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Full text of "Nernst glower its development, characteristics and application to illumination practice"

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621, 32 
Eu 79 

iLinois Institute 
of Technology 

AT 181 
ES Ce (|S «Bustice, Alfred L. 
eR iy Sak Nel 

ES rLaNernst glower its 





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presented by 



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Sed ~000——=— 

The electrical interests heave, within 
the period of the past 10 years, made unusual progress 
in the direction of higher efficiency of generating, 
transmitting, distributing and current consuming machines 
and devices but, within the recent period of only 5 years, 
greater,by fer, has been the advemce in the means of 
converting electrical energy into light and also the effic- 
iencyof application of the same to the requirements of 
modern illumination practice. 

The birth of the carbon filament incan- 
descent lemp, the discovery of the are lamp, and the advent 
of the Nernst lamp mey be regarded as the three great 
epochs in the ennals of commercial electric lighting. To 
the letter end most recent of this trio must be given tn- 
divided credit for thecontinued generel use of electric 
current for artificial lighting through that period when 
important discoveries were made in Welsbach gas mantles which 
seemed to indicate that gas would be the populer and univer- 
sal illuminant for future service. These apparent conditions 

were furthered in thet the electric consumer had a choice 

wen 0Ow a+ 

xidiiw ,eved eteetetat fmetutee fe oT 
ssetaorg iseeauns ebom ,ere0y Gi taeq edt to botten et 
.gtitsieses Io waetoitte teigtd te moftoesiS end? xt 
eertidosm gataveaos tretivo bas anitediatalb ,gaittiaanert 
e22ssy S Yfro te botreg faeoes oft atdtiw ,dud seotveh ins 
to acsem edd af somvis edt seed asd ,ast yd .totsor3 
~oftTe edd cals sae trgif otet ygueme Leotuteete gaitrevmcs 
to - caenetivpsa edt of empe ont to cottsoliqas toyornet 
esoitostg moitantmpl{t rrebow 

~ssoni Jeemellt medeao edt to ddutd ef? 
Jacv52 sit ins ,q@ual ons odd to yrevoonts oft yqusl dmeoacd 
vsetg eetmt edt es Sebueget od yom quel tente™T ent to 
of .giitdatil ofttosle Latoxeumoo to eleaus edt at adooze 
-nii vig of taum obt? tat to tuoees to0m bas sedtal oct 
olttosls to eay [stores Seounttmooeit rct tibete bebivis 
aetw boiveq tsdd dgwotds guttdati Latotti¢t«s ict taetis0 
dofdw eelinsa asa desdefe! at obsm stew settevooe ts tratizoqmt 
-tevins Sas tefeqeq eid ed Bisow asa tadt etsotint of beasea 
_amolttisaes saereqqs eged? .eotwree owtct stot dnsmtowi{{t [se 
| seicdo s Ssd temsanoo obtteefe ofs tant of Bboredtast erew 

cr? = 
on kss 


of only the low efficiency, low candle power, carbon 
incandescent lamp on the one hand and the high efficiency, 
high cendle power arc lamp on the other hand until the 
advent of the Nernst lemp. By reason of the fact that 
the Nernst lamp was the only electrical illuminamt of 
high efficienoy snd was obtainable in any desired candle 
power, a timely weapon was placed at the disposal of 
Central Station interests which would cover the entire 
field amd successfully fill the existing gap between the 
electric are and the carbon filament incandescent lamp. 
Inasmuch as the incandescent electric 
lamp, under which the Nernst lamp is properly classified 
as a special design, has become such a common necessity 
abd useful factor in every civilized community, it is to 
be expected that the problem of its development to a high 
state of perfection is one of wide-spread interest. 
Relatively speaking, but little publicity has been given 
to the Nernst lamp in comparison tothat given by the army 
of individuels financially interested in the development 
and exploitation of vacuum lemps end, in the opinion of 
the writer, the embodied principles of the Nernst glower 
offer greater possibilities for development into an ideal 
illuminant than any other type of lamp Inow at the present 
time, end, were the vast amount of energy and capitel which 
has already been expended in the development of vacuum lamps, 
directed to the scientific investigation and commercial 

modis9 ,tewog of5ase wol ,yometofite wolf odt yao to 
eVorstoltte dgid eft 5as Bast omo edt mo quel tneosednsont 
odd [ites baad tedto edt so quel ors tewoq eLbnse maid 
tsadt fost edt? to soagex YL gust tenze” edt to tnevhs 
to tmncta(lt {sebtteeie yimoe ed? asw qusl temre™ ont 
s{5nse beileed yas af oldentatde eaw bus wretottte datd 
to IseeqatS edt te beosly eaw moqgeew Ylentt « ,tewoq 
e1finse edt 1eves bivow doftw eteeredat soitat! Lertaed 
odd geewied qsg gr itetze eid [fit Uflwteseoore bas blott 
equsl trecaebmasent garomellt modigse edd ime ots ofttoele 
intoo le tneceebasomt edd ce stommenail 
betiieesfo yfreqorr ef quel tenrell ed? dotdw toban ,qmal 
ytiaeeses momen = Mowe omoved acd ,igtees Istoare @ ea 
ot et tt gyttammmoo Sest£ivio yrove mt totes? fvteaw bis 
isid a ot dmemgofeveS ati to meidorq odd teit Setoeqxe od 
-Sacv9etst beerqa-chiw to ome et gottostreq to etste 
aevig soed ast @iekidwq efittil ind .gatiiseqa yLeovitelez 
yrs eft wi wevig taxdd of moaixeqacs xt qual tante”™ ert of 
trompofevei odd at beteesetat ylfetonemEt eafsebivibst to 
to motetgo edt at ,Sns aqgast aeweev te aottsttofexe bx: 
tewolg tear te™ ett te esigtontaq beibodme edt .setiew edt 
{[se5t as otnt toomgofeveth tot aeftiltdteacg setse1g tetto 
toesetq edd ts mromf qmef to eqyt tedto yxes sad? dmsmtms lit 
foidw istiqso bas ygreme te tavors teav eft etew .bos ,omtt 
.aqasl muwoey to dmeuqoleveb odd ai teimeqxe aeed ybeotls cai 
[stotemmos bas mofttagitaevnt ofiitvmetees edd oF betooith 


exploitation of the principle of the Nernst glower, 
the Nernst lamp would undoubtedly be made the most 
ideal and populer illuminant of the future. 

Considerable scientific investi- 
gation of the basic principle of the Nernst glower 
has already been carried to apparent perfection, and 
considering that discovery in illuminants today may be 
regerded es history tomorrow; so fast is the general 
progress, that the subject matter following will be 
centered about one type of Nernst glower which is now 
practically standardized and reference will be made to 
this unit for comparison with later developments. 

The fundamental principle of the 
Nernst lamp, that certain of the rare earths or refrac- 
tory pxides, when combined in correct proportions, will 
conduct electric current end give forth a brilliant white 
light after being heated to redness, was discovered by 
Dr. Yalter Nernst, a German physicist, in 1897. 

The original invention of Dr. Nernst 
is embodied only in the light giving element, or glower, 
so nemed in order to distinguish it from the filament, 
or light giving element of all other types of incandes- 
cent lemps, ani is characterized by two peculiarities; 

First:- It is ea non-conductor of electric current 
when cold, becoming, however, a good conductor at temper- 

etures above a red heat. 

etowola tarrell edd to ef{qtonktirgq edt to mottattofqxe 
taom edt o5sm ed yibetdmobnu Siuow qus{ tantel ait 
eomtut eit to tasmtmefli asiwqog bus [eet 

-iteaevai ofttdmeios efdarefitamed 
towolg tanyell ent to efgtomiaq ofaad edt to aotiag 
Sas ,woltestreqg taeteqqe o¢ Setraso aeod yiserls carl 
ed ysu ysbod etaeatamift ak yrevooeth tad? gaire blanco 
fgtemeg edt ef teat of ;worsemod yroveid es bebusget 
od {itv gsiwoffol settan tootdes eft tad? ,sesergot¢ 
wor at doidw tewo lg tanze” to eqyt emo tyods betatmec 
ot ebau ed [{iw eonetetet Sas bealbucdaste y{lsoltoerg 
oad nemqoleveé xetal dtiw moeiteymoo wot dian ak dt 

eit to sigqtontuq Ietaemehast aT 
-oatte: 10 adtuee eet et? lo mbetteo teat eect tarrel 
[itw ,emettnogomq foetx09 mt Somidmos mecdw ,gebtagq yrot 
etidw tostifiad s dtaot evig bee taerave ofitoele Sosbmoo 
qi bexevooats asw ,aecnbet of Hedeed gated 10%te tigi 
TesL at ,tebotagig geared « ,damzel getie’ . 11 

terre’ .22 to goitcowmi Lentgtm off 
towols so ,@omefo grivig tail edt at giao Belbodme at 
.tooemLtt edd gett 22 delugettets of seivo at bemsa oa 
-sobnzomt to aeq@ sedto [fe to tmowele antviag idgil 10 
;acitinetiaoeg owt yd Sestvetesxeds al ins ,eqmel #meo 
eUl onent 

srexuwo etitoofe to sotosimoo-mom s af 1 -:textt 

-1equet ts 1otesimen S009 « ,tevewod ,aatmaooed ,B£oo nos 
«tged bot s evods seits 

ai-— © 


Second:-- The passage of electric cuwrent through 
the glower maintains it in a high state of incendescence 
in the OPEN AIR. 

The Nernst lemp in embro was first 
brought to America at the request of Mr. George Westing- 
house in 1898 and consisted of a crude body supporting 
a glower and a fine pletinum wire resistance connected 
in series therewith, but without means for rendering the 
glower automatically conducting. Foreseeing its great 
possibilities, Mr. Westinghouse promptly umiertook the 
commercial development of the ideas prsented with the re- 
sult that the Nernat Lemp Compsny was orgenized in the Fall 
of 1901 and wes prepared to market a practical and effic- 
ient lamp. 

The Nernst Lamp, as a unit, consists 
of the following essential parts:-- 

1. The glower, or light giving elanente 

2. The Ballast, or steadying resistance in series 
with the glowere 

3. The Electric Heater, to render the glower con- 

4. The cutout, to interrupt the heater circuit after 
the glower once becomes conductive. 

5. The Lemp Body, which combines the sbove elements 
in s commercial form. 

The glower is the distinguishing 
feature of the lemp, deserving special treatment and con- 
sideration and, during the various manufacturing processes, 


iqvoult trerwso ofttoofe to esesageaq efT --: Sx000e2 
eorsosohmsont to ststa datd a at ti antsiniem sowolg edt 
eHIA MGSO od? at 
vazit esw ordae af quel darte™ ef? 

-gaiveeld egroed .x 1 to teenpen eff ta sottemd ot tigwond 
guitiroqqye Ybod efises « te betataron bas 886 at eavod 
botoenmos sonataiaes oxlw mumtioly ontt a baw tewcls s 

oft guftebmet tot amsom iwodtin tud ,gfitiwered? eeitesa at 
tsetg ett grtesserol .gaivewhaoo yllssttamotss tewolg 
edt dood wei Eftquong omodanitaa” .«t ,seliifidtaaoq 

-o1 od? dtiw Between, agebhi ed? to tapaqofeveb [atotenoo 
‘(si odd mf bestmegro asw yasquod cael teate™ oft Said tive 
-oitte Sas feettestg s Ptetaan of Setapem asw bas [0@L to 
e@mal taot 

atetaroo ,tias s es ,qual tarse” off 
--:e3isq Iatiaeese aniwolfot aid to 
| etaomLe stivig tgif to yxowolg od? .f 
| aciiea nf sonstataet aatybeeta xo Ss =“ 

-r09 tewolg edt sefmot ot ,geteod olatoeli off .6 

cottis thyoxte odt tgvteedet of ,dwodwe off «bd 

avnemele svods off genidmes dbidy ,ypboi oft «3 
» wot es 3 at ; 

gnid stugattets edt ef stewols ed? 
| -100 bas toenteetd (eteeqe guivreses ,qasl ont to exrutset 
| ,208eeo0Tg aniavtostwasem ewotirevy oft gaitwsh .ims mottetebie 


the following desirable and essential characteristics 
must be sought end are given herewith in the order of 
their commercial importance: 

| 1. LIFE. A glower must heve a long individual 
life(that is, early failures must be very infrequent) 
and also a long sverage life. 

that the curve between volts and life be a straight line, 
although under certain comitions it might be a great ad- 
vantage if the glower could be so made that the voltage 
would decrease slightly with life, in order to mke up for 
decrease in surface emission of light. While it is an 
innate property of the glower meterials to rise in voltage 
with life, the rise can be controlled to a lerge extent by 
@ combination of glower mixture, form and physics] con- 

3- JZENGTH OF LIGHTING PERIOD. The time required 
to bring a glower up to conducting temperature must be a 
minimum and is effected by mixture, form,. terminals, and 
capacity of heater employed. 

a. TR STABILITY. Stability, with reference 
to the performance of the glower, indicates the position 
of the crest of the voltage-current characteristic or the 
point where a further increase in current is accompenied by 
@ decrease of glower voltage; i.e., the efficiency, heyond 
which the negative temperature coefficient will predominate. 

eottatretosxsdio [aii nesee Sas ofdettaed anxtwollot odd 
to teSro odd at diiwered aevig ots bm: toigvoe ed tann 
seonetiogmi L[atenemmoo rites 
feubiviset grok 9 evsd teu tewels & .gug wr? 7‘ 

(taevpeviel yxov od teum somliel yiree ,ai tait)etrl 
Stl egetevs amef 3 cals bre 

eidstieed at +I » DUPSISET AHA BDATLOVeuig «8 
sail tdgteste s ed OTE time et lov neswied ovis off ‘act 
-58 dsets s od tigha ¢f emo itiines ntetteo wine dqvodtiea 
egsifov edt tad? eham os of bivon towela edt If egetnsv 
tot qs ofam o¢ treheo at potit atiw Giitetic seagetoed bLr0w 
xs ei dt eftt) .tifiatl be sobemtae soetawe at easetoet 
egeifov mt eet of elettetom sowoly odd to ytisqong edsmnt 
yi tnetxe ogral # ot befforimoo ed mse cats odd ,oUkL att 
-roo fsebaydg 5a8 auot ,ourlaim towels to mottant dmo s 
een Bib 

bectupes emit of? G00 SEL 50 mem fe 
s ed tanm ewmdetemed geitowbmoo of qu sewolg s gaiud of 
583 ,oisalaxet gmt ,oxstxtn yd bedeethe ef ins aumtain 
ebeyeiqms toteel to yioeqso 

eorereter dtiw ,@ilidete -MELIIGAPe LAOT AT OTE 3 
mottigog et eotsotiat ,rewoly ont te eoamemrotieq ont of 
eit to ottattetesraedo treTise-egetfov off to Peoto ont to 
yd betrsqmooes at trexavo at eesenomt 1oddest s oxedw tatoq 
oxoyed ,youetefite ent? 4se.f pgepetiov sewols to easetoeb s 

-olsaimobeirq I[flw taotoltteos emwtstermet evidegen aft dotiiw 

It is expressed in terms of Watts per Camile Power, 
which correspond to definite values of current. 

The stability point shifts slightly 
with life, but not to any material extent due to the fact 
that a iene in Camile power because of surface deter- 
ioration opposes the inherent tendency of the glower 
materials towards higher stability with life. 

DECREASE IN CANDLE POWER. Characteristic of all illumin- 
ants to have a depreciation in eandle power with service, 
there is a decrease in the efficiency of light emission in 
the glower, caused by the volatilization of any impurities 
in the glower mixture as well as by erystallisation and 
contraction of section of the glower. Careful chemical 
inspection and attention to the physical properties are the 
chief. means of reducing this decrease of candle power to 
& minimum. 


The chief limiting féature of commercial efficiency is the 
form of leading-in wire or terminal, although #1,2 and 4 
above named elso have important bearing on this quelity. | 


A glower must be capable of wi thstanding 
mechanical injury while in the various processes of manufac- 
ture, in shipmat, and during service. 

8. SPECIFIC RESISTANCE. In glowers of certain capac~ 
ities, this is of vital importance. As an illustration 
it would be a decided advantage in a low voltage, hich current 

eTOWwOoL sl irsd x1sq atteW to amret mt beacoicxe at +1 
etrexrxso to aentevy ottntteb a Smoqeerros doi dw 
ytidcaife attide tated Gilidets ed? 

toast odd ot exb teetm [atxetam yxe of tom tod ,ettL stiv 
~teteh eostuss to eavased tewoq efinsd af easett s t ads 
sowols off Lo yomebae? taoveiat off segoqqo aotierot 
eotil ditw @iitdetea redat? shtawot afettetan 

-ttas(fi {fs to oltaisetostsd) sM9N0F Bit4) Wl B-agzogc 
.coiviee cviw tewoq of bape ai molt aetootqeh s eved of atmea 
ck moisetme tiyti to yomelottte od? at eageteeh « si evreddt 
aeitixsamt yrs to sottigablivefov eft yd teeawco ,rowolys odd 
bas motteetiietegts yi es [few es emiteta 1tewols ent at 
fsoimedo Isters) .tewole ef? to motieee to aekdostriiroo 
odd os seidasqonrg Ieotegiq emt of sottwette ins motto ocant 
_ of tewoq ef ines to eageteeh ald’ grtorier to encom Yekdo 
emuminta 2 
eft af poretoi¥te [atotemioo to oumtabt grftiakti tetie edT 
b bre &,£% dgwodtie ,fentatet to erie mb-gethbeel to mot 
-Uttisso akdt co griused inefrogmi evel oais Semet evods 


sitinetedd iw to eidaqeeo ed tens revels A 

-ostunsm to eeseeoorg avotxev edd af elidw yawtat Isotasdoom 
seotvees arith fas ,foaqide at ers 

-ogqso atatxes to erewols oI  .BQUMRRIeRE ObeToRIR 46 
moitextesift ms eA 6 6.eomettoqmt [etiv To af efdt ,setti 
daemxrvo dotd ,egstfov wol s at egstnavis obebtoeb se sd firow ti 

glower, if it were possible to gain a greater length 

between the terminals for a given voltege. This would 
also attenuate the glower, and the terminals would be 
materially reduced in size. 

The glower has been made from a 
large number of different combimations of oxides md 
the composition has not always been confined to the rare 
earths, nor have all glowers been non-conductors when cold. 
On the contrary, some have been composed of more common 
elements and some have not required preliminary heating 
in order to render them conductors, end, therefore, known 
as self-starting glowers. Commercial glowers, however, 
may be said to consist: of one or more metallic oxides cap- 
able of withstanding very high temperatures and also are 
conduetors of electric current only at these temperatures. 

Tt has been found that the oxides best 
suited for glower purposes when taken singly, are much 
inferior conductors at the temperatures at which glowers 
are required to operate than when taken in combination with 
each other. In this respect such conductors differ from 
metallic conductors where the purest metal possesses the 
best conductivity. | 

The determine tion of the best materials and 
the proportions in which to combine them in order td produce 
commercial glowers, have been the subjects of a vast amount 

of investigation which is even now pursued in the search of 

dtsael tevserg s mtag ot eidieaoq stew SI If ,rewoly 
Sivow atdT .egetfov mevig s tot slantaret edt noowted 
ed iivow elantmywe? edd Sas ,rewola odd etannetis coals 
eeaie mi beoubeot yifattetea 

Ua a Seo 

s mortt eben geod sa! tewols eal 
hos gebkeo to ameoltaxntdwon tnevettts to t63edmea egrel 
erst edt oF benkines secod agewle tor sad goltleogmoe edt 
-bfoo sedw exrctesieosemon coed erewols Ila eval tom ,ed?«s0 
commcos erom to besequooe meed eved emoe ,yuentmoo edd 10 
gii¢seil yismimtierg bexrispes dor ever emoa ins et aemefe 
xwort ,exotexe dt brs ,axoteshmoo med? webmer of reit0 at 
rovewod ,etewols Ietotemmod serewolg gaidiste-tlee es 
-¢so aebixo otiletem etom 10 omo te #Peiamoo ot fleas od ym 
eis oafs bcs eeuvtstegme?d deid yrov gretbactadtiw te elda 
-aowtstequet esedt ts yine twemseo sittoele To eros avimoo 

god sebixo edt teat iawdt mood aat aT 
doun oss ,¥iguie covet meiw esaoqisg tewolg sot betive 
arowols cold ts eerwteteqmed edt te exodeubaoe soirehal 
ittw aottsatdmoe at mediet sede ad? efereqo of bextepet ote 
mort tettts exotemimes sowe foeqee: aiid al -stetto dose 
edt esageaeoq [etem teesvq eft oredy exovorbmoo ob Listen 
sUivitombaos teed 

bsg efatretem teed edt to aot antwteteb ef 

eosborg bt xebte at med? ertduoo of dotrir at amotiroqoty ot 
trsoms taev s to efeetdss edt moed eved ,erewolg [<lotemmoo 
to derseea edt xt besersq wor seve et doidw soltagtteovat to 


spmething better than hes, so far, been devised. It igs 
evident from the large number of oxides which are avail- 
able, thet an infinite number of combinations may be 
made. The majority of the rare earths which have been 
found suitable for the manufacture of g lowers are 
members of the two &roups; es follows: 
GROUP #1 p04 Group of rare earths. 

Titanium --- Ti, 

Zirconium --. Zr. 

Thorium --- The 
0, Group of rare earths. 

Scandium --- Sc. 

Yttrium --- Y, 

Lanthanum --- Ia. 

Ytterbium --. Yb. 

Erbium --~ Ere 

Not only may members of the same group, such as Zir- 
conia and Thoria be used together with more or less 
satisfaction, but members of different €roups, such as 
Zirconia and Yttria may be used with even more suécess. 
In fact, the latter combination forms the basic part of 
the commercial Nernst glower. 

The source of the Minerals from which 
the rate elements are obtained is a mine owned and 
operated by the Nernst Lamp Compsny, known as "Barringer 
Hill", in Llano Co., Texas, which is a highly granitic 



at tl .beetveb creed .rst o8 ,acd madi setied ant dt ena 
_ftevs ers dotdw sehixe to redmin egial odd mort trebive 
ed yem snottentdmos to todmox edinttal as tait ,efde 
seed evad dottw adtres o1es oft to ytitojem edT .ebsm 
ers etewol a to ovutestenem edt sot efdel ive brwot 
rewolfot ec paqwota ow edt to st)edmon 
-odites ove: to qvoxD pOg gh Todd 

eff --- aubastit 

ot) -+- stmoorls 

off ---  cwbsod? 

-etitzes exet Io quot? .Ogf _Sk TUORD 

ol eee mst dv 
-1£3 as dose ~qsoTy emee of to stedaem yam ylmro toll 

eeel 10 s1om dtiw vettesc? Seas od sized? Sms eimoo 
as dove ,equots tmemektrh to atedmem dua  foitostsitsa 
.eecobss stom weve détw hoes od yeu eixddY bee shmoorts 
to treq oteasd edt enrsot mottantdites setvel elt Fost at 
stowols seme Letotemsos eit 

dotdw mort eLerontYl edt to eousoe anf 
bos bomwo oxta « et bextetdo ors atnowefe eter oft 
regaitisi" ae owoedl ,Yasqaod goed tectel edt «id betareqo 
otéinery yidetd s at dokdw ,eexel .«09 omefZ ak ,"L[IiH 


region. This property is exceedingly rich in deposits 
of minerals containing Yttrium, Cerium, Thorium, and 
Uranium Oxides, which deposits occur in the ferm of 
pockets from a few ounces to one hundred and fifty pounds 
capacity, embedded in great masses of quartz and ortho- 
clase-felspar, in gigantic pegmatite. 

These deposits appear to be the focal 
point of rigid lines radiating from every possible direc- 
tion to distances of seYeral feet and in some cases up 
to five and eight feet. It is also noticeable that these 
radial lines are fissures end bear no relation to the 
natural cleavage or crystalline form of the high rock 
masses in which they exist. 

Easy perting takes place along these 
radial lines, thus making the ore quickly available to 
the miner. Since these lines converge into ore rich in 
Uranium snd Thorium, end are & common phenomenon at this 
mine, it is probable that their existence may be ascribed 
to an electric or other order of activity, wich thus 
evidences the presence of Radium, or some allied element 
or elements. 

The various minerals found so far in the 
development of this property are named herewith, the 
most abundant being Gadolinite and the remainder in the 

order nemed as to quantity. 


avisoqeh mi doiy yignibeeoxe ef yiteqotg ardT -M0 fuer 
bos ,muticd? ,aotxeD ,awinttY aniatstroo alerexia to 
to mret edt mf uwo00 atteoqeh ottw ,aebkxO mutase: 
abeasog ytlit base betbrard oro ot aeomso wet 3 mort et ef oog 
-odtro fxs adisyp to asses tserg mit bebbedme ,ytiosgso 
eotitemmor oltnsais at ,rsqelet-saalo 

[soot off ed ot tseqqs etisocef arent 
-serie efdiaaog yreve wort anttetbax aenif{ blatzx to tatodg 
qv geaso omco2 af hon teet [atefee to aeonstelh of moftt 
eageid tats e{[dseotton oale af tI steot tdgto baa evit ot 
eit ot mottsfet on tgcd bas gersagit era gont{ fetbet 
soot doft edt te oxsot amtifstayxo to egeveelo [sister 
etatxe yout doitw at gesesn 
essent grcf{s goalq eoxet antiteq yest ' 
ot sldeltsvs Uldoinp ero edt grits avit ,semift Istbat 
af dots eto ofmai eprevmcos aontl egett sonia etontu sxtt 
eitt ts somemonediqg mommoo s sta fre ,mptiodT foe oviast 
bedttoes od ym eonetatme tftedt tatt aldsdotg at TE ,omim 
astt deicw ,ytivites to tebro refto ro ofrtoele na oft 
toewefe betifs emoa ro ,Methsi to soresetq eit seomebive 
eattomele xo 

eft mt reat of brvot elarentm esofarv eriT 
ect ,itdiwered bemsn ers ydreqorq atat to tmemcofevel 
eat of tebaieaer eft ons etiatichs? gxied tnehasds taom 
eqitasnp of as Semen tefhro 

1. Gadolinite 

2. Cyrtolite 
3. Fergusonite 
4. Allanite 
5. Yttrialite 
6. Thorogummite 
7. Nivenite 
8. Molybdenite 
9. Mackintoshite 
Some of these minerals show a strong 
activity when tested photometricallye 
Gadolinite is an ore rich in the ceria 
end yttria groups, md is the principal source of sup- 
ply of the yttria which enters into the composition of 
the glower. A long series of operations is necessary 
to reduce the crude minerals to glower materials and 
requires a continuous laboratory process for a period 
of approximately ninety days, the details-of which would 
be a subject so broad that a clear understanding would 
only be gained by a separate treatise on chemical 
separation, which space will not permit. 
In general the materials entering into the 
composition of the glower must be absolutely pure and a 
uniform quality is of equel importance since the physical 
characteristics of the materials detemine several char- 
acteristics of the commercial glowr. Critical 

attention to concentration and temperatures of solutions 

etintfofso .f 

edfifodryo 8 

etincasgret .f 

etinsifA eb 

etifatassiY .2 

oviommgorosT 23 

etigeviyT .f 

eligoidylot 43 

otidvotnivdes »@ 

gnoite # wode eLersnia eeedt te enc® | 
eytisointemotodg beteet note givitos 
aitso oft mf dott eto «a at etigakfohad . 

~qv3 to somos Leqteniug edt at Ses yaquwotg efttty bas 
to moftiacquos eff otet evctae dotdw strtty oft to ylq 
visaaese: af anotisteqe to asiaues agol A .tewola oft 

Sas eilaixetan tewolg ot afenzenta einio ett eoubex of 
bottoq s 10% agene1g grofasodal avesatinos « aetispe: 
[sow doitw to-alteteh odt ,gayes ylemtn yietamtxorqge to 

Biyow get ber dante Sees saclo g tad? Geord of Soopdwe 2 od 
Lsotmedo aco galtesst eteteges «= yd benteg ed yfro 
etinzeg ton [itw sosqe dotdw ,golt azeqgea 

ssid otxt gaitetme eleletan edt fesexney al ; 

8 bas ersq yfedsforde ed tavm sowolg oft to mo ttisogmos 
fcoleyiq oct eomts eonetxoqgnt femspe to af Qilasp arotian 
-tsio [sxevee extmetoh aleMotem ent to esettalretostado 

Isofvixd «tools Istoremnoo eft to soltteiretos 

anoitufo2 to eexuteteqmet pas mottettasonoo of motinetts 


during the chemical operations give a uniformity of 
characteristics which can be duplicated from time time. 

The materisl are tested physicelly for 
specific gravity, fineness and plasticity, md a few 
glowers are made from one new element in combination with 
a standardized material and tested mechanically for 
strength on ea specially designed testing mchine and elec- 
trisally by noting the voltage, wattage and efficiency 
performance with life under overload coniitions. When all 
the test fall within the prescribed limits the material 
is approved for use, or in case any characteristic is 
below the fixed limit, perhapa because of some physical 
reason, the meterial is rejected and again subjected to 
the final chemical processes. 

Oxides of the cesired quality having 
been obtsined as above outlinedh a commercial glower having 
a definite performance will result by mixing these oxides 
in definite proportions with e suitable binding material 
and then following the various processes of glower menufac- 
ture, es hereinafter reviewed, through each step with exact- 
ness and precisiones 

With the desired glower characteristics in 
mind, the proper proportions of the before mentioned oxides 
are mixed with water and ea suitable binding mterial in a 
special design of high speed ‘tmeading machine which is 
meinteined at a low temperature during operetion, until the 

to tmretins s ovig erotsaneqo [sokmede sft gatitsb 
eeomtt @ emit mort botsotiqub od mzo detdw acottelretosisio 

cot ULfsoteyta bataet ets Lafiretan off 
wet s bm ,@tottesiq Sas ssementt .yiivars oft leeqe 
itiw soittvestdmoo at tmemefe wor ero mort ebem e1s axewo fg 
tot ylfsotnedoom beteetd Sms [elsetam bealitsiaste s 
-oefe ins emtdoax gritaed Sergteed yl fehooqes s ao dignette 
Yoretelite ins egetiaw ,sgediov edt yatton yd yflsotst 
ile sodv .anottitros baolsevo tebaw et2f dtiw eonamsotreq 
[atvotem ed? atimkf tediteaerq ont atddtw [ist teed afd 
ai oftetwetostsio ure eago at to ,onw tot bevotere at 
Iseteyiq emoa to omseed Be aireq ,tiatl bexit eft wofed 
ot beteetdua wtegs ine betootet ef Ieitetan ett .mozset 
-eve@nenotg Lsotmerlo Lent? ent 

guived ytifesp Betiszes oft to vebix0 
grived tewols I[storesmoe = vibemtitvo evods «2 bSextetdo reed 
aebkxo event axtxim yd tfveet [Ibw eoranrctveq edinited s 
[stvotan gctiatd efdettss s A8t~ enoitsogetg etiettet at 
-ostunem tewols to geamesotq avottav edt omiwofiot med bas 
-tosxe dtiw qeta dose dgvordt ,Sewetver vettembeted as ,e1ut 
stolatectq bas eaen 

xt goitetretosis fo towolg Bberieot odd ati 
aebixo Semoltmem otcted edt te amoitaeqosy teqerq odd ,batm 
a at Istvetan gntinid efdstive s ins totew dtiw bextm ets 
at dotdw emffoan gutisem! beeqe daid to mpieeb Istoeqs 
eit Lites ,cottsreqo gnizwh emtseteqmet wol 3 te bontsidnitsm 


materiels form into a doughy mass of exact consistency, 
so thet ea définite pressure will be required to force the 
dough through a die. 

The dough is then removed to squirting 
guns and held at a low temperature by refrigeration until 
the size of die has been selected, through which the 
entire lot will be squirted, for a definite efficiency at 
normal rated current; efter which the squirting operetion 
is performed in the least possible time in hydraulic or 
power presses under a fixed and uniform pressure, the mag- 
nitude of the pressure depending upon the efficiency and 
current capacity of the glowér desired, send also the form 
of glower string; i.e., rod, tube or special fom. 

After passing the die, the glower string 
in a continuous plastic form, is caught én gauze trays, 
dryed for a long period in the air, after which it is 
further dryed in steam ovens. It is then cut into lengths 
from which two finished glowers will be made, packed in 
platinum tubes and subjecéted to a very high temperature in 
furnaces for several hours in order t fix the properties 
and roast out the last traces of the binding material. 

The ems of the roasted string are then 
passed through an electric are and a small bead or terminal 
projection of "sintered" glower is formed. The next ope r- 
ation is what is termed as "flashing" in which operation 
the glower string is held in « machine, under tension, by 

i sr} 

.yoretefesoo vesxe to sean udguos s otat arol eisitetsm 
edt esrot of Bextypet od [f[fw ewegeotq of taites s tadd oe 
20fd s dymond? rau 0b 

anivaisos of bevomex medé ai dawob edi 
litas gottetesixies yd eumsiateqme? wok 2 ta fied bas amr 
edt doldw dgcord? ,beteslee sped aad @£8 to este ont 
ts yYouretotite etintteh « sek yhetuiwpa ed fitw toL extiae 
coitsrege gaidiispe edt doitiy setts gteoemwe betes Sauron 
to ofiuetigd af emit ofdieaoq tesel od? at bearotreq at 
-3s0 edi ,ewesetq aetioew ose Sextt s tebay geeaetq Towo7 
ons Yeretektts edt moqu getineqeh eumgsetq oft to ebstin 
wrot edt oafe hms ,benteeh tewolg oft to Yrosqeo Pretiv0 
 eitthot Ietoege to edad ,bot get ggniata towolg to 

arixtea tewols oft ,otb ett atiecaq retta 
.syert saves mb tigveo at ,arot obtasiq aveumitmoo s at 
at ti defdw vette ,ths oft at Solveq smof s aot Boyx 
aitgael ott two sed af d1 sgmevo agete af Seysb reddit 
ni 5ectesq ,ebam ed [Liw excwols hedatalt ow? doidw mort 
at erstereqmed daid grev « ot Seveeidse Ses eedat avabtele 
eaetitesoxg odd ait of sefto at awod [exusvee tot seocmit 
eLehtetom guiiaid od to eooart teal edt two dasor Sas 

cedd ews gaitvte be¢esou edt to sino od? 
Isntarset to Seed Lieme = bes ons eiudeele as devout hecageq 
-rego txex efT .feuwrct «t towels “Bexotata” to aoitectotq 
sottetego doidw at “gaidesii" es bemwev at tedw st molts 
Yd ,wotaaet webaw ,emidoam s at Bled af griute tewols edt 


electrical contacts om the beads previously fdbrmed and 
greduelly increasing currents are passed through the 
string until a definite overload is forced upon it. This 
operetion not only makes the string of uniform line, but 
also removes all traces of mechanical shrinkage. 

At this stage the pletinum terminals 
of various forms best suited to the capacity of the 
glower are applied and covered with a paste, made from 
finished glower string finely divided snd held by a 
binder, efter which the glowers are roasted at a high 
temperature. This operation completes the manufacturing 
process of the glower. 

The glowers are next rated for dom- 
merciel service by mounting them on a large rotating 
device through which a constant current, the nomal 
for which the glower is designed, is maintained and the 
glower voltage is determined by means of sensitive 
laboratory instruments which indicate the direct drops 
in voltage over the finished glower. The free glower 
voltage obtained in this mamer is then equated to lemp 
voltage and the glowers are packed and ready for commer- 
cial service. 

The electrical conductivity of the 
Slower becomes greater as the temperature increases and, 

therefore, it becomes necessary to provide a steadying 

Lal } 

Sas Bemsck yLlavotverq ebeed eit go atostnoo Isotxtocle 
edd igquordtd Beaaeq ots etmermwe gatscseromt yl arbets 
ali? .¢f aoqa beotot ef baolttevo etinited s Litany getrte 
tud ,emtl muotins to gnivte ed? setiem yimo tox aottsteqo 
eogetniuite [eoinsdoenm to secent [is esvomet oels 

aisainvet asnitafg edt esate abit da 
edt to ydlesqen oat of betioe teed goracl euolyey to 
aott ebsa ,etaaa s abv bevevoo bxs bekiqgs exs tewols 
Ss YC Sfed Sas bebtvES Ylonmtt gmiute tewo fo seodeta!t 
digit s ts Setesot ere evew fs off doldw setts yeobrtd 
aniisostwaem eft estefqmos gotterers «id? .eavtereqmet 
etewolg aft W sseoot 

-m0o 10% Setar txen ers avewols aff 
arttater egref # to mextd gritawom  é eotvres I stot]em 
Iseron of} .tnevtws tustemeo # Motdw tgeondt eoiveb 
oft ine bentsintss et ,bergtasd af sewolg oft dobdy rot 
eviitetea to ances yi bemtarveted et esetiov tewolg 
agoxS teents edt et.oliai dokdy atmeamutest protetodal 
towofg eett edi .xrewels bedeteft si} towo ogatfiov nf 
quel of betespe modt ef temrem elat wk-Semkeddo oyedf ov 
-remmoe tot Wset Sas Setosq ors etewolg oft bes egediov 
eeotviea Lalo 

edt to ytivitombmoo feoketesie of? 
.5u3 eeesetont ews toqaet cdt ee tedaeng eenoosd tewolg 
aniybeete  efiveta of qisaseoem eemooed fi ,etctetedt 


resistance or "Ballast" operated in series therewith 
for commercial operation. Inasmuch as iron possesses 
the property of increasing its resistance to the pas- 
sage of electric current in proportion to its rise in 
temperature, this metal has been adopted for the commer- 
cial ballast in the form of a very fine wire enclosed 
in a glass bulb containing an atmosphere of hydrdégen. 

The design of a ballast which will 
give the desired corrective action is extremely important 
and very difficult, while the manufacturing problem is 
comparatively simple. The iron wire is rigidly supported 
on &@ "mount" end etteched to platinum "leading in wires" 
which pass through the"seal", and the finished mount is 
fused to a tubulated glass bulb end exhausted in exactly 
the same mamer as in Incandescent lamp practice. At 
this point, just before "sealing-off", hydrogen is intro- 
duced at atmospheric pressure, the bilb is sealed and 
provided with a base after which the ballast is "seasoned" 
and tested. The customary"air test" should show the 
absence of air and if the normal current, when normal 
voltege is impressed, falls within tl prescribed limits, 
the ballest is approved for service in a lamp. 


Since the gléwer reaches a point of 
conductivity nd becomes incandescent set mproximetely 
950 degrees: C., it is readily apperent that to acquire 
such 2 temperature quickly end without rapid destruction 

miwetoeit eeitea at betetego "Sesllshi" 10 senstetser 
eeasegaog moil as dovmesml  emottesieqo [atotemmoo xot 
-3sq oft of eomstetae: ati guiasetoat to ytregotq edt 
ai eatr ati of mottrocotq af taerwo olitoefe to esse 
-temmco edd tot betqohs seed eat Latem sidtd ,oxuteneqmet 
beaofone o1lw exit yas 6 to artot odv at @aalied eto 
-xegothbyd to etoivaomts ae goiagiataoo diud aesfg 2 at 

iliw dott dealfed e to ateob off 
inst roqmi yLlemertxe af goites evitgettos bexteebh edt ev ig 
al moldotg guiiutostumem oft ofidw ,Sfsotthts quev one 
Sstroggue YLbigit at extw mort eff .efquie pleviterequoo 
"“gexiw xk guftiael" auattel¢ of Sedostta Sas “davon” 2 ao 
at sarom Sedetatt edt bas ,"f{aee"o? dgua dt aseq doidw 
Vitesxe si Dotavaize Sas diud sesig beteaiudut a of feast 
tA .eoiteasuq qmal tmeoeebaeonl af as temtem empe o dt 
-ostai af megotiyd _."tbhe-gaiiaes" erokted tac) yiateg eit 
brs befges at di d aft ,exweaenq oltedqeomts ts beowb 
"Seroasea” ak taallisd edt dotdw setts saad e ddtw tebivot 
edt wode oivode "teet tis"yremotewo od «beteet bas 
fsatoxr sedw ,tastise Lavuon edd ti Sus aka to eoxeads 
.avimil bedisogexq ait midtinw af (et ,boeaorqui at egsti ov 
equal @ at esivrse rot bevorqggs ef texlisd odt 

to tatog « aedoset t6w6ly oct sonte 
(istaatxoigys ts tuepeeinsont semooed bos: yitivitesbmos 
ettiupos ot ted? tmotagy7s yliieweou af SE ..9 seeerges O8C 
cottoyrteeb Stqet teodtiw ine yUltotup erstereqmet : dove 

of the heating element, renders the selection of 
materials for the heater a very serious problem, 

The standard heater is made up by simply winding 

a thin porcelain tube with fine platinum wire and later 
embedding the wire with a coating of refractory cement 

in order to protect the platinum wire from the intense 

heat of the glowerse 


The development of a satisfactory 
electro magnetic cut-out for the heater circuit, which 
would fulfill the duty imposed upon it by practice, 
was not as simple as it vould appear to be on first 
thought. The type finally perfected is a combination 
of gravity and magnetic action, in which gravity acts 
at right angles to the magnetic force. The cutout 
armature forms a part of the heater circuit and closes 
the heater circuit by the action of gravity through 
graphite contacts when the glowers are below the point 
of conductivity. When the glowers once take current, it 
passes through the winding ad, when magnetic pull 
exceeds the action of gravity, the armature is suddenly 
drawn and held in & neutral position by means of an 
air gap of constantly diminishing width. 

Having briefly reviewed the 
features sought in the design of the elements of the 
lamp and also outlined the important phases of their 
menufacture, e more intimate study of the character- 

istics and interesting phenomena presented in the 

a | 

to sottoclesa sit arshaex ,tmaemefo gnitsed odd to 
etoidorq esottea yrev s tetaod edd tot elsiretsm 
gatiniw yfqmie yd qe o5am et tetsed tiainsta edT 
total Sus evtw genktels enti dtiw edw atsloorog nidt es 
doemes qrotesrie: to gaiteoo # dtiw exiw edt gutisedme 
earetat edt sort eriw auetieiq ait toetorq o¢ soSto at 
sB@tewolg ent to ted 
200-200 ZED 
yrotostaiiae # to taemgofeved orlT 

fotdw ,#ivorto zreteged edt tot dwo~tu0 oltorgan otteeLe 
e20itoa1g yd ti mogs Sesoqat yub odt L£Piiwt {sow 
tatit ao ed ot seegqe biso tf es efqmte ac ton aaw 
nolttsenidmoo s at hotostseq ylisatt eqyt od? etdguods 
atos Wivarg doidw at ,moitos oivemgem iae givers To 
tuotue ef? .eonet oltemgem odt of aofgns tigtx te 
eesoto Sas divorto tabeod ef t to tueqg s amrot eredtserne 
dgsoidt yivess to aoitos odd yd Phwesto teteed edd 
tatoq eft wofed os avewoly odd aedw etostace etidgerg 
th ,taerise eset somo etowols eit medi .ydiwiderbmo to 
fisq obtengsm sodw ,be geitmtw edt dgwortt aeseeq 
Yinebbse et ewteurs aft ,ytiverg to soites ed? eboooxe 
1s to emgon Yd soitieeq femteen 2 at Sfed ins swarb 
Aitiiw gotdeinaiat’ yitast arce to qag ue 

eit Beweivet ylieiad give . 
edt to atmemele edt to mgteeS oct af tiaues eeustesk 
tied? to seasdq taatroqmi edit bentitwo o2la bas gual 
-tevosisiio eit to yoote otamiint siom s ,eustos tonsa 
. edt al betnssetq snemonmedq aniteoretat bas eofttat 


operation of the elements will be in order. 


In the Nernst glower one of the éiffi- 
cult problems emcountered is the production of a suitable 
electrode or terminsl, which fact will be appreciated when 
it is borne in mind thet the light giving portion of the 
glower operates at a temperature of approximately 2100 deg. 

The glower material is often supposed to 
be a solid electrolyte which is probably not true, since 
it doss not conduct like a true electrolyte; thet is, with 
a fixed decomposition et the electrode for each coulomb of 
electricity that flows. Neither does the elowr conduct 
like a metal because its specifie conductivity varies eas 
@ complex function of the tempereture. Somewhat of e com 
perison may he made with carbon, but even a great difference 
in the two is present in the conductivity of the cold glower 
and cold carbone 

Since electrolytic decomposition of a 
glower is comparatively slight, especially in the alternating 
current type, it is probable that terminel complications ere 
due to thermo-electric causes and also to a large extent in 
the chemical and physicel properties of the highly heated 
materials which form the terminals. 

The properties for consideration in this 
regard may be classed roughly as follows:- 

1. Electrolytic decomposition. 


etebto nit ed (ftw etmemefe edt to mottereqo 

-!tir5 aff to exe sewolg seme” edd al 
efdetive s te mettewsbexrqg edt at beretasoome emeldosq ¢iso 
so¢w betstoerqas of {fiw test doidw ,femiaset 10 ehoutoele 
eft to aotttoq grivig tigif oft tedt Soka at extod ai tt 
396 OOLS yLlotsutxorqags to eumereqnet « ta aetareqo tewols 

ot Sseoqque settbe ef iskhretam towels off 
sorte ,estd ton yldadow at doidw etygfiorteeie biioe « od 
Atiw at tad? getyfoutoete eset « oftf tombmoe tom eeob 3t 
to dmofseo dose 10t ehoxteete odd te mot ieoqmooed Sextt s 
sosoroo towofa ec? goob tedtiol .awoft ted? yiteirtecle 
28 eetusy etivitousmoo ofttesqa ett sasssed Latem s out 
-109 s to tedwemot .ermbereqmet eft to mottomvt gefquoo s 
sonerettié teetg @ deve tad ,sodaae diivy sham ed ysm moeiisq 
yowolg Boo edt to griviveuiece afd at teoeetq at ont edt at 
esodaeo foo 5x5 

s to motttaoqmoosh oktyloxtoete eomte 
setisevetie edt mi yiletooqgae yiigife ylevidversqmos ef tewols 
ots arottsetigquos [sataret tedt eldedoxq at tf ,eqgyt dnenawo 
ak tuetxse egisl @ of cala oma aeaveo otateote-ommesid oF ob 
botsed qldatd edt to aetdueqorg Seoteyiq Sas Laokmedo adt 
»eientaet ed mxct dotdw alsines sa 

atid ok gotterebilenes sot actixeqerg edt 
-:awoffot es ypliigvor beneslo od yam Sraeget 

etoitieoqmooes oltyfLorfveeli .f 


2. Chemical affinity of heated glower oxides 
and metal employed in the terminal. 
3. Impurities in glower material or metal. 
4. The physical properties of the oxides and 
terminal metal, such as 
(a) Mechanical strength. 
(b) Fusibility. 

(c) Conductivity for heat end 

(a) Difference in expansion. 

(e) Vapor pressure. 

(f) Adhesion 

(g) Cohesion 

(h) Porosity of Oxides 

(i) Gaseous Occlusion 

(j) Liberation or absorption of 
heat due to an apparent contact potential difference 
between the heated glower oxides and the metal of the 

Pure platinum has been found to be 
the only metal suited, and then only by special applica- 
tion, for terminal purposes. Platinum has for its chief 
impurity the metal Iridium. Since the alloys of iridium 
and platinum have higher melting points than pletinm 
alone, it would at first appear that such alloys would 
meke a good terminal, or that to use even iridium for a 
terminal would be an advantage. The difficulty with 
such alloys md iridium is that it has e very much higher 
vapor pressure than pure platinum and conseqwntly rapidly 

eshtxo tewofs betsed to ytiaitts fsofmedd .& 
eLlanisarret sdt at Beyotqme Istom Sas 
efatem xo {[gitustem tewols nt aettiuvqml .8 
Sas ee btxo edt to seltieqoiq [setegiq efT .d 
38 dose ,fstem L[sntorret 
-dtacette Laetnadoe’ (se) 
-@ifidiawa id) 
bus teed tot ytivitemsbrod (0) 

-sotansqzxe at eometettia (5) 
-omaeerg toqeY (a) 
moteeiba (tr) 

moteedod ig) 

aebix0 io Waoted (st) 
wolasloa0 asoeas® {f) 

to soltqroads to motiaredht ({) 
ee ERY 

od ot Savot weed aed amatialq orsed 
-solfiqgs Istocqe yd yimo sodt im ,botiwe Ietom yimo ont 
tetdo ati sot ead awmtvell saesoqusgq L[artaret tot .mold 
mstiiut to eyotis edt eomt®? .mmtGicl Istem edt ytiruqmt 
maid sig asit etakeq guitien taisti eved ayetieiq 5as 
SIsow eyoifis dowe tarlt teeqqs tertt ts Sivow tf ,emols 
8 tot mmibiaxt aeve eas of tatt w ,fanterret toog 3 ovem 
dtiw ytfvoltit5 eft  .egetrevis ms od bLsow Lantorres 

todatd dovma yrev s asd df tedt at mytbixt S08 eyolls doves 
ULlhtas: yiteaspeenoo fxs menttsiq emg redt eweeerq 1oqsv 

= ta 4 


vaporizes away. In the case of an alloy the iridium 
will vaporize out from the platinum end leave the letter 
very brittle, unless thetwo are in a molten state. It 
is, therefore, the best practice to use only pure 
platinum for 211 glower terminals. 


Some extremely interesting 
phenomena produced by the forces of adhesion, cohesion, | 
and surface tension exist at the temperature of molta@m 
glower material and molten platinum and when platinum 
and glower material are brought together in the electric | 
are, a bead of oxide forms and a small pellet of pletinum 
is sucked and embedded in the glower material; the | 
latter almost totally surrounding the platinum. In | 
cooling, the shrinkage of the platinum is slightly | 
greater thar thet of the glower oxides, as is evident frou 
the fact thet, & little depression is formed in the 
platinum at the end of the bead. The adhesion of the 
platinum for the glower meterial is sufficimt to give | 
@ good contact between the platinum end the oxides. thereal 

appears to be little or no chemical affinity of the ox- 

ides for the platinum under operating conditions in 4 
the alternating current glower. The temperature of the 

terminal when in service is near to the fusing point 

when the glower is in operation if tension be applied 
to the glower. Slight differences in the expansion and 

of platinum for a lead wire my be pulled out of e bead 
contraction of the two materials show no bad effects. | 


aythttt edt yofis xsto saeo edt nl .Yyews seatroqsv 
xoftteal eit eveel 5ns ammiteiq edt mort two ogtrogav [{[iw 
$I .etete setiom « at ors owtedt aseaclan ,eltitad prev 
ewq yimo eas ot eoltoaiq daod edt ,etotetedd tft 

«sient wre? towols [fs toi munitelg 

(T sgt) Lame: "22a 

gutvgexvetat yLometdze omoe 
emotsedoo ,motsedis to asouct ed? yd beombo tq smemomedq 
ro tlom to ewmtenequet edt to tatxe gotenes sostise bas 
myaitseiq medw ins aumbtal¢ metiom bas Letretan towolg 
otrtosle edt at tedtegot idguond sae Ic trotan tewolgs ins 
muctisiq to teLfeq [fem 2 6a8 eardl ebixo to ised 2 ,ot 
edt ;[ettetea sewolg oft at Sebdedue Sue bextowe sf 
al .mmuottelg oft geibavoume yYlietot tacmis vetisl 
Uisdgife at auatisic edt to egeinixia off ggmifooo 
mort taebtve at ec ~eebixo sowolg ort to tatt nedt t08etse1g 
edt of Bemxot et soteaenge’ sltdti s ytadt tost edt 
edt to motaedés ef? .bsed of f to fro ont te guettelq 
evis of twmiottise at Letretam 1ewfs od? 10t avaitelq 
ated! .eehtxo edt ne muntdala od? moowted Sostmoo boog 2 
-xo edt to ytiattte f[eotmedo on to ofttil od of exrs]qqs 
at amottibnoe griteveqo rebar munttelq odd tot aebt 
ott to exstereqmed off .towola taetxwo gritarretis edt 
tatog satevt oft o¢ t@aax ait eoltvres al aedy Lent wxet 
beed s to tuo SeLIsq od yan exhy beef s tot apmttsiq to 
betiqgs ed sotaset tf moitereqc aft et tewolg ext aoriw 
bag cotameqxe add ot aeonerettib tdgtic .sewols odd of 

.atoetts bed om wone alstretsm owt edt to sottsarinoo 


There is comparatively little trouble arising 

from loss through vaporization because the platinum 

is almost entirely enclosed, but in case vaporization 
should form a cavity in the bead, it would be serious 

and show in the form of excessive voltage rise which would, 
no doubt, be erroneously @ascribed to the properties of 
the oxides. 

The conductivity of the glower meter- 
ial in the terminal bead varies widely on account of the 
different temperetures of various portions of the bead. 
The greater part of the current appears to pass to the 
glower string from the nearest portions of the embedded 
platinum, while the glower material surrounding the sides 
of the bead seems to act merely as a protection to the plat- 
inum. In view of this action, further protection of the 
terminal by the application of paste is unnecessary. 

The Hanks terminal is om of the best 
terminels ever produced for elterneting current service, 
but, by reason of its limitation to string of the rod form 
end low current capacities, and also the appearance of 
glowers in tube form, employed in lamps of improved 
mechanical design, this terminal is now obsolete. 


The "Nernst" terminal consists of a 
bundle or cable of fine pletinum wires wound around the 
glower, the ends of the cable being twisted firmly together. 


atisiue s{dvert oftiitl yfev itsisqmoo af sredT 
ascttsfq odt saysosd goltsaiirogsv davordt geol mort 
cxofttsaiiecgsvy eago ai dud ,Bbevofome yLeorlttxs teom{s at 
evotres ed bf{uow ti ghaod ont at yYlivso 3 mrot bIyode 
~civow dot dw ealr egsiiovy evieaseoxe to wrot edt at wode ina 
to gettuweqotq of of Sed inoacp gfavosmorie od ,tdrob on 
eeobixo ot 

-totaa tewols oft to ytiviveubro off 
eit to tnxvosos so YLebiw eoltsv Saed Isatwret oft at Lat 
-Bsef ent to amoitwoq evotrevy to asumtexegmetd ¢menett ts 
eds ot aaaq @& assoqcs torerims et to Prag tedserg odt 
bebbedmm off to anotttoq teenser ort aoxt gaiate sewols 
sebta eft gatinworrse I[stveten tewofg edd eLidw ,aeattsiq 
_tsiq edt of motteetorg » a8 yloran tos of ameee besd edt to 
eit to sotteetorq teddast ,wetfes at # to wetv al smuat 
eYrsaseoomns at etear to moftieeliqrs oft yd Lentaniet 

taed edt to ero ef featuret winch off 
,ooltvies tmetxsz cnitenretrs rot jeowbowg 1tove efemt met 
mrot Bor odd to arixte ot gobtetiot£ ett to moasor ge .tud 
to eonsiseq@ odt oafs tas ,gettiosgss tmetwo wl om 
hevorgmt to aqmef at beyotqme yrret odut at atewols 
estefoadc wox ei Iamitervet atdt ,mgtaeh [eotnadoom 
(s ott) «=a 

8 to atetenos famtmared “terre!” eT 
edt bavors Sasow sottw mumttsiq antt to e{dae 1o eLbasd 
erettegot ylairti Sotetwt anted efdse edd to ehae edt ,tewols 

al Ad 

( 20) 

The entire connection is then pasted with a cement of finely 
powdered glower string, which prolonmgsthe life of the 
terminal by preventing the air from coming in contact with 
the highly heated platinum end elso aids in holding e firm 
contact between the cable of small wires and the glower 
strings When the wires are exposed to the air, a volatil- 
ization of the platinum hearest the heated portion of the 
glower string, gradually goes on and results in an increased 
length of the glower between the terminals with a correspond- 
ing voltage rise. The terminal, no dowbt, runs at e higher 
temperature since the strands of wire in contsct with the 
glower material have only line contact with adjoining wires. 

The Nernst terminsl is applicable 
for direct current glowers and it is here that electriysis, 
if present, shows in electrode effects, being chiefly at the 
negative terminel. A blackening occurs in the glower string 
which starts at the negative terminal and increases in dis. 
tance end magnitude with service. The cause of this phenon- 
enon may be ascribed to an electrical progection of part- 
icles of pletinum from the negative electrode into the glower, 
amd is the esse of a shorter life for direct current glowers. 

This effect produces a weakness at two 
places; the one being very close to the junction of the 
darkened glower with the metal terminal while the other is 
at the limitation of the darkened portion of the glower 
string. The weakness is probably due, either to vaporiza- 
tion of platinum from the glower, leaving the string ina 

(Og ) 

yflertt to ¢nemepo 3 dtitw Botesq medd at softtoennoo exiine ed? 
eft to etif ondtegmoford dofdw ,antite towels Serebwod 
itiw tostmoo ak grtaoo mort tis ed’ gxttmevetq yd Lantarrot 
avit 2 getbford mt site oefs bas mumttalq botsed yYitatd edt 
sewola oft 5:3 getiw I[faue to efdse odt meewied tostmoo 
-fitafov s ,tts sd of Bewoqxe oxe sentw odd moi’ -gainte 
eit to gottiwq betsed eft teetsest auctialq odd to aoftsst 
‘sasetont as at atisveet ins @o geen ylisvbats ,geiete stewols 
-broqgertoo s dtiw eLamtamet odt soowted towels off to diamol 
sedgtd s ts axut ,Odvob om ,fantaret sd? .eatt oxatiov ant 
oft dtiw toctroo at extw to abinette eff eomte otsteteqaet 
~sorlw anintoths m@iw tostmoo emiL gino eval Ieitetom tewolys 

efdeotfaqa sf Ionltonet Parte” edT 
ataubatoote tact ered at ti Bes atewels tmretus)s foetth tot 
eit ta Yftetds anted ,etosetts siorfoetes ai ewode ,troseag If 
anixte tewofs eft at ansooo axtrofoetd 1 .fantoret evitaygen 
~2i5 at geapetort Bae fantuvet ev teger off ts aduste dot tw 
-aonedq eifft to easso of? ,ootvroa dtiw efstingem irs sonst 
-trseq to mottoego1q Ieotttoote as of bediroms od yr more 
etowols oft ott ebortoefe evitegen edd mort apmttiaiq to sefot 
-axvevolfa tzeruro toett5 rot ett tedronfe s to sesso odt af inxs 

owt ts esentsew s eoouborg fostte std? 
eit to moftonmt ect of seefo qrev acted emo oft gacostq 
at redte edt efidw Lanimset [atom oft ctiv tewolg bemex:sb 
tewols edt to moltxoq bemevtxss od to motistiak£ edt ts 
-sstrogsv o¢ tadtie enh ydsderg et asemisew edT -gaiita 
e xk gaicte edt grivasel ,tewols oft mort mumttefq to mott 



more or less disintegrated form, or to a reduction of 
strong glower oxides to weaker sub-oxides. The diffusion 
of platinum occurs more rapidly when ea glower is operated 
below its normel temperature. 

There is furthe more an apparent 

contact potential difference between the platinum and 
the glower oxides, such that the current in passing from 
the platinum to the glower liberates heat and in passing 
from the glower to the platinum absorbs heat. It is 
because of this heat liberation end absorption that the 
positive and negative teminals operate at widely differ- 
ent temperatues; the latter operating at approximtely 
1100 deg. Ce, whilé the former operates at approximately 
2100 deg. C. When this terminel is used on alternating 
current glowers, the rapid reversals of current tend to 
equalize the heating effects and the total thermal effect 
is such as to keep the terminal cool. 

The band terminal employs a stirrup 


of platinum which fits over the glower string so that it can 
be fused down into « solid bend. There is no tendency for | 
this band to slip off from the glower, as the adhesion of 
this fused pletinum to the glower string is very great. | 
This type of terminal has all the characteristics of the 
Nernst teminal in improved form and has many superior 
points over the other types from the manufacturing view- 


to moitesber g ot to ,mmot Betvsrsetnialb aesef to eto 
motestiis ed? .eebixo-dsa tevsew of aeiixo tewols gmo1te 
ostsxeqo ak sewole 8 nedw Ylbiqst srom awmooo munitelig to 
serstereqmet L[arron att woled 

trexnsqars ns exvomoditust ef otedT 
bes mraitala odt meewled eoewtits felimetoq tost noe 
mort geteesq at imeruve odd dent dowe »gehtxo towols ot 
gcicsesy mt fas teed eetaveditf£ sow lg edt oF muattsiq ond? 
at tl steed efvonds mimitse£¢ of? of tewole odd mort 
edt tadt mettqrosds ios gottaredtf teal etdt to eamood 
-rettis ylebiw ts etsteqo elenimret etitegor tas evi diaog 
yfetamtxoagrs ts gritetode tettel edt yeentateqnet Ire 
vletamtzxorags te getetweqo temrot eft aitdw .20 »sgeb COIL 
gritsnvet{s ac bom ef [entavet attt mof”! 09 «905 coors 
ot beet tmerzss0o to aleerevet biqsr oct ,atewols tnetrvo 
soette Lamrert [etot edt Sas atoette aniteel oft extissne 
eioco fantaret eff qoow ot es dove af 
(.8 .9tt) aM ugD sas 

quixtte s eyotqae Lemkmwed Baed of? 
aco tit tedt og gaetute xtowolg off revo adit dotdw apntietq to 
rot yoneboaet om st ored? .biacd bifoe « otmt mwoh beast ed 
to molaefiibs edd as geewols oft mort Tho qife of basd aint 
-teots ywov at gainte tools ont of aumttela beast at it 
ait lo goltelwtosiedo ot [fe ead Lantaret to eqyt atdT 
soiieque yoam asd bre arsot fev oxget at fentore? ¢ artel! 
-woly gnixitostunsa eds mort esecys tedto eid revo etaiog 



Although several hundred forms of 
terminal have been developed, only the last two men- 
tioned are employed in the manufacture of glowers at 

the present time. 


A close study of the heat conditions 
which are present in the glower terminals will no doubt 
be of interest, and it is certainly evident to an 
observer that thermo-electric principles apply to the 
phenomena taking place in the glower. The ordinary 
equation for thermo-electro motive force is: 

B= sa t+ +2 
Which gives upon differentiation 


Q is taken as the rate of rise or the 
ratio of increase in E.M.F. to increase in temperature, 

a at #bt at 
and thusQ = ~~ ye + #&3= a + bt. 

Associated with thermo-electric 
principles is the so-called "Peltier Effect", which is 
simply the inverse of the formr. Thus if a current 
flow from copper to platinum, "there will be libereted 
at the junction of the two metals, 9 x 107* calories 
per coulomb. 

If Py is equal to the heat liberated 
at the cold junction, and Ty is equal to the temperature 

of the cold juntion, ana PB equals the heat absorbed at 

to amrot Serboid ([<teves dasodt iA 
-sem owt tasf eft yfmo ,Seqolevet need eved Isntarret 
ts axrewols to etutostuasm edt at beyolqs exe bemoltt 
e@ritt txoagetq oft 

Bae tsi aoe tact odt to yinde esofo A 
tdyoh om {'iw elaentared roewols sit af tmeneng ox s dolfdty 
me ot tuehtve yinisttes ei ti bas ,teonatal to ed 
edt of yleaes aolqtomtug oieteefLo-omredtt tatt tevrsede 
yertbie efT .tewols adv af eosfq aninet smemonedg¢ 
sai eorck evitoaw ortesfe-omredd rot sottanpe 

Sy er s = @ 
moitskinexettift moqy sevig dofdy 
tbd+tbheshb . 

oft to eaix to stat offf as mewdat ai 2 
emwitsisqmet mi egsetomt of .%.4%.0 af easeront to oftst 

ointoole-ouarredt dtiw Setabooges 
ef dotcdw ,"tost®h «ettlei" helisaeos oft et gelaqlontag 
tmstmws 3 tt amil «tarot edt to saxevat eft yiqnta 
be®siediti od Litv oxsed? ,.mpatisiq of 1sqgoo mort wolt 
getaofes "or x @ ,alatem ow ont to moitonst att te 
edmofs0o t98g 

beoterodil tsed esd of Iswhbe ef gf IL 
siiisreqmec. oft of Isups al a fas ,foktony{, Bloo aft ts 
ta bedtoads tsed eft alsaspe fe bas ,gmottnnst Bloo eit to 


the hot junction and Tp equals the temperature at the 
hot junction, then, if W equals the work done per unit 
flow of current 
v” 1. = eS CUD 

but, since work is equal to EC and C is “a W, 
therefors, is equivalent to E and E equals ( 1 =) "7. 
An inspection of these equations will show that they 
are similar to those deduced for the work done during 6 
reversible hest process involving adiabatic and isother- 
mal expansi one 

It will be noted in the equation for 
E thet while E must equal Zero when Tp =Ty; it does 
not follow that P; and Pp, must equal Zero for Pj and 
Po must equal the Zero for Py and Pp vary with the 
current. When current flows through the junctions end 
Tt and Tp have an eppreciable differenve between then, 
EB becomes real and effects a subtration of heat at the 
negative and sn addition of heat at the positive, be- 
cause the E.M.F. must result from the absorption and 
liberation of heat at the terminals. 

When the negative electron theory 
is considered, some interesting results can be deduced. 
According to the electron theory, electricity through- 

out the circuit is conducted by means of smell negative 
electrons which are projeeted through the materials 


edt ts exutsiteqaet oct efavpe gf base moitonnt tod ont 
¢inu isq emob trow edt afsaspe W it qmedt ,mottonst tod 
taetmo to wolt 

8 .Udias 2f 9 bag OE oF Lampe ef Miow sonia ,tud 
te) afisype © bas & of dmelevisps ei ,étoteted} 
yeodst tadt wore {fiw emoltemps ssedt to mottoeqant mA 
s gxiuvb exoS drow ect 20t Beombeb oeodt of ueltata exs 
-teivoel base ottsdekis geiviovat eaesoir ised eldtetever 
effoltaxeqxe Lam 

Tot noftasce oft at bestom od [fiw ti 
8906 tt tpt = gf sedw oxveS Lavpe team F oft dy tant a 
Sas pi tot oreS Isupe tem gf fee -f todd wolfLot ton 
odd ddiv crsv of fas pi 16% oek oft Leupe 3 eum gt 
boas amoitons, eit dgcordt ewolt tnerrso med .tmerisso 
<cedt meewled egnereltih efdsloerays ms ovad 3? ins r 
eds ¢s deed to moiiantdsa s atestie bas Igot aemooed J 
-ed ,ovitiaog odt te teed to meitibhe az Sap evitagen 
sas aoftqgioads aft mort tiveet teym .1.M.Z oft egnso 
eaianimzet oft tg deed to mo ttsredil 

vroedt sortosle evttegen ent ment’ 
-5990595 ed sso ativeet gaxitteeredat atoe ,betebtaros at 
-iysords ystotutosls ,yroedt mosrteefe edd of antbroooa 

evitsgem [fseme io exsen yd betoubcoo at tiwrto ont tuo 
afatretem edt dassordt betesjorq ots dottw enortoste 


a_i |) ie 


of the circuit. Where the platinum joins the glower 
material, the platinum electrons will tend to go into 
the glower and travel far enough to meet a glower 
electron and repel the latter on its way, tle energy 
of the former being given upe At the positive end, 

it would seem that glower electrons would attempt to 

enter the platinum of the terminal, but since pletinum 
is much more dense than glower material, electrons would 
not have to trav6l very far before they would mest a 
platinum electron and send it on the wey. 

Physically, we have direct evidence 
that platinum enters the glower at the negative termin- | 
el, but it is not known if glower materiel enters the 
platinum at the positive. It is thus reasonable to 
conelude that glower materiel is electrically permeable, 
while platinum is quite dense. It may also be thought 
that platinum is very rigid and when the glower 
electrons strike it, the tendency is to volatilize 
portions of platinum lying to the side of the point of 
contact of the electron. 

If blackening is a feature of the | 
Peltier effect, then, since P, end Pp vary as the 
current flowing and the heat varies as the watts ex- 
pended in the glower, then es watts equal EC and E 
diminishes when C decreases, the ratio tz 4 Pe 

Wette Watts 
is greater and more blackening can occur. 

tawels edt arfoj munttalg edt ox aril! eSigoxrto sat to 
oft og ot Boot [iItw anovtoeles munitafq of .I[siretan 
sewots s tvosom of dguone tet [ovatd ios tewoig ont 
waienro alt .yw atl mo settal oft Leqer bas morteefe 
.5m9 evitiaog oft tA equ sovtg anxted temrot odt to 
ot dqastts bluew emortoofe tewols tat meee Sluow tt 
usnttelq eoxte tud ,fectervet oft to amnttela edt rote 
.tsow axotteslIe ,fetyeten r)swols aed? earmel etom dose ot 
8 teem Sfs0w yoadt erected t2% yrev févexd of evad tom 
eysw ett so tf Snes See goxtocle menktal, 

sorebive foerth eved ow ,glisotagdt 
| -tiored evitsgen edt ts tewols sit ar6etne muaitelq tact 
| ost exedne Igivedsm towels If mwoax tom at 3 dud ,fe 
ot sfdsrcagex att ot #1 8 .evtttaog odt te auntialg 
-cidssureq Ylisoixtosfe af [sivetsm rowolfs tsi efbstfonoo 
tigueit ed oafs yam tI »eamebh odiup af amaitalq ef fw 
tewols odd core fas Bigit crov at mymitalg tert 
esifibtsfov of af youshoet off ,t2 oftrse amortbele 
to ¢atog odd to ebta edt ot sriyl auritelfg to emotts0q 
etortosle ect to tostmoo 

edt to ewitset 2 et aetaexosid tI 
eit as yrsv gi bas pf eorta molt .footte solifet 
-xe attew et es aettev deol odd Suns gotwolft tcetrs0 
= Sra 9 &@ Iespo attaw ea sed? ,r6ewols oft aft bebmog 
a nee an ett ,aeasetoes 9 nodw eedatnimts 

atisW 8 

etso900 sso gainexosfd exom ins tretsexa st 

“ (25) 

There may also be a curve of glower 

permeability to negative electrons, which gives the 

permeability for any temperature et which the glower 

may operate. 

The foregoing principlesmay be 
epplied to explain some of the peculiar actions 
which occur in the use of the glower. 

When the glower is operated on 
a circuit of twenty-five cycles, the life of the 

glower is somewhat shorter than on greater frequencies 

end the failure of the glower alvays occurs et the 
junction of the terminal and glowere The cause 
of this can possibly be assigned to the blackening 
and the subsequent reversal does not completely 
Change the glower terminal back to the original 
comition, so that strains sre introduced and fail- 
ure results. It is not difficult to imagine that 
such a terminal could consist of an amalgamation 
of glower and platinum electrons, the platinum 
becoming more in evidence the farther one gets 
toward the platinum lead. 

In contrast to the above, it has 

been found that the Slower fails at a point just out- 

side the platinum terminal on high frequency. This 
mey be ea partial result from high temperature but 

the junction effect scems more probable, in view of 

the absence of the effect under some conditions when 

the terminal is equally hot. It car be assumed 

(a3 ) 

cowola to evaso 3s ad oafs Ya et on? 
oft egevig dotdw ,amortoels evitazen ot ytritdseme, 
<awefa ost dotdw ts ewtereqmet yas sot ytilidsemreq 
-otsteyo yer 

ed ymeelgtontag gniogerot edt 
anottes tatisesq edt to emtoe atafrxs ot betiqgs 
etewols oft to eae oft af 500 fof tw 

no botarero at tewofs edt mec” 
ext to eth edt ,aeloys evit-yoewt to tiwertoe s 
sotomeupett retge1xg ao ast settode tatwemoa af rewolg 
att tz eysooo ayexts rewolg ent to suefist edt bm 
e2ns0 oHT etowoto tre Lactavet fd to ro td ones & 
actnevtosld edt of bemataes of YLdizeaoq se9 ata to 
yletefqmoo tom aeob Isevcever tmospeedse oft Se 
Lertgtto eft of toad Lsatmzet tewols odd ogtrado 
_[teat oere heosbovtar ore ettierte dedd oF gtott fr00 
tect extgaut of tfuoittks som at $2 sativeot ous 
notisusslems ms to getanoce Stoo Lemtaxet 8s dove 
mattefq oft  emortoole mrcttefa See tewols to 
ates sto tediirst sd eonebtve ai srom artmooed 
eheol aunttelq ed? bxswot 

get tt ,ovods edt of tasztro0o ot 
_tso teut tatoq s te alist tewolg edt tett Sect coed 
ata? .yorespett daftd mo Lentovet munitelq oid obra 
tud exstetoqmed dati mott tivect Istiteq 3 od Wr 
to wetv at ,eldsdotg oro 1 aires > tostte mottomt ot 
nedw esottibmce emoe tehav toetts oft to eomeads odd 

bemsaas ed reo Jl tod yifsspe at Lantarret oft 


that when first the glower electrons encounter 

platinum electrons, the latter are ina zone of heat 

and will be more or less movable am respond by 

changing their position sideways, but at other places 
the temperature of the platinum may be such thet the 
metal is rigid and the impact will find no elasticity, 
so that the platinum will be exuded from the surface 

in the form of a mass of fine particles of ea spongy tex- 

On direct current the positive 
terminal gradually accumulates this spongy mass and 
according to this theory, it is done in the following 
me mers~ 

At the negative terminal the platin- 
um electrons flow into the glower proper, absorbing 

heat nd liberating electricity. At the positive 

end the glower electrons attempt to enter the platinum, 

but at that point upon the platinum terminal where the 
heat is sufficiently small for the platinum to be 
comparatively rigid, a platinum sponge will be forced 


When é€ direct durrent glower begins 
to take current, a sharp division line between a bright 
er and a darker portion of the glower moves from the 
negative terminal towards the positive. Ata position 

ebout midway between terminals it disappears, being 


totavoone exortoole rewols oft taxtt sedw tadt 
sed to emos s ai ets rottsl edt ,amoxrtools mattaldq 
Ww Snoqaéx is eldevom ssel to exrom od [ftw Snes 
gsosiq tedto ts tud ,syswebie motitaoq yiedt qwignato 
aft tsit deve ed yom mumiveiqg odt to emtareqmet edt 
.¥foitasle ox fAmtil [fiw tvosqmat odd bas Bhatt at [ctom 
sostive odd mort bobyxe od [Liw auntielq od? toadt oe 
-xev ygnoqge sto eelottisg entt to eaan 2 to mxot ont at 

evittsoqg sit treriso toexks 0 
Exe eeam Ygnoge elit gevelumoos YU Isuhety [salonet 
gaiwolfot edt mi omob af ti ,gxoedt ald? o¢ an thxooos 
$6 I OST! BM 

aca ot lantaves evitegen ont te 
geidioads ,asqorr towofa edt otnt wolt anorteels am 
evitieoy eff tA .gttotuto: fe giteredt{£ be taed 
euvaitelq oft retme of Squetie anouvoele tewolg adt Se 
edt ousdw fanimtet wuatislq edd moqn tmitog stadt te tud 
ed of aumitealq odd sot [fauna ylimetofiiwe ai taecd 
Heorot ed [fiw eggoqs auatisiq 3s ,btakt yflevitataquos 
| at 0 

anized tewolg ¢meniu5 soeris 3 aed” 
-idgixd s meewied eail moteivih queda a gtaewmso glat of 
ant mort gevom tewols sft to molixveg talus) s bas ve 
nottitacg eg tA ,evitisod odd ebiswot Lantarret evitegen 
acted ,erseqgseih tif afsainret seowled yswbim isods 


lost in the flood of light emitted by the rapidly 
lighting glower. By operating the glower at a much 
lower temperature than normal, the dividing line moves 
more slowly and for a greater distance. 

The highly heated air in the ime diate 

neighborhood of e glower when in operation is conducting 
in e peculier mmner and is properly classed as a "Neg- 
ative electrode phenomena". At the anode there is a 
libera*ion of heat and at the cathode there is an absorp- 
tion of heat, md so great are these thermal effects 
thet an anode of pletinum which melts at 1760 deg. C. 

mey be melted while a cathode of silver, which melts eat 
960 deg. Ce will remain solid. 

The metal of the cathode is absorbed 
by, or possibly projected into the glower toward the 
annode, for the presence of silver, platinum and other 
metals has been detected by chemical analysis of mter- | 
ial taken from e point at considerable distances from 
cathodes consisting of those metals. 

This peculiar effect may best be 
illustrated by the simple experiment of exploring the 
air with an electrostatic voltmeter, and by this me thod, 
&@ distribution of conductivity approximating that shom 
in Plate #2, Fig. 4, in which the shaded lines perpendic- 
ular to the axis of the glower represent the magnitude. 
With @ 200 volt glower in operation and 2 voltmeter 

ylblqsx odd yd betdioe tdgtf to boot eft wi taol 
foum s ts tewols ont garitstreqo yi etowola anttdsti 
gevom emif gerthivib edd ,fsmron nmsct sistereqnet rewol 
eoonsteih tetseta s tot Sms yYfwoles eros 
- \ oa 

sisitbemi ed? af tta@ betsed yldstd edt 
anttouiaoo af moitareqo ai medw towols 2 to bocdroddgton 
-3e%" s as becaslo ylreqowmr sf bos tenmm retiveeg < at 
83 2c exvedt ohome oft TA 8 «"amemonediq ebottoefe evita 
-rroads ts et eredt eforteo od? te ins teed to molt grodil 
atoette L[sarrei? evetd e:@ SseTg of Se .teon to mott 
2D .206 OSNE ta atfiom dotdw mpattef¢ to efons me tadt 
: etfem dotdw ,xeviie to sbodtse es elidw Bbetfem sd ym 
ebtfoc miswar ftw oD .geb 02e 

Sedroads at ebortse edt to [stom od? 
¢ + Baawot tewolfn edt otmt betostorg yfdteaor 10 ,yd 
gedto 5x3 suntiaiaq ,tevife to eomezotq of rot ,9 bonnes 
-rstan to ateyfams [sotmerlo yd botoeteb mood asd elaiom 
mort a@eonstets efdevebtanos te treteoq s mott melet Ist 
eaistom saott to anttatantoo eebottso 

ed tesd yan tostte rsifweeq eis? . 

edt gntrolqxe to taemtreqxs ofqmie oft yd Setertan(lt 
sodtom etdt yd bus ,wetemdlov oftetaortesfe ae Atiw tts 
nmode: Stadt gattemtxowgs yviviteshbros to moftudiaterh 3 
-olbneqreq aentl bebate edt dotiw at ,h sgki ,S% etsiT at 
-shutingsm eft taeeerqex towels oft to eixs oft ot usin 

setemfov s Sms motd:1eqo mi sewolg tfov 008 s mit 

=e er TV . . - 
een ail (ze) 

rigidily connected at the positive end end a freely 
moving "exploring wire" at the negative, a deflection of 
50 volts is easily obtained et e distance of 3/32" from 
the negative electrode. The effect is more pronounced 
as the temperature is increased. If the voltmeter wires 
are inverted, that is, with the positive wire free to 
explore, no deflection is observable, notwithstanding 
the fact that the terminal temperature is greater in thé 
combination, and hence, it is apparent that it is not 
beceuse of high temperatures that the air is conducting. 
Alternating current shows the 
effect in a more forceful way than the case previously 
reviewed. Electrostatic instruments show leakage from 
both terminals, but thet from the negative is always 
the greater in magnitude. It is possible to sedéure 
indicated deflections higher in value then the effective 
voltage as, for example, from s 200 volt glower it is 
possible to -et a value up to 250 volts through the 
surrounding air. This is no doubt due to a unidirection- 
al charge, for the static charge is received during the 
helf-cycle when the exploring wire is near the momentary 
negative electrode of the glower, and a charge received 
from the "peak" of an alternating wave cannot leak off 
rapidly. These particular conditions for high deflec- 

tions are similar to those present in unsymmetrical alun- 
inum electrolytic condensers. 

yloort s Sas boo evittaog oft ta botoomnco yfrbiets 
to mofsoofteh s ,evitsyer oct te "etkr gatrolqree" arivom 
wort "S8\6 to eorstats s ts bextatdo y[tasse eat atLew 02 
Ssorgyomorg etom af tostts edT .ehortoesle evitader oft 
astiw totemdiov oft tl .beaseront af erutatequet eft as 
ot eoxt erty evitieeq ont dtiv ,at tett ,betievat oxs 
aclinstedtiwton ,efdavireade af sottoefteh on ,etolqxs 
idt «cf tetsera of ertarequed L[antomet eft tats sost edt 
yon af tf tedt teeiagss af tk ,oomed bas ,sotsantdauoo 
exaitousbroo ef tia oft tadt eewtereqmet daid to sensoed 
eft awodts tnetivo antventedf{A 
ylavofverq saso acdt asdt ysw Lwteorot srom 2a at toetio 
mort egoisef wocs etoacmauteant ottatecitosfl .hewel ver 
aysvis ak evitosen edd moxt tad trd geksmtarret stod 
ewso2 ot sidtaseqg at tt .ebstirasm af acteerg edt © 
en oette odd xedt estsv at wedatd anoftosfteb fisteotiat 
ai ti rswofm dfov 6038 ¢ mov? ,elqmexe 16k ,a9 egedfov 
edt davotdd etfow O88 ot au essay cs tex ot efdi aaog 
-ncttoertitas e@ ot sit tdvoS om at ath? sats on Phavorises 
ood anivu6 bevreosy af egrsto oftata eft sel ,eyratio Is 
yisinomom oid geen ak eziw gaivolqze oct redw efoyo-tied 
bovisse: egtato = bas ,sewoly off to efortoofe evitsszen 
Yio Asef tonnso svaw qritarretf£s as te "Ageq" edd mort 
-ositeb gdaid tot amottisxoe rsfvottueq esedT »Gidiast 
-mis [seixtemmyanu ct tmowouy ogolt of tafimie ere amolt 
estcamobxroo oftyfortoele aunt 

: , ae 
i = , (29) 


Glowers, in the solid or rod 
form, sre limited to use for comparatively smell 
currents, due to the fact that the center of the 
string is operated at such @ high temperature as to 
melt the material. For higher currents, therefore, 
other forms, such as tubesy are used in order to 
secure » thin wall of material which has a nearly 
uniform temperature. Special forms which may be 
compact and yet do not have all the material in active 
contact, may also be operated on high current. 

In the latter form, it will be 
noted (Plate 2 ~ Fig. 5) that the path for current 
through the central portions of the glower (A) is 
much longer then the path (B) along the surface. 

These conditions of current distribution are self. 
compensating, for, while the path at B is short, the 
resistance of the glower material is higher because of 
the cool surface. Since the glower materials are 
subject to appreciable chenge after a definite temper- 
ature is reached, it is desirable to operate the 
Slowers as close to the limit between temperature and 
vaporization &S possible. Otherwise, the hottest 
part of the glower would be just below thet limit ena 
the relatively cooler portions must, therefore, be 

operating at a temperature which igs below maximum 
available efficienoy. 

Gor tc brIoe oft mi .arewold 
{Lome yLevitsteqmos rot say of botimkl ere  arrot 
odt to setmeo edt tet tost edt ot evb ,atnerrso 
of ac ets sxeqmed deft 8 dove te hetsteqo at gairte 
,2t0tetedd ,atmetuio vedgii 10f 8 .«L[aeisvetsm edt tf om 
ot teft0e sf boas ors yaedst es toma ,amirot redto 
yiusex 8 asd dofdw Iefretsm to ffaw mtdt s emooe 
ed yeu doidw amtot [etosq2  .enutsreqmet mrotins 
eviteos at [stretam edd {fs eved tom ob tey ns Posgqno0o 
strotive Said ao betaereqo ed cals yam ,tostx0o 

ed [ftw tt gapsot rettsf oft al 
trevrwme tot disq oft tadd (@ sgtl - & eteLf) betom 
at (A) tewofs edt to amoitaog f[sitseo odd dguoudt 
-oostise odt emofs (@) dtsq odt asdt tegmof doom © 
-tfse ot2 gottudtateth trerwo to emotstinoo eaed? 
eit ,troda at & te dteqg odd ofidw .tot ,gattsanequos 
%) eavsoed todsid et {etrotan tewol3 edd to eonstaiaet 
ers alstretesm tewols eft sort? .eastive Loco edt 
-reqmet etinties e rotte egnsdo efdstosxgqs of toebdse 
eit etsteqo of efdextaed af it ,fedesex af exsds 
brs surtsveqwet seewted thatf edt of eaclo as. atoewols 
teettond odt ,eatwredsO .eldiagog as moftesgiiogsy 
ine timt( tedt woled tau, od blyow sewolg edt to txsq 
ed ,eroteteds .saum anotixog sefooo yLevitafer ott 
mumixest woLed at doidw ewterequet s ts gaitssege 
ewrotottts efdafisvs 

a Se ee . 
aoa | (30) 

Effect of Glower Length and 

The active length of glowr string 
has @ very marked effect on efficiency of short glowers 
and but little effect on long glowers as shown by the 
curves on Plete #3. To illustrate, the normal lencth 
of a 100 Volt glower is 1.0 om., so that a little 
varia ition would be a high percentage of total length 
end hence affect efficiency. The normal length of 
the 220 Volt type glower is 2.4 em., which is the 
standard length of string for die tests, for- as will 
be noted on the curves, at these lengths, efficiency is 
affected comparatively little. 

In the operation of selection of dies 
referred to in the review of the manufacturing process, 
a set of curves is obtained as show by Plate #4 with 
glowers whose length is 2.4 cm. The die to be selec- 
ted, for instance, for squirting a stock lot of .5 ampe 
flowers, whose initial efficiency is to be 1.5 watts 
per Mean horizontal candle power (of the bere glower;) 
would be Die #82, since on the meterisis used, no 
die gives the exact figure desired and the one selected 
is the nearest approach on the increasing side. In 
the curves shown, it is evident thst Die #83 is worn, 

for the efficiency of string made through it is not in 

| i 

bas dtgmel sowelS ‘o tostti 
YoroeLofitsy co to tomeld 

lel eel Prt Olle Olle OCD 

arixte revwofa to Astanef evites odT 
arewol[s trode to yorstoltte mo tostte Bolt -m yrev 8 aad 
eit yd ~wode as axewols gaof mo toette sfttil tad bra 
iteacef Larron ott ,otertasflt oT .8% otefI mo aeviso 
eftiifl a tadt oa ,.etto O.F af rewofs tfo¥ OOF s to 
dtarel Ietot to egetncorsq datd s ef Bivow mot# stisv 
Sc dtamef Ianten ofl eyoretottte toctte esred bas 
odt at dotdw ,.e© 5.8 et rewefs ocyt sfo¥ OSS oft 
{ftw as -vot ,ateet efB tot antxte to dtanel Ste imetea 
at youetottte ,adtanel eaedt ¢s ,aevayo eit mo Seton od 
soLisil yfevitereqmoo botoetts 

asisb to moitecfes to mottsreqo ext al 
~2sso0%g griustostsmen oft to wetvet oft at ot Bexre tot 
dittw Dk etefI yw mrode as bertetdo ef aevivo To tea s 
-sofes eck of eff oT emo 2.3 af dtarel oaotw erevoltg 
-qus @. to tol Yoota s gerifrtupe sot ,eotstant rot ,bet 
attsw 3.5 ed ot at wretottte Ieftint eso Ww ,etowols 
(growols ersd edt to) tewoq efbrso Eetrosttod meet 168g 
on ,5eus efsitedan edt mo somte 488% ef@ od bLuow 
betosfeea ero oct bas bertaeh exuealt togme oft eovitgs of b 
ol eebks antasetonk edt so dosorgys tasreem edt af 
swrow af 86% eit tent daohtwe ef Ji ,mwoles aeviws ols 

mk tom at ti dquordt sham aniata to yorotoeltto edt sot 


ratio with increased diameter. 

For a given current density in the 
glower, there is a definite relation existing between 
tempe rature and in turn a definite relation to effic- 
iency and intrinsic brilliancy (that is, Candle power 
per unit surface.) as will be noted by analysis of 
Plate #5. In general, it will be noted that as tempera- 
ture increases by a rise in current density, the brill- 
iancy and effic iency,et a point where the current approach- 

es normal operating value, increase ad a rapid rate. 


The generals hepe of the glower 
characteristic changes with the proportion of oxides 
employed in its composition, so that the various combin- 
ations of glower mix will reach the crest of the 
characteristic at various efficiencies. ‘Such relations 
will be apperent by a glance at Plate #6, where propor- 
tions of 19, 11, 9, and 4 of Z oxide are combined with one 
of Y. The predominant features are strikingly shown and 
the curves indicate that for commercial starting time and 
efficiency, it is desirable to use a ratio of somewheres 
near 9 to 1, and it will also be noted that the glower 
made from such e mix has electrics] stability since the 
crest of the curve is approached gradually «md no marked 
chenge occurs immediately thereafter. Points of equal 

efficiency are indicated by the small circle on each 

etotonst®S heasetonr dAtiw oftaer 

eft af yttenss trexrrse xnevig s t0¥ 
nteewied gniitatxe moitcfer etinttseS 3 at eredt .gowols 
~-oitts ot moftsler eviniteb s atst rt Eas owtereqmet 
sewog ofbasd ,at tatt) yomsklfiad otantttnt Sas yomet 
to atayfsens yd Setom ed [ftw as (.eostiwe tiny req 
-ateqiet as tsa? betor od Efiw st Isiomeg ml 8% etali 
-ffind edt ,Ysteneh snontso af oeiy 3 yd seasetont ext 
-‘oso%qqs Inerxw9 edd oiecdwtateq s ts,yoretoitie bas youst 
-otax Srqst a ts ezgeront ,owlev gnttereqo I[serrom as 
. a CARS 

towe's om to sasd eLarsmeg edT 
eeftxo to moftroqgorg oft dtiw aeansdo oftetwtostado 
-xiduoo apotxev ent taft o2 ,mottiaeqmoe att af beyolqne 
eft to testo off doser [ftw xku tewolfg to amofts 
anotisfex dou? .astometottts avefiev ‘3a oftefretogirado 
Sstoqgoig oisdw ,d% stalT ts sorsfe 2a yd tuersaqs of Iliw 
sro dtiw Sentdmoo ers efixe § to S jaa ,@ ff ,ef to anokt 
sue mwote yfeettinta ers getmtset tmamimosenq eT «Y to 
bre emit gatixuste [steremmos tot tedt etsokiat setwo ont 
aotedwemos to cites s sas ot s{darteeth af tr ,yometoitte 
towolys oft tadt bBetom od oafe [ifw tk Brns gf od © 1808 
edd eovta @iltdate Csol:toefe eat aim 3 dowe mott ebem 
berizsam on Gae yYlIsuberg berdesoraqs et ewmo edt t teerto 
Issps to atntol ,tetisgereds yleotzibeommi a1tsos0 eg melo 
dogs mo efotto [lame oft yd botestthat ers yoretofite 
PI) ac dfs) 


Not only does the glower mix hee 
affedt the voltage-life performancem ss shown by Plate 
#7, but elso the physical properties such as coarseness 
of the materials, and the presence of other impurities. 
If the glower starts at a lower specific resistance than 
normal and heé © rapid voltage rise, it indicates the 
presence of some easily volatile metal so thet as the 
impurity is volatilized away, new the voltage becomes 
gradually that of the pure glower combination. As 
an illustration, alkali will be present for only a few 
minutes, causing very rapid voltage rise for the duration 
of its presence, md then a glower will show only its 
inherent rise of voltage thereafter, while impurities 
like Silica and alumina create a great rise for a 
long period of life. 


A great emount of investigation has 

been carried on to determine the influence of various 
gases on the performance of the glower, and it hes all 
demonstrated that the air is beneficial to the operation 
of a commercisl glower. 

The characteristic of the Nernst glower 
when operating in the open air is given in Plate #8, ana 
@lso when operating in vacuum under like conditions with 
the corresponding point of normel watt efficiency es noted 
by the circle. Aside from the fact thet the vacuum hes 
shifted the point of normal watt efficiency to a much 
lower voltage and higher current density, it will he 

eete xim rawolu sit ach ylmo tou 

etsf. wd mwode a2 meonmemrotre, stif[-exsaticvy sdt tbetts 
2aemearso0o as clove askiueqorgq [seleydq odt oals tud ,T% 
-aottinuamt sedto to sonegetq odd tes .efsirotam oft To 
aneit eonstataor oftiesqs tewcl a ¢s attrsete rewolg sft tI 
edt astsoftiat *f ,eett egstfor fiqar 3 Bac bes Lemxron 
eft as tant oa fetem efitefcov yliase exoa to somezets 
aenooed osstloe oft Sus .ysws bosil(ittisfov af ytixsqat 
i EP sMfotignidmos tewolg ewg of? to tart yf [evbaxg 
wat s yfmo rot tnesotq od Iftw hiatis ,oftaxztev({!l as 

yof-sish oft tot eaeti egetfov Siqei yrov artavso ,petuatu 

atk yao wore [fiw tewoly s aett 5m ,eomeaerq att to 
aoitiauqmt elitdy ,sottsetedt egsticov to cate tmei aint 
& ict oat+ teerg s etsets smimvts bus sortie exit: 
eetit to botrsq gool 

esi moivenitesm? to tevoms Fsexg A 
asoizay to eoneusftat edt enticasetob of go betris0o noed 
ffs esd tf fas ,1owols oft to eomenrxctreq eft mo eeesg 
noitevero odt of [eiottemed at tis ocd? tealt betextaromed 
etewols Istoxanmoc 3; to 

row’ f3 tarte™ off to oftakretesuado odT 
acs ,O% otofT ut mevia at utes asqo oft ai gettexeqo corfw 
dtiw amcitibroo efikf toby muyosv ak gxiteteqo cenw oats 
beton as yometoitte tigw [omtox to tniog gatinoqesettoo ect 
acd muvosy oft tandt toast oft mort oSfar ~6fotio edt yd 
doum 8 of yoxetottte ttsw [anton to tartogq oft betttia 
ed ([[tw ti ,ytaneh Inerrss teneafd bas ogstiov tewol 

7 or, 


observed that all the points now lie on one side of the 
crest so that a decreasing difference of potential re- 
sults in an increasing current. ‘Such a condition involves 
the use of a very large percentage of steadying resis- 
tance and has thereby lowered the available efficiency of 
the glower. 

Plete #9 shows the nitrogen curve with 
corresponding air curve, and it will be observed that 
this gas mkes the glower behave similar to the vacuum, 
but the effect is less noticeeble. 

Plate #10 shows the corresponding attion 
of a glower in hydrogen and oxygen as compared with the 
curve in open aire It is here very interesting to note 
that the oxygen and air performance are very much the 
samé, while the hydrogen curve shows a character very 
similar to that of the vacuum and, like the vacuum, 
requires e relatively lerge steadying resistance. 

Plate #11 shows a very interes ting 
phenomenon connected with glowers operating in e medium 
free from oxygen and which is the most pronounced when 
opersting ina vacuum. Where oxygen is excluded, the 
glower becomes sluggish and responds very slowly to sny 
change in line voltage. The upper curve shows the 
change in current value with time, while the lower curve 
shows the corresponding change in voltage during the 
same interval of time. It must be borne in mind, in 

this connection, that the glower will respond almost 

efy to effa sto no eff won etdntog odt [fs tadt bovisado 
-ct Istinetog to someretTtrs anteseroeb s tant oa teoexo 
gevfover moftithaco 2 dou? .tnerrvs antaserent os at ative 
-siser gntyhsete Ico ssatresteq egral yrev s to ear ent 
to yonstoettte efdslisve oft borewol yderedt eal tn: sonat 
etewofs eft 

diiw evure megoitin oft awode @% et sfT 
ted? Bevreado ed [fiw tf bes ,ewurs tis grt baoqsertroo 
musosvy ett ot tsifmts evatfed tewols off esolan eeg at dt 
eefdseetton 2eef 2f toette oft tud 

scttds zgrtbroqeerrce oft awode O£* etefT 



edt déiw Boisamoo 2° menygo bine moyorhyl af tewolys s to 
eton ot anitasxetat yrev ered af I stis seqo at svmo 
eit dos yrev ets eonsmrot sed tis Soe feagro odt tant 
Yiov retesrtsde « ewodea evrwo megotiyd ond effdw ,emes 
emyosv odd efil .in: muwoev edt to tedté ot rsftmte 
eoorstateer aniybeete oaral yfevittelfeor s aeriuoes 
anttaerotnt yeev s eavodea Ir% ot sf 
wether 3s at gniftsreqo grewols diiw bstoenmtos momemoneriz 
aedw boomuonotg toom oft eat dotdw fas meaygxo mort sert 
oft ,Feby[oxe at mosyxo orediT .mumosv s ct gntv=1 ego 
yrn ot yYlwols yrev abxoqaet Ses dateagrie eomoosd tewo fs 
eft awota evevo ieqry ef” -segetiov enk£ mt ogcscto 
eviro tewol oft efidw ,omit diiw evsfsv trerivo at epascto 
ect antas6 easdiov at esxedo artbnoqeettoo eft aworda 
mt ,Srta mt omod ed tesm SI .omtt to fevaetnt omse 
teomfs Broqeer [fiw 1ewols edt tact ,mebtoonnoo at dt 


imme diately in air to similar changes in line voltage 
and remain constant. The slight change in the vacuum 

curve after the first minute is possibly due in part 

| fo the temperature correction of the resistance in 
series with the glower. 

The relation of the ballast to the 
glower is very intimate, and before considering the 
various elements which influence its design, it will per- 
heps be well to consider the following remaining pheses 
of the combination since the action of the glower is the 
determining feature. 


It has been considered at times thet 
frequency effedted a change in voltage over 2 glower 
but results, es follows, show conclusively thet the 
voltage of a glower is not dependant upon the frequency 
of the circuit.e 

Glower Fi 

72000 Alt. 3000 Alt. 

1 192 65 192.5 
2 192.5 193.0 
3 190.5 190.5 
4 191.3 191.2 


By exploring voltmeter wires attached 
to various portions ofe .4 ampere D.C.glower, en idea 
can be obtained of the numerical megnitude of the losses 

due to ell causes before outlined. The readings given 

easticv emit aft aegnsfe rafimte ot ats ai yfetsti amt 
musosy edd mf sameado tdatfea of? etagtenos atsmer Ss 
drsq af ovb yldiseog at etuaia tar edt teits savauo 
mi eoneteiaeot od} to nefteeti09 stuterermet oct oF 
erewols of dtiw eettee 

eid otf tesfiad sdt to mofttaloa edt 
edt axvtvebiarce ercted bane ,etamttat yuev at xowols 
—-teq (fiw ti ,mptach ati eonewfint dot dw etmemete euoltray 
ase3cq anintaner anfwolfot ent tebtenoo ot flew ed aqad 

sit af xawols odt to mottes eft eonts mo ant droo sdt to 

eetsiset gnfiaintroteb 

it gomttd ts Dexveh faxos ased asd t1 
rowols s tevo egatfov ani egnaio s betbeTte yoreppett 
aft isit ¢Llevierloxoo wods gawolfLot as ,eatiuees fui 
Yousivpert sdt mogs tasimeqes ton ai tewolg s to egatfov 

atigoifto edt to 

~tfA 0008 FLA 
‘ze 3er ae ser L 
O.5er @.SeL g 
a.oer 4.0er & 
a.rer 8 LOL $ 

bedostie earty tetemi{ov anivel[gze yi 
gedit ms ,towolg.0.¢ swams db sto arottsog asotuev of 
aeceol edd to ebutingsa LIsofiemun odd to Dentatdo od aso 

mevia agribsest oft .bsmifiiuo e1roted eeasso [fs of surf 


are over portions of a glower as indicxted by Fig. 6 
in Plate #2. 

p Ve Vn 



10 Min.: 203 -- 29 -- 154 -- 20 

lhr : 197 -- 28 -- 149.5 - 19.5 
25 " : 189 -— 27.5- 141.5 - 19.5 
50 " : 188.5 -- 29 -- 139 - 20.8 
100 " : 188.5 -- 29 -- 140 - 19.6 
200 " > 190.5 -- 31.5- 140 - 19.0 
300 " : 192.0 -- S32.5- 147.5 - 12 

The watts lost in the terminsls of a 

glower will be proportionel to the difference in voltage 
between the glower and the external side of the terminal 
(or Vg - Vg in Figs 6 - Plate 2) and in an A.C.glower 
these readings are carefully obtained on verious 
frequencies with ea constant watt input with en averege 
result of 5%. Volts on 25 cycles up to 57.4 Volts on 
133 Cycles. This indicates that the losses are approx- 
imately ecuel on 811 frequencies; with a tendency toward 
slightly greater losses at the higher frequenciess 

When glowers are used in large lamps 
there is an accumulative effect which reduces the voltege 
required to pass normal current through the lemp, the 
emount depending upon the inter-heating effect of several 
glowers when operating in proximity with each other, amd 
therefore, the voltage of the glower, as determified in the 
free air, is greater as the size of lamp is increased, 

3 eati yd Betsoftint as revolg 3 To amoitiog te9voO 978 

St ets{[I at 

eee eee 
av ov rad av : emit 

os ww B3L -4 CF «- SOS s.mtM OL 
3.eL = a, CAL o~ 8S “= ver : af 
SCL - GeLBL -3.TS on esi s " 3s 

eS - CSI -- @S «-- G,83L ¢ " O32 
CC = OSE «~.- @R «- 3.98f : " oof 
OL - waelS ~- G00 3 * O08 

SI -~ GTSI -3.88 -- 0. SOL : *" 905 

gs to efaxinuret edt af teof attew oT 

eastioy mt eorerettis oft of L[smoftrogotq od Ifitw rowolg 
{sntuaret sft to efie Igarotxe eft bok rewols eff? soowted 
rowolg.2.A me mi bre (8 etal + 8 egih at g¥ ~ gV 10) 
esvotisy oo fontstdo yfidterse ers ganibset oaeds 
9a2%eve m3 dtiw tuqnt ttaw tastanoo s dttw aetorempett 
ro adfoV eV of qw aefoyo 48 mo etloV 688 to siveeor 
-xorqqe ers eseaeol ont teit astaotimt aftdT ,aefeyo sei 
vrawot wuoebmaet s itiw g2etomampert [fs mo farce Yfedant 
eactemenpett woigid edt te eoaeol retgerg yt dgife 
ual Oa BLA WT @a/0.L9 10 Boantoy 

aqisf egisi nt bears exes atewols medi 
egsiiov sit aeouber dotty toette ovttafemroos ms af otorft 
eit ,qarel odd dgvoutt ¢aermo femxom eacq of Bettuper 
fareves to toette anitesed-totat ont moqu griibcoqed tnvoms 
bass ,tedto deao dtiv wimtxotq at gritereso cedw erewols 
oat ot Boxturetoh a6 yrowols oft to egatLov edt ,etoteradt 

boasetort 32f qmaf to esta eft as tetsctg af ,1is eaxt 

— — t—“‘i‘z:S (36) 

as follows: - 6 glower, 18 Volts; 3 glower, 16 volts; 
2 glower, 13 volts; Single glower 3 Volts, and ere 
applied to lamp voltages as indicated herewith: 

Bumber of glowers 6 3 2 1 
Lamp Voltage 220 220 220 220 
Ballest 20 20 20 20 
Cutout “& 3 3 Ss 

Glower voltage in Lamp 196 197 197 196 

Difference between Glower 

Voltage in Air and Iemp 18 16 13 3 
Air Voltage of Glower 
required 214 213 210 199 


When & glower is opersted on direct 
current the required Voltage is less than on Alternating 
current, and the difference is always at the negative 

terminal, there being little or no difference at the 
positive end. A difference as great as 6 volts is 
sometimes observed, not only over the negative terminal, 
but also apparent over the external terminals, amd 
Since life tests are operated on sample glowers from 
eech lot manufactured, the difference is accurately 
determined for each lot and subtratted from the nominal 
rating, which is performed on Alternating current only. 


The advantage t be gained by the use of 
a steadying resistance Which would enable th 
be operated efficiently 

e glower to 

at a point on or beyond the cret 

satiov o£ ,tewola & :adfoV 8f ,tewolg 9 =~ :awoffot as 
ere bas ,etloV & xrewolg efgnta getiov OL ,.xewoly & 

:ddiweved 5etsolint es eogstlov qucf of bailage 

£ g $ 3 arowols to + sdanm 
OSS s egetioV qesi 
C&S OS os OS daallod 
i & g > oe ot wD 

eer Fel vel aei gqmsI at esstfov rev ld 

sowol® meswisd sorerettrc 

& oa of SL igaeT fas «aba af egetiov 
towol® to egatfoV «fA 

eer of8 &f3 AIS bes ty pet 
Soetth co Setsxeqe st tewolgs s sedW 
actismretfa so agit seef ef egetioV hborivcet edt taex wo 
oviteyen oft ts eyewls at eonevet i’ eft ine gtmerso 
oft $3 oomerettth om to afdtil anted exedt gLemtarzed 
et atloy 3 es teerg es eomexe®RES A »hme evitieog 
~fantimet evitagen eit sevo yfao sor ,devresdo aem ft onroa 
bes ,elarinvet Lamtelxe odd 16vo drowsqas oale dud 
mor: g@rewols elomse xo beteteqo sts ateet dif eonta 
yleiswess ef soretettis od ,»bowstostumsa tof fov9 
fextmox att sort se¢éesttdya Sas dof doas aot Soniuseteb 
equine tnetrso gritentet£s mo powpotreg at dotde yaatiet 
% eas edt yd Bbomtsg od aegsinsyés ed? 
ot tewolg ect ofdsme Sfvow dof dr sanstateex gaiypsete s 
smro et broyed 10 mo tatog 8 ts Utmetottie Serstoge ed 

ai wr . (37) 

in the characteristic air curve will be recognized 

by careful analysis of Pletes 8, 9 and 10. In order 
accomplish this under 211 conditions of commercial use 
and with as little loss as possible under normal con- 
ditions, the s teadying resistance should have as large 

a positive temperature correction as possible, and, 
furthermore, the correction should always be inmedictely 
aveilable. To illustrate, if a glower were operated on 
or beyond the crest of the curve, th current could 
obviously be controlled by «= large steadying resistame 
having no temperature coprection, but such resistance 
would very mterially decrease the net efficiency oftlk 
glowere On the other hand, if the resistance hes a high 
tempereture coefficient, the necessary steaiying resist- 
ance under normal conditions may be very much less than 
when no correction is present, in which case, should thee 
be en increase in voltage above normal, tle corrective 
power of the resistance would be brought into play to 
check the t endency of the glower to take abnormal current, 
or, in other words, it would take up the sdditional volt- 
ege.e. As already stated, however, the temperature cor- 
rection must be immediately available, for if it were 
not, the glower would "shoot over its crest", when light- 
ed at a pressure above normal; that is, take more current 
at the start than it would « little leter after the temp- 
erature correction of the resistence head asserted itself, 
end if this over-shoot were too great, would probably 
flash out. This would also apply to any sudden increase 

bostmgooot od fiiw ewuro tis sttettetosrado ont ot 

aw xebto al .Of See @ .8 estalIt to ateyfens [stterso yd 
eas L[sforemoo to anoitiinos [fs teotme atat detfqmooos 
-709 Insartor tehbeuy ef[dieeog as esol eftit{ as dtiv tas 
sgisi as evad bLvode eonstetaer antybeet oe edt ,axoitib 
eons ,eofditeacq as moitoerroe ertsreqmet evitiaog s 
yieststhemt ed aysals f{vode mottos:1oo edt ,ercmredtiut 
co betsteqo etew towolg se tf getertapifft oT .eldsitevs 
Sisco tneruss aft yevrso oct to teeto eft haoved to 
eaetataer actyisete ogisf s wi beffortanoo od yLesotvdo 
sorstalaet dove tud ,motteemgoo orsteteqaet om at tved 

ali to yoretottts ten edt sagoxrc]eh eifetretam yrev biyow 
deid c¢ asd eomstetzer edt tf ,fnsd redto eft «0 .tewols 
-tetaer gmiy sete yrsapeoon ont gtmetoliteco ewitstequet 
redid egef dosm yiov od yam amoltiScoo Lomzor tebas eons 
enecdt SIlsoda ,eeso doltiw at ,#meeo%g ai moitoerios om godw 
evitoersos aft gfemion evods egstfov at ease cont ms od 
ot yelq otmt taqvond od Biluow sonmstatest ed? to rewoq 
eexetivo [emtonds odat ot towolg edt to youeime ¢ aft deedo 
-ti.uv Isnottdiobs odt qu efst Biluow tf yabiow zedte mt .10 
-i55 eptewaque sit ,tevewod ,boveta 2A 864938 
etew ti ti rol ,eldslists yies at Seugt ed taum mottoot 
-Ji atl nedw ."teoro ati revo toode” bluow rewols oft ,don 
tretiso siom fat ,at ted? yfearom evods omagetq 2 ts be 
~qmet eit tetts tetsf ofttift ». bieow tt nedt txste od? ts 
etlgati botieess bad eonstateor edt to mottoetr0oe sxutsie 
yidedox gq SIvow ,tse1g oot etow toodaetevo aifv tf bas 

sssetort mebbua yos ot Ylaqe oals alyow aid? etsro cdaslt 

—— oie 


in voltare applicd to the glower, unless the corrective 
power of the resistance were immediately available to 
check the flow of current. 

The resistance employed in the Nernst 
lamp, termed the "Bellast", is unique in construction and 
meets the peculicr requirememts of the glower in e very 
effective manner. Iron wire is tised on account of iis 
high temperature correction and by properly mounting this 
wire in @ small tube filled with hydrogen, a ballest with 
high corrective power can be wrked at hich temperatures 
without danger of destruction and with a loss of only 10%. 
As iron varies in resistance with increase in temperature 
in e variable ratio and hydrogen seems to steepen the curve, 
the resulting typical bellast characteristic appears as 
shown in Plete #12, and applies to bellests of any capacity. 

The portion of the ballest curve vhich is 
utilized has the greatest bearing on the stability of the 
lamp, the percentage of ballast resistence required, md 
the life of the bellast. If the working normel is high on 
the curve, © large variation in voltage means only 2 smell 
change in current and the glower will be almost unsffected 
by 2 large rise in voltage. In this event, the ballast is 
operating et a high temperature and e high rise in voltage 
makes an uncertain life. 

The design of & bellest is rather a aif. 
ficult metter and no exact formula has, as yet, been devised 

which will hold true. An approximation upon which to base 

evisoatioo oft easels ,rewols ott of 3 °fiqaqs exsiLov ar 
ot efdaftevs yflot ut Seommt orew eonstatect ett to it9wo7 
etaertso to wolt edd Yoosfo 

darrell odt xt beyolque sonedaizer ed” 
ans cottourteroce at espiau et ,"teslioi" ett bearet ,qust 
qxev 2 mt wewols edt to atmenetiuoet aeif{seeq edt etoon 
a t to dnsoocs mo beak ef oriw morl .temram ovitostte 
ei ft artinvom ylteqomg ys bas moftoerico ewtareqred Bid 
ddiw tesfled e ,megorbyd dtiw bell ft edst Ifsma 8 mi etiy 
eercisreqmet duyid ts bedtor sd aso Bewog evi toerioo did 
eQ0L yixo to aeol s ithy Sms sottowrtee6 to regasb dso 3 By 
emtsroquet at eagsetont Atiw eorsteteer at gefrav mort af 
OTIS ont cegeeta ot amecs segoriyd bas cite: efdsiasv 3 mE 
g ayseogs oitetretostado tasl lsd Ieotayd gattiveet oft 
sWiiosqso wis to atasf{fsd of esilggs Sns ~8L% ets{T mk mwodte 

at dokdy oviwe tagiied ent to mottrog ed? 
eft to ytilidata edt ao gutreed teetserts ety acd Bbeatitty 

Bas ,bortuper eon.teteet tasi fed to enstresteg oft qual 

so datd at Lsaron gebtiow od tT etesfifad odd to etil st 
[fame = yfao ansen egstiov mri sottstyev egiel 3 ,evimo 9‘ 
satostiens teaonmfs of [ftw rewolg oft bes trevwmo at ogrsdo 
at tesliad oft ,tneve atdt ml 8 .egstiov ck eatt ogisfl 3 WwW 
exgtioy nit cat dutd o bus erutereqmet dtd s ts gcrttars qo 
»etil atstreons as aefen 

-titb 8 tenter et tes{Iad 3 to ngteeb ediT 
peatveb need ,fsy a2 .2ad sismrot tosxe om ims sotism Ffuvort 

saad of dotdw moqy moitcmizotqis m4 sours bLod [ftw dofiw 


design may be made as @ beginning and is thet, the diam- 


eter of the wire in millimeters will be epproximately one 
tenth of the desired current in amperes, and that the 
total active length of wire shell nearly equal the volts 
drop and yet not exceed two watts per square inch of 
superficial area, since the specific resistance of the wire 

is governed by the watts absorbede 
The requirements of Bellast design are: 

1. Consumption of rated voltage at rated amperes. 
2. Stability end long life. 

3. Non-sluggishe 

4. Size and shape of bulbe 

5. Mechanicel strength. 

Sluggishness is the property of a bellest 
which necessitates a time element before the current 
assumes a notmal operating condition and to minimize it 
is the most difficult feature of bellest design. A 
ballast when operating et air temperature will reouire 
only a low percentage of voltage required when hot and 
when current begins to flow through the glower, the ballast 
correction can only be made. 

The iron wire is mounted in the ballast 
in the form of coils by stretching from the top of the 
mount to the leading in wires and by ranging the pitch 
between the turns, we are enabled to raise or lower the 
temperature end thus adjust not only the current, but also 
the percentsge characteristic. After exhaustion of the 

bulb, the ballast is treated with hydrogen, carefully 


~usib eit ,tidt at bas gatnntzed s as eham od yen mateeh 
exo yfeteatxorrys ef [f[fw aretemtif{tm at exrtw edt to rete 
edt dadt bas ,eereqms mi teers bettee’s eit to dinet 
eifiov edt Isype ylursen ([{sta ettw to digref ovites [etot 
to dont emuupea t9¢ eattew owt Beeoxe ton toy fas qorb 
eriw edd to eonmstatee: ofttoora off eomta ,gots [sloltxequea 
ebodioads sittew oft yd Bemrsevog at 
2018 myteoh tas{isi to etnemetit pax oAT 

eaoteqis Ssts1 ts ssatiov beter to motiqmvamodD .f 

eet grof fxs ythitdst2 .g 

efaiasute-n0l .é 

e@ind to egedta tna est? ob 

etanetia [sotmatoet .2 
vasifsd s to yredotq eft at esendefaast? 
trerius eft stoted trenefe omit s astatiageoon dof-w 
ti esimtaim ot Bae mottticoo anttayeqo Iemtonm 8 aonreces 
A .sgteeh tasliad to exrctsst tfwelt Eth taon oft at 
etiuner [ftw erststoqmet «ts to gritacedo meotw tasfisd 
bac ton codw Sertuper egatiov to egetmeore, wot s yfno 
tesifsd oft ,towolg edt dgvor@ woft of amfged tnertye me tiv 
eohsam ed yfro aso wnoftoorros 

testied edt at Setasom ak ertw most off 

edt to qot oft mort gatdoterte yd aftoo to mrt oft at 
dotie off grigmet yd bue eettw mt anthsel oft of tusom 
adt sewol to estar ot befdsxe ors ow ,amss aft noowted 
oais tsd ,tmercsro oft yimo tom tauibs audt ba: suststoquet 
ext to mottassrize tottiA .ottetretoeisfo exstneoted ont 

ylinterso ,megorbyd Aviw betsext at tesfisd edt ,disd 


purified, and while normal voltage is impressed upon its 
terminals, it is sealed off. in this manner of sealing 
off, the pressure of the hydrogen is equal to that of the 
atmosphere only when in operation; this being desirable 
since the glass will then not have a tendency to dis- 
figure its contour, should it become soft from exces- 
sive heat while on an overload. The quglity of the hy- 
drogen mst be very high in order to insure uniformity 
of performance, and mst be absolutely free from the 
Slightest trace of moisture. 

The characteristic of the ballas+ is quite unaf- 
fected by small variations in pressure of the hydrogen 
and is an admirable quality from the manufacturing stand- 

important factors entering into the temperature 
and hence characteristic of the ballast are:- 

1. Absorption of heat due to specific heat of 
the materials in and adjacent to the ballast. 

&. iLron wire 

B. Hydrogen 

C. Glass and adjacent parts. 

2. Heat Dissipation. 

A. Conwfection 

B. Conduction 
Cc. Radiation. 


att moqu Seraetqmt at eastiov L[arrmon offav ban , bs ti trsg 
antfse2 to tennan atdt ml «tto befsee 2t tt ,alentarot 
eit to tadt ot [asco 2f megothigd od? to exrsenstq edt ,tto 
olderteeh sated std? ;aotteteqo mt mesiw yiao otedqeonts 
-atbh of Youolmet  oved tom med? [ftw enafy od? conte 
-290x9 mort ties esooed #f Sfsode gtwotaos att ormyft 
-jai ed? to gttfeep ef? .heoltevo ms ao eftdy taed evita 
ytterrot ine avwentt ot tebe at dotd quev od tam megotb 
odt mort sett yletmfionds od tags fins ,oommrrotie, to 
-orutetom to sestt teetdgt fs 

-tsens ettup et *aniied aft to ottetsetestade ed? 
nejothed edt To evaamoty at amottstzey {fama yt betost 
-bists oattutesionan edt mort qtifenwp efdertobe me at bas 

stuvtersqmed alt otmt nattetme avetos tapi roqms 
-:otg tasiisd edt to obtettetostage sened bas 

to teed stttoeq2 o¢ en6 teed te mottqrondA .f£ 
-teefiad edt ot tmeontte fee af eLatrotam edt 

erty aotl «hf 

megot ty .8 

-23"eq tnoos,be fos eagf? .9 

-cottagtertt tee .3 

.fottst taf Px) 

These factors have particular reference to the 
sluggishness, and in the case of the latter factor, the 
rate of heat dissipation is greater for a certain tempe- 
erature at the start because of the lower temperature of 
& lamp body. Siluggishness may be reduced in several ways. 
By constructing a naturally ventilated lamp body so that 
the temperature of the lamp body is always relatively low, 
the main cause for sluggishness will be in the specific 
heat of the iron wire. The amount of heat required to 
heat the iron wire from atmospheric temperature to that 
of normal operation can be readily seen by an example: 

In an .8 ampere 110 volt Ballast, the cold re- 
sistance is 3.5 ohms and at normal temperature is 12.5 
ohms with .00873 grams of wire. Assuming a specific 
heat of 1.3 and a temperature rise from air as 400 dege 
C, then the energy absorbed, because of the specific heat 
of the wire, will be .00873 X 1.3 X 400 equals .454 germ. 
cal. But the current, in a non air cooled ballast, is 
approximately 40% over normal for an instant, so that 
watts expended at gue ses 

(.4X 1.4) X 3.5 (C R) equals 1.1 watt., and 
since 1 watt represents .254 grw. cal., at this rate of 
dissipation, the ballast wire will be brought up to nor- 
mal temperature in_. or 1.62 seconds. Hence this phase 
of the subject, after all, is not as important as would 

be at first supposed. 

eat ot sonmeteter talsolttisq ovad arotost eaedT 
ett ,totest tettel odt to ongo odd at bar ,avomiatggnte 
~eivot mat roo s tot tetsetg af mottaqtasth teed to star 
to ovststequet rowol oft to oamood trate edt te enmtete 
.7tsy fartover at Sooubet ed yan waemfietggnl® .ghod quel « 
tait o2 yhod qmal betalttaev yllewten » gattorrtane ya 
vol tlevttsalet ayeavLe et hod qmsf od? to ots*eteqied od? 
otttooqs edt mt ed [Ltw eaenmfetganfe cot eameo alam oft 
ot hetispet teed to tavome od? .ortw mott edt to taed 
tad? ot ettateqmet obtedqeonts wort ettw mort od? taed 
:ofqmaxe ns yd seen yithset af age ao tteveqo Lamron to 

-ot bloo ed? ,tasfind tlov OL[ eteqie 6%, as al 
1.Sf at ersheroqnet Lenvon te bre amo @.6 ef comstate 
otttesq? # aniaweeA .etty to aemerg 81800, ditt amo 
w39b OO ae tiz mort etit outarequet « tas &.I to taod 
‘sod oftteeqe adt to samseed ,fedroxis ygrene edt medt ,5 
-imr3 S33, aiawpe OOb 2 .f X SYG0O, od [ftv ,etty od? To 
at ,tasiled Beloos «tte son s at ,tmereme edt to 8 .iso 
tadt on ,tastent ap tot Lartom vovo 20) ylotantxoraqs 
od {Liv te hebneqae attaw 

brs ,.ttaw £,f Lempe ta) pees ee xa) 
to etet 3tdt ta ,.fe0 .79p SOS, ataeaetqex dtaw I eonte 
-tox ot qu tiaword od [ftw erty tasifed of? ,mottaqtasth 
easiq ald? sonst .2hnogee 83.I ae otutetagned Lan 
bisovy 28 tnetvoqmt as tom 3t .fis tetts ,tootdea edt to 
| -bsrogqua terttt tea od 

( 42) 

An absolute view of the subject is hard to ob- 
tain, for as specific resistance rises,the rate of ex- 
penditure of energy in the ballast also increases. At 
the same time the specific heat of the wire increases, 
and a great portion of the heat will be dissipated by 
conduction and confection until the ballast comes al- 
most up to normal temperature. 

That the ballast makes a small change in the wave 
form of an alternating current is of interest. It is due 
to the rise in specifie resistance of the iron vith rise 
in temperature so that the maximum voltage has to overcome 
a slightly larger resistance than does the lower values of 

For instance, an .& ampere, 110 volt ballast which 
consumes 8 watts and a normal resistance of 12.5 ohms. If 
the resistance were conéfant, the maximum current vould be 

C max equals 1.414 X .8 equals 1.131 ampere, 
or energy Wiuld be put into the ballast at this stare at 
the rate = (1.131) x 12.5 equals 16. wattse as arainst 
the effective value of 8 watts. 

But specific resistance may be assumed to vary as 
r equals r, ( 1 plus -01t) 

or fr equals 2.08 { 1 plus .01t) #f 500 der C is the ten- 
perature corresponding to 12.5 ohms. 

The energy will be expended in dissipation and 
stored up as specific heat in the iron vire, for the perio- 
dicity is too high to have an effect from the specific heat 


-do ot Sread e#t toeldue edt to wetv stufonds mA 
-xo to etat edt, sent< sonetztaer ofttoeeq? en tor ,ataet 
+) .geRgetTomt offs teelisd od? at qatene to etutthneq 
, 208Ke TOME ext ad? to teed ofttooqe ont emt? ompe odt 
yd betsqteath ed [ftv tsed eft To motttor taets 8 bts 
-{s semeo tasiisd ent [itus mottectaoo ine moktesimeo 
-stmtetopet Larrron of qu +20m 

ovew od? af enmado ifane @ tectem desifed ed? tad? 
osb at #2 .trevetet to ef tnertwo gattenvedie «2 to mot 
onty dtty mort eft to oomePetest oftteeqa at eatt ed? of 
emoovrevo of asd eqaetiov seminar eft tad? oa emitareqmet at 
‘o gestay tewol edt 805 malt commtetees tegtal yitwigti2 es 

fotd  tesiled tfov OLE ,ereqie 6, mm ,oonatent tot 
tl .amdo &.8f to sonstetest Lanron 2 bite aidav 6 aemsanoo 
of biuo7 trowtse mimtxen oft ,SmSRHNOO ovew Sonstetaer edt 

goteqits L6f,f sferpe @ KR OES.f afawpe maw 9 
+s enste sid? de *enflad ed? ofat ed BisGw ¢oters to 
tanters es vattew .3f serps @,cn x (52.8) + otat ot 
-atter 8 to soulev evivostts odt 

2s [1sv ot bemuees od ten somstetesr otttesqa tat 
(#00, este f > alsspe 1% 
-ret oft 2f 5 306 008 Be (¢f0. awfq I ) 66,8 @iewpe + to 
acento 4.84 of gatbmoqaetroo etutateq 

bas sotteqiesth mt bebmeqxe od iffy yaveme off 
-ofreq of? trot ,ert’ sort odt at *+eed oftteeqs 28 qx Sereda 
teed ot‘ teeqe eft? mort tostte as evad of datd oot af yttots 


of the walls and mount, etc., as the temperature rises, 
conduction will vary as the rise and confection whll do 
so approximately, while radiation will vary as the fourth 
power of the temperature. Confection and conduction are 
Sluggish and hence act to insulate against an immediation 
discharge of heat. 

in ons there will be expended f or a _watt 
second or .0333 joule or .0082 gram Cal. With specific 
heat of .2, this means that .00873 (weight) X.2 equals 
.0001746 gram. Cal. is required per defree cent. rise in 
temperature, so that in case all the heat, expended in one 
quarter cycle were given up to the wire, its temperature 
would be raised .0082 divided by .000175 or 46.8 : Cc. 
However, only a very small portion of this rise is pos- 
sible because of the heat being continually dissipated. 

In connection with a glower, assuming the slower 
of constant resistance during a cycle, there would bé a 
total of 12.5 ohms ballast plus 125 ohms in flower or 
137.5 ohms. in case the ballast would use 30° U, the 
resistance would be 

2.08 (1 plus 5.3) equals 13.1 ohms. 

Hence . max. must overcome a resiatance of 125 plus 13.1 
or 138.1 ohms, thus reducing C max by approximately .4 of 


As a matter of fact, the vallast wire does not 


,202ty etutateqmet eit ak ,.ote ,tmuom has allew oft to 
ob Lftw mottestxos brs e@tr odt as erav [Liw sotdoubmoo 
itrset sd+ 38 yrav {ftw mottatbar eid ,ylotantxoiwrys of 
ste mottesbaon bra mottootnod -orotetsqmet aft to tewoq 
cottatbormt me tentage etelwamt of toe eomed tea detagufe 
-tset to ogtadoath 

+t an_£,70 oo od {fie owed? vheroose tft 
ottteeqe dthW .589 sexe 8800. to efmof S880. to brooes 
alenps SK {titstew) S600, Patt aneom atid .8. te saod 
nt oat .taso sorgsh teq fevkapet @f .Led .crety aDL600, 
ono vt hobreqre ,teed edt Ife saeo af tait of ,eanteveqmet 
ovroterocist att ,etiw ede ot qr tevin etew efego tettano 
0” 8.38 <0 @NL000, Bo Hehivt S800, Senter ef Biaow 
-soq 3t eaty atad to settrog ifane yrev « yim ,tevsvoll 
.SotaqicetS tileumtines gated teed oft Ye exnaced eidta 

te tof aft ostayeas ,vewels o attw mottesmneo af 
s 6 bisow sredt ,eleye s whieh sometateat taetanoo To 
+o t9%0L3 st amio 484 auiq teallied emo 4.82 to fatot 
od? ,0 OF eau binew tmatisd om eam mk amito 4, VEL 
ed Silver sometataet 

-amio [.8f 2fdmps (863 enig 1) Ge 

f.*f asfq @Sl to sonsteteot « sttemreve taun —_* eared 
to &, Ylotemtxetqra yd men 5 antfonSer aadt emo L.8€L to 

ton 2905 ettw teslleu oft ,tost to +etta » BA 

vary more than & C on 60 cycles as determined by operatine 
a dise with an aperture in synchronisn, in whichcase only 
a faint change in color is noted, and since luminosity of 
the hot body varies as the 16th power of its absolute tem- 
perature, a very small change could be thus detected. 
Again specific heat tends to prevent a rise im temperature 
by the ereater amount of heat to be stored. 

The ballast, although primarily an element of the 
Nernst lamp, promises to become a more widely used piece 
of apparatus in all cases where a constant current is de- 
sired for varying voltages. It could be applied in el- 
ectro-chemical work, railway work and the sensitive re- 
gulation of circuit breakers and generating machinery. 

Having stidied the characteristics of the two 
elements, ie., glower and ballast, separately, it is of 
perhaps equal interest to watch their performance vhen 
combined, as is necessary to operate a lamp, and a re- 
view of lamp performance is in order. 

Plate #13 shows the typic&él performance of the 
lamp as a unit and is self explanatory. The ballast 
characteristic, it will be noted, affectivély determines 
the nature of the lamp curve for all values of current 
above normal. slate #14 shows the typical voltage wat- 
tage performance of the lamp- it must be borne in mind 
that the wattage of a Nernst Lamp is voltage at vhich the 
lamp is normally operated times the rated current. To il- 

lustrate the application of this characteristic curve, in 


nitetsyo ud fentrreteb 25 aseloyo 0a mo 2 - fads stom yrsv 
yino esacdotd: at ,maitnordeny? at stutteqs ne dttw oath s 
to yttsontmsl sont2 bas .hstonm 2! tofoo at esnaede tatet a 
-ist otsloads wt to twevoq Atal oft a2 sebtav Ybhod tod edt 
-betoateh and* od b{soo samedo [fame yisv 2 ,etataneq 
siutaroqmet af entt g *mevenq of ehmet teed ofttoere afepA 
-botote ef ot teed to tawome tedsorn oat yd 

odt to taamefe ne qlixesteq dgsodtie ,tasfied af? 
soeiq bean Ylebta stem 8 emooed ot aectmor: .qwal tantell 
-ob at tnettuo tanfanoo 6 etegiv eomeo Ife at auteneqqs to 
-f9 st betiqas of timeoe tL ,segmtLov gakyrev sot bette 
-ot ovittesen oft San drow yorltet ,atow Seolmede-orsoe 
-Tretidosa sattevemes bas etesizetd tigerte te mottal ss 

ovt oft to sottatreteateds edt bethete gnivell 

to at tt ,yleteveaqes .tealied tae tewnds ,..o! ,atnemele 
ced: eonamrotved ttedt aster o¢ festetat Lagos aqadreq 
-et s ins ,gmel 2s stereqo of Yreseooom at ae , benkdnwo 
«tsixo af at comsmrotieq quaf to vetv 

ait to somamrotteq L#etqy? edt awore 82 etalt 
tnalfed ed? .qtotemefque tien of tae dias « ea quel 
sentrretebh ghevitestts , befor of iftw tf ,of?ettetostado 
trowrse to eem.ew [is te? evewo ome ent to etetan ont 
-tev enatiov faotqyt aft ewode M4 etef. .Zemron evode 
bata xt omrod of tam #1 -quel ot to comarrotreq eget 
ott dofdy te egetiov st quad tantell e to enettaw edt stadt 
-lt of .tretrso hetar oft semtrt betereco yllamron at quel 
ci ,.Jw1no oftarretostado std? to mottsotiqgs edt etettanl 

& 3-gl. lamp 1.4 ampere per glower) the normal wattage on 
Say 225 volts normal, would be 270, but when this lamp is 
Subjected to 236 volts, the voltage is 105% and from the 
curve, 113.4% wattage, or 306.5 watts. 

Plate #15 shows the relation between voltage and 
efficiency and rlate #16 that between voltage and Candle 
Power. These curves are self-explanatory, except, per- 
haps, to emphasize the remarkable steadiness in candle 
power in the Nernst lamp when operated above or on vary- 
ing voltage and is due to the great connective power of 
the iron ballast. Circuits of 25 cycles alternating 
current, or thons which the voltage fluctuates very 
rapidly give no appreciable variation in candle power. 
The former condition due to the fact that the specific 
heat of the glower, being large in sectional area, tides 
over on low frequencies, and is not found, to such an ex- 
tent, in any other lamp. 

¥late #17 gives a diagram of connections of a mil- 
tiple glower type of lamp, from which the arranrenent of 
elements will be hoted, 

rlate #1@ shows a typical performance of platinum 
heaters of the tube form - and rlate #19 shows the time 
element of a lamp from the starting point for an old 6- 
Slower lamp - while Plate #20, gives a comparison of the 
time element and total performance for the latest desipn 


mo onstiaw [amrom odt (tewols teq steqms 4.) qmaf .{[3-@ & 
et gmel att menw ted .,OYS sd Sisov ,.famron atfLov 388 yae 
ont movt Sme RAOL at enstfov oft ,etlow ac of betoetdua 
ati aw 2,308 ro ,ogattaw ®3.ELL ,ewtuo 

brs oqetfov meowted nottalor edt awode 3f¢ ots Le- 
offiaedD bes ewatLor meerted ted? O€% ofale tre yYouotoftte 
-toq ,?qsexs ,tritensiaxe-tier ere seven® eeed? .tevoT 
elixso nt anenkigote effaiverct ed? ostasdqme of ,eqed 
-{TiIsy fo ro svode Seteteqo sendy qnel tentell eft mt tet0q 
to tewoq evitesmmon test edt of enh at Same enetiov gat 
anttanmroetis aeloyo G8 to attwortD ,.tasiled sort edt 
crev notautontt ogedior eit dotdusseod? x0 .tnovzse 
-tovoq efiase ot moltstrey efdstestqqes on evtg ylbiqet 
orttosqa oat teat test ed? of onb mot? times vomrot eT 
zobtt ,sews [emotiees mt egtel anted ytewoils oft te teed 
-xo ts dom ot ,Snuot tom ef tins ,eptonempert wol mo tovo 
-qusl tedto ys at ,tnet 

-fum 8 to anottesnmos to merasth « sevta TE} eteda 
to treme gmetts edt dot’ aott .qaef to eqyt tewls efq'? 
-botom od ifta atmprwle 

aunttela to semarvotteq Ixotqyt se ewode 824 ot ala 
omit oft awork: CL2 etaix Sie - aot edu? ed? to atedsed 
-3 Bfo se tot #eteq onttaste off mett quel @ to tnomelo 
eft to soe*aqros s aevte , 08% otels eft - qmal tewols 
xqtreh traetsl eft tot somerrrotteq stot bas taemete emtt 

of equal candle power. 

A very late type of heater has been perfected 
which embodies a carbon core coated, by special processes, 
with carborundum, and provides a heater with long life 
and high efficiency at a creat reduction in cost, in view 
of its substitution for platinum. This heater has the ad- 
vantage over all other types in that it pives light at an 
efficiency of approximately 7 watts per candle in the open 
air at normal temperature, and therefore, rives semi-in- 
stantaneous light. A remarkable feature of such a heater 
is its uniformity of lighting time when on a circuit having 
commercial regulation, ss shown by Plate 21le 

Referring to Plate #20, it msy be interesting 
to trace through the action of the lemp from the moment 
current is turned on. During the first 30 seconds, the 
current is that of the heater only, end the glowers then 
start to take current. At the end of 36 seconds the cut- 
out acts, throwing the heseter out of service. Two seconds 
leter the second glower has teken approximately normal cur- 
rent and third glower is rapidly increasing from the heat 
of the other two. The glower reaches its maximum current 
after approximately 50 seconds, and a very slight drép is 
noticed after the expiration of considerable time, when 
the lamp body and ballasts have reached their normal 

operating temperature. 

From the limited area of the glower section, it 


etorvoq ofhinaso faupe to 

hetostrtoq meod aad testes to sqyt etal pvtov A 
.2oresoo0Tg Istoeqe td , Setsoo stoo aodteo s aethodas dokiv 
stil enol dttw vsteed # esbivorg ins ,mebrurtodtse d?iw 
wety mt ,treoo mt motterber taots 2 te youetortte dard ins 
-5s oft aad tetsed 2hf? .ewettele tot sottutitvedun att to 
ne ts tigtl aevis #f tadt of seqyd tedto Fin tevo osstasv 
coqo oft mt ofSae0 req after VY yfotentxorrs to youotoltte 
-tt-imen aevtc ,srdtered? im ,otmsteqmet Lemon ts the 
totast s dosn te emtest oidedrenst A stink anoonstaate 
grtved.tisotte 8 so mettw eit antdistf to ghterretiay otf et 
ofS ofall yd mrodfe es ,mottsfugox [a toremoo 

grttaetetint od ym tt gOS% etefT ot aatrreted 
tooemom edt wort qasf edt to sottos off Tqvotis soars - ot 
odd ,ebrooes OS tarit edt arfuwl .mo berms ef tmetwo 
neat arewofa eft Ses ,yfno retsed edt to tett at trerrso 
-tuo oft abmooeg 38 to bao oft tA sPmertwo ost of tate 
abroose owl .egotvtse to two reteed edd gxiword? ,etes tuo 
-159 lawronr yfotantzotqes tetst asf fevols fmooee sit retsi 
dso ett mort gutasetont yfiiqe: at towofg Batit fxs aor 
trexwo muatxent et! eoroset 19wolg oft owt tedte edt to 
at qorh ddatle yrev 8 5ms ,ehroese 08 yletsutzogrss rotts 
cofw ,emtt efdstetitasce to mottartqzs ont sedte Seotton 
Ienrron ttodd beroset eved atasified Bins yLod qual ot 
eowtsreqret axtisireqo 

ti ymottooe tewolg odt to sets botimt&£ edt mort 

ee = | 

is obvious that the distribution of light about a 
bere glower, in a plene through its length, is 
irregular, es shown in Plate 22, because of the in- 
terference of the terminals from light emanating 
from the surface between terminals. When the 
glowers areepplied to the lamp, therefore, the 
distribution curve in the horizontal plane is very 
Similar to Plate 22, but at all positions below a few 
degrees from the horizontal, the distribution of 
light is nearly equal for «11 positions in any given 

The Natural downward cistribution 
of light from the lamp, es shown in the curves 
(Plates 23-24-25) is one of its most valuable assets 
and herein lies one reason for the high efficiency 
of commercial installation. With this statement is 
opened a brief review of distribution curves in 
order to give the strongest possible emphasis to the 
remarkable fact that in no other incandescent lemp is 
such a natural condition to be found. 

The ¢istribution of a vacuum lamp 
Can be more or less correctéa by reflectors; but the 
nearer the desired distribution obtained by natural 
means, the less light will be reflected ana hence, 
the less will be the totel loss in the process of 
reflection. (It is to be noted that advocates of vac- 

uum lemps recommend their use for lighting interiors 


s tuods ¢tdgtf{ to mofttsdixtait edt tedd avoivdo af 
af  ftgmel att davorld ensIg s af ,tewols susd 
-at oft to oaugoed ,.S& etalt aft mwone 23 ,usligemti 
yottacswe tigtfl mort aLentwiet ont To eoxeretiet 
ent cecil’ «@fentuzet soowled gostuse odt moxt 
edt ,ereteredt ,qael oft ot betlagmois atawols 
yrov at emalq Leinosixod edt at evwo mottudintath 
wet s woled amottieoq if@ ts tud ,88 etsLt of tallate 
to mottudiztalis edt fetnosiiod eff mort aeerged 
neviz yns mi emottiaog [fe sot Leupe ylrse0en af taigtl 

sottudtrtats Brawawob fawtell ed? 
aevaro oft ai mwoig as ,quel edt mort tdgtf to 
Ease efdaylev teow att to exo at (88-88-88 sete lt) 
yoretottte dein oft sot moegot cao eetf ateored Saxe 
ai trometsta atdi dtiw ,.molisif{stant [storemmoo To 
mi geveso moltudiutath to wetvex telad e beteqo 
odt ot etastiqne efLidtabog teoyrotts oft ovis of tebto 
at quel teoosebmsont rerio om at tadt test ofdalismer 
ebourot od of mottthroo ‘sister s dove 

qual musosv s to nofindiatats edl 
aft tud garoteeftex yd betoetioo saat ro etom ed 180 
fsrstan yd bentatdo csoktwdictets berteeh eft tetacn 
~oored Sms Hetooftet od [ftw trgti saef odd ,amson 
to gea0onrg odt xt eaofl Lfatot oft ed Iftw aael exit 
-o2y to eotgoovbs sedt Beton od ot at t1) .mortoelter 

avotretni anttdatl£ tot eas afedt bmemooot agmsl muy 


only in connection with their auxiliary reflecting 
devices, so that a commercial consideration of vacuum 
lemps should be based only on © combination of the lamp 
end reflecting device as a unit.) 

In the present lamp, marketed since 
the Summer of 1908, under the name of Westinghouse 
Nernst, an advence in commercial efficiency was made 
through a combination of agencies discussed in the 
previous subjects, and also by e slightly different 
glower mix which would permit an increase in the 
current at which the glower operates, and the standard 
consumption was increased to .6 and .6 ampere. The 
efficiency at which the glowers are squirted was 
raised from the previous standard of 2 watts per 
Horizontal Candle Power of the naked glower to 1.5 
We per Cepe, which results in an increased lamp 
efficiency in some sizes of approximately 40%, The 
advence is apparent in Plate #22. Plates#23 and 24 
give the standard distribution of all types of the 
present lamps - end brings out clearly the downward 
distribution anda similérity of any and all sizes of 
lemp. These results, as noted below, are on the 
basis of clear glassware, which represents moder 

practice in the rating of illuminentss; 

anivootter yirsiltinos atedd ddiw motfoomnroo at yfsmo 
muyosy to motterebtanos [storemmoo s tsdt oa ,asotveb 
qasf oct to sottartdsoo s mo y[oo beasd od bilsoda agqmal 
(ation 3 ae eotveh atttosftex bas 

eonie betedtian ,qusl tmosetq odd nl 
eavotarites! to emm edd tebay ,80@L to tom? odd 
ean esv yomelotite fstoremmoe at eonsvis as ydgoe7 
edt af Seeavoerh asefonegsa to molttartdmoo sa davon? 
tmerettiéb yfideitfa s yd osls Sasa ,atosidsa asotverq 
adt xt eessroat as tloteg *ivow dotdw xiw tewols 
brsinste oft bre ,setsteqc tewoly edt dotiw ts tmetwo 
efT .eteqne 6 Sas & ot Seagexront sew moltqmmanoo 
gew bedtisoa ets arewols of? doitdw ts waotottte 
toq attsw S to bigimets evotverq edd mort Seatsr . 
G.f£ ot tewols boder edt to towel elias) Betaoagkrok 
aqmsi beagetomt og mt elliveer doltiw .eqe9 teq «VW 
od -20S YLetenixorq¢s to aeate emon mt yomotottte 
h2 Ses S8¢teetsl[i .S8) e cll at treisax- at eorsvis 
oft to seqyt [fs to mottudiatarh bisgbaste oft sviz 
brewawoh edt ¢elreslo Ivo ageind tx: ~- agiusf{ troesetg 
to gesie [fs hoe yrs to wiralinte bas mottudiataib 
aed} no ots ,wofed Beton ae ,atfvcer esedT equct 
mrehon atveaetqger doltw ,ersweesly i@efo to staed 

satasatmm( it to artis: of? af ent toarg 



Lamp Glassware 

1 g1.66 W. 

" 88 We 

" 110 We 

" 132 We 
2 g1.(264 w) 
3 gl1.(396 W) 
4 g1.(528 W) 



Mean Mean 
Hemisph. Hem. 
C.B. Efficiency 
50 1.38 
77 1.20 
96 1.2 
114 1.2 
231 1.2 
359 1.15 
504 1.09 


Exheustive tests on the absorption 

of light by the use of various kinds of glassware indi- 

cate that the standard glessware, known as alabaster, 

is but very slightly diffusing and does not mterially 
change the character of the distribution curve. 


loss of light due to absorptioh in "Alabaster" glassware 

is approximately 15% over thet of clear glassware, and 

therefore, can be readily obtained, from the sbove 

curves and table on the basis of clear, by arplying the 

absorption factore 

The normel limits for operation of 

standard glowers sre from 200 to 260 volts in the 220 volt 

class, and 100 to 130 volts on 110 volt service. 


lamps, as now marketed, consist of six units for use on 

both alternating and direct current of 220 volt, and 

three units for both alternating and direct current of 

the 110 volt class ( for indoor and outdoor service), 

which are populerly termed 66-88-110-132 watt single 

slower, 2-glower, 3-glower and 4-glower lemps. 

Within a 

nee il nso. “e.ghf axl 
»MeH .rigatsoh 21.0 erswe2slo aetat 
Yorefortta -€.0 
88.L 03 DT mh -# 88.f£39 
OS8.f ry gol wh oW 88 te 
Sel de féL{ "@ ew OLf& " 
Sef it aar "@ oW Ser " 
Sef fs Gas "eg (W dd8).I3 8 
SLL eds ssa "g (W ae8).fg & 
Owl bOR aay "g (W 88a).[9 b 

no ttqroads exid no atsed evitavsdxd 
-fiei exswaasl3 to efatint avotusv to saw aft yd tdatl to 
etotasdsia as mwort ,etsweasia bSisinate end tat otso 
ylfstretan fom asob bas gritavttrb yftdetie grev tud at 
ont. eovwso sottudiutet&6 edt to rotosted> odd sgrsro 
etaweaals "vetesdgLa" mt dottqroads of ovb tdgil to aaol 
See ,erswaasl3 wsefo to tadt teve Rel yfetamtxorqgs at 
svods edt moxt ,bonistdo Ufiise:r od aso ,etotered? 
eit axiylavs yd ,.tsefo to ataad odt mo oldest ins sevio 
| etotest sottqroads 

to softtsreqo sot atimti Lemon odT 

lov OSS edt at etfov OdS oF OOS mort ote atrewols bisiasta 

fa & 

eaot! .eorvree tLov OLL mo atiov O8L ot OOL bas ,aeslo 
mo say tot ating xte to tatanoo ,betexiem won as ,aqmst 
Ara ,tLov O88 to deerme tootth bas anttemretis dtod 

to taoriso ¢oetth bags gettanretis dtod rot etinn seidt 
~(eotvies toobtso Bae troohat rot ) agato #fov OLLI ont 
efeaxte ttaw Séf[-Off-88-d9 hemret ylisluqog ors doidw 

ga mtdtiy .eqmsl tewola-b bas tewolg-& ,tewolg-S ,towols 


short time, a five-glower lamp will be added, the 
largest incandescent unit ever offered for practical 
illumination. The 110 volt lemps at the present time 
are offered only in three sizes of single glower units- 
66, 110 and 132 watts. See Table No. l. 

Lamp Voltage Current Service 

meneame msnestmntetee sneer 

l-glower (66 watt) 110 06 A.C.& D.C. 
n (88 watt) 220 4 A.C.& D.C. 
® (110 watt) 1120 & 2201.0 & .5 A.C.& D.C. 

" (264 watt) 220 202 (BK AeO.& D.C. | 

1 m (132 watt) 110 & 2201.2 & .6 A.C.& D.C. | 

“ (396 watt) 220 1.8 Ag@ 8°D.CG3 | 

4 (528 watt) 220 2.8 A.C.& DD. 

(X) All multiple-glower, 220 volt type A.C. lamps can 
be operated on 110-volt service by use of a small 

converter coil. able 1. 

The Westinghouse-Nernst lamps mey be claseified un- 
der three heads, multiple glower units, single glower 
units and chandelier unitse 

The mechani éal construction of the multiple glower 

lamps represents a design which combines simplicity and 
compactness. The unsightky exposed teminals and 
supporting hook, commonly used, have been replaced 
either by a fixture nipple or small hook through which 
the service wires enter the top of the lamp housing and 

terminate in two binding posts in the body of the lamp. 

eit ,bebbs od Ifiw quel tewolgeovtt s ,emtt trodes 
fsottesiq tot peretto reve tiay tressefasont tasgyal 
omit taeaetq edt ts eqmef Sfov OLL sd? .gottsntmulit 
-atios sowols3 ofarttea to gente eetdt n& yiao Batetto ots 

ef .of olds! foee eotiew Séf bas OL .3d 

esivred torerss0 egetlov gust 
e0.d $.9.A de OLL (stow 38) tewolg-L 
sD.E BeD.A De oss (ttew 88) ee 
29,7 B.0.A 3. & Oof O88 2 OLL (ttew OLL) eT | 
Cae Fay a 8 &.£ O88 8 OLL (ttew SSE) * f 
05.0 3.0.4 (KX) Sof oss ({ttew 239) ae 
ode Ba0eA 8.0 oss (ttew aed) » 8 

nao equal .0.4 eqyd tfov OSS ,sewolfg~-efqitinum (fh (XK) 
[ism s to 2au yd eotviee SLov-OLf mo betaereqo od 

£ oldet efilos tet<evr0o 

-m bottieeslio od ysm aquest tamtell-oaongattasW sAT 
rewols ofgnita ,etinw tewolg efqitinvm ,abaod sent 10d 
estinns totlebmato tas atfas 

; <owole efcitinm edt to sot tosstanoo feétasdoon-odT 
aus yliotignte sentdmos dotdw agtash gs atroserqer aguwelt 
bas elentmes Begoqxe Yvdtdgtanw oft -eacentosgmoo 
beosiqgot need evad ,beay ylroumoo stood anttioqqua 
fotdw dgvordt food [fsme 10 elqgtn ettxlt s yd sediéte 

bere ankewod qusl edt to qot ont tetas aertw eotvrea ont 

eqmel odd to ybod edd amt ataog gmfbatd owt mt et an Carret 


Immediately below the terminal porcelain 
is the section of the lamp in which the ballasts and 
ballast coolers are placed. The ballast coolers are 
built of flexible phosphor bronze and are securely fixed 
to the upper part of the lamp housing in such a way that 
a firm contact is made on the surface of the ballast 
and a metallic contact is secured with the housing, 
presenting e greater radiating surface. 

The housing is so constructed that a move- 
ment of the locking lever will permit its separation 
to a convenient distance, exposing the ballasts to view, 
thus making replacement an easy matter. Contrasting 
this simple method with the old lemp, it will be 
remembered that the bellests in the latter were arrange a 
in a semi-circle about the eutout, and in order to gain 
access to them, it was necessary to remove the suspension 
hook and the top of the lamp housings 

Below the ballast porcelain is the sleeve 
porcelain on the upper side of which is the cutout, and 
igto which the holder is inserted from below. The cutout 
armature (being the only movable element in the operating 
system) is enclosed in a dust-proof compartment, allow- 
ing the lamp to operate successfully without regard to 
Climatic conditions. 

The lamp bodies are interchangeable for 
either D.C. or A.C, ser¥ice, and it is probable that 

the glower, at present the only non-interchangeable 


xtefeoroq fantaret odd woled yletetbomd 
bos avasifad edt doi‘woat qmusf oft to mottosa edt et 
ets etefooo tagiised sav eSeoals ots arelooo tzrellad 
sexil Ylemoee sis ons esaord torgeodq efdixelt to titsd 
vats Ysw 3 dove mf gaieuod qrst oft to trsaq teqas edt ot 
vasIisd edt to essttrea ott no ebsm et tostmoo arstt 2 
egrteuod sit Mtiw bersoee af tostnoo offfatom 2 bre 
soostica sritelbat vetconn 3 geitxogerq 

-evon + Jadt Satomtaroe og at antaged exT 
noftaxeqes ati tinreg [ftw gevel gaicviool eft to trom 
.wetv of atas{{ail odt anteoqxe ,eouste]e!s tmetnevroo s ot 
atttesttxo) .tetism yase aa trsmeosiger gaftan axit 
ed [fiw tf gqmel ble edt¢ dibw bodtem efquta aldt 
hegiatis eiew tattel edt at ateal'sd eft tedt botodmomer 
cfag ot reizo at bas ,dwotoo adt tuods eLorfe-Emea 3 ai 
sofameqava edt evorier of yrsemeoor asw Fi gmertt of aneoos 
eamieawsor quaf edt to got edit bas door 

evoeta oft at mtaleoreg tea liod oft wofed 
bee ,tewotwo ond at dottwto ebfe teeqs odd mo misleotog 
¢sotso off .wofed movt Setieest si toblod oft dokdw obgt 
enitsreqo ont «xt taemefe efdevem yfac eft gried) e:uteorre 
-vofis ,teemtreqsco toongeteuh s mt beactome at (metaye 
ot Bresex tuoddiw eUlirteseoore stereqo of qmsf ort gat 
eanottiimos oftsatio 

tot efdsegnsdovetnt ete aeithod qmsf od? 
teit efdedoxg at tt Sas geottree 63.4 10 29.0 sodtto 

e{dseqgn:totetnt-con ylao eft treaetq ts ,rewolgs ont 


element, will soon be made for universal application. 
The holder of these multiple units 
represents a radical change in design. The old two- 

piece porcelain is replaced by a one-piece holder base, 
to which are attached the characteristic terminel 
prongs, and instead of the old method of mounting 
glowers with plugs, the holder is provided with a 
spring on one end and a fixed contact on the other, 
provided with slotted ends, which grip the glower by 
a fead in the lead wire and hold it under tension. 
Two prongs are brought through the holder base and are 
secured in such a manner that they lie in a plane 
parallel to the glowers and at right angles to them. 
The use of two or more heater tubes is superseded by 
a "Wafer Heater" consisting of e small pletinum - wound 
end refractory-cement coated rod, ben&t so that sever- 
al sections lie parallel to the glowers and securely 
mounted on a flat porcelain, The wefer slides on 
the heater prongs when inserted in the holder; the 
heater terminels being in the form of a Sleeve con- 
tact. Hence it will be noted that heaters end glowers 
can readily be changed without tools and without 
disturbing any othermember of the lemp. 

The various sizes of single glower units 
are of the Edison base type and present « similer 
appearance to the old populer 110 watt unit, although 


etottsoi{qqs [sereviauy ict ebam ed moog {ftw ,tmemele 

ifos efqitium ssedt to teSfod edT 
-owt 6f0 ecT .mgieoh af egaaio [goths s etnoaetqet 
.easd tebfod seeiq-eno0 s (d booaLqe:r et ntsfeot0g soetg 
Luriuret oftaizesvostado oft Sodoatt= ex: dotcw ot 
acivnavom to bodtom Sf0 edt to baetent brs gagnoig 
& iiiw bebivorg ei rtebfod odd ,agelq atiw atewols 
etodso sii mo tostcoo bexit s bas Bae ono mo yritqs 
yi tewofs sat qiuyn doidw ,ebme bottoLa diiw Sebivotq 
smolamet reins ¢f bLod Sas exlw beef ott at beok a 
ets ons sasd teilod sit dguordt tdeword ers agmotq owt 
ersia a mi eif yett tedd tentsm 8 dove at hexs098: 
emond of gelagra tdatat ta bas arowols odt ot Lelf{sa2e7- 
yd Sebesteqse 2i geduwt usteed exom to ow? to sas odT 
Sasow - mumtislq [fame s to gritatance “setae retail” s 
-tevee tedt oe tened ,bou fefsoo tromes-yrotesrter fx 
yieioee brs arewols odt ot [efl{eisq eff amottoce Le 
mo aebifea tetew ed’ gnatalestog tsl[t 2 no Setason 
oft  yteblod oft mt Setroant snetw egmorg rotsert oft 
-mop oveefe : to mot sdt mt yated afsmlarced atsised 
axowols bu: avotsot tatt beten ed {ftw tf someH etost 
dsonsiw bos afoot tuvodtiw begaedo od Uitsex so 
equsl odd to todmenrodte yms aatduvtath 

ations towols ofanta to gests avoliev edt 
anaiimt2 > tmesetq bas eqyt casd goekda oft to 918 

figuodtis tins tiew OLf s3iuqog 5fo ett of sonsiseqqe 


the construction is a unique departure from former 
practice. The cutout is located within the Edison 
base; immediately below this is the bellast secured by 
means of a bayonet catch. Three prongs lead to the 
base porcelain, the lower side of which forms the 
Yernst receptacle. 

The holder consists of a glower and wafer 
heater permanently connected on @ small porcelain 
providéd with a standard screw base, with en addition- 
al contact pin in the center. By an assortment of 
diameters end lengths of contact pin, it is impossible 
to insert any other than the proper holder in the lamp, 
thereby insuring the consumer against troubles incident 
to the use of lamps of s wrong size or class of voltage. 

This form of renewal is populerly termed 
the "Screw Burner", and should supply the demand for 
a high efficiency incandescent lamp, so rugged in design 
as to be easily maintained by anyone. The burner is 
furnished complete with glassware when small bells 
are desired, and without glassware when the standard 
size of ball is used on the lempe 

Next in order of importance is the life 
of the unit. A summary of the life of the various 
elements is given in the table herewith. These figures 
are the basis of the standard guarantee given on any 
installation of over 100 units for the average life 

performance when operated on a circuit whose regulation 


comrot mort saty 3q95 enspins 2 at mottourtanroo eft 
moathbs oft afdtiw betsool at tuotys osT .eottesrq 
yi bewosa tas[fsd edt at efit wefed yYfetstiommt seasd 
edt ot fgef agrorg sordT efotso temoysd s to anrsem 
odd amxct dotdw to etta rewl ont ,ataleotog oead 
eelostqsoet tarrse™ 

Toisw Ges tewoly s to etatanoo steff[ot edT 
sisfeorog [lama 3 ao betoenxrcs yfimengnreq totaecd 
-noitiébs as diiw ,easd wetee Srsinete s diiw bébtvorg 
to soonmttoeas xs YE .rstneo eft at atq tostaoo [sz 
e{dteaoqmt ei tt wmiq tostaoos to edta3rel bre aretemts 

eomefl oft nt te5fLod reqorq oft asdt tedte yas droent ot 

tme5toxt agiduyort tenisys semvenoo oft antusemk yWeoreds 
-sastfov to aasfo to sate 3nomw « to eqmsl to een edt ot © 
herret yfusfucoqg at L[eweret ko aot atdT 
sot Bupa@es edt vlacve bIvode ira "terre werse" odt 
vataeb at bexyart o2 ,qmsf treseebmaont yorostottte dai a 
at <oxtusd sAT .emoure (dd bentstrtam yffess ed ot as 
eff=d [fate cedw etaweesfs dtiw otelquos besatrwt 
sxshrste odd xedw ovsweesfs tyottiw fine ,betiae5 sis 
eqmasf oft co Seas et [fed to esta 
etts edt at sonstiogmt to tobao af tre 
ayo xev edt to etrf oft to gramme A tims edt to 
sersgit eeed? .dtiwexed efdst oft mi nevig ef atmemole 
yrs mo sevis setrsissy brabasta etd to atesd ett e1s 
etif exzsreve edt tot atiay OOL revo to moittsifstant 

nottsiu3e1 saodw tiverto 8 mo betsreqo nedw eoremroltes 

Ti, ~~ 


is within 5% above or below the normal point of 


See — LS”) ee 


25 Cycle 60 Cycle 133 Cycle | 

v £220 V.110V_ 220V 110V_ 220V 110V e220V | 

Glower 600 400 800 800 
Heater 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000. 
Ballast 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 

Screw } 600 600 400 400 800 800 800 800 


The color of the light given by this Glower 
Lamp is another of its meny distinctive features. 
It is a so-celled white light, yet it has a soft and 
rich warmth of color which illuminating authorities 
recognize to be the easiest upon the eye, the most 
pleasing to the senses, and the best for general light- 
ing of all places; in short, this quality of light 
meets the popular demand, so well expressed by one of 
the leading merchants of the country as :What we want 
is a soft warm inviting light--not ea cold cheerless 
repelling light." 


By reason of the natural downward dis- 

tribution of light, the wide range of sizes and the 

to tatog [smrom eit wofed +o evods &8 nidédiw eat 

ee — 
a RaLE _asU0K 

sfoyo StL efoyo Ce eLoeyd ds 

VOLIt Voss 
ocg 008 Qos OCs towola 
| C008 O008 9008 O0OE O00S O00E OO0s totsol 
003 008 008 0°08 oc} = GOD 0038 000 Wore 

Pe ane ne: 

woe 0.20 

sewold aidt <d movig tdsilf eft To tofooe al 
sorstset evitonidvealb ynsa ati to wedvors af qmat 
Sas ties s asd tf tey ,tdgti otidw Bef "so-oe ge af FI 
setitueddus anitentapiif deidw gofoo to Avamew colt 
gzom odd ,eys ent moqs taotagse edd od of og ingooet 
-tdetif favooeg xct teed edt fos ,geames odd of aclageiq 
tdgti to ytifenn eitt ,trods mt ;ge0osfa £fs to ant 
to eso yi besseraxe [few ca ghaaneb rsfvqoq eft efeen 
trusw ow tafW: as yrinsco edt to eatassotem gathast oft 
easiuesio boo sg tom--trasti gaitivek axew dtoe « af 
".tdail galifeqet 


-e@f5b 5Siswewob [sistem edi to mosget ya 

edt fre ageate to earsr obtw odt ,tdati to moftsdist 


simple system of renewal, the lamp offers great latitude 
in artistic fixture design, so that the range of artis- 
tie possibilities is within the scope of the most crit- 
ical eye. The units may be used with equal satisfac- 
tion as a unit source, in clusters, in ceiling bowl 
lamps, or in fixturesof elaborate designe The artistic 
ceiling bowl unit by reason of the adaptability ofa 
high intensity to a limited space, can be used for 
efficient commercial lighting, end is a type of unit 
not practical with any other system. In this unit, the 
elements are built radially about the base porcelain 
in contrast to the vertical position used in the stand- 
ard lamps. With this system, absolute uniformity in 
quality of the illumination can be obtained throughout 
any installation, no matter how diverse the requirements. 
The chandelier units present a departure 
from former fixture practice in the form of a distinc- 
tive design. Heretofore, the complete single glower 
lemp was used in a pendant position in ordinary fixtures, 
but in many cases the appearance of such a combination 
did not harmonize with the architectural features. 
The new fixtures are constructed with the ballasts 
and eutouts in the body ball, so that the receptadle 
forms the socket into which the screw burner only is 
placed . In this design, the lamps may be operated 
in eny position, and e lamp presenting to the eye only 
a 3" ball will lend itself to artistic effects without 


ehsttist tsetg aretto aml oft ,Isweret to meteya sfquta 
-aftrs to egrsr edt tadt oa gmgieei exustxft ottattrxe ot 
-tixo decom edt To sqcoe odd midtiw eat aektkitdtasog oft 
-osteites fevpe ctiw bees ed yam eticu odT «eye [sot 
fwod aniftes at ,avetenfo xt ,eomwoa ties s ss mott 
Sivattus oft .agiaes otsrodsi[e tosewixit ct to .aqual 
s to ytitidstqeis efi to moaeset yd tinw Iwod antites 
tot Seas od cso ,e0gqa Setimt£ s of yttanetat dytc 
! tiqu to exgt s at ine yggmttreatf£ Iatoxrenoo ¢metoettte 
sit ,tias aft al .meteayea teito yw dtiw fsottesrq ton 
nisfesteq easd oft tvods Uistist tftud ors atnewele 
-hbxste sdt at feas moftiecs {settvev edd of Jasirince ai 
ai ydiarotins etwlocds ,mweteye aint dtitvy .equst bis 
tuodguordt Beristdo ed sse gotentasif[t edt to wifesp 
-2inenstisoer edt ostevii wod tetism om gmottclist amt yas 
ewitsreb eg taozexrg atiaw reffetasde eAT 
-onttath s to mot edt ot eoktos1iq etutxtt tearot mort 
<swols ofgnte etefquoo eft ,erototexsHh .myisei evit 
.eoustxit qrerthro at sottteoq tasiaeq 3 mt boaw agw qusl 
xotdsgidsoo s dasa to eomsiseqas sit eeaso yam ai tad 
ecotstsget [exsteetivors edt dtiw eatsoarmed ton th 
atesiisd edt dttw hetouytence ets aexvtxtt wer oft 
e{det yeoot ont tals of ,Ifad ySod edt x! awedwa bas 
at yfoo tered werce ott dot otnt tecfooa edt amwrot 
petarsqo ed yam aqmel edt ~agteceb aidd xl . heoasly 
yino eye ait of grttnosetq quel s has stoidtacg yrs mt 

+yoddiw efoette otteattia of troatit Bael (ftw LIad "5 8 

limit and still provide efficient illumination. 
These fixtures are made of both spun and cast bronze 
for use with any size of single glower lamps and may 
be obtained in straight electric or combination gas 
and electrice 


Unlike the incandescent lamp, the frame 
and connections of these glower lamps form a perman- 
ent structure, having an indefinite life, with only 
its light giving elements to he renewed from time to 
time. Of these the ballast has a life so long, 
as before mentioned, that it plays little part in 
the maintenance system. 

Likewise, the wafer heater has a long 
life, and will require only accasional attention in 
ordinary use. The glower, however, like the 
vacuum lamp, has a practically definite term of use 
and is the item of greatest importance in the mainten- 
ance system. It is now generally recognized that any 
lighting system, be it incandescent, ars, or glower, 
will give the best results when controlled by a reg- 
ular inspection and maintenance organizatione 


In view of the general Similarity in the 
construction of the are and the multiple glower lsmp, 
it is self-evident that che maintenance is much the 
same. In the are system, the lemps sre periodically 

inspected, globes and shades cleaned, carbons renewed 

(a3 } 
emoitearimufit drofettte ebiverq [Lite bas timetl 
esxotd teso bre orga ttod sc ebsm ois germstxtt seonT 
Yen Cre aqn-I tewols efanis to este yrs ddiw say rot 
ase moftanidmwos to sittvoef[s tigtsite ak beristdo ed 
edinttosis bs 
BOMA a7 IT ais 

smgit oft ,qust treosebagont edt eftint 
-“eareg s aot aqastl towol 3 seedtd to anclttoonnoo ins 
Yino diiw ,stil ettatteiat ws qmived ,exutosite tae 
ot emit covt bewenes e@ ot atnomefo anivie tdetf att 
egnol oa e8HL s asd dasliad oft eno 10 -omtt 
et txeqg ofttil ayalfq ff teAdt ,bomottvem eroted as 
eMetays conenstatam ont 

gamof s ead teteot retew edt ,eatwo ‘hI 
mt mottmetts [snctacope yf[xo ertuper [ffw bra , otter 
edt exif ,revewot ,rowols off .ean yrsetiro 
ear to aroet etiniteb yifeottosaiq s aad ,qusl munosv 
-vetnisn ect xt eonstrogmt taetserg to mett eft al ine 
yas tedt Bestrsooe: Yffstemes wor af SI .metaya cone 
etowols yo ,618 ,ineosefmsent tf od ,metaya aritdatl 
~301 8 yd beffovtnoo modw atinvex teed oft evtgs Iitw 
enottestasgrto sorsmetaica Ses motteecank rele 

edt ot yttislimta fexroreg eft to wetv al 
‘am £ rvewoly efqitfun odd Bas ow ent to sottomtenos 
edt dou at sonenetetam et) tadt tmebtve-tlea af tt 
yifsotboiseq ers aquel of} ymoteye ors eft al .ense 

bewener enodtso ,bemgelo eebade ins aedoiz ,betooqsat 

A ee (57) 

ahd occasional faults in the internal mechanism 
or a burntout coil repaired. In the Nernst sys- 
tem, the requirements are cleaning glassware, and 

replecing burned out holders. The extra labor 
which is necessary for the subsequent repsirs of 

holders in this system is about counterbalanced by 
the extre time required in the are system for more 
frequent inspection tourse 

A system usually adopted by lighting comps 
enies is the organization of a Maintenance Bureau, 
which looks after all lemps on the circuits, visit- 
ing all installsetions periodically, cleaning glass- 
ware and changing holders when necessary. The 
total cost of maintenance under these conditions will 
be comparatively low, provided the work is executed 
in a systematic manner. In tase the lamps are not 
installed on the free renewal basis, this mainten- 
ance is then charged for es a fixed sum per glower 
per month, or for an additional cherge per K..hour 
for current. The exact sum depends upon the class 
and length of service, but averagws 10¢ per glower 
on the former basis and from 5 to 7 mills per X.W.H. 
for the letter. It is obvious that location end cost 
of Labor have a rather important bearing on the cost 
of any specific installation. 

fen \ 
1 ¥a ? 

yeatasdoem [envetnt edt af atinust Isnotagoco bas 
-2aya tame’ est al .bertaaor {foo tsotnisd 2 10 
ies ,evaweesis amkmeclo ors estromeitiiupet oft mot 

xodsf axtxse efT .arebfod tuo bomaud gniosiacer 
to axisges tmorpeadva ext tcl Yrsesgeoen af Aotdw 

ud Beonslsdtetasos tyods af meteye atit at @xebfod 
sion rot sstaye ores edd ai Sertypex emtt sytxe sAt 
eawmot soltosqart trespert 

ae anxitdgtt yd Setcobs y{isawaw metaye A 
seme sorsnetnis’ 2 to soltexfusgre off ak eetne 
-tiaty ,avisorte edt mo aqmi [[s 1rottes atool doicdw 
~gasig arineef{[o ,yfIsotboiieq egoltsfistant [fs ant 
edt .yasessooen medtw atefhiod atignets ins e1aw 
Cfiw axottiSnon exedt reSms soreretateam to teoo [stot 
hetyoexs et Miow edt bobivergq ,Wof yleviteusqaoo od 
ton sts agusfl eft sasd al .tencan oftemet eye 3 mi 
-retniem atdt ,eatesd [eweret sert odd ao bel fetent 
newols req mvs bextt s ae fot begredo mott al eors 
tol.’ .= teq egisto Ienoitthis ae tot 10 git mom 138g 
gasfo oft soqs abmoqeh mre tosxe edT .t@xetTavo tot 
towols teq \Cf aesereves dud ,eeivires to dtgns! fins 
.H.|.* toe afftn ¥ of @ mouxt bas ataad tantot edt sto 
-ta05 bea wnottecol stadt amotwdo at tI atetis£ eft st 
taco oft xo aniusod tnstxoqat toftet s eved sodal 9 
ettottelletant oftfesqa yxe to 


Single Glower Type. 

When screw burner lamps are used, the 

maintenance problem becomes that of the 01d system 

of ordinary incandescent renewale Where free renew- 

als are included in the contract, the user returns 

the burned out burner, for which he receives a 

rebate towards e new one. “ith this system, the 

Nernst Lamp Company is prepared to supply all the nec- 
essary burners for a specified sum per year, based upon 

the length of"burning hours." 

The advantage of this guaranteed renewal, 
or maintenance cost is at once evident es compared 
with the unknown quantity representing renewal costs | 
in commercial installations of vacuum high efficiency 


With the advance in the effiéiency of var- 
ious modern illuminsents came a corresponding demand for 
an increase in the efficiency of application of the 
units to modern illumination requirements, due to the 
fact that the consumer is more interested in the 
application of light than in the means of productions 
A further demand exists for comparative figures of 
total operating costs (current nd maintenance, including 
labor end materials) of the various systems of illun- 

ination now before the public on the basis of equality 

eogyt xowold efgnia 
efy Soar eis sequel torimd weroe vod! 

metays 6fLo ett te dads aomoosd mofdorq sonsnetntan 
-weres osil exon! eiewenert tneoeebmsont yramtiro to 
amiuder tsavy odd gdoardroo odd xt bef font otg als 
& acevieoe: ed dofdw ict ,tenmuvd tuo benwd ont 
ent ,motaya atdt dtt” somo wor 2 oftawot otadox 
-oon eid [fe ylqque ot beoteqenq 2f yoeqmod qual + aro” 
moqu beasd ,tasy toq mye Betttoore es rot atenwd yrease 
",amgond natmid"™ to Atgcref oft 
.isweret bsotagiss3s aidt to egetmevis odT 
beisgmoo 233 tmehive oomo ta ef taco eonsmetatam 10 
ete20o [awenst ant} nose1qer ytitnesp mwomins edt dtiw . 
yorstottie datd muyosav to anotts{Istani {[stotemmoo ri 
2 adm £ 
-tsvV to yorerottto odd af eorsvis sft Ativ 
1ot Sxeneh gatbnoqaetroo s omso etecetawf{it wxvetem apot 
sft to moitsot[ara to yonofeitte eid mk easoronl os 
eit of avi ,einomertupes moftontup{it crebom of ati an 
eit at beteeretal erom al temanoo oft tadd tot 
etoitoshoig to aneom edt at xatt tdgtf to sottsvliqgs 
to secsatt evitarequos rot atetxe basmoh redirst A 
gaiiufonk ,eonsnotatam ins tnotavo) ataoo anttatoqo Letod 
~msCfi =o emetdaxye avotisv oft to (afeatiotem Soe todsL 

ywitsspe to atesad edt mo offduq adt sxoted won moftsnt 


of illumination, and in this regard, great stress 
should be placed upon the actual illuminating 
efficiency rather than the "Candle Power", which has 

become an indefinite term, 

While the necessity and value of laboratory 

performence curves of individual units is fully apprec- 
iated as a means for planning the lighting of large 
areas, the conditions so found in practice cannot re- 
ceive the consideration their importance demands, md 
although some commercial conditions are considered when 
arriving at a set of figures for the installation of 

@ lighting system, yet one very important phase of 

the question is almost invariably underestimated or 
sadly neglected, an item which has a very marked 
effect on the satisfactory operation of a systen, 
namely: the loss of illumination due to unclean 
conditions of the glassware. 

It is at once apparent that a system which 
does not require reflecting devices is the simplest 
and most economical to maintain, because of less 
glasswere to break, and the absence of all labor 
involved in the constant cleaning required in order to 
keep reflector lemps up to normal efficiency. 

There is a marked contrast between the 
improved glower lamp system, employing a minimum 

number of units, having glassware of a desirable shape 



‘serve tgere ,fisger eftdt af boa ,sottantawiff£t to 
atitentmurrt Isctos edt moqu beoslq ed Eifwora 
ast doldy ,"xewol efbasd" edt asdt tedter yoretottte 

etiet etinite at xa omooed 

grotvsrtod2f to esfev bas ytieaseoon ont of tril 
-setqgs ylist et etiow Lawbivibat to sevive eon antotyeq 
egiel to gatdgtl edt gatresflq tot ansem 2 as botet 
-or vornsy eoltosig mf dewot of ano ttibmoo oft ,asevs 

“Ms ,aideash sonatirogmt tt oft mottarehtarce edt evteo 

attw hexebteros eis emoltibmoo Istorstmoo omoa aguotti(s 

to gcoitatfetant edd rot eeagik to tea s te antviris 
to-easdg tastxogmt yrev ono toy wmeteys sattiall s 
to Sstemituctobay y{[iaftevat teomis ef acottaerp edt 
beiisa (isv 8 aed dotdw meti ns ,betoolfgen yIhse 
,metaye s to mottereqo yrotoestsites eft mo tostto 
xgeloms ot esh mottsmtmul{[?t to-egol oft : yeoman 
eetawoasts off to amottibroo 

fstiw metaya s tsdit tnersqqs eomo ts at #1 
veeslamt2 oft ak geotveb anttosftor ertupe:x ton aeoh 
eael to sassood gmtateian ot Igotmomooe taom ona 
aods{ ffs to sonpads odt bas ,.aaerd ot ereweesly 
o¢ sebxo mf Beriuper antnssfo tratemoo edt at bovlovat 
eCorerolttie Izaron od au eqmef totoelter qoed 

edt nsewted dvasrinoo bottom 3 at otedT 
owmints s gntyolgue ,wetaye gqmel towols bevorqat 

egeds ef[deriee5 s to staweesls grtvad ,atins to rodawr 


and of smooth polished surface, and vacuum systems 
with their multiplicity of lamps and pieces of glass- | 
ware. Exhaustive tests indigate loss of illumin- | 
ation due to dirt on glassware in the former system 

to be a negligible quantity «and in systems employing 

reflectors, often as great as 30%, covering reasonable © 
periods of timee 

There is,at the present time, urgent needs | 
of investigation of existing installetions of Interior 
Lighting Systems in order to arrive at some definite 
and logicel data which will show,not what a system wh ich 
employs « certain type of unit, theoreticelly should | 
do, but rather, what the performance of such a system | 
actually is, when opereting under normel conditions of 
commercial regulation ané maintenance; for it has been 
proven that the decorations, surroundings, size of ere 
and all physical things have by far as fatal effect 
on the net operating commercial efficiency eas does the 
initial efficiency of the type of unit employed. 

Althovgh this is ea subject for broad treat- 
ment and wide application, an idea of the commercial 
effiency end losses on commercial install tions of 
the Nernst system can be gained by the following 
results of a few tests. The small losses due to ac- 
cumulations of dirt on the glassware are to be expedted 

from the very nature of the élaessware employed; for 


ameteys mausrosv irs ,eostrcae Seeftfow Atoome to ins 
-22a8[5 to ge0efg¢ Bos aqual to yttotiqktIum trent dt iw 
-xims (ft to eaol ets&tint ataet ovitavedxi +» OTST 
moveya temtot eft nt o1sweests mo Jtib ot osb mots 
estyofone emetaya of ins qWitnewp ofdiai{gen 3 9d ot 
efdstoaset anixevoo ,R08 ec tsern as aefto ,atotoclter 
e@ait to ebotieq 

eafisen tueary ,emit tneacaq eft ta wt sietT 
cotysial to amottcffatart anttetxe to noftesitteevmt to 
stinttebh emoa ts evirrs of tebro at ameteyc ywrttdatt 
a w netage s tedw toa,wode [ftw dotdw atab Isoefsof bas 
| Hhisode ylisottercedt ,tinw to ecg atstyeo < ayolqme 
ee doue to eonsamotteq eft tadw ,tedtst tud ,.of6 
aroiitsros [om ron rete anitersqo sefw ,at yf fsutos 
coed asd tit tot seornsnetnisam ons moltsiuger Letotomnoo 
ets to ssie ,agntbayeotts ,arottstoseb oft teft mevortq 
toette Istst es rst yd ever eget f[sokeyiq {fs ins 
eff 2c05 es yometotitte Latoremmoo anitateqo tem edd sro 
sSexolque tiny to eqyt oft to yomotottte Isisini 

~tsett beaotd rot testdme s at atAt ds oftia 
fatoremmoo odd to sobt ms gmotigotiqrs ebiw ins tnom 
to anoid distent [storemmoo mo eeagaol ins ye ttto 
anhvoffot oft yd Sexteg od aso meteya tame” srt 
-os ot etb geagol [fsne ofl .ataet wot s to atfuaoer 
betdsqxe od ot ers etsweasts ait mo t<th to anoltsiuawo 

sot :boyofqme ereweasis odt to etyvsm YIev edt mort 


only round types or "balls" are recommended, snd in 
view of the downward distribution, amd, further, that | 
any dust accumulations «re confined to the uppermost 
part of the glass where relatively little light emanates, 

the loss on the effective surface of the glessware is | 

of little consequence. 

INSTALLATION Type of Mean Effie. %Ioss 

Lamp Illuminetion Watts per Due to 

Foot Candles Lumen Dirt 
Rosenbaum Co. 4.20 -558 
Pgh. 3 gle 4.34 0327 3025 
Armour & Co. 1 gl. 3228 0427 
Chicago (Old Type) 3.45 2406 4.93 
Mershall Field 6 gl. 6.52 0367 
& Coo, Chicago(0ld Type) 6.87 0362 1.40 . 
Sweeney Co., 3 el. 2 5S 228 - 
Siegel Cooper & Co. 
Chgo. 3 gle S017 0295 ~ 
Charlton Coe, 
Fall River 1 gle 2066 e271 - 
Detroit 5 gl. 3.60 0517 

Sears, Roebuck 
& Company 1 gle 5266 2503 

The Nernst glower and its application to 
& commercial unit of illumination is s subject of great 
interest and breadth and would permit of many exheus- 
tive treatments, were time not a factor, md, in 
conclusion, it msy be said that the Westinghouse “ernst 
lamp, in the fiel@ of comercial lighting, fills the 

mi or: ,beboemmoser ots “elisad" to asqyt bavor yimo 

feds ,tedtuut ,ins ,mottisudirteifn Siewnwob edt to wetv 
taosmeqrs eft ot Benmitccs sr: anoittsIumpoos taus5 yrs 

e2oismsme tdatt eftsitl yfovitefer eretw seats edt to Jraq 

af ersweact{a oft to sostuna evitostte odt mo ascfl sit 

aac e0ittZ seei to eqy? MOITATTATOUI 

ot sod tsq atte” softentam iii 

_driG rom a afbrg0 toot 
8S. OS. + 200 musdroaot 
SS S86 dS, 4 of 2 of sf 
Toa. 83.8 efg £ .09 38 wwosrs 
Se.8 30a. @.8 (oeqy? £0) ogsoidd 
Yoe. $8.3 fg 3 Slett Ifadersit 
Ob. gas. Wa.dlecc? SLO)ogsofAd ,209 & 
= 88. 83.8 ofa & 9209 Yorsowe 
ofettid ; 
209 3 reqood fexota 
~ Gee ¥i.8 efg & 2ogfd 
e200 mov iusdd 
- IvSe 33.8 efa3 £ seviaz {fst 
ttool bxi-dacowel 
VIS. 03.8 fg & tiorted 


fomdeoH ,e1rs9c 
SO. 8328 efa fl Ursgqmaod 4 

a ee ee 

»eoreunsacos eftit£ to 

ot moitsotiqgs att fae tewels terre” oT 

yseT, Yo toefds2 s af moftentaw([t to tinw Istoremioo 2 

-aseanxe yas to tierreq bIyow brs diSserd Exs taotetrt 

ni ,io8 ,totest g ton omtt arew ,etrentsertd evit 

tarte” esavodynttas” est taft brea od wo tt ,motaufonco 

oft aft yanttdat ls Istorsemoo to BLleft oft nt ,qapl 

(62) — 

long-felt wants of every aggressive lamp consumer 

for a rugged lemp of the incandescent type; having max 
imum flexibility and embodying in its design high ef- 
ficiency, low maintenance cost, simplicity in renewal 
system, natural downward distribution of light, com- | 
paratively low intrinsic brilliancy, pleasing quality 
of light, absence of flicker, rugged mechanical con- 
struction, unity power factor, a large variety of 
sizes, and lastly, operative on any commercial cir- 
cuits; either alternating current of any voltage and 
commercial frequency, and on direct current for both 

110 end 220 Volt service. ‘ 


3 (= 

Niky, $5, (700 

temuamoo qusi evieestane yieve to atagw tlet-gnof 

pxam griveR zeqyd tneseeinsont of to qmak Beggur s 10% 

-te death aeetaeb ett mt gatybodme bas ytkitditxelt mut 
fewsnet af ytiotiqnts .taco eongnetrisnm wot ,yomefoltt 
-400 ,tdsif to mottudiaterh Bbiewswob Istustex gaoeteye 
gifssp gtiasefaq ,yonrstif{iInxd ofentutat wot yfevttereq 
-seo Isotnsdooam eager ,govteltft Io eomesds ,tdgif to 
to ytetitev egisl s ,toteat aewoq yiians ,moltonzte 
-tio istoxreemoo yas ao evitsieqo ,¥yltesl ins ,sosisc 
oes egstiov yas to tretwo gniterretis redtte ygetiso 
ddod tot trewrse toerth mo ins ,yorespest I[atoremos 

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LEE DE” DAL” NLM, 38g 

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