
ies et meee 
for bd nevcaonne eee 

ay ie te antafpfe 
ore ws ark on me 
les oe tee 500 vate fap nap 
ied Fd sine ee 
fenfua sae 

bane faosatee 

ate Counsel 0 
spbe CheB/e sfots | spe te pope and prpfe 

ae a 





pet 5 cS 


§ fo gpue attendaunce 
{Oiyde Gere 

— IG DOT ETE WORTI HE Wepyyrey yo 

Of thpe peepBmnare J ang fad ¢ and fapy 
Wut (halk F Ge wefcomy to Gye) “sr 
and aff our cumpany 

fenfua q_ye Gacdetp 
as Defcow ae cuer pe Ware Byforwe 

| GBovdpe Ble (fpng Gane Hp Sart Gerfe 
ieias (Hus any ee ma act 

ee Ss inete rehome ip ee 

_ fenfua «eye belp ba p Backe iy pour 
| Loreh fpte# marcecp pe ere 
| Abas foncaeba omg pe 
J cam mp Tap apace 
_ rs oy Oaenh hee 
¢ pity Dor r 
2 offer erand §ad J nh om 

sow fothpepface 
euento (Get pou What pe Sone 
and fron Bene F muft anone 
For to febe ay offer companyow 

a aoccattt voy Spi Befotp. 

pier wr 9 
Dirde & Csoeart 

poe pers By thout anp tarperg 
ne 3 $e" Becyonfowtrag 
en aan 

an ye (batt mete 

"Inanp Dole tbat epi geet 
nthe ofd fa 
nB make ae pe kno noting 

hope report ggg slg 

atin te 

seer notdo bpp more Sp(pleafutt 


TE Sass ; 
EHerfore let pecefe , oer 

Be CF am glad pe Bary me thusin fefoy 
Py (halée the Better Ware ef 
pthpe Warnpng FT (Galbe Dpfe : 
And do as pe me aduertp(e 
take t§erof to care 
) @ DSfouts. 8 
CL Wilt pe Ge ple quod a/marp hat pea thpng 
Wp god pe Had nede fo Fave Setter Barnpng 
D2 pe Bepng that about 
{O:pte Gat Brother Hfouth fro Bhene compft hou 
flout§. qi, Dtrepahtfromyp bed] make gosau0me = 
ne epes Be afmoft our 
| For fak of (lepe/Gut thpe fpr fo pou 
Me hough pecatled me flouth rpaht now 
Dece no more of that oe 
"F Gane aneD name af well ac pe 
a St CW Gat pe that/eafe 3 
out§, El pe parde 
Wout pt forcet§ not 
MH ple our map fier pertot prefent — 
Wptwene Ge twapy 7] any content 
CallmeWhatpe Wp. - 
_ WutWherepsourmapfier - 
Wepte Osea ounere 
fout6. 0 | 
-— Depse omoredoF 
fout§, @_Cheretherethere 
rE Gou (Gated well DpeG me ftple 
Thouatt asgoodatapterac Hf 
Wepde CLF (Gre D che Getter of Ve Both Hartelp 
Out furelp Be So not well : 

ere C0 [peke fFero _. Rbhraemaae. 
| Then orth out, iia 

___-, LGoufGatt feme geiferse Bop 

%. - 

a me oe e -- ~ eee 



= atelhA 
Tal a Mace a 

ea Poahi bvl Oe A a elie ee Fl 
ae EE ET Serer ores 
Lp PERILS AO CHG eas gs 

" J 
ee = sn 

aan Pear ee 

oat. pode, 
Er, ae 

OES pe ate 





spe nde me ey 




Fa nl 

~~“ Bpid Bappetp Fpnae ypny to 

Qos that 90 t8e 

fo fech thre gentpfinay But (pre Ff] fap 

Lay anp may Gere tell me the Wap — 

ForF cain neuer here : 

Bore ise mr sr i me 2 

| prap tie tefl ine WHpche Wap (Gall FT Gold 

Lop ff pe fe the Horfoy cocofo pfGatt Hs 3 

“F tro be cay not here 

| Mow pe Bere afnes to clap He of he crow 

Gi FGen cometh in may and Borldtp aff. 

ary, EL Be Here any cocolSpe iy totsy 
Mrpde Cpe F durfi Hold theroy mp goty 
‘tGat there Be a (core ae 
Gut for god Fj crp pou mercp | 
for Bp my fart Fj pit pou not fo np 
ADovd FT Wyft pt F enfure pou fapthfullp 
(Hat Ho2d ‘Ff, Wold Gaue forbore 
Pay, CLIMo force Fardelp pt toucheth not me 
 - Out BurfGpp cell me Where Sane pe Ge 
6 He Hpnhethfong (r66 Fi poufe 
rpie Cope rtpenomaructl 
Wad pe not me the aft dap 
EF 0 fo puruep for pour arap 

| GndpecrememBberwee 
Har, Lye for goo Baue pe done the fame 

Pipde Cpe bp Ge code effps were F to Blame } 

— Biles peretemennes Dir 
LElips FT quyte me yp | 
Che taplectolsme pefternpgse 
that aff pour gacmentye ibece rep Bpabe 
ple pe go thpdec and Gane a (pase : 
Bay. CLremary Wpth agood wytt 
ffouth, Coll pethat J agowypthpouatfo 
May, LF wore never whether pe map attend Herto 
Forpesonotipig = | 
Dut euey after pour oon (wete Wyll 

‘ftouts, CLWGp (Gutd cuer Wapt nap that FT] ptt 

4orto Beakprg : 
“FT may not endure corttpnualt Befpnes 
Bae never Sled therto doubeles 
(Gufs not tpue a perce 
Pf J fotorbed pou'T| any face 

— Se ee — fa 

eiee ae ff 06 wap ee 

| pefraa {1 meeparied taal Ney eee 

ye Wene Sets cay botGpag 6¢ So 
Wut pf pe put pour §ané therto 
ond J Dpethat peno nese 

pe Gane fcnaunip te errand in? 

Ff Bol pte rou ro pa er it 

are oa attend pou for to pfeafe 
¢ Loe pe penret 

ti menner6 te tome to fap 

pein te ase ol nth 
nenct fe pou poe 
| as pe ones 
a6 ay Gatnep 
rambnets the Burdon eurrp dap 
Se enprere rs fofe 
ator Ieee dnementccst tM 
ems Sot nor Snoccupped 
ps pe greueth me 
To pe oteme-wreskos: ¢ 
"F trom pe Be fet af on 

Sua mT maa 
af a uf cunenane 

And urpofe 
ae gar a et mpan 

3 peer Araya oats r See Py 
ying 7 Niet aga eee ekg ES 


ot ae 




hed ; 


per te 
5 babe 
te (A 

Bh igs © 




———- — 
. a ae ss 
— . 

ut as F (uppofe : 

t pe to Brpng me its 
Aberelete me rag 
Do Ge GatG oft vrefans 
Wepde CL Fere pe Gat mater 
Rar, Nap neuesadek 
a J cele es ee Sie 

not afcapd 

. Bo Feit 

| ayesy te 
Ge Eye Bp the ap ent 
Pir D2 Be Saue of pou $pe intent 
AFprft (6a Fj Klese 
fh ode that pein hpecarcad 
Mary, CL Wel cafe go thp Wap Hens apace 
and make erin good (pete | 
bre Proms afftogeder 
‘and Bpd thephy euecp mar con Seder 
€or petopthmeaffers |. 
floutg, C2 Racp (pr Gat (Galbedo 
CThenGegorhout, | 
Ray, CidurfGpp in he mean epme tet Segoe 
CEofemp ne apparel 
Wryde Welk pe (0. Pow for pour fadpec fake . 
Horo a on pont 5 Yudertake 
"Je (Ga Beco pou Hel 

x Ban, GE iboxtorp ne abpde thou Sere 

Gor] Bptl go do oy Hpe new gere ens 
. a urf6pp Toth me counfeL | 
CT ben May and {Srp8e goers out, | 
B.aff, CBacy FT (Gal BypeG aff mpne Gace | 
. Hpe good fpze and J] pH not Separt 
or Serp cofd mipne Kandpe do (inact 
tmaketh§me Wofpgoy 
p5ct me aftole Gere nee pe - (¢ 
D: effpcachaps Tp eh sped 
Sou ppfd knau oH etothe 
Pow fona (Ball 4 ftande 
@_ Sfotonyp, 

. CLet hp aon Lpth a foute ¢ euptt” 

a 2S a 

Ray, CIF Bote nece 7 fe otgettg 

St eee a cumcek 



7 . 

ei biorcptaing 
Toe 5 adapes'f Barand 
Cuft commaund ac he Were akpneg 
asm ratty 
otonp/F cay tefl the one 
fies Se ae at oe 

3 gore. @ibs 

D,aff. Lp smapftec Bath fent Henfual; 
f 0 (eke the aff aGout ed a re 
HDpakeft Hou not Wh §pry - | 
roto @pesparde 
4 hnow aff §pe intent 
nd thereupon J anjcombere 
Forto aay t/Hut Woteft hou Where 
Dur mapfter pe now 
B,aff. CMNay FI Wotenere — 
Fi ary not Decp certapy 
ut Depse and he together beqoy 
Le (apd Ge Wold cons agapy anos 
Wpthiy avy How: o (Bapy 
acy thou §ere and gonctawap 
Be bp Breke mp faft and J i Be 
or J] ete neuer amor eff pe Sap 
@ Ther Ke goeth out. 

efoto, Mowacy see eathpng 

$50 han tGou Ble I Bp ff abpde 
Bp flomak Ge (Galt notrute or spor 
EF Gat penoD faftpne : 
ap of atteGpnge ecthtp J Gate to fale 
ian eof et 
Dz thepfe eI 
And Bhay ‘een cB 
bond mein (ofesed: 
Bodp fo repofe ? 
w icceeaehenepes (Bapy 
Dp FI) go ficepaht and to ptagapy 
- ET hough nature Ge not redp 
pet haue TF fome mete of delpte 
for to proucke thappetpte 
And make the ftomak gredp 
After all Gpenedpe F muft 
epic fofows tie 


apetm. - a 

For Gote and Betpcatecefecepoy ge eee | 

Lanfers Mite infurreccpor 

pe know ptac We ac FJ 4 
Way, CTrouth as pe fap FI know pe Be 
afoto. €LYGat gentpimay pe hye cay pe tel 
Bodpfp CLibotpft hounener — 
gfoto, Sp ahaatede ; 

WD Gpmy neuer Bpfore 

Godpty Fe rt our mapfter 
gfoto, (ap Gp the rood 

Gt penot fe Woldpft thou make me Boot 
— @ pee FZ aty the fame 

— gloto, LF cep poumercp F fe pe We now. 

reese: 2 

Wpfore I bneG pou net 3 make god ano%s 
Fn erneft noz its 

i ®an. Civir. ‘Popcauife] Gane cGounges isiphe atin 

For that caufe tro pe nap nap 

Ehatcavtr esGyng 

6 Spet p a/ptmap Be Serplp — 
‘pre bated 

ataet6¢ 86 ac tekebenaet z 
As ong ne pe Seve Snber Gpedprt 
Rav, Ca te/pe0 ‘J Sad for 
Wy thout pt Were on fafipng dapre 
= Gan fe  BptGoue mp fupper afibapes 
aue me neueraccon - 
a ase force hartelp Bhp Dold pe Gary 
Fau0r Hpiy ac pe dps (phe amad may 
pe foke not ac pt Were a goft 
Aad ve BSBete Bye Bye tp the dap - 
pefadbenepypnedeneyatiap = 
as pe Ge not aftnoft : 
joe fle(6e pe gon cuccpSe® — 
ASengeaunce oy He morfek 

y WShotrelefetheros | Ke bs. 
“sda tite of Becemedy PHS ait aed SD 

Sa a 


7 7 
“ aw” 

gtoto. CPacy no mahse ete and Srpniae faft | 

‘ ad * ‘J 

cher cemedp pe there none 
Bodptp Lye But Bhere ye the mete now fet Ge (¢ 

gloto. qpeace pala Baftp Senedicite 
Frat nul pe go 

Ghere ac proup(pon therof pe mate 
Let Be go thpder and rt (bats §ad 

Cay, Out Bhat pe the mapftere of the ig 

AWeddpd Domay ora Vergy 
oto, CMertser of bots FJ tops 
plp @i So /but oramapden (He goth 
gfoto, (pe forgo that (Ge dot6 
out pet (Ge pe none Bp Ipe 
Godpty CL Mo/no/ Bhat thass 
gfoto, «J tre not/Butas men later 
E Bey fap (Se peinnupta matec 
Mardelp ar GSolp Bomar 
) ayy, Ack Ay 
Spr pe Wp gpue me fpcence 
To (pout me fora fea on 
Ray, Eyes fora whple ye oe tues 
| But do not out of the Map F charge pore 
drab ga “ym fe. -, 
ff mp cumpany ae 5) \Hp 
Teepe hepny together for"h pucpofe 
fo come agapy anone 

| Cent e 
Godptp Cap (Gall So Hat FI cay thereto 
3 pet pt pe Gard forme | 
cokepe thepustonethecartp DHple 
Du J (Galt ce pou hat 
Ae feuer kepe ae manp flefe 
2 Bpld Fares in ay oppy fefe 
fis Dndertake (Hat 

|  CWéerebe thefe knanes that make thpe acap 
Bobplp te 

Harp they Be gon that offer Wap 
tel me WGome pe meane 

- Bratg. Cae thou (compft 
Godply CLSDap certap 

5 fo Be pt pf 4 (onto otty 

ate fuk Othe remfure rom fartOfuy 

2 Se, 

7 Se ty 
a hema) 
tated Woe 

‘ 4 | 

S - 



Mp Stag 

| 7 Sob fuse pute _— fo Eg 
Peo peaule pe Be thuedefen{pBlp arapd 
. Seat meaneth that ace pe affraps 
Who Hath pou greued 
TratG, € fay 9 fee noma at bees ed 
et had Ff fener at F ere debe 
: an (ul Be pad 
Bodptp €L in hk i et ead gi 
| ac pt Were a fpoy of cottp{Hols 
Gut no fo my queftpor 
What meaneth Ug tGpedefenfySle acap 
rath, > Harp ffouth Warned Ye tio thpe fame dap 
LEuen (pth pt ae none 
: Gat our mapftec ant 2eafon (Gut mabe a fcap 
; and therfore feGadLewphouttelap = 
| toaBapt on our capptapy 
Bodplp CLA now Ff kno the mater rpahe Welk 
Wout What (balk con Hecof F cay not eck 

t paffet§ mp Brapyy 
_ Dur mapfter Dplled hat We twapy 
tr hehe RC | 
- GeBpip €ElbGo 3 cap cacewoefo 
n) 0 ¢ 
| re Dplfnot com where cobpe be 
f “Jemnefomabamay 
if Pe re ft cae ett Fotis 
Wout pt p)e a tGpne Gat 

And Wy Renafongas cans 
. Df fuft and Wrefoer rectors mpnbe 
“lon cdephadeedeh roperte and kpnde 

no fo the warre 
io po di hat fulbcote arte 

sy ma abapnese 
‘Ft me Sttertp marce 
- emp, t Bere agreatt thou Bere macs 
* pnh aptaa mete 

“ene ; 
Semen tacavu 

at fete ferdi be 

a eS te car Fn ps oa dined i Na es ——— 

“ept 7q gaue fi fare Grey mprte Bn hand 
SF Hough F (6uld forfBere the Cand 
Eury whan F fauedo 

@ T few cocth out Bodpfp fuft 
ADold Gp 1 (prs J] pou requypze 
alas Hold pe not at mp defpre 
Lo fo mpche for me 
| ‘FI Bret have done me more good 
| fo faue fene the AR ct 

| (6p nape ot 
| Hay, qivbet toe {pre What meaneth tGpeaere 
| Soph pe fle eche ofSer Grre 
| Eo ipertas thpe orke | 
Bric oucet 3 and Ge Gad abpden 
* inca épte be fut ufS neuer §aue (pokey 
% DpH prefte nor Wpeh cfarke 
any, Eiwho Bachar 
enup, €Lpourotiy mpnpoy 
Dodplp fuft 
ay, i 6p bat Gath Gedone 
enup, ai oO 
pe fave poence 
fat a Some an& teeetipbenee 
a War beertoronuste 
And ferue pou no at poutnede 
| Ray, CLAe prapde me foi Verp Sede - 
| Dpthin Hhefe.u.dapes 
Be {apd be Bot ferueme Bpth aood Biph 
’ Mout of the Warrpe Ge could no (kp# 
Jor kneD Herof the Bapes 
cmp, @0 6e pt soaps son SMe 
o But F am ogi mate co 
nol ma pe fe 
af eee 


enup. ave fayne Jame 

: | ve _ ¥2o may But euen pe 
4 ForT am De ajfured of one hprig 
: pe cane Spy Getter clothpng 
TE Gay pe dpd me 
And Getter Baap) and feeeaffo 
 Andshongs F | (aps But fptett hereto 

jie toe: 
a NS 

Sage Se er a 


J PEs oe ee ae ee 
* ao RMB aftr ge 


“ihA ERE 
: oe 


_ es er 

1 creche Fae 
7 afte Aer oe 
r -, 




Rk: techni 


FOP er > . “ : * . 
F ‘ sit z p UR cB 
‘ . i 

+P RCE eee very 

eR a 

Wut fuffereTeucr more ’ —- he 
pet Spfdapnd pe euerinmyp mynde 
ind thougs Hat pe Bere tome Ynkpnde 
. Mofetfogreatftore 4 
_ Yop fucheaknaue ac be Bae 
© ie F Gad Hymn Gere BpeGe maffe 
ho ho may But We tWapy 

6 Ray, Dp mp trong pepecuer tip quyfe 

Loke Bp Whom F fet anp pzpfe 
ZD py thou Bplt mot aoe 

- Bears, ba ft $e cay So none other Bpfe 

ut no fp: pe there anp ferupce 
b Frosh a ra eed 
ay, & pe macp pe there/But mp cumpany 
sient Drefleth hep forward paffpna (lottp 
(rot pt WpHnot Fe 7 
anfede thou art good J noB for one 


— Bratg, Cpe 6p cepft and hep cay eucey cBone 

Fb Sas ttl 4 Ma Sicha. 
enu mp trouth Bpraufe Ge fapt6 fo 
ag fait cet pon 6a J fatb pry do 
coe wats Sonpoticctiot 
DPt peHapppned in Wefimpnfter Galt 
uen Bpfore the Jugesak — 
AD pe fandpe ere Bound faft 
And neuer Spon Spry (hat euct goSmade 
Duger (Word no: knpfe $e Gad | 
And pet at the faft 
ADe Dau. xit.mey into acomer 3 
and at fotdr after Surft hep notappere. 
' ADOW fap pe Gereto 
and Spe ganBye had Bene atlyBerte 

£5000 felp(Bpp me femeth pe (buld be 
gfoto. @. Hypre gob (p 

ae MS pe 

a ary 

. sin we . me 

by eas Fi a2 
Cera Ie co1s Gece 
go ortoattende Sppoypou 
¢ (Gall a Darfare pt pe tofd me 
ay, Cpe Where pe hp Harnes 
gfote, ome Gece may a 

ere po Ze 
aoe a Cie tec gs ye 
ofo, @ wieataet ames 
pape ott (Ss mes 
nother Bote ; 
i rscrte emer Ber 
BHrat8, pba sahiterarton ori 8 thay thp)e 
gfoto, Lott ena at 
cay no (hp 
Gp troweft thou that J Bplt fpaht 
e pow €re(o4 00 é “ ; 
, a mpaht 
eof BP noe 
erties! nego Gat gece 

oud feene to Be a Sprefer 

Gnd Hero (Satfpefaueftore - 
B. esoses ie out of daunger 
f Bypllconpnonece 

po w 
ow abnaue Betabe to the ¢¢ 
sit oa pecan (ateaeGer Sueur 
. Be Bere Siple ere 
ber 6¢,i1.knauce annopnted 
ferme free te oroppor 

ie. D5 ba8 forgot ns oS au0 
02 Goren ¢ foo auo 

| emp feloD cafe commaur me to 

May. @Eommaundets 7 the to me von 

goto. Cena re ean (ap 

_ Me tohe (uch aconfept Whay be Garb ) 
 Besiatasacaiey aaa 

Wrath. [And he Bere Fanced pe Berenor 
FJ pap god the deuplf Breke Bye nek 
and aff fuche ac be pe , 
Hay. Well lt Se (uffer fora Whple 
‘4 ty ll co athe hene Galfe ample 
ADappefp all thpe cere (Gall not nede 
LW Be pt Hat FJ Sout and Sede 
F Ge Wurft ac Wyle men do 
(E)anhode com thp felfe ped me 
gfoto, q_AndF to fp: : 
ay, Eye paroe : 
Loflipft thou be prapd Hereto cea aan 
CL TGhay goeth out Hay Sfotonp/eBrath. 
chp, (40% he that wold Gfaue Warreorfirpfe 
J prep gon fend Spry a (G2eHS Dpfe 
and than (Halk §¢ Sane J now 
Wut FT (Gal te# pou fpreac for me 
an none of thepry fo mot 4 the me 
mapfaptopou . a eee 
Govd5pe botp Gere cometh Orpde > ae ge ote 
ae crank ac apecok 
Ae fone ac Ge and FI mete 
Dr thout Ke ftand rpahe Vppon Hye fete 
He (Gall Gere me a proude mok: : 
Dzrpie Cipsat srognsr fae cananp mantel 
enup. @_pemarp thatcay Jdoactwee = = 
ae any that Shas in fers eat 
re Gaue tarped fo fong about pour gap gett 
EF Gat the fetd pedone oz pe come there 
Ozpde Done mary aod (Gels 
enup. €F Ftpse tone pan Pe ) 
bem Su ath one (Se Baty 
cay not tel poucectapys | ani 
Dzrpbe ET Hou Bere not chere pt femeth therbp 
cnup, Not F cere papeshacdetp/¢thatco mparete 
Eut ae fone ac p bate fps iopned tog eSre = (pap 

F cam my Dap firepaitGeder/forto te epSpngt 9? 4 

spde QW yharthe deupHepdpnapecanfitfoutee 

—, Coe can (Ge pou nothpng of (he Bate : 

© Gutof manpociectpOpegps 
_ peace ontof concegt | sell pou for eure Ret Bila 

tw dee wks ee ae 
be ShRieibene Ate TE + AES eee eee 


cc i se 

RNIN cal AR alec wake : ee —- Ee 

soreefeye 80 etyonendeonee 
- Atthpe great Vpage 
sole pte at ae tee 
(6 peur offpce and aff pour fees 
Pryde AinB pre clene outer Wagpe 
sate CT bat pe not true ac’ F fuppole 
WP+ Sprand wr not take mp nofe 
Gnd mp Ged affo | 
your offpce Hac gpuen or FJ cam thene 
DrpSe CL Marp hat Baea erp (Gort fentence 
aioe not caffed therto 
enup What counfet Dplt hou gpue nie 
erny, Dp my tous {O2pde hou mapft Bpleuc me 
Gif I Were in chp cafe 
ofS Brth Santer stomatitis 
Gon G6 yt Be notGer “— y 
Jor » Wpffut mete 
pet the fame atl 
for curry knaue Belhtbe 
acomard fotipface 
Drpde 7 say Sneed (eye Beth 
os therpen(eof mpneapparee 
tobardpe thie Spage 
That in Rorlee and offer arap 
Aah compelled. me forto fap 
— affnp fand fo morgage 
anid not Bhan J Gave ado 
(E ofe(fe mene offpce and feesatfe 
‘or mp true intent 
map fap hata mp weed 

foralior aye me 
after thp counfe 
ani pt Dpltno Getter be 
Fare Bett F take my feue of the 
enup. » $}o® ae ff Depde fare Welt 
fas that J} he 203 efo® Gere 
daSecr oucunpenpant augh at hpe gere 
aa Ed peor 
pee ano pe tuft fo ¢ knane 
| x ne maner of cumpany pe mpgGt Gang . 

Af ef 
4 ares 

% Here Bptbin HpecromBe 
enmup, e Spon T caichyaee pen oset Poet 
Gnd eps pt Were a (mak foufSofd 

as any mpabe Be found 
genfua ua LIF penot (mak Ge compaip (Gewers Bev 
Out me Hough thou Were abouttotee 
Df fome merp FJefte 
D2 fou merp game atmpcuimmpng - 
enup. @_ pe Bardefp pt pea game for akpng 
| LHay Fe Cufteth Beft 
< 0 faug§ for ips Sp(porte and foface 
) ig: (Galt teff a sk apa 
. (nok as FJ ftode 
cd Spe place and never amar Tpt6 me 
4 cary (D2pd¢ garnp(Ged as pt fad Be 
Mne of the cpa Bfode 
"Fe qveucd me to fe Kym fo WekBe (erie 
| ony haue abated §pecorage cfene 
: desiree’ fnton 
: Hp the rode F Haue gpuch Spy achek mare 
Jo15 Bare Spy ay Gand Gat §e cary to fate 
nd that the Feld as Sone | 
and §oi Spe offpce Hac gpurty aap 
| : Dveanle ¢ fapted ourmas fier that dap iy. 
ane Se Spm to Byfeue fo | | 
nd bay J Gad fotd Gpiy ath cGy cate : 
) oh ha rag la :¥8 
| care and 
and now ting Seo fe for (6artié 
"J gaue Spy conti vb aed a ame 
a At ea 6 thpe Bacmadty So 
fenfua ot on mp fapth thpe Hac 
fenf Pik fapt6 we ba8 0 thetherto 
a acp caufe Hone 
Cnt Sat ontycbac pt yempguyle 
| Whar J (e-ay other may arpfe 
D2 fare Getter han F | 
bana ca fetfore heres 
pach hse sm wok aa Pere es 2a 
(F0 Spfirop Hpry Beterf % 
sede ban Cope fea (Oa : 
me Dhar th pe frap (§ ' 
F pear p Gaceefp, €L L enunsat ager Rea, 2 

an i tg meee v 


Fi Mins ; re é or se ae AIRE a5 
Be sa eae thep Ce adreed in papy of (Game 

ol a cumpanp thep ke pe 
rnup, € greed p a/in the mare name 
arp {pr that Bere a game 
to make fome of Se Bepe 
fenfua Cepe 07 fangs may fo pt pe 
and ho tro pe pethe ca ufer of thpe 

enup, ELYdG0 ; 
alee Aae the Seuph 6p quel® 
Hil § Wop ee re ? 96d 

ua @ pe and thatmap pe 6 face 
[en and pe mark pt Delf aerer 
Aye ftomak farnteth eurcp dap 
Aye Bak croketh Gye Fed Wareth grap 
pe nofe Sroppeth amond 
2) ink re gee eee 
"F (e pt Welk bp euccp thyng 
Abe map not fpue fong : 
and ak maketh age ac Fj (apd Bpfore 
de pe the dear/and Whattrow pe more 
tips age Bath Sone | 

enip, CivGat 
enfua CL»Op mp fapth Fe Fath Broughtin Reafoy 
fen Hi fuche Wpfe that at no feafoy i? 
othpng con Be Broughe | 
Wort Reafoy muft be caked therto 
"Ff fere me fe DpH Ge ak Indo 
Lypthin feb dapes 
As fone ae Biotonp Gad efppde 
af tips gece He Hold not abpde 
But Bent eucy §pe Wapes ; 
Dur mapficr praped bpry Co tary a feafoy 
ap nap quod he/no% Gaue Fj Sone 
map no fengat tarp i 
orace and I map not togeter Sibel 
and erat Wap he departed farre and Bek 
Wodply fuft ftode 6p 
and (a that Bfotonp Hold neSpe Ge gon 
| Maue Wpth he Bfotonp quod he anos 
or go trth the 

| b phapeinteac ges sh 

mane of Screg SAG) GeO 

> et oT se 

3 : 
, ¢ 
ee Se ed eee iin a 

re. 7 



Sieh ; 
Seger eI 




3 ; 








GB. Hecate 

ieee 2's 5 ah Fan 


Nee ey 
a Seis ee See Sy bad 

poe eS 

Lt met = Ny 

| its @ Wet eGep Be gon jome offer Bap 

fenfua CLADe dtelled Wpth apreft ac 3] Herd fap 

—emup, @_ Do mer fap here ac FI Swell 

-— forfua Racy F $018 peBeftebar Be go 

a ee ee ae == name a 

fo act anet mapficr ac fone asthep map 

CG HepcaynotGeonpurucpd — we 
andacforeacihep.uwere gon 

Mur smapficr (ent for couetpfe anoy 

anid Bartefp Sy1y prapd 7 

foatiarton bpm prey st ere 0: fie 

and §e §ath prompled Spay (to 00 
ac for apere orttary Oe 
fut Pc. may not herof know 

enup, QC Reafon quoda/nofoF tow 

ADe Dy that dpjoapy eee 
But Where ath couctpfe Ben marty a Sap 

For Ge foucth wert | 
en of he chprche/andthepSpaatfo 
and fatrare che/ Gan thep map tend therto 
— Dll fofow hype counferl 

But Henfuatyte canft Goutere — 
Mow in Hpecafe 
. What Were Geft for Fe fodo 

and femBle togeder aff our cumpanp 
- toGere Gere myndpe Bp and Bp 
and euctp mannp|e oppnpon 
pe dips fo do 
enup, EL Op mp trout and Be pt fo 
. PS Gofo rt welfooy ere 
CT fan ep go fort§ ¢Meafon ean cong ty, 
Rea, Cove FI Saue ofttpmespouadupfes = 
” ¢o fpue Sertuoulfp/and (Ged pou the Wap 
and that not Dpebflandpng/pe Hane me dp(pp(ed 
fa ‘beget Spenfuatyte/meny atap 
Lopff pe fo contpnue/pe or nap 
feuce pe purpofe pout feffe fo amend 
| Eps t¢me for rout fpfe SratietS foft co chens 
Way, CF cay not contpnue/thougs FJ ofd , 
Forage Kath Dapned me clene Herfto 
| and pet ReafonrBhay pemetols — : 
Df ifyegeremenydopage gah a 

&, wilt ‘ 
ee ee ee ~_ sone a 

ee el wih 

foudh |(hutdohauecomberfo 
| but Had of pour Wordpe/dqreat ftory and dt foapyy 
Wold god sad mp tpfe eve t BparHagapy 
* Bea, CL Dpeke not thecof/that map not be 
| achprg don/can not Be Caed agapy 
But the Chpna/that moft fereth me 
Dn pour befalue/F tek pou plapy 
| J iatatttufiperac h Dplies pith 
| 8 ge A piled poutorto 
|... Tpll nots Gat age compeflet§ pou therto 
| May, ELT Sat 6 full re /HpeGhovt fapnpng 
3 as fonig ac mpne appetpte Spd endure 
t b S nartacy fytrerm fase 9% 
| Gpche not Bp the courfe and fat of nature 
And not of mp pofpcp/ozr good endeuouce 
Es a° taken fro me/for euer more 
nd focay I] Seferue/no mede therfore 
@ Out rot BptHftandpng thpe mpne abufpoy - 
tcuft at Bp the Gefp of pour good aduple 
"4 map Be made the chpld of fafuacpoy 
Rea, Cpeeand pe Wpll (pr on Warantple 
0 that pe Seteclp forfake and Srippte 
ft pour of 6 feruauntpe 1H Dp hf and ocde 
and d0 Gp mp coun 
‘ay, + Each Were 
Rea, EL Than my foule for poure/F fap to Wed 
| pe (Gall do Well/Gaue pe no mpftcuft 
Bnd frrfttobeary Dpth/F pou for6es 
 - Almaner of dpfpeprezand fecundlp pe muft 
<5 SOutto pourmypnd/and good tpl 
-..  MEoBe recured/of pour great exceffe 
| For Wy Gout pour Fefpe/yt cay not Be 
 Cacw (ebe example/pf foBbethepacpent — 
Df Gpmy felfe/Be Dpllpng to Gane anp semedp: 
t pea great furtheraunce to that intent 
Ho that to he preceptpe of phpfpk Se appre 
And Who fo FotG he contrarp/no marua 
“Gough Ge eet ates (6uld FJ Bepng 
| —- Anp mo examples for fo plapy ath 
Bay. Ft (Galbe no nese asin thpe cafe 
aoe rpaht Well/Dhat pe meane hecBy 
nd chat ptt FJ] — Bp godd6 grace 
— Rea, CThayae TZ totd pousyt Satbenomapficy 


oy . 

ve ~ , - 

ey ee ee 
your feffe fo confort/and fo Bane good sane a 
acgapnft the great furfettre/that hou Saft Son 
Op Why che Hou Saft Teferued endles Sampnacyow 
@ Outdo ae F (Gall tell he/and Haue no Srede 
nd for to apue the medpepne/moft accord png 
arcnethp forec/Sobpmyprete 
Loke What Spfeafe/pe Hote and Krennpng 
take ever fuche amedpepy ac pe cold in Werkpng 
Ho that he contracp w afl maner bee 
u(t Gele Bye contrary as phpfpk Both Seuupfe 
@ By abt fo Who fo fuftets fro (pu to arpfe 
LGere Fe Hath in pepde/Oone any offence 
De can Be fefpen Herof tone other Wpfe . 
Butonefp Bp mekenee/fhat pe the recompence 
agapy Wret§ and Lnup/take charpte and pacpence | 
take afnesdede/adapn the fpyofcouctyfe 
CLAns to cepreffe gfotpnp/acquapnt § pth abftpnéce 
Zcapy foul fuft of Bodp take chaftrte ccdtpnéce 
ycbe (yn qroweth By Hlouth and bp Fodeines 
and hat muft Be efche Bed Gp mene of good Befpnes 
Lo thpe Be preparatpfpe moft fouerapy 
Acaynft Gp fores Whpche Be moztall : 
Mnfes that Hpe medpcpne to thepiy Be fart 
Way Hou Haft recepucd thefe prepacatpfre all 
Efe con agapy pf thou me caff | | 
GT order che further aftecmp mynde | | 
ary, € pe But Where (Hall F Gefeprepacatpfpe fynde “| 
Rea, CT hou jhale Hepwy fpnde Dypthiy py oty Gre 
: Df the pemuft com/pt muft Be 6p Sede * 
For Soluntary facrafpce pleaferh god beft | 
| E Gotrcanft not Gerof Sane Help ox mede 
Wut pf Gps gere of Hpyotiyhactprocede — 
» May, Libel F (Gall endenoure me to the Seeerinoft 
| And erll 4 Baue found thepmy JF (Gaff neuct reff 
- Wut $ow (Gall F hack hepmy that Wore J neve — 
F prap pot (Gel me that Bpfore pour Separtyng ae 
Rea, CFtnedeth not Hherof toenquece | Bs 
~ -@ Hou Galt know Hep at the fprft metpng ag 
Df.u.controcpe there pe But one fernyng pier ged 
TE Bat ps to fay Wha thou nowy ft Well at oy ft y 
& Ge offer contrary pe knoWen ariory oe 
3 €, TZ Ben Ge goesh out ¢ Rekence cometh ig, 

MT Go forbes pfirpeorof (repemee Bee 

Gall fpnde/that for O2pde and pze/umpcpon 
Parte Bhpche fomtpine Was a glorpoufe ange® 
Forthat Kps offence/Had fuche corceccpoy 
(EF Sat Both he/and eke mer afegpon 
Df Gps order/ Bas caft doy to he 
Wp cpabe full Ey bie: here fo Sell 
@ Remember affo Adam he fpeft of our fpne 
What papy Ge (ufferd/for Drpoe and Tpfobedpence 
HKaufeth be not/a greatdecap and cupne 

In afl Ge progenp/for the fame offence 

in fuche Lp(e hat Ge/and aff hat Were Borne fence 
We Btterflp dpfHerpted/and put fro paradpfe 
and fo The Ge made/thralf Into (py and Gpce 

And foft (Guld We Ge / aff of Verp iuftpce 
{ide Gad Be that cot/of Hye mercpfulf qootunce 

LD ps Be fone after/Bpth Hpe oly 6lode maynpepee 
and Se redemed/fro panes endfes Wie 
7 Naser arnt ts oho 8 ss aap 
pe Kah commaundementpe/But Semeay Se Weft 
after §pe fatbee Wh ple We Gere Stell net: 
% €.And for ac mpche ac mannype nature 
Je foartian EpaGttp to (pss tpl affent , 
pther of purpofe/oz onWetpng peraduenture 
T Gere he (apd good ford Kath Gpuy fent 
agapn euecp (py/a temedp conuenpent 
02 Be ne Wold/faue one wer Be fore 
Hon Ge Gath dere Bought/ac FT (apd Spfore ' 
GE beats of af! ru {O2pde pe know Well 
WHpche pe mpne aduerfarp/y all chat he map 
here Fam w pene 2 notdtelf | 
Spe malpcpoufe po “4 can rpaht Weft aflap 
And teche euerp creature/the cemedp and B : 
L0G to fubdue D2pde/Whpche no may cay 
4 Wythout that F mekeneffe/muft help herto 
—« Ray, toon onuntdticecine’ 
f prap pou/t Gartps affeccpoy 
meke, @ Aft cedy at fand/Who lo eurr tbe 
i tee Gam vicheteeke: ri 5 ball 
° mp ¢ (pnned/iy PD2poe ¢ . 
Siem re pour cous etl Sober ber {batt 4 ake | 
de fatp(faccpon/for that fp to make 
 mehe, CT houmuft bpfore/all cspng fee fpeell pepfe 
- Lap epmotay(efferanttakenshede 


reer ae 
. aie 







Lf Tasted) Sat 
Wy 2 So) inlet astat Se ie tc aR dea 5 
ue ert tag meres atk RK coke tyQe-ttiks a 
eg, Sh aE me OK yin : " 
ra . 

bee <>" ee. 

ie ae 
aE ay 


PN RC eae =o 

| Eaep. C Wel ire muft be che cemedprma 

f Bhether the people Soke prarye oroyypyye 

Or hou meke 1 Sartin Ho28 and in dede 

thnk not that thou, woldpft cnp may oucr fede 

We foft and lowlpay fpeche to enerp Byaghe 

And Fe none arap/that flarpng peto fyabe 

£onthefe ihre byte oe aes ftandets 2pde 

Tf hou commy tthe left of therm thre 
Bay, LFrothpedap forth /F Wptl fet Hepry a foe 

and fofot the counfett/Gatpegpurme = 
Gump, CLA 0 fovans F] Wpll cleretp dp(charge the 

a for the (ry of Dzpde/mp foute forth pts 

thou (Galt be all Gole/pf thou take thpe medpepis 

CT Gay Ge goeth out, 

ay. Cree F fBalltake pethynk not che contrarp 

40% am JF Tell cafed pethaue FJ not done aft 
sharp. €L TF Sere pe nofpupne pSpircpon ne potecarp 

thatcan Seupfe/fofourrapycordpall 

acapy the fore of enup/Whpche pemortall — 

“0 may frupng/F pou enfure 

Sy thout mp Kefpe/map BnSertake Ghatcure ~~ 

gn Fam called charrte/the fatue for that fekenee- 

Gor Bappoftptl (aute/commaundyth (pngutecty 
ao dpuere bre eppftettpe, J cay Well tepzeffe sl 
"fhe rancour of Lnup/an? gpue heceiy good remeBp. 

ay. @,T Gan pe pour counfetl/to me fulfneceffarp 
- oe oe cdorstt/pe are Bound Boubtlee. is Hs 

. toBaue fory compaffpen /of pour nepabboure Spfires: 

. of » CLW5p Galt houbeyenupoufeBpfore thpedap — 
ens "i e6 ac god knoter§ sabia pc ce fore 
Weft what 

© bere peno fpn/that dy wiralers get inote — 
a Say beet ties rHof Lnup/and therfore 
J f (0 be thou wple/tSpy own foute (auecard. 
Moe chou neuer enupoule,fro thps dap fortiard 
Allo that (py/petomanonnatucce 
Hore Har any otheraympne oppupos 

oz atfotber (pnnec/mack therin elf 

mar commpttyehDpth fon Selectacpoy. 
Gui Lnup re euer/full of payy and pales 

Znd tounentech Spy (efuc/WprG fororfull fadnee 
Than He (ecth Gre nepabGours profperrte o: gfatnee 

@ Be peneuer qlad/nor taketh any folgce. 
e Su at Spe nepabonce Garin ol 


J fey 


i Al alee allele — 

ital: Seale 

pees a. 4 

ata | 

. #t focket6 fomtpme fa a 9 athannpe face 
| vinden Sp oe we fee uf of yes oa 
| For Bphpnd §pebak/ie WpHneuecfeafe | 
Yo th (cfatideroufe Wordpe/to appapze hie good name 
| and many a fale lp/doth he report forthe fame me 
| QL pe bno® fp: Whether/pt be thus ono 
arn now another DHple/to fpeke of remedp 
f pe op & Be Golpen/fp: thus moft bied 
oft Bpfore ak thpngpe/foue god entp ie 
ext that thp nepohiGour/foue osteo Hn Bodp 
Kat pe €o fap/thou muft the to pte 
and do Bem fuch curtefp/ac thou a a diag faue 
DB ferue Hele to thpnape/and Sono more 
“$n cecompenfe/of hp areat trefpace 
T ouchypnet the (ry of enup/ceserfed Bp fore | 
Ray, C Fo obferue hepm Wek/aodfendmeSpearace 

F (6a me feffe endeuoure/accorSpne therto 
sarp. < (end the Gps grace Welk fo fo 50 
TE Gen Ge goeth out, 

Cavey Serva oncagrn 
"Steed ine /and tone o ae 
ary called fidpl hada quencherh che ne 
ans famimpe of Weeth/pt pe alfo mp apfe 
Wp fe Bos8¢ @ fuffecaticesto OUNET COM MpH en 
Ray. eso wefcon seyiatte be who J} sae fo at 
efp me With pour coiifett/for fic four p af ugh 
 pacpen €: Fie remy coun vofeGou ptt hpcG(tant . 
pe gofttpenemp/andthpetemptacpon 
thou muft §aue me pacpence/euecredp at Gand 
poecpaly tn fufferpng/of DorlSlp trpBufacpoy 
emeimBer SoD cepft Opd/in tyme of Gye pallros 
~ there mapft thou fern/Go to Be pacpent 
Fn anp aduerfpte/tHat to the (balbe fent 
And pet here map Geno comparpfors 
Son pet fflerpat of §pepapnys 
Ans che aceteft Bong /that to the cay Be Fon 
Wherfore thou Wreth,(Huldpft not Spfoapy 
Wout gfadlp hon (Guldpft/c6p fete refrapy 
. Fron preful paffpone/ae =o ler Byfore 
Prt thou (Saft Baue aceBard in beuey ro ore 
pe imp full mpnde and intent 
ee Sear Doras pe me abu 

ene a lll 
le eee 

and Fj thank pou for sour cOfort/ecounfel in thpecafe ; a 

Be epetiragt 8 thank any a: 
te Riahe ts pi seeriee i iy vnligieaie | 
‘ ; bey YY: 
¥ | Pee + ae . Mi he 4 
| A act ia | eae dhs an hi an RWB) AS, ‘ fo 
| | coer Bettas 488 
é . ass + © ; PPT Nes " m3 . 
i Bei bibles lar Rak Pa yee 
| <P Me sh Hj Sthtaral a? easetok e i Hae tye | 
: | 4 “i es Spo-rilert cde 
; Bah i iC hare meen at Hi sab at 
ecu eile ie et eee 
Hi ee ee aa MA fy 
« : ‘ - a. Bais ce) He Mapatity et 3 eg eae 
bor co AMER eet Coma i n 
Shr Rea Rear eaten rors hae 
say: okeRta it dbyaiiny ed eae eg 
peyabes: tee yates: oe eae ret Seams 
SPE gS POE AEE BRT) atria . 
Heli) WP eet nM Oa fate 
‘i 63, 2 eS es dae sy, ‘* os ae: 4 spidtensnd ‘ 

fe es 
Ls G 

: aie aMibee ts Nee ° 
Gar ike Fg oe ative thazts 4 
| iy : 

ae a. 



| : 


f- ae 

pacpein € So Ge Bat aff goodnes/to Se Gath fene 
Hens pou Gye grace to Semeay pou hat Bple 
- CLT ben Fe goers ou, oi 
May, CT (Gal do mp good wWp/onwaraneple 
ot Dhocay me BeftGpeecte — : 
p (Couthfult Fodefnes for to correct 

£5008 oct arpoy, 
CT Se (pn of toute wel repre (fe 
And F (Kalk teche the/to do che fame : 
May, (How (Gulo F do pe 7 
occupa @ Op mean of me good Befpnes 
zs and foany J calked/for that pemyp tame — 
FJocines peneuct/Wythout (pry o7 Blame 
By mean Herof/mpche (py comers in . 
ot pt pethe Berpmoder/andmapfters of (pp 
© Fn efcheBpne therof/thou muft ence Bie se 
Hor good occupacpon/its Bodp or mpnve 
and pf hou So thpe/myp counfe refufe 
Ho that che SeupHtin Joetnes the fynde 
Hay atcordpng/to Bps ptopretpe and kpnde 
Ae faboreth faft/Bpmieayoftemptacpoy = 
fo Brpnig tp foule/Sntoendles dampniacpos 
E Ber fore do fory good occupacpoy altbap 

€ a. 
ae Tort Wpth the Bodp/ac pes mpnde inacd ie ior 

Gnd pf Hondo not/eGpe caunfew oBap 
ehou (Hate chp oly foute gretefp enioBard 
Dy that ober (pSe/thou mapft Be nocoward © 
oz ferefull of penaunce/or offer good Sede 
pth thou (Galt Be fuce/to faue Geuet to thp mede - 
ay, Tbpecounfet pe good/F hank pou therfore 
mpnde pe we eafed/therew Be pe furce 
occupa Cs 6 there anp thpng/efipe that J cay do more” 
Hay, Cone to mp bnowlegefor pe §aue Sone pourcurt 
occupa @_ De that pe ypfet now putin Bre 
|  CTbenGFegocthout, 
fyBera- €Lres havdefp Gpnknotthecontratp 

tyte, Bye pepetome foBeGouefullandneceyarp 

any (pBecatpte the Pertucacdpnal 
barat pe pated fis (yy of auacpee~ 
Toho fo eurcfufters/oymetocatl - 
"| ary cedp therin/to gpue mpite aduy 

Ray, Care TF prarrouny mp moft Harty 


ee — 

tyBera CC Arift on mnt Be forp /fortBe aBufpng 
rey tpl banle che /Srfoxcal yng 

~ rbd bo van teh 

s mannps go0d/go Dpthout Sefap 
and tBerof to t6p potber/make due ceft ptucpoy 

02 ¢ thoufaue/ Ho 
ary, civ i peotie peat 16 A ag a 
| Wp alines dede/of that offenfe “igs 
fp6era Mo no hardetp/tGou art gretefp abufed 
Gpnk not HherBp/to make recompence 

For Bp that alines thou dopft great offenfe 

and dpfpleafure fo god 
Gay. CLYvBGp fap re fo | " sph lat 
Cepft Gpmy felfe Bad hat We atmesdo | | 
| tpBera € Le god /but that (fuld be So 

J make : 
be foul ¢/to aftake 
fpBera Ebon Soy ag See bm alyobe tpBeratt 
a Bot Ba | 
ste ri icnmme oe oo ston 

or that re Batt/and age eb “ehh 

to Dhow thou (Gale thp felfe accufe 

oe Ly shout anp appete/or fapned excufe | 

~ abs 


qe ae nae i a: 
ioe ior ae 4 ‘g 
4 ay > ‘ ; m3 

a ie he Ph D 
ae hus 
rr . 12h 

eter. tee 14% et So bse i 
naa ce ‘exe eee) saiee Hatt ° 

ea Lah. ey 
: wiolnes © peraits ESHE Y. 

St! beat 
eat seria we ‘a 
it | 4 

ye 4 

e 72h sill 

| oer ert es face 
BA sr epg spe “rar effe 
ped 9 (Sp offeffpox 
gh and pleajuce eGon Hady ft in rpchee 
And ptBou bade An apr A 8 gl 
What afines deGe/or other good 5 spftry6 
D2 Got thou §ale/hele goodre attet oi 02 abuse 
there pt (GalBe knotoen/ptcaynotBberefufed = 
Thay ac F fapdto the Epfore 
thou (Galt recepuc/after hp deferupne 
Top 02 cffps papn/to endure eurrimoze 
Hay, CTeuely tye rsa ferefutl png 
Sp Bera € Cerf remember Well mp fapen | 
pln ahaha. eff/and fofoss ae tat 
ay, CIF F pl ece geetefp to Blame 

bay! pbecatpte qoeth out gabfipnice 

aud pte comin, 
abfein? Che remedy of Slotonp/T coy Tell teche 
"F any owdepned/onelyp for Hat intent 

bs Ray, CLAns “FI Gaue great nede/of fuche ateche 

pour counfeff to reat expedpent 

abfané Can ccm ¢ mp pacpent 

tabs fache orincby/ee Ball deupfe 
7q “(at epoch borsitgd at (py on Dacantple 

Bros. stot A 
nb 6 ABfipne 
1 pork son unett Sets ine 

Foca Lhaftpte/oz effpe contpnence 
eretre apfe/and Spe properte 
fo foto me/iWGere fo eucr ‘I be 
Ly hee pfeaclpcGerp/that dedely fore 
Folorbets the Beftfp (py /of Zfotonp euct more 

@ Duna deficie fume inftcumentn Dofuptatic 

Wout nos to Fo that FJ cary for | 
a the (pn of Llotonp/the cemedp pe thpe 
arcerdpet/tGay Goudpddpftipfore = 
Oe ace of fuperffupte /and (urfet euer more 
© ake no more thay fuffpcets nature 
ot of defpcate mete/fet thou no ftore 
oD Haue F (apd aff that fo te fomp cure 
Hafty. Land FT mufe mSreiene erme wire fapeng 
or ae He ceSerled/now rpght 
Créer AE fate meter e/and Sefrcate fedrnag 

—— ee ee oe 


ata dl eee eet 

Lonlets (ynfull CafTpe iva man ¢o (well . * 



Tf Geib ocince/Bpfore af tpn 
che Joefnes tirng . 
Ff Hou wplt Be chaft/and cfene of Crurng 
@ Fle atfo the cumpany/and the occafpoy — - = 
Df that fry/Dipehe pe dampnable 
Ze fone ac thou feleft/any temptacrors 
{Out peclene abap/Bp meanes couenable 
ot Sane (rnnpe/pt pe moft abhompnable 
and foneft Dpff Bp fou ¢ endaunger and Blame 
“@ Gere Be fomanp great fynnpe/anneged to the fame 
Tf thou fpft not/for fere of Sampnacyoy 
thpe fry to forBere/thay on that other (pte 
Lo pt for Pete ot fafuacpon - 
T Gpnk What ce /in doth the abpde | 
Wipche pf thou lpue chaft/cay not Be Fenpde. 
Cp Dope (uff p {eth not/to tefl and expreffe 
Dat top thou (Galt Haue/for tp cHhaft clennes 
a3 thank pou Bot6h/for pour adupfe 

no Bold Ei of repentaunce fapty 

FJ car Ripng pouto Spy /on the Beft Dpfe 
E Gan Wpll FJ awart Sppon pou tWapy : 
and after hat/F Wytl com SpE-ragary 
frufipng that god, Typ fend me the arace 

' focomfort my foule/Bpeh gofttp foface 

€ Than hep go out ¢ Reafon compesf ig* ; 

— CL FGere fay to mp greatiop an3 gfaines 

Gat accordpng/to mp counfeff and aoe 
(Gre moztafl creature Doth Well hye befpnes 

_ tocorect and fosfake/alf hye of8 Bpce 

Ans chat be pe ix rood Bap/and fpkety to arpfe 
Frow the Bale of fpy/WHpche pe fullof Secrknee 

- Gotard the contempfacpon/of tpaht hat peendies — 

@ Lo (pre/are not Be aff mpche Gefofd 

to our maket/for thpe areat pacrence 

Wipche not Dpehfiandpna /our fynnee manyfold 
DHhereiy We Far lp/Go to Kpry offence 

pet of Gps mercpfult/and areat magnpfpcence 
He doth not punp(Ge/ac fone ac We offende 

_ Hout fufferets in Bope thot Be Bpll amend 

q &r hie a ogee tl eh 







| ft: 


rae g 

i Sie 



eS orn * 
* a ee. ~Se & 




¥ Spe 

matt A*, 


‘Gnd meny a qrearsoungee-efeapeth he 
Iyee goodme perf tipemay yf Pee 

Gnd a Bpcaufe AGat be Dold Spry Bpy 8 ies 
and faue §p ee forfake Gye {py \ 
qD fete cometh Ge that F foke fore 

yr Saue pe Sone ac FI Wypes poutodo 
Ray. Cpe that Saue J doy/and Bhat troB pe more 
4 Gane Bey tpth/cepentaunce affo : 
Be DMG pche fro mp Gact/(Ga neuer go 
4. * For Se Brought mento confe(fpory 
And anon Fj Was acquaynted/ with Sartpe contepcpor 
) LT bep adupfed and charged/me todo fatpifaccpory 
and fo Baue J Sot/to mp Beft potter 
Rea, CT Hay art thou fulkp/the chpld of (afuacpory 
ADaue good perfeucraunce /and Be not iy fere 
tip aoftfp eneinp/can put the in 10 Saunger 
and qreter reWard/thow (Galt theefore py 
T Gay Ge hatneuer in bpelpfe Spd (py 
€ Gnd to Hentent/that thou mapft well 
Derfener and contpnue/y thpe (ure Bap 
| D2 We Feparthene/Bbyp my counjefe 
Let Ve Gp one accord/fogeder fyng and prap 
Lyth ac fumble Seuocpoy/ac We cay or map 
(T Gat De map Gaue grace/frow (ys thuctorp(e 
ac often ac We fattand fet Ye pzap thpe ae 
€ TF Sen thep (yng (ome goodly ballet. 
; @ Thenamecofheplapers, _ 
Pai —— -Ypresg, J pawn | 
- Bay, Enupe Gaftyte sa 
Refor, | Hfouth, 5008 occupacpb, 
enfuatpte, > he sphamef its Be 
lnnocencpe. ADumptpte, undue, 
oxfSfpaffeccys, Charyte. Pacpence, 
Wodplpluft, _ ABfipnence.  Depde, 
C Cun priuifegio. . 


These two leaves following are duplicates of 
ci and civ, as bound up with the British Museum 
copy at the end. 





ep Fie 

4 5 


PA; Siecle sak Soa 5 er 
a Seas ee fe 

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2 pp ee rrepne- 5 ~ 
ge apa ROR 
& Pi ee rT a 

yi rr = “ WP Saba suey 
DO? n/ane ? 

ares : > 
: a ms 


May. CL Hpz Fi tank pou/of hye curtefp 
Wndeferucd ac pet/Gut Ge pe fure 
Z| a9" my felfe/endenour bp fptp 
toto thatimap Be/topourpfeafure 
Znd forthe feafon/tGat F (Gall Ker endure 
F (Gat thers cHerpce/and to mp poder mapntayne 
GE Gat nto pou is anp ple So partapne 
PWor, CT Gay to bpary wprs all/F By aduple pou 
fo put Hips man/from pour company 
te pou/euerp may Wpdefppfe por 
| | 6 fong ac pe/Be ruled Bp innocencp 
| fo fofots (uche counfetf/ pt pe but fof 
| For Ge cays nepther good nepther enp 
| ra eee tart fork : 
: mp farth/eupy ac pe fa 
ats TcotetG menotepase Bert 
| pth innocencp fonge to Swett 
therfore accozdpng to pour counfett 
Lopll not after thpe dap 
yt ys company mp feffe affere 
Ac meet ac pt Were agrap frece 
J f{urpots there pe no mary Gere 
foeuer Se Be 
T Gat coufd in op hr a : 
aff Bapes to Be aninnocent 
Wherfore pfpempneintenc 
re casement 
Bor, ELpe Gacdelp do eupy fo 7 
vite @ For(ots and FI Gold me Delf content 
fo departe at pourcommanundement — 
pe (Gall fpnde me obeSpent 
What foeuer pe Bpome So 3 
ADere innocencpe goeth ont, 
fenfua € Bo the company pe Detl amend 

fet Byway goto the deuptt of Heft ~ 2s 

ADe otucaaer J ere 
and (6ufd pe fofots Spe counfeft 
Ste phn god defend 

pf eucc pe fuftto play the may 
Ea opt at ye nol Bpgasy 

arp toplap the Bop now and hays Joie 

¢ fo pou/eucr good and profper fe jie 

Pour OPIporr anu sy ha ae Se 
Ke et seth noe thong6 : 

Fe  Andamong F Wyrllh ye, 

\pBo, € pe coe pe dabei hi 
nok {pe OPH pe anp 
| Eonar mp Bepacng 

$80, inn ip nit peare 
- and mpche Better enured renee hy | 
phe udripofes foes naam pke 
E Gat Ff map fpue Gere Dell and Honorablp 
50, i hd LAL Pout penotbacdetp 
pf rt phe pou/to put me in fo great truft 
Bano? pe (Halt fynde me tre and infé 
an, az nee (5a Rarely ponse Bound 
EF 0 the World/tHhat hath gpuey pou fo 7 ei . 
Bin, Eye (pz fome men Gad fenec eBay and pound 
: E Gep mpaht be commended/of the Se 
Wut (pr aig eben hob 
Fo tbar’ ere tome/{ prap ae 
a crea rt eesieony 
dana eS Wordpe, J pouc 
Dreh chat pe Be come to pour pi, as 
ef yer tts ore | 
 EGhatac pe Ge/pe map Be bhotiey 
dhe pt pe neceffacy /for that Befoue : 
that there Be made/fome mane of purupantice 
qnurarer imap Bere out pout couitenaunce 

Libya orcoret ecpasae a furuep | 

ors there Sppoy/y Berberine puiuep 

Hot§ for pouand pouresalfmancr of pans. 

Dyt6 other Btenfpttpe/cedp ot pour hand — 

Do (Hat pe Ge puruepd/all tpmeserefy and tate 

Df shone pangs $x: ah98 pour eftate 

May. pour counfetl ys good do ae pe thpnk Geft 
commypt af fuche thpig/to pour econ 

rine enthe s eee eee ee ¢ feft 

Eo atl ehpagpe/te anette 

et ee 

er ea ay 
: . - 


v “. ¥ 
Oe pen 


Dipde Cder59 fhabietite Gosia nis 

(TZ othp mapftere ferupce F Ble 
‘Toledyetarty emery pee F ptt freftBeapys 
And 6 ‘ant 56pm mabe 1008 chece 
o Beh cpm GoW Ge recreate 
Arele a Worthp poteftate 
And eke that fe ps preBeftpnate 
tobe aprpncespere. 
And other hpnape more thay hpe 
Fl (Gatl Bryne that Bart of 6pe 
a a 
re ae 
P commen 
“E Gat no may cay amend pt Ge Sipe 
Sn tan Ge po able GerBp ofr 
ey 4 prarye bhp pe Lipfe 
‘F tipnhe Gps Sart Bpll Begyy to tpfe 
and after that Beterfp oefpp eiore” 
«on counfeft to Bete | 
$e (batt truft att to Gps oy Braprie 
and than Hold Reafoynenccfofaypne 
$F pes. Be came and (uche opep fibapys 
fenfn'¢ uct Gpeconer ritfoar® 
enfia urefy (Gps confep : 
5 (at ays ein eure fort rite 
Drpde LSramercp Brother J pnkine 
othe for thy curtefp 
Wout (pr abpde Gere on Hpng 
FB not Be knofey that pe yempfekpng 
fenrfus Cho more Tools Fl for, ff (Getpng Piiges 
Letme afone hard 
(erifua @ Spr vf re ib ae Sere pecomen fi 

& Got neuer Bac aquapnted tp wie veo a 

HomBsat Hamefaft and §atfe ty fere 

TE oput Spm felfe ws pre “a 

A qoobfp parf one Be pe 

oth of Te mama of feaguce 
f He Mere drator iy porttapeure 

Ales ag < feonpcat doubtics | 
candalipfemayatas — 

ett ye pteof erence Sr 


Ms es 

- i | 
nae eee rare Coe Seer hs 

Sasa ws i a i re ys } as 

| to fpcke bpd Gps com. De. (Hatt a 
Sri wpllp ecomencre, ee 
fenfua 2 Dre 699 Gyisy efcome for the maner fake 
Bother Bap F any fuce he Wypll crake 
And (ap (uche agentpimandpd Hpry make | 
| Mecpareatchere 
| Defpre Spy fortod ett pth pow 
| ‘TF tell poube peamary for pour prot 

and nosbets the Dorld well F now 
Noman Bbettertianhe . 
Ran. ? a4 vba steht sss Aaa 
thanke pou fpz/But F So pou trefpace 
to come thus fom ob ie cafe 
| g50d Mote pe are H 
| - Dy mp farts 8 io se 
| se baatoBetl rth Se ftpll 
| #30 neve to Bpry and tatk pour fptt 
Ff feue poutogeder 
Me goeth forth. 

Bay, ELsNoB (pe WHat pane pe ie 
| JOrpde Cso areat thpng (pr/But FJ come to (e 
Ano toknot whatmanermayyebe 29 
EF Gat atl men prapfeth fomouche ; 
Bay, CPxaple Dio prone hep. qLOrpde,Rarp pot (pz J make mpne anol 
| Ehep gpue pou a prapfprtg good 3 now 
f | mal none fuche 
| anid fure Min cpabe Burthp 
| reset now thep do not fp 
J ( vecefove 9 orb mp 6pbecG p 
ET oacquapnt me Wpeh pou 
. ap pe ar orth thp 
Haws. se GenlictG me to pousmpcbe Bebo 
an yon he ee i coe tert 
pname pe Tourfipp Hi, 0 
4 Br Eee se ebontd tor me pt Toas mp Seftpnp 4g ; 
E ocome to DurfGpp or J Se 
_ Depde €, Truly F aw the fame Ps 
May, CL SoB wur/Spp FJ pra penne te? z 
; pour Bpfedor and affo cours nf ed 
e can aducetpfe me paffpna well 
pernsrede tienen 

SS ee oe 

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PR Medwall, Henry 
2109... 3 Nature 





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