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■  n 

APRIL  1915 






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To  be  returned 

^t-ac^ttpTt^  T*1"  DOD'MEtfO  OF  Z  MAY  1972,   SUBJ: 
^  'TOW   OF   Mil  R^COhDo 

_i)a/)4cafc  1^       - 

and.  H&J&Diill^-BARBARCSi'.They  art  quite  ?3»<3s£%ty  golUg  to    try  to   sur- 
prise the  Russian  Fleet, which  had  "been  "bombarding  points  on  the  Anatol- 
ian Coast, at  different  times, for  several  days  until  larch  31. 

(j)   I  OH  unable   to  learn  definitely  exactly  the  injuries 
for  which  the  BT2L9MT  3SLE-:    (•x-OOBBEN)  was  undergoing  repairs  at  3 tenia, 
hut  know,  among  other    things, she  was  seriously  holed^at ,and  helow,the 
vmter  line.  While  in  Stenia  she  was  kept  surrounded  by  Torpedo  3oats, 
and  other  snail  Turkish  craft, and  the  vicinity  was  guarded. Several 
divers  are  known  to  have  been  irking  on  her.lTo  guns  were  ever  removed 
from  her  and  sent  on  shore, a3  was  rumored  at  one  time. 

2.       Black  Sea. 

(kjOn  the  morning  of  :'arch  23,  about  a  dozen  Russian 
6vips,ei^ht,or  alna, large,  and  three, or  four,  smal  1 ,,  appeared  off  the 
Black  Sea  entrance  of  the  3osphorr.?,^nd  heavy  smoke  WftfB   "p°n  beyond 
them. They  bombarded   the  entranoe  fro-  9.oo  a.-:., till  10.00  a.m.Roumeli 
r/ak  lighthouse    (0n  European  side)  was  slightly  injured, and  Anatelj 

rak   (.' sia  side)  lighthouse, forts, and  town  near  it, received  injuries. 
It  has  boon  impossible  to  ascertain  exact  dlttaajS  (Sena  yetftmt  it  was 
not, in  any  way,serioU3. Three   Turkish    tor  e do  boats, which   were  on  patrol 
iff  the  entrance  when  the  Russian  Fleet  ap{.  eared,  re  treated  into  the 
Bosphorus  at   full  speed, aid  one  of  them  ran  into, or  made  a  poor  landing 
at, a  small  OhirtWt    (3osphorus  pasm.nger-boat )  wharf , be twen  Therapia 
and  Buyukedere, injuring  wharf  considerably, and  it  is  repotted  .also    the 
torpedo  boat   somewhat. 

(1)  Heavy  gunfiring,in  d5  recti  on  of  the  Black  3ea,was 
heard  on  the  8G0B*XOfftat  different  tl^estnoarly  every  day 
from  ;,r.arch  28  to  I'arch  31  ,ln*lasi  ve. 

(m)   The  fallowing  official    statement  was  issued  i'arch  SI, 

(translation)  :- 

'T,arch  31 ,1915:-Yeoterday  the  Russian  Fleet, 
despite  having  launched    tvs    thousand  shots 
against  Zongouldak,  j*  ;^-li,and    Coslou,on  the 

Country, ......... ....... .  Turkey.  Port* Constantinople. 

Report  from  u.  s.  3.  scori  ic it.  2?eed  not,  be  returnee      » 

Date  of  Report....... ./pril  5,1915. -  •  --■. ...   ■       L  y^ 

* ■ rrsr-rr  WS 

1.       Situation  at  Constantinople. 

(a}   There  has  been  large  movemiint|  of  troops  in  the 
vicinity  of  Constantinople  and  thru  the  streets, at  different  tiroes, 
during  the  last  tT<so  weeks, and  it  is  believed  they  are  being  sent  to 
the   Dardanelles, but  this  is  not  certain.    Several  hundred  troops  have 
been  seen  marching  thru  Tophane  into   Stamhoul  at  about  8. CO  p.m. , on 
tvso  occasions  during  the  past  week. 

(b)  The  only  coal  coming  in  here  now  is  small  quanti- 
ties on  camel  back  from  Zongaidak. 

(c)  The  supply  of  gasoline  in  the  city  is  very  small, 
t^ers  is  no  sere  ooraln^  in. 

(d)  Gold  is  now  at  an  exchange  of  frfcia  #4*25  to  $4.30 
to  the  Turkish  pound,  for  American  draft  a.  Its  actual   value  is  $4*404 
per  Turkish  pound. This  rate  is  due  to  the  desire  of  many  Greeks, and 
ethers  ,t#io  have  hoarded  gold, to  gat   their  aoisay  into  Amerloa. 

(e)  all  the  larger  Turkish  ships  wei'e  laying  in  the 
Golden  Bora,  or  port  outside  .undergoing  drills  and, apparently, minor 
repair  work, until  April  l,when  they  went  up  the  Bosphoras* 

(f )  4  patrol  of  Turkish   gunboats  is  maintained  every 
night  between  Seraglio  point  and  Scutari. These  run  without  lights. 

(g)  I  searchlight, at  Scutari, is  also  played  -cross  to- 
ward Seraglio  point  every  night. She at s, apparently, watch  the  il- 
luminated section  particularly.  , 

(h)  The  German  steamship  GSFiiHAI"ttied  up  at   Tophane 
7/harf, which  has  been  in  use  as  a  sort  of  unofficial   flagship  of  the 
German  Vice-admiral  Scuchon  recentl£,has  apparently  been  using  bwe 
lights  to   serve  for  navigational  purposes  for  the  patrolling  gunboats, 
or  something  lately, aa  regular  flashes  are  made  continuously, at  regular 
interval  8, dm ing  the  night. 

(i)  The  repairs  on  the  SULTAN  SSL3B  (ex-GO  13  "^T),  which 
have  base  going  on  for  some  time, were  completed  fca  the  past  we^.k,and 
she  left  3tenia,at  nocn,ipril  l,and  stood  out  into  the  Black  Sea, ac- 
companied ^y  the  MIBULI    ( ; HEMA J3I SH;I.: 8£ JIDT  3H; KBgSg 

Country.  .........  Turkey* 

Heport  from  U.3.S.3CCEPICK. 

Date  of  Report* .  .....April  5,1915* 

Sage  2. 
Port*  • , . , Constantinople. 

coast  of  the  Black  Sea, re  tired  to   the 
If 9dv without  having  succeeded  in  effect- 
ing any  important  damage* Only  several 
houses  were  destroyed, and  some  mahonnes 
(small  native  barges)   were  sunk; The 
aviators, that   the  enemy  had  flying  dur- 
ing the  "bombardment, were  repulsed  "by  our 
/aa  matter  of  fact  the  Russian  Fleet  probably  bombarded  the  various 
Turkish  towns, and  ports  mentioned, during  the  days  shots  were  heard, 
(from  Sarah  28  -  31, inclusive)* 
&«Ucur&£tu*.  M  As  rep6rted  above  the  Turkish  Fleet, including  the 

ffTjyFErSrl    (ex-Goeben)   stood  cut  into  the  Black  Sea  at  noon,April  1. 

(o)  I    Rnfldift  patrol  of  torpedo  boats  is  maintained  at 
Black  Sea  entrance  of  3osphorus,day  and  night, 

(p)   I  am   informed, by  reliable   source, that  the  coal  mines 
and  ??praratus,railways,&c.  ,at  Zongaldak  have  been  really  serlnnsly  dam- 
aged,and  that  there  is  very  little  chance  of  an?/  more  coal  being  receiv- 
ed in  Constantinople  for  somea  time. 

3»       Dardanelles* 

(q)  .'11  foreign  and  native  civilians  were  sent  from  the 
region  of  the   straits  a  month  ago* 

(r)   It  is  admitted  that   the  outer  forts,Kum-Kale  and 
Sad -el -Bohr,  were  destroyed  in  the  recent  bo mbar Omenta, and  that  part  of 
the  outer  mine  field  was  successfully  swept* 

(s)  /.  s  mentioned  in  last  Heport, the  American  Ambassador 
made  a  more, or  less,mysterious^£rip  to    the  Dardanelles  recently ,but  has 
given  out  no  information, except  that  the  sinking  of  the  BCU73T,and  cer- 
tain British  ships  thoro,was  effected  by  gunfire, and  not  by  mines* 

(t)  Several  well  informed  Turkish   officials  and  paroon- 
ages,  (non-mi li tar yj  have  stated  freely  in  the  Constantinople  Club  here, 
that  the  damage  to   the  above  ships  was  accomplished  largely  by  recently 
placed  guns  of  medium  caliber    (5  inchj  &a) ;and  some  German  officers 
here, including  Field  Marshall  Von  der  Goltzfbefore  he  left  for  Berlin^ 
/ide  de  Camp  to   the  Sultan, are  quoted  in  the  local  news  sheets  as  having 
said  they  had  "shown  people  something  new,in  demonstrating  the  effic- 
iency of  3mall  caliber  guns  in  harbor  defence, even  against  armored  ships". 
It  is  known  that   some  meditsn  caliber  guns  had  been  removed  from  the 
Turkish  battleship  HU3::>tIDIIiH,before  it  was  sunk  December  13, and  presum- 
ably mounted  on  shore;and  it  is  generally  believed    (but  not  verified) 
here   that   quite  a  number  of  additional    similar  guns  have  been  transport* 
ed  there  and  placed  recently* 

(u)  /n  official    Imperial    Irade,published  in  the  local 
paper3,T'arch  28, announced   the  creation  of  a  new  Array  Corps, to  be  kncwn 
aa  the  5th, ,cc~pcsed  of  the  various  military  forces  engaged   in  the 
defense  of  the  .Dardanelles, and  the  ajypoint-ent  of  Li  man  Pasha    (Liman  von 
Sanders, a  Gorman  Cf^  ice r), formerly  in  command  of  the  First  Array  Oorps, 
(at  Constantinople), as  Corvander  of  the  new  Corps*/ 11   Turkish   troops, 
on  the  Bulgarian  frontier  ,have  been  moved  to   the  jar  ^anolles,  except  t 
fifteen  thousand  at  Adrianople* 

(l  }   The  Turkish  official   reports  state  that   their  aviators 
fly  out  over   the  Allies'   ships, drop  bombs  on  same, and  survey  injured  ships 
of  allies, in  harbors  of  various  Greek   Islands  &c.  It  is  belioved   there 
really  are  two, or  three, Turkish  aeroplanes  there. 

(w)  nothing  has  been  heard, or  reported, of  any  Turkish, or 
the   alleged   imported  German   submarine s, during  the  past  month. 

(ft)   There  has  been  no  be  bardie  at   ttt   Jam  ^nell  es   since 
the   sinking  of  the  KBTO  and  the  two   British    ships  on  Parch  15 .  u^ul  <<4>ul 2, 

(y)  /    Turkish  9>™taiLAjHd*7hb1  ran  out  of  the  Jrnianolles  and 
to   Smyrna, some   time  ago, as  reported  below  under  " Smyrna " . 


Country, ...,,.•,,,, Turks  y. 

Be  port  from  fca*3.3a0BPX0Ii 

Date  of  Ha  port April  5.1915. 


I-age  3. 
£ort» ....Constantinople. 

4»       Smyrna. 

(z)   I  on  informed  by  an  absolutely  reliable  American, previous- 
ly mentioned, who  has  just  returned  from  a  business  trip  to   Smyrna, that   the 
letter,  sent,  so  me  time  ago, by  the  British  Muted   tc   IBs©  Vail  there,  was  con- 
sidered as  a  bluff  and  joke  by  the  Turks /^euL  , 

faa)   'The  same  reliable  American  saw,with  his  orm  eyes, the 

nsnticnecl    SlbnVA    flrfMrtVl    Annua    .-Wto    fmw    4->ift    Ti«i1.^*««"n  »_    ^-i. 

frt)    I  hars  boon  farmer  lnfem»&t'by  t&S  reliable  business 
tr lean  mentioned  above,  that  .3.1.1  the  schools, he."  i  :^1 3, churches,  (includ- 
mc},  in  Smyrna, ar-.*   flying  ll-ac^:  and.  "dhlta  crossrP   flsgs;he  did  not 
recollect  exact  design. 

recollect  exact  design. 
5«       Miscellaneous. 

(ac)  I  havs  beer.  tcld,by  high  American  officials  hore,tbat-, 
tbftj_j2g-ya  b^er!  n.-, 'i n t fcbai,  the  tafelah  fleet  ,~'frich  Trent  eut,Pprill,is  going 
to  'Take  s  raid  on  Odessa. 

{igl)   r   large  as oaoer  of  Bng£i8Braanf^be  'ted  bean  engaged  in. 
the  telephone  company  herd,"»era  recently  dispossessed  and  star  feed  toward 
JedaagatcluAt  the  frontier   they  were  held  up  hcwev9r,a«d  returned,  i-.pril  2, 
they  started  agsin,and  were  again  held  up  at  the  fro atl or; but  they  were 
finally  allowed  to  tranepirea*  they  were  probably  !isl  d  up  and  de- 
layed on  account  o£  the  Turkish  Fleet  going  out  into   the  Black  Sea  about 
thi3  ti  e    (reported  above  ^?.rhich  it  was  desired  to  keep  a0  secret  *s  pos- 
sible, (af)   The  Turks  have  been  making;  large  number  of  shoes  for 
the  Army  at  3 tenia, during  iho  past  three  months, v.-'-iicJ    are  simply  riveted, 
and  not  sewn  or  stitched* The ac  VP9  often  seen  on  troops  marching  through 
the  straets*  They  have, apparently, produced  no  ill  effects. 

(ag)   The  wrapped  leggings, 7/1  th  which   the  Turkish  Aray  is 
provided, appear  unsatisfactory, They   se^i  to  be  ridi-p?  \ip  shove   the  shoes, 
in  practically  all  cases  when  men  are  observed  marching, 








JFIDENTIAL  Havy  bbpaHtisjit 

State  Dept.  fords,  do a patch   V7ashingtoh,D.C. 
Sub  joe  t:   from  Ambassador  to  Herman?  ro 

conditions.  April  G,  191F. 

Memorandum  for  Office  of  Javal  Intelligence „ 


Referred.  Please  return  to  Operations  after  making 
contants  known  confidentially  to  the  C-eneral  Board  and  .ar 

(SG))}   !,A.Jtttt]OU 

1st  indorsement*      .pril  7,  1916 

Fron:   \ettng  Director  of  Haral  Intelligence. 
To:    General  Board* 

( &m )      H. H. WHITTLESEY. 

2n*  Endorsement,   G.B.lIo.  4£9-£.  April  3,  1915.  VH/K 

FROM:  Secretary  general  Beard; 

TO:    Division  of  Operations,  ttA   Haval  Wax   College, 

SUBJBCTj  State  department  forwards  dospr.teh  from  Ambassador 

to  Gerrarny  re  conditions. 

Returned,  by  direction  of  the  General  Beard;  contents 
noted.  Attention  is  invited  to  the  comment  of  tne  Aid  for 

(sgjj)  s.h.campbell. 

580-9-138  3rd  Endorsement.     ..pril  9,  1915. 

FROM:  President,  loTal  War  College. 
TO:    iirvy  Department  (Operations) 


State   Department   forwards   despatch   from  J. S. 
Ambassador  to   ^emtirrj  re   conditions. 

1.      lie  turned;    contents  noted. 

fS(IS)      AuSTIII  M.    SilGHT. 

Need  not  be  returned. 

SUBJECT  German  submarine  U  29  -  imported  loss. 

From      yi,  ...No 62.        Bate        6  April  f    191  8 

Replying  to  O.N.I.  No.  Date  ,    191 

The  Admiralty  recently  reported  that  they  "had 
reason  to  "believe"  that  the  German  submarine  U  29  had  been 

The  details  were  as  follows  -  The  Grand  I'leet  was 
steaming  in  two  parallel  columns  somewhere  off  the  fCast  coast 
of  Scotland;   The  U  29  got  between  the  columns  and  fired  two 
torpedoes  at  the  Iron  T>akef   both  ftf  which  missed,   apparently 
neglecting  the  second  column  she  was  showing  her  periscope, 
probably  trying  to  see  result  of  shots,  when  the  Vroadnought 
sheered  from  second  column  and  rammed  her.   The  U  29  was 
lifted  to  the  surface  by  the  bow  of  the  tread nought,  and 

oarently  rolled  completely  over,     far  as  known  the 

eadnought  suffered  no  damage. 


(See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  1900.)  I"- 




.MAY  l 



From  Z  No 1R9  Date  ifenj     Attril   6, 1915* ,  191 

Heed  not  be  returned. 

Replying  to  O.  N.  I.  No Date  .,  191 


All  German  officers  entering  the  city  of 
Brussels  are  required  to  register  their  name,  station  and  reasons 
for  coning  to  Brussels  in  a  book  and  are  then  handed  a  copy  of 
the  order  appended  and  translated. 

Brussels  is  less  than  two  hours  from  the  front 
by  automobile  and  has  all  the  attraction  of  a  larpe  city  including 
a  very  pray  night  life. 

Recently  the  Governor  General  issued  orders  to 
check  the  nuuber  of  officers  whd>  would  come  -Prom  the  lines  on 
comparative  trivial  excuses. 


«■    .    ^  -■.-.■      I      ^.H^.l-.M     »—■■«■■■     — -41.      ..Illl.ll     II— ■■■■!  IHI        ■         ■    mm ■—■ ■■»     -«■    !■—    Ill*l-ll— ■«* 


1.   Office  of  Business:  Governors  Office,  rue  de  la  loi 
No.  3  and  6  -  Government  rue  de  la  loi  No. 8  ♦  - 
Governor  General,  rue  d©  la  loi  No.  10. 

3.   Military  hospitals:-  Military  Hospital  III,  Hospital 

Sohaerbeok  -  Military  Hospital  II,  Palais  des  Academies  - 
Military  Hospital  I,  Avenue  de  la  Couronne,  -  Military 
Hospital  IV,  Baudoin  Barracks,  -  Military  Hospital  V, 
Pare  Royale  (  Theatre  Royal). 

3.   Sleeping  Accortmodation  s:   See  special  orders  put  up  at 
the  R.R.  depots. 

*•   Uniform  :  Open  overcoat  for  officers  prohibited.  Gloves 
to  be  worn. 

5.  Salutations.   Street  discipline  must  be  stronrly  enforced. 
Officers  will  salute  each  other  mutually  and  not  wait  for 
the  first  salute.   Salutations  on  the  part  of  subordinates 
as  well  as  from  the  Belgian  police  will  be  returned  under 
all  circumstances. 

6.  The  use  of  the  street  cars  is  free  to  officers.  More  than 
10  military  parsons  are  not  permitted  to  enter  one  car.  it 
the  same  time. 

7.  The  greatest  reservation  will  be  observed  in  conversations 

in  restaurants,  street  cars,  etc. 

8.  Enlisted  men  will  have  to  be  in  their  quarters  at  0  in 
the  evening,  non-comuissioned  officers  (  below  Feldwebel) 
First  Serreant  at  10  in  the  evening. 


-  3  - 

9.       The  closing  hour  (  Police  Hour)  for  all  restaurants, 
places  of  amusements'  and  stores  has  been  fixed 
at  11  in  the  eve  ning. 

10.       Tirae  is  the  Middle  European  (  an  hour  later  than 
the  Belgian). 

11*       Police. 

(a)  Street  Police •  Is  carried  out  as  far  as  the 
civilian  population  is  concerned  "by  the  Belrian 
Police  Officials.  All  military  persons  will  have 
to  rive  them  their  assistance  if  asked  for. 

(b)  .Military  Police.  The  Military  Police  is  carried 
out  by  patrols  of  the  garrison  which  have  as  a 
distinctive  mark  the  word  »Poliaeitt  on  their  collar* 
They  carry  besides  cards  of  identification.  They 
are  also  policing  the  saloons  and  restaurants.  Their 
orders  will  have  to  be  carried  out  unconditionally 
by  all  milifc&ry  persons,  also  officers. 

13.       The  acceptance  of  Belgian  money  cannot  be  refused. 
It  has  the  rate  of  1  Mark  =  1.35  francs. 

13.  Taking  of  photographs  of  R.R.  depots,  barracks,  on 
the  streets  and  squares  is  prohibited. 

14.  Entrance  to  the  Royal  castles  is  prohibited.  Museums 
are  open  without  charge  from  10  in  the  forenoon  until 
3  in  the  afternoon. 

15.  Female  relatives  of  Barman  officers,  officials, 
non-commis3ioned  officers  and  men  are  not  remitted 
within  the  territory  of  the  Belgian  General 

16»       German  houses  of  business  are  to  preferred  in  making 
purchases.  A  list  of  the  same  is  posted  in  the 
R.R.  depots. 

17 '•       It  is  prohibited  to  walk  with  females  of  the  demi- 
monde in  uniform  on  the  streets  or  to  sit  with 
them  in  restaurants  and  other  public  places. 

18»       Places  for  bathing  :- 

Rue  de  Moniteur  10a  (  in  the  vicinity  of 
Garrison  Headquarters  ) 

Rue  de  la  Montagne  aux  Herbes  Potageres  39 
(  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Main  Post  Office) 

The  Commander  of  the  Garrison 
Freiherr  von  Strachwitz 




t  K 



Office  of  Naval  Intelligence, 

April   7,   1915. 

* «    *  JU-  *  -» J 

No.    672 

Embassy  q£   the  Suited  states  of  Aiftej&ica, 

Berlin,   ^larch  11,    1915. 

To  the   Honorable 

fhe   Secretary  of  State, 
Washington,    I).    0. 



Ith   reference   to   the  Department  * 3   telegram  Ho.    1208   of 
ry  17,   1915,   ana*  to   the  Bmbassy^s  telegraphic  reply  Ho. 
1648  of  February  19,   1915,   regarding  the  military  and  economic 
condition   of  Germany,    I   have   the  honor  to   report  further   as 
follows : 

The   Chief  of  the  General   Staff  has   stated  to   the   Mili- 
tary Attache  of  the  Embassy  that  no  one  knows  the   exact  number 
of  German   soldiers  under   arms$   that   if  anyone  knew  it  he  would 
know  it  and  that  he    knows   it   only  approximately*  ■    It   can  he 
estimated   that  there   are   four  million  men  with  the  armies   on 
rious  fronts  and  that  two  million  more  are  in  the  bar- 
racks and    throughout  the   territory  now  occupied  by  the . Ger- 
mans.     It  is  stated   that  eighty  to   eighty-eight  per  cent   of 
the   wounded  return  to   auty  with  their  regiments.     The  losses 
of  Germany  and  Austria-Hungary  together       tounted,   the  Smperor 
Informed  the  Military  Attache,   to  about  1,500,000,     The  German 
losses   in  men  not  able  to  return  to  the   front  are  <y 

450,000  to  500,000,     Ihere  are    irery  many  Lan       hi  Ions 

and  Landwehr  corps,   and  Land    ti    "m  b     rid    ■  ■<  gii 

a   q     re   i  ;  :jc   battalions  of  L  \  called    "Arb<  '        -  i  t- 

ftillon3w.     Very  many  oi  the  o]  s  a 

..  on  the   llnee  of  communic  ttJ  m  a  id    Ln   th*    ooc         i    eua- 
my'f3  country. 




'  Jl  3  n 

'  IS 

-   2    - 

As   regards   the    commissar iat ,    there   are  ample 
everywhere    for  the   troops,   who  are   ted   better,   as  far  as   one 
08»   judge,    at   the    front, than  they  are;  in  time   gf  peace.      The 
clothing;    is  excellent   and  ample.      Ihsffj    is   furnished  by  the 
Government   is  largely  supplemented  "by  gifts   from  the    people. 
These  gifts   are  handled   in  the    same  systematic   manner  that   the 
Government    supplies   for   the   Army  are  handled  and  the   troops 
have   lacked  nothing   that   is  necessary.      At   times,   for   a   cay 
CMP   twe  may  have   been  some   shortage  for  particular  units 
bn.t   those  occasions  have  probahly  ho  en  rare.      1'he   troops  have 
everywhere  appeared  to   be  in  %'c.e    best  of  health   end  there   is 
said  to   be  a   smaller  percentage   of   sickness  at  the  front  than 
in  garrisons  in  time  of  peace*      The   supply  of  arms  and   ammun- 
ition is  also  assple*      it  must   also  he  tahen  into   consideration 
•that   large   quantities   of   arms  have  "been   captured,    especially 
machine   guns ,   and   these  as  well   as   the    artillery  guns  have 
he  en  used  "by  the  Germans.  | 

As  regards   copper,    there   are  old  mines   in  Germany  which 
were  abandonee   on.  account   of   the    costs  of  getting  out  the 
copper,   which  mines   can   be  re-opened,      fhere   are   copper   mines 
tea   Bejpium  and   in  the  part  of  France   occupied  by  the   Germans. 
In  addition,    a  thorough  account   is   said    to   have    been  made  of 
the   amOTBit   of   copper    in   the   horses,    etc.,    throughout  Germany 
and   it  was   found  that   there    is  a   suffioi  ant   Quantity  of  copper 
to  last   two  more   years,    if  it    .is   necessary  to   call   on   the 
people   +o   give   that   to   the  Government   an  was   clone  a   few  months 
since  as  regards  woolen  articles. 

hat   strides  one  most   forcibly  is   the   careful   economy 
practiced   by  the   German   authorities   in    saving   everything   on 
the  field  of  battle   -  everything   beloa  to    the  wound    a, 

everything  that   can  be  al    in  vrr.      Mj    articles,   of   every 

description,    are  pi-Ved   up,    sent  back,    sorted   and    then  utilised. 
For   instance,    clothing;    is    disinfected,   washed,    repaired, 


-   3    - 
pressed   and  re-is sued,      thhis   is   ft  wonderful    saving   in  itself. 
So  many  field  kitchens  have  "been  captured   froin  the   Rus- 
sians  that   almost  all  of   the  German    troops  now  have   them, 
hereaa   In  the   beginning  of  the   Far   the   infantry  and  foot 
artillery  only  h:&  wheeled  field  kitchens*     All   old   iron   is 
picked  up  and   sent  "back.      £hc   most   careful   requisitioning  has 
been  made   in  the    enemy's   country  occupied  by  the   German  troops. 
Threshing  machines  nave  boon  sent   to  the   front  and  wheat  aiid  o 
other  grain  threshed  out  "by  or  v^qt  the   direction  of  the   Ger- 
man soldiers,   when   quantities   of  it   mere  found. 

?heoo  nrce   merely   sited  sts   instances   of   the    care  that   is 
tan  not    bo   waste  anything  tvhioh  may  he  useful    in  the   pros- 
miion  of   the  war. 

r'his   year's  annual    drafting   of  new  men   for   the   Army  cer- 
tainly ^oull  more    than  haVd   replaced  the  losses   that   haye  been 
guflfereci   by  the   Germans  and  the   scry  ices  of   the  larger   propor- 
tion of  the  volunteers   has  not   yet   been  accepted    bf  the  Gov- 
ernment . 

•  thi   Army  represents  better  than  anything  else   the 
frOple,    it    is   extremely   interest:]  113  to    see   hoy  in  every 
octal  branch   there   arc   a  great  many  experts  in  that  branch 
rltvii''3   and  ready  to   perform  the   worm   required.      Shis  all 
tends    'O   economy  and  efficiency*     there   seems  to   be  ebno- 
lutely  no  personal    JStriVittg   tar     crsonal   regard,      rvery  man 
is  per^fo'rming  the    duty  assigned   to  hite  to   the  test  of  hia 
ability  wheri  he   may  to   end  whatever  may  ho    <■  that 

■  begi  of   tic   mar   or   tiow  holds. 

<-    '      eal  tfas  '<  een  learned   by  the  Germans  during  these 
\   nt.    ■;  "v.'  1  i   of  all  that  esrper- 

I  in  1  new  as  "       i  ■■  1  bl      old   men. 

egards   the   fleet,  Germany  hi  i  rroi- 

pal  nave!!  ce  st  intaci         Fl    BY    mm    a   vfliiCh   have   been 

lost  bave  been  generally  of   nicer   types  or   scouting  vessels. 

-  4    - 
The   Bsprit   de  Corps   of   the  nairaJ    sermee   is  of  the  very  high- 
est  and   the   skill   enterprise  amd  daring  have   been  at  all  times 
of  the   best . 

The  submarine   service  has   been  largely  increased  and  has 
shown   itself  to  "be  a  very  powerful  weapon  of  offensive  war- 
fare         Inst   ESngland. 

as  the  German  battle   fleet  was   somewhat   loss  than  half 
that   of  England  at   the  beginning  of  the   war,    it   could  hardly 
be   Mcpeoted  that    it  could  engage  the   enemy  against  such  heavy 
odds*     At  the   same   time  the   fleet  is  ire  11  prepared   and   should 
opportunity  occur,  will  he  heard  from,;. 

tie  tine1  has  not   yet  come  to    judge  of  the   effectiveness 
of  the  blockade   of  England.      There   can  he  little   doubt,  how- 

■  ,    that    it  will  seriously  affect  England^   commerce   and 
probably  will  very  much  raise  the   cost   of   living  in  England 
if  not  bringing  about  actual  hunger* 

The   personnel   of   the  German  Navy  is  believed   to   consist 
at   tie    present   time  of  about   one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand 
men   of  all  tranches. 

For  details  of  ships   in  oo ©mission,    etc.,    the   files  of 
thi   office  of  Kaval    Intelligence   should  he   consulted . 

the  superior   allied  fleets  have   completely  ? riven  Gcr- 
•n  merchant     hipe    from  the    seas   and   for  the    present  the   care- 
fully built  up  and  splendidly  equipped  German  Merohant  ser- 
vi  ce   is  o omplet ely  paralysed . 

Enormous  losses  have  been  sustained   in  the   commercial 
eire1es   of  Germany        rouj  h  the   stopping  of  commerce  znd.  the 
confiscation,    or   interning  of   so  manv  shins  lying   in  the   one- 
's harbors   or  on   the  high   seas   at   the   onthreak  of   the  war, 

:'everH  Koleos  the   enterprise  ,    . .'• r^  lA  spl        ,r    sys- 

tem under  which  the  German  merchant   fleet  ■■  up,   remain 

aliYe  end    it   may  confidently  he   expeoted   that        Pe  rs  af- 

ter this  war  the  German  mer  t  fleet  will  ho   again  occupying 

-    6    - 

one   of  the   leading  positions  on  the   ^oas . 
1   Lave   the  honor  zo   he,    Sir* 

Yo-jr    c  he  a  I  e  '  tt    3  er  van  1 1 

(signed)      James   W*  Gerard. 



(See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  .900.)  Need  flOt  bC  retUVUed. 

AM  83  1S1D  ^ 

OF      SUBMARINE        a   TJ 


/™» Z M> Ill Date APril  ?.J  19l5r 

.,  #/ 

Replying  to  O.  N.  1.  No Date 


f ollows:- 

The  loss  of  this  boat  is  officially  admitted  as 

M  U  39  n  Probably  Lost. 

Official.  Berlin,  April  7,  1915. 

H.M.  Submarine  «•  U  3  9  »  has  not  returned  from  her  last 
enterprise.   According  to  an  information  of  March  26, 
emanating  from  the  British  Admiralty,  it  is  said  that 
the  boat  with  the  whole  crew  had  been  sunk.   The  boat 
must  therefore  be  considered  as  lost. 

The  Aetirtg  Chief  of  the  Admiralty  Staff 
(  Sip.)  Behncke.  H 

Her  comiander  Otto  f  iddUin 
<va<?  a  national  hero  in  Germany  and  had  he  survived  would  have  ^one 

far  in  the  German  Navy. 

Tne  following  appreciation  is  written  by 

Captain  P  e  r  s  i  u  s   :- 

n  Hot  quite  unexpected  comes  the  news 
o-p  mourning.   Several  days  ago  the  British  Admiralty 
reported  that  they  had  reason  to  believe  that  "  U  39  " 
had  been  destroyed.  The  name  of  W  e  d  d  i  n   e  n  makes 
the  destruction  es  ecially  painful.   ^ecVUp-en  coiimanded, 
before  assuming  co; :  :and  of  •  Tr  39  " ,  the  M  U  9  u ,  the 
boat  whose  deed,destroydrtgon  the  33d  of  September  1914 
the  English  armored  cruisers  "CRESSY",  «AB0UKIR» , . and 
■HOCHJI!*,  will  always  be  written  in  golden  letters  as  one 
of  the  mo3t  glorious  in  our  naval  history.   And  on  the 
15th  ef  October  Veddigen  succeeded  with  tt  U  9  »  again  to 
sink  another  English  warship,  the  MHAWKEM.  Following 
t  .is  successful  activity  in  the  destruction  of  enemy 
warship  material  a  no  less  successful  period  in  the  trade 
war  set  in.   Our  thoughts  accompanied  Weddigen  on   his 
last  trips  with  special  expectations.   "  U  19  M  was 
larger,  faster,  and  better  armed  than  M  u  9  » .  Thus 
with  pride  we  heard  of  the  different  successful  attacks 
on  English  merchant  ships ,  "rar  from  her  home  base,  in  the 
Irish  Sea.   Thus  far  he  went  and  spread  terror  to  the 
British  shipping.   It  was  especially  gratifying  to  us 
to  hear  of  the  recognition  of  the  friendly  and  humane 
conduct  of  V/eddiren  on  the  part  of  the  crews  of  torpedoed 
ships.   As  man  and  hero  waddigen  will  live  in  our  thoughts 
forever.  He  was  adored  by  his  men  who  followed  him 
willinfly  into  death.   They  did  not  hesitate  to  reoocni7,e 
in  him  their  leader  in  life  and  death. 

—  *}  — 

We  have  followed  his  career  ^rith  pride  and 
admiration.  But  the  thought  has  naver  left  us 
that  to  him  also  will  eone  sorae  day  a  very  quick 
qw\*       To  the  last  breath  Wed<U#»n  and  his  brave 
crew  of  ■  U  99  *  have  done  their  duty.   They  will 
never  be  forrotten. 

L.  Persius. tt. 



Need  not  be  returned, 
»#••  Const  :sn  tinople  f  &c« 

Country.. ..Turkey.  Port* 

Export  from    .  n    ♦ 

Date  of      ■•    rt. Ajftl  12,2 915. 

-C"C— 0— C—  0—0— C  .■— 0"C— C— 0— C— C -O— 0-0-0— 0—0— C—O—C  —  0— C— 0— 0— '  -    ~    —t  — o -c -o -c -c  — 






BlasJte  3oa : 

T&TTfficial  Turkish  termini  qua*/-,  pril  4,191 5,  (translation}  *- 
"jurin?  tho  cruise  R&ds  yes  tarda y   by  cur 

flest  in  tho  Yloinlty  of  the  Gulf  of 

Odessa, tro  larijo  Russian  ships  raw  a?. 
rcYid«ntM,200C  tons,aa&  ''Vaatoohnai'-  3 

2ifterda",16C'0  tons,  ware  sundk  with  tho  j#> , 
oar  rocs, by  our  Host, and  their  crews 

isonora*  u(j 

Surin/*  this  actionem*  amall  cruiser  "   // 
•^edjidijSi",  which  was  pursuing  enemy  miua 
swoners  in  the  vicinity  of  J&at  ctoh*3oov, 
struck  a  rai  no  and  sank  i&ila  a®  WHtt&ittg 
the  enemy's  coast* 

Thi3  accident  was  caused  by  a  mine  plm$& 
"by  the  Bussians  to  dofcs&d  fee  j.-crta  of  Hic- 
elsieff  and  Odeasa,and  their  cor. sots*  / 

The  orex  of  the  "iadjidtatt*  were  aarad  by 
the  other  Otf-owsn  ^sr  ship©  ns?r*3!he  barring 
of  tho  9V9V  of  this  r.hip,aunk  in  its  saored 
itflitasy  *nty,£orits  the  finest  aiftagp* 

She  breech  blocks  cf  tho  gtma  0*^.  taws'   tho 
above  cruiser  wore  entirely  removed, and  the 
ship  itself  dastroyed  by  moans  of  torpedoes, 
to  j-rovont  nil  possibility  of  its  being  ro- 
ll oated  by  tho  essay** 
(b)     From  n  Turkish  Cffioaiyafeo  ca-e  from  QgpMl    (BEatft  Sit 
entrance  ftf  Bosr-horna)  ,/pril  7,- 
"Ruasian  Sleet  has  boon  of--  the  31. 
entrance  for  tthg  last  three  wks, being  sen, 
cr  2  arts  of  It  hewing  boon  saonvnssrly  ovary 
day  and  r.ig£ht,at  different  tines, during  this 
periodV-s  many  84  thirty-five  nuialsn  vessels, 
total  ,ef  different  kinds, aro  reported  to  have 
be:  n  seen  on  one  occasion. 

Russian  Sle:. t  has  bfcsrfbsntod  different  points 
along  the  coast, at  different  tiros, during  this 
:eriod,and  xut  former  battery  of  fcwalve  ic-cm 

(4-inch  j  guns  at  Ovale  {Anatolian  sid&)  out  of 
00 ^ris si en, injured  1  ouses  there, and  also 

injured  some  buildings  c-i  Anatolian  side. 

There  ore  trjc   taaronlights  installed  at   '3otsJc, 
one  09  each  side,^hich  arc  tog  •  .slaving  every 
nirht,et  pro sent, across  entrance*!  xatrol  of 
tor  9ds  gBRboafti  is  a3  so  maintained  there. 
an  the  TUrfcish  Float  wont  out, on, or  around 
rll  let., the  nmWLl   (ex-:r  H, 

and  another  ship, and  six  ooel  vessels, took  I 
oourso  along1  tho  /natolisn  const, rod  tho   JUSttJf- 
I     (02-Cr         ),  . '    I,and  two  tordedo  g«ft- 

boats   (destroyers)  tock  course  a!  uropean 

oo.iat*3ho  P.usr»ian  Fleet  aproftrodfand  tha  Turlciah 

■  on  /natolian  route,  ptXDXI.TX,!!  '  and  on- 

other) ,  re  turned  sofely,but  nothing  further  has 
bo.n  soon  of  tho  six  ooal  ▼ossela.Tho 
roturnod  soon  aftory/arls  and  na.To   signal  at  tho  ' 
entrance, that  sho  hod  been  torpedoed, end  &o  1!J£D4 
JUIJI  nd  tc    Wkiab    -nnboats  wore  lost.lJoerl;/ 
tho  crows  of  all  three   ships  surrtc  ware  Icst.'Choy 
wow  sunk  by  rrunfiro|r>nd  tho  ]  Jwrs—toji — 

<'•-•'  aTsnt?*iln  ".TTin  nhput  fr^int    -Tin  ^r-  t)vo 


Page  2. 

Coventry* Tur'co  y#  Plnoe* Constantinople ,  &c . 

Roi  ort  iv0ia  &  g, .,...;  J  •;:  It  II. 
jat©  of  BqptfHb  *••  Jprll  1«;,1915» 

2he  SULSkH-^Lr:, aw  «•  Steuia,oan  now  use 
only  forward  tro  pHStttBS  li  very  eerie  usly 
injured, and  will  bo  unable  to  go  cut  again 
fcr  -  long  tim* 

ill  foreigners  wore  sent  out  of  Boiooa  said 
vicinity  sorse  tirae  e£D««a$  aor-.e  newor  ^ana 
are  "beinjr*  novod  fror  there  to  fCavcfc»l!heee 
are  four  20  era   (11  inch)  and  eight  15  en 
(6  inch)  guns* There  sit  alao  Turkish  troops 
staticned9at  different  Dlaoes,all  Ot&&&  ooast 
from  Bulgarian  boundary  to  3firaaou,on  'natollan 

3ovsr»l  80  on   (11  inch)  guns,  in  Goldtn  libra, 
are  also  being  rotten  ready, for  ftbipsent  to 
JJBPdonellQa#Tcc}   tyPKQflperss  are  mltlng  inside 
now  to   take  them, and  t"  .       ve  erpeeted  to  01 
in  a  day  or  na» 

The  BaJfflaJlOSa*  has  r?on*s  $cm  to  fiffi^mSl  esH, 
The  above  fcufelan  Of'  loor  ran  tienod,  from  ^ish  above  was 
obtained* also  said 

"The  TuP??a  nev-?r  do  SBSytfoiag  Ul  <   too  late" 
Ho  seonaad  quite  leaalrciatie* 
(o)     ^oept  as  reyifdn  ghs  ^*inn  rar:  tioned  ,and  te  S&SBM  I 
bein$  at  Jardenal1eaTtha  a  tat  err  out  a  of  .rofc-var   M  &■*•  s^MW 
boon  oonfimed  f*w  thro?   indco         nt  source,  including  Gar- 
i»an  sailorstand  certain  Ottoman  aubJeotG* 
(d)     It  1b  known  -positively  aoa»  of  H  a  &tt*kia1    ileott  was  not 
out  of  I         oaiborus  woro  th«r»  |vvrip*4bW  hours, and  none  of 
thoa  inore  than  ttyfcw&ap-a, except  tho  ansa  &tiil  out#*;so  they       -J%& 
oculd  hardly  havo,7been  at   Cdoasa#1!ho  SQtf&S-aj&BS  had 
going  all  the  way  down  frora  Belaob  to  3t.}til&,v0ien  returning, 
and  still  have  them  coinr*  all  t1%o  tine, in  8tea£e*/   'Turkish 
gunboat  otocd  dom  So4phcnt6,08  lasts  data,wit?<  foreraat  and 
one  ftuioel  Blss£ag,s&d  wont  into  Golden  Soro# 

2»  ^erdaa^lj^eaf. 

(e)  I  S  Informed  ,*«  ibliows^by  i  *eltaela  km  ioan,andljai  ert- 
«nt  buainaaa  ««,*<)  has  t1ua|  returned  ftfff    li      Island  of  Ten- 

wthe  jantjiiab  have  takai  peeseeelea  of  f. 

Efttndfasd  ha-we, until  recently, had  a  iMMfl 
nuborof  troops  thereabout  the  first  \ 
April  they  all  embark®;!,  about  fori/  thousand 
(4C,CCO   in  all, and  all  the  troops  md  »Mps, 
bothfioft#   ft»y  said  thoy  -ivere  ©oin^»  to  3gypt, 
to  ]  ut  ootfti  disor'Jornjbnt  it  was  «urrr)Ooted,^t 
*?on.4os,thoy  nifrht  be  SOiH0  to  atton^t  •  sur- 
i-riae  landinr  on  tfca  Itert  set  soi^owhsreH# 

(f)  Aa  a  tat  aft  abovo,a  lur'clah  Officer  ha  a  mM  thftt  aev«ir^l 
28  en   (11  inch}   £una  are  beftaj  ft.r  ir\Nafer  to  the 
Jardanslleft.Tnia  ia  tmconflr~ed* 

'•  Opnat^ntlnoplei, 

{%)     The  Gerrana  53  ^er-.nn  synfAthlatn  ho?u  aeom  to  bo  boeon- 
ln/D?  mcro  noo8iriatio#3avoral  Gor-an  buainoan  n&n  and  rasidonts 
hare  loft  with  nil  their  balon<?in£S, during  tho  j«st  wocVrjfind 
others  vi  r  ;  "ttod  to. bo  preparing  t.         ^o. 
(hi     Th<5  .        s rr«- i n/»  repa Irs  at    ltania,noored  ale     - 

aide  the  dock. 

Ooun  try# *  Turtosy .  Plaoe#  »««*«««*«  Const  %  \  .1  nopl  o*  lib 

I&te  of  Safari*  •••April  12f2915« 

^H>^^^^^^^^^'"0'*0*,0"^*,<>*0**0**0'*'0*<  "-"    -' -o-o-c-o- 

ft)     The  injured  gunboat frentl one &  I         Jfis  jr:xr -Dins?  repairs 
in  ■  sjpnll  <gya<H<l  in  t*e  Go  1  dan  Horn. 

(J)     I  sm  tola1  the  Torkiah  po.m'iition  ia  beginning  tc  think 
the  Ttae^ian  <lll  §•!  In  here  <joo?i#  fctft  SDKa  of  the  better 

fll&ftfl  «sre  iMMtfjtly  spread  ini*  •  jropagasBfla  to  con  th©  .Dardan- 
elles to   the  Htagliat]  sffid  Fro30ht-vr.!  let   tthem  in  first, if  oo~ 
aanation  V'  the  ftuasSM  doee  actually  become  ir*-ittentf*a  they 
feqr»s!hotoe  ill  else, an  QpaqpaftieB  fef   I  i ana .and  &&&*% 

no  Bt*CJP  ?y"   crash   a  c&3C« 

(kj     (ftMtll  s&OQBtf  of  .provisions  &Btfhffito  been  sent  "by  the 
Oerr^e^   fefeftt^p   tc   b^  stored  aft  03.  tl    {in  inter  ic-r  i  w.r*fi  feftflfe 
of  Scutari)  •Both  Hi*  Jarwan  and  Austrian  Ambassadors  sn^ 
they  ^ill  kov^  up  t*        ■  ■■^phorua  this  BWMff   afl  usual  hWV« 
(J.)     *bout  a  mentb  o&  fr^c  000  tfc*  Stttfclafc  WKifrttlM  »'i?>  al| 
the  inhabitant?  of  Prlnfclpota  mbssmp  resort  tafafttf  about  ton 
nilee  south  of  Constantinople  in  the  Sna  cf  i:ar»r.riratleavB  von 
aurenly*and  it  ^ms  runered  here yat   the  $U«a«4M  the  island 
m*a  be  fey?  caw  arafl1  as  •  last  stronghold* the  vicinity  bairne* 
jr.ined,&o,  f  two  or  ffeffa       ■_'     r  -isante  Ware  B&loTOft 

to  return  apain.April  |t]  b  a  ocr|'u-t ,    toW  cf  ifcft  ialend 

{*A»out  tuo  hours  trip  In  eerrlaga) tSxi  oorjjcny  with  ifem  A&apfaMi 

Ambae^ador*  I  eav  thrao  recently  nafa  tivnohoetbut  doubt  if  I 
could  over  hasre  beonw.nde  for  defensive  purpc8esfcn  account  of 
th##r  leer,  tier,  The*  la2and  *seuld  be  very  hard  to  dafondyas  landing 
could  be  Kate  nearly  anywhere.  J  think:  the  exodus  Bay  have  be 
esesed  *?c  sn*fc  the  Earta  *:-%fct  look  for  radio  ar,  aratus,  {there 
are  eavar&l  quite  large  hotels  and  private  building  there, 
BftftXy  (Mid  by  foreigtttP8)»ac  they  were  a*ite  excited  on  tho 
anajaat  of  Mdd«Q  radio*  at  ttatt  tine«!Zhe  Aassrtcsa  babteadog 
etfl.te»thow»rarfthat  ha  has  rasaon  be  believe  it  to^j  sir..-  ly 
oauaeif  by  the  poliee  ii  ordar  that   th  ;       Ij^t  loot  the  rropsrty 
of  the  J     ibitaata^^so  are  zeofttl        aakii 



/^  ^ti 


Heea  not  oe  revwrnvuu 

[See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  or  October  31,  1900.] 

SUBJECT ...»»_.the  _.^ 

r'llitary  and  Haval  Attaches  af  the  Japan©    afatiwi  In 

siting  ©a  the  subject  ©f  the  inc-Japaaose  negotiations. 
From.    ....    .JVo.— * Z)^ :--~  ikjKFil  loth-.---lW/------ -.  ■*&* 

Replying  to  O.  JV.  I.  No Date--S±j=gA>.-/$-  °.^.Zk\..        _!->  191 

la  the  doraoado  ©a  China  there  are     tier-      orning 
•uigageaent  of  ailitoxv   vlsero,  t     w  na©  ©f  arao  and 
onraunitions  and  th«  aroonalo.  Thooo  arc  the  moot  vital  joints 

not     ,hinose  coveraaont .   ueh  f  i.:>fioult„,  will  I     er- 
ioacod  boJoro  a  satisfactory  settlement  ©an  be  roae      .>© 
or  t        ?o  J©vornnont  realise  tl     ep  moani. 

hidden  underneath  the  idea  entertained  hy   ©ur  anay  wh©     osod 
those     tions.  it   the  Cnlaaa©  Government  interprets  the 
questions  in  the  sense  of  ordinary  onoagoaoat  of  advisors  and 
urehaso  of  arao  a  speedy  settlement  any  be  c      d.  But  ©a 
o  contrary,  if  the  Chinese  susjoct  that  those  questions  oea- 
.  riso  :art  of  t  o  orao  ©f  ©ur  future  aati©aal  dofonco, 

then  it  will  bo  difficult  to  corao  t©  a  sottlooont.   t  first 
the  premier  and  t        a  hiaistor  wore  oC  the  o^inic    at 
alt      China  is  ovor  aocodo  t©  those  donando. 

100  thoso  0onand3  have  boon  made  we  anal    vo  t©  ro;crt 
to    oo  if  t    ./oro  rejected,   t  very  onion  doubt  i  ouoh 
aotioa  ©a  Hj    t  would  havo  a  bonofloiul  ofi'oct  ©a  ©ur  t  rosoat 
fore.*         .    it  aftor  oaroful  consideration  w©  aro  convinced 
that  for  the  oak©  ©f  ©ur  ©wa  nati©nal  doJonco  it  io  n©c 

[See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  !!)(I(I.J 

subject  J^t^or  from  tMJj^P^ 

* Ilitary  on£     aval  attaches  of  tho  Japanese  Location  in 

Mnc  on  tho  subject  of  the  Ino- Japanese  negotiations. 

From      %  No.  __| #^-J§itl»Iil^--Iil^ >  ^ 

Replying  to  0.  N.  I.  No Date y ,  i#i 

for  us  to  obtain  substantial  pewor  in  Uilna,  It  vm     te 
this  roaoon  that  theeo  three  ooaonds  woro  a6        aloes  to 
eayt  whina  io  the  first  country  to  boar  the  brunt  of  our  too*** 
oion  polio;, 

Tho  doaands  connected  v?ith  the  ,'ul-ion  revince  proposed 
our  navy  aro  tho  scat  vital  points  against  -nmorica.  For 
if  Ja^an  oan    jre  tho  naval  oontrol  of  an  ft  ijarber  anci  tho 
adjaoont  ooaoeaot  wo  shall  bo  able  to  reduce  tho  vela*  of  the 
,hili::ino  Islands  a©  t      rioan  naval  base  in  the  »aeirie 
and  I    frustrate  her  pelli    i  that  (   olicn. 

Tho  throe  doraands  proposed  by  our  any  as  mentioned  alreve 
aro  also  the  aoct  vital  points  ageinet  uooia  as     vould 
roduoo      rtfwlnn         Iberian  Railway  as  ft  Military 
weapon.  Tho  oray  spent  aoro  than  ton  j   *  in  f emulating 
»ee  lane,  vor  he       t  ol ,  ort  initios  would  ax-ioo  Tor 
us  to  push  our  piano  to  ■   .<    Cul  end.  Tho  sottloaoat  ef 
mm*   doaondo  is  a  question  of  1    and  douth  wit;  Japan. 

o  it  o  Japan©  a  enerol  .  tef f )  have  always  ir  od  thee* 
in  )ovomnioat  t.      ohocd    I  forward   lief.  You  It  • 

|8oe  Paragraph  4,  I  rtst  rui-t  iottN  of  October  31,   IOOO. j 

s  v 'eject  -.  ~ietior  v  Xroa^^^ 

li lit;  Bttval     I         to  ®t  the  Japanese  x«£atioii  In 

)klng  «n  tho  Gubjoot  af  tho     In©-        mem  Coronations* 
JWwn^-g. JVb._^ ^^---j^^l-tt^it-i^ift-*--        -  i5i 

Replying  to  0.  JV.  I.  No Date ____,  191 

Jaxanooo  niitary  and  :..aval  ..t  Mhio  )  rauot  therefore  pay  *9#» 
oial  attention  to  the  subjects  under  dice         en  Aorta         oh 

oonroronco  ai.         dcr  no  olrcu  allow  yourooltfoo  to  be 

neclloont  in  tho  noontime.     If  you  have  cloubto  on  lntt 

tolo  a  oumaary  of  tho  ant  tor,  followc  aoro  i       Hod 

ort  by  Eaail. 

iSetj   Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  81,  1900./ 



Need  not  be  returned. 

I        Any  27  |§|j 

From      Y 

/Vo        69 

Replying  to  0.  N.  I.  No. 


April   14,    19J 


In    cc  j    irith      ro   civilian   &tt         fe   of  the  SSmoass; 

1.3      ie    a  tr:oi\    visit    fee    Brest,    A^rii    &th-7ife    for   :■  urpo»«   of 

inspecting  eertai  i    ae      ration   c  i         '.     thai     \     e- 

ii  .  .e   vicinitj  .        ..   T    t    s   oj         di|p.oi  atic  mission   and  had 
received  permission    .      i^uvti  B&rie   Cross   J.  -        inj    tor  of  W^r 
...  in.ot^-r   of   c:,j  lij.  i.    rior,     iad  not    Proaa  t    .,  Ein3  iter  of 

Marine i  aaj    lii  into  naval   conditions   at   the  port 

serebece-ssaril^    vary   limii 

I.      Jjhe  oit|    itself  w^::.   :    i  rtiaJ    L        ad  full  of 

troopi        .    Bailors       udergoing   fei       ting,  told    prefecture 

under  the  coj &nd   ol    i      --■'  J    Berry  ei  •  •     I 

.d  official   vii         •      Immedi  uadar  felts   i  re 

separate   g  ftf f s ,   each  ■    l       '  m    ahi^f:  military  and      aval 

.,    xt £s  i   shicfa    ■   v;  charge   of   their  own   distinct    departments* 
'.,     ■.         ion  of  autaorit     i  r  jurisdiction  arising  between  t 
o  is  referred  fee   smd  settled   fry   <  ••    !  fh  ^-"..  iral  Prefect. 

Ih  I      chool,   slf  I     irsi     ,    I  si   abandoned 

f<  r   I  is    liar  it.      Mi  -   Idea:  pu  sn  a   ■:..'   in        are 

rviaja   sit      tae  f3  &r      .  ■  ilorf .      I  talked  wit 

1  ss  youiw    ■.  en,   the   in  cci  _  i  'trior   dined 

sits  lei.  .      »ioaed   en  and  formed  one  of  the 

ere*   of  a  tor]  '  I  '  i 

of  the  j         .         .    informed  cd«    i  tsi     ic  distlnc- 
t i o-.i  ;  -  asp ir  id  the  rest 

;  slf  ao<    '      tieaSi    feed,  drills 

ti«i   r<       •    r  '.  Bpirjir*tt» 

tribut        la    ihii    .   v  -    j    '  "i  !   t , 

;       ■    ■  •    ■  j  v Lag 

on   tor  -loa1  he    ■  iard    dutj    Ln 

various  porta  . 

•i .      At   Brest    f ■  .  re  static  L5      orped  .-■-, 

Tour  submarines.      ?ive   tor^  Kio-~boat  itie   r.Oj     I    rly 

.  •;     . :. .  I  -  .  rol   frou    o  ,  i  the  _     "       roj  -  ;.  c  1 11 

8. 00    .-    •  soo  .   torpedo- boat;     *re   outside   the   break- 

water,   the  ti  Lug i    of   '■'."..    outer   port     ire   cloi   sd    by 

q    for    the   night* 
tj.     These  J>oj»w   are   fen   »d  g  c  r   b     e      ine 

heavy  pieces   of    Limber,    1-.   size,   dimen    Lone   and    ippearance 

railroad   ties.      £J  .     jre   are  spaced  nt   te 

feet    apart,    -^i  Khen    '.    position   ineir  greatest    Length   le   at 
right  angles  to   the  antra  ta  port,      'i'hese   timber*     i   ve 

3]      .    :    attac  .  ;d   t c  .  .  i  i    ,c,.  s   for    4  depth   of   about 

30   feet ,  lower   smus  ol   the  chains   are  J  ;.    tc  «5i;    it  eg 

ole      n  ■■    ■  -  i  apposed   to    00    sac  -         2      ner 

^  buI       rixie  nor   :i   torpedo   oould      ....    past    the    bows. 

G.     At   each    antranoe   i::^   boai&s    ire   divided  i'iLG   k*fl    equal 
iions.      Oi..    md  of    -  .ciio:i    it.  oiad.e  pons    -j.itly    fast   to 

1  bre  1    1  iter;    the   other  ends,     !  m    b<  m    is   in  ooeition,     jre 
.  .  ..  j.  to  two  l  ;•  a    I  ioyt1,   _i  mted   exactly    In  the  middle 

•    the    >ntr    :  i€  . 

7.  •:  lighl    fcheoe    inner  exads,     ifter  having    been 

fro  [-entrance   buoys   by     .  small  h  r         ;>^r>    -  ' 

r  ai.    .    .  ie   breakwater   anc     . ...  I  I   i  I  of  the 

.'  r  uac  ;•      It  1  00  -    '     i     X  ian  fifteen  minu      j  -   th or  rL 

1     watched  Lone  -  to  clesx   the  entrance! 

s«in        .  1  rree       ...  I  a  i  er   buoys. 

? .      In  th e  h  urb or     '    tl      ti        •-'•..    if islt  1    jre    rer 
cruletri  the  OLOIKB  all  igl       I  >rn 

Squadron.      C   1  .     RSBILLAISS,    f l  1        tip,  wt      Ln   thie    lusbsr. 
•ench,    u  i2  I  <ng] 


ships,   but,   similarly  to    the  English,    they  do  not   fly  dint in- 
guish tag  fl ap s  and  pennan t  s . 

9.     J  In    Is  enquiries   end  found  that  no  special  protection 
cf   any  kind   is   used  to  protect    fuel   oil   tanks   froM  aeria^. 
atteve&s . 

10.  There  appeared  to   be  no  special  searchlight   installa- 
tion for  guarding  the   port    at  night. 

11.  Accorctinr   to   papular   report,    great   eon  fuel  OB   existea 
at   this  dockyard  when   the  mobilisation  ordor  was    issued  last 
August.     A  large  niaaoer  of  the  workmen,   obeying   their  orders, 
joined  the  army,   -  the  result   being  that  for  scats  tims   ths  work 
at   the   2c ck yard  practically  ceased. 

IS*     Also  in  this  port  there  is  a  large  a  umber  of  people 
with  socialistic   and  revolutionary   tendencies,   who,    according 
to    the  Sous-Pref  et ,    gave    the   authorities   a  great    deal   of   trouble 
tad   anxiety  during  the  first   few   weeice   of  the  mar, 

18'«      However,    these  iii  ettsrs  have   long   been   straightened   out, 
undesirable  elements  get ten  out  cf  the  city*  in  same  sesee  cut 
of  the  country;    the  workmen  have  been  sent   back  froaa  the   army, 
aoout    10,000   at   present    engaged   in   the  yarn,    -    and   from   a    super* 

clal  inspect ion  ot    the  whole  plant,   everything   seems  to  be 
running  smoothly  efficiently* 

[Sec  Paragraph  4,  Instruct  ions  of  October  31,  1000. 

Weed  not  he  returned. 

Conf    idential    . 


From       Z  -M? 1-93 Date Ap  JU 

Replying  to  0.  JV.  1.  No Date _. 

,  191 

An  officer  of  one  of  the  submarine  boats 
which  has  been  actively  operating  on  the  British  coast  says 
that  the  greatest  danger  they  are  exposed  to  cones  from  being 
rammed  and  that  great  caution  has  to  be  observed.   T7hen  the 
periscope  first  came  to  the  surface,  a  destroyer  or  other  vessel 
steaming  close  at  hand  could  at  this  moment  have  an  opportunity 
to  ram  before  the  submarine  could  see  her  and  dive. 

Referring  to  the  transportation  of  troops  from 
England  to  Prance  he  spoke  of  the  transports  being  so  absolutely 
enveloped  by  destroyers  that  a  submarine  could  not  show  herself 
without  being  sunk. 

The  same  officer  said  that  when  they  stopped 
merchantships  and  called  the  master  to  come  on  board  with  his 
papers  that  in  nearly  every  case  the  master  failed  to  bring  with 
him  the  manifest,  or  invoices,  and  claimed  they  were  mislaid  or 
he  had  forgotten  them. 

In  the  case  of  the  Dutch  ship  "MEDEA*  from 
Italy  for  England,  claimed  to  be  laden  with  oranges  only,  the 
master  brought  the  invoices  for  the  orange  portion  of  the  cargo 
and  claimed  there  was  nothing  else.  The  submarine  officers 
then  worked  out  the  space  which  the  oranges  would  occupy  and 
found  it  to  be  only  one  third  of  the  ships  capacity.   She  was 
deeply  laden  wtthxaKan^KX  and  oranges  were  on  top  of  anything 
else  that  might  be  there.  They  therefore  sank  the  ship. 

Another  case  they  stopped  an  innocent  looking 
English  coasting  steamer  which  suddenly  opened  fire  and  two 
destroyers  appeared.   Only  by  quick  work  did  the  submarine  escape. 
They  considered  that  the  steamer  in  this  case  was  acting  as  a 

Asked  if  they  would  sink  a  ship  like  the 
"LUSITAIIIA"  if  they  got  a  chance,  the  officer  said  certainly, 
fact  she  was  being  looked  for.   Due  warning  had  been  riven 
about  takinr  passage  in  English  steamers  and  as  England  had 

adopted  the  policy  of  starving  the  people  of  Germany  they  had 
only  themselves  to  blame  if  British  vessels  were  put  out  of 
bringing  supplies  to  England. 


(See  Paragraph  4,  Instrnctions  of  October  31,  1900)  .  ^- 

Weed  not  be  returned. 

SUBJECT   .  Compoc.^ 

(Constitution  of  ono  or  more  groups  of  Seoiits  ) 

From.I\.. No 97  • Date .....April...l5.,  %$M* 

Replying  to  O.  N  I.  No.  .  -—----->' Date  ...imm. 

!•     Decree  :;o«945  of  /.ugust  30,   2.914,  -  and  which  was 
reported  in  nTn  ;:&j  of  Septes&er  234*   1914  -  have  the  following 
articles  ap  ended  by  Royal  ;,ccroe  m 

.Art*   l« 
(  after  par.    (:.)   add  ): 

(e)  of  one  or  more  groups  of  Scouts; 

/art,  3. 

(  after  3d.  par,  of  Art.  f  add): 

Each  group  i?ill  he  under  the  &mm .nd  of 
a  Capitano  di  Vascello  or  a  Capltcno  it  Iregata  - 
The  senior  group  commander  will  have  the  title  of 
"Senior  Consaander  of  Scouts". 


(See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  19000 

Need  not  be  returned.      If 



Apri?    15,    1915. 

I  asked  the  Reichs-Marine-Amt  to  give 
me  an  account  of  the  sinking  of  the  "PALLABA"  and  the  reason 
for  the  loss  of  life. 

At  first  I  was  refused  on  the  ground 
that  the  ship  was  English  and  did  not  concern  America  and  that 
there  was  nothing  to  say  beyond  the  statement  published  in  the 
•Norddeutsche  Allgemeine  Zeitung"  of  April  3,  1915.  I  then 
remarked  that  I  was  not  interested  in  the  ship  because  she  was 
English  but  because  the  conduct  of  war,  especailly  on  the  sea, 
Tiag  of  interest  to  all  nationalities.  Also  that  the  new  sea 

warfare  with  submarines  and  the  laws  to  govern  it  were  of 
particular  interest  to  all  nations,  that  the  a^ts  of  today  became 
the  precedents  of  to-morrow  and  they  perhaps  became  the  Inter- 
national Law  of  the  future. 

The  following  day  the  Reichs-Marine-Amt 
telephoned  me  that  they  would  publish  an  explanation  of  the 
sinking  of  the  NFALLABA" ,  a  translation  of  which  follows. 

A  friend  who  talked  with  one  of  the  junior 
officers  of  the  ■  U  38  •  some  days  ago  gave  the  same  version  in 
regard  to  the  use  of  ratio  *.,  A.   A-.. 

Translation  . 

*  ■■ '  ■  i   -  ■ ■  '  —  ■* ii  i  ■  .I  i  i. 

In  view  of  the  distorted  news  regarding  the 
events  at  the  sinking  of  the  English  steamer  "FALLABA" 
we  have  received  the  following  from  competent  source :- 

The  submarine  rave  the  signal  to  the  steamer 
»FALLABAM  tt  to  turn  at  onee  or  I  will  fire  M  .  Without 
paying  attention  to  it  the  steamer  run  away,  made  even 
signals  by  means  of  rockets  to  call  for  help,  and  could  ' 
be  caught  up  to  after  a  chase  of  a  quarter  of   an  hour. 
Although  there  was  danger  for  the  submarine  to  be  fired 
at  from  the  steamer,  or  to  be  attacked  by  approaching 
craft,  the  steamer  was  not  -Tired  at  immediately,  but 
after  arriving  at  500  metres  distance  the  order  was  given 
by  voice  and  signal  to  leave the  ship  within  ten  minutes. 
On  the  steamer  the  beginning  was  made  to  bring  boats  to 
the  water.  While  this  was  partly  done  in  a  very  unseaman- 
like  manner, several  boats  being  injured  in  the  attempts 
to  lower  the  boats,  the  crews  of  the  ship  quickly  took  to 
the  boats  and  kept  in  the  vicinity,  without  rendering  aid 
to  the  passengers  struggling  in  the  water  which  had  been 
quite  possible.   From  the  time  the  order  was  given  to  leave 
the  ship  until  the  torpedo  shot  was  fired  not  the  originally 
granted  ten  minutes  passed  but  ^3  minutes,  preceded  by  the 
chase  which  should  have  been  utilised  to  clear  the  boats. 

■»  i  * 

The  statement  that  only  five  or  even  three  minutes 
w^re  given  is  untrue. 

The  torpedo  was  fired  only  then  when  the 
approach  of  suspicious  vessels  whose  attack  he  must 
expect  forced  the  captain  of  the  submarine  to  quick 
action.  When  the  shot  was  fired  nobody  could  be  seen 
on  the  ship  except  the  captain  who  bravely  stood  by 
his  post.   Only  a  little  while  after  a  few  persons 
became  visible  who  worked  about  a  boat.  As  far  as  the 
crew  of  the  submarine  is  concerned  the  men  were  at 
their  respective  posts,  the  men  for  serving  the  pun 
and  for  signalling  on  deck.  To  participate  in  the 
rescue  they  could  not  do,  as  a  submarine  could  not 
take  up  any  passengers.  Against  the  slanderous 
accusation  that  our  men  commenced  to  laugh  sneoringly 
not  a  word  of  defense  is  necessary.  At  the 
proceedings  before  court  in  England  no  witness  has 
dared  to  make  this  statement. 

It  is  further  untrue  that  the  submarine 
had  any  time  hoisted  the  English  flag. 

The  submarine  has  shown  at  the  incident  as 
much  consideration  as  was  compatible  with  her  own 
safety.   It  is  very  much  to  be  regretted  that  lives 
were  lost,  the  responsibility  rests  however  on 
England,  which  anas  merchaatships  and  causes  them 
to  participate  in  the  conduct  of  the  war  and  to  make 
attacks  upon  submarines. 


oCosur^x    ApR  v4  i^i5 
"  J  -*       J^Tlfeed  not  be  returned.  ^ 




The   Session  of  the  Reichstag  —  Against   the  Exceptional  Legal 
Decisions   —  Idartial  Law  and   the   Censorship  —  Bread  and 
Potatoes   --    ft   Secured  future.  MICEAKLIS. 

The  Reichstag  at   this   session  completed   its   constituted 
tasks   in  quick  time-      Assembling  on  the  tenth   o.f  March,    it    adjourn- 
ed yesterday  until   the   eighteenth  of  Kay.      Ten  days   sufficed  to 
complete  the  business  which  under  normal   conditions  would  keep   it 
in  session  five  months.      There  were   other  important   domestic  and 
social   affairs   to   decide   besides   passing  the   imperial  government '  s 
estimates.      And  what    the  new  secretary  of  finance   said    on  the 

lnirinsic-  Qiiierence    irora    one    previous    uuugeu    anoujia    uaxuiioe    i 

The  remaining  measures  and  decress  with  which  the   Reichstag;  at 
this  session  busied  itself  surpassed    in[its   opinion  the  legislative 
proceedings  which   it   -as   accustomed   to    enact*      In  times   of  peace, 
such  decisive  tasks  as  those  concerning  regulations  to  provide   for 
foodstuffs,   questions   of  support,    the   problem  of  censorship  and 
martial   lav?  would    only  be    decided  after  thorough  and   searching 
discussion.      At   this   time,    all   debatable   measure;;  were   decided   in 
a  trice.      Differences   of   opinion  were  adjusted  in  the   committees. 

re   and    there  during  the  general   sessions   individual   ill-timed 
utterances  were   noticed,    since   party  opposition  is    only  checked  and 
has  not   really  disappeared.      Meanwhile    it    will   doubtless  be    that 
after  the  war  parties   will   again  exist  and    it    is   due   to   say  that 
the  Heichstag  at   best    has   been   right    in  this   self   restriction  of 
the   present    exceptional   conditions.      Everything   has    its  tine.      As 
conditions   exist  today,   there    is    no   other  aim  than  to   carry   it 
through  to   an  honorable   peace,    to  do   all   to    facilitate   this   and 
to   emit    everything  which  can   interfere  with    the  attainment    of 
this   aim. 

It    cannot    be   said    in  this   respect   that   the    German   people   and 
their  assembled  representation  should   be   deluded   as   we  live   in 
the   best   of  all  worlds.      Everything   in  war   is   turned  against   a 
powerful,    enemy;  whatever   could   disturb  the   unanimity  of  the    people 
and    injure   its   power   of  striking  would   be  doubly   painful.  cer- 

tain feeling   of  this   was   Shown   by  the   Prussian  Government   at    the 
session   of   the   house   of  deputies  when  they  recognized   the    necessity 
of  showing  in  what   manner   internal    politics   stood   in  need   of  re- 
organizing.     This   concession  lost    very  much   of   its   expected   result 
because   of  its  vagueness.     The  Heichstag  has  made   the   attempt   to 
scrutinize  carefully  existing    conditions   and    at    least    to  an 

attempt   to   better  them   in  certain  ways   during  the   war-      In  the  com- 
mittee  on  the  budget   the   proposal  was   accepted   to  request    the   Fed- 
eral  Council  to  remove   forthwith  the   n         ires   directed   against 
individual   parts    of  the    German   people.      This    resolution  was   parti- 
cularly directed  against    the    phrasing    of  the    imperial  law  on  form- 
ing unions  and    the    ]         inder   of  the    Jesuit    law.'    The    immediate 
success    of  this   notion   is    not    to    be  acted.      The    Allied   Govern- 

ments  fear,    perhaps   irithout   sufficient   cause,    that   because   of  any 
legal   action  at   this,  time   a  deep   feeling  of  unrest   migfct  reduced 

*lLthe   Pe°Pl«'      Ik*    proposer  would    en    I  <       ant    hold    out    hopes 

after  the  war  and  seoret    .      of  b       'or  the    interior  gave  a 

tionable    interpretation  of  the   ch«         i   in  the    future         Q   he 
declared  that   the   opinion  over  what    is   reg         a  as  an  exceptional 
law   is   different.        v   much  has   not    been   attained  from  the   Reiohe- 

in    one   direction   of  a  revii  ion   of   i  Hating  conditions,      one 
muL-t    hope   that    .he   fight    for   people's  right        ill   continue      ith 

Car   energy,    at   least  there   is    no  more  doubt   to   whet    reforms   the 
jority   of  toe    Reietota  d. 

As   regards  the    questions    of   censorship  and   a   fltate    of  war      one 
cannot   express   '.he   general   v.-ish.         la  war   has  ol<  hown  the 

/"J/'  Need  not  be  returned, 

■>\ift      v  Translation.       Af>      ' 

i°ft  \}  u"   *j»   V^     regarding  Changes  in  the  Prize   Rules  of  September 
V  >  v/V    T  30th  1909  *  Reichsgesetzblatt  1914,  page  975,  441^ 

^y  481,   and  509   ).  |  ££?- [ 3-1/ 


From  April  18,  1915. 

In  retaliation  of  the  rules  instituted,  by  England 
and  her  allies  which  deviate  fron  the  London  Declaration 
concerning  International  Law  at  Sea  of  the  36th  of  September 
1909,  I  approve  for  the  present  war  the  following  changes 
in  the  Prize  Rules  of  the  30th  of  September  1909  with  the 
amendments  of  October  18th,  November  13d  and  December  14,  1914, 

The  Sections  91,  93,  97,  SS«  35,  40,  as  well  as 
the  supplements  to  93  will  be  replaced  by  the  following  rules :- 

81*      As  absolute  contraband  of  war  the  following 
objects  and  materials}  are  to  be  considered ;- 

1.   Arms  of  all  kind*  inclusive  arms  for  sporting 
purposes  and  recognizable  parts  of  the  same. 

9.   Projectiles,  cartridges,  of  any  kind,  and  their 
recognizable  parts  and  ingredients. 

3.  Powder  and  explosives  of  any  kind, 

4.  Sun  barrels,  gun  carriages,  limbers,  ammunition 
wagons,  field  kitchens,  field  bakery  wagons, 
provision  and  ration  wagons,  field  smithies, 
search-lights,  search-li^ht  implements,  and 
recognizable  parts  of  these  articles. 

5.  Range  finders  and  recognizable  parts  of  the 
same  4 

6.  Binoculars,  telescopes,  chronometers,  and 
nautical  instruments  of  any  kind, 

7.  Military  uniforms  and  military  equipments 
recopnized  as  such. 

S.   Riding,  draught  and  pack  animals  which  can 
be  used  in  war. 

9.   Military  harness  and  saddlery  articles  recomized 
as  such. 

10.  Camping  utensils  and  parts  of  them  recognized 
as  such. 

11.  Armor  plates. 

19.   Lead(}n  pig  form),  plates  or  lead  pipes. 

13.   Barbed  wire  and  tools  required  for  fckKfcr  its 
erection  and  cuttin ■-. 


m   ft  - 

14,  Tin  plates* 

15.  War  ships  and  other  war  craft  and  such  essential 
parts  of  them  which  according  to  their  special 
character  can  only  be  used  on  war  craft;  ships  tin 
material  and  shipbuilding  steel* 

18.  Submarine  sounding  signal  apparatus, 

17.  Aeroplanes  and  air  craft  of  any  r~ind,  their 
reco*?ni'/,able  component  parts  and  accessories, 
re corniced  as  such,  objects  and  Material  which 
can  be  reeofmised  as  intended  to  be  used  for 
aerial  navigation* 

IB*  Tools  and  implements  used  in  the  manuiaeturinp' 
and  repairing  of  arras  and  war  material. 

19*  Turners  lathes*  of  any  :ind. 

30.  Wood  for  underground  -vork* 

31.  Coal  and  coke* 
33.  Flax* 

i8«      As  relative  contraband  of  war  the  following'  articles 
and  material  which  can  be  used  for  warlike  as  well 
as  peaceful  purpoes,  are  to  be  considered  :- 

1*  Provisions. 

3.  Forare  and  fodder  of  an  y  kin-:. 

3*  Articles  of  slothing  which  can  be  used  for  military 
purposes*  clothing  and  shoes. 

|«  Animal  wool,  raw  or  worked  up,  as  well  as  woolen 

carded  yarn. 

•  Gold  and  silver  coined  and  in  bullion,  as  well  as 
paper  money. 

•«  Vehicles  of  any  kind  which  can  be  used  pur  v/ar 

war  purposes,  especially  all  motor  vehicles. 

7.  Rubber  tires  for  motor  vehicles,  as  we    m   all 
articles  and  material  used  in  the  manufacture  and 

repair  of  the  same. 

8.  Caotchouo  and  fnitta-r oreha  and  articles  uropafced 
from  the  same. 

9.  Fixed  or  rollinp  railroad  i material,  telegraph, 
radio  and  telephone  material. 

10.  Fuel  material,  except  coal  and  coke;  lubrisatinr 

11.  Sulphur,  sulphuric  acid,  nitric  acid* 


-  3  - 

13.      Horse  shoes  and  utensils  for  making  them. 

13.  The  following  ores:-  Wolframite  and  Sheeite, 
molybdane,  nickel ,  chrome,  hematite  iron, 
manganese  and  lead  ores, 

14.  The  following  metals:  Wolfram,  molybdenum, 
vanadium,  nickel,  selen,  cobalt,  hematite 
raw  iron,  manganese,  aluminium,  copper. 

15.  Antimony  and  its  sulphur  combinations  and 


16.  Iron  alloys  (  ferric  combinations)  inclusive 
wolframite  -  molybdenium  -  ;.!anpanase  - 

vanadium  *  and  chrome  iron. 

17.  Harness  and  saddle  equipments. 

18.  Leather i  prepared  and  unprepared,  as  far 
as  it  can  be  used  for  saddlery,  harness , 
military  shoes  and  other  military  uniform 


19.  Tannine  materials  of  all  kinds,  inclusive 
of  the  extracts  used  in  the  process  of 

30.  Woods  of  all  kinds,  raw  or  v/orked  up 

(  especially  also  cut,  sawed,  and  planned) 
excepting  wood  for  underground  working; 
Hisit   charcoal  tar. 

31.  Ships,  boats,  and  water  craft  of  all  kinds, 
floating  docks  and  constructions  for  dry 
docks,  as  wall  a^  the  parts  of  them. 

**•  The  following  articles  cannot  be  declared  as 

contraband  of  war  :- 

1»  Raw  cotton,  raw  silk,  raw  Jute,  raw  hemp. 

^»  Rosin,  varnish,  hep. 

3.  Raw  hides,  horns,  bones,  and  ivory. 

4.  Natural  anr?  artificial  fertilizers. 

5.  Farth,  clay,  burnt  lime,  chalk,  stones 
inclusvive  marble,  brick,  slats  and 
tiles  for  roofinp. 

6.  Porcelain  and  glass« 

7.  Paper  and  material  for  the  manufacture  of 
the  same. 

8.  Soap,  paints  inclusive  the  materials  for 
the  preparation  of  the  same  and  varnish. 

9.  OhMride  of  line,  soda,  caustic  xxxrt  soda. 
sulphide  of  sodium  in  cakes,  aroiionia 
sulphate  of  copper. 

10*       Machines  for  arricultural  and  mining 


-  A  - 

purposes,  for  the  textile  industries  and 
machines"  for  printing  purposes. 

11.      Precious  stones,  half  precious  stones,  pearls, 
mother-of-pearl  and  corals. 

13,       Clocks  and  pocket  matches,  except  chronometers. 

13,  Fancy  p-oods  and  stationery. 

14,  Feathers  of  all  kinds,  hair  and  bristles. 

15,      Objects  for  living  apartments  and  ornamentation 
of  homes;  office  furniture  and  office  supplies, 

33,       In  so  far  as  circumstances  are  not  against  it, the 

aursimisr*  hostile  destination  noted  in  33  is  to  be  assumed 
in  : 

(a)  If  the  cargo  is  directed  to  an  enemy  government 
office,  or  governmental  authority  (Behorde),  or 
to  an  a<?ent  of  the  same,  or  to  a  trader  of  whom 
it  is  known  that  he  furnished  the  articles  in 
question,  or  prepares  products  from  the  same, 
to  an  enemy,  or  to  an  admini strati ve  office  of 
an  enemy  -ovarnment. 

(b)  If  the  cargo  is  sent  "on  order"  or  to  a  consignee 
whose  name  cannot  be  discovered  from  the  ships 
papers,  or  to  a  person  sojourning  in  enemy 
country,  or  in  a  territory  occupied  by  the  enemy, 

(c)  If  the  cargo  is  directed  to  a  fortified  place  of 
the  onemy,  or  to  a  place  which  serves  the  enemy 
forces  as  a  base  of  operations  or  supply  basis, 

merchant ships  as  such  are  not  to  be  assumed 
a3  intended  for  the  enemy  forces  or  for  administrative 
places  of  an  enemy  government,  simply  because  they  are  en 
route  to  places  specified  in  c. 

35.  Objects  of  the  relative  contrail:  and  of  we**  are 

subject  to  confiscation  only  on  ships  en  route  to  enemy 
territory  ,  or  territory  occupied  by  enemy  forces,  providing 
that  the  articles  in  nuostion  are  not  intended  to  be 
discharged  in  a  port  which  the  ship  touches  before  reaching 
her  final  destination. 

The  limitation  of  *Absatz  1  "  does  not  hold 
good  : 

(a)  If  the  presumptions  of  No.  S8  b  are  evident, or 

(b)  If  the  ship  is  directed  to  a  neutral  country 
of  which  it  is  known  that  the  enemy  purchases 
articles  of  the  kind  in  question  from  there. 

40,         A  confiscation  can  not  be  based  on  a  formerly 
carried  out  and  finished  trip  on  which  contraband 
was  carried.  If  ,  however,  the  ship  has  carried 
contraband  to  the  enemy  contrary  to  the  statements 
of  the  ships  papers,  she  is  subject  to  seizure  and 
confiscation  until  after  the  war. 

-  5  - 

This  order  takes  effect  after  its  publication* 

Great  Headquarters 

April  18,    1915.  William. 

von  Tirpitz.   « 

Need  not  be  returned. 




3al)tgang  1915 



M.  49 

^n^alt:    ^crorbnung,  betreffenb  Slbartberung  ber  <Prifenorbnung  uom  30.  September  1909.     ®.  SS7. 

(Sftr.  4714)     Skrorbmmg,  betreffenb  Slbfinberung  ber  *Prtfenorbmmg,  fcom  30.  September  1909 
(«Reic03.@efek&l.  1914  6.  275,  441,  481,  509).     Som  18.  Nprtl  1915. 



Jn  23erge(tung  ber  toon  Gngtanb  nub  fetnen  Serbiinbeien  abtoetdjenb  Don  bee 
£onboner  CMaruttg  liber  bag  (5ee£rteg§red)t  oom  26.  gebruar  1909  getroffeneu 
Scftimmungen  genelnnige  3$  f#r  Den  gegentodrtigen  $rteg  bic  nacfyfteljenben 
Slbdnberungen  ber  ^prifenorbnung  oom  30.  September  1909  fomie  ifyrer  3ufa^8 
toom  18.  Oftober,  23.  SRoocmber  nnb  14.  ^Dejem&er  1914. 

2ln  bie  ©tede  ber  giffern  21,  23,  27,  33,  35,  40  foioie  ber  gufd^e  $ur 
gtffer  23  treten  folgertbe  SScftimmungcn : 

21.    21(8  ®rieg§fonterbanbe  tnerben  bie  nacfyjMjenben,  unter  ber  ©egetdjmmg 
abfotute  ®onterbanbe  begriffenen  ©egenjldnbe  nnb  ©toffe  angefefyen: 

1.  SBaffen  jeber  Slrt  mit  (Sinfdjlujj  ber  SCaffen  fiir  fportltd)e  g^ecfe  nnb 
ifyre  ate  foldje  fenntlic^en  33efianbtetle/ 

2.  ©efefyoffe,  ®artufdjen  unb  ^patronen  jeber  Slrt  fottrie  i§re  ate  folcl)e 
lenntUc^en  Sejtanbtetfe; 

3.  6d)ieJ3tonloer  nnb  ©torengjtoffe  jeber  SIrt; 

4.  ©cfd^rofyre,  Cafettcn,  ^pro^en,  5Jtonitton8tt>agen,  gelbfucfyen,  53ac£ofen< 
toagen,  ^prooiantmagen,  gelbfcfymieben,  ©djeintr-erfer,  ©cfyeimoerfergerdt 
unb  ifyre  ate  foldje  fetmtlidjen  Seftanbtetle; 

5.  Sntfcrnunggmeffer  unb  il)re  ate  folcfye  tenntlicfyen  93eftanbteile,- 

6 .  ^Doptoetgldfer,  gemro^re,  (Efyronometer  unb  nauttfefye  3njtrumente  aller  2lrt  / 

7.  mtlitdrifcfye  ate  foldje  fenntltcfye  ^(eibungS*  unb  3lu8rfifhmg3ftude/ 

8.  fur  ben  ferteg  benupare  fReit-,  3ug>  unb  £aftttere; 

9.  mtfitdrtfd)e3  ate  folct)e§  lenntlic^eS  ©efefyirr  jeber  2lrt; 

10.  Cagergerdt  unb  feinc  ate  folcfye  fenntttdjen  33ejknbtetfe/ 

11.  ^3an^erplatten/ 

12.  SBtet  in  Srbcfen,  flatten  ober  dlfyxtn} 

!Keid)8.©efe66l.  1915.  5G 

Sluggegeben  3U  Mm  ben  20.  Slprtl  1915. 

■  yf' 

■■  k  t'  •- 

228     — 

13.  6tarf)elbral)t,  foU>ic  Me  gu  beffen  33efejtigung  unb  Serfcfynetbung  bienen« 
ben  SBerfjeugc; 

14.  2Bcij3blcd)C/ 

15.  $rieg§fd)iffe  unb  fonjrtge  £rieg§fa()rgeuge  fotoie  fold)e  SejlcmbteUe,  bie 
nad)  iljxxx  befonberen  33efd)affenl)eit  nur  auf  einem  $rteg§fa$r$eugc 
benufet  toerben  tonncn/  ©cfyijfsblccfye  nnb  ©djiffoaufta^l/ 

1 6.  Untcrivoffct'fc^allfigualapparatc/ 

17.  Cuft-  nnb  gfagfatyrjeuge  aHer  Slit,  beren  a(§  foldje  tenntlicfyen  SScflanb* 
tetle  fott)ie  gu^^ude,  ©egenft&nbe  unb  ©toffe,  bie  erfennbar  jur 
Cuf tf d^iffa ^rt  ober  gu  gfog^toeden  bienen  foUett; 

18.  SBcrfyeuge  unb  SSorridjtungen,  bie  au§fc6)tieBtid^  gur  2lnferttgung  unb 
$lu§befferung  oon  SBaffen  unb  ®rieg§material  ^ergepcllt  ftnb/ 

19.  ©refybanfe  jeber  Slrt/ 

20.  ©ruben^olg/ 

21.  tfotylen  unb  ®of§; 

22.  $ta&)%. 

23.  TO  $rieg8fonter6attbe  toerben  folgenbe  fiir  frtegerifcfye  hue  fur  frieb* 
lid)e  gtoetfc  oertoenbbare  unter  bet  33e§eitfynung  reiatitoe  ^onterbanbe  begriffene 
©egenftanbe  unb  ©tojfe  angefe[)en: 

1.  Cc6cn§mittcl/ 

2.  garage  unb  guttermittel  jeber  Slrt/ 

3.  fiir  niditdrifdje  gmccfc  geeignete  JHeibunggftude,  $leibung§jtoffe  unb 

4.  tiertfefje  2Itotte,  ro[)  ober  bearbeitet,  fotoic  tooKene  ©treicbgame  unb 
^ammgawe ; 

5.  ©olb  nnb  ©ilber,  gepragt  unb  in  barren,  fonjtc  *j3apiergetb ; 

6.  fiir  ben  ®ricg  oerftenbbarc  guljrtoerfe  jeber  Slrt  unb  il)re  93c(!anb* 
teile,  in§befonbere  ade  fctftfabi^euge; 

7.  ©ummiraber  fiir  ^raftfafyrjeuge,  fotoie  aHe  ©egenftanbe  unb  ©toffe, 
bie  befonbevS  bei  ber  jperfteGung  ober  JReparatur  oon  ©unmrirabern 
oerloenbet  tocrben; 

8.  ®autfd)uf  unb  ©uttapercfya  unb  bie  barau§  ^ergejteilten  SBaren/ 

9.  fejte§  ober  rodenbeS  (Sifenbafynmaterial,  MegrapDen*,  gmdentelegraptyen* 
unb  Mepfyonmatericd; 

10.  geucrungSmatertal,  cwSgenommeit  $ol)(en  unb  $of8/  ©d;mier(toffc/ 

11.  ©cfyloefel,  ©cfytoefelfdnre,  ©alpeterfaure/ 

12.  £mfeifen  unb  £uffd)mtebegerat/ 

13.  folgenbe  (Erge:  SBolframerje  (3Mframtt  unb  ©credit),  SMtybbcm*, 
yiktd*,  (Efyrom*/  ^amatiteifen*,  Siangan*,  Slei^rj/ 

14.  folgenbe  SMalle:  SGBolfram,  SMnbbctn,  Sanobium,  SfUrfel,  ©elen, 
Cobalt,  ^dmatitrofyeifen,  Siangan,  SUmninium,  ^upfer/ 

—     229     — 

15.  Slntimon  fomie  feine  ©cfytoefeloerbinbungen  unb  Ojtybe/ 

16.  (Sifenlegierungen  (gerro^erbinbungen)  einfdjltejjlidj  SMfram*,  ?£Rol^B- 
ban*,  Siangan*,  Sanabiunt*,  (Sfrconvdtfen; 

17.  ©efctnrr  unb  ©arreting/ 

18.  Ceber,  gugertdjtet  unb  ntc^t  gugeric^tet,  fofern  eS  bvancr/bar  ijt  fiir 
©attterei,  ©efcfyirr,  9Jtt(itarfd)uI^eug  ober  mUitdrtfdjc  ^(eibuiiggjtucte; 

19.  ©erbftoffe  aflrr  Slrt  einfd)ltej$lidj  bee  beim  ©erben  gebraucfyten  (Sgtrafte; 

20.  $6Ijer  jcber  Slrt,  rot;  ober  bcarbeitet  (in§befonbere  attcf)  beljauen,  gc* 
fdgt,  ge|obeIt,  genutet),  auSgenommeii  ©rubenfyol^/  £olgfo()tenteer/ 

21.  ©^iffc,   §3oote  unb  SBafferfafyr^euge   jeber  Strt,   ©dfjttrimmbotfS   unb 
Storridjtungen  fiir  ^rocfenbocB  fotoie  i^rc  33ejtanbteile. 

27.    2113  ^riegSfonterbanbe   fbnnen   bie .  nacf/jtefyenben  ©egenjrdnbe   ntd)t 
erf  (art  toerbeu: 

1.  SRoIj&aumtooIIe,  SRor)feibe,  rofye  3nte,  roller  #cmf/ 

2.  Joarj,  Pad,  ^opfen/ 

3.  rojjc  gede,  Corner,  S\nod)en  unb  (Stfenbein; 

4.  natiirlicfyer  unb  fuujftidjer  hunger; 

5.  (Srbe,  'ion,  .Mr",  $reibe,  ©teine  mit  6tnfd)lujj  be3  SJtormorS,  Stegel* 
peine,  ©dn'efer  unb  'Dac^iegel/ 

6.  sporjeaan  unb  ©Ia§; 

7.  papier  unb  bie  gu  fciner  £erjteKung  guberetteten  ©toffe,- 

8.  ©eife,  garbe  mit  (EinfcC)[uJ3  ber  augfdjliejjlid)  ju  u)rer  £>erjteKung  be* 
fttmmten  93?ateria(ien  unb  girniS  / 

9.  (Efjforfalf,  ©oba,  Sanation,  fc§njefelfaure§  Matron  in  $ucr;en,  Slmmoniaf, 
fdjtoefelfaureS  Slmmomaf  unb  ftHtpferoitriol/ 

10.  SCRafd^inen  fiir  Canbtoirtfdjafi,   fiir  SBergbau,   fiir  %cr,tUtnbuftrie  unb 
fiir  33nd)bru(ferei/ 

11.  Gbelfteine,  £>a(bebe(fteme,  9perten,  *Perfatutter  unb  ^orallen,- 

12.  ^urm*  unb  SBanbu^ren,  ©tanbu^ren  unb  SLafcfyenutyren  aufjer  (Sfyrono* 
metern  / 

IB.  SJlobc-  unb  ©alanterietoaren,- 

14.  gebcrn  jeber  5lrt,  £>aare  unb  ©orjten; 

15.  ©cgenfrdnbe  pit  2M)nung§einricf)tung   unb   gum  SBoIjmungSfcfymucfe/ 
53urcaumobc(  unb  53ureaubebarf. 

83.    ©ofcrn  bie  Umftdnbe  bem  nict)t  toiberfprecfyen,   ift  bie  in  £iffer  32 
qeicfynete  feinbltdje  53ejtimnntng  anjunefymen: 

a)  loenn  bie  ©enbung  an  cine  feinblicfye  SBefybrbe  ober  ben  5lgenten  einer 
folcfyen  ober  an  einen  $dttblct,  oon  bem  feftjtef)t,  ba$  er  ©egenftdnbe 
ber  fraglicfyen  Wet  ober  ©rjeugniffe  au§  ifmen  ber  ©treitmacfyt  ober  ben 
33erh>altung8fteHen  beg  feinblidjen  ©taateS  liefert,  gericfytet  ift/ 


■  i 







—     230       - 

b)  tocnn  bie  ©cnbung  an  Orber  ober  an  emeu  au§  ben  ©cfyiffgpapteren 
ntcfyt  erficfytlicfyen  (kmpfanger  ober  an  cine  *perfon,  bie  fid)  tm  fcinb» 
licfyen  ober  oom  geinbe  befe^ten  ©ebiet  auffyalt,  gericfytet  ifl; 

c)  toemt  bie  ©enbung  nacfy  einem  befejtigten  *J3la&e  beg  getnbeg  obex  nacfy 
einem  *pfafcc,  ber  ber  fetnblicfyen  ©treitmacfyt  alg  Operation^*  ober 
S3erforgunggbajtg  bient,  beftimmt  iji. 

ftauffafyrteifefyiffe  felbft  jlnb  nicfyt  fdjon  urn  begmitfen  alg  fur  bit  feinbticfye 
©trcitmadjt  ober  fur  SBertoaltunggftellcn  beg  feinblicfyen  ©taateg  bejtimmt  angu* 
fefyen,  roetf  fie  jtdj  auf  ber  gal)rt  nadj  einem  ber  ju  c  be^etcfyneten  ^pld^e  bo 

35.  ©cgenjMnbe  ber  relattoen  ^onterbaubc  unterltegen  ber  SBefc^tagna^me 
nur  auf  einem  ©d)iffe,  bag  ftd)  auf  ber  galjrt  nad)  bem  feinblidjen  ober  bom 
gcinbe  befel^ten  ©ebiet  ober  jwr  feinblic^en  ©treitmacfyt  befhtbet  nnb  bag  btcfe 
©egenftdnbe  nid)t  in  einem  neutralen  Sloifdjenfyafen  auglaben  foil,  b.  I),  in  einem 
£>afen,  ben  bag  ©d)iff  oor  bem  Srreic^en  jeneg  gieteg  an^ulaufen  fyat. 

£)ie  (Einfcfyranfung  beg  Slbf.  1  finbet  feme  5lmoenbwig: 

a)  menu  bte  Soraugfe^ungen  ber  giffer  33b  oorliegen  ober 

b)  ioenn  bag  ©d)iff  nad)  einem  neutralen  Canbe  beftimmt  iji,  oon  bem 
fejlftefyt,  ba$  bie  feinb(id)e  Sftegierung  oon  bort  ©egenjldnbe  ber  frag* 
tidjen  Uxt  bqie^t 

40.  2luf  ©runb  einer  frfifyer  auggefuSjrten,  aber  bereitg  ooUenbeten  53e» 
forberung  oon  ^onterbanbe  fann  cine  2iufbrmgung  nicfyt  betoirft  toerben. 

$at  jebocfy  bag  ©cfyiff  $onterbanbe  cntgegen  ben  Slngaben  fetner  ©djtffS* 
paipiere  bem  geinbe  gugefii^rt,  fo  unterliegt  eg  ber  Slufbrmgung  unb  Smgte^ung  | 
big  gur  ©eenbigung  beg  ®riegeg. 

£)iefe  Serorbnung  trttt  mit  iijrer  SSerfitnbtgung  in  $raft. 
©rojeg  £auptquartier,  ben  18.  5tyril  1915. 

(L.  S.)  SBityefot 

o.  %iroi 

®cn  SSesufr  be$  9Mt5$  »  ©efdjbfattS  tiermittebt  tmr  fcie  gsofianftattctt. 
f)erau8gege6en  im  9teidjSamt  be*  3nnettt«   —  ©etltn,  gebrutft  in  bet  JReidjSbtucEerei. 

UJhluzeit  -      Q/UJ^JL  VKta^>C   Qbui.IJ.tfH  . 

Country, . .  ♦ • . ., Turkey.  ]  ort Constantinople,  fie. 

Report  from  J3$  s*  s.  80QRPX0&  2?eed  not  he  returned, 

Sate  of  Import* ApVll  19,1915. 

"O— Q-O'-O—O-O-O—C-'C—  C— C—  C—C-C—  0  — C«-C~C""0—  0—  0— C— C—C-O-C— C— C—  C-0-O-C-C— C—G—C  •"<)•" 

1#         Blaolc  jjtfjj 

(a) -On  /'.pril  15ft?3o   Turkish  sailing  coal 

shim  ware  sunk,  the  TarXiafc  3.3.1: 
co~l  ▼esseltwas  sun^fthe  Turkish  3,3. 
Etel  was  forced  to  rfaa  Lahore  o.nd  Is 
wrecked, and  tho  ?ur3ci?fc.  8#8#BSW,1JB  was 
badly  damaged,  but  succeeded  in  reaching 
i.ort  he$a*$hs  latter  vessel  was  seen 
oo '  in, and  had   quite  a  list   to  port, 
and  its  bow  wis  partly  go  ne»  These  ships 
were  sitnle  while  trying  to  cot  to   Cozlon, 
and  other  nine  to'ns  on  shore  to  get  coal. 
(b)-Jbnr  Turlciah  Government  ooal   st  B  ore  cone 
infwith  coal ,  abou t  a  weelc  a#o#3o  fir  Kg 
lino^n  no  other  con!  vessels  h.^e  gotten  in 
safely.  There  is  a  snail  amour,  t  of  M&   cod- 
ing by  camel  feadfe  still, overt  and  from  Zondal~ 

2*         Ojcnatcn  tinopl  a. 

"7e')-f  have  been -told  the  SttlgsHftm  Governments 
t  result  of  pressure  by  3usnl%has  held  up 
the  as  tmitiofl  that  was  bfrteg  brourht  into 
Turkey  from  Austria  and  Gei*r.any,and  thrt,as 
I   rosul't,the  Tories  fosr  I  scarcity  of  arr-un- 
ition;but  this  has  not  been  verified* It  is 
."'lso   said  recent  inspired  articles  in  local 

era  bare, 00*91*1  nlng  against  lack  of 
neutrality  on  part  of  the  Dhftcxil  States   in 
;  emitting  exportation  of  Ajasrioan  aannttit*- 
ion  to   the  Buss ians ,waro  pc&llsbs4  primarily 
on  ao^evnt  of  this. 

^  ^ , 



[See  1'   •■  I  instructions  of  October  SI,   l!>0<>.) 


Weed  not  be  returned,  _^ 



From   . Z    (Hi ..JVo. \^dfjd- ,-    Date April  ZQtiit. ____^___.    ._\  191  5 

Replying  to  0.  JV.  I.  JV'o i)afe .._^r^..^_^__J(^^<I^J 

The  following  particulars   in  regard  to   the   number  of  mines 
which  have  been  found   off  the   Dutch  coasts   since  the   outbreak  of 
hostilities  are  reported  in  the   ideuweC   urant ,   The   Hague,   April 


The   total  number   of  mines  found    on  and   off  the   Dutch  coasts 
up  to  the  1st    of  April,   1915,    is  487.      These  mines  divided  accord- 
ing  to  origin  are:      259  English,  54  French,   28  German  and  146  of 
unknown  origin.      The  majority  of  these  mines  have  been    fired  at 
and   sunk.     A  large  number  of  these  mines  have  also  been  destroyed 
on  the   shore.     Most    of  these  mines  have  been  found  between  The 
Helder  and  The   Hook  of  Holland.     A  large  number  have  also  been 
found  north  of  The  Helder. 

As  previously  reported  ux^on,   several  accidents  happened 
earlier  in  tho  war  in  the  attempt   to   break  down  anddisasserable 


some  of  the  mines  found   on  the    iJutch  coast.  ' 


Office  of  Naval  Intelligence, 

April  21,  1915. 

/  £  ; 

i  i »..  j.  •.'■--' » 

Russian' Imperial  Order  on  the  application 
of  "Declaration  of  London"  to  the 
present  war,  with  a  translation  of  Russian 
text  of  the  Declaration  and  explanations  laid 
down  by  Navy  Department. 
Translated  by  Miss  N.D.Eomine.   Revised  by 
Captain  IT. A.  McOully. 

Imperial  Ukaz. 
on  the  application'  of  Rules  of  Naval  War  elab- 
orated by  the  London  Conference  of  1908  -  1909 
with  certain  amendments  thereof  and  supplements 
thereto  as  well  as  Explanation  of  the  conformity 
(or  adaption)  of  the  Naval  Prize  Rules  with  the 

"Rules  of  Naval  War" 
Order  of  the  Minister  of  the  Navy  to 
the  Fleet  and  to  the  Navy  Department, 
Petrograd  9th  September  1914,  No. 304. 

I  arn  publishing  for  execution  by  the  Fleet  and  by  the 
Naval  Department  the  Imperial  Order  to  the  governing  Senate 
dated  this  1st  day  of  September  (old  style),  printed  in  the  No. 
249  issue  of  the  collection  of  Laws  and  Legislative  orders,  art. 
2352,  1914,  in  conjunction  with  the  Rules  of  Naval  War  as  elabo- 
rated by  the  London  Conference  of  1908  -  1909. 

At  the  same  time,  in  view  of  the  importance  that  said  "Rules" 
be  strictly  complied  with  i.n  practice,  I  direct  that  the  hereunto 
annexed  "Explanation"  in  regard  to  conformity  for  adaption)  of 
the  above  "Rules"  with  the  "Naval  Prize  Eules",  be  complied  with. 


( Signed)  Grigorovich, 

Minister  of  the  Navy, 



Imperial  Ukaz. 
to  the  governing  Senate. 
Having  found  it  necessary,  owing  to  agreement  con- 
cluded with  the  allied  French  and  British  Governments,  to 
apply  -  as  a  provisory  measure  -  the  Regulations  in  regard 
to  the  right  of  Naval  War,  elaborated  by  the  London  Naval 
Conference  of  1908-1909,  with  some  amendments  thereof  and 
supplements  thereto,  and  having  approved  the  decision  of  the 
Council  of  Ministers  in  this  respect, We  order: 

that  the  hereunto  annexed  "Rules  of  Naval  War"  elab- 
orated by  the  London  Naval  Conference  of  1908-1909,  and  the 
following  amendments  and  supplements,  be  complied  with  during 
the  "ore sent  war.-- 

As  absolute  contraband  is  considered: 

1)  All  kinds  of  arms,  including  those  used  in 
hunting,  as  well  as  se oar ate  compotent  parts. 

2)  Projectiles,  shells  and  cartridges  of  all  kinds 
and  separate  component  oarts. 

3)  Gunpowder  and  explosives  specially  used  in  war. 

4)  Gunmounts,  caissons,  limbers,  vans,  field 
forges  and  their  component  parts. 

5)  Articles  especially  intended  for  military 
equipment  and  war  purposes. 

6)  Special  harness  for  war  purposes  of  any  kind. 

7)  Riding,  driving  and  pack  animals,  which  may 
be  suitable  for  war  purposes. 


-  ^ 


10)  V/ar  Vessels  and  boats  and  their  component  parts, 
which,  owing  to  their  characteristics,  cannot  be  used 
otherwise  than  on  war  vessels. 

11 )  Instruments  and  apparatus  exclusively  intended  for 
the  preparation  of  war  materials,  or  for  making  and  repair- 
ing arms  and  articles  of  either  land  or  naval  war  equipment. 

12)  Aeronautics  and  aeronautical  apparatus,  sejjarate 
parts  of  them,  as  well  as  appurtenances,  articles  and  material 
specially  destined  for  aeronautical  purposes. 

Conditional  Contraband  is: 

1)  Provisions. 

2)  Forage  and  grain  suitable  for  feeding  animals. 

3)  Clothing  and  material  f.or  clothing,  as  well  as 
boots  or  shoes  for  military  purposes. 

4)  Gold  and  silver  in  money  and  ingots  and  also  paper 

5)  All  kinds  Af  carriages  and  carts  suitable  for  war 
purposes,  as  well  as  their  separate  parts. 

5)  Ships,  vessels  and  boats  of  all  kinds,  floating  docks, 
$arts  of  docks  and  separate  parts  of  such. 

7)  Railroad  material,  permanent  or  mobile,  telegraph 
material  and  radiotelegraph  and  telephone  material. 

8)  Fuel,  lubricating  materials. 

9)  Gunpowder  and  explosives  not  used  exclusively  for 
war  purposes. 

10)  Barbed  wire  as  well  as  tools  for  securing  or  cutting 

11)  Horseshoes  and  forge  material. 

12)  Harness  and  saddles. 

13)  Binoculars,  telescones,  chronometers  and  various 
naut  ic al  inst  rument  s . 



4  neutral  ship  which  "by  evasion  conveys  to  the  enemy  con- 
traband under  false  papers,  may  be  seized  for  carrying  such 
contraband  if  she  be  encountered  before  the  termination  of 

her  return  voyage 


The  destination  mentioned  in  Par.  33  of  the  "Rules  on 
Naval  Warw,  elaborated  by  the  London  Naval  Conference,  is 
established  by  any  sufficient  evidence  and  is  considered  as 
existing,  besides  the  presumption  fixed  by  Par.  34,  in  two 
case  of  any  goods  shipped  to  an  agent  of  the  enemy   country 
either  for  him,  or  for  a  dealer,  or  to  any  other  person  known 
to  be  a  purveyor  of  the  enemy  government,  or  for  such  dealer 
or  such  person. 


The  existence  of  the  "blockade  is  considered  to  be  known: 

a)  to  all  vesselsm  whcih  may  have  left  an  enemy  port,  or 
have  entered  any  such  port  within  a  time  after  notification 
ibf  the  blockade  by  the  local  authorities,  sufficient  for  the 
enemy  government  to  have  made  the  same  public. 

b)  to  all  vessels,  which  may  have  left  a  Russian  or 
allied  port,  or  have  entered  such  nort  after  the  blockade 
has  been  made  public. 


In  amendment  of  the  stipulations  of  Par.  35  of  the  "Rules" 
of  the  London  Naval  Conference,  should  the  destination  of 
conditional  contraband,  mentioned  in  Par.  33,  be  proved,  such 
goods  will  be  subject  to  confiscation  in  whatever  port  the 
ship  may  take  them  and  whatever  they  may  be  landed. 

The  governing  Senate  must  issue  the  necessary  order  to 
carry  the  above  into  effect. 

The  original  is  signed  in  His  Majesty's  own  handwriting. 


Tzarskoe  Selo 

:;;  e  pt  e mb  er  lot  1914. 
Counters ignedt 

Croremykin,  Secretary  of  State,,  president 
of  the  Council  of  Ministers, —         \ 




Ihucs  governing 
the  operations  during  a  naval  war, 
elaborated  by  tlie  London  Oonfer- 
enoe  of  1908  -  1909 

Chapter  I. 
Blockade  during  war. 








A  blockade  my  be  established  only  on  ports  and  coasts 

belonging  to  the  enemy,  or  oceu  ued  i.»y  him. 


In  accordance  with  the  Pnrie  "Declaration"  of  1856,  a 

blockade  to  be  binding,  must  be  effective,  that  is,  it  must  be 
maintained  by  a  force  sufficient  to  constitute  a  real  obstacle 

to  the  access  to  the  enemy1 s  shore. 


The' question  of  effectiveness  of  a  blockade  is  a  ques- 

tion of  fact. 


r.ihe  blockade   is   not   considered 

o  on 

i  as  ra 

ised  if  the  block- 

ading vessels  withdraw  temporarily  by  reason  of  bad  weather. 



The  blockade  must  be  applied  to  every  flag  without  ex- 

empt ion.  y 

hose  rules  follow  the 

London . "  iH  ^Hl       ?  n 

Wt   of   tho    " 








She   Commander  of  the  blockading   forces  may  allow  war 
vessels  to  enter  a  blockaded  port,   and  afterward  to  leave   It. 

In  case  of  distress,   verified  by  an  officer  of  the 
blockading  forces,  a  neutral   ship  may  enter  find  leave  a  block- 
aded area,   upon  condition  of  neither  discharging  nor  shitming 
any  cargo,  while  there. 


A  blocfekd&J    in  order   to    be  effective,   must  be(  declared  / 
in  accordance    ?.:  :tth  Par. 9  a  no"   made   public  in  accordance  with 
Pars.   11  and   16.  T) 


ho  declaration  of   the  blockade  is  made  either  by  the 

government   of  the  blockading  power,  or  by  the  naval  authorities 
acting  in  the  name   of   this  power. 

The  d  e  cj  a  rs  t i  on  f  i  r.e  &  : 
1;     She  dvy  of  the   beginning  of  the    blockade; 

2)  Spie  geographic  limits   of  the  blockaded  coast; 

3)  The   term  allowed  to  neutral  vessels   for  leaving.  / 

Should  the  blockading   Power,    or   the  naval   authorities 
acting  in  its  name,  not   comply  with  the   stipulations  which,    in 
virtue   of  provisions/fef  the   P*P«   1  and   E  of  Par. 9,   they   ought  to 
have   observed   in  declaration  of   the  blockade,   the  latter  will 
be   considered  null  and  void,   and,   in  order  that  the   blockade 
should  be  lawful,    it  must  be  again  declared. 

The  blockade  is  declared: 

1)  To  neutral    ..ewers  -  by  the  blockading   Power  i.v  direct  com- 
munication to  the  Powers  themselves,    or  to  their  accredited 
representatives ; 

2)  To  local  authorities  -  by  the  Commanded  of  blockading  forces; 









-  7  - 

these  authorities,  in  their  ttern*  inform  thereof  -  within  the 
shortest  delay  possible  -  the  foreign  consuls  of  the  port,  or 
coast,  blockaded. 

The  rules  in  regard  to  the  declaration  of  the  blockade 
and  to  the  information  thereof,  are  to  be  complied  with  also 
in  such  cases  when  the  area  of  the  blockade  may  be  extended, 
or,  after  having  been  suspended,  is  resumed, 

A  voluntary  suspension  of  the  blockade,  as  well  as  any 
abridgement,  must  be  made  known  in  accordance  with  stipulations 
of  Far, 11. 


The  possibility  of  seizing'  a  neutral  vessel  for  breaking 
the  blockade,  depends  on  hem  real  or  presumed  knowledge-  of  the 


The  knowledge  of  the  blockade  is  presumed,  if  there  be 
no  oroof  to  the  contrary,  when  tie  vessel  has  left  a  neutral 
port  after  the  blockade  has  been  announced  in  due  time  to  the 
Power,  to  which  the  port  belongs. 


Should  a  vessel  approaching  a  blockaded  port  not  know  of 
the  existence  of  the  blockade,  or  if  it  can  not  be  presumed  that 
she  knew  of  it,  then  the  communication  to  that  effect  must  be 
made  to  the  vessel  oj   an  officer  from  one  of  the  blockading 
shi os.  Such  ooniHUjni cation  must  be  entered,  in  the  ship's  lo 
(diary)  book,  stating  the  aay  and  hour,  as  well  as  the   eographio 
position  of  the  vessel  at  the  given  moment, 

A  neutral  ship,  leaving  a  blockaded  port,  must  be  allowed 
to  do  so  without  hindrance  if,  owlnfc  to  negiigenoe  of  the  Com- 
mander of  'ibu  blockading  forces,  the  local  authorities  were  not 
informed  of  the  blockade,  or  ii  ,  in  having  been  Informed  oj  it, 




\>W  ~        >  T 

-   3    - 
the  term  has  not   been  ffla&e  known  to  them. 

1  7 

A  neutral  ship  can  he  seised  for  bruauli  of  blockade  only 
within  the  sphere  of  action  of  war  vessels  which  are  entrusted 
with  maintaining  the  effectiveness  of  the  blockade. 

13  « 

Blockading  forces  must  not  interfere  with  access   tc   neu- 

tral   ports  and   coasts. 


If  a  vessel  at  ths  moment  he  on  her  way  to  an  im'blockaded 
port,  and  whatever  may  he  her  suboUvjuent  destination,  or  the 
destination  of  her  cargo,  the  breach  of  the  blockade  is  not  con- 
sidered sufficiently  established  to  justify  her  seizure. 

If  a  shi;,  violating  the  blockade  by  leaving  a  blockaded 
port,  or  "uy   attempting  to  enter  it,  she  is  subject  to  seizure 
as  long  as  she  is  pursued  by  a  ship  of  the  blockading  force.  If 
the  chase  after  her  be  stopped,  or  if  the  blockade  be  suspended, 
she  oannot,  after  this  moment,  be  seized. 

i..  J.  • 

A  vessel  found  guilty  of  violating  a  blockade  is  confis- 
cated.  The  cargo  also  will  be  confiscated  unless  it  be  proved 
,  it  J  he  moment  of  shipping  the  cargo,  the  shipper  did  not 
and  could  not  know  of  her  Intention  to  violate  the  blockade. 


Chapter  II # 

fpi.imwii»V  ■  wim—  muni  i         i    i.  ■■■i 

War  contraband . 

■  I  I  MM     II   ■!>    H   IT—  i^ii  ■—  !<■,■■■  IK    ■■!■■ 

As  war  contraband  oy  right,,  are  considered  the  foll07;ing 
article*  and  materials,  designated  as  absolute  contraband: 

1)  All  kinds  of  arms,  including  tnose  used  in  hunting,  as  v.  ell 
as  their  separate    tenant  parts. 

2)  rojectiics,  3hell8  end    triages  of  all  kioas,  i  a  weil  aa 
eir  Disparate  component  par%&, 

3)  Gunpowder  and  explosive:    .  cially  used  in  war. 


-  9   - 

4)  Gun  splints,    caissons,    limbers,    vans,    lie  Id  forges  arid  their 
component  parts , 

5)  Articles  especially  intended  for  field  equipment  and  war 

6)  Special  harness  for  war  purposes  of  any  icind. 

7)  Hiding,    driving  and  pack  animals,   which  aiay  be   suitable   for 
army  use . 

8)  Articles   of  camp  outfit  and  parts  cf   thorn, 

o )    Armor . 

10)  WW  vessels  and  "boots  i  nd  their  component  parts,   phien, 
owing  to  their  characteristics,    cannot  ho  i^  ed  otherwise   than 
for  war  vessels. 

11)  Tools  and  apparatus   intended   exclusively  for  the   preparation 
of  war  material,    or  for  making   :md  repairing  &xma  and  articles 
of  either  land  or  naval  ©ojuipjiienft* 

tj-,'  • 

Articles  and  materials  used  exclusively  for  military  pur- 
poses, may  he  added  to  the  list  of  contraband  by  means  of  a  special 
pub 1 is  h ed  no  t  ioe • 

This  declaration  is  forwarded  to  the  governments  of  other 
Powers,  or  to  their  representatives,  accredited  to  the  Power 
making  the  declaration.  A  declaration  made  after  the  beginning 
of  hostilities,  is  forwarded  to  neutral  Sowers  only. 

Ac  a  war  right,  the  following  articles,  ^aieh  may  serve 
war  purposes,  as  well  \  3  c©  requirements,  coital*  ..rod  as 
"conditional  coat    ,id." 

1)  provisions. 

2)  Forage  and  ■     ■    ..   for  feeding  animals. 

3)  Clothing  and   toaterial  for  clothing,  a:        LI  as  -hoes  hoot 
or  sloes  for  i  poaes^ 

4)  Gold  anc    silver  in  J  i  ,  .  /. 
6)     All  "teincs  of  carriages  :                                     for  military  pur- 
poses  end    their  pa2ts. 

.. .     .^ . 

-  1 J  - 

6)  Ships t  "barges,  boats  ox  any  kind. ,  floating  docks,  parts  of 
them  and  fcheiar  s'epkrate  parts, 

7)  Railway  material,  permanent  arid  mobile,  telegraph,  radio- 
telegraph and  telephone  notorial. 

8)  Aerostates  and  aeronautic  apparatus,  separate  ..arts  of  them, 
as  v/ell  as  appurtenances.,  articles  tixUI  material  specially  des- 
tined for  aeronautical  purposes. 

9)  Fuel  and  lubricating  materials, 

10}  Gunpowder  and  explosives  not  used  exclusively  for  way  pur- 

11}  Barbed  wire,  as  wall  as  tools  for  securing  and  cutting  the 
same . 

12}  Horseshoes  and  forging  material, 
13)  Harness  and  saddles. 
14}  Binoculars,  telescopes,  chronometers  and  various  nautical! 

instruments . 


rfcioles  and   Materials,   which  raay  servo  for  wair  -  as 
3  for   peaceful  purposes,    not   enumerated   in  Par.   ZZ  and 
24,   uay  subsequently  be   included  as  articles  of  conditional 
contraband   ay  means  of  a  declaration,    published   in  accordance 
wi th   sf  1  pulat  ions  o f  p , g ,   Par  , g 5 . 

Should  any   fower  not   desira   -  inasfar  as   it  may  be   it- 
self concerned    -  to   consider  as  war  contraband  articles  and 
materials,    which  belong    to   one   of   ths   categories  mentioned   in 
r.22  and   24,    it  must  make   its   intention  by  a  declaration  as 
prescribed   in  sx&xxsqsrja  P*2  of   ]?ar.83. 

Articles  and  mate rials  which  cannot  be  made  to  nerve  fox 
Military  purposes,    cannot  be   dec  feared  to   oe  war  contraband. 

:j:e   following         tlciefi   cannot  be   i  rod  to    oe   war   con- 

tr abend : 


—  —    m  i  .. 

-  11  - 

1)  Xbm  sil1.?.,   rv:u   wool,  silk,  *ute,  flax,  hemp  and  other  rav; 
material  of  textile  industries,  as  well  as  their  yarns, 

2)  LTuts  and  cil-^iving  seeds;  copra. 

3)  Caoutchouc,  India  rubber,  g:tsm«  hops. 

4)  E&w  hides,  herns,  bones  and  ivory,. 

5)  Hatural  and  artiiieial  manure,  including  nitrates  and  phos- 
phates, which  are  destined  for  agricultural  purposes* 

£}    neral  ores. 

7)  Earthy   argyle,    line,    chalk,   stones,   including  marble,   brick, 
slate  and  tile. 

8)  Porcelain  and  £lass. 

9}    tpep  and  pulp  prepared  for  its  laanufaeturo . 

10 )  Soaps,  mints,  including  materials,  exclusively  destined 
for  their  preparation,  ana  varnishes. 

11)  Lime  chlorite,  scde  aeide,  caustic  po&af  sulphate  of  soda 
in  pieces,  ammonium,  sulphate  of  ammonium  and  sulphate  of  cop- 
per . 

12)  Machinery  for  agriculture  sad  for  mining  industries,  tex- 
tile industries  and  printing. 

13)  rrecious  and  seni-preeioue  stones,  pearls,  mother  of  pearl 
arc"  corals. 

14)  "'atchos  and  clocks,  except  chronometers. 

15)  Articles  of  fashion  and  luxury. 

16)  All  kinds  of  leathers,  hair  and  bristles. 

17)  Furniture  and  ornamental  articles;  furniture  aad 
ace es series . 

The  folic."7 in;-;  article 3  c.all  also  not  be  considered  as 
war  o o n t r ab  and  : 

1)  Articles  and    JTials  ^ervin  or  the 

of  ...  i.c  .   !a;..:vjr,  in  case  of  urgent  military  necessity 

■;  they  r;:vy  bo  requisitioned  <        tsation,  If  t£ey 

are     Lned  as  aontc    Led  t.'  fcar<  3J. 



-   12   - 
2)     Articles  and  materials,    intended  for   the   requirements   of 
the  ship  on  which  they  are   found,   or  for  the    crew  or  passengers 
curing   the  voyage. 

Articles  of  absolute  contraband  are  subject  to  seizure, 
if  it  be  established  that  they  are  destined  for  the  enemy  ter- 
ritory, or  lor  a  territory  occupied  by  the  enemy,  or  for  enemy 
military  or  naval  forces.  They  may  be  seised  independently  of 
whether  they  are  shipped  direct,  or  are  to  be  transshipped,  or 
are  to  be  conveyed  further  by  land, 
}  31. 

The  destination  mentioned  in  iJar.30  is   considered  to   he 
definitely  proved,   if: 

1)  according  to  ships  papers  the  cargo  is  to  be  discharged  in 
an  enemy  port,  or  to  be  delivered  to  the  enemy's  armed  forces; 

2)  the  ship  must  enter  only  enemy's  ports,  or  if  she  must  en- 
ter an  enemy's  port  or  join  enemy's  armed  forces  before  enter- 
ing a  neutral  port,    to  which  the  bills   of   lading'  are  made   out. 

{  32. 

The  ship's  papers  are  full  proof  of  the  destination  of 
the  vessel  carrying  cargo  which  is  absolute  contraband,  except 
when  it  is  evident  that  she  has  deviated  from  the  route,  which 
she  ought  to  have  tafeei  according  to  her  documents,  and  when  she 
cannot  give  satisfactory  reasons  for  such  deviation. 

33 . 

Articles  of  conventional   contraband  are   subject   to 
seizure   if   it^e  proved  that  they  are   destined  for  military 
forces  or  authorities  of   the  enemy's  country,   unless,    in  the 
latter  ease,     circumstances  prove  that,    in  reality,   the  goods 
cannot  be  used  in  the  war  actually  going  on.     'I'his  latter 

clause  does  not   refer  to  articles  mentioned   in  p.4,of  rar.£4. 



-  13  - 


The  destination  of  the  cargo,  as  contemplated  by  Par, 
33,  is  presumed  to  he  proved  if  the  cargo  he  addressed  to  enemy 
authorities,  or  to  a  merchant,  residing  in  the  enemy!s  cotmtry 
and  of  whom  it  is  known  that  lie  is  supplying'  such  articles  and 
goods  to  the  enemy.  The  same  rule  is  applied  also  in  the  case 
when  the  cargo  is  destined  to  an  enemy's  fortified  place  or,  to 
some  other  point  serving  as  base  for  the  enemy's  armed  forces. 
However,  such  presumption  is  not  applied  to  the  merchant  vessel 
rself,  which  is  on  her  way  to  any  such  place  and  to  which  the 
inherent  character  of  contraband  is  presumably  to  be  applied . 

In  absence  of  the  above  ;;entioned  presumptions,  the  ship's 
destination  is  considered  to  be  of  innocent  character. 

The  presumptions  established  1j2{   this  section  admit 
proofs  to  the  contrary. 


Articles  of  conditional  contraband  cannot  be  seized 
otherwise  than  on  board  of  the  ship,  proceeding  to  a  locality 
belonging  to  the  enemy,  or  occupied  by  him,  or  towards  a  base 
of  his  battle  forces,  and  which,  furthermore,  must  not  discharge 
the  contraband  goods  in  any  neutral  port  on  her  way. 

The  ship's  papers  are  full  evidence  ox)&he  ship's  voyage, 
as  well  as  of  the  place  of  discharging  the  cargo,  unless  3he  be 
met  after  having  deviated  from  the  route,  which  she  should  have 
taken  according  to  her  papers  and  when  she  cannot  give  satis- 
factory explanation  for  such  deviation. 


In  modification  of  iar.  35,  should  the  enemy  territory 
not  have  sea  frontiers,  the  articles  of  conditional  contraband 
are  subject  to  seizure,  if  it  be  proved  that  they  are  destined 
as  contemplated  in  Par.  33. 


A  ship  carrying  articles  which  are  subject  to  seizure 
either  as  absolute,  or  as  conditional  contraband,  may  be  :.cir,od 


-  14  - 
in  open  sea,  or  in  the  waters  of  the  parties  at  war  &%   any  time 
during  the  voyage,  even  should  she  propose  to  enter  some  port 
of  call  on  the  way  before  reaching  the  enemy  destination. 

A  seizure  cannot  ho  made  for  having  previously  carried 
contraband,  when  this  action  has  been  completed. 

Contraband  articles  are  subject  to  confiscation. 

Confiscation  of  a  ship  carrying  contraband  may  be  effected 
if  the  contraband,  in  value,  weight,  or  volume,  or  if  amount 
of  freight  (itlg  ,  is  greater  than  half  of  the  whole .cargo. 

If  a  ship,  carrying  contraband,  be  released,  it  is  liable 
for  all  expenses  incurred  by  the  captor  during  the  .Prise  Court 
proceedings,  as  well  as  expenses  for  maintenance  of  the  ship 
and  her  cargo  during  the  proceedings. 

Goods  belonging  to  the  owner  of  the  contraband  and  found 
on  the  sane  ship,  are  subject  to  confiscation. 

Should  a  ship,  met  at  sea,  not  know  of  the  beginning  of 
war  operations,  or  of  the  declaration  on  contraband  possibly 
appliable  to  her  cargo,  then  the  contraband  articles  cannot  be  • 
confiscated  v/ithout  paying  compensation;  the  ship  herself  and 
the  rest  of  the  cargo  are  exempt  from  seizure  and  from  expenses 
contemplated  in  Par. 41.  The  same  rule  is  applied  in  case  the 
captain  -  having  learnt  of  the  beginning  of  war  operations,  or 
of  the  declaration  of  contraband  -  has  not  had  time  to  remove 
the  contraband  cargo  from  his  ship. 

A  ship  is  considered  to  bo  informed  of  the  breaking-  out 
of  the  war,  or  of  the  declaration  of  contraband,  in  case  she 
has  left  a  neutral  port  after  3uch  information  of  the  beginning 



m  ■ 

—    . 

-  15  - 
of  war  and  declaration  of  contraband  have  in  due  time  "been 
communicated  to  the  Power,  to  which  said  port  "belongs.  The 
state  of  war  is,  moreover,  considered  to  be  known  to  the  ship, 
if  she  has  left  some  enemy  port  after  the  beginning  of  war 


A  ship  stopped  for  carrying  contraband  and  not  confis- 
cated by  reason  of  the  relatively  small  quantity  of  it  on  board, 
may  be  allowed  to  continue  her  trip  according  to  circumstances, 
should  the  captain  be  willing  to  deliver  the  contraband  to  the 
war  vessel  making  the  seizure. 

The  delivery  of  the  contraband  will  be  noted  by  the  cap- 
tor on  the  log  book  of  the  vessel  stopped,  and  the  captain  of 
the  latter  must  deliver  to  the  captor  duly  certified  copies  of 
all  necessary  documents. 

The  captor  may  destroy  all  the  contraband  thus  delivered 
to  him. 

Chapter  III. 
Services  rendered  to 

the  fighting  parties. 


A  neutral  vessel  is   confiscated  and  generally  is   subject 
to  all  consequences  to  which  it  would  be  liable   if  confiscated 
for  carrying  contraband: 

1)  when  she  undertakes  the   voyage  especially  for  the    trans- 
port of  passengers   forming   part  of  the   enemy  armed  forces,   or 
for  transmission  of   information  in  the  interests   of  the   enemy; 

2)  if,   with  the   knowledge   of  her   owner,    or  of  the   person  who 
has  loaded  her,   or  of  the    captain,    she  b«   transporting  a  mili- 
tary detachment,    or  any  persons,  who   during  the  voyage  have 
itteocfcx     exercise  cj&irect  relations  with  the   enemy's  operations. 

In  such  cases  (as  above  mentioned)  the  goods  belonging 
to  the  shipowner,  arc  also  subject  to  confiscation. 




-  16  - 

Che  stipulations  of  the  present  section  are  not  applied 
if  the  ship  -  at  the  time  when  she  was  encountered  at  sea  - 
did  not  know  of  the  war  operations,  or  if  the  captain,  after 
having  learnt  of  their  "banning,  had  not  had  time  to  disembark 
the  persons  travelling  on  board  of  his  ship.  A   vessel  is  con- 
sidered to  he  informed  of  the  state  of  war:  if  she  has  left  an 
enemy  port  after  the  hostilities  began;  or  a  neutral  port  after 
the  declaration  of  the  beginning  of  war  operations  was  made,  in 
due  time,  to  the  Power,  to  whom  said  port  belongs* 


A  neutral  ship  is  confiscated  and  generally  subject  to 
all  consequences  to  which  it  would  be  liable  if  it  were  an  ene- 
my's merchant  vessel: 

1)  hen  it  takes  an  active  part  in  war  operations; 

2)  when  it  is  under  the  order  or  control  of  an  agent  appointed 
to  the  ship  by  the  enemy  government; 

3)  when  it  is  freighted  by  the  enemy  government; 

4}  when  at  the  moment  it  is  employed  exclusively  either  for 
the  transport  of  enemy's  troops,  or  for  transmission  of  informa- 
tion in  the  enemy's  interests. 

In  cases  contemplated  by  the  present  section,  the  goods 
belonging  to  the  shipowner,  are  also  subject  to  confiscation. 

Aiiy  person  belonging  'bo  the  armed  forces  of  the  enemy, 
who  may  <.e  discovered  on  a  neutral  ship,  may  be  made  war  ris- 
oner,  even  if  there  be  no  ground  for  the  seizure  of  the  ship. 

Chapter  IV. 
."Destruction  of  neutral 

A  neutral  3hip  seized  cannot  be  destroyed  by  the  taker, 
but  must  be  convoyed  to  at  Dome  port  in  order  tliat  a  legal  de- 
cision be  given  on  the  lawfulness  of  the  seizure. 

-  17  - 

As  an  exception,  a  neutral  ship  seized  by  a  vessel  of 
a  belligerent  and  subject  to  confiscation,  may  be  destroyed  if 
the  carrying  out  of  the  provisions  of  far.  48  should  make  it 
dangerous  for  the  war  vessel,  or  for  the  success  of  operations 
in  which  at  the  time  it  was  engaged. 


Before  destroying  a  vessel,  safety  of  all  persons  on 


board  roust  be  provided  for  and  all  documents  and  other  arti- 
cles, v/hich  the   interested  parties  deem  it  necessary  for  the 
investigation  into  the  lawfulness  of  the   seizure,   must  be 
transferred  to  the  war  vessel. 


The  captor  who  has  destroyed  a  neutral  ship,  must,  be- 
fore the  legal  settlement  on  the  question  of  the  lawful  In  ess 
of  the  seizure,  prove  by  facts  that  he  acted  only  in  conse- 
quence of  an  exceptional  emergency,  as  foreseen  by  far .49. 
Should  he  not  do  so,  he  is  obliged  to  compensate  interested 

rties  for  losses,  independently  on  whether  the  confiscation 
will  be  judged  to  be  legal,  or  not. 


Should  the  seizure  of  a  neutral  ship  -  the  destruction 
of  which  was  justified  -  be  afterwards  recognised  as  having 
been  without  sufficient  reasons,  the  captor  must  then 
compensate  the  interested  parties,  instead  of  returning  them 
the  destroyed  goods,  to  which  they  would  be  entitled  by  law. 


Should  neutral  goods,  not  subject  to  confiscation,  have 
been  destroyed  together  with  the  ship,  their  owner  is  entitled 
to  compensation. 


The  oaptor  has  the  right  to  exact  that  goods,  subject 
to  confiscation  be  turned  over  to  him,  or  ho  ean  destroy  them, 
if  such  goods  wore  found  on  a  ship,  r.hich  though*  not  subject 

-  13  - 
to  confiscation,  the  circumstances  are  such,  that  according  to 
i;ar.49,  they  would  justify  the  destruction  of  a  ship  subject 
to  confiscation.  The  captor  makes  in  the  log  book  of  the  seized 
ship  a  statement  of  all  articles  turned  over  to  him,  or  destroyed, 
and  directs  the  captain  to  hand  him  a  certified  copy  of  all 
documents,  which  he  may  need*  After  such  transfer,  or  destruc- 
tion, and  after  the  carrying  out  of  all  formalities,  the  cap- 
tain must  be  allowed  to  continue  his  voyage. 

In  this  case  the  provisions  of  Par. 51  -  52  must  be  com- 
plied with  hy   the  captor  who  destroyed  the  neutral  ship. 

Chanter  V. 
Change  of  flag. 

The  transfer  of  an  enemy  ship  to  a  neutral  flag  before 
the  beginning  of  war  operations,  will  be  valid,  imless  it  be 
established  that  ouch  transfer  took  place  in  order  to  avoid 
consequences  dependent  on  enemy  character  of  the  ship.  Such 
transfer  is  also  -resumed  to/be  invalid  if  the  document  to  that 
effect  is  not  on  board  of  the  ship  and  if,  moreover,  she  has 
lost  her  former  nationality  less  than  60  days  before  the  be- 
ginning of  war  operations.  Proofs  to  the  contrary  are  admitted. 

The  validity  of  a  transfer  effected  more  than  30  days 
before  the  beginning  of  war  operations,  is  considered  as  cer- 
tainly proved,  if  the  transfer  is  absolute,  full,  and  in  con- 
formance with  the  laws  of  the  respective  countries,  and  if  the 

lent  of  the  ship  and  her  revenues  do  not  remain  in  the 
e  hands  as  before  such  transfer.  Should,  however,  the  shi 
have  lost  the  enemy  nationality  less  than  60  days  before  the 
beginning  of  hostilities  and  the  documents  of  transition  be 
not  on  board  of  the  shi;,  the  seizure  of  the  sane  docs  not  en- 
title to  compensation  for  losses. 

-  19  - 
The  transfer  of  an  enemy  ship  to  a  neutral  Hag,  when 
made  after  the  beginning  of  war  operations  is  invalid,  unless 
it  he  -roved  that  such  transfer  was  not  mode  in  order  to  avoid 
consequences  de  endent  on  her  character  80  an  enemy  vessel. 

However,  the  presumption  of  the  invalidity  is  uncondi- 
tional : 

1)  If  the  transfer  wag  made  Yfhen   the  ship  was  making  a  voyage, 
or  when  it  is  in  a  blockaded  port; 

2)  If  there  he  a  right  of  repurchase,  or  a  claim  for  return; 

3)  If  the  conditions,  under  which  the  transfer  of  the  flag  - 
according  to  the  laws  of  the  flag  hoisted  -  is  subject^  hi  ve 
not  been  complied  with. 

Chapter  VI. 

Belonging  to  the  enemy. 
V ith  the  reservation  in  regard  to  Regulations,  governing 
the  transfer  of  flag,  the  neutral  or  enemy  character  of  a  ship 
is  determined  by  the  flag,  which  she  is  entitled  to  hoist. 

The  qr.estion  in  regard  to  cases  when  neutral'  ships 
make  voyages  prohibited  to  foreigners  in  time  of  peace,  re- 
mains open  and  is  in  no  way  foreseen  by  the  present  rule. 

The  neutral  or  enemy  character  of  goods,  found  on  board 
of  an  enemy  ship,  is  determined  by  the  character  of  their  owner. 

Should  the  neutral  chacter  of  the  cargo  discovered  on 
board  of  an  enemy  ship*  not  be  determined,  the  goods  are  con- 
si  dor ed  to  belong  to  the  enemy. 

The  enemy  character  of  goods,  3hip;;ea  on  board  of  an 
cmy  ship,  remains  invariable  until  their  arrival  st  destin- 
ation, independently  of  the  possible  change  of  owner,  which 
may  have  happened  during  the  cruise  after  wax  operations  had 

-  £0  - 
However,  should  the  former  neutral  owner  -  before  the 
seizure  of  the  ship  and  in  ease  of  bankruptcy  of  the  enemy 
owners  -  exercise  the  right  of  suina;  Tor  the  return  of  the 
goods  to  himself,  then  the  c;oods  resume  their  neutral  character. 

Chapter  VII. 

^■1|iiil»|i     »TI.*        lm»umiMi«MM    ih—ii     m,i| 

The  escort . 

>— www— mi«  ■  • tin  .  ■! !—■■■ 


Heutral  ships  under  an  escort  of  their  flag  are  free 
from  visit  and  search.  The  escort  commanding  officer  gives, 
upon  the  request  of  the  commander  of  the  war -vessel,  every  in- 
formation as  to  the  character  of  the  ships  and  their  cargoes, 
which  might  have  been  obtained  by  searching. 

.62  < 

Should  the   commanding  officer  of  a  war  vessel  of  a 
belligerent  sdccKa:  have  reasons  to   suspect  that   the   escort  com- 
mander has  been  misled,   he  informs  him  of  his   suspicions.   The 
escort  commander  '.lone  has  in  such  cases  the  right   to   visit 
the  vessel.     Ke  must  state  the   results  of  his   search  in  a  re- 
port of  v.hich  a  copy  is  ;:iven,   sxofotextaafccs;     to  an  officer  of 
the  war  vessel,     should,    in  the  opinion  of  the  escort  coramariler, 
the  circumstances  thus  established   justify  the  seizure  of  one, 
or  several,    ships,    the    .latter  must  be  deprived  of  the  protcc- 

ion  of  the  escort. 

Chanter  VIII 

2;c  si  stance  to  visit  and  search. 


Resistance  by  farrce  to  a  legal  right  of  stopping,  search- 
ing and  seizing  a  .-ship,  leads  always  to  confiscation  of  the 
acme.  The  cargo  und erodes  the  same  consequences  as  a  cargo  of 
an  onemy  ship;  goods  bolon     to  the  captain  or  to  the  ship- 
owners, are  considered  as  enemy  t;.oods. 


.^  .^ 


-  ai  - 

Chapter  IX. 
Conroe nsa t ion  for  lo  ss  es  • 

l-  ■     ir*r  ji  i   n      ii  _  ...  . 


It   the  seizure  of  a  ship  or  of  goods  be  not  recognised 
as  Justified  by  a  legal  decision,  or  ix,  without  submission  to 
legal  proceedings,  the  seizure  has  been  denied,  then  the  In- 
terested parties  are  entitled  to  compensation  for  losses,  un- 
less there  be  sufficient  reasons  for  justifying  the  seizure 
of  the  ship  or  of  the  cargo . 


«*•    ^  £j  mm 

rio  llaval  kept  order 
Explanation      of  9  September, 1914 

Ho  .304, 
regarding  adaptation  of  the  llaval 

Prise  Huloa  v/ith  the  "Rules  of  Ila- 

val  War." 

'The  Imperial  Ukas  dated  1st  September  1914  prescribes 
that  the  "Rules  of  llaval  War",  established  by  the  London  Con- 
ference with  certain  amendments  and  supplements  (mentioned  in 
the  Ukas  )  v. ill  be  provisionally  applied  in  the  operations  of 
the  present  war.  Consequently,  in  regard  to  naval  prises,  be- 
sides the  llaval  Prise  Rules  (annexe  to  P. 3 53  of  book  X  of  the 
Code  of  Kav.Reg.}  the  above  mentioned  "Rules",  amendixig  and 
supplementing  said  liavy  Regulation,  must  be  applied.  However, 
in  practice,  the  application  of  such  varying  and  net  co-ordin- 
ated rules  may  create  difficulties  and  misunderstandings. 

In  order  to  avoid  such  cases,  on  seme  points  it  will 

be  sufficient  to  call  the  attention  o.f  officers  as  to  which 

special  sections  of  the  llaval  Prise  Rules  or  supplement  sec- 
tions of  the  Rules  of  llaval  ?"ar  and  by  which  of  the  latter 
they  are  go  modified.  In  this  regard  it  is  to  be  noted  that: 
1)  Section  6  of  the  llaval  Prise  Rules,  prescribing  the  manner 
of  searching  neutral  ship3,  under  escort  of  war-vessels  is 
amended  and  supplemented  by  sections  61  and  62  of  the  "Rules 
of  Naval  War" ; 

h)     Section  7  of  the  Raval  Prise  Rule qfe one erning  the  determin- 
ation and  transfer  of  nationality  of  a  ship  -  by  Par .55  to 
57  of  the  Rules  of  Raval; 

3)  the  note  to  of  the  ilcval  Prise  Rules,  concerning 
the  property  found  on  board  of  an  enemy  ship  -  by  rar.58  to 
60  of  the  Rules  of  llaval  War;  and 

4)  Par. 14  of  the  llaval  Prise  Rules,  concerning  tho  seizure 
of  military  contraband  without  seising  the  vessel  on  which 
the  same  is  transported  -  by  Par. 44  and  54  of  the  Rules  of  lla- 
val V.'ar. 


-  23  - 

3ut  the  principal  difficulties  and  misunderstandings 
may  arise  on  most  important  and  constantly  raised  questions 
as  to  what  ships  and  cargos  are  subject  to  seizure  and  confis- 
cation. Regarding  this  point,  section  9  of  IJav&l  Price 
remains  in  force  and  directs  that  all  siiipa  and  cargos  which 
are  liable  to  be  confiscated  as  prises  are  subject  to  seizure. 
Then,  after  par. 10  (also  regaining  in  force),  establishing  in- 
stances of  confiscation  of  the  enemy  ahips  with  their  cargo, 
followed  Bar»ll  *  fore  seeing  ail  cases  of  confiscation  of  neu- 
tral  ships,  and  Par, 12, -foreseeing  all  cases  of  confiscation 
cargos  of  neutral  ships.  Corresponding  to  that  and  to  the  "In- 
structions" of  the  Admiralty  Council  on  the  order  of  stopping, 

Par.  26  of  the  appendix  to  ITaval  Prize  Rules  in 
searching  and  seizing  ships  and  carg03  Par .37  was  concentrated 

all  eases  of  seizure,  or  confiscation,  of  neutral  ships,  and 
also  in  Par, 3 8  -  all  cases  of  seizing  or  confiscating  of  car- 
gos shipped  on  neutral  ships.  -Besides  the  two  sections  of  the 

vtxl   ?rise  Bules,  9  and  12,  and  the  two  paragraphs  of  the  "In- 
struction11 37  and  38,  corresponding'  to  them,  are  amended  and 
supplemented  by  several  sentences  of  the  Haval  xrise  Hules  in 
v  rioua  places  of  the  text,  -md.   now  in  'cheir  turn  amended  and 
Bup  Icaented  by  special  orders,  contained  in  the  newly  given 
Imperial  tfkae*  Besides,  the  contraband  itself  is  now  divided 
into  absolute  and  conditional,  with  establishment  of  different 
reasons  for  the  seizing  and  confiscation  of  articles  under 
either  heading.   In  order  to  facilitate  the     tical  applica- 
tion of  these  various  rules,  scattered  about  aithout  Byatai  , 
contradicting  and  niodifying  one  the  other  in  most  impox'tant 
questions,  the  various  cases  .re  grouped  under  the  following 

aeral  headings:  I)    1  cases  of  confiscation  of  neutral 


ships,  II)  all  cases  of  confiscation  of  cargos  of  neutral  ships 
and  III)  the  chief  principles  on  which  are  based  the  seizure 
and  confiscation  of  articles  of  absolute  and  conditional  con- 
traband, with  note3  undor  each  point  of  these  throe  sections 

-  24   - 
of  Biioh  rules  of  the  liaval  Prise  Kules;   of  the  Rules  of  Kami 
War  and  of  the   Imperial  TJka:-:,  which  must  "be  tafeen  for  guidance. 
I)     Her chant  ships  of  neutral   nationality  are   subject   to   con- 
fiscation as  prizes   in  the  following  ee.<>es; 

1}     '"hen  they  are   caught  in  the  act  of  transport ing 
military  contraband  subject  to  seizurefsec.IIl  )f   if  the  &am 
exceeds  "by  volume,   or  by  weight,  or  by  value,   or  by  amount  of 
freight  charges,    the  half  of  the  whole   cargo;   provided  it   is 
not  proved  that  the  "beginning  of  hostilities,   or  that  the  no- 
tification of  articles  declared  contraband   ~  to  which  the   car- 
go,  or  a  part  of  the  cargo  may  belong-  -  was  unknown  to  the 
ship;   or  that   the   captain,  having  learned  of  the  beginning  of 
military  operations,   or  of  the  contraband  declaration,  had  not 
yet  load  time  to  remove  the  contraband  from  his  ship. 

Faval  Prize  Pules,  Article  11,   par.i,   sections  a  and  b, 

Rales  of  liaval  War,    sections  40  and  43,   and  bearing  on  them 

sections  50   -  39 « 

Hote:     A  neutral  ship,  which  having   carried  contraband 
to  the  enemy  under  cover  of  false  documents,   is 
subject  to   seizure  and  confiscation  for  the 
transport  of  such  contraband   if   she  be  met  before 
the  end  of  her  return  voyage.     Imp ,TIk:az,rar.2, 
Rules  of  Par, 38. 

2)  When  they  are  caught  in  the  act  of  violating  block- 
ade and   it  may  not   be  xoroved  that  the   establishment  of    the 
blockade  was  unknown  to  the    ship. 

Uaval  Prize  Roles,   Par,  11,  p.  2;  Jftuies  of  liaval 
ar,    Par.   £1,   14  -  20. 

3)  Vhcn  they  have  resisted  by  force  stopping,   search 
or  seizure. 

ilaval    L:ri::e,    xar.   11,  p. 3;  Pules  of  liaval 
ar,   par.   63. 

4)  en  thoy  have  taken  an  active  part  in  the  enemy's 
lailit-'  r;           rations . 

Ilaval  Prize  Pules,   xar ,11,   p. 4;  hulas  of  liaval  Y.'ar, 
Par .46,    p.l. 


{8    ^^^TOm^jj 

-  £6  - 

5 )     Tucn  they  are   ftotoad  under  the   command  or  control  of 
on  agent,   placed  on  board  of  the  ship  "by  the  enemy  government. 
BttleS  of  Laval   V'ar,   lia  .46,   p.£. 

6;     then  they  are   freighted  wholly  by  the  enemy  govern- 
ment. Sales  of  havnl  War,   £G&\  46 ,   p. 3. 

7)     WheB  they  are,   at   the  given  moment  and  exclusively, 
occupied  cither  in  trans  porting  enemy  troops,    or  trans  flitting 
information   in  the  enemy  interests. 

Sules  of  ITaval  far,   jajj*  46,   p»4. 

3 1    When  they  have  been  caught    in  a  voyage  undertaken 
especially  for  the  transport  of  individual  passengers,   belong- 
ing to  any  army  unit  of  the   enemy,   or  in  transmitting   informa- 
tion in  the   enemas  interests,   as  well  \?hen  as  they  have  been 
ttght   in  the  act  of  transporting   -  with  the  knowledge   of   the 
ship's  owner  g   or  of  the   person  having  wholly  freighted  the 
vessel,    or  of  the  captain  -  a  detachment   of  the  enemy's  troops, 
or  one,   or  several  persons  who,   during  the  voyage,  have  directly 
contributed  to    the  war  operations  of   t'fc*      no my,    if  in  such 
oases  it  may  not  be  proved  that  the  beginning  of  hostilities 
was  unhnov.Ta  to  the   ship,   or  that  the   captain,  having   learned 
of  the   outbreak  of  the  War,   had  not   yet  had  time  to  land  such 
persons   from  his  ship. 

:val    .rise  Hulas,    Pari    11*   p«  1,   letter  _c;   Rules  of 

Baval  War,    Par.  45, 
II)     The  cargo  of  neutral  merchant   ships  is  subject  to   confis- 

tion  rises 

1}    m  it  consists  in  goods  subject  to  confiscation 
military  contr    i,  if  not  proved  that  the  beginning  of 
hostilities,  Or  the  declaration  of  contraband  including  goods 
of  the  hind  to  Which  the  whole ,  or  part,  of  the  ship  i 
"Dolori^s,   was  unknown  to  the  ship;  or      he  c 
learned  of  the  beginning  of  war  operations,  or  of  the  Oec'Ura- 
tion  of  contraband,  had  not  ao  yet  been  able  to  discharge  the 

-  26  - 

contraband  goods. 

llaval  Prize  Rules    Per*   XZt   p*l|   Ettlee  of  H&val  V:a;j*, 
X,    39,    30    -  37, 
2)     "'hen  it  beloipge  to  the  corner  of  !id  goods  cud  le 

on  board  of  the   same  ship. 

;:ules  of  %yp,l  War.,   Per*  4B« 
3}       lien  it   is   shipped  on  board  of  a  vessel  subject  to   confis- 
cation on  ground  of  p.   2,   section  I,   if  not  proved  that,   at 
the  time  of  shipping  the  car^O,   the  person  so   shipping  it  did 
not,   and  could  not,  &aew  of  the   ship!s  intention  to  violate 
the  blochade. 

aval  Prize  Kales,    Per.    12,   p.S;   Fules  of  Kaval  War, 
r.   21. 

4)  When  it  is  shipped  on  board  of  a  vessel  subject  to  confis- 
cation on  ground   of  p.p»   3-7,   section  I,   exception  being  how- 

r  for  goods  exempted  from  confiscation  on  board  of 
energy  ships  bv  Par.   10  of   the  llaval   Prise  Eules,   but   with  the 
appropriate  application  of  the  ilote  to  that  same  section  and 
of  the   Par.   53-60  of  the   Rule 3  of  llaval  7;ar,    c.nd   with  the   ox- 
tension  of  'he  confiscation  to  goods  belonging  to   the  captain 
or  to  the  owner  of  the  ship. 

llaval   Pr i  za  Pru.cs,   Par.   int-p.   2;   Rules  Par.   46  and  63, 

50   -   60. 

5)  When  it  is  shipoed  on  a  vessel,  subject  to  confiscation  on 
ground  of  p. 8  of  section  I,  and  consists  of  goods  belonging:  to 
the  ship  owner.   ules  of  ^av«    ar,  £ar«  4.r). 

III.    rticies  forming;  contraband,  both  absolute  c.nd  condi- 
tional, i  re  .Tecisely  enuioerated  in  rar.  1  of  the  Uktxx   of  1st 
September  19X4  (aee  P«13  of  Uaval  Prize  Rules,  and  alee  p. 22 
and  PA   of  Hales  of  liav.  V.'ar,  v.hich  were  thereby  amended};  The 
principal  reasons  lor  the  seizure  and  confiscation  of  objects 
of  both  cate$orie8  of  contraband      a  follows: 
1)  Goods  forming  absolute  contra'.      C  subject  ;    otzuro 

-    c7    - 

and   ecnfi3 cation  If  it  be  established  that  their  destination 
is  the  enemy  territory,   or  a  territory  occupied  by  hj&f    or   by 
his     araoG.  forces.     It   is  imsaatei  til      if  the   forwarding  of  such 
goods  be  aaa&e  oither  by  disroot  t:         It,   by  transshipment,   or 
in  oopsbination  wi,th  farther  conveyance  by  land. 

Rales  of  haval  'Var,    fer,   30  mid  39. 
2)     ihe  destination  foreseen  in  p.    1  is 'considered  to  be   fin- 
ally proved  in  the  follow lap  saeess     l;  jfeeu  the  ctrpo,  record - 
j  to  doe-tifients ,    is  destined   to  "be  unloaded  in  an  enemy's 
art,   or   for  his  i         d  forces;    2)  ^hen  the   ship  must  enter  only 
•n&sgr's  ports,   or  when  she  mast  enter  an  enemy's  port,   or  meet 
his  ;  ~    ■   .   forces  before   entering  a  neutral  port  to  which  the 
bills  of  lading  are  wade  out . 

rules  of  ITeval  "'ar  far.    31  and  32 ♦ 
Z]     Articles  of   conditional  oontrabanfi   $re  subject  to  seisure 
and   ©onfiBoation  if.  it   be   established,  that  they  are   destined 
for  the  araod  forces  or  for  the  government   of  the  cranny,    ex- 
cept  if   in  this  latter  ease,   ctrcuListanees  prove  tiiat  in  re- 
ality the   K-iv.         ,;ods   cannot  he   used  in   the   enlstinp   F/ar;   this 

IpujLation  cannot  tv.    :    plied   to  goods  mentioned   in  p. 4  of 
section  S  of  Pi  r.   JL   of  the  Ukafl  of     the   1st  Gepteater  1914,* 

Rules  of  Haval  '  ar.    Par*   33  and   39;   UJmz   ..  .1. 

The   afclp'B  destination,   as (anticipated )  contemplated  in 

:r.T,    is  presumed  to  'ved   in  Ihe   case   of  the    aargo  being   . 

addressed  to  ensBff's  officiate,   or  to  a  aerehunt  residing  the 

■    ■    '■$  country  and  of  ahoa.  it   is   known  that  he   is  the   surveyor 

to  ay  of  goodi        d   materials  of  that  hind;   also    if  the 

>ds  are  dire  ;,; ,   or  ffcr  him,   or 

to  a  Merchant,   or  t o   :  a.,    o  trcon,    in  the    service   of   the 

y,    or  for  such  merchant   or  such  person.  (*) 

*Uote.-  This  refers  to  gold*    silver  and  money. 
(*)  Even  though  all    IheBe/persons  he  residing  in  a  neutral 


&  H  Mi 

I  he   same  rule,  vvill  be  applied  also  in  the   cose  of  the    cargo's 
destination  being  a  fortified  place  of   the   enemy,   or  an;/   other 
locality  serf lag  as  base  for  the   enemy's  armed  forces;  however 
this   ^resumption  is  not  appiiable  to   the  merchant  ship  herself, 
proceeding-  towards  any  such  locality,    in  regard  to  Which  the 
character  of  the   cargo   is  ad^ud^cd  as  contraband. 

In  the  absence  of  such  pre sump ti  ons,    the   ship's  destin- 
ation v/ill  be  presumed  innocent. 

Ihese  presumptions  allow  proofs  to  the  contrary. 

Bule3  of  llaval  far,   far.    34;  Wm%  lar,   d, 
f> )      Conditional   contraband,    if   its   destination  as  mentioned   in 
par.3  be  proved,   is   subject  to  seizure   t  ad  confiscation,   with- 
out  regard  to  wbat  port  the   ship  may  be  bound  and   independently 
of  the   poart   to  ahieh  her  ea2*gO  may  be  addressed* 

Ukaa   Bar*   5,   hliies   ot  favai   war,    rar.    36. 

Independently  of  what  is  stated  above,   it  is  necessary 
to  pay  special  attention  to    bhe  important  modification  of  ex- 
isting regulations,   limiting   the   right   to   (<.  oy  neutral 
ships    (with  their   cargo)   on  an  order  of  haval   commanders. 
fhis           Ldnent  makes  the   distinction  that,    together  with  sev- 

1  cases   contemplated  oy  far.    Si  of   the  Haval   Pasise  rales, 
far.   49  of  the  fuies  of  i'aval  war  permits  the   destruction  of  a 
seized  neutral   ship  exclusively  v/hon  her  conv'         ce     to  a  proper' 
port  entails   danger  for    the  warship  executing   the   seizure,    or 
for  the  success  of    flie  operations  in  v.hi<;h  she  may  be  at  the 
time  en         d;  and  instead  of  the  eompenaation  for  d<         'yoe 
property,    cslabiished   op        j  ȣ9  of  ihe    .  .  tales ;Whioh 

is  paid   only  when  the   vessel   is    judged  to  bo   entitled  to  lib- 
eration,  sections   51-03  of  the   3   ilea  of  naval  war    [iresftri  be 

t  compensation  for  losses  in  ease  of  the  destruction  of  a 
neutral  ship    {and  her  car^o  )   is  due  also  when  the  destruction 
was  not    justified  by  &n  urgency  foreseen  by  far .49, 


-  29  - 
the  vessel  nay  have  ooQn   suujeet  to  confiscation.  Besides,  in 
conformance  with  £ar#  54,  fcl*  same  rules  are  extended  to  the 
destruction  of  articles  taken  off  such  ship,  which  afterwards 
has  been  allowed  to  continue  her  route  (eomp.  far  .44),  * 

At  the  same  time  Par.  51  -  54  of  the  Pules  of  Ilaval 
;r  direct  that  the  captor  who  has  destroyed  a  neutral  ship  (with 
Cargo,  or  portions  of  it)  must,  "before  any  examination  as  to 
the  lawfulness  of  the  seisure,  prove  that  he  has  acted  so  only 
la   view  of  exceptional  emei-geney,  as  contemplated  b'y   Par .49. 
^herei'ore,  naval  chiefs,  who  have  ordered  the  destruction  of 
a  neutral  ship  (with  cargo  or  portions  of  it,  must  establish 
at  the  time  proofs  that  they  have  acted  so  only  under  force  of 
emergency  (Par. 353  cf  Paval  Statute);  and  Prize  Courti;,  before 
examining  Questions  as  to  whether  the  property  is  subject  to 
confiscation,  or  liberation,  and  as  to  refusal,  or  payment  to 
owners  of  compensation  for  looses  -  tmxefc  decide  especially  as 
to  whether  such  destruction  was  proper,  or  not,  and  only  af- 
ter that  will  proceed  to  decide  other  pending  questions.! * ) 
Appeal  on  such  prior  decisions  will  be  allowed  only  after  the 
judgement  on  the  case  as  a  whole,  toge trier  with  the  appeal  on 
this  judgement,  but  not  apart  from  it;  this  results  as  much  a 
consequence  of  the  general  rules  of  prise  jurisdiction*  (In 
order  to  avoid  delay  In  the  proceedings,  complaints  on  part  de- 
cisions, ri/ithcut  joining  in  the  appeal,  are  allowed  only  in 
certain  case3  specially  mentioned  in  the  Paw),  as  of  motives, 
forming  the  basis  of  iar.51  of  the  Pules  of  Laval  I'ar. 
*  In  relation  to  enemy  ships  and  cargo s  the  .Par.^1  and  29  of 
Regulations  on  ;;aval  Prices  remain  in  force  fully. 
(*)  It  must      .tionc     b  the  inclusion  In    *74  cf  the 
Uaval  Pri:x-  Rules  of  rules  on  the  ju.       )y  the  Courts  "ox 
officio'  Independently  of  vi  by  pba        erected  (Par. 

37  Paval  Prist  Pules},  in  fiuou lions  of  confiscation  or  libera- 
tion not  only  in  oases  of  &  i creeping  of  seized  property,  but 
also  of  its  dcstrnetlon  b;/  or  dor  of  a  llavol  Chief,  has  its 

'  ,v*m»^i+*m*rirmmmimmmM'*mra<£>v!mi*^mirvu*mi>Mm  tmmmtn  j 

mi^Mi  i  wrrnwinrow—ir  "i  »■  *""»"  i   •—** 


-  30   - 
s.ln  regard  to  the  last  nention,   it   should  "be  added,   that 
the  real   5ons3  of  the  rules*  $8t&Mtehed  by  the  l»ondou    ;onfer- 
enee  of  1906  -  1909  ana  accepted  b^  t&g  delegates  of  t!he  Po?/- 

ers  in  the   form  of  "Deolamt ion  on  the   right  of  m.Tt&%  war",   is 
clearly  exposed  In  tfea   reports   submitted  to  tha  Conference  "by 
the   2&itiri£   ooiaraittee ,    ;.hieh  mm%  therefore  be  token  into   con- 
sideration by  the   frlse  Courts  in  all  doubtful  o:.scs,  which  may 
arise  as     to    oho  oicact  una or standing   of  ono   or  other  of  these 
rules   (see  e&«  of  Mija#For.Aff »  IglD'i  p&gee-  33-103), 

(signed)  Vice  Admiral  llnssin,,   chief  of  Kavsl 
General  Staff,   and  privy  counsellor. 

T.   Stehlin  Kamonsky,.  aetlag  prosecutor  of  the 
.    .  -rise  Court,   legal  adviser  (Jurisconsult)  of  the  llin.   of 
the  K'avy. 

origin  in  The  right  of  the  orew  to  a         t   of  the    prise   (apart 
uia  compem        on  to  owaex  ,  ^ow  this  rieoenei.1 

OB   nv  ' .  e,  hy   Htf\  J  ad 

B57  (1914)  Ltled  to  a  purt  la  the 

>ra  bs . 


w  .«MHrtMHMHrttu>n« 





°FMCE  of  Naval  Intelligence 


April  27,  1915. 

Ifote:  The  following  is  an  extract  from  a  personal 
letter  received  from  the  Uaval  attache,  r'etrograd.  dated 
February  16,  1915: 

"2  fc        *es  of  the  ..nasi;:     nations  to 
aval  war  Rnlca,    :;es  and  Contraband,   bey  are,  I 
believe,  exactly  '    .  e  as  tlie  Regulations  published 

bhe  British  Government.    .o  RritisJ   aval  Attache" 
says  they  are . 

I  announce  to  the  Fleet  and  to  the  Ministry  of  the  TIavy, 
for  compliance  with  and  execution,  the  Imperial  Ulcaz  to  the 
governing  Senate,  dated  this  8th  December,  published  in  the 
Collection  of  laws  and  legislative  Government's  Orders  (1914, 
Ho.  347,  Par. 3310), (given  to  act)  instead  of  the  IP. 1-5  of 
the  Imperial  Ukaz,  dated  September  1st  a.c.  (Coll.  of  Laws 
and  leg.ord.  No.  249,  x-ar.£352)f  re  the  application  of  Naval 
T/ar  rules,  established  by  the  London  IJaval  Conference  of  1908- 

At  the  same  time  I  prescribe  to  take  for  guidance  in 
future  the  "Explanation"  added  to  my  order  Ho.  304,  of  Sep- 
tember 9th,  and  the  following  complement  to  the  same. 

(Signed)  General  aide-de-camp  Grigorovich, 

Minister  of  the  Wavy. 

Despatched  by  the  Uaval  General  Staff. 

Imoerial  Ukaz. 
to  the  Governing  Senate, 
binding  it  useful,  in  Goriuequence  of  the  agret    t  con- 
cluded with  the  allied  governments  of  Prance  and  Great  Britain, 



niMMnwMMHaMa*  4 



Oefice  of  Naval  Intelligence 


April  27,   1915. 

ftote:        ie  following  is  an  extract  from  a   personal 

letter  received  fron  the  Ilaval  .Attache,    .eetrograa,   &at( 

February  16,   1915: 

"I  forward  copies  oi  the  R&ssian  Regulations  to 
Haval  War  Holes,  -rises  and  Contrr  1«  They  are,  1 
believe,   es  o   same  as  the  Regulations  published 

by  the  British  Government .         te  Britisl     .aval  Attache 
says  they  are . " 


,- .  / , 



■H  SH 

I  H  tm 

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ftp  ■ 


Office  of  Naval  Intelligence, 

April  27,  1915. 



Imperial  Ulcaz 
modifying  the  articles  1-5  of  the  Imperial  Ukaz 
on  the  application  of  Uaval  War  Rules,  established 
by  the  London  Havsl  Conference  of  1908  -  1909  and 
Supplement  to  the  "Explanation"  added  to  the  Minis- 
ter's of  the  Navy  order  No.  304,  of  September  9,1914. 
2  r a ns  iat  e  &  b  y  Mi  s  s  13 .  £ .  I  omine , 
Revised  by  Captain  N.A.lleCull; 

Order  to  the  Fleet  and  to  the  Ministry  of  the  ITavy 
Ho.  435  of  December  19,  1914,  ietrograd. 

I  announce  to  the  Fleet  and  to  the  Ministry  of  the  Navy, 
for  compliance  with  and  execution,  the  Imperial  UTcaz  to  the 
governing  Senate,  dated  this  8th  December,  published  in  the 
Collection  of  laws  vji&   legislative  Government's  Orders  (1914, 
ITo .  347,  Par.  3310),  (given  to  act)  instead  of  the  IP.  1-5  of 
the  Imperial  Ukaz,  dated  September  1st  a.c.  (Coll.  of  Laws 
and  leg.ord.  No.  249,  .car. 2352),  re  the  application  of  Naval 
War  rules,  established  by  the  London  Naval  Conference  of  1908- 

At  the  same  time  I  prescribe  to  take  for  guidance  in 
future  the  "Explanation"  added  to  my  order  ITo .  304,  of  Sep- 
tember 9th,  and  the  following  complement  to  the  same. 

(Signed)  General  aide-de-camp  Grigorovich, 

Minister  of  the  Navy. 

Despatched  by  the  Naval  General  Staff. 

Imperial  Ukaz. 
to  the  Governing  Senate. 
"in ding  it  useful,  in  consequence  of  the  agreement  con- 
cluded with  the  allied  governments  of  France  and  Great  Britain, 



4  i  tm 

XK^    t 

-  2  - 

to^  modify  and  complement  the  PP.  1-5  of  Our  Ukaz,  given  to  the 
governing  Senate  on  the  1st  day  of  September  a. e. (Coll. Laws 
P.2352),  on  the  application  of  rules  of  Heval  Var,  established 
"by  the  London  Kaval  Conference  of  1907  «  1909,  raid  approving  the 
conclusion  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  on  this  subject,  We  Order: 

Instead  of  J-P.l-5  of  the  above  mentioned  Bfca-s,  to  take 
for  guidance  the  following: 


Absolute  contraband  will,  be  considered: 

(1)  All  kinds  of  arms,  including  hunting  and  sporting  arms,  as 
well  as  ssixfeg  separate  parts  of  such. 

(2)  -unit  ion,  projectiles  and  cartridges  of  every  kind  and  their 
single  separate  parts. 

(3)  Gunpowder  and  explosives  specially  used  in  war  operations. 

(4)  Sulphuric  acid. 

(5)  Guns  stands,  caissons,  limbers,  cars,  field  black-smith 
shops  and  their  single  separate  parts. 

(6)  Telemeters  and  their  single  separate  parts. 

(7)  All  kinds  of  objects  of  military  equipment  and  outfit. 

{'8 )  Riding,  driving  and  pack-saddle  animals  good  for  army  use. 

(9)  Military  horses  outfit  of  every  .kind. 

flO)  Objects  of  camp  outfit  and  their  single  separate  parts. 

(11)  A  r  mo r  p 1 a  t i n& . 

(12)  Hed  iron  ore  and  cast  iron,  made  of  such,  in  blocks,  (pigs ) 

(13)  ?yr i te  o f  iron . 

(14)  Nickel  ore  and  metal. 

(15)  Chrome  iron  and  ore. 

(16)  Copper  not  worked  in  articles.   (Unwrought  copper) 

(17)  Lead  in  blocks,  3heets  and  pipes. 

(18 )  Alumintnm. 

(19)  Ferrosilicates. 

(20)  Barbed  wire  and  the  tools  serving  for  its  fa  stoning  and 
cut  t  ing . 



-  o     - 

(21)  '"arships  and  "boats  and  their  single  separate  parts  util- 
izable  only  for  a  warship. 

(22)  Aeroplanes,  aerostates,  air-balloons  and  all  kinds  of  ap- 
paratuses for  aerostation,  their  single  separate  parts,  and  ac- 
cessories, objects  and  materials,  evidently  destined  for  aero- 

(23)  Automobiles  of  every  kind  and  their  single  separate  parts. 

(24)  Automobile  tires;  Indian  rubber  (crude  rubber) 

(25)  Mineral  oils,  benzine  and  other  'kinds  of  liquid  fuel  for 
motors  of  internal  combustion,  (lubricating  oils  exclusive ). (ex- 
cluding lubricating  oils). 

(26)  Instruments  and  tools  destined  exclusively  for  the  fabri- 
cation of  battle  munitions,  arms  making  and  repairing,  for  the 
preparation  of  objects  of  military  equipment  (naval  as  well  as 
land ) . 

As  oqai.itioiial  contraband  is  considered: 

(1)  Victuals. 

(2)  i'orage  and  food  for  animals. 

(3)  Clothing  and  elothing  material,  as  tvoII  as  footgear  proper 
for  army  use. 

(4;  Cold  and  silver  In  coin  and  bullion,  paper  money. 

(5)  Carts  of  any  kind  (automobiles  excepted)  proper  for  array 
use  and  their  single  separate  parts. 

(6)  Ships  and  boats  of  any  kind,  floating  docks,  parts  of  docks 
as  well  as  single  separate  parts  of  such. 

(7)  Railway  material,  immovable  and  movable,  materials  for  tel- 
egraphs, radiotelegraphs  and  telephones. 

(8)  Fuel,  with  exclusion  of  mineral  oils,  benzine  and  other 
liquid  fuel  for  motors  of  internal  combustion;  lubricating  mat- 

(9)  Gunpowder  and  explosives  used  not  exclusively  for  military 

(10)  Sulphur. 
(11  )  Glycerine. 

(12)  Horse-shoes  and  blacksmith  mater ial • 

(13;  Articles  of  saddling  and  driving  horses  outfit. 

(14)  Hides  and  leather  of  all  hinds,  dry  or  wet.  pig  skins  raw 

or  prepared,  leather  raw  or  prepared  proper  for  making  saddles 

and  driving  outfit  or  military  hoots. 

(15}  Binoculars,  f ieldglasses,  chronometers  and  various  navi- 

gational  instruments . 

A  neutral  ship,  the  documents  of  which  show  a  neutral 
destination,  hut  which,  conti'arily  to  the  destination  shewn  by 
her  papers,  takes  direction  to  an  enemy1 s  port,  will  be  subject 
to  seizure  and  confiscation,  if  she  be  encountered  before  the 

end  of  her  next  following  cruise 



Che  ttestination  of  a  ship,  foreseen  by  far. 33  of  the 
"Rules  of  llaval  V.'ar" ,  established  by  the  London  Laval  Conference, 
is  presumed  to  the  proved  -  except  the  cases  mentioned  in  Par. 
34  of  the  ,T?oiIes"  -  even  when  the  cargo  is  addressed  to  an  agent 
of  an  enemy  State,  or  for  him. 


In  modification  of  far.  35  of  the  "Rules  of  Naval  War", 
established  by  the  London  li'aval  Conference ,  objects  of  condi- 
tional contraband  are  subject  to  seizure  on  board  of  a  ship, 
bound  to  a  neutral  port,  if  the  respective  poods  are  sent  "to 
order",  or  if  the  ship  documents  do  nox  design  the  consignee  of 
the  goods,  or  if  they  design  e   consignee  located  on   the  enemy's 
territory,  or  on  a  territory  occupied  by  the  enemy. 

In  cases  mentioned  in  the  present  rar.,  the  obligation 
to  prove  that  the  destination  of  the  respective  goods  was  not  a 
prohibited  one,  lies  with  their  owner. 


If  the  Ri    n  Government   dna  the  convict  ion  that  the 
Government  enemy  obtains  supplies  for  its  armed  forces  from  any 



5  - 

neutral  country,  or  through  the  same,  the  Minister  of  the  llavy, 
on  an  agreement  with  the  Minister  of  Foreign  Affairs,  is  entit- 
led to  take  such  aseasiayes  as  say  he  aeeessary  in  order  that  the 
Par, 55  not  be  applied  to  ships  hound  to  any  port  of  such  neutral 
country.   Such  \iieasrros  mutst  be  published  in  the  "Collection  of 
laws  find  legislative  dispositions  of  the  Government"  and  will 
regain  in  force  until  revocation.   During  the  action  of  such  dis- 
position  a  ship,  transporting'  conditional  contraband  to  a  port 
of  the  respective  designed  country,  will  not  be  free  of  seizure. 
The  governing  Senate  will  do  the  necessary  for  a  proper 
execution  of  the  above. 

The  original  bears  the  signature  in     Imperial  Maj- 
esty's own  handwriting, 

In  Eiazan  8  December  1914. 
Countersigned:    sereiary  of  state  Goremykin, 

President  of  the  Ministers  Council.. 

To  order  So.  435  to  fleet  and 
llavy  department  of  19  December 

Complement  vo  tnei  "Explanation"  jjojlneei 

to  The  Hinister 's  of  l~he  ITavy  order  Ho . 

504  of  the  9th  September  1914 . 

(Changes  apply  to  original  order  only) 

1)  General  references  in  tho  preface  >art  of  the  "Explana- 
tion" to  the  Imperial  Ukaz  dated  1st  September  a.c,  are  comple- 
mented by  references  on  the  Imperial  Ukaz  dated  Oth  December 

2)  Note  to  p.l  of  section  1  to  be  modified  as  follows; 

"A  ship  of  neutral  nationality  (the  words  underlined 
indicate  only  change  from  wording  of  section  2.)  tho  (board) 
documents  of  which  show  a  neutral  dest    ion,  "but  which,  contrar- 
ily  to  the  destination  shown  by  her  papers,  takes  direction 
towards  an  enemy' 3  port,  will  be  subject  to  seizure  and  confis- 

.M  -* 

•  -  6  - 
cation,  if  encountered  before  the  end  of  her  next  follovTing 

Imp.  Uk.  8  Dec.  P.S;  oomp.  ?lu!.,-  Par. 38. 

3)  At  the  "beginning  and  in  p*3  of  Section  III,  instead  of 
the  wordsi  "1st  September"  to  rend  "8th  December," 

4)  In  p.  4  Oj'  Section  III  the  vrords:"or  to  a  merchant,  or 

to  another  ^emon   doing  service  for  officials  of  the  State  enemy, 
or  for   merchant  or  such  person,1'  are  excluded* 

5)  P.  5  same  Section  III  to  be  modified  as  follows: 

"Conditional  contraband  is  subject  to  seizure  and  con- 
fiscation, besides  cases  when  the  seizure  is  admissible  in  vir- 
tue of  Par.  35  of  Rules,  established  by  tne  .'loadon  Naval  Oonfer- 
enee  of  1908  -  19Q9,  also  in  eases  when  such  contraband  is  on 
board  :rZ  tip  bbtmcl      netitral  port,  if     respective  goods 

are  sent  to  order1',  or  if  the  ships  documents  do  not  design  the 

consignee j(J  the  goods,  or  if      design  a  con    ice  located  on 
the  enemy's  t  err  it  ory,  >r  jii   a  territory  decupied  by  the  enemy". 
'Mn  eases  mentioned  in  the  present  Par..,  one  obligation 
to  prove  that  f. a     [.nation  of  Hie  respective  goods  v;as  not  a 
prohibited  one,  lies  Yalta  their  oaaors." 

Imperial  Ulcaa  8  Joe ember  Par.  4;  eomp.  aai.  Par.  35. 

Sipped)   Vice-Admiral  hussha, 
Chief  cf  the  Chief  Havel  Staff.- 
Privy  Qouncelior  2.  ntellia-Xamenh  p , 
acting  Prosecutor  of  the  High  Prise 
Court,  Jurisconsult  of  the  ministry  of  the 




[Sec  Paragraph  4,  Inst  ructions  of  October  31,  I9(i 

Uteed  not  be  returned. 



From Mo. 

j/7/z-                                    April  93,   1915 • 
<=^/^77^ Z)ate 

Replying  to  0.  JV.  I.  JVo Date- 

The   following  is   the  official  report 
regarding  the  destruction  of  an  J?nri;  ■■  'ine  boat  In  the 


,  jpj 

North  Sea. 

«  Berlin,  April  99«  (  WDLFF  TEL^Bl   AU) 

Lately  English  ~!"1"'   'lnes  have  he 
sighted  repeatedly  in  the  (*erman  Bay  Of  the  North  Sea 
and  have  he en  attacked  by  our  naval  forees.   An  Enemy 
submarine  boat  --ran  sunk  on   the  17th  of  April.  The 
destruction  of  additional  submarines  in   very  probable* 
but  cannot  be  ascertained  with  certainty* 

The  Acting  Chief  of  the  Admiralty 


(  Sir).  Behncke*. 

Need  not  be  returned. 

j3   191b  *3 


Up  1 

I— ^d/ 
Gloomy  Bastor  —  The  Victory  of  Sunshine    —   Safeguarding^ 

national    Existence   --   The  Centennary   of  Bismarck's  3irth  --  The 

Emperor's  Answer  —  The   Submarine  Warfare   —  The  Outlook. 


Gloomy  weeks   preceded  this  Easter  celebration.      The   sun  of 
springtime  struggled  hard  with  the   unwillingly  yielding  winter. 
Here  and  there  only  did  it    succeed  in  enticing  the    first  colored 
tokens   out   of  the  ground.      For  the    greater  j.,art  Bature  yet   lies 
in  the    embrace  and   coils   of  a  sunless   period.      The  secret   powers 
of  Kature  have,    however,   begun  to   weave  and  work.      Through  all 
these  sad  experiences  the  firm  conviction  is   present  that   a  re- 
surrection will  follow  the  death  of  winter  and   the   sun  will  ulti- 
mately conquer.      Prom  the  present,  which  scarcely  shows  Spring's 
secrets,   let    us  turn  our  glance  to  a  more  beautiful  time  which 
must   come,   because  Uature  in  spite  of  all    its  apparent   hesitation 
always  remains  true. 

In  the  life  of  the   individual  as  well  as  in  nations,  the  will 
of  Kature  is  reflected   in  a  thousand  forms  and   colors.      He  who 
surveys   the   periods  of  time   and   does  not   permit   his  view  to  be 
obscured  by  relapses  and    irregularities  will  see  now   in  all 
this  baseness  a  slow  resurrection  and    progress,   which  gives  a 
firm  conviction  in   the  victory  of   light    and    reason-     Sever  has 
our  trust    in  the  progress   of  civilization  been  made  more   difficult 
than   during  the   present   time.    There  has   never  been  stronger  proof 
demanded  of  the    Germans   than  during  the   course  of  the    last   year. 
V-e  only  see   today  how  unusually  hard  it    is   for  us   to   uphold  our- 
selves and   to  maintain  our  national   unity  and    freedom.     V.e  easily 
dreamed  of  the   victory  over  our  enemies.      One  thought   we  could 
already  reap  when  the   first    preparations    for   trie    ultimate  success 
should   be  made.     Meanwhile  we  have  learned  to   be  discreet  and   it 
has  become   evident   that    even  with  the   greatest   devotions  and  will- 
ingness of  self-sacrifice   it    is   hard  to    overcome  the    opposition  of 
an  inimical  world.      The   expectation  that   over  night  would  show  the 
world   to   be   pro-German  has  long  3inoe  vanished.      We  must   now  be 
convinced  that,    if  not  willingly,   then  due   to   the    cold  facts,  this 
war  is   not    one   for  the   accomplishment    of  a  fanciful  world's  pol- 
itics,  but   one  for   the    protection  of   our  hearth  and   home. 

hat  peace,  which  must   some  time   come,  will   bring  we  cannot 
today  know.      It  would   be   idle   to  wish  to   define   the    details  which 
it  should  bring.        hat   we  must    strive   for   is  that    it    should   ensure 
the    safety  of  our  national   existence  for  the    longest   possible 
time.      In  what   manner  the   German   future  has   expressed   itself,    the 
the   further  course  of   the  battles   on  land  and   sea  will  provide  the 
answer.     An  assured  answer  w«  cannot    -ive  today.      In  this   con- 
nection we  can  have  full  confidence  to  day  that    a   people  who   have 
fought    so   bravely,   that    joyfully  sacrifice   all   for   a  great   cause 
in  order  to  subjugate  the   enemy,   have  shown  their   power.      May  the 
present   which  is   still   in  the    grasp  of  winter,    show  the   German 
people   that   they  can   listen  to  this    Easter  message  with   comx^lete 

It   was   one    of   those   humors   of   fate,    in  which   v-e  willingly 
seek  a  deeper  meaning,   that    ihe    hundredth  anniversary  of  Bismarck's 
birth   should   fall  at  this   time    in  Easter  week.      The    present   tirie, 
one  can   almost  say,    is   not   suited   to  a   happy  anniversary;   the 
previous    decade  afforded  us   only  too   great   a  number.      The   great- 
est   individual   act   and    life   is   modestly  overshadowed  by  the   aston- 
ishing and  wonderful   performances   of   a   people   in  arms.        ith  Otto 
v.   Bismarck  it   was   somewhat    different  .        Is   name   sweeps   over   the 
present   and   his   deeds,   a  hundred  years   after  he  was   born,    stand 
the  test    of   tine.      It   is   not  ai    if  the   present   l  ere  the   time    to 
judge  the    personality  of  this  great   statesman  of  Xaisor    Vilhelm 
the   First   by  all   his   acts.      The  master    is   not    known  who  could   ex- 



a  i 





?ei  &i* 

•  vt  0  9  [ 





.<].<.  u 



■3  0 



press   or  comprehend  the   methods  of   Bismarck  in  all  their  extent. 
Whether  we   see  the   giant  Bismarck  as  pictured   in  Lederer's   statue 
in  Hamburg  or  find   him  in  the  memoirs   of   diplomats,  whether  we 
seek  in  Bismarck  the   characteristics   of  a  Prussian  nobleman  or 
admire   him  as   the   one  who   forged  the   unity  of  the    Empire,  we 
will  always   have  the    feeling  that    in  these  and   all   other   expres- 
sions v/e  observe   only  a  part   of  the   Bismarckian  nature.      He  who 
lived   in  the  last   decade  of  Bismarck's  activity  and   has  not    for- 
gotten how  markedly  Prince  Bismarck  at   eighty  years   of  age   influ- 
enced the  develox-ment    of  the  German  people  can  appreciate  that  he 
came   in  contact  with  only  a  portion  of  the    general   characteristics 
of  3ismarck.      Firstly,  there   is   yet  a  greater  contrast  to  be   recog- 
nized in  the   work  and  methods  of  Bismarck-      In  one   instance   is   it 
now  wholly  comprehended,  and   that    is   in  his    immeasureable   service 
in  uniting  the   German  race.      It   is   a  matter   of  course  that    today 
this  service  i3   foremost-      The   firm  will   is   expressed  at   this  Bis- 
marck festival,   as   far  as   one  sees,    to  faithfully  guard  this   in- 
heritance-     The   expectation  was   expressed  by  the   Kaieer  in  his 
reply  to  the  account    of  the   Chancellor  concerning  the   celebration 
in  Berlin  held  at    the    Binriarck  monument,   that   this    spirit    of  con- 
cord would   outlast  war's  alarms  and  after  a  happily  concluded 
peace  the   development    of  the    internal   part    of  the   3m£jire  would 
blessedly  fructify.     As  the  price  of  victory,   the   iCaiser  promises 
a  national   life  by  which  the    German  nation  can   develop   free  and 

We  are  not    yet    so  far.      As   it  was  an  arduous   task  to  unify 
the    German  race,    so   today   is   it   laborious   to    complete  the  work 
begun  by  Bismarck.      That   a  war  where  countless  human  lives  are 
risked  can  not   always  be  brought    to   a  close   unfortunately  can  not 
be  changed.     We  do   not   complain,   hut  we   expect  that   our  enemies  do 
not    claim  indulgence  when  they  themselves  have  scoffed  at  all  laws 
of  civilization.     The   submarine  warfare   is  deplorable*      Had   it 
been  according  to  the   German  conception,    then   one  would   have   ex- 
cluded neutral    commerce  and    one  would  have  nothing  against    pro- 
viding the  English   civilian  population  with    food.      It    is    beyond 
understanding  how   in  England    and    several   neutral   countries  they 
seek  to  reproach  us,    for   idly  witnessing  the    starvation  of  sixty- 
eight  millions    of  human  beings.      On  the   fourth  of  last  November, 
England   cut    the   German  people   off  from  every   communication  over 
the  sea.      Three  months   later,   Germany  decided  to   cut  England    off 
from  the   sea.      If  England    permits  merchantmen  to  wage  war  on  sub- 
marines,  then  we  do  not   deplore   the   fact   that   human  lives  are 
endangered.      We  all  know  that   wi  must    conquer  in  this    fight    for 
freedom  and   existence  and  we  are    of   the  firm   conviction  that   a 
glorious  summer  \ ill   follow  this  winter  of  discontent. 




[  at  1 

Jblx/ow  bn 


:3C«     ©W 









Berliner  r.eitunp  ai  i  :."itta"-*  April  14,  1915# 

Hamburg*  April  <*4f  1915* 

The  Prise  Court  hare*   has  ren-l^refi  a  vary 
inters ^tinp  decision*    A  Qeraan  suhnarine  had  sunk  the 
Dutch  steatier  •  JIARIA*  with  a  carpo  of  provisions  en  route 
to  Belfast  and  Dublin*   The  shippinr  fim  broupht  suit 
arainst  the  Empire.  Tho  §IU#i  it  was  asserted,  wa»  a 
neutrals  ship*  the  carro  was  not  contraband*  consequently 
the  sinking  of  the  ship  was  illegal  and  the  German 

vermient  oblired  to  rfinr\&r   dana^es.   The  Prise  Court 
decided  in  the  sense  of  the  declaration  of  the  Tartan 
goverment*,  as  in  the  case  of  the  American  ship  »WILLIAM 
?•  TtitTB*     sunk  b*  till  auxiliary  cruiser  "PRINE  EITEL 
FRIEDRICH11  which  was  en  route  to  Queans  town  with  wheat* 
and  also  toibt her  ports  whic  are  serving  the  English  fleet 
as  bases.  /    *  Belfast  and  Dublin11 *  the  Prise  Court 

says*  are  also  fleet  bases*  consequently  provisions 

are  contraband  °     The  plaintiffs  brought  a  certificate 
that  the  car^-o  of  the  »J-.!AHIA*  was  intended  for  a  Hill  and 
that  this  uill  is  furnishing  flour  to  private  people. 
This  also  the  Prise  Court  did  not  recop-niss  as  a  reason 
for  acquittal.  The  Dutch  plaintiffs  lodrecl  an  appeal* 

jxeeu  rtvi  oe  revu/rnra. 

|See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  I !»<(<>.] 



JVo Date 


Replying  to  0.  JV.  I.  JVo..-  Date 

April   34,   1915. 

Reference  Z-341     of  September  33,   1914. 


The  German  Foreifm  Office  has  sent  to  the  U.S. 
Government  through  the  Bnbassy  under  date  of  April  33,  1915, 
a  new  list  of  contraband  of  war  in  7/hich  certain  important 
changes  occur. 

This  new  list  is  published  in*Reichsp-esetr,blatt0 
(  Government  Law  Sheet)  No,  49  and  the  introductory  rea  iarr-s 
are  as  follows  :- 

11  In  retaliation  of  the  rules  instituted 
by  England  and  her   allies  which  deviate  from  the 
London  Declaration  rerardinp:  the  International  I. 
at  Sea  Of  the  36th  of  February  1909,  I  approve, 
for  the  present  war  the  following  changes  in  the 
Prise  Rules  of  the  30th  of  September  192)«  (1909) 
with  the  amendments  of  October  18th,  November  33d 
and  December  14,  1914.  ■ 

classes  of  contraband 

Then  follows  a  list  of  articles  in  the 


Conditional  Contraband 
Non  Contraband, 

In  this  connection  I  forward  a  translation 
of  the  decision  of  the  Prize  court  in  Hamburg  in  regard  to  the 
sinking  of  the  Dutch  steamer  tt  If  A  R  I  A  w ,  laden  with  rr#in 
for  Dublin  and  Belfast. 

A  complete  translation  of  the  changes 
in  the  Prize  Rules  follows  in  the  next  mail. 

i.  n       ,,,,,-     ,n,,    „  JSj&ed  not  be  returned.       tf 

|Sec   l'iir»Kiii|ili  4,   I  nsl  rucl  ions  or  Octoher  :tl,   nn>07] 


SUBJECT .  GhinaVs  revolutionists  and  part  --played---Oy--4apaii..---- 

From,.      K     ..._..^Vb 5 Date...  ^P^^^^^^vM^^—-—,  191 

Replying  to  0.  jV.  I.  Mo Date '.ZZZ-LjS^./     A.- 191 

La_£a__^^ — 1 

It  has  been  reported  that  the  Chinese  rebels  in  Japan  in 
the  name  ©f  the  "Political  Ref©r»  Party  ©f  the  Republic  ©f 
China"  through  the  introduction  of  Kaiehir©  Yashigawa,  a  native 
•f  the  District  of  Fukueka,  has  obtained  a  loan  ©f  3, 000, 000 
^en   fr©»  a  wealthy  merchant.   It  vaa  decided  that  the  revolut* 
i©n  shall  be  c@mpleted  within  two  months,  that  the  first  instal 
raent  ©f  1,000,000  yen   should  bo  paid  in  cash  and  that  the  ba- 
ilee should  be  nade  in  the  form  of  ammunitions  to  be  supplied 
t©  the  rebels  at  various  places  where  the  revolution  is  to 
&"cax*b  • 

The  agreement  betv/een  the  tw©  parties  was  drawn  np  in 
the  beginning  of  April  and  was  signed  by  Sun  i,en,  head  of 
revolutionists,  Htl    Yi-©ti  iW~&'Z\t    representative  and  son 

•f  Baal   ■!ine(^^  •  Chen  C*11-1201  (/^$&).  ?ai  Tien-ohou 
(ftf^M,  Chu  Cheng  i  &  J&-) ,   Wong  Tung  (X  *£/  ) ,  Li 
yuan  (  £  tUffi )  9    Hu  han-ning  C^/jf/t/)  ,  Lain    9-Wtt  {&£&&}, 
P©  uen-woi  (J&£-ffi)9   Hsu  Chu*g-©hifl  {t^W*!?   ),  FxU  Ying  (0&)  , 
and  Tan  Jo.a-i'onj  C^mSh  ,  v/h©  had  just  urrivod  at  Toky©  fr©« 
the  Strait!  3©ttl«   its,  r(;;    ontain,;.  Tsen  Chun-hsuanl^^S  ) , 
Li  Lieh-chun  lfgL4ti  )t    Uiid  Chon  chi  unL;-«ing  [fy*®  ty). 

[!Sec  rnragraph  4,  Inst  ru<(  ions  of  October  31,   1900. 

S U BJ KCT ^hina ' «  r evolutionists -and -part  -flayed fey ^Japan* 

^'^---K -M?: 5 i)^e---^ll-  E&tri.  -I-&15  . ,  i£i 

Replying  to  O.  JV.  I.  No '_ Date __„.,  191 

There  were  ever  twenty  signatures  and  seals.   I*  was  agreed 
that  the  lean  was  to  he  redeemed  on  the  firyt  opportunity 
after  the  revolution  becomes  a  SUOOOSS.   A   payment  ef  700,000 
yon  was  made  in  cash  en  t    /oh  instant  and  was  taken  over 
by  Tan  Jen-zeng,  Ku  Han-iaing,  Hailing  Ke-wu,  and  Li  Zeng-yuan . 
In  the  Mil  of  the  Political  Reform  party"  Tan-Jon-fong  was 
appointed  Groat  Tutuh  or  Gencralissaa©  of  Szeehuan,  Yunnan, 
and  Kweiohow  with  Li  Kong-- yuan  as    latent «  They  are  now 
on  their  way  to  their  respective  destinations  each  with  over 
a  hundred  followers,  Chen  Chiung-ming  is  t©  reside  at  Hong- 
kong an d from  there  to  render  assistance  to  the  rebels, 

April  21,  1915, 
During  the  autumn  of  1914,  four  .7    ese  accompanied  by 
u  Chinese  arrived  at  urga  and  stayed  in  the  Tung  Ta  {&  uL  \ 
lodging  house  in  the  Liu  Ta©  Street  (^tg^f).   They  have  now 
removed  to  a  Russian  lodging  house  in  Ma  ,hih  (J?    )    or 

rse  Basal  r     ter.   They  disguised  themselves  as  Koreans 
m       retended  to  bo  selling  ruedicino  and  ouri        jss. 
ill.,  man;y  xrinoeo  and  varans  of  Cutor  Mongolia  ©all. 



|See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  :il,  I'.tOO.J 

S UBJ EOT    Chi aa '  *  xevolnticrLi-S-ts - .and.  .the -  aprt  played  by 

From      £  JVo £ Date—  Agytl -&6*lu-~191&» ,  ^ 


Replying  to  0.  .N\  I.  .No.—  ___  Date ____.,  I#i 

•ailed  on  them  Tor  medical  attendance  and  treatment.   It  is 
now  secretly  ascertained  that  several  Japanese  had  arrived 
at  Urga  many  days  ago.  They  promised  to  help  Outer  Mongolia 
to  declare  her  independence  and  to  supply  the  accessary  sup- 
plies and  funds.  The  minds  ©f  many  of  the  princes  and  lamas 
are  influenced  ("by  this  tempting  offer) . 




isee  itmt  4,  ««*-  AtifAmt.fi0  returned. 



January  18th,  1915,  between  the  Japanese  Minister  Dr.  Eioki 
and  XJ»esi dent  Yuan  Bhih  Kai ,  u  hem  the  Fe riser"  Trl e 67  % ;  c i"Tn- 
„  fluonced  wi£h  the  Following  uords.  7ri7 

Replying  to  0.  JV.  I.  No I)a^___Cg2^^A^    ,"?\ — ,  191 

Furthermore,  the  Chinese  revolutionists  are  in  close  touch 
and  intimate  relations  with  numerous  irresponsible  Japanese 
some  of  who*  have  groat  influence  and  who 00  policy  is  for 
stron;  Measures,   Our  Government  has  not  been  influenced  by 
this  policy,  but  if  .your  Gove    .it  dees  not  quickly   ree 
to  these  sti     ions,  it  will  bo  impossible  to  prevent  some 
of  our  Irresponsible  people  from  ineitj    the  Chinese  revolu- 
tionists to  create  trouble  in  China. 

The  majority  of  the  Japanese  people  are  opposed  to  ± resi- 
dent Yuan* and  x resident  Yuanfs  Government.  They  all  declare 
that  the  ^resident  entertains  antl-J    .ese  leolin,       opts 
the  policy  of  "befriending  the  Far  (Europe  and  America)  and 

..aizing  the  Hoar  ( >,   tt).w   Japanese  public  opinion  is. 
therefore  exceedingly  hostile. 

Our    -riuient  has  all  along  from  first  to  last  exerted 
its  best  efforts  to  heJLp  the  Chinese  Government ,   aft  if  t 
Chinese  Cover    t  will  sx^eodily  i      to  these  stipulations  it 
will  jiavo  thus  nasi f os tod  its  friendship  far  Japan, 

ae  Japanese  people  wlii  I  then  bo  able  to  i      t  the 
resident  never  entortainod  anti-c        feeling!  nor  adoptod 


|Sce  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,   1000.] 

S  UBJECT  Part  -©f  t Ji©- -Canversati  «n During  the  Interview  an 

January  18th,  1915,  between  the  Japanese  Minister  Dr. Li oki 
and-  -r-re-stdent- ¥uan-  SMh -  Kai, ---'vrlioa-  tfre r'oritrer -^ried-  t©  In-  - 

fluenee  with  the  JPellowin   irds. 
^w<        ^ ■--€--       -  Date- -April- SGtfcv  3.915/    ->  ^ 

Replying  to  0.  N.  I.  JVo Daft? „.,  191 

the  policy  of  "befriending  the  Par  and  antagonizing  the  Hear". 
>,ill  not  this  then  1  d  be  a  bona  Xide  pr©©f  of  our  friendly 

The  Japanese  Government  also  will  then  be  inclined  to 
render  assistance  to  President  Yuan* a  Government  whenever  it 
is  necessary. 

V,  ^W  ' 

A     ■  ft  ^ 

I  (I  /  I  V  fy 

Soport  fe&a  tt.3«3,30i  __     ,      +-^  ,*.*>**„*.*, *>d 

Sta  o-  SU***...,-     u  SM»&  jrced not  6e re«wm«*. 

(>/     £oo  3&3&iah  Qard&nall  aa  lutfi&ggartori  n  moved  to 

Saa&sigrrBbQve  6*33  iaelit 

(b}     Sbfl  l-ritiah  .juu-xrina  "IHLB'V'rtdoh  ma  wrookod  in  the 

i&rdonellen»ia  lying  in  very  ©hallo*?  watar,and  part  of  It 
ia  iri  plfjhtfaooos*ding  k   at  ••its  of  aowsl  Jtsrtea,*! 

ggy    *;v,vT    --.rrs    gggg    f^    fchemeelVeS. 


(a}    desbi  fiffeaoa  SMlaa  aolloravsfeo  ware  fowwrly  on  ttha 

tft&l&tt  vtntionnntro  "/?;'H_F    .     ■  hero, but  Jfe©  re  rained 
&tfeK>fe*d  to   the   Itslir.n  Jmbassy  \ih®n  the  "ARCHS  want 

to  MfttofAsmsilfttiast  &1393»*v*  vaja&iRji  orders  tt  la&vo 
hare, via  tils*   Stag  baitie  told  ncyo  ei  &s£  KM  thoy  tra 

"gelag  batfc  to   Italy  to  rot  'Iriaate"rtmt  the?  EBay  fee  eJm&ly 
rot'ornir:??  aboard  the-  »A1 

(d)      Sfeffi   ItSX tan  cr-13or«'#mentiored  above, left  Soffa&aa  hero  (fee 
afternoon  of  A|*|l  24*  In  tail  form,  on  board!  the  Ttolinn  e term- 
er "AlEa£2ft%Wai{at  for  Spa  aula*  -Che  ".'.    I  I  ?*t»t;^s  hold  at 
J&v-fcvoTer  right  ,bys. '.the  $ttr$leh  mthcri%lm9^»  entrance  to 
B©e3PhornsttH*t  yastor^r.-r  ncmi:        HI  £5*rai«  told  St  oonid 
proved  r^sln*   it  ma  Jnst  geftttnaj  under**?  v-tien  the  Russian 
fj  tet  •     scred  pit  Use  ontmnoe  and  began  a  bombortk:ont»  The 
w/t&LlA*  elljj  id  !«r   xr.-'iorn  send  returned  (Sown  the  BoBjf.horus 
.  r-L-2o  *  and  iw  nowt  (;'r»rll  .^6),  still  here,  moored 
aoir  the  '   % 

(0)    The   !t&i»i)  B*Ucreton  IN  ',^"AT4:'^otets  tVat  the  bor-b&rd- 
&*&$  Seated  one-half  hot3rffrom  9#(K  a.m., the  Buasian  fleet 
Mag  about  si:-:  mile*  out,  and  that  ts*  ?ur*ciah  gunboats  tajft 
sunfc,fff».d  mwt  of  the,  Mian  inn  ah  oil  a  rrjachetl  aa  x'ar  aa  Bujm^o- 
i0M»    B      *  -<>inr>  cf!'the  gwafepfttg  in  not  maiticnad  in  the 
Turldeh  of1  i'Hal  oomnwiiqne^a.nd  is  -not  confirmed*   The  bemhard- 
IMRl  fsd  ?sifii:ily  ©n  board  xiJie  r  ti*t  SfepfcasM* 

(f)     %'4^»  three  Turkish  tornodo  boats  una  paH»o3UlQg  aorose  the 
Stfimbefll  ontnukM  of  Ifei  BoqpHorot  aafi  Sol    «  Tfern^betwo-'n 
dtfh^ite  point  md  ;icntarl. 

(r^     *>«ri?ir  the  nir^t  of  April  £4--25»betwxvU  ib*tr  lianurod  9141  fftVt 
hwidred  ifmmiMRn  wore  Ktreetod  in  dlCC"o»Wttt  i»art#i  of  Joist?int- 
i»opl6fsone  of  thorn  of  pit?ninenoo«   Sttlth«r   Hm  Nft^ttfOllOftA 
roooonvnor  any  theoryfhfte  yet  been  K  4  to  «hy# 

0i)     I  have  been  ir.for--:ud.,V-    ■    PorScltft  nmA  of  ioor»tVat  IN  l^tl- 
ln$  netwaon  the  5tartKiohfoiid  suofBof&l  o/j  iaeret}.rovici?s7  7 

P«portad«ifl  groV&o^  &•  Turlcion  ofiTloof        ,.-.3i,;'e  haif-j«.yttho 
Atrvtah  rojo  thirty  (4X».  i,«hilo  Q        it, 

hero,reo«,ive  double  por*   ilio  Rlxitor  iti  ovorfthoro  in  awi  inore 
of  *8artf«ad  mi  tor  ,  oof  olaaMMU  ^hia  olfiaor  said 

rurlcn  conld  not  poasibir  atand  Aaothai         »t<jr  of  vor9iHd  t*v  t 
Moomothi«fir  ngwt  J»j  oa  eoon"#  He  also  said, majority  oi'  ?iir:cs 
hoi>od  cjvflieh  00U14  -it  in  oooaft3mt   «  »-»»'-  "»ore  ss>loo  eve 
Wh^ro,and  no  ouc  darea  ttlkfOO     I  I  trto.irlr&te  of  ^nvei* 

ghayfoioet  lojTfi fuid  fi^oaal    ta/tVtro  aoaol*to«ia  jonbi^iticn 
with  the  Ger  -ana,bnt  thoy  are  axpootod  to   fallf aooner  or  later, 
"md  most  people  hoped  so  oner  5 1*  ,r     !  jnotioo  nw  » 


Office  of  liaval  Intelligence, 

April  £6,  1916, 



Compilation  J.n.K. 
Copy  1I.H.L. 


■W  J'        ■ IMHWii    ..WOW        Mil    ■! >      P 

.   ;i,    ..  -  '..     .  HI)  (■;.    .i.  ;:'o.300£,) 

■       I «    II     II  II     II    I         ■       III         I       I    II '■'!■      ■!«!- 

ut  quadrupled  since  cutbre&r  "'ars^^c^ 
est  I    ( successfully  tried  and  officially  adopted) 
not  bein   -ill  exclusively,   orrior  service  type  utilised  bo- 
esuse  of  superior  raejaufacturing  facilities  and  greater   .  iliar- 
ity  of  service  vita  this  type. 

9  expcrii    .1  work  being  carried  on.   1X1  such  facil- 
ities now  ctare  net?  material  and  training 
of  personnel. 

1G,   3  torpedo     ntions  received  -  about  Zo   of  the. 
romise,    e  idea  of  olectricnl  balance  to  gaid*  or  de- 
flect torpedo  toward  I&Tg©  mass  of  steel  of  little  or  no  value. 

-    E  D    (O.M.I.   Ho. 409*;  ) 

— W»«i.Min.—  ■*»    ■    I  ■■   mwmi.i  i  ■  ■■«—■«■■■— mwii.*- P«i-n>    m  —  mm—i  ■.»»—,.,.■  m-   i».    -*— .,<—«*»  — 

oyal  Sovereign  class  and  after  have  single  noto. 
Iron  Duke  and  hueen  Elisabeth  classes  not   provided  and 
no  attempt  bei:.,         dc   to  supply  nets  for  the;.. 

rperiraeats  being  conducted  with  double  nets.        m* 
.fitted  to  ships  so  far  as  known. 

aUBKARII-i^a   -     .  D   (O.H.I.   Ko.5028) 

hen  completed,   *&*  class  will  comprise  65  boats.  u- 

merged  displacement  reported  to  be  1,  tons. 

SgBllaEIBB  KBgS  -  Kifohi&I)   (,.:.!.  Bo.    5u£8  }  L^ 

i .1.       ii  mi        II      '       hi  li  i I  m i  in   i»»ili  ^r 

U-8  and  U-12  were  caught  in  special  wire  nets  off  Dover , 
forced  to  come  up  -  then  r&nused.  .  Attempting  to  block  straits 

;ieae  acta  leaving  only , very  narrow  channel.  .Het  is  18 
stranded  10  mm.  wire,  12  ft.  mesh,    -read  between  two.  trawlers, 
lo    iatanoe  apart.  I'op  of  net  supported  by  kapok  floats. 

en  o train  is  felt,  net  Is  released.  Submarine  becomes  ( 
gled  sad  must  come  up,     Destroyers  are  then  called  by  radio  from 
wlers.  If  submarine  attempt  escape,  can     ollowed  by  buoys 
attached  to  net. 

J  -  SBGIAKD  (0,:;.I.  Ho.  5089) 

■■Wi»'WiWiW»iW|i.miaii'nii    W'Wi.'Wi'  WH>Mliw»i     inwiMiW»-WHiti»W »->  «.*mi»ni.i 

Each  new  destroyer  being  fitted  with  sharp  steel  ran. 
Old  destroyers  bein    tted  as  fast  as  can  be  spared  ft    atrol. 

-  (j.h.l.  -   4755) 

it  iwi  i  ^a#n  ill  inw  1 1  ■» wixw^wmh  iwi  ii  n  i       iii'"i  iii'W  wiwuw^— 

By       -Mjutive  -  Gneisem 

.iractlcally  nothing  of  fc.     Too  busy  with 

lis.  rised  and  shocked  when  t  lion  ran  out. 

Pull  ly  not  aboard   iiuo  to  uditure  at  Coronel  t. 

Gncisenau  therefore  xm.6  ire  lon&  time  without  bein&  able  to 

reply  before  she  sank. 

ote:   Sobm   method  of  eoxuitinc   shells  and  re  di- 

es to  Oocimnndi  icor  shou         e  ad  i  Ion 

es  January  84th  -   \t  l/£  hrs.of  firing)  conservation  i  be 

<:;ed  and  comma  fieer  and  ^o-jnander-in-chief 

constantly  advised  of  amount  i         iltion  on  hand. 

■  ■ 


\  Kit 


3^*  ,. 

i,o&iBtlcs,  II   (Continued)  ^$][r 

By  Boatswain's  Hate  -  Leipzig.  *  A  ? 

[»0lp£j  king  SI  knots,      Slowest  in  C?c-r:-:^an  Fleets 

Action  with  Glasgow  b<  between  $  and  I      -:  .      Bit   by     lasgow's 

6"  before  . 's-4'Jl  were  in  range.        :st  ammunition  expended 

£>:£ •:      .&♦  .-rod  bf    '.l.-.sgow  to  haul  down  flag*  ted   3 

tisnes".  Olasgow  end  Kent   continued  intermittently 

until   7:15      -    .      Leipsig  sank  9  p.ia..  to  BSO  out  of  crew  of 

321  dead.  a^ority  remainder  wounded,  between  10  and  15  finally 
resetted*  iiot  hit  below  water  line.  filers  and  engines  intact, 
until  she  &-.  •■    .        loodoc*  sines  and  engine  rooms   lo  sink  her. 

Fires  1         :  out   fore  and  aft  at  beginnin ■ .       iro  aain  broken. 

.Lioleuw  and  paint   burned*     une  funnel  shot  down,  umelg 

collapsed  due*  to  heat  of  i'ireo  on  deck*  .dlarly  nasts  collapsed 

Conning  towor  hit  by  6"  shell  which  exploded,  o  harm  to  tower. 
Gun  shields  effectively  sMol&od  crew. 

LIQfi    -    (0*1  .1.   SO,   4755) 

Hit  twice  below  ariaor  bolt.  One  of  t&tse  hits  in  wake 
of  engine  room,  causing  her  to  fall  out  of  formtiou.   rather 
Baa    ,  no  rolling  to  expose  armor  shelf  #   oesibility  aeraians 
used  a    a  of  tor/edo  shell,  one  shell  struck  outside  arnor 
plate.       .red  piate.  Did  not  drop  off. 

M  I   -  (0.  . :  .  0.  4755} 

Armor  not  pierced  at  long  ranges.    en  resistance  prac- 
tically se&ssd  said  Brit ish  closed  in  to  short  rang©,  arnor 
■orcod  several  times.  Up  to  end,  neither  engine  disabled . 
rly  in  action,  shell  penetrated  decks,  exploded,  placed  4 
boilers  out  of  eom&iesibn.     .aeis  on  beat  inside  ship  due 
exploding  shell. 

)   -  {O.IJ'.X.  *  5149) 


At  least  one  modern  ship  had  tea        a  defen        .uns  on 
In  deck  removed  and  gun  porta  plated  over.     Guns  useless  in 
-•rth  $ea   .  r*     aoae  of  these  guns  now  recounted  in  open  in 

r  position* •        rate  left  off  entirely. 

a  -  -  (}.:.!.  ~  3749) 


At  least  one  ©ecapany  (au&  probably  others)  sen  fulfill 
contracts  for  building  submarines  complete  in  nine  aontfx . 

^   ;..:3;  .iU.v.Ai:;.   -  (u.i:.l.  3o.  3749) 

-16  f   17  arid  18  cruising  'radius  -  UoCu  miles.  or 

types  to  hewn        DO  miles  crushing  radius. 

11  si         .-ines  carry  regular  provisions  for  3  weeks  and 
special  food  for  z  weeks  nere« 

kaageat  trip  fup  to  February  2n&)  was  21  days. 

.     ;•:  .  ..,   -    (0.    .J..    -  4654) 

•mm — 1i  ■■  II 1  »!■■■■' ' ■»»  — »  uii' 11  ■■    ■  ■  H  »    — ■  m  m^nni  ■■^f  iWnWiii^  ■  mwi'  11.  I       i  'iifcWI 

arise  toted  #ray.  itie  1         •;  on  to 

ocopes  sue]  rtlflelal  sea  gulls,   ste« 

-    (0.11.    .    .  0,   4654) 

«^»WI'l»llll    —   II ».    IHW.ll>!   ■^I.»l—    1     I.^IIIP    »»■—    ■.■MW    —  W— ».llll  !■      WW     ■»■■■»»—»*- 

Uotes     s  SSSBiSniimi  officer  of       inc. 
Hew        ..■thloBB  at  first.    ually  slept  first  threo 
s  out.  Gradually    ove  and  may  b©  of  aoiae  service  on  second 
tri  .  strict  cilenoe    ttalaed  when  sul     &•  All  hands  not 

■ I ■  ■ 


*  ■■ 

*  .  ***}>» 

wpfflBtica  II   (Continued)  fAf 

on  watch  rmat  Sleep  if  possible   ~  use  less  oxygen  when  aleey.-ing* 
aen  sea  a         ess.  ^ 

an  lying  near  bottom,   the  sssell  is  very  e»eemfort&ble  - 
rd  to  rest  the  mn* 

oout   151  feet. 
.o.vjeat  cruise  £1  days. 
37  to  hit  vessel  on  strain  );t  course,  ely  diffi- 

cult :  speed  tixxcx  course  a    1      e* 

ad  fa         nrtly  fired  at  veseelfl  when  the  oi'fieer  on    I  it 
bridge  could  be  "plainly  _  ■•  isoope, 

IKW  £?-.  i  .  §     <  -   (0* ;:.!.  Ho,  5184) 

In  ten  ronths  will  ec         >sion         !>er  2  or  4  vessels  of 
following  characteristic.  .  .0.  laid  down  not  knotm ) . 

Length  -  about  8:JO  feet. 

:;c.  teixt   -  if  f 000  tone, 
.srso  -r   -  shout  lE0t0OO« 

ed   -    ft  knot  is* 
aient   -  lain  -  4  -  15"  guns. 

•  c-eoudary:   ....r.hably  G**  guns  -    ,-.        1       1$ 

o\m.      All  moxuilocl  on  center  line. 

Armor  -  Kono  of  any  Jcind  either  vertical  or  isoirtal. 

Fuel  -   probably  oil. 

D   I'iGbJR,  •   {    .    »1«   '  o  •  491U ) 

.ree  shells  caused  m&t  serious  injuries  to  .uion, 
(a)      .  one t rated  engine   room  below  armor. 

fb  I  anloded  In  or  near  forward  t  do  rooi:i,  caused  flood- 
ing several  eor.K&rtrsentB  -  ship  then  drew  40  feet  forward.  ot 
certain  If  this  flhell         0  clown  through  docks  or         ough  aroior. 

(q)     Struck  lower  corner  of  relate  in  wake  of  engine  re 01  . 
'Did  nor   pierce  -  -        odcd  outside,       late  did  not  break  1        at 

.-  ter   ("  B  struck;  d;  !      n  into  ship  -  Upper  i&rt  01     I   te 

lorn  lease   i'roi;:  bolts,       oier  comer  driven   through  wood  back- 
ing, the  structure  I         id  air. or,  the  lower  edge  of  sloping  pro- 
tective Bee  -nally  broke  feed  water  tank  in  or    .just  out- 
board of  engine  roe- 

liger  suffered  mom  general,   but  lose  serious  ■ 
than  ^ion* 

.jrth  vessels  aide  .        r  pierced  fey  long  range  firing. 
te  plate    den  j..i creed    . .     projectile  of  a  e&ilbre 
(J        :tl   0,J  f:.         .luo.  according   to  1  lei  should 

not  nave  ui creed  plate*  -ally  found  thi 

VC17  peer  one. 

3  coth  .  reed. 

(Hotel-  *his  Information  (in  •  ..  »I»«4#10)  later  end  1  ora     e- 
liab  an  in  0.    .1.-4755   quoted  above. 



-*-  €"  tM  • 

Jfcotlcs  II.  7*7  ,   ^ 

-  -i  4  / 

L'lOaS  {    -  -a  roll   1-E.1915    (0.1:  .1  .XIo  .4610  ) 

Austrian  .ita t eaent  > 

L'vAt  35:OC)  a.u.,   3  destroyers  co   o<  red 

&tiv&rlt   landed  detachment  and  set   flam  to  warehouse  on  rf«. 

' "oodon  docfe  destroyed,     laeht   ;         LJ»M  us  out  and  sunk,  ^ired 

on  ~$y  5  batteries  for  one  hour.  Hot  hit.      forpedo  boats  us- 
iaac  i.ui3   to  cover  landing  party,     tm        .    o  lipaters  sunk. 

fcy  not  bo;. L         d.        .  rtroyers  lay  off  and  did  not  fire.     Gas- 
oline 3  on  6a  o;         \%  destroyed  for  fear  ol   ii  g  to  neutral 
afaipping,          atenegrlii  stories  ©i  bonfeeurAment  false." 

s  -  (j.:?.!.  so.  sice). 

.-oyers  and  auxiliaries  cruise  in  groups   \ 
trade  routes.  if  ire  i-ud  rsramiag  to  destroy  submarines 

.1.     a  inks  to   pro -err;...  ,f;ce  th 

d  explodes.     Course  of  submarine  is  followed  or  ostd:        ,1, 
ie   is  dropped  over  subi-iailne  a  I     eforc  mine  exploded  the  de- 
royer  i         >e  clear  of  its   (nine's)  effective  circle.     Designed 
to  gain  &  few  noiaoats  in  i        b   to  .-destroy  a  submarine  that  is 
bmerj  i  .    be  too  deep  for  raia-aL.        ..en  spot 

is  *pj  reached. 

:/L  U-29   -    (O.i   ...   :  0.4654} 

i.  nm  .in  .in  i  ii  ii     n  i   i  ■■>!.   ■  tin  >     in   i  i  -i      hi       -r    ■  •  rr     ■— '■■,-■      r  ■   ffrrnr ' ' it" 

Lgllah  Grand  Fleet  S  .  two  parallel  eoXraane  East 
Coast  Scotland.  *£U  gel  '>etween  columns  and  fired  two  torpe- 
does at  Iron  Duke  (Fleet  :lap).  Beta  uissed.  pparently  neg- 
lecting second  e©£amf  U-29  shewed  periscope,  probably  tryir 
to  eoe  result  of  shots.  .eadnou^ht  sheered  from  second  ooluDn, 
renamed  U-£9,  lifting  her  to  surface  and  apparently  rolling  her 
over*  He     i  e  to  dreadnought  as  far  as  known. 

..  -  January  C4th  -  (O.II.I.  -  491.) 

■W»H|ll<.ll>«WIWI'W»HMI»llll'.'"l'«IIW»1   lMWWHWIIiWI'^1**-.  II*  ■■■»»««  .MM.!..  Il.ll.*      I   ■ll'WWIW'<^*-' 

Battle  instructions  provide  v.aen  6  (         o  dt  the 
two  3       ehl      oentr&t®  on  enemy  loader,  third      .'ires 
on  enes     .   ,    rth  ship  on  &n&my   .Mo.  3,  fifth  shx  on  enei^y 
.  4. 

ixrauil  of  ,       ble  (jfo«0 ) 

fell  behind.    '.on  (IIo.l)  firod  on  Derfllnger  (no.l).      r 

,  socerding  to  above  instruction,  also  fired  on  Derfltneer. 
rinses*  Boyal  (Ko.3)  however,  considered  iado    ,ble  out 
fc.     !  ,  and  fired  at    dlita  (Ko.3).  .         d  C:o.- 
fir  eel  at  blue •::]-•  or  (Ho .4).   1  a  result,  the  uoltke  (!©«£)  es* 
eaped  almost  untouched  and  'probably  i.  G  loted  moat  of  da   ,  on  and  $lger.« 


3cellaneous  II . 
D  -  (0.31*1.  Ho.  4641) 

-».      * 


lority  for  censoring  cress  founded  on  met 

01  Act.  to  prevent    nbllcation  of  o  .. onal 

r  but  the  guilty  3  arty  oould  !;c  brought  to   court  u. 
above   'Wot" ,   relief's  the    pusl  &  boon  o  lly  jfc 

by  the  Censor* 

Ion)     to  C  rely  0  — 

tion&l,    out   is  ;  aa  :  oJ  j 

blicatlona  closely  cortac  ou  or  i  Als 

01.  or  I  :  . 

i'or  benefit  of  public;  tie.-..,     rlnt<  .      b  &  41 
or,  a  done  ... 

II  Censorship  is  incA.   eadeat  of  a- 

sors)      .     Same  legal  easts j   I.e.    '  of  Ee&lffl  Act. 

trail  ;l  to  eenoorii. 

of  priv  atiorus  Ire.  els.      {0«    ...  .  o.   c 

r  pi|         3  are      .  .  icterid.  ont   is 

forbidS.  on. 

.     .   ..dio  stat  ©red  end  led  or 

over  "io  authorities. 

rs  to   con tine         ore  u         Ae&. 
rittoe  ox  .       sjcLatonee   is  eon:  L, 

keeps   r.  -jf  all   journalists,   ©to.,   in  london,   in  order  to 

ascertain  their  standing  ,  at»liea.tle»s  resenl      a.  to 

o  interview,  s  for  inesa  with  pre  ..en,   chen  ouch  inter- 

views are  desirable  or  beneficial .     Committee  consists  of  2 

„rli£        '. ,    (one  ft  prominent  man  of  letters,   the   other 
a  member  of  the  Govenuient)  and  a  ceil  Anovn  literary  eoan  not  in 
Lblie  life. 

:Y   -    (    .    .    .         .5113} 

mmnt' -mr"«ut*f 

n£rcE  2 1,'  3TC7 

uaber  of  ;;5n  under  ,  ly  approxj       ;oly#  not 

.  .  , .  >Q,  "rorrir  ,  .    in  bar- 


05. '•  v/ourulcd  return  to   front. 
..o  3/11/15   -  10)  a&  Aicrtr/ 

s  1,5.,    , 

.  lessee,     ten  not  able  to  return  to  front  ■  450, 

B  in  o  ti   q    . 

r  ly  ass       .  ts  fro;  ■  o. 

ffr   .       in  best  oi"  ..         aller  percentage  of  sic  ..- 

ness  than  la  e   tlmea. 

iltion  La  • 

S,   etc.,   fo-  re- 

sinfeetic  .■  ~,     cod. 

Fare  tmx&eraents  sent  to  front  tqfcather  r        .    ond  oiAor 

i  in. 

:.y   d:  looses. 

.  rtion  volunteers  not  yet 
out  A,    *  total  liavy  Personnel. 

HY     -  -  (O.K.I.  Ho.  5091) 

s  stated  Admiral        as  in  poor  health  end  waa 
: re fore  relieved. 

Cardon  arrive?  in  .ondon  in  excellent  heal    nd  was 
cer  better.    ethyst  ran  narrows  on  Aai        and  returned 
with  only  ninoi       s  due  to  gun  fire.   (      the  Ad      y 
then  insisted  reing  Dardanelles  immediately 

by  running  the  straits.         dvised  againnt  this.         o 
relieved  on  .Aarch  16,193  .  On  ttarch  18th, the    pos- 
sibly an  at'    t  to  run  Li  traits  )  resulted  in  loss  of  3  battleships 
(Irresistible,   an  and  Jiouvot),  by  striking  submerged 

;. Garden  feels  vindicated  and  trying  to  reoovciniiB  old  oomaand 


Need  not  be  returned.    // 

(See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31.  19001 

MAY  §3  19b 




The  Port  of  Brinaisi  Closed  end  ::in©&. 

«■«  *■- 


T> ;  2,g 


From T No 101* Date  A?r11  ...!:?•  ..1^15r 

Replying  to  O.  N.  i.  No.-~~~~—~—  Date 


I  hear  on  gooa  authority  that  the  Italian 
port  of  Brindisi  hao  been  closed  -  all  shipping  arriving 
off  is  sent  to  Bari,  The  harbor,  I  uafl.erstr.nd,  has  boon 
thoroughly  nined.   This  port  is  undoubtedly  to  be  uood 
by  the  main  fleet,  as  I  have  heard  that  for  soiae  fctefcg  past, 
tho  authorities  have  been  busy  planting  mooring  buoys  ail 
over  tho  harbor  -  also  that  the  coal  sup  ly  shore  has  nov/ 
reached  jCQ,QQO  tons. 

Need  not  be  returned, 

(See-Paragraph  4.     Instructions  of  October  31.  1900.) 



SUBJECT Sinking. joi* 



From ¥.. 



Date  April  29 1 191J 

Replying  to   O.  N.  I.  No Date 

On  the  27th  instant  the  Vienna  press  published  the  following 
terse  report  of  the  commander-in-chief  of  the  fleet: 

"Submarine  U-5,  under  the- command  of  Lieutenant  Georg  Ritter 
von  Trapp,  has  torpedoed  and  sunk  the  French  armored  cruiser 
Leon  Gambetta  in  the  Ionian  sea. 


Newspaper  despatches  from  Italy  give  the  following  additional 

The  sinking  occurred  in  the  middle  of  the  night  about  SO 
miles  from  Santa  Maria  di  Leuca. 

One  despatch  purporting  to  be  an  account  by  surviving  officers 
of  the  Gambetta  is  as  follows: 

Home  28  Ax>ril.  Shortly  before  midnight  the  cruiser  had  held 
up  a  three-master  and  examined  her  papers.  Hardly  had  the  ship 
permitted  to  proceed  when  the  cruiser  received  a  heavy  blow 
starboard,  the  meaning  of  which  was  at  once  clear  to  every - 


for  at  the  same  moment  the  elect rie  lights  went  out  and  the 
engine-rooms  filled  with  water,  The  ship  had  a  hole  a  meter  in 
diameter  just  below  the  waterline.  The  dynamos  and  engines  were 
destroyed  ovtr  rendered  unserviceable  and  the  radio  apparatus 
refused  to  fiuiction.  The  watertight  doors  still  held  the  entirely 
helpless  ship  above  water,  but  her  fate  was  sealed.  The  crew, 
the  greater  part  of  which  had  been  surprised  while  asleep,  took 
to  the  boats  almost  unclothed.  Two  of  the  boats  capsized  and  the 
the  others  drifted  to  the  southwestward  with  the  strong  current; 
with  the  assistance  of  the  Italian  torpedoaoats  which  had  rushed 
to  the  scene  four  of  them  reached  Cape  Leuca «  In  the  course  of 
the  forenoon  3  officers  and  20  men  were  rescued  12   miles  from  the 
cape In  all  10  officers  and  149  men  have  been  res- 
cued. There  is  no  news  of  the  remainder  of  the  complement. 

Another  despatch  states  that  the  Gambetta,  which  was  steaming 
at  about  seven  knots,  was  struck  by  two  torpedoes,  the  second  of 
which  exploded  in  the  engine-room.  ?he  cruiser  attempted  to 
strand  herself  but  was  unable  to  do  so.  She  sank  in  ten  minutes. 

This  event  is  the  cause  of  much  rejoicing  in  Vienna  and  is 
gladly  seized  upon  by  the  authorities  and  the  press  to  raise  the 
spirits  of  the  greatly  depressed  public.  It  Is  given  an  importance 
vastly  in  excess  of  Its  actual  significance. 


Need  not  be  returned, 

(See-Paragraph  4.     Instructions  of  October  31.  1900.) 

SUBJECT  - Rumored  shipping  of  German  submarines  to  Triest. 

From H. No 14 Date  April...  29* 1.915. 


Replying  to   O.  N.  I.  No Date. 

ere  is  a  strong  and  persistent  rumor  in  Vienna  that  parts 
Cf  submarines  of  the  latest  type  have  been  shipped  from  Germany 
to  Triest  for  assembling  and  use  a   inst  the  allied  fleets  in 
the  Mediterranean,  particularly  against  the  forces  operating 
ainst  the  Dardanelles. 

I  have  been  unable  to  ascertain  any  facts  in  the  matter. 


i  See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31,  1900  ) 


Need  not  be  returned. 

From      y  No.      7^ 

Replying  to  0.  N.  I.  No. 


;  i     o~ 

I     L 

1.      In   the   event    of  war,    probably   one  of   t Tie  most   difficult 
problems  which  would  eon front    the  military   authorities  of  the 
lit  >d  States   woulj.  be   ti  -,.t   of  censor  ship,   together     with  that 
of  espionage,    both  of  which   are  closely  allied j     jn  the   Spanish* 

i  eric  an  War  we   all  know  the  difficulties  shieh   the  newspaper 
e  or  re  s  pendents   brought    I     a   officers  aoaamanding  tse   forces   ashore 
and  afloat.      Qenaorahlp  as   la  Joaown  here  in  Europe  hi£  never 
tisted   an   fcae  United  St  a  tea,    and  &o  far   as   1   know  a&   la*s 
ive  ever  been  enaofcsd  bji    ffhich  a  eensorshij!  eould  ue  put   into 
force,   in  the  ^vent   of   the  United  states   becss&aag  engaged  in  a 
life  or  death  struggle   eith  a  foreign  power.      The  necessity   for 
having  these   laws   and  regulations  Etade  must    be  apparent   to  every 
laiiita  \   &  an.        >r   this  reason  the  following  re^or*    la   i  nhzait* 
td«     It    is  compiled  aostly  froa  notes  made    L;.,   Major  j.    A.   Logan, 
U.$. Army,   from  conversation*  I  have  had  *ith    ir.A.   Foruyce, 
iidi-or   sf  the   "Journal,"    one  of   the  largest   aewspapers    In  France, 
in   fact    ef  tjie  whole   eorld^      from   the  view  point   of  c  insula  t ion, 
from  a  talk   with  Mr.  Pourol,    Chief  of   the  Pre^s   Bureau   of    the 
Foreign  Office,    ani   rroxa  personal  observation  and   experiences. 
2-  icilities    for   operating   censorship   in    France.    -   While 

ranee   is  a  Republic,   the  physical  difficulties   incident   to 
or  eating  and  maintaining  a  Censorship  are  not    ae  great   in  Prance 
as  we  would  find  in  our  owe   country.        sre  in  ice  the  '}.o\iorn- 

ttt    is   cant  ralized  :uOcl  or   less   In  P  ri  ]  il,    .  ile- 

.i  and  \.^±^i        i,  rt   of  the   railroad   ayati 

of  France  is  aovernaient   c  I   oent rolled.  -  "1< 

per     s  we  know    It   i       i  trice  haril>    e;  lal  i   in  France* 
jra  are   a  publ        id  in  Ferie ,  pro  te 

■  "'""■'■■ 


thirty   or   forty    ''dailyc"    and   fifteen    or  twenty    "weelelys," 

t  Of  9 &  1 1 f   i  i  1 11  many  % bi  -■..  c  1 1 1  h  ly  s    and  moat  h  ly  aagai i  i *S .      Bxa opt 

in  a   few   of   thy  very   largest    cities,    sue  a   as  Havre,   Brest, 

Boi     l  tax ,   Marseilles   aad  Lyon,    there   are  no  paoeu   or  journals 

published.     All  ef  saaller  towns   ere  supplied  with   the 

Parisian  pa  -.;rc.        ■  t,in,    even   in  the  sesa   of  the   fe„   large 

iras  pubii  p  s-persj   t  io    lows  of  a  gener    .       araeter  la  all 

coive     through   baa   news    sweats   of  Paris.  ■  ,v ,    with 

an  absolute  doverairieat  control  over  the  Agencies  whieh  i- . 

information   (the  Mail,   v  r&pi id  Telephone  J    and  with 

I  "operly  run  Censor    -   .    .  -  Paris,   tee  whole  matter  can  be  mush 
more  easily   r  »ed  than   in   oar  country. 

5*     Political  Difficulties.   -   0,:    the  other  hand,   franco 
sea   its  political  parties    %s    have  wo.      Theses  parties   are  much 
mere  auaaroufi   than   la  cur  ccuatry.      The^e   include    all   shades 
of  political   belief   eni  px'incipie.      You  find  the   Radical  and 
Conservative,   the  Church   (aoeused  of  royalistic   tendencies), 

b  Socialistic  parties  of  diffe  _-■  reea,   and  fche  Anarchis- 

tie  part;  .      iff  a&slth  standing       t$   effort  mad*   tu  the   formation  of 

a   Cabinet    at    the  Beginning   of  the  War  to  conciliate   the  se 
factious  or  parti  ce,        heir  positions   and  principles   are   only 
held  in  oie  ck  by  the  knowledge  that   suns  action  it  for  the 
pesos  en   ,  ooa    is   She  present    crisis.      Tnete  partite  have    ail 
their  semi- of f icial  newspaper  organs,   whieh   is  time  of  peace 
preach  t^eir  respective  gospels •  is  gespels  are  naturally 

ant i -governmental   in  Best  Qesaj  in  ct.iuequeace  are  exactly 

trie  kind  of  salt  ST  :  for  military   re  about   a  Censor     i   ht 

wish  to  el  i  oa  tha  gr        s  of  its 

of  oj  I      -  iy  - 

She    history   of  France  for  the  last 
filJ  ed  sith  I    I  reeu'.  .  p  of 

the  PrcuL.         ariag    jcriiu   epoch;     I     I  Pre    i  i 



utmost  liberty,  while  during  other  epochs   its  circulation  was 
practically  suspended.      the  French   Code    is   filled  with   lav.s 
and   changes   of  lav   in  this  particular.      These   lavs  do  not   con- 
sider the   qu^stio^   of   censorship   froi         military  point    of   view, 
but   almost    entirely   from    m   internal  political   point    of   view. 
i/ilitary   censorship,   while   it  has   existed   for  .u^ny  years,    appears 
tc    nave   beein  firet  ^ade   effective   by   the  Japanese  during   their 
•  far   tilth   Bumi^.      She   extent   to   shion   it   has    seen   developed 

id   applied  auring   this  war   is   ^o  well  known   as  to  need  no 
C  QiLi<.  On  t  . 

5.  .Due   to   the   a.buaev   which  previously   existed  in    Frenee 
under   a  censorship,   the  people,   and  part icularly   the  politicians, 
have   in  recont  years  moat    jealously   watched  all   legislation   in 
this  matter,     1-Iany   of   the  ©14  laws,    however,    had  never   been 
repealed  and  were   therefore   still   in  effect,   notwithstanding 

the   fast    that    they  were   rarely   applied. 

6.  Laws  effect  jug  censorship.   -  the  ^Parliamentary   Act  of 
1850,   whicn   permits  the   decree   of  a  state   of  military   lav 
throughout  France,    specifies  that   the  Military   Government 
shall  have    the   right   to   suppress  ntvsp&pers    for  disooedlenes 
of   Instructions   given   concerning   the  publication   of  military 
Information.     At   the  call  of  mobilization,   shortly   before  the 
present    war,   tne  Ministry    in  power  took  advantage  of   this  Act 
in   order  to   commence    tne  organisation  of   *  Bureau  of  Press 
Censorsnip.      In   a  Session  of  August    5th   the  Chambre    ie  Deputes 
passed  a  special  Act    describing  the  Military   censorship  to  be 
established  for  tne  duration  of  the  present  war,   out  generally 
limiting  the  pover  of  the  Censor  to  military  end  diplomatic 
information,  political  matter  bei  tiuded. 

7.  this  lav   oont  •  following  provisions   :   - 


Need  not  be  returned. 

(See  Paragraph  4,  Instructions  of  October  31.  igoo) 

p&g w-va \it  awn 


>  3  0 

SUBJECT   $mM%%mm..mJk^^^ 

From 1 No. XQ^  Date  April  <KV1^1S« 

Replying  to  0.  N.  I.  No.* 


1,     Tho  month  of  Ppril  has  come  to  on  end  without 
any  change  in  the  political  situation  of  Italy,       over  since 
the  opening  of  Bar ope  an  war  has  the  athraosphcre  been  so  c!r  rr~ 

ith  a_  prehension  .        uring  tlio   days  o:'"  April.   Although 
there  wore  no  apparent  reasons  for  such,   it  was  generally  felt 
by  Italians  aa&  foreign  diplomats  that  war  wae  imminent.     Some 
say  that  if  the  I/ardanelles  had  been  forced,   Italy  would  have 
immediately  entored  the  war  on  the  side  of  the  Triple  Entente. 
In  the  meantime  us  -no   i  lacltoning  in  the  Au:  trian-Gcman  offens- 
ive nor  any  weakening  in  their  defensive  are  rent,  condi- 

oris  not  propitious  for  Italy,  her  v.artie         ion  is  ac  ord- 
ingly  delaj^od.      It  is  generally  believe  at  negotiations  be- 

tween Italy  and  Austria  have  ceased,  although  it  is  generally 
believed  that  some  concessions  wore  offered  by  the  latter,  but 
these  were  eou  led  with  some  sort  of  a  future  alliance  betv/ecn 
the  two  count  ies;   t  is  am         sent  \  t  suitable  to   Italy 

and  was  declined.      Today  I  learn  from  an  official  high  in 
Kuropoan  &1  cy  that  Italy  has  deciOod  to  make  known  hor 

position  oil  the   sice  of  the  Triple  Entente  sore   time  between 
the   1st  end  the  lr,th  of  : ay,  which,   if  the  conditions  aro  favor- 
able,  will  mean  her  entrance  into  the  war. 


cal  e  d 

Several  new  alee  es  have  bo 

duri       the  month  of  April,   and  X  hear   tfe 

ity  of  i;]any  more  being  cabled  on   the  5th  of  ...ay, 

in  .arch,   military  pr     arations  as  regards  e<julpi 

1;*  complete,     i'hero  his  be  en,  however  .during  th* 

April,   practically  a  bailee  to  house  canvass  ae  re 

and  the  housing    .f  wounded  in  the   event 

owners  were  questioned  as  to  the  number 

the  colors 

*e   .       :>s::; 

=  nt  are  a ■.y.c.ront- 
atter  part  of 
e  care 
of  war,   that  is,  house 
of  wounded  soldiers  they 

could  care  for  and  whether  thnir  oarc   end  subsistence  would  bo 
dono  free  of  cha  ge  or  otherwise.   Many  Horses,   other  then  thorough- 
breds or  near  such,   heve  bot.n  re  uisitioneC   by  the  GovomKnt 
for  military  use.      ,  otor  cars  of  Italian  manufacture,   tithe t  the 
property  of  Italians  or  foreigners  have  been  oxs.mii.ied  and  listed, 
although,  as  yet,  none  have  been  taken. 

3.      Pho  llavy  has  practically  remained  as  previously  ro- 
ported,  basod  between  Tafcanto  and  sta,   -icily,    for   the  capit- 

al shi  s   end  at  Vonico  for  the  siibi.eriaes.      The   dr  t  Cavour 

should  havo  rocoivo<'  her  officers  and  men  on  the   loth;   this  how- 
ever,  I  have  been  un  bio  to  confir     at  this  dato.         o   droodnou 
1/uilio  is  being  fit  led  out  but  will  not  join  until  the   latter 
part  of  -lay,  although,   if  conditions  require     it,   she  could  ontor 
the  flo  t  within  ton  days.     The   770  t.n  destroyer  Trancosco  hullo 
ae  well  an  tho   on  tiro  10,'iB  ton  class  consisting  of  tho  Cosaro 
Posi  arol,   Gupllolrao  Pepo  and  /.lee  aadro  P  eerie  aro  co  pie  tod,   I  nd 
if  not  already  with  tho  fleet  can  bo  so  counted  in  tho  caso  of 

+  * 

•     %